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February 18, 2010


Real Estate Research provided
analysis of topical research and
current issues in the fields of housing

Did nonrecourse mortgages cause the mortgage crisis?

and real estate economics. Authors
for the blog included the Atlanta Fed's

In trying to explain the severity of the foreclosure crisis in the United States,
some commentators have argued that a peculiar feature of U.S. mortgage


Jessica Dill, Kristopher Gerardi, Carl
Hudson, and analysts, as well as the

contracts is partly to blame. In the United States, they argue, in contrast to other
countries, mortgage loans are nonrecourse, meaning that if the borrower fails to

Assessing the Size and Spread of
Vulnerable Renter Households in

Boston Fed's Christopher Foote and
Paul Willen.

make payments, the lender can seize the collateral but has no recourse to any
other of the borrower's assets. In other words, a borrower with a million dollars in

the Southeast
What's Being Done to Help Renters

In December 2020, content from Real
Estate Research became part of

the bank can stop paying the mortgage, and all the lender can do is foreclose
and sell the house while the borrower suffers no other financial harm.

during the Pandemic?
An Update on Forbearance Trends

Policy Hub. Future articles will be
released in Policy Hub: Macroblog.

In our current environment, the argument goes, falling house prices mean that

Examining the Effects of COVID-19
on the Southeast Housing Market


many borrowers have negative equity—homes worth less than what they owe on
their mortgages—and so they can simply "walk away" from their mortgage

Southeast Housing Market and

without suffering any other financial loss. The policy implications of this argument
are obvious: if lenders could go after other assets, we would not see nearly as

Update on Lot Availability and
Construction Lending

many foreclosures as we do. (Martin Feldstein wrote in an October 4 column in
the Wall Street Journal that "residential mortgages are generally 'no recourse'

Tax Reform's Effect on Low-Income

loans, meaning that if the homeowner stops making payments, the creditor can
take the property but cannot take other assets or attach income.")

Housing Headwinds
Where Is the Housing Sector

This argument has been made by many leading commentators, including several

Did Harvey Influence the Housing

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economists at top universities. But is it true? A new paper titled "Recourse and
Residential Mortgage Default: Theory and Evidence from United States States,"


by Andra Ghent of Baruch College and Marianna Kudlyak of the Richmond Fed,
seeks to answer this question. The authors take a three-pronged approach in the

Affordable housing goals

paper: They review the institutional evidence on recourse in the United States,
develop a theoretical model, and conduct some empirical analysis using cross-

Credit conditions
Expansion of mortgage credit

state differences in foreclosure rules to estimate the effects of recourse versus
nonrecourse mortgages. Let me discuss all three in turn.

Federal Housing Authority
Financial crisis

First, the authors do a great job reviewing the evidence on the institutions. The

Foreclosure contagion
Foreclosure laws

paper, in an accompanying appendix, provides details of the foreclosure process
and timeline for all 50 states. The bottom line, they find, is that the claim that all

Governmentsponsored enterprises

mortgages in the United States are nonrecourse is wrong. The authors show that
only eleven states constrain the recourse that lenders hold over delinquent

Homebuyer tax credit

mortgage borrowers. The other 39 states place no limits on the ability of lenders
to recover what they are owed by getting deficiency judgments, which are legal

House price indexes
Household formations

claims to any and all of the borrower's assets to cover the deficiency, or the
difference between what the lender recovers from foreclosure and what the

Housing boom
Housing crisis

borrower owes. Of the 11 states that limit—but do not forbid—recourse,
California, for example, prohibits deficiency judgments only if the loan is a

Housing demand
Housing prices

purchase mortgage and the lender wants to pursue "fast-track," nonjudicial
foreclosure. If the loan is a refinance or the lender wants to pursue a judicial

Income segregation
Individual Development Account

foreclosure, California offers no protection from recourse.

Loan modifications
Monetary policy

One obvious question is that if lenders can chase down borrowers to recover
unpaid debts, why are they losing so much money? The answer is pretty simple.

Mortgage crisis
Mortgage default

Most borrowers who default on their mortgages probably have no assets to go
after. The reason that the borrower defaulted on the mortgage was that they had

Mortgage interest tax deduction
Mortgage supply

run out of money. One important point to note is that the deficiency judgment is
treated as an unsecured debt of the borrower's, and the borrower can extinguish

Multifamily housing
Negative equity

that debt by filing for bankruptcy. And this complicates the whole argument,
because it means that borrowers can walk away from their mortgage if either the

Positive demand shock
Positive externalities

loan is nonrecourse or bankruptcy laws are generous.

Rental homes

Second, the authors' theoretical model basically provides a more complicated
version of the argument in the first paragraph. The less the lender can punish the

Subprime MBS
Subprime mortgages

borrower for defaulting, the more borrowers default. But the theory is not
completely fulfilling. If we try to come up with a rational explanation for the crisis,

Supply elasticity

then we would expect lenders to have anticipated the fact that the loans were
nonrecourse. A testable implication of the model would be that lenders lent less

Upward mobility
Urban growth

in states where recourse was difficult. But as we will see below, the states the
authors identify as nonrecourse experienced the largest expansion in lending.

