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LIST OF  TOWNS WITHOUT BANKS, IN THE UNITED STA TES AND CANADA, GIVING NEAREST ACCESSIBLE BANK AND ATTORNEY POINT. ALABAMA  Abanda*t to Roanoke. Abel to Oxford. Abertoll to Union Sprlng-s. Abernant•t to Bessemer. Ackervme• to Pineapple. Acmar* to Birmingham. aome to Larayette. Acton* to Birmingham. Adat to Montgomery. Adamsvme•tt to Birmingham. Addison* to Double Springs Adger•tt to Bessemer. Adler to Marton. Adville to Oneonto. Aimwell* to Sweetwater. Akron•tt to Eutaw. Alabama City• ft to Gadsden. Alaga.t:t to Gordon. Alameda.*t to Thomasville. Alanthus to Russellville. Alberta• tto Selma. Aldrich• ft to Montevallo. Alexandrla • t to Anniston. Allee to Boaz. Allen• to Jackson. Allenton•t to Pineapple. Allenvllle*t to Faunsdale. Allgood to Oneonta. Allsboro* to Cherokee. Alma• to Jackson. Almeria to Union Springs. Alpine• t to Talladega. AlAlton*tt to Birmingham. veraon to Aehv1lle. Amertca• to Jasper. Anderson t,o Ror;ersvllle. AAnnemanle• toThomasvllle. nsley• t t to Troy. AoUllla* to Waynesboro, Miss. Ararat* to Butler. ~her* to Carrollton.  Ar~i'1a.~  ~~~ordon. Argo• to B•rmln11:ham. ArArkadelphla• to Warrior. kdell to Florence. AArkwright•tt to Vincent. rley• to Jasper. Arlington• t to ThomasVUle. Union to Armstrong* Sortngs. Aaabel to Camden. Asbury to Eclectic. rhhblye t to Montevallo. s r dge to Haleyville. Aspel• to Scottsboro. tkelson to Thomasvlll~. Atwood*t to Haleyvllle. U~stin * to Selma. Austmvme to Albany. AutaugaviJle* to Prattville. Avoca to Lel,rhton. AA.vondalet t to Birmingham '" Attalla. A ~ey A.IS* to Mobile. Ax.le• to Monroeville.  f  Babbie to Opp. taukeyton* to Cullman. a erhut • to Clayton. :altzell to Demopolls. nangor•tt to Warrior. ankheadt to Jasper. 8 •nks•tt to Troy. Bankston• ti to Fayette.  tarker to  A thens.  to Jackson.  8 a.rlowben,i• to Scottsboro. 8 arnes to Butler 8 arrytown• 8 arton • t t to Tuscumbia.. B llllbl* to Thomasville. Statlon*tto Stevenson. 8 ass atesvme•t to EufaUla.. Battelle* to Valley Head  l!ttles Who.rt• to Fairhope. B xter to Columbus, Miss Rock to Guntersvtlle. B arcreek*tt to Haleyville. aea.sons Mm to HefUn. Beaver Meadow to Mobile. a~t':;-j~n•t to Sulligent. to Sulllgent Bee Belg~:.~ toET&llaooosa. Ga. o ufa.ula.. Bel Belr.te~ Fto Russelville. ayette. -  a:S.n  Cox to Maplesville. Cox.heath to Sweetwater. Coy* to Pine Hlll. Cranehill* to Cullman. Crawford• to Oolumbus, Ga. Creola•t to Mobile. Crews Depot• to Sulllgent. Crlchton•t to Mobile. Cromwell to Butler. Cropwen•t to Pell City. Crosby* to Gordon.  Elmore•tt to Wetumpka. Elon to Hantav1lle. Elrod•tt to Tuscaloosa. Elytontt to Birmingham. Emelle* to Livingston. Emory to Waynesboro. Miss.  Emµire* to Dora Eoline*tt to Brent. Equalityrt Wetumka. Ernest to Lineville. Esca.tawpa•ti to Vinegar I Carpenter. Baldwin Co., to Bend. Esta.ville to Elkmont. Crowton• to Decatur. Bay Minette. Belolt•t to Selma Carson*! to Jackson. E11tlllfork to Scottsboro. Beltona to Warrior. Crump to Tuscaloosa. Cartwright* to Athens. Benevola to Allcevllle. Cubabatchte to Montgom- EthelsV1lle*t:t to Uo~umbus, Benson• to Alexander City. Catherlne•ttto Selma. Miss. ery. · Cecil• to Montgomery. Benton• t t to Selma. CuJlomburg*t to Waynes- Eudora to Heffln. Eureka to Calera. Cedar Cove to Tuscaloosa. Berlin*tt to Selma. boro. Mlss. Cedarlake* to Albany. Bermuda• to Revton. CUnnlngha.m* to Thomu- Eva• to Falkville. !!;vans* to Greensboro. Cedarville• to Greeru,boro. Bertha to Abbeville. vllle. Centergrove• to Hartselle. Curls Stationt to York. Ewells to Ozark. Cusseta•tt to Westpolnt, Beulah to Opelika. Exmoor to Sweetwater. Center Star to Florence. Bevill• to Butler. Ga. Central* to Wetumpka. Bexar• to Guin. Cypress to Eutaw. Central Mills*t:t to ThomBigbee* to Chatom. aston. Bllllngsley• t 1 to Prattville. Fabius• to Stevenson. Chambers to Montgomery. Dallas Millst to Huntsville. Fackler• t t to Stevenson. Bishop to Cherokee. Bissen• to Cedartown. Ga. Chance• to Tnomasvllle. Fail* to Waynesboro, Miss. Eutaw. to Dancy* Coffee Danvtlle• to H&rtsells. to Chancellor* Black*t to Geneva. Fairfax to West Point. Ga. Springs. Blacksher• to Bay Mlnette. Fairford* to Chatom. Bladon Sprtngs• to Wayne,- Chandler Springs• to Talla,- Darlington* to Camden. Falco to Laurel Hill, Fla. dega. boro. Mlss. Fall City• to Jasoer. Mobile. to Chapman•tt to Georgiana. Dauphin Island• Fanelle* to Tuscaloosa. Blalock* to Orrville. 1 Chase*t to Huntsville. Farill*t to Cedarbluff. Fayette. to Creek Davis Chavies"' to Fort Payne. Blanche•t to Fort Payne. Farley• t to Huntsville. Wadley. to Daviston* Columbiana. to Chelsea*tt Point.Ga. West Blanton• to Fa.rmersvme• to Selma. to Mobile. Chepultepec*t to Oneonta.. Dawes Bleeckers to Opelika. SylaFayettevllle•t to Dawson• to Collinsville. Blocton•ttto West Blocton. cauga. Faunsdale. to Dayton• Blossburg• ti to Birming- Chess *1 to Union Sprin~. Dean to Lineville. Felix• to Selma. Chester to Dozier. ham. DeArruanvme• t to Oxford. Ferobank*tt to Millport. Blount Sprlngs•tt to War- Chestnut• to Camden. to Marbury. Festus to Fayette. Chickasaw* (Walker Co.) Deatsville*t:t rior. Deerpark•tt to Vinegar to Carbon 1:Iill. Blountsvllle• to CUilman. Finklea• to Evergreen. Bend. Chickasaw (Mobile Co.) to Delchamps•tt to Mobile. Blowhorn• to Sulllirent. Fisk to Fayetteville, Tenn. l\lobile. Blue Springs• to Clio. Fitzpatrick• tt to Union Guin. to Delhi Evergreen. Springs. Bluffton*% to Cedartown. J Cblna • to Haleyvtlle. to Delmar•tt , Chlna!,TT'ove to Troy. Ga. Flvemlle to Greensboro. Choocolocco•tt to Oxford. Delta• to Llnevtlle. Flat Creek to Dora.. Choctaw to Butler. Bodka to Livingston. Flat Rock* to Stevenson. to Cherokee. Boguechitto t to Marion i Choctaw Bluff• to Jackson. Denton Flatwood*t to Tnomasville. Deposlt•t to Newmarket. ChunchUla•t to Mobile. Junction. Fleta to Montgomery. Detroit• to Sulllgent. Boligee• t t to Eutaw. to Fort Deposit. Fllnt•tt to Decatur. Claiborne• to Monroevllle. Devenport Bolltng• t to Greenville. Fordyce to Dadeville. to Dewdrop to Tuscaloosa. Clairmont Springs• Bon Air• to Childersburg. Fore to Leighton. Forest Home• to GreenI Talladega. Bond to Livingston. Thomasville. to t Dickinson• Clarksville* to Gr~vehill. Bon Secour• to Foley. vtlle. Dlcksont to Cherokee. Claude* to Eclectic. Boom f to Tuscaloosa. Forkland• to Demopolis. Dillburg to Aliceville. Forney* to Rome, Ga. Clayhill* to Thomasville. Db::iana to Birmingham. Booth• t t to Prattvllle. Fort Davta•tt to Union J>ixte to Brewton. Boothton*t to Montevallo. Cleaver to Leighton. Springs. Dixon Mills* to SweetBorden Sprlngs•tt to Pied- I Cleveland* to Oneonta. Fort MltchelJ•t to Columwater. Clinton• to Eutaw. mont. bus. Ga. Dobbs to Fayette. New Dollar to Clanton. to Bowden to Ashland. to Brewton. Foshee*tt Dolomite• to Bessemer. Clopton• to Cllo. Boyda to York. Double pring * to Haley- Fosters* to Tuscaloosa. Cloverdale•t to Florence. Boylestt to Birmingham. Fostoria• to Selma. ville. Coalburgt t to Blrming- Douglas* to Pinckard. Bradford to Goodwater. Fountalnrun to Pell Clty. ham. Bradley* to Brewton. Fowl River* to Mobile. Dover to Guln. Coal Clty•tt to Pell City. Bradleyton*t to Lapine. to Gordo. Fox Downing* t,o Montgomery. Coaldale to Warrior. Braggs• to Fort Deposit. Francisco* to Winchester. Springs. Union to Downs* Branen• to Waynesboro, Coll.ltlro to Reform. Frankfort to Russellvllle. Mtss. Drewry*t to Repton. to Odenville. Coallng•tt to Tuscaloosa. Branchville* Franklin* to Beatrice. Drltton • t to Jasper. Coalmont* to Bessemer. Bremen• to Cullman. Frankvllle* to Chatom. Dublin to Carbon Hill. Coatopa•t to Livingston. Brickyard to Girard. Ducksprlng to Attalla. ,~~::in;::it~.F~exi:;:~re. ~ ti_~ite~le. Bridgeton to Birmingham. Duke*t to Anniston. to Selma. t to Tusca- Fremont*t Brterneld • t t to Mont.evallo. Coffeevme• to Thomasvllle. Duncanvll!e*t Frultdate•tt to Vlnega1 loosa. Cohasset* to Evergreen. Brii?htont to Bessemer. Bend. Dunham to Georgiana. Coker*tt to Tuscaloosa. Brilliant• t to Winfield. Talla,to Fruithurst• t Bromley* to Bay :\linette. Coleanor•tt to West Bloo- Dunnavant* to Leeds. poosa, Ga. Dutton• to Scottsboro. ton. Brompton to Leeds. Fulton•tt to Tbomasvllle. Minette. Ba:v to Dyae•t:t Collbran•tt to Fort Payne. Brooklyn• to Castleberry. Funst.on to Selma. Collirene* to Selma. Brooks+ to McKenzie. Furman• to Pineapple. Brookside• t to Blrmlng- Columbus CltY" to Gunter&- Easonvllle• to Pell City. Fyffe• to Fort Payne. vllle. ba.m. Birminghamt to BirBrooksville• (Blount Co.) mingham. Colvtns Gap to Jacksonto Oneonto. Gabbetts• to Tuskegee. E. Florence to Florence. ville . Brookwood•tt to Gadsden to Gadsden Galnestown• to Jal'.kaon. Comer to Eufaula. loosa Eastla.ket to Birmingham. Gainesville to Epes. Consul*t to Thomaston. Browns• t to Uniontown. Tallassee• to Tallassee. Gallant* to Altoona. Brownsboro•tt to Gurley. Cooks Springs*t to Pell E. E. Thomast to Birming- Gallion• t to Demopolis. City. Bucks to Moblle. Galloway• to Carbon H111. ham. t~~~~~t· t to Echo to Ozark. Buenavista* to Beatrice. Gandys Cove to Faulkvf.lle. Ganer• to Samson. Echola• to Gordo. Montsromery. Duffalo*t to Five P ints. Gantts Quarry*t to SytaCltJ'. Pell to t E<1en• Chatom. to Copeland Buhl* to Tuscaloosa. cauga. Edmond to Leighton. Corbin to Wedowee. Bullock to Brantley. Garden <'ity*tt to Cullman Edna* to Butler. Buncombe to Greensboro. Heflin to t t to Georgiana. Garland• Edwardavme•tt Oakman. to Corona•tt Burbank• to Vinegar Bend. Garnsey*tt to W. Blocton. Eiland to Opelika. Cortelyou• to Chatom. Fairhope. to Gasque Clio. to t Elamvllle• Burkville*:j: to Montgomery.I Cottondale •ti to Tusca- Elberta to Foley Gastonburg*ti to Selma. loosa. Burnsville"U to Selma. Gate Clty•tt to Blrmlnl'Burntcorn* to Monroeville. Cottonblll • to Eufaula.. bam. Cottonton*t to Hurtsboro. Eldridge*tt to Carbon Hill. Burnwell to Dora. Gateswood* to Bay Minetto. Pine Cottonvllle to Gunter&- Eleanor"'f to Selma. to Butlersprings* Goodwater. to Elias . ville. Apple Geiger to Epes. Ellska• to JackBOn. Cottonwood* to Dothan. Calcis*+ 'to Vincent. Elkrlver Mills to Athens. Geraldine to Crossville. catdwell•tt to SprtngVllle. Covln•tt to Fayette. Gertrude to Lineville. Caledonia* to Pine Apple. Covington• to Birmingham. Elkwood • to Huntsville. Elmira to Guin. Getup to Huntsville. Calhoun• f1 to Fort•Deposit. Cowarts• tt to Dothan.  AEFF.RENCE KEY , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Calumet to Jasper. Calvert• U to Mobile. Campbell* to Thomasville. Canoe*t:t to Atmore. Canton Bend to Camden. Capps• i to Abbevtlle. Cap ·haw to Athens. Cardiff• to Birmingham. Carlton* to Jackson. armichael to ewmarket. Camey* t to Bay Minette• to Llvtngston. Belle Ellen•t to West Blocton. Belle Sumter• to Bessemer. Belleville• to Repton. Bell Factoryt to New Market. Bell Mills• to Heflin. Bells Landing* to Camden. Bellvlew* to Camden. Bellwood*t to Hartford. Belmont* to Demopolis.  I  cu,c;gg,~t  I  ggg~~~i  I  g~~~5a~tt  I  A county  ~eat.  • Money Order Office.  1995  t Telegraph Statton.  tExpress Offi.ce. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1996  ALABAMA  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  Hun•t to Tusoalooaa. Gile, to Newmarket. Gipsy to A thens. Humphrey to Tuiicalooaa. Glasgow to GreenvUle. , Hymer to Stevenson, Glass to West Point, Ga. Glenallen*t to Fayette. Glen Carbon* to Blocton. Glencoe to Gadsden. Idaho to Ashland. Glendon to Jackson. Idella to 'l'allade~a Springs. Ider to Valley Head. Glcnrnary to Haleyville. Inland* to Oneonta. Glover• to Thomasville. Inman to Butler. Goddard to Haleyville. Inverness•u to Union Goethlte• to Bessemer. Springs. Goldhill• to Ooellka. Irona.ton•tt to Talladega. Goodway to Repton. I Ironcity•tt to Oxford. Gordonsville• to Selma. Irondale• t t to Blrmlncham. Goshen•t to Troy. lrvrngton•t to Mobile. Gosport• to Jackson. }~:~tt t~R~il~~~~toro, gr~;• t to Montgomery. Miss. G;an~~:;¥ ~rr~tt8:iI1e. 1 Ivy to Llvlnpton. Gran~er to Gordon. Granite to Mobile. Grant• to Guntersvllle.  Lewiston to Eutaw. Liberty• to Cullman. Llllta*t to Livingston. LUllan* to Pensacola. Fla. Llmrock•ti to Scotteboro. Llnwood•t to Troy. Lisman* to York. Little River• to Jackson. Littleton•t to Birmingham. Littlevrne: to Russellville.  Monrovia to Huntsville, Montcalm to Fayette. Monterey• to Pine Apple. Moores Bridge• to Gordo. Mooresville* to BellP Mina . Moreland* t-0 Halyville.  g~~:~;1fl~*nfri.1o~~~ tIery.  Pearce, Mills• to Guin , tla.rbons+ .;. co Centcrv1lle. Pdba.m•tt to Calera.. Pennington• to Butler. Perat to Samson. Perdldo Beach* to Foley. Perdldo Sta tlon • U to BaJ Minette. Perduehill • to Monroeville.  Moro• to Selma. Morr1s•u to Warrior. Perote• to Union Sprlnis. Liverpool to Tuskegee. Perryville• to Marlon. Morvin• to ThomasvUie. Loa.chapoka•tt to Not~ Mount to Russellvllle. Peterson to Tuscaloosa. sulga. Mow1taincreek*tt to Mar- Petrey• t to Lapine Loan.go to Redlevel. bury. Pettey to A thens. Local• to Atmore. Phlter to Tuscaloosa. Lockhart• rt to Florala. ~Iountainhome to nm. ·boro Lock Three to Ra.gland. Mt. Andrew* to Clayton. Pickensville• to Carrotlton. Loflin to eale .. ~It. Hebron* to Eutaw. Piercetown to Larkinsvllle. Russellville. to Hope* Mt. to Greenville. Pigeoncreek• Logan• to Cullman. 0 Mt. Mei~• to Montgomen Pikeroad*tt to Montgom5'1!~t~::rollton, Mt Pleasant• to Jackson ery. London• to Montgomery. Pinebelt to Orrville. Mt. Rozell• to Athens. Long Island• to Bridgeport. Mt. Sterling*t to Butler. Pi.nelevel"' to Ramer. Longview• t t to Colum- Mt. Union to Evergreen. Mt. Vernon ..! to Mobile. biana. ~o ~{f:fn5P:C1fon. Mt. Willing* to Fort De1 Loollng to Russellville. Grassellltt to Bessemer. oosit. Loree to Evergreen. Plsirah • to Scottsboro, Gravelly Springs to Flor- Ja.cksonburgt to Florence. Mous•t to Reoton. I Jacksons Gap•tt to Dad~ Losscreek* to Jasper. ence. Pitt to Hillsboro. Lottie •to Bay Minette. ville. Graysvllle to Birmingham. Mulberry• to Selma. Plano to Gadsden I Lovick• to Blrmlnirbam. Jamestown*t to Menlo. Greeley* to Bes emer. I Lower Peachtree• to Pint> Mulga*t to Ensley. Plantersville• tt to Selma. Greenbrier•t to Belle Mtna. Jeddo to Repton. Hill. Plateau• to Moblle. Munford• t t to Ox.tord. Greenfield to Newmarket. Jetr• to Huntsvllle. Lowery to Kinston. Murrycross• to Gadsden Pleasant Gap•t to PiedGreenhill* to t. Joseph, Jeff~rson* to Demopolla. Lowndesboro• to Mont- Muscadine*t to Tallapoosa mont. JeIDJson to Clanton. Tenn. ~ornery. Ga. Jena to Tu. caloosa. Pleasantgrove to Gordo. Station Lumberton Muscle hoal.·"' . to hef!eld. PleasanthUI• to Selma. Green Pond•t to weat Jeni.ter•t to Ox.tord. Vinegar Bend. Jett to Macon, Miss. Blocton. Myrtle to Montgomery. Pleasantridge • to Eutaw. Myrtlewood•tt to Linden Lumbullt to Haleyville. Jlnk to Colllnsvllle. Gregvillc• to Evergreen Pleasant Site to Russellville Lynn*tt to Haleyville. Grimes•tt to Midland Ofty. Jobns•tt to Bessemer. Jones• to Selma. Groveoak• to Co1llnsvllle Pletcber*tt to Prattv1lle. Plevna•t to Newmarket. Guerryton•ttto Hurtsboro. / Jones Chapel to CuUman. Gulfcrest*tt to Mobile. Nadawah•tt to Pine Apple Poarch* to Atmore. Joppa• to Cullman. Gumpond* to Haleyville. Joquln to Luverne. Gurnee• to Montevallo. Pocanontaa•t to CarbontfoL}'f~~:on. ~~~~~;. Maben• to Birmingham. J osephlne• to Pensacola. Mackey* to Gadsden. . 1!,lll. Nanafalia* to weetwater. Fla , Nances Creek to Jackson- Pomtclear• to Fairhope. Magazlne•t to MobUe. Jude• to Valley Head. Poley• tt to Opp. ville. Magnolia* to Sweetwater. 1 Pool to Fa\kvllle. Magnolia prings• to Foley Napoleon to Wedowee. Pope t!' Piedmont. Narcis us to Fairhope. I Malcolm* to Chatom. Porter ~o Blrmlnirham._ Monroeville. to Natchez• Wadley. to Malone•tt fiackneyvtll.: to Goodwater. Nathan to Double Sprlnim Portersville*H to Colllll5Malvern•t to Slocomb. • Hacoda • t to Samson. vil le.d* t S p Haleyto Brldite•i Natural Jasper. to .Manchester•t tot'tra1aleryboHneadHill. i:Si::' Haddock to Waterloo. o e1ma. ort1an ville I Nauvoo•tt j Manila* to Jackson · Haden to HuntsvUJe. Postoall: to Union Sprtnp. to Jasper. Manistee to Repton. Kelelner•u. to Attalla. Hagler* to Tuscaloosa. K e erman t to Tuscaloosa Manti to Evergreen Butler to Needham Halrstontt to Eutaw. Potash to Roanoke. Neel to Hartsells. · Kellyton•u to Alexander ! Mantua to Eutaw. · Haleburg• to Co!umbJa. Powderly t t to B1rmlnrNeenah•t to Camden City. Halford to Boaz. ha.m. Nellie* to Camden. · J Marble Valley•to Sylacauga KKen~stto RTroy. G Halseu• to Cuba. 1 Prairie• to Camden. weetwater to lvlarengo• a. omTe, !> e:v Hamburg•t to Marlon. Pra.lrlevme• to Faunsdale. Newala• to Calera KKey mill to ew,m arket. I Margaret• to Odenville . Oity•tt to Jl:nsley. Newcast1e•tt to Blrmln eystone• to B rmlnl[bam. Margerum•t to Cherokee Hammac• to Brewton. ham · Klllt>n• to Florence. Hamner• to Gainesville. New Decatur•tt to Albany. Prentice• to Thomaston. Marlow to Foley. i!mgeriruBto Warrior Hannon• t i to H urtaboro. Press to Scottsboro. Newell• to Wedowee. Marquis to Carrollton. !m re ~ essei:ner . Hardaway• t to Union Spp. Preston to Scottsboro. Lexington* to Berry. Ha.rgrove•tt to W Blocton fil111briugld1ln. t~ Pille Hill. Martins Station• to Orr- New Prestwick*! to Jackson. Olty Alexander to """tte N ville. Selma. to fC a.!1 ngs Harpersville* to Vincent. Prlchard•t to Mobile. Newtonvllle• to l<"ayette Kingston t (Autauia. Co.) Martling to Albertville. Marvel•tt to West Blocton I Nlcholsvme• to Thomas- Princeton• to Scottsboro. to Prattville. Harris to Decatur. vtlle. Ma.rvyn to Opelika. Harrl11bur1r to Centervme. KI ngston (Jefferson Oo.) Nightingale to Valley Read Pronto• to Brundidge. Mason• to Brewton. Harvest•t to Huntavllle. 0 to Jasper. to Alexander City. Prospect• Nlxburg• Massillon•t to Marion Kfu ir~rf~~g/:~ite Hatchechubbe•t to Seale. Prultton•t to Florenoe. Nokomis• to Atmore. Hatton to Towncreek. Junction. Kinterbish to Meridian to Butler. Pushmataha•t Huntsville. to Norma1•i Union to Mathews•tt Havana.• to Greensboro. · Miss Putnam• to Thomaavllle. North• to GuntenvUle. Springs. Hawthorn• to Jackson. Klrbycreek to Scottsboro. Pyrlton•tt to LlnevUle. Northlngto~ to Guin. Ha.ydent to Warrior. Klrkland*t i to Brewton. I Maud to Cherokee. N ortb Mobile to Mobile. Hayne11• to Prattville. Kirks Grove to Rome Ga j Maxwell to Stevenson. Nottlnghamt to Talladega . May to rusca.loosa. ,Hayneville• to Montgom- Knoxville• to Eutaw.' ery. Maylene f i to Montevallo. Nyland to Camden. Knox wood to Demopolla. Qulnton•t to Dora. Haywood to Wectowee. ymph• to Castleherry. I Koenton• to Chatom. MaysvUie• to Gurley. Hazelgreen to Newmarket. Ku!!hla• to Moblle. j Kuykendall to Tuscalooaa McCana•tt to Bessemer. Hazen*l to Orrville. McC onnells• to ~ordo. Healinir Spr!ngs•to Chatom. Kyles to Scottsboro. Ragans to Talladeia. 'le 0 ullum to Jasper. Kymulita•t to Talladeita Ralph• to Tuacaloosa. to Oak• to Foley. Station • I Mi1?i~:.!'.15 Heath to Andalusia Butler. to Oakcbla.t 10 McDowell• t to Demopolis. Oak Grove• f 1 to Mobile. Ranburne to Carrollton, Ga. ::r~;g:•ut~ ~a~Yi~np. Randolph*U to lonteva.llo Oakhill* to Pine Apple. McFall•tao Anniston. Helena•ti to Birmingham. Range• to Repton. Oakland to Florence. Laceya Sprlna-• to Hunts I Henagar• to Va.lle.v Head Ra.ah• to Stevenaon. Oakwood to La.olne. - McIntosh* to Chatom. • ville Henry Ellent to Leeds. Reads• to Jacksonville. McKinley• to Thomaaton. I Lacon•t to Falkville. Herbert• to Evergreen. Oaky Streak• to Georgtana. McLarty to Oneonta. Lamar• to Wedowee. Herndon to Gordon. Redbud to Jasper. Roanoke. to Ocre Columbus, to McShan•tt Citronelle. to Lambert• Hestle to Pine Hill. Redstar• to Ja ·per. Octaiton• to Linden. MIN. Hig~land Home• to La- Laml11on. rt to Thomaavtlle Rehoboth* to Selma. Otelia to Wedowee I MoVay to Jackson. I Land to Butler. pme. Rembert• to Linden. Town MoWIUlams*ttto Pineapple Ohatchee• t t to Anniston. to Hightower• to Bowdon. Ga. L&ndersvllle• Old Sprlnir Hill• to Demop- Remlap• to Oneonto. Mehama• to Leighton. Creek. Hllllans Store to Gunter. olis. elborne•t to Mlllport. L&nett•t to weat Point, Ga. vllle. Rendallat to Talladeira. Oliver to Rorenvllle. Hcpubllc• t t to B1rminf· I ~ : ~ ~ : : :~ ia~~l~aa.. Melrose to Evergreen. Hlllmantt to Bessemer. ham . Langston• to Scottsboro. I Meltonavme• to Gunter. Olney to Aliceville. Hines• to Florence. Rhin<' to Berry Ome~a to l'nlon Sprlnp. ville. Hlssop• to Alexander C1t:, La Place to Tuskegee. Rhodesvllle to Florence. O'Neal to Athena. Melvtn• to Shubuta. MIN. H.lxon• to fonroevllle. RiC'hmona to Pint> Apple. Larklnsville to Scottsboro. I Mentone• to Valley Read. Opine• to ThornasvUie. Hobson Oit.vt to Oxford. Rickey• to Weat Blocton. Merldla.nvUle• to Hunts- Oplee• to Haleyville. Luca to Tbomasvllle. Orange Beach• toPensacola Rick11 to Pi dmont. ville. Latham to Bay Minette. Hokesbluff• to Gadsden. Rldervllle•tt to Selma. Fla. Merrellton• to Jacksonville. HollJns•tt to Goodwater. L&tbroo to Reform. Riderwood to llutler. Orlon to Troy. :\Iexboro to ;\fonroeville. Holly Pond• to Cullman. I LaYaoa• to Butler. Owassa•tt to Everrreen Me1.ta• ~o Repton. Lawle:,•tt to Centerville. Hollytree• to Gurley. Owens Oro roads* to Gur- Ripley •to Athena. Hollywood•tt to Scott> L&wrence•tt to Rome. Ga. Midway tt to James. ley. River Falla• ft to And .. I l\ilflln* to Foley. Lebanon to Fort Payne. boro. to Blrm'ngOxmoor•t lusla. Milan* to cot.tsboro Leota to Tallapoosa, Ga. Holman• to Gordo. ham. River Hidge t-0 nea.trire. l\.Tlllbrook to Prattville. Leesburg*l to Center. Holt•t to Tuscaloosa. t l to Pell City. Rlvenlde• Miller to Linden I Leesdale to Falkvlllf' Honora.ville* to Lapine. Riverton• tt to Iuka. Ml .. , Mlllera Ferry• to C;amden Legg to Elkmont. Rl\·ervlew• to W t Point, Millerville• to Ashland. Hopeful to Talladega Painter• to Colltn11v1lle. Ga. Hope Hull· to Montiomery.1 Legrandl to :\tont1wmery. I MUlrY·t to Chatom. Palestlne•t to Piedmont. Roba • to B urtsboro. Hopewell• to Tallapoosa, Leblgh•r to Warrior. Palos•tt to Jasper Roberta• to Brewton. Milltown• to La Fayette. Lenora to Mon~omorY. Ga Panola• to Allcevme. ~fl~t':a.~~t\fii 1;~itassee. Lenox* to Repton. Horton• to Albertville. Robtn1on Springs to MonlPansey•tt to Aahtord. Panstone to Opelika gomer,, Minter•+t to Pine Apple. :~~l~n• \3r~~~~:l!le. io Robjohn• to l!utler. Luverne. to l Patsbur1r to Station• Mltcbells JaC'kson. to Leroy• Oeda.r Bluff Rock C tie* to Be 'Semer. Pa.tton•t to Oakm,rn. Union Springs. Letohatchee•tt to Fon Huckabee to Prattvllie. ~ockeyllt'ad to , riton. Paul to E ver2Teen. Molder to Huntsville. Deposit. Huffmant to Blnnlnitham. l Rook Mills• to Roanoll:e, Peacbburg•t to Union Lewlsbw,r•t to Nortb Bir- Molloy to Illlport. Hugo to Thoma ton. SPrlnltll Rockrun • to P i e d ~ Monroe•tt to Monroeville. ,nlngbam. ~u1aco to CuJ1man.  tg~~f~~  I  ~*:~~;t  I  s s  s  s s  I  I  I  I  I  I  I  g- 1  I  I I  I  I  I  I  I  t:~~ed~t~1!:r.·  • r;ounty Seat.  I  • tonev Order Office.  +Telegraph Statton  ! ExpreeP Offlc  s  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POiNT~  ALABAMA  ALASKA I ARIZ ON A  1997  1  Rockrun Station*t:t to Pied-I moot. Rock:Rprings*tt to Gadsden. Rockwood to Russellvllle. Rosa• to Oneonto. RoHer* to Cuna. Round Mountaln*tt to Center. Roxana to Camp Hill. Royal to Oneonta. Russellt to Citronelle. Ruthertord•tt to Hurtaboro. Rutledge• to Luverne. . Ryland• to Huntavllle.  I I  Vl~age Spring-:•~ to Bir- I mlngham. Vinehlllt to Selma. Vlneland•t to Tnomaavllle. Vlnemont•t to Cullman. Viola to Roanoke. Vredenburgh to Bea.trice.  Stansel to Carrollton. Stanton• t t to Selma. Stapleton to Bay Minette. Steele•tt to Attalla. Sterling to Fayette. Rterrett•tt to Vincent. Stewart•tt t-o Moundv1lle. Stockton• to Bay Minette. Stonewall to Selma. Stought to Fayette. Strange to Athens. Stratat to Mont2"ome1Y. Straven to Montevallo. Stroud*:t to Fivepoints. Strudwick* to Eutaw.  I  WacoochPe to Columbus. Wadsworth* to Marbury. Wagar•r:t to Jackson. Wainright* to Monroevllle Walt* to Monroevllle. Walker Sprlngs•t to JackSuggsvme•tt to Jackson. aon. Sulphur Springs* (De Kalb Wallace•tt to Brewton. Walling to Huntsville. Oo.) to Valley Head . Walnutgrove* to Altoona. Summerdale"'t; to Foley. Summerneld • to Selma. Walthalls to Uniontown. Summit• (Blount Co.) to Wannvllle* to Stevenaon. Guntersville. Sumt,erville* to Uvfngston Ward* to York. Ware to Wetumpka. Warrenton to Gunteravllle. Cht;0 %nf' Warriorstand• to Hurts- , boro. Hill Wateroak* to Greensboro. Surginer to Pine Hill. Water Valle:v* to WaynesSusanna to Dadevllle. boro. Mias. Suspenslon•t to Union Watson• to Birmingham. Swstfl~ii~sPaint Rock. Watsonla to Eutaw. Swancott to Madison. Sweareng1p to Scottsboro . Sycamore t :t to Talladf'ga ~!~~~I~ tt/'b°an~io1i1£~~r,- ' Wawbeek• to Atmore. Sy-ke1 MIils to Wetumpka. Weaver•t to Anniston. 0 0 tJ1;:f ~!~·ne. Webb•tt to Dothan. 8 Webster to Florence. W edgewortb • to Greensboro. Wehadkee• to Roanoke. Ta!J*:t to Fort Payne Weldon to Wilsonville. Tafton* to Birmingham. Welllngton•tt to Anniston. Talucah to Madison. Wellst to Newvllle. Taunert to Athens. Welona to Wetumpka. Tarentum to Brundidge. Welsh to Roanoke Tate.<s Gap to Gadsden. Weogutll:a• to Svlacauia. Taylor• t to Ootnan. Weoka to Wetumpka. 1'aylorsv11Ie• to B untsvllle . Wcstl,ronk* to Selma.. West Dutter to Butler. Taylorville* to Tuscaloosa. Westenrlt to Birmin~ham. Tecumseh* to Cedartown West Greene• to Eutaw. Ga. Westmoreland to Elkmont.,· Teddy* to Brewton West Over to Columbiana. Tennllle•t to Brundidge, Tensaw* to Bay Minet.te Whatley• t to Grove Hill. Texas* to Wlnfleld. Wheeler*t to Courtland. Thaddeus to Tallassee. Whlstler•tt to Mobile. Tharln*t to Montgomery. Whiteball*tt to Selma. Thebat to Brantley. Whiteoak 'prings* to Olay. Theo to Marlon. ton. Theodore•tt to Moblle. Whlteplalnst to Jackson- , Thomas*tt to Birmingham. ville. Tbompson•t to u1:11on Splf:8 Whitfield* to York. Thornton to Opelika. \\ U1~111:Y'"l "" Asnville. Wlgirlns to Andalusia Threenotch* to James. Wlley to Berry. Threet to 1<·1orcnce. Wllmer*tt to Mobile. Wilmington to Berry. Tlbbee to Chatom. WUton•tt to Montevallo Tilden to Camden. Wingard to Troy Tlnela* to Dea.trice. Winn* to Jackson. Titus• to Wetumpka. Woma.ckhill* to Butler. Toinette*tt to Chatom. Toney• to Huntsvllle .. Woodbluff to Tnomasvlllt Toulminvillet to Mobile. Woolflanll 1'111ls u, 1, art• I Toxey*t to Butler. . ell11 Woodlawn tt to Birming-  I  Saco• to Troy. Safford*tt to Marion Junction. Saginaw to Caler::.. Saint Clairt to Montgom-  Sama~tha • to Tuscaloosa. Sandlin* to Bessemer.  I  II  Sandusky to Pratt City. Sandy to Centervllle. Sanford•tt to Andalusia. Sappa to Carrollton. Sarairossat to Jasper. Saraland* to Moblle. Sardis* (Dallas Co.) to Selma. Satsumatt to Mobile Sa.villt• to Lapine. Sawyersville*:t to Greenehoro. Sa:vre*t to Birmingham. Sa:vreton•tt to North Birmtngham. Schley• to Rockford. Scotia• to Montiomery. Sootta Station•t to Marlon. ScY?'ene* '60 Grove H Ill . Seaboard* to Chatom.· j Searcy to Fort Deposit. Seari~ht*t to Dozier Searles•tt to Tuscaloosa. ~ectlon• to Scottsboro. oeddon•t to Pell City. Seltvme• to Oneonto. Seman to Wetumpka. SSemtnole• to Pensacola, Fla emmes• l to Mobile. S ewell to Carrollton. Ga.. 8 badygrove*t to Troy . Shawmutt*t to West Point, Ga. Shelby•tt to Columbiana Shhf'l))y Sprlngst to Calera. 8 ellhorn* to Troy.  I  ~~~~w;-:u!~•t Springs* to Atta.Ila. Saint Elmo•tt to Mobile. Saint Florian to Florence. Saint StP.phens• to Chatom. Salco to Mohile. Salem• t :t to Opelika. Sal!tpa• to Jackson. Sal11oda to Luverne. Salter to Rockford.  I  ~~t~:~; !  Shiloh* to Sweetwater. SShlngle to Rus11ellvllle. hoaltord to Athens. I w ~~~!tock. Tt to \\ est, Shopton to Union Springs. Vr!~~rtg fou\~°!~:ior. Shortcreek*t to 1,; rn,I ey. I Travellers Rost to Alexan-, Blocton. j S horter•tt to Montgomery W~~~i1e•t:t to acotts• 1 Shortervllle• to c't. Gatnea. Tr~~~o~jti~ Scottsboro. Ga. Triana to Mad!Ron. Woodward•t to Blrmin~Shoi·t Leaf* to Demopolis. Trlnlty•t to Decatur. barn. I Trio to Centerville. Rhottsvllle to ll ale:vville. Wren to Moulton. Shreve•t to Georirlana. Trussville• t t to Blrmlng WriKht to Waterloo. ham. Wyatt* to Dora. S\1 as~t to Waynesboro.Miss. Tullis to Butler. 8 11ur1a•11 to Calera Tunnel Sprlnis•t to Bea- 1 to Robertsdale. trice. Yantley• to Cuba . ss,1verblll*r 1pscy* to Dora I Turkestan* to Beatrice. , Ya.rho to C'hatom. S!strunk* to Tuskegee. TUrkeytownt to Gadsden Yellow Bluff* to Pine Ilill. S1xnine to Centerville. j Turnbull to Beatrice. Yellowpine*tt to Vinegar Skklnnerton* to Pineapple. I Tuskegee lnstltute•t to Bend. I S l~ervUle• to uzark. Tuskegee. Yolande*H to Benemer. 81 a.ost~ tot Attaelslsae.mer. Tyler• to Selma. Yucca to Stevenaon. Sl ., 1 0 u Tysont to Montgomery. Smtthsonla• to Cherokee. Tysonville•i to Moutgom-J 1! Smiths Statlon•t to Colum- 1 ery. Zoe to Gordon. bus, Ga. 1 Snead to Boaz. Snoctcly to Eutaw. I ALASKA ~nowctoun*tto Montiromery Uchee* to Hurtsboro. Snowhill*tt to Pine Apple. Underwood to Montevallo. , Afognak*t to Seward . Snyder to Tuscaloosa. I Uniform t,o Cha.tom. Akiak to Nome. °rletyl:Jlll• to Tuskegee. Union• to Eutaw. 8 °mervme• to Hartsells. Akutan to Seward. Union Grove• to Gunten• 8 Alitak to Seward. 0 1 R:d::te1. Unl~~«;.-alty•t to Tuscaloosa Amal2"at to Juneau. Anclret\fsky to ome. Souw11pa*1 to Waynesboro. Upton to Gunter11vllle. Anvlk*tt to Nome. Miss. Uriah* to l{oy • Atka Island to Seward. Spears to :Samson. 8 neliner• t t to Wetumpka 8~ravue•t:t to Mont1?omery Sprlnga uvrlng Gardentt to Pied- Valhermoso Baranof to Petersburg. Huntsvllle. mont. Barrow to Nome. Vance• t t to Tuscaloosa. Sprlngblll • t to Mob!le. Deaver to Fairbanks. va.ndiver*t to Leed~ Sprlnirvalleyt to TuscumBell Island Hot t:!prmgs to vangale to Pine Hill . bia. Ketd1ika.n Sprott• to Marlon. netheltt to fditarod. Spruce Plne•t:t to Russell- veto*t to J<;Jkmont. Bettlestt to Falrb1rnks. Victoria• to Elba. Brooks to Fairbanks. St:~~~-d Vida* to Prattville. Miss. to Columbu11, Burnette Inlet to Wrangell. Vidette to Luverne.  I  I  I  sg~rh\J  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ,county Seat.  Candle~o N--:m: - - - ~ n e k t to Seward. Cape Edwards t,o Juneau. Nenanat to Fairbanks. Cape Fanshaw to Juneau. Nine Mile Road House to Chatanika* to Fairbanks. Fairbanks. Cbatbamt to Juneau. N1nilchic to Anchorage. Ohichagoft to Juneau. Nizinat to Cordova. Chicken to Dawson, Y. T. Nolan to Fairbanks. Cbla-ntkt to Seward. North Arm to Ketchikan Chisana to Corctova. Nulato*tt to Iditarod. Cbltlna*l to Cordova. Nushagakt to Seward.  • Money Order Office.  Deering to Nome Deweyville to Wrangell. Dikemant to lditarod. Dutch Harbor to Valdez.  Peril Straits to Juneau. Perry to Seward. Pillar Bay to Petersburg. Poorman to Fairbanks. Port Alexander to Petersburg. Port Althorp to Juneau. Port Armstrong to Peters-  Eagle•t to Dawson. Y. T. Po~rr~raham to Seward. Ellamart to Valdez. Port Heiden to Seward. Ester City to Fairbanks. Port Moller to Seward. Eurekat to Fairbanks. Port Walter to Petersburg. Excursion Inlet to Juneau. Port Wells to Valdez. Quadra. to Ketchikan. Fish Bay to Juneau. Fish Egg Island to Ket~e:!~tanka. chlkan. Rose Inlet to Ketchikan. Flat t,o Iditarod. Ruby*t to Fairbanks. Forks to Iditarod. I Russian l\1ission to Nome. Fort Moller to Seward. · Fortuna Ledge to Nome. . Fort Yukontt to Fairbanks 1 Salchakett to Fairbanks. Fox to Falrbanka. Sandpoint*tt to ~eward. Frankllnt to Dawson, Y. T cow Ilay to Petersburg. Funtert to Juneau. Seldovla*tt to Seward. Shakan*t to Ketchikan. Shelton• to Nome Shungnak to Nomi' Gambia B11.y to Juneau. , hushaune Junction to< 'orGeorg<'town to Iditarod. doYa. Gfrdwoodt to Seward. Glaciert to Juneau. Sltka•tt to Juneau. Golovint to Nome. Skowl Arm to Ketchikan. Gulkanat to Valdez. Sleet.mute to Iditarod. Gypsumt to Juneau. Solomon• to Nome. St. Mlcha.el*tt toNome. Steel Ureekt to Dawson  t~:~~~r;\to  Halnes•tt to Juneau. Ha.wk Inlet to Juneau. Healy River to Fairbanks. Holy Cross*tt to ldltarod. Homc~rt to Sewar<l. Hoonab•t to Juneau. Hopet to Seward. Hot Sprlngs*tt to Fairbanks. Hughes to Fairbanks Hydaburg to Ketchikan. :  Y. T.  Stevens Village to Fairbanks. Strelna to Cordova. Sulzer to Ketchikan. Sunny Cove to Juneau Susitna*tt to Seward.  Tacotna to Iditarod. Talkeetna to Anchorage. Tanana• t t to Fairbanks. Tee Harbor to Juneau. Teller• to Nome. Ikatan to Seward. Tenakee•t to Juneau. Tliamna*U to Anchorage. 'l'l.lin Point to .::;e..,vard. Innokot to lditarod. Thum Bay to Cordova. Tiu City to Nome. Todd to Juneau. Kachemak Bay to Anchor- To!tyt to Fairbanks. age. Tokef'n to Ketchlk11.n . Kaket to Juneau . Tolovanatt to Fairbanks. Kaltaitt to Nome. Tousina to Valde,1;. Karheen to Ketchikan. Treadwell*t to Douglas. Karlukt to Seward. Tuluksak to lditarod. Kasa.ant to Ketchikan. Tyeet to Petersburg. Kata.Ila to Corctova. KPl'walik to Nome. Kenai to Seward. Unalakleet*t to Nome. Kiana to Nome. Unalaslm*tt to Seward. Killisnoot to Juneau. Unan~nshik to Seward. King Oove to 8eward. Unga*tt to .Seward. ·washington Bay to PetersI{lawockt to Ketchikan. bur« Kluc-kwant to Juneau. WassilYa to Anchora~e. Kodlak•tt to Seward. Willow Creekt to AnchorKokrinest to Fairbanks. age. Kolmokofl'sky to Iditarod. ! "Wiseman to Fairbanks. Kotlikt to Nome. Kotzebuet to Nome. Koyukukt to Ncme. Ya1rntatt to Juneau Kuskokwim to lditarod . Yess Bay to Ketchikan Kvichak to Nome ARIZONA  La:ke Bay to Ketchikan.  Adamana*tl to Holbrook. Lil1denberg Ila.y to Juneau. Agua Callente* to Buckeye. 0 Livengooo to Fairbanks. t:\TJ~~~P:i~rg. Long to Fairbanks. Alicia to Phoenix. Lorlnirt to .l{etchlkan. Alpine* to Holbrook. Loudon to Fairbanks.  La Toucbe*t to Valdez.  !f~~:~~ri  Amadovillet to Nogales. Machusin Bay to Valdez. Angostura. Reservoir to Ajo. Mata.nuska to Anchorage. Apache* to Douglas. Mcf'a.rthvtt to Cordova. I Aravapia *to Pima. McDougal to Anchorage. Arlvaca• to Tucson. Arlington* to Buckeye. McGratht to lditarod. Ashrork•tt to Wllllame. Meehan to Fairbanks. I Avondale* to Phoenix. Metlakatla*t to Ketchikan. Aztec*H to Yuma. Mlllor House t.o Falrb11.nk11. Minto Hoa.d House t,o Fairbanks. Bellemont• to Flagstaff. Moira Sound to Ketchikan Bellevue* to Miami. M oquawkiet to Seward. Blackwater* to i''lorence. Mountain Villa11:e to Nome Blue Bell to Mayer.  t Telegraph  Station.  tExpress Office Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1998  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  ARIZONA  -----------  Blue Canyon to Winslow. Laveen• to Pnmntx. Lehi to Mesa. Bonlta• to Willcox. , Leu pp• to Winslow. Bo~ti to Parker. Brownell to Casa Grande. Liberty• to Buckeye. Bumble Bee* to Mayer. Light* to Willcox. Litchfield* t o Phoenix . Oameron to Flagstaff. Lukachukai to Gallup, N. C ane Beds to Kingman. M. Oanill~ to N oirales. Lupton to Gallup, N. M. Oanon• to Phoenix Canon Dl&blo• U to WinsMagmat:t to Florence. low. Oarriso to Farmington , N. Mammoth* to Winkelman. M. Marlcopa*t:t to Ph~n1x. Cartwright t o Phoenix. Marinette to Peoria. Cashion• oo Phmn1x. McNeal* to Douglas. Castle Butte to Holbrook. Midland City to Globe. Castle Hot Springs to Mineral Hill to Tu e ·on. Wickenburg . Mineral Park to Kingman. cave Creek• to Phrenlx Mohawk• to Yuma. Oedar Gladet to Prescott. Morrlstown•tt to Pnrenix. Cedar Sprtnir• to Gallup. N.M. Central• to Thatcher. a-ah Tee C a nyon to HolOhambers*tt to Gallup , brook. N.M. Naco•t:t to Bisbee. Chin .Lee•t ~ Gallup . .N".M. Navaj • to Holbrook. Chlraeuhua• to Dou1rlas. Navajo Airency to Gallup, Clbecue to Globe. N. M.. Uaypool* ~o Miami. Nelson*tt to Klntrman. Cochlse*ti to Willcox. Ooldwa.ter to Phmnix. Colter to Holbrook. Octave• to Prescott. Concho• to Holbrook. Old Trails to Oatman. Oongress* to Pr01 cot e. Oracle• to Tuoaon. Oongress Junction*tt to Oraibi*t to Gallup N. M. Prescott. Osbornti to Lowel Constellation* to Phoenix. 1 i:e!~og~obt,. Palomas• to Yuma. Cottonwood* to Olarkdale. Palo Verde• to Buckeye. Courtland•t:t to Douglas. Pantano*t t to Tucaon. Covered ·wells to Casa Paradise• to Domtlas. Grande. Parker Canyon to Nogales. Crown Klntr• r :t to Prescott. Parks to Williams. Peach Springstt to KingDewey-•tt to Prescott. man . Dome•t :t to Yuma. Pearce*tt to Willcox. Don Luis*t:t to Lowell. Picachot to 'rucson. Dos Cabezos• to Willcox. Pine* to Jerome. Pinedale* to Snowflake. t~oN :~~~~Pine Top*t to Holbrook. Plrtlevllle*t to Douglas. Eagar* to Bt. Johns. Polaccat to Gallup, N. M. Eden* to Pima. Puntenney* to Presoou. Elfrida to Douglas. Elgin* to Benson. Eloy to Casa Grande. Quartzsite* to Parker. Queen Creek to Mesa. Falrbank•ti to Tombstone Quljotoa• to Tucson. Fairview* (Graham Oo.) to Pima. Fairview (Yavapai Co.) to Redrock*t:t to Tucson Prescott. R1oe• to Globe. Feldman• to Wmkelman. Rllllto*t to Tucson. Fish Creek to Phoenix. Riordan to Flagstaff. Forrest. to Douglas. Roosevelt• Globe. Fort Apache•t to Holbrook Rowood. to to Ajo. Fort Defiance• to Gallup. huby to Nogales. N.M. Fort Huaohuoa•t to Tombstone. Fort Thoma.s*t:t to Plma. Sacaton• to Mesa. Four Mlle Post to Florence. ;:,ahuaritot to Tucson. Franklin* to Duncan. Saint David• to Benaon. Fredonia• to RlchJleld, Saint Joseph• to Holbrook. Utah. Saint Michaels* to Gallup, N.M. Ganado*t to Gallup, N. M. Salinas Springs to Gallup, N.M. Garces* to Bisbee. Garden Canyon to Tomb- Salome*tt to Parker. San Carlos•tt to Globe. stone. Sanders to Gallup. . M. Geronimo• to Pima.. San Fernan<io to Tucson. Gila. Bend to Ajo San Rafael to ogalei.. Gleeson•t:t to Tombstone. Saaabe to Noiralea. Glenbar to Pima. Sasco to Tucson. Goodyear:t to Chandler. Gra.nd Canyon• t l to WU- Sellirman • t ito WUllama. Sentinel*t:t to Yuma. Uama. Grasshopper to Holbruok. Servoss• to Wtllcox. , heldon* to Duncan. Greatervllle• to Tucson. Show Low• t to HolbrOO.I[. Guthrte•U to Clltton. Shumway* to Holbrook. • to Klnirman. Hackbernr•tt to K~man Slicnal Silvert>ellt to Turson. Hansen Junction to Tempe. Skull Valley•U to Pre,coit. Barshaw to No~ales. Solomonvme•ito Safford. Heber to Holbrook. onoita* to Benson. Helvetia• to Tucaon. Bonora*t to Ray. Hereford•tt to Bl bee. Stoddard* to Mayer. Hlrley* to Meaa. ::lwansea.• to Parker. Hlllalde*f :t to Preaoot\. - Holton to Phoenix. Hot SJ>rtnp• to Ph~nl.1. Taylor• to liolbrook. Hot Efprings J ,.mctiontt to Tolleson to Phrenlx. Phoenix. Toltec* Grande. Houck•tt to Gallup, N.M. TopocktttotoOasa eedlea. Cal. Hunt to Holbrook. Tuba City •tto F'lagst&J!. Huron: to Prescott. Tubae* to Noplea. Turke7• ie> Preaooti. Indian Oasis to Tucson. Indian Wells• to Holbrook. Twin Buttea• to Tucaon.  I  Whtterlver• f to Holbrook. "\Vickenbe1·iz* tt to Pvoria. Wide Ruins to Gallup . N.M.  I  Batsou to Ozark. Battles to Evening Shade. Barter*:t to Dermott. Bayou Meto to Dewitt. Bay Vlllaire to Cherry l Valley.  :::~~k1:i~ ~~~{~11. Beasley to Tyronza..  BuffaloU to Cotter. Buford• to Cotter. Bunn• to Carthaire. Burdette*t to Luxora. Burtr* to Dierks. Burlintrton• to Harrison.  t~~«;.1i~~inp.  ~=e~o Bussey• to Stamps Beaton* to Arkadelphl&. Butler• to Osceola. Beaty•t to Bentonville. Butlerville• to Beebe. Beauchamp* to Waldron. Butterfleld•i to Malvern. Beaudry•to H ot Springs. Buttry to Rogers. Beaver• to Eureka. Springs. Byron* to Salem. Beebranch • to Cltnton. Beechgrove* to Para.1tould. Beedeville* to McCrory. Beirne• to Gurdon. Belcher* to Grlfflthvtlle. Cabana.I to Berryville. Belfast• to Sheridan. Cabin Creektt to Lamar. Bellair to Ozan. Bellefteld • to Bay. Ca.glesville* to Russellville. Belletonte•t % to Harrison. Calamine* to Evenlnr ARKANSAS Bellmore to Batesville. Shade. Belton•:t to Nashville. Caldweu•:t to Forrest City. Abbott•? to Mansfield. Ben* to Mountain View. Cale* to Prescott. Acorn• to Mena. Ben Lomond* to Wilton. Caledonia• to Junction. Ada to Morrlllton Benville to Cotter. Calhoun to Mairnolla. Adona•ti to Perry. Berger to Little Rock. Oalion*tt to El Dorado. Advance* to Mountain Bergman•t:t to Harrison. Calmer to Rison. Home. Berry*t to Calico Rock. Camp• to Salem. Acnos• to Hardy. Bessie to Conway. CampbelJ to Leslie. Ain* to Sheridan. Bestwater* to Rogers. Pike to Little Rock. Alabam• to Hunt ville. Bethel* to Paragould. Oanfleld*:t to Bradley. Albion to Searcy. Alco• to Mountalnview. Bethena to Hoxie. Alexander• t t to Little Bethesda.• to Batesvllle. Rock. Beulah to Des Arc. Alf to Womble. Bexar* to Calico Rock. Canton to Hardy. Algoa to Newport. Bigflat• to Marshall. Capp11*t to Harrison. AllX•tt to Altua. Big Fork* to Mena. Oarden Bottom* to Atkins. Allbrook to.Mineral Springs Big Hickory to Magnolia. Cardiff,.. to \ ·a.ldron. Allene*t to Wilton. Biglake* to Manila Cargile* to El Dorado. Allport to Englanct. ems• to Dettght. Carolan• to Booneville. Almond• to Bateavtlle. Blniren•t to Nashvllle. Carrlola to Eudora. 0 :ott!~~:iv~~~~~e~~ ~~~~~~en!enn. Carro ll• to :Malvern. 