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U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR JAMES J. DAVIS, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS ETHELBERT STEWART, Commissioner BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES} BUREAU OF LABOR ST A T IST IC S) INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS AND * # * HYGIENE M JO WO* w SERIES RECORD OF INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN THE UNITED STATES TO 1925 JANUARY, 1927 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1927 ACKNOWLEDGMENT This bulletin was prepared by Lucian W. Chaney, of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, ri CONTENTS P ftg e 1-4 Introduction..................................... ....................................... ...................... State accident records for 1917 to 1925_______________________________ 4-11 Industrial accident rates from State data_____________________________ 12 Accident records of individual States............................................................13-29 Alabama.................................................................................................. 13 Arkansas........... ............................................................................ ......... 13 California......................................................... ...................................... 14 Idaho............. ..................... ...........- ....................................... .............. 14 Illinois........................................................................- ............................ 15 Indiana...................................... ................ ............................................. 15 Kansas________ ______- .................. - .......................... ....... ................ 16 Kentucky........ ................................................................................. — 16 Maryland............ ................................................... ................................16, 17 Massachusetts....................................................................................... 17, 18 Minnesota................................... - ............................................- ........... 18 Montana________________________________________ __________ 19 Nevada______________________________ ______ - ------------ -------------19 New Hampshire------------------------------------- ------------ ---------------------20 New Jersey__________________________________ ______ ___________ 20 New York_____________________________________________________ 20, 21 Oklahoma---------------------- ------- -------------------------------------------------21 Oregon............. ....................................................................................... 22, 23 Pennsylvania_________ :------------- _------- --------- ------------ --------------- 23-26 Washington............................................................................................. 26, 27 West Virginia........................ ................................................ ................. 27 Wisconsin_____________________________________________________ 27-29 Wyoming.............. ...................... — ..................................................... 29 Summary of State reports, 1920 and 1924........ ........................................... 30-36 Classification by industries............................... ..................................... 30-32 Cause of injury________________________________________________ 33, 34 Nature of injury............ - ................................. - .................................. 34, 35 Location of injury...................................................................................35, 36 Steam railways....................- ------------ ------------------------------- ----------------- 36-46 Casualties to trainmen on Class I railroads, 1916 to 1924___________39-43 Nontrain accidents, 1917 to 1924............. .................... ....................... 43-45 Grade crossing accidents, 1890 to 1924___________________________ 46 Electric railways......................... - ......... — .................................................. 46, 47 Iron and steel industry--------------------------------------------- --------- ...........— 47-84 Accident experience of the departments of the industry............... ..... 50, 66 Blast furnaces............................. .............. ................................... 51,52 52 Bessemer converters................... ......................................... ........... Open hearths............................................ .................. .................. 53 Foundries.......................................... ............... ........................... . 53, 54 Bar mills______________________________ ________ ___________ 54 Heavy rolling mills.........................................................................54,55 Plate mills------------ ----------------- ---------- ---------- - -------------------55 Puddling mills.................................................................................. 56 Sheet mills____________________ _______ ____________________ 56 Rod mills..................................................................... - .................. 57 Tube mills.............. ......................................................................... 57.58 Unclassified rolling mills_______________ _______ _____________ 58 Fabricating shops.......... ..................... .......................................... 59 59 Forge shops..................................................................................... Wire drawing...................................... ........................................... 60 Electrical department_____ ______________ __________________ 60,61 Mechanical department................................................................... 61 Power houses-------------- ------------------------------------------------------62 Yards.................... .......................................................................... 62,63 Erection of structural steel............. ......................... .......... ......... 63, 64 Coke ovens............. .................... .................................................... 64 Other departments_____________________________ ___________ 64-66 hi IV CONTENTS Iron and steel industry— Continued. ra«® Analysis of accident causes in the industry------------------------------------66-84 Accident experience of the departments compared....................... 66-73 Machinery.............................................. ...................... ........... 67 Power vehicles................................ - ....................................... 67, 68 Hot substances________________________________________ 68, 69 Falls of persons........................................................................ 69, 70 Falling objects..........................................................................70, 71 Handling...................................................................................71,72 Miscellaneous causes...................... _ - ....................................72, 73 Accident experience of the departments analyzed by causes____ 73-84 Blast furnaces_______________ - ........................ .................... 73, 74 Bessemer converters_____________________ ______ ________ 74 Open hearths.......... - - .............................................................. 75 Foundries......... ............................... — ...................... ...........75, 76 Heavy rolling mills......... ......................................................... 76 Plate mills................................................................................ 77 Sheet mills............................................................. .................. 77,78 Tube mills___________ ________ ______________ __________ 78, 79 Fabricating shops___ 1............................................................ 79 Mechanical department .....................................................— 80 Yards........................... ....................................... - .................. 80,81 Miscellaneous rolling mills...................................................... 81 82 Electrical department............................ ................................. Wire drawing................. ................................... ...................... 82, 83 Hot rolling of sheets............... ..................................... ........... 83 Mines, quarries, and metallurgical works..................................................... 84 -91 Coal mines......................................... .................................................... 84-87 Location and causes of accidents___________________ _________85-87 Metal mines_______________________ _______ _______ _____________ 87-89 89 Quarries..... ................................................................................ - ........... Metallurgical plants_______________ __________ ____________ ______ 90 Coke ovens................ ............................................................................ 90, 91 Miscellaneous industries_____________________ __________ ___________ 91-109 State records....................................................................................... .. 91-102 103 Agricultural implements and supplies................................................. Building construction........ .................................................................... 104 Explosives, dyes, and chemicals............................................ .......... 104, 105 Light and power........................... ............................. ........................105, 106 Manufacture of cameras__________________________ _______ ______ 106 Portland cement_______________________________________________ 107 Paper mills............................... .............................................................. 107 Petroleum refining.......... ....................................................................107,108 108 Rubber........ .................. .............................................. ........................ Woodworking-______ ____________________________________ ______ 108 Textiles_____________________________________ ____ _____________ 109 Accident frequency rates in Departments of the Federal Government-_ 109-111 Industrial accident experience of American industry in 1925.......... ..... 112,113 BULLETIN OF THE U. S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS No. 425 WASHINGTON Ja n u a r y , tta RECORD OF INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN THE UNITED STATES TO 1925 INTRODUCTION The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics has issued three bulletins 1 bringing together as far as possible the important records of industrial acciaents on a national scale. Two of these were pre pared by Dr. Frederick L. Hoffman and were issued in 1908 and 1914. The third, prepared by the bureau staff, was published in 1923 and brought the data for the most part up to the year 1920. In the introduction to the second bulletin Doctor Hoffman com ments as follows: “ At the present tnie there are no entirely com plete and trustworthy industrial accident statistics for even a single important industry in the United States The most reiable data are for the iron and steel industries, mining, and the railways/’ As time has gone on, the three Federal agencies concerning themselves with accident statistics, namely, the Interstate Commerce Com mission, the Bureau of Mines, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, have so improved their methods of collecting and handling accident data that what they offer may be fairly claimed to be “ trustworthy,” though in the nature of the case it would be beyond reasonable expectation that they should be “ entirely complete.” As compensation legislation spread rapidly over the several States there rose necessarily a new and insistent demand for accident statistics which would shed light on the various problems of com pensation administration. In response to this demand there has been an immense accumulation of the raw material of statistics. It would appear to be a rather simple matter to combine the records of the several States and so produce a national compilation of much interest and utility. Unfortunately the States have adopted pro cedures sufficiently different to make it difficult and in many cases impossible to combine these records in a general exhibit. The primary reason for this is that the State agencies have found them selves so involved in the multiplied problems of compensation that they have been quite unable to give adequate attention to the really more important problems of accident prevention. Ultimately it will be necessary for all States to do what some have already done, namely, to grapple with the matter of accident pre vention. It is to be hoped that when this time comes there will be an intelligent correlation between the statistical service and the inspection service so that the statistical information may contribute its full share to the desired end. It may be well, therefore, to restate the statistical items which are essential to an effective accident prevention program. * United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Bui. .No. 78: Industrial accidents; Bui. No. 157: Industrial accident statistics; and Bui. No. 839: Statistics of industrial accidents in the United States. 1 2 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IX UNITED STATES (1) Exposure to hazard.— A very large part of the statistical effort regarding accidents has been devoted to the mere sorting and record ing of cases. That this gives little information which can be utilized for the purpose now under consideration may be established by a few illustrations. When the accidents for a 6-year period in Penn sylvania are grouped by industries it appears that coal mining has 300,524 accidents while metals and metal products have 343,163. A hasty inference from this result would be that the production of metals and metal products is more dangerous than coal mining. A little reflection will show the inaccuracy of that conclusion. While metals and metal products have more accident cases it may be that there are many more people employed therein than in coal mining. In other words, exposure to hazard in metals and metal products may be much greater both because more people are employed and because they work longer hours. Clearly, to understand the rela tion of these two groups something more is necessary than merely to know the number of accidents occurring in each. This raises the question of an appropriate method of expressing this element of exposure to hazard. The Germans were the first to attack the problem. Their solution was to note the number of days during which each workman was employed. The sum of the days worked by all the workmen was then divided by 300 on the suppo sition that the usual working year was one of 300 days of 10 hours each. The quotient thus derived gave the number of 300-day or full-year workers. The number of accidents was then divided by this base and the quotient multiplied by 1,000 to avoid small decimals. The use of this theoretical 300-day worker as a base for calculating accident rates was adopted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics when it began its accident studies. There were, however, troublesome difficulties in the use of this base and the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions finally determined, at the instance of its committee on statistics and accident insurance cost, to cut loose from the idea of the number of workers and use instead the hours of employment.2 It was agreed that accident frequency rates should be expressed as number of cases per 1,000,000 hours of exposure while accident severity rates should be expressed as number of days lost per 1,000 hours of exposure. The method of determining severity rates and days lost is discussed in a succeeding paragraph. The importance of exposure as an element in the study of industrial accidents has become more and more recognized with the passage of time. The Bureau of Labor Statistics was the first to utilize it on an extended scale. For some years now the Bureau of Mines and the Interstate Commerce Commission have presented their facts on this basis and many sections of the National Safety Council develop their accident data in this way. (2) Number of accidents.— Having secured information regarding exposure to hazard the next step is to secure a record of the number of cases of injury. A serious difficulty presents itself at once in the fact that the definition of an accident varies in the different States. The most widely used definition is that of a “ tabulatable accident.” This definition is “ an accident causing death, permanent disability, * See United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Bui. No. 276, pp. 17 aud 68. STATE ACCIDENT RECORDS 7 TABU 1.—N A TU R E OF IN F O R M A T IO N AS TO ACC ID E N TS F R O M 1930 TO 1921 SE CU RED FROM THE SEVERAL STATE 8-C ontinued 1933 States reporting accidonls by— of! Nature of Location Number Industry Cause injury injury of injury (40) A la ... (11) Ala. (6) (7) (9) Ala. Expo* sure Source of information (1) C olo.. Conn. First Quadrennial Report of Workmen's Compensation Commissioner. Report of State Mine Inspector for 1922. Report of Industrial Accident Commission for 1922-23. Report of Industrial Commission for 1923-24. Response to special request. D el.... Oa___ Idaho.. Ill____ In d .... Do. Do. Do. Report of Department of Labor for 1922-23. Report of Industrial Commission for 1924. Ariz__. Ariz.. Ariz.i. Calif.. Ariz... 111.. 111... Ky.. K y.. M d ... M d ... M d .... M d ::: Mass.. Mass.. Mass... Mass... -i H I-....... 111.. Iowa... K y ..-. M e... M d .. Ky.. Mich.. M in n ... M in n ... M inn.. M in n ... M inn. Mont. Nebr. Nev.. Nev__ N. H ..._ N. H.. N .J .. N. Mex. N. Y . N. Dak. Response to special request. Report of Industrial Commission for 1921-22. Response to special request. Report of Labor and Compensation Com missioner for 1924. Nev___ Report of Industrial Commission for 1920-1922. Report of Bureau of Labor for 1921-22. Response to special request. Do! Report of Workmen's Compensation Board for 1922-23. N. Dak. Ohio. Report of Department of Industrial Rela tions, 1923. Response to special request. Okla. Oreg. Pa.._. R. I.. Do! Do. S. Dak.. Tenn___ Tenn.. Tex... Utah.. V t . .. J Tenn.. V t. V a ... W ash... Wash. W . Va. W is..... Report of Workmen’s Compensation Service for 1922. Report of Workmen's Compensation Board for 1921-22. Responso to special request. Report of State Industrial Accident Com mission for 1922. Report of Department of Industrial Acci dents for 1922-23. Wis.. W yo__ i Mines only. t V t. : Report of Industrial Commissioner for 1923. Report of Department of Labor for 1923. Response to special request. Report of Commissioner of Industries for 1920-1922. Response to special request. Report of Department of Labor and Indus tries for 1922-23. Response to special request. Wisconsin Labor Statistics, November, 1925; response to special request. Report of Workmen's Compensation De partment for 1922. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 8 T able 1.—N ATU RE OF IN FORM ATION AS TO ACCIDENTS FROM 1020 TO 1934 SE CU RED FROM THE SEVERAL STATES—Continued 19 93 States reporting accidents by— of Nature of Location Nnmber Industry Cause injury injury of injury Expo sure (14) (I) (39) (13) (8) (10) Ariz___ Ariz. . . A riz.i... Calif___ Colo___ Conn Del....... Report of State Mine Inspector for 1923. Response to special request. Report of Industrial Commission for 1923-24. Response to special request. Oa......... Idaho... Ill.......... 311.......... 111........ Ill.......... 111.......... Ind....... Iowa___ F an s.... Kans___ Kans__ K y ........ Ky........ K y....... K y........ K y........ Me M d . . . . Md . . . . Md . . . Md . . . . Md M ass__ M ass. . . M ass. . M a ss... M ass. . . Mich M in n ... M in n ... M inn.. M in n ... Minn .. Mont Nebr Nev Source of information Nev....... Report of industrial Commission for 1923. Response to special request. Report of Department of Labor for 1923-24; response to special request. Report of Industrial Commission for 1924. Response to special request. Report of Court of Industrial Relations for 1923. Report of Workmen’s Compensation Board for 1923. Response to special request. Report of State Industrial Accident Com mission for 1923. Report of Department of Industrial Acci dents for 1923-24. Response to special request. Report of Industrial Commission for 1923-24. Report of Industrial Accident Board for 1923. Report of Labor and Compensation Com missioner for 1924. Nev___ Report of Industrial Commission for 19221924. N. H___. N. H .... N. H .. Report of Bureau of Labor for 1924. N. J N. Y .._. N. Y.___ N. Y ... N. Y .... N. Y ___ .............. Special Bulletin No. *126 of Department of Labor. N. Dak. N.Dak. Report of Workmen's Compensation Bureau for 1923. Ohio Report of Department of Industrial Rela tions for 1923-24. Okla Oreg. Pa Pa R. I S. Dak Tenn___ Tenn___ T enn .. Tex....... U tah.... U tah.... Utah Vt Vt V t......... Va Va. Va Va. Wash W. Va Wis....... Wis W yo. >Mines only. Wis Response to special request. Do. Report of Bureau of Workmen's Compensa tion for 1923. Response to special request. Report of Industrial Commissioner for 1923. Report of Department of Labor for 1923. Roport of Industrial Accident Board for 1923. Bulletin No. 3 of Industrial Commission. Report of Commissioner of Industries for 1922-1924. Report of Industrial Commission for 1923. Department of Labor and Industries* Report to Governor, 1924. Response to special request. Labor Statistics, October, 1924; November, 1925. Response to special request. STATE ACCIDENT RECORDS 9 T able 1,—N ATU RE OP IN FO R M A TIO N AS TO ACCIDENTS FROM 1920 TO 1824 SE CU RED FROM TH E SEVERAL STATES—Continued 1924 States reporting accidents by— of Nature of Location Number Industry Cause injury injury of injury (39) 06) (14) (8) (7) Expo sure Source of information (1) Ariz.1. . . Ariz___ Ariz....... Ariz____ C alif.... Calif.*... Calif.*.. Calif.1__ Calif.* Colo___ Conn__ D el........ Report of State Mine Inspector for 1924. Response to special request. Report of Industrial Commission for 1923-24. Response to special request. Ga......... Idaho... Idaho... Ill.......... ln d ........ Iowa___ Do. Do. Do. Report of Industrial Commission for 1924. Response to special request. Kans___ Kans___ Kans... K y ........ K y____ K y____ Ky M e........ Md Md Md K y____ Mass Mich I1 M in n ... M in n ... M inn.. M in n ... Minn Mont . Nebr ,, Nev Nev— — N. H ___ N. H___ N. H N. J N. J N. J N. Y & Dak. N. Dak J OWO 1 Okla.3— — 'i Okla Oreg . > Pa ' Pa_____ Okla Pa......... R. I 1 S. Dak—<________ Report of Court of Industrial Relations for 1924. Report of Workmen’s Compensation Board for 1924. Response to special request. Report of State Industrial Accident Com mission for 1924. Response to special request. Do. Report of Industrial Commission for 1923-24. Report of Industrial Accident Board for 1924. Report of Labor and Compensation Com missioner for 1924. Nev___ Reportof Industrial Commission for 1922-1924. State report of Bureau of Labor for 1924. Report of Department of Labor for 1924. Response to special request. Report of Workmen’s Compensation Bureau for 1924-25. Report of Department of Industrial Rela tions for 1924. Report of State Industrial Commission for 1924. Response to special request. Report of Bureau of Workmen’s Compensa tion for 1924. Response to special request. Report of Industrial Commissioner for 1924. Report of Department of Labor for 1924. Report of Industrial Board for 1924. Bulletin No. 3 of Industrial Commission for 1924. Report of Commissioner of Industries for 1922-1924. Response to special request. Tenn___■ Tenn.... T e n n .. Tenn Tex ! Utah___j U tah.... Utah Vt i Vt V t......... 1 Va......... ■................ ! W ash...! Wash.._ W ash.. Wash Summary of Accidents, 1924, Department of 1 Labor and Industries (sheet). W. V a ..; W. V a .. W. V a . W. V a .. W. V a .. . . . . . . . . . Report of State Compensation Commis sioner for 1924. Wis Wis_ Report of Industrial Commission of Wiscon sin, 1924; and Wisconsin Labor Statistic^ November, 1926. W y o . . . j ............... Report of Workmen’s Compensation Depart ment for 1924. i *Mines only. *Six months. * Fatal and nonfatal combined. T able 3.—N U M BE R OF FA TA L A N D NON FATAL ACCIDENTS AS REPO RTE D BY THE STATES, 1917 TO 1825, B Y YEARS 1918 1917 1920 1919 State Fata! Nonfatal Fatal Nonfatal 36 1,261 150 57,014 14,730 *46,935 <») 41 «43,188 6,107 «42,513 4, - 21 492 2854 36,268 764 <i29 73,785 37,618 37,754 597 5,"367 49,988 305 159 83 373 187 37,147 15,420 6,342 13.557 *980 268 J81 104 118 34,964 10,926 6,322 13,810 •876 291 154 118 493 *1 42,703 14,283 6,891 15,662 (*) 16.557 42,407 77,067 256, :m 29,716 52 u 183 356 256 215 18,666 46,692 66,884 231,421 27,068 153 376 313 18,463 53,525 65,112 227,045 32,659 5,697 7,053 1,960 759 »37,003 122 28 35 5,353 11,245 1,177 >543 300 <») 31 998 59,055 12,480 110 (*) 201 1,127 (») 57,991 11,157 14,738 37,303 78,308 112,477 30,926 Montana.............. Nebraska............. Nevada................ New Hampshire. New Jersey.......... 307 15 52 9 361 8,018 13,2781 1,958, 459 12,3821 H 185 1,570 311,836 * 28 1,504 285,367 *21 1,815 855 141 158,786 15,027 956 195 161,253 19,723 870| 151,401 90 3,072 27 12,044 224,808 103 3,403 49 147 2.569 1,465 49 12,638 181,441 3,133 1,750 1,613 14.333 149,975 2,666 2,228 1,190 Oregon»............. . Pennsylvania__ Rhode Island i-_. South Dakota.... Tennessee_______ i7 261 »« 163 438 320 251 12i J3 39 10 20 30,728 30 (»> 201 4,820 13,626 1,143 94 50 33 40 285 28,556 *32 1,236 4 764 130 (») 344,436 720 182,206 22,584 144 2,5281 28! 21! i09; 13,275 172.451 2,951 17,455 STATES io 131 481 388 183 <38,764 2,611 UNITED Maine.................. Maryland............ Massachusetts___ Michigan.............. Minnesota........... 6,453 724 7,144 958 1,405 69,813 14,100 IN (-) 42.148 24,520 6,371 512,665 •819 135 53 16 592 179 Fatal' Nonfatal Nonfatal 93 14 706 202 108 82 Indiana___ Iowa.......... Kansas...... Kentucky.. Louisiana.. New M exico... New York........ North Dakota. Ohio............ . Oklahoma........ Fata] ACCIDENTS Connecticut... Delaware____ Georgia_____ Idaho1____ Illinois»_____ Fatal INDUSTRIAL Alabama i„. Arizona Arkansas... California.. Colorado... Nonfatal 96 21,222| 27,596 174,370 28,357 4,394 25,408 161; Texas.. Utah______ ___ __ V erm on tllllllir Virginia............... Washington____ <») * 512 22,156 West Virginia.... Wisconsin______ _ Wyoming................ U n it e d S ta te s C om p en sation Commission........ Total. <»; 219 1*37 22,903 20,341 1726 1*15,849 90 49 *41 414 5471 163 24 52,502 *11,782 7,160 >846 26,892 19| 198 571 73 28 144 (*) 8,816 6,258 10,776 21,905 <*) 18,204 605 25,171 4001 99 32 172 (13) 65,600 10,084 8,048 12,151 25,924 (18 ) 171 43 18,270 776 427 19,653 308! 9l| 29 133 287 94,2561 9,932 7,724 5,327 19,729 429 181 51 214 95,109| 8,388 6,564 6,498 18,453 84 35 145 13,137 9,356 6,518 31,081 299 281 43 180 385 92,613 13,919 10.507 7, 39,270 357 24 144 227 18,806 443 191 33 21,855 20, irJO 1,198 501 168 82 28,269 22,099 1,719 751 134 88 30,608 25,062 1,669 586 246 31,045 20,891 18,042 353 17,905 279 17,713 278 20.260 314 2a 374 112 198 91,065 14,203 9,497 7,606 42,003 i* 11,3381? 1,363,080 w 12,531 1*1,545,787 is 10,806 i* 1,365,520 i» 11,062 >•1,636,837 9,392 1,327,369 9,434 1,294,220 10,947 1,641,145:11,479 1,666,522 10,5371,687,957 ACCIDENT RECORDS STATE * Compensable cases. 1 Mines only. * Not reported. « Includes fatal accidents, the number of which is not reported. * Estimated. •March to December. * Covers 10 months only. *Includes fatal accidents, the number of which is not reported. Covers claims filed, for 11 months only. * Figures for New Orleans Parish, u Number of claims filed. u Covers 8 months only. 12 Coal mines only, i* Records destroyed by fire. 14 Covers 15 months. 1* Includes cases reported from Sept. 7,1916, to Dec. 31,1916. ij Fatal cases in Connecticut and Kentucky are included under nonfatal cases, not being reported separately. 17 Includes fatal accidents in Connecticut and Kentucky, the numlier of which is not reported. 1* Fatal cases in Connecticut are included under nonfatal cases, not being reported separately. Includes fatal cases in Connecticut, the number of which is not reported. 12 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT RATES FROM STATE D A TA 1 For some time past the Bureau of Labor Statistics has been collect ing from month to month for certain industries a report of the number of employees upon the pay rolls of selected concerns. This informa-, tion, supplemented by a few additional items secured by special request from the firms, has made possible the determination of exposure in terms of man-hours for a group of companies, and for the same companies accident records have been obtained from the State accident agencies. Table 3 contains the resulting compila tions. It should be noted, however, that the data here presented were derived from a small number of States and some of the industries have too small an exposure to be as authoritative as could be desired. T a b l e 3 . — A CCIDEN TS A N D ACCIDEN T RATES IN SELECTED ESTABLISHM ENTS IN SPECIFIED INDUSTRIES, 1024 Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 ntours* exposure) Number of cases Industry Fullyear work ers Agricultural im plements____ . . . 3,142 Automobiles.... . . . 5,648 Auto tires.............. 5,772 Boots and shoes... 1,614 Brick...................... 3,514 Electrical machin ery...................... 4,626 Flour...................... 2,921 Foundry and ma chine shops......... 17,774 Furniture.............. 5,333 Glass...................... 1,283 Lumber and plan ing mills............. 1,852 Paper and pulp___ 1,171 Pottery.................. 953 Slaughtering and meat packing___ 19,911 Stoves.................... 3,278 Machine tools... . 3,635 Steam fittings____ 1,424 Structural iron work................... 1,187 Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours' ex posure) Per Tem Per Tem Per Tem ma po ma po ma po rary nent rary nent rary To Death nent dis dis Total Death dis dis Total Death dis dis tal abil abil abil abil abil abil ity ity ity ity ity ity 19 361 380 17 495 512 25 1,741 1,767 1 23 24 537 13 522 0.06 .19 1.00 1.40 .21 1.23 364 113 411 120 .07 .11 3.31 26.23 29.61 .68 12.89 13.68 .43 79 1,928 2,016 204 226 21 5 289 295 .15 .06 .26 15 13 2 145 162 62 98 1,311! 1,420 3 325! 331 9 322: 332 272! 275 3 46 6 11 6 128 148 60; 1 303 i 310 2.02 38.32 40.34 29.21 3a 21 97.18 98.64 4.75 4.96 49.52 5a 94 a68 .68 .68 2.99 .85 .34 3.76 .18 1.71 1.32 32.14 33.61 1.31 12.75 14.12 1.30 75.07 76.63 .90 .38 1.56 1.06 .91 1.36 .45 2.42 .26 1.55 .83 3.75 .36 .28 2.70 23.04 26.10 3.70 42.14 46.12 .70 21.00 21.70 2.16 1.71 5.17 2.83 .84 .71 8.04 .67 5.21 .47 1.31 .18 .31 .09 1.64 .31 .83 .70 1.10 1.83 .55 1.21 .24 .55 .49 .70 3.01 .31 2.38 .31 1.41 .79 lv 28 .28 1.68 85.06 87.02 1.68 .94 1.04 3.67 21.95 23.77 33.05 33.67 29.53 30.45 63.68 64.38 1.14 1.00 1.60 .06 1.62 2.30 .55 1.55 1.18 3.11 .11 .1 7 .97 2.79 a33 The highest frequency rate (98.64) shown in this table is found in the manufacture of auto tires, followed by that in structural-iron work (87.02). The highest severity rate (8.04) is in lumber and planing mills. Both structural iron and planing mills have a rather small exposure and therefore too great significance should not be attached to these rates. 1 When this section of the report was orginally prepared the latest data available was for 1924. Sub sequently data for 1925 became available and are presented on p. 93, and for purposes of comparison the 1924 figures are there repeated. STATE ACCIDENT RECORDS— ARKANSAS 13 ACCIDENT RECORDS OF INDIVIDUAL STATES These records include those assembled for Bulletin No. 339 and such later records as it has been possible to secure. For the most part this brings into comparison the year 1920 with some later year, most frequently the year 1924. While for some States the year 1925 is available it was thought better not to include it in the present presentation. ALABAMA In 1922 in Alabama, as in all States where coal mining is important, coal mining stood at the head in number of accidents both fatal (169) and nonfatal. Lumber and wood products (16), metals and products (14), and construction followed in order. T a b l e 4.—N U M BER OF ACCIDENTS i IN ALABAM A, 1922, BY INDUSTRIES Death Industry Agriculture__________. . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ ____ . . . ______________ Chemicals and p r o d u c t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ _____ . . Cement and products__________ _____________________ . ____ Clay, glass, and stone.. . . . . . . . __ . . . . . . . . ______ __________ . . . . Clothing........................................................................................ Construction ____ ________ Food products..___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ . . . ___ . . . . . . . . Leather and products__________ . . . . . . . . . ___________________ Lumber and wood p r o d u c t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______ — Mercantile_________________ _______ . . . . _____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Metals and products____ . . . . . . . . . . ___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mines, coal__ ____________________________________________ Mines (not coal) and q u a r rie s .................... ................... ......... Paper and products___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___ - ___ Printing and publishing_________ _______________ _____ _____ Public utilities and transportation..____ ___ ____ ___________ Textiles............ ...... . . . . . _________ ___________. . . . ______ ____ Unclassified.................... ................................................................ Total..................................................................................... Perma Tempo nent rary disability disability 0 1 7 2 6 2 11 16 14 1C9 4 5 I 231 85 1 69 115 6 1 1 23 26 14 362 Total a 2 50 67 43 5 314 42 7 462 117 967 1,831 103 5 7 858 181 115 5,176 n 52 7 340 42 7 563 118 1,040 2,116 113 6 8 886 207 133 iS, 769 i Compensable cases. ARKANSAS Table 5 contains the latest information regarding accidents in Arkansas which was available at the time this bulletin was prepared. The notable item in Table 5, showing the fatal and nonfatal acci dents in Arkansas reported for 1920, is that the largest number of deaths (11) was in the lumber and its remanufacture industry. It is probable that agriculture was responsible for a considerable number of deaths, but agriculture is not included under the compensation law. T able 5.—NUM BER OF ACCIDENTS IN ARKANSAS, 1920, BY INDUSTRIES Number of accidents Industry Non fatal Fatal Clay, glass, and stone............................................................................... . . . . Food.............................. ................................................................................. Lumber and its remanufacture___ _____ ______________________________ Mercantile....................................................................................................... Mines (not coal)...................................... ......................... ............................ Metals and products....................................................................................... Printing and publishing................................................................................ Public service......... .............. .................... ............... ................................... Textiles............................................................................................................ All other........................................................................................................... Total..................................................................................................... 2063*—27-----2 11 2 1 2 10 £ 1,149 5 63 13 6 12 2 128 1,404 Total 3 23 1,160 65 13 6 13 2 130 1,420 14 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IX UNITED STATES CALIFORNIA Accident data for California for 1920 and for six months of 1924, are presented in Table 6. Assuming that the experience of the second six months of 1924 would be like that of the first, it appears that accidents were considerably more numerous in the later year. There is no means of determining whether this represents a real change for the worse or is simply Sue to greater industrial activity. In 1920 public service had the heaviest fatality (122), while in six months in 1924 construction had 65 eases. T a b l e 6 .— NU M BER OF A C C ID E N T S » IN’ CALIFORNIA, 1920, AND SIX MONTHS ENDING JUNE 30, 1921 BY INDUSTRIES Accidents resulting in— Permanent disability Death Industry : Jan.1 1920 to June 30,1924 Agriculture___________. . . . . . . . . . . . . ___ 59 i 11 Chemicals,.____________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Clay, glass, and stoue_____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clothing.................................................... 63 Construction_________________________ 17 Food products______ _________________ Iron and steel___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______ Laundries__________ _________________ i Leather and rubber_______ ___________ Lumber and wood................................ . 60 14 Metals and metal product®...................... Mines (not coal) and quarries and oil___ CO Paper and printi ng.................................. 4 Pulp and paper.............................. ......... Printing.................................................... Public service............ .................... ......... 122 2?) ...................................... ...... Shipbuilding 1 Textiles and clothing............................... All other___ _____ _______ . . . . . ________ 147 Total............................................... Ten. 1 19-20 to June 30,1924 21 6 3 P,5 . 4j 1 ! 31 ! 10 44 43 ! 1! : 78 ! 125 43 23 6 2*1 103 21" 14 208 287 170 54 143 144 4 263 | 307 : 1.929 ! 502 Temporary disability 1920 Jan. 1 to June 30,1924 Total accidents 1920 Jan. 1 to June 30,1924 4,102 2,300 2,241 4,286 1,964 1.039 2,018 1,058 705 735 1.039 1,057 227 233 102 ■ 8,003 “ 8,"146" 8,327 """8,313 5,274 2,412 2.443 27 j 5,154 3 237 241 362’ 284 383" 290 6 ; 224 5 162 477 229 4,977 3,549 127 j 4,649 3,391 7,181 3,452 85 i 6,880 3,357 3,664 4,721 3,789 81 ; 4,191 808 866 3 46 49 9 296 305 9,132 2,088 12 ; 8,867 2,033 6 i 4,118 547 554 4,288 4 :» 132 269 273 137 151 i 16,960 14,178 17,370 14,407 38 13 15 «R7 ' R7 R84 43,403 70,405 44,397 1 Tabulatablfe accidents. IDAHO Lumbering and mining were responsible for the greatest number of fatalities in Idaho in 1920 and in 1924. In 1920 there were 43 deaths in lumbering and 13 in mines. The 1924 record is 56 deaths in lumbering and 45 in mines. T a b l e 7.—NU M BER OF ACCIDENTS INT IDAHO, YEARS ENDING OCTOBER 31, 1820 AND 1024. BY INDUSTRIES Accidents resulting in— Industry Permanent disability Death Temporary disability Total accidents 1919-201 1923-24 1919-20) 1923-24 1919-201 1923-24 1919-201 1923-24 1 Agriculture and stock raising___. . . . . 12 Construction...................... ......... . . . . Lumber_______ __________. . . . . . . . . . 43 Mines________________________ . . . . 13 Manufacture........................ ............... Mercantile__________________. . . ___ 1 Transportation and utility____ _____ Unclassified—_____________________ 13 Total_______________________ ------- 1 i Compensation claims allowed. 83 20 i 56 45 2 1! 10 6 140 fi 36 96 34 120 713 1,592 1,210 883 134 1,617 3,290 2,726 770 1,217 737 725 960 143 1,724 3,579 2,876 817 1,259 791 773 4,748 11,210 5,086 11,961 113 665 1,453 1,163 64 9 87 233 104 45 41 44 42 255 605 19 471” 49i" STATE ACCIDENT RECORDS— INDIANA 15 ILLINOIS In Illinois in the years 1920 and 1923 the coal mines had the greatest number of fatalities, 171 in 1920 and 155 in 1923. Metals and prod ucts came next (86) in 1920 with construction and public service following (68). In 1923 public service (74) and construction (80) rank next to coal mines. Agriculture shows few cases as compared with California, for example, because acceptance of the compensation law is optional for farmers, and in Illinois rather few have elected to come under the law. T a b l e 8.—N U M BER OF ACCIDENTS i IN ILLINOIS, 1920 AND 1923, B Y INDUSTRIES Accidents resulting in— Permanent disability Death Industry 1920 Agriculture............................... . Chemicals and products.......... Clay, glass, and stone............... Clothing................................... Construction............................. Food, beverage, and tobacco... Leather and rubber................. . Lumber and wood................... Mercantile................................ Metals and metal products___ Mines, coal............................... Mines (not coal) and quarries. Municipalities.......................... Oil and gas-well operation........ Paper and paper products....... Printing and publishing___. . . Public services......................... Textiles...................................... Unclassified.............................. . 1923 7 G 7 74 2 103 95 246 39 311 28 3 102 675 8,226 155 79 50 455 316 S3 379 65 2.085 20 Total, 1923 1 9 6 5 66 17 1 9 16 63 274 3 14 8 1 3 35 17 5 80 33 5 17 33 71 155 4 3 24 5 86 171 12 17 1920 10® Total accidents Tem; 1920 245 1,144 828 530 3.190 2.845 420 1,579 895 11,710 9,398 384 204 519 594 2,357 253 4,667 626 41,762 1923 1920 1923 281 1,060 1,324 1,436 916 736 581 5,105 3.713 4,589 3, m 690 506 2,610 1,982 965 2,117 12,673 13,881 14,170 13,249 161 437 516 231 312 I 602 m 705 818 3,175 2.67L 325 299 5,036 9,128 2,166 12,807 14,599 168 550 327 609 825 3,277 330 9,333 50,585 61,810 60,509 292 1,104 1,457 746 5,251 4.637 696 i Compensable cases. INDIANA The form of the Indiana report makes a separation of the fatal and nonfatal accidents in the industries in that State impossible. In both years shown in Table 9— 1920 and 1921— metal products had the greatest number of accidents, with coal mines and public service next in order and not far apart. T a b l e 9 .—NUM BER OF ACCIDENTS IN INDIANA, 1920 AND 1921, B Y INDUSTRIES Year ending September 3 0 Industry Industry 1920 Agriculture................ Chemicals.................. Clay, glass, and stone Clothing..................... Construction.............. Food........................... Leather and rubber.Lumber...................... Mercantile................. Metal products......... Year endiug September 3 0 - 189 156 1,614 135 2,731 2,452 454 3,355 1,176 17.101 1921 148 91 1,253 196 3,056 2,112 427 2,274 1,272 9,683 1920 Mines, coal............................... Mines (not coal) and quarries___ Municipal................................ Paper products......................... Printing.................................... Public service........................... . Textiles...................................... Unclassified.............................. Total................................ 4,222 477 32 682 248 4,843 154 2,973 1921 4»851 698 31 589 175 4,248 136 3,156 42,994 i1 34,396 16 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES KANSAS Three years, 1920, 1921, and 1924 are covered in Table 10, showing accident data for Kansas. The total for 1924 considerably exceeds that of the other years. Public service had the greatest number of fatalities in each of the years (57 in 1920, 24 in 1921, and 33 in 1924). Oil and gas, which do not appear in some of the State reports, are a considerable factor in Kansas accidents. TABLE 10.—N U M BER OF ACCIDENTS IN KANSAS, 1920, 1921, AN D 1924, BY INDUSTRIES Accidents resulting in— Industry Permanent disability Death Temporary disa bility 1920 1921 1924 1920 1921 1924 1920 5 Cement and p ro d u cts......___ 1 Clay, glass, and stone............... 1 1 5 5 Food products........................... 5 Lumber...................................... 1 r Metals and metal products .... 3 "iV 4 Mines, coal................................. 19 23 Mines (not coal) and quarries.. 2 ..... ..... Oil and gas................................. 13 Public service............................. 57 24 33 16 7 Unclassified................................ 17 84 Total................................ 118 71 1921 1924 Total accidents 1920 1921 10 308 2 82 189 103 3 99 84 1 11 16 964 908 1,322 994 924 25 28 3 11 18 29 32 47 152 7 24 958 509 1,779 978 10 519 892 873 840 8 836 810 18 7 4 57 227 6 73 235 57 24 ” i« ' 31 1,205 1,245 1,298 1,242 1,271 39 1,844 1,609 2,281 1,944 1,657 13 24 14 21 562 899 2,404 47 593 927 167 93 192 |6,724 6,147 10,698 7,009 6,311 1924 323 192 1,343 163 1,814 904 77 1,338 2,353 2,467 10,974 KENTUCKY The coal mines of Kentucky furnished considerably more than half of its fatalities (64) in the year 1924, and nearly half of all recorded accidents were in connection with this industry. The lumber and wood products industry (6) stands next in number of fatalities. T a b l e ll .- N U M B E R OF ACCIDENTS IN KEN TU CK Y, Y EA R ENDING JUNE 30, 1920 AND 1924, BY INDUSTRIES Accidents in 1924 resulting in— Industry Death Agriculture...._________ - ______ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chemicals and products___________ ______ . . . . . . . . . Cement and products . . . . . . . . . __ - __ . . . . . . . . . . . . Clay, glass, and stone______ - _______ ____ _________ Clothing........................................................................ Construction____ __ _______ ______________ __ Food products.......... ................................................... Leather products........................... .............................. Lumber and wood products.............................. . Mercantile..................................................................... Metals and products______ ________ . . . . _________ Mines (coal) ............................................................... Mines (not coal) and quarries........... - ______ _______ Oil and gas.....................................- ______ __________ Paper and products........................... ................ ......... Printing and publishing______. . . __ ____ __________ Public service_____ _____________ . . . . . . . . . . . . _____ Textiles.......................... .............................................. U n c la s s ifie d ..................__ - ____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total..................................................... ............ Perma nent dis ability 1 1 1 4 1 11 2 2 116 11 6 3 64 1 26 2 33 270 7 9 2 1 5 15 97 64 561 Tempo rary dis ability 6 95 67 829 .85 4,027 757 216 2,115 226 1,264 11,239 414 567 110 88 342 167 4,861 27,475 Total accidents 1920 88 490 79 878 1,428 179 1,294 810 2,511 5,968 169 34 102 309 211 1,605 16,155 1924 6 100 69 841 85 4,145 770 216 2,147 228 1,300 11,573 422 576 112 88 348 167 4,940 28,133 MARYLAND In both of the years shown for Maryland in Table 12 the fatalities were most numerous in construction, there being 56 in 1920 and 19 in 1924. The fact that shipbuilding is included under construction STATE ACCIDENT RECORDS— MASSACHUSETTS 17 accounts in part for these numbers. In 1920 metals and products were second (30) and public service third (20). In 1924 public serv ice (16) was second and food products and metals (8) each were next. T a b l e 1 2 . — N U M BER OF ACCIDENTS* IN M ARY LA N D , YEARS ENDING OCTOBER 31, 1920 AND 1924, BY INDUSTRIES 1923-24: Accidents resulting in— 1919-20 Industry Non Fatal acci dents dents 10 62 72 441 444 41 2,494 284 Agriculture............................... Chcmicals and products.......... Cement and products............... Clay, glass, and stone............... Clothing.................................... fatal acci m3 284 210 100 Construction 2....................... Food products.......................... Leather and rubber.................. Lumber and wood products... Mercantile................................. Metals and metal products___ Mines (coal).............................. Mines (not coal) and quarries. Paper and paper products....... Printing and publishing.......... Public service........................... Textiles..................................... Unclassified.............................. Total.. 1,188 Total Death Perma Tem nent porary dis dis ability ability 2 15 4 8 5 78 50 18 61 16 156 210 102 1,218 11 12 6 204 198 510 126 10 153 751 6,541 8 204 16 126 761 12 95 ft 694 * Compensation claims allowed, in 1020, and claims fiied, in 1924. 81 13 47 541 Total 17 567 19 586 2,444 1,378 243 796 490 2,420 391 209 160 151 1,684 117 1,457 13,283 345 335 %541 1,436 262 865 506 2,584 409 224 168 159 1,731 130 1,516 13,919 101 * Includes shipbuilding. MASSACHUSETTS In the published records of accidents of Massachusetts the indus trial groups are subdivided in great detail; for example, textiles are shown under the following heads: Carpet mills, cotton mills, dyeing, hemp and jute, knitting, lace, linen, print works, cordage, sails, silk mills, woolen mills, and unclassified. Table 13 presents the data for the years 1920 and 1923. In 1920 public service had the greatest number (135) of fatalities, with con struction (43) coming next. In 1923 construction (62) leads, fol lowed by the mercantile group. T a b l e 1 3 .—-NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS IN MASSACHUSETTS, 1920 AND 1923, BY INDUSTRIES Accidents resulting l n Industry 1920 Agriculture................................. Chemicals and products............ Cement and products................ •Clay, glass, and stone................ Clothing..................................... Construction (building trades). Food products............................ Leather and products................ Lumber and wood products___ Mercantile.................................. Metals and products................. . Mines and quarries................... Paper and products................... Printing and publishing_______ Public service......................... . Textiles.. Total. Permanent disability Death 1923 3 11 1 43 7 12 4 36 36 3 8 1 135 37 40 376 1920 8 4 32 30 1 5 5 26 19 115 330 3 98 49 148 118 82 436 9 47 31 1,621 1923 Temporary disability 1920 191 8 11 760 2 11 ' “ '392* 312 5 106 4,891 29 2,023 4,504 2,052 5,997 95 331 13,179 1 172 51 1,986 22 91 253 207 1,444 686 8,125 10,921 7,300 63,491 1923 Total accidents 1920 196 781 611 161 418 406 330 316 6,350 5,032 1,977 2,079 3,534 4,664 2,158 2,174 7,692 6,115 9,194 13,651 194 184 2,041 2,016 735 718 3,418 8,322 9,782 11,246 14,218 7,563 63,116 65,488 1923 339 631 164 431 335 6,518 2,014 3,631 2,294 7,819 9,555 196 %m 762 3,535 10;-054 14,540 64,890 18 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES Table 14 discloses the relation in Massachusetts between cases of accident and losses due to such accidents. It appears on inspection that frequency and severity do not move together. For example, the cause group “ vehicles'* shows 6.3 per cent of the cases but 21.3 er cent of the loss, while “ handling, ” with 36.5 per cent of the cases, as 16.6 per cent of the losses. E TABLE 14*—PER CEN T OF ACCIDENTS IN MASSACHUSETTS IN 1920 DUE TO EACH SPECIFIED OAUSE AND OF DAYS LOST Per cent Accident cause Acci dents Machinery_____. ____ _____ . ____________ . . . ___ . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ Explosives and hot substances____ ____ . . . . . __ . . . __ ______ ____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____ Fans of persons ......................... ................................................................................... Fsliing objects not handled.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _____. . . __ . . . . . __ ___ . . . . . . . . . ___ Handling objects________ - __ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Handling tools________ ____ __ . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . __ ___________ . . . . __ . . Stepping on or striking objects____________ . . . . . ____ . . . . ____ ___________________ Other causes.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ....................................................................................... Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ............. .... .......... ............................................. Days lost 23.4 6.3 4.6 14.0 3.7 29.2 7.3 6.0 5.5 i mi. o i 29'. 1 21.3 7.7 14.1 4.2 13.0 3.6 1.7 5.3 inn. n \ MINNESOTA In- Minnesota, in 1919-20, the iron mines had the largest number of deaths (56) from accident, with lumber (34) second, and construction (23) third. Food production, mainly in the manufacture of flour, had a considerable number of deaths (13). The deaths in 1921-22 are not separable from other accidents in that year. T able 15.—NUM BER OF A C C ID E N T S « IN M INNESOTA, YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1920 AND 1922, BY INDUSTRIES j Accidents in 1919-20; resulting in— Industry Death Agriculture..... ......... ......... . . . . . . . . . ___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chemicals and products___ . . . . . _______ . . . . . . _____ Clay, glass, ana s t o n e ........_______ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clothing _____________ . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Construction................................................................. Food products............................................................... i i Leather and fur.............................................................; Lumber and wood products........................................ !! Mercantile.................................................................... ! Metals and products.................................................... I Mines (not coal) and quarries...................................... Municipal... ___ _______ ________________ _______ Paper and products...................................................... i Printing and publishing__________________________ Public service____________ _______ _______________ Textiles............................................ ...................... .... Unclassified_______________ _____________________ Total.................................................................... i Compensation claims allowed. Perma Tempo nent dis rary dis ability ability Total accidents 1919-20 1921-22 26 1 14 28 1 120 154 21 214 52 195 136 19 26 18 27 16 141 43 123 256 37 1,447 1,444 112 1.223 653 1,430 2,001 181 217 115 427 99 1,546 45 138 285 38 1,589 1,611 134 1,471 714 1,638 2,193 206 246 133 469 115 1,713 265 130 499 64 2,584 201 1,183 11,354 12,738 10,657 1 1 1 22 13 34 13 56 6 3 15 98 128 267 51 1,306 1,308 57 1,050 1,398 611 841 STATE ACCIDENT RECORDS— NEVADA 19 MONTANA In Table 16 accident data for Montana for a five-year period are consolidated. In these five years mining had 558 fatalities (an aver age of 112 per year), or more than two-thirds of all fatal accidents recorded in the State. Metals and products (66), construction (41), and lumber (36) are other industries of high fatality hazard. T a b l e 16.—N U M BER OF ACCIDENTS IN M ON TAN A FOR 5-YEAR PERIOD, JULY 1,1915, TO JUNE 30, 1920, BY INDUSTRIES Accidents resulting in— Total Perma Tempo accidents nent dis rary dis ability ability Industry Death Clay and s t o n e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C o n s t r u c t io n ................................................... Food______ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ ___ _______ . . . . . . . . . . . . Leather.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ . . . . __ . . . . . __ . . . . . . Lumber_____. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mercantile_________ _____ ./. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Motals and products_______ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mines, coal___________________. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mines (not coal) and quarries______. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___ __________________. . . .Municipal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ P rin tin g and p u b l i s h i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public service________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Textiles....... . U n cla ssifie d ...........__ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total..................................................................................... 2 41 10 1 59 28 65 2,036 1,173 36 1 66 61 497 1 1 31 82 10 109 76 287 68 2,136 1,211 1 1,747 815 3,135 1,969 18,710 109 131 820 7 955 31,314 35 22 1,629 304 2,960 1,832 17,926 108 125 770 7 898 782 698 29,834 5 19 NEVADA Metal mines in Nevada had 19 fatalities in 1919-20 and 18 in 1923-24. In each year the deaths in metal mines outnumber all others in the State. T a b l e 17 «-N U M B E R OF ACCIDENTS IN NEVADA, YEARS EN DIN G JUNE 30. 1920 AND 1924, BY INDUSTRIES Accidents resulting in— Industry Permanent disability Death Total accidents Temporary disability 1919-20 1923-24 1919-20 1923-24 1919-20 1923-24 1919-20 1923-24 Construction__. . . . . . . ______ . . . . . . . . Food................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lumber____________________ . . . . . . . Metals and products...................... .... Mines (not coal) and quarries_______ Municipal______________ . . . . . . . . . . . Public service________. . . . ___ . . . ___ Unclassified.......................................... 1 3 3 17 3 2 1 3 18 Total.......................................... 30 *■ 31 1 9 4 2 5 16 66 12 2 I1 9 116 2 17 14 30 46 111 686 43 37 63 101 1,030 5 77 41 940 28 339 18 33 54 130 769 58 41 73 1,245 1,176 1,377 33 845 31 365 20 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES NEW HAMPSHIRE In 1924 lumber and its products was most productive of fatalities (5 cases) in New Hampshire. Textiles, though an industry of rela tively low hazard, had 4 cases of fatality. T a b l e 18*—N UM BER OF ACCIDENTS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE, 1924, BY INDU STRIES Fatal Nonfatal Total accidents accidents accidents Industry Clay, glass, and stone___ ___________________ ____________ _____ ______ 1 Construction.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ . . . . . . . Food products............................................... ........................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leather and products_______ . . . . _______ _____________ _______ . . . . . . __ Lumber and wood p roducts...............____ ___________ __ . . . . . . . . . Mercantile............ ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __. . . . . . . . . . . . . . __. . . . .. . . Metals and products_______________________ ________ ____ ___ . . . . . Paper ___ . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Printing............................. . . . . . ________. . . ___________________ . . . . . . . . Public service__ . . . . . . . . _________________ _____________ _____________ Textiles ____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unclassified____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Total...................................................................................................... 43 15 104 20 90 403 1 5 44 15 107 26 91 408 56 56 91 311 14 1 91 308 14 19 383 890 387 891 19 2,442 2,461 3 1 4 20 NEW JERSEY In New Jersey in 1920 chemicals had the severest fatality (47) while in 1921 and 1924 construction with 44 and 67, respectively, was the chief cause of fatal injury. T a b l k 1 9 . — N U M BER OF ACCIDENTS IN NEW JERSEY, YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1920 AN D 1921, BY INDUSTRIES Fatal accidents Industry 1920 1921 Chemicals__ _______ . . . . . . . . . __ ____ Clay, glass, and s t o n e ... ......... ..... Clothing____ . . . . . ____ ___ . . . . . . . . . . Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Food products_______ _____________ Leather and leat her goods................... Lumber and wood p r o d u c t s .......... Metals and metal products............... Mines (not coal) and quarries_____ _ Paper and paper p r o d u c t s ............ Printing and bookbinding___ ___ Rubber and composition g o o d s ..... . Shipbuilding......... ............................... Textiles_____ ____ ___ . . . . . . . . . . ____ U n c l a s s i f i e d .......................__ 47 6 2 31 16 12 33 5 1 44 10 8 38 1 5 42 11 25 8 94 23 9 96 Total........................................... 285 282 | Nonfatal accidents s 1924 ! 1920 i 39 < 1.708 8 414 93 67 i 5,965 7 i 381 8 586 2 31 :7.23i" 12 ! 83 81 2' 65 3 5 2,792 6 269 98 ; 8,888 1921 1924 Total accidents 1920 1,326 1,943 1,755 420 349 1,011 95 348 1,324 6,951 11,492 5,996 397 529 1,816 598 277 676 993 5,22c" 9,276 7,269 434 84 215 154 417 86 91 65 67 726 374 ”2,817" 1,997 277 1,092 1,679 8,824 16,105 8,982 1921 1924 1,359 354 349 6,995 539 684 1,982 1,019 1,324 11,559 1,823 280 995 5,268 9,307 446 226 154 419 67 91 729 ‘ 2,020” 379 1,101 1,685 8,920 16,203 283 28,556 27,754 47,958 28,841 28,036 48,241 NEW YORK For some years the State of New York did not publish anything regarding its accident experience. The latest published information at the time of making this compilation is for the year 1923. Table 20 shows the distribution for that year. Naturally, construction, in a State where great structures are being erected as nowhere else in the country, leads in fatality (177), and public utilities and trans portation comes next (164). STATE ACCIDENT RECORDS— OKLAHOMA 21 TABLE 20 .—N U M BER OF ACCIDEN TS I IN NEW Y O R K , 1923, B Y INDUSTRIES Accidents resulting inIndustry Death Agriculture..................................... Chemicals....................................... Clay, stone, and glass.................... Clothing......................................... Construction................................... Food................................................ Leather........................................... Lumber and wood products.......... Mercantile (trade).......................... Metals and products...................... Mines and quarries........................ Paper and products....................... Printing.......................................... Public utilities and transportation Rubber and composition goods___ Textiles........................................... Unclassified..................................... 8 8 177 18 4 23 49 52 15 15 3 164 4 7 101 Total..................................... Total Perma T e m p o accidents nent disa rary disa b ility bility 79 219 197 203 1,640 557 704 2,204 92 366 217 1,266 93 310 1,126 10,327 853 798 1,759 8,407 2,454 1,003 1,868 3,997 6,854 o il 1,204 807 9,543 335 1,1 47,189 353 1,081 1,003 1,970 10,230 3,029 1,247 2,699 4,750 9,110 618 1,585 1,027 10,973 432 1,475 6,496 58,078 1 Compensable oases. OKLAHOMA The constitution of Oklahoma is so framed that fatal accident cases are excluded from the operation of the compensation law. While in 1920 and 1921 a record of such cases was published, from that time no record is available. In 1920 the oil and gas industry had 36 fatal cases, coal mines 25, and metal mines 15. Table 21 shows a total of 22,714 nonfatal cases. In 1924 the total of nonfatal cases was 46,517, of which 22,187 were in the oil and gas industry. It would appear that from whatever point this industry is considered it is highly hazardous. T a b l e 2 1 . — N U M BER OF ACCIDENTS IN OKLAHOM A, YEARS ENDINO AUGUST 31, 1920 A N D 1924, B Y INDUSTRIES Aocidqnts in 1919-20 re sulting in— Industry Death Cement and products.............. Clay, glass, and stone. - .......... Clothing.................................... Construction............................. Food products........................... Leather...................................... Lumber and wood products. . . Mercantile................................ Metals and products................ Mines, coal___________ ____ Mines (not coal) and quarries. Oil and gas................................ Paper and products.................. Printing and publishing.......... Public sevice............................. Unclassified.............................. T ota l... Perma Tempo nent dis rary dis ability ability 1919-20 612 617 1,567 605 1,620 613 1,074 1,322 1,823 1,045 3,809 7,619 1,095 1,348 1,852 725 1,356 1 ,1 1 2 732 1,765 110 113 746 1,843 1,216 6,360 22,187 1 168 1,427 22,083 22,714 28 18 19 23 42 110 166 130 Total accidents 501 3,934 7,821 1923-24 137 959 18 5,039 589 1 4,231 46,517 22 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES OREGON In 1920 Oregon worked out an exposure for each of the industrial groups shown in Table 22. Where the exposure is equivalent to 2,000 or more full-year workers frequency and severity are shown. The relations which appear between these rates emphasize again the importance of both rates to an understanding of the accident situation. Of the 71,166 full-year workers which appear in the table, more than a third (29.584) were engaged in logging and lumbering oper ations. Of these logging had a fatality rate in 1920 of 6.93 cases per 1,000 full-year workers. This may be compared with 3.62 in coal mining for the whole country. The severity rate for Oregon logging operations was 21.56, which may be compared with 25.9 in the erection of structural steel in that same year. The operation of Oregon logging railways is more hazardous than average railway operation for the United States as is indicated by a fatality rate of 6.30 per 1,000 full-year workers, contrasted with 1.76 for railway trainmen. However, yard brakemcn on all steam roads had a rate of 6.67. Construction, with a severity rate of 9.11, is closely similar to this industrial group wherever it has been possible to compute rates. T ablf. 3 3 .—N U M BER OP ACCIDENTS IN OREGON, 1920, BY INDUSTRIES Rates for industrial * groups of 2,(MX) or over Accidents resulting in— Industry Fullyear workers Construction......................... Food and allied products........ Leather and rubber................ Lumber and its remanufacture Logging................................. Logging railways................... 1,681 165 160 819 10,063 4,376 255 17,524 9.520 2,540 4,129 1,72^ 65 Paper and printing................ 311 2, ‘589 Agriculture................................ Chemicals............................. Clay, glass, etc.......................... Clothing. .................................. Metals and metal products----Mercantile................................. Mines, coal................................ Mines (not coal) and quarries.. Municipalities........................... Public service........................... Shipbuilding............................. Textiles...................................... Unclassified............................... Total............................ Death 13 1 4 16 l i 24 ; fir, ! 1:>i m 30 4 331 144 34 45 6 2 3 4, '.'23 1.208 1 1 12 20 1. ot)7 7,227 71, l«B i Perma Tempo rary nent Total disa disa bility bility T! 144 i 17 4 47 6 34 122 27 60 21 1.670 741 25 3,836 1.979 247 1,022 89 22 214 19 401 142 1,009 114 627 12,387 135 23 04 22 1,798 772 29 4,191 2,189 297 1,069 95 24 237 22 418 151 1,062 Frequency! Severity (per (per 1,000,000 1,000 hours’ exposure) hours' exposure) 59. .*» 52. JO 72.72 76.65 38.97 86.31 * 9.11 2.94 i ! j ! 10.36 21.56 20.24 5.67 58.33 j 2.30 ‘“S.“82"| *6.09 120 686 13,389 Table 23 summarizes the accident experience of a five-year period, classified according to cause. The number and per cent of accidents and of workdays lost from each 'cause are shown, the percentages furnishing a comparison of the relative importance of each cause. For example, machinery which causes 22.8 per cent of the cases is responsible for 36 per cent of the loss of working time, while handling objects, with 24 per cent of the cases, gives rise to only 7.1 per cent of the lost time. STATE ACCIDENT RECORDS— PENNSYLVANIA 23 T able 33.—N U M BER OF ACCIDENTS, AN D LOSS OF W ORKDAYS, IN OREGON, IN T HE F IVE-YEAR PERIOD ENDING 1923, BY CAUSES Accidents Workdays lost Cause Number Machinery..................................................... . Falling and rolling objects.............................. Falls of workmen.......................................... . Vehicles........................................................... Handling objects........................................... . Miscellaneous (including drownings)............ Using hand tools.......................................... . Explosives, electricity, fires, hot substances. Stepping on or striking against objects......... Animals......................................................... . Boilers................................... ....................... . Per cent 12,094 4,927 7,816 2,577 12,708 008 6,576 1,798 2,972 465 57 T o ta l...................... ............................ Number 22.8 9.3 14.8 4.8 24.0 1.9 12.4 3.4 5.6 .9 .1 2,437,181 999,166 936,671 657,292 479,665 378,969 365,184 281,517 84,968 84,413 59,177 1C0.0 6,764,203 Per cent 14.8 13.8 9.7 7.1 5.6 5.4 4.2 1.3 1.2 .9 100.0 PENNSYLVANIA Table 24 shows the accident occurrence in Pennsylvania and the distribution thereof by industries each year from 1916 to 1924. It so happens that the two largest industrial groups, metals and products and coal mines appear side by side in the State tabulations, which makes comparison easy. The metals group shows a very substantial decrease in accidents while in coal mining the number remains almost uniform. It would be a very natural inference that conditions have improved in the metal industry while in coal mining they have not changed greatly. It is known from other sources that marked improvement has occurred in the metal industry and that coal mining is definitely less hazardous, but unfortunately this con clusion can not be verified from these Pennsylvania figures because the exposure to hazard is not known. T a b l e 3 4 .- -NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS IN PENNSYLVANIA, 1916 TO 1924, BY YEARS AN D INDUSTRIES Industry 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 Chemicals.............................. Clay, glass, and stone........... Clothing............................. . Construction......................... Food....................................... Leather and rubber............... Lumber and its remanufac tures.................................... Mercantile............................. Metals and products............. Mines (coal)........................... Mines (not coal) and quar ries...................................... Municipal.............................. Printing and publishing....... Public sorvice........................ Textiles.................................. Beverages............................... Hotels and restaurants-------Jobbers and warehouses____ Laundries.............................. Tobacco.................................. Other industries.................... 5,918 7,179 2,037 15,146 5,101 2,329 3,435 7,012 1,652 13,384 4,300 1,939 3,039 4,727 1,107 9,190 2,991 1,424 2,274 4,242 916 8,209 3,219 1,655 2,633 5,736 1,211 12,920 3,318 1,930 2,295 4,128 1,310 10,830 3,549 lr566 2,360 5*558 1,517 13,047 4,015 1,773 3,061 6*669 1,869 16,038 4*624 1,934 2,623 5,999 1,440 16*260 4,700 1,452 4,955 4,798 95,986 52,537 4,433 4,129 75,131 55,128 3,118 3,150 2,888 2,970 57,134 40,558 50^249 44,067 3,593 3,854 49,793 47,787 2,782 4,203 24,561 50,756 3,491 4,527 32,719 36*613 4,253 5,732 44,475 59,882 4,216 4,482 47,488 54,449 2,420 983 3,514 30,571 3,888 1,682 1,125 1,637 436 197 7,177 2,354 1,258 2,534 37,553 3,145 1,453 968 1,244 347 187 6,204 1,634 968 1,878 32,625 2,209 877 669 840 233 136 6,826 1,589 1,173 2,369 28,916 2,344 477 712 1,296 161 216 2,951 1,514 1,935 1,982 20^547 2,417 512 738 1,291 181 225 2,875 2,001 2,665 2,318 23,905 2,290 2,781 2,922 32,299 3,543 494 979 1,602 275 276 4,437 2,160 2,576 2,604 18,272 2,709 305 1,119 1,236 242 325 2,973 Total............................ 255*616 227,880 184,844 152,544 174,979 140,197 146*255 m 435 177,539 1,446 1,026 1,897 26,025 2,084 689 583 1,064 153 142 6*257 *a 734 1,625 233 217 3,636 1924 24 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES Table 25 presents the causes of accident by industries for 1920 and for 1924. It is of interest to note that the injuries in coal mines due to falling bodies are very much in excess of those due to explosions which from time to time furnish spectacular evidence of coal mine hazards. The fact is that the day by day injuries from material falling from roof or face aggregate, in the course of a year, the most serious hazard in the mines. As a result the number of fatalities in the State in 1924, from falling bodies (553) was exceeded only by those from power vehicles (554). TABLE 25*—N U M BE R OF ACCIDENTS IN PENNSYLVANIA, 1920 AND 1924, B Y INDUSTRIES AND CAUSES Accidents due to specified cause— Machinery Handling tools or objects Power ve hicles Miscellane ous Total 1920 1924 1920 1920 1924 292 322 210 692 606 216 494 582 30 1,184 1,563 396 593 141 623 424 510 56 32 1,351 1,331 485 353 66 10,170 10,457 3,877 1,829 1,965 2,039 165 288 68 60 128 45 880 897 60 1,425 420 1,177 864 1,043 78 72 25 50 58 74 96 148 123 20 59 87 10 84 158 549 606 101 357 313 56 739 235 84 176 582 32 1,733 183 103 127 901 27 1,689 185 59 219 115 176 3,750 4,018 3,148 2,249 12,697 14,837 87 317 286 147 184 90 124 153 118 720 1,617 531 152 88 95 16 13 20 178 24 25 65 66 26 8 22 8 9 5 210 175 449 919 626 2,672 632 180 189 305 2,664 3,171 4*467 567 553 1,278 228 169 731 374 348 1,200 862 1,252 986 4,257 3,733 3,220 3,039 15,793 165 197 617 367 447 244 286 303 715 4,104 1,855 11,873 409 403 548 103 49 172 207 245 238 240 196 543 31 35 27 37 78 768 876 2,282 397 5,375 1,568 474 1,482 1,645 16,743 14,675 784 21,935 22,151 9,679 22,378 22,613 20,187 17,614 65,398 53,959 18,369 27,975 17,991 23,548 174,979 177,539 390 9,289 2,209 175,330 8,721 70 222 277 122 1924 1920 1924 1920 1924 152 152 435 390 494 369 659 1,091 18 145 25 171 826 1,843 2,897 633 207 349 207 699 54 31 248 211 284 561 147 130 872 416 553 336 2,016 3,805 4,597 5,852 7,704 12,713 4,505 4,971 151 137 193 167 723 224 80 93 317 3,763 5,924 7,938 2,796 3,045 607 95 308 321 57 41 110 26 14 416 10 101 145 134 463 119 146 38 8 16 18 9 13 70 6 42 164 1,010 193 727 373 200 1920 1924 2,633 5,736 2^623 5,999 1,440 16,260 4,070 1,452 4,216 4,482 47,488 54,449 2,169 2,576 2,504 18,272 1,211 12,920 3,318 l,r~ 3,854 49,793 47,787 1,589 1,173 2,369 28,916 2,344 477 712 1,296 161 216 2,951 305 1,119 1,236 242 325 3,603 RECORDS— PENNSYLVANIA 1924 ACCIDENT Total____ ________ Falls of persons 1920 1920 Chemicals and allied products... Clay, glass, and stone products.. Clothing manufacture_________ Construction__________________ Food products............................. Leather and rubber goods______ Lumber and its remanufacture.. Mercantile................... - .............. Metals and metal products......... Mines, coal........... ....................... Mines (not coal) and quarries... Municipalities............................. Paper and printing____________ Public service_________________ TextilesLiquor and beverages___ Hotels and restaurants... Jobbers and wholesalers.. Laundries______________ Tobacco_______________ Miscellaneous__________ 1924 Falling ob jects Hot sub stances STATE LhliBtry DEGBEE OP INJURY Fatal___ Nonfatal. Permanent disability__________________ Temporary disability, compensable-----Temporary disability, noncompensable. 273 93 13,067 8,502 345 21*923 21 5,035 3,320 647 ” l8 113,089 8,624 22,060 236 13 11,862 8,076 185 17,429 49 32,099 33,152 103 ^3,866 758 "162" 10,514 6,995 554 27,421 171 21 7,615 10,184 196 2,528 317' 93,281 78,853 to Oi INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 26 In Table 26 the accidents of 1924 are classified by industry. Coal mines lead in fatal accidents with 932 cases, public service (374), metals and metal products (264), and construction (217) coming next in order. T a b l e 8 6 .— NU M BER OF FATAL AND NONFATAL ACCIDENTS IN PENNSYLVANIA, 1924, BY INDUSTRIES Fatal I Nonfatal; Total accidents■accidents accidents Industry Chemicals and products............................ Clay, glass and stone products.................. Clothing...................................................... Construction and building......................... Food and kindred products....................... Laundries................................................... Leather, rubber, and composition good3.. Lumber and its remanufacture................. Mercantile.................................................. Metals and metal products........................ Mines, coal................................................ Mines (not coal) and quarries................... Paper and printing................................... Public service and transportation............. Textiles....................................................... Unclassified.............. ................................. r>i 57 3 217 19 1 9 26 40 264 932 34 15 374 18 150 2,572 5, yi2 1.438 16,043 4,051 241 1,443 4,190 4.442 47,224 53.517 2.135 2,489 17.898 2.691 9.014 2,023 5, UW 1,440 16,260 4,070 242 1,452 4.216 4.482 47,488 54,449 2,1*59 Total................................................. 2.200 175.330 177,539 2, 501 IS, 272 2, 709 9,161 WASHINGTON In 1921 the State of Washington published an industrial accident table which analyzed the accident experience of the State in consider able detail, and this table is reproduced below as Table 27. It shows 127 deaths in logging, 48 deaths in the manufacture of lumber, 18 deaths in coal mines and 17 deaths in construction. T a b l e 2 7 .— NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS IN WASHINGTON. YEAR ENDING SEPTEM BER 30. 1921, BY IN 1>USTKIES Industry ] i Accidciits resulting in— i !r — ---Total ! Penua- ! Tempo- accidents Death nent dis- \rary dis ability i ability Chemicals....................................................................................... Clay................................................................................................ !I Construction.................................................................................. ! Logging...........................................................................................I! Lumber........................................................................................... ! Mercantile...................................................................................... Mines, coal..................................................................................... ;i Mines, not coal.............................................................................. \i Municipal....................................................................................... i Paper.................... .......... ........................ ....................................J Printing.......................................................................................... 1! Public service................................................................................. : Shipbuilding................................................................................... T extiles ........................................................................................... ji Unclassified.......................................................................... . Total........................................................................... i iI 1 1 17 3 127 48 2 9 IS 3 11 1 i 8 10 i 26 287 ! '! ! i i 3; 6i 140 : 99 462: 665 I 15 i 142 j 79 ! 25 j 63 ! 35 i 23 : 23 87 ; 20 ' 82 ! 1,969 ; i 18 27 560 492 1,733 2,158 39 561 348 79 366 92 35 150 252 54 351 22 34 717 594 2,322 5,193 56 712 445 107 440 128 59 181 349 75 459 7,315 9,571 STATE ACCIDENT RECORDS— WISCONSIN 27 For 1924 the analysis is less extended, covering only the 4 indus tries which in 1920 had the highest fatalities, namely, logging (211), the manufacture of lumber (42), construction (32), and coal mines (24). T a b l e 28.—N U M BER OF ACCIDEN TS IN WASHINGTON (CLOSED CASES), B Y INDUS TRIES, 1924 Fatal Nonfatal Total accidents accidents accidents Industry Construction_______________________________________________________ Logging___ ____ ___________________________________________________ Mining (coal)_________ ________________ ______ _____ _________________ Sawmills___________________________________________________________ Miscellaneous_________________ _ __________ Total. __ _ 32 211 24 42 98 1,500 5,205 643 4,019 7,617 1,532 5,416 667 4,061 7,715 407 18,984 19,391 WEST VIRGINIA Table 29 contains the 1924 accident experience of West Virginia. Naturally coal mining is far in excess of any other industry both in fatal (593) and nonfatal (12,152) cases. Other industries with large numbers of fatalities are lumber (29), public service (25), construc tion (24), and metal and products (21)., T a b l e 29.—NU M BER OF ACCIDENTS IN WEST VIRGIN IA, Y E A R EN DING JUNE 30, 1924, BY INDUSTRIES i | Fatal | ; Nonfatal Total accidents accidents j accidents Industry Chemicals and products___________ ___________ ____ __ ______________ Clay products.____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _____ . . . . . . . . __ ___ . . . . . . . . . . ____ Construction______________________________ ______ ____ _____________ Food products________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______ ______________ ______ Metals and products_______ . . . ___________ ____ . . . . . . _____ . . . . . . __ __ Mines (coal)_________ ___ ___ _______________________________________ Mines (not, coai)________ _________________________________ __________ Paper and printing_____ . . . . . . . . . . . . __. . . . . . __________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public service...__ ____ _____________________ ________________ ___ ________________ _________________________________ Textiles ______ Unclassified____________________________ ____ ______________________ Total....................................................................................................... 2 3 24 5 29 21 593 377 2,503 2,347 391 1,691 7,122 12,152 465 316 1,450 339 379 2,505 2,371 396 1,720 7,143 12,745 472 316 25 4 16 1,455 1,471 729 30,608 31,336 1,475 343 WISCONSIN In 1920 Wisconsin reported separately only five industries, which appear in Table 30. The fatalities in these are in order, wood in dustries 38, construction 30, metals and products 22, paper and products 10, and mines and quarries 3. The classification in 1922 to 1924 is more extended but does not separate the fatal and nonfatal, but the figures are important because they show so clearly the increase in number of accidents which occurred between 1922 and 1923, the increase continuing in a lesser degree into 1924. 28 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES The comment of the Wisconsin statistician on this increase is significant: “ The increase in the number of cases in 1924 over the number of cases in 1923 is by itself not an indication of a change in the actual accident frequency rate for the industry. The employee exposure factor for the two periods is lacking.” The essential char acter of this “ employee-exposure factor” to the rational understand ing of accident statistics can not be too often or too urgently asserted. T a b l e 3<h— N U M BER OF A C C ID E N T S » IN WISCONSIN, 1020 TO 1924, B Y Y EA R S A N D INDUSTRIES 1920: Accidcnts resulting Total accidents in— Industry Perma Tempo Death nent dis rary dis ability ability A g r ic u lt u r e ....................___ . . . . . . . Chemicals..____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clay, glass, and stone___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Construction_________ . . . . . . __ . . . . __ _ Food products........ Leather and rubber___. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lumber and products__ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___ ................ . Mercantile Metals and products.................................. Mines (not coal) and quarries______ . . . . . Paper and paper products!___ . . . . . . . . . . . Paper and p r i n t i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PuDlic servToe_____ ________ ___________ Textiles............. . Wood i n d u s t r i e s ..... ........ ......... .... U n c l a s s i f i e d . ........ ......... ........ .... Total______ . . . . . ___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1920 1922 1923 271 212 170 2,517 1,144 550 2,865 275 263 233 2,993 1,256 791 30 174 1,510 1,714 22 3 10 .532 24 4,005 4,559 334 38 87 306 307 929 2,543 1,026 1,176 1,600 281 3,252 1,507 1924 400 209 266 3,734 1,450 596 4,584 1,528 2,372 438 2,447 1,361 1,183 515 1,208 1,813 216 2,104 296 258 7,921 2,682 3,800 3,549 18,441 16,705 20,941 22,766 2,887 2,049 > Compensable cases dosed. The Wisconsin statistical organization has carried out a more extended and elaborate study o f various accident problems than has been attempted by any other State. Table 31 is a condensed pres entation of the data regarding accident causes for the six-year period 1915 to 1920 and for 1924. In the six-year period machinery was much the most important cause of death (232 cases), vehicles coming next (176). Among machines hoisting apparatus exceeds any three other causes. The nature of the disclosure by time losses is indicated by the showing for machinery and handling. Machinery has 21,205 cases of injury and handling has 28,364, while the average time loss in machine accidents is 221 days per case and that in accidents due to handling is 63 days per case. The indications from the data for the year 1924 are not materially different from those of the 5-year period except that falls of persons, with 32 cases of fatality, leads machinery, witji 29. STATE ACCIDENT RECORDS— WYOMING 29 T a b l e 31.—N U M BER OF COMPENSABLE ACCIDENTS AND TIM E LOST T H E R E B Y, IN WISCONSIN, 1915 TO 1920 AND 1924, BY CAUSES Accidents resulting in- Accident cause Death Total acci Perma dents nent dis Temporary disability ability Total days lost 1915- 1924 1915- 1924 1916- 1924 1915- 1924 1915-1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 Machinery......... ............ ......... Engines and motors______ Hoisting apparatus.......... . Leather working................. Metal working- ................. Punch presses.............. Paper.................................. Textiles............................... Transmission____________ Woodworking___________ Saws........................... Unclassified........................ Hot substances, electricity, etc. Falling objects........................... Falls of persons......................... Handling objects and tools___ Vehicles................................... Unclassified_____ . _____ . ____ 232 29 3,991 9 68 108 11 385 1 165 2 1 1,439 24 2 . . . . . 545 7 204 1..... 55 31 83 25 7 1,164 12 4 547 25 3 428 151 18 185 152 10 283 160 32 303 80 12 1,225 176 20 256 103 34 525 Total................................ 1,054 978 16,982 13 660 84 2,728 43 585 280 5,111 85 762 47 1,271 13 389 20 428 328 4,125 169 1,824 150 1,685 37 5,382 73 7,405 125 10,869 451 27,059 92 5,108 133 8,809 3,331 21,205 59 737 556 3,221 96 752 864 6*574 113 1,809 189 1,482 79 445 89 542 776 5,314 427 2,383 623 2,138 880 6,718 1,183 7,840 2,818 11,332 7,572 28,364 1,578 5,540 3,360 9,437 4,338 72 651 140 1,145 198 238 92 113 1,111 600 776 935 1,266 2,975 8,035 1,690 3,527 1924 Aver age days lost per case 19151920 4,691,400 912,463 221.24 118,068 13,190 160.20 1,105,672 148,237 343.27 122,342 34,604 162.69 1,106,139 200,970 168.26 329,358 62,055 251.61 225,843 58,375 152.39 80,795 13,007 181.36 318,566 42,312 587.76 1,053,719 272,431 198.29 522,735 133,839 219.36 560,256 129,337 262.05 1.279.182 175,842 223.71 1.423.182 145,122 181.53 1,695,767 365,071 149.64 1,781,827 507,995 62.82 1,524,010 252,719 275.09 1,402,689 423,944 148.64 155 6,768 1,889 81,614 20,722 89,436 22.76fill3.798.057 2,783,156 154.28 i 1 WYOMING Coal mining in Wyoming, as wherever it is an important industry, is a prolific source of casualty, there being 28 fatalities in 1920 and 55 in 1924. Oil and gas are next in order with 6 fatalities in 1920 and 21 in 1924. It is probable that the marked increase in fatalities in 1924 over 1920 is in considerable degree due to expansion of industry. T a b l e 3 3 .— N UM BER OF ACCIDENTS IN W YOM ING, 1920 AND 1924, BY INDUSTRIES Accidents resulting i n Industry 1920 Cement and products...................................... Clay, glass, and stone______________ _______ Construction________ ______ ______________ Food products__ —___ _____ _____ _________ Lumber and wood products_____. _________ Mercantile......................................................... ...................... Metals and ................. products Mines, coal.................................. . ......... ......... Mines (not coal) and quarries......................... Municipal......................................................... Oil and gas........................................................ Printing..____ _______ _____ _____ _________ Public service___ _________ _________. . . . . . . U n cla ssified .........._____________________ Total__ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2063°—27----- 3 Permanent disability Temporary disability 1924 1920 1924 1920 2 1 1 21 8 4 4 3 64 23 2 1 Death 1 2 2 1 1 28 2 55 1 6 21 7 1 41 1 1 10 88 158 1 43 8 6 124 31 72 1920 444 17 106 2 18 32 21 248 4 74 20 13 13 8 467 6 1 153 3 15 42 113 618 1,556 819 43 26 2 51 12 9 8 4 875 4 1924 i oiai accidents 2 577 23 1924 9 6 149 34 74 a S 675 491 21 272 1,757 30 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES SUMMARY OF STATE REPORTS, 1920 AND 1924 In Tables 33 to 36 an effort has been made to compare the State accident data, by principal classification groups and by individual States, for the years 1920 and 1924. In those cases where 1924 data were lacking tne latest available data have been used. As already noted, some of the States make no accident reports, and very few classify their data at all completely. CLASSIFICATION BY INDUSTRIES Table 33 gives for the years 1920 and 1924, respectively, the num ber of accidents for the States which classify their accidents according to industry. An attempt has been made, with a fair degree of suc cess, to use a uniform classification. The 1920 compilation records 597,215 accident cases and the 1924 compilation 696,369. The States covered, however, are not abso lutely the same. The 1920 compilation relates to 21 States, while the 1924 compilation covers only 20 States and includes the important State of New York which was not included in 1920. Therefore, no inference can be drawn that the increase in accident cases represents an increasing hazard. On the whole, indeed, this table gives no definite answer to the question, “ Is accident hazard increasing?” Nor can an answer be expected until the factor of employee exposure is more exactly known than is at present the case. It is much to be desired that other compensation States should classify their accident cases in accordance with the comparatively simple classification here used, and particularly is it a matter of regret that the important State of Ohio must be omitted in these compila tions because of the lack of such a classification. T a b l e 3 3 .— N U M BE R OF ACCIDENTS IN SPECIFIED STATES IN 1920 AND 1924, i B Y INDUSTRIES California Industry Ala Ark bama. ansas, 19222 1920 Idaho * Jan. 1 to 1920 June 1920 Indiana Kansas 1924 1920 1923 1920 1921 1920 1924 Unclassified____________ Total. 1920 1923 1920 8,313 5,274 2,443 477 229 563 1,160 4,977 3*549 3,190 4,637 2,452 2,112 454 427 506 696 '§,'579 1,982 2,636 3,355 2,274 9941 1,343 1,428 770 179 216 47 j 163 1,294 2,147 1,259 810 228 508 6,115 7,819 714 978 1,814 2,511 1,300 1,218 2,584 13,651 9,555 1,638 90* 5,96811,573 873 409 235 77 1691 422 224 184 196 206 118 1,040 2,115 113 8 886 207 2,300 1,058 1,057 143 1/ 965 2,166 1,176 1,272 13,881 12,807 17,101 8,683 13,249 14,599 4,222 4,851 65 ‘4,721 3*789 1,210 2,875 437 168 477 698 231 32 550 31 7,181 3,452 419 447 9,132 4,288 305 1,088 554 2 137 273 130 17,753 14,938 327 618 609 705 825 248 791 2,671 3,277 4,843 9C0 1,5 103, 192 6 19 196 339 88 100 586 781 72 631 841 444 490 345 406 431 79 85 41 335 316 335 878 4,145 • 2,494 2,541 5,032 6,518 1,242 1,338 34 1,944 2,353 5,769 1,420 70,405 44,397 5,086 11,961 50,585 61,81042,994 34,396 45 138 285 38 1922 19151920 1920 98 128 267 51 1,306 2,136 18 284 1,436 2,079 2,014 1,611 1,308 1,211 134 210 262 4,664 3,631 57 102 865 2,174 2,294 1,471 1,050 1,747 54 1 315 611 3,135 1,969 "841 18,710 109 130 769 58 576 102 175 330 154 136 5,036 9,333 2,973 3,156 » Where 1924 data were cot available, the latest available data are given. * Compensable eases. 19204 1924 4 309! 112 348 211 167 2,790 1,605 5,009 168 2,041 2,072 208 159 718 762 204 530 1,731 8,322 3,535 246 133 265 130 131 115 130 11,246 10.054 126 64 761 1,617 7,563 14,704 1,713 2,584 7 955 REPORTS Textiles_________________ 1924 STATE Oil and gas.................... . Paper and products......... Printing and publishing. Public service................... Shipbuilding................. - 1920 OP Mercantile___________ ___ __ Metals and metal products___ Mines, coal............................... Mines (not coal) and quarries. Municipal................................. 120 Minnesota4 189 281 292 148 91 1,104 156 1* 8 916 1,457 1,614 581 746 135 196 713 1,724 3,713 5,251 2,731 3,056 62 52 7 340 4,286 2,018 735 233 8,327 chusetts SUMMARY Food products (including beverages) Leather and rubber....................... Lumber and its remanufacture... Lumber: Logging.......................... Lumber: Logging railways........... 2 Maryland Mon tana, Neva* da, 30, 1924 s Agriculture.................. Chemicals.................... Clay, glass, and stone. Clothing...................... Construction............... . Kentucky 73 10,974 16,155 28,133 6,694 13,919 65,488 64,890 12,73810,657 31,314 1,176 >Tabulatable accidents. * Compensation claims allowed. • Claims filed. * Indudes shipbuilding. 