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for 55 years a leading bank of the NORTHWEST during which time we have built up exceptional facil ities for making COLLECTIONS SEND US YOUR ITEMS NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK MINNEAPOLIS Affiliated ivith the Minnesota Loan and Trust Co. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Combined Resources $1 14,500,000 n *! HH romjpwgomoicp iwgjftf Ilf o-cr § a S;f t o <2-o Ilf Bio i-/ III sg **"* 53 (g «9 ^ 5 jETp I l-S 2 mm & Z # □ p° pp p rn m WWhjOO< f^-O^O ^ OfdH"C 02 02 CO 00 Cn •<! -si ^ C/0 Oi 02 O CO 02 fcO 02 OO tO oo:to-: Irf^OiltO 02 rf*. O COrf*. to CO 02 00 02 wSr K’1 1—1 CO CO Qi 2S2 o« 00 02 t—1 CO x Sb . b^w'^SSb - _ ------ -- - -- iSStn^Sw H-M--I-* — ----UOQ QUI -<l 00 «o CO 00 t— 00 CO 00 02 H- rf* 00 o o cr _ — m Z h □ BANKER and MERCHANT for Three Generations Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Two A. B. A. Presidents Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N HIS ANNUAL address to the American Bankers Association in 1926, Retiring PresL dent Oscar Wells said: I “Has the local banker a sufficiently national outlook and has the metropolitan banker a suffi ciently international outlook? In one of his first public pronouncements after his election to the presidency of the A. B. A., President Melvin A. Traylor said: “Whether our horizon is bounded by county lines or by the seven seas, I think the same answer may be given to *‘ What s ahead of American Banking ? ’ ’ “ First: Closer study of what is close to us. “ Second: Broader knowledge of what affects us from the outside. “Last and most important: Development of ourselves and our employees into bigger bankers. The Bankers Directory is the first and most necessary tool of the banker who agrees with these two presidents of the A. B. A. He browses through it for the latest facts on banking personalities, banking services and banking progress in other cities. He uses it to widen the scope of his corre spondence, he refers to it for first line information on foreign banking. He keeps his Bankers Directory up to date be cause his Bankers Directory keeps him up to date. 707 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County ‘County Seats. Entire State in No.9Fed.Res.Dist *Mem. A.B.A. nNew §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. | Vice-President. President. ‘Ada________ 1411 Ada National Bankd©t'14 A. J. Johnson____ Norman G8 1150-6% 75-1192 par too TA. L. HANSON........ FIRST STATE BANK©** 81 ) THE PIONEER -------75-282 LSend us your it •« II ~ 0. C. OGARO---------- G. H SP4FTH L. H.SCHERF Adams. ... .609 Fanners State Bank d®»t*’14 A. Torgerson___ Mower R18 75-1180 .. 696,560 C. D. Simpson____ 30,000 12,500 225,770 N. V. Torgeraon— 25,000 14,390 30,000 J. C. Becker_____ Nat ional Bank of Adrian $135-6% 75-330 *' 98 $200-10% 75-260 (C. P. DE LAITTREJ.B.GALARNEAULT, Ch. Oldest Ban SEND US YOUR Fee in advance, p 71,580 94,680 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Met. N. and 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. Paul and Duluth. — 152,560 29,950 36,490 49,260 1st N., Chi., St. P., and Minpls.; Minn. N„ Duluth; Sec. N., Fargo. 406,220 500 302,140 54,500 8,660 80,810 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.; Merch. N..Ced. R. and St. P. 36.000 530.000 21,000 420,000 112,000 40,000 45,000 335,000 14,000 290,000 24,000 26,000 5,500 130,000 80,000 60,000 25,500 Ill. Merch. Tr., Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr„ Minpls.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 15,000 5.500 142,000 138.000 20,000 7.000 1st N., Stillwater, Minpls., and Winthrop; Merch. N„ St. P. . 25,000 40,000 550.000 215.000 230,000 70,000 100,000 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Duluth and St.P. B. R. HASSUAN------ J. E. JOHNSON_____ ROBERT HASLING 25,000 57.000 820,000 492.000 170,000 60.000 180.000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Merch. N. and 1st N., St. P.: Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls.: Northern N., Duluth. V. R. HAUGE.............. 50,000 25,000 550,000 5,000 250.000 225.000 78,000 92.000 Han. N., N: Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. P.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.: City N., Duluth. 1,350 100,480 32,000 9,000 24,500 1st N., Park Rapids; N. Ex., St. P.; Minn. N., Duluth. 15,730 47,670 Cont. & Com'l N„ Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. Joseph L. Lais__ W. E. Marston Esther Schulz___ H.D. McNeil— Fred Johnson J. J. MCDONALD____ J. B. GALARNEAULT FRED BLAIS of Bd. 6,000 8,000 146,900 Albany........... 824 Stearns Lll 30,000 11,500 741,040 576,410 142,730 25,000 17,500 516,000 403.000 88.000 10,000 8,000 ino 000 79,340 5,130 •• First State Bank........ ®t|’96 S. M. Schaefer__ Peter Kraker____ Andrew Peternell. 75-632 R. A. Jesh Stearns County State Bank W. J. Bohmer___ M. H. Nett.............. B. H. Beuning____ A. H. Krehs 75-1045 tl’12 Alberta 150 Alberta State Bank____$*’12 VI. S. Carl $200-10% 75-1058 Stevens L6 l par 100 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 47,300 Northw. N., 70,000 N. Park, N. Y.: C. & C. N., Chi.; 1st N. and Met. N., Minpls; Merch. N., St. P. ITEMS DIRECT FOR PROMPT P ERSONAL ATTE NTION. lain sight drafts 15c ; credit reports 25c. TRY US. 10,000 ____ 85,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Minpls.; 1st N., Austin. k in Aitkin C ounty. Akelcy............ 855 State Bank of Akeley Arthur Ovrom___ $200-10% 75-631 d®*l'05 Hubbard H10 par 200 •« 17,080 $ 121,960 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., St. P. and Crookston; Northw. N„ Minpls. 168,800 F. J. Forkenbrock. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 6. M. ROBINSON -— PETER LARSON ALBERT ZEESE ' 20% 75-261 ®.i’03 NATIONAL BANK OF AITKIN®-** 25,090 $ 199,530 $ 141,420 i Principal Correspondents. 412,930 ‘Aitkin............1490 Farmers National Bank B. W. Kelly............ Aitkin 114 $240-8% 75-1163 d®»ri4 F. H. Osterhout M 5,770 * 424,170 S 26,430 Afton______ 186 Citizens State Bank„d®tl’14 J. M. Oldham_____ G. W. Slater_____ 75-1125 Washington N18 $140-5% par 100 • ft 25,000 $ 25,000 rSOPHRONIA DEAN. M. KREBSBACH...... - WM.W.DEAN------- A. J. KREBSBACH — } OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK ) Send us your A dams Items Direc t for Prompt, Pe rsonal attention. y^Plain sight dra fts 15c; credit re ports 25c. Adrian _. 1087 Adrian State Bank „®**’89 Edwin Brickson... Nobles R6 $200-10% 75-328 H. H. Martens .. Liabilities. Resources. [ Loans ther Bonds Miscel Casb a ExPaid-up Surplus Dbpo»- LOiabili and AND and OLAMQM,I>int ITS Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous from Bash ties Ass't Cashirr. BANK OF NORM AN COUNTY, ems direct for pr ompt attention. Security State Bank..®t|’15 JamesGrady_____ 1200-10% 75-1230 FIRST NATIONAL 76-480 BANK d®T»*’06 Cashier. W. G. Hadler........ A. A. Habedank... L. J. Peterson____ $ C. R. Ablers PETER SHARPE- Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, MINNESOTA J. H. Devenney ... . 62,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N. and Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 16,630 9,500' Morris N., Morris; Met. N., Minpls. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 7HR /UO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaily Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Miscel ther Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus and and AND its Capital Profits Discount! Securities laneous ties % 150 $ 921.530 $ 10,000 S 68.140 ‘Albert Lea .10.728 ffl. C. ERICKSON - RH"- A. F. W0HLHUTER- A. C. HARTZ-------- $ 50.000 $ 50.000 1.155 940 $ Freeborn R15 WerFcksTn H.F. WITTMER, A. Cash. \ FOR PROMPT, PERSONAL ATT ENTION SEND US STATE BANK 1 YOUR ITEMS DIRECT. 1250-10% 75-104 ®T*ti'02 APlain Sight Dra fts, ISc; Credit Reports, 25c. ■ Town and County. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 Fed. Res. Dis. •Mem. A.B. A. r‘New §State fPriv. :Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$La;tSale%Div. President. CASHIER. Vice-President. Ass't Cashier. ALBERT LEA ) Principal Correspondents. O-BH * ExCHANGI8,Do* from Banks $ 256.420 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Mlnpls.; Merch. N., Ced. R. Citizens National Bank_____ (Closed February 14, 1927) REESE............ SIMON STRAUSS....... N J. WHITNEY, J. PHERS0N ‘FIRST NATIONAL ALFRED CHRIST0BANK F.G. .« •• Tr. Off. C 0. VANGEN .......... B. JOHNSON 100.000 77.500 1.979.430 •‘WITH TRUST DEPARTMENT.” Send us your business direct. Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time It ems gl\ en pro in p t Enclose with Plain Sight Drafts, 15c: Credit Reports, 25c. TRY US. 1225-10% 75-102 99.100 982.080 863.830 65.000 345.120 N. City and 1st N., N. Y.; Coot. & L'Olll 1 XVI •, Mil., 1st XVI. <illil Mfirh« N., St. P.; Northw. N., Mlnpls. attentlo n. ®T*t'86 25,000 jHENRYSOTH.......... L. J. PAULSON.......... S. E. SEVERSON.... L. H. PETERSON....... ♦FREEBORN CO. STATE BANK 75-105 d®*tl'07 l Save time and g et service on CoIIe ctlons and Credit Reports by sendl ng ( FEE IN ADVAN CEt Plain tight dra fts, 15c; Credit Repo rts, 25c TRY US. 28.240 475,880 383,560 49,300 6,300 89,960 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato; N. Ex., St. P. ♦North Side State Bank J. C. Nelson______ F. S. Ruble.. *150-7% 75-106 ©i§'21 25,000 13,030 444,170 307,580 43,990 18.000 112,640 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Freeborn Co. State, Albert Lea; 1st N., Minpls. 55,000 10,340 501,030 386,240 37,980 33.990 122,180 Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. P. 10,000 7,000 60,000 59,200 3,100 Otto Bremer_____ C. A. Prestrud____ N. A. Prestrud___ 30,000 8,000 400,000 260,000 80.000 30,000 80,000 N. City, N. Y., 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. George Susens........ T. A. Aal.................. 100,000 27.110 758.890 580.670 77.840 65.000 167.580 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls. and St. P. Almelund .. 101 Farmers State Bank —.*§'14 J. E. Carlson A. R. Peterson ___ A. H. Lindquist.__ Lydia Lindquist.__ 75-1148 Chisago LI8 (Center Citv P. 0.) Aim ora 200 Almora State Bank........Til 14 A. O. Netland_____ Ole A. Netland ___ H. E. Ecker............ P. E. Amundson... $135-10% par 120 75-1138 Otter Tail J8 10,000 6,000 355.000 296,000 15,000 5,000 70,000 48,000 16,000 Alpha ?fil Farmers A Merch. State Bank H. L. Strom.. H. J. Yeadicke___ F. W. Striemer.— P. C. Verdick........ $130 par 100 75-1024 d®TtS'll Jackson R9 .. State Bank of Alpha..d»t|'04 J. S. Crawley........ Geo. Karnatz____ Oscar Mike Ison... 75-634 25,000 9.310 242,410 170,330 45,540 11.010 49,830 C. & C. N.. Chi.; Merch. N.. St. P.: Midland N. Bk. & Tr„ Minpls.; 1st N., Mankato. 15,000 6,250 125,920 112,790 900 15,930 17.560 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. and Jackson; N. Citiz.. Mankato. Altnra 189 Altura State Bank..d®**|'10 L. F. Kramer ___ M. Timm $150 par 100 75-635 Winona P22 20,000 9,720 258.860 201.620 30,120 23,840 32.990 Drov. N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Merch., Wi nona; Northw. N., Minpls. 20,000 9,000 132,000 21,000 131,000 2,800 35,800 12,400 1st N„ Grand Forks; State Bk. of War ren, Warren; Midland N. Bk. & Tr, Co., Minpls. F. W. Boesch------ Milton Jenkins___ Herbert Dredge 50,000 27.610 661,670 14,700 557,960 29,000 10,650 80.000 Han. N.,N. Y.; Met. N.. Minpls.; N. Citiz. and 1st N., Mankato. Amlret..............125 Amiret State Bank____tl'10 F. T. Shaeffer........ R. A. Mitchell___ Agnes Shaeffer.... F. M. Shaeffer____ $150-10% 75-636 Lyon P6 10,000 8.860 143,720 107.970 6,730 3,190 44,680 N. Ex., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Tracy. .. .. .. _____ » .• J. L. Sorenson........ Anna B. Sorenson Gerhardt Winjiens Albert Lea Clearing House . 11. F. Wittmer........ S. E. Severson____ F. G. Reese. Sec... Jas. L. Sorenson. (Members indicated by a *) Tr. ( R. T. AMEL.............. B. M. HALL............... 0. B. PENNING------- 1 F, PRFFIEY 29,800 Alden.......... ....... 580 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-** 03 { Oldest and Larg est Bank. Save time and g et service on CoIIe ctlons and Credit Reports by send! ng 75-504 Freeborn R15 (FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight dra fts, 15c; Credit Repo rts, 25c. TRY US. Aldrich IRfl First State Bank___ 75-1018 Wadena 19 ‘Alexandria ..3388 Alexandria State Bank 75-1446 ®*t§’19 Douglas K7 •« M Alexandria............... ®*t’01 $125 75-159 O. H. Scott_______ A. W. Eynon____ J. G. Strom_______ A. F,. Button Albert Kramer Alvarado am Farmers State Bank. d©*|’08 O. H. Taralseth... R. B. Taralseth — 1. N. Lodoen 10% par 100 75-627 Marshall D1 Amhny R27 First National Bank-.®*t'06 A. F. Rennpferd.. fl, K. Olsnn 75-539 Blue Earth Q12 $175-6% Minnesota Map on index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis n S. T rxloen ... ... 5,100 9,000 Northw. N., Minpls. 61.000 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N. and Merch. N., St. P. 8.000 1st N., Minpls.; State Bk. of Northfleld, Northfield. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence *700 /Uy Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t° each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.}lNew § State i'Priv. *Gounty Seats. t.Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. FeJ. Kes.Depts.T-Trust B-Bond Entire State in No. 9 Fed. Res. Dis. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Angus____ ____ 90 Farmers State Bank________ {Taken over by Sta te Bank of Warren, Warren, Minn.) Polk D2 Anuandaie___644 Citizens State Bank .©•tl’07 G. G. Sawyer_____ J. A. Fereuson .__ P. L. Sawyer------A. H. Lofstrom Wright M12 $165-8% 75-462 NATIONAL BANK 75-141 dB®#t 82 John Coleman........ Arthur T. Caine... L. J. Greenwald .. T. E. Coleman____ A. L. Lindman 50,000 2,000 957,980 rF. L. SALTER— JAS. B. BERRY— J. C. ERLANDER— M. GRACE ERICK- 50.000 16,160 601.340 49,260 56.310 Cont. & Com’l N. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. 24,040 31.120 % 485.910 20,500 30,580 100,440 1st N„ Chi. and St. P.; 1st N. and Northw. N„ Minpls. 698.910 155.730 38,280 131,720 N. Park,N.Y.; 1st N.,Met. N„and Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch. N„ St. P. 512,170 88.82J 55.940 59,820 1st N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co. Minpls. 29.700 81,770 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr, Co. and 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. (Closed November 1 3, 1926) First National Bank..d©’07 C. M. Krebs___ FARMERS & MERCH. BANK 75-422 ©*t§’86 First National Bank_ 75-432 dB®*tl’95 G. Kivley_______ Sibert Johnson.. 11.480 488.530 25.000 19.030 468,920 185,000 530,700 H. F. Johnson__ 25.000 7,000 UHfflra E. I. AMUNDGAARD CLAYTON OLSON- A. SKARSTAD—- 50.000 12,300 O. E. Redman.. O. H. Schwirtz 40,000 12.450 1.074,310 K IN MARSHALL COUNTY.” Send'us your lte ms direct for pro mpt attention. FEE IN ADVAN CE. Plain Sight Draft s, 25c; Credit Report s, 50c. (Closed January 15 Arlington____ 776 Farmers* Merchants State C. F. Maurer____ Bank....75-433 ..dB®»«’04 Martin Nagel. Ch. Sibley 013 $150-5% par 100 FIRST STATE BANK A. O. Krebs____ 20.000 Geo. Hauswedell.. H. F. Ranney___ Arco_________ 231 Farmers State Bank ®«t§’08 M. Lauritsen__ Lincoln 1J4 75-637 340.280 68,280 24.600 190,110 237,160 44.040 25,000 185.000 8,000 32,000 66,240 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Northw. N. Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 17,000 1st N„ Minpls.: N. Citiz., Mankato; Far State, Tyler. 333,000 96.000 67.000 97,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ St. P.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 4,460 507,910 420,520 23,430 176,350 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr., N. Y.; C. & C. N„ Chi.; 1st N. and Midland N. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 8.020 204,780 45,550 60,540 51,650 1st N., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 1927) Richard Kistner. O. H. Meyer____ Jacob Schwirtz—. W. H. Meyer_____ Andrew Landgraf. Howard Tierney. Mary Schwirtz Armstrong State Bank®t§’17 A. C. Erickson___ A. F. Wohlhuter__ Elmer Fossum__ 75-13S8 First State Bank.........©11900 L. J. Hauge______ C. S. Skaar______ V. R. Hauge.......... $140-57. par 100 oner 3.000 correspondents. 211,420 S (Mt mber Fe deral Re serve Sys tern) M. J. BABCOCK $250-15% par 100 75-314 Armstrong____ 50 Freeborn R15 Ashby.................. 388 Grant J6 Ashcreek ___ _100 Rock R4 Askov_________242 Pine J18 583.990 $ 15,440 Farmers & Merch. State Bk J. C. Behlen______ E. J. Fletcher........ E. A. Benson____ H. J. Larson Florence Sallen 75-1196 ®t§'14 $175-10% 291.240 Principal Cash k ExCHANGB8tDUI prom Bank* dB@»t§’92 3 Send us your C oliections, Bill of Lading Drafts, C ash and Time lte ms. Send 15c with Plain Sight Draft s, / Remitted for on day of Payment, k25c for Credit R eports. Appleton........ 1579 Appleton State Bank. Swift M5 Argyle................956 Marshall D2 6.660 35,000 STATE BANK OF ANOKA $175-12% ♦ 75-142 Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Miscel Loans Surplus Other D epos Paid-up and and AND Liabili Discounts Securities laneous its Capital Profits ties 25.000 $ W. D. McDonald... J.H. Buri________ B. H. Thayer.......... G. A. Allen........ State Bank Annandale J. F. Lee Colin McDonald 75-461 dB(D»tl'93 ‘Anoka............4287 ANOKA $ioo Anoka L22 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued 7^— J ulia Teisberg------ 30.000 7,020 317.480 10,000 2.500 92,000 90,100 200 25,000 3.500 400.000 258.000 100,000 14,200 Albert Lea State. Albert Lea. 60,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; Northw. N. and 1st N.. Minpls.; Am. N.,St.P. 13,840 1st Far. N., Luverne. 10,000 2,000 62,230 54,820 480 5,080 10,000 18.710 2)0,000 177.200 2.650 5,150 43,790 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Northw. N..Minpls.; Northern N., Duluth; Merch. N., St. P. J. A. Johnson......... W. M. Broman.__ 15,000 19,260 528,790 451.550 15,150 32.370 61,980 Cont.& Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N.. Minpls.: 1st N., St. P. Audubon_____ 314 Farmers State Bank.dB®tS’16 J. F. Johnson____ Christian Hanson. Carl J. Lehne____ John Thompson... $150-5% par 120 75-1326 Becker H5 15,000 5,000 140,000 90.000 40.000 9,230 20,740 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. State Bankof Audubon®tS’96 A. O. Netland____ N. C. Netland.— O. A. Netland____ G. Bjomstad_____ 10% 75-639 {Voluntary liquidat ion) Augusta.__ _100 State Bank of Augusta___ (Chaska P. O.) Carver N14 25,000 7.000 425.000 190,000 210,000 14,000 43,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. Ashcreek State Bank .®tS’17 A. D. LaDue--------- H. Fitzer________ G. A. Dunbar_____ $150 75-1363 First State Bank------- ®tl’ll L. C. Pedersen___ Anton Gravesen.. V. S. Petersen — 71-1021 Atwater______ 735 Farmers State Bank N. Lundgren_____ A. C. Johnson.__ 75-481 ®T»tS’06 Kandiyohi M10 8% MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5,000 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 7If) ' Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.rtNew § State fPriv. *Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div President. V ice-President. Cashier. Asb’t Cashier. Aurora______ 2809 First National Bank ..®»t’19 J. A. Barton______ Theodore Albrecht I. B. Luther______ .T. A. Aspic St. Louis F20 *155 75-1454 State Bank of Aurora A. E. Reese —.......... J. C. Schmid____ L. F. Sever.. _ *192-6% 75-640 d®»§’06 par 100 ‘Austin........ 11,906 Mower R17 AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK *200-12% 75-92 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Liabilities. Resources. Bonds Loans Paid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscel and and and L iabili Capital its Discounts Securities laneous Profits ties $ 25.000 S 5,810 S 259,780 $ 25,000 60,930 208,130 163,090 3,000 554,440 376,650 18,000 $ Fanners & Merchants State D. R. Spieker........ O. H. Hegge. Bank ___ 75-93.........®»**’12 Claude Spieker, A. M. Smith V. P. G. W. Quandt____ L. H. Williams.— 28,520 N. City. N. Y.: Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Duluth. 25,000 11,940 75,000 28.750 1.214.060 206,490 58.390 77,330 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi. City N.. Duluth. 60.160 i.isr Send Us Your Austin Items Direct. Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time dB®T«t'87 Items Given Prompt Attention. Principal Correspondents Cash J* Ex changes, Duk from Banks 384,950 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Cont. A Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. 15c wit h each Sight D raft an d 25c f or Cred it Repo rts Insu res Ser vice. 75,000 12,000 870,000 125.000 75,000 107.000 Union Tr. Co.. Chi.; Merch. N., Ced. R.; N. Ex.. St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 1.159.620 1.536.200 26,000 317.030 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. A Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., St. P.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. 6,830 7,050 1st N.. Minpls. 1st & Moorhead N.. Moorhead. 62,970 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Mankato. 650,000 N. F. BANFIELD, JR. E. C. BANFIELD— H.J.DROST, GEO. H. EWOLDT .... R. S. BANFIELD Cash and Tr. Off. FIRST NAT’L BANK OF AUSTIN 75-91 Automba_____ 217 Carlton 117 Averlll............. ...75 Olay H3 Avoca___ ___ .270 Murray Q6 Avon__________300 Stearns Lll First and oldest established Bank. Organized 1868. Efficient attention to collections and all financial matters entrusted to us. ®T»t'68 15c sent to us with each sight draft for presentation insures prompt attention. Farmers State Bank_____ FIRST NATIONAL BANK MINNESOTA Map on Index 93.700 12,000 2.400 32,840 25,000 7,060 306,580 12,000 4,480 166,640 122,090 18,020 19,130 23,870 Northw. N., Minpls.; Am. N., St. Cloud; 1st N., St. P. D. V. Bailey. 10,000 12.500 133,170 82,610 39,370 6,740 26,960 1st N., Minpls.; Minn. N., Duluth; 1st N., Walker. N. O. Lee— 10,000 10,000 102,790 62.400 10,000 24.240 26.150 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N„ St. P.; 1st N., Winona; 1st N., Minpls. G. B. Courtney__ R. M. Kaiser 25,000 7,060 343,800 213,790 91,610 52.240 43,220 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. 10,000 2,500 101,510 82,190 3,170 14,590 55,000 13.340 1st & Moorhead N.. Moorhead; 1st N., Minpls. 33,000 1st N,. Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. J. S. Haley______ Bertha Loveland.. 29,250 6,500 25,000 4,110 22,090 260,080 25,000 9.400 250,000 180,000 25,000 6,980 184,310 154,190 10,000 14,150 37,950 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. 50,000 17,810 591,870 50,000 298,770 291,630 39,960 25,000 11.500 258,770 12,710 185,540 49,180 22,170 G. V. Sampson__ 10,000 10,170 246.820 1,470 186,710 42,850 17,870 H. A. Strand____ 10,000 5,440 174,070 107,720 54,900 14,600 Coletta Buller .... 10,000 8,620 74,190 57.400 23,650 4,030 79,320 Chase N., N.Y.; N. Bk. Com., Chi.: Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N..Duluth. 51,090 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; North ern N., Duluth. 21,030 N. City, N. Y.; Am. N„ St. P.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. 12,290 Cont’l & Com’l N., Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N., MinDls.; Merch. N., St. P. 7,740 1st N., Minpls. and Graceville. K. C. HANSEN — E. J. RUDH 25.000 J. S. PETERSON-...... “THE LARGES T BANK IN BAT TLE LAKE” ) Send us your ite ms direct for pro mpt personal att ention. 1 FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight drafts, ISc; Cred it Reports, 25c. TRY U 10.000 622,830 341,560 199,440 40.430 101,400 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls., Fergus Falls N., Fergus Falls. 5,300 200,000 164,000 15,000 18,300 26,000 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Far. & Merch. State, Fergus Falls; Northw. N., Minpls. 75-489 ®»*’«7 First State Bank..........®*|'84 O. O. Boyum------- A. E. Boyum._. 75-488 H. C. Hektner Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 338.180 2.508,970 Discontinued and tr ansferred business to First National ba nk, Moose Lake. J uly 16, 1 927 Averill State Bank ..d*+§’20 L. I. Grina_____ Guilder Stenerson. O. M. Alme_______ 75-1530 First National Bank...®t’99 T. O. Westby.......... N. P. Lindberg.... Otto P. Rakness... 75-641 Avon State Bank.......... ®tS’06 Frank Schmid____ N. F. Thielman ... A.E. Welle.............. *180-10% 75 -642 par 100 Backus State Bank_____tS’07 A. O. Miller______Frank Reynolds.— D. M. Mast________ Backus_____ *225-10% 75-643 Cass Hll par 100 First State Bank.............. **’05 Wm. Haugen_____ Jacob Trangsrud.. F. W. Gehres_____ Badger_______ 75-554 Roseau B5 Clearwater County State Bk... (Closed) ‘Bagley..............814 Clearwater F7 First National Bank. -®*t’03 A. Kaiser________ C. A. Boalt. S. M. Bugge______ io% 75-408 Baker________ 150 Baker State Bank.__ --•tlTl A. H. Costain_____Walter Cook_____ E. C. Dickelman... *200-10% 75-1038 Clay H2 H. J. Tillemans-. M Glemmestad.__ F. A. Timm ___ __ Balaton.............664 Far. & Merch. State Bank *160 par 140 75-1555 F. A. Timm d®+§’24 Lyon P 5 Citizens State Bank . —tl’ll B. C. Bergerson... C. C. Nelson........... A. G. Draxton____ Barnesvllle ...1564 *120 par 120 7 5-1006 Clay 13 First National Bank. d®»t’88 L. L. Olson---------- J. H. Eldridge........ Melvin Hanson ___ *165 par 100 75-290 S. O. Solum, V. P. G. E. Thompson First National Bank _®*ro3 Emil Erickson........ Nicholas Mueller. F. E. Bauer______ Barnum_____ 242 *285-20% 75-644 Carlton 118 Barrett______ 358 Citizens State Bank. .®*8’08 H. Sampson______ Tollef Nelson____ A. L. Leraas_____ *347.50-20% 75-645 Grant K5 F. W. Powers____ Helmer Larson ..._ Alfred Peterson... Farmers State Bank Inc. §16 75-1284 Barry________ 100 Barry State Bank.... ..•**'09 J. A. McRae______ R. J. McRae______ F. L. Collins______ 75-646 Big Stone L3 Battle Lake ...628 Otter Tail J6 100.000 C. A. Cain______ J. G. Peterson____ H. L. Hanson. 18,000 25,000 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 711 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaily Bankers’ Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.”New§StatetPriv. ^County Seats. |Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.9 Fed.Res.Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MINNESOTA—Continued — Vice-President. Cashier. *Baudette. 9(50 First National Bank—®«t'06 R. M. Skinner____ T. M. Partridge ... W. J. Orr______ Lake of the Woods, H. G. Hanson 75-647 N Cll Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonda ther Cash Be Ex Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili Miscel change and AND ,Dui and Capital Profits its Diacounts Securities laneous from Banks ties $ 25,000 S 11.600 $ 341,390 $ F. G. Haag Bayport............1936 First State Bank — _d®*t§’14 Fred C. Andersen. K. M. Lavine.......... R. G. McPherson.. C. Washington N18 *130 R. H. Sakrison 75-1155 24,700 $ 199,300 $ 89.560 J Principal Correspondents. 30.430 $ 83.400 C. & C. N„ Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Canadian Bk. of Com., Winnipeg; Minn. N„ Du luth. 8.380 33,990 1st N„ Minpls.; 1st N. and Far. & Merch. State, Stillwater; Merch. N., St. P. 15,000 9.080 310.230 112,240 179.690 15,000 35,000 263.500 269,490 1,020 15,000 7,500 114,000 130,900 10,000 2.500 91,000 55.000 13,000 10.500 26.000 Cont. & Com'l N. .Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. 20,000 20.000 65,000 50,000 40,000 50.000 100.000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.;lstN., Minpls. and St. P. Bellechester 133 Farmers State Bank._.Ttf’ll W. R. Sawyer____ C. F. Sawyer_____ E. L. Sawyer______ Goodhue P19 10% 75-651 (Ooodhue P. 0.) 10,000 7.130 289,430 165.980 92,910 16,710 30,950 1st N., St. P.; Secur, Bk. & Tr. Co.. Red Wing; 1st N„ Goodhue; |Met. N., Minpls. Belleplaine _ 1251 First National Bank.d®t’04 Theo. Albrecht... E. O. Peterson___ E. O. Peterson ___ F. H. Grosser____ Scott 014 $150-20% par 100 75-317 Gudula C. Hahn 25,000 8,840 433.130 185.340 257.370 8.000 41,260 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. J. H. STRATTON........ W. J. GATZ — - M.M. GAFFNEY—-LARGEST BANK ) Send us your Ite ms direct for pro mpt personal atte ntlon. (.Fee in advance: Plain sight drafts 15c; credit report s, 50c. Try us. 30,000 19.290 578,960 388,170 190,400 5,830 43,850 Cont. and Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., St. P. and Minpls. Bellingham ...405 Bellingham State Bank®§’24 H. C. Grosenick— A. W. Borchardt— Wm. C. Otto.......... Reuben Wendland Lac-qui-Pl. M4 75-652 H. Schmidt {Closed, October 21,1 926) 15.000 10,000 182,980 125,000 10,000 25,000 Beltrami Polk E3 25,000 8,500 230,000 200,000 25,000 30,000 30,450 268.510 5,000 264,630 6.000 27,090 36,230 1st N., Chi. and St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 25,000 1.500 145,000 10,000 108,000 21.500 37,000 15,000 Minn. N„ Duluth; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 50,000 12,940 1,017.850 24,700 349.990 524.610 72,270 158.610 N. Park, N.Y.; Cont. & Coml. N., Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Duluth; Merch. N., St.P. 50,000 15.000 700,000 50,000 475,000 130.000 62,000 148.000 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.: Northw. N., Minpls.; Minn. N., Duluth; Phil. Girard N., Phil. 30,000 15,000 400,000 300,000 75,000 K. Alvin Beardsley 607 Citizens State Bank.. ®l|’05 P. W. Jordan_____ E. J. Jordan........... O. J. Lofthus_____ E. G. Blackmun ... Bigstone L2 75-523 J. L. Lumphrey « (Closed January 21 , 1927) Beaver Creek 217 Beaver Creek State Bank A. J. Peters — Rock R8 75-1370 MT7 Geo. Sandstede ... T,. E. Cragg Bejou..................218 Farmers State Bank.©*t§’13 O. Oystenes______ J. P. Farrell_____ P. H. Christenson. Mahnomen E6 *125 75-1118 Belgrade _ 487 North American State Bank C. Borgerding........ Stearns L9 10% par 100 75-450 d®+S’89 •• A. J. Borgerding— Wm. Nelson (Consolidated, with STATE BANK OF BELLE PLAlNE— 75-316...® $*’82 21Q First 8tate Bank ....®»t8’05 S. A. Wallace____ H. L. Marsh.. 75-653 . . H. A. Wilson T. O. Hafdahl C. C. Enestvedt___ Oscar Gimmestad. Alfred Gimmestad tBemldji____7086 Bemidji State Bank .d®t§’17 J. LeRoy Elwell... H. R. Gillette_____ G. F. Conger Beltrami F9 $150 75-126 Edward Paulson -------- “ F). Nanvlft SHELDON— A. A. WARFIELD —- R. H.SCHUMAKER— H.R. HENDERSON — FIRST NAT’L BANK ]jT.P. R. H. WELLE “FIRST” IN N AME AS WELL A S “STRENGTH.” 75-123 14,200 1st N., Minpls.; 1st & ITar. N.. Luverne; Minnehaha N., Sioux F. te Bank) Belvtew 381 State Bank of Belview A. O. GimmestadRedwood 08 *200-6% par 200 75-596 d®«t§’97 “ 25.000 • NORTHERN NATIONAL BARK rw. L. BROOKS_ _ _ GEO W RHEA J. A. FORESTER........ PAUL E. HOWE (.R emittance made on Day of Payment. Security State Bank—®tl’09 H. C. Baer............ $175-10% 75-125 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W. Z. Robinson... 20,000 Midland N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Minpls. 25,000 Am. N„ St. P.: 1st N., Crookston. ®«t’20 (.Send us your it ems direct for pr ompt personal at tention. $175-12% par 100 75-124 ®»t’06 1 Collections rece Ive our prompt Attention. .. 29.770 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 50,000 N.City. N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Am. N„ St. P. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence *7 "I O ‘ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaliy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *County Seats. Entire State in No.9 Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. I{es.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Miscel Oaph * ExLoam ther Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus and and chanqm,Due and its Capital Profits Discount! Securities laneous from Banks TIES ‘Benson 2111 Security State Bank-d©»tl’03 Julius Thor son___ C. L. Scofield _ Paul Alsaker______ H. F. Pederson.__ $ Swift M6 Julius Hoiland 75-255 rW. R. SMITH — M. A. OVERLIE_ _ J. P. THORNTON- F. W. RIEGGER — j §.h.hud?Sn — SWIFT COUNTY BANK, Inc. 12% ♦ 75-253 d®»tl'76 j First and oldest established Ban k. iFsrm Mortgage Loans negotiate d. 50.000 $ 16,550 J 560,850 $ 20,000 S 499,430 1 50,000 55,630 1,020,250 14,500 Reroun Pine K17 10,000 6.500 25.000 2nn State Bank of Beroun.®t5’14 75-1189 Wm. Fisher............ C.C. Christianson. Leonard Machart— Bertha_______ 444 Farmers State Bank_d®tJ'll George R. Christie D. R. Christie-----1100-10% par 100 75-1007 Todd Ji) u First National Bank___ »t’04 F. B. Coon_______ Frank Segrin_____ J. C. Miller A. J. Hilpert $200-20% 75-654 Isaac Hazlett.F. P. H. Schroeder C. E. Nelson Bethel............... 265 Anoka M16 Big Bend City 45 (Milan P. 0.) Chippewa M5 Bigelow______ 223 Nobles R6 Big Fails............365 Koochiching D14 Bigfork ............. 350 Itasca F14 Big Lake.........._361 Sherburne M14 Bingham Lake 273 Cottonw’d Q8 Bird Island___976 Renville N9 State Bankof Bethel d®*t§'06 R. E. Parker......... $160-10% par 160 75-655 Fred Brown. V. P. W. C. Smith John Torgerson. FarmersState Bank___t§’14 Edward Hagen........ 75-1170 State Bank of Bigelow©if’97 75-656 First State Bank ............. t§’07 75-657 First State Bank.............tJ'15 par 100 75-1074 Citizens State Rankd®»+§’25 $130 par 100 75-1565 First State Bank___d®t§’04 $200-10% par 200 75-659 Renville County State Bank 6% 75-368 ®»t§’80 Ned Jones__ __ John E. Salstrom. F. P. Sheldon.......... O. N- Millard E 11. Sherwin____ R. S. Hall Geo. N. Hadden — Alice lane J. A. Redding____ Claus Loof_______ 21,730 S 79,900 $ 115,590 122,620 135,000 100.000 16.000 20.000 15,500 1st N., Minpls. 7,780 167,380 104,560 32,060 20,700 42,770 1st N., St. P.; Bk. of Long Prairie, Long Prairie. 25,000 26.000 425.000 203,000 135,000 48,340 25,000 20.000 10,180 241,570 188.150 43,820 17.770 2.190 65.200 5.500 61,080 300 13.280 10,000 * 10.000 10,400 183,500 19,600 159.000 23,000 20,400 3,380 70,120 18,100 40,050 6,650 10,000 3,300 90,280 33,790 45.200 1,940 23,720 1st N., Minpls. and Deer River. 15,000 3.060 82,600 23,800 58,590 8,000 10,270 Northw. N„ Minpls. 523,300 114.260 37.280 95 000 5.000 1.070 10,600 200,000 22,000 730.980 Biscay.............. 100 First State Bank........_®t§'07 W. E. Jergens____ W. E. Austin.......... R. E. Shasky.......... McLeod N12 75-66° Blwablk_____2024 (Closed) St. Louis F19 nUnion State Bank________ Theo. Albrecht___ 75-1579 ©§'27 10,000 6.000 100,000 25,000 6,250 Blxby................... 75 State Bank of Bixby-.®t8’14 W. V. Schutz_____ Steele Q17 75-1162 Blackduck........ 788 Blackduck State Bank—-§’17 Tom Abrahamson.. 75-1352 it Beltrami Fll a Farmers State Bank d®t§1900 F. P. Sheldon_____ R. H. Schumaker.. par 100 75-662 A. Orlebeke Blakeley............234 Farmers State Bank....t§'15 Frank Selinow— $120 75-1265 Scott 013 W. J. Gatz 25,000 6,510 230.460 45,930 10,000 2,500 115,000 110,000 10,000 5.600 160,000 75,000 66,800 8,000 10,000 4,000 95,000 40.000 49,000 9,000 -------- “ Blooming Prairie Steele Q17 1012 _____ " 188,000 480 2,000 22,070 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. 8.230 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N.. St. P. 21,100 Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.; State Bk.of Worth ington, Worthington. 18,700 1st N., Minpls.; Minn. N., Duluth. 30,600 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., Mankato and Minpls.: Windom N..Windom. 123.620 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N.. Minpls, State Bank of Bird, Island___ (Closed February 17, 1927) 16,000 Cont.& Com’l N.,Chi.; Northw.N.,Min pis. 31,250 1st N.. Minpls. 149,300 5.000 61,740 Han. N., N. Y.; State Bk. of Northfleld, Northfleld; 1st N., Minpls. 25,000 Am. N., St. P.; Northw. N.. Minpls.: Secur. State, Bemidji. 25.700 1st N.. Minpls. and Bemidji; Minn. N., Duluth. 11.000 N. Citiz., Mankato; Northw. N., Minpls. FARMERS & MERCH. STATE BANK—75-386 dB®»t§’08 E. O. Habberstad — O. G. Anderson.__ G. R. Johnson____ O O. Olsen 50,000 23,000 1,100,000 5,000 373,000 625,000 25,000 155,000 1st N., Chi. and St. P.; Minpls. rSAM A. RASK— B.BETLACH______ C. A. PETERSON - RAY HERRON.......... C. A. PETERSON L. O'TOOLE 50,000 15,000 830,000 50,000 450,000 287,000 48,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 160,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Midland N.Bk.&Tr. Co., Minpls. (JOHN DOMES — 0. J. CLARK- - - - - - 35,000 49,770 469,090 413.460 30,85') 45,890 it Reports by sen ding dit Reports, 25c. TRY US 50,000 H. D. Paschke____ 62,593 Cont. & Com’l N. and Stk. Yds. N.. Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minnls.; Mankato State Bk. and Tr. Co., Mankato. 55,000 550,000 320.000 155,000 25.000 10,240 463,460 224.470 162,980 $150-12% “ 114.660 Seab. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. 10.000 10,000 " 46,340 Chase N.. N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.: Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 91,450 Am. Ex. lrv. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Merch. N.. St. P.: 1st N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls. 810,720 50.000 H. W. Mielke____ Christ Boehme.... Principal Correspondents. $150-10% 75-385 dB®T»t 03 J Send Us Your C ollectlons, Bill of Lading Drafts, Ca sh and Time Ite ms. vWe remit on da y of payment. Se nd 15c with Sight Dr afts; 25c for Credit Reports. A J Al ARK ‘Blue Earth..2568 BLUE EARTH STATE BANK $275-15% 75-193 d»t§’05 < The Bank of Sa tisfled Customers. Faribault R13 J Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight drafts, ISc; Cre •• U Farmers National Bank dt’89 Robert More_____ $235-12% par 100 75-192 11 _ « First National Bank___dt’69 W. E. C. Ross____ H. N. Chadbourn— H. G. Robertson... $100 par 100 75-191 Minnesota Map on index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Northw. N., E. P. Hummel____ 16,230 16,190 180,000 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.: Merch. N., St. P. and Ced. R.; Northw. N.. Minpls. 111,280 Chem. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi. and St. P.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. ^County Seats. Entire State in No. 9Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv. JMem. Stato R. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div. Liabilities. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Bluffton...........220 State Bk. of Bluffton .dBtS'10 F. Wiechmann ___ T). B. Center Otter Tail 18 75-1022 $200-20% par 100 Bock ................. 125 State Bank of Bock........ t§'10 Daniel Sundberg.. A. B. Sundberg.__ Daniel Sundberg, Mille Lacs K15 Jr. 75-1185 6,000 $ 8,500 $ 12,600 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N., Wadena; Minn. N.. Duluth. 47,000 4,000 8,000 26,000 1st N., Minpls. 746,290 93,000 14,880 110,180 12,550 84,000 138,000 26,800 78,310 115,160 9,670 15,000 5,000 160,000 Mae Panttila____ 25,000 8,380 261,370 John A. Barton.__ ViHcent Schwient- H. C. Wuertz_____ Minnie Barton____ ek 12,000 3,420 216 810 O. J. Flaa_______ G. O. Oien_______ A. J. Flaa________ 25,000 7,560 354,920 250.840 6,700 13,800 O. T. Melbostad... O. J. Agre 15,000 3,000 190 000 140,000 15,000 6,000 10,000 2,500 45,000 30,000 16,000 Anna T. Peterson.. 25,000 9,000 509,830 1,060 433,519 31,050 Cecelia G.Kaupang D. L. Peterson 25.000 6,000 462,050 33,670 304,550 119,090 50,520 25,000 18,980 1,146.650 260 339,350 597,650 35,520 52,570 N. City. N. Y.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 218,360 Chase N., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Am. Ex. N., Duluth; Am. N.,St. P. 100,000 113,090 2,646,640 69,760 1,103,540 1,424,490 116,730 284,730 Chem. N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi., Duluth, and St. P.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. 390,720 182,240 65,900 98,840 N. City, N. Y.; Com’l State and Am, N„ St. Paul. F.rik Johnson H. J. Dockstader H. A. Gustafson... H. M. Haakenson . C. N. Bourdon____ B. B. Ralph______ H. C. Bourdon........ Henry Boeck. V.P. S. J. Anderson O. A. Olson.... ........ J. A. Monson_____ R. J. Tinkelpaueh Otto Bremer______ E. O. Olson______ A. G. Trommald.CTi. M. E. Ryan 1,600 25,000 F. A. FARRAR —- B.L. LAGERQUIST. fcS«ETH~- Otto Rremer 62,600 Am. Ex. N., Duluth: IstN., Minpls. 29,090 1st N., Minpls. 116,140 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls. 47,000 IstN. and Met.N.,Minpls.; Merch. N.,St.P, 10,000 Northw. N., Minpls. 34,030 ATTENTION SE ND US YOUR G. C. FLAATA CT. lain Sight Drafts, 15c; Credit Report s, 25c. Try TJs. (Taken over by Far mers & Merchants S tate Bank) 19,250 Merch. N., St. P.; Northw- N., Minpls. 43,330 Northw. N., Minpls.; Crookston State, Crookston. (Purchased by Citiz ens State Bank Apr il 30,1927) *Breckenrldge2401 Breckenridge National Bank.. Wilkin J3 .. FARMERS & MERCH. STATE U65 BANK-75-1484..dB®t§’19 •* •• First National Bank d©»t’91 $200-10% 75-221 par 100 Brewster. ..405 Nobles R7 « •• First National Bk.--d®<’17 $140-6% 75-1217 par 100 Brlcelyn___ 564 First National Bank..©t’02 Faribault R14 75-579 “ “ State Bank of Bricelyn 75-578 ®T<§’99 46,290 1st N., St. P. and Minpls. Philip M. Boll .... A. Mahowald.......... Geo. Busher_____ 50,000 20,000 665,460 Louis Gewalt_____ F. W. Johnson___ 50,000 15,250 503,690 321,930 99,330 57,440 90,240 Chase N., N- Y; Cont. &Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N.. St. P.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. 25,000 8,000 275,000 185,000 45,000 20,000 58,000 1st N., Minpls. and Mankato; Worthing ton N., Worthington. 25,000 6,780 221,300 157,530 56,710 8,550 20,000 22,410 332,740 256,580 45,290 20,210 53,070 1st N., Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N„ Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. 10,000 4.000 165,000 30,000 151,000 20.000 11,000 27.000 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N.. St. P. Winfield Hughes... 15,000 3,000 115,000 9,000 108,000 23,000 12,500 IstN., Minpls.; Merch. N.. Wadena. Geo. R. Bourdon .. W. F. Sethney .... 10,000 4,400 120,000 2,240 (Closed March 25, 1 927) Adam Bauchle___ A. C. Severson__ A. .T. Kane E. O. Lund______ L.T. Flo P. J. Flo____ ____ W. E. C. Ross_____ I. Leknes________ Bronson _ Son Farmers State Bank. ©t§’20 Andrew Vik Kittson B3 75-1481 Margaret J. Severson Geo. O. Halverson- Jonas Bergvall.__ O. J. Hemmingson. a T. Sole E. W. Vik Brookpark .. 167 Brook Park State Bank Isaac Hazlett_____ J. C. Hazlett_____ Pine K17 75-668 d@i§’08 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 99,890 $ 246,310 S {Closed November 6. 1926) MINNESOTA Map on Index $ 15,500 Brandon .... 292 Douglas K7 First State Rank $165-10% 75-669 13,000 $ 102,000 Principal Correspondents. 10,000 J. C. Templin____ W. P. Schmitz ___ LG. D. LA BAR —FIRST NATIONAL BANK < FOR PROMPT 75-62 ©<’81 ) ITEMS DIRE {.Fee in advance; P Brooks Red Lake E5 12,000 $ TIES Resources. Loans Bonds Mibcel- Cash k Exand Discounts Securities LAMEOUb from Banks 74,000 Bovey_______ 1324 First National Bank...®t’05 75-664 Itasca 015 Braham............511 Braham State Bank..®»|8’13 12% 75-1098 ^IsantiL16 _ First National Bank .d®<’99 $150 par 100 75-665 iBralnerd.. .9.973 Citizens State Bank..®<§'8f) 75-63 Crow Wing J12 $200-10% •• .. $ Other 1,000 08 J. A. Northrop____ W. S. Ericson........ A. S. Midthune Bowlus 247 Morrison County State Bank $130-8% 75-625 ®t§'ll Morrison Kll par 100 Boyd................... 549 Boyd State Bank........ ®t§'03 75-543 Lac-qui-Parle •• itN5 First State Bank..._d©t§*01 $135-15% 75-542 par 100 Boy River........213 First State Bank____ dt§'20 $100 75-1493 Cass 012 Paid-up Surplus DeposITS Capital Profits 10,000 Bongards___ .95 Farmers State Bank ..®t§T5 $250-10% 75-1235 Carver N13 Borup............... 200 Security State Bank $150-15% 75-663 Norman 03 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOT A—Continued •tS’64 C. N. Bourdon___ B. B. Ralph____ 24,700 86,000 5,000 54,970 Cont. & Oorn'I N., Chi.: Merch. N., St. P. 19,000 Northw. N., Minpls. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 714 / at Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given JP. eacih bank ‘2 U- S exclusively by The Rand-McNaily Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §SUtetPriT *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Liabilities. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.9 Fed. Res. Dist. (l-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Brooten ______ Stearns L9 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acees.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. principal Correspondents MINNESOT A—Continued President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. CJOHN BOHMER .... W.J. BOHMER_ _ _ _ H. 0. IMSDAHL— EDWIN SANDVIG STATE BANK OF BROOTEN < Send us your C ollections, Bill of Lading Drafts. C ash and Time 75-492 «tS'91 Loans Other Bonds Paid-up Surplus Depos L Miscel and AND and iabili Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties $ 25.000 S 5,000 ; 390,000 340,000 Dash & ExL'HANQM,Dui from Banks 60,000 N. Bk. Com,, N. Y.; 1st N.. Minpls. I Items remltt ed for on day of payment, l FEE IN ADVAN CE. Plain sight drafts 15c. Credit Reports 25c. TR Y US. Browervllle___681 Browervilie State Bk. B®t§’05 Thomas Heid___ Todd J10 *315 75-458 First National Bank_____ f 04 Harry Lee______ 75-457 Brownsdale__271 State Bank of Brownsdale N. E. Hessenius... Mower R18 75-670 ®t§'08 John J. Reichert.. John F. Grfep........ John Gaida____ Herman Kahlert Q. R. Christie____ R. J. Holig____ E. W. Eickschen.. 10.000 10.500 100.000 25,000 24.610 494,980 $ F. E. Gerbig.__ G. Hill............... 10,000 16,530 BrownsValley 1073 Browns Valley State Bank J. L. Paul________ Wm. L. Paul__ Travers L2 *225 75-338 ®»t§’04 E. H. Halsten.. 30,000 Union State Bank.........®t§'04 D. L. Quinlan........ L. C. Bigelow... H50-io% 75-339 Leonard Olson.. 78,700 i 24,610 11.400 15.100 Han.N.,N.Y.; Midland N. Bk.& Tr..Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P.; Peo. N., Long Prairie. 93.841 Chase N., N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 34,340 Midland N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Minpls.; Austin N., Austin. 202,920 253.640 $ 19,190 147,770 117,960 1,600 20,400 13.000 385,000 268.000 75,540 25,000 5.000 280,000 115,000 150.000 10,000 8,520 229.470 175.470 30,110 10,100 32,320 ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; New Albin Sav., New Albin, la.; 1st N., Winona. 15,000 5,570 391.470 1,880 168.750 188,670 10,980 45,510 Cont. & Com’] N., Chi.; Northw. N and Midland N. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Minpls.: Merch. N.. St. P. First State Bank ...d®»t§’92 R. J. Mann_______ L. G. Prahl.............. Frank Mann______ E. J. Mann_______ 75-514 Bruno________ 217 State Bank of Bruno..®t§’10 J. H. Lingren__ Fred Jesmer_____ W. M. Englund. *210-20% 75-672 Pine J18 30,000 21,760 543.00C 290 240,620 275,090 3,550 10.000 7,580 98,760 3,040 56.750 33,120 4,560 75,780 111. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 24,940 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Minn. N., Duluth; 1st N.. St.P. Brunswick_____ 25 State Bank ofBrunswick Kanabec £16 *no 75-1527 d®+§'21 par 100 Brushvale_____ 20 Brushvale State Bank________ Wilkin 12 Buckman„.__ 280 Buckman State Bank.®tS18 *155 75-1338 Morrison K13 ‘Buffalo............1438 Buffalo National Bank _®'27 Wright M13 75-1573 10,000 2,000 75,490 51,430 19,900 8,500 10.000 4,290 65,330 56.470 6,180 10,820 25.000 6,250 Brownsville ...338 Brownsville State Bank John White______ C. A. Dorival_____ A. L. Higgins_____ Houston R24 75-671 d®t§’10 Brownton........540 McLeod Oil BROWNTON STATE BANK 75-515 rHERMAN R1CKERT- OTTO SCHATZ— FRED ENGEL...... LESLIE KARSTENS .. ESTHER ZIMMERMAN ®i§’10 ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entation, and U5 CENTS for ea ch credit report I nsures prompt, p ersonal attention E. F. Gillespie___ Chaa. Swenson. 45,000 1st N., Minpls. 7,650 1st N., Minpls. and Braham. (Liquidating) George Kiewel___ John Vertin______ J. N. Terhaar........ Otto Janson______ J. E. Brandi O. W. Lundsten... Dana DuToit__ M. L. Lundsten ... H. O. Wolff............ OAKLEY STATE BANK W. D. Oakley_____ A. C. Heath ___ 75-312 dB®*W86 C. E. Oakley. Ch. Buffalo Lake..468 Farmers State Bank______ Renville O10 M. F. Skoglnnd___ Anna Frost______ 43,490 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. John A. Berg......... E. L. Melin______ H. M. Tempi in 25,000 6,150 Am. N., St. P.; Com’l State. Little Falls. 1st N„ Minpls. 47,810 1,699,970 756,630 773,590 34,530 208,020 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N.. Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 64,870 33,400 C. & C. N., Chi.; 1st N.. St. P.; Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls. (Closed March 23, 1 927) State Bank of Buffalo Lake W. G. Gould______ Howard E. Gould.. F. N. Prelrtts... 75-673 d®«'93 c. Then............ 25,000 5,200 223,430 134,470 20,890 J. W. Pasich............ 20,000 5,000 175,000 60,000 110,000 30,000 N. Bk. Rep. Chi.; Am. Ex. N. and Minn, N., Duluth; 1st N., Minpls. First National Bank.d®»t’05 G. A. Wellner_____ F. H. Cash................ T. G. Flynn______ J. I. Anderson____ 75-674 35,000 19,200 295,600 149,300 124,200 56.470 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. P.: Minn, N., Duluth. 12,000 8,000 160,000 140,000 10,000 14,400 210.960 119,130 Buhl________ 2007 Buhl State Bank........ ®*t8’19 Wm. McKinney ... A. G. Cherne_____ F. S. Malley.... St. Louis F18 *180-10% 75-1443 Butterfield ....404 Peoples State Bank_______ Watonwan Q10 A. (Closed May 2, 1927 ) State Bank of Butterfield J. Brogger___ J. F. Enns________ E. Brogger.... 75-569 ®tl'04 par 100 Byron________ 302 State Bk. of Byron _d®tll900 F. M. Williams___ H. A. Hoton______ Beth Hoton.. Olmsted Q19 75-676 *150-6% ‘Caledonia ...1570 Caledonia Stale Bank ®1|T3 O. E. Burtness ___ N. C. Koel_______ A. M. Eiken______ Alice Koenig____ Houston R23 *150-10% 75-1073 First National Bank »t'99 H. J. Blexrud_____ W. E. McNelly.... L. J. Beddow_____ W. A. Klug............ 75-289 "" Sprague State Bank. •1175 R. D. Sprague------E. A. Sprague_____ D. C. Merlo__ , Henry Wisland.. 76-288 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 16,000 24,000 Drov. N„ Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. 78,610 5,050 32,570 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., St. P. and Ro chester. 35,530 58.490 State Bk. of La Crosse, La Crosse, Wis.; Merch.. Winona; 1st N., St. P. 45,000 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. 5,810 228,370 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y,; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi. 1st N., Minpls. 25,000 8.180 306,830 246,990 2,000 25,000 20,000 400.000 300,000 65,000 50.000 16,730 1,568,740 940,590 460,700 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 715 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and County. ^County Seats. Entire State in No.9 Fed.Res.Dist. Callaway_____325 Becker H5 Itasca G16 Cambria tin Blue Earth P12 ‘Cambridge_1080 Isanti L16 ------ - Wilkin J3 Yellow Medicine 04 •Mem. A.B. A. wNew §State TPriv. tMem. State B. Ase'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Kes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. (Closed November M Cashier. Vic*-President. Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Miscel Gash A ExLoans Other D epos Paid-up Surplus and chamois,Dn and LiabiliAND its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous TIEb 10,000 $ 4,470 $ 145,790 12.000 3,420 80,760 50,000 8,350 634,000 $ FIRST STATE BANK-d®t§’04 J. A. Stoneburg... E. F. Gillespie___ T. 0. Blomgren.__ A. W. Ericson____ P. W. Dahlgren 8% 75-378 20,000 15,000 400,000 G. J. Johnson____ Isanti Co. State Bank .®tS’16 E. M. Jarchow.— Pern Carlson $160-7% 75-1328 First National Bank___ t’02 Julius Schendel— J. S. Stearns______ Henry SchendelG. W. Mace 75-594 Security State Bank___ }|’05 J. M. Wenger Jr.. R. A. Wenger_____ 75-595 20,000 9,580 381,000 25,000 10,300 128,800 10,000 7,500 120,000 $ . __ Calumet State Bank __®iS’19 U6i-io% 75-1461 H. H. Prahl............. Cambria State Bank—©1I’20 D. W. Harris_____ $125-4% 75-1448 First National Bank..d®}’92 Hans Engberg____ L. H. Hedenstrom. A. G. Engberg------ Pearl M.Thornquist 75-377 BANK OF CANBY (SAMUEL LEWISCN. Principal Correspondents. 12. 1928) tfflk E. B. LEWISON------- G. W. AAKIRK------- 100.000 28,920 1,013,180 $ 48,200 9,500 31.080 $ 95.730 $ 8,110 S 45,990 25,000 6,970 321,480 304,700 49,370 65.000 Bkrs. Tr. Co. and Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Minpls. 255,000 75,000 37,000 68,000 N. Bk. of Com., N. Y.; Northw. N. and 1st N„ Minpls. 239,000 86,300 15,700 132,000 12,800 14,500 27,500 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.: Merch. N. and 1st N„ St. P. 14,300 Northw. N„ Minpls. 99,000 29,370 915.380 66,980 25,340 Am. Ex. N. and Minn. N„ Duluth; 1st N., Minpls. 18.210 Citiz. State, New Ulm; 1st N„ St. P. 20,500 18,000 Northw. N. and 1st N„ Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 64,370 124.730 Chase N„ N. Y.; 111. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1 PROMPT, SEND US YOU PER SONAL Minpls.; Merch. N„ St. P. T FOR ATTENT ION. ®»t*’79 (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain Sight Drafts, 15c; Credi t Reports, 25c. T RY US. E. W. Peterson..— G. A. Hanson_____ 25,000 5.000 200,000 25,000 165,000 25 000 12,040 30,480 1st N„ Chi., St. P., 1st N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Wm. Kankerlik... C. N. Kittelson — H. B. Lueders........ A. D. Allen _____ National Citizens Bank $200-8% 75-273 ®»t’90 50,000 50,000 676,180 50,000 459,800 163,370 120.360 82.560 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N„ Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch. N„ St. P. 60.000 41.360 1,611,260 445,710 1,104,980 17,270 144.670 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.: Merch. N„ St. P.: 1st N. and Northw. N.. Minpls. First National Bank_____ '02 F. R. Eaton_____ W. S. Lund75-274 u Abs’t Cashier. C. R. Alaniva-------- W. C. Holt 75-272 M President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued 4 T CCRIVFR Cannon Falls 1315 CITIZENS STATE BANK $250-20% 75-284 dB®*+§’78 Goodhue 017 A. W. SWANSON........ ALBERT SCRIVET" fi nRinr.F i pftfrr 1) Send “OLDEST AND LARGEST.” your Item s direct for prom pt attention. (.Plain Sight Dra fts, 25c; Credit Reports, 25c. M M 25,000 5.000 204.490 115,650 85.260 10,410 23,170 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N. and Midland N. Bk, & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. R. Algyer________ F. A. Masters____ E. Evenson---------- 15.000 13.840 316,690 264,080 39,050 10,100 32,300 ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.: Winneshiek Co. State, Decorah; 1st N„ Minpls. Oscar Swenson.... 10,000 5,380 175,560 106,100 62,090 4,530 18,220 Fergus Falls N., Fergus Falls: 1st N„ St. P. and Minpls. Carlos . 208 First State Bank...dB®I§’04 James B. Hove -__ A. M. Kohlhaas___ Samuel Myers____ James Hovey_____ $145-10% par 100 75-679 Douglas K8 15,000 6,500 271,000 116,000 135,000 7,500 34,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. ‘Carlton 700 First National Bank___*t'03 J. F. Hynes.............. 75-680 Carlton 119 J. A. Gillespie____ 11. R. Larson_____ 25,000 8,970 417,010 128,360 272,860 15,750 50,240 1st N„ Minpls.; Am. Ex. N„ Duluth; Merch. N„ St. P. Carver 504 First State Bank____ ®t§'08 C. E. Funk............. Carver N14 75-681 J. E. Schmidt.......... 20,000 9,110 458,150 332,350 86,660 14,380 53,870 N. Park. N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St.P. Cass Lake___2000 First National Bank —®»t’02 H. N. Harding........ Cass Gil $226-4% 75-682 E. J. Lundrigan A. J. Hole_______ E. R. Hall.............. Norma H. Ragan 25,000 18,730 268.420 24,660 126,700 150,790 23,890 35,430 Chase N„ N. Y.; Minn. N., Duluth; 1st N., Minpls. Castle Rock ...100 Dakota 016 Cedar __ ____44 Anoka M16 ‘Center City ..285 Chisago L18 Ceylon..... ........ 543 Martin RIO •• •« P, O, Records Flora Nelson_____ 10,000 5.480 106,540 9,700 110,450 140 7,440 H. J. McClintick.. E. C. McClintick... 10,000 4,480 52,240 4,000 53,370 5.500 7.470 50,000 17,000 610,000 340,000 200,000 32.000 25,000 24.000 200,000 140,000 30,000 50,000 30,000 10,000 300,000 171,340 50,510 53,380 Fillmore R22 Security State Bank.d®+S’27 John W. Black.... A. P. Arneson____ A. J. Lee ................. $125-10% 75-1238 First State Bank ..._d®t§’08 C. J. Weiser. 75-678 Carlisle 40 Farmers State Bank..d*t|’15 h a. $190-4% par 100 75-1227 Otter Tail J4 nahi Frank Fjestad. First State Bank —d®»i§’16 75-1314 Farmers State Bank...®t§’17 N. A. Johnson-----5% 75-1368 Chisago County State Bank $uo-8% 75-683 ©Ttl’03 First National Bank ... ®{’0i G. W. Gruber------- H. P. Andrews $150-10% 75-587 State Bank of Ceylon’01 H. A. Saggau------75-586 14.220 $138-6% MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . F. H. Koenecke ... 1 R. P. Sinclair C. E. Champine.__ E. F. Vollrath 15,000 13,690 1st N., Rochester and St. P. 4,370 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 105,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls,; Merch. N„ St.P. 45.000 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N., St. P.; N. Citiz., Mankato. 45,000 State Bk. of Chi. and Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; Northw. N„Minpls.: Merch. N.. Ced. R. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 716 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. ^County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Entire State in No.9 Fed.Res.Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Town Champlin........ 359 First State Bank___d®t§’14 Hennepin M15 $200-6% 75-1158 par 100 Chandler_____ 272 State Bank of Chandler Murray Q5 75-684 ©<§’02 Chanhassen _. .150 State Bank of Chanhassen Carver N15 75-1458 ©t§’19 *Chaska_____ 1966 Carver County State Bank 16% 75-213 d®t§'70 Carver N15 par 100 First National Bank ____<’06 io% 75-214 Chatfleld.........1382 First National Bank. .©Tt’03 8% 75-311 Fillmore Q20 First State Bank-----d®<§’56 8% 75-310 Chisago City ..500 Farmers State Bank 75-685 dB®<§’06 Chisago M17 Security State Bank ,©t§’20 $125 75 1529 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Soren Sorensen ... O. S. Miller............ Ass’t Cashier. Liabil ITIES. Resources. Loans Bonds ther Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus Miscel and and and its Capital Profits Discount! Securities laneous ties S. D. Heard_______ S Archie Sorensen 79,450 $ 21,840 $ 10.000 $ 2,860 $ 112,480 R. Fitzpatrick........ Wm. Runge_______ J. G. McGlashen.. Wm. Kooiman____ 24,000 5,000 137,830 $ 42,090 144.440 2.090 42,590 D. W. Du Toit........ A. M. Pauly______ 10.000 3,300 101,310 300 62,930 34.600 4,250 K. K. Klammer___ D. W. Du Toit......... Mrs. Geo. A. Du Toit W. H. Burkhart 30,000 40,000 1,190,000 5,000 335,000 838,000 $ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Cash ft Ex changes,Dtje from Banks 8.400 $ 15,690 Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls.; State Bk. of Anoka, Anoka. 19,810 1st N„ Pipestone; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Minpls.; N. Bk. Com., Mankato. 13,130 Northw. N., Minpls. 89,000 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N. and 1st N,. Minpls. C. H. Klein._____ C. P. Klein_______ Charles Degen___ 25.000 73,040 1,320,120 25,000 425,280 925,510 4,460 A. O. Krnpen Joseph Underleak. T. W. Pease______ F. G. Stoudt Beth Onstine G. A. Haven______ Wm. Laird________ M. D. Bolsinger... Catharine Howard. 50,000 61,470 979,990 53,020 525,690 451,600 23,090 25,000 25,380 748,190 387,720 273,140 14,200 F. A. Dahl_______ J. A. Bloom______ J. E. Vanstrom___ K. A. Palmer____ 20,000 8,970 356,960 270,350 48,790 20,950 L. O. Anderson.__ Andrew Anderson. M. Bergqnist Florence Bergquist 15,000 3,410 179,070 63,070 97,890 4,080 144,100 0. & C. N. Chi.; 1st N., St. P.. and Winona, Met. N„ Minpls. 123,500 N. Park, N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.: Merch. N.. St. P. 45,820 Merch. N., St. P.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 32,430 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. W. E. Bates............ Steve Stonich____ F. W. Hurt_______ M. L. Sever______ Chisholm........9526 CHISHOLM STATE BANK $170-10% 75-1193 d®<§’14 St. Louis F17 par 100 25,000 17,590 232,870 96,070 54,720 9,850 114,810 Minn. N. Duluth; 1st N., St. P. 350,000 1,100,000 — 350,000 N. City, N. Y.; Oont. h Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N„ St. P.; City N., Duluth. 117,160 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N. and Northern N„ Duluth; 1st N„ Minpls. 27,200 Cont. & Com’l. N„ Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P. 73,760 Cont. & Com’l. N., Chi.; 1st N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Merch. N„ St. P. 82,260 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N„ Minpls. A- M. Schilling fG.L. TRAIN. . . . . . . . . R. MATURI- - - - - - - - - OSBOIT E WHEELECOR........... J. S. HUDY 100,000 Miners State Bank ..©<§’05 75-74 Chokio State Bank ...d®t§’01 par 100 75-589 Citizens State Bank .d®t§’02 $300-20% 75-485 par 100 Clara City State Bank $160 par 100 75-484 d®<§’92 S. R. Kirby---------- J. A. Redfern____ Frank Gouze_____ O. L. Baldrica------- 25,000 34,770 520,440 125.330 333,010 4,710 L.C.Dorweiler—.. A. C. Brown--------- A. J. Reichmuth .. 15,000 24,000 222,000 175,000 21,500 37,300 25,000 28,940 499,850 243,460 217,570 19,000 M. S. Carl_______ D. A. McLarty____ J. R. Orth................. 25 000 18 420 411,870 305,030 18,360 49,640 State Bank of Claremont io% 75-602 ©<§'04 Farmers State Bank..©t§’15 $160-10% 75-1242 Citizens State Bank..©t§’17 $ioo 75-1416 Clarkfleid State Bank $200-10% 75-478 d©<§’92 par 100 Farmers & Merch. State Bank s% 75-1447 ©Tt§’19 Clarks Grove..200 State Bank of Clarks Grove $375-17% 75-687 d®<§’03 Freeborn Q16 par 100 Clearbrook___310 First National Bank__ Clearwater F7 First State Bank...........©tS’lO $150-10% 75-688 R. E. Weber_____ W. I. Stevens_____ H. C. Stevens......... C. F. Springsted.. 15,000 13,000 388,000 253,340 112,740 — O. K. Forberge.__ J. A. Johnson____ J. A. Setterman... R. M. Lundquist .. 12,000 14,420 438,550 283,710 100,200 8,590 Clearwater....331 Clearwater State Bank.<§’02 75-590 Wright M13 First State Bank--------- <§’05 75-591 Clements_____ 196 State Bank of Clements.t§ 02 Redwood 09 75-690 Cleveland........269 First State Bank_______ t§’02 $215-10% 75-691 Le Sueur P14 Climax________274 Farmers Stade Bank —d®§’16 $130 75-1349 Polk F2 W. A. Shaw______ M.M. Shaw_______ FIRST NATIONAL BANK $205-15% par 100 Choklo............. 420 Stevens L4 Clara City....... 750 Chippewa N7 75-73 Claremont___334 Dodge Q17 Clarissa........... 421 Todd J9 Clarkfleid____ 724 Yellow Medicine N5 Clinton............512 Big Stone L3 CLINTON STATE BANK®t§ 03 ♦ 75-565 First National Bank__ i__. MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1. 90,000 1,580,000 30,000 d®<’05 ) Send us your It ems direct for pr ompt, personal a tteution. (.Plain sight drafts 15c; Credit reports 25c. C. B. Enkema___ L. C. Enkema........ W. D. Grashuis___ John Caspers H. P. Andrisen — O. T. Melbostad... H. H. Galbraith... 20 000 3 000 225,000 175,000 10,800 8,500 C. S. Orwoll______ J. S. Johnson------- I. F. Fagerlie------ Ingval Lynner----- 50,000 15,150 773,360 596,490 150,420 40,290 Edwin Silver J. A. Olson______ H. P. Rodness____ C. C. Peterson........ R. R. Anderson ... 25,000 16,180 286,980 252,070 25,550 9,500 A. Christopherson. J. P. Larson______ A. J. Lageson____ 10 000 19 850 276,460 222,060 48,140 5,000 15,000 7,650 311.080 206,570 49,760 5,600 10,000 2,000 228,000 200,000 10,000 2,770 192,830 155,820 W. G. Frank____ Thomas Steffi-------- 15,000 18,590 160,540 166,130 H. H. Flowers... Herman Zimmermann Chas. E. Kiewel... J. M. Hanson_____ M. G. Jacobson___ O. J. Hauge........... 25,000 25,000 275.000 253.680 17,000 10,660 15,000 3,000 198,420 116,830 22,460 21,040 Olai Steen................ O. T. Harrison------ Leona Larson____ 25,000 12,840 331,830 230,650 55.270 16,580 (Liquidating) L.Jensen_____ Julius Strommer.. E. Randahl.. ___ C. W. Jensen____ F. E. Tunberg C. G. Forrest C. D. Whittemore . Jas. Whittemore.. S. P. Steen------ G. H. Wells............. 11,850 6,390 87,900 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 43,240 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N.. Minpls.; 1st N„ Winona. 72.460 Cont.&Com’lN.,Chi.; Northw.N.,Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 45,000 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls,; Merch. N„ St.P. 51.310 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co,, Chi.; 1st N., St. P. and Minpls. 41,040 C. & C. N., Chi.; Northw. N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls. 31,110 C. &C. N., Chi.; 1st N. and Freeborn Co. State, Albert Lea; 1st N. and Merch. N.. St. P. 71,800 Merch. N.,St.P.: 1st N..Bagley and Minpls.; Dep. Bk. & Tr., Winona; Minn. N., Duluth, 25,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N.. Minpls. 33,120 1st N.. and Midland N.. Minpls.; Am. N., St. Cloud. 21,670 1st N.. Chi. and Minpls.; State Bk. of Springfield, Springfield. 35,000 N. Citiz.,Mankato; 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 56,090 Cont. & Com’i. N.. Chi.; Polk Co. State, Crookston; 1st N., Minpls.; Am. N., St. P. 57,170 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. (Closed February 9, 1927) Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 717 • -*-/ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MINNESOT A—Continued Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. ^New §State fPriv. Liabilities. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond No. 8Fed.Ees.Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Clltherali___ 225 First State Bank ....d©t§'08 I. Hazlett............... F. B. Coon_____ Otter Tail J7 75-693 Cashier. I. Morken__________ Ass’T Cashier. D^s°8- LiIbimPaid-up Surplus and Capital Profits B. O. Bendickson.. $ 10,000 2,500 $ 60,000 Resources. Loans Bonda Ca*b k ExMiscel CHA*o*e,Dux and and Diecounts Securities laneous from Banks $ 42,000 $ 6,500 $ Principal Correspondents. 12,000 $ 12,000 1st N., Minpls,: Merch. N., Wadena. 18,120 lstN.,MinDls.; Secur. State, Benson. 1 Clontarf___ Swift M6 228 Farmers State Bank___ t§12 B. J. Perrizo__ Hans Mikkelson... Wm. Perrizo. Jr... R. H. Root____ $130-10% 75-1039 par 100 Cloquet............ 5127 East End State Bank H. C. Hornby_____ G. C. Smith______ M. G. Sower.......... Carlton 119 75-90 d©t§’24 I'R.M.WEYERHAEU- G.H. PRINCE- - - - - - - G. C. SMITH- - - - - - - W. N. CAMPBELL.... C.L. DIXON R COLLECTIONS , BILL OF FIRST NAT’L BANK ^ LADING DBAF TS, CASH AND T IME ITEMS. 10,000 25.000 100,000 3,980 99,610 62,550 27,020 5,900 19,800 414,300 166,180 217,150 — 578.410 1.238.570 25.000 72.630 2.291.570 S 140.120 J SEND US YOU 75-87 ®»t’1900 I REMITTED FO R ON DAY OF PAYMENT. (.Fee In advance: plain sight drafts 15c; Credit Rep orts 25c. 75,740 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. N., St. F.; Northern N.,Duluth. 762.340 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Merch. N.. St. P.; Am. Ex. N. and 1st N., Duluth; 1st N.. Minpls. TRY U s. Northwestern State Bank____ (Closed September 13, 1926) Peoples State Bank____ (Closed September 13, 1926) Cloverton __ loo Cloverton State Bank ©§'16 75-1291 Pine J20 S. Cobden..............log State Bank of Cobden.__ Brown P10~ (Closed July 21,192 7) J. Peterson___ M. Bullis................. L. M. Severeid.. 10,000 2,280 45,650 36,020 5,350 7,400 68,840 31,130 29,340 7,990 382,150 82,700 37,580 48,750 Cont. & Com’) N-. Chi.; Met. N., Minpls.; Am. N., St. P. 933,820 544,300 46,000 179.340 17.460 9,470 285,590 1st N.,Ghi.: Northw. N., 1st N., and Mid land N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 117,460 N. City.N. Y.; Northw. N.. Minpls.;lst N~ St.P. 117,490 34,070 1,500 115,000 468,000 30,000 55,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr., Chi.; Minn. N., Duluth; Northw N.. Minpls. 25,000 N. City. N.Y.; Merch. N„ St. P.; 1st N., Minpls. 9,160 U. S. N.t Superior. Cohasset........... 420 Cohasset State Bank . ®t|’10 F. P. Sheldon___ 10% 75-695 Itasca G14 C. E. Aiken______ F. J. Skocdopole.. 10,000 2,790 First National Bank d®»±’16 J. E. Howe_____ $150-7% 75-1317 par 100 State Bank of Cokato Frank Swanson.. *300-15% 75-434d®»t§’92 par 100 Cold Spring...705 First National Bank__ ®t’06 Anton E. Muggli $200-10% 75-482 Stearns L12 O. A. Ilolmer_____ A. M. Loberg_____ P. A. Wagner... Carl Titrud C. E. Harkman 30,000 9. S. J. Swanson........ C. R. Peterson.__ C. E. Osterberg H.C. Bull Esther Askim 30,000 80,960 1,698,740 Fred V. Stein........ Fred V. Stein ..— A. Muggli 25,000 24,950 263.790 State Bank of Cold Spring N. C. Wenner... 15% 75-483 ®t§’08 Theo. Albrecht-__ P. P. Maurm_____ J. S. Wocken------- 10.000 5,000 156,090 Coleraine........1300 First National Bk.._ ®«f06 D. M. Gunn____ *300-20% par 100 75-696 Itasca G15 L. R. Salsich_____ D. M. Vermilyea.. A. R. Inman______ 25,000 65.500 510,000 Cologne...........383 State Bank of Cologne L. J. Dols_______ Carver N14 8% 75-697 ©t§’03 John Knotz______ Geo. J. Bell______ H.G. Dols.............. 32.500 19.500 385.000 230,000 165,000 — ColumbiaHeights Columbia State Bank.®t§’23 J. W. Black____ E. M. Christian.— G. O. Lee—______ F. S. Stableski.... 25,000 18,190 334,170 87,580 219,500 30,890 39,390 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. C. F. Schwieger... F. W. Renner 30,000 14,000 200,000 196,000 24.000 24.000 1st N., Minpls. and Mankato; 1st State, Mountain Lake. C. E. ARMSTRONG— H. D. REED—....... L. E. ARMSTRONG— 25,000 28.340 R BUSINESS DIR ECTFOR PROMP T PERSONAL AT TENT1 ON. Plain sight draft 15c. Credit Reports 25c. 440,810 6,000 333,550 77,080 38,560 50,980 N. Bk. of Rep., Chi.; 1st N.. St. P.: N. Citiz.. Mankato. 69,700 22,950 83,560 3,750 13,450 6,890 1st & Moorhead N.. Moorhead: Northw. N., Minpls. 78,070 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N.. Alden; Am. N., St.P.; Freeborn Co. State, Albert Lea. 22,950 Minn. N..Duluth: 1st N., Minpls. Cokato... ..1014 Wright N12 ♦ 75-1549 Anoka M23 2968 $130 (Minneapolis P,G.) Comfrey______533 Farmers State Bk. .d®*t§’10 J. H. Dickman... $225-10% 75-609 Brown P9 B?ST W. G. Quarnstrom jSENDL US" YOU ( par 100 Comstock .217 Comstock State Bank ..•tl’09 Christian Rehder.. S. A. Roen................ A. R. Rustad_____ Carl Carlson______ Clay I2‘ $200 75-698 15.000 494,600 15,900 10,000 67,500 Conger............... 100 State Bank of Conger.®t|'07 Fred Behrends.__ Chas. Sprenger.... J. A. Fruetel_____ F. W. Schmidt.... Freeborn E15 $225-6% ”r 75-699 10,000 7,120 191,800 1,960 109,800 10,240 12,780 C°«kv................400 Farmers & Merchants State P. Burtness______ Fred Anderson___ G. J. Francis_____ E. Kjellberg........ . St. Louis E18 Bank.__ 75-1403____ •t§’17 Austin Lind 10,000 2,180 139,400 260 89,690 25,600 13,600 ** ------“ First State Bank____d®»t§’12 L. F. Luthey_____ L. M. Burghardt— A. H. Erickson___ E. C. Johnson____ $140-8% 75-1057 Correll............... 200 First State Bank.... ©J§’08 Otto Bremer_____ G. F. Cashman___ J. B. Cregan______ Big Stone M4 75-700 J. Luchsinger Cosmos............. 145 First State Bank.__ ®Tt§’14 C. J. Larson______ E. O. Nelson______ H. L. Swanson____ Cora W. Meyer.. $120-""r 6% Meeker Nil *— '— 75-1133 par 115 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13,170 1st N., Minpls. 18,120 1st N.. Minpls.; Merch. N„ St. Cloud. 10,000 3,000 115,000 83,000 2,500 23,500 20,000 10,000 150,000 125,000 1,100 36,900 19,000 1st N., Duluth and Minpls.; Am. Ex. N., Virginia. 22,000 1st N., Minpls.; Am. N., St. P. 10,000 1,500 78,990 70,680 — 8.480 11,330 Northw. N., Minpls.; Citiz., Hutchinson, Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 718 Town and County. President. V ICE-PRESIDENT. Cottonwood... 813 Cottonwood State Bank, tf'97 C. S. Orwoll............ A. O. Hovdesven 75-421 Lyon 06 CHARLES CATLIN-- J. F. GIBB- - - - - - - - """WV OLDEST AND Save time and Plain Sight Dra Nicholas Reinhart. Cotrrtland State BankdXS’05 Courtland.___224 *175 75-701 Nicollet P12 N. A. Houck____ Cromwell___ .218 State Bank of Cromwell *200-10% 75-1088 ®t«’18 Carlton 117 ‘Crookston ...6825 Crookston State Bank_____ Polk E3 Cashier. Alex Kolhei. Ass’T Cashier. L. T. REISHUS_ _ _ C. H. CHRISTENSON R J. GIBB. A. Cash. C. W. REISHUS LARGEST BANK. get service by sen ding us your Ite ms direct. fts, 15c. Credit Reports, 25c. Cecil Donovan----M. Friederich____ H. H. Berg-----L. T. Ilstrnp — J. A. Muckala------ E. F. WRIGHT- 15,690 10,000 5,160 445.360 $ $ 259,000 S 25.000 408,780 from $ 15.000 29,010 $ 12,000 Banks 45.000 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. 61,250 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Minpls. 8,380 Brown Co., New Ulm; N. Citiz,, Mankato; 1st N., Minpls. 101.630 76,740 17,150 14.520 60,000 20,000 10,800 10,000 Am. Ex. N., Duluth: 1st N., Carlton. 30.000 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N„ Minpls. 10,000 2,800 88,000 50,000 14,000 135.000 500.000 574,000 34,000 61,000 75.000 16.570 1.085.320 75.260 506.270 453.430 61.840 M. E. WALKER - 230.600 N. Park, N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Am. N., St. P.; Northern N., Duluth; 1st N., Minpls. FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain sight drafts, ISc; Credit Reports, 25c. TRY US. Polk County State Bk.(D«tl'lS Chas. K. KieweL — Frank Kiewei____ IJas. M. Hanson.... J. R. Lowham. 75-81 C. L. CONGER — L. S. MILLER- - - - - - H. H. CLAPP- - - - - - - - G.F.VAN LIMA BE SCANDIA AMERICAN 75—79 d®j|7/ HK- - R. A. BUTTS Currie_______ 450 Farmers State Bk.__d®ti'12 F. G. Meyer--------- Henry Paal______ G. A. Dummett___ E. J. Altmann. *ioo 75-1068 First State Bank...........TS190Q *150-15% 75-703 Cushing..........100 Farmers State Bank. Inc. 75-1385 t§17 Morrison Jll Cuyuna_______417 First State Bank------ ©•tS’10 *150-6% 75-704 Crow Wing 113 Cyrus__ ______ 312 Fanners State Bank—1§’15 par 100 75-1261 Pope L6 State Bank of Cyrus__________ Murray Q6 543.360 387,200 31.190 89.450 7.00) 548.190 444,690 23,530 83.460 25.000 10.000 470,000 235,000 190,000 20,000 5,000 121.730 40,000 50,000 Save time and g et service on Colle ctlons and Credit Rep6rti~by "sendl ng FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight d rafts, 15c; Credit Reports, 25c. T BY US. Crosby_______3500 FIRST NATIONAL BANK ISAAC HAZLETT...... F. B.COON—...... 75-702 d©»t'10 R. E. BENNETT Crow Wing 113 20% First State Bank______________ (Closed February 2. 1927) 4.000 13,800 13,900 35,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N.. Minpls.; Minn. N., Duluth; Merch. N„ Wadena. 121.310 26.970 11,070 12.280 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Northw.N.. Minpls ; 1st N„ Mankato. 41,080 Northern Tr. Co.. Chi.: N. Citiz., Mankato; Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 3,700 Merch. N„ St. P.; 1st N., Little Falls. C. W. Silvernale— T. V. Cummiskey— M. H. Keary--------- 25,000 13,790 261,750 O. O. Kjeldergaard E. W. Koliher........ 1. J. Ramlo---------- 10.000 2,000 31.000 31,000 3,000 5.300 118,880 79,620 28,010 16,120 111.620 11.000 2.850 25,200 Northw. N.. Minpls.; 1st N..St. P. I. Hazlett------------ J. J. Meyer_______ . V. Anderson__ F. B. Coon Julius Halvorson. O. A. Solvie______ C. O. Ofsthun____ F. T. Olson. 12,000 8,430 15,590 1st N., Minpls.; Northern N., Duluth. 15,000 8.510 127,160 30.000 15,050 473,380 1.070 251,500 207.700 4.920 55,380 State Bk. of La Crosse, La Crosse, Wis 1st N., Minpls.; Merch., Winona. 20.000 5,710 157.360 380 111,960 48.440 6,310 16.680 Northw. N„ Minpls.; Merch. N„ St. P. 18.000 4,970 205.500 113.280 47,780 16,600 50,820 N. City, N. Y.; Am. State, Fergus Falls; 1st N., Minpls. 10,000 13.220 212,780 80,310 116.910 10.000 28,770 1st N., Fergus Falls. 25,000 16,050 249,210 208,190 10,000 34,570 37,500 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls.; Merch, N„ St. P. Thos. H. Connolly. D. L. Connolly____ 15,000 6,30) 263.570 113.410 124,650 20,930 25,870 1st N., St.P.; Secur.State, Benson; Northw. N„ Minpls. W. P. Rempel------ Theo. Engiin------- H. O.Johnson____ Charles Elg 10.000 12,300 284.170 201.280 56,650 15.390 33.150 Northern Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Mankato and Minpls. J. E. Nelson_____ P. R. Hammer------- Irene E. Olson___ C. E. Smithers I 10,000 3,000 115.500 72.500 10.000 20.000 26,009 1st N., Minpls.: 1st N. Bk. in Litchfield, Litchfield. (Closed, May 24. 192 7) 75-1109 Dalbp .100 State Bank of Dalbo..©tri4 Erick Erickson... Louis Erickson .... Elmer V. Erickson. H, A. Erickson ___ R. E. Bloomgren $150-5% 75-1140 Isanti L15 .15 Farmers State Bank_______ 45.180 Han. N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Am. N. St. Paul. 67,300 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st, N„ Chi., Duluth, and Minpls. 248,390 Dakota _..........300 Dakota State Bank.. d®ti'13 W. H. Harrington J. W. Donehower. R. H. Bublitz------- Dale 10.000 S 320.000 25,000 ©•t’81 75-78 *200-10% 15,000 S Principal Correspondents. & Ex- Cash ohangib,Ddi (Closed July 14, 192 7) BREMER L. R. ERICKSON L M. WALSH FIRST NATIONAL "-L M,,s" — OTTO Send us your Crookston Items Direct for prompt attention. BANK Winona Q24 Loans Bonds ther Miscel Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and AND its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous ties Beniamin Foss — S C. J. Kolhei G. O. Hage______ H. Holte...................... N.E. Flekke, Sec... Viola Du Charme Crookston Trust Co. A. Sec. H. U. Miller *130 -8% par 100 76-82 dB©T5'17 par 100 Resources. Liabilities. •Mem.A.B. A.nNew §State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.OFed. Res.Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued (Closed November 16 . 1926) Olay G4 Dalton....____ 200 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. Geo. H. Berger-— H. A. Ryen_______ E. A. Gandrud........ O. T. Lien ............. Otter Tail J5 $120 75-1365 ®J§’17 First State Bank--------®t*’08 E. A. Jewett ____ 75-706 M. T. McMahon.__ M. L. Foshaug........ A. L. Hanson_____ $250-10% par 250 Danube...____ 300 Danube State Bank-..©tl’02 F. A. Schroeder.. N. F. Knott............ B. G. Schroeder... G. T. Klatt______ Renville N8 $125 75-707 Danvers_____ .253 State Bank of Danvers©t§'04 Julias Thorson.... M. H. Coy_____ Swift M6 $50-10% par 100 75-708 Frank Baizer.... 112 State Bank of Darfur Watonwan Q10 *285-10% 75-709 d®»t*’03 par 100 Darwin __182!Farmers State Bank__©t§’14 S. A. Hedding----Meeker M12 |*i75-io% par 100 75-1130 Darfur . MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 71 Q 713 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in u- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. t0 Town and county. vMem.A.B.A. nNew§StatetPriv.| *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bontl Fed.Res.Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. | Dassel_____ ___804 Bank of Dassel.. Meeker N12 Citizens State Bank $200-8%75-454 dB®»tl’07 PRESIDENT. (Closed November Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in bark of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. MINNESOTA—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Loans Bondi Paid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscel and and AND Liabili Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties Ex- Cash k chang*b,Doe FROM BANK8 23,1926) T. F. McClure___ A. Colberg_______ F. A. Carlson____ W. L. Sisson_____ $ L. W. Hagelin 30,000 $ 15,460 f 435,420 $ 368,560 $ 33,049 $ 26,500 52,770 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; Bk. of Litchfield, Litchfield. Kingston State Bank. ©t§’06 J. E. Matsen.......... Bernard Anderson F. V. Johnson....... P. A. Erickson....... 75-819 15,000 6,500 162,810 141,710 5,600 11,680 25,310 Dawson ___ fan Bank of Dawson__ d®»XI’85 A. J. Peterson____ J. E. Reyerson.... E. G. Gillott__ .__ H. O. Anderson... Lac quI Parle N6 75-292 Samuel Lewison 50.000 39.300 773,310 692,980 48,770 30,050 90,810 Chase N„ N. Y.: Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.; Merch. N.. St. P.; 1st N., Minpls. A. W,Ewing_____ Theo. Thompson .. G. E. Blomauist... 30.000 18,000 347,960 314,120 60,910 43,530 23,400 Merch. N., St. P. . A. Bistodeau.__ Alfred Beaudry.__ A. C. Stallman ___ H. T. Stallman ___ 10.000 5.300 140,000 85,000 43,000 7,300 Deer Creek___500 First National Bank ...d»t'04 W. L. Junkin____ A. P. Johnson___ E, F. Selvig_____ Aifton Peterson.... Otter Tail J8 $125-10% 75-710 B. A. Hompe A, M. Lystad Deer River___ 1044 First National Bank .®T»t 08 F. P. Sheldon____ S. J. Moran............ M, R. Adams.... Itasca G14 $200-10% 75-711 25,000 1,050 143,620 124,300 38.150 40,990 25.000 12,000 350,000 150,000 130,000 Deer Wood ___700 First National Bank _®«t’13 Robt. H. Keyes.__ O. M. Wanvig___ F. W. Schwanke Crow Wing 113 $200-10% 75-712 30.000 9,290 170,000 132,000 43,000 25.000 11.610 259,690 Delano_______ 924 STATE BANK OF DELANO T. F. McClure........ C. J. Buckley____ C. T. McDonald.__ Harry Kuka.......... Wright N14 75-344 ®»t|’08 O. J. Lundsten Gertrude M. Stoltz Delavan______ 318 Farmers 8tate Bk...dB®tl 09 A. M. Wallace___ T. J. Lien ______ Edward Hahn___ C. S. Wood Faribault Q13 $175-25% 75-599 30,000 9,280 450,410 296,610 10,000 7,480 262,520 Delft.................125 State Bank of Delft-...<§’16 T. A. Perkins____ C. Goertzen . Cottonwood Q9 $160-8% 75-1305 10,000 8.300 85,100 15,000 270 76,130 10,000 6,220 167.550 140,730 10,000 3,000 250.000 130.000 2,500 500 130,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls. 15,000 6.230 240,000 127,000 75,000 5,330 37,260 Midland N. Bk. &Tr„ Minpls.; Fergus Fails N.. Fergus Falls. 50,000 7.410 183,010 15,540 67.030 36.000 25,000 10,490 524,420 172,500 304,740 7,750 77,180 N. City. N. Y.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; Am. N., St. P.; Dak. N„ Fargo. 15,000 7,550 104,790 103,000 5,310 7,930 11,090 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Moorhead N., Moorhead. 25.000 7,840 331.550 161,990 134,110 12,000 56,290 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Northw N., Minpls. 15.000 6,740 320,390 278,050 6,610 23,899 38,810 1st N„ Minpls. and 8t. P.; Stevens Co. State, Morris. 10.000 10,840 117,560 85,470 12,000 23,090 17,830 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N., Minpls. (Formerly listed at Kingston, Minn,) Farmers & Merch. State Bank (Closed October 18. 1926) First National Bank.. d®t’02 C. O. Hill........... 75-293 $200 Dayton............. 300 First State Bank........®t§’14 Hennepin M15 5i7S-io% 75-1178 DeGraff____ 246 Farmers & Merchants State J. B. McQuaid___ T. L. Kelly____ Swift M7 Bank.... 75-1030._.®»t# ll G. M. McCarthy H. T. Larson__ $175-10% E. W. Tauer___ J. E. Townsend 46,000 51,440 29,760 285,560 Delhi________ 225 Farmers & Merchants State F. J. Starr______ O. J. Olson______ A. H. Dorn______ Helena M. Dorn... Redwood 08 Rank.—75-1391 ......... JJ’17 $100-10% Denham____ Farmers State Bank___ JS 10 Joseph Bochek.... Joseph Suk______ F. L. Olson............ A. D. Olson______ Pine J17 75-715 Dennison........218 State Bank of Dennison®t5'03 J. G. Schmidt____ P. G. Hauge_____ P. G. Hange_____ W. E. Hauge_____ Goodhue 017 75-716 Dent________ 260 Farmers State Bank.......t| 08 J. S. Ulland______ J. N. Hertel____ Edw. J. Stoll____ Otter Tail 16 75-717 S. J. Mealey ‘Detroit wBecker County Nat. Bank P. S. Peterson___ M. J. Reilly........... Alden Pearson .... W. B. Schwantze.. Lakes 3426 $120 75-1576 ®»4’27 Becker H6 Detroit State Bank..d®t§’19 Walter Oby ____ C. C. Williams .... Geo. J. Haas_____ 75-1480 O. Bremer. V. P. J. K. McCarthy First National Bank____ (Closed November 7, 1926) Dilworth .__ Clay H2 Security State Bank. (Closed November 12.1926) 882 Dilworth State Bank. d®t§’0fi Owen M. Lamb.__ O. Martinson____ A. B. Dwyer.__ $125-10% 75-719 par 9,000 par 100 Doran.................150 State Bank of Doran„d»t§'08 J. E. Waite--------- S. H. Davis............ O. W. Davis_____ Wilkin J3 75-722 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 21,000 1st N., Brainerd; Am. N.t St. P. 24.820 15,690 1st N.. Minpls.; Swift Co. and Secur. State Benson. 44,650 23.820 124,610 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. and St. P. 154,000 82,000 9,000 35,000 1st N„ Chi., Albert Lea and Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. 420 80,080 6,000 5,490 12.349 1st N., Windom. 6,500 77,720 700 15,600 3,880 Met. N., Minpls. 2,270 43,030 Ramsey Co. State, St. P.; Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls. 100 Dodge Center .921 Dodge Center State Bank Theo. Albrecht.... S. E. Whitney....... H. R. Whitney__ A. E. Stockman... Dodge Q18 75-1545 ®t§’22 V. G. Crouch Donnelly_____354 Far. & Merch. State Bank W. C. Kloos-------- C. H. Werk............ C. C. Ersted_____ L. R. Kloos. Stevens L5 $135-5% 75-1046 dtS'12 17,670 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N.. Minpls. 35,000 Northw. N„ Minpls.: 1st N„ St. P.; City N» Duluth. par 100 Henry Hokanson.. 2''i.OOO 1st N.. Minpls. 5.230 121,860 Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P, Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given *790 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ /Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Oountt. eMem.A.B-A.^New IStatetPriv. |Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. PRESIDENT. Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Entire State in No.6 Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Ass't Cashier. Cashier. Dorset...................50 Farmers State Bank..©t§’19 J. C. Hewitt. Hubbard H9 $120-4% 75-1475 A. H. Welge______ C. R. Hewitt. Dover_________ 266 First State Bank ...d®»tl'03 E. E. Rank . Olmsted Q21 75-723 L). M. Robertson.. H. Brown Liabilities. Loam Subplus Depos Other Paid-up and and Liabili its Capital Profits Discount! ties $ T. L. Rank. 10,000 i 2,330 $ 25,000 9.79), 10,000 3.120 $ 37.850 34.490 $ Resources. B°”j* "na Principal Correspondents, Cash ft Exkvrono chanqib.Do* from Banks Mibcelt 5.000 I 6,800 3.880 1st N.. st. P. j 432,34) 900 281,810 61.193 203 51,030 2000000 1.427.990 13 007 860 501.970 117,340 14.943 53.930 Drov. N., Chi.; 1st N.andMerch., Winona; 1st State Bk. & Tr. Co., Rochester. ' Downer_____ Olay H3 .75 First State Bank...........•J§’18 A. L. Hanson_____ Borre Hoven______ F. E. Scherf_______ 5% par 100 75-1442 tDuluth ...110,502 St. Louis H21 'AMERICAN EX. NATIONAL BANK $200-10% 75-1 ISAAC S. MOORE.... J. D. MAHONEY. . . . . . W. G. HEGARDT. . . . . . . . . COLIN THOMSON E. C. CONGDON. E.L.PALMER E. L. PALMER Jr.Off. S. T. STRAIN Ch. of Bd. R. W. HOTCHKISS. W. G. HEGARDT. ^ Mgr, Bond Dept, BANKofCOMMERCE Jacob Jacobson___ & SAVINGS, Inc. Robert Graham ... Jay E. Markle____ A. C. Gilbert__ L. W. Gochenonr. C. E. McLyman J. T. Stack Sec. JayE.Markle i 75-10 ®««’15 Central State Bank-------‘tl'll H. H. Peyton........... D. H. Lewis.. 75-8 (New Duluth P. O.) 25.000 Lester Johnson.__ John Borich C. O. Baldwin____ H. S. Macgregor .. H. C. Matzke_____ H. S. Kempton, Mgr. Bd. Dept. Duluth Morris Plan Co. T. J. Monahan......... H. R. Armstrong- T. W. Hoopes. Tr.. G. D. Wright. $149-7% par 10075-1553 ©«t§’17 A. C. Armstrong, A. Mgr J. G. Williams Sec. and Mgr. 5,700 500,000 546,180 4,886,470 328.570 222,810 41.020 216.850 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. 175.480 64.350 22.210 71.880 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N-. Chi.; Am. Ex. N., and Park State, Duluth. 3,922.870 1,229,853 56,610 1.051,890 N. City.N.Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch. N.,St. P. 242.700 347.620 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep. and State, Chi.; Met. N.. Minpls. A. L. 0RDEAN_ _ _ _ DAVID WILLIAMS— W. W. WELLS- - - - - - - - W. A. PUTMAN- - - - - - - 2.000.000 2.265.970 18433530 837.370 17893 560 1.085.810 351.040 J. H. DIGHT, V. P. J. H. INGWERSEN H. U. MOORE, H. E. GRIESER See. & a. Tr.Off. G. W. RONALD, n P.LRAY.AssUoPres. W. J. JOHNSON COLLECTIONS AND ACCOUNTS OF J. H. DIGHT, Tr.Off. Mgr. Bd. Dept, 4.206.460 Chase N., 1st N., and Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., and C. & C. N., Cht. N. Eytcheson.......... R. 8. Carlson--------J. V. Hag berg 150,000 200,000 272,660 46.843 489,680 112.303 1,916.260 187,140 1.133.253 40.530 692,130 BANKS SOLICITED. T®T*t’82 Home State Bank.........®t§’19 O. E. Berglnnd.... M. J. Doyle............ D. C. Wakeman ... M. J. Bernard____ $160-6% 75-14 M. J. Sol berg ♦Minnesota National Bank B. M. Peyton_____ J.H. McLean_____ W. F. McLean_____ J. R. Colbeck. 75-16 ®T<’20 J. N. Peyton 'NORTHERN NATIONAL BANK 879,230 14.490 City N. and Northern N., Duluth; U. S. N.. Superior. ♦Duluth NationalBank W. J. Eklund_____ P. G. Hanson____ 75-7 dB®»t’10 F. G. Beamsley 75-2 238,110 15,120 N. Park, Chase N., and N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., and Ill. Mercti. Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch. N., and 1st N., St. P.; 1st N., Midland N. Bk. &Tr., and Northw. N., Minpls. 5.860 8% 150-13% 54.030 1,105.893 1.904.870 442.250 (Converted to Pione er National Bank) *CITY NATIONAL BANK 4 m R. M. Sell wood 6% 75-3 Ti@T»t'02 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK 200.000 17.760 1st N.. Minpls. and St. P. 8.844.380 4,746.320 OLDEST BANK AT HEAD OF THE LAKES t®T»i’79 Citizens State Bank_______ A, Tr. Off, 5,890 t km* 71 kH6“ $205-12% par 100 75-4 dB®*t’09 V. P. R. L. GRIGGS L. G. CASTLE- - - - - - - - L. 0. AN S. L. YONCE. P. R. PA: 30.000 13.649 105,490 208,200 90,593 9.100 46,670 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Northern N., Duluth; Midland N.. Minpls. 600,000 165,230 4.456,700 270,230 2,732,780 1.490,620 215,720 1.053,040 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. 1,000,000 509.400 5.733.460 347.500 4,141.352 3,079.310 101.100 1,268.590 Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.s Ill. Merch Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.* 1st Wis. N., Mil. 200,000 151.400 325.340 364,900 252,590 N- Mgr. Bd. Dept. WE INVITE YOUR DULUTH BUSINESS. SEND US YOUR ITEMS DIRECT. 59,250 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Northern Duluth. N„ 5% J. W. Lyder______ F. W. Sullivan Northern Trust Co. par 100 75-1546 1dBT»tS’23 S. L. Yonce, V. P. W. M. Prindle A. B. Miller. Sec... R. L. Griggs, Tr... M. D. Galleher, Park State Bank.__ d®«tl’16 H. H. Peyton_____ D. H. Lewis__ $135-6% par 100 75-11 Oliver Renatrom _ L. E. Olsen_____ H. E. Halvorson 50.000 15.050 386.000 1.200 316.170 20,200 31.910 84,580 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Am. Ex. N., Duluth. J. N. Peyton_____ S. M. Strain.__ Pioneer National Bank 12% 76-9 ®«t’12 S. M. Strain______ W. P. Mahoney. A. W. Mills 100,000 28.600 838,600 12,000 337.540 511.370 41,390 88.900 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. and Com’l N.. Chi.: Minn. N.. Duluth. A. Sec. (Formerly Citizens State Ban k) (Duluth banks continued on next page) MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 79 1 ‘ **x Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Alem.A.B.A.'lNew §StatetPriv. •Oounty Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab liabilities. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.9 (fed. Res. Dist d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div President. Vice-President. Duluth ....110,502 Riverside State Bank_©t§’19 Lewis G. Castle... Ward Ames, Jr... (Continued ) 75-13 St. Louis County State Bank C. W. Elston....... 75-5 d©ti’87 WESTERN STATE BANK OF H. R. Elliott_____ D. Graham. DULUTH---75-6....... ©18 04 Alfred Hoel ( West Duluth P.O.) Howze. Spencer & Co. II (306 VV. SuperiorSt.) A. R. MACFARLANE & CO. I Investment Ban kert)..................... ( Commercial Pa per. PAINE, WEBBER & CO.-* 80 Members Boston, N ew York, Chicago, (Torrey Bldg.) Stock Exchanges, New York Cotton Ex WELLS-DICKEY C0MPANY1 Investment Bond (707 Alworth Bldg.) Duluth Clearing House___ David Williams.__ B. M. Peyton____ (Members indicated by a*) R. L. Griggs Dumont........... 210 First State Bank_____ *^§’03 B. G. Bartz____ J. J. Krauth___ Traverse K3 ties 75-725 Dundas............ 373 Dundas State Bank__ ©t§'12 J. G. Schmidt___ F. W. Shandorf ... Rice 016 75-1043 Dundee______ 215 State Bank of Dundee.dtl’05 Peter Mathias___ FredD. Lindquist. Nobles Q7 75-726 Dunnell_____1247 First National Bank C. L. Larson........... J. C. Bliesmer___ Martin RIO *150-10% 75-727 dB®Ttl900 par 100 Eagle Bend... .600 First National Bank__ ©£’02 Harry Lee____ Wm. Rodman......... Todd J9 75-500 Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. C. A. Palmer____ Alfred Hoel.... C. I. Towner C. A. Palmer Resources. Subplus Loads Other Bonds Paid-up Depos L Miscel AND and iabili and its Capital Profits Discount! Sseuritias laneous ties $ C. A. Britts______ 25.000 $ 13,600 S 32.380 100,000 30,560 545,830 $ 50,000 39,230 511,470 i 32.460 $ 5,880 178,040 3,000 188.770 166.940 19,640 20.150 R. L. Shandorf___ J. A. Conrad____ 5.300 163,430 56,790 17,450 6.000 F. D. Sontag____ E. E. Tutsch____ 15,000 15,890 244,760 183,680 24,420 42,160 G. E. Heyman.__ 30,000 11,000 239,540 15,770 221,720 25,290 50,130 E. N. Scott______ W. B. Bergstrom, 25,000 14.580 388.650 25,000 210,900 148.650 11.950 20.000 7.670 90,000 65,000 10,000 8,780 150.000 95,000 44,000 17,060 P. C. Roth_____ 25.000 10,000 435.770 316,070 35.330 61.770 25,000 7,170 391,610 293,010 61,040 35,140 C. S. Orwoll........... T. A. Veidey____ C. B. Arvesen------- H. P. Peterson ___ C. D. Griffith____ A. F. Koch______ W. A. Vosbeck ___ W. C. Dahl______ C. L. Hardy John Foley______ T. F. McClure F. C. Meier______ D. C. Meier______ 15,000 3,500 265,000 182,000 26,000 25,000 5.720 205.000 139,490 39.810 18,270 15,000 5,000 230,530 186,110 19,610 20,860 37,390 217,280 324.940 Eitzen_______120 Houston R24 »Elbow Lake...867 Grant K5 ©•iS’OP W. F. Deters!___ H. H. Fruechte. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25,390 1st N., Minpls, and Heron Lake; N. Citiz. Mankato. 18,250 Merch. N., Ced. R.: Northw. N., Minpls. 81,730 Chase N., N.Y.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Minn. N., Duluth; Bk. of Long Prairie. Long Prairie. 35,000 1st N.. St. P. and Minpls. 8,500 Northw, N., Minpls.; 1st N„ Mankato. F. H. Fruechte ___ 12,230 15,180 57.590 Cont.&Com'lN.,Chi.;Northw.N.,Minpls.; 1st N., Grand Forks. 34.590 Cont. & Com'l N..Chi.; 1st N. and Northw', N., Minpls.; N.Citiz., Mankato. 75,500 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 38,140 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: 1st N.and Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 21,950 C. & C. N., Chi.: 1st N., Minpls.; Bk. of Litchfield, Litchfield; Drov. State, So. St. P 33,050 1st N. and Met. N„ Minpls.; 1st N„ Litch field. 49.310 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N„ St.P.; Live Stock N„ Sioux C. ' ■ 30,000 6,660 445,990 1,180 267,560 132,950 5,000 W. W. Smith____ M. A.Lukken___ Laura Larson____ 50,000 22,750 629.750 5,900 486.250 123,100 19.800 Paul Hanson_____ O. A. Pikop—......... J. P.Brendal___ Emil Larson_____ S. E. Johnson .... A. M. Nelson___ 50.000 18,110 363,940 20.000 229.120 104.400 33.910 10.000 6,100 120,000 8.000 100,000 8.100 27.000 30,000 24,540 791,960 602,750 123.900 28.350 91,500 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., St. P.: Northw. N„ Minpls. 10,000 10.000 170,210 5,500 155,830 10,450 14,430 15,000 1st N., Minpls.; Fergus Falls N„ Fergus Falls. 10,000 1,230 60,700 4,110 52.880 5,300 12,820 H. Sampson____ H. O. H. Valor.. OHN WALCH........ . I. D. SIEM_ _ _ _ _ _ E. SAWYER........ ... f) Send FIRST AND OL >EST ESTAULIS SIED BANK, us your It ems direct for pr ompt personal at tendon. (.Fee in advance. Plain Sight Dra fts, ISc; Credit R eports, 25c. Try Elizabeth____ 204 Merchants State Bk..d®t§'07 O. O. Sletvold___ M. P. Maurin____ Theo. Fossen____ A. W. Boese......... Otter Tail 15 *ioo 75-734 par 100 Elko_________ .100 Elko State Bank__ d®tl’15 I. L. Smith_______ Severson____ B. F. Case. Scott 016 *100 75-1243 J. M. V aughan MINNESOTA Map on Index • 15.040 Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P. 98,490 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. (Closed July 25. 19 27.) 278,620 75-733 12.940 F, J. Zejdlik_____ H. A. Bronson___ G. P. Daily ......... . O. M. Thompson... L. Giese. V. P. E. J. Zejdlik J. F.Paul________ Henry Stevermer T. W. Loonan........ C. J. Jlachtle. A. E. Sonnek 350,920 *250-12% 139,290 Han. N„ N.Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N. and Northern N„ Duluth; 1st N., Minpls. 30,000 6,330 FIRST STATE BANK 28,910 10,000 13,520 Wabasha P20 8.950 Northern N.. Duluth. 242,150 Chase N„ N. Y I. S. Moore, Mgr,. F. G. Beamsley, Sec. and, Tr. Ole D. Fuglie____ N. A. Bauer____ 15.000 Elgin_____ ____ 501 7.300 $ 52,300 Paine, Webber & Co.. Bos., N. Y„ Chi.. and other cities. Wells-Dickey Co., Minpls. 25,000 Eldred ____ Polk F2 254,470 Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex ohanom,Dui from Banka City N„ Duluth. State Bk.of Eden Yalley»JI’99 M. E. Weiler____ S. J. McCarthy..., E. A. Arnold____ R. A. Weiler____ 75-428 Edgerton.........657 State Bank of Edgerton A. H. Jansen____ E. J. Feldman___ J. B. Doornwaard. V. M. Ring_____ Pipestone Q4 *300-10% 75-730 ©tl’08 Eitzen State Bank_____ $§'09 8% 75-731 Bank of Elbow Lake__ £§’90 *160-10% 75-418 First National Bank ..©<’91 75-419 214 Slate Bank of Eldred.. •tl’08 75-732 22,260 $ 387,820 Detroit and Hartford H. W. Grams, Mgr. change and Chicago Board of Trade. A. W. Wilson, Mgr 1,500,000 Cap. and Surp. .. First State Bank______ §’26 Martin Weibye___ W. W. Bouslough.. H. E. Walseth....... B. F. Abbott— 75-501 Eagle Lake__ 231 State Bank of Eagle Lake W. D. Willard___ Wm. Hoehn_____ M. C. Dalton____ L. E. Dalton____ Blue Earth P13 li45-io% 75-1084 ©£|’13 E. GrandForks2490 First National Bank______ Polk El First State Bank____®»ti’06 $215-12% 75-179 Easton_______ 326 Farmers State Bank .d©tS’18 Faribault Q13 $150-6% 75-1417 par 100 Echo_________482 Farmers State Bank-.©t§’15 Yellow Med. 07 75-1253 State Bank of Echo.d©«t§’92 io% 75-729 Eden Valley ...665 Security State Bank------tl’10 Meeker Mil 75-42# Non-Rank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOT A —Continued 78,320 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co. and Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 1st. N., Minpls. 79.250 Chem. N.. N. Y.; Con’t & Com’l N., Chi,; 1st. N., Minpls.; Am, N., St. P. 84,620 Northw. N. and 1st N. Minpls.; Am. N., St. P. 9.000 1st N.. Minpls. and St. P. Us. 5.030 Northw. N., Minpls. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 722 Town and Cotjwtt. ^County Seals. Entire State in No. 0 Fed.Res.Dist. ►Mem. A.B. A. ”New §State fPriv. [Estab. 1 Mem. Stats B. Ass’n. ►Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond i- Sa fe Dep. ©Sav. $Last Sale% Div. PmBID*NT, V ice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MINNESOTA—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Camus. Liabilities Paid-up Surplus Drposand ITS CAPITA!. Profits Other Liabili ties Resources. Loans Bonds Oash k Kx~ MnCHX/- »Avesstl>v> and Discounts Securities LAXBOUS non Bari jeon J. Kaliher... EL M. Stanz 3. M. Bressler—.«. 20,000 20,880 403,670 $ 234.440 35,000 14,120 384,680 176,450 3. P. Wilmot_____ 10,000 9,000 150,000 Milford Lageson.. 10,000 9,800 211,500 W, E. Steele_____ 20,000 12,000 241,990 $ L. N. Riley.............. 30.000 15.760 472,210 L. L. Loerch______ 20,000 13,740 278,050 rS. H. TAYLOR----- C. F. B. WEYER....... A. F. WEYER---------- 6 T. TAYLOR ......... 50,000 12,530 343,270 15.000 3,000 115,330 GEORGE T. SOMERO. 50,000 fR.M. SELLWOOD- COLLECTIONS I, i. WHITE ^ SEND US YOUR AND BILL OF LA DING DRAFTS. Ely........................4902 FIRST NATIONAL BANK -— ( Reporte, 26c. T BY US. rafte. ISc, Credi io% 75-736 d®»t’07 (FEE IN ADYAN CE; Plain eight d St. Louis E21 48,570 918.260 14.700 180,990 15,000 21,810 671.820 440 lank of Elk River.d®»tl'85 3. M. Babcock____ Justus de Booy.... i ti naiie oar 100 75-383 r. M. Olsen_______ first National Bank ...®t'07 b. K. Houlton____ oar 100 75-384 farmers State Bank d©»t5’13 W. W. Dean....... G. W. Eastman___ r. F. Schneider ... 225-12H% par 190 75-1111 Mower R19 Ellendale........... 367 Ellendale State Bank d®ti’16 A. M. Lerberg------- M. P. Miller______ 175-6% par 180 75-1280 Steele Q16 «. •• W. E. Galloway___ Security State Bk-.d®»tS1900 F, G. Sloan_______ 1175—6% 75-735 Ellsworth.........667 Ellsworth State Bank 1225-8% 75-508®«JI'98 Nobles R5 .Elk River.........983 Sherburne M15 •• •• Farmers State Bank...®tl’08 75-415 Faribault R13 G. O. Pirsif---------- 3. F. Eoepke . 370 25,350 147.380 $ 20,290 167,770 24,000 125,000 5,000 6.500 151,900 40.700 218,920 8,150 401,830 42,050 74,510 144,860 42,870 310,420 50,560 38,380 12,540 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-11900 < Southern Minn esota and Northe rn Iowa business invited. 75-414 ) Send us your C ollections, Bill of Lading Drafts, C ash and Time Ite ms. turnsa_________ lio 1160 Stearns L9 (.Fee in Advance; Plain Sight Draf bs, 15c; Credit Re ports, 35c. M, LEONARD SLABODNIK. J0. E. T. JOHNSON........... FJjjloSBURG 42,440 C N., Min pis. 55,580 l st N., Minpls. and St. P. 32,500 Clont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N., Adams Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 30,100 1 st N., Minpls.; Secur. State, Owatonna North Side State, Albert Lea. 34,740 C ont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls 1st N., St. P.; Secur. State, Owatonna. 39.160 S eab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls.; 1st &Fai N., Luvsrne. 48,560 I 11. Merch. Tr. Oo.,Ohl.; 1st N„ Minpls Ced. R. N„ Ced. R. 31,790 Clont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Met. N., Minpls 1st N., Mankato; Merch. N., Ced. R. 15,330 12,110 1(orthw. N„ Minpls.; North Am. Stab Belgrade. 510,610 12,610 327.320 Clhase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi City N„ Duluth; 1st N., Minpls. 298.010 315,420 12,000 93,630 1 69,970 18,100 41,920 Northw. N„ Minpls. 105,890 75-1306 j M. J. MURPHY-— imp* unnNiM Principal Correspondents. PETER SCHAEFER FIRST STATE BANK ®«tl’l2 ] Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 1220-10% par 100 75-1056 Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; li N., Duluth; Merch. N.. St. P. ( Please tend 15c w ith each light draft for preeentation and 25c for Credit Repo rte. WilliamWarhurton A. J. Long. . __ Myrtle Long---------75-787 Le Sueur P14 G. A. Dahl................. Fred Knndson____ Orla Knudson____ Emmons_____ 297 Farmers & Merchants State Bank.... 75-1506 ___ ®t§'20 Freeborn R15 as as S. H. Lee_________ First National Bank. d®»t'03 N. H. Rasmusson.. W.L. Menge............. *140-12% 75-738 15.000 17,620 308,040 210,660 20,000 3,000 150.000 150,000 35.000 15,870 342,930 .. E. C. Malmgren—. 12,000 3,000 88,770 Erhard State Bank------ 1|’13 H. H. Knobel_____ P. M. Knoll_______ Edward Thompson Geo. B. Gunderson 8% 75-1090 First National Bank____ t’18 A. F. Cronquist— Carl Christianson. I.I. Stenerson------- O. R. Ness.............. C. S. Paulson *130 75-1105 10,000 8,230 185,640 25,000 5,000 235.450 T. K.Berge----------- Theodore Nelson.. A. F. Berge............ of'03 G. K. Espeseth Gunder Stenerson 75-739 of Essig—-®tl'07 W. C. Heimann___ H. J. Albrecht.__ E. T. Wenkelmann 75-740 10,000 14,240 10,000 3.000 20.000 lbert Lea State, Albert Lea; Minpls. 1st N 266,190 80,320 18,930 58,360 ont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Northw. N Minpls.; 1st N., Albert Lea. 67,530 5.000 16,440 14,810 it N., Minpls.; Elbow Lake. 770 92,110 84,000 9.210 25,000 190.700 48,800 21,100 30,850 lhase N..N. Y.; Marquette N. and Norths N., Minpls. 380,580 352,300 400 21,480 30,640 4,890 120,620 96,310 7,800 13,400 18,000 10,000 3,960 73,090 3,000 55,210 22,880 4,330 Evan___________122 State Bank of Evan.—•tl’04 W. W. Smith_____ Christ Mogensen.. Wm. G. McPhee... K. V. McPhee___ *230-10% 75-742 Brown P10 10,000 10.60C 246.000 4.860 165.00C 44,100 7.36C _____ Hugo Nelson........... 15,00( 5.02C 317.65C 215.99C 50,000 18.26C 53,420 Cont. AOom'l N.,Chi.; Northw.N.,Minpls,; Merch. N., St. P. A. 1. Naslund........ 50,00( 25.000 631,25( 730,770 43.99C 277,520 Chase N.. N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr.,Chi.; 1st N., Duluth, St. P,. and Minpls. J. R. Schuknecht Emily Friend ___ 25,00( 43,001 600.00C _ 110.00C 358,000 60,00( 140,000 N. City. N. Y.; C. & C. N.. Chi.; City N. and Northern N., Duluth. A. S. Drew______ Peoples State Bank„®»t§’li H. C. Doerr........... *210-6% 75-85 0. W. Lundsten.. D. W. DuToit____ 9 Minnetonka State Bank ♦ 75-350 D. B. Lundsten 5 Hennepin N15 L. J. Hill................ 25.001 20,001 550,00( 220,00( 210,00C 10,00< 25,001 22,321 525.36C 348,93( 91.70C 16,96 130,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N., Duluth: Merch. N., St. P. 121,720 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. First State Bank.— d®t§’15 H. O. Wagner___ *165-12% par 100 75-1262 Grant J6 Otter Tail 15 Erskine _. 457 Polk F5 •• II Brown Pll Rnnllil State Bank is% State Bank *185 par loo G. R. Wedgwood .. C. H. Wagner. 77? First State Bank-------®»J8’09 S. A. Erickson____ O. H. Mueller_____ I. S. Sattre Evansville..........42’ Farmers State Bank..®*tl'07 K. O. Sattre______ *200-10% 75-560 Douglas K6 Eveleth 720! FIRST NATIONAL BANK G. A. Whitman___ io% 75-83 dB®T»t’190C St. Louis F19 •• Bank of Elbow Laki 1 19.320 1st N., Fergus Falls. 7,620 1st N„ Orookston; Am. N., St. P. 75-741 Polk E3 « 25.000 M Miners National Bank *240 par 100 76-84 d®»t’0: M MINNESOTA Map On Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 117.60C 1.490.93C J. C. McGilvery 6,650 55.000 1st N., Sleepy Eye. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence /4J Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWM AMD OOCMTT ‘County Seats. Entire State in No.9 Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.n-New §StatetPrii. tMem. State B. Ase’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.?LastSale%Div. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In* dexed Aeces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc,, see Laws MINNESOT A—Continued Vice-President. Ass t Cashier. CASHIER. Eyota__________ 408 Citizens State Bank__ ©tl’16 Geo. B. Doty______ $130-8% 75-1316 Olmsted Q20 Liabilities. Surplus Other Paid-up Ddpoo- Liabili AKD Capital Pbofits ITS ties 3,000 $ 140,800 Mildred Welch.__ $ 15.000 $ ELIZABETH A. STEP HEN 25,000 17,500 282,000 Fairfax,_____ .1066 Citizens State Bank..d®t§’01 O. W. Helmann.__ Henry Clobes......... H. E. Grasmon____ W. B. Frank______ $200-5% 75-400 Renville 010 20,000 11,560 528,200 $ First National Bank..d®it’10 Mrs. E. F. Sell.......... A. G. Briese $200 par 100 75-401 25,000 16,430 482,250 STATE BANK OF FAIRFAX 25,000 7,250 „ H. G. Schroeder... M. R. Gorman 50,000 f A. R. FANCHER-— H. E. WADE............ J. F. HAECKEL- - - - - - W. H. NORMAN-...... FAIRMONT HARRIET E. FILL < For Quick Servi ce Send Us Your Items MORE NATIONAL BANK I Remitted For on Day of Payme □t. 50,000 FARMERS STATE $200-8% 75-1108 •< » ____ .. DAMU $125 par 100 75-399 H, F. UNDERWOOD- H.J. SPEETER--------- T F FRANKE ) Send Us Your I terns Direct For Prompt Personal ©.t§i3 (.Plain Sight Dra Its, 15c; Credit R eports 25c. ®t§'91 Paal Albrecht____ .. ®«r07 (.Plain Sight Dr afts ISc. 75-164 f G. A. PORTER---FIRST ) NATIONAL BANK 1 $ - % dBW’93 M #| Martin County Nat’l Bank A. par 100 75-162 d®»J'75 ‘CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK $ - % d®«t'6S 200 10 par loo •• _____ .. C. H. PETERSEN...... FRED K. PORTER — J. e. STRUCK-------B. E.PORTER H. A. bnUVt L. Ward__ H. P. Edwards “ -------- " BANK _____ - “ J.J. 75-54 ®»t»’05 ‘SECURITY NATIONAL BANK $150-8% Farmington.. 1449 FIRST par 100 Dakota 017 75-53 dB®T»t’B4 NATIMAL BANK 75-446 MINNESOTA MAP on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 37,000 Cont. ft Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Winona and St. P.; Union N., Rochester. 52,910 1st N„ Minpls. and St. P. 860 357,540 110,990 39,100 25,300 244,840 137,410 43,470 229,740 156,170 35,110 38,190 32.530 Cont. ft Oom’l Minpls. 11,420 367,370 229,040 66,360 46,760 86,630 Han. N.. N.Y.; Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Merch. N.. St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 35.390 410.980 298,040 146,800 71,600 49,840 N. Park. N. Y.: Cont. ftOom’l N..Ohi.;lst 70,000 123,260 1st N„ Midland N. Bk. & Tr.. and Northw. N., Minpls,; Merch. N„ St. P. N.. Chi.; Northw. N., N. and Met. N., Minpls. 100,000 45.440 1.301.470 55.000 547.600 657.460 93.800 203.040 Han. N., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.: Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 75,000 68,000 1,220,000 75,000 782.000 424.000 48,000 184,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.; 80,000 100,000 1,500.000 20.000 1.300.000 100.000 60,000 240.000 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 380 469,330 137,480 25,490 113,100 Foreman N.. Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr„ Minpls.; N. Citiz,, Mankato. 637.030 80,470 75,570 101,740 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Am. N., St. P. 1.115.710 848.130 114.770 266.350 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N .,ChL; d®»3’94 262,120 15,400 Merch. N„ St. P. IA6HA6-----C. H. MARCH---------J. E. LOSLEBEN- - - - - - R. G. ENDRES.......... C. G. REINEKE Send us your Items direct for prompt, personal attention. Plain sight drafts, 15c. Credit reports, 25c. 75-55 ‘FARMERS & $150-8% 38,900 C. F. Holden 75-62 MERCH. STATE ** A. W. Gamble____ Louise Wohlheter. ♦Faribault State Bank®ti'i9 A. B. Larson______ Wm. L. Kueker... $125-4% 30.600 1 33,850 Drov. N., Chi.; Merch., Winona: 1st State Bk- & Tr., Roch.; 1st N„ Minpls, Credit Reports 25c. $225-20% •Faribault ..12,272 Rice P16 218,000 $ $ OLDEST NATI ONAL BANK IN MARTIN COUNT Y. SEND US YOU R FAIRMONT IT EMS DIRECT FO R PROMPT ATT ENTIO N. (PLAIN sight DRAFTS 15c, CR EDIT REPORTS 25c. 75-163 225 10 H. Niemeyer $ 124,100 Principal Correspondents. Attention. S. H. Gumpolen___ F. E. Sander *Falrmont.__ 4630 Citizens National Bank Henry Ledebur... H. P. Johnson____ W. $150-10% 75-1418 dB®t’18 Martin Rll O. R. Wolf Resources. Lords Bond* Camt k Ex MlfJCBL- changes and and ,Doe Discounts Securities LANKOU8 from Banks S. FISCH---------- L. F. SNJUID0RF— A W.LEPESKA___ F. A. V0GELSBEKG A live commercial Institution. We invite your business. Plain sight drafts, 15c. Credit reports, 25c. Q.R. SIHROEDER 50,000 12,740 682,270 75.000 18,270 801.540 M. LYNN PEAVEY......... C. S. BATCHELDER— GEORGE E. KAUL— ROGER W. PEAVEY~ LOUIS PEAVEY ‘SEND US YOUR FARIBAULT ITEMS DIRECT.” 216,661 74.610 2.020.340 Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time lbsms Remitted fo r Prom ptly on Day of PLAIN SIGHT DRAFTS. 15c: CREDIT REPORTS. Z 5c. rHEO. ALBRECHT... 5. R. TAYLOR........... E. E. CASWELL-------- HMF— 25,000 17,380 538,410 50.000 Payme nt. 234.210 69.050 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N,, Minpls. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 724 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. '"New §St.ate tPriv ‘County Seats. tMem. 8tate B Ass’n. [E&tab Entire State in ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.OFed. Res. Dlst. d-SafeDep.©Sav.?LastSale%I)iv President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Cashier. Ass’t cashier. Liabilities. Surplus Depos Other Paid-up AND Liabili its Capital Profits ties Resources. Bondi Loan, 0ah k SxMiscel cxabom .Dui and and Discounts Securities laneous i»m Bun Principal Correspondents. 11,610 Northw. N., Minpls. 10,000 4.640 $ 108,760 98.110 5,050 8.620 25.000 2.500 147.400 102.480 25,630 12,940 33.840 1st N.. Minpls. Harry Swanson... H. 6. Kramer....... Etta J. Hannaford 10.000 6,000 72.000 63.000 4.000 10.000 11,000 1st N., Minpls. A. 6. Anderson. R. V. Sherping. K. H. Bergerud___E. M. Anderson. Cash, and Tr.Officer E. A. Peterson 50,000 24.910 864,030 516.730 157.990 75,560 0. C. Boyurn. VI. Benson_______ A. W. Tomhave ... A. A.Vollbrecht-E. C. Peterson 50.000 10.000 303,940 $ 500.160 37,300 30.000 1.117.380 789.300 59.830 G. W. Knudson — D. Knudson.. Parwell______ 175 Farwell State Bank d®»tl’06 A. S. lrgens______J. K. Jacohson Arthur lrgens 1120 75-744 Pope K7 First National Bank...®t’21 E. Homstad______6. O. Jacobson.... A. P. Anderson.— Clara L. Johnson.. J. E. Anderson $no 75-1541 I Federal Dam..332 Federal Dam State Bank______ (Consolidated with F irst State Bank, Bay River, Minn.) Cass 612 Pel ton........ ....150 ★First State Bank____ ®J|’05 0. L. Dahl_____ Olay 63 $100-20% 75-746 ‘Fergus Falls 7581 Otter Tail J5 ‘AMERICAN STATE BANK 75-98 i% ° 75—100 ©T»t5’02 ®»t515 ‘FERGUS FALLS NATIONAL BANK $3io-X5% 75-97 J. S. ULLAND......... V. C. JENSEN.......... H. 6. DAHL- - - - - - - - - - C. ARTHUR ANDERSON E. H. RICH. V. P. J.F. SHAY P. T. MUCKE. JR. 90.930 2.000.000 320.700 Chase Bf., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls. “SEND US YOUR FERGUS FALLS ITEMS DIREC T.” Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items Remitted for Promptly on Day of Payment. ®T«t’82 ★First National Bank_®t’72 Elmer E. Adams._ M. T. McMahon... E. A. Jewett------- R. E. Lincoln------75-96 ★FIRST STATE BANK®*ti’02 C. W. Kaddatz $150-10% 1004)00 50,5001 188.660 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.: 1st N. and Northw. N.. Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P.: Am. Ex.. Duluth. 30,000 N. Park. N \.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.: Northern N.. Duluth. 75-99 H. K. Grinager K.J.Angus Andrew Urseth ... M. A. Stortroen... 100.000 35.000 92.980 2.075.680 12,500 100,000 706.940 1,319.590 56,820 285,320 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 92.000 25.500 112.000 Han. N.. N. Y.: 453.000 635,000 Merch. N.. N.. Minpls. St. P.; 1st E. M. Alexander. Fergus Falls Clearing House. H. 6. Dahl_______ R. E. Lincoln........... T. M. Anderson. Sec. Tr. (Members indicated by a ★) 371,010 27,600 80.520 51.500 1st N.. Minpls. and St. P.; Am. Ex. X. and 1st N., Duluth. 573,750 310,180 200.990 9.540 100.590 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Minpls. and St. P. 162.000 145.000 20,000 5.000 323,760 236.930 9.200 42,560 35.070 Polk Co. State. Crookston: Am. N., St. P.: 1st N., Graud Forks and St. P. 10,000 8.500 220,280 119.120 10.650 8,860 20.140 Peo. N„ Long Prairie: 1st N„ Swanville and Minpls.; Merch. N., St P. Flom____ _____ 100 Farmers State Bank ___ t§’14 Peter Ingebreaon. C. E. Peterson------ N. C. Holm---------- ------- ---------------------10% 75-1171 Norman 65 10.000 2,000 78,000 50,000 13,000 10,000 17.000 Merch. N.. St. P.: 1st N.. Twin Valley; 1st N., Minpls. First State Bank . ..d® •tl'08 Nils Muus.......... ..... jj. G. Vigeland_____B. J. Muus________ J. W. Raihola..... 75-749 M. Glemmestad... H. J. Tillemans... A. B. Larson.................................................. State Bank of Florence 8% 75-750 ®tl'0fc M. O. Gorseth _ B. H. Mushel___ _____J. E. Doheny______Wm H. Lord First National Bank.®»I’0& J. F. Hall 15% 75-437 ... J. E. Parent... ... H. A. Latterell — State Bank of Foley.d®t|'03 L. Wisniewski___ J. E. Parent $180-6% par 100 75-436 Theodore Anne___John Lorea*_______N. P. Norling--------- ------------------Forada........ .........92 Farmers State Bank $140 75-1077 dB®iS’13 Douglas K8 A. O. Leuzinger... Benj. Goodine------ R. G. Leuzinger ... G. F.Sprain First National Bank. d®«t’12 Forest Lake ..800 $145-10% 75-1048 Wash. M17 George Regan........ Forest Lake State Bank tl’08 W. J. Regan______J. R. Beggs________ O. Struble----Arnold Anderson 75-751 15.000 5.890 170,790 130,670 24.150 17.100 15.000 5.000 113.000 94.280 19.760 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Duluth and Minpls. 8.080 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls. 25.000 21.340 705.810 25,000 30.500 384,500 Foreston_____328 Foreston 8tate BankdB®t§'10 W. H. Lord.............H. J. Wicklund—. C. E. Gilbert . __ Olen Olson ___ Mllle Lacs L14 $200-10% par 150 75-752 Fort Ripley....125 Fort Ripley State Bank.tS'14 H. D. Michael____ J. Lamport_______ S. R. Kramer. 75-1174 Crow Wing J12 35.000 7.000 478,900 25.000 22,560 20,000 5,000 Fisher______ .305 Red River Valley State Bank C. E. Kiewel_____ J. M. Hanson______ E. C. Hopkins----------A. O. Stortroen ... $150 75-127 8 ®»t§’16 Polk E2 25,000 Flensburg.........210 First State Bank........d®t8’16 John J. Reichert.. J. J. McRae---------- A. J. McRae...............J. Morrison Kll $170-10% 75-1296 J. Korll----- E. Bolstad...............Hans Paulsrud. Fertile__ _____ 800 Farmers & Citiz. State Bk. N. Clementsen 75-469 dM'i'4 E. Mosseflu. V. P. 6. H. Floan Polk F4 (Consolidation of Citizens Stat e and Farmers State' Banks) First State 20% par 100 Flnlayson____293 First State 10% Pine J17 Floodwood ___ 277 St. Louis H17 Florence______ 190 Lyon P5 »Foley________ 837 Benton LIS .. O. Mon son... M.H. Viker Bank........ d»tl’87 Elmer B. Hanson.. Brown Duckstad.. H. A. Malmberg— C. E. Hintz.............. 75-468 Bank___d®ti’08 H. E. Shafer_____ C. J. Hoglund______ V. E. Shafer 75-747 10% par 100 MINNESOTA MAP on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11.730 24.200 16,000 1st N., Minpls.; Minn. X.. Duluth. 30,640 593.020 61.590 26.470 328,000 47.200 30.100 95,270 Han. N.. N.Y.; 1st N.. St. P.; Northw. N.. Minpls.; Minn. N.. Duluth. 34.700 1st N.. Minpls. and Duluth. 5,000 7.000 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; Glenwond State. Glenwood. 70.000 Merch. N. and 1st N., St. P. 43,870 16,720 16.140 Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch. N. and 1st N., St. P. 80,700 27.340 14.230 18,150 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N..8t. P.; Northw. N.. Minpls. 57.580 4,000 4,040 10.000 2,000 50.000 50,000 25.000 5.000 300,000 130.000 90,000 25.000 5.080 230,190 183.480 10.000 5.320 125.100 10,000 2.000 62,080 7.560|lst N.. Minpls. and Bramerd. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 79 • c Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n TOWN AND CODNTT ‘County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 Fed. Res. Dist •Mem.A.B.A.H'New § State tPriv JMem. State B. Aas’n. [Eetab ♦Fed. Res. Dept s:T-Trust B-Bonc d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Foss ton.............10R Polk F6 Farmers State Bank.©*t§’05 J. A. Northrop. *165 75-337 PRESIDENT. Vice-Prebident. Cashier. Ass’t Casiikk. E. W. Von Hoff.__ $ O. A. Brager_____ State Bank of Franklin Anthony Poss____ A. S. Erickson____ E. B. L. Eckberg.. J. L. Peterson____ *175-12% 75-765 ©tl'1900 Lilly M. Peterson f L. D. HENDRY F. J. KENNEDY--------- WM.ESPENSON .......... HERMAN LEHMAN — WM.PERSON Frazee................1277 FIRST RATIONAL BANK < “FIRST” IN N AME AS WELL AS “STRENGTH Becker H6 *200-15% 75-258 dB®t'97 j Send us your it ems direct for pro mpt attention. (.Fee in advance; plain sight drafts 15c; credit repor ts 35c. TRY US. Security State Bank _®t§’20 75 1533 John Ulschmid.__ Clifford Kittlesen. J. A. Cavanaugh... C. C. Tangen Freeborn ms First State Bank______ ®tl’06 C. B. Howard______ Geo. P. Lattin_____ R. S. Doherty......... Viola Gilbertson.. Freeborn Q15 *250-12% 75-756 Freeburg.... 75 Freeburg State Bank.®}|’17 TV. J. Daley_______ E. Theobald_______ H. J. FrischHouston R25 75-1414 *120 Freeport______ 525 (Merged, with Freep ort State Bank) StearnsL10 — Freeport State Bank..®t|'08 Aug. Wiechmann.. H. B. Tbelen______ J. C. Barren______ J. M. Reiland______ 75-757 A. L. Westbrock Frontenae..........280 Frontenae State Bank John Schmanss___ Albert Schmidt___ K. E. Hindman Goodhue 020 Par 100 75-1471 d®*t§T9 Frost__________ 252 State Bank of Frost d®»J|’99 O. J. Clark________ A. E. Amundson... J. H. Gnndenon... Carl Erdahl _ ___ Faribault R13 *160-10% 75-758 par 100 Fulda. 893 Jas. McCrea_______ M. J. Dickson_____ J. J. Schueller.__ E. W. Dawson____ Murray Q6 *200-10% 75-425 [Closed October 1,19 26) Gatzke Marshall C6 Farmers State Bank ..©SS’14 *115 75-1126 Garfield 8tate Bank...®*|'04 *235-10% 75-758 Farmers 8tate Bank..®«t|'08 75-760 Farmers State Bank d®»t§'15 *170-10% 75-1220 First State Bank_____ dtl’1900 75-76] ">n Farmers State Bank________ *Gaylord .. 783 Sibley 012 CITIZENS STATE ueo-6% BANK cor 100 “ ---------- “ Geneva_______ 250 Freeborn Q17 Genola............... 100 Morrison Kit 75-473 d®»t§’04 S 8,000 1 298.14C $ 628,470 15.00C 12.000 10,006 12,570 17,000 6,000 200,000 15,000 12,450 193.330 30,000 12.440 448,900 15,000 1,500 500 $ 224.93C 1 30,000 330.000 335,970 42.796 $ 246,520 235,006 65.000 110.950 16.400 Principal Correspondents. 27,706 $ 26,506 31,220 Chasa N.. N. Y.: Cont. ft Com 1 N., Chi.. Crookston State. Crookston; Northw. N.. Mispls. 95,490 N. Oity. N. Y.; Merch. N.. St. P. 57,000 1st N., Minpls. and Winona. 4,000 10,400 1st N.. St. P. and Duluth; Northw. N., (N. Am. Office) Minpls. 20,000 Northw. N.. Minpls. 149.830 18,760 26.370 25,820 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P.; Citiz. State. New Ulm. 239.300 162.140 1,500 88,390 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Cont. ft Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Midland N.Bk&Tr. Co.. Minpls. 69,000 44.000 18.000 147,770 10.000 8,830 148,770 10.000 2,270 67,800 25.000 9,810 344,330 15.000 2,000 90,000 25.000 14.040 25.000 32.630 30.000 308.350 19,000 442,050 18.000 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. 5.200 6,830 15.000 5,100 8.000 31.400 31,390 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. ft Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P. 9,000 Merch. N..St.P.; Citiz., Lake City; Northw. N., Minpls. 34.500 C. & C. N., Chi.; Blue Earth State. Blue Earth; Albert Lea State. Albert Lea. 100.000 5,600 11.400 272,910 5.200 19,500 223.030 159,240 44.190 1.250 G. E. Richardson.. G. B. Gilman______ F. E. Rolloff............. 10,000 2.270 67,270 55,600 T. Knutson________ K. J. Knutson____ George Roche......... 15.000 6.620 203,970 156,650 9,110 12,800 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st. N.. Albert _ Laa; Northw. N., Minpls. 6,910 Drov. N., Chi.; N. Bk. of LaCrosse. La Crosse, Wis.; 1st N., Minpls. 73,220 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Citiz., Mankato: 1st N , Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P. 9,500 1st M&nksto> 13,830 45.100 1st N.. St. P.: Far. N., Alexandria. 31.300 38,300 1st N., Minpls.; N. Citiz.. Mankato. N. G. Nelson_____ T. P. Lien_________ G. Holnm__________ 20.000 5,320 195,170 G. O. Eeg. M. E. Dahl.............. 10,800 8.870 187 £"n 107.410 31.670 16,230 49.240 IstN., St.P.; Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls. 10,000 10,250 221.080 164.270 22,180 18.630 36,250 Cont. and Com’l N.. Chi : 1st N. and Northw. N„ Minpls ; 1st N., St. P. 2S.000 21,210 738,990 494.920 144,360 11.250 135,970 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Midland N. Bk. ft Tr. Co., Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P. 42,335 41,070 Cont. ft Com’l N., Chi.; Northw. N , Minpls.; 1st N.. St. P. 21,170 Freeborn Co. State and North Side State, Albert Lea; 1st N., Minpls. 11,300 Northw. N., Minpls; 1st N., Little Falls. A. Elleraas______ E. B. Hanson............ S. J. Sundet_______ N. B. Raene _ (Closed July 9, 102 7) rS. J. MAURER______ mnsh I* RlLvUr --- — 1. C. DETERLIN6... 9. W. FENSKE “LARGEST BA NK” SEND IIS Y OUR GAYLORD LPlain Sight Dra fts ISc Credit Re ports 25c ITEMS DIRECT First State Bank.___ ®t«§’83 Gr$o- McKenzie, Jr. 3. J. Muffelman .. lohn EsteuiOn____ ! 150 75-472 Geneva State Bank..d®ti'15 M. F. J. Wayne___ L. W. Johnson 200-8% par 100 75~1257 ?irst State Bank.......... ©t§'ll Magnus Rauch.......... Joseph Ethen--------- E. C. Kennell______ 120 75-1034 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20.001 30,001 Fountain S4f First 8tate Bank_____ d>tl’01 Hiram Johnson.... E. C. Moody.............. M. H. Dayton.......... Fillmore R21 75-753 Foxhome______ 266 State Bk. of Foxhome J. H. Ehlert______ E. E. Manuel______ R. W. Rossow____ Wilkin J4 *210-10% 75-754 d®T«tl’03 par 100 Franklin 510 OitizensState Bank—©tl’ll E. F. Johnson......... Fred Penning ___ E. W. Neunsinger. G. L. Foss_________ Renville 09 *225-20% 75-100* Garden City...275 Blue Earth Q12 Garfield______ 176 Douelas K7 Garvin..................325 „ Lyon P6 Gary...................... 333 ^Norman F4 Liabilities. Resources Lords Bonds UABH A I* Paid-up Surplus Dbpoo- Other Miscel oranges AND and L iabili and , Dui Capitai Profits IT8 Discount* Securities laneous from Baras ties _ Oscar Holden______ John Hillestad First National Bank...*t’93 Lewis Lohn______ S. S. Stadsvoid____ 75335 L. G. Hancock •• Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Aeces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates. Hollriavs. Ptr son l aws MINNESOTA- Continued FOR PR OMPT 1.310 PERSO NAL AT TENTI ON 50,000 8.000 310.210 10,000 8,900 158.490 131.460 18.000 6,760 15,000 3,150 84,650 48.510 22,640 20,340 22,000 286,800 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 726 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *County Seats. Entire State in No. 9Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.ri'New § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Kes.DeptstT-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Ke&ourcks. LiAfiiLmgs. Loans Bonds Miscel Oasb k KxOther D epos Liabili Paid-up Surplus and and CHAjran,Dux AND its Capital Propits Discounts Securities laneous non Bari ties $ Jas. M. Hanson ... Eddie Lanctot____ Gentilly______100 Farmers State Bank..©t§’16 *100 75-1294 Polk E4 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued 10,000 % 2,000 $ 66,000 $ 5,000 $ 65.000 6.500 Midland N„ ana Northw. N„ Minpls.; Drov. State, So. St. P. 613,720 539.620 75.110 58,990 Hanover N„ N.Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P.; N. Citiz., Mankato. 15.750 388.360 _______ 289,400 94,110 7.020 25.590 N. Bk. Rep., Oh!.; 1st N„ Minpls. and St. P. 30,000 32,900 565,000 248,000 256,000 27.900 96.000 N. Bk. Rep. and C. & C. N„ Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; Citiz. State, New Ulm. 30,000 54,680 557,280 30,000 40,320 482,980 56.230 92,430 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls.; Northern N., Duluth. 10,000 4,900 105,080 _____ 96,920 8,000 7.210 7.850 State Bk. of Foley, Foley: 1st N„ Minols. 593.110 432,810 53.410 392,920 497.230 30,930 130.360 Han. N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„Chi ; 1st N. and Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N., St.P. 139,060 N. Bk. Com. N.Y.; C. & C. N„ Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 249,000 320.000 20,000 Farmers State Bank ..®t§’18 P. O. Sonstegard.. *160 75-1431 12,000 2,400 69,000 A. Engels............ Ghent............... 