1!fg~~tas11. Alpine* to Amity. Blrdeye to Cherry Valley, Alston• to Mulberry. Birdsong* to Tyronza. Carson* to Osceola. Alto* to Marked Tree. Birta•:t to Ola.. Cartney to Mountain Home Alton to Hope. Carver to Everton. Alum to Benton. Cash• to Jonesboro. Alvis to Batesville. Blllmarck• to Arl{adelpbia. ass to Ozark. Aly to Danvllle. Blackburn* to Winslow. Ca1111coe* to Stuttirart. Amagon to Newport. Blackfork* to Waldron. Amateur to Cave City. Black Springs* to Womble. Catcher to Van Buren. Amy to Ouachita. Blackton•t to Brinkley Cato• to Little Rock. An<lerson* ~o Melbourne. Blackwell* to Atkin■ . Ca.ulksvllle• to Paris. Annover to ·warren. Blaine* to Scranton. Cauthron•t to Waldron. Antioch* to Beebe. Blakemore to Eniland. Cavecreek* to St. Joe. Antotne• U to Dellgbt. Blanchard Sprlnp• to June>- Cavenar to Pocahontas. Aplin* to Casa. tlon. Cecil• to Ozark. Apple to Hot Springs. Bland• to Benton. Ceda.rcreek to Waldron. Appleton• to Atkins. Blansett* to Waldron. Cedarglades• to Hot ArCD"7* to Cllntoll. Bledsoe to Marianna. Springs. Arohllllon* to Blytheville. Bleeker to Klnoland. CedarY1lle to Van Buren. Ar<len*tt to Ashdown. Blocher to Hot Springs. Center• to Eventntr Shade Argenta to orth Little Bloomer• to Charleston. enterhill* to earcy. Centerpoint-* to · ash ville. Rock. Blueball* to Danville. Ar1ean1as Post• to Glllett. Blue Mountaln•:t to I Centerrldge• to Morrlllton. Arkln<la • tt to Foreman. I Centerville* to Dardanelle. Boonevtlle. Arlberg*tt to Leslie. Bluff City• to Chidester. Central* to Ft. , mith. Armada* to Winlllow. Bluffton• to Danville. Cerrogordo* to Horatio. Armorel* to Blythevllle. Bly to Melbourne. Armstronir* to Hardy. Board Camp• to Mena. Chadwick to C;onway. Armstrong Springs• Chambersville to Fordyce. to Bodcaw• to Hope. Bolding* to 'trong. Champagnolle* to El DoraSearcy. do. Arterdan• to Harrell. Boles* to Waldron. Chapel Hill to DeQueen. Bannerdale to Glenwood. Artex to Texarkana. Asher to Drakes Creek. Bonnervllle to Jonellboro. Charlotte• to ' ewark. ' Chase to Malvern. Ashton• to Lake Vtllage. Booker* to Little Rock. Cbatfl Id to i\larianna. Askew* to Marianna. Cherokee City• to GentrY A thelatan to Osceola. Chester* to Winslow. Bookman to Sheridan. Athens* to Dierks. Chickalab • to Dan ville. Atlanta• to Emerson. Boothe* to Waldron. Chickasawba•t t to Blyth• Atlas to Leslie. Bo ton* to Pettigrew. ville. Attaway to Junction City. BouelT 1.0 Eudora. . Boughton•t to Prescott. Chfcot*tt to Lake Vlllap.. Attica* to Pocahontas. Chiamvtue• to BoonevUl•Bowen to OeUght. .Aubr"7*tl to Helena. Chocta.w• to CUnton. Boxley to Pettigrew. Aurelie* to Stronir. Boyd to Foukt!. Chula to Danvllle. Aurora• to Huntsville. Clnclnnatlt to Westville, Boydell* t-o Portland. Aw;tin*tt to Cabot. Boydsvme• to Rector. Okla. Auvere-ne•t to Newport. Bovnton•t to Kennett. Mo. Claco* to Green Forest. Avant to Hot Sprtnirs. A vooa • t to Roien. Clarkedale*tt to Memphlll. Tenn . Bradshaw to Arkadelphia. Brasneld* to Devall Bluff. Claunch* to Lake City. Clay• to Searcy. Brawley* to Waldron. Clearsprlnir to Okolon&. Brazlls* to Benton . Bail to Parkin. Brentwood•: to Winslow. Cleveland• to Morrlllton. Cll.tton• to Marianna. Baker .. to Marshall. Brewer to Heber prings. Clifty• to Hunt ville. Baker Springs• to Vander- Brickeys to Marianna. Clovcrbend • to Portia. voort. Brlggsvllle* to Danville. Balboa* to Evenlni Shade Brlghton*tt to Paragould. Clow• to Ozan. Balch* to •ew·port. Brl~htstar to Bloomburg, Clyde• to Cane Hlll. Baldwin• to Fayetteville. Tex. to Heavener, Ballard to Hardy. Coaldale• Mill to Melburne. Brink to Coa.l Hill. Okla. Banner to Bateavtlle. Brister• to Emenon. Coffee to Marvell. Ba.rber•i to Boonevllle. Brocl,:ett* to Pocahontaa. Coln to Green Forest. Bard to Paragould. Brodie to Yellville. Coleman to Monticello. Bardstown• to Osceola. Brookings* to Or- ColleirehUI to MoNell. Jerome Junotiontt to Pres- Vahkl to Chandler. Barfield* to Blytheville. chard . Colleii:evllle to Little Rock, cott. V&U*f t to TuCl'IOn Barham* t-0 Chidester. Broom• to Alicia. Colllnll•tt to Monticello. Johnson• to Benaon, Valentine• to Kingman. Baringorosst to No. Little Brownstown* to Ashdown . Co1t•i to Wynne. Joseph Oityt to Holbrook. Valley Heights to Phoenix. R(){'K Brown ville• to Heber Comb •• to . t Paul. Barkada• to WUmar. pring. . Comtnto• to Monticello. Kayenta. to Gallup, N. M. Verde to Clarkdale. Barllntr*t to Ft. Smith. Bruins to Tunica, Miss. Compton• to Ja11per. Keams Canon•t to Gallup. Barrenfork• to fount Brummitt*t to tuttgart. Con o• to Benton. N. M.. waironer* to Presoott. Pleasant. Bruno• to YellvtJle. Connor to Green Fore1Jt. Keltontt to Tombstone. Walker to Preacott. Barringer to El Dorado. Bryant•t to Benton. om·llle to C otter. Kelvin*! to Ray, warren•i to Lowell. Barton•t to Helena. Buckner*tt to ,'tamps. Cook• to Calleo Rock. Kirby to Globe. Washlntrtont to Nogales. Bass• to Jasper. Buckrange• to Mineral g~~f•ant~• a';, 'l°vW?e: Kirkland• t t to Presoot\. Klondyke• to Pima. : ~ ~11!~f~ur~a. -R=:1~~an. Bu~"'k~fe• to Hot Spr1np. Corinth to Nashvllle. Lakeside• to Holbro~ok~·-_!__W~e~n~d~e~n~•~-t~to~P~a~r~k~e~r::_,--~B~a~tee~•.:..::t~to:::_::H::.::e:::a:.:v:...::e::n::er:.·:.::O:::kl=-:a:.:,;.~B:.:u::en=::a:...-....:.V..:is::;t:..:a:...*..:.t.:.i...:.t..:.o_...:.__t_e.:..p_h_e _ns __:. C...:.o..:. rl_e-=.y_•_to :.._:__ P_a_rle _ . _ _ __ t E preae Offli:e. tTelegraph Station. •Money Order Office. • County Beat. REFERENCE KEY. Yava to Prescott. York to Duncan.. Younl!'• to Globe. Yucca*tt to Kingm a.n.  I  I  8gffei~ :  :ti~~:  8!~~~w~: \~  8~~~~:t:t  I  I  ~=~~••?::  \f  D  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Cornerstone• to Pine Bluff. Oornervllle• to Star City. Oornbill to Mineral Springs Cornish to Greenwood. Cosgrove to Lake Village. Counoll• to Marianna. Counttss•t to Helena. Coy to En~land. Oozahome* to Marshall. Creigh to Marvell. Crescent to Fort Smith. Creswell* to Calleo .Rock. Crittenden* to Earle. Croak to Kingsland. Crockett to Piggott. Crocketts Bluff* to Almyra.  Edgemont*tt to Shirley. Edmondson*U to Earle. Edna to Clarksville. Effa to Branch. Egger• to Mena. Egypt* to Walnut Ridge. Elitht Mlle• to Newport. Ekron to Blytheville. Elb&*t to Marshall.  Garlandvtlle to Prescott. Garner• t to Beebe. Garnett~ to Star City. Gassville* to Cotter. Gaston to Womble. Gate to Mena. Gavtn• to Mem'!)bls, Tenn. Geneva to Locksburg. Genoa•tt to Texarkana. George to Green Forest. Georgetown*tt to Searcy. El Central to Watson. Geren to La.mar. Elerson• to Sherrlli. Elevenooint to Pocahontas. Geridge* to Stuttgart. Elgin to Newport. Elizabeth• to Calleo Rook. Germanla*t to Little Rook. Elk Ranch to Eurekal Gethsemane• to Pine Bluff. Gibbs to Mount Ida. Springs. Gifford• to Malvern. Crosses•t to St. Paul. Ella to Marshall. Crose Roads to Calico Rook. ElUott• to Camden. Gllbert•u to Marshall. Gllkeson to Jonesboro. Cruse to Carthage. Ellis* to Gurdo!l. Gill• to Palestine. ~stal Springs • to Hot .Ellisville*t to Fordyce. Gilmore*t to Turrell. Elm to Amity. outft!~~Oarlisle. Glade* to Eureka Springs. Elmo• to Newport. Glaays to Clinton. Culp* to Calleo Rock. Elmore• to Malvern. Ou4>eper to Clinton. Curtis• i to Gurdon. to Hardy. Glencoe ! Elm Store to Mammoth Cushman•u to Ratesvllle. Glend~e• to Star Cl_ty. Spring. Ouster* to Bakersfleld, Mo. Elmwood to Harrison. Glenville* to McNeil. Cypert• to Marvell. Elnora*t to Walnut Ridge Golden Clty to Boonevllle. Emery to Evening Shade. · Golden Lake• to Wllson. Goldman• to Stuttgart•. Enders* to Quitman. Goodwln*tt to Forrest City Engllsh* to Pine Bluff Goshen• to Fayetteville. · Conway. to Enola• Daisy• to Amity. Gosnell* to BlythevUJe. Enon to Omaha. Dallas to Pocahontas. to De Vall Bluff. Go·poda Jasper. to Erbie* Dalton• to Pocahontas. Damascus• to Conway. Dumas. to Gourd Haynes. to Dansby* Estes to Leola. Darysaw to Pine Bluff. Grace to Pine Bluff. Ethel• to Dewitt. Day• to Salem. Grandfleld to Dierks. Etna to Ozark. Dayton to Huntington. Grand Glaise*t to Newport. Etowah• to Manila. Deane* to Monticello. Grand Lake* to Eudora. DeA.nn to Emmet. Grand Vlew•t t to Berryville. Eula to Marshall. Grange• to Batesville. Wilson. to Eva.dale• Dean Spring to Alma. .Evansville* to Stillwell Deanyville to Blevins. Grape* to Benton. Okla. Deasmond* to Parkin. Excelsiortt to Greenwood. Grapevine• to Pine Bluff. Debow* to Pocahontas. to l\fountainburg. Graphic Deokervme• t t to Harrla- Experiment to Taylor. Gravelly• to Danville. Gravelridge* to ·warren. Jonesboro. Grays•tt to Augusta. Deep Bayou to Grady. Graysonla*tt to Okolona Faber* to Arkadelphia. Dee1·* to Clarksville. brier* to Con way. Green Fairbanks* to Quitman. Greenfield• to Harrisburg. Bluff. Pine to Falrfteld* Degray to Arkadelphia. Greenland•t to Fayetteville. Stuttgart. to Fairmount Delanert to St. Paul. Greenrldge to Waldron. Oaks*t t to Wynne. Delaplaine*tt to Peach Fair Gregory• t t to Augusta. Faith* to Pine Blu1I. Orchard. Fakes to Augusta. Delaware* to Dardanelle. Gridert to Osceola. Buckner. to Falcon Den• to Manna. Gridley to Morrlllton. Delmar to Alphena Pase. Griffin*t to Eldorado. Jasper. ~o Fallsville* Delta to Waldo. Gumlo1r to Russellville. Russellville. to Famous Delta Spur to Marion. Gum Springs*! to ArkadelFanoyhlll* to Womble. Deluce* to Dewitt. phia. Bnnkley. to Fargot Demoorat to Forrest City. Guy• to Quitman. D enmark* to Bald Knob. Farmington• t to Fayett&vllle. Felsentbal*H to Huttig. Dennlng•ti to Altus. Feltont to Marianna. Denton• to Black Rook. Fendley to, Amity. Habberton* to Springdale. Denver-1< to Green Forest. Fenter•t i to Benton. Ha.garville* to Lamar. DDeroche to Malvern. Hagler* to Dewitt. e1ha• to Batesville. Ferda• to England. Halley•tt to Arkansas City. Detontt to Benton. Ferguson* to Helena. Halliday* to Paraiould De View• to McCrory. Fern to Mulberry. Hamil to Pocahontas. DDlal to Vandervoort. Ferrell to Hermitage. Hamlet to Conway. lazt to Newport. Fifty Six to Mountain Hamlin* to Wynne. Dillen* to Lamar. View. Hammonsville to Beebe. Dilworth to Horatio. Figure Five to Van Buren Hanct to Calico Rock. Dlnsmore to Berryvllle. Finch to Paragould. Hanover to Mountain View. D lvlde to Perry. Fir* to Mount Ida. Fisher to Marked Tree. Harlow• to Bearden. (Perry) to Houston. Human to Sprlnidale. D 1xie (Woodruff Co.) to Fitzhugh• to August&. Five Mile to Higden. Harmony* to Clarksville. Cotton Plant. Haroldton to Van Buren. Dobyvme• to Okolona. Leslie. to Flag to Marshall. Harriet• Dodd CltY- to Yellvllle. Harris*t to Elkins. D oebranch to Little Rock. Fleming to Malvern. Hartley to Vandervoort. 0 onald11on*t i to Arkadel- Floral* to Batesvllle. Florence• to Monticello. Hartwell to Hindsville. Floyd* to Beebe. Harvey to Waldron. Di~~-to Ft. Smith. Marlon. to Foirleman* to Greenville, Harwood• Dota to Newark. Miss. DDouhle Wells to Pine Bluff. Fontain to Walnut Ridge Ha11kell*ti to Benton. ouglas• to Gillett. Forgy to Nashville. Hasty to Jasper. Eoylestown to Pine Bluff. Formosa• to Clinton. Clarksville to Douglas* Ft. Coon to Trumann. Hatchie Elkins. D~!~e!o Fourchett to Bigelow. Hattlevllle• to Morrlllton. Little to Dam Fourche to Vandervoort. Hatton• Draper to Warren. Rock. Hawes• to Hot Springs. Drasco to Heber Springs. Fox• to Mountain Vtew. Hazel Valley* to Winslow. D raughon•u to Kingsland. Hearer• to Crawfordville. 0 rl!twood* to Black Rook. Francis to Harrison. Healing Sprlngs*t to Cave Drlggs• to Paris. Yellville. to Freck* Springs. Drlvert to WU11on. French to Mammoth Spring Dryrork to Green Forest. Frenchmans Bayou•tt to Heart to Salem. D Ublin* to Scranton. Joiner. Hebron to Gurdon. Friehl to Shirley. Hector* to A tklns. DDuckett to Vandervoort. Friendship* to Arkadelphia Heditea to Mountain View. ume• t.o Arkadelphia. Frisbee to Ravenden. D uirhlll to Heber Springs. Frisco to Winslow. Helen to Womble. 0 unntnirton* to Newark. Fritz to Marion. Hemp-Wallace*t to Hot Durbam • t to Fayettevllle Springs. D Utoh MIiis• to Weatvllle, Fryatt to Mammoth Sprln~ Frys Mill to Lepanto. to Mountain Hendenon* Okla. Furth* t to Star City. Home. Dutton•t to Pettigrew. Henrico to Rosedale, Miss. Henry to Dierks. Hell,8ley• f to Little Rook. Herblne• to Rison. !agle Mllls*tt to.Bearden. Gabriel to Dover. Gaines.' Landing* to Arkan- Herman: to Bay. 0&1rleton•t to Mena. Hetb*tt to Forrest City. o:i~es°;ft1e•t to Paragould. Hickman* to Caruthersville, =~leue0 to Bearden. Mo. Gaither to Harrison. .Erb~~!cto. Hkkoria to Corning. 11:ast Sylamore• to Moun- Galena• to Gillham Hickory Plains• to Beebe. Galloway to Little Rock. tat Vi Gamaliel"' to Bakersfield, Higden to Reber Springs. Eblin~• t~wForrest City. Hlgglnson•t to Searcy. GaMrb0e·r to Oln•ksvllle. !bony• to Crawrordsvllle. Hiirh to Berryvtlle. Robot to Mansfield. H!!::hflll*! t,o Cave Springs. dgar• to Hop:::e•:___ _ _--'-G_arfleld*tt to Rogers.  I  I  i~:: \~ ~\1ft1ft~."  I  De~'f"fo  I  D~~e  ~!:~rg·  E:!~~;  O&  REFERENCE KEY· Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  , County Seat.  •. loney Order Office.  Highiand•t to Nashville. Hllleman• to Hunter. Hillsboro• to Strong. Hilo to Hermitage. Hiram* to Heber Springs. Hobart• to Danville. Hobbs to Van Buren. Holland• to Conway. Hollie* to Casa. Holly Springs• to Bearden.  ARKANSAS 1999 Lake Vlew•tt to Marvell. LambethvillP* to Turrell. Lamont to Pine Bluff. Lanark• to Banks. Landis to Marshall, Laneburg to Prescott. Lane HUI to Alma. Lanittord to Pine Bluff. Lan~Iey• to Glenwood. La.nleve to Hoxie. Lansing* to Crawfordville. Lanty• to Morrlllton Laplle•tt to Strong. Larkin to Melbourne. Larue to Rogers. Latour• to Helena. Laughlin to Stephens. Lauratown* to Portia Lawson*t! to El Dorado. Laytonvl)le to Cotter. Lebanon* to Dierks . Lee* to Marianna. Leecreek• to Wlnlsow. Lehigh to Rison. Lena to Benton. Lenox to Amity. Leonard• to Rector. Lester•tt to Camden. Leta to Russellvllle. Letona*tt to Searcy. Levesque• to Wynne.  g~:!K:~o~• -:af:Jtatls:~~ Homan• to Fulton. Hon•t to Waldron. Hopefleld to Memphis, Tenn. Hopewell• to Calleo Rock. Hopper to Womble. Horsehead to Emerson. Howen• t t to Cotton Plant. Huddleston to Mena. Hudspeth* to Dermott. Huff to Batesville. Huffman• to Steele. Mo. Hulbert*tt to Memphis. Tenn. nd · ,~~~o~e Hunter•tt to Cott.onplant. Hurricane to Benton. 0 Hutchinson* to Batesvllle. t\ t!rti~Y!:a. Hutson to Newark. Hydrick• to Cherry Valley. Lexington• to Clinton Liberty to Mount Ida. Light to Walnut Ridge. Limestone• to Jasper. Linder* to Conway. Line* to Portland. Ico* to Sheridan. Lippton to "Wilton. Imelda to Glenwood. Lisbon• to El Dorado Independence to Cotter. Litteral to Springdale. Indian Bay* to Marvell. Little Maumelle* to Little Ingalls*t to Warren. Rock. Ingram• to Ma.ynat·d Locke* to Mountainburg. Ink• to Mena. Locust Bayou to Camden. Ione* to BoonevUle. Locust Grove to Ha.te11vllle. Irma to Waldo. Lollie to Conway. Iuka• to Calleo Rock. Lonelm* to :Mulberry. Ivan*tt to Fordyce. Loneplne to Clarksvllle. Ivy to Carthaie. Lonerock• to Mount at D Home.  dirllifA~  t~i!!  Jat'into* to Carthage. Jacksonport• to Newport. Jacksonvllle•U to Little Rook. Jakajones to Washington. Jamestown• to Ba.tesvllle. Japton to Huntsville. Je1Ierson• to Pine Blutt. J ennle• to Lake Vlllage. Jenny LI n d • t t to Fort Smith. .Jerloho•t to Memphis, Tenn. Jerome to Portland. Jersey• to Warren. Jerusalem to Atkins. Jesslevllle* to Hot Sprlnp. Jesup* to SmJthvllle. Jethro* to Ozark. Jewell to Winthrop. .Joan to Arkadelphia. Joella* to Lewisville. Johnson•t to Fayettville. Johnstown to Newport. Johnsville• to Warren. Jordan to Pettigrew. Joy to Searcy. Julious to Memphis, Tenn. Jumbo* to Melbourne. Junet to Pine Bluff.  Kalamazoo to Paris. Kate• to Earl. Kedron• to Rlaon. Keener• to Harrison. KeevU* to Clarendon. Kellar to Biggers. Kelso* to McGehoe. Kendall to Conway. Kenyon• to Tllwerman. Kerlln to Magnolia. Kerrs•tt to Lonoke. Kiblah to Ida, La. Kibler to Kimes to Va.n Buren. Klng*t to Gillham. Kl~~~~n Springs* to Yell-  t~~~1  ~g t8fie~~-  Lonsdale• ft to Benton. Lookout to Clarendon. Lorado to Jonesboro. Lorine to Pocahontas. Lost Prairie to Texarkana. Louann• to Camden. Low Gap* to Jasper. Lowry* to Harrison. Loy to Huntsville. Luber to Mountain View. Lucas to Mansfield. Lucky to Hot Sprlnira. Ludwig to Clarksville. Lulu to Forrest City. Luna Landing• t to Lake Lu~~1:in> Helena. t~~:ri~<3~11es~:~ourne. Lunsford* to Bay. Lurton to St. Joe. Luthervllle• to Lamar Lyda.lisk to Shirle.v . LYJIJl* to Black Rock. Mabelva.Ie• to Little Rook. Maberry to Cottonplant. ~~~~tof~ap!~aii:~erii.olla. Macon Lake* to Lake VIUage. Maddlnit to Pine Bluff. Maddox to Hot Springs. Madison*t to Forrest City. Mairness•t to Newark. Magnet• to Malvern. Mandeville• to Texarkana. Mangrum* to Lake City. Manna to Pocahonta1.  I  Manning to Dalark. Manson to Pocahontas. Mante* to Huntsvllle. Many-Island'> to Hardy. Maple* to Berryville. Marble• to Huntsville. Marcella* to Batesvllle. Ma.robe• to Little Rock. Marte• to Wilson. Klng Mills• ,o Hardy. Kings Spur to Bentonville Mare Hill to Lewtsvllle. to Dierks. :Martha Kinton to Forrest City. Martlnvme• to Conway. Kirby* to Glenwood. Mason to Kingsland. Kirkland to Camden. Ma.c;onville• to McGehee. Knob to Rector. Knowlton* to Rosedale. Ma.:sard to Fort Smith. Maumee* to Marshall. Miss. Maxville to Cave City. Knoxville*tt to Lamar. May to Hot Sprin!l:. M.aytleld* to Springdale. Mayflower* to Uouway. Maysville* to Gravette. Lacey• to Monticello. Laconia.• to Rosedale, MIBB. McAlmont to Little Rock McArthur to McGehee La.Crosse• to Melbourne. McClelland to Cottonplant. Ladd to Pine Bluff. McDaniel*t to Forrest City Ladelle to Monticello McDougal to Piggott. LaGrange to•t Marianna. McFadden to ewport. Lake Dick* to Ptne Bluff. Lake Farm* to Pine Bluff. McHue• to Batesvllle. MoKamte•t to Stampa. Lak hall to Lake McKinney to Rison. Lakeport to Lake Vllla~e. +Telegraph f:ltation.  t Express  Otllce. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2000  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  ARKANSAS  I  Tie Plant•t to Argenta. Tllton•t to Wynne. Tlmbo• to Mountain View . Tina to Batesville. Tinsman to Hampton. T,pperary to Rector. Tipton to Klngslanct. Meg* to Ozark. Todd to Star City. Mellwood*tt to Helena. ! Reader to Chidester. Shawmut* to Amity. Melrose* to Batesville. Togo to Earl. Read land• tt to Eudora. Shelbyville t O E v en 1 n & Tokio*t Menifee• to Plumervllle. to Nashville. 0 TolPdo to Rison Meroney to Star City. I Shade. I ~:bY;~1;[~otA~h Redt\eld •ti to Pine Bluff. Sheppard to Fulton. Tollette*to Mineral Sprlnr1 . 0 0 :L~:1~br~ : ::~n":.aynard I g:~:ert~ J~':;!;boro. Red Fork• to Dumas. Shibley to Van Buren. Tollvllle to Devall Bluff. Toltec• to England. MIilcreek to RussellvUle. Owenavtlle* to Benton. Redleat .. to Lake Vlllaie. ~~~~1h~r~~kf!et~e~!J~ngs. Miller*tt to Bebt>r Springs. Oxley to Leslie. Tomahawk• to iarshall. ~~~ §\~~~•t~iei~r:ew. I Shoffner* to Newport. Tomato* to Blytheville. Milltown to Greenwood. Red Store to Marvell. Mlllvtlle•ti to Bearden. Shule~* to El Dorado. Tomberllns• to England. Ozone• to Clarksville. Milner* to McNell Tomlinson to Osceola. Red Stripe to Mountain l Sidon to Searcy. View Silex• to Lamar. Milo• to Hamburg. Toney to Ozark. Milton to Hot Springs. Reeds Creek to Cave Cltv Silica* to Benton. Reedvllle* to Dumas. · · Silver• to Mount Ida. Mineola to Dierks. Palatka• to Success. Mineral* to Gillham. Reese to Marianna. S!ms*t to Mo~nt Ida. Tontitown* to Springdale. Palestine*tt to Forrest City Refuge Mlnorca to l\l aynard. to Watson. !:,imsboro tu l.!.arl. Traskwood•tt to Benton. Palmer* to Oia.rendon. Mlnturn•t to Hoxie. Register to Hope. Sitka to Williford. Treat to Lamar. Paradise to Monticello.•t io Hamburg. Relfs Hlu.tT* to Monticello. ~lxmlle to Branch. Trenton• to 11arvell. Paraloma*t to Ashdown. Mitchell to Salem. Remmel* to Newport. Skaggs to Po ·abontas. Trident to Siloam Sprlnr■ Parkers Store to Little Rock Reput,llcan• Moark•t to Cornlnr. to Conway. Skylight to West Fork. Trigg to Kingsland. Parkplace• to Marianna. Mobley to Cave City. Rest to Star City Slatington to Womble. Parks• to Waldron. Retta* to Russellvllle Mook to Maynard. Slatonville to Greenwood. :g:~l*t~Sk~piens.d Parma to Mountain View Rex to Clinton Modoc• to Helena. . loan! to Imhoden. T tb t 0 H o, Paron to Benton. Reyburn* to Malvern Slocomb• to Benton. Moffit to Prairie Grove. ru I* Jun \ e. Paroquet to ewa.rk. Re del to Pine Bluff · Slovaktown to Hazen. 'l"..uba ;o unct on. Moko* to Salem. Parthenon* to Jasper. Y · Smackover*tt to El Dm·ado, 1 uc'k~r I to Englana. Monroe•t to Brinkley. Pastoria to Pine Bluff. Smead to Bearden. Tullo to Carthage. Montana* to Hartman. Rhea• to Lincoln. Patmoe•t to Hope. Srneadley to Coalhlll Tull to Benton. Monte Te*t to Rogers. Patrlckt to St. Paul. Rii-8e~~et to Memphis. Smlthdale• to Earl. , 1 -Patterson (C'lay Co.) to Richmond to Ashdown. Smithton•tt to Gurdon. Turkey to Yellville. hennett. Mo. Rich Mountain•tt to Mena. Sneed to Kingsland. Turner* to :Marvell. Patterson* (Woodruff Co.) Moody* to Wilmar. 1 11 Richwoods to Walnut Ridge ~~~~b~fi • t~biiJfta~fs· to McCror~·. Moore to Dover. Pea.berry to Hamburg. Riddle to Lockeshurg. Mooreneld •t to Batesville. Snow Lake*U to Helena. Tuttleton to Forrest City. Peace to Ri ·on. Moreland• to Russellvllle Ridge Station to Jones- Snyder•: to Hamhuri. Twilight to Conway. Pearcy* to Hot Springs. Morianton• to Cllnton. Rle<;~-0 Havana.. Social Hill* to Malvern. TwlD Creek to Calico Rook. Pearson* to Heber Springs Ri. her to Jonesboro. Morobay• to Hermitage. Sodom to Amity. Tyler• to Heber Springs. itnrrison Bluff*to Scranton Pecan Point• to Osceola. 0 Pedee to Marianna. .tliverslde*t to Augusta . ~g:ir!~ r~a;o~~n~m~lton t~:f~ello. Monlston• to Salem. Peel• to Yell ville. Riitey to Little Rock. Soudan to :\farianna. Morrow* to Lincoln. Pekin• to Lake City. Roberts to Fouke. Morton to McCrory. South Bena* to Dumas. Pendleton* to Dumas. Robinson• to Siloam Spill- South Fork* to Mammoth Moscow•tt to Pine Bluff. Pennington* to Grubbs. Mosley to Dardanelle t~~,~~~i! i~=k~l~ggs_ Sprlnir. to Ft. Ulm*l to Stuttgart Mounds*t to .Memphis. Penro c• to Hickory Ridge. Rook Ultima Thule to De Queen. Sprln~• to Marshall. So. Ft. Smith*tt Perla• to Malvern. Tenn. th · Umpire* to Dierks. Rocky to Mena. Smi Perryville* to Perry . Mount.ainburg*tt to Van Una to Leslie. Peterpender• to Ozark. Buren. Union• to Salem. PPters• to . larianna. Mountain Fork to Mena. Spadra*tt to Hartman. Unlonhlll* to Newport. Pettus* to Lonoke. Splelervme• to Paris. Mountain Top to Ozark. Roe•tt to Clarendon. Uniontown• to Van Buren. Petty to Oalark. Rohwer• to Arkansas City. Spotvllle to Magnolia. Upland• to Junction Oity. Ptclrter• to Batesvllle. Roland•tt to Little Rock. Springfield* to Morrlllton. Urbana• to Strong. Phenix to PinP Illuff. Sprlnl!' HUI to Hope. Mount Homer to Ola. Rolfe to Crosset. Urbanette•t to Berryvllle. Philips to Helena. Springtown*! to Gentry. \fount Judea• to Jasper. Itomance• to Beebe. Ursula*t to Charleston. Sprlnir Valley• to Sprtnr- Ussery* to Hot Springs. Molll t Levi• to Clarksvllle. Pike*tt to Delight. Rondo*tt to Marianna. Pilot* to Mammoth Spring . dale. Mo\Ult Moriah" to Prescott. H.oosevel t* to Searcy. taev to farion. Mt. Olive • t t to Calico Pinckney* to Mempbl■ . Rosa* to Luxora.. Tenn. Stafford* to Belleville. Rosboro*tt to Amity. Mo'!~ikPlsgah• to Searcy. J Plndall*tt to St. Joe. Stanford to Paragould Rose Bud• to Quitman. Vale• to Fayettevtlle. Stanley• to ).furfrce ·boro. Valley Sprlngs• to HarriMount Vernon* to Quitman. Pine Grove* to De.lark. Ro edale to Van Ouren. .M ulligau to H arrisl.>Urll Staple to Pine Blurt . Roseland to Manila. son. St.ark to Heber prings. Mundell to Eureka SprlnR'S. Rosevme• to Ozark. Van• to De Witt. Staves to Rison. Rosie* to Newark. Murlllo to Leslie. Van Duzer* to Camden. Murray to Jastier. Pine 'ity to Holley GrO\·e. Ross (Mis11isslppi Co.) to t!"t>le to Elm . primi:s ,varner•tt to Pine Blutr. I yrirkvillP to Tuckerman. Pim,tree to Forr~t City. Stella* to Melbourne. Osceola. Vaughn to Bentonville. Uyron to Franklin. Pineville* to Calico Rock. Ros~ (Pope Co.) to Lamar. Steorock to Jud ■ onla. Vendor to Jaspet" I Piney* to London. • t •rline:* to Eudora. RoBBton • to Prescott. Venus• to Huntevllle. 1 Pond ft to Forrest Steve* to Plainview. Vero to Calleo Rook. f,Jf~1~C:ettt t'}t!~k~ock. Round Stt>,·t>ns Cr ek to Bald Verona to Yellville City. Na.Cly* to Gillett. Pitman* to Maynard. Round Top to Gilham. Knob. Vesta• to Charleston. Nail to Pettigrew. Pitts* to H arrlsburg. Stlllw1tter to Mo110t Tda. Rover• to Danville. Nathan* to Nashville. Vlck*tt to Hermitage. Stonewall* to Knobel. Rowell* to Rison. Victor to Batesvllle. Natural Dam• to Van Bu- Plainfield to F.menon Plant to Leslie. , tory* to :\Iount Tcfa.. Royal* to Hot Sprlnp. Vidette to :'.\louotain Dome. ren. Strawberry• to Black Rook Village• to Magnbl1a. Ho1:elle to Osct>ola Natural Steps• to Little Planter~villc to Wilmar. Pleasant Plains* to New- Rubicon• to Benton. Strickler to Prairie Grove Vilonia• to Conway Rock. port. Stringer to Waldron. Ruddel11*t to Mountain Naylor to Conway. Yirn:r I i<lge* tu Little Rock Pleasant Rldie to HarriView. Vincent•• to Crawtordvtlle. Needrnore to Carlisle. son Rudy*tt to Van Buren. Vineyard* to l\larianna. Nelsonville to SmlthvUle. ' Plum Bayou• to PIDO Blurt. Rule to Green Foreat. Subiaco"'t to , craoton. V1neygrove t o P r a I r I • Neuhardt to 1arion. Plymouth to Mulberry. Sugar Grove* to • lagazine. Hmnloy* to J.e.·lic. Newburg• to Melbourne. Grove. Point Cedar* to Amity. uli.,uur City• to Fayette- Violet Hill* to Melbourne. Rush• to Yellville. New Castle to Forrest City. ville. !tushing* to Shirley. New Gascony• to PI n e Point Peter to larsba.11. Summers•t to Westvllle. Hussell•t to Bald Knob. Blul! Okla. Rust to Mena. Newbope• to Dierks. Ponca Wabash* to Helena. to J aeoer. Summerville to Harrell. Ruth to <'alico ltock. New London• to Stronir. Poplar Grove*tt to Helena. Ryant to England. W to , Iouette. Summit to Yellville. ewman-i. to , aldron. Waldenburg* to Welner. Sumpter• to Warren. Newnata to Mount a In Poplar Ritlge to Lake City. Rye to WUmar Pwter • tation to Winslow. Hyker• to Pettigrew. Sunny. 1de• to Lake Vlllage. Wald. telu* to De Witt. View. Walker*t to Searcy. Sunset* to Winslow. Nick Rprings to El Dorado Postelle•tt to Marvell. Potter•t to Mena . Walnut to Pettigrew. I Supply to Maynard. Nimrod* to Casa. Poughkeepsie• to Evening affell to Black Rock. Wu.lnut Grove to Batesville. Suttou t,o b:mmett, NIX* to Dalark. Walnut Hill to Bradley. Shade. Swatn• to Jasper Sage to Melbourne. Noble Lake tttoPlneBluff Powell to St. Paul. \Valnut Lake•t to Dumas. Satnt Jamtt-;* tu Bate.·ville Swan Lake• to Pine Bluff. ~ ,Powhatan* to Black Rock. Saint Walnut Springs to Horatio. Swarts to Pocahontas. 0tow1!.fJ~~~llle. Thomas* to Jolnet·. Swaty to .Bearden. PuJ Walnut en*t Tree• to Danville. to Benton. Noland• to Pocahontas. Salado* to Batesvtlle. berirlan. Ward• t to Beebe. Sweden• to Pine Bluff. , n; phlet*t+ to El Dorado. Pra1rue to Saline to Carthage. Prairie Creek to Hartford. Wardell• to Joiner. Sweet Home•t to Little Nunley* to Mena. Saltillo• to Conway. Pnnrie \'iew to :--cr,rntou. War Eagle to Rogers. Rock . . altsprings to Gillham. Prattsville• to Sheridan. Warm Sprlnirs• to Pooa-Sylamore•tt to Mountain Sanders• to ~falvern. Prim* to llel.>er , prings. bontas. View. Oakrlale" t En~lan<I. Sandltr to Edremont. Prinredale* to Wynne. Washburn• to Greenwood. Oa.11.rorrest to Marianna. to Bates,;110. to Carthage. .'andtown* Washita to Hot Sprlnp. Oakgrove* to Green Forest ,Princeton• Sa.noybend* to Strong. Proctor•tt to l<~orrest City San,-, Wate.lula• to Ozark. souci to os,·eola. Oakland* to Flippin. Prospertty to Alpena Pass. Waters• to Mena. araroira• to Fulton. Oark* to Clarksville. Provo* to Lorkesburg. Watervalley •to Imboden. Sardis to Hope. Taft to Ozark. Obear* to Jonesboro. rm:ht to Hamburg. Wattensa.w• to Lonoke. Sayre•tt to <Jbldester. Tamo• tt to Pine Illuff. Oconee* to Pocahontas. Purdy to Huntsvllle. Watts to Leslie. , caife* to Lake Village. Tara! to H.u. ell·,•illu. OdPII* to Cal1f' HIii Waveland•t to Danvllle. , canlan• to 1Temphis. Tenn Tarry* to Pine Blutr. Ogamaw• to Stephens. Waverly• to ~fcmphls,TeDD· Scbaal • to Mineral Sprlnis Tate to Booneville. Wayton to Jasper • g~di~o•igt'! . chahcrg" to Winslow. Theb · to Pvrtlund. Quie;ley to Forrest City. Schooley to Ozan. Theo to 'hidt• ter. Okay• to A tklns. Scott•t to Little Rock. Thiel to Benton . Webb City• to Ozark. Okean*H to Walnut Rid~e Quinn* to El Dorado. Scottsville• to Russellville Thoma villi, to :\1oro. \ eher to Gillett. Old Hickory to Atkins. Wedmgton to Si 1 o a. JJJ 0 0 0 Oldtown* to Marvell. ~~~;~~c~~t~ ~r:· Walnut r~hl t~ r!i-r~~ul. Olena* to De Witt. W~~~~g:~ Heavener. OJda· Ridge. Rah II to 1urfre boro. Thorney to Elkins. Olio to Waldron Selma• to Tll111.r. ({ago to Bentonville. Three Brother to Moun- Weldon•tt to Newport. Oliver• to Waldron. .'eu. ation to Waldron. tain Hrime. Ralph to YcllvUle. Weona to Trumann. Olmstead to Little Rock. Olyphant*t to Newport. S ._ · to l~I Dorado Three Creeks• to Junction. W 1 y* to Elkins. ~?~~)fl~ff. , ettlement* to Shirley. Oma• to B'.ot Sprmga. Tlchnor* to Glllett. W on* to El Onda to West l<'urk Seyppel* to Memphis Tenn Tid~ to 11 a.mhur~. Ratio to Helena. West to Morrlllton. M ·"l'ab*tt to Fulton. McPhearson * to Calico Rock. ' Medford to Watson. I  Oneal*tt to BateavUle. Onelda•tt to Helena. Onla to Mountain View. Onyx* to Danville. Opal to Mena Oppelo to Morrlllton. Optlmua to Calleo Rock. Orlando• to Warren Oaage• to Green Forest. O ■age Mills• to Bentonville Oshorne to . eligman, Mo.  Shady• to Mena. Shannon* to Pocahontas. Shark* to Danville. Sharp* to Batesvllle. Sharum• to Pocahontas. Shaver to Alpena Pass.  Ravana*t to Bloomburg. Tex . Rawllson* to Forrest City. Rawls* to Hamburg. Raymond to Clarendon.  J~~-  I  I I  t"~1  I'f~f! ;g Ef:f~~~·  I  I  :g~;r l~  ;g  I  .J?ea  I  I  I  ~Fa°;  fi~~;"a~k.  ~~~:.;Wm  0  l  n~J:ri: :g  -----------REFERENCE KEY,  , Cou~ty Seat.  • ;\Ioney Order Office.  tTelegraph Station.  w w  w w w w  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  ARKA.NSA::,  lew.  ilfl .  i.  ale.  ,.  y.  ok.  en  en. ty. e.  ------- -------  West Hartford• - : -Hart-I ford. West Helenat to Helena. West Memphis to Memphis Tenn. Westover to Helena. ;t~~fo~irt:tk~~t~u~:~tt.1 Wheeler to l:'lpringdale. Wheeling to Salem. W~~~-n Springs• to Gur-1 White• rt to Felsenthal. Whitedi!Ts* to Ashdown. Whltehall*t to Harrlsb11rr. Whitener• to Hindsvtlle. White Rook to Mull>6lTY Whttmoret to Forrest City. Whittington to Hot Spgs . Whitton* to Joiner. Wldemantt to Calleo Rook Wideners• to 'Foreet City. Wiggs* to Hot Springs. Wllburn* to Heber Springs WUd Cherry• to Calico Rook. Wilkins* to Paris. Wlllcookson • to Harrison. WU!tsvllle to Waldo. Willow* to Malvern. Wilmington to Strong. Wing* to Danvllle. Winstead to Hardy. Wirth* to Mammoth Spr Wiseman* to Melbourne. Wltchervme• to Huntlnr ton. Witherspoon* to ArkadelPhla. Witter* to St. Paul. Witts Springs* to Marshall Wlvllle•tt to Cotton Plant Wolf Bayou• to Batesvllle WWomaok to Forrest City. oodberry* to Hampton. Wootirow to Heber Spring11 Woodson•t to Little Rook Woolseyt to West Forlt. Woo~ter• to Conway. Worden* to Bald K"nob. W~~~l~ville*t to Litt I t Wya.noka to Memphis, Tenn. ~Yatt to Calleo Rook. ••Ye* to Bigelow. Wwyman to Fayetteville. Yola to Winslow.  CALIFORNIA  -  I Boyes Springs• to Sonoma., Clay* to Galt. Bradley*t:i: to Sao lguel. Clayton• to Concord.  Alta• to Colfax. Altadena • Tt to Pasadena I Al Tahoe*t t,o Truckee. Alta Loma* to Cucamonga Altamont•tt to Livermore I Alta ville* to Angela Camp Alton*+ to l"m·tuua. Alvlso*tt to Milpita.c:;. Amador Clty•:t to Jackson Amboy*tt to Needles. A.mectee• rt to Susanville Amsterdam to Merced. Andractett to Yw.oa. Ariz. Angiola.*tt to Corcoran. Angwin to St. Helena. Antelope•t to Sacramento. Applegate• t to Auburn. Aptos•rt to Santa Cruz. Arhogat to M a.rysville. Arena to Livincston. Armona•tt to Hanford. Arno* to Sacramento. Aromas*tt to Watsonville. Arrowhead Springs* to San Bernardino. Art,ois*tt t,o ·wrnows. Arvin*t to Rakerstleld. AtasC'adero to Paso Robles Atchlsont to Richmond. Athens to Los Angeles. Athlone* to Merced. Atlantat to Ripon. ,\tolla* to Los Angeles. Atwood to Anaheim Auberry* to Clovis. Aukum* to Sutter Oreek. Auto Rest to Weaverville. A very* to Angels Camp. A vlla* to San Luis Obispo.  East Nicolaus* to Marysville. • Clearwater* to Hynes. Easton*tt to Burlingame C'lements•t:t to Locket'ord. Ea.F~~~no~Frcsno Oo.), to Clio*tt to Quincy. Chppergap•tt to Auburn. E.P~drno. Pe<lro*tt to San ('lipper Ivtill!•* to Oroville. Echo to Placerville. Clotho to Fresno. Edenda.le1 to Los Angeles *BNr~devge_port* to Minden. J Clyde to Baypoint. Coarsegold* to Madera. Eden \'ale*t to San Jose. · Bridgeville• to Fort,una. Edgewood*H to \\ eed. Cohasset* to Cbloo. Brightontt to Sacramento Uo11::gruvtl tu .1::1.uitywood. F.:rlna•u to San Luis OblRpo Broadway Station to BurJ t.;oltlY ille* to Gard.nerville, , Eel Hock to I•'ernua.le. lingame. Nev. Broderlck•r to Sacramento ! Qoliege City* to Arbuckle. El Campo to Sausalito. Brookdaie•t to Santa Cruz i Uo111::gt, .lh.t.rktt to. ,::1.1,11 Ju,;1::. 1 El Cerrito"' to Berkeley. El (Calaveras Co). Brooks* to Esparto , Collegeville to Stockton. to Angels Camp. Brown*tt to Bakersfteld. 1 Cl,H,w, tu umar,u 1 1 Elt1grMa~:tJiTI~~orado Co.) Browns Valley* to Marys~~ ville. l;oluwuia Hill tu _tl,jevada. Elrtman to Compton. JJ;1 ~;ranada*t to San FranBrownsv1lle* to Oroville. City. cisco. Brynmawr•tt to Redlands Uowµtche* to Mendocino. Elizabeth Lake* to Los An~~~t t~ 1 Oofl~~~;~~~*t+ to 8antu geles. Buck l\Ieadows to Sonora UoneJo"'T+ to Laton. El~Jb:1i·~ldorado Co.) to Buena Vista to Ione. Oontiuence* to Tuolumne. Dullards Bar* to Marys- Cooperstown•tt to Oakdale El~e~~~~r: ~cino Oo.) to 0 ville. Elk Creek• to ·wmows Bulwinkle* to Arcata. to Angel 1£disw01•t,h* to gscalon. RuntingvillP to Sw,anville. Corctella • t t to Sulsun City. Elm tra•tt to Vacaville. El Modeno• to Orange Burney* to Fall River Mills. Cornell to Los .Au1rnle:s. Hurrell to Riverdale. IJorralltos• to Watsonvllle. El Porta I *t to ., I erced. Burr<,ugh to Clovis. Corte Madera*t t to San El Rio• to Oxnard. El Serano to Los Angeles Burson* to Lodi. Anselmv. El Toro• U to Santa Ana.' Butcher Ranch* to Auburn•tt to Petaluma. F.:I Verano•tt to Sonoma. Button Willow*t to Bakers- Gou! tervllle• t to Merced. Elvertatt to Sa.C'ra.mento. field. Coutoleuc* to Uhico. Emigrant Gap*tt to Colfax. Byersville to Crows Land- Covel to .l!'resno. Emmaton* to Antlocll. ing. Cowell to Concord. H: mplre*tt to Modesto. Coyote*tt to MorganHill. EnC'anto*t to La Mesa. Cozzens* to Geyserville. Badger* to Orosi. Encinal to Sunnyvale Cra!tonvme• to Redland Bagby*! to Merced. Eoclnltas•tt to Or-eanslde Bagdad*tt to Needles. Engelmine-1< to Greenville, Crescent Mills*t to Green- Enterprise• to Baird• to Redding. Oroville. vit le. Balboa*t to Newport Beach. Cabazon*tt to Banning. Eiwalle to Sao Anselmo. Cressey* to Livingston. Ballard* to Lompoc. Cadanassa* to ·woodland. Creston• to Paso Robles. Ethanac*t to Perris. Bandini to Whittier. C'ahuilla to Hemet. Etiwanda"'tt to C'uC'amonga to Quincy. Bangor* to Oroville. Cajon•ttto San Bernardino Oromberg Eubanks* to Dunsmuir. Banta.*t to Tracy. Calabasas* to Los Angeles. Crutts to San llernardino. Eugene* to Oakdale. Evergreen to San Jose. Bard* to Yuma ..Artz. Callente•tt to Bakersfield Crystal Springs to Colfax. Barrett to San Diego. Callahan* to Etna Mills. Cudahy Station to Los Barstow to S~n Bernardino. Ca.Joella• to Ukiah. Angeles. Sprmgs* to WU- Calwa. City to l!'resno. Cummings* to Willits. to San Anselmo Bass Lake*t to Fresno. I Camanche• to Lodi Ccunningb!~ to ~eba.<itopr1 Fairfax•t to Madera. · Baxter to San Bernardino I C d t L t . upertlno • to unnyva e. Fairmead Fairmont* to L11.11(·;,•ter. Bay Citv to Valley Ford ·1 Cami:n,.. p~ on. Ill Cypress to Artesia. Fair Play* to Placerville. Ba.yles*f to Kennett. · ~al~y t~c~r;1a.!d. Fairport*tt to Fort BidCamp Kearneyt to San! well. D~J;_~~t•tt to San Bernar- Falk* to Eureka. I Diego. Yadk!n to Ravenden. Yale* to Ozark. Fallen Leaf* to Placerville. Beck, lth*t to Loyalton. Ualfo~l'leeker•tt to Valley Dairyville to Red Bluff. Fallon*t to Tomales. Yancopln* to McGehee. Belden*tt to Quincy. Campo• to San Diego. Dana* to Fall River Mills. Famosa*tt to McFarland. Yancy* to Ozan. Danby*tt to Needles. Farallone*tt to Half Moon ttg ~f~\~\!,~sa. Campo Seco* to Jackson. Yarbro to Blytheville. Darwin* to Independence. Day. Y yardelle* to Harrison. Bells Station to Gilroy. Camptonvllle* to Nevaaa. Farm1>r1:iville*tt to r~xeter. Bebi~~t*t to Red Wood! City. Datura to Standish. Farmington• rt to Stockton &.:~~-Forest. Canby*t to Alturas. Davenport• t t to Santa Fellows*tt to Taft. Yorktown• to Pine Bluff. Belvedere*t to Sa1.1salito. Cantara• to Dunsmuir. Cruz. Felton•u to Santa Cruz. Young to Chidester. Ben Hur to Le Grand. Cantil* to Bakersfield. Davis Creek*tt to Alturas. Fennertt to N eedlP1< Youngtown* to Pine Bluff Ben Lomonct•tt to Santa Capay* to Esparto. Davis Mills to Quincy. Fornbridge to Fortuna. Cruz. Capetown* to Ferndale. O,iwn to Clovis. F•~rt,illa to Blythe. Benton* to Bishop. Capitola• tt to Santa Cruz Day to Fall Rhor l\.Iills. Fetters Rprings*to Sonoma Berenda*tt to Madera. Ueath Valley*tt to Gold- Fleldbrook•:t to Arcuta. Beresford to San M:ateo. field Nev. Fields Landinu:• to F-nreka. fack to Marshall. Bernardo* to Escondido. Carbon* to Fall River l\'.fills. Decoto-+-tt to Niles. Finley* to Lakeport. Zebulun* to Glenwood. Flerros* to Arroyo Grande. Car<111l By The Sea•:i: to Deer Park*t to Reno. Nev Fish ('amp to :'\l erced. Zent* to Brinkley. Berry Oreektt to Oroville. Oceanside. Delhi to Turlock. Fish Rook to Point Arena. Zlno*t to Harrison. B erryessa to San Jose. Carlottat to Fortuna Del Mar*tt to San Diego• Flintridge to Glend11le. Zion* to Melbourne. Beswick* to Yreka. Carlshad* to Oceanside. Florence•u to Los Ane:ele11. Bethany*tt to Tracy. Ca.rmel*t! to Monterey. Del Monte*tt to Monterey. Florin• tt to Sacramento Betteravla*tttoGuadaloupe Carnelian Bay* to Reno. Del Rosa*tt to Highland. Florlston•u to Reno, Nev. Beulah Heights to Oak- Carrvme• to Weavervtlle. Del Sur• to Los Angeles. Flournoy* to Corning. land. Carson Hill* to Angels Denny* to Weavervllle. Fontana to Hialto. Beverly Glen to Sherman. Camp. • Den verton to Suisun City Forbestown • to Oroville. C'·1 rt acot t.n Independence. Desca.nso* to m Cajon. Forest• to Nevada City. OALIFORNIA Bicknell* to Santa Marta. Casa Blanca rt to Riverside Devore*tt to San Bernar Fore1<thill* to Colrax. Big Bar• to WeavervUie. Casa Verdugo to Glendale. dlno. Forest Home* to Sutter Big Creek to Clovis. Diamond C'rPek. Spring• rt to Rig Oak Flat* to Sonora. casmalla*t t to Santa MarlA Placerville. Forest Knolls to San An!'elB\~trees* to _Stockto!'· C'a...,par• to Fort Brati:g . Dixieland*t mo. to Seeley. Auila to Watts. n11ou~ to ~1:incli:_m • ev. Cass<'!* to rail H1ver i\I1lls Forks of Salmon* to Etna Aoademy•t to Clovis. J3ingv1ll to ~a~10nal C'ity. Castella • tt to Dunsmuir. Dobbins• to Nevada City. Mills. Aca.mpo* . to Lodi. Birds Landmg to Suisun! Ca.·tiac to Los Angeles. Donner to Colfax. Fort Barry• to Sausalito Acton*tt to Lancaster. City. Dorrlne-ton* to Stockton. Fort Dick * to Crescent to Calistoga. Rlack Dlamondt to Pltu- castrovme-tt to Salinas. Do,; 1<1os*t to\\ ill1t,City. Springs to LakeporL bukrgp. . t to u ato Catalina Islandt to Avalon. Dougherty to Pleasanton . Fort R<>ward t.o Sc0t.l>t elalda • to Paso Robles. Blac om J.,ov · Cathay to l\[erced. Douglas City* to Weaver- Foster*tt to San Diego. Atlela.nto to San Bernardi- mairsdentt to Quincy. ville. <'ayu~os• to Luis Fosierla • to Jackson. no. 1Duwnleville* to Nevada l◄'outs Spring:; tu i\Jaxwelt. Olnspo; Arlin*t to Rieber. I Blancharo to Merced City Blooksbur~''t to Fortuna. CazadE?ro t t to, Guernevllle. !l'ra,nklin*tt to l~ll< Grove. !1tna Springs to St. Helen11 Bloomfh-ld* to \'all!:"., Ford. <'cdlvtlle* to Etna i\l ills. Doyle*rt to Susanville. Freeport• to Sacramento. tonj to Uutte City. Bloomlngton*H to Rialto. Cement t:t to Suisun City. Dryt,own*t to Jackson. Freestone~t to Valley Ford. AKer•t to YrE-ka 1 French Camp• to Stockton. Ae;new•u to Santa Clara Hlue <'itnyon"H t,o Colfax. Uuartc*tt to ~Ionrovia. l<'rcncb Corral* to Grass Lake• t to Arcata.. te:ua Caliente• to Sonoma Blue \'alley . Ulythe Junction. to Park- Centerville (Fresno Co.) to Dublin to Pica. anton. Sanger. Dudley* to Coalinga. French Gulch• t to Reddlnii A~~\~~:e tfoS~faf1~~~~to. er. Ariz. Challenire* to Oroville. Dulzura* to Han Diego. noca•tt Freshwater• to Reno. to J•:ureka. Nev. Alamitos Bay* to Lonp Charter Oa.k*t to Covina. Duncans :\Iills*tt to Guer- f?riant*t1 to Clovis. Bodega•t to Valley Ford. BeaC'h. Chatsworth• tt to Loa Anir~ noville. Dodflsh• to Bakersfield. I<'ro<lsham* to Antioch. Alamo•tt to Danville. Duntlee to Burbank. lee. Uodie*t to Minden .• 'ev. Fruitvale*tt to Oakland. Alamorto" to Brawley. < herokeet to Oroville. Dunlap*t to Sanger. Botlnas* to San Rafael. Fruto* to ,vmows. Albany to Berkeley. Chica.go Park* to Colfax. Dolsa Dunnlgan•tt to Garden to <.rove. Woodland I<'ultou•u to Santa Rosa. !}ierhlll to Elsinore. Bonlta*t to National City. l.Jhllcoot*tt to Loyalton. Dutcn Flat•t:r to Colfax.. 1 iurt>erville* to :icotib.. Bonny Doon• to Santa Ald~~~~1n\°t~:~:s~lno. D yervllle* to Scotia. Garden Valley• to PlacerChinese Camp*t to JamesCruz. ville. Alder Springs to Willows. town. Bonsall* to Fall Brook. Eaglenest to Guerneville. Uarey to Santa Maria.* to Paso Rohles. JCagle Hock to Lo~ Angele. Alle11:hany* to Nevada City Boonvllle* to Vl<lah. Gas Point,* to Anderson. Bostonla* to lj;I Cajon. Christine to Cloverdale. Eaglevme•r to Cedarvllle. Allendale• to Oakland. Gavlota•tt to Sam.a East Auburn*t to Auhur 1, Allensworth*U to Delano. , Boulder Creek•tt to Santa Cbua1a.r•t1 to lionzelea. Barbara. A. llla.noe• to Arcata. Cruz. Clma · tt to Lal! Ve1tas. Nev East Bakersfield to Bakers Gaze!le*tt to Weed. Boulevard to San D1e1ro. Clarksburg• 1 to SacraAlma• t t to Los Gatos. fleld. Genesee* to Gri>Pnville. Bowles*tt to Fresno. mento. Alpaugh* to <'orcoran. Hlihlands•tt to High Georgetown* to Placerville. Rowman*tt to Auburn. Cla.rksvme• to Folsom City !!_pine* to RI C'ajon . lano l;erlwr to Red Bluff.  u  1\1  Branscomb• to WllUts. Bray*tt to Dorris. Bric-eland* to Scotia. Hrtdge to Fresno. Bridge House* to Ione.  I 2~!~1:~g !';f tf!~~:~  8~Y~~;~n.  Co8~:g~olis*  I  I  B~f;~!~  c!~o  f  t!!:~~~:;°t:'E;i~~a.  1-  t:l\~1~:+  Y~~~:, ;g  \8.  ck Je. le  e.  Je. o.  n.  JJ)  •·  2001  I  REFERENCE KEY.  125 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  • County Seat.  • :'.lloney Order Office.  t Telegraph  Station.  t Express  Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2002  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  CALIFORNIA  CALIFORNIA  I  Lawndale*:t to In~lewood. j Mllls College• to Oakland / Oak -B~~o Yreka. Oak Bottoms to Redding. Lawrenoe•:t to Santa Clara Millville* to Anderson. Oakhurst• to Madera. Mllton•tt to Stockton. Laws•tt to Blahop. Oak Park*t to acramento. l\Iineral Park to Bishoo. Laytonvllle• to Willits. Oakvtlle•u to St. Helena. Mlnklerl to Sanger. Lebec• to Bakersfield. Oasl5• to Tonopah, Nev. , Minturn• to Chowchilla Leesville* to 1-Villlams. Miramar• (San Diego Co.) Occldental•U to Seba11toLellter to Bakersfield. pol. to San Diego. Lemon Grove•tt to La Miramar (Sdn Mateo Co.) Ocean Beach•t to SanDleiO, Mesa. to Half Moon Bay. Lennox to Inglewood. Lewlston•t to Weaverville. Miranda• to Fortuna. ~;,~~o~;r;~:!; to M\~~gtosn8'.11 Jose• Llkely•tt to Alturas. 1 cl11co. Lime Kiln to Lemon Cove. Mlst to Madera. Ingomar•:t to Gustine. Ockenden• to Clovis. Linden• :t to Stockton Ogllby*f :t to Yuma, Artz. Ingot• to Redding. Lltchfleldtl to Susanville. Mohawk• to Quincy. Ollcenter• to Baker11tleld. lnskip* to Oroville. Little Lake• to Tehachapi. Mojave• t t to Tehachapi. Iverness•t to Point Reyes Little River• to Mendoclao Mokelumne Hlli•tt to Jack- 1 Oilda.le to Bakersfield. tation. Oilfields• to Coalinga. Gotr~tt to N eedltls. son. Llttlerock* to Lancaster. Olancha* to Independence. Golden Gate. to Oakland. Inyo.kern• to Los An~ea. Live Oak ( to Co.) Mollno to Sebastopol. Old Town to San 1.Hego. Goleta•U to Santa Barbara Iowa Hill• to Colfax. Monmouth* to Fowler. to Sacramento. Gorman to Lancaster. Iron Mountain to Redding. Llanada. to Hollister. :\1ono Lake· to Reno, .1. ev. Go11hen•t to Visalia Oleander•t to Fresno. Irvlnett to Tustin. Monollth*t:t to Tehachapi. Llano* to Lancaster. Gottvme• t_o Yreka. Olema•:t to San Rafael. Irwin to Turlock. Monson• to Dinuba. Oleta• to Sutter Creek. Grabners• to Clovis. Montalvo•tt to Oxnard. Locke to Walnut Grove. Irwindale*t:t to Azusa. Knights ll&bella• to Baker11fteld. to Gre.fton•tt Lockeport to Walnut Grove Montara•t to Half Moon Oleum• to Pinole. Landing. Olindat (Orange Co.), to Bay. lvanpah to Las Vegas, Nev. Lockwood• to King City. Graham Station• to Watts. IVY* to Alturas. Fullerton. Monte. Vista to Sunnyvale. Lodoga to Maxwell. Grand View• to San Rafael. Olinda• (Shasta Co.) to Loma Llnda*t to Redlands. Grandvllle• to Guernevllle. Anderson. Lone Pine* to Independ- Monteclto• to Santa BarGranrevme• to Hanford. Olympia to Santa Cruz. Jackson Gate to Jackson. bara. ence. Granltevme• to Nevada Jack1onvme• to Sonora. Lone Star to Fowler. Monte Rio to Guernevllle. City. ~1onte Vista to San Fer- Omo Ranch to Placervme. Jacumba to San Diego. Longvale*f to Wllllts. Graton• to Sebastopol. O'Neale• to Madera. nando. Lon_g Va.I ey•t to SusanJama.cha* to La Mesa. Gravesbro to anger. ville. Jamul• to La Mesa. :-.d?i~~ek* to g~~;•~oRif~:!