09 T a b l e 3 3 . — N U M B E R OF ACC ID E N TS IN SPECIFIED STATES IN 1020 AN D 1924, BY INDUSTRIES-Continued New Jersey Industry Ne Newvada, Hamp1924 shire, 1924 Ore gon, 1920 1920 41 365 Total.......................................... 1,377 ! 2,817 419 1,585 91 1,027 10,973 379 7,821 22,187 1 113 168 746 1,427 387jj 277 1,685 1,475 891: 8,982 16,932 6,496 1,843 4,368 74; 20; 13!! 1 1 1 13: 8 467 6 1 1920 « 1924 • com com pila pila tion tion 5,354 4,100 9,390 10,034 6 12,443 17,696 2,818 6,522 149 54,337 84,175 34 26,881 27,827 9,477 9,624 74 39,979 38,602 5*416 17,245 26,938 2 129,629 120,578 675 77,372 104,203 24 30,360 20,947 2,272 3,157 153; 418 2,369 2,504 151 28,916 18,272 1,062 120 2,344 666| 5,336 2,709 6,525 40 137 306 183 442 641 475 2,943 128 59 181 349 316 1,026 1,183 1,475 2,049 75 343 258 459 *7,'715 1,471 7,921 3,549 2,461 28,841 48,241 58,078 22,714 46,517 13,389|l74,979 177,539 2,724 17,189 9,571 19,391 31,336 18,441 22,766 491 9,216 24,919 5,794 7,685 3i 5,944 6,256 15| 21 59,682 54,024 8,516 933 i----I 15,754 18,218 42| 281 68,752|104,515 819| 1,757 597,215 696,369 i * Compensable cases. « Compensation claims allowed. i Compensable cases dosed. •Indudes also data for Montana for 1915 to 1920 and for South Dakota, Tennessee, and Washington for 1921. •Includes also data for Indiana for 1921, for Alabama and Minnesota for 1922, for Illinois, Massachusetts, and New York for 1923, and for California for first six months of 1924. STATES Textiles___________ . . . __ ______ . . . . Unclassified.________ _____ '_______ 86 65 56 1,526 712 7 , i « 4,559 2,447 445 ""667 12,745 334 515 107 472 440 4 1924 UNITED 31 400 375 22 379 209 504 34 2,505 266 67! 717 1,532 2,371 1,714 3,734 501 1,366 i 594 1,450 630 1,481 396 295 596 47 3,005 5,193 4,061 1,720 2,887 4,584 2,322 5,416 1920 102 56 4,750 1,348 1,356 j 3,854 4,482 59 1,229 91! 7.269 9,307 9,110 1,852 2,103 i .o d 49.793 47,488; 45 2,885! ! 24| 47,787 54,449: 1,256 1,112 1,216 237! 1.589 2. ! 688 211 84 446 618 3,934 6,360 1 1.173 2.57fi:_____ 311 14 20 1924 Total IN 940 Wisconsin7 Wyoming * West Vir ginia, 1924 1924 1920 ACCIDENTS Oil and gas________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paper and products____________ . . . . Printing and publishing___________ Public service._________. . . . . . . . . __ Shipbuilding........................................ 1924 353 135 1,755 1,982 1,081 28 2,7)33 2,623 420i 1.019! 1.003 44 617 959 64 5,736 5,999 95; 1,324! 1,970 15 18 22 1,211 1,440 107 5.9&&11. 559 ML230 *1,620 5,039 1,798 12,920 16,260 1 j 26 397 1,823 3,029 613 589 772 3,795 4,375 1 91 598 29 1,930 1,452 280 1,679 408 995 2,699 1,095 725 4,191 3,593 4,216 2,189 297|1____ _ Food products_____________ _____ _ Leather and rubber...................... ...... Lumber and its remanufacture_____ Lumber: Logging. _______ _________ Lumber: Logging,railways . . . . . . . . . Mercantile........... ........................ . . . . Metals and metal products_________ Mines, coal......................... ................ Mines (not coal) and quarries.. . . . . . Municipal_____________________ . . . New York, 1924 19232 1920 South Tenn Da kota, essee, 1924 1921 1921 1921 INDUSTRIAL Agriculture____ ___________________ Chemicals________________________ Clay, glass, and stone______________ Clothing_________________________ Construction..____________ ____ __ 1920 Washington Pennsylvania Oklahoma SUMMARY OF STATE REPORTS 33 CAUSE OF INJURY In the 1920 compilation there were 18 States whose accidents were recorded according to a cause classification. The number of the accidents so classified was 714,023. For 1924 such a classification could be made for 17 States and four others were available for the years 1922 and 1923. The total accident cases for 1924 so classified are 647,495 and for 1922 and 1923 are 190,547, making a grand total of 838,042 for the later period. The handling of tools and objects gives rise to the greatest number of accidents shown in Table 34, there being a total of 472,805 cases in the two periods. Machinery comes next, with a total of 294,951. In this table hoisting apparatus is considered as a form of machinery. Not giving cranes and other hoisting and carrying apparatus a separate classification tends to obscure the continued importance of machinery as a cause of accident. If it were possible to show these cases on a severity basis the high importance of machinery as an industrial hazard would be still more strikingly evident. TABLE 34.—NU M BE R OP ACCIDENTS IN TH E SPECIFIED STATES, 1920 AND 1924, B Y CAUSE OF INJURY Accidents due to specified cause State Han Hot Ma Falls of dling Vehi Unclas Total sub Falling chinery stances objects persons tools or cles sified objccts 1920 California......... Idaho»_______ Illinois K______ Indiana_______ Kentucky *----Massachusetts. Minnesota1— New Jersey.8. . . North Dakota.. Ohio................. Oregon.............. Pennsylvania.. Tennessee4___ Vermont.......... Washington Wisconsin_____ Wyoming *....... T o ta l.... i Compensation claims allowed. * Compensable cases only. * Data for year ending June 30,1921. * Data for 1921. 8,410 495 7,240 1,101 1,232 1,036 15,307 2,475 2,986 173 79,043 2,079 21,935 675 971 1,615 3,986 91 4,283 9,465 5,688 752 116 1,471 5,799 2,928 8,204 6,187 1,856 5,384 625 842 3,820 395 1,150 1,087 3,029 9,176 2,412 1,769 603 1,088 1,014 2,424 M 46 74 114 148 8,417 12,442 6,404 431 1,335 1,888 8,721 22,378 20,187 1,302 2,877 3,009 200 2,057 669 278 1,865 1,588 1,063 986 1,826 53 273 95 151,750 39,553 74,832 6)867 11,247 24,445 70,405 588 4,957 1,313 222 9,455 50,585 12,276 4,683 9,304 8,792 1,772 34,396 3,903 5,733 16,155 6,694 1,284 ’ “"588" 1,154 4,149 7,484 65,488 23,931 1,170 : 12,738 1,351 4,282 4,609 . 28,036 2,905 7,652 147 177 1 1,331 498 4,391 13,722 182,970 58,551 13,389 4,755 769 1,232 65,398 18,369 17,991 174,979 465 6,195 17,189 2,666 8,080 2,613 1,544 26 843 9.571 2,824 558 577 2,565 16,248 5,245 70 812 74 156 74,308 232,926 47,913 92,741 714,023 34 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES T a b l e 34*—N UM BER OF ACCIDEN TS IN THE SPECIFIED STATES, 1920 AND 1924, BY CAUSE OF INJURY—Continued Accidents due to specified cause State Han Hot Ma Falls of dling sub Falling chinery stances objects persons tools or objects 1924 Alabama8. ........................................... Arizona •....................................... ...... California K......................................... Illinois»............................................... Kansas................................................. Kentucky............................................ Maryland 8.......................................... Massachusetts *_.................................. Minnesota........................................... New Hampshire.................................. New Jersey.......................................... New York 10........................................ North Dakota11................................... Ohio » .................................................. Oklahoma............................................ Pennsylvania...................................... Tennessee............................................. Utah..................................................... Vermont M.......................................... West Virginia».................................... Wisconsin -m......................................... 764 88 7,216 5, T.98 1.292 (32 2,147 11, sot> 1,015 fi04 8.708 11,28(1 tW 57.744 1, .340 22. ir>i 2,077 1,510 1,379 1,408 4,338 Total.......................................... 143,201 1 792 52 3,170 3,652 650 671 647 2,926 649 55 1.393 2,646 94 8,794 1,852 7.720 1,066 1,001 339 1,985 1,018 Vehi Unclas Total cles sified 531 115 4,701 14.775 2,572 3,790 4,554 8,936 2,057 974 8,595 7,010 322 16,680 25,393 18,902 5,772 1,331 1,731 10,655 3,082 5,768 927 44,397 61,810 10,974 28, m 13,919 64,890 15,681 2,461 48,218 58,078 1,809 162,044 46,517 177,539 21,364 14,200 10,507 26,039 22,766 79,284 143,168 838,012 894 427 1,452 909 355 77 86 154 3,259 5,098 5,898 15,057 11,940 3,791 7,508 14,486 727 893 3,272 1,568 1.567 7,631 1,274 13,068 1,191 1,551 1,215 2,614 9,219 24,304 3,651 4,548 1,184 2,778 1,324 5,774 92 260 404 72 11,413 2,750 3,096 12,263 3,881 9,217 18,785 4,653 137 630 215 213 9,838 8,221 54,141 6,626 6,762 2,577 ft. 198 2,395 22,613 17,614 53,033 34,480 5,317 3,099 3,070 963 4,353 2,753 1,856 1,396 799 3,258 3,001 1,433 3,994 6,564 1,628 I 2,075 " 8,035" 1,0»0 41,172 111, 133 80.305 239,879 i Compensation claims allowed. * Data for 1922—compensable oases only. * Data for mines only. 7Data for first six months of 1924. * Data for 1923—compensable cases. * Compensation claims filed—data does not include 13 fatal cases. 10 Data for 1923—compensable cases only. 11 Compensation claims filed. » Data does not include self-insured. u Data does not include 43 fatal cases> Compensable cases closed. NATURE OF INJURY In the 1920 compilation 12 States were found to have classified their accidents by the nature of the injury. For 1924, 6 States had such a record and for 1923 such classified data were available for 3 States. The figures in the groups “ Bruises” and “ Cuts, lacerations and punctures,” taken together, are much in excess of those in all others. Several States do not indicate the nature of the injury in fatal cases. There seems to be no good reason for this omission. SUMMARY OF STATE REPORTS 35 T able 35 .—N U M BER OF ACCIDENTS IN SPECIFIED STATES, 1920 AND 1924, B Y NATURE OF INJURY Accidents, classified by nature of Injury Cuts, lacera IBruises tions, and punc tures State Ampu phyxi-i tations atiGns Frac tures Sprains i and . Unclasdisloca-j silled Total tions ! i 1020 California......... . Idaho »............... Illinois *............ . Indiana.............. Kentucky 1____ Maryland 1____ Massachusetts.., Minnesota_____ Montana............ Pennsylvania__ Tennessee *____ Wyoming»........ . Total. 1,286 24 2.156 622 256 803 1,538 313 1,566 185 8,338 145 ; 17,987 130 1,280 043 ; 12,344 8.765 477 2,153 536 1,309 —“ I -,147 16,907 26 625 3,773 1.560 287 I 11, 7i; 128 ........ I 1, 233 ! 4,076 so: 4412 20,232 2,144 16,287 6,351 3,275 1,075 21,819 3,446 1,586 51,006 5,837 12,549 624 7,204 3,980 1,191 1,194 876 .655 4,357 11,305 2,288 1,822 429 465 14,816 20.682 003 1,440 184 ! 84 7,566 261 3,674 9,997 1,044 1,851 8,415 445 752 3,025 3,515 52 70,403 5,129 50,585 34,396 9,590 6,694 65,488 12,738 4,914 174,979 17,189 812 333 i 26,008 jl41,694 133,958 42,045 ! 61,968 38,597 452,919 1,813 4,810 626 1,545 7,137 373 2,446 1,310 1,327 44,397 61,810 28,133 21,387 316,711 (») 7,641 657 5,877 2,790 1024 California Illinois»___ Kentucky. Maryland 8 Minnesota*__ New York 10~_ Vermont M___ "Washington Total... 1,052 2,282 124 387 1,430 153 20 ‘ 107“ 539 5,967 127 2,403 3,359 592 770 2,846 663 3,044 351 419 I 11,140 i 18.749 ! 18,638 i 3,767 , 15,959 j 5,172 i»16,963 i 4,348 5,667 14,456 ;100,403 j 13,328 5,713 I 15,272 7,614 i 6,242 506 1,188 ! 4,016 19,970 4,738 4.284 2.416 <22,427 “ 13,193 J,277 f 3.170 5,535 94,244 8,948 9,724 1,405 2,122 12,810 <2,513 "M 39,918 ; 40,209 15,681 58,078 10,507 19,391 i Compensation claims allowed. * Compensable cases. * Data for 1921. 4 Including cuts, lacerations, and puncturos. » Included under “ Bruises.” * Data for first 6 months of 1024—tabular-able cases. i Data for 1923. * Data does not include 95 fatal cases. * Closed cases. i®Data for 1923—compensated case3. ii Includes sprains. i* Includes amputations and dislocations. » Data does not include 43 fatal cases. LOCATION OP INJURY Table 36 records the accident experience of certain States in the matter of location of injury. The 1920 compilation covered 11 States and 460,534 cases and the 1924 compilation 10 States with 341,099 cases. The location of injury has no great significance from an accidentprevention standpoint except as regards eye injuries. It can not, of course, be assumed that because there are instances where the adop tion of protective measure has been followed by the reduction of eye injuries to zero the same result can always be secured. It must, however, be strongly suspected that the major portion of the 48,502 injuries to the eyes recorded in this table were needless. It may also be urged that some progress has been made when it is noted that the earlier compilation records 29,663 cases and the later 18,839. If this change represents, as it very well may, a larger use of protective de vices, there is hope that eye injuries may ultimately cease altogether. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 36 As might be anticipated, the upper extremities are most often damaged, there being shown a total of 333,195 such cases. It is quite certain that an examination of these cases from the standpoint of severity would show other locations with greater severity rates. T a b l e 3 6 . — N U M BE R OF ACCIDENTS IN SPECIFIED STATES, 1920 A ND 1924, BY LOCA TION OF INJURY Accidents, classified by location of injury State Head, face, and neck 1920 California.................................... Idaho1........................................ Illinois3...................................... Indiana *..................................... Kentucky....... ............... .......... Maryland1................................. Massachusetts............................ Minnesota................................... Oklahoma.................................. Pennsylvania.............................. Wyoming1................................. Total................................. i 1924 Arizona....................................... California4................................. Idaho........................................... Illinois8...................................... Kentucky................................... Maryland................................... Massachusetts •.......................... New York................................... Oklahoma................................... Vermont •................................... Total................................. j i Compensable cases. * Compensation claims allowed. Eyes Trunk Upper ex Lower ex Unclassi tremities tremities fied Total 29,469 1,970 22,752 13,498 7,113 2,603 31,667 5,681 9,071 64,862 254 19,741 1,545 14,926 9,783 4,352 2,070 17,091 3,551 5,202 52,931 307 2,031 80 240 3,446 434 3,084 11,597 13 9,937 725 7,401 4,103 2,949 557 8,570 2,487 2,747 30,235 102 34 70,405 5,136 50,585 84,396 16,587 6*694 65,488 12,738 22,714 174,979 812 29,663 69,813 188,940 131,499 6,513 460,534 88 61 2,659 2,345 8il 996 2,623 3,708 2,570 1,166 552 490 6,284 2,461 ” ’ ’ i,’ 5i9‘ 6,109 2,967 698 1,812 117 6,980 1,802 9,717 3,352 2,007 11,933 8,791 4,435 935 365 18,086 4,574 27,918 13,213 6,088 29,187 27,665 12,200 4,959 18,839 50,069 144,255 4,023 423 3.007 2,390 2,173 394 3,645 527 2.008 15,354 102 34,10G 21,030 5,204 393 2,439 2,813 3 Data for 1921. 1,809 830 1,069 58 602 260 46 12,551 1,776 3,467 311 17,844 7,796 .......... 36" 4,196 586 17,486 2,322 15,320 8,043 12,763 2,103 89,066 17,840 887 44,397 11,961 61,810 28,133 13,919 64,890 58,078 46*517 30,507 341,099 * Data for 1923. 4 Data for first 6 months of 1924. * Data does not include fatal cases. STEAM RAILWAYS The Interstate Commerce Commission publishes at regular intervals accident bulletins giving very detailed information regard ing the accident experience of American steam railways. The data in the tables which follow are derived from these bulletins. Table 37 presents summary figures showing the number killed and injured during the period from 1888 to 1924. For no other Ameri can industry has accident experience been recorded for so long a time with equal completeness. The greatly lessened hazard is shown very conclusively by the figures for passenger casualty. The peak of passenger fatality was in 1907 when 610 were killed. The high year for passenger injuries was 1913 with 15,130 cases. From this point there has been an irregular decline until 1924, when 153 passengers were killed and 6,023 injured. The data for employees show the peak of fatality (4,534) also in 1907, the peak of injury (176,923) being in 1916. By 1924 fatalities had declined to 1,479 and injuries to 124,655. 37 STEAM RAILWAYS The peak for “ other persons” was in 1913, with 6,899 killed and 13,761 injured. If the data for recent years could be put on a rate basis the decline in casualty would be much more striking. T a b l e 37 .—N U M BER OF PASSENGERS, EM PLOYEES, AND OTHER PERSONS KILLE D OR INJURED IN REPORTABLE STEAM RA ILW A Y ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS IN THE UNITED STATES, 1888 TO 1924, B Y YEARS i Passengers Employees Other persons Total Year ending— Killed Injured Killed Injured Killed Injured June 30,1888.................................. June 30, 1889.................................. Juno 30,1890.................................. June 30,1891.................................. June 30,1892.................................. June 30,1893.................................. June 30,1894.................................. June 30,1895.................................. June 30, 1896................................ . June 30,1897................... .............. June 30,1898......... ....................... June 30,1899............ ..................... June 30, 1900.................................. June 30,1901.............. .................. June 30,1902.................................. June 30,1903.................................. Juno 30,1904___ _____ ...__ . . . . . . June 30,1905.................................. June 30, 1906.................................. Juno 30, 1907.................................. June 30,1908.................................. June 30,1909.................................. June 30,1910................................. June 30,1911.................................. June 30,1912................... ............. June 30,1913................................. June 30,1914.................................. June 30,1915.................................. June 30,1916.................................. Dec. 31,1916.................................. Dec. 31,1917.................................. Dec. 31,1918.................................. Dec. 31,1919.................................. Dec. 31,1920.................................. Dec. 31,1921.................................. Dcc. 31,1922.................................. Dec. 31, 1923.................................. Dec. 31, 1924.................................. 315 310 286 293 276 299 324 170 181 222 221 239 249 282 345 355 441 537 359 610 381 253 324 299 283 350 232 199 239 246 301 471 273 229 205 200 143 153 2,138 2,146 2,425 2,972 3,227 3,229 3,034 2,375 2,873 2,795 2,945 3,442 4,128 4,988 6,683 8,231 9,111 10,457 10,764 13,041 11,556 10,311 12,451 12,042 14,938 15,130 13,887 10,914 7,488 7,152 7,582 7,316 7,456 7,591 5,584 6* 153 6,463 6*023 2,070 1,972 2,451 2,660 2,554 2,727 1,823 1,811 1,861 1,693 1,958 2,210 2,550 2,675 2,969 3,606 3,632 3,361 3,929 4,534 3,405 2,610 3,382 3,602 3,635 3,716 .3,259 2,152 2,687 2,941 3,199 3,419 2,138 2,578 1,446 1,648 1,940 1,479 20,148 20,028 22,396 26,140 28,267 31,729 23,422 25,696 29,969 27,667 31,761 34,923 39,643 41,142 50,524 60,481 67,067 66,833 76,701 87,644 82,487 75,006 95,671 126,039 142,442 171,417 165,212 138,092 160,663 176,923 174,247 156,013 131,018 149,414 104,530 116*757 151,960 124,655 2,897 3,541 3,598 4,076 4,217 4,320 4,300 4,155 4,406 4,522 4,680 4,674 5,066 5,498 5,274 5,879 5*973 5.805 6,330 6,695 6,402 5,859 5,976 6,495 6,667 6,899 6*811 6,270 6,438 6,814 6,587 5,396 4,567 4,151 4,345 4,477 5,302 4,985 Killed Injured 3,602 5,282 4,135 6,823 4,206 6,335 4,769 7,029 5,158 7,147 5,435 7,346 5,433 6*447 5,677 6,136 5,845 6,448 6,269 6,437 6*859 6,176 6,255 7,123 6*549 7,865 7,209 8,455 7,455 8,588 9,840 7,841 7,977 10,046 9,703 8,718 10,241 10,618 10,331 1 11,839 10,187 !i 10,188 10,309 8*722 11,385 9,682 12,078 10,398 12,158 10,585 13,761 10,964 13,563 10,302 8,621 13,034 12,224 9,364 12,647 10,001 12,976 10,087 11,246 9,286 10,579 6,978 11,304 6,958 10,571 5,996 6,325 11,961 13,289 7,385 13,061 6,617 25,888 26,309 29,027 33,881 36,652 40,393 31,889 33,748 38,687 36,731 40,882 44,620 50,320 53,339 64,662 76,553 81,155 86,008 97,706 111,016 104,230 95,626 119,507 150,159 169,538 200,308 192,662 162,040 180,375 196,722 194,805 174,575 149,053 168,309 120,685 134,871 171,712 143,739 1 Figures for years 1911 to 1915 include industrial and other nontrain accidents to employees only; and for years 1908 to 1910 do not cover switching and terminal roads; otherwise, the statement covers all reportable accidents. Table 38 shows for the years 1917 to 1924 a summary of (rain and train service accidents for various classes of persons. T a b l e 3 8 . — ACCIDEN TS ON STEAM R A ILW A YS OF ALL CLASSES IN THE UNITED STATES, 1917 TO 1924, BY YEARS A N D CLASSES OF PERSONS INJURED 1917 1919 1918 1921 1920 1922 1924 1923 Class Silled Injured Sailed Injured Killed Injured Killed Injured Killed Injured Killed Injured Killed Injured Killed Injured 133 2,420 193 2,465 89 2,077 72 2,409 123 2,179 2,948 73 2,357 139 2,705 105 2,674 195 2,852 90 2,466 170 2,683 4,243 3,829 3,255 2,805 2,553 2,658 2,166 2,368 % 481 3,071 2,430 2,844 2,779 3,047 2,556 2,853 Employees on duty: Trainmen...................... .......................... 1,492 Other employees................................... . 1,124 Employees not on duty........................... ...... m Passengers................................... ............ ..... 301 42 Persons carried under contract..................... Other nontrespassers........................... ......... 2,200 47,887 4,349 544 7,582 762 1,606 1,153 169 471 48 1,995 42,944 4,017 595 7,316 760 5,701 984 709 66 273 28 1,882 32,844 3,436 321 7,456 691 5,195 1,265 842 91 229 35 1,867 42,840 4,080 314 7,591 865 5,728 658 438 41 205 21 1,743 25,968 2,556 223 5,584 560 5,362 719 522 57 200 25 1,898 29,311 2,880 243 6,153 651 5,907 937 625 82 138 21 2,339 36,195 3,281 258 5*847 674 7,162 672 520 54 149 20 2,244 29,224 2,950 227 5,354 557 7,206 Total non trespassers.............. .............. 5,324 67,141 5,442 61,339 3,942 49,943 4,329 61,418 3,106 40,253 3,421 45,145 4,143 53,417 3,669 45,518 Grand total______ _________________ 9,567 j 70,970 8,697 64,144 6,495 52,601 6,495 63,786 5,587 43,324 5*851 47,989 6,922 56,464 6,215 48,371 Total trespassers........................ 189 NONTRESPASSERS 5,987 Nontrain accidents 418 102 121,467 2,308 491 98 108,457 1,974 379 104 94,417 2,035 380 83 102,180 2,343 309 100 75,783 ! 1,578 j 359 115 84,763 2,119 381 82 112,944 2,304 297 105 92,918 2,450 Total_____________________________ 520 123,835 589 110,431 483 96,452 463 104,523 409 77,361 474 86,882 463 115,248 402 95,368 STATES I Employees not concerned with operation of trains.......................................... ............ Other persons................................................. UNITED 98 2,707 IN 74 3,181 ACCIDENTS 207 3,622 149 Employees...................................................... Other persons................................................ 4,094 INDUSTRIAL Train and train service accident* TRESPASSERS STEAM RAILWAYS 39 CASUALTIES TO TRAINMEN ON CLASS I RAILROADS,4 1916 TO 1924 Table 39 is drawn from Accident Bulletin No. 93 of the Interstate Commerce Commission (p. 112). The table has been rearranged to permit comparisons which are somewhat difficult to make in the original form. The rates have also been recalculated on the basis of 1,000,000 hours’ exposure rather than of 1,000 men employed. This renders them fairly comparable with rates computed for other industries. It is an important step toward general comparability that the Interstate Commerce Commission has in recent years required exposure to be reported in terms of man-hours. The table is of particular interest in view of recent discussion of the question “ Are accidents increasing?” In the course of such discussion it has become quite evident that our accident statistics are as yet neither sufficiently extended nor sufficiently precise to make possible a general answer to this question. There is a strong tendency to draw conclusions from current experiences, and if the present year shows higher rates or greater cost than the preceding year to suspect that this is an indication of a general tendency. The showing of the railway accident statistics is accordingly important because they have been kept long enough and are of such a degree of accuracy as to justify regarding their indications as de pendable. They afford an opportunity for testing the immediate impression by the trend disclosed by a longer interval. In this case, as always, the really informative figures are those of rates for fatality and for injury. If the number of trainmen, of fatalities, and of injuries be considered separately it will be difficult, if not impossible, to see clearly wliat the figures indicate. It is only when it is possible to unite the exposure with the number of cases or with the loss of time expressed in days and so to produce frequency or severity rates that- the significance becomes evident. In this railway group it is not possible to determine severit3r rates. The following observations regarding accident frequency on the railroads are suggested by inspection of the tables: 1. There was a marked drop from 1916 to 1924, this downward tendency being evident in each of the occupational groups. The fatality frequency for all trainmen declined 49 per cent and the injury frequency 40 per cent. 2. There are two years during the period— 1920 and 1923—in which there was a decided upward tendency as compared with the preceding years. For all trainmen fatalities rose 19 per cent from 1919 to 1920 and 14 per cent from 1922 to 1923. Rates for injury rose 23 per cent from 1919 to 1920 and 9 per cent from 1922 to 1923. 3. As a rule there was a drop from 1916 to 1920 and a further drop from 1920 to 1923. 4. In fatalities the lowest rates are found in 1924, while the lowest year in injuries is 1921. These figures are quite conclusive that whatever may be true of other industries, American railways have maintained a successful fight against conditions which tend toward increased accident rates. 4 Class I roads are those roads whose annual operating revenues are above $1,000,000. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 40 T able 39.—N U M BER OF T R AIN M E N IN SERVICE ON CLASS I RAILROADS, N U M BE R OF FATALITIES AND OF INJURIES A N D FREQUENCY RATES (PER 1,000,000 HOURS' EXPOSURE) FOR FATALITIES AND INJURIES AMONG TR A IN M E N , 1916 TO 1924, BY YEARS A N D OCCUPATIONS NUMBER OF TRAINMEN IN SERVICE Occupation 1916 1917 Yard service: Engineers........ ................ Firemen.......................... Conductors...................... Brakemen........................ 15,878 16, ISO 15,362 40,175 18,933 19,510 18,703 48,451 1918 ' j 1920 1919 21,310 21,97V 20,823 53,790 J9, 025 20,031 19,325 49,303 ‘ 21,363 ! 21,549 1 20,236 : 50,799 Total............................ 87,605 I0‘>, M3 j117,902 108,284 ! ll 3 ,947 Rood freight service: Engineers........................ Firemen........................... Conductors...................... Brakemen....................... i | 33,594 35,756 27,297 67,127 31,675 33,637 23,430 63,285 34,155 36,828 27,152 67,818 : 34,990 | 38,102 ! 27,679 i 69,048 1922 16,929 17,343 16,745 42,721 18,703 19,249 18,639 46,953 1924 1923 ! ! ! ; i . 1921 30,907 32,938 25,181 61,989 22,142 22,664 22,002 55,301 | 20,593 21,106 20,545 51,775 93,738 103,544 122,109 ; 114,019 28,317 30,317 22,598 50,620 29,372 31,507 23,254 57,746 34,137 36,504 26,901 65,750 31,015 33.346 24,864 60,539 Total............................ 154,027 165,953 !169,819 151,015 ;163,774 137,852 1141,879 163,292 149,764 Road passenger service: Engineers........................ Firemen........................... Conductors...................... Brakemen........................ Baggagemen.................... 13,429 12,924 13,297 12,709 12,442 13,105 10,655 14,854 5,524 12,419 10,444 14,423 5,371 12,112 10,382 14,904 5,442 12,630 10,788 15,849 5,661 12,768 10,546 15,315 5,751 57,435 55,366 55,282 57,858 57,304 12,930 12,710 12,977 12,674 11,730 14,369 5,846 13,042 12,491 11,380 14,350 5,729 12,754 11,756 14,558 5,871 56,660 57,981 57,596 All trainmen................ ,299,243 328,991 ;343,087 314,581 335,579 288,894 302,083 343,382 321,379 13,131 10,633 14,800 5,618 FATALITIES AMONG TRAINMEN Number Yard service: Engineers........................ Firemen........................... Conductors..................... Brakemen........................ 11 22 71 341 16 23 78 401 11 27 73 397 15 14 50 235 9 18 67 363 11 7 39 169 12 5 43 202 12 17 59 263 7 5 45 195 Total............................ 445 518 508 314 457 226 262 351 252 Road freight service: Engineers........................ Firemen........................... Conductors...................... Brakemen........................ 70 107 72 432 72 122 88 478 84 132 104 527 66 70 63 310. 63 84 62 396 32 36 48 186 46 44 37 201 55 59 60 262 37 43 47 168 Total............................ 681 760 847 509 605 302 328 436 | 295 Road passenger service: Engineers........................ Firemen.......................... Conductors...................... Brakemen....................... Baggagemen.................... 45 52 6 8 2 56 49 5 18 8 59 50 11 25 5 50 51 6 17 69 52 6 16 4 37 36 9 10 2 40 39 3 9 6 44 45 7 10 3 32 31 4 13 1 Total............................ 113 136 All trainmen................ 1,239 1,414 ' 150 | 1,505 4 128 147 94 97 109 81 951 1,209 622 687 896 628 STEAM RAILWAYS 41 T able 39.—N U M BER OF T R A IN M E N IN SERVICE ON CLASS I RAILROADS, N U M BER OF FATALITIES AND OF INJURIES AND FREQUENCY RATES (PER 1,000,000 HOURS' EXPOSURES FOR FATALITIES AND INJURIES AM ONG TR AIN M E N , 1916 TO 1924, B Y YEARS AN D OCCUPATIONS-Continued FATALITIES AMONG TRAINMEN—Continued Occupation 1916 1918 1917 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 Frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours' exposure) Yard service: Engineers........................ Firemen........................... Conductors...................... Brakemon....................... 0.23 .45 l..r>4 2.83 0.28 .39 1.39 2.76 Total............................ 1.69 1.64 1.1* 2.46 0.25 .23 .86 1.59 0.14 .28 1.10 2.38 0.22 .13 .78 1.32 0.21 .09 .77 1.43 0.18 .25 .89 1.59 0.11 .08 .73 1.26 1.44 .97 1.34 .SO .84 .96 .74 .80 1.15 1.25 2.54 .71 .71 .83 1.67 .63 .78 .76 1.97 .38 .40 .71 1.09 .52 .47 .53 1.16 .54 .54 .74 1.83 .40 .43 .63 .93 0.17 Road freight service: Engineers........................ Firemen........................... Conductors...................... Brakemcn........................ .74 1.06 .94 2.28 .70 1.10 1.08 2.35 Total............................ 1.47 1.53 1.06 1.12 1.23 .73 .77 .89 .66 Road passenger service: Engineers........................ Firemen........................... Conductors...................... Brakemen....... ................ Baggagemen.................... 1.12 1.32 .19 .18 .12 1.40 1.25 .16 .40 .48 1.55 1.34 . 35 .58 .31 1.34 1.40 .19 .38 .25 1.78 1.37 .19 .34 .24 .95 .94 .28 .22 .12 1.05 1.04 .o& .21 .35 1.12 1.18 .20 .23 .17 .82 .82 .11 .30 .06 Total............................ All trainmen........... i .65 .79 .90 .77 .85 .55 .57 .63 .47 1.38 1.43 1.46 1.01 1.20 .72 .76 .87 .66 INJURIES AMONG TRAINMEN Number Yard service: Engineers........................ 1,078 Firemen........................... 1,644 Conductors...................... 1,993 Brakemen........................ 12,209 1,032 1,905 1,815 12,004 908 1,708 1,440 10,472 680 1,171 1,249 8,296 1,023 1,691 1,607 11,666 546 854 1,094 6,711 746 1,082 1,414 7,562 835 1,561 1,630 10,223 727 1,104 1,498 8,328 Total............................. 16,924 16,756 14,528 11,396 15,987 9,205 10,804 14,249 11,657 Road freight service: Engineers........................ 2,360 Firemen........................... 5,145 Conductors...................... 3,051 Brakemen........................ 13,115 2,578 6,232 3,099 13,0M 2,547 5,706 2,832 11,938 1,888 3,945 2.253 8,829 2,130 5,085 2,593 11,439 1,404 2,791 1,921 7,012 1,649 3,274 2,227 7,613 1,832 4,036 2,501 9,409 1,370 2,747 2,209 7,629 T o ta l....,.................... 23,671 25,003 23,023 16,915 21,347 13,128 14,763 17,778 13,955 Road passenger service: Engineers........................ Firemen........................... Conductors...................... Brakemen........................ Baggagemen.................... 714 1,245 298 718 361 738 1,444 327 699 368 777 1,253 304 674 283 660 1,176 263 579 292 804 1,535 274 688 344 602 997 209 570 269 715 1,144 282 570 308 761 1,295 304 639 316 617 1,017 302 587 303 T o ta l......................... 3,336 3,576 3,291 2,970 3,645 2,647 3,019 3,315 2,826 All trainmen................ 43,921 45,335 40,842 31,281 40,979 24,980 28,586 85,342 28,438 42 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES T a b l e 39.—N U M BE R OF T R A IN M E N IN SERVICE ON CLASS I RAILROADS, N U M BER OF FA TA LITIE S AND OF INJURIES AND FREQ U EN CY RATES (PER 1,000,000 HOURS* EXPOSU RE) FOR FATALITIES AND INJURIES AM ONG TR A IN M E N , 1916 TO 1924, B Y YEARS AND OCCUPATIONS—Continued INJURIES AMONG TRAINMBN—Continued Occupation 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1922 1921 1923 Frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours' exposure) Yard service: Engineers........................ 22.63 Firemen.......................... 33.85 Conductors...................... 43.25 Brakemen...................... 101.90 Total............................ 64.40 14.20 25.90 23.05 64.89 11.55 19.49 21.54 56.09 52.89 j 41.07 35.08 1&17 32.54 32.35 82.59 j| ! ! ]| ; 10.75 ; 13.41 ! 21.78 j 52.36 13.30 18,74 25.29 53.68 12.57 22.97 24.69 61.62 11.77 17.44 24.30 53.61 46.77 ! 32.73 i 34.78 38.90 34.08 15.96 26.16 26.47 76.55 i Road freight service: Engineers........................ Firemen........................... Conductors...................... Brakemen....................... 24.83 50.99 39,99 69.03 25.16 56.41 38.05 64.36 24.26 49.91 34.10 57.63 20. 3 6 ; 21. 1 3 1 16.53 39.92 i 47.40 i 30.69 29.81 j 32.89 | 28.34 47.48 | j 56.80 j 41.28 18.71 34.64 31.92 43.95 17.90 36.85 20.99 47.70 14.72 27.46 29.61 42.01 Total............................ 51.23 5a 22 | 45.19 37.34 | 43.45 | 31.74 34.68 36.29 31.06 18.75 30.53 8.26 13.24 17.92 19.45 33.87 8.62 14.63 17.94 15.85 26.75 8.58 Road passenger service: Engineers........................ Firemen........................... Conductors...................... Brakemen........................ Baggagemen.................... Total............................ All trainmen................ : 17.72 31.60 9.34 18.50 j 20.38 33.63 36.73 10.23 ! 9.70 j 15.69 i 15.58 22.21 ; 17.56 17.68 ; 20.73 ! 15.53 32.36 ; 40.51 i 26.03 8.44 8.47 6.61 12.41 12.95 14.47 17.89 20.26 | 15.56 19.30 20.75 : 19.81 17.91 21.00 | 15.40 17.43 19.06 16.36 48.94 45.93 ! 39.68 j 33.15 j 40.70 i 28.82 31.54 34.31 29.50 16.17 21.42 1 13.62 17.2S Tables 40 and 41 show the number of train accidents of specified kinds and the number due to specified causes. These tables are chiefly interesting in that they show that the improved condition on American railways is a pervasive change, as in whatever way the accident data is analyzed it will appear that improvement has taken place. For example, in 1911 collisions caused 297 deaths and in 1924 only 85; and injuries from collisions declined over the same period from 3,071 to 709. In 1911 there were 209 deaths from coupling cars and in 1924 there were only 72 deaths. T a b l e 40.—N U M BER OF T R AIN ACCIDENTS. 1911 TO 1924, BY YEARS A N D KINDS OF ACCIDEN T Year ending— Collisions Derail ments Other Locomo locomo tive tive holler accidents accidents Miscel laneous Total Fatalities June 30,1911............ ......... .......................... June 30,1912................................................ June 30,1913................................................ June 30,1914................................................ June 30,1915................................................ June 30,1916................................................ Dec. 31,1916................................................ Dec. 31,1917................................................ Dec. 31,1918................................................ Dec. 31,1919................................................ Dec. 31.1920................................................ Dec. 31,1921................................................. Doc. 31,] 922................................................. Doc. 31, 1923................................................. Dec. 31, 1024................................................. 1lnciudeu under “ Miscellaneous” . 297 275 280 224 76 139 169 235 274 136 182 54 103 112 85 249 2-14 227 211 127 131 154 155 218 159 160 101 119 115 97 56 64 41 11 13 24 25 44 41 40 50 29 24 42 24 0) M 0) 0) i 2 6 18 13 9 6 5 10 9 4 14 ! 22 ■ 24 11 7 6 10 620 596 557 452 221 304 357 439 547 359 422 195 253 275 216 STEAM RAILWAYS 43 T a b l e 4 0 .—N U M BER OF T R A IN ACCIDEN TS, 1911 TO 1924, B Y YEARS AND KINDS OF AC C ID E N T —Continued "T i Locorao- j Other , tive i locomo- Miscel boiler ■ tive i laneous accidents: accidcnts t Year ending— Total Injuries June 30,1911. June 30,1912. June 30,1913. June 30,1914. June 30,1915. June 30,1916. Dec. 31,1910.. Dcc. 31,1917.. Dec. 31,1918.. Dec. 31,1919.. Dec. 31,1920Dec. 31,1921. Dec. 31, 1922Dec. 31, 1923. Dee. 31, 1924., 3,071 3,060 3,367 2,250 1,360 1,630 1,963 2,388 !1 2,257 1,276 1.607 559 872 940 709 1,092 936 1,002 630 443 290 346 32ti 294 203 1.748 2,380 2,243 1,820 1,348 1, WO 1,249 1,320 1,433 1,083 1,240 606 709 *39 652 246 54 47 57 45 !£ f 0,601 7,098 6,905 4,823 3,371 3,352 3,731 4,214 4,179 2,955 3,385 1,296 1,711 1,939 1,477 690 722 293 123 211 196 183 122 146 (!) l) 0) 0) {*> <l> 58 49 49 1! 344 235 59 54 88 58 57 i 18 29 15 13 »Included uuder “ Miscellaneous." T a b l e 4 1 . — NUM BER OF TR A IN SERVICE AOOfDENT-3, 1911 TO 1924, BY CAUSES OF ACCIDENT Strik ing Year ending— Total switches struo- • | tures : off Fatalities 'rune30,1911. •une 30,1912. rune 30,1913. June 30,1914. June 30,1915. June 30,1916Dec. 31,1916. Dec. 31,1917. Dec. 31, 1918. Dec. 31, 1919.. Dec. 31, 1920. Dec. 31,1921. Dee. 31, 1922.. Dcc. 31, 1923. Dec. 31, 1924.. 7tV 203 192 195 171 90 123 130 Ifid ifil- 108 151 78 81 103 72 22| 311 14 23! •}1| 20; 45( 60, 22! 37j 241 34! JuO 164 154 113 81 94 106 109 13I: 92 96 65 63 1,197 1,264 1,296 1,132 722 925 1,033 1,222 1,229 ‘iiol 522 101 589 2,251 2,324 2,382 2,071 1,373 566 435 467 1,6 6 8 515; 1,853 537| 2,177 361; 2,212 97> 1,334 1,232; 1.685 0351 901 292! 988 403i 1,288 310! 976 Injuries 2,966 3,234 3.360 2,692 1,903 2,194 2,440 2,508 2.3321 1,975! 2,450 1,540, 1,498 1,954 1,592 June 30,1911. June 30,1912. June 30,1913. June 30,1914. June 30,1915. June 30,1916. Dec. 31,1916. Dec. 31,1917. Dec. 31.1918. Dec. 31,1919. Dec. 31, 1920. Dec. 31,1921. Dec. 31, 1922. Dec. 31,1923. Dec. 31,1924. 664 580 425 7,379, 1,971 590 9,4261 2,592 378 5,73a 1,623 393 6,187- 1,987 520 8,043! 2,571 430 5,877| 2,042 995 1,453 847 916 1,084 1,050 1,510 7,530 1,523 8» 150 1,835 9,358 1,490 8,498 1,083 6,306 1,310 7,234 1,538 8,403 1,572 8,601 1,349 7,755 1,000 6,162 1,2931 8,773 775 5,510 722 6,157 869 8,096 730 6,564 47 39 64 88 100 97 1,872 2,033 2,154 1,914 1,315 1,443 1,636 1,876 1,890 25,330 27,081 33,007 31,424 23,932 32,801 28,866 13,371 16,919 10,759 11,844 703 13,517 707 11,608 39,247 42.022 19,714 46,018 34,689 39,074 44,579 48.022 42,782 33,325 43,535 27,228 30,481 37,537 30,097 NONTRAIN ACCIDENTS, 1917 TO 1924 Table 42 shows how the hazard of various accident causes has vaiied in nontrain accidents in the 8-year period covered. It should -be noted that this shift is not disclosed by the number of cases 44 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES recorded. For example, the total deaths from nontrain accidents in 1917 were 376 while the total in 1923 was 441. Inspection of these figures alone would suggest that 1923 was a decidedly less satisfac tory year than 1917, but if attention be given to the frequency rates shown in the table it will appear that 1917 had a rate of 0.097 cases per 1,000,000 hours’ exposure while the rate for 1923 is 0.091. The difference is small enough to suggest that it may represent a chance relationship. The same situation exists, however, in the case of total injuries. In 1918 the total injuries numbered 104,900 while in 1923 there were 112,296. The frequency rates for the two years are 26.46 for 1918 and 23.12 for 1923. It is perfectly clear that the record of number of cases without regard to exposure is not a reliable index of conditions. TABLE 48 .-N O N T R A 1 N ACCIDENTS ON CLASS I RAILROADS IN STATES, 1917 TO 1924, BY CAUSES OF A C CIDEN T THE UNITED FATALITIES 1917 1| 1918 1919 j| 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 Cause of accident Number Working machinery, engines, etc............ Transmission apparatus.............................. Handling...................................................... Flying particles..—. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hot substances............................................. Electric currents.......................................... Collapse, fall, etc., of objects....................... Falls of persons............................................ Miscellaneous............................................... Total____ i ......................................... 15 5 38 1 21 24 42 98 132 376 Working machinery, engines, elc............... Transmission apparatus.............................. Handling...................................................... Flying particles_____ . . . ____ ___________ Hot substancos............................................ Electric currents.......................................... Falling objects............................................. Falls of persons............................................ Miscellaneous............................................... Total................................................... 0.004 .001 .010 38 7 42 4 21 25 56 111 149 453 17 6 52 16" 22 42 89 115 359 22 3 39 1 13 9 44 76 154 361 13 7 25 2 13 16 27 59 92 254 18 4 18 3 20 19 40 87 242 451 29 5 29 2 35 27 45 74 195 441 16 3 l£ 17 82 48 49 205 383 Frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours1 exposure) 0.010 0.005 .002 .002 .011 .015 .001 .005' .005 .006 .006 .014 .012 .028 .025 .033 .028 .111 .097 ! o06 .006 .011 .026 .032 .097 0.006 .006 .010 0.004 0.004 .002 .001 .004 .008 .001 .001 .004 .005 % .002 .004 .005 .009 .009* .011 .020 .021 .020 .035 .032 .058 .090 .106 .090 0.006 .001 .006 0.004 .001 .003 % .006 .009 .015 .040 .091 .004 .007 .011 .011 .045 .086 4,699 4,087 2,919 2,997 489 343 495 553 35,489 25,858 28,862 39,193 5,744 4,227 4,759 6,760 8,757 2,648 1,875 2,467 124 273 270 221 11,822 8,341 10,3165 15,251 10,906 7,725 9,642 11,614 26,887 20,037 24,926 30,199 98,293 71,449 84,586 112,296 3,156 302 33,077 5,483 2,765 . 235 11,980 10,270 25,117 92,385 INJURIES Number Working machinerv, engines, e t c ...._____ Transmission apparatus_______ _________ Handling......................... . Flying particles____ _____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hot substances_____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electric currents..................... ................... Collapse, fall, etc., of objccts.... . . . . . . . . __ Falls of persons............................ ............. Miscellaneous............................................... T o t a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ........ 4,741 4,S35 530 585 44,855 37,196 6,897 7,423 2,949 2,857 185 245 14,087 13,132 13,892 12,474 28,548 26,679 117,210 104,900 3,885 460 33,340 5,536 2,356 223 10,536 9,871 24,635 90,842 Frequency rates (1,000,000 hours’ exposure) Working machinery, engines, etc________ Transmission apparatus............................ Handling...................................................... Flying particles___. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hot substances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electric currents___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Falling o b j e c t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Falls of persons...______ . . . . . . . . . ____ __ Miscellaneous............................................... Total................................................... 1.27 .14 12.03 1.99 .79 .05 3.78 3.73 7.40 31.18 | 1.23 .15 9.48 1.76 .73 .06 3.35 3.18 6.53 26.46 1.10 .13 9.47 1.57 .67 .06 2.99 £80 6.78 25.58 1.09 .13 9.43 1.53 .70 .06 3.14 2.90 7.09 26.12 1.04 .12 9.20 1.50 .66 .04 2.96 a 75 7.13 25.44 a 7i .12 6.80 1.12 .58 .05 2.40 2.27 5.89 19.94 0.97 .11 8.07 1.39 .77 .06 3.14 2.39 6.22 23.12 a 71 .07 7.40 1.23 .62 .05 2.68 2.30 5.60 20.66 .. STEAM RAILWAYS 45 Until 1921 it was possible to separate the data for such industrial groups as shopmen, station men, etc., but this can not be done easily with the present arrangement of the items. Since, however, this grouping presents interesting indications re garding the accident movement from year to year and the relations of the several groups, Tables 43 and 44 are reproduced althotigh they terminate with 1921. T a b l e 43 .—N U M BER OF N ON TRAIN ACCIDENTS, N U M BER OF HOURS’ EXPOSURE, AND ACCIDEN T FREQUENCY RATES (PER 1,000,000 HOURS’ EXPOSURE) FOR INDUSTRIAL EM PLOYEES ON CLASS I RAILROADS IN THE UNITED STATES, 1917 TO 1921, BY YEARS AND OCCUPATIONS 1917 1918 1919 I j 1920 1921 Occupation Number of accidents Shopmen....................................................... Station men.................................................. Trackmen..................................................... Bridge and building men............................. Other employees........................................... G7,445 15.035 2i;038 5,104 7,375 63,951 12,150 17,498 4,200 6,499 Total................................................... 116,595 104,298 52,318 11,206 17,250 3,835 5,806 57,397 11,664 19,113 4,167 5,653 41,748 6,944 15,778 3,398 3,835 90,415 S ! 97,994 71,703 Honrs of exposure (thousands) Shopmen....................................................... Station men............................................... .. Trackmen..................................................... Bridge and building men............................. Other employees........................................... 1,400,734 689,174 1,019,263 203,314 415,005 1,582,114 690,048 1,031,366 202,575 418,927 1,456,460 620,370 888,206 165,072 391,372 1,584,884 644,202 955,570 168,550 410,764 Total.................................................... 3,727,490 3,925,030 3,521,480 3,763,970 | 2,808,498 1,150,383 511,918 678,478 117,742 349,977 Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours’ exposure) Shopmen....................................................... Station men.................................................. Trackmen..................................................... Bridge and building men............................. Other employees........................................... 