316 First & Farmers State Bk. Edw. Schreiber ... J. *132-5% par too d®T+§'08 Charles Foulon.CTt. Wm. Boerboom Lyon 05 75-763 50,000 10,000 John Frledl_____ George Eckert __ Robert McMullen. J. A. Kiecker_____ Thomas Bakke 12,000 .......................... State Bank of Gibbon®»t§’04 H. N. Somsen.......... John Templin____ A. P. Rischmiller. R. O. Tester.......... $170-9% par 100 75-496 St. Louis F1P First National Baak...®»t’08 Alfred Hoel............ R. L. Griggs______ John Seman______ Lillian Havila____ T. A. Flannigan 75-248 Gilman.. Benton K14 ®tl’06 150 First State Bank of Gilman, J. H. Niedzielski.. L. Wisniewski........ Inc. *150 75-1289 ©iS’16 100,000 First National Bank dB®*t’81 Henry A. Thoeny.. J. F. Mielke.......... .. J. F. Klobe---------- Marian A. Asche.. 50,000 18,510 941.630 Leslie Dascher___ 25,000 20,000 620.000 10,000 5,490 92,000 22,610 27,880 A. H. Bender_____ C. L. Nagel............. 10,000 11,830 219,330 200.170 5.000 4,800 L. Robards______ 25,000 17,560 474,080 344,480 86.850 16.090 69,140 C- & C. N„ Chi.; 1st N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. Arthur Irgens____ Oluf Gandrud........ Ole Irgens............. T. R. Thompson H. G. Boyle W. A. Muralt.......... O. E. Back............... 40.000 16,160 404,670 10,000 2,020 156,690 O. Fredricks_____ A. N. Johnson____ Andrew Johnson 25,000 16,200 400,000 Blanche B. Barry. 25,000 10,060 D. Nei___________ 12,000 7,000 8% GLENCOE 75-234 .®»t§’73 J. W Gilbert W. G. Gould Glenvllle . 379 Citizens State Bank. ©*:£§'ll R. Wendt............... F, j Chr^ $120 75-573 Freeborn R16 First State Bank____ ©+§’99 75-572 Theodore Anne.__ J. H. McCauley.__ ‘Glenwood ...2187 Glenwood State Bank *240-10% 75-202 dB©»JJ’07 Pope L7 par 100 Pope County State Bank 75-203 d©t§*08 Glyndon. 382 State Bank of Glyndon.i§'26 *180 75-764 Clay H3 Gonvlck .27 fi Farmers State Bank,©T»tJ'14 Geo. T. Hamery... G. A. Stockland, 75-1165 Clearwater E7 $200-8% V. P. (Closed November 4, Good Thunder 464 Blue Earth Q13 Gordonsville ..150 Freeborn R17 Grace ville___1022 Big Stone L3 FIRST NATIONAL BANK , 75-357 «• ** Graeecille State Bank MINNESOTA Map on index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 76,000 1st N„ Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Minpls. Tr. Co.. Minpls. 56,990 1st N„ Minpls. and Albert Lea. 31,180 1st N„ Albert Lea; Northw. N„ Minpls. 252.410 97.000 24.020 87,400 1st N. Chi.; Northw. N>« Minpls.; 1st N. 135.870 6.650 16.760 272,110 63,060 49.250 14.330 Northw. N.. Minpls.; Dakota N., Fargo; 1st & Moorhead N., Moorhead. 65.000 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N.,St. P.; Minn.N., Duluth; Dep. Bk. & Tr. Co., Winona. 501,910 195,820 267,770 35,500 37,870 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N.. 250,000 157,000 63,000 6,000 25,000 C.&C.N.,Chi.;MidlandN.Bk.& Tr. Minpls.; Goodhue Co. N.,Red W.; Merch. N.,St. P. 20,000 1st N., Mankato; Northw. N„ Minpls. 4.900 1926) First National Bank...®t’05 C. F. Sawyer_____ *250-10% 75-766 Goodhue State Bank..©t|’14 *i75-io% 75-1160 First National Bank...®t'20 R L Hnuk 75-1486 State Bank of Good Thunder F. W. Bruscke ___ Chas. Sperlich___ *185-8% 75-767 •}|’93 Farmers State Bank...dtl’07 *150-5% 75-768 (Closed December 15. 1926) fR. J. McRAE — .. 50,010 Elsie Merchant 75-235 Peoples State Bank dB®tl’18 H. A. Weckwerth. 75-1488 Goodhue Ol9 42,700 1,067,000 3,000 Frank Reimers___ L. B. Gilbert ‘Glencoe .... 1747 BANK OF $100-4% McLeod N12 Goodhue_____500 5,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Am. N„ 8t. P.; Polk Oo. State. Crookston. ________ 83.920 BANK m 8.000 $ 67.000 115,330 Gibbon ........ 583 CITIZENS STATE *300-15% 75-497 Sibley Oil % 9,580 Merch. N„ St. P.: 1st N., Fargo: 1st & MoorheaoN., Moorhead. 3,000 Georgeville.__60 Stearns L9 5,000 36,840 15,000 J. H. Northrup—. William Messner.. A. F. Hokanson... Goldie Larson-----G ©orgetown... 150 State Bk. of Georgetown *ioo 75-762 ®*t§’04 Clay G2 % PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. R .1 MrRAF A. McRAE .T, H. Diercks St. P.; Northw. N.. Minpls. H. C. Mielke_____ 25,000 5.000 200,000 95,000 115,000 30,000 F. H. Morlock........ Julia C. Ulrich.— W. O. Sohre B. R. Miller______ B. I. Buley............... 20,000 22.100 361,410 336,710 6.200 33,140 10,000 5.900 104,500 89,730 400 3.470 27,470 N. Citiz.. Mankato; Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N., Minpls. 26,800 1st N., Minpls. and Albert Lea. EDW. GETTMAN— 25,000 22,350 559.160 239,180 234,280 24.300 83.760 Chase N„ N. Y.: lit N., Minpls. and St. P. J A McRAE- 30,000 25.000 ®»t’94 \ First in name a s well as “Strengt h.” Send us you r Items direct for J prompt atteut on. (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight drafts, 16c: Crtc it Reports, 26c. toy i; S. (Closed December 15, 1926) Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 727 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county ^County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem. A.B. A. ^New §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Ferl. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bnnd d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Martin R12 GRANADA STATE 75-769 BANK ®t5'96 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces,), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Resources. Liabilities. PRESIDENT. Cashier. Vice-President. fO. CLYNIGK- - - - - - - J. E. BRANCH. . . . . . . . . A 0 GRAY Ass’t Cashier. BESS BACON ) “OLDEST AND LARGEST BAN ROBT. F. GRAY ) Send Us Your G ranada Items Di rect for Prompt Attention. (.FEE IN ADVAN CE. Plain Sight Drafts ISc. Cred it reports 25c. S 25,000 t 1.500 l 185.000 $ 1.500 $ 160,000 21,390 Northern N.. Duluth; Northw. N., Minpls. 306.420 92,850 20.790 58.010 them. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi., Minpls., 24,600 236.080 28.210 9.320 65.890 lont. & Com’l N., Ohi.; 1st N., 8t. P.; 583,750 25,000 282,130 288,420 .920 55.610 iorthw. N., Minpls.; 1st N. and Am. Ex. N., Duluth. 5 000 65.000 77,000 13.000 16.000 Ian. N., N. Y.; Minn. N., Duluth: 1st N., Minpls. f.t- 65,310 14.730 13.060 24,570 1st N., St. P. and Minpls. 200 89.600 36.150 8,960 34,200 it N., Minpls.: CrescoUnion Sav..Cresco. 25,000 283.240 131.000 32,470 53,810 N. Park, N. Y.: Met. N. and 1st N..Minpls.; 250.560 238,410 36.850 206.500 408,800 16.720 67.680 Ill. Merch.Tr. &C. &C.N..Chi.;Northw. N. and 1st N.. Minpls. 90.140 C. &C. N. and 1st N..Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N.. Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P. 166,310 49,850 7.250 142.130 51,250 10.120 230.500 $ R P. Elliott_____ P. T. Elliott--------GrandMeadow57 9 Exchange State Bk._d®»t§'71 $300-8% par 100 75-498 Mower R19 .. .. First National Bank..-®t’03 G. T. Torgrimson— W. H. Goodsell—. F. T. Elliott, Jr..— G. F. Brown______ $325-15% 75-499 Sarah Lestrud 25,000 49.370 403.710 25,000 27,500 262,400 50,000 15.330 .. Itasca County State Bank $130 par too 75-1559 d©§’25 Isanti L16 Fillmore R21 .T. O. Pnnle State Bank of Grandy...i§'10 $125-6% 75-771 ‘Granite Fallslfill D. A. McLarty .... 75-281 Yellow Med. N7 <• •« Granite Falls Bank___®i§’78 75-279 Yellow Medicine Co. Bank L. H. Kraemer___ $200-20% 75-280 ©»t§'87 Kanabec K16 P. W. Heupel_____ 25,000 5,000 136.000 A. F. Oman O. B. Erickson.... 10,000 3,820 103,850 Malinda Bronner.. 20,000 4,500 144,210 25,000 22.330 428.200 J. R. Holvik. A. E. Batchelder .. G. A. Lien L. O. Johnson____ A. J.Johnson------ H. G. Hamre_____ F. L. Wilson G. H. Wilson M. G. Moue ............ 20,000 26.110 547,390 25,000 26.550 667.310 C. J. Eklund____ M. A. Halgerson.. 10.000 7.460 236.540 J. F. Mullen_____ F. P. Michaletz.__ 10,000 12,100 203.810 First State Bank-----d©t§’08 A. T. Westrom ___ 75-772 3,300 and Austin. Merch., Winona. la. 1st N., St. P. 30.590 1st N.. Minpls.; Payne Ave. State.St. P. (Closed May 9, 1927 ) Greenbusb___310 Roseau C5 Green Isle 262 Sibley 013 Green Valley..100 Lyon 06 W. C. Gilbert____ Granger State Bank..®t§T7 C. M. Tierney____ D. M. Hunt______ $160-10% 75-1423 Martin Co. N., Fairmont., Austin N. 28.010 242,980 H. Aiken .......... M, A Spang 21,000 9,080 6.000 W. 32.000 $ Austin. 40,000 ‘GrandRapids29T4 First National Bank .d©»t’02 12% par 100 75-199 Itasca G15 % TRY US A. M. Anderson — Helen Wahlstrom. T O. Sent* ‘Grand Marais443 Grand Marais State Bank $150-6% 75-1331 ®*tlT6 Cook B22 Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonds Miscel Oasb k ExSurplus Other Paid-up Depos Liabili and ohahm.IK'I and AND its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous vaoM Bm> ties Citizens State Bank ...©t§’02 Herman Schwartz. $250-20% 75-773 Farmers State Bank —®t§’15 H. J. Tillemans___ par 100 75—1206 23.290 1st N., Minpls.; Am. N., St. P. 6,170 12.220 Merch N., St. P.; Far. & Merch. N., 45,000 Cont. & Oom’l N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. 12,000 7,190 86.680 87.480 25,000 7.000 275,000 230.000 27,000 5,000 25,000 2.250 110,990 79,870 52,520 12,500 18,050 E. C. Thompson... F. A. Schmidt 25,000 7,650 417.450 327.570 23,000 35.370 62,150 1st N.. Chi.and Minpls.; Bk. of Litchfield, Litchfield; IstN.. St. P. __ Emilius Nelson ___ N. A. Christenson. E. A. Reitan. Hannah E. Nelson (Closed October 5.1 926) 37.500 35.850 851.170 688.210 88,310 70.660 77.450 Chase N., N. Y.; Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N., Litchfield. 10,000 3.150 78.510 49.650 26.580 5.810 16,000 10.000 160,000 163.370 2,000 23,530 14,000 1st N., Chi.; 30,000 7.660 332,800 244.380 35.120 37.070 53.870 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N., Theo. Albrecht-__ J. J. Winter............ Green wald___200 State Bank of Greenwald $145-12% 75-774 dB®t§'10 Stearns L10 par 100 {Closed February 3, 1927) _ Todd K10 " National Bank of Grey ®t’25 G. R. Christie........ H. D. Bergman.__ Wm. E. Lee______ Eagle 75-1556 Grove City ___ 388 $145-6% 75-581 Meeker M10 .. Merch.&Far. State Bank $150-10% par 100 75-580dB»t§’08 Guckeen ... 100 Faribault R12 Gniiv m Polk E7 Guthrie _75 Farmers State Bank.d©t§'17 $130-10% par 100 75-1412 Hubbard G10 1.050 T. F. McClure____ o P Wilier A. O. Malmquist J. J. Grimsgard . 24.700 110 Minneota. of Long Prairie, Long Prairie. (Consolidated with Farmers State Bank , Gonvick, Minn.) M. C. Whitney — A. J. Waldon_____ Hadley________147 F. D. Week______ T. H. Knutson ___ Murray Q5 $150-10% par 100 75-1231 ‘Hallnck 101V Kittson Counly State Bank Martin Boraas........ E. C. Borley______ C. A. Veblen.......... E. R. Veblen------Kittson B2 $150-8% 75-373 dB®«t§’97 F. C. Erickson 16,900 9.620 Northw. N., Bemidji. Minpls.; Bemidji State, Northw, N.. Minpls.; State Bk. of Slayton. Slayton. Minpls.; 1st N.. St. P. par 100 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 728 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •.Mem.A.B.A.nNew JStateTPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Hond No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist, d-Safel)ep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. town and County . ‘County Seats. President. (Now Lancaster-Ii■ II alma_______ 100 Kittson Ii3 Ilalstad 5>?Jt First National Bank-d®»t'04 L. H. Ickler___ par too 75-519 Norman G2 State Bank of Halstad.dtl'94 O. H. Vlker 75-618 A. T. Radke_______ $150-12% 75-778 ®t§'04 Carver 013 Hamel_______ 150 Farmers State Bank ..©U'lO L. C. Dorwelier.__ Hennepin M15 Hammond___226 Security State Bank...df§'24 N. Schouweiler__ $125-8% par 100 *5-779 Wabasha P20 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans ther Bonds MucitDepos- LOiabili Paid-up Surplus and and and Discounts Securities LanhOUb Profits TIES Principal correspondents. CUn * ExraoM Baku ma State Bank, La ncasler, Minn.) ... B. Engebretson. A. I. Engebretson. J. B. Grothe_______ $ James Larson_____ Proehl______ Wm. 5,530 $ 370,310 t 13.010 $ 179,850 $ 127,880 S 11,100 J 20.000 12,000 365,000 25.000 33.000 26,110 25,000 11,970 148.710 135,820 17,880 10,000 3.480 68.770 66,490 1.300 4,200 A. D. Anderson ... A. S. Funk_______ L. A. Schouweiler. 20.000 12,080 298.850 285,930 10.560 8,000 C. J. 13,760 250,000 H. F. Hughart------ H. J. Dorweiler... Mabel Larson........ F. Belter_____ 25.000 $ 95,020 N. Park, N.Y.: Am. N.. St. P.: Northw N„ Minnls ; Am. Ex. N.. Duluth. 70,000 Han. N„ N. Y., 1st N. and M idland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.: Minn. N., Duluth. 19.620 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.: Merch. N., St. P. 10,250 Merch. N.. St. P.: 1st N.. Minpls. 20,460 1st N., Wabasha; 1st State Bk. & Tr. Co,, Rochester Northw. N., Minpls. L. L. Rheinhardt.- Peter Doffing........ Hampton ?M Far. & Merch. State Bank 75-1519 ©§’20 Dakota 017_ F. W. Shandorf— State Bank ol Hampton 75-780 d®:S’99 First National Bank-.. ®t'03 1. S. Large_________ J. A. Murphy______ 75-511 Stevens L6(j Hancock National Bk d®»t’9W H. F. Frisbee___ John Erickson $inO par 100 75-510 J. O. Ackerman___ 1 ,000 3,880 61,450 A. Muellerleile — J. L. Shumway.... 20.000 6.190 318,050 A. F. McKellar.___ II. A. Mecklenburg 25,000 12,400 200,750 24,600 118,450 74,050 7,890 C. J. Bordewick... 40.000 14,000 560,000 30,000 322.000 146,000 51,000 Hanley Falls 326 Farmers State Banf.d8®tS'lo E. H. Anderson___ C. S. Orwoll 75-1308 Yellow Med. 06 A. Thostenson.......... R. J. Simonson.... 32.000 8 000 332,520 291,110 8,200 33,500 39,720 Con». * Com'l N„ Chi.; 1st N„ St. P. and Minpls, 40,000 27,000 910,500 620,800 214,300 121.700 20.000 8,480 239,910 211,930 10,590 12,040 20,700 Northw. N.. MinplR.; 1st N„ Mankato,; Citiz. State. New Ulm. 33,830 1st N., Minnls. 1st & Far. N„ Luverne; Kenneth State, Kenneth. 25.000 13.650 337,030 226,170 74,960 28,030 20,000 27,500 620,000 350,000 240,000 17,000 20,000 11.980 304,560 215,090 79,500 18,570 24,800 1st N„ Chi. and St, P,; Midland N. Bk, & Tr„ Minpls.: Merch. N. Ced. R. 65.000 1st N.. St. P.: 1st N„ Minpls. 6,750 17,580 Cont. ft Com’l N„ Chi.: 1st N., Minpls. and Albert Lea. 25,380 15,410 Northw. N„ Minpls,; Albert Lea State. Albert Lea. 2 500 1st N„ Hastings. Minpls., and St. P. 72,030 1st N„ N.Y., Chi.. Minpls.. and 8t.P. State Bank of Hanska d©4§ 02 A. O. Amundson... A. G. Anderson— Henry Anderson .. A. M. Paulson_____ Die berruir. A. C. A. L. llaugan $190-10% par 150 *5-59? ?17 Hardwick Stale Bank®«t|'25 Herman Fitzer.... E, A. Grunklee___ Laura R. Anderson $125 75-783 Harmony 71R First National Bank-...®t'07 Theodore Michel -A. G. Johnson____ L. E. Hellickson.. Fillmore R21 $250-10% 75-447 Chas. McKay Tollef 8anderson .. R. W Daniels____ T. Sanderson, Jr... Horace Olson_____ Harmony State Bank K. D. Olson $275-10% 75-446 (IB ©+§'93 - _____ •• Peoples State Rank.—®t§’16 T. T. Brokken____ N. E. Anderson... T. S. Brokken____ L. M. Larson_____ $125-8% 75-1295 G. J. Stolberg........ State Bank of Harris..®tl'04 A. P. Stolberg____ G. J. Jarchow $200-10% 75-7^4 O. A. Horpedahl.. H. W. Arveson — Farmers Sra e Bank..®tiT2 Alfred Christo$125-5% 75-1037 pherson Chisago L17 Freeborn Q15 H M 28,710 37,680 8,080 190,000 57,500 13,460 15,820 Merch. N„ St. P.; Northw. N„ Minpls. 83,290 1st N., Minpls.and St. P. 62,360 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co , Minpls.; 8tock Yds. N„ So. St. P. 115,000 Chase N., N, Y.; Northw. N,, Minpls.; 1st N., St, P. (Merged with Stale Bank of Hanska, Fe bruary 21, 1927) tiauska______ 412 Brown Pll Hardwick Rock Q4 9.970 J. A. Halvoxsen... State Bank of Hart!’02 A. C. Erickson .... $2Bn-io% 75-785 H. P. Schoen. ‘Hastings....... 4371 Haydn S. Cole____ 75-131r Sec. and Tr. F. W. Finch Dakota 013 First National Bank..®»J’57 U. S. Cole............. F. W. Finch_____ H. P.Schoen_____ 75-139 Hastings National Bank 75-140 ©»t'82 Henrietta Anderson A. B. Heinen, A. S. W. E. Beerse. A.7V. 25.000 1,420 30,000 10,500 480.000 260,000 140,000 10.000 2.690 111,870 63,960 36,270 257.090 15.000 17,670 50,000 45,000 K. L. Hanson_____ 50.000 70,490 1,163,840 Charles Doffing..— A. N. Gergen-------- 50.000 14.850 O. E Lofthus........ 25.000 25.000 30,300 279,270 ' 90,000 71,530 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co... Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. C2tiz. State, New Ulm. 60,500 Chase N„ N. Y.; C. & C. N..Chi.: N.Bk. of LaC. LaCrosse; Northw. N., Minpls. 689,100 503,510 49,680 745.960 389,210 295,160 22.880 5,050 166.690 125,720 10,590 29,190 31,240 IstN., Minpls,: Merch, N„ St, P, 15.000 325,000 289.000 8,500 32 500 85,000 Cont. ft Com'l N., Chi,; Minpls. 514,790 404,090 16,290 30.000 103,570 Merch. N„ St, P. Northw. N„ Minpls. Hatticld i?n Farmers State Bank________ (Closed April 9, 192 7) Pipestone Q4 Hawley Clay H4 qhq " •• .. Farmers & Merchants State Wm. Ritteman.... Bank ...75-1384 ..®*t§ 17 Albert Thysell 1 H. F MENSING-— J. F. MILLARD- - - - - - G 0 SJORDAL - - 0. G. JOHNSON_ _ _ _ FIRST NATIONALBANK < Send Us Your H awley Items Dire ct. 75-411 ®»t’05 I For Prompt, Pe rsonal Attention (.Fee In Advance : Plain Sight Drafts, 15c; Credi t Reports, 25c. STATE BANK OF HAWLEY Ole Olson________ $175-10% par 100 fl® »J|'92 H. P. Gunderson _ George Wastvedt— TRY 35,000 Northw. N„ us. 37,720 1,044.130 240 181,920 Chase N„ N, Y.; 1st N„ Chi., Bt, Minpls. P,, and 7&-410 Minnesota Map on index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 79 n Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No.9 Fed. Res. Dist. •.Ylem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPrb. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bontl d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Liabilities, Other Dbpos- LiabiliPaiD-vr S_urplus AMD ITS Capital Hayfleld______799 Citizens State Bk___d®tl‘10 F. J. Thoe------------ D. B. Brakke.......... C. H. Finseth-------- T. Z. Marshall___ I Thomas Larson Dodge Q18 $300-15% par 100 75-487 M " Hayward ___ .150 Freeborn R16 Hazel 50 Pennington E5 Hazel Run___ 150 Yellow Med. N6 Hector.............. 830 Renville N10 .. (JACOB LEUTH0LD { FIRST AND OL FARMERS STATE BANK ♦ 75-486 ®tl'08 j Send us your it (.Fee in advance J. L. CURTIS------- C. H. W0ELLSTEIN W 0 HAVEY Farmers State Bank-.-®tl’04 $210-8% 75-786 A. Frydenlund___ J. J. Hot* DEST ESTABLIS HKD BANK. ems direct for pr ompt attention. : Plain sight dra fts, 15c; Credit Reports 25c. __ M Hove L. A. Jertson __ aas«! Ron State Bank tS'02 75-787 S. W. Anderson ... A. B. Dahlgren.__ A. E. Schroeder... L. H. Anderson ... Farmers & Merch.State Bank 10% par 100 75-382 d®»t|'98 E. H. Hagquist “ SIBLEY COUNTY BANK $120-10% 75-788 dB®»JI 75 par 120 Hendricks........ 731 Farmers National Bank $150-10% par 100 75-548 d®»t’09 Lincoln 03^ First National Bk..d@»tl800 75-548 Farmers State bank.__ tl’15 75-1232 Norman 02^ Norman County State Bank $ho 75-1560 ®t§’26 Henning______755 Farmers State bank------tl'06 75-477 Otter Tail J7 First National Bank— dt’05 $135-15% par 100 75-478 Henriette___ 264 75-1098 Pine K17 Herman___ __ 630 First National Bank~®t’01 Grant K4 75-475 “ ___ _ “ Hewitt Todd J 9 1 394,400 J 113,580 J 15.000 $ 32,800 $ 544,320 25,000 23,820 301,170 279,380 15.710 232,490 188,960 6,970 $ 40,040 77,170 1st N.. Ohi. and Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 30,560 Gont. & Oom'IN., Ohi.: MidlandN., Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 10,000 11,250 9,930 48,130 1st N.. Minpls., Albert Lea and Austin. A BUCK _ _ _ _ J A DUCLOS A* H. STUCKE F H. SCHRllPP WILLARD J0HNS0N-- 10,000 9,220 196,860 141,450 45,060 4.000 25,570 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. and St. P. 30.000 12,910 351,800 310,960 21,140 32,980 50,000 21,700 421,030 41,950 14,570 15.000 6,940 282,980 181,180 71,590 26,060 15.000 3,5.30 217,490 87,300 84,410 17,540 29,630 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr.. N. Y.: 0. & 0. N., Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P. Chase N„ N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.; 51,730 1st N.. St. P. and Minpls. Han. N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 26,100 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. 46,830 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.: Merch. N., St. P. 452,200 * 5,360 ) Save time and get service on Col lections and Cre dlt Reports by se ndlng Lfeb in advan CK: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Crad it Reports. 25c. TRY US. C. C. Swenson.. . A. J. Knutson ___ L. E. Nelson Sam Bogen ______ T. A. Olsen L. H. Ickler............ A. I. Engebretson.. M. L. Brevig_____ Mildred Fjeseth A. O. Saetre Andrew Anderson. R. R. Patterson___ L. A. Johnson____ J. C. Oarlson.. 25.000 5.000 240,000 25,000 170,000 35,000 35.000 25.000 22.210 671,620 25,000 468,690 130,300 27,950 20,000 4.000 175,000 140,000 17,000 15,000 5,360 165,400 97,970 44.180 10.000 7,000 257,220 25,000 8,070, 343,590 A. M. Lee I. R. Melin 10,000 3,000 100,000 A. D. Larson_____ T. W. Fickes_____ F E Peck 25,000 18.370 282,570 50,000 20.000 331,190 480 173,190 25,000 6,220 55.000 Northw. N., Minpls. 116,900 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N. and Midland N Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Merch. N.,8t.P 20,000 1st N., Minpls. 37,390 Am. N., St. P.; Northern N.. Duluth. 45.660 1st N., S’. P.; Fergus Falls N.. Fergus Falls Northw. N Minpls. 55,000 1st N.. Min ins. and Fergus Falls; Merch. N.. Wadena 19,000 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 229.030 159,000 99,000 1.500 178,690 80.070 33,990 58,190 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 277,720 20,470 74,930 28,050 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N. and Merch. N„ St H.; 1st N„ and Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N„ Mankato. 393,310 305,200 55,430 110,000 10.000 92,770 1st N. and Northw. N.. Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato 25,000 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. D. C. Birch Grant County State Bank____ (Closed, November 1 0. 1926) J. J. MALONEY_ _ _ _ A. H. SMITH............fJERRY SULLIVAN. N. J. HENKELS Heron Lake ...922 FARMERS STATE BANK Jackson Q8 $160-10% par 150 75-407 d«tl'#2 ) Send us your it ems direct for pr ompt personal at tentlon. (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Cred it Reports, 25c. M Principal Correspondents. (Closed November 30 , 1926) rG ___ Resources. Loam Bonds Oaoi A BxMiscel oharccs and and .Dvi Discounts Saeuritias laneous fhou Banks T RY US. H. L. Torbenson... H. C. Anderson State Bk of Hector.d®*t§'87 L. W. Gilbeit. A. B. Anderson 8% par 100 75-381 J. S. Nelson Henderson ___ 766 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. J. A. Gmeinder.__ J. F. Dempsey .... F. L. Hartmann... $150-10% 75-1023 dB®»tl’ll Sibley 013 “ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (1 dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Paul Benson First National Bank., d*11900 John Mathias 10% 75-406 399 First State Bank.... d®il’03 G. I. Pretty man... L. H. .(ollifTn 75-790 rS. R. KIRBY------Hibblng........17,955 FIRST NATIONAL BANK St. Louis F17 75-57 ®«l’02 ) “FIRS (.Send us your It •« « George Lerch........ Hibbing National Bank $125 75-«0 ®*I’19 •• H Merch. & Miners State Bank B. M. Concklin___ 75-58 dB®»t§’04 •• •« Security State Bank___•Jl'll 75-59 Hill City 429 Thos. Brusegaard.. Aitkin H14 75-791 Farmers State Bank__©+ST9 Morrison K14 75-1476 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis B. C. ROOD... P. MITCHELL L. C. NtWCOMBE TRY US. John O. Bondhus.. J. H. Meyer _____ 35,000 46,410 730.320 F. L. Wendorf .... 15,000 12,500 130,000 L. 0 KIRBY_____ T. A, EVERY.............. G. W. BAUER 100.000 T” IN NAME AS WELL AS “STRE NGTH’’ ems for prompt a ttention. Credit Reports 25c. Peter McHardy... 100,000 35.000 297,650 2,522,080 90,000 998,610 1,323,510 133,010 554,600 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Duluth; Northw. N., Minpls. 572.210 25,090 143.480 395.430 18.970 100,000 1,000,000 175.390 Han. N-. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.; Am. Ex. N., Duluth. 200,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N., St. P.; Citv N.- Duluth. 105,680 N. Park. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.: Am. Ex. N., Duluth; 1st N.. St. P. 53,000 C. & C. N., Chi.; 1st N„ 8t. P. and Minpls.; Oitv N.. Duluth 3.860 1st N.. Minpls.; 1st N., Little Falls. 35.990 600.000 200,000 25,000 30,000 800,000 641,870 110,880 R. L. Abrahamson. Gpnrgp. Kpllpy _ 20,000 7,000 205,000 120,000 23,200 O. P. Jacobson ___ Elaine M. Jacobson 10,000 2,000 45,000 40,350 A. O. Hulstrand... A. L. Egge_______ F. L. Coventry.... W. R. Speniley— 60,000 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 730 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWM AND COUNTY. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §8tatetPrii. *County Seats. tM*m. State B. Ags’n. [Estab. Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Entire State in No. 9Fed.Res.Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Hills_________ 418 Security State Bank._©t§’25 $120 75-550 Rock R8 Hinckley. ..678 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. 75-445 d®t§’08 Pine K17 Hines________ 150 Hines State Bank___ ©ii’26 75-1521 Beltrami Fll Hitterdal____ .204 Security State Bank_______ Olay H4 Hoffman______ 475 Farmers State Bank___t§'ll 75-557 Grant K6 State Bank of Hoffman President. Vice-President. Non-bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Cashier. O. J. Nash_______ Osm. Rortvedt — C. J. Woodrow . M. Bullis_________ J. H. Hogan............ A. E. Eddy........ Ass’t Cashier. Arthur Rortvet.. L. T. Johnson R. A. Nelson____ Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bondi Miscel Other Paid-up Surplus D kpo»and and AND Liabili Capital Profits rrs Discounts Securities laneous ties 50,000 10,000 10,690 $ 421,070 $ 7,860 10.000 H. C. Baer................ E. E. Schulke_____ H. B. Swenson . 13,250 34,790 Oont. ft Com'l N., Ohi.; Northw. N., Minpli. 34,000 11,000 21,940 8,230 3,600 37,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N.. St. P.; U. S. N„ Superior. 9,580 Am. N., St. P.; Secur. State, Bemldjl. 30,110 $ 463,820 69.000 $ 133,730 33,340 PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. $ (Closed June 13, 19 27J F. E. Griswold___ Anton Holland ___ G. A. Lofgren.. C. A. Lofgren. 25,000 8,650 182,290 113,440 41.670 4,890 H. J. Gronberg.__ William Schellbach M. R. Fuglie.... H. B. Johnson. 25.000 6.000 250,000 160,000 30,000 40,000 56,020 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P. 60,000 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Hokah________407 Farmers State Bank—®+V16 Felix Hafner____ Wm- Guenther— B. J. Reilly___ 8% 75-1334 Houston Q24 Hokah State Bank.__d®t§’10 G. J. Hoffman____ Albert Marquardt. R. H. Hoffman.. Mae Reilly___ 15,000 10,050 158.970 146,070 5,810 6,250 25,890 Stk. Yds. N.. Chi.; Great North. State. St. 10,000 12.000 351,000 237,000 103,000 6,000 27,000 C. & C. N.. Chi.; Batavian N.. La Crosse; lit N. and Northw. N., Minpls. 75-556 d®ti'99 $250-10% par 100 75-793 Holdlngford.. .507 Farmers State Bank_______ Stearns Lll (Closed June 4, 1927 ) St. P. P.; State Bk. of La 0., La Crosse. Security State Bank____ §10 J. B. Klasen--------- Jos. Klasen______ M. F. Tschida.. 75-671 Holland_____ 318 First National Bank... ®t’20 Paul Reikow______ Henry Heersma — H. Nissen_____ $120 75-1514 Pipestone P4 Helen Klasen__ 12,000 8.000 291.800 223,270 21,070 57,030 19,420 1st N.. St. P.. Minpls., and Duluth; Stock E. W. Boehmke. 25,000 2,130 132,750 111,090 6,690 21,400 20,700 Pipestone N„ Pipestone; Northw. N., HoIIandale___ 300 Produce State Bank___J§’26 Alfred Christoph B. O. Knudson____ A. A. Sorenson. A. M.Sorenson. 15,000 3,000 50,000 36,000 2,000 8.990 Holland State Bank________ (Closed for liquidati on through Security Bank, Pipestone, M inn.) Freeborn R16 Holloway_____ 289 Swift M5 Holmes City___ 85 Douglas E7 Holt............. 232 Marshall D5 Hope_____ ____ 100 Steele Q16 Hopkins..........3027 Hennepin N15 par 100 75-157 2 er son Farmers & Merchants State Bk. (Closed November 22 , 1926) 20.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. Holmes City State Bank_____ (Closed February 3. 1927) Marshall County State Bank J. W. Black______ ®{$ 22 $150 par 100 75-1543 Farmer* State Bank.. dt|15 Henry Soth_ $150-8% 75-1286 First Nat. Bk. of W. Min pis. Hilmer Olson_____ $200-8% par 100 75-16# d®»t’85 sfcuMeoBLr Louis Wegge__ Geo. Fricker 10,000 3,000 100,370 38,230 45.970 9,050 20,110 1st N., Minpls. and Thief River Falls. L. B. Bailey___ John Schad, Jr. C. A. Thykeson___ 10,000 4,000 125,170 107,650 5,100 7,360 19,050 1st N., Minpls.; Freeborn Co. State, Albert E. G. Souba............. O. G. Cermak— F. H. Kriz J. E. Simons____ 25,000 30.220 861.550 222,700 616,240 13,380 89,440 N. City, N. Y.; Northw. N., 1st N„ and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls. 50,000 12,500 718,500 331,400 349,800 10,300 89.500 N. City. N. Y.: Oont. ft Com’l N.. Chi.: 23,290 811,340 fPABL SWENSON... 6. J. ALBRECHT__ F. F. SEFCIK-------- N. I. ANIERSH- ■< SEND YOUR I TEMS DIRECT FOR PROMPT A TTENTION. $150-15% par 100 75-161 d®»t'10 l Plain Sight Dr a ft, 15c; Credit R epart, 25c. Houston______778 Houston State Bank___•J|'03 J. C. Kelly.............. C. J. Swenson____ A. P. Omodt.__ Houston Q23 16% 75-797 Security State Bank ..._t|’ll L. H. Briggs-------- A. C. Evanson........ C. S. Johnson .. $260-10% 75-1031 W. McMillan... P. F. Johnson C. P. Wahl. A. A. Zech----------- F. E. Latham____ W. G. Dokken____ N. E. Dokken. Howard Lake..744 American State Bank $300 75-460 d®t§’05 Wright N13 25,000 25,000 Northw. N., Minpls. 1,870 547,000 213,450 18,600 82,450 StockYds.N., Chi.; 1st N..Winona; Northw. 243,300 5,000 90.880 Han. N., N. Y.;111. Merch.Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. N., Minpls. 25,000 17,790 670,570 1.500 375,670 15,000 6,000 300.000 7.500 250,000 15,000 44,000 25,000 Northw. N„ Minpls., 1st N., St. P. 314,640 10,000 13,400 66,750 N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. BANK OF HOWARD LAKE O. P. Comer____ W. E. Reyerson... A. C. McGrew.. Wm. Wildung M. B. McGrew .... 25,000 14.220 365.560 First State Bank____ ®tl’10 $150-8% 75-798 First State Bank—d®»t|'04 75-799 Farmers State Bank „®li'16 $200-8% 75-1285 Citizens Bank_____ d®Tt5'92 $165-15% par 100 75-186 H. A. Warner.... P. J. Houle............. P. J. Houle____ E. J. Letourneau. 10,000 9.500 91,810 3.850 87,600 5.000 13.870 2,300 72,640 16.800 4,510 18.690 Am. N., St. P.; 1st N.. Crookston and St.P. 145.000 N. City. N. Y.: C. & C. N.. Chi.; Northw. N. $300-12% Hugo________ 546 Washington L25 Humboldt____198 Kittson N16 Huntley.......... .200 Faribault R12 Hutchinson..3379 McLeod Nil Yds. N., So. St. P. Minpls. 75-459 d®J§’85 Edward Florance.. William Ash........... T. R. Brown______ M. J. Florance... 10,000 7.500 92,860 G. A. Bales______ F. L. Norman___ Leonard Nelson... H. R. White____ 10,000 5.500 80,000 80,000 W. B. Harrington. J. W. Black............. H.R.Kurth______ J. J. Drahos____ Geo. Umland. A.C A. H. Stegmeier 100,000 30,000 2,300,000 1,510,000 715.000 60,000 330.080 34,480 24,590 710,990 366.420 151,240 2,290 Farmers & Merchants State J. A. Jorgenson... J. H. Beytein... Bank,Inc________ dB®l’92 L. A. Ritter $155-10% ♦75-187 H. R. Jensen------- W. O.Jahuke____ 50,000 13.450 FARMERS NATIONAL BANK C. L. Todd____ F. W. Lnedtke___ J. H. Julig_ J. A. Krcil 50,000 23.590 1.131,660 A. J. Swenson____ 25,000 346,090 17,980 N.. St. P. 8,680 Merch. N.. St. P. 15.500 Drov. N., Chi.; N. Citiz., Mankato; 1st N., Minpls. and 1st N,. Minpls.: 1st N., St. P. 38.390 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N., Minpls. par 100 par loo 75-1035 B®»J'12 S. S. Beach, Ch. of Bd. Henry Kuehl__ R.W. Todd Ihlen............ .....211 Ihlen State Bank__ d®tl'08 Jos. Eyenson____ W. A. Eikmeier. $120-10% ♦ 75-800 T. Stangeland. Pipestone Q3 par 100 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4,000 162,230 14,530 23.550 126.750 N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.: Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Met. N., and Northw.N., Minpls.: Merch. N., St. P. 28.690 Live Stock N., Sioux City; Secnr.. Pipe stone; Northw. N.. Minpls. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 731 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaliy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.9Fed.Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘International Falls 3448 Koochiching C15 President Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued OASHIU. Asb’t Liabilities. Depos Cashier. Paid-up Surplus and it* Capital Profits Other Liabili 50.000 $ 17,530 $1014100 S B. B. Kotilinek.__ L. P. Sheehy.......... 50,000 65,000 700,000 First National Bank- ®*}1900 E. Bolstad—_____ $133-10% par 100 75-801 P. P. Wermerskirchen 25.000 9,290 103,180 Iron.......... 1___ 92 Farmers State Bank of Iron E. M. Moline_____ St. Louis FI 9 Junction_________ d®t§’24 $130-11% 75-1550 N. A. Moline. Acting 10,000 6,310 I roil ton_____ 1165 First National Bank—®t’13 I. Hazlett................ Crow Wing 113 $175 75-1083 A. H. Proctor......... 25.000 •* ft fF. P. SHELDON—. G.N. MILLARD........... G. M. PRETTYMAN — NORDAHL OLSON— I < “FIRST” IN N AME AS WELL AS “STRENGTH ®»t’07 LSend Us Your I terns Direct for P rompt Attention. FIRST NAT’L BK. 75-275 •• •• 45,000 135.000 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. N., St. P.; Northw.N.,Minpls.;Am.Ex. N., Duluth. 44,480 115,390 14,900 33,100 18,550 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., St. P. and Pipe stone; 8tat* Bk. of Slayton, Slayton. 83,930 670 27,760 46,570 6,000 400,000 19,000 215,000 130,000 25,000 80,000 N. Park, N. Y.: IstN., Duluth and Minpls.; Merch. N., Wadena. 25,000 7,500 370,000 24,500 150,000 174,500 22,500 80,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 20.000 4,840 250,520 117,120 110,110 26,040 22,090 1st N.. St. P.; Minn. N.. Duluth; Northw. N., Minpls. 10.000 4.000 90,000 70,000 7.000 17,000 10,000 1st N.. Duluth; Northw. N.. Minpls.; Far. N., Aitkin. 15.000 1,000 85,000 75,000 6,000 .... 35,000 12,500 494,410 34,500 307,400 174,480 43,250 51,270 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Minpls. and St. P. First National BankdB®tlB00 C. C. Swenson....... F. J. Mashek____ Geo. Graff______ L. T. Pederson.... $no 75-520 25,000 10,000 460,000 25,000 330,000 90.000 30,000 70,000 1st N., Chi.: Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. Pearl Lester____ 55,000 19,470 402,630 267,160 69,840 104,060 rG.A. ALBERTUS- P.H.BERGE-........ A. B. CHEADLE—- N.F. BENSON....... 300.000 L. P. WAGNER i WE SELL JACK SON COUNTY F ARMS AND WAN T YOUR BUSINE SS. ) SEND US YOU R ITEMS DIREC T FOR PROMPT ATTENTION. L Plain sight drafts 15; Credit Reports 25c. 10,000 366,000 240,000 32,000 61,020 Seab. N.. N. Y.; C.ftC. N.. OhI.; Merch. N.. St. P.: Met. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Mankato. Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. 80.000 4,560 539,700 310,380 127,580 136,050 66.900 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.; Northw. N.. Minpls. 40,000 17,350 644,130 501,510 104.220 44,460 51,290 1st N., Chi., St. P.,and Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. 40,000 32,400 624,000 469,000 145.000 2 13,040 69,360 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N., Rochester. (Closed January 3. 1 927) .. t* 1923) First Stale Bank— d®tl’01 F. W. Goodwin.__ Edwin Danielson.. V. O. Falk .......... $200-10% 75-802 Peter Eastlund Miss Frances Falk G. B. Matter_____ State Bank of Isle dtl’13 August Llpetzky-. John Haggberg__ L A Matter $140-10% par 120 75-1089 ‘Ivanhoe 655 Farmers & Merchants Nat’l H. J. Tillemans__ A. B. Anderson— L. V. Widmark--.- C. M. Gislason Lincoln 04 Bank.... 75-521 ___ ®t'2) F. R.Kluczny.F.P. M. Glemmest&d $150-10% M H Jackson R9 Christ Ludvigsen Brown National Bank $112-8% par 100 7 5-215 d@*t’79 FIRST NATIONAL BANK IIN JACKSON 75-216 @4 87 par 100 JACKSON NATIONAL BANK $150 Janesville 12R1 Waseca P14 27,110 Northw. N.. Minpls.; Peo. State, Eveleth; Minn. N., Duluth. S. Jorgenson Isle — 328 Security State Bank. Inc. A. H. Gaumnitz.__ Mille Lacs J15 $140-8% 75-1359 d®»tS’17 0. G. Boeck •• 17,920 S 224,740 N. Park, N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N.. Duluth. 300,000 Isanti _.................411 First National Bank —®*t’14 E. F. Gillespie____ Herman Morast... Albert Wickstrom W. M. Peterson... (santi L16 75-1081 «• 50,000 $ 379,060 $ 509,920 $ Principal Correspondent*. 335,000 N. L. Olson_______ International State Bank 12% 75-276 d®»*l’08 Iona ________ 365 Murray Q6 .. ties Resources. Bonds Loans Cash k Ex MISCEL changes and , Dm and Discounts Securities LANEOUS from Banks 75-217 .• - *• fW. B. HUNTER— OLE NASBY ......... BERT KNUDS0N — 0. H. KRAUSE...... $200-10% par 100 75-325 dB®tS’08 JANESVILLE STATE BANK S. E. SEVERSON — C. P. QUAST_____ J. M. BYRON. - J. F. BYRON_____ GEORGE SCHMIDT Collec ions ou Janesville , Alma City and Smiths Mill, Promptlj attended to. Sig ht drafts 15c. Ra tings minimum 35c. I"ees in advance, in sure quick service. rJ. H. MURPHY —- E. G. ZIMMERMAN— 0. H.TOLLEFSON — E. A. MARX.............. \ SEND US YOU R JANESVILLE I TEMS DIRECT F OB PROMPT AT TENTI ON. $185-10% par 100 75-324 dB®t*’08 (.FEE IN ADYAN CE: Plain tight d raftt.ISc; Credit Raportt, 25c. T RY US. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6.650 ) “SEND US YO UR JACKSON IT EMS DIRECT.” S Collections, Bil 1 of Lading Drafts , Cash and Time I terns remitted for 1 promptly on day of payment. d®»r03 (.WE SELL FIRS T MORTGAGE FARM LOANS. CITIZENS STATE BANK Minnesota Map on in«ie« 20,000 1st N., Minpls. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 7'3? / sjc* Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given & each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ».Vlem. A.B.A. “New §State tl’riv ‘County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab Entire State in No. ♦Fel Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond 9 Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safeijep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div Jasper............. 968 Farmers State Bank Pipestone Q3 75-439 d©t§’13 Jeffers............. 393 Farmers State Bank Cottonwood Q8 5% par 100 75-1207 d®t§'15 State Bank of Jeffers *200-8% 75-803 d §1900 Jenkins.............125 Jenkins State Bank Crow Wing 112 Johnson_____ 200 Johnson State Bank___ 15'03 Bie Stone L4 75-804 Jordan............1106 First National Bank.d®t’14 $150-10% par 100 75-1195 Scott 014 Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Subplus Depos and its Capital Profits Aug. studt______ A. M. Keudahl___ J. C. Hellie............ 30,000 9.500 $ 202,700 J. H. Dickman___ C. A. Herring ___ R. H. Wolf F. E. Duroe............ L. A. Duroe_____ F. J. Werner____ W. R. Jeffers. Jr.. 15,000 5,000 C. R. Duroe_____ H. 25.000 35.640 325,000 J. Jeske_____ 131,640 % Loans and Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Bond* and Discounts Securities S 160.000 $ 35,000 14.000 111,610 285.000 7,580 $ 27,800 $ 35,050 29.000 (Closed) 39,000 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; Citiz. N., Sioux F. 11,400 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Northw. N.. Minpls.; 1st State, Mountain Lake. 44,840 Northern Tr.. Chi.: Midland N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N., Minpls.; N., Citiz., Mankato. J. A. McRae........... R. J. McRae........... C. N. Evans . A. L. Neuman___ 10.000 10.070 163.500 163,000 Theo. Albrecht__ B. I. Moses______ J. II. Breunig A1 Wurst................ 25.000 5,340 414,300 182,610 220,340 ALOIS M. SCHAEFER F. H. H. F. ROGGE............ G. H. JUERGENS_ _ 19.84) 35.000 Send your coile ctlons direct to t his hank for etficl ent service and q nick ret urns. FAR 1W MORTGAGE L OAN8 NEGOTIA TED. Farmers State Bank R. P. Williams---- Richard Wigley. R. W. Wigley....... H. E. Gustafson... 1.200 10 000 $150-5% 75-1275 dB®ti’16 570.930 1.95) 432,580 119.500 25,350 83,000 10,000 73,000 14.000 8,000 115.930 5,000 114,020 4,000 7,300 19,300 Drov. N.. Chi.: Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; Secur. N.. Sioux F. 36.010 Northw. N.. Minpls.; 1st N., St. P.; N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Willmar. 32.180 1st N-andN. Ex., St. P.; 1st N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; State B. of W., Warren. 33,830 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and Mankato. PEOPLES STATE BANK $195-10% par 100 Judson............. 130 Blue Earth P13 MINNESOTA—Continued 75-805 dBD»t§’03 1 , „ „ jos'jm-- 6.760 13.810 1st N., Minpls. and Graceville. 41,670 Northw. N., Minpls. 50.280 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P. 9,200 1st N., Mankato; Northw. N„ Minpls. par 120 Kanaranzi___100 Farmers State Bank ..dtl'15 Paul Untiedt____ Henry Hansen....... J. M. Baker---------- M. E. Baker______ Rock R4 10% 75-1260 Kandiyohi........184 Home State Bank—__®f§'26 L. V. Lund............ C. J. Nelson_____ Wm. Nagel........... Elsie Shosten____ Kandiyohi M9 $150 par 100 7 5-1567 Karlstad______286 State Bankof Karlstad.t§’05 O. II. Taralseth... A. Grindelind___ C. J. Forsberg___ A. J. Aarsten....... Kittson C3 75-807 Kasota.............686 First State Bank.. d®«t§’03 C. W. Babcock___ Le Sueur P13 par 100 75-808 Kasson______1150 fJACOB LEUTHOLD.. Dodge Q 18 <( “OLDEST EST I Send I s Your I ,, 75 366 ®«t'69 (.Fee in Advance ------- “ National Farmers Bank C. L. Palmer !$ 150-10% 75-367 ®»t’02 Keewatln___ 1879 First National Bank ©fl" D. M. Gunn... Itasca G17 10% 75-809 ------- “ KeewatinStateBmk C. E. Everett. $140-8% 75 1495 d®.t§19 NATIONAL BANK OF DODGE COUNTY 10.000 13,700 10.000 3.840 110.020 64,590 18.920 4.330 10.000 10.000 180.130 116.050 10.661) 41,240 O.P. Buell ........... F. A. Johnson___ Anna Grant_____ T. S. Willcox 15.000 6,450 274,340 111,070 126.120 24,760 J. L. CURTIS_______ C. L. WILLYARD— 30.000 52,970 614,600 30,000 442,460 193,000 46,150 45,950 Han. N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 149.820 1st N.. Minpls.; 1st N. and Union N., Rochester: Dep. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winona. 67,250 1st N.. Minpls.; Am. Ex. N., Duluth. ABLISHED BAN terns Direct For . Plain Sight Dr a H. .VI. Little_____ K. OVER 58 YEA RS OF SERVICE, Prompt Attentio u. fts 15c- Credit Re ports 25c.Try Us. C.G. Palmer.... G. Skogsmark....... 40,000 20,580 411.480 30.000 292.490 31.500 28,250 E. W. Leach........... F V. Wakkinen... Effie I. Peiton___ 25.000 9,900 344.350 25,000 91,410 226.060 19.520 Jas. Theodore___ O. A. Olson______ 20.000 4.500 128,000 87,000 15,000 21,500 29,000 1st N.. St. P.; Am. Ex. N„ Duluth. par 120 Kelliher-------- 514 Citizens State Bank ©*§’16 L. Latterell........... O. Thyren.............. G. H. Leach______ Wilma Skrief....... Beltrami Ell $uo-ih% 75 1303 Kellogg............ 370 Kellogg State Bank—f§’08 John Costello___ J. H. Schouweiler. J. D. Costello___ Wabasha P21 10% par 100 75-811 Kennedy____ 3H1 Farmers State Bank (Closed June 4, 1927 ) Kittson C2 Kenneth_____ 100 $^25-?o%*k Sta^te^Bank.d«+§’07 John Engebretson B. Halverson......... Carl E. Olson......... Rock Q4 * 10.000 2.690 89.460 36.240 38.010 12.520 20.380 Northw.N.. Minpls.; Secur. State, Bemidji. 25,000 16.800 434.500 353,000 61.000 4.000 58,300 1st N..Wabasha;Merch. N., St. P.; Merch., Winona. 25,000 18,000 266.000 175,000 80.600 12.900 15,000 2.400 130.830 15.000 12,600 194,250 10.000 5.560 40,500 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; Live 8tock N.. Sioux City. 16,660 Northw. N., Minpls.; Payne Ave. State, St. P.; Com'l State, Brainerd. 21,140 c. & C. N., Chi.: Am. N.. St. P.: 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. 23.170 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N.. Minpls.; 1st N.. Breckenridge. 60.000 25.000 60.060; par 100 Kensington .. 252 Farmers & Merchants 8tate A. H. Kullander H. A. Holvorson .. E. R. Hedeen____ O. C. Braatin......... $130 Bank 75-1525._©§'20 First Slate Bank--- ®f§'98 H. Sampson_____ O. A. Refling____ H. A. Smith_____ Aldrich Ostlund... $250-12% 75-813 -------Kent __ 175 Kent state hank---------- i|’02 L. L. Olson _ Olaf Smerad_____ O. L. Olson______ M. R. Smerad__ Wilkin 13 $150-10% 75-814 Douglas K6 120,810 5.130 5.620 163,540 12,850 25.000 151,100 67,130 72,800 3,550 24,300 913,180 690,810 185,520 31.900 17.340 483,570 351,530 94,150 26,120 89,240 Seab. N„ N. Y.; C, & C. N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Merch. N., St. P.: 1st N., Minpls. 53,760 Chase N . N Y.; 1st N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 16,020 536.350 502,320 13.500 22,680 66,420 Northw. N.. Minpls.: Merch. N. and 1st N., St. P.; Merch., Winona. 690 par 100 Kenyon______ 362 Citizens State Bank j. c. E. Holmen Goodhne'pi $150-7% 75-308 d®»ti’9i nuunCU._ E. 0. Bakko_____ O. J. Talle_______ H. F. Held______ Farmers State Bank — dt«’05 M. T. Gunderson J. A. Langemo ___ A. B. Borlaug____ A. C. Rad_____ $200-6% 75-309 E. C. Borlaug par 100 Kenyon State Baqk- d®tl'll Andrew Finsteun $125-6% 75-1009 par 100 Kerkhoven 568 FirstNational Bank...®t’19 Hans Johnson Swift M8* 75-1460 Security State Bank„.®t|’05 W H. Merryman.. 75-541 State Bk. of Kerkhoven O. Backlund___ 16% 75-540 ®ti'05 Kerrlck .150 Kerrick State Bank. d®iS'15 Jas. H. Hogan....... Pine IlT 2% 75-1210 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S. G. Nolen---------- J. L. Feeley, Jr.... A. S. Kindseth .. W. D. Held 2.540 A. Westerdahl___ F. O. J. Peterson— A. J Nelson ____ 25,000 12.500 265.000 146.000 87,000 O. G. Kambestad.. J. J. Johnson.. .. C. A. Young.......... 20,000 11.000 2)0,000 175.000 6.000 J. F. Millard____ O. G. Hough_____ Wm. T. Estrem .. 40.000 15.460 666.870 408,730 215,000 W. P. Hogan____ J. W. Tanquist.... 10,000 14.670 114.000 96,500 11,000 28.500 52,000 1st N., Minpls.; Drov. State, So. St. P.; 1st N.. Willmar. 30,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Merch. N.. St. P.: Northw. N. and 1st N.. Minpls. 70.100 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N.. St. P. and Minpls. 31.170 U. S. N„ Superior, Wis.; 1st N., St. P. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Indn to Lawyers) 700 / OO Number under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Aiem.A.B.A. "Nbw §8tate t PrlT. ‘Ceouty Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Bstah. Entire State in ♦Perl. I!es.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No. 8Fed.Res.Dist. d-SufeI)ep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOT A—Continued Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Kettle River... 81 Farmers State Bank.d©14’15 Nikodemus Saukko Alex Savolainen.. Carlton 117 $145 par 100 75-1209 Walter Johnson Klester ..............257 First National Bank..®*tT4 A. M. Elvebak Faribault R14 75-815 Samuel beany Kilkenny_____ 218 First National Bank___®t’10 J. Lampert______ Le Sueur P16 $150-10% 75-816 Kimball______445 Farmers State Bank_________ (Taken over by Peo Stearns M12 State Bank of Kimball ..ti'01 G. E. Sherwood___ 75-817 Kinbrae______ 200 Kinbrae State Bank------ tl’08 E. A. Skewis_____ Peter Mathias.... Nobles Q7 75-818 Cashier. Ass t Cashiek. Wm. I. Korpela... $ 15,000 $ 3,000 $ 100,000 B. A. Talle, O. E. Hermundstad Cash, and Mgr. 35,000 19,100 S. F. Kehrer. 25,000 C. D. Brower____ E.A. Erickson, A.C. D. B. Brower S. M. Knutson E. L. May________ Wm. I. Korpela... R. C. Mertens_____ Resources. Loans Bonds Other Paid-up Surplus MlflCELrDepos Liabili and and and Capital Profits its Discounts Ssouritiss LANEOU8 ties $ 62,000 $ 34.000 $ Principal Correspondents. Cask A *xC&aR«*S,DT7« from Bahi 12,000 $ 8,000 1st N., St. P.; City N„ Duluth. 356,440 $ 35.000 312,920 54,680 7,800 70,150 N. Bk- Rep., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. 7.600 311.510 180.390 125.100 2.010 38.670 Sec. N„ Faribault; 1st N., Minpis. 25,000 5,860 393,050 305,640 13,000 34,510 70,770 1st N.. Minpls.; Citiz. N.. Faribault. 10,000 8,000 210,000 140,000 40.000 18,000 30,000 1st N., Chi. and Windom; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 12,000 6,130 166,380 72,980 47,000 3,930 60,600 Union Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.; Am. Ex. N., Duluth. 2.060 uth Haven, Minn.) Kingston_____ 250 Kingston State Bank________ (Moved to Dassel, Minn,) (DastelP. 0.) Meeker M12 Kinney..____ 1200 Kinney State Bank...®15’17 Sam Bhknla______ D. G. Brulch____ St. Louis F18 $200-20% 75-1375 Klossner_______65 Nicollet PI2 LaCrescent„._367 Houston Q24 Klossner 8tate Bank F. H. Krook______ R. J. Reinhart__ Geo. H. Vetter___ $130-5% porlOO 75-1449 d®»ts'19 La Crescent State Bank J. W. Welch............ A. Lilly__________ J. W. McCaffrey... 10% 75-1063 ®tl'12 Lafayette_____ 406 Farmers State Bank ..®tl’10 T. F. Bergquist.__ Nicollet 012 75-621 $160-5% par 100 state Bank of Lafayette O. A. Olin________ $120-6% 75-620 ©tt'Ol par 100 Lake Benton ..944 Farmers State Bank dB®tl’06 Alfred 8oderlind.. Lincoln P3 75-394 12.000 7.500 157.500 61,700 93,000 7,800 14,500 Citiz. State, New Ulm: 1st N., Minpls. 23,000 9,530 378,730 267,730 107,900 2,000 30,640 C. & C. N., Chi.; Batavian N., La Crosse; 1st N.. Minpls. .. Harry A. Swenson. 15,000 17,340 341,250 100 272,000 8.000 7,020 86,650 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; 1st N.. Winthrop. Aug. Samuelson_ V. F. Quist.............. O. W. Strom______ 15,000 4,460 239,610 500 135,620 93,370 5,740 24,840 Cont. &Com’l N.,Ghi.: Northw.N.,Minpls.; 1st N., St. P.; Citiz. State. New Ulm. Ernest Osbeck... M. 1. Kirkeeng C. M. Soderlind ... W. A. Soderlind... 25.000 7.500 443,000 259,000 90,000 33,500 93,000 Han. N.,N. Y.: Coni. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.: Merch. N., St. P. J. L. Kroeger_____ M. J. Hanspn . 25.000 10,000 363.500 25,000 227,270 93,310 50,680 52,280 Ill. Merch. Tr .Chi.; lstN..St.P.: N. Citiz., Mank.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 25,000 20.000 250,000 25,000 200.000 45.000 30.000 45,000 N. Bk. Rep.,Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.: Northw. N., Minpls. G. H. LANGE F. 0. JOHNSON 50,000 A. J. SCHAFER irect for Prompt Pergonal Attentlo n. 66,960 743,530 627,070 93,960 61,150 78,320 Chase N., N. Y.; Ill. Merch, Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.: Merch. N., St. P. ttflPWh 83,530 1,016,700 724,770 246,500 35,040 143,910 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.„ Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. 215,500 83,200 — E. W. Olson_____ Henry Johnson First National Bank..®»t'90 P. J. Bursheim........ Anton Hansen... «50 7o-392 NATIONAL CITIZENS BANK 10% 75-393 ®i’99 Lake City........2846 CITIZENS BANK $200-12% 75-161 Wabasha 020 par 100 -d©»fl'98 LAKE CITYBANK&TRUSTCO W. F. Mann_____ F. A. Feske______ Geo. A. Anderson . [JOHN SCHMAUSS-1 Send Us Your L ( WM. A. HUBBARD N. C. PIKE 50,000 12% par 100 75-150 dB©T«ti’6i ) Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time It ems Given Promp t Attent ion. (.FEE IN ADYAN CE: Plain tight d raftt, lSe; Crmdit Report*, 25c• Tfi Security State Bank $200-10% 75-1042 dB®*tl’12 par 100 Lake Crystal. 1204 American National Bk.®*t’19 75-1466 Blue Earth P12 $225 First National Bank ..®tt'02 25% 75-340 Lake Elmo........125 State Bk. of Lake Elmo Washington N18 7% 75-101# ®»t|Tl R. A. Hoyt............... W. F. Sprague___ A. A. Meincke........ 25,000 J. C. James.... W. R. Cullen... E. A. Upson______ 0. H. Keller. .... ,T. Ti. Roberts L. E. Davis James Thomas.__ A. N. Olson............ W. L. Thomas____ F. A. Stevens _ R. G. Kern_______ R. G. Kern_______ E. A. Beutel______ Lakefleld____1346 Farmer* State Bank d®*tVl2 H. W. Voehl______ James Rost______ J. G. Branch. Jackses R8 S% par 100 75-1076 First National Bank...d®’02 August Pohlman— S. M. Richards........ J. F. Pletz $150-10% 75-371 par 100 Jackson County State Bank H. L. Bond_______ D. Crawford_____ 75-370 ©tl’9# Lake Henry.__200 fake Henry State Bank.t5’17 Anton Schmitt___ P.C. Pilon................ H. Krautkremer... (PaynttnUeP.O.) 10% 75-1400 Server Brick Stearns M10 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis r us. D. L. Mills______ W. T. Pavne. E. B. Miller 25.500 325,000 30,000 8,220 459,340 396,780 15,970 17,530 30,000 47,350 776,260 16,000 583.260 147,750 26,860 15,000 20.140 421,930 2,390 243.050 170.860 8.390 25,000 23,610 533,310 207,020 241.120 18,300 115,470 1st N., Minpls- Windom. Gladbrook, and St. P. 36,000 14.000 190,000 156,500 31,300 35,500 41,700 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Merch. N.. Ced. R.; 1st N„ Mankato and Minpls. 50,000 33.500 449,750 338,000 13,300 74,950 10,000 2.000 90,000 65,000 10,000 107,000 IstN., Chi.: Merch. N., St. P.; Northw. N.. Minpls.; Toy N., Sioux C. 13,000 Secur. State, Paynesville; Merch. N., St. P. 25,000 62,000 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.; N. Ex., St. P. 67,280 Northw. N.. Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato; 1st N.. St. P.; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 111,730 Cont. & Com’l N.. Ch».; 1st N., Minpls. and Mankato. 40.160 Merch. N. and 1st N., St. P.; Far. & Merch. State. Stillwater; 1st N.,Minpls. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (Sm Mn t> Livytrs) 734 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and county. ►Mem. A.B. A. "New §State fPri?. Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab *Gounty Seats. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Entire State in No.9Fed.Res.Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued CASHIER. ASS’T CASHIER. Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Loads Cam k ExSubplus Dbpos- Other MlSCIIr obamh Paid-up and and ,D«i LiabiliAND ITfl Capital Profits Diaoounta Securities LAXBOU8 from Baku TIES 82,910 10.000 S 111,070 69.260 29.430 10,730 36.900 J 9,340 378.110 264,830 35,170 20,360 102,090 1 116,000 21,370 37.200 53,420 IstN.. St. P., Mankato and Minpls. 44.440 64,950 10.360 22.530 196,130 12,200 3,800 360,380 159.100 21,900 28,180 1,375.450 917,590 357,900 97,500 130,630 15,000 14.780 157.160 135.570 32,800 ________ 18,580 15,000 3,000 70,000 64,500 5,500 12.000 O. E. Sondt—----- P. S. Blackstad___ 20,000 16.300 416.480 790 227.470 114.240 14,160 Lastrup State Bank—®J§'17 John Wertln______ 75-1388 Morrison K13 Lawler.................. 56 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. L. T. Mahany......... A. M. Sundhelm... G. A. Klefsaas .... E. C. Anderson ... $140-8% 75-1120 tl’14 Aitkin 117 10,000 3.480 94.650 ________ 72,680 16.990 9,890 12,500 3.200 68,000 50,000 6.800 16.500 10,000 2.000 118,000 64,000 50.000 25,000 16,130 438.560 343,810 59,610 37.510 62,840 1st N.. Chi.;IstN., Minpls.: Merch. N., St. P.;Ced. R.N.. Ced. R. 15.900 361.690 275.880 37.200 29,960 59.550 Cont. & Com’I N..Chi.; 1st N.. St. P. and Austin; Northw. N., Minpls. 201.190 100.91C 16.910 9.00C 61.530 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Northw. N..Minpls.; IstN., St. P. 16,210 1st N.. Northw. N., and Met. N., Minpls. 25,190 Lake Lillian... 125 First State Bank____ ®t§’14 H. W. Mielke......... 3. R. Mattson 1125-7% par 100 75-1131 Kandiyohi N10 J. F. Millard_____ 0. Wagensteen.... Lake Park____ 700 State Bank of Lake Park pa> ioo 75-1574 d©§‘26 Becker HE W. F. Roche. First National Bank.d®»t’»9 5. O. Miller par 100 75-820 Dakota 016 M. R. Sorensen— Margaret Sorensen 10,000 2.000 99,440 25,000 5,280 35,000 f ktefiflshea 1#1# J. J. MIHIN —— Note Our Grow Lake Wilson...354 FIRST NATIONAL BANK \ $110 par 130 75-1470 d©t’19 15 CENTS sent t 0 us with each slg Murray Q6 Las CENTS for ea cb credit report in B. A. SWENSON-------- U D RICTINR th. ht draft for prese citation, and sures prompt, per sonal attention. 25.000 3,000 200,000 Lamberton___ 872 Farmers & Merchants State par ioo Bank...75-1566 ...§’26 Redwood P8 S. C. Oetting_____ F. E. Kuehl............ 20,000 5,650 116.400 $ 15.000 6,500 226,540 G. B. Ellestad........ O. T. Simonson.__ 50.000 19.320 504.040 (0. M. HABBERSTAD JOHN SOLBERG ..... 0. U. HABBERSTAD.. LAWRENCE GALLIGAN 100.000 .. SCANLAN_____ ** HABBERSTAD BANK & TRUST CO. Peder Folland .— State, Bird Island. 290 New Ulm. Hubbard G10 Watonwan Pll Polk 75-822 State Bank of LaSalle dBtl’06 T. O. Hovde______ $167.50-10% par 100 75-823 Farmers State Bank—1§’14 75-1147 NATIONAL BANK 75-441 E.HAMBRECHT- F W SPRUNG S. B. ENGLESON MERRILL BOWERS— E. W. SPENCER...... 25,000 Lester Prairie.431 Farmers State Bank..®t§’13 J. B. Clement____ A. H. Schultz_____ $145-10% 75-1100 McLeod N 13 State Bank of Lester Prairie John Maetzold— A. A. Anderson.__ J. J. Sterner_____ E. R. Otto----------75-824 d® *+§’93 Jerry Clifford_____ M. O. Lokensgard. Le Sueur____ 17 9( Farmers State Bank ..®tS'0o W. E. Ochs io% 75-244 Le Sueur o 13 20,000 FIRST STATE BK. $200-10% (• 75-440 75-243 MINNBSOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 12,000 Met. N., Minpls.; Minn. N., Duluth. 11,000 1st N., Minpls.; Scand. Am.. Crookston. 24.600 ■ v d®»tl'93 j Send us your Co ilections, Bill of L adlng Drafts, Cas h and Time Items . LPlain Sight Dra fts, 15c; Credit R eports, 25c. 8.150 351,31C 15,000 4.940 182,06C 111.950 66.67C 30,000 21,380 536,13C 395,610 100.15C 25,000 FRED CADWELL------- J. A. BACHMAN . f T. H. SMULLEN— r. w writ ■i Send us your Lt Sueur Items dirt ctfor prompt, per sonal attention. ®»t’94 (FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight a rafts, 15c; Credit 'Reports, 2Sc. TH Y US. 9,500 450.00C 125,00C 249.0CK FIRST NATIONAL BANK $140-6% 6,000 97,700 Stock Yds. N.. So. St. P.: 1st N„ Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato,; State Bk.of Madelia, ^1 (i (1G1 i tl 8.530 Merck. N.‘. St. P.; 1st N., Little Falls. _ no S Send us your Le Roy items direct for prompt perso nal attention. ®»t’02 L Fee in advance Plain Sight Dra fts lSc, Credit Re ports 25c. TRY US. fW. K. PORTER-— F.T. YOUNG------------ HA6BARTH HAWKINS LULU E. RUNESTRANE ROBERT DICK G. A. HALVER M 2,600 and Batavian N.. La Crosse, Wis.; Northw. N., Minpls., 1st N., St. P. and Winona. O. N. Lindh Cf. Le Roy________ 701 FIRST $200 Mower R19 and Twin Cities N„ St. P.; 1st N., Thief River Falls. 81.970 Ian. N., N. Y.; Stk. Yds. N„ Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. < V. P. ) 15 CENTS sent t 0 us with each sig ht draft for prese ntatlon, and L25 CENTS for ea ch credit report i nsures prompt, p ersonal attentio ii. $150-6% F6 50,000 35,900 ORVAS. KNUDSEH. C. H. SGHANSBERG * 75-358 ®T»il'68 Lansing_______ 200 Lansing State Bang d®»tS’15 N. F. Banfleld, Sr. It'. S.‘ Banfleld""” 6% par 100 75-126 7 Mower R18 M 12,230 1 New First National Bank in Lamberton (Closed April 26.1927) Lancaster____ 345 Lancaster-Halma State Bk. $150-6% 75-1005 ®*t§’ll Kittson B2 par 150 Lanesboro.— 1015 First National Bans .©Tt’14 $150-10% 75-359 Fillmore R21 “ i 6.300 i Principal Correspondents. 1,840 _ 66,560 Merch. N., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls.: 1st N.. Mankato; la. N.. Des M. 50,000 Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; 1st N., St. P. and Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 70c / JJ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Countt. ^County Seats. Entire State in No.9Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.N-New § State tPriv. tMem. State R. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. " PRESIDENT. Vic®-President. ‘Lesueur Center FIRST NATIONAL BANK W. H. Jaeger_____ Le Sueur P14 863 75-427 ©»f03 •* _____ •• FIRST STATE BANK-©*i8 02 1200-12% 75-426 Lewiston............758 First State Bank------ ®»tl'02 Winona Q22 *13.5-6% 75-624 “ “ Security State Bank dB®t§’05 *250-6% ♦ 75-525 Lewisville____ 300 Merchants State Bank Watonwan Qll *2l0-20%parl00 75-825 d©‘t|'02 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.)> Lawyers, Law's (indexed) in back of this volume. "" w " MINNESOT A—Continued Gassier. Ass t Cashier. C. C. Trailer_____ F. W. Rynda........... A. C. Tambornino. Liabilities. Surplus Paid-up Dbfosand Capital Profits $ 25,000 1 26.420 1 508.130 % 25,000 15.540 395.000 J. W. Rice................. Wm. F. Gensmer.. H. H. Matzke........... Geo. C. Rice Ray Meyer J. W. Koepsell___ J. J. Litcher____ 40,000 11.250 845.180 40,000 13,460 462,720 .Tames Lewis - 20,000 23,900 415,840 Lincoln............100 Lincoln State Bank........ t§’18 J. R. Nims_______ L. H. Colson_____ T. L. Lee_________ Morrison Jll 75-1436 A. H. Sharp 10,000 3,580 39.780 Llndstrom___ 523 Chisago M18 Llsmore..............350 Nobles Q5 M mi ___ 44 F. Bloom.................. A. T. Victor______ F. L. Andrews ___ S. R. Glader 30.000 11,390 Edwin Brickson... L. A. Loosbrock... R. R. Sell 25,000 8.000 Lismore Farmers State Bk. “ ____ “ .. 21.000 155,000 73.870 318.070 74,280 59,250 331.920 71.810 5.650 26.500 5,080 17,430 559,490 292.350 203,020 24,230 81,290 Han. N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N., Minpls. 275.000 175,000 60.500 9.900 50.500 1st N., Chi., Minpls., and Sioux C.; Merch. N.. St. P. E. W. CAMPBELL PETER RODANGE— 0. N. THARALSON — 100,000 28,450 1,300.000 C. W. WAGNER A.H. YOUNGSTROM LITCHFIELD IT EMS DIRECT FO R PROMPT, PER SONAL ATTEN TION. 1.203.080 36.500 Citizens State Bank. Inc. Chas. H.Dart_____ W. H. Hartmann.. *175 75-13 74 ©t§’17 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. John T. Mullen.... Leslie Mullen......... E. O. Hammer____ 75-180 d©»tl'06 S. R. Hammer rj. W. BERG............. »LIttle Falls..5500 AMERICAN NAT’L BANK 75-109 ®Tt'91 ) SEND US YOU Morrison K12 (.FEE IN ADVAN •• W. C. Hinterman.. •• Commercial State Bank 8% par 120 75-111 dB®tS’17 First National Bank—®T*i’89 *175-10% par 500 75-108 " _ 44 Peoples State Banb_.d®t§’20 *165-10% 75-1515 Llttlefork..........397 State Bank of Littlefork 75-827 ®«t§’07 Koochiching C15 5% ________ 13.070 6.000 231,000 222,000 31,000 32.000 22.000 Am. N.. St. P. 9.000 540.000 135.000 75.000 50.000 N. Bk. Rep. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch. N.. St. P.: 1st N.. Minpls. 30,920 1,210t310 993,970 168.040 25,790 128.410 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., St. P. and Minpls. 571,640 807.420 67.210 196.520 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. St Com'l N.,Chl.; Merch. N., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 76.000 N. J. Peterson____ J. K. Martin........... E. W. Kaliher......... 111.040 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Ohi.; 1st N. and Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. 25.000 45,000 J. C. PATIENCF____ WILL WILKE_______ CHAS. JENSEN__ 100.000 109.850 27.340 1.405,610 A.SIMONET R. M. ROHDE JOS. MOEGLEIN R LITTLE h ALL S ITEMS DIREC T FOR PROMPT PERSO NAL A TTENT ION. CE: Plain tight drof t* 15c; Credit Repor tt, 25e. TRY US. George Kiewel___ John Vertin. 65.000 Am. N.. Little Falls; Merch. N.. St. P. 100,000 10.000 505 non 500,000 50,000 60,000 18.000 572.000 390.000 115,000 50,000 50.000 20.000 700,190 69,900 464.160 258.970 58,880 25.000 9.000 454.210 870 116.840 294,400 11.000 10,000 5,000 155,000 70,000 50.000 Lockhart... 100 First State Bank___ d®IS’15 Ed. Hekman______ Ed. Thnrstad . $100 par 135 75-1222 Norman F3 10,000 3.500 65,000 58,000 5.000 9,000 London________ 80 London State Bank.........t§’08 Fred Crisman _____ G. P. Meadowcroft Geo. Funda_______ G. C. Machacek___ 75-828 Freeborn R17 10,000 10,360 205.730 122,510 42,800 2.800 K. T. Martin, A.C. J. Dougherty J. A. Barton............ Mark Gunderson.. A. A. Barton_____ F. P. Sheldon .... G, N. Millard_____ M. C. Longballa... Ethel Longballa... T. J. Johnson Long Lake.........148 State Bk.of Long Lake®tl'05 J. J. Ponsford____ O. D. Ponsford___ K. M. Bollum_____ Herman Hoffman.. 75-829 Hennepin N15 ‘Long Prairie.1346 Bank of Long Prairie G. R. Christie......... Harrv Lee. . W. A. Lindquist... Todd K10 75-305 dB®«’81 P. P. Klick. A.C. C. E. Johnson «• M Long Siding___ 75 Mille Lacs L14 Lonsdale ___ 459 Rice O 15 Loretto .75 Hennepin N 14 First National Bank_ (Merged with Peopl es National Bank) PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK C. F. Miller Lona Sidina State. Bank____ (Closed October 6, 19 26) *300-20% 75-307 ®«r03 Anton Johnson — John J. Reichert— H. W. Schroeder.. State Bank of Lonsdale J. F. Skluzacek-__ M. J. Smisek_____ T. C. Skluzacek— J. T. Skluzacek ... *150-10% 75-830 ©•t*'08 M. E. Vita State Bank of Loretto.©tl'10 ?. J. Oeffling.......... E. J. Reiser— R. C. Nathe............. *145 75-831 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 75,000 1st N., Minpls. and Mankato; Merch. N.. St P. 114.570 Han. N.. N.Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Northw. N.. Minpls.: Dep. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Winona. 64,570 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N., Minds.; 1st N. and Merch. N.. Winona. 50,360 Cont. & Com’l N. and N. Bk. Rep., Chi,: Northw. N., Minpls.; N. Citiz. and 1st N.. Mankato. 4.350 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N., Wadena. 35.000 R. E. Iverson American Trust & Sav. Bank C. Rosenmeier ___ J. C. Patience .... Will Wilke. See.... R. D. Musser, Tr.. 75—112 ©Iti'21 A. Simonet, V, P. J. W. Berg .. 28.420 $ 127,280 Merch. N., St. P.; N. Citiz., Mankato; Northw. N., Minpls. 322,000 First National Bank in Litch- F. M. March............. *185-12% field.75-188.d©Tr25 W. C. Hinterman par 100 .. 5.850 $ 277.360 % 132.340 $ (Closed October 21, 1 926) State Bk. of Llsmore_______ 4.. J. Rice................ ?ioo-io% 75-606 d*tj’1900 par 130 (T. F. McCLURE— ^Litchfield___ 2790 BANK OF LITCHFIELD©*$I’91 l SEND US YOUR *175-12% 75-189 Meeker Mil *• TIES Principal Correspondents. 566,060 Theo. T. Traxler.. Frank Dewar......... Adolph Sucker___ Suzette Sucker.... Albert Bethke Security State Bank dB®t$’15 A. F. Oberg *125-6% par 100 75-1252 Resources. Loam Bondi Mibcbl- Caw t fiand and Discount • Securities vmoM Baku Other 400 85.000 !hem. N.. N. Y.; N. Bk.Rep., Chi., Am. N., St. P.; 1st N., Minpls. 58.080 st N..N.Y., St.P., and Minpls. 66,840 linn. N., Duluth; 1st N.. Minpls. and Du luth. 50,000 lerch. N., St. P.; 1st N., Minpls. 6.000 1st N.. St. P. and Minpls. 58.380 ont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Lyle and Albert Lea; Northw. N., Minpls. 10.000 4.760 146,390 119,600 5.700 9,620 50,000 19.870 892,700 691,730 138.910 10.000 121.930 Ihase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Northw. N., Minpls.: 1st N.. St.P. 25.000 33,970 660,460 444,000 176,670 35,920 89.920 Ian. N.. N. Y.; Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N„ Minpls. 20,000 8,550 331.960 256,690 56,300 11.800 10,000 2,000 110,000 90.000 6,550 35.710 litiz. N. and Far. Merch. State, Faribault; Northw. N., Minpls. 16.000 27,100 1 26.230 Northw. N., Minpls. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyer*) 736 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers _ _ _ . xi_ _ _ _ii_ rrkn uanlrorc 4cs’I1. RssotrROES. Liabilities. Town and coonty. ^County Seats. Entire State in No.9 Fed. Res. Dist. oMem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Ites.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PSSBIDKNT. 0ASH1KR. Vics-Pksbidknt. Loulsburg........131 Louisburg State Bank..»tl’07 J. R. Swann--------- I. L. Philley______ 75-832 Lac aui Parle M 4 *160-10% G, I. Engebretson. Lowry................225 par 100 Pope L7 •• Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc.., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued _____ “ 75-1517 Bonds Loan, ther Miscel PA»-or Subplus Dbpob- LOiabili and and and Diacount* Securities laneous rra Capital Pbopits ties 20.000 i 130.350 $ Lucan ................200 Lacan State’04 F. W. Stevens____ *160-10% 75-834 Redwood 07 FIRST FARMERS NATIONAL BANK & WM. JACOBSON-........ rF A BROWN A', a! ANDERSON,^ HERMAN FITTER G. L. JOHNSTON V. P. and Cash. 10,000 2.800 70.000 40.500 21.000 M. E. Mclver------- 25.000 12.050 307.560 210,260 76,750 19.300 38,300 F. M. Anderson — 20.000 5.780 177.320 139.720 20.000 15.000 28,380 I. Bk- Rep., Ohi.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Sleepy Eye. 1.284.980 93.220 165.750 179.030 20.400 71,440 jaue.... 100.000 50.000 1.335.190 237.790 Peoples State Bank.. d®tl’06 75-887 Magnolia State Bank.®TtS'01 *150-12% 75-838 par 100 »Mahnomen_.107f First National Bank in Mahnomen.75-1571. d®«t’2( Mahnomen G5 Security State Bank ..©t§’26 75-413 Mabtowa_____40C State Bank of Mahtowa *226-10% 75-1172 ®if'14 Carlton 118 Manchester ..._8C Manchester State Bank *250-10% 75-839 d®tl’06 Freeborn Q15 Digitized MINNBSOTA for FRASER MAP on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14.000 Am. N., St. P.; Northw. N.. Minpls. A. G. SUURMEYER P.; Lst N., Minpls.; Far. N., Alexandria. ICttU* AN. I'M • and Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Live Stk. N., Sioux C.; Secur. N., Sioux F. „ 50.000 41.12Q 481,590 152,320 328,550 10.000 2,000 42,000 36,000 8.000 15.000 6.500 256.000 177.000 51.000 25.000 15,850 453,820 15,000 152,110 283,000 119,630 2,150 it AN.. VO All.. IWlkUW. aim N., Ced. R,; Secur. N., Sioux C. 8,000 1st N., Minpls.; Peo. State, Jordan. 7.800 41.000 1st N.. Minpls.; Ced. R. N., Ced. R.: Par. & Merch. State. Austin. . Y. Tr.. N. Y.; C. & C. N., Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls, 8.730 111. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.; Merch. N.. St. P.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls. 63.600 22,380 20.000 4,510 120.000 25.000 5,000 543.090 154.900 324.500 6.770 86.910 Han. N.. N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. ChL 275.000 85.000 10.500 65.000 1st N., Chi.; Batavian N.. La Crosse. Wis.; Am. N.. St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 25,000 11.000 400.000 30.000 11,41) 390,560 700 357.140 870 11.250 63,410 Han. N.. N. Y.: 1st N.. St. P.; and Mankato. 50.000 20.530 721.800 23.310 695.720 16.500 29.250 74.170 1st N..Minpls.; Merch. N..St. P.; N.Citiz. 25.000 30.000 345.000 322,000 15.000 48,000 25.000 25.940 777.150 530.870 96.260 48.710 40.000 1st N. and Northw. N.. Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 152.240 Chase N..N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 25,000 33,330 745.570 577,850 104,390 30,570 91,100 Chase N., N. Y.; C. & C. N., Chi.: Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch N. and 1st N.. St. P. 10.000 6.280 215.100 167,370 22.210 18.480 Alexander Walker Edwin Brickson ... W. C. Oelke______ Albert Brooks. 15,000 6,300 99.130 79,270 15.800 18.350 23,320 N. Oitiz.. Mankato; 1st N.. St.P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 13.580 Cont. A Com’l N., Chi.; Adrian State. Adrian; Met. N.. Minpls. O. S. Hanson-------- Leonard Hanson.. M. H. Hanson------ John Gregier.......... 25.000 2.600 65,250 14.650 46.610 10,500 21,090 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st N.. Minpls. and St. P. T. L. Croswell........ T. A. Thompson... C. O. Ryan............ V. J. Michaelson.. R. T. Hart_______ O. A. Schultz------- Elmer Johnson___ 25.000 10,000 200,000 141.000 7.800 64,200 22,000 Northw. N.. Minpls.; 1st N.. Det., Minn 10,000 4,100 139.000 58.000 40.100 8,990 46.000 1st N., Duluth; 1st N., Minpls. 10,000 10,000 229.470 197.320 15.000 9.950 27.200 1st N., Minpls.; Freeborn Co. State, Albert Lea. STATE BANK OF MADELIA 8% par 162 ont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Northw. Minpls.; N. Ex., St. P. Albina Landa------- “ Madison Lake.859 Blue Earth P14 Magnolia..........219 Rock R4 14.920 6.000 $ 140,980 $ L. H. Jones. C. L. Sherman........ J. P. Houg............... ROCK COUNTY BANK ♦ 75-175 d®*tl 82 $150 par 100 Lydia................... 60 Farmers State Bank..®t§’23 A. M. Schaefer----(Jordan P.0.) 75-1487 Scott 015 Mabel Lillegaard. Lyle__________ 505 Farmers State Bank.®*t§'15 R. C. Rustad--------- K. L. Leidall-------- H. E. Lerud 75-1212 Mower R17 R. A. Anderson — R. A. Anderson__ J. R. Hagna.......... M 44 First National Bank. d®»t'01 F. M. Beach______ Chas. Howard 75-835 J. E. Vanstrom.... P. W. Vanstrom.. A. H. Roloff_____ Lynd State Bank... d®*2l'10 *190-6% 75-836 Lyon P5 (Taken over by Stat e Bank of Maple PI ain, Maple Plain, Minn.) Lyndale 84 Hennepin N14 Mabel_______ 550 First National Bank........t’93 Mrs. Betsy Tollef- A. T. White............ A. L. Tollefion___ C. M. White. son 75-502 Fillmore R22 N. H. Nelson------- J. C. Nelson. First State Bank.— d®t§’07 -- --- Knute Olson. V. P. VI. C. Christopher*2oo-io% 75-608 son S. D. Noonan____ Nils Fjelsta............ H. C. Gunderson .. M. E. Co It vet. Madella........ 1447 Farmers State Bank H. S. Noonan 75-1309 dB®»tST6 Watonwan Qll *165-7% par 100 Sold to State Bank o / Madelia, May 31, 1927) *' ____ M PERCY E. LEWIS --- E. E. MITCHELL. Ye. f. mccarthy- GEO S HAGE Oldest and l ARGENT BANK, “ j Send Us Your Items Dire ct for Prompt A ttentlon. L Plat n Sight Drafts, 1 Sc; Credit Repor ts, 25c. ♦ 75-299 d®»«'86 Peter dalle.......... O. R. Nelson-------- Leo. A. Nikolai.... »Madison........ 1838 First National Bank..®»t’91 74-230 Lac qui Parle N4 Lac Qui Parle County Bank Ole A. Stemsrud... C. E. Peterson____ O. I. Ronningen... Roy O. Stemsrnd. *200-20% 75-229 ®»t§’83 par 100 C. Dale.......... MADISON STATE BANK , O. G. Dale............... J. R. Swann............ O. E. Hauge ______ G. P. J. Schneider *300-10% 75-231 ®»t§ 0o _____ 27.230 $ 10.000 $ “FIRST IN NA ME AS WELL AS STRENGTH.” Send us your It ems direct for pro ipt attention, .Plain sight draf ts, 15c; Credit Rep rts, 25c. 75-174 IN LUVERNE d®»t'25 % *150 par 100 •• 4.480 $ Pain cipal Oobkbbpondknts. Cami * IxdKAMW,I>VB W. A. Moen-------- $ d®t§'20 Lowrv State Bank..d®*tl'06 I. M. Engebretson. L. L. Gibbon............ par 100 75-838 *Luverne____2782 Rock R4 Asst Oashixk. W. J. Sichler. .. W. J. Ries.............. S. B. Olson.......... .. Henry Both..—— O. M. Olson O. A. Moen_______John Ellingson. 6,580 and 1st N.t Mankato. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 70 7 • • Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. £ Town and County. CO ‘County Seats. Entire State in No.9 Fed. Res.Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.U’New f State tPriv. JMem. State B Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. lies. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSaie%Div President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc,., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Vice-President. CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. p An>-ur Caktal Resources. Inabilities. Surplus Other Loans Bonds Miscel Dnpoeand and AMD Liabili rrs Discounts Securities laneous Profits ties $ ‘Mankato. ..13,659 Blue Earth P13 | L. HENLINE- - - - - - CHRIS. STEIHER - F. W. DARS0W — EDWARD LAN6ESH. J. T0RGLER 25,000 $ 88.000 1,040,000 Citizens Loan & Trust Co. G.W.Sngden.......... P. D. Beaulieu____ W. A. Strea ter. Sec, W. A. Doerr, Asst. Sec. and Tr. 8% 75-40 T*t§’16 50,000 50.000 ♦Commercial State Bankt§’19 W. W. Davis_____ E. Schoyen_______ W. A. par 100 75-1478 50,900 19.49) ‘AMERICAN STATE BANK 1400-10% 75-38 $ 12.980 $ 534,000 $ 469,000 % d®»tS’06 (.This bank gives prompt, persona) attention to eolle ctlons. 8anborn.... Principal Correspondents. 59,980 S 103,000 N. City, N.Y.: Cont. A Com') N.. Chi.: Midland N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N., Minpls. N. Oitiz., Mankato. 15,000 Tr. Depo site. 206,050 180.700 29,980 34,300 77,960 3.263.900 137.200 1.750,970 810.900 415.260 94,400 9,000 26,780 30.540 Seab. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. $130-6% WW ‘FIRST NATIONAL (SEE NORTH M ANKATO) G.M. PALMER W. D. WILLARD — M. H. MICKELSON- F. G. WALSER... —1. WM. DUNCAN. our JR. JOHN NYQUIST 250.000 First and Oldest Established Bank. $150-6% par 100 dB®T«T’68 75-33 SEND US YOUR MANKATO ITEMS DIRECT FOR PROMPT ATTENTION. Mankato Loan & Trust Co. G. M. Palmer. $160-8% par 100 75-39 BTt§’14 John Nyquist------ W. D. Willard, Tr. Wm. Duncan, Jr., Sec Mankato Savings Bank®tt’91 W- W. Davis.. 4% 75-35 E. Schoyer............... W. A. Sanborn.__ ♦NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE $135-6% fM. D. FRITZ- - - - - - - F. G. THOMAS- - - - - - - - T. C. MICKELSON— V. A. BATZNER (FOR PROMPT, PERSONAL ATT ENTION SEND 75-36 *160-7% par OTTO LAMM- - - - - - - OTTO BREMER....... JOS. H. THRO- - - - - - - T. J. MCGOVERN, R. D. COLLINS d®*t 02 100 75-37 'NATIONAL CITIZENS BANK $200-12% par 100 75-34 d®*t’72 751.920 N. City, N.Y.; 1st N., Chi., Minpls., and St. P. 60.000 100,000 5,850 Tr. Dev. 11.550 235.940 191.100 7.150 10.620 38,440 809.610 633.100 97.260 91.740 125,940 N. Park. N. Y.; Oont. & Oom'l N., Chi.: 1st N.. Minpls.: Merch. N.. St. P. 574,040 185,730 172,370 144,820 8eab. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’! N., Chi.: Northw. N. and Met. N., Minpls.: Am. N. and 1st N.. St. P. 308.290 2.558.310 1.640.270 160.660 681,370 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. A Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 14,500 r. US YOUR ITEM S DIRE CT. MW- 100,000 27.180 904,770 45,000 Ch. of Bd. Send Us Your Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items. We Remit on Day of Payment. ER A. E A. Cash. «. J. «»»£«ELMER PHILIPS0N 300.000 5,390 1st N., Mankato. 55,220 146.350 4.285.990 DRAFTS GIVEN PERSONAL ATTENTION OF AN OFFICER AND DIRECT PRESENTATION MADE. 38,610 Com'l State, Mankato. Mankato Clearing House.__ V. A. Batzner___ E. A. Boie_______ W. E. Sanborn, Tr. F. W. Darsow, Sec. (Members indicated by a ♦) ‘Mantorville ..381 First State Bank___(S>tl’08 J. Leuthold______ J. L. Curtis______ F. H. Perrin______ L. L. Fredrickson. $265-12% 75-840 Dodge Q18 15.000 27,000 358.000 285,000 36,000 27,000 52,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: C. & O. N„ Chi.. 1st N.. St. P.; Met. N„ Minpls. Maple Lake 700 Secnrity8tateBank.d®«t§’07 J. A. Elsenpeter.. Albert Westrup._ A. H. Ney............... H. O. Bolduan____ $150-8% par 100 7 5-513 Wright M13 Florence Kotilinek 10.000 7,300 376,250 235.610 103,200 7,920 46,820 C. & C. N., Chi.: 1st N. and Northw. N. Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. Paul. Maple Plain...273 State Bk. of Maple Plain J. J. Ponsford .... L. E. Christ______ A. A. Hallberg____ Hennepin N14 75-841 d®tl’05 10.000 7.500 230,000 201,000 17,000 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20,000 1st N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr„ Minpls. State, Watertown. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN AND COUNTY. * County Seats. Entire State in No.9 Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.rlNew § State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Maple ton..........857 FIRST NATIONAL BANK»t’03 E. Hadley.___ ... Blue Earth Q18 *180-8% 75-406 .. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Dapoa- Other AND Capital Profits ITS TIES % 25.000 $ 24,930 $ 485,190 $ 25.000 15,000 192.000 John Rosell.......... Estella A. Carlson 12,000 5.800 127,510 Otto Lindgren .... 10.000 2,110 Shrader___ K. E. Sheffield .... 50.000 3,280 M. B. Fairbanks Resources. Loans Bonds Miscbl- Cam A IiDiscounts Securities LANEOU8 wmcm Baku 22,000 $ 312,620 $ 84,120 $ Principal Correspondents. 22,610 $ 137,770 Oont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Northw. N.,Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. (Closed July 5, 1927 ) Marble...............742 First National Bank ..©»i’08 D. M. Gunn_______ L. R. Salsich______ G. P. Mitchell......... Itasea G16 75-842 Marietta 413 Lac qui Parle N3 Markvilie_____159 Markvilie State Bank .©5’15 E. T. Hogan . Pine J20 *120-4% 75-1215 par •• 175,000 12,700 20,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N. and Minn. N., Duluth; 1st N.. St. P. 320 69.790 54.400 8,590 12,860 1st N., St. P.; Far. & Merch. State, Still water. ___ M. Bullis___ ____ 61,910 14,970 71,000 651,930 50,000 354,810 10,600 7,370 U. S. N., Superior, Wis.; 1st N., St. P. 100 ^Marshall ....3092 First National Bank.d©»t'91 H. W. Addison.__ H. H. Gieseke___ Lyon 06 75-207 _____ 24,300 (Closed November 1 5. 1928) Marine on Security 8tate Bank of Ma Chas. Strand____ W. C. Krog.. St. Croix____ 675 rine___ 75-1456......... ©t§’19 Washington M18 *140—5% “ Noii-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued J.M. 115,330 179,710 105,360 1st N., Chi. and St.P.; Northw. N., Minpls. Lyon County National Bank.. (Consolidated with Marshall State Ban k, November 15,1926 ) MARSHALL STATE BANK 7 5-209 *225 d®t*’09 , L. H. POWELL_____ D. GRAY_______ H. S- SIMONS ........... H. O.GREGOIRE....... J. V. WILLIAMS, G. S. EVARTS Ch. of Bd, R. M. NEILL Oldest bank In Lyon County. 65.000 10.680 995.260 152.000 913,250 44.200 166.070 Mata wan_____ 50 Citizens State Bank—_®tl'08 E. J. Paulsen____ A. F. Roesler *150-10% 75-844 Waseca Q15 __ C. O. Klingbeil ... 99.420 Han. N., N.Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.„ Minpls. and St. P.; N. Citiz. Bk., Mankato. High Class Southern Minnesota Farm Mortgage Loans negotiated. 10.000 2,220 112,000 60,000 Mayer_______ 200 State Bank of Mayer _.dtl’02 J. J. Ponsford....... Chas. A. Nelson... R. W. Ponsford—— Carver N14 75-845 10,000 5,840 157,610 115,250 14,240 6,000 36,960 Cont. & Com’l N.. Ohi.: 1st N. andMidland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls. Maynard ___ 536 Farmers & Merchants State John Swift______ E. T. Skrukrud..— F. I. Fredine____ Bank.... 75-1421 „d®t§’17 Chippewa N7 15.000 6,500 225,000 170,000 3,500 48,000 25,000 N. City. N. Y.: Drov. State, So. St. P.; Northw. N.. Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. rD. A. McLARTY — C. S. ORWOLL.......... 0. A. DAHLEEN- - - - - - L. S. MARTINSON — D. F. HAWWKLAND VERNON SWANSON j Send us your co 20.000 26.000 365,000 315,000 7,000 37,500 51,500 Cont. &Coin’l N,, Chi.; 1st N.and Midland N.Bk.&Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. A. 25,000 8,350 483,300 196,880 216,510 10,660 92,600 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N.. Minpls. 25.000 13,990 480,170 433,660 27,530 5,640 McGrath isn McGrath State Bank.—tl’14 A. A. Weber............. E. O. Buhler............. J. F. Humbert . Aitkin J15 *130-6% 75-1110 10,000 2,000 60,000 38,000 14,000 10,000 McGregor____ 195 McGregor State Bank©»tl’15 J.J. Reiter_______ A. F. Reiter______ A. G. Reiter_____ E. M. Reiter_____ Aitkin 116 75-1248 Amanda Schnltz 10.000 2,900 100,800 87,000 McIntosh __ Polk F6 Alfred Vignes___ J. L. Holmberg 20.000 8.000 205,000 165,000 12,000 20,000 36,000 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; Scand.Am. and 1st N.. Crookston. Ingeman Aaseng— 30,000 14,940 627,490 388,960 165,740 24,010 118,720 Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N.. Minpls.: Merch. N„ St. P.; Minn. N., Duluth. MAYNARD STATE BANK — 75-662 d©tU900 25,730 19,000 Met. N., Minpls. llections Bills of Lading Drafts Ca sh and Time Item s for pr omptat tention. (.FEE IN ADVA NCE: Plain tight drafts, 25c; Cre dit Reports, 25c. TRY US. Mazeppa_____ 481 Bank of Mazeppa.......... »JS'86 *125-7% 75-526 Wabasha P19 par F. Liflrig.. . J. W. Kingsley___ Geneva C. Staiger 100 Peoples State Bank ..d»tl’00 G. H. Squire______ Fred Grossbach__ 75-527 $150-10% par 100 •• 805 Citizens State’93 Chas. L. Conger ... L. S. Miller *125 75-455 « First National Bank.d®»t’88 C,M. Berg________ 75-456 *W0-12^% par 100 Minnesota Map on index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. A, Hodge______ W. M. Costello .... Olft Sannfts 25,000 9.700 St. P.; 1st N., 52,330 Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.; Union N.. Roches ter; Northw. N., Minpls. 10,000 Merch. N.. St. P. 18,800 Met. N„ Minpls.; Am. Ex. N., Duluth. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 70Q • Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. *County Seats. Entire State in No.9 Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed> Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MINNESOTA Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Meadowiands .150 Meadowiands State Bank D. C. Wakeman___ M. J. Solberg.......... M. J. Doyle______ H. L. Kyllo............ St. Louis G18 $180 par too 75-1201 d®tS'15 Liabilities. Resources. Surplus Depos Other Loans Bonds Cash k ExPaid-up Miscel CHANG and and AND Liabili 18, Du* its Capital Profits Discounts Ssouritiss laneous from Banks ties i 10.000 $ 2.600 $ 69,760 $ Principal Correspondents. 21,700 $ 32,100 $ 6,370 $ 21,610 Northern N„ Duluth; 1st N„ St. P. Medford__ __ 349 First State Bank_____©tf'12 D. A. McKinlay... M. C. Hanson_____ B. M. Hanson_____ S. M. Cole............. $200-6% 75-1066 Steele P16 10,000 3,140 101,140 49,480 34,630 5,110 25,070 1st N.. Owatonna; 1st N. and Northw. N.. Minpls. Meire Grove...180 Meire Grove Farmers State J. H. Luetmer____ J. H. Nathe._ . (Melrose P. 0.) $100 Bank.. 75-846______tS’ll par 100 Stearns L10 10,000 4,530 172,190 101,650 56,520 4,800 23,760 1st N., Minpls. Melby________175 Melby State Bank____dtS'14 A. L. Leraas______ H. Sampson.......... Geo. Vangsness___ Douglas J6 $210-15% 75-1159 par 150 10.000 5,760 121,270 75,250 39,000 19,210 A. L. Saner.............. W. J. Stephens.... John H. Welle........ Melrose..____ 2529 Borgering State Bank StearnsL10 75-170 ©*+§‘07 25,000 5,000 200.000 110,000 20,000 85,000 25,000 6,840 277,890 $ 110 130,490 145,000 25,000 3,000 550,000 25,000 321.000 200,000 15,000 5,000 185,000 54.000 114,000 4,500 Mentor..............255 First State Bank ...d©»tl’01 Joseph Tagley........ M. Tagley Polk F5 75-848 10,000 5,000 129,350 115,710 4,240 15,220 Meriden Ifin First State Bank____ ®}§'15 J. H. O. Schuldt_. H. J. Lulimann.... Fred Fette 8tee!e P16 $150-10% 75-1204 25,000 6,620 577,070 2,800 333,310 180,410 19,760 75,210 Cont, & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Secur. State, Owatonna; Merch. N., St. P. ‘Milaca___ 1347 First NationalBank in J. A. Allen.............. M. K. Rudd______ B. P. Allen. Mille Lacs K14 Milaca.... 75-331. ..d®«t'98 $225-8% par 100 25,000 15,350 525,460 25,000 203,110 274.950 14.260 98.500 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Am. N.. St. Paul. MILACA STATE BANK®*il’04 Knute Ellingboe.. Alfred Olson $176-8% 75-332 par 100 30,000 6,020 175,680 131,600 20,050 34,290 25,760 .. F,. Ortmann Security State Bank-..®§’12 H. F. Loosbroek... W. F. Unger______ H. C.Stalboerger.. $110 75-171 Menahga..........478 First Nation*) Bank d®«i’98 M. Ristinen Wadena H9 $150-10% par 100 75-847 ____ J. A. Qninn______ G. R. Lee________ Mendota_____ 193 Mendota State Bankd©t§’17 S. A. Netland__ Dakota N16 10% 75-1372 . F. A. Ruhr P. J. Mergen_____ 5.000 29,350 Cont.&Com’IN., Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N.. Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 82,000 Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill.. Chi.; Northw. N. Minpls.; Merch. N., Wadena; 1st N., Duluth. 32,500 Han. N., N. Y.: State Bk. of Northfield, Northfield; Northw. N.. Minpls. 9,190 MerriamPark___ (See St. Paul) N24 M Security State Bank..®t§’17 A. E. Nelson $100 75-1407 H. Halverson_____ A. J. Franzen George R.Peterson Alice R. Peterson. and Northw. N„ Minpls. A. B. Sundbegg___ 25,000 13,890 148,770 Milan________ 590 Peoples State Bank____tl’15 N. A. Pederson___ E. S. Morstad____ C. A. Bystrom____ I. M. Thompson ... Chippewa M5 75-1258 20,000 6,150 40.000 « State Bank of Milan._®t|’91 T. Anderson_____ $200-10% 75-851 M. A. Anderson... O. J. Kalstrom... * M tiler ville___150 Millerville State Bank (Closed July 22, 192 7) (Brandon P. 0.) Douglas K7 Millville.......... 194 Millville State Bank.__ •tl'04 J. W. Nolan .. W. H. Kiley______ P. J. Cosgrove........ M. H. Wadley____ Wabasha P21 75-852 4.060 126.250 18,990 30.100 395,890 246,730 88,540 9,900 76,860 1st N.. Chi.: Midland N. Bk. & Tr. and Northw. N„ Minpls. 10,000 310,000 280,000 13,000 35,000 32,000 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. 10,000 10.000 172,810 19,640 156,950 18,850 22,040 14,600 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Wabasha, Winona, and Minpls. 16.370 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. Mllrov 177 State Bank of Milroy.®»tl'02 Wm. Duncan, Jr... J. R. Schmid.. . Redwood 07 75-858 Edward Galle........ Florence Galle 18,000 32,000 239,000 33.000 231,000 8.500 71,160 14,340 1st N.. Chi.. St. P.. and Minpls.; State Bk. of Springfield. Springfield. Miltona. inn Miltona State Bank .d®t5’17 P. L. Blank______ J. A. Swenson____ Douglas K8 75-1345 A. J. Johnson____ 10,000 3,970 82,170 2,400 71,670 — 12,020 14,840 jst N., Minpls. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 740 MINNEAPOLIS—Reserve City Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estyb. ♦Fed. Res. I)epts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$I,astSale%Div. Resources. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. + American State Bank Herman Ziegler... G. F. Lohman......... G. J. Bach.. 17-83 d®«t§’16 G. J. Bach (3005 Hennepin) par 100 Ass’t Cashier. Other Total Paid-up Surplus and Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties Mae A. Osborn — $ Bankers Trust & Savings Bank. (Now Peoples Trust & Savings Bank) +BIoomington-Lake National Bank_____ 17-70______ ©t’25 (Bloomington Lake St.) + Calhoun State Bank—.©tl’14 17-73 (715 W. Lake) + Gamden Park State Bank $125-6% par 100 1 7 -67 d®»tl’10 (4171 Lyndale Ave. No.) + Central National Bank 1225-8% par 100 1 7 -60 d©»t'07 (2329-31 Central Ave.) (Hennepin County, M 23) County Seat. Pop. 425,435 (Federal Reserve City No. 9) J. S. Pomeroy......... J. O. Lanpher___ A.S. New comb. V.P. G.VV. La Lone A. S. Newcomb— L. R. Oberg R. C. Smith_______ J. A. Nelson____ J. P. Costello_____ O. H. Gastler ____ G. B. Sigurdson... W. F. Eggers____ R. R. Nelson_____ A. N. Sandgren... John Schmidler... E. L. Forsythe ___ G.M. Christoferson T. W. Larson____ John W. Barton,Ch. 25,000 5,000 $ 347,600 42,880 1.597,080 35,000 9,200 40,000 12,380 100,000 200,000 (Formerly Central State Bank) M. H. Manuel........... E. S. Jones............... 5. W. Parker. + Chicago-Lake State Bank 17-94 (741 E. Lake) ®»tS’l7 J. Van Valkenburg + EAST HENNEPIN STATE BK. F. R. Lobdell........... R. C. Teuscher ... R. C. Teuscher___ J. L. Enerson. 17-86 d®<§’16 A. A. Dahlin. O. L. Morris (480 E. Hennepin Ave.) Ch. of Bd. 30,500 $ 305.000 $ 45,000 J Ch. of Bd H. C. CLARKE w. H. LEE, LESTER BIGELOW W. F. McLANE I.H. OVERMAN E. J. GRIMES 17-3 ®»t§’70 (115 So. Fifth) (Consolidation of Hennepin County Savings Bank and Minneapolis Trust Co.) 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK *300-15% par 100 17-2 ®*t’64 (Marquette at 5th) C. T. JAFFRAY Ch. Finance Com W. G.N0RTHUP A. C. DANENBAUM, A. B. WHITNEY, PAULREYERSON, V. P. & Tr. Off. 1,070,550 Equit. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. 910 307,450 65,300 9,900 20.000 437.930 169.000 30.910 119.780 1,649,450 106,830 951.440 759.980 98,910 165,740 N. City, N. Y.; Union Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N. and Met. N., Minpls. 25.000 6,990 243.860 270 151.760 38.300 15.610 70,450 Cont. 8c Com’l N.. Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls. 100.000 20.000 875,400 564.500 271,080 45,400 295,100 55,066,490 194,970 865,700 N. Park and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and 1st N.t Chi.; 1st N., Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Northw, N., Minpls.; N. Shaw, Bos. 62,160 7,690 46.720 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 10.568.660 13.007.600 248.330 6,644.870 Bk.of America and Chase N.,N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., and Union Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. P. 25.000 6,700 275.700 161,820 . 1 000.000 1.380.970 27.930.610 157.890 72,760 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Bkrs. N„ Minpls. 86,020 N. City. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Northw. N., and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 112,130 Han. N„ N. Y.: Union Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls. Midland Farm Ln. Off. ACTS AS EX ECUT OR, A DMINI STRA TOR, HENRY VERDELIN, A. Sec, 34,500 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. 651,480 H.V.BRUCHH0LZ,Sec. H.E.ATWOOD.Sd.OiT. B. S. WOODWORTH, 0. C. HAIR, A. Sec. Principal Correspondents. 410,300 382,340 $130 'R. W. WEBB_ _ _ _ L. E. WAKEFIELD — V. F. ROTERING. . . . . . R. I. LEE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E. C. COOKE, F. A. CHAMBERLAIN H. W. MARTIN, Tr. J. A. DAVIS Minpls. Clearing House Ass’n. Members shown by * Affiliated Banks by + non Banks 23.600 i 77,320 k Ex- 518,300 1,958,400 54,463,860 Farmers & Mechanics Saving W. G. Northup.__ C. S. Langdon____ H. E. Cobb, A. Sec John Crosby, A. Tr. collectio ns) Bank.......... 17-51______®»t§'74 A. F. Pillsbury, W.L.Clark. A. Sec F. P. Leonard, A. Tr. (Makes n T. F. Wallace. 4% (115 S. 4th) Sec. and Tr. W. A, Kramer. V. P. E. V. Cotton. A. Tr. H. S. Kin man, Asst. to Pres. A, Sec. AAV. Geggie, A.Tr. Federal Reserve Bank —Dist. 9» (See page 28/or com plet.e information) 17-8 (73 So. Fifth) FIRST MINNEAPOLIS TRUST GO. Cash CHAHOM,Dtn 208,560 $160 par 100 + Fidelity State Bank..®»t§’17 T. K. Kelly_______ J. H. Wendel_____ A. L. liitt................. A. S. Mollner. 17-92 (2417 Central N. E.) MiscelBonds AND Discounts SECURITIES Resources Loans AND THUS TEE A NDGU ARD 1 AN. R. E. Off. A. Tr. Off. WM. J.STEVENSON, A. W.L. WALLGREN, V. P. & Tr. Off. A. Tr. Off. E. WAKEFIELD— J. S. POMEROY_ _ _ _ S. H. BEZOIER-. . . . . . . . J. G. MACLEAN_ _ _ F. M. PRINCE, P. J. LEEMAN K. M. MORRISON, W. A. MEACHAM Ch. of Bd. J. G. BYAM Comptroller C. B. BROMBACH }■ A, MURPHY F. A. CHAMBERLAIN, G. W. BUFFINGTON, A. E. WILSON, Asst. Comptroller J. CLAYTON Ch. Exec. Com. V.P.&Gen’lCounsel A. P. KEMP fcl’MlLyy FREDSPAFFORD A. G. BJERKEN A. H. QUAY V. McLANE M. 0. GRANGAARD, 5,500.000 5.570.260 89.210.100 3.189.360 49.368.820 28.724.230 2.358.460 23.020.220 N. Bk. Com., Bkrs. Tr. Co., 1st N., and N. Park, INI • X IvUIH* GL V'UIll 1 i^l • • ISt <11111 XII■ Merch. T(. Co., Chi.; Calif., Los A. (17-6) Saint An thony F alls OfHc e», East Hennepi n Ave. a nd Fonrt h St. (17-65) North Si de Oliiee •, Washi ngton an d Plymo uth Ave nues. No rth (17-111) West Bro adway O thee, We st Broad way and Emerso n. Send Ass’t V. P. US you r colie ctions on Min neapo Ms, St . Paul, and othei north wester n p o i nts. Corres ponde nee in vited. ’Fourth Northwestern Nat. A. A. McRae.......... F. E. Kenaston___ S. T. Throbeck___ Claudia Dahl Bank.......... 17-55_______©J'99 F. E. Kenaston.CTi. O. O. Erling *150-12% (401 Cedar Ave.) 100,000 91,670 3,229,240 21,130 776.390 57,000 57,090 -(-Gateway State Bank.®»t|15 G.E. Rydell---------- F. W. Greaves____ A. T. Backdahl—.. William Weisman 17-79 (125 Gateway Bank Bldg.) -(-Harriet State Bank.d®»t§’14 J. W. Black............. C. O. Johnson........ O. E. Sahr________ *120 par 100 17-71 4287 Sheridan Ave. 100,000 30.190 774,380 33.600 561.730 156,680 31,080 25,000 5.150 184,740 7,500 130.780 24,190 41.530 2.551,560 Han. N.. N. Y.; 111. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi. (Formerly Fourth Northwestern State Bank) (Associ ated with Northwest ern National Bank) *135 Hennepin County Savings Bank (Merged with Minn eapolis Trust Co. as First Minneapolis | (Minneapolis hanks continued on next page) MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 188.670 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. & Oom’l N., Chi.: Mid land N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Royal Bk. of Canada, Winnipeg. 25.900 1st N., Minpls. MIDLAND *>. Vr7 NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. NATIONAL BANK MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA OFFICERS Geo. B. Norris, President J. W. Barton. Vice-President M. D. Chandler. Vice-President John Burgess, Vice-President J. D. Husbands. Cashier S*** V r r'll ' H. A. Hillgren, km®, O. J. Thorpe, injJitAlHJki! F. C. Heneman, Ass’t Cashier Ass’t Cashier Ass’t Cashier H. S. Quiggle, Ass’t Cashier W. B. Bell. . -- MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Comptroller G. W. Cochrane, Mgr. Bond Dept. Resources $25,000,000.00 Officers CHARLES B. MILLS. President EDGAR L. MATTSON. . .Vice-President WALTON R. MURRAY. .Vice-President VICTOR E. HANSON....Vice-President ALEXANDER J. HERRINGTON. V.-P. TRYGVE OAS......................Vice-President GEORGE G. STRUTHERS...Vice-Pres. ELMER V. BLOOMQUIST ...Secretary CECIL L. KEITH.......................... Cashier HARRY D. DAVIS............. Asst. Cashier J. KENNETH CORNELYSEN.Asst.Cash. LINDEN L. D. STARK. Asst.Trust Officer FRED W. CONRAD........... Asst. Cashier LAWRENCE O. OLSON. . .Asst. Cashier ARNULF UELAND.............Asst. Cashier EDMUND J. WAGENHALS. Asst. Cash. FRANK W. PETERSON..............Auditor Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A Strong Progressive Independent Bank (NO BRANCHES) Our enlarged col lection department will clear your North west items with dis The Metropolitan Bank Bldg., Sixth St. @ Second Ave., So patch and accuracy. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO GRAIN AND PRODUCE DRAFTS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis dS[\ doiffo puv quvg *of pxvpuvis SHAIS3HQV s.qhojnvS S ft £ ft 55 m?f8' ?. a?«fr _ ST 3 Sts AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY F. W. Lafrentz Chairman of the Board Mrsfp; ilteiilf!' KH iiKiltitS1 aaaa;»3iii a j Company's Home Office Building CHARLES H. ALLEN JOHN ANDERSON EDWIN L. BLABON JOHN E. BOUDEN, JR. A. J. BROSSEAU R. R. BROWN NEWCOMB CARLTON CLARENCE E. CHAPMAN DELOS W. COOKE T. JEFFERSON COOLIDGE RICHARD DELAFIELD PHILIP T. DODGE C. G. DU BOIS W. N. DYKMAN WALTER E. FREW W. S. GIFFORD LINDSAY RUSSELL JOHN SHERWIN WILLIAM SKINNER FREDERICK P. SMALL R. A. C. SMITH VALENTINE P. SNYDER JOSEPH B. TERBELL ARTHUR W. THOMPSON L. A. WATRES F. EDSON WHITE WM. F. WHITING ALBERT H. WIGGIN BENJAMIN L. WINCHELL BRONSON WINTHROP Branch Office for MINNESOTA, NORTH DAKOTA and SOUTH DAKOTA First National-Soo Line Building A. E. Adams, Manager MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Branch Offices at 40 Principal Cities Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Over 15,000 Local Representatives Elsewhere 741 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPrir. tMem. State B. Ass’n. £Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. (Federal Rsserve City No. •) Ass’t Cashier. Lake Street State Bank____ (Purchased, by Min nehaha State Bank, Now Minnehaha N ational Bank) Liberty State Bank ... (Closed January 13. 1927) +MARQUETTE NATIONAL BANK R. W. MANUEL_ _ WM. F. KUNZE_ _ _ _ 0. H. ODIN_ _ _ _ _ _ _ D. S. BAIRD- V. P, E. S. JONES M. J. HIGGINS 1250 par 100 17-105 ®.J’20 (517 Marquette Ave.) +MARQUETTE TRUST CO. 6% par 100 17-54 tlB<DT»t§’89 (517 Marquette Ave.) 'METROPOLITAN NATIONAL BANK 1150-8% Liabilities. Surplus Other Total and Liabili Profits Deposits Paid-dp Capital $ ties 200.000 * 25.190 $ 1.436.100 |$ Resources. Loans and Discounts 152.960 * BONDS AND Sbotjhitodp 89S.630 * Mibcbl- Cash A ExLANlOm chamois,Due Rbsobbcbs rKr*ai Hanks 208.960 $ 336,270 * Minpls. Clearing House Assn. Members shown by * Affiliated Banks by-i- Principal Correspondents. 372.390 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpis. COMPLETE BAN KING SERVICE. COL LECTIONS HAN I)LED PROMPT LY. CORRESPOND ENCE INVITED. R. W. MANUEL .... WM. F. KUNZE. M. H. MANUEL, Sec. M. J. HIGGINS, v, P. and Tr, Officer and Mgr. Mortgage A Sec Loan Dept. 0. H. ODIN. A. Sec. E. S. JONES, A. Tr. 200.000 58.670 2.144.000 306.800 1.674.010 604.880 258.410 172,170 Marquette N., Met. N., and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. W. S. FOSTER HAROLD HARRISON ACTS AS EXEC UTOR, ADMINIS TRATOR, TRUST EE AND GUARD AN. MORTG AGE LOANS—BO NDS — IN VESTM ENT. G.B. NORRIS. . . . . . . . . . M. 0. CHANDLER JOHN L_____ J.‘ W.‘ BARTON, V. P. '■‘'‘BURGESS A. L. WARNER — J. 0. HUSBANDS-— H. A. HILLGREN W. B. BELL, Compfr 0. J. THORPE G. W. COCHRANE, F. C. HENEMAN Mgr. Bond Dept. H. S. QUIGGLE 500.000 348.010 11.095.330 608.880 7.021.300 2.831.620 456.650 2.242.650 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and Un. Tr. Co., Chi.; Phil.-Girard N., PhU. Speci alizing in gr ain an d prod uce dr afts. A Strong, Progressive, Commercial, Bank 17-62 dB®T«t|'07 'MIDLAND NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNEAPOLIS—Continued—Reserve City Located in the Heart of the business district. CHAS. B. MILLS -— E. L. MATTSON- - - - - W. R. MURRAY V. E. HANSON TRYGVE 0AS GEO.G. STRUTHERS E. V. BLOOMQUIST, c C. L. KEITH. . . . . . . . . . . . . F. W. CONRAD. . . . . . . . H. U. DAVIS, A.Cash. L. 0. OLSON J. K. CORNELYSEN, ARNULF UELAND A. Cash. E. J. WAGENHALS L. L. D. STARK, F. W. PETERSON, P. J. Nelson_____ 8. F. Nelson__ J. P. Snyder William Furst H. J. Jensen. A. Tr. Off. Auditor 1.000.000 535 950 20.092.360 612.830 13.941 650 3.697.420 119 890 4.482.180 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Franklin 4th St. N., Phil.; 1st N., Det.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. You nlake no mistake In sel ecting t lis bank to hamdie your VIIIMNE APOLIS busine •s. H80-io% 17-7 dB®T«t’09 par 100 (2nd Ave. and 4th) BANK -— l7-7f.____®*f$’i4 (Milters & Traders Bk. Bldg,) Minneapolis Morris Plan Co D. A. Fiske.. 17-113 (615 Marquette Ave.) Minneapolis Trust Co.______ F. E. Johnson....... 40,000 15,380 826.120 477.440 164.600 30.230 209.230 N. City. N.Y.; Un. Tr. Co., Ohi.; Northw. N. Minpls. A. D. Thompson, Tr. and Gen. Mgr. 1 (Consolidated with Hennepin County S arings Bank as First Minneapolis Trust Co.) Mmneapolis-Trust Joint Stock Robert W. Webb.. E. J. Grimes____ E. J. Grimes. Tr. H. V. Bruchholz. 5,763.480 450.000 234,200 5.504,040 Land Bank_______ t'22 E. O. Cooke, C. T. Jaffray Sec. A. H. Lindemann. 17-112 Ch. of Bd L. E. Wakefield A. Tr. H. H. Peterson. (115 So. 5th) A. Sec. (Territory of North Dakota a nd Minne sota) 701.000 221,140 +Minnehaha National Bank J. G. Byam 17-66 d®t.!0 (2716 E. Lake) 253,870 74.020 Alexander Cardle. A. H. Elmquist—— Arvid A. Lund .... G. W. LaLone T. E. Lewis 100,000 20.000 1.417.080 4,890 463.970 21,500 1st N. and 1st Minpls. Tr. Co., Minpls. 750.110 Minpls. (Formerly Minnehaha State Ba nk) MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 749 •Mem.A.B.A.wNew § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. TBstab. ♦Fed. Kes.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. MINNESOTA LOAN ft TRUST CO. President. (Federal Reserve City No. 9) Cashier. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNEAPOLIS—Continued—Reserve City Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital Liabilities. Surplus Other AND Deposits Liabili Profits ties W. 4. DURST................. H. D. THRALL.............. J. R. BYERS.............. I.W. CHAMBERS. Sec. E.W.DECKER, D. R. WEST H. 0. THRALL, Tr. J. W.GROVES.A.Sec. F.J. MULCAHY, Ch. of Bd. C. V. SMITH. V.-P. A. Sec. and .4. Tr. i 1.008.000 $ 1.892,400 $17271760 $ and Tr Officer. JAMES M. MARTIN, b. c. unMAC, General Counsel. M. K. MARK, A. Tr. Officers Loans AND Resources. Miscbi.- Bonds Discounts SlOUBITIlB Rbsottbcss Cam k ExOHAHon,Dtn mom Baku Arthur Logefeil— J. E. Harris E. W. DECKER —- 17-1 J. T. Kootz______ Bos. W. E. BRIGGS C. E. HILL $. H. PLUMMER J. C. THOMSON J. E. NEVILLE WM. N. JOHNSON R. T. SWANSON Aceeuti of Banka, Bankers, and others liberal terms. Correspondence solicited. received on the 2.610.740 76 653 360 North A merican Office (17 most Associat ed Bank V. Anderson... O. S. Fredrickson . C. G. Hognes 25,000 Peoples Trust & Savings Bank A. L. Warner____ H. H. Henley____ P. S. Johnson. Tr.. L.B.Peacher.A.Sec. *ioo 17-90 dB@T§'18 200,000 42,020 100,000 25,000 ____ S. V. Hodge______ E. 310,480 1673 040 88,260 33,970 104.980 N.City. N.Y.; Cont.ftCom’l N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls. 44.858.500 21.613.210 2.144.020 16.321,420 Chaao It. ut N. City, N. Y.j Coat. * Com'l Lake Str eet Offlc e (17-63), Lake an d Nicolle t; H. H.S Lincoln Office (17 -99), Hen nepin an d Eighth ; G. F. Or SEE KDVERTISEME NT ON MINN. INDEX I.Hazlett + Penn Avenue State Bank ins 17-102 d®»tS’17 (2128 W. Broadway) 509,170 4th St. N., Phil.; Mellon N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; 1st N., St. L.; Union Tr. Co., Clev. fl:As Comptroller 3,520 25.000 4,000,000 F. co res or d®»i’72 (411 Marquette) Lohmar___ THE0MREW0LD- H. P. NEWCOMB — J A ROSS R. F. MACTAVISH, R‘. S.‘ HUME S: §:A. GROSS ‘NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK *250-12% par 100 B. W. Principal Correspondents. 24,000 $9,000,500 $ 8.652.070 $ 150,000 $2,385,590 Bk. of America and N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; HI. 17-52 1®T»I’83 (405 Marquette) Underwriters and Distributors of Municipal and Corporation Bonds of Minnes ota and t he North west. + North Commercial State Bank *200-6% 17-91 ®»t§’17 (701W. Broadway) Minpls. Clearing House Ass’n. Members shown by* Affiliated Banks by-i- 11.000 ivright. Mgr.-, L. H. Berg. Ass’t Mgr. deand W m. B. Tsc harner, Mgrs.-, L. V. Rose and E.J. Olson, Ass’tMgrs. -5 ),Plym oath and Washing ton;Jaco bA.Kunz, Mgr.-, R. B. Gross and W. A. Benson. Ass't Mgrs. s: Secon d North western State Ba nk—Four th North western National Bank. 265,000 140.000 109,000 30.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. Minpls. 101,900 56,110 57,190 145,570 126,180 71,090 Seab. N.. N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Metropolitan N., Minpls. 27,030 909,600 13,090 556,810 238,600 31,350 202,960 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Ill. Merch. Tr. Co. and Un. Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. 6.340 217,320 67,970 129,550 158,530 8.480 50,000 31,880 1,143,550 4,930 379,130 20,480 3,000.000 727,780 26.022,000 721,020 26,076,480 321,530 3,196,860 (Trust Funds) par 100 (Hennepin and 5th St.) 17-110 (100 No. 7th) S. T. McKnight.... C. F. Witt R. B. Rathbun H. O. Hunt Guy F. Jensen .... T. A. Heck . J. W. Black_____ Aug. Cederstrand. B. J. Schwoeffer- H. A.Lnnd _. Richfield National Bank 17-106 d ®»t’22 mann (5450 Nicollet Ave.) . 20,070 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. »i5*-6% (Richfield Station) -fSecond Northwestern State R. E. Macgregor ... W. T. Hoy............ . R. K. Blinkenberg. O. P. Gerber........... R. K. Blinkenberg Bank........ 17-100 -_.d®t§’25 par 100 (1300 2d St. N. E.) (Associated with No rthwestern National Bank) SOUTHERN MINNESOTA JOINT H. A. Smith........... A. H. Vihstadt___ H. A. Smith. O. D. Smith STOCK LAND BANK-.........t l9 ♦ *70 Tr.... W. B. Clement.Sec. 75-1548 par 100 (828 McKnight Bldg.) JOBS N *110-6% A. O. Smith___ . J. P. Barton____ W. P. Kennedy. T. P. Gorman .... .JUMP V.P. F. Morgan 17-107 dB®*t 22 R. E. Kennedy (123 S. 7th St.) + Twenty-Sixth Street State T. K. Kelly--------- Jas. McDonald___ H. T. Henryson .. F. D. Larson____ Bank_____ 17-78 . dB®»ti’15 *120 (2552 Nicollet! par 100 (Bonds) (Territory of Minne sota and S outh Dak ota) 233.350 2,056,290 180,740 283,850 138,270 115.430 6.000 596.360 478.450 63,890 27.530 200,000 81,080 2,298,880 25,000 5,850 60,000 9,100 90,870 830,750 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. Northw. N.. Minpls. & Tr. Co., N.Y.; State, Chi.; 875,930 Chase N., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co. and Foreman N., Chi.; 1st N , Minpls. 200,460 Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Brotherhood of Locomotive Eng. Co-op. N., Clev.; Telegraphers N„ St. L. & 54,990 Han. N.. N. Y.; Cont. Com’l N.. Chi.; Midland Bk. Tr. Co., Minpls.; Merch. N„ St. P. & N. par 100 + UNIVERSITY STATE BANK A. B. Wilder......... F. J. Pesek............ F. F. Zander 17-77 d®*tS’__ W.F. Andrews.Ch. (724 Washington Ave.. S. E.) C. B. Mills ............ F. A. Chamberlain. J.S. Pomeroy. W. J. Regan, C. H. Examiner. Mgr. *150-15% par 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 85,580 Chase N., Minpls. N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.: Met. N., ted Banka bp + ) Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 743 MINNEAPOLIS—Continued—Reserve City Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS Name of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. }Mem. State Bks. Assn. TfMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Year Established. ____________ A. C.ALLYN&CO., m2 Name Correspondents and Bank Depositories. Officers. J. H. HAAS. Resident Manager Year Established. INVESTORS SYNDICATE First Mortgage and Real Estate Bonds. Kalman & Company________ (215 2nd Avenue, S.) (415 Second Ave.. S.) BRADLEY T. ROSS. Mgr.................................. Underwriters. Wholesalers and Retailers of Investment Securities . —Specialists in Public Utilities. H. M. Byllesby & Co., Chi., St. Paul, N. Y.t Bos., Phil.. Prov.. Det.. and Kan. C. INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES. -T13 GEO. B. LANE, Pres. P. W. LOUDON, V. P. H. G. PIPER. V.P. GEO. L. LANG, Tr. C. P. JAFFRAY, V. P. NORMAN NELSON, Sac. G. W. TRAER, JR. V. P. GEO. F. PIPER, JR., V.P. LANE, PIPER & JAFFRAY, BLAIR & CO . Inc.—................... —1 Correspondents and Bank Depositories. M. R. RIDGWAY. Pres. J. S. HIBBERT. 1st N. and Midland N. Bk.. & Tr.. 1 C. H. FARRINGTON. V.P. V. P. A Gen'l Mgr. Minpls.; Gty. Tr.. N, Y.; Cont. & 1 E. E. CRABB. V. P. A Tr. E. M. RICHARDSONS. Com'l N.. Chi.; Bk. of Italy N. Tr. iH.W. BERG, V.P. W- W- BERG. A. Sec. & Sav. Assn.. Los A.; Com. Tr.. B. DORFMAN- A. Sec. Kan. C.; Am. Tra. N.. Birm. .’94 American Bond & Mortgage Co.. Chi. and N. Y. A. a Becker & Co.. Chi.. N.Y.. St.L., Seat.. San F., G. Bap.. Port., Mil., and Spokane. (724 First National Soo Line Bldg.) T20 Officers. Other Offices: N. Y.. Chi.. Bos., Phil., St. L., San F.. Mil , and Det. Investment Securities A. G. BECKER & CO.......................... *93 (226 McKnight Bldg.) Banker. (10J No. Seventh SStreet) (527 2d Ave.. S.) H.M.BYLLESBY&GO. of •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. IfMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. (740 McKnight Bide.) AMERICAN BOND & MORTGAGE CO. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Federal Reserve District No. 9) Guaranty Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N. and Merch. N., St. P. (Commercial Paper, Investment Securities) (1200 1st Nat. Soo Line Bldg.)«tT95 CHAPMAN & CO.. Inc-. P W ........ (Baker Bldg.) CHILDS, C. F. AND COMPANY (Baker Bldg.) LEE,HIGGINSON & CO. "N. E. PETERSON, Resident Mgr......................... Offices in: N. Y., Chi., Pitt., Bos. ... nij ,u • « ■ . . The Oldest House in America specializing exclusively in Government Securities. •’ll (251 McKnight Bldg.) San F., Los A., Seattle, Port. " -■ -L., — - ----Den., St. Kan. C., Phil., Clev.,Cin., Det., and Wash. D.C. (1110 McKnight Bldg,) f Roemer G. Robertson and Wm. E. Blackmar, Lee. Higginson & Co., N. Y., Chi. Representat\res________________________ and Bos. < L (Investment Securities) f (Charles E.Lewis. ToddW.Lewis.T,J.Cassidy) N. City. N. Y.; Northw. N., Met. N., The National Market for Farm Loan Bonds. 0. M. CORWIN COMPANY—..........’25 -----1’48 CHAS.E. LEWIS & GO. fO. M. CORWIN. Pres. KENNETH DICKINSON, TV. Min pis.■ Tr. Co.. Northw. N.. 1st N. J .F. HORN, V. P. C. R. BACHMANN, Sec. and Wells-Dickey Co.. Minpls. (A. P. MORRIS. V. P. i „’88 (Lewis Bldg.) 1 I | I Government, Municipal, Railroad, and Corporation Bonds. Listed securities and local Bank Stocks. Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ Minpls. ^Members New York Stock Exchange. Justus F. Lowe Co., Inc.................._T19 (1st N. Soo Line Bldg.) (ALVA M. DRAKE, Acting. ELMER L. WILLIAMS, Tr. pirst n. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. \ ALVA M. DRAKE, V. P. C. 0. BJ0RE, A. Sec. Co.. Minpls. MAC DONALD & CO • INCORPORATED DRAKE-J0NES COMPANY..............T80 J W. J. ALLISON, Sec. (First Natl. Soo Line Bldg.) NATIONAL CITY COMPANY____ (Builders Exchange Bldg.) GEO. M, FORMAN & GO., Investment Securities. (Metropolitan Bk. Bldg.) .17 (Investment Bonds). Geo. M. Forman & Co.. Chicago,,| New York, and Principal Cities. I NORTHLAND SECURITIES CORPORATION—T09 (Mam Floor, Security Bldg.) W. B. FOSHAY COMPANY Foshay Bldg. {200-8% (2nd Ave. S. & 9th St.) (608 Second Ave. S.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N. City Co.. N. Y. and correspon dent offices. v. (J. D. BROWN, Pres..... M. BARRY, Cash...... Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Minpls.; 1st G. L. HEEGAARD, V.P. L. B. ELWOOD, Sec. N., Mandan. |R. L. MEECH, V.P. GEO. W. EVERITT, Tr. Equit. Tr. Co., Cent. Un. Tr. Co., WILBUR B. FOSHAY.^es. H. E. McGINTY, Sec'and Tr. SeaboardI N. and Anglo-So. Am H. H. HENLEY, V.P. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Chi. Tr. Co. and C. W. SALISBURY,E. P. HAROLD C. GAGE. (Members Boston, New York, Chicago, Detroit Paine, Webber & Co., Boston, N. Y. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; Met. R. JOEL ANDRUS, V.P. Gen. Sales Mgr. Cent. N. and 1st Minpls. Tr. Co., PAINE, WEBBER * CO_ _ _ _ _ _ _ It 80 ■< and Hartford Stock Exchanges, New York Chi., and other cities. (McKnight Bldg.) ( Cotton Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade. Minpls. Capital and Surplus $8,000,000. . _. . . . ,, Offices in the following Cities: Government, Municipal and Corporatlo Minneapolis, St. Paul, Chicago, Bonds. Specialists In Northwestern New York, Boston, Denver, San Local Investments and Public Utilities. Francisco and Portland, Ore. ’17 „ G0ARANTY COMPANY OF NEW YORK (Irving D. Fish, Manager__________________ Guaranty Co. of N. Y.. N. Y. (1226 McKnight Bldg.) '20 I Investment Securities. (INVESTMENT BONDS................................. Halsey. Stuart & Co., N. Y., Chi.., HALSEY, STUART & COMPANY—V01 < Resident Mgr.—E. J. Prescott. St. L., Phil., Bos., Det., Mil., and INCORPORATED INVESTMENT SECURITIES (Builders Exchange) j Dealers in Municipal, Government, I Railroad, Industrial, Public Utility V Bonds. iPhone—Atlantic 3130 Clev. DISCOUNT HOUSE OF SALOMON BROS. & HUTZLER (1st N. Soo Line Bldg.) Liberty Bonds, U. S.Treasury Certificates and Notes, Federal and Joint Stock 1st Minpls. Tr. Co. and Minn, Ln, & Land Bonds, Federal Intermediate Cred Tr. Co., Minpls. it Bank Debentures, Railroad, Indus, trial and Municipal Bonds, Short term Securities, Equipment Mortgages and Bank and Bankers Acceptances. Offices in New York City, Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston and Minneapolis. E.C. KIBBEE, Mgr. 744 Name. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. }Mem. State Bks. Assn. IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. (Federal Reserve District No. 9.)_________ ___________ Name. Year Established. THE F. H. SMITH GO. (Baker Building) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNEAPOLIS—Continued—Reserve City Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS Year Established. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. ilMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. CORRESPONDENTS AND BANK Depositories Officers. THEO. ALBRECHT, Pres. E. C. WARNER, V. P. N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Corn l N., V. P. M. A. NYE, Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N., UNION INVESTMENT {J. F. MILLARD, COMPANY »jo4 'G. Bryan Pitts, Ch. of Bd. J. H. Edwards. Jr.. Branch offices in other cities. Samuel J. Henry. Pres. Treas C. Elbert Anadale. V. P. and Sec. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS (200 Northwestern Nat. Bk. Bldg.) Stevenson. Perry. Stacy & Co----------1! (415 Second Ave. S.) STRAUS, S. W. & GO. (INCORPORATED) »82 Founded 1882 (Mem. Am. Bks. Assn.) Baker Bldg. Phone Main 4421 J. T. GASPARD, A. Tr. T. P- MCMAHON. Resident Vice-President.. N. V. First Mortgage Bonds TAYLOR, EWART & {D. W. FIELD, COMPANY, INC. Resident Manager.____________ Taylor, Ewart & Co., Inc.. Chi.. NY., Kan. C.. St. L.. Mil.. N. 0.. Hou., Phil., and San F. Sec. and Tr. J. R. STOLTENBERG, Capital and Surplus, $786,500. Investment Securities. WELLS-DIGKEY GO. 7% (5th St. & Second Ave.) par 100 Telephone, Atlantic 2340. (McKnight Bldg.) S. W. Straus & Co.. Inc., and Chi. CORRESPONDENTS AND BANK Depositories Officers. Minpls. A. Sec. f E. P. Wells, Ch. of Bd..W. A. Williams. N. City and J. P. Morgan & Co., Asst. V. P. N. V.; Ill. Mercb. Tr. Co., Chi.; BT78 I S. W. Wells, Pres. ! O. M. Corwin, V. P. C. S. Ashmun, Tr. Nortbw. N. and 1st N., Minpls.; i J L. Seybold, V. P. W. H. Kennedy, Sec. Mercb. N.. St. P. -S E. A. Purdy. V. P. H. F. Bloom. Auditor.[Capital and Surplus, $1,969,870. WHITE-PRICE-COMPANY— (140 Baker Bldg.) .’83 j Dealers in Municipal, CorINVESTMENT I| poration, PublicSECURITIES. Utility, RailH. W. WHITE, W. S.Bonds. PRICE, Sec. Iroad andPres. Foreign < E. R. PRICE V. P. & Tr. 1st Minpls. Tr.Co.. Marquette N.. and Lane Piper & Jaff ray. Inc.. Minpls.’, Lane. Roloson & Co., Inc.. Chi. First Mortgage Loans. ^Guaranteed Mortgage Bonds. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. MINNESOTA—Continued •Mem.A.B.A. ™New §State|Priv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Kstab ^County Seats. Entire State in ♦Feil. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%DiV- Town andCocntt. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Other Paid-up Surplus DepobITS Capital Profits ties Bonds MlSCEL- OAM St ExLoans and and Discounts Securities LaNLOUS rmoif Baku Minneiska___ 208 Farmers State Bank________ (Closed December 8, 1926) Wabasha P22 H. J. Tiilemans---- John Tiilemans ... S. B. Erickson____ A. A DeSutter.__ $ Minneota____ 894 S. O. Huso Lyon 05 *275-10% 75-398 mmuajem FIRST NATIONAL BANK +, n Samuel Lewison.. J. G. Geiwitz_____ $200-10% Minnesota Lake Faribault Q14 450 75-397 ©•+ 92 P. S.Jokull _____ {.Plain Sight Dra fts, 15c', State Bk. of Mizpah.d@tl'13 $220-10% 75-1116 Farmers State Bank. d®tl'13 par 100 75-1075 Peoples State Bank------- tl'04 75-854 .Montevideo .4419 Farmers & Merchants State $100 Bank--75-1091 d®i§’13 Chippewa N6 79,300 $1309 900 30,000 32,000 $ 156,400 Han. N..N. Y.; N.Citiz., Mankato; 1st N.. Minpls.; Merch. N„ St. P. $ 934,800 $ 338,000 567.000 378.000 140.700 $ 2,400 235,000 119,000 42.700 11,000 58,260 21,230 8.360 105,000 43,000 M. J. Moorse fE.F. STEPHAN- JOHN NEUBAUER - E. W. T0LZMANN E. L. KAUFFMAN Prompt Ser vice send your Ite ms Direct. FARMERS NATIONAL BANK )) For 75-535 ®»i'02 Remitted for on day of payment. Mizpah______ 225 Koochiching D13 Monterey____ 317 Martin Q10 40,000 $ 25.000 Principal Correspondents. 56.720 Chase N„ N. Y.: Merch. N.. St. P.; 1st N. and Midland N.Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 42,000 1st N„ Mankato; Northw. N., Minpls. Credit Reports, 25c. E. J. Kohlhase___ Arthur E. Foster.. E. J. W. Kohlhase. Frank Freemire... 10,000 6,080 C. E. Landin______ C. A. Johnson____ A. E. Peterson__ E. F. Peterson........ 10.000 7.000 91.120 $ 1.000 163,200 175,000 1.700 189,570 43,920 85.000 14.700 20,000 440,000 300,000 85,000 10.000 154.950 238.380 6,610 214.480 10,790 31.270 P. W. Lungren .— 10.000 9,000 190.000 L. E. Foss_______ T. A. Arneson....... A.J. Bandura.......... Ella J Peterson... N. E. Foss. A. C. .. Thea Thompton 50,000 15.480 312,840 C. H. Klein.............. L. E. Campbell.... M. F. Schaumburg. A. E. Arntzen____ M. S. Carl C. D. McCarthy... E. P. Richter......... Wm. M. Kozel------ Neil McCarthy-— Wm. P. Murphy John Sheehy______ Theo. Albrecht__ J. J. Petricka------ T. N. Havel______ D. A. Hanlon (Closed February 23 , 1927) 50,000 10.000 25,000 9.6)0 431,390 H. S. Whipple____ W. S. Stone............ J. W. Pribyl--------- T. W. Johnson.__ 25.000 800 280,700 25,000 12.830 270,000 265,000 4,500 20,000 3,290 199,040 160,920 6.350 A. C. Brown______ J. A. Butz-------- 7,840 96,780 20,340 Midl.N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; North. N and Bemidji State. Bemidji;Minn, N., Duluth 32,200 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Sherburn N., Sherburn; 1st N.. Mankato. 24,000 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; IN. Citiz., Mankato; Merch. N., St. P.: Northw. N., Minpls. 55.880 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. First National Bank_______ (Closed January 29. 1927) ^Security National Bank..’27 75-1578 Citizens State Bank—©tS’05 Montgomery .1297 $200-15% 75-302 LeSueur 015 First National Bank .—»t’90 75-301 Montlcelkr ...1024 Citizens State Bank________ Wright M14 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. 6% 75-1377 ®t§’17 " _____ “ State Bank of Monticello 75-388 ®«t8'02 Montrose_____ 268 State Bank of Montrose Wright N13 |ll50-6% 75-855 ®«t$’03 MINNESOTA MAP on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S. J. Mealey--------- E. H. Sherwin___ L. N J. Bauer .— r* TL Geo A. Brasie Chas. Moore--------- H. W. Moore_____ Chas. C. Dale_____ A. A. Hirman____ 15.000 4,000 25.000 99,800 1st N., Minpls. 31,080 60,000 1st N„ St. P.; 1st N. and Northw N., Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. 46.580 Coni. & Com‘l N., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. 38,030 Chasp N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N. and N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; Met. N„ Minpls. 30,360 Chase N., N. Y.: Northw. N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 24,000 Northw. N. and Met. N„ Minpls.: 1st N., St. P.; Stock Yds. N.. So. St. P. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 745 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem.A.B.A. ^New § State ITriv t-Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fe 1. Ites.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond rl-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%niv. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acees.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA — Continued SA9HIEK. Ass t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loane Bonds Miscel Cars k Kx ther Paid-up Subplus Depos LOiabili and and AND chasom.Dtjb Discounts its Capital Profits Securitise laneous non Bank* ties ‘Moorhead .. 5720 American State Bank Theo. Gullicksoii — W. G. Knowles__ F. L. Kuhlmeyer — P. B. Erickson__ J Clay H2 S. F. Field 75-1468 ®t§'19 (Formerly Farmers & Mercha nts State Bank) H E ROBERTS—.- 0. MARTINSON0 B. RUSNESS...... E. S. PETERSON_ _ FIRST & MOOR S.G. COMSTOCK, G. M. dOMSTOGK P. V. DWYER A W. HEDLUNO The Oldest Bank in Clay Cou nty. HEAD NAT. BANK Prompt attention gi ven collectio ns and C/i. 50.000 $ 150.000 28.530 $ 173,700 $ 83.690 2.344.960 3,380 $ 105.880 $ 72,900 t 24,530 $ 109.300 1.629.450 505.840 164.200 . par 100 75-130 d®»t’M all financial matter s entrusted to us. (Consolidation of First National and Moorhead National Banks) Moose Lake 571 First National Rank dfs)t’3R R. J. Lewis ____ F. A. Schweiger... E. M. Peterson.— $150—6% 75-1482 J. A. Peterson Carlton 118 52,300 Foreman N„ Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N. and Dak. N„ Fargo. 388.460 Chase N. and N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and III. Mereh. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. 25.000 8,010 209,630 24.700 88,290 108,110 20.050 50,890 N. Ex., St. P.; Northern N.. Duluth. 25,000 18,070 606,880 25,000 347,920 194,080 39,780 93,160 Han. N., N.Y.: 1st N. and Met. N.,Minpls.; Am. N.. St. P. 15,000 3,170 153,370 115,850 710 20,940 34,040 Northw. N., Minpls. 60.000 13,160 384.800 276,430 50,000 19,400 629,710 1,960 391,810 20.000 6,260 292,410 530 r J.H. DEVENNEY - J. R. KRUEGER— S. F. DONALDSON H. H. LORD........... ) Send us your M orris Items direct for prompt perso nal attention, d®»t’02 (.Fee In advance plain sight drafts 15c, credit report s 25c. TRY US. 25,000 11.070 331,490 25.000 STEVENS COUNTY STATE JWJF. COOLEY ... A. 0. CLAVE______ W. F. COOLEY. JR . '5% BANK--75-250... -d®t§’82 ( “We have a tho roughly organize d Farm Mortgag e Department.” 50.000 10,100 563.360 20,000 5,000 248,000 15,000 18,330 25.000 E. N. JOHNSON_ _ _ _ rj. M. SCHMIT...... OTTO BREMER JOHN BERGLUND PEOPLES STATE BANK *128 75-1491 t8’20 ) Send us your M otley Items direc t for prompt pers onal attention, ‘Mora..... ........1006 First National Rank ----- «t’94 Geo. H. Newbert.. J. C. Pope_______ V. W. Peterson ... R. P. Campbell.__ Kanabec K16 75-379 Evelyn Olson .. Principal Correspondents. State Bank of Mora —©+§’04 E. F. Gillespie....... F. P. Morneau....... Chas. T. Peterson. Theodore Ander 1120-9% 75-380 C. W. McFarland son Morgan..........670 Farmers & Merch. State Rank E. H. Albrecht.... N. P. Nielsen___ A. J. Taner______ *ioo 75-495 Redwood 09 ®H'04 113,130 58,400 Midland N. Bk.and Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st N., Mankato. 192,370 30.400 86.490 Ill. Merch. Tr. Oo.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.; N. Citiz., Mankato. 131.280 115.390 25.220 48,32) N. Park, N. Y.: Am. N„ St. P.; Northw. N„ Minpls. 202,560 91,640 46.180 52.190 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.: 1st N„ Minpls. 408,790 110,030 46,350 58,280 Cont. & Com’l N.. Ohi.; 1st N. and Merch N.. 8t. P.; Northw. N. and 1st N„ Minpls, 200,000 6.000 30.000 40,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; Secur. N., Fairibault. 411,890 333.820 24,910 5,000 5.000 161.880 133,390 1,740 25.000 24,630 1st N.. Minpls : Merch. N„ Wadena. 15,000 4,000 144,270 88.430 910 46,780 33.960 Northw. N., Minpls,; Am. N. and Com'l State, St. P. Mound_______393 State Bank of Monnd W. H. A. Koehler.. A. W. J ohnson ___ Lucy H. Koehler. W. T. Batdorf___ 75-860 Edna Johnson d®»tS’09 Hennepin N 14 *180-20% par 100 20,000 5.140 193,480 153.980 14,650 30,320 19,670 1st N„ Minpls. Mountain Iron First State Mountain Iron C. A. Webb______ H. J. Coleman St.Louis F18 1546 Bank-.-. 75-1356 d©»t§’18 *250-20% par 100 15,000 3.510 213,100 52.410 123,470 12.100 43,660 Han. N., N. Y.; Minn. N„ Duluth; Merch. N., St. Paul. •• State Bank of Morgan G. M. Davis........— Edward Nelson__ W. P. Netzke___ *150-6%parlOO 75-494 d®t*’93 ‘Morris _ Stevens L5 Citizens Bank *158-25% 75-251 MORRIS NATIONAL BANK — 12% •• ____ E. J. La Pave____ A. M. Miller Clinton Overson ©•tl’96 » 75-252 Morristown 688 Farmers State Bank d®»t«'ii H. Tf. Kisor Rice P15 75-1015 Morton______ 709 Farmers State Bank -®tl'14 Renville 09 *200-20% 75-1149 (\. HAZLETT........Motley----------- 400 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Morrison Jll 20% 75-859 ®i’02 < OLDEST AND ) 15 CENTS sent (.25 CENTS for e “ ------ “ W. B. Wilkowske . E. L. Terry.. Harry Calkins . N. M. Mahlum___ E. H. Dann D. L. CASE................ S. W. JACOBS_____ A. G. ROSVOLD-........ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 81,490 Northw. N. and 1st N.. Minpls. LARGEST RANK to us with each si ght draft for pres entation, and acb credit report insures prompt, p ersonal attention (.Fee in advance plain sight draft s 15c, credit repor ts 25c. MINNBSOTA Map on Index 23,000 6,820 TRY US. H. J. Coleman___ Hilda E. Johnson.. Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 10 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ • 'Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ^County Seats. Entire State in No.fl Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.n-New IStatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Ites.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Mountain John Behrends.... Farmers State Bank .©t§’19 Lake.. 1309 *135 par 100 75-1462 Cottonwood Q9 First National Bank..©i’08 John Jungas _____ J. C. Klaassen........ 75-334 « •• Frank Balzer_____ First State Bank...d©»t5’89 *150-8% par 100 75-333 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA-—Continued CASHIER. ASS’T CASHIER. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel Cam k ExOther D bpobPaid-up Surplus and and chajh>m,Dtt* Liabili and rrs Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous rtoi Baku ties 25.000 $ 17,040 * 260,340 Abraham Janzen „ F. F. Schroeder ... 25.000 23,250 460.160 I 25,000 221,060 218,550 56,410 37,370 N.City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and Mankato; Northw. N., Minpls. D. G. Hiebert____ D. S. Schroeder___ A. J. Dickman Mary C. Hiebert, A. C. _____ J. F. O'Neill............ 50.000 10,000 427,870 48.570 333,990 41,360 101.970 25.000 12,500 260,000 240,000 59.120 Han. N., N. Y.: Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.,MinDis.; N.Oitiz.,Mankato.; Merch, N. St. P. 22,000 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.; Stock Yds. N„ So. St.P. 20,000 10,000 250,000 200,000 G. S. Bonnallie.... 10,000 5,410 138,940 118,620 Herman Hasse____ H. G. Nash............. I. M. Kirkpatrick.. 10,000 13,620 168,990 111,160 40,780 11,100 I. H. Kiesling____ J. O. Malley______ John H. Carlson B. W. Batchelder. J. T. Ring_______ A. R. fArsnn 25,000 11,000 215,950 25,400 72,400 142,610 30,440 25,000 50.000 508,620 29,000 75,430 386,450 35,850 W. G. Mix.............. O. A. Hewitt_____ 15,000 11,210 102,720 97.240 11,200 7.000 O. H. Stenbakken.. K. A. Finseth_____ 10,000 7.690 325,790 108,830 168.350 14.850 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. G. A. Fuller______ 10,000 3,000 75,000 65,000 6,000 11,000 10.000 IstN., St. P.; Duluth N.. Duluth. 10,000 6,160 133.400 54,050 70,800 4,500 20,210 1st N., Minpls.; Bk. of Glencoe, Glencoe. 10,000 2,500 97,340 82,330 6,320 5,300 15.890 Merch. N..St. P. 25.000 5,730 172,020 129,870 31,220 15,170 26,500 Northw. N„ Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Met. N„ Minpls. New London ..527 Farmers State BankdB®tS’14 F. H. Smithson.... Anton Stenbakken L. E. Coveil______ 8% 75-1115 Kandiyohi M9 15,000 5,080 380,960 263,570 89,000 20,670 29.080 1st N„ Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P.; IstN.. Willmar. State Bank of New London E. F. Fink________ J. G. Peterson___ A. N. Mickelson — *130 par 100 75-871 ®*tS’#0 25,000 5,000 505,960 393,610 36,420 74,260 31,740 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. P. and Minpls.; Kandiyohi Co., Willmar. First State Bank____ d®tS’05 Theodore Weiland. *200-8% par 100 75-872 Casper Zierden.__ Joseph Rieland,Jr. H. J. Terhaar........ New Munich State Bank 75-873 t§’08 Farmers Terminal State Bk. A. F. Noltimier... T. F. Spreiter____ *190-10% 75-1483 ®t§’20 10,000 10,000 160,000 85,000 60,000 30,000 Merch. N.. St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 12.000 4,400 165,500 117,800 45,000 19,100 1st N., St. P. and Minpls. 15,000 10,930 133,110 126,480 14,000 5,980 50,000 30,360 1,039,510 511,680 435,680 106,420 116,090 N. Park, N. Y,; Cont. ft Com'l N.. Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. 37,000 15,690 758,210 526,150 160,620 52,250 71,870 Chem. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: 1st N., Minpls.; Citiz.N., Faribault. 25,000 7,200 225,200 190,600 9.300 33,500 24.000 1st N., Cbi. Minpls. 50.000 32,500 600,000 490,000 40,000 50,000 Murdock _391 Farmers State Bank ..__t§’15 Leonard Bergstrom J. L. Yost Swift M7 75-1202 „ •• O. E. Erickson.... Patrick Reynolds . R. T,. Fngh 75-861 Myrtle 100 Freeborn R17 *165-10% 75-862 First State Bank ll’12 P F. Nash par 100 75-1055 American National Bank *130-5% 75-1496 © «r20 First National Bank...®»t’03 *300-20% 75-863 Nassau State Bank...d®ti’01 Lac «ui Parle N3 *158-10% 75-864 Nelseu __ .200 Nelson State Rank _____ (Closed February 4, Douglas K.8 Nerstraud.........245 Farmers State Bank___»tl’06 F. A. Rolling-------Rice P17 *160-10% par 100 75 -866 Nevis............. -.412 State Bank of Nevis tl’07 O. H. Ligaard........ Hubbard Hit 75-867 Nashua........ .....125 Wilkins K4 Nash wank___2414 Itasca G16 New Auburn 209 Sibley O 12 New Brighton.368 Ramsey M24 Newfolden____246 Marshall D4 State Bank of New Auburn L. W. Gilbert_____ 75-868 ®»tS’04 First State Bank___ ©•t|’12 C. W. Donahue.__ $160-10% 75-1047 Farmer & Merck, State Bank (Closed May 31st, 1 927) W H Rroll Theo. Albrecht.... A. G. Sachs New Prague..1540 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 10% 75-271 d®»f03 LeSueur 015 “ “ STATE BK. OF NEW PRAGUE f JOSEPH J 236,190 $ 3.500 $ 32.000 25,000 17,000 6,620 36,690 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. St. P. and Windom. 30,000 State, Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Kandiyohi Co., Willmar. 29.110 1st N.. Minpls.; Albert Lea State. Albert Lea. 29,570 1st N„ Minpls. 28,620 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Minpls,: Minn.N., Duluth. 114,880 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st N.. St. P. and Minpls.; City N., Duluth. 13,490 1st N„ St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 1927) New Germany.230 First State Bank___d®t§’06 W. F. Stender___ Alfred Anderson.. Alfred Wabbe *140-6% par 100 75- 870 Carver N13 Newmarket ...225 Scott 016 New Munich..325 Stearns L10 Newnort __ 453 Washington N17 $ D. J. Schroeder... 26.000 # Principal Correspondents. MAERTZ— JOHN PROSHEK........ J. B. MAERTZ—----- R 1 If APRT7 A.G.SIREK, A. Cash. M. A'. RYBAK 4,000 1,280 50,000 12,650 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi,; Merch. N., St. P. 235-20% par 138 75-270 ®»t|’83 ) First and Oldest established Bank In City. (.Send Us Your New Prague Item s Direct for Prom pt Personal Atten tion. (Voluntary Liquidat ion) New Prairie 25 Pope L9 New Richland.754 First National Bank...®tT4 John Kreuzer........ Hermas Johnson.. A. O. Lea________ C. A. Newgard.... V. Yokiel Waseca Q15 75-1191 .. BANK OF SNEWE RICHLAND |H.E.JOHNSON 0. B. ANDERSON— H. F. BESTMANN - fiFfl. HAVIft V OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK. Save time and ge t service on Colie ctions a nd Cred it Repo rts by $lG5-8%parlO0*75-874(I®»$l'99 (sending FEE IN ADVANCE: Plai n sight drafts, 1 Sc; Credit Repor ts 25c. TRY U S. Minnesota Map on index. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Waseca; Northw. N„ 102,500 Cont. ft Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls, and St. P. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 747 Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ■-v* -l .___ ____flm rri»/i Town and county. »Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.9 Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. 4 tviorir*'!n HunLore PRESIDENT. RITI7FNS MINNESOTA—Continued icc’ii Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. Resources. Liabilities. Loam Benda Miscel Cash t ExOther D epos LiabiliPaid-up Surplus and and qhahqm,Dux and its Diaeounta Saeuritias laneous Capital Profits TIES A. L. Gag................. $ Geo. B. Weiser.__ ‘New Ulm___6745 Brown County Bank d©«t§’72 1150 par 100 75-118 Brown Pll 40,000 $ ro. M. OLSEN.......... H. N. SOMSEN------- F. H. KROOK---------- P. J.SOUKUP--------W.F.HUEVELMANN < LARGEST STA TE BANK IN SO UTHERN MINNE SOTA. ention. ss for Prompt Att New Ulm Busiue I Send Us Your (.Plain sight draf ts 15c, credit repo rts 25c. 100,000 U A niCT7 TEMIL MUELLER— J. H. VOGEL ... .......... n. t. rAT------------- II* Mi UlCil - ———— ———— FARMERS AND MERCHANTS E. J. AMANN STATE BANK-— dB®*4§ 14 S EFFICIENT PE RSONAL SERVI CE. 6% par 100 75-121 ctions. on given to colie ^Special attenti 50,000 Ul 1 IZ-LliO STATE BANK $276-12% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 13,340 $ 376,860 t 290 $ 210,260 * 101,340 % 191,080 2.799,300 20,010 $ correspondents. N„ Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 1.000,010 1,786.650 52.400 251,310 i. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi., 490,000 20,000 75,000 7. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; 1st N. and No Minpls.; N.Citiz., Mankato. 506,820 1,135,640 22,070 and Minpls. 75-119 dB®»ti’75 rFERDINAND CRONE STATE BANK OF NEW ULM 1225 75-120 d®«t8’01 ) Send Us Your (.for Prompt Att 40,000 P. KITZBERGER-----0. C. STRICKLER— E A STOLL "Js«We. ANDREW SAFFERT terns Collections, Rill of Lading Drafts, ention. Plain si ght drafts 15c, cr edit reports 25c. 35,000 250,000 750,000 70,750 1,702,280 310 239,000 Han. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y,; Oont. k Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N. and 1st N., St.P. Offices: Des Moines, Sioux C., and Minnea polis. (Ferdinand Crone H. N. Somsen_____ A. J. Vogel, Tr....... T. H.Schonlau, Sec. T. H. Furth, A. Sec. C. G. Stevenson, STATE BOND & MORTGAGE S First Farm Mortg ages, Municipal Bo nds. Mgr. Bond De pt. CO__________ ______ — 14 (.Hesereo Fund Bon ds. 3,000 175,250 103,670 10,000 550 47,520 48,930 25.000 42,500 595,140 430,100 66,300 20,000 10,000 5,000 129.530 120.950 10,610 29,790 12,860 180,540 159,600 5,890 14,180 Elias Nordgren—. E. G. Magnuson.— J. A. Isaacson-----A. F. Johnson 50,000 25,940 715,140 620 470,790 158,950 50,570 111,390 N. City, N. Y.; C. & C. N., Chi.; 1st N., St. P.; 1st N. Minpls. C1 n NUTTING ALEX. MACKAY........ H.O. DILLEY........ ... E H WATSON .......... )OLDEST ESTA BLISHED BANK ORGANIZED 187 C. M. GULBRANDS0N 2 A Careful attentio n given to collect ions and all finan cial matters enj trusted to us. d®«t’72 U5c with each sight draft and 25c for cr edit reports, insures ttention. 75,000 51.640 1,421,190 77,580 671,590 711,900 20,230 221.690 Han. N„ N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. (J. G. SCHMIDT - A.T.SCRIVER.— F. W. SHAND0RF - R. W. SCHMIDT — N0RTHFIELD NATIONAL BK. ( “ROLL OF HO NOR BANK.” 75-148 »r01 100,000 125,000 1,400,000 850,000 445,000 90,000 240,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Merch N. and 1st N., St. P. 50,000 38.120 1,162,510 317,210 588,360 10,000 335,060 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N. Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. 96,300 8,210 6,510 19,133 N. Bk. Com. and N. Citiz., Mankato; Northw. N., Minpls. 25,000 1st N., Mankato and Minpls. Nicollet_______404 Farmers & Merch. State Bank OttoC. Weis.......... ^Nicollet P12 75-1340 ®t§’16 Nicollet State Bank ..®»t§’03 $225-12% 75-876 NlelsvUle_____ 150 State Bank of Nielsville.tS’04 w.s Rvekke Polk F2 75-877 Norcross........... 197 State Bank of Norcross Grant K4 10% 75-878 d®t§’05 North Branch.742 (Closed November, 2 Chisago L17 Merchants State Bank J. P. Holmberg— $200-10% 75—870 ®»t§’04 \y. t.pp. F. H. Wilking-----John C. Zins_____ E. C. Johannes ___ H. C. Anderson___ O. I. Selieseth------ Alfred Lund--------- 15,000 30,550 30,910 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; Minn. N. Duluth. 20,000 t, N. Y. Mills___ 700 Farmers&Merch.State Bank A. J. Sitz________ Yalmer Karvonen. $129-10% 75-1272 •i§’24 Otter Tail 18 North Held ....4028 Rice 016 98,880 Principal 33,130 2.380 46,000 75-147 A. O. Netland........ 10% par 100 75-149 N. Redwood...176 Security State Bank.dB®t§’08 $100-5% 75-881 Redwood 09 par 100 Northrop____ 125 Northrop People’s State Bank $145-12% 75-1380 dB©»i§’17 Martin Rll par 100 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. A. Ruhr_______ ®t§’10 N. Mankato..2200 Farmers &Merch. State Bank n F Rail 75-1551 d®t§’23 (Mankato P.O.) $125 Nicollet P13 par 100 Peoples State Bank-. ®»J5’12 R. J. M. Cornelius. $120 75-1053 Northome___ 350 First State Bank_____©t§’03 75-880 Koochiching E12 $190-10% G. Kuenzli_______ 115,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. 8,180 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. Merch. N.. Crookston. 23,730 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 9,1926) FIRST NATIONAL BANK 8% 6,710 1st N. and Northw. N., Mankato. S. A. Netland------ A. M. Peterson.— F. J.Tschann, A.C. P. A. Netland E. J. R. Jones ____ B. Page________ H. P, Webb............. E. W. Currier........ R. A. Gluth______ K. P. Harris------C. Kuenzli Henry Rochler — • 14,000 20,000 4,600 91,550 20.000 10,000 5,600 100,000 70.810 20,000 9,790 1,000 48,000 54,000 3,500 1,000 10.000 1,000 149,660 101,160 11,100 10,860 40,080 Cont. ft Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. 15,000 5,240 127,670 82,500 29,250 21,700 14,460 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N.. Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. 2,550 . 4,000 Met. N., Minpls. • ■0 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and coontt. *County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 Fed. Res. Dist. •Alem.A.B.A. '"New §State fPri?. JMem. State B. Ass’n. TEstab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. North St.Paul 1979 Ramsey M25 Norwood ____563 Carver N13 «• M First Stale Bank—dB®»t§’10 10% par too 75-882 Bank 01 Norwood___®*t§’81 10% 75-883 Citizens State Bk.. dB®Tt§’14 7% par 100 75-1157 Oakland _ 75 State Bank of Oakland ®»t§ 11 75-884 Freeborn R17 Oak Park 100 Oak Park State Bank..@1513 {150-10% 75-1107 Benton K14 Odessa 771 Farmers & Merch. State Bk... Big Stone M3 First State Bank... d®*t5’05 75-612 Odin 105 Odin State Bank____ ©tV04 75-885 Watonwan Q10 6% Ogenia 238 75-622 Becker G5 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Wm. Pfeifer .. D. W.Du Toit_____ J. M. Baylor_____ A. J. Heckmann... G. W. Ocobock J. S. Effertz.____ H. G. Lenzen„ A. R. Zieper F. J. EHertz AlfredChristopher- H. E. Skinner----- A. A. Sorenson___ Bertena Sorenson. • SOD Wm. H. Lord_____ J. A. Wruck______ A. Sundberg. F. F. Kloth.__ Paid-up Surplus Defob- Other Capital Profits ITS ties $ 15,000 $ 25,000 $ 324,620 $ 30.000 23,380 15.000 6,650 249,120 10,000 9,470 153,770 10.000 2.710 4,000 $ 207,810 $ 1.530 L'a r IntAVAnf Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel- Cash & Ex and change,Dui Discounts Securities LANEOU8 from Banks 99.330 $ 10,055 ? 124.440 106,380 104,100 36,240 15.350 4.770 83 150 62,750 10.000 12,790 120 non 60.000 3 non 161.580 6,200 13,260 5.820 12 p?0 D n f Ao UaII/Iavta rttrt aaa T An-a Principal Correspondents. 51,430 Seab.N..N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Merch. N.. St. P. N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Northw. N . Met. N.. and 1st N.. Minpls.: 1st N.. St. P. 26,120 Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; Merch N.. St. P.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr.. Minpls. 28,130 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Albert Lea. 10.320 IstN.. St. P. and Foley. (Closed January 4. 1927) C. F. Dawald_____ Aug. Panseh.......... H. H. Reiudl------- Ada Jallo H. P. Kanne J. C. Jensen------- O. U. Fossurn_____ P. T. Laiugen........ T. P. Laingen____ 10.000 3,100 20.000 5.450 Jos. Tembrock___ F. Tembrock.......... W. M. Rider.......... A. U. Tembrock... 10.000 2.000 1927) E. J. Hartman.___ S. Frederickson___ 10.000 22.670 224.880 166.970 18,110 37,000 35,470 Northw. N., Minpls.; Jackson Co. 8tate. I. J. Torgerson.__ J. A. O. Torgerson. E. A. Torgersen... 10.000 10,200 177,200 140,500 16,000 26,900 Olaf Tande_______ Andrew Thoreson H. A. Siewert.......... Geo. Kircher Harold Bordewich. J. M. Freeman 1. D. Toupin.. 15.000 6,000 2fin 000 160.000 26.000 30.000 C. C. Lewerenz___ H. W. Schroer____ 25,000 10,000 41.890 4.080 1.050 10,910 14.000 1st N.. Minpls.: Merch. N.. St. P.; City N., Duluth. 65.000 1st N. and Merch. N.. St. P.: Northw. N.. Minpls.: 1st N. and Minn N. Duluth. 60,840 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and Minpls. H. Griffith ............ V. A. Jaeb______ A. C. Jensen, A. C. Dorothy R. Dowling 25,000 30.000 508.310 434,760 44,300 31,110 53,140 Chase N., N.Y.; Com. & Com') N.. Cht.: Northw.N..and IstN.,Minpls.; StockYds. N.. So. St. P. 1927) Henry Goulet------ R. A. Ellingson___ F. H. Jennings___ 15.000 11,530 150,920 137,060 8,680 17.100 14,610 1st N., Minpls. and Elk River. John Toedt______ E. C. Joslyn_____ 10,000 2.500 98.000 87.000 12.000 A. Alderson_______ 10.000 2.000 69.000 51.000 10.100 Geo. Marette_____ P. W. Kowhottom . 10,000 5,500 140.000 100.000 25.000 4,100 2.000 15,000 Northw. N.. Minpls. 28.040 Ill. Merch. Tr. Chi.;Midland N. Bk. & Tr , Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. 1st N., Minpls.; Det. State. Det. Lskdllold 1 11.500 N. Citiz.. Mankato: Northw. N.. Minpls. 8.000 13 900 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.: 1st State. Rochester. 30,500 1st N., Minpls.; State Bk. of Virginia, Virginia; City N.. Duluth. 1926) • Charles Bolsta____ H. M. Michell.......... 0. Roen_____ _ F. V. Meyers Geo. Herberger ... D. B. McCleery ... A. O. Oksness___ C. A. Peterson C. G. Olson 25.000 14.000 760.000 25.000 430.000 185.000 59,000 150.000 25.000 24.140 563.640 24,600 351.460 139.610 51.650 94,650 143.000 42,000 7.500 38,500 119.300 9.020 123,390 A. Bergh................. O. H. Taralseth___ O. T. Johnson........ J C.Figenskau S. J. Meaiey-------- H. B, Spence_____ E. A. Jaenisch...... . 20.000 15.000 185 non C. B. Mills____ 15.000 6.000 210 000 Ohas. Hechtman__ J. W. Hamilton.__ A. P. Hechtman.__ W. M. Neumann... Joseph Chouinard T. Hadland______ H. L. Hanson------ Chas. J. Popelka.. Agatha Lundby ... 25.000 13,030 610,260 14.310 410,890 10.000 770 120.140 6.000 10fi,f>in 10.000 4,610 173,250 15.000 4.000 100.000 r... «... 55,510 1,808,410 99.000 L. M. Anderson ... E. O. Bottolfson .. Emer Hanson____ H. A. Schultz_____ C. F. Steffen_____ C. H. Menze S. W. KINYON--------- L.S. OLSON. Cash, and Tr. OffL. S. OLSON j H.H. HOLMES. „ ‘Owatonna ...7252 FIRST NATIONAL BANK A. Tr. Off. $135-10% 75-113 dB®T»t'66 I FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight draf Steele P16 1 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redit report lnsur (_ First and Old u( Established B anh. .. Paul H. Evans------ T. R. Kelly_______ O. M. Hegnes_____ SECURITY STATE BANK $200-10% 75-115 ®T*t*’95 Ralph Marr, Tr.Off, MINNESOTA Map on Index Ass't Cashier. S. J. Joy_________ C. R. McKenney... J. W. Herrick........ OtlsCO ___ 75 Otisco State Bank___®»tS’14 L. J. Paulson_____ $150-7% 75-1141 Waseca Q16 Ottertall . ___223 Farmers State Bank...-•t§’08 H. H. Brutlag____ Otter Tail 1 7 75-892 fGEO. R. KINY0N-- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Vnllinin Liabilities. Ogilvle............ _436 Farmers c& Merchai Is State Bank ...... (Closed January 24. Kanebec K15 Okabeua........ .250 First Slate Bank___ ©•£S 06 H. L. Bond ______ 75-887 Jackson R8 Oklee___ __ 364 Farmers & Merch. State Bank W. B. Torgerson.. 75-629 ©tSll Red Lake E 6 '* *• A. P Toupin.......... 75-628 Frank Kircher .... ‘Olivia.............1488 “Citizens National Bank 75-1577 ®»+’27 Renville NO Olivia State Bank—d©*iS 95 H. S. Bordewich.— 1300-12% 75-363 par 100 •• •• (Closed February 5. Onamla____ .416 First State Bank_____©!» (l< W. A. Benzie____ 75-888 Mille Lacs K14 Orinsby 115 Farmers State Bank____tl’01 A. C. Brown ......... 75-890 Watonwan Qll $150-10% Oronoco 225 Oronoco State Bank ~©Tt§’13 $120 75-1102 Olmsted P19 Orr................... ..300 Orr State Bank—-dB©*t§’17 William Orr_____ $175-25% 75-1404 St. Louis D17 par 100 ‘Ortonviile M758 Citizens National Bank_____ (Closed December 23. Big Stone M 3 •• “ First National Bank—d®»t’02 John Michell____ 75-236 Osakis 1500 FIRST RATIONAL BANK N. M. Evenson___ Douglas K8 75-353 d®t’03 Oslo__________ 365 Citizens State Bank, .©tf’05 75-584 Marshall D1 Osseo_________ 433 Citizens State Bank_d®J§’15 Hennepin M15 $150-10% par 100 75-1259 Farmers State Bank $250-8% 75-559 dB®*tV09 Ostrander.........206 Ostrander State Bank...t§’03 $150 75-891 Fillmore R 20 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MINNESOT A—Continued M. E. BREWSTER — R. A. POTTER 100.000 189,000 ■ Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 14,000 21.150 19,430 9,180 75.000 20.000 8,050 605.080 1,071.350 82.020 825,630 10.000 Warren. State Bk. of Warren. N.. Minpls.: IstN.. St. P 10.150 st N., St. P. and Spring Valley. 51,200 st N.. Minpls. and Waseca; Freeb Co. State, 4!bert Lea. 20,000 lid'.and N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.: 1st St. P. 304,460 J. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., C 1st N.. Minpls. and St. P. t for presentatio n, and es prompt, perso nal atte ntion. R. K. Evans . A. A. Endres 100,000 110.110 1.864,520 210,110 806,320 432.590 I. Park. N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co. and N., Chi.; 1st N., St. Paul and Minpls. 1AQ • Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. tMem. State B. Ass’n. FEstab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No. 9Fed.Res.Dlst d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div President. Vice-President. Cashier. Palisade. _ 150 Palisade State Bank..©»tS'12 J. E. Lawrence.... Gustaf Berglnnd.. O. A. Olson______ Aitkin H15 75-1052 Parkers Prairie 570 First National Bauk.d©#it’02 I. Haziett________ A. J. Campbell___ H. J. Westlund.... Otter Tail J8 1200-15% par 100 75-567 •.Park Rapids. 1603 First National Bank...©*t'86 A. G. Wedge_____ Hubbard H9 75-232 State Bk. of Park Rapids $150-8% par 100 75-233 d®«tl’02 Paynesvllle.. .1060 Citizens State Bank..®i§’20 W. H. Huntington. Stearns M10 *150 75-1518 •« •• First National Bank ..©t’92 8178-10% 75-375 “ *' Security State BankdB©+§'08 75 376 PellcanRapld sll56 Otter Tail County State Bk. Otter Tail 15 *165 7 5-349 Pelican Rapids State Bank... -------- " .. 75-348 d©»I|'82 Pemberton___219 Farmers State Bank Blue Earth Q14 $125-6% 75-1082 d®»t5’13 par 100 Pennock .. 251 State Bank of Pennock® tJ'04 Kandiyohi M8 75-894 Ass t Cashier. J E. L. Johnson Ernest Olson E. C. Bergquist___ C. P. Gengnagel G.H. French G. H. French_____ W. M. Taber M.C.Schoneberger J. A. McKay......... . A. M. Way J.J. Reichert____ _ P. S. Fischbach .. R. A.Koepp F. P. Sheldon........ E. H. Essig______ C. E. Gesme........... 10.00c $ 11,000 $ 140.000 25,001 13.83C Other TIES __ 403.75C $ Loans Bonds Miscel- Caeb * li and and Diacounti Securities laneoub from Baku J 140,000 25.000 251.89C * _ 66.55C $ 9,000 * Principal Oorrespondknts. 12,000 Minn. N., Duluth; 1st N.. Aitkin. 40,391 108.750 1st N.. Minpls. and Fergus Falls; Merch. N., Wadena. 50.000 17,540 746,170 414.320 227.140 31,800 140,440 Han. N.,N.Y.: 1st N.,Minpls.;lst N.,St.P. 20,000 12,360 347.11C 216.070 81.420 21.290 15.000 3.000 290,000 160,000 70.000 13,000 60,700 Minn. N.. Duluth; !«t N., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls 65,000 Peo. N„ Long Prairie- Merch. N., St. P., Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 98.670 Han. N., N. Y.: Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls. 53,360 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Northw. N.. Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. 25.000 10,470 583.450 237,490 249,740 65.490 30.000 15,810 495,480 402,330 56,230 29.350 E. W. Ruud__ .... W. Holmgren,A. C. M. J. Wagner 25,000 6.480 397.450 249.430 119,770 16.900 42.830 1st N.. Chi.. Minpls.. and St. P.; Fergus Falls N., Fergus Falls. J. P. Wallace_____ R. W. Sherin____ Cecil W. Sherin._ 25.000 15,820 817.950 503,700 217,900 29,270 H. C. Rollins_____ N. T. Oftedahl .... A. H. Erickson ___ Ivor Price............... 14.000 3,500 165.000 94,000 14.000 23,000 109,900 Dn. Tr. Co.. Chi.: Northw. N., Minnls.; Merch. N.. St. P.; 1st N., Fergus Falls. 38,000 N. Citiz.. Mankato; 1st N. and Met. N., Minpls. 10,000 13,560 232,630 163,420 49,840 13,220 29.720 10.000 8.000 180.370 90.180 58,910 11,950 36.190 F. B. Coon____ 25,000 4,320 64,770 47.460 25.850 31,450 14,330 John Mattfeld____ A. G. Schwarzrock 20.000 5.470 526.200 380,120 114.970 16.500 49,080 C. D. Haugen_____ O. M. Haugrud.... (Closed November 19. 1923) G. C. Haug.......... Herman Ed man 1.500 25.000 Minn. N., Duluth; Am. N., St. P. J. H. SHEA J. H. SNYDER nk. ompt Attention. rafts, ISc; Credit Reports, 25c. Perley___ m. Farmers & Merchants State G. E. Ericksen____ Tom Finney______ Bank........ 75-1182___ ®t§’14 Norman G2 First State Bank____ <§’06 E. D. Anderson.... $120-10% 75-896 Peterson . ?qi Peterson State Bank..d®tJ’08 C. O. Swenson........ N. J. Amble.... O. S. Retrum_____ $185 par 100 75-897 Fillmore Q22 __ »PIne City ....1303 Farmers & Merchants State Pine K17 Bank........75-304.... ^§’04 A. W. Star [165-12% “ ** First National Bank. __®t'96 J. C. Carlson______ R. P. Allen_____ 8% 75-803 George Dorr J. A. Peterson Plnecreek_____ 75 First State Bank t§’20 C. E. Braathon ___ E. M. Broughton._ Roseau B6 75-1538 (bk-Wmj H. H. McCRAY______ Pine Island___934 CITIZENS STATE BANK R COLLECTION Goodhue P19 par 100 75-396 d©»t5’06 j Drafts, Cash au d Time Items for (.Fee in Advance: Plain Sight Draft .. Farmers State Bank___t§'24 J. A. Bringgold.— D. C. Sheldon........ $120 75-1554 E. F. Reiter M. M. McNair . 40,000 13,420 875,590 550,130 230.800 9,000 139.090 1st N., Minpls. TRY U S. 20.000 5,000 176,760 116,870 43.610 25.700 15.580 20.000 4.940 169.660 143.430 7,920 20.550 22,690 25.000 5.000 153,510 169,760 3,200 17.360 12.190 10,000 20,000 420,000 275,000 100.000 G. E. Parsons........ 15,000 3,000 190,000 115.000 35,000 C. M. Pennington. G. C. Daley 30,000 13.540 655.800 1,820 228.400 334.780 11.000 116,980 Jerch.N..St.P.: Minn.N..Dulu*h Northw N. and Midland Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls 50,000 14,480 530.350 25.150 322,470 216,510 9.700 71.300 ’hase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. St. P. and Duluth. 1st N.and Midland N.Bk.&Tr.Co.Minpls. 31.000 600 110 257,230 25.500 32,550 5,900 | lerch. N., St. P.: Citiz. State. Roseau Bk. of Montreal, Winnipeg 25.340 ( 'hase N., N. V.; 1st N.. cni.« St. P., and Minpls. 210.890 64,590 12.000 31,570 C !ont. & Com'l N.. Chi.: Merch. N.. St. P. 1st State Bk &Tr. Co.. Rochester. Pierz________ 624 Farmers & Merch. State Bk A. P. Stoll............... P. A. Hartmann.__ R. M. Stoll $200-10% par 100 75-898 ®t|’02 Morrison K12 Pillager..............354 Security State Bank .©•t{'ll W. J. Lewis. Cass Jll 75-899 32.470 mar: 1st N.. St. P. (FRED L. WEBER PtMUBrs ./First and Oldes STATE BANK OF PERHAM 75-286 •tl'92 ''iSend us your It eras Direct for Pr (FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight d Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Paid-uf Surplus Dbfosand ITS Profits H. It. Schmitt........ W F. Schultz........ Regina Pallanch Pequot_______ 419 Farmers State Bank___tS’14 Crow Wing 112 $225-10% 75-1156 “ First National Bank..®»t’18 75-1440 Perham_____ 1370 Farmers State Bank..®t§’21 Otter Tail 17 75-1542 MINNESOTA Map on Index Resources. Liabilities. Town a ho County •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State fPriv * County Seats. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued 19,000 Northw. N., Minpls. tock Yds. N.. Chi.; N. Rk. of La Crosse, La Crosse. Wis.; 1st N., Minpls, 75.000 1st N., Minpls.: Merch. N., St. P. 35,000 N., Minpls. J. D. Boyle______ M. B. Baron E. M. Broughton.. S. S. Broughton... 10,000 2,500 25.000 H. H. BILLINGS........ E. K. CORNWELL__ S. BILL OF LAD ING Prompt, Personal Attention s 15c, Credit Rep orts 25c. Try us. 15.000 25,900 299,610 A. A. Raddatz____ 20.000 4,730 294,310 750 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and county. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No.9 Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. fEstab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Pine River....... 442 Cass Ill Plnewood.........100 Beltrami F9 Farmers State Bank d®t§’15 R. H. Lesher____ F. L. Hill F. A. Rush______ J. D. Lesher......... . $ 20.000 $ *150 par 100 75-1197 J. E. Leef Peoples State Bank.__+§’20 Joseph Tagley___ Amalia Clauson___ 10.000 *100 par 100 75-1506 President. ‘Pipestone... .3325 FIRST NATIONAL fE. J. FELDMANPipestone Q3 BANK ) Special attentio 115 CENTS sent t 75-181 d®«t’89 125 CENTS for ea Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MINNESOTA—Continued Vice-President, Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. M.W-- T. E. NASH............. b.VW- Liabilities. Resources. Lords ther Bonds Miscel Gash k ExPaid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and AND and cHAiraBS,Dini its Capital Profits Disoounts Ssourities laneous FROM BaWXI ties 4,000 $ mo oon 2,000 50,000 48.820 PIPESTONE NATIONAL BANK A. C. WALKER....... G. E. SELLERS___ A. ENGER----------- F.W. DAHLMEIER. *250 75-180 ©»t’84 M. H.BRITT «• •• Security Bank_____ ®»tl’09 O. E. Ashton____ *225 75-182 E. J. Buell Plainview....... 1370 First National Bank...®«t'02 J. I. Yermilya___ G. H. Vermilya___ A. W. Wempner... Wabasha P20 *160 75-323 Anna E. Bergene, Wright Miller A.1 O • .. Peoples State Bank..®t§’25 W. R. Zabel........... ♦ 75-1561 E. W. Harrington Plato................. 215 State Bank of Plato...®tl’88 L. C. Simons____ M. A. Bell McLeod N13 75-901 50.000 29,710 1,085,800 Plummer . 252 First State Bank ...d®*tl’04 K. H. Pleth Red Lake E5 75-902 S. J. Bredeson .... U. S. G. Henry ___ E. W. Andrews___ “ ------- E. B. Lanager Ponsford ___2on Ponsford State Bank.__t§’08 C. W. Cutler____ Becker H8 *130-8% 75-908 R. W. Smyth FIRST STATE BANK 75-904 ®*t§1900 Samuel Lewison... G. O. Miller........... D. D. Stringer .... J. T. Tollefson ‘Preston......... 1227 Farmers & Merch. State Bank E. K. Blexrud___ Fillmore R21 *200-12% 75-319 ©•till ______ First National Bank.. d®i'02 Thomas J. Meighen *140-6% par 100 75-318 68,700 $ 18,100 783,200 $ 50,000 25 000 1,000 $ $ 12,000 1st N„ Minpls. 9,800 8,100 Bemidji State. Bemidji; Minn. N„ Duluth; 1st N., Minpls. 533,130 120,290 76,760 201,840 Han. N„ N. Y.; Cont. ft Oom'l N., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. 476,480 422,740 64,470 252,070 Seab. N„ N.Y.: 1st N„ Chi., St. P„ and Minpls.; Secur. N„ Sioux C. 440,000 46.000 95,000 448,520 168,510 24,800 85,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.: Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 54,950 N, Bk. Rep., Chi.; Merch. N., St. P. n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 0 us with each sig ht draft for prese ntation, and ch credit report in sures prompt, per sonal attention. " Porter.............. 257 YellowMedicine 04 $ 25,500 Principal Correspondents. H. A. Larson____ A. H. Langum W. A. Garratt G. A Love.... ........ E. T. Schoenbaum J. F. Anderson___ J. F. Anderson 50,240 50,000 15.000 620,000 35,000 19,000 617,630 20,000 7,500 400,000 200,000 150,000 15*000 5,000 150.000 65.000 70.000 10,000 8.000 170.530 17,120 158,010 3,220 25,080 19,230 Northw, N.. Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. and Thief River Falls. 10.000 3,010 37,530 1,500 38,240 5,620 2,400 5.780 Minn. N.. Duluth; State Bk. of Park Rapids, Park Rapids. 40,000 10,000 400,200 374,100 10,740 28,000 37,350 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr., and Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P. 50.000 19,460 838.510 674.360 49,710 41,460 142,440 Han. N„ N.Y.; 1st N. and Ill.Merch.Tr.Co., 25,000 15,000 300,000 180,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 Cont. & Com’IN., Chi.; N.Bk. of LaCrosse, La Crosse,Wis,; 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. 25,150 77,500 1st N„ Minpls.: Merch.. Winona,; 1st State Bk. & Trust Co.. Rochester. 25.000 Twin Cities N., St. P. Princeton....... 1685 First National Bank .®»t’87 S. S. Petterson — E. K. Evens_____ . J. F. Petterson Mllle Lacs L15 75-265 rW. H. SMITH......... C. S. NEUMANN....... A. E. ANDERSON —. PRINCETON STATE BANK < Send us Your C ollections. Bill of Lading Drafts, 75-266 ®tl'08 j Cash and Time Items Remitted for on Day of Pay meat. Send 15c with PI ain Sight Draft*; 25 c for Credit Report*. 30,000 6,020 613,060 278,230 330,410 50,910 18,360 Bkrs. Tr.Co., N.Y.ilst N„ Minpls. 20,000 5,000 300,000 170,000 70,000 10,000 75,000 1st N„ St. P. Prlnsburg____ 75 (RaymondP. O.) Kandiyohi N8 Prior Lake....... 246 Scott 015 Proctor _ 2378 St. Louis H20 10,000 3,000 55,000 41,300 4,100 2,600 Prior Lake State Bank—tl'09 J. H. Cleary .. ... H. F. Dreer............. John Deegan____ Thos. J. Simpkins. 6% 75-905 First National Bank..®»t’02 H. H. Peyton____ J. W. Kreitter___ F. C. Mitchell....... Ivor Anderson ___ *144-10% 75-906 Roy Carlson 20,000 5,000 220,000 188,000 10,700 37,500 15,000 700,000 310,000 350,000 Prosper______ 100 Fillmore R22 Quamba 100 Kanabec K17 State Line Bank....... d©il’ll R. M. Miller_____ H. C. Hjerlied. . Oscar Winger___ 6% 75-1027 Quamba State Bank d®tl’17 F. P. Powers.__ . Otto Allman _ M. R. Powers *210-10% par 180 75-1360 Raclno______ .268 Mower Q19 Randall ....... 301 Moi risen Jll Racine State Bank...®*tl'08 J. F. Ballinger__ P. T. Elliott_____ 0. H. Burlington— Myrtle O.Burring7% 75-007 ton Randall State Bank..®*tl’08 F. B. Coon _____ Frank Kiewel___ H. F. Sjostrom.__ F. A. Schwanke... 25% 75-908 Prinsburg State Bank—.tl’16 M. S. Carl 75-1318 . J. J.Geib Randolph....... 170 Randolph State Bank®»tl’l* O. F. Dickman — G. S. Day 75-1091 Dakota 017 Ranter______ 157 American State Bank .©•110 F. E. Macartney... J. A. Rose 75-1016 Koochiching C16 *150-10% MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ _ 28,820 15.700 20,000 Northw. N., Minpls. 30.600 1st N„ St. P.; Northw. N.. Minpls. 100,000 Cont. ft Com’l N.,Chi.; Am.Ex.N., Duluth. 10,000 2,000 34,600 10.000 10,000 211,000 131,000 71,000 4,000 15,000 8,820 120,470 101,230 13.910 13,920 10,000 6,000 128.000 85,000 22.000 21,000 19,470 1st N„ Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Un. N., Rochester; Ex. State, Grand Meadow. 18,000 1st N.. Minpls.: Merch. N.,Wadena; Com’l State, Little Falls. 118,390 72,200 28,220 15.430 17.360 Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 82,000 52.000 9.000 31,000 12.000 City N., Dulnth. J. A. Anderson. . 10,000 4,820 ... E. R. Kreitlow —— 15,000 1,000 2,000 6.000 34,000 5,600 Drov. N„ Chi.; N. Bk. of Decorah, De corah. Ia. 25,000 1st N. and Midland N.Bk.& Tr.Co.,Minpls. 751 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaIIy|Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No.9 Fed. Res.Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts'.T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Ripldin _ _ 125 Bine Earth 013 Bay-------------- 520 Koochiching C16 Raymond 410 Kandiyohi N8 Farmers State Bank.®#tl'13 1150 78-1087 Ray State Bank_____ ®t§’06 par 100-15% 75-1335 Farmers State Bank____ti’12 75-1071 First National Bank„.»®i'06 75-909 Reading _ ir.n State Bank of Reading_____ 75-910 Nobles Q8 Red Lake E4 1549 $140-15% *Red Wing ...8637 Goodhue 019 78-28* *FIRST NATIONAL BANK PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Carl Fin Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. 10,000 $ 5.000 $ 206,000 i 10,000 2,500 33,820 H. O. Feig_______ F. R. Hier..... ........ W. J. Johnson. 10,000 3,530 153,370 Wm. Lembke......... G. W. Kirkeby.... K. P. Unfflng A. Boersma (Taken over by Stat e Bank of Worthing ton, February 5, 192 7) 25,000 5,250 247,210 25,000 10,410 492.230 F. P. Sheldon . W. M. Jensen___ Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bondi Miscel ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and nnd AND its Capital Profits Diaoounta Securities laneous ties $ G. N. Millard____ M. O. Molstre. - J. F. Millard___ $ 27,450 $ 10.000 S 191,000 15,790 J 15,810 25,000 k Ex- Principal Correspondents. Cask changm,Duk FROM Banks 7,720 16,330 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: N. Citiz., Mankato; 1st N.. Minpls. 7.000 1st N., Duluth and Int’l Falls, Minn. 26,840 1st N„ Minpls. and Willmar. 116,480 16,440 7,140 143.920 99,300 14,700 44,540 Kandiyohi Co., Willmar; 1st and Northw. N., Minpls. 345,490 82,350 32,300 67,500 Han. N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Am. N., St. P.; 1st N„ Duluth. 536,870 817,510 19,780 139,240 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch. N„ St P. (Closed January 15, 1927) Geo. F. Hennings— W. A. Schreiter___ Noel Delorme....... H. J. Trudeau....... N. M. Watson Wm. Nieland 100,000 47,230 1,266,170 200.000 193,350 1,229,840 49.300 1,031,130 418,870 74,000 148.490 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.: Northw. N., Minpls. 35,150 1,023,410 713,330 139,500 46,140 159,590 Qoodhne Co. N., Red Wing. 20,000 590,000 419,370 158,330 36,000 71,080 Chase N., N. Y.; State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; Merch. N.. St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 200,000 62,230 1,221,370 1,076,580 261,490 35.500 110,030 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N. and Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N.. St. P. 100,000 28,090 942,810 607,820 197,090 100,160 169,620 N. Bk.Com.. N. Y.: Ill. Merch. Tr. Co. and Foreman N., Chi.; 1st N.. St. P.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. H. W. Bloom____ 10,000 6,060 63,110 48,600 12,170 9,700 T. G. O'Connor___ N. L. Billig______ C, D. Beck,A.Ca»/i. T. D. O’Connor H. A. Gaede_____ J. R. Dvorak____ O. J. Larson 80,000 25,340 563,970 413,310 42,550 17,500 25,000 13,000 325,000 275,000 15,000 33,000 8,700 1st N.,Cass Lake; City N., Duluth; 1st N. Minpls. 155,950 Cont. A Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. 40.000 Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P, Chas. Chester___ N. R. Sawyer Revere............. 184 State Bank of Revere -®t§’02 J. B. Sawyer $200 ♦ 75-912 Redwood P7 Rice ai5 Firit National Bank...®t’20 A. H. Gates............ H. J. Fromelt___ Oliver Chirhart... Emma Chirhart... par 100 75-1507 Benton K12 30.000 31,000 160.000 38,280 175,000 28,000 33,160 25,000 2,500 208,630 540 140,000 35,000 26,670 A. B, Rieland____ Henry Flint_____ Richmond ___651 American State Bank .®t § 04 Theo. Albrecht.... Stearns Lll is% 75-491 •• .. Joseph Schwankl.. Jos. J. Doll______ State Bank of Richmond $120 75-490 ®§'27 L. Chouinard____ Robbtnsdale. 1369 Security State Bank..®ti’18 T. P. Howard. W. H. Fawcett___ Hennepin N16 75-1444 15.000 10,770 308,280 183,500 103,660 9.800 37,090 Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls. 10,000 3,500 88,120 43,160 32,490 3,930 25.000 14,800 263,330 51,350 7,140 22,040 52.730 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Merch. N.. St. P.; Met. N.. Minpls. Q-^JWJftM-BURT W. EATON— L. J.FIEGEL-------- C. J.LEUSMAN-— J. H. KflHLER, Ch. of Bd. E. A. CE6AL Prompt attention to Southern Minnesota collections and items, Special facilities for your clients coming to Rochester. Put them in toucn with us. Direct foreign connections. 100.000 219.540 3.731.620 46,000 1.628,100 1,529.960 123.850 815.230 N. City, N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 75,000 20.930 1,606,760 199.540 173,160 227,450 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N. Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P. •• II 12% M M II W.J. FEATHERSTONE A. H. LIDBERG------- J C JOHNSON R RED WING IT EMS DIRECT sonal attention. ght draft—25c fo r credit reports. d®T«t'05 — E. H. Foot_______ B. M. Boxrud____ N. 0. Lien H. J. Croke d®T»t’78 B. Gerlach, Ch. of Bd. C. J. Sargent —___ B. M. Boxrud, •GOODHUE COUNTY SAV. BK. Sec. and Tr. 75-48 ®TtS'7* O. A. Betcher------ 0. E. Betcher........ O. V. Holset.......... RED WING STATE BANK *125 par 100 75-51 dB®ti'19 •GOODHUE COUNTY NAT. BK. C. J. Sargent.. $235-12% •• 75-46 ($. H. LOGKIN....... J SEND US YOU ] for prompt, per L ISc for each si 75-49 •Security Bank & Trust Co. W. H. Putnam. .. ♦ 75-47 ®T*t§’68 R. W. Putnam....... Red Wine Clearing House (Members indicated by a •) ‘Redwood Falla Southern Minn. Joint Stock (Moved to Minneap Redwood 08 2421 Land Bank. _______ . W. H. Grow . R. W. Putnam R. W. Putnam___ J. W. Holliday .... S. L. Kaldem, Sec. olis, Minn.) 3,790 75-257 tfll E. J. Resch—. __ F. Swentkofske... Remer_______ 290 First State Bank $175-10% 75-911 Cass H13 Renville 114? Timothy O'Connor J. L. O’Connor ___ 10% 75-1062 ®«'12 f Renville N8 Renville State Bank.®T»tl'87 D. R. Spieker____ C. F. Bier________ L. E. Lien 8% 75-820 ‘Rochester .17.050 Olmsted Q19 75.000 C. J. Sargent, Tr... S. H* Lockin, Sec... F. S. O’Neill, Mgr. STATE BANK OF REDWOOD A. C. Burmeister.. R. A. Cooper......... A. F. Hassenstab.. E. W. Whiting___ G. R. Engeman FALLS--------------d®»tf'02 6% 100,000 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK 75-68 ®T»t’64 •First State Bank & Trust Co. G. W. Granger__ G.B. Doty ____ 75-70 dB®T»t§’09 F. W. Schuster MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis R. I. LaPlant H. C. Doty, A. C. W. F. Sperling ___ Lillian E. Roesler 10,000 191,920 1,099,250 41,200 1st N., Minpls. and Mankato. 35,000 1st N.. Minpls. and St. P. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 752 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. »County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 Fed.Kes.Dist. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fe:l. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%IMv President, Vice-President. Ahb’t Cashier. Cashier. Rochester ..17.050 *01msted County Bank & Tr. C. F. Dabelstein .. (Contnued) Co. 75-1467 dB@T»t§,19 *135-6% par 100 ** “ ROCHESTER LOAN &TR.CO. E. A. Knowlton___ tuo-6% 75-71 B®T»i§'13 (• •• ’UNION NATIONAL BANK JG. B. KNOWLTON.. $150-7% par 100 75-69 d®T«t'68 J. F. Cooke....... .. A. E. Lamprecht-.L. E. Kennedy. A. C. C. Graham_______ R. W. Chadwick, Sec. and Tr. W. W. Churchill G. M. Lowry,A.Sec. n. graham W.W. CHURCHILL— Rochester Clearing House.. C. A. Chapman ___ (Membera indicated by a *) G. B. Doty. V. P. Rockford____ 324 Farmers State Bank.0t§’17 Peter Olson........... Wright M14 75-1376 •« '• State Bank of Rockford W. D. Truax____ $120 par 100 75-916 ®J5’07 Rockville____ 172 State Bk.of Rockvi]ie®*iS’10 $175-20% 75-917 Stearns L12 StateBankof Rogersd®»t§’09 S. J. Mealey_____ $100-10% par 150 75-918 Hennepin L 21 Rolllngstone.,272 First State Bank___ ®«i§’05 John Schell 10% 75-919 Winona P22 First State Bank... . <§’12 12% par 130 75-1061 Roseau B9 tS’07 Thomas Sauer....... Roscoe_______ 182 First State Rank 10% 75-1000 Stearns L10 ‘Roseau 1012 Citizens Slate Bank .d®J§’05 Olaf Holdahl $100 par 100 75-452 • « Roseau B6 •« First National Bank__d®t03 L. H. Ickier........... $250-15% par 100 75-450 •• “ Roseau County National Bk. Israel Sjoberg__ $110-5% par 100 75-1536 '20 Mrs. Sophrouia Rose Creek__208 State Bk. of Rose Creek Dean Mower R18 10% 75-920 dB®»tS’08 Rosemount... 310 Farmers State Bank d®t§’20 C. B. Enkema......... $120 par 100 75-1509 Dakota 017 First National Bank. d®t'09 S. A. Netlaud____ $200 par 100 75-921 C. F. Debelstein... W. W. Churchill, Sec, and Tr. R. W. Chadwick E. E. Moore_____ W. E. York C. J. Muehring J. W. Thompson... Geo. Kettenacker John Weisman.... J. J. Knoblach ___ IWE INVITE Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, | Liabilities. Resources. Principal Correspondents, Surplus Depos- Other j Loans Bonds Miscel- Cash St Exand and and Liabili-i Discounts Securities LANKOUb ntoM Banks Profits TIES MINNESOTA—Continued W. W. CHURCHILL YOUR BUS INESS. Paid-up Nettie Kitzman ... $ A. R. Cunningham S. Dtzinger, A. Tr. Vera R. Lehner, A. Tr. A C BURGAN ____ 75.000 $ 100,000 50.000 23,230 $ 775,820 $ 25,140 6.720 i 544,070 $ 100,700 $ 40,780 i 95,220 Chase N„ N. Y.: Un. Tr.. Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls.; Winona N. and 1st N„ Winona. 159.920 254,970 318,640 122.240 70,210 28,940 Northw. N„ Minpls.; Union N., Rochester. 80,750 1.256,860 50.000 577,990 452,590 100,120 306,900 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 11,320 19.200 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls.; Merch. N , St.P. 35.000 1st N.. Minpls. 10.000 5,020 152.630 129,830 7.290 25.000 7.500 195.000 128.000 42.000 10,000 7.593 201.360 157.700 37.810 13.500 3,260 175.000 150.000 5,000 20,000 21,210 394.600 310,200 66,000 10.000 3,000 135.000 95.000 20.000 25.000 10,310 203.910 174,270 14,650 3,980 J. R. Chappell___ C. B. DahlQuist—. 25.000 6,140 269,130 185,290 47.320 19,750 W. W. Smith Riley Rasmusson.. R. G. Rasmusson.. A. Waag Peter Sjoberg------ E. G. Johnson___ Pfhel T Die 25.000 5.000 266.490 25,000 178,090 72,650 22,260 30.000 6.910 184.860 15,000 121.150 40,800 20,650 W.H. Dean......... . 25.000 22,000 390.000 235.000 125.000 7,000 54,180 1st N„ St. P.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr.. Minpls. 70,000 Cont. &Com'l N.,Chi.; Northw.N., Minpls. 13,000 Northw. N., Minpls. M. Borck________ J. M. Scharber H. Choate. Jr.___ A. A. Walch........... A. E. Abel.............. Joseph Weis Peter Roerler Louise Muggli....... L. A. Carlson 5,100 6.950 18.350 Northw. N., Minpls. 46,760 1st N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 52,800 Northw. N., Minpls.: 1st N.. Dep. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Merch. Winona. 15.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. 46,310 N. City, N.Y.; IstN., Minpls., Cold Spring, and St. P. 47,910 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., St.P.: Merch., Winona; 1st N.; Minpls. 48,490 Am. N„ St. P. 15.000 3.400 80.000 46.000 34,000 5,400 25.000 12.500 360,000 45.000 307,500 17,000 15.000 9.800 441.600 223,000 160.000 8.000 A. W. Whipkey___ 10,000 5,100 181,090 139,960 23,000 State Bank of Round Lake Jens Langseth....... J.C. Thomsen____ Walter Denkmann. Florence Peterson $280-20% 75-923 d®t§'06 Round Pralrie.lSC Farmers State Rank (Closed December 30 . 1926) Todd K10 Royalton____ 690 Royalton State Bank.. ®§’27 A. H. Klasen____ Wm. F. Ahlbrecht A. IS. lnderrieden $140 75-1575 Morrison K12 30.000 10,000 293,500 222,830 39,800 43,850 27.020 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. 20,000 7.560 43,160 30,360 100 5,250 35,010 Northw. N'., Minpls.; Am. N., St. P. and St. Cloud. 7,540 499,560 366,630 8,900 23,500 227,290 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Merch. N„ St. P.; Northw. N., 1st N., and Midland N. Bk. & Tr.Co., Minpls. 63,400 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N.. St. P.; N. Bk. of La Crosse. La Crosse', Wis. 138,290 Bk.of the Manhattan Co., N.Y.; Stock Yds. N., Cm.; 1st N., Minpls. 39,190 1st N.and Northw. N.. Minpls.; Worthing ton N., Worthington. Round Lake...345 Farmers State Bank.d®tS'll 75-1017 Nobles R7 C. W. Boyle........... S. W. Netland___ F. A. Ruhr_______ R. M. Toombs___ Farmers State Bankd®»t§'15 J. S. Ulland_____ T. K. Brye_____ 75-1228 Wilkin I 4 M L. C. Enkema O. F. Grangaard... Lawrence Paulson. J. E. Salstrom........ H. C. Miller M Rush City___ 971 First National Bank Chisago L17 __ (Closed January 24. 1927) STATE BANK OF RUSH CITY John C. Carlson ... James J. Flynn.__ C. H. Sommer___ Jean McCormack.. 75-360 ©<§’82 Hjalmar Anderson Rushford ___1142 First National Bank --dX'02 O. M. Habberstad. Geo. H. Julsrud... Fillmore Q22 Rushford State Bankd®t|’67 J. G. Roberton__ M. A. Maland___. “ -----par 100 75-354 Betsy Roberton Rushmore....... 313 Firsi State Bank . d8®t5'03 F. J. Johnson......... W. R. Mcleod....... Nobles R5 $135-5% par 133 75-610 H. E. Whipkey Russell............ 375 Farmers & Merchants State H. J. Tillemans ... James Andersen.. Lyon P5 $125 Bank 75-924 d®4§ 22 M. Glemmestad, lver Mickelson V. P. Rustad............ 400 Rustad State Bank.........570 R, P. Kirkhom.... A. H. Costain____ Clay H2 76-1624 Ruthton_____ 40S Farmers & Merchants State C. M. Christensen. E. K. Gryte____ Bank.......75-1354... ©<§17 Pipestone P4 *125-10% MINNESOTA Map on Inde« Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 28,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. St. P.; 1st N. and Northw. N.. Minpls.; State Bk.. Northfield. 75.000 Chase N„ N. Y.; Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls.: 1st N., St. P.; Fergus Falls N.. Fergus Falls. 31.100 C. &C. N.,Chi.; State Bk.of Worthington, Worthington: Live Stk. N.. Sioux C. 60,000 15,150 1,019.690 E. S. Habberstad.. Elvin Humble....... 25.000 14,710 608,750 24,700 338,840 247,410 J. A. Frisvold___ J. E. Anderson.... Oscar Hanson Leo. Hartfiel____ 50.000 24,830 1,281,470 720 931,210 250,000 37,530 30,000 10,000 471,130 416,370 36,530 19,050 C. A. Schrunk....... F. H. Hahne. 30,000 6,520 333,370 301,030 4,870 32,900 A. W. Hedlund.__ LeRoy Kirkhom.. 10.000 2.600 R. E. Rogde____ 20,000 6,000 280,000 180.000 60 000 I 31,090 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.; Far. & Merch. N., Minneota. 12.500 1st N.. Minpls.; 1st N. and Moorhead N., 70,000 Norihw. N., Minpls. 7CO /JO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No.9Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem. A. B. A. "New §State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass'n. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust_____ d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Diy. Sabin...... ...........315 Clay H2 75—926~ Sacred Heart..763 Farmers State Bank -©•$!'* Renville N7 5225-10% 75-927 State Bank of Sacred Heart 1200-10% 75-1011 ®«tfl Sanborn.......... 487 raters State Bank .. ©tl'l Redwood P8 $ioo-5% 75-1020 Sanborn State BankdB®»tl'0 $150-8% par 100 75-928 Sanditone....l200 First National Bank........t’0 Pine J17 75-226 Security State Bank..®tl'0 *150-8% 75-225 Santiago_____100 Santiago 8tate Bankd®t§'2 {Clear Lake P.O.) $100-10% par 120 75-1520 Sherburne L14 Sergeant.......... 110 State Bank of Sargeant_____ Mowsr Q19 Sauk Centre.2699 Stearns L9 *300-10% 75-205 First 8tate Bank ..dB®»tl’ 6% par 100 75-204 Merchants National Bank $200-10% 75-206 ®»t' President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. F.H. McCabe.......... F. A. Wyatt______ L. f! Fnllett E. O'Oonnor. Oscar Olufson — H. C. Omholt E. Thang________ J. H. Skogberg.... S. E. Storm F. E. Gleason_____ C. Ripley________ W. D. Yaeger. John Hageman.... Chas.Goehring— C. V. Brooks_____ A. C. Dietz ___ R. W. Barstow___ C. J. Pearson____ C. J. Gjerston........ V. A. Mullholland. A. S. Larson J. F. Hawley.......... Harry Madison.... F. E. Hurley-........ A. M.Schanke J. E. Odegard__ _ Edwin odegard.__ S. H. Wisniewski. (Closed December Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOT A—Continued Liabilities. Resources. Loans Other Bonda Miscel C.nt Ei Paid-up Surplus Dbpos- L and and and iabili OHAMSS.IhXl Capital Profits ITS Discount! Securities laneous non Baku ties $ 15,000 i 16,070 $ 241,570 28,650 487,110 25.000 15,000 419,930 $ 20,000 J. H. Manzey_____ Frank Collins A. L. Ward_______ C. Schwager______ A. Kaiser.. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5,700 * 59,640 IstN., Minpls. 116.730 28,740 56,710 1st N.. St. P. and Minpls. 62,810 27,330 8.100 200,830 1,000 168,410 25,000 11,920 223,110 1,470 178,430 43,550 8,690 25,000 8.670 324.670 24.500 164,500 131.690 25,800 80,700 3,930 17,710 10,560 1st N.. St. P. and Minpls. 100 178,110 55,170 12,200 30.670 1st N., Minpls. and Princeton. 15,000 4,160 93.730 15,000 8,310 252,750 C. R. Englestad ... 15,000 E. E. Johnson___ . . S. S. Stadsvold M. C. Rider Gotfred Nicklason Vernon Hake ........ Silver Creek...125 First State Bank...........©tf'14 O. A. Henneman... N. Schermer______ H. N. Lungwitz___ Della Butler______ Wright L13 *165-10% 75-1152 S. J. Mealey MINNESOTA Map on Index 320,300 85,410 35.240 21, 1926) State Bank of Shelly..»tl’01 Jens Foss. *300-10% 75-935 W. B. Russell_____ 3,443 338.570 52.940 C. & C. N., Chi.; Northw.N. & Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minols.; Merch. N.. St. P. 26.290 1st N., Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.and Northw. N.. Minpls.: N. Oitiz., Mankato. 30,830 C. & C. N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls . Mankato and Winona. 50.840 1st N., Minpls. and Duluth. C. M. Sprague____ F. W. Sprague____ H. J.Saner______ C. R. Rjone 50,000 42,000 420,000 W. O. P. Hilsdaie J. A. Du Bois_____ B. F. Du Bois_____ 25.000 27,370 498,200 A. M.Schoenhoff D. B. Oanghren___ C. R. Bruce........... 25,000 33,560 766,470 A. F. Strebel J. MacDermond (L W. BOUCK------- W. H. FLETCHER........ R. G. NEILS______ CAR! ZDUNEK 30,000 Sauk Rapids.2349 BE___ 10,000 365,360 _____ £MT0N COUNTY STATE ■{ Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts Cash and Time 1 terns, given Prom pt Atte ntlon. Benton L12 .......... BANK.......75-930 -----75-930 __..®»J|’0 (fee in advan CE: Plain eight ,draft*, ISc; Cre dit Report*, 25c. TRY U 8. *175-10% par 100 Citizens State Bank..®t§’15 John Wertin_____ T. G. Schaefer____ T. G. Schaefer___ W. A. Baron.. 20.000 16,230 432,700 75-1213 Elsie Jahn Savage_______ 206 First 8tate Bank—d®$5’13 John Connelly___ Geo. M. Egan.......... F. D. Herder_____ 10,000 7.000 140,000 Scott N16 *160-9% 75-1079 Scandia______ 100 Farmers State Bank..©t§’19 P. N. Nelson F. Sandstedt_____ R. L. Swanson___ Mabel C. Swenson. 15.000 6.100 187.100 (Copae P. O.) *130-5% 75-1428 Washington M18 Scandia State Bank. d©tl’07 J. E. Mel in______ C. W. Grandstrand It* Jtll ■ vildlluSltdllU 25,000 27,950 524,560 *210-12% par 100 75-931 Theresia Peterson Seaforth______ 125 Security State Bank___tl’04 N. Bernardy_____ J. C. Johnson........ • iii. Jr 1S l u lKd ____ V. M. Bernardy... 15,000 6,500 115,000 Redwood 08 *145-20% par 100 75-932 Searles_______ 100 Searles State BanK..d®t§’17 John Reinhart___ A. F. Haas_______ W. J. Strata_____ 10 000 7.090 141,720 Brown P12 *150 75-1346 G. D. Erickson Sebeka .............. 585 First State Bank___ R. E. Barron_____ R. R. Ryti______ 10,000 10,000 175,000 Wadena 10 $300 par 100 75-933 Sedan..................200 Farmers * Kerch. State Bank J. J. Ponsford____ H. M. Hokenson... C. A. Butler............ 10.000 5.000 140.000 Pope L8 75-934 ©tl'08 Shafer________ 130 Shafer State Bank—©tl'll C. L. Lindstrom... W. J. Burke Geo. R. Peterson— Frank G. Lindo___ ClarenceLindstrom 25,000 3.130 235,080 Chisago L19 8% 75-1028 ‘Shakopee___ 1988 First National Bank.__»t’8S Theodore Weiland Julius A. Coller... C. T. Weiland........ 50,000 69.220 1.187,010 Scott N15 10% 75-194 E. J. Huber Peoples National Bank.®t’20 0. J. Hartmann—.. A. H. Timmermann B. J. Yonug______ Dallas Capacius___ 25,000 8.500 275,000 *125-6% 76-1503 Math Rosen Shelly................ 289 Farmers State Bank_®t!’16 G. O. Hage.......... . O. R. Hage ____ 12.500 7,970 206.460 Norman F2 *200-20% 75-1287 A. Fauglid Sherburn_____832 Farmers State Bank..®ti’17 .Martin R10 75-1378 Sherbnrn National Bank 75-403 ©»t'02 Shevlln............. 500 First State Bank.........®»tl'0J Clearwater F8 75-936 Shovel Lake 100 Shovel Lake State Bank Aitkin H14 *120 par 140 75-1301 d®t§’16 J 121,890 $ 25,000 Principal Correspondents. 14.090 369,010 25,000 6*000 380,000 25,000 8,870 382,460 48,000 230,000 215,000 385,760 77,030 33,100 25,150 357,510 356,770 32,270 15,320 292,240 62,950 33,200 32,300 Chase N..N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N. Minpls. 6,810 33,930 Cont. & Com'l N.,Chi.; Northw.N..Minpls.; N. Ex.. St. P. 9,500 IstN., Minpls. 115,000 lstN.,N. Y„ Chi., and Minpls. 54.670 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Northw. N.. Minpls. IstN., St. P. 103,620 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi. Merch. N., 8t. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 399,140 29,060 115.000 17,000 1.100 57.230 118,100 11.700 22.270 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpis. 1,140 289.950 190,590 7,020 91,080 1st N. and Far. & Merch. State. Stillwater; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and IstN., Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. Paul. 20,000 Cont.& Com'l N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls.; Ex. State. So. St. Paul. 29,960 Am. N.. St. P.: Far. & Merch. State. New Ulm; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 32,000 Han.N., N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N.. Wadena. 15.000 Northw. N., Minpls. 12,500 5.560 31,090 93,000 17,000 81,250 43.200 4,400 140,000 8,000 15,000 120,000 6.000 171.390 59,530 10,800 399.030 694.000 51.160 170.000 80.000 17,490 117.330 56,380 28.670 87.030 150,530 10.070 41,010 Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 30.110 C. & C. N„ Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr, Co., Minpls.; 8cand.-Am. and Crookston Tr.. Crookston. 150.470 Am. N.. 8t. P. 260,000 60.000 50.000 206.320 114.740 69,090 10,500 60,200 Merch. N.. St. P.; 1st N.. Bagley and Minpls.; Minn. N.. Duluth. 8.630 Minn. N., Duluth; Met. N., Minpls.- 11.190 38,770 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. and Northw. N., Minnis ; State Bk. of Monticello. Monticello. 10,000 5,200 190,000 95,000 39,500 10,000 4,030 65.000 42.130 23.220 12,000 7.550 195,940 136.630 28.890 — 24.630 N. City, N.Y.; Merch.N.. St. P.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N.. Minpls. 174.543 N. Park, N. Y.; C. & C. N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Merch. N., St. P.; Northw. N„ Minpls. 41.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 0. & C. N.. Chi.: N. Citiz.. Mankato: Northw. N„ Minpls. 57.280 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ J ■ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. • Town and County. *County Seats. Entire State in No.9.Fed.Res.Dist. Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Miscel Can k ExSurplus Depos Other Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up and and and oiAian,I)n Liabili Discounts its Capital Profits Sscuritisa laneous non Bam ties I •Mem. A. B. A. nNew §State T Priv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Ites.Depts.T-TrustB-Bond d- Sa f e De p. ® Sav. $Last Sale% Div. Vice-President. President. Silver Lake.... 475 Citizens State BankdB®t§'19 McLeod N12( *125-5% par 100 75-1479 Farmers & Merch. StateBank Frank Nuwash.... *175-10% 75-1153 dB©»tl’14 par 100 Sky berg______ 100 Security State Bank._®t§'20 0. C. Lawson_____ *125-6% par 100 75-1513 Goodhue P18 Taken Over by State •.Slayton If) in Murray Q6 H 8 Holt *200 75-389 ©•ti'84 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued 1C A CASHIER. 20.000 $ $ Frank Korista, Jr. Joseph Kasper T. J. Trutna______ 11.000 $ 22.000 358.880 204.960 45,320 44.280 50.000 * 29,000 4,700 21.300 22.800 354,400 98.950 52,940 104.810 887.120 3.070 419,500 358.270 23.640 134.750 28.280 845,040 50,000 317,110 453,310 12.000 190,890 2,000 75.000 52,000 21.000 15,000 17,290 1505 280 980,160 357,380 136,910 148,130 762.660 320.300 318,720 24.250 185.560 1.874.580 1.773.900 43.500 825.990 $ 211.000 $ 5,500 $ 290,000 25,000 10.710 605.900 $ 10,000 3.000 92,000 30,000 10,490 548.49) 25,000 20,980 50,000 11.830 67,000 $ C. C. Yorlicek H. M. Halvorson.. Nels Fennie C. W. Week............ gjpjm Brown P10 d®*ti'04 FIRST NATIONAL .. BANK f N.. St.P. , & C. N., Chi.: 1st N., St. P.: 1st 1 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls 1st N., Minpls. Bank of Slayton) STATE BANK OF SLAYTON 75-198 Principal Correspondents. C. D. GRIFFITH - C. T. JAFFRAY —- W. W. SMITH---- H. C. D0MEIER — P. E. WILMS [an. N..N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; 1 St.P.; N. Bk. Com., Mankato. Harris Tr. & Sav.. Chi.: 1st N. and Northw. N.. Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N.. Mankato. lhase N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N.. Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P. ] Save time and get service on Co llections and Cre dlt Reports by se ndlng d®T«t82 Ifee in advan CE: Plain tight drafts, ISc; Cred it Reports, 25c. TRY U S. 75-187 .. State Bank of Sleepy Eye___ (Closed October 18. 1926) South Haven..346 Peoples State Bank..®t§’25 W. D. McDonald.. R. A. Marduardt.. W. H. Bartlett.... Bessie E. Bartlett T.F. McClure.V.P. G. E. Sherwood *120 75-1563 Wright M12 So. St. Paul ..6860 Dakota N17 «• TROVERS STATE ft *.w** BANK 'EXCHANGE STATE BANK 75-1411 <• 75-838 n. J. FLANAGAN — JAS.T. CROSBY........... P. S. GILLESPIE........ F. R. SCHLICHTING- 11,170 Yds. N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Am. N.. St. P.; 1st N.. Minpls.; Merch N., Ced. R. N., Chi.: Am. N.. St. P. ) Send us your S outh St. Paul an d Stockyards Col lections* (.They will have our best care and prompt attentio n. J. C. KOHL-------------- O.W. RAYNUM_____ /'ALEX HI6HLAND - J. S. BANGS t. A- BlRCH A. A. BIBUS W. A. SAWTELL Direct your Sto ck Yards business to the Stock Yar ds National Bank. d®«t'97 (.Pioneer Live St ock Bank of the N orthwest. 350.000 128.860 3.870.090 ) South St.Paul Clearing House J. J. Flanagan ___ .T C Kohl (Membera indicated by a*) Kandiyohi M9 75.000 field. ®»t8’17 'STOCK YARDS NAT’L BANK *200-10% »t 100,000 F. E. WOODWARD — H. G. SWANSON........ M V GHORAN H.'e: SLOAN wmreKller ^ Ch.ofBd. G. E. TEMPLE dB®*tn2 j We specialize in handling Stock Yards Business, ♦ 75-1041 '-Personal Attent ion and Remittan ce on day of pay ment. •« — 10,000 :■ - N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Stock Yds. N., Drov. N.. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N. and Northw N., Minpls.; Merch. N. and 1st N.. St. P. O. W. Raynum, Sec. and Mgr. 10,000 4,000 160,000 25,000 9,610 203,760 40.000 10,000 Direct.” Collec tions, Bill of Ladi ng Draf ts, mpt Attention. 414,550 65,790 1,012.190 M. O. Erickson___ E. J. Rykken_____ Green Lake State Bank d©t§ 75-940 ’04 169.030 14,650 1st N., Willmar and Minpls. 11,070 31,490 1st N., Chi.: Merch. N„ St. P.: N. Citiz. Mankato. 148,870 58,000 48.760 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.; Northw. N. Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. 255,55C 88,040 127,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N. and N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls; 1st N., St. P. 188.000 6.350 182,600 13,210 40.000 249,000 800 738.190 47,000 Spooner_____ 571 State Bank of Spooner______ (Closed May 10, It 27) Lake ofthe Woods, Cll Springfield ...1849 Farmers State Bank d®t§’18 *160 75-1433 Brown P9 FIRST NATIONAL BANK *200 " _ *' 75-278 ®»t’06 Aug. Niemann......... F. E. Pieschel____ H. A. Dahmer....... (J. S. WATSON —./“Send Us Your j Cash and Time ' Send 15c with Sig L. E. POTTER -......... Springfield Items Items Given Pro ht Drafts; 25c for C C. H ASCH................. N. V. SWANBECK.... redit Reports. fWM. G. FRANK___ J. C. ROTHENBURG— E. L NIPPOLT STATE BANK OF SPRINGFIELD Bj oldest Send us 10% par 100 75-277 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ___ M.J. F0Y-- _ 100,000 - and LARGEST BANK your direct for p rompt, personal attention. ®.JS'91 (.FEE IN ADVAN terns CE: Plain tight dr afts, 15c; Credit Rep arts, 25c. TRY US. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 7c;c; ‘ Number under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Codnty. *County Seats. iMem. State B. Ass’n. Entire State in No.9 Fed.Res. Dist spring Grove. .75$ Houston R23 '20% par too 75-463 State Bank of 8pr $275-20% 75-464 Spring Hill___iso rmers State Bar (Melrose P. O.) 75-1452 Stearns L10 Spring Lake.__30 (North BranchP.O.) $140-6% 75-1321 Isanti F13 Spring Valley.1871 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Fillmore R20 $200-10% 75-228 ®*t . (i $333-20% 75-227 Stacy................ 160 First Sta i Bank.. 18% 75-1012 Chisago L18 Stanchfield___200 $135-5% 75-1114 Isanti K16 Stanton______100 State Bank of Stanton, Idc, 75-1282 ®»t§’ Goodhue 018 Staples_____ 2570 City National Bank...®»t’ 75-173 Todd J10 First National Bank..®*t’ 75-172 Starbuck____ 824 First National Bank. $175 75-516 Pope L7 Security State Bank....... tl’i 75-517 St. Bonlfaclus.332 Farmers State Bank .dB®tl’< Hennepin N14 $140-10% par 100 75-W2 Peoples State Bank .d®t§’: $120-7% 75-1310 par 125 CITIZENS STATE BANK St. Charles__1351 Winona Q21 St. Clair_____ 260 Blue Earth Q13 i Cashier. B. N. Onsgard Liabilities Resources. Principal Correspondents. Surplus Depos Other Loans Bonds Cabh k ExPaid-up Miscel chahgm and and and Liabili ,D uk its Capital Profits Diieounts 8seurities laneous from Banks ties Almon Thompson.. $ 30,000 $ 14,700 590,300 $ 465.170 $ 49,500 $ 9,690 % 110,630 State Bk. of Chi., Chi.: Batavian N., La Ass’t Cashier. C. J. Weiser____ O. B. Nelson_____ C. J. Schansberg.. L. E. Joerg. 15,000 20,520 504,860 404,500 Anton Schmitt___ H. W. Lembeck... H. M. Moser. Jos. Salchert 10,000 2.400 41,340 30,840 8,660 172,020 $ C. O. Flodquist.... J. G. Rystrom___ C. G. Gustafson__ V. R. Exstrand-__ 16.000 fLYLE HAMLIfi....... C. A. GILBERT____ GEO. C. GULLIGKSON H 1 RflWFRS E. M. LLOYD 50,000 (OLE AAMOT. . . . . . . . . S. H. HALE —......... R. E. SHEPHARD—. JOHN N. OSTERUD— 30,000 75-327 par 100 $235-15% par 100 *St. Cloud..18,860 American National Bank Stearns L12 8% 75-28 ® 10,250 29,040 1st N., Minpls.: Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 377,150 35,000 168,480 Han. N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Gom’l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. 52,870 505,110 _______ 411.980 8 450 54.430 113,120 IstN., Chi. and Minpls.; Winona N., 10,000 7.550 142,430 10,000 3.500 129,680 W. W.Pye______ R. V. Pye—........... W. H. Pye.............. 10,000 2,450 117,280 25,000 5,000 181,720 30,000 25.000 18.820 601.770 24,400 R. N. Gardner___ W. S. Wright......... L. M. Blanchett — Madge McLaughlin Ray Cottingham 30.000 15,250 229.860 G. I. Engebretson.. O. S. Ronnie____ E. S. Olson.. ___ L. O. Sylvester___ 25.000 8,070 309,860 H. P. Andrisen__ A. G. Fossen____ W. C. Torgersen .. Ethel M. Olson ... 10.000 10,000 W. H. A. Koehler. Edward Vollrath.. H. C. Laum&nn___ 15.000 H. J. Steffen____ Alo’« Seener____ Wm. F. Maas____ Otto Bremer. F. P. B. B* Wendt 12,000 rTHOS. S. WILSON . M. J. McGRATH'-........ JOHN REILAND......... MARGUERITE SEELJOHN REILAND 70.000 40,630 969,640 F. J. Kramer____ F. J. Thul.............. F. J. Thul......... 25,000 27,800 W. J. Lewis_____ Jno. Dower.. W. C. Kelehan ___ Isaac Hazlett____ J. R. Nims______ B. C. Barrett____ Mary Mertens K. R. Johnson H. Thlelman____ R. A. Haedt_____ G. H. Hubmer___ T.Penn_________ A. I. Pagenkopf C. C. Schoener........ H. G. Young_____ G. J. Meinz______ J. W. Kuhn. A. C. A. J. Everlage j This modernly Direct your bus ®J*’07 11 Save time and g iFEE IN ARYAN Winona. 85,920 20.270 5,130 83,760 37,020 7,410 57,130 29,050 5,390 140.510 29.020 47,440 24.760 Northw. N., Minpls. 336,190 224,250 46,260 63,290 Han.N.,N. Y.;N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N Minpls. 207,740 10.090 30,050 27,230 N. City. N. Y.; Am. N.. St. P. 220,280 68,060 21,500 344,980 165.160 114,860 10,020 4,530 125,660 115,450 1.000 9,280 3,430 206,550 142,930 55,870 11,090 12,080 N. City. N. Y.: Midland N. Bk. & Tr„ Minpls.; Am. N. and Com'I State, St. P. 400.720 516.250 49,570 125.000 Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.: 1st N.. Minpls. 270,700 235,760 19,640 10,200 57.890 Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.; 1st N., Winona and Minpls. 30,000 500,520 457,540 35,410 41,220 Mankato State Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Mankato; lsi N., Minpls. 100.000 18,000 1.800,000 1,200,000 150,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 23,800 610,960 H. Anderson......... H. E. Peterson__ A. M. Peterson__ LEDWARD ZAPP- H. G. YOUNG______ JOHN BUETTNER-. WALTER F.ZAPPFRANK FANDEL 0TT0 J.ZAPP equipped bank of MINNBSOTA Map on Indox 132,830 F. C. Keacher....... N. B. Gustafson... F. E. Warner____ 50.000 75-23 3,570 Crosse: 1st N. and Northw. N.. Minpls. 59,740 C. & C. N.,Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N.. Minpls.; Batavian N.. La C 19,230 Secur. State, Paynesville; N. Ex„ St. P. 230 FIRST AND OLDEST ESTABLISHED ) Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time It ems given promp t, perso nal atte ntlon. Lpialn sight draf ts, 15c; Credit R eports, 35c. St. Cloud Guaranty Trust Co. H. W. Riley_____ C. F. Ladner........... J. A. Henry. R. A. Himsl. W. S. Weber Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. & A. Tr. St. Cloud State Bank D. J. Fouquette—. J. E. Parent.......... Irene Wilson____ $155-7% 75-27 dB®t§’17 ZAPP STATE BANK 11,000 l Send us your It ems direct. Uneq ualled Facilities f or making coUec tlons. A. M. Gould 75- 65,140 49,500 41.680 1.050,420 ING ) SEND US YOU R ITEMS DIREC T FOR PROMPT PERSONAL AT TENTI ON. LPlafn sight dr a its, ISc; Credit Reports, 25c 75-326®t|’95 $200-12% $175 Vice-President. 7 O. K. Dahle_____ 6. E. Hallan FIRST STATE BANK Peoples State Bank..©•{§’; 76-1488 $150 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.)> Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MINNESOT A—Continued 25.000 fers satisfactory service lin all depa rtment s. [ness to us. et service «n Coll ectlons and Credi t Reports by send CE: Plain sight drafts, 15cf Crad it Reports, 25c. TRY US 340 25.000 4,990 2,450 525.000 1st N., Minpls. 38,160 Northfleld N.. Northfleld: 1st N., St. P. Am. N„ St. P.: Northw. N., Minpls. 74,940 1st N., Minpls. 19,460 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. 200,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and Minpls ; 1st N. and Am. N., St. P. 500 570 181,140 159,030 10,650 23,210 158,400 3,895,870 2,470,480 893,920 86,290 6,520 48,680 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.; Am. N., St. P. 8,o30 19,770 Chase. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls. 753,580 N. Park. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'I N.. Chi. Northw. N. and 1st N.. Minpls.; 1st N„ St. P. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 756 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, MINNESOTA—Continued Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew {State tPriv. eCounty Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Eetab. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.9 Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.?LastSaIe%Div. President. Vice-President. CASHIER. Abs’t Cashier. 25.000 5.890 $ 116,990 25.000 7,130 364,150 'Hi 25,000 5,350 368,170 Stewart............ 540 Farmers* Merch. State Bank E. N. Schmitz......... E. M. Hanson____ P. L. Schmitz......... par 100 75-546 dB©tll900 McLeod Oil F. O. Wangerin.__ Stewart State Bank—®t$’07 Margaret L. Rehse L. S. Richards — A. G. Rehse— W. N. Cayott 20% par 100 7 5-547 25.000 12,500 25.000 12,100 18,160 601,510 Steen________250 State Bank of Steen...®tl’08 S. Londergan_____ I. C. Edmonds___ A. H. Steil—— L. H. Bock 75-944 Rock R4 Odin T. Olsen....... E. J. Johnson. Thomas Olsen. Stephen_____ 581 FARMERS STATE BANK *150-10% 75-460 ©»tl’01 Marshall C2 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 75-465 ®»t'88 rH. I. TETTER— J. J. SINCLAIR — JAMES NELS0N- St. Francis.__513 Anoka M16 St. Hilaire___ 346 Pennington E4 *Stlil water ...7735 Washington N18 ®T«tl900 (Plain sight draf ts, 15c, Credit Re ports, 25c. FAR. & MERCH. STATE BANK d®»tl'09 FIRST NATIONAL BANK *210-12% 75-41 TOBIAS H06ENS0N — 50.000 mmBRIDGE. TEMS TIME I H AND T TRY VI. ) COLLECTION S , BILL OF LADI NG DRAFTfLCA First State Bank ...d®«il'06 J. J. Ponsford. 76-417 Saint Francis State Bank F. E. Vrooman___ 6% 75-1070 d®»tl’12 K. O. Gigstad------Farmers State Bank *170 75-1229 dB®t5’15 J. W. Black---------Merchants State Bank 16% 75-945 dB®»«’03 R. G. Staples_____ Cosmopolitan State Bank *125-4% 75-44 ®t5’19 75-43 J. FORREST Y $ 114,150 % 240 $ 21,460 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Ex., Marcus, la. 154,410 174,110 24,720 43,030 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 179,140 167,790 23,340 53,250 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., St. P„ Duluth, and Minpls. 259,680 168.890 66,900 8,810 290,000 260.000 25.000 11,000 286,840 320,930 13,500 25,000 24,600 REMIT TED FO R OND AY OF PAYME NT. . J. Dixon_____ H. N. Lenton____ Lester Stiles_____ 20,000 8,230 325,430 270,950 30,480 14,100 C. A. Carlisle_____ O. A. Olin................ E. N. Olin................. 10,000 2,910 115,590 81,580 21,160 16,310 J. S. Roy_____ 12,000 4,000 110,000 75,000 20,000 A. F. Hall................. Paul Roy--------------- Principal Correspondents. 12,030 Send us your C ollections, Bill of Lading Drafts, C ash and Time} Ite ms for prompt attenti TRY U 8. (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain eight d rafts, 25c; Cradi t Reports, 25c. FIRST NATIONAL BANK A 75-416 Jake Wissink. 1 jC. E. FAWCETT— E. F. WAGNER—. Stewartville_..941 Olmsted Q19 Resources. Bonda (Use a liMiscel onuKss,Dn and Securities laneous run Bun Loan a Other Depos L Paid-up Surplus and iabili and its Capital Profits Dieeounte ties 52,580 1st N. and Northw. N„ Minpls. 31,000 Cont. & Com’! N„ Chi.; 1st N. and Mid land N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; 1st hi., St. P. 73,000 Cont. & Oom’l N.,Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N, Rochester. 38,130 Stk.Yds. N., Chi.; 1st N., St. P. and Minpls.; Dn. N., Rochester. 9,440 State Bk. of Anoka, Anoka; Northw. N„ Minpls. T. M. Thronson— E. O. Burkee____ Fred Biskey_____ 10,000 3,000 190,210 78,790 76,720 J. F. Loeber______ A. G. McCormick.. G. O. Welshons— 50,000 15.000 470,000 309,000 144,000 G. E. MUNKLE- - - - - A. J. NULVEY- - - - - - - - W. C. KROG_ _ _ _ _ _ G. E. NELSON- - - - - - - - 75,000 31,170 1,167,480 689.890 416,840 200,000 286,130 3,243,290 188,640 86.620 20,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 15,850 31,850 1st N.. Minpls. and Thief River Falls. 50,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Corn’! N.. Chi.; Northw. N.. Minpls.; 1st N.. Stillwater. 35,360 131,560 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.: Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P. { Send us your it ems direct for pr ompt attention. Remitted for on day of payment Fee in advance: Plain sight draf ts, 15c; Credit Re parts, 25c. W. L. FRINGE- - - - A. J. LEHMICKE...... H. C. ROBERTSON- F.E HOLCOMBE — R. 0. MACDONALD J. D. BRONSON, , 2,060,680 1,331,730 88,500 437,150 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Oom’l N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch. N. and 1st N., St. P. 91.570 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls.; N. Citiz.. Mankato. 122,030 1st N., St. P.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Ch. of Bd. Send us direct your B-L drafts, collections and « ash Items. ®T»t’«5 .We will give yo u prompt and effi clent service. »8t. James ...2673 Citizens*Security National J. C. Jensen______ Z. I. Manwaring... Thomas Offerdal.. V. A. Malmrose... Marion Clark Bank.... 75-211 *t'02 Watonwan Q10 Farmers * Merch’tsState Bk. C. A. Torkelson.. J. B. Erickson .— J. E. Hegstrom.... W. C. Wagner....... io% 75-1427 ®t§’18 (Closed November 26 . 1926) First National Bank____ 80,000 35,380 609.200 486,050 143,740 89.840 40.000 17.580 625,820 396,430 105,680 59,263 J. Stock__________ M. E. Rennie-------- 25,000 12.500 700.000 600,000 47,000 8.780 43,590 Gont.&Gom'IN.. Chi.; IstN., Minpls.; Far. 20,360 1st N.. Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P. St. Joseph___ 717 First State Bank------ ®il’04 J.C. Crever 15% 75-946 Stearns L12 Martin Loso___ Co.; Minpls.: N. Citiz.. Mankato. 75,000 1st N.. Chi., Minpls. and St. P.; Am. N.. St Cloud. John Lanners ___ L. P. Funke-------- S. C. Funke______ F. G. Roske 10,000 11,510 194,560 161.700 2,000 Val. Haehn----------- B. J. Mondloch.__ R. A. Kuhl............. R. M. Herges_____ 10,000 4,110 140,510 76,400 51,980 5,880 A. M. Berning.. 11,000 13.020 379.150 316,240 37,370 11,990 37.570 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. and Northw. N , W. A. Kulawski... 15.000 7,270 206,980 138,750 36,000 30,700 22,710 Cont. ft Oom'l N., Chi.: 1st N„ Winona; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. (Closed December 1, 1926) Storden............. 275 Farmers State Bank______ Cottonwood Q7 W. J. Clark---------- H. H. Peterson.__ S. Anderson-------- C. A. Larson______ First State Bank___d®J|’04 25.000 5,000 352,970 319,590 9,000 29,680 24,700 N. Citiz., Mankato; 1st N., Minpls. and St. Leo_______ 110 First State Bank--------- ti’13 H. J. Tillemans 75-1123 YellowMedicine 05 *175-10% St. Martin ___ 150 St. Martin State Bank par 100 75-1169 d®t§'14 (Roscoe P. O.) Stearns Lll S. J. Mealey______ W. J. Elliott______ R. A. Zachman. St. Michael....406 State Bk. of St. Michael *250 75-947 ®»ti’04 Wright M14 Stockton_____170 Farmers State Bank .®*tS’17 John Foell — *130 par 120 75-1343 Winona Q23 *120-6% par 100 75-948 H. Statzriem------- G. H. 8eltt----- 710 Emelia Fredericks MINNESOTA Map oei Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis m & Merch. N., Minneota. Minpls. Windom. First National Bank of Saint Paul SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Capital and Surplus $5,000,000 Send us your Twin City and Northwestern business; you’ll like First National Service LOUIS W. HILL, Chairman, Board of Directors EVERETT H. BAILEY, Chairman of Executive Com. CYRUS P. BROWN, President WILLIAM P. KENNEY - - Vice-Pres. EDWARD C. BROWN Asst. Vice-Pres. OTTO M. NELSON - - - Vice-Pres. CHARLES E. GALL - Asst. Cashier ROBERT E. CUSHMAN - - Vice-Pres. MILES J. CONWAY - Asst. Cashier ISAAC E. HANSEN - - - Vice-Pres. ARTHUR W. McNEE - Asst. Cashier MARTIN R. BROWN - - - Vice-Pres. HARRY A. DEZELL - Asst. Cashier AUGUSTUS H. KENNEDY - Vice-Pres. GUY E. DAILEY - Asst. Cashier EDWIN MOTT ------ Cashier GEORGE M. ROBBINS Asst. Cashier WALTER H. HONEBRINK, Asst. V.-Pres. ROBERT C. LILLIBRIDGE - - Auditor Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Dsjj aoiffo Puv HUVQ xof pwpunis S3AIS3HQV M saaoiNvS ^ s ? S1 ^ s " a ^ O' ^ & ^ ^n » a « S 2. 1 * 8 I sr a '■*- ** h- E s. bo ^ ^0 h«J Sa ^ Investment Bankers AND BANKER INVESTORS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NTERCHANGE of service and information I between deposit bankers and investment bankers is the outstanding feature of Amer ican banking today* The Bankers Directory, with its complete list of American Banks and its authoritative list of the sort of investment banking houses which deposit bankers deal with and recom mend to their customers, is in constant use to facilitate this phase of banking. In this Directory you will find members of stock exchanges and outstanding investment houses listed with the banks of each city. Give your bank, your directors, and your customers the benefit of this service on all matters affecting securities, either as invest ments for your own portfolio, collateral on loans, or adjustments of customer holdings. '7C'7 ' J• Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPrii. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. L. H. ICKLER-OTTO BREMER. Vice-President. — C. H. F. SMITH___ H. B. HUMASON Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Other Paid-up Subplus Total and Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties Loans AND Discounts Resources. St. Paul Clearing House Assn. Members shown by’ MiscxlBonds Cua A ExAffiliated Bks by + unioui and OBxxam.Dux SiomuniE Rssouboeb non Baku Principal Correspondents. H. B. HUMASON.. P. A. F, SMITH, A. Cash, Eawremce VD0RAN Ch.o/Bd. G.J. JOHNSON F. J. GODE. Comptroller A. M. DUBORD $150-#% 22-7 ®»t'03 We cordially Invite Correspondence relative to the op enlng of accounts. Send cash Items and collections DIRECT TO US fi»r best results. (7th & Robert) Central Trust Co._______ (Closed,) + Cherokee State Bk. dBC^. — W. E. Burke......... F. L. Christians... R. M. Gesell............ M. Wittbecker___ $150-10% 22-58(607 S. Smith Ave.) Herman Resting G. E. Maier D. E. O’Connell ... M. C. Blanchett... J. S. Heffter............ E. Erickson. + Citizens State Bk. .dB®+ $180-10% par 100 2 2-67 A. O. Leuzinger (610 Selby Ave.) + Clty Bank__________ J.Kalscheuer.......... Adolf Bremer____ C. F. Katechener .. L. E. Kalscheuer.. 22-66 (967 W. 7th) COMMERCIAL - STATE BANK K (Ramsey, N 17) County Seat. Pop. 246,001 (Federal Reserve District No. 9) Liabilities. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK ST. PAUL—Reserve City ADOLF BREMER H. M. KALSCHEUER- E. G. BREMER............ OJTO BREMER, Ch. HENRYMCCOLL collections careruiiy maae ana proceeds promptly accounted for on moderate terms. $ 400.000 $ 326.080 $11722660 S 347.360 $ 5.358.660 $ 4.085.440 $ 88.430 $ 3.263.560 N. City and Harriman N., N. Y.; Cont. & Coin’I N., and Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi. \ 25,000 7,000 380,000 137,000 195,000 24,000 56,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Am. N. St. P. 25,000 19,800 234,060 97,790 133.920 11,000 36,150 N. City.N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N.and Am. N.. St. P. 25,000 17.520 476,310 395.860 51,670 14,920 56,830 N. City, N.Y.; Cont. k Com'l N., Chi.; Am. N. and Oom'l State, St. P. 50,000 187.520 2.646.370 75,000 49.880 1.348,480 — 1.654.750 852.650 81,130 295.340 N. City, and 1st N„ N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Am. N., and 1st N., St. P. 555,250 675.530 55,480 187,090 Han. N„ N. Y.: Cont. k Com’l N.. Chi.: 1st N. and 22-62 (6th and Washington) Cosmopolitan State Bank_____ (See Guardian State Bank) + Daytons Bluff State Bank P. O. Skoglund ___ G. H. Schoell____ H. O. Swanson____ R. C. Stoeckmann. 8% par 100 22-61 d®»t§'10 W.K, Miller, A. C. R. L. Lindeke (919 E. 7th St.) DROVERS STATE BANK OF SOUTH ST. PAUL ♦75-1041 d®«t§’12 (§:mcBER W. L. GREEN............. H. G. SWANSON -___ H. E. SLOAN-........... WARREN MILLER C. E. TEMPLE Ch. of Bd. F. E. WOODWARD M. V. CHOBAN (Federal Land Bk. Bldg.) 100,000 17,370 1,554.770 1,071,470 357,380 204,700 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Union Tr. Co., and 38,590 Stock Yds. N., Chi: 1st N.. Merch. N. and Am. N.. St. P.: 1st N.. Northw. N.. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Merch. N„ Ced. R. ) / We specialize in handling Stock Y ards business, V Personal attenti on and remittane e on day of payme nt. East Side State Bank—®»IJ’l9 L. E. Lilygren____ Thomas Gratzek.. A. W. Carlson------ I. N. Clernia.. .. $150-8% 22-81 (965 Arcade) + Far. & Merch. State Bk. J. E. Cable_______ W. C. Riedel John Entenmann, F. E. Morrisette.. $200-10% par 100 22-72 d®»t8’19 John Entenmann Jr. (E. 7th and E. Minnehaha) HWUEWe?.-. Merch. N., St. P. H. K. Jennings.__ B. F. Faast______ E. J. Van Leuven, A. R. Burr, Sec___ J. A. Rickert Tr. Howard Dykman, A. Sec. 25,000 9,000 25,000 2.000,000 425.000 225,000 130.000 854,940 60.000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Am. N. and Merch. N., St. P 44,000 134.240 43,470 177.000 . 8t. P. Federal Land Bank, Dist.7...* (See page 82 for com plete information) 22-89 ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK 22-1 (346 Jackson) C. P. BROWN------- WM. P. KENNEY... EDWIN MOTT-........ L. W. HILL. }. M. NELSON N. H. H0NEBRINK. Ch. of Bd. R.E. CUSHMAN A.V.P. E. H. BAILEY, 1. E. HANSEN E. C. BROWN,A.v.p Ch. of Executive M. R. BROWN R. C. ULLIBRID6E , Com. A. H. KENNEDY Auditor Oldest established bank In St. Paul. ®«t’5S Send us your St. Paul oollections. They will have our best care and attention C. E. GALL_____ M. J. CONWAY A. W. McNEE H. A. DEZELL G.E. DAILEY G. M. ROBBINS -1-Grand Avenue State Bank vt. n. rrince_____ K. u. Lilly................ R. J. Wilhelmi.__ H. W. Wallin par 100 22-91 dB®t§’23 (Grand Ave. and Victoria) ... 3.700.820 1.620.270 SEE or SPLAY A DVERTIS EMENT. 25,000 24,310 436.380 Guardian State Bank_.®»t§’l9 Albert L. Roth___ r. B. Calmenson... Joseph Beilis_____ T. N. Nelson_____ $150 22-80 (82 E. 4th) 40.000 16.000 + Liberty State Bank_d®*tS’17 T. K. Kelly_______ W. D. Stewart ___ 4. L. Ritt................ r. H. Magee............ 22-75 (1577 Selby) 25,000 9,460 Great Northern State Bank.... (Closed December 29 ST. PAUL Map opposite Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 990 390.110 16.464,050 1st N., J. P. Morgan & Co.. Chase N.. N. City. N. Bk. of Com., Bkrs. Tr. Co. and Han. N., N. I.; 1st N., Cont. & Com’l N., and Union Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st N.and N. Shawmut, Bo«-: IstN.. Phil, and St. I,.; Un. Tr. Co., Clev.: Morgan, Harjes& Co., Paris, France; Westminster Bk., Ltd., London, Eng. 152,200 252.710 10,430 71.240 Cant. & Corn’] N.. Chi.; Merch. N., St. P. 248.490 193.210 32,000 42,830 36,440 358,740 216,640 99.680 14,300 62.570 I 1926) Minpls. St. P. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence /JO •Mem. A.B.A."New §StatetPrii. (Mem. State B Ass’n. |Estab ♦Pel Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav. $Last Sale%Div. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Ass’T Cashier. \E. WEYERHAEU- R. W. LINDEKE-— H. B. TURNQUISTSER _ , „,„nnn C. H. CARPENBER 1. VON DER WEYER J- ®,FF°RD’ . F. H. DELANEY Ch. of Bd. | I. A. 0ACE Mgr■ Cr■ Dept■ R. F. STURLEY J. L. MITCHELL A. B. LATHR0P R. W. LINDEKE d®»t’72 (4th and Robert) Paid-up Capital Liabilities. Other Surplus Total and Deposits Liabili Promts ties loans and Dibgovmtb Resources. MibcklBONDS LANIOUB AND Cajx k Exoiiion,Dui SSOUBXTIXS RbROUBCBB from Ban* H R. FAIRCHILD- 2.000.000 2.322.250 $42 906 180 1.200,000 $13597 770 1 9.070.840 2.137,430 3,583.990 260,670 258,400 147.790 67,780 I. City. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: M< N.. St. P.; Midland N. Bk- & Tr. Co., Minpls. 233,230 275.110 8,550 55.110 I. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Merch. N. an N.. St. Paul. 61.620 763.100 224.870 Tr.Co.,N. Y.; 1st N., State Bk. of Chi., and Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.; 1st N.. St. L.: Mellon N., Pitt.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. A Cash. D. K. PATTERSON M.M. HAYDEN G. M. Brack, P. E. Thayer, 500,000 412.590 6.691.120 124.130 2.006.420 i111. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A Tr. J.B. Baird L, E. Dunn, A. Sec, M. B. Pal mer .Mgr. Mortgage Dept. W. J. Bergquist. V. P, and Tr. Off. N. P. Delander. A. Tr. W. E. Kunze, V. P. and Bd. Officer A. Tr. Off. (4th and Robert St.) 75,000 25.000 627,140 25,000 29.790 517.200 250.000 132.020 4,029.600 27.240 2.611.750 1.002.390 1,000,000 336,730 442,240 K. F. Dreher, E. P. Davis............... A. A. Greenman... A. J. Pearson, Northwestern Trust Co. Sec. and Tr. A See. and A. Tr. 22-54 1fdBT«t§'C Geo. P. Flannery, L. S. Headley. Sec. and Real Est ate Off, A.T. Stolpestad, A. V. P. and Tr. Off. Ch. of Bd. (344 Jacksom 120,000 828,510 50.150 L. D. Engberg_____ W. E. Olson .............. A. J. Newgren — + Payne Ave. State Bank C. F. Petterson 1150-81; par 100 22-64 d©»t§'] 3 1963 Payne) 1,632,270 116,260 1,069.770 2.000.340 3.530 264,710 489,510 110.600 270 72,350 36.240 17.360 H. H. Bigelow____ M. F. Ernst............ R. E. Witthaner... Leo A. Hitt________ A. L. Hitt (1961 University) + Mounds Hark State Rank George Earl_______ A. H. Gerber--------22-73 d®T»t§T F. M. Blomquist (281 Maria Ave.) 7.500 *125-6% par 100 'NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK n n 8HFP4RD G E J0HNS0N C T DEDON_ _ _ _ _ D. L. CARROLL_____ A. W. WARN and Com’l N.. Chi.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil. ;lst N. and Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N. Minpls. A LIVE AND GROWING INSTITUTION. IN ST. PAUL 22-10 Principal Correspondents. 948.710 $24 308 520 m.J-WAKR j. D. Armstrong, par 100 1180 par 100 St. Paul Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Bks. by + Accounts of Banks. Bankers, and others solicited. Collections a specialty and remitted on day of payment. C0M- PM (Federal Reserve District No. 9) R. C. LILLY-.............. G.H.PRINCE, 1260-12% par 100 22~3 + ME Cashier. Vice-President. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ST. PAUL—Continued Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. i-jcq LOCATED IN THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS DIST RICT. d®»*’2 (360 Robert) *130 137.370 I. City. N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Merch. ] and St. P. State, St.P. 16.060 Am.N.and Merch. N., St.P. 2 Oscar Lofroth......... J. A. Erickson, Jr._ J. A. Erickson, Jr.. R. A. Erickson___ 25,000 4,250 112.500 W. B. Beavens___ A. H. Pioske_______ 25 non 12,000 457,000 281,000 149,000 30,006 7,300 444.200 208.400 170.100 25,600 77.400 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Ex. State, So. St.Paul; Am N.,St. P. A. B. Anderson___ 30.00C 17.120 314.640 128,800 106.500 88.040 40.150 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Northw. N.,Minpls.; 1st N. and Twin Cities N., St. P. Lewis Swenson.— E. C. Turnquist... E. C. Turnquist— Harry L. Johnson. J. G. Thaung 100,000 53.580 1,345.440 518.470 749,620 31.100 210,830 Han. N., N. Y.; Northern Tr. Co. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch. N- St- P. J. H. Brogmus------- R. E. H. Gutknecht J. A. Wiblishausei 60,000 42,070 809.820 582,070 139.720 79,120 112.130 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.; N. Citiz., Mankato. 22-85 (1199 Payne Ave.) -t-Produce Exchange Bank 22-68 (519 Jackson) *150 81,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Chi.; Am. N., St.P. J. B. Redpath 5 H. J. Klossner___ A .T Hp.lpflt *195 __ N.. St. P. 22-84 (Rice and University)] *150-10% (Carter and Como) -fSaint Paul State Bank *160-10% par 100 22-55 Andrew Boss______ A. F. Evenson 6 d©»t§’ >5 1.730 (883 Payne) +SECURITY STATE BANK . T. J. McGrath „„ Hugo Schroecken stein 12% par 100 22-63 dB©»J5’. 3 D. F. Lane, Ch. of Bd John Fischer (478 So. Robert St.) n ext page) Digitized MINNESOTA for FRASER Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,150 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 7CQ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ‘ °r Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B.A. nIsew §State fPriy. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Vice President. President. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Cashier. d-Sa fe De p. ®Sav. $Las t Sale% Div. (Federal Reserve District No. •) Liabilities. Ass’t Cashier. Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Liabili Capital Profits Deposits ties -f Snelling State Bank.d®«tM0 H. H. Bigelow....... M. P. Ernst .... *200-8% par 100 22-60 R. P. Galloway (1587 University) E. N. Leaf.............. H. G. Hettwer ___ $ STATE SAVINGS BANKi Prank Schlick ___ W. J. Dean. Louis Betz. Tr,.... J. C. Engen, A.Tr._ J. A. Holmen, A. Tr. 4% 22-51 (93 B. 4th) P. J. Ottis Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ST. PAUL—Continued 100.000 I 62.030 $ 1,676.320 $ 661,170 9,043,190 350.000 101,110 5,186,000 200.000 42,200 25.000 8.060 4,0 Resources. MisculBonds Loans LAN10U8 and Discounts Sboubitix>s Rfaouacis and $1,084,540 $ 471.090 $ Principal Correspondents. Cam k KxohavqbE'Dui from Baku 74.850 $ 212,850 N.Bk.Com.,N.Y.: Oont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; 1st N..8t.P.; Northw. N„ Minpls. Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. and Merch. N., St. P. 5,536,200 3,607.270 164,490 396,410 75,400 2,900,400 1,700,000 50,000 1,062,000 900,000 180,500 535.000 520.000 77,700 506,420 1,230 228.950 216,190 17,120 t fALEX. HIGHLAND— J. S. BANGS. . . . . . . . J. C. KOHL_ _ _ _ _ _ O.W. RATNUMF. A. BBIRCH A. A. BIBUS w.I$SAWTELL ) Direct your Sto ck Yaards busines s to the Stock Ya rds National Ban k. k Pioneer Lives to ck Bank of tbe N orthwest. *200-10% 76-939 CD-i’97 (Exchange Bldg.) STOCK YARDS NATIONAL BANK N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N.. Drov. N„ and Stock Yards N., Chi.; 1st N. and Northw. N.. Minpls.; Merch. N. and 1st N-. St. P. (P. O. South St. Paul) +Twin Cities National Bank L. C. Simons____ M. W. Waldorf.... F. R. Ward______ M. V. Mullen. 4% 22-57 d®T«’08 A. J. Reeves P. J. Picha (2388 University) +WESTERN STATE BANK M. P. Ernst ........... E. N. Leaf............. A. J.Krumpelmann S. J. Brooks 22-66 ®*t§'16 H. H. Bigelow. (639 University) Ch. of Bd. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N.. St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 190,000 Am. 78,450 Harriman N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Merch N„ St.P. St. Paul Clearing House_____ . H. Bailey_____ J. R. Mitchell___ O.M. Nelson. Mgr. W. J. Regan, Exa miner (Members indicated by a * Af filiated Bks. by +) Name of Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS Banker, •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. HMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Year Estab lished, AMERICAN BOND & MORTGAGE CO. Officers. First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds. (626 Merch. N Bk. Bldg.) H. M. BYLLESBY & GO. (Pioneer Bldg.) Correspondents and Bank Depositories Name of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. JMem. State Bks. Assn. IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Year Estab-I lished. Correspondents and Bank Depositories Officers. American Bond & Mortgage Co., Lane, Piper & Jaffray, Inc___ _____1 Chi. and N. Y. (129 E. Fourth St.) E. C. WILLIAMS, Mgr................................................ H. M. Byllesby & Co.. Chicago. New Underwriters, Wholesalers and Re York. Boston, Philadelphia. Provi tailers of Investment Securities dence. Detroit, Minneapolis and —Specialists in Public Utilities. Kansas City. THE MINNESOTA LOAN AND TRUST BONDS AND MORTGAGES____________ The Minnesota Loan & Trust ComRepresentative pany, Minpls. COMPANY , s BURNS ALLEN,(Capital Bank Bldg.) NATIONAL CITY COMPANY....... __'20 (Investment Bankers) . N. City Co., N. Y. and Correspond ent offices. (420 Merch. N. Bk. Bldg.) Drake-Jones Co.___________ (Merch. N. Bldg?)*"" f ''S. E. Byrne. Resident Mgr._________________ Paine, Webber & Co., Boston, N. Y., GUARANTY COMPANY OF NEW YORK G. James Caldwell. Representative (815 Merch. N. Bk Bldg" Investment Securities HALSEY, STUART & CO................. 01 INCORPORATED (336 Roberts St.) PAINE, WEBBER & CO__________ ’80 Guaranty Co. of N. Y., N. Y. (201 Pioneer Bldg.) Government, Municipal, Railroad and Corporation Securities. S. H. Henderson. Representative (INVESTMENT BONDS) Halsey. Stuart & Co., N.Y.,Chi..Phil., Bos., St. L., Det., Mi]., Clev. and Telephone: Cedar 2700 Minpl’s. WELLS-DICKEY COMPANY tT78 Kalman & Company_______________ f MINNBSOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis f (W. A. Williams. A. V.P................................ Wells-Dickey Oo., Minpls. JI jDealers in Government, Municipal, and Corporation Bonds. UBranch of Minneapolis, Minn.) (144 Endicott Bldg.) Kerfoot & Co.. Paul S................. (336 Robert St.) Chi., and other cities. Members Boston, New York, Chicago, Detroit and Hartford Stock Exchanges. New York Cotton Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade. Wood & Co.. Harold E......................... f (336 Robert St.) Railroad 760 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town AMD COUNTT. *Oounty Seats. Entire State in No. 9Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem. A. B. A. {State tPrlt :Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSaie%Div. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Vice- President. Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Miscel Cabs h BxOther DEPOS Paid-up Subplus and and OSANH,I>n and Liabili Discounts ITS Capital Pbofits SeeuritisB laneous noH Basks ties Ass'T Cashier. »St. Peter____4535 FIRST NATIONAL BARK GLARED. MOLL.— C. T. OLSEN_ _ _ _ _ $ 50.000 $ 58.670 $ 896,520 S rc. A. BENSON...... GEO RINKEL Nicollet P13 1150-8% par 100 75 133 d®Tt'57 < Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time It enis given promp t attent ion. ( Fee In Advance: Plain Sight Draf ts, 15c; Credit Re ports, 25c. Try u s. •• _____ “ NICOLLET COUNTY BANK H. L. Stark _____ 75-134 ®«’ 83 Strandquist_._l.aO State Bank of Strandquist, Marshall C4 $120 par 100 75-1558 t§’25 50,900 E. H. Lind berg Sivald Oas_______ H. C. Filler J. W. Schleuder F. R. Ward______ N. O. Folland____ H. C. Johnson 69.520 1.687.750 16,800 $ 316,070 $ 520.710 $ Principal Correspondents. 48,690 J 136,510 Chase N., N. Y,; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N. and Merch. N., St. P.: 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. 8,190 878,710 653,310 80,840 10,000 13.000 48,000 5,000 202.600 Chase N„ N.Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and Mankato; Northw. N.. Minpls.; Merch. N„ St. P. 6.000 Twin Cities N., St. P. 10.000 2,000 50.000 S. J. Legatt.. . St. Stephen State Bank.i§’20 D. I. Bouck_______ (Rici P. 0.) 75-1531 Stearns K12 Sturgeon Lake.275 Sturgeon Lake State Bank Edward Olson------ Vera Olson__ . Pine J18 lioo 75-1205 d®t§’15 10,000 3,900 114,960 84,470 25.910 3.580 14.940 1st N., Minpls. 10,000 2,000 77,760 48,940 13.170 9,010 18.630 1st N., St. P.; City N., Duluth. Snnhtirg 100 Farmers State Rank d®tl'10 P. A. Gandrud .— Kandiyohi M8 75-950 16.000 5,010 186.410 146,000 17.740 24.650 19,040 1st N.and Midland N.Bk.& Tr.Co.,Minpls.. Kandiyohi Co., Willmar. Svea ... _ _ £5 State Bank of 8vea___<11|’10 Edwin Selvig------Kandiyohi N9 *135 8% par 100 75-951 10.000 10,000 122,000 99,000 5,000 18,000 20.000 1st N., Minpls.; fik. of Willmar, Willmar Stock Yds. N., So, St. P. First National Bank_d®»t’16 John J. Reichert — J. J. McRae______ O. H. Hitzemann.. John J. McRae, Jr. 10% par 100 75-653 25.000 8,330 326,970 255,540 67,920 23,110 33,740 Han. N.. N.Y.: Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch N., St. P. Harry Lee________ Raymond A. Lee.. H. J. Koester____ Huldah C. Muske.. 15.000 3,000 180,000 135,000 17.000 10,000 4.000 95.000 85.000 10.000 9.990 1 121,750 6,480 112,370 22,880 Chase N., N. Y.; Minn. N., Duluth; 1st N., Coleraine. Tamarack____200 First State Bank_____®tl'13 C. H. Gustafson ... H. J. Friestad____ J. P. Brenner_____ M. A. Messner___ Aitkin 116 io% 75-1096 10,000 4.500 70,500 65,000 5,000 15,000 Cont. & Com ! N., Chi.: Met. N.. Minpls.; 1st N„ Aitkin; Am. Ex. N„ Duluth. Taunton........... 200 P. P. Ahern . Lyon 05 *270-10% 75-958 d®*t*'05 par 100 Taylors Falls. .570 SUnnard State Bank_®»t|'09 LukeS tan nard------ M. J. O'Reilly-----Chisago L18 *300-20% 75-954 Jessie Jensen------ 10,000 37,640 207,750 200,400 8,300 25,450 31,220 Ill.Merch.,Chi.; 1st N.and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. Evert L. Moberg.. 10,000 13,000 228,000 161,000 42.000 13,000 35,000 1st N.. St. P.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls. 10,000 6,020 89,510 84,740 6,150 5,030 10,000 3,100 65,000 27,000 27.000 10.000 L. R. Sheahan____ 10,000 10,000 250,000 175,000 60,000 ‘Thief River Falls First National Bank J. W. Black ............ T. M. Thronson... F. L. McCullough.. G. W. Werstlein.. Bennington D4.4685 7a-144 d®«t'01 Kasmus Oen. V. P. E. M. Bennes Verner Nelson 50,000 20.190 723,310 278,820 434,230 95,460 70,460 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’I N.. Chi.: 1st N.. Minpls., Duluth, and St. P. First & Peoples State Rank F. P. Sheldon____ h7s. Dahlen $iBo-8% 75-143 d®t*’17 Tlntah. _ 24U (Closed November 13, 1926) Traverse K4 Tower 7Dfi FIRST STATE BANK ®4§'95 St. Louis E20 *150- 6% par 1»0 75-958 J. E. Barzen______ 50,000 10,000 493.020 231.770 190,950 63.990 66,300 Am. Ex. Irv- Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch. N„ St. P. J. O. Mike— 25,000 10,000 395,450 154,200 184,870 9,860 Tracr 246? Farmers & Merchants State W. D. James..___ E. W. Hughes------ Oscar L. Johnson Lyon P6 Bank.... 75-220.. d®*t*'05 J. E. Richardson C. C. Cook C. G. Porter 50,000 19,590 412,850 353,240 12,670 46.600 81,520 Chase N..N. Y.: Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi., 1st N.. Minpls.; 1st N.and Am. Ex. N„ Duluth. 69,920 Cont. & Com'l N, Chi.: Northw. N. Minpls.; 1st N., Mankato. 50,000 25.000 1,000,670 687,000 133,000 47,000 Morrison K10 First State Bank........®t§’07 *150-10% 75-552 Aitkin H14 fm S. \Tcf4pe First State Bank----------tS’20 75-1516 Tabor „ ___ 103 PolkD2 46.000 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.: Bk. of Long Prairie. Long Prairie. 22.000 1st N.. Foley and St. P.; Minn. N., Duluth, N. Bk. of Aitkin, Aitkin. (Closed July 16, 19 27 Taconlte .621 First State Bank ___dB®tS 21 Itasca G15 *ho-io% 75-1540 Alexander King.. W Hoh*rt Tenney 200 State Bank of Tenney dt§'04 Wilkin K3 *150-10% 75-955 Tenstrlke_____ 235 Beltrami County State Bank Beltrami FSL0 75-956 »’08 R. H. Schumaker.. Thellman___100 Theilman State Bank __ dti'll Wabasha P21 i *200 par 100 75-1018 .. 20,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 75-218 MINNESOTA Mao oo Indax Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ®»t’B2 E. HERZOG........ — 6. E. STABI - - R. M. ALGYEI------- mm" 10,000 85.460 9,610 Northw. N„ Minpls. 12,000 1st N.. Minpls.; 1st N„ Bemidji. 25,000 1st N., Wabasha and Minpls. 197,000 1st N.. Chi.. St. P., and Minpls. - Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 761 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ‘County Seats. Entire State in •Mem.A.B.A.nNew JStatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice-President. President, Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Rond, Other : Loans Oarh ft ExMiscel chahrw Paid-up Surplus Depos L and .Dc* and and iabili its Capital Propits Disoounta S«ouritUs laneous from Ban ties F. S. Schwalen ___ James Meehan — Arthur J. Peterson A. E. Anderson___ $ Triumph.__ _ 313 Triumph State Bank Martin Q10 1200-30% 75-959 dBStl’Ol 20,000 $ Isaac Hazlett____ F. B. Coon________ O. A. Swanstrom.. Trommald State Bank $130-10% 75-1396 d®tS’17 10.000 H. Carstensen____ H. J. Arp_________ B. J. Shannon____ Trosky_______177 |i Pipestone Q4 75-960 Truman.____ 752; Peoples State Bank....<516 J. E. Stockman.— August Ebert_____ B. J. Dallman____ E. G. Breuning—. W. G. Arndt Martin Qll $260-12% __ 75-1286^ Grow Wing 113 A. L. Ward _____ 7^—533 Twin Lakes___125 Twin Lakes State Bank Freeborn RIG $156-7% 75-1049 (sXI’12 $150-12% L. J. Paulson. __ H. L. Peterson. 10.890 $ 252,270 $ 2,500 37,500 15.000 5,000 140,000 20.000 30.000 335.000 50,000 12.670 355.600 10,000 5,500 149.750 9.500 9.000 30.000 16.000 Principal Correspondents. 24,830 J 35.810 Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; N. 14,500 10.000 1st N., Minpls. and Ironton. Bk. Com., and 1st N.. Mankato; Northw. N., Minpls. 15.000 Live Stock N.. Sionx C.; 1st N.. Minpls. 136.000 9.800 297.000 40.000 8.000 40.000 Ill. Merch. Tr. Oo.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; 285.040 78.500 23.830 60.900 Seab. N.. N.Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; Northw. 109,380 13,050 N. Citiz.. Mankato. N.. Minpls.; Merch. N„ St. P. 29.480 1st N., Minpls.; Freeborn Oo. State. Albert Lea. par 100 Twin Valley ...676 Oitizens State Bank.ddXI’08 M. E. Dahl—........ O. H. Klemetsrud. P. N. Draxten......... Norman Q4 10% 76-607 C. E. Peterson....... B. L. Howard____ C. M. Johnson____ First National Bank— <’02 A. L. Hanson A. J. Sethney 6% 75-606 fR.M. SELLWOOD— R. L. BURNS---------- GEO. W. MUHF0RB-. P. A. ESSEN 10,000 15,000 200 000 25.000 11.370 364.010 W. G. Peterson.... I. C. Larsen . First National Bank in John A. Barton.__ Two Harbors_____ d®<’02 $225-20% par 100 75-129 Tyler.............. .858 Citizens State Bank..®»tl’17 5% par 100 75-1387 Lincoln P4 H. P. Sondergaard. M. Lauritsen______ $150 75-1132 d®<§'14 First National Bank.__©{'02 M. Glemmestad... H. W. Rasmussen . A. Kolstad________ $250-15% 75-471 25,000 135.000 40.000 10.000 35,000 1st N., St. P. and Minpls. 139,550 190,800 24,920 70,110 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Met. N.. Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 25.000 37.230 *Two Harbors 4546 COMMERCIAL STATE BARK i Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items given prom ptalten tlon. $200-12% 75-128 ©<l’89 (FEE IN AD VAN CE: Plain tight drafts, 15c; Cre dit Report!. SS5c. Lake H22 TRY US. 50,000 25.020 806.630 15,000 5.100 242,900 40,000 21,300 385,000 25,000 53.550 204.070 582,430 720,240 25,000 25,000 85.940 N. Park. N. Y.; City N. and Am. Ex. N., 340.470 14,170 396.210 391,910 18.200 75.330 N. City, N. Y.; 1stN., Duluthand Minpls. 156,560 32,850 19,110 54,470 Chase N., N. Y.; C. & C. N.. Chi.; Northw. 385,000 30,000 27,000 29,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Ill. Merch.Tr. Co.. Chi.; 566.380 110.980 57.480 Duluth; Merch. N.. St.P. N.. Minpls.; 1st N., Mankato. 1st N.. Minpls.; N. Citir., Mankato. 88.950 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. P.; Mid land N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. G. F. Peterson___ 10.000 2.000 83,280 35,300 35.430 5,440 H. M. Gronner___ E. S. Evenson____ 12,000 4.060 218.060 153.400 39.550 16.840 24.320 Am. State. Fereus Falls; 1st N., Duluth, 10,000 30,190 512,070 218,090 251,720 12,500 69 950 1st N., Fergus Falls and Minpls. 15,000 4.760 168,560 — 117,690 10,000 2,170 10,000 F. E. Salomonsen 8% 75-961 Upsala._____._316 Farmers State Bank..®tS'14 J. W. Falk________ J. S. Borgstrom__ A. M. Borgstrom.. C. W. Johnson.... $135-7% par 120 75-1135 Morrison Kll Urbank............. 116 Urbank Farmers State Bank M. P. Lodermeier. Daniel Stang _ __ $100 75-1450 ®tl'19 Otter Tail J7 (Parker! Prairit . P.O.) Utlea.... ............189 First State Bank....d®<|'07 T, J Hnlt H. B. Clawson........ W. J. Midler_____ • $150-8% par 100 75-962 Winona Q22 Verdi________ 259 State Bank of Verdi_d®t§’08 C. P. Earhart........ O. F. Rathert____ $125 par 100 75-963 Lincoln P3 Farmers State Bank .®<!'05 C. A. Peterson___ Phil Eichmiller... Otter Tail 16 75-964 19,110 1st N., Minpls. Northw. N.. Minpls. 34,350 3,700 47.080 37,430 7,500 7,370 7,620 164,470 120,350 23,280 13.450 10,000 3.000 55,000 52,000 15,000 6.140 233.990 163,740 33.420 12.260 10,000 7.350 113,240 63,210 33,040 7,300 25,000 12,390 407,270 219.700 94.610 55,750 99,950 Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; A. B. Cotherman.. 15,000 5,140 141,070 90,170 6.640 26,590 37,800 Northw. N., Minpls.; N. Oltis., Mankato. State Bank of Testa ..®tl’04 W. H. Gold_______ D. L. Thomas_____ R.M. Jones______ 20,000 6,800 275,000 68,000 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. Yictoria State Bank____ d§'12 C H Klein J. A. Diethelm 10,000 16,180 246,080 10,000 8,500 10,000 3.650 a Vermillion....... 99 Vermillion State Bank®tl’18 75-1437 Dakota 018 Verndale _____ 571 First National Bank- ®<’82 75-965 Wadena 19 Vernon Center213 Blue Earth Q13 Vesta________ 384 Redwood 07 Victoria______206 Oarver NI4 Viking________236 Marshall D4 Vlllard_______ 308 Pope L8 2,610 $ 106.940 $ 118.190 $ Alice Carlson J. F. McKeown Ulen.................. 590 Security State Bank..®+§’25 75-1564 Olay G4 Underwood.__258 Farmers State Bank..dXtl’15 75-1268 Otter Tall J6 First State Bank____ ®t$’04 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Vernon Center State Bank 73-966 $185-20% 75-967 $225-10% 75-1032 75-968 L. E. Perkins_____ G. A. Anderson___ W. W. Griffith____ 6,950 Met. N.,Minpls. 25 000 Oont. A Com'l N., Chi.; Merch., Winona. 1st N.. Minpls. 4.000 E. W. Orr O. H. Taralseth___ R. B. Taralseth... I. M. Myrbo______ Albert Myrbo____ 12,000 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 45.710 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.: Fergus Falls N., Fergus Falls; Northern N., Duluth. 27.080 1st N„ Minpls., St. P., and Hastings. Merch. N.. Wadena. 160,000 41.000 31,000 115,100 121,050 8,550 100,040 81.170 6,770 20,480 10,120 State Bk. of Warren, Warren; 1st N.,St. P 120,000 100,000 5,120 12,250 Met. N., Minpls.; Am. State, Fergus Falls. 5,080 and St. P. 32,640 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. (Closed October 25, 1926) (Closed March 30, 1927) Vlnlng_______ 241 Lunds State Bank______ t§’08 A. T. Lund. Otter Tail J7 75-970 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N. H. Marschall.. B. H. Pettit d®{»’95 Farmers State Bank______ MINNESOTA Map on Index -r Tioinor, 32,580 Am. N.. Little Falls; Northw. N.. Minpls. .. O. A. Lund_______ C. A. T.nnd 762 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPrir. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Entire State in ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond No.Q Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued CASHIER. ASS’T CASHIER. Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Miscel Can* k ExOther D epos Paid-up Surplus and chaj»qm,Du« and and Liabili its Capital Propits Discounts Securities laneous teom Banks ties $ 665,390 $ 624,740 % Virginia........16,030 AMERICAN EX.NAT’L BANK D. B. McDonald._ G. A. Whitman.__ W. E. Martin_____ H. T. Lindahl____ $ 100,000 $ 135,570 J1454,650 St. Louis F1W D. \V. Stebbins par too 75—30 d®»t’M .. Principal Correspondents. 37,000 S 363,380 Chase N.. N. T.; 1st N„ Ohi.j Am. Ex. N.. Duluth: 1st N.. Minpls. 756,080 1,516,270 75,000 382,870 N. City. N.T.; C. & C. N..0hi.: Northw. N. and 1st N„ Minpls.; Merch. N„ St. P. 402,160 411,070 8,980 165,330 N. Park., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: City N„ Duluth; 1st N„ Minpls, 5,000 297,970 146,500 11,890 40.770 ChaseN., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.: IstN., 8t. P.; 1st N. and Merch. N„ Winona, 50,000 905.690 320,990 570 279,520 N. Park, N. Y.; Oont. A Com’l N„ Ohi.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 337,420 265,990 20,250 75,680 8,000 150,000 100,000 35.000 25,000 9,750 440,220 790 237,340 80,360 36,770 21.290 Northw. N. and 1st N„ Minpls.; Merch. N„ St. P. 25,006 8,290 399,840 23,900 131,100 260,890 28,640 34,410 1st N„ Minpls.; Stock Yds. N„ So. 8t. P. 50,000 25,530 523,880 50.000 271,650 216,100 5,880 155,860 Han. N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.; Northw. N„ Minpls,; Merch. N., St. P. Geo. E. Harris___ Glen Martin______ G. C. Clement 100,000 56,600 925,690 49,800 474,470 505,510 66,440 85,670 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.. St. P., and Minpis., Northern N., Duluth. ______ L. A. Peterson ___ 30,000 15.700 477.260 1.420 301,990 110,550 14.050 97,790 Chase N,, N. Y.: Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls. Waldorf.. .--150 Security State Bk._-<l®tl'07 iM. S. Fisch_______ W. F. F. Pofahl._. W. A. Pofahl____ F. W. Rohllk ___ Waseca QI5 75-974 10,000 5,170 284,310 158,670 77,490 18,040 45,280 1st N., Minpls. and Albert Lea; Am. N„ St. P. ‘Walker .... ..785 Farmers State Bank d®tS’17 J. H. Reed_______ Cass Gil 75-1347 10,000 1.650 55,000 34,350 23,200 25,000 8,340 260,640 120,220 137,560 First National Bank --©•t'93 75-29 < B. F. Britts A. E. Shipley_____ L. A. Peterson F. H. Castren 100,000 90,000 J. E. Takkinen W. F. Durkee 50.000 40,730 896,640 160 25,000 20,520 446.600 50.000 76,920 1.400,000 25,000 40,920 15,000 Merck. State Bank________ (Closed, March 30, 1 927) State Bank of Virginia J. E. Hanson_____ T. Albrecht______ 75-31 ©‘tl’ll H. W. Pribnow ‘Wabasha ___ 2249 $200-6% Wabasha P21 par 100 Jos. Welp.......... . 75 169 75 168 L. Schurhammer... H. J. Mars_______ P. N. Carrels_____ dB®t*Tl FIRST NATIONAL BANK C. C. Hirschy_____ W. B. Webb............ L, Whitmore ®»t'83 Citizens State Bank ..-•t§’03 $150 75-971 Redwood P8 H. H, Whitmore__ P. G. Klas Otto N. Franta.__ „ 41,420 1st N„ Chi., 8t. P„ and Minpls,: N. Citiz. Mankato; State, Springfield. . 1926) . Citizens State Bank..©i§T9 R. R. Wollam____ $165-8% 75-1464 Carver N14 .. .. •« •« Farmers State Bank d®tf’99 F. .T. Effort z 75-972 Chas. Maiser_____ F. W. Effertz_____ I. E. Schwichtenberg First National Bank...d©T9 $165-10% 75-1474 par 100 H. A. Stahlke____ C. H. Ortlip ‘Wadena ___2186 Asher Murray____ Fred H. Bigelow.. W. E. Parker.......... H. E. Parker_____ Wadena 18 M. F. Ehlen $150 Wadena.75-223.__®«'83 S. J. Dower, Ch. .. par 100 .. 205,750 2,334,470 $ .. 75-224 F. B. Coon . ... L. H Colson d©-t’93 F. E. Gores______ J. A. Otte Wadena County State Bank 12% 75-1383 ©t§ 17 Waite Park. 963 Stearns L12 (Liquidated June 3 0.1927) First National Bank___»I’08 E. I. P. Staede___ $150-12% par 100 75-975 minnbsota 28,000 IstN., St. P.; Midland N.Bk.&Tr..Minpls. Map oa index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. Magelssen_____ 17,200 7,000 1st N.,-Chi. and Minpls.; Am. N„ St. P. 13,290 40,100 Cont. & Com’lN„Chi,; Northw. N,.Minpls.: Minn. N.. Duluth. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence '7eq / UJ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Kes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-.Saf e Dep. ©Sav. $Last Sale% Div VICE-PRK8ITKNT. Cashier. Ass’T Cashier. Waltham_____180 Waltham State Bank..®t§’06 A. D. Schaefer___ Mower Q18 75-977 Wanamingo...350 Farmers State Bank d»tl’04 H. M. Halvorson.-. Goodhue P18 $150-10% 75-978 J. A. Stephan........ E. O. Heydt______ E. J. Markham N. J. Olness______ Martin Halvorson. Halbert Loken ___ O. T. Teigen Security State Bank.®«tl’18 N. O. Romness.__ $125 75-1425 State Bank of Wanda..«tl'02 Christ Leuther.... $275-20% 75-979 Farmers State Bank_________ (Consolidated with E. E. Sevareid, Act. C. D. Olson_______ O. E. Naeseth........ L. H. Vox land Mathias Eichten... Paul Doepke______ N. A. Leather____ fO.H.TARALSETH C.0.KNUTSON----- W. R. HALBR00K ) SEND US YOUR DIRECT; STATE BANK OF WARREN ) FOR PROMPT, PERSONAL ATT ENTION WSs 75-262 R. P. WARD- - - - • Waseca------- 3908 FARMERS NArL BANK Waseca 215 par 100 75-155 — ®W FIRST NATIONAL BANK $150-6% par 135 7^156 dB®t’0 SECURITY STATE BANK $135-6% parl0075-1250d ®*t| ’ 15 12,520 t 294,460 $ 36,330 $ 287,760 $ 10,000 11,000 194.000 50,000 22,500 875.000 40,000 8,820 10,000 20,180 10,000 5,000 75,000 25,000 6,100 35,000 50,000 15,310 666.850 585,080 5,320 190,310 4,650 $ 44,720 $ 31,-180 Cont. & Com’lN.,Chi.:lst N.and Northw. N., Minpls.: 1st N., Winona. 172,000 5.000 13,500 800.000 45,000 47,500 22,000 Austin N., Austin.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Min pis. 75,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls.;lst N. andMerch.N., St. P. 272,190 220,810 24,200 23,000 210,150 188,910 3,020 27.750 21,250 42,100 12,500 33,000 22,000 14.150 1st N., Duluth and G. Rap.; Northw. N.. Minpls. 11.100 Cont.&Com’lN.. Chi.; Northw. N.,Minpls. 57.910 25,080 64,800 Han. N., N.Y.; 1st N„ Chi., Minpls., and Duluth. 116,780 45,520 17,820 30,500 Met. N., Minpls.; Minn. N., Duluth. 713,450 709,340 78,590 136,720 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls. 710 \Wm~ e. H. BAILER----- E. J. PRIEBE___ H. M. JOHNSON WatervUle ___ 1211 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Le Sueur P15 $215 par 100 J5-297 d®*J’04 Security State Bank.®*41'08 $155-8% 75-298 Watkins______ 454 Farmers State Bank d®*tj’14 10% par 100 75-1179 Meeker Mil Watkins State Bank.d®tl’97 10% 75—982 Watson_____ _215 Farmers State Bank d©ti’18 Chippewa N6 par loo 75-1439 First State Bank—.d®t§’03 75_983 C.P. SOMMERSTAD E. 0. HERTER.— J. E. FARRELL- - - - - - Send us your W aseca items direct for prompt, personal attention Plain Sight I)ra ftslSc. Credit Reports 25c. f HENRY HABEIN-- CHAS. SPILLANE— HERMAN W. C. MANTHEY---- < Save time and g et service on ColI lections and Cr edit Reports by se 100,000 64.430 1,423.680 53.000 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N., Minpls ; Merch., Winona. 20,660 Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Minpls.; State, Springfield. 50,000 100,000 42,000 800,000 650,000 100,000 — 190.000 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. 50.000 15.000 597,130 409,080 163,420 34,880 54,740 N. City, N.Y.;Cont. & Com ! N.. Chi.; Met. N„ Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. ance. Plain Sight Drafts 15c, Cr edit Rep orts 25c. 20,000 7.430 Geo. E. Greene__ J. J. Worlein_____ A. E. Robson_____ F. A. Drews.. A. J. Koelzer O. W. Giotfelter.. E. S. Giles............... W. L. Warburton.. 25,000 29,890 725.270 25,000 16,000 288,000 S. J. Ley________ P. H. Weber______ N. H. Ley_______ R. H. Ley________ 15,000 10,080 O. H. Ehlers_____ F. T. Brigham____ E. Enderle_______ M. J. Kaufman__ 15,000 E. J. Stennes_____ P. A. Lyngen_____ A. Sjoberg_______ J. W. Canton____ S. K. Fosnes_____ Gunder Wik______ J. E. Oddan______ L. C. Oddan_____ Waubun___ _ 346 Farmers State Bank dB®t§'17 S.N. Schafer_____ Mahnomen G5 75-1367 Waubun State Bank_______ (Closed September 28, 1926) Waverly ___.418 Citizens State Bank.__ tl'07 Wright N13 10% 75-529 State Bank of Waverly..§’93 75-528 Wayzata______633 Wayzata 8tate Bank.®»t§'08 Hennepin N15 $160 75-984 Weaver--125 Weaver State Bank...®+§T6 Wabasha P22 75-1281 Webster______ 150 State Bank of Webster®t§’12 Rice 016 75-1072 15,000 First and OJdes Established Ban k. FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft f or presentation, a nd TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report lnsu res prompt, perso nal atte ntlon. Watertown ___ 534 First National Bank_______ (Merged with State Bank of Watertown ) Carver N13 State Bank of Watertown J. J. Ponsford.— O. A. Nelson.—.__ P. P. Lindholm___ Gladys E. Wiegand 75-981 d®»t*1900 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25,000 $ d®»«’92 (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight d rafts, 15c; Credit reports, 50c. TRY US Warroad........ 1211 Security State Bank...©}|’12 A. M. Landby_____ J.W. Jowett____ H. M. Heneman ... L. J. Heneman___ $170-6% 75-1054 Elmer Brandli Roseau B8 MINNESOTA Map on Index Principal Correspondents. Loana Bonda ■Jam k Ki Paid-up Surplus Depos Other Miscel OHABaM'DlIB and and AND Liabili Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous rmoM Baku ties Citizens State Bank, Roseau, Minn,) Warba State Bank _d®t§’14 F. P. 8heldon........ C. E. Aiken---------- C. C. Wilcox............ $175-10% 75-1117 Peoples State Bank ...©§’26 Theo. Albrecht.__ L. Lamberson........ Geo. C. Magoris___ J. P. Mattson 75-1570 par 100 Resources. Liabilities. President. Walnut Grove.663 Walnut Grove State Bank W. J. McDonald... F.W. Swoffer......... K. J. McDonald... M. A. Staudenbaur $ Redwood P7 $200-10% 75-574 d®*tl’98 O. B. Dahlgren Wanda. .209 Redwood P8 Wannaska_____ 50 Roseau C6 Warba at? Itasca G16 •Warren.......... 1772 Marshall D2 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA —Continued S. J. Schafer_____ A. W.Hoodecheck. 580,850 TRY US. 493,830 27,700 19,330 25,000 277,040 444,340 17.500 67. 00 Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.: Northw. N.. and Midland N. Bk. &Tr.Co.. Minpls.; 1st N.. St. P. 66,280 Northw. N„ Minpls. 27,370 213,000 96,000 11,720 35.000 N. Citiz., Mankato: 1st N.. Minpls. 415.450 200,220 189,250 13,320 10,120 272,080 208,900 36,510 17,710 15.000 6,470 122,940 99,540 37,740 Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.: Merch. N.. 8t. P ; Northw. N.,Minpls. 33,520 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Minpls. and St. P. 25.550 Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls. 30,000 14,070 244,820 10,000 2,960 1,150 18,160 168,810 41.000 15,340 143.500 108,680 14,790 12,830 31.350 1,340 65,080 1st N.. Chi. and St. P.; 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls. 20,160 Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.: 1st N. and Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. W. H. Boland_____ C. A. Baldwin_____ W. H. Boland_____ P. A. Cosgrove__ 10,000 5,700 175,210 110,270 H. E. Griswold .... J. F. Lauzer______ E. S. Bnrsack_____ 25,000 5,000 164,540 132,850 19,850 R. H. Fairfield____ P. W. Tibbetts___ A. 0. Frick______ W. A. Zastrow____ W. L. Dickey J. M. Whitlock.__ Geo. Staudacher... C. G. Knowles........ 10.000 6,000 256,160 200,360 50,650 8,890 27,710 Northw. N. and 1st N., Minpls. 12,000 4.720 92.450 67.270 18,000 5,350 18,550 Merch, Winona; 1st N.. Minpls. A. O. Leuzinger.__ J. F. Leuzinger.__ O. A. Docken.......... A. F. Grieger........ Richard Jacobson 20,000 6,000 270,000 215,000 21,000 20,000 15,450 3,190 77,440 Chase N.. N. Y.; Merch. N., St. P.: Northw. N.. Minpls. 10,510 1st N., Minpls. and St. P. 40,000 1st N„ St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number’given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 7 a. a /u ' Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.oNew § State tPriv. »County Seats. IMem. State B Ass’n. [Estab Entire State in d-SafeDep.®Sar.$LastSale%Div. No.9 Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond President. VICE-PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loam Bonda Other OiaAIiMiscel mur*v,Dvi Paid-up Surplus D epos and and and Liabili Capital Profits its Diaoounte Securities laneous noa Baku ties Wegdahl .175 Farmers State Bank ....t*'09 3. O. Tjosvold.--- A. N. Arne son____ N. O. Sletten_____ Ole M. Sletten ___ S Chippewa N6 *175-12% 75-985 20.000 J Welch________ 75 Farmers State Bk. dB®t*’15 Samuel Nelson.__ A. G. Swanson___ Qoodhne 019 *165-10% 75-1254 H. A. Warner 15.000 5,600 Welcome__ __ 612 Martin RIO R.Stahn 50.000 10,000 G. H. Mussmann .. W. O. Bicknase..-. E. W. Mussmann.. 20.000 5.200 175.000 Henry Bless______ C. B. Howard-........ M. E. Uggen............ 35.000 17,440 506,380 Wm. F. Rosenow.. M. E. Kalton_____ 25,000 6,440 205,530 C. S, Mobraaten... Hjalmar Larson— S. Skinnemon, Jr. E. A. Ellingson O. K. Rustand........ H. Oftelie................. I. O. Kaasa............. 50,000 8,590 221,150 12,000 2.400 135,390 A. L. Ward 75-986 d®Tt’#2 Welcome State Bank.®t*T4 Fred Stade. 5% 75-1099 Wells_______ 1894 Peoples State Bank d®*t§’24 Faribault Q14 *125-8% 75-1552 •• “ Security State Bank .©*t§’25 Theodore Aune___ 75-1562 Wendell 270 First National Bank ..®«t’02 E. Mobraaten_____ Grant K5 *157.50-6% 75-987 Wendell State Bank ®t§’!6 M. E. Bergerud___ par loo 75-1315 11,280 $ 243,260 $ 216,740 $ 226,130 422,190 $ 50,000 26,520 20,720 $ Principal correspondents. 16,090 $ 20,930 Cont. &Com’l N„ Chi.; Met, N., Minpls. 148,150 66,700 8,480 23,390 Secur. Bk. & Tr. Co., Red Wing; Minpls. Tr. Co., Minpls. 329,920 105,890 17,410 110,000 47,000 9,000 358,630 130,050 12,380 78,970 Cont. & Gom'l N. and Drov. N„ Chi.; 1st N., Minpls. 34,200 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Citiz., Man kato: Merch. N„ St. P. 57,760 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. and St. P.; Albert Lea State. Albert Lea. 101,340 86.000 20,000 199,080 49,860 33,060 113,550 10,140 12,650 30,630 1st N„ Chi. and Mankato; Northw. N.. Minpls.; Merch. N„ St. P. 24,260 N. City. N. I.: 1st N„ Minpls.; Am. N„ St. P. 13,440 1st State, Fergus Falls; Northw.N.,Minpls. Westbrook ....654 Citizens State Bank...®ti’02 J. E Villa______ H. W. Frvoth______ T. V. Peterson__ Christ Ewj Cottonwood Q7 *140-5% ♦ 75-545 .. H First National Bank.®*t’02 Paul Benson_____ J. E. Nelson_____ A. F. Meyer______ *135-5% 75-544 par 135 Westhiiry. ,,, ..160 Wnathurr State'17 J. E. Van8trom.__ J. L. Gunhus_____ *145 par 140 75-1362 Becker H5 Alice M. Roberts - 25.000 12,500 263,060 1,250 185,770 39,650 36,000 40,390 1st N„ Chi. and Minpls.: N. Bk. Com. and N. Citiz.. Mankato. Wm. Knntson____ Wm. A. Rupp LenoreGulbranson. 30.000 11,080 508,210 24,400 306,140 156,360 51,640 60,790 Cont.&Com’lN., Chi.; lstN..andNorthw, N., Minpls.; 1st N.. Mankato. 10.000 4,000 68,780 45,190 12,060 14,510 11,020 Northw. N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. West Concord.705 First National Bank—®*t’B2 6% 75-988 Dodge P18 50.000 15.500 620,000 472,800 145,000 W. E. Glarner West Mlnpi’s.SOBS (See Hopkins) Hennepin N16 Westport 125 (Taken over by Far mers ife Merchants S tate Bank, Sedan, M inn.) Pope L8 West St. Paul 2962 Henry Ehlers........ Jos. Gibis... ___ Edwin Ehlers........ Walter Bartsch... (St. Paul P. 0.) 75-1547 d®t§'23 Dakota N17 West Union ..169 West Onion State Bank.tS'll U. R. Halverson.. H. S. Halverson... J. H. Werre... *100-9% 75-1014 B. L. Servatius Todd K9 25,000 7,830 202,990 110.430 54,830 4.190 10.000 3,290 81,340 39,060 15,290 14,400 Whalan Id? Whalan State Bank -dB®tl'14 O. M. Habberstad— O. S. Knudsen____ A. I. Swenson . Fillmore Q22 75-1168 10.090 13,040 170,640 320 113,840 43,400 5,620 • Wbeaton___1837 First National Bank..®t’95 David Burton_____ F. H. Klawon_____ R. N. Ringdahl.__ Hattie Anderson.. Traverse K3 Wm. Ringdahl 75-295 25,000 7,860 324,700 25,000 103,270 121,330 46,960 26,550 25,000 jA. T. RUSTAD------ JACOB HEIDELBER- GORDON KRISTENSEN EBBA NELSON..........d®«t’89 ysend ns you R WHEATON IT EMS DIRECT Fo r Prompt, Person al Atten tion. TRY U S. 'fee in advan CE: Plain Sight Drafts 15c; Cred it Reports 25c. 573,100 7,000 316,420 138,260 24,320 44 44 NATL BANK OF WHEATON *250-15% par 100 .. _ .. White Bear Lake Ramsey M17 2022 .. .. State Bank of Wheaton *176-10% 75-294 d®t*’99 par 100 FIRST NAT’L BK. *200-8% par 100 75-1119 O. Rydell_______ C. G. Lea man_____ Madge Jenks.......... 66,490 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; N. Ex„ St. P. 25,880 1st N„ Minpls. 31,140 Stock Yds. N., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N.. St. P.; Scanlan Habberstad Bk. & Tr. Co., Lanesboro. 111,000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi. and Duluth; Met, N„ Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P. 152,650 N. Park. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. and Duluth. 25.000 10,000 248,380 199,890 10,430 8,370 64,680 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Merch. N.. St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 25.000 - - W. <1. KIDDER___ R. J. BLOOM ) Save time and g et service on Coil ections and Cred it Reports by sen ding 21,780 748,840 392,990 302.350 53,350 46,920 N.City. N.Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Ohi.: 1st N. and Am. N.. St. P.; 1st N., Minpls. 58,160 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls.; Am. N. and Merch. N.. St. P. 43,400 Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Cltis. State, Cannon Falls. f J. C. FULTON-— F. H. MURRAY........ F. J. REIF- dB®*t'13 LFEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain eight d rafts, 15c i Credit Reports, 25c. TR Y US. FIRST STATE BANK®***'03 H. A. Warner____ W. H. Jackson____ H. A. Warner, Jr.. F. .T. Tavlor .... 25,000 13,020 302,050 246,630 18,800 18,470 White Rock State Bank P. A. Peterson____ E. P. Erickson 75-1233 ®t*'15 G. B. Gustafson E. Erickson______ C. E. Swanson........ 10.000 3,340 141,480 78,300 25,190 7,920 10,000 8,130 83,540 82,740 200 6.750 12,000 Northw. N., Minpls.; N. Citiz., Mankato. Ethel E. Larson... 10,000 5,950 88,890 52,810 22.590 12,230 17,200 1st N., Minpls. and Baudette; Minn. N., Du luth. *200-8% White Rock___50 (CannonF’le P.O.) Goodhue 018 Wilder ............ fil Jackson Q8 Williams_____ 250 Lake of the Woods, B9 75-296 120 67.700 Cont. A Com’l N„ Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P. 75-989 Farmers State Bank. 3*1900 W. ,T. Clark Charles Malchow.. 75-990 First State Bank____d®t*’14 R. M. Skinner____ Albert Ohilgren___ *175-6% 75-1186 6% par 100 MINNESOTA Map on Index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 765 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County ^County Seats. Entire State in NoJ Fed. Res. Disk •Mem.A.B.A.WNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Prjbsidxnt, V ic*-Prmid*nt, rs. B. QVALE- — F. G. HANBY — EDWIN SELVI6 •WUJmar ___ 5892 BANK OF WILLMAR d®«’84 i FOB PROMPT, Kandiyohi M9 75-137 PERSONAL ATT i BILL OF LAD) NO DRAFTS, CA LSend 15c with sight drafts; 25c FIRST NATIONAL BANK -------- $190-8% 75-138 Liabilities. Resources. Loan a Bonda Caot A txMiscel C*ARQB8tI>D« Paid-up Surplus Depos Other and and AND L iabili Capital its Diacounta Securities laneous rsOH Barks Profits ties Ass’t Cashier. Cashixr, C. F. OLSON _______ H. E. SEASTEDT.......... $ 100,000 $ N. S. SWENSON, 39,230 $ 873,110 $ 67,560 $ 861,070 $ 25,350 $ Principal Correspondents. 86,670 $ 106,810 Am. Ex. Irv.Tr. Co..N. Y.; IstN., Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P. ENTION, SEND US YOUR COLLE CTION s, SH AND TIME ITEMS. for credit reports. 100,000 rC. W. ODELL--------- C. B. CARLSON--------- J. A. PETERSON_____ T. M. THORSON -— 26-560 1.113,300 _________ G. W. ODELL < “SEND US TO UR WILLMAR I TEMS DIRECT.” J Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time It ems Remitted Fo r on Da y of Pay ment. 1.15c with each C ollection. 