Many would argue that the lenders weren't rational, but then lender irrationality
and not the inability of lenders to get deficiency judgments would explain the
Next, the authors present empirical analysis. This part of the paper is both the
most provocative and most problematic. The authors claim to find evidence that
borrowers protected from recourse default more often than borrowers who are
not. Specifically, they estimate a probit specification in which the dependent
variable is an indicator of whether or not the borrower defaults on the mortgage,
and the independent variable of interest is the amount of equity in the home
interacted with whether or not the state allows lender recourse. They find a
statistically significant negative effect of recourse on the propensity to default—
meaning that borrowers are more likely to exercise their default option
(conditional on a given value of equity) in states that do not allow lender
A difficulty here is that to believe the authors, we need to make some very big
assumptions. In order to interpret the estimate as a treatment effect of lender
recourse on default, it has to be the case that all differences in the propensity to
default (given the same levels of equity) between states that allow recourse and
those that don't is actually caused by the existence or not of recourse.
The table below lists nonrecourse states, as defined by the authors. In terms of
number of loans, the list is dominated by two states: Arizona and California, both
of which had extraordinarily high growth in home prices and record-breaking
construction booms. In fact, the results seem to be driven in large part by
California, as the estimated effect of recourse becomes much weaker if
California is taken out of the sample. If some other distinguishing characteristic
of California is driving the higher default propensity compared to the rest of the
United States, then attributing the effect to the absence of lender recourse would
be a mistake. In fact, the ability to avoid a deficiency judgment on a purchase
mortgage is not the only thing that makes California different from the rest of the

But the problem with the authors' empirical analysis is even more serious
because they also assume that legal differences across states are randomly
assigned. In other words, they assume that it is completely accidental that
California statute bars recourse and Illinois statute does not. But one can easily
imagine that a state with lots of land speculators, for example, would legislate
lots of protections for borrowers—and land speculators always default more,
even when lenders have recourse. So really what the authors are picking up in
the data is the presence of land speculators, not the legal differences across
There are also a few serious technical issues with the regressions in the paper.
For example, the authors cannot link first and second mortgages or even find out
if there were second mortgages connected to the first. Thus, in states where
second mortgages were very common, as in California, the authors will
systematically underestimate the debt of the borrower and thus the degree of
negative equity, and then overestimate the sensitivity of the foreclosure decision
to negative equity. There are datasets that at least allow researchers to detect
the presence of second mortgages, and the authors must use one of these to do
proper analysis. The mortgage performance data that they use from Lender
Processing Services (LPS) is not one of those datasets. The most important
benefit of LPS is that it includes agency and portfolio loans, which are of little use
to the authors' analysis.
The authors have done an excellent analysis of the institutions, and we would
very much welcome a descriptive analysis of the differences in borrower
behavior between recourse and nonrecourse states. But establishing a causal
link between recourse and foreclosure is a challenge that we believe goes
beyond the data and econometric techniques that the authors have used.
By Kris Gerardi, research economist and assistant policy adviser at the Atlanta
Fed (with Boston Fed economists Christopher Foote and Paul Willen)

The author's comments have not been edited and appear as provided to the
Real Estate Research blog.

A response from the authors: Andra Ghent and Marianna
We do not suggest, as Foote, Gerardi, and Willen's (FGW) title does, that nonrecourse mortgages single-handedly caused the mortgage crisis. We also draw
no policy conclusions from our results since we do not study the welfare
implications of anti-deficiency statutes.
Rather, our study answers three specific questions: Does recourse deter default,
does it change how default happens, and when does recourse affect default?
FGW suggest that our work does not answer these questions for three reasons:
First, the theoretical model does not explore the general equilibrium implications.
Second, FGW do not believe that we adequately control for state-specific
characteristics. Third, FGW suggest the data we use are inadequate. We
disagree that these concerns undermine our main results, as we explain below.
We indeed focus on a partial equilibrium model to analyze the default decision in
detail. A recent study by Dean Corbae and Erwin Quintin has looked at the issue
in general equilibrium and finds that recourse has a large effect on default rates.
Empirically, Pence, in her 2006 Review of Economics and Statistics article
"Foreclosing an Opportunity: State Laws and Mortgage Credit" has found that
recourse affects the size of loans. Rather than being evidence that recourse has
no effect on default rates, the fact that lenders made a large number of loans in
non-recourse states during the boom indicates that lenders may have thought a
widespread, large drop in home prices was highly unlikely.
Regarding whether we control adequately for state-specific characteristics, FGW
overlook that our results carry through when we include state fixed effects (see
table 4 of the paper). This remains true even when we look only at data from
2005 onwards. As a falsification test, we also ran our specification using only
FHA and VA loans (which are non-recourse in all states) and find that recourse
does not deter default on these loans. If the only thing going on was that
California has a lot of defaults, we should see the effect in these loans as well.
The fact that we don't indicates that we are adequately controlling for statespecific characteristics. Regarding the possibility that recourse laws may be
endogenous, all of the laws were in place long before the start of our sample;
most of the laws date back to the 1930s. Note that Florida and Nevada also have
widespread real estate speculation and yet are recourse states.
It is true that we don't have a complete picture of borrowing associated with the
property due to our use of the LPS data. We have, however, considered a
specification in which we exclude loans that have a LTV of exactly 80 percent,
since this may indicate the presence of a second mortgage, and find similar
results to our benchmark specification. Another database that has been used in
academic research that has some measure of other borrowing associated with
the property is the LoanPerformance database. Unfortunately, the
LoanPerformance database mainly contains information on securitized nonprime mortgages. Using this data would considerably limit our ability to study
when recourse has an impact.
Finally, a clarification regarding California refinancings being recourse
mortgages. We defined a mortgage as non-recourse if deficiency judgments are
prohibited or if the burden associated with pursuing a deficiency renders
recourse impractical. For California refinancings, pursuing recourse requires the
lender to use the substantially more time-consuming and costly judicial
foreclosure process. As a result, foreclosure attorneys usually view California
refinancings as non-recourse. For example, the NMSRD (2008, p. 5-5) lists no
deficiency recovery strategy for California stating simply that it is impractical.
North Carolina also prohibits deficiency judgments on purchase mortgages but
there are no substantial barriers to recourse on refinancings, such that we
classify North Carolina refinancings as recourse mortgages.
February 18, 2010 in Mortgage default | Permalink