48.15 22.69 20.64 25.10 17.77 40.42 17.61 16.97 20.73 15.51 35.92 18.06 19.42 23.23 14.83 36.22 18.11 20.00 24.72 13.76 36.29 13.56 23.25 28.87 10.96 Total.................................................... 31.28 26.57 25.68 | 26.03 25.53 Table 44 shows the frequency rates per 1,000,000 hours’ exposure for non train employees for the five-year period, 1917 to 1921. T a b l e 44.-—A C CIDEN T FREQUENCY RATES (PER 1,000,000 HOURS’ EXPOSURE) FOR NONTRAIN EM PLOYEES ON CLASS I RAILROADS IN THE U NITED STATES, 1917 TO 1921 Occupation Shopmen______ _______ _____ __________________ ___________________. . . . ____ Station men________ _____________________________________'________________ Trackmen______________ ____________________________________ ______ . . . . . . . Bridge and building men............................ ................................ ........................... 2063°—27------4 Fatalities 0.09 .03 .10 .30 All acci dents 39.54 18.30 20.00 24.29 46 INDU.STIUATj accidents is UNITED STATES GRADE CROSSING ACCIDENTS, 1890 TO 1924 With the advent of the automobile, casualties at grade crossings began to increase with startling rapidity. In 1911 there were slightly over 1,000 deaths from this cause while in 1923, 2,268 constituted a climax of the irregularly rising series. This constant increase in spite of the earnest effort of the railways is not much relieved by the fact that casualties per 1,000 registered automobiles are declining. This is due to better quality in the cars themselves, to added experience on the part of the drivers, and to stricter regulations by the supervisory authorities. It is to be hoped that the slight drop in fatality from 1923 to 1924 indicates a real improvement. T a b l e 45.—NUM BER OF PERSONS AND NUM BER OF TRESPASSERS KILLED OR INJURED IN RAILW AY ACCIDENTS AT HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSINGS IN THE UN ITED STATES, 1390 TO 1924 BY YEARS Year ending— Number of per sons— Killed June 30,1890................................................................................... June 30,1891___ . . ___ _________________ ____ _________ ____ _ June 30,1802................................................................................ . June 30,1803................................................................................... June 30,1894............................................................... .................. June 30,1895.... ...........................................................- _______— June 30,1896............................................... .................... - ......... June 30,1897............ ...... ......................... .................... June 30,1898.................................................................................. June 30,1899................................................................................... June 30,1900................................................................................... June 30,1901................................................................................... June 30,1902................................................................................... June 30, 3903................................................................................... June 30,1904................................................................................... June 30, 1905................................................................................... June 30,190(5................................................................................... June 30, 1907................................................................................... June 30,1908................................................................................... June 30,1909................................................................................... June 30,1910............................................ .................................... June 30,1911................................................................................... June 30,1912............................................................. ..................... ................. ............................................................... June 30,1913 . June 30,1914................. 1................................................................ June 30,1915................................................................................... June 30,1910................................................................................... Dec. 31,1916................................................................................... Dec. 31,1917................................................................................... Dee. 31,1918................................................................................... Dec. 31,191 &................................................................................... Dec. 31,1920................................................................................... Dec. 31,1921................................................................................... Dec. 31,1922.................................................................................. Dec. 31, 1923................................................................................... Dec. 31,1824................................................................................... 402 504 568 596 571 508 615 575 657 671 730 S31 827 SOS SOS m m 934 837 735 839 992 1,032 1,125 1,147 1,086 1,396 1,652 1.969 L 852 1,784 1,791 1,705 1,810 2,268 2,149 Injured 675 863 942 1,064 817 961 1,058 1,033 1,123 1,087 1,297 1,351 1,335 1,481 1,463 1,574 1,892 1,817 1,762 1,833 1,939 2,434 2,506 3,080 2,935 2,981 3,267 3,859 4,764 4,683 4,616 5,077 4,868 5,383 6,314 6,525 Number of tres passers— Killed 98 167 137 163 119 133 171 116 151 170 171 209 265 271 197 21.5 250 237 216 112 129 148 136 145 122 83 86 121 131 137 107 100 106 96 133 107 Injured 151 162 176 179 m 176 248 197 202 168 201 242 272 247 224 256 zn 274 32-) 211 1.33 124 138 172 119 72 83 101 128 1*0 216 273 166 163 148 168 ELECTRIC RAILWAYS The comparison in Table 46 of the accident experience of American electric railways for the years 1923 and 1924 is drawn from a recent publication of the American Electric Railway Association. The facts given are for 105 companies located in all parts of the country, which companies reported fully on the items in the table. It will be noted that in nearly every comparison possible to make, the year 1924 was more satisfactory than 1923. This is particularly true in cases of injury per 1,000,000 passengers carried, the figures being 6.48 for 1923 and 5.53 for 1924. IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY 47 T able 46.—A C CIDEN T EXPERIEN CES OF 105 AM ERICAN ELECTRIC RAILW AYS IN 1923 AND 1924 Item 1923 448,489,978 Car-miles operated Passengers carried---- 3,051,621,122 Number of accidents ; to— j Employees........... 4,875 Passengers............11 19,784 Other persons___ ! 9,691 rnAfQi | 34,350 Number of fatalities. J! Accidents per 1,000000 car-miles: By collision with motor vehicles.. 337 ;! 195.87 1924 Item 446,200,730 3,239,039.582 Accidents per 1,000,000 car-miles—Con. cars.................... 9.65 8.03 4,627 17,935 9,758 To employees To passengers___ Toother persons. 10.87 44.11 21.61 10.39 40.29 21.91 Total___ ______ 76.59 72.59 Accidents to passen gers per 1,000,000 passengers carried.. 6.48 5.53 32,320 338 1923 1924 "D oi\llicm Djv U Ulllo&Un li with wit11 194.35 IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY The Bureau of Labor Statistics was called upon in 1910 to make a special study of the iron and steel industry, and a section of the investigation then conducted was devoted to the subject of accidents. Since that time such information has been continuously assembled and the results have been published from time to time. For detailed discussion of the various phases of the accident problem as found in the iron and steel industry recourse must be had to the published bulletins,® particularly Bulletin No. 298. It has been the constant endeavor so to present these statistics as to make them significant and useful in accident prevention. There can be no doubt that these statistical studies have been a very consider able factor in the results which are indicated by the tables which follow. Tables 47 and 48 present two analyses of accident reduction based on the experience of plants engaged primarily in the production of fabricated products, sheets, wire products, tubes, and miscellaneous steel products. These plants were chosen because they had been en gaged for a long time and very actively in accident prevention effort. Table 47, which presents the accident data separately for the plants manufacturing each specified product and also for the total plants, records a very remarkable success and demonstrates what can be done if an adequate effort is made. Rates were computed for the years ending with each month from December, 1913, to December, 1924, but the omission of the years ending with 9 of the 12 months from December, 1913, to December, 1922, in order to shorten the table, does not disturb the indication of continuous reduction of the rates. The following reductions in frequency rates appear: Fabricated products from 100.3 to 33.4, or 66.6 per cent; sheets from 61.6 to 10.3, or 83.3 per cent; wire products from 59.3 to 6.2, or 89.5 per cent; tubes from 27.2 to 5.1, or 81.3 per cent; steel products Group A from 70.9 to 11.8, or 83.4 per cent; steel products Group B from 41.3 to 7.9, or 80.9 per cent; total, from 60.3 to 10.2, or 83.1 per cent. It is doubtful whether any other equally hazardous industrial groups can show a better record. • Conditions of employment in the iron and steel industry of the United States, Vol. IV, accidents and accident prevention (Doc. No. 110,62d Cong., 1st sess.); United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Bui. No. 210: Accidents and accident prevention in machine building; Bui. No. 234: The safety movement in the iron and steel industry; Bui. No. 256: Accidents and accident prevention in machine building; Bui. No. 298: Causes and prevention of accidents in the iron and steel industry. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 48 T a b l e 47.—A C C ID E N T FREQUENCY RATES (PER 1,000,000 HOURS' EXPOSURE) FOR M ILLS M A K IN G SPECIFIED PRODUCTS, BY YEARS ENDING W ITH A PRIL, AUGUST, AN D DE C E M B E R , FROM DECEM BER, 1913, TO DEC E M B E R , 1922, A N D BY YEARS EN DIN G EACH M ON TH OF 1923 AN D 1924 Year ending with— Fabri cated products Sheets Wire products Tubes Miscellaneous steel products Total Group A Group B December, 1913................. ............. April, 1914...................................... August, 1914......................... ......... December, 1914.....___ . . . . . . . . . . April, 1915................................. . August, 1915................................... December, 1915.............................. April, 1910...................................... August, 1916.................. ............... December, 1916.......... ...... ......... . April, 1917...................................... August, 1917................................... December, 1917............... .............. April, 1918...................................... August, 1918................................... December, 1918.............................. April, 1919...................................... August, 1919................................... December, 1919........................... . April, 1920...................................... August, 1920................................... December, 1920.................... .......... April, 1921...................................... August, 1921................................... December, 1921.............................. April, 1922...................................... August, 1922................................... December, 1922.............................. January, 1923................................. February, 1923............................... March, 1923................................... April, 1923...................................... May, 1923....................................... June, 1923........................ .............. July, 1923........................................ August, 1923................................... September, 1923............................. October, 1923.................................. November, 1923............................. December, 1923.............................. January, 1924.................................. February, 1924............................... March, 1924................................... April, 1924...................................... May, 1924....................................... June, 1924....................................... July, 1924........................................ August, 1924................................... September, 1924............................. October, 1924................................. November, 1924...... ...................... December, 1924.............................. 100.3 88.2 66.7 69.0 63.3 60.9 63.5 62.7 64.7 52.1 54.3 52.7 51.3 46.9 42.6 38.2 35.8 32.3 32.8 33.7 35.6 35.3 34.5 32.0 28.4 25.6 31.5 33.8 33.9 34.0 34.2 34.5 34.2 33.2 33.8 33.2 32.4 32.5 32.7 32.6 33.6 34.3 34.9 35.7 35.0 34.7 34.1 34.1 34.2 34.1 33.8 83.4 61.6 56.6 49.4 47.2 44.7 39.0 37.3 37.1 36.1 34.0 32.3 34.9 33.9 32.7 27.5 25.9 25.6 24.7 25.8 24.9 24.1 22.7 21.5 20.3 17.5 16.1 16.8 16.9 17.4 17.9 17.6 18.2 18.7 19.0 19.0 18.8 ]8.5 18.0 17.6 17.2 16.5 15.8 15.4 14.6 13.9 12.9 11.7 11.0 10.8 10.6 9.2 10.3 59.3 63.1 48.9 46.2 43.2 46.2 52.4 62.9 51.1 48.2 45.0 39.5 32.5 27.6 22.1 18.8 16.2 14.2 12.5 12.5 12.4 12.0 9.9 8.4 7.5 7.8 8.2 7.9 8.0 7.8 7.8 8.0 8.0 7.9 7.7 7.7 7.7 8.0 7.8 7.9 8.1 8.0 8.0 7.9 7.7 7.4 7.2 7.1 6.9 6.8 6.5 6.2 27.2 21.2 16.0 12.5 9.3 9.6 10.8 12.1 12.3 12.4 11.6 10.7 10.2 10.0 9.9 9.1 9.1 8.5 9.1 9.0 9.2 8.9 7.6 7.0 6.1 6.5 6.6 7.1 7.4 7.3 7.5 7.6 7.6 7.7 7.6 7.7 7.7 7.5 7.3 7.0 6.7 6.7 6.4 6.2 7.1 6.0 5.9 6.6 6.3 5.5 5.3 5.1 70.9 67.3 57.8 50.7 42.3 45.0 51.9 61.2 66.0 67.6 64.6 57.9 51.3 46.7 44.0 42.0 41.5 39.2 39.7 38.7 37.0 35.3 30.4 24.2 15.8 12.0 14.1 14.5 14.4 14.6 14.9 14.6 14.5 14.3 13.4 14.0 14.0 14.1 14.1 13.9 14.1 14.3 14.1 14.1 13.8 13.5 13.3 13.1 12.9 13.3 12.0 11.8 41.3 35.5 31.0 27.6 26.4 20.1 23.0 25.4 28.5 28.2 25.8 22.5 20.5 21.6 28.3 31.4 30.7 25.5 23.0 21.1 20.3 18.6 16.8 14.2 12.1 10.5 10.8 10.8 10.5 10.7 10.7 10.8 10.6 10.3 10.2 10.3 10.0 10.1 10.0 9.8 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.8 9.6 9.1 8.7 8.3 8.2 8.1 7.8 7.9 60.3 64.7 47.9 43.5 39.1 38.1 41.5 44.2 45.4 44.4 42.2 38.3 34.5 31.9 30.2 28.8 28.1 26.2 26.1 25.3 24.4 22.9 20.2 17.2 13.2 11.6 12.7 13.0 13.0 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.4 13.3 13.2 13.2 12.8 13.0 12.9 12.7 12.7 12.6 12.5 12.4 12.0 11.6 11.3 11.0 10.9 10.6 10.4 10.2 Table 48 presents the same experience as Table 47 but analyzed with reference to accident causes. Accidents due to handling were most numerous and declined during the period from 26.7 to 3.85, or 85.6 per cent. Nearly onehalf of these handling accidents resulted from dropping when han dling, and the decline in this group was from 11.2 to 1.93. These declines in a class of injury due almost wholly to lack of skill on the part of the worker are convincing evidence that with proper selection and training of the working force very satisfactory results can be secured. IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY 49 If it were possible to present severity rates, they would show that while accidents due to machinery are less numerous than those due to handling they are much more serious. The decline in frequency of machine accidents was from 7.3 to 2.03. T a b l e 48.—-ACCIDENT FREQUENCY RATES (PER 1,000,000 HOURS’ EXPOSURE) IN A PORTION OF THE IRON AN D STEEL IN DU STRY, 1913 TO 1924, BY YEARS AND AC CIDEN T CAUSES i Accident cause 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 Machinery.................................. 7.3 5.0 4.9 Working machines............. 3.8 2.7 2.6 Caught in...................... 2.5 1.8 1.7 Breakage........................ .1 .1 .1 .8 .8 Moving material in....... 1.2 Cranes, etc........................... 3.5 2.3 2.3 Overhead....................... 2.8 1.9 2.0 .3 .2 Locomotive.................... .2 Other hoisting appa ratus............................ .4 .2 .1 Vehicles....................................... 2.3 1.9 1.6 Hot substances........................... 5.4 3.6 3.7 .5 .4 Electricity............................ .2 Hot metal............................. 3.6 2.1 2.3 1.3 1.1 1.2 Hot water, etc..................... Falls of persons........................... 4.5 4.1 3.5 From ladders........................ .3 .1 .1 .2 From scaffolds..................... .2 .2 Into openings....................... .2 .1 .1 Due to insecure footing....... 3.8 3.7 3.1 Falling material not otherwise specified................................... 1.2 .7 .7 Handling objects and tools........ 28.7 19.4 20.6 Objects dropped in han dling.................................. 11.2 7.3 7.6 Caught between object handled and other object.. 3.4 2.6 2.6 Trucks.................................. 1.9 1.0 1.4 Lifting.................................. 2.5 2.3 2.5 .1 Objects flying from tools___ .2 .2 Sharp points and edges....... 3.8 3.4 3.8 Tools..................................... 3.7 2.6 2.6 Miscellaneous......... .................. 12.9 8.8 6.5 .1 Asphyxiating gas................. .2 .3 Flying object not striking .8 .6 .6 Flying object striking eye... 2.9 2.1 1.7 .4! .9 .8 Heat..................................... Other causes......................... 8.0 5.1 3.7j 1913 to 1924 5.4 2.6 1.7 .1 .8 2.8 2.5 .2 4.5 2.0 1.2 .1 .7 2.5 2.2 .2 4.0 1.8 1.1 .1 .6 2.2 1.9 .2 3.3 1.4 .9 .1 .4 1.9 1.6 .2 3.4 1.8 1.5 .8 1.0 .6 .1 .06 .4 .1 1.9 1.0 1.5 .8 .2 .2 2.2 2.3 1.1 1.0 .8 .7 .1 (0 .3 .2 1.2 1.3 1.0 1.1 .1 ..1 2.03 .83 .58 .04 .21 1.18 .94 . 13 3.85 1.84 1.22 .08 .54 2.01 1.69 .17 .1 1.7 4.5 .4 3.0 1.1 3.7 .1 .2 .3 3.1 .1 1.7 3.6 .3 2.5 .8 3.2 .1 .3 .2 2.6 .1 1.3 3.0 .3 2.1 .6 2.8 .2 .2 .1 2.3 .1 1.2 2.8 .2 2.0 .6 2.8 .1 .2 .1 2.3 .2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .5 .4 .6 2.5 1.2 1.1 1.2 .3 .1 .1 0) .7 .9 1.8 .8 .4 .2 .2 .3 2.5 1.7 1.5 1.4 .1 .1 .1 .09 .2 .] .1 .1 .1 .07 (0 .1 2.1 1.4 1.3 1.1 .10 .48 .87 .07 .61 .19 1.35 .07 .13 .03 1.12 .15 1.23 2.79 .24 1.89 .66 2.74 .13 .19 .12 2.30 .4 .6 .4 .3 .1 21.5 15.7 12.8 11.7 ' lb'4 6.5 .1 5.8 .1 5.5 .09 .41 3.85 13.33 8.4 6.1 5.5 5.0 4.4 2.6 2.6 2.3 1.93 5.42 3.1 1.4 2.5 .1 3.1 2.9 7.0 .1 2.1 1.2 2.0 .1 2.2 2.0 5.4 .1 1.7 .9 1.4 .1 1.5 1.7 4.6 .1 1.7 .7 1.4 .1 1.3 1.4 4.1 .2 1.3 .7 .7 .6 .5 .4 1.1 .8 .8 .1 .07 .1 3.5 1.1 .6 .7 1.4 .8 3.1 1.3 1.9 .1 .5 0) .7 .4 .5 .1 .6 .8 3.8 .1 .50 .21 .27 .04 .33 .59 1.60 .03 1.76 .89 1.51 .10 1.91 1.7ft 4.60 .12 .5 1.9 .4 4.1 .4 1.6 .1 3.2 .5 1.6 .2 2.2 .3 1.3 .1 2.2 .3 1.1 .1 1.5 .1 .3 .4 .2 .1 (0 1.3 1.1 .17 .33 .05 1.01 .39 1.31 .25 2.53 .2 .5 .06 .6 Total................................. CO. 3 43.5 41.5) 44.4 34.5 28.8 26.3 22.0 13.3 13.0 12.8 10.22 28.96 i Less than one-tenth of 1. The concerns for which data are presented in Tables 47 and 48 are among the best in the industry. It will be enlightening to consider what has occurred in the industry at large. Table 49 has been prepared to show the relation between the industry and certain of the important departments. Instead of annual periods, 5-year periods are used in order to secure a large enough volume to overcome the influence of local and temporary conditions. With the exception of foundries a steady and quite considerable decline appears in both frequency and severity rates. 50 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES T a b l e 49.—TR E N D OF ACCIDEN T RATES FOR 5-YEAR PERIODS IN THE IRON A N D STEEL INDUSTRY Five-year periods ending— Tho in- ! Blast dustry j furnaces i I 1913.................................. 1914.................................. 1915.................................. 1916.................................. 1918.................................. ! 1919.................................. i 1920.................................. iftai.................................. 1922.................................. 1923.................................. 1924.................................. Open hearth Bes semer Foun dries Heavy I ■a?; Sheet mills i Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours* exposure) 69.2 65.1 62.1 59.2 53.3 51.3 48.2 43.6 41.6 41.1 39.5 36.5 34.9 33.6 ! i 1 ! ; : ! I ! i ? i ! 76.1 67.7 62.4 62.3 50.3 47.8 44.1 40. 5 39.0 3S.0 36.3 34.0 32.9 30.7 ! ! j . : i i 1 ! ' ; | | 101.5 79. 5 02.3 89.8 65.0 76.1 68.3 60.7 57.7 53.1 47.0 39.9 30.5 24.9 : i 1 ; j < 1S ; ; j! jI li 84.2 ! 79.5 78.6 75.0 67.6 64.8 58.4 53.5 50.5 50.2 44.8 j 41.3 j! 3 3 .0 !i 32.9 1! ji 60.1 61.5 65.1 63.6 59.3 57.8 60.4 57.0 61.0 61.0 63.1 60.4 61.7 62.7 61.0 57.0 51.7 46.1 39.4 37.3 32.1 31.1 32.4 31.4 29.9 27.6 23.8 21.2 69.4 60.8 55.9 49.9 44.7 41.5 36.6 39.8 39.2 38.4 37.6 36.7 31.4 29.4 ; i ! j j 44.4 47.9 49.1 51.1 48.1 47.4 41.3 35.8 32.7 33.7 33.4 35.2 37.2 35.1 Accident severity rates (days lost per 1,000 hours’ exposure) 1911.................................. 1912.................................. ! 1913.................................. 1914.................................. ! 1915.................................. 1910.................................. 1917.................................. ! 191$.................................. 1919.................................. 1 1020.................................. | 1921.................................. 1922.................................. ! 1921.................................. i 5.0 4.3 4.4 4. i 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.1 3.0 2.3 . ■ 1 ; ' . . . 10.6 S.S 8.3 7 .0 6.2 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.8 5.7 5.7 5. 5 5.0 4.5 ; ! ! j 1 j ; j ; i j 7.6 7.4 6.7 6.4 5.3 6.1 7.1 7.3 7.5 6.6 6.8 6.6 5.8 5.5 5.1 5.8 2.7 &1 3.5 3.6 3.3 3.1 3.3 3.2 4.4 4.2 4 .0 3.6 3.4 3 .5 3.6 3.4 6.9 6.3 5.4 4.2 6.5 6.3 3.4 3.2 3.2 2.7 3.9 3.5 3.3 2.9 2.7 2.8 2.4 2.3 3.2 2.6 5.8 5.3 4.2 4.2 5.1 4.1 3.8 3.9 3.1 2.8 2.6 2.6 3.1 2.8 3 .0 2.6 2 .2 2.3 2.1 1.8 2.5 2.6 2.5 2.5 1.6 1.8 1.7 2.4 2.4 1.8 1.9 2.1 To understand the course of events it will be necessary to refer to another table— No. 50. In Table 47 it is seen that for the selected concerns the frequency rate in 1913 was 60.3, and from Table 50 it appears that for the industry at large the frequency rate was 59.6. The difference between the two rates is too small to be significant. In 1924 the rate for the selected plants was 10.2 and for the industry 30.8. Since the selected plants are included in the industry total they manifestly have their influence in determining what the rate will be, and since they constitute about 50 per cent of the industry and have a rate of 10.2, it is evident that the rate for the other 50 per cent must be close to 50. While the selected plants have been reducing their rate from 60.3 to 10.2, the remainder of the industry has gone from 59.6 to about 50. If the matter could be presented from the severity standpoint the discrepancy would not be so great, but it would still be sufficient to challenge attention. It means that in the iron and steel industry, where remarkable results in accident reduction have been attained, thm* is still room for improvement. ACCIDENT EXPERIENCE OF THE DEPARTMENTS OF THE INDUSTRY Tables 50 to 72 present in detail the accident experience of the several departments of the iron and steel industry. While there is a considerable group of concerns which were not able for one reason IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY 51 or another to furnish the data desired, the reports received cover so large a portion of the workers that the rates derived may be regarded as typical. It has been the custom to undertake some special studies at the close of 5-year periods. As the year 1924 completes a third such period, there is accordingly in each table herewith presented a show ing for these three 5-year periods. It is interesting to observe that with very few exceptions these figures, based on a greater volume of material, show a steady drop from period to period both in frequency and in severity. The varying size of the working group from year to year is due, with three exceptions, to changing industrial conditions. The regu lar accumulation of accident data was not begun until 1910, and very few concerns had at that time records of earlier years. As a result the group for 1907 was relatively small. It is included because, in spite of its small size, it clearly indicates a condition still less satisfac tory than that of 1910. There can be no doubt that if it were pos sible to determine rates for earlier years a still worse condition would be disclosed. In 1915 and 1916 it was not possible to secure complete data. From 1910 to 1925 the decline in frequency was 62.1 per cent and in severity 51.9 per cent. T a b l e 50.—ACCIDENTS AN D ACCIDEN T RATES IN THE IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY, 1907 TO 1925, BY YEARS AND 5-YEAR PERIODS Accident fr e q u e n c y rates (per 1,000,000 hours’ exposure) Number of cases Year or period Fullyear workers 1907.............. 27,632 1910.............. 202,157 1911.............. 231,544 1912.............. 300,992 1913.............. 319,919 1914.............. 256,299 1915............... 116,224 1916............... 166,646 1917............... 410,852 1918.............. 474,435 1919.............. 377,549 1920._______ 442; 685 1921............... 237,094 1922............... 335,909 1923............... 434*693 1924.............. 389,438 1910-1914___ 1,310,911 1915-1919___ 1,545,706 1920-1924___ 1,839,818 1925............... 445,223 Per- Tem maDeath ment porary disa disa bility bility 61 106 327 848 204 931 348 1,241 426 1,200 219 860 87 J 372 159 728 523 1,268 543 1,253 419 848 327 1,084 156 527 236 878 314 1,188 312 1,133 1,524 5*080 1,731 4,469 1,345 4,810 207 1,091 6,530 44,108 34,676 54,575 55,556 37,390 13,481 2a 655 57,094 54,293 41,009 49,482 21,279 3^120 41,766 34,481 226,305 186*532 179,128 36,404 Total 6,697 45,283 35»811 56,164 57,182 38,469 13,940 21,542 58,885 56,089 42,276 50,893 21,962 33,234 43,268 35,920 1232,954 192,732 185*277 37,772 Per ma Death nent disa bility 0.7 .5 .3 .4 .4 .3 .2 .3 .4 .4 .4 .2 .2 .2 .2 .3 .4 .4 .2 .2 Accident severity rates (per 1.000 hours’ ex posure) !! Tem Per- Tem po ma- po To rary rary To Death ment disa tal disa disa tal bility bility bility 1.3 78.8 1.4 72.7 1.3 49.9 1.4 6a 4 1.3 57.9 1.1 48.6 1.1 38.7 1.4 41.3 1.0 46.3 .9 38.1 1.0 40.2 .8 37.3 .7 29.9 .9 31.9 .9 32.1 1.0 29.5 1.3 57.5 1.0 40.2 .9 ;! 32.5 •8 I 80.8 ■74.7 51.5 !62.2 ;59.6 j[50.0 !40.0 |43.0 i47.7 !39.4 !41.6 ;38.3 30.8 -33.0 ;33.2 30.8 '59.2 41.6 >33.6 28.3 4.4 3.2 1.8 2.3 2.7 1.7 1.5 1.9 2.5 2.3 2.2 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.6 2.3 2.2 1.5 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.1 1.1 .9 .9 .7 1.0 .9 .8 .8 .8 .7 .8 .8 .9 1.1 .8 .8 .8 1.1 .8 .6 .8 .7 .6 .5 .6 .6 .5 .6 .4 .5 .5 .5 .5 .7 .6 .5 .4 7.2 5.2 3.5 4.2 4.3 3.2 9.7 3.5 4.0 3.6 3.6 2.7 2.5 2.7 2.7 3.0 4.1 3.6 2.8 2.5 BLAST FURNACES The blast furnace must be regarded as one of the most hazardous departments in the industry. It is subject more than any other department to accidents causing injury to several men at the same time. From 1910 to 1925 accident frequency declined 72.4 per cent and accident severity 54.2 per cent. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 52 T a b l e 5 1 , — ACCIDEN TS AND A C C ID E N T RATES IN BLAST FURNACES, 1907 TO 1925, B * YEARS AND 5-YEAR PERIODS Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours' ex posure) Number of cases Year or period Fullycar workers 1907.................. 1910................. 1911.................. 1912................. 1913................. 1914.................. 1915.................. 1916.................. 1917.................. 1918.................. 1919.................. 1920.................. 1921.................. 1922................. 1923.................. 1924.................. 1910-1914......... 1915-1919......... 1920-1924......... 1925................. 1,566 19,389 21,479 27,154 31,988 26,572 10,721 14,905 36,202 41,449 32,889 35,470 15,486 17,933 29,698 25,268 126,582 136,166 123,854 25,819 Per ma Death nent disa bility 11 68 54 87 80 9 68 52 73 86 45 19 23 79 102 <„u 47 23 38 53 50 324 317 211 40 77 2A 57 93 72 67 58 24 35 68 66 366 312 251 51 Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours' ex posure) Tem Per Tem Per Tem po ma po ma po rary Total Dcoth nent rary Total Death nent rary Total disa disa disa disa disa bility bility bility bility bility 456 4,971 3,303 4,790 4,749 3,935 981 1,763 4,440 4,358 3,745 3,214 1,160 1,586 2,702 2,248 22,578 15,287 10,910 1,789 476 5,107 3,409 4,950 4,945 4,057 1,023 1,843 4,612 4,532 3,906 3,319 1,207 1,659 2,823 2,364 23,268 15,916 11,372 1,880 1.9 1.2 .8 .9 .9 .6 .6 .5 .7 .8 1.0 .4 .5 .7 .6 .7 .9 .8 .6 .•5 2.3 1.2 .8 1.1 .8 1.0 .7 1.3 .9 .6 .7 .5 .5 .7 .8 .9 1.0 .8 .7 .7 97.1 85.5 51.3 58.8 58.1 49.4 30.5 39.4 40.9 35.0 38.0 30.2 25.0 29.4 30.3 29.7 60.4 37.4 29.4 23.1 101.3 87.9 52.9 60.8 59.8 51.0 31.8 41.2 42.5 36.4 39.7 31.1 26.0 30.8 31.7 31.3 62.3 39.0 30.7 24.3 11.5 6.9 4.8 5.4 5.3 3.5 3.5 3.1 4.4 4.9 5.7 2.7 3.0 4.2 3.6 4.0 5.2 4.7 3.4 3.1 2.7 1.7 .9 1.0 1.0 1.0 .6 .9 .9 .8 1.0 .9 .5 .4 .1 1.1 1.0 .9 .7 .9 1.8 1.0 .8 .8 .9 .7 .4 .6 .5 .5 .5 .4 .4 .5 .5 .5 .8 .5 .5 .4 16.0 9.6 6.5 7.2 7.2 5.2 4.5 4.6 5.8 6.2 7.2 4.0 3.9 5.1 4.2 5.6 7.0 6.1 4.5 4.4 BESSEMER CONVERTERS The accident experience of the Bessemer department is very erratic. The rates change from year to year in a fashion difficult to explain. However, here, as elsewhere, the general tendency is to decline. From 1910 to 1925 frequency declined 92.9 per cent and severity 55.8 per cent. T a b l e 53.—ACCIDENTS AND ACCIDEN T RATES IN BESSEMER CONVERTERS, 1907 TO 1925, BY YEARS AND 5-YEAR PERIODS Number of cases Year or period 1907..................... 1910..................... 1911..................... 1912..................... 1913..................... 1914..................... 1916.............. 1917..................... 1918..................... 1919..................... 1920..................... 1921..................... 1922..................... 1923..................... 1924..................... 1910-1914............. 1915-i919............. 1920-1924............. 1925..................... Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours' exixxsure) Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours' ex posure) FullPer Tem Per Tem Per Tem year ma po ma po ma po work nent rary To nent rary To nent rary T o ers Death Death disa disa tal Death disa disa tal disa disa tal bil bil bil bil bil bil ity ity ity ity. ity ity 967 5,070 5,155 6,521 6,885 4,470 3,160 4,070 5,979 5,881 6,555 6,907 3,440 4,778 6,080 4,943 28,101 25,645 26,147 4,844 1 20 6 9 16 6 2 13 20 13 14 5 4 2 6 7 57 62 24 9 5 18 24 37 42 25 21 34 21 18 18 9 6 8 20 10 146 112 53 10 383 1,943 1,237 1,892 1,610 685 494 848 1,194 877 849 750 252 233 367 274 7,367 4,262 1,876 115 389 1,981 1,267 1,938 1,668 716 517 894 1,235 908 881 764 262 243 393 291 7,570 4,436 1,953 134 0.3 1.3 .4 .5 .8 .4 .2 1.1 1.1 .7 .7 .2 .4 .1 .3 .5 .7 .8 .3 .6 1.7 132.0 134.0 1.2 127.7 130.2 1.6 79.9 81.9 1.9 96.7 99.1 2.0 77.9 80.7 1.8 51.1 53.3 2.2 52.1 54.5 2.8 69.5 73.4 1.2 66.6 68.9 1.0 49.7 51.4 .9 43.2 44.8 .4 36.2 36.8 .6 24.4 25.4 .6 16.3 17.0 1.1 20.1 21.5 .7 18.5 19.7 1.7 87.4 89.8 1.5 55.4 57.7 .7 23.9 24.9 9.2 .7 7.9 2.1 7.9 2.3 2.8 4.6 2.2 1.3 6.4 6.7 4.4 4.3 1.4 2.3 .8 2.0 2.8 4.0 4.8 1.8 .7 0.9 .9 1.1 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.4 2.1 1.3 1.0 .5 .3 .4 .5 .5 .6 1.1 1.1 .4 3.7 2.4 1.6 1.1 1.5 1.2 .9 .8 1.2 1.2 .8 .9 .6 .4 .3 .5 .3 1.3 1.0 .4 .2 5.4 10.4 4.5 5.3 7.0 4.3 3.5 9.7 9.2 6.2 5.7 2.3 3.1 1.6 3.0 3.7 6.4 6.9 2.6 4.6 IKON AND STEEL INDUSTRY 53 OPEN HEARTHS In open hearths from 1910 to 1925 accident frequency declined 74.3 per cent and severity 62.2 per cent. From year to year the changes are somewhat irregular, but the 5-year periods show an extremely uniform downward movement. T a b l e 53.—ACCIDENTS AND ACCIDEN T RATES IN OPEN HEARTHS, 1907 TO 1925, B Y YEARS AND 5-YEAR PERIODS Number of cases Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours* exposure) Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours’ exposure) X Uil- Year or period ycar workers 1&07.................. 1910.................. 1911................. 1912.............. . 1913.................. 1914.................. IS15................. 1916................. 1917.................. 1918................. 1919................. 1920................. 1921.................. 1922................. 1923.................. 1924................. 1910-1914.......... 1915-1919......... 1920-1924......... 1925.................. 2,987 9,739 10,718 17,355 20,604 12,877 5,969 9,654 21,457 26,410 22,685 28,823 12,783 19,805 24,917 21,493 71,293 86,175 107,820 22,837 Per ma Death nent disa bility 14 29 18 47 35 14 8 12 47 71 53 43 9 22 42 32 143 191 148 25 14 53 45 99 95 41 20 37 86 103 71 70 21 46 74 67 333 317 278 73 Per- 1TemTem For- Tem ma- i; POpo ma- po ! rary Total iDeath nent rary Total Death nent |rary Total disa disa disa disa disability bility bility bility bility 908 3,028 1,890 4,039 4,368 2,484 832 1,458 3,187 3,983 3,103 3,164 1,082 1,036 2,145 1,864 15,809 12,563 10,191 1,769 936 3,110 1,953 4,185 4,498 2,539 860 1,507 3,320 4,157 3,227 3,277 1,112 2,004 2,261 1,963 16,285 13,071 10,617 1,867 1.6 1.6 101.3 104.5 1.0 1.8 103.6 106.4 .6 1.4 58.8 60.8 .9 4.9 77.6 80.4 .6 1.5 70.7 72.8 .4 1.1 64.3 65.8 .4 1.1 46.5 48.0 .4 1.3 50.3 52.0 .7 1.3 49.5 51.5 .9 1.3 50.3 52.5 .8 1.0 45.6 !: 47.4 .5 .8 37.0 38.3 .2 .6 28.2 29.0 .4 .8 32.6 33.8 .6 ’ 1.0 28.6 30.2 .5 1.0 28.9 30.4 .7 1.5 72.8 75.0 .7 1.2 48.6 50.5 .9 31.5 32.9 .5 .4 1.1 25.8 27.3 9.3 6.0 3.4 5.3 3.4 2.2 2.7 2.5 4.4 5.4 4.7 3.0 1.4 2.2 3.4 3.0 4.0 4.4 2.7 2.2 4.0 2.4 1.1 1.9 1.4 1.5 .9 .8 1.2 1.4 1.3 .8 .4 .9 1.1 .9 1.6 1.2 .9 1.0 1.1 1.4 .9 1.0 1.0 .8 .6 .9 .8 1.1 .8 .5 .5 .5 .7 .5 1.0 .9 .6 .5 14.4 9.8 5.4 8.2 5.8 4.5 4.2 4.2 6.4 7.9 6.8 4.3 2.3 3.6 5.2 4.4 6.6 6.5 4.2 3.7 FOUNDRIES When compared with the basic metallurgical departments found ries have a distinctly lower accident severity and a higher accident frequency. The changes from year to year are disappointing in view of the fact that some of the better plants have clearly demon strated that the figures are higher than they need to be and that reasonable reduction is possible. When the 5-year periods are considered the situation looks some what better. From the first 5-year period to the third there has been a decline of 1.4 per cent in frequency and 22.2 per cent in severity. 54 INDUSTRIAL AGCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES T a b l e 5 4 .-A C C ID E N T S AND ACCIDEN T RATES IN FOUNDRIES. 1907 TO 1925, B Y YEARS AND 5-YEAR PERIODS Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours' exposure) Number of cases Year or period Fullyear workers 939 1907..................... 1910..................... 16,885 13,499 1911..................... 1912..................... 23,294 1913..................... 24,605 1914..................... 17,634 1,309 1915..................... 1,231 1916..................... 1917..................... 31,805 1918..................... 32,181 1919..................... 24,220 1920..................... 35,300 1921..................... 15,388 1922..................... 22,770 1923..................... 38,660 1924..................... 37,325 1910-1914 . . 95,917 1915-1919........... 92,746 1920-1924........... 149,441 1925.................. 35,570 Per ma Death nent disa bility 1 7 18 23 22 14 1 45 23 15 13 9 12 26 21 84 84 81 27 Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours* exposure) 1 Per- !\Tem-|1 Per Tem Tem ma- j po- 1 ma po po :Total Death nent rary Total rary T ota l!Death1nent; rary < disa disa disa* j disa- i disa i bility bility bility i! 1bility bilily! l 1i 183 179 3 78 2; 615 % 700 57 1,970 2,045 135 4,512 4,670 118 5*236 5*376 61 3,432 3,507 2 118 120 152 145 6 101 6,810 6,956 106 5,482 5,611 62 4,048 4,125 97 6,088 6,798 34 2,766 2,799 59 4,134 4.205 126 7,171 7,323 143 6,820 6.984 449 17,765 18,298 277 16,604 16,965 459 27,569 28,109 128 6,877 7.032 1 : i ! 0.4 .1 .4 .3 .3 .3 .3 .5 .2 .2 .1 .2 .2 .2 .2 .3 .3 .2 .3 1.1 1.5 1.4 1.9 1.6 1.2 .5 1.6 1.1 1.1 .9 .9 .7 .9 1.2 1.3 1.6 j 63.5 : 65.0 ! 51.6 48.6 ; 64.6 I 70.9 ! 64.9 30.0 39.3 71.4 56.8 65.7 63.2 59.7 60.5 61.8 60.9 61.7 1.0 1.0 1.2 59.7 61.5 64.5 2.1 1 33.2 .8 : 50.4 2.7 2.1 i 66.8 1.7 ! 72.8 66.4 1.6 30.5 41.2 "‘ T o ’ 2 .8 73.0 58.1 1.5 1.2 56.8 64.2 .7 60.6 1.2 61.6 1.1 63.2 1.4 62.4 1.1 1.8 63.6 0 .3 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.2 1.0 .2 .6 1.0 1.0 .8 .8 .7 .9 .8 1.1 1.1 1.0 .6 .6 .8 .8 .7 .4 .7 .9 .7 .7 .8 .8 .7 .8 .8 .7 1.8 1.1 1.5 .9 .9 1.3 .7 .8 .9 61.0 62.7 65.9 3.4 2 .4 4 .3 4 .4 3.7 3.3 .6 2.9 4 .7 3.2 2.7 2.3 2.7 2.7 3 .0 3 .0 3 .6 3.4 2.8 3.7 BAR MILLS There are no available accident data prior to 1915 regarding bar mills. From that year to 1925 accident frequency declined 58.0 per cent and accident severity increased 15.8 per cent. The experi ence for the second 5-year period is below that for the first— 45.8 per cent in frequency and 29 per cent in severity. T a b l e 55.—ACCIDENTS AND ACCIDENT RATES IN BAR MILLS, 1915 TO 1925, B Y YEARS AND 5-YEAR PERIODS Number of cases Year or period 1915..................... 1916..................... 1917..................... 1918..................... 1919..................... 1920..................... 1921..................... 1922..................... 1923..................... 1924..................... 1915-1919............. 1920-1924............ 1925..................... Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours* ex posure) Accident severity rales (per 1,000 hours’ ex posure) Fullyear Per Tem Per Tem work ma po ma po ers Death nent rary To- Death nent rary To Death disa disa tal disa disa tal bil bil bil bil ity ; ity ity ity i 7 577 585 0.1 3.232 1 0.7 59.5 60.3 0.6 3,042 4 783 798 .4 11 1.2 i 85.8 87.4 2.6 34 1.940 1.9*2 .4 1.5 : 86.5 88.4 7,472 8 2.1 6 18 ! 7f»r> 780 i 5,734 1.0 , 43.9 45.2 2.1 .3 4. SOI 7 (589 M7 | . 1 1 .5 : 49.9 50.5 .4 3,880 531 S -1 5 • 525 .4 ! 44.8 45.3 .5 1 5 : 228 233 _____ 1,912 .9 39.8 • 40.7 3,780 7 10 : 392 409 1 .6 .9 ; 34.6 ; 36.11 "” 3.7" 4,003 17 ! 443 460 ...... 1.4 ! 3*5. 4 37.8 7 i 285 294 4.093 2 !6 !! 23.2 • 24.0 " T o " .2 24,081 20 77 14,745 4,842 1.7 .3 1.1 | 65.6 i 67.0 17,666 10 44 S1,869 1,923 i .8 I 35.3 1 36.3 i 1.1 .2 2 4,471 .2 1.0 | 13 !| 324 339 ; \24.2 ii 25.3 i •» Per-1 Tem-' ma- 1 po- j nent j rary 1To disa disa- tal bil bil- j ity ity ! i 0.7 !i 1.9 0.6 .0 ! 4.2 1 .1 1 1.0 1.0 !I 4.0 .7 .7 3.5 .5 .7 1.6 .2 .5 1.2 1.6 1.0 .6 .8 .5 5.0 .7 1.3 .6 .5 i 1.7 .2 .7 .7 ! 3.1 .6 .5 2.2 .4 i 2.2 .9 1 HEAVY ROLLING MILLS Heavy rolling mills show a steady change for the better in accident experience. From 1910 to 1925 accident frequency dropped 79.4 per cent and accident severity 53.8 per cent. Accident frequency in the IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY 55 third 5-year period is lower than that of the first period by 54 per cent and accident severity by 36.1 per cent. T able 56 .-A C C ID E N T S AND A C CIDEN T RATES IN HE A W ROLLING MILLS, 1907 TO 1925, BY YEARS AND 5-YEAR PERIODS Number of cases Year or period 1907..................... 1910..................... 1911..................... 1912..................... 1913..................... 1914..................... 1915..................... 1916..................... 1917..................... 1918..................... 1919..................... 1920..................... 1921..................... 1922..................... 1923..................... 1924..................... 1910-1914............. 1915-1919............. 1920-1924............. 1925..................... Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours’ ex posure) Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours’ ex posure) FullPer Tem year Per Tem Per Tem ma po work ma po ma po ers nent rary To Death nent rary To Death nent rary To Death disa disa disa tal disa tal disa disa tal bil bil bil bil bil bil ity ity ity ity ity ity 4,550 9,442 12,409 16,258 17,569 11,985 7,148 10,076 20,530 19,807 17, fs05 20,787 9,000 14,574 16,602 13,162 67,663 75, ICG 74,944 16,553 8 19 9 20 16 10 10 7 30 24 20 12 3 9 8 18 74 91 50 13 10 874 57 2,167 48 1,636 41 2,395 CO 1,910 55 899 596 24 44 959 87 1,784 67 1,900 53 1,711 34 1,638 15 485 752 56 36 882 789 39 261 9,007 275 6,950 180 4,546 50 747 892 2,243 1,693 2,456 1,986 964 630 1,010 1,901 1,991 1,784 1,684 503 817 926 846 9,342 7,316 4,776 810 0.6 .7 .2 .4 .3 .3 .5 .2 .5 .4 .4 .2 .1 .2 .2 .5 .4 .4 .2 .3 0.7 2.0 1.3 .8 1.1 1.5 LI 1.5 1.4 1.1 1.0 .5 .5 1.3 .7 1.0 1.3 1.2 .8 1.0 64.0 76.5 43.9 49.1 36.2 25.0 27.8 31.7 29.0 32.0 32.4 26.3 16.5 17.2 17.7 20.0 44.4 30.8 20.2 15.0 65.3 79.2 45.4 50.3 37.6 26.8 29.4 33.4 30.9 33.5 33.8 27.0 17.1 18.7 18.6 21.5 46.1 32l4 21.2 16.3 3.5 4.0 L4 2.3 1.7 1.5 2.8 1.4 2.9 2.4 2.3 1.2 .6 1.2 1.0 2.7 2.1 2.4 1.3 1.6 0.3 1.5 .9 .9 .6 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.0 .9 1.1 .4 .3 .9 .8 .8 .9 1.0 .6 1.1 1.0 1.0 .7 .7 .6 .4 .3 .5 .5 .5 .5 .4 .3 .4 .3 .4 .0 .5 .4 .3 4.8 6.5 3.0 3.9 2.9 2.9 4.1 3.2 4.4 3.8 3.9 2.0 1.2 2.5 2.1 3.9 3.6 3.9 2.3 3.0 PLATE HILLS The downward movement of the accident rates in plate mills is unusually regular. From 1910 to 1925 frequency declined 64.2 per cent, and in the same interval severity declined 43.9 per cent. The accident experience of the third 5-year period is below that of the first 41.1 per cent in frequency and 38.5 per cent in severity. T a b l e 57.—ACCIDENTS AND A C CIDEN T BATES IN PLATE MILLS, 1907 TO 1925, BY YEARS A N D 5-YEAR PERIODS Number of cases Year or period 1907..................... 1910..................... 1911..................... 1912..................... 1913..................... 1914..................... 1915..................... 1916..................... 1917..................... 1918..................... 1919..................... 1920..................... 1921..................... 1922..................... 1923..................... 1924..................... 1910-1914............. 1915-1919............. 1920-1924............ 1925............... ..... Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours’ ex posure) Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours' ex posure) FullPer Tcm-i year Per Tem Per Tem ma po- ii work ma po ma po ers I Death nent rary To Death nent rary To Death nent rary i Todisa disa tal disa disa tal disa disa tal bil bil bil bil bil bil ity ity ity ity ity ity 1,915 3,287 4,390 5*128 5,430 3,476 2,086 4,681 6,764 9,650 11,892 11,928 4,580 6,198 8,731 6,454 27,711 35.073 37,891 5*734 4 7 6 2 3 2 1 3 4 8 9 9 3 2 5 3 19 25 22 6 12 27 15 25 25 13 9 15 22 19 24 23 7 26 24 18 105 89 98 15 G37 602 590 893 725 319 121 436 766 1,446 1,247 1,147 318 581 662 506 3,129 4,016 3,214 370 653 636 610 920 753 334 131 454 792 1,473 1,280 1,179 328 609 691 527 3,253 4,130 3,334 391 0.7 .7 .4 .1 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .3 .3 .3 .2 .1 .2 .2 .3 .2 .2 •4 2.1 110.9 113.7 2.7 61.1 64.5 1.1 44.8 46.3 1.6 58.0 59.7 1.5 44.5 46.2 1.2 30.6 32.0 1.4 19.3 20.9 1.1 31.0 32.3 1.1 37.7 39.0 .7 49.9 50.9 .7 35.0 36.0 .6 32.1 33.0 .5 23.1 23.8 1.4 31.2 32.7 .9 25.3 26.4 .9 26.1 27.2 1.6 48.0 49.9 .8 38.2 39.2 .9 28.3 29.4 .9 21.5 22.7 4.2 4.8 2.3 .8 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.3 1.2 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.3 .6 1.1 .9 1.8 1.4 1.2 2.1 3.7 1.6 1.0 2.0 1.2 1.0 .6 .7 .9 .6 .5 .6 .3 .9 1.2 .6 1.4 .6 .8 1.2 1.2 .7 .6 .8 .0 #5 .3 .5 .5 .7 .5 .4 .4 .5 .4 .5 .7 .5 .4 .4 i 9.1 6.6 3.9 3.0 2.9 2.6 1.9 2.5 2.6 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.7 2.0 3.9 2.5 2.4 3.7 56 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES PUDDLING MILLS Accident data for puddling mills are available only for 1917 and succeeding years. Such data are shown in Table 58. T a b l e 5 8 . — A CCIDEN TS AND A C CIDEN T RATES I N PUDDLING M ILL3, 1917 TO 1925, BY YEARS AND 5-YEAR PERIODS Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours' ex posure) Number of cases Year or period Fullyear work ers 1917..................... 1918..................... 1919..................... 1920..................... 3923..................... 1924..................... 3917-1919............. 1920-1924............. 1925..................... 4,129 2,712 1,619 2,007 1,620 814 8,460 4,406 1,108 Per Tem ma po rary nent Death disa disa bil bil ity ity 1 3 1 4 Tem !ii Perma- po To Death: nent rary tal i disa- disa ; bil- bil |! ity ity 10 572 •583 4 370 377 1 140 141 254 10 243 3 280 283 4 156 160 15 1,082 1,101 9 797 806 6 172 166 0.1 .4 .2 .2 .............! 0.8 .5 .2 1.7 .6 1.6 .6 .7 1.8 46.2 45.5 28.8 40.3 57.6 63.9 42.6 fiO.3 49.0 Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours' ex posure) Per Tem ma po To Death nent rary To disa disa tal tal bil bil ity ity 47.1 46.4 29.0 42.2 1 58.2 i 65. 5 : 43.4 i 61.0 I 51.7 1 0. o 2.2 0.6 .4 1.0 .1 .* .9 1.1 1.2 .4 .8 2.8 0.6 ' 1.7 3.2 .6 .4 .5 2.4 .6 1.0 2.1 1.2 2.4 1.9 .6 1.9 1.1 .9 3.7 SHEET MILLS At the outset of the period covered the sheet mills have rather low accident rates. From that point there is an irregular but con tinuous decline. From 1910 to 1925 frequency declines 46.1 per cent and severity 60.5 per cent. The accident experience of the third 5-year period is below that of the first 31.4 per cent in fre quency and 19.2 per cent in severity. T a b l e 5 9 . — ACCIDENTS AND ACCIDENT RATES IN SHEET MILLS, 1907 TO 1925, BY YEARS AND 5-YEAR PERIODS Number of cases Year or period Fullyear workers 1907................. 1910.................. 1911.................. 1912.................. 1913................. 1914................. 1915................. 1916................. 1917.................. 1918.................. 1919................. 1920.............. 1921.................. 1922.................. 1923.................. 1924................. 1910-1914.... 1915-1919.... 1920-1924.... 1925.................. 2,211 18,501 29,710 32,087 25,938 22,187 16,266 24,722 26,855 17,278 19,214 24,279 15,845 24,391 29,814 28,247 128,423 104,335 121,552 32,043 Per ma Death nent disa bility 2 28 9 19 21 11 7 13 11 3 3 14 5 10 14 7 88 37 50 10 8 52 71 67 67 51 23 62 38 17 32 59 38 66 61 54 308 172 278 56 Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours' ex posure) Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours' ex posure) Per Tem Tem Per Tem ma po po ma po rary Total Death nent rary Total Death nent rary Total disa disa disa disa disa bility bility bility bility bility 274 3,310 3,625 5,497 3,717 3,113 1,901 2,655 2,687 937 1,854 2,979 1,702 2,951 2,390 2,457 19,262 10,034 12,479 3,096 284 3,390 3,705 5,583 3,805 3,175 1,931 2,730 2,736 i 957 ! 1,889 ! 