757.090 177.800 141.100 163.870 Chase N„ N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; N.. Minpls.; Merch. N„ St. P. 1st (P.B.HONG------------ GEO. H. OTTERNESS- N. H.TALLAKSGN — A. E. NORDSTROM... A. STRUXNESS 1J-Fl MlaA7Bd. 988.690 392.330 120.440 111.770 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. A Oom’l N„ Chi.; 1st N.. St. P.; Northw. N., Mpls. 126.000 22.000 27,000 27,000 Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Minpls. ®»t’02 KANDIYOHI — Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acees.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued 100,000 53,750 1.459,470 ) First and oldest established state bank In Willmar and second oldest state b ank In Mlnnes ota. | FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to ns w ith each sight d raft for presents tion, a nd ®»tl'79 (TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report In sure* prompt, p ersonal attentl on. COUNTY BANK $200-15% 75-136 •» W. R. Brandt............ A. E. Nelson $110 75-1432 50,000 12,000 140.000 20,000 7,570 107,490 15,000 101,620 24,320 12,420 11,690 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Northw. Minpls.; 1st N., Mankato. 25,000 5,800 155,000 25,000 79.000 76.000 14,800 41.000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; State Bk. of Worthing ton, Worthington; Northw. N„ Minpls. Ida M. Swenson... 35.000 15,000 346,000 281,000 11,000 78,000 26,000 N. City. N.Y.: Am. N„ 8t. P.; N.Citiz., Mankato. ®Tti’24 Wllmont ?,7fi Farmers State Bank d©t§’12 J. Remackel______ J. Scholtes_____ par 100 75-1067 Nobies Q5 First National Bank. ©fl800 C. W. Becker______ 75-992 ‘Wlndom.__,2123 Cottonwood Q8 Farmers State Bk.- d®»t§’07 H. E. Hanson____ $132-5% par 100 75-247 L. Sogge___________ K. H. Kanne « •< First National Bank.®T»t’97 W. J. Clark_______ Carl Nelson. $400-18% 75-245 T. A. Perkins______ N. M. Nelson______ O. J. Nelson 75,000 .. » Windom National Bk.d®t’02 C, W. Gillam_____ M. L. Fisch________ John J. Rupp____ J. B. Benson______ M. C. Langley $225-10% par 100 75-248 35,000 . Winnebago.. 1641 BLUE EARTH VALLEY NAT’L A. L. Ward________ H. S. Muir________ E. F. Arndt________ F. H. Scholl.............. BANK-— 75-1092 ®ri3 Faribault Q12 10% M •• First NationalBank dB®»t'70 J. E. Rorman____ I. A. Babcock______ H. J. Grant... „ $200 par 100 75-268 J. W. Stevenson Winger.................219 Farmers State Bk.--d®tl'04 T. J. Haugen______ Edward Holm_____ O. B. Gjerdingen.. H. O. Hatleberg. H. J. Midthun $250-10% par 100 75-993 Polk F5 M •• N., 116,150 1,215,850 49,600 730,620 426,950 124,530 174,480 Chase N., N. Y.: C. & C. N.,Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. and St. P. 65,960 593,200 34,990 384,940 154,790 108,970 80,450 Han. N.. N. Y.; Ill.Merch. Tr. Co.,Ohi.; Northw. N„ Minpls.; Merch. N., 8t. P. 20,000 25.000 438,700 325,000 76,700 20.000 62.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N.. St. P. and Duluth. 25.000 5,880 371,440 25,000 174,440 128,430 29,570 94,890 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and St. P.; 1st N. and Midland N. Bk.& Tr. Co..Minpls. 50,000 26.110 307,610 12,500 281,180 26,000 48,130 40,900 Han. N., N. Y.; C. & C. N., Chi.; Merch. N.. St. P.; 1st N., Minpls. 333.960 7.806.480 245,790 (Clottd February 3 1927) »Wlnona___ 19,459 Deposit Bank & Trust Co. ____ (Merged with First National Bank) Winona Q23 H ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK $240 M M 7 5-16 ®«t’54 ♦FIRST TRUST & SAV. BANK $160-8% Frank Horton . OTi S'lS 3. M. Youmans, Ch, F. W. Reeve E. E. Shepard, 75-20 ♦MERCHANTS BANK $180-6% ♦ 75-19 “ »* JohnG. Lihfira.... Frank Horton . W. A.Mahl................ Theo. Heck. V. P. & Cash. H. L. Harrington C.M. Youmans, Ch. L. J. Luhman C. F. Witt E. E. Shepard, F. A. Lemme Tr. Off. A. V. Gardner dB®T»t§’75 Paul Baumgartner, F. W. Reeve. Tr. Sec. and Bd. Mgr. 300.000 50,000 2,995.600 3.395,850 144,250 92,910 36,750 100,600 137,660 4,121,940 12,300 2.260,830 574,070 26,000 134.200 2,085.580 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.: 1st N.. Minpls. and St. P.; Phil.-Girard N.. Phil.; Canadian Bk. of Com.. Winnipeg 43,230 132,590 1st N., Winona. V. P. & Tr. Off. 3. A. Steffen_______ J. R. Chappell_____ H. A. Tornow______ R. M. Tolleson. T. M. Brown, Emil Miller Mgr. Bd. Dept. Tr. Off. S. M. Tolleson___ 200.000 110,590 1,526,410 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.; Northw. N.. Minpls. Merchants Trust Company__ (Assets purchased b y Merchants Bank) ( Winona banks coni inued on next page) MINNESOTA Mop on lnd*x Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 766 Town and County. ^County Seats. Entire State in No. 9Fed.Res.Dist. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State tPriv. tMem. State B Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Dents :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. *Winona________ Winona (Continued) ‘WINONA NATIONAL BANK 75-21 President. F 1 KINfi Vice-President. Pfllll WATKIHS CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. III F MIFISSFR E.S. PARKER Finest Institutional Banking Home in America. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel Cash k ExSurplus Depos Other Paid-up and and AND chamois,Las Liabili its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous rbom Bayes ties PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. 1 1) Al 1FN $ 100,000 $ 84.610 $1904450 $ 15.250 $ 862.540 $ 521.300 $ 319.330 $ 401.140 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. P.; 1st N., Minpls. Best Attention to all Business. dB®T»t’16 ♦Winona Savings Bk.©»tl’74 E. L. King_______ 7518 Winona Clearing House------ B. D. Blair.. (.Members indicated by a *) Wins ted_____ 434 Farmers State Bank.d®t§’14 Wm. Rohling- __ *175 par 175 75-1164 McLeod N13 .. .. 8tate Bank of Winsted F. Yollmer u% 75-994 d®«’03 _ «• Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MINNESOTA—Continued •• Paul Watkins «♦ F. A. Lemme.. B. D. Blair. ____ J.G.Schutz, A.C. E. H. Johnson — A. V. Gardner, S. A. Steffen. Tr... Mgr. and Sec. Ferd. Rhode. Jr... Wm. G. Schucht -H. Weiubeck Alfons Fasching 100,000 170,400 1,780.150 250.170 1.037,540 1,045,790 115,720 101.680 Chem. N.. N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Minpls. 20.000 5,000 305.700 14,800 296,500 3.700 19,200 26,100 C. & C. N„ Chi.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 10,000 10.000 238,460 7,500 193.900 5,000 53,060 14.010 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Merch. N„ St. P.; Northw. N. and 1st N„ Minpls. rj. A. SWANSON — WM. KLOSSNER------ E. W. OLSON--------- W. A. SWaUsON 25,000 Wlnthrop____1147 FIRST RATIONAL BARK *200 par 100 75-343 d®«t’03 j Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items Sibley 0 11 (_ Pleate tend 15c toi th each $ighi draft / or presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rU. 15.000 425,000 16,000 255,000 152,000 30.000 44,000 Oont. & Com’l N.,Chi,; 1stN.,Minpls. and St. P. 130 330,260 28,450 35.130 43,290 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: Northw. N. and Mid land N. Bk. & Tr„ Minpls.; Merch. N„ St. P. 373,290 125,100 10,010 50,400 C. & C. N„ Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls.; Merch. N.. St. P. 144,000 35,980 31,800 27,840 1st N„ St. P.: Pipestone N„ Pipestone; Northw. N., Minpls. 639,090 252,980 78,030 159,910 N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.: Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st N.. St. P. 83,660 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Minpls.. Mankato and Sioux C. 11,980 1st N.. St. P. and Minpls.; U. S. N., Super ior, Wis. .. Robert Vollmer... A. Guggemos_____ STATE BANK OF WINTHR0P Emil F. Olson........ T. Thorson_______ *140-10% 75-342 ®tl’88 C. E. Larson O. S. Lofthus____ F. E. Muchow 25.000 19,990 392,010 Wood lake. ___447 State Bank of Wood Lake Charles Gatlin____ J. P. Hauck______ W. C. Frank— .. P. J. Koehler_____ Yei. Med. 07 *200-10% 75-996 ©»tl'02 Julius Alke Emma D. Heines par 200 Woodstock ___ 277 First National Bank—d©»t’93 E. W. Davies------- J. C. M. Jahncke.. F. Klosterman____ Geo. Klosterman.. Pipestone Q4 *150-10% 75-997 30.000 13,750 515,040 25,000 6,250 151.900 iWortblngton3481 State Bank of Worthington Ned Jones______ A. T. Latta______ L. O. Patterson ... Nobles R6 ®»t5'73 75-183 •• •• Worthington Nat'l Bank E. W. Kane______ J. N. Gould______ M. C. Leonard____ C. E. Mobeck.......... *150-8% 75-184 d®»t'08 Wrenshall____ 720 Wrenshall State Bank..t§’17 J. W. Lowe---------Carlton 119 *130-20% 75-1408 50,000 25,350 1,054,660 50,000 25,630 523,610 94,360 358,960 54,300 196,670 10,000 6,300 73,800 2,950 56,460 22,930 1,690 Wright_______ 200 Carlton 117 *200-15% 10,000 4,500 76,000 58,150 12 180 W. S. Kidd............. Aug. Deronthal—. John Wendorf____ H. F. Wendorf........ 15,000 14,000 237.050 193,380 15,910 9,390 47,370 N. Park, N. Y.; C. & C. N., Chi.; Bata vian N. and N. Bk. of La Crosse, La Crosse. J. J. Walker ___ W. O. Thelss____ Gustav Affeldt 25,000 25,000 400,460 315,300 52,850 25,610 65,870 N. City, N. Y.; Drov. N., Chi.; 1st N„ Minpls. and St. P. ___t§'14 G. Carlson_______ Lake Stannard .— E. R. McOlintick .. M. A. Gatzow------ 10.000 12.500 74.120 YoungAmerica335 State Bank of Young America C. H. Klein........... William Mau. Jr. .. F. S. Mayer_______ W. A. Grunert .... Carver N13 75-998 d®tS1900 30,000 17,630 331,460 Zimmerman..235 Farmers A Merch. State Bank A. E. Peterson___ A. G. Wedge--------- H.P, Rust Sherburne L15 *190-12% 75-999 tl’07 Zumbro Falls .20C Farmers & Merch. State Bk. J. J. Sprenger ___ Wabasha P20 75-1001 •t§’07 20,000 5,200 204,420 20,000 10,060 469,760 50,000 20,310 1,159,380 Woiverton____200 Wilkin 12 (Closed December 21 . 1926) S. O. Ilstrup______ Wykoff_____ 482 Exchange State Bank. Fillmore R20 *185-14% 75-530 " . *' *190-8% par 100 75-581 Wyoming_____ 253 First State Bank— Chisago M17 75-1154 rc. Zumbrota___1265 Goodhue P18 FARMERS SECURITY STATE BANK - .75-1002 dB®*t§ 25 10% par 100 Minnesota Map on index Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E. C. Ilstrup______ 75-1341 J A. K. CLEMENTSON J. ROGKNE, Ch. Wm. Kohlmeyer... C. M. Allen. J. L. B. Disnev 0. GROVER............. 0. G. OLSON.............. musp- L. A. HOLTON, 56,470 9,170 20,170 Am. Ex. N., Duluth; 1st N., Minpls. 8,680 1st N. and Capital N„ St. P.: Union State. Minpls.: 1st State. Lindstrom. 88.870 1,380 A Cash. WALTER GRIMM 146,620 42,130 N. Bk. Com.,N.Y.;lstN.. St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls. 182,350 9,380 145,370 47,160 12,000 25,110 1st N.. Minpls. 291,380 146,520 21,800 40,120 Northw. N„ Minpls.; 1st N.. Wabasha. 802,500 274,430 31,690 121,080 Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; Northw. N. and 1st N„ Minpls.; 1st N.. St. P. j Collections, Bill of Lading Draft s, Cash and Time Items remitted i or prom ptly on day of p ayment (.Plain Sight Dra fts, 15c; Credit Be ports, 25e. TRY US. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Britton 6 Koontz National Bank Natchez, Miss. OFFICERS M. R. BELTZHOOVER, President A. B. LEARNED - . Vice-President C. B. RICHARDSON - - Cashier JAMES S. FLEMING ■ Vice-President G. S. PINTARD . Assistant Cashier Send Us Your Natchez Collections Direct They Will Receive Prompt and Personal Attention IN JACKSON, MISS. DEPOSIT GUARANTY BANK & TRUST CO. Jackson is so cent rally locate^^hat we canhandleiffiB| on all parts of the state and save you time. OFFICERS L. Donald - - President Hart - - - Vice-Pres. -• Armstrong Cashier •S H. Swann Asst. Cash, ge E. Shaw - - Attorney Cormti? JTlCUrksdale / ^ | Grenad m Ireeawood \ 2L Tupelo ** >tlt DIRECTORS .CKSON Laurel. Hattiesburg i Capital Paid in $100,000 Surplus Paid in $25,000 WBWHSpppiiipBilllBHiBSBBP Gulfportl ipiWWpiBp t GEO. L. DONALD MYER A. LEWIS W. G. PLUMMER LEE R. HART GEORGE E. SHAW J. A. MOSAL WM. O. LITTLE MITCHELL ROBINSON E. O’BRIEN FRED L. NELSON DAVID H. RICE HARRY G. PETERS JOE K. ARMSTRONG J. M. HOLMAN W. A. DAVENPORT h. cassedy holden m Wc Solicit Your Mississippi Business and Will Give Prompt Attention to All Items Sent Us, Progressive, Modern, Hustling for Business, Try Our Service, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W: ^SLj^'a w wi>>w'o ^r)Jot-|t-|j_|ci Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis oo oc35to£ ooccSw'Jol ooo 22 o ooooogoooo aa >>£> _ """ "c ~s> p.pIllli| || eI§| o c“ ^oVsf&S §2 » re a s i— • t3 55 ^ ; z-o :?:«■: =! c v m r> * > w 0^21 m O^EtiSJ HOH ISO tO W o w^o'^22 B o, „SSSSs S fea SS£=S |gsS=gSlg 5 as-Sss bS o~:w SsSss ssa ^ s msuumt « s-s5 ®® .« hoo o o wm Send Your Mississippi Collections Direct to the CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Citizens Savings Bank & Trust Co. JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI WmMl PLANTERS NATIONAL BANK OF CLARKSDALE PLANTERS TRUST & SAVINGS BANK CLARKSDALE, MISSISSIPPI Combined Capital, Surplus and Profits over C7AA AA / vVjUUViUU In the Heart of the Mississippi Delta Depositary of State of Mississippi, Hinds County and City of Jackson The conduct of these institutions have been marked by the principles of sound banking. Your patronage solicited. Combined Capital and Surplus THAD. B. LAMPTON, President W. M. BUIE, Vice-Pres. & Tr. Officer AMOS R. JOHNSTON, V.-Pres. & Cash, EDWARD W. FREEMAN, Vice-Pres. iTITNW/jI Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. BLAKE LOWE, Vice-President S. C. HART, V.-Pres. & Asst. Tr. Officer W. C. ALLEN, Assistant Cashier W. H. EARBEE, Assistant Cashier /u/ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Itand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Tqwnandoounty »Oountj Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. N.O.N.Or.M.Memp, ‘Aberdeen.4071 8M Monroe E21 •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §8tate t Priv. fMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. COMMERCIAL BK. & TRUST CO. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Siio-8% par loo 85-132 ©»t§'20 11 •• _____ " •• President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MISSISSIPPI Vice President. Oashier. J. C. MCFARLANE — a 5 TilRNFR . .. .NEIL McCASKILL.. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Dhpos- Other and ITS Capital Pbofitb TIES Resources. Bonds Miscel- Carh k ExLoans chanom,Do* Discounts SaeuritisB LANEOU8 from Bams B. C SNOW t Special attention given B-L drafts. 50,000 8 28.810 S 353.960 $ 20.070 $ 256.700 $ 67,760 $ 53.500 $ Send 15c with each sight draft and 25c for Credit reports. E. L. SYKES- C. E. HAMILTON — C. C. BROWN- 100.000 *160-10% ®T*t'87 par 100 85-131 Monroe Banking ft Tr. Go. W.H. Carlisle.. . G. J. Leftwich___ Henry Dugan *200-10% 85-133 ®WI’04 100,000 ‘Ackerman...1264 Bank of Ackerman'99 J. L. Seawright... 85-200 8M Choctaw G17 *227.50 First National Bank (Closed October 30, 1926) 70,400 689.220 102.800 416.930 Sand IS c with a ll sight drafts; 25c for crod it repor ts. 28.240 778,040 10,000 467,290 371.510 25.430 148.550 Han. N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. & Tr., N. O. 341,120 510 107,340 Seab. N..N.Y.; 1st N.,St. L.: Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.; Dn. & Plan. Bk. & Tr.. Memo. (Brunch of Orem adaBk., Gren ad a, Mist.) 45.000 45,000 900,000 30,000 29,220 638.420 Anguilla. 861 Bank of Anguilla_____ *tr04 W. C. H. McKinney T. W. Fields_____ G. C. Fields______ W. B. Crockett.__ 85-267 6N.0. Sharkey H7 30,000 21,760 Artesia_______ 583 Artesia 8tate Bank....®t|’08 85-268 8M Lowndes F21 *ioo-6% par 100 »Ashland ....190 Ashland Branch Bank®*t§’06 85-269 8M Benton A17 *175-10% par 175 Avera______ .500 Bank of Avera_____©*t§’20 85-512 6N.0. Greene 020 $ioo-4% par 100 Baldwyn. ..922 Bank of Baidwvn___®*tl'97 *135-10% 85-240 8M Lee B20 “ _ ____ " Merchants & Farmers Bank._ ‘Batesville ...1050 Bank of Batesville—®T«t|’97 85-271 8M Panola C12 *150-8% .. •• Farmers Savings Bank *175-10% 85-420 ®»tl’ll 13.500 2,500 J. N. Roberts 74.880 Chem. N., N. T.: Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.: N. Bk. Com. and Lib. Cent. Tr. Co., St. L. - Collections have the personal attention ef an effleer of the bank. Vigorous attention given same. Proceeds promptly accounted for. Amory .2861 BANK OF AMORY---©•truT C. M. Harrison.__ E. D. Gilmore____ S. J. Collier.. . 85-189 8M Monroe D21 *275-20% .. .. Security Bank..............•$|,12 T. J. Cole A. M. Green. ___ 85-430 Principal correspondents. E. C. Bourland.... ___ J. W. Slaughter... O. G. Mcllwain J.W.Gresham, Afpr. N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Canal Bk. & Tr„ N. O.; Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co., Jackson 500,000 200, ©0 90,000 200,000 N. City, N. Y.: Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.: 1st N..Birm. 610 447,890 129,990 9,700 110,670 Seab. N.. N. Y.: 1st N„ Memp.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 166,870 4,620 147,630 2,000 2,500 71,740 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; C. & C. N„ Oht.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 82,000 2,000 48,000 24,000 4,000 24,000 Mtle. Tr. Co.. St. L.; Col. N„ Col. (Branch of Bank of Blue Mounted n, Blue Mounta <n, Miss J___ B. M. Stevens____ A. J. Smith______ V. L. McBride___ T. W. Milner. Act. Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 10.000 1,640 114,900 2,100 67,740 11,140 3,780 47,500 9,500 739,800 27,290 621,000 5.500 52,460 146,140 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Com. ft Tr. Co. Memp.; 1st N., St. L. 50,000 25.000 752,000 16.000 416,000 115,000 22,510 289,490 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and St. L.; Whit.-Cent. N„ N. O.; Bk. Com. & Tr., Memp. J. C. Price________ C. P. Perkins_____ R. C. McGinnis ... R. C. McGinnis 20,000 3,000 225,000 146.000 40.000 ‘Bay Springs..861 Bay8prlngs Bank....®*tl’04 O. Biankinship___ R. J. Burnett.. ._ D. T. Burnett____ 85-272 6N. 0. Jasper L17 *200-20% 20,000 21,870 623,040 401,840 152.350 20,320 136.420 2.632.220 4.500 1.808.130 595.310 49.090 380.610 Chem. N. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’IN.. Chi.; Whitney-Cent. N. and Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O. 25,920 175,890 124,350 N. Park. N. Y.: Hibernia Bk. ft Tr. Co., and Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 1,600 27,840 Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memphis: 1st N.. Birm.; Peo. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Tupelo. ‘Bay St.Louis 3033 6N.0.HancockR17 HANCOCK COUNTY (130-20% 85-134 .. 4. ni|||/ uAllIV ®*tl’99 L. C. Prather_____ A. L. Coggins_____ (Consolidated with Bank of Baldwyn) Walter Pipkin ___ S.C. S. Smythe.Acf. W. M. Keith ,T. S. DielrinR . ... H. E. Herron H.S. WESTON______ A. R. ROBERTSON — LEO W. SEAL. R. G. ENGMAN PETER TUDURY___ S. L.EH6MAN C. J. MITCHELL Special attention given Bill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. MERCHANTS BANK & TRUST G. R. Rea________ Jno. Osoinach........ *200-30% COMPANY E. J. Lacoste par 50 85-135 dB®T«*§’03 Belmont _ 45fl Bank of Belmont_____*+§’19 B. E. Wright_____ 85-478 8MTishomingoB23 *175-10% oar 100 •Belzonl_____ 2277 Bank of Belzoni ___ ®T»tl'04 85-226 8]MHumphreysG9 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. W. P. Holland. . 12% 85-226 ®T«tl'09 S. J. High... ___ A. P. Herron_____ R. P. Ellis________ T. L. Gilmer_____ E. W. Williams... N. B. Leggitte Benoit_______ 443 Bank of Benoit_______»ti04 C. D. Terrell_____ F. Biscoe_____ 85-274 8M Bolivar F6 1200-20% Beulah . 500 Bank of Beulah______ •tl'07 W. T. Cassity_____ H. H. McGowen... 85-275 8M Bolivar E6 H. C. Lenoir Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. A. Peeler 60.300 45,970 Peo., Mobile; Bk. of Richton, Richton. 47,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Memp.; Hiber nia Bk.,N.O.; 1st N.. St. L. 90,380 Chase N., N. Y. Chas. Traub, Jr... 35.000 65,000 776,900 125,110 675,840 C. W. Yarber_____ 10.000 10,920 161,460 12,450 isn cfin 70,420 702,950 26,000 634,550 11,310 56,500 147,010 Merch. Bk. & Tr.. Jackson; Interstate Tr. & Bkg., N. O.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 10,000 11.760 110,480 40,780 52.450 4,780 10,000 13,660 34,300 370 46,400 34.230 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Oom. ft Tr. Co., Memp. 12,110 Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Mtle. N., Memp. (Branch of Gren 50,000 , Miss.) N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.: Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O. 7fzo / UO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. President. Vice-President. Send us your Bi loxl items for pro Collections a specialty. TOC D. J. Gay________ J.C. Glower------T. H. Gleason Peoples Bank__ -d®«*|’#6 12% par 100 85-75 (See Prentiss) J. W. Crump------Bank of Blue Mountain«tf'05 Lee Godwin _ 1165-10% par 150 85-277 B. E. Brister------B. B. Brister-------Planters Bank_____ ®«tl'05 85-278 Merchants Bank__ d®tl’10 D. W. Graham___ J. L. Gaddis. Jr.__. 1225-20% par 100 85-279 BANK OF B00NEVILLE m J. C. Stanley------- J. R. Curlee............. 10% 85-204 ®«t|1900 ‘Brandon____ 691 fiN.O. Rankin K12 Braxton_____ 237 6 N.O. Simpson L12 Boonevtlle Banking Co. Jos. W. Sanders... tiso-12% 85-206 dB®T•8106 par 100 Rankin County Bank.-»tl’05 S. L. McLanrin— $175-8% 85-247 Braxton Bank______ ®»tl’03 J. P. Cox------------par 100 85-281 mpt, careful att RISTS ACCOUN O. G. Swetman___ J. W. Lockett, A. C. ention. TS INVITED. E. M. Wallace___ E. G. Bond. Jr. 97.100 I FIRST NATIONAL BANK 4 BrookvlUe 1175 IM Noxubee G21 Byhalla_____ 514 IM Marshall A14 Calhoun City..502 IM Calhoun E16 128.499 1.310,410 I 100.000 II 482 720 $1212140 $ 40.050 803.570 341.960 127.210 13.830 ®«t 20,000 16.670 344.790 32,140 254.970 52.260 23.100 3.150 57,880 18.000 60,570 20,000 7,920 ________________ A. B. Graham. 15.000 19.330 284.18!) 10.650 170.930 92.270 20.210 J. C. Stanley. Jr... S. N. Brown-------R. L. Bolton 50.000 10,000 849,000 50.000 350.000 32.000 133.000 ___ M. W. Smith______ 50.000 28.220 862.980 43.400 587,140 129.350 19,880 80.000 25,000 500.000 45,000 350,000 115,000 45.000 W. T. Hemphill... R. W. Patrick------ Irene Kelley.......... 11.000 2.470 109.480 60.560 30.260 6.700 fW.D. DAVIS......... W. H. SEAVEY- - - - - - C. M. HIGDON ----- S. A. WALKER........ - 100.000 134.070 2.289,620 114.500 1.637.970 708.550 9.878 281.800 N. Park, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; ----------Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O. 100,000 65,260 1,386,480 77.400 1.032.700 291.830 10,900 293,700 Chem. N„ N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co. N. O.: Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp. 9.910 87.860 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Meridian: Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; 1st N., St. L. 52.450 Chem. N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Memp.: Merch.Lac. N.. St. L.; Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O. Merch. Bk.&Tr.Co..Jackson; Un.&Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co.. N.O. 237,740 Marine Bk. & Tr.. N. O.; Capital N., Jackson; Un. Plan. Bk. & Tr., Memp.: Peo. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Tupelo. Miss. 194,840 Han. N.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Canal Bk. & Tr.. N.O.; lsi N., St. L. 41 L. M. Phillips___ S. V. Crowe . T. A. Cook W. H. Barnes — R. L. Fox.__ A. B. FURL0W_ _ _ R. E. HIGDON -.......... J. E. BARRON - R. L. DAVIS F. K. ANDING _ _ _ j ‘Canton____ 3252 CANTON EXCHANGE BANK 85-124 d®«t§80 6N.0.Madison J12 $200-12% par 100 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 303.310 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 92,540 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N.. Memp. A. A. Graham___ A. J. Guyton------- Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items given special attention. Send us your business. 51,300 27,620 •0,000 ! 49,920 501,170 537,000 . Delbert Cope------BANK OF BR00KSVILLE T. W. Madison .... J. L. S. Peterson.. C. H. Hudson 85-282 •tf'98 E. E. Perry............. (Branch of Merck . & Far. Bk., Hoi ly Spring s, Miss.) _____________ W. M. Nichols, Byhalia Bank...............®l'03-------------------------Mgr. 85-283 195,540 24.570 8.150 244.190 25,000 Citizens Bank______ (gXI’19 E. B. Horn---------- W. H. French....... L. D. Myers---------- A. N. French------$60-10% par 50 85-492 20,000 (Branch of Oren adaBk., Qrenad a, Mies.) Calhoun County Bank..Tt§'06i J. T. Thomas------- R. A. Creekmore .. B.C. Adams ........... J. M. Chrestman .. $200-14% par 100 85-284 142.720 10,000 4,060 380.000 30.000 W. M. Tindall... Peoples Bank................ t§’21 W. J. Evans-------- Z. K. Hardin.. $100 par 100 85-623 634,543 296,049 31.200 80.000 64.950 999.510 H.B.BENTHAL, 0. F. GARRETT — F. H. PARKER 85-105 42.770 $ 361.870 N. City. N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.: Marine Bk. & Tr. Co.. N.O. L. W. Brister------- Send us your Bill of Ladin g Drafts and Coll ections. ‘Brookhaven .4706 BROOKHAVEN BANK &TR.CB. j „ 200-12% 85-103 dB®T»t#'01 ) Prompt and Ca reful attention gi ven all items entr usted to us. 6N.0. Lincoln N9 $par 100 I V. Old estand Largest ba nk in this section. $165-10% Principal Correspondents. Loam Other MibcelPaid-up Surplus Depos L ond and iabili its Capital Profits Discount* Sceurities LANEOU8 ties Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. E. C. TONSMEIRE - S. VIGNES—.......... A. S. GORENFLO...... A. ST. AMANT- - - - - - - $ 125,000 $ 117.360 $2 757140 W. D. SCUTT Blountville_____ BlueMonntain654 8M Tippah B18 Bogue Chitto__605 6N 0. Lincoln N9 Bolton______ 494 6 N.O. Hinds K9 *Boone viUe.. _ 1495 tM Prentiss B21 . Resources. Liabilities. TOWK AND COUNTT. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. ‘County Seats. ^Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab.; Fig. is F. Res.Dist.l^Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond N.O. N.Or.M.Memp. j d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Biloxi_____ 12,571 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 85-74 T«t’M I N.O. Harrison R19 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSISSIPPI—Continued 4.760 50.240 C. G. BELL ecial attentio n given to B1U of Lading Drafts, C ash and Time Ite ms. j’TEEN CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight draft for presentation, and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redlt report insur es prompt person al atten tlon. J. S. WEATHERBY—E. A. HOWELL -- L.P. HOSSLEY- - - - - - C. K. W0HNER......... us if accompanied Prompt, careful attention given al 1 collections sent 65,000 73.030 748.350 90,000 chase N„ N. Y.; Hibernia Bk.ft Tr. Go.. N.O.: Union&Plan. Bk. &Tr.Co., Memp. 25,430 Han. N.. N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N., N. O. 49.000 435.450 175.400 21.500 303,440 N.City,N.Y.iCont.&Com’IN., Chi.; Whitney Cent.N.,N.O.;Union & Plan. Bk.&Tr.Co., Memp. 35.000 429.520 93.540 47.180 160.420 600 5.620 171.320 56,600 28,130 98,730 N. Park, N.Y.; 1st N.. Jackson; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. o. 29.570 1st N. and Fid. Bk. &Tr. Co., Memp.; Peo. Bk. &Tr., Tupelo. 84.570 Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Capital N., Jackson; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 51.280 Whitney Cent.N. and InterstateTr.&Bkg. Co.. N. O.; Merch. Bk.&Tr.Co.,Jackson. 52.000 Interstate Tr. & Bke. Co., N. O. by Fee in advan ce. Plain sight dr afts 15c; Credit Reports 25c. You r busine ss solid ted. 85-126 ®»f03 Madison County Bank®*t§’20 D. H. Blackston... A. S. Michel------- F. E. Allen______ $95-15% 85-50] J. B. Howell, V. P. S.M. Riddick. Act. Carrollton___510 i Carroll County Bank -®t§'23 J. R. Bingham----- O. K. Gee------------ J. R. Fancher___ 85-537 8M Carroll F13 J. H. Beeman____ ‘Carthage___ 635 Carthage Bank____ d®t§’21 J. L. McMillon ___F. L. Brantley.. par 100 85-515 6N.0. Leake 115; $140-10% Leake County Bank..®«tl’03 R. L. Jordan------- W. M. Jordan------- Van. R. Jackson... $160-15% 85-287 M. E. Cadenhead Centreville 755 Farmers Exchange Bank E. B. Robinson---- K. R. Ewald......... T. C. Pepper......... 6H.0.Wilkinson P5 *uo-20% 85-541 »t§’24; Chalybeate 800 Chalybeate Bank___________________________ •tl'16 W. E. Clemmer-C V. Wilbanks-__ IM Tippah A191 $160-10% 85-464 ‘Charleston 8007 Bank of Charleston... Ttl'01------------------------- J. H. Caldwell......... W. W. Woods------IM Tal’chie D12 *300 85-187 13,640 Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O.: 1st N., Brookhaven. 45.730 Ohem. N.. N.Y.: N. O. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.: Jackson-State N.. Jackson. 444.000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co. andUn. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.,‘Memp.; N. Bk. Com., and Merch.-Lac. N.. St. L.: Canal Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O. 248.220 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Boatmens N.. St. L.; 1st N., Memp. $213—12«% TALLAHATCHIE HOME BK. j N. R. RICE------------ W. S. TATUM- - - - - - - - - I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 62.500 36,110 535.380 J. A. Mullen, Jr.... 15.000 5.410 175.800 W. R. Gross_____ 25.000 7,040 300.380 J. H. Cadenhead... 30.000 23,000 440,000 Lelia Pepper......... 20.000 10,400 230.000 10,000 7.600 186.270 8,200 448,000 139.000 140 24,690 124,200 14,600 (Branch of Oren adaBk., Qrenad a, Miss.) MISS MAE NEELY_ _ MISS NAN NEELY 85-189 d®T»t§’13.Y Special attention given Bill of L adlng Drafts, Cas h and 'rime Item I | Out of town business solicited. 100.000 48.970 886.500 1,540 486,210 4,950 35.490 65,230 Cent. State N., Memo.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. of New Albany, New Albany. N. Bk. Com,. N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Memp.; Canal Bk. & Tr.. N.O. 510.360 N. Park, N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Liberty Cent. Tr. Co.. St. L.; Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co., N. O.; 1st N., Greenwood. 769 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. H.tLN.Or.M.Memp. 8 M Coahoma C9 President. Vice-President. BANK OF CLARKSDALE___ K. P. Peacock--------- J. W. Gray.......... J. O. Wallis ®‘t*1900 Commercial Bank ____________(Closed December 13 , 1926) 12% par 100 85-121 PLANTERS NATIONAL BANK par 100 S&-120 Resources, Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPrir. iClarksdale.. 7552 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. ----- ‘ — T—” MISSISSIPPI—Continued Cashier. Ass't Cashier. H. O. Walker___ V, P, and Cash. S. W. Whitmire W. B. Bair, Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonds Miscel Cash k ExOtheh Paid-up Surplus Depos L and and CBAHOM'DUI AND iabili it* Capital Propits Discounts Securities laneous from Barks ties { 200,000 S 297,410 14 906 260 $ 305.800 14063 380 1 595.450 $ 39,220 11 011 420 N. Park, N.Y.: Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N. and Union & Plan. Bk & Tr. Co., MemD.: 1st N„ St. L.; Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co„ N. O. f- t- hol™......u-sm- "• *■ SESSI""S—ishMe- 500,000 130 280 2.349.820 Special Attention given to Bill of Lading Drafts, Collections, B. DORSEY Cash and Time Items. Bonds, Mortgages and Securities Bought and Sold. Send your Clarksdale Business Direct. dB®#t,22i Planters Trust & Savings Bk. W. P. Holland........ E. L. Anderson — N. B. Sessions____ L. B. Dorsey_____ par 100 85-128 ®f»t§’23 , ______ ‘Cleveland.__ 1674 Bank of Cleveland.. ©»t§'24___________________ A. K. Eckles.............. B. H. Hardee. Mgr. 85-258 IM Bolivar B8 0.640 80.900 465.160 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Cana! Bk. & Tr., N. O.; Lib. Cent. Tr. Co., St. L. 53,530 24,960 33,900 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Plan. N„ Clarksdale.; Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co., Jackson. N.Bk.Com.,N.Y.; Un.& Plan. Bk. & Tr„ MemD.; Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O. 403,970 82,500 11.980 4,890 750,480 Han. N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Oo„ Memp.: Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 50,640 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.; Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Jackson. 22,420 87,940 Seab. N., N. Y.: Union ft Plan. Bk. ft Tr. Co.. Memifc; Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O. 30,370 N. Park, N. Y.; Un. & Plan. Bk. ft Tr. Oo., Memp. 39.900 Ohem. N., N. Y.: Cont. ft Com’l N., Chi.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O. 1.870.240 570.450 SEE DIS PLAY AD VERTIS EMENT. 50.000 6,010 383,980 440,360 (Branch of Grena da Bank, Grenada, Miss.) 36,060 1,082,870 80,000 Cleveland State Bank.®»JI’D8 Edgar Brown-------- E. J. Nott--------------- N. L. Cassibry------ G. B. Woodward .. D. O. Crow *200-15% 85-228 Clinton............. 669 Bank of Clinton____ ®»tl’05 J T. Wallace--------M. Latimer................. B. R. Albritton— Mrs. M. D. Johnson 6 N. 0. Hinds K10 *125-10% 85-288 50,000 15,000 6.320 151,140 2,600 104,590 14,930 ‘CofTeevlIle___ 411 Coffeeville Bank.................* 01 J. F. Provine--------- W. H. Bailey----------- F. E. Collins---------| M Yalobusha D14 *175-15% par 100 85-288 ............... (Closed January 26, 1927) Coldwater____856 Bank of Coldwater 23.500 29.760 392,100 10.000 264.650 70,350 ^Citizens Bank....................+’27 C. W. Veazly_____A. F. Canada ........... E. C. Turley______ 12.500 1,250 45,750 340 27.280 _____ 2,200 ‘Collins____ ..1389 Bank of Collins_____ ®»tl’01 E. G. Bond_______ W. H. Pickering... E. G. Bond_______ 25.000 3,270 243.040 20,000 170,900 69.620 10,900 ‘Columbia.__ 2826 Citizens Bank_______ ®»t*’13 J. T. Rankin ------ N. H. Rankin . J.H. Chapman,V.P. S. E. Lawrenoe 6 N. 0. Marion 013 *135-10% 85-438 T. E. Carley............ 40.000 14.490 525.550 720 406,220 45,590 15,510 35.000 77,870 1,271,610 18,180 760,590 144,500 31,930 100,000 95.330 1.672,780 41.940 1.005.710 439.390 72.200 392.750 N. Bk. Com. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Memp. 100,000 55,330 1,068,840 546,870 415,660 70.580 191,060 Han. N.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: Marine Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O.; B. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. C. H. Reeves........... D. D. Patty______ 15,000 73.000 1,200,000 600,000 385,000 WILLIS POPE — F. M. DRAKE...... 100.000 58.760 840.780 104.000 479.890 331.820 25,000 17.050 267,020 85.000 268,720 31,100 265,040 62,040 8M Tate A12 85-549 6 N.0.CovingtonM15 *50-8% 85-150 COLUMBIA BANK *350-25% ‘Columbus .11,358 8M Lowndes F22 85-171 •tl’Ofi COLUMBUS NATIONAL BANK W. E. LAMPTOH — T. B. FORD............ G. C. MAXWELL...... T. H. BARNES6. C. MAXWELL 113,440 Chem. N., N. Y.; N Bk. Com.. St L.: Marine Bk. & Tr., Hibernia Bk. & Tr. and N. O. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O. 465,640 Chase N., N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N. and Canal Bk. 8s Tr., N. O.; 1st N.. St. L. Special attentio n given B-L draf ts and cash items, 15 CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for pr esentatfon, and .25 CENTS for each credit report insures prompt, personal attenti on. R. HOPKINS- - - - - L. MARX- - - - - - - - - - J. W. SLAUGHTER. G.P. WALLER. JR.— G. Y. BANKS_ _ _ I.L. GASTON........... J.W. LIPSCOMB i: W.glai pscomb r" _ A. B. LAWRENCE — Active E.R. HOPKINS, Tr.Off. i. V. WINGFIELD Oldest Bank i n Mississippi. Largest In this section. Special attention given c oliectlons, . sight drafts, b IBs of lading, etc. Outside corresp ondence Invited. *200-10% par 100 85-63 d®T»t’52 FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN COLUMBUS *150-8% par 100 CORPORATION j"AND IND1VIDUALS 85-64 dB®T»t’68 MERCH. & FARMERS BANK Parker Reeves—T. H. Henry---------- $200-10% par 100 Tr. Off. WE INVITE TH E BUSINESS OF BANKS, FIRMS, 85-65 353.000 Seab. N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Memp. and St. L.; Whitney-Cent. N.. N. O. dB®#t§’02[ NATIONAL BANK 23.420 268.400 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st. N„ Memp.; Canal ) Special attenti on given to Coll ectlona and pro mpt remittance on day of pay ment. OF GOMMERGE 1 *175-8% 85-67 »t’13 Como.................. 818 Planters Bank----------- ®«ti'0fl M. W. Wesson-------E. G. Taylor---------- Mrs. E. B. Blalock * 200 22 % 85-230 8 M Panola B13 David Pointer, Jr.. State Bank of Como ®»t|'16 David Pointer, Sr.. Fred W. Taylor.... R. H. Lipscomb. *150-20% par 100 85-229 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50,000 18,080 333,640 Vicksburg. Miss—“THE 7,210 94,250 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk.of Com. ft Tr., Memp.: Canal Ilk. & Tr., N. O. 67,430 N. City, M. Y.: C. & C. N., Chi.; Un. & Plan. Bk. and 1st N.. Memp. BANK OF SUPERIOR SERVICE" 770 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County Seats Fetl. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fig. isF. Res. Dist N.O.N.Or. M Memp. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’T Cashier. N„ N. Y.: Cont. ACom’l N..Chi.: 1st H. E. RAY—. . . . . . . . . . . F. F. ANDERSON_ _ MISS LILY B. WORD - $ 150.000 $ 139,520 $2167 900 $ 240,000 $1 974 600 $ 163,440 $ 260.740 $ 298,640 Han. N„ St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. '. L. HOLLEY. Active R. H. PRICE, A. C. MISS I. L. LOVELACE R. B. MOORE. A. C. W. M. YEARW000 E. C. BOYD. A. C, J. F. HARDIN Oldest and larg est bank in Alcor n County, ..Prompt careful attention given all items entrust ed to us. 85-107 ®T*tS1900 D. A. Hill_______ O. M. Hinton_____ C. M. Perry______ Corinth State Bank_.®*t§’23 P. J. Foster — O. M. Hinton $iio-6% 83-111 G. A. Hazard.......... J. A. Ledbetter... H. G. Peerey_____ D. F. Sharp__ FIRST NATIONAL BANK J. T. Maxedon H. G. Peerey $140-10% 85-109 ®»t’08 Bank of Courtland_______ Crystal Springs 6N.0.CopiahL10 1395 CRYSTAL SPRINGS BANK 85-203 81,600 Chase N..N.Y. 50.000 10,000 400.000 261,000 72,400 100,000 25.000 1,500.000 1.300.000 50,000 125,000 150,000 Han. N„ N. Y,; 1st N„ Chi. and St. L. (Closed) E. M. Ervin. Bank of Crawford............. §’08 G. W. Hairston.__ L. S. Ledbetter—.. A. J. Ervin, Jr.. $125-10% 85-292 L. S. Fox____ ____ Bank of Crenshaw____ *{§’03 H. W. Crenshaw... C. S. Miller____ $135-10% 85-293 Bank of Oruger____ © *tl’04 R. W. Downer___ S. T. Pitchford.... W. R. King---------- J. A. Bell........ $125-10% 85-294 par 100 $175-10% Principal Correspondents. LoftDS Bonds Miscel Gash A Ex- ' Surplus Depos Other Paid-up and and OBAiieu,Dn i Liabili AND its Capital Profits Discount! Securities laneous non Baiii i ties 'J. E. GIFT. . . . . . . . . CORINTH BANK & TRUST CO. Courtland____ 265 8 M Panola C13 Crawford_____ 323 8M LowndesG21 Crenshaw_____ 512 8 M Panola Bll Cruger________500 8M Holmes Gil Resources. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.'n'New §StatetPriv. » Corinth_____ 5498 8 M Alcorn A21 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point”(Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed)Iiniback of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSISSIPPI—Continued d® •tS’Ol par 100 10,000 7.770 72,550 53.690 8.490 1.500 26,730 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N„ West Point 20.000 17,600 202,050 1,930 139,320 59,300 5.280 30.000 20,030 130,020 36,000 152,560 12,800 13,060 37,680 iChem. N„ N. Y.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr Co., Memp. 37,630'Chase N.. N. Y.; Canal Bk. &Tr., N. O. 716.170 33.590 130.050 396.610 N. Park, N. Y.; Northern Tr. Co., Chi. Marine Bk. k Tr. and Canal Bk. &Tr. Co., N. O.; Lib. Cent., St. L. 50.000 H.BARRON — Largest and Str ongest Bank in t his county, excell ent facilities for handlln [ collections, sigh t drafts, cash & ti me Items. Prom pt Service. i L.M. DAMFEER. JR. R. B. THOMAS_ _ _ _ _ 40.000 1.186.430 25,000 5.870 167,160 55,260 148,500 30,680 66,360 7,760 Chem. N„ N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 15,000 9,640 213,940 40,500 209,300 35,520 12,960 21.280 Hibernia Bk, k Tr. Co.. N. O.; 1st N„ Meridian. 10,000 28,980 432,590 570 172,710 99,200 7,750 192,490 Chase N..N.Y.: Am. N.,Nash.; 1st N. and Merch. & Far.. Meridian. 10,000 6,670 94,910 56.140 22,740 32.710 Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O.; Bk. Com. & Tr.. Memp.; Merch. Bk. & Tr.. Jackson. 15,000 33.500 475,000 375,000 35.000 18,000 95.000 N. Park. N.Y.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O.; Merch.Bk.&Tr. and Capital N., Jack. 25,000 7,390 243,650 2,890 184,910 30,240 3.500 60.280 Canal Bk. & Tr. Co.. N.O.; Bk.of Com.& Tr. Co.. Memp.; Lib. Cent. Tr. Co., St. L. 50.000 17,510 400.720 570 287.290 3.000 25,370 153,130 Han. N. and Chem. N.,N.Y.;lst N..Memp. and St. L.; Marine Bk. & Tr. and Whitney-Cent. N.. N. O. Duck HU1_____ 528 Duck Hill Bank_______•+|’66 W. A. Oliver_____ G. Y. Gillespie — C. A. Wilkins____ 85-299 8MMontgomeryFl4 $175-20% 15,000 7,500 170,000 104,000 33,500 Duncan.............500 Bank of Duncan.........©»t§T9 M. H. Alford_____ W. H. Harris_____ F. B. Wylie_______ Allen Parker_____ 8 M Bolivar D8 $110-10% 85-475 par 125 Durant______ 1870 Merchants & Farmers Bank Eugene Cole_____ M. T. Woods____ G. G. Mansfield.__ 85-518 ®*t §*20 G. A. Guess 8 M Holmes H13 $120-10% 20.000 8.260 111,360 1,000 77,490 500 5.500 57,130 Chem. N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 30,000 12,030 159,050 710 87.820 72.400 1,930 39,640 Canal Bk. & Tr.. N. O.; 1st N.. Memp. C. Hunoldstein___ 26,250 13.000 331,550 5,020 189,800 58,700 25,430 Ecru__________642 Merchants & Farmers Bank J. E. A. Browning. J. H. Windham.... T. M. Wingo______ 85-301 *t§’18 8 M Pontotoc C18 $50-10% 10.000 2,890 120,000 80,660 410 3,370 48,450 J. W. Ratliff_____ W. G. Redfleld__ W. A. Montgomery Lucille Luster........ 15,000 20,*000 350,000 145.000 175.000 8.500 56.500 N.Park.N.Y.;Merch.N.,Vicksburg;Marine Bk. & Tr.Co., N. O.; Cap. N„ Jackson. J. C. Austin_____ W. H. Ellsworth— W. H. Ellsworth.. F. Bynum_____ F. S. Senton (Being Liquidated b y Tallahatchie Horn e Bank, Charleston, Miss.) 30,000 95,000 1,020,000 790,000 38,000 7.500 399.500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co. and Whitney Cent. N., N. O. T. B. Ricks_______ Z. Akins_________ O. 8. Crosthwait.. J. R. Lane 10,300 180,000 3,500 Peoples Bank_____d®*t§’22 W. B. McCluney .. W. A. Price______ Floy Mackey.......... Inez Keene______ 85-528 $U5-6% par 100 *Decatur_____ 319 Bank of Decatur ............ »tl'05 C. M. Wells______ F. W. Gaines... 6 N.O. Newton J18 $160-25% 85-295 M. B. Potter______ Mrs. M. B. Potter. *De Kalb______554 Commercial Bank____*J§’15 C. Rosenbaum____ T. A. Stennis__ 85-296 6 N. 0. Kemperl20 F. M. Locker____ Derma................ 317 Bank of Derma______ T*tS'06 F. B. Bays_____ 85-297 8 M Calhoun E16 $ioo Dio___________ 646 ( N.O. Simpson L13 D’LO GUARANTY BANK $150-16% 85-461 J. H. Adcock. J. L. McCracken.. R. C. Stewart........ R. L. Mangum____ G. P. Rhodes.. H. B. Barr__ S. R. Sinclair_____ ®«tlT6 Drew_________ 721 Commercial Bank & Tr. Co. G. W. Wofford— R. W. Manning— L. C. Barnes. 85-529 ®Tt§'22 8 M Sunflower E9 Merchants k Planters Bank Fred Grittman.... R. C. Smith... 85-298 ®*t§’10 par 100 J. Q. Keith_______ Lucille Wilburn... $125-20% Peoples Bank_____dB *211900 R. L. Cooper______ J. M. Howard. 10% 85-184 Edwards______ 727 Bank of Edwards.__® *21’04 85-302 6 N. 0. Hinds K8 $100-10% par 50 iFJlisvllle.........1681 Merchants & Mnf rs. Bk.*2l’02 85-156 6 N.O. Jones N7 Enid....................430 Bank of Enid________ BMTallahatchieDlo .2*10 Ethel_________466 Bank of Ethel___ 8M Attala H16 $175-10% 85-304 8.000 249.000 49,000 Fid. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Whitney-Cent. N., N.O. 101,990 N. Park, N. Y.; Marine Bk. A Tr.Co., N. O.; N. Bk. of Com., St. L. 65.000'Canal Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O.; 1st N.. Memp. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. Vicksburg. Miss—“THE BANK OF SUPERIOR SERVICE” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 777 ' • -*• Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.nNevv jStatetl’riv. ‘County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Bstab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Kes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bono N.O.N.Or. M.Memp. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Eupora_______ 943 Bank of Eupora.—......... tl’98 85-231 8M WebsterF17 H% Merchants & Farmers Bank 1125-8% par 100 85-232 d©»t§’07 Falkner______330 Bank of Falkner-------®i§’23 85-533 8M Tippah A19 *125-10% ‘Fayette...........840 J efferson County Bank 6 N.O. Jefferson M5 $200-12% par 10C 85-305 d«t§’01 Peoples Bank & Trust Co. 5M% 85-520 ©"Kl’20 Flora_________ 698 Bank of Flora--------- ®»tS'03 85-306 6 N.O. Madison J10 $170-10% par 100 Florence_____207 Citizens Bank--------- ©+§’06 6 N.O.Rankin Kll $125-10% par 100 85-307 ‘Forest............ 1188 Bank of Forest.........®»t§'01 85-218 6N.0.Scott K15 $400-30% president. Vice-President. T. W. Foard_____ Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. (Branch of Oren adaBk., Qrtnad ------------ O. C. Leigh.............. (Branch 20.000 # W. E. Clemmer.... S. G. McBride----- a. L. Conner, Sec.. 10,000 3.030 ___________ 25.000 30,130 495,860 A. Kranss_______ G. Kranss_______ J. C. Shelton------- L. J. Gnice.. 25,000 20,000 310,429 W. J. Wilson____ W. M. Buie______ Lydia McDowell..___________ J. E. Wilson W. A. Rogers......... P. H. Hale.............. W. A. Rogers------- Mary Lowther ___ 25.000 14,000 180,000 10.000 6,100 194.600 480 114.570 15,409 2,850 15,500 59.610 607,230 6,050 314.270 309,260 2.000 30.000 54,250 696,740 67.650 434.490 169,029 1,500 10.000 7,760 139,300 19.800 62.430 7,260 Jeff Truly_______ R. R. Liddell____ T. R. Dunbar, Sec. J. R. McCravey.__ D. G. Allen............ P. H. Brown____ ____________ W. M. Buie R. L. Goodwin,Act, H.E. Bishop-------- W. G. Walter......... | O. R. Stuart E. M. Suddoth----- H. J. Landry--------Sol. Hirsberg— H. J. Landry B. J. Tonnar $100-10% % 4.160 63,120 ____________ (Branch of Bank of Tape lo, Tupel 15.000 $ 11,390 4,000 166,310 ____________ 1,769 $ 68.000 223.980 243,000 15.550 9.090 16.000 — 113,550 3,060 71,550 25,000 , 8.960 15,000 5,000 125,000 22,000 90,700 38,650 7,650 75,300 31,440 16,190 300,000 100,000 P. Sharkey______ P. Sharkey--------- O. R. Lewis . 26.000 2,840 115,410 C. E. Bates______ W. L. Tatum____ T. J. Breed--------- W. L. Breed. 30.000 18.500 425.000 ____________ Morris Lewis____ W. R. Ellis____ D. K. GullBdge_______________ J. S. Kealhofer F. N. Robertsh&w. J. A. Crawford, Jr. R. D. Bedon_____ ____________ 15,000 8,840 100,860 _____________ 74,260 100,000 25,010 794,730 3,100 511,180 60,000 I W. P. KRETSCHMAR HARLEY METCALFE— A. M. LYELL...... — E. M. BURTON_ _ _ _ _ 180,000 33,780 1,278,300 71,260 1,115,890 115,480 42,900 227,050 1,853,030 100,000 1.635,410 281,510 25,000 J A modern, prog resslve bank dot ®»tl'21 | Bills of Lading, Cash letters and ( Send us your G reenvllle Items f ♦First National Bank—_«t87 W. H. Negus......... 15% 85-64 ‘COMMERCIAL BANK _ 84,860 $ 57,040 i3o J. C. Whitehead, ‘Fulton......... ..227 Fulton Bank------- ------ *+§’05 Mgr. 85-309 8M ItawambaC22 S. P. Howard____ S. J. High.............. G.L. Dulaney....... N. B. Huey.. Itawamba County Bank $100 par 100 85-539 ®*t§’25 Georgetown.. .317 Georgetown Bank B©T«tl'10 L. D. Spell_______ C. A. Shoemaker.. W. S. Allen............ ......................... 6 N.O. Copiah LU 12% par 100 85-310 1.870 $ 206,840 85-69 ug a commercial business. Collections have prompt attenth n. or quick returns. 100.0U0 A. B. Nance_____ W. P. Carnahan— 26,580 5,500 Greenville Bank & Trust Co. F. L. Harbison__ Fred Schelben___ Edwin Mills.. $100-8% par 100 d©»t§’25 85-56 F. L. Harbison ___ W. P. Kretchmar.. W. F. Carnahan,_____________ Greenville Clearing House 50,000 5,470 526,880 50,000 451,510 37,400 30,460 iGreen wood ..7793 Bank of Commerce dT»tl’04 T. R. Henderson.. Harry Hulen____ R. C. King............. J. H. Peebles.. 85-98 8 M Leflore F11 100.000 88,700 575,090 7,980 539,730 42,499 13.630 243.800 2.302.530 290.740 104.410 76,000 (Members indicated by a *) Mgr. SAUNDERS........ H. V. PARKER_ _ _ _ _ ASA HATCH CRAIG FIRST NATIONAL R.G. DeLOACH........ M.W.A.P.L.McC. KIMBROUGH SEND US YOUR GREENWOOD BUSINESS DIRECT. BANK T»t'88 Special attention given Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items. 85-95 Greenwood Bank & Tr. Co. R. A. Ball________ W. R. Humphrey.. J. A. Williams___ $143-12^% mr 100 d©T«t§’16 J. W. Quinn ♦ 85-101 Greenwood Savings Bank R. G. De Loach ... W. M. Hamner___ M. P. Saunders__ H. V. Parker. $85-10% par 25 85-99 ®T»tl’04 J. B. Stirling____ L. T. McShane___ C. W. Stockett.__ Security Bank & Tr. Co, $118 85-102 ©T*t§’22 J. A. Dickens 250.000 235.950 2.609.900 200.000 99,050 1,258,060 — 1,163.911 21,980 15.000 73.260 1.139,899 _____________ 838.110 99.250 161,800 8,380 153,750 22,710 15,650 — $300-10% A. WILSON...... WILSON BANKING COMPANY <(6. Prompt Attenti on Given Bill of 85-97 ®»tS’13 • UBW - v k Cash and (Time Items and all Business Sent Us. ‘Grenada____3402 Grenada Bank____ ©T+»i’99 J. T. Thomas____ J. C. Perry______ B. C. Adams_____ A. N. Rayburn__ 85-141 8 M Grenada E13 $230-14% par too Grenada Tr. & Bkg. Co.»tl’03 H. J. Ray. Cowles Horton___ W, K. Hufflngton... $300-24% 85-142 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50,000 3,500 25.000 130.000 1,200.000 1,000,000 50,000 250.000 460,450 7,944,580 87,700 6,123,710 491,480 325,000 60,000 20 000 35,000 410.000 Vicksburg. Miss—“THE 1.800 Principal Correspondents. Oaih k Exohah«»m,Duh rmoM Bajtki N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Canal Bk. & Tr„ N. O. 4,850 * 151,820 Canal Bk. & Tr., N O.; Grenada, Grenada. Morris Wells____ _________________ i par 100 (Formerly Citizens Bank) Resources. Liabilities. Bondi Surplus Loans Other Miscel Paid-up Depos L and and AND iabili Capital Profits its Diioount* Securities laneous ties O. C. Leigh, Sr.__ W. A. Davenport.. Farmers & Merch. Bank par 100 85-219 d®*+§’05 ‘Friar Point...954 Commercial & Savings Bk. A. E. Suddoth._„__ 85-540 ©»t§’24 8M Coahoma G8 $125 Glen Allan__ 275 Washington & Issaquena Bk. 85-482 ©+§’19 8MWashingtonIl6 $100-10% Gloster_____1079 Amite County Bank—©*tl’14 85-451 6 N. 0. Amite O 6 $150 Goodman..... 589 Commercial State Bank 85-524 d®it§’21 8M Holmes H 13 par 100 ‘Greenville. 15,165 ♦Citizens Bank & Trust Co._. 85-55 ®T»+§’27 8MWashingtonF6 $125 Non-Bank TownsTwith Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MISSISSIPPI—Continued ____________ 23,530 N. Bk. Com., St. L. 219,100 Han.N.. N.Y.; Britton & Koontz, Natchez; Canal Bk. & Tr.. N. O.; 1st N.. Jackson. 56.109 1st N.. St. L- Marine Bk. & Tr. and Hibernia Bk. & Tr.. N. O. 15,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Capital N., Jackson; Canal Bk. & Tr.. N. O. 78,360 Han. N., N.Y.: Hibernia Bk. & Tr., N. O.; Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co., Jackson. 62.880 N.Bk. Com.. N.Y.: Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co. and Marine Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O.; Cap. N.. Jackson. 243,630 Mtle. Tr. Co.. St. L.: Canal Bk. & Tr. and N.O. Bk.&Tr. Co.. N. O. 67,580 Chem. N.. N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.:Marine Bk. &Tr.Co- N.O ; Bk. of Clarksdale, Clarksdale. N. Park. N. Y„• Bk. or Tupelo. Tupelo. Miss. 27,110 Un. & Plan.. Memp.; Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O.; Peo. Bk. & Tr.. Tupelo. 30,000 N.Park.N. ¥.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr., N.O.: Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr., Memo.;Cap. N.. Jackson, Miss. „r. 47,890 Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co., Jackson; Whitney Cent. N.. N.O. 73,500 N. Park, N. Y.; Marine Bk. & Tr„ N. O.; 1st N.. St. L r „ . ^ 44,940 Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Memp.; Merch. & Far. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Lexington. 351,770 Chatham Phenix. N. ¥ ; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.; Canal Bk .& Tr., N. O. 289,070 N. Park. N. Y.; Chi. Tr. Co., Chi.; Hiber nia Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O., 1st N.. at. L.; 1st N. and Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. „ „ , N. Park. N. Y.: Cont. & Com 1 N.. Chi.: 318,160 Whitney-Cent. N.. N. O.; 1st N., St.L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Memphis. 112,980 Gty. Tr.. N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O. 175,920 N. City. N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. &Tr- N. O.; Un.&Plan. Bk.&Tr. Co- Memp.;N.Bk. Com., St. L. N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., ChL: N. and Hib. Bk. & 641.970 Whitney-Cent. Tr. Co., N.O.; Lib. Cent. Tr.Co.,St. L.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; 1st N., Cln. 296,120 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Canal Bk. &Tr- N.O.; Bk. of Com. & Tr„ Memp.; 1st N- Bos. 290.790 1st N- Greenwood. 31,570 Han. N. N.Y.; Canal Bk. & Tr., N.O.; Bk. of Com. &Tr. Co.. Memp.; IstN- Jackson. 275,000 N. Bk. Com- N.Y.; Bk. of Com. A Tr.CoMemp.; 1stN- Bos.; Canal Bk.&Tr.,Is.O. 226,770 1,900,770 N. Bk. Com- N. Y.: Canal Bk. & Tr., N.O.; Lib. Cent. Tr. Co- St. L. 6,800 75.000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Whitney-Cent. N- N. o.: nnion & Plan. Bk. * Tr. Oo„ Memp, BANK OF SUPERIOR SERVICE” 772 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. *Oounty Seats. iMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond N.ff.N. Or. M.Memp. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. •Gulfport___ 8794 *165-12% par 100 85—88 dB®T»t§’17 85-90 86-17 Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Loam Subplus Depos Other Miscel Paid-up and and Liabili AND its Capital Profits Diaeountt Securities laneous ties Principal Correspondents. Oau k Kxcha.hcm,Dui took Baku $1243 430 $ 279.320 $ 98.430 386.580 N. Bk. Com.,N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Whlt 104,070 108,410 Han. N„ N. Y.; Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co., N. O. N. Bk. Com., St. L. 71,020 11,210 672,510 50,000 B. C. BOWEN------ jW. M. BAYLOR------ IVAN BALLENGER — G. E. ESTES J.C. ROSS. Tr.Officer IVAN BALLENGER VIC INI TY. T AND R 1--------------------LF POR HANDLING YOU ITEMS ON GU EXCELLENT F; ACUITIES FOR 480,580 111,680 ney-Cent. N. and Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O. COLLECTIONS I AND BILL OF L ADING DRAFTS A SPECIALTY. .Tourist Accounts Solicited. dB®T*t§ 23 FIRST NATIONAL BANK *150-12% Ass t Oashier. Save time and get service by sending FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain Sight Draff, lSe; Credit Report*. 25c. COMMERCIAL BK.& TR. CO, *125 Vice-President. Gassier. L. N. DANTZLER...... J. C. CLOWER........... E. S. TAYLOR-------- R. H. WASHINGTON, J. L. BERRY, Active JR. $ 125.000 $ 78.140 $1629620 $ 175.0 Send your Gulfport Collectionsdirect to us. Special attention given Bill of Lading Irafts. BANK OF GULFPORT 63 0.Harrison R18 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSISSIPPI—Continued J. J. HARRY............ H. S. WESTON........... P. A. STILWELL........ B. E. DEVORE----A. L. JAGOE, Active J. J. HARRY, JR., F. W.OORltABER P. A. STILWELL Tr. Officer b. n. WIL5UH 250,000 85,870 7.276.620 741,930 2,971.320 4,083,410 170.480 1.129.210 Seab. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Hibernia Bk.& Tr. Co., N. O.; Union & Plan. Bk. A Tr. Co., Memp. THE OLDEST NATIONAL BANK ON THE MISSISSIPPI COAST. Collections .solicited.and,.proj^ptly ^emittejl for^^ moderate rates. Bra cial attention given ®T<’02 Gunnison____ 485 Peoples Bank______________ {Closed December 17, 1926) 8 M Bolivar D6 Guntown____ .365 Bank of Guntown d®*t!1900 E. C. Norton_____D. W.Robins--------- R. C. Strain 20% par 100 85-313 8M Lee B20 .Hattiesburg 14.084 6N.0.Forrest 017 CITIZENS BANK *135-8% 85-49 w. 0. TATUI........... G. M. MCWILLIAMS- T. J. WALKER..........M. S. ARRINGTON — d®<§’92 par 100 COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK *110-6% 85-50 d®T<’23 par 100 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 85-48 •t’95 *145-8% lea Watson We offer Banks,Wholesalers and Jobbers,superior service in the collection and prompt remittance of all commercial collections, drafts with bill of lading attached, etc, try us. R. B. McLEOD--------------------------- G. B. McDUFF------- H. B. SPENCE .... Tr. Officer UP-TO-DATE SYSTEM AND METHODS. Fully Equipped to Handle Commercial or Trust Business. Prompt Service, Reasonable Rates on Collections. _J. L. MIXON....... -G. J.HAOENSTEIN- W.P. JONES. F. W. FOOTEC. M. SIGLER First and oldest established Bank in county. We solicit your collections. Correspondence invited. 265.580 264,400 2,040 12,030 34,840 Lib. Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. &Tr.Co. Memp.;Peo. Bk.&Tr..Tupelo; 1st N., Jackson. 125,000 47.320 1.524.750 1,180,450 215,340 85.510 215,770 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., CbL; 100,MO 11,920 1,088.680 875.860 219,460 52.310 168,540 Chem. N., N. Y.: 111. Merch. Tr. Co., 350,000 229.070 5,253.100 204,160 4,217.490 530.990 N., N. Y.; Cont. k. Com’l N., 62,130 1,225,710 Chem. Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Whltney- 20,000 27,740 117.580 30,010 1,173.640 709.400 104,220 22,000 468,020 Guaranty Tr. Oo„ N. Y. I, N. Ellis________ H. R. Ellis.................. H. R. Ellis_______ Newton Ellis. 75,000 25,000 750,000 350,000 225.000 10,000 C. Blankinshlp........S. D. Russell--------- H. H. Mitchell_________________ 10.000 4,100 118,200 61,450 32,680 3,360 265,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O. 34,810 Chase N., N. Y.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O.: 1st N., Meridian. 45,00) 1,050,000 714.000 265,000 19,000 180,000 3,000 75,000 20,500 G. W. Covington— J. S. Deeell---------- R. L. Covington R. P. Cooke--------- R. L. Redding------ T. P. Fiinn----------- W. A. Lauderdale 50,000 Hickory______ 618 Bank of Hickory.............. $104 85-317 6N.0.Newton K18 Hickory Flat ..269 Bank of Hickory Flat ®»tl'09 85-318 8M Benton B17 *210-20% par 100 Holcomb ____ 205 Bank of Holcomh............. I’14 8M Grenada E12 jioo-15% 85-319 par 100 Hollandale___ 799 Bank of Hollandale ___ »tl’02 85—320 8M Washing’n G7 Planters Bank_______ <§’20 F. E. McCormick.. H.W.McMillan. Jr. A. S. McClindon... Ethel Henton .... 15,000 3,000 200,000 J. T. Cox____ ____ I. N. Iiready.............. D. G. Baker______Mrs. Evie Fowler. 10,000 4,000 125,000 R. Y. Nason______B. C. Adams..............J. M. Fancher 10,000 1,370 83,200 Paul Holland_____E. L. Anderson Duncan Cope--------- -----------------------— 60,090 59,170 230,520 15.000 240,310 17,500 18,000 E. J. Ganier______ W. P. Shackleford. Grant Hamilton—jOhas. Glower, Jr... 25.000 3,830 188,300 2,580 112,350 1,500 W. R. Cooke.. 6,860 100,000 {Closed December 22, 1926) fifLiOS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Chi.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co.,N.O. Cent. N., N. O. •Hazlehurst_.1762 Bank of Hazlehurst___ •tl’91 85-174 6N.0.Copiah M10 Merchants & Planters Bank 1214% par ioo 85-173dB®T*t8’82 Heidelberg___489 Citizens State Bank...48’20 86-497 6N.0. Jasper L19 ..Hernando ___ 796 De Soto County Bank______ 8M Da Soto A12 Hernando Bank........ d®»tl’90 *200-15% par 100 85-316 ..frauiiits Whltney-Cent. N., N. O.; Lib. Cent. Tr. Co., St. L. niTinim n alii/ 3,000 72,010 147.000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N.. Memp. and St. L. Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O. 60,000 Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O.; 1st N. Meridian. 27,500 18,000 Bk. of New Alb., New Alb.: Bk. of Com. & Tr. and Un. & Plant, Bk. & Tr., Memp. 5,820 16,740 Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co., Jackson: Grenada. Grenada; Greenwood Bk. & Tr. Co., Greenwood. 68,620 Cont- & Com’l N„ Chi.; Canal Bk. &Tr. and Hibernia Bk. & Tr, Co.. N. O. 99,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.: Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 1 f.<‘TUC D A Ml/ fIC CIIDCDIflD CFDVIPE” 770 ' Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.fl’New § State tPriv. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond N.O. N.Or. M.Memp. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSaIe%Div. PRESIDENT. »HollySprlngs2113 Bank of Holly Springs®<f ’69 L. G. Fant 8M Marshall Alb 12% 85-166 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Bankfllf Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSISSIPPI—Continued Vic*-Pr*sidint. CA8H1KR. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Cash * liPaid-up Miscel oiaji Depos Other and and «hiDvi Liabili-, CAPITAL pROrrr8 its Discounts 8ecuritiss laneous non Bini TIES W. B. Bradberry.. J. F. Daniel______ Harris Gholson____ $ 60,000 $ 86.530 $ 936.730 $ 50.000 18,980 18.630; $ 631.650 $ 225.880 $ Fred Tyson fR. L. TUCKER...... H. GATEWOOD......... C. 0. COLLINS- - - - - - - S. A. WINBORN_ _ _ _ 285.172 473,150 127,870 86,330 $ 158.020 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Memp.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Canal Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O. 22,970 par 100 85-462 Newest and mo st Up-to-date Ba nk in Holly Sprln gs. cd®<S'18 Excellent facili ties for handling out of town Item i. LCollections give n special attentl on. TRY US. Merchants k Farmers Rank S. W. Mullins_____ A. Q. Greer______ H. T. Powers_____ D. W. Greer. *150-22% 85-107 T»tS'99 J. E. Anderson, Ch. par 50 Doulka ..........803 Bank of Houlka_____ ©<§’05 A. L. Jagoe_______ I. N. Joyner______ R. E. Atwell. Ruby Atwell 85-321 8M Chickasaw D8 par 100 F. P. and Cash. ‘Houston....... 1408 Bank of Houston______<|03 8M Chickasaw E18 *250-14% 85-198 par 100 Houston State Bank____ 819 A. Toomer. 12 H% 85-495 20.000 14,000 104,160 1.110,060 19,510 42,270 136,920 719,790 455,270 111,710 100.320 Han. N..N.Y.; Un. & Plan.Bk. & Tr.,Memp.; 1st N., St. L.:Hib. Bk. & Tr„ N. O. 13,460 21,330 Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co., Jackson. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Un. & Plan. Bk. k Tr. Co., Memp,; Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O. -25,000 12,970 501,070 ‘Indlanols.__2112 Bank of Indianola____*$102 Leslie Fletcher___ S. D. Neill______ if. A. Moore______ ____________________ 8M Sunflower F8 85-223 E. A. Tanner, Active Delta Penny Savings Bank M. B. Burnett____ W. S. Stephens J. A. McCraine.... W. S. Stephens— 6% 85-224 ®»§'04 J. A. McCraine 50,000 49,730 658,010 25,000 8,000 286,770 Sunflower Bank..........®<|’96 W. R. Early______ D. M. Quinn_____ S. A. Hamel______ Herman Moore____ *140-10% 85-222 75,000 46,190 593,040 510.900 3.830 W. B. Catlette------ C. E. Wallace______ M. M. Coleman.— 20,000 21,000 371,000 137.000 113,200 Isola_________ 616 Isola State Bank........®»tl’19 F. H. Hutsen_____ E. A, Blount______ J. T. Griffin_______ ____________________ 8M HumphreysGO 85-480 25.000 1.500 60,000 30,000 70.000 Itta Bena ....1620 First National Bank....<’15 U. Ray___________ C, C. Moore, Active Paul Townsend_____________________ 8M Leflore F10 par 100 85-193 200.000 24,370 474,390 503,000 836,160 80,800 15,000 14,765 197,710 50,000 211,110 4,610 30,000 13.460 197,860 26.120 183.860 25,000 34,240 604,330 30,810 219,120 Inverness_______ ,561 Bank of Inverness---©<r04 J. F. Jones........ 8M Sunflower G9 20% 85-322 1.100 (Branch of Grena da Bank, Grenada. Miss,) .. A. M. Spencer. J. P. Tabb................ A. M. Harley_____F. Dulaney________ W. E. Scott, Active Louise Evans 10,650 331,230 56,250 1.000 161,210 Han. N.. N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Canal Bk. & Tr„ N. O. 460,440 2,500 18,250 276,550 Chatham Phenix.N. Y.; Canal Bk. k Tr. 28,660 93,210 N. O. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O.; Sunflower, Indianola; N. City, St. L. 12,000 187,500 N. Park. N. Y,; Cent. State N., Memp.; Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. N. O.: Cent.-State N„ Memp. 31,890 229.790 168,000 1st N.. St. L.; Union & Plan.Bk.; Memp. 30,000 Cent. State N., Memp.; Whitney-Cent. N., N.O. 52,520 J. W. Bradford First Savings Bank...®tl’14 G. B. Clowar______ J. H. Wier 14% par 25 85-452 ------- Paul Townsend ...j_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yazoo State Bank___®<|'10 C. C. Moore______ R. W. Harvey____ J. K. Alexander _____________________ *135-10% 85-195 ‘Iuka________ 1306 Iuka Guaranty Bank...<8’12 A. L. Jagoe_______ L. T. Gaines----------R. A. McRee, Jr... W. L. Williamson. 8M Tishom’eoA23 *210-15% 85-422 J. C. Jourdan ‘Jackson....23,698 CAPITAL 6N.0. Hinds JU NATIONAL BANK *300-16% 85-27 I- LAMPTON...... W. M. BUIE--- - - - - - AMOS R. JOHNSTON, W. C. ALLEN E. W. FREEMAN v. p. and Cash. W. H. EARBEE J. BLAKE LOWE W. M. BUIE, „ S. C. HART, S- C. HART Tr. Officer A. Tr. Officer dB®T<’68 irect Connections. Careful Attention, Attenti rompt Semce. Reasonable Rates, end your Mississippi Collections to us. Citizens Savings Bk. k Tr. T. B. Lampion.. Company.85-31 ®T*tl'03 par 25 20% W. M. Buie______ S. C. Hart, R. L. Skinner_____ V. P. and Cash. E. W. Freeman L. DONALD.......... LEE R. HART............ J. K. ARMSTRONG— J. H. SWANN.......... DEPOSIT G.Excellent facilities for handling items on Jackson GUARANTY BANK and all parts of Mississippi. Prompt, careful attention given Collections & TRUST GO. and Bill of Lading Drafts. 106,190 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.: N. 8tock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.; Whitney-Cent. N..N.O. FIRST STATE BANK *110-8% Principal Correspondents. 232,280 Han. N., N. Y.: Mtle. Tr. Co. and Lib. Cent. Tr. Co., St. L. 61,750 IstN.. Itta Bena; Interstate Tr. & Bkg., Co.,N. O. 31.620 51.970 Han. N., N. Y.; Lib. Cent. Tr.Co.,St.L.; 2,500 144,900 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 327,850 Memp. 300.000 355.380 4.566.810 548.090 3.496.800 746.980 238.840 1.287.660 N. Park, N. Y.; f ont. A Com’l N„ Chi.; Canal Bk.& Tr.,N.O ; N.Bk.Com., St. L. SEE AD V. 0PP0 SITE BE GINNING OF MIS S. 50.000 100.000 71,270 1,364.880 25.000 B50.530 25,130 BAN xs. 1,035,300 295,390 8,790 658.710 60.810 33.970 171,780 Capital N., Jackson. 322.030 N. Park, N. Y.; Cent. State, Memp.; Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O. 85-543 ®T<§’25 (Jackson banks continued on next page) *125 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Vicksburg, Miss—“THE BANK OF SUPERIOR SERVICE” 774 Number under Name of Itank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.n-New §StatetPriv. ^County Seats. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Efltab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond N.O.N.Or.M-.Memp. d-Safe Dep. ©Sav. $Last Sale%Div. Jackson____ 23.698 FIRST NATIONAL BANK (Continued) President. Vice-President. OLDEST BANK IN JACKSON Prompt Remittance. Collections on Jackson will receive Prompt Attention at the First National Bank. Jackson-State National Bank L. M. Gaddis-------- W. H. Jackson — *185-8% 85-29 ©T«i'89 W. N. Cheney, V. P. J. M. Jolley THE MCDPUJiMT? DAIIV Ass t Cashier. 0A8HIER. M. S. Craft. |W. A. Conniey V. P and Cash J. M. Quin & ’ 85-30 dB®T*t§'92 par loo CALDWELL & COMPANY • \ ROGERS CALDWELL. M gr. F. D. MARR E. J. HEITZEBERG J. D. CARTER H. C. ALEXANDER 200.000 102.600 3,712,680 13,950 2,397,330 697,060 450.000 793.470 8.251,930 52.510 6.923.820 896.730 8.000 Kidder, Peabody & Co., Equit. Tr. Co Gty. Tr. Co., and 1st N„ N. Y. Mgr, Branch of Mortgage & Securities Co. of New Orleans. L. E Crawford.. 10.000 10.000 62.220 45.120 98,520 2,030 8.590 25.00C 16.150 439,740 29,270 143,860 177,050 15.120 30,000 6.900 436.000 254,060 87,000 W. H. Cain............. C. M. Jackson 50.000 51.000 730.470 3,000 461.370 250.920 4,930 Merchants & Farmers Bank Warren Potts------- S. P. Rim mer_____ A. E, Atkinson ___ Jno. C. Lucas______ 20% par 100 85-162 B®*t§ ’90 __________________ Bank of Lake................ ®tl'05 Floyd Loper--------- J. E. Welch ............ W. P. McMullin D McMullin *750-10% 85-326 i Bank of Lambert.........®t§’20 J. S. Allen. Sr........... Otis Mitchell........... C. L. Wilson............. John S. Allen. Jr. 50.000 50.210 1.043.910 1.210 487.300 448.280 16,210 12.000 12,910 191.610 4.100 119,030 34.980 4.230 25.000 7,390 284,540 81.610 26.000 159.560 12.000 2.400 78,500 48,000 J. H. Cain______ 85-508 Lauderdale State Bank_«|’20 T. H. Naylor--------- W. E. Brown W. T. Barnes_____ I. M. Barnes______ 85-511 COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. *185-6% par 100 85-70 dB®T»t’05 nncvr FIRST riTIwl UlTinUII Dllll/ s- jones........... 85-69 S. *■ LINDSEY.......... «. h-CHAMBLISS— 0. U. MADDOX- 117.240 N. City, N. Y.; IstN.. St. L.: Union ft Plan. Bk. and Tr. Co., Memp.; Canal Bk. & Tr.Co., N. O. 202,540 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Cont. ft Com’l N., Chi.; Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co.,N.O 57,870 Canal Bk. & Tr.. N. O.. Merch. & Far., Meridian; Merch. Bk.& Tr.Co.. Jackson. 46.120 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Memp.; Plan. N., Clarksdale. 43,000 1st N.. Meridian; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co.. N.O. 100,000 94.180 2.098.190 100.000 1.500.300 413.650 120.850 357.570 Chem. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. ■■ Chi.; Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.; Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 100,000 306.730 3.700.510 332.410 3.033.720 608.510 166.480 632.930 Chase N. and N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. S H &ISS Send us your Laurel business. F. G. WISNER_ _ _ _ _ P. S. GARDINER_ _ _ J.F. CALHOUN, C. H. FERRILL.......... B. ROGERS, E. R. FARRIS, 7V.O#. V.P. and Cash. McW. BEERS Ch. Exec. Com. a: F.' CHISHOLM, G. M. GOODMAN, . W. L. PRYOR w. A. Tr. Officer Auditor Send us your Bill of Lading. Personal attention—Prompt remittance. ®T»t’03 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 18,190 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Cent. State N., Memp.; Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O. 174,120 Han. N„ N.Y.; Hibernia Bk. ft Tr. Co., N. O.: Union ft Plan. Bk. ft Tr. Co., Memp.; Merch. Bk. & Tr., Jackson, 122,000 Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O. Unexcelled service on Bill of Lading Drafts and all collections. Prompt careful attention to all items entrusted to us. NAMUNAL BANK *275-12% 926,810 Han. N.. N. Y.: Canal Bk. & Tr.. N. O.; Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. Q. 244,730 1.482.630 N. Bk. Com. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Rep., Chi.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Cn. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. J. S. COLEMAN, Myr ‘Kosciusko ...2258 Guaranty Bank ft Trust Co. W. R. Pope----------- T. B. Ricks.__ 8M Attala H16 *120-10% 85-516 ©Tt§’20 Kosciusko Bank_____ ®«il’06 F. Z. Jackson------- K. L. Ray_____ *175-10% par 100 85-163 *65 ' 99.000 £2159110 $ 423.340 $ 267.720 $1018440 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Whit■ 1 ney-Cent. N. and Canal Rk. & Tr. ! co., >. o. ROGERS CALDWELL. T. G. DONOVAN. Sec. Tr. ED. S. LEWIS, JR. (206 Millsaps Bldg.) B. K. Smith ____ Jonestown _„_6‘ Peoples Bank___________ il’12 W. P. Holland------- C. W. King____ K. T,. Anderson 8M Coahoma C9 85-428 Kilmlcbael___ 395 Bank of Kilmichael____ »*’04 H. J. Flowers-------- A. E. Wilson______ B. S. Kent______ 8M Montg’y F15 *200-15% 85-325 Lake .....................455 6N.0. Scott K16 Lambert______ 957 8M Quitman C9 Lauderdale___ 187 6N.0. Laud’le J21 ‘Laurel.........15,513 6N.0. Jones M18 $ 200.000 $ 317.720 S3 251900 $ Special Attention given Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash Letters and Time Collections. Remittance made Promptly. (305 Capital .\atl. Bk. Bldg.J j MORTGAGE & SECURITIES COMPANY Principal Correspondents. Cash St Ex changes, Du« from Bakxs J. M. HARTFIELD—-H. 0. BLAND.......... H. 0. BLAND............ E.LE. LAIRD l. M. OWEN , j. e. Heidelberg, a. „ „ K..godbold G0D8G lYltnuM An I o DANK o.B-(Onetaylor AcHve, v-p- o.b. taylor Tr- wen cash. aA.. k TRUST COMPANY Branch*) officer MgH’liond Dept, *300-20% Resources. Liabilities. Bonds Surplus Loans Other Miscel Paid-up Depos L and and AND iabili Capital Profits its Dlacounta Seeuritias laneous ties J. B. STIRLING- - - - - - R. F. YOUNG............ N. H. CRENSHAW_ _ _ J. A. LOGUE- - - - - - 0. J. WAITE, Ch.of Bd. CARTER STIRLING 85-28 dR®M'85 *250-u% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSISSIPPI—Continued MM Vicksburg. Miss—“THE BANK OF SUPERI il:M4;l'IW4W >:■/ The Merchants Bank & Trust Co 85-30 JACKSON, MISS. 85-30 Established 1896 We Invite the accounts of Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals The Largest Bank in Mississippi Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits over $1,250,000.00 Resources over $9,250,000.00 A:'-.' . mst SEND US YOUR COLLECTION ITEMS This Bank is located in the most central, largest and fastest grow ing city in the State of Mississippi. It renders a very prompt and satisfactory service on all bill of lading and other collection items. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,V" - . \awman AND Frbe Mfg-(9 Banking Department Cleveland Ohio Knapp Publications McNally Chicago Attached find our order for January 1927 issue Directory that the know you will tremendous Directory of this country informat ion contained therein bank growth which informa departments answer the thousands of inquiries tion Directory we With the aid of a system that ould small bank an outline bank nor are only be equipment that bank an outline would not properly function January Looking forward Directory Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis YAWMAN ERBE MFG MANAGER BANK DEPARTMENT 77C [ '~ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. lies. Dist. N.O.N.Or.M.. Memp. •Mem.A.B.A.MNew§StatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%l)iv. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this _______ volume. For Interest Hates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ___ f'ntifinnp»H iVlioOfOOiriTl Cashier. ‘LeakesvUIe ..555 6N.0. Greene 021 Leland............. 2003 8M Wash’ton G7 Lena................. 400 6N,0. Leake J15 ‘Lexington 1792 8M Holmes H12 Bank of Leakesville..©«t§'02 J. W. Backstrom.. 10% 85-329 Rank of Boland H. C. Crosby.. __ B. O. McGee.......... $200-15% 85-330 R. B. Stoval_____ Joy Davis _ P. C. Lyle ____ 8100-par 100 85-547 Bank of Lexington..d©»JS’96 S. L. Burwell_____ A. M. Pepper_______ $150-10% par 100 85-158 E. F. Rathell ■ Merck, ft Far. Bk. ft Tr. Co. Morris Lewis_______ W. M. Meek.............. N. B. Hooker_______ $200-20% 85-160 T'tS'05 W. K. Durden, V.P. H.H. Johnson W. H. Jackson____ S. B. Robinson ____ N. G. May hall. ‘Liberty 515 8% par 100 85-331 6N.0.Amite 07 Logtown..........665 (See Long Beach, Miss.) 6N0HancockR15 E. N. Batchelor. M Long Beach___980 Hancock County Bank 85-368 ©»t§’02 6N.0. HancoekRIS (Formerly listed, at Logtown Miss.) Louln ___ 475 Peoples Bank.................®t§’23 R. A. Foster_____ T. L. Wilkins_____ P. L. Blackwell ... $50 8o-535 6 N.O. Jasper L17 * Louisville. 1777 Bank of Louisville . tf’03 8M Winston H18 85-216 Louisville Home Bank.«i§’19 T. J. Lee S. T. Carr_______ Howard Liddell. 5135-12% 85-217 W. T. Fulton, Acti ve ‘Lucedale.. . 629 Bank of Lucedale ...d®«tf’03 R. F. Ratliff.................. T. M. Ferrill _ $150 20 % par 50 85-332 6 N. 0.George P21 Lula_________ 344 Bank of l.nia T»t|’08 E. L. Anderson— C. W. Poland.___ 8 M Coahoma B9 $200-15% 85-338 par 100 Lumberton 2192 FIRST NATIONAL BANK H. M. Bishop_______ W. W. Pigford______ R. W. Hinton 6N.0. Lamar F16 $206-12% 85-334 dB^'tlSOO L. O. Pigford par 100 44 44 Peonies Rank . (sVf§’?4 D. E. Lampton____ par 100 85-542 Maben. 499 Maben Home Bank_______tl'07 J. R. Boyle__________ W. T. Norris_____ C. J. Sherman____ 85-335 8M OktibbehaFIS ‘Macon____ 2051 Bank of Macon________•}| 99 W. B. Patty.......... W. L. Shannon___ J. E. Boggess .... 8 M Noxubee H21 $275-10% par 100 85-179 “ 44 Merchants & Farmers Bank N. H. Harrison.__ J. F. Ames______ $300-10% 85-178 *tl’88 B. V. Yates. Active Madison Sta.__325 Bank of Madison___ ©§’01 S. D. Clinton_____ M. L. Dewees___ J. W. Cox................. M.S. Cox 6N.0. Madison J11 $25-8% par 25 85-336 Magee............... 730 Commercial Bank_____t|'09 W. C. Smith_____ B. A. Smith______ B. A. Smith............. 6 N.O. Simpson L14 $125-12% par 100 85-337 S. L. Langton......... State Guaranty Bank®»t§’23 Mims Williams___ R. L. Everett . «ii5 85-531 C. J. Kees, Act. ‘Magnolia 2012 Citizens Savings Bank®»f|’13 F. C. Andrews____ A. T. LeggettA. T. Leggett........ 85-440 6 N.O. Pike 09 $200-10% Lamar Ramsay ___ C. L. Lampton____ W. M. Lampton... V. L. Terrell, Active 10% 85-338 Mantee. ?dQ Bank of Mantee J’07 A. M. Harley_____ J. E. Logan_______ H. W. George____ 85-339 8M Webster E18 $125-10% Ass’t Cashier. V^UIlllllUCU. Liabilities. Resources. Bonds Miscel Cahii & Ex Loaua Paid-up Surplus Depos Other changes,Due and and and L iabili its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous from Banks ties * 35,000 % 75,000 28.000 i, 679 290 12,000 2.500 W. D. Wilson 100,000 48,020 J. W. Latham............ 100,000 25.000 104.860 $ 893,380 156,750 1,600,010 7.150 321,510 $ $ 500.000 175.000 1.500,000 750,000 $ 300.000 2,490 130,000 $ 6,350 803,890 87,070 31,070 4.440 1.119,280 213,800 24.040 101.750 15,180 10,000 208,030 __ (Pearlin gton Bra nch of B ay St. L ouis. Mi ss.) Principal Correspondents. 40,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0.: Peo. Bk.of Mobile and Merch.,Mobile. 650,000 Chem. N.and N. Bk. Com., N. V.; Canal Bk. & Tr,, N. O. 39,980 Whitney-Cent. N.. N. O.; Peo., Union.; Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co., Jackson. 251,380 N. Park. N. Y.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O ; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Memp. 504,060 N. Park and Chem. N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O. 38,700 Chase N„ N. Y.; Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O.; Jackson-State N.. Jackson. Chem. N„ N. Y.; Whitney Cent. N.. N.O. , 10,000 3.800 60,910 62.320 25,000 36,800 176.540 26,820 184.580 12.010 16.560 52.010 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.,Memp. 50,000 54,980 959,760 68,270 574.543 376,610 148,980 32,870 N.Park,N.Y.;Cont.& Com'l N.,Chi.: Marine Bk. &Tr. Co., N. O. 25,000 2.850 100.000 330 31,670 Han. N., N.Y.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr.Co.,N. O. 15,000 16,500 30,000 62.350 75.000 91.000 1,022,330 10.000 700 17.000 E. D. Calhoun_____ 15.000 4,410 176,530 55,000 18,590 540.620 10,000 2.000 100.000 22,070 50,000 J. W. MACK_ _ _ _ M. D. BRETT_ _ _ F. L. MITCHELL— ‘Marks______1020 CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. E PERSONAL SE KV1CE.” 8M Quitman C9 $75-10% par 50 85-470 d©T»J|’17 ) Special attentl on given Bill of Lading drafts, C ash and Time It ems. APlease send 15c w ith each sight draf t for presentation. and 25c for Gred it Repor ts. 419,160 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 89,440 530 14,510 28,500 200,000 356,110 126.400 7,000 431,550 809,630 608,530 17,540 3.000 23.000 500 3.000 92,720 50,040 45.240 332,080 235,460 28.000 277,550 83,750 382,500 195,000 5,090 50,000 2.000 7,000 211,490 189,060 18,420 212,760 N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.: Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co.. and Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N.O.; 1st N„ Memp. 128,540 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Memp.; N. Bk. of Com.. 81. L. 46,000 Hanover N., N. Y.: Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O.; Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co., Jackson. 15.000 70,930 142,500 50,000 16,040 402,090 219,980 108,760 10,850 MissBertha Norris 10.000 12.500 160,000 20.500 146.000 1,000 10.000 fWM. NEVILLE...... W. T. DENMAN_______ B. P. ALBRITTON — E.E. FLOWERS....... P. J. ABRIGHT,Aciiie. 50.000 39,320 1,009,630 100,000 564,320 360,960 45,170 35,000 11,000 75.000 29,120 1,031,690 < Send us your M cComb items dir ect. T«t'04 1 Excellent facill ties for handling all out of town it ems. (^Collections a sp ecialty. Prompt r emittance. Reaso nable rates. E. E. Flowers_____ McComb Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. Wm. Neville —___ $75-6% 85-93 (l©T»t§'21 E. R. Harlan, V. F. P.J. Abright, Active Mechanics State Bank T. J. Quigley $175-16% par 100 85-92 d®*tf’08 Ml■R(Ml\N' L. L. George_____ 482,510 125,000 438,540 A. M. Bennett ___ Nattye Furner___ 3.000 11.470 3fil OftQ t N.Bk. Com., N. Y.: Canal Bk. & Tr„ N. O.; Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 175.280 Han. N„ N. Y.: Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Marine Bk. &. Tr. Co.. N. O. it* I <U K., IN # 1 m Is l IN • « MuullOi 25,000 740,540 .. 22,360 W. A. DeMonbrun. 784,180 27,500 85-91 163,620 6,600 15.090 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 54,120 Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Citiz. Bk„ 40,000 40,000 McComb.... 7775 6 N. 0. Pike 09 3,050 F. F. Mitchell . 15,000 .. RIVERSIDE BANK— ©•**’04 T. J. Barrow_____ T. W. Hawkins___ $135-10% 85-340 Mathiston dfia Merchants & Farmers Bank J. L. McCrocken .. 85-455 t*’14 8M Webster F 18 $135-8% 29,640 W. J. Webb_______ (Branch ofQrtna da Bank .Orenad a,ldi88.) rs 1mONAL 465,000 94,180 335,000 82,000 3,000 767,700 262,450 40,120 40.000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O, 40,900 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O. 200.160 Chem. N.. N. Y.: N. O. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Cent.-State N.. Memp. 4.000 1st N., Chi.; Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Capital N.. Jackson. 7,380 Chase N., N. Y.; Interstate Tr.& Bke. Co.. N.O.:CapitalN..Jackson;N.Bk.Com..St.L. 215,090 Han. N., N Y.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; 1st N., St. L. and Jackson. 45,000 Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O.; Merch. Bk. & Tr., Co., Jackson. 102,550 Chem. N., N. Y.;C. & C. N.. Chi.; WhitneyCent. N.. N. O.; 1st N.. St. L. 53.000 Han. N..N.Y.: Union & Plan. Bk.&Tr. Co.. Memp.;N.Stock Yds. N.,N.Stock Yds. Ill. 228,500 N. City, N. Y.; Canal Bk. & Tr.. Whitney-Cent.N.,and Marine Bk. &Tr.Co.,N. O.; 1st N., Jackson; N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 91,000 1st N.. McComb. 159,710 Chem. N.. N. Y.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; 1st N.. St. L. BAINK. Vi CKSBURG. Miss.—“TlHE BANK CIF SIIPE[Rif)R SE[RVICE” 776 Number under Name of Itank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaliy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. •County Seats. +Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond M.0.N.Or.M.»Memp. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div McCool..............517 8M Attala G16 McHenry..........630 6 N.O. Stone Q18 McLain.............. 275 6 N.O. Greene 020 •Meadvllle____304 6 N.O. Franklin N7 Bank of McCool_____’25 par too 85-343 Citizens Bank_______ ©.tJ’13 *180-8% 85-446 Bank of McLain____ ®»tl’06 85-345 Bank of Franklin-._d®»tS’12 *175-15% par 100 85-432 Vice-President. President. Ass’t Cashier. CASHIER. *275-16% 85-21 dB(DT*t’88 (Branch ofQrtna daBmnk .Qrenad a, Mies.) L. B. Godard_____ W. C. Batson_____ E. E. Colmer_____ L. R. Weeks____ $ 85-20 85-23 8,310 $ 105,710 Bk. of Gulfport and 1st N.. Gulfport: Ma rine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 3,690 38.930 N. Park, N.Y.; 1st N.. Mobile. 15,000 12.050 182,480 1.420 166,630 1.700 23,950 437,550 84,500 323,980 43,560 15,000 21.000 452,060 75,000 214,450 243,070 150.000 220.190 2,876,280 150.000 2,008.820 560.440 200.000 332.700 6,184,890 106.800 4.671.760 715.990 350.000 18.000 41,660 100.000 Seab. N.. N. Y.: Whitney-Cent. N. and Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O.: N. Bk. Com., St.L. 1.531.340 60.000 114.480 362.370 Chase N. and Chem. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.,St.L.;Hib. Bk.&Tr.Co.,N.O. L. L. DOWLING_ _ _ E. B. MILLER R. L. BLANKS 4,720 114,260 Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co.. N. O; Brookhaven Bk. & Tr. Co., Brookhaven; City Bk. & Tr. Co., Natchez. 105,530 Seab. N.. N.Y.; Whitney-Cent. N., N.O 178.220 N. City, N. Y.; Standard Tr. & Sav. Chi.: Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 1st N. St. L. I We give sp ecial attenti on to Bill of Lading Draft Land ail coll ections. Ou r rates most reasonable. “TRY US.” L. ROTHENBERfi— A. D. SIMPSON---- LEW CASTER ^ARI^BRJttSIiB“ We Invite the business of Banks, Bankers and Merchants desiring PROMPT and SATISFACTORY service. BILL OF LADING DRAFTS OUR SPECIALTY. ®T»t’83 TEST OUR FACILITIES. 50.000 9.660 450.000 45.760 1.450.880 If. Park, If. Y.; Cont.&Com’l N., Chi.; Canal Bk. & Tr. and Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. ®T«tl’07 •MERCHANTS & FARMERS BANK *75-12% Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O.: 1st N.. Memp. 37,600 25,000 Sec. 85-24 11,470 $ 294,290 * 15,040 $ 179.180 $ D. R. McGehee___ V. H. Torrey_____ H. R. Babington... J. V. Mizell____ RUSHING, JR. "GUARANTY BANK L. D. CALDWELL. . . . . . C. M. LAWRENCE—. C. M. LAWRENCE.. C.J. C.C. DUNN, ATTENTION AND PROMPT SERVICE & TRUST CO. PROMPT GIVEN ALL BUSINESS SENT US. *115-8% 10.000 $ Principal Correspondents. Jeff Griffis_______ H. M. Weldy______ O. B. Read_______ Thurman Milling par 100 ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK Resources. Liabilities. Loam Bondi ther Miscel Paid-dp Surplus Depos LOiabili and and and its Capital Profits Diioounti Securities laneous ties T. B. Ricks_______ E. C. Taylor______ J. P. Johnson____ •Mendenhall.. 637 Peoples Bank______ . -*t§’08 T. B. Durr_______ R. E. Davis_______ A. S. Davis............ 6 N.O. Simpson L13 $200 8 5-346 •■Meridian... 24,312 "PAUL BROWN_ _ _ E. L. GASTON_ _ _ _ C. L. HUGHES_ _ _ _ 6N.0.Lauderdale K20 •CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acees.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSISSIPPI—Continued J. H. CURRIE. - B. J. CARTER, Jr._ C. H. KING- - - - - - - - - - C. R. LEWIS Send your Meridian items direct to us for prompt returns. ®»tr07 We give special attention to Bill of Lading Drafts. *E. Cahn, Banker_____ *t*'13 E. Cahn__________ E. Cahn, Jr_______ .VI. E. Dabbs___ 85-25 Meridian Clearing House.. Lew Carter______ C. M. Lawrence... Lew Carter. Sec. (Member* indicated by a *) 100.000 50,000 50.000 1.862.190 56.010 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Boatmens N., St. L.; Whitney-Cent. N., N. O. 30,000 MERIDIAN—Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS MERIDIAN FINANCE GORP. A. 0. SIMPSON- - - - - - R. E. WILB0URN —- GEO. T. CARTER. LEW CARTER, Sec. & Mgr. Investment Securities. Member Investment Bankers Association of America. MUNICIPAL AND FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS. Tr. Correspondents OFFICES AT COLUMBUS AND HATTIESBURG MISS. and Bank Depositories MUNICIPAL. FIRST MORTGAGE. AND GOVERNMENT BONDS. (MeridianFinanceCorp.Bldg.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Edgar Brown..........S. A. Roberts............ Ed Parham............ lit 1927) O oO M erlgold____ 606 Bank of Merigold__________ (Closed January 18, 8M Bolivar E8 Merigold Bank................§'27 J. R. Smith............. 85-550 J. M. Aldrich------Michigan City 250 Bank of Michigan Oity®t§'19 C. J. Tullos______ 85-483 8M Benton A17 Mize________ 332 Bank of Mize_________ t|’06 85-348 W. H. Seavey.......... 6 N. 0. Smith M15 *130 •Montlcello... 464 Bank of Monlicello___»tl'04 85-349 6N.0.Lawrence N12 15,000 T. W. Rives_____ 15,000 2,540 69,070 51,880 520 R. A. Little______ T. A. Tullos_______ 10,000 5,500 135,400 121.000 2,250 J. H. Arrington ... E. S. Fairman........; 25,000 25.00G 400,000 1 450,000 3,86f 30,360 Cent.-State N.. Memo. 20,800 Capital N., Jackson: Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 50.000 Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O. -“1fHE BANK ()F SUPIERIO R S 777 Number under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A. oNew § State tPriv. TEstab ‘County Seats tMem. State B Ass’n Fig. isF. Kes. Dist. ♦Fe!. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond N.O.N.O.M.Memp. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div President. Moorhead.... 1600 Bank of Moorhead.......Ttl'04_____________ 8M Sunflower F9 $225-12% 85-851 Citizens State Bank ©T*il’19 c. M. Davis ... $ioo 85-491 Morton._____ 437 Bank of Morton__ ®«tl’04 w. D. Cook___ 6 N.O. Scott K14 $185-15% par 100 85-352 Moss Point...3340 Merchants & Marine Bank !____________ 85-139 ©»t*’99 6 N.O. Jackson R22 $140-16% Cashier. \V. A. Topp.......... W. S. Still .. ........ F. Colmer______ 21,000 21.840 476,040 2,000 4,000 $ correspondents. 20.300 $ 57.630 Merch. Bk. & Tr., Jackson; Bk. of Com. & Tr., Memp.; Marine Bk.&Tr., N. O. 209.050 208.740 9.210 93,870 Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.; Jackson-State N., Jackson. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Hib. Bk. ft Tr. Oo., N. O.; Merch., Mobile. 480.410 619,550 53.820 341.580 Han. N. and Chem. N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Corn ! N.. Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 36.800 E. W. Howell____ (Branch of Pasca goula.M iM.)---75,000 22,380 1.317.570 Mt. Olive Bank______ •il’OllA. W. Evans______ E. L. Calhoun_____ J. M. Adams-------- Mrs. J. M. Adams. 85-854 Bank of Myrtle_____ »:tS'04 8. O. Frasier--------- J, E. Coltharp____ John T. Miller___ $120-10% par 100 86-356 Bank of Commerce..-T»t8’05 F. J. Duffy______ K. P. Lanneau____ W. E. KorndorfTer $uo-«% 85-43 25,000 18,000 237.210 74,980 15,000 3,000 80,000 80,000 50,000 33,000 501,970 14,050 337,150 30,570 63.540 202,030 2.588,810 168.890 1,651,750 689.540 188,630 SZ ’ 58.340 1,266.690 787.590 147.693 772.210 Bk. of N. Y. & Tr. Co.. N. Y-; 1st N.. Chi. 1st N.. St. L.; Whitnev Cent. N.. N. O. Union and Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. A. F. Dantzler... A. F. Johnson BRITTON * KOONTZ""l,Eln"00,E"J,«!:ls“FiEEM'iif6CB"'C“*,"s<"1 ,SP,"TAI"’NATIONAL BANK 85-40 Send Your Natchez Collections Direct. They will receive Prompt, Personal Attention. •t,35'. L. R. MARTIN - H. M. ALEXANDER J. B. KELLOGG— C. H. PERRAULT, i N.L. CARPENTER JR. .. , J.N. CARPENTER 85-46 dB©T»tl'13 i| Collections give n special attentto n and remitted o n day of payment. 80,420 Principal N. Bk. Com., N, Y.iCanal Bk. & Tr„ N. O. (Branch of Orm adaBk., Orenad a, Miss.) [$ 25.000 $ 20,110 $ 190.180 $ 10,200 $ 163,560 $ T. K. Arnold___ T. W. Townsend. Resources. Liabilities. Loam Bonds Miscel Subplus Other Paid-up Depos Liabili and and and its Capital Profits Diaoounta Securities laneous ties Ass’t Cashier. T. L. Delashmet- P. W. Cox_______ Pascagoula National Bank H. B. Herring 85-140 ®»t07 Mt. Olive_____778 6N.0.CovingtonM14 Myrtle_______ 326 8M Union B18 ‘Natchez.__13.070 6 N. 0. Adams N3 Vice-President. J. R. Hervey —— dexed Acres.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSISSIPPI—Continued 135.480 Seab. N..N.Y.; Whitney Cent. N.. N. O. Capital N.. Jackson. 18,000 Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. can too Han. N., N. Y.; Com’l N., ChL; Whitney-Cent. N. and Hibernia Bk. 4 ^ ^ N> o.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. SEEADV ON MIS SISSIPP I INDEX. 100,000 177,90) 2,637.950 CITY BANK & TRUST CO. 12% 167,760 Han. N.,N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr.,Chi.; Canal Bk. & Tr.. N. O.: N. Bk. Com., St. L. LARGEST BA NkTIN NATCHE Z. Peoples Savings Bank F. J. Duffy_______ J. F. Dixon------$io-0% 85-42 ©T»t*'02 K. P. Lanneau, Miss A. M. Black, Sec. and Tr, A. Sec. and A. Tr. Nesbitt______ 142 Bank of Nesbitt______ tl’20 J. C. Davis______ W. G. Lea......... — E. S. North. 8 M DeSoto A12 $140-10% par 100 85-499 Nettleton____ 653 Bank of Nettleton..®T»tS'04________________ 85-245 8 M Lee D21 Peoples Bank & Tr. Co.T»tJ’04________________ 85-244 *New Albany. 2531 BankofCommercedB©T#t8’06 R. L. Smallwood .. W. E. Fife.............. 8 M Union B18 $135-12% par 100 85-176 W. M. Wells, V. P. T. H. Hamilton Bank of New Albany.®*}8'96 J. F- Hall------------ S. D. Owen......... D. Hall, Ch. of Bd $175-18% 85-175 25,000 8,200 316,070 8,870 242,240 35,790 30,880 12,600 3,000 150.210 8.020 94.040 43.080 7.450 (Branch of Bank of Tupcl o, Tupd o, Miss.) W. 0. Webb-------- (Branch of Peop les Bk. & Tr. Co., Tupelo, Miss.). 383,710 459,110 46,000 9,600 636,340 91,310 31.290 42,000 149,880 73,250 8,870 400,000 80.000 280,000 70,000 76,500 8,060 516.410 17,820 364,780 109.590 29.540 23,770 601.730 338.510 125,580 100,000 36,550 906,280 60,000 31,070 955,260 Walter Myers----- W. L. Gallaspy— H. P. Garraway ... 16,000 10,040 183.670 Newhebron.__237 Newhebron State Bank.iS’19 Jeff D. Riley Vernon L. Riley... J. F. Sills______ 6N.0.LawrenceM12 85-358 Newton_____1604 Citizens Bank......... ®»tf’20 Dudley Stennis___ W. G. Gill.............. H. N. Brown__ Miss A. L. Gaines . E. S. Bentley, A.C. Miss Lorene Sones 6 N.O. NewtonK17 $200-15% 35-506 10,000 2,000 82,000 25,000 21,500 35,000 25.000 *New Augusta, 418 Perry County Bank—®»t§'07 J. A. Kennedy 6 N.O. Perry018 $150-10% par 100 85-357 NEWTON COUNTY BANK( $150 Northcarrollton 8 M Carroll F13 363 Noxapater___ 515 8 M Winston H18 par 100 E. SUMMER — S. P. BINGHAM_ _ _ _ . B. IAMPT0N— E. If. FREEMAN.— C. pecial attentio n given B-L draft s, Cash and Time Items. \i. G. A. Wilson, Jr... H. A. Lott— J. D. Lee___ T. F. Kilpatrick. B. C. Adams. R. T. Gaston , Oakland _____ 429 Bank of’05 J. T. Thomas_____ G. H. Moore______ J. M. Clark_____________ 8 M YalobnshaD13 85-361 I W. K. Black _________ 105.000 5.000 225.000 2,500 Branch of Oren ada Ba nh.Oren ada. Mi 2,000 156.670 1,840 35,870 17.400 70,000 10.000 10,000 Han. N..N.Y.; Union & Plan. Bk.ftTr.Oo., Memp. 154,000 Chase N.,N.Y.;N. Bk. Com.,St.L.; Marine Bk.& Tr., N.O.; Bk. Com. & Tr., Memp. 296,980 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Marine & Tr. Co., N. O. 19,700 1st N„ Hattiesburg: Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.; Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co., Jackson. 14,540 Hudson Tr. Co., N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co..N, O. 71,000 85-436 ®<•*IT3 I 15 li CENTS sent to us with each si gbt draft for pres entation. Peoples Bank & Tr. Company (j. T. Lee____ $100-8% 85-359 ©Ttl'18, Bank of Noxapater___ +J’06 J. T. Thomas. 12% 85-360 29.160 Un. and Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp. N. Park, N. Y. G. L. Francis, Mgr. A. L. Rogers-------- R. W. Wiseman ... M. W. Smallwood J. L. Spence-------- H. P. Dillard____ 49,230 Bk. of Com., Natchez. 88.) 26,440 5,780 100,000 Hib. Bk. & Tr., N. O.; Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr., Memp.; 1st N., Meridian and Jackson. 73,370 Chem. N.. N. Y.; Canal Bk. & Tr.. N. O.; Capital N„ Jackson; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 169,020 Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.; Bk. of Com. & Tr., Memp.; Wilson Bkg., Greenwood. 67,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co., Jackson; Grenada Bk., Grenada, 102,410iN. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. | Co., Memp. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. Vicksburg. Miss—“THE BANK OF SUPERIOR SERVICE” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 778 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given «,eacih bank in u s- exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Birectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. N.O. N.Or. M.Memp. »Meni.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. t.Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Kes.Depts;T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. (Ussier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-dp Surplus Dkpos- ^Other Capital Profits ITS TIES Ocean Springsl732 Farmers & Merch. State Bank A. J. Catchot.......... S. C. Davis________ S. C. Spencer,Active $ 6 N.O. Jackson R20 $30-4% par 25 85-439 d©»ti’13 O. L. Bailey_____ Ocean Springs State flank H. F. Russell_____ L. M. McClure____ A Egllp $200-15% 85-363 ©•**' 05 ‘Okolona____ 3852 COMMERCIAL BK. & TR. CO. jkyiffiiiM-i T.J. LYLES................ A. C. ROWE________ 8 M Chickasaw D20 $130-10% 85-149 •t|’20 (FEE IN ADVAN et service on Colle ctions and Credit CE: Plain sight d rafts, lSc; Credit •• _____ •• MERCHANTS & FARMERS W. H. Deavenport. 10% BANK-85-148 ------ •ti’07 f R. W. CHANDLER-. H. H. KINNEY.........„ J W. McRAE, Jr-----) J.E. EDENS. V. P. B. K ELLIS. Active 0K0L0NA BANKING C0-<S 88 ] Send os your b ii sin ess. $140-8% 85-147 l Prompt persona 1 attention guara nteed—TRY US. Olive Branch .197 Bank of Olive Branch.®tl’17 T. H. Norvell . H. A. Stuart_____ 85-466 8M DeSoto A13 $200-15% J. B. Birmingham Osyka_________ 704 Farmers Bank_______ d »tl’07 A. D. Felder.. 6 N. 0. Pike P9 $160-15% par 100 85-239 ... J.A. Ott.. . W. H. Grace (F. L. LINKER.......... ‘Oxford______ 2150 BANK OF OXFORD72 •j (Special attentfo 8 M Lafayette C15 $140-10% par 100 85-180 First National Bank_____ TO J. A. Parks_______ 85-182 .. _____ •• Guaranty Bk. & Trust Oo. E.G.H.Tankersiey $120-10% 85-473 ®T»t§18 Pace 500 Farmers Bank. ___ ®»t§19 J. H. Pace______ 85-476 8 M Bolivar £7 $uo Pachuta 450 Bank of Pachuta------ ®»t§’05 G. K. Evans______ 6 N.O. Clarke L19 $75-15% par 25 85-366 ‘Pascagoula ..8082 6 N.O. JacksonR22 M. Hyman H. 296.550 25,000 C. A LYLES Reports by sendl ng Reports, 25c, T RY US. 13.750 351,240 312,810 G.M. Savage_____ 25.000 5,000 275,500 B.F. ELLIS, JR........... 50.000 18,470 388,440 15.000 10.000 300,000 20.000 14.000 251,000 60.000 37,080 1,330,290 PHIL CARNATHAN— F. 40.150 % 7.550 660.000 25.000 4,600 300.000 10.000 2,800 85.320 D. Thames____ L. D. Whigham___ 10.000 27,000 275,000 75.000 17.000 1.067,470 Pelahatchee..l212 Peoples Bank_________ •tf’20 S. L. McLaurin. 85-519 8 N.O. Rankin £13 $100-10% H. H. Fox 12,040 41.350 66.370 28.510 200,000 75.000 5,000 45,000 Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Memp. 4,000 214.000 36.000 5,500 33,500 C. & C. N.. Chi.i Interstate Tr. Bkg., N. 0 ; Merch. Bk. & Tr., Jackson. 420,070 379,340 564.980 747,470 160,000 480 000 120,000 148,000 84,630 1,100 5,740 220,000 20,500 6,500 421.0C0 574,840 38.400 25,500 6.140 155,640 35,000 50,000 N. Pk., N. Y.; Cent. State N.. Memp. 32,150 Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp : Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co., Jackson. 65,000 Chem. N., N. Y.: Capital N.. Jackson; Merch. & Far., Meridian. 131.360 Miss.) Co., N.O. B. Allen........... M. J. McDonald .. H. D. L. Bohn 15.000 3.000 82.560 7,050 Pheba_________ 300 Bank of Pheba______ ®Ti§’lO R. P. Washington.. 8. R. Bland.............. T. D. Robertson... 85-370 8 M Clay F19 $120-6% 14,600 1,600 40.000 40.000 4.000 ‘Philadelphia 1669 6N.0 Neshoba 118 60,000 50,000 1.100.000 800.000 80,000 CITIZENS Ul l II.LI10 RANK UHlm 83-215 »t§’08 , . i J. M. LOFTOH............. LAMAR OLIPHANT — Park, N. Y.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co.. 7,880 67.070 Merch. Bk. & Tr. and Cap. N., Jackson.' 12,200 1st N., W. Point; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 330.000 and Canal-Bk. & Tr., N. 0.;Bk. of Com. and Tr. Co., Memp. SPECIAL ATT ENTION GIVEN BILL OF LADI NG DRAFTS. Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred it Reports by sen ding (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dr afts, 15c; Credit Rep arts, 25c. TRY US. (G. W. MARS______ R. H. MOLPUS......... W. M. PRINCE_ _ _ _ MRS. CLARA LANSING I* A* WLdo <| SPECIAL ATT ENTION GIVEN BILL OF LAD ING DRAFTS. ) Save time and get service on Col lections and Cre dit Reports by (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dr afts, 15c; Credit Rep or/s,25c. TRY US. \ m1L MlERC;h/IN'rs (ATI 60.000 45,680 971,030 _____ 844.380 ' 88,580 31.000 112,750 and Marine Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. 0. sending BAINKr 1VlCKSBlIRG, Miss.—“Tl m »tl'04 85-214 mccauley........ E. P. DONALD E. N. HENSON 1. 'Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Corn'l N., Ohi.; Whitney-Cent. N.. N. O. 169,740 'M. A. HENDERSON- J. f. “i t uu St. Loui 8, Miss.) 229 280 BANK OF PHILADELPHIA . 88.880 N. O. (Branch of Bay . 610 101.000 Chem. N. and Han. N.. N. Y.; C. & C. N. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L.;Canal-Bk. & Tr., N.O. 7,360 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 84,470 Seab.N., N.Y.: 1st N., Memp.; Merch.-Lac. N„ St. L.: Hib. Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. 0. 71,090 Han. N.. N. Y.: Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co. Memp.; Canal-Bk. & Tr., N.O. 217,630 15,000 . 61,440 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Memp.; Canal-Bk. & Tr. N. 0. 291,060 120 1 _. . 15.740 TKY US. (Branch of Moss Point, D. $200-20% 59.530 N. Park. N. Y.: Canal Bk. & Tr.. WhitneyCent. N. and Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 86,920 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Mobile; Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. 0. T. W. HUDSON------- Pascagoula National Bank 85-137 <97 Pass Christian BANK OF PASS CHRISTIAN Lee M. Russell___ 6 N.O. 2357 $120 par 100 85-479 d®»l*’19 HarrisonR17 “ “ Hancock County Bank 85-367 ®»tl’02 .. 8.500 $ 7.560 ©•tl'98 85-136 16% 9,000 L. Mitchell .... FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain tight drafts, 15c; Credit Reports, 25c. n 50,000 Principal Correspondents. Memp.; Canal-Bk. & Tr., N. O.; 1st N. St. L. 50.000 J. H. Pace. Jr.......... GAUTIER-. L. A. WATTS —...... MERCHANTS AND W.J. L1NDIN6ER — F.WALTER D. BECHT MARINE BANK 3,270 $ 185,370 $ 362,040 SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN BILL OF LADING DRAFTS. •• 9.460 * 265.820 $ 22.590 n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. W. W. East_______ D. G. Neilson_____ C. H. Roach............ 15,000 $ Resources. Bonds MlSCEL- Cash k ExDiscounts Securities LANEOU8 nu>M Baku Loans 14.000 W. H. Grace______ JAMES STONE, Sr.--- G. F. HEARD A. H. Adams. -4c/... Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSISSIPPI—Continued BAI m cIF SIIPE:rk)R SEiRVIICE" 77Q *'3 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to eaRh bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.^New §SftatefPrir ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. IBs tab Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond N.O. N.Or.M. Memp. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSISSIPPI—Continued Vice-President. Philipp_____ 530 Planters Bank................Ttl’13 R. F. McLellan___ A M Hayward. 8 M Tallahatchie T. Duncan 85-437 Ell Picayune....... 2479 Bank of Picayune.__®"t§’04 E. F. Tate......... ..... J. L. Megehee.. SN.O. Pearl River $90-10% W. E. Tate 85-371 R14 Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up AND Capital Profits its : Other Liabili-i ties Resources. Bonds , ash k ExMiscel C and ;jblawgm,Dui Discoun ts j Securities i laneous from Baskm Loans and $ 147,000 25,000 $ 16,580 $ 35.000 32.000 800.000 $ 13,000 400,000 $ 144,000 % Edward Rowlands. C. McDonald_____ R. E. Laird............. Pearl River County Bank $150-15% par ioo 85-487 ®*t8T9 E. H. Stevens 25.000 14,530 299,710 63,450 249,970 Pickens_______457 Pickens Bank_________•tl’12 J. B. Stirling.......... A. P. Yarborough— E. J. Spengler___ P. C. Hemphill___ I M Holmes 112 par 100 85 -427 Pocahontas,.. 250 Pocahontas Bank........ .@§’25 W. H. Lane_______ E. K. Middleton... G. B. Dewees_____ W. A. Harris-------6 N. 0. Hinds K10 85-548 G. B. Dewees 25.000 9.000 183,960 750 10.000 2.500 41,420 7,830 30,640 510,480 713,510 ‘Pontotoc___1274 |M Pontotoc C18 BANK0F PONTOTOC $100-10% ♦ 85-206 d®*t$’89 W. H. Crawford— 59,960 N. Park, N- Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Inter-state Tr. & Bkg. Co., N. O. 110.790 35,890 9,170 27.370 7,500 6.290 62,870 Seab. N„ N. Y.: Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co.. N. O.; 1st N., Jackson and Canton 20.590 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O.; Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Jackson. 85,810 485,140 120,600 64,740 120,000 454,130 344,290 33,050 5,710 38,000 15.000 5,000 267.000 184.110 (Branch of Bank of Bates vilU, Ba tesville. Mine. 25,000 71,200 35.020 680,940 449,470 J. A. Moody______ G. C. Gredell_____ G. E. Menetre____ 6.600 All It ems given special B. O. Garner. 50.000 13,310 28,630 615,940 12,540 d. 420,360 9.000 92,390 39,930 . 50.000 41,000 570.000 40,000 410,000 60,000 84,000 10.000 10,5001 255.680 1.500 88,170 4.900 1.860 50,000 19,320 567.350 830' 388,840 109,500 20,940 15,000 16,360 374,200 3,500 177.000 71,170 19,030 B. H. Carter--------- B. H. Carter_____ W. C. Couch.. 20,000 20,790 348,790 170,550 110,500 18,400 W. D. Crant___ __ O. W. Peltmar.__ R. C. Martin_____ M. M. Martin. 10,000 20.000 253,920 20,000 J. L. Gaddis___ T, Bridgers______ N. Spann________ J. L. Gaddis, Jr. 25,000 15,000 310.000 C. H. Stevens_____ T. W. Milner_____ D. Thoms________ 22.380 23.160 430,000 F. W. Foote______ P. H Jordan_____ O. E. Wilson_____ S. J. High_____ C. H. Dabbs______ N. E. Ellis, Mgr__ _____ 184,390 29,950 225,000 72,000 341,890 55,710 611,830 282,030 69,500 263,200 13,980 (Branch o/Tupcl o, MUs.) 50.000 25,640 985.140 42,500 15.000 4.000 200.000 F. B. Graft______ 30.000 15,290 513,380 50,000 149,040 15,000 132,210 75,000 •Rosedale___ 1696 BOLIVAR COUNTY BANK I J.G. McGEHEE—- W. T. CASSITY- - - - - - R. W. REA_ _ _ _ _ _ M. B. PATTON......... ®*4§'20 | Commercial bu dness and collec tions solicited. R omittance made on day of pay ment. 8M Bolivar E6 $100-10% ♦ 85-494 85,000 A. H. Dent______ 6,750 101,890 Rosedale National Bank *i’21 S. M. Seaton______ W. T. Burt ............. P. G. Paden______ lioo 85-526 65,5801 182,960 3.450 19,060 136.340 258,810 28,950 5.670 Valley Bank.......... ......... *t§’98 $150-20% 85-221 RulevlUe.......... 1022 Bank of Ruleville_____ *t$'03 85-256 8 M SunflowerEO io% Planters Bank A Trust Co. $i50-s% ♦ 85-507 ®*45’20 Sallls________ 273 Sallis Bank........ ................t§’20 85-502 8M Attala H14 lioo Saltillo______ 440 flank of Saltillo_____ ®t§’ll 8M Lee C20 85-386 G. n. flortright___ R. C. Thompson... E. V. Perry, Active 147,000 Han.N..N. Y.; Hibernia Bk.&Tr.Co.. N.O.: Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 182.750 Han. N.. N. Y.: Merch. & Far.. Holly Springs. 118.220 N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.; Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O.; 1st N„ Hattiesburg; Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co., Jackson. 1st N.. Hattiesbure: Whitney-Cent. N., N. 141,860 O.; Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Jackson. 90,120 Han.N .,N. V.; HiberniaBk.&Tr.Co.,N .0.; 1st N..Mobile: Merch.&Far.,Meridian. 65,580 Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.: capital N.. Jackson. 53.000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; N. O. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Jackson State N., Jackson. 160,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. 8t. L.: Union k Plan. Bk. A Tr. Co.. Memp. 139,920 Han.N.,N.Y.; 1st N., Memp.; Lib. Cent. Tr. Co.. St. L.: Canal-Bk. & Tr., N. O. 59.000 1st N., Memp.: Hibernia Bk. & Tr Co.. N. O., N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 182,450 Chem. N.. N. Y.; Cent. State N., Memp.; 1st N., Vicksburg. 32,310 Chem. N.. N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. k Tr. Co.. N.O.: Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp. 36,540 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; 1st N., Memp.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 31,340 460,360 283,150 50,960 23,070 184,520 Han. N..N. Y.: Bk. of Com.& Tr.Co.,Memp E. L. Anderson.__ J. S. Billingsley... J. Levingston T. H. Edmondson O. H. Levingston. D. B. Turner------- Herman Moore.... S. A. Roberts 50.000 95,080 611.230 65.000 614.670 19,83n 16.000 170,810 N. Bk. Com. and Chem. N.. N. Y.; Bk. of 50.000 33,460 201.710 4.510 243.280 1.000 9.000 T. B. Ricks______ M. E. Beasley_____ 10.000 3,100 128,080 112.050 J. W. Wesson_____ J. W. Jones_____ A. J. Roper............. 15.000 20,720 239,950 245,420 W. B. Roberts........ S. D. Knowlton .. J. L. Wilson. 50,000 A. L. Pentecost__ J. L. Ricks______ MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. Vicksburg. Miss10.Q . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 140,360 Han. N.. N. Y.; Capital N.. Jackson; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 64.000 Chem. N., N.Y.:Union k Plan.Bk. &Tr.Co.. Memp.; Canal Bk. & Tr.. N. O. 211,300 Chase N.. N.Y.; Con'l & Com'l. N., Chi.; Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co., and Marine Bk. &Tr. Co.. N. O. 154,430 N. Y. Tr. CO-. N. Y.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co. and Canal Bk. & Tr.. N. O.; 1st N., Vicksburg. 65,470 Cont. & Com’l N.. Ohi.: Peo., Mobile; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. W. E. Clemmer.__ J. Robertson_____ Ticer Young. C. E. Day S. J. High F. B. Smith______ J. K. McBride____ T. E. Pegt am__ 56,450 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Memp. Try Us. 125.000 i. M. TAYLOR-...... - H. W. M. DRAKE— MISS MARY DAKIELL items on Port Gibson direct, sonal attention g uaranteed. Corre Lamar County Bank. ®»t|’04 $165-15% par 100 8 5-377 Bank of Quitman .. d®*tl'03 $200 85-378 Raleigh State Bank_____tl'Of 40% 85-379 Merchants A Planters Bank 85-380 ®»4I'06 Rienzl________ 400 Peoples Bank A Trust Co. 85-382 •t*’04 | M Alcorn A21 ‘Ripley______ 856 Bank of Ripley_____®*tl'#4 8M Tippah A18 $150 par 100 8 5-242 Peoples Bank________®t§’25 $112.50 85-545 •Rolling Fork 703 Bank of Rolling Fork—*4102 6 N.O. Sharkey H7 $130-20% 85-383 100.000 fflcer. W. A. Boone______ R.H.DeKay, A. C. J. W- Moor Miss E. L. Watters K. A. Commer. •Purvis ...____ 919 6N.O. Lamar 016 •Quitman___1375 .O. Clarke L20 elgh______ 219 (N.O. SmithL15 ‘Raymond ___ 500 S N.O. Hinds K10 -©"*104 Memp.; Wilson Bkg. Co., Greenwood. 11,020 A. B. SNEED- - - - - - R.B. CALLAWAY-— J.D. SIMMONS- - - - - - J. I. WILSON O.J. KNOX S. H. Terral___ 21,000 N. Park. N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. 81,730 Port Gibson Bank...®T‘45'#0 R. D. Gage______ W. O. Guthrie____ R. G. Hastings___ R. D. Gage. Jr. M. M. Crisler $135-10% par 100 85-164 Potts Camp State Bank©t§’16 A. Q. Greer______ B.A. Edwards____ R. A. Greer______ 85-456 15% Bank of Blonntville..®‘tl’02 A. G. Williams___ J. B. Russell------- R. O. Williams____ W. H. Mathison... $130-15% 85-376 Richton_____ 2040 BANK OF RICHTON fi N.O. Perry N19 $152-8% 85-381 % 250.000 Chase N., N. Y.; C. & C. N., Chi.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. and Marine Bk. & Tr., N- O. W. E. Tate............. E. P. Smith ... Prentiss Byrd Potts Camp.. 319 I M Marshall B16 ‘Prentiss_____ 468 SH.O.Jef.Dav. N13 U 78,220 86.000 Modern, efflcle nt service. par ioo First National Bank ...»tl900 $150-10% par ioo 85-207 Po»pe _______278 Bank of Pope ............ ®T»tl’03 |M PanolaC12 $150 85-374 ‘FoplarvUIe ..1290 Bank of Commerce _®"*f’14 R. M. Newton_____ ( N.O. Pearl River $200-20% 85-210 Q15 iPt. Gibson ..1691 fS- BERNHEIMER—. _....... .. SOUTHERN 6 N.O. Claib’neL6 _ANK__ 85-165 ..@*451900 < Send us your (.Prompt and per $120-6% par ioo $ Principal Correspondents. . — “THF ML 10,370 Com. & Tr. Co.. Memp. 36.410 Han. N.. and NT. Park, N. Y.: Fidelity Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp. 26,220 Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O.: Ex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 19,890 Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr.. Memn.: Peo. Bk. & Tr., Tupelo. pm Dft O QFRVIPF” RAN k n lVitIUl UlL mu DHN f\ u F 0 IIPF Number under Name of Bank s the New Transit Number given *7Qn to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ K/fTCCTCQTPPT___ P/vntinn^H / OU Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n.________________ irll J Jt JOIL r X TOWN AND COUNTY. ^County Seats. Fig. is F. Res. Diat. IkO.N.Or. M. Memp. •Mem. A.B. A. “New § State tl'riv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed: Res. Depts :T-Tiust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.?LastSale%Div. SandersvlUe.. .559 Union & Farmers Bank-t§’08 85-387 fi NO. Jones M18 8% ASardis______ 1352 85-196 | M Panola B13 Panola County Bank.__ tf'04 85-167 Schlater______ 800 | H Leflore F10 15% par 100 85-388 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. 10,000 $ Edwin Wright____ E. L. Howry . 85,000 11,620 350,070 W. T. Burkhalter.. J. M. Kyle 30,000 21,500 274,480 S. Baltin.-.... 45,000 2.480 3. B. Young__ Edward Jones. J. Q. West_ B. H. Bacon, Jr.... Sebastopol____ 58 Bank of Sebastopol—<§’20 W. A. Hataway___ M. L. Anthony___ 85-514 g N.O. Scott 116 *150-8% Bank of Seminary___®«.§’07 W. L. H emeter___ R. T. Taylor______ D. D. Kennedv........ E. B. Kennedy____ 85-390 6 N.O.Cov'tonNla par loo J. R. Johnson......... 85-465 Claude Veazey____ R. T. Mitchell____ Non-Bank Towns with NearestTBanking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Surplus Other Cm * MxMISCEL CBAiu^lhri Paib-ot Dbpob- L and and AND iabili Capital Profits m Discounts Saeuritiss LANEOUS ties W. C. Trest_______ D. R. Sanders____ H. H. Mitchell___ J. E. Mitchell------- J Bank of Kemper <|’(14 Joe Cramer.. E. L. Gilbert_____ A. .T. Ouhre _. Miss Minnie Cole.. 85-389 6 N.O. Kemper I 22 *135-20% Merchants & Farmers Bank R. M. Quarles____ D. C. Gleason......... Mercer L. Gewin.. Mrs. O. T. Baker.. 10% 85-5C0 ©+$'20 ASenatobla ...1126 *175-15% |M Tate Bl^ * V/Jlinnutu____________________________volume. $ 5,000 $ 105,000 95,000 $ 160.060 * 106,900 % 29,990 290,940 76,540 $ 60,000 145,670 15,590 5.540 25,000 11,910 292,670 39.8001 237,290 52,400 10.950 10.000 3.500 157,000 i4,ooo: 1 71,000 82,000 2,500 10,000 7,500 148.350 10.000 2,000 86,920 4,910 88.840 2,540 84,040 4,090 18,110 223.190 20.000 8.000 371,110 40,000 11.240 517.180 487.400 15.000 11.500 167,340 148,500 37,910 Principal Correspondents. 25,000 Whitney-Cent. N.. N. O.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 99,740 Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Memp.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.;Hibernla Bk. & Tr.Co..N.O. 85,040 N.Bk.Com.,N. Y.iUnion&Pian.Bk.&Tr.Co., Memp.NStockYds.N., N. StockYds.,111. 17.220 Interstate Tr. & Bkg.. N. O.; Mtle Tr.,St. L.; Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 68,740 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y ; Mtle. Tr. Co.. 8t. L.: 1st N.. Meridian; Marine Bk.& Tr.Co., N.O. 30,050 Whitney-Cent. N..N. O.: Merch. & Far. and Gty. Bk- & Tr. Co.. Meridan. 71,660 Peo., Union; Whitney-Cent. N„ N. O.; E Cahn, Bkr., Meridian. 15,250 Interstate Tr. A Bkg. Oo., N. O.: 1st N., Hattiesburg and Laurel. 16,660 145.460 Canal Bk. & Tr.,-N. O.; Onion & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 76.160 Han. N.. N. Y.; Oent.-State N„ Memp. 3.170 42,170 Peo. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tupelo; Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O. 85-208 Shannon_____ 468 Bank of Shannon-----d>t§’08 *150-8% par 100 8 5-391 s M Lee D20 (Branch of Grena da Bank, Grenada , Miss.). J. W. Weilenman.. 8M Bolivar F7 Bank of Shaw. ____ ®<§’02 io% 85-233 8M Bolivar D8 Bank of Shelby____ d®<§’25 W. W. Denton___ *110-8% par 100 85-544 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O. (Closed December 16 . 1926) C. Le Blanc_______ D. C. Langston___ W, T, Brown Sherman ____—421 Bank of Sherman.—®<§’13 S. C. McNiel 85-266 8 M Pontotoc C16 Shubuta______ 912 Bank of Shnbnta---------- <§’62 85-392 6 N.O. Clarke M20 J. R. Rogers______ Peoples Bank............ d©<§'21 C. W. Leggett_____ *125-5% par 100 85-625 P. P. Kellis, MgrShuqualak___ 764 Merchants & Farmers Bank 85-393 <§ 06 8M Noxubee H21 J.Y. Mize. B. S. Waller. _ _ Lona Winburn____ Leon Tyrone Silver Creek...252 Silver Creek State Bank<§’18 6 N.O. Law’ce N12 *150-12H% par 152 85-474 100.000 19,910 475.660 15.000 17.100 280,790 20.000 10.890 223.250 20.000 5.000 148.000 539.900 143,500 15,010 230,780 16.300 1,800 Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O.: Lib. Cent. Tr. Co.. St. L. 64,010 1st N.. St. L.; Canal Bk. & Tr.. N. O. 900 115.820 97.500 6.380 35.330 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Marine Bk. &Tr.Co.,N. O. 30,000 148,*000 19.000 101,000 2,000 99.610 69.500 52.540 1st N., St. L.; Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Jackson; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 91,800 N. Park. N. Y.; Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr.. Memp.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co., Jackson. 386,480 Han. N.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; 1st N.. Memphis. 230.470 227,630 25,000 Ohem. N., N. Y.; Merch., Mobile. of Mcuto n,lfiss.) Chase N.. N. Y.; Peo., Mobile. 10.000 7,400 140,000 A. P. Alexander... R. F. Sledge______ H.G. McPhail____ Reginald Curtis... 25,000 8.500 202,770 R. P. Washington. D. E. Slaughter ... Stanley Carroll—. 25.000 19.840 430,560 55.050 295,010 114,900 A. H. Ames............... Frank Cooper 25.000 44,240 882,730 50,870 512,680 80.480 23,200 Wirt Carpenter... R. K. Wier—......... H. P. Castles.......... J. C. Nash................. SECURITY STATE BANK 85-145 ©<§'88 100,000 25,810 980,560 56,550 611,830 204.850 45.300 300,940 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. ft Com’1 N„ Chi.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; 1st N„ St. L. State Line____ 500 Citizens Exchange Bank.§’12 N. 0. Gandy______ W. 8. Gandy---------- W. S. Gandy______ Mrs. W. L. Gandy . 85-433 6N.0. Wayne N22 *120-7% 10.000 2,460 44.480 31.670 500 5.040 19,260 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Mobile; Merch. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Jackson. Stewart............196 Bank of Stewart-------- ®tl’20 W. D. McCallister. W. E. Mitchell___ Darts Staples_____ Davis Staples 85-509 8M Monte’ry Flfil 10,000 5.630 76.800 81.180 10,000 1.500 128,780 4.790 99.710 8,400 5,590 31,370 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 50,000 16.650 361.670 22,900 203,570 183.530 36,630 47.500 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O. 85-397 8 M Quitman Bll c. n. nanipi »stark vllle___ 25Pf Merch. A Farmers Bank d®t§’08 M Oktibbeha F19 10% par ioo 85-146 Peoples Savings Bank ©<§’89 M. A. Saunders.... W. H. Sudduth-----*250-10% 85-144 „ ' 48,500 Canal-Com'l Tr. & Sav., N. O. *165-10% Stonewall___ 1025 ,• 6N.0. Clarke K20 qtiircis 354 . 8M OktibbehaGl?; Qfcnotuoll otuuu Wall Pant1 13d 11K.---------vi/X $100 85-546 P.itirPnQ Rant *ii5-io% 85-444 R. C. Jenkins____ Oscar Berman......... A n Km n k Chas. Kramer i J. D. Simmons____ R. L. Hannah______ D. B. Horton_____ Qnmmlt 11X7' Progressive Bank_____ <l’15 i Wallace Atkinson. J.T. Covington___ R. 11. ("lain J. L. Jackson 15% 85-190 6N.0. Pike 09 61.250 Guaranty Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co., Jackson. N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Meridian. 15,000 _____ MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. Vicksburg. Miss.—“THE BANK OF SUPERIOR SERVICE" Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given bank in u s exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 781 ' each Town and Coonty. ‘County Seats. Fig. is F. Kes. Dist. N.O. N.Or. M.Memp. •Mem. A.B. A. "New § State tPriv JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bonc d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. ‘Sumner_____613 Bank of Sumner..............ff’02 J. D. Biles.............. A. H. Cable ... 8M Tallahatchie 85-262 DIO Sumrall___ __ 1444 Sumrall Bank_______®*»’05 H. V. Waits______ R. Watts . __ A. B. Cook............... (N.O Lamar N15 15% par 100 86-401 Liabilities. Resources. Load a ther Bonds k *xPaid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili Miscel Uabh and AND and A*«aa,Dca Capital PROPIT8 its Diacounta Securities laneous <m rnou Bavkb ties of Orena da Bank, Grenada, Aft**.).. 15,000 T $ 12,910 i 251,530 Sunflower____517 Citizens Bank.. ........•t§’21 O. S. Cantwell___ J. T. Lancaster... I. E. Stokely_____ |M Sunflower Ffi $120 par 100 85-522 16,000 5,570 Taylorsville ...601 Smith County Bank..®»tro3 J. S. Eaton______ W. M. Ford______ T. A. Ford_______ 6 N.O. Smith M16 $24-20% 85-402 15.000 16,000 Tehula.......... .....650 Merchants & Planters Bank J. M. Howard_____ W. W. Givln_____ E. Mayfield............. SIM Holmes Oil 85-261 ®»:§’04 25,200 Terry________ 392 Bank of Terry_______ •tS’07 C. M. Huber______ W. T. Head. Sr.... 6N.O. Hinds L10 $100-8% par 100 85-403 10,000 •• ___ _ _ “ « 26,890 288,650 256,710 1,500 5,800 76,720 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Fid. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memphis, Tenn. 400 51 (WQ 41,000 4.000 9,800 5,670 Chem. N.. N. Y.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. 0 25,000 1,250.000 700,000 335.000 15,000 300,000 Chem. N.. N. Y.; Lib. Cent. Tr. Co., St.L. Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. TR. B. CLARK-------- J.P. NANNEY______ J. P. NANNEY......... G. C LEE________ 100.000 89,730 2,073.500 22,490 1.494.600 ) SEND US YOU R ITEMS ON TU PELO AND VICIN ITY DIRECT. 85-127 dB®itl’76 (.Prompt, careful attention given c oilections, Bill of Ladings Drafts a nd all 1 terns en trusted to us. 421,520 212,770 N.Park, N. Y.: Ill. Merch.Tr.Chi.; 1st N. St. L. and Birm.; Hib. Bk. & Tr.. N. 0. Bk. Com. & Tr., Memp. Fid. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 67,000 Chase N„ N. Y„ Canal Bk. & Tr.. N. O. (Taken over by Plan ters Bank December 18, 1926) rE. 6. W00LF0LK-. M. 6. BURROW. Act. H. N. SILLS_______ F. M. PATTY_______ L. E. MITCHELL } Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts.- Cash and Time Items, L All banking ma tters entrusted to us receive prompt attention. 75,000 BANK OF TUPELO $200-12% par 100 Citizens State Bank B. A. Rogers_____ W. W. Thompsoi.. L. E. Watson.......... $125-10% 85-130 d®»+§’22 L. T. Wesson par 100 PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST COMPANY •Jl'04 vmmw&mu 100,000 25.000 500,000 420,000 35 non 206.000 2.764.430 276.420 169.680 200,000 32,000 17,000 148,500 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 20,000 90,000 Chase N., N.Y.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co, N. O.; 1st N.. Memp.; Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L. S. J. NISH________ ■. E. LEAKE______ V. S. WHITESIDES... R. F. ADAMS J. M. THOMAS G. H. DABBS LARGEST Bank In this section of the State. Special attention given collections. Remittance made on day of payment. Bill of Lading drafts a specialty. Send items direct. Prompt personal presentation. 200.000 f J. A. PACKWOOD - C. B. THORN______ JOS. W. HEAP______ 151,580 3.423.070 Union . . Ini 2 Bank of Union ___ d®»tf'05 G. W. Todd.............. J. M. Cole............. J. M. Cole.-6N.0. Newton J18 10% 85-407 . Rubie Morris Peoples Bank_____ d®«tST9 A. I. Buckwalter.. S. A. Pool_______ J. L. Lewis______ 8150-10% 85-485 I Bailie Smith par 100 770.120 Han. N., N. Y. 30,000 7,500 360,000 25,000 4.830 246.410 36,100 181,350 72,900 12,840 45.250 Hudson Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co.. N. O.; Wash Bk. & Tr. Co.. Bogalusa. 50.000 50,000 1.141,740 14.270 676,790 203,180 17.940 358,100 Chem. N.. N. Y.: C. & C. N., Chi.; Capital N.. Jackson: Whitney-Cent. N..N. O. 25.000 22,390 13.520 364,190 t) IUvU 45,380 Han. N.. N. Y.: Marine Bk. A Tr. Co.. N.O.; Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co., Jackson. 30,000 14,000 220,000 113,000 6,500 < Special attentlo n given cash and time items and B ill of Lading draf ts. ) 16 CENTS sent to us with each s Ight draft for pre sentatlon, and (.25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, personal attentlo n. Tylertown Bank______«t|’06 E. W. Reid_______ J. O. Rimes, Active. Robert Babington. H. P. Mosley.......... 8200-18% 85-406 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 41.760 1st N„ Hattiesburg; N.O. Bk. &Tr.Co., N.O. 20,000 85-489 •« 2,010 i 250,000 Tutwiler_____ loio Progressive State Bank J. L. Donald______ W. P. Halloud........ J. F. Douglas_____ H. C. Richardson.. 8M Tailah. DIO $150-10% 85-443 ®»t5’13 M 59,850 $ 250,000 85-129 »Tylertown__ 1116 6N.0.WalthallOll 10,430 N. Park, N. Y.; Canal Bk. & Tr., N. 0. 6.760 PLANTERS BANK—®»tlT2 $115-10% par 100 85-425 " 75,880 i $ 175,810 $ Principal Correspondents. 68.260 ‘Tunica............955 Citizens Bank____ 8M Tunica A10 ‘Tupelo______ 5055 8M Lee C20 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MISSISSIPPI—Continued 436,450 1st. N.. Laurel. 782 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Resources Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPrii. *County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond N. 0. N.Or.M.Memp. d-SafeDep.©SaT.$LastSaIe%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acees.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSISSIPPI—Continued Vice-President. President. Ass’t Cashier. CASHIER. D. 0. Simmons___ D. A. Carmichael.. J. D. Carmichael.. B. T .Roberts------ f 15,000 $ 20.000 J. B. Dudley. Sr.... J. B. Dudley, Jr.... J. B. Dudley.Sr.--. H. H. Davis........... 17.500 9.490 206.960 $ iVatden.... ........ 579 Vaiden Bank------------- *tl'90 J. D. Hawkins ___ C. L. Armstrong... C. H. Butt--------- J. H. Grantham___ 85-248 8M Carroll G14 Vardaman____599 Merchants & Farmers Bank M. F. Young_____ N. E. Herring----- W. M. McCord....... Miss Opal Watkins t§ 23 8M Calhoun E17 $135 par 100 85-259 30.000 6,450 225.900 10,000 2,890 88,160 15.000 2,740 Utica________445 Bank of Utica_____ par 100 85-252 SN.O. Hinds L8 Peoples Bank______ *125-8% 85-25S par 100 T. J. Garmon......... R. I. Garmon......... T. A. Goodwin.— Verona_______500 Verona Bank______ *125-7% 85-416 8M Lee D20 J. R. Butts......... . N. L. Maute, Sec... * Vicksburg. 18.072 ♦American Bank & Trust Co W. G. Paxton........ E. S. Butts____ L. M. Butts 85-4 ©T«H76 SN.O. Warren K7 Geo. B. Hackett__ Harry Yoste-------- E. L. Brien, Jr....... ♦Citizens National Bank W. R. Hackett *135-7% 85-5 d»t’05 Principal Correspondents. Bonda Loana Oabr t ExOther Miscel e7HAHou,Dtnt Paid-up Surplus Depos L and and and iabili its Capital Profits Diaoounta Seeuritias laneous 7B0M Baku ties S 1 153.000 { 101,000 5 302,000 50,000 Jackson: Marine Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O. 132.480 54.160 7.610 67,940 nterstate Tr. & Bkg. Co.. N. O.; Capit N„ Jackson. 144.300 46,650 4.810 66,590 ( hatham Phenix, N. V.; Hibernia Bk.&l N. O.; Cent.-State N., Memp. 77,780 — 7,910 21.730 127,170 65,820 68,210 10.970 10,490 ’eo. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tupelo; Canal Bk. Tr„ N.O. 150,000 22,470 1,217,820 794.580 257.650 130.460 207,600 4. Park and N. City, N. Y.; Union Tr. Ci Chi.: Marine Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O. 100.000 57,350 427.330 165,140 28,240 5.370 353,540 166.790 1st N„ Memp. 85.210 Tr. Co.. Memp; Canal Bk. & Tr, Co., N. O. par 100 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK *170-10% 85-1 B. W. GRIFFITH — W_. T, BURMETT - _1. E. TREAMO*— R. J. CASHMAN—. 