~ftield. l\Ii,~W'k1f Gray to Banning. Lonoak• to Kin~ City. Jelly to Red Bluff. Greenfield* toKinlZ'11 Oity. Lookout*t to Bieber. Jenner* to Guerneville. ~~1:i~g:H~:tfo t~ a:B! Ophir• to Newcastle. Greenleaf to Madera. Loraine• to Kern. Jenny Lind• to Stockton. Greenview• to Ft. Jones. Orangehuret* to Exeter. Montrto•t to Guerneville. Lordsburg to La Verne. Greenville to Santa Ana. Orangevale to Folsom City. Los Alamitos• t l to Artesia. Jerome•:t to Dorris. Greenwood• to Auburn. Oregon House• to Mary• Montrose to Glendale. Jersey• to Antioch. Grenada. to Montague. vllle. Mooretown* to Oroville. Jesus Marie to Lodi. Grizzly Bluff• to Ferndale. Johannesburg•t:t to Rands- Lo-Berros to Arroyo Grande. Moorland*t to Stockton. Orick* to Arcata. Grizzly Flats• to Placerville :\loraga.* to ,\-alnut Creek. Oriental* to Willows. Los Flores to Red Bluff. Gro11smont•t to La Mesa. Jo~~ldam11• to Chico. Los Mollnos*tl to Red Moreno• to Redlands. Groveland• to Sonora. Mormon Bar to Le Grande. Orleans• to Arcata. Bluff. Jobnltonville•t to SusanGualala • :t to Point Arena. Morro• to San Luis Obispo. Ornbu.un* to Cloverdale. vllle. Los Nletost t to Whittler. Guastt t: to Ontario. Oro Grandert to San BerLos Olivos*t:t to Santa Moes• to Watsonville. Johnsville*t to Quincy. Guatay to San Diego. nardino. Moss Beach*U to Half Jolon• to King City. Maria. Guernsey- t :t to Hanford, Moon Bay. Oro Loma to Dos Palo!'. Lost Hills to Bakersfield. Josephine* to Auburn. Guinda.•tt to Esparto. Moss Landing to Watson- Orrs to Ukiah. Judson* to San Bernardino. Lotus• to Placervllle. Orwoodtt to Stockton. Guthrie's Station to Sacra- Julian• to Ramona. ville. Lower Lake• t to Lakeoort. mento. :\Iountain King*t to :\Ier- Oswald to Yuba City. Junction Center to Clovis Otay•:.: to Chula Vista. ced. Junction City• to Weaver- Lucerne Valley to San Bernardino. vllle. Anto * Ranch Mountain Junction Needles. to LudlowH Burto Station Halcyon• to Arroyo Grande gels Camp. Pacheco* to Ooncord. bank. Lugo to Compton. Halleck• to San Bernardino Lytton• U to Heald11burir. Mount Bulllon•t tp Merced. Pacific* to Placervllle. Hamburi• to Fort Jones. Mount Eden• t t to Oakland . Pacltlo Beach• :t to S&Jt Hamilton Olty•t:t to OhJco. Mount Hebron• f tto Donia. Diego. Bammonton• to MaryaTt.lle Karlo* to usanville. :\Iount ignal* to Calexico. Pa.coima to San Fernando, Macdoel*U to Dorris. Bappy Camp• to Ft . .Tones. Kearney Park• to Fresno. Paiolnes• to Holllster. Muirt:t to Martinez. Madeline*t:t to Alturas. Harbin Springs to Oallstoga Ked.dle*tt to Quincy. Muroc•U to Tehachapi. Harbor Oity to San Pedro. Keeler*t:t to Independence. Madison*:t to Esparto. Murphy• (Calaveras Co.) to ~:l~!:r!~irelar:o Walnut Madrone•:t to Gilroy. Harlem Hot Sprlngst to Keene*:t to Tehachapi. Grove. Angels Camp. MagaUa•t to Chico. San Bernardino. Pajaro:t to Watsonville. Kelso•tt to Las Vegas, Nev. Magnesite to Porterville. Murrietta• t to Elslnl re. Harmony to Cambria. Myford to Tustin. Malaga• t t to Fresno. H&rper to N ewpon Beach. Kenny to Fort Bragl{. Pala* to Fallbrook. Kentfield*t t to San Rafael. Mammoth • to Bishop. Barria,. to Scotia. Palermo• U to Oroville. Harrllon• to Halt Moon Bay Kent Station to Watts. Palliser to a.n Bernardino. Napa. to Junctlon•tt Napa PolntArena. to Manchester• Roaa. Santa to Kenwood•U Ha.rt•t to Needles. Palm City to Chula VistaManhattan* to Redondo. Hat Creek• to Fall River Kern to Bakersfield. ::gres~t~a Palm pring ·• to Banning, Kernville• to Bakersfield. Manton• to Red Bluff. Mills. Pa.iocedro* to Anderson. Keswlck•U to Reddlnt. Manzanar• to Independ-1 aranjo* to Woodlake. Havilab• to Bakers0.eld. Palomar Station to Watts, arod to Ontario. ence. Hawthorne•:t to Inilewood. Key ·•t to Cer·es. Statton {Calaera& Paloma Mendocino. to ·avarro Owensmouth. to Marian Sanger. to Klnnlvcr Hayden Hillt to Bieber. Oo.) to Lodl. Marigold• to Marysville. Navelencia to Reedley. Kirkwood*:t to Corning. Hayfork• to Weaverville. to Blythe. Verde Palo 1\/Ionterey. to Marina Arcata. to Klamath Dunsto Hazel Creek• Panama to Bo.ker~field. 1Mariposa•:t to Le Grande. Neille• to Escondido. Klink to Visa.Ila. mUir. Panoche to Hollister. clson•t to Durham. Knight en*t+ to Brentwood Markleeville • to 1\1:inden, Hearst to Wllllts. Neator•:t to National City Paradtse•t to Chico. ev. Kntgb~ Ferry• to Oakdale. Heber to El Centro. Marsh to Walnut Creek. New Almaden• to San Jose Paramount to WoodlandKnowles• to Madera. Helena• to WeaveTville. Newa.rk•tt to Centerville ! Parkfleld* to San Mtgueles. Toma.I to l t Marshall• Arcata. to t Korbel• Helix to La Mesa.. Paekenta • to Corning. Kramer t t to San B ernar- Martell*t to Jackson. Helm to Fresno. Newberg to Crescent City. Spur to Quincy. dlno. Henderson• to Reddin~. Newbury Park• to Oxnard Patchin• t-0 LOI Gatos. Ma.tilija.• to Oxnard. Kyburz• to Placervllle. Henleyville* to Corning. Newhall*tt to San Fer- Fa.tton•t+ to Highlands. __ ,. May* to Ione. Heraldt w Ga.It. Paynes Creek* to Red Bll.U' nando. Hennon• to Los An~elea. ~1aybrw ·* to acramento. Newmark . to Montebello Pedro Valley to San Frail" La Canada• to .Pasadena. Herndon• to Freano Monto Montereyt New .15:tM~ur*:t Eall River :eroult*t to Ridding. P:.o'::ove• t to Petalutn•· terey. Mccann* to cotia. Penryn•r:t to Newcastle. 8JlJi"c;.la U to c.n Berll&I'- Laguna to San Diego. Newvme• to Orland. Pepperwood* to Scotia, McKinlevvllle• to Arcata. La Grange* to Modesto. Hessel to Sebastopol. Peralto. to Anaheim. La, Beach• to Santa i McKlnney•t to Reno, NflV. Nlcaalo•t to San Rafael.•tt to Hughson. Perktna•:t to SacramentoMcKittrlck•U to Bakers- • -ichol-3 to Bay Point. Ana. Highgrove to ~iverside. -icolaus•t to Iarysville. PerrY* to Redondo. fteld. Highland Springs• to Lake- Lagunitas• to San Anselmo. La Honda• to Redwooa Meadow Valley*t to Quincy Nlm11hew• t to Chico. ort. lpinno.wasee to Madera. Mecca*tt to Coachella. City. H hllne to Holtville. Lake City* to Cedarville. Nipomo•t t to Santa. Marla H to La Jolla. Lake Hodge Station to Melitta to Santa Rosa. Hilton* to Guerneville. NI,&~v~•ti to Las Veeas ;~trglia.t: ~[r::_dale. Meloland to Iloltville. E condido. Hllts•ti to Ashland Ore. Picacho• to Yuma, Ari%Hinkley •t:t to 1:>an Bernar- Lake House to Sacramento. Melones* to Angels Camp. 1elrose to Oakland. Lakeside*t:t to El Cajon. dlno. ii~~TJo~tf!~t>O~kland. ~~~~tJ~tf~~°ija.l. ~ Firebaugh. to Mendota•tt City, Carson to Valley Lake Hipass to , an Die"'o. ~tenlo Park •:t to Palo Alto. North B1oomtleld• to Neva.- Picdrat:t to I eeclley. ev. Hobart Mills*:t to Reno, Pilot Hill• to Auburn. da City. Mentone•tt to Redlands Lakeview• to Perris. Nev. orthbranch* to Angels Pine Grove• to Jackson. Lakeville to Petaluma Hobgood* to Niland. Plne Knot to Redlands. Camp. Merced Falls• t to Merced. Lambert to Healdsburg. Hod'>on to Angels La Mirada*t:t to orwalk. ~Ieridian•:t to Colusa. Holmes to Scotia. to :~:i~gt: l':r~~~~rande N06~~0.m~~:~onia. Corners La Moln~t:t to Dunsmuir. Meridian Holt•tt to Stockton. Pittville*t to Fall Rivet' ~orth Fork to Madera. an Jose. Lanare:t to Riverdale. Honcut• t to Oroville. .Mesa Grande* to Ramona. 1111s. Lanfair* to Needles. Hoodt to Sacramento. North to Ut>land. Lansdale to , an Anselmo. Metrooolitan• to Scotia. Hoopa • to Arcata. orth to Po- Planada to . 1erced. La Panza to San Luis Obis- !eyers to Placerville. Hopeton to Merced. mona. Plano* to Port n·ille,\fillepo. Hornbrook•t:t to Montague • orth . acramento* to a~- Plantation • to Guerne to. Iadera. La. Porte• to Quincy. Hornito11• to Merced. Playa Del Rey• to ven ramento. Michigan Bar• to SacraHot Springs• (Tulare Co.) Larabee to .'cotia. mento. North ·an Diego• to San Pie ant Grove•tt to Larkrnead to t. Helena. to Ducor. !ichigan Bluff* to Colfax. DiCKO. :g~~~l~~i~~ r~~~~rt La:i.pur•tt to San Ansel- Middle Cr('ek to Redding. North San Juan• to Pl~~C:ttl~~ey• to pJacerNevada City. Howland Flat to Oroville. Las Cruces to Santa Bar- Mlddletown•:t to Calistoga. bit:• vllle. Mid Lake• to Ukiah. Northwestern• to Wlllit11. Pleyto• to Paso R 0 , drD· bara.. Hub to Hardwick. Point Firmin to , an 1 e Noyo• to Fort Huntingdon Lake to Frec;no Lassen* to Susanville. Point Loma• to San Dlt:~~• Iidway"' to Tracy. Hurleton• to Orovllle. • ·uevo (Riverside Co.)• to Point Rey • to Peta~11,11• Mllford•t to Susanvllle. Lathrop•tt to Stockton. Huron•t:t to Coalinga. Perris. Point Richmond! to Mlllbrae•t to San Mateo. Hyampom• to Weaverville. Latin ta. to \Vatts. uevo ( an Diego Co.) to Hydepark• to Inglewood. Latrobe•t:t to Placerville. • Mllla•t to Sacramento. ,, dert1• mond. Ramona. Pois n witch to J V ~ Millsaps• to Willows. Hydesville* to Forttma.. ~ _ e l • t to Los Gatos. aermantown•tt to Wlllows. Glant•:t to PlnoJe. Giant Forest to Woodlake. Gilman to Ceres. Gilroy Hot Springs• to Gilroy. GlamJstt to Yuma, Ariz. Glazier to McOloud. Glenblalr• to Fort Bragr. Glenburn• to Fall River Mills. Glencoe• to Jackson. Glen Ellen• to Sonoma. Glenn• to Willows. Glennville• to Glenwood• t t to Santa Cruz. Gloryetta• to Santa. Ana.  Jdrla • to Hollister. Idylwyld* to San Jacinto. Ignaolo•rt to San Rafael. Imtfi~~~I rnf;_ach* to Na.JunctlonU to Imperial 'iland. Independence Lake to Reno, Nev. Indian DIUlnll to Plaoer• ville. Indiafi Wells to Coachella. Inirlenook* to Fort Bragg.  g:::o;  I  !!{  ft Ri RI  Ri Rl  Rl  .RI  RI Rf Ri  R  ~§'f:~tg:;:~  t:r~:=r;fJ~1~Jtb~!~tI  I  ffi  t~  REFERENCE KEY,  • County Seat.  • Money Order Office.  tTelegrapb Statton.  :t Express Office.  R R  R R  R R  R R  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  ing.  ento. ma.  IV.  astojfego.  lnde. :"ran-  lrlz.  ~ld.  ence. ·o.  to to  me.  c ity. ry..  e. Ber-  Polarl1 to Reno. Nev. Pomins to Reno. Nev. Pond to Delano. Pope Valley• to St. Helena Poplar to Porterville. Port Costa*tt to Crockett. Posey* to Bakersfield. Potrero*t to National City.  S&D  lnu•  ~lnO, ista. ng.  ,n.  tts, eras  iuJJ  rao-  a. to.  ~~t~n!'ltf~; D~~t:'.'"  ~t:!:~~;f  :g~t~;1!t :~  f  nd. el.  Stevinson* to Newman. Stewarts Point• to Point Arena.. Stinson Beach to Sausalito. Stirling City to Chico. Stockyardstt to Emeryville Stonyford* to Maxwell. Strawberry Pa.rkt to Ga.r• dena. Strawberry Valley* to Oroville.  2003  Vena.ndo• to Wllliams. \'enice Rlll to Visa.Ila. Vernalis* to Tracy. Verona to Woodland. Victor to Lodi. Vld&lt:t to Parker, Artz. VUla Pa.rkl to Orange.  OOLORA.DO  Ackman• to Dolores. Adams Oity to Brighton. Adena to Fort Morran. Alcreek to Branson. Success to Porterville. Alder• to Sallda. 0 Allee• to Idaho Springs. Allena Park• to Lyons. Summerla.nd*tt to CarpinAllens to Hayden. Visitacion to So. Sa.n Fran- Allison Spur teria.. to Inga.Clo. cisco. Summersville to Sonora. Almont• to Gunnison. Sum mit*tto San Bernar- Vlsta•tt to Oceanside. Alvin to Laird. Volcano• to Jack1on. dino. Ames•t to Telluride. Volta•tt to Los Banos. Sunland* to Burbank. AmltY*tt to Holly. Sunnyside* to National Vorden* to Walnut Grove. Amo to Peyton. City. Sunnyside* Los Angeles to Antlera• to Rltle. Los Angeles . Anton to Akron. Sunoltt to Livermore. Waddlnrton• to Ferndale. Apex to Central City. Sunolglen• to Livermore. Wa.ke11ela• toOresoentOtty. Arboles• to Durango. Sunset Beacbt to Hunt- Wallace*t:t to Lodi. Arena• to Kit Carson. ington Beach. Walnut*t:t to Pomona. Arlckaree• to Flagler. Wal.ab Station• to Sacra- Arllngton•u to Eads. Slltl*f t to Lompoc. mento. to Haigler, Neb. surrey to San Fernando Warmal,)rlnp•u to Oak• Armel• Aroya*tt to Kit Carson. Sutter• to Yuba. Oity. land. Arriola* to SUttervllle to Sacramento. Warner Springs* to Ra- Atch ee* to Dolores. Fruita. Swayne to Oroville . mona.. Atwell to Folsom. N. M. Sycamore* to Colusa.. Washington* to Nevada. Atwood•+ to Sterling. City. Augusta*t to AJrullar. AV!)naale• .i: to Pueblo. Wate1·* to Victorville. Axial* to Craig. Table Blufft to Loleta.. Waterloot to Stockton. Ayer to La Junta.. Table Rock to Oroville. Watsonville Junction to Tahoe*t to Truckee. Watsonville. Tahoe Vista*t to Auburn. Waukena.*tt to Corcoran. Ta.lbert:t to HU n t 1n gt OD Red Banlcs Station to Bailey•t to Denver. Beach. Seigler Springs to Calistoga.. Wawona• to Merced. Woodlake. Ba.Id Mountain• to Central Tallac*t to Placerville. Redl&nda Junctiont to Selby*tt to Crockett. Waynet to San Jose. Cit:,. Talmage• to Ukiah. Weimar• Redlands. to Colra.x. Seneca.• to Greenville. Tancred*t to Esparto. Redwood Valley (Oalpella. Sespe* to Fillmore. Weltcbpec• to Arcata. ::~!1'!1!'f"tot~:f~~ City. Tarn to Parlier. Weldon• to Bakeralleld. P. 0.) to Ukiah. Seven Oaks to Redlands. Barnesville* to Gill. • Taylor• to Reddinit. Wendel to Standish. Rellet• to Nevada City. Sevillet to Orosi.•tt to Brighton Taylorsville* to Green- West Alhambra*t to Al- Barr fepresa• to Polsom Oity. Baaalt•u to CJarbondale · ville. hambra. R OQua• to Crescent City. Bassick to Canon City · Ba.ttle Creek•to Dlxon:wyo t~aftaso Robles. Tecate to National Oity. We,it Butte• to Colusa. Bear River to Hayden. Bharon•tt to Chowchilla.. Tecnor* to Dorris. West Gate•t to Sawtelle. Bedrock* to Nucla. Sha■ta•t to Redding. Tecopa*tt to Tonopah. West Glenda.le to Loa Bellvue to Fort Oollln■ ft~do to Tehachapl. R tch to Quincy. Shasta. Springs*tt to Duns- Tebama*t:i: to Red Bluff. Angeles. Berwlnd•t to Trinidad.· muir. Templeton *tt to Paso West Haven*t:t to Coalinga Bessemert to Pueblo. Rlchfleld (Tehama Co.) to Shaver* to Olovts. W estley*tt to Patterson. Red Bluff. Robles. Beulah• to Pueblo. Shawmut• to Sonora. Teralta to San Diego. Westmlnster•t to HuntingRichgrove• to Ducor. Sheepra.nch* to Sa.nAndreas Terminal• to San Pedro. ton Beach Rlchvale•t to Biggs. Blackhawk*? to Central Sheldon to Elle Grove. Termo* to Susanville. City. Shellvllle to Sonoma. Terra Buena to Yuba City Westpoint* to Jackson. Rio Bonltot to Biggs. Blaine• to Two Buttes. .Rlo Bravo• to Bakerstleld. Shelter Cove* to Ferndiue.1 Westoort•tt to Fon Bragg Bloom* to La Junta. R lo Doll• to Scotia. Sherldan•t to Wheatland. f~~~a~~~*i/~ui~o;:lle. West Sa.n Jose to San Jose. Bonanza• to Saguache. Rio Linda to Sacramento. West ville* to Colfax. Boncarbo to Trinidad. Shingli:, Springs to Placer- Thorn to Scotia. Rionido*t to Guerneville. Whiskey Slide to Lodi. Bonny to Burlington. ville Thornton to Galt. Ripley to Blythe. Bowen*t:t to Trinidad. Shingletown• to Anderson. Threerivers* to Whitehouse to Redding. Bowle• to Roberta• to Burbank. Shiveley*t to Scotia.. ~~~:ui~ta. White Sulphur Springs to Boyerot:t toPaonia. Hugo. Roblar to Petaluma. Vallejo. Bridges Switch to Grand Tilden• to Orovllle. Rockaway Beach* to Sa.n Whitmore• to Reddlnc. Junction. Sierra City* to Loyalton. Tlpton•tt to Tulare. Francisco. Wiest to Brawley. Brodhead to Aguilar. Slerra.ville•t to Loyalton. ~ocklin•tt to Loomis Wilbur Sprlnrs to Wllll&m1. Brookside to Canon Oty. R 0 hn ervme• t to Fortuna. Silver Lake*tt to Sa.n Bern- Tollnouse*t (Fresno Co.) to Wlldoma.r•tr to Elstnore. 0 11 nda. to Kerman ardino. Buffalo Creek• to Denver Clovis. Rolph to Eureka. Slmt• to Oxnard. • Toll House ( Co.) to Wlllowbrook*l to Compton. Buick* to Deertrail Sims to Dunsmuir. Willow Burns•toGicnwoodSprln&'■• Creek to Arcata . • Calistoga.. oeamond •:t to Lancaster. Sisquoc* to Santa Maria. To1>anra• to Santa Monica. Willow Sprtnrs• to Teb!Y Burnt Mill*t to Pueblo. oscoe to Burbank. Slsson•tt to Weed. cbapl. Sites• l to Colusa.. rledale to Bakerstleld. Topaz* to Ga.rdnerville Wilmar to San Gabriel. Skargs• to Geyservtlle. Rosewood to Red Bluff. Caddo&• U to Las Anlm&1. Wilton to Elk Grove. Nev. Sk!M: Springs to Geyserac,~*Jt to Sa.n Anselmo. Calclte•t to Se.Ilda. Tormevt to Vallejo. Wlncheater• t to Hemet. G &' and Ready• to Wlndsor•tt to Heald1burr. Cameo• to Palisades. Towle*tt to Colfax. SkYland to Los Gatos. Ro rasa Valley. Oa.meront:t to Victor. d~d Mountain• to Red• Traver•t to Kingsburg. Winehaven* to Richmond. Ca.mtleld to Ault. R ii:. Campbird* to Ouray. Tres Plnos•u to Holllster. Wlnevllle•t:t to Ontarto. R oun_d Valley• to Bishop. Sla.tine:ton to Placerville. Trevarno to Livermore. iVinterhaven to Yuma.Ariz Camp Shumway• to WalSloat•tt to Quincy. outiers to Sacramento. senburg. Slough House to Triangle to Alturas. Trigo*l to M&dera. !lllnsey•§ to Esparto. Canlleld to Longmont. Trimmer* Wintersburg to to Sanger. Huntingoon S~~rtvtlJe• to Marysvtlle. ~~~~- ta.tion to Ha.y- Smlthflat• Capital City• to Gunnison. Beach. Trinldad•:t to Arcata. to Placervllle. Capultn• to La. Jara. TrtnltY Winton*:t Center• to Merced to Redding Smiths Ranch to Valley to Berkeley. ·witch Creek* to Ramona. Caribou* to Boulder. Triunfo to Oxnard. Ford. ... to Fortuna. Carlton• to Granada. '\\Titter Springs* to Ukiah . .,,~ertord • U to St. HelTrona to Tehachapi. Woodbridge* to Lodi. Carr*tt to Nunn. sne111ntt• t to Merced. Tropico Carr Crossing* to Glenda.le. to Sugar Somesbar* to Yreka.. RYde• to Walnut Grove. City. Trowbridge to Marysville. Somta•tt to Hueneme. Truckee• U to Reno. Nev. Woodfords* to Minden. Cary Ranch* to Hayden. Soquel•t to Santa. Cruz. Nev. Tudor• t to Marysville. Cascade*t to Manitou. Salada Beach * 1 to San Sorrentot to La Jolla. Tujunga* to Glendale. Woodleaf* to Orovllle. Cassells to Fairplay. SoulsbyvtlJe• to Sonora. l"r&nclaoo Woodsl<le-t<ltoRedwoodClty Tuolumne*tt Cebolla to Gunnlson. to Sonora. south Bayt to Eureka. ~~oa•t to.Eureka. Tuttletown • to Sonora Woodville to Porterville. Cedar Creek to Montrose. c!m~~dreaa•u to Anie11 Twain* to Quincy. Woody* to Delano. Oedarwood*t:t to Pueblo. ·woolsey to Santa. Rosa.. Rivers to Willits. Sa~ Ardo•tt to Paso South Dos Palos•t to Dos Two Two Rock to Petaluma. Wrlrhts•tt to Los Gatoa. Obama• to Alamosa. ~Obles. 0 Tyler• to Nevada City. Cha.ndler*t to Florence. So~ti tos Angeles to GarBan Benito• to &Ulster. Chapleton to Wiggins. dena. Y da.lpom to Kennett. Cheney Center to Holly. Spadra. • T to Pomona. to Sa.n Bernardino. Cberrelyn• to Denver. Sa~rt Carlos to Redwood Spencevtlle• to Whea~land. Universal Cityt to Holly- Yermo• Yettem*t to Orosi. Cherry* to Colorado Spoonville*t to Sta.nd1Sh. S l y. wood Yolanda. to San Anselmo. Springs. Spreckels*t to Sallna.s. s~d~er_g to Lancaster. Chlvinirton • to Eads. Spring Ga.rden•t:t to Quincy Upper Lake•t to Lakeport. Yolo•tt to Woodland. e11pe to Gilroy. 8 Yorba.l to Placentia.. Chromo• to Pagosa Sprlnp. SprinF? Valley to La. Mesa. ~Geronimo•tt to San Yo■emlte•u to Merced. Springville to Porterville. Clmarron•u to Montro■e. Sa elmo. Vacation• to Guernevllle. Youngstown to Lodi. Olaremontt to Stratton. pyrock to Willits. ~ Grerorlo•t to Half to Placerville. oon Bay 3 antta.r1um • ·to St. Helena. St. John• to Chic~. Valensin to Sacramento. {~~~!~e~t k!~1~:J>s~· Vallty Center•toEscondldo. st. Louis to OroVIlle. Clark* to Steamboat Valley Home to Oakdale. to ::sonora_. Springs. ~ J~an Bautlata•t to Standard* Valley Springs •tt to Lodi. Zabriskie to Green Water. Clyde* to Two Buttes. Stanfield to Marysville. S • olhster. Coaloreek • f to Florenoe. a~L .Juan Capistrano• to Stanford Unlver11ty•f to Vallicita.* to Angels Zamora tt to Woodland. Va.Iona. to Crockett. Palo Alto. Zeferia. Station to Long Coaldale• to Salida. --nta Ana Val Verdett to Perris. Beach. SaLn Lorenzo•u to SAA Sta.ntonl to Ana.helm. Coalmontt to Walden. Stateline• to Minden. Nev. Valyermo• toLanca.ster. e&ndro Zelza.h*:t to San Fernando. Cokedale*:t to Trtnldad. Vanden to Fairfield. San Lucas•tt to King Olty. Stege•t to Richmond. Zenia.* to Scotia.. Cole to Burllnrto~ _ , County Seat. • Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station. REFFRENCE KEY. t Express Office.  San Ramon• tcs Danvtlle. San Simeon• to Cambria. San Vinclnte to Santa. Oruz. Sa.n Ysidro•t to National Oity. Sant a. Anita•tt t o Monrovia. Santa Fe Springs• to Santa Margarita.(Marin Co) to San Rafael. Santa Margarita• t 1 (San Luis Obispo Co.) to San Luis Obispo. Santa Rita to Salinas. Quartz• to Jamestown. Santa. Rita. Junction to Oulnby* to Arcata. Pleasanton. Santa.*tt to Oxnard. Santa. Ynez* to Lompoc. RRa.ilroad Flat* to Stockton. Santa Ysabel* to Ramona. Santee*tt to El Cajon. n~inbow• to Fallbrook. u.laln•t to Fresno. R&mona {Los Angelea Co.) Saranas to Walnut Creek. Sattley* to Loyalton. to Alhambra. Ramona Park to Alhambra. SaugusU to San Fernando. R Sawyers Bar• to Etna Mllls. ... ~ndall to Placerville. --ndaburg • f t to Teh!Y chilling to Redding. Scotts* to Loyalton. Sea.brlghttt to Santa. Cruz. Ra.nnells* to Blythe. Ravend.ale•t to Susanvtlle. Seal Beach to Long Beach. Ravennatt to Los Angeles. Searles* to Bakerstleld. Seaslde•t to Monterey. ~~~ to Susanville. Sea View• to Guemevllle. ~wond•u to Madeira.  Poiter Valley• to Ukiah. Poway• to Escondido. Pozo• to San Luis Oblapo. Prado•tt to Corona. P rather to Clovis. Presidiot to San Francisco. Pre■ ton • t to Cloverdale. Probert&* to Red Bluff. Putga• to Oroville. Pullman to Richmond. Purlsslma to Hall Moon Bay,  a:ro::;.%PJ~!,id.  ndo,  San Luis Rey• toOceanslde. San Marcos•t:i: to Escondido Sae Mart1n·ti to Morgan Hlll. San Pabto•u to Richmond. San Pasqual to Escondido. San Quentln•tt to San Rafael.  COLORADO  1:-'th*. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Vina• U to Red Bluff. Vlneburr•t to Sonoma. Vinton* to Loyalton. Viola• to Anderson. Vlr,rlnia. Milla to Oroville. Virner to Pla.cervllle. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2004  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  COLORADO 0  g~~~~:~ottft;ftt t6co1ora._l do Spring-s. Colorow to Olathe, Columbine to Steamboat Sorin gs. Como•tt to Fairplay Conorete.iett to Florence. ,ooncjos* to Antonito. <'onifer* to Golden. Cornish to Rriggsdale. Cory* to Delta. Cotopaxt•tt to Sa.Ilda. rousin Springs to Pueblo. Oowans* t;o Orctway. Cowdrey to Walden. <Jrestone* to i\Ioffat. Crisman• to Boulder. Oritchell* to Littleton. Crowe to Pueblo. Cucharas• to Walsenburg,  I  Gruft to Springfield. Granhy*tt to Hot Sulphur Springs. Grand Lalre* to Hot Sulphur 8prin~s. Granlte•ti to Buena Vista Grant*t to Fair Play. Gray Creek•t to Trinidad Graylln to Sterling. Great Divide to Craig. Greenland*t ito Castle Rock Green Mountain Falls•t to Colorado Spring-a. Greenwood• to Florence. Griffith to Durango. Gut'fey• to Cripple Creek. Gulnare* to Aguilar.  I  CONNECTICUT  Pleasant View to Golden. / Toltec* to Wa111ennurg. Plum Valley to Branson. Toponas* to Yampa. Poncho p'g3 to Sall ta Torres to Trmidad. Pool to Steamboat Springs / Towaor to Cortez. Portland•tt to Florence. Trlnchera•tt to Trlnictad. Prlmero•t :t to Trinidad. Troy* to Trinidad. Prowers•tt to Lamar. TrucKtun to Calhan. Pryor• to Walsenburg. Tungsten to Boulder. Purcell to Ault. Turon to Calhan. Pyrolite* to Florence. Turret• to Sal\da. Tuttle* to tratton.  Loma*tt to Fruita. Longview"' to Littleton. Los Cerrito.· to ::'\1 anru sa. L<>uvlers tt to Littleton. Luoerne•tt to Greeley. Ludlow•tt to Trinidad. Lycan* to Holley. LynntI to Aguilar.  MoCoy•ti to Yampa. Uncompaghrc to r-.1ontrose. McElmo to Cortez. Underclltre• to Pueblo. :\lcGregor to Steamboat Radlant*t to Florence. Uniontt to Fort , forgan. Sprin!;S. Radium* to Kremmling. Unlver lty Park•tto Denver Maclc*t! to Frulta. Rago* to Akron. Utleyville"' to Springfield. Maitlaud*t to Walsenburg. Rand• to Walden. Majestic to Trinidad. Ran~ely* to Meeker. Malnchite"' Walsenburg. Rapson to Aguilar. Hahns Peak* to Steam- :.\Iarble*t totoCarbondale. Ravenwood* to \Valsenburg- Valdez• to Trinidad. hoat prin,;1;s r-.Iar halltt to Bou1der. Rayruer to 1 'ew Raymer. Valley City to Sugar Oity Hale* to St. Francis. Kan. Read• to Delta. Vallorso to Trinidad. Hamilton to Craig. Masonv1lle* to Loveland Heu Lion to Sedgwick. Valmont to Boulder. Dacono*tt to Frederick. Hanover* to Fountain. ?Ila ters* to Orchard. Reclmesa* to Durango. HappyYille to Eckley. Valverdet to Denver. Darlow to Eastlake. :\J attison*tt to :\latheson. lted ~lountain to uuray. \'eta Pass* l,o La \ eta. Dearfield to Kersey. Harhourrlale to La Junta. :ifaxey to Lamar. Redvale* to • orwood. Vilas• to Lamar. Deckers* to Denver. Hardln*tt to Kersey. Medford , prings to Lamar Red Wing* to \Yalsenburg. Vllla~rove• t t to Saguache. Dela~ua • t to Trinidad. ITarmony! to Fort Collins Melvin to Parker. _ Renaraye* to CorteL. Vi1legreen to Branson. Delcarbon* to Walsenburg.I Hartsel*tt to Fair Play. Richards to Rtouington. Vineland to Pueblo. De Nova to Otis. Hastings*t t.o Trinidad Meredith to Aspen. Rico*tt to Dolores. Virginia Dale* to Fort Hawley to Rocky Ford. Derby *tt to Denver. Mesa* to Debeque. Devinet to Pueblo. Collins. Hawthorne• to Boulder. Messex* to Fort Morgan. Rinn to Lon~ont. Vroman* to r-.Ia.nzanola. Dillingham to Otis. Hazeltinett to Denver. Midway to Denver Hioblanco* to Rifle. Dlllon•tt to Breckenridge. Hebron*! to '\;Valrlen Milner to Steamboat Robb to Wray. Divide*tt to l\Ianitou. Henderson• to B rtghton. Springs. Rock Vale*tt to Florence. Wage,; to Yuma. Dodd to Ft. Morgan. Mindeman to La. Junta. Radley to Lamar. Wall treet* to Boulder. Dove Oreek to Dolores. Hesperus•t to Durango. \llneral Hot Springs* te, Rollinsvlllc• t1 to Central Walsen• to Walsenburg. Dover* to Nunn. lilcks• to Trinidad. Saguache. City. Ward•tt to Boulder. Doylevme• to Gunnlaon. Higbee• to La Junta. \linturn*tt to Leadville. Romeo*tt to La Jara · w aterton to Littleton. Drake* to Loveland lihtlllandst to De.over. Mirage• to Sattuache. Romley-1< to Buena Vista. \Vatklns•tt to Denver. Dumont•t to Idaho Springs Hillside to Westclllle. Model to Trinidad. Roswellt to Sp'gs. Wattenberg to Brighton. Duncan to Trinidad. Hill Top*t to Elizabeth. Rouse*t to Aguilar. Wa\·erly to Wellington. Dunton* to Dolores. Hoehne•tt to Trinidad. ~i~fi~~e** Rugby*t :t to Walsenburg. Webb to Holly. Dyke to Pagosa Springs. Holland to G:ra.nd Junction Monarch to Hot Sulphw Rulison to Brand Valley. , ·elby to Denver. 1 Holtwood to llamah. ~prings. Rush* to Calhan. Wentworth to Syracuse. Home• to Fort ColllWI. 1 0 Russell Gulch• to Central Ka.n. Horuville to Lamur. :Ja~ rin1r!ecken_\ City. westminstcrktt to Arvada Eastonville*tt to Peyton. Howard•tt to Sa.Ilda. ridge. \Veston • t :t to Trinlda d. Eckert• to Cedare<1sre. liowardsvute• to Sllverton !.\'Loraine Park* to Loveland \Vetmore• to Florence. Edgewater• to Denver. :~;i!e~•t,t~i iret~:~reek Morley*t t to Trinidad. Wheat Rlrtg-e* to Denver. Edith• to Duraniro. Mosca• t to Aiamosa. Whlteplne• to Gunnison. Edler to prin:;fleld. Huerf.1.rno*t t to Walsenb\lli Whltewater•tt to Grand Edwards• to Eagle. Hughes* to Yuma. Mountair to Denver. St. Elmo•t to Buena Vista. Junction. Edwest to 'l'rinidad. Husted•tt to Colorado Mount Harris to Hayden. St. Vrainstt to Erie. Elba.* to Akron. Sprlnga. Mount Morrison* to Den- Salem to Denver. Wlgwamtt to Pueblo. Eldora to Boulder. Hyde to Yuma. ver. Sallna•u to Boulder. Wild Horse tt to Kit CarElkton•tt to Victor. Hygiene• 1 to Longmont. Mount Pearl* to Kit Carson Sanford• to La Jara. son. Ellicott* to Peyton. Mustanl?* to Walsenburg. Willard* to Sterling. El Moro*tt to Trinidad. San Pablo• to San Acacia. Willla.mst>urg* to Florence. F:lphis to Vona. Saptnero•tt to Gunnison. Wolcott•t to Eagle. Elwell to Berthoud. * Sargents• tt to Gunnison. Elyrlat to Denver. 1 Ideal t to Walse~bu,:9 _. Wolf Creek to Byers. Raw Pit* to Telluride. Emma• to Carbondale. Ingt:5ide to Fort Oolllll5. Woodland Park•tt to ColoNast to Leadvllle. Schramm to Yuma. Empire• t t to Georgetown. Iola to Gunnison. rado Springs. Nathrop• to Buena Vista Enp;leville to Trinidad. I Ionett t.o Fort Lupton. Woodrow to Brush. Naturita• to Telluride. Shaw• to Arriba. Eskdale to Fort Morgan. Iro~ton to Ouray. Woottontt to Raton, New Navaho Springs to Cortez. Shawnee*:t to Fair Play. Espinoza* to Alamosa . Irvmgton to Lafayette. Mexico. Nepesta•tt to Manzanola. Sheridan to Littleton. Estelene* to Kenton, Okla. Newmlre to Telluride. Sidney• to Steamboat Spgs. Eureka• to Silverton. oel to Ridgway. Siloam• to Florence. EvArgreen* to Mt. Morison. Jamestown* to Boulder. ,Sliver CIIIJ• to Westcliffe. Yellow Jacket to Dolores. North Creede*t to Creede Jansen*tt to Trinidad. ortlnvay* to Two Buttes. ilver Plumen to George- Yetta to Trinidad. Jefrerson*tt to Fair Play. Nyburg• t to Pueblo town. Yoder* to Calhan. Joycoy to Springfield. Simpson to Deertrall. Fairfield to Holyoke. Joylan to Golden. later to Dixon. ,vyo. Falcon*tt to Peyton. Junction City to Oak Sligo*; o Grover. Farmers Spur to Greeley. Creek. Sloss to Glenwood Springs. Farr* to Walsenburg. Juniper to Craig. Smuggler• to Telluride. Oak View- to La Veta. Fetberite to Boulder. Snefl'els• to Ouray. Officer to La Junta. Firestone to Frederick. <.JO 'NEOTICUT Snowmass to Aspen. Oblo •to Pitkin. Flat Top to Genoa. , olar to Walsenburg. Ojo* to La \'eta. Florestat to Crested Butte. Kalous to Tew Raymer. Oklarado to pringfleld. Flor1ssE. t• ti to Colorado Kanza• to Oa.lhan. Somerset•tt to Paonia. Ophirtt to Telluride. Sprln d Abington*t to Putnam. Karval to Hugo. Sopris•t to Trinidad. Flu1•~ to Springfield. Ortiz* to Antonito. Addison• t to Hartford. Kaufman* to Grover. South l<'ork* to Doi Norte. Allinl{townt to West Haven Osgood* to Kersey Fondle• to Elbert. Kearns to Pagosa Springs Overland• to lJeuver. South Plattet t to Denver. Allyns* to orwlch. Forbes• to Trinidad. Kellm to Loveland. • park· to Rock prings, Ford to Yuma. Allyn Point to , orwlch Kelly* to Sterling. ·w,-o.* to Durango. Forder to Ordway. Amston•t to Willimantic. Spence tc> Genoa. Forkscreek•tt to Idaho Kendrick• to Calhan. Andover to Wllllmantlc. Keysor* to Calhan. Spurgin to Kimball, , 'eb. Springs. Kllne• to Durango. , Starkvllle• t t to ·rrlnldad. Fort Uarland* to Blanca. tV: ~JB~~ntto. Fort Logan• tt to Littleton. Koenigt to Johnstown. Augcrvllle to 'ew Haven. Pagoda* to Craig. , till \Vag,on to alba.n. Fort Lyon to Las Animas. Kokomo•tt to Leadville. Avon*tt to im ·bury, Konantz* to tonington. Fosston* to Greeley. Pagosa Junctlon*tt to Pa~ Jie~~~~g. Kornman to Lamar. Foxton* to Denver. Pa1~!fe~~~l~.Jara. Strontia Springs to Little- Baker ville to Torrington. Franktown* to Castle Rock. Kuner'" to Kersey. Pallas to Oak Creek. ton. Ballouvllle• to Danielson. Fra.ser*tt to Hot Sulphur Kutch* to Calhan. Palmer Lake*t to Oastle Sue:ar Loar•t to Boulder. Baltic• t:t to Norwich. Springs. Roc-k. Sullivan to Denver Bantam •t to Litchfield. Freeland to Idaho Springs. La Boca to Ignacio. Pando•tt to Leadville. - unheam* to ra!u;. Barkhamsted• to \\ lnsted. Frlaco• to Breckenrtd~e. Lal e City*tt to .Montrose. I Parachute to Grand Val· Sunlight to GI n ood Beal'h Park• to Clinton. Lake George• to Colorado Iey. Sprtng-s. Beacon Fal[!l•tt to Nauga· Galate&*t to Eads. Springs. Paradox* to Norwood. Sunset• tt to Boulder. tuck. Galeton? to Eaton. Lakevi ta to Cortez. Parlin* to Gunnison. Superlor*tt to Boulder. Bean Hill to . . -orwi<'h. Gare-la to :\1e-sita. Lakewood* to Boulr1Pr. Parshall* to llot ulphur Surber• to Colorado Sp'gs. Beckley to New Britain. Gardner• to Walsenburr. Laporte• to Fort Collins. Spring.·. Swallows•tt to Pueblo. Berlin• t to New Britain, Gart\eld* to Salida. Larlmert to Walsenburg. Patch · to "'al.'enhurg. Bethnny to , ·cw Haven Garo• to Fairplay. Larkspur•tt to Castle Rock Pawnee* to Snyder. Bethleh<'m• to \Vatertown. Garrison to Hooper. Lase.uses to La Jara. Peckham t,o GilC'rest. Black Hall• U to r:sscx. Gary• to Brush. La car to Walsenburg. Peml>ertont to .:\lonument. Black Rock to Bridgeport, Gillettt to Cripple Creek. Laub to Trinidad. Tabasco•t to Trinidad. Bloomllcld"tt to Hartford. Uilman* to Re1lclifr. Lavallny* tu an Penrose*t to Florence. Tabornasb*t to Hot ul- Boardman• to New \rlltord, Girard to ?11:atheson Lawson• to Georgetown. Perln<i* to Durango. phur pring . BI' o 1to n ttochR.oct k,.R·ll 1ec.kvlll'" Glade Park* to Grand June- Lay* to Craig. Plitersbur ! to Lit.tleton. Tabor to Lafayetto. , 01 10 0 • 0 ... 0 0 tion. Lazear*t to Uotchkiss. Phlppsburg*H to Yampa. Ta.cony tu Bwme. Bot rord •rt to Bridgeport• Glen* to Arriba. Leader* to Denver. Plctou•t to Walsenburg, Talpa to \\ alsenhurg Bozrah to ·orwich. Glendevey to Laramie,\Vyo Lebanon* to Dolores. Plkev!ew *tt to Colorado Tarryall* to C'ripple reek. Bozrah vi lie• to 1 ·orwlch. Globevllle to Denver. Leonard• to Telluride. Springs. Terclo•rt to Trinidad. Brancb\iUe•tt to Rldg&' Goldftel<1•t1 to Victor. Lester•t to Watsenbur?;. Pine• to Denver. Tha.tcher*tt to Trinidad. field Goldhlll" to Boulder. Lewis* to Dolores. Pinecliffe to t ·c<lerlan1l. Thurman• to Arriba. Bridgewater• to New MUGood Hill Statton to Bou!- Leyden to Golclon . Pine GroveU to Denver Tl1£an}'* to Duran~o. ford der. Lime• to Pueblo. Plnneott to Brush. Timnatll*tt to Fort Collin. Brookfield"U to DanbUI'Y• Goo<1 Pa11ture* to Pueblo. Littell to Canon City. Plnon•tt to Pueblo. Tioga* to \\ al entmrg. Brooklleld Center• to DaJlllordon to Wa.l!lenhurg. Livermore• to Fort Collini. Pitkin to <$unnison. Tobe * to 'l'riniu bury Gorham• to Boulder. Lobatos to Antonito. Placen·llle tt t,o , orwoo<I Tolland*tt to Central City Brookfield Jct.ti to van· Gowanda.tt_ ~ Pl0a.__t__t--ev __ill ___e_._..:.._T_,,_>o:.:..a__n___t_o_~_t_,f'_r_li_n.:.."_·_ _ __;_-"_l_,_tP_.,_.,_,,_,'_"_'"_tll_r_n_ll_...,_.._"_"--'-T'_1,_11_,,_._,._,._••_·_•,_,_.,_ ••_,_"1_,1_"--"-·.....:.__h_,_,,._,_·_ _ _ _ _ _.-_  ;g t~tr;:r°:::  ~~g~~~t  I  I  (7  I  I  I  !~~~~l~rtuIg f  ;~~g:/t~~  *!,  REFERENCE KEY.  i  County Seat.  • Yoney Order Office.  tTelegraph Statton.  t Express  Office.  DELAWARE  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  CONNECTICUT  I  2005  Bacons to Laurel. North Westchester• to East Stanwicn to Greenwkh. Hallvllle to Norwich.llatl(lam . Bayard to Frantctord. Stepuey to Bridgeport. Harntmrg• to Essex. Hamden•t to Nev. Haven. North Wilton to Norwalk Stepney Depot• to Brldge- Bear•tt to Delaware City. Bellevue• t t to Wilmington. Hampton•t; to \\'!Ultnantlc Nortb Wlndham•tt to Wll• oort. Bethel• to Laurel. llm11.ntlc. Hanover• to Norwich Sterling*tt to Plainfield. to MiddleBlack bird• tt N ortb W o o d b u r y • to Stevenson•t to Shelton. Harwinton to Torrington. town. Waterbury Still Hiver*tt to New MilHawleyvilJe• Tl to Danbury Blackiston to Clayton. ford. Hazardvllle•t to Thomp- North Woodstock• to Putnam. sonvllle. Stony C'reek*tt to Branford Blades• to Seaford. Blanchard to Urt><'nwood . Norwichtown* to Norwich. Storrs to Willimantic. Hebron• to Willimantic. Bowers• to Frederica. Campvllle* to Torrington. Higganum*tt to :'\Joodus. Brandywine to \Vllmlngton to ' orwalk Hig-hland Park* to South Brandywine Springs* to Oakdale• to Norwich. CantPr1,ury* to Plainfield Manc·hester. Wilmington. High Rlctg-e to New Canaan. Uakville*tl tu Wa.tertown. Ta<'onic to Lakeville. Canton•rt to Collinsville. Brentord t t to Smyrna. Tattvlllt>• t to Norwich. Canton Center* to Sims- Higt1wootl*t to New Ha.ven. 1 0 ·cum to Norwich Talc0tt vme• t to Rockvllle. Brownsvllle to Harr1nirton. I 1Iocka11um*t to I<;ast lJ art- 1 Old Lym et to Essex. bury. Bunting to Selbyville. Tarlffvllte• t 1 to Hartford. Old Mystlc•t to Mystic. fore!. I Hop liivcr*tt to ~ TC>rryville tu Bristol Willi- Uld ' ,ii l>roolct to Essex. Thompson tt to Putnam. Oneco*tt to Plainfield. CentervUle* to New Haven mantil'. Cannontt to Seaford. Topstunett to Bethel. Central V illage*tt to Plain• Hotchklssvllle• to Water- Orun2;1•*t to West Haven Canterbury to Ft>lton. Totoket 10 Branford. 1 Ore HIU• to Lakevme. bury. tlelcl. C'ar1;e1ner*t lo Wilmington Oronoque•t to Bridgeport. Tracy• to Meriden. Huntington to ~helton. Cbaptnvllle•t to Lakeville. Trumbull•ti to Bridgeport. (;asson to Dover, Oxtordt to Seymour. Chaplin• to Willimantic. Hurlbutt to Norwalk. Chatham to Portland. Tyler City*:t to West New l Centerville to Wllml~ton. Cheswo1ct•u to Dover. flaven. Cheshlre•t to Waterbury Tylervme• to East Haddam Choate to Newark. Packer* to Plainfield. Chesterfleld to New London l voryton • to Essex. Christiana* to 1',"ewport. Pawcatuck to Westerly,R.I. Chestnut Hill to Wllllmantlr Clarksvl!le• to Frankford. Pequahuck• tt> Jsrlstol. £ient•tt to New Milford. Claymont•U to WllmlnwClarks Corner* to Wllli- r<ent Furnace to ew Mil- Pini' Meadow•t to Winsted. Branford. to Pineoreh;1rd* LonNew to t • ton. ncasvllle U rorcl. ma.nLic. don. Columbia to Laurel. Plantsvllle• :t to SouthingClarks Fcills* to Ashaway Klllln1rwortb to Clinton Union Citytt to Na.uga- Concord to Seaford. RT. ton. tuc-k. Coochs Bridge to Newark Plattevlllet to Brtdgeport. Cllntonv111e•t to New Ha- 1 Pleasant Valley- to Wln- 1 Unionville*t! to Hartford. , Coolsprlni'• t to Lewes. Lakeside• to Litchfield. ven. <1tecl Oolchester•tt to Norwich Laurel Olen to Asllaway . H. I. Plymoutb•t to Thomaston., Colebrook• to Winsted. Vernon• tt to Rockville. Pomtret•t to Putnam. Colel>rook River*i to Win Lebanon• to WI Ill mantle. Downs Chapel to Clayt,on. Pomfret Center* to Putnam. VersaUJes•tt to Norwich. F.terf. Ledyard to N orwlch Vintuns l\1illst to Hanford. Columbia to \.VUllmantlc. Leete !Bland• t t to Gull Poqut'tanuck to i. ' orwich Poquonock• to ftartrord. I Voluntown* to Jewett City. Edgemoor• lt to WllminirComstocks Bridge to fl~af,I lord Hampton. Lime Rock*t to Fa.Lis Vll Po~~~W~~k ton. tol Bridge• Cornwall• to Falls Village Lage. Edwardsville to Greensboro, Wapplng• to Hartford. Cornwall Brldge•tt to Falb! Long Hill• t t to B rictgeport. PrPst,.m to Norwich. Md. Warehouse Point*t to Prt>ston City to Norwich Vlllage. Long Ridge to Stamrord. Eliendale• t t to Mllfot_d. Prospect to Waterbury. Coscnti•·tt to Greenwich Lyme•tt to Essex. Elsmere•tt to Wilmington. I r!1t~1~eld. Cranburyt to Norwalk. Warrenvme• to VVU11man- 1 Crro~diu~each*t to Ne\\ I tic. Fairmount to Georgetown. Quaker Hlll• to New wnWa~hington•ti to New Mil- Farmln~ton • tt to Harring. Madlson•tt to Cllnton. doa. ford to South Quinehaug•t to Webster 1 Manche11ter• H ton. New to Depot• Wat1hlng-ton Dayvi!lett to Danie~ on. Manchester. Farnhurst• t1 to Wllmtnr·1 Milford Mass. Manohester Green• to South Durham• to Middletown. ton. Water:tord•t to New Lon-1 Forest• to Middletown. Durham Center• to Mlddl&Manche.<1ter. don. town. Mansfield* t.o Willimantic. Watcr\'illP:tt to Waterbury MansJ1eld Center•t to Willi Rerl<llnit*t to Rethel. mantle. Wauregan. t to Danielson. Glasgow to Newark. Redding Ridge• to Bethel. Eaglevme•t to Wllllmantlc Mansfield Depot• to Willi- Rf'vnol<iR llrid~wt to Thom- Weatogue to Colllnsvllle. Granoguet to WUmlnizton. Westbrook•tt .to Clinton. al ton . E. Berlin• t t to Middletown Greenvllle*t to Wilmington mantic. West Cheshire r to Water- Grubbs*t to WUmlni'ton. Fast Caaaan•tt to Canaan Marble Dale• to New Mil- Riverbank to Stamford. Eastford• to Putnam. ford. • hury. RI ver,;ide *ttto Greenwich, West Cornwall tt to Falls East Glastonbury* to GlasRiverton• to \Vlnsted. 0 ~~!l~:;~i.tot~ ~!~! Rockfall• ft to Middletown. tonl,ury. Harheson* to Georgetown. , Vlllage~ Eaat Hartland• to Hartford 1 ton. Westfor~ to S;affordS~r gs Harmony to Newark. Rockyhlll • t t to Hartford E. Haven•t tto New Haven Mecbanlcsvllle* to Putnam Round Hill to Greenwich. to L1tcb- Hazlettvllle to Dover Weist Goshen Henry Clay Factory• to E. Kllllngly• to Danielson Melrose• t t to ThompsonRo:atkton•1 to South Nor•, w2:l'~ranby*toSimsbury.' E. Lltcht\eJd•U to TorringWilmington. ville. Tolland. to St,ation Hlckman•rt to Denton.Md. l\1errow Hart-I to Hart!ord•t West Milford. New to Roxbury•t ton. East Lyme• to New London MerwinsvilleH to, ow Mll- Roxbury Station• t to New w~~i~iartland* to Wlnsted. H ockessin • t t to Avondale, Pa East Morrts• to Litohfleld. forrt. I Westminster to Plaintleld. Hollyoak*tl to Wllrnlngton. Mllto rd . E. Norwalkt to South Nor- Mlanust to Greenwich West Morris* to Litchfield. Hollyvllle• to Georgetown. wulk \llddlclm1-y•t to Waterbury Houston Station• t t to MilEastont to Bridgeport. West Mystic• to Mystic. Mlddlefleld•tt to Middle.. Salem to Norwich ford. town. E. Port Chester to Por1 . Y. Chester M i<ltl lo Rad dam* t-0 East Sall,burv• tt to Lal,evllle Sandy Hook•t to Danbury. I WWe(lsstt NNoor~~a\;tto ~aaJ;;thl East RI ver• t t to Gulltorrl Hampton. Bethel. to !'.-!:lnford Kenton*tt to Clayton. E. Thompson•tt to We~ \llcl wayt to ,1 ystlc. Westport. Klrkwood•tt to Delaware , Ster. Mass. ~rntctaJe•u to Soutbln~ton Saugatuck• t to Westport. City. Ea.Rt Wallingfordt to Wal· Millington to East Haddam ~a:~~~~~•}i tfu~~~ftrit to West Hedding*t to Bethel. ll11grord Mill Pta1n•u to Danbury . Simsbury* to imshury. ,v. 1':°ssex. East Wllllngton to Stafford ).Ill\stone• t to New London Saybrook Polnt•tt toP:ssexi W~~rl~~!_tTord to Stal1ord Lehanon to Dover. Springs. Milton to Llt<'btleld. West.Sulfleld•tt toSutneld. Leipsic to Dover. Rast \\ilndsor Hlll•tt to ~tlnurtown to Watertown. Scltlro•t to Thompsonville. 1 11 Hartford. Mohegan to Nonvlch. ;;_ w ThompsonH to l'utnam Lincoln• t t to Milford. ;~~~~l~~\~~)ptio ~ E. Woodstock• to Putnam :\lonrol:' to Hhclton Sharon•tt to Amenia. N.Y. W.ToITingt,ontoTorrington Little Creek• to Dover. Lowes Crossroads to .MlllaMontowese•tt to New Ha• l<~k<mk t11 l'laint!Phl ~baron Valley•t to Amenia. t~::ivw.e/ 1 ~ :::o ~!finto boro. Ell\ngton•t to Rockville. ven. Rockvll!e. Montvllle• to New London N Y· Elllott•tt to Putnam. W \\'0,1<1,sto<'k* to Putnam.I ~hclton*t to Dor' y, Morris• .t to Litchfield. Elm wood• ft to Hartford. Enfield• r to Thompsonvlll~ Muunt O.armcl*H to New! ~g~~tt~:<.t't/1~wtt:!!~~g~t Wethersfield• rt to Hart- Mag-no Ila• to Fredericka. Marshall ton• to Newport. Haven ford. ~ilYer Lane*t to East, I I arLMount Hope to Wilh• Whitueyville*t to New Ha.- Masten to Felton ford. McDonough* to Odessa. mantle. \'Pn Sliver Mlnet to Norwalk. Midway• to Lewes. Fa.byan to Web •tf'r Ma<>h. ~omers*t 10 Tbompsorn illo \Vllson•t to Harttord. Fitchville to Norwich. . omcrville*t to Thomµson- Wilsonville* to Webster, Mlllvllle• to Frankford . Mission to Millsboro. ForeetvlJle•tt to Brllltol. M1tss. \"ille. 1 to Wllmlns~ounll Deach•tt to Stam- tl~i~:sUrtCe~i:/!'~okWln- Montchanin•tt New F'a1rfleld to Danbury ton. steel. o~~~s~·iew•t• to New LonGales Ferry•u to Norwich Newlngton•t to Hartford. Mount Cuba* to Wllminl(Windham• to Willimantic. + don. ~ewlngton Junction• t, ,I Gardner Lake to Norwll'h ton GayiordevllJc•t to New MD· Net,~a~:~;fon•t to New MU s. Hritain*t to Waterbury. Wlndsorvme• to Rockvllle. Mount Moriah to Felton. Winuipaukit tll :-iorwalk Water to y•rt s 0 tbb ford. Mount Pleasant • r l ~o Middletown. Wolcott to Waterbury. ur . Geor1tttowa•tt to Rldie- Nl~o;gc•t to New l,ondon 1 0 ,t;t\ s ~~:~hlre to Waterbury. '\llcholt1t to Brtdg-eport. Gtl~e~~sleevt>• to Portland Nassau•rt to Lewes. so:[~~a~~~~ntry•t to WU- Woor!Atock• to Putnam. ~~;i~~: ~< > \NV ilrl~ib1~tic. 1;.\ 0 0 Wootlstook Valley• to Put·orotcin lleigbts* to Da Rourhforut to Waterbury. .. LI hfl Id South Gla11tonbury• to wna:I\u riPn. 00 Oakgrove• t J to Seaford. tc e · v e to 1•:a-.1 llartforu. Glenbrook•rt to Stamford I No. AshfGrd to Putnam. Oakleyt ! to Greenwood. \io Braur,1rd tu Hr.uirorcl. : Kent* to l\"ew l\1ilford Glenvme•t to Greenwich. Yalesvllle•rt to Meriden. Oc-eanvlew• to Jrrankford. S. Killingly to Danielson Nortbtleld• to Thomaston <,,i.,ity,•ar lo Danit>,,nn. Omar to F'rankfo1·d. t to New Yantlc•tt to Norwich. 'ou b Lyme•t Northforct• to NewJT~ven Go~bcn• to Torrln,rton. Owenstt to Greenwood. o~~~~fe~·l<1en• to Meriden. GOG~:!1~•6:,1tttt81 tioa~~~~~portl ·o l•'ranklin* t,o "tlhmauto tt Wethersfield• South reens Farms•tt to Souib· N~;~b Granby- to Sulnt>ld Pleasanthlll to Newark. !Iartford. North Grosvenor Dale 0 tl J)nrt. Porters•t t to Delaware City otllh \Yillington*tt to Wilto Putnam. I Greenvlllet to Norwtch. Port Penn• to Delaware limantk. North Guilford to Gu!Uord Grtswold • to Norwich. City. N. Haven•tt to ew Haven S. \\'i t,,)lltt t:1 Norwalk. G r~!~nor Dale•t to Put- North Plain• to East Had• So~~a1~~~-dham•rt to WllDELAWARE *t t H tr d Groton•tt to New Lond on . . <dla~·1ctcref1elcl to Hid"e- S w· ti Redden*tt to Georsi:etown. w~~,,t<~~<'k*oto t;ut~ram.1 flo Grove, Bnwh*tt to Clinton., Redllon to Delaware City. Gurleyvllle to WU!lmantlc. N. Stamford t to Stam to rd Spring-dale• U to Stamford. to Rehoboth Beach• t t 1,ewt>s. North Stnllni; to Danlel .. on Stalfor<t • to St a tT or d AndrE'wvillf' to Greenwood. Ane;olat to Lewes. Sprlne;s. Richardson Park*t to WUl:laddam*tt to East Had- North Stonlngton•ttoWest mlngton. ~H:~or~!lmln1rton H~al~me•t to E. H11dda~_.,_ N::1i~1tl~•I to ''ew \flltorrt I St~~~ri;/lle• to Stafford' Rl!lln~un to Camden. Brooklyn* to Danielson. Brooksvale to Waterbury. Buckland•ti to South Manchester. 1 Btu lington to Bristol. Burnsitle*t to l!;ast Hart-, ford. I Burrvme• to Winsted.  I  g:~t:~l>G~~f;J ~~s;fc.  I  I I I  I  I  I  w:t::~g\o;  I  I  l  I  I  I  I  l w:~:;;~:  w~~~~  I  -I  f  ~~~~t;  8i1!'.;1:r~:  1~  ~g~~:~~,\~  rc~WJ\~1fr~~~:  I  ..  a" . ,  :  I  I  !REFERENCE KEY.  127 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  i~~f11~0<!  , County  eat.  * Money Order Ottlce.  tTelegraph Statton.  tExpress Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  2006 DELAWARE  ~  Braiden-l ~~~o·tn;*tt to-Georgeto-W:l~n~a -~~~ia• town. Rockland• to ·wumlngton Anona* to St. Petersburg. Roxanna• to Selbyville. .Anthony• tt to Ocala. Antioch* to Plant City. Saint Georges* to Delaware1 Arch Creek•t to Miami. Argyle•:t to De Funiak City. Springs. Shortly to Georgetown. Ariel to New Smyrna. 8t&Dton•tt to Newport. Stateroad*:t to Wilmington. Arlington to Jacksonville. Stayton.ville to Harrington. Arran*U to Tallahassee. 8tookley•tt to Georgetown. Arredonda•:t to Gainesville Bammlt Bridge• to Middle Ashmore•:t to Tallahassee. Ashville• to Quitman, Ga. town. Sycamore to Laurel. Asta.tula•t to Leesburg. Astor*t to Umatilla. Astor Park•:t to Eustis. Athena*t to Perry. Atlantic Beaoh•tt to Jacksonville. Auburn to Panama City. l Aucma•t:t to Greenvllle. UDlont to Newark. Audubon to Cocoa. Aurantiat to Titusville. A ventina to Miami. Vernon to Harrington. Aycock* t 1 to Cottondale. Vlola • U to Felton.  I  Bagdad•t to Milton. Bakers Mlll•tt to Jasper. Baldwin•u to Jacksonville Balm*:t to Plant City. Barbervme•:t to De Land. Barco to Crystal River. Bascom• to Marianna. Bassenger• to Kissimmee. ,  I  I  ::~ar_ft:;t0;~ J ~k~~a~ea I Yorklyn • U to K e n n e t t City Square, Pa. l3ay Lake*t to Ocala. Bee Ridget to Sarasota. Belgium to Arcadia. Bell*t:t to Alachua. Bellealr*tt to Clearwater. Bellevlew•n to Ocala. Bellisle to Panama City. Benhaden to Tallahassee. Benotls to Perry. Benson:t to Miami. Benton• to White Springs. Berestord•:t to De Land. Berrydale• to Mllton. Betts to Cottondale.  DISTRIOT OF COLUMBIA  Anacostiat to Washlngton. Benningst to Washington. Brightwood to Washington Brookland to Washington. Burrville to Seat Pleasant, Md.  I Enirlewood* to Punta Gordal Hilden to St. Augustine. Cb~s~n:-to Marianna. Hlldretb* to Branford. Cbattahoochee•u to River Enterprlse•ti to Sanford. I Envllle* to Brooksville. Junction. 1 Hllllard•t:t to Callahan. 1 I Cherrylake to Madison. I Chester* to Fernandina. Hogan to South Jackson1 Estiffanulga* to Quincy. Chicora*! to Bartow. villa. ' Esto•t to Geneva, Ala. Holder•t to Inverness. Fort to Ohokoloskee* Holley* to Milton. Myers. Eugene*! to Trenton. Holllster•t to Palatka. Eulalia* to Jacksonv1lle. Chrlstlna•:t to Mulberry. Hollyhill*t to Daytona. .Eureka• to Ocala. Christmas* to Oviedo. Ho1t•t to Milton. Everglade to Fort Myers. Everg-reen* to Callahan. Ohuluota.* to Oviedo. Evinston•tt to McIntosh. liome1ana•rt to Bartow. Ohumuckla* to Pensacola. • t t to Crystal Cltra•u to Ocala. I Homosassa River. Crystal to CUronelle•:t Fatrbanks• t to Gainesville. Hopkins*t:t to Melbourne. River. Hosrord*tt to Bristol. Fairfield• U to Ocala. Citrus Park*:t to Tampa. Falmouth•tt to Live Oak. Houston*tt to Wellborn. Oltypoint•:t to Cocoa. Howard to Arcadia. Fargo to Lake Alfred. Farm dale* to Panama City. Hudson• to BrooKsvllle. Olara•t to Perry. Huntingtontt to Palatka. Favoretta to Bunnell. Olarcona•t to Apopka. Federal Point• to Hastlnirs. Hurds* to St. Augustine. Clarksville• to Marianna. Cleveland*! to Punta Gorda Fenholloway•:t to Perry. Festus to Monticello. Coachman to Clearwater. Iamonla to Tallahassee. Cobb to Baker. Fi!tone to Jacksonville. Indianola*t to Cocoa. Oodyt to Tallahassee. Fivay to Brooksville. Indian River City• to TituaCokesberry to Hastings. Fletcher• to Mayo. ville. Florahome•t to Palatka. Columbia•t to Lake City. Indian Rocks* to Largo. Floral City to Inverness. Indrio* to Fort Pierce. Compass Lake*tt to Marl• Inglis* to Dunnellon. anna. • Florence Villa•t:t to Winter Interlachen•tt to Palatka. Concord to Ravanna. Inwood* to Marianna. Haven. Florida City to Homestead. 8~t1:do. g~~~~; Iola to Apalachicola. Floridatown* to :c Iilton. Cook to Panama City. IrvLne*H to Ocala. Cora to P_,91lard . Islamorada* to Homestead. Formosa• to Orlando. Island Grove•t to HawPensato Barrancas• Fort Ooronado*t to~ ew Smyrna. thorne. cola. Cortez* to Bra1dentown. Fort Drum• to Fort Pierce. Istachatta • t t to BroolmCottagehlll • :t to Pensacola. Fort Green*tt to Bowllng ville. Courtenay• to Cocoa. Green. Crandall• to Fernandina. Fon Green Sprlngs*:t to Jacob* to Cottondale. Wauchula. Crawtord•tt to Callahan. I I:~:;~utioo!:tii!:.:1uie. £0rawrordvllle• to Talla- Fort McCoy•t to Ocala. or~~i;;1· Lake to Lake Fountain*tt to Cottondale., Jay• to Pollard, Ala. Jena* to Mayo. Francls•:t to Palatka. Wal~. Jensen•tt to Fort Pierce. Franklin to Laurel Hill. Croom H ; 0 Brooksville. Freeport• to De Fun1ak Johnson•t to Hawthorne. Oroas City t to Mayo, Johnstown• to Lake Butler. Crown Polntt to Winter/ FJJ'{~~·Marlanna. Fruitland Park•t to Lees- Judson to Trenton. Garden. Juniper* to Greensboro. bura Crystl!-1 Beach to Tarpon ... Sprmg Juplter•tt to Weat Palm Crystal Springs* to Zephyr- Frultvllle*t to Sarasota. Beach. Fulford*t to Dania. hill Fulton to Jacksonvllle. Cypre!·e•ft to Marianna.  1:r:rr:,~ ~~tt~~1U1;~~-  l  Wardt to Delmar. Warwlok to Millsboro. Wbiteaviller to Pittsville, Md. WWlamsville to Selby-ville. Wlllowgrove to WyominP':. Wooddale*:t to Wilmington. Woodland to Seaford. Woodslde•tt to Camden.  DIST. OF COL., FLORIDA  '  Bishopville* to De Land. Blackman* to Pensacola. Bland to Alachua. Blanton•t to Dade City. Blltohton• to Ocala. Bluffsprlngs• t :t to l\Iolino.  g~~~i:~d~tr:;~~~art.  ig  Ga1Iiver*tt to Milton. Galloway*t to Lakeland. 1 1 Dalkeith* to Apalachicola. Gardaer*t t to Aroadla. Oaj1~~an1f:,elhJ~ to Seat Boardman*! to McIntosh. 1 Darlington• fo De Funiak Garnters* to Pensacola. Bocaratone*tt to Delray. Gary•ti to Tampa. Congress Heights to Wash- Bokeelia*t to Bocagrande. Springs ington. to Haines Gaskin to De Funiak So'gs. Davenport*tt Pensa.cola. to 1 Bolton• Gasparlllat to Doca.grande. City. Bonaventure to Cocoa. Bonita Springs* to Fort Davie to Fort Lauderdale. to Sanford. Geneva•tt Deanwood to Washington. Day•t to Mayo. Meyers. Genoa• t1 to White Springs. Georgetown• to Palatka. Deerfleld*H to Delray. gg;ti~~~•:lr11:gn~alatka. Garfield to Washington. Boulogne*:t to Jacksonville. Deerland* to De Funiak Gecrriana • to Cocoa. Good Hope to Washlngton. Boyd*t to Perry. Springs. Bradley Junction to Bartow Deer Park to ... :Ielbourne. Gifford*t to Vero. • r :t to Glendale*:t to D e Funiak DeDleeonLaSnp.rlnirs Tampa. to Brandon•tt Hlllbrook to Washington. Brewstert to Mulberry. Springs. d. Glen Saint Mary • tt to MacDenaud • to Fort Myers. clenny. Denver•:t to Crescent City. I Brick to LaurelbUl. Glenwood• tt to De Land. ltenllwortht to Washington Bridgend* to Sanford. . Dest~• to Pensacola. Bridgeport to Palatka. Gomez*:t to Stuart. Detroit* to Home.stead. Bridges* to Zolfo. L&ngdontt to Washlngton. Broad branch to Blounts-. Dinsmore•t to Jacksonville. Gon.zalez•t to Pensacola. 1 Goodall to Daytona Beach. • I town. Brooker•ti to Lake Butler. Dorcas• to De Funiak Sp gs Gotha to Orlando. Randle Highlands to WashGoulding to Pensacola. Double Sink to Trenton. ington. Gouldl*t to Homestead. Douglru to Apalachicola. Brooklyn*t to Starke. Brown to Whlte Springs. 1 Dover*tt to Plan, Clty. Dowling Park•tt to Live Graham•t to Starke. Brownville•t to Arcadia. Takoma Parktt to Wash- Bruce• to De Funiak Grand Crossing to JacksonOak. Jngton. ville. Springs. Tennallytown to Washing- Brycevllle* to Jacksonvllle. Drllton•t:t to Monticello. Grandin• U to Palatka. ton. Island•t to Eustis. Grand Butler. Lake to Dukes•t Buchanan*! to Zolfo. Terra Ootta to Washington. B11eklngham Grand Rldge*tt to Mari* to Fort Myers. Dupont•t t to Palatl<a. Twining to Washington. anna. Durant•:t to Plant vity. B urbank*t t;o Ocala. Durbin*t to St. Augu1tine. Grant•t:t to Melbourne.  Katbleen•tt to Lakeland Kendall*t to 1 '.Iiami. Kendrick• t :t to Ocala. Kent to Jacksonville. Kenwood*t to Palatka. Keysville* to Plant Oity. Kinard* to Marianna. Kings Ferry• to FernandlDa Kin~ton•t to Daytona. Kirkland to Live Oak. Kirkwood! to Micanopy. Knights*! to Plant City. Knox .Hill to De Funlall Sprln1?s. Kyneavllle to Co~tondale.  I  I  Uniontown to Washington. Calloway• to Panama Oity. Campbell:t to Kissimmee. Woodburn to Washington.1 Ca~~~~~• t t to HawC~ra. Walton* to PensaCandler*t:t to Ocala. Cantonment•tt to Penaaoola. FLORIDA Ca.plto:ia*tt to Tallabaaaee. Capps* to Monticello. Oarburt to Perry. Carlos• to Fort Myers. Carr* to Marianna. .A.cllnet to Punta Gorda. 1 Ca.rra.belle*tt to TallahasAgricolat to Ft. Meade. see. Alda• to Plain City. Chipley. to Caryville•tt CoUondale. lo .A.lford*U .A.Igor• to St. Cloud. Cassia* to De Land. Allanton• to Panama Clt7. Cates City to Sarasota. Caxambus*t to Fort .Myers. ~ell.bum* to TltuavWe. 1  .A.Jllanoe• to Marianna. AUamonte Springs*ti  Orlando. .A.Uba• to Marianna.  ff::;!I t1 ~al~tia.  .Alwru ~ Bartow. Alva• to Fort Myen.  Centralia• to Brooll:evllle. to Oentury•tt to Pensacola. Chaires•t to Tallahassee. Champaign to Madison. Chapman to Tampa. Cha.rlotte•tt to PuntaGorda Cht~~!!eGo~!~bor• t:t to  I  AliFERENCE KEY.  4 County  Seat.  I  Greenland• to Jackson ville. Greer• t to Dade City. Gretna•tt to Qumcy. Eagle Lake*tt to Wlnter' Grlffln to Lalceland. Haven. Grovepark•t to Hawthorne. Earleton • to Gainesville. Guillord*t to Lake Butler. Early to Panama City. Earnestville to Molino. Gulf Hammock* to GainesEast Lake*t to Leesburg. ville. East Palatka•u to Palalka Gultport*t to St. Petersburg Eastpoint.* to Apalachicola. Gull Point* to Pensacola. Ea.stport• to Jacksonville. to Bronson. Eatonvme•t to Orlando. Ebb• to Greenville. Ebro• to Chipley.* to Cottondale . Ediar*t:t to Hawthorne. Edgoville to Arcadia.  I  Hague•t to Gainesville. Hallandale*tt to Dania. hamptonSprings•t to Perry Hanson*t to • laclison. Hardee to Bron.son . Harold*:t to fllton. Haskell*t to Lakeland. Haynsworth to Alachua.  Ehren•tt to Dade City. Electra• to Ocala. Elfers• to Tarpon Springa. Elkton•tt to Hastings. Ellavme·U to .1adison . Ellzey*t to Bronson.  to Ocala. I Emathla Emeralda* to Leesburg. • Ioney Order Office,  I  • Lacoochee•:t to Dade Clt7 Lacota to Ocala, La Cro&Be• U to Alachua. Lady Lake• t l to Leeeburr. Lalrn Bird* to Perry. Lake Como•t to Palatka. Lake Gem to ::\1ount Dora. Lake Genevat to Hampton, Lake Jackso:c.t to Talla• hassee. Lake Macr•t to Sanford. Lake :Monroe to Sanford. Lake Pickett to Oviedo. Lake tearns to Sebring, Lake Welr* to Ocala. Lakewood*t to Florala, Ala. Lamont• to Monticello. Lancaster to Live Oak. Lansing to Arcadia. Lantana*t to Lake Wortb. Larkins*t to Miami. Laurel:t to Sarasota. Lebanon* to J.>unnellon. Lecanto• to Crystal River. Lee to • indison. Lemon City•t:t to MlamL Leroy• :t to Ocala. Levon*t to Ocala. Liberty* to Greensboro. Llllibridge* to Plant City, LUY* to Arcadia. Limestone to Arcadla. Limon&•t to Tamp&.  Llnden*tt to Leesburg. LiJlbon • tt to Leesburi. Llthla*t to Plan, Cltr._._ 1 Llt~e River• t :t to Kiai--  IJayd • tt to Montloello. Helen•tt to Tallahassee. Hernando•u to Inverness. Lochloosa•t to Hawtbol'P• Lockhart*t to Orlando. Hibernia to Green Cove Loko * to St. Cloud. Springs. Long Boat to Saruota. Long Key*t.t to Key wee~ Hickson to Plant City• Highland• U to Starke. Lonitwood • t t to Orl&Jl~ tTelegraph Statton.  :Express Office.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  I  GEORGIA  2007  I  Old Town•t to Newberry. Rocnene•tt to Gainesville. VUas•tt to Apalachicola. Armuchee•t to Rome. Ol&'a* to Fort Myers. Rook Bluff* to Quincy. · Arv• to F'ltzgerald. Oluatee• U to Lake Olt:v. Rockledge* U to Cocoa. i Asbury to Hogansville. Ona*tt to Wauchula. Rock Springs• to Ocala. Wabasso•t to Vero. Aahland • to Carnesville. Oneoo•t to Rockwell* to Dunnellon. Wa.clssa• to Monticello. Aska to Blue Rld11:e .. Or&n&'e• to Apalaohlcola. Rodman• to Palatka. Wade*t to Newberry. t~~fs1:;~~gi:t~e!'-im!· Orange Center to Kisslm- Romeo• to Ocala. Wadesborot to Tallahassee. A1tor to East Point. Lovett•t to Quitman, Ga. mee. Rose to 'l:allanassee. Wagner to Oveido. Oran&"e CltY•tt to De Land. Roseland*-l to Vero Loweu•tt to Oc&la. Wakulla*t to Tallahassee. Atco to Oartersvllle. Orange Heights*t to Waldo. Rosewood*t to Cedar Keys. Atktn.aon•t to Brunawick. Loyce to Brooksvllle. Att to Albany. Orange Hill to Chipley. Round Lak&*t to Cotton- Wallace* to Milton. Aurarta• to Dahlonega. Orange Lake• tt to Ocala. Lukens* to Gainesville. ctale. , Waller to Starke. Orange Milli: to Palatka. Luiu•tt to Lake City. Roy to QulJ'lCY, Wall Sprlnirs * to Tarpon Austin to Rutle<12:e. Autney to Dearing. Orangepark*tt to Jackson- Ruskin* to Tampa. Luravlllet to Live Oak. Springs. Lutz* to Tampa. ville. Russell* to Green Cove Walnut Hill* to Atmore, AutreyvUle•:t to Moultrie. Avalon•t to MartlD Orangesprings*t to Haw- 11 Springs. Lynne• to Ocala. Ala. Lynn Haven* to St. Andrew thorn. Walton*t:t: to Fort Pierce. Axson to "\Villacooche. Ormond•U to Daytona. Ayersvllle*t to Cornell&, Safety Harbor to Dunedin. Ward• to Apalachicola. OrmondBeach*toDaytona. Saint Catherlne•ti to W&rrlngton•t to Pensacola. Orsino* to Cocoa. Webster. Waukeenah• to Monticello. Ortep;a to Jacksonvllle. St. James Oity*t to Fort Wausau* to Ohlpley. Osprey*t to Sarasota. Myers. Wa.verly to Winter Haven. Maltland•tt to Orlando. Oateen•t to Sanford. St. JohnsPark*toCresceTJt WelJster*t:t: to Bushnell. :U:&labar•t to Melbourne. . Otahtte* to Brewton. Ala City. Welrsdale•tt ~ Leesourir. Babcock• t :t to ColQ.uitt. Mandarin• to Jacksonville. Ottercreek*t to Bronson. Saint Joseph• to Dade City. "'ekiwa Springs to Orlando Baden to Quitman. Bairdstown•:t to Maxeys. :U:aniro:t to Tampa. Overstreet to Panama City. Saint Leo•u to Dade City. Welaka• to Palatka. Bancroft*t to Blakely. M4nnvllle•:t to Palatka. · Ovicdo*t:t: to Winter Park. Saint Lucie•t to Fort Welcome to Plant Oity. -.ara.thon*tt to Key West. Owanlta* to Fort MyerB. Pierce. West Ba.y• to St. Andrews Banning•t to Whitesbur11:. Marco•t to Fort Myer1. Ox!ord•tt to Ocala. Saint Marks•t to Talia- West Farm:t: to :Madison. carlon*t to Jasoer. Ozona•:t to St. Petersburg. hassee. West J11plt« to \Veet Bannockburn*t to WillaMarteI•tt to Ocala. coochee. Saint .i:Ticholas to South Palm Be&dl. M:artln•t to Ocala. Barnett•H to Sharon. Jacksonville. West 'l'ocoi*t to Palatka.. Barretts*t to Valdosta. Mary Esther• to Pensacola. Pablo Beach•tt to Jack- Salem*:t to Perry. Weatvme•t to Chipley. sonville. Salerno*tt to Stuart. Wetappa* to Panama City. Barrlngton*:t to Darien. t[ascotte*t:t to Groveland. Pace* to Milton. Sa.mpsontt to Starke. Wewahitchka• to Apalaob• Basoomt to Sylvania. BastonvUle to Gibson. axvllle *:t to Starke. Pahokee* to Okeechobee San Antonio• ti to Dade icola. MayPort*tt to South Jack- Paisley- to Eustis. City. White City* to Fort Pierce sonville. Palma Sola• to Bradentown San Blas to Panama City. White House* to Jackson- Beach*t to Nicholls. :anown•tt to Titusville. Palm Beach•tt to West Sanderson"'tt to Macclenny ville. Beachton• to ThomasvUlo. 0 M~B~1i*IJ 1~~~1:_oak. Palm Beach. ~:~1~1~ Myers. ~fi~ti'!:er:J f~e~!~~~ur11:. ::~d~ die!~:~:rudowlol. McOavid*tt to Molino. Palm City to stuart. San Mateo• 1 t to Palatka. Wllletord*t to Alachu&. Beaverdale to Cohutta. Mointyre•:t to Carrabelle. Palmdale* to La Belle. Santa Fe*rt to Alachua. . Wllma*t:t: to Apalachicola. I Bede ~o Abbeville. McMeekln*t to Hawthorn. Palmore to Pollard, Ala. ; Wilson to Titusville. Bel A1r*:t: to Augusta. Medulla:t to Mulberry. Pa!file.Valley to Jackson- Santa Rosa* to De Funiak, Wlmauma•tt to Palmetto Belknap to Pembroke. elrose~ to ·waldo. Panacea• to Tallahassee. Springs. vVindemere* to Orlando. : Bellton•t to Lula. Meredttb•tt to Bronson. Panama Park*:t to Jackson- Santos•t to Ocala. Windsor• to Gainesville. Bellvllle•t to Iialt'an. Merritt• to Cocoa. ville. Sapp* to ;\facclcnny. Wlnfteld"'t to La.Ke City. : Bemlss*:t: to Valdosta. M Panasoft'kee*t to Leesburg. Satsuma Heights• to Pa-Ben Hill* to Atlanta. I etts to Milton. J Paola•t to Sanrord. latka.. Woodrow to Ii'ort Myers. : Bethlehem*t to Winder. tH:~~~::oc:;~ad~_to~. Parish*tt to Palmetto. sci~\Jerry* to mounts- ~g~~~1lfe!lri~~allahaasee ::~~:t<;.YfotFg~Jr~~Micco*:t: tt .\Ielboui:e. · i:~~gr.ti0 PD~~~5l~Y'ity. Seabreeze•t to Daytona. Worthington* to Lake But- Berryton*t to Summervllle. M:lccosukee*t to Monticello p •tll *t t St p' t Sebastian*H to Vero ler. Bert to Demorest. M iddleburg* to Jacksone o · e ers- 1 Se1rner•tt to Tampa: Wulfert•t to Fort Myen1. Berzella•t to Harlem. l4 ville. p xton• U to Florala Ala I Selman* to Marumna. . Bessie to Washlnirton. lc1way•tt to Quincy. P!dro to Ocala · · Seminole* to Largo. Btg Creek to Duluth. ~mcreek* to St. Augustine.I Pelot to Plant 'city Sevme•u to De Land. Yalaha* to Leesburir. Big Spring to La Grange. ers Ferry to Chipley. Pembroke•t to Fort.Meade Shady* to Ocala. Ybor City to Tamoa. Blllarp to Douglasville. ~fl11gan:u to Milton. Peoria* to Jacksonville. · Shady Grove*t to Green- Yorld to Ooala. Bingen* to 9.u1ncy. Fla. 1 Millvtew to Pensacola. Perrine*tt to Home5tead. I vUle. Young-stown*tl to Panama Birmingham to Roswell, Mlx!iv~~e to Panama Ctt:v. Peters•:t: to l\Iiami. Sharpes•t to Cocoa. City. , Blackwells• to Marietta. a • to Titusville. , Picnic* to Bartow. Sllve~prtng•t to . 1 Yulee*t1 to Fernandina. Blaine* to Jast1er. lfln Pierce to Mulberry. Sisco t to Palatka. , d~eola•t to Winter Gar- Plerson•tt to De Land. Smltn Creek* to Tallahas~}ft~h°•\tg ~'!.1t~~~~ro. 1 1 Mod~ilo* to Homestead. ~:~: see. ~ellwood•tt to Eustla. , Blltohton*t to Savannah. 0 0 ntbrook•tt to Willlaton. Pineda to Cocoa Socostee*t:t: to Hawthorne. , Zona* to Fort Lauderdale. ' Bloomlngdale*tt to Savan•Ontverde*t to Winter Gar- Plnelevel* to Arcadia. socrum • to Lakeland. I Zuber* to Ocala. nab. I{ den. Pinellas Pa.rk*tt to St. Sopchoppy to Tallahassee. Blount to Forsyth. 0 i,r°"19ton•tt to Williston. Petersbur"" Sorrento•t to Eustis. ~0 M.ose e:v Hall to Madlson. Pinelog to o'Iiipley, Southport* to Panama City Blundale*t to Swainsboro. M ossdale to Sanford. Plnemount•t to Live Oak. Sparr•tt to Ocala. osasv Head*t to De Funiak Pinetta to Madison. I Spr~y• to Greenville. !'loggs to Danielsville. u Urlnirs. Piney Point to Palmetto. I Sprmgdale:t: to Perry. Bolen* to Waycross. ::euitrte•t to St. Augustine. \ PittYille to Jacksonville. Sor!ng Garden• to De L_and. Bollnirbroke•t to Forsyth. ::ounl \Pleasant•ttoQulncy Placida*t to Arcadl11-. Sprmglake to Brooksville. GEORGIA Bolton•t:t to Atlanta. 'II.MU at t to Milton. Plymouth*tt to Orlando. Btandnrd to Ocala. Bona.ire• tt to Elko Munson to :Milton. Polnt Washington• to De Star* to Marianna. Bonaville• to Thomson. k urdock~ to Punta Gorda. Funiak Springs. 1 Stepbead to River Junction Bowdon Junctlont to Br&Muaoogee t to Pensaoola. Pomona•t:t to Palatka. men. Y&kka City to Manatee. Pompano*tt to Fort Lau- Sumatra*tt to Apalachicola Aaront to Statesboro. Bowens Mill* to Fitzgerald derdale Sumica* to Lake Wales. Abba•t to Fltzrcerald. B l •tt t Talb Ponce tie Leon•ti to Summer1leld•tt to Ocala. Abbottstord* to Larranre. Bg;~Pfon!y1vaJa. otton. Chipley. summer Haven* to St. Aberdeent to Senoia. B dvill t O ,..,.hi h Ponce l'arJ<-• to Daytona. , Augustine. Acorn to Clarkesville. oy e .. g am. Naples• to Fort Myers. Port Inglis* to Dunnellon. Sumner*t to Bronson. Acree•t to Sylvester. Bo:rkin* to Couiuitt. Naranja•t to Homestead. to De Funiak: SUmtervllle•i to Leesburg. Acton to Hamllton. taroooasee•:t to Kissimmee Portland• Springs Sunbeam to Jacksonvllle. Adalr to Dalton. Bo}nton to Ohatta.nooga, Na1sauvme to Fernandina. Port Orange• t t to Day., Sutherland• t :t to St. Peters- Adam1•t to Leesbu~. Tenn. eAw Augustfne•t to St. tona burg. Adams Park*i to JeJrcnoD• Braganzal to Wayoroaa. uguatlne. Port Richey• to Ta.rpon Suwanneet to Live Oak. vllle. Brentwood*l to Baxley. New Berlin• to JacksonSprings. Suw_annee Valley to Lake Adgatevillet to Hillsboro. Brtdpboro•t to Doenua. vtlle. Port st. Joe*tt to Ap&lachi-. City. Afton to Ball Ground. Bright* to Gainesville. Newburn• to Llve Oak. cola. ' Switz(!rland* to Green Cove ~ea to Llnoolnton. Brlatol*l to Blackshear. Newport to Tallahassee. Port Sewall• to Stuart. Sprrngs. Airrtoola•t to Mttoaell. Broadhum• to Jesup. Port Tampa• r i to Tampa. Sycamore to River June- Aid to Carnesville. New Port Richey to Tarpon Port Tampa City• U to tlon. Aikenton•t $0 Montloello. Brooker~ Hazlehunt. 8 prings. Brooll:11eld•tt to Tifton. Tampa. Sydney•t to Tampa. Aimar to Ludowici. :ew Rlver•t to Lake Butler Powell to Brooksville. Airline $0 Hartwell to Bronson. to Homestead. Alexa.ndert ie WayueeNewtown loevme• to De Funiak Princeton• Brooktont to Olermoni. Prosperity to Geneva, Ala. Tatt•tt to Orlando. boro. Sprln11:s. Broughtont to Newborn. Providence to Lake Butler. Tangerine* to Tavares. Alford to SJ,tvester. Nichols* to Mulberry. Browndale to Hawkinsville. Putnam HaU•:t to Palatka. Taylor to Macclenny. Allne•t to Stillmore. Nooate~•tt to Aroadla, Browns Crossing• to MWTelogia*tt to Bristol. Allatoona•t to Acworth. ~okom1s• to Sarasota. edgeville. Terrell*tt to Bushnell. Allenhure,•t to Ludowici. Noma•t+ to Geneva, Ala. Quay•t toVero. Browntown to Brunawtck. Theressa*t to Hampton. Allentowa•t ~ Danville. orum• to Chipley. Qulntette•t to Pensacola. Thonotosassa•t to Tampa. Almon• to Oo~n. Bullards•U to JefleraonAltamaba• to Retclavllle. vllle. Tlgerbay*t to Fort Meade. Alto•tt to Conlella. Burnett to Blue Ridire. Tillman to Melbourne. Oak•i to Ocala. Ralelgh*t to Williston. I AlYe.ion•t 8Cnola. Burnt Fort to Folketon. Oak Grove• to Milton. , Red Bay• to De Funiak Torrey Island to Ft. Laud- Amboy•t Ashb1U'1L Burroughs*:t to Savannah. Oak Hlll•t:t to Tltusvtlle. erdale. Amlu,• to LIBoolntoR. S_prtnp. Burtsboro• to Dahlonega. Traxler to Alachua. Amaterdam•U to BalnOa k .Hurst* to Tarpon Reddlck•U to Ocala. Burwell to Bowdon. TucKer• to Dade City. 8 Pr1ngs. H.edland• to Homestead. bddge. Bushnell*tt Douglas. Turkeycreek to Plant Olty. Anderaoavt11e•u to Ams- Bushville to to lirlR:noll to Bradentown. Red Rock* to ldllton. Commerce. 8 en•n to Branford. Tumbul1*t to Tltuavme. 10GB. Rerdell to Bushnell. Bussey* to Linoolnton. 0 Oklooknee*:t Turnerst to Fort ADdea to Mllted,:evllle. Tallahaa- Rialto• to Fort Myers. Butts•:t to Garfield. •ee. Richland• U to Dade City. Aonl& • le W aahlnlr\On. Byrd to Rome. Rideout• to Green Cove Valkarta*t to Melbourne. Apple van~ to Cemmeroe. g~•iotir:~~•· R~~~radentown. Valrico•t to Tampa. AAppllq-• te HadtU. Okahumpta•u to Lem- Rio* to Fort Pierce. Ven!ce•:t to Sarasota. Arabi*tt to Cordele. bursr. Rltta• to Okeechobee. Venus* to Arcadia.. Araeon•tt to Rocl'.Dl&l1. Verna to :Manatee. Aroadla • te S&YanBQ. Oabanlsa to FlovUla. O~~~ta to Fort Lauder- m=~~•tf t!t!~~aClty. ,Vernon• to Chipley. &roola to Statesboro. CadleJ to Norwood. ~klawaha• to Ocala. Riverview• to Tampa. Victoriat to Eustis. ArrYie•t \o HomenWe. l Caleb to Conyers. Loretto* to Jacksonville. Lottieville to Trenton. Lotus• to Cocoa. Lou~hman*tt to Haines City.  I  I  toci~i;t  j  i  a:i~r  I  8;J{i:~tt~ P3~r:~~~~-  M  m~z  ti:~~s~;;~~-  i  g~~~:~:;i :~ };~~l~~-  '°'°  1  1  8!'-  '°  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ACounty Seat.  • foney Order Office.  tTelegraph Statton,  +Exprce1 Office• • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2008  GEORGIA  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  Oamak*tl to Warrenton. Cameron*~ to S,vl vania. Campanla to Harlem. Camp Creek to Murphy, N. C. Campton•t to Monroe. Candler to Galnesv1lle. OanoochPet to 1 ,arfleld. Carbondalet to Dalton. Carl*l to Auburn.  Daisy• t t to Claxton. DalwtaU to A»hl>tu·n. Damascus *tt to Kc,:tJer. Dames Ferry•t to Forsyth. Danburg• to \Vashlnirton. Dasher•t to Valaosta. Dayton* to Jasper. l<'la.  Deaton to Rockmart. Decora to Calhoun. Deepstep• to Sandersvllle. g:~sf~~~:1~;;.u/~:tit1edg~ Deercourt*t to Toccoa. Dellwood• to Swalnsl:loro. ville. Carsonville to Butler. Delray to Thomaston. Cartecay• to Ellijay. Delta to Reynolds. Carters to Chatsworth. De11ton•t1 to lh11.lehurst. Cary to Cochran. De Soto to Americus. Devereux to Spat·ta. Cass t,o 0artersville. Cassand ra*t toCha ttanooira. Devore to Alpharetta. Dewltt•t to Baconton. Tenn. Cass Statlon•t to Carter&- Dewyrose•t to Elberton. ville. Dickey• to Edison. Cataula • 1 to Hamilton. Diffee* to Bainbridge. uavlor to Dalton. Dlllard*tt to Clayton. Dinsmore to Alpharetta. Cecil to Adel Cedar Grove* to LaFayette. Dip t-o < lermout. lra~ngs. to Colum- Dirt Town to Lyerly. Dixie• t l to Quitman. Oeleste to Washington. Dodge•t to Chattanooga. g:~::t],o~~ t;~~\•ayette. l Tenn. CentPr to Folkston. Dodson to Newnan. Centralhatchee to Franklin. Doles* to Sylvester. Ceylon to Kingsland. Donald•ti to Ludowtcl. Donovan• to Wrightsville. Chalker•tt to Sandersville. Doogan to Sortng Place. Chalybeate* to Greenville. Dooling to \ienna. 1 Doravme•t to Norcross. Cbambers to Rome. Chance to Fort Valley, Dorchester• to Savannah. Chappell to Griffin. Dormineys i\1 ill to FitzCharlotte to Vidalia. g-erald. Chattahoochee•rt to Atlan- ' Dorsey to Madison. ta. Dot* to Bowden. Ohatterton*t to Douglas. Double Branches• to LlnOheap to Commerce. oolnton. Ohelsea•t to Menlo. Douhlerun*tt to Pitts. J Chennault to Lincolnton. Douiherty• to Gainesville. Cherokee to Canton. Doverel to Dawson. Cherrylog* to Blue Ridge. g~;,:~/If~aJ~~!i Vista l ~o:i~e1~1df~ Flowery Branch. 1 Draketown* to Temple. Drexel to Madison. China Hill to McRae. Dry Branch •tt to Macon. Choestoe to Blue Rldire. Dry Pond to Jefferson. Chuta•ti to Tltton. Duboist to Eastman. Ducktown to Cummlnir. Cisco• to Cleveland, Tenn. Dugdown• to Bucnanan. Duke to Waycross. Clarksboro to Athens. Dunbar to Macon. Olarkston*ti to Stone Duncan to Savannah. Mountain. Dundee to Fairburn. Clem• r to Carrollton. Dunn to Eton. , Cleola• to Talbotton. Clifton (De H.alb Oo.) to Dunwoody*t to Roswell. 1 Du Pont•tt to Homerville. Atlanta. Clinton• to Grays. Durant!*! to Greenville. Clipper to Ellijay. Durham Junct10n to Rossville. CUto•:t to Statesboro. Olopton to Eatonton. Dyas*l to Culloden. Dyke to Ellijay. Clvattvlllet to Valdosta. Olvcte tn Pemhrnkl!. Clyo•tt to • pringfield. Early*t to Rome. Ooal Mountatn to <.Jumming. Eastanollee• to Marttn. 1 g~g~{a\~}-~efl~~~son. l ~oa~u~~o~~Uay. Oobbvllle• to McRae. Editht to Homerville. Cotree•ti to Blackshear. Edward■ Store to GlennOofflnton* to Lumpkin. ville. Cogdell to Homerville. Eelbeck to Cusaeta. Cold Water to Elberton. Egan• to East Point. Col<'shuriz•t to Kingsland. Egypt*tt to Oliver. Colllert to Forsyth. Elder to Maxeys. Colon to Valdosta. Eldora* to Savannah. Conasaufa to Spring Place., Eldorendo•ttto Bainbridge Condor* to Dublin. EI~ to Jackson. Coney•t to Cordele. Elko to Perry. Conkling to Sparta. Ellabell•tt to Savannah. Conley• to Atlanta. Ella Uap to Ellijay. Constantine to Maysville. Ellersue•U to Waved:,. , 1<:lm<Jdel* to Alhar,y. Cooksvme• to hogansvllle. Elza• to ReldsvUle. Cooper to Hartwell. Embry to Draketown. Cooper Heights*! to Chattir Emerich to Unartllla. nooga, Tenn. Emerson• t t to Cartersville Coosa•t to Rome. Emlly to Wblteshurg. Copeco to Milledgeville. ~mmalane to Mlllen. Oorea to Colquitt. , Empire to <'ochran. Corinth• to Hogansville. Enecks to Sylvania.  ceg:!:.  g:::~~i G:J'~  Ferrobutte• to Cartersville. Ficklen to Washington. Fido to Pemt>roke. Fitilds <'ross l{oads to Alpharetta. Flfe to Union City. FIJlmore to Dalton. Findlay t to Pinehurst. Flsh•t to Cedartown. Fitin:~rick* to J e.liersonFlve Forks to Colbert.  Hayston• to Mansfield. Haywood to Nichols.  Lanler•:t to Pembroke. Lear to Cornella. Leah to Harlem. Head River to Cbattanoo- Leathersvllle to Lincolnton. 1ra. Leb to Cairo. H eardmont• ft to Elberton Lt•lmnon• tu Canton Rebaruville to \Yayc-ross. Lee Pooe• t t to Fort Valle,'· llemlock to i'hlckarnauira Hemp .. to Mineral Bluff. Leguln to Covlnirton. Henry to Martin ' Lela•tt to Donalsonville. Ht>ph 7. il,ah"'H to Augusta I Leland to Camilla.  TT:~:n,~i'it i~  ~~~4:iesboro Herod to Dawson. Hershman• to Sylvania.  Fleming• tt to Savannah. Flemington• to Savannah. Fllnt•t to Camilla. F1mtstone• t to Chatt& noOl{ll., Tenn. Fllppen*l to McDonough. Flort>m·e* to Lumpkin. Floyd to Austell.  11 ! r:~r t~ L~f! n. Letford* to Pembroke. 0  Leverett• to Lincolnton. Lew* to GIPm :tie. Hickory Flat to Canton. Lewis to Oglethorpe. Hickory Grove to Roberta Hlckox•t to Waycross . LPwist,ont to C.orclon. Hlgdoos Store• to Blue Lewner to Culberson, N. c. Ridge. Lexsy• to \\ esley. Hlggston•t to Vidalia. Liberty City to Ludowtct. Folsom• to Adalrsvllle. Hl1,rh Point • to Chatta- Llclog¥ to EUljay Fon'~t Glen to Fit1.g1>rald nooga, Tenn. Llllypond to Calhoun. Forest Park• to Eaat Point l:ilgh Shoats• to Bishop. Llncnburg• to , atonton. Fort Ll\mar to Danlelavtlle High To"er to Ball Ciround Llnuale• t t to Rome. Fort ?\;Icf>her,;on to .ll:ast Hill f'ltY*t t to C11lhoun. Linton* tu .'µart.i. Hlllman•t to Sharon. Lin wood• t to Adalrsvtlle. Point. Fort Oglethorpe to Chat- Hllton•t to Columbia. Ala Ll~li1Jt1*! to Lincolnton. fl iltonia*l to Syl vaoia. tanoo~a. Tenn Lithia Sprlngs•rt to Austell Fortson•t to Columbus. Hlnsonton•t to Pelham. Fountain ville to Oglethorpt Little Row to Calhoun. Fowlstown•t to Balnbrldgt Robby to Ashburn. Liveoak to <'amllla. Hobolcen•tt to Blackshear. Liverpool to Cumming. FranJJinton to l\Ia~on. Holcomb to Canton. Llzelln •t to Macon. Free Homes to <:a.nton. Holland*Tt to Lyerlv. Locknart to Lincolnton. Friendship to AmerlCUI. Hollonville to Wllliainson . I Loco to Lincoln ton. Frolona • to La Hollysprlngs•tt to Canton. 1 Lollie* to Hocldedge. Frultland*t to Valdosta. Hollywood*tt to Clarkes- Lone Oak to Hol?ansvllle. ville. Lorane•r to Macon. 0 :~:t~nng~~~t1~e_Tenn Holton•!f to Maron LoLhalr to Soperton. Loudl.Jerg to Washington. Homeland to FolKston. I.:outlsville• to Gainesville. Honora• to Lincolnton. Hope to Milner. Gabbettville•tt to W.Point Hopkins to ·w aycross. Loughridge to Chatswortlluaddlstown• to Dahloneira Loutse to La Grange. Galllard•t to Roberta. Hornsby to Doerun. Louvale*t t to Lu111pktn. Horteo11e•tt to .Jesup. Galloway• to Blue Hldge. Lovelace to Linc1Jlnton. Garden Valley to Reynold ■ Houston to La Grange. Loving to Mineral Bluff. Gardl•t to Je!lup. Howard*tl to Butler. Lowell to Carrollton. Garrant*+t to Douglas. Howell•t to Valdosta. Lowry to \'\.'oolsey. Gates to Dah10nega. Lucile to Blakely. H u b b a rd a v 111 e to Ball Lud ville to Jasµer. Luella• t t to t.icDonougll. Ground. Geneva• t to Tal ootton. Genttan•t to t;oh.1mbus. Huhert*t to Statesboro. Lulaton• rt to Waycross. Luther to Thomson. . Georgetowu to Eufaula. Hucnlng• to Crawtora. HufT to Lawrenceville. Luxomni* to L:~wrencevllle. Ala. Gllbert to Fort Gaines. Lyken* to Homerville. Hull•t to Atnens. R11ntPr.' to 8ylvania. Gill to Lincolnton. L~·tlet to RoSS\-ille. Huntln~n·ttto Americus. Gilmore to Atlanta. f::I un ts ville to Dallas. Glntown to Sylvester. Hustle to Bronwood. Gladesvllle• to Monticello Mabel to Brunswick. Oleo Alta to Buena Vista. Mableton • t to Austell. Glenlock t,, Carrollton. Machrn•rt to Monticello, Glenmore*tt to Way Croll!I Tnaha•t to Ashburn. Madison Springs to Daniel,. Glenn• to Roanoke, Ala. Indian Springs• to Flovllla. ville. Glory to \Villac:om·hee. lnitleslde• to Decatur. Madola to Blue Ridge. GiosterU to Lawrenoevllle Inman• to \\'ooh;ey. Madras•t to Newnan. Glovers• to Forsyth. tnverness• to l.Jarten. Mallorysville to Wasbllll" lowood to Darien. ton. Goitransvllle* to Bamea- Irene to ~part&. 1\1 alone• to Cordele. ville. Irma to Butler. Manassas•t to Hae;an. Good es to Pat,;ietto. Manor• tt to \\, ayo:-oss. Good Hope to Monroe. Isle ot fiopet to Savannab. :\larhle Hill• to .Jasper. Gordy to Sylvester. Ivanhoe to Guyton. Marlon to Ellijay. Gore•t to Summervllle. Iver: to Gordon. Marlow•t to Guyton. Goshen to Lincolnton. Martinez• to Augusta. Massee•t to parka. Gracewood•tt to Augusta. Mat to Cumming. Gradyvllle* to Cairo. Jacksonville• to _ IcRae. Math ta• t to Clayton. Graha n•U to Baxley. Jake to Bremen. Max to Talbotton. Gra e:e to Louisville. James •tt to Macon. l\lu.xim to Ltil('olnton. Granite Hill'• to Sparta. .Ju.nw:-town* tu <'uR,eta. MauveU to Shady Dale. Gratis to Monroe. Jewell• to \Varrenton. .\la.nlay to V: ldo,-ta. Qr3vel ,prlngs to Buford Jhno~•1 to Statesboro. MayOeld•tt to ,\arrento•· Gra\'es, Statlon•t to Daw- John . t m 'tatlon to I udo- '.\JcoHPa n to \ :n ncsborc>• ~on. ,1 I< I. McCarty to Tennlile. Grays Landlng toReldsvllle Johnston ville io Barnee- Mccollum• to Palmetto, 0 Gr:!:;;;~~n. to Chatta- Jo~~~i to Darien. tt ~~ri~\naCOo' Julia to Lumpkin. chee. Greenbush* to La Fayette. Jullette•tt to J<'orsyth. McGreiror* to Alley. Grb~~~- cwt to Wayne&- :f~:!t;se:o.rt~~:~~otton. ~~{~~~;f/f/f~h~~~ii.DD... Grecr.wood*t to McDon- Juno to Dahlonega. Mclntyre•t! to Gordon, OH!th, l\lcf"t'e t.n <,a, "~"Ile. Greggs• to Adel. McPne111on to Dallas. Gresharnvme• to Buckhead Kathleen•tt to Perry. McWnorter• to \\'hlteSvUlbutf· 1 Kt'a.-;ley• to Jasper. Gresston•t to Eastman. 1eadow to Lawrence •· ~~~~~;A~e 'i~acu~~khead. Griswold ville• to Gordon. Kt'<lron to • 'ew11an. Mears to Sylvama. Grovanta•H to Elko. Keith to Rlnggo,d. l\l •<·•·u t.o l•:11rh11rn. Epworth to Blue Rldire. Grove to Clayton. Kelly<- to ~hady Dale. Meda• to f':atonton. Erlck•t to McRae. Groveland• tt to Pembroke l{eru,;ingtun•tt to <'hatta- Medders to Baxley. Esom HUI• t to Cedartown noo,za, Tenn. ?\leek. • 4 to Adrian. Estelle to Chattanooga. Grovetown•n to Harlem. Guin to Hampton. Ken wood•:- te Fayetteville. Tenn. Keuzle to Thomaston. Eugene• to Colquitt. '.\lcGahee to H:Lrlem. Habersham to Demorest. Keysvtue•tt to \Vrellll, . h•inhurrlt to ~avannab, Euharlee• to Cartersville. Ila. an•tt t·> Clayton Melc1rlm•n to Savanna11· Eulonla*t to Darien. H11.Jryonda1e•q to States Klbbee•t to Soperton. Mendt•.·tt to <,'e1111villt1, Evens•t to Augusta. 1 Everett Clty•tt to Brun• 1 0 to Dahlonega. :~l~h~~~ihtf t~ l:1~hland. :i!1t~i~t to'1e~inedP wick. 0 Experiment•! to Griffin. r~~{tt~ ~l~a~~1o~-~n~YValdosta M:;~:uvme•tt to Tb&>lll.,. 0 d 1 ~:fivt~~lfn!~J,f;~br1 ie ::~J!rc~ t~vRmrii;:;me i{ir~~s 1W1\iacoo- • 1 to Bla,·k hoal'• 11 l~~oss. Harrts•t to Greenville. Kl;~~ood to Atlanta ~;~!~:,;fe•toJ~~~~:~ Fair Play to Rutledge. Harrtshnrg-"'f l to Menlo. K'loncmce to Galnesvllle. Mlddleton•tt to P:lbejr,j: Fairy* to Eton. Hartsthld• to Moultrie. Knob to srockhrld1;e. lhlland•t to WaverlY P. Far&:o•tt to Homerville. Harvest• to C'larkeaville. •Knoxvl le• to Rooerta. :'.\litlriver• to Kings1t.i1d, Farmdale to Sylvania. Hassler MUI to Chatlwortb I ilford• to AlhanY Fanntnirton•t to Bishop. Mllltr1 to Calhoun a.», Farrar• to Shady Df\Je. Hatcber Station • to Lacey to Durden Mlllhaven .. 1 to s,iva::;:.,a Felton•tt to Bremen. Georgf'town La ( ro •t to Ellaville. Mlllwoou•tt to W&Y 0 ~.,.... Fence to Auburn. Hatley•t to Corrlele. Lake<-reek to 'e<lartown r libtt•. 1• to c •,,n\ er-l• Fender• to Tifton. Hay• to \'ilia Rica. I LaLakm-ehrneort°-tttooJre 1auy t_on. M1ro11vllle to Camlll&, Fen_t_o_n_to __ D_o_u..;;;ir_taa_v_i_II_e._ _,_H_a..cy_l_o_w_•..;.t_t_t_o_V_a_td_o_s_ta~.______________ 9 0 ..:,_M_tn_e~o_l,;__a•t to ~~  I  Ir{  M M M  M  M  M  I  i~~~~l  I  0  gm:n\ t~i!m!in. Oouncil*tt to Valdosta. Oovena*:t to Swainsboro. Oov<>rdall! to Ashburn. Oowart to ~!aeon.  I  '  1  Crabapple to Alpharetta. , Cralg to Lawrenceville. Orandall"'tt to Eton. Creighton• to Ball Ground. Creacent•t to Darien. I Crest•t to Thomaston. Crttlo to F.:lbertoD. Crosland*! to Omega. Orou Roarls to Lula. OrOSlltie to Baconton. Crumps Park* to Macon. Cry1tal Sprtngst to Rome. 1·  Ouba to Cumming. CUlverton•tt to Soarta. Cumberland Island to St. Marys. OUrryvtlJe• to Calhoun. Cut Cane to \flneral Bluff. ~ene•t to Brtnson.  I  t1i\•~~~l1i•  H:i1~~Y  ::!  c~~t<'/:ia.  ~!l~f~~~,; 1~ '(,~.~•  REFERENCE ll(EY.,  , County Seat.  • Money Order Office.  t}:~~~  kl~~1~J .'  tTelegraph Sta.tlon.  ::\on•  : Exprl'BB omce.  01  Os  0 0 0  0 0 Oa  Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa  Pa Pa Pa  p~ Pe  Pe Pe:  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  GEORGIA  HAW AllAN ISLANDS  I  Saint Charlest~o More~d I Thunderb~lt*rt-0 Sava.nnab Worth•tt to Ashburn. Perklns*t to Mlllen. Thyre to Sylvania. Worthvllle to Jackson. Saiut < 'la.lrt to Gough. Phldelta to Commerce. Wray•t to Douglas. Tickanetley to lWljay. Saint Geor11;e to Folkston, Philema*t::: Lo Oat field. Wrayswood to M.adiaon. St. Simons 1- and• to Tlger•tt to Clayton Philomath* t~ Woodville. I Wrlghtsboro to Thom■on, Tllton•tt to Dalton. Brunswick. Pickard* to Thomaston. Tioga* to Rllljay. 8alacoa to !<'air Mount. Pldcock*tt to Bol!ton. M~J~o\°i ~~r~~alnshoro. Sandy Cro~s t1.. Lexmgton. Tlppettvllle to Vienna. Pledmontt to Zebulon. Tlson to Glennvtlle. Yahoola to Dahloneva. Pierceville to Copper Hill, Sapelo to Darien. M.Monlao*t to St. George. Yeomans to Dawson. Titus to Murphy, N. Car. Sa.rah to Mineral Bluff. Tenn ontevideo to Hartwell. Montreal to Decatur Yorkvtlle to Rockmart. Toledo to St. George. Sarepta to Ball Ground. Pike to Ellijay. Youn~cane* to Blue . Tom to Kite Sargent*tt to Newnan. ~ora* to Willacoochee. Pilot to Blue Ridge. Tomlinson to Homerville. Y ounist to Cedartown. Sautee• to ClarkesvU!e, Pine Grove*+ to Baxley. "fora.n*:t. to Culloden.. Younker* to Eastman. Toonlgll1 to Canton. Scarboro•t to Millen. Pinelevel to Ft. Valley. Mor.ran "'t t,o Leary. Youth to Loganville. ~(·hla11ervillet t, Waycross. Towns*t tu l\JC'Rae. Morganton• to Mineral Blutl Pine Log* to Cartersville. Morganvillet to Chatt&· Pine Mountain* to Clayton. Scottd.ale*tl to Decatur. Townsend•tt to Darien. Yp ■ llantl* to Talbotton. Yukon to Ellijay, 1 Traders Hill to Waycross. :~il~~-~i~~lle. ~~:t~~ow ~i;f;~~•ttr;~~airo. M~~?s~~ ioeWembroke. Traylor to La Grange. Seabrook to Savannah. Morris Statlon•tt to Cuth• P\ttsLiurg•t to CblckaZeblna to Wrens. bert. Trenton to H.inggold. Sellnat to JoneRboro mau11:a. Zelitler• t to Syl Morrow•t to Jonesboro. Trimble* to Hoiansvllle. Seneytt to Rockmart. T'lainflc cl*t:t t 1 Ea tman, Zeke to Canton. Sevier to Flowery Branch. Trinity to Savannah. Mossy Creek to Lula. Pleasant to cummtng. !rlrlpont F acrtaoyr y *nt_:t. to Trion. I Zenlth•t to Fort Valle1. Shack• to C'o!umbus. P leasantt HRIUt to Tt a.tlboLtulton. 80 Zetclla•t to Griffin. 0 0 , Mountain City * t t to , P 1easan Sharpe* to La Fayette. a. e rea o Zlngara to Conyers. Clayton Sharpsborott to Sharpsburg Tuckahoe* to Sylvania. Pocatallgo to Danlelavllle. Zlrkle*t to Black.shear. Sharps Spurt to Vidalia MMountaln Hill to Hamilton Point Peter• to Carlton. Zone to Calhollll. ountaln Town to Ellijay Pomona•t to Griffin. Shawnet·tt to Springfield. Shell BlutT to Waynesboro Tuga10 to Toccoa. MMount Pleasant•t to Jesup Pomtur to lJahtuuega. Tulip to Summervllle. ountvUJe• t to La Grange Pooler:tt to s11:van?ah. Sheltonvllle to Duluth. Tunn lhill*tt to Dalton. Mount Zlon • to Bremen. ·•1e,,11antt t-o 8yh·ania Pope City to P1nev1ew. Turnerville*t to ClarkesMoye• to Edison. Shing-ler•t to Sylveater. Popec; Ferry*t to 11acon ville. :Porterdale*t1 to CoV1ngton. Shoals to .fltchell. Tu11culum*t to Guyton. Portland•+ to Rockmart. 1 Shore to Quitman. Mudge to Waycro11is. to Jeffer11onvillc HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Twlirirsvllle Shoulder to Sparta. Posco to Rockmart. Mulberryt to Hoschtoo Tybee* to Savannah. Sigurd to Chauncey. Mulberry Grove to Hamil- Pottervllle to R_eynold1. Carrollton. to Tyus Brunswick. to Sileo Newnan. to Powel!V1lle ton. Silver City to Cumming. Munnerlyn•t to Waynes- Powelton to Sparta. Alea• to Honolulu, Silver ( reek*t to Rome. Power to Roswell. , boro. I Union Oity*t to Fairburn. Murrayville• to Gainesville. Powersvllle*tt to Ft.Valley, Silver Shoal to Cornella. Columbus. to tt Uoatole• Homerville. to Sirmans* ~Usella • t to Robert&. Uptonvllle•t to Folkston. 1 Eleele* to ,vaimea. PrattsbUI'I!'* to Talbotton. 0 Ewa• to Honolulu. Presley to Murphy, .N. C. M~~~~= Pretoria* to Albany. Slate to Hartwell. Pridgen to Broxton. , mall to Louisville. Haiku• to Kahulul. Vada to Camilla. Smarrs•t to Forsyth. Nacoocbeet to Clarkesvtlle. P~mrose* to, Greenville. Hakalau* to Hilo. nellvllle to Lawrencevllle. Valambrosa• to Dublin. Prwrs*t to < P.danowu. Nahunta*t ! to Waycross. Halawa to Kohala. Valona• to Darten. Snow to Unadilla. 1 Puckett to Buford. Natal to Galneiwllle. Halelwa* to Honolulu. Putnam*+ to Ruena Vlata. Sofkee (Bibb Co.) to Ma.con Va.nna*t to Bowman. Neal*t to Concord Hamakua to llonokaa.. Vanoy to Fort Valley. Sonoravllle to Calhoun. Putney• to Albany. Needmore* to Brururnir.k. Hana• to Walluku Dalton. t-0 Sta.