3,052 i 1,745 |3,027 : 2,465 i 2,518 19,658 10,243 12,807 ■3,162 1 0.3 .5 .1 .2 .3 .2 .1 .2 .1 .1 .1 .2 .1 .1 .2 .1 .2 .1 .1 .1 1.2 . .9 .8 .7 .9 .8 .5 .8 .5 .3 .6 .8 .8 .9 .7 .6 .9 .5 .8 .6 43.3 59.6 40.7 57.1 47.8 46.8 39.0 35.8 33.4 18.1 32.0 40.1 35.8 40.3 27.6 29.0 50.0 32.1 34.2 32.2 44.8 61.0 41.6 58.0 49.0 47.8 39.6 36.8 34.0 18.5 32.7 41.0 36.7 41.3 28.5 29.7 51.1 32.7 35.1 32.9 1.8 2.9 .7 1.2 1.6 .9 .9 .6 .8 .3 .3 1.2 .6 .8 1.0 .5 1.4 .7 .8 .6 1.9 .8 .7 .7 .5 .5 .3 .5 .6 .5 .4 .7 .5 .8 .7 .7 .6 .4 .7 .4 0.4 .6 .4 .7 .6 .6 .5 .5 .5 .2 .4 .8 .5 .9 .5 .5 .6 .4 .6 .6 4.1 4.3 1.8 2.6 2.7 2.0 1.7 1.6 1.9 1.0 1.1 2.3 1.6 2.5 2.2 1.7 2.6 1.5 2.1 1.7 IRON AND STEEL. INDUSTRY 57 ROD MILLS The annual groups of workers in rod mills are not large enough to give an entirely satisfactory basis for accident rates. However, comparing the two 5-year periods shows declines from the first to the second of 40 per cent in frequency and 52.8 per cent in severity. T a b l e 6 0 . — ACCIDENTS AND ACCIDEN T RATES IN ROD MILLS, 1915 TO 1925, BY YEARS AND 5-YEAR PERIODS Number of cases Year or period Fullyear work ers 1915..................... 2,062 1916..................... 2,493 1917..................... 4,951 1918..................... 3,2*9 3919..................... 2,463 1920..................... 3,729 1S21..................... 2,099 1922..................... 2,6-45 1923..................... 3,224 1924..................... 2,828 1915-1919............ 15,218 1920-1924............ 14,425 1925..................... 2,907 Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours’ ex posure) Per Tem ma po nent rary To Death Death disadisa tal bilbil ity ity 7 5 2 1 1 1 1 14 4 2 10 229 239 16 259 275 699. 729 23 11 350 366 10 184 196 9 344 354 6 126 132 5 196 202 10 189 200 7 127 135 70 1,721 1,805 37 982 1,023 7 146 155 0.5 .5 .3 .1 .1 .1 .1 .3 .1 .2 Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours’ ex posure) Per Tem ma po nent rary To Death disa- disa tal bil- bil ity ity 1.6 2.1 1.5 1.1 1.4 .8 1.0 .6 1.1 .8 1.5 .9 .8 37.0 34.6 47.1 35.9 24.9 30.7 20.0 24.7 20.2 15.0 37.7 22.7 16.7 38.6 36.7 49.1 37.5 26.6 31.6 21.0 25.4 21.4 15.9 39.5 23.7 17.8 2.8 3.1 1.6 .5 .8 .6 .7 1.8 .6 1.4 Per Tem ma po nent rary To disa disa tal bil bil ity ity 0.7 1.9 1.4 1.0 1.4 .5 .7 .5 1.3 .7 1.3 .8 1.0 0.5 .5 .5 .6 .5 .4 .3 .5 .3 .4 .6 .4 .3 1.2 2.4 4.7 4.7 3.5 1.4 1.0 1.8 2.2 1.8 3.6 1.7 2.6 TUBE MILLS Tube mills show a very marked decline in accident frequency. This is undoubtedly due in considerable measure to the effective use of a foreman's bonus 1 for accident reduction in some of the concerns covered by this table. From 1910 to 1925 accident frequency declined 71.6 per cent, but accident severity did not change. When the 5-year periods are considered, however, it becomes apparent, that both frequency and severity have declined over the period as a whole. >See United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Bui. No. 298, p. 158. 58 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES T a b l e 61.—ACCIDENTS AND ACCIDEN T RATES IN TUBE M ILLS, 1907 TO 1925, B Y YEARS AND 5-YEAR PERIODS Number of cases Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours' ex posure) Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours* ex posure) » Per Tem Per- |Temma po ma- : ponent rary To Death nent! rary To ;Death Death disa disa tal disa- j disa- tal bil bil bil- : bii i ity ! ity ity ity 1! j i i 1907..................... 2,007 i 4 ! 575 0. i 9o. 5 96.4 580 0.2 1 1.0 1910..................... 9,7(i7 i 3 25 ;1,608 1,636 .9 ‘ 54.9 55.9 .1 .6 1911..................... 13,676 1 53 12,080 jf t 134 .2 1.3 50.7 52.0 .03 1912..................... 17,080 | 10 60 |2,154 2,224 . .5 1.2 i 42.0 43.7 1.3 1913..................... 18, ‘J09 j 15 72 1,586 1,673 .3 1.3 i 28.0 iI 29.6 1.6 1914..................... 13,906 ! 7 39 1,195 1,241 .2 .9 28.6 |20.7 1.0 1915..................... 7,109 j 2 21 1! 182 205 1.0 ; 8.5 .1 9.6 .6 1918..................... 11,355 I 2 26: 425 , 453 .4 .8 12.5!1 13.4 .1 1917..................... 19,819 : 17 51 i 1,967 12,035 .3 .9 33.1 134.3 1.7 1918.....................!! 18,499 i 41 i11,127 1,176 8 .9 .7 20.3 I! 21.1 .1 1919.....................j i 18,326 : i 21.3 39 11,127 11,172 .2 .7 20.4 1 1.0 & 1920..................... 22,666 | 13 71 2.166 2,250 1.1 .2 1.0 ; 31.9 ': 33.1 1921.....................:1 14,622 I 4 .8 19.1 ! 20.0 35 ; 840 11 879 .1 .5 1922.....................i 19,635 . 8 40 1,332 il, 378 .7 . 22.7 23.5 .8 .1 1923.....................jI 24,766 : 8 54 -1,292 ;1,354 .7 j 17.4 i 18.2 .6 .1 1924..................... ■22, CiVi 14 68 jl, 185 11,267 ; 18.4 1.2 .2 1.0 : 17.2 | 1910-1914............ !! 73,338 36 249 8,623 ;8,908 1.1 ; 39.2 40.5 1.0 1915-1919.............1 75,108 • 178 i4,825 |o,041 38 .8 21.4 : 22.4 1.0 .2 1920-1924.............j104,577 45 268 jO, 815 !7,128 .9 ! 21.7 : 22.7 .1 .9 64 ! l , 142 1,216 .1 1925.................... j 25,511 > 10 .8 14.9 ] 15.9 .8 i I i Year or period Fullvear workers Per Tem ma po nent rary To disa disa tal bil bil ity ity 0.6 .4 .8 .8 .7 .6 .6 .3 .5 .4 .6 .5 .5 .6 .6 .6 .7 .6 .6 .6 1.5 3.1 .7 1.7 1.5 .5 2.6 .5 .4 2.7 .4 2.0 1.4 .2 1.0 .3 .4 2.6 .3 1.6 .3 1.9 .5 2.1 .4 1.4 .4 1.6 .3 i 1.6 .3 i 2.1 .5 ! 2.2 1.8 .3 .4 ! 1.9 .3 I 1.7 i UNCLASSIFIED ROLLING MILLS The group of unclassified rolling mills is of such miscellaneous make-up that it has no great significance except as confirmatory of the general downward trend almost universal in the industry. From 1910 to 1925 accident frequency declined 78.8 per cent and accident severity 68 per cent. The experience of the third 5-year period is below that of the first, 46 per cent in frequency and 27 per cent in severity. T a b l e 63 .—ACCIDENTS AND AC CIDEN T RATES IN ROLLIN G M ILLS, 1910 TO 1925. BY YEARS AND 5-YEAR PERIODS Number of cases Year or period Fullyear workers; Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours' ex posure) Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours' ex posure) Per- TemS Per- Tem P er-! Tein-I mapo 211a- j po- 1 : 111a- po Death rtent J rary Total Death; nent rary Total Death nent j rary !Total disa- i disa disa-1 disa ! disa- disa i biiity bility bility; biiity bility] biiity 1 1910................. 14,434 1911................. 21,201 22,909 1913................. 23,382 1914.................. 22,873 1915.................. ».»67 1916.................. 8,082 1917.................. 27,978 1918................. 37,163 1919................. 25.106 1920................. 21,055 1921................. 12,068 1922.................. 19,382 1923.................. 26,357 1924.................. 21,664 1910-1914......... 104,829 1915-1919......... 102,696 1920-1924......... 109,555 1925................. 26.353 !' ;1 :' 1 ! 1 | I ! ! ! ! 15 16 16 24 11 2 5 10 22 14 16 4 10 11 11 82 53 55 9 49 76 76 84 75 14 25 eo 74 45 68 36 59 92 77 360 218 345 59 j 4,861 ! 3,388 1 4,660 ' 5,051 ! 3,541 i 475 922 1 4,285 4,015 I 2,967 i 2,785 1,479 2,416 2,830 2,193 21,501 12.644 12; 631 1,836 4,925 ! 3,480 4,752 ' 5.159 ! 3,627 | 491 ! 952 4,335 4,111 3.026 2,869 1,519 2,485 2,933 2,277 21,943 12,915 13,027 1.904 , 1.1 112.3 i113.7 i ! 1.2 53.2 ji 54.7 | 1 1 1.1 67.8 i! 69.1 | : 1.2 72.0 73.5 ; 1.1 51.6 ij 52.9 : i 1.1 36.2 ! 37.5 ii 1.0 38.0 ; 39.2 ! . .7 50.8 ! 51.6 : .7 36.0 36.9 .6 39.4 40.2 i 1.1 44.1 i 45.4 ! 1.0 40.9 | 42.0 ! 1.0 41.5 , 42.7 1.2 35.8 37.1 : 1.2 33.5 |34.9 : 1.2 ; 71.8 i 73.3 : .7 41.0 : 41.9 . 1.0 38.4 ; 39.6 .8 23.2 l 24- 1 -1 ! 0.3 .3 .2 .3 .2 .2 .2 .1 .2 .2 » .3 -1 .2 .1 .2 .3 .2 .2 1.6 i 1.3 2.1 1 . 5 ; 1.1 ji -7 1.5 i 1.0 .9 2.0 ; 1.1 ; 1.0 .8 .7 1.0 .5 .4 •» 1.2 .6 .7 .7 .7 .7 1.2 .5 .5 1.1 .4 .0 1.5 .9 .0 .7 .9 .7 .9 1.0 .7 .8 1.3 .6 1.3 .6 1.0 1.7 1.1 .9 .5 .6 1.0 1.0 hi .6 .4 .7 .5 5.0 3.3 3.4 4.1 2.5 1.8 2.5 2.1 2.2 2.1 2.9 2.3 2.6 2.7 2.9 3.7 2.1 2.7 1.6 IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY 59 FABRICATING SHOPS For fabricating shops both accident frequency and accident severity rates testify that the production of the structural elements of bridges and building is a matter of considerable hazard. The year to year changes are rather irregular, with a drop in fre quency from 1910 to 1925 of 87.4 per cent; and in severity of 68.5 per cent. From the first 5-year period to the third, frequency declined 34 per cent and severity 29.4 per cent. T a b l e 6 3 .-A C C ID E N T S AND ACCIDEN T RATES IN FABR IC A TIN G SHOPS, 1907 TO 1923, B Y YEARS A N D 5-YEAR PERIODS Number of cases Year or period Fullyear workers 12 33 92 119 104 77 15 25 67 29 27 68 45 41 52 63 425 163 269 35 6 11 8 32 34 13 3 7 21 22 6 14 5 14 9 5 98 59 47 3 Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours* ex posure) Tem Per Tem Per Tem ma po po ma po rary Total Death nent rary Total Death nent rary Total disa disa disa disa disa bility bility bility bility bility Per ma Death nent disa bility 1907.................. 2,081 1910.................. 8,713 1911.................. 19,530 1912.................. 28,988 1913.................. 30,470 1914.................. 20^837 1915.................. 3,818 1916.................. 4,980 1917.................. 23,614 1918.................. 29,166 1919.................. 19,407 1920.................. 17,216 ■ 1921.................. 12, 1922................. 16.184 1923................. 22,547 .1924.................. 10,626 1910-1914......... 108,538 1915-1919 ..., 80,935 1920-1924......... 89,880 1925................. 15,718 Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours* ex posure) 571 3,901 3,244 6,890 7,368 4,103 471 703 4,192 5,077 2,752 % 721 1,971 3,381 4.019 1,787 25,506 13,195 13,879 857 589 3,945 3,344 7,041 7,506 4,193 489 735 4,280 5,128 2,785 2,803 2,021 3,436 4.030 1,855 26,029 13,417 14,195 895 1.0 .4 .1 .4 .4 .2 .3 .5 .3 .3 .1 .2 .1 .3 .1 .1 .8 .2 .1 1.9 1.3 1.6 1.4 1.1 L2 1.3 1.7 .9 .3 .5 1.3 1.2 .8 .8 1.0 1.3 .7 1.0 .7 91.5 149.2 55.4 79.2 sa 6 65.6 41.1 47.1 59.2 58.0 47.3 52.7 50.9 69.6 59.4 28.3 78.$ 54.3 51.5 18.2 94.4 150.9 57.1 81.0 82.1 67.0 42.7 49.3 6a 4 58.6 47.9 54.2 52.2 7a 7 60-3 29.4 79.9 55.2 52.7 19.0 5.8 15 .7 2.1 2.2 1.2 1.6 2.8 1.8 1.5 .7 1.6 .8 1.7 .8 .5 1.7 1.5 1.0 .4 2.9 1.0 1.0 .9 .8 1.0 .6 .7 .6 .5 .3 1.1 .7 .8 .7 .8 .9 .5 .8 .9 0.8 1.9 .6 .8 .8 .7 .7 .9 .7 .6 .5 .6 .6 .8 .7 .5 .6 .6 .4 9.5 5.4 2.3 3.8 3.8 2.9 2.9 4.4 3.1 2.6 1.5 3.3 2.1 3.3 2.2 1.8 3.4 2.6 2.4 1.7 FORGE SHOPS Accident data for forge shops are available only for 1917 and suc ceeding years. Such data are shown in Table 64. T a b l e 6 4 . — ACCIDENTS A N D A C C ID E N T RATES IN FORGE SHOPS, 1917 TO 1925, B Y YEARS A N D o-YEAR PERIODS Number of cases Year or period Fullyear workers 1917..................... 3,881 1918..................... 6,408 1919-.-................ 2,169 1920..................... % 197 1921..................... 902 1922..................... 1,514 2,049 192 3 192 4 2,272 1910-1914............. 6,249 1915-1919............. 12,667 1920-1924............. 8,901 1925..................... 3,794 Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours* ex posure) Per Tem Per- jjTcmma po ma- i! porary T o nent 1 rary nent Death disa disa tal Death disa : disabil bil bil ; bility i ity ity ity 3 4 2 1 2 1 8 9 4 3 15 26 4 5 3 8 9 9 19 45 34 11 917 1,009 257 380 107 233 309 567 1,080 2,189 1,596 893 935 1,039 263 385 111 243 319 576 1,107 1243 1,634 907 a3 .2 .3 .4 .4 .2 .4 .S .1 .3 1.3 1.4 .6 .8 1.1 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.0 ! 78.8 ! 53.2 39.5 58.6 39.5 51.3 50.2 83.2 57.6 57.6 i 59.8 ; 78.5 Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours’ ex posure) Per Tem ma po To Death nent rary To tal disa disa tal bil bil ity ity 80.4 1.5 1.2 54.8 40.4 1.8 59.4 41.0 ~'~Z2 53.5 2.6 51.9 1.0 84.5 59.0 “ " i e " 59.0 1.4 .9 61.2 79.7 1.6 1.6 1.1 .3 .8 1.0 1.7 .9 L5 .6 1.1 1.2 .9 1.3 .7 .6 .7 .7 .9 .7 1.2 .7 .9 .9 .8 4.4 3.0 2.7 1.5 3.9 5.2 2.6 2.7 3.9 3.4 3.0 3.3 60 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES WIRE DRAWING From 1910 to 1925 accident frequency in wire drawing declined 69.2 per cent and accident severity 55.8 per cent. From the first 5-year period frequency dropped 63.5 per cent and severity 28.1 per cent. When the 5-year periods are considered they show a rather remark able regularity of decrease. So far as severity is concerned this is unquestionably due to the replacement of old equipment by im proved machinery, which is more efficient and much safer. T a b l e 65.—ACCIDENTS AND ACCIDEN T RATES IN W IRE D R A W IN G , 1910 TO 1925, BY YEARS AND 5-YEAR PERIODS Number of cases Year or period FuIIyear workers 1910................. 1911................. 1912.................. 1913................. 1914................. 1915................. 1916.................. 1917.................. 1918................. 1919................. 1920................. 1921.................. 1922................. 1923.................. 1924................. 1910-1914......... 1915-1919......... 1920-1924......... 1925.................. 10,370 11,819 13,059 12,769 11,468 7,859 9,551 13,727 12,790 8,739 13,243 9,186 13,836 14,783 31,567 59,481 52,666 62,614 13,758 Per-1 maDeath nent disa bility 5 4 4 6 2 1 4 3 4 2 4 3 2 12 11 2 84 89 104 59 47 62 104 63 60 32 63 36 53 54 44 383 321 250 47 Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours* exposure) Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours' ex posure) Per Tem Tem Per Tem po ma po ma po rary Total Death nent rary Total Death nent rary Total disa disa disa disa disa bility bility bility bility bility 2,323 2,270 2,627 2,542 1,742 1,831 1,764 1,700 991 626 1,252 527 837 ■ 919 j 711 ill, 504 I 6,912 1 4,246 ! 938 i 2,412 2,363 2,735 2,607 1,791 1,894 1,872 1,766 1,055 658 1,317 567 893 975 755 11,908 7,215 4,507 987 0.2 .1 .1 .2 .1 .3 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .4 .1 .1 .1 .1 2.7 2.3 2.7 1.5 1.4 2.6 3.6 1.5 1.6 1.2 1.6 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.0 1.3 1.1 74.7 59.0 67.1 66.4 50.6* 77.7 61.6 41.3 25.8 23.9 31.5 19.1 20.2 20.7 20.5 63.5 43.7 22.6 22.7 77.6 61.4 69.9 68.1 52.1 80.3 65.3 42.9 27.5 25.1 33.2 20.6 21.6 21.9 21.8 65.7 45.8 24.0 23.9 1.0 .6 .6 .9 .4 .3 .8 .4 .6 .9 .4 .3 .7 .5 .4 .3 2.6 2.0 2.5 1.1 1.3 2.4 2.9 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.8 1.9 1.6 1.5 1.2 0.7 .6 .7 .7 .5 .8 .6 .6 .4 .4 .5 .4 .4 .4 .3 .6 .5 .4 .4 4.3 3.2 3.8 2.7 2.2 3.5 4.3 2.0 2.2 1.4 2.5 2.7 2.1 1.9 2.1 3.2 2.6 2.3 1.9 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT The accident experience of the electrical department does not run a uniform course and is less satisfactory in its reductions than is indi cated as possible by the experience of some of the plants. From 1910 to 1925 frequency declined 78.9 per cent and severity 9.5 per cent. If the 5-year periods be considered, there was a decline from the first period to the third of 56.5 per cent in frequency and 52.4 per cent in severity. IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY 61 T able 66.—ACCIDENTS AND ACCIDEN T RATES IN TH E E LE C T R IC A L D E P A R T M EN T, 1910 TO 1925, BY YEARS AN D frYEAR PERIODS Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours’ ex posure) Number of cases Year or period 191 0 191 1 191 2 191 3 191 4 191 5 191 6 191 7 191 8 191 9 192 0 192 1 192 2 1 9 2 3 -... 10 2 4 wio^oiY. 1915-1919 1920-1924 1925....... . Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours* ex posure) FullPer Tem Per Tem Per Tem year ma po ma po ma po work nent rary To Death nent rary To Death nent rary To ers Death disa disa disa^ tal disa disa tal disa tal i bil bilbil bil bil bil ity ity ity ity ity ity 1,526 2,700 3,796 4,012 2,327 612 1,635 4,385 4,747 4,644 4,473 3,025 287 368 544 524 315 25 301 603 505 503 411 193 169 228 184 495 301 23 289 571 403 188 164 215 171 1,957 1,851 1, 1,141 1,185 159 148 4,325 3,989 14,921 16,023 19,339 4,011 0.4 .4 .5 1.2 1.1 .5 1.2 1.2 .7 .9 .4 .2 .4 .4 .6 .8 1.0 .4 .5 0.7 1.1 1.3 1.2 .9 .5 1.2 1.2 .7 .5 .2 .3 .1 .6 .5 1.1 .8 .4 .4 61.6 43.0 45.9 41.1 43.1 12.5 58.9 43.4 34.1 34.7 30.0 20.7 15.5 16.6 14.3 45.2 38.5 19.7 12.3 62.7 44.5 47.7 43.5 45.1 13.5 61.3 45.8 35.5 36.1 30.6 21.2 16.0 17.6 15.4 47.1 40.3 20.5 13.2 2.6 2.2 3.1 7.0 6.9 3.3 7.3 7.3 4.2 5i6 2.2 1.3 2.3 2.3 3.5 4.6 5.7 2.4 3.0 0.9 .9 1.7 1.2 1.0 .2 .4 1.3 1.1 .9 .1 .6 .1 .4 .4 1.2 1.0 .3 .6 0.7 .5 .5 .5 .5 .1 .8 .7 .4 .5 .4 .3 .4 .3 .3 .5 .5 .3 .3 4.2 3.6 5.3 8.7 8.4 3.6 8.5 9.3 5.7 11 2.2 2.8 3.0 &2 6.3 7.2 3.0 3.9 MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT The mechanics employed about steel mills are exposed to a considerable hazard. Much of their work is urgent and difficult repair work which must be carried on under such conditions of lighting and location as add seriously to the danger. From 1910 to 1925 there is recorded a decline of 70.6 per cent in accident frequency and 27.0 per cent in accident severity. The 5-year periods show from the first to the third a 62.2 per cent drop in frequency and a 30 per cent in severity. T a b l e 67.—ACCIDENTS AND A C CIDEN T RATES IN THE M ECH ANICAL D E P A R T M EN T, 1908 TO 1925, BY YEARS AND 5-YEAR PERIODS Number of cases ! FullYear or period : year workers 1908.................. 1910.................. 1911.................. 1912.................. 1913.................. 1914.................. 1915.................. 1916.................. 1917.................. 1918.................. 1919.................. 1920.................. 1921.................. 1922.................. 1923................. 1924.................. 1910-1914......... 1915-1919.......... 1920-1924......... 1925.................. Per ma !Death nent disa bility 1.619 15,927 17,863 21,591 24,009 17,772 5,987 16,920 33,328 58,002 40,609 34,648 25,036 30,324 37,449 31,331 97,161 154,846 162,121 36,666 4 18 13 19 36 18 3 9 43 54 45 26 21 25 37 29 104 154 138 31 2063c—27------5 7 56 80 95 103 60 27 86 134 162 83 68 41 75 102 80 392 492 366 71 Accident frequency rates j Accident severity rates (per 1,000,000 hours’ : (per 1,000 hours’ ex exposure) posure) 1 | ! Per- Tem Per Tem Tem ma po j ma- po po I rary Total Death : nent rary Total;Death nent rary Total disa disa disa disa disa bility bility bility bility bility 430 2,618 3,015 4,040 4,972 3,149 573 2,245 5,201 6,054 4,483 3,767 1,703 1,626 2,045 1,855 17,794 18,556 10,996 1,717 441 2,692 3,108 4,154 5,111 3,227 603 i, 340 5,378 6,270 4,611 3,861 1,775 1,726 2,184 1,964 18,292 19,202 11,510 1,819 0.8 .4 .2 .3 .5 .3 .2 .2 .4 .3 .4 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .4 .3 .3 .3 1.4 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.1 1.5 1.7 1.3 .9 .7 .7 .5 .8 .9 .8 1.3 1.1 .8 .7 89.1 54.8 56.3 62.4 69.0 59.1 31.9 44.2 52.0 34.8 36.8 36.2 22.7 17.9 18.2 17.8 61.0 39.9 22.6 15.6 91.3 66.4 58.0 64.2 70.9 60.5 33.6 46.1 53.7 36.0 37.9 37.2 23.6 19.0 19.4 18.9 62.7 41.3 23.7 16.6 4.9 2.3 1.5 1.8 2.9 2.0 1.0 1.1 2.6 1.9 2.2 1.5 1.7 1.6 2.0 1.7 2.1 2.0 1.7 1.7 0.6 .9 LI 1.2 1.0 1.0 .7 1.5 1.0 1.0 .7 .6 .5 .7 1.0 .6 1.1 1.0 .7 .7 1.1 .5 .7 .8 .9 .7 .4 .6 .8 .4 .5 .5 .4 .3 .3 .3 .8 .5 .4 .3 6.6 3.7 3.3 3.8 4.8 3.7 2.1 3.2 4.4 3.3 3.4 2.6 2.5 2.6 3.3 2.6 4.0 3.5 2.8 2.7 62 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES POWER HOUSES The shift in the relatively low accident rates of the power-housa department is best shown by consideration of the 5-year periods. From the first to the third, frequency declined 49.4 per cent and severity 11.5 per cent. T a b l e 68.—ACCIDENTS AND ACCIDEN T RATES IN POWER HOUSES, 1917 TO 1925, BY YEARS AND 5-YEAR PERIODS Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours' ex posure) Number of casos Year or period Fullyear work ers Per Tem ma po rary nent Death disa disa bil bil ity ity 1917..................... 4,552 1918..................... 3,699 1919..................... 4,093 1920..................... 4,591 1921..................... 2,344 1922..................... 3,361 1923..................... 4,070 1924..................... 4,511 1912-1914............. 8,063 1915-3919............. 13,219 1920-1924............. 18,878 1925.................... 4,218 7 9 11 4 2 7 10 2 1 6 5 6 27 17 3 5* 4 8 21 21 18 4 210 254 213 172 77 115 117 157 544 739 638 183 Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours' ex posure) Per Tem ma po To Death nent rary To Death tal disa disa tal bil bil ity ity 224 273 226 177 79 120 127 170 571 787 673 190 0.5 .8 .9 .3 .3 .5 .4 .2 .7 .8 .2 0.5 .9 .2 .1 .5 .3 .6 .9 .5 .3 .3 15.4 22.9 17.3 12.5 ia 9 11.4 9.6 11.6 22.4 18.6 11.3 14.5 Per Tem ma po nent rary T o disa disa tal bil bil ity ity 16.4 3.1 1.0 4.9 .6 24.6 5.4 18.4 .1 12.9 1.7 0) 11.2 1.7 “ ’.y 11.9 10.4 ’ “ ’ L T .4 2.2 12.6 .6 23.5 1.5 .8 19.8 4.1 .6 11.9 1.8 .3 L4 15.0 .8 0.3 .4 .2 .2 .2 .2 .1 .2 .3 .3 .2 .3 4.4 5.8 5.7 1.9 1.9 .9 3.4 3.0 2.8 5.0 2.3 2.0 iLess than one-tenth of 1. YARDS The yard department presents many difficulties in accident reduc tion. The fact that the units of hazard are moving from place to place and that often conditions render vision difficult or impossible complicates the situation. Inspection of the accident rates shows that these difficulties have not been entirely overcome. From 1910 to 1925 frequency declined 23.4 per cent and severity 18.5 per cent. The accident experience of the third 5 -year period is below that of the first, 48 per cent in frequency and 31.7 per cent in severity. IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY T able 63 ACCIDEN TS A N D A C C ID E N T RATES IN Y ARDS, 1807 TO 1925, B Y YEARS A N D 5-YEAR PERIODS Number of cases Year or period year work ers 1907..................... 1910..................... 1911..................... 1912..................... 1913..................... 191 4 191 5 1916..................... 1917..................... 1918..................... 1919..................... 1920..................... 1921..................... 1922..................... 1923..................... 1924..................... 1910-1914............. 1915-1919............. 1920-1924... ____ 1925.............. . . . . 2,618 15,932 9,085 11,180 11,859 7,879 3,843 7,853 15,732 16,354 10,108 12,087 5,840 7,969 8,381 8,269 55,932 53,890 42,546 7,683 Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours' ex posure) Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours' ex posure) Per- Tem Per Tem Per Tem mar po ma po ma po nent rary To Death nent rary To Death nent rary T o Death disa disa tal disa disa tal disa disa tal bil bil bil bil bil bil ity ity ity ity ity ity 5 40 11 23 28 10 12 36 33 25 10 6 15 12 10 112 106 53 12 10 49 43 64 50 87 15 56 77 62 48 33 22 16 35 19 243 258 125 24 509 2,054 1,336 1,940 1,807 975 417 929 1,792 1,526 1,021 922 422 536 693 617 8,112 5,685 3,190 755 524 2,143 1,390 2,027 1,885 1,022 432 997 1,905 1,621 1,094 965 450 567 740 644 8,467 6^049 3,366 791 0.6 .8 .4 .7 .8 .4 .5 .8 .7 .8 .3 .3 .6 .5 .4 .7 .7 .4 .5 1.2 1.0 1.6 1.9 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.4 1.6 1.2 1.6 .9 1.3 .7 1.4 .8 1.5 1.6 1.0 1.0 64.8 43.0 49.0 57.8 52.0 41.2 38.2 39.4 38.0 31.1 33.7 25.4 24.1 22.4 27.5 24.9 48.6 35.2 25.0 32.8 66.6 44.8 51.0 60.4 54.2 43.2 37.5 42.3 ‘ " 40.4 33.0 36.1 26.6 25.7 23.7 29.4 26.1 50.8 37.5 26.4 34.3 3.8 6.0 2.4 4.1 4.7 2.5 IT 4.6 4.0 19 1.7 2.1 3.8 2.9 2.4 4.0 3.9 2.5 3.1 2.6 1.0 1.9 1.4 1.0 1.4 1.0 2.2 1.7 1.2 1.9 1.3 1.9 .5 1.9 .9 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.6 LI .5 .7 .8 .7 .6 .4 .6 .6 .6 .5 .5 .4 .5 .6 .6 .4 .6 7.5 6.5 5.0 6.3 6.4 4.5 1.4 5.9 6.9 5.8 7.4 3.4 4.4 4.8 5.2 3.8 6.0 6.1 4.1 5.8 ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL The small size of the exposure from year to year impairs the significance of this group but the 5-year periods may be regarded as giving a true picture of conditions. From the first 5-year period to the third, accident frequency rates declined from 121.7 to 97.5, or 19.9 per cent. Accident severity rates dropped from 31.4 to 19.9, or 36.6 per cent. Thus far no other industrial group has been found which has a ratio as high as these for the erection of structural steel. It remains the most hazardous occupation after a steady and fairly large reduction. Oregon worked out rates for logging and logging railways in 1920, and the severity rates for that year were 21.6 for logging and 20.2 for logging railways. In the same year erection of structural steel had a severity rate of 25.9. There is a very wide gap between these rates and the next lower ones. This situation in erection work is due to two important elements: ( 1) Activities of this nature constantly shift from place to place, making it difficult to apply the methods which have been found effective in settled industry. (2 ) There is nearly always strong pressure for speed both from the owner and from the contractor. It is therefore to be considered gratifying that there is evidence of material improvement. 64 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES T a b l e 7 0 . — ACCIDENTS AN D ACC ID E N T RATES IN THE ERECTION OF STRU CTURAL STEEL, 1915 TO 1925, BY YEARS AN D 5-YEAR PERIODS Number of cases Year or period Fullyear work ers Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours' ex posure) Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours' ex posure) Per Tem Per Tem Per Tem ma po ma po ma po rary To Death nent rary To Death nent rary Tonent Death disa disa tal disa disa tal disa disa tal bil bil bil bil bil bil ii ity ity ity ity ity ity iI i 1915.....................|| 1916................ — 1917..................... 1918..................... 1919..................... 1920..................... 1921..................... 1922..................... 1923.................... 1924..................... 1912-1914............. 1915-1919............. 1920-1924............. 1925.................... 803 1,011 1,156 1,234 775 <37 573 595 912 1,009 2,157 4.979 3,726 937 i ' i1 ; i i! ii R ! 1 j i 266 251 264 251 442 469 364 377 214 226 204 222 177 168 129 136 244 234 311 291 738 788 35 1,522 1,C02 35 1.026 1,090 3 188 200 7 3 15 3 7 12 4 2 7 10 8 10 12 10 5 6 5 3 10 26 45 29 9 3.3 3.3 3.5 2.7 2.2 3.3 2.9 2.8 1.1 3.3 4.0 3.0 2.6 3.2 2.9 1.0 4.3 .8 3.0 6.6 2.3 1.1 2.6 3.3 3.7 2.3 3.1 1.1 104.2 82.7 127.5 98.3 86.8 111.8 97.8 72.3 85.5 96.1 114.0 101.9 91.8 66.9 110.4 87.0 135.3 101.8 92.0 121.7 103.0 76.2 89.2 102.7 121.7 107.2 97.5 71.2 19.9 19.8 20.8 16.2 12.9 19.7 17.5 16.8 6.6 19.8 24.1 18.1 15.6 19.2 4.3 1.7 4.0 2.0 1.3 3.7 1.1 2.5 1.6 3.4 5.5 2.0 2.5 2.2 1.2 25.4 1.7 23.2 2.2 27.0 1.4 19.6 1.3 15.5 2.5 25.9 1.7 20.2 1.8 21.1 1.2 9.4 1.9 25.1 1.8 31.4 1.6 22.3 1.8 19.9 1.0 22.4 COKE OVENS From 1915 to 1925 accident frequency in coke ovens declined 74.2 per cent while accident severity declined 33.3 per cent. The 5-year periods show a positive decline, frequency dropping from the first to the third period 65.9 per cent and severity 62.9 per cent. T a k l e 71.—ACCIDEN TS AND ACCIDEN T RATES IN COKE OVENS,> 1915 TO 1925. BY YEARS AND 5-YEAR PERIODS Number of cases Year or period Fullyear work ers 1915..................... 1,648 1916..................... 2,195 1917..................... 6,641 1918..................... 9,395 1919..................... 9,022 1920..................... 8,620 1921..................... 5,768 1922..................... 6,554 1923..................... 8,961 1924..................... 7,506 1912-1914............. 13,282 1915-1919............. 28,901 1920-1924............. 37,409 1925..................... 7,599 Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours’ ex posure) Accident severity rates (per 1.000 hours' ex posure) Per Tem Per Tem Per Tem ma po ma po ma po nent rary T o nent rary To nent rary T o Death Death Death ; disa disa tal disa disa tal disa disa tal bil bil bil bil bil bil ity ity ity ity ity ity 2 5 26 21 12 6 2 2 7 9, 27 66 j 26 4 ’| 4 128 6 150 10 508 14 662 10 647 11 518 4 182 1 207 14 416 15 ! 254 39 11,651 44:2,095 45 i>1,577 ! 142 14 | | i ! 134 , 161 : 544 697 669 535 188 ; 210 : 437 ! 278 1,717 2,205 1,648 ! 160 J 0.4 .8 1.3 .7 .4 .2 .1 .1 .3 .4 .7 .8 .2 .2 0.8 .9 .5 .5 .4 .4 .2 .1 .5 .7 1.0 .5 .4 .6 ! 25.9 22.7 25.5 23.5 23.9 10.0 10.5 10.5 15.5 11.3 41.4 24.1 14.1 6.2 27.1 i 24.4 |27.3 i 24.7 i 24.7 i 10.6 : 10.8 ! 10.7 i 16.3 ! 12.4 ' 43.1 • 25.4 i 14.7 . 7.0 2.4 4.6 7.8 4.5 2.7 1.4 .7 .6 1.6 2.4 4.1 4.6 1.4 1.1 1This table covers only those coke ovens operated in connection with steel works. information see publications of the Bureau of Mines. 0.6 .5 .5 .5 .6 .7 .3 .2 1.1 .9 1.5 .5 .7 .9 0.3 .4 .4 .4 .4 .3 .2 .2 .3 .2 .6 .4 .2 .2 3.3 5.5 8.7 5.4 3.7 2.4 1.1 1.0 3.0 3.5 6.2 5.5 2.3 2.2 For more complete OTHER DEPARTMENTS Accident data and accident frequency and severity rates for other departments of the iron and steel industry, for the 3-ears for which thejr are available, are shown in Table 72. IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY 65 T a b l e 72*—ACCIDENTS AND AC C ID E N T RATES IN MISCELLANEOUS DEPA RTM E N TS OF THE IRON A ND STEEL IN DU STRY, 1915 TO 1925, B Y YEARS AND 5-YEAR PERIODS Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours’ ex posure) Number of cases | FullYear or period ■ year iworkers Per ma Death nent disa bility Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours* ex posure) Per Tem Tem Per Tem ma po po ma po rary Total Death nent rary Total Death nent rary Total disa disa disa disa disa bility bility bility bility bility Axle works 191 5 ........... 191 6 -1917............. 1018............. 191 9 192 0 192 1 192 2 192 3 ■»mu 1912^914 - 11 1915-1919... 1920-1924... 1925............. 191 372 713 009 582 743 242 490 774 516 1,326 2,467 2,764 436 21 17 81 156 63 100 12 11 30 22 438 338 175 6 1.7 22 i. 17 81 159 63 100 13 11 30 24 444 342 178 6 j. • I. i 1.3 36.6 15.2 37.9 1.6 85.4 36.1 44.8 16.5 7.5 12.9 .6 14.2 110.1 .5 45.7 .1 21.1 4.6 1.0 .2 38.3 15.2 37.9 87.0 ........... 36.1 44.8 8.3 17.9 7.5 12.9 3.9 11.4 8.0 111.6 46.2 21.5 '■ ’ i.T 4.6 3.1 3.9 .2 2.1 1.2 0) 0.3 .1 .9 1.1 .7 .7 .5 .1 .1 .2 1.6 .7 .8 .1 3.4 .1 .9 5.0 .7 .7 8.7 .1 .1 4.3 6.7 1.9 1.7 .1 0i7 2.1 .9 .6 1.0 .6 .7 .6 .8 .8 1.3 1.0 .7 .6 1.0 8.6 5.9 1.7 8.2 1.5 4.9 .6 2.8 2.9 4.7 3.9 2.3 1.9 0.1 .5 1.0 .3 .5 .1 .5 .3 .2 .3 .8 .5 2.4 88.6 13.0 6.0 10.9 8.3 .5 30.1 4.1 14.7 8.2 13.3 10.6 Car wheels 191 5 191 6 191 7 191 8 191 9 192 0 192 1 192 2 192 3 192 4 1912-1914. 1915-1919. 1920-1924. 3925......... 25 348 250 337 353 170 92 78 116 137 609 1,313 595 69 734 1,296 1,866 1,619 1,215 552 1,102 1,099 1,083 2,307 5,904 5,050 931 I 26 352 257 338 365 174 95 78 118 141 627 1,338 608 72 0.9 .8 .2 .2 0.9 21.4 22.3 .9 158.0 159.0 1.0 64.3 66.1 60.2 60.4 2.3 72.6 75.1 1.0 46.7 47.7 1.2 56.7 58.6 23.6 23.6 .3 35.2 35.8 .9 42.2 43.4 2.1 85.8 88.3 1.0 74.1 75.5 .7 39.3 40.2 1.1 24.7 25.8 5.4 4.6 1.1 1.2 3.0 0.3 1.0 .4 1.0 .0 .5 1.8 1.8 2.5 2.4 1.2 .2 .3 .9 .5 .4 1.3 30.8 11.3 5.4 2.3 7.3 .7 .3 10.4 2.9 Docks and ore yards J915........ 191 6 191 7 J918........ 191 9 192 0 192 1 192 2 192 3 192 4 1911-1914 1915-1919 1920-1924 192 5 115 195 I 353 ! 368 1 352 379 235 271 538 340 1,293 1,383 1,761 7 16 78 35 39 12 11 7 15 12 139 175 57 7 3 2 1 9 21 81 37 45 15 11 13 18 16 153 193 73 9 5.1 1.9 .9 3.7 .8 1.4 .8 1.7 5.8 3.4 .9 .9 5.7 1.8 '§.'7 1.9 3.9 2.8 2.9 2.3 20.3' 27.4 73.6 31.7 37.0 10.6 15.6 8.6 9.2 26.1 35.9 76.4 33.5 42.7 13.3 15.6 16.0 35.8 42.2 10.8 6.0 39.4 46.5 13.9 7.7 11.1 11.8 15.7 ' 5. 3 * 22.2 4.6 &7 4.5 10.3 To 3.9 14.4 2.8 4.1 5.8 10.6 Woven wive fence 1915. 1916. 1017. 1918. 1919. 1920. 1921. 1922. 1923. 1924. 1915-1919. 19201925. 1,552 1.623 1,269 1,531 1,336 1,097 1,095 1,528 1,603 1,301 7,311 6.623 1,290 10 18 10 5 4 6 3 6 3 6 47 24 2 294 180 98 77 35 48 79 85 124 63 684 399 105 304 198 108 82 40 54 82 91 128 69 732 424 107 0.2 .2 2.1 3.7 2.6 1.1 1.0 1.8 .9 1.3 .6 1.5 2.1 1.2 .5 63.1 37.0 25.7 16.8 8.7 14.6 24.1 18.5 25.8 16.1 31.2 20.1 27.1 65.2 40.7 28.3 17.9 9.9 16.4 30.0 19.8 26.6 17.6 33.4 21.4 27.6 1.5 1.2 1.2 3.0 2.1 1.0 .6 2.9 .8 .7 .5 1.3 1.6 1.2 .2 0.5 .4 .4 .2 .2 .2 .4 .4 .2 .2 .3 .3 .4 1.7 3.4 2.5 1.2 2.3 3.1 1.2 1.1 1.9 1.5 2.2 1.8 .6 66 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES T a b l e 72.—ACCIDEN TS AND ACCIDEN T RATES IN M ISCELLANEOUS D E PA RTM E N TS OF THE IRON AND STEEL IN DU STRY, 1915 TO 1925, BY YEARS A ND 5-YEAR PERIODS— Continued Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours’ ex posure) Number of cases Year or period Fullyear workers Per ma Death nent disa bility Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours' ex posure) Tem Per Tem Per Tem po ma poma po rary Total Death nent rary Total Death nent rary Total disa disa disa disa disa bility bility bility bility bility Vails and staples 1,546 1 1915................. 1,993 1916................. 1 1917.................. 2,323 1918...... . ......... 1,916 1919................. 2,040 1920................. 2,364 1 1921.................. 1,718 1 1922................. 2,366 1 1923................. 3,404 1924................. 1,939 9,818 ....... 2 1915-1919.. 3 1920-1924......... 10,890 1925_________ 1,925 12 10 16 10 8 8 6 10 7 6 56 37 6 181 236 184 123 58 164 91 121 131 81 782 588 88 194 0.2 246 .1 201 133 66 172 98 .2 .1 132 .1 139 87 840 * : r .i 628 94 2.6 .2 2.3 1.7 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.4 .9 1.0 1.9 1.1 1.0 39.0 41.8 1.3 39.5 39.7 26.4 28.8 “ .T 21.4 £3.1 9.5 10.8 23.1 24.2 17.7 19.0 1.2 17.0 18.5 .8 17.4 18.5 .8 13.9 14.9 . . . . . . . 26.5 28.5 18.0 19.2 .6 15.2 16.2 1.7 1.0 2.1 1.2 .5 .8 .6 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.3 1.0 1.6 0.3 1.4 .3 .2 .1 .1 .3 .3 .2 .2 .3 .2 ,2 3.3 2.4 3.3 1.4 .6 .9 2.1 2.4 2.2 1.2 2.0 1.8 1.8 Hot mills 1923.................. 6,374 1924................. 5,780 1920-1924......... 30,018 1925____ _____ 7,773 2 1 11 4 9 7 39 19 820 831 634 642 3,223 3,273 913 936 0.1 .1 .1 .17 0.5 .4 .4 .81 42.9 36.6 35.8 39.1 43.5 37.1 36.3 4a 1 0.6 .3 .7 1.03 0.4 .5 .4 .74 0.5 .6 .5 .60 1.5 1.4 1.6 9.37 43.3 38.6 39.3 35.2 30.7 36.7 28.9 29.9 35.3 30.0 35.9 32.6 27.7 1.5 1.4 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.0 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.2 .7 0.6 1.4 .8 .9 .7 .9 .8 .8 .9 .9 1.3 .9 .7 0.6 .6 .5 .5 .4 .5 .5 .4 .5 .5 .5 .5 .4 2.7 3.4 3.1 2.9 2.6 2.8 2.6 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.4 2.6 1.8 Unclassified 1915................. 1916.................. 1917................. 1918................. 1919.................. 1920.................. 192 1 192 2 1923.................. 1924____ _____ 1915-1919......... 1920-1924......... 1925................. 21,547 24,216 71,249 97,513 78,804 104,741 53,403 79,405 95,138 93,018 293,329 425,704 132,291 41 2,749 16 17 72 2,714 65 164 &165 79 284 9,930 60 145 7,054 72 261 11,208 36 134 4,468 39 233 6,848 52 *273 9,719 285 8,032 66 237 706 30,612 265 1,186 40,275 45 3G8 10,648 2,806 2,803 8,394 10,293 7,259 11,541 4,638 7,120 10,044 8,383 31,555 41,736 11,001 0.2 .2 .3 .3 .3 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .3 .2 .1 0.6 1.0 .8 1.0 .6 .8 .8 1.0 1.0 1.0 .8 .9 .8 42.5 37.4 38.2 33.9 29.8 35.7 27.9 28.7 34.1 28.8 34.8 31.5 26.8 * Less than one-tenth of 1. ANALYSIS OP ACCIDENT CAUSES IN THE INDUSTRY ACCIDENT EXPERIENCE 07 THE DEPARTMENTS COMPARED The tables in this section present the experience of 13 departments during two 5-year periods for 7 large cause groups. In the portion of the tables pertaining to 1915-1919 the departments were arranged in the order of their accident severity. To make comparison of the two periods as easy as possible, in the portion of the table relating to 1920-1924 the departments are given in the same order as for 19151919 and not according to their accident severity. The most striking feature of these tables is the constancy with which practically every department records lower rates in the second period. IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY 67 MACHINERY In the first period the electrical department suffered most severely from accidents. In the second period there is but one department with a lower severity rate. Evidently the high severity rate of the first period is not wholly typical. Since the group of the second period is much larger, it may be assumed that it more accurately reflects the relations of the departments. The highest accident frequency (158.7) of the first period is found in fabricating. In the second period the highest frequency (114) appeal's in foundries. T a b l e 73.—M A CH IN E RY AS A CAUSE OP AC C IDE N T: NU M BER OP CASES AND AC C ID E N T FREQUENCY AN D SE VERITY RATES, 1915 TO 1919, AND 1920 TO 1924, B Y D E PA RTM E N TS Number of cases Department Fullycar work ers Per ma nent Death dis abil ity Accident frequenc;irrates Accident se7erity rates (per 10,000,000 j tours’ (per 10,000 hours' ex exposure) posure) Per Tem Tem Per Tem ma po po ma po rary Total Death nent rary Total Death nent rary dis dis dis dis dis Total abil abil abil abil abil ity ity ity ity ity 1915-1919 Electrical............... Open hearths......... Fabricating........... Bessemer............... Blast furnaces....... Yards..................... Foundries.............. Plate mills............. Tube mills............. Mechanical............ Heavy rolling mills Sheet mills............ Unclassified........... 4,191 20; 525 11,110 5,450 17,021 9,819 10,222 14,711 11,021 24,752 27,123 5,920 55,534 5 16 6 4 9 5 4 6 4 8 7 18 65 76 6 4.0 22 365 403 2.6 529 1.5 40 484 4 46 54 2.4 19 125 153 L7 87 1.7 9 101 12 308 324 1.3 372 1.4 19 347 98 119 17 1.2 597 638 33 1.1 42 403 452 .9 8 65 73 _ 68 1,125 1,211 ’ “i . T 4.8 51.7 60.5 23.86 3.6 59.3 65.5 15.59 12.0 145.2 158.7 9.00 2.4 28.1 33.0 14.68 3.6 23.6 28.9 10.22 3.1 29.5 34.3 i a 18 3.9 100.4 105.6 7.83 4.3 78.6 84. S 8.16 5.0 29.0 35.2 7.10 4.4 sa 4 85.9 6.46 5.1 49.5 55.5 5.16 4. o 36.6 41.1 _ 4.1 67.5 72.7 "a is ’ 6.44 2.12 6.74 1.28 3.72 2.78 3.18 2.65 3.99 3.17 4.32 2.70 3.64 1.08 1.54 2.81 .78 .58 .60 2.04 1.87 1.20 1.53 1.23 .84 L47 31.38 19.25 18.55 16.74 14.52 13.57 13.05 12.68 12.29 11.16 10.71 3.54 11.59 1.9 21.4 2.0 29.6 3.5 80.6 1.5 20.0 1.4 11.4 2.0 19.2 4.4 109.1 2.7 32.7 2.6 20.3 2.3 29.5 2.4 35.0 3.2 24.8 1.5 26.4 1.64 .61 .76 jl.83 !3.53 1.75 .55 ;1.53 .29 !l.l6 !1.83 .45 12.56 2.05 !1.23 .84 :1.52 .56 1.78 .58 ;1.39 .97 12.77 .65 1.29 .61 5.01 10.58 11.27 5.10 5.47 7.25 7.84 8.31 4.42 5.04 9.02 6.49 6.00 1920-1924 Electrical............... Open hearths......... Fabricating............ Bessemer............... Blast furnaces....... Yards..................... Foundries.............. Plate mills............. Tube mills............. Mechanical............ Heavy rolling mills Sheet mills............ Unclassified........... 14,002 60,087 20,049 19,853 54,773 20,118 37,129 22,428 68,335 89,481 48,082 45,618 107,317 2 ; 8 90 100 24 ! 36 533 593 21 485 512 « ! 9 119 3 131 187 221 11 : 23 5 12 116 133 49 1,215 1,270 « 7 18 220 245 8 ! 53 416 477 12 j 61 793 866 16: 35 505 556 7 ; 44 339 390 22 ! 49 851 922 .5 1.3 1.0 .5 .7 .8 .5 1.0 .4 .5 1.1 .5 .7 23.8 32.9 85.1 22.0 13.5 22.0 114.0 36.4 23.3 32.3 38.6 28.5 28.6 2.86 7.99 5.99 3.02 4.02 4.97 3.23 6.24 2.34 2.68 6.66 3.07 4.10 POWER VEHICLES As might be expected yards have the greatest accident severity (54.35 in 1915-1919 and 31.83 in 1920-1924) from power vehicles. In accident frequency also this is the leading accident cause (165.3 in 1915-1919 and 66.4 in 1920-1924). In the first period blast furnaces (18.96) stands next in severity while in the second period open hearths (7.24) occupies this position, [t will be noticed that their rates are very much lower than those for yards. In fact, yards present a serious problem to any safety man. It has been noted elsewhere that motion is iu many cases the 68 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES element of hazard. A localized machine with its moving parts presents dangers. When the machine adds a motion from place to place the dangers multiply. That the difficulties are not insoluble the records of the two periods strikingly indicate. T a b l e 74.—POWER VEHICLES AS A CAUSE OF ACCIDENT: N U M BER OF CASES AND ACCIDEN T FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES, 1915 TO 1919 AND 1920 TO 1924, BY DEPA RTM E N TS : Accident frequency rates Accident severity rates (per 10,000 hours' ex ! (per 10,000,000 hours' j exposure) posure) Number of cases Department Fullyear work ers Per Tem ma po rary Death nent dis dis Total1Death abil abil ity ity Permanent dis abil ity Tem Per Tem po ma po rary Total Death nent rary Total dis dis- dis abil- abil abil ity ity ity 1915^-1919 Yards.............. Blast furnaces. Open hearths....... ; Heavy rolling mills. Mechanical........... Tube mills............ Electrical............... Foundries............. Fabricating........... Plate mills............. 8heet mills............ Unclassified.......... 9,819 17.621 5,450 20,525 27,123 24,752 11.621 4,191 10,222 11,110 14,711 5,920 55,534 14 443 131 41 178 48 48 7 7 21 13 487 149 49 202 61 52 9 7 21 13 20 6.8 2.8 1.8 1.3 .1 .3 192 213 .8 354 150 67 263 62 91 55 12 76 31 12 60 311 401 160 68 300 71 99 58 14 79 32 12 65 4.0 .5 .2 .9 .8 .2 .1 .5 .1 .2 150.4 165.3 24.8 28.2 25.1 3a 0 28.9 32.8 5.9 7.5 6.5 7.1 2.7 2.1 5.6 5.6 6.8 6.8 3.9 3.9 4.5 4.5 .4 11.5 .12.7 40.74 17.03 11.00 7.80 4.42 1.62 9.86 1.45 1.28 3.21 1.22 .86 .62 a 75 54.35 .48 18.96 1.22 13.50 .76 JL77 5.92 .28 .28 2.76 .18 .80 .16 .16 . 12 .12 .10 .10 .07 .07 5.04 1.17 .23 6.44 23.86 6.33 2.92 .16 1.01 5.33 1.64 .22 .34 .42 .12 .13 .07 .06 .15 .14 .08 .08 .24 31.83 3.30 1.35 7.24 2.37 1920-1924 20,118 54,773 19,853 Open hearths......... 60,087 Heavy rolling mills. 48,082 89,481 Mechanical....... 68,335 Tube mills........ 14,002 Electrical.......... 37,129 Foundries......... 20,049 Fabricating....... 22,428 Plate mills........ 45,618 Sheet mills........ Unclassified. 107,317 Yards.............. Blast furnaces. 58.7 9.1 11.3 14.6 4.3 a4 2.7 2l9 6.8 5.2 1.8 4.4 9.7 66.4 9.7 11.4 16.6 4.9 a7 2.8 &3 7.1 5.3 1.8 4.7 ia 3 1.66 2.86 .54 1.00 " ‘ .‘ 44 2.42 .05 1.21 .07 2.92 .74 1.14 .08 1.00 S. 17 HOT SUBSTANCES Accidents due to hot metal and the electric current are character istic accidents of the iron and steel industry. It is, however, some what surprising that the electrical department has, in both periods, the second highest accident frequency (98.7 in 1915-1919 and 42.1 in 1920-1924). This is, of course, due to the instances where electricians handle live parts and get more or less severe burns. A comparison of the two periods will indicate that the precautions w^hich have come into use in the last five years have been very effective. IBON AND STEEL INDUSTRY 69 T a b le * « .—HOT SUBSTANCES AS A CAUSE OF AC C IDE N T: NU M BER OF CASES AN D ACC ID E N T FREQU EN CY A N D SEVERITY KATES, IMS TO 1919 AN D 1920 TO 1924, B Y D E PA RTM E N TS i Accident frequency rates Accident severity rates (per 10,000,000 hours’ (per 10,000 hours' ex exposure) posure) Number of cases Department year work ers Per ma nent Death dis abil ity. j1 ! Tem po !j rary Total Death dis abil ity Per ma nent dis abil ity Tem Per Tem po ma po rary Total Death nent rary dis dis dis Total abil abil abil ity ity ity 1915-1919 Electrical............... Bessemer________ Open hearths......... Foundries.............. Heavy rolling mills Plate mills............. Mechanical.______ Tube mills............. Fabricating____ Sheet mills____ . . . Y a n is ...________ Unclassified........... 4,191 6,450 17,621 20,625 10,222 27,123 14,711 24,752 11,621 11.110 6,920 9,819 55,534 4 6 13 14 3 6 2 3 1 1 14,002 19,853 54,773 60,067 37,129 48,082 22,428 89,481 68,335 20,049 46,618 20,118. 107,317 3 3 30 20 8 1 6 3 3' 4 119 114 418 764 167 236 160 181 53 40 39 61 632 124 120 436 781 170 245 162 184 64 41 39 51 644 3.2 0.8 3.7 2.5 " \ T 2.3 .5 1.0 .7 ' . 4’ .5 .4 .3 .3 .5 94.7 69.7 79.1 124.1 54.5 29.0 36.3 24.4 15.7 12.0 22.0 17.3 .2 37.9 98.7 73.4 82.5 126.9 55.5 30.1 36.8 24.8 16.0 12.3 22.0 17.3 38.6 19.09 4.77 22.02 14.76 2.'2i‘ 13.64 .66 5.87 4.42 .66 2.72 2.42 1.78 1.80 2.88 .40 1.12 2.01 1.57 2.35 1.15 .62 .42 .37 .40 .15 .28 .27 .66 24.98 24.03 18.54 16.65 7.02 6.70 8.14 2.79 £18 1.95 .28 .27 3.94 .7 .6 .8 .9 .6 .3 .3 .2 4.9 3.7 12.3 7.8 .9 1.8 1.3 2.2 1.2 2.6 .8 .2 2.8 1920-1024 Electrical............... Bessemer............... Blast furnaces....... Open hearths......... Foundries_______ Heavy rolling mills Plate mills............. Mechanical............ Tube mills_______ Fabricating............ Sheet m i ll s ........ Yards__ _____ . . . . Unclassified........... 2 1 8 3 2 1 12 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 6 174 177 165 168 576 610 894 : 916 440 442 245 248 116 1J8 382 391 302 305 78 81 300 301 68 68 628 645 .7 41.4 42.1 4.3 27.7 28.2 3.0 35.0 37.1 11.0 .6 49.6 50.8 6.7 .2 39.5 39.7 . . . . . . . .3 17.0 17.2 .1 17.2 17.5 .9 .1 14.2 14.6 1.8 .2 14.7 14.9 .9 ‘ “.Y 13.0 13.5 2.0 ' “.T 22.0 22.0 .4 11.3 11.3 .4 .2 19.5 20.0 2.2 .3 .6 1.8 1.1 .2 .1 .2 .1 .2 .0 .8 .2 .3 .2 .3 FAILS OF PERSONS That the electrical department again heads the list in the first period in severity ( 11.21 ) of accidents due to falls of persons and is next to the highest (3.40) in the second period is in part due to inclusion of linemen, whose duties call for work at a height from which a fall may easily occur. It is quite possible that some of these falls are chargeable to electric shock, which causes the fall to occur. In the first period the electrical department also has the highest accident frequency (58.1), followed by open hearths (45.8). In the second period the highest accident frequency (28.0) is found in foundries; in the second period the highest severity rate (3.71) is in blast furnaces. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 70 T abt .e 76.—FALLS OF PERSONS AS A CAUSE OF A CCIDEN T: NUM BER OF CASES AND A CCIDEN T FREQUENCY AND SE VERITY RATES, 1915 TO 1919 AND 1920 TO 1924, B Y DEPA RTM E N TS Accident frequency rates Accident severity rates (per 10,000 hours’ ex (per 10,000,000 hours’ posure) exposure) Number of cases Department Fullyear work ers 1915-1919 Electrical________ Blast furnaces....... Mechanical______ Foundries.............. Fabricating______ Tube mills_______ Bessemer________ Open hearths_____ H eavy rolling m ills Plate mills_______ ' Sheet mills_______ Yards..................... Unclassified........... 4,191 17,621 24,752 10,222 11,110 11,621 5.450 20,525 27,123 14,711 5,920 9.819 55,534 1920-1924 Electrical............... 14,002 Blast furnaces____ 54,773 Mechanical______ 89,481 Foundries_______ 37,129 Fabricating______ 20,049 Tube mills_______ 68,335 Bessemer________ 19,853 Open hearths......... 60.087 Heavy rolling mills. 48,082 Plate mills_______ 22.428 Sheet mills__ ____ 45,618 Yards..................... 20,118 Unclassified........... 107,317 Per-i Tem Per Tem Per Tem ms- po ma po ma po rary rary Total rary nent nent nent Death dis dis- Total Death dis dis Total Death dis dis abil abilabil abil abil abil ity ity ity : ity ity ity !i 2 4 5 1 1 1 4 1 1 7 3 2 9 “ T 4 12 2 2 6 2 1 2 1 12 2 1 1 1 71 191 289 75 93 37 47 282 203 120 40 73 537 73 199 294 77 91 38 47 282 204 120 40 73 547 85 274 506 312 138 212 73 419 253 92 193 148 684 87 286 522 312 140 214 73 427 256 94 195 149 697 1.6 .8 " o T .7 .3 " \ Y .3 .3 .i .4 .2 .5 .6 .5 .2 .2 .3 .1 .3 .1 .2 .2 .2 .4 .1 .1 .2 .0 56.5 36.1 38.9 24.5 27.9 10.9 28.7 45.8 24.9 27.2 22.5 24.8 32.2 58.1 37.7 39.6 25.1 28.2 11.2 28.7 45.8 25.0 27.2 22.5 24.8 32.8 9.54 1.67 4.54 2.19 .68 4.04 .89 1.96 ~.