6E0.WILUAMS0N. JAKE FEITH Active Oldest and largut bank In tha olty. •t'84 All oollactiona Hava oaraful attantlon. + Home Savings Bank G. B. Hackett____ C. L. Katzenmeyer E. L. Brien, Jr.... 85-8 d®T»tl’06 60,000 *no-7% par 100 •MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK 300.000 T. W. McCQY_______ R. P. JONES..................... J. 0. RAWORTH---------- C. E. DOWNING. R. P. WAILES 255.170 2.376,340 1.206.190 13.970 448,710 250,000 315.100 2349.710 + National City 8avinrs Bank C. L. Warner------- B. W. Griffith___ J. G. Hickman___ W. L. Tucker. Jr& Trust Co. ...85-7.1T«t'#6 100,000 125,250 3,124,190 +National Peoples Savings R. P. Jones.... ........ T. W. McCoy____ R. A. Geary_____ Bk. & Tr. Company *210-10% 85-6 dB®T»t’89 100,000 159,030 2,459.610 *225-10% 2,100 1.689.270 1.101.210 635,010 721.210 423.220 5,250 --- --- 96,310 1.138.800 852.810 -- N.V.; Cent. & Com’l N., CbL; Canal Bk. & Tr. and Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; 1st N., St. L. 848.210 Chase N.. N. V.;Cont.& Com’l N., Chi.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 1,032,070 1,913.280 419,100 1st N., Vicksburg. 1.079,110 1.264,060 375,460 Merch. N., Vicksburg. 75.000 THE BANK OF SUPERIOR SERVICE. 85-2 15,000 par 100 Vicksburg Clearing House... B. W. Griffith____ W. G. Paxton____ 7. H. Andrews, (Member» indicated by a * Affiliated banks + ) Mgr, Walnut............ 150 Bank ef Walnut-----------1*12 H. P. Luna--------- Mrs. A. Luna...... Luther Luna____ 85-424 8M Tippah A19 *300 Walnut Grove.210 Bank of Walnut Grove R. P. Harrelson... L. A. McKee____ J. H. Sasser____ 85-532©•+5'23 6N.0. Leake J16 *50 Irvin Starling____ a Water Valley 4315 Bank of 8M YalobushaD14 par 100 Water Valley d»tl’82 W. B. Wagner___ J. W. McLarty__ W. B. Mauldin....... S. N. Berryhill. 85-117 Mechanics Savings Bk. W. E. Blackmur ... H. P. Scott---------- J. W. Mauldin___ 85-118 d®»tl’92 Peoples Bank---------- •tl’OB G. W. Rayburn__ T. O. Gore_______ H. K. Hunter____ A. W. Uoss. *200-12% 85-119 10.000 8,500 189,000 89.000 25.000 33.500 60,000 Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Memp. 10.000 3,290 130.950 80.850 19.880 3.400 40,110 Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.; Merch. & Far., Meridian. N. Park. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., 8t. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Memp.; 1st N., St. L.: Whitney-Cent. N.. N. O. Han. N.. N. Y.: Bk. Com. & Tr., Memp.; Canal-Bk. & Tr.. N. O.; Merch. Bk. & Tr.. Jackson. 80.000 24,670 1.154,820 395.030 647.800 31,040 187.010 20.000 12,560 197,170 114,390 112,200 840 23.300 40.000 24,700 566,000 372.000 189.750 * Waynesboro.. Merchants & Planters Bank H. B. Graves____ F. P. Ellis_______ G.G. Woodward... .VI. D. Holcomb.... 85-408 d® »t*’ G. G. Woodward. I 6N.0. Wayne M21 *300-25% 25.000 49,690 678,970 544,030 83.450 18,100 115.020 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N. and Merch., Mo bile; Merch. & Far., Meridian. Webb________553 Bank of Webb_______ •tl’#2 J. M. Dyess______ T. B. Abbey_____ R. I. Norman______________________ 85-409 IH Tallahatchie D10 H. O. Fancher....... I------------------------Weir..................377 Peoples Bank—............... |’18 G. S. Cobb--------- A. E, Reed____ IH. W. Weir 8 M Choctaw G17 *100-20% 85-510 12,500 13,160 156,320 92,610 1.000 14,480 73,880 Chem.N.. N. Y.; IstN.. St. L.;Bk.ofCom. & Tr. Co., Memp. 10,000 7,000 288,000 234,000 21.500 4,000 46,500 Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Jackson. ' Ml:r(:h i\N‘rs NATlowIL BANIK. ViCKSBlIRG, Miss.—‘‘Tl Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6,940 Act.\ m par 100 BAI 120.400 m cIF SIIPE:rii)R SEiRVIICE” V 700 ' Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’11. Town and County. •Mem. A. B. A, nNew §State tPrlv ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Bstab Fig. is F. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Dept?:T-Trust B-Bon< N.O.N.Or.M.Memp. d-SafeDep ®Sav.$LastSale%Div Wesson..__ __ 885 Bank of Wesson______ 6 H. 0. Copiah M1Q 85-416 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonda Surplus Other Ca*h k ExMiscel cHAwaw.Dui Paid-up Depos L and and AND iabili Capital Profits its Diaoounts Securities laneous now Barrs ties Ass’t Cashier. T. B. Lampton.__ 6. 6. Lyell______ R. E. Rea. $ West.................... 236 Bank of West______T*tl’14 Morris Lewis_____ W. K, Durden____ S M Holmes 614 10% par 100 85-457 ____ « .. ____ .. ‘Wiggins____ 1087 Bank of Wiggins____d>«t|’16 S. 8N.0. Stone P18 10% par 100 85-467 E. Dunlap.__ . Pierce B. Dugan. See. and Tr. J. H. Ervin. A. Secs, and A. Trs. . ____ •• Citizens Bank........— ®*tl’90 $115-10% par 50 85-158 H. W. Rives____ Woodland____ 104 Bank of Woodland........ ti’22 F. B. Bays._ 8 M Chickasaw E18 85-414 ... Joe Hill........... ‘WoodvlUe___1012 Commercial Bank____ ‘ti'13 D. H. Wallace____ J. B. Stirling . 85-442 N.0. Wilkinson P4 BANK OF YAZOO GUY ‘Yazoo City.. 5244 6N.0. Yazoo 110 8% 85-76 ®T‘tl’76 CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY ------* 6,930 $ 250.000 91,040 196,790 724.340 100.000 82.920 564.320 % 26.000 39.610 30.000 10.000 $ % 9.500 $ 3,860 H. b. LOVE— — D A SWAY7F R. fl. R11II P R WIIII1UC ...... “ DELTA NATIONAL BANK $75-6% par 50 dB®T*t’04 86-81 75,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O.; Mtle. N. and Mtle. Tr. Co.. St. L. 119,330 Merch. & Far. Bk. & Tr.. Lex. 122,890 Ban. N., N. T.; Liberty Cent. Tr., 8t. L.; 1st N.. Memp.; N. O. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 120,750 73,240 453.660 220,400 30.370 732,250 950 286,410 424.040 5.500 81.860 1st N;. West Point; Am. N., Nashyille. 300.000 1,500 260.000 33.000 2,000 46.500 Marine Bk. & Tr. Co.. N. O.; 1st N.. Hattiesburg. 60,000 45.300 1.081,640 18.030 513.570 239.940 40,700 26.000 10,000 300.660 150 248,300 26.000 5.900 55.520 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N.,Memp.; Interstate Tr. & Bkg.. N. O ; 1st N.. St. L. 10.000 3.400 52.050 56,650 500 2,180 6.160 Un. & Plan. Bk.& Tr.. Memp.; Canal Bk. & Tr., N. O.; Merch. Bk. & Tr., Jackson. 36.000 22,880 513,340 38,890 268,520 195,600 4,870 141,110 1st N., Jackson; Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co., N. O.; La. N., Baton Rouge. mm 61.900 1.332.080 9.510 936.130 87,170 38.600 541,580 N. Park, N. Y.; Canal Bk.A Tr., N. O.; 150.680 62.840 1.575.450 97.250 164.090 420.580 PF.Cliy.N. Y.; Whltney-Cent. N., N. O.; Bk. of Com. &■ Tr. Co.« M6iup««1st IV.« St. L. 150,000 120.000 1.800.000 700.000 1.000.000 _____ 470.000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Un. & Plan. Bank & Tr. Co., Memp. 116,050 N. Y. Tr., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.: Canal Bk. & Tr.. N. O.; Bk. of Com. & Tr.. Memp. 400.760 Han. N., N. Y.; Canal Bk. & Tr.. N. O. C . H. WILLIAMS,«... Cent.-State N., Memp.; 1st N., Phil. Collections a specialty and remitted on day of payment. M. M. BRISTEN—J. P. BENNETT— J . P. REMMETT _ JRCORR_______ Send Yazoo City collections direct to us. Superior eervloe. Modern progressive banking methods. 84.880 1.191.250 $140-8% par 100 85-82 ®T»t|’05 ** Principal Correspondents. 590,020 M. E. Cooper ‘Winona.......... 2572 Bank of Winona___ ®‘tl’85 Henry Hart.............. W. F. Blackston... W. S. Webster.... F. R. Hawkins ___ IM Montgomery par 50 85-152 F14 - 30.000 $ 360,000 51.220 60.000 R. L. BALLARD— 0. N. MANGEL officer of this ha ak. bnslHMs. First National Bank___“79 Arthur Dugan____ T. M. Moseley____ P. B. Dugan______ $225-12% par 100 85-113 A. B. Cottrell First Sayings Bank... ®tl’62 T. M. Moseley. 12% 85-115 30,000 $ 20.000 rc. c. ivy.......... F. G. HAWKINS- L. W. YEATES----»West Point.. 4400 BANK OF WEST POINT L.W.YEATES IN Clay F 20 $180-12% 85-114 ®‘tl’96 j Ctlleetiou ha ti the personal atteation of an par 100 l We remit day of payment; send as your » Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MISSISSIPPI—Continued JOHN LEAR--------- J. F. BARBOUR. HERBERT HOI HEX _________ HERBERT HOLMES SEND US YOUB YAZOO CITY ITEMS DIRECT. ana Time items, and remitted for on day of payment Zama. _ 429 Zama State Bank........®t5’20 0. S. Crosthwait... J. E. Pope I M Attala H16 $180 85-503 E. W. Jones_____ 1 1 10.000 1.200 141,640 100.000 90,000 60,500 Memp. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. Vicksburg. Miss—“THE BANK OF SUPERIOR SERVICE" Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 1 | 704 / O' Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Countt. *County Seats. Pig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. _______ 10 tMem.A.B.A.wNew § State tPriv. :Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ADRIAN BANKING GO. Bates J6 1285-13% M M 80-534 Vice-President. President. M. V. OWEN_ _ _ _ _ _ J.M. REEDER Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loan* Bonda Miscel Oabh k *x Paid-dp Surplus Depos LOlHER and and CHANGE*,Dug AND iabili its Capital Profits Diacounta Securities laneous vkom Baku ties W. W. RICKETTS—-E . J. WAGNER—-—G . L. ARGENBRI6HT, 1 35,08* $ 14.800 S 303,680 $ 30.560 $ 298.040 $ Sec. OLDEST—LARGEST—STRONGEST. Quick Returns on Collections. Send us your busines 500 $ 41.150 t 34.360 1st N., St. L. and Kan. C. 17.400 18,550 Liberty N„ Kan. C. S. ©•ti’82 R H aiffnrd O R Wyatt National Bank of Adrian *100 par 100 80-1729 d®t’23 Advance__________ 551 Advance Exchange Bank____ (Closed March 8. 19 27) 8 ^Stoddard 021 Ernest Knight___ Cora Crow 25.000 1,080 73,010 58,910 4,210 O. F. Reed Boyd Jenkins______ 20,000 22,110 147,990 148,400 8,000 33,710 1st N„ St. L.; Southeast Mo. Tr., Cape Girardeau; N. Stk.Yds. N„ N. Stk, Yds. B. A. Stanton------------ f). H. Smith Bess E. Smith. 10,000 17,610 77,110 84,380 8,060 12,270 1st N. and Am. N„ St. Jo. W. W. Jackson-— C. A. Weaver. E. 15,000 3,720 73,640 59,140 6,100 14,540 1st N„ Kan. C. and Carthage. 20,000 f E. M. STREET-- J. R. CHEN0WETH J. D. SMITH_________ < Special attentio u given Bill of La ding Draft*, Cash and Time Items. 1 Please send 15c u> ith each, Siijht Bra ft for presentation and 25c for each R eport. 12,290 185,210 145,030 $290-15% par 100 80-352 Agency_________403 10 Buchanan E5 par 100 Alba fo 80-745 _ 470 Jasper O# $110-8% ------------- " ALBANY —®*«’77 • • •• 80-358 FIRST NATIONAL BANK par 100 fR. L. WHALEY— H. W. BARE------- M. P. WHALEY— L. J. WHALEY---\ Collections and correspondence have the personal attention of an < officer of this b ank. Send your ite ms direct. ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for pr esentation, and 30*000 4.000 200.000 G. N. Comstock ... James O'Mara___ Dale S. Flowers... 50.000 71,500 Cooper Jones......... T. J. Stephen* ___ 10.000 Becker________ Chas. A. Boehme.. L. H. Lottes__________ E. J. Poppitz. __ GENTRY COUNTY BANK 80-357 24.000 428,660 325,050 95,500 14,500 17,250 172,050 141,640 5,400 6,800 25.000 24.000 85,000 52,000 107,000 30.000 33,900 37,000 1st N„ 8t. L.; New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. 0. 20,000 19.750 347,500 16,500 293,400 41,850 16,700 51,800 Int’l.. N. City and D. S„ St. L. R. A. Young--------------- Wm. J. McFry............. 20,000 12.110 227,830 101,300 25,820 21,500 A. J. Zimmerman— 10.000 7,820 73,780 J. $150-8% Oregon Q16 $150-8% par 100 Andrew D5 $130-8% par 100 — —-------Bates K6 \ MISSISSIPPI 7 \ VALLEY / Horner_____ — d©tl’10 Amazonia State Bank 80-861 ®»t|’05 P. H. Koppenbrink T. C. Marshall. . F. G. 5,000 80,790 42,470 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Tra. N„ Kan .C N„ Springfield. ; Un- 111,320 Union N. and McDaniel N„ Springfield. Wm. Machin__ F. W. Schnieder..- B. S. Baker 12,006 4.050 86,570 67,110 R. H. Hays.. E. W. Walters____ W. B. Hays 10,000 39,690 147,500 182,100 Robert Thompson S. A. Riggs______ Adam Thompson.. W. E. Thompson _ 10,000 18,680 54.570 W. H. Bohlken ___ J. K. McGuire ___ 10,000 9,360 102,840 12,050 3,840 11,970 Am. N„ St. Jo. 5,900 17,570 U. S., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 80-862 $150-10% par 100 30,600 Burnes N. and St. Jo. Stock Yds., St. Jo. 80-868 $120 20,000 78.430 7.200 17.590 1st N., St. Jo. 1,550 15,312 1st N.. Kan. 0. 80-1514 $275 10 115,120 1st N„ Chi.; Am. N. and Burnes N„ St. Jo.; 1st N„ Kan. C. 80-860 Amity_______ 174 10 DeKalb D6 .. •• . W. par 100 80-857 1 ten burg........313 Bank of Altenbure 14% par 100 80-859 8 Perry M 23 Americus____75 8 Montgomery 116 50.000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N„ St. Jo. 70.000 (Closed January 11, 1927) A 10 49,850 Han. N., N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; St. Jo. Stk. Yds. and Tootle Lacy N.. St. Jo. ®«tl’70 Allenton ..264 8 St. Louis J18 8 30.000 22.630 120.000 Aldrich ?fi1 Bank of Aldrich.... .......... tl’05 $300-38% 80-854 8 Polk NO Alma 369 8 Lafayette GO 12,580 <02 125 CENTS for e ach credit report, insures prompt, personal attentio n. 80-359 $250-12% — B. Jacobs__________ Emma Jackson.... 80-853 * Albany___ ______2016 BANK OF ------ 10 Gentry B7 $200-12% •* Principal Correspondents. par 100 Collections Given Special Attention W Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 105,090 250 80-864 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS > * -1* _■> mm • a • Exceptional Facilities 1For Transit Items a* -w* |M| \Mississippi/ \^/ 1 1 1 - BEAUTY DIGNITY- SAFETY- SATISFACTION Are Combined in Federal Safety Paper Lithographed BARNARD Your Entire Line of Checks'—■ CUSTOMER POCKET COUNTER Can be produced in Combination on a choice of Six Tints of FEDERAL SAFETY PAPER in standard or special Surface Mark. WRITE FOR INTERESTING DETAILS Geo. D. Barnard Stationery Company BANK STATIONERS Branch at DALLAS, TEXAS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ST. LOUIS, MO. SEND YOUR COLLECTIONS ON CAPE GIRARDEAU SOUTHEAST MISSOURI’S LEADING CITY to STURDIVANT BANK “A BANK OF EXPERIENCE, STRENGTH, CHARACTER AND SERVICE’ SOUTHEAST MISSOURI’S OLDEST BANK Missouri INDEX TO COUNTIES Adair..........C 12 Andrew...........C 5 Atchison. ...A3 Audrain .. . G 15 Barry...............Q 8 Barton............N 6 Bates................ J 6 Benton......... J 10 Bollinger ..021 Boone.........H 13 Buchanan ,..E5 Butler H22.Q 20 Caldwell. ...E8 Callaway . ,H 14 Camden . . .L 11 Cape Girar deau. . . ,N 22 Carroll........... F 9 Carter..........P 18 Cass.................16 Cedar............M 8 Charlton. ..Ell Christian.. .P 10 Clark............B 14 Clay................ F 6 Clinton..........E 6 Cole ... .>.. J 13 Cooper.... H 12 Crawford. .K 17 Dade..............N 8 Dallas.........M 11 Daviess......... C 6 De Kalb.. . .D 6 Dent........... M 16 Douglas. .. ,P 12 Dunklin J 24, R 21 Franklin... .J 17 Gasconade.. J 16 Gentry......... B 6 Greene......... N 9 Grundy......... C 9 Harrison.... B 8 Henry..............J 8 Hickory... .L 10 Holt................C 4 Howard... ,G 12 Howell.........Q 14 Iron.............M 18 Jackson.........H 6 Jasper............ 0 6 Jefferson ... J 19 Johnson. ...H8 Knox............C 14 Laclede ...M 12 Latayette. .. G 8 Lawrence ...08 Lewis........... C 15 Lincoln. .. .G 18 Linn.............D 11 Livingston. . D 9 McDonald ,.Q6 Macon. . . ,D 12 Madison.. .N 20 Maries ... .K 14 Marion. ...D 16 Mercer...........A 9 Miller..........K 13 Mississippi. P 24 Moniteau.. .1 24 Monroe.. . .E 14 Montgomery H 16 Morgan. . . . J 11 New MadridR23 Newton.......... Q 6 Nodaway ...A 5 Oregon . . . ,u 16 Osage............J 15 Ozark......... Q 13 Pemiscot... J 24 Perry..........M 22 Pettis............ I 10 Phelps..........L 15 Pike...............F 17 Platte.............. F 5 Polk....................M9 Pulaski... .M 13 Putnam. .. .A 13 Ralls.............F 16 Randolph. .F 12 Ray......................F8 Reynolds. .N 18 Ripley......... Q 18 St. Charles .1 18 St. Clair. . . .K 8 Ste. Genevieve L 21 St. FraneoisM 20 St. Louis... .1 20 St. Louis City I 20 Saline.......... G 10 Schuyler... A 12 Scotland... B 14 Scott............ P 23 Shannon...O 16 Shelby.........D 14 Stoddard.. .P 21 Stone................... Q9 Sullivan . . .B 11 Taney..........Q 11 Texas........... O 14 Vernon............L 6 Warren.........I 17 Washington L 18 Wayne.........O 20 Webster .. .O 11 Worth............. A 6 Wright.........O 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. S. PRATT & SONS WASHINGTON, D. C. Trust Department — Accounting Systems See Back of Washington, D. C. Map The Investment of Your Own Bank’s Funds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis "how you can select securities approved by successful bankers You know the growth and success of The National Bank of Commerce in St. Louis, its 70-year record of achieve ment; but have you ever stopped to think that there is also a large company offering investment securities, which is owned by the same stockholders, and directed by the same men the Federal Commerce Trust Company? All the vast system of credit in formation ofthis powerful bank is available, and its officials are in constant touch with leaders in more than 900 different lines of business. Its directors have unusual facilities for ap praising the real worth of an investment offering. Your own judgment is, of course, the final word in the selection of securities, but if it corresponds with the judgment of "Commerce,” isn’t that an added check on your investments .... an added protection for your bank’s funds? If you haven’t circulars of cur rent offerings of this company, it will pay you to send for them today Every security listed rep resents the mature j udgment of the directors and officials of one of the nation’s most suc cessful banking institutions. Kderal Commerce -fie affiliated with. National BanK.°/ Commerce mpany in St.Louis *7Q C / Oi Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •Mem. A.B. A. wNew §State tPriv. AUounty seats. jMem. state s. Ass'n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Liabilities. Vice-President. PUSIDBIT. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Amsterdam... 250;citizens Bank_______ dtS’26 A. H. Hall............... F. F. Archer_____ E. .T. Evens 10 Bates J 6 1120 80-1751 par 100 Anderson_____ 918 Farmers Bank.............-•iS’19 W. Ed Roark ... J. A. Guenther— 10 McDonaldQ6 80-1621 State Bank of Anderson.Tf’04 J. E. Taylor______ S. O. Peck_________ D. K. Dole *150 80-866 Anglum........... 714 State Bank of Anglum 8 St. Louis I 20 *135-6% 80-1650 dB®»*$T9 par 100 Annapolis.__1000 Bank of Annapolis.......... tS’19 8 Iron N19 *166 80-1604 Anniston.. 365 Anniston Bank 8 Mississippi Q24 Antonia______150 Farmers Bank________t§’23 (Kimmswick P. 0.) $130 80-1734 8 Jefferson J19 par 100 Anutt________ 155 Bank nf Anntt 8 Dent M15 *130-10% 80 -1360 *176-12% par 100 80-507 Loana Bonds M ISCED- Cash k Kxjhaw«bs,Dux Discounts Securities LANEOU8 noN Bans 2,230 $ 51,490 $ 20,000 1,630 135,450 25,000 6.000 95,000 Joseph Burcke .... Chas. F. Witte___ J. R. Pitts_____ 10,000 3,000 150,640 19,460 93,060 53,030 17,420 17,580 Int i., St. L. Add Reese .............. W. C. Gunter . 10.000 10,250 97,290 5,090 75,460 10,370 13,530 23,250 Int'i,, St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds.. Ill. 10,000 3,780 108,700 89,820 8,500 3,700 20,450 Int’i and N. City, St. L. 10,000 4,100 29,800 2,700 3,700 N. Bk. of Rolla, Rolia. 50,000 2,070 202,790 55,000 23,830 262,290 207 000 $ Hugh H. Roark.__ .. Vincent Sutton.... 280 $ 40,820 $ 40.090 5,530 Mo. State, Butler; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. o son 89,910 100,000 Fred H. Heiligtag. Theo. Kohler____ J. P. Miller______ A. G. Miller Travis Payne . ~ J. M. Burns, W. E. Burns, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. TGEO. W. CLARK-— M. D. GRIDER............ J. E. HERRMAN_____ M PFFIFR 2,500 12,700 40,000 17,210 37,650 82,490 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. and Columbia N., Kan. 0. Mtie. Tr. Co., St. L. 204,800 73.260 20.800 54,960 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N. and Drov. N. Kan. 0. 125,770 36,000 110,230 Am. Ex. Irv.Tr.Co.. N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 18,070 Drov. N.,Chi.; State Cent. Sav., Keokuk, la.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill. 58,500 Int’i, St. L.;Cent.Mo.Tr.Co., JeffersonC. 50,000 15,000 10,000 11,410 Arcadia..............293 Bank of Arcadia Valley..»l’12 D. E. Fletcher____ John Signer______ O. R. Robinson.... Helen Jones______ 8 Iron M19 3% par 100 8 0-134 9 10,000 13,500 285,000 104,000 140,000 Archie_______ 250 Archie State Bank____ .Tf‘02 H. M. Sliffe............. L. C. Wright_____ B. E. Lord 10 CassJ6 *300-u% 80-868 10,000 14,860 116,400 92,890 20,000 10,000 14,350 172,800 169,070 9,500 2.700 Arkoe State Bank____®J|'09 Wm. Schnuder ___ V. E. Williams.... M. M. Williams___ *133 par 100 80-871 Bank of Armstrong___ »tl'99 R. B. Home._____ W. L. Markland... J. A. Denny, Jr. _ D. W. Bradsher___ *500-25% 80-676 par 100 10,000 3,800 40,000 41,000 1,000 14,800 12,000 50,800 144,710 124,930 21,700 5,720 Farmers Bank........ ......... '89 10% 80-675 Arrow Rock Stock Bk,..t| 04 80-808 Bank of Asbury . •il’ll 8% 80-1307 Bank of Ash Grove____ tl’8S *275-20% 80-483 D. A. Pierce______ L. F. Fife________ W. W. Walker___ H. W. Taylor_____ 30,000 10.000 115.000 T. B. Morris______ M. S. McGuire____ J. P. Biggs____ 15,000 10,000 215.000 S. S. White______ Lillie Codding........ 10,000 5,500 99,830 C. B. Comegys____ J. F. Kiblinger___ J. H. Perryman___ Nora Anglum____ 20,000 32,000 378,000 240,000 115,000 20,000 14,260 140,590 135,700 1,100 30,000 16,000 200,000 195,000 10,000 10.000 9,350 153.720 131,100 1,160 4.590 1,420 32.680 31.040 320 3.300 Argyle................239 Bank of Argyle 8 Osage J14 <240-11 to 24% 80-870 Arkoe________ 132 10 Nodaway B5 Armstrong.__616 8 Howard F12 •• ii Arrow Rock___286 8 Saline Gil Asbnry.. 2?J 10 Jasper 06 Ash Grove.__1000 8 Greene 09 *' “ Reece Gross Edith M. Goodrich __ JJTO Stephan Renneke.. Joseph Steinman.. J. F. Wulff.............. nert Gharles S. Kerr .. .. par 100 Farmers Bank_________4|’91 W. C. Trogdan........ J. I. Rountree____ J. N. Moore _____ 80-484 *187-10% Ashland _ _ 312 Bank of Ashland_____ dtJ'85 L. D. Bass_______ Geo. S. Hall______ Wm. D. Sapp____ Gordon K. Crump. 8 Boone H13 $150-8% par 151 80-872 Edwin Nichols Ashley________485 Bank of Ashley________|’15 G. W. Whiteside.. L. A. Strother. .. J. R. Smith ...... 8 Pike F17 80-873 Atherton.____ 150 Atherton State Bank .©48T5 J. Mueller.............. M. H. Siegfried -.. Nettie L. Jones... 80-1519 10 Jackson 07 $125 i MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 97,600 8.000 5.000 12,560 15,810 Butler. 15,880 Itle. Tr. Co. and N. City. St. L.; Stk Yds. N.. N. Stk Yds., Ill. N. 5,000 Am. N.. St. Jo. 55,160 N. Bk. Com. and 1st N., St. L.: N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 135,000 25.000 1st N., St. L. 150,000 85,000 N.Bk. Com., St.L.; Tra.N.,Kan.C.; Wood & Huston, Marshall; BoonvilleN., Boonville. 26,310 lolumbia Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Conqueror Tr. Co., Joplin. 70,500 i. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., St. L.; Union N., Springfield. 100 81,150 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 1st N., Neosho; Joplin N., Joplin. 117,510 ®t’86 ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entation, and (.25 CENTS for ea eh credit report insures prompt, personal attentlo Oe “ ------- " Merchants Bank_____ ®tl’81 W. F.McGolley-__ Chas. M. Dingus... F. H. Miller. *125-6% 80-506 Arbela 121 State Bank of Arbela .$112 S. W. Padget.......... C. H. Overhulser. 8 Scotland A14 io% 80-1380 07 20,000 1st N., Neosho. (Closed May 23, 192 7) f|T2 E. C. Kitchen........ Harvey Bingham.. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Principal Correspondents. Resources. Surplus Paxu-up Drpos- Other ITS Capital Provitb TIES 10,000 $ Appleton City 1262 Appleton City Trust Go.»t|T3 J. S. House .. .. 8 St. Clair K7 5% 80-1398 —— Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued 4,500 29,770 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C.; McDaniel N., Springfield; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 20,000 31,000 . Bk. Com., St. L.: Ex. N. and Boone Co. N..Celumbia:N. Stk.Yds. N.,N.Stk.Yds. 36,230 1st N., St. L.; Far., Bowling Green. 9,450 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C.: Jackson Co., Independence. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere k MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 786 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. "New §State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ^County Seats Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI— Continued Liabilities. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Resources. Loana ther Bondi Miscel Gin k EX' Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and and obamh.Dvi Capital Profits its Diaeounta Securities laneous rmoM Biiu ties Athol .......... 3000 Standard State Bank_®t§’21 J. Allen Prewitt., R. L. Gibson— H. R. Roney.. 80-1703 10 Jackson K6 *125 W. W. Basye_____ S 10.000 $ Atlanta______536 | Macon D12 Howell Gaines.— 25,000 Bank of Atlanta_______ J|’09 J. W. Gwinner.__ W. J. Windsor. J. D. Fleming___ C. E. Barclay-------6% 80-702 Augusta______ 308 Bank of Augusta.............»jr02 John D. Meyer A. F. Luetkemeyer Phil O. Riek____ George Kemper ... 0 St. Charles 118 *250-10% par 100 80-874 25,000 8,000 100,000 100,000 3.000 20.000 25.800 354.830 126.720 245,180 Aullvllle______ 128 Aullvllle Bank_________ $|’05 Julius Maring___ John E. Holtcamp. Mode Anson_____ g Lafayette H9 % 80-876 15,000 4,890 42,110 48,170 Aurora_______ 3575 Bank of Aurora____ ®»$|’S7 W.H. Scott............. E. R. Adams______ M. T. Easley____ R. L. Matthews... 80-211 | Lawrence P8 io% C. M. Gardner 50,000 29,720 1.239,880 PEOPLES BAMK...... ®«$I 05 S. P. Breitenstein R. W. Horine_____ A. W. Burchard.. Alfred R. Munday 15,000 10,000 225.000 170,000 Auxvasse_____ 484 Peoples Bank______ ®<|T0 R. R. Buckner____ W. G. Meyer_____ J. A. Harrison.__ Helen M. Woodson 80-754 g Callaway H15 *210-15% J. B. Sharp 25,000 5,000 250,000 225,000 »Ava.___ ______ 845 Bank of Ava___________2I’M Sallie J. Adams__ F. H. Turner_____ J. A.G. Reynolds. Josephine Ellison. *400-12% 80-608 I Douglas P12 36,000 59.030 419,220 467,890 Atlanta State Bank____ tl'93 W. J. Dearing___ 0. W. Davisson. 100 80-701 *300-20% par Paul L. Jones. 6 *200-15% 80-212 Citizens Bank__________tf'05 J. W. Reese_____ W. 0. Darrow____ J. A. Mitchell___ J. S. Clarke. Sec... 80-600 Peoples Bank__________J|’13 O. H. Burdett____ J. A. Kllneline___ Y. A. Dobyns____ *170-10% 80-1403 500 $ 34,770 35,000 338.360 I 310 64,850 25,000 238.130 $ 855,220 S 60.230 266,500 Principal Correspondents. 3,500 $ 17,000 Pioneer Trust Co., Kan. C.; Jackson Co., Independence. 270 99,820 Drov.N., Chi.; IstN., St.L.; 8tate9av. Ln. A Tr..Quincy; N.Stk.Yds. N..N. StkYds. 5,000 23,690 Lib. Cent. Tr. and N. City. St. L.: N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds. 1,860 11,970 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Tra. N.. Kan. C. 29,000 N. Bk. Oom., St. L. 82,770 179,970 N. City. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Oom. Tr. Co., Kan. 0.; McDaniel N., Springfield. 20,000 55,000 Liberty Cent Tr. Co.. St. L.: Union N., Springfield. 55,000 N.Bk. Com.. St. L.; Callaway, Fulton; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 66,510 Southern Mo. Tr. Co., Springfield: 1st N., K&n. O.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 2.310 25,000 12,430 183.360 153,760 950 15,000 10.500 143.000 117.150 750 10,000 6,500 72,000 70.000 10,000 2.580 68,380 50,870 12,000 4.200 10,000 130 43,270 13,000 52.310 700 4.300 9.100 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. Ill.; Cent. Mo. Tr. Co., Jefferson City. Bakersfield ....280 Bakersfield State Bank_.t|'06 A. W. Morris........ . J. C. Harlin.............. Juniata Mitchel.. 8 Ozark R14 *225 80-877 10,000 6.580 92,210 1,000 46.840 3,390 59,550 Union N.. Springfield; 1st N. and Union State, West Plains. Ballard________30 Ballard Banking Co.........1519 Wm. P. Hoover__ A. B. Edrington... Jacob Kedigh____ Ray Winegardner (Sprue$ f. O.) *120-3% par 100 80-1594 10 Bates J7 Baring................ 248 Baring State Bank.........-Jl’24 Conrad Polhans.... T. J. Bresnen____ L. J. Bitterley... 80-878 8 Knox B13 10,000 2,550 33,930 190 34.310 6,510 5.710 1st N.. Kan. C.: Adrian Bkg. Co., Adrian; Mo. State, Butler. 15,000 500 103,530 19,280 84.130 38,740 15,450 Lib. Cent. Tr„ St. L.; Mtle. Tr. A Sav. and Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Quincy. Avalon________516 8 Livingston E9 Avilla_________ 215 10 Jasper 07 Bagnell_______ 263 8 Miller K12 Citizens Bank_________ *t|'05 O. W. Kissick....... S. O. Linton______ S. A. Browning__ D.C. Kerr. 100 80-876 Bank of Avilla_________ t§*14 S. X. Cordonnier.. H. O. Dintaman... Ivy E. Russell__ 8% par 100 80-1495 Bank of Bagnell.............. tl'13 H. M. Howser___ W. C. Kehr______ D. H. Rea_______ T. W. Cotten_____ 80-1435 *200-8% par ■^Barnard______ 345 Barnard State Bank.d®»tl’92 S. J. Smith____ 80-879 10 Nodaway B5 par 140 Farmers & Citizens. Bank M. M. Pollard—. *140 80-1457 ~ ®*«’14 Barnett______ 221 Bank of Barnett ..d®T»tr04 W. W. Gillum .. *200-8% 80-880 8 Morgan J12 18,520 47,560 McDaniel N. and Union N., Springfield. 47.600 McDaniel N., Springfield; Tra. N., Kan. O.; N. City. St. L. 4,500 14,000 Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.: Oitiz. N.. Ohillico the. 13,900 1st N., Carthage. Dwight Davis... G. W. Cole_______ W. H. Fannon.... 30,000 12,000 200,000 200,000 17.000 J. G. Skidmore.. J. G. Skidmore___ I. E. Wohelford.. 20,000 5.800 90,800 88,120 9,050 W. L. Hatler .... I. E. Bradshaw___ Oleta Flattman.. 25.000 7,000 122,000 100,000 600 26,400 Bates City_____ S Bank of Bates City_____ tf’ll W. S. Strode_____ B. L. Groom____ 8 Lafayette H7 *178-6% 80-881 J. O. Hudson_____ 20,000 16,330 55,150 75,430 1,100 2,900 Bay___________ 60 State Bank of Bay...d®2i'H K. A. Meyer______ A. N. Moeller._ 8 Gasconade J16 *260-15% par 100 80-1312 R. Rngelbrecht___ 10,000 17,340 254,700 110 213,260 24,280 12,660 Beaufort______100 Farmers and Merch. Bank G. L. Matthews. 8 Franklin J17 12% 80-1384 ®tS'23 W.H.Linstromberg W. H. Beckmann.. J. D. Knehans ___ L. H. Bolte 20.000 5,670 255,190 550 111,210 133,130 4,350 32,160 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. Belgrade--------275 Belgrade State Bank__ t*’06 J. G. Walton ___ 8 Washington M18 80-883 J. W. Andes______ L. E. Bartlow........ 10.000 11,640 122,940 7.550 22,420 N. City, St. L.;N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. par v MISSISSIPPI/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ 128 High Grade Municipal Bonds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 114,610 25,000 1st N„ St. Jo. 19,430 Barnes N„ St. Jo. 27,000 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; 1st N.. Versailles. 12,040 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., St. L. 31,950 No. St. L. Tr. Oo„ St. L. Well Secured Real Estate and Corporation Issues Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Itand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 787 Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. ^County Seats. fMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. BeU City______426 Bank of Bell City. I Stoddard P22 80-884 PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Gashies. Ass’t Cashier.'07 H. L. Harty............ C. A. Henderson... A. F. Asa________ R. P. Barks. Belle_________ 437 Belle Bank____ _______ •t|,01 T. L. Travis______ A. D. Walker_____ G. D. Underwood.. Maries K15 1160-18% 80-885 8 Bellevlew 200 Belleview Valley Bank_t!'13 H. L. Bell___ I Iron M19 80-1395 Bellflower. 297 Montgomery H16 Belton...... .........899 J-dlO CassH6 L ' ...... * Bank of Bellflower_____ tl'03 $190-10% 80-795 Bank of Belton_______•tl'14 $175-12% par 100 80- 536 Citizens Bank___ -®»tf'08 $200-10% par 100 80-537 ‘Benton______312 Bank of Benton___ _#t§’27 Scott 023 $120 80-886 (Formerly Benton Bank) Benton City 214 GUixem Bank_______®»tl’06 Audrain G15 $300-12% par 100 80-887 Berger .450 Bank of Berger------Franklin 117 $200-9% par 100 80-888 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Principal Correspondents. Bonds Miscel- Oabh k ExLoam and r&OM Baitkb Discounts Seeuritios $ $ 8. G. Llcklider___ W. A. Townsend.. O. F. Shelton. 10.000 % 3,910 $ 77,320 $ 68,000 20,000 12,130 190,650 10,000 8,570 60,020 65,210 800 42,500 121,260 1 40,159 $ 14.170 23.230 1st N„ St. L.; S. E. Mo. Tr. Co., Cape Girardeau. 47,200 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 1,500 11,090 N. City, St. L, 3.800 15,870 1st N.. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 64,860 Blair & Co., N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N.. St. L. 24,580 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. 0. W. T. Harman____ J. F. Ahmann------ George Obersmith. 10,000 12,000 160,000 125,830 S. E. Jerard______ R. C. Wilson 50,000 33,060 247,630 261,820 J. E. Mullen_____ F. R. Twente_____ W. F. Burkhart... J. S. Miller.............. 20,000 17,640 117,930 110,890 16,500 3,600 8 Chas. A. Leedy.... James McPheeters H. F. Kirkpatrick. Dorothy Scherer.. 25,000 5.130 141,410 48,820 57,420 13,000 8 8 E. W. Rockwell... W. H. Hutcherson. W. H. Coil 10,000 20,110 88,840 Otto Schmidt_____ D. W. Haid______ W. D. Schaffner... J.K. Schaffner___ 25,000 12,840 267,090 $ 207,160 31,500 51,040 21,130 1st N., St L.; Bk. of Wash., Wash.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds.! H. Wedepohl_____ W. F. Fallbeck.... 15,000 13,510 206,730 129,390 72,310 13,900 19,630 LaFayette-So. Side and 1st N.. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N.Stk. Yds.. Ill. 25,000 22,440 188,410 168,250 500 46,150 20,950 State Bk. of Poplar Bluff. Poplar Bluff; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N.Stk. Yds.. Ill. 100.000 19.370 272.700 24.450 224.930 45.000 89,090 57.500 Chase N., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Am. N.. St. Jo.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 40,000 30,000 400.000 10,000 200.000 190.000 30.000 60,000 1st N.. St. Jo.; Gate City N., Kan. 0. 20,000 12,570 158,460 150.610 630 14,600 20,000 22,000 224.000 194,000 2.000 13,000 22,000 10.000 G. S. THOMPSON RUTH M. PERRY........ more and Keota. ding and Bank C olleetlons. Draft for present atlon and Hi for each Be port. 190.000 190.000 16,000 25,180 Hannibal Tr. Co.. Hannibal; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., 111. 57.000 State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy, Ill.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 36.000 1st N„ St. L.; State Ex., Macon. 10,000 A R. THOMAS W. A. ROWLAND ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. or presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. —Prompt Service. 33,000 300,000 280.000 20,000 5,000 28,000 State Ex., Macon; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy. 8 " ... •• Bernle............. 1571 8(iStoddard Q22 8071302 $200-6% James F. Blair.__ ‘Bethany........2080 Harrison B8 rw. C. COLE--------- W. T. TEMPLEMAN .. J. S. NALLY.Tr.......... DOCKERY WILSON. Sec. N EW PROGRESSI VE BANK AND T RUST CO. COMPANY 1 Have Complete set of Abstract B ooks for Harrison Co. 1 Unexcelled fact llttes—modern eq ulpment—experle need officers. 80-1630 ®T*:§’19 V.Please tend 15c to ith each sight draft f or presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. BETHANY TRUST $150 ____ « J BETHANY’S First National Bank.. ®»}’05 Olin Elea 80-856 Harrison County Bank (Closed April 16, 19 27) Bethel. 254 Bank of Bethel_____ _il’92 C, E. Bower.......... $150 80-837 Shelby D14 “ . *' Farmers Bank_____ __tl’09 M. 8. Smith_____ $195 80-838 (WALDO EDWARDS.. Bevier_______ 1868 PEOPLES BANK........ ®«tl 07 J We handle collecti ) Special Attentlo $225-10% 80-361 8 Macon D12 'Please send 15c par 100 8 —----- “ O. E. Poland W. E. Allen _ L. L. Smith.__ G. L. THOMAS.............. on* on Bezier, Ard n given BUI or La with each Sight TUJHBe MvMSr-E. STATE BANK OF BEVIER $400-20% 80-360 ®»t»’92 1 Please send 15c u> ith each eight draft f (.Oldest Bank— Modern Methods 0. F. Ziegler_____ Bigelow______ 161 Bank of Bigelow______ •tl’01 C. C. Catron.......... J. C. Hinkle______ G. W. Poynter........ J. W. Poynter____ 10 Holt C4 15% par loo 80-891 10,000 13,200 68,000 BUllngs______ 614 Bank of Billings______»tr89 J. J. Pearce______ J. F. Yoachnm..__ A. J. Howard_____ K. P. Howard........ Christian P9 10 %-par 100 80-596 25,000 13,300 208,000 fJ. B. HENDRICKS.. 10,000 Sing^raftsj Cas’h VELMA MIEKLEY — J Special attentlo AMHLwk and Time Items. ) Please send 15c w ith each sight draft f or presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ta. Modern Methods -Prompt Service. 5,000 76,290 8 —-- — 2,260 74,590 5.900 52,300 1st N„ St. L. 42,110 N. Bk. Com., St. L. (Closed April 20, 19 27) 8 M 4,010 (Taken over by Bern ie State Bank) Bernle State Bank —•dtS’20 D. S. Jeffress........ J. A. Nichols_____ R. H. Moore______ Vernan Jordan $140-8% 80-1659 FARMERS BANK $200-10% __ Resources. Paid-up , Surplus Depos- Other AND ITS Profits TIES BILLINGS 80-697 ®.»'06 20.000 9,000 140,500 7,050 18.000 Am. N., St. Jo. 82,000 87.000 36,500 3,600 65,700 N. Bk. of Com.. St. Springfield. 6,860 4,470 Un. N., Springfield. L.; McDaniel N„ . Organized 1890 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Member Federal Reserve System k Mississippi > \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 788 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPrii. *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Birch Tree........452 Citizens State Bank____ £|'12 G. H. King.... 8 Shannon P16 $160-7% 80-1393 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MISSOURI—Continued 0A8HIER. Ass’t Cashier. Chas. Bowden........ Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bondi Miscel- Cash A lxPau»-up Surplus Dapos- Other L iabili Capital Profits ITS Diaoounta Securities LANEOU8 non Raid ties correspondents. 10,000 $ 2,210 $ 55,870 $ 10,000 1.130 MM nnr. Bismarck.............949 Bank of Bismarck__d.*t§’02 O. W. Ramsey .... J. L. Eaton_______ C. C. O'Dell........... A. L, Bond______ 8 St. Francois M19 $225-10% par 100 80-893 25,000 30,560 269,510 220 Blackburn______333 BANK OF BLACKBURN-«*I'S2 J. H. Brunkhorst.. Maud E. Davis.............. H. G. Koenig................ Miss L. P. Black 8 Saline GO luo-6% 80-894 Jas. A. Hunter, Sec. burn M _ " Farmers Bank______________tJ’17 J. D. Price L. M. Chiswell_______ E. C. Brunkhorst.. $133-7% 80-1538 50,000 17,980 115,120 570 25,000 6,440 133 880 Blackwater _____478 Bank of Blackwater.®*tl'06 W. B. Gibson................ C. P. Hudson________ Walter Shouse 8 Cooper HU 8% 80-788 25,000 7,360 76,150 20,000 41,930 266 330 190,980 10,000 14,060 125,820 118 850 5,220 25,800 1st N.. St. L.; Tra. N„ Kan. O. Farmers Bank______________ tl'09 W. W. Johnston .. C. L. Farnsworth.. 80-824 10,000 7,410 82 fifiO 78 080 5,830 16,160 Drov. N., Kan. O. Farmers & Traders Banktl'12 0. A. Boesch____ Chas. E. Berger__ 80-1318 Blodgett Bank____ ____ £§’01 George Buchanan.. J. W. Pa rker___ _ $120-8% 80-896 Bloodland State Bank..£§’17 D. S. Miller. .... G. W. Berry--------------80-1633 15,000 10,380 158 530 123,000 7,060 53,860 N. Bk. Com. and 1st N.. St. L. 80,000 6,680 36 420 57,700 10,000 230 23,690 610 18,640 4,400 11,440 N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 50,000 50,000 401.000 34,000 385.000 4.000 SATISFACTORY SERVICE C.A.GRAVES.A.Sec. Is ths stpongsst piss we oan make for your buslnsss. Pleate tend 15e with each tight draft for presentation and tie for Credit Reports. 50,000 25.000 300,000 240.000 24.000 P. E. Carron_____ John N. Kertz____ R. P. Carron.. __ N. A. AuBuchon... 20,000 1.800 107,000 114,300 1,850 W. I. Thomason... E. C. Ford________ R. W. McGuire__ B. W. Gwinn.......... 25,000 26,000 175,000 185,000 4.000 2,000 E. E. Montgomery. J. B. Strode 20,000 7,500 150,000 140,000 500 12,000 114,320 91,010 15,520 19,670 25,000 Tra. N.. New Eng. N., Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. 9,150 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Am. N. and St. Jo. Stock Yds., St. Jo. 65,580 13,850 8,830 20,900 1st N.,Kan. O. and Carrollton; N. Bk.Com., St. L. 88,000 30,000 21,000 50,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds.,Ill.; Carroll Co. Tr.Co.. Carrollton. Farmers Savings Bank. £S’21 C.C. Dowler 80-1653 II II S Principal L. N. Bradford ... George S. Wattles. Bess L. Wattles... _____ R. F. Stegner________ Farmers Stock Bank._©t§’95 C. E. Steele_________ H. 0. Griffith 80-787 $300-15% par 300 Blalrstown.___280 Bank of Blalrstown___•tl'01 R. O. Atkins_____ W. S. Ward______ W. R, Phipps____ _ J. H. Schweer____ 8 Henry I 8 $250-12% par 240 80-823 II <1 Bland________ 470 8 Gasconade J16 Blodgett__________392 8 Scott P 23 Bloodland______ 125 8 Pulaski M14 ‘Bloomfield.. .1094 8 Stoddard P22 BLOOMFIELD BANK rj. B. BUCK----------------- C. A. MOSELEY.— V.W. MORAN................... WILEY WALKER — 1.650 $ 39,123 $ 1.250 $ 13.330 $ /» nw« lcJ Ifc70 16,050 Far. & Merch., Springfield; N. Stk. Yds, N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; N. Bk. of Com., St. D. 9u)70 McDaniel N., Springfield; N. City, St. L, 229,660 7,000 15,000 73,630 N. Bk. Com., 124,190 6,450 3,500 49,530 1st N. and N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; 1st N. and Gate City N., Kan. 0. 115,020 4,720 7,950 37,630 Gate City N., Kan. C.: Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.: Far. Sav., Marshall. 22,700 13,480 1st N., St. L.: Boonville N., Boonvilie; N Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 3,600 122,700 N.Bk.Com.. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds.; 1st N. and Pioneer Tr. Co., Kan. C. ns 25,000 97 320 11,000 ■•i- 9,760 St L. 5,640 1st N.. St. L. 56.000 < OLDEST AND L ARGEST BANK. YOUR BUS INKS S INVITED. 1 Special attentlo n given Bill of Lad Ing drafts, Cash a nd Time Items. (.Please send 16e u>i th each tight draft fo r presentation and 25 c for Credit Reports, 90.000 N. City, St.L.fN.Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. $300-25% par 100 80-471 d»£l’96 STODDARD GO. TRUST COMPANY — TmiOT nniinAiiv 80-1331 Bloomsdale.... 210 8 8t e.GenevieveL20 Blue Springs.. 551 '» 10 Jackson G7 Wl’12 Bank of Bloomsdale.... t|T4 $100-8% 80-1481 Bank of Blue Sprints d«tl'83 $200-6% par 100 80-681 * —--------- ‘ Citizens State Bank..®*tl’05 $300-12% 80-682 Blythedale.__ 294 Citizens Bank_________ £§’06 8 Harrison A8 $100-21% 80-798 A. L. HARTT. CARL WEBER---------- H. L HARTT, Sec. and Cash. A. L. RIFFLE. r A. Sec. and A. Cash. W. T. McWilliams. W. J. Brinigar........ M. B. Officer.. __ A. M. Wright____ M. B. Officer, Sec.. 21.000 f S. D. PITTS____ J.S. SHIRLEY---------- H. H. COBURN ■ - L. A. CHARLES— Bogard _____381 BOGARD STATE BANK 8 Carroll F9 $140 par 100 80-1488 ©eJI'14 115 CENTS sent t o us with each sig ht draft for prese ntatlon, and (.25 CENTS for ea ch credit report in sures prompt, per sonal attention. 15,000 3,730 88,460 10,000 11,000 168 000 II M FARMERS BANK........ ®*tl 03 Thomas Knott.___ 80-898 W. M. Henderson.. C. H. Best............. 1,970 1 .MISSISSIPPI > \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I nvestment Secu rities MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 40,000 1st N. and N. City, St. L.; Southeast Mo. Tr. Co., Cape Girardeau; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 1,350 7.300 Tower Grove, St. L. 35,000 1st N„ St. L. and Kan. O. A Bank for Bankers i MISSISSIPPI i \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 7530 / O? Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. rEstab ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PaiflIDBNT. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Andrew C5 t .Bolivar .. 1980 Polk M9 8 Bolckow State Bank 80-786 Union State Bank______•H'14 15% 80-785 FARMERS STATE 80-1314 BANK .t§'n 10,000 $ $ 134,980 $ 13.440 $ 163,060 Principal Correspondents. 2,900 $ 3,400 $ 45,220 Inter-State N„ Kan. O.; McDaniel Springfield. 3,400 43,410 Am. N., and St. Jo. Stk. Yards., St. Jo. N.. 9,290 134,770 102,360 4,900 T. F. Montgomery. F. I. Dnnn-------------- Weir Cooper. 20,000 7,000 100,000 80,000 10.000 P.l SIH1F R Ri 11F 30,000 1,000 154,050 119,490 2,100 41,450 22,010 1st N.. St. L.; Fid. N. Bk.& Tr.. Kan. O.; McDaniel N., Springfield. 25.000 10,000 250.000 170.000 45,750 21,570 82.200 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch.- W M. Hartley .... 37,000 Am. N., St. Jo. Sec. and Tr. cF T DEVIN GEO ENGLEMAN ] 15 CENTS sent t o us with each sig ht draft for prese ntation, and (.25 CENTS for ea ch credit report in sures prompt, per sonal attention. VILES FIRST NATIONAL )n.G. Special attentio n given Bill of La SiJifecS. and Time Items. ) Please send 15c wi th each Sight Draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts• (.ONLY NATION AL BANK IN PO LK COUNTY. BANK 80-343 Resources. Loads Bonds Cars k ExMiscel chanoeb and ,Du* And Discounts Securitise laneous non Banks 10,000 K W PTpnt. •tl'09 LIABILITIES. Other Paid-up Surplus Depos Liabili AND Capital its ties Profits $ Bois D’Arc.....290 Bank of Bois D’Arc „„t§’05 V. C. Lambeth------- J. M. Baker-----------t Greene 09 $250-15% 80-899 10 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back, of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued $ 34,520 N., Springfield. ®*r04 dpi v nmiiiTV H. H. B. DUNNEGAN GUY Q. MCDANIEL— T.H.B.DUNNEGAN,JR. JOHN DUNNEGAN rlILK UuUNli -1 OLDEST AND L ARGEST BANK I N POLK COUNT Y. of Lading Dr afts a Specialty. 1 Unsurpassed Co llection Service — rBill bank presentation and 25 c/or Credit Reports. 80-342 unm' *»’72 t^Please send 15c wi th each tight draft fo 130.000 _________ 50.000 12.000 550.000 320,000 15,000 39,230 490,830 273,140 203,130 14,610 234,640 411,440 550 105,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan C.;N. Bk. Com., St. L. ■ Bonne Terre-3815 Lead Belt Bank..........d©»tl’99 J. H. Malugen------- I. S. Jones________ C. T. Malugen.......... K. R. Adams--------St. Francois LIP $400-40% par 100 80-142 J. J. Bowman_____ Albert Marshall .. P. L. Benham____ 0. F. Dinwiddie... $100-10% 80-144 Bonnots Mill..200 Bank of Bonnots MU!.d»tl’05 M. Koetting.............. C. H. Krautmann.. Osage J15 $300-18% par ioo 80-900 8 8 4BoonvUie____ 4665 Cooper H12 8 BOONVILLE NATIONAL BANK 1200 ** A. W. NELSON.......... 5 W JEWETT J. A. FISCHER. Largest Financial Institution in Cooper County. Only National Bank. Only Member Federal Reserve System. Unsurpassed Collection Service. TRY $130-8% 80-1600 Geo. C. Miller____ $150-6% 80-593 First National Bank___ »t’89 L. L. O’Dell_______ $160-10% par 100 80-592 L. D. Viemann .— 80-901 4 Crawford K17 $250-25% Citizens Bank------------ •tl'll $140-8% 80-1308 .Bowling Green Farmers Bank_______ d»tl'75 80-405 Pike F17 1965 $250-10% 8 8 •• •• .MISSISSIPPI > \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 10,000 13,060 144,800 4,550 118,320 23,730 3,550 26,800 1st N., 8t. L. and Jefferson City; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds.. Ill. 35.720 1,168.370 180.120 902,910 246,680 170,650 263,950 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., 200,000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. US. 27,900 540,500 314,000 739,600 H. F. Cabbell______ H. F. Squires ... C. G. Kuhn................. 100,500 53,900 88,400 N- City, N. Y. and St. L.; 1st N., Kan. C.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill. 45,000 Foreman N., Chi.; Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Carrollton. Com’l N., Chi.; New Eng. N. Bk. 21,600 Cont. & Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 20,000 Int’l. St. L. 2,000 138,700 122,700 11,000 105.000 9,170 21,920 7,000 120,000 50.000 22,000 170,000 W. D. Towe .............. W. L. Kimberlin.. Catherine Jones... 10.000 18,100 128,000 John Merkel______ 15,000 7,520 127,020 118,210 20,000 10,000 432,820 158.440 10,000 31,460 177.320 173,240 25.000 12,940 244,250 N. J. Porter_______ R. Biegs Pike County Bank _dB®,tl'll S. N. Gillum_______ Harve McCune $165-8% par 100 ♦ 80-407 Collections Given Special Attention 100,000 25.500 Raymond Groves.. L. B. Willis................ B. Hatsell Peoples Savings Bank®»tl'97 W. S. Henderson.. 80-406 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 100,000 dB®T»I§'19 T.A. Johnston. Ch. F. J.Felten Carroll F10 it 783,790 (Merged with the Fa rmers Trust Co.) FARMERS TRUST ROMPANV Harry A. Creagan. E. J. Muntzel______ E. J. Muntzel. 7V._ H. J. Miller. Sec... it 30,440 80—70S it “ 8ti R. L. MOORE. Jr......... G. W. WHITLOW H T REDD 54,170 Harriman N., N. Y.; Int’l, St. L. 192,610 Han. N., N.Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 25,000 S. M. Williams____ 52,000 37,800 148,790 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY • SAINT LOUIS 15,340 209,700 28,260 & 15,990 IstN.. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds.. Ill. 65,570 Han. N., N. T.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch.-Lac. N. and 1st N., St. L, 65,180 N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds.. Bk. Com. and 1st N., St. L. 33,650 66,580 Ill.; N. 70,970 1st N., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds.. Ill. Exceptional Facilities for Transit Items i MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 790 Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Countt. eMem.A.B.A.H-New § State tPrir. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Est&b. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Boynton 8 Sullivan Bll *120 Bradleyvllle.__100 8 Taney Qll *175 Cashier. Ass't Cashier. B. F. Scoggins .... T. L. Morisset___ V. H. Dntv 80-1462 . $f'11 E. C. SDeer Branson 598 Bank of Branson____ •3I'06 8 Taney Q10 _ 80-904 Farmers State Bank... 45’21 *125 80-1700 Brashear 339 Farmers & Merchants Bank 8 Adair C13 80-1461 JS’14 •• 11 State Bank of Brashear»il'90 80-727 Braymer____ 1018 BANK OF BRAYMER ..®tl'87 8 Caldwell E8 80-499 Resources. Liabilities. Lord* Bonds Other Oabb k 3xMiscel oiamm D bposPaid-up Surplus and and ^Doi L iabili AND ITS Capital Profits Discount! Securities laneous wm Baku ties J. A. Schnelle____ B. L. Stutler____ Olive M. Holliday, S Sec. W. P. Stntler 80-1453 Braggadocio 300 Farmers Rank 80-603 8 Pemiscot J24 *146-8% Vice-President. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Clyde J. Long___ J. H. Grinstead___ W. H. Crowder.__ Elizabeth D. Brown Frank Drury _____ J. A. Mil stead....... 13.000 J 2.750 $ 32,180 10.000 1,000 37,000 $ 10.000 5,290 20,000 10.000 10.000 $ 35.260 16,500 60.700 38,380 1,400 11,180 220.220 222,970 2,500 40,000 40,000 850 66,900 37,000 12.750 13,750 20.000 9,830 245,230 198,220 5,000 72,000 82,000 50.000 (J.W.TOOMAY .... A. E. STILLWELL— W. R. SHIVELY.......... J A Commercial Progressive, A Bill of Lading Collections reeely e particular atten tlon. ' Please send 15c u> ith each eight draft for presentation and 25« for Credit Repor te. 9,000 132,000 35,000 180,000 $ KLEIN-.----— 120,000 40,000 S. R. THOMAS......... PSMlsa tK.I. for presentation , and TS sent to us wit res prompt, perso nal atte ntlon. ) TWENTY-FIVE ®.r90 CENTS for each credit report loan ' Largest Bank In Braymer. 400,000 50,000 400,000 10.000 1,090 26,910 250 21,120 Breckenrldge. .860 Breckenridge Savings Bank Walter O. Hart.__ E. S Hall 8 Caldwell D8 80-603 •*|'84 II 11 O. A. Rozzelle___ A. B. Cleaveland.. A. B. Cleaveland.. R. R. Divinia . par 100 80-502 40.000 13,000 130,000 21,500 5,810 154,060 Brentwood ....250 Vincent McQuillan Herman Gutman.. 0. R. Miller (St.Louis P.O.) 80-1747 S. M. Willingham 8 St. Louis N20 Brighton. iso Bank of Brighton_____ tS’19 Thomas McArtor.. *100 par 100 80-1629 8 PolkN 10 25,000 5,000 10,000 400 Brlmson __ 2ln W. W. Alexander.. A. M. Davidson.... 8 Grundy C8 *175-10% 80-905 par 100 Bronaugh . 235 Peoples State Bank___ $§'04 B. F. McReynolds. Mary A. McReyJerry Willhite, Jr. MamieMcReynolds \ 10 Vernon M6 80-880 nolds 20,000 Brookfield ..6304 ♦Brownlee Banking Company Walter Brownlee.. R. S. Brownlee.__ E O. Brownlee.__ R. Brownlee____ 8 Linn Dll *200-12% 89-154 d©»3|’9* F. O. Kelly “ ......... <• ♦First National Bank-®t’25 J. D. Freund______ H. W. Craig.............. Wm. Edgemon....... *115 80-156 •• J. W. Moore_____ E. A. Jones______ whm H. W. Thrasher “ _____ II Brookfield Clearing House... (Members indicated by a *) Sec. and Tr. “ -------- “ FARMERS TRUST CO. Ml’18 *120-8% 80-501 80-504 Brazeau___ .100 Brazeau Rank____ 8 Perry M22 *100 80-1632 Brookline 8t’n3l9 Bank of Brookline 8 Greene 09 80-1522 BroMley--------- 13 8 Butler Q21 *125 80-1568 ) J. R. OALBEY------ EDWARD TOOMAY — l uCollectionm a Specialty” D. 1. FARRAR. Zeno Barber_____ Serena A. Barber.. |§’iq .*>'15 J. P. Pfaff John P. Fnnek ___ Robert HUdrich__ A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S F FARRAR R, P, Propst_____ E. D. Davis jFiFTT^'‘CEN FIRST NATIONAL BANK *185-8% F. R. Pfeiffer___ 100.000 45,000 65,000 Com. Tr. Co. and Inter-State N., Kan. C. 3,780 13,360 Int’l. St. L.; Bk. of Perryville, Perryrille. 24.160 Chase N.. N. Y.; Tootle-Lacy N. St. Jo.; Inter-State N.. Kan. 0.; 1st N.. Chillicothe. 28,280 C. & C. N.. Chi.: Am. N., St. Jo.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Citiz. N.. Chillicothe. 1.400 13,830 34,790 17,640 13,400 6,090 68,610 54,800 16,000 7,000 242,000 216,220 50.000 35,000 710,030 460,440 100.000 10,000 216,430 14,150 Un. N., Springfield. 8,920 5,330 250,960 29,970 14,549 43,490 454,950 370,080 10,000 10,000 54,000 71,000 10,000 2.500 25,000 20,000 30,970 Drov. N., Kan. C.; Trenton Tr. Co., Tren ton. 48.000 Drov. N„ Kan. 0.; 1st N., Nevada. 175,770 53,650 20.000 Am. Sav., Springfield; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; N. City, St. L. 28,000 Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Quincy, Ill. 63,090 Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Quincy, Ill.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 9.100 1st N., Kan. 0. and St. L. 20,000 Tra. N., Com. Tr. Co., and Drov. N„ Kan. C.: Citiz. N., Chillicothe. 149,220 25.000 36,140 1st N„ St. L.; Bk. of Oaruthersville, Oaruthersville. 25,400 16,180 20.000 7.500 Un. N., Springfield. 600 17.650 11,360 11.160 Far., Unionville. 17,180 Union N., Springfield; Drov. N., Kan. 0. 125,000 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 1,510 $ 6,500 20.000 Georee Tuttle $ 51,000 Principal Correspondents. 329,260 1st N.. Chi.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., St. L. 50.960 N. City. St. L.; Federal Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N.,St. Jo. 129,010 Coni. & Com'l N., Chi.; Tra. N., Kan. 0.; N. Bk. of Com., St. L. 8,500 N. Bk. Oom„ St. L.; McDaniel N.. Springfield. 17,500 State Bk. of Poplar Bluff, Poplar Bluff. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere 701 • “A Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. Town AND OOUItTT. •Mem.A.B.A.WNew §StatetPriv. ^County Seats. fU»m. Stats B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fie. under town la ♦Feci.Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond Fed. Rea Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. BrewBiwi I Linn CIO Liabilities. President. 80-M7 Vick-President. K. M. DUNCAN OM BROWNING SAVINGS BANK $750-50% Abs 'T CUwnra OASIIl N. W. PHILLIPS— Resources. Surplus Loana Bonds ther MiscilPaid-nr Dspoe- LOiabili and and AMD Capital Protits ITC Diacounta 8«euriti«s LANIOUB ties $ on lifen BUt ef L adlng drafts, Css d.81’84 |pEa*Ts«mI inti 15c with each tight dr aft for prctentatio 10,000 S 75,410 $ 277.920 S 4,49) 93,740 Farmers Exchange Banktl'07 J. I. Harmon_____ J. W. Sevier.. 20,000 20,220 101,410 R. M. Calhoun____ Florence E. Lay... 14,300 S 3,600 $ 109.740 N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Com. — 70.630 15.000 109,820 8.240 24.350 Citiz. N., Chillicothe; Drov. N.. Kan. C. 6,050 25,760 Cont. & Com'l N„ Chi.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ J. M. Thurlo Brownlngton..S33 State Bank of Browni ngtcn T. J. Roeers-------8 Henry K8 80-906 tlo N. Stk. Yds.. 111.; Citiz. N.. Chillicothe- 10,000 7,000 70,000 10,000 17.400 114,790 $ 20,000 24,100 252,230 20,000 28.060 189,120 50,000 D. E. GR0TJAN fte, Cash and Tim eltema. lie must be sen t with each Slghf Draft for presen tetton and Me with ea eh request fer rep ort or rating. 14,720 340,950 S. W. Whitaker. Bromley______ 218 Bank of Bromley_____ tl'06 E. C. Thompson ... Lee Thornsberry.. J. M. Hawkins.. I Hiller K12 $300-30% 80-907 Chas. R. Hawkins. HALLIBURTON. E. W. HOUSE- - - re. w. ioven— L.L. A.H. KINKHORST 50,000 14,000 100 105,000 18.050 6.170 13.070 1st N„ St. L.: Bk. of Eldon, Eldon; N. Stk. 9,500 250,220 29,100 9,770 36,740 Drov. N.. Kan. C.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. 132,970 13.020 470 309,100 18,300 143,500 3.150 8,000 39,210 1st N.. St. L.; State Sav. Loan & Tr, Co., Quincy; Tra. N., Kan. C. 95,150 43,850 4,500 29,410 N. Bk- Rep., Chi,; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. H. KNIGHT, See. BANK OF BRUNSWICK ®tl’18 J Young, nrogree sire; hustling fer business. Tours Invited. 8a tlsfaet ory aerv lee aaau red. 80-1570 1 Bill of Lading a $235 ^PImomm $225-10% par 100 FIRST NATIONAL BANK _ 80-394 88 30,000 Com. Tr. Go.. Kan. O.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. Yds., N., N. Stk. Yds.. Ill. Yds.. 111.; Citiz. N.. Chillicothe. nd bank coilectio ns given prompt p eraonal attention Mind lie uh tk Might draft for pr ooontation and 25e / or Crodit Reports f WM. D. HERRINS ( Special attent (. PUomm tmd lie < CHAB1J0N COUNTY BARK-----80-393------ Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Due from Banks Tr. Co., Kan. C.: Citiz. N.. Chillicothe; State 8av. Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy. 20,000 $135 235,690 $ a. it Rep or ts. Citizens State Bank.. dt§’24jJoe Nickell---------- J. R. Kenley_____ S. P. Darr_______ Marjorie Mairs... $122—5% par 100 80-649 $200-10% par 175 80-648 Brunswick .1411 8 Chariton F10 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acees.), Lawyers, Laws (inaexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued USUE'lfer W. k&tes: USdis. Bucldln_______ 863 Bucklin State Bank___»t§’25 W. G. Hughes. $155-8% par 100 89-589 I Linn Dll 180 th Mack Might draft f or prooontation and 25c for Crodit Ropor (a. 170 93,900 Chatham Phenlx, N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr.Co., Kan. C. 47,450 Elan. N., N. Y.; N. Bk, Com., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. O. P. E. Rouse........... C. E. Rouse . 20,000 10.650 163,050 E. B. Redman___ Lena Smith. 10,000 7,150 155.760 16,000 10.750 141.190 2QJJQ0 21.200 127,000 105,650 24.520 9.720 28.310 Com. Tr. Oo. and Drov. N.. Kan. O.; N. 16,000 12,160 186.410 139,320 4,713 27.470 43.060 Dnion N., Springfield; Columbia N„ Kan. C. 26,000 29.030 344,030 275.640 43,210 6,000 73.210 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; McDaniel N., Spring- A. W. Nelson_____ H. E. Meeker......... A. Blomquiit____ 25,000 30,000 250,000 F. C. Betteridge... G. W. Morris_____ C. H. Schupp_____ 20,000 23,000 250.000 190,000 28.550 Bunker_______ 726 Bank of Bunker_____ •8l'll J. B. Gordon------- E. H. Highley....... I. A. Hulsey______ I. R. Halsey. 80-1818 8 Reynolds N17 10,000 8,070 79,570 59.210 16,220 1,030 Tr. Co.. Boonville: N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds.. Ill.: Pioneer Tr. Co.. Kan. G.; 3rd N.. Sedalia. 21.170 N.Stk. Yds. N„ N.Stk. Yds.,111.; N. City, Burling tonJct.070 First National Bk...®»tl990 O. D. Caldwell------ E. D. Earn_______ 0.1. Hann_______ J. B. Hann... 10 Nodaway At 89-526 25,000 31.110 283.510 237.350 32,790 23,000 63,230 N. Bk. Com.. St. L-; Barnes N. and 1st N., Cass Edwards.. R. L. Stone Oitisens Bank........... @*8108 F. O. Shoemaker _ J. A. Hess. 89-581 Buckner______ 439 10 Jackson G6 BANK OF -•tl*92 R. A. Harra_____ E. C. Roth................ J. H. Bolts______ FARMERS BANK -— ®»tf 19 C. A. Winfrey........ D. B. James........... Rex V. Hedrick... $250-12% par 200 80-7 50 E. S. Phillips____ 9.000 123.870 31.960 M. McDermott ‘Buffalo. .915 Bank of Buffalo.............. tS’91 F. M. Self________ J. M. Alexander... J. C. Butler........... Fred Myers___ I Dallas M10 $140 par 100 80-559 O. E. Johnston O'Bannon Banking Co. W. O. Hawkins___ G. I. Davies_____ Howard O’Bannon W. H. Nelson 89-570 dstl’Ol $250-18% Bnnceten____ 860 Bank of Bunceton.__®«tl'88 I Cooper Hll $200-12% 80-584 COOPER COUNTY BANK $150-6% par 100 V MISSISSIPPI/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ 89-515 dtf’98 High Grade Municipal Bonds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis — Bk. Com., St. L. field. 30.890 Pioneer Tr. Oo. and 1st N.. Kan. 0.: Boonville N.. Boonville; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 242.000 6,800 72,110 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Boonville N. and Far. St. L. 16,750 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS L.; Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy, Ill. 21,110 Tra. N., Kan. O. St. Jo.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. Well Secured Real Estate and Corporation Issues 792 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and county. •Mem.A.B.A.n-New JStatetPriY. *County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Jig. under town is ♦Feci. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond fed. Rea. Bist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. *Butler_____ 2702 10 Bates J6 President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. B. DUVALL- - - - - - - R. F. LISLE, DUVALL DUVALL W. F. DUVALL_ _ _ _ j.ARTHUR TRUST COMPANY Tr........ Loans Bonds Surplus1 Depos Other Miscel Paid-up and and and Liabili its Capital Profits Diseounta Seouritiss laneous ties *0-26# A. Sec. and A. Tr. $ 200,000 $ MISSOURI STATE BANK % 297.130 70,000 460,000 430,000 110,000 W. E. BUCK---------35,000 OLDEST BANK Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred it Reports by sen ding .FEE IN ADVA NCE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Cre dit Reports, 25c; TRY U S. 750,000 650,000 S 117,300 ["WESLEY DENTON R. F. HARPER---- L. R. TWYMAR — ROSCOEG. HARE- 35.000 A. LINDSAY,C/i. MI. A. CARROLL. Se c. to Bd. 324.570 315,070 PEOPLES BANK <0-260 $180-8% par 100 CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. H. H. LISLE — W. F. DUVALL- - - - - HOMER DUVALL, Active 0. A. HEINLEIN JOHN S. KRINN- 60.000 d©»t§’08 85,000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.: 1st N., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. i Special attentio n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items, 116 CENTS sent to us with each s Ight draft for pre sentatlon, and .35 CENTS for e acb credit report Insures prompt, personal attentio rJ. I. WALTON_ _ _ _ d©»tl'M 6% par 100 80-256 $ 113,580 $ 75.790 Far. Bk. of Bates Co., Butler. 63,640 $ 222,870 dTtf'07 rVttKVSk!Lm 27,810 300 126,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Oo„ Chi.; 1st N., Kan. 0. 12,000 60,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Liberty N„ Kan. O. 21,810 12,080 Peoples Bank, Butler, Mo.; First National Bank, St. Louis. Collections a S peclaity. Present ed in person, re mltted for day p aid. For quick retu rat, satisfactory service, try us. ■ Pleas* send 16c with each Sight Draft far present atlon, and 26c for each R epert. DENTON-COLEMANc- *• denton_____ G- *■ALLEH----------J-E- Thompson, tv. wesleydenton,sec NO BETTER INVESTMENT. First Iferm Mertgage Loans for sale, secured by Improved Missouri, and Oklahoma farms. Correspondenee lnvltod. 28.920 $ 100.970 214,690 116.500 2.190 10,000 10,930 104,270 102.340 900 1,500 20.000 25.800 299,520 207,850 — 6,440 Cains ville___1051 First National Bank.. ©»t’06 C. E. Glaze---------- Frank Peshek___ K. L. Weary_____ C. O. Thompson__ 80-65) I Harrison A t $175-8% 25,000 8,000 180,000 127,000 46,000 Cairo ___ ____221 Bank of Cairo—_______ tl'06 I Randolph E13 $475-25% par100 80-910 Cnledonla___ 150 Bank ef Caledonia------•2I'05 8 Washington M18 $200-10% par 160 80-811 Calhoun. 603 Bank of Calhoun_____ tl’90 I Henry J9 j $255-20% 80-616 M ___ “ PeoplesBank_________ •tl’09 $200-0% 80-617 ^California 2218'California State Bank®»t|'07 I Moniteau 112 $200-11% 80-311 D. G. Day------------ T. G. Haden........... T. G. Haden-------- H. H. Wrieht___ 10,000 29,220 192,930 108,840 57,500 2,940 W. J. Dent--------- W. P. Duckworth.. W. T. Coghill____ 10,000 6,500 65,000 50,000 25.000 3,500 72.210 LOAN & TITLE GO. $100-6% (Incorporated) ’16 Cash St Ex changes,Due prom Baidu I ARTHUR DUVALL.Sec. W. L. DUVALL. SELECT FIRST MORTGAGE FARM LOANS on improved farms in Missouri and Kansas. 10% par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. MISSOURI—Continued (Absorbed by First NcUionalBank Cass ville, Mo.) Butterfield__ 210 Farmers Bank______ 8 Barry Q8 Bynumville___60 Bank of Rynumville.__ tf’08 B. O. Jackson------ J. F. Wilson.......... G. F. Ireland------8 Chariton E12 30% par loo 80-009 f R. R. GREEN- - - - - - F. P. HUBBARD...... H.E. MCKINNEY...... MERNIE COATS...... 0. M. WOFFORD Cabool_______ 905 CAB00L STATE BANK--T§ 13 ) 15 CENTS sent t o us with each sig ht draft for prese utation, and t Texas 014 $250-12% 80-1405 20,470 Salisbury Sav. and Peo.. Salisbury. 131,030 1st N., St. L.; McDaniel N. and Union N. Springfield. (.25 CENTS for c ach credit report insures prompt, personal attentio Citizens Savings Bank . “ ___ ”____ “ FARMERS & TRADERS par 100 80—310 (Closed March 17, 1927) 62,860 1st N., St. L.: N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Bk. of Moberly, Moberly. 8.000 U. S.. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds.. Ill. 40,880 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Com. Tr., Kan. C.; Brinkerhoff-FarlsTrA Sav- Co.Olinton. 24.870 1st N., St. L.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Kan. C. 46,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Merch.-Lac. N.,St.L. 120,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Ohi.: 1st N. and N. Bk. Com.,St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 15,000 8,250 125.700 92,690 2.270 A. F. Parks........... H. C. Fewell........... B. F. Richardson.. Florence Vinks. 22,500 17.250 102,730 99.500 21.050 J. R. Proctor____ G. F. Tising—........ F. C. Harra______ A. F. Snow______ T. A. Harvey 50.000 25.000 300.000 350,000 75,000 85,000 500,000 380,000 160,000 59,2301 416,420 303,200 134,350 12,050 107,280 12.900 6,200 98.460 28,490 1.400 96,040 Am.Ex. Irv.Tr, Co.,N.Y.; N. Bk. Com., N. City, and 1st N.. St. L. 60.240 N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Mtle. Tr.& Sav.. Quincy, Ill. 15,210 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 68,110 100 9,510 54,680 1st N.. St. Jo.;Com. Tr. Co., Kan. 0. fT. G.EHRHARDT- A. W. YARNELL — H.W. KUHN........... B. F. HOWARD — Special attentio n given BUI of L adlng drafts, Ca sh and Time Ite ms. BK. tj’85 Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. .The Largest Ba nk in Moniteau County. Moniteau National Bank.t'67 R. M. Embry -........Fred Hert________L. F. Hert________ Emil Treiber____ $210-10% par 100 80-309 Callao_______ 542 Bank of Callao_____ ®»tl’92 J. W. Lindley------- C. A. Pool________ E. G. Jones______ 8 Macon D12 80-699 Camden____ 534 Camden State Bank...®J|'12 G. E. Hudgens....... J. S. Seward.......... O. C. Cline------------ G. O. Myers______ 8 Ray G7 8% 80-1394 Camden Point 212 Bk. of Camden Point .d»tl’90 A. L. Perrin-------- John Buchanan___B. P. Nutt_______ 10 Platte F5 I 80-912 1 50,000 10,000 12,200| 10.000 13,740; 10.000 8.2001 114,210 Organized MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY 1890 SAINT LOUIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 31,000 Fid. N. Bk. &Tr., Kan. C.;Ia. N., Des M.; New 1st N., Springfield. 0. L. Wiley---------- A. A. Gray .......... C. S. Morrow------- M. L. George__ “ MISSISSIPPI/ V VALLEY / \ TRUST/ 25.000 II Member Federal Reserve System 793 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exelusively bv The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Countt. •Mem.A.B.A.ttNew §StatefPriv. ACounty Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [EstaD. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Cameron_ _ _ 3248 10 Clinton D7 President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Ass’t Cashier, Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loana Bonds M C.ra A El Suf?£tr8 Depos Other and and MISCEL- 0ai.0M pnl L iabili CAPITAL pRA0NF°TS its Diaooun ta Securities laneoub nuuf B*,r, ties Principal Correspondents. paid-up j$ 100.000 $ TA.J. ALTH0USE— I. D. C0TTEY „ E. G. CRAWFORD, Tr. H. K. MAXWELL, A. Sec1 CAMERON V. P. and Sec. J.E.WILLIAMS, _ Tr. Off. C. E. HEFLIN, J. B. RUSSELL TRUST COMPANY A.Tr.Off. FILL REED 128,280 I 676,680 $ 40,000 I 605,400 $ 113.220 $ 161.940 $ 64,400 N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.: 1st N., Kan. C„ St. L., and St. Jo. 80-252 dB®T*TS'05 / Executes all Leg al Trusts. Collec tlons a Specialty, ^ Please send 15c wit h each sight draft fo r presentation and 25 $225-7% par 100 FARMERS BANK *225-12%par 100 80-250 d®»t|’78 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $225-6% 80-251 dB®»Tt’90 par 100 Campbell.....2025 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 8 Dunklin 128 *ho-io% 80-376 ®»t’03 “ _____ “First State Bank................»tS’16 | 80-1508 Canalou.._— 477 Bank of Canalou__________ 8 New Madrid Q22 Canton_____1949 Bank of Canton........... ®tf'79 | Lewis C16 *220-10% 80-296 " _____ ** Bank of Lewis County *225-10% 80-297 ®*tl’84 N. S. GOODRICH— H. B. COOPER......... E. G. URBAN............ A. BARLOW- - - - - - W G. SLOAN 75.000 70.200 780.160 136.800 555,220 167.570 207,420 50,000 40.000 360,000 50,000 304,790 96,560 45,880 40,000 14.500 275,000 200,000 G. C. DESHON_ _ _ G. S. KEMPER,- - - - - - - S. J. SLOAN............ JAS. CRAWFORD CLARENCE STAPLES M. L. CONE_ _ _ _ _ _ 0. H. HALL............. T. W. BENSON- - - - - - - W. N. JONES_ _ _ _ _ E. J. Walker......... W. A. Gehrig........... J. T. Ponder......... C. A. Bradshaw__ 30.000 14,000 150.220 129,270 20,000 27.900 396.430 233.080 Cbem. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Am. N., St. Jo. 47,430 Cont. & Com’I N.. Chi.: Stk. Yds. N.. Kan. C.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; TootleLacy N.t St. Jo. THE BANK OF PERSONAL SER VICE. Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c w ith each sight draft f or ■presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rts. 1st N., St. L.: N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds.. Ill. 38.070 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.: Cent.-State N., Memo. 100,000 31,870 (Closed June 7,1927 E. N. Cason______ 8. A. Tucker______ H. R. McRoberts.. S. F. Hoerer_____ E. W. Lillard..........R. M. Boulware ... J. W. Lillard------- M. T. Boulware.... Callie Lewis, A. C. B. M. Bradshaw 80,000 35,520 366,120 319,220 W. M. Turley____ F. F. Page_______ E. H. Perry........... 30,000 6.000 225,030 190,700 E. J. Deal............... M. G. Bender____ Geo. J. Vandeven.. H. L. Coffman J. H.Himmelberger A. H. Mueller____ O. E. Paar ............. I. F. Sitze. Aud. D. B. Smith 100.000 " ____ " Farmers &Merch.Bk.®»tS’16 F. L. Lloyd______ *125 80-298 Cape Girardeau « Bank of Southeast Missouri A. L. Harty............ 14.258 80-109 ®.t§’27 8 C.Girard. 023 ‘CAPE EXCHANGE BK. H. Haman, Jr.___ “ ......... “ *120-6% par 100 80-108' ©•+§’15 71,600 9.000 80,650 N. Park, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi., 30,750 7,000 74,670 N. Bk. Com., and Lib. Cent. Tr.. St. L.; 8,300 31.720 Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy, Ill.; N. City, Quincy-Ricker, Quincy. St. L. 44.350 1,471,240 176,910 64,350 534,120 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. Chi. and St.L.; Int’l. 51.000 Bkrs.Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: 6,260 222.570 14,000 177.000 27,000 12,000 50,000 KEMl _ berReide _ Reports by send Inc __ 80-106___ ®*tfi’05 iSave time and g et service on Cel) ectlons and Credl (FEE IN AD VAN CE: Plain Sight D rafts, 15c, Credit Reports, 50c. TR Y IIS. 36,360 824.400 2,700 576,430 160,900 59,400 16.430 1.064.460 7.360 617.890 274,220 135.710 (H.A. NUSSBAUM_ _ G.J. KELLER- - - - - - - - ROBERT VOGELSANG— Miss. Valley Tr. Co. and N. City, St. L. 100,000 2.002.270 25,000 & MERCHANTS 131,940 Oldest Bank in Cameron. Established 1878. 15 cents sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and 25 cents for each credit report insures prompt, personal attention. St. L. N. City, and Sav. Tr. Co.. St. L. 116,730 Stale N.. St. L. ... C. D. HARRIS.........W. 0. BOWMAN — H. BREMERMANN-MESIE ASTH0LZ’FIRST Send your Southeast Missouri items direct to us. NATIONAL BANK We specialize on Bill of Lading Drafts. 80-105 d®*r»l 100,000 160.430 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’I N„ Chi.; 1st N., St. L. | $150 St. Louis Joint Stock Land *no-4% Bank..80-1725—.'22 ’SOUTHEAST MISSOURI TRUST COMPANY *150-6%parlOO80-107 d®T»tl’06 ’STURDIVANT BANK (Cape Oi rardeau C. A. Vandivort, Mgr. A. L. HARTY- - - - - - J. H.HIMMELBERGER M.G. BENDER, j „ A. H. KEMPE, Sec. and Tr. A. ES. B. HUNTER 500,000 136.970 100,000 47.500 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25.710 176.040 334.810 575.000 190.000 145.790 Sec, 6,040 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. and Int’l, St. L. Send your Collections t o “THE BIG BANK.” Besides general banking Items se nd us matters req ulrlng personal attention by men of broad tru st and banking experience. R. B.OLIVER. ‘ "JfS\akd’cash. Bi: t;|1C LL A. L. HARTY- Oldest Bank in Southeast Missouri. 85-104 Prompt, Courteous, Efficient, Personal Service. d®*t»’66 Send US your Collections. Cape Girardeau CTrg House Robert Vogelsang. |C. D. Harris____ |H. Haman, Jr., Tr.|J. F. Lilly, J Sec. and Mgr. I (Members indicated by a *) |A. L. Harty . MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Branch, See Head Office, S t. Louis, Mo.) I nvestment Secu rities 900.000 SeeAdve rtisemen ton map of Missouri. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 125.000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Rep., Chi. N. Bk. Com., St. L. A Bank for Bankers ^ MISSISSIPPI/ , VALLEY / TRUST / Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued m Liabilities. TOWN and County.1 e.Vleni.A.B.A.«New § State tPm ‘County Seats tMem. State B Ass’n. TEstab Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Ass't Cashier. Cashier. Surplus Paid-up Depos AND Capital Profits its CapIlngerMlllslJO Bank of Caplinger MIHstS'10 J. T. Elliston____ W. J. Harris-------- F. 8. Wetzel_____ P. D. Adams____ $ $100-4% par 100 80-1636 I Cedar M8 15.000 $ Card well......1043 Cardwell Bank_____ ®»tl'20 O. D. Hall..... I Dunklin K23 $125-8% 80-913 D. Loeb, V. P. 50,000 Chas, Riggs______ J. E. Brewer____ W. E. Brewer. W. H. Brewer,V.P. Jessie Frie Eli Back T A 500 $ 14,000 iiJfiSOlLRCES. Other Liabili ties $ 60,870 42,910 % 950 $ 4,700 $ 173,000 190,000 Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonds Cash k ExM iSCSIs- CHANaM,Dui and and Diacountfl Securities LANSOUB mu Bans 27,800 1st N.. Eldorado Springs; 1st N., Spring field. 90,000 First National Bank__________ (Closed December 29 . 1926) 3 Carl Junction 1377 Bank of Carl Junction.*tl'90 C. W. Hilliker___ 10 Jasper 06 80-477 Citizens Bank............ d»tl'08 W. T. Roney_____ $200-12% par 100 80-478 * Carrollton... 3218 Banking Bouse of Wilooxjon H.H. Wilcoxson... & Company.80—234.©»tl’66 I Carroll F9 CARROLL CO. TRUST CO. C. G. Bowers $140-6% par 100 d@T»t5 19 80-1676 CARROLL E FIRST lT»t’8 12% O. H. Bennett___ D. G. Evans______ 15,000 3,990 87,980 72.520 13,200 2,450 18,800 Monroe Lor tz____ Chas. Downs____ Louise E. Amos___ 10,000 10,000 148,070 $ 2,690 119,410 16,430 8,730 26.120 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Joplin N., Joplin, Jack Wilcoxson... H. J. Wilcoxson__ J. M. WUooxson. 100,000 50.000 468.970 6,730 368,060 77,400 15,520 R. H. Monier____ Otto Hale. 100,000 44,730 627,550 400,210 51,700 43,930 J. F. Wilcoxson C. R. Rogers Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. R. G. Martin____ P. L. Trotter........... H. T. Trotter_____ R. M. Rea________ 100.000 |W. E. HUDSON— A. B00DS0N- - - - - - - H.BUH6ENST0CK- 100,000 tMUHr— ) Special Attend on given BID of L ading and Bank C oBeetions. L Please send lit with each Sight D raft for presen tat Ion and ZSe for ea Allen Me Reynolds A. L. Miller............. W. C. Burch............. J. A. Daugherty .. Car tor tIUo.... 2434 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 80-198 d»t'90 10 Jasper 06 $125-6% ‘Carthago ...10438 10 Jasper 06 S: I: Special attention given collections "•E*“«■ - "• “#BSH— and all business entrusted to us. 'BANK OF CARTHAGE $175-10% 80-92 ♦CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK J. E. Lang_______ J. C. Guinn___ _H. M. Boggess____ C. A. Scott______ 80-95 ©T‘t’90 ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK $250-14% 80-94 Howard Gray___ W. R. Logan__ ®*t’83 R. T. Stickney, Ch, of Bd. .. E. B. Jacobs___ 1 716,020 79,000 668,410 134,200 46,000 522,760 50,000 233,390 180,770 25,810 204,170 Seab. N„ N. Y.; State N„ St. L.: New ISn* N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. 149,280 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. rt. 15,400 198,190 Han, N„ N. Y.; Com. Tr. Go.. Kan.G.: Lib- erty Cent. Tr. Co., St, L. 150.000 75.010 1.379.120 878.780 175.250 54,500 496.210 N. City, N. T.l Cont. A Com’l N„ Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 244,923 Han. N.. N. Y.: 1st N„ St. L.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr„ Kan. C. 527,010 Chase N„ N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi., St.L„ and • 100,000 100,000 123,510 50.000 98.490 586.070 230,570 71.523 102,500; 722,310 117,860 124,290 18,380 338,680 1.110 275.180 970 41.720 90.320 Han. N., N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; i\f- City, St. L 75,000 22,810 792,190 27,650 387.880 40,200 49,170 440,400 1st N., Int’l and N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; 1st N., Memp. V.B. WILKS............ BERTHA THOMAS 100,000 42.730 468,510 100,770 587,120 30.000 30,890 64,000 Int’l. Miss. Valley Tr. Co., and N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. sab- 50.000 Kan. O. We do a general banking business and are the colle ctlng bank for Ca rthage. l First Mortgage Farm Loans for s ale. and Mgr. 80-229 *$2-88 CITIZENS TRUST COMPANY H. M. Boggess. Tr. H.V.LITZELFELNER J. S. WAHL—.—---- E. J. LONG. RUTH POLLOCK- - - - - J. W. MCFARLAND !EDITH TlLMAN. Sec. BANK OF CARUTHERSVILLE . T, . 475° $151-12% 8 Pemiscot J25 “OLDEST BAN K IN PEMISCOT COUNTY.” ! F. J. CUNNINGHAM J. S. G0SS0M--........ J. W. McCLOSKEY_ C. G. SHEPARD Unsurpassed Co llectton Service, U p-to-date Bankln g Methods, par 140 d®*tl'13 Special attentto n given BIB of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 80-1416 . Please send 25c f or Credit Reports. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 80-230 V MISSISSIPPIf \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 54,800 par 50 80-96 d®T»t8’13 / Send us your ba nking and also yo ur trust business for Southwest Ml ssourl. (.Members indicated by a 4) $135-8% 175,200 794.080 Iva Cook Carthage Clearing House.. J.C. Wyatt—......... E. B. Jacobs............W. E. Carter, Sec. ‘CaruthersviUe 50,000 103,770 817,400 106,880 1.182,100 R. L. Shaffer____ rJ. D. HARRIS_ _ _ ISAAC JAC0BS-- —- J. C. HYATT, R. R. WYATT, II F. M. CLAYTON. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. Ch. of Bd. *UNI0N TRUST COMPANY $100-8% chBepo 89,410 1,062,150 Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items our specialty. OLDEST BANK IN SOUTHWESTERN MISSOURI. ®»t5'68 164,710 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; 1st N„ Kan. C. 276,430 Chase N„ N. Y.; Foreman N„ Chi.; Miss. @<15- R. L. WARD........ JAS. J.JL0HG-------- JAS. J. LONG------E.BRAGG 40.950 656.310 49,510 433,490 58,960 14,080 290,230 1st N., St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., • We Invite the business of Ban ks, Bankers, and others desiring Prompt and Satisfactory serv ice. Bill of Lading, Cash and lime C ollectlons given p ersonal and prom pt atte ntlon. Collections Given Special Attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Co., Memp. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Exceptional Facilities for Transit Items '.MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ tir\C / VO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. TOWW AMD COUNTT. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist eMem.A.B.A.nNew §Stat«tPriv. tMem State B. Ass’n. [E«tab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice President. President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Surplus Depos Other Cash k ExMI8CBI1- chanom Paid-up and and .Doe and Liabili its Capital Profits Discounts Sscuritiss LANBOUB rsoM Bawkb ties ‘Cassviile____ 1002 Barry County Bank___ »tS'87 Chas. K. Chauslor . David Dingier____ P. E. Horine-------- Alene E. Jeffries.. $ 8 Barry Q8 1200-8% 80-586 M M FIRST NATIONAL BANKd<08 C. C. Chandler......... S. W. Chandler.... J. F. Blade______ W. T. Priest... *250 par 100 80-587 Balia E16 25,000 $ 14,610 $ 25,000 14.110 90,160 S 435.200 32,110 $ 94,180 4.100 $ 22,460 41.140 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; McDaniel N.. Spring- 211.160 12,430 66,610 Han. N., N. Y.: N.Bk.of Rep.. Chi.; IstN., St. L.; Fid. N. Bh& Tr., Kan. C.: Un. N.. Springfield. 3.660 9.450 N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 12.470 124.150 103,940 29.580 E75 Farmers & Merchants Bank T. W. Clark............. C. D. Beavers......... E. W. Keithly........ J. R. Flowerree... Ennis Keithly *200-10% par 100 8 0-689® w£S'05 15,000 15,100 226.000 181,000 19.000 W. E. Flowerree .. G. G. Foster_____ IF. E. Flowerree ... Lola Walkup.......... 15,000 15.000 237.330 3,530! 215.500 19.900 19.410 16.050 1st N.. St. L.; Far. & Merch.. Hannibal; N. 8tk. Yds. h.. N. Stk. Yds..Ill.;Stato Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co.. Qnincy, Ill. 20.000 5.000 105.000 25,000 135.000 1,000 9,000 10.000 1st N.. Jefferson City; N. Stk. Yds. N.. 15,000 22,000 115,000 30.000 19.250 413.590 3,000' 195.130 50,000 71,000 360.000 50,000 428,000 25.000 16,000 210.000 20.000 180.000 10,000 50,000 10,000 175,000 150.000 50,000 15.000 1,004) 30,000 C. M. Liles.............. 50,000 28.040 359.120 36.980 R. H. Pahmeier.__ C. R. Marqnand.__ Adam Townley J. F. Siebern______ P. J. Paulsmeyer.. H. C. Mertens. Sec. H. C. Mertens 50,000 25,000 259,020 7.290 G.U. SHELBY- - - - - - - - G.H. WHITT- - - - - - - - E. E. GROJEAN STANLEY JENKINS 150,000 M 38,000 Hannibal Tr. Co. and Far. & March.. Hannibal; N. Bk. Com..St. L. *225-25% par 100 80-690 Centertown.. .24$ Oentertown Bank______ tl'05 B. W. Lansdown__ W. A. Stark______ Van B. Wilson........ Herbert Stark. 8 Cole 111 *200-10% 80-915 C. H. Houx_______ S. O. Rail Centerrlew___ 268 8 JohnaonI* 10% J. D. Dunn---------- Mrs. R. C. Hull___ ________ L. A. Hunter_____ Centralis____ 2071 BANK OF CENTRALIA~*» W R. P. Price_______ O. H. Early_______ A. E. Early----------- L. T. Skaggs_____ J. H. Starr 8 Boone 014 *300-10% 80-314 •• H H. E. Stone C. W. Settle______ C. W. Settle. Jr___ | Farmers & Merchants Bank 80-315 ®»tr#l •a •• First National Bank.--.»t’03 O. B. Mayes . ___ S. T. Dawson.......... J. R. Edwards------- H. S. Rowland___ 80-316 Chadwick____ 165 Farmers Bank__________ S’20 T. Harris . ........... 8 Christian P10 80-1071 Clate Brown........... E. A. Reissans____ G. A. Sample_____ Chaffee_____ _ 3035 FIRST RATIONAL BANK Wm. Pfefferkorn 8 Scott 023 *175-10% 80-322 d®»t 06 par 100 Chamois. 7nn Bank of Chamois ..dB®t|’81 W. D. Townley___ *200-10% par 100 80-919 I Osage I IS (a Peoples Bank________ ®W13 E. J. Hempelmann io% 80-1426 ‘Charleston.. 3410 8 Mississippi P24 N. Stk. Yds.. Ill. 42.000 1st N., Kan. C. and St. L. 110,000 80-916 ‘Centerville ...537 Reynolds County Bank .tl'01 M. L. Copeland___ R. Reed 8 Reynolds N18 *200 80-917 CHARLEST0NMISSISSIPPI COUNTY BANK 80-242 M % field. 209,110 25,000 % Principal Correspondents. 10,000 Catawba* _ .110 Bank of Catawissa-------•tO’Ofi W. E. Kramme.... Richard Smith, Sr. M. P. Geatley........ D. J. Maguire .. 8 Franklin J19 $225-15% 80-914 8 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued U fSCOTT ALEXANDER E. P. DEAL_________ P. B. MOORE, G. U.SHEIBY 26,000 I 166.840 1.420 93,450 N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 43.000 60.000 Chase N.. N.Y.; N. Bk. Com. and State N., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk.Yds., Ill. 41,000 40.000 Han. N.. N. Y.: 1st N. and Mtle. Tr. Co.. St. L. 35,000 N. Bk. Com.. 81. L.; Fid.N. Bk.&Tr., Kan. C.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds..Ill. 16,000 25,000 321.810 35,940 37.760 28.510 5.000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Dn. N.,Springfield. 78.640 N. Bk. Com. and 1st N.. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp. 25,690 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. 257,560 29.551 214,000 167.760 55.420 58.440 1.417,330 35,750 1,053,490 341,000 80.610 185.810 Chase N., N.Y.; N.City. 1st N., and Merch.- 58.320 1,900 19,700 Mtle. Tr. Co.. St. L.; St. L. Co., Clayton. 15,220 Stock Yds.. Ill.; 1st N., Jefferson City. 14,650 C. & C. N.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds. ) Ch.ofBd. \ OLDEST and L ABGEST Bank In the County, Lac. N.. St. L-; 1st Bk. & Tr. Co., Cairo; Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 16 CENTS sent to us with each si gbt draft for pres entation, and ®»t§'87 135 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, p ersonal attention (Closed May 10. 192 7) Chesterfield... 200 Farmers State B&nk.d®tl'14 Edw. Burkhardt — Walter S. Ficke... E. F. Hackmann... 8 St. Louis 119 *175-8% par 100 80-1463 10,000 17.330 169.260 116,670 Chilhowee.... 469 Lewis Corson_____ C. H. McElwee___ P. W. Howard........ L. E. Preston.......... 8 Johnson 18 80-749 •• « Farmers Bank_______ *t§'07 W. R. Carr----------- G. L. Park.............. Wm. Inglish--------- J. D.Dnnn_______ 10,000 10,000 96.120 95.000 11.140 12.220 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. O. 10,000 16.000 116.000 7,000 23,000 Tra. N- Kan. O.: N. Bk. Oom.. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds. *250-10% y MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / par 100 A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 120,000 ..... 80-750 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS For Banks and Bankers Everywhere k MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Number under Name’of Bankjis the New Transit Number given 7QA to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ / Directory, under the aiithiuritv nf TThe American Rankerc Ace’n null Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.'VNew § State tPriv. lOounty Seats. tMetn. State B Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. »CtaIUIcotbe__6772 ^CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK W. W. Edgerton... C. F. Adams.. __ 8 Livingston DO 80-139 *r86 * (CHRIS B0EHNER-- H. C. SMITH............... MERCHANTS BANK I Special attentio THE PERSONAL n given Bill of La $200-10% 80-140 tf'13 l Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo .T. V. Dunn E. J. Stale axvuavob uuuiuilf, 1 UiUl till- ciexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this xmliimn Unr I n a...... ___ w_______ MISSOURI—Continued Liabilities. Resources. Loans ther Bonds MI8CEI/- Gash k Ex Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus ! and and and changes, Dtrs its Capital Profits Discount! Sseuritiss LANEOU8 non Basks ties $ 100,000 $ 110.760 $1 481590 $ 100,000 $ 925,180 $ 326,110 $ Principal Correspondents. 39,500 $ 501,550 N. City. N. Y.: N. Bk. of Rep., Ohi.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 30.000 25.000 500.000 400.000 10.000 J. T. Milbank_____ Joseph Wallbrunn Karl M. Blanchard H. K. Rockhold.... ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK Karl M. Blanchard 80-138 T»t’87 Allen O. Glore 100,000 70,000 897.000 623,000 259,000 fA.T. WEATHERBY- R. W. ROBERTS........ V.J. GLADIEUX........ A. E. GIBSON______ 100,000 23,320 514,640 23,500 494,620 27,080 10,000 280,000 30.000 270.000 25,000 5,000 75,000 60.000 100,000 33,010 642,280 448,370 Clark------------- sis Clark Exchange Bank__ t§'89 J. E. Hubbard........ W. E. Rice_______ S. P. Hulen............. R. P. Hulen____ 8 Randolph F13 80-022 15,000 10,070 144,940 132,400 Clarksburg___441 Citizens Bank______ d»tl'01 Wilson Williams _ J. G. McPherson.. Frank B. Clark.... Jerry Cantlon____ 8 Moniteau 112 $165-10% 80-023 10,000 10,700 70,000 58,600 300 11,800 20,000 16.180 186,730 153.390 25,000 8.000 36.520 C. &C. N., Chi.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk.Yds., Ill. 25,000 25.150 261.890 185.010 74,070 9.700 43,250 Han. N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch.-Lac. N. and 1st N„ St. L. FARMERS & .< •• _____ — .. •• PEOPLES TRUST _____ 15.900 •• 62,610 77,150 Chem. N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Mtle. Tr, Co., St. L.; Tra. N., Kan, C. 10,000 70.000 Cont. A Com'l N., Chi.: Stk. Yds. N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.: Citiz. N., Chillicothe. < COMPLETE B ANKING SERVI CE. J15 CENTS sent to us with each s Ight draft for pre sentatlon, and »§’2a V.25 CENTS for ea ch credit report 1 nsures prompt, p ersonal attention • Chillicothe Clearing House.. 0. W. McAllister.. V. J. Gladieux___ E. O. Welch. Tr._. Karl M. Blanchard. Sec......... (Members indicated by a *) Chula . did Bank of Chula . _ I Livingston DO (Taken over by Far mers & Merchants Bank December 6. 1 926) rO.C- BUSH0N6FARMERS EXCHANGE BANK 80-782 «T§*06 < OLDEST AND (formerly Farmers <fe Mer- 1 Special attentio ^Please send 15c w $190-b% J. W. McLONEY — F. V. ROSS------------ A. N. BROYLES — 30.000 LARGEST BANK. n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. ith each sight draft for presentation a nd 25c for Credit R eports. Clarence __1400 Commercial Bank............§’26 A. D. Long_______ E. E. Key.................. E. E. Key................. 8 Shelby D13 80-1756 SHELBY COUNTY rH. R. COMBS.......... B. P. RUTLEDGE........ J. 0. CALL ISON........ C. C. ADAMS.............. 36.000 N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.; Han nibal Tr. Co., Hannibal. 224.840 24,220 OLDEST AND LA RGEST BANK, ] Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. «*iM K.Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. STATE BANK 80-442 Clarksdale........ 375 Farmers Bank_____ 10 De Kalb D6 .__ “ Clifford Banking Oo.__ Tf*71 J. R. Carroll_____ H. C. Hunter 80-538 Clarkton ... 689 8 Dunklin R22 ^Mississippi/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ . K. C. Patton O. R. Hunt . (Closed) High Grade Municipal Bonds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2,900 77,860 1st N„ St.L.;State Sav.Ln.&Tr.Co.,Quincy, Ill.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.; Hannibal N., Hannibal. 34,710 IstN., St. L.; Mech. Sav., Moberiy, 20.000 1st N.. St. L.; Far. & Tra., Calif. (Closed April 22, 19 27) Clarksville........ 729 Citizens Bank.......... .......3|'92 W. 0. Prewitt_____ C. T. Clifford_____ 0. T. Clifford 8 Pike F18 $115-8% par 100 80-530 " 110.000 Foreman N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com.. 8t. L.; Inter-State N. and Com, Tr. Co., Kan. C.; St. Jo. Stk. Yds., St. Jo. 244,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.; 1st N.. Kan. C. & SAVINGS CO. 80-136 •• C. W. MCALLISTER - WM. J. QLENHOUSESERVICE BANK, ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. ' MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Weil Secured Real Estate and Corporation Issues •' ; t MISSISSIPPI j \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / *7 0^7 /y/ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Pbksidknt. Vice-President. Oashii IJSS’T CASHIER. Guy L. Pollard__ M. S. Mackay... J. H. Schaedler.__ Guy L. Pollard tClayton____ 3028 Clayton National Bank 8 St. Louis I 20 1145-8% par 100 80-1606 d©»t’23 Bonds Other 1 Loads Miscel Paid-up Surplus Depos Liabili and and AND Capital Profits it* Discounts SscuritisB laneous ties $ 60,000 $ 32.860 1,517,320 C. A. OLIVER____ F. L. HENCKENH. H. KERTH Mgr, R.E.Ln, Dept. j Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 100,000 410.500 8.040.360 W. D. Lindeman, Trust Co. of St. Louis County Ed. Mays________ Christ Ruehl____ F. J. Hollocher, A. Sec V.P., Sec. and Tr. *111-20% par50 80-1755 Tt§’02 W.C. Johnson, V. P. J. 0. McAtee 133,600 ST. LOUIS COUNTY *325-20% BANK •Jl’90 80-459 (THE0.T. BAYER J A. HEEfiE. F. P. W. D. Lindeman... E. F. Eble......... J. C. McAtee, V. P. ■vm Principal Correspondents. Gash * Bxohar«m,Dvs r&OM Baixi 12,000 J 600,000 $ 68,000 $ 180,000 J 400,000 $ 100.000 S 60,000 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co. and N. City, St. L. 100,000 Ed. Mays________ W.C. Johnson. + First National Bank 80-460 d®»tS’23 F.J.Hollocher.F.P. Christ Ruehl *180-24% par 100 Resources. Liabjlxtiss. TOWN AND COUNTY. •Mem.A.B.A.wNew § State tPriv. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is/AFecl.Res.DeptsT-TrustB-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.)i Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued 112.670 918,990 555,380 44,330 244,150 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Grand N„ St. L. 2,004.120 1,024,590 44.950 477,200 N.City, N. Y. and St. L.; N.Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 9,630 40,640 I Please tend 15c w ith each sight draf t for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. (.Oldest and Larg est Financial Inst Itution In St. Lon is County. { +Clearing Member Federal R eserve System) 19.500 112,610 208.000 7,440 J. N. Billingsley.. J. F. Wolfe______ B. C. Sowers____ 20,000 780 126,500 21,780 128,730 A. W. Tilton____ Jewell E. Ellis.... W. E. Morgan___ J. R. Masterson... 10.000 17,190 95,940 1,000 97.140 — Ripley O. Smith... G. H. Corey-------- G. K. Kerr_______ 10,000 1.QO0 27.960 6,470 30.350 8,160 E. E. Wade............ G. W. Pearce____ L. J. Chastain .... R. M. Little... E. S. Little J. E. French_____ Martin Meachean G.W. Estes______ Ida L. Estes — 15,000 6,500 80.000 30,000 80.000 10.000 12,730 159,980 137.950 200 7.620 36,930 McDaniel N., Springfield; N. Stock Yards N„ N.Stock Yds., Ill.; Drov. N., Kan. C. Clifton Hill ...436 Clifton Hill Bke. Co. @111900 L. S. Harlan_____ C. C. Brown........... E. D. Lea________ E. E. Hurt______ Opal W. Ferguson 8 Randolph F12 *212-10% 80-769 20,000 26,900 131,800 123,870 20,240 6,000 28,590 Farmers Savings Bank.t§’24 J. W. Ingram___ Lon McCorkle___ M. E. Mayo______ !*125 par 100 80-770 10 000 5,010 30,490 31.850 3,500 8,140 Climax Springs .. citizens Bank.................. t» 07 R. H. Eidson____ H. D. Mauss_____ C. W. Floyd........... 8 Camden Kll 264 *225-10% 80-929 10.000 11,250 40,170 13,120 55,130 13,180 6,230 105,000 85,170 566.700 — 353.950 Clearmont__282 Jackson Bank-------------•tl’92 80-925 10 Nodaway A4 Cleveland___ 250 Bank of Cleveland____•tl'OS *250-20% 80-926 10 Cass 16 Farmers & Merchants State Bank par loo 80-1559 d® 18 T8 Clever^.......-.347 Bank of Clever______ ©+§'17 8 Christian P9 *125-20% 80-927 “ —— “ Peoples Bank---------------tl’17 10% 80-1546 " —— " ^Clinton.........5098 8 Henry J8 BRINKERHOFF- H. F. FINKS___ H. P. FARIS. . . . . . . . S. 0. WINCHELL H.P. FARIS. Tr. General Bankln g and Trust Bus! FARIS TRUST & I Special attentlo n given papers re r Highest Grade First Farm Mortg SAVINGS CO. 80-1409 ®Tt§’13 , Please send 15c tot th each sight draft fo Unton. .. SMITH- - CITIZENS BANK *300-20% 80-179 *250-12% 80-180 ®B*$'06 281.750 PAUL TYLER.......... 86,000 36,000 25.310 Tootle-Lacy N.. St. Jo.; Com.Tr. Co., Kan. 0.; Clarinda N., Clarinda. 23,790 Com'l N., Kan. C.. Kan. 7,820 Tra. N., Kan. C. 31,500 28.600 20,000 Un. N. and McDaniel N., Springfield. Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.; Drov. N., Kan. C. ley, Warsaw. 92.560 Han. N., N. Y.; Western Ex., Kan. C.; Co., St. L. Sec. and A. Tr, our Collections, ate Transactions and Esc row Ua tters. ated. 5c for Credit Report C. DOW................ H. C. CAMERON Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts, {terns entrusted to us will wilT have prompt pi Collections and all Banking Items attention. E. D. SAYLES------- R. BOWEN 425,090 875,000 71.000 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co. and 40.000 St. L. —I. J. DAY 50.000 65,000 630.000 85.000 560.000 100.000 20.000 150.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., St. L. Please Smd 15c with each Sight Draft for Presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. ------- " Peoples National Bank@»t’07 J. M. Spangler___ *185-12% 80-181 Clyde .....____213 Bank of Conception -—*^S‘95 Chas. A. Teson.... 10 Nodaway B6 *140-10% par 100 80-930 Coatsville....... 140 Farmers Bank________ tl’06 G. W. Ford--------8 Schuyler A12 *125 par 100 80-931 “ —__ “ Peoples State Bank____t§’17 A. Burgher______ „ „ 80-1535 Coffey-----------414 Bank of Coffey_______ *|’97 J. B. Handy______ 8 Daviess Co 80-932 H ——- “ Coffey Farmers Bank..-tS’19 Harry O’Daniel... *110 80-1652 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HMBF- 3,200 TRY US. otion Service. th each sight draftrtfo r presentation and 25 c for Credit Reports, ©*tl'94 CLINTON NATIONAL BANK ness. Send us y latlng to Real Est age Loans negotl r presentation and 2 15.010 J. J. Price_______ H. C. McDowell... Evelyn Datwieler.. E.N.McDowell.Ac*. Robert Moffat------ Anna Wirth_____ 50.000 12,300 382,000 15,000 7.020 93.650 T. J. Ford_______ Elaine Ford-------- 10,000 1,710 93,850 J. Burgher______ Lee Burgher____ 10,000 280 67,030 D. C. Courter____ W. T. Siple______ R. C. Brown---- 30,000 8.690 110,480 C. Prindle............... C. W. Githens___ Bessie Githens. 40.000 1,000 60,000 50,000 5,000 295.000 75,000 7,300 79.700 5.000 5.700 84.900 19.480 62,890 88,000 25,000 85,000 20.790 6,500 31,000 102,000 1st N.. St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 25,270 N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds.. Ill.; Fax. Tr. Co., Maryville: Am. N.. St. Jo. 6,190 N. Bk.Com., St. L.; Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Quincy, Ill. 14,420 33,890 Gate City N., Kan. O.; Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo. 10,000 Fid.N. Bk. &Tr. Co., Kan. C. 798 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ TOWN AND OOUHTT. | •Mem.A.B.A.«New§8tat«tPriv. ^County Seats. tMea. State B. Aat’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is| ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDei).®Sav. $Las t Sale % Div. Coffman ........40 I St.Genev. 1120 Cole Camp 889 | Benton J10 I Macon E12 Collins_______ 337 8 St. Olair LB *Columbta_.10,i 8 Boone HIS President, Bank of Coffman..’12 W. L. Ponder . 1125 80-1343 Citizens Bank. ___ dT»tl’B3 J. L. Schnakenberg $240-ia% 80-544 par 218 Farmers Rank tS’2n Jacob Brunjei____ $180-8% 80-1671 par 100 Peoples Bank_________ t|’06 F. J. Biekhoff .. *225-5% par 100 80-545 College Mound SecurityBank J. D. Rice_______ tioo 80-933 ®+§’ll Vice-President. Qashixe. Joseph E. Gegg—. Ass't Cashier, 10,000 $ 4.830 $ O. H. Gerken____ E. J. Schwald____ W. H. Lumpe------- 25,000 29.540 J. O. Monsees........ O.Riemenschnltter H. Riemenschnitter 20,000 4.040 Herbert Hinck—. 25,000 10,000 Other TIBS 54,780 217.770 1 Resources. Loans Bonds Oass k Kx Miscel- cnAJisUyDvx and Discounts Basuritiss non Bins 1 46,580 $ 800 i 2,140 $ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. 20,070 U. S. and N. City.. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 14,500 248,600 16,210 22,000 3d N. and Citiz. Nw, Sedalia; N. Stock Yds. 105,960 8,000 108,810 6,950 22,230 N. Bk. Com., St, L.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. O.; 21.000 150,000 8,000 175.000 4.560 63,660 800 64,093 2.320 92,940 99,300 N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. I. S. Andrews___ BOONE COUNTY TRUST COMPANY 80-88 Liabilities Paid-ttf Surplus DxroaAND ITS Capital Profits N. M. Boyd, Sec.... $ par 100 State Bank of Collins..l:§,22 S. J. Bard . .... , *115-10% 80-832 BOONE COUNTY NAT. BANK . R. B. Price............ O. B. Rollins_____ A. G. Spencer_____ J. R. Lipscomb io% 80-85 dT»t’57 E. S. Dysart par 100 W'.A. BRIGHT alMSadforT" E. F. RUETHEfi. Tr.. LUMUte: R. K. REID, -4. Tr. FRANCES M. BRIGHT. A. Tr.Off. "General Banking and Trust Business" *150-10% par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Citiz. N., Sedalia. 10,000 100,000 302,210 1.360,690 75.100 192.600 1.299.730 29.000 Sedalia N„ Sedalia: N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds.. Ill.; Columbia N„ Kan. C. 1.000 4,810 1.027,830 561,960 97,500 174.910 Ohem. N..N.Y.: N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 744,430 1.090,680 870.260 61.450 289,360 99,160 61.050 7.970 9,130 N. City, St. L. 36.240 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. 0. Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Lib. Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.: Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. AT REASONABLE RATES. dBT*ti’03 EFFICIENT SERVICE ON COLLECTIONS Try Us. Central Bank_________ •3I’Q8 Lnke McLachlan.. O. W. Boutwell... *125-6% 80-68 COLUMBIA SAVINGS BANK H. H. Banks_____ T. W. Whittle___ 80-87 •wm Conley-Myers Bank.__*tl’ll W. T. Conley G. B. Sapp________ *500-10% 80-00 J. L. LYNES--......... EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK *135-10% 80-86 T«i'65 (Send us your b SERVATIVE-PR usiness for prom J. C. McLachlan... 35,000 20.000 259,920 162,340 B. C. Hunt............ 100.000 10,000 650,000 65QJH10 S. M. Myers_____ Dulcie M. Creasy.. 20,000 80,000 400,000 365,000 71,000 MNBAr- M. F.THURSTON - 100,000 163,360 925,430 553,300 523,480 45,850 Lib. Cent. Tr. Co., St. L. 20.000 C. 64,000 1st N. and Merch.-Lac. N.. St. L. 4,510 206,400 Equitable Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. pt and efficient service. Bank of Competition.__ ti'12 J. T. Emmerson... R. L. Shamel_____ W. H. Shamel____ Grace Shamel___ 1118.50-5% 80-1347 J. T. Emmerson 90,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L. and Kan. 15,000 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill McDaniel N., Springfield. 10,000 1,350 44,000 40,000 Conception ...51: Fanners Stale Bank. ©•U'06 Frank X. Berg....... Roy Fitzsimmons. A. A. Felix........... Junction *180-10% 80-035 10 Nodaw 'y B5 par 100 10,000 5,000 100,000 90,000 5,000 Concordia___ 06! CONCORDIA SAVINGS BANK W. F, Lohoefener. E. A. Duensing.... T. L. Bartman....... J. H. Oetting......... 80-532 •**’7* 8 Lafayette HB 82io-n% 50,000 32,090 444,600 551,610 23.490 23,590 Gate City N., Kan. C.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Farmers Bank_______dt§'91 F. C. Yoigt______ L. Scharnhorst.— Otto Brackman... O. J. Stratman.__ $l50-to% 80-533 A H. Schlapper 75,000 11,150 426,760 10,000 4.000 185,330 10,000 6,490 67,650 8 Laclede N13 72.000 par 100 20,000 Am. N„ St. Jo. Stk, Yds., Ill. 287,360 75,940 103,690 45,913 N. Bk. Corn., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 117,260 600 40,400 51,060 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.; McDaniel N„ 42,640 100 3,340 38,060 Crawford Co. Far., Steelville; N. Stk. Yds. par 100 Conway_____ 541 8 Laclede Nil Cook Station .101 8 Crawford M16 Farmers Bank................ tf'07 O. C. Benage____ D. L. Graham_____ G. W. Summers... $140 80-937 Cook Station Bank____ t|‘12 L. H. Scott----------- J. W. Godbey_____ W. H. Carr............ *200-10% 80-1277 9,990 par 100 Coo ter....... ...... 541 Bank of Cooter ................ tl’05 M. Brigance—......... Henry Michie....... Abie Rnshing......... 80-038 8 Pemiscot J24 8i30-s% 10,000 Oorder Bank---------------- •tl’81 W. M. Groves_____ H. F. Kleinschmidt O. J. Wollenman.. 80-939 8 Lafayette GB $175-10% Corning____ __25 Bank of Corning......... ®»tl’07 A. J. Roselius____ Len Walter_______ R. F. Buck________ 80-836 10 Holt B3 Peoples Bank-------------- •tl’Bl R. E. Schnltz.......... P. A. Christen____ B. Christen_______ Lloyd A. Dankers.. 80-835 30,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 5,200 Springfield. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 70,000 50.000 44,520 268 980 254,010 4,000 10,000 75,490 Tra. N., Kan. O.; N. Bk. Com,, St. L. 14,320 131,520 118,910 2.400 4,000 35,530 C. k 0. N.. Chi.; Am. N. and St. Jo. Stk. 7.570 60.020 56.300 2,770 11,480 540 39,320 28,520 7,600 4,900 35,000 N. City. St. L.; 1st N.. Blytheville, Ark. par 130 10 Andrew D5 Yds., St. Jo. 12,040 1st N. and St. Jo. Stock Yde.. St. Jo. Cosby State Bank_______ (Closed April 30.19 27) Platte Valiev Bank___ ®tl’10 W. H. Bunse_____ 0. L. Allen............... J. A. Veraguth .... 80-848 par 100 ■ MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I nvestment Securities MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY , SAINT LOUIS 8,830 Tootle-Lacy N. and 1st N., St. Jo. A Bank for Bankers k MISSISSIPPI V \ VALLEY / \ trust/ 7QQ ' Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town Is Fed. Res. Dist. Cowipgill. . 381 8 Caldwell E8 Craig__________642 10 Holt B3 •Mem.A.B.A.«New SStatetPriv. (Mem. State B. Aas'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. 35,000 $ 46.730 1 164,970 $ 20.000 23,930 229.570 206,680 24,900 19,660 383,530 274,970 Roy Nelson_____ L. A. Gatton_____ W. C. Cope______ 32.000 11,430 305,05C W. H. Webmeyer— F. E. Coe________ 10,000 8,000 150,000 H. F. Mavies______ J. W. MacKay____ Bertha Dierberg— R. Beckemeir 10,000 28.320 442,140 363.950 10 000 5,500 170.000 145,000 10,000 6,000 154,000 147,000 1,000 10,000 34,320 77,080 ROY W. REED------- H.L. SHELTON....... on given Bill of L adlng Drafts, Cas h and Time Item s. ith each eight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rts. In a growing tow Crocker State Bank___»tr08 J. H. Smith........... J. M.Stokes______ J. E, Turpin_____ J. T. Turpin. 80-766 Lucy Turpin Cross Tlmbers.528 Bank of Cross Timbers*t§’98 G. W. Inks______ C. E. Huffman___ G. A. Bliss____ P. P. Bliss____ 8 Hickory L10 $450 80-043 Farmers Bank___ _ ®*tS’20 J. A. Downs______ J. P. Davis.............. A. D. Short______ H. E. Broivn .... $150 par 100 80-1665 Crystal Clty..2243 Crystal City State Bank G. W. Oakes____ F. N. Porter____ A. W. Thompson.. W. W. Bradley. 8 Jefferson K20 80-1310 ©•till $150-10% par 100 Cuba_________704 8 Crawford K16 BA $130-10% par 100 80-654 $170-10% 80-655 par 100 Curryville____285 8 Pike F16 Liabilities. Resources. Surplus Lords Bonds 1 Other Cash k ExPaid-up Miscel oiAHOM.Dn* D epos and and and j Liabili Capital Profits its Disoounts Securities laneous rwou Babbs ties First National Bank....»t’87 W. J. Waggoner... O. O. McCan_____ Sid F. Thomson... S. K. Van Trump . $ Sam Cain Cbas. McCandlish. W. A. Sharp______ Lena Iawrence R. 0. Ball................ R. T. Nauman____ Gladys Kee..__ $200-10% par loo 80-789 Fanners & Merchants Bank R. W. Lawrence... 80-651 ®*t»’93 HeatonBank.............. ®»tl’77 R.W. Holt______ AndyHaer.CA.o/Bd. 80-650 Crane_______ 1161 Bankof Crane...........d»tl*04 J. R. Wilson_____ 8 Stone P# $185 80-040 Creighton____ 836 Bank of Creighton....... •tl’02 H. R. Butcher___ 10 Cass J7 $450-20% 80-941 par 100 Crere Coe nr.. 1000 Creve Ooeur Farmers Bank Wm. Dierberg___ 8 St. Louis 118 io% 80-942 ®t»’06 l L HOOPS--—Crocker_______ 506 Special attenti BANK of CROCKER 8 Pulaski L13 send 15c w $154-12% 80-1292 tf’ll Please growing bank par 150 irryville $300-11% par 100 80-044 10,000 5,000 52.000 20,000 27,610 365,340 10,000 2,940 119,480 ION GIVEN ALL BUSINESS sight draft for p resentation, and insures prompt, n. E. P. Sebastian ___ R. D. Vaughn. 25,000 22,460 234,610 O. B. Hawkins___ M. B. cash___ 12,500 14,200 154,400 rG. 1. HAMILTON— J. A. ROST_ _ _ _ _ _ E. C. MYERS_ _ _ < PROMPT PER •t§’91 ) 15 CENTS sent A25 CENTS for e -tl’Ol Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of t'lis volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued SONAL ATTENT to us with each ach credit report Fred Hertlein .. .81’87 W. G. Caldwell___ T. F. Brown___ Dadevllle____.333 Crisp Prairie State BnnktS’18 0. W. Moore__ $100 par 100 80-1571 8 Dade N9 B. B. Kirby___ M. E. Morris_____ Effle M. Landers. 15,000 4,520 54,470 Dalton_______ 398 Bank of Dalton______ •J|,0# R. W. Goil_____ 80-046 8 Charlton Fll $312.50 Wm. Bucksath___ Thos. R. Hamilton. H. J. Laker......... F. H. Meyer 10,000 18,040 187,620 Darlington.__ 811 Bank of Darlington..®*t§'85 O. H. Owings__ Mark King____ $380-80% 80-947 10 Gentry B6 Davis_________ 100 Davis State Bank_____ if14 J. R. Trail............. C. A. White____ $130 par 180 80-1471 8 Lincoln G18 Dawn________ 435 8 Livingston ES Dearborn......... 578 10 Platte E6 Dederfek______ 60 10 Vernon L7 Deepwater___1881 8 Henry J8 Deerfleld____ 238 10 Vernon L6 Penance____ 200 8 St. Charles 118 DeKalb______ 401 10 Buchanan E4 69.360 S 228,600 $ 37,100 i 2,350 29,400 33,670 9.710 9,800 255,780 3,700 10,680 113,000 20,000 80,670 Union N., Springfield: Drov. N.. Kan. C. N. Stk. Yds. N.; N. Stk. Yks., Ill. 35,000 Tra. N.and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr.. Kan. C. 31,160 23,910 61,440 St. L. Co., Clayton; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L. 18,500 7,000 15,000 N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Bk. of Dixon and State. Dixon; N. City, St. L. 6 000 16,000 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: N. Bk. of Rolla.Rolla; 121,290 6,590 1st N„ St. L.; Osage Valley, Warsaw; Com. Tr. Co., Kan.C. 36,640 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Mellon N.. Pitt. 25,280 1st N„ St. L. and Steelrille. 19,390 96.110 3,000 8,030 124,400 92,400 40,640 58,310 N. Bk. Com., 8t. L ; Crawford Co. Far., Steelville. 122,400 11,800 2,450 44,500 Drov. N., Chi.; Merch.-Lae. N. and 1st N., 5,360 10,580 1st N.,Kan. C. 36.200 N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; N. Eng. N.Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Salisbury Sav., Salisbury. 26,390 Am. N., St.Jo. 67,760 169,390 840 9J3Q 91,370 11,200 6,670 10,000 16,500 109,130 8,000 16,000 James Baxter___ Abner Cunningham A. J. Riedel_____ C. W. Stafford___ L. C. Ringle______ G. C. Stafford........ 40,000 15,000 240,000 214,000 26,000 5,300 175,000 152.000 J. W. Key —___ R. O. Strode_____ F, C. Hill_______ M. B. Witherspoon F. A, Huston____ $12% par 255 80-949 Farmers Bank____.... dtl’ll M. Hagman______ H. E. Hamilton__ John A. Grob_____ M. A. Douglass.... $173 80-1286 Karl Wittig Deerfield State Bank., tl’17 N. B. Primm____ G. E. Higbee------- T. E. Coffman____ S. Frensdorf $135-8% 80-1550 Bank of Defiance___®*t§’09 R. E. L. Fulkerson Alvin Mnhm.......... O. R. Buenem&n... Mrs. O. R. Buene$180-6% 80-960 man De Kalb State Bank—»tS’02 S. D. Call. R. D. Head______ W. C. Call................ C. R. Casity_____ $30o-u% 80—776 O.H.Brumley, Active 10,000 1,140 38.600 10,000 15,410 131,220 14,710 600 Delta________ 181 Delta District Bank__________ (Closed May 8,410 8,910 N. City. St. L.; Citiz. N., Sedalia. 145,930 10.000 8 Cape Girardeau N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 20,530 211,880 Emsley O. James. Mary Rouse.____ 12,000 37.040 Stk. Yds. N.. Com. Tr. Co., and Columbia N.. Kan. C.; Citiz. N.. Chillicotbe. 601,680 Tootle-Lacy N„ St.Jo.; 1st N.. St.L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 122,920 1st N., Am. N., and Burnes N„ St. Jo. 20,400 G. H. Bobmer____ Anna N. Bo inner— Community Bank_____•tl’l# J. L. Condron___ $110-5% 80-1647 Farmers Bank................ti'96 T. J. Means, Jr,... $135 80-718 Farmers Bank________ Jl'18 A. B. Strode_____ 80-1564 Bank of Deepwater d®»tl'89 Jacob Rhoads___ 5,140 52,000 890 13.020 I Principal Correspondents. 4,000 40,000 800 26,500 13.020 28,010 95,810 21.700 5.250 48,810 5,940 5,840 60,720 5,050 10,000 11.870 72,170 10.000 3,500 50,000 50,000 10,000 8.920 181,220 94.730 30,000 6.000 247,000 215,000 2,800 St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 2,000 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Ydi., Ill. 34,000 Citiz. N., Chillicothe; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. O. 26.000 Am. N.. St. J*.; 1st N. and Columbia N.. 8.720 1st N. and Thornton N., Nevada; 1st N., Eldorado. 48,570 N. Y. Tr.Co.,N.Y.; Inter-State N.. Kan. C.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Clinton N„ Clinton. 34,060 Drov.N.andColnmbiaN..Kan.C.; Brinkerhoff-Paris Tr. & Sav. Co.. Clinton, 10.700 1st N., Nevada. 39,640 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.; 1st N.. St. L. 51,000 Am. N. and St. Jo. Stk. Yds., St. Jo.: Oma. N.. Oma. 27. 192 0 22 i MISSISSIPPI/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUS f / Collections Given Special Attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Exceptional Facilities for Transit Items onn OUU Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *County Seats Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Liabilities. •Mem.A.B.A.uNew § State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Vice-President. Ass t Cashier. Cashier. 10,000 7,020 I 133.550 10,000 6,400 63,020 Desloge------- . 2568 Bank of Desloge........ ™»tl'02 C. S. Bryan............ J. W. Hibbits___ Lee W. Jones___ E. W. Wescoat__ E.E. Griffard. A.C. J. B. Buckner 8 St. Francois L19 *190—16% par 100 8 0-335 25.000 13,460 501,570 $ De Soto_____ 5003 AMERICAN BANK ..©d»t§’98 J. H. Hopson____ Theodore Walther John J. Schmidt.. M. J. Mahoney .... 80-192 H. M. Walther 8 Jefferson K20 *160-16% par 160 E. L. COOK. Sec------ O.W. WHITEHEAD. fWILLIAM J. KNORPP 35,000 13,100 50,000 29,470 Farmers & Citizens State Bk. D. A. Mallicoat-.— Lucas Duffaer___ C. 7. Seemel____ 80-1539 ®*t»’17 50,000 Peoples Bank________ <§'07 W. W. McKinny... E. E. Lewellen.__ J. J. McKinny____ *150-8% 80-953 BHUHre J. I. MOORE- - - - - - - - - Denver_______ 300 Bank of Denver_____ »tl’05 I. R. Kemper____ J. P. Brain___.... E.M. Henton____ Wm. Todd... 80-951 10 Worth B7 Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loans Bonds Other Gash A AxMiscel OHAweM,Dxrg Paid-up Subplus Dbpos- L and and and iabili IT8 Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous non Baku ties $ $ 111,490 $ 3,400 $ 15,670 Am. N. and 1st N., St. Jo. 22,120 Int’l and N. City. St. L.: N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yards. Ill 39,770 $ 13,520 4,000 347,300 106,100 55,250 56,320 Int’l and N. City, St. L. 486.460 369,280 94,480 20,240 50,560 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Int’l, St. L. 457.620 402,380 78,580 1,000 55,120 1st N.. St. L. 3,290 150.000 210,000 10,000 6.480 6,420 U. S., St. L. 10.000 3,500 90.000 51,000 24.350 6,500 80.000 42,000 448.000 306,000 176,000 20,500 67,500 Int’i and N. Bk. Com.. 8t. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 50,000 35,600 379,750 230,370 128,520 17,870 141,170 Lib. Cent. Tr. Co. and N. City. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 10,000 15.570 128,320 71,710 21,000 2:500 58,680 Joplin N., Joplin. Dlgglns_______150 Bank of Diggins ............ tS’lfl R. E. McMohan.__ Jos. McMohan ___ F. M. Hart______ 10.000 80-1642 8 Webster Oil Dixon ___ 810 Bank of Dixon________ tS'93 G. W. Shelton___ W. M. Branson__ L. R. Shelton____ 20,000 *175-10% 80-606 8 Pulaski Lit par 100 C. P. CHRISTESON W«LLO C.F. CHRISTESON A. HOWARD----15,000 PEOPLES BANK SAFE AND SO F HONOR BANK *250-15% par 100 80-607 »t§’06 Save time and get service on Co llections and Cre dit Reports by se ndlng FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight drafts, ISc; Cred it Reports, 25c. T BY US. The State Bank______ tS’19 H. E. Rollins------- P. A. Christeson__ D. R. Stevens.. 30,000 *165-12% par 100 80-1661 Dodson______ 265 Peoples State Bank__._®tl’12 B. F. Knight____ L. Kemper............ W. E. Elliott__ 10,000 80-1322 18 Jackson G6 John J. Kennon... Walter W. Gary tDoniphan ...1248 Citizens Bank----------- tS'15 B. H. Edwards 10,000 *175 80-1518 8 Ripley Q18 Doniphan State’05 J. A. Thomas____ P. J. Burford____ J. M. Wright____ A. T. Cable........ 30,000 80-454 J. W. Martin Ripley County Bank ...•tl’90 C. P. Harmon......... C. A. Proctor......... E. K. Ponder......... J. L. Shemwell. 25,000 *200 80-453 K. K. Shemwell E. L. Finch, Sec. Dora..._______ 75 Bank of Dora------------- tS’20 E. A. Denpree____ A. P. Sweeton ___ C. Mayberry.__ 10,000 *ioo-4% 80-1680 8 Ozark Q13 Dover ................229 State Bank of Dover.©«ti’06 J. T. Dinwiddle__ Geo. F. Zeysing ... W. B. Sydnor .. G. L. Trent____ 20.000 8% 80-955 8 Lafayette 09 50,000 Downing____ 566 Downing State Bank.__Jl’10 H. W. Lockett.... John McWilliam-- R. T. Gamble__ ... H. E. Potter... 80-706 8(|Schuyler A13 *125-8% Merchants Exch. B*nk.#tl'91 R. P. Allen______ J. M. St. Clair___ E. H. Dennison._ Lucile Ashford. 25,000 *400-20% 80-705 Drexel ms Bank of Drexel____ ©•K'lO F. M. Elliott--------- A. H. Norton____ A. H. Norton____ George Hatch.. 15,000 *152-6% 80-708 10 Cass J8 25,000 INTER-STATE BANK ©•« 91 C. C. Masters------- J. W. George____ G.C. Holt............... J. W. Adams__ *350-20% par 100 80-707 4.510 38.290 34,390 4,000 4.660 7,780 149.460 136,760 4,900 8,610 15,000 150 000 150,000 14,000 9,750 Bk. of Seymour, Seymour; Union N., Springfield. 26,960 1st N.. St. L.; Columbia N., Kan. C.; Un. N., Springfield; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds. 26,000 N. City, St.L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., III. 18,000 187,200 Des Arc______ 167 Bank of Des Arc______ tl'07 E. W. Fitz----------- J. T. Bnnyard___ E. W. Cook.. *150-8% 80-952 8 Iron 019 E. W. Cook. Sec.... It BBT— DE SOTO TRUST CO.d®Tt§’22 <TRANSACTS A GENERAL BAN KING BUSINESS *145-10% par 100 De Witt......... 360 8 Carroll F10 Dexter........... 2635 8 Stoddard Q22 80-284 ourteous and Effl cleni Service to a 11. ] Special attentio n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. <5’03 (.Please send 15c wt th each sight draft f or presentation and 25e for Credit Repo rt. FIRST NATIONAL BANK *165-15% par 100 80-283 A. Sec. ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entation, and (.25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, p ersonalattention 80-1707 CITIZENS BANK *165-12% •t'92 A. Q. CARTER...... T. E. HUBBARD- - - - - - 0. W. COLBERT- - - - - - H.E. WEST. { 52,580 OLDEST RANK IN STODDARD COUNTY, 15 CENTS sent to us with each s ight draft for pre sentation, and 25 CENTS for ea ch credit report In sures prompt, pe rsonal attention. Diamond_____515 Diamond Bank_______ *tS'04 H.B. Boyd_______ A. P. Hill_______ J. D. Brookshire.. T. B. Douthitt___ 80-954 U. G. McCracken 10 Newton P6 io% Lois Brookshire i MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 24,950 A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 80,000 10,000 60,000 22,000 41,200 N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Mtle. Tr. Co. and 1st N„ St.L. 15,000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 8,420 20,000 51,610 U. S., St. L. 14,950 78.050 Int’l and N. City. St. L. 2,500 110,000 105,000 6,740 253,890 210,590 10,000 320,000 262,000 2,500 26,190 18.890 6.320 77,280 83,930 5,430 18,000 227,470 220.210 13,050 66,630 17.500 1st N„ St. L. 220,420 230,640 9,270 113,920 97,620 3,150 6,150 32,440 280,190 291,120 1,900 7,350 1 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 3,000 194,000 10,000 21,650 IstN.. St. L.; Drov. N., Kan. C. 30,010 16.190 McDaniel N., Springfield; Bk. of Gainesville, Gainesville. 14,240 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. G.; Lib. Cent. Tr. Co., St. L. 56,210 51,400 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; State Cent. Sav., Keokuk, la. 31,420 Drov. N., Com. Tr., Merch. and 1st N., Kan. C. 65,360 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. O.; Com’l N.. Kan. 0„ Kan. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere 801 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. oMem.A.B.A.^NewSStatefPriv. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab Fig. under tow'n is Fed. Res. Dist. ♦Fed. Res.Depts.T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.Sj>LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MISSOURI—Continued Vic*-President. Ass Cashier. t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loan* Bond* Other lUra k *i Miscel oiiaiom Paid-up Surplus D bpob and and , Dui AND Liabili ITS Capital PBOFIT8 Discount* Securities laneous r&OM Bamxi ties 10,000 J 10,010 $ 12,870 $ 1,820 $ 30,150 $ H. W. Sterling — J.C. Manning_____ N. W. Agur_______ Duenweg___ 2535 Duenweg State Bank $165-6% 80-1335 d®»t§’12 10 Jasper 06 10.000 11,550 68,580 3,000 67,940 Dunlap State Bank....... •tl'04 E. J. Moberly........... A. R. Carpenter... J. C. Stephenson.. $165-8% 80-956 10.000 6.000 47,000 10,000 12,500 120,580 Dudley _ 2E7 8 Stoddard Q21 J212 T. C. Higgins ___ D. c. Steele______ W. G. Kinney......... $ 120 $ 2,940 $ 80-1359 Principal Correspondents. 1.480 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; State Bk. of Poplar Bluff, Poplar Bluff. 8,170 12,020 Joplin N„ Joplin. 42,000 3,000 18,000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Trenton Tr. Co.. Trenton. 98,540 2,320 42,220 Un. N„ Springfield; Drov. N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 4,000 10.000 Met., Kan. C.: State Sav. Ln. & Tr., Quincy; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 15,870 1st N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 22.000 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Am. N.. St. Jo. 5,000 par 100 8 Grundy C8 Dunnegan___ 275 Bank of Dunnegan___ t5’12 J. W. Thomas___ J. B. Hopkins____ $250-20% 80-1350 8 Polk M9 8 Lewis 015 Dutzow 150 8 Warren 118 Eagleville___ .340 8 Harrison A8 East Lynne__ 298 10 Cass 17 Easton______ 206 10 Buchanan D6 East Prairie ..1124 84iMississippiQ24 Durham State Bank.__t§’22 J. D. Killebrew... 80-1716 Security BankJ. A. Roesner____ .Tnhn $no $200-7% .. .. Farmers State Bank.__»t§’02 •• 201,950 60.000 13.000 170.000 190.000 10,000 33.000 225.000 202,000 16,000 10,000 3,100 107,150 85,740 8,980 50,000 19,240 134,660 103.970 57.580 15.000 16,020 144,220 118,140 21,550 10.000 2,660 28,910 28.960 3.200 20,000 59.900 290,000 313,000 6,600 50,000 1st N.. St. Jo.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. Minnie Kiley_____ C. B. Linville, Jr. 20.000 24,950 662,470 Thos. O'Donnell... 25,000 9,000 290,000 Farmers State Bank...*tS’19 Michael Wogan.__ E. E. Grier______ M. L. Van Horne.. P. H. Carmichael.. par 100 80-1609 R. A. Doyle--------- H. S. Roberts....... $148-10% 80-424 New East Prairie Bank.»tS’05 D. A. Swingle___ par 100 80-425 80-962 """" A. J. Elliott. _ . W. W. T,nt.t, par 100 ' L. F. Berberet____ P. B. Linville P, B. Linville John McGraw......... T. B. Anderson___ .T.W. Hayes KNOX COUNTY SAV. BANK E. O. Parsons____ S. B. 80-414 60,390 44,900 Chase N., N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr.. Kan. O.: State N.. St. L. 21,030 Am. N.aDd Drovers &Merch., St. Jo.; Oma. N.. Oma 42,340 Int'l.St.L.: N. Stk. Yds. N., N.8tk. Yds., Ill.: Union&Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Memp. 35,560 N. City. St. L. 9,400 N. Bk. of Rolla, Rolla. 470,980 42,880 67,100 186,850 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; State Sav. Ln. & Tr.. 214,000 35.000 25,000 50,000 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Mtle. Tr. & Sav.. f R. 80-337 13,110 209,140 14,750 36,800 33,600 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; State Sav. Ln. & Tr.Co., Quincy; 1st N., St. L. 145,930 1st N„ 8t. L.; Com. Tr.Co., Kan. C.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., 111. 20.000 11,160 250,020 S. HARVEY E. H. AUSTIN ........ W. M. HARRISON 40,000 22,720 589,630 401,020 95,400 10.000 — «W"......... E. T. COLLINS . 94 < Oldest, Largest and Strongest Ba nk. Qnincy; Inter-State N.. Kan. C. G. W. Cram___ 15,000 6,000 150,000 107,000 30,910 11,500 21,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L. W. F. Rhodes____ E. H. Jackson___ 25,000 37,560 569,830 469,360 23,400 40,410 99.210 1st N.. Kan. C.; Merch.-Lac. N.. St. L. 50,000 12.500 425.000 75.000 400.000 50.000 25.000 75,000 Merch.-Lac. N.,St. L.; Tra. N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 10.000 2,440 24,710 9,440 36,990 2,650 6,950 McDaniel N., Springfield; Cabool State. Citizens Bank____ d®»tl’05 W. M. Haynes____ W. M. Greenway.. W. S. Martin____ $100-4% par 100 80-1605 J. H. Buford W. A. Copeland... W. A. Bales......... . LinaS. Buford — $200-10% par 80-711 Farmers State Bank d®t§’09 L.B. Ralls................. E. C. Bowers_____ W. M. Satterfield _ Irene B. Macy-----Wm. Moore. Sec. $120 par 100 80-712 Bank of Ellsinore______ t§’07 D. 0. McPherson _ C. O. Hilterbrand. $125 80-964 High Grade Municipal Bonds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Qnincy. j Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. ^Pleaae ttnd 15e tc» th each tight draft fo r prttenUUion and 25c for Crtdit Repor it. EIkland..______ 79 Bank of Elkland______ J§’10 E. M. Bailey-------80-963 8 Webster Nil , MISSISSIPPI/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ 4.500 Parsons... . S. B. Parsons........... W. T. Sharp.........— Bank of Elk Creek —»t§’19 R. B. Grisham------ Geo. T. Sigman'.__ R. C. Miles............. 8 Carter P19 31.000 d»t§’72 BANK OF ELDON....... cKI $210-16% ... Eldorado Springs Bank of Eldorado Springs 80-277 •t|’90 8 Cedar L7 2212 $300-10% •« u First National Bank ..©•t’84 J. L. Clark______ J. W. Montgomery F. W. Elliott____ O. W. Semple____ $200-10% 80-276 81 Reynolds 018 3,000 80-417 $150-10% par 100 80-338 8 Texas 014 105,930 (Taken over by Ban k of Edgerton, Octob er 16.1926) $175-10% par 150 M 90,000 269,350 80-960 7% Eldon.............. 2636 8 Miller J12 85,000 37,400 J. E. Richardson.. B. M. Stonestreet. W. H.Schader___ ‘Edina______ 1438 Bank of Edina......... B©*tl’76 C. B. Linville, Ch. $350-20% 80-416 8 Knox C14 H 4,000 20.000 80-058 80-959 Edgar Springs.286 Bank of Edgar Springs..t§’20 195 80-1662 8 Phelps M15 M 15,000 T. G. Mittler........... Isabelle Roesner.. George A. Powell.. G. D. Cramer____ $100-8% $250-15% 10 Platte E6it Paul 72,740 10.000 15,560 45,000 25.000 20,300 242,420 14,850 137.630 127,300 11.930 1,780 84,980 6,730 19,640 45,860 770 3,890 25.000 5,390 92,840 10,000 3,160 48,640 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Cabool. 11.010 McDaniel N.. Springfield. 25.720 Mtle. Tr. Co., N.City, and N. Bk. Com.,St. L.: N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 13,670 1st N.and N. Bk. Com., SUL.; N.Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds.. Ill. 11.330 Int’l. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. Hi. Well Secured Real Estate and Corporation Issues k MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Dlrfectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. »County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. [Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Elmer X4B Elmer Exchange Bank_*$5’02 1200-15% 80-965 8 Macon D12 Elmira 17R 8 Ray E7 Farmers & Merchants Bank 80-966 •tS’89 10 Nodaway A4 1309-18% Bank of Lincoln Countv 1300-10% par 100 80-508 ®<5’88 8 Lincoln G18 Elsberry Banking Co. d<*'98 80-509 Rank nf Elvina (ISIBOO 8 St.Francois L19 *200-10% par 100 8(>-967 Security Bank................ •t§'21 *125-6% 80-1701 Emden................ 75 Farmers Bank........ —®tl’04 *120-7% 80-968 8 Shelby D15 ‘Eminence 325 Shannon County Bank.*ti'04 *135-12% 80-819 8 Shannon 017 Emma________ 150 8 Lafayette HO *135-8% par 100 80-1451 (Bank in Satine Co.) Enon___ ______ 100 Enon Exchange Bank„*$|’16 8 Moniteau J13 $125-6% par 100 80-1534 8 Pike G18 PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. H. C. Surbeck____ T. L. Freed_______ C. I. Murry_______ Liabilities. Resources. Loan* ] Bonds Other Cash A ExD epos Miscel chanqm Paid-up Surplus and and .Du* AND Liabili its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous from Banks ties S 10.000 $ 7,000 $ 134,000 J 83.000 f 1,000 $ 3,000 $ 64,000 (Absorbed by Polo T rust Co., Polo, Mo.) 20.000 7,000 W. A. Tilery .......... 20,000 20.470 G. P. Shoptaugh— S. G. Glllam______ Z. R. Alexander... PI- J. .Tones Clarence A. Cannon W. B. Ellis 160.000 $ Principal correspondents. Stk. Yds. N., Chi.; Com. Tr., Kan. C.; Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy. 10,000 State N., St. L.: Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo.; 1st N.. Maryville. N. Bk. Com. and 1st N.,St. L.; N.Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 48,050 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds.,111. 26.000 N. Bk. Com. and N. City, St, L, 16.000 5,000 168.000 7,000 17.000 136,660 58,710 148,040 43,600 16,500 27,710 10,000 214.390 139,800 10,000 133,000 30,000 W. R. Cannon____ G. C. Motley........... 60,000 21,170 321.030 10,000 16,000 173,000 H. A. Miller______ J. M. Delcour..—. W. B. Cozean_____ Anna I. Hatch------- 10,000 2,800 90,000 W. M. Glascock... Horace H. Rice.__ Grace Davis______ 15.000 3,000 93.000 L. A. Breeden------- 50.000 7,370 187,180 William Fischer... Chas. Dierking— Charles Dierking.. Paul H. Fischer— 20.000 7,890 122.870 H. W. Feller_ _ _ _ _ Myrtle B. Feller .. O. L. McGinnis, Sec. W. J. Buchanan... D. B. Bibb_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B. M. Gooch, Sec... Leta M. Clark_____ 16.000 4,600 57,630 59,020 4.870 8.400 25.000 3,300 120,840 109,520 26,990 12,630 J. A. Hux_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W. J. Hux, Sr......... Jesse Vaughn-------- J. A. Hux, Jr........... 20,000 22,230 127,450 115,210 27.500 26,980 N. City, St. L. 15,000 2,530 138.810 4,000 55.340 10,000 11,000 170.000 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.; State Ex., Macon; Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy. Tra. N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy, Ill. 10,000 6.500 93,990 240 64,730 12.000 13.820 89,740 15,080 102,340 Bank of Eureka_ _ _ _ _ ©tl'04 W. W. Maupin_ _ _ _ M. T. Franz *180-6% 80-972 10,000 7,000 100.290 880 99,410 Farmers & Merchants Bank Henry Heitmann— H. G. Knappmeier. J.W.Thee 80-1369 1* 12 G. W. Wilson_____ W. Y. McLemore Monta Poindexter. C. L. McLemore... 15,000 11,810 203,530 25,000 32,050 247.780 11,250 231,200 10,000 3,500 103,000 74,000 6,100 10,000 22,020 150,340 10,000 150,920 13,000 4,100 10,000 24,190 2)5,330 170,380 16,790 6,000 10,000 99.880 981,240 — 761,750 36,870 99,500 193,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 80,000 2,900 310.990 33,450 237,830 61,800 52.430 75.270 10,000 6,900 181,370 99,370 51,850 3,750 42,800 Gate City N., Com. Tr. Co., and Tra. N. Kan. C.; N. City. St. L. Un. N., Springfield. J. O. Welch. R. J. Wood A. J. Hawkins.-,__ C. M. Seaman____ R, .T, Ward 19,000 U. S„ St. L. 58,000 38.000 2.000 13,000 37,250 195.350 1,250 61,820 23,380 10,000 140,530 5,290 14,930 Hannibal Tr. Co., Hannibal; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 13.200 81,000 5.050 80-969 FARMERS BANK-......... <*'05 8 Stoddard Q22 *210-10% par 200 80-970 8 Macon D12 ^ — Rank of Ethel 11'05 J. H. Bradley_____ J. N. Lynch_ _ _ _ _ _ M. L. Bradley____ *150-10% 80-971 J. Frank Lile......... O. L. Poison.. . Farmers & Merchants Bank *220-15% 80-1344 1*12 Bank of Etterville_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Voluntary Liquida tion) 8 8 Miller J1S ColeJIS Ass’t Cashier. .... H. A. Hulsey_____ E. J. Francis_____ J. L. Howell........... *120-6% Eugene . ............. 200 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued T. Lee Glover____ J. 8% par 100 80-843 *210-10% 80-844 J. P. Miller_ _ _ _ _ _ M. Logrbrinck.. I. R. Spaulding— T. W. Bond............... Hershel Lynch— .T. Kempker Paul Binkley-------- Gladys Starling — 10.700 96,800 10.700 156,000 40,000 1,500 5,770 38,720 9.100 19,100 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.; 1st N., Jefferson City. 1st N., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds.. Ill. N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill,; 1st N., Jefferson City. 1st N„ Jefferson City; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. par 100 8 St. Louis J10 8M Dade N8 80-703 « P. B. Stamate......... L. A'. Cunningham. D. O. Adamson____ 80-704 8 Lewis C15 ( Excelsior Springs 4165 10 Olay F7 L. M. Crabill____ George Dieker___ Miles McNally......... 20% 80-811 E. S. Terpening... J. T. McCarthy..— Farmers Bank________ •tl'05 F. W. Schroeter... *325-15% par 100 80-812 CLAY COUNTY STATE BANK $2,000-200% 80-216 „_ „ ®»tl'04 Excelsior Trust Co. fFRED K. HARRIS- T. E. CRAWFORD—. E. H. GRAVERS------- S. C. SHERWOOD— R. K. TINOALL F. L. KIMBER i LARGEST BAN K IN CLAY COU NTY. 9.500 18,130 15.550 18,300 36,400 1st N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 1st N.. Kan. C.; McDaniel N. and Union N.. Springfield. McDaniel N., Springfield. 24,350 State Sav., Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy, Ill. 46,350 Ill. State, Quincy, Ill. 1 IS CENTS sent to us with each s ight draft for pre sentatlon, and Las CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, p ersonal attention • G. E. Wilson_____ J. M. Summers ... Frank R. Hull— 1 Organized MISSISSIPPI VAL,LEY TRUST COMPANY 1890 SAINT LOUIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 43,490 Int’l, St. L.: N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill. j *100 par 100 80-1580 dB®T<S’lt C. R. Risiey, Ch. Exeter___ aw Bank of Exeter...____ •J|’02 C. N. Ellston_____ J. W. McClare.... J. C Ellston_____ 80-973 8 Barry Q8 MISSISSIPPI/ \ VALLEY / 159.220 17.750 Member Federal Reserve System i MISSISSIPPI t \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. OflO Town and county ^County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv JMem. State B. Ass’n. £Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSaIe%Div. Fairfax ............ 704 10 Atchison B3 EXCHANGE BANK—-®t§'92 E. C. Whitford___ Wm. Bowness... President. Vice-President. 80-627 Farmers Bank_________ Cashier. Liabilities. Resources? ther Loans Bonds Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili Miscel and and and Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties Ass’T Cashier. R. C. Whitford___ C. A. Templeton. - $ 15,000 $ N. F. Dragoo_____ I. C. Senft______ 15,000 9,000 10,000 5,210 10,000 10,000 1,560 132,510 63.500 12,760 192,000 182,970 EiMSKask- —iDEST AND Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash Please send 15c vox th each sight draft fo r presentation and 2 Fairport_____263 Bank of Fairport............t§’09 Golden Wolf__ A. M. Gromer. 10 DeKalb C7 *300 80-976 Fairvlew...___ 378 First National Bank......... t’07 W. T. Carpenter.. Fred Russell. 10 Newton Q7 *200-4% 80-977 Farley_______ 98 10 Platte F5 Farley State Bank_____t§’07 Fritz Oberdiek.... J. W. Farley, Active Henry Wiehe Farmers Bank____ ©•J§'14 Henry Lutte.__ Wm. Kisker_____ *100 par 100 80-1490 fW. M. HARLAN — W.R. LANG- - - - - - - - ‘Far mlng ton _ 268 5 BANK OF FARMINGTON ) Oldest Bank in the County - str 8 St. Francois M20 16% 80-268 •tS’86 ] Special attentio n given BUI of La LPlease send 15c tin th each sight draft fo *510-30% par 100 80-979 FAYETTE BANK_____ <8 71 J. B. Denneny.___ R. W. Payne. 80-272 Fenton ........200 Farmers & Merchants Bank P. S. Heutel_____ 8 St. Louis 120 *500-24% 80-1332 d®»t§'ll par 100 Ferguson___ 1874 Bank of Ferguson. d®«t§’06 Fred Bindbeutel .. 8 St. Louis 120 *160 8% par ioo 80-981 Ferrelview___ 150 Farmers State Bank ©•tS’21 G. L. Johnson___ 10 Platte F5 *140 80-1710 CITIZENS BANK *240-12% ♦ 80-274 *‘“-8% par 100 / * 29,200 31,250 10 son 9,700 10,000 24,210 113,100 25,000 25,000 120,000 W. J. Farley-__ 10,000 20,000 39.200 321,800 R. H. Baumgardt.. G. J. Baumgardt... 2,500 68,000 7,500 73,000 M. P. CAYCE_ _ _ _ _ S. F. JSENMAN- - - - - 50,000 149,080 1,389,000 4,030 796,430 394,910 16,720 589,930 — 388.470 157,750 23,900 8,000 ong - Conservati ve - Progressive, ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. r presentation and Union N. and McDaniel N., Springfield; Com. Tr. Co. and Fid.N. Bk.&Tr..Kan.C. 22,050 Com. Tr., Kan. O.; Am. Sav., and McDaniel N., Springfield. 89,230 30,000 Am. N., St. Jo.; Inter-State N., Kan. O. 102,000 26,200 272,400 42,600 31,800 40,000 1st N.. Neosho and Kan. C.; Conqueror Tr. Co.. Joplin. 6,800 49,200 1st N. and Home Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., Leav. Gate City N.. Kan. C.; Leav. N. and Wulfekuhler State, Leav. 384,070 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., Mtle. Tr. Co., and Int’l, St. L. 14,000 t8s 50,000 48,710 118,520 N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 10.000 9,000 40,000 4,000 13,000 Am. N. and Drov. & Merch. N., St. Jo. 50,000 20,000 350,000 300,000 45,000 35,000 75,000 Ian. N.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; N. 1 Com., St. L.; Tra. N., Kan. C. 309,000 60,000 5,200 90,000 lerch.-Lac. N. and 1st N., St. L.; 1st ! Kan. C. 50,410 nt'l, Grant State, and Broadway Tr. C St. L. 50,000 Alva Kirby____ E. J. Bedford____ 50,000 25,000 400,000 Joseph Mraz_____ Geo. Pickles____ Chas. F. Rott Richard Dalton... 10,000 35,760 487,580 1,500 475,030 1,100 8,300 W. H. Tiffin_____ F. J. Bindbeutel. R. E. Sudekum__ H. A. Bindbeutel E. M. Walcot____ 50,000 30,000 625,000 — 360,000 200,000 45,000 20,000 1.000 65,000 56.000 11,500 5,000 35.000 50.240 455.010 369.160 97.930 18.080 55,090 Int’l, St. L. 55,360 357.630 302.530 46,950 20,080 58.450 32,480 265,480 28,610 57,830 5,730 43,560 J. L. Miller______ W. P. Walcot.__ N. W. BRICKEY- - - - - - T. J. SEWALD- - - - - - - - CHAS. E. PORTER... PAULINE TESREAU. 100,000 !. Bk. Rep., Chi.; N. Bk. Com. and S Tr. Co., st.L. 13,500 'ra. N., Kan. C. ROGRE SS1VE. Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. W.H.WAGGENER- J. F. DONNELL_ _ _ W. L. TOWNSEND—. HELEN GUTHREL— 15,000 J. R. FUNK Collectlons and Bequests for Cre dit Reports MI’S T be accompanie d by (.FEE IN ADVA NCE: Plain sight d rafts, 15c; Credit Re ports 25c. Fillmore..____272 Round Prairie Bank__»}8’95 E. W. Davis_____ C. J. Shores_____ J. E. Barnes_____ F. E. Fothergill... 10 Andrew 04 *225 80-982 Flak ...............466 State Bank of Fisk_____ 812 E. W. Graves____ W. J. Harrington.. M. S. Shain______ C. W. Lentz 8 Butler Q2 *210 80-1357 MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ nno Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Tootle-Lacy N. St. Jo. 8,280 Union N. and McDaniel N., Springfield. 15 121,390 George Swindle.... M. Swindle______ OLDEST BANK ®»t8'89 Special attention given Bill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK—-80-275.. d®*t8’03 110,000 90,000 129,950 $ 13,700 ! 8, Faucett ........150 Bank of Faucett.......... •tS’05 H. C. Yates______ N. S. Call________ H. T. Yates______ B. C. Call. Sec.__ 10 Buchanan E5 80-980 ‘Fayette____ 2381 Commercial Trust Co. L. W. Jacobs____ W. E. Miller ... L. W. Jacobs, Jr., 8 Howard Gi 2 *150-6% 80-273 ®T»18’03 Sec. Festua______ 3348 8 Jefferson K20 3,200 $ 103,460 Drov. N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Am. N., St. Jo. C. E. Estes______ B. N. Burnham._ Farmers Bank______ -•«’04 P. A. Shaw —........ W. C. Fischer......... L. H. Williams ___ A. E. Calvird____ 80-270 G. B. Snider, Act. *200-20% $ 166,830 $ 10,000 $ J. I. Grant______ Fair Flay------- 486 Citizens State Bank-..»t5’ll J. W. Beason____ J. W. Butler............ H. Cunningham.__ Sylvia I. Gamble... 8 Polk M0 *125 80-75 2 80-751 25,960 $ 242,530 Principal Correspondents. Cash ft Ex changes,Du* from Banks (Closed June 17, 192 7) Peoples Bank______ ®»t§'07 James Jackson___ W. U. Anderson. 8% 80-628 C. R. Combs Fair Grove....... 300 Bank of Fair Grove.-®»tS'05 J. B. Potter_____ O. W. Highfll.... 8 Greene N10 tiso-10% 80-975 Fair mount ...2500 Commercial State Bank of {Closed July 21,192 Mt. Washington 10 Jackson G6 FARMERS BANK_____ **§’90 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc , see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued 20,000 10.000 231,520 — 26,400 16,760 4,220 N..St. Jo. 11,920 st N., St. L Bluff. l Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I nvestment Secu rities MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS A Bank for Bankers k MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / qHA OUT1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Flat River___5200 8 COMMERCIAL BANK dW22 President. V ICE-PRESIDENT. Cashier. ASS'T CASHIER. 80-1717 MINERS a EDWARD GRIFFIN— F. M. HORTON- - - - - - - - - J. R. THOMPSON...... H. H. KAY -........... A. J. LAYNE> -d. O. ELIZABETH EDWARDS Principal correspondents. Loam Bonds Miscel Cam A *x Surplus] Depos Other Paid-up OELAW0M,DTO and and and Liabili its Capital Profits Discount* Securities laneous raoM Bajnta ties H. W.BUCKLEY — T. L. HANEY.......... CHAS. R. PRATT —- NOVA WATTS...... 15 CENTS sent to us with each si gtat draft for pres entation, and .35 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, p ersonal attention. St.Francois L19 1135-10% Resources. Liabilities. TOWTf AND COUNTT. •Mem. A.B. A. «New §State t Priv. *County Seats. tMem. 8tate B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Fed. Res. Dist. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces ), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued 25,000 I l 179,030 $ 6,600 $ 312,890 58,940 730,810 10,000 11,850 126,760 116.320 10,000 4,000 95,000 10,000 570 59.500 10,000 9.670 35,980 25,000 26.720 50.000 54,000 $ 5,150 $ 106,310 U. S.. St, L. 138,450 1st N..8t. L. 172,650 22,240 65,000 14,500 11,500 37,800 390 9,790 43,630 150 3,730 461,590 256,720 159,720 33,470 650 11,650 6,670 3,670 19,280 Am. N„ St. Jo. 3,000 38,370 Union N„ and McDaniel N„ Springfield; N. Bk. of Com., St. L. 45,000 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Ohi.; 1st N. and St, Jo. Stock Yds. N., 8t. Jo. 25,000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. G.; Burnes N., St. Jo. 15,690 28,490 N. Bk.Com.,St. L.; Glasgow Sav.,Glasgow. 570 506,970 l Special attentlo n given BIB ef La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items, I Please send 15c with each Sight Draft for present atlon and 25c d® •tS'Ofi .with each requ est for report or r atlng. Oldest and largest bank In F lat RIv MERCHANTS BK. 1200-16% 80-175 par 100 Flemlngton ...267 Bank of Flemington.— tS’05 W. F. Marsh______ W. H. Roberts------ E. Hall__________ Alfred Hall_______ 8 8 Polk MO *225-10% 80-983 Fllnthill______150 Flinthill Bank------------ 18’14 John J. Boland___ M. Sachs-------------- W. A. Callahan.__ St. Charles H18 1175-6% 80-1466 Florence---------100 Bank of Florence------- 1§’18 F. H. Rasa---------- W. P. Stephens.__ J. S. Daniels_____ 80-1562 8 Morgan 111 Florida.............. .210 Florida Savings Bank~»tS’79 J. T. Scobee--------- F. A. Utter back__ T. A. Utterback... S. W. Cirger. Sec... 8 Monroe F15 Florissant____ 787 8 St. Lonis H20 Foley__________237 8 Lincoln G18 Forbes________ 317 10 Holt D4 12% 80-984 Citizens Bank ___.dB®T»t5’04 John Wiethaupt.. Joseph Peters, Jr.. Oscar O. Aydt------ B. O. Albers--------A. Nick 1190-10% par 100 80-985 Foley Banking Co.___dt§'19 J. K. East_______ J. W. Cannon____ C. J. Riffle________ 165 par 100 80-1585 Bank of Forbes............. »t5’06 W. H. Richards.__ W. S.Hodgin_____ Carl Harrison......... 1150 80-986 Ford City_____ 150 Ford City State Bank ..•{|'14 J. W. Scott_______ B. Boley_________ P. D. A. Dnncan .. T. Beaslin 1175-7% 80-1479 10 Gentry C6 Fordland_____ 248 Bank of Fordland____*{§’05 W. J. Callender.. H. A Rabenau___ O. M. Toppass ___ Susie O. Bench.__ 80-987 8 Webster Oil 12% Forest City....593 Bank of Forest City.—»tl’73 O. E. Emery_____ W. E. Richardson. L. F. Mills.............. M. L. Emery — F. E. Bullock $200 80-695 1o Holt C4 Home State Bank---------tJ'10 Walter Beck_____ Philip Schlotzhauer A. M. Brown — Birdie W. Brown.. 80-696 Forest Green.. 100 Farmers Bank_______®t§’03 F. C. Gebhardt .— F. E. Heiman____ Wm. Gebhardt _ 8 Chariton F12 *150-12% 80-988 Curtis Cannon-----Forlstell............. 215 Foristell Bank________•J8’09 P. O. Foristell___ J. H. Ellis............... J. T. Cannon___ 8 St. Charles HI8 $162.50-6% par 100 89-989 W. A. Georger----Emil Steck______ W. L. Tomlinson Fornfelt______1819 First State Bank ___.d®tl’05 A. Baudendistel.__ Cressie I. Presnell 80-990 8 Scott 023 *150-6% L. L. Parrish------*Forsyth______ 200 Taney County Bank.__•tS’Ol J. 0. Parrish______ J. G. Burger_____ S. W. Boswell__ 80-991 8 Taney Q10 Joseph Catron .— Geo. F. Hopper.... John F. Lee___ Fortes cue_____ 150 Citizens Bank........ ..dB»t§’21 Geo. W. Hinkle ... 1135 80-1699 10 Holt C3 P. H. Lehman__ Fortune_______213 Bank of Fortuna--------- t§’02 J. P. McDaniel — Thos. Roach------80-992 8 Moniteau Jll Foster________ 344 Farmers Bank------------- JS'87 H. A. Rhoades ___ R. J. Laughlin .... J. G. Doolittle .... R. C. Hunt........ * 175 8 % 80-^993 10 Bates K6 Frankford____ 653 Bank of Frankford.-®*t§’25 L. S. Brown--------- C. P. Unsell______ W. E. Pollard........ Crayton Scott-. $120 par 120 80-1515 8 Pike F17 J. T. Pritchett-~ J. McCune______ C. E. Latimer____ R. D. Graves_____ Frankford Exchange Bk. $250-12% 80-994 d®»t§’85 par 100 (Closed September 1 3,1926) Franklin_____ 314 Franklin State Bank... 8 Howard G12 Carl Schwaner.__ W. H. Blanton ... W. H. Farrar_____ A. H. Thost__ Bank of Fredericktown iFredericktown Schulte 8 Madison M203124 1150-12% 80-264 d®t§’06 J.E.Perringer, V.P. John L. W. Whitener.. C. R. Barber______ J. F. Claves____ Bank of Madison County 1230-20% 80-1319 dtl’ll par 100 SECURITY BANK—~®*» #5 FN. B. WATTS-- G.B. COOK...... L. 0. WHITWORTH A 15 CENTS sent t o us with each si ght draft for pres entation, and $235-20% 80-263 (.25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, p ersonal attention M.S. Plassmeyer J. H. Willibrand— T. J. Neuner_____ Freeburg______ 292 Bank of Freeburg------- tl’05 B. Hilkemeyer .. $ 350 10 % 80-995 8 Osage J14 Freeman______ 299 Bank of Freeman____ «a’92 Wm. L. Price____ Will Brown--------- W. H. Lundy-------$525 80-996 10 Cass 16 Lew Schupp--------- Kate M. Schupp.. Fremont_____ 218 Fremont State Bank®»tl'12 J. J. Holland_____ C. 0. Ellis____ 80-1383 8 Carter P17 $145 i MISSISSIPPIf \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Collections Given Special Attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,930 26,660 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Drov. N„ Kan. C,; Union N„ Springfield. 18,000 N. Bk. Com. and 1st N., St. L.; N, Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 24,020 3d N.. Sedalia; 1st N., Versailles. 8,150 Par. & Merch., Hannibal. 63,400 N. Bk. Com. and 1st N„ St. L. 15,000 I,580 38,610 36,750 10,000 5.000 29,850 47.500 10,000 6,460 77,450 64,280 10,000 10.720 131,750 104,360 6,750 25,000 15,000 245,000 185.000 55,000 20.000 2,000 95,000 86,000 10,000 9,890 87,860 58,490 10,000 7,380 120,390 71,580 55,750 1,570 25,000 9.000 180,000 135,000 25,000 20,000 8,860 N. Bk. Com. and 1st N.. St. L.; Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 34,000 Int’l, St. L.; 1st N„ Oape Girardeau. 31,360 Southern Mo. Tr. Co., Springfield. 6,140 N. Stk, Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 2.570 Am. N„ St. Jo. N. 25,000 II,680 166,700 138,350 16,660 17,000 10,000 8.760 137,600 71,450 15,010 3,100 66,810 Barnes N. and 1st N., St. Jo. 10,000 8,160 75,760 91,700 14,800 15,000 13,310 117.500 2,000 7,980 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill.; 3rd N., Sedalia. 19,910 1st N., Kan. C.; Mo. State, Butler. 4,070 16,750 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 20,550 123,650 15,000 3.760 55,580 25,000 26,840 300,020 37,000 11,220 258,290 28,450 20,000 12,810 247,360 140 20,000 21,700 356.300 10,000 25,100 151,120 10,000 24,240 146.030 10,000 3,000 75,000 10,000 63,520 51,250 19,160 44,410 N. Stk.Yds. N., N. Stk.Yds.; 1st N., St. L.; Far. & Merch., Hannibal. 208,230 28,630 48,170 181.320 10,660 1,010 49,920 N. Bk. Com., and 1st N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 87,320 Mtle.Tr. Co., St.L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 245,000 30,900 22,000 104,600 237,040 870 100,100 N. Bk. Com., St. L. 21,950 3,660 82,590 30.890 10.870 56,030 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds.. Ill, 56.890 Oom'l N. and Com. Tt. Co., Kan. O. 50,000 10,000 4,500 23,500 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr„ Kan. C.; N. City, St. L. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 5,630 Exceptional Facilities for Transit Items ^MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in u s exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. President. Vice-President. Fig. under town is ♦Fel. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSaIe%Div. 80S ^ ‘Fill ton_____ 5595 THE CALLAWAY BANK W. C. Harris_____ 8 Callaway H14 $255-12% 80-169 par 100 Home Savings Bank—®»tf'90 Sparrel McCall 80-171 Southern Bank___________ '(Closed December A, •Gainesville.. .256 Bank ot Gainesville___ t§ 01 J.C. Harlin 8 Ozark R13 $150-15% 80-997 •Galena_____ 390 Bank of Galena....... . .•+§'04W. D. Craig___ $200-16% 80-998 8 Stone Q9 Liabilities. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. 25,000 ) Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation a nd 25c for Credit R eports. (.Prompt Service , Quick Returns. Send us your bus! ness. Galt.................. 587 Cook & Vencill Bank__•*|*87 J. T. Vencill _ E. T. Proctor____ G. E. Vencill_____ Byron Jones. 25,000 80-671 8 Grundy CIO $200-10% par 100 Galt State Bank_____ t§’03 H. M. Pettit F. M. Lickey------ W. A. McCracken. C. F. Moore 12,000 $200-8% 80-672 Garden City...711 Bank of Garden City®»tl’85 E. B. Morlan___ A. W. Wilhite----- A. L. Burch______ P J.Shepp............ 35.000 $250-10% 80-610 10 Cass 17 R. F. Smith. Sec. par ioo Farmers Bank—.......®»tf’92 A.W. Wilhite____ W. A. Stevens___ C. S. Dale_______ G. R. Talbot. 15,000 $280-10% 80-611 Garden City Trust Co.Tt§’19 w. A. Kimberlin.. R. Stowers.......... J. S. West. Tr........ E. D. Anderson. 50,000 $105 80-1602 A. T. Gentry___ ,...327 Bank of Gentry.......... •tS1900 Walter Gladstone- Ira Summa............ |s. R. Hise.............. Maude Hise_____ 20,000 80-999 10 Gentry B6 Gerald.............. 246 Bank of Gerald............#t| 04 Heinrich Schmidt.. J. F. Lefmann----- Ben). Tappmeyer— O. H. Lefmann__ 40,000 80-1000 8 Franklin J17 $150 G. J. Helling Citizens Bank----------- •t|’13 J. W. Vossbrink.. H. Ehrlich. T. H. Vossbrink_ O. H. Berger....... 20,000 $260-12% par 100 80-1440 Gerster___ _ ..118 Bank of Gerster______ tl’09 W. A. Shryer T. G. Bernard....... Clyde Poison___ 10,000 80-1001 8 St. Clair L9 $198 Gibbs________217 Bank of Gibbs.......... ®»tf’98 E. B. Campbell ___ G. E. Campbell__ Ralph Campbell Dale Benner_____ 10,000 80-1002 8 Adair C13 Gideon_____ 1197 Commercial Bank... ®»!§’20 W. P.Anderson.. 0. F. Meentemeyer C. F. Meentemeyer D. I. French____ 25,000 80-1687 8 New Madrid 124 $100-8% Gilliam______ 404 Gilliam Exchange Bank j W. E. Cheatham . S. A. Iman______ C. H. O. Leimbrock J. P. Payne______ 30,000 80-1003d*tl'91 8 Saline GU $152-12% par 100 Gilman City...618 Citizens Bk. of Gilman_*tf'06 M. F. Ward______ John Brown_____ F. E. Eberhart ___ D. E. Fair. 15,000 80-694 8 Harrison C8 $225-10% Flora Fitzsimmons Gilman Bank...............•f§’97 F. B. Ray................ C. A. Springer___ N. B. Williams.... J. H. Cutshall....... 25,000 $300-20% 80-693 Helen M. Doherty Glasgow____ 1351 J. H. JACKSON__ W. B. KITCHEN------ R. T. BENTLEY_ _ _ _ t k. HARING 75,000 R~ GLASGOW 8 Howard Gil OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN THE COUNT SAVINGS BANK Special attentio □ given Rill of L adlng drafts, Cas S. $300-20% 80-421 •t§'71 .Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation and rts. par Loans and Discounts „ B»nd* and Principal Correspondents. MISCEL- c‘,h * J.AJOTPnTTa CHiNfllB.Dn, Securities LANBOUB non B.sri 25,000 600,000 450,000 100,000 15,740 150,070 132,240 24,370 9,200 169,550 10,230 12,050 32,340 1st N. and Mutual. Kan. C. 8,700 Drov. N. and Tra. N., Kan. C.: N. Bk. Com., St. L. 39,070 Han. N„ N. Y.; Tra. N.. Kan. C.; BoaL men's N„ St. L. 45,800 1st N., St. Jo. 3,700 40,000 49,850 139,310 100,000 39,010 — 25,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Inter-State N„ Kan. O. 9,880 Far. Ex., Trenton; Stock Yds. N., Kan. C. 19,650 88,540 97,060 ___________ 17,430 5,260 149,253 115,780 31,160 18,500 13,480 ____________ 1st N., Kan. O. 23,110 192,210 161,040 15.000 17.000 526,000 401,000 134,500 31 270 354,030 233,140 138,800 12,080 4,590 51.030 54,520 — 5,890 21,290 N. Bk. Com. and Merch.-Lac. N„ St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 5,210 Com.Tr. Co„Kan.C. 85.000 10.000 5.000 15,000 N. Bk. Rep.,Ohi.; Mtle.Tr. & Sav.,Quincy, 116.130 7,000 7,880 27.980 N. City, St. L. 5 non mo non 3.390 130.590 21.000 137,000 ____________ 30,000 1st N„ St. L. 111. 35,000 1st N., Kan. C.: N. Bk.Com., 8t. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds. 165,000 14 ooo isn nno 36,200 201,940 7,500 171,340 100 20,510 135,050 630,000 910 615,110 82,850 4,440 3,600 95,000 50,000 Mtle.Tr.&Sav., Quincy, Ill.: Am. N., St. Jo.; Home Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 78.700 Inter-State N., Gate City N„ and Home Tr. Co., Kan.O.; N. Bk.Com., St. L. 138.550 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N„ Kan. C. 100 Peoples Bank .... __ if'091 J. H. Bentley A. E. Fisher_____ }r. E. Turner H, Dautel $200-6% 80-428 Tri-County Trust Co. _T*t5’22 B. Heying............. F. T. Digges_____ V. R. Bowen, $120-6% 80-422 Sec. and Tr. par 100 Glenwood___ 290 Logans Bank--------------t|'06 J. E. Markey___ E. McGoldrick....... W. A. Hombi____ Della P. Searcy..— 80-1004 8 Schuyler A12 Golden City.. .899 Citizens National Bank..»}’14 G. W. Kolterman C. W. Sheppard__ G. L. Kolterman... 80-557 10 Barton N7 $150 FIRST NATIONAL BANK •* 05 D. K. Pence______ B. F. Wilson____ C. H. Button_____ J. B. Pattison. $250-20% 80-558 Goodman........ 321 Goodman 8tate Bank__ti ll J. W. Adkins____ J. A. Hubbard___ W. T. Williams__ A. C. Foster__ 10 McDonald Q6 $270-20% 80-1320 t MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ Resources ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and Capital Propits its ties D. P. Bartley____ T. H. Van Sant__ J. M. Davis__ $ 100,000 $ 108,760 $ 813,670 $ 229,350 S 702,490 S 79,770|$ 253,520 $ 216, N.Park.N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; N. Bk. Com., T.C. Harris Lola E. Frank St. L.; 1st N„ Kan. C. Robert Pratt------ W. R. Taylor . 50,000 Zetta M. Lawrence 25,930 566,500 388,900 459,280 423.860 148,190 Han. N., N.Y.: lstN.,8t.L.; N. Stock Yds. AugustusHockadayl N., N .St ock Yds., Ill.; Com. Tr. Co„ Kan. C. 1926) Lee Wood............. M. T. Harlin . 25,000 6,440 209,320 164,070 1st N„ West Plains: N. City, St. L. J. W. Jennings,Sr. C. E. Hagemann.. Troy Stone______ 16,000 1,980 56.980 12,010 — 83,914 — Union N., Springfleld;Com. Tr. Co., Kan, 0. Bess Allman, Sec. rCHAS. HEMRY .. H.J. LYNCH......... ........................... j. r. scon..... J. T. WITTEN BANK-*! 01 J gpecial attentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. •Gallatin___ 1747 8 Daviess D8 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10,000 8,870 89,490 4.150 82,400 11,100 75.000 5,500 141,600 10,000 178,980 4,750 37,550 1st N. and Lib. Cent. Tr, Co.. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N.Stk. Yds., Ill. 25,000 39,960 250,190 233,010 12,850 37.310 25,000 7,690 280,770 25,000, 164,750 122,600 6,220 44,880 Chem. N.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Tra. N. and Stk. Yds. N., Kan. O. 25,000 15.000 350,000 25,000 146,000 145,000 26,000 98,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Kan. O. and St. L. 10,000 17,620 123,280 124,530 650 3,430 — MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 15,420 State N„ St. L. 31.990 State Cent. Sav., Keokuk, la. 22,280 1st N. and Bk. of Neosho, Neosho. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere y. MISSISSIPPI > \ VALLEY / \ trust/ one OUU Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaliy Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County ^County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem. A.B.a. "New §State fPriv. tMem. State B Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Dents:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%I)iv. President. MISSOU RI—Continued Vice President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Gordonville... .150 Bank of Gordonville__T»+§’04 H. W. Bangert___ W. S. Poe_______ A. G. Hink............ 8 Cape Girardeau $165-3% par 100 80-1006 $ 02? Gorin________ 835 Gorin Savings Bank .©•tS’89 80-849 8 Scotland B14 $275-8% R. E. Kyle. P. Daise____ 80-1008 5.510 $ 16,450 69,590 $ 310 $ 342,720 66.280 $ 1,700 J 41,700 45,190 State Sav. Ln. & Tr, Co., Quincy. III.: State Cent. Sav., Keokuk, la.: N. Bk. Com.,St.L. 41,130 5,350 35,500 14,090 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; N. City, St. L.r Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 9,140 Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 2.250 47,820 26,000 17,550 76,060 10,000 25.000 7,000 90,000 40,000 63,000 383,000 .... J. M. Wilson____ W. E. Ereytag....... 20,000 8.000 130,000 . Grace Hoehh____ 10,000 6.500 140,000 75,000 25,000 12,000 13,520 168,580 85,140 52,580 17.610 7,450 45,690 2,000 Grain Valley...35' Bank of Grain Valley..»tl’05 James H. Webb... W. D. Warren. 80-1009 Active 10 Jackson G7 13,930 Int’l. St. L.: Cape Co. Sav. and Jackson Ex., Jackson. 20,650 20,000 62,500 3.500 S 261,640 10,000 Gower Bank...........—<§’84 J. 0. Starks........... B. A. Atchinson... Curtis Poe______ J. C. Cummings... 80-1007 O. C. Singleton Graham_____ 317 10 Nodaway B4 $150-8% 10,000 $ 10,000 J. A. McMurry.... Lem P. Shibley ... Jayne Banking Company J. M. Jayne_____ A. S. Jayne______ W. E. Shannon ___ Lelia Jayne Shannon 80-1746 ©§'25 Gosneyville .... 100 Paradise Banking Co.__tS’10 George Neth. Sr... B. M. McDaniel... E. P. Griffin_____ Forrest Moog___ (Smithville P.O.) 10% par 100 80-1153 10 Clay F6 Gower_______ 418 B. F. Moore_____ T. A. Hawkins___ E. 8. Horn . 10 Clinton E6 $125 par 100 80-1545 '' Liabilities. Dbpos- Other Paid-up Surplus and Profits TIES Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loads Bonds Mtpceu- Cash ft Exand CBANGlB.DtT* 'and Discounts Securities LANKOUh prom Banks 6,220 98,240 90,000 700 15,000 16,320 Am. N. and Burnes N., St. Jo. 446,000 31,500 28,000 43,000 Tootle Lacy N„ St. Jo.; N. Bk. Com., St.L. 22,700 Am. N„ St. Jo. 137,000 48.000 1st N„ Kan. C. Sni-A-Bar Banking Co.____ (Closed June 10. 19 27) Granby Miners Bank...t§’99 Julian Courteol ... Jno. F. Spangle. — 10 Newton P6 25% par 225 80“279 4,600 51,790 Han. N., N.Y.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Union N., Springfield. 21.510 1st N., Neosho and Kan. C.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L. 15,140 Union N.. Springfield; N. City, St. L. State Bank of Granby._t§’24 J. R. Underwood.. N. Y. Davis............ W. A. Hendon___ 80-1739 Grand In_____ 548 Bank of Grandin............. t§T3 J. M. McShee____ H. A. McKinney... W. E. McKinney... Adina McKinney.. 80-1396 8 Carter Q18 $154-6% 10,000 6,540 30.030 10,000 5,130 49,660 Grand Pass.__200 Bank of Grand Pass__•tl’10 B. Price 80-1010 8 Saline G9 8% 25,000 8.460 60.390 67,380 10,000 5,000 115,000 95,000 10,000 17,570 94,440 97.530 J. F. Dawson____ W. M. C. Dawson.. Ophelia Cunningbam J. L. Dawson_____ W. H. Hagans------ J. V. Davidson ___ 80,000 22,860 266,260 20,0001 291,530 48,020 15,710 33.860 Han. N„ N.Y.: Ill. Merch. Tr.. Chi.: Lib. N„ Kan. C.; Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo. 40,000 12,370 224,300 30.000 243.140 130 13,650 Minnie V. Jackson 10,000 10,560 48,270 60,730 49.740 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ Burnes N , and St. Jo. Stock Yds.. St. Jo. 5,630 Hannibal Tr. Co.. Hannibal. 10,000 3,770 58,660 54,480 4,700 16,000 4.000 95,000 55,000 1,350 Grandview___ 410 10 Jackson H6 $225-8% par 100 8(HlOIl F. H. Botts Granger_____ 189 GrangerExchange Bank»tl'95 J. M. Lockheart... 80-1012 8 Scotland A 15 10 Worth A6 Citizens Bank____ d©»tl’81 Mrs. Abbie E. J. T. Duncan _ $200 par 125 80-457 Dawson J. 0. Lutes $137.50 80-1718 Granville..__ _ 100 T. E.Bierly. $200 80-1389 (Paris P.O.) 8 Monroe E14 Gray Summit.21( Bank of Gray Summit, •tl’05 8 Franklin J18 $140-6% 80-1013 8 Sullivan Bll O. D. Moore______ R. G. Crain.. Florus Muehlen — Citizens State Bank__ t§'26 J. L. Jones______ C. A. Jones______ L. B. Hankins___ Mildred Hankins.. par 125 80-1754 1,390 3,350 5.400 9,000 21,060 N. Sik. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds.. Ill.; Gate City N„ Kan. C.; Wood & Huston, Marshall. 30.000 Com. Tr. Co. and Westport Ave., Kan. C. 17,110 Drov. N., Chi.; Merch.-Lac. N., 8t. L.; State Cent. Sav.. Keoknk, la. 2,460 5,320 7,920 1st N„ St. L. 58,650 1st N.. St. L. and Brookfield; Kirksville Sav., Kirksville, Green City... 90i American National Bank___ (Closed March 8. 19 27) 8 Sullivan Bll $250 80-561 ‘Greenfield... 1440 $200 8 Dade N8 80-1737 D. M. Riggins___ John Santee........... F. S. Myers........... Ira F. Porter____ Mildred I. Myers Edwin Harrison... E. L. Owen______ T. K. McConnell.-- L. H. Roper____ rBEN M. NEALE- R. S. JACOBS BANKING CO. n s ifine W. 6. RUSSELL J. L. WETZEL-------- bMEBfr- 20,000 7,420 155,170 50.000 3,500 150,000 15,000 153,360 145,000 25,000 25,000 350,000 300,000 27,820 5.800 20.200 14,400 Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Quincy, 111.; N. Stork Yds. N.. N.Stock Yds., Ill. 32,500 1st N„ Kan. C.; McDaniel N., Springfield. 45.000 Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.; Tra. N., Kan. G.; McDaniel N., Springfield. $225-10% par 200 80-432 d‘tS’92 ) Save time and g et service on CoDe ctlons and Credit Reports by sendln 8 (.FEE IN ADVAN CE. Plain eight d raft§, ISc: Credit ReportBe 2Sc. TE YUS. v MISSISSIPPI/ •.VALLEY / \ TRUST / High Grade Municipal Bonds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Well Secured Real Estate and Corporation Issues t MISSISSIPPI i \ VALLEY • \ TRUST / ony Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County •County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State fPriv. [Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.|LastSale%Div. MISSOURI—Continued ' President. Vice-President, Cashieb, Ass’t Cashieb, Liabilities Paid-up Surplus DeposAND Capital Profits ITS Green Ridge...382 Farmers & Merchants Bank D. R. Elliott........... Jacob Arnett_____ C. A. Wisdom........ C. L. Sims________ $ 8 Pettis 19 par too 80-737 ©<§'90 " “ Peoples Bank................... t§’04 $125-8% 80-738 Greentop 289 Bank of Greentop______ §’19 8<tSchuyler B12 80-1584 Farmers State Bank___•tl'02 $no 80-1014 •Greenville. 614 Citizens Bank................... t|’07 $200-20% 80-641 8 Wayne 020 “ _ " Wayne County State Bank $135-20% par 100 80-540 t§'25 Gullfora ?.7a Bank of Guilford_____ f§’90 80-841 10 Nodaway pS $100 Citizens Bank_____d©»}§’ll $150 80-842 Guthrie............. 100 Guthrie Bank________ <§’14 80-1429 8 Callaway 114 $125-10% Hale________ 690 Bank of Hale............. ..<§’85 80-668 8 Carroll E10 6% _ “ State Bank of Hale..©»tf’22 $140-6% 80-669 Half Way___ 100 Bank of Half Way..........t§'19 8 Polk M10 80-1611 Hallsvllle_____ 225 BANK OF HALLSVILLE <§'95 $123 par 100 80-1016 8 Boone G13 Hallsville State Bank—.t*’19 $120 par 100 80-1588 Halltown . . 150 Bank of Halltown___ -tl’12 8 Lawrence 09 $110 par 175 80 -1365 Hamburg___ 210 Farmers Bank______ ®tl’14 80-1498 8 St. Charles 119 $130-4% Hamilton___1689 Citizens Trust Co....©»t§’22 $no-8% 80-377 8• • Caldwell D8 •• First National Bank ..®*t'8fi $200-6% 80-378 Hammond____25 Bank of Hammond______*’09 $133.33-14% par 133.33 80-1017 8 Ozark Q12 Hannibal 19.851 ♦AmericanTrust Co. ©•tl'90 8 Marion E16 80-49 .. .. ♦FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK—80-47—d©»+§’70 $325-24% par 310 M ** ♦HANNIBALNATIONAL BANK $225-12% par 100 80-48 dT®»t’03 ’HANNIBAL TRUST COMPANY — Andrew Habecker. C. W. Denny J. E. Ream............. A. M. Crow............. Z. O. Miller. D. Dee Newlin 14,000 Earl Peterson.. ®T«t§T9 v MISSISSIPPI * \ VAl.TY \ TRUST / Organized 1890 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 42,100 112,490 2.020 $ 42.410 1st N., St. L.; 3rd N. and Citiz. N„ Sedalia; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., 111. 3,470 36,570 N. Bk. Com., St. L. 14,670 Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Quincy, 113.000 135.360 J. W. Haley..._ J. S. Marsh............. I. L. Rhodes______ W. R. Rhodes_____ Wm. Jones J. U. White............ U. W. McGee_____ C. V. Estes---------- E.R. White............ A. H. Costner J. L. Ballard______ Joseph Meyer........ Carl Wray............... Eunice M. Parr___ 10,000 4,500 90,000 108.000 10,000 5,240 157.150 76,990 25,000 5,000 180,000 161 OOfi J. L. Hocker______ F. L. Clayton_____ Arthur Thompson. R. O. Wilson_____ 15.000 3.000 100.000 W. A. Criswell ___ C. T. Holt 10,000 5,000 U. E. Bedell______ W. H. Huffmon — H. C. Bedell............ 30,000 10,500 150,000 H. D. Snider.. L. M. Foltz.............. R. W. Traughber.. C.L.Crackenberger 25,000 8,000 135,890 C. W. Viles___ __ W. B. Miller______ W. B. Miller........... Frank Davison .... 11.000 4.800 55,000 W. F. Robinson... W. P. Maddox........ D. B. Carpenter... R. H. Wilhite........ 10.000 1,880 98,070 W. R. Caldwell 25,000 2,880 70.520 10,000 1,320 50,340 9.500 53,850 200 14,850 10,000 7.340 123,680 100 56.670 66.690 2,600 H, H. Burks______ J. J. Austene_____ F. F. Roberts_____ W. R. Hutchinson. B. M. Clark______ A. V. Hlark _____ Theodore Seib........ H. J. Seib............ L. E. Wackher.__ C. A. Dovenspike . M. E. Overstreet.. J. W. Vaughn........ 41,350 $ 550 23.120 2,500' 9.140 23.000 State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co.. Quincy, 111.; Bk. of Kirksville, Kirksville. 16,000 N. Bk. Cora.. St. L. 4,200 16.220 78.000 5.2)0 12.750 34,050 100 3,100 150,000 4.750 30,340 53.000 4,000 660 5,910 16.890 60.980 23.550 Am. N. and Burnes N., 8t. Jo. 19,650 N. Stic. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds.* HI., Home 17,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 143.880 78.640 74,970 Int'l., and 1st N„ St. L ; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yf1<;. IH 25,000 Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo. 17,790 Tra. N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Citiz. N., Chiilicothe. 13,800 1st N„ Bolivar; Onion N„ Springfield. 27.210 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.: N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.. Ill, 29.530 Boone Co. N„ Columbia; 1st N„ St. L. 2,260 Queen City, Springfield. 15.150 Mtle. Tr. Co.. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 86.710 Chase N., N.Y.; 1st N., St. Jo. and Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 100,000 Chase N..N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi Com. Tr. Co. Kan. C.: State N., St. L. 13.99) Bk. of Ava.Ava.; N. Stk.Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds,, Ill. 84,570 1st N.. si. L. 50,000 17.960 312,830 249.580 23.300 30,200 100,000 26.000 525.000 75,000 450,000 82,000 91,000 E. P. Johnson____ A.Herndon.. 15,000 6.830 82.780 6.769 91,960 1.700 3.720 J. C. Raihle 60,000 48,620 368,700 11,650 353,540 15,360 35,500 100,000 211.950 1.096.210 5.500 924.130 321,650 65,500 102,380 Chase N..N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: IstN., St. L. 200.000 201.200 2,284,280 754,280 1,608,700 20.710 301,790 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N„ Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 200.000 121.000 1.600.000 1.236,000 273.000 27.000 385,000 Han. N., N.Y.: Cont. & Com’l N. ,ChL; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 55,190 Foreman N., Chi.; Merch.-Lac. N„ St. L.; State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy. Ill. T. D. Parr. . . H. R. Booth.............. F. L. Bowman____ W. K. Hobbs______ Nellie B. Hobbs, Sec. Joseph Bassen — O. A. Brown, C. H. F. Bangert, W. E. Treat Sec. and IV, A. Tr. J. T. Holme............ J. B. Price______ F. T. Hodgdon........ O. G. Sargent WilsonB.Pettibone J.N. Baskett. _ J. P. Richards C. H. TROWBRIDGE— W. L. Weaver____ W. C. Roesler Sec. E. F. MANGELS, A.Sec. I0!.™1"50"- J. I. S. HICKMAN, and Tr. and A. Tr. J. IT. IUULC Send ue your oolleotione and TRUST BUSINESS. WRITE FOR OUR LIST OF FARM MORTGAGES. A TRANSACTS A 1 Special attentio V.Please send 15c wi Harris............... 370 Harris Banking Co. ..d<8’88 O. Harris________ Sullivan BIO par 100 80-1018 8 65,390 113,560 12.000 S 4,500 HARDIN TRUST COMPANY 80-644 2,700 20,000 $ 166*220 J 50,000 .. $170-6% 23,300 S 1S8.360 W. C. Ditmars____ S. M. Swanson____ [195-10% 80-50 ®T<S’04 ♦MARK TWAIN BANK______ C. R. Ringer_____ $120 par 100 80-51 dB®<§’26 “ -........ “ Hannibal Clearing House___ J. T. S. Hickman.. (Members indicated hy a ♦) Hardin........ . 847 Bank of Hardin.... d®<|'87 E. M. Chase_____ 8 Ray F8 $175-8% par 100 80-643 rW.F. ROBINSON •• 11,000 $ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Law's (indexed) in back of this volume. ” ” ' ' “ ' | Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loam Bonds Miscel- Cash A ExOther chanom,Dui LANEOU8 Discounts Securities prom Banks TIES 50,000 1.220 196,740 60.910 158,740 21,450 73,500 75.000 77,110 283,070 45.000 339,600 39.400 53.870 47.300 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 60,000 38.420 290,790 43,400 306,860 18,180 24,420 83,130 1st N., St. L.; Drov. N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. , and Time Items. Toe for Credit Repor ts. 20*000 Noble Norman 6.780 215,450 161,840 36,320 2,000 42,080 Cont. & Com'l N„ Chi.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. O. Eber Whiteman W. L. Weaver_____ F. T. Hodgdon. Sec. Marvin Grimes___ W. A. Rhodes____ ROBERT ESUNGER- GEO.F. MANSUR --Sec. and Tr. W. RUST. A. Sec. GENERAL BANK ING BUSINESS. n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash th each sight draftfo r presentation and Gird McCnllough.. O. H. Moberly — Warner Wall, Sec. 1. A. BEERY. A. Tr. EULA HETZEL. A. Tr. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS | Member Federal Reserve System t MISSISSIPPI t \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 808 Town and County. •County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist •Mem.A.B.A. "New §StatefPnv. (Mem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab ♦Fe 1. R3S.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Vice-President. Ass’T Cashier. Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Miscel Cash Rt JExther Depos LOiabili PAID-OL Surplus and oha.hgis.Dui and AND its Discounts Securities laneous prom Banks Capital Profits ties $ $ 90,000 2,180 $ 18,820 N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Boone Co. Tr. Go., Columbia. Harrisburg.... 173 Harrisburg Rank_____•t§'06 J. F. Beasley_____ F. P. Henderson .. H. D. Chambliss... F. B. Chambliss ... $ 1200-8% par 100 80-1019 8 Boone G13 10,006 $ 10,000 $ •Harrison vlUe 2073 ALLEN BANKING CO. R. W. Adams_____ Duncan Russell._ J. L. White______ H. S. Voile_______ 1300-16% 80-351 dB®«tl'68 10 Cass I 6 .. •• H. O. Olenn Joel R. Ewing____ CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK M. E. Halcomb ___ 8% 80-353 ®»t’02 burger 25,000 22,540 419,580 $ 25,000 21,520 351,520 Frieda Klemme... 20,000 35,720 265,990 251,480 10,000 2,810 67,230 70,840 10,000 10,690 281,230 197,050 7,100 15,580 82,190 Union N., Springfield: N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.,Ill.; N. C’ty, St. L. 10,000 4,980 30,950 32,940 400 3,140 9,450 IstN., St. L.; State Bk. of Poplar Bluff, Poplar Bluff. 10,000 10,130 68,270 2,500 72,490 350 4,410 20,000 500 44,660 3,050 47,050 ________ 12,940 8.220 Am. N.,St. Jo.; Bethany Tr. Co., Bethany. Goldie Brown_____ 15,000 1,740 118,530 101,130 11,150 2,750 20,240 1st N., St. L.: N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., 111. .. Irene Raybuck.... Ernest Letter 20,000 27,660 211,020 191,910 7,740 14,080 10,000 7,740 87,910 74,040 10,000 10,140 61,760 65,293 10,500 2,000 10,000 8,730 96,330 99,920 450 3,900 10,790 1st N„ St. L.: N. Stock Yds. N.,N. Stock Yds., Ill. 10,000 1,000 71,000 5,500 12,500 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. 0. 30,000 32,510 480,770 250,700 225,040 10,000 57,550 Chase N., N. Y.; Int’l. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 60,000 74,549 771,420 396,840 422,980 20,520 65,610 N. Park, N.Y.; Franklin and 1st N.,St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill, 51,230 858,200 471.130 302,340 69,230 91,730 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Merch.-Lac. N., and 1st N., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 35.08C Com. Tr. Co. and 1st N., Kan. C.; Union N., Springfield. 13,120 South Side, Kan. O. Hartsburg ___ 211 Bank of Hartsburg —•tflDOO $275 80-1020 Boone 113 8 Farmers Bank________•tl’15 J. A. Alexander ... G. W. Hilgedick__ H. A. Niemeyer — 80-1516 8 Wright 012 8 Butler H22 Wright County Bank___ tl'90 80-709 O. O. Oshnrn _ R. L. Turner_____ $150-12% par 100 80-1439 H. H. Curtis______ R. E. Curtis .. __ O. W. Waggoner... Harwood__ ... 215 Bank of Harwood_____ tl'95 G. W. Steincross_ D. M. Clevenger.. 10 Vernon L7 ......... 175 Rank nf Hatfield 80 -1022 Harrison A7 $150-6% Hawk Point ...256 8 Lincoln H17 nos tf’03 Blaine Powell........ William Kowazek. 80-1023 Haytl 1507 Bank of Hayti_______ •& 02 r, O. Arerlll Pemiscot J24 $235-8% par 100 80-485 8 T. A. McNail.. J. T. Buckley Helena______ 210 Exchange Bank..........©^818 G. A. Thomann, 10 Andrew D6 $300 80-1024 Clinton 06 H n stipnll Bank of Henrietta.........•tl’OO 80-1026 par 100 Ray F8 • Hermann.__ 1701 Farmers 8 M 92,600 6,000 97,660 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N„ St. L.; New Ene. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Kan. C. 221,430 77,530 3,070 106,170 Han. N.. N. Y.; N. City, St. L.t Com. Tr. Co., KaB. C. 3,000 67,240 Boone Co. N., Columbia; N.Bk Com., St. L. 10,690 Boone Co. Tr. Co., Columbia; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 13,660 1st N„ Nevada and Kan. O. & Merchants Bank F W. F.ggers Gasconade 116 par 100 80-404 ds>i§’04 HERMANN SAVINGS BANK •• _____ 1,300 44,950 1st N„ St. L. and Memp. 30.310 Am. N., St. Jo. 4,104 Am. N.. St. Jo. 80-1025 $290-2% Henley______ 127 Peonies Bank_________ tl’15 M. J. Engelbrecht. Gus. Thomas_____ 80-1502 8 Cole K13 $166 8 10,170 280,230 $ Active par 100 Hemple______150 10 9,370 $250-8% par 100 89-1021 Hatfield 8 90.000 Principal Correspondents. par 100 80 402 d®»t8’67 rJNO. H. HELMERS Louis Begemann.. S. Baumgaertner, Chriselda Baumgaertner Jr. S. KRAMER.............. E. H. ROTHFUCHS G. F. RIPPSTEIN — L. E. ROBYN------------ < Oldest bank In Gasconade count y. Collections a specialty, j Modern, urogre gslve methods. Prompt, efficient, personal service. edit rep orts. (.Please send 15c with each sight d raft for presen tat Ion and 35c for cr R, W. Trefz........... 25.000 •Hermitage ...321 Bank of Hermitage____ tl’lt Wm. L. Pitts------Harry Pitts_______ Hickory L10 B, L. Coon 80-1612 __ Hickman Milis21E Hickman Mills Bank.®*§’2] Thos. T. Moore.... Wm. T. Palmer... Robt. D, Barry___ Dorothy Ehele .... 10 Jackson H6 $135 80-1705 Hickory..______7i (Closed April 11, It 27) Grundy CO Hip-hoe 140(1 Elerd Baker........... Randolph F12 $130-10% par 150 80-456 G. R. Rennolds___ C. F. Dougherty.. E. E. Newman........ J.T. Randolph.... Higbee Savings Bank . $225-10% 80-455 dB®tl'8C 25,000 700 152.530 10,000 2,500 69,220 Peoples Bank........... d©*tl’W $285-12% par 100 80-403 8 8 8 ■ MISSISSIPPI i \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 69,000 5,000 I nvestment Secu rities 10,000 3,500 125,000 10,000 10,000 195.000 117,290 5,100 20,760 1,620 61,280 2,500 6,440 53,000 41,000 6,000 _ __ 125.000 55.000 1 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 1 40,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Randolph Co. Tr., Moberly. 35,000 Chase N.. N.Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St.L. 1 A Bank for Bankers v MISSISSIPPI . \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / OHO G'-'-' Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. •County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. *Mem. A.B. A. wNew §State tFriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div. President, Cashieb, V ich-Pbesidbnt. Abs’t Cashieb, Hlgglnsville.. 2724 R. A. Huscher........ D. H. Hancock.... R. A. Huscher, Acting 8 Lafayette G8 1120-10% par 100 80-265 M M Daniel Hoefer........ Max Lyons _______ Daniel Hoefer........ BANK OF HIGGINSVILLE $300—12% 80-266 d*t8’82 par 100 FARMERS BANK______»t5 08 80-267 $ 50,000 $ 806,220 $ 29,380 30,000 J 1 WOESTEMEYER. 0. H. HOLKE_ _ _ _ _ _ Cash, and Sec. j < Patronize a gro wing bank. Our Collection Depar tment has 1 unequaled fa cllltles for handl ing your buslnes 8. LPleate tend 15c w ith each eight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rUt 30,000 425,000 350,000 50,000 143,670 6,000 H. C. THEE............... A. W. Gerdemann. J. P. Ellis............... 20,000 16,130 130,350 Frank Kentling... T. R. Welch ____ 10,000 520 22,990 R. E. Kleinschmidt 10,000 100,880 168,520 Frank Dietrich... Frank Dietrich, See. J. F. Williams W. L. Allen ............ W. M. Pate---------- Irma Pate, Acting . 60,000 25,000 175,000 10,000 2,500 87,700 Louise Porterfield. J. W. Thomasson.. H. S. Hostetler.__ S. E. Bage.. 358 20% 80-826 Holden______2011 Bank of Holden____ ®»15'72 H. R. McGutchen . M. R. Snyder_____ W. F. McGutchen. E. K. Redford .... J. M. DeMasters *3io-io% 80-329 8 Johnson 18 .. •• Farmers & Commercial Bank J, A. TTallar $350-12% 80-330 ®»t§’81 First National Bank--®»t’13 O. C. Teyis $200-8% par 100 80-1412 Holland. ___ 530 Holland Exchange Bank t§'26 W. R. Samford___ 8 Pemiscot K24 80-1759 Hnlliriav ?f;() Monroe County Exchange Bk. D. L. Curtright.... R. S. Houck______ $225-16% 80-1031 •tf'01 8 Monroe F14 .. Peoples Bank_____ ____ tl’13 C. W. Snell J. E. Atterbury.... 80-1404 Hollister 300 Bank of Hollister d©»tS'10 Geo. L. Hunt.......... *l25-par 100 80-1032 8 Taney Q10 C. M. Isley______ Henry Hessel .. Holt 398 to Clay F6 $160 par 100 80-806 Holt Han It 1$'Q? R. Henderson____ $140-10% 80-805 Farmers & Merchants Bank J. C. Pistole______ 80-547 ®tl’06 10 Nodaway A5 $285 HornersviOe. 647 Bank of Hornersville..J|1900 A. J. Langdon____ W. M. Langdon-__ R. E. Anderson 8 Dunklin K23 *125-8% par 100 80-1033 Merchants & Planters Bank B. F. HighflU. __ ■T. AT. Ford *150-10% par 111 80-1487 d»t§'15 F. R. Huber. Miss Ruth Ropp Lon Hank_______ R. T, Miller J COVERT ABSTRACT CO. (Mortgage Bankers) B 92 V 1 3,400 30,000 34,630 191,320 ______ 50,000 58,690 449,210 30.000 66,000 375,000 30,000 28,280 212,450 17,320 70,670 1 4,320 6,730 186,730 67,840 200,000 30,000 48,400 16,050 6,650 91,500 12,800 8,400 1,170 348,440 63,210 38.120 332,000 35,400 28,600 29,700 109,100 127,600 9,200 8,090 44,970 12,030 68,720 5,000 78,500 16,750 84,200 Milton Isley_____ 10.000 7,850 107,250 — 101,280 3,200 J. M. Harris............ S. D. Shelton____ 10,000 10,520 66,850 10,000 81,770 8,230 10,000 17,000 160,000 20,000 170,000 5,200 15,000 8,000 120,000 13,690 84,780 F. C. Parks___ B. P. Parks.............. 25,000 20,000 1st N. and Int’l, 8t. L.; De Soto Tr. Co., DeSoto. 32,500 Far. & Merch., Springfield; Bk. of Aurora, Aurora; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; N. City. St L 144,240 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Sturdivant, Cape Girardeau. 109,300 Han. N„ N. Y.; C. & 0. N.. Chi.; Com. Tr. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr„ Kan. C. 75,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N„ Kan. G.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 54,440 Drov. N„ Kan. C.: 1st N., St. L. 10,000 Sav.Tr. Co., St. L, 20,000 O. L. Mutti ... 12,490 1st N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 3,920 Union N., Springfield; Christian Co..Ozark. 18,310 Han. Tr. Co., Hannibal; Bk. of Moberly, Moberly; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds. 10,000 A. J. Langdon, Jr.. 136,640 Chem. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; N. Bk Com., St. L.; Liberty N„ Kan. C. 24,830 Int’l and N. City, St. L.; Citiz., Festus. Wm. Curtright.__ J. A. Wilson. L. E. Miller. Sec. Rex Clark............. . Ethel Dugger.......... .. W. T. Pistole____ 46,210 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; Com, Tr. Co., Kan. C. 89,210 40,000 350 6,380 Hannibal N„ Hannibal; Drov. N„ E. St. L. 16,400 20,620 1st N., Kan. C. 8,370 Tra. N.. Kan. C. 34,200 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Am. N„ St. Jo. 83,000 Int’l, St. L. 20 000 17,100 85,770 19,650 McDaniel N„ Springfield; N. City., St. L. 20,950 1st N. and N. City, St. L.; N. Bk. Com., Paragould, Ark. 10,000 15,900 169,470 165,200 7,000 3,260 19,910 Int’l and Far. & Merch. Tr. Co., St. L. 35,000 19,750 169,930 135,430 7,740 9,330 72,180 Union N. and McDaniel N„ Springfield. 30,000 6,000 120,220 84,250 12,400 18,410 42,090 1st N„ St. L.; McDaniel N„ Springfield, 930 Texas Co. State. Hou..Mo.;Com. Tr. Co., Kan.C.; Cabool State, Cabool. jM. W. Covert___ A. G. Covert........... ^SCHOOL BOND S AND FIRST FA RM LOAN BOND SON FERTILE ( FARMS IN T HE MISSOURI C ORN BELT. Collections Given Special Attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25,860 15,000 1,300 39,830 25,000 37,400 80,500 3,240 37,160 8,020 111,210 5.840 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Principal Correspondents. 65,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Lib. N., Kan. C. 15,000 Houstonla.__407 Farmers Bank________ tl’15 O. H. Houchen___ W. 0. Westbrook.. *185 80-1510 8 Pettis H10 HnnfltnniA Ttanlr D. E. Longan-------- G. H. Tevebaugh.. L. P. t4%>lhnrn *150-10% 80-1034 \ MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST ' 3,000 9,700 10,000 S. Med lev •• ------ - $ 32,550 $ R. G. McCreerr, J. F. McCreery----Cash, and Sec. Fern K. Weber__ H. F. Weber . House Springs.80 Bank of House Springs dtS’12 H. P. G. Boemler.. Frank Votaw 8 Jefferson J10 *245-10% par 100 80-1364 Kirby Lamar-------- J. A. Johnston .... G. F. Romines------ Ruth Smith______ •Houston..........772 8 Texas 014 *150-8% 80-635 _____ TEXAS COUNTY STATE BANK J. M. Gladden........ W. R. Brown.......... J. A. Smallwood... W. H. Morgan........ *120 par 120 80-636 »i§’27 •• $ 805,540 Holcomb. •• $ 252,540 4,590 l 276,710 116,390 High Hill 2n8 Emil F. Nebel........ 8MontgomeryH16 $200-10% 80-1029 Highland vllle.. 50 Bank of Highlaudville..t§’19 J Christian P10 Sioo 80-1034 G. M. Mockbee ___ 8 Jefferson(K19 S1100 par 100 80-1030 Jefferson Trust Co___ Ttl’ll R. A.Marsden........ $75-8% 80-1295 Hoberg ____ 125 Bank of Hobere_______ tl’12 G. A. Allen.............. $122.50-6% par 100 80-1325 8 Lawrence P8 .. Resources. Liabilitieb. Lords Bonds Miscel Cash ft ExOther Paid-up Surplus D epos and and chakom.Dub AND Liabili Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous thom Banks ties 60,000 LG. B. LYONS____ "------- “ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this voiume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued 13,670 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 29,090 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. O. * r— ■ ■ ■ ■ Exceptional Facilities for Transit Items \ / V^y MISSISSIPPI Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. O 1 rj Town and county. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. |Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d- Saf eDep. ©Sav.$LastSale% Div. Humansvilie 8, Polk M9 947 Bank of Humansvilie__ t5’91 *185-6% 80-543 Citizens State Bank ...t§’23 *no 80-1723 •1 •• Farmers & Merchants Bank 80-542 .t|’81 Hume Commercial Bank *200-6% par 170 80-1036 «tS’03 10 Bates K6 Hume State Bank_____ »i§T2 80-1352 Humphreys... 339 Farmers Exchange Bk.. {§’90 $125 par 100 80-1037 8 Sullivan CIO President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. R. R. R&U1 Ray Grove _______ LeRoy B. Pangborn _____ “ HUNNLWELL BANK..........i§ 89 *120-10% 80-761 Liabilities. Surplus Dbpos- Other Paid-up Liabiliand ITS Capital Profits TIES *Chrisman-Sawyer Bkg. Co. 80-78 •xvn _____ ** .. •• 14 29,090 11.410 74,790 20.140 .26,140 Drov. N., Kan. C.; McDaniel N. and Un. N.. Springfield, Mo. N. Bk. Com., St. L.;Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Me Daniel N., Springfield. 1st N.,Kan. C. 3.500 70.540 14,280 13.740 Tra. N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 290 73.450 22.010 21,960 Inter-State N., Kan. C.: Jefferson, St. L.; Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. &Tr.Co., Quincy. 21.500 13.820 1st N.. Chi.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.; Hannibal Tr. Co.. Hannibal. 1st N., St. L. and Kan. 0. 197,170 Chas. Coleman ___ J. A. Manty............. J. C. Biggs_______ 10.000 7,080 92,590 10,000 7,680 77,390 __ H. E. Humphreys.. 30,000 8.820 108.310 HELEN A. WILLIAM- 25,000 1,260 95.580 W. P. Coon_______ H. L. Curtis.. __ M. M. Morrell____ J. A. Humphreys.. M. L. Haning_____ J. V. For son . 30,000 W. R. Allen 86.540 < Oldest and Lar gest Bank. I Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Casb and Time Items. E. R. Scott .. J. J. A. Estes_______ ___ (Closed December L. Irwin_______ 15,000 14,480 254.560 174.860 41.130 31.700 58,140 60.000 12,020 404.930 251.880 15,320 24.500 175,259 12.000 6,449 192,210 145,900 , 4.850 59,900 12,000 2,670 128,570 116,030 200 3,410 23,600 10.000 3.190 86.890 73,040 8,900 2.360 15,800 Un. N. and Me Daniel N., Springfield. 21,800 25,000 13,870 207.250 2.150 215,290 2.150 14.750 16,090 N. Bk. Com., St. L. Virgil Burks.,__ ___ 25,000 11.290 160,960 39,030 191,710 12,650 17,580 14,340 Chas. J. Palisch... W. H. Uelsmann... 25,000 2,480 156,190 14.900 154,740 26,250 17,560 1st N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. N. City, St. L.: N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill.; 1st N., Cape Girardeau. 10,000 6.320 30,890 4.110 42.020 3,820 5,480 125,000 65,940 767.440 26.700 660.400 81,680 61,670 181.330 N. City. N.Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N. Kan. C. 100,000 52,650 617,540 7.870 482,000 126,090 33,310 163,280 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr., Chi. 1st N.. St. L.; N. Eng. N.. Kan. C. 50,000 4.590 220,900 179.350 25.000 35.410 35,730 100,000 36.000 675,000 100.000 375,000 340,000 56,000 140,000 N. Park. N.Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; State N„ St. L. 100 000 25.920 443,730 1,300 432,740 39.380 21,200 77.620 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Com. Tr. Co. and Home Tr. Co., Kan. G.; 1st N..St.L. 25,000 13,600 529,000 376,200 91,100 30,300 70.000 N. City, N. Y.; Tra. N. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Kan. C. M. J. Davidson, Jr. Geo. I. Farnham _ F. L. Hedge J. B. Livingston__ W. L. Farnham___ C. H. Clark E. H. Moore J. W. Cadwallader. W. J. Hook— A. SEA.............. A. M. Ott 1st N.. St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.;Bk. of Moberly, Moberly. Cont. & Com’l N, Chi.; State Sav., Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy. Ill. 1st N., Chi. and St. L.; Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Quincy, Ill. 8. 1926) F. W. __ PENDLETON — L. Y. CUNNINGHAM- H. T. HALLETT....... H. L. FISHER, A. C. BEAGLENNON ............. Locke H. Sawyer.. C. R. Rayland......... R. M. Hocker J. G. PAXTON- - - - - - - S. E. GREGG- - - - - - - ELLA B ALLEN J. H. PETERS fN. D. JACKSON.... H. W. RUMMEL....... GEO. W. COREY. Tr. j. F. SHEPHERD,Sec. ♦HOME DEPOSIT TRUST CO. jL.T.MARKEYf p C. D. CAPELLE ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK 80-82 10,850 5,460 ♦Farmers & Merchants Bank W. L. Yost.............. F.W.Meinershagen W. E. Schulenberg *125-7% 80-83 ®*i§’19 *165-10% 175,670 20,000 ‘Independence *BANK OF INDEPENDENCE J. 12,720 *330-18% 80-80 ®«t8’87 '10 Jackson G6 _“ Union N., Springfield. 19.600 A. J. Stufflebam... H. B. Wann______ fir, Farmers State Bank....t§’14 (Kimmswick P.0.) *150 par 100 80-1454 8 Jefferson J19 80-79 13.880 5.930 66.590 Imperial, •• 7,350 S 2,000 81.400 % laneous vbom Banks 5,050 $ 7,350 $ 101.990 $ 94,760 { 2.720 20,000 PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. Cash & Ex Miscel changes ,Due V.Please send 15c tot th each eight draft fo r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor te. Hurley ... 2fi9 80-1038 8 Stone P9 lantha. . 323 10 B&rton N6 Iberia _______ 487 Rank Of Theria tl'99 22% 80-747 8 Miller K12( Farmers St Traders Bank ♦ 80-748 ®tS'07 Illmo , 127K 8 Scott 023 »ioo-6% 80-1040 ffl--- Securities 6,170 S Farmers &jMerchants Bank H. L. Rutherford— C. C. Johnson____ 80-292 i81900 J. D. Bagby Huntsville Trust Co.©T»t§’21 C. A. Fleming......... Callie Halliburton, Anne Boland. A. Sec. *120 80-291 Sec. Hurdland . 825 C. H. Buhl................ par 100 80-813 B^Knax C13 ( Hurdland State Bank.. •iS’10 William Delaney.. B. F. Holman_____ Y. Delaney_______ 80-814 .. Bonds and 10,000 $ 8 Randolph F12 „ RESOURCES. Loans and J. T. Crawford.... Wm. McCracken.. Edgar Miller Hunnewell ___ 348 Farmers & Merchants Bank. (Closed November 16 , 1926) 8 Shelby E15 fPETER RASMUSSEN A. LIPPINCOTT............ J E BYRD *• Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued B ZICK.Jr. ®«{’89 N. Bk. Com., St. L. Chase N., N. Y.; Com. Tr.Co.. Kan. C. d®T»tS'10 ] A Modem, Prog ressive, Financial Institution. LYour business c ordially Invited. Try us on Collect Iona. ♦JACKSON COUNTY BANK b M. H. Siegfried— 80-81 ®»il’05 Independence Clearing B. Zick. Jr............ .. Geo. W. Corey, Sec. House A. M. Ott______ *250-12% bell _ (Members indicated by a*) i MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS For Banks and Bankers Everywhere < MISSISSIPPI > \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Q1 1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State fPriv. Inza__________ (See St. Joseph Mo.) . 10 |Mem. State B Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond rl-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. MISSOURI—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Bonds Loans ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili Miscel And and and Capital Propits its Discount* Securities laneous ties Cash k Ex CHJNQM'DUI from Banks , Buchanan E5 Ionia___ ____ ..132 Bank of Ionia................... tS’05 J. F. Howe............. J. C. Ferguson ___ Clarence Schnabel. 1200-8% 80-1042 8 Benton J10 20,000 16.510 * 113,820 Irondale_____ 455 irondale Bank................... tj’01 J. L. Eaton______ W. H. Martin____ W. H. Jamison. 8 Washington L19 *200-10% 80-1043 10.000 10.790 122,890 140,940 par 100 ‘I ronton______ 832 Bank of Ironton_______ t5’05 W. T. Gay_______ J. C. Forshee_____ W. C. Mabrey......... A. L. Schwab____ 8 Iron M19 80-605 Iron Connty Bank_____ t8’96 Mann Ringo___ I. G. Whitworth... W. W. Reese__ Kathleen Marr__ *360-20% 80-604 15.000 3,150 10.000 23,842 408,870 i 50.000 97.540 25.000 $ 102,120 71,700 $ 12,000 50.350 I 48,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Citiz. N.. Sedalia. 3,070 18,560 O. S. and N. City, St. L. 98,430 35.000 10,590 117,680 277,100 3.000 718.020 687.750 43.350 28,000 30,410 359,750 313,740 60.500 15,380 25,530 1st N., St. L.; Sturdivant. Cape Girardeau. 40.000 9.160 209,590 660 182.180 26,850 15,810 34,333 N. City. St.L. Lilah T. Burton... 10,000 7.000 60.120 5.000 61.000 W. L. Hill___1__ A. V. Spillman .... Jamesport........884 Home Exchange Bank J. E. Tye_______ Herbert Trimble.. 8 Daviess 0 8 *125 par 100 80-13 17 d®t§’25 20.000 7.000 150.000 55.000 Jamestown....264 Bank of Jamestown___ <101 A. S. Hudson____ J. C. Meyers_____ A. B. Meyer______ H. M. Meyer......... *235-12% 80-1046 30.000 10,000 220,000 223.000 25,000 10.000 160.000 10,000 2,920 84,170 ‘Jackson......... 2114 Cape County Savings Bank 8 Cape Girar. N22 *400-26% 80-319 ®<|’88 A. A. Boss.............. Henry Puls______ A. G. PenzeL. JACKSON EXCHANGE BANK $225-10% par 100 80-320 115 CENTS sehtt o us with each sig ntatlon, and d©*t§*94 125 CENTS for ea ch credit report 1 nsures prompt, p ersonal attention Peoples National Bank®»t'04 H. H. Mueller___ Wm. Brnenine__ — J.R. Mabrey____ H. A. Paar___ *120-6% 80-321 Jacksonville...275 Jacksonville Sav. Bank *ti’03 W. C. Campbell ... J. D. Rice_____ _ Wm. Taylor____ 8 8 80-1044 Randolph E13 1225 Moniteau 112 Jasper____ ...766 First National Bank..„*t ‘02 F. F. Follmer....... E. B. Jacobs_____ G. W. Weatherly . 10 Jasper N6 *175-12% 80-629 Missouri State Bank®*t§’24 Clarence M. Cline.. Ralph Winder____ J. R. Moore........... H. N. Hardenbrook *125 80-630 ‘Jefferson City 8 13,843 Cole 114 631.850 56.100 746.970 521,793 164.980 55.193 W. A. DALLMEYER J. H.DULLE-------- 0. W. RAITHEL------ W. L. HAGER _ 100.000 73.230 2.078.130 ... . D .. . ,T. L.PRICE. PAUL BOSCH Oldest Bank in Cole County. Superior facilities for making collections on Jef ferson Ci ty and vi cinity. Personal presentation. Reasons for non-payment. We always remit promptl y on day of payme nt. 1.148.120 614.750 50.000 438.190 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; III. Mercb. Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Inter-State N., Kan. C. 199.711 2.133.640 1,766.870 307.190 572.990 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. St Com’l N., Chi.; N. City and N. Bk. Com., St.L.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. tVMft dB®T*t’71 8% par 100 V MISSISSIPPI/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ 80-61 50,250 Columbia N., Kan. O.; 1st N„ Carthage. 18.460 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 45.730 2.280.130 21.350 382.200 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., Kan. C.jMtle. Tr. Co., St. L. 76,360 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; C. & C. N., Chi.. Merch.-Lac. N.. St. L.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., K. C. , A. SPEER-------- WM. BAUER.....EMIL SCHOTT-------- F.W.JENS_ _ _ _ _ _ M. R. BOERSMEYER "ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN COLE COUNTY" Over "56" years of safety and square dealing. Collections handled promptly and economically. 200,000 158.250 4.222.730 Specia l attention given requests Jor credit reports when accompanied by 25 cts. High Grade Municipal Bonds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2,010 .Sec. 50.000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 30,000 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: 1st. N.. Jefferson City; Far. & Tra., Calif. 1.405.710 P.A.SGHAEFER.IV. G.A.! Cole County Bank....®<|’12 E. C. Moerschel—-jJ. Wm. Fischer.... O. J. Busch______ W. A. Bassman.... 80-65 par 100 10.000 8,320 *140-6% 80-60 dBdXI’65 70.000 Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; Trenton Tr. Co., Trenton; St. Jo. Stk. Yds.. St. Jo. 10,200 Vigorous attention given Collections. Personal Service—Quick Returns—Consistent Charges, @T<»’02 CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. EXCHANGE BANK 14.100 Bk. of Moberly.Moberly: Mtle.Tr. & Sav., Quincy, 111. 50,000 150.000 *200-10% 50,000 109.460 Chase N.. N. Y.: Int’l. St. L. 62,130 Tr Off 80-63 7.020 15,070 N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 53,320 1st N. and Boatmens N., St. L. 112,250 ZUBER. CENTRAL MO. S. B. COOK.......... C._V. H0WARD COOK TRUST COMPANY *uo-8% 8,390 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Well Secured Real Estate and Corporation Issues 812 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Resources. Liabilities. Bonda Loana Surplus Depos Other Miscel Paid-up and and Liabili AND Capital Profits its Discounta Securities laneous ties Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.’vNew IS'tatetPriv. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [E«tab. *County Seats. Ass t Cashier. Cashier. President. Vice-President. Pig. under town is Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Oiv Fed. Res. Dist. S Jenkins.............. 73 Bank of Jenkins____ »;S’I8 D. F. Hudson.......... C. J. Thomas--------- R. Haddock........... I $145 par 100 80-1558 8 Barry Q8 P. J. Galbraith.... D. M. Ottersbach. F. H. Koch............. C. S. Kinamore ... Jennings___ 2500 North Side Bank___ ©t§’25 G. Edwin Fix $145 80-1742 (Pine Lawn Sta. St. L. P. 0.) (8905 W. Florissant Ave.) 8 St. Louis 120 Jerico Springs.262 Jerico State Bank_________ 8 Cedar M7 Peoples Bank.................. tS’19 $180 80-1615 Jonesburg........473 Exchange Bank..............dtl’05 8 Montgomery H16 $239-6% par 100 80-720 Jonesburg State Bk.dB©"i’21 $135-6% par 127 80-1694 Peoples Bank----------- d»tl’09 $150-8% 80-730 ’ft" Jasper 06 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued 10,000 5,390 33,590 $ 10,700 150.500 46,640 250 5,820 57,200 97,150 2,380 25,000 7.630 20,000 6,000 78,070 10,000 13,500 101,000 90,000 15,000 10,000 2,790 83.570 58.330 5.300 109.610 73,290 48.000 25,000 We have the ex perieuce, facllltie s and desire to re nder satisfactory service. Bill of Lading Drafts and other Collections solid ted. Personal Presen tatlon — Prompt itemittance- Rea sons given for No □-payin ent. 610.000 400.000 Principal Correspondents. Cash k ExCHANG18,I>U* c Banks 6,950 Bk. of Crane, Crane. 28,400 Cass Ave., St. L. (Consolidated with Peoples Bank, Mar ch 8, 1927) W. T. Long............. D. R. Nott................ E. F. Peer......... Miss Yerna Printy Willa Harrell... G. L. Wilson______J. F. Degarmo.......... J. M. Shelton .. j G. E. Elmore-------H. D. Carter______ W. C. Dothage........ F. J. Boehmer.. S. W. Wyatt W. F. Wilson.___W. A. Shelton_____ J. E. Reeds............. Emma Godfrey. 15,000 W. J. J. LEFFEN_ _ C. S. POOLE_ _ _ _ _ _ J. A. BECKER- - - - - - - - 0. R. WARREN- - - - - - ‘CITIZENS STATE BANK ®*a-« J. 6. STARR_ _ _ _ _ OTTO W. CR0Y.......... A. 0. GOFER. *>.—TiLLIEM. ADE, Sec.. 5,690 300 18,270 7,250 Columbia N., Kan. C.; Un. N., Springfield. 19.770 4.700 19,500 Merch.-Lec. N. and N. Bk. Com., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 13,560 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., 111. 21,450 16,760 115,000 38,000 84,240 18,700 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 130.000 N. City, N. Y.: Ill. Merch.Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch.-Lac. N.. St. L.; New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. 80-39 THE G.N. SPIVA,Ch. ‘CONQUEROR TRUST COMPANY H. A. RICHARDSON J. W. RATCLIFFE, J. W. MARET, A.Sec Tr. Off. A COMMERCIAL BANK—Acts In ail Trust Capacities. OLDEST, LARGEST AND STRONGEST TRUST COMPANY IN SOUTHWEST MISSOURI. 250.000 227.050 5.837,820 48.160 2.338.150 2.630.800 76,440 1.317,630 Chase N., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.: Mtle. Tr.Co., St. L.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. Absorbed First National Bank of Joplin December 16th, 1922. 80-40 dB®T»t*’06 $175-109, par 100 ★First State Bank------- tl'25 P. A. Christman—. C. A. Bradford .— H. B. Sanders .„ $105-6% 80-44 ‘JOPLIN NATIONAL RANK 80-38 $150-10% ®T»t’90 ★JOPLIN STATE BANK +e,nc $200-8% par 100 80-41 d®»t§ 06 ‘MINERS BANK 8% par 100 80-36 A. H. WAITE —...... J. E. GARM, Active C. G. HENDERSON J. M. LEONARD H. J. Dnffelmeyer. 100,000 5,000 300,000 F. P. GILTNER......... F. H. CRAVEN-. G.J. BUZZARD Collections Given Prompt Attention. “THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN JOPLIN. S. W. 0RNDUFF - L. B. COOK ----- JOHN W. JONES - R. B. WRIGHT...... C. WJSE_——— V. L. YOUNG. ¥. H. BOARD------- 250.000 25.000 106.550 3.466.580 20,910 416,300 2.372,670 1.091.970 47,030 727,750 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; N. Bk. 279,340 1,570 27,420 84,520 Seab. N.. N. Y.: Lib. Cent. Tr. Co., St. L. Inter-State N„ Kan. C. 1.178,310 695.280 62,290 498,240 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.s Cont. A Com’l N., Chi.: Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., St. L. 25,890 43.290 1st N., St. L.: State Cent. Sav..Keokuk; N. Stk. Yds. N..N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 346,930 Special attention given BUI of L ading drafts, Cas h and Time Item 15 CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for pr esentation, and 25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, personal attentlo ^Ch^ofBd. W oldestEuaNK in JOPLIN. sl'ff.'SMITH0 100,000 136.190 2.197.420 500 a specialty of CoUections and remit promptly at lowest rates. dB®»t8’77 We make We Insist upon payment or definite reason for non-payment. J oplin Clearing House--------- J. E. Garm.............. H. B.Sanders........ O. W. Croy, Sec. and Mgr. (Members indicated by a * Affiliated Banks by o +) Jos. W. Meyer ___ W. E. Bell.............. H. F. Riley--------- S. J. Montgomery. .Kahoka.......... 1624 Clark County Sav. Bank par 100 80—379 B*tl'74 8 Clark B15 Exchange Bank_______ •t5’94 Walter White____ Charles Hiller........ Samuel S. Hiller... H. E. Hiller_____ R. G. Hiller io% 80-381 20.000 27,000 296,740 214,500 60.460 20,000 44,280 940,320 609,570 224,940 Organized MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY 1890 SAINT LOUIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 102,000 1st N., Kan. C.; Conqueror Tr. Co., Joplin. 285,000 Com., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 170,090 Chase N.. N. Y.; C. & C. N„ Chi.; 1st N„ St. L.; State Cent. Sav., Keokuk. Member Federal Reserve System x MISSISSIPPI \ VALLTY \ TRUST/ j , The Bankers Monthly Keeps You Posted There’s no way to keep in touch with other banks and bankers like a subscription to Rand McNally & Company’s BANKERS MONTHLY. The Bankers Monthly jfie <Ji New Banks Organizing New Banks Opened New Officers Promotions Convention Dates and Places Tips on Improved Methods Special Articles Written by Bankers for Bankers • . . SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE COPY OF THE CURRENT NUMBER Get Our Special Offer to Directory Subscribers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Rand 536 So. Clark Street & Company Chicago, Illinois KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI OFFICERS DIRECTORS John H. Bovard J. F. Downing Chairman of Board Joseph F. Porter President Pres. NORTHWESTERN COAL & MINING CO. John F. Downing Chairman of the Board Philip G. Walton Blatchford Downing Vice-President McCUNE, CALDWELL & DOWNING, Attorney George G. Moore Vice-President George H. Gorton Vice-President W. B. YOUNG SUPPLY CO. Thad B. Landon Vice-Pres. & Trust Officer Albert R. Jones, Frederic T. Childs KANSAS CITY REFINING CO. Vice-President William Phares Herbert V. Jones, Cashier REAL ESTATE MORT GAGE LOANS Charles O. Davis Asst. Vice-President Joseph F. Porter, Jr. Asst. Vice-President Thad B. Landon Vice-Pres. & Trust Officer George G. Moore Vice-President Joseph F. Porter Pres. NEW ENGLAND NATIONAL BK: & TR. CO. Pres. KANSAS CITY POWER & LIGHT CO. Philip G. Walton Vice-President Raymond B. White Pres. FOREST LUMBER CO. O. V. Wilson Pres. RYLEY-WILSON GROCER CO. Herbert P. Wright Chairman PRESCOTT, WRIGHT, SNIDER CO. NEW ENGLAND NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis AND TRUST CO. $15,000,000.00 Accounts of Banks, Bankers and Individuals Received on the Most Liberal Terms Consistent with Prudent Banking SL2 gf3 sata m sata m m m m saw m 5M5 dumber under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The»American Bankers Ass’n. OI o •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. par 100 d®*tf’22 18-42 (1125 McGee) President. W. P. JOHNSON...... Vice President. H. Cashier. Ass’t cashier. C. BRENT.......... S. G. ROBINSON_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ par 100 18-69 d®#t§’13 (1801 Grand Ave.) ’COLUMBIA NATIONAL ssr?s BANK 18-30 (914 Walnut) B®W19 Commerce Trust Company ♦ 18-1 (10th and Walnut) 1203-12% Resources. Other Total Depositb Liabili Paid-up Capital I 100.000 ties 10.340 S 563.160 100,000 47,140 603,400 $ 300.000 469.030 500.000 65.800 Loans AND Discounts $ bonds Miscbl- AND Gam k Ex- UHion GHAjiais,DrH SaouBims Rssouboss non Bmi 317,890 $ 22.370 i 200.450 I 132.790 Kansas O. Clear. House Ass’n. Members shown by* Affiliated Banks by+ Principal Correspondents. Chase N., N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; N. City, St. L. Collections a specialty. We invite accounts of Banks, Corporations and Individuals. First Mortgage Loans on Kansas City Property for sale. + Broadway Bank...........®*tf'19 Kearney Wornall.. W. N. Hinshaw ... H. B. Klaproeyer.. W. B. Waterhouse. 1120-8% 18-49 (Sonthw- Blvd. and Broadway) CITY BANK OF KANSAS CITY (Jackson County, G 6)—Population, 367,481 (Federal Reserve City No. 10) Liabilities. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ARGYLE STATE turn BANK KANSAS CITY—Reserve City 1,540 598,320 52,330 18.420 6.342.510 27.240 4.466.810 989.500 133.200 1.549.270 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Am., Chi.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N.,St. L. 3.553.980 38.010 2.711.1 523.610 39.590 883.590 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; N. Bk. Com. ' St. L.; Oma. N., Oma. ,000 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C. R. C. KEMPER- - - - - - - GEO C.K0PP.- - - - - - - R. H. RHEEM—- - - - - - E. F. JAMES—......... DDnuDT Jjj: 8: iHoMaS d-m’thW, PROMPT AND PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN ALL COLLECTIONS. 6% K. C. 1st MORTGAGES FOR SALE. THORNTON COOKE... INQUIRIES INVITED COOKE..— PACT ROCKET-- 0. M. COOKE.......... Mgr. Bd. Dept. We cordially invite accounts. Send us your collections. We give service. Investment Department: Bonds and First Mortgages for sale. J. M. KEMPER- - - - - - G. W. DILLON_ _ _ _ E. P. WHEAT- - - - - - - F. W. HARPST- - - - - - W. S. McLUCAS, A. B. EISENHOWER 6. W. DILLON. Sec. V. I. SMITH Ch. of Bd. H. 0. SCHWITZ6EBEL W. E. GRAVES, MISS EMMA M. HALL A. Sec. W. H. QLASKIR H. L.GARY,y»'ce-Cft. J. MILLER. III. R. RIDGE, A, Sec. 6.000,000 2.895.950 91.953.600 1.525.350 36 968.910 32 823.720 5.333.880 27.248.380 F.B. BRADY Vice-Presidents H. MIODELKAMP, MRS. RALPH BEEBE 1 J. C. WILLIAMS A. NEWMAN, A. Sec. W. H. POTTS Exec. V. P. J.G. HUGHES C. HOWARD, M. BINGHAM Tr, Officer F. M. STAKER, H. Y. LEMON J. T. RRADLEY Mgr, Pub. Dept. L ADAMS, T. CULBERTSON C. W. SHELDON WE ARE IN A POSITION TO RENDER EXCEPTIONAL A. Tr. Officer GERALD PARKER A. A. ZINN, A. v.-P. SERVICE. J. E. GOODRICH, F. C. MARQUA, V. P. and Gen’l. Counsel A. V.-P. MERRITT JEFFRIES, A. V.-P. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Park, and N. City, N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., 1st N., and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Mtie. Tr. Co., St. L. ACCOUNTS OF BANKS INVITED. CAREFUL ATTENTION TO COLLECTIONS. A. G. FROST, A. v.-P. ( Kansas City continued on next .MISSISSIPPI > \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I nvestment Secu rities MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS A Bank for Bankers 814 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. (Federal Reserve City No. 10) •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPrir. (Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Vice-President. President. CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. . . -(-Community State Bank ©•!§ Alexander Rieger. E. C. Mason______ W. F. Mullnv_____ T. Riftgftr. E. J. Wolf 1115 18-48 (3131 Troost)'19 H. C. Moore W. R. Moon +Corn Exchange Bank ®»t§’20 T. H. Brougham... W. M. Bacchus 18-41 (31st St. & Indiana Ave) H. L. JAB ROE____ GEORGE YOUNG... D. T. DAVIS______ I K. SNYDER . ‘DROVERS NATIONAL BANK in the handling of your business at the IN KANSAS CITY tieo-6% 18-22 B®T»t’09 par ioo (1601 Genesee) Live stock credits our specialty F. A. MacDONALD, W. R. YOUNG, Mgr. Bond Dept, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. KANSAS CITY—Continued—Reserve City Resources. Liabilities. Mibcbl- Cash & Ex Other Bonds Loans T otal Paid-tjp .SURPLUS LAKMOUB changes,Dm and and AND Liabili Capital Propits Deposits Discounts Sbcubitibs Rbsottbcbs raoj* Banks ties 25,840 $ 517,910 $ 17,040 $ 7,300 $ 105,800 { 100.000 $ 1,000 $ 514,600 t 100.000 10,000 250,000 600,000 269.410 8.183.350 531.050 20.467.290 50,000 Kan. C. Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Afli 1 iat ed Banks by + Principal Correspondents. N. City N. Y.; Stock Yds. N. and Home Tr. Co., Kan. C. N.Park, N.Y.: Com. Tr. Co., Kan.C. 225,000 25,000 895.590 5.820.650 1.553.900 36.510 2.537.290 Han. N. and Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Cont. & Com’I N., and Stock Yds. N., Chi.;N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil.; Hi bernia Bk. & Tr. Co. and Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 1.881,560 14.884.260 5,927,150 2,100.989 7,907,510 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Bk. of Com., and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’I N. and III. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., and N. Bk. of Com., St. L.; Anglo & Lon.-Paris N., San F.; 1st N., Bos., Bk. of Montreal, Winnipeg. 5,247,270 13,500 3,884,910 1,094,780 104,530 724,680 Far. Ln. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk.& Tr., Kan. C. 3,606,030 50,500,120 744,540 1,325,080 16,351,510 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Paris, France. .. J.S. NEELY Aud. TRY DROVERS SERVICE KANSAS CITY STOCK YARDS •Federal Reserve Bk., Dist.10* (See page 28 for co mplete informatio n) 18- 4 (10th and Grand Ave.) Federal Trust Co.- (Closed November 12 . 1926) +Fidelity Natl Bank & Trust Co. LESTER W. HALL-— W. D. JOHNSON-------- A. H. SMITH............... DOUGLAS WALLACEH. C. FLOWER. Ch. of Bd. GEO. T. TREMBLE D. H. MARTIN, Mgr. Bond Dept. D. A. MCDONALD R. 0. SLAYMAKER, 2,000.000 Mgr. Fid. Safe Dep. E. R. SWENTZEL A. D. RIDER J. F. JAMISON, R. J. CAMPBELL A. Tr. Officer W. W. WALTON, Auditor A. R. STROTHER, V. P. and Tr. Off. *171-6% ■ 18-9 tdBT »t'99 par ioo (9th and Walnut) D. M. CONNOR E. J. MCCREARY, Jr. E.l. VAUGHAN, A. Tr, Officer + Fidelity Sav. Tr.Co.d®»tl’10 Henry C. Brent___ Lester W. Hall___ E. E. Morris, Tr,... J. P. Crump, Sec... 8% 18-62 (1000 Grand Ave.) H. C. Flower, Ch. of Bd. D. H. O’Leary, A. Tr. 250,000 •FIRST NATIONAL BANK E. F. SWINNEY........... H.T. ABERNATHY — SIDNEY SILVERMAN. C. H. CHENEY............. *600-20% 18-3 ®K8fi E. E. AMICK. V. P. A. C. JOBSE C. D. HAYWARD R. W. HALL, (10th & Balt.i Tr. Officer w. t. McCarthy G. P. REICHEL, V. P. C. G. HUTCHESON C. W.ALLENDOERFER T. S. BURCH, Aud. 1,000,000 •CATE CITY NAT. BANK W.B. PLANCK---------- OMAR ABERNATHY *200-8% 18-14 d®T»t’06 (1111 Grand Are.) 298,120 4,193,390 ................ 2,056,120 1,413,220 278,000 741,650 N. City, N. Y.; Cont.&Com'l N., Chi.: Liberty Cent. Tr. Co.. St. L. 5,579,980 120,000 3,835,680 1,074,550 231,000 1,067,920 Chase N., Public N., and N. City, N. Y.: Fore man N., Chi.; Com.Tr. Co., Kan. C.: Am. Tr. Co., St. L.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 988.100 10.441,160 49.700 7.847,400 262.390 — T. S. ABERNATHY — K. A. ROBERTSON — W. A. BISHOP 200,000 95,600 ♦HOME TRUST CO.—®T<5*19 Alexander Rieger.. G. A. Sievers_____ Nathan Rieger, Tr. G. A. 8ievers, Sec.. *165-6% 18-47 H. Levi. V. P. C. R. Burrell Sam. Wedlan, (1117-19 Walnut St.) W. K. Bramwell A, See. 300,000 209,160 500,000 INTER-STATE NATIONAL BANK GEORGES. HOVEY— J. M. HELLINGS........ A. B. 0. T. BEALS F.B. CHRISMAN....... G. H. JAMES. . . . . . . . . . MOORE. „ L J. J.NOONE A. Cash 6.S.BRADBURY R.B. HOVEY 26,357,080 11,817,030 3.869,110 N. City and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.; 3d N. and 1st N., Bos.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 12% par 100 18-2 ®T»t’85 (Live Stock Exch. Bidg.) Kansass City Terminal Tr. Co (Closed November 13,1926) Kansas City Joint Stock Land ank (Closed Mayi 6, 1927) (Kansas City continued on nex. page) (.MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Collections Given Attention Special Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Exceptional Facilities for Transit Items Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Q1 C -L,J •Mem.A.B.A.^New §S'tatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res. Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. KANSAS CITY—Continued—Reserve City Liabilities. Vice-President. President. Kansas City Title & Trust Co. J. H. Smith_______ Chas. E. Smith___ *200-8% J8-74 TS'lf Lex McDaniel par 100 Jesse P. Crump (10th & Walnut) W. J. Franey, Tr. Off. 'LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK Cashier. W.E. Glenn, S.& T. G. R. Baldridge, A. Tr. E. T. Bradley. A.S. N. F. Cline. A. S. Ass’t Cashier. 750.000 Liberty Trust Company TS’17 F. C. Cochran.......... R. P. Rogers A. E. Cameron 0. H. Price_______ D. A. Williams IlM 18-72 d®*lS'2i J. T. Sears, W.W. Craney (3105 Troost) Ch. of Bd. + MAIN STREET STATE BANK W. E. Zahner____ 8. O. Walker__ *160-6% 18-64 ©•t§’10 J. A. Siernon (1822 Main St.) +Manufacturers & Mech. Bank 3. K. Cooke.._____ Chester Cooke. *225-12% 18-60 ®*»’ll (6807 Winner Road) Marlborough State Bank D. E. McGaughey.. W. L. Judd____ 18-46 ®t*§'lS (80th and Woodland) ♦Mercantile Trust Co. J. W. Wagner_____ Henry Stuben*350-17 H% 18-18 d®T»t§’84 rauch par ioo (1401 Grand Ave.) Leclair Lambert Resources. Miscul- Loans Bonds and and 216,500 $ 1.027,73C $ 390.000 12,512,000 277,000 7,800,000 DIRECTORS J. J. Lyn G. M. Payne W. D. Wood Randolph P. Rogers A. L. Cooper P. W. Goebel Forrest C. Cochran Tr. W. W. Craney........ John Lawson____ 250.000 53.000 100,000 21,160 812,400 Chas. G. Haake___ Otto Alig................. 100,000 75,200 1,558,340 L. F. Brown______ 25.000 29.850 Fred E. Keeney—. 10,000 11,200 LANEOU8 Discounts SXCUBITII) Rxsourcx 371,85C $ 58.99C $ ( Escrow E. W. Goebel Forrest C. Cochran W. T. Grant Chas. M. Howell T. H. Masten T. T. Cook Complete Banking Service. 18-21 ®T*t’ll (N. W. Cor. 10th and Grand) Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Liabili Capital Profits Deposits ties J. W. Mach, A. S._ . $ 1,000,00()? Frank A.Bower, A . Sec. Walter Parkins, A,. Sec, E. J. Eisenman. P. W. GOEBEL- - - - - - - J. T. FRANEY........... JAS. T. DUNCAN_ _ _ _ J. G. KENNEDY— T. T. COOK H. E. JAG0DNIGG ALDRIDGE CORDER *160-8% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this (Federal Reserve City No. 10) 50()$ 3.500.000 Gash & ExCHAH0M(DUB from 554,38( $ 40,00 Barks Kan. City,Mo., Clearing House Assn. Members shown by ♦ Affiliated Bks. by + Principal Correspondents, 64.72C 1st N., Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co-, and Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 2.589,000 N. Park, N. T.j Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. F. W. McAllister O. G. Ritler J. T Franey R. I Potts Bruce Dodson 280,000 25.400 567,270 146,900 34,260 185,120 1,129,980 214,970 72,800 316,930 N. Park, N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi; 1st N. Lib. N. and Home Tr. Co., Kan. C. 481.910 326.720 77.550 9,200 123,290 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Columbia N., Twelfth St„ and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. 300 75,000 55,000 200.000 154,810 2,200,490 1,597,280 382,040 5.000 570,980 N. Y. Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Oo. of Ill., Ohi.; 1st N.. St. L. 200,000 115,280 2,675,240 1,346,010 612,460 12.500 1,219.650 N. City, N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.: Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Franklin 4th St. N., St. L. 100,000 156,480 2,338,040 1.348.870 1.088.470 15,180 255.490 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. L.; Com. Tr. Co*y Han* C• ♦Missouri Savings Ass’n. Bank W. S. Webb_____ Watt Webb, Jr........ Watt Webb, Jr___ J. W. Kessinger... 24% par 100 J8-15 dB®T»M’91 J. A. Buxton, A. C. C. A. Middaugh (920 Walnut) 100.000 411,240 4.229,670 2,881,190 907,450 150,140 802,110 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Liberty Cent. Tr. Co.. St. L. Morris Plan Co________ ©t*’16 L. H. Fisher____ E. T. Wilder______ F. A. Parker, Tr... E. A. Lutz, A. Sec. 18-123 (902 Grand Ave.) J. H. Wiles. V. P. J. C. Nichols C. J. Jedlicka.A.TV. J. F. Green, Exec. V. P. + Mutual Bank_____d®»t{’20 C. A. Neal................ John M. Cleary.__ C. A. Brockhouse.. E. M. Anderson.__ *125-6% 18-40 (1301 Oak St.) 250,000 116,380 — 1,556,540 9,970 2,570 425,230 294,760 12,300 156,740 N.Park,and Chase N..N.Y.; Fid.N.Bk.A Tr.and Com. Tr. Co. Kan. C. 9.336.070 999.480 668.460 4,359.110 Chase N., ILT.; Gan*. * Oom'l N., Chi.; 1st N»y 84* L*y CtUsl Bk. A Tr*y Bf. O. *390-8% 18-27 (1016 Baltimore) + LInwood State Bank Co., Kan. C. Leclair Lambert, S.M. Woodson.Sec. Tr. C. S. Metzler, Jr., A. 8te. + Merchants Bank____ ®»tS’16 H. R. Lebrecht___ Max Leopold. Jr... Max Leupold, Jr... R. A. Edlund. 18-76 Edward Aaron, Ch. of Bd. (Walnut and 5th St.) *225-10% METROPOLITAN Ch. of Bd. __ , 20,000 113.500 offer a Prompt and Efficient Collection Service. 18-68 (15 W.lOth St.) dB®*t§’16 *190-10% par 100 BUI of Lading Drafts and Notes receive special attention. 100,000 87,750 1,227,530 701,280 24,830 J. F. PORTER........P. 8. WALTON- - - - - - WILLIAM PHARES- C. 0. DAVIS, J. F. DOWNING, 8. a. MOORE a. V. P. Ch. of Bd. T. B. LAND0N, V. P. and Tr. Off. J. F. PORTER, Jr., & TRUST COMPANY in Kansas City (10th St. and Bait.) *250-6% par 100 18-6 B®T»t'8fl v MISSISSIPPI/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ 1,140 M. L. 0REAR- - - - - - HYDEN J. EATON-. W. E. BEANWAY................................. CORNELIUS ROACH, BANK OF KANSAS CITY Our location, facilities and personnel enable us tc ’NEW ENGLAND NATIONAL BANK 28,500 A.V.P. A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1.000.000 699.460 13 645 390 Aooonnts of Banks, Corporations and Individuals Invited. Prompt Attention to Collections. 18.280 1 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS ■, For Banks and* Bankers Everywhere i MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 816 , •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPrlv. {Mem State B. Ass'n. [Estab. President. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%l)iv. Vice-President. 'PEOPLES TRUST COMPANY WILSON D. WOODft (Federal Reserve City No. It) Resources. * MiscmlCash A ExBonds Other Loans Total LANBOT7B changes , Dm and AND Deposits Liabili DlSOOTJHTfl SsoiiBrras EIbboubcbs from Banks ties Liabilities. Cashier. Paid-up Capital Ass’T Cashier. W. L. SUITER. Sec.. ). S. PULLIAM. UUP" ■■‘•““—i Surplus and Profits 3.840 I- 669.160 50,000 j. F. A. Starkey 3, A. Keene Bark National Bank... d®*t’0fl 8. Hunter Davi s... par 100 18-61 (4628 Troost Ave.) W.H.Wood, Ch.Bd. I. P. Dillon Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. KANSAS CITY—Continued—Reserve City Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 8.500 $ 409,080 ; 123.910 48,250 i 150,280 Lib. I N.. Kan. C. ............ .. 500.000 112,790 ♦PIONEER TRUST CO. W. H. Holmes____ E. W. Moore_____ j P. W. Henry. Tr.. C. P. Tilden. Sec. J. J. O’Keefe, 18-10 d®T»tl OS C. F. Holmes, V. P W. H. Holmes, Jr., D.W.Flowerree, A. Tr. A. Sec. A. V.P.' (10th and Balt.) 262,500 396,090 3,826,000 2,027,030 914,600 201,010 1,034,390 Henry Hanssen.— J. G. Hall................. J. R. Dominick— J O English A. C. Dominick 18-66 d®»tl’08 (Mo. Ave. and Walnut St.) James H. Mellody. E. H. Kinney_____ R. H. Wittig---------+ Southeast State Bank®*t$'16 E. H. Kinney $150-8% 18-65 (3040 Prespect) + South 8ide Bank ...Q®»t8’18 • $150-6% par 100 18-67 (3838 Main St.) +Sterllng State Bank.d®»t8'20 T. R. Shields........... R. L. Moreland___ B. A. Plummer.... R. H. WooldridgeJ. R. Anderson $110-6% par 100 1848 (Troost and 12th) Chas. E. Waite .— Norris Broaddus... E. B. Bradbury --- D. G. Brilhart + Stock Yards Nat’l Bk.®T' W. D. Stevenson $240-12% 18-62 (1533 Genesse; Swope Park Stale Bank----------- (Now University Ba nk) 100,000 118.880 2,205,050 1.510,680 7,500 155,000 750,740 520.200 12,500 __ 88.470 25,190 43,100 137,180 18-78 $175 A. Sec. The officers of this bank give their personal attention to all business entrusted to our care. This enables us to render better than ordinary service. QUICK RETURNS ON COLLECTIONS SENT DIRECT TO US. ’17 (Security Bldg.) Affiliated Bks. by + Principal Correspondents. ? Co., Chi.; Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L. N., St. L.; Provident Life & Tr. Co.. Phil. $270-14% parioo ♦Produce Exchange Bank $300-16% parlOO ‘TRADERS NATIONAL BANK $200-12% 18-12 dB®T»f J. C. ENGLISH______ F. L. ALEXANDER —F. H. WOODBURL JR. R. L. DOMINICK A. H. ELLIOTT J R DOMINICK - Com’l N„ Ohi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Tradesmens N„ Phil. 100.000 35.000 530.250 100,000 19,710 441,130 100,000 18.360 683,390 10,000 165.490 529,950 10,960 105,340 N. Park, N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 300,000 211,580 3,824,480 50,900 2,357,230 540,750 17,500 1,471,490 I. City and Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 200.000 155.140 4.815.850 381.560 2.949.720 1.238.890 66,160 1.297.780 6,270 Kan. C. N. Bk. Com., St. L.;Phil.-Girard N., Phila. Located in the very heart of the business district. Offers a personal and complete banking service to Banks, Business Firms and Individuals. (1102 Grand Ave.) +Twelfth 8treet Bk.dB®*t§' 18-120 (205 W. 12th) + Onion Ave. Bk.of Commer 18-61 (1431 Union) ©if’ + Union State Bank„d®»}8’ $125-8% par 100 18-77 (16th & Prospect) $120 !*Wi $200-8% 80-25: (Federal Reserve Bk. Bldg.) $225-12% par 100.000 31,530 862,750 738,690 105,100 12,400 100,000 100.530 1,105,910 752,720 105,800 26.820 200.000 10,000 1,700,000 1,300,000 130,000 50,000 K. P. Wheat .......... L. F. Wyrick.......... 100.00C 15,330 202,590 144,090 110,590 7,420 150,000 857,430 686,680 302,080 nk) (Closed November 15. 1926) f J. B. Walton — Waldo State Bank.__ WALTON TRUST George H. Buecking Chester Cooke, Ch. of Bd. V. S. Ferguson........ J. E. Powell______ Gertrude C. Arrasmith W. C. Barron-------- H. H. Gillpatrick.A. O. Thompson, Ch. A. K. Simpson 100 F. B. Walton. Tr... W. J. Nix. Sec. Linda Nix King, W. E. Williams, A. Tr. < j FARM LOAN B ONDS IN FORCE ON OUR BOOKS 920,000,000. L. 57 SUCCESS FUL YEARS WI THOUT LOSS TO INVESTORS. Charles Baird_____ H. D. Evans--------- B. S. Heddens........ ,1 » Rehell F. H. Foster. V.P. W. T. Johnson F. G. Robinson___ R. L. Ricketts. W. M. Dyer, Active $200-6% 18-55 (Westport and Broadway) + West Side Bank of Commerc James Ketner........ A.E. Keeney_____ $140-8% par 100 18-44 ci®t*’2 (1122 Broadway) W. S. McLucas ___ Kan IMe Affiliated Bank* try a +) ext page) v MISSISSIPPI/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / High Grade Municipal Bonds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . . B. Z. Palmer_____ Henry Hanssen, Ex,, Sec. and Mgr 250.00C No com merdal A. Sec. 250.00C 157,670 3,316,610 100.001 103,11( 1.538.30C moot 30,05( 864,501 1,560 150,000 banking. . 15.750 _____ No coll ections 234,170 144,360 Chase N.. N.Y.; Columbia N.. 1st N., and Fid.N. Bk & Tr., Kan. C. 421,100 N. City, N.Y.: Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.; Franklin, St. L.: Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 400,000 Ohase N., N. Y.; Foreman N., Ohi.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. O.; Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L. 57,380 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. O. 184,500 Chase N., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Kan. C. handled 2,638,620 328.551 37.850 719,250 Bk. of America, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Ohi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N.. Kan.C. 988.00C 302,381 94.14C 372,640 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. O.: 1st N.,St.L. 754,36C 99,07( 10.950 130.160 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co.; N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav.,Chi,; Gom.Tr.Co., Kan. C. Tr MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Well Secured Real Estate and Corporation Issues 817 Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS KANSAS CTTY—Continued—Reserve City Name of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn, lished. Correspondents and Bank Depositories. Officers. fE. R. BAILEY,.......... T. S. BAILEY, A. Sec . Columbia N. and Lib. N., Kan. C. E. R. BAILEY & SONS INVESTMENT CO. ) C. V. BAILEY, Sec. (New York Life Bldg.) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. !•) ’18 J Foreign bonds, Domestic Stock and L Securities. Name of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year JMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabIMem. Iny. Bks. Assn, lished. KANSAS CITY JOINT STOCK LAND RANK 33 YEAR FARM LOANS UNDER THE TERMS OF THE FEDERAL FARM LOAN ACT. (15 West 10th St.) BANKERS MORTGAGE COMPANY KIRSHNER, Pres. F. S. STROHEKER, BEAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BANKERS C- v. P. A Loans on Farm and City Property See. F. E. HOUSE, v. P. l. E. REEDY, A. Sec. Capital $1,000,000.00 (114th W. 10th Street) .’20 NATIONAL OITY COMPANY — (1017 EUtimore Are.) Correspondents and Bank Depositories. Officers. ( (Thomas 0. M aeLavghlin and William B 1st N., Kan. C. MacLavahlin) [INVESTMENT BONDS. ..’16 INVESTMENT SECURITIES ... N. City Oo.. N.Y. and correspondent offices. PRESCOTT, WRIGHT, SNIDER CO.h * 6\“"p-.WRIGHT. PRESCOTT. Ch. of Bd. BNOWN-CRUMMEN CO-------(203—4 Elmhurst Bldg.) .1*87 f INVESTMENT SECURITIES. SPECIAL- N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N.. Kan. O.: J ISTS IN MUNICIPAL BONDS, 1st N., Wichita, j E. M. KNOX, Resident Mgr. (.Paid up Capital, $680,000.00 fR. L. HADEN, Mgr........ ...................................... H. M. Bvllesbv & Co.. Chi N V , H. M. BYLLESBY & CO. J) (Land Bank Bldg.) T02 Consolidation of Prescott <fi Snider and H. P. Wright Investment Co. ACTIVE TRADERS IN LOCAL SECURITIES. MEMBERS, HEMPHILL, NOYES & CO. Paid up Capital $450,000,00 WIRE GROUP. STERN (1008 Baltimore "ive.) "^ ” f S. F. MYERSON, JR. Resident Mgr..___ ______ CHILDS, C. F. J AND COMPANY /i (14 W. 10th Street) *'11 Gary & Co., Theodore.................. (Eleventh & Oak) The Oldest House in America specializing exclusively in Bovernment Securities . ------- Offices in: N. Y., Chi., Pitt., Bos., San F., Los A., Seattle, Port., Den., St. L., Phil., Clev., CIn., Det., Wash. D. C. and Minpls. j V. See “Chicago” for head office. Greenebaum Sons Investment CoChicago, St. Louis, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee. j (.Affiliated with Greenebaum Sons Securities Corporation, New York) (106 East 10th Street) ( HALSEY, STUART & CO.................... -j (Incorporated) (15 W. 10th Street) l (15 West Tenth St.) Halsey, Stuart & Co.,N.Y.,Chi.,Phil., Bos.. St. L„ Det., Mil., Clev., and Minpls. GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL, CORPORATE AND LAND BANK BONDS. BANK STOCKS AND LOCAL SECURITIES. (Af«m6er Missouri and Kansas Bankers Association) Organized 1890 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .’05 (Incorporated) (Victor Building) Bonds, Stocks_______________ Specialize In Local Securities Josephthal & Co., Harris. Winthrop & Co., N. Y.; Harris, Winthrop & Co., Chi. Pioneer Trust Co., Kan. C. (Investment Bonds) C. W. Cohagen, Representative___________ (Telephone: Delaware 0250) KANSAS CITY FINANCE GO. .MISSISSIPPI/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ Sigmund Stern, Pres.____________________ N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’] N., Morris Stern, V. P. and Tr. Ghi,; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. M. K. Baker, V. P. C.; Stern Bros. & Co., Oma. J. E. Gibson, Sec. Topeka, and Wich. Dealers In Government, Municipal, Members, Hemphill, Noyes & Co. Public Utility and Corporation Bondi, Wire Group. City Real Estate Mortgages. Paid up Capital, $800,000.08. ^WHiSSfiUP M",! (KS»t.Nu,wLB£i,sSSdf TFirst Mortgage Real Estate Bonds INVESTMENT COMPANY and Mar. Trad. Dept. J. G. CALLAWAY. V.p. PAUL ARBENZ, Mgr. Buying Dept. H. L. McCUNE. Sec. Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. 1.; 1st N. and Ill. Mercb. Tr. Co., Chi.;lstN.,Com. Tr. Co., and New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. and Counsel \The National Market for Farm Loan Bonds. *1 GREENEBAUM SONS Pres. INVESTMENT SECURITIES—MUNICIPAL AND n C SNIDER. CORPORATION BONDS. CHAS. BEGGS.A.Sec. . . P. and Tr. Bos.. Phil.. Prov.. Det., Minpis.i and St. Paul. Underwriters, Wholesalers and Retailers of Investment Securities —Specialists in Public Utilities. , W. C. SYLVESTEN INVESTMENT CO. 16 [ Investment Bonds (819 Baltimore AveT) | Bank Stocks. Local Securitise. TAYLOR, EWART fW. S. CONNELLY, & COMPANY, INC..m ( Res. Mgr.____ INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Tt Telephone Harrison 6560 Taylor. Ewart & Co.. N.Y., Chi.,Mil.. St. L„ N. 0., Phil., Hou., San F.. and Investment Bankers STOCKS and BONDS Halsey, Stuart & Co., Lee, Higginson & Co., Henry L. Doherty & Co., Dillion,Read& Co.,and Hallgarten I & Co., N.Y. Minpls. (1012 Baltimore Ave.) JOHN T. WAYLAND & CO............. Federal Reserve Bank Bldg. -’26; MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 1st N„ Kan. 0. Member Federal Reserve System 818 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. wNew §State fPriv ^County Seats. fMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSaie%Div. President. Kearney______625 Kearney Commercial Bank J. S. Greenfield $170—8% par 100 80-646 +§’87 10 Clay F6 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Fred Hessel______ Allen Riley______ Charles Riley------ t COTTON EXCHANGE BANK 1200-15% 80-246 ©•tjlMO R. I. JONES iitimr- CLYDE OAKES ------ I.C. IETTI ILSON Farmers State Bank ....tS'14 W. R. Harris_____ Ed Vandemark.__ A. M. Huffman___ Beatrice Huffman. *165-10% 80-1478 Bank of Keytesville.-»t§1800 A. G. Friesz_____ M. W. Anderson... M. W. Anderson... Wallace Applegate *300-10% 80-520 B. F. Brewer 75,000 25,000 130,000 164,000 25,000 30,500 658,010 380,290 50,000 12,000 396,550 $ $ 147,670 $ 30,500 $ 6,110 $ 46.790 New Eng. N. Bk, & Tr. Co. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. 0. 30,000 6,000 30,000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 20,650 327,220 Int’l.N. City, and U. 8„ St. L.: Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memo. 305,390 16,080 61,420 85,640 Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; 1st N., St. L. 10,000 490 65.000 48,000 12,970 5,190 18,000 Com. Tr. and 1st N., Kan. C. 20,000 36,780 139,480 113,150 16,800 2,230 64,080 1st N.. Chi. and St. L.; New Eng. N. Bk. A Tr. Co.. Kan. O. 25,000 47,500 345,500 291.000 31,000 1.500 94,500 Merch.-Lac. N., N. Bk. Com., and 1st N., St. L.; 1st N„ Kan. C. 10,000 8.730 60,510 54,450 14,660 10,000 3,690 72,560 75,690 4,000 10,000 22.150 156.640 17,760 182,640 7,300 4,210 10,130 Gate City N. and Liberty N., Kan. C.: 1st N., St. Jo. 5,560 Am. N., St. Jo.; Columbia N., Kan. G.; 1st N.. Hamilton. 12,400 1st N., St. L. 50,000 25,120 300,590 50,0001 196.560 143,070 19,500 50,000 5,500 200.000 175.000 50,000 44,500 320,000 310,000 24,000 20,000 11.090 99,350 99,950 5.830 F. S. Fechtling.__ H. B. Young______ C. G. Young______ H. G. Wellman ... 50,000 35,510 527,350 16,260 461,250 50.980 Citizens National Bank T*}’04 H. M. Still_______ Chas. R. Milbank. E. Conner.............. H.G. Wellman.... 80-132 Gail Hunsaker 100,000 75.290 731,020 99,000 601,090 205,390 43,890 50,000 1,560 419,540 233,710 13,750 25,580 Farmers Bk. of Chariton Co. J. D. Taylor.— C. H. Brandt------- H. C. Miller______ A. F. Taylor______ 80-521 •ti' Kidder________335 Farmers Bank.......... d®t§’18 O. T. McMnrtrey.. James McBride__ H. H. McPherson— 8 Caldwell D7 *190-10% par 100 80-1555 Kidder Bank__________ »t5'97 O. L. Shaw____ J. A. Thiel_______ R. L. Terry______ Myrtle Austin. *300 80-1049 KImmswIck ...350 Bank of Kimmswick ___ t5’03 John Arnold ... J. Schmidt______ G. A. Wenom_____ F. J. Ziegler... 8 JeffersonJ20 *330-10% par 100 80-1050 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK par 100 •ro2 80-517 Farmers Trust Co.. OF KING CITY ♦ 80-516 J. F. McKENNY. 0. M. SIMMONS T*t§’8« J. W. SULLIN6ER— W. B. OWENS- - - - - - - - - D. B. OLIVER, Tr.. BANK OF KIRKSVILL.E 80-134 ! ©•:t8’13 COMMERCIAL STATE BANK 80-135 ®t§’20 (Kirksville banks co ntinued on next page) GRACE HUDSON.Sec.. 55.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N„ St. Jo. Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. on Given to Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items. Special Attenti Lee Bridgwater, J. P. Jones, I Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. E. L. Angell______ W. B. Wallace, Sec. *165-8% Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 66,580 Han, N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Tootle-Lacy N. and Am. N., St. Jo. “Complete Banking Ser vice.” ^Kingston........371 Caldwell County Tr. Company W. J. Waggoner. 80-1051 W§’16 8 Caldwell E7 *185-12% C. Paul_______ F. M. Otto Kingsville........214 Bank of Kingsville.......... tl’90 W. R.L. Howard_____ S. P. Gibson____ 8 Johnson H7 *163 par 100 80-1052 *160 LELIA BARB0UR- YOUR BUSINE S APPRECIATE D. Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. lPlease send 15c wi th each sight draft Jo r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. (Closed May 31, 192 FIRST TRUST GO. iKIrkivtlle___7213 8 Adair C12 22,860 $ 148.200 Collections given prompt personal atte ntlon and remitted for on day of payment. *800-20% King City ___ 1150 10 Gentry C6 60,000 I Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Dui from Baku Farmers & Merchants Bank .. (Closed January 24, 1927) »Kennett___ 3622 Bank of Kennett_____ •tS’Ol W. F. Shelton, Jr. Lee Shelton______ W, F. Shelton, Jr. C. V. Hunter. 8 Dunklin J23 R. R. Pan key 80-245 Kenoma______150 10 Barton N7 *Keytesville ...872 8 Chariton Fll Resources. Loam Bonds ther Paid-up Surplus Miscel Depos LOiabili and and and Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties Kearney Trust Co.........•t§’82 G. R. Denny______ Haynie Rowell -__ S. T. Kelly, Jr___ C. L. Turnage. — $170-8% par 100 80-645 Kelso_______ 228 8 Scott 023 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued J. H. Myers............ Pearl Myers.......... I nvestment Secu rities Carl E. Magee.. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 115,000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N. and TootleLacy N., St. Jo. 24,660 Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.; New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 116,900 Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: N. City, St. L.: State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy. Ill.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 154,920 Chatham Phenix, N.Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L. 198,060 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr Co.. St. L.; Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy. A Bank for Bankers o1q OJ--' Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and countt. ^County Seats. Fig, under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.MNew § State tPrlv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Klrksvllle 7213 Kirksville Savings Bank H. Selbv_____ __ (Continued) 1225-12% 80-130 d@*J§’73 par 100 " •• NATIONAL BANK OF KIRKS P. O. Mills VILLE ---80-131______«t'98 $200-10% Kirkwood___ 4422 Kirkwood Bank____d®«tS'20 A. S. Kinynn . . 8 St. Louis 120 $205-6% par 100 80-1676 - _____ » Ass’t Cashier. H. V. Propst 257.000 8,500 500 251,150 227,170 25,500 193,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi.: Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St.L.; State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy. 52,440 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L 882,830 — 532,550 296,800 83,490 135,090 N. City, N. Y.; Boatmens N.. St. L. 38,000 19,500 56,200 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N.. St. L. 25.000 22,020 508,750 W. M- DALY----------- R. V. NICHOLAS, W. A. PURCELL, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. JOSEPH COULTER 100,000 65,100 GENERAL RANK ING BUSINESS. get service on Col lections and Cred it Reports by sen ding CE: Plain sight drafts, ISc; Cred it Reports, 25c. TRY US. 30,000 85,920 332,570 334,780 C. J. Cronhardt.__ 20,000 4,000 105,000 90,000 9.000 W. H. Pettit............ S. B. Parsons H. H. HUNZIKEfl....... ERNEST TATE ____ F R MFRRFll___ T.R. ANDERSON est Bank. 10,000 13,000 150,000 140,000 10,000 10,000 17,040 301,830 J. M. Kendrick.__ F. B. Shepherd.__ 122,300 270,780 122,350 3,500 10,000 5,320 70,980 47,400 20,520 3,650 10,000 13,440 81.540 80.560 9,000 2,500 10,000 21,000 325,000 295,000 10,000 15,000 375,000 325,000 10,000 7,850 118,000 95,800 15,000 11,000 160,000 115,000 J. W. Hammett... W. C. Shonp______ W. C. Torreyson... 10,000 10,800 115,200 105,000 W. H. Logan_____ Howard Conch.__ 30,000 2,800 189,000 162,590 S. G. Lewis............ D. A. Childers____ Carroll Bozarth ... 10,000 17,020 128,080 181,818 D. Johnson.............. H. S. Smith. . N.D. Coder .. R T, Z. R. Kling.............. R. T. Patterson__ H. C. Lomax___ J. C. Lomax.._____ 30,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Tra. N., Kan. G.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 23.000 N. Stock Yds. N., N. StockYds.; Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy, Ill. 54.530 State Sav., Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy, Ill.: N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., 11L: Secur. State, Keokuk: Mound City Tr. Co., St. L. 75,000 State Sav., Ln. & Tr. Co.. Quincy. Ill. 1,500 26,800 26,910 89,000 9,950 20,000 26,010 266,680 610 254,590 10,000 1,160 30,710 4,000 31,190 2,500 3,900 fW.E. SLUDER-___ ALBERT KB HR-------- J. H. WAGAMAR------ 25,000 10,910 320,000 179,760 52,410 19,210 153,720 280,030 9,000 175.000 60.000 238,690 8,550 T. I. Johnson_____ J. V.Klnsmeier.__ S. A. Gnuse < This new. progr essive bank cordl ally Invites your business, l Prompt Attenti on given Collectto ns. Onr Service will please yon. C. B. Edwards........ Douglas Inglish.__ toy 99,910 12.560 304,340 T> R (VNfenl 50,000 8.500 268,000 tftng drafts, Cash tad T® mW. 20,000 26,380 231,210 50,000 13,430 175,070 147,410 f W. A. HUBEE.... C. W. BUNCH — R.L. BURKLAND— H. C. BURKLAND— 100,000 J*’78 <15 CENTS sent :o us with each si ght draft for pres entation, and (25 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentio n 5,550 719.000 400.000 LARGEST BANK tj'82 ____ C. H. Wirth___ . Olin U. Murfln .... 15.000 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LO/UIS 32,300 N. Bk. Com. and 1st N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 74,340 Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. and State Sav., Ln. & Tr., Quincy,Ill.; 1st N.,St.L. 56,650 C. & C. N.. Chi.: N. City, St. L.; QuincyRicker N. Bk. & Tr., Quincy. 8,270 Hannibal Tr. Co., Hannibal; N. Stock Yds. N..N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 105.610 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 335.000 74,060 N. City. N. Y.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 78,000 Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 11.070 34,280 Chase N., N. Y.: Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Citiz. N. and 3d N., Sedalia; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 54,280 36,810 State Sav., Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy, III.; State Cent. Sav.. Keokuk, la. 30,000 59,550 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; State Cent. Sav., Keokuk, la.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. t for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. SCHUYLER COMITY BANK Collections Given Special Attention 2,050 40,000 Citiz. N„ Chillicothe; Tra. N.,Kan. C.;N Bk. Com., St. L. 44,200 Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.; Am. N.,St. Jo.;N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill. 25,810 1st N., St. L. US. 100,000 ‘Lancaster___859 Farmers & Mereh. Bar. Bank R. E. Fogle 14,720 Drov. N-. Kan. C.: West Plains. West Plains, N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds. 12.930 Int’l, St.L. 65,000 1st N.. St. L.; Ill. State, Quincy, Ill. H. S. Buckman .... C. E. Snider______ Bryan Griggs _ f Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 628,000 E. R. Riemeier— N. W. Riemeier... First National Bank___»f87 Walter J. Miller.. T. F. Miller______ 80-286 LAMAR TRUST CO. -®Tt§ 25 jornelins Snip___ C. D. Goodrum . $100 6% 80-287 &SH!r a La Monte 585 LA MONTE BANK_____«t§'83 Speciala tten tio i Please send 15c w tth each, sight draf 8 Pettis H9 par 100 80-1054 (.OLDEST AND v MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 35,000 $ 163,500 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; C. & C. N.,Chi.;QuincyRicker, Quincy, Ill.; 1st N.,St.L. 59,000 926,500 $ --------“ 80-518 Principal Correspondents. [.Please tend 15e tut th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. 80-511 LaBelle Savings Bank..»t§’75 80-510 Laclede - fUQ Benson Banking Co. _.dt§’08 8 Linn DIO (( $240 80-601 Lomax & Standly Bans;«t§’95 20% par 100 80-600 Laddonla_____ 580 Bank of Laddonia.__ d»t§’92 8 Audrain G15 $230-10% 80-656 Farmers Bank_____d©t§’94 $110-6% par lio 80-657 La Grange.__ 1114 Farmers & Merchants Bank 8 Lewis O 16 $200 80-441 ®*tj'04 ___ _ La Grange Savings Bk. dtj'66 8% par loo 80-440 Lakenan............125 Lakenan State Bank...«|§’14 8 Shelby E14 $105-6% 80-1486 ‘Lamar___ __ 2255 BARTON COUNTY STATE BK. $140-6% 80-1657 ®ft§'19 10 Barton N7 80-519 S 659,000 1 133,000 $ 74,500 $ 856,000 51.000 Henrv Osdieck H. C. Hoffmann TIES Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel- Gash & Exand and Discounts Saeuritiee LAJSmuUtJ ntOM Banks 1 Special attcntio n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 80-773 8 Lewis C14 — ‘‘ $200-15% $ 60,000 $ Other 50,000 Koshkonong.. 414 Koshkonong State Bk._»t§’06 J. M. Huff ................ J. S. Holloway___ J. S. Holloway____ Lola Seese 8 Oregon R15 $200 80-1053 Labadie______ 321 Bank of Labadie_______t§’12 A. L. Cummings... Charles Becker.... $210 80-1391 8 Franklin J18 La Belle______878 Home Savings Bank___«t§'94 Will Hall______ W. S. Broslus A. D. Thompson... 8 Schuyler A12 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus DeposITS Capital Profits Warner Mills Horace Mills Knobnoster.. 617 BANK OF KNOBNOSTER »*S’75 W. R. Clark______ 8 Johnson H9 20% 80-622 Peoples State Bank ....dtl’ll R. M. Jenks______ *150-8% par 100 80-623 Knox City 400 Citizens Bank. ___ d®+§’17 A. Pettit________ 8 Knox 014 *250-15% par 100 80-774 TEVERETT MILLER ••_____ •• HOME BANK <l92 < Oldest and Larg $350-20% CASHIER. John Propst_____ V. J. Howell______ KIRKWOOD TRUST fW. S. MATTHEWSJ. R. MATTHEWS. J Ch COMPANY \TRANSACTS A $150-12% 80-210 d®T»t§’07 / Save time and iFEE IN ADVAN par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Exceptional Facilities for Transit Items V MISSISSIPPI J \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / QOfl Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Birectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.»New § State tPrir. ‘County Seats. *Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fie. under town is Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. La Plata..........1463 | Macon C12 BANK OF LA PLATA-©***’#* ♦ M-396 FARMERS & MERGHANTS ANK___ 80-1430— d»8T3 $150-6% PRESIDENT. V Ice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued CAS HI IN. Ass’t Cashes. R. E. Goodding.__ B. F. Workman___ L. E. Tansil_______ Liabilities. Resources. Loans ther Bonds Miscel Oass a Ex* Paid-up SWKFLUS Dmrob LOiabili and AND and <uujr«as,l>*a Capital PaonTS its Discounts Securities laneous ties 50,000 $ 15,000 $ 375.000 J. G. Magers_____ G. M. Barnett____ H. C.Surbeck____ Earnest Miller.__ $ 35,006 16.929 405,430 318,190 f G. M. HILL -...... H. 0. NEWTON— W. H. EPPERSON- M.M*4" 50,000 13,000 360,000 300,000 $ 270,000 $ 70,000 34,250 $ $150-8% LA PLATA SAVINGS BANK 10% 80-395 < Special attentU n given Bin ef La ding drafts, Cash and Thao Items. •t|,78 J Please send 15c \d ith each sight draf t for presentation and tie for Credit Reports. (.Oldest Bank in Macon County. Laredo.... ...........728 Bank of Laredo..............«ttT3 80-588 8 Grundy C9 Citizens Bank_________•**’M $200-20% 80-589 Larussell______173 Spring River Bank____ *§’24 *125 80-1055 10 Jasper 07 Latham............250 Bank of Latham_______*§’07 8 Moniteau 112 *195-7% par 100 80-1056 Latbrop ___ .1100 FIRST STATE BARKd**§l900 $300-8% 80-496 10 Clinton E7 Lathrop Bank............. dt*’7B 80-495 La tour.............. 125 Bank of Latour..............*|’95 $300-15% 80-1057 8 Johnson 17 Lawson______ 545 8 Ray F7 Leadwood ___ 2036 8 St.FrancoisLlO Leasburg_____254 8 Crawford E17 ‘Lebanon____2848 8 Laclede M12 Lawson Bank_______ ..*|’U % 86-660 Bank of Leadwood____ •**’65 $275-20% 80-1058 Bank of Leasburg_____ *106 $187-8% 80-1059 First National Bank ...•*’13 $187.50-10% 80-1414 8 STATE BANK OF LEBANON $250-20% par 100 80-282 •**’05 in non 15.750 100,000 • 85.000 7,000 J. F. Murphy__ __ C. H. Dobbins____ E. M. Wilson_____ T. A. Meeker_____ 12.000 11,929 122.320 ________ 95,080 _______ 7,400 F. M. Gillock_____ T. A. Miller______ W. L. Snead______ A. G. Brite.............. 10,000 4,040 39,800 — 65.170 A. E. Scott_______ A. M. Palston_____ F. W. Scott______ Addle E. Scott___ 80-428 ®e*8’84 CITIZENS BANK $246-16% 80-430 13,170 77,690 85,320 35,000 71.699 214,560 249,190 40,000 70,000 200,000 Jess Elliott_______ John Sheller_____ A. L. Feeb&ck____ 11,000 29.000 85,000 4.000 T. G. Smith______ D. T. Zimmerman. J. E. Deacy______ E. L. Zimmerman. 50,000 14.110 266,070 3,000 John S. Towl__ __ B. F. Towl_______ B. F. Towl_______ Wm.Towl_______ 10,000 24.110 388.330 *185-12% par 100 217,000 13,000 81,000 f 2.500 4,500 204.590 52.730 33,370 261,410 85.600 5.340 10,000 7.390 51,310 44,230 2,400 5,980 30,000 16.250 365.000 225,030 69,030 15,050 30,000 38,670 528,260 446,900 56,380 7,380 25,000 15,500 300,450 225.890 84,100 T. L. RUBEY___ J. A. ELLIOTT------ S. F. LUMM_ _ _ _ _ ShMSEIes J. A. McCOMB MUMFORD 15 CENTS sent to ns with each s ight draft for pre ARTHUR sentatlon, and 35 CENTS for e ach eredlt report insures prompt, personal attentio n. 33,750 43,760 Tra. N. and Drov. N., Kan. 0. 17,100 1st N„ Carthage; Bk. of Aurora, Aurora. 15,290 Cent. Mo. Tr. Co., Jefferson City; Far. & Tra.. Calif. 32.050 Tnotla-Tiary N Ht Jp • Fjij N Bk ^ Tr., Kan. G. 80.000 Bk. & Tr. Co.,Kan. C.; Am. N.. St. Jo. 21,000 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr.. Kan. 0. 42.490 Com. Tr. Co. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. O. 70.100 Int’l, St. L. 16.080 Tnt’l., St T, 104.750 Han. N..N. Y.:Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: 1st N.,St.L.; Union N. and 1st N.,Springfleld. 86,270 Han. N.. N. Y • 1st N st T, • N Stnek Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill.;" Union N., Springfield. 78,000 McDaniel N.. Springfield; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 10,000 16,300 227,140 164,650 13,000 IUUPVB he ] Special attentle n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 30,000 38,390 330,840 316,920 600 flAHHBi- A. T. GRIMES------- H. P. H0LBERT___ J. W, WILLIAMS- - - - - 35,000 25,120 270.830 243,230 rW. W. BROWNING . E. P. MULLIGAN_ _ _ J. B. YANKEE......... E. C. FALK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. A. PREWITT 50,000 10.720 263,220 219,740 41.650 15,500 47,050 1st N.and Stk. Yds. N„ Kan. C.; 1st N„ St. L. 25,000 12,950 138.990 15,000 5,000 24,910 Drov. N. and Tra. N., Kan. C.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 10,000 15,440 75,190 36,140 6.000 400 10,000 11,250 38.010 47,960 12,000 11,380 118.750 96,590 18,100 1,600 20,000 4.130 113,699 98.270 2,350 8,160 58.080 Marshall N., Unionville; Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L. 8,250 Merch. & Far., Rolla; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 25,850 Hannibal Tr. Co.. Hannibal; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill 29.040 Hannibal Tr. Co. and Mark Twain. Hannibal; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. 68,260 Gate City N. and Oom. Tr. Co., Kan. O. 7,200 74,450 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr.. Kan. C. {.Please send 15c tei th each sight draft Jo r presentation and 2 5e for Credit Report 740 < Collections rece lve personal atte ntlon of offleer, r emitted j promptly, an d reasons for non given, 80-429 d®T«*8’89 {.Pleat* send 15e «ri (A each sight draft Jo rpayment presentation and 2 5c for Credit Report «. Lemons_______ 200 Matthew ^Marshall Bk. 8 Putnam Bll 80-1062 ©etS’08 Lenox________ 75 Bank of Lenox________*|'ll 8 Bent M15 *200-10% 80-1280 Lentner_______ 90 Bank of Lentner______ eJI’06 8 Shelby £14 *200-10% 80-1063 Leonard____ _231 Farmers Bank______ B**i’06 8 Shelby D14 1160-10% par 100 80-1004 C. H. Matthew— N. B. Marshall___ P. L. Sparks .. J. H. Flett_____ John F. Gorby.. G. H. O’Malley— F, W. Carney. J. A. Eaves W. K. Dungan .... T. W. Noel__ Thos. J. Davis.. N. W. Peoples____ Leo Hardy.__ A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3,060 40,000 J. E. Millsap_____ J. H. Caufield____ A. E. Oliver_____ J. D. McClure. Jr. E. S. Coffman Mary Mumford Leeton________463 Bank of Leeton_____ d»*l’90 William Cox______ Rolla Stacy______ P. W. Baker______ 8 Johnson 18 *150-10% 80-1061 v MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ 200 John Mclnnis____ C. M. Fitzgerald.. E. W. Gravatt ___ G. T. Fulton_____ to ns with each s draft for pre sentatlon, and •*l’00 (35 CENTS fore ach eredlt report ight insures prompt, personal attentio n. FARMERS TRUST COMPANY 13,000 13,000 Leeds_______ 1000 Blue Valley Bank______ **’07 W. E. Renick____ M. 8. Pendleton__ W. M. Crawford__ E. D. Gracey_____ 80-1060 . 1* Jackson GO 40% Lee's Suntmltl467 F. B. CAMPBELL — E. W. COOPER- - - - - - LEE 6ARVIN-------10 Jaefcson H6 BANK OF LEE’S nod Bank. An H onor Roll Bank, $275-16% 95,040 $ W. C. Young.__ __ H. C. Shepherd— Joe T. Doherty___ J. B. Nicholas____ C. B. Fagin Anna Andrews E. D. Rogers_____ F.L. Porter______ R. M. Harrington.. State Savings Bank____*§’17 E. B. Kellerman.. M. H. Franke_____ I. T. Curry---------- F. H. Stith.......... $150-10% 80-281 SUMMIT $ 100,000 Stock Yds. N , f!hi • 1st N.r St. T,.State Sav,. Ln. & Tr. Ce., Quincy, Ill. 95,220 N. Bk. Com. and 1st N„ 8t.L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. 0. 30,000 90,000 Am. F.x. Irv. Tr. fin N Y • 1ft W , Ohi.Boatmens. 8t. L.: Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Quincy, Ill. 9,700 J. S. Baldridge___ Ira Thomas______ R. M. Cook______ Principal Correspondents. Marie Sparks.. Etta B. Noel______ 1 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 3,050 65,non For Banks and Bankers Everywhere Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. QO 1 J- Town and County. *County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §8tatetPri». {Mem. State B. Ass’n. fEstab ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond (i-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Leslie________ 162 8 Franklin J17 *150-6% Levasy_ 173 10 Jackson 07 $150-8% .. •• V ick-Presidknt. Henry Shaw 80-1067 M t| *4 Licking_____ 500 8 Texas N15 Liege___ ____ 100 8 MontgomeryH16 Lllbourn _ __ 936 8NewMadridH2a Lincoln. a 45 8 Benton J10 .linn 8 14] Osage J15 \ 6,700 S 24.410 4.310 33,990 N. Bk. Com., St. Kan. O. 9,730 N. 8tock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds,, Ill, 51,510 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Mtle. Tr. & Sav. and State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co.. Quincy. Ill. 27,820 Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr., Quincy; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds. 98 280 6.500 87,630 Geo. W. Wallace... August Thale.......... W. C. Hume______ A. M. Sellers J. A. Buckley......... W. E. Bragg............ Henry O. Ewalt__ W. E. Bragg. 10,000 10,030 171,380 $ 10,000 11,060 134,930 Chas. Lyons-. ... Clem Tyree______ W. J. Bandon . 75,000 118,000 805,000 460,000 170,000 13,000 f 1. H. MOTES------- M. H.UPHAUS 75,000 19,470 369,700 334,570 42,630 42,570 355,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Liberty N., Kan. O.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 44,400 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. O. ~. J. L. MANN, Sec. and Tr. 132,140 6,200 910 122,580 6,500 75,000 W. W. BARNETT ... ANNIE C. LUNDBERG be accompanied b y eports, 50c. 50,000 Denise Barrot ___ 30.040 611,330 250 486,690 38,300 74,850 116,780 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; 1st N.. Kan. 0. 27.670 616,700 62,630 461.890 189,710 35.170 70,240 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi. and St. L.; 1st N., Kan. C. Roy M. Todd_____ I. H. Todd............... 15.000 9,810 214,730 11,200 30,810 197,530 N., Kan. C. 927) E. S. HUNT............... W.C. CRAWFORD. R. D. HICKLIN 75,000 26,650 E. H. NORTON E.L. PIGG S sent as with ea ch sight draft for presentation and CENTS for each c redlt report tnsur es prompt, perso nal atte ntlon. R. L. West Frank Spires_____ A. J. River. O. E. Shelton C. L. Stevenson... O. B. Coats___ .. J. E. McCord_____ W. M. Greene. Z. H. Travis J. W. Morris______ E. L. Rhodes_____ S. O. Brill................ A. D. Hunt __ _ _. 100,000 43,850 25,000 502,530 527,810 39.500 61,880 N. Oity.N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L.; Com. Tr.Co., 1st N.. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. O. 198,520 15,070 10,170 125,380 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N.. Ohi.; 1st N., Kan. O.: State N.. St. L. 130,860 Han. N„ N.Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. and 1st N., Kan. C. 38,030 McDaniel N., Springfield; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds; N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 16,310 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 20,000 N. City. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 60,000 1st N., St. L.; Citiz. N., Sedaiia. 