*tt Varnells Clarkesville. to Soaue• I Nelson•tt tu li.u;pm'. Hanapepe*t o \Vaimea. Hapeville. to Vaudelt tol)glethorpe. Southland•t; Nesbitt to Jesup. Hauula* to Honolulu. Newell• to Waycross. Hawi* to Kohala. ~:~e~~*iotG:~~~~~oro. I t~ ~Yii;1e~v• Clayton. New Holland• t to Galne&- Quartz* to Holualoa* to J{ealakelrua. Qulll to Ellijay. ville. Homestead* to Llhue, :t~n. tfo ~g~~~ t~~;fg~eb<~~sworth Quince to Cobbtown. New Lacv* to Baxley. Honomu• to Hilo. ~prlngvale•t to Cuthbert. NNew Market to l"orsytb. Honouliuli t,o Honolulu . ew Provte1ence to DanIloopuloa* to Kealakelrua. Carrollton. to Victory ~i!~~!fn~!rk:itovlngton. ville. t-0 Honokaa. Humuula. VUlanow• to Lafayette. Rabun Gap*t:t to Clayton. Statenv111e• t,o \'a.ldosta. Newry Lo La::?:range. Vln1ngs*t1 to Marietta. Stay to Dahloncu:a. Newton Factory to Coving- Racepond •t to Waycro11t1. Rockmart. to Vinson Rtellavillc" t,o i.\latthews. Ralnest to Cordele. ton. Kaanapall to Lahalna. Vlr~l to Pendere-ras1. Sterling*! to Brunswick. Ralelgb*t to Woodbury. N1 cholson • t to Commerce. Kahaluu to Honolulu. NT•ckvllle Chats- StevenR Pottery*tt to Mill1 ltam hurst*tt to to Elberton. to Honolulu. Ku.hulw* edgeville. worth. Nielly to Lumber City. Kahulu.i* t,o Wailuku. Ranger*tt to Fairmount. Stewart to Jackson. Kealakekua. to Kailua* Graymont. to Stllesboro•rt to Carters- Wade•i Rayle' to Washington. Nona• to Eatonton. Kalah o tn Lihue. Walden*t to Macon. ville . ~•rmantown"tt to Vidalia Ha ,moncl to ~ ·ewnan. Kalapana to H1lo I Canton. to Waleska• Springfield. to Stilh\ell*t Cit-y. Ray to Mi!Lo;*U Rays orwich* to Mauk. Hamuela"- to llonokaa. u.lker to Yaldosta. Recovory•t to Balnbrldre. Stllson•t to Statesboro. N0 te to Eatonton. Walker to Albany. I Kapaau to Kohala. StoC'kton•tt to Valdosta. Redan• to Lltbonla. N•berir to Elberton. k.apotlo* to H11o. Blackshear. to Walkersv1lle Jacksonvllle, to Stokcsvllle Redhud"' to Calhoun. Walnut Hill to Carnesville. Kaunakalral* to Honolulu Fla N~~;~,'"t~~r~i_rrist-ow n. Re<idlck to Sylvania. to Kahulu. Kaupu Jesup. to Waltbourvme•u Falrhurn. to Stop Redlaud• to Jesup. h.1wlia* to Lihue. Wa.lthrall to Cedartown. , tovall*t t,o O<.lessaclale. f{p,,I Oak*t t,o Fairhurn. Kea.nae to Walluku. 0 OakhUl* to F.llljay. 1 Reed Creek to Hartwell. Kcei to H:ea.lnkekua. t:~r.~~~ro(~~r~~t~;.) Oakla-nd-1< to nay. Reevea•t to Calhoun rekaha* to Waimea. Madison. Oakman*:t. to Fair Mount. Hen crt011 1' to Val,Io -ra. Subllgna to ::;ummervule. Ki•ok •a to Kealakekua. to Co.) (Whitfield Waring Rvlvama. to S1HTess Park*tt to Stillmore. Renrroes•t to Cusseta. Kilauea"- to Lihue. Dalton. Sue-hes* to Dahlonega. akrldce to Greenvtlle. Reno* to Cairo 0 &kwood *tt to Gainesville. Resaca• Suv;ar Valley•rt to Cal- Warm Springs tt to Bul- Kipahulu* to Kahului. Calhoun. to t l 0 &ala to Blue Ridge. 1 Koloa* to Lihue. lockvllle. houn. Resource to Sylv1rnla. Kukuihaele• to Honokaa. Sulphur Sprtngs •tt to Wars>1ow to Duluth. Rest to f<'asettevllle. Kukuiopai to Kealakekua. . Kingsland to \\'a.verly*t Tenn. Chatta.noov;a, Ooee to Duluth. Reynoldsvtue to Brinson. summ< r ,own*t+ to l\J id- Waynesville• tt to Bruns- Kula to Lahaina. Ocblllee• to Columbus Ricel>oro*tt to Savannah. Kurtiatown• to Hllo. wick. ville. gchwalkee t-o <3 IPnwood. Waynmanvtlle to Thomae- I oonee • t t to Tennille. Richardson to Stockbrldie Sumner•tt to Sylvester. Ooonee ~I Uis to Gatnesvtlle. Rich wood• t to Vienna ton. Sumter•t ta Smithville. Laupahoehoe• to Hllo. Wayside•:t. to Macon. guei:;<saclu le*t to , , reenville. Riddles Landing to Mount Sun Hlllt to Tennille. Ways Sta.• rt to Savannah. :--u nnv ~icto*t to Griffin. aennan • tt to Black shear. Vernon. 0 reechee• t to Sy! vanla Sutallee to Canton. Rlddlevllle to Davisboro. Maalea to Wailuku. Oaiesby•tt to Elberton. Swan• to Blue Ridge. Rldirevllle" to Darten. M akawao* to Paiit. sweetgum*t to Blue Rtdge. Webbs to Ellijay, Hitt to L,eslle. to ·waimea. l\Taka"ell* Douglasvtlle to Weddington gboopee• t to Lyons. Rlgrton to Reidsville. lana to Waimea. Macon. to Wellston•ti OlUal to M.oDonough. Hinc-on•tt to Spri111dlt>ld. lia.aunawai• to Honolulu. 'ordele. to Wenoua*t e• to Ellijay. Je!JersonvWe. to Ripley Mountain View• to Hllo. ,, C'sle.v*tt to tillmorc. goetanau111. •n to Calhoun. H.lstng Fawn• t t to ChattaWest Green to Douglas. Tart to Dallas. Phe1Ja to Washington. nool!a, Tenn. 0 Phlr to Ball Ground. Cochran. to "'e«tlake*tt Ellijay. to Creek Tails Rlvertown to Palmetto. 0 ranire• to Canton. Naalehu• to Hilo. Talking Rock•tt to Ellljay. While to Cartersvillt1. 'ahi.ku"- to Kahului. fallulah Falls•t:t. to Clay- White BlutT to Savannah. Or~harc1 lilll"l to Milnor. l{obertst-own to Ilelen. 'apooooo* to Kcu.lakeku•. hens. At tn l*t I a JI t' \'l'"h ton. griana to Hol'l-.lNlge. Rolwrtsville to ;\,Iaron. inole* to Hilo. to McDonough. rl&nd* to Soperton. Robinson• to Crawrordvtlle. Tallulab Lodge•t to Clay- Whitehouse Kingsland to Oak*H hitt \\ ton, Rockingham• l t to Baxiey O■oarvll!e to FI o w er y Rocksprlng• t to La Fayettt' Tallulah Park! to 0ornella. \Vhltepath* to ElllJa.y. 0 1 Branch Rockvllle to Eatnnoon. to 8t!~:a1~ t:i~haina. u~;ti~~ st erflcld · to Fitzgerald. I 1ind. Rockytace• to Dalton. o~•ley• t t to Valc1osta. H.ockY Mount to LuthorsHamilton. to W~~lnpt;ile j l<'la. J~s{>~~~t•i·. en'lhoro to Ocilla.. 0 Paauhau* to Honokaa. Plains to C:ovingtou Taylor's Creek" to Sa.van- Whltnc}' trJ Social Circle. ~~=byvmo to Hoira~ H Paauilo* to Honokaa. Wier to Flll)ay . nah . Rogers*t to MIilen , Wildwood• rt to Chattanoo- Paboa• to Hilo. Tazewell• to Buena Vista. Forry* to Kingsland. Roo~l'velt to ElllJay. Ocx rd • to Covington. Newnan. to Roscoe Te~~fi:. sp·gs to Summer- W~~yn~nClayton. 8 11 to Boston l(o,-,t•l>Utl to Lo~anville. Pauwella to Paia \\'llklns to Rome. Temperance to l\lcRae. Rosier*! to Mldvllle. Pea hi to Kahului. Temple Grove to Chats- Willard• t to Eatonton. Round Oak*:t. to Gray. t&nola to Lltnonla. Pearl City* to Honolulu. WUlett to Columl>us. worth. 10 Ji:to, ·an. Houusa\illc p &nsy to Lincolnton. Pcpeekeo• tu Rllo. Willie• to Pembroke. Ter,nga* to Conasauga. Grillln. to Rovl"r• pantl.Jer■ v!De to Decatur. 1',1111 1,i to \'Vaia lua.. Wihr·oL* to Blue Ridge. Texa.s• to Franklln. Ror to Ell1Jay. p arteb • t to Statesboro. Puunene• to Kahulu1. Thalmann*tt to Brunewtck Huark to Alhany. p&rkwood* to Brunswick. Marshallto Winchester: Savannah. to Thebes Ruckersvllle to Elberton. aschal*t to 'l'albotton. Ulupalakua to Wailuku. vtlle. The (; lades to Lula. Hudden to Eatonton. The Rock*t to Thomaston . Wlnlleld • to Thomson. Rupert-*! to Butler. :atmo to Gciffiu. Rocky Winokur*t to Waycross. 1 Volcano House* to Hilo. to Thomasboro: Hush to Richland. patten to Thomasville. Winslow* to Jesup. Ford. Ruskln*tt to Waycross. auUna to We.,t Polut Kingsland. I P~vlne to Ohattanooira, Russell to Chatt&nooira Thompsons Mills to Flo,v- Woodbiue*HtotoEt,m. Wahia"\\'a* to Schofield Woodlawnt Uranch. ery Tenn. p enn. llarracks. Wood Station to Rlngirold, Rutb to Greensboro. Thrasher to l\Iarlison. p en11 .. 1c1• to "·oorlville. Rutherlord to Watkinsville Thrltt*t to Gart1eld. Woodstock*H (Oglethorpe Waiakea to Tiilo. p 91l.nlok to Brunswtok. ('arte~U~ to Rydal*tt _._ __ to Kahu_l_ul Walakoa oodv!_!le. _,_N o ..:.. t __ ; ) ...:. o ;__ C _ _ n_. _ t_o _ a.s ..._m Tho to Tbuncler*:t. !_nnlnicton to Madt11on  Mineral Bluff to Blue Ridge. Minton to Doerun. MMlnus to Sylvania. Mlsb to Cumming.  I  I  n.  t~  I  I  n.  ustell  n.  t\ £<to~ma.  II I  ~i~~~~s;me.  Ugh, 88,  vtne.'  ello. ,e1..  bl~  s.  r.  ~~:a I  z;pb~1  I  II  ~~~;:~~~  glik  i~ ~f~~~~~g5e.  9:0  I  I  nnall· n. bUft·  we,  f!~t~J!1 t~-1~;:~  g  ,tall-  errJ d,  ~:~~:r:i  ;!l~~-  8"'?°1~  cat•  2009  ~;:~msk  ~i:f![s•  ~:g:f~~~: \~ i\\~·.  FERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  • County Seat.  • ~ioney Order Office  +Telegraph Station.  t Express  Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~010  HAWAIIAN ISLANDS  W&lanae• to HonolUlu. Waihee to V ailuku. Walkane to Honolulu. WaUmpu to Wailuku. WrJmanato• to Honolulu. W1&lohlnu• to Hilo.  DAHO, ILLINOIS  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  to Mackay. I Darl1:..1rton• Dayton*tt to Preston.  to Montpelier, I Adellne•tt to Leaf Rlver. I Raymond• ' Aden to Springerton. Regina to Boise.  Kimama,;.tt to Shoshone. King Hill*tt to Glenns ' Ferry. Kingston• to Kellogg. to .Bonners Klockmann Ferry. Knull to Twin Falls. Kootenai*tt to Sandpoint.  1  Resort*T to New 1\feadows. Advance* to Yale. Riddle* to Mountain Home. Afolkey to Dakota. Agnewtt to Sterling. Rlggins*t to White Bird. Alden•tt to Hebron. Robin* to McCammon. Aldridge to Jonesboro. Rock Creek* to Hansen. Rockford to Blackfoot. Rockford Bay to Creur d' Allenboro to Moweaqua. Allen Station to San Jose. Alene Rocky Bar* to Mountain Allentown*t to Macklnaw. Home. Allright to Martinsville. Lacle<1e•tt to Sandpoint. Alma to O'Fallon. Roseberry to Donnelly. Lago* to Grace. Alta•t to Dunlao. Roselake* to Harrison. Lake to St. Anthony. IDAHO Altort to Kankakee. Lake Oreek to Rockford, Rosltorkt t to Pocatello. Alworthtt to Winnebago. Roswell• to Parma. Wash. America* to Mound City. Roy to Rockland. Lakeview* to Sandpoint. Ames to Redbud. Ashton. to Lamont Eastport*tt to Bonners Acequia* to Rupert. Amlty to Sumner. Landing* to Rockland. Ferry. Adams to Grangevme. to Streator. Ancona•u Harrison. o 1 · Lane Weiser. to Eatons Addle to Bonners Feny. Sagle*t to Sandpoint. to Rock Islano. Andalusia• Meadows. New to Lardo•t Edgemere to Spirit Lake. Saint Charles• to Paris. Cambridge. to Andover• Eileen to Bonners Ferr3·. Agathat to Gifford. Saint John to Malad City. Andrest to Peotone. Salmon. to Leesburg• Elba• to Albion. Ahsanka*l to Orotlno. Andrews Station to St>rlngLeland• to Kendrick. City. touit!iad ~!!:i!:1~ai_<> Soda Elk City* to Stites. to Alexander*tt fleld. Lemhi to Salmon. Elkhorn to Malad City. Springs. Samuels to Sandpoint. Elk Prairie to St. Joe. Algomat to Sandpoint. Sanders* to Tekoa, Wash. Applegate to La,vrenceville Ferry. Bonners to Lenla* Sandpoint. to Elmira* Oakley. Almo• to Santa* to St. Martes. A~pteton•tt to Knoxville. Lenore•tt to Gifford. Elva to Idaho Falls. Sawyer* to Sandpoint. to Llbertyvllle. Lenox* to Mountain Home. Setters Emtda • to St. Maries. to Hockford, ·wash. Aptaklslot Alpine to Afton. Wyo. Arcadia to Jacksonville. Mackay. to Leslie* Enavllle*tt to Kellogg. •Silver Clty* to Nampa. Ammon to Idaho Falla. Archer t.o S!>ringfleld. Letha to Emmett. Amsterdam to Rogerson. Ferry. .Bonners to Sinclair Argo to ~Iount Carroll. Lewisville* to Roberts. Smiths Ferry* to Cascade. Argo Annie to Rigby. Fay to Fay. Liberty* to Paris. Antelope to Hirie. Soldier to Fairfield. Falrvle-v to Lewiston. Apple Valle.r to Parma. Plummer. to Sorrentot t t to Rockford. Argyle• Faus. Idaho to Llnooln Falcon tt to W a.llace. Southwick• to Kendrick. Ark to Metrooolls City. LJnden• to Kendrick. Falk• to New Plymouth. Arbon* to PocatolJ J. Spalding• T to Lapwai. to JacH:sonvllle. Arno1d•tt Kellogg. to Linfor Ashton. to Farnum* Archer* to Rexbu~g. Spencer>t-ft t,o Dubois. Aroma Parktt to Kankato Rigby. Arimo*tt to McCammon. Featherville* to 1\'.lountain Lorenzo• I Springfield* to Blackfoot k<>e Luelle* to White Bird. Home. Harrison. to Sprtngston• Arrow .1unction to Lewiston Athensville• to Greentleld. Lund* to Bancroft. Felt to Driggs. Athol•tt to Rathdrum. Squirrel"' to Drummond. Atlas to Louic:iana., :\Io. Standrod to Oakley. Atlanta*to. fountain Home l!ennt to Cottonwood. Atterberry*l to Oakford. arie~ M : Fernwood•tt to St. Atlas to Coour d'Alene. Stanley* to Challis. 1 Ferrell• to St. Joe. Avery*H to St. Joe. Steele* to Peck. ,!\J~*narlf;1·Girard. I Avon• to Deary. AberdPen. to Sterling*tt Mace•! to Wallaoe. to Vandalia. Augsburg Fish Haven• to Parts. Stone* to MaladC'tty. Malt .. • to Albion. Avena*.t to Brownstown. Ford* to Roclf!ord. Strevell* to Albion. Marble Creek to St. Joe. Greenville. to Ayers Forest• to Winchester. Badger to Tetonia. Market LakeU to Roberts. Stuart to Kooskia. Azotus to Golconda. Fort Hall*tt to Poeatello. Sublett* t,o Albion. Baker* to Salmon. Marysvme•tt to Ashton. Franklln•tt to Prer ·on. Summit* to Gifford Banida to Preston. :\IayCleld"' to Boise. Fraser* to Orotlno Banks to Sweet. McArthur* to Bonners ~~~~~~1~l: tot~e~s~:~~italn I Freedom to Fre~r!::;m, Wyo Ferry. Basalt* to Firth. Bayview*H to Rathdrum. French to Payette. McCall* to ... ew l\Iearlows. Wallace. Fruitvale* to Council. Bear* to Council. Sunset* McDermott to Meridian Babylon to Prairie City. Beeman to Gifford. Meadow Creek to Bonners Swanlake* to McCammon. Bu.den Baden* to Poca• Belmont to Rathdrum. Swan \ allev to Ririe. Ferry. hontas. Bench* to Grace. Bader*tt to Browning. 1 Meadows*t to New Mead- Sweet* to :\lontour. Gannett to Bellevue. Sweetwater*t to Lapwai. Balleyv1llc• t t to Freeport. ows. Gardena t.., 1£mmett Benewah* to Tekoa. Wash. Garden Valley• to Boise Mec!imo!lt* to Harrison. Baker to Leland. Bennett to Mountain Home Garwood• to Rathdrum. Bakersville to ~Iount VerTaber to Blackfoot. Melba to Kuna. Bennlnirton* to Montpelier non. Tamarack*t to New Ctgun~ii~bens. I g:gie*Ja t~owl~;tpelier. Berenice* to Arco. ~ leadows. Balcom•tt to Anna. Berger to Hollister. BaldW1ns,1lle*t to Pa.rt■. Taylor to Shelley. Midas* to Sa.0<lpoint. Gentile VailPY ro <.:i-race. Black Laket to Harrison. Ball to Enfield. Teakean* to Peck. Georgetown• to Mo'ltpeller Milner* to Durley. Ballou tv Wilmington. Minkcreek* to Preston. Tendoy* to Salmon. Glbbonsville• to Salmon. 1 Glbbs•t to Creur d'Alene. Bankllck* to Galatia.. Mohler• to Vollmer. 'l'ense<1* to Tekoa. Wash. Banner* to Canton. Monteview to Roberts. Tharp* to Cottonwood. Gilbert* to Orofino. Bloomington• to Paris. Moore•tt to Arco. Barclay*tt to Springfield. Thatcher* to Grace. Bone to Idaho Falls. Barlow to Beecher City. Givens Springs to Caldwell. Moravia• to Bonners Ferry. Thomas to Ulackfoot. Bowmont* to Kuna. Moreland to Blackfoot. Barnett•t to Llt~hfteld. Thornton*tt to Rexburg. Glengary* tq Sandpoint. Coulam to Preston. ~Iorrow to Ferdinand. Three reek* to Rogerson. Barnhm • t to Falrtleld. Glenwooa• to Kamiah. burgdorf to New Meadow&. Goldburg* to Arco. 1:orton* t-:> Sandpoint. Treasureton to Preston. Burke*t t to Wallace. ~furphy•t to Nampa. Barrow•tt to Roodhouse. Triangle to Grandview. Golden to Stites. Burton to Rexburg. Barstow•tt to Moline. Mount Idaho* to Grange- Trout to Oakley. Goodrich* to Camt>r!dge. ville. Barth to Savanna. Trude to Ashton. Granite*tt to Sandpoint. Murray*t to Kellogg. Batestt to New Berlin Turner* to Pocatello. Grant to Idaho Falls. Cabinet*H to Sandpoint. Batestown to Dam·ille. Tuttle to Hagerman. Green Creek• to Cotton Myrtle~:r to Juliaetta. Calder to St. Joe. TwlnLakes*tfto Rathdrum Bay Clty* to Gotcnuda. wood. Bayle Clty*t tc Ri,.mse, Oamaa• to Roberts. Tybee to Pocatello. Greenleat* to Caldwell. Cameron• to Kendrick. Greertt to Orotlno. ~:~~1!.t!n;t~~:~:m. .N'af* to Albion. Canyon Creek to Xewdale. Gwenford to Mah~d City. Beaucoup•t to Nashville Careywood*t to Sandpoint. N¥J~:;;t to Bonners Ucon* to Idaho Falls. Beavercreek* to GreenvUJe. Carlin Bay* to Harrison. Ulysses* to Salmon. N1ter• to Grace. Bedford* to M llton. Carmen* to Salmon. Ustick* to Meridian. Beechrldge*tt to Beecner Nordman to Priest River. Creek to Moul! Haden to Tetonia. Ca■ tle City. , orth Fork1- to Salmon. tain Home. Hamer to Roberts. Donnelly. to Torwood , andpoint. . to Valley* Glenna Hammett*tt to Beecreek* tc t'earl. Viola* to loscow. Notus*U to Caldwell. Ferry. Belgium to \Vestvllle. Cataldo• to Kellogg. Vlndnia to Downey. , Harpster• to Stites. Belknap•tt tu Vienna. Cavendish• to Peck. YollmerH to Craigmont. Harrisburg* to Kamiah. Belle,;iew* to Clarksville. Ola• to Emmett. Centerville• to Idaho City. Harvard*t to Potlatch. Belltown to Carrollton. Central to Bancroft. 1 OnawaJ· to Potlatch. Hausert+ to Post Falls. Bemes to Crete. Cerro Grande* to Blackfoot Hayden Lake*tt to Cooui 1 Oneida• (Local name Ari- Wah&* to Lewiston. Benbow City to Wood to McCammon. Wapello to lllackfoot. mo) Ohatoolet* to Harrison. 1 d'Alene. River. Oreana• to Nampa. Cherry Creek to ~1alad. Warren*i to :N"ew l\Ieadows. Bennington to "'e'-1 , aleIII, Chester• to St. Anthony. Way to Bancro!t. Ovid* to Montoeller. Heise* to Rigby. Bentley•t to Carthal;!e. Oxford*t! t,o Downey. Oheatertleld • to · Bancroft. Helmer* to Deary. Wayan* to Soda Springs. Benvllle to Mount StcrlfDIZ· Chilco to Rathdrum. Webb* to Lapwai. Ozone* to Idaho Falls. Berdan•tt to Carrollton. Chllly* to Mackay. Weippe* to Orotlno. ~T1rntt:i~t1°t~a i Holbrook* to Malad City. Bcrt1n•t to New Berlln. Westlake• to Ferdinand. \Ve.,;tmond* to ·andpoint. Bernadotte to Ipava. Clairatone*+ to SplrltLake. Park* to Bovill. Clark Fork*tt to Sandpoint Hopc*tt to Sandpoint. Weston•tt to Preston. \V!Jite Knob* to :Mackay. Berryville to Parkersburg. Parker• to St. Anthony. Clark1a* to Bovlll. • Howe* to Arco. Bessie to Benton. Whltney• to Preston. Patterson* to • almon. Clayton* to Challis. Huston to Caldwell. Olaytonia to Cn.ldwell. Bethalto to East Alton. Pauline to Pocatello. Wilson to ampa. Biddleborn to 1\Iarissll. Clearwater* to Stites. Pearl* to Emmett. "'inona* to Koo. kia. Big Bay Statlont to Metr ' Win ·per to Dubois. Peavev to Filer. Olementsville to St. An- Idaho Hy"' to Boi e. thony. Peck*tt to Gifford. " ' oodland* to haruiah . ldahome to Declo. Pegram• U to Montpelier. \Yoodvillo to Idaho Fall . Bl~ott,soot Prairie* to Wal· Cleveland* to Preston. Idmon to Dubois. Perkin· to Boise worth. Wis Clltton • to Preston. Wrencoe* to Sandpoint. Ilo* to Craigmont. Biggs to Easton. Independence to Rexburg. Pierce• to Oro0no. Digneck to Loraine. Indian Valley• to Cam- Pino* to Fairfloltl Clover to Filer. bridge. Plngree*tt to Dlacktoot. YellowJacket to Salmon. ~Hle~f.ctkt"'t~ ~~~~~ru It Placerville• to Idaho City. . Clyde* to Mackay. • Inkom*U to Pocatello. Plano to Rexburg. Binneytt to Living·t.on. Coeolalla.*tt to andpomt. Iola* to Sandpoint. Pleasant View to Post Fall·. Colburn* to Sandpoint. Illrkheckt t to Cl10ton. Iona• to Idaho Falls. Colllns* to Bovill. Pollock*t to White Bird. Irwin• to Idaho F/1.llB. ~ i~~~;~~~~eli~'1N:rnou tb Ponderay* to • anupolnt. Concord* to Grangeville. Poplar to Rigby. Blabop•t to Furest CltY, Conkling Park to Harrison. to Bonners Porthlu ♦ U Btackland to I ecatur. Jo enh* to Whitebird. Ferry. Coolin* to Priest River. Junction* to Gilmore. Blackstone• f: to StreatorILLl.·01 Prairie~ to ... fountain Home Copeland* to Bonners Ferry Prichard to Kellog~. Corbin* to Rathdrum. m:~::S~1~~a[:ifam1lton Qo.) Keever to Blackfoot. Prtnceton • to Potlatch. Oorral* to :Fairfield. Coulam to Prcdon . Ketohum•U to Hatley. , h her to ( arriers lilh. B1~1~~~~tani;bc{,9j111am1oJ1 Keutervllle• to CottonCrawford to Cascade. Co.) to Carterville. Quartzburg* to Idaho City.• to Quincy. wood. 0:-,Btal to Pocatello. Curry to Fi]8t'. _____ Kilgore* to Dubo:....i.:.. s._ _ _ ..;...._Q ui •le~ ,\merican Falls. Addlevme•t to Nasbvlllt~~hard* to Goloond&...:.Delage to Wall ace. De Lamar* to Nampa. Dempsey*t to Lava Hot Springs. Dent to Kendrick Denver* to Cottonwood. Desmet• to Tekoa. Wash. Dletrtcn•tt to Shoshone. Dingle* to Montpelier. Dixie* to Grangeville. Dover* to Sandpoint. Dudley* to Kellogg.  I  I  I  ti~-  I  I  ~~~s:;  :1:~~h~~~~}rt~tb1~tcl~e  F~ir11i~ft  ta  REFERENCE KFY.  • County Beat.  • foney Ortler Office.  tTelegraph Station,  t Express Otllce  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  I  Blandingt to Galena. Blocktt to Sidney. ~:ins~f~~on. Bloom to Winchester. Bloomfield (Adams Co.) to Quincy. Bloomfield • (Johnson Co.) to Vienna. Bloomingdale• to Roselle.  Delta• to Thebes. Chapmanti to Fillmore. Chartotte"'1 to Chatsworth. Del wood• to Stonefort. Charter Grove*% to Genoa. Dennison*.t to Marshall. Denny to Pinckne:vviHe. 0 Derby* to Equality. Derinda Center to ElizaCheckrow to Bushnell. beth. Chemunir•u to Harvard. Deselm to Manteno. Cneneyville to Danville. Cherry Point* to Chrisman ' Detroit• to Plttsfleld. Dewma.lne• to Carterville. Chesterville• t 1 to Arcola. Dexter•i to Altamont. Chestline to 'Waverly. Bluff City (Fayette Co.) to Chicago Ridge*tt to Blue Island. Diamond Lake to Area. Vandalia. Dillon to Tremont. Blufl' City (Schuyler Co .. ) Chlli to Bowen. Dllisburg• to Rantoul. to Astoria. Choat to J OI>P&. Bluff Sprlngs*1 to Beard1tDlona to Charleston. Clank* to Theibes. Dlaco•tt to La Harpe. Olare*t:t to Sycamore. B1~::to Cuba. Clarendon Hills*:j: to Hins- Dlswood • to Thebes Dixon Springs to Golconda. dale. Boaz• U to Grand Cha.In. Clark Center to Marshall. Boden to Viola. Clarksburg• t1 to Shelby- Doddsvllle to Industry. Bogota• to Newton. Dollvillet1 to Tower Hill. ville. Boles* to Vienna.. Bollvla*t to Mount Auburn. Clarksdale•t to Taylorvllle. Dolson to Marshall. Donkvllle to Colllnsvllle. Ola.rkville to Vanda.ha. BoltonU to Freeport. Dora.n*t1 to Mattoon. Prairie to Parts. Bonfteld*tt to Kankakee. Dorrlsvllle* to Harrisburg. Bongard t 1 to Fairland. Dorsey•U to Bunker Hill. Cleone to Martinsville. Boody•u to Decatur. Douglas*H to Yates City. Cleveland to Geneseo. Boon to Newton. Dover• to Princeton. Clifl'dale* to Kampsville. Boos Stationt to Newton. Dover Mills to Kirkwood. B ooth Station to Gardner. Clifford* to Carterville. 8 orton•u to Kansas. Dow•t1 to Jerseyvllle. ioskydell • 1 to Carbondale. CloverdaJe•t1 to Wheaton. Dowell to Elkville. Dret1sor•1 to Ramsey. Coalton to Nokomis. Coal Valley •u to East Drivers to Mt. Vernon. Dudley• H to Kansas. MoUne. Kankakee. to Bourbonnais• B oyd to Mounli Vernon. Cod v to Springfield. Duncans Mills to LewisCoella to Uhri. topher. town. Coll to Wayne City. ioyleston• to Falrfteld. Duncanvllle*1 to Robinson. Coles*+ to AllenvillP.. Dundas•U to Olney. Coleta* to Milledgeville. .J~le°,1:;iioro. Dunfermlinet to Canton. Bradfordton* to Springfleld Colma.rt. to Plymouth. B reckenrldge• 1 (Sangamon Oo!ona*tt to East Moline. Dunkel to Pana. Dunn to Sullivan. Colp to Carterv illo. Co.) to Edinburg. Durham to Dallas City. Breeds•tt to Ce.nton. Duvall to Findlay. Pinckneyville. to onant*t Bremen to Chester. Dwina to :Marion. Confidence to Vandalia. Brereton* to Canton. Congervme• U to Carlock. Bridgewater to Hillview. Congress Park• to La Eagarville to Mount Olive. Brtstol•t1 to Yorkville. Eagle* to Equality. Grange. Eagle Lake to Beecher. BBroadviewtt to Maywood. , Conlogue to Paris. East Cape Girardeau to roadwoll*tt to Lincoln. Cape Girardeau. Mo. Cooks Mllls• to Rumbolt. Brooklyn• to Augusta. East Carondelet•t to East Cooper to "\Vashmgton. BrookvUie• to Polo. St. Louis. Cooperstown• to Versa.mes. Browruivme• to Carrol. East Galesburg r to GalesCora•t1 to Chester. Brubakertt to Salem. 1 burg. Ooral to :Marengo. Bruce• to Sulllva.n. East Grovet to Downers 'ashville. to Cordes Murdock. Brushyfork to Grove. Corinth to l\larion. Bryant• 1 to Lewiston. Newbern to Jerseyvllle Cornervllle to Galatia.. BBrycct1 to Milford. East Plato to Elgin. uckhartH to IechanicsEast "\Venona to Vvenona. Cortland•U to De Kalb. burg. Cottage Grove to Eoua.llty. Eaton• to Robinson. Buckhorn to Mt. Sterllng. Buckner*tt to Christopher., Cottage Home to CartcrEberle to Effingham. B uck to Heyworth. ville. Echovllle to Mt. Vernon. Cotton Hill to Springfield. Budd*tt to Dwight. Buena Vlsta*t to Orango-· Council Hlll•H to Galena. Edelste1n•t1 to Prlncevtlle. Eden•t1 to Hanna. City. Covell• t 1 to Stanford. Ville. Ediar• to Chrisman. Buffalo Grove to Arlington Covington (Wa ·hington C'o.) to Okawville. Heights. Station to Edgemont to 'o.) Buffa.lo Hart•ti to Spring- oo,·in.gton (Wayne St. Louis. Fairfield. 11eld. Edgington* to Reynolds. Cowllng*t to GrayvUle. Bungay to Springerton. Edwards•ti to Peorta. Bureau•tt ~o Hennepin. Egan*H to Leaf River. Burksvme•u to Waterloo. Crab Orchard• to Marlon. Craig t.o ~!inton. Eichorn to Golconda. Burksvllle Sta. ti on 1 tc,I Crainville• to Carterville. Cra.mer*t1 to Farmington. Ela to Palatine. Waterloo. to Ridgway. Burnbamtt to Heitewisch. Crampton tationt toOrion Elba Elbrid(l:e to Paris. to Centra.lta. tun Oak t.o Blue !<;Janel. I Cravatt to Ullln. Elco•U JV[arion to Crenshaw urrow11vme to Hammond. Eldena*U to Dixon. 8 Crii,;p to Wayne Cit:,. Burt to Armington. to Warsaw. ElderviJle Eureka. to CrugerU urton t,o Quincy. Eleanor•t1 to Little York. Burton View• r 1 to Lincoln. Eleroy•tt to Lena. B U&h*ti to Hurst. CUb to Mt. Vernon. IU•hton•u to Charleston. Curran• r 1 to SprlngQeld. Elida. to Winnebago. Cushman to Sullivan. Eliza to New Boston. B ~!~~r;l 1n\~l;;~~boro. Custer• to Rochester. Custer Park*:t to Wilming- Elk Grove to Bensenville. Elkhorn to Oakdale. ton. Elkhorn Grove to Mllled~ Cable•u to Sherrard. ville. Oache*tt to Beecher City. Elkton to Oakdale. 0 adiz to Elizabethtown. DaggettU to Mount Carroll. Ellery•t to Albion. 0 adwen•tt to Arthur Elllottstown to Dieterich. Oahokia to I~ast St. Louis. Danmda •rt to WUllaDl!I- Elllat t to Armstronl!.'. Oalvtn•t to Gra.yvllle. Elmbranch to Wayne Clty. D~f~~- to Penfield. 0 ampbell Hill*H to Ava. Elmira to Toulon. Daisy to Mount Sterllnir. 0 anaa.n to Btrds. Elmore• to Laura. to McLeansboro. I Da.le•t gantrau•u to Athens. Dalzen• to Spring Valley. Elmovllle to Stockton. a.1b6lfne~ua• r 1 to East Damascus to Freeport. Elsah• t t to Grafton. Elva Statlon*t to DeKalb. Oarbon Hill• to Coal City. Damiansville to German~ Elwln•U to Decatur. Oa.r<liil'*t t,o 'ampus. J<,lwoorl t,o Joliet Carman•u to Burlington, D;~~·to Mount Sterling. l<:merson• to Sterling. Bonme. to Dareville Iowa. Emery•t to Maroa.. Oarpenter•u to Edwards•, Darmstadt to Marissa.. Emma• to Carmi. Darrow to Sheldon. Vllle Marshall. to Darwin• C arpenteriwillo to Dundee. Energy to Herrin. Daum to Carrollton. 0 &rtter•t1 to Salem. Enlon to Havana. , Davis Junotion•t1 to Hol- Eno.· Cascade to Edinburg. t.o 'arlinville. Caaeyvllle• U to Colllnsvlllt n;!!~~*t1 to Buffalo. Enright Station to El 0 ash to UUln Stockland. to Park Daw11on to Cisne. Enterprl!le ga.sner• to La Place. Eola.•t1 to Aurora.. Day to Marlon. ass to Virginia.. Ottawa. to Dayton•tt Carmi. to Epworth• Oaton Farmt to Plainfield. OayUga•u to Pontiac. Ernst• to Marshall. Cazenovia• t 1 to Metamora.. Erwin to Ru.ahvUle. De Camp to Staunton. L s II E.·:cx*tt to Rcdcliclr Ce<Ia 1> • 0 d r omt•t to a a. e Decorra*.t to Stronghurst. Etherton to Murphysboro. , D"'.cr Grove•t~ to Tampico. e arville* to Freeport. O enterville to Neoga.. Etna•tt f + ' to Carmi. Eva.n11 to Wenona. Centervtue Statton• to 1 Deerplaln• to Gra. ton. Evartst to Freeport. Deere to Urbana St. Louis. , I)ego,mia to 'amph 11 ITill. EverettH to Lake Forest. Central to Morrie. CehntraI Cityt to Contralla. Delafteld* to McLeansboro. Evergreen Park• t 1 to Blue Delhl•tt to Jereeyvllle. O am Island. Chann~~!<! ~a~f:ooka. , De Long*t1 to Abingdon. Ewbankst to Quincy. DelreY to Onarga. Exeter• to Blutrs. C~el Lake to Antioch.  l~~~!e;~  se.  aw.  o.  y.  na. Ing·11e lie. Ile.  g~:!~~P tc?=~e,.  I  B~~i%7,';;trJef;ft~~:  le. kald.  rd.  ocart.  B~:~~~%1  I 1  ILLINOIS Godfrey• t1 to Alton.  Exllnet to Kankakee. Eylar*i to Saunemin. Fa.lrdale•tt to Kirkland. Falrgra.nge•U to Charles-, ton. Fairhaven to Chadwick. Falrland*t:t to Longview. Fairman to Sandoval. Fairmont City to East St. Louis. Fairview Landing to Rosiclare. Fair Weather to Barry. Fallcreekti to Hannibal, Mo. Fa.lmouth*t to Newton. Fancher* to Cowden. Fancy Prairie,..H to Middletown. Fandon • to Colchester. Fa.rmlngdale•t to Springfield. Fa.yette•t1 to Greenfield. Fayetteville* to .Frooburg. 1 ' Fayvllle* to Thebes. Federa.l*t1 to Alton. Ferrel to Vermilion. Ferrin to Carlyle. Flatt•t1 to Cuba. Ficklin• to Tuscola. Flleon•t to Arcola.. Fishhook to Griggsville. Fltchmoor to l\.1endota. Fltzgerrell to Tamaroa..  1  ,  1  Formantt to Vienna. Forsyth•rt to Decatur. :Fort Gage•t to Chester Fort Sherldan•U to Highland Park. Foster to Muscatine, Iowa. Fosterburg to Alton. Foster Pond to Waterloo. Fountain Creek1t tolioopeston. Fountain Green• to La Harpe. Fountain Station to Waterloo Fox Lake*t to Round Lake. Fox River Grove to Oary Station. Francie Mills to Eldorado. Fra.nkunvllle toWoodstook. Frasers to Enfield. Frederick• t 1 to Beardstown Freedom to Earl ville. Freeman Spur ~o Herrin. Fremont Center to Area. French Village to East St. Louis. Friend11vme• to Mt. Carmel. Prisco to Whittington. Frogtown to Breese. Fru1t•1 to Edwa.r<1sV1lle.  1  tier  e. od JD.  I  I  al•  tb  ,. o->  1  OIi  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ,county Seat  t!ai~:n!!o:.ruae•. g~~:r Goodenow• t t to Crete.  Goodlngs Grove to Lemont. Gossett• to Norris City. Gower to Hinsdale. Gowlua to Golconda. Grand Detour to Dixon. Grandview to Kansai. Grantfork• to Highland. Grantsburg•tt to Vienna. Grape Oreek*ti to DanTWe Grass Lake to Antioch. Grayson to Eldorado. Green Briar*t to Oblong. Greenbush• to Rosevllle. Greendale to Iuka. Greenoakt to Princeton. Greenrtdge* to Gira.rd. Green Rlver•u to Geneseo. Greenwood to Woodstook. Greer to Welllngton. Griffin to ew Windsor. Grigg to ·Redbud. Grimsb~• to Gorham. Grinnell to Metropolis Oity Gross to Elizabethtown. Grosse Point*t to Wllmette. Groveland• u to East Peorta Guilford to Galena. Gurnee•t1 to Waukegan.  to Barry. I Hadley• Hagaman•t1 to Chester-  Flagg1 to Rochelle. Flagg Centert1 to Rochelle. Flemington to 1-'arts. Fletcher to Cooksville. Flint to McLeansboro. Flora.ville to Waterloo. , Florence to Ptttsfteld. Florence Statton*T to Fr~ port. Flortd to Henneoln.  1  1  2011  field. Haga.retown*t to Vandalia. Ha.hnamant to Walnut. Haldane• t t to Polo. Ha.It Day to Libertyville. Halfway to Marton. Ha.llldayboro• U to Elkvtlle Ha.llavllle1 to Clinton. Hamburg* to Haleigh. llamell to Worden. Hamlet to Reynolds. Hamlet,sburg* to Golconda. Hampton•% to East Moline. Hanaford*tt to Logan. Hanson* to Pana. Harco to Galatia. IIardiuville* to Oblong. Harlem*t to Rockford. Harmony (.Jefferson Co.) to ::\lount Vernon. Harmony (McHenry Co.)to Hampshire. Harness to San Jose. Harper• t 1 to Forreston. Harpster*U to Gibson City. Harris* to Farmer, City. Harrison (Winnebago Co.) to Durand. Ha.rrlsonvllle to Valmeyer. Ha.rrlstown•tt to Nlantlo. HatTisvllle to Monroe Center. Hartland• U to Wood11toolt:. HartsYille to Golconda. Ha.selwood to Clayton. HaUon to West Union. Hayes*t 1 to Tuscola. Haypress to Eldred. Hazel Crest*t to Homewood. Hazelhurst•U to Mllled... ville. lleadyville to Dieterich. H6a.ley to Chatsworth. Heathsville to Robinson.  Fullereburgt to Hinsdale. Fullertont to Farmer City. Fults*t to Prairie Du Held to Varna. Rocher. Funkhouser to Effingham. Helena to Sumner. Funks GroveH to McLean. Helm to Iuka. Henderson•tt to Ga.lesburc Hendrix to Bloomington. Henkel to Mendota. Henton*U to Shelb:yvllle. Gale to Thebes. Herald• to Ca.rm\. Galesvllle*t to MansQeld. Herbert•tt to Belvidere. Ga1t•t1 to Sterling. Herborn to Stewardson. Ga.lton•U to Arcola. Hermon• t to London MW■ . Ganntown to Vienna. Herod* to Harrisburg. Ga.rber*1 to Gibson City. Garden plain• t1 to Fulton. Hersman•i to Mount Sterling. Garden Pra.lrie•tt to Belvidere. Hickman to Claytonvllle. Gardepotnt toMountCarmel Hlckoryhill to Kell. Hickory Ridge to Equ&lity. GarfteldU to Wenona. Hicks"' to Elizabethtown. Garlana to Brocton. Garrison to McLeansboro Highwood•tt to Highland Gaskin City to Harrisburg. Pa.r:t.. Gatch to Vandalia. Hildreth to Sidell. Hill to Effingham. Gerlaw•u to Alexis. Hillerman to Grand Gibsonia to Shawneetown. HUlery to DanvUle. Gila to Newton. Hlllslde*U to Melrose Parlt:. Gllberts•t1 to Elgtn. Hodgkins to La. Grange. Gilchristt to Viola. Holland* to Beecher City. Gilead to Batchtown. Holllday* to Cowden. Gilmer to Area. Hollist to Pekin. Gilmore to Altiamont. H~~:.ayvllle* to Seaton.Gllson•tt to Knoxville. Hollywood to Brookfield. Glasgow• to Winchester. t Hombergt to Golconda.. Home to Bluford. Glena.rm•tt to Chatham. Glenavon•t to Belle!lower. Home Acres to Lombard. Honey Bend•ti to LltohGlenburn to Oakwood. field. Glen Carbon•t1to Edwa.rdtHoo<1vllle to McLeanaboro. ville. to GreenvWe Rookdale*t Glendale* to Golconda. · \ Hoosier to Lout11vllle. Glenridge to Centralia. Glemyood*i to Chicago Hopkins Parktt to llomence. Heights.  !  I  -----==.=:.._-----~~~------  • )Ioney Order Ofll.ce.  t Telegraph Station.  :!:,T<•• ·press Otlice. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ILLINOIS  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  2012 ILLINOIS  Reno•i to Sorento. Henshaw to Uo1conda Rentchler*t to Mascoutah . Reynoldsville* t t to J on1»boro . H.icP to Oak<lale. Rlcbardst to Streator. Rlchardson*H to Virgil. 1 1g~~ora.l Padnborn to Waterloo . Hlchflt>hl to Plainville. to Pleasant Plains. Richland . Ellsworth to Padua*t 1 1 Palos Park•t to Blue Ia- Rkhrnondt to :\I inier. ~i~~~~ i Richton*t to Matteson. land. Mossvme•t tu Cbllllcothe. Richwoods to Palestine. Mountain Glen t t to Cob- Palzo to Creal Springs. Rickel to Atkln~on Panola• t t to El Paso. den . Riddle Hlllt to Sprtngtleld . Mount Forest to Lemont. Parker• t 1 to Creal Sprlnis Rldgefleld*tt to C'rystal l.\Ionica *t! to Prin r:evillc. Lake. Mouut Urec1rnoo<iH to Parkland to .Manito. Ridg-e Prairie to O'Fallon. Morisan Park. Parkville to Sadorus. Mount Palatine to Tonica. Parnell .. tl to Farmer City H.lrlgc-vme•tt to Onarga. Mount Pleasant to Anna. Parrish*t to ThompsonYille Ridott• t to Freeoort. Mozier• to Hamburg_ Riffle to Louisville. Parsom; so Carbondale. Muctdv• to Harrisburg Rlirlt!!ton • t t to \-\' lncbe.-.ier Passµort to <llney Mu!keytown•u to Benton . Patterson• to WhltehalJ. Riley l.akett to Ellis Grove. Muncie*tt to Fithian. Rlleyvwe to Galatia.. PaUont! to Mt Carmol. Mun...;tcrt to Streator. Riola to Indianola. Ripley• to Mount Sterling Myers to Ellzabeth. Penrose to Sterung. Myrtlet t to Byron Peoria Helitbts• t to Peoria. H-lslng to Champaign. P<'r<iu<>ville*t! to Paxton . Rllllng Sun to Golconda. Ritchey• tt to WUmlngton Per1rs• tt to Ullln. River Grove* t.o Franklin Petera•tt to Edwardsvllle Nachusa•tt to Dixon. Park. to Granite Peteni Creek to EllzabetbNamPoki*tt , Rlverv1ewtt to Des Plalnes. town. Uity. Roblnettl to Odin. Petrolia to Lawrenceville. Naples• tt to Bluffs. Roby•tt to Mt. Auburn. Phelpst to Berwick. Natrona*tt to San Jose. Phlladelpbla • t to Virgin!&.. Rock* to Golconda. Neal to Neoga. Rockcree}, to Cave In Rock Phillipstown to CrossvU\e. Neelyville to Blul!s. NPilson to Marion. ~l:~~~~~a ~~ Nekoma•tt to Galva. Pike to Louisiana, l\lo Nel8on•tt to Dixon. • Rockwood• t to Chester. Pine Creek to Polo. N ettlecreek to ewark. Rodden*t to Elizabeth. Plne;ree Grove• tt to Elgin Rohrer to Waverly. Neunert to Ava. Pinkstaff• t 1 to L11.wrenc&- Rollin. ·t to Grays Lake. Nevada•tt to Dwight. vUlc. Hollo*t to Paw Paw Plopolls to McLeansboro . N evlns to Paris. Rome•t to Cbllllcotbe. Newbern to Jer,ipyvllle. Homeovtlle to Lockport. Plsg-ah•tt to Jacksonvllle. New City to Sprln~fleld. Ronaout•tt to LlbertyvUle New Columbia• to Vienna Plstakee to McHenry. Root to Clwsu~r New !Jennison* to Manon Pitti:;bur!a{ (Fayette Co.) to r oscoc•tt to Rockton. Mulberry Grove. lto1-Phud* to Br<>wnt1eld. Necrran~rt,~~ln. Chalnf to l Ro cdale to Grafton. Roslyn to S1gel. New Hanover"' to Waterloo.I Plttwood•tt to Martinton. P.ounu Grc,;·e*tt to MorriNew Ua.rtford t.o Plttstleld Plato Center• tt to F:lgtn. son. New Hebron to RolJlnson. Plattvtlle to Yorkville. Round Knob•tt to I\1 etropolis. j Pleak to Moweaqua. New Hooe to Gal!!.tla. New Lobanon*tt to Hamp- Plea...,ant Grove to Bun- Round Prairie to Cisne. roml e. shire. Rowel to Pontiac. Plca-:ant I\Iounu• to Green- Rowell to Kenney. New Lenox•tt to Joliet. ville. New Liberty• to Smltbland. Ruark to St. r'ranclsvllle. Pleasant Valley to 8tockton Rudement* to Harrlsburr. Ky. Pleasant View• to Rush- Rugbyt to Pontiac. Newmansvllle to Ashland. vllle. New Memphis •tt to New Ruma. to H.t><.lliu<.1 . Plumfleld to West Frank- Hural Hill t-o Walpole. Baden. fort. New \lemphls Station to Russell (Clay Co.) to'lumhill to 'ashville. Mascoutah. vllle. Pl•1m River to Stockton. Russell• t t (Lake Co.) to New Milford tl to Rock- 1 Poco to Brookport. K enosba.. Wis. Pnint Pleasant to Hidalgo. Russellville• to Vlncennea, ford. Tnd . New Minden• to Nashvtlle . Pomona• tt to Murphy ► boro. Ru) le to Kane. New Palestine to Chester. I' New Phlladelphla•rt to Pond to Vienna. Bushnell. Ponemah•tt to Kirkwood. to DalJa.s , Pontoosuc• ft Newtown to Oakwood. City. Sabinatt to Le Roy. Poplar City to Easton Sacramento to Enfield. P,>rtcrvil:l' to _-\.nnapolis . . »lrfltnwn to <lladstone. Po. en (Washington Co.)t Saldora • to Chandlerville. Noltlngt to Centralla. to Nashville. Nora•tt to Warren. Salnt George to !'lianteno. Po;;ent (Cook Co.) to Blue Saint James•tt to!-lt . Elmo. Normandy•tt to \\alnut. Tsland. Norrts•H to Canton. Saint John• to Du Quoin. North Attrora•t.i to Aurora ., Po~ey*t to llolfman. Saint :\lary to Plymouth. North ChUllcotbe• to Chllll- Pottstown to Peoria. cothe. Powell ton• to Nauvoo. Saint Paul to Vandalia. Saint Rose to Breese. Saline Mln011• to ~llawn_. North it;v to Christopher. Prairie to Red Bud. North t ·ry:,;tal Lalie* i,. Prairie Du Pont t, Dupo. town. l'rairiehall to Dalton ('it). Salisbury• to Sprlngtield. Cry ta! Lake. ... ·orth Hampton to Chilli- Prairie llome to ;\lowea(Jua Samoth • to Vienna. cothe. Pralrletown to Bunker Hill. Sandrldge•tto Murphysboro Prairi<' View•t: to LilJorty- Sandusky• Tl to Cairo. Nortonville to Franklin. , ille. Norway to Sheridan. Sa.voy•tt to Chamoalirn. rorwoo<l*! to Burge1-s. Prentice• t t to Ashland. Preston• to Evans ville. Nutwood to Jerseyville. Sawyersvllle*t to Benld. ScarbrJro to , t(·ward. Pr·lscJlla to Lo11tant.. ,'chapville t,o Apµle mver. Proctor*t to GIIJSO0 City, Prospect to I antoul. Schnell to Olney. Oak• to Harrlsburii:. School to C:armJ Oal, Jl'orC.'-ttt to Ulue !i-;land Prouty to Lo mi. l'uj o l to Oh tc>r. Oakglen•tt to Lansing Pulleys ~fill to . {arton. Oak Hlll•tt to Elmwood Putnam•tt to Henry. me!. Oaklawn•t to Chicago. J>yattt to Pinckneyville. Schullne• t t to Sparta. Oakley• t to Cerro Gordo. Sciota . {llls•t t to f'reeport, Ou.lnillP to. Iakunda. Scottland • to Chrisman. Obed to Mowea<iua. Qul11:ley to Wlndc,or. Ocoyatt t1> C' hen ,,a.. Seara• to Rock Island. eatonville to Larlcl. Qgle*t to Kelthshurv Seehorn to Hannibal, Mo Ollfletd• to \Vcstfleld ·ert,,n to \'au tal1u.. Raddll' to r.rancl Tower. Oldenburg to Alton. HellM~ to Raclrorrl•t to . lo \·eaQua. Serio to Lewistown. Radorn•t to A11lill'v Old Ripley to Greenville . Oliver• t to Marshall. 1 0 1~~~!elgntca.. ~~ to \~~~'.~~~h I Olivet" to Georgetown. Olmsted• t t to Mound City Han,,, t-11 ?\lonnt \ 1•r11on. • PX ·on to \\'inds11r . Grove•tt Sbahhona Rapa tee• t! to Fatn·tt>w Ome~a to Iuka. Shabbona. Rapids Clty• t to PortByron. Oneco to Orangeville. Shafter to Vandl\lla. Raum• to Golconda. Shamrock to ' ewton. Raven* to Dana. Ind . Ontartovllle• t t to Roselle hMJ) hurg•t to EdlnbUl"C· Ra\1nla•to Hl1rbland Park. Oravi11e•1 to Ava. Shlltt11c-•tt to<'arlyle. Ray•t to \'ermont. Ordmrd • l inl's to Pekin. Sbawtt to Amhoy. Orchard l'tace • t to Oat; Reader• to Carllnvllle. ..:he l on Grove to BroWJl• Plaines. Reading to Streator. Ing. Red Oak• tl to .l"reeport. Oreana•t to Al'i'enta. Orient* to West Frankrort Ile• L ' L tti II to De :--oto . . h ellt-r* to ,valtom·llle.u Shepherd to llannlhal, e1•~· He s . ation t > Franklin. Sherman• tt to Sprlnrft u., Hee.·e ,·111e• l t to Vienna. Orleans•t to Jacksonville. O11born* to HIilsdaie. Renault• t to Prairie du Sbeuervllle to Golconda. Osbornvlllet to Mount Au~gn~~ IB1f~~l~~bell Hid ' Ht>~~~ht~~-Bt•ntou. bu m. HendYillP t, H, ·_rr_ l_n_. _ _ _ _'hinn t,o Bar_r.:..y_. _ _ __ Osceola to Neponset. O11kaloosa to Kinmundy. Usman*tI to 13elle!lower. Ott>!?o to \' andalia. Otterville• to Jersey,·llle. Ille to Blul1's. Ozark•tt to Vienna.  j Mo=ln*tt to Altamont. Lenn1?11• to Grand~ b ~ Mode• t t to Stewardson. I.ickrre>ek t.o 13unrombe. l\Iodena to CastlPton . LllJy•tt to Mackinaw. Modoc*t to Prairie Du Lily Lake•f1 to Elburn. Rocher Limerick to Ohio Llndenwood•ttto Holcomb Mont to Edwardsville. Monterey to Canton. Li1111 to :>.1oun1 < 'Br,11el.  fforace* to Paris . Hord to Louisville . Horneby•tt to Lltcb0eld Hor11eehoe* to Equality. Houi,ton•t to Sparta. Howardtontt to Grand Tower.  t!~\~e~•J;t~n:'°vtngton.  Hubbard Woods•ttto Win to Goreville. H:3~~;s H Jegelyt to Hoyleton.  '  l~ ~!1t~nr~fi!: tl:l~<!~; Llterberry•rt to Jackson-  vtlJe. ~r ney•t to Carlyle. Hu mrick*T+ to l{idg-e Farm. Little lndlantt to VlrlZ'lnla. Lively Grove to Oakdale .rrunter to Poplar Grove. Liverpool• to Canton. l'luntsvme• to Augusta Hurricane to Flllmore. 1.:l'..ltton to Charleston. Lodgert to Monticello. Lodlng to East Moline. Logan to Chrisman. I Lombardvillett to Bradford .=deal to Mount Carroll. ldlewood to Mount Vernon Longbrancb to Galatia. Longneek*t to Deratur. Illlnottt to Momence. Illinois City• to Muscatine Longgrove to Libertyville. Long Lake to Round Lake. Iowa. Loon Lake to Antioch. Illisville to Vandalia. I C'it1 Loran to P Jrnbe to Bellevllle. Ingaltont: to West Ghloa1rC1 Lorenzo! oo Wilmington. ln~lcsirle*t to Round Lake Lotus•• t to Foosland. Loudon to St. Elmo. Inman to Ridgway. Irene•tt to 1.Jherry Valley. Lovejoy• to National Stock Yards . Iron to Norris City. Lowder•tt to Virden. Lowell to Tonica. Loxa • t 1 to C'harleston. Jarob•t to Murphysboro. Jamesburg•rt to Henning Luak to Golconda. Lynn Center• to Orton. Jamestown to Highland. Jacksonville I Lynnvtllet,o toltiverside. Jeffersonville to Geff. Jerseyville*tt to T. aylorville! Lvons* to Danville. j Station Lyons Jenkins to Clinton. Joetta to Carthage. Jobannl11burg to OkawvUlf' Mabel to Rushville. Jobn11burg to McHenry. '.\1aroupin* to Plainview Johnstown t,o Lerna. MadonnavHle to Waterloo. Jones Ridge to Gorham.  I  11 t~!~ee~ tio ~ri;~~~n i;zt! t~~~i~1invmc I Manford 1g; to Flllmore. Junction City to . anuoval 0  Manheim*t to Franklin Park. Manlev to Prat rte City. Mannon to New Boston. Kanevme•t to Elburn. Manvllle•t to Streator. Kangley• to Streator. Ma.plegrovP to we.._t 8alem. Kappa.• tt to El Paso. Karbers Ridge•· to Eliza MapleR !\I ill* to < 'an ton. Mapleton•Jt to Pekin beth town. Karnak•tt to Grand Chain Marblehea •rt to Quincy. Marble Top to Enfield. K a-.;becr•tt to Prinreton. Marceline* to Ursa. Kaskaskia to Chester. Ma.rc·oct to \It. Yernon. Kaufman*tt to Alhambra. Martetta•rt to Smithfield. Ke<iron (Galla.tin Oo.J t< , Mark to Granville. Equality. 1 Markham• to Jacksonvllle. Kedron (Henry Co.) to Marley*tt (WIil Co. to Mokena. Annawan . Keensburg•tt to Mt. Car- Mar1ow•1 to Mt. Vernon. Man;ton to Reynolds. me!. Martlnsbur~ to Pittsfield. KellervllJe• to Clayton. :Martins ·tore to l\IcLeansboro. Kemp•tt to Hlndshoro. Maryland*tt to Forreston. ll:~r"e~;.:J*tt t~ea~rtette Maryville• to ()ollinsville. Ma1111hach• to Ellzaheth . Kent•tt to Pearl City . Mattnews*t to PlnckneyKernan• t t to Streator vllle. Kernck*t to Normal. l\1aud to Mount Cn.rmel. Keys to Springfield. '.:\Jauuie*tt to Carmi. Maxwell• to Loami Kibbie to Oblong. ' Mayberry to Wayne Clty. Kickapoo to tlrtmfleld. Kidd to Prairie du Rocher Mayst i to Redmon. :\l11~·1wille*t to (irigg-sville. Kingman• to Stewardson Kln~ston Mines• to Glu Mayview*% to St. Joseph . McCall•tt to Ferrts. ford . McClusky to Jerseyville. Klrk11vllle•tt to Sullivan r-.IrOooktt to La « iranKe. Klondyke to Sumner 1cCormlc-k* to Stonefort. Kolze•t+ to Franklin Park McDowell•t to Pontiac. I :\Tc(,irrH to De Kalb. Kramm to Elmwood Kuhns Station to Edwards- McKeen· to Marshall. 