~20" .30 1.80 .50 .35 L78 1.36 1.04 .53 .09 .41 .41 .38 2.52 .07 .57 11.21 7.41 4.93 2.46 2.30 2.13 1.36 1.04 .62 .41 .41 .38 3.16 20.2 16.3 18.9 28.0 22.9 10.3 12.3 23.2 17.5 13.7 14.1 24.5 21.3 20.7 17.4 19.5 28.0 23.3 10.4 12.3 23.7 17.8 14.0 14.3 24.7 2L7 2.86 3.29 2.68 .54 .36 .50 .39 .47 .26 .35 .50 .36 .23 .26 .45 .40 3.40 3.71 3.27 .39 2.47 .85 .35 2.54 1.21 1.23 1.14 1.44 2.65 .06 .09 2.00 .59 2765 .83 .89 .88 .99 2.24 .04 .02 .11 .01 FALLING OBJECTS The accident severity rate (8.61) for falling objects in the Bessemer department in the first period is, in part at least, associated with the feeding of scrap into the converting vessels. In the older types of construction this was done in a manner permitting the material to fall rather frequently and endangering the men working below, but in recent construction this hazard has been largely overcome. In the first period the highest accident frequency (78) is found in foundries. The same department also has the highest frequency (82.2) in the second period. This is one of the few cases in which the second period has a higher rate than the first. IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY 71 T able 77.—PALLING OBJECTS AS A CAUSE OF A CCIDEN T: N UM BER OF CASES AND A CCIDEN T FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES, 1915 TO 1919 AND 1920 TO 1924, BY D E P A R T M E N TS Accident frequencyrrates (per 10,000,000 £tours' exposure) Number of cases Department Fullyear work ers 1915-1919 Bessemer............... Open hearths......... Foundries.............. Blast furnaces....... Fabricating______ Yards..................... Mechanical........... Plate mills..... ....... Heavy rolling mills Sheet m ills ........ Tube m i ll s ........ Electrical__. . . . . . . Unclassified........... 5,450 20,525 10,222 17,621 11,110 9,819 24,752 14,711 27,123 5,920 11,621 4,191 55,534 2 7 2 4 1 1 2 7 8 1920-1924 Bessemer................ Open hearths......... Foundries_______ Blast furnaces....... Fabricating______ Yards..................... Mechanical............ Plate mills............. Heavy rolling mills Sheet m ills ....___ Tube mills............. E lectrica l.......... Unclassified........... 19,853 60,087 37,129 64,773 20,049 20,118 89,481 22,428 48,082 45,018 68,335 14,002 107,317 1 8 2 10 3 3 5 1 8 ..... Accident severity rates (per 10,000 hours' ex posure) Per Tem Per Tem Per Tem ma po ma po ma po rary rary nent nent nent rary Death Death dis dis Total Death dis dis Total dis dis Total abil abil abil abil abil abil ity ity ity ity ity ity 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 6 2 3 2 1 4 1 2 3 9 1 1 9 1 6 65 351 235 185 192 102 380 299 307 39 63 32 860 69 361 239 190 197 104 384 302 316 40 64 32 875 1.2 LI .7 .8 .3 .3 .3 167 622 912 291 255 146 626 262 389 213 460 70 790 170 640 915 296 262 147 637 264 398 214 472 71 802 .2 .4 .8 .4 .1 .8 .1 .3 .1 .2 .2 1.2 .5 .7 .2 1.2 .3 .3 .7 1.1 .6 .5 39.8 57.0 76.6 35.0 57.6 34.6 51.8 67.7 37.7 22.0 18.6 25.5 51.6 28.0 34.5 81.9 17.7 42.4 24.2 23.3 38.9 ". d" 27.0 .1 15.6 .4 22.4 .2 16.7 .2 24.5 .3 .6 .3 .2 .8 .2 .3 a 37 0.90 .24 1.00 .20 1.68 .14 .82 .36 .94 .10 .80 .08 .84 .75 1.11 .92 .75 .17 .72 .19 .54 .53 ‘ ."of .96 8.61 8.06 5.80 5.50 3.10 2.94 2.54 1.86 1.67 .89 .73 .53 4.09 .52 28.6 1.01 .10 .67 35.5 2.66 .32 .17 1.30 82.2 .38 18.0 ’ ’ "."73" .22 4a 6 2.00 1.20 .88 24.4 .10 .49 23.7 ' “ ~67_ .24 .52 39.2 1.78 .62 27.6 .83 ".’ 20‘ .63 15.6 .02 .33 .88 .13 .46 23.0 16.9 .07 .32 24.9 1.12 .19 .53 1| 1.63 3.65 1.47 1.33 4.08 .59 1.43 2.40 1.66 .35 1.47 .39 1.84 42.2 7.34 6.82 58.6 3.92 78.0 4.54 36.0 59.1 1.80 35.2 2.04 52.4 1.62 68.4 38.8 22.6 18.9 25.5 52.5 "2.'52' BANDUNG It will be noted on inspecting Table 78 that the accidents recorded exhibit high frequency and relatively low severity. A moment’s reflection will make it clear that it is natural that in the manual movement of material minor injuries might occur. In the absence of severity rates this fact has been the cause of a somewhat erroneous view regarding the importance of this type of injury. It has been thought that the rapid reduction of this sort of cases represented a highly successful accident prevention effort. In some instances attention has been so completely directed to methods bringing about decline in frequency that, while it was going on, the severity of accidents was actually increasing. It is very clear that sufficient study should be devoted to those departments and causes where severity is high to bring about as large a reduction as circumstances will allow, as it is the accidents of high severity which are costly and disastrous. In all preceding tables, sheet mills have been well down the list. In the present cause group these mills are at the top in the first ieriod in accident frequency (220.7) and in accident severity (5.49). n the second period they occupy the same place in accident severity (3.83) and are next to the top in accident frequency (127.4). This arises in connection with the process of opening the packs of sheets. No way has been discovered to do this except by hand. The sheets f INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 72 have sharp and somewhat jagged edges on which the opener is often cut and lacerated. The striking decline from the first to the second period is evidence that care on the part of the worker will give results even in so distinctively a hand operation as this. T a b l e 7 8 .—HANDLING OBJECTS AND TOOLS AS A CAUSE OF A C C ID E N T: N U M BE R OF CASES, AND ACCIDEN T FREQUENCY AN D SEVERITY RATES, 1915 TO 1919 AND 1920 TO 1924, BY DE PA RTM E N TS Number of cases Department Fullyear work ers Accident frequency rates Accidcnt severity rates (per 10,000 hours' ex (per 10,000,000 hours' posure) exposure) j Per-ITemPer Tem Per Tem ma-i poma po ma po nent rary nent nentrary Death dis-1 dis Total Death dis dis Total Death dis rary dis- Total able abil abil abil abil abil ity i ity ity ity ity ity 1915-1919 Sheet mills....... Mechanical....... Foundries......... Tube mills........ Blast furnaces.. Oj>en hearths____ Yards.................... Heavy rolling mills Plate mills........... . Bessemer.............. Electrical............. Fabricating.......... Unclassified......... 5,920 24,752 10,222 11,265 17,621 20,525 9.819 27,123 14,711 5,450 4,191 11,110 55,534 6 386 392 1,064 1,089 546 552 214 221 576 584 867 881 294 300 761 780 613 621 128 132 84 88 405 409 2,612 2,652 3.4 3.3 2.0; .3 1.8! .2. 1.3; .2 2.1 2.0j 2.3 1.8: 2.4; 3.2! 1.2: 2.4 0.1 217.3 143.3; 178.0: 63.31 109.0; 140.6; 99.8 93.5: 138.9; 78.3; 6a 8! 121.5! 15a 8; 220.7 1. 146.7! 0.81 2.53 1.91 2.18 2.21 180.0.. 65.4 1.78 1.15 1.13 110.5: 1.14 1.48 1.41 143.1! .97 .90 1.76 101.8! 1.78 95.8; 1.47 L36] 14a 7. .75 1.74 80.71 .73 1.52 7a o! 1.31 ' . 93 122.71 .36 1:64 159.2 1.39 2.24 5.49 5.25 4.39 4.06 4.03 3.63 3.36 2.83 2.49 2.26 2.24 2.00 3.63 1920-1924 Sheet mills....... Mechanical....... Foundries......... Tube mills.« ... Blast furnaces.. Open hearths... Yards................. . . Heavy rolling mills Plate mills....... Electrical___ Fabricating.. Unclassified. 45,618 89,481 37,129 68,335 54,773 60,087 20,118 48,082 22,428 19,853 14,002 20,049 107,317 1,743 1,449 2,246 973! 683j 1,195 358 827 433 351 154 538 1,719 1,484 2,264 1,005 700 1,240 371 855 446 364 158 551 2,046 1.53 125.61:127.36 1.19 53.98! 55.28 1.62 201.64203.26 1.32 47.46 49.02 .97 41.57 42.60 2.39 66.29 68.79 1.99 59.32 61.48 1.94 57.33 59.27 64.35 6a 28 1. 2.18 58.93 61.11 .95 36.66 37.61 2.16 >.45 91.61 .09 .65 62.80 63.54 1.32 .67 .74 .74 "i.46 .58 .37 .43 .67 1.32 .99 1.11 .84 1.60 .56 2.12 .46 1.82 .84 2.46 2.25 3.20 2.84 1.49 1.06 3.05 .98 3.08 .92 1.76 .90 2.50 .98 1.96 .52 .80 1.50 3.62 1.00 2.02 MISCELLANEOUS CAUSES The causes grouped under the term “ miscellaneous” are so varied from department to department that the rates are not of very great significance. The high accident severity (14.03) in blast furnaces during the first period is due to asphyxiating gas, a hazard not found to any great extent in any other department. This department also leads m accident severity (5.15) during the second period. IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY 73 T a b le 7 9 .—M ISCELLANEOUS CAUSES OF A CCIDEN T: NUM BER OF CASES AND ACCI D E N T FREQUENCY AN D SE VERITY RATES, 1915 TO 1»19 AND 1920 TO 1924, B Y D E P A RT M E N TS Accident frequency rates Accident severity rates (per 10,000,000 hours' (per 10,000 hours' ex exposure) posure) Number of cases Department 1915-1919 Blast furnaces-----Yards________ Electrical______ Tube mills........ Mechanical____ Plate mills.---------IIeav y rolling mills Fabricating............ Open hearths......... Bessemer....... ........ Foundries_______ Sheet mills............. Unclassified______ 1920-1924 Blast furnaces....... Yards..................... Electrical________ Tube mills_______ Mechanical---------Plate mills............. Heavy rolling mills Fabricating........... Open hearths__ Bessemer........... Foundries_____ Sheet mills....... Unclassified___ Fullyear work ers Per ma Death nent dis abil ity 17,621 9,819 4,191 11,265 24,752 14,711 27,123 11,110 5,450 10,222 5,920 54,773 20,118 14,002 89,481 22,428 48,082 20,049 60,087 19,853 37,129 45,618 107,317 10 13 Per Tem Tem Per Tem ma po po ma po rary Total Death nent rary Total Death nent rary Total dis dis dis dis dis abil abil abil abil abil ity ity ity ity ity 400 414 177 185 88 89 113 117 540 549 286 288 327 331 298 301 449 452 90 91 263 266 129 130 997 1,018 455 208 125 599 770 261 874 297 608 196 988 573 902 2.1 1.4 .8 .6 .3 .5 .4 .8 .2 .6 471 209 127 609 779 263 378 297 618 201 990 575 927 75.7 60.1 70.0 33.4 72.7 64.8 40.2 89.4 72.9 55.0 85.8 72.6 59.8 78.4 62.9 70.8 34.6 73.9 65.3 40.7 90.3 73.5 55.6 86.8 73.2 61.1 27.7 28.7 34.5 34.6 29.8 30.2 29.2 29.7 28.7 29.0 38.8 39.6 25.9 26.2 49.4 49.4 33.7 34.3 32.9 33.8 88.7 88.9 41.9 42.0 28.0 12.49 1.02 8.15 3.19 4.77 27 3.55 1.62 1.94 2.72 2.21 .18 .58 1.10 .78 .17 3.60 .97 1.80 .97 4.75 1.43 1.17 1.12 2.00 .37 .44 2.98 .19 1.01 1.06 23 0.52 .75 .48 .53 .61 .71 .53 .61 .58 .64 .79 1.20 .74 14.03 12.09 5.25 4.35 4.17 8.43 2.96 2.59 2.13 1.74 1.57 1.37 5.30 5.15 .75 1.93 1.74 1.62 1.37 .84 .51 2.74 2.45 1.00 .89 8.54 ACCIDENT EXPERIENCE OF THE DEPARTMENTS ANALYZED BY CAUSES In order to show the extremes of change the tables in this section consist of two 5-vear periods separated by a 5-year interval. In order to give readily comparable rates they are computed on the basis of 10,000,000 hours' exposure for frequency and 10,000 hours’ for severity. It is well to note in this connection that the severity rates are necessarily more irregular than the frequency rates. This is due to the fact that in frequency a case of injury counts as one unit while in severity the same case, if a death, is 6,000 units. In a number of the tables which follow it will be observed that for the first period rates for the causes which may be regarded as char acteristic of the department are given, while those which the depart ment shares with other industries are not separately given but are included under “ Unclassified.” This omission which makes com parison of the two 5-year periods difficult, is due to the fact that when the rates for the first period were'compiled only the characteristic causes were considered, and when at the close of the second period it seemed desirable to show all the primary cause groups it was not possible to go back and compute the missing items. BLAST FURNACES In 1910 the highest frequency rate (143) was for falling objects; in 1924 the highest (35.3) was for handling. In severity falls of persons was highest (34.3) in 1910 and hot substances (19.73) in 1924. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 74 T a b l e 8 0 *— A CCIDEN T FREQU EN CY AND SE VERITY RATES FOR BLAST FURNACES, 1910 TO 1914 AND 1920 TO 1924, BY YEARS A N D A C C ID E N T CAUSES Accident cause 1910 1911 | 1912 1913 1914 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 Accident frequency rates (per 10,000,000 hours* exposure)) Machinery-_______________ Vehicles____ - ______________ Hot substances_______. _____ Falls of persons______ . . . ___ Falling objects______________ Handling___ . . . . . . . __ ______ Unflflfsnnpri______________ _ 21.6 19.7 113.2 78.7 143.0 103.3 138.0 38.3 2.3 132.7 '■ 33.7 : 55.3 : 94.3 : 65.0 23.0 0.0 89.3 53.0 66.7 74.3 103.0 Total.............................. 622.5 ! 421.6 415.3 17.6 13.7 50.0 23.1 21.9 61.2 41.7 7.2 8.7 30.2 17.9 14.3 41.4 26.5 10.1 8.1 32.6 12.7 16.6 27.9 27.9 12.2 9.1 34.5 14.7 15.6 37.1 2a 9 15.2 6.8 30.2 15.8 18.7 35.3 20.5 249.5 229.2 146.2 135.9 144.1 142.5 28.0 8.7 4.0 86.6 ” 57.4 26.0 43.0 31.7 62.3 56.3 43.0 40.3 65.7 303.5 Accident severity rates (per 10,000 hours' exposure) Machinery _______________ Vehicles______ . . . . . . . . . . . __ Hot s u b sta n c e s...........___ ________ - ___ Falling objects______ __ ____ Handling__. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unclassified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T o t a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___ 1.3 ! 0.6 2.0 5.3 ! 16.0 0.6 2.0 | 20.3 Falls of1.0 persons 0.7 34.3 0.7 1.7 iI 0.7 3.3 ii 1.3 1.3 20.3 | 16.7 14.3 14.0 0.3 4.3 14.0 0.3 2.3 14.0 4.6 1.0 0.7 2.3 39.0 3.31 2.12 11.87 .31 1.08 1.56 3.00 1.10 .11 18.08 13.38 .28 .88 5.68 7.11 4.55 9.41 2.80 .37 .83 2.81 7.60 7.14 4.76 3.79 .43 1.14 7.01 8.04 2.05 19.73 2.32 4.35 2.82 7.78 68.2 ; 56.6 48.9 47.9 23.25 39.51 27.88 31.87 47.07 19.6 BESSEMER CONVERTERS The exposure available in this department is not as large as could be desired. In general it is not considered good practice to compute rates unless the number of workers is 1,000 or more, but an exception has been made in the case of the Bessemer department because it is still an important steel-making process. In both 1910 and 1924 the highest accident frequency is found to be due to handling (136 and 34.4, respectively). In severity hot substances are highest in 1910 and falling objects (5.32) in 1924. T a b l e 81*—A C CIDEN T FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES FOR BESSEMER CON VERTERS, 1910 TO 1914 AND 1920 TO 1924, BY YEARS A N D A C C ID E N T CAUSES Accident cause 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 Accident frequency rates (per 10,000,000 hours* exposure) 45.0 Machinery............................... 81.0 Vohicles................................... 51.0 ■ 25.0 70.0 Hot substances........................ 106.0 Falls of persons........................ 0) j 0) Falling objects......................... 0) 0) Handling.................................. 136.0 I 65.0 Unclassified............................. 403.0 ! 259.0 25.0 30.0 140.0 8 42.0 15.0 91.0 8 21.0 334.0 65.0 206.0 Total.............................. 837.0 j 464.0 j 55a0 419.0 38.6 14.7 36.7 17.3 35.2 99.9 64.4 16.9 15.6 27.1 11.6 30.9 66.9 36.2 9.1 4.5 27.2 6.4 17.3 40.0 29.1 18.5 14.8 30.3 16.3 318 65.2 17.8 16.3 7.3 17.1 7.2 22.0 34.4 17.2 219.0 302.1 205.2 133.6 197.7 121.5 35.0 69.0 0) 0) 17.0 98.0 Accident severity rates (per 10,000 hours* exposure) Machinery............................... Vehicles................................... Hot substances........................ Falls of persons........................ Falling objccts......................... Handling................................. Unclassified............................. Total.............................. 8.09 .38 .64 .39 .48 1.75 1.61 a22 .13 .67 .17 .52 1.72 .40 9.14 4.97 9.57 .59 .94 2.38 3.03 1.79 .24 .42 .19 5.32 1.22 5.09 59.0 16.46 13.34 3.83 30.62 14.27 1.0 L0 2.0 (0 0) 0.3 8.7 6.0 1.0 27.0 2.0 ’ "’ i ’ o" 3.0 103.0! 21.0 < 13.0 34.0 >Not separately shown; included in “ Unclassified.” 46.0 6.19 .41 4.69 .35 .65 2.47 1.70 1.0 1.0 2.0 (0 (») 14.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 61.0 0) 0) 2.0 37.0 81.0 85.0 IKON AND STEEL INDUSTRY 75 OPEN HEARTHS In the first period the greatest accident frequency (133) in open hearths is found in hot substances in 1911 while hot substances leads in severity (23) in 1914. In the second period frequency is highest in handling (99) and severity in machinery (15.37), both in 192°- Frequency shows a very marked decline from period to period, while severity is irregular with only a slight tendency downward. T a b l e 82 .—ACCIDENT FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES FOR OPEN HEARTHS, 1910 to 1914 AND 1920 to 192*, BY YEARS AND ACCIDEN T CAUSES Accident cause 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1920 1921 1922 1923 J 1924 Accident frequency rates (per 10,000,000 hours’ exposure) Machinery............................... 86.0 Vehicles...................... ............. 28.0 Hot substances. .......... .......... 122.0 Falls of persons........................ Failing objects......................... 8 Handling.................................. 111.0 Unclassified........................... 292.0 70.0 27.0 133.0 61.0 42.0 127.0 82.0 198.0 £# 209.0 Total.............................. 639.0 510.0 523.0 0) 0) (0 44.0 49.0 110.0 225.0 75.0 169.0 49.6 28.0 72.1 27.8 41.0 99.0 51.7 26.0 15.0 50.2 28.1 42.7 87.9 43.2 25.9 13.3 39.8 21.4 37.5 57.8 30.5 33.5 13.6 47.1 21.7 29.7 47.6 26.7 23.2 10.1 43.4 28.2 33.1 59.8 21.4 505.0 382.0 369.2 293.1 226.2 219.9 214.2 I 47.0 8.0 83.0 <*) Accident severity rates (per 10,000 hours’ exposure) 19.3 U.0 3.0 10.0 10.0 3.0 8 8 1.0 3.0 1.0 10.0 1.0 44.0 Total.............................. 50.0 27.0 34.0 81.0 3.0 13.7 2.0 12.0 9.0 1.0 17.0 18.0 Machinery............................... Vehicles................................... Hot substances........................ Falls of persons........................ Falling objects......................... Handling................................. Unclassified___ . . . . . . . . _____ 8 8 1.0 4.0 23.0 ?3.0. 15.37 11.15 8.62 1.75 5.66 3.76 3.55 3.40 2.90 6.62 .50 .73 5.43 5.11 6.62 2.41 7.56 .38 2.59 1.30 .90 13.28 11.08 9.49 5.03 4.07 2.21 3.89 10 87 6.24 6.48 4.59 2.63 3.05 *26 33.0 49.86 23.69 21.76 49.05 33.12 i Not separately shown; included in “ Unclassified.” FOUNDRIES The foundries show on the whole high accident frequency and moderate accident severity. The downward trend is not clearly traceable, although a different presentation indicates that there was such a trend, though not very pronounced. The irregular character of the rates in this department is illustrated when it is noticed that the highest frequency (251.6) occurs in han dling in 1923 of the second period, while the highest severity (57) is in machinery in 1912 of the first period. The failure of the foundries to make a significant change for the better is disappointing, since some large concerns have done excellent safety work with marked success. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 76 T a b le 83.—AC C ID E N T FREQUENCY AND SE VERITY RATES FOR FOUNDRIES, 1910 TO 191* AN D 1920 TO 1924, BY YEARS AND ACCIDENT CAUSES Accident cause 1910 1911 1912 19)3 1914 1921 1922 1923 1924 Accident frequency rates (per 10,000,000 hours' exposure) Machinery............................... 131.0 84.0 Vehicles................................... 3.0 Hot substances........................ 118.0 91.0 Falls of persons....................... (») 0) Falling objects......................... (») (') Handling............... ................. 165.0 206.0 Unclassified............................. 320.0 236.0 Total.............................. i 737.0 617.0 62.4 j /. 6 10.0 ! 48.4 45.4 ! 32. 7 . 33.6 •1118.6 ! 79.7 1236.2 251.6 ■109.1 .112.2 183.0 3.0 79.0 0) (») 205.0 275.0 74.0 7.0 81.0 (*) 0) 145.0 191.0 108.0 116.6 6.0 6.0 34.0 38.4 23.0 (>) 80.6 (») 120.0 195.1 260.0 94.5 98. 1 7.0 20. 5 27.5 53.7 151.3 84. 1 745.0 498.0 428.0 554. 2 442.2 j67f». 4 594.9 84.1 5.0 38.8 23.9 69.9 151.8 111.3 484.8 Accident severity rates (per 10,000 hours* exposure) Machinery............................... Vehicles................................... Hot substances........................ Falls of persons....................... Falling objects......................... Handlini Total- 3.0 32.0 2.0 0) <*) 1.0 6.0 i.o (0 0) 6.0 33.0 1.0 57.0 I 1.0 . ! .3 27.0 i.o 4.0 0) (*) («) 0) (*) (») 4.0 7.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 ! •' 12.0 72.0 66.0 r ; ; i 1 : ! 8.83 .24 1.27 .26 1.22 2.74 1.55 35.0 | 10.0 I 16.11 : : j ! i ! j 2.73 9. 10 4. 50 .23 1.63 .60 .34 .62 1. 18 1.73 3. 10 ■ 3.36 . hi : .94 14.29 i 10.66 • .22 ; .70 ! .44 1.10 ! 4.56 : 1.05 4.96 .07 .62 .28 2.19 2.03 1.17 14.48 ; 18.73 11.32 i Not separately shown; included in “ Unclassified.” HEAVY ROLLING MILLS In Table 84 there is a very conspicuous decline in frequency in the second period and a less marked decline in severity. The highest frequency (82) appears in machinery in 1911 and the highest severity (14) is also in machinery in 1910 and in hot sub stances in 1913. T a b l e 8 4 .—ACCIDENT FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES FOR HEAVY ROLLING MILLS, 1910 TO 1914 AND 1920 TO 1924, BY YEARS AND A C CIDEN T CAUSES Accident cause 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 j 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 Accident frequency rates (per 10,000,000 hours* exposure) Machinery............................... Vehicles................................... Hot substances........................ Falls of persons....................... Falling objects......................... 75.0 13.0 40.0 (*) 0) 0) Unclassified............................. 343.0 Total.............................. 471.0 56.0 11.0 37.0 0) (•) 0) 339.0 51.0 11.0 30.0 («) 0) (») 240.0 45.0 3.0 25.0 (>) (') 0) 118.0 44.8 7.4 25.9 22.3 33.1 89.7 37.8 36.1 3.4 15.4 16.8 23.7 60.9 21.4 34.4 3.8 12.6 13.2 30.6 45.9 23.6 33.9 5.0 15.1 15.4 21.2 42.0 18.8 40.9 3.0 11.0 18.9 24.9 38.8 21.4 465.0 j! 443.0 i 332.0 191.0 |261.0 177.7 203.5 151.4 158.6 82.0 10.0 34.0 0) 0) 339.0 Accident severity rates (per 10,000 hours* exposure) Machinery....... Vehicles............ Hot substances. Falls of persons. Falling objects.. Handling.......... Unclassified___ 14.0 1.0 5.0 0) I1) 0) 23.0 12.0 .3 6.0 (*) (*) 0) 20.7 2.0 1.0 6.0 (>) («) 0) 7.0 Total....... 43.0 39.0 16.0 1 1Not separately shown; included in “ Unclassified.” 1.0 .3 14.0 0) (>) 0) 4.7 2.0 1.0 8.0 (») 0) (>) 4.0 9.09 .51 1.82 1.79 2.10 1.68 .45 6.87 1.17 .38 .45 .92 2.01 .29 7.30 4.27 2.37 2.44 1.16 1.63 1.18 8.91 3.71 .92 .38 2.52 1.98 1.74 13.52 2.87 .15 .29 .94 1.56 .40 20.0 15.0 17.44 12.09 20.35 20.11 19.79 IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY 77 PLATS MILLS Plate mills are among the most regular in declining accident rates of any department covered by this study. Machinery in 1910 has the highest accident frequency (164) and the same cause has the highest accident severity (34) in the same year. Table 85 illustrates again rather forcibly that frequency rates are not a complete indication regarding the places where accident pre vention may be profitably applied. If in tne second period frequency alone be considered, it would appear that in every year of the period except 1924 accidents due to handling should have the major share of attention. Turning to severity, however, it will be found that from that standpoint only in 1922 is handling of paramount importance. T a b l e 8 5 . - A C CIDEN T FREQUENCY A N D SEVERITY RATES FOR PLATE MILLS, 191* TO 1914 AN D 1920 TO 1924, BY YEARS AN D ACCIDENT CAUSES Accident cause 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 Accident frequency rates (per 10,000,000 hours' exposure) Machinery........ ...................... 164.0 120.0 Vehicles........................... . ...... 18.0 12.0 llot substances__-.... .............. 63.0 47.0 Falls of persons....................... 0) (*) Falling objects......................... 0) Handling................................. 0) 0) Unclassified............................. 491.0 45a 0 Total.............................. 726.0 629.0 434.0 49.3 1.6 23.0 16.1 40.8 101.0 220.0 68.4 31.9 2.2 15.4 11.0 27.5 87.6 39.5 699.0 295.0 300.2 215.1 135.0 18.0 55.0 0) 93.0 17.0 55.0 552.0 760.0 49.0 2.0 24.0 $ 1 f 35.4 1.6 24.4 15.0 53.5 62.1 40.1 27.5 a4 11.0 ao 33.7 41.2 9.6 82.0 232.1 (136.8 163.2 12.6 17.6 sa4 314 2a s Accident severity rates (per 10,000 hoars' exposure) Machinery............................... Vehicles................................... Hot substances........................ Falls of persons__________ . . . Falling objects......................... Handling................................. Unclassified............................. 34.0 15.0 1.0 2.0 .3 1.0 11.0 10.7 Total.............................. 61.0 14.0 1.52 .02 .19 .11 a 82 a77 .70 1.66 .20 .54 .33 .82 2.36 .44 5.35 .16 .20 4.72 .64 ass .23 aos 21.7 1.3 ■ 18.83 17.0 14.0 . . . . . . . ! .01 8.77 1.0 .21 .66 1.12 3.76 6.0 6.4 31.0 38.0 7.0 13.13 &35 14.88 17.68 ao .3 1.0 I I 1 $ 1 2a 26 .42 5.57 2.40 .68 * Not separately shown; Included in “ Unclassified/* SHEET MILLS It was found in an earlier stu dy 7 of these mills that, in the 5-year period ending in 1914 the hot-mill crews had rising accident rates both in frequency and severity. While Table 86 does not go into details as did the table in the earlier study, the rates shown for ma chinery and handling give an approximate idea of what is happening among hot-mill workers. An examination of these groups m the second 5-year period will show somewhat lower rates and a tendency to decline. ’ United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Bui. No. 298, p. 81. 2063°—27----- 6 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 78 Since neither the machines nor the handling operations have been materially modified in the second period as compared with the first, this improvement must be largely due to greater skill and care on the part of the workers. The highest frequency (186) is found in handling in 1912 and the highest severity (11) in machinery in 1911. T a b l e 8 6 . — AC CIDEN T FREQUENCY A N D SEVERITY RATES FOR SHEET MILLS, 1910 TO 1914 AND 1920 TO 1924, BY YEARS AN D A C C ID E N T CAUSES Accident cause 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 | 1920 | 1921 1922 1923 1924 Accident frequency rates (per 10,000,000 hours’ exposure) Machinery________ Vehicles................................... Hot substances_____________ Falls of persons_____. . . . ____ Falling objects..____________ Handling_____ ________- ___ Unclassified___ ______. . . ___ Total....... . 43.0 0) 16.0 0) 147.0 135.0 341.0 ! i ; 59.0 j 66.0 1 <*> ! 0) 25.0 i 10.0 I 0) 0) ! 186.0 ! 125.0 ! 305.0 ! 256.0 61.0 32.0 . 29.2 3.1 ! 3.9 0) 21.0 28.3 ! 23.5 13.3 !i 15.2 0) 14.2 j! 18.4 (!) 61.0 158.7 !il54.9 166.0 59.5 ;|54.0 34.0 8.7 30.4 24.6 29.3 179.8 55.0 29.9 4.1 15.3 10.5 H.6 85.8 27.1 15.6 4.0 11.8 7.8 7.8 57.3 13.4 363.0 |491.0 : 381.0 i i1 1 309.0 309.3 j299.1 ! i 361.6 1S7.3 117.2 64.0 (*) 15.0 (0 (*) 103.0 181.0 Accident severity rates (per 10,000 hours* exposure) Machinery_____. . . . . . . . . . . . . Vehicles.___ __________ . . . . . Hot substances...................... Falls of persons________ . . . . . Falling objects_____________ Wprxiling___. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unclassified__ *_________ ___ 4.0 (*> .3 0) (■) 2.0 40.7 T o t a l.......__________ 47.0 8 1.0 35.7 <03 0) (*) 2.0 12.7 82.0 13.7 ! 2.0 i 5.58 2.08 .3 .31 .27 0) (i) .14 1.0 4.30 15.7 .44 48.0 20.0 24.0 19.0 | 13.12 11.0 (*) .3 5.0 8.0 0) .3 0) 8.09 .06 .23 2.90 .39 2.98 3.23 17.88 4.99 .19 2.64 .33 1.07 5.43 .62 8.24 2.18 .32 .17 .39 3.56 .30 5.7-1 .08 .29 2.56 .23 2.50 .32 15.27 : If*. 16 11.72 > Not separately shown; included In “ Unclassified. ” TUBE MILLS While accident frequency rates in tube mills were very high in the early part of the first 5-year period, a very rapid decline occurred before the close of that period and continued to 1924. A decline in accident severity in the first 5-year period is not easily observable and in the second period the irregularities obscure the trend, but if a 12-month moving average be computed a downward trend will be indicated. When the two periods are considered in comparison it will be evident that a remarkable reduction of both frequency and severity has taken place. Accident frequency (150) is highest in 1910 in machinery, while accident severity (28) is highest in 1912 in machinery. EBON AND STEEL INDUSTBY 79 T a b l e 87.—ACCIDEN T FREQUENCY AN D SE VERITY RATES FOR TUBE MILLS, 1910 TO 1914 AND 1920 TO 1924, B Y YEARS AN D A C C ID E N T CAUSES Accident cause 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1920 1921 1922 j 1923 1924 Accident frequency rates (per 10,00,0009 hours’ exposure) Machinery....... . Vehicles............ . Hot substances.. Falls of persons.. Falling objects... Handling.......... . Unclassified____ Total.. 150.0 149.0 89.0 52.0 20.0 60.0 0) 82.0 50.0 0) 16.0 0) 0) 0) 194.0 17.0 8 552.0 702.0 }) }) » 753.0 422.0 561.0 33.8 3.6 23.5 10.1 20.0 73.9 48.6 23.9 1.6 17.1 9.3 23.3 48.7 39.4 21.2 4.6 17.7 15.0 27.2 50.9 35.7 151.0 213.5 163.3 172.3 8 0) 114.0 26.0 2.6 11.6 10.3 27.8 46.6 18.4 11.1 1.0 5.5 7.0 17.0 25.5 12.0 143.3 ; 79.1 Accident severity rates (per 10,000 hours' exposure) Machinery_____ Vehicles............. Hot substances.. Falls of persons.. Falling objects... Handling............ Unclassified____ 18.0 2.3 28.0 1.3 2.0 1.0 0) 0) (») 9.0 1.0 0) 7.7 .3 0) 0) 0) 4.7 1.0 (]) (i) (i) 28.7 0) 0) 0) 8.0 Total........ 28.0 11.0 33.0 31.0 10.0 j 15.15 h 4.09 2.75 1.76 1.53 1.79 1.47 1.76 ! 4.51 j1 3.53 .09 .14 2.80 .49 .22 .41 .58 .51 3.34 2.66 1.23 3.38 12.77 11.12 6.55 .09 1.53 1.60 .88 4.10 .75 3.40 .02 .13 .17 3.06 2.83 1.43 15.50 11.04 * Not separately shown; included in " Unclassified.** FABRICATING SHOPS Machines, including cranes and hoists, are the important elements of hazard in these plants. Accident frequency reaches the top record (373) for machinery in 1912 and drops to 51.4 in 1924; the percentage of decline is 86 .2 . Accident severity goes from 43 in 1910 to 8.68 in 1924, a drop of 19.8 per cent. TABLE 8 8 . — ACCIDEN T FREQUENCY A N D SEVERITY RATES FOR FABRICATING^ SHOPS, 1910 to 1914 and 1920 TO 1924, B Y YEARS AND A C CIDEN T CAUSES Accident cause 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 | 1920 1 1921 | 1922 1 1923 1924 Accident frequency rates (per 10,000,000 hours' exposure) M a c h i n e r y .................... 293.0 Vehicles_______ . . . ____ ____ (0 Hot substances_____________ 21.0 (i) Falls of persons_____________ (i) Falling o b j e c t s ................ Handling................................. 0) Unclassified............................. 633.0 Total.............................. 947.0 292.0 0) 26.0 <*) 0) (‘) 673.0 373.0 0) 35.0 0) <0 I1) 640.0 357.0 220.0 116.2 7.8 (») 0) 29.0 11.0 20.5 24.9 0) 0) 56.6 0) 0) 140.2 0) 0) 580.0 430.0 96.0 991.0 1,048.0 966.0 661.0 462.2 84.9 4.8 10.9 IB. 4 49.2 98.3 47.9 92.6 3.9 10.4 24.6 44.4 88.9 67.1 77.2 6.0 12.7 19.5 36.0 74.9 16.5 51.4 3.5 . 10.5 36.6 33.8 57.2 21.9 314.4 331.9 242.8 204.4 Accident severity rates (per 10,090 hours* exposure) M achinery...__ . . . ___ —___ Vehicles................................... Hot substances_____________ Falls of persons_____________ Falling objects_____________ Handling................................. Unclassified__ . . . __ . . . . . ___ 43.0 (0 18.0 0) 0) 0) 0) 31.0 h) 0) 7.0 c> 24.0 Total.............................. 74.0 25.0 58.0 0) 33.0 (l) 1.0 0) V) >Not separately shown; included in “ Unclassified.** « 18.0 18.0 i 11.94 .11 (l) i 4.58 0) i .35 0) i .94 0) I 2.96 8.0 j .81 17.80 .28 2.33 .16 1.54 2.81 .47 13.08 .09 .15 .57 6.41 2198 .74 7.39 4.62 .28 .35 7.25 4.74 .20 8.68 .14 4.34 9.25 3.85 4.34 .34 23.3 26.0 | 21.69 25.39 24.62 24.83 30.94 5,0 0) 0.3 (*) INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 80 MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Machinery is naturally a more important hazard in the mechanical department than in most of the other departments. While frequency of machine accidents declines, the rate going from 140 in 1910 to 19.3 in 1924, the severity of such accidents seems rather to increase. However, the general frequency and severity are decidedly lower in the second period than in the first. In the second period, accidents due to handling are the most frequent in each of the five years. The severity rates are on the whole highest for machinery, followed by those due to falls of persons. 8 0 .—ACCIDEN T FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES FOR M ECH AN ICAL D EPARTM EN TS, 1910 TO 1914 AN D 1920 TO 1924, BY YEARS AND ACCIDEN T CAUSES T able Accident cause 1910 1911 1912 1913 | 1914 1920 ! 1921 1922 1923 1924 Accident frequency rates (per 10,000,000 hours* exposure) Machinery____________ -___ 140.0 I 125.0 : 101.0 Vehicles........ ............ ............. (*) i (0 : (0 : 30.0 Hot substances..-.-.^ . . . . ___ 33.0 : 50.0 ■ Falls of persons........... ......... ; (*> 0) i « Falling objects......................... : 0) <»> Handling__________________ (') ! 8 : 0) Unclassified______ __________ 442.0 : 311.0 : 279.0 Total.............................. 615.0 i 4Sfi. 0 |410.0 ; : i 64.0 ! 54.0 '•36.2 1 <»> ! 4.8 i 2.9 ‘ 18.0 24.8 ; 15.0 27.3 ; 20.6 i (0 34.1 ! 30.1 i (») 95.5 65.8 ■ 0) j 273.0 53.1 j 34.5 24.9 3.6 11.4 20.2 21.3 50.0 26.9 20.3 3.9 10.5 14.2 14.6 34.0 16.5 19; 3 2.5 8.4 13.2 16.8 23.6 16.3 368.0 j 355.0 293.6 !205.1 158.3 114.0 100.1 51. ft 0) 35.0 (») (*) 0) 282.0 Accident severity rates (per 10,000 hours’ exposure) Machinery_________________ Vehicles_____- _________ Hot substances________ - ___ Falls of p e r s o n s ............... Falling o b j e c t s ................ Handling.......... Unclassified...... ....... .............. 1i 3.0 0) .3 0) 0) 0) 40.0 3.0 (0 .3 0) <V (‘ > 27.0 4.0 («> .3 0) (*) (») 16.0 2.0 (0 10.0 (0 0) 0) 25.0 Total.............................. 1 43.3 30.3 20.3 37.0 7.0 0) .3 (») 5.73 ! 1.04 i 2.99 5.08 ! .75 : 0) ; 2. 1 2 ! 6.0 ! *3 5 ! 13.3 ; 18.06 I 3.41 . 12 .23 4.51 1.51 1.69 .76 4.04 3.70 2.44 .79 .55 4.70 2.48 5.89 1.39 2.40 1.52 2.67 2.36 4.66 5.49 .20 2.27 8.78 1.52 .79 i56 12.23 : 18.70 i[ 2a 89 14.61 1 ! : : ' i; >Not separately shown; included with “ Unclassified.” YARDS The interest as to yards centers around the experience with power vehicles. The frequency rates of such accidents go from 123 in 1910 to 41.9 in 1924. This would be an excellent record if severity were not considered. In 1910 severity of vehicular accidents was 26 and in 1924 it was 37.03. In four of the five years the second period records higher severity rates than corresponding years of the first period. It is a well-recognized fact that the hazards of power-vehicle oper ation are difficult to combat. The steel mills have always had the dangers arising from the steam locomotive, both standard gauge where the railways enter for bringing raw material and narrow gauge for intraplant transportation. In recent years there has been an increased use of motor trucks, thus transferring to new localities the hazard of such moving bodies. Whether this has influenced the severity rates it is not possible to determine from the available data. The severity rates for handling are, in general, next to those for vehicles. IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY 81 TABLE 9 0 . — A C C ID E N T FREQUENCY AN D SEVERITY RATES FOR YAR D S, 1910 TO 1914 AN D 1920 TO 1924, B Y YEARS A N D A C C ID E N T CAUSES Accident cause 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1920 1923 1921 1924 Accident frequency rates (per 10,000,000 hours' exposure) 40.0 0) 36.0 0) 104.0 118? 0 19.0 88.9 16.5 21.5 17.5 70.4 46.9 23.0 69.5 15.0 27.1 31.3 94.9 36.2 17.7 40.8 2.6 14.2 18.6 40.8 19.5 31.7 73.6 9.2 36.8 37.8 50.1 33.7 240.0 241.0 280.7 297.0 154.2 272.9 Machinery......... Vehicles............ . Hot substances.. Falls of persons., Falling objects.. Handling............ Unclassified....... 23.0 123.0 19.0 0) 109.0 0) 209.0 18.0 79.0 17.0 0) 83.0 0) 166.0 14.0 0) 67.0 <0 172.0 11.0 17.0 74.0 5.0 Total____ 483.0 363.0 405.0 112.0 22.0 67.0 f■?.. il 21.6 41.9 8.8 28.9 218 44.0 25.7 195.7 Accident severity rates (per 10,000 hours' exposure) Machinery____ Vehicles............ Hot substances. Falls of persons. Falling objects. Handlii ass Total. 1.0 26.0 1.0 0) 1.0 0) 6.0 1.0 27.0 .3 0) 2.0 0) 4.0 14.0 11.0 .3 0) 3.0 (0 2.0 0.3 4.0 2.0 3.0 0) 1.0 (») 2.0 0) 1.0 fi0 35.0 34.3 30.3 7.3 25.0 0.51 37.33 .22 .44 11.24 23.31 .24 .57 .56 2.11 2.23 11.59 22.29 .05 5.68 .49 6.37 11.13 35.20 .14 .56 .72 2.70 .45 a 17 37.03 .22 .45 1.13 1.07 .76 42.07 4a 26 46.71 5a 90 48.83 * Not separately shown; included in “ Unclassified." MISCELLANEOUS ROLLING MILLS The group of miscellaneous rolling mills is of interest because it contains a large number of hand-operated mills and may be regarded as giving a fair idea of the experience of such mills. The records cover omy the last 5-year period. In that period there has been a marked decline in accident frequency and a definite downward trend in accident severity. T a b l e 9 1 .—A C C ID E N T FREQUENCY AN D SE VERITY RATES FOR MISCELLANEOUS ROLLING MILLS, 1920 TO 1924, BY YEARS AN D A C CIDEN T CAUSES Accident cause 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 Accident frequency rates (p er 10,000,000 hours' exposure) Machinery______ _______. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ Vehicles............. .......................................................... Hot substances............................................. . . . . . . . . . Falls of persons............................................... ............ Falling objects___. . . . . . . . . ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Handling........................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unclassified... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T o ta l...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64.5 5.0 44.1 22.5 31.5 124.0 31.9 54.5 5.6 28.6 16.0 31.4 918 30.0 39.7 6.0 27.2 7.8 41.9 49.7 27.6 414 2.8 18.0 15.6 27.1 60.4 22.9 29.1 2.9 22.6 16.0 313 58.5 18.* 323.5 260.9 199.9 191.2 181.6 Accident severity rates (per 10,000 hours' exposure) Machinery..................................................................... Vehicles................................................... ................. . Hot substances.......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Falls of persons............... . Falling objects............................................................... Handling..................................................... .................. Unclassified............................ ..................................... 3.62 2.26 3.65 1.83 3.17 2.71 .46 102 .18 .51 .20 .67 3.03 .52 3.39 2.82 4.87 2.83 .97 1.35 .39 4.97 .04 .37 .40 2.61 2.62 .55 7.97 .14 .53 .29 .86 1.36 .34 Total__________ ________________ _______ . . . . 17.70 - 9.13 16.62 11.56 11.49 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 82 ELECTRICA£ DEPARTMENT In the electrical department during the five years 1920 to 1924 accident frequency declined but accident severity increased. Since the same condition is found in the large group in which causes were not recorded, it seems necessary to conclude that safety effort in this department has not been so successful as in others. Two observations are pertinent to the situation: 1 . When there is a marked decline in accident frequency it is very easy to regard this as a true index and to overlook the fact that accident severity is rising; 2 . The use of electricity has been increasing enormously and it may well be that this increase has outrun the precautions taken to render its use safe. T a b l e 02 .—ACCIDEN T FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES FOR THE E LEC TR IC A L D E P A R T M E N T, 1920 TO 1924, B Y YEARS AN D AC C ID E N T CAUSES 1920 Accident cause 1921 1922 1923 1924 Accident frequency rates (per 10,000,000 hours* exposure) Machinery_________. . . . . . . . . . . ____ . . . . __________ Vehicles......................................................................... Hot substances__________________________________ Falls of p e r s o n s ..........______________ . . . . . . . . . . . . Falliug objects____________ _______________ _______ Handling_____________________________ __________ Unclassified_____________________________________ Total_____________________________________ 14.5 5.8 72.6 42.5 27.0 80.2 42.6 23.9 2.6 38.8 29.5 17.4 49.5 52.4 27.6 1.3 40.7 26.3 18.4 14.4 18.4 25.7 6.1 24.4 28.1 9.8 214 19.6 ....... 26.2 17.8 9.5 8.4 16.7 284.2 214.1 147.1 138.1 91.7 13.1 Accident severity rates (per 10,000 hours' exposure) Machinery__________ _____ ___________ __________ Vehicles________________________________________ _______ ________________ ____ _____ Hot substances Falls of persons__________________________________ Falling objects.__. . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________ Handling............... .......... .......................................... U nclassified..........._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______ _ 1.48 5.85 .85 5.78 .77 1.64 .31 0.37 .01 8.64 .48 .26 .57 1.53 2.82 7.88 .56 .71 .41 .21 .19 2.30 .20 7.89 8.55 .15 .82 .34 11.98 7.00 7.82 .65 .25 .49 .41 Total.................................................................... 16.68 11.86 12.78 2a 25 j 28.60 WIRE DRAWING Only the experience of the last 5-year period is available for the wire drawing department. The record shows that accident fre quency declined to a considerable decree while accident severity was pretty nearly the same in three of the years, going up sharply in the other two. In 1921 there were serious accidents in the handling of material, while in 1923 machinery furnished the heaviest severity (22.50). With the old type of wire-drawing benches there was very great danger that a workman’s hand would be caught in a kink of the wire. If this happened, the loss of part or all of the hand was almost sure to occur. The modem type of mill, now almost uni versal, has an automatic stop which greatly reduces this hazard. 3BQN AND STEEL INDUSTRY 83 T a b l e 9 3 .—A C CIDEN T FREQU EN CY AND SEVERITY RATES FOR WIRE DR A W IN G, 1910 TO 1924, BY YEARS AN D ACC INDENT CAUSES 1921 1920 1922 1924 Accident cause Accident frequency rates (per 10,000,900 hours* exposure) Madtiiaory..,... Vehicles............ Hot substances. Falls of persons. Falling objects. Handlir'" “ lass Total, 42.0 2.0 21.0 21.0 17.0 m o 89.0 20.9 &.0 17.9 18.0 6.0 66.0 29.9 21.0 3.0 6.0 8.0 9.0 68.0 50.0 32.6 2.5 15.1 7.5 12.6 50.2 60.2 ' ' 6.0' 6.0 8.0 34.0 22.0 313.0 161.7 165.0 180.7 109.0 33.0 Accident severity rates (per 10,000 hours* exposure) Machinery___________ ___ ___ _____ Vehicles.................................................. Hot substances..................................... . JFaMs of persons_________ - __________ Falling objects...................................... . Handling:.......................... ... ..............„....... Unclassified......................... ................ . Total........................................... . 4.70 2.00 .10 . . . . . . ___ 4.20 .10 .20 .70 4.70 14.30 .80 5.20 8.20 Q) 14.10 31.10 3.60 0) .10 .20 .20 1.30 8.60 22.50 .70 .23 .11 .30 1.23 11.20 14.00 36.27 13.60 .20 (*) .30 .50 .20 14.00 ‘ Not separately shown; included in “ Unclassified.” SOT B O IiE fG OF SHSBTS The group on which the accident rates for hot rolling of sheets are based is rather small and may not represent typical conations. Both frequency and severity rates are highly irregular and do not exhibit it consistent trend. T a b l e 9 4 .-A C C ID E N T FREQUENCY AN D SE V E RITY RATES FOR HOT SHEET ROLLING, 1930 TO 1924, B Y YEARS A N D ACC ID E N T CAUSES 1920 1921 1922 | [ 1923 1924 Accident cause Accident-frequency rates (per 10,000,000 hours' exposure) Machinery_____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _____ _____ . . . . . . Vehddes________________ ____ ____________________ Hot substances_______. . . ______________ __________ Falls of person___________________________________ Fatting objects__. . . . . . __ _________________ . . . ____ Handling_________ _________ ___________ ________ Unclassified_____________________________________ 28.0 2.0 14.0 26.0 25.0 180.0 72.0 11.7 23.0 17.0 41.0 40.0 103.0 30.0 18.0 16.0 53.0 m o 71.0 90.0 26.0 10.3 77.0 77.0 m o 23.2 36.0 3.0 3.0 11.0 15.0 67.0 17.0 T o t a l ........_________ ____________ . . . . . ___ 347.0 265.7 374.0 433.5 152.0 36.0 Accident severity rates (per 10,000 hours* exposure) Machinery__. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __________________ Vehicles................. ................ ...................................... Hot substances.............................................................. Falls of person............................................................... Falling objects............................... .......................... . Handling....................................................................... Unclassified................................................................... .20 .20 .50 2.20 .70 2.30 .30 1.20 1.20 2.70 1.30 1.40 0.90 .10 .10 3.30 1.50 1.80 4.70 8.90 3.00 2.00 4.60 1.20 1.37 3.60 12.30 .10 .10 .50 9.40 1.30 .50 Total.................................................................... 6.60 10.40 12.40 24.67 24.20 2.80 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 84 The foregoing discussion gives a fair idea of the relative importance of the main cause groups. Considered from the standpoint of accident severity machinery still contributes the largest share of the damage. On the accident frequency side handling of tools and material is the major factor. This situation suggests at once the nature and the point of appli cation of remedial measures. Machine accidents are mainly con trollable by various forms of “ engineering revision” which are dis cussed at length elsewhere.8 The cases due to handling may be reduced by instruction, which renders the worker skillful ana properly careful. Too much emphasis can not be placed upon the fact that the development of skill is much more important than cautionary exhortation. MINES, QUARRIES, AND METALLURGICAL WORKS COAL MINES The following tables are derived from the publications of the Bureau of Mines, which issues a comprehensive annual statement. Rates in these tables are given in terms of 1,000,000 hours’ exposure. This is an approximation, since it was impossible from the data available to determine exactly the number of hours worked. The relations of these rates among themselves are correct, but they are not perfectly comparable with similar rates found in other portions of this bulletin. It will be noticed that in Table 95 there are two methods of pre senting the facts; namely, the rate per 1,000,000 hours’ exposure and the rate per 1,000,000 tons mined. It is desirable to consider both of these rates. That based on hours of exposure gives a meas ure of the hazard of fatal injury encountered by the men. The rate by quantity mined measures the cost of coal in terms of fatal acci dents. It may be regarded as a satisfactory condition when both these rates are declining with reasonable rapidity. From 1907 to 1924 fatalities per 1,000,000 hours’ exposure declined 23.6 per cent, while fatalities per 1,000,000 tons mined declined 38.5 per cent. This more rapid decline of cost as compared with hazard is undoubtedly related to the introduction of machinery and improved methods. While a more rapid decline might fairly be expected, it is gratifying that the movement is in the right direction. •See United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Bui. No. 298, pp. 102-214. MINES, QUARRIES, AND METALLURGICAL WORKS 85 9 5 .-M E N EM PLOYED, AVERAG E PRODU CTION PE R M AN, M E N KILLE D , AND F A T A L IT Y RATES IN COAL M INES IN THE U N ITED STATES, 1907 TO 1926, B Y Y EA R S table Men employed Year 1907. 1908 1909 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. 3917. 1918. 1919. 1920. 3921. 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. Tons mined (short tons) 477,892,536 409,309,857 460,807,263 501,596,378 496,371,126 534,466,580 570,048,125 513,525,477 531,619,487 590,098,175 651,402,374 678,211,904 553,952; 269 658,264,932 506,395,401 476,951,121 657,903,671 571,613,400 685,083,000 Actual number Fullyear work ers 674,613 678,873 519,462 441,267 728,348 722,662 747,644 763,185 734,008 720,971 757,317 762,420 776,569 784,621 848,932 860,560 779,613 531,689 534,122 541,997 593,131 526.598 511.598 565,766 634,666 654,973 542,217 601,283 474,529 405,056 560,000 499,894 Average production per man (tons) Per year Per day 708 3.07 603 3.09 740 762 673 724 818 713 839 615 565 764 733 §."i4 3.10 3.29 3.20 3.26 3.46 3.48 3.42 3.45 3.41 3.65 3.66 3.92 3.91 3.81 Fatality Produc per tion per Men 1rate 000,000 death killed hours’ (short exposure tons) , 3,242 2,445 2,642 2,821 2,656 2,419 iS 2,269 2,226 2,696 2,580 2,317 2,271 1,987 1,979 2,458 2,381 2,230 2.08 1.85 1.77 1.66 1.49 1.57 1.55 1.48 1.31 1.42 1.31 1.42 1.26 1.40 1.63 1.46 1.59 147.407 167.407 174,416 177,808 186,887 220,945 209,261 234,297 265,094 241,618 262,873 239,082 289,857 254,854 233,576 267,492 240,072 Fatali ties per 1,000,000 tons mined 6.78 6.97 5.73 6.62 6.85 4.63 4.89 4.78 4.27 8.77 4.14 8.80 4.18 8.45 8.92 4.15 8.74 4.17 LOCATION AND CAUSES OF ACCIDENTS Table 96 summarizes the facts regarding the place of occurrence and the cause of accidents in coal mines from 1916 to 1924. The underground occupations have much the larger share of fatalities, and nearly or quite half of the underground fatalities result from falls of material from roof or face. Attention has perhaps been too much directed to those startling “ major casualties’ ’ in wnich by explosion of gas or dust many hundreds of lives may be suddenly brought to a close. Inspection of the rates in Table 95 will show that such explo sions stand third in order of importance. Table 95 shows that since 1907 there has been a material improve* ment in hazard but from 1916 on, the record is irregular, with a tendency somewhat upward. It would be advantageous if the underground and surface exposure could be separated. The underground rates would doubtless be higher and surface rates lower than those of the table, which are based upon the entire exposure, it not being possible from the data at hand to make this separation. INJ>USTfiIAIi ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES T a b l e 06*—FATALITIES IN COAL MINES IN T H E UNITED STATES, 1 9 1 6 T O Mfi5, B Y Y E A R , PLACE OF OCCURRENCE, AND CAU8E Place and cause 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 N u m b e r o f fatalities Underground: Falls of roof or face................... Cars and locomotives.............. Explosions, gas or dust............ Explosives................................ Electricity................................ Miscellaneous........................... Total underground________ 962 1,218 1,294 1,100 1,132 1,024 506 341 381 408 482 390 191 16-1 129 116 170 362 128 152 135 111 206 146 88 76 90 79 69 80 129 112 118 m 127 130 905 1,162 1,062 341 415 350 372 311 536 92 114 100 74 75 81 77 117 100 1,078 360 345 102 84 100 2,027 2,379 2,281 ;2,077 2,020 1,831 1,800 2,255 2,229 2,060 Shaft__________________________ 49 52 52 53 56 36 41 46 29 34 Surface: Haulage.-................................... Machinery__________________ Miscellaneous_______________ 75 26 49 114 51 100 118 47 82 93 28 66 78 29 88 45 17 58 54 23 61 59 26 72 70 8 60 40 9 78 ldO 265 247 187 195 120 138 157 138 127 2,226 2,696 2,580 i2.317 2,271 1,987 1,979 2,458 2,396 I ! 2.230 Total surface______________ Grand total_______________ 1 Fatality rates (p e r 1,000,000 hours* ex p osu re) Underground: 0.57 Falls of roof or face................... Cars and locomotives................ ........ .23 Explosions, gas or dust...................... .10 Explosives................................ .09 Electricity................................ .05 Miscellaneous............... ........... .16 0.64 .25 .1 9 .06 .04 .07 0.66 .26 .07 .07 .04 .0 6 0.68 0.63 .23 .23 .1 2 .0 9 .0 7 .13 .04 j .04 .0 8 1 .0 6 0.72 .24 .0 8 .11 .06 .08 0.74 .2 8 .2 6 .08 .0 6 .06 0.69 .25 .2 2 .07 .04 .07 0.70 .23 .36 .07 .0 5 .07 Total underground________ 1.19 1.25 1.16 1.28 i! 1.12 1.29 1.48 1.34 1.48 Shaft__________________________ .03 .08 .0 3 .03 | ! .03 .03 .03 .03 .0 2 Surface: Haulage------- ----------------------Machinery__________________ Miscellaneous........................... .05 .02 .03 .06 .03 .05 .06 .02 .04 .0 6 .0 2 .04 .03 .01 .01 .0 5 .0 2 .0 5 .04 .01 .04 .0 5 .01 .03 .0 4 .0 2 .05 Total surface______________ .09 .14 .1 2 .11 j .11 .0 8 .1 2 .0 9 Grand total__________ ____ 1.31 1.42 1.31 1.42 ; i.2 6 1.40 1.63 1.46 .09 1.59 --------- 1 Table 97 affords a comparison of the hazards o f coal mining aad railway operation. There is a common opinion that coal mining is an unusually hazardous occupation. This is due to the fact that from time to time, much too often, a sudden catastrophe overtakes the workers in a mine and many of them are killed. Then comes possibly prolonged rescue work, recorded from day to day in the public press. All this tends to impress the public, to the exclusion of consideration of the men, both in mining and in railway service, who are taken one or two at a time. The table indicates that railway service is about as hazardous as anthracite coal mining and is distinctly more hazardous than bituminous coal mining. MINES, QUARRIES, AND METALLURGICAL WORKS 87 T a b l e 87*-C O A L -M IN E FATALITIES VERSUS STEAM -RAILW AY FA TA LITIE S: F ATAL IT Y RATES (PER 1,000 EM PLOYEES), 1900 TO 191$, B Y YEARS Fatality rates (per 1,000 employees) Underground workers in Pennsylvania coal mines Year I Anthra-jBitumicite j nou3 1909................................... 1910................................... m i ................................... 1912................................... 1913................................... 3.97 j 4.19 ! 4.88! 3.90 i 4.33 I ! Fatality rates (per 1,000 employees) Rail way train men 3.12 3.03 3.23 2.73 3. 59 4.87 5.41 5.49 5.22 5.05 Underground workers in Pennsylvania coal mines Year Anthra Bitumi cite nous 1914................................... 1915................................... 1916................................... 1917................................... 1918................................... 3.98 4.01 4.28 4.27 4.35 2.33 2.61 2.92 3.13 3.10 Rail way train men 4.73 3.53 4.07 4.23 4.29 METAL MINES Table 98, while not giving a very clear idea of the trend of accident experience in metal mining, does give an idea of the relative impor tance of various types of mining. It is noticeable that since 1917 there has been a considerable decrease in the number of men em ployed, there being 200,579 in 1917 and 123,128 in 1924. This is due in part to changed methods of mining. T a b l e 98.—NUM BER OF M EN EM PLOYED AND NUM BER KILLED AND INJURED IN M E TA L MINES IN THE UNITED STATES, 1917 TO 1924, B Y KIND OF MINE ^Siincl of mine Men employed Ac tive oper ators Under Sur Total ground face 1917 Copper....................................... 649 43,715 17,560 61,275 Oold, silver, and miscellaneous metal....................................... 3,166 35,812 16.080 51,892 Iron............................................. 205 31,549 25,681 57.230 Lead and zinc (Mississippi Val ley).......................................... 369 15,075 5,194 20,269 NonmetalJic mineral................. 248 2,726 7,187 9.913 Total................................ 4,637 128,877 71,702 200,579 1918 Copper....................................... 524 Gold, silver, and miscellaneous metal....................................... 2,429 Iron............................................. 176 Lead and zino (Mississippi Val ley).......................................... 236 Nonmetallic mineral................. 271 Men injured (time lost more than 1 day) Men killed Under Sur To Under Sur ground face tal ground face Total 1352 22 374 16*532 3,403 19,935 166 135 30 56 196 191 7,144 1,241 8.872 3,406 a 385 12,278 65 9 3 14 68 23 727 125 767 714 4,544 1.144 852 36,755 9,531 46,286 17,201 3,312 20,513 5.429 2,418 6,858 2,763 7,847 9,621 601 854 3,746 1,188 646 32,967 9,948 42,915 42,286 17,161 59,447 180 40 220 28,061 15,582 28,775 24,890 43.643 53,665 152 128 29 51 181 179 3,660 9,157 14,004 11,847 43 10 4 9 47 19 Total................................ 3,636 112,156 70,450 182,606 513 133 10,344 2,690 1919 Copper....................................... 410 27,298 12,029 Gold, silver, and miscellaneous j metal.......................................'2,430 21,868 10,262 Iron............................................. 157 28,234 19,442 Lead and zinc (Mississippi Val ley).......................................... 141 10,075 2,893 Nonmetallic mineral................. 245 3,356 9,805 Total................................ 3,383 3,145 334 ! 39,327 120 20 140 10,002 2,234 12,239 32,130 47,676 113 107 13 32 126 139 4,656 813 G, 907 2,191 5,469 9,098 12,968 13,161 42 5 3 12 45 18 363 2,822 414 1,104 3,185 1,518 90,831 54,431 145,262 388 80 468 24.801 6,705 31,506 I 1 Includes 161 fatalities due to the North Butte mine fire, Butte, Mont. 3,777 430 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 88 T a b l e 9 8 .-N U M B E R OF M E N E M PLO Y E D AN D NU M BER KILLED AND INJURED IN M E TA L MINES IN THE U NITED 8TATE8, 1917 TO 1924, BY Y EA R S A N D KIND OF MINES—Continued Kind of mine Men employed Ac tive oper ators Under Sur Total ground face 1920 Copper....................................... 387 23,671 11,853 Gold, silver, and miscellaneous metal...................................... 2,358 20,077 9,856 154 25,627 20,363 Iron............................................ Lead and zinc (Mississippi Val 119 8,861 2, **7 ley)......................................... Nonmetallic mineral................. 263 3,149 10,619 Men injured (time lost more than 1 day) Men killed Under Sur T o Under Sur ground face tal ground face Total 35,254 107 21 128 9,624 2,423 12,047 29,933 45,990 100 86 17 20 117 106 4,794 910 6,734 2,338 5,704 9,072 11,638 13,768 33 8 3 30 36 38 3,223 384 571 1,561 3*607 2,132 3,281 81,385 55,198 136,583 334 91 425 24,946 7,616 32,563 -- »~. --- ----...SS -- ■■■= = » ===== ■■■-■■ ■= = = = = 1921 357 12,865 5,435 18,300 649 4,722 Copper...................................... 49 j 4,073 6 * Gold, silver, and miscellaneous 12 78 ! 4,439 metal................................... 2,135 17,642 i! 8,874 25,516 66 913 5,352 122 17,501 113, a>8 30,559 Iron........................................... 45 20 65 | 3,126 1,381 4,507 Lead and zinc (Mississippi 14 187 2,062 Valley).................................... 66 ! 5,302 j 1,646 6,498 1,875 14 8 10 Nonmetallic mineral.................. 216 i 2,630 |8,976 11,606 18 I| 627 1,334 1,961 Total. 2,896 ; 55,940 37,989 Total1922 ! i » ! | 17,547 93,929 1 8,192 j 25,739 Gold, silver, and miscellaneous racial..................................... . 1,942 : 18,362 9,252 | 27,614 Iron........................................... . 110 ! 17,596 14,645 I|32,241 ! Lead and zinc (Mississippi 74 1 6,747 2,243 Valley).................................... 8,990 Nonmetallic mineral................. 199 j 2,530 8,583 11,113 ;2,599 ! 62,782 42,915 ;105,697 1923 Copper................ . Gold, silver, and r metal................ Iron..................... Lead and zinc j S | 306 ! 21,655 10,822 !2,104 1 20,772 9,853 1 115 |20,086 18,333 ! 82 i 218 i . |2,825 Total. j2,783 i 48 230 | j 14,140 4,464 18,604 68 7 75 6,976 1,049 8,025 131 64 9 19 140 83 882 5,923 3,700 1,201 6,805 4,901 22 13 11 22 24 8,470 398 663 1,818 3,868 2,481 « 344 : 20,732 ',5,348 26,080 32,477 298 ! i i 90 i 17 1 107 | 10,119 1,874 11,993 30,525 38,419 102 ! 62 j 12 27 114 ! 7,078 1,594 89 ;j 4,260 1,356 8,672 5*616 25 1 2 10 ; 20 27 | 4,455 439 30 | 796 1,592 4,894 2,388 33,563 8,649 4,959 ! 7,728 2,498 10,226 i 3,346 8,286 11,632 i.... . i 73,587 49,692 123,279 i | 1924 Copper....................................... 271 ! 21,369 G<ud, silver, and miscellaneous metal....................................... 2,097 1 19,617 Iron............................................ 104 ji 20,325 Lead and zinc (Mississippi j 87 ji 9,431 ! 224 ! 3,344 182 11,108 32,477 101 20 367 1 26,708 6,855 r ! 121 j 9,623 2,235 10.101 16,304 29,718 36,629 135 71 10 26 145 97 7,402 1,247 3,708 1,251 3,303 12,734 8,226 . 11,570 34 12 9 34 21 492 6,226 682 1,252 74,086 49,042 !123,128 ! 289 : 78 353 | 65 1 418 ;j 26,641 3,477 11,858 33,118 Table 99 shows the accident rates for all metal mines from 1911 to 1924. The rate for injuries tends to rise. This is due, in considerable measure, to better reporting rather than to increased hazard. This appears when the fatality rates are considered. These decline for underground workers from 1.83 in 1911 to 1.62 in 1924 (12 per cent). Since fatalities are always more completely reported than are minor injuries, this change may fairly be taken as an index of the shift in hazard during this period. Inspection of the items of the table will convince that there has been a real, though not very great, down ward tendency in accident frequency. MINES, QUARRIES, AND METALLURGICAL WORKS 89 T a b l e 9 9 . — N U M BER OF FU LL-YEAR W ORKERS A N D A C C ID E N T FREQUENCY RATES FOR M E TA L MINES IN THE UN ITED STATES (P E R 1,000,000 HOURS' EXPOSURE), 1911 TO 1924, BY YEARS Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours* exposure) Full-year workers Year 1911.................................... 1912................................. 1913.................................... 1914.................................... 1915.................................... 1916.................................... 1917................................... 1918.................................... 1919.................................... 1920.................................... 1921.................................... 1922.................................... 1923.................................... 1924.................................... Under Surface ground Total 98,389 105,153 121,293 91,659 89,821 125,601 126,815 113,441 85,769 80,215 45,199 59,454 73,669 72,631 156,089 161,662 183,593 142,619 141,997 192,455 192,085 181,006 136,282 134,540 74,510 97,138 121,866 119,113 57,700 56,509 62,300 50,960 52,176 66,854 65,270 67,565 50,513 54,325 29,311 37,684 48,197 46,482 Men killed Men injured Under ground Surface Total Under ground * Surface Total 1.83 1.65 1.51 1.70 1.67 1.52 1.91 1.51 1.51 1.39 1.34 1.67 1.31 1.62 0.88 .82 .72 .61 .65 .61 .64 .66 .53 .56 .55 .41 .54 .46 1.48 1.36 1.24 1.31 1.30 1.21 1.48 1.19 1.14 1.05 1.03 1.18 1.00 1.17 72.43 78.81 70.15 87.27 106.62 102.04 96.61 96.87 96.39 103.66 104.28 116.24 120.85 122.27 3a 03 34.65 39.84 40.68 41.95 48.80 48.67 49.08 44.25 4a 73 5a 76 47.30 47.40 4a 43 56.76 63.37 59.86 7a 62 82.85 83.55 8a 32 79. OS 77.06 8a 67 83.23 89.49 91.80 92.68 QUARRIES The increase in injury rates for quarries which appears in Table 100 is undoubtedly due to more complete reporting. The fatality rate of the first five-year period is slightly higher than that for the second period and in the last four years there has been a further pronounced drop. The exposure during the interval has been singulany uniform. The slightly declining death rate reflects the improvement in equip ment and m method. 1 0 0 . — NUMBER OF M EN E M PLO Y E D , N U M BER OF M EN KILLE D A N D INJURED, AND A C CIDEN T FREQUENCY RATES FOR QUARRIES IN TH E UNITED STATES, 1911 TO 1920, BY YEARS T able Men employed Men killed Year Men injured Actual Full-year number workers Men killed 1911............................................................... 1912............................................................... 1913.............................................................. 1914............................................................... 1915............................................................... 110,954 113,105 106,278 87,936 100,740 84,417 93,837 87,141 68,187 82,447 Average, 5 y e a r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103,803 83,206 1916............................................................... 1917............................................................... 1918............................................................... 1919............................................................... 1920............................................................... 90,707 82,290 68,332 75,505 86,488 76,457 71,525 59,285 63,794 77,089 11,161 0.74 .76 .70 .88 .60 182 7,437 .73 29.80 173 131 125 123 178 13,427 13,242 8,719 9; 199 11,217 .75 .61 .70 .64 .77 58.54 61.71 49.02 ‘ 48.07 48.50 Average, 5 years___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,682 69,630 146 92,243 76,418 164 77,185 79,081 92,455 94,242 59,958 68,861 85,153 84,246 120 132 143 138 Men injured ' 5,390 6,552 7,739 7,836 9,671 188 213 183 180 148 Average, 10 years______________ ...!! 1921............................................................... 1922........................................ ..............; ___ 1923............................................................... 1924............................................................... Frequency rates (p e r 1,000,000 hours’ exposure) 9,299 | 10,465 11,839 14,990 14,777 21.28 23.67 29.60 38.31 39.10 .70 53; 43 .72 40.56 .67 .64 .56 .54 58.18 57.31 58.68 58.34 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 90 METALLURGICAL PLANTS Ore-dressing plants and auxiliary works show no material improve ment in accident experience in the interval under consideration in Table 101. In smelting plants the fatality rates declined from 0.64 to 0.18 (72 per cent) and injury rates declined from 58.24 to 37.55 (36 per cent). T a b l e 1 0 1 .-A C C ID E N T 8 AND ACCIDEN T RATES IN M ETA LLU RG IC A L PLANTS IN THE UNITED STATES, 1913 TO 1924, B Y YEARS 1 Men employed Blind of plant and year i Actual '=Full-yeur number ; workers ! 1 Men killed Ore-dressing plants: 16,154 14,985 16 1913.................................................. . 1914......................................................... 23 IS, 225 15,128 1915......................................................... 18,564 , 19,107 30 19161....................................................... 33 22,470 ; 23,470 1917«..................................................... 47 24,111 !1 24,372 19181....................................................... 2!. 809 22,517 35 19191....................................................... 17,262 ij 16,862 25 16,813 21 19201....................................................... 19211....................................................... 10,047 8,037 4 19221....................................................... i 11,676 11,052 12 1923 *.......................................................! 14.899 24 14,782 1924 i...................................................... lo, <3i> 16,093 20 Smelting plants: * 20,564 47 1913........................................................ 24,309 1914......................................................... 27,879 33 32,336 1915..,.................................................... 31.327 36,262 38 43,829 1910i....................................................... 49,363 36 19171....................................................... 44,376 50,639 53 39,899 45,439 42 19181....................................................... 1 9 i....................................................... 28,777 34 31,324 20 30,411 1920»....................................................... 26,099 14,f>21 14,204 19211....................................................... 14 20,887 19221....................................................... 19,495 16 19231....................................................... 17 22.439 26,677 1924 *....................................................... 24,941 29,231 16 Auxiliary works: 1913,1914,19153...................................... 14 1916......................................................... 14.007 15,763 1917......................................................... 15,555 17,014 16 17 1918......................................................... 18,044 20,111 1C, 172 5 1919......................................................... 15.GS1 18,363 1920......................................................... 16.306 20 9 8,762 1921......................................................... 8,308 17 12,829 1922......................................................... 14,069 17 1923......................................................... 16,533 18,040 15,520 17,024 19 1924......................................................... Men injured Frequency rates (p o r 1,000,000 hours’ exposure) Men killed Men injured 1,977 1,434 2,095 3,184 2,952 3,142 2,057 2,624 16,827 1,214 1,984 2,549 2; 511 0.33 .50 .52 .17 .64 .55 .49 .41 .17 .36 .54 .41 40.79 31.40 36.55 45.22 40.37 46.51 40.74 54.75 50.35 59.84 67.48 52.01 4,247 5,673 5,718 9,656 7,745 G, 743 4,431 4,147 2,129 3,002 3,487 3,293 .64 .31 .35 .24 .35 .31 .36 .23 .33 .26 .21 .18 58.24 58.48 52.66 65.20 50.90 .49.47 47.15 47..44 49.96 47.90 43.57 87.55 2,246 2,881 2,808 1,638 2,092 1,151 1,692 2,388 2,422 .30 .31 .28 .10 .37 .30 .40 .31 .36 47.37 66.44 46.54 33.76 38.73 46.18 40.09 44.12 45.81 * Not including auxiliary works such as shops, yards, etc. * Not including iron blast furnaces. ■Included under ore dressing and smelting plants. COKE OVENS A striking feature of Table 102 is the very great falling off in the number employed in the beehive ovens. There were less than a third as many in 1924 as there were in 1916. This, of course, means the discarding of a wasteful and inefficient method, but apparently the increased use of machinery gives accident rates rather higher in by-product ovens than in beehive ovens. 91 MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIES The beehive o v e n s tend to higher rates both for fatality and far injury. The by-product process records a decline in fatality rates from 1.04 in 1917 to 0.42 in 1924 (60 per cent), and from 100.02 in injury rates in 1917 to 23.78 in 1924 (76 per cent). TABLE 10% .— N U M BE R OP M E N E M PLO Y E D AND ACCIDEN TS AND A C C ID E N T RATES IN BEEHIVE A N D B Y-PROD U CT COKE OVENS, 1919 TO 1924, B Y YEARS Men employed Men killed Year Men injured Actual Full-year number workers Frequency rates (p e r 1,000,000 hours’ exposure) Men killed Men injured Beehive ovens: 1910......................................................... 1917......................................................... 1918......................................................... 1919........................................................ 1920......................................................... 18,570 18,820 16,4-12 13,333 10,955 18,591 19,295 16,436 10,829 10,094 24 25 19 10 11 1,866 1,822 2,155 1,364 1,035 0.43 .43 .39 .31 .36 33.46 31.48 43.70 41.09 34.18 Average, 5 years__________________ 15,624 15,049 18 1,649 .40 33.58 1921........................................................ 1922........................................................ 1923........................................................ 1924........................................................ By-product ovens: 1916......................................................... 1917................................ ........................ 1918........................................................ 1919........................................................ 1920....................................................... 6,011 7,871 8,515 0,150 2,835 4,823 7,144 4,025 5 8 12 3 336 474 875 457 .59 .55 .56 .25 39.51 32.76 40.83 *37.85 13,033 13,597 15,947 15,408 17,184 15,528 16,300 19,040 16,845 19,827 21 51 54 43 38 3,371 4,891 5,637 2,667 2,380 .45 1.04 .95 .85 .64 72.36 100.02 98.69 52.78 40.01 Average, 5 years.... ........... ......... ...... 15,034 17,508 41 3,789 .78 72.14 1921............... ........................................ 1922........................................................ 1923........................................................ 1924........................................................ AH coke ovens: 10,193 11,407 15,214 14,001 11,033 13,413 18,483 16,656 12 21 33 21 1,517 1.236 1,718 1,188 .36 .52 .60 45. B3 3a 72 30.98 23.7$ 1918........................................................ 1919........................................... ............ 1920............... - ...................................... 31,603 32,417 32,389 28,741 28,139 34,119 35,595 35,476 27,674 29,921 45 76 78 53 49 6.237 6,713 7,792 4,G31 3,415 .44 .71 .69 .64 .55 51. IS 62.86 73.21 48.50 38.04 Average, 5 y e a r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,658 32,557 59 5,438 .60 55.68 1921......................................................... 1922......................................................... 1923......................................................... 1924......................................................... 16,204 19,278 23,729 20,451 13,868 18,236 25,627 20,681 17 29 45 24 1,853 1,710 2,593 1,645 .41 .53 .59 .39 44.54 31.26 33.73 26.51 MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIES STATE RECORDS In an earlier section of this report the accident record of the various States has been presented classified by industries. That record dealt solely with the number of casualties. Such a record has an inform ative value but fails entirely to afford any hint regarding relative hazard, and consequently gives no suggestion regarding the place where accident prevention methods may be profitably applied. For exam ple, the fact that Indiana had 506 casualties in the m a n u f a c t u r e of agricultural implements in the year 1925 while Ohio had 194 may mean simply that the production of such implements is on a larger scale in Indiana than in Ohio, or it may mean that danger of casualty 92 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES is much greater in Indiana. It is entirely impossible to determine the significance of the facts without further investigation. The steps in the process of converting the bare facts into a form which has real meaning are these: 1. It must be determined how many man-hours of exposure occurred in the portion of the industry covered by the record in each State. 2 . The number of casualties must be divided by the man-hours of exposure, giving frequency rates. When the resulting rates are compared it is found that the con cerns covered in Indiana had a frequency rate of 45.20 cases per 1,000,000 hours’ exposure in the manufacture of agricultural imple ments, while Ohio had 60.02 cases; that is, frequency of accident was considerably greater in Ohio than in Indiana. Of course, many other factors may need to be considered in reaching a final conclusion, but so far as it goes such a comparison of rates gives some real information regarding relative hazard and can there fore be used as a basis for accident-prevention study. In view of the fact that rates have been so little used in accident studies, outside of railways, mines, and the iron and steel industry, theTJnited States Bureau of Labor Statistics has sought to encourage the development of accident rates and has published such as were available from time to time. Recently the bureau has sought to utilize the information contained in the State accident reports by relating such data for selected establishments to data regarding the number of man-hours worked by such establishments. The accident data were obtained through the cooperation of the various State agencies. The employment data were obtained directly from the establishments. The selection of the establishments was as follows: For some time the bureau has obtained monthly reports of volume of employment from some 10,000 concerns. This list had bfeen carefully chosen to cover adequately the various important industries and to include plants of both large and small size. Fifty-two industrial groups are covered by the employment studies. From these 24 were selected as having the greatest significance from the standpoint of accident study. A small amount of additional information from each concern made possible the determination of a close approximation to the man-hours of exposure. The combination of these items—namely, exposure and accidents— gave the rates hereafter presented. Table 103 shows the accident rates for the only States (Ohio, Illinois, and Minnesota) for which information was available for both 1924 and 1925. MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIES 93 T a b l i 1®3*— ACCIDEN T FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES FOR SPECIFIED INDUS TRIES IN OHIO, ILLINOIS, AND M INNESOTA, 1924 AND 1925 A c c id e n t frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours’ exposure) Number of cases industry Fullyear work ers Per ma Death nent dis abil ity Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours’ ex posure) Tem Per Tem Per Tem ma po po ma po To rary To rary nent rary To Death nent dis dis tal Death dis dis tal dis tal abil abil abil abil abil ity ity ity ity ity 1924 Agricultural im p le ments.......................... 3,142 Automobiles........ 5,648 Automobile tires______ 5,772 Boots and s h o e s ........ 1,614 Brick..... ....................... 3,514 Electrical machinery... 4,626 Flour.............................. 2,921 Foundry and machine shops........................... 17,774 Furniture....................... 5,333 Glass.............................. 1,283 Lumber—planing mills. 1,852 Machine tools................ 3,635 and pulp............. 1,171 Pottery...__ ___ ______ 953 Slaughtering and meat packing....................... 19,911 Steam fittings, appara tus, and supplies........ 1,424 Stoves............................. 3,278 Structural-iron work___ 1,187 1 2 1 1 ID 361 380 17 495 512 25 1,741 1,767 1 23 24 522 537 13 46 364 411 113 120 6 9 1 1 2 1 1 79 1,928 2,016 204 226 21 5 289 295 15 128 145 9 322 332 13 148 162 2 60 62 11 98 1,311 1,420 3 1 3 3 6 272 325 303 2.02 38.32 40.34 1.00 29.21 30.21 0.06 1.40 97.18 98.64 0.33 .21 4.75 4.96 ........... .19 1.23 49.52 50.94 1.14 .43 .07 3.31 26.23 29.61 .68 .11 .681 12.89 13.68 1 .15 1.32 32.14 33.61 .90 .38 .06 1.31 ; 12.75 14.12 .26 1 . 30;i 75.07 76.63 1.56 .36 2.70 23.04 26.10 2.16 .09 .83,, 29.53 30.45 .55 .28 3.70 42.14 46.12 1.71 .70, 21.00 21.70 1 .18 1.64, 21.95 23.77 1.10 275 331 310 .70 63.68 64.38 .31 .31 33.05 33.67 .28 1.68 85.06 87.02 20 266 292 12 182 196 52 2,962 3,017 124 124 9 629 641 21 360 382 6 191 201 .42 1.40 18.58 20.40 .13 .77 11.68 12.58 .07 1.16 66.32 67.55 11 12.39il2.39 .16 .47 32.75:33.38 .04 .82 14.1014.96 .39 .58, 18.49119.46 47 1,635 1,686 26 212 238 2 414 416 57 6 66 5 258 263 7 163 172 1 80 81 .07 1.83 1.68 1.62 1.00 1.60 .06 .68 2.99 .85 0.68 .55 1.18 .11 .97 .34 .18 2.30 1.59 3.11 .17 2.79 3.76 1.71 1.08 .91 1.36 5.17 .55 2.83 .84 .45 .26 .83 .71 .31 .67 .47 2.43 1.55 2.75 8.04 1.41 5.21 1.31 1.21 .70 3.01 .49 .24 .94 .79 1.28 .31 2.38 1.04 3.67 1925 A gricultural im p le ments......................... 4,771 Automobiles.................. : 5,193 Automobile tires............' 14,882 Boots and shoes_______ 1 3.336 Brick..............................s 6,402 Electrical machinery--J 8,512 Flour..............................1 3,443 Foundry, and machine shops........................... 19,205 Furniture___ . . . __ . . . . 5,289 CHass... . . . . . . . . . ______ 1,552 Lumber—planing mills. 1,563 Machine tools___ . . . . . . 2,960 Paper and pulp............. 1,510 Pottery.......................... 1,206 Slaughtering and meat packing....................... 19,648 Steam fittings, appara tus, and supplies____ 692 Stoves............................ 1,753 Structural-iron w ork ... 2,069 ! 6 2 3 3 1 4 4 3 2 15 63 1,300 1,378 2 2 4 14 122 124 275 459 277 477 2.51 1.18 .77 .79 .40 1.06 .94 1.00 .23 .65 2.32 .52 .42 .82 28.3829.27 1.64 13.37ll5.01 .43' 88.93*89.36 .64 1.28!! 12.15114.07 3.84 .56 29.0529.61 .44 1.55! 35.99137.98 " 2."65 .28 22.12 22.40 i !I .25 1.07, 22.06 23.38 1.53 .69 1.15 .77 1.66 .39 1.59 .50 .31 .21 .74 .19 .51 .13 .25 4.00 1.77 2.20 .19 2.45 1.01 3.09 .34 .28 .75 .30 .29 .64 .31 1.45 1.43 1.52 5.80 .68 4.88 .81 .90 .43 2.86 .96 58.8059.76 .51 .48 .38 52.30 52.68 .64 2.26 73.94 76.84 """3.87 2.38 .81 1.32 .49 .97 .99 7.24 1 According to this table the frequency rates range in 1924 from 4.96 for boots and shoes to 98.64 for automobile tires. In 1925 the range is from 12.39 for boots and shoes to 89.36 for glass. In 12 industries there is a decline in the rate from 1924 to 1925 while 6 industries show a rising rate. 2063°—27------7 94 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES The declines are as follows: Agricultural implements from 40.34 to 20.40, or 49 per cent; automobiles from 30.21 to 12.58, or 58 per cent; automobile tires from 98.64 to 67.55, or 32 per cent; brick from 50.94 to 33.38, or 34 per cent; electrical machinery from 29.61 to 14.96, or 49 per cent; foundries and machine shops from 33.61 to 29.27, or 13 per cent; planing mills from 26.10 to 14.07, or 46 per cent; machine tools from 30.45 to 29.61, or 3 per cent; paper and pulp from 46.12 to 37.98, or 18 per cent; slaughtering and meat pack ing from 23.77 to 23.38, or 2 per cent; steam fittings from 64.38 to 59.76, or 7 per cent; structural-iron work from 87.02 to 76.84, or 12 per cent. The increases are: Boots and shoes from 4.96 to 12.39, or 150 per cent; flour from 13.68 to 19.46, or 42 per cent; furniture from 14.12 to 15.01, or 6 per cent; glass from 76.63 to 89.36, or 17 per cent; pottery from 21.70 to 22.40, or 3 per cent; stoves from 33.67 to 52.6S, or 56 per cent. Two cautions are pertinent regarding conclusions to be drawn from these figures: 1. In several of the industrial groups the exposure is not large enough to be as authoritative as could be desired. 2 . Percentages of increase and decrease are not comparable with each other. Increases can be compared with increases and declines with declines, but a per cent of increase is not comparable with a per cent of decline. Not only is it desirable to consider the frequency of accidents, but if the whole story is to be told some device must be utilized which will bring out the relative severity. To this end the Bureau of Labor Statistics developed and has utilized the severity rate. This rate is coming to be more generally used as industrial managers come to be aware of the new light which it sheds on the accident problem .9 In the case of the three States from which data have been secured for the years 1924 and 1925 it was possible to compute severity rates and these are also shown in the table. They are expressed in terms of days lost per 1,000 man-hours of exposure; death and permanent disabilities are given a fixed time allowance in terms of days. When these severity rates are examined it appears that in 12 indus tries there was a decline in severity and in 6 a rising severity rate. The relation of the two rates to each other is indicated by the fol lowing: In 8 industries both frequency and severity declined. In 2 industries both rose. In 4 industries frequency declined and severity rose. In 4 industries frequency rose and severity declined. The amount of decline in severity in the different industries is as follows: Automobile tires from 3.11 to 2 .20 , or 29 per cent; brick from 2.79 to 2.45, or 12 per cent; electrical machinery from 3.76 to 1.01, or 73 per cent; foundries and machine shops from 2.43 to 1.45, or 40 per cent; lumber from 8.04 to 5.80, or 28 per cent; machine tools from 1.41 to 0.68, or 52 per cent; paper and pulp from 5.21 to 4.88, or 6 per cent; slaughtering and meat packing from 3.01 to 2.86, or 5 per cent; furniture from 1.55 to 1.43, or 8 per cent; glass from 3.75 to 1.52, or 59 per cent; pottery from 1.31 to.0.81, or 38 per cent; stoves from 2.38 to 0.97, or 59 per cent. • For full account of standard method of computing frequency and severity rates, see U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bui. No. 276. p. 68. MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIES 95 The rising severity rates are in the following industries: Boots and shoes from 0.17 to 0.19, or 12 per cent; flour from 1.71 to 3.09, or 81 per cent; agricultural implements from 2.30 to 4.00, or 74 per cent; automobiles from 1.55 to 1.77, or 14 per cent; steam fittings from 1.28 to 1.32, or 3 per cent; structural-iron work from 3.67 to 7.24, or 97 per cent. Table 104 summarizes by industries the data gathered from 11 States for the year 1925. It represents a fair sample from 24 indus tries located in 11 States, operating 1,272 plants and employing the equivalent of 555,988 full-year workers. The exposure and the number of cases are sufficient in nearly every case to make the rates a fairly dependable index of average conditions. A further extension of collection of such data into other States and additional industries is greatly to be desired; in fact, it is necessary if a standard presenta tion is to be secured. T a b l e 1 0 4 .-A C C ID E N T FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES FOR SPECIFIED INDUSTRIES IN 11 STATES, 1925 Industry and State Foundry and machine shops...................................................... Furniture. - ___________________ . . . . . ____ . . . . . . . . . . . ______ ; Total States 8 8 3 5 9 3 4 8 3 11 10 4 5 10 4 7 8 2 3 3 6 4 10 2 ii ! i ; ! ; I 1 ; 'i 55 73 23 31 94 19 31 71 27 25ft 165 40 26 64 22 48 34 13 13 7 44 29 60 25 16,295 : 189,385 20,097 11,200 15,595 10,999 11,609 : 60,653 'j 3,616 75,404 ! 24,519 i 12,138 j 9,301 9,852 10,223 6,033 11,142 3,148 23,900 1,473 6,212 3,988 6,521 12,682 9 56 4 8 5 3 13 4 18 : 1 i 2 6 11 i 1! 5 I 15 1 ; 1 i 6 1 ! 78 704 62 6 29 33 35 229 7 324 80 18 30 58 24 17 80 3 81 3 38 * 42 13 1,137 0.18 1,050 .10 i 4,247 | ! 5,007 ! 3,068 ji 3,134 .07 i 252 ;j 258 . . . . . . . ■ 1,050 ! 1,087 ! 94 1 .15 132 192 230 .09 .07 ! 1,170 i 1,412 203 214 .37 3,763 .08 ! 3,421 ; 903 983 .03* ! 529 548 214 .07 ! 182 605 541 .20 ! 567 602 .36 j i 332 350 .06 i 590 675 .15 i 156 160 .11 ■ 1,645 1,741 .21 ; 75 78 335 .05 374 356 352 .08 559 .31 607 ! 33 47 .03 < 1.60 1.24 1.03 . 18 .62 1.00 1.00 1.26 .65 1.43 1.09 .49 1.08 1.96 .78 .94 2.39 .32 1.13 .68 2.04 .25 2. 15 .34 23.31 2 7.80 57.08 0.88 30.46 4.87 5.63 0.46 1ST. 71 23.62 14.06 24.37 11.17 10.78 18.49 21.09 20.47 16.52 22.94 16.97 31.52 43.08 48.49 ■ 1.59 25.09 9.14 59.08 10.06 31.25 6.02 6.72 10.79 19.73 25.13 16.05 24.89 12.32 21.94 19.63 22.09 23.01 16.95 24.28 17.65 33.61 43.41 50.95 1.96 1.10 ! 1.26 .59 ;i 1.02 .4 0 j: 1.06 1 .13 | ! '’ i.‘ o3i i .73 | .91 1.45 i .52 1.49 .43 1.12 .57 2.21 .48 1.24 .79 .16 ; .65 .43 .82 1.22 2.62 I 2.15 .66 .33 . 77 | I .90 3.20 ; .64 .87 !| 1.26 .94 ; .54 jr v i » 1.89 ! .50 .24 ! 1.84 J.95 '' .24 .16 i| !! ! ! i j , ! | ; : i 0.42 .16 .84 .19 .55 .15 .18 .24 .27 .43 .25 .27 .29 .49 .48 .27 .75 .37 .42 . 19 .74 .45 .75 .05 2.78 1.77 2.30 .32 2.31 2.51 2.19 1.79 3.05 2.15 1.04 1.08 1.54 4.33 3.29 1.37 4.85 1.88 2.62 .73 2.95 1.19 4.54 .45 STATES Slaughtering and meat packing................................................. Stamped and enameled ware - - __ Steam fittings, apparatus, and supplies................................... Stoves______ . . . . ____ __________________ ________________ Structural-iron work.................................................................. Per- Tem maDeath ; nent porary disa disa bility bility UNITED Paper and pulp........................................................................... Total IN Leather........................................................................................ i Lumber—planing mills............................................................... Lumber—sawmills...................................................................... Per Tem ma Death nent porary disa disa bility bility ACCIDENTS Carpets..................................................................................... *. Chemicals..................................................................................... Electrical machinery................................................................... Total INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRY » Agricultural implements............................................................ Automobiles................................................................................ Automobile tires......................................................................... Boots and shoes_________________________________________ Num Fullber of Per Tem estab year lish workers ma Death nent porary ments disa disa bility bility Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours’ exposure) Accident- frequency rates (per 1,000.000 hours* exposure) Number of cases Num ber of States or in dus tries I \Indus-' Illinois............. Indiana........... Iowa................ Maryland....... Michigan........ Minnesota___ New Jersey___ New York....... Ohio................ Pennsylvania. Wisconsin....... Total.. i trie* 13 13 9 12 7 12 14 15 15 19 11 J20 122 51.330 i i 54 52 : 44 eo ; 113 J31 j 161 ! 342 ! 73 ! 1,272 20,585 11,074 7,199 165.918 13,744 46,066 70,053 43,2J3 93,733 28,083 555,988 21 ; 134 1 51 i j 2 ; 40 [ I i 12 ! 48 ; 580 ; 14 ! 55 ; 7 : 223| 26 511 13 I 120 ; - 26 i 226 i 12 > 95 I i 1, 73' 2,219 880 478 3,624 1,141 1,010 1,733 7,043 1,631 1,892 2,271 922 491 4,252 . 14 1,210 .34 .03 1,240 2,270 7,176 252 1,738 .02 .06 .05 .10 .12 .10 .26 .14 3 II. 2fc 35.93 26.49 1.20 22.13 .56 *7.28 1.17 27.67 1.33 J4.65 1.03 2.43 38.25 .93 54.32 2.23 (4> 1.13 19.36 .87 .83 i : ; : i ! ; ; 12.29 36.78 27.75 22.74 8.55 29.34 5.71 10.80 55.35 2.48 20.63 .82 .10 .58 2.04 :8 .60 1.54 .85 i .21 .37 .56 0) .41 1.78 1.06 1.77 1.57 1.64 3.99 2.09 3.90 2.09 3.20 1.81 INDUSTRIES .27 .50 ! .40 .45 .16 .49 MISCELLANEOUS disabilities terminating in the first week. * Data for temporary disabilities not available. .69 .46 1.01 .84 .90 1.46 1.57 2.79 .93 1.66 .55 •si INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 98 Table 105 shows accident rates by industries for each of the 11 States. In general the Bureau of Labor Statistics avoids computing rates where the exposure is less than the equivalent of 1,000 fullyear workers. In this case, however, it seemed best for the sake of completeness to include even those groups in which the exposure was less than the standard amount. Some unfortunate deficiencies in the data must be pointed out. The data for temporary disabilities in Pennsylvania could not be secured, therefore in computing rates for temporary disabilities Pennsylvania exposure was not used. Illinois, Michigan, and New Jersey do not report disabilities ending in the first week. New York has hitherto omitted those ending in the first two weeks. The effect of these omissions is to lower the frequency rates for temporary disa bilities. The severity rates are so little influenced by these deficiencies that the effect may be disregarded. T a b l e 105.—ACCIDEN T FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES IN SPECIFIED INDUS TRIES, 1925, BY STATES AGRICU LTU RAL IM PLEM ENTS Number of cases State Illinois.............. Indiana............ Iowa................. Minnesota___ New York....... Ohio................. Pennsylvania.. Wisconsin........ Total___ Num Fullber of year estab work Per lish ma ments ers Death nent disa bili ty 13| 9i 4' 5 3i 13j 5; 3j 2.808 3,732 .........i 418 2 886 1.615 1 !i 4 1,077 1,282 i 4,476 1 !j 55; 16,295| 9 9 17 2 14 9 3 24 Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours* ex posure) Accident freq u en cy rates (per 1,000,000 hours' exposure) ! Per Tem- ■ Per Tem Tem-J ma P°- ! ma po po- 1 nent rary To Death nent- i-ary j Torary ; To disa disa-! tal disa-! tal Death disa disa tal bili bill- ; bili bili bill- i ty ty ty ty 1 ty j s ! >65 74 0.68 i 0.15 0.83 ! 1.07 17.72 8.79 0.54 1.38 .72 2.G4 488 506! 0.09 1.52 43.59 45.20 .44 .44 38 38.......... ;....... ! 30.2730.27 .75 . 75i 7.53i 9.03 4.52 '".'56 .08 5.16 20‘ 24 1.24 3.14 * 23 4.61 45 .21 2.89; *6.19 9.29 230 .9011.35 181 194j 1.24 2.781 56.00 60.02 7.43 3.02 .34 .........i .34 .78 3 i .78 <3) : .34 1.74 228 253j .07 1.79; 16.9818.84 .45 .95 78 1,0501,137 .18 1.60- 23.3125.09 i i i .42; 2.78 1. lOj 1.26 AUTOMOBILES Illinois............. Indiana______ Michigan......... New Jersey___ New York Ohio................. Pennsylvania.. Wisconsin........ Total___ 8 2.9901 2! 4 2.239 .......... 25 152.620 421 j 5 3,113 15 11,919 6| •> 2,202 1 5 7,851 .........5: 1: 6 6.450 73 189,385 7 1 4.r>| 54 0.22 17ffl 185 9 549 3,2103,801 .09 25 721 97 .17 85'1 5 issi 279 5 137i 142. 4! (3) ! 46. ‘ ” .'21 .05 24 403 56' 704 4,247j5,007. 1 0.78 1 5.02 6.02 1.34 1.31 26.21 27.55 1.20 7.01 8.30 ""'."55 2.68 7.71 10.39 1.01 2.38 25.26 7.81 .76 20.73 21.49 1.95 i.27 1.74 1.24 '19.53 20.82 .31 .10 1.24 7.80 9.14 0.27 10.11 .47 .27 .91 .14 .19 2.28 2.42 2.25 .35 1.50 1.22 . . . . . . .41 .62 1.71 .74 1.60 2.47 3.68 1.85 2.49 1.34 1.77 .59 1.02 i *16 AUTOM OBILE TIRES ! 0.12 1.21 1 11.76 13.09! 0.73 2,03! 10.37 3.13 10i1 1 97i 108 . 74 2.20 52!1 2,96213,017! .07 1.161 66.32 67.55! .40 1.06! 1.13 9 <3) j ......... 1.22j.......... 1.22j. . ....... Total___ 25; 20,097 4 62 3,068-3,134! i Data for temporary disabilities ending in first week not available. 1 Date for temporary disabilities ending in first two weeks not available. 1 Data for temporary disabilities not available. ■ 1! .40 1.06| 1 .07 1.03j 57.98 59.08* • 1 1 1 1 3 2” New Jersey___ Ohio................. Pennsylvania.. t 7! 2,749 12! 14,888 6! 2,459 .84 2.30 MISCELL AX EO US IX I) USTitlUS 99 T a b l e 1 0 5 t -ACCIDENT FREQUENCY ANT) SEVERITY RATES IX SPECIFIED INDUS TRIES, 1925, BY STATES—Continued BOOTS AND SHOES A ccidcn t f r o q u e n c y rates (per 1,COO,000 hours’ exposure) Number of cases State Num ber of Fullyear Per estab work lish ma ments ers Death nent disa bili ty Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours’ ex posure) Per Tem Tein-j Per- Temma po mo- J popo' i! m rary To- Death nent rary : To- Death nent rary To disa- disa- tal disn-i tal disa disa tal bili- j bili. bilibili bili i ty j ty ty ty ty Illinois............. Maryland........ New York....... Pennsylvania.. Wisconsin........ 5 3,336 7 8.510 7 2,238 8 2.697 4 2,079 >124' Mi *21 (*) 53- 124 54 25 55! .32 8.50; 8.82 Total___ 11,200 252 258:. .18 9.88:10.06 .......>12.3912. ___ ! 21.14 21.14 0. 60 * 3.13' 3. 73 0.51 10.19 0.19 . 44! .44 >.Uj .62 .14 .17: .31 .19; .32 BRICK Illinois.......... Indiana......... Iowa.............. Maryland___ Minnesota__ New Jersey. _ New York___ Ohio.............. Pennsylvania. 12i 3,802 10| 696 16; 1,013 5; 470 57 1,900 iS 1,008 2,542 19; 4,106 Total. . 94! 15,595 ! < I i I 1197: 204 0.09: 0.53 117.27 17.890.53 166j 167.......... i .48! 79.5680.04' 74! 76 . 33 . 33: 24.36 25.02, 1." 52' 52................... ! 36.88 36.88: 61 6 .......... :....... j 34.9034.901 1 70: 78!.......... 1.40:112.2813.68: 259! 68! .66 2.31*319.5122.48j 3.97 . 426! 431: .26 . 39: 55.86 36.51; 1.57 3s (3) : 5.16 . 24: .40! ■a Si 29; 1,050; 1,087 .17 i .62- 3a 4631.25| ! I i 1.03 1 .13 >0.45 2.11 .14 .10 .71 .85 .45 2.53 .99 1.01 1 [ 1.62 >1. .84 .62 .97 .73 1.29 6.62 3.03 1.27 . 55 2.31 CARPETS New Jersey___ : New York....... Pennsylvania..Total___ 3 2 14 857 5,571 4,571 19; 10,999 3! 127; 27; 267j 3 <3) 5 33 1 2 ! 1: 1222- 94 1.17 MO. 50111.67 30!. 97. 0.18 1. 84.01 i 5.81 .15 .22 ........ ! .37 5i . 15 1.00 132i 4.87 6.02 ....... ! 3.23 ia 2 9 3.52 1.08! 2.31 *. 13 3.52 .88! .08 .96 .91 1.45 .15 2.51 CHEMICALS M aryland... New Jersey___ New York....... Pennsylvania.. T otal.. 17j 6,778j 7 3,236! 2 2 0 6 - .. 31: 11, (i i 3o| i i ! ! 44; 45............ ! 0.25 11.03;11.28........... 0.0S 189! 102: 0.05 . 59! 1 4.381 5.02: 0.30 .65 *59; 83; . 21 2.27! * C. 08? 8.56s 1.2 3.96 ! ! 1 “ i” 192| 230: .09 1.00; 5.63 6.72 0.25 0.32 1.13 1.08 *26 5.46 .18 2.19 ELECTRICAL M A C H IN IS T ! Illinois..............: Iiidiana.......... ! Maryland........ j Minnesota....... . New Jersey___ ! New York........! Ohio.................| Pennsylvania..! Total___ i 13: 3! 2 1 13! 9 17i 13i 4,914! 1 3,080.......... 851=.......... 8 .......... 8,329' 1 20,454 4 3,560!.... 19,441 7 71 60,667! 13; 154 184 30 1 1140 2456 305 (0 69 0.071 0.94; i 3.64 4. to 187!........... I .32. 19.91 20.23 30!........... !........ * 11.75 11.75 I!........... ;........ i 43.17 43.17 203! .04! 2.48: » 5.60 8.12 „ 534i .07! 1.211 *7.43 8.71 312........... : .66 28.56 29.22 76 .12! 1.18s..........} 1.30 1,170 1,412. .07 9.4610.79 1 Data for temporary disabilities ending in first week not available. * Data for temporary disabilities ending in first two weeks not available. • Data for temporary disabilities not available. 0.40 0.54 10.07! 1.01 .17) .27 ........ .10 .24? .24 2.37! 2.37 .24 2.47 U5i 2.86 .39: 1.29 * 33 2.01 .22 1.03 ___ ! .81 .72 .80 ......... 1.52 .43i 112 .24 1.79 100 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES T a b l e 105.—A C CIDEN T FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES IN SPECIFIED INDUS TRIES, 1925, BY STATES—Continued FLOUR Accident fre q u e n cy rates (per 1,000,000 hours* exposure) Number of cases State Num Fullber of year estab work Per lish ma ments ers Death nent disa bili ty Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours* ex posure) Tem Per Tem Per Tem po ma po ma po rary To Death nent rary To Death nent rary To disa tal disa disa tal disa disa tal bili bili bili bili bili ty ty ty ty ty 9 9 Iowa................. Maryland........ Minnesota....... 6 2 19 143 29 3,443 4 1 6 3 4 191 j 201 Total___ 27 3,616 4 7| i 203' 214 | 0.39 .37 20.86 20.86 11.31 33.94 45.25 .58 18.49 19.46, .65 18.7M9.73 ( ! 8.48 .52 0.57 0,57 .90 0.38 .25, 3.09 2.211 .57 .27j 3.05 2.32 FOUNDRY AND MACHINE-SHOP PRODUCTS Illinois.......... Indiana.......... Iowa............... Maryland___ Michigan___ Minnesota..., New Jersey... New Y o rk ... Ohio.............. Pennsylvania. Wisconsin.... T otal... ! 15 10 10 5 9 21 15 29 109 14 10,293 1, 2,785 1,317 4,078 1,282 5,672 10,104 7,629 27,121 257 75,404 5j 1! 18 I J.0.84; J.>7.74 8.61 1239 266! 0.03! 415 418 . ___! .58 78.281------73.76. .12; 1.80; 37.8239.74 316 332 155 162: .251 1.52! 39.2240.99 >133 149; .081 1.23;>10.87 12.18 70 ^5| .26| 1.04; 18.20 19.50; >234! 291 .12; 3.23 *3.75 17.10 .10: 4.22 310.62 14.94: *322 453! 1,326,1,345 .09 . 74; 57.93 58.761 64 .06; . 58! 47 (') I 52 .10, .82 21.7622. 21li 220 8 324 3,4213,763. | I 0.19. 0.78! >0.26 .16 .78 .72 1.38 .52 1.52; 3.35 .64 .49 .94 >.26 1.56. 1.25 .41 .71! 2.31 >.41 .59 3.90 *.58 .52 .46 .43 .371 .53. .62 . 321 .43 .48, 1.24 1.23 .94 2.62 5.53 1.69 3.22 3.43 5.07 1.41 .90 1.37 . 43 2.15 FURNITURE Illinois_______ Indiana__ ____ Iowa _______ Marvland____ Michigan_____ Minnesota....... New York Ohio................. Pennsylvania-. Wisconsin........ T o ta l.... 16 2,828!.......... 50 6,086|.......... 504!.......... 5 7 422!.......... 5 2,013;.......... 8 634;.......... 14 2.930_____ 15 1.821 32 i,393|.......... 13 2,888!........... 165 24, 519 8 23 8 17 3 107} 469-' 36; 30. 32 46; 76 85! 17:. I*)" 82 85:. 80 903j 983 10 11 1.18 >11.43 12.61 .60 25.09 25.69 23.79 23.79 23.72 23.72 >5.30 5. 4.20 19.97 24.17 2. *6.03 8.65 1.46 14.09 15.55 1.29 1.29 .35 9."46 9.81 >97 458 36 30 >32 38 *53 0.71 >0.26 .26 .24 .19 .58 1.20 2.76 .36 2.70 *.27 1.26 .76 .14 .17 14.96ll6.05 0.97 J50 .19 .58 .20 3.12 2.97 1.55 .76 .31 .79 .25 1.04 1 1 ! 2 65 67 0.63! 20.6121.24 0.19 7i >50; 58 0.07 .50: >3.60, 4.71 0.43 .76 2j 414! 416 .43; 88.9389.36 .77 7ij 0 \)/ 1| 7 .......... .4 8 ......... | .48 .......... .59 0.31 0.50 >.10 1.29 .75 1.52 .59 GLASS Marvland........ New Jersey___ Ohio................. Pennsylvania.. Total.. . . 4 6 5 25 1,051 4,632 1,552 4,903 40 12,138 ! ........... I 1| ........... ! ........... ---------1| lj 1 18! ! 529j 548 1 .03 .49 24.37j24.89 .16 .65 .27 1.08 LEATHER Illinois.............. New Jersey___ New York........ Pennsylvania.. Wisconsin........ T o ta l.... 5 1,378 7 1,455 6 763 14 3,870 4 1,835 1 1 7 15 3 2 3 26 2 30 9,301 1 58! 65.......... ! 1.69 >14.0315.72 1.91 >0.34 2.11 >.23 >33 48:.......... ! 3.43 >7.56il0.99 *17 2.62 1.84 *.35 21; 0.44! 1.31 *7.43 9.18 .05 2!.......... i .17 .........! .17 0) 78; .18; .55 13.44; 14.17 ” 1.09 .16 .28 74 182! 2141 .07 1.08 11.17il2.32 .43 .82 .29 ii 1 1 1 Data for temporary disabilities ending in first week not available. * Data lor temporary disabilities ending in first two weeks not available. * Data for temporary disabilities not available. 2.25 2.34 4.81 .05 1.53 1.54 101 MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIES T able 105—-ACCIDEN T FREQUENCY AND REVERITY RATES IN SPECIFIED INDUS TRIES, 1025, BY STATES—Continued L U M B E R -P L A N IN G M ILLS Accident frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours’ exposure) Number of cases State Num Fullber of year Per estab work ma lish ments. ers Death nent disa bili ty Illinois.............. Indiana____. . . Iowa ______ Maryland . . . . Michigan......... Minnesota____ New York....... Ohio................. Pennsylvania.. Wisconsin........ Total___ 8 667 8 624 7 1,770 5 272 1 260 4 458 14 2,682 3 438 5 735 9 1,946 2 64 9,852 l 31 3 2 9 >28 93 44 38 139 2 >84 27 (») 186 6 58 541 1 i l 3 2 5 1 2 PerTem mapo rary To Death nent disa disa tal bili bili ty ty Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours’ ex posure) Tem Per Tem po ma po rary To Death nent rary To disa tal disa disa tal bili bili bili ty ty ty 33 1.00 1.50 U4.00 16.50 6.00 1.07 49.71 sa 78 95 .94 8.29 9.23 49 39 1 1.23 46.55 47.78 7.69 42 1.28 2.56 149.99 53.83 1.45 1.45 2 ....... i 3.85 >10.44 14.41 "“ “."75 116 31 .76, 2.28 20.53 23.57 4.56 .91 . . . . . 2 ! .91 • - 1.03 196 .17, 1.54 31.86 33.57 605 .20' 1.96 19.78 21.94 1 2.40 10.48 8.88 .35 .67 .32 1.24 .20 1.44 3.68 1.15 4.83 2.50 11.04 11.23 .01 .01 6.03 >.51 7.29 2.28 .33 7.17 1.91 1.91 .80 ' .76 2.59 1.22 2.62 .49 4.38 LUMBER—SAW M ILLS Maryland_____ Michigan......... Minnesota....... Wisconsin........ l! 2o! 5 5,455 5: 2,228 11 2,520] 4 1 6 Total-. . . 22 10,223] 11 J 2 7 U20 131— 6:24 0.43 5 123 129 .15 .75 12 322 340| .79 1.59 24 567 602 . 36 33.17 33.17 17.33 8.00 18.40 19.30 42.59j44.97 .78 18.49*19.63 1 1.18 1.18 1.47 0.47 1.23 2.17 .50 2.36 .90 .96 4.76 .79 1.01 6.56 2.15 .66 .48 3.29 M ACHINE TOOLS Illinois.............. Indiana............ New Jersey___ New York....... Ohio................. Pennsylvania. W isconsin........ 5 3 5 6 19 7 2 1,197!. 124. 477;., 551! 1,763!.. 1,119L. Total___ 48 6,033j 120 15 110 >10 23 15 14 240 25 30 350 (K84 1 5.57 6.41 40.32 40.32 4.19 113.28 17.47 0.61 1. >6.05 8.48 .38 44.99 45.37 12.47 13.72 .06 .94 21.09 22.09 0.25 1 0.19 0.44 .60 .60 3.78 4.07 3.63 2.18 >.27 6.08 .48 .37 .85 .22 .84 .77 .27 1.37 PAPER AND PULP I llin o is ......... In d ia n a ........ Iowa................. Michigan___ _ Minnesota....... New York........ Pennsyl vania.. Wisconsin........ Total...... I 5 378 3 560 1 322 1 1,179 3 1,132 12 4,597 4 1,532 5 1,642 1 1 1 1 1 114 15 3 50 53 1 19 18 3 173 76 7 149 157 58 >235 294 3 (») 4 57 5 51 34 11,142 5 80 590 675 0.88 .29 .07 .22 .20 i 112.34 13.22 5.29s....... 10.21 5.50 1.79 29.78 31.57 ...........! 0.80 3.63 4.43 2.73 49.11 51.84 ...........1 2.05 1.36 3.41 .85 120.63 21.48 .......... 1 .25 1 .54 .79 1.77; 2.12 .78 4.67 2.06 43.89 46.24 4.21 >17.04 21.32 .44! 6.77 >.67 7.88 1.3i; .30 .........! 1.61 .65 .87 1.01 ”10.35 11.56 1.22j .40j .23 1.85 .15 2.39 20.47 23.01 .90! 3.20 j .75 4.85 i 1 76 79 0.17 0.34 113.0413.55 80 8 1 . .28 22.12j22.40 156 160 .11 .32 16.52:16.95 1.10 10.41 2.54 .31 .81 .37 PO T TE R Y New Jersey___ Ohio................. Total___ 6 1,943 1,206 13 3,148 i; 3 1 Data for temporary disabilities ending in first week not available. 2 Data for temporary disabilities ending in first two weeks not available. i Data for temporary disabilities not available. I .50 .64 .87 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 102 T a b l e 1 0 5 ,-A C C ID E N T FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES IN SPECIFIED INDUS TRIES, 1925, BY STATES—Continued SLAUGHTERING AND M EAT PACKING Accident frequency rates (per J.000,000 hours' exposure) Number of coses State Accident severity rates (per 1,000 hours' ex posure) Num Fullber of year L estab work Per-!|TemPer-!i TemPer- Tem lish ma- j! pom a-!1 poma- po ers To nent, ; rary To neut rary neat : rary To ments Death disa disa tal Death disa disa tal Death disa disa tal bili bili bili bili bili bili ty ty ty ty ty ty Illinois.............. Iowa_________ Minnesota....... 7 16,412 4 4,252 2 3,236 12 T o ta l.... 13 23,900 15 3 41 1 767 18 345 22 533 820 363!1 558 81 1,645 1,741jj 0.24 0.83 1 15.58 16.65 1.46 0.50 10.33 2.29 .40! 1.51 1.41 27.04 28.45 1.11 .31 2.27 54.91 57.49 “ T £ 2.94 .91; 5.70 .21 1.13 22.94|24.28 1.26 .94 .42: 2.62 STAM PED AND ENAMELED W ARE Indiana___ Maryland.. Ohio.......... 24! 388... 187-.. 098... Total.. 75 1,473:.......... ....... 0.14 0.14 0.54'......... .54 1.00, .28 1.28 13.61113.61 1.79 .........! 1.79 .95 24.34125.29 1'....... 53j 78 16.97jl7.65 I .54 .19 .73 STEAM FITTINGS, APPARATUS, AND SUPPLIES Indiana............ Minnesota....... New Jersey___ New York....... Ohio................. Pennsylvania.. 1 1 5 4 9 24 T o ta l.... 44 214|_, 261 , 1,149|. 1,45-SI., m i.. 2, 669: 43 2 1 70' 79 121 J20l 122 7 <3> 7 ;j 335) 374 1 i i 58. 71-68.71 25.55125.55 2.61 * 20.30;22.91 4.80 2 22.86:27.66 1.00 00.10-61.10 0.12 .75 ....... .87 . 05; 2.04 31. 52j33. 6i a 55, .40! 4.23 ». 56j 4.00 *. 88 .53; .82= 0.75 .26!.........: 0.55 .40 4.79 4. 88 1.35 1.01 .32 1. 89; 74: 2.95 0.17 “ ."48 0.54 0.71 .14 3.14 .49 .97 1.58 .50! .24 .45 1.19 STOVES 572 399 1,753 1,264 Indiana............ Maryland........ Ohio................ Pennsylvania.. T otal--.. 72: 5i 275! (*) j 29 3 352 73: 5 .... 277..... 1 0.26 356' .08 0.58 41.9642.54 4.18 4.18 52.3052.68 ........ i .26 . 25! 43.08 43. 41 1.58 STRU CTU RAL-IRON W ORK Illinois.......... Indiana......... Iowa.............. Michigan___ Minnesota... New Jersey.. New York__ Ohio.............. Pennsylvania Wisconsin___ 929 1,419 2,681 212 T otal... 60| 6,524 1 29 296 153 35 66 313 354 38 1.13; 9.02 '•32.69 42.8l! 3 0 ........... j 2. 17 : 76.07:78.24|. 6.76 9.58 » 1.1117.45 1.30 .52 1.82 2 i:::::::!T 2 6 ;r i^ 6 9 22: 351: .941 5.65 8.47j 7. 1 .62| 8.60 . 27i 12.69 11.29 1.13 3.95,3 11.4815.79j 1.17; 99.5710C.97) 3.24!..........: 1.36; 3 .15! 25.17 28.32!. 2.15: 3.78 *.45 1.41 i 1.20 1.15 3.76 .75; .45 1.20 1. “'.*57 2.22 9' 100 1.88: ,_J...........!....... !......... •........L 6 11 5 10 2! 232 424 (») 16 42i 559 44 .3630 . 23j 11 rl2 18:........... ! 607j . 31j 2.15! 1.84; 1.95 . 75| 4.54 WOOLEN GOODS New Jersey___ Pennsylvania.. T o t a l.... 4 21 6,910'.,. ...J 5,772; l! 25 12,682j lj 9! 133 4: (3) 13j 33 l ! 1- 0.06 47! .03 0.43 »1.59 2.02 .23 .29 .34 1.59 1.96 1 Data for temporary disabilities ending in first week not available. * Data for temporary disabilities ending in first two weeks not available * Data for temporary disabilities not available. 0.35 .16 0.22 10.06* 0.27 .26 .........1 .24 .05! .45 1 MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIES 103 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND SUPPLIES Table 106 rccords the experience from 1912 to 1924 of a large com pany engaged in the manufacture of agricultural implements and supplies. The three sections of the industry have different hazards and for this reason are shown separately. General manufacture declined in frequency during the interval covered from 78.34 to 24.49, or 69 per cent; woodworking from 64.41 to 23.77, or 63 per cent; binder twine from 60.87 to 12.84, or 79 per cent. Accident severity is much more irregular but when the whole period is considered there is a definite downward trend. General manufacture declined in severity from 1.80 to 1.16, or 36 per cent; woodworking from 2.06 to 1.40, or 32 per cent; binder twine from 1.37 to 0.87, or 36 per cent. .The rates shown in this table for 1924 may be compared with those for agricultural implement manufacture in 1925, shown in Table 105, as follows: Frequency 25.09 and severity 2.78. T able 106..—N U M BER OF FULL-YEAR W ORKERS, N U M BER OF ACCIDENTS, A N D A C C ID E N T FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES FOR THE AGRICULTURAL M A C H IN ERY AND SUPPLIES IN DU STRY, 1912 TO 1924, BY YEARS Operation and year Agricultural machinery, genera! manufacture: 1912.............................................................................. 1913.............................................................................. 1914.............................................................................. 1915.............................................................................. 1916.............................................................................. 1917.............................................................................. 1918.............................................................................. 1919............................................................................. 1920.............................................................................. 1921............................................................................. 1922 ......................................................................... 1923 ............................................................................ 1924....................... .........: .......................................... Operation of woodworking machines: 1912............................................................................ 1913.............................................................................. 1914.............................................................................. 1915.............................................................................. 1916.............................................................................. 1917.............................................................................. 1918.............................................................................. 1919.............................................................................. 1920............................................................................. 1921.............................................................................. 1922.............................................................................. 1923.............................................................................. 1924.............................................................................. Manufacture of binder twine: 1912.............................................................................. 1913.............................................................................. 1914.............................................................................. 1915.............................................................................. 1916.............................................................................. 1917.............................................................................. 1918.............................................................................. 1919.............................................................................. 1920.............................................................................. 1921.............................................................................. 1922............................................................................. 1923.............................................................................. 1924.............................................................................. Full-year workers Frequency Severity (per rates Number of rates (per 1,000 1,000,000 accidents hours'ex hours' ex posure) posure) 23,118 22,832 13,955 13,654 16, m 19,487 20.152 18,652 23.136 9,077 11,624 15,171 13,461 5,433 4,894 1,571 1,059 1,826 2,334 2,094 1,668 2,059 580 704 1,289 989 78.34 71.45 37.53 25.85 37.65 39.92 34.64 29.81 29.67 21.30 20.54 28.32 24.49 1.80 2.64 1.64 1.80 2.38 2.15 2.29 2.07 2.34 1.0ft 1.98 2.00 1.16 1,925 1,858 1,179 1,064 1,191 1,576 1,707 1,571 1,589 652 698 1,0?2 757 372 315 1G8 82 122 134 197 123 125 38 38 102 54 64.41 56.52 30. 55 25.70 34.14 38.92 38.47 26.10 26.22 19.44 18.15 33.12 23.77 2.08 2.84 1.87 1.58 5.02 1.22 2.99 1.35 1.70 5.11 1.79 2.69 1.40 2,875 2,753 2,401 2,305 2,828 2,114 2,493 1,844 2,166 1,606 1,483 1,423 1,453 535 394 296 186 205 191 153 73 121 81 77 93 56 60.87 47.71 41.09 26.90 21.16 30.11 20.45 13.19 18.62 16.82 17.31 21.71 12.84 1.37 2.69 2.86 .58 1.80 .69 2.39 .73 .76 .45 .40 .58 .87 104 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Table 107 presents several interesting phases of hazard in building construction*' The rates for Group A illustrate the effect of accidentprevention effort directed primarily toward severe accidents. In this group there was marked improvement in the severity rates while frequency rates were practical^ at a standstill. The rates for Group B show what can be accomplished by intensive effort applied to the reduction of both frequency and severity of accidents. Data for Groups C l and C 2 illustrate the fluctuating and very high rates which thus far have appeared in every record of experience in fabrica tion and erection. T a b l e 107.—NUM BER OF FULL-YEAR W ORKERS, NU M BER OF A C C ID E N TS, A N D A C C ID K XT FREQU EN CY AN D SE VERITY KATES IN BUILD ING CONSTRUCTION, 1919 TO 102,% BY YEARS Year Group A (general contractors): 1919..................................................................... 1920...................................................................... 1921...................................................................... 1922 i.................................................................... 1923 *.................................................................... 1924 !.................................................................... Group B (general contractors):4 1919....... ......................... .................................... 1920......... ...................... ..................................... Group C 1 (fabricators and en-ctors): 1922 »......................................... .......................... 1923 *.............. ................................................... Group ('2 (fabricatorsand erectors):8 1924...................................................................... 1925......................................................................| ! i National Safety News, July 1923, p. 48. * Idem, July, 1924, p. 42. * Idem, July, 1925, p. 40. Hours of exposure (thou sands) Fre quency Full-year Number rates (per acci 1,000,000 workers of dents hours' ex posure) Severity rates (per 1,000 hours’ ex posure) 4.140 7.035 3. (if*5 17,527 22,633 19,009 1.380 2,545 1.232 5,842 7.544 6,337 216 300 184 1,268 1,226 1,118 52.2 39.3 49.8 72.4 54.2 58.8 6.1 10.1 3.4 5.8 4.8 4.6 14.788 11,362 4,929 3,787 247 177 16.7 15.6 3.1 1.2 3,«4» 533 1,316 178 564 122 142.8 228.9 5.4 65.6 2.043 2.546 2,592 681 849 864 213 251 196 104.0 97.0 76.0 8.3 22.6 10.0 * Idem, August, 1921, p. 23. • Idem, May, 1926, p. 10. Construction will always present serious difficulties from a safety standpoint wrhich are not encountered in industries which have a local habitation. The apparatus is necessarily so constructed that it can be transported from place to place. This mobility involves some hazards not pertaining to apparatus which can be installed perma nently. The men who carry on the construction processes are a more fluctuating group than those concerned in manufacturing. Both contractor and owner are apt to be anxious to push the job with all practicable speed. All these things conspire to render difficult the task of securing a reasonable degree of safety. EXPLOSIVES, DYES, AND CHEMICALS The first part of Table 108 records the experience to and including the year 1920 of one large company engaged in the manufacture of explosives, dyes, and chemicals. The second part covers the experi ence of several companies which are members of the chemical section of the National Safety Council. The table is not extended enough in some particulars to warrant conclusions, but the general impression 105 MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIES is of a very decided declining tendency both in frequency and severity. For example, between the industrially active years of 1910 and 1920 frequency dropped from 30.57 to 16.80, or 45 per cent, while severity changed from 14.43 to 3.67, or 75 per cent. Tit RLE 108.—N U M BE R OF FULL-YEAR WORKERS, NU M BER OF ACCIDENTS, A N D A C C ID E N T FREQU EN CY A N D SEVERITY RATES IN THE M ANUFACTU RE OF EXPLOSIVES, DYES, AN D CHEMICALS, 1908 TO 1924, B Y YEARS • Hours of exposure (thousands) Year SS6 SS6 SS8S9 i i ^sfss'tfsfsf^sfsfsfssf HHHfH 1908............................................................ 1909............................................................ 1910............................................................ 3911............................................................ 1912............................................................ 1913........... ■_............................................... 1914................ .......................................... 1915............................................................ 1916............................................................ 3917............................................................ >918............................................................ 3919............................................................ 3920............................................................ Frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours’ exposure) Full-year workers Fatal accidents Nonfatal accidents 3.50 2.06 2.20 1.20 .80 1.71 .57 .59 1.07 .43 .46 .41 .50 25.87 36.05 35.33 25.69 18.22 16.30 3,321 4,043 4,690 4,728 4,573 4,291 4,133 53,466 37,527 39,734 65,135 17,208 16,132 Total 26.46 37.12 35.76 26.15 18.63 16.80 ii 1 Hours of exposure (thousands) Year Frequency (per Number of rates 1.000,000 accidents hours’ exposure) Full-year workers 14.070 4,690 1910............................................................ 48,396 16,132 1920............................................................ 430 813 Severity rates (per 1,000 hours* exposure) 30.57 16.80 14.43 3.67 5.08 2.80 17.61 6.14 24.55 26.13 4.78 3.07 Explosives 2924 s.......................................................... 4,330 1,443 22 Dye manufacture 1924*.......................................................... 5,450 1,817 96 Chemicals lf.23 *.......................................................... 3-9243.......................................................... 18,044 48,450 6,015 16,150 422 1,187 >National Safety News, Feb. 21,1921, p. 4. s Idem, June, 1925, p. 31. LIGHT AND POWER No additional information has been secured regarding accidents in the light and power industry since the publication of Bulletin No. 339. The experience then reported shows the possibilities of vigor ous safety effort so clearly that it seems desirable to reproduce the table. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 106 109.—N U M BER OF FULL-YEAR W ORKERS, N UM BER OF ACCIDENT3, AND A C C ID E N T FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES IN A LIGH T AND POWER COM PAN Y, 1918 TO 1922, B Y YEARS T able Fre Hours of Equiva quency Number Number rates (per exposure lent of 1,000,000 (thou full-year of acci deaths hours’ dents sands) ex workers posure) Year Group A : 1 1918......................................................... 1919......................................................... 1920........................................................ 1921........................................................ 1922........................................................ Group B: 1921_________ ____________ ___ 2.059 2.059 2,100 1,931 2,317 16,800 686 686 700 643 772 5,600 3 2 7 5 2 5 74 69 123 47 31 387 35.9 33.5 58.6 24.3 13.3 22.8 Severity rates (per t.000 nour3’ ex posure) 9.03 6.23 20.90 15.99 5.40 2.00 » National Safety News, February, 1923, p. 33. MANUFACTURE OF CAMERAS Table 110 contrasts the accident occurrence in two 6 -month )eriods for the manufacture of cameras. These rates are naturally ow, since there is in the production of cameras a large number of light and relatively nonhazardous operations. The table illustrates what can be accomplished even in such circumstances by determined effort. Accident frequency declined 30 per cent and accident sever ity 47 per cent. I 1 1 0 .— N U M BER OF FULL-YEAR WORKERS, N U M BE R OF ACCIDENTS. AND A CCIDEN T FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES IN THE M ANUFACTURE OF CAMERAS, JANUARY TO JUNE, 1919 AND 19201 T able Hours of Equivalent Number of exposure full-year accidents (thousauds) workers Period January to June, 1 9 1 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January to June, 1 9 2 0 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,994 3,063 998 1,021 Frequency rates (per 1.000,000 hours' exposure) 44 30 13.2 9.2 Severity rates (per 1,000 hours' exposure) 0.30 .16 » National Safety News, Aug. 30,1920, p. 7. Table 111 shows a remarkably regular decline in frequency in the industry during the period 1910 to 1922. The drop is from 36.6 to 5.6, or 85 per cent. T a b l e 1 1 1 .— ACCIDEN T FREQUENCY RATES IN THE M A N U FACTU RE OF CAM ERAS, 1#10 TO 1922, BY YEARS j! Year 1910............................ 1911............................. 1912............................. 1913............................. 1914............................. Frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours’ exposure) 36.6 23.9 20.4 18.4 9.1 Year Frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours’ exposure) 1915........................... 1916........................... ii 1917........................... ! 1918........................... !i 1919........................... 11 I1 Year 7.3 ; 1920........................... 6.8 ; i92i........................... 7.2 S192!?........................... 8.0 9.2 i Frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours* exposure) 8.1 6.3 &6 107 MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIES PORTLAND CEMENT Table 112 is drawn from the publications of the Portland Cement Association. This organization was among the first to compile statistics on a satisfactory basis and their annual studies are models of statistical presentation. The table shows a very steady decline in both frequency and sever ity. Frequency declines from 43.50 in 1918 to 26.08 in 1925 (40 per cent) and severity goes from 6.05 to 5.00 (17 per cent) in the same period. T a b l k 11 3 ,-N U M B E R OF FULL-YEAR W ORKERS, NU M BER OF ACCIDENTS, A N D'ACCI DEN T FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES IN THE M ANUFACTURE OF PORTLAND CE M E N T, 1918 TO 1925, BY YEARS i Fre Severity Hours of quency rates Number rates (per exposure Fufl-year Number (per 1,000 of acci of (thou workers 1,000.000 hours' ex dents deaths hours’ sands) ex posure) posure) Year 1918............................................................... 1919............................................................... 1920....... -.............. - ..................................... If 21........................................ ...................... 1922............................................................... 1923.............................................................. 1924............................................................... 1925............................................................... 55,215 48,743 50,586 f2 247 HSL&27 I 76, fill 87.767 97,415 18,405 16,248 19,862 20.749 21.176 25,547 29,256 32,472 2,401 2,225 2,750 2,727 2,597 3,190 3,098 2,541 38 39 53 44 53 43 60 61 ! 43.50 45.65 46.16 43.81 41.00 41.02 35.30 26.08 6.05 7.15 7.60 6.18 6.50 6.48 5.87 5.00 1 Portland Cement Association: Study of accidents, 1918; Accident Prevention Bulletin, SeptemberOctober, 1920; July-August, 1921; May-Jime, 1G22; May-June, lc»23; March-April, 1924; July-August, 1&25; and May-June, 1926. PAPER MILLS The figures in Table 113 show the experience of the concerns that are members of the paper section of the National Safety Council. In the interval from 1920 to 1924 frequency declines from 46.34 to 41.58, or 10 per cent, and severity from 2.60 to 2.07, or 20 per cent. T a b l e 1 1 3 .— N UM BER OF FULL-YEAR W ORKERS, N U M BER OF ACCIDENTS, AND ACCIDEN T FREQUENCY AND SE VERITY RATES, IN PAPER MILLS, 1920 TO 1924, BY YEARSi Year Hours of exposure (thousands) Full-year workers 79,574 81,19$ 106,830 115,902 100,300 26,525 27,065 35,610 38,634 33,433 1920............................................................. 1921...............................- ............................ 1922............................................................ 1923............................................................ 1924............................................................ Frequency (per Number of rates 1,000,000 accidents hours’ exposure) 3,684 3,380 5,106 5,042 4,171 46.34 41.68 47.77 43.50 41.58 Severity rates (per 1,000 hours’ exposure) 2.60 2.83 2L36 2.73 2.07 i National Safety News, June, 1925, p. 30. PETROLEUM REFINING The data on petroleum refining are not as yet extensive enough to permit the formulation of a judgment, but apparently the plants covered by Table 114 have not thus far made any noteworthy progress. 108 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES T a b l e 114.—N U M BER OF FULL-YEAR W ORKERS, N UM BER OF ACCIDENTS, AND ACCIDEN T FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES IN PETROLEUM REFINING, 1921 TO 1923, BY YEARS Year Hours of exposure (thousands) Full-year workers Number of accidents Frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours’ exposure) 27,010 72,815 39,228 9,003 24,272 13,076 841 2,617 1,292 31.15 35.94 32.93 19211.......................................................... 1922 2.......................................................... 1923 (6 months)3........................................ * National Safety News July, 1922, p. 31. * Idem, May, 1923, p. 24. Severity rates (per 1,000 hours' exposure) 1.86 1.86 1.91 9 Idem, October, 1923, p. 46. RUBBER The rubber section of the National Safety Council has maintained a very carefully worked out statistical presentation of their experi ences for the past five years. The rates are somewhat irregular, with no definite trend. Besides the accident rates the section has prepared an excellent analysis of accident causes. T a r l k 115.—NUM BER OF FULL-YEAR W ORKERS,NUM BER OF ACCIDENTS, AND ACCI- DENT FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES IN RUBBER INDUSTRY, 1921 TO 1925,* BY YEARS Year Hours of exposure (thousands) Full-year workers 83,101 123,152 134,272 125,594 173,438 27.700 41,051 44,757 41,865 57,813 1921............................................................. 1922............................................................. 1923............................................................ 1924............................................................ 1925............................................................ Frequency Severity (per rates (per Number of rates 1,000,000 accidents hours' hours' ex 1,000 exposure) posure) 2.196 4,431 4,182 3,449 6,241 26.42 35.97 31.15 27.46 35.98 0.94 .87 1.32 1.00 l.ll * National Safety News, March, 1923, p. 15; August 1923, p. 39; November, 1923, p. 40; and February. 1920, p. 20. WOODWORKING The rates in Table 116 are too irregular to justify any conclusions regarding accident trend in the woodworking industry. It is evident that the hazards of woodworking plants are quite serious. Study elsewhere indicates that saws of various types are an.important factor and that the condition of the saw itself is often responsible for the occurrence of accidents. T a b l e 116.—NUM BER OF FULL-YEAR WORKERS, NUM BER OF ACCIDENTS, AND ACCI DENT FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES IN WOODWORKING, 1920 TO 1924,* BY YEARS Year Hours of exposure (thousands) Full-year workers Number of accidents 14,367 52,122 88.769 58,822 56,228 4,789 17,374 29,590 19,607 18,743 616 2,851 5,657 2,486 2,787 1920............................................................ 1921............................................................ 1922............................................................ 1923............................................................. 1924............................................................. * National Safety News, June, 1925, p. 42. Frequency Severity rates (per rates (per 1,000,000 hours' hours' ex 1,000 exposure) posure) 42.09 54.70 63.72 42.26 49.56 4.38 1.47 2.70 3.36 3.08 MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIES 109 TEXTILES The records of the textile section of the National Safety Council have not been maintained long enough to warrant any very positive conclusion beyond the confirmation of the . idea that the textile industry is relatively of rather low hazard. When, however, accident frequency in such mills is greater than that in some of the best steel mills, it is obvious that there is opportunity for improvement. The intrinsic hazard of the steel and iron concerns is obviously much greater than that in textile establishments, and accident prevention effort if undertaken with anything like the energy shown in the steel mills should markedly influence the rates. 117.—NUM BER OF FULL-YEAR WORKERS, NUM BER OF ACCIDENTS, AND ACCIDEN T FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY RATES IN TEXTILES, 1923 AND 1924 T able Year 1923 *.......................................................... 1924 >.......................................................... Hours of exposure (thousands) Full-year workers 46,343 53,196 15,448 17,732 * National Safety News, October, 1924. Frequency Severity Number of rates (per rates (per 1,000,000 1,000 hours* accidents hours* ex exposed posed 604 601 13.03 11.29 0.67 .89 * Idem August, 192/5, p. 39. DEPARTMENTS OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Table 118 shows the accident frequency rates in the various depart ments of the Federal Government. This presentation is from a tabulation prepared by the United States Employees' Compensation Commission. It concerns only civilian employees. It is rather surprising to find that for the civilian employees of some departments the degree of hazard is comparable in some cases with that encountered in the iron and steel industry as a whole, and in other cases the rates are as high as those for the better plants of the iron and steel industry. It is also noticeable that with the exception of the Government Printing Office and the Department of the Navy there is observable during this five-year period no tendency to declining rates. On the contrary, with the exceptions noted, the rates tend to rise. The changes (increases except where otherwise noted) are as fol lows: All services, from 13.13 to 15.37, or 17 per cent; Department of Agriculture, from 13.85 to 26.21, or 89 per cent; Department of Commerce, from 8.69 to 9.82, or 13 per cent; Government Printing Office, from 8.27 to 2.71, or 67 per cent (decrease); Department of the Interior, from 19.68 to 31.39, or 60 per cent; Department of Labor, from 11.99 to 12.40, or 3 per cent; Department of the Navy from 19.48 to 15.74, or 19 per cent (decrease); Post Office Depart ment, from 7.50 to 9.91, or 32 per cent; Department of the Treasury, from 6.91 to 8.05, or 17 per cent; Department of War, from 46.68 to 60.64, or 30 per cent; other services, from 6.95 to 14.94, or 115 per cent. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 110 T a b lf. 118.— N U M BE R OF ACCIDENTS A N D ACCIDEN T FREQUENCY RATES IN TH E GOVERN M EN T SERVICE, 1921 TO 1925, B Y DEPA RTM E N TS AND YEARS [Biased on number o f employees shown by the Civil Service Commission’s yearly reports and on num ber of accidents reported to the United States Employees' Compensation Commission] Frequency rates (per 1,000,000 hours’ exposure) Number of accidents Year Number of employees Fatal i 1 Fatal Nonfatal 1 accidents accidents j Total Total Nonfatal AU Government Services Total.................... 560,073 535,185 535,781 546,981 538,290 362 353 279 278 314 18,042 17,905 17,713 20,260 20,374 2,716,910 1,586 94,294 ! j ! ; 18,404 18,258 17,992 20,538 20,688 0.25 .26 .20 .20 .23 12.88 13.38 13.22 14.82 15.14 13. n 13.64 13*43 15.02 15.37 95,880 .23 13.88 14.11 Department of Agriculture 1823................................ 18,722 19,773 20,078 20,385 20,008 10 11 17 25 art 638 919 971 1,287 1,291 : j : i | 648 930 988 1,312 1,317 0.22 .22 .34 .49 .52 13.63 18.59 19.34 25.25 25.69 13. Wi l& tt 19.6* 25.74 26.24 Total.................... 99,056 89 5,106 | 5,195 .36 20.62 20.98 Department of Commerce T922................................ 1923................................ 1924................................ 1925................................ 11,748 11,267 11,199 12,119 14,631 9 IS 11 8 11 246 272 332 319 348 255 287 343 327 359 0l31 .53 .40 .26 .30 8.38 9.66 11.86 10.52 9.52 8.69 10.19 12.26 10.79 9.82 Total.................... 60,964 54 1,517 1,571 .35 9.95 10.31 Government Printing Office 1921................................ W22................................. H>23..................... 1984..................... 1925................................ 4,103 4,024 3,989 4,269 3,984 2 1 89 63 42 44 27 91 64 42 44 27 0.18 .10 8.09 & 26 4.21 4.13 2.71 8.27 6.36 4.21 4.13 2.71 Total.................... 201669 3 265 i 1 268 .06 5.12 5.1* Department of the Interior 1621................................. 1922................................. 1923................................ 1924................................ m ..................... Total.................... 19,735 ! 17,834 1 17,002 16,679 ! 13,125 84,465 18 16 19 11 957 1,041 1,416 1,676 1,019 971 1,059 1,431 1,695 1,030 0.29 .41 .37 .46 .34 ia39 23.35 33.12 40.20 31.06 19.68 23.75 33.49 40.64 31.39 78 6,108 6,186 .37 28.93 29.29 11.99 10.99 11.72 11.56 12.40 11.71 14 Department of Labor 1921................................ 1922................................ 1923 .......................... 1924................................ 192.’>................................ Total.................... 3,768 3,744 3,821 3,876 3,614 j 18,823 1 2 ! i j 5j 112 100 112 111 107 113 102 112 112 112 OlU .22 .11 .55 11.89 10.68 11.72 11.46 11.84 9 j 542 551 .19 11.52 DEPARTMENTS OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 111 T a b l e 1 1 8 *— N U M BER OF ACCIDEN TS A N D ACCIDEN T FREQUENCY RATES IN THE GOVERN M EN T SERVICE, 1921 TO 1925, BY D E PARTM EN TS AND YEARS—Continued Frequency rales (per 1,000,000 hours' exposure) Number of accidents Year Number of employees Nonfotal Fatal Total Fatal Nonfotal accidents accidents Total Department of the Navy 1921................................. 1922................................. 1923-------------------------1924................................. 1925................................. 60,653 42,515 40^557 42,686 42,342 36 27 30 28 24 2,918 1,516 1,423 1,®2 1,662 2,954 1,543 1*453 1,910 1,686 0.24 .25 .30 .26 .23 19.25 14.27 14.01 17.64 15.52 19.48 14.52 14.33 17.90 15.74 Total.................... 229,253 145 9,401 9,546 .25 16.40 16.66 PoMt Office Department 1921................................ 1922................................. 1923................................ 1924..................... 1923................................. 281,658 284,207 294,226 301,000 304,092 62 64 50 42 47 5,218 6^ 196 6,559 7,395 7,488 5,280 6,260 6,609 .7,437 7,535 0.08 .10 .07 *06 .06 7.42 8k72 8.92 9.83 &85 7.50 8.81 8.99 &*9 9.91 Total.................... 1,465,183 265 32,8o6 33,121 .07 8.96 9.04 Department of the Treasury 1921................................ 1922................................ 1923................................ 1924................................ 1925................................ 68,648 56,392 53,604 53,121 52,607 30 44 17 16 22 1,157 1,203 938 1,013 1,087 1,187 1,247 955 1,029 1,059 a 18 .31 .13 .12 .17 6.74 8.53 7.00 7.63 7.88 6.91 8.84 7.13 7.75 &05 Total.................... 284,372 129 5,348 5,477 .18 7.52 7.70 Department o f War 1921................................ 1922................................. 1923................................ 1924................................ 1925................................ 53,553 46,840 44,842 45,906 38,975 124 104 96 102 115 6,125 5,648 4,913 5,295 5,79a 6,249 5,752 5,009 5,397 5,908 0.92 .89 .85 .89 1.18 45.74 48.23 43.82 46.14 59.45 46.68 49.12 44.68 47.03 60.64 Total.................... 230,116 541 27,774 28,315 .94 48.28 49.22 All other Government Services 1921................................ 1922................................. 1923............................... 1924................................ 1925................................ 37,785 48,589 46,373 46,940 44,322 74 67 42 37 53 582 947 1,006 1,238 1,602 656 1,014 1,050 1,275 1,655 0.78 .55 .36 .31 .48 6.16 7.80 8.70 10.55 14.46 6.95 8.34 9.06 10.86 14.94 Total.................... 224,009 273 5,377 5,650 .« l 9.60 10109 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN UNITED STATES 112 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT EXPERIENCE OF AMERICAN INDUSTRY IN 1925 The National Safety Council in a report on industrial accident experience for 192510 has, for the first time, attempted to compute accident rates for American industry as a whole. The computations are based on the statistical tabulations compiled by the industrial sections of the council, with the exception of the cement and the min ing industries for which statistics furnished by the Portland Cement Association and the United States Bureau of Mines, respectively, have been used. The reports, which cover 1,231 establishments or locations, show an average frequency rate of 30.60 per million hours worked and an average severity rate amounting to 2.02 days lost per thousand hours worked. Since the majority of the companies for which data were secured are more or less actively engaged in accident prevention, it can be assumed, however, that the rates for the United States as a whole are somewhat higher. It is impossible to make a fair com parison between the various industrial groups, because of varying occupational risks, but it is of interest to note that in the textile section 35,251 employees worked 77,924,601 hours with only one accidental death. The detailed record sheets of the council show that accident frequency and severity rates have been reduced through the organized safety work in different industries. This reduction is considered to be due to a considerable extent to the fact that employees have been impressed with the importance of reporting minor injuries promptly, the installation of adequate first-aid facilities, and the cooperation of industrial physicians. The report stresses the importance of a uni form method of keeping plant records and also of making yearly reports in order that the statistics may more accurately represent the accident experience of each industry. The following table shows the accident experience of companies in 13 principal industries throughout the country for the year 1925: T a b l e 1 1 9 . — INDUSTRIAL A C CIDEN T EXPERIEN CE IN A M ER IC A N INDUSTRY IN 1925 • Industry Automotive.............. . Cement..................... Chemical.................... Construction............ . Metals....................... Mining...................... . Packers and tanners. Paper and pulp........ ^aairy. Rubber.. Textile............ Woodworking. T ota l.... Nuin- i berof I Total eslab- j number lish- | merits of em orlo- | ployees cations j 196 120 65 36 280 210 17 99 18 36 22 32 100 304,639 <») 50,128 12,777 250,511 (*) 14,642 41,813 (>) 5,598 85,730 35,251 26,939 Number of cases of— Total hours worked 762,565,341 97,414,794 124,148,274 25,462; 441 661,189,970 68,518,787 35,485,110 104,623,437 214,054,563 15*322,643 173,438,000 77,924,601 69,836,087 2,429,984,048 Death 22 61 38 24 86 68 1 21 49 13 10 1 11 405 Perma Tem nent porary disa disa bility bility 560 17,279 17,861 2,541 77 2,403 2,473 2,597 86 18 1,778 1,736 545 18,915 c 21,492 6,851 62 6,721 41 1,383 1,425 57 3,943 4,021 5,855 206 5,600 708 744 23 5,054 70 4,974 1,029 1,061 31 128 2,948 3,087 1,904 70,112 *74,367 * See page 96 for similar table derived from State data. * Not available. ^ ^ . « This total is reported to be correct; figures for details were not given in every case. * Not including 3 industries. h National Safely News, Chicago, October, 1926. Total 113 MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTBIES T abl» 119.—IN DU STRIA L A C C ID E N T E XP E R IE N C E IN A M ER IC A N INDUSTRY IN 1925—Continued Number of days lost on account of— Industry Death Automotive........................................ Cement............................................... Chemical............................................ Construction...................................... Metals................................................ Mining............................................... Packers and tanners.......................... Paper and pulp.................................. Petroleum........................................._ Quarry............................................... Rubber............................................... Textile................................................ Woodworking.................................... Total......................................... 132,000 366,000 228,000 144,000 516,000 408,000 6,000 126,000 294,000 78,000 60,000 6,000 66,000 2,430,000 Perma nent disa bility Tempo rary disa bility Total 245,262 (>) 70,632 20,491 398,773 72,675 23,139 39,862 112,401 27,317 63,700 16,420 67,374 405,730 «810,610 487,189 (*) 38,379 337,011 28,210 192,701 269,738 • 1,202,387 102,193 582,868 15,796 44,935 59,166 225,028 91,957 498,358 11,775 117,092 68,498 192,198 12,778 35,198 58,901 192,275 23.42 26.08 2a 91 69.54 32.50 99.99 40.15 38.43 27.35 48.56 29.15 13.61 44.20 .45 2.75 1,158,046 1,163,121 •4,917,850 3tt 60 2.02 > Not available. • This total is reported to be correct; figures for details were not given in every case. Fre quency Severity rates rates (per (per 1,000 1,000,000 hours' hours' expo expo sure) sure) 1.06 5.00 2.71 7.57 1.82 8.51 1.27 2.15 2.33 7.64 1.11