824,080 542,790 269,750 28.000 378,200 275,150 153,000 50,000 154,130 719,160 25,000 9,870 216,750 13,920 15,000 2,860 84,900 72,290 20,000 24,000 150,000 175,000 25,000 35,000 230,000 200,000 30.000 A. A. Boehmer.... W. J. Lumpe ____ 25,000 10,410 105,720 100,910 19,090 T. A. Dubrouillet— .T. P. .Tones 21,160 3rd N.. Sedaiia; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 17.000 Ex.. Jefferson City; 1st N..St. L. 15,000 13,500 175,000 187.000 J. W. Vogel _____ 21,000 11.830 193,010 161,530 26,700 6,560 Ousley Claiborn__ Aubrey Shipman.. P. Fester J. V. Foster Chas. Anderson___ J. M. Farmer_____ J. L. Winfrey____ J. R. Farmer M. B. Fetly______ 25,000 37,990 229,310 21,700 132.580 128,750 8,460 31,050 N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds.,Ill.: Cent Mo. Tr. Co., Jefferson City; N. City, St. L, 44.220 N. Bk. Com.. 8t. L. 25,000 25,520 278,950 25,000 138,810 140,330 7,200 68,150 1st N„ St. L. 30,000 7,000 74,730 85,800 J. N. Carter______ V. B. Clark 30,000 23,840 192,000 180,130 4,720 J. P. Hoover_____ R. O. Mullins------- R. H. Mullins F. W. Powers ft ay Biswell __ Wess Timmons ... D. Pearson____ ... 25,000 36,660 289,190 269,640 7,420 10.000 10,540 O. N. Minnick____ T 1,. Wade . 10,000 2,380 J. P. Peters. High Grade Municipal Bonds 1,540 L.; Inter-State N., SANFORD SELLERS- F. LEE WALLACE. Acting. Requests for Cred It Reports MUST CK; Plain sight d rafts, 15c.; Credit R L. J. SI usher_____ B. M. Little. John Chamberlain J. M. Sandusky___ Frank Hughes____ F. D. Hamilton___ L. B. Dougherty, Jr. J. L. Dougherty R. A. Main John S. Major____ James Costello___ George S. Ritchey. 0. M. Donovan E. McKinney____ L. V. De Forest... Otto A. Johnson__ T). Rradv _ 41,410 ERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. anking and Trust C ompany Service. W e make collections —Farm L oans—Ab stracts. E. T. Zewicki_____ Henry Hundepohl. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 52,500 $ 7,090 1 S S 47,440 $ Principal Correspondents. 10,000 *140-5% 80-1450 t§’18 .Linn Creek...431 Camden County Bank..»t5’94 G. M. Moore, Sr.... *264 ♦ 80-741 8 (Oamden K12 First National Bank____»J’05 W. F. Claiborne —. *200-12% 80-742 .Llnnens si 4 Citizens Bank_______ *tS’04 W. P. Thorne_____ 80-556 8( Linn D10 F. T, Fitch *300-8% 80-554 d»t§’72 par 150 M •• Moore & Mullins Banking Co. Greely Moore-----80-555 JS’96 tl’bfi T,, J. Raquet_ Livonia..............248 Farmers Rank *225-12 H% 80-1071 8 Putnam A12 Lock Springs..288 Bank of Lock Springs..tS'95 B. F. Ware—_____ 8% 80-1072 8 Daviess D8 'par 120 MISSISSIPPI/ VALLEY / . TRUST/ Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds Miscel Oajh A Exther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili and and cHAjre«*,Dmi AND Capital PROFIT8 its Discounts Seeuritiss laneous from Bato ties 10.000 { COUNTY TR. CO. ) MEMBER FED *160-6% ♦ 80-164 dB®T»t§’18 LOfters Complete B par 100 LEXINGTON SAVINGS BANK p. LEE WALLACE *150-10% 80-163 ®«t8’69 1 Collections and par 100 (.FEE IN ADVAN TRADERS BANK—dB®*tl'03 E. N. Hopkins____ *203-10% par 100 80-166 Commercial Bank __d®*tS’67 par 100 80-247 First National Bank___»t’87 $400-16% 80-248 Peoples Savings Bank®»i5 24 *180-10% 80-794 Farmers Bank of Bellflower *100 par 100 80-796 t§’04 Bank of Lilbourn_____•tS’10 80-1069 Farmers Bank________ t§ 90 *325-16% 80-803 Peonies Rank tS’ns *140-4% 80-804 par 100 Bank of Osage County_.tS’92 80-1070 Ass t Cashikr. Wm. Rethmeyer... O, W. Osiek. liberal 11 fin BANK OF LIBERAL —•« 88 J. G. Todd 80-1088 10 Barton M6 *200-10% par 100 Farmers State Bank ...... (Closed March 26,1 .Liberty 3097 rWM.F.NORTONCITIZENS BANK 10 Olay F6 J. M. NEWLEE. V.P. *210-12% 80-249 d®»rt'06 <) FIFTEEN CE NT par 100 (twkivti-fivs M Cashier. S. H. Stock_______ Julius Welter........ E. F. Borgman .... 80-1065 Lewlstown___483 Lewis County Ex. Bank 8 Lewis 015 8% 80-764 ®»tS’98 •• «• Lewistown Savings Bk._t§’91 *2*0-8% 80-763 par 100 .Lexington ...4693 COMMERCIAL BANK®»t§’84 80-165 8 Lafayette 08 {235-12% LAFAYETTE .. PRESIDENT. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., .see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued 1 17,350 * 97,650 120,630 5,750 49,24) 42,110 4,000 m MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 8.290 17,640 Tra. N„ Kan. O.; Citiz. N., Chiilicothe. 46,500 Citiz. N..Chillicothe; 1stN.. 8t.L.; N.Rtk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Com. Tr.. Kan.C. 73,800 Oont. & Com'l N.. Ohi.: N. Bk.Com., St. L.; 1st N.. Kan. C.: Am. N.. St. Jo. 16.800 1st N.. St. L.; N. Stock Yards N., N. Stock Yards. Ill. 15,500 Citiz. N., Chiilicothe. m Well Secured Real Estate and Corporation Issues 1 MISSISSIPPI > \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 822 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B.A. '•■New § State tPriF. fEstab ^County Seats. tMem. State B Ass'n. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Ites.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeBep.®Sav.$LastSale%I>iv Fed. Res. Dist. Vice President. President. LG. W GILLMAN— Lockwood____967 BANK OF LOCKWOOD d«t§ 03 <( Oldest Bank. U 8 Dade N8 $270-10% par too 80-522 ) Special attentlo {Please tend 15c ict Farmers 8tate Bank__ <104 $300-20% par 300 80-523 John Seidel______ $400 80-1073 8 Cole J13 J. M. Burns . Bank of Lorn- .lack______ tl'OB 80-1074 10 Jackson H7 $190 I. N. Miller........ ... Long Lane_____ 200 First State Bank__________ tl’10 $>00-10% 80-1075 8 Dallas Mil (Closed March 3, 19 8 Perry M22 Longwood .... 100 Bank of Longwood------------ tl'10 $250-10% 80-1076 8 Pettis H10 Loose Creek... 125 Bank of Loose Creek ...tS’15 S0-1504 8 Osage J15 (Closed March 1, 19 Loulsburg_ _ _ 125 8 Dallas M10 C. G. Buffum______ Louisiana____ 4060 Bank of Louisiana .-d®*tl 87 E. W. Stark, V.P. $210-6% 80-201 8 Pike F17 Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. .. Farmers National Bank*t’89 R. J. Lee___ 80-767 ur business, and Time Items. 25c fn* Credit Repo tU. 25,000 J. T. Billingsley... Wm. Niederwimer J. A. N. Linhardt.. W. F. Walter........ J. B. Yankee Miss Julia M. Hall M. Bledsoe_______ Clement Jones.___ Mathias Muenks... Theo. Lock .. ®tl'12 blacks Creek . -176 Bank of Macks Creek.._i|'ll $165-10% 80-1283 8 Camden Lll 67,210 1st N., Kan.C. and St. L.; Union N.,Springfield. 80,800 1st N., St. L.; Tra. N., Kan. C.: McDaniel N., Springfield. 44,910 1st N., Jefferson City. 25,980 330,330 275,340 20,600 4.570 36,160 216,530 188,370 22,050 9,350 52.110 Liberty N. and Drov. N., Kan. C.; Far. Tr. Co. and Citiz., Lee’s Summit. 6,590 Union N„ Springfield. 15.000 17,950 81.450 59,490 1,300 1,500 10.000 3,700 32,790 34.550 1.250 4.100 10.000 26.130 111,730 $ 10,000 5.090 51,580 50,250 50.000 45,590 1,057,760 401,110 379,650 94,870 277,710 N. City, N.Y.; Cont. & Com'l N„ Chi.; lsi N. and N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 50,000 79.930 878,950 586.790 97,540 108.020 10,000 1,500 70,000 42.000 216.530 Chatham PhenixN. Y.; lstN..Chi.:N. Bk. Com..St. L.; N.Stk.Yds. N.. N.Stk. Yds. 35.000 Com. Tr. Co. and Western Ex.. Kan. C. 30,000 4,500 10.000 12.300 146,150 75.440 45,320 2,100 45,570 Western Ex., Kan. C.; 1st N.. St. L. 6,800 113,090 80,020 2,750 7,780 44,340 1st N., Chi.: Inter-State N„ Kan. C.; Citiz. N.. Chillicothe. J. E. McNabb____ Pearl A. McNabb.. L. R. Hamblin 60,000 10,710 244,360 60.000 341,320 Carl M. Goll_ _ _ _ _ Lavere North____ 25.000 9,000 120,000 25.000 100,000 A J. Wilson . 10,000 12,100 56.160 250 66.760 10.000 6.500 92,000 81,400 W. W. Sample, Jr.. H. D. Chandler._ Comfort Heyde 25.000 23,380 270,860 . ___ 2S.000 5,450 128,990 10.000 7.430 .... R. W. Van Amburg G. N. Zimmerman. 0. Garrett_ _ _ _ _ 13,810 Stock Yds. N.. Kan. C.: Citiz. N., Sedalia: N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 16,420 1st N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.: Cole Co., Jefferson City. 164,050 15.000 Thos. A. Kerr_ _ _ J. W. Fonda. Lutesvllle_ _ _ _ 585 Bollinger County Bank J. J. Chandler....... 80-685 d®»tl’91 8 Bollinger 021 | $200 “12% Luxemburg- - - -150 80-1366 8 St. Louis 120 1 $125-8% (See St. Louis) 4,000 $ ( J. W. Crewdson W. E. Holliday S. C. Stark __ J. A. Porter__ 80-1081 Dus 40,350 l 12.000 27) First National Bank ...•t'05 Scott Miller______ C. T. Goll_____ 80-768 $175-10% S 243,880 $ Principal Correspondents. Carr A Ex changes, from Banks 27) Lupus _ _ _ ..160 8 Moniteau HIS $200-10% par 220 80-1080 8 Clark A15 Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonda Other MISCEL Paid-up Surplus D epos and and AND Liabili its Capital Profits Diacounta Securitias LANEOUS ties L. F. EVANS- - - - - - - - C. S. CROW......... - W. E. EVANS _ _ _ _ $ 25,000 $ 26,650 $ 303,790 H. C.VIETS nexeelled facllltle s for handling yo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash th each siaht draft fo r presentation and M. B. Pyle E. B. Rule_______ Wm. A. Reineking Mercantile Bank______ ©»tl’80 W. J. Garner____ Geo. S. Adams $225-12% 80-200 J. D. Snyder______ G. G. Daugherty.. Lowry City....509 Farmers State Bank_____tl’U 80-1281 8 St. Clair K8 J. B. Good____ .. Geo. B. Linney 80-1078 John Lowry______ F. Burlingame........ G. A. Steele.......... Andy H. Lowry .Sec. 80-1079 8 Putnam A10 8 LivingstonE9 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued W. L. Dunn Bryan Osborn 25,000 34,000 33,740 Inter-State N. and Com. Tr., Kan. C.; Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo.; Citiz. N., Chilli cothe. 20,000 1st N., Kan. C. and Chillicothe. 2,140 9,610 1st N., Jefferson City. 16,600 3,300 7,200 Ill. Merch. Tr., Chi.: State Cent Sav„ Keokuk; Lib.Cent. Tr., St. L. 207,050 31,950 16,980 90,120 8,250 3,390 39,580 Mtle. Tr. Co.. N. City, N. Bk. Com., and U. S.. St. L. 40,690 43,400 360 4.190 10,180 Union N., Springfield; 1st N., Linn Creek. 50.000 459.840 352.720 31.600 100,000 47.460 1,256,060 832,570 363,910 18,110 63,250 Int'l, N. Bk. Com., and N. City. St. L. •Macon______3549 Equitable Joint StockLand Bk. (Purchased by Sout hwest Joint Stock L and Bank, Little Ro ck. Ark.) 8 Macon D13 .. Farmers Trust Company____ (Closed August 10, 1927.) SECURITY TRUST COMPANY A. F SMITH 80-233 $80 ®T«tl’10 - Sec. N- M. SHELTON- - - - - - W. C. BROWN, and Tr. rMB,S.R.MAFFRY A. GRISHAM JOHN J. SHEA- - - - - - - C. E. SEARS- - - - - - - ) Oldest. Largest and Strongest Ba nk. STATE EXCHANCE BANK $250-12% ♦ 80-231 ®«tS’84 ] Collections rem itted for on day of payment. 7,280 23.470 125,600 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: C.& C. N.,Chi.; Mtle. Tr.. St. L.;Hannibal N.. Hannibal. 190,840 N. Park. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N. and Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. [.Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation a nd 25c for Credit Reports. Organized MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY 1890 SAINT LOUIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Member Federal Reserve System 090 04O Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Resources. Liabilities. Town and County. •Mem.A.B. A. «N'ew§StaietFriv. *Couuty Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Surplus Depos Other , Lords Bonds Miscel Cash A ExPaid-op and and chahqM'Dui Liabili AND its Capital Pbofits Discount* Sseuritiss laneous from Baku ties Madison , fidfi FARMERS & MERCH. BANK (6. E. DIXON_ _ _ l F niYnN __ „ EDWIN BASSETT—- ARTHUR DRY- - - - - - - $ 10,000 1 8 Monroe F13 1500 80-640 +§’04 < Collections and Requests for Cre dit Reports MLS T be aecompanle d by (fee in advan CE: Plain sight dr aftt, 15e; Credit Re port*, 25e. .. J.W.Atterbury, Jr. J.C. Atterbury.... Ress Raker _ 30,000 80-639 45,000 $ 175,000 $ 20,000, $ 185,000 $ 37,000 1st N„ St. L. 89,520 Cont. & Com'l N„ Chi.; 1st N.,St. L.: Han nibal N„ Hannibal; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds. 111. 21,890 Tra. N., Kan. G.; 1st N., St. L. 45,000 233,160 181.410 $ 10,000 2,210 56,690 44,520 f e’.^.'weller.c© L.M. THOMPSON- J. E. WELLER........ 20,000 L. PATTERSON ^ Special attenti on given Bill of L ading drafts, Cas h and Time Item S. ®«t§’81 Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fa r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. 45.550 406.700 358.000 60.200 10.000 35,000 275.000 250.000 15.000 5,000 Malden _____ 2098 Bank of Malden —d®«i§’03 S. G. Downing____ James Barber____ J. D. Ellis................ T. E, Ashcraft, Jr. *250 par 100 80-318 8 Dunklin R22 .. Danklin County Bank®«t§'90 V. H. Stokes......... *250-15% 80-317 R. E. Nichols 20.000 20,680 86.500 29.260 103.990 4,630 23,610 24,210 U. S.. St. L. 20,000 26,990 207,220 74,840 248,920 8,910 29,380 41,830 Lib. Cent. Tr.. St, L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr., Memo.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds. Malta Bend___442 Bank of Malta Bend.®«t§'90 S. P. Houston_____ A. N. Van Anglen- M. H. Van Anglen. 8% par 100 80-1083 8 Saline G10 30,000 25,470 119,260 145,030 600 5,530 23,570 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. O. Manchester 533 Bank of Manchester Henry Hoch— B. F. Ferguson. . C. 0. Scholl______ 80-1084 d®<5’13 8 St. Louis 119 *175-8% Henry Drnhe par 100 R A. Renton Manes______ loo Bank of Manes_______ ti’10 Clint Webb______ *200-5% 80-1085 8 Wright N13 Wm. Wade Mansfield____ 757 Bank of Mansfield_____t§'92 G. W. Freeman___ A. J. Clark............. G. B. Freeman___ Bulah Crippen .... *150-12% 80-723 8 Wright 012 M. A. Freeman John L. Dunn 25,000 21,420 655,100 331,840 320,820 14,700 34,150 N. City, N. Bk. Com., and Natural Bridge, St. L. 10.000 9.270 85.060 30.000 75.000 McDaniel N.. Springfield; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 50,000 Union N„ Springfield. 178,570 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. City. St. L. Magnolia______ 70 Bank of Magnolia..........»t§’05 8 Johnson 18 *140-6% 80-1082 Maitland ..........716 10 Holt B4 **■ .. G. V. Raker. UYfik"— FARMERS BANK *400-20% 80-602 Peoples Bank............. ®»t§’95 D. A. Gelvin______ P. L. Bohart.. *350 80-603 *200-8% 80-724 __ S. R. Craig 60,000 30,000 21.000 270 $ 2,500 83.400 Am. N., St. Jo.; Stock Yds., and Barnes N„ St. Jo.; 1st N.. St.L. 8.060 55.040 500.000 300.000 10.000 200,000 150,000 50,000 60,000 Union Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N.and Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 41.510 McDaniel N., Springfield. Wm. Craig N. B. Baker______ E. H. Rabenbcrg.. J. W. Medlen_____ J.M. Lukens_____ W. H. Hellwege 100,000 64.220 1,515,470 530 804,330 578.070 119,250 J. R. Holekamp... J. C. Straub ____ Dan Sheerin R. F. Townsend... E. W. Wallenbrock V. A. McKee 100,000 23,290 957,610 109,500 603,480 380,780 98,380 H. C. Kirchner___ C. M. Holzwarth— Wm. J. Westphale E. B. Steffen_____ J. M. Jensen, V.P. G. W. Gittlns 60,000 11.720 321,650 6.000 203,320 109,880 40,000 Robert Drum, Sr.. G. W. Bidewell— Eugene Wirth — 15,000 13,380 127,530 700 77,400 37,810 9,690 3760 First National Bank___*t’88 W. G. Lancaster .. Geo. W. Early____ F. G. Lancaster... G. E. Lancaster ... 80-214 T. M. Lancaster 25.000 36,540 455,250 15,000 439,740 17,600 16,440 58,020 1st N., Kan. C. H. E. Trader_____ J. B. Pflster_____ J. A. Neal.............. Lucille Myers____ Marceline State Bank 80-215 ®.J§’07 20,000 6,880 234,660 260 164,870 23,770 15,600 10,500 R.J. MITCHELL— R.C. TURRENTINE, Sec. own.” ding Draft*, Gaah and Time Items aft for presentatio n and the for each Report. 16.500 324.000 257.000 27,000 57,350 Chase N., N. Y.; Com. Tr., Kan. C.; Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 60.000 Guardian N.,Chi.; Union N. and McDaniel N., Springfield: N. Bk. of Com., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 198,020 22.110 2,350 4,010 80,190 N. Bk. of Rolla, Rolla; Union N., Springfield; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 6,960 1st N., St. L. 3,000 22,000 1st N., St.L. •Marble HU1...332 Bank of Marble Hill C. A. Sander ♦ 80-1087 d»t§’05 8 Bollinger 021 *182-8% par 100 .. H. S. Cook__ 20,000 t8’08 Maplewood _ 10,000 Bank of Maplewood._®*t}’03 8 St. Louis 120 *250-12% ♦ 80-1086 .. CITIZENS NATIONAL BK. *125-6% 80-1521 ®«t’15 .. Peoples State Bk.__d®*t§’23 *100 ♦ 80-1727 Marceline . 8 Linn Dll . . F. P. Parrott 34.200 Principal Correspondents. Marlonrllle.. .1167 BANK OF MARI0NVILLE 8 Lawrence P9 *375 80-449 «tf’86 *S Special etteotio 'Please send 15c .. Citizens Bank________ t§’ll F.W.Webb.............. 80-450 Marline ___ . Bank of Marling_____ »t§’08 J. R. Mudd_______ 8 Montg'ry Q16 par 100 80-1088 Marauand ___ 352 Bank of Marquand____t§’05 J. Q. D. Whltener. 8 Madison N21 *250-20% 80-1089 par 100 .MISSISSIPPI t \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I nvestment Securities R. C. TURRENTINE t, beet bank In t n given BIB ef La with each Sight Dr A. H. Compton.... .T. R Wehh 15,000 4.300 283,360 D. F. Parsons_____ 10,000 2,000 32,190 10,000 18,000 190.000 H. E. Homan_____ L. D. Whltener___ H. P. King 5,000 38,220 119,000 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 74,000 107,760 Int’l, St.L. 46,170 Grand N„ St.L. 31.710 Int’l. St.L. A Bank for Bankers k MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 824 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaily Bankers’ Birectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town AND COUNTY.1 e.Mem.A.B. A. nNew §StatefPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Feii.Res.Depts:T-TrustB-Bond Fed. Rgs. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘Marshall ___ 5200 8 Saline G16 PKESID2NT. BANK OF MARSHALL®*tS 92 $165-6% $220-12% 80-182 W. C. Gordon____ d>‘j|' (L. D. WOOD & HUSTON BANK ♦ 80-183 ‘Marshfield...1371 Ass’x Cashier. Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bonds Paid-up Surplus DEPOS Other Miscel Oaoi ft Ex and and and L iabili Capital Profits ITS Diacounta Securities laneous from Baku ties Jas. A. Walker.__ E. L. Parsons_____ 1 H. C. Francisco.__ G. E. C. Sharp........ T. L. Yancey 80-184 FARMERS SAVINGS BANK $220-12% Vice-President. G. 11. Althouse.—. par 100 80-185 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MISSOURI—Continued D. R. Harrison H. B. Robinson---- J. F. Swisher____ P T, Pfllnt MURRELL.. C. M. BUCKNER — F. C. BARNHILL — CARY HBSTOI...... J. C. LANKIN 50.000 % 11,900 $ 283,780 S 256,250 I 5,000 $ 18,290 $ — 75,000 43,700 323,320 345,790 12,060 27,550 100,000 100.000 750,000 650,000 25,000 25.000 100,000 228,210 1,517,480 1,302,670 67,000 34,800 523,180 114,750 36,000 211,340 59,960 72,500 < Send 15c with e ach Sight Draft for proaratattM d®«tl’74 1 and 25c for eac h Commercial Report. L. Collections rem itted for on day o f payment. CITIZENS BANK.......... •« ROY NELSON—........ B. F. JULIAN-........... 0 F El LIS V.l. HILLER... 6. W. DAILEY . _ . J. M. Bohannon... John W. Philpott. 50,000 15,420 A. K. Orem 40.000 1,540 15.000 9,250 71,000 65,060 R. H. Morhaus.__ John H. Bierbaom. Hilda Honchens... 50,000 23,000 530,000 350,000 200,000 T. Mallinckrodt, Jr. O. F. Dickmann ... E. R. Kienker........ Otto F. Berg 30,000 4,920 127,470 120,080 25,400 -Martin City...400 10 Jackson H5 Martinsburg ..510 8 Audrain G15 Martinsville.__ 78 8 Harrison B7 Martin City State Bank.tJ’09 B. F. Brainard .... J. A. Knoche_____ S. J. Roberts $110-12% 80-1092 Martinsburg Bank---------t§'91 G. F. Fennewald _ H. P. French_____ H. M. Fennewald.. 80-1093 Bank of’04 W. R. Thompson.. W. C. Baldwin .... W. TV Rnss Sec. $320-20% 80-1094 10,000 1.960 34,450 10,000 30,000 145,000 155,000 10,000 23,000 70,000 65,700 1,300 1,000 ‘Maryville ___ 4711 10 Nodaway B5 PIERCE......... A. K. FRANK, M. S. HAMILTON...... SNYDER, FARMERS G. L. WILFLEY.......... W.W.GEO.F.C. R.PHARES W. ALLEN, ELLISON TRUST COMPANY COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE. 52.350 1.321.020 143.600 1.175,920 9.370 177.940 8 Webster Nil 80-463 Farmers Exchange Bank S. A. Killian.......... $iio 80-1541 »t§'17 Marston. _____ 438 Bank of Marston............-tS’04 8 NewMadridR23 80-1090 Marthasville ..321 Marthasville Bank____•}|*02 Frank Riemeier.__ 8 Warren 118 $200-12% 80-1091 Savings Bank of Marthasville F. R. Schoppen$130-5% par 100 80-1443 ©tS’13 horst $175-12% par 100 80-188 d®T«t§’13 FIRST NATIONAL BANK | Cash, and Sec, H. D. A.Sec H. -A. Sec, 200.000 676,550 281,100 $ 59,000 100 20,860 6,460 3,640 38,170 Principal Correspondents. 66,140 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.: N. Bk. Com., 8t. L.; Com. Tr. Oo., Kan. C. 56,620 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N.. St. L.: Oom. Tr., Kan. C.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds, 250,000 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. O.: State N„ St. L.: N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 441,210 N. City, N. Y.: Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.; Fid. N.Bk. &Tr„Kan.O. 68,040 Union N„ Springfield; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., 111. 37,840 1st N„ Springfield: N. City, St. L. 9,32 0 N, City, St. L. 53,000 Franklin, N. Bk. Com., and 1st N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill. 10,450 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 7,700 Tra. N. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr.. Kan. O. 26,250 1st N.. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 35,000 St. Jo. Stock Yds., St, Jo. 353.740 Han. N., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.: Com. Tr. Co*. Kan. C.; State N., St. L.; 1st N., Bos.; Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo. High Grade Farm Mortgages. rJOS. JACKSON .. life!,, or ROY J. CURFMAN- V. E. BIRD.............. 100,000 43,450 712,960 fS. G. GILLAM____ F. R. WOLFERS_____ F. T. GILLAM, Tr.... JOS. JACKSON, Sec... 75,000 34,330 H. C- McCLARY M, A- LEWIS. A. Tr. ) We make a spe elalty of high gra de First Mortgage Farm Loans. t Suitable Invest merits for Banks, Corporations, T rustees, and Prlva te Inves tors. 100,330 595,340 138,390 35,110 518,160 394,830 90,050 69,830 34,140 1,250,990 821,210 270,350 6,440 Ladlng Drafts, C ash and Time Ite ms. < Special attentlo 187,900 Chem. N„ N. Y.; 1st N.. Ohi., Kan. C. and St. Jo. ) Please send 15c w ith each Sight Dra ftforvresentation. (.OLDEST NAT’L BANK IN NODA WAY COUNTY. iwa OMPANY NODAWAY 10% 80-186 BANK 1 Does not make a business of commerc ial or checking acco unts. {.Affiliated with t he First National Bank. (JAMES B.ROBINSON F. P. ROBINSON___ J. 0. RICHEY........... 100,000 -< Oldest Bank In Nodaway County. (Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. SISSON LOAN & TITLE COMPANY ' \co/ NORTHWEST MISSOURI Sec. and FIRST MORTGAGE FARM LOANS Business Established 1865. Collections Given Special Attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 287,140 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Burnes N. and Am. N., St. Jo.; N. Bk. of Com., St. L. . NATHANIEL SISSON.. PAUL SISSON.......... M. A. PEERY, Tr. VIRGINIA ROSE. A. Sec. 20,000 . 6.000 ~ i MISSISSIPPIf \ VALLEY / \ TRUST ' 72,790 1st N„ Chi. and Maryville. . j 1 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS . Nodaway Valley, Maryville. - Exceptional Facilities for Transit Items S. MISSISSIPPI t \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ OOC 04 J Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 'to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ----- ' * Town and County. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. '’ '• *•*— ™*-- •Mem.A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Matthews....... 378 Bank of Matthews__________ 8 New MadridQ23 Bank of Maxville------- <§’18 (Kimmswick P. 0.) $310-10% 80-1420 g Jefferson J19 iMaysville__ 1507 Kochan Banking Co. —•$§'94 88-491 10 De Kalb D6 8% Maysville Bank---------- <§'18 80-490 8 Lafayette G8 $200-8% 80-1095 8 Lewis D15 $120-4% par 100 80-1363 * *-------- M» 1,„ v ti Medlll.............. 127 8 Clark B15 $90 Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Anton Kohler____ Louis J. Roesch-__ E. J. Kohler_____ $ Albert Mall O. D. Kochan.......... Mrs.Louisa Kochan H. O. Kochan_____ H. C. Kochan. Sec. M ____ ** 89,890 102.130 15.000 3.450 8.650 15.940 23,560 Qnincy-Ricker and State Sav., Ln. & Tr., Quincy; N. Stk. Yds. N..N. Stk. Yds.,111. 2,000 22,000 1st N., St. Jo.; Com. Tr. Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 12,430 1st N., St. L.; Am. N„ St. Jo. 10.100 2.150 143.030 W. R. Painter----- A. P. White_____ E. O. Turner......... O. E. Cason 20,000 4,050 217.060 8,650 202,600 H P .Telly Mabel Elam 10,000 28,000 185,000 10,000 206,000 Minnie Enyart 10.000 9,030 59,930 15,000 88,530 J. E. Lavender__ Arley Schamhint.. 20,000 43.430 284,430 23.150 181.300 129.510 Delpha R. Henry.. 20.000 33,600 279,640 178.910 53.300 10.000 3.720 55.500 38.950 6.630 50.000 50.000 700.000 450,000 250.000 25,000 6.300 213,900 157.600 50,000 22.680 123,050 25.000 24.000 260,000 1,560 13,550 ton Wilford Enyart... Jacob Karl______ 80-1098 w r, Rotti 3,000 27,150 W. F. Overhnlser. H. P. Kirchner.__ A. H. Thompson.. 2,840 20.800 Goat. & Com'l N.. Chi.; Ex., Kahoka; State Cent. Sav., Keokuk, la. 125,000 1st N.. Chi.; New Eng. N.. Kan. C.; N. City. 8t. L.; State Cent. Sav., Keokuk. J. C. Woodsmall... 32.100 55.500 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; State Cent. Sav., Keoknk, la. 37,120 46,150 1st N., Chi.; N. Bk. Oom.. St. L. 80-1458 . • SCOTLAND CO. NAT’L BANK Granville Daggs... J. M. Jayne______ R. M. Rarnes .... 86,770 22,150 47.850 <72 69,000 1st N.. Kan. C.; Citiz. N., Chtllicothe; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill. 240,000 . . 2,530 Boatmens N.. St. L. J F, Hnskins R. P. Farrar............ 10,000 4,090 18,290 Leroy Bryan Ed. Gloshen_____ Gussie A. Gloshen. 20,000 9,520 163.520 87.610 G. W. Hall.............. 10,000 1,250 8.000 5.000 A. G. Berkel_____ Matthew Hausner. Agnes Hausner.... 15,009 15,000 169,320 720 150,360 14,010 18,870 16,800 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: N. Stk. Yds. N„ N Stk. Yds., Ill,; Cent. Mo. Tr„ Jefferson C. Farmers & Merchants Bank Henry Heckman... J. J. Nacke........... H. W. Schweer___ Olay T. Wilson .... John Wansing $250-10% 80-772 t|'08 10,000 9.000 124.000 8,800 110,000 2,000 15,690 24.100 N. City. St. L.; Cent. Mo. Tr., Jefferson C. Harry Finch____ 10,000 25,000 242,000 Rank nf Ifnnfrn Perry M22~~ $100 80-1371 Mercer_______ 442 Mercer AO 8 J|'12 49,890 41,230 12.500 80-noi ?nn wFirst State Rank *125 80-1758 §'27 Meta ... _ i'tfi Bank of Meta______ ®<|'03 Paul Schulz $225-12% 80-771 8 Osage J14 Meta_________ 210 Metz Banking Company.$|’06 80-1103 10 V ernon L6 \ MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / \ CO / 33,040 1st N„ St. L.: N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill. 18. 1926) Alfred Vaught.... •• 93.210 1st N. and Fidelity Tr. Co., St. Jo.; Fid. N, Rk- Kr. Tr.. Run. P. 34,000 Am. N. and Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo.; Stock Yds. N.. Kan. C. 54.590 1st N., St. L.; Liberty N. and New Eng. N., Kan. C. 101,030 Cont. & Com’l N.. Qhi.; 1st N„ St. L.; Am. N„ St. Jo.; Columbia N.. Kan. C. 80-878 Mendon_____ 887 Bank of Mendon---------<§’88 R. A. Ptrtch.......... J. A. Engleman___ E. C. Poynter_____ H. R. Mayo.............. E. C. Poynter 80-759 8 Chariton E10 $200-20% v/ 124.500 20,000 Farmers Exchange Bank........ (Closed December ,« Merwin 10 Bates J7 207.730 111,330 30.000 E. C. Bleish__ 80-1097 80-339 8 11.630 (Closed September 29. 1926) M •« 23,000 Lafayette-South Side, St. L. 10.000 58,000 $ — E.W.Schowengerdt W. H. Fullington.. Mrs. W. H. Fulling- W. H. Sharpe___ H. T. Harris.. __ E. 8. Butt___ 42,000 $ 321.000 $ 32,000 $ 27.000 $ 355.000 % 80-1491 $140-8% par 100 Principal Correspondents, 10,000 $ 6,110 Melbourne__ 200 Bank of Melbourne________ (Closed February 24 . 1927) 8 Harrison C8 ^Memphis ___ 1941 Citizens Bank..............®<§’74 G. E. Leslie. Jr.... H. R. Leslie______ 80-340 8 Scotland A14 •• RESPttRUKS, Liabilities. Loana Bonds Miscel Oasx k lxOther Paid-up Surplus DiPOftoiAiea^Dn and and and Liabili Capital Propitb ITfl Discounts Securities laneous nos Bajdcs ties (Closed April 7. 192 7) 0. J. Siedler <|’11 R. W. Welden----- J. J. Childers....... O. M. Rash •• HcKlttrlck ....111 8 Montgomery 116 $200-8% par 100 Meadvllle. __ 616 8 Linn DIO 2S% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MISSOURI—Continued 1- Vice-President. President. P. F. White. UTrr.reffto 1(10 8 Callaway H14 McFall.... ......... 447 Rfinlr nf Hi-(Call $400-12% 80-1284 10 Gentry C7 par 100 A A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .. 140,200 1 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 51.740 Mid.-City Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Tra. N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 15.000 Tra. N.. Kan. C. 138,000 1st N., Nevada; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. \ MISSISSIPPI / For Banks and Bankers Everywhere V£uLy \y v Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Countt. o.Vlem. A.B.A.nNew § State tPriv. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab Fie. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loan* 1 Bonds Miscel ther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili AND and I and Capital Profits its Discounts Securities laneous ties .Mexico_____ 6013 ♦Farmers & Merchants Bank J. B. Armstrong--. J. G. Barnes_____ C. F. Merrifleld__ Russell Stevens... $ 8 Audrain 015 *130 par loo 80-150 dB®i§’24 J. E. Merrifleld 'FIRST NAT’L BK. 'R. R. ARNOLD-_ _ GEO. LEE. *205-12% par 100 80-148 d®*t'83 R. B. CAUTH0RR. W. C. ILATTRER - 25.000 I 2,500 $ 130.000 $ 12,500 $ 50.000 75.870 738,130 50,000 80,000 $ 439.980 218,720 694,830 53,710 R. M. White____ C. C. Heizer......... S. M. Sharp_____ W. Y. Burns_____ 100.000 77,020 748.100 ‘NORTH MISSOURI TRUST GO. W. W. POLLOCK- J. C. MUNDY------- L. M. DOZIER------ W. F. FEUTZ, See._ W.S.ELLER ,A.Stc. 150.000 42,790 826.490 144,400 692.820 60,220 150.000 Save time and g et service on Coll ectlons and Cred it Reports by sen ding FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight d rafts, 15c: Credit Reports, 26c. T RYUS. 73.000 825.000 68.300 730.000 68.300 4,850 142,050 106,200 5,000 124,670 71,000 *160-8% 80-149 ♦SOUTHERN BK.0F *150-8% 80-147 SERVICE 171,380 ®T»t§’03 Please send 15c with each Sight Draft for presentation and 25e for each Report. •tl,68 J.T. JOHNSON — A. 0. JACKSON_ _ _ C. B. JACKSON- - - - - - W. C. WILLIAMS. S.M. LOCKE ((Members indicated by a *) 25,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; Citiz. N., Chillicothe. 239.800 Han. N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Merch.-Lac. N., St. L. 176,570 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L. !• the strongest piss ws oan make for your bualnsaa. Mexico Clearing House____ C. B. Jackson__ 226,190 Chase N., N.Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., III. 300.000 N. City. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and N. City, St, L. R. B. Cauthorn.... W. F. Feutz, Sec... Miami Savings Bank„.»Jj’74 J. C. Haynie_____ R. D. Snoddy......... F. M. Burrnaa___ Dorothy Burruss __ *115-5% 80-1104 R. H. Lemmon, Sec. 25.000 Middletown. ,.279 Bank of Middletown...+§’86 H. O. Robinson J. H. Rice_______ M. M. Davidson.-. T. C. Bartlett___ 8 Monte. Q161# *300-6% 80-1105 Farmers Bank________ tl'18 Wm. Cohagen....... D. R. Nolan___ A. R. Pritchett___ Leah Rigg.............. *80 par 100 80-1560 .Milan............2395 First National Bank-.©*t'84 R. B. Ash------------ C. A. Schoene__ Lenny Baldridge.. John Rogers_____ 8 Sullivan BIO *100-10% 80-299 Grace Guinn 10.000 8,040 172,790 15.000 1,500 72.000 75.000 25.000 253.000 236.000 30,000 25,000 280,000 205,000 par 15,500 15 CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for p resentatlon, and .25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, personal attentio SATISFACTORY Principal Correspondents. Cash & ExCHANG*8,DtrX from Banks 42,000 S 23,000 $ ♦MEXICO SAVINGS BANK *!50-8%par 100 80-146 ®«t§’67 Miami............ 372 8 Saline F10 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued 4,200 56.500 N. City, St. L. 5.370 7,390 550 11,450 53,400 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L. 7,500 N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 100 INTERNATIONAL {F. 0. BUSTER _ BANK CHAS. MORRIS........ ARTHUR 0. CAMPBELL MHT. . . 2,500 27.000 9.500 91,000 Ill. Merch. Tr.Co.,Ohl.; N. Bk. Com., St.L.; Drov. N.. Kan. C. 120,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N.. St. L.; Tra. N.. Kan. C. Collection! a ap octal ty end remit ted on day of pay Prompt attenil on te all Booking matters entruate ■a. Pleat* tend lie wi (A each eight draft f or presentation and 2ie/er Credit Roper 80-301 «’99 Sullivan County Bank J. R. Morehead.. *430-25% 80-300 par 100 T. T. Morgan......... N. J. Payne_____ O. B. Payne... V. Dodson Milford............. 150 Milford State Bank.__®t§'19 M. H. Dresslaer... R. P. Thomas. *100 80-1619 10 Barton N7 Miller................ 536 Bank of Miller_____©»t§'02 B. F. Tartar_____ W.S. Burney. 80-799 8 Lawrence 08 Jioo-8% par 110.680 47.610 Drov. N.. Chi.; State Sav., Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy, Ill.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. C. C. Duncan . 10.000 890 39.000 Ray Brown______ Mrs. C. R. Gibbons 25.000 6.000 200,000 207,000 5,000 10.000 3,710 49.880 39,310 5,190 2,100 16,990 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 10,000 3,700 100,000 43,000 38.000 4,700 28.000 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.; N. City. U. S., and 1st N., St. L. 10.000 4.500 62,000 4,600 10,500 Thornton N., Nevada; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. O. 2.240 43,580 Tra. N., Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., Pitt., Kan. 100 5.450 33,710 11,650 600 62,000 Springfield. 100 J H.C.Chancellor.Jr. Eugene Smith____ Beverley Bunce... 10,000 7.500 144,800 82.980 A. W. Allen......... B. R. Graham____ J. B. Tate________ 12,000 10,990 52,000 62.980 8.060 W. H. Sturgis___ R. C. Sloan_____ 10,000 15,520 107,420 97,480 4,500 20,000 6,000 120.000 90,000 C. G. Shaw_____ High Grade Municipal Bonds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H. M. Zook. Luella Morgan....... E. L. Pigg__ MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 33,500 1,000 9,080 Columbia N„ Kan. O. 20.000 Bk. of Aurora. Aurora.; McDaniel N.. 100 ------- Mlndenmines 924 Bank of Minden____®»+§’12 10 Barton N6 *200 80-1367 M Incola______128 Mineola Bank_________ t§’ll Montgomery H16 *200-12% 80-1287 irabue........_J26 Farmers Banx________ t§’16 8 Caldwell E7 *200-10% 80-1529 Missouri City .292 Missouri City Bkg. Co.»t§’86 ._ _ -- 10 Clay F7 80-1108 \ Mississippi/ valley/ 124.390 G. A. Isenhour.. -------Milo__________ 134 Bank of Milo_________ t§’08 A. H. Davis______ A. J. Earl.............. B. H. Hart______ Mary D. Hart. 10 Vernon M6 *125-6% 80-1107 par 13,900 Geo. Hobbs____ Mill Grove....... 250 Mill Grove State Bank.t§’06 Ed. Schooler____ C. D. Vanderford. R. A. Davis— *135 80-1106 8 Mercer B9 Mill Spring.-. 237 Bank of Mill Spring.__t§’l6 Wm. Carnahan .... F. S. Chilton___ C. W. Deeper_____ S. L. Deeper. *132-8% 80-1527 8 Wayne P19 par 20.000 3,410 N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 30,960 Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 35.000 Fid. N. Bk. &Tr. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. Well Secured Real Estate and Corporation Issues 827 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given lo each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaliy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. • nNew §statefi'riv »Couuty Seats. tMem. State B Ass’n. [Estab Fig. under town is ♦Fe 1. Ites.DeptsiT-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-Safebep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this vo] ime. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI— Continued Liabilities. President. J. E. LYNCH Vice-President. J. H. LAMB. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital F. B. HARVEY------ A. E. BROWN Resources. $ 100,000 $ 48.000 $ 860.070 J 35,000 $ 714.510 $ 116.500 $ YOUR ACCOUNT AND COLLECTIONS INVITED. Moherly....... 13,875 8 Randolph F13 Prompt,personal attention given all matters entrusted to us. BANK OF MOBEBLY Our service will please you. TRY US. 80-74 d©»t§’95 80-75 d®»tl'06 150,000 W. T. Smart—. 50,880 1,839,070 651,900 923,890 55,000 411,990 N. City. N. Y.: Kan. C3. 1st N.. Chi., St. L. and 50,000 25,300 887,760 411,130 288,510 31.000 232,420 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: N. Bk. Com., and Merch. Lac. N., St. L.: Com. Tr Co., Kan. C. 75,000 Tr................ GENERAL BAN ING AND THl ST BUSINESS, 15 CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for pr esentatlon, and .25 CENTS for e aeh rredit report Insures prompt, personal attend on. 12.000 305,000 200,000 70,000 24,000 98,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. City.SLL.: Liberty N„ Kan. C. 15,620 49,750 55,650 14,810 4,910 St. Jo. Stock Yds., St. Jo.; Far. State, Princeton: Citiz. N., Chillicothe. 31,290 3d N.. Sedalia: N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill : Callaway, Fulton. 4,030 N. Stock Yds. JN., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 6,PE«»V—liK moberly trust company 70.000 $ 142.060 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N„ St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. Please send 15c with 'each sight draft for presentation. H. P. Jennings -__J. B. Jennings____ Y. W. Wilhite. Mechanics Savings Bank 80-73 •tS’72 $100-12% par so Principal Correspondents. Bonds Loam Surplus Ovipos Other MT9CEL- 1 Cash & Ex and and CHANGES, Du* Liabili AND its Discounts Securities LANEOU8 raoM Banks Profits ties slerc< e‘ h' lotter ttftlffrFIELD “COMPLETE B ANKING SERVIC E” Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts. Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25e for Credit Repor ts. I RANDOLPH COUNTY TR. CO. O. L. Rockey------- 10.000 37,500 7,500 130,400 4,950 136,270 6,500 10.000 2.010 8,200 8,260 21,230 140 3,070 59.000 3.150 244.370 10,070 173.120 16.250 37.890 80,330 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Com. Tr. Co. and 1st N..Kan.C.; McDaniel N., Springfld. 60,000 15,000 950,000 — 725,000 70,000 30,000 200,000 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.;N. City, St. L. 50,000 12,240 329,420 13,720 204,250 34,090 63,140 103,890 Chase N„ N- Y.; 1st N., St. L.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.. McDaniel N., Springfield. 50,000 67,330 605,030 313,280 05 W. A. Constable .. D. C. Lowe------- O O par too 80-77 d®T»t§T9 Modena______ 108;Bank of Modena---------- 18’08 8 Mercer B9 80-1109 Mokane.............726 Farmers Bank----------- »t5’97 8 Callaway 115 $i85-io% 80-1110 Molino_______ 60 Molmo Bank________ ®tS’13 8 Audrain Fla 80-1406 Monett __ 4206 Central State Bank d©»tS'19 8 Barry P8 $100-6% 80-1627 CHAS. C. HON...... 0,0. ASH —............ W. W. HALL. See. and 36,210 108,460 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.. Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.: Hannibal Tr. Co.. Hannibal. N. M.Yates. A. L. Hays 60.000 8,500 500,000 7,000 345,000 95,000 75,500 60,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Far. ^Montgomery Farmers & Merchants Bank T. M. Marlow____ B. F Hensley. Jr.. E. B. 8pears--------------------------80-1581 ®+S'19 City......... ...1688 $125-5% W. W. Wells 8 Montg. H16 'First National Bank......... T8 A. E. Kemper___ J. H. White______ Charles Garner. $145-6% 80-374 Montgomery County Bk.»tS’73 Samuel Sharp------- W. C. Hughes____ J. D. Hunter_____ Earle Moss . $200-12% 80-373 25,000 5,250 150.000 60,900 160.000 49,150 75,000 20.000 320,000 226,840 106,200 50,000 27,760 193,740 215,470 50.000 17,160 282,940 J par 100 ’• ____ " ____ “ X W. LEHNHARO — W. W. LEHNHARD.— 0. H. HUDSON-- - - - 80-207 ------- " Lena Ewens— John Walsh_____ jW. A. Johnson___ J. P. Martin — ) Oldest, Largest and strongest Ba nk. ©»t'92 I Bill of Lading a nd Collection* a Specialty. IPlease send lie with each Sight Dr aft for presentatio W. V. DAVIS— HUBERT KAISER UNION SAVINGS BANK _ 'par 100 80-350 ®»t§ 26 _ R. S. McClintic___M. R. Proctor____ J. S. Rutledge___ I J. V. Proctor, Sec. V. M. Griffith J. D. Robey_____ W. M. Patterson... G. E. Chipman... R. L. Wilson , H. HAMANN — J. T. LESLIE.......... ROY L.KELLER, S«.. ft »Montlcello ..244 M0NTICELL0 TRUST CO. . or prompt, car eful Son ice, $150-s% 80-1111 d®T*tS'69 IPlease 8 Lewis CIS send 15e with each Sight D raft for presenta P’ \ MISSISSIPPI/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 22,000 Merch.-Lac. N., 8t. L.: N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 10,700 6,000 70,000 N. Bk. Com. and 1st N.. St. L.:N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., 111. 50,040 IstN., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 4,910 294,870 900 19.730 39,510 State Sav.. Ln. & Tr. Co. and Mtle. Tr. & Sav.. Quincy. Ill.: N. City, St. L. 420 227,620 10,150 5*200 37,330 230 67,350 4001 75,980 N.Y. Tr. Co.,N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: Inter-State N., Kan. C. 8,920 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: 1st N. and Union State., West Plains 33,270 Tra. N., Kan. C.; 1st N.. St. L.: 1st N„ Chillicothe. (Closed for liquidati on October 7. 1926) R. H. Dugan_____ H. Welling..................F. C. Hill____ W. F. Dugan___ 15,000 22,620 J. F. Divers_____ W. H. Zorn_______ N. F. McCallon .... Noel McCallon__ 10.000 2.100 Homer Kirtley__ C. E. Vadnais_____ J. H. Cusick______ C. R. Moore------- 10,000 13.460 280.920 38,640 __ 78,580|- ____ Organized MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY 1890 SAINT LOUIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis & Merch. and Hannibal N.. Hannibal. red it Re ports. i.par 100 Montrose____.715 Farmers & Merchants Bank 8 Henry K8 Montrose Savings Bank «tS’95 80-624 Moody _______ 200 Rank of Moody_______ tS’ll 80-1288 8 Howell R14 $125-8% Mooresville__ 200 Mooresville Savings Bk. •t§’04 8 Livingston D9 $200-10% par 100 80-1112 6,290 Report. Monett State Bank _.®»tS'03 F. M. Shriver____ Solon Wright____ Chas. A. Rose. j $i4o-14% 80 -208 F. H. Kaase Monroe City.. 1941 Monroe City Bank...®»t§’75 J. S. Scott. 8 Menroe E15 $235-10% 80-349 " _ G. W. Pierce— John F. Taylor _|W. A. Heizer------- !' W. E. Cauthorn. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 4 ,1175 “ J. S Miller__ T. C. Botts____ 1 1.010 Member Federal Reserve System , ..Mississippi \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 008 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaily Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. »Alera.A.B.A.«New§StatetPriv. *County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is '♦Fed. Bes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. Morehouse ...1913 8 NewMadridy22 President. Vice-President. MOREHOUSE H. I. HIMMELBjgj WM. CRUMPECKER. TRUST CO. { $128 par 100 89-1113 d©T«t§’26 Worley.......... ..... 599 Scott County Bank........ dt8’91 8 Scott P 23 $175-20% 80-1114 par 100 Morrison_____ 386 Morrison Bank_____ ®t§1900 8 Gasconade 115 $150-8% 89-833 Richland Bank_________t§’10 $230-5% 80-834 Morrlsvllle ___ 426 Bank of Morrisville___ wtS’Ol 8 Polk N# 80-1115 Mosby_______ .300 Mosby State Bank____ *$§’20 10 Clay F7 80-1667 Moscow Mills .348 Liberty Bank....................JS’19 8 Lincoln H18 $130-5% 80-1577 par 100 Moscow Mills Sav. Bk...tS’04 20% 80-1116 Moselle_______160 Bank of Moselle.......... —M’07 8 Franklin J18 $200-10% 80-1117 Cashier. E. L. CRUMPECKER, Sec. and Tr. MOUNTAIN GROVE BANK $175-10% 80-382 ®«t§’88 Mountain View Bank of Mountain View 8 Howell P15 1058 $125-7% 80-683 ®«t§’04 Peoples Bank..................•j§'10 $150-8% 80-684 par 100 Mt. Moriah.__331 Bank of Mount Moriah..J5'98 80-1120 8 Harrison B8 *Mt. Vernon..1254 Farmers Bank________»t§’90 80-467 8 Lawrence 08 $225-8% Ass’t Cashier. J.M.HIMMELBERGER, i 50.000 James McPheeters. E. Daugherty-------- L. L. Hunter______ Lila C. Daugherty. 15.000 $ 11,270 5,420 S 158,260 46,430 24,900 8,250 H. J. Mertens_____ William Steffen___ E. H. Mertens.__ 20,000 7,830 214,640 Louis Boeger_____ August Redeker... H. W. Boeger____ 15.000 29.580 222.130 I C. J. Wilkins_____ John Dnnnegan.__ J. C. Edwards___ J. W. Henderson E. 0. Pixlee______ J. M. Crockett___ G. G. Cooper_____ H. A. George O. C. Brown______ R. C. Luckett_____ E. F. Ordelheide . O. F. Reckamp ___ F. W. Schulze 10,000 5,470 10,000 3,940 20,000 74.320 Principal Correspondents. Cash k Ex changes,Due from Banks 39,940 44,300 1st N., St. L.: Southeast Mo. Tr. Co., Cane Girardeau; Un. & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 8,350 14,930 Int’l, St. L„ Southeast Mo. Tr. Co., Cape Girardeau. 11,130 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 19,850 N. Bk. Com. and Mound City Tr. Co., St. L.: N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 30,340 Union N., Springfield; Polk Co., Bolivar; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.; 1st N., Kan. C. 8,990 1st N„ Kan. C. 285,160 $ 21,400 13,020 192,700 47,000 7,150 108,410 60,170 22,670 10.700 51,730 54.490 6,250 114.600 97,990 10,000 27.320 183,400 10,000 14.780 67,230 20.000 15,000 275,000 230,000 24,000 18.000 210,000 180,000 30.000 (B. P. SMITH_ _ _ _ C. T. HALL.......... Lading®«Ualfs,' Ca R.L. CARDINELL 35.000 20,000 'Special attentt on given Bill of sh and Time ite ms. )Please send 15c with each sight dr aft for presentatio n and 25 c for Cred it Repor ts. 'First and Oldes t Established Ba nk. 300.000 250.000 25,000 80,000 1st N., Chi. and Kan. C.; Am. N. and Burnes N„ St. Jo. 44,220 McDaniel N„ Springfield; N.City, St. L. J. E. Richards____ Thompson Carter. F. Karrenbrock... J. E. Carter______ C. W. Meyer, Sec. Jacob Gaasch_____ R. H. Lewis ........... F. J. Kramme, Jr,. John L. Hays......... 2,190 26,210 8,630 8,010 Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill. 177,560 7.000 5,900 64,290 11,200 2,960 30,270 1st N.. St. L.: N. Stock Yds.N., N. Stock Yds.. Ill.: Hannibal Tr. Co.. Hannibal. 13,560 U. S., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill. 5,000 A. P. Selim.............. C, V, Ashbaugh.__ C. M. Sullivan____ Helen M. Sullivan. 15,000 4.000 75,000 I. B. Barker______ J. W. Allen_______ G. M. Prater_____ Yale Myers______ 25,000 8,600 285,170 23,000 272,000 15,000 J. A. Chase______ L. J. Ellis________ W. J. Chase______ Carlyle Poe_______ H. E. Stiff Wiley Thorne 50,000 20,590 454,630 25,000 466,770 6,800 28,220 Wm. L. Penninger. L. V. Thomason... M. L. Landrum.... Carl R. Landrum.. 25,000 5.580 135,430 27,550 120,760 30,170 18,880 J. R. Tunnell_____ W. A. Mclntire... Jay Rinehart_____ R. L. Springer____ 10,000 3,000 121,420 85.490 10,550 7,490 L. H. Bussell_____ E. A. Miner_______ W. P. Chambers... Mt. Washington 10 Jackson G6 Napoleon_____ 15* Napoleon Bank_______ »t§'02 H. Berlekamp____ G. F. Oberhelman. John Hanssen____ 89-1122 8 Lafayette G7 $150 Napton_______180 Napton Stock Bank________ (Taken over by Woo d & Huston Bank, Marshall, Mo.) 8 Saline Gil Nashua_______ looi Bank of Nashua_______ il’05 C. M. Killgore........ C. F. Kiughton___ W. T. Elliott______ $225 80-1124 w 10 Olay F6 Naylor________681 State Bank of Naylor©»J|’27 Solan Farrar______ \. M. Hughes____ C. E. Smith........... 8 Ripley R19 80-1125 (Consolidation of Bank of Na ylor and Farmers & Merchants State Ba nk) >N»ck ----------- 241 Bank of Neck City.........•t§’06 A. M. Baird.............. W. G. Hogan______ Chas. E. Scafe.. 10 Jasper 06 80-1126 NeelyvUle..........237 State Bk. of Neelyville.«»’18 E. L. Abington.... H. W. McMulIan A. W. Moore 8 ButlerR20 $200-10% 80-1127 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ 187,080 A. Sec. H. S. Fowler______ T. H. Maberry, Geo. A. McCanse... Rex Johnson___ Active H. O. Halterman W. H. Sloan Mount Vernon Bank —.tS’86 E. C. Brown.......... W. N. Marbuk........ J. N. Shelton.......... $250-12% 80-466 (See Fairmount, Mo.) k MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Liabilities. Resources. Other Loam Bondi Paid-up Surplus Depos LlABILIMiscel and »nd AND Capital Profits its TIES Diacounti Securities laneous OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IS CENTS sent to ns with each s Ight draft for pre sentatlon, and *« CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attentl Mound City..1472 BANK OF MOUND CITY J. G. Graham......... R. E. Decker_____ B. M. Terhune 10 Holt 04 *300 par 100 80-412 «t5’89 Exchange Bank_________§'95 C. E. Thomas_____ M. E. B. Thomas . W. W. Wehrli. 80-413 HOLT COUNTY BANK—»t5 80 $250 -15% 80-411 par loo MoundvlUe.__240 Moundville State Bank..t§’06 18 Vernon M6 5% 80-1118 Mountain Grove FIRST NATIONAL BANK 8 Wright 013 2212 10% 80-383 d®*t'04 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued I nvestment Securities Meta R. Lueke.__ 70,000 75,000 Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; 1st N., St. Jo.; Lib. N„ Kan. C. 40,000 1st N. and Tootle-Lacy N.. St. Jo. 18,000 1st N., Nevada; Columbia N., Kan. C. 48,430 Han. N..N.Y.; C. & C.N.,Chi.; Union N., SDringf.; 1st N„ Kan. C.: State N. and N. City, St. L. 23,740 N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill.; N. City, St. L. 30,460 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Union N„ Springfield. 20,000 3,000 50,000 72,000 4,000 Tootle-Lacy N., St Jo.; Peo. Tr. Co.,Kan.C. 25,000 3.840 232.930 15,500 165,330 47,750 63.180 Tra. N.. Kan. C.; McDaniel N., Springfield: Conqueror Tr. Co., Joplin. 35,000 2,300 267,660 7,900 240,460 34,220 38.180 McDaniel N., Springfield; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 20,000 7,500 123.130 12,500 M. E. Peterson.... 12,000 Velma Moore_____ 15,000 10,000 1,000 40,000 Daisy Hudson........ 12,000 6,680 114,560 101,430 84,480 81,760 20,830 34,570 Tra. N. and Produce Ex.. Kan. C. 92.320 350 98,090 10,520 30,000 __ 720! 48,600;_ MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 1,000 5,000 16,310 New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Pioneer Tr. Co.. Kan. O. 8,970 N. City, St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds. 15,000 Webb City, Webb City; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 90,360; 1st N.. St. L.: Bk. of Poplar Bluff, Poplar I Bluff. A Bank for Bankers k MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. QOQ 7 Town and oounty. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.,lNew§StatetPriT. tMem, State B. Ass’n. [Estab ♦Fed. Res.Depts;T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. PKX8IDKET. V IGB-PBBBIDSrr. Nelson___ . 639 Tri-Connty State Bank H.C. Griffith_____ 5125 80-1128 d»i§’24 8 Saline Hll par 100 fJ. F. JOHNSTON IJ. W. WEST, V.P. J -^Neosho 3968 BARK OF NEOSHO -®d*$!’84 1 Special attenti 10 Newton P6 $250-18% 80-226 J Please tend IBe un par 100 (.Oldest Blank In M _ FIRST ** NATIONAL 15% —"-------- " 8&-X27 Gajuuze. Asst CUaam. J. M. Baker . W. T. Vprtv rk. C. McGINTT — A. W. DUFF.. C. M. ROBESON E. 6. C0BLTER........... J. K. MORRIS, Mar. Sav. Dept. E. C. COULTER, Tr. Off. d®T«t’02 ( Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred '-FH IN ADVAN CB: Plain eight d rmfte, ISet Credit Neosho Savings Bank A. L. McConnell.. H. 8. Ely_________ L.P. Kelly_______ $150 80-226 ®»tf’85 Newark 220 8 Knox C14 N e wBloomfleld 432 8 Callaway 114 New Boston___ 100 8 Linn D11 Newburg_____ 1236 8 Phelps L15 Farmers Bank_________ J|’05 $175-20% 80-846 Farmers Bank_____ d®t§’24 $112 80-1740 Farmers State Bank__ ‘tfOS $200 80-1131 Bank of Newburg _dB®»il'06 $200-10% 80-1132 par 133 -------- " Farmers & Traders Bank 80-1732 tS'23 New Cambria..313 Farmers A’07 8 Macon D12 $225-15% 80-780 par 100 New Cambria State Bk. •tl’92 16% 80-779 Liabilities. Surplus Paid-up AN1) Capital Propits ITS $ 15,000 $ R. C. LAMSPN______ E. L. MAHAN __ B. F. JOHNSTON-— 60,000 M. T. RICE. Act. W. B. KELLER, Act. on given BUI of L adlng drafts, Cas h and Time Ite mi. th tach tight draft fo r presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rU. Newton County. BANK Nettleton 2T0 Nettleton Bank . ... tl'OS 8 Caldwell D8 $235-6% 80-1129 ‘Nevada.............7139 First National Bank____ t’89 F. H. Glenn______ 80-in 10 Vernon L6 Nevada Trust Company O. H. Howard......... $135-8% 90-117 ®Ttl'18 TO. A. L06AN_____ THORNTON NATIONAL BANK $200-12% 80-115 BT*t’69 ) OLDEST BANK par 100 (.Special attentlo Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates. Holidays, etc see laws. MISSOURI—Continued 13,000 $ 80,000 $ Nora B. Smith W. L. Dack............... E. M. George-How—------------ ---ard. Sec. J. B. ROBINSON........ HARRY L. HARNER— JAMES M. DALE........ HFMNAKcow NTT. n given BUI of La ding drafts. Cash and Time Items. 22,000 15,000 3,000 342,000 22,310 1,045,810 97,300 797,390 203,850 52,850 2,000 318,650 292,660 4,870 100,000 71.970 849,300 106,000 539,890 271.710 4,580 5,500 144,380 16,150 113,110 doiut)U 1/ 4 oOU 88,000 20,000 145,140 60,000 W. F. Burns_____ E. L. Leonard____ H.M. Long............... 12,500 1,910 21,780 John Rees 10,000 13,500 120,000 10,000 22,030 147,250 20,000 9,540 218,210 New Franklin.848 8 Howard G12 CHAS. T. HARRIS-— 35,000 15,000 275,000 QUICK SERVICE $135 80-579 eful attention. er presentation and Me for Credit Roper It. New Hampton.519 Bank of New Hampt on®i|'09 F. O. Peasley_____ P. L. Swartz_____ G. H. Adair Bertha M. Dotson 15,000 80-732 8<t Harrison B 7 $135 Farmers Bank______ ®*f|'92 J. A. Christie____ Eunice M. Gibson.. 15,000 $530-6% 80-731 k MISSISSIPPIy \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 45 000 17,000 135,250 21,220 20,000 311,090 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi. and St. L.; New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Kan. C. Ill. State, and Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Qoincy, III.; La Belle Sav., La Belle. 18,000 Callaway, Fulton; Ill. State, Quincy, Ill.; 9.080 7,480 Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy, Ill.; Citiz. N., 1st N„ Jefferson C. Chillicothe. 28,890 Liberty Cent. Tr. Oo. and N. City, St. L. 3,680 10,390 1st N„ St.L.; N. Bk. of Rolla. Rolla. 8,800 30,000 36,100 Stk. Yds. N.. Chi.: N. Bk. Oom., St. L.; N. 106,740 7.920 8,720 140,150 66,540 8,400 55,990 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.. Ill.; Com. Tr. Co., K&n. C.; Mtle. Tr.ASav., Quincy, Ill. 32,660 1st N.. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N..N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 5,000 233 910 57,240 33,910 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N.. Kan. C.; Boon- vilie N., Boonvilie. 200 90,000 66,520 223,470 400 227,490 18,200 25.000 Am. W.. St. Jo. 1,850 43,470 32,570 Dror. N„ Chi.; Tootle Lacy N. Jo. Stock Yds., St. Jo. 7.500 25,000 85,750 770,670 190,480 608,630 Edw. Hebbeler___ J. L. Bagby_______ Robt. Meyer______ V. G. Meyer______ 20,000 16,850 422,230 233,650 192,300 I. E. Rice_________ G. E. Yager............... Harry Wood______ 16,000 20,490 199,190 A. G. Kennedy .... \V. H. Briggs 25,000 13,460 189,290 10,000 and St 74,810 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Oom. and 1st N.. St.L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. 8tock Yds.,111. 33,140 1st N.. St. L. 169,700 10,080 54,900 Hannibal N., Hannibal; 1st N., St. L. 159,770 29,570 48,410 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.;Far.&Merch.,Han nibal; N. Stock Yds. N., N. StockYds.. Ill. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS St. Jo. Stk. Yds., St. Jo. 211,330 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Oo., Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 167,410 N. City, N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 7,000 7,250 i,. Grannemann___ W. C. Gerding......... C. S. Buchanan-__ Collections Given Special Attention 113,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 5,000 Stock Yds. N.. Kan. 0.: 1st N., Hamilton; Stk. Yds. N.,N. Stk. Yds.. Ill. A. B. Hendershott. A. E. Hendershott, Sec. Geo. E. Crow_____ W. E.Conn............. R. A. Briscoe. Sec. 213,750 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st Merch.-Lac. N., St. L. New Florence.. 600 New Florence Bank____ tl’89 Howard Ellis_____ W. H. Knox . 8 Monte. H16 $182-8% 80-1133 New Haven.__ 865 Bank of New Haven___ tl'BO 8. Franklin 117 89-559 Farmers Savings Bank..t*’04 $200-10% 80-560 *New London.. 911 Bank of New London.__ S'64 8 Ralls B16 $235-20% 80-526 Rails Oennt^Ijank ___ dtf’97 12,000 713,210 2,000 H. C. ROYSTOI.......... Hi Ch. OLLECTION8 for ured prompt, car ith each tight draft f 42,000 18,390 6,250 (H.M. KINGSBURY-B. s. Leavenwort < Send ns yow C J All business ass ®»M’92 Kj>leate tend 15« u> 59,110 50,000 10,000 G. Goodson............... Wm. N. Bundren.. 296,150 26R 000 41,000 ________ O. J. Amen.. J. T. Magee......... ..... Almena M. Gilleland Huston, Marshall. MEMB ER FED ERALR ESERV E SYST EM. 10,000 ......... Helen G. Morelock 12,000 N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds. .Ill.; Wood & 261,560 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; State N„ St. L.; Com. N.. Kan. 0.: Liberty Oent.Tr. Oo.. St.L.; Un. N., Springfield; Joplin N„ Joplin. 60,000 100,000 6,000 $ 20.000 605,300 10,000 R. D. Pinto_______ S. H. Coffman_____ J. A. Clark................ J. E. Snodgrass___ Romayne Swift $ Principal Correspondents. Tr. Co., Kan. C. G. S. Minor_______ 8. M. Myers____ __ .T. V. MeKim . CITIZENS BANK 15,000 reiupnTM. R. GIBSON E. S. CORNISH, A. Tr. Off. It Reports by sen ding Reporte 16e. TR YUS. M. T. January____ W. Swearingen___ J. R. Rinehart ___ C. H. Jones_______ G. W. Cable ties Resources. Lo&m Bonda Qjum k lx and and «t—,Pn Diaeounta SaeuritUs LANEOUS fMi Imt --------------------------- 41,400 1,107,640 P. T. Adkison......... W. A. Sitton_____ F. J. Nichols_____ R. N. Bloom. ... Other Liabili Exceptional Facilities for Transit Items V, MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 830 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem.A.B.A.nNew §State TPri?. Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ^County ;Seats. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. District d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans Bondi Other Cash ft ExPaid-up Surplus Depos L Miscel chanqrb and and .Du* and iabili Capital Profits its Discount* Securities laneous from Banks ties Principal Correspondents. ‘New Madrid. 1908 Commercial Trust Company__ (Closed May 31, 192 7) 8 New Mad’d R23 — HUNTER’S BANK *335-15% 80-363 j"A. B. HUNTER........ H. C. HUNTER______ H. C. HUNTER--------- T. A. WOOD, JR____ * 150.000 1 $ 312,340 $ 4,480 S 373,920 11,300 $ ) Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred It Reports by sen ding «t§'19 (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight drafts, 18a; Cred it Reports, 25c. TRY US • New Melle____305 New Melle Bank______«t§’09 John Cunningham. A. C. Hoefner____ Hugo Rottmann__ Edwin Wessler.__ 8 St. Charles 118 $30O-ifi% 80-1135 10,000 26,060 Newtown_____408 Farmers Bank________ t§’19 F. J. Miller______ T. B. Maxwell____ C. B. Holt 8 Sullivan BIO $110 80-1623 25.000 2.660 106.810 13.040 97.720 J. Jas. Vinson........ New Truxton lOO Farmers Bank —........ dtS’09 W. L. Boehmer___ G. H. Cope... D. G. Hackamack.. Maurine Lovett... 80-H37 8 Warren H16 $225-10% par 100 Nfangua______283 Citizens State Bank........ t§'07 J. V. Elmore_____ D. A. Williams___ Charles E. Elkins. 8 Webster Nil 80-1138 J. 0. Grizzel 305,690 1 3,150 114,450 197,210 79,860 73.280 120 75.780 * 128,980 Cairo N., Cairo, Ill.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Union & Plan.Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 4.200 29,050 1st N. and Merch.-Lac. N„ St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.; Cent. Tr. Co., St. Charles 34.490 Tra .N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Citiz. N„ Chillicothe. 20.120 28.500 2.120 16.970 • un^y diiu isi n 11 oil aj< 10,000 6,360 122,840 78,380 8,600 52,220 N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill.; McDaniel N„ Springfield. Nfxa................... 370 Bank of Nixa_____ ____ tl'OS W. E. Keltner____ J. E. Bennett_____ H. T. Nokesi_____ B. A. Keltner_____ 80-1139 8 Christian P10 W. J. Hedgpeth 10,000 12,090 118,510 117,960 5,000 17,640 Union N„ Springfield; Christian Co.. Ozark. Noel ________324 Bank of Noel..............©•tS'QB E. O. Williams -__ B. F. St. Clair____ M. P. Williams ... G. L. Chancellor.. 10 McDonald B 6 $150-20% 80-1140 10,000 3,500 122 400 75,900 Norborne____1180 Citizens Bank______ $300-8% 80-452 8 Carroll F0 40.000 60,000 175.270 201,000 100.000 35.000 383,460 142,500 415,000 60,000 1,500 123,240 760 141,160 25,000 24,000 400,000 25,000 10,090 169,490 20,000 10,000 79,240 10,000 480 38,840 27.430 Norwood_____ 319 Ryan Banking Co......... •tS’ll W. S. Calhoun........ A. R. Worsham___ D. L. Connolly___ R. L, Calhoun........ 80-1315 8 Wright 013 10% 25,000 7.000 230,000 175,000 17,000 Novelty_______277 Novelty State Bank..®»$8'23 Leo Wright_______ M. Griffith 12% 80-1142 8 Knox Oil 25.000 8,620 197,130 188,260 23,950 23,000 20,000 18,670 549,160 329,580 129,000 19,000 110,250 Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Quincy; 1st N., St. L. 20,000 19,070 242,680 245,400 3,000 2,600 20,00( 13,870 156,710 112,800 11,600 6,500 30,750 1st N.,Tra. N., Drov. N., and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L. 59,680 Liberty N. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. — E. O. Belt TE. C. MEEHAN __ W.S. 6RIDEB______ GEO. T. MEEHAN.— 11.000 33,400 1st N., St. L.; New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. CoKan. C. 750 157,700 87,510 N. Park, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N„ Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 80-451 dB®*tl’81 \ OLDEST, LAR GEST AND STR ONGEST BANK. | Special attentio 0 given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. (.Please send 15c tot th each sight draft fe r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. .. Norborne Trust Co..d®Tti’21 T. O. Wright J. E. Brenneman.. Martin Bernine... Louise Tassaro___ $102-6% 80-1709 par 100 No. Kanins City National Bank of North C. R. Burrell_____ H. O. Lienhart___ E. C. Mueller____ A. W. Engelbert.. ___ (Kansas City P. O.) Kansas City........ dB©*t’13 80-1407 " 10 Clay 06 870 1235-8% par 100 Peoples Bank_____ d®»t8'21 R. H. Moore______ Chas. R. Bigham.. fialft Tt. Fnv 80-1658 Rudolph Schroeder No. Salem_____ 75 Farmers State Bank___t§'13 B. P. Christy.......... D. V. Mardis_____ .T. M. Arnold (Formerly Farmers Bank) 8 Lina Oil E. H. Moore *150 80-1442 North view____ 87 Bank of Northview__ 18'17 E. Rathbun______ W. T. Triplett____ C. M. Dodd . 80-1513 8 Webster Oil Novlnger_____ 1743 Novlnger Bank____ $250-10% 80-384 8 Adair B12 ........ . L. 0. Hudson Geraldine Ritze... . _ R. N. Turner ®*t8’01 S. A. Novlnger .__ Marion Shoop____ Ora E. Novinger... J. H. Wallace O. M. Blackorby Oak Grove____631 Bank of Oak Grove___«t8’83 J. M. Guy _______ C. B. Shrock ____ F. L. Guy____ $250-20% 80-637 10 Jackson 07 T. C. Mahrv Commercial Bank..........»t8'07 F. M. Frick........... .T. C. Guv 80-638 A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 57,000 Conqueror Tr., Joplin; Bk. of Neosho and 1st N„ Neosho. Beckie Foster FARMERS BANK $150-8% par 100 H. Btrathman_____ G. D.Viles a 000 . L. O. Pearson A. D. Shrock 314,000 29,000 13,550 138,510 28,390 18,500 111,010 26,950 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 18,500 25,850 Tra. N., Kan. C. 112,800 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N.. Kan. C. 8,480 42,750 Produce Ex., Kan. C. 6,710 10,020 State Sav.. Ln. & Tr. Co.. Quincv; 1st N., Brookfield; Drov. N„ Kan. City. 19,170 70,000 Un. N. and McDaniel N.. Springfield; Fid. N. Bk. &Tr.Co., Kan. C.: N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 22,490 Mark Twain. Hannibal; N. St k. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds.; State Sav., Ln. & Tr., Quincy. 1 For Banks and Bankers Everywhere QOi OJ1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. eMem.A.B.A.n-New § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.@Sav.$LastSale%Div. Oak Hill______ 25 8 Crawford K16 t HO-5% President. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. J. F. Ferris_______ H. E. Allison______ Le Roy Leezy_____ Liabilities. Rebources. Loam Bonda MiscelOther Paid-up Surplus D eposand and and LlABIH-i Capital PBOFIT8 Diicoun ti Securities TIES $ 10.000 $ 2.740 $ 35,790 $ 24.350 1 1,600 $ 4,040 $ 18,600 N. Bk. Com., St. L. 80-1143 Oakwood..........413 8 Marion £ 16 $250-10% 80-1145 (*Member Hannibal Clearing Odessa. _____ 1786 BANK OF ODESSA —--<S 80 8 Lafayette G 8 $275-10% par 100 80-418 *• _ . ** Citizens Bank .. •• FARMERS BANK------ d>i§’83 $225 par 210 80-419 22,000 1st N., St. L.; Far. & Merch., Hannibal. W. Z. Link 10,000 22.500 135,000 140,000 House Assn., Hann ibal, Mo.) .T. C. Oalfee J. F. Martin (Purchased by Bank of Odessa) 50,000 81,100 799,140 791.720 H. C. Armstrong .. W. A. Renick........ G. M. Forsyth____ 30,000 32.500 272,250 $ {IADSLe LEONARD L ORF--— i&Hefcs OSCAR A.OHF------- 25,000 16.350 234.010 Louis Sattler____ J. F. Sigmund------ A. S. Ahrens 30,000 1,000 18,000 35,000 108.440 110,700 102.410 7,740 142,460 41,120 34,710 9,500 5,350 51.530 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: Gate City N.. Kan. C.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 3,600 11.550 1st N., St. L. 1,500 21.500 1st N.. St. L. 5,900 10,000 12,400 208,550 Henry Holtzman.. 0. R. Clemmons... Verona A. Wehde.. 25,000 21,990 171,110 Olean________ 200 Miller Co. Exchange Bank E. W. Morris. . 8 Miller J13 $300-20% par 10080-1147 d»Ji’89 B. D. Miller............ H. P. Allee 15,000 19.180 125.340 93.140 Obey _________200 Rank of Olncv 8 Lincoln G17 80-1673 F. 0. Stroker . 10,000 180 23.830 18.860 Pauline Ristig____ 25,000 4,000 83.000 78,500 12,000 ‘Oregon______904 Citizens Bank_______ d»JI’90 George Lehmer__ J. A. Kreek______ W. P. Schulte____ Jessie J. Jones— 10 Holt 04 80-613 Zook & Roecker Banking Co. Guy Cummins____ Mary Zook Hibbard Autumn Carry 80-512 •$! 71 Oronogo.......... 981 Farmers & Miners Bank _f’14 R. A. Norton.... M. A. Norton __ 10 Jasper 06 80-1477 20,000 16,530 233.180 179.810 23.290 21,000 17,650 324,590 236,860 10,000 2,500 80,000 45,000 20,000 37,670 190,770 169,780 2.650 25,180 20,000 47.620 184,960 197.870 12,960 23,020 10,000 8,350 128,440 60.670 72,580 3,280 A. J. Hitt------------- J. W Johnson Ira James O. W. Goodman___ Geo. F. Moser____ W. W. Moser______ 10.000 15,000 338,500 277.430 490 4,900 20,000 6,100 142.000 Ralph P. Johnson. E. J. Christeson__ A. L. Christeson... 10,000 4,160 177,210 Lorenzo Prather .. Augusta H.Graham Mildred Linney ... Ohas. H. Green 10,000 47,370 336,000 20,000 11,400 187,040 147,820 Margaret Jenkins. T. E. Wherley 10,000 22,260 204,320 125,260 Thomas Daily____ 10,000 18,460 278,340 E. W. Steinbeck... 30,000 32,070 Geo. W. Tappmeyer Amy B. Burchard— 50,000 9,760 i{'20 • W. H. Dave!___ Oran..............1141 First National Bank ...•t'26 John Dirnberger, S. B. Hunter_____ L. C. Leslie 8 Soott P22 80-1753 Sr. Orrlck . -632 “F. S Offntt A. Kirkham______ W. 0. Williams—— 8 Ray G7i( $200-8% par 100 80-740 J. M. Pigg______ O. J. Brady_______ Oitizens Exchange Bk.®»JS'90 $500-20% 80-739 if’15 John A. Kramer__ M. Schubert--------- H. N. Wilferth ... Osage City ....231 Rank of Osagn Pity $190-15% 80-1512 8 Cole 114 Osborn______ 354 C. E. Jones______ 80-791 1j) De Kalb D6 $250-10% Farmers Bank________ it'09 Berry Everett___ 80-792 ‘Osceola_____1025 Citizens State Bank—®tS’16 L. O. Shrewsbury.. 8, St. Clair L8 80-1525 Johnson-Lncas Banking Co. G. B. Linney_____ $500-8% par 100 80-479 ®t§’96 ffm. C. Lucas, Ch. J. H. Allison.. P. G. Williams E. P. Hunt — . . S. D. Brady Oscood . . 272 Osgood Banking Go—-dil'98 G. M. Anderson__ ■ Sullivan B10 $150-8% par 100 L. R. Han, Active 80-1150 Ottervilie_____482 Bank of Ottervilie..-d>tl'94 W. 8. Parsons____ 8 Cooper 111 $300-10% 80-1161 Overland_____830 Overland State Bank®»t}'13 O. Reinemer (Si. Louis P.0.) io% 80-1419 8 St. Louis I 20 0.0. Etz. Owensvllie ....777 Farmers* Merchants Bank E. R. AufderHeide RGasconade.Jie $300-15% 80-1431 ®»it'13 Owensville Bank____ •ttlOOO Jacob Tappmeyer.. A H Iflel 80-1152 High Grade Municipal Bonds T. V. Phelps. 6.500 10.100 1st N. and Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 31,860 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill. 66.510 Am. N. and 1st N.. St. Jo. 111.970 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. St. Jo. 31,000 Com. Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Kan. C. 9,700 134,610 12,320 7.310 80,000 202,000 9,200 50,820 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Drov. N.. Com.Tr.Co.,andlstN..Kan. C. 18.720 N. Y.; lstN.,St. L.; Com. Tr. Co. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr.. Kan. C. 10.260 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N.. Jefferson City; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 87,180 Foreman N., Chi.; 1st N.t Plattsburg; 1st N.. Kan. C.; Am. N.. St. Jo. 45,400 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Am. N.. St. Jo.; Columbia N.. Kan. C. 37.130 Com. Tr. Co., Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Columbia N.. Kan. C. 1st N.. St. L. 105,340 Blair & Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Western Ex.. Kan. C. 15,140 55,490 Stk. Yds. N.. Chi.; Citiz. N. and 1st N., Chillicothe; Inter-State N.. and Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 19,680 16.290 75.350 1st N., St. L.;'Citiz. N., Sedalia; 1st N„ Kan C.; Boonville N., Boonville. 218.290 13,900 4.560 672,210 439.080 243.550 21.950 321,62C 304,680 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 100 14,420 113,000 3,170 35.750 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: 1st N, and Columbia N.. Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 19.860 N. Bk. Com. and Mound City Tr. Co., St. L.: N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill. 294,000 and Time Items. n given Bill of La ith each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Rep orts. 32,050 119,530 1st N.. Chi.: New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; 1st N., St. L. 141.200 O’Fallon............588 BANK OFO’FALLON-d®*tS 03 ( Please send 15c w 8 St. 0harlesH19 $153-6% 80-574 par 100 .. •• Commercial Bank i?’08 L. H. Glosemeyer. $210-10% par 100 80-575 Old Monroe...317 Bank of Old Monroe...‘tl’Oe H. Hemmersmeyer. 80-1146 8 Lincoln H19 I2i«-10% Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Principal Correspondents.. ft Cash Exchanom.Dui from Banks 70.050 Sav. Tr. Co., St. L.; 1st N., Clayton. 29,700 1st N. and Franklin N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 76,720 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. Ill. Well Secured Real Estate and Corporation Issues Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 832 Town amd County. *County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. District. »Mem.A.B.A.nNew§StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Hes.Dcpts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. tOzark BANK OF 0ZJRK..........®t§'96 -79R | Christian P10 Prxsidznt. Cashier, Vice-President. Ass’t CASHIER. RUSSELL_ _ _ _ y>M&sssi H.osR. your Collectl ons. 9,040 $ fT.L ROBERTSON - J.C. ROGERS--------- J. S. TAYLOR____ D. C. LEOHARO...... ) Oldest and Larg est Bank. tl’86 1 IS CENTS sent to ns with each si ght draft for pres entatlon, and 26,500 9,360 274,430 257,900 Ozark Savings Bank..®tl’06 R. M. Mapes.......... Ellen A.Harrington D. F. Hedgpeth... B. L. Hedgpeth... $130-12% 80-573 10.000 2.620 65,480 60,460 L. R. Dougherty .. A. R. Leber............ 15.000 30,220 346,570 $ J. J. Dailey... 10,000 3,930 63 nxn G. Glenn Gross.... 10,000 23,930 286,860 H.J.ME1-------- 50,000 11,210 First Savings Bankd©»t§’67 S. Sanford............... J. H. Kelley............ J. E. Anderson.__ M. D. Thompson.. J. W. Head $160-6% par 100 80-806 R. E. Redman 100,000 $ James Booth.......... $300-10% par 100 80-434 Farmers & Merch. Banfctl'14 D. E. Williams___ $120-8% 80-1459 A. Koppltz, Sr......... 80-433 rw. F. HOWELL -.) Modern, Progre ^Palmyra____1964 BANK OF PALMYRA 04 ] Special attenllo 80-808 8 Marion D18 $iso-7% (_Pleaie tend 16c tot F. W. Viemann ... O. W. Arcularius .. L. M. Roomer S.0. WHITE-------- sslre, Up-to-date al Serrlee. n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. th each light draft fo r pr Mentation end 2 be fir Credit Report t. 4X1 Paris National Bank _dB»t’71 J. E. Deaver............ J. M. Crutcher___ J. L. Krnmmel ___ R. B. Sproul_____ Paniine Brayton 80-426 Monroe F14 tParls M „ PARIS SAVINGS $i6o-8% BANK par 100 Parkvllle........... 619 80-427 $ 88,850 $ 3,310 $ rW. M. FARRELL — J. W. WARREN---- CLARENCE EVANS-.. VIRGINIA REWTONJ.N.CRAIG, A. Cash. H. G. WARREN < A Strong Bank, offering an efflcle nt Personal Servi 176.330 139,780 9,010 49,510 12,060 5,690 136,950 149,360 11,500 23,190 Franklin and N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 504,000 413,900 15,930 42,500 93,200 Am. Ex, Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Gont. & Oom’l N., Ohi.; 1st N.. St. L. 66,000 846,000 460,000 344,000 87,500 120,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and St. L.: III. Merch. Tr., Chi.; State Sav. Ln. & Tr., Quincy. 70,000 80,970 698,310 379,620 400,440 37,640 101,700 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N.. St. L.; Far. & Merch., Hannibal. 50,000 38,960 356,760 248,800 106,290 23.500 67,130 Oont.&Com’l N.,Ohi.: 1st N.,8t. L.; Far. & Merch.. Hannibal; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 1.500 220 70,120 Farmers Exchange Bank 80-1298 ®«t 'll First National Bank..@tl’25 *120 80-1748 Parma Bank__________•il'05 $175-10% par 100 80-1156 Peoples Bank__________JU2 $140-10% 80-1345 Farmers Bank--------dB»t5'10 par 100 80-736 Parnell Bank 0. P. Breen______ E. N. Breen_______ E. J. Breen .. 220,000 4R non 25,000 5,210 59,940 58,780 900 C.S. Blackman.__ E. J. Hoke_____ 20.000 20,000 100.000 Meier, 8*c, 15,000 5.730 46,560 H. E. Nigh______ F. A. Messbarger . 20,000 16,860 183,850 10,000 360 40,570 25,000 5,880 20,000 25,570 200,800 H. A. Brierly_____ C. O. Bishop______ 25.000 7,490 138,680 Pendleton........350 Bank of Pendleton_____ t§’24 C. F. Myers______ W. S. Chiles. —__ _ O. F. L. Haake ___ 10,000 1.480 39,210 Pennsboro_____50 Bank of Pennsboro____ tl'14 J. N. Snadon.......... G. W. Snadon------ W. N. Allison.......... T. S. Allison.......... 10,000 5,230 31,320 Parnell ... 473 10 Nodaway^Ab R. W. Baskin_____ Chas. Siehr J. W. Kennedy.__ J. P. Morris. . . R. O. Allen Geo. M. • Pattonsburg.. 1068 Daviess County Bank®*tt’94 J. W. Young............ W. W. McKinnis.. E. C. Van Meter... Carl L. Robertson. 8 Daviess 07 $150-10% 80-494 C. A. Reed, Sec. •* _____ •« PATTONSBURGSAV. BANK B. A. Yates............. O. A. Reynolds .... Hattie McDaniel.. $500-12% 80-403 d®»i|’82 Peculiar........... 233 Oass County Bank____ «tl'02 J. M. Knight___ $175-12% par 100 80-1166 10 Cass 16 8 Warren HI7 $116 Dade N8 80-1735 $100-6% par 100 80-1447 Organized 1890 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 43,050 80,000 Peo. Tr. Co. and Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. O. 10,790 19,680 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. 95,000 2),000 25,000 N. City and Int’l. St. L. 47,329 — 10,52) 114,260 — MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 9,440 1st N., St. L. 171,560 64,340 27,860 Mid City Tr. & Sav., Ohi.; Tootle-Lacy N. and Am. N„ St. Jo.; 1stN„ Maryville. 20,700 6.620 23.600 Inl'l, St. L.; Poplar Bluff Tr. Co., Poplar Bluff. (Closed April 7, 192 7) Patterson..........176 State Bank of Patterson. §’23 A. M. Costner........ C. B. Ford................ H. F. Maddox____ 80-1664 8 Wayne 019 $100 8 9,690 Mtle. Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Com., St. L. I Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 280.000 |NewMadridH24 “ “ 68,170 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., St. L. d®»t*’85 K^Pleau tend 16c wit h tach tight draft for pmentation and 25c for Credit Report!, 30,000 Parma---------- 1241 28,610 N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds.. Ill.; Mc Daniel N., Springfield; N. City, St. L. 17.640 Union N., Springfield. 20,000 Platte Fa Primoipal Correspondents. 52,330 McDaniel N., Springfield; Inter-State N., Kan. O.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N..N. Stock Yds.. Ill. G. H. Bunting ___ J. Underwood........ L. R. Renner____ A. C. Mothershead 19 3,100 { lZ5 CENTS for e acb credit report insures prompt, p ersonal attention. I Franklin J19 “ •• || 87,830 ] Special mttentio n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. {^Please lend 16c w ith each light draft for fr dentation and 25c for Credit Repo rts. Pacific.............1275 Citizem Bank <« Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel- Oass A Exand and Discounts Seouritiss LANttUUB rmou Banks 27,000 $ 10% par 100 80-671 M 1 Liabilities. Paid-tjp Surplus Ddpos- Other and Capital Profits TIES CHRISTIAN COUNTY BANK ““ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acres.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued 99,310 1,640 26,960 17,220 Com. Tr. Co., Kan.G.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 175,840 440 10,000 60,070 Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.: New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C.: 1st N., St. Jo. 700 121,620 11,400 4,600 34,240 1st N., St. L.; Western Ex. and Inter-State, Kan. C. 2,030 33.420 9,160 6,120 27,590 5,030 4.030 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 13,930 McDaniel, Springfield; Com.Tr.Oo.,Kan.C. Member Federal Reserve System oqo OJO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Oountt. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel Gash A Ixther Paid-up Surplus Depos LOiabili otbaboss,Dtti and and AND its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous rmoM Baku ties President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Perry...................838 PEOPLES BANK —d®*t§ 87 I Ralls F15 80-549 M •« PERRY BANK-............®»ti 85 W.R.NETHERLAND- C. W. FOREE---------- A. G. ELAM............... 0 R G. S. JACKSON D. E. WATERSTON- M. T. GILL.................. C. R. HOWERTON-— iPerryville___ 1763 BANK OF PEBRYVILLE 8 Perry M22 5225-10% 80 -886 d®»tS'91 par 100 M .. First National Bank..®»t’19 H20 80-1614 M « Home Trust Company 5100-12% 80-388 d®»t*’09 par 100 < OLDEST AND STRONGEST BA NK IN PEBBY C OUNTY ) Special atteuti on given Bill of Lading drafts, Ca sh and Time Ite ms. (.Please send 15c wit h each sight draft for presentation and 25 c for Credit Reports. ' W-hii T?nv Tntnrncf Vnt-Ao fW E URRAN I0HN TIAPEK H R PHILLIPS iackson A E DOERR $ a+o oaa T oiirc — Liabilities. •Mem. A.B.A.nNew {StatetPrir. tMem. State B. Au’n. [Betab. ♦Fed. ltes.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond ci-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. 1167 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MISSOURI—Continued 25.000 $ 45,740 $ 296,790 50.000 31,790 266,86C 50,000 80,080 553,720 $ 1 $ 284,030 26,840 200,770 $ 78,840 35,120 70.000 407,200 70,000 74,500 t Principal correspondents. 56,660 N. City, St. L.; Hannibal N. and Far. & Merch., Hannibal; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 33,920 Far. & Merch. and Hannibal N., Hannibal; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.. Ill.; State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy; N. Bk. Com.,St. L. 119,760 Oont. A Oom’l N„ Chi.; IstN., St.L. 25.000 8,140 137,980 7.010 98,650 46,330 4,530 50,000 22,300 328,050 26,650 310,540 29,500 53,650 10,000 7,500 61,000 54,000 1,200 7,800 Philadelphia ..200 Citizens Bank. __ ___ ti’20 Thos. J. Crane.—. W. H. Wagner____ Miss Leona Hay- F. Til lift. Tr. craft M. C. Feaster, Sec. 585 par 100 80-1688 8 Marion D15 15,000 620 26,070 R. O. Senn______ Tracy McFarland.. 10,000 11,500 70,630 87,630 D. W. Robb______ 10,000 4,810 133,360 96,800 23,190 J. W. Hixson_____ 10,000 24,760 203,840 149,690 J. 8. Berryman___ Chas. H. Jones___ W. D. McGhee____ William Carter Sam Schoppe.......... A. J. Forsythe____ E. T. Eeroyd_____ H. A. Moore 45,000 1,510 135.310 3,000 145,810 50.000 18,030 470,620 59.000 282.640 H. A. Seltsam____ A. A. Hoff 20,000 13,080 168,650 162,120 9,930 0. M. Shepherd... Beulah Goode........ 20,000 36,580 226.390 204,780 7,890 18,400 51,890 1st N., St. L.; Boonville N., Boonville. 30.000 19,350 269.570 224,170 19.800 30.370 44.580 Merch.-Lac. N., St. L. H. F. Guemmer.__ Mary C. Frioux.... Jos. F. Fenwick... D. F. Morton_____ Chas. E. Kiefner.. B. Obendorfer—. Roy Kiefner____ Chas. E. Cashion tl’flfi J. F. Meier_______ .T. PI. Craft. Pevely________ 300 Bank Of Pevely 8 Jefferson K20 1125-13% 80-1153 Phllllpsburg.. .248 Farmers State Bank___tl’66 80-1160 8 Laclede Nil W. H. Shank. .......... O. L. Soon. Pickering, ...314 Bank of Pickering—-®»JI’07 W. L. Robb.............. M. F. Rnbh_ 10 Nodaway AS $250 par 100 80-1161 Piedmont........ 1086 Bank of Piedmont.........•tl'02 P. H. Fulton.. 5350-38% 80-469 8 Wayne 018 " ...... " E. C. Way land____ Peoples-Exchange Bank 5ioo 80-468 •tf’ie Pierce City ...1476 First National Bank d®T»t’92 S. J, Douthitt_____ 8 Lawrence P7 5140-8%par 100 80-328 .$S’13 T,. \. TTnff , Pilot Grove___753 Citizens Bank 80-1428 8 Cooper Hll “ *' Pilot Grove Bank___ ®*tl'84 5300-20% 80-633 Pine Lawn ...225 Pine Lawn Bank ... d®»t§’20 8 (St. Levi* P. O.) 5150-3% ♦80-1698 St.Louis 1 20 par 100 ‘Plnerille_____ 359 Bank of Pineville---------$l'12 80-1346 10 McDonald Q6 McDonald County Bank tl’96 $120-6% par 120 80-1162 Pittsburg 160 Farmers Bank________ tl’20 lioo 80-1676 8 Hickory L10 Plato_________ 100 Bank of Plato______ _tS’07 8 Texas N13 $300-20% par 200 80-1163 ‘Platte City ___558 Exchange Bank______ #+§’92 $350-30% 80-695 10 Platte F6 «• it A. Blaine - J. W. McCutchen J. B. Elliott. L. B. Tiernon, V.P. Henry Leffern F. J. Mallerus J. 0. Kelley______ C. R. Burks .. R. W. Hornsey.—. A. M. Lana E. E. Coffee______ Albert York______ 16,000 9,000 111,050 J. A. Sturges .......... J. S. Armstrong... A. P. Smith............ 25,000 5,120 133,050 G. W. Ferguson... W. R. Rush. A. N. Fowler 10,000 220 25,280 Ruby E. Hartzog.. 10,000 10,930 107.790 20,000 22.180 252,110 50,000 40,000 315,000 E. L. Shoemaker... L. M. Atchison — Fred Williams .... Fred H. Streiff___ 115,000 5,070 C. E. Jones. .. . G. T. Winn...___ _ H. R. Riley______ J. R. Funkhouser. M. J. Trimble 100,000 118.400 R. B. Tilley_______ M. M. Patton.......... Geo. C. Johnson... 0. 0. Cockrill_____ J. F. Sexton.. Wells Banking Go____ «t6’93 Chris. A. Skill man Jas. H. Hull.......... W. G. Wells.......... 80-694 Oscar Wells 43,230 13,000 3.290 4,250 .. _____ .. I CLINTON COUNTY TRUST CO. $105-5% 100 par 80-1563 dB®rtS'18 FIRST NATIONAL BANK .MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 86-390 ®T«t’90 I nvestment Secu pities 26,000 1,900 3,350 16,020 61,010 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: N. Stock Yds. N.f N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 19,640 1st N., St. L. 156.800 14,340 • 113,630 2,360 7.530 SAINT LOUIS 134.860 N. Park, N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C ; State N.. St. L. 29.650 Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.: 3d N., Sedalia. 16,120 1st N„ Neo6ho; Joplin N., Joplin. 4,930 28,210 Bk. of Neosho, Neosho; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 3.910 Union N., Springfield. 38.020 McDaniel N. and Un. N,. Springfield. 9,900 88,860 850 1,000 183.420 18.440 26,000 15,000 290,000 L500 20,750 253.240 50,000 322,200 44.650 13,780 920.480 218.600 956.910 123,500 111.750 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY 7,210 Hannibal Tr. Oo., Hannibal. 23,810 1st N., St. Jo. 120,930 ■ 15,500 IstN., St. L. 4,370 $150-8% ‘Plattsburg .1718 10 Clinton £6 33,310 Mtle. Tr. Oo„ U. S. Bk., and N. Bk. Com., St. L. 14,500 Oltiz.. Springfield; Drov. N„ E. St. L.. TIL 26,650 ■ 28,620 Am. Tr. Oo. and N. Bk. Com., St. L. 66,430 Com. Tr. Oo., Kan. C. 110,000 1st N., Kan. C., Leavenworth, and St. L.; Burnes N., St. Jo. 42.660' Com. Tr. Go.. Kan. C.; Am. N., St. Jo.; 1st N., St. L. 165,320. 1st N., N. Y.; Stk. Yds. N.. Chi.; 1st N. and NewBng.N. Bk.& Tr. Co., Kan. C ; Toot le-Lacy N„ St. Jo.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L. A Bank for Bankers i MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST 1 834 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Oountt. eMem.A.B.A. wNew§StatetPriv. *Oonnty Seats. {Mem. 8tat» B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond Fig. under town is d-SafeDep.®Sav.?LastSale%Div. Fed. Res. Dist. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loans Bonds ther Cars A IxPaid-up Surplus Miscel- OHAHtHfDn Depos LOiabili and and and Capital Profits its Discounts Ssouritisa LANEOUB ran Basks ties Pleasant Green .84 Bank of Pleasant Green .tl’05 J. S. Parrish_____ E. W. Hite............... W. B. Rlssler_____ J. W. Walker, Sec.. |$ 13.000 $ 8 Cooper HU $225-12% par 100 80-1164 Pleasant Hlll.1965 Citizens Bank_______ d»tl’82 M. M. Knorpp____ Wm. C. Knorpp.... J. R. Knorpp_____ A. C. Morton-----50.000 10 J. Ross Thomas Godfrey Kircher.. E. C. Booth_______ R. A. Wilson_____ C. S. Mills............... Farmers National Bank S. P. Fleming $120-8% par 100 80-326 ®«t’05 Pleasant Hill Banking Co. George Gosch____ J. V. Hon_________ D. L. Lain________ $400 80-325 •tl’8? W. A. Smith. Ch. Pleasant Hope.321 Pleasant Hope Bank ___ ti'K M. T. Prater______ M. H. Cochran____ J. W. Adams_____ F. P. Slagle_______ 8 Folk N10 $450-85% 80-1165 OassH7 Plevna_______ 165 8 Knox Oil Pocahontas__156 8 Cape Girardeau N22 Polk r------- $180-12% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued par 100 30-324 14.970 $ 19.000 35.000 66.650 220 $ 72.840 405.000 410.000 119.900 101.750 t $ 10.200 4.950 $ 11.700 30,000 32.610 460.000 395.080 8,500 7.000 10,000 16.150 158,630 132,600 — 12.470 5.120 58.270 Farmers Bank_________ t§’24 W. L. Campbell... H. B. Smith_______ C. C. Downing____ Estelle Downing.. $100 80-1738 Bank of Pocahontas___ tl’10 D. C. Thompson... J. R. Hope_______ E. G. Schoen___ — 80-1167 10,000 Bank of Polk..................... »'08 W. H. McPheeters W. E. Payne______ A. J. Payne_______ par 100 80-1168 29.230 10.000 4.000 21.210 1.270 7.150 54.550 11.000 — 31.460 800 7.060 80.330 120 4.430 85.200 10.860 10,000 3.730 49.050 Pollock . ne, Farmers Bank________ vtl'tS I. T. Page................ P. D. Smart............ W. A. Hawkins___ F. Schoonover____ 80-817 8 Sullivan BU $300-25% 10.000 11,140 115.220 Polo. .606 Farmers Bank________ »tl’02 F. R. Arnote-------- B. F. Carr________ J.G. Withers_____ E. R. Hauser_____ 8 Caldwell E7 $165-10% 80-697 H. F. Hopkins 35.000 12.430 189.530 118.820 50,000 17,410 222,170 221,990 10.000 3,580 32.810 5.010 42,770 310 3,510 95.190 1.120.430 11.370 717.140 234.490 * 61.420 12,650 8 PolkMIQ $150-8% Polo Trust Company ..•tS*19 J. B. Bathgate .... W. H. Sturgis____ H. C. Zimmerman, B. G. Zimmerman, $140-10% 80-698 See. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. J. W. Vanbebber Ponce de Leon.275 Bank of Ponce de Leon.tS’17 J. H. Wade_______ J. L. Hendrex____ G. W. Hendricks. 8 Stone P10 ^Poplar Bluff.8.448 8 Butler Q20 6% par 100 80-1544 BANK OF POPLAR $250-16% BLUFF ®»tl'86 80-124 rM. C. HORTON .... E. W. GRAVES....... M.'fM.c. ALMARINE M00REjy^SARAGINI 150,000 110 OLDEST AND L ARGEST BANK I N BUTLER COD I Special attenti on given Bill of L adlng drafts, Cas h and Time Item s. ..Please send 15c to iih each tight draft f or presentation and 25c/or Credit Repor U. 13,140 Principal Correspondents. 17.060 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 3d N„ Sedalia. 64.000 Chase 14., N. Y.- March -TiRC N Com. Tr. Co., Kan. G. 31.250 Drov. N., Kan. C. st. L • 102,430 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and St. L.: Liberty N.. Kan. C. 39.700 Oitiz. and Un. N.. Springfield. 13.600 State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy, Ill. 7.830 Int'l, St. L.; Jackson Ex., Jackson. 23,460 Union N. and McDaniel N.. Springfield; Polk Co., Bolivar. 51,590 Citlz. N., Ohillicothe; Drov. N., Kan. C.: Citiz.-Int'l, Milan. 22.080 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. O.; 1st N., Chillicothe. 54,460 Stock Yds. N. and 1st N., Kan. C.; Citiz. N., Chillicothe. 4.060 Union N.. Springfield. 353.940 N. Park. N. Y-: N. Bk. Com. andMtle. Tr. Co., St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 12,500 9.500 125.000 60,000 75,000 7,740 249.540 169.840 100,000 822,000 480.000 427.000 33.000 10,000 7.000 153,800 106,000 67,500 500 12.600 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Com., St. L. W. V. Conran_____ R. D. Ellington.___ U. G. Pettigrew — Mary Meatte 20.000 90,990 206.370 208,040 27,570 25,940 55.810 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. Portageville Bank. ----- 15'03 Alphonse De Lisle. Jonah De Lisle ___ A. W. Fields_____ H. F. Cronan____ $250-10% 80-514 Mary E. DeLisle 20,000 40,000 228,630 225,740 9.780 16,690 37.110 1st N., St. L. 20.000 46.500 190,610 171,850 tPotosl____ ,...984 Bank of Potosi_______®t5‘01 H. L. White______ Frank Bust_____ — W. F. Bond_______ P. Richeson______ 15.000 22,930 185.170 140,040 JfcHHhna S.FUHPaflUHLrm W.J. EVANS- - - - - - - - 10.000 80,770 676.810 351.200 11.340i 172.890 148,620 Butler County Bank'97 Jesse Reynolds.__ 0. A. Turner_____ C. A. Turner_____ 80-125 Poplar Bluff Trust Company C. B. Coleman____ G. N. Davis__ James Henson, T. W. Henson, 80-128 d©T*§’18 Cash, and See. W. A. Sonner A. See. J. C. CORRIGAN...... mHMT.Jwrn CURB -p-c-,,,s par $250-16% Portage Des Sioux 8 283 St. Charles H19 Portagevtife ..1244 8 New Madrid R23 100 Bank of Portage Des Sioux Godfrey Orf______ 0. A. Barnard---------C. A. Rothermich . Leo H. Maas. $120-6% 80-1368 *t!T2 C. A. Rothermich Farmers Bank____ $200 80-515 -®»tro5 Samuel Pikey____ Portland_____ 300 Bank of Portland____ wtS'SO 8 Callaway L15 $335-20% 8 Washington L18 $184-20% *900-70% par 907 C. S. Garrett ___ 80-1170 15.800 690 Collections Given Special Attention John S. Boland- G. P. Allen_______ Oscar Norman_____ 135,000 N. City. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 82,350 19,720 3,000 49,790 U. S. and Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 339.670 8,400 68.310 Merch.-Lac. N.. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill. 4,000 37,530 Yds., Ill. 10,000 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 84,320 Miss. Valley Tr. Co.. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 2,900 time and g et service on Coll ections and Credl t Reports by send Ing 80-590 dB®»ti’93 ISave (fee in advan CE: Plain sight drafts, lfic; Credl t Reports, 25e. TRY U S. Powersville.__356 Farmers Bank_______ »J|’99 Carl S. Allen. 8 Putnam A10 80-714 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis L. L. Waters______ D. C. Gilman_____ O. Bridges. J. A. Garrett 80-591 WASHINGTON COUNTY t MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / tNIb..... 105.000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L. 78,120 Stock Yds. N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. c! Exceptional Facilities for Transit Items V MISSISSIPPI J \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / OOC OOJ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acees.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Resources. Liabilities. ‘County Seats. $Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. 10,000 $ 5,860 $ 122,310 S 12.000 6,370 62,350 25,000 5,050 105.780 96,810 75.000 27,710 302.660 270.160 60,000 20,000 275,000 228,000 10,000 2,500 50.410 15,000 4.580 C. H Trihhle. A. C, and Sec. 32,000 fH. P. HANING........ W. W. THOBRE------- R.F. P0YNTER_____ CHESTER BA0LEY— Prairie Hill „„ 182 Farmers & Merch. Iiank.t’05 Geo. W. Welker... P. Baer..................... f!_ L, Sears . 8 Chariton £12 1180-12% 80-1171 Prairie Home. .255 Prairie Home Bank____t!'07 80-1172 8 Cooper H12 F. O. Sears. $ W. H. Byler........... Preston..............150 Bank of Preston_______tS’19 G. W. Inks.......... . Frank Pope 80-1654 8 Hickory L10 ‘Princeton ...1576 FarmersState Bankd©«t§’22 L. M. Hyde $135-10% par 150 80-439 8 Mercer C9 .. Mercer County Trust Co. $150 par 100 80-437 dB©T**’73 .. .. $100 par 100 80-1721 Roscoe Eddc Purcell_______ 603 Bank of Purcell____®*t§’06 $130-12% 80-1174 10 Jasper 06 STOCKGROWERS s% BANK »«nr\ 80-802 Lynn Varble_____ Queen City ___ 697 PEOPLES BANK----------H'05 Allen Rolston____ Wm. Murfln______ R. H. Lawson_____ J. E. Tipton . 8 Schuyler B12 80-613 •« y MISSISSIPPI/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 69,580 $ 5,250 20,660 18,300 McDaniel N.. Springfield; N. City, St. L. 74.460 16.740 44.010 1st N., Chi.; Com. Tr. Co.. 1st N., am. Inter-State N., Kan.C. 41.000 21,000 65,000 Foreman N.. Ohi.; Drov. N., Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., and Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; Tootle-Lacy N.. St. Jo. 17.000 Far. Union State, Kan. C., Kan.; 1st N., Chillicothe, 48,720 5.400 13,290 Webb City. Webb City; Bk. of Carthage. Carthage. 36,000 182.000 142.000 27.650 62,350 Stk. Yds. N.. Ohi.; Tra. N.. Kan. C.; Citiz. N.. Chillicothe: N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 30,000 29,400 142.000 151,000 17,400 33,000 Com. Tr. Co. and 1st N.. Kan. C.; Citiz, N„ Chillicothe. 50,000 19.550 210,670 22.840 66,090 Union N., Springfield. 25.000 105,000 25,000 181.440 18,000 30,000 1st N.. Cape Girardeau; N. Stock Yds. N. N. Stock Yds. 12,530 State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy, Ill. Secur. State. Keokuk. Ia. 25.000 208.120 Queen City Bank______t|'85 $165-8% 80-612 L. R. Saxburg Farmers Bank................t§’19 R. I. Bilby_______ Ralph I. Bilby.__ H. C. Bailey______ H. L. Bailey--------80-1177 Bank of Qulin...............-t§’12 J. R. Wentrup .... H. L. Chapman.... Irvin Waller_____ $165 8 0-1399 RavaDna Bank________ t§’06 L.W. Hoover........ . C. A. Warden.......... ClateCox______ . Eva J. Cox...... ......... $100-15% par 100 80-1178 50,000 32,000 300,000 16,000 300,000 15,000 1.200 35,000 10,000 6,950 48,410 12,000 2.000 62,000 Elizabeth Flynn... 25,000 3.410 54,470 .T. S. Casteel....... Fay H. Casteel.... 25,000 38.930 302,220 10,000 2,500 55,420 110 W. T. Jackson J. E. Richardson.. J. S. King............... Morris Huxtable. G. H. Allen S. E. Dowden___ 34.850 100.000 147.650 T. S. Kelly______ 35.000 43.020 5.000 5.000 20,200 263.410 14,900 37.260 93.470 137.090 102.770 176,110 3,360 162,770 J. H. Hankins____ E. H. Hankins____ H. C. Hankins____ C. E. Rentfro Benton Van Horn. Julia Van Horn ... 10,000 4,500 115,000 80,000 10.000 10,000 2.870 66.130 58.520 180 C. L. Spencer. __ 10,000 2.480 49,220 32.380 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 13,900 5.540 12.000 A Satisfactory Correspondent 14,950 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. of Poplar Bluff, Poplar Bluff. 9,000 Citiz.N., Chillicothe; Com.Tr.Co., Kan.C. 49.710 33.630 . __ ——9,000 20.000 J. D. Davis 37,000 State Cent. Sav., Keokuk, la.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 8.150 1st N.. St. Jo. 63,000 10.000 T. W. Fanning 26.000 50,000 L. M. Dehoney .... Sherman Fetter... Andrew Smith .... A. R. Selecman 5.670 1st N.. 8t. L.: Boonville N., Boonville. 47,820 10,000 Platte Valley Bank____t§’94 20% 80-1179 Bank of Raymondville__t§’ll $125-8% par 125 80-1290 Bank of Raymore_____ •iS’RS $420-20% par 435 80-1180 Raytown Bank...............tS’10 $225-10% 80-1181 Bank of Rayville..........d+8’03 $200-8% par 175 80-1132 Farmers 8tate Bank___ tl’14 80-1455 Bank of Reeds .................tS'07 80-1184 49,090 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Bk. of Moberly. Moberly; Peo. and Salisbury Sav., Salisbury. 3.650 20,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 250 1,000 $ 56,560 14,300 ___ Ravenwood___ 344 Farmers State Bank.......... . G. B. Loomis_____ S. E. Wells............ L. M. Fryar.. 10 Nodaway B6 $125 par 100 80-1603 ®tfi’19 Raymond ville 100 8 Texas 015 Raymore--------snn 10 Cass H6 Raytown_____ 175 10 Jacksen H6 Kayville_____ 350 8 Ray F7 Rea___________150 10 Andrew C6 Reeds___ _____ 200 10 Jasper 07 $ 88,830 < Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. .j§'07 ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for pr esentation, and L35 CENTS for each credit repor t insures prompt, personal attentio 11. Purdy ..............442 First National Bank„..»t’03 $140-6% par 100 80-1175 8 Barry Q8 Puxlce_______ 877 Citizens State Bank.__•iS'15 J.P. Varble______ H. C. Cookson____ C. B, Cookson. 8 Stoddard P21 80-1497 Quitman__ __ 185 10 Nodaway B4 Quito------------- 521 8 Butler R21 Savanna._____ 200 8 Mercer A9 1.000 $ R. W. Boyle, Sec. •t§'94 Purdin ______ 355 Rank of Purdin $200-12% par 100 80-801 8 Linn CIO Principal Correspondents. Loana Bonda Miscel Cash ft Kxther Depos LOiabili Paid-up Surplus and and cha*om,Dux AND its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous raOM Baku ties 3,000 31,330 12,230 12,960 1st N. and Burnes N., St. Jo. 73,950 Am. N., St. Jo. 25.230 McDaniel N., Springfield. 137.090 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 36,470 Pioneer Tr. Co., Kan. C. 25,000 N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. Jo.; Gate City N.. Kan. C. 18,100 Am. N., St. Jo. 1.120 28.200 1st N., Carthage. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere t MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / ooc c *-J'J Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town in COUNTT. ^County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist •Mem.A.B.A. «New §State tPriv. j {Mem. State B. Aaa’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Reeds Spring..325 Shepherd of the Hills Bank L. S. Shumate____ R. H. Sharp... *175-14% 80-1616 ^tS'lS 8 Stone Q9 Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Resources. Paid-up Surplus Dspos- Other AND Capital Profits TIES O. D. Jenkins. .. Lola V. Gracey—. $ 15,000 $ 7,230 $ 136,500 j Principal Correspondents. ‘ Loan* Bonds and Discounts Securities LANEOU8 num Bajtu $ 110.660 $ 4,000 $ 8,470 $ 35.600 1st N.. Sl.L.; Union N., Springfield; Com. Tr.Co., Kan. 0. Beger ___ ____ 259 Citizens Bank_________ tS’10 W. A. Reger______ W. H. W. DeWttt- G. F. Davis............. Evah E. Davis ___ *200-10% 80-1186 8 Sullivan 010 Benick .218 Farmers Bank............©•1113 Guy dotting ham__ J. L. Rector. Byrd Marshall... 8 Randolph F13 *200-10% par 100 80-1423 10,000 11,370 72,560 67,840 19,000 10,000 48,t)00 38,000 1,800 12,000 Bk. of Moberly, Moberly; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. Republic 1097 Bank of Republic — d®«t§'89 W. A. Coon.............. C. N. O’Bryant.... W. P. Anderson... O. J. O'Bryant .... $250-24% par 100 80-1187 8 Greene 09 B. Britain 10,000 13,760 241,100 S 10,000 233,680 6,000 35,170 Union N., Springfield. Republic State Bank.... tl'll E. De Board______ F. A. Winter_____ Lon Edmonson.... Emma Edmonson.. $225-8% 80-1296 10,000 1,020 81,530 15,000 82,480 250 13,350 11,470 McDaniel N. and New 1st N., Springfield; 1st N.,St.L. Revere............ ...187 Bank of Revere_______ tl'09 T. O. Sowers.......... O. L. Riley_____ J. H. Thompson .. 8 Clark A15 $200 par 100 80-1188 10,000 8,640 75,070 65,670 1,010 3,250 23,780 Cont.&Com’IN., Ohi.: N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.; State Cent.Sav.. Keokak. Rhineland 180 Farmers Savings Bank—tl'10 B. H. Eldringhoff.. Henry Grotewiel.. 8 Montg’ryllfi $690 80-846 •• M Rhineland Bank..............t!’14 Frank Meyer_____ Wm. Heying............ A. F. Struttmann.. $112-6% 80-845 14,000 36,160 343,670 14,750 182,140 133,500 17,350 75,600 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., St. L. 20,000 5,280 129,160 11,600 126,930 16,740 12,300 10,070 1st it N., N.. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds... Ill. Richards_____ 359 Bank of'01 R. C. Koontz_____ Roland Hughes.__ $190-10% par 100 80-1189 10 Vernon L5 15,000 1,500 66,840 52,700 2,100 12,640 15,890 Lib.Cent.Tr..St.L.;lnter-StateN.,Kan.C.; 1st N.. Nev.; Citiz. N., Ft. Scott, Kan. 10,000 23.000 152,000 152,000 18,000 2,200 12,800 1st N.. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 25,000 17.500 323,240 291.750 21,120 Peoples Bank............. d»t§’25 H. F. Stevener... I. P. Philbrick........ Ivan Corbin_____ Jessie Copeland ... $130-8% par loo 80-1749 15,000 3,500 155 000 143,000 5,000 25.000 Com. Tr. Co., Un. State, and Drov. N., Kan.C. Richland 1000 Pulaski County Bank E. Lingsweiler ___ H. E. Warren........ H. E. Warren, Jr.. H. R. Cowan_____ 8 Pulaski L13 $300-20% 80-552 d©»t*’89 E. K. Morgan par 100 30,000 59,000 382,340 100,000 30,040 50,000 “--------“ Rich Fountain 175 Rich Fountain Bank___tl’lS John Klebba.......... Herman Fick. Sr.. 8 Osage J15 $315-15% par 100 80-1401 Frank Rudroff Alphonse Fick .... Geo. Holtschneider Rich Hill____2261 Farmers & Merchants Bank W. W. Ferguson .. J. D. Moore______ 10 Bates K6 $150 80-261 *tl'82 R. L. Jones. Sec. ‘Richmond__4409 like. House of J. S. Hughes Burnett Hughes .. Ami Hughes_____ R. B. Hughes.......... .1. S. Hughes 8 Ray F8 & Company 80-222.__ lfg3 H. S.Hughes *100 par 100 ** ______ Exchange Bank........d©tl’89 H. B. Smith______ Chas. E. Crispin... par 100 80-224 •• _____ •• Richmond Heights..2136 (Si. Louis P. O.) 8 St. Louis 120 Richwoods ___ 200 8 Wash’ton K8 Ray CountySavings Bank T. J. Wollard.......... T. B. Fowler......... B. W. Dunn______ $120-6% par 100 80-223 dtl’69 Park Savings Trust Company ...d®T*t§'23 Karl E. Lnbke.__ $135-6% par 100 ♦ 80-1730 O. E. Schaefer, V. P. Bank of'10 A. F. Gloriod_____ $200-10% 80-1190 P. S. Wm. John J. H. Heutel.......... J. F. Greenway... Schneider Honlihan Baker______ Geo. E. Maness__ Ritchey..............365 10 Newton P7 Robertsville... 150 8 Franklin J18 Rocheport____458 8 Boone H12 “ ^ , l lT- “ .MISSISSIPPI/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Bank of Ritchey........ d»t§'12 $125 par 100 80-1337 Bank of Robertsville___tl'16 $120-6% 80-1531 Peoples Bank ............... tl'08 $115 par 100 80-744 Rocheport Bank_____ »tS'68 80-743 111. 52.890 Merch.-Lac. N.. St. L.; IstN., Kan. 0. 319,890 100,300 201,540 27,890 N. Bk. Com. and N. City, St. L.: McDaniel N.. Springfield; Com. Tr.Co., Kan. C. 470,140 450,610 1,400 35,000 26,910 520,630 242,010 218,600 51,630 113,170 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; 1st N.. St. L. 85,300 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Com. Tr. 00., Kan. C.; Am. N.. St. Jo. 50,000 19.740 299,200 159,200 101,890 18,800 89,050 State N.. St. L.; 1st N., Kan. 0. 50.000 12,700 519 360 55,760 338,560 196,220 29,460 72,580 Chase N.. N. Y., C. & 0. N..Chi.; Lib. Cent. Tr. Co.. St. L. 10,000 13,370 50,770 4,500 55,580 3,900 7,100 25,000 500 93,000 5,000 80,000 1,000 11,000 31,000 Am. N.. St.Jo.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 60,000 38,200 275.120 64.570 303.430 62,500 11.710 60,250 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Tootle-Lacy N., St.Jo.; Gate City N., Kan. C. 178,290 ___ H. D. Grinstead.__ F. L. Denton........ .. W. G. Mullens........ J.J. Jack.................. Edna Jack 10,000 4,620 43,260 35,540 470 6,610 James Shannon.__ R. H. Lewis............. F. H. Disharoon... 10,000 3,160 58,240 44,310 5,400 4,380 17,310 Mtle. Tr. Co. and N. Bk. of Com., St. L. Lee Settles_______ F. W. McKee____ R. M. Rawlings___ R. B. Chinn ... 15,000 6,160 69,700 6.100 S. Kurtz_________ P. J. Mitchell........ G. O. Young ... 30,000 72,000 180,000 14,910 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.: Boone Co. N.. Columbia. 50.000 N. Bk. Com., St. L. High Grade Municipal Bonds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .. E. A. Miner.. 22,290 Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Quincy, 12,040 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. Ridgeway........ 812 Farmers National Bank.»t’25 P. F. Emry.............. J. C. Courtney ___ H. F. McGill_____ D. A. Leazenby.... 8 0-565 8 Harrison B8 $175 First National Bank.®T«t’85 E. S. Miner... $250-10% 80-564 3,800 .. 5.000 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 74.840 200,000 21,500 16,250 1st N., Neosho; N. Bk. Com.. St. L. Well Secured Real Estate and Corporation Issues .MISSISSIPPI } \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 837 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County, ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •aibih.a.b.a. “New§siatetPriv iAlem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fe!. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDepy®Sav.$LastSaIe%Div. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Rockbridge........20 Rock Bridge Bank_____ t8'06 G. W. Taylor_____ Eliza J. Morris___ J. P. Edwards____ 8 Ozark Q13 18% 80-1101 ‘Rockport___ 1136 10 Atchison A3 BANK OF ATCHISONCOUNTY $275-14% *0-487 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Aeces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this MISSOURI—Continued fGEORGE W.BOETT- A. McMICHAEL- - - - - - B. H. BAILEY. . . . . . I NER 1 A.McMICHAELCA. of Bd. Paid-up Surplus AND Capital Profits $ G. I. BEASING 10,000 $ 40.000 Depos 8.780 $ 55.000 its Resources. Loans Bonds Miscel and and Discounti Sseuritias laneous Other Liabili ties 47.76C $ 710.000 29,400 620.000 $ I Oldest Ban k in Atchison County. $ 14.000 Principal Correspondents. It Cash Ex change*, i from Baku 6,670 1 Du 30,470 35.000 136,000 1st N., Chi.; Am. N., St. Jo.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Oma. N., Oma. 40.000 146.090 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Am. N., St. Jo.; Lib. N., Kan. C. i 15 CENTS sent to us with eachslg ht draft for prese ntation, and d»tS’70 -25 CENTS for ea cb credit report in sures prompt, pe rsonal attention. CITIZENS BANK OF ATCHISON CO. rJ0S. DURFEE - W. A. HUPE- - - - - - - - J. T. WELLS.......... GEO. H. KLUMP-. . . . . . WILMA V. RUPE 20,000 97.400 607.300 $ 44.000 582.620 I Unequaled faci) Ities for making collections. I Prompt att ention to all Banking mat tars entrust US. d»t5’83 i.Pleatt send 15c ui th each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. ed to Rockville_____486 Bank of Rockville___ ®il’0O Ghas. Fix________ C. Hegnauer______ C. E. Heyle______ D. D. Hitt_______ 10.000 10 Bates E7 1 200 80-1102 Delia Draws Farmers Bank________«t§T3 August Fischer ... T. W. Gray____ Chas. Morgan____ Margaret Clark... 10,000 10.000 $255-t7H% 80-1424 80-488 Rogersvllle__ 408 Bank of Rogersville____ tl'92 W. D. Ferrell____ G. W. McHaffie.__ 0. B. Patterson.__ Lillian M. Edie.___ 8 Webster Oil $300-20% 80-715 Gitixens Bank_________ $|’09 F.M. Kessinger, Jr W. T. Breedlove— Florence Barnard. 80-711 ‘Rolla............. 2077 8 Phelps L16 E. W. Walker........ C. M. Knapp.__ W. D. Jones $175-8% NATIONAL BANK OF ROLLA $225-11% 80-288 •J’70 ROLLA STATE BANK ...» $300-10% 80-289 Roscoe______ 150 8 St. Olair L8 Rosebud______ 225 8 Gasconade J16 Rosendal#____ 329 10 Andrew Ob Rothville...........220 8 Chariton Ell Rush HIU_____ 200 8 Audrain G15 Rusbville_____ 262 Ip Buchanan E4 C. M. Knapp______ E.C. HalbertA. J. Hodges Edwin Long............ S. L. Mitchell_____ P. H. McGregor, F. W. Webb... Cash, and Sec. F. A. Cameron A. C, D0NNAN— 5*. h.pFllman w L D. WILLIAMS— F. A.GERMANN — 100,000 75,000 125.000 75,000 5,000 30,000 10,000 50,000 vada. 10.000 8,850 110.690 111,090 3,500 10,000 10,100 130.000 112,000 1.750 100,000 20,000 405.000 485,000 8,000 32,000 30,000 1st N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill, 50,000 69,790 623.070 518,170 110.760 19,840 94,090 N. Bk. Com., St. L. 40.000 64.890 457.130 429.850 11.100 22.620 98.490 Chase N.,N Y.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L. 14,300 — 5,400 9,540 20,000 McDaniel N. and Union N., Springfield. Special attentl on given BID of Lading drafts, Ca sh and Time Ite ms. Please send 16c with sight draft fo r presentation and 25c for Credit Rep arts. T HE BANKof r~ --------------PE RSONAL SKRYIC So Farmers Bank_________M’l] T. A. Baker_______ 1175-10% 80-1290 Rose Bud Bank_______ tfll H. H. Roethemeyer $175-7% 80-1327 Farmers State Bank dMi’21 George Fothergill. $150-8% par 100 80-1195 Bank of Rothville.........dtl’04 S. A. Richeson____ $150 par 100 80-1196 Bank of Rash Hill____ »t§'04 C. E. Maxwell____ $100-6% par 100 80-1197 Farmeis Bank_________t§’19 Wm. Bunten_____ $110-10% 80-1640 Rnshville State Bank—•tf'03 A. B. Jones______ $300-30% 80-1198 Russellville—.364 Farmers & Merch. Bank B. B. Stevens_____ 8 Cole J13 $150-6% par 100 80-1388 d®tS’12 J. P. Green______ Calvin Holloway-- Essie Holloway ... 10.000 4.500 80,000 78,000 G. B. Holt_______ H. F. Brinkmann _ 20,000 14,300 173,000 107,000 80,000 A. D. Ferguson___ R. S. Mickey_____ M. H. Lew ell en__ _ 20,000 12.000 200,000 145,000 20,000 4,500 12,000 Com. Tr. Oe., Kan. 0. 10,000 Stock Yds., Ill. ' * * ’ 67,000 H. M. Carpenter.. H. H. Miller............ Lee Clair________ 30.000 10.840 123.970 Pete Erdel, Jr........ J. R. Johnston.__ 10,000 6,910 109,950 G. W. Allison_____ Robt, L. Brown___ Agnes Smith_____ 10.000 2,000 60,000 50,000 J. W. Peck_______ E. G. Allison______ J. W. Allison_____ 10.000 15.000 200,000 170,000 Henry Raithel___ Montie Glover.... Mrs. E. A. Taylor. 15,000 2,610 97,800 100,330 3,850 8.660 Archie Stark_____ 20.000 16,230 322,890 203.460 113,530 8,500 Rutledge..........283 Bank of Rutledge.............ti’93 Henry Bertram___ B. W. Flanagan.__ R. H. Bertram........ Henry Bertram__ 8 Scotland B14 $200 80-1200 10.000 8,460 132.270 133,940 500 4.800 11,500 Stock Yds. N., Ohi.; Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Quincy, ill. 10,000 720 52.250 43,490 100 5,420 13,960 State Sav. Ln. ft Tr. Co., Quincy, Ill. Russellville Exchange Bank M. Schubert............ C. C. Siebert_____ J. K. Hunter. $225-20% 80-1109 ®t§’95 Rutledge Exchange Bankt5'13 W. L. Scott______M. J. Ammons____ I. H. Witt. '$110 80-1427 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Idella Burkhart... 117,500 _____________ 10.000 ____ — 93,320 900 8,920 38,390 1st N.. Chi.; Drov. N-, Ran 0 8,350 24,290 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 20,000 Tnntl«.T*i»v n,, st jo Atchison", Kan’. • Atchison 8av 50,000 8,560 son City; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds • 43,630 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Ex., Jefferson City; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. ooo OOO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Itand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN AND County, j •Mem. A.B. a. "New §state t Priv. * Clou my seats. JMem. State B Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fel. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. i d-SafeDep.®8av.$LastSale%Div. PRIES) DENT. Vice-President. MISSOURI CA8B1RR. Ass’T Cashier. Liabilities. Surplus Other Depos- LiabiliPaid-up AND Capital Profits »Salem______ 1771 Bank ot Salem_______ »t$'83 E. F. Dent............ G. A. Dent______ Irene E. Young.__ Homer Coiner___ $ 50,000 $ *150-25% 80-369 t Dent M16 Elizabeth B. Dent. T. P. Dent_______ Dorothy V. Bircher 15.000 Dent County Bank—tl’94 Louis Dent__ 80-370 M. Butts_________ W. C. Whitmire... E. F. Dent. Sec___ 25.000 Farmers & Merchants Bank H. A. Bennett *125-10% 80-1392 t5’13 FIRST RATIONAL BARK JJ. W. Hughes....... J. M. SteDhens.^.. Allen M. Cage........ G. L. Gamblin----1-371 d®»t’05 *150-10%> par 1100 80-3 25,000 39,760 $ 341.580 $ 70.270 31.440 11,000 11,540 307,130 283,160 41,010 15,420 90,000 50,000 72,610 20,340 2,400 22,560 Valley N., Des M.: Inter-State N., Kan. C. 377,630 110 9,500 53,620 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.: Kerch. Lac. N. and 1st N.. St. L; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds. 111. 432,230 59,600 6,060 9,100 89,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. G.; 1st N., St. L. 43,710 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 2.500 165,000 95,920 25.000 CJ. W. GRIZZELL - W. R. SWEENEY A. S. RUCKER...... L. N.BRUMMALLSalisbury....... 1757 DCnpi ES BANK I Chariton FU rtUrLW „ < Special Attenti on given Bill of L ading Drafts, Ca sh and Time Ite ms. 1*240-6% par 100 80-364 ®«t§’89 | Please send 15c with each sight Draft for present at Ion .and 25c with ea ch request for re port or rating. 34,110 381,760 53,100 503.460 _j8arcoxle......... 1023 FIRST NATIONAL BANK H. B. Boyd10 Jasper P7 *160-12% 80-445 •t’1900 ____ ” State Bk. of Sarcoxie *ttl900 W.T. Sabert-------80-446 I ■^Savannah... 1831 Andrew County Bk.-(D*J §’25;O. V. Sells-----10 Andrew C5 par 100 80-1750 |J. W. Schmitt. Ch. " ♦Sedalia National Bank *175-8% par 100 80-54 d®»t’92 ♦Sedalia Trust Co. d®T •tl’01 ; *150-8% ♦ 80-56 ♦Third National Bank *260-12% 86-55 ®TT83 ♦Onion Savings Bank®*t§'13 1*275-12% par 100 80-58 Crawford Loan & Abstract Company '78 33,380 7,500 340 37,450 1st N., St. L. 71,000 N. City. St. L. A. L. Sutter___ D. T. Blake------- 10,000 14.840 247,210 198,040 21.210 A D. Walker— Bryan Tout _____ 10.000 1,810 30.330 960 31.000 5.030 Fred Heysel_____ C. J. Ladman____ 10,000 2,000 30,000 3,000 40,000 4.000 7.070 Citiz. N-. Chillicothe. 6.000 1st N., Jefferson City; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 19,000 Far. & Merch., Hannibal: N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill. 3,880 1st N., St. Jo.: Drov. N., Kan.<3. H. T. Painter____ C. O. Powers____ Lulu E, Heckars... S. S. Hoar H. A. Zentz-------- C. D. McCrea____ Frances A. McCrea. 15,000 19,000 95,000 95,000 15,000 10,000 1.000 18,360 24,870 1,610 G.H. Assel............ J. DeWitt Dunham 20,000 4,520 29.330 45.440 G. H. Wild—......... R. F. Jackson------- W. C. Standley__ Elizabeth McNallie J. W. Haggard E. W. Johnson__ F. S. Parks_____ 25,000 13,110 347,450 172.240 40,470 21.100 15,000 4,800 135,000 75.000 13.700 7,700 W. H. Landers___ A. R. Todd------- 20.000 740 255,860 127.170; 119,290 690 100,000 11,570 474,890 300,820 117,770 80,150 10.000 10,670 123,560 68,790 20,000 15,580 132,990 104.390 15,620 15,540 33,010 N. Bk. Com.. 8t. L.; Inter-State N., Kan. C. 305,720 2,259,880 106,150 1.665.710 380.190 52.670, 673,190 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and Kan. O.; N. Bk. Com., 8t. L. 462,000 407.000 40.000 256.000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Merch.-Lac. N.. St. L. New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. 97,250 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N.. St. L.: Tra. N.. Kan. C. 325.890 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’! N., Chi.: IstN.,Kan.C.;N.Bk. Com., St. L. 18,500 Citiz. N., Sedalia; 1st N.. St. L. Wells-Hine Trust Co. Walter B. Wells .. W. S. Wells............. 80 408 ®T*«'14 Schell City.... 596 Farmers State Bank..®tJ’10 A. F. Coble-------- C. S. Curtis______ 10 Vernon L7 *210-8% 86-680 " _____ “ Schell City Bank....® ««’81 H. C. Jarvis------- W. F. Young___ *200-8% 80-679 i „ tSedalla....... 22,745 ^Citizens National Bank W. H. Powell------- Grant Crawford... 80-53 ©•t'72 8 Pettis 110 ; *450-20% ____ 30,000 26,860 N. Bk. Com. and 1st N.. St. L.: N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 31,210 N. Stock Yds. N..N. Stock Yds.. 111.: IstN., St. L. 29,940 N. City. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 114,640 4,480 Hazel L. Braun.... C. J. Huber 6,050 158.680 10,000 B. C. Jackson.. 47,320 3,020 10.000 Salisbury Savings Bank J. W. Ingram....... *360-16% par 100 80-365 ®»tl'94j “ ____ •• Traders Bank_______ ®t§’19 W. E. Sutter-------*300-20% 80-1485 Sampsel______ 75 Farmers Bank_________t§’19,W. J. Wilson------8 Livingston D9 *140-7% 80-1613 Sandybook___ 97 Bank of Sandy Hook.dTt§’13 Frank Gentzsch... 8 Moniteau 113 *ioo par 100 80-1434 Santa Fe.......... 100 Santa Fe Bank______ ®t*'04 W. D. Norman-----8 Monroe F15 *220-10% par 100 80-1201 Santa Rosa__ 200 Citizens Bank_________ +§’21 H. R. Spaht-------— 10 DeKalb D7 *100 80-1708 I. , " _____ “ Farmers Bank_______ • tS’06 J. J. Assel----------*ioo 80-1202 15,000 $ 221,360 $ 169,250 $ 28,880 $ 6,810 C. C. Dent_______ J. A. Underwood.. ••____ •• Loans Bonds Mwcei. and i and Discounts Securities LANEOTJS non Basks 95,910 R. R. Finney------- Security State Bank----- tl’U7 E. F. Dent_______ i«% 80-372 Saline________100 Citizens Bank_________M'l2 H. T. Martin------- J. R. Hagan-. *200-10% 80-1379 I Mercer A8 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Continued Sam W. Wells, Sec. and Tr W. H. McCaffree.. Mrs. W. H. McCaffree F. M. Williams___ R. F. Harris_____ C. P. Keck____ D. H. Powell C. H. Bothwell__ G. A. Sturges»------ J. E. Hurley_____ W. P. Hurley------E. F. Yancey-------- E. G. Cassidy------- C. G. Evans, Sec and Tr C. L. Carter. 100.000 100.000 100.000 A. Sec. and A. Tr.\ H. R. Harris........... J.S. Brenneman. C. L. Hanley____ E. P. Miller_____ J. W. Reid H. W. Mason____ A. E. Leslie------- R. P. Asbury ... S. M. Williams.. F. J. Lewis _________ Jno. Montgomery, Grant Crawford... JohnG. Crawford, Ray W. Hunt, Sec. and Tr. Jr.. Counsel. A. R. Easton, Mgr. Abstract Dept. 100,000 27,420 150 5.700 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; St. Jo. Stock Yds., St. Jo. 3.000 85,000 880.000 32.060 546.450 3,220 183.680 319.580 81,220 170,420 1,244,030 100.000 1,054.230 196,320 38.000 125.000 19.150 12.500 15,150 50.000 50,000 135,000 100,000 179,170 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.: Joplin N.. Joplin; 1st N., Carthage. 58,400 1st N. and N. City, St. L.; Joplin N., Joplin. 29,440 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Am. N. and Mo. Valley Tr. Co., St. Jo.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 87.860 1st N., St.Jo. 72,450 1st N„ St. L. and Kan. C. Citiz. N.. Sedalia. Belonging to Individual Investors. CURRENT LOANS, $4,600,000.00 Sedalia Clearing House____ William H. Powell_________ ______ C. C.Evans, Sec.___ (Members indicated by a *) .MISSISSIPPI/ ' VALLEY / \ TRUST/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I nvestment Securities MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS A Bank for Bankers 1 MISSISSIPPI \ VALLEY \ TRUST / / 839 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Town and County •Mem.A.B.A. ”New §State tPriv. Liabilities. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. TEstab. Fig. under town is ♦Feri. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bonrl Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. : Other PAiD-ur Surplus AND i Depos Liabili Capital it* Profits Seligman___ 375 Bank of 8eligman_____ •tl'06 J. C. Fawver_____ J. M. Fawver_____ 8 Barry R8 80-821 W. A. Stapleton.... $ 10.000 $ ties 3,570 $ 150,780 Resources. Loan* | Bonds Miscel Cill * lxand and oiAim.Dn Discounts Securities laneous ms Bars $ 28,820 $ Senatb______1054 Bank of Senath *1|’02 D. W. Owen_____ W. G. Bray______ | Dunklin J23 J. B. Miles 20% 80-497 Marion Owen •• ___ •• Oitleeas Bank________ •tl’04 G. W. Krone............ Thos. G. Wilson ... W. H. Hutchins, Jr. D. G. Doherty____ tHO-10% 80-498 C. D. Foster 15,000 19.5C0 50,000 16,000 337,730 fj. H.TOBIEN------- H. C. MILLER____ R. L. HUGHES......... Seneca_____ 1104 BANK OF SENECA ~. d*t§’87 If Newton Q6 *200-7% par 100 80-1203 ) Collections and Requests for Cr edit Reports MU ST be a c c o m (.panied by FEE IN ADVANCE: PI ain sight drafts 15c; Credit Reports, 25c. 65.000 10,500 396,820 298,590 15.000 900 85,600 59,590 fR. E. MCMAHAN — J. E. JENNINGS...... C. H. WHITE.......... E. R. MAYFIELD...... 20,000 Seymour___ 751 BANK OF SEYMOOR-.-*il’90 I Webster Oil *250-12% par 100 80-664 ) 15 CENTS sent to us with each s ight draft for prc sentation, and L25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, personal attentlo n. 31,990 232,440 23,110 222,960 60,830 ; H. B.DUEMLER— | W. A. COX 1 160,000 $ 1.310 132,270 11,900 313,670 72,990 $ 7,630 $ Principal Correspondents. 55,340 Boatmens N„ St. L.; 1st N„ Monett. 40,000 Int'l and 1st N.. St. L. 24,010 49,090 77,940 N. Bk. Com., Int'l and 1st N„ St. L.; 1st N„ Memo. 101,660 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co„ 8t. L.; Liberty N.. Kan. C. 12,960 28,940 Drov. N., Kan. C.; Conqueror Tr. Co., Joplin. 13,000 30,600 40,980 Union N„ 8pringfleld; Drov. N„ Kan. C.: IstN., St. L. 156,950 24,500 22,010 21,950 N. Bk. Oom., field. CITIZENS STATE BANK j Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. *100 par 100 80-1386 d®tl'12 1 Please send 15e wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 2 5c for Credit Report s. {.Inquiries on S eneca Farms Invlt .. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK W. J. Pyatt........ F. M. Hart.. Sheffield. __ 10 Jackson Q6 80-66a (See Kansas OUv) J. V. Chaffin___ 25,000 5,600 132.970 E. JONES.......... M. S. BUCKMAN -__ C. W. RASH........... R. H. WAILES____ 50,000 6,350 465,740 327,150 55,350 11,000 FRANK DIMMITT-- J. F. ALL6AIER... F. E. LEWIS. J.M. BUCKMAN. See. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. 50,000 15,100 376 000 255,840 44,940 39,420 ..*31 94 E. M. Damrell____ Thomas Freeman . J. M. Pickett.......... Lolia Bennett____ 40,000 6,930 205,020 170,820 17,970 10.000 53,150 1st N„ 40,000 15,030 390,440 - 255.270 90,110 30,300 69,790 Miss. Valley Tr„ St. L.; State Sav. La. A Tr.. Quincy. Ill,: N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds.. Ill,; Hannibal Tr. Co., Hanni bal. 45,150 45,180 4,720 220 96,830 30,710 Tra. N., Kan. 0.; N. Bk. Com. and 1st N„ St. L.; Thornton N„ Nev. 28,340 1st N„ Nevada and Kan. C. 144,500 22,000 4,320 564,140 338,220 J. Tate •t’ll Sheibina___ 1809 I Shelby E14 A. dB®M»'76 tShelbyville 600 THE CITIZENS BANK 8 Shelby D14 *125-8% 80-615 M «. SHELBYVILLE BANK *200-7% par 100 r PRINCE 1 DIMMITT J. B. L0WMAN__ L. 6. SCHOFIELD.. dT*tl’74 j Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. V.Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. Sheldon ... 544 Farmers Bank........ . tl’M T. B. Willhite........ G. T. Davis______ C. J. Donaldson R. J. Wisehart 10,000 18 Vernon M6 *225 par 100 80-1204 Sheldon State Bank.©*ti'll G. B. Beeny............ L. M. Rice________ T. O. Willhite 10,000 *215 80-1300 Sheridan. 418 Farmers Bank................•t|’95 J. F. Oolby______ G. F. Stingley........ C. A. Jackson .. . W. A. Chapman, Jr. 10,000 *365-25% 80-757 10 Worth A6 Slkeston. 3613 BANK OF SIKEST0N Chas. D. Matthews, E. C. Matthews___ A. .T. Moore 100,000 8 Scott P23 80-237 d®»t§'87 Jr. A. C. Barrett L. E. Allard Peoples Bank...... . d®»t|'09 F. M. Sikes___ R. F. Anderson.... P. R. Anderson.... 50.000 80-239 R. F. Anderson •* ___ •• Sikeston Trust Co. ..®«t§ 23 G. B. Greer .. . C. C. Scott, A. Sec. 50.000 80-238 Sec. and Tr. Sllei........ ....267 Farmers Exchange Bank D. E. Gladney___ J. L. Burns__ I. L. Ellis. ___ Otis V. Wheeler.. 15,000 1 Lincoln G18 *200-12% 80-828 ®»t|'06 Silex Savings Bank. .®«J|’92 W. E. Williams__ W. G. White___ E. C. Teague___ O. Z. Lovell.......... 50,000 $225-12% par 100 80 -827 Simmons. sn .Closed March 17,19 27) 8 Texas P14 v MISSISSIPPI”/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / *0-614 Collections Given Special Attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11,170 104,580 11,730 113,730 24,500 172,000 112,520 1,083,850 21,320 191,740 25,000 ?1R 66<i 16,820 212,390 31,640 353.120 1 128,590 Chatham Phenix N„ N. Y.; Drov. N., Chi.; State Sav. Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy. Ill,; N. Bk. Com., it. L.; Hannibal N., Hannibal; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yks„ Ill. 100,910 C. & C. N., Chi.; Miss. Valley Tr. and N. City, St. L.; Hannibal Tr„ Hannibal; N. Stk. Yds.N., N. 8tk. Yds., Ill.; Quincy-Ricker N. Bk.&Tr., Quincy,Ill. St. L.: Hannibal N.. Hannibal, 22,000 Am. N„ St. Je. 1,430 42,150 199,490 35,600 180,360 30.600 23,720 319.850 59.600 17,300 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 10,500 St. L.; McDaniel N., Springs 398,890 N. City. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.. 8L L.: Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little Rock. 60,700 N. City, N. Y.; U. S„ 8t. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp. 57,980 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.; S. E. Mo. Tr. Co.. Cape Girardeau. 10,140 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 38,020 N.Park. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„0hi.;lstN„ St.L. Exceptional Facilities for Transit Items Q/in OtU Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County *County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem.A.B.A.nNcw§StatetPri?. :Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ... Cashier. Vic*-Pr*sidknt. President. Ass'T Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Bonda Loans Cash * Ex Surplus Depos Other Miscel OHAxaia,Dm Paid-up and and L iabili and its Capital Propits Diaoounta Saeuritieb laneous non Baku ties 6,000 130,620 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., 8t. 400,000 _____ 26,000 106,000 Drov. N., Chi.; N- Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock 100,000 95,000 500 8,500 12,690 125,530 89,360 11.750 19,000 465,390 _____ 8,630 Bank of Slater...............•tl'Mi 80-240 G. G. Norvell_____ H. Kleine, Jr. 50,000 96,260 529,260 473,430 SECURITY BANK—d©*tlTl *200-8% 80-1329 par 100 T,. F. Fains J. W. Jaques 50,000 62,000 420,000 20,000 5,500 12,000 5,000 7,550 $ 202,470 Tootle-Lacy N.. St. Jo. Jo. Stock Yds., St. Jo. L.;Oom.Tr. Co. and 1st N.. Kan. 0. Yds.. Ill.: 1st N., St. L.: Com. Tr. Oo.. Kan. C. {Consolidated with First National Ban k, Stoutland, Mo.) T. E. Young______ J. E. Kindred 10,000 97,990 401,230 Clarence Murphy. 30,000 12,000 180,000 206,360 j a r • r U3H3E————— C. M. Begole_____ H. G. Montgomery Jennie Mont gomery G. A. Wolf 10,000 14,000 110,000 110,000 10,000 5.980 40.900 Luther Morris ___ W. L. Ferguson ... 10,000 8,150 59,020 W. SNYDER_ _ _ _ r i A VANT . - J. A. GREENFIELD,JR. H. H. MQHLER........ R. V. L, SOMMERS 350,000 Bank of Smithville-------•tl'll John Williams .— 80-620 Mattie Snail, Sec. Farmers Bank________ «tl’90 J. W. Oliver........... 80-621 80-851 So. Greenfield.258 Farmers State Bank...*t§'05 8 Dade N8 *137.50-8% 80-1206 So. St. Joseph 77.403 10 Buchanan E4 6% par 100 W. Smith______ R. Y. Smith______ 15,000 _____ _____ 51,440 45,210 1st N. and Pioneer Tr. Co., Kan. C. 29,200 25,160 Com. Tr. Co. and Pioneer Tr. Co.,Kan. C. 2,000 12,000 Bk. of Kirksville. Kirksville; St at o Sav., Ln. 5.500 14,950 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; State Sav.. Ln. & Tr., 3,200 20,900 Union N., Springfield; Tra. N., Kan. C. & Tr. Co., Quincy, Ill. Quincy; Kirksville Sav.. Kirksville. 46,070 7,000 2.445.660 227.830 117.920 29,770 1,540 94,120 1,000 9,000 16,000 8,000 15,000 4.760 1,826.310 N. Park, and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Stk. Yds. N. and 1st N.. Chi.; N. Bk. Com.,St. L.; 2d N., Bos. 20,000 12,190 211.160 10,000 250 55,000 750 41,000 15,000 2,800 56,200 1,000 52,000 10,000 4,820 65,530 58,260 O. L. Painter 10,000 6,240 47,530 41,410 5,880 3,290 13,180 Booneville N.,Booneville; N. Stock Yds.N., W. Fred Wolz____ G. M. Wolz............... O. O. Minter 15,000 13,840 159.960 87,640 60,270 1,470 39,410 Han. N., N. Y.: Mid-City Tr. & Sav.. Chi.; 27,500 4,000 305,000 155,000 74.950 30,000 H. C. Reynolds -__ F. A. Reynolds ___ Sparta________ 257 8 Christian P10 *125-6% 30,110 3d N. and Citiz. N.. Sedalia: N. Stock Yds. ) The only bank at t he Stock Yards, Se nd all Stock Orders, Packing House and l South St. Joseph items direct to us for prompt a ttention. So. West City..577 Corner Slone B&nk. ----+§ 98 S. P. Langley_____ F. M. Lauderdale.. G. 10 McDonald R5 1*135-30% 201,200 3,953,350 10,500 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Citiz. N., Sedalia. N.. N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 80-1205 Farmers Exchange BanktS'05 M. S. Hoernnann.. Daniel Grambing— J. A. Hediger 80-852 80-722 OttoRathbun------- John Glenn______ Anna E, Glenn — St. L. 80-1207 par 125 „ Citizens Bank-------------- tS’19 J. W. Clemens — I. W. Jenkins......... *150-10% 80-1626 vpar Grundy B9 *185-6% D. E. McArthur... F M- 4 lion 21,840 Union N., Springfield. 80-641 A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N. Stock Yds., Ill. 80-1208 Peoples State Bank..®tl’16 Michael Wolz_____ G. A. Thompson... C. B. Shartzcr.... Lena M. Keith ___ W. A. Brush 80-1520 k MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 250 100 Speed_________ 150 8 Cooper H12 *140-6% 8 65,500 204,650 $ South Gifford. 168 8 Macon Cl2 tt 42,100 Mid-City Tr. & Sav., Chi.: 1st N. and St. 27,600 *190-8% •• 2,670 10,000 Smlthton____ .331 Community Bank—©•1519 Ernest Selken____ 8 Pettis 110 *125-6% 80-1579 .. _ 42,020 Am. N.. St. Jo.: Far. Tr. Co., Maryville; 42,710 $ 262,340 Sleeper __ 129 8 Laclede M12 10 Olay F6 Principal Correspondents. 1,100 $ 1 264,380 $ 10,000 $ t Skidmore_____ 628 Bank of Skidmore ..©»tl’04 W. B. Linville .— Aaron Linville___ W. S. Linville____ 10 Nodaway B4 1500 80-678 .. .« H. W. Montgomery W. H. Hoblitzell.. Farmers Bank______ ©•tl'02 Robt. Montgomery —TU^ 1360 80-677 8 Saline Gil «• ii Non-Bauk Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS City N.. Chillicothe; Com.Tr., Kan. C. 76.550 Com. Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Kan. C. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere t MISSISSIPPI I \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 041 0 ' -*■ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. k MISSISSIPPI/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/' High Grade Municipal Bonds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSOURI—Continued MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this Well Secured Real Estate and Corporation Issues k MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / QAO OT’A Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town d Ooutm »Mem.A.B.A. r*New§StatetPriv. »Gounty Seats. tMem. State B Ass'n. [EstabFig. under town is ♦Ke 1. Iter .Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist d-SafeI)ep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. STATE SAVINGS TRUST CO. » 1100-10% Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volune. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Continued Resources*. Liabilities. President. Vice President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Principal Correspondents Oabh k Ex- 1 Loans Bonds Surplus Depos Other Miscel uh Paid-up and and atom, Dm Liabili and its Discounts Securities j laneous psom Barrs Capital Profits ties t. n. rtnuuaun, jn.» $ 84.350 J C. A. FERGUSON. Trust and Inves tment BanklnUS o nly. No coilectlo ns handled, ______________ We specialize on Choice Farm Loa ns In Southweste rn Missouri, the Best Stock Raising Section 1 n the United Sts tes* INQUIRIES INVITE D. $ 4,120 95,810 $ 101,430 oo Springfield .42,140 Greene 010 (Continued) MISSOURI $ 7,370 McDa iel N. and Queen City, Springfield. 167,070 1.454.980 Han. N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N. and State N.. St. L.; 1st N., Kan. C. 75,170 $ 80-30 'H.B. MCDANIEL— *UM0N NATIONAL BANK o i par 100 80-8 dB®T»t’8 muF*E-™ , SAM E. TRIMBLE— R. NEIL GRAY- . |Special att ention paid collection The oldest and largest Springfield Clearing House G. D. McDaniel-__ T. W. Watkins -__ N. M. Leonard. (Membert indicated by a *) S.WT#M,E 300.000 281.140 $5 290 660 106,460 2.969.490 1,386,720 epartment. k in the city. or. Spring II111....... 50 Farmers Bank______________ (Closed) Livingston D9 | ( ChiliicotheP.O.) 10.000 960 34,010 S. M. Hinkley____ J. L. Miller 20.000 39.000 C. S. Berndt.. Vesper Shelby ___ 25,000 J. C. Willbrand, J. B. WillbraDd, 50,000 Spruce_______ 50 Farmers Bank----------- tS’19 J. A. Borland------- J. F. Lawson......... Virgil L. Borland . lioo 80-1507 II Bates K7 Stan berry 1864 Commercial Bank------ 1§‘94 W. H. Miller____ C. L. Enyart......... L.E. Miller. 80-313 II Gentry B6 Farmers State Bank par 125 80-1743 L. O. Grantham... James F. Miller. 5,960 6.600 306,510 270.930 20,500 70,080 1st N., St. L.; Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo. 6,000 170.000 85,000 60.000 56,000 Am. N„ St. Jo.; State N.. St. L. 53,310 841,550 144,880 763,080 83,270 203.100 40,280 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Liberty Cent. Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 122,500 1,089,170 99,300 704,000 542,310 43,000 121,660 475,890 55,000 275.520 276,440 7,210 34.720 d®«+§’25 »St. Charles ..8503 Central Trust Co. .dB ®T»tl’07 B. P. Wentker----- H. A. Westhoff _ J. C. Willbrand 8 St. Charles HIS 1217-10% par 100 80-101 Sec. and Tr First National Bank_..®»t'63 J. A. Schreiber.__ Geo. H. Kuhlmann C. B. Mudd_____ *260-14% Com.Tr. Co., Kan. O.; Peo., Butler. 34.410 2,000 A. Sec. R.W. Beste, A. Sec. A. J. Moerscbel... 100,000 80-98 Peoples Bank........... ®*tl'15 H. O. Dallmeyer.. Louis Ebeling___ Fred W. Meyer__ 20,000 42.990 Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com. and 1st N., St. L. Int 'l and N. Bk. Corn.. St. L. $250-12% par 100 80-102 E. F. Huncker___ C. H. Willbrand-.. St. Charles Savings Bk. 80-99 ©*t§ 67 R. Schnedler ___ 100.000 171,390 1,504,770 150,000 576,510 963,150 31,750 354,750 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.. N. Y,: 1st N.. N. Bk. of Com., and Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L. Union Savings Bank.®»tl’70 J. F. Rauch_____ H. H. Steed_____ G. H. Wilke.. Edw. 8chnedler... O. I. Rauch 100,000 194,050 1,331.550 10,550 827.510 665,150 500 142,990 Bk. of America, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Boatmens N., 8t. L. $280-14% $325-20% ■ MISSISSIPPI/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 80-100 Organized MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY 1890 SAINT LOUIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Member Federal Reserve System yMISSISSIPPI i \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to iaui oank in U. S exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ g43 TOWK AND CODNTY. »Couuty Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. St. Clair •Mein.A.B.A. '‘New § State tPriv. t.\lem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ■*>Fe 1. Res.De[)ts:T-Trust B-Bond •• •• Vice-President. President. 80-1200 Ass’t Cashier. Surplus Depos Other Paid-op and Liabili its Capital Profits ties *250-15% par 100 751 Bank of Steele 8 Pemiscot E24 .. *126-10% 15,510 $ 5.380 $ 35,760 Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 19,530 5,430 20,030 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill.; Miss. Valley Tr„ St. L. 5,000 31,260 3d N.. Sedalia; Callaway, Fulton. 12,500 14,760 231,480 213,750 10,000 14,890 97,850 86,480 30,000 6,000 204,630 97,920 15,810 24,050 102,840 1st N. and Int’l, St. L.; Bk. of Caruthersville. Caruthersville. A. B. Rhodes__ _____ H. Wells_____________ 25,000 3,000 162,TOO 5,000 86,000 25,600 14,000 70.000 1st N.. Blytheville, Ark.; N. City, St. L. W. F. Arnett 25,000 100,820 576,520 ____________ 468,600 106,200 17,540 25,000 30.100 302,940 6,250 267,480 32.080 18,450 65,000 5,000 178,100 276.350 298,000 286,000 W. H. Harvey______ 80-1517 680 $ 137.320 S 14,190 $ 166,590 $ $ Farmers &Merch. Bank»tl'13 William Casey____ J. S. Weldon_____ M. W. Stahlman.. Herman Kramme— *200-10% 80-1418 W. E. May, Sec. 8 Callaway 115 Principal Correspondents. Bonds Loans Cash k ExMiscel cha and *8M,Dtj* and Discounts Securitise laneous non Bin* 12,500 $ W. Johnson.. C. F. Briegleb------ L. E. Roberts_____ J. A. Jeffries Steedman_______ 31 Steedman Bank____dB»tl'15 Steele Cashier. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. *200-15% Resources. Liabilities. _442 Bank of St. Clair________ •JI’OS Jas. 8 Franklin J18 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued __________ •tf'04 80-1210 W. E. Smith First National Bank—®»t’23 L. M. Brooks_______ 80-1731 C. H. Grissom *112 .Steelvllle 767 CrawfordCounty FarmersBk. 80-588 «ti'96 8 Crawford L16 tsoo-40% par 100 f CLAUDE BASS - 110,010 N. Bk. Com., St. L. W. L. Wingo - M. W. LICHIUS— T. R. SALTSMAN J. W. WALKER A. J. SCHWEIDER - 46,280 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. Ill. FIRST NATIONAL BANKd*t 07 taoo-16% 80-589 ] Special attentlo n given BUI of Lad ing Drafts, Cash and Time Items. par 100 / Please send l&e with each Sight Draft for present ation and (lie with each re quest for report or rating. ONLY N ATIONAL BANK INCKA WFOSD COUNT T. 10.000 11,000 75,000 J. H. Walker_______ H. L. Paatier_______ W. J. Operle 20.000 25,000 418,200 Francis J. Rozier.. H. L. Rozier. Jr... 20,000 25,000 693,000 10,000 10,000 170,000 5,000 i 165,000 3,000 7,000 20,000 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co. and N. City, St. L. 10,000 21,040 95,010 100 91,200 4,400 7,740 22,800 1st N., Neosho. 25,000 16,020 79,560 32,930 135,470 7,700 10,350 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Boone Co. Tr. Co.. Columbia: Callaway. Fulton. W. D. Snow_____ Nell Snow... ___ *210-8% 80-687 J H. Wylie, V. P. D. P. Pickett Stewartsville State Bk.»tl'05 J. E. Hovenga-----par 100 80-688 St. James.... 1117 Bank of 8t. James ...d*ti'97 G. A. Muller_____ J. W. TenEyck ... *200-1?% 80-481 R. B. Murry, A. C. A. J. Greinke 8 Phelps L16 par 100 50.000 55,350 218.710 49.500 199.770 77,150 10.500 15,000 9,960 75,000 57,000 8,050 50,000 31,000 487,800 362,450 101,240 86.140lHan.N.,N.Y.;C.&C.N..Chi.; IstN.. Kan C.; Am. N., St. Jo.; jn. uk. com., st. l. 29,000 Stk. Yds., So. St. Jo.; Am. N. and 1st N„ St. Jo., New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C 87,900 Merch.-Lac. N. and N. Bk. Com., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. Ill. Kf. H. BREUER------- CHANCIE DICKSON- saw,EIST. JAMES STATE /-I C RHRfiP 15 CENTS sent to us with each s lght draft for pre sentatlon, and BANK............ t§'2i <) 25 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, p ersonal attention 25.000 3,760 255,100 25,000 5,000 50,000 *240-7% par 100 8 Lewis C15 80-1211 ____ t§'05 E. A. Murray ‘Ste. Genevieve Bank of Ste. Genevieve 80-345 d®«tl’02 8 Sto.Qene.L212046 par 100 .. .. Henry L. Rosier Bank 80-344 Henry L. Rozier.. St. Elizabeth..200 BANK OF ST. ELIZABETH H. E. Clark *200-15% 80 1445 I§’14 8 Miller K14 par 100 --------- Stoll* „ XI0 10 Newton Q7 *300 8 Callaway H14 *160-12% 80-1213 J ,G. Schwie ter man J. A. Luetkemeyer Ida Bode_________ James Carter_____ J. M. Maness-------- O. E. Carter_____ 80-1212 Stephens____ 100 Farmers Bank____ . . •tl'04 Roy Ashlock_____ Stewartsvllle . 534 First National Bank____ »t’89 10 --' 26,000 Quincy-Ricker N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Quincy, Ill.; LaBelle Sav.,LaBelle. J. G. Allen Steffen vlUe___300 Bank of Steffenville De Kalb D6 *165-8% par 100 80-1697 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5,000 261,240 130 83,850 1st N. and N. City. St. L. 154,000 State N„ St. L. 17,210 5,940 21,690 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N. Bk.. St. L.; N. Bk. of Rolla, Rolla. a (.Unexcelled facil ltles for handling your St. James c ollecttons. St. Johns............1000 St. Johns Community Bank . (St. Louis P. O.) 80-1757 ®§’26 8 St. Louis 120 MISSISSIPPI/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 75,130 I nvestment Securities A. R. Smith................. C. Jordan 40,000 J. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 10,000 30,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., Joliet; N. City. St. L. A Bank for Bankers i MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ St. JOSEPH Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 844 •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State tPriv. tMcm. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res. Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.(s)Sav.$LastSale%Div. ’AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK 36-3 President. Vice President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. —(Buchanan, D 5) County Seat. (Federal Reserve District No. 10) Population 78,342—Reserve City. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. J. 6. SCHNEIDER ~ R. R. CALKINS — E. N. VAN HORNE-—A. IL BANSBACH. HENRY KRBG, JR., W. W. HEAD G. D. RICHMOND Ch. ofBd. JOHN W.BROADDUS Paid-up Capital $ Liabilities. Surplus Other Total and Liabili Profits Deposits 200.000 t ties 334.040 3 7.264.760 $ Loans Resources. MiscelBonds LANIOWS AND Gam k Ex- OaAHflEByDVX Discount# S® CUBITUS Resources' from Baku and St. Joseph Clear. House Ass’n Members shown by* Affiliated Bks. by + Principal correspondents. 148.200 I 5.857.820 S 150.000 I 215,000 1 1.724.180 Han. N„ N. T. * lat N.. Chi., Phil., Minpls., and St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. Send ue your collections. Prompt service end reasonable rates guaranteed. ®T«t’87 Frank Bergman... F. P. Moskan------- R. I. Bergman....... +Bankof North St. Joseph *5oo-io% 36-53 © •tl'03 15.000 11,270 453,000 200.000 174,070 4.139.570 30,000 18.820 200,000 10,910 57,750 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co.,N.Y.; 1st N.and Am. N., St. Jo. 198,870 212,810 3.071.090 416.130 287,590 233,060 16,970 12,300 74,080 Chem. N,. N. T.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Oma. N., Oma.: Am. N„ St. Jo. 98,670 2,689,330 1,636,170 678,400 2,000 671,440 N. Bk. Com.. N.T.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Mtle. Tr. Co., 15,000 2,850 161,400 133,830 10,000 5,000 142.410 22,200 123,790 500,000 506,410 6,151,640 184,610 {Closed December 28, 1926) Bartlett Trust Company_ Buchanan County Trust Compa ny {Purchased by Ce ntral States Mortgag e Co. and Empire T rust Co.) *BURNES —NATIONAL BANK 6% par 100 38-5 dB®T»t'73 «sss«-ras- CALVIN C. BURNES J. J. WALSHcHAAecKeS,^. of Bd. HUTE M 231.200 1,257.630 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co. and Chase N., N.Y.; lfltN. and Ill.Merch.Tr. Co,, Chi.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil.; Mellon N.,Pitt. Accounts of Ba nks, Bankers, an d others Invited, Collections and all Banking mat ters entrusted to us receive ' prompt attent ion. ESTABLISH ED 1878. i + Drovers & Merchants Bank R. D. Head............ F. H. Eyler______ J. A. Teresinski. 100 36-55 dB®»ti’M W. E. Thompson A. L. Guitar *125 par Ohas. E. Wright.__ W. F. Enright----- Robt. G. Maxwell, L. E. Stephenson, ♦Empire Trust Company A. Sec, See. and Tr. *% ♦ 36-57 dB®T*il’0o L. O. Hamilton, Ch. + Farmers & Traders Bank C. O. Cornelius.— E. D. Bird....... ...... C. B. Poteet ........... ’*100 par 100 36-54 d®»tf'03 —Farmers State Bank___ •t§’06 J. I. Tucker. 80-1041 {Formerly listed at Inza, Mo.) Wm. McCauley___ E. H. Hyde............... R. C. Graham. St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 10,570 35,350 1st N., St. Jo. 9,700 14,590 31,530 1st N„ St. Jo. 4.435,460 823,930 177,450 215,710 149,090 Jffdelity Trust Co._____________ {Closed December 28. 1926) •First National Bank___d»t’94 F. L. Ford.............. Ed. Heaton______ R. R. Ridge........... Max Andriano. M. D. Adams. *200-10% par 100 36-1 V. P. Meyer A. Cash. _nFirst State Bank................ §’27,G. E. Porter— 36-65 F. L. Ford. I, A. Vant Loyd A. Walker... C. A. Johnson. 100,000 31,260 325,610 1,905,820 Bk. of N. T. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N. Chi.: N. Bk. Oom.. St. L.; 1st N., Kan. C. 92,070 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. St. Jo. {St. Joseph banks continued on next page) i v MISSISSIPPIj \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Collections Given Special Attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Exceptional Facilities for Transit Items ^MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST ' Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to eacl1 bank in u- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. R4S •Mem.A.B.A.nNew SStatefPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeUep.©Sav.$LastSaIe%Div. President. Vice-President. ST. JOSEPH—Reserve City—Continued Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Federal Reserve District No. 10) Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Other Paid-up Surplus Total and Liabili Capital Profits Deposits ties Loans and Discounts Resources. MISCEL Bonds Cash & F.xLANEOUS CHANGSfl.DuE Securities Resources from Banks and St. Joseph Clearing House Ass’nMembers shown by* ________________ Affiliated Bks. by + Principal Correspondents. + rirat Trust Company F. L. Ford________ Ed. Heaton_______ P. R. Lacalli, Sec... P. H. Hoffmeister, 36-60 d®T»**’00 R. N. Ridge A. Sec. 100,000 Growers Exchange Bank F. W. Karrasch.__ Ernst Mueller____ W. A. Maxwell___ Adelia Ruegsegger 1126 80-1736 @*§’23 10,000 2,500 53,900 42,620 50,000 11,530 645,550 468,910 15,700 42,860 179.620 N. Park, N. Y.; Foreman N., Chi.; BurnesN.,St. Jo.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 100,000 104.450 1.394.930 16.910 522.840 705,990 92.370 295.090 N. City. N. Y.: Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo. Morris Plan Oe___________@16 Christ Neipp_____ Wm. Albrecht........ George C. Toel. Tr. James E. Cox, Sec. 36-64 Geo. C. Toel, V. P, J. A. Warner E. F. Davis, A. Tr. 75.000 103.080 528,630 58,480 615.790 120,270 9,830 + Park Bank__ 50,000 634.790 2,460 33,630 $ 166,200 > 2,664,400 $ 24,400 $ 1,245,200 $ 1,278,800 J 34,500 $ 396,500 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 111. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N„ St. Jo. 10,770 13,010 Am. N„ St. Jo. (Industrial City P. O.) _+ MECHANICS STATE BANK *145-1*% 38-42 ‘MISSOURI 6% CO. VALLEY „ 36-52 ....©T'tl’99 Jno. J. Downey... J.A. Muchenberger L. J. Power*........... T. B. Hunt. A. B. Duncan, Ch. F. P. Downey F. A. Boder.__ ____ W. A. Evans______ E. V. Kirkpatrick, Sec. and Tr. 1175-6% $250 par 100 ..<§>•**’89 C. L. Wiehl. 36-51 STOCKYARDS BANK 36-6 (So. St, Joseph P, O.) . TQQTLE-LACY 36-4 88,260 734,250 201.620 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Oont. & Com’l N„ Chi,: 1st N.. . A. VANT- - - - - - - - - J. A.GREENFIELD, JR. H. H. MOHLER. . . . . . . . . . R. W. SNYDER . The osly bank at the Stook Yards. V. L. S Send all Stock Yard, Packing House and South St. Joseph items direct to us for prompt attention. I 350.081 201.200 3.953.350 2.445660 227.830 4,760 1.826.310 N. Bk. Com. and Guaranty Tr. Co- N.Y.; Stock Yds. N. and 1st N„ Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 2d N„ Bos. MILTON TOOTLE, JR.- GR^H^G^LjlCjf--.. B. R. 0. LACY. . . . . . . . . MILTON TOOTLE, 3d-. Collections a specialty. Prompt attention to ail banking matters. Correspondence invited. NATIONAL BANK par 100 Andrew Wank____ P. D. Stinson_____ Chas. F. Schaff... 19,300 1st N., St. Jo. Am. N., and Burnes N„ St. Jo. - *ST. JOSEPH 6% ♦ (Inv.Cer.) 200.000 219.000 20,000 5,000 6.849.000 17.000 4,249.000 1,114,000 90.000 1,832,000 Han.N.,N.Y.;Cont.& Com’l N.and Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Bk.Com., St. L. dB®T»t’02 Union State Bank_______©§'26 Wm. McGrail__ 36-58 W. N. BARTLETT- John Muster............Geo. A. Tietz. P. C. K. BARTLETT-- C. E. MAHAFFEY, I Tr. W. A. PETREE, Sec. Negetlat* Farm Loans In Mlsana ri, Kansas, Nebra ska, and Oklaho (815 Felix) B#RTLcEoM8?ISMiE, A. L. BARTLETT (First State Bank Building) BINSWANGER BROS. t'2o W. C. BARTLETT. . . . . . W. C. BARTLETT, Tr. I*. L. BARTLETT, JR., See 300.000 25.000 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Burnes N., St. Jo. 1st N., N. Y.; Burnes N.,and 1st N., St. Jo. a. 100,000 Tootle-Lacy N., St. Jo. NEGOTIATE F ARM LOANS IN MISSOURI, KAN SAS AND OKLA HOMA. [Lester J. and Me Ivin E. Binswange r. Partners ________ Dealers In Gove rnment, Munlcip al and Corpora tio n Bonds. (201 Schneider Bldg.) LOCAL Am. N„ St. Jo. CURITIES. LB. 0ILLAM- - - - - - ORESTES MITCHELL.Tr. H. C. McCLARY, Sec 25.000 Ye make a spe ctalty of high gra de ortgage farm loans, suitable Invest ments for banks, corporations, tru (tees and private Investors FORD and PORTER..........*115 (Fraxer L. Ford a nd George E. For ter, Partners)__ j._________ _______ INVEST MENT 8 ECURIT IES....... (517 Francis) W.TES““S 1st N.. St. Jo. 1st N. and Tootle-Lacy N„ St. Jo. St Jo*eph Clearing House____ E. H. Zimmerman. C. E. Wrignt........ . W.A. P. McDonald, Mgr. Peat & Co., C. H. Examiners. (Members indicated by a* A 'iated Banks by + ) i MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS For Banks and Bankers Everywhere V MISSISSIPPI t \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given qac. to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ OHO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ST. LOUIS—Reserve City (St. Louis City, I 20)—Population 821,543 (Federal Ktwrn City No. 8) Resources. St.Louis Clearing House Assn. Members shown by •Mem.A.B.A.uNew § State tPriv. MiscslAffiliated Banks by + Cash k Ex BONDS Other Loans (Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Total LANNOU8 Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus Cashier. changes,Dui Vice-President. President. AND and L iabili and ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Principal Correspondents Capital Profits Deposits Discounts Sbcubitieb Risoubcbs root* Banks ties d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. 65.000 $ 2,187.100 $ 191.310 J 1,173.840 S 1.032.930 $ 174,430 $ 262.200 Chem. N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N.,St. L. $ 200,000 American Exchange Natl. Bk. Edmond Koeln.-.JD. Hedenkamp.__ Armin Pflsterer ...IO. E. Ohl. Walter Scott *140-6% par 100 4-111 d®»t’24 (6639 So. Kingshighway) H. H. HOPKINS.... B. S. LANS............. C. L. SABER, Tr,... J. M. WOODS, 194,900 1.965.830 Bkra. Tr. Co. and Guaranty Tr. Co.,N.T.;Cont. 5.218.290 1.000.000 630.070 14.117.170 454.780 C. L. SAGER W.C. UNGER, A.Tr. See. and Tr. Officer & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Cont. C. C. HAMMOND, W. 6. McCLELLAN, C.D.C0WDERY, Tr. Co., Balt.; Home Tr. Co., Kan. C.: 1st N., A. Tr. A.Tr.Off. Auditor St. L. DIRECTORS: H.L.KELLER,A.Tr. R.L. BURNEY, BENJAMIN S. LANG JAMES M. FRANC1SCUS P. H. BROCKMAN J. J. JOHNS, Mgr. Sat. Dept. WARNER S. McCALL ERWIN P. HILTS A. C. BROWN Mgr. Public GEO. P. P0TEE, C. H. MORRILL SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON ST. LOUIS INDEX HENRY H. HOPKINS Collection Department under Relations. Mgr.Safe Dep.DejA. DR. E. B. CLEMENTS *165-9% ♦ 4-2 ®T»t§’09 E. LANSING RAY C. NORMAN JONES W. H. COCKE dlreot supervision of one of our officials. (7th and Locust) C. L SAGER F. H. KREISMANN THOMAS N. DYSART Truneaote a general banking and truet business CYRUS CRANE WILLMORE J. H. PARISH Correspondence Invited 395,920 1.118.980 110.000 4,9001 1.228.730 179.820 2.468.900 200.000 3. J. Fischer EP. R. Baumgartnerl S\ J. Townsend... Baden Bank............ ..dB®«t§’09 Edward Streit........ Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N., Kan. C. hV. H. Kruse J. J. H. Hartwig *190-9% ♦ 4-79 par 100 (8217 N. Broadway) \. WALDHEIM .... L. C. BRYAN. IN J. W. REINM0LBT • 8 F. BOSH V. P. and Cash. Bk. of America, Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. City, and Am. l! WAGENFUEHR J.H. GRIMM, , Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont.& Com’l N., Union r L MAJOR V.P. and Counsel Tr. Co., and 1st N., Chi.; Canal Bk. & Tr. RG and N. O. Bk. &Tr. Co. of La., N. O.j Bk. of E'. Li TAYLOR. L. E. WOODS, And. 565.260 3.858.730 Cal.N.A. and Am. Tr. Co., San F.; N.Shawmut, V. P. and Tr. Off. 918.810 23.221.820 1.571.850 20.675.530 2.612.050 2.000.000 Liabilities. 'AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY ME 1 'BOATMEN'S NATIONAL BANK Oldest Bank In INisseari. Fop ovop throe-foupths of a oantury wa Hava withstood ovary flnanolal crlala, including tha pariods of tha Civil War and World War. Wa oaa servo yoa wall. Corraapendaaoa aolloKad. *153-8% 4-3 d®T*t’47 par 100 (300 N. Broadway) Bos.; Franklin 4th St. N., PhU.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Mtle. Tr. & Dep. Co. and Md. Tr. Co., Balt.; Union Tr. Co., Clev.: 1st N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Midland N. Bk. & Tr., Minpls.; Heilman Com’l Tr. & Sav., Los A. 44.030 1,449.690 56,340 34.790 295,440 Chem. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi. 120,000 1,950,500 3.178,940 37,630 447,180 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Oom'l N.. Chi.; Mtle. Tr. Co.. St. L. 1.447,730 47,820 636,270 723,920 95,460 283,480 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. 89,450 1,560,170 12,340 1,377,450 205,560 78,540 200,400 N. City, N. Y.; International. St. Louis. 200,000 63,480 1.485,940 7.710 1,180.330 300.170 23.930 252.690 Chase N„ N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; Boatmens N . St.L. 200,000 52.670 1,720,710 246,400 1.490,270 362,120 44,410 322,970 Chem. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’I N.. Chi.: Liberty Cent. Tr. Co.. St. L.; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds. J. Hamman, Sec. A. J.Sagner, A.'Sec 200,00C 99.860 1,799,780 23,430 1,082,22C 521.820 87.920 431.12C Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co. and N. City. Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk.Com., St. L. ADOLPH ETLIHG. _ _ C. W. MEYER........ H. R. REHME. Sec. and Tr A. Sec. and A. Tr F. L. HOFMANN F. J. WIGET, Tr. Off E. L. FLEISCHER. A Sec. 400,00( 371.340 5.295.2K 158,140 2.817.53C 2,835,80C 119,690 BROADWAY TRUS1 CO. + *112.50-4% ♦ 4-59 d®»t par 100 (700 N. Broadway) Leo. 888,670 6,595,520 200,000 25.070 1.481.690 129.500 200,000 380,360 4,913,890 G. Freiert------ R. L. Provaznik... 200,000 44.580 E. S. Munsch_____ Oliver Cinnater... Wm. T. Jones. Sec. 200,000 E. A. Kenthan, H. W. Kiel........... S. L. St. Jean, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr F. A. Hoffman. Tr. G. Desobry... H. T,. Rogers_____ H. F.V.Hoener, P. and Sec. J. I. Obst. A. Sec. L. Grossberg 6 J. F. Hell rung .— W. L. Protzmann . J. H. Rehme_____ W. C. Hagedorn... Jacob Wilhelm H. A. Lueking ♦ 4-60 LOUIS 3,847,230 Adolph Bieger, Ch. of. Bd. *285-12% ADVE RTISE WIENT ON IN DEX T O ST. 200.000 A. H. Roller--------- H. L. Prange------ R. H. Ball man-----*420-20% par 100 ♦ 4-52 (3600 N. Broadway) SEE 2.887.410 905,530 Konntze Bro*., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Com. Tr. Co- Kan. C. par 100 (1601 Can Are.) H. P. Mueller____ A. R. Messing------ H. Cherokee National Bank *135 par 100 4-113 d® »t 5 (3401S. Jefferson Ave.) 4 O. J. Gossrau_____ *150-6% par 125 ♦ 4-109 R. S. Vitt (3801 So. Broadway) *145-9% par 100 4-83 (4030 Chouteau Ave.) *125-6% 4-82 par 100 (1182 Washington) -FEaston-Taylor Trust Co. ♦ 4-84 dB®T»ii par 100 (4474 Easton) FARMERS & MERCH.TR.; *220-16% ♦ 4-70 d®T*ti par 100 (Grand and Gravois) 1 A. N. Kingsbury... H. W. Twiehaus... Chas. W. Bauer, Tr. B. Greensfelder Jacob Lasky, Ch. of Bd. S. J. Stein J. R. Lanigan......... Charles Thuener.. G. A. G. Giles 1 L. L. Daly, V. P. *150-6% 7 F 1 WIGET Y.; Cont. & 451,67< Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. to next page) High Grade Municipal Bonds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Well Secured Real Estate and Corporation Issues i MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / AT THE GATEWAY OF A GREAT TRADE TERRITORY AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $1,600,000 equipment and facilities enable us to render OURto experience, banks and trust companies having business interests in 1 this great trade territory, a service, exceptional for its accuracy and dispatch. Our Collection Department is under the direct supervision of one of our officers. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Carry your account with A Representative Bank It adds prestige to your name Correspondence and Interviews Invited THE Boatmen’s National Bank of ST. LOUIS OFFICERS Surplus (earned) $750,000 JULIUS W. REINHOLDT. President LEROY C. BRYAN, Vice-President and Cashier AARON WALDHEIM Vice-President B. F. BUSH EDGAR L. TAYLOR. V.P. & Trust Officer J. HUGO GRIMM. Vi ALBERT WAGENFUEHR Vice-Pres. F. LEE MAJOR C. C. HAMMERSTEIN Ass't Cashier RUDOLPH FELSCH H. ALFRED BRIDGES Ass t Cashier OLIVER W KNIPPEN Accounts of Banks and Bankers Solicited on Most Favorable Terms Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3tik & Co. SAINT LOUIS 509 OLIVE ST. Government Municipal Corporation Real Estate Members St. Louis Stock Exchange SPECIALISTS IN ST. LOUIS SECURITIES 4 Co. SAINT LOUIS 509 OLIVE $T. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN ST. LOUIS (LARGEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER) OFFICERS CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD n. a. McMillan PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENTS WALTER W. SMITH RICHARD S. HAWES W. T. RAVENSCROFT F. V. DUBROUILLET JOSEPH S. CALFEE E. C. STUART M. E. HOLDERNESS J. R. COOKE W. F. GEPHART C. HOBART CHASE BERT H. LANG E. G. COFFMAN OLIVER G. LUCAS F. O. HICKS CASHIER F. O. WATTS CHARLES L. ALLEN AUDITOR WILLIAM C. TOMPKINS SERVES CORRESPONDENTS EVERYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES DIRECTORS WILLIAM K. BIXBY N. A. McMILLAN, Chairman of the Board ROBERT S. BROOKINGS, . Precedent, Washington Uni THOMAS R. AKIN, versity President, Laclede Steel Co. AUGUST A. BUSCH, EUGENE H. ANGERT, President, Anheuser-Busch Jones, Hocker, Sullivan & Angert, Attorneys at Law L. RAY CARTER, Carter Commission Co. W. C. ARTHURS, President, Mt. Vernon Car B. B. CULVER, President, Wrought Iron Manufacturing Co., Mt. Ver Range Co. non, Ill. JAMES F. BALLARD, WM. H. DANFORTH, Manufacturer and Wholesale President, Ralston Purina Co. Dealer in Proprietary JOHN T. DAVIS Medicines F. B. EISEMAN, CHAS. E. BASCOM, Vice-President, Rice-Stix Dry Secretary and Treasurer, Bro Goods Co. derick & Bascom Rope Co. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis JOHN D. FILLEY, President, American Mfg. Co. S. H. FULLERTON, Chairman of the Board, Chicago Lumber & Coal Co. WARREN GODDARD, Wholesale Grocery BENJAMIN GRATZ, Warren, Jones & Gratz JOHN L. GREEN, President, Laclede-Christy Clay Products Co. JACKSON JOHNSON, Chairman of Board, Inter national Shoe Co. ROBERT McK. JONES, Dry Goods Commission F. O. WATTS, President JOHN B. KENNARD, President, J. Kennard & Sons Carpet Co. H. H. LANGENBERG, President, Langenberg Bros. Grain Co. E. K. LUDINGTON, President, Chase Bag Co. EDW. MALLINCKRODT, Chairman of the Board, Mallinckrodt Chemical Co. WILLIAM T. NARDIN, Vice-President and General Manager, Pet Milk Co. E. D. NIMS, President, Southwestern Bell Telephone System JOHN M. OLIN, Vice-President, Western Car tridge Co., East Alton, Ill. ISAAC H. ORR, President, St. Louis Union Trust Co. H. M. PFLAGER, First Vice-President, Com monwealth Steel Co. HARRY SCULLIN, President, Scullin Steel Co. JOHN F. SHEPLEY, Chairman of the Board, St. Louis Union Trust Co. SYDNEY M. SHOENBERG, Sydney M. Shoenberg & Co. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $15,000,000.00 WALLACE D. SIMMONS, Trustee, Associated Simmons Hardware Companies M. E. SINGLETON, President, Missouri State Life Insurance Co. JAMES E. SMITH J. CLARK STREETT, J. D. Streett & Co. JAMES E. TAUSSIG, President, Wabash R. R. Co. M. B. WALLACE, Chairman of the Board, Cuppies Company. President, Union Bag & Paper Corpora tion ALLEN T. WEST 04*7 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem.A.B.A.»New SStatetPriv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. FEDERAL COMMERCE TRUST COMPANY Vice-President. (Federal Reserve City No. 8) Cashier. W. L. HEMINGWAY - W. W. AINSWORTH J. G. LONSDALE, E. T. T0BEY Ch.o/Bd. r.j. WHITFIELD W. W. AINSWORTH, J. C. WALKER, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ST. LOUIS—Cont’d—Reserve City Tr. A. Tr. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Capital Liabilities. Surplus Other Total and Deposits Liabili Pbofits ties J. A.MCCARTHY.Sec. $ 800,000 $ 426.490 w. A. BELL, s Loan* and Resources. Bonds Misceland Discounts Sbcukitins $ 3,050.940 $ LANBOU8 Resources 61.140 $3,915,970 Cask k Bxcaravan,Dot non Baku St. Louis Clearing House Assn. Members shown by1 Affiliated banks by + Principal Correspondents. $ 300,320 300.320 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 4-112 Tt§’24 (200 N. Broadway) H.P. BEST0R- W- 0. GIBBS -....... L. M. BURGE,Tr...... Discounts agric ultural paper for banks and Agricu porations and makes loans to c ooperative marke ting and live stock associatio ns. (515 Pine) 2,000,000 DISTRI CT NO. 6 Illinoi s, Misso uri, Ark ansas Federal Lend Bank, Dist. 6.. (See page 32 for co mplete information) 4-105 * Federal Reserve Bank, Dist.8* (See page 27 for co mplete informatio n) 4-4 411 Locust St. ‘FIRST NATIONAL RANK IN ST. LOUIS $270-12% par 100 4~5 d®»t’19 323 N. Broadway ‘FRANKLIN RANK $145-8% ♦ 4-11 dB®»»'67 (COO N. Broadway) F. 0. WATTS — n. a. mcmillan, W. C /foMPKINS, Auditor JAS. McCLEAVE C. H. MORRIS. C. B. SCHMIDT C.W. ALLISON, WM.C.STAUSS A. Auditor JULIEN JAN IS, Ch.ofBd. F.J. H0LL0CHER, W. W. SMITH, R.s. HAWES, W. T. RAVENSCROFT, A. £• LUCAS F. V. DUBROUILLET, F.JLHICKS J. S. CALFEE, F. C. HUNT. C. STUART, B.P.MCF' A. Auditor A. H. L. KUHN, Mgr. Sav, Dept, Vice Presidents J. FL ^HEr Mgr. Publicity Dept J Established 1867. W. S. Covington— O. H. Hentschel J. V. Ledbetter W. C. Anderson W. C. Johnson, J. B. Corby V. P. and Cash. T. F. Guthrie G. J. Herbert, Aud. A. W. Lambert Grant State Bank—. dB®J5’21 L. H. Tiemann___ E. E. Schoening—. G. A. Boyd, Jr........ $175-6% par 125 ♦ 4-100 W. C. Lieser (Gravois and Morganford) Gravois Bank of St. Lonis Oo. J. C. Steffen. $250-16% ♦ 4-89 d®»J*’18 par 100(8301 Gravois Ave.) Hamilton State Bank. d®»ti’19 Thos. S. Burke $135-6% 4-95 (5852Delmar) Hodlamont Bank_____ ®*tl'10 C. C. Miles........ $225-25% 4-80 (1145 Bartmer Av.) Industrial Savings Trust Oo. A. A Blumeyer ... $180-11% 4-110 ®*t§’23 H. L. Cornet. * (710 Chestnut St.) Ch. ofBd. 6,256,890 O. H. Hempelman. 200,000 127,340 2,164.620 A. J. Dill_________ 50,000 44,510 895.070 Geo.E.Dentschman Nathan H. Little.. 100,000 21,360 50,000 13,420 R. O. Bonnell, V. P. S. C. Gossom.Jr.—. J. W. Hopson.A. C. P. E. Keithly, Sec. and Tr. A. R. McGowan, A. J. S. Watkins____ A. H. Lehde P. J. Walsh, A.Sec. 269,760 300,000 H. Cuddy, A. Sec. (Morris P lan Bank) Sec. W. K. Hughes Hillsman Taylor par 100 200,000 77.910 475.260 77.980 3.198.010 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Am., Chi.; Trades RESE RYE 8 Y8TE mens N., Phil.; 1st N., Kan. C. M. 4,968.320 1,756.080 641,710 1,452,780 — 359.170 467.470 19.080 143.860 Far. k Merch. Tr. Co., St. L. 779.520 40.000 519.830 270.830 18,500 131,720 1.000,510 10.110 852,020 88.290 50.200 83.520 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co. and N. City, St. L. 2.861,650 2.144.370 5.305.130 187.340 43.080 40.230 1.479.810 2.580 782,470 244.150 16.330 717.340 70.220 6.885.630 704.850 162,690 1,106,790 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Foreman N.,Ohi.: Boat mens N.. St. L. 401,300 Chase N. and Chem. N., N. Y.: Lib. Cent. Tr. Co st. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds.. III. I 8. RIESMEYER, JR. -THEO.HEMMELMANN.JR. J. 1. HANNE6AN. H. J. BRENNER_ _ _ _ G. A. MEYER, J. H. A. MEYER G.J. BOECKEHKAMP Ch.ofBd. EDW. BORMAN 1.009.000 N. Bk. Com., 1st N., N. City, Eqult. Tr. Co., Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., Bkrs. Tr. Co., Chem. N., and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. St Com’l N., Stock Yds. N., Union Tr. Co., HI. Merch. Tr. Co., and 1st N.» Chi.: Phll.-GIrard N. and Corn Ex., Phil.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. ADVERT ISEMENT 14.860 12,574.920 EMBE R FED ERAL 332,150 A. P. Crecelius .... O. L. Crecelius F. W. Holekamp T. R. Ayars--------J. G. Mueller W. F. Carter_____ F. B. Eiseman L. T. Tune 594.890 14.516.430 700,000 INSURANCE BANK- dB®«t§’25 M. E. Singleton.__ W. C. D’Arcy........ _ F.R.VonWindegger W. F. Sewell, Jr... ♦ 4-115 (1501 Locust) $142.60-6% 4-16 1.200.000 M $160-12%(505 No. Grand) $140-8% SEE DISPLAY Bill of Lading Drafts receive Special Attention. 4-61 97 244 070 29686 900 $2,530,970 31,464,250 FRANK FUCHS, H. L. WELCH. Mgr. Credit Dept. e‘. a.‘brooks. H- BISCHOFF. Mgr. Transit Dept. R.l.HENDERSON,Afpr. BRUCE RAMSEY. ..... ,F._, B0ET|LER, Mgr. Indus. Service Dept. Bookkeeping Dept. Ass’t V. Presidents J. (J, PAULU Mgr. Collateral Dept. JAS. L. FORD, Jr - j.J. DMCKER-—. J. L. HAUK-------- F.WM.WIBBING Grand National Bank ..(SX’OO Ed. Mays ‘INTERNATIONAL DANK $ R'i!rEIaB. Dept. M’or.SafeDep.Dept 10,000,000 7.536.210 135171670 8.218.310 333.420 7.989.830 760.970 22.850 1.724,020 L.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan, C.; 4th & 1st N„ Nash. Sau F. IN “BT. LOUIS’” BANKING HEART. HAS BROAD FACILITIES AT COMMAND. EXTENDS TO YOU A WELCOME HAND. (222 No. Fourth) (St. Louis banks continued on next page) k MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ Organized 1890 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Member Federal Reserve System Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 040 •Mem.A.B.A.'nNew §StatetPriv. tMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier. (IMml lawm City No. 8) Ass't Cashier. Liabilities. Other Paid-up Surplus Total Liabili AND Capital Profits Deposits ties + JEFFERSON BANK~®**!’92 Y. T. Moberly___ Geo. E. Hibbard... O. Y. Torrenoe___ E. H. Spellmeyer— $ $275-12% ♦ 4-56 A. Tebelmann (Jefferson and Franklin Aves.) JEFFERS0N-GRAV0IS BANK Geo. A. Held____ $210-8% par 100♦4-65 dB®»tl’19 S.G. Koewing.F.P. (2604 S. Jefferson) F. J. Riefiing, V.P. Laclede Trust Co.___©T*t5’13 J. A. Dacey............. $135-6% ♦ 4-80 (2601 Olive Street) Anthony Coller.... Anthony Coller ... C. J. Mever ... . John Strobel Ella Kramme Fred Wehrenberg J. O. Roden berg... H. W. Kroeger, 0. H. Wahlbrink, See. Albert Theis V. P. and Tr. G. A. Nies, A. Sec, * LAFAYETTE SOUTH SIDE BANK C. E. FRENCH W J. JONES G. R. HUNSCHE, V. P. in Charge Real Est. Ln. Dept. OF ST. LOUIS . $290—12%par 100 ♦4~27 dB©»t§’16 (1731S. Broadway) Bond, Sales Mgr. Mgr. Publicity Dept, Mgr. Safe Dep. Dept, MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. + Leaaay Ferry Bank -d®»t|'06 8. J. Will George P. Rott. 4-87 (113 Lem Lemay Ferry id.) W. E. Huppert, W. E. Huppert $200-4% par 100 Ch. of Bd. 'LIBERTY CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY J. L.Orecelia*.. Aag. Boenecke. H. C. Becker Discounts Resources. St. Louis Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* MiscbuAffiliated Bks. by + Bonds Oar* A ExAND <blah«m,Dirw Principal Correspondents. S«CUBITDDS Ribookcis rmoM Baku 10,960 $1,887,140 $ 2,385,390 $ 163,100 $ 588.550 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi. 317.000 $ 4.496,220 * 200.000 209.140 4,377.490 33,340 2.905,310 1.274.720 266,630 373.300 Chem. N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi. 300.000 152.820 2.102,490 178,050 1.269,910 1,011,000 183,100 269,350 Han. N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Oom’l N., Chi.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; 1st N.,St. L. 860.860 15.622,410 9.124.320 631.510 2.819 940 N. City and Chem. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Kan. C. 1.513.410 23.823.910 F. K. HARRIS, E. J. ZAENGLIN. Loans AND 200,000 $ 2.000.000 W.J. STOLZ, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ST. LOUIS—Cont’d—Reserve City DIRECTORS K. A. Huber C. W. Johnson Theo. F. Lange W. R. Medart Henry Menzenwerth A. C. F. Meyer V. H. Becker, Jr. Chas. F. Betz I. L. Bretzfelder B. G. Brinkman C. E. French H. W. Gildehaus A. A. Graf 50,000 47,150 1,474,150 4,540 761,990 Richard Moore P. J. Pauly John F. Queeny J. L. Rehme M. J. Sicher Erwin Stupp H. F. Urbauer 602,590 30,760 180,510 Ohase N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L. F. E. GUNTER......... W-A- GORDON......... G. B. TRIGG----------- R. F. REIN............... 3.000,000 1,001.560 37.180,710 451,620 17.607,200 15,112.240 1.846,010 7,068,440 Chem. N., Chase N., N. Y. Tr. Co., and Cent. JOH.N Sfc WELLS ERASTUS WELLS, C. A. TA6KE, JR. Un. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’! N., Chi. Vice-Presidents C. A. LEMP V. P. and Sec. R. D. KERR J. J. FREY Our Three-quarters of a century’s experience in aumm?'mts R- *• URIAN> AudUor «• J, MILLER. W. C. CORNETT ' u Bc5li2BE A. B. G00DBAR, Tr. Officer St. Louis and the southwest is invaluable to $135-#% ♦ 4-14 1dBST»ti’B3 M. R. STURTEVANT par 100 those having business in this territory. E.BARKLA6E • y Mgr.Safe Dep. Dept. (Broadway and OKre) JACOB BERGER J. N. SOMMER J. K. VARDAMAN, JR. Member TRANSIT MANAGERS PREFER LIBERTY SERVICE. T. R. REYBURN H. C.HARTKOPF Federal Reserve JENNINGS A. W. Dehlendorf, System Lindall Trust Company©Tt§’24 Chas. H. Peters ... LONAB. F. A. Brickenkamp Harry Graeff, Jr.. 200,000 60,290 1,557,690 4,330 241.810 Chem. N., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; N. Bk. 967,690 599,300 13,500 $113 i (St. Louis and Grand) ♦ 4-107 F. W. Peters See. and Tr. F. A. Kaiser, A. Tr. A. Sec L8WELL BARK------------ *t§ 05 Wm. Koeneman... Henry Mueller ___ Henry Mueller___ L.L. Will______ ♦4-62 (Florissant and Warne) U. W. Klie + Manchester Bank. dB©»t*’02 B. H. Stoltman.... Geo. L. Heil_____ T. H. Sievert____ H. A. Muehling ... $190-8% par 100 ♦ 4-58 (4015 Chouteau) FESTUS J. WADE- S. A. MITCHELL, Asst. Treasurers Asst.Mgr. Sav,Dept, Counsel M. MURPHY Mercantile Trust tihiam Company Vice-Presidents $430-24% par 100 EDWIN G. COX P. J. DOOLEY J. J. FARRELL, Sec. J.W. WHITE, PAUL BROWN Tr. Officer B.W. WILSON L. D. SULTZWILLIAM MAFFITT MRS. lXl,Mgr. Sav. Dept. Assist. Secretaries 0. H. McMOLLAN F.J.0LTMAN, Sec. to Pres. J. A. NOONAN J.J. REYNOLDS, E. L. BLACK A. F. BARNES Mgr.Safe Dep. Dept. Assi. Tr. Officers #. F. RICHAflO* e. h. McCulloch, (721 Locust) Asst. Counsel EDWARD BUDER, ♦ 4-21 1dB©M»'W V. P. and Tr. 0. G. SCHALK, And. F.J. WADE. JR. P. H. ZEPP, Asst. R. E. Ln, Mgr. R. E. Dept. J. B. M0BERLY, Officers V. P. and Real Est. ARTHUR STITH, Ln. Off. THOMAS RIELLEY A. Mgr. Safe Dep. Dept, SIDNEY MAESTRE T. I GLANN0N Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I nvestment Secu rities IMi Asst. Mgr. Bond Dept. Com., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., 111. 200.000 237,530 3,933,490 10,010 1.725,170 2,209,790 36,000 410,060 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.i Oont. & Gom'I N„ Ohl. 500,000 289,350 5,286,570 20,140 3,834,870 1,441,680 93,400 726,110 Chem. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. 267,380 36,623.970 22,762.310 2,856.230 8,708.500 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Eqult. Tr. Co., Chase N., and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., N. Bk. of Rep., and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. 3.000.000 8,583.530 59,100,120 “ EVERY FINANCIAL SERVICE ” Banking Department: Commercial and individual checking accounts, certificates of deposit, commercial loans, collections, exchange, business counsel, accounts of banks and bankers. Bond Department: Government, municipal and corporation bonds for F.J. KREBS investment. Diversified list of issues always on hand. A. SCHULER Corporation Department: Custodian of securities for patrons, regist rar and transfer agent for corporations, trustee under bond issues, for corporations. Corporation Finance Department: Mergers and consolidations plan SAM P. JUDD, Publicity Mgr. F. D. BEARDSLEE, Mgr. Dept. Pub. Relations HYMAN FELDMAN, Purchasing Agt. ned; refinancing, purchase or sale handled for business organiza tions. Public Relations Department: Real Estate Loan Department: First Mortgage Loans. First Mort gage Real Estate Serial Notes for investment. Real Estate Department: Real estate bought and sold for clients, rents collected, leases made, property managed. Safe Deposit Department: Savings Department: Trust Department. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS A Bank for Bankers ^MISSISSIPPI } ‘ V4LLEY / v TRUST / A REPRESENTATIVE LIST Here are the bond and investment houses of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ST. LOUIS, MO. A. C. Allyn & Co. American Bond & Mortgage Co. Lorenzo E. Anderson & Co. Louis Barklage F. W. Baumhoff & Co. A. G. Becker & Co. George H. Burr & Co. Caldwell & Co. C. F. Childs & Co. William R. Compton Co. Cytron Mortgage Co., Inc. A. G. Edwards & Sons Federal Commerce Trust Co. Fidelity Bond & Mortgage Co. First National Co. George M. Forman & Co. Francis Bros. & Co. Greenebaum Sons Investment Co. Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. Hathaway & Co. Knight, Dysart & Gamble A. B. Leach & Co., Inc. Little & Hays Investment Co. R. C. Long & Co. McCluney & Co. Mississippi Valley Trust Co. Mortgage & Securities Co. National City Co. Peabody, Houghteling & Co. Potter, Kauffman & Co. Real Estate Mortgage Trust Co. I. N. Simon & Co. F. H. Smith Co. Smith, Moore & Co. Mark C. Steinberg & Co. Stifel, Nicolaus & Co. Stix & Co. S. W. Straus & Co., Inc. Taussig, Day, Fairbank & Co., Inc. Taylor, Ewart & Co., Inc. Albert Theis & Sons, Inc. Lewis W. Thomson & Co., Inc. Waldheim-Platt & Co., Inc. G. H. Walker & Co. Werse & Dieckman KANSAS CITY, MO. E. R. Bailey & Sons Investment Co. Bankers Mortgage Co. Brown-Crummer Co. H. M. Byllesby & Co. C. F. Childs & Co. Greenebaum Sons Investment Co. MacLaughlin Bros. & Co. National City Co. Prescott, Wright, Snider Co. Stern Bros. & Co. Strandberg, McGreevy & Co. J. G. Strean Investment Co. W. C. Sylvester Investment Co. Taylor, Ewart & Co. John T. Way land & Co. ST. JOSEPH, MO. Bartlett Bros. Land & Loan Co. Bartlett Mortgage Co. Binswanger Bros. Central States Mortgage Co. Ford & Porter who announce their readiness to serve bankers in this issue of the Bankers Directory. Let the names speak for themselves as a representative list. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank isithe'New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNaily Bankers' °Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §8tate fPrlv. {Mem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.I)epts:T-TrustB-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. ‘MERGH,-LACLEDE NATIONAL BANK 4-19 (Fourth and 01ive)T*t'96 *265-12% 'MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY ♦4-22 (Fourth and Pine) 1290-16% 1f®T •tl'M i President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. GEO. E. HOFFMAN- -A. L. SHAPLEIGH -J. P. BERGS. W. J. BRAMMAN W. J. HEIN Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ST. LOUIS—Cont’d-^Reserve City 04Q —C.M. WALTER J. F. REUTER Resources. Liabilities. Other Total Paid-up Subplus and Deposits Liabili Capital Profits ties Miscel laneous and and Discounts Sboubitibs Resodbobs Loans Bonds $ $ $ 1,700,000 $ 2.058.130 22.240,540 $ 3,431.810 15,732,190 $ 6.741.920 $ A conservative bank that gives efficient service in every department in commercial banking. J. S. SMITH, Pres.... J. A. WEAVER------ C.H.TURNER, JR.,Sec. D.W. JONES BRECKINRIDGE Ass’t Secretaries JONES, Ch.o/Bd. J.G. WILLIAMS IBBOTSON H. C. IBBO Vice-Presid ents A. H. ROUDEBUSH, E. J. "~1PP KROP HOBD HARDIN Counsel R. W. FISHHER J. R. LONGMIRE, F. C. BALL V. P. and Bond Off. F. A. GISSLER. TV. Off. J. A. ROUVEYROL A. H. ROUDEBUSH R. W. BUGBEE GUY C. PHILIPS C. G. COBB T.J. KAVANAUGH R. N. ARTHUR. Asst. Tr. Officers J. M. TURLEY. Aud. ti-w Cam* A Ex on ahom.Doi non Bim St. Louis Clearing House Assn. Members shown by1 Affiliated Bks. by+ Principal Correspondents. Han. N., N.Y.Tr. Co., N. Bk. Com., N. Park, and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., N. Bk. Bep., 935,080 $ 6.021,280 and Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co. and Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.; 2d N.t Bos.; Phll.-Glrard. N„ PhU. W. R. CADY, Real Estate Off. ORVILLE GROVE, A. Real Estate Off. S. B. BLAIR, Mtg, Ln, Off. 3.000.000 4,806.450 38.054,380 730.650 25.966,470 11.907,210 1,447,600 7,270,200 H.S. HEIL, Safe Dep. Off. 0. A. ROWLAND, Credit Mgr. N. City and Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; HI. Merch. Tr. Co. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos.; City N., Dallas; Mtle. Tr. Co. and Anglo & Lon.-Paris N., San F.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N.O.; Atl. and Lowry N„ Atl.; Girard Tr. Co., Phil.; Union Tr. Co., Pitt. B. F. FRICK, JR., E. DGAR L. ROY and J. F. QUIGG, Asst. Bond Officers. W. A. CROCKETT, Your Account and Correspondence Invited. Sav. Mgr. We transact General Financial and Fiduciary Business. DALE GRAHAM, Adv. Mgr. Mound City Trust Co. dB®»tl' 20 G. W. Clarkson__ J. T. Dodds______ H. C.Avis. Tr___ W.E.Zimmermann, Sec. J. C. Tobin E. L. Hawkinson. ♦ 4-97 (2900 N. Union) J. T. Dodds, Ch. A, Tr. $141-4% par 100 'NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE IN ST. LOUIS 200,000 UBS ' iS NATURAL BRID6E BANK 1,310,890' 574,020 106,270 419,820 N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., St. L. U"fc«-lt1fIMl SEE DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT. 1.000.000 I. F. EDWARBS... E. .. >«.«....... W. M. STONE 416.570 13.783.290 Accounts of Banks, Merchants and Individuals solicited. We invite Correspondence from those desiring new 4-7 (307-209 N. 7th) G>t’21 “ST. LOUIS'7 Connections. *1*0-6% par 100 Extreme care given Bill of Lading Collections. *130-6% ♦ 4-96 (Natural Bridge & Newstead) 13.660 MICiS®-l solicited spaa farmfel* term. Oormpoadan solicited. 'NATIONAL CITY BANK 2,145,030 J. G. LONSDALE A. W. THIAS ______ — _____ — E. J.MUDD........... R.T. WILLIAMS 10.000.000 4.198.990 75.113.610 8.664.310 54.138.640 19.788.520 3.180.060 20.869,690 Chase N., N. Park, Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. Tr. Co., Vice-Presidents Presidents A. L. WEISSENBORN DAVIS BIGGS* R. J. KUNZ and N. Bk. Com., If. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., 1st OWEN F. E. EATON TV. Officer p. Q. DAUDT N., and N. Bk. Bep., Chi.; N. Shawmnt, Bos.; wAeWngway Franklin 1th St. N., Phil.; Marine Bk. & Tr. W.L.HEMINGV FREDTPARO J A ll KLEiiHM,DT Co. and Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. W. M. CHANOI _LER G. N. HITCH CO HCOCK kYEHBUR-E*fi' E. J. MUDD GER Wm.H.LAWRENCE, DAVIS BIGGS Tr. Ally. idway^and©T«t’67 ieeouit* of Baaki, Bukin, Hneliaah, aud Corporation! 4-26 (Broad *146-8% 52,320 Otto G. Koenig__ . Bmil Sieloff... G. A. Lubeley. V. P. and C'ash, Paul J. Lerch........ 848.470 11.204.410 2.083.220 66.760 2.693.940 Chase N. and Bowery & East River N., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; Mellon N., Pitt. GROWTH OF DEPOSITS Opening Day, July 12, 1921, $1,147,726.26 Dec. 31, 1921, 8,691,937.79 Dec. 31, 1923, 11,590,022.77 Dec. 31, 1926, 16,915,719.13 200.000 80,000 2.271,930 41,920 1,404,050 873.670 34,410 281.720 N. City. N. Y.;Cont. & Oom’l N., Ohi. (St. Louis banks continued on next page) i MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Collections Given Special Attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Exceptional Facilities for Transit Items •Mem.A.B.A.nNew§ State fPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts :T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. BOEDER.— as* fcMrjc: J(LOUIS G. P. HOFMANN, 4-f2 v. p. d©T»tl'08 ) (.BANKING RE (3500 N. Grand) par 100 Vice-President. (Federal Reserve City No. 8) Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. 500,000 1,010,810 500.000 138.280 9,040,610 14,870 76.000 Loans AND Discounts Resources. St. Louis Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Affiliated Bks. by + Mtsceu- Cash k ExBonds LANEOUS CHANGER,Dub AND Principal Correspondents. Securities Resources from Banks $ 1,867,530 $ 733,300 $ 5,013,450 4,758,390 86,500 124,940 $ 369,330 Han. N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds., Ill. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. k Com'l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 730.650 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. ) LAWRENCE E. MAHAN LEWIS S. HASLAM— L. S. HASLAM. Tr. A. B. KURRUS. REPPS B. GOODSON. H. W. DANFORTH Sec. A. McMURTRY DUNN. DAVIS. Ch. of Bd. Appraiser E. A. SCHIFFERS. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE TRUST COMPANY Liabilities. Other Surplus Total Paid-dp Liabili AND Capital Profits Deposits ties EDW. PANCQK——— G. W. OWEN, W. H. HILL, $ 200.000 $ 101,800 $ 2,739,990 $ H. d, OBERSCHELP Sec, and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. AL ESTATE H. H. Luebbert, If orthwestern Trust Company Charles Manll....... E. O. Hanpeter.__ O. H. Lakebrink, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. G. F. Ellerbrock *245-«t par 100 4-53 dB®T«t*’7l J. E. Obernier ♦ 4-53 (1500 St. Louis Ave.) (Closed May 7. 1927 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ST. LOUIS—Continued—Reserve City Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ J. LIONBERGER „ Borrowers and Investors are invited to write us. Construction Ln, 1 for. LOANS ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE IN CITIES OF 25,000 AND OVER. SELLS FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS--ENTIRE LOANS-PARTICIPATIONS. (1000 Pine St.) Jr., St. Louis Joint Stock Land Bk. L. L. Beavers------ E. R. Bruce.............. G. K. Hughey. Tr.. W.R.Compton, A. Sec. 568,450 130,370 Ill. Merch. Tr. Co.. Chi.; Am. Tr. Co.. 8t. L. 980,840 211,560 385,150 Chem. N., N. Y.; Cont. 202,010 11,502,520 393,670 168,070 Guaranty Tr. Co., Chase N., and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Harris Tr. & Sav.. Chi. 81.000 152,000 32,000 45,000 Chem. N.. N. Y.; Cont. &Com’lN., Chi.; N.Cityand Lib. Cent. Tr. Co.. St. L. 53,550 1,960,300 869,980 184,680 778,500 Chem. N. and Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi. 3,358.260 267.750 1.775.880 1.386.050 96,360 636,890 N. City and Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N., St. L.; N. St.. Yds. N., N. Stk. Yds.. Ill. 175.290 6,264.290 140.560 1,722.810 3.778,890 411,910 916,520 Chem.N. andN.Park, N. Y.:HarrisTr. &Sav.,Chi. 33,470 862.230 348,060 368.040 101,720 197,880 N.City, St. L. N.. Int’l. and Lib.Cent.Tr. Co., St. L, 1.430.000 362,780 (Territory T. N. Karraker .— Geo. Weber-------- R. R. Karraker.— O. H. Bainbridge— W. L. Kreh 100,000 45.120 2,188,190 ("Isaac H. Orr------ G. G. Chase____ W. Q. Rowe. See... A. Hamilton, Tr... W. F. Haines, A. S. 3.B. Walker, A. Tr. G. M. Pyle, A. Sec. E. G. Grubb, Jr.. Tr. Officer R. C. Behrens, ) J.H. Grover, V.P. G. Q. Thornton, 5,000.000 Geo. G. Mudge .... O. W. Sebastian... 100,000 20.000 190.000 J. Dowling. Tr.. R. L. Rawlings, SAVINGS TNUST CO. ^ N. S. Magruder ___ J. J. Dowling. ___ J. A. Sec. Edgar Hendricks, *250-13% ♦ 4-73 dB®T»t* 07 200.000 66,100 3,473,810 200,000 69,170 250,000 120,000 4-104 (7thand Locust Sts.) '22 Wm, R. Compton, D. M. Hardy. Ch. of Bd. *165-9% St. Louis National Bank 4-T* (20th and Market) ®»t’22 21,336,290 22,430,250 of Arkan eas and M iasouri) V. P. and Sec. 205,500 1,061,260 & Com'l N., Chi. $112.50-4% W. G. Rowe ST. LOUIS UNION TRUST CO. <1 J. F. Shepley, Ch. of Bd. L. C. Post *360-16% par 100 4-92 T»tl'89 (823 N. Broadway) Auditor C. R. Lupton........ L. Grossberg E. J. Walser. Active V. P. E. W. Glauber 4-116 (4055 Olive St.) *120 901,840 6,364,430 “TRUST SERYI CE EXC LUSIVE LY.” Affillat ed with the First Nations 1 Bank. A. Sec. Edward Unwin, R. E. Officer A. Tr. par 100 (4915 Delmar) F. M. Mayfield....... Robert Johnston .. Hy.Giessenbier.__ H. D. Pyle................ Scruggs, Yandervoort & Jos. C. Crenshaw C. J. Prince Barney Bank dB®*tl'10 12% par ioo ♦ 4-68 (10th and Olive) Leo J. Quinn Secnrity National Bank, Sav’gs B. W. Moser______ J. S. Lionberger___ F. L. Denby J. S. Lionberger, T. H. Wigge, F. L. Denby k Trust Company.4-99.®T«t’2] J. L. Davis. Tr. Officer. A. Tr. Officer Ch. of Bd. (8th between Olive and Locust) Oil aw DaDK .... "2 ♦ 4-101 (Grand and Park) *130-3% : H. P. Biefling------- Marcus Turney.__ F. S. Hummel____ G. R. Wolf F. L. Keightley (St. Louis banks continued on following page) .MISSISSIPPI > \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I nvestment Securities MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS A Bank for Bankers k MISSISSIPPI \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 851 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §6tate fPrir. tM«m. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. •WBUWiWM President. Vice-President. Cashier. (Federal Reserve City No. 8) Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Other Paid-up Surplus Total AND Capital Profits Deposits Liabili ties F. W. Feuerbacher Fred Hoffmeister.. J. W. Angenendt.. T. W. Felseh___ _ $ F. X. Von Strobel Loans AND Discounts 82.360 $ 475.350 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. A Com’lN.. Chi.; U. S., St. L. 1.536,070 2,000 602.730 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Lafayette-South Side, St. L. 908,010 841.580 70.600 1.495.490 15.106.040 5.010.270 212.550 4.279.490 160.480 $ 3,477,520 $ + SOUTH SIDE TRUST COMP’Y A. C. F. Meyer— H. Menzenwerth ~ E. A.Bircher, $170-2% par 110 ♦ 4-88 dB®«tS’16 Sec. and Tr. Wm. Reimann (2931 So. Broadway) 200,000 164,330 2,793,870 10.250 1.027.660 Southwest Bank....... d®*t§’20 W. K. Norris_____ F. O. Thompson ... P. 0. Jones_______ (2301S. Kineshighway) P. S. Trowbridge H. R. Call icott $126-9% par 100 ♦ 4-98 P. C. Jones 125,000 33,660 2.025.190 11,200 'STATE NATIONAL BANK EDWARD 1. PRYOR. , A. 0. WILSQRHAROLD M. DIXIT L. M. RUMSEY, Jr. T. S. MAFFITT - H. L. STADLER - WARRER JOHNSONJONH F. WIESER J. 0. SDLLIVAR E. W. KLEINSCHMIDT 2.000,000 1,102.640 20.010,220 Resources. St. Louis Clearing House Assn. Members shown by* Miscbl- Caih k EiAffiliated Bks. by + Bonds LANUOUB OHAVCM'Dub AND Principal correspondents. SBcumrrns Rbboubcbs nu>M Baitsa 57,220 $ 2,190,960 $ 1.146,540 $ 200,000 $ $170-8% <7201 So. Broadway) par 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc-, see Laws. ST. LOUIS—Cont’d—Reserve City We Solicit the Business of Banks, Corporations and Individuals and offer Exceptional Facilities and Efficient Service. $179-10% 4-28 ®T»t'55 (Fourth and Locust) 374,870 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. City, Guaranty Tr. Co., and Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. I.; IU. Merch. Tr. Co., 1st N., Cont. & Com’l N., and Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill.. Chi.; Phil.-Girard N., Phil.; N. Sbawmut. Bos. TELEGRAPHERS NAT'L BANK E. J. Manion___ A. Von HofTmann.. L. J. Ross, V. P. J. G. Campbell__ and Cash. B. E. Nason. V. P. $134,48-9% par 120 4-102 dB®*i'23 H. B. Offenbacher. W. S. Campbell V. P. S. A. Peake J. F. Miller. V. P. G. E. Soyster.F.P. (120 No. Broadway) 500,000 172,400 6,740.750 326,510 1,461,810 5.246.410 332.930 698.510 Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ill. Metch. TY. Co., Chi.: Brotherhood of Loco. Eng. Co-op. N., Clev.; Can adian Bk. of Com., Toronto. Alex. Miltenberger H. E. Schultz, Jr... A. L. Locatell. +T0WER GROVE BANK G. W. Richmann .. V. P. and Cash. H. L. Glazer $315-10% par 100 ♦ 4-85 dB®»tl’ll J. L. Hornsby, F.P. C.T. Shekel J. W. Seller (3184 So. Grand Blvd.) F. C. Hahn, V. P. Arthur Gidionsen 400,000 326.120 8,087,790 473,910 6,674.420 1,662.730 189.710 760,970 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Am. Tr. Co., St. L. TWELFTH STREET NAT'L BK. L. E. Dehlendorf Christian Stocke.. Harry W. Krieger. J. P. Mover $130 4-108 ®»f’24 A. C. F. Meyer, Ch. of Bd. (12th and Chouteau) 300.000 50,200 1,619,790 108,300 783.110 839.470 231.080 224.630 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Lafayette-So. Side, St. L. 200,000 30.000 700.000 114,190 695.000 30.000 135,000 184,190 N. Bk. Com. and Am. Tr. Co., St. 1.000,000 553.370 8.230.860 108.340 7.282.600 911.270 56.660 1.642.040 Equitable Tr. Co. and Chem. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. 18,940 834,800 36.660 136.250 640,180 26,280 137.690 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr. Co., Chi.; N. City, St. L. 117.030 1.496.200 10,520 998.590 552.290 21.800 251.060 Seab. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Corn’] N.. Chi.; N. City. St. L. 1,345,200 129,520 419.610 Han. N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.: Mtle. Tr. Co.. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds. Ill. __ Onion Easton Trust Co.®*Tt§’25 A. F. C. Blase____ Wm. A. Koeneman A. F. C. Blase, Tr.. Oliver Blase, Sec.. 4-114 Frank Molnmby, (Union and Easton) A. Tr. CRAIG MacQUAID — FKEU J. KURTZ----FRED J. KURTZ......... ADOLPH SCHENK —G. W. NIEMANN, V.P. ^^VhNStSn" $120 UNITED STATES PROMPT AND' EFFICIENT COLLECTION SERVICE. Fifty-Five years in business Chartered 1872. BANK OF ST. LOUIS $196-8% ♦ 4-13 ®«t§’72 (Washington Ave. and 4th St.) FORMERLY GERMAN AMERICAN BANK. +Vandeventer Trust Company C. D. Lukens.......... $135-15% par SO 4-66 d®T*t§’06 L. E. Dorr (3565 Olive) G. B. Zaricor, Tr... H. B. Givens, Sec.. A. A. Brock, A. Tr. L. B. Kerr, A. Sec. Water Tower Bank-—®»t§’14 H. A. Lehmberg— H. W. Fix................ John R. Bircher... $140-7% ♦ 4-91 El. A. Perkinson (2100 B. Grand Blvd.) T. L. Pepperling West End Bank mm 200,000 . (See University Cit v) WEST ST. LOUIS TRUST CO. $160-8% par ioo ♦4-64 dB®T»t*'06 (4101-03 Easton Ave. B. E. W. Ruler ___ Earle Meeks______ L. B. Blesch, Tr... Earle Meeks, Sec... J. H. Absolom J. B. Staley, Jr„ H. E. Grafeman A. Sec. andA.Tr. 200,000 180.660 3,057,170 225,000 1.768,510 St. Louis Clearing House_____ J. G. Lonsdale........ R. S. Hawes______ R. R. Tillay, Mgr... 0. F. Wolfe, (Members indicated by a* J. T. Clabaugh, A. Mgr. Affiliated by a +) C. H. Examiner A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS For Banks and Bankers Everywhere 852 Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabTMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange MEMBERS OF: New York Stock Exchange New York Cotton Exchange New York Curb Association Chicago Board of Trade St. Louis Stock Exchange Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ST. LOUIS—Cont’d—Reserve City (Federal Reserve City No. 8) •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year CORRESPONDENTS AND iMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabBank Depositories YMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange LORENZO E. ANDERSON & GO. Correspondents and Bank Depositories MEMBERS OF FIRM: Arthur C. Hilmer. Win. C. Fordyce. ±H 711 St. Charles St., St. Louis, Mo. INVESTMENT SECURITIES UNDERWRITERS AND DISTRIBUTORS Samuel C. Abeles & Co.--------------- ± (Boatmens Bank Bldg.) A. 6. BECKER & GO. tl’93 (Boatmens Bank Bklg.) Aid & Company. Inc...------ -------- ±1 (319 N. Fourth St.) jK. C. THOMPSON, Resident Manager_______ Other offices: Chicago. N. Y. City. Boston, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, San Francisco.Milwaukee.Detroit. A.(National 0. ALLYN & GO. » 11nvestment Securities Bank of Commerce Bldg.) COMMERCIAL PAPER INVESTMENT SECURITIES. A. G. Becker A Co., N. Y., Chi., St. L.,Minpls., Mil., Ced. R., Port., Spok., Seattle, and San F. (705 Olive St.) (316 No. Eighth St.) ARTHUR D. MAYFIELD. Mgr.................................. American Bond & Mortgage Co., Chi. AMERICAN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.- (1820-22 Boatmen’s Bank Bldg.) First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds and N. Y. (Paul Brown Bldg.) LORENZO E. ANDERSON & CO. (711 Saint Charlei les St.) -±H MEMBERS : New York Stock Exchange. St. Louis Stock Exchange. f Arthur C. Hilmer Wm. C. Fordyce____ See Head of List. [Investment Securities. Members N. Y. Stock Exchange. OLIVER J. ANDERSON & COMPANY (8th Floor Ambassador Bldg.) INVESTMENT SECURITIES FIRM MEMBERS: Oliver J. Anderson. Meredith C. Jones. George Witsma. Burkholder Bond Co........... (Security Bldg.) G. E. Burkholder. Manager_____ _______ Investment Bonds. Grand N. and N. City Bk.. St. L. 6E0R6E H. BURR & GO. COMMERCIAL PAPER. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. I. A. STEVENS, Resident George H. Burr A Co., N. Y.,Chl., Phil., Bos., and Kan. C. (506 Olive) •t±T06 CALDWELL & COMPANY Augustine & Co............................. (Security Bldg.) LOUIS BARKLAGE.............................. «± (Successor to Wernse & Dieckman) (317 N. Fourth St.) (117 No. 4th) ± Stocks and Bonds Member St. Louis Stock Exchange Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F. R. FENTON, JR., Ass’I Vice-President CHILDS, G. F. (606 Olive) Bauer Bros. Brokerage Co___ ____ ± (312 N. Fourth St.) High Grade Municipal Bonds Rogers Caldwell, Pres.................................... Kidder-Peabody & Co., Equit. Tr. F. D. Marr. V. P. Co., Gty. Tr. Co., and 1st N., E. J. Heitzberg, V.P. N. Y. J. D. Carter. V. P. H. C. Alexander. V. P. Rogers Caldwell. TV. T. G. Donovan. Sec. Investment Securities. Southern Municipal bonds; Local stocks and bonds and general banking. State N„ St. L. AND COMPANY .MISSISSIPPI/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ •JT77 Partner__ _______ •Til The Oldest House in America specializing exclu sively in Government Securities. San F., Los A., Seattle, Port., Den., Kan. C., Phil., Clev., Cin., Det., Wash., D. C., and Minpls. The National Market for Farm Loan Bonds. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Offices in—N. Y., Chi., Pitt., Bos., Well Secured Real Estate and Corporation Issues .MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 853 ST. LOUIS—Cont’d—Reserve City Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Federal Reserve City No. 8) • .fern. Am. Bks. Assn. Year + \lem. State Bks. Assn. EstabIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. ±.YIem, Local Stock Exchange Correspondents and Bank Deposit >ries • vlem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year t.Mem. State Bks. Assn. Est.ab IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange Correspondents and Bank Deposit >ries FIDELITY BOND AND MORTGAGE COMPANY 8% Incorporated 1918 WILLIAM R. COMPTON COMPANY Telephone: Garfield 7880 Wm. R. Compton, Pres. J. J. English, V. P. R. P. Compton. V. P. INVESTMENT BONDS. Wm.RCompton, Jr, .Sec. (Compton Bldg., 7th and Locust) E. R. Bruce, V.P. & Tr. E. W. Sloan. V. P. W.R.Humphrey, A. Sec. Roy W. Maule, A. Tr. CYTRON MORTGAGE CO.. INC. .’05 (110 No. Ninth St.) OFFICES IN St. Louis Kansas City New York New Orleans Chicago Detroit Boston Milwaukee Cincinnati Atlanta & CO., INC. (507 Locust) Phones Garfield 6940 and 8187 Officers: F. O. Watts President Henry T. Ferriss Exec.Vice-Pres. R. R. Clabaugh, Vice-President Eugene F. Williams Vice-President Lawrence Kinnaird Vice-President J. C. Eley. Secretary Frank L. Berryhill Sales Manager W. L. Schnepel Treasurer Nat'l City ilk.. Mtle. Tr. Co. and Amer. Tr. Co. St. Louis. Real Estate Mortgage Bonds GEO. M. FORMAN & CO. Investment Securities (Boatmens Bank Bldg.) WILLIAM D'OENCH, Pres................ HERMAN DUHME, v. P. and Tr. LOUIS H. KRIETMEYER, Sec. Geo. M. Forman & Co., Chicago, New York and principal cities. Miss. A alley Tr. Co. and Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L. T.i-K-i.-Kiiiir. H. FRANCIS -o D-R FRANCIS, Jr. T. T. FRANCIS " ?. FRANCIS FRANC ■ C. H. HIEMENZ J.■ D.P. J. E. RILEY (Investment Securities) Associate Member Illinois Bankers Association Partners Francis Bros. & Co., MEMBERS OF NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Tulsa; S.B. Chapin MEMBERS OF NEW YORK CURB MARKET. & Co., N. Y.; LamNew York Cotton Exchange, New York Coffee & Sugar son Bros. & Co., ±+i it Exchange, Chicago Stock Exchange, Chicago Board of Chicago. Trade, St. Louis Stock Exchange, St. Louis Merchants Exchange. FRANCIS BRO. & CO. (214 No. Fourth) AlbertN.Edwards, H.L.Hedges, Jr. 1 Gty. Tr. Co., Sbearson Hammill Sidney J. Adams. P. W. Edwards .. I MembeTt & Co. and Post & Flagg, N. Y.: Members New York, Chicago, and Hulbard,Warren&ChandIerand Shearson Hammill & Co., Cbi. St. Louis Stock Exchanges. ±T87 Members Chicago Board of Trade. BONDS AND STOCKS. Friedman, Klein Inv. Co.________ ± A. G. EDWARDS & SONS (410 Olive) (Paul Brown Bldg.) E, A. Gessler & Son............................± (Merch-Laclede Bldg.) H. J. Gray & Co........... ........ ..........___± (Boatmens Bank Bldg.) Emert and Company, Inc.. Fred........If (506 Olive St.) L. HEMINGWAY, Pres. J. G. LONSDALE, Ch. of Bd. W.W. AINSWORTH, V.P. &Tr. E. T. T0BEY. V. P. R. J. WHITFIELD, P. P. GREENEBAUM SONS W. FEDERAL COMMERCE TRUST GO. Tt!'24 J, c. WALKER, (200 N. Broadway) A. Tr. Correspondents: Bankers Tr. Co., N. Y. Nat’l Bk. of Commerce, St.L. INVESTMENT COMPANY 1890 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Head Office, Chicago) (207-209 Boatmens Bk. Bldg.) ( Organized First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds Resident Mgr.—T. E. Hough________ HALSEY, STUART & CO............. V01 ( Phone—Garfield 4982. INCORPORATED J. a. McCarthy, sec. W. A. BELL, A. See. . MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / H INVESTMENT DIVISION First National Bank in St. Louis. Buys and Sells High Grade Municipal, Industrial, Pub lic Utility, Railroad and Real Estate First Mortgage Bonds. Correspondence Invited. Gustave Cytron, Pres. Minnie Cytron. V. P. Samuel J. Cytron, V. P. Stanley L. Cytron, Sec. Leon J. Leon son, Tr. BONDS (Offices in New York Life Building, Chicago, III.) (Colorado National Bank Building, Denver, Colorado) RRST NATIONAL COMPANY FIDEL TY GUARANTEED First Mortgage Real Estate Gold Bonds (Broadway and Locust) Daly. Seddon Company....................1± (418 Olive St.) D’OENCH, DUHME (721 Olive St.) CAPITAL $500,000 J. U. MENTEER. Pres. 9 North Fourth) MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS I Investment Bonds Greenebaum Sons Investment Co., Chi., Kan. C., Phil., Pitt., and Mil. Affiliated with Greenebaum Sons Secu rities Corporation, New York, Halsey Stuart & Co.. Chi., N. Y.. Bos.. Phil., Det., Mil., Clev.. and Minpls. Member Federal Reserve System k MISSISSIPPI J \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Year Established. Correspondents and Bank Depositories H. J. Garesche. Resident Partner____ Hathaway & Co., N. Y., Chi., Bos., HATHAWAY 4 CO.......-............... -•VW (( W. Phil., and San F. (Commercial Paper) Inc. (408 Olive) •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabilMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. ±Uem. Local Stock Exchange (S. C. McClunev. James McChmey, and D. O. Bond 4k Goodwin, Inc.,N.Y.; Lane McUluney) Roloson & Co., Chi.; Bond & McCLUNEY & GO. Commercial Paper. wSSS Investment Securities. & Goodwin & Tucker, San F. Bankers’ Acceptances. (418 Olive) Hawes & Co--------------------------------- ± (320 N. Fourth St.) MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY Kauffman. Smith & Co.. Inc.-----------1 (319 N. Fourth St.) Harry P. Knight. Clarence O. Qamblr, Thos. N. Harris Wlllthrop& Co., N.Y. Clli Dysart and Harry H. Knight. Partners. “tT^Mis^Talteyfr.Co, and Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. 1.. ±tT22 (401 Olive) Underwriters and Distrib (Fourth and Pine Streets) Breckinridge Jones, Ch. of Bd. J. Sheppard Smith, Pres. J. R. Longmire, Vice-Pres. and Bond Officer B. F. Frick. Jr., Asst. Bond Officer E. L. Roy, Asst. Bond Officer. J. F. Quigg, Asst. Bond Officer. Edw. 1). Jones & Co.......... .................± (Boatmens Bank Bldg.) KNIGHT, DYSART & GAMBLE Correspondents and Bank Depositories MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. MEMBERS CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE. MEMBERS ST. LOUIS STOCK EXCHANGE. Investment Securities___________________________________ A. B. LEACH & CO. Inc. ________TOO Karl H. Hodge. Mgr. (Investment Securities) .. A. B. Leach & Co., Inc., N.Y., Chi, and principal cities. (Security Bide.) MORTGAGE & SECURITIES COMPANY' (Rotunda. Security Bldg.) NATIONAL CITY (Boatmens utors of Municipal and Corporation Issues of the Mississippi Valley. Branch of New Orleans. RESIDENT OFFICERS: FRED KRONE, Mgr. High Grade Bonds. Short Term Securities. Motor Lien Participating Certificates. Municipal Bonds. Underwriters of first mortgage bond issues. Twenty-third Year—Never a Loss to a Client. '18 (Investment Securities) N. City Co.. N.Y. and correspondent offices. nk Bldg.) [■FRANK P. HAYS, Prea—ELIZABETH HAYS, Tr... 1st N., St. L. Dealers in Municipal Bonds. ±t'80 I Act as Agent In Underwriting Financial Propositions. =t [.Give special Attention to Local Securltle i. LITTLE & HAYS INVESTMENT CO (500 Olive) R. G. LONG & COMPANY (418 Olive St.) COMMERCIAL PAPER AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES +’24 Love. Van Riper & Bryan, Inc.......... U (400 Pine St.) .MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I nvestment Secu rities ’Nickerson & Co.. John----------------=Fl (314 N. Broadway) Blake Bros. & Co., Curtis & San ger, W. O. Gay & Co., and Philip M. Shaw & Co., N. Y Blake Bros. & Wright, Inc., PEABODY. HOUOHTELIN6 4 CO. —'65 Chi.; Blake Bros, & Co., Curtis (318-19-20 Boatmens Bk. Bldg.) & Sanger, and W. O. Gay & Co., Bos.;Stedinan & Redfleld, Hartford, Conn.; S. B. Lewis & Co., Phil.; Holbrook & Mitehell, San F. R. E. Hinrichs. District Mgr. BONDS. POTTER. POTTER,KAUFFMAN&CO, If A.HARRY H. KAUFFMAN, v. (fill Looust) Pres.._l. P. J. ±lt’19 Investment Securities MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS G. MILLER, Tr.. A. HARVEY. Sec. Peabody, Houghteling & Go., N. Y„ Chi.. Det., San F„ and Mil. 1st N., Mtle. Tr. Co., and Miss. Talley Tr. Co.. 8t. L. Associate Member Illinois Bankers Associaiion A Bank for Bankers .MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 855 •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Yeak tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabIlMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE TRUST COMPANY (Federal Reserve City No. 8) Correspondents and Bank Depositories. J. Lionberger Davis. Ch. of the Bd. Lawrence E. Mahan. President Lewis S. Haslam. Vice-Pres. & Treas. Herman W. Danforth. V ice-President Repps B. Goodson. Secretary Oliver D. Schnaare. Assistant Treasurer Albert B. Kurrus. Manager of Sales A. McMurtry Dunn. Inspector of Property E. A. Schiffers. Const. _ ........ Loan Mgr. „ Loans on improved real estate in cities of 25,000 and over. Sells First mortgage bonds — entire loans participations. l«Tt’24 1000 Pine Street •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. Year tMem. State Bks. Assn. EstabIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn, lished. ±Mem. Local Stock Exchange TAUSSIG, DAY, FAIR6ANK & GO., II (208 Merchants Laclede Bldg.) /ROBERT C.QAY, c.Bd. MARINE A. DALE. Sec., 1st N. Bk. in St. Louis, St. Louis, G. J. TAUSSIG-Fres. U C. DAY. Ass’t Sec. Mo.; Merchants Laclede-National A. FAIRBANK. VP & Tr. CHARLES L. KUHLMAN. Bank, St. Louis, Mo.; American C. REINHEIMER. Cash. Asst. Tr. Trust Company. St. Louis, Mo. '24 (320 No. Fourth St.) Telephone Garfield 2080 (701-5 Bk. of Commerce Bldg.) MARK C. MEMBERS OF FIRM J. HERNDON SMITH CHARLES W. MOORE WILLIAM H. BURG WM. C. MOREHEAD investment Securities WALDHEIM-PLATT & CO., INC. ± 24 (204 Merchants Laclede Bldg.) 'Municipal and Corporation Bonds. J. 8. Bathe h Co. and W. ). Listed and Unlisted Bonds and Stocks In WollmaD & Co., N. Y.: J. 8. Bache all markets. *Co. andStein.Alstrin&Co., Chi. STEINBERG & COMPANY N. Y., Chicago, and St. Louis (S14N. Broadway) ±T15 Members Stock Exchanges and Chicago Board _ of Trade. Direct wires. HERMAN C. STIFEL President.__________ Presic I LOUIS J. NiCOLAUS, Vice-1-President. I ARNOLD G. STIFEL. STIFEL, Vice-Pres. Vice-l (Incorporated) ±t119Q0 . L. MARQUARD FORSTER, v. P. and Treas. (S14 No. Broadway) I J. J. NIEMOELLER, Sec. STIFEL, NICOLAUS & COMPANY ±112 'HARRY F. STIX. . . . . . . . . . . F. A. ARNSTEINCHARLES H. STIX E. R. WALDEMER STRAUS, S. W. & GO. INC. Founded 1882 (Mem. Am. Bks. Assn.) Telephone 610 Boatmens Bank Bldg. Garfield 7320 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Members St. Louis Stock Exchange Investment Securities. Merch.-Lac. N., Miss. Valley Tr. Co.. and N. Bk. Com., 8t.L. PLATT, HENRY, tit (M. A. WALDHEIM, President_ _ _ _ _ V. P. Sec.-Treas. Bankers Trust Co., N. Y.; Boat mens N., Miss. Valley Trust Co.. N. Bk. Com., and Secur. N.. St. L. G. H. WALKER & CO. ,NVES™^lbs“URITIES (Broadway and Locust) ±<11900 New York, Chicago, and St. Louis Stock Exchanges Clark, Dodge, A Co. and W. A. Harrlman A Co., Inc., N. Y. Shearson. Hammil & Co., N. Y. (300 N. Fourth St.) C. O. Gamble, Pres.______ H. S. Rein. Ch. and A. Sec. A. C. Hilmer, V. P. W. M. Louderman. Tr. Edw. F. Otto, Sec. 1st N. and Int’l.St. L. St. Louis Stock Exchange. S. W. Straus & Co., Inc., N. Y. and Chi. Commission Rates per share and less than $300.00 per share, $0.50 per share; STOCKS: Stocks selling at $1.00 per share or less, $2.00 stocks selling at $300.00 per share and less than $500.00 per 100 shares; stocks selling at $1.12)^ per share and less per share, $0.75 per share; stocks selling at $500.00 per than $3.00 per share, $3.00 per 100 shares; stocks selling share and over, $1.00 per share. at $3.00 per share and less than $5.00 per share, $5.00 per 100 shares; stocks selling at $5.00 per share and less than BONDS: On bonds, $2.50 per $1,000 par value; U. S. $10.00 per share, $7.50 per 100 shares; stocks selling at Bonds, $0.62J^per $1,000 par value. $10.00 per share and less than $25.00 per share, $0.12)^ per share; stocks selling at $25.00 per share and less than The minimum commission to be charged shall be $1.00. $100.00 per share, $0.25 per share; stocks selling at $100.00 (INVESTMENT SECURITIES) (SW Olive) \ 'L. W. Thomson, Pres-----IT. U. Harvey. V. P. I Collins Thompson. V. P. _£. D. Horton. V. P. I 0. E. Ellis, V. P. and Tr. ' E. K. Popper, See. ^.E. B. Klein. A. Sec. Succeeded by Louis Barklage Straus Brothers Investment Company (118 N. Fourth St.) 1 MISSISSIPPI J VALLEY / TRUST / INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Stifel. Nicolaus & Co. and Chem. N., N. Y.; Stifel. Nicolaus&Co., Dal las. .Dealers in Investment Securities. STIX & GO. ' Albert Theis. Pres._ Harry Theis, Sec. ALBERT THEIS & SONS, INC.......T15 .Albert Theis. Jr.. Tr. (La Salle Bldg.) LEWIS W.TH0MS0N&C0., INC.±t1 Ofi ± Res. Mgr._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Taylor. Ewart &Co., Inc.. Chi.. N.Y. Kan.C.. Minpls.. Mil.. N.O., Hou. Phil., and San F. INC. Stock Exchanges (509 Olive St.) (Telephone Garfield 5225) United States Government and Munic ipal bonds; Foreign Government issues; Railroad, Public Utility, and Industrial bonds; and real estate securities. Engaging also in in dustrial and real estate financing. INVESTMENT SECURITIES rl. M. Simon... F. M. Simon,....' • Partners Newborg &Co. .Dominick & Dominick. i J.E.Simonand FredK. Nussbaum : Am. Exch. Irv. Tr. Co., and Bkrs. Tr.. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Com. and State SIMON & CO—...................... ±74 Investment Securities (315 N. Fourth St.) N., St. L. I Members New York and St. Louis SMITH, MOORE & CO. Correspondents and Bank Depositories. TAYLOR, EWART & GO. W. E. ROBERTS, Reinholdt & Company___________±1 (814 N. Broadway) Ruppert & Co.. H. L_____ ________ ± (402 Pine St.) Semple. Jacobs & Co_____ ________ ± (Rialto Bldg.) I.M. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ST. LOUIS—Cont’d—Reserve City Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS M. B. HENKLE, Resident Manager. First Mortgage Bonds MISSISSIPPI f \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / l I nvestment Secu rities MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS A Bank for Bankers occ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaily Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town Awn comm. ‘County Seats. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. •Mem. A.B. A.MNew § State tPriv. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. PRESIDENT. Vich-Prksident. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. St. Marys____ 722 Bank of St. Mary____•tl'01 Edward Schaaf___ E. S. Law bang h__ Chas. R. Bartels... T. J. Thomure____ 8 Sta. Gen'veL21 80-1214 Peoples Bank_______ tl*U X. B. Braun H. J. Myers... Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Wm. Myers.__ Liabilities. Rksocrcrs. Loftni Subplus Dbpos- Other Bonds Oaj» k KxPaid-up Miscel chabtom and .Doi and and Liabili it8 Capital Profits Diaoounta Saeuritiaa laneous non Baku ties $ 50.000 S 12,560 $ 211,880 $ 187,740 $ 55.300 $ 9.000 $ 22,410 Int’l, St. L. 24.530 6.820 13.360 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., and 1st N., St. L. 1st N.. Ean. C.; Union N., Springfield. — Lawrence H.Braun 15.000 4.410 92.520 67.220 __ Clyde Wrenn L. R. Van Buskirk 30.000 36.080 379,480 297.690 55,880 91.990 R. L. Hartley-____ W. H. Potts. 30.000 930 38.230 20,520 Stotesbnry ___141 Btotesbury State Baak .‘tt'08 A. L. Morrison___ $160-8% par 125 80-1215 10 Vernon L5 H. H. Page_______ 10.000 Stotts City.__354 Farmers A Miners Bank till R. E. Colley____ C. F. Bekemeier.. 8 Lawrence 08 $110-4% 80-1303 Stotts City Bank______ tl'W E. C. Hill Emery Hill 80-1216 Stontland.........800 First National Bank___ t'19 C. E. Carlton____ L.F.SFulbright—. 8 Camden L12 $135-10% par 100 80-1574 Peoples Bank________ tl'W J. O. Traw______ 10-1217 M. E. Blake Alvia Hill... $120-7-8% ‘Stockton___ 8 Cedar M8 par 100 80-1304 — ___ Sac River Valley Bank dtl’12 E. S. Smith___ $300-20% par 100 80-1381 J. W. Willett_____ W. Stockton Exchange Bk.-tf'tl N. S. Noffsinger... J. W. Loftis... $240-15% 80-666 Stoats Tide 247 Farmers Bank.. 8 Monroe E15 (Closed for liquidate on October Stover______ 447 Farmers Bank_______ t§’05 J. D. Kueck. 8 Morgan Jll $215-8% 80-1218 fH. P. FAJEN......... STOVER BANK............. «i§ 12 ) 15 CENTS sent $250-8% 80-1382 (25 CENTS for St. Paul_____ 100 8 St. Charles H19 St. Peters____ 858 8 St. Charles H10 Strafford____ 321 8 Greene O10 Strasbnrg____ 171 10 Cass 17 St. Thomas___200 8 Cole K14 Sturgeon.........728 8 Boone G13 ugai 10 Jackson G6 Banic of St. Paul______t§’13 80-1448 Bank of St. Peters _d©»t§’04 $225-10% par 100 80-1219 Bank of Strafford_____ Jl'll 1125-10% 80-1220 Farmers Bank_______ t§’01 $275 par 100 80-1221 Peoples Bank_______®t§’14 par 100 80—1474 Bank of Sturgeon.......... t§’04 $150-8% par 100 80-632 Citizens Bank_______ t§’95 $135-8% 80-631 State Bank of Sugar Creek $175-10% 80-1375 d®t§'14 O. Davis . 137.850 $ 18.000 128.030 3.660 58.240 2,000 53,000 10,000 4.580 52.580 57.990 10.000 20,000 75,000 90,000 L. M. Calkin_____ Leonard Brown ... 25,000 6,950 121,840 Yirgil Evans 20,060 700 85,590 25,000 29.110 222,570 15,000 22.190 227,150 10,000 4,920 90.490 10,000 9.760 268.490 J. O. Traw______ M. P. Hughes____ B. T. Vickrey W. L. Ripnerger J. L. FAJEN______ ELROY WARNKE W. A. WARNKE to us with each sight draft for presentation, and each credit repor t Insures prompt, personal attentio n. B. P. McMenamy.. H. Johannesmann.. J. P. 2.600 lolumbia N., Ean. G.; Am. Ex. N. Bb of Com.. Pitt., Ean. 8 210 1,000 F. J. Sigmund ___ . Iffrig--------- Aloys Schneider _ Henry Voeltz....... Theo. Thorson— 8,170 15 noo 114,790 23,220 5,960 21.620 82,080 23,220 13,700 10.320 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., 111.: 1st N., Springfield. N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. J. W. Hartt_____ Viola Voeltz.. .— 4.160 197,160 44,850 19,718 59,100 N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 208,430 23,320 4,000 28,620 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill. Merch., Ean. C. Int’l, St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N.. N.Stock Yds., Ill. N. Bk. Com. and State N., St. L.; N. Stock Yards N., N. Stock Yards, Ill. N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.; Mc Daniel N., Springfield. Liberty N„ Kan. 0.: State N., St. L. 51.960 28 880 3,870 25,690 2,670 103.250 137,020 5,390 45,250 10.000 880 73,100 42.380 150 7,600 33,850 J. A. James_____ Mrs. Adelia Yankee L. M. Haynie____ Viola Haynes____ 10.000 23.090 178,050 — 112.560 25,460 82) 74,340 George W. Schell.. T. B. L. Walther... H. J. Lueckenhoff. 10,000 14,220 296,690 780 175,280 121.800 8,000 16.610 N. Stk. Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 25,000 27.230 216,230 191,550 16,300 60.630 1st N.. St. L. D. G. Spelman — E. S. Stewart W. A. Robinson... W. S. Dinwiddle.. Wm. Prowoll____ H. E. Davis______ Mansil Sims_____ 25,000 8.580 150.020 150.370 18,080 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L. E. B. Buckley___ 20,000 7.500 155,000 107.000 30,000 45,500 Gty. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Home. Tr. Co. and 1st N.. Kan. C.; N. City. St. L. Floyd Crow... 10.000 93.000 350,000 390.000 30,000 33,000 1st N., St. L. Peoples Bank________ t§’04 A. O. Ellison____ J. L. Lapee______ H. O. Hollow____ N. W. Shaffer. $312.50 par 100 80-531 A. H. Dotter O. O. finw*. Farmers Bank_______ t§’13 F. W. Schweer J. D. Rogers 25.000 55,000 301.990 209.990 136,440 28.440 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., and N. City. St. L. N.Stock Yds N.. N.Stock Yds., Ill. 17,830 26.380 G. R. Buckley....... V. V. Kirkpatrick 15.150 par 100 Sullivan______ 909 BANK OF SULLIVAN—-t§’95 L. A. Fisher_____ J. A. Woodruff ___ T. R. Shaffer 8 Franklin E17 80-530 Summerfleld . 8 Maries E15 !om. Tr.Co., Ean. C.: McDaniel N.,Spring field. 14 , 1926) $140-6% par 100 N. Schneider------ 11,740 PRINCIPAL OOKRXSPOMDBrrS. 80-1372 Snmmersvllle .286 Snmmersvllle State Bank 8 Texas 015 10% 80-1223 »t5’04 Sumner_____ 468 Peoples Bank_______ dt|'14 8 Chariton E10 $150 80-1489 Sumner Exchange Bank tl’61 80-1224 Swedeborg___ 250 Bank of’13 8 Pulaski L13 80-1418 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10,000 7.120 1,510 N. Bk. Com., St. L. H. H. Richards.... W. E. Fleming....... Howard Rogers__ Lee Bell________ 25.000 17.250 288,190 F. B. Miller_____ M. F. Andrews .... O. W. Taylor— 20,000 11.310 87,550 97,370 40.000 20,000 125,000 170,000 56,000 10,000 2,280 65,730 53.60C 24,400 .. G. I. Taylor_____ J. W. Hardy. J. T. McCormick.. C. E. Wanamaker. Ross Louden L. Thornsberry ... G. W. Peterson.__ Fred Miles — . B. E. Miles............ I nvestment Securities 3.000 169,540 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 99,150 14.660 50,090 N. Bk. Com., St. L. 6.190 15,300 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Cltiz. N., Ohillicothe; Drov. N„ Kan. O. 1st N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. Ill. Pulaski Co., Richland. A Sank for Bankers k MISSISSIPPI t \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / or 7 • Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ToWN AND COUNTY. •Mem. A. B. A. "New §State tPriy. ^County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass'n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fed. Ues.Depls:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. |cl-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. President. R. S. Hays--------Sweet Springs 1177 Bank of Sweet Springs 8 Saline H9 sioo 80-471 ®tS'74 “ Vice President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI — Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Surplus ther Paid-up Depos LOiabili and Capital Profits its ties G. W. King---------- Louis King______ G. W. Weber____ t 100,000 $ Resources. Loans Discounts Securities 16,16(1 $ 358,456 $ 399,060 i Bonda Mi8cel- Principal Correspondents. <Jabh & Exfrom 1,600 J 38,920 $ 4,200 26.020 Banks 35,030 N. City, N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. 0.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.; 3d N , Sedalia. ------ " CHEMICAL BANK --©•« 84 E. L. Spurgeon__ Herman Renken .. R. L. Wall_______ A. C. Dierking ___ 50.000 25.770 332,230 348,080 ------- “ First National Bank------ t'19 A. L. Peacock.— J. W. Smith_____ Wm. Rothrock ___ Miss Concordia 50.000 1,610 159,670 133,150 10.000 6.300 83.660 42.480 3,620 20.000 37,340 104,120 114.350 17,000 30.110 1st N„ Chi.: Am. N. and Tootle-Lacy N., E.N. RAINES- - - - - - - E. M. WANGER- - - - - - 50,000 54,020 310,470 $ 3,000 143,800 Han. N..N. Y.; Ill. Merch.Tr. Co., Chi.; “ TARKI0 VALLEY BANK *« 81 6. J. STEVENSON... BERT VOLKER- - - - - - 15.000 90,000 315,000 300,000 Taylor--------------35 Bank of Taylor_____ ®«T2 J. A. Dearing___ 8 Marion D16 \par 100 80-1356 Tebbetts-------- 211 tiantc of Tebbetts_____ tl'06 J. W.Hord____ 8 Callaway 114 ko% par 100 80-1226 Chas. M. Eisenberg C. W. Dearing----- 10.000 1,000 30,000 33,000 D. J. Rootes.......... W. R. Hord______ 10.00c 20,750 40.350 64,850 1.100 Thayer - 1738 BANK OF THAYER-— '»1#00 8 Oregon R16 *300-40% 80-391 Wm. Hass______ A. A. Taber---------- C. E. Davis--------- 10,000 12,210 200,780 162,270 3,150 16,950 Peoples State Bank.—»tl’07 W. McLelland.— 80-392 Ralph Hass........— W.J-Highflll......... 10.000 10,240 131.190 122.520 Chas. O. Gum_____ W. O. Weaver___ M. Sherrill. 10,000 820 32,200 29,830 1,500 3,170 9,220 1st N„ West Plains. 7,390 16,450 22,380 _____ 3,480 7,980 McDonald Co., Pineville, *120-8% par W. E. Smith 100 8 0-474 80-1589 FIRST NATIONAL BANK«t’8S J. A. RANKIN- - - - 80-347 16% —“ ------- j *685-40% Co.. Kan. C. Bk. Com., St. L. Senne Syracuse____ 288 Citizens Bank------------- 1§’17 O. H. Phillips-__ D. C. Grove............ W. H. Olney------8 Morgan 111 $150 80-1540 Tarklo______ 1870 Farmers Bank--............«t8'07 H. W. Hurst____ John Robenstine.. E. M. Hackett....... G. R. Wilkinson .. 10 Atchison A3 *350-9% par 100 80-348 mm.. 80-346 29.700 N. Bk. Com. and 1st N., St. L.; Com. Tr. 55,600 Drov.N. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. O.; N. 53.850 1st N., St. L.; 3d N., Sedalia. St. Jo. 44,400 264,090 48.000 Tootle-Lacy N„ St. Jo.: State N„ St. L. I 6,800 13.200 100,000 Cont. ft Com’l N., Chi.; Burnes N., St. Jo. 3.000 5,000 Mtle . Tr. ft Sav.. Quincy; N. Stk. Yds. N„ 2.000 3,420 N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stoc N. Stk. Yds.. Ill. Yds., Ill. 40.520 Union N„ Springfield. 25,470 Union N., Springfield. *275-15% Thomas vllle... 100 8 Oregon Q16 Tiff City______ 85 10 McDonald Q5 Tina...................364 8 Carroll E9 Tindall_______200 8 Grundy C9 Tipton______ 1170 8 Moniteau Ill Bank of Thomasville-_-t§T7 J. M. Davis_____ *108 80-1551 Bank of Tiff City-------- tl'IS Dennis Burns----*160 par 160 80-1411 Bankof Tina______ ®»t*’24 C- R. Rogers----*100 80-1227 Farmers State Bank---- tf’04 H. S. Hall_____ 10% par 200 80-1228 Farmers Bank------------ tl’04 S. W. Hurst____ *250-10% 80-447 Tipton State Bank......... t§’23 T. D. Briscoe----*125-7% par 100 80-448 Treloar..._____ 65 Farmers Bank________ tl’04 T. F. Koch____ *200-12% par 100 80-1229 8 Warren 117 Treloar Savings Bank—-45T6 F. E. Hoelscher. *160-8% 80-1532 ^Trenton....... 6551 Bank of Trenton ___ ®«ij'20 G. H. Titcomb... 8 Grundy C9 *100 80-1683 Citizens State Bank-®*t§'96 G. M. Wolz____ 80-159 W. O. Garvin— Farmers Exchange Bank 80-160 d®»tl'93 B. C. Nichols.__ Trenton National Bank *300 par 100 8 0-158 d®»t’93 TRENTON TRUST COMPANY *190-8% 80-161 ®T»fS'15 J.B. 15,000 2.300 128,610 100,550 Frank Vencill___ Roy F. House____ 11.000 9,670 47,140 48,860 L. D. Howard------- W. P. Kuttenkuler Roy Finley------Harrola Burriss D. C. Hardy........... W. B. Layne____ Earl Scott____ 25,000 45,000 420.000 365,000 16,000 6,070 74,800 B. Macke ................ H. H. Wessel------- A. T,. Wessel. O. H. Meyer Wm. Scharnhorst A. J. Koewing....... F. G. Guese. 40,000 36,830 384,940 149,770 25.000 12,970 174,030 137,080 Frank Vencill....... J. M. Webster .. H. S. Hall. W.H. Winningham G. M. Wolz............ A. K. Carnes.... J. L. Nichols__ 60.000 10,870 132,030 50.000 16,300 254,500 209,710 R. J. Green______ C. R. Morris___ 80,000 26,000 330,000 Michael Wolz........ W. H. Shanklin__ W. E. Austin .— 75.000 35,400 538,170 50,000 28,010 458,040 -........... t 10.000 2,110 H. C. Campbell. 1 14,520 Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; Com. Tr.Co., Kan. C.; Trenton N. and Bk. of Trenton, Trenton. Sedalia.; Pioneer Tr. Co., Kan.C. 7,330 10,990 3d N. and Citiz. N., Sedalia; N. City,St. L. 279,560 9,610 22,850 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., St. L.; N. Stock 40,040 11,410 23,480 N. City, St. L.; N. Stock Yds, N„ N. Stock 40,670 30,430 N. Park. N. Y.; Stock Yds. N.. Chi.; Fid. 23,200 26,880 61,010 Chase N., N. Y.; Ill. Merch. Tr., Ohi.; 280.000 20,000 66,000 70,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. ft Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st 404,820 134,250 111,490 315.840 48,130 43,900 155,910 24,100 34,780 Drov. N., Kan .C. 160.000 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: Citiz. N. and 3rd N.. 86,060 7,500 100,000 10,770 4,440 Yds. N.,N. Stock Yds.. 111. Yds.. 111. A. See N. Bk.&Tr.Co., Kan. C.; Am. N.,St. Jo. N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; 1st N.. St. Jo. N.. Kan. C. and St. L. 98,010 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.: Inter-State N., Kan. 0.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 128,180 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Stk. Yds. N„ St. Jo! General Banking and Trust Business. Efficient service on Collections at reasonable rates. Collections Given Special Attention Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Herman Schmidt— M. G. Manning__ A. L. Strong____ J W. Higginbottom WW6HT- - - - - - - - itm- - - - - - - Trimble_____ 125 Trimble State Bank-®»tl’l0 H. G. Calvert. 80-1309 10 Olinton F6 *125 Triplett______337 Bank of Triplett......... »tl'18 C. T. Collins----8 Chariton E10 *267-15% 80-725 1 MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 250 10,000 W. R.Poff__ A. O. Greene. James T. Pahlman. W. P. Gaines-------- J. L. Reeves .. 20,000 31,430 40,260 53,990 7,100 176,000 182,730 19,370 II MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 2,350 1st N., Plattsburg. 40,340 Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; Far. & Merch. Chilli- cothe; N.Stock Yds.N.,N. Stock Yds.. Ill. Exceptional Facilities for Transit Items k MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given I?. eacl1 bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. a.Mem.A.B.A. '"New §State fPriv. ‘County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab Fig. under town Is ♦Fed. Res.DeptsiT-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.©Sav.$LastSale%Div. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Paint 'In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates. Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI -Continued Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. »Troy_______ 1116 Farmers & Mech. Sav. Bank D. M. Ellis_______ S. R. McKay____ E. C. Dickenhorst. R. E. Copher____ I Lincoln H18 1375-20% 80-475 B®<*'73 Fred Harrison par 100 Peoples Bank......... d®<!’91 A. D. Wilkinson... G. L. Thurman ___ H. E. Cockrell___ Geo. McGregor... 1375-20% 80-476 Resources. Surplus Loans Bonds Miscel Paid-up Depos OlHER AND and and Liabili Capital Profits its Discounts Seouritiss laneous ties 25,000 $ 58,910 561.260 $ 50,000 107,000 640,000 10,000 14,300 25,000 4,000 2,500 47,000 472,810 $ 105,370 584,000 110,000 109,740 101,030 14,500 40.000 59,000 par 100 Truiton______289 Truxton Bank________ tl’04 H. H. Beck______ Simon Fieth_____ Chas. Wombles.... Louis Wehrman, I Lincoln H17 $217-10% 80-1230 Sec. Turney_______212 Farmers Bank-........d®tl’98 W. J. Althouse.... Claud Holland....... Zola Wolfe............ ID Clinton E7 $100 80-1231 »Tuscumbla.__256 8 Miller K13 l iman _______120 I Miller K13 ‘Union____ _1605 8 Franklin J18 par 100 Bank of Tuscumbia....... tl'03 R. M. Marshall__ W. S. Stillwell___ O. E. Fendorf___ B. H. Hlx .. 80-1232 Bank of Ulman________t|'07 Claude Graham.__ Bird Watkins____ J. B. Reed_______ $225-16% 80-1234 Bank of Union______ <§’87 E. A. Stierberger.. E. O. Griese_____ L. C. Allersmeyer. F.H.Muenstermann $400-20% 80-528 Citizens Bank_______ <J'04 John C. Jacobs___ August Fink_____ L. J. Mintrup___ H. C. Vossbrink... $250-10% par 100 80-529 Union Star _ 434 Farmers State Bank___tl’90 Hugh Stanton___ N. W. Davis_____ Samuel Shepard... E, R. Woolery.__ 10 De Ealb C6 $300-25% 80-777 G. D. Gross Peeples Bank________ <f’90 A. O. Varner____ D. E. Carpenter... M. T. Cerderlind.. M. G. Stewart....... $200-15% 80-778 J. E. Lawhead ‘Unlonvllle.._1765 Citizens Bank_____ ®<|’10 P. M. Mannon___ Frank Statton .... S. D. Hayward___ C. C. Kelley_____ 8 Putnam All 80-334 Farmers Bank.............<11900 H. L. Holman____ J. F. Underwood.. A. L. Cassady____ Abbie Maulsby ___ $150-8% 80-333 A. F. Keene MARSHALL NATIONAL BANK 80-331 T<’83 H. B. MARSHALL_ _ _ W. A. SHELTON_ _ _ National Bank of Unionville P. D. Greggers.... 80-332 <’84 University City Bank of University City L. T. Ward............ 7000 6% par 100 80-1720 d®<§’23 (St. Louis P. O.) (6602 Delmar Blvd.) 8 St. Louis 120 West End Bank...........<§’12 J. C. Figge............ C. L. CROOKS- - - - - - - - NEAL MARTIN_ _ _ _ P. C. Pollock____ F. O. Elson______ G. F. Ledford___ Miss F. L. Martin J. P.Reis________ W. T. Mars______ J. T. Mars_______ J. W. Hay J. E. Ritchey____ A. J. Butler_____ O. J. Herpel__ 4-86 Urbana___ _..350 Bank of Urbana_______ tl’03 B. W. Vaughan__ W. F. Harrell___ E. L. Belknap____ W. A. Owensby. $120-10% 80-1235 8 Dallas L10 Urlch.................538 BANK OF URICH-. $285-12% 80-719 8 Henry J7 Utica________536 8 Livingston D9 Valley Park... 899 8 St. Louis 120 ‘VanBuren.__429 8 Carter P18 Vandalla___ 2158 8 Audrain F16 -<»’8 Farmers Bank_______ <|’09 80-720 Bank of Utica________ <§'12 $130-10% 80-1316 par 100 Meramec Valiev Bank©<S’18 $125-8% 80-1553 Carter County State Bank $175 80-1237 <§’24 Exchange Bank____ ©<$’16 $125-6% 80-400 J. A. KERR. . . . . . . . . . . . . —Unexcelled Facl lities—Superior S ervice. ttMHbi Special attentio n given Bill ef La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 16.000 23,500 130.000 31.500 130,000 10.000 13,790 48,520 3,000 66.570 15,000 55,000 650,000 15,000 335,000 300,000 35,000 65,000 IstN.. St. L.;N.Stk. Yds. N., N.Stk.Yds. 50.000 44,580 767.860 15,090 516,820 302,170 10,630 20,000 21,780 205,610 158,510 28,190 2,840 47.910 C.& C. N., Chi.; Merch.-Lac. N. and N. Bk „ Com., St. L.;N.Stk.Yds.N.,N.Stk.Yds,Ill. 57,830 Coni. & Oom’l N„ Ohi.; 1st N. and St. Jo. Stock Yds., St. Jo. 35,700 1st N„ Chi.; Am. N. and St. Jo. Stock Yds.. St. Jo. 71.910 Cont. & Com’] N„ Chi.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.: State Sav., Ln. & Tr. Oo„ Quincy. 62,890 Cont. & Oom’l N., Ohi.; Tra. N., Kan. O • 1st N., St. L. 33,000 15.000 15,830 132,470 103,900 21,000 2.700 50.000 19,740 249,790 1,170 3,050 50,000 30.140 264,210 243.390 262.390 2,390 16.200 50.000 22.140 638,660 50,000 207.670 387,560 12,490 152,080 Far. Ln. &Tr.Co., N. Y.; Oont. ft Com’lN., Chi.:1st N., Kan. O.; Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L. 50,000 13,590 267.770 49,400 247,450 51.800 10,630 25.000 20,000 550,000 253,000 265,000 7,000 70,330 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Oom.Tr. Co., Kan. O. 70,000 Clmm. N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Grand N.. St. 25,000 25,000 850,000 325,610 419,920 25,000 9,270 195,000 174.670 8,230 75.000 Chatham Phenix N. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. City, St. L. 46,3a0 Union hi., Springfield. 20,000 18,090 262,150 61,700 170,160 127,550 4.700 59,530 IstN., Kan.O.; N. Bk. Com. and 1st N.,St.L. 43,500 5,480 24,730 Drov. N. and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.: Plsase send lac wit h each sight draft fo t presentation and 2 6c for Credit Report J. W. Barth______ W. E. Dunn_____ A. H. Harvey------- R. K. Godwin__ 10,000 9,270 103.260 34,550 83,360 J. Cady.............. .... W. G. Kent______ W. G. Kent______ Bessie Kent____ L. D. Cady 10,000 2,490 40,010 2,000 41.570 R. F. Ralph_____ W. J.Vance_____ H. E. Vance-------- 15,000 10,390 141,410 109,660 24,100 1,100 31,940 Boatmens N., St. L. T. W. Cotton------- C. W. Coleman.__ Roy J. Mann____ E. S. Mann............ 10.000 8.670 110,240 61,990 33.700 3.750 C. H. Inlow______ S. A. Waters.......... Jno. B. Crum____ C. C. Crowdis____ Mrs. C. Utterback 40,000 12,800 305,000 290,000 10.050 13,800 29.470 C. & C. N„ Chi.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.: N. City and Lib. Cent. Tr. Co., St. L. 53,600 N. Bk. of Com., St. L. 60,000 34.640 687,940 558,350 99,750 337,110 53,160 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l. N.. Ohi.; Merch.-Lac. N. and Miss. Valley Tr. Co. St. L.; Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; N. Stk. Yds. N„ N. Stk. Yds., Ill. 16.670 17,230 12,000 Union N„ Springfield; Bk. of Aurora Aurora. ( C. G. DANIEL .... WM. DANIIL. A. L. MOTLEY — wIboy J. C. PARRISH, VANDALIA Cash and Sec. 0. §. WILLIAMS J Ch. TRUST COMPANY } Special atteutlo n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items, $200-10% 80-399 dB®T<l'89 par 100 Vanduser___ 326 Vanduser District Bank4§'23 80-1728 8 Scott P23 $100 Verona______ 488 Farmers State Bank___t|’91 8 Lawrence P8 80-1239 i MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / I FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft f or presentation, a nd (TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each cr edit report Insure s prompt, person al atten tlon. H. L. Harty_____ G. W. Layton____ F. T. Cutliph____ G. E. Cutliph... 10,000 W. R. Wilks......... P. H. Barris......... . L. G. Huffman. Cash, and Sec. A Satisfactory Correspondent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FROM BANK8 1,600 $ 62,890 IstN., St. L.;N. Stk.Yds. N.. N.Stk.Yds., Ill.;N.Newark & Essex Bkg.Co.,Newark. 55,000 95,000 N. City, N.Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 3,310 15.210 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 10,000 Liberty N., Kan. C.: Cameron Tr. Co Cameron; St. Jo. Stk. Yds., St. Jo. 19,000 18,000 N. Bk. Com., 8t. L.; N. Stock Yds. N , o , ?wSt^c.krYds" m-: Bk- of Eldon, Eldon. 8,740 1st N., St. L. par 100 10% par 100 Principal Correspondents. E - Cash Sc x chanqx8,Dub 15.000 3,000 265,780 47,950 78.000 35,960 25,210 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 3,010 75,310 9,920 Citiz.N., Chillicothe. 21,990 1st N„ St. L. For Banks and Bankers Everywhere I. MISSISSIPPI > \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / qcq Town Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Raud-MeNally Bankers’ Directory, tinder the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- County. ».\iein.A..B.A.,1New§stateTi'riv. ^County Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is! ♦Fed. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. | d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. .Versailles..1651 BANK OF 8 Morgan Jll $125 ♦ President. Vice-President. 80-397 rW. 4. RIIFI1___ Walker_______309 10 Vernon L7 -Wallace_______ 100 IQ Buchanan G5 Walnut Grove.403 8 Greene N9 Wardell______ 310 8 Pemiscot 124 »Warrensburg4811 8 Johnson H8 P R 4RTWFII PR 1 Save time and g et service on Coll $155 80-398 ®T»i' FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight d LOnly National Bank In Morgan Citizens State Bank.__ dtS'13 C. D. John______ C. O. Love______ 14% 80-1426 Manes County'1900 $250-15% 80-1240 Peoples Bank------ --------- §’24 J. O. Bassett__ ... W. W. Humphrey.. 80-1741 Villa Ridge State Bank •it'12 John M. Hellmann John Sieve______ 4% 80-1361 Bank of Waco................. t§’17 Thos. N. Lofton. A. E. Taggart $120-10% 80-1552 Bank of Wakenda___ ©+§’06 Earl Johnson_____ $100-4% 80-1241 Waldron State Bank___ tl'06 J. W. Farley_____ L. M. Shields . $150-6% 80-1242 par 100 Farmers Bank________'tV#! J. W. Hays............. $200-5% 80-1243 par 200 Bank of Wallace ______ •tl'10 I. R. Peter........ . J. V. Waller_____ $175-15% par 195 80-1244 Bank of Walnut’91 80-662 Citizens Bank---------------t§’05 W. L. Mitchell___ $250-16% 80-663 Bank of Wardell---------1§’20 T. M. Stoffle ___ $100 80-1688 rj |, MOORF GEORGE COOPER—- AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY SEND US 15 CENTS 8% 80-196 d®T*+§’08 .35 CENTS Citizens Bank........_d®«tf'88 $225-5% par 100 80-193 COMMERCIAL BANK©’*197 F. L. Mayes $150-8% 80-195 PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK io% 80-194 dB®*t’98 YOU sent for e _____ 30,000 Fill AH ROARK 0. GABRIEL______ BEATRICE SHERRILL ectlons and Credl t Reports by send ing raftt, ISc; Credi t Report*. 25c. T RY US. County. R. M. Copeland-__ 10,000 W. C. Birmingham _____ “ y. MISSISSIPPI/ \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / 58,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 67,610 6,340 4,310 First National Bank...<1900 $250-12% 80-220 1 FranklinConntvBank..*tl'09 $165-10% par 100 ♦ 80-221 High Grade Municipal Bonds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 245,020 3,600 21,070 N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill.; N. 19,320 12,960 3,910 12,450 1st. N., St. L. 66,220 City, St. L. 470 8,240 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. 22,640 Drov. N., Kan. C.: Conqueror Tr. Co. and 10,000 7,000 10,000 3,140 59,080 39,910 10,000 8,200 54,150 44,170 10,000 11.060 49,710 56.970 4,210 4,490 1,360 Stock Yds., Ill. 75.090 10,000 6,430 77.280 58.810 10,000 760 130,960 68,400 52,620 6,500 12,940 500 8,580 64,740 McDaniel N., Springfield. 13.430 Union N., Springfield; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 6.500 3,730 Bk. of Carnthersville, Carat hers ville; 23,690 48,130 IstN., andN. City, St, L.; Merch. Kan.O. 28,870 lnt’l.. St. L. • 113,000 705,000 475.000 308,500 35.000 435.000 383.000 35,000 75,000 86.400 626,920 339,440 257,620 30,000 30.000 508,920 385,050 128,400 30,000 20.650 520,880 430,250 80.300 25.000 20,020 245,570 25.000 27,500 275,000 3,890 111,720 25,000 134,500 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N., Kan. C. Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N.. St. L.; New Eng. 130.000 N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. 8,650 207,610 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; State N.,8t. L.; Inter 10.470 50,670 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: N. Stock Yds. N., 29,450 58,280 1st N., St. L.; Citiz. N., Sedalia; Com. Tr., 24,500 75,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Mamie Koelling F. H. Tbias 30.410 Am. N., St. Jo. 14.500 15,430 Kathryn Heibner 9,600 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; New Eng, N. Bk. 150 195,560 C. E. Failer_____ O. C. Crudginton.. Joplin N., Joplin. 25.800 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Carroll Co. Tr. Co., Carrollton. 14,740 Lib. N. and Tra. N., Kan. O.; 1st N„ Leavenworth. & Tr. Co., Kan. 0.; 1st N., Nevada. 238.700 E. H. Otto............... E. E. Backer W. B. Bagby______ 3.710 5.920 66,810 85,290 17,560 E. L. Delventhal .. O. J. Luelf______ Jno.A. Bebermeyer 5,520 N. Bk. of Rolla, Rolla. 58,920 215,640 50.000 C L GILLILAN, Cash, arid Sec. R BANKING AN D COLLECTION BUSINESS. to us with each s ight draft for pre sentation, and ach credit report insures prompt, personal attentio n. T. E. Cheatham... 100,000 W. H. Cheatham .T. R_ Belt W. 8. Clark... __ 100,000 H. H. Hollmann Robt. Wickliffe N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. 111. 3rd N., Sedalia. 29,050 63,880 Washburn___ 263 Bank of Washburn___•tl’ll W. H. Jones______ J. M. Lawrence ... Clara E. Jones____ 8 Barry R7 1200 80-1245 Washington..3132 Bank of Washington—«tl’77 O. W. Arcularius.. R. W. Stumpe........ A. C. Rumpelt____ J. H. Conrads____ 8 Franklin 118 $200-10% 80-219 “ 56.000 15,460 J. H. Frick_____ Principal Correspondents & Ex- Cash chaivqm,Dui from Banks 38.000 210 E. N. Johnson____ L. J. Schofield____ E. E. Tyler. Cash. & Sec. to Bd. E. F. Tracy rvf thlC 278.000 4.830 Citizens Bank________ dt§’03 $255-12% par 100 80-577 .Warsaw______ 925 Farmers & Traders Bank 80-568 tl’09 8 Benton K9 Osage Valley Bank .dB*tl’91 $250-12% par 100 80-567 " 4.000 V\n/»lr 66,620 N. Bk. Com.,St.L.; Pioneer Tr. Co.,Kan.C. 1,810 10,000 H. H. Cherry____ 80,000 i 10,860 10,000 Warren E. Lofton. 810,000 $ T'lnfC! 64,380 $ 12,000 A. W. Ebeling .... E. Landwehr _____ 25 OOQ 10,000 V 21,000 % 21,270 $ 299,100 — $ 208,000 $ 10,000 .Warrenton ...800 Bank of Warren County 8 Warren H17 $253-12% par 100 80-576 «tf’83 “ Resources. Liabilities. Loam Bonds Other Depos L Miscel Paid-up Surplus and and iabili AND its Capital Profits Discounts Securities laneous ties r&un&s- W. S. WASHBURN — E. W. GUENTHER— D.K. HUNTER_____ $ 40,000 $ Morgan County. facll Itles for handling your Items and collections on Ver sallies. d®tl’82 L Unexcelled Please tend 15c w ith each eight draft f or preteniation and 25c far Credit Repor u. FIRST NATIONAL BANK x Villa Ridge.__ 200 8 Franklin J IS -Waco ___ 368 10 Jasper 06 Wakenda____ .292 8 Carroll F10 Waldron._____ 100 10 Platte G5 Ass't Cashier. Cashier. A nnnn \ VERSAILLES par 100 Vichy________ 210 8 Maries K15 .Vienna______ 329 8 Maries K14 .. «ri MISSO U RI—Continued 160 202.860 41,850' 200,000 69,850 state N. and Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. G.: N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 1st N„ St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock 45,180 Yds., Ill. N. Stock Yds.. Ill. Kan. C. 1st N„ St. L,; Citiz. N., Sedalia; 1st N.. Kan. C. 98.090 7,870 3,030 16,610 1st N. and N. City, St. L.; 1st N.. Cass- 82,390 1.622,980 951,140 653,650 90,260 130,310 Am.Ex.Irv.Tr.Co..N. Y.;lst N. and Frank 25,000 47,720 915,430 172,620 698,350 5,000 50,000 28,470 447,680 365,640 115,060 13,550 10,000 20.000' 100.000 10,100 ville. lin, 8t. L.; 1st N. and Com. Tr., Kan. C. 112,190 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N„ St. L. 42,010 N. Bk. Com., St. L. N. H. Schultze MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Well Secured Real Estate and Corporation Issues t MISSISSIPPI > \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / QfiD fjyjyj Number under Name of Bank]is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank in u- s exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN AND County. •Mem. A. B. a. "New § state fPriv. ‘County Neat*. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is ♦Fe1. Res.I)epts:T-Trust B-Bond! Fed. Bes. Dis. Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. ---------------------- - ------Watson Banking Co..-•JlHWO D. W. Airy________ L. C. Stoner______ S. F. Wier ^10 Atchison A3 1265-20% par 100 jft-1246 Waverly______810 Waverly Bank_______*5I'06 Levi Kramer. 8 Lafayette G9 $135-10% 80-1247 Wayland_____ 355 Bank of Wayland-.-©tl'13 C. P. Fore................. 8 Clark B16 1210-8% 80-1248 ‘Waynesvllie.. 293 W&ynesville State Bank L. M. Bailey______ 8 Pulaski L13 $225 par 100 80-1641 5§’19 Weatherby....... 220 Farmers Bank_____ ®»t5’20 L. C. Assel_____ .... 10 DeKalbD7 80-1668 Weaubleau_„413 Bank of Weaubleau....»5§’10 G. C. Hardy_______ 8 Hickory L9 80-1251 Citizens State Bank___ 5S’16 I. A. Knight______ 80-1536 Webb City.__7807 ^10 Jasper 06 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc , see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Resources. Surplus Loana Bonds Depos Other Paid-up Miscel Cash A Ex and and and Liabili changes,Duf its Capital Profits Diaoounta Securities laneous trom Banks ties 12,000 $ 17,300 $ 117,000 * .. J. H. Croswhite..— Miss Florence Williamson Geo. Brown............. J. A. Moehn... .. 25,000 17,400 190,080 186,090 $ 20,000 10,650 190,100 204,530 W. B. Johnson........ 8. T. Rollins 10.000 13,900 134.150 116,540 C. C. Wright_____ Earle Minor______ 20,000 3,280 78,780 60,020 W. A. Brown_____ C. R. Hardy______ 10.000 23,100 141,160 141.160 10.000 5,000 55,960 50,610 4,650 50.000 46.000 640.930 445.600 105.000 H. Steele... $ . W. H. Roman......... J. H. McCaslin___ Roy Brookshire... WEBB-------- B.C. AYL0B----- G. E. HOUGH------- EARL VANHOOSEMERCHANTS & E. T.Unexcelled facilities for handling youp Items and Collections on Webb City and vicinity. MINERS BANK Bill of Lading Drafts a specialty. 80-69 dB©*i§'05 4,030 $ 113,620 36,710 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Am. N.. St. Jo. 21,700 Liberty N., Kan. C. 5,320 10,850 5,630 35,880 11,090 21,350 14,810 18,280 Stock Yds. N.t Chi.; State Cent. Sav., Keokuk; N. Stk. Yds. N.. N. Stk. Yds. N. 8took Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., III.; 1st N. and N. City, St. L. Am. N. and 1st N„ St. Jo.; Drov. N„ Kan. C. McDaniel N., Springfield; Columbia N.. Kan. C. Com. Tr. Co. and Drov. N., Kan. C.; Union N., Springfield. $ 3,300 $ 9,610 Principal Correspondents. 8,240 18,050 173,130 Ban. N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. $175-10% par 100 iC. R. CHINN, JR.. T. F. COYNE____ J\ WEBB 80-67 CITY BANK Y ©•5**82 '( L. A. DAUGHERTY 100,000 35.040 869.780 3.930 460,060 219,210 48.330 Quante_____ 100,000 19.990 281,340 56.070 247,140 101,580 26,140 9.090 230.060 137,970 TE. S. HEALEY---- M. BAKER______ C. E. KING, Sec....... K. W. HOWE. A. Sec. W. A.STRAUB L. F. BOOTH, Tr. HENRY SCHULZ 100,000 281,140 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N. Kan. C. OLDEST ESTA BLISHED BANK. Collections ha ndled promptly. 10% Webster Groves First National Bank in W. V. Brennan.__ J. P. Keyes_______ 8St.LouisI2010,335 Webster Groves J. J. O’Donnell $120 par loo 80-122 dB®5’2 J. B. Chipman.__ J. B. Ackfeld_____ Old Orchard State Bank $125 par 120 80-123 ®*t§’2 +WEBSTER GROVES TR. CO. $130-12% ♦ 80-121 J. W. Wenom____ A. A. 25.000 W. F. Barth 127,130 1,573.910 82,540 Grand N. and N. Bk. Com., St.L 88,380 8.410 49,380 1st N.. St. L. 21,830 446,290 1,105,010 77.270 194,410 1st N., St. L. 305.570 182.000 22.000 47,920 50,000 1,777.610 1.498.500 38.900 595,900 I Collections and Requests for Cre dit Reports MUS be accompanle d by ®«5|'07 Lfee in advan CE; Plain sight dr afts, 25c; Credit Re T ports, 25c. Louis Clearing Hou se Assn.) Wellington....878 WELLINGTON BANK—*5* 88 8 Lafayette G8 $350 par 100 80-1252 Wellston___ 7400 +First Nati onal Bank (St. Louis P. O.) $350-15% par 100 80-110 d®»5'05 8 St. Louis 120 + State Bank of Wellston J. A. Mann_______ H. B. Corse_______ J. Gny E. WeUsvllle___ 1651 8 Montgomery G16 $300-10% par 100 80-462 Corse_______ 15,000 Kessler______ G. W. Rinkel____ J. B. Ghio___ F. L. Wuest______ H. Dilschneider H. A. McKee, Tr_ Hy. G.Schaefe, Sec. H. Behle Leroy Lane, A. Tr. Louis Clearing Ho use As#n.) J. A. B. 80-112 L. Jurden......... H. B. Surkamp.__ R.’O. Kennard, Jr., John Tschudy___ V. P. and Cash. F. A. Rottman Garvin____ F. C. Stille_______ ("SAMUEL BLACK- GEO E. AUSTIN...... T. X. SHELBY_____ ) "THE BANK T HAT SERVICE B UILT.” M. GIIAINGE.......... 41,400 km .non 100,000 205,020 3,555,890 50,000 300,000 2.200,000 1.250.000 Qon,ooo 165,060 17.500 350,000 20,310 494,630 99,650 11,470 275.000 32.500 388,350 102.560 Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. and Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L. Bk. of Am. (Atl. Office), N. Y.; Grand N. and Lib. Cont. Tr., St. L. 400.000 Am. Ex. 100.000 15,000 Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. Chem. N..N. Y.; C. & C. N., Chi.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 75,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 116,610 57,080 Han. N.. N. Y.: Merch.-Lac. N. and 1st N„ St. L. 1st N.. Pierce City; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. O.; McDaniel N., Springfield. N. Bk. Com.,St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 1st N. and N. Bk.Oom., St. L.; N. Stock Yds N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. (.Prompt, person al attention given all business sent us. Collections a Special ty. M. WHITE........ W. H- HtfcU--------WELLSVILLE BANK—80 fJ. A Bank of Stre ngth, Character and Service. 80-461 iL Collections $175-8% 10 Newton P7 $120-6% par 100 80-1402 Wentzvllle___ 51 ink______ 1 8 St. Charles H18 $i3o18% 80-691 “ -___ “ Wentzv Bank_____ $250-20% 80-692 , MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ Organized 1890 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0. P. Moody.. J. O. Brown.. glv en prompt, caref ul attention. R. H. Knoetzel___ R. A. Stinson H. A. Meyer____ John Brueggemann C. R. Karrenbrock O. H. Buescher___ D. M. Simmons.__ H 1 RIIRWFII c: e. mm " Edw. Sudbrock 50,000 10,000 3,500 58,430 52,250 10,700 8,790 11,660 20,000 8.52) 196,830 197,610 2,800 7,380 17,560 20,000 26,240 316,780 169,540 138,590 9,000 45,880 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS Member Federal Reserve System , k MISSISSIPPI \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / QA1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. . •Mem.A.B.A.f*’New SStatetPriv. ^County Seats. JMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. "lg. under town i s ♦Fe 1. Res.Depts:T-Trust B-Bond Fed. Res. Dist. d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSale%Div. 10 10 1 Farmers Bank Atchison A3 1250 89-809 Cass 16' Weston_____ ..9! 10 t 8 Platte F6 Osage 114 Howell 015 President. Vice President. Cashier. Wm. Sawver •tl’Ofi D. D. McGinnis.... Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Deposand Capital Profits | ITS George Macrander $ 10,000 $ Wheeling____ < 8 Livingston I 3,500 $ 21,470 Tootle Lacy N„ St. Jo. 25,800 1st N., Chi.; Am. N„ St. Jo. 21,650 ■ 110,000 E. C. Wilson_____ VT T,. Kyle 25.000 8,150 234.530 Railey & Bro. Bkg. Co.*ti’65 E. M. Hardesty.__ E. J. Thorn______ J. W. Morgan____ M. M. Ohlhausen.. *250-10% 80-504 W. C. Polk 30.000 33,230 435,850 Bank of Westphalia___ ti’04 Gerhard PI assH. A. Brnne. ___ A. S. Johannes*175-7H% 80-1254 meyer Henry Westerman meyer 20,000 16,820 172.970 Farmers & Merchants Bank John Fennewald.. 80-1421 -tS’lS Farmers Savings Bank®iS'll C. E. Armstrong... 80-1297 C. J. Buersmeyer.. B. Schauwecker.__ 10,000 8,360 O. P. A. Heinrich.. T. R. Crawford ... 25,000 10,500 35,780 1.002,910 682,550 190,740 10,000 205,390 Han. N„ N. Y.; N. City, and 1st N„ St. L.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; Union N., and McDaniel N., Springfield. 380,110 235.850 18,800 150.650 Chase N., N. Y.; State N., and 1st N.. St. L.; 1st N. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Kan. C.; 1st N.. Memp.; Un. N„ Springfield. Bank of Weston........ *150-10% 80-505 •Jl,93 J. U.Dale_______ *225-20% v. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Insu res prompt, perso nal atte ntlon. Union Slate Bank (Merged with First National Bank) 18,940 146,800 70,000 $ 7,000 121,680 ? 11.030 6,980 405,520 7,000 169,000 42,550 Am. Ex. Irv. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ Kan. C„ St. Jo., and St. L. 139,110 25,980 10.000 34,680 IstN.,St. L.: Ex., Jefferson City; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 106,620 98,750 7,960 1,560 125,000 133,000 125.500 2,380 704,070 11,470 206.770 207,920 15,000 25,000 115,000 120,000 10,000 9.580 89.550 86,760 10,000 4,000 54,190 TV.. 10,000 4,570 31.210 Bank of Willard______»$l'06 W. J. Ross................ J. A. Staley--------- Ira V. Pinnick........ Kathryne Pinnick. *130 par 100 80-1261 10,000 4,980 87,710 A. T. Crump______ J. T. Peters_______ Saxie Windsor........ 12,500' 19,830 J. S. McCutchan__ 10,000 10,000 25,000 Walter Brattin.__ W. A. Davidson__ Enpha Brattin____ Oral Burger 25,000 127,990 IstN., Kan. C.: Burnes N„ St. Jo. 16,700 N. Bk. Com., St. L. 22,000 N. City. St. L. * 63,900 J. H. McCaslin.__ 10,000 Westport Ave., Kan. C. 80,000 59,430 9,420 Com. Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 80-1533 Bank of Wheaton____»tl’10 O. S. McCall *100-8% 80-1256 Farmers *300-10% & Merchants Bank 80-1257 H. Baltz Braun______ w Khiflet 1,700 6,130 Whiteside Bank______•JS’IO G. W. Whiteside__ *200-12% 80-1470 WhltesvlOe.__ ‘ Farmers Bank_________ . (Closed J. M. Motley.......... Lntie Motley_____ 27,500 1st N., Neosho; Drov. N„ Kan. C.; Joplin N., Joplin. 25.000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.: Am. N„ St. Jo,; Citiz. N., Chillicothe. J|’98 Whiteside____] 8 Lincoln G18 $ 98,010 20.000 *100 Barry Q7 $ 94,500 Principal Correspondents. 11.000 A. S. Johnston____ 8 TIES Resources. Loam | Bond* Miscel- Cash k Exand and changis.Dus Discoun ta Securities lane Outs from Banks 10,000 60.000 TR. S. HOGAN........ T. J. LANGSTON... JACK E. HOGAN... C. M. JOHNSON ... WEST PLAINS BANK~d«tt 83 ) Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. *200-10% par 100 80-253 LPlease send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation an d 25c for Credit Rep orts. Wheaton_____ 18,490 $ Other C. A. McColl.......... W. B. Banks_____ L. P. Utter______ *385 80-810 L. A. Utter 3 Bank of West Line____tl’10 Chas. Edie_______ C. J. Wortham.__ M. N. Stark_____ *200 80-1253 50,000 f J. P. HARLIN____ H.C. KELLETT, Act.. W. T. HARLIN______ F, H P.nATS J. 0. CARTER FIRST NATIONAL j J. R. REED, Ch. B. F. WOOD G. F. FUNKHOUSER V. E. STONE 80-255 BANK ®»t’93 ) FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight draf t for presentation , and 8 Hickory U) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued 3,100 12,130 N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 30,910 36,980 10.880 Int’l, St. L.; 1st N„ Cape Girardeau. 17,240 11,570 18,780 Burnes N„ St. Jo.; Nodaway Valley, Mary ville. 7.150 April 2, 192 7) 10 Andrew 05 Bank of Whitewater___$|’«4 *125 80-1250 Wilcoi_______ 7 10 Nodaway B5 Willard,-,., 8 Greene 30 09 Farmers State Bank....tS’20 S. H. Shell 80-1679 80-1262 *276-10% par Lewis B15 78,100 290 13,850 19,190 Union N. and Citiz., Springfield. 105,400 74,500 3,000 21,290 38,940 N. Bk- Com., St. L.; Callaway, Fulton; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. 4.670 92,510 73,810 3,500 _______ 7,890 151,970 85,890 100 Wllliamstown. 25 Bank of Williamstown..J|’02 8 Noah Duncan, 10.590 *125 Williamsburg. 121 Williamsburg Bank____81'05 E. J. Grant 8 Callaway H15 Wm. M. Proffer, Jr. L. E. Hartle_____ *200-6% Farmers *150-8% 80-1263 Exchange Bank F. H. Kilkenny.__ 80-1456 ©t§’14 MISSISSIPPI J \ VALLEY / \ TRUST / l Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I nvestment Secu rities J. S. Smith______ 8,750 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY SAINT LOUIS 34,810 2,900 29,870 IstN., St. L.; State Sav„ Ln. & Tr. Co. and Mtle. Tr. & Sav„ Quincy, Ill. 46.260 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; State Sav.. Ln. & Tr. Co., Quincy, Ill. A Bank for Bankers t MISSISSIPPI / \ VALLEY / \ TRUST/ QAO 004 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •Mem. A.B. A. nNew §State t Priv. iCounty Seats. tMem. State B. Ass’n. [Estab. Fig. under town is Fed. Res. Dist. President. ♦Fed. Kes.DeptsiT-Trust B-Bond d-SafeDep.®Sav.$LastSaIe%Div. Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of ibis volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. MISSOURI—Continued Cashier. Asb’t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loam I Bondi Surplus Depos Other miscel- ;,£*“***•, and | and Liabili and its Capital Profits Discount! Securities ties Principal Correspondents Paid-up Cora Allmon_____ $ 5,920 $ 130,500 10,000 76,430 $ 26,930 $ 6,130 $ 36,930 Boatmens N., St. L. William srllle.. 448 Williamsville State Bk-tt’05 W. L. Holladay . 1165-15% 80-1264 8 Wayne P19 R. B. Gladden____ J. G. Settle_____ Wlllma t hs vllle. 85 Bank of Willmathsville-tS'20 H. M. Hewitt__ $108 80-1607 I Adair B13 Stanley Story........ L. E. Thompson. 15.000 990 Bank of Willow Springs»tl'08 P. J. Clough.... Willow Springs 80-435 I Howell P14 1441 J. B. Thomas.......... Geo. H. McClain. 25,000 6,320 91,480 62,470 9,330 17,200 33,800 Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.; Union N., Springfield. F. L. Green. 25.000 8,000 235,000 180,000 16,000 18,000 54,000 McDaniel N.. Springfield; 1st N. and N. City, St. L.; West Plains, West Plains. W.G. RUFFIN— 40.000 32.990 226.500 32 OOO'l 36,060 Han. N., N. Y.;lst N., St.L.; New Eng. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 3d N., Sedalla. 26.490 180,370 24.200 30.380 1st N., St. L. and Kan. C.; Citiz. N., Se dalia; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 30.760 279.310 26,660 State Bk. of Willow Springs T. R. Burns___ par 100 80-436 d»tl’06 S. S. Hannaca____C. H. Burchard___ 57,370 $ 10,000 5,070 Far. State,Greentop: StateSav.- Ln. &Tr„ Quincy; Bk. of Kirks., Kirksyille. 78,270 $225-20% Windsor,. 2034 I Henry 19 . PALMER CITIZENS BANK j 80-293 80-294 246,420 ^Unsurpassed Co Ucctton Service— We get results— TRY US. «tS’83 <* Please send 16e w ith each Sight Dra ft for presentation cmd 25c for Credit Reports. FARMERS BANK $225-8% par 100 15,000 ®*tl'90 FIRST NATIONAL BANK T. L. COOPER. ItUA R. E. MAJOR- - - - - R. E. BALL 30.000 167.420 14.850 275.830 52.700 230,420 200,100 47,060 3,340 88,000 16,580 N. Bk. Com. and Boatmens. St. L ; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. 28,000 Mtle. Tr. & Sav., Quincy, Ill. ALWAYS AT Y OUR SERVICE. I Save time and g et service on Colle ctions and Credit Reports by sendi .FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Cred it Reports, 25c. TRY US. ’'JOHN BOWEN...... T. R. BOWEN-.-- - - - - - J. W. PIPER---------- H. H. DAVIS-------A. L. DUFF, Active 50.000 50,000 1 A LIVE COMM ERCIAL ENSTIT UTION. 12,000 69.550 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., — ■ ........ — Kan. C.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. on given Bill of L ading drafts, Ca sh and Time Ite ms. ®»ro9 | Special attenti rts. v.Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repo 80-295 Winfield______ 418 WinfleM Banking Oe. __•J6 0S G. F. Trescott------ E. B. Medcalf____ J. W. Spencer— $433-40% 80-1265 Lincoln H18 ulgan______ 210 Ottfsens Bank______ d®tl’04 E. E. Fraser______ J. Crist__________ J. W. Milhoan.. 10% 80-1266 8 Sullivan Oil 10,000 10.000 30,300 75,600 R. R. Rollins.......... John F. Church—. G. G. Rollins— 10,000 15,730 94,320 78,450 8,300 5,090 28,210 McDaniel N.. Springfield; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.; N. City, St. L. Winston______ 339 Winston Bank---------- ©tl’17 Alfred Beall______ E. M. Shoemaker.. Virgil H. Black___ E. W. Manring— 20% 80-1549 8 Daviess D7 10,000 7,000 165,000 115,000 30,000 7,000 4),000 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Tootle-Lacy N.. St. Jo. Worth___ _ . 201 Bank of Worth________ tl’02 O. B. Hudson_____Eli Jennings______ G. W. Mathews. $150—11 H% 80-1271 18 Worth B6 10,000 5.000 45.660 27.360 20.450 4,130 9,610 Am. N. and 1st N., St. Jo. Worthington. 327 Charlton Bank_________tl’te Hiram Hatfield.__ L. E. Barnes______M. Jaggar-------------- F. M. Mulanix----8 Putnam B12 $200-10% 80-1272 10,000 2,000 47,000 49,000 9,700 7,800 Secur.State, Keokuk, la.; IstN., Oakley. Wright City...402 Farmers A Merchants’10 E. W. Dlekroeger— L. H. Blattner____Geo. Blattner-------- C. 8. Ruge_______ 8 Warren H18 $260-15% par 100 80-784 20,000 40.450 355.730 166.590 195,610 3.300 50,680 N. Hr. Com.. 8t. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds.. Ill. Wright CUkr Bank_____ t*’04 Wm. Heldtaann... C. G. NIeburg------F. W. Schnadt------- F. R. Strathman.. 20,000 28.880 235.080 157.270 78,710 10,400 10,000 36,120 311,150 268,220 5,000 6.200 77,850 1st N., Chi. and St. L.; State Cent. Sav., Keokuk; State Sav. Ln. & Tr., Quinc