1 McNoel* to MPtropolis. ville. McVey• to Girard. Kumler to Farmer City. Meachamt to Roselle. Justice Park to Summit.  I  Melrose (Clark Co.I to Marshall. Melvllle to Alton. Menard•tt to Cheater. l\lenomlnee to Ea:-t Duhuque. Meppen • to Grafton. Merlden•tt to Mendota. :\lernwt to l\letropnlis. Mernatt to Rloomlnl?ton. Merrtaml to Falrlleld. Merrimac to Waterloo. Merrttt•rt to Wlnche8ter. Meyer• to Canton. Mo. \1ey~rs St11tlu11 to Pekin Landes* to Sumner. Michael* to Kampsvllle. L&nesvme•tt to Buffalo. Lan,renhelm to Barrlngton Mlddle1worth • t tto Shelbyvllle. Lan11;luun to 8P1wca. La Prairie Center to Speer. MiddlPton to l{eenes. Larchlllnd • t 1 to Monmouth Midland City• U to Kenney Mllau • t t to Rock. J slanc1 Lawndate•u to Atlanta. Milt's Stution to Brii<hton. Lawn Ridge to 'peer. l\filey to l\.[ascoutah :\Iillhuru to Lake Yilla. Leamington to Junction. l\lillcreek*H to Jonesboro. Leandervllle to Chester. Led rord • t ! to H arrlsburir. Mlller CltY*l to Cairo. :\1 illt•r ·bttn.:• to Aledo. Lee Center• to Amboy. Mllleravt11e•tt to Pana. Leedstt to W euona. l\.11!0 to Bradford. l\Iilton Height· to Altou. Lehlith to Kankakee. Missal• to ~treator . Leonard to Cre1cent City. Mitdielltt to Granite City. L'Brahll) to Clifton. Mltchellsvme• to Harri.Lester to hinmundy. burg. Lenrett*t t to Cbampalp. Lace to Hinsdale. LaCrosRe*tt to La Harpe. Larox•tt to Elburn. La Grange Landing to Veri;aille!? . Lake Bluff•tt to Lake For• eat. Lake Fork•tt. to Mount Pula~kl, Lamb* to Cave-In-Rock. La.mberttt to Lemont. Lancaster • (Wabash Co.) to Mount Carmel.  I  REFERENCE KEY.  , County Seat.  ll~~f:~~~;•11 ~£~ i~ ~ft~~~··  g~ig?fzic1.  i  ~~t~~~tl/:~t<i :\\~u~tqb3~~~  l :~::~1~;~.  ~=~~,1! ;d·.;  '°  • Money Order Office.  t Telegraph  Station.  ! E ·pre e Ofllee.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Valley*t t to Grlgpvllle. Vandercook to Danville. Vanderville to Tay1orvllle.  Woodvale to Little York. Bean Blossom to Morg-an- Burrows to Rock.field. Woodworth to Milford. Bynum to Waldron. town W oocly to Carroll ton. Bear Br/\nch• to D111.Bboro Byrneville to Corydon. Byron to Waveland. Woosung•tt to Polo. B('ar <' rt>ek t.n • ·ashvillt~. Beard to Franlcfort. Van Petten*t 1 to Harmon. Worth•f to Blue Island. 8t>a1 rke ~t a.t ion to If ehron. Wrtghta•tt to Greenfleld. Vanwond to Sprin!!lh·l<l Bea \·er City to Brook. Wyckles to Decatur. Venedy•t to Okawville. Braver Dam to Akron. Venedy Statlont to Okaw- W:,noose to Olney. Caborns to Mt. Vernon. Reck!-: Mills to Salem. ville. Leaven- Cadu• to New Castle. Beechwood• to Veulce• to Madison. Cairo to Battle Ground. wortb Vera•tt to Vandalia. < ale to Shoals. Vermilion Grove•t to Rldg-e Yantisville to Assumption. Bee lluntertt to Lyons. York to West York Beesons Station Lo Cam- Caledonia to Su11tvan. Farm. York Center to Lombard. Calloway to Dupont. Vevay Park• to Casey. bridge City. Yorktown to Tampico. Villa Park* to Elmhur ·t. Young<1town•rt to Swan Belleview to. -orth Madison Ca!~:~vllle t-0 WortblniVillaridge*tt to J\lounds Creek. Cambrla* to Ro'lsville. Bellevllle to Clayton. Vineland to Joneshoro. Ca mby• t t to Mooreavllle. Yuton to Bloomin&"ton. Bellmore• to Rockvl11e Volo to .Round Lake. Cammack to Yorktown. Belmont* to Nashvllle. Snicarte to Bath. Canaan to Madison. Belshawt to Lowell. Sollltt • tt to Grant Park. Solomon to Wapella. ~:~g~r~stF;~i!~N~~napolla Ca~~~lburg•tt to Loog-ooZearlng•t t to Malden. So Ion MIJls•tt to Richmond, Wacker to Mt. Carroll. 8omerset to Harrisburg. Benham• to Cross Plains. I Canton to Salem. Wadsworth•tt to Wauke- Zenith to Xenia. 8 Zenobia to Pawnee. Be;~remn5wttch•:t to Bun-. 8:fJo!~nitatr~zlfi~glish. w~~~- Petra to Princeville. Zif to Cla,y City. S~~~~~~et~ Bennettsville toSellersbu~. I C'arp to Gosport Wakefield* to Nollie. SoSouth F.Jgln•rt to Elgin. Bennington• to Cross Plalna Carpenteravllle to RoachUth Height.II to Rock Is- Walker•rt to Macon. dale · Benton•tt to MUleraburg-. Walkerv Ile to Whitehall. land. Carroll to Flora. South Henderson to Biggs-' Walla Walla t., Greenup. 1 Walnut Grove•tt to RushVille. 8!~~~t:r~fe~cia 'ifn~~f;;. neil. S8outh Mt.Forest to Lemont. Qeld. Bethe1• (Wayne Co.) to INDIANA Walnut Pralne*t to West out,h Peklnt to Pekin. I Carwood to Borden. Hollansburg, ObJo. South Wilmlngt,ou-1< to 1 Union. Bethlehem• to New Wasb· wa1sh•tt to Evansville. Gardner. CaH•tt to Dugger. lnirton. Walahvllle•1 t to Sorento. Spankey t,o Jerseyville. Big Creek to Dupont. Cassvme to Kokomo. S parks Hlll to Shawnee- Waltersbur * to Golconda. Aaron to Vevay. Cut le to Union City. Abington to Centervllle. Waltont t Amboy. town. Cor- Castleton*tt to Broad Rap., m~1~:s~U~o Aboite* to Roanoke. Wamac t• Centralia. ~Paulding to Riverton. Ids. ner, Ohio. Abydel to Paoli. Wanda* • , Eawaraavllle. <>Pencer to P'rankfort. Cataract*:t to Cloverdale. Blnii-en* to Decatur•t to Greensburg. \Vann to ~;ast Alton. Spillertown• to Marlon. Ca tlln • t to Rockvtlle. Adarnshoro to Logansport. Ward to De Soto. S ptres to Minonk. Dlackburntt to Petersburg, Cato to Winslow. Adamsville to Lebanon 8 prlng Bay to Peoria. Bla.ckhawk*tt to rerre AdeU to Brook. Sprtng Garden to Mount "''are to ,Jon<>shoro. Cedar* to Garrett. Haut~. Adel to Spencer. Warnertt to Orlon. Vernon. Cedar Lake•rt to Lowell. Blaine• to Portland. Warrenville* to Napervllle . AdyevlUe* to Ferdinand. Soring H ilJ to Erie. Cedarville to Grabill. Blanford to Clinton. Aetna*tt to Gary. Wartt>Urg to V\. aterloo. Staleys to Champaign. Blankensblpt to Loogootee. C:eleetlne• to Ja■ per. Alnsworth*t t to Hobart. Wasoo• tt to St. Charles. Stalllnl:'a to Edwardsvtlle. to 8ellersburg. Cementvllle ' Lexington. to t t Blocher• Rensselaer. to Al..x to Park Washington ~tandar<l*tt to Uranvllle. i Bloomfield <Spencer Co.) to Center•tt to Kokomo. Alamo• to Waynetown. St. Louis. otandard Cit.v to Tilwood. Centerton to Brooklyn. 0 S\ark•t to Prlncrvllle. Wasson* to Eldorado. Cbri8ney. Judson. I Blooming Grove co Brook- Center Valley to Monrovia. StarkB to Hampshire. Watertown• t t to East Mo- !i~T!!t\ Central• to Corydon. ville. line. tateline to Terre Haute. Ceylon to Geneva. Alfordsville* to Washington Dloomingport to Carlos. 8 Wauponsee•tt to Mazon. Blue Creek to Brookville. Al~era• to Peteraburir. Wayne•tt to Elgin. s~:ii~~e:ot~v 1 Chamberlain to Grabill. Kewanna. to Grass Blue 1 Bloomingto Creek Allena . Makanda to Wayside-I< Stolletown to Carlyle. Chambershurg to Paoli. ton. Blue Lick to Henryvllle. Stone Church to Nasbvllle. Allenaville to East Enter- Blue Rldge to Shelb7vllle. Chandler*tt to Boonville. Stoy•tt to Robinson. Webbsbill to Ewing. Cbaoelhlll to Bedford. , prise. Pekin. to Rlver Blue Webster to Carthage. Strattord*U to Polo. Blufkreek to Greenwood. Chaser t to Bo11well. Alplne•t to Laurel. Wedron•tt to Serena. Stringtown to Olney. Chelsea to Lexington. Bluff Polnt to Portland. Weedmanttto Farmer Ott:,. Alquina to Connersville. Cbesrer to Richmond. Alto to Kokomo. Sugar Grove•tt to Aurora. Welr to Martinsville. C hestntled • to Dal<·vllle. Alton• to Eng-llsh. Su mmert\eld•n to Trenton Welga • to Steelcvllle. Chestnut Ridge to Seymour Decatur. to Booo•r Garrett. to Altona. tmmerhill*t to Pittsfield. Welland to Compton. Cblll•t to Denver. Bonds to Orleans. Alvarado to Edon, Oblo. Welton• to Altamont. 0 to orth Madison. China Lawrenceburg. to Bonnell:t l)IP,. 'n to Wendelin'!1 0 !~ft~c: I Christiansburg to Freetown Bono to Mitchell. We!-t C'·ty to B •nton. Sunn:, Hlll* to Orlon. Boone Grove• t t to ttebron. Clnclnnatl* to Bloomfield. Western Saratoga io Anna. Andersonville to Laurel. Suiier• to Wan1Aw. Annapolls to Blooming-dale West Jersey to Toulon Swansea to Belleville. ari~~eP~~t1~1J1.gate. Clare to Noblesville. Anoka to Logansport. &wanwtck•t to Coulter- 1 j Clarksville to Nobleevtlle. Bovine to Prtnoeton. Danville. to Newell West I Weston*tt to Chenoa. vtlle. Cla:vbank to Oakland Cltr. Muncie. to Colfax. to Bowera•t Anthonyt ~edona• to New Wtnd.1or. W&itport to La.wreoceville. Antioch (Jennings Co.) to Bowllng Greene to Center- Clear Creek•t t to Bloomtncton. tgn~reenvtew Vernon. North ,,.~t polnt. Tuscola. to Ridge*tt West, 8 8 Clear Lake to Ray. Boxley to Sheridan. Apa.Iona to Tell City. West Viennatt to Vienna. Swtaher to Clinton. Springs oo BrownsClear Frankfort to Lynn. to BoY1eston•u Arba Albion. to Village W. Swygert*t to Pontiac. town. We,;t York to Hutsonville. Archerville to Lafayette. Symerton to Wilmington. Art• to Churubusco. 0 W etaug*:t to Don~ola. Cleveland to Greenneld. ~~:a1i~dl t:1Bf1?~yra. Wethersfield to Kewa,ee. Armstron~* lio l!:vansvllle. Tabor to Waynesville. Cllfford•t to Columbua. Bramble to Looirootee. Arney to pencer. T Wetzelt to Parts. T!:~~~;ttioKJfirg_ort. Brancbvllle• to Leaven- Clifton to Llbert:v. Aroma to Frnnkton. 1 Clifty to Burney. worth. Wbeellng• r i to Arlington Art (Oory P. 0.) to Cory. ansm to Golconda. Cllnton Falls to Oreenoutld Arthur to Winslow. Vlover1and • to Hrazll. Breckenrtdg-e to Corydon Artlc to Butler. W~~~{~;1 to Peotone. i~~~tou. Clunette to Leeshurir. Brems* U to Knox. +ehlple um• to Golconda. Whiteash* t0John1ton City. Ashboro• to Brazil. Ashenille to Brazil. Bretzvtlle to Huntlngburr (;Jymera•n to Log-anspon. erak;Mta*tt to Orystall w~n~~fi1tdt~o BreweravWe• to North Ver• Asb Grove oo Brookston. Coal Bluff*tt to Brazil. non. Terre Haute• to La Harpe. White Pigeon to Morrt■on. Coal Creek to Cates. Castle. New to A■hland TTexas Clty*tt to 1 Wbltewtllow• to Minooka. Coalmont*tl to .JasonvUle. Brtce to Portland. A ■ hton to Sunman. baokery•i to MoLe&U8-' Whittont to Hanover. to Westville. Coburgt Greencastle to Rochester. to Ch.,!'P-1 Brick Atbem,•tt ; horo. Brtrht to Harrlson, 01:1.10. , Cochran•r to Aurora. Atherton•!% to Clinton. 1 : ~ast~~~n. , Ra:ver to Virden. Coe to Oakland City. I Brighton to Howe, Atkinson*tt to Oxford The Grove to Dea Plaine,. ' Wilcox to Olay City. tklnaonville to Spencer. Brlght~voodt:t to Indian-I Coeaae•tt to Columbia CltJ' Tb~:::::v\ne1ii~CFarmer. l Willeford to Creal springs. apohs. Colburn•t to Delphi. Auburn Junctlon•U to Au-1 Arlm0eld•tt to Albion. Willey? to Taylorvllle. Ville. burn. Cold Sprtng-•t: to Moore■ Brtnckley to Farmland. :J:~urber to McLeansboro. Wllllameburg to LovinrHill. Flora. to Brtnrhurat•t A~~~~talu~t1s~_on Co.) to Brt■tow*t to Troy. Coleboro to Swavzee. wffl:1a:mson to Staunton. Tt:;v,fif:e~~J\. Collamer• to South Whitley. Aufiu11ta• (Plke Co.) to Bromer to Orle&n■. WIiiow to Stockton. Tttton•t to Danville. Collett*U to Portland. Brooksburg• to Madll!lonWUlow Sprlnga•U to LeTime to Plttsrleld I to Frankfort. A Collingwood to HunterW~~':i\Livingston Co.) to Avoca* to Bedford. :i:irnotby to C,reenup. i Kewanna to Lake•t Bruoe town. 0 1 I Brunawtck to Crown Point Colllns:t to Churuhusco. Avon,: to Danvllle. lle<idic-k. ~~-Jose h. Tl~'l'!'~t\ Avonburg to Cross Plains. Bruahy Prairie to LaGrange Coloma to Rockvtlle. Wilsonville to Dochester. Todds Point to Flndfa,-. Aylesworth to Veederahu~. Bryant Creek to Blooming- Columbia t-0 Connersville. Tom to Marshall. Wllton Center to Mannai- A:,rsh1re*t to Winslow. ton. Como to Redkey. Wtalndnmere to Grays Lake. Tomllnson t t to Rantoul. to Ellzabethtown. Br:,antsburg to Madison. Azalla•tt Concord to Saint Joe. T ontt•rt to Salem. Conroe to St,,ckwell. :J:opeka*tt to Forest cu 1 Windom to Okawvllle. 1 Bryantavllle to Mitchell. Cooktt to Crown Polnc. Wlnfleld*l to Wheaton. l'orlno• to Bracevtlle. l Buckeye• to Warren. Cope to Martinsville. Winklctt to Pincknryvllle. Badrer to Brookston. ~Vey to Taylorville. BucKakln*t to Elberfeld. Cornelius to Morgantown. Winneshiek to Freeport. Tr mble•i to Roblnao4. baker's Corner to Sheridan. Bud to Trafalgar. Effingham. to "'lnterrowd• Neoga. to OWbrld,te•t Cornetisvtlle to Wasblntrion Buddha to Bedford. Ba •rstown to Albion Troxel to Maple Park. n Coming- to Montgomery. Buell to Dugger. Winthrop Harbor•tt k> B&Jbec•i to Pennville. ~Urnbull to Carmi. Balctwln*U to Monroeville. Buena Vista (Monroe Co.): Correct to Versailles. Zion City . & "ckerrt to Kankakee. 1 Wlreton Park to Blue I• ~:~~~~ ~ r:uF~l!fa1ne. Tunnelblll • U to Vienna. Cortland•tt to Seymour. B~~a?~~o:gt~~tg~cello. T Win Grove to Bloommirton w~t!1u<!n• io Greenvute. Corwin to Romney. BuffalovlUe•t to Dale. Banta to Franklin. Wolfcreel,* to Carterville. Barber's MW11 to Liberty Bufkin to Mount Vernon. 1 Bullock to BoonvUle. Center. Wolflake*tt to Jonesboro. Ulabt to Cambrtdg-e. Burdlck•rt to Chesterton. I Cospervllle to Ligonier. Barceft to Fowler. j Womac to Carlinville. Union Cen~r to Casey Burnett•r to Terre Haute. Cottag-e Grove•tt to Collere Bartlett■ vtlle to Bedford. U nton Grove*U to Morrlaon Woodllcrry t.o <,ree11up. 0 nlon Hill*tt to Redclick. Burnetts Creek• to BurnWoodl>lne*tt to l<:lizah<>th. Bartonla to Spartanbu~. Corner. Ohio. ettsvllle. gnlonvme• to Brookport. Woodburn to Bunker Hill Bascom to Rlelnir Sun. Cowan•ft to Muncie. 1 I Burns Clty•tt to Odon. nox. ~:a9:•LtaokeKtonoxK. Cox ■ MIiis to Richmond. ii~~~tlle. ~~~~f:i~t Calro. to nlty-f 0 Burnsville to Ellzabeth- Coxton to Bedford. Woodruff to Danvcr . UPPer Alton•i to Alt.on. town. BachU to Colleg-e Comer Coxvllle to kosedale. Wood■lde to _Ctiatham. toG~~~~~i::: B..=11:..:rr:....:::O.::ak•tt to Culver. ------= Ohlo Cra~ to Vevay' - · - - - • )loney Order Oflice. ACl)unty Seat. REF'-RENCE KEY, t Telegraph Statton. tExpress Otlice. Shirland• rt to Duran cl. Shlrley•rt to Bloomington. Shohonler•tt to Vandalia . Sbokokon to Burlington, Iowa. Slci!yt to Pawnee. Signal Hill to East St. , Lou~. S\lo~m Sp fags to Clayton. S1lv1s•tt to East r.1oline. Slms*:t to Wayne City. Slnclair*n to .Jacksonville. Skates to Pana. Skinn rville to Carterville. Blackwater to Dunean Smithboro*t:t to (,reenville. Smithton* to Belleville.  1  c~~~tf;f '  I  I  ~:~~!f :~  I  t~c~a::e  I  le  1  I  i,mwg:;h  rrl-  op-  le.  re .  ~~f~fite.  I  ;ott~~~ 1t:  "'·  ~r~~R!~·  ~g~~cf  I  ~'!:~~~  1 T:~e;:tu  ~:r~s.  1  ~:r:~:!~\  I  er. ro.  ar-  :eO::  t.!;  .  win-!  I  I  I  )•  l  u:!,~\, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  ttt'o  I  W1~::_- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2014  INDIANA  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS I  I Ellsworth* (Dubois Co.) to 1 Glenns Valley to Green- Huntsville (::\Iadison Co.)to Leopold to Cannelton. Dubois. Pendleton. Leota to Scottsbur1r. 1 wood. Elmdale to Wingate. Glezen• to Oakland City, 1 Huntsville (Randolph.Co.) Le Roy•tt to Crown Point.  Orane to Stockwell. Cresco to Colum bla City. Creaeon•i to Lowell. Crete•ti to Spartanburr. Crlaman•rt to Hobart. Crookerti to Chesterton.  Elmira to South Mfl!ord. Elon• to West Baden. Elrod to Milan. Elsie to Brazil. Crooked Creek to l<'remont. Elston to Lafayette. Crooked Lake to Anirola. ElwrenU to Bloomlnirt;on. Croll Roads to Middletown. Orowleyville to Owensville. Emlson•U to Oaktown. Crumstown•U to South 0 0 :::oarti Bend. P!!~ieton. Cr'J'1ta1 • to Jasper. Enrllsh Lake• U to N ortb Judson. Cumbaok to Wa11hlnirto11. Enocbaburg to Newpolnt. Cunot to Cloverdale. EnosU to Morocco. Epsom to Plainville. CUrryvUle to Blutrtoa. Erle to Bedford. eurtisvme•tt to Elwood, Custer to So. l\Iilford Ethel* to Paoli. Etnar to Columbia City. CUUer•rt to Flora. Eugene• to Cayuga. Oozoo• to Jasoer. Eureka• to Rockport. Cyclone* to Fr8.llktort. CJ'Dthl&D&•ti (ShelbJ' Co.) 1 Evans Landing• to Cory• don. to Shelbyville Everton• to Conneravme. Oypre111* to Evan1vllle.  Gllda11 Ky.  Brandenb~.'  I  Gobl~vllle to Huntlnirton. Goe2'(eln to Ft. Wayne. Goodview to Farmland. Gratton to Mount Vernon. Grammer•ti to Elizabethtown. GraI!ger*tt to Mishawaka. &~!n;8~u~;r~°n::,gllab. Gravelton to Nappanee. Grayfordt to Vernon. Gravsville* to Merom.  t'!  Dabney•t to .tlolton. Dallas to Borden. Dalton to Loeantvllle. Darmstadt to Evansville.  to  Greenbrier to Paon. Green Center to Albion. Greenfield Milla to Orland. Green HID to Otterbein. Greensboro• to Spiceland. Greenville (Floyd Co.)*t to Georgetown. Greenville (Sullivan Co.) to Sullivan.  I Fah11eld (Franklin Co.J 1  Griffln*tt to Graysville. Ill. to Griffith to Highland. Fa~~e~~~:nter to Co• Grover Town*! to Hamlet. Davidson• to Brandenburr, runna. GuUtord*t to Lawren~ Ky. Fair Oak11•U to Rensselaer burg. Dawkins to New Haven. 1 DaJ'llght to Evansvllle. Fa~1e,:1i Co.) DaYVille to Newburg. Fairview (Fayette Co.) Gutnrie* to Bedtora. Deacon to Walton. to Falmouth. Deedsvllle•:t to Denver. Fairview (Randolph Co.) to Deepriver to Hobart. Red Key. Deer Creek to Lo,;aiaJ!ort. Fansler to Antwerp, Ohio. Deerfield* to Ridgeville. Faraoeei to Pekin. Degonia. Springa* to Boon- Farito• to Engllsh. Hackleman to Fairmount. 0 Hackmann's Cross Road De~ili> to Auburn. ;:~"!ri t~~~rthlngton. to Batesville.•tt to o,irood. Hadley•U to Danville. DeLong• t t to Lei lier■ Ford. Farmers Inatltute to La Ilall 's Corners to Harlan. Demlnr to Cicero. Fayette. to Pekin. Denham•ti to .North ..,ud- Farmers Retreat• to DUll- Halo Hamburg* to Oldenburit. eon. boro. Hanlet•tt to Knox. Depauw*tt to Corydon. Farrvllle to Van Buren. Hancock to Palmyra.. Derby• to Cannelton. Fayette to Brownsburg. , Hanfield to Marion. Fayettevllle to Bedford. Deaoto•U to Muncie. Hanover Center to Crow» Fenns to Shelbyvllle. Devore to Gosport. Point. Fenton to Indlanapolla. Dexter* to Cannelton. Flat to Pennville. Harmony•H to Brazil. Fickle* to Clarks HID. Diamond. t to Cal Don. Harper to Westport. Fincastle to Roachdale. Dick to Bryant. Harrell to Hanover. Dlckeyvlllc to Boonville. I Finley to New Palestine Harrisonville to Shoals. Flackvll1e to Indlanaoolls Dillman to Warren. Harrbt:.>wn to !::ialem. Dlllko•ti to Akron. Harrisville* to Union City. Dix.le to Corydon. Fletcher to Kewanna. Harrodsburg•! t to BloomFlint to Angola. ington. Doan!!• to Bloomfield. Florida to Anderson. Hartford to Aurora. Dolan to Bloomington. Floyds Knobs* to New Domestic to Petroleum. Albany. Ha el to Muncie. Donaldson•t to Plymouth. Folsomvllle* to Boonvllle. Hatfield•t to Rockport. Doolittle Milli• to Leaven- Foltz* to Dupont. Haughvlllet to Indlanapoworth. Fontanet•u to Terre Haute lis. Dora to Wabash. Hayden*tt to North YerDover to Harrison. Ohio. Foreaman•ti to Brook. non. Doverhill to Shoals. Forest Hill to Letts. Haymond to Oldenburg. Downevv1Ue to St. Paul. Fort Rltner•rt to Mitchell. Haysvllle* to Jasper. Dreaden* to Bloom.field. Foxs Station to La Fontaine Hazelrlgir*H to Lebanon. Drewcrsburg to Okeana, Ohio. Fredericksburg* (:\1ontHeadlee to Royal Center. Dry Run to Leavenworth. gomcry Co.) to Craw- Heath to Lafayette. Duckrell to Young America. fordsville. Heckton to Nappanee. Dudleytown to Crother.. Fredonia* to Leavenworth. Heclat to Columbia City. ville. Freedom•ri to Spencer. Hector to Portland. Duff•i to Huntlngburir. Freeman to Spencer. Hedrick*t to West LebaDundee (Madlaon Co.>, to Freeport to Morristown. non. Elwood. Dundee CBlacktorrl Co.). i~1e~J1s!,~~~;1f~r~ooresvllle I i~ipf>~le. Fritchtontt to Vincennes. to Hartford City. Helmer*tt to ·o. :\Iilford. Dunfee*ti to Arcola. Fulda* to Troy. I Helmsburg•tt to NashvIDe. Dunkirk (Cass Co.) •tt to Furnesisvlllet t to Mlchlitan Heltonv1Ue•u to Bedford. Logansport. Clt:v. Dunlaps to Goshen. Henderson to Arlington. Dunlapa'\-11le to Liberty. Hendrlc11:avllle* to BloomDunnt:i: to Freeland Park. lngton. Dunnlnirton to Freeland Gadsden to Lebanon. Herbst•i to Swayzee. Park. Gatr to Versallles. He88vllle* to Hammond. Dunretth•U to Knights-, Gale to Danvllle. Heusler to Evansville. I town. Galena• to New Albany. Hlbbard•ti to Culver. Durbin to Lapel. g!i11~fci8fotb~~~~~~Hi~~~)n&,*1Jva~~:N1~~rburg  ~~!~:Ji:~  I g~~~~=!uf~ t;fnTI~t~ro.  !  I  I  ~:fi~i~  Eairle to Hymera. Eag-letown•i to We1tfteld. Earle to Evansvllle. East Dunnington to Freeland Park. East Gary•tt to Hobart. East Germantown to Pershin~. 0 Ea:ou~l c~:me?.arwel to Eby to Boonvltle. Echo to Oaslan. Eck to New Augusta. i~~~rtlo•\t-o\°oolf~~~Eden to Fortvllle.  g:~~~;~  \~ ~g~~~~~~-  Gaylor to ::\!ichigantown. Geetingsville to Ro.·sville. Gem to Cumberland. Geneva (Shelby Co.) to St. Paul. Gentryvllle•tt to Dale. Geor~etown · (Cass Co.) Ge:tJ1at;>tt Gera1d* to Cannelton. Germantown Station to Pershing. Gessie*ti to Perrysville.  It~g~1~~g~ti_  g:~o~~!\~ J::w~fct0  IJamsvllle* to North Manchester Independence• to Attica. Indiana Mineral Springs to Attica. Indian Sprlngs•U to Shoals Ingalls• ti to Fortville. Inglefield • to Evansville. Inwood• r i to Plymouth. Ireland• to Jasper. ~ Irvingtonti to Indlanapolls. Iva to Otwell.  L1 oerty (Jonnson <.Jo.) to Franklin. Liberty Mms•i to North Manchester. LlbertyvillPt to Vermillion lll  Lllly Dale to Tell City. Llmedalet to Greencastle. Lincoln*tt to Galveston. Lincoln Clty•rt to Dale. Llncolnvllie (Wabash Co.) to Wabash. Llnkville to Plymouth. Linwood• to Anderson. Lippitt to Monrovia. Lisbon• to Kendallville. I Littlepolnt to Amo. Jackson (Tipton Co.) to Llttles•ti to Oakland City. Tipton. Little York to Scottsburg. Jacksonburg to Pershing. Livonta• to OampbellsJackson Hill to Hymera. burit. Jacksonville to Clinton. Lochlel t i to Fowler. Jalaoa to La Fountaine. Lockman to Freetown. Jefferson to Frankfort. Lockport to Idaville. Jerome to Greentown. Locksprin11; to Holton. Jessup•U to Rosedale. Locust Polnt• to New Jimtown to Elkhari. Albany. :Johnsburg•t to HuntingLogan• to Harrison. Ohio. burg. London•t to Fairland. Johnsontt to Owensville. Lonetree to Linton. Jordan to Union City. Jordan to Patrick> Loo1tout to Osgood. burg. Lorane to Columbia City. Judson• ti to Rookv:llle. Loree•t to Bunker Hill. JudyvUle• U to Pence. Julietta• U to New Palestine Lotus to Liberty. Lovett•tt to North Vernon  I  Kasson to Evansville. Keller to Terre Haute. Kellerst to Wabash. KellervUle to Jasper. Kelso• (Dearborn Co.) to Harrison, Ohio. Kelso (Huntington Co.) to Warren. Kenn.:dy• (Dearborn Co.) to Lawrenceburg. Kenneth•tt to Loga.nsport. Kent• to Hanover. Kercheval to Grandview. Ker. ey*H to \Yheatfield. Killion to Loogootee. Klllmore to Frankfort. King to Princeton. Kingsbury•tt to Laporte. Kings Cave to Corydon. Klngsland*U to Ossian. Kingston to Greensburi. Kirby to Bloomington. Kirksville (Monroe Co.) to Bloomington. Kirksville (Gibson Co.) to Princeton. Kltcllel*H to Liberty. Klaasvllle to Crown Point. Knechts to Brookville. Knlghtsvllle•rt to Brazil. Knlman•tt to Wheatfield. Koleen•t to Bloomfield. Koontz Lake to Walkerton Koro to Burlington. Kossuth to Salem. Kramer• to Attica. Kratzville to EvansvIDe. Krenzburg to Dyer. Kurtz• tt to Brownstown. Kyle to Aurora.  Luck to Pennville. Luther to South Whitley. Lydick to 8outb Bond. Lyford to Clinton. Lyles• to Plinceton. Lyons Statlon•t (Fayette Co.) to Conneravllle.  race*H to Linnsburg. Madrid* to Lawrenceburg, Ma.~ley*tt to Preble. Magnet• to Leavenworth. Mag-nolia* to Leavenworth, Mahalasvlllet to Martln1v:llle. Maln to Birdseye. Ma.Jenica to Warren. alden ti to Kouts. Malott Parkt to Broad Hipple. Manchester to Moores Hlll. Manhattan to Greencastle. Mans0eld to Carbon. Manson•: to Frankfort. Man vllle to Madison. Maples• tt to :Monroeville. Mapleton to Ind!anapolle. Maplewood to Pittsboro. farble Corner to Dupon~ Marble Hill* ..,~o Lexlnirton. Mardenls to nuntln~on. Mariah Hlll • to Dale. Manetta (Shelby Co.) Ml ShelbYVllle. Mark to Edinburg. Markland• to Florence. 'larling to Seymour. 1arsb to Odon. Martinsburg• to Pekin. Martz to Clay City. Marysvllle•tt to Lexington. Mauckport• to Corydon. Laconia• to Brandenburir. Maumee~ to Brownstown, Ky. Max to Advance. Lake to Richland. Maxinkuckee to Culver. Lake Brucet to Kewanna. Maxwell•tt to Green.field. Lake Clcott•i to Loirans1aynard to Dyer. LapoertJ.ames to An.,,.ola. Maysville to Harlan. d La~eslde to Winamac. lfaywood•t to Iu la.napoll••  ~mh~:.v~to h~~[don. Hlllsdaie•ti to Montezuma.. Hobblevllle* to Bloomfield. Hollandsburg to Rockvllle.  Lafif. Vlllaire•t to Momence, Lamar•t to Tell Cit:,. Lamb to Vevay. Lamong to Sheridan. Lancaster (Jefferson Co.) to Home Place to Carmel. Dupont. Homer•t to Manilla. Lancaster (Wells Co.) to Homestead to Lawrenc»Dlufl'ton. nt~~~as to Monroe. L8fo~.t:~~~-untlncton Co.) Honey Creek•ti to Middle- Landess•t to Van Buren. to,vn. La Paz JunctlonH to Pl:,Hooslervllle to Brazil. mouth. Hoover•ti to Lo11:ansoort. Lapland to L&doga. ~~~~; }~~fiifJ~urir. t:~:h~~~i~uf!;~r~ty.  t~ s;!~:1k  EdJ~r~n. rt to P&YDe, Edna MIDs to Roasvllle. Edwardsvllle to Georiretown. Rtrnerr i to Sheldon. Ill. Ere to A vllla. Jl:hrmandale to Brazil. Bldn to AtlAnta.. EUsavllle to Lebanon. :  Leeter to Bloomfield. Levi to Hanover. Lewis•tt to Terre Haute. Lewisburg to Logansport. Lewlll Creek•l to Shelbyville.  to Iodoc. Hurlburt*U to Hebron. Huron•u to Mitchell. Hursh to Grablll. Hutton to Terre Haute. Hyatt to Washington. Hyde to Butlerville.  ~~g~~~:~lu~~t1ht':i4;,r:f.:hJe McCoyaburir•t to Rennt"' selaer. . tcGraw11v111e•t to Peru. McGregor to Madison. McKinley• to Salem. Mc atta to Warren. McVille* to SDencer. keobanlcsburg (HenrY co.) tc- Middletown. MecbanlC8vllle to Evant" ville. Medford to Muncie. 1 ~:~~ehl;~ /~; i>le':i'::vu1e.  8!}::;;tti/E~x"a:ndrla. ii~~::1~e~a~a~de~pt~~- t:~e~~:e?J! ~::;>r~'wnPolDS Gilmour• to .Jasonville. Houston to Brownstown. Lawton to Winamac. Mt!ssena to Danville. Gln1r to Rushville. Howell to 1'~ ·an ville. L acll to J•owlerton. i lck to 'ewcastle Giro to Hazleton. Howesvillet to Jasonville. Lee•t to Monon. Metea to Logansport. Glendale to Washington. Howlands to Indlanaoolla. Leeevllle to Bedford. Michael to arion. u, Glendenning Corners to Jlckleyville to I ndiana~coJ Geneva. Hudson Lake to New Car- Lel11ure to Elwood. Middle l''ork (Clinton Glendora to Sullivan. ll3le. Lemons to Gosport. .,.. tdodlReuf 88rlka+vU(Jl: ..erson oo,) Glenhanr to La Fayette. Huff• to Troy. i... eua•u to Carbon. 0 .m. 1 + "'" B:::::l;;;:k;;;:lm::::..vlll;..::;:.;;.e....:to:-=....:N:.;.::aa.:..h=-vlll-=:..:e.:..._ _..;;G:..:le....:n_n to T1m:e Ha_u __te_.___I_I_u_ff_m_a_n_t_o_Tr_o_y_._____L_e_o_t_o_G_r_a_b_ll_l.________to_D~upoot.:..___..---REFERENCE KEY,  • County Seat.  • ~loney Oruer 011,te.  t Tele •raph ~tatlvn.  :t E. pre s Office.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  INDIANA  INDIANA  201S  Midland• tt to Jason ville. Mid way to Rockport. Mlert to Converse. Mifflin• to English. Milan Center•:t to Woodburn. Mildred to Shelburn  e. City.  g!fi;,.  New hlo.  Nine Mlle House to lioagland. Nineveh• to Edinburg. Noah to Shelbyvllle. Noble to Portland. Nora* to Broad Ripple. N ormanda to Kempton. Norman Station•t:t to FreeMilford (Decatur Co.) to j town. Norristown to Flat Rock. Burney. Milford Junctiontl to Mil- ~ Torthgrove*tt to Amboy. ford. North to Rising Sun. North Galve1ton to Lee. Mill Creek•rt to Laporte. burg. Milledgeville to Lebanon to North Indianapollst Miller• t :t to Gary . IndlanapoU.s. Mlllersburgt:t (Warrick Co.) Nortli 'l'erre Haute•t to 1 Terre Haute. MJfe:!~ft \it'.arton Co.), Norton to French Lick. to Indianapolis. ' Nortonburg to Hope. Mlllirrove• :t to Dunkirk. Millhousen• to Napoleon. Norway to Monticello. Notre Dame•t to Souili Bend. Milligan• t :t to Russellville. Nottingham to Iontpeller Mlllvllle•t:t to Newcastle. Mllner's Corner to Fortvllle. Nulltownl to ConnernUle Nye•vllle to Rockville. -no• to vVarren.  Pleasant Ridgel to Rensse-1 Rutland•t to .rtti'OI Sprtngvwe•tt to Bedtora. Rye 1io Knox. laer. Spurgeon• to Lynnville. (Sulllvan Pleasantville• Stamper's Creek to Paoli. Co.) to Linton. Stanford• to Bloomlnarton. Pleaeantvllle, (Plke Co.), Sabine to Plainfield. Stanley to Boonville, to Lynnville. Saint Ann to North Vernon . Starlliht to Borden. Saint Anthony•ti to Huni- Stl\Ser to Evansville. Plevna to Greentown. Plummer• to Bloomt1eld. tncburc. t.ate Line*tt to West LebPlum Tree to Warren. anon. Saint Orolx* to Leavenworth. Poe• to Sheldon. Staunton*tt to Brazil. Point Isabel to Swayzei,. Saint Henry* to Ferdinand Steam Comer to Veedere-burg. sa1n, John•U to Dyer. Pollnr to BrYant. Porter•r t to Chesterton. Saint Joseph Hill to Sellers- Stearley-ville to Center-burg. point. Portersvllle to Jasper. Portland (Fountain Co.), Saint Leon* to Cedar Grove Steele to Monroe. to Fountain C'ity. &Jnt Loull CroHlnlr 1 to Stendal• to Huntlne:bur.:Hope. Portland Mills to RuBBellStephenston to Evansvuie. vllle. Saint Mai?dalene to Holton . Powers to Red Key. Saint Mary to Oldenburg. Sterll.~g (Marlon Co.) to Indianapolis. Prairie Creek• to Terre Saint Mary o!the Woods•ti Steubenville• to Ashley. Haute. to West Terre Haute. Prairieton• to Terre Haute. ' Saint Maurice to Newpollat. Stewartsvllie• t to PoseyPrescott to Shelbyville. Saint Melnrad•t to Dale. ville. Priam to Hartford City. Saint Omer to Saint Paul. StlllweU•rt to Laporte. Proctor to Shoals. Saint Peters to unman. Proi'resS io Muncie. Sttnesvtlle*tt to Gosport;. Providence to Bargersville. I Saint Philip to Evansville. Stipe HIil to Clarksburi Saint Thomae to Vlnoennea. Stockport* to Muncie. · Pucket to Marlon. MlneraJ:t to Bloomfteld. Saint Wen ells to Posey- Stonet to Wincbe,ster. Pula■ kl" to Star City. MMlxersvllle to Oxford, Ohio. Stoneblutr•t:t to Veeden.ville. ollle to Montpelier. Putnamvme•t to Greenburg. ca■ tle. Oak• to Star City. Mon1tor to La Fayette. Salem (Jay Co.) to Sara- Stones Crossing to GreenPynnont• to DelphL ttontclalr:t to North Salem. Oakdale to Tell Cit}. toga wood. Oakford* to Sharpsvllle. M~r;;i~ ~!rn:efa~1rews Oa.kfore ■ t to Brookvllle. Salem Center to An::ola. Stonypoint to North Ma..:JSaline Clty*t:t to Cory. son. Oakley to Brownsburr. tooney• to B:-ownstown. Saltillo*! to Campbellsburg Oatavllle to Oakland CltJ'. Sanders to Bloomington. Quaker*t to Dana. Story* to Nashville. M~~~:he1~ 4ut~u{,~·vay. Ober•t:t to Knox. Sanderson to .New Albany. Stout to Muncie. Quakertown to Liberty. Ockley•tt to Delphi. QueensvWe*t to North Ver- Sand!ord*tt to Vermillion . Strinirtown to Evansville. Octagon to La Fayette. Moral to Acton. Ill non. Strouse to Albion. Odell to Attica. Moran•t:t to Frankfort. Querous Grove to East Sandusky to Greenaburc. Sulphur• to Leavenworth. Oa-den to Knightstown. ~orrts•t:t to Bateav1Ue. Enterprise. Sulohur Hill to St. Paul. ~orton to Balnbrldie. San Jacinto to Butlerville. SummltU (DeKalb Co.) to 8iivw:1~s~oc~~lfr1!1r~~ville. Quincy• t l to Cloverdale. -oscow to Milroy. Santaclaus• to Dale. Hudson. Mountain Sprlni' to Bedford Olean to Vename■ . Santa Fe (Miami Co.) to Sum~lt Grove to Clinton. -ount Auburn to Edlnbura- Oliver to ,vadesville. Amboy. SurprISe to Freet-own. Omei"& to Arcadia. Santa Fe (Spencer Co.) to Surrey•! to Rensselaer. :ount Carmel to Brookville Ontario• to Howe. Dale. Swal11 to Terre Haute. RaberU to Columbia City vomrort•t to Green- Oolltto•t to Bedford. Sardlnia•t:t to Westport. Raccoon•U to Roachdale Swan• t:t to A villa. Ora•ttto Monterey. Sarrent to Odon. Radleytt to Swayzee. Swanlngton • f 1 to Fowler Mount Etna• to Huntlna-- Oranie to Glenwood. Savah to Mount Vernon. Radnor• to Delphi. Sweeneys to Lakeville. · ton. Oranievllle to Orleana. Scaleavllle to Boonvllle. Rai'1Cl'v1lle• to Odon. Switz City• U to Bloomfteld Mount Jackson t to Indian- Orel1,'on io Charle■ town. ::-.rarlet to Orleans. Sycamoret to G1·eentown. Ra1-1:sdale to Vincennes a polls. Oreate■ •t to Alexandria. Sylvania to Klnirman Rainsville to Pine V1llage. Scherervue•i to Dyer. Mount Liberty• to Nash- Oriole* to Enrtll ■h. · Syria to Orleans. Schneider*tt to Lowell. Ralelirh to Lewtsvllle. I Ormu to Columbia City. ville. 1 Mount Meridian to Green- Orrville to Mount C&rmel. Rams-!Y" t to Corydon. City. Tell to Ranl1,'er castle. Ill. Raymond to Oxford. Ohio. Schooner Point to LeavenMO\lllt Ollve•u to Bedford Orth to New Ro . worth. Talbot•t:t to Boswell. O ■ oeola • tt to lt1ha waka Talma to Mentone. Ray's Crosslni•t to Shelby- Scotland• to Bloomfteld. Mi~1\t fi~;!tt*o t~tc~1:inel- O1weio• to Leesburr. Scott to Sh.ipshewanna. Tampico to crotheravme. ville. ton. Raysville to Knightstown. Seafteld"t to Wolcott. Otis*H to Westville. t\ount Sterllna' to Vevay. Sedan• to Corunna. Tangier*tl to i-ingman. Otlaco•tt to Ch&rleatown. Redbridge to Amboy. 0 Sodleyti to Valparaiso. Tanner to Bloomfteld. rt~ Otto* to New Washlnrton. Reddington to Seymour. Mi~1\t zToanb• Terre Tasweu • t:t to English. to Seelyvllle•U Reed to Yorktown. Ovid to Andel'9on. Warren. Haute. Taylorsvme• to Columbu1. Reedsvillet to N e,v PalesOwen to Cbarlc■ town. Mun to Farmland. Selvln• to Dale. tine. Tecumseh to Terre Haute. Owembunr•1 t to Bloom tunster to Hammond. Reel ■vme•tt to Greencastle Servla • t:t to North Man- Teegarden• U to Walllerton fteld. 0 Lebanon. to Mill chester. Reeao Tefft•U to Wheatfteld. OxonJa* to Salem. t~m~1::n. Sevastopolt to Mentone. Temple• i to Enillsh. Rego* to Paoli. Templeton• rt to Rehoboth to West Point Sexton! to Rushville Ky. Seybert* to Shlpshewanna Terhune• t l to Sheridan. Shadeland• to La Fayette. Terre Ooupeet to New c1~rRettr1bu~ to Bluffton. llsle. Renotl to Danville. ! Packerton*tl lio Sidney. Nabb•t to Lexlna"ton. ~~ri1:gton. Terre Hall to Kokomo. I Hc.·ene to 0. ford, 0. National Military Homt • to Page to Fremont. Sharps to Muncie. Terry to Tell Cltf. Retreat to CrotheravJlle. Palestine to .:\1entone. Marton. Sharps Mills to Corydon. Tetersburg to Tipton. Palmer*t:t to Crown Point Rexville to Versailles. Nead to Peru Riceville* to Blrd1eye. ' Sharotown to Harrlaon. 0. Thayer• t to Lowell. Paradise to Newburg. Nebraska•ti io Holton. Lowell. to Shelby*tl to • 'cw llaven. Thurman ocli..port. l to Rlchlandtt Needmore• (Brown co.) to ' Parlst to Paris CroBBlnc. Tildentt to llrowl1f;burg. Richland <'enter to Arizos. flheldon•tt to Yoder. Park to Bloomfteld. Nashville. Tlllman to Monroeville. RlchvaUey•ft to Waba ■h. Shepherd to Lebanon. Needmore (Vermllllon Co.> Parker CltYt to Parker. Shldeler•tt to Eaton. Tloaa•t:t to Rochester Riddle* to Leavenworth. 0 Shlrkievllle to , ermlllion, Ne%~~~!'! iLawrenoe Co.J ~!~~!~bur§e\~1~~~~{a. to Rldertown to Dunkirk. Russlavllle. to Rtdg;eway to Cloverport, Toblnaport• Ill. Evansvllle. to Bedford. Ky. RiclJ)ath to Dupont. Showley to Rochester. Parr•i to Ren11elaer. ~evada to "\Vlndfall. Toronto to Dana. Shrock to Millersburg. 0 ~!t~~~";~\r~e!~;kport. N:vada Mills to Orland. Tower• to Leavenworth. Siberia to Huntlngsburg. :~et~~ t:~~'W!ute. Townley to Monroevllle. RUey1oura-"l to Danville Sllvervtlle to Bedford. Ne: i~:rra!'!n~a.gOJ'}'• Paxton•ri to Sulllvan. Ill. Sllverwood•tt to Cayuia. Tracewell to Fort Branch. Payne to Bloomington. don. Tracy to Union 1 !ill·. Ripley to Winamac. Stms•t:t to Swayzee Pavnesvllle to Lexington. Newark to Worthington. Ripple. Traders· Point to New Sitka to Montloello. N CWbem to Columbus. Peabody•fl to Columbia Ripµlel to Broad Augusta. Skcltont to :\.1ount Carmel, Rivarett to Decatur. River to ·w arren. Treaty• to Wabash. Ill. NNe.!on~run.swlck to Leb-1 Pe~kVi)llI'g* to Amo. Attica. to (Blaclr!ord Co.) to Bide*l Trenton River Lebanon. "\Yest to Sloan•tt ew Burlington to Muncie Pedigo to Rockport. Hartford City Slocum to Hartford City. I Rfverton to Merom. New Chlcagot to Hobart. Poerle88* to Bedford. Mitchell. to Vale•t:t River Co.) to (Randolph Trenton New Corydon• to Geneva. Pelzer to BoonYUle. Robe1·tsdale to Hammond. Smartsburg to CrawfordsJ.\Iodoc. NNew Go■ben to Terre Hauk Peoga to Traxali:ar. ville. Bloomfield. to Rabi.Ion* Morgantown. to Trevlao•:t ew Holland to Waba1h. Hoy to Attica. SmedleJ'•t to Campbell► Trinity Springs• to Shoall. NNew Lanoa■ ter to Elwood. Peoriatt (Franklin Co.) to lk,b Roby•t to Whiting. Tunker to South Whitley Oxford, Ohio. ew1and"' to RenHelaer. Huntington to Creek sJW~nd to ShelbyvUlo. Rook Tunnelton•t to Mitchell. ~ew Lebanon•tttoSulllvan Peoria (Miami Co.) to Peru. Turner* to Bra.zll. ••ew London• to Rullla- 1 Peppertown to ,:\l etamora. l ockdale to Harrison. Ohio. Smlthaon • to Reynold■. Twiulake to Plymouth. Green-1 to S~~~d.Valley RoA•••ord to Seymour. , Perkinsville toDLapel. VUle. New ..iu. h Perrysburg to enver. lll * t O R M Rocklauc to Greenwood. Smithville• to Bloomlnirton oao · Pertb•tt to Carbon. «la.le. ayiv e Snow Htll to Lynn. Rogerst to Petersburg. New Middletown• to Cory- Peterson•to Decatur Snyder to Kntihtatown. Roland to West Baden. Petersville to Columbus. don. 1 Solitude to Mount Vernon. Ubee* to Huntini'ton. Roll" to Hartford City. N eRw Mount Plea.iant to Pettit to La Fayette. I Phlladelohla to Green!leld. Rome• to Stephen1port,Ky, I Solon* to New Washtnarton Underwood•t:t to Henry,., ed Key. ville. SolsbenYott to Bloom6.eld. Sal m Philomath to Liberty. ••ew Phll d l I • Rome Ctty•rt to Woloott- Somerset• to LaFontalne. Union• to Hazleton. Phlox to Wlndtall. e a e oh a to N ville. Nev, Pltt■burg to Saratora Pickard to Frankfort. Somervllle• tt to Oakland u~g~e. Center• tt to LaRomona• to Gosport. eSwt Saint nermce to , Pleroevme•i to Milan. R o■e b u d to Sa 1em. Bernice. to Corydon I Pike to Lebanon. Union port to .Mo<too. City. w 8alishury* Uniontown* (Jackson Co.) <Grant Co.) Sophia to Carbon. Junction <~ •,w salisbur.r PlJr:evllle• to Huntlncburr. Roseburg to Crothersville. South Bethany to ColumI Pll~~rtlf.nob* to Leaven- Rc~oe ~;{j~~tt to Lowell. 0.) Uniontown• !Perry Co.) bus. \,j~~n Stewart* to Frt:,nch' Plmento•t:t to Terre Haute l'o ctta to Harlan. Birdseye, South Bostons to Salem. Ro■ewood to Louisville.Ky. South Gate* to Cedar Grove Union Village to BargeraNewtonvtne•tto Grandview Pine Lake*t to La Porte. ville. South' Ra.ub*t to Romney. Ro88*11 to Gary. New 'l'renton*i·+ to Cedar Pinhook to Bedford. Round Grove to Brookston. South Waveland to Rua- Untonvme•tt (Monroe Co.) Pinola.t to Lu. Porte + Grov Pipe Cr ek to Logansport. Royalton to Zlonsvllle. Newvtue· to St. Joe. to Bloomlngton. aenvme. Royerton• to Munote. New Waverly•Uto Loi~ Pittshur'ito Delphi. Universal* to Clinton. Spade1•t to Sunman. RuibJ""t to Hope. Plato to agrange. ,.. I>ort. Upton to Mount Vernon Sparkavil!e•t to Medora. Rumble to Petersburg. ••ew Wlncheater to DU· P1easant to Cross Plains. Urbana.ti (Allen Oo.) ·to Sparta to Moore•, HUI. PleallAilt Mllls"l to WU- Rural to Lynn. ,.. Ville. Gra.blll. Sp~rav1Ue ~o Moriantown. Rueb Creek Valley to Salem Spiker to "abash. shire. Ohio. •,lc1nhola1vU1e to Sunman. \ Utan to Corydon N e Mlle to Sheldon. _ __Pc.. _.l ea Ru1k to Shoal,. ~ a_rr_e_n_.__ _ t_o___W _ la_ln _ sa_n_t_P t:Itl~effel"!IOnvtlle. Sprutown to Freetown.  I  ';i~fJ.  ~~~~i~:i i~· J':J:~rir:.·  cJ~n~i~f  oad Ill.  tie. le. Ile.  ~,.  too. n  M':i~~~;  ~::~!•t;!!fe\':,  1  i  1  1  I'  I  T  le. IDS  •  .r-/'.  '°  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  • County Seat.  • ~Ioney Order Office.  tTelegraph Station.  t Express  Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2016  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  IND!ANA  Valeene• to Paoll.  Wrights Corners to Aurora. I Wynn to Brooltvllle.  Brushy to Duncombe. Duncan•t to Garner. Bryant•tt to Miles. Dunreath to '.\lonroe. Ilryant~l>ur"+ to llazleton. Durango•u to Duouque. Bu ·lrnnu.n•:i: to Tipton Durham• to Knoxville. Va~~liia.Mllls• to Indian- 1 Buck Creek to Readlyn Yankeetown to N'ewburir. Van Buren•tt (La Gran~ Yellowstone* to Bedford. Buckman tation to Osage. Co.) to ~hipshewanna. Buck's Grove I nnmdy <.,o.J York to ft'remont. Eagle !'enter to "'aterloo Vandalia• to Spencer. Yorkville* to Lawrenceto Parkersburl?. burg. Va,vter Park to Syracuse Buena Vlsta (Cllnton Co.) East Peru* 10 l'oru.. Velpen•u to Wlnelow. Young to Brookville. Edna*t to Rock Raotda. to Dixon. Vera Cruz* to Blulfton. Burchlnal"ti to Mason City Eleanor! to Parkersuurg. Elk Hiver to Clinton. Vermont to Kokomo. Burdette• tt to Popejoy. Youngs Creek* to Paoli. Verne to Vincenne11. Elmira Junctiont to Iowa Butler to Hedrick. Youngstown <'ity. to Terre Vesta to Charlestown. Elon to Waukon. Haute. Youno to Nasbville. Elrick• to Oakvtlle. Vlcksburg•t to Linton. Yountsvllle to Crawtords- Cairo* to Columbus Junc- l,Jvira to Low • !our. Victor to Bloomington. Emeline to .\laquokPta. Vienna• to Soottsburg. vllle. ~ion. Enterprlee•t to Anken7. Vigo to Terre Haute. Caldwell to Exline. Erickison to Boone. Caledonia to :Mount Ayr. Vilas to Spencer. Zelmat to Bedford. California* to ::\lotlale. Evana•tt to Oskaloosa. Vine to Attica. Vir~ie to Rensselaer. Zenas to Butlerville. Rveland • to Buxton. Camanche*t! to Clinton. Vistula• t f to Middlebury Zipp to Evansville. Campbell*! to Des ::'lloines Ewart•: to Montezuma. Zoar to Huntingburg. Vlvalla to Greencastle. Canby to Casey. Zulu to Monroeville. Volga to Madison. Canoe to Decorah. Volz* to Winamac. Canton* to Baldwin. Falrmount•t to Monroe. Carbon• to Corning. Falroort•tt to ~Juscatlne. Carl to Corning. Fairville to Whittemore. Carmel to Sioux Center. Carnarvon•tt to Wall La\l:e Fallow to Graettinger. Waco t-0 Washington. Fanelera to Yale. Carnes*rt to Alton. Wadena•U ~ Goodland. Farlilert to Waterloo. Carney* to Des Moines. Wagoner* to Macy. IOWA Farrar to :\1ingo Carnrnrthtt to Victor. Wallesborot to Columbus Faulkner•t to Ackley. Carrolltont to DedhamWalker to Flora. Carrvllle* to Charles CltY. Fern to Parkereburir. Wallentt to Huntertown. Fielding to Quimby. Ai>bott•ti to Ackley, Cedar to Fremont. Walnut! to Argos. Fifield to Pella. Cedar Bluff* to Tipton. Walnut Grove (St. Joseph Abingdon• to Packwood. Ackworth• tl to Indianola. Cedar Heights to Cedar Finch Ford to Janesville. Co.) to outh Bend. Fl1cua to Audubon. Falls. Acmet to Elma. Cedar Valley to West Fisk to Orient. Wanamaker* to New Bethel. Ada vil1e to Merrlll. Five Points to Dubuque. Branch. Wa.rrE\nton to l:"ort Branch. Adaza*tt to Churdan. Warrlnirton • to WUklnson Adelohl• to Des Moines. Waterford Mills to Goshen. Afton Junction to Afton. Center to Dubuque. Flagler• U to Knoxvllle. Alba.ton to Sloan. Waterman to Cayuga CeLiti~rtf ale*tt to West 1 Florenceville to Cresco. Watson•t to JetTersonvtlle Alice to Centerpoint. Fl~1tad to Webster City. Almont*t to Clinton. Centralla to Dubuque. Wa~h to Sherl.dan. Folletts*t to Mc<. 'ausland. Charleston .. ! to Donnellson Folaom*tt to Glenwood. Foote to North EngHsh. Wawaseet i to Syracuse. Chequest to Selma I Ohester Center to New Ford• t t to Swan. Wawpecong to Kokomo. Amana•tt to Marengo. Waymansvtne• to Sevmour Ambrose to Keswick. Home to Mont~ buric. j Forest Waynesburg to Westport. Amish to Kalona. Chickasaw to Ionia. zuma. Waynesville to Columbus. Amity to Davenport. Forest Milli to Waukon. st ~~~g lci1anola I Fort Des Moines"'t to Des Weaver to J one1moro. Andover• t to :\files. Webater•t (Wayne Co.) to Anirus•tt to Perry. Moines. WUUamsburg. Arborhlll to Stuart. Clarkda1e• to Mystic. Foster• t t to Mora via.. Wetaburg•t to Sunman Four Cornera to Lockridge. Ardon•tt to Conesvtlle. Clarkson t t to Carlisle. Clay Works~ to Pon Dodie. Fraker* to Buxton. 0 0 ::~ f~~~I~ 'ii~1::boldt. Franklin• to Donnellson. Climax to Emerson. Welt Fork• to Eng-Ush Arquitt to Farley. Cllve•t t to Des Molnea. Franklln Station to DonWelt Franklin to Mollllt Artesian to Denver. nellson. Clovercl&le•t to Sibley. Vernon. A1bury to Dubuque. Fraser• t to Boone. Coal CltyU to Moulton. West Harrison to Harrison. A1hgrove• to Drakesville. Coal Creek to Thornburg. Fredonia• to Columbus Ohio. AsplnwalJ•tt to Manning-. Coalvllle to Fort Dodge. Junction. Weatland to Green11eld. Astor• t to Man Ula. Frectrlc•t to Albta. Colon to Oskaloosa. West Liberty (Roward Co.> Attica• to Knoxville. Columbus City• to Colum- Frendale to Oxtord. to Greentown. FroPlich*t to c\1cGregor. bus Junction. West Middleton• to Russia- Aurueta* to Wever. Commerce•n to Des Molnee Fruitland• r 1 to Muscatine. ville. Avery*tt to Albia. Communia to Elkader. Fulton• !Jackson Co.) to West Newton* to Indian- Avon• to Carlisle. ompeline to Fan;on. Maquoketa. a.polis. Fulton (Muscatine Co.) to 'tock ton. Weaton to North Vernon. Conovertt to Spillville. Westph&lia•ti to Sanborn. Balley•t to McIntire. onsol to Buxton. B&ltour•U to Glenwood. Cool to Indianola. Balltown to Hh~rrill. Coppock•tt to Wayland. Bang-or• to Liscomb. Galbraith to Luverne. Coralvtllet to Iowa City. Galesburg to Monroe. Weit Union• ti to Mont& Bankston to Epworth. Cordova*t to Knoxville. Barney• U to Lorimor. Cornella to < larion. Gambril to DeWitt. cuma. Wharton to South Bend. Bauer to Lacona.. Cornell* to Sioux Rapids. Gardiner to Routon. Baum to Cherokee. Wheaton to Roachdale. Coster to hellrock. Garfield to Mystic. Wheeler• t f (Porter Co.) ,o , Ila.yertown to Hills Cottonwood•: to Hillsboro <; arland to :\I orning Sun. Bayfield to MU8C8.tlne. Cou Falls to North LI berty Gates to Atlantic. Hobart. Wheeling• to Muncie. County Llne*t to Batavla Genoa to Seymour. Beacon• n to Oskalooaa. Whitaker to Paragon. Genoa Bluff to Ladora. Beargrove to Guthrie Cen- Covington• U WbltC-Om b to Brook ville. to Ceda, Georgetown to Albia. ter. White Cloud• to Corydon. Rapids. Gerled to Ledyard. Beckwitht! to Fairfield. White Oak to Geneva. Germantown to Paullina. 1 Crain Creek to Denver. Whites Crossing to Linton. Beeheetown to Logan. Cranston"'tt to Letts. German Valley to Titonka Whitesville• to Ladoga. Belfast;* to Farming-ton Crescent• t t to CouncU Germanville to East Plea&-BlutTs. Whitewater* to Fountain Belinda to Chariton. ant Plam. Belknap• U to Bloomfield. Cricket• to Buxton. City. Giard to . fcGreiror. Belo1t•t to Canton, S. D. , Crockertt to Polk. Whlttleld to Loog-ootee. Cie--el ."prinz. to Epworth. Wickliffe• to F.:nglleh. Crooks to Harcourt. Gltrord*t t to Union. Benson to Cedar Falls. Wilbur to Martinsville. Croton•t to Farmington. Giventt to O:kaloo a. Wilder• U to North Judson. Bentonsport•t to Bona- 1 Crozier to Newell. parte. Wilfred to Shelburn. r.1nclstonet to Tama. Curtis to North Liberty. Berlin to Gladbrook. Gladwin•tt to Haskins. Wllllam1 (Adams Co.) to Bernett to Ute. Ola '!.{OW to Lockrhtge. D"'.catur. Bernhart to Data via. Glendale*t i to Fairfield. Wllllama•t:t: (LawrenceCo.J Bertram•tt to Cedar Ra- Dahlonega to Ottumwa. Glendon•t to \fenlo. to Bedford. ,Dakotah• to Humboldt. olds. Grllf•tt to 1':pworth. Wllliamaburg (Johnson Co.) Berwlok•f to Des Molnea. Dale• to Stuart. Graham• to Colesburg. to Edlnbun;. Bethesda to Hepburn. DarbyvUle to Mystic. (;rant ( omcrtl t , J ocht •y. Williamsport <Allen Co.) to Bethlehem to Corydon. Davi<l*I:t: to ~lclntire. Grant City to Auburn. Davis <.;orners to Lime GranvUle !Mahaska Co.> to Sheldon. Wllilamstownt to Milroy. Bldwellt to Ottumwa. Spring. 'I aintor. Willie to Vincennes. Daytonvllle to Wellman. Iii Rock•tt to Dixon. Green Island• t t to Bellevue Grecu \ llcy to . orth :fl:~~,br~m~~ita. BFa!::~u% Sfoe~~t?ao:i~: gnglbh. Deercreek to Northwood. Wilson to Shelbyville. Blanden• to Manson. Dckalhi to Van \ ert <,riclleyt! to .\rrn.-troui;. Windom to Shoals. Bluff Creek• to Lovilia.. Delpho"•tt to Mount Ayr Grlfflnsv\lle to Myatlc. Windsor to Parker. BlutTton to Decorah. IJenhart to 'orwith. Grovthlll to Fairbank. Wintleldtt to Crown Point. Boles to Janesvllle. Depew to Cyllnder. t,111111! r• to Elzin. Winona to Knox. Bolan*tl to Northwood. nev111ia lo Floyd. Gu. Lo Villi ca. Winona Lake•tt to War- Bonatr•t to Cresco. Devon• t to • ew Hampton Gyp. umtt to I· ort Dodge. saw. Boomer to Honey Creek. Dewar•tt to Waterloo. Dewey to Massena. Botna•tt to Manning. Diamond* to Mystic. Boydt to New Hampton. Wlnthroo*H to Attica. Hale• fl to Olin Wirt*+ to rorth ).!adison. Brainard* to \ est Union. DlfTt to ... loulton. Haifa• to Ringsted. Brazll•tt to Centerville. Wiae to Dupont. Dillon• l to Marshalltown. Hamllton*t to Bu ey. Witts to Bo. ton. Bromleytt to Marshalltown Dodgeville to ~lediapol anf, nit! to 1 son nity. Brompton to. loravia. Donnan* to Hawkeye. Woodland to Mishawaka. I I nl Ytt to 't, harl Brookville to Pacltwood. Dori· to Indeocndence. Woodlawn to Muncie. H.urn to Luv 'rne. Brough to Perry. Woodruff to Wolcottville. 9anover to Alta. Dou~lass to "' t Union. Urowns•r:i: to Pr ton. Woods! to Lynn. Dover to Donnel11on. tiarrlaon to \\'Interact. Dublin to Waahlngton. Woodville (Purter Co.) •t Brownville• to Osage. Harvard• : to Sewall. Bruce to Belmond. Ductley *tt to Ottumwa. to Chesterton. Haatle to Des iolnes. Worth to Leavenworth. _I _!3ru11h_ Cre_e~ to ~rl!nirton. Dumtrlea• to Council Bluff■ Hauntown , o {'Im ton. -•. loney Order Office. REFERENCE KEY, • County Seat. tTelegraph StAt,lon.  ~:\ff;1m:?t!~)~ty~it~ge.1  I  I  I  8t  :S~t\oti~~p~;j~-  i'oe  I  ~1~.r~~ f  Haven to T<ima. Havre to Crawfordsville. Hawleyville• to Clarinda. Hawthorn to Retl Uak. Hazle Green to Ryan. Hehron• to Orient.  ~~~~~~!;tfo  i;::~  1 et&ke.  Hesper• to Mabel, Minn. ili11,tt,-ville to. loravia.. Hlokory to Albia. Hlgh • to Marengo. Highland Center• w Hedrick. Hl11:h Point to Garden Grove Hlgb;"tewl to Webster Clty. llol>artontt to Algona. Hocking• to Albia. Holbrook' to Wllllamsburs. Holly Springs to Hornick. Homer to Lehigh Hom::stead • t t to Marenco. Hoovt•rs*t to Bultton. Ropevme• to Murray. Horton to Plainfield. Houghton*t to Salem. llowc to ~tuart. Hue:hes to Eldora. Hurley: to Rockwell. Huron to Oakville. Hurstvllle• to Maquoketa. Hustadt to Lyle. Minn. Hutchlns•tt to Britt.  Iconlum to Mora.via. lndlanapolls to What Cheer. In<1ustryt to Ft. Dodre. Iowa venter to Maxwell. lrmatt to \'11,verl.r. Iron H11ls• to Maquoketa. Irvtng•t to Elberon. Jrvington•tt to Algona. Iveyv1lle to Brooks. Ivy to Altoona. Jaekson to .Anamosa. Jacksonville to Harlan. Jacobs to Grinnell. James*tl to L.;etls Station. 'iou~ City. Jaml!on•t to Osct:'ol&. Jay to Woodburn. Jerico to • 'ew Hampton. J ordan*tt to Boone. jubilee to Jesup. Juddt to Duncombe. Juuiatat to 8torm Lake. Kalo• to Fort Dodge. .t{een to Des Moine ■. l(e111lill~ to Elliott Kendallville• to Creaoo. Kennehec •tt to Onawa. Kennedyl to Adel. Kenwood•tt to Arton. Key West to Dubuque. Kienl·t to Monti. Kllbourne~t to KeosauciuaKimball to Pit'asantville. Klinger to Readlyn, Klo11tllke CJ,.yon Co.) IO Larchwood. Knittel to Readlyn. Knowlton•t to Dlaconal• Knox to Sltlney. Koszta* to Ladora. La Celle to Osceola. Lacey• t to New SharoD. La 'rew! to Donnell.aD• Ladoga* to Gravity. Lafayette to Al burnet\. Lakewood* to Doon. Lakonta • Tl to P,dd,-vtlle. Lamoille• t t to state QeDtfl' Lanca tPr to Slgourne~ Lac~~l~~rthyt t to .M Ll\rland to Audubon. Lattuers to Epwort.h. Latty* to Burlington. Lawn IIllltt to New PrO'fldence. Leando to Doud1-Lean• tc~;,~in~~~.~~ Duren Co,) to <'antril. to Leb non (.'ioux Co.)  s¥a~~~~tl  Le~~~i!x to siooJ City. Lena• to Paton. Lrlle*t: to Osceola. Levey to Dee Moines. Llherty to , 'ew Vlrrtnl&Llma • to Fayette Littleton to J e1up. Litt It• 'l'urkt>y r,awler, Ll\.1ng ton to seymoor, Lockm1m to Albia. Locust• to Decorah. Long Point Tt to ra111a. Loran •t to Brayton. Lore to Dubuque. 1 \;~~eia~~hri!:· Louisat tn 1\larion.  ~ri~  1 Express Office.  aooa•  IOWA  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  Lourdes to Elma. Loveland• t 1 to  II  Osterdoclr•t to Guttenber,q Missouri utranto Statlon•t to Carpenter. Lowell• to New London. Otter Creek to Lamotte. Lowthert to Elma OttervUle to Independence. , Owego t o alix. Ludlow to Waukon. Oxford MIils• to Oxford Lundgren to Lehigh . Junctlon. Lun11rord to Btoomfleld . Lura.yU to Marshalltown. L uton to Salix. Lycurgus to Waukon. Packard t to Greene. Lyman to Griswold. Page• to Clarinda. P ai:te Center to c' la rinda. Palestine to Lone Tree. P als\ ilre t o Belmond . Pat:ther to Dallas Center. Mackey to Story City. Paralta•tt to Soring-ville. Maclaytt t o Webb. Parts• (Llnn Co.> to Central Ma<'ytt to Ackley . City. •alne to Moravia. Paris (Washington Co .) to Malonc.-• t t to De Witt. Rubio. ~anhattan Lo Spirit Lake. Paris Station to Unlonv1lle. ).~1strong. Payne*tt to Hamburg. Peoria to P ella Maole Leaf to Rima. Perkins •tt to Hull. Maple Rlver* t to Carroll Marietta to Marshalltown. Perlee•tt to Fairfield. Pershing to Knox ville. Mark to Vl:'f'>st Grove. Marqulsvllle to Des Moines. Petersbur"' to Dyersville. Petersville• t to Charlotte. •Marsht t to Morning Sun. J>iC'kcrm~t to Gilman . arLins to D e \\ itt. Pine Mllls to Muscatine. Marysville• to Bussey. Pittsburg to Keosauqua. Masslllon*tt to Lowden. Pitzer to Earlham. •aud to Waukon Plainview to Dixon. May Ctty t.o Ocheyedan. Plato .. ! to Tipton. tlaysyille to Davenport. Pleasant Grove to New LonM~~:~n tt~o don . l{etl Oak. Pleasant Plain • to East Mcl'hersonH Pleasant Plain. Mectervllle*t to Elkport. Pleaciant Valley* t to Le -.Medora to New Vlrgtnla. Claire. eroa to Osage. 1 Ple11sls*t to Hartley. Merrimac to Brlg-hton. Plum Creek to Algona. •etztt to Newton Poplar to Audubon. Merer• to Stacyville, Portland• t to Mason City. ?\11ami t u Lovilia Middle Amana t,o Marengo. Port Loui. a to Wapello. Powersville to Nashua. Mludleburg to Boyden Mlddle River to Winterset Prairie Grove to MiddleM lllville to Gutt<>nburg. town. Prairie Rose to Walnut. Mineral Ridge to Boone. ~lnervatt to Mar halltown. Prlmrot1t:• to Donnellson. Prole• t t to Indianola. Molngona• to Boone. Purdy to Chariton. 1 1 ~ou 1~~~'. Mg~~rt~ tontpeller*tt to Buffalo. Valli-y ,  l.f.:i1~ 1%f~:1~7>'.~1  l!rtv:i~1;;;:g.-  ~l Mir°:it ~o J:o~~a";ct° · Monnonto~n to Blockton.  I Woodland• Grove.  Sharon to Audubon. baron Center to Rlverslde . .Sheridan to Tama. Shermant to Radclllfe. Sherwood• t to Rockwell ! City Shipley*! to Nevada. Hbueyvillts* to <'edarR.aplds Slam to Hopkin~. Mo. Sih·er Lake to Emmons , ~tinn . Slnclalrt to Parkersburl? , Solomon to lmou;ene. , olsherir to Cla rion . South Amana*t to Marengo South G arry Owen to Berna rd Spechts Ferry• tt to Dubuque. Spring Brook• to Bellevue., Springdale* to West Liberty Stennett• to H.ed Oak. Sterling to Sabula St!JeR• to Pulasll:1. Stllson•t to Corwtth. Stilwell to New Sharon. Stone C1tv••t to Anamosa ·treepy to C enterville. Summerset•t to lndlanola Summltvllle• to Keokuk. , Sutlefl' to Lisbon. Swanton to New Hartford Sweetland to Musoatlne.  Talleyrand* to Keota. Talmagc*t to Afton. Tarat to Fort Dodge. Tenold to Northwood. Terry to \V alford. Thorpe+t to l\.1anchester. Tilton•-ft t.o Deep River. Tlogatt to Rose HHl. Tipperary to Gunwald. Titustt to Wa ·hington. Tivoli to Dyersville. Todrlville*t to Ceatorpoint. Toolsboro to Oalrv11le. Trentham to Alburnett. Trenton• to Wayland. Troy• to Mllton. Turkey Rlver*tt to Guttenber11: . Turnertt to Kelloirg. Tu-.keega* to Lamoni. Quarrytt to Marshalltown. Tyrone•tt to Melroee.  Morntng Sldet to Sioux City  6.  t;oscow•tt to Wilton Jct. I Racine to Buckeye. Rainbow to " ' ilton Jct. 0 Rale-igh* to Estherville. M~~~i Mount Joy to Oave-nport. Rands to Lohrville. M-ount Olive to Cherokee. Rathbun•tt to Mystic. •onnt ~Ion• t t to Keosau- Raymond•tt to Waterloo. I Read to Elkader. qua. ~untervme to Blakesburg. 1 Red Line to Kirkman. Reeders Mills to Logan. uJUrphy to Newton . Reels to Honey Creek. Reeve to Bradtora. Rex to Bussey ~aahvtlle•t to MaQuoketa. Rlchtleld to Sumner. 1 Richmond• to Kalona. N Rlckardsvlllll to Dubuque NNeptune to Le Mars. Rider t,o Grime<;. ewbern to Lacona. Rlnggola to Mount Ayr. New Boston• t t to Donnell- Rlsin~sun to Altoona. Ritter .to Sheldon. Ne':notxon to Dixon . River Junctlon•t to Lone NNew Era to l\luscatlne. Tree. ewba.ven to Osage. Roberts to Gowrie. Newkirk to Ho pars. H.01,ertson·n to Iowa .Falls ~ewport•tt to Wapello. Roblns•tt to Cedar Rapids. Ue&vllle to Charles City. Robinson to lt.·an . N 1rat to Kinross. Rochester to Tipton. Nb.on t t to Donnellson. Rork Dale t.o Dubuque. N Oble•tt to Wayland Roelvn to Moorland Nora Junctiont to Nora Rome•tt to :\It. J>Iea.·ant. f;\print?:s . Rorliet>k to MarneNordness to Decorah. Ro. ebrook to Centerville. Norman to Emmons. Minn. Roselle to Halhur Northhranch to Guthrie Rosendale- to Story City. Crntrr Rosll•tt to Audubon. NNorwtch*t to Yorktown. Rul.>le to Bruns,1lle. 0 rwood to Lucas. Dos to t t ville* Norwood Moines. Nugent (Keokuk Co.) to Saint Donatus• to Beilevue. Saint Joseoh to Livermore. Ollie. Nugent (Linn Co.> to Cog- :;alnt l'aul to Pllot Urove. St. Paul Station to Pilot Grove. Nff~°an to Red Oak. Salina to Fatrf\eld. Sand Prairiet to rg-yle. Sandspring*tt to M ontl-  II  I  a.  UQUA·  lie.  .) '°  rol"l-  do-  co.> ) to  :fi~a~;1Jo~~-;¥ ~ri:.-  gakdale•t to Towa City. apkland Mllls to Mount leasant . Oakle:v•t to Charlton. gakwood to Charles City. asta•t to West Branch. 0 bojl•t to Spirit Lake. ,ar to Kanawha. O l,.,ary to < lyen . puv~tt to Oskaloo ·a. >lmit, to Hu ·sell. Ontarlo•tt to Ames. gralahort to Ankeny. rd to Winterset. Ortllla• t to Cummings. grleana t! to Spirit Lake. rmanvme to Ottumwa. 0 rson•t to Mondamin. grtonvlUe to Waukee. Bborne• to Volga. Os~oOd*l to <iraPttinl{er.  8t  r.  ooll·  Sa~~~~-kY to Keokuk. . Sandyville to Plea;.aotnlle Santiai:tot to JJondurant. Saratoira • to Rlcevtlle. sattre to Decorah. saudc* to Lawlt>r. Savannah to Bloomfteld. ~awyer to We. t Point. Saylort to Ankeny. Ht·a11ClJa to 1\1 adrld. Schley to Cresco. Sciola to Vllll!<ca scotch Grove tl to Monti cello. Scott to Aurora. s,•dantl t<l !'I.I oulton. Seigel to Tripoli. :,;,•1wca ro Ring-:;ted. Senev•tt to LP Mars. Shady Grove to Jesup. Shaff'tontt to Low 1oor  tfEFERENCE KEY• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  • County Seat.  Valley to Rubio. Vanctali& to Prairie Olty. Veo• to Brll!:'bton. Vernon to Bonaparte. Village Creek tO Le.nil~. VU mar to Greene. Vinl'CDUel. to Argyle. Vlnje to Scarville. Vlola•tt to Springville. Viola Center to Audubon. Volney to Monona.  Wales to Henderson. \Vallin to Stanton. Walnut C'lty to Mystic. Wanlock to Lovilia. Wllrd• to Albia . Washburn•tt to Waterloo Washln1non Prairie to Waukon. Watson to Monona. Waubee-k• to Central C1t:v Waukon Junctlon•tt to McGregor Wauptston • to Dubuaue. Weed to Wall Lake. West• to Maren11:o. Westen·llle to Grand River West Mltchelltto Mitchell w estohalla • to Earling Whe<'ler to Macedonia. Wheelf'rwoodto Mason City Wh!tehuriz to Buxton. White ('loud to :Malvern. Whito Elm to i::eJma. Whitt' PIIZ:'eon to Webster. White Sulphur to Davenwgft~er• to Springville. Wichita• to Gttthrle Center. Wick• t to St Charle■• Wlgbtmant to Lohrville Wilke tt to Wtlllam1 WIiley to Dedham . Williamson (Adams Oo.) to evinvllle. Williamson (Luca.s Co.) to Ciunwa.ld. Williamstown (Chickasaw Co. ) to ·ew Hampton \\' llltamstown to Kalona..· Windham to Oxford. Wolf to 1>iJot 1ound. Wood to Edirewood . • Money Order Office.  Garden / Carden to MarysviHe. Oarl to Soldier. Car1yle*tt to Iola. Carneiro•, t to Kanopolll. Carona*tt to Weat Mineral Oatalpa to Gove. Catharine to Haya. Catlin to :Vliltouvale. Yorkshlre*t:I: to Pe!'sla. to Arcadia. Cedar Junction•t to De Soto. , Ohalk to Eskridge. Chardon• to Atwood. Zanetat to Hudson. Olrn.rleston to Cimarron. Zion to Orient. Cheyenne to Luray . Zookspur to i\1adrid. Chicopee• to Plttsburi. Chlles•t to Bucyrus. ' Cicero• to Welllnll'ton. Clara to Haddam. Claret to Gardner. Clearfield to Eudora. Clinton• to Lawrence. Clonmel to Viola. Cloverdale to Grenola. KANSAS Coalvale to Arcadia. Coleman to Sedgwick. Oomlskey*tt to Council Giove. Aohllles• to Herndon. Como to Clyde. Aokerland•t to Ja.cbalo. Connor to Leavenworth. Acres* to Ashland. Ooolidge*tt to Holly, Colo. Ada.msville to Oxford. Cora to Bellaire. Aetna* to Lake City. Costello to La Fontaine. Agricola to Waverly. Crandall to Le Roy. Akront to Winfleld. Crawford• t t to Genesco Alameda to Kingman. Allda*tt to Junction City. Crescent to Greensburi. Crlsfleld •t to Attica. Allison* to Jennings. Critzer to Mound City, Alt.a to Moundridge. Crottyt to Le Roy, Alvin to Carlton. America City to Haven• Croweb,1rg¥t to Mulberry. Curlew to Potter. ville. Ourranville* to Mulberry. !:~•t•t~ \3irba~. Angelus to Grinnell. Annelly• to Newton. Anness •t to Norwich. Dale to Udall. !~:~~~e;J t c:frfn~~~n. Dalton•t to Wellington. Antonino to Hays. Dana to Gretna. tne*tt to Kansas Darlow•t to Hutchinson. Dartmout.h to Great Bend. Arkalon*t to Liberal. Day* to Palmer. Ashley to Pittsburg. Deerhead* to Medicine Lodge. De Graff*H to Eldorado. Dellv,tle*tt to OronoQue. Dentonla to Esbon. Detroit• tt to P:nterprlse. B&d~r to Galena. Devlzes* to ·wusonville. Baker•tt to Wllllll. Diamond Sprln~•t to BurBannock to Belpre. dick. Barolay•tt to Osage City. Dillon• to Hope. Barrett• t.o Frankfort. Dlllwyn•tt to Macksville. BasU•t to Kln2'1Ilan. Dispatch to Cawker City. Batesvillet to Toronto. Division to Dhthton Bayard*? to Moran. Dolespark to Canton. Baynevtlle•tt to ctear- Donlphan•t: to Atchison. water. Doniphan Station to AtchiBazaar•U to Cottonwooo son. Falls. Downing to CouncU Grove. Bedford to Stafford. Drury• to South Haven. Bellefont* to Spearvtlle. Drywooa• to Arcadia. Belvldere•tt to Coldwate, Dubuque to Dorrance. Belvolr t.o Richland. Duluth to Onaga, Ben Allen to Scott Oity. Dundee to Great Bend Bernal to Hutchinson. Dunkirk to Frontenac. Berwlok*t to Sabetha. Beth el• ft to Kansas CltJ. Beulah*t to Girard. Bir Bendtt to Speed. Big. 11rings to L0eompton. Eatont to Dexter. Blrkvllle to Almen&. Ertison to Giritrd. Blrmlngham*U to Denlaon. Edson• t to Goodland. B laokstone to Caldwell. Elk• to Lincolnville. Blalr*t to Wathena. Elkhorn to Ellsworth. Blakeman• to Atwood. Elmont•t to Hoyt. Bland to Burrton. Elwood•tt to St. Joseph. lllock to Paola. Mo. to August&. Eminence• to Garden City. Ilodaville to Barnes. Emmons• to Washington. Botoourt*t to La Cygne, Enosdale to Morrowville. Boling* to Leavenworth. Essex• to Garden City, liolton•t to Independence. Bonacoord t.o Solomon. Bonlt&*t to Olathe. Bow Creek to Stockton. Boyd• to Holsln1rton. Fact to Palmer. Boyte• to Winche■ Fairmount•t to LeavenBradford* to Eskrldire. worth. Br&tnerdtt to Whitewater Fairport• to Natoma. Brantford to Agenda Fall to Eudora. Breezy HUl to Mulberry. Troy. to Fannln,z• Brenner to Troy. Farllnvme• to Mound Clty. Brenner Heights to Kansa.• Farmdale Fredonia. to C'lt:v. Kan Farmlngton•tt to Effin~ Broolfs to Neodosha. ham. Brown<lale to ldana. Faulkner• tt t-0 Chetopa. Brownspur to Klnirroan. Ferguson* to Anthony. Buckeye to Abllene. to Howard. Fiatt nutralo Parktt tof'ark. Findlay to Centerville. Buf!vllle•~t to Altoona. to Cherokee. Flemingtt Burt to Yates Center. 1 Jl'llnt.rldge to F.ureka. B uaby to Longton. Floral• tt to Winfield. nw,h C'ityt to HaRkell. 1 Flush• to St George, Buxton•t to Fredonia. to M edJcl ne Lodge. Fo!ffi!. Lake to Edwardato  Ar~Tf  Ulme,-•t, 0> Yetto,. Union Mills to New Sharon University Park• to Oska· j loosa. Utica to Stockport.  ~t~•e\~ c~~f:ir.  2017  Woolaontt to Richland  ,  M orse to Rolon .  KANSAS  Cadmua to Parker. Cairo*t to Ounnlngham. Oa.lderhead to Olyde. Oalista*t to Kingman. Calvert*t to Almena. Camp\lll* to Oakley . Canada• tt to H 111 ■boro. Oa.paldo to Frontenac. Caplomi, to Sahi-thA tTelegraph Statton.  Fort Dodge• to Dodge City. Fort Rlley• t t to Junction City. Fox Town to Mulberry, Franklin• to Girard. Jrrantz to Gene.sE\o Fravel to Hopewell . Fremont• to MarQuette. Friend t to Scott, Frlu•ll• to Larned. Fuller•tt to Mulberry.  I  t Express Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2018  Gabriel to Tro~. Gaa•tt to Iola. Gas Oenter to Thayer. Geneva• i to N eosha Falla. Gerardy to Lanham, Neb. Glen Lochtt to Garnett. Globe to Overbrook. Good11ch•t to Parker. Gordon•t to Douglass. Gradan • to Morland. Granada to Wetmore. Grand SUmmlt•tt to Gr&nola. Grantville• t t to Topeka. Grayling to Burdett.  Greenbush to Girard. Greenwich•tt to Kechi.  \~ s,~J!on. &~ri.J1ri: Gross*l to Arca.d~.  Gulltord* to Benedict. Guy to Hoxie.  Radleyt to Frontenac. Lowe• to Sedan. Raio• tt to Ktncman. t~=~~~~t<?fle~~· Leaven- I Ramsey to Eldorado. worth. etiy ~~~n~a Lucerne• to Jennlnp. Ray•tt to Larned. Luctor to Prairie View. Reager to Oronoque. Lydia• to Leoti. Smith to Reamsvme• Center.  ~'ith~~1en  Redwing to Hoisington. Reno•t to Tonganoxie. Rest• to Benedict. Rtce• t to Concordia. Riceville to Galena.. Rlcnardson to Lana~. Richfield* to Elkhart. Richter to Ottawa. Ridge to Humboldt. Ringo to Girard. Riverside to Ne!III City.  Macyville to Glasco. Mannlnir* to Healy. Mantey to Prescott. Maple City• to Dexter. Marfenthal* to Leoti. .Marmaton •t to RedO.eld. Mathewson to ~IcCune. May Day• to Randolph. McAllaster•tt to Winona. McLain to Newton. Medora.*tt to Hu~hlnson. .Melrose to Cbetooa Menno• to Syracuse. Menokent to Topeka. Mentor• to Assaria.  Roanoke to Syracuse. Rollin to Chanute.  Rome•t to Wellington. I Roper•tt to Buffalo.  Rose•tt to Yates Center. I Roseland• Messer to Galena. to Scammon. 0 I Rosemont to Wllllamsburg t~E1~!~<~i.lo. Hackberry• (Gove Co.) to Midland to Lawrence. I Rosette to Sylvan Grove. Quinter. M idway (Crawford Co.) to Rubens to Webber. Ruleton•tt to Goodland. Hackney• tt to Wlnfteld. Pittsburg. Rydal • U to Scanala. 0 Milberger to Russell. : _ c~~ign. Millertontt to Conway Halfmound to Valley Falls. Springs. Bal!ord • to Gem. Mllo•t to Barnard. Halltax•t to Alma. Mina• to SummerO.eld. Sa.Int Benedict to Seneca. Ballville to Assaria.. Mlneral•t to West Mineral. Saint J osepb to Clyde. Hammonau to Fwton. Mlngo• to Colby. aint Leo to Cunningham. Hannum to Concordia. Saint Marks to Colwich. Harding* to Mapleton. Missler to Plains. Saint Peter• to Moreland. Hargrave to LaC'rosse. Salem to Esbon. Mouett to Sedan. Harttand • t t to Lakin. Salemsburg to Smolan. Monmo!!tb•t to McCune. Haverhill"' to Au,:usta. Sallyarct ·*t to Reece. Monrovia• to Effingham. Haworth to Haddam. Montana• to Labette. t Sawizrt (Pav.nee Co.) to Mora.y•rt to Troy. Santa Fo to ublette. Morrlstt to Argentine. Hazen to Mulberry. Schoenchen• to Haya. MunJor• to Bays. Hertha to Erle. Myers Valley to West- Schroyer• tt to Marysville Highland Station to Sparks. moreland. Solpto to Richmond. HWtop•t to Madison. Seabrook to Topeka. Hodgeman• to Hanston. Seguin• to Hoxie. Bonner to Holllday•tt Selkirk• to Leoti. SI>rinp. to Ktnca.ld. Selma•tt N~~o~vf~~:Jt. Home•t Seth to Almena Hooser*tt to Dexter. Shaffer*t to Albert. Natronat to Pratt. Horace• t t to Tribune. Shallow ·\v atcr* to Scott Neely to Tonganoxie. Howell to Dodg-e City. City. Nelson t• Frontenac. HulU to Marysville. Sha.nnon•tt to Lancaster. Neola• to Stafford. Hummer to Smith Center. Nettleton to Kinsley. Sbarue*t to Burllngton. Huntsville• to Plevna. Sherdahl to Scandia. Neutral to Columb1.1s. Huscher to Concordia. Sherman• t to West Mineral. New Almelo to Lenora. Hymer• t t to Elmdale. Sherwin Junct. • to Colum• bus. New Lanoaster to Drexel. Shook* to Anthony. Mo. Shorey to Toprka. Newman• to .Perry. Imes• to Ottawa. Slble;vi to Lawrence. Iowa Polnt•U to White ~ •oble to Lyo~. North Altoona • to Ben&Cloud. dlct. . Irene• to Syracuse. Northbranch• to Burr Oak. Silica• to Ellinwood. North Cedar•toValleyFalls Sklddy•tt to White City. 1 Skidmore• to Scammon. Northcott to Colony. Jerome• to Healy. Smartvllle to Lyndon. Norwood to Ottawa. .Tulla to Kingman. Solomon Rapids* to Beloit Somer■ et* to Loulsbu~. ee. I South Park to Sh Kalvesta to Cimarron. to Ooats. Springvale Oak Mllls•t to Atchlton. Kampler to Seneca. Stanton to Rantout. Kanwaka to Lecompton. 1 Oak Valley• t to Lonrton.. Stlpovme• to Columbu.a. Keelvllle to Baxter Sprt~s Oakwood! to Cenwville. Stone City• to Mlneral. Oatville•tt to Wichita. Keene to M:aplehW. Ocheltree*t to Spring HW. ~~~:~~:~0ti1rs~~!~QUC,. Kelrhley• to Leon. Odense to l!:rie. Kelloirg to Wlnftctd. Strawberry to Clllton. I Odln to Claflin. K .lso· t.o CouncU Grove. Strickler to Iuka. Oil Hill to Eldorado. KendaU•tt to SyraCUBe. Stull to Lecompton. , Olcotttt to Turon. Kenneth•tt to Stanley. Sumner-ville to Minneapolis Olympia.• to Pratt. Keystone to ScoU City Sunnydale to Valley Center. Sutphen to Chapman. Kickapoo• to Le&venworth. Ontarto•tt to Bancroft. Sycamore• ti to IndependOaoar to Clay Center. Kimeo to Greenleat. ence. Ost to Andale. KJrkwoud to Pitt burg. Sprlnptto Oaaa~ Sycamore Otto• to Dexter. Klrot to Silver Lake. day. Ottosville to Dog-uo. Klint* to Lake City . Ottumwa to Burlington.  r1~&i6;  ::rJf~<i;1J  I  Laclede to Wamego. Ladysmith to Clay Center. Laird to Neas Otty. Lake Forest to Edwardsville. LakeYiew•tt to Lawrence. Lamar• to Delphos. Laneville to Paraona La.ngtt to Emporia.. Lanirley• U to Marauette. Lark.lnburi• t ; to Arrtnaton. Laatta* to Green. Lauwell • to Mediclne  KENTUCKY  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  KANSAS  Padonia• t to Reserve.  ~:~ri~r: irJI:=.· Parnell• to Atchison.  Patteraon•t to Burrton. Paul1De•tt to Top ka. Pawnee Station• to Hl&U.· vWe. Peace Creek to Sylvia. Pearl*tt to Enterpr1aCI. Pendeonis•t to Utica. Peoria* to Ottawa. Petersburg to Uniontown. Lodite. Peterson to Holcomb. Laton to Codell. Petrolt.a•t to Obanute. Laurel to Jetmore. Lawndale to Cnnnlngham. , P!etter• to Victoria. Pierce .Jttnctlon tt to Evea-est. Pleasant Green to Arra. Leanna• to Chanute. Leeds to Grenola. Pleasant Grove to Lawrence Le Hunt to Independence. Plymoath•ti to Satrordvtlle. Lenapett to De Soto. Poe• to Leoti. Lerado to Langdon. Llnc11ey• t to l4lnnea1>0lls. Pollardt to Lyons. Pontlac•t: to Eldorado. LlntonH to Preaoott. South to Portland• t t Loma.xtt to Quenemo. Haven. Loretta to Bison. Lortnr• tt to Bonner Spr'p, Prairie Center to Eudora. f,')utsvWe• to Wamego. Price to Sabetha. REFERENCE KEY,  • County Seat.  Clltton. Vinton• to Dexter. Voda. to Collyer. Volland•tt to Alm&.  V I ~ to  Wabaun.eee•tt to Wamego. Waco to Peck. Waoonda Sprlnp* to Cawker City, Wantaff*Tt to Paola. Wallwa• to Lanslng. Walaburc• to Leonardv1lle. Waterloo to Kingman. Watson to Topeka. Wauneta•tt to Cedarvale. Welborn to Kansas City . Wel •sforJ*tt to Haviland. Wherry• to Nickerson. White Church to Kansas City. Wkltman to Oxtord. Wilder• f 1 io Bonner Spr'rs. WWowdale• to Zenaa . Wilmington to Harveyville. Wllroad1 to Dodr;e City. Wll1onton to Mound Valley Wlndborat to Spea.rvllle. Winkler• to Randolph. Wittrup to Jetmore. Wolcott* to Leavenworth. Womer to Riverton. Neb. Wonsevu to Cedar Point. Woodlawn to Sabetha. Worden to Baldwin. XenJa • to Mapleton. Yate•t to Plttsburr Yooemento*tt to Hay,.  Amster* to Richmond. Anchor to Barboursville. Anchorare•tt to Mlddl&town. Anderson to Lewisburg. AnderaonvWe to Oweneboro. Andes to East Bernstadt. AndyvtlJe• to Brandenburr Angel to Jellico. Tenn. Anna to Bowling Green. Annalee to Manchester. Anneta • to Leitchfield. Annville• to Bond. Ano to Somerset. Ansel• to Science HW. Antep&!t to Mancheater. Anthoston to Henderson. Antioch* to Sprin~field. Anton to Madisonville. Apex to Greensvllle. Arabia* to .McKinney. Arat to Burkesville. Arch to Vlne Grove. Archclfll' to Glasgow. A~entum• to Greenup. Argtlllte•t to Greenup. AT'iO to Wllllamson. W.Va. Argyle to Eubank. Arjay• to Pineville. Ark to Pineville. Arlen to Winchester. Armatronr* to Olive HW. Arnold *t to Coneyville. Arnoldton to Sturgis. Arrowood to Jackson. Artemus• ti to Barbou~ ville. Arthur• to Brownsville. Artville to Hazel Green. Arvel to Beattyville. Ary to Hazara. Asa to Palntav1lle. Asbury to Berea.  Zeandale• u to Manhattan. I Ashbrook to Lawrenceburg. Aabbyburg* to Calhoun. Ashcamp to Pikeville. A1her to Hyden. Aikin* to Fordsville. A phnlt• to Brownsville. .Atchison• to Campbell .. KENTUCKY ville. Athens to Lexlngton. Athertonvllle• to New Haven. Aaron to Albany. AtholU to Jackson. Abbott to Sulphur. to Ea.~t Bernstadt. Atlanta• Abel to London. Aberdeen• to Morlt'antown. Atoka to DanvWe. Atterson to Liberty. Abigail to Germantown. Attllla* to New Hope. Abner to Ewing. Atwood to Walton. Absher• to Columbia. (Henderson Co.) Audubon Acorn to Somerset. to Henderson. Acton to Campbellavllle. Hill. Olive to Ault Adaburg to Whitesville. Aurora to Hardin. Adam,* to Louts&. AusterUu• tt to Clintonville Austln to Glasgow. Addllon•t to Cloverport. Adela. to .Manchester. Auxier+t to Prestonsburg. Adeline• to Louisa. Avawam to Hazard. Aden U to Ollve Hill. Avena to Cynthiana. Adkins* to Grayson. Avenstokett to Waddy. Adolphus•t to Soottavllle. Avoca• St. Mathews. Advance* to Ironton. Ohio . Avon to to Le ington. All ,xto William on. W. Va. Awe to Vanceburg. Axton* to Gray■ on. Axtel* to Hardlnaburg. Ages:t to Harlan. Azalea to Ku~tawa. Agn , to Lewisbur~. Airdale to Dcattyv1lle.  I  Akeravllle" to Fountain Run Albany Landini to Burkeaville. Albert to Sandy Hook. Alberta to Sad1ev1lle. Albia to Wayn~burg. Album to Manchester, Ohto Ale&lde to Somerset. Alcorn to McKee.  Backusburg to Mayfield. Ba.den* to Corbin. Badger to Hodgenv1lle. Baileys Switch• to BarbourvUle. Bainbridge to Cerulean. Baiz town• to Beaver Dam. Baker* to !l.cRoberts. Bakerton* to Burke1vlllt.  I:{~ l?if1rotr.•1~~~:i~::  Alexander Statton to Mo► cow. Bald Rock to London. Baldwin* to Valley Vtew. Alford to Salvisa. Balkan to Pineville. Alier to Manobeater. Ballanceto Paducah. Alhambra. to Ewing. Ballard (Anderson Co.) to Allee to Weat Liberty. Lawr nceburg. Tablemound to Indepen- Aliceton• to Perryville. Ballard (Floyd Uo.) to WaJ Alka to P1kevwe. dence. land. Allais to Hazard. Tasco to Hoxie. Ballard11v1lle to La Granre, Allegro• to Elkton. Tecu.mseh*t to Tooeka. Ballot to P&lntsvllle. Thomu to Watervllle. .Allendale to Grenburg. Balls Landing to Gratz. Thompsonvllle to Perry. Thornbu.rr to Smltb Centre. Allen Springs• to Soott&-- Balltown to Bardstown. Balm to Flemingsburg. ville Thurman to Mat.Geld Green. Bancrort• to Greenvnte. Almo•t to Murray. n.dale• to W~eld. Jjandy• to Somer■ et. Townaend to Arkanaa.s City. Alonzo to ScottavWe. Ban!grd• to BeattyTWe. Tradtnc Post tG Plea11&nton Alpha to lbany. Bantor to Morellead. Trllbyt to lClnoald I Alphoretta• to Prestonaburc Bania to Whit burg. Turcktt to Columbus. Banner to Pr ·ton,burc, Alpine• to Burnside. TurkYWe• to Pl.alnville. Altamont• to Eaat Bern- Banock to Morgantown. stadt. Baptist to C mpton. Bar to Owenton. Altont to Lawrencebury. Alton Station •tt to LawUnedA• to .Meade. 0 rcnoeburg. Upland to Chapman. ::~~:~ Shepberd1v1Ue. Upola to Longton. Altro to Jackson. Baretoot to CynUlJ.&D&. Urb&na•tt to Cha.nute. Utopia• to Eureka. Alvaton* to Bowling Green. Alvin to Preston burg. vUle. Alzey to Moun\ Vernon, Ind. Barnrock to Palntsvtl~ V&len01&•U to Topeka. Amanda.Ule• to Burkeev1lle tot~g~~:11erUVarok to Galena. Amba to PlkevUle. V rdi•t to 11 • Ambro ■ e to • 'loholaav1lle. v1lle. B rr ofork to Pine Knot,. .... Victor to Deloit. Ammie* to Manohe.ter. Barr ts Ferry to For......Ammons* to Oloverport. Vble• to .M&nollleater. Amos to Soottllvllle. _ _ _ _v_ll_le_._.....____ _  ~~c:ie:m '°  ::~:~oc~~~1~v1p:;_.,.. ::~te{o~  • toney Order Office.  tTelegrnph  tatlon.  Office.  KENTUCKY  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  Boaz•tt to MayO.eld. Bob to Prestonsburg. Bobtown* to Solenoe HW. Boggs to Maysville. Bohon* to Harrodst>urc. Boldman to Plkevllle. e:~~~ tfo ~~~bJ;·Hook. Bolyn to Hindman. Basil to Gradyville. Bonanza* to Pre■tonaburr . BBasikn Springs to Irvington . Bonayr to Gturow. Bondurant to Hickman. Baa ett•i to Henderson. Bondville• to Lawrenc~ B= ~ }{~g:;~~~ville. burg-. Battle to Mackvllle. Bonham to London. Battle Run to Ewing. llon Jellico to Williams-I burg. Battletown* to Brandenburr. Bonnlevllle*+t to MunfordBauer• to Burnside. ville. Bonny to West LlbertJ'. Baxter*tt to Harlan. BBayfork to Bowling Green. Bonnyman to Hazard. ayou* to Birdevme. Booker to Sprlngfleld. B an• to Jackson. Boone to Berea. Beamvllle to Glugow. Boones Creek to Lexington Boonsboro to Winchester. iean to Mount Sterling. Barrter to Monticello. B art to Monticello. BBartervllle* to Carltsle. &rthell* tt> BUm'llde, t•rtles to Brandenburc.  la:'n1:if:n~ B=~:o~i~~;° Beaver to Plkevllle.  . Va.  w.  e.  our--  urg.  g.  to a1 re.  Boons camp* to Palntaville Booth to Campton. Bordley to Sturris. Bore~* to London. Boston Station* to Butler. Bosworth* to Mlddlesboro. Botland to Bardstown. Botner to McKee. BBeckton to Glasgow. eda to Hartford. Bourbontt to Bardstown. Bee to Munford vi.lie. Bourne to Brvantsvllle. Beeehburg to Fleming-sburi Bowen•t to Stanton. ~eech Creek* to Greenville. Bowlingtown· to Hazard . eechwood• to Sadieville. Bowman to Flemlnisburg. B eechy to Greenup. Beelerton to Fulton. Boxville• to Morgan11eld. :ee Lick to Crab Orchard. Boyce* to Woodburn. ee Spring• to Brownsville. Boydsville• to Hazel. Belcher to Pikeville. Brachttt to Walton. ~eloourt to Slaughterville. Bradel to Barbourville. elkna.p to Ca.nnel City. Bradford•t to Augu■ ta. Bradley to Salyersville. Bell t:o Hopktnsvllle. Bell City to .:\layfleld. Bradshaw to McKee. Bradshawmlll to Kirksville Bellejellloo* to Pineville. Belle Point• to Beattyville. Brady* to Jamestown. Brainard to PrCl!tODllbUrt. :e11. Trace to Grayson. e1lwood to Bardstown. Bramblett to Carlisle. to Lebanon ' Brandon* to Murray. Belmont•i Junction. Brandy Keg to Prestonfeltont to Greenville. burg. n:~i:~~~lt~n~~l;~: Brannon! to Lexington. Brashear to Patriot, Ind. ~enleo to Bowling Green. ennett to Greenup. Brassfield*t to Waco. Bennettstown * to La Fay- Bratton to Mount OIJvet. ette. Braxton to Harrod1•uri. Brayvtlle to Butler. tenson* to Frankfort. B razll to McKee. B:filnt~si%eo1~~ue. B reek to Owenton. Breckinridge to ynthiana. Breedlng* to Columbia. Rernice to 1\I an chester. Bremen* to South Carrollernstadt• to London. ton. Be rry Ferry• to G ol oonda, 1ll. Brenttt to Cold Springs. BBerry■ Lick* to Morgantown Brewers to Benton. Brldireport to Frankfort. et• to Olive Hill. Bridgeville to Mt. Olivet. Bethany tQ Monterey. Brleruiburg to Benton. iethelridge* to Eubanks. Brlghton*l to Lexlnrton. Ctheada* to Monticello. ~etblehem* to Pleasureville B rlgh t Shade to Manche■ tel Brinkley to Hindman. etsey to MonticP.llo . Betsy Layne* to Prestons- Bristletown to Glasgow. burg. Bristow• ti to Oakland. BeHverly (Christian Co.) to Brltmart to Pembroke, Brocade to Burnside. opkinsville. Beverly (Bell Co.) to Pine- 1 Brock* to London. Bromley (Kenton Co.) to Ville. Ludlow. teYler•U to Central CltY, Bromley' (Owen Co.) te ewleyvllle to Irvington. Jonesvllle. ~Idelle to Georgetown. Brorno to Mount Vernon. lgbone to Walton. mrhCreek• to Manchester. Bronston• to Burn1J ,j e. Brooklyn* to Morgantown. g ill• to Berea. Brooka•U to Shepherd• !!greedy to Caneyville. vme. B!g Spring* to Vine Grove Broughtentown to Crab B:fstone to Sandy Hook. Orchard. n via• to McRoberts. Browder*tt to Greenville. Bfmkble to Barbourville. Browm~ to Bowlln&' Green r ■ City to Owensboro. Beaver Creek Statlontt to Prestonsburg. Bea.verllok• to Walton . Beoknervllle to Winchester.  Burdick• to Campbellsvtlll!I., Burfteld to Montlcello. ' Burlka to Mount Olive,. Burke to Sandy Hook. Bvkhart to Cannel CltJ' Burkley* to Columbus. Suma to Blrdsvtlle. Burning Springs• to Manchester. Burr to Mount Vernon. Burtonvllle* to 'l'olesboro. Bu■h* to London. Busnbrancn to Jackson. Btl!Jhong to Glasgow. Bueaeyvllle to Louisa. Bybee to Waoo. Byron to Manchester.  C&bell* to Monticello. Cabot to Fordsville. Caddo to Falmouth. Cade to Rocky Hill Station Cadmus to Louisa Cains Store* to Somerset. C&lro to Corvdon. Caleast to Richmond. Caledonla to Cadiz. caurornta•t to New Richmond, Ohio. Oa\la* to Jackaon. C&\vary•t to Lebanon. Ca vin to Pineville. Camargo to Mount Sterllnr. Camella to Paducah. Camp Knox* toGreensllurg. ca:u_y/ielson•to NlcholaaCold to Campsprings Springs. Campton Junction t l to Stanton. Canada* to Williamson, W. Va. Canby to vortnth. Canecreek to London. Cane Ridge to North MldCUetown. Caney*t:i: to Cannel City. Cannon to Barbourville. cannon1buri* to Catlettsburg. Canoe* to Jackson. Canton• to Cad1z. Cantrill to Irviue. Canyon Falls to Beattyville. Carbondale to Dawson Springs. Oarrl.iff to Hazard. Cardwell to Cornlshville. Carico to Livingston. C&rl to HopklnsvllJe. Carllnbur2" to Owensboro. Carmack to Kuttawa. Carmel to Milton. Carmen to Pikeville. carntown• to Moscow, Ohio Carpenter* to WllllamsbUr2', I Carrie to Hindman. Carnn~ton to Salt Llck. CalToll to Lockport. Carrs*t to Vancebur~. Carter• to Grayson. CarteravU1e to •Paint Lick. Cartwright* to Albany. Carver to Salyersville. Cary* to l'lnevllle. Casa<l Landing*t to Tolu.  Casey to Morgantown. caseyvtUe• to Sturgis. to Upton. Casky•i to Hopkinsville. Cassady to Bowllng Green. Catawba*l to Falmoutn. C&therine to Somerset. Cat11ey to Hyden. Caution to Manchester. Cave Hill to Bowling Green. Cave Ridge to Edmonton. Cave Ruu to Salt Lick. Brownsboro to Crestwood. cawood* to Harlan. mackjack to Franklin. Cayce•u to Moscow. Al•to Road■ Oro■■ Brown■ n ackjoe to Harlan. Cecil to Paducah. bany. n}ackrock• to Leitch.field. Cedar Grove to Mount Murray. to Grove* Browns !fl~!. Forry to Tompkins- Browns Valley to Utica. ' terling. Brownwood to Burken1lle Cedarville to Mount Vernon Jllack Water• to London. Manchester. to Cedral 1 t}afkwell to Plea.surevllle. Center• to Horse Cave. Bl:kz: ~ll~e~~?es}e~lberty Bruin to Sandy Hook. Brwnfteld*ti to Perryvtlle Center Point to TompkinsBlanche* to P~lle. ville. Bruehart* to Greenup. mandvUie• to Wloldltl'e. Brush Creektito Mount Ver1>1~~~fleld. B1~:;e~ :!r11::.erty. Coralvo* to Rockport. Br~~~Y to Hodgenville. BBl eidt to Golden Pond. Ceredo to Kevil. Brutus to .Manchester. 1e'Vtna* to Wlllard. Bryants Store to Barbour- Ohalybeate * to Smiths m~aoe• to S:prtngfteld. I ville. B ... to Oolumbl&. (Hancock Co.) Buchanan •t to Louisa. lood• to Murray. to Haweavllle. BJoomlnidale to Wlnch¥Buckcreek* to Booneville. Chambers (Menifee Co.) to ter. Mount Sterling. Blo(?mington* to Cannel Buckeye• to Lancaster. Buckhorn• to Hazard. Cbandlervllle to Paintsville. City, 81 oaa to London. Buckner•H to La Grange. OhapcJ Hill to Soottsvllle. Bucks Branch to Prestons- Chapeze•t t0Shepherct1v1lle Bloyd• lo Campbellsvtlle. burg. Chappell to Iiyden. t:ue Diamond to Haza.rd. to Monticello. Charleston to Dawson Sp'ga tl:iftok Sprtnp• to ca.-. Bud Buel to C&lhoun. Charley• to Blaine. Blue River to Prcstonsburc. Buena Vl■ta* (Garr&rd Oo.) to Bry&ntsvllle. Cbartotte Furnace• to Grayi:uestone to l\1orehead. BU!ord to Hartford. 11 City to Henderson. Bi!!a C~~~·ers to Vanceburg. Mllbttm. to Bulah S:prtnr to White Bulan to Hazard. Chatham to Brookville. Glasgow Hullits ille* to Burlington. ChJauunmctoinont. to Blust~to Dunnvtlle. LoJldon. to Runoh IY'the to Tompkin.ville. Burch11eld to Harlan. ~twrtrhl to llWT&YChavies to Hazard. • County Seat. • . Ioney Order Office. R!::FERENCE KE'Y.  :g;:e~ i ~:fi~.  t'!'  I8:::::~:i \~ Cb~~;:rs*  Pl  f  --~--- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  KENTUCKY  2019  · Che:p to Russell. I Cordell to Blalne. Chenaultt* to Cloverport. Oordla* to Hazard. Chenoa* to Pinevllle. Cordova to Corinth. Chenowee to Jackson. Corn CrC"ek to Bedford. Cherokee* to Blaine. Oornettsvllle* to Hazard. Cherry to Murray. Cornwell to Mount Sterling. Cherrygrove to Williams- Correll to Burnside. town. Cortland to Boonevllle. Chester to London Coatelow• to Lewlsburir. Chestnut Grove to Shelby- Cottageville to Tollesboro. ville. Cottonburr to Richmond. Chlca~o•:t to Raywick. Cottongin to :Manchester. Chllesburg• t to Lexlngton. Couder to Williamson, W. Chilton* to Hustonville. Va. Chlnnvllle to Russell. Counts Crossroads* to Chinquapin Rough to Bond Olive Hill. Christiansburg*tt to Bag- Covedale* to Manchester, dad. Ohio. Christopher to Hazard. Cowan*t to Ewing. Christy to Morehead. Cowcreek* to Boonevllle. Chuck to Dunnville. Coxs Creek* to Bardstown. Church• to Leitchfield. Coxton to Harlan. Ohurcb HUI to Hopkinlvllle. Coy• to Lancaster. Cicero to Versailles. Coyle to Richmond. Cinda to Hyden. Crartsville* to McRobert~. Cirgie to Greenup. Cran Hope* to Horse Cave. Olahill to Greenup. Crains to Flemingsburg. Oland to Chaplin. Cranenest* to Ilarbourville. Craney to Morehead. Clare to Franklin. Cranston to Morehead. Clarence• to Eubank. Cravens to Bardstown, Clark• t to J etrereontown. Crawford• to London. Clarksburg to Vanceourg. Craycraft to Columbia. Claryvllle• to Alexandria. Crayne•t to Marlon. Claxton• to Princeton. Craynor to Plkevllle. Clayburn to Mayfield. Cra:vton to Carlisle. Clayhole* to Jackson. Crecelius* to Leavenworth, Claymour* to Elkton. Ind. Claypool*to Bowling Green. Creech* to Harlan. Claysville* to Cynthiana. Creekmore to Pine Knot Creelsboro* to Jamestown. Crenshaw to Taylorsville. 8l!!rri~la~g~ot~~~ee~~J.llle. , Crescent Sprlngs•t to Erlanger. Cleaton*tt to Central City. Clt1;1;:~~ville* to Casey! Cressmont to Beattyville. Creston to Liberty. Creswell to Princeton. Clemmons to Jack1on. Crider• t to Princeton. Cr!$!~r to Williamson, W. Clermont*t to Shepherd.. vllle. Criss to Barboursville. Crtx to Morehead. Cleveland to Richmond. Clida to Stanton. Crockett to Sandy Hook. Crockettsvi!le* to Jackson. Cliff* to Prestonburr. Crocus* to Columbia. Clifford to Louisa. CU.tton Mllls* to Irvln~on. Croley to Clinton. Cromwell* to Dam. ClUty to Elkton. Crossland* to Hazel. Climax to Berea. Crum to Vanceburg. Clio* to Wllllameburg. Clipper to Hodgenville. CrutcbO.eid•tt to Moscow. Crystal to Irvine. Clock to Glasgow. Cuba to Mayfield. Cloud to Oakland. Clover Bottom* to Berea. Cubage to Pineville. Cloverfork to Appalachia, Cub Run• to Munfordville. Culbertson to Catlettsburr. Va. Cloyds Landing* to Burkes- Cull to New Liberty. ville. Culver to Sandy Hook. Cumberland City to AlClyde to Monticello. bany. Coakley to Greensburg. Cumberland. Fallstt (McCoal to Paintsville. Creary Co.) to Burnside. Coalmont to Williamsburg. Cumberland Falls*(Whltley Coal Run• to Pikeville. Co.) to Williamsburg. Cumminsville to BrooksCoalton to Ashland. ville. Cobb•t to Cerulean Sprtnga Cunningham• to Bardwell. Cobhill-" to Irvine. Coburg* to Campbellsville. Cuplo to West Point. Curdsv1Jle* to Owensboro. Cody• to Hindman. Curry to Prlnceton. Corer to Edmonton. Curtis* to Edmonton. Cof!ey* to Liberty. Curve to Grayson. 0 0 ~i-een. Custer* to Hardlnsburr. Cutshln* to Hyden. Coiltown,to Nebo. Cuzick to Richmond. Coln to Somerset. Colburn to Morgantown. Cyclone to Summer Shade Cyrus to Salyersvllle. Coldwater to Murray. Coleman• to "\Vllllamson, W. Va. Oolesbut&"•tt to Elizabeth- Dabney* to Science Hill. Dahl to Sumerset. town. Daisy• to Hazara. Coletown to Lexine;ton. Dale to Cannel City. College Hill• to Waco. Dalesburg* to Flemlng■Collier to McKees. burg. Colly* to Whltesbuf&'. Daley to Hyden. Colmar to Pineville. Dallams Creek to LewisColo to Somerset. burg Colson* to Whltesburr. Da.lna to Whitesburg. Colville to Cynthiana. Dalton• to Providence. Comer* to Sebree. Concord•i to Manchester, Dan to West Liberty. Dana to Pikeville. Ohio. Concordta•to Brandenburr. Dango to Livingston. Daniel Boone*+ to Ea.rllnrrConestoga to Jackson. ton. Confederate to Eddyville. ~:~\~~ \~ Confluence* to Hyden. Darbv to Bowling Green. Congo to East Bernstadt. Davella to Inez. Conkllng to Booneville. Davenport* to Morgantown. Conley to Salyersville.  ggi~:;1ii B~~fui'i  w~~1k"!1~:n.  ~!~~~~na. I E::lfs;~ :t~~l~~1~:g· gg~~::ri~ir\~ Davis to Sadieville. Constance* to Ludlow.  Constantine• to Vine Grove. Davtst>urg* to PlnevUle. Davisport to Inez. Conway• to Brodhead. Davll!Vllle to Blaine. Oooksbunr to Mt. Vernon. Daysboro* to Bazel Green. Cookville to Farmington. Coon Bollow•t to New Dayavllle to Elkton. Deane to Whltesburr. Haven. Deanefleld*tt to WhiteeCooper• to Monticello. ville. Cooperstown to RnsScllvUle. Coopersville* to Monticello ! Dea.nwood• to ·Marion. Deaton to Jackson Copebranch to Jackson. Oopeland (Breathitt Co.) to Deatsvllle•t to Ba.rd ■town . Decatur• to Jamestown Jackson. .. OoHQelad~d (Callaway Co.) to \ Decker to Woodbury De Coursey to Covington ar m. · Decoy* to Jackson Coral Hlll to Gla.sgow. Deerlnt to Corbin.· Cora.ville to Henderson.  t Telegraph  Statton.  :f: Expre s Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2020  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  KENTUCKY  Deer Lick to Lewisburg. Deevert t'> Grayson. Defeated Creek to Mc-I Roberts. Detoe* to Pleasureville. Defries to Canmer De Hart to We;;t Liberty. Dckoven • T t to .St111 gls Delaplaln*l to Georgetown Delaware* to \-\'est Louisville. Della to Ory Ridge. Dell to Monticello. Dellvllle to New Castle. Delmer to Somerset De .pha to H ichruond. Delphia to Ha✓.anl. Delta to Monticello. Dema* to Way ,ind. Democrat* to McRoberts. DP l\,lossville*t to Butler. Demund to Canoe! City. Denison to Cavl' f'lty Denmark* to .Jamestown. Denney tn Montlce,Jlo. Dennis to Louisa. Denniston to Hazel Green. Dent to Jamestown. Denton• Tl to Grayson. Denver"' to Pal.ntsvllle Depoy•t to Greenville. Dermot*t to Owensboro. De9da to Alhany. Deskin* to Plkevllle Detroit to Munfordville. Devon to Florence. Dewey to Prestonsburg. Dewitt• to Barbourville. Dexter•tt to Hardin. Oextervllle• to Mori:-antown l Dezarn• to H odirensvllle. Dia.block to .1:1.azarct. Diamond Spgs.* to Lewisbw-g . Dickeys '.lill* to Leitchfield Dle:irs to New Hope. Dillon to Harlan. Dimple to Morgantown. Dingus• to West Liberty. Dione to Harlan. Dirigo to Columbia. Dirk* to Hindman D114putanta to Berea. m~~ee~~ ~grtfa~?an. Dobbins to Grayson. , Dock to Prestonsburg. Dodge• to Winchester. Dogcreek to Mun!ordvllle.l T)omino to Hazard. Donaldson ('l'rigg Oo.) to Cadiz. Douansourg* to Greensburg Donerall • t to Georgetown. Don2"ola to Whitesburg Dony to Pr·estonsburg. Doorway to Manchester. Dorcey to La Fayette. Dorena to Somerset. Dorretts Run to Stithton. Dorthea to Corbin. 1 Dorton to Jenkins Dot to Allensvllle. Dotson to Prestonsburg. Doudton to Williamstown. Douglast (Casey Co.) to Liberty.  I  I  I  Earles to Greenville. Early Times• to 1>ardstown Earnest\1lli-* to Booneville Ea.<;t Eaglp to Owenton. Easterday to Carrollton. East Fork* to Edmonton. East Hickman to Lexin~' ton. Ea.,ton to Fordsville East Point* to Paintsville. 1%st" ood* to Middletown Ebenezer to Salvisa. Ebon to WPst Liberty. 1 Eby to Gra)'son. Echo to Edmonton. Echols• to Rockport. Ed to Liberty. Eden (iluLler Co.) to Mor 'tantown Eden . Martin Co., to Inez Edenton• to Kirksville. Edgar to Prestonburg. Edg-lngton-1< to Greenup. Edgoten*t to Olarksville, Tenn. Edith to Columbia. Edna to Cannel City. Edwards*t to Lewi burg. Effie to Jamestown.  Union to Dixon. ~ 1Frenchlrnrg*to Mt.Sterling  KENTUCKY  l  Grab to Greensburg. . Gracey *tt to H opklnsvtlle. Graefenburg to Waddy. Frew to H,uard f<'riedaland to Deaver Dam Graham•1 to Greenville. Gralrnmtou to llrandenburg , Frtstoe• to Benton. Factory to :Morgantown. Grabamvllle to Paducah. f''agan* to Mount Sterling. Frit,/ to ~ulyersville. ville to Irvine. Grahn* to Olive HUI. Frogpood to London. Grancer to Morgantown. Fairbanks• to Ow61lton. 1-'rof.',ue to Bu.·b.e."' ille. Fair Dealing to Benton. f<'rozen ( ·reek*t lo Jackson. Grand RiYers*t to Gilberts· ville. Frn't to \ aocehurg. Fairland to Ali>auy. Grange City* to FlemingsFairplay to uolumbia. Fruit Hill to Crofton. burg. Fry to Greensburg. Fairthorn to Oamner. Fairview* to Pembroke. Grant* to Belleview. Frymire· to Hardinsburg. Grants Lick* t-o But.Ier. Fuget to Paintsville. Faith to Calhoun. Grassland* to Brownsvtlle. Faleon* 1 o 'alyer-;ville Fulgham to Cllnton. Fullqrton to Portsmouth, Grassy to Mount Sterling. Pallsburg• to Louisa. Grassy Creek* to West LibOtilo. Falls or Hougb*tl to Co.neyerty Fultz to Grayson. ville. Gravity* to Mlddlesboro. Funston to Bu.rnside. Gray•t to Corbin. Fannin to Sandy Hook. I Furnace* to Stanton. Fargo to Greenttp. Gray Hawk* to McKee. Fusonia to Hazard. Gr .. ys K1wht to Harlan. Futrell to Golden Pond. Fartston • t to London. Grayson Sprlngst to ClarkFarler to Hazard. Fyffe to West Liberty. son. Fe.rmdale• to Frankfort. Great Crossings to GeorgeP'anners•tt to Salt Lick town. Farmersvtlle to Princeton Gabbard to Booneville. Gabe to Greensburg. Greear* to \Vest Liberty. Faubusb* to Somerset. 1 Gad to Hyden. G-ret>ley t-n noattyville. Faulconer to Bw-gin. Green* to Sandy Hook. Gadberry to Columbia. I Gage Faxon to Mun-ay. 1 to K <'VII. Faywood to Midway, Greenbrier* to Bardstown. Feari11* to Manchester, Ohio Galnesvllli> to Scottsville. Greencastle to Bowling Green. Galclia to Prestonsburg. fed to Plkev1Jle. Gallup•t t.o Louisa. Felt to ('aueyvllle. Green Chapel to Bloomfield. Galveston' to Plkevtlle. Fenton to Golden Pond. GreendaJe•rt to Lexington. Game* to GlASl{OY... Fenwick to !-.lackville. Green Grove to Burkesville. Uapcreek to Monticello. Green Hall* to McKee. Fer~u. on*t to B.ussp!Jville. Gapvllle to Salyersville. Greenhill to Bowling Green. Gar to Monticello. Ferndale* to Pineville. Fern Lear to MaysvUle Gardnersvllle to Crittenden Greeumount to East Bern. stadt Gartleld•t to Hardinsburg. f'lelden to Sandy Hook Garlin to Columbia. Green River to Rockport. Fillmore to 13eattyvtlle. Greenslait to Greenup. Garner to Catlettsburg. PU1mn t t to Stanton. Garnettsvtlle to Branden- Greenwood•Tt to Burnslae. Ftncastte•t to Beattyville. burg. Gregory to Monticello. Finchtown to Xewport. Gresham to Greensburg. Garrard to fanchester. Finley• to Lebanon. Garrett (Floyd Co.J to Grider to Burkesville. Finnell to Georgetown. Wayland. Grtmn to Monticello. Finney to Smith" Grove. j P'lrebrlck• to Portsmouth. Garrett (Meade Co.) to Griffith to Owensboro. Ohio. Brandenburg. Grl~by to Hazard. Garrett (Woodtord Co.) to Grlt to London. Gross to Plnevtlle. l Versailles. Fisher* to Leltchneld. Flshervllle•t t to Jelferaon- Garrlson•tt to Vanceburg. Grove to Middleburg. town. Gartrell to Grayson. Grove Center• t to MoriranQeld. Fi'lhtrap to Pikeville. GascQn to Edmonton. Gasper* to Auburn. Grundy* to omerset. Flskburr to Walton. Gates to liorehead. Fisty to Hazard. Guage to Jackson. Gatewood to Ha\vesvtlle. Fltchbur2' to lrvlne. Gub;;er to New 1-tichmond, Ohio. Gatlilf*+ to \\'illiamsburg. Fixer t,1 Beattyville. Gauley to Livingston. Flag Fork to Bagdad. Gudgel to Lawrenceburg. Gays Creek to Haza.rd. Flaherty to Vine Grove. Guerrant* to Jackson. Flana1tant to Winchester. Gutfle to Calhoun. Gullett to Cannel City, Gee* to Lawrenceburg. Flanery to Paintsville. Genet to Stanton. Flat to Campton. Gulnare• to Plkevtlle. Flat Creek to Mount . Geneva• to Henderson. Gum Sulphur to Brodhead. Sterling. Gentrys Mill to Columbia. Gus* to Drakesboro Flat~ao• to Blalne. Georges Creek to Louisa. I Gustave to Paintsville. German to Prestonsburg. Flat Lirk*tt to Pineville. Guston•t to Irvin1tton. Guy to \Yoodburv Flatrock•tt to Somnset. Gertrude to Brooksvllie. Gest• to Monterey. Flatwood• to Paint Lick. GYt>SY to ~alyersvtlle. New to Gethsemane• i Flener to Morgantown. Haven. Fletcher to London. Fllng-sv!Jle to Crittenden. Habit to Owensboro. Fllnt to Whitesburg. Hackley to Lancaster. Gex to Warsaw. Hadrlix rt to Jackson. Gibbs• to Corbtn. Hadensvmei to Guthrie. ' Gibson to Hodgenville. Flora• to Carltsle. Hadley• to Bowling Green. Glll'ord to Salyersv111e. Floral to Hawesville. Florence Station• to Padu-1 Gilberts Creek* to Lancaster Ha1ter• to Salyersvllle. Ha!lerhill* to Paintsville. Gile. to Nicholasville. cab. Hall• to Somen~et. Gilley to White·burg. Florress to West Liberty Halcom• to Willard. f:illmore to HazPI Green. Flournoyl to Waverly. Haldeman*1 to Morehead. to ' Gilpin* to Liberty Floy<i (Mercer Co.> Haleys :\till• to <'rofton. Gilstrap to Caneyvtlle. Balvtsa. Halfway• to Scottsville. to Gimlet• to Olive Hill. Floyd (Pulaski Co.) Hall to Hindman. Ginseng to Hodgensvllle. Eubank. Ha.Barn to Owenton. Girdler"' to Barbourville. Hallie to Whitesburg. Girkin to Bowlin" Green. Floyd<;burir to Crestwood. Halo to Russellville. Fogertown• to Manchester Givens to MorganQeld Hamby Station• to Dawson Gladstone• to L\larlon. Folsom• to Glencoe. Spring-a. Gleanings• to New Hope. Folsomdale to Lowes. HamdinU to Hazard. Glee to Jackson. Fonde*t to Mlddle11t>oro. Hamilton to \Vallon. G1enarm•t to Crestwood. Fontana• to Grayson. Hamlin• to Murray. Fonthill* to Russpll -lprinl?s Glencairn* to Campton. Foraker to Salyersville. Glen Dean*tt to Hardlns- Hammack to Paint Lick. Hammond to Barbourville. l..>urg. Ford•tt to Winchester Fords Branch to Pikeville. Glenmary• to Campbells- Hammonvllle• to {'pton. Hampshire to Greenup. burg. Fords Ferry* to Marion Hampton (Breathitt Co.) Forest Cotta2"e to Albany . to Jackson. Fcn ,t f;ro~ o 1 o \\'inc•ht·ster Glenmore to tlo,vling Green Hampton• (Livingston Co.) Forestville• to Munfordville Glenn to Hazard to Hird ville. Glenn11 to Frankfort. Forklanct to Perryville. Forks of Elkhorn• to Frank- Glens Fork• to Columbia . Handshoe to Hindman. Glen Spr1nirs• to Vauceburir Hanks to Dry Ridge. fort. Hanty• to Nlchola11vtlle. Forkton., to Tompklnsvtlle 1 Glenville to Calhoun. Hansford* to Somerset. Glenwood* to Gray on. Fort Branch to Hazard. Happy to HazMd . Globe• to Olive Hill. G~~~~~t•t~o L":~~~~~ (ilonrnwr to Hazard . Harhor to Salyersville. Fort Tbomus*t to New- Gnbrlgap to Jackson . Harcourt to Elizabethtown. Goddl\rd• to Flemingsburg. Hardca,,tle• to Bowling port. Green. Godfrey to Fountain Run Fount* to Bfirbourville. Hardesty to Elizabethtown. Four Mlle• H to Plnevllle Goerloll' to Ha wesvllle. TII . Golf: to a.neyville. 1 " ' orth to 1•al111, mrh. Fox to Irvine. Hardin Sprlnirs• to LeltchFox Creek to Lawrencerrtr~d:\loney to Paducah. burg ggJ~b~fytfo \~t~~trn~~ur1t. Foxport• to Flemingsburg. Gold Valley to Jonesville. Hard bell tu .Jack ,w Foxtown to ".\1cKee. Hardy to Williamson, w. Golo to Maytleld . Foy to Cane~·ville Goochland• to , lcKee. Fragrant• to Clarkson. Ilarg to Irvine. Goodloe to Prestonburg. Fraley to :\Iorelwu.d. Hargett to Irvine. Good Lur•k to Erlmonton. Frances to f''redo11ia. H11rgls to Burnside. Goodnle:ht to Glas~ow. Frazer• to Burnside. Harned •tt to Hardtnsburi, Goody to William. on. Fredericktown to Bard ► Gooserock to Manchester. Harold*tt to Pikeville. town. Hart> to Frankfort. GonJon* to \\' lute,-hurg. Gordon ville* to Allen8\'lllc. HarpPr tn <'annPI City. Fredvllle to , alyer;;ville. H arreldsvllle* to Lewtsburr Goshen• to Prospect. Free to Cloverport. Harris to Vanceburl('. Gosneyvllle to Campton. Freedom to Glasgow __ arrls Grove to Murray. Gourd to Whit ·l_m_r_~_-_ _ _H Exodu<; to Stearns. EzeJ• to Hazel Green. Ezra to :Morgan.  I  I  I I  Eglon to McKee. Egypt to McKee. Eighty-Eight• to Glasgow. Ekron•t to Brandenburg. Elam to \\ e ·t Liberty Elamton to West Liberty. Elder to West Liberty, Elfie to Caneyville Elgin* to Eubanks. Ell* to Jamestown Elias* to Bon, I Elihu* to Somerset. Elizabeth*t to Paris. Eliza.ville* to Ewing. Elkatawatt to Jackson. Elk Chester*t to Lexington Elkcreek* to Taylorsville. Elkfork to West Liberty. Elk Horn* to Campbellsville. Elkin• to Wlncbeste1. Ella to Columbia. t~o J:~~fown.  I  I  :rn:~  Ellington to Burkesville. Elllottvute• to Morehead. Ellisburg• to Hustonville I Elllston•tt to Glencoe. ElllsvUle to Carlisle. Elm to Salyersville. ~lmburg to Pleasureville. 1£lm1?ro,e to Augusta. Elmrock to Hindman. Sta.mplnal to Elmvtlle Ground. Elna to Paintsville. Elrod to Somerset. Elsie to 'alversville. Elsmere to Erlanger. ~Iv!!- tt to Renton. f£IV1ra to London. , 1£1ys•tt to Ba1·bourville. EmanueJ•ti to Barbourville Emberton to Tompkins• vtlle. Emerson* to Olive Hill.  g~~~~fa~t~irifodgenv!lle. 1 Emery to Butler Downlngsvllle to Dry Rld1tt Emlyn-1< to Williamsburg. Emma• to Preston burg. Doylesvllle tc. Rl~hmond Emma!Pna to H inrlman. Drake• to Bowllui Green. Drennon Springs to Port ' EncleP to BoonervilJe. Bndlcott to Preston!!I0Urtt. Royal Energy to Golden l'ond. Dreytus* to Richmond. Engle t~ Hazard. Drift to Preston::1bur1t. English l to Worthville. Drip Rock• to Irvine. Enldo to PerryvUJe Drum to Somerset. Ennla* to Rochester. . Dry Fork to Glasgow. Enoch to &.mpbellsv1lle. Dry Hlll to Hyden. !£non Lo Fredonia. Dublin• to Fancy Fann Ensor t~ Owensbor(?, Duck to WIIIJamsburg. Ent_erpr1 e•tt to Oltve Hill. Duckers•t to Midway. Eoha• to Whitesburg. EptoOwenton. DudleytoMountVernon. 11:pley Station to Lewtsburir Duff* to Leitchfield. Du~a.nvllle to Cornlshville Epson to Cannel City. Dukehurst to Hartford. Epworth* to Tolleshoro. Dukes to Cloverport. Equ111it,· to Hartford. l)ulaneyl to Princeton. Era to Crofton. Duluth to Richmond. !£rmine to Whltesburg. DuJworth to Columbia. Erose to Barbourville. Dunhar to Morgantown. Esco to Pikeville. Duncan to Cornlsbvllle. Dundeet (Powell Co.) to Escondlda*l to Parts. ~=~~~b~r~~~le~~~~~t', Stanton. Dw~;tefor<i(Ohio Co.) tr Esto• to Jamestown Ethel to McKee. Dunleary to Praise. Dunmor*tt to Drakesboro Ethridge to Warsaw. Etna to Scienr-p Hill. Durbin to Catlettsburg. &tolle* to Glasgow. Durhlntown to Uerry. Duvall•to Stamping Ground it~;dtfo PJ~:;i~~Eunice to Columbla. Dwale*t to Prestonsourtt. Eureka* to Kuttawa. Dwarr• to Hazard. 1 to Henderson. Butert>e Dycuahurg* to Kuttawa. Dyer to Hardinsburg. Greensburg. to Eve• Dykes* to • omerset. 1 Eveleigh to Leitchfield. e:velyn•tt to Irvine 1 ~verett to Lewisburg. Ea.dston• to Morehead. 1 Everman to Grayson. Eversole to Boonevllle. Eadsvme• to Montloello. e: vona to Liberty . Eal{lehill to Glencoe. Eagle Mills to Ilodgen• e:wtnirtord to Bedford. ville. 1 P.:wtngton to MountSterllng Eagle StaUon •ttoW_heatley R xle* to Grc.-Pnsbur1t.  I  REFERENCE K E Y.  , County Seat.  I  I  I  !  I  l  I  fg~  ,~a.  • ~loney Order Office.  t1 elegraph StAtlon.  !Expr se Otllce.  l-  l f  l  l  1'  F F  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  KENTUCKY  l  to Barnourvllle. I Lay I Johnsons(MontgomeryCo.l Layman to Harlan. to Mount ~terling.  Harrison to Pineville. Hope• to Mount Sterling Harrisonville to Waddy. Hopewell•tt to Grayson. Harrods Creek• to Louis- Hopper* to BaruourvUle. j Hopson to Princeton. vtlle. Horn to McH.oi>erts. Hart to London. Horntown to Clarkson. Bartley• to Pikeville. Harveyton (Casey Co.) to Horse Branch• tl to Beave, Dam. Hustonville. Harveyt,on (Perry Co.) to Horscmill to l\.forgantown Horse Shoe Bottom to Hazard . Jamr,c;trnvn. Iiarvteland to Frankfort. Horton* to Beaver Dam. Harvy to Benton. Hatcher* to Campbellsville. Hosklnston to Hyden. Hosman to Pineville. Hatton• to Bagdad. Havana to Mount Sterling tiouston to Jackson. Havtlandsvllle to Falmouth Hovious to Ca.,;cy Creek. Boward to Bttthton. Hawkins to Hopkinsville. Hawthorne* to Alexandria Howard Mills to Mt. SterUng. Haynes to Somerset. Howards Creek* to Jackson . Baynesv1lle to Fordavllle. New to Howa.rdstown* Hays to Smiths Grove. Haven. Haywood to Gla.sirow. Hazle Patch*U to East Howell*t to La Fayette. Howevalley to Cecilia. Bernstadt. Head ot Grassy to Vane& liul>ble" to Lancaster. HHuudd! lnns*toto GLreeei·tcnhsbftuelrg_. burg. d. "0 Head Quarters to MillersHueysville to Prestonburg. 1!,Utf\ Kevil. H •Huff* to Brownsville. Hebbardsvllle• to Hender Hugh to Berea. Hughey to Fredonia. son. Hulen to Pineville. Hector* to Manchester. Hulette to Louisa. Hedgeat to Winchester. Humble to ltus:-ell Springs. lledgevllle* to Danvll1e. li eekin to Williamstown Hume to Verona. Humphrey* to Euba.nK. · HetUn to Hartford. Hunnewell•t to Greenup. Hegira to Burkesvtlle. Heldelberg*t:t to Beattf• Hunt to Winchester. Hunters Depot to Bardsvllle. H~~fe~svllle* to Albany. ,H~\;~!:8:ot1lJ::~J~Huntsville• to Rochester. elena to May Lick. Helena Station*t to May• Hurley to McKee. ~~!i~~:m;il ti/tf:caster -altt:;\o Jamestown. Hydro to Smiths Grove. Helton* to Hyden. Hymon to Murray. Hematite* to Cadiz. HHempridgett to helbyville endrloks• to Salyersville Iberia to Clarkson. HHenrletta* to Palntsvllle. Ibex* to Sandy Hook. enry to West Liberty roe to Whltesbur11:. Henryville to Carlisle. · Benshaw*tt to Morganfteld Ida* to Albany. B ensley to Manchester. Ida.may* to Beattyville. ~ensonvme to Edmonton 1 Idlewild to Petersburg. Usley •tto Madison. .a.eraline to Columbia. [ncllne to Harlan. HHerbert to Whltesvllle. Index* to West Liberty. erd to McKee. tndla.n Bottom• to Whites!!erman to Waverly. burg. .a.ermon to Elkton. tndlan Creek to Ba.rboursfierndon•t to La Fayette H erachel* to Rochester. ville. Indian Fields•: to Clay City Heselton to Vanceburir. Indian Head• to Burnside. Hesler to Owenton. RBestand to Tompklnsvllle Indian Run to Ashland. Ingle to Somerset. latt to Brodhead. Ingleside to Ba.ndana. Hibernia to Buffalo. [ngram to Pineville. H 1ckorytt to Mayfield. 8 1ckory Flat• to FrankllD Inroad to Columbia. Hi oo to Murray, [nsco to Lewisburg. Insko* to Cannel City. Hidalgo to Monticello. 1 d0 ~~~s:bellsville. n ' D to Clarkson. Hl~gk~~f\~·ui:&~_umort Trma to Tolu. lron Bridge to Oakland. Htirhland to Waynesburir C,lty. IIighland Park*t to Louis- ~~~~h~~u!od Ironton to Kuttawa.. Eli;~~ilint to Harlan. lrvins Store* to Jamestown. H htbtower to Falmouth. 8 ltrhway• to Albany. Isalt<'s to Bond. t ■limd City* to BoonevWe Hllda to Morehead. Iiom* to Whitesburg. Hµ1 to WUllamsburg. H•llsboro to Fleming burg tionv111e* to Sandy Hook.  I  I  i~:g; t~  itiii~  »m:~~n: 1~  Johnsville to Brookvllle. 1 Laynesvllle• to Pikeville. I La.ytunsvillo to HopkinsJoppa to Columbia. ville. Jordan•tt to Union City, Learh to Canneyville. Tenn. Leadingham* toSandyHook Josephine to Sadieville. Leander to Paintsville. Joy• to Golconda, Ill. Leatnerwoorl to Jacksou. Joyce* to Eubank. Leburn to Hindman. Juan to Jackson. Leota to Glasgow. ,Judd to Mlddlebu11?. Ledbetter* to Paducah. Judio to Bw·kesville. LedforcU to Hickman. Judson to Lancaster. Ledocta to Loulsa. Judy to Mount Sterl1ng. Lee to Morgantown . Juliant to Hopkinsville. Lee C1ty•t:t to Cannel City. Julip to Williamsburg. Jumbo to McKinney. Leeport to Milton. Justice to Russellville. LePsburg* to Cynthiana. Leesllck to Cynthiana. Kaler to Mayfleld. Leetown to Morgantown . Kansas to Lowes. Legibson to Winchester. Karlus to Jamc! Legrand to Horse Cave. Kaut* to Greenup. Leighton"" to Irvine. Kavito to Jam estown. Lejunior to Harlan. Keaton to Palntsvllle. Lemons Mllls to GeorgeKeavy* to Corbin. town. KecK to .Ja.<·i-s111 . Lennut to Hazard. Keefer to Corinth. Lenore to Bardstown. Keel to Lewlstrnrg. Keene•tt to Nicholasville. Lenox to West Liberty. Lenoxburg to Falmouth. Kehoe• to Greenup. Leon•t to Grayson. Kelat to Berry. Lerose* to Boone\rllle. KeUy•t to Cro!ton. Lesbas'" to London Leslle* to Burkesvllle. Keltner to Cohtmbia.. Lester* to Whitesburg. Kemp to Greensburg. Letttla*to Portsmouth.Ohio Kennarct to Maysville. Kennedyt to Clarksville, Levee* to Mount Sterling. Level Green• to Mt.Vernon. Tenn. 8 i:~~e~~ ~ouwr1W!msburg. t:~~:st~o l\1~~~~~le. Le\\isburg*t:t to Mays. Kentenia. to Harlan . ville. Kenton•t to Independence. 0 0 1n1t!vRl~~tlt. t::i~i~ira~~i1t~~ec:: n, Kepler to Smiths Grove. Liberty Road to West Kerbyknob to Berea. Liberty. Llckburg to Salyersville. Kerns to Columbia. Kesslnger*to Munfordvllle. Lick Creek to Pikeville. Kettle Island to Pineville. Lick Falls to Grayson. Licking River * l to West Kewanee* to Pikeville. Libertv. Key t,o Jackson. Lida* to London. Keysburg to Allensvilla. Lilac* to Leitchfield. Keyser to Pikeville. Llletown• to Greensburr. Kidder• to Burnsl<le. Kidds Crossing to Monti- Lil!ian-1< to Hazard LUy•ti to Corbin. cello. Kidds Store to Hustonville. Llmahuri to Burllngton. Limestone to Olive Hlll. Klddvllle to Mt. Sterlln1r. Limp to Leltchftela. Kildav to Harlan. Lincoln to Somerset. Kllgore•t to Grayson. LlndRay to 811.rbourvllle. Kimbrell to Clay City. Llnetork to Whitesburg. Ktn2 to Barbourv1lle. Link to Scottsvllle. Kings Creek to Whitesburg. Linnie to Liberty. Lo Linton• to Cadiz. .Mouutain*t:t Kings Lln\>\ood to Pikeville. Waynesburg. Lipps* to Manchester. Klng-ston* to Berea. Klngswood*to Hardlnsburr Llsman•t to Clay. Liss to Matewan. W. Va. Kinkead to Falmouth. 0 i~n~p;~nJg:i~ntown. bl~s~~:,anceburg. Little Cypress• to Calvert Klrbyton to Bardwell. City. HardinsburK to Klrk*t ~}~~l:~~~oi?:~rf~:r;:ron Llt!~ev1N!~kman• to NlchoLittle Mount to Tayloravtlle l{irk-;ey" to ~lurray Little Muddy to Woodbury. Kirkwood to Salvlsa. Kirkwood Springs to DawLittlerock to No. Middle-son Springs. town. Kite to Hindman. Llttlesandy to Sandy Book. Kitts to Harlan.  l~~;,?g;r:tp~  tnirl  f~~~j~i  ~~l~~~t  0  u::ut~aiiochester. i~:r;otr>~utt;~~~g. irn~!~llle. Knob Lick• to Edmonton ~vyvlst!~!l~gi~~~rsvllle. Rllitop to Ne?,ton. Knott, ille* to Owensboro. l~!c~~:.,~g;.n. Knowlton• to Stanton. Jabez• to Jamesto~n. l!!myar• to Barbourville. Knoxtork* to Corbin. Hme.sctale to Munfordville. Jachhorn* to flemm~. I Jackson Landmg to Glenco. Knoxvllle to Dry Rldite. litnkle to narbounille. Kohler to Alexandria. Jacksonville to Parts. Rlnklevllle to La Center. Koon to I{utta.wa. .Jaokstown to qarllsle. Hlnton•t to Corinth. Korea tCl West Liberty. J11.ckti>wn to \ aucehurg. Hlpp 0 to Prestonsburg Kosmoiidale*tt to Shively Jacobi* to Olive Hill. Hisle to Bedford. j Jamboree to WUUamson, Kragon to Jackson. Hitchirni•tt to Grayson. Krupp to Williamsburg. w. Va. Iiltesvme to Waverly. Kryptontt to Hazard. B'itt to Mt. Olivet. 1 Jarvis Store* to BarbourKyle to Cadiz. . vUle. Boban to Albany. Hobbs to Shepherdsville. , .Jason to Lew1!;burg. Lacie to Turners Station. Bobson to Campbellsville Jasper* to Winchester. La<·key* to Wayland. Jattle* to Louisa. Hockaday to Richmond. La.con to Clarkson. j 1ean* to Blaine. Hogue to Science Hill. Lair• t to Cynthiana. Jeff* to*rd. Holbrook to Owenton. JeffersonvUle to Mt. Ster- Lak!' to London. Hol(leu to Barbourville. Lakeland•t to Middletown. ling. Holiflrl(l to Wingo. 1 L1tke uo•tt to Bardwell. Rolland• to Fount11.ln Run Jeffrey to Fountain Run. Jellico Creek to Wllllams-- Laktivllle to Salyersville. Holliday to C'annel City. burg. Hollonvll)e to Campton. Lamar to Caney. Uolloway to Mound City 1ennm11,11* to Sulphur._ Lamasco• to PI1nceton. • Jensonton to Perryv1 11 e. · Ill.• to Yountaln Run. Jeptha to West Liberty. Bolly to Leitchfield.. La.mbrtc" to Jackson. Jeremiah to Whitesburg. Holl:vbush to Hindman. I La.moot tu Paducah Jericho.•t to L~_Grange. Holly Hill to Pine Knot. Landing to Verona.· Jessamme to W)lmore. liolm s to Columbia. Jet.son to Bowling Green. Landsaw* to Campton. Eiolston to Deaver Dam. Lane to Campton. .Jett•U to Fra.nkrort. Langford to !\.fount Vernon. Iinoly Cross• to New HaveD Jetts Creek* to_Jackson. Lanirley• to Prestonsburr. Jewell* to Jenkms. nombre• to Hazard. Lane;nau* to London. .finks to Irvine. ••Omer• to Auburn. Lassiter to Murray Job to Inez. ?!onaker to Prestonburir. Laura to Inez. John to Plkevtlle. -uoneybee to Burnside. Laurel !;reek to Man~bflllter Honeygrove to IJopklns- Johnetta* to Mt. Vernon. Laurel Station to Greenup Johns Hill to Newport. ville. Roneysuckle to Frankfort JohnsonJunctlon*tto Flem- Lawrenceville to Wllllam11H oods to Greenup. town lngsburir. Jobnsons* (Christian Co.) Lawton• to Olive Hill. Booker to Manchester. Hooktown to Mlllersburg~~-~t~o_W_h_l_te_P_l_a_ln_s_._ _ _-=-_L_a_x_to_\f_u.;...rr-.::a.:.Y_ _ _ _ _~  nl~~a1~  I  I I  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  • County Seat.  * Money Order Office.  tl!\~e.11 \~ ~~f~~~~e.  t~:~  KENTUCKY  2021  Lula to Jamestown. Lunda tu Blaine. Luretha* to Somerset. Lusby to Owenton. Luzerne'"l to Greenville. Lu1.on to Dixon. Lykln11* to Cann el <'tty. Lyndon•t to St. Mathews. Lynn Camp to Corllln. Lynn City:t to Sacramento. Lynn Gruve to Murray. L_vnnvillp• to Mayfield. Lyonla to Fordsvllle. Lyons•t to New Haven. Lytle to Stanford. Lytten to Sandy Hook. McAfee• to Harrodsburg. McBrayer•t to Lawrenoeburg. McCall*to Portsmouth,Ohto Mccarr to Matewan. w \, a . McCausey to Mount Ster• llnlf. McO!ure to Inez. Mccombs to Plkevllle. McCormick* to Stanton. Mc-<'oy t,o Har<iinsburg. McCreary• to Lancaster. McDanleJs• to Leitchfield. Landing to Henderson. McDowell * to Plkevtlle. McGana to Columbia. McGlone• to Olive Hill. Mcllenry to Beavr>r Dam. McIntire to St>ringfleld. Mcheos l'ross l<oads to Versailles. M°o1t~~zle to MancheS t er. McKlnneysburg to Fal· mouth. st ation* to AuMg~~~ds MoNary* to Greenville. McQuady*t to Hardlnsburi :'I-fr t<olwrts* 1J to 1:<'lemi ng, McVeil{h to Williamson. MoWborter• to East Bernstadt. Mabel to Hickman. :'l-1ac to Campbellsville. Dawson Macedonia to Rprings . Maceo*tt to Lewisport. Mackoy* to Greenuo. Macon to Munrordvllle. Mad11:e to Louisa . Madrtd• to Leitchfield. Magan to Fordsville. Ma.ggle to Cadiz. Magness to Hardin. Mains to Falmouth. Majestic* to Matewan. Major to Booneville Malaga to Hazel Green. Malcom to Manchester. Ma1lle to Hindman. Malone•t to West Liberty. Maloneton* to Portsmouth, to Jetrersontown. !11Hlt to Hodgenville. Mammotn Cave• to Cave y{~~~ to Beaver Da.m. Maninim to Science Hill. Manila to Paintsville Manitou• 1,o Madisonville. Mannln~ton*l to Crofton. Mannsville* to Campbell► vllie.  Ms~~i  ~~':i iefi:N:;a:J~k. 8  t1:c1~~~l;l~*a1t:,pt~~~~~~tfo GJ~W~· Marcellus• to BryantsvlUe. Lobb to Greensburg. Marcum to Manchester. Lockland to Lonisvi!le. Maretburg*t to Mount VerLocust to Carrollton. non. Locust Branch to [rvlne. Locust Fork to Drooksville. '.\1 ariha* to Il a7~l Green. Locust H111 to Harcllnsburg Mark to Somert!llt. Marksbury* to Lancaster. Lodlbur2"•t to Irvlnirton Marr to GamaUel. Lorrana* to Nicholasville. Lol{1rnsport* toMorgantown Marsh to Pine Knot. Marshall Station to Maye Logantown to 8tanford. Lick Logllck• to Clay City. Logmant* to Mlddlesboro. Martna to Blaine. Martha Mills to FlemingsLoirville to Cannel City. hurg. Lola• to Salem. Martin* to Vanceburg. Lomba.rd*tt to Stanton. Martindalt- to Woo<lbur.v Loneoak. to Paducah. Martlnslmrir* to TompklnsLong* to Bowlln1e Green. vtlle Long Lick to Sadlevllle. .1artwick to Rockport. Lonir Ridge• to Owenton. Long Hun~t to Himpsonville l\.1ary to C:ampton. Mary<letl • to London . Longstreet to Jamestown Ma.son•t to Williamstown Longway to Moorehead. Masonville to Owensboro Lookout* to Plkevllle. Massack to Paducah. Lora<lale tn L •xin ,ton. l\Ju.,;u to Huard Lorain to CamobellsvUle. :Matanzas to flartford. Lort-na to Bur11si1le. Mater to Whitesburg. Loretto•tt to Lebanon. \fat-1->ck to Bowling Greon . Lost Creek• to Jackson. Mattie* •0 Blaine . Lottt to Jellico. Tenn. Mattingly to Cloverport. Lothair to Hazarrl. Mattoon to Marlon. Love to Caneyville. Maud• to Bloomfield Lowder to Greenup. '.\,lauldPn t., 1 11 ,n 1 Lowell•t to Paint Llok. Lower Iluffalo to Beatty- Maurice Station to Covtngton ville. Lower Greasy* to Paints• Mavity to Catlettshurr. Maxonmlll• to Pacluoah. vllle. Lowmansvllle to Palntsvllle Ma~well to Owensboro. Mayapple to Bow ling Green Loyd to Lancaster. May king• to Whltesbura Lucas* to Glasirow. cl::le::...::t::::o...::.-;.:a::.'.n~d~y~H..'...o~o~k~-:__-~M~a!.y~n~a~rd~to_S_c_ott8_v_l_ll_e __ L:::.::u.::..  t Telegraph Statton,  1 Express Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2022  KENTUCKY  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  Mayo"- to Salvisa. Maytown• to Hazel Green. Maywood to Stanford. Mazie* to Bla.tne. Meador* to Scottavtlle. Meadow Creek to Wllll&mebu~. Means* to Mount Sterllnc Meece to Somerset. Meeting Creek* to Cecilia Melber• to Paducah. Melbourne*t to Cold M:fct~;J~·to Middlesboro. Mell* to Grcenaburir. Melrose to Sonora. Melvin to Weeksbury. Mentor*: to .Moscow, Ohio. Mercer* to Central City. Meredith to Leltcbtleld. Merrimac• to Lebanon. Merry Oaks to Smith.~ Grove. Mershons to East Bernstadt. Meshack* to Tompklnsvllle Meta* to Plkevllle. Mexlco*t to Marlon. Miami* to Greensburg. Mid to PL'estonourg. Middlecreek* to Prestonsburg. Mirlcllefork* to Bond. Midland (Bath Co.) to Salt Lit'k. Midland "' (::\Iuhlenberg Co.) ' to Central City. Mildred* to McKee. Millard• to Plkevtlle. MlliedgevUle* to Moreland , Millers CreekH to Irvine. M11leratown• to Upton. Million*; to Richmond. Mllla• to Barbourville. 0  I  1  Mt  bury.  Mt. Hermon• to Tompld.D■vllle.  Keuat Lebanon to Nlcboluville. l,U. PJsp;ah• to Monticello. Mount Salem to McKinney llount Sharon to Elkton. lfoll.llt Sherman• to Buffalo. XowatV1otory* to Someraet Mou ie to Wayland. Mouthcard• to Praise. of Laurel to Vane&burr.  Koxle:,• to Wheatley. Maddy Fork*l to Georgetown. l(ad Llok to Tompkln1vtlle. M111r•tt to Lexine-ton. Xuldrauch•i to Branden-  Noab to Vanceburc, Noble to Jackson. 1 obleton to Grayson. Nobob• to Glaarow. J. oe to Pleasureville. Nola to Salyersville. Noland to Irvine. Nolanaburg• to Harlan. Nolln*t to Sonora. Nonchalanta to Greenup. Nonesuch* to Wilmore. Nora.•~ Albany, , Norfleet to Somerset. Nona to Louisa. Normal•t to Ashland. Normandy•: to Taylorsville Ng~~g~d \~ ~~~!~~e~urg. ·orth Fork• to .Mays Lick. Northtown• to Horse Cave. Nortonville•tt to Madisonville. Norwood to Science Hlll. Nuckols• to Livermore.  I  Oakdale to Jackson. I Oak Grove•i to Pembroke. Oakland Milla to Carlisle. Oak Level to Bonton. Oakley to East Bernatadt. Oaks (Bell Co.) to Plnev1lle. Oaks (McCracken 0'1.) to oat~'t;f;?-hto Ru1Sellvtlle. Oakwood* to Ewtng. O'Bannon•l to Crc1twood. Obed to Hyden. Ocala (Pulaski Co.) to Somerset. Odds* to Palntavllle. Oddville to Cynthiana. OdeSIA to Owtnpvllle. Offutt to Paintsville. O~den to La Center. Ogle to .Manchester. Oil to lleattyville. on Center to Somerset. OU City to Glauow. 011 Springs• to Pa.lntavllle. Oilton to Monticello. Oil Valley to Montie llo. o. K. Junction to Smitbsl Grove. Oklahoma to Campton. Ok~ona _to Loulavtlle.  I  I  Int~.  Glt:Ii~:  ~::s~~di°t!Iia:~.~vllle. Newt to Greenaburr. Ne town• ti to Georgetown. New Zion to Georgetown. Niagara to Henderson. • ·ickell* to Canoe! City. Nigh to Praise. Nina to Lancaster. Nlnevah to Lawrencebu~. Nippa* to Paintsville. _"is1 to Morehead, ,  Jf~~a:,•i  ~~tr::.  ~=:b6~1~~:!~h~oc~rtnth.l gu~~~fl~~~ i?r~:i~~~i~n. Newcombe to Sandy Hook. Ousley to Pikeville. Outland to Murray. New Cypress to Clinton. Ovenfork to Whitesburg. Newell to Eubank. Ovll to HopklnsvUle. Newfound to Manchester. Owensby to Jamestown. Newroundland* to Sandy Oxford to Georgetown. Hook. Ozark to Columbia. Newman• to Owensboro. New Market to Lebanon. New Providence to Murray. Packard• to W1111amsburc. New Concord• to Murray.  ~i~~~ t~;go~;f\f:,toW11  Minnie* to Pikeville. Mlnoravllle to Stamplna Ground. Minta to Paducah. Kl11tonvllle* to Sotonce HUI. M~!~l~atitb°a~11~t:: Kl.stletoe to Manchester. Kitchell to Bagdil.d. Mltohellaburc•t to PerI7 ville. Mize* to Hazel Green. Koberly•i to Waco. Medoo to Burkeeville. Molus to Harlan. Monford to Morgantown. Konica• to Jack1on. Monitor to Carrollton. Monroe• to Hardyv1lle. Kc,nt• to Eddyville. Xen~omer,-• to Oadlz. X••tpeUer• to Oolumbla. Montrose &o Lexington. lilHk* ~ Hardlnlbu~. Moole;rvllle• to Hardineburg. Moon to Sandy Hook. Moores Creek* to McKee. Moores Ferry to Salt Lick. Moerentlle t• S&ortn,Qeld. to ut Cal'Meraabur,r to May1vllle. Morell to Pikeville. Morniugglory to Cynthiana :W:ornIDr Vlew*tt to Butler. Kerro1' to Moatloello. X.-elqTllle to Calbottn. Mou to Bowling Green. ~~ ~ Plkevtlle. Motley to Bowllq Green. Mound to Burnside. Jfeunt Aert&l• to Fr&D.klln. Keuntaln Alb*t to WUUarnaburr. Mt. Carmel* to Flemings1 rf.°ilead to Flemlngs- 1  Ola to l~ln~.- O!aton• to Ford ville. Oldham ~o Sulphur. Old Landing* to Irvine. Old Town• to Grayson. Oleoak to Glasgow. Ole-a to Jamestown. Olive to Hardin. Ollie* to Brownsville. Olm1tead 0 l to Allenavme. Olney to Princeton. Olympia*tt to Salt Lick.  t~i: \~  I  ~mscg~~ist t~si~~ticello. MlllstonP to Fleming. Milltown* t.o Columbia. Millvillet to Frankfort. Mlllwood•H to Leltchtleld Milner* to Versalllee. MUo* to Inez. Mlma to West Liberty. 11.Iineford to alyer ·ville. Minerva• to Dover. Mingo• to Palntavllle.  I  1 Petra to Milford. Public• to Someraet. Petri Station to Haweavtlle. Pueblo to Montloello. Petroleum• i to Scottsville. PulukJ•t to Science Hlll. Pettit to Owensboro. Pulliam to Sprlnirfteld. Peytona to Waddy. Puncheon to Hindman. PQ'toubu~• to Burkesville Pardy to Columbia Peytontown to Richmond. Pyramid to Prestonsburg. Pynia (Ad&tr Co.) to Phelps• to Matewan, W. Gradyville. Va. Pherba to Burkesville. Phil• to Liberty. Quall to Brodhead. Quality• to Rochester. 1:,1:'e~t.~!~buri:. Omer• to West Liberty. ~~Jg;~~b!,~~~~~n. Qulckaand•tt to Jaokaon. M:71tlct to Stepboneport. Oneonta• to New Rich- Pickett to Groensburc. Quincy• t l (Lewta Co.) to mond, Ohio Portsmouth, Ohio. Picnic to Columbia. 1 Ono• to Jamestown. Quinn to Providence. Pierce• to GreensLu~. Nancy• to Somerset. Onton• to Sebree. Plr to Brownavtlle. Quinton to Burn■tde. Nan.nle to Weai Liberty. Oollte to Brandenburg. Quire to Frankfort. Naomi• to Somer■ et. Ophir to West Liberty. Plireonroost•·to Manchester Napier to Hyden. Oppy* to Eden. Pilcher to West Point. Naple1 to Ashland Pilgrim •to Inez. Rabbit Haab to Rlalnr 1 Napoleon to Glencoe. Orangeburg to Maysville. Pilot to Stanton. Sun, Ind. ~arrows*% to Fordsville. Orchard to Prestonsburg. PilotoaktoDuk:edom.Tenn. Raccoon to Plkevllle. Narvell to Albany. Ordway to Prestonburir. Pilot View to Winchester. Radical* to Irvine. Naab to Caneyville. Oreknob* to Plkev11le. Plnckard•t to Versailles. Ragland* to Bandana. Natlee to Corinth. Orell to LoulsvUle. Pinckneyville* to Tiline. Ragland Station to Salt Neatua to Caneyvllie. Orient* to Salyersville. Pinriell to Butler. Lick. Nealton to Nicholasville. Orinoco to Williamson, W. Pine Grove•tt to Wlnchei.- Rail to Weeksbury. Neave to Milford. Va. tor. Railton to Smiths Grove. Ned* to Jackson. Orkney to Prestonsburg. Ptnl'I Hlll•t: to Mt. Vernon. Rain to Barbourville. Nt-11 to Gradyville. Orlancto• to Mt. Vernon. Pine Iinob•t to Caneyvtlle. Raleigh to Shawneetown. 1 ella.vale to Greenuv. Orr to Louisa. Pine Mountain to Harlan. Ill. Nel1on*t to Rockport. Ortiz to Sebree. Plner to Walton. Ralph to Whitesville. Nelsonville*% to Boston. Orville to Monterey. Pine Ridge ta Campton. :aalston• to Mlddlesboro. Neola• to Cannel City. Osborn to Prestonsburg. Pine Top* to Hindman. Ramey to Salt Lick. Neosheo to Franklln. Oscar• to La Center. Piney to Providence. Randolph* to Edmonton. Nepton•t to ]!;wing. Oaco to Albany. Pink to Nicholasville. Randvllle• to Vancebu~. Osgood to Millersburg. Pinsonfork to Williamson. Rankin* to Monticello. Netty to Cannel C.:tty. Osle* to Louisa. w·. Va Ransom to Matewan, W. Nevada to Perryvllle. Pippapass to Wayland. Ya. Nevelsvllle to Burnside. Ote to Greensburg. Piqua• to Mt. Olivet. Rapids to Franklin. . ¥evisdale to Williamsburg. Ottawa.* to Brodhead. Plsgah*l to Versalllea. Ratcliff* to Grayson. New to Monterr.y Ottenbclm to Crab Orchard Piao to Williamson, W. Va. I Raven• to Wayland.  Mullikin• to Salem Mullins! to Livingston. U:ull1.t to Wlli18Jllsburc. Muncy*t to McKee. Mundys to Wilmore. Munk to Verona. Muri to Monticello Murpbyavtlle to Maysville. Muses Mills* to Flemingsburg. Music to Grayson. Myen•i to Carlisle.  REFERENCE KEY.  ,county Seat.  ~!f;~l?t/fo Palace• to Montlcello. Palestine to Campbellsville. Palma to Benton. Palmer to Waco. Palmore to Wingo. i~n~r;.t lot~\~:.· Pan1y• to Harlan. P&nther to Owensboro. P&rad.Jse• to Rockport. Paragon• to :I orehead. Parina to BrooksYille. Park* to Hlseville. Parkers to Williamsburg. Parker· Grove to Buffalo. Parkers Lake* to Burnside Parksville•t to Perryville. Parmleyavtlle• to Monticello. Parnell to Monticello. Parrot* to Bond. Partlow to Wlllard. Partrtdire• to Whft.esburr. Parvin to Irvine.  Pitman to Campbellsville. Pitts to Irvine. Pltt11burg•U to London. Pitts Point to Lebanon Jct. Place* to Corbin. Plank to Mancheater. Plano* to Bowling Green. Plato* to Mount Vernon. to Burgin. Pleasant Home to Gratz. Ple ant Hic.Jge to Utica.  ~i:::~: v~~~eJ!i t~w~~ llamaburir.  Pleasure RI d c e Park t to Lou! ville. Plum to North Mieldletown. Plummers Landing* to Flemingsburg. Pod to Crofton. Polndexter•t to Cynthiana. Point Lea.vell to Lancaster. Polin to ~ prlngfleld. Polkville to Oakland. Pollard (Boyc.J Co.) to Ashland. Pollard (Jes amine Co.) to .1. · ichola ville. Polleyton• ,o WllUamabu~ Polly to Whitesburg. Polacrove* to 1''rank:fort. Pomeroyton• toffazel Green Pomp to West Liberty. Pongo to London. Pools Creek to Cold Spring Poorfork*t to Harlan. Poplar Flat* to Tollesboro. Poplar Grove to Glenooe. Poplarhill to lidclleburg. Poplar Plaln1"t to Flemlngaburg. 1 ~~~:~~ ;~~:im:.raet. Porten,bu~ to London. Portland (Adair Co.) to Gradyville. Portland (Pendleton Co.) to Butler. Portsmouth to Jackson Post to Caneyville. 1i~rt~'ti1~t~Roberu.  I Raymond* Ray to RuSllellvtlle. to Irvlnrton.  Ready• to Caneyville. Records to Vancebu~. Hectorvillc* to Tollesboro. Red Aab• to Jellico, Ten. Redbird to Wllllamsbu~. Redbush• to Paintsville. Redden to Murray. Redfox to Hindman.  ~:fhti~ie~tt J~~~~~~  nd  ·  Hed Ox to Hyden. I ed Wine• to West Liberty Red Wing to Burgin. Reed• to Henderson. Reedville to Grayson. ~~~~!:~l~e1:~1~~rrantoWL to Pikeville. Region to C6neyvUle. Relict to West Liberty, Renaker to Berry. Hender• to Beaver Dam, Renfrow to Be&?er Dam. Repton• to Marlon. Rex• to HardyVllJo. Rexton• to Vancebu~. Reynolds Sta. •i to For~ ville. Reynoldavllle to Owln~ vllle. Rhoda to Brown~vllle. Rhodelia* to Brandenberg.  Ribbon to London. Hibolt* to 'l'ollesboro. Pascal to llardyville. Rice Station• ti to Irvine. Patesville• to Cloverpon. Rlcetown• to Boonevme. Po.thfork to Harlan. Riceville* to Paintsville. Patrick• to Lolllaa. Rlchardaon•tt to Loula&. Pataey• to lrvtne. Richard ons Landing to 1 ~:~ toeP1~~~ie. Rl~~!~s~niR~rgio Bowllnl Paxton to Jackson. Green. Paynes Depot•i to Midway. Richelieu• to Auburn. Paynevllle• to BrandenRichland (Hopkins Co.) to buri. Earlington. Peachgrove to Butler. Richland (Jefferson Co.) Peach Orchard*! to Lomsa. to Louisville. Peaks Mill. to Frankfort. Rloh Pond•t to Woodban. Pe;fi\/llell Co.) to Pinem~t~oi:;~nd~ Pearl (Bracken Co.) to Hiders to Upton. Brooksville. Pottertown to Murray. Rledland to Paducah. Pearman to Leltohfteld. Pottavllle (Graves Co.) to Rlley•t to Lebanon. Pebble to Bethel. Lowea. Rim* to Plnevllle. Pebworth"' to Boonev1lle. Poverty to Calhoun. Rinaldo to Princeton. Peck to Liberty, Powderly• to Greenvtlle. IUneyvllle• to Vine GroTe. p~~-dge to FlemingsCanmer. m~i~ol~11fls~o~e~:~ Peedee to La Fayette. Powers to Hustonville. burg. Pcevee to lla.rlan. Powenbuf'K to Monticello. Rio to Canmer. Pekin to Mount Sterllnc. Powenvtlle to Brookavme. Rlo)'Vllle to Lawrenceb~· Pellville to Whitesville. PraJ e• to Elkhorn atty. Ritchie to Hindman. Pellyton* to Casey Ci'eek. Prater to Ollve HUI. Rltner to Monticello. Pence to Jackson. Pratt to Sebree. Rivals to Taylorsville. Pendleton•t to SUlpbur. Preach . ville to Crab Or- Rlver• to Paintsville. Penick* to Lebanon. chard. Hiversicle (Dr athiLt Co.) W Penney• to Plkevllle Preece to Inez. J ckson Penny to !urray. Prent! • tc• Deaver Dam. RivPrsiclci (Warren co.) to Penrod*t to Lewleburr. Preetou*U to Owlngsvflle. Woodbury. Pens.burst to Falmouth. Prettonv1Ue• to Carrollton. Roanoke* to Hodgenvtlle. Peonla to Leltohfteld. Prices :\lill to l· rank.Un. Roartni Sprtnp to LA Peoples to McKee. PrtceviUe• to MuntordvUle. Feyette. Perkin• to Wllllamsbu~. Pnnoeu• to A ■ hland. Roark• to Hyden. Permon to BarbourvUJe. Printer to Preatonsburr. Robard1•tt to Sebree. Perry to .1 Tfchola.svUle. Prtveit to Robert~• to Brudenb~• Ponlmon• to Tompk1Juvllle Proctor to Beattyvllle. RRoobbl.~!o n •t tornckBertYto, P"'... Petercreek* to Glucow. Provo to Rochester. 1..., 0 0 0 ., .......Peten1vU1e to Vanoeburr. Pryoraburg• to Maytleld. •Ille. Peth to Caneyvlll~e_. _ __ _ P_ry ..:...... 1e_•_ to Irvine_. - - - - - ' Rock to llurr•!:__• .Money Order Olllce. Offlco.  ii!~  ~gn:~:  ~~:~tC:1/~::~  J!~~~a.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  KENTUCKY  I  Shade to Irvine. Grove• to I Shady dence.  Sharkey to .!\,forehead. Sharon to Ripley, Ohio. Sharondale to Williams<'n, Sb~~o~~ove* to Elkton. Sharp to Paducah. Shar9svllle to Sorlngfield. Shawhan•tt to Parls. Shelblana* to Pikeville. Sheloy Clty•i to Junction  tcredwind• to Blaine. ~;e~~ ~a1:i~~~~tleld. ....a.ut Charle■ •t i to UadtIOllville. ~:nt Elmo to Pembroke. ~.lnBelena•ttto Beattyvllle. t John•t to Cecilia. · Jo1eph• to Weat LoulaS ~e. 3\&lntpMai,r•i to Lebanon. - b.laul• to Portsmouth, 0 o Saldee to Jackson. ~~ons• to Franklin. ~oma• to Campbellavtlle. Wen to c llal ~Dlarta• to G~~y.:n. ..~~Ple•t to Hardlneburr. ~'Qela•t to Barditown. ~~~t~ftti~l~1~:eGreen. anrordtown to Covington.  8 S:  t:~iJo RussclJISprings. ~.1:J~oEr k 00 ] • Bardis• t 0 M 1 t:::rra■ to ~=~~London. to r _ 0 ~lllabeny• to Ollve HW. · ;:•are• to Albany. s. •oy-•t to WWlamsburr . Savoyard• to Hor■e Cave. S 'lr?er• to Somereet ~~~.~!1•tt to JelUoo, ·Tenn. ~ •O Barbourvtlle S~ley to Adatrvtlle. • w..iooboh to Adalrvllle. 8 to Winchester 8c~ollsv11Ie•t Sch oUlolfteld to Newport. Sch er to Butler. ~1':lt:er to Franklin. s.... tt!_bto Indepenaenoe. t "" ... ury• to Prl 8coville noe on. t B oonevtlle. o Bcrabbl ~~dad.  3-r&h  :0  ~s~g~Kie ~~:Voru~~J~.?!P Stahl to B:>wling Green.  Gap to Jenkins. Sh~f;~ Shelton to Dixon.  Rg=~~~;~ ig &~~~~°v'fiie.  :tlUell  Provi-  Shadynook to Cynthiana. Shatter to Somerset. Shakespean, to No. Mlddletown. Shamrock* to Mlddlesboro. Shannon to l\-Iays Lick. Sharer* to Morr;antown.  l~~e11.  ~oslne•i to Beaver Dam. ~osstngton to Kevil. ~ 0 &elyn • to Stanton. Rosspoint• to Harlan. Rothwell• t to Mount Sterling-. Round Hill• (Butler Co.) to Caneyville. Round Hm • (Madison Co.> to Klrksvllle. Rousseau to Jackson. Rowena* to Jamestown. Rowtand t t to Stanford. :awletts•tt to Munfordville owton to Pikeville. ~oxana• to Whitesourg. 0 , to Colum bl& :oYal to Clarkson. Uby to Columbia. tuckervmet to Winchester. RUddela MUl1 to MWenburr; R utus to Princeton. Ugby to Columbia. :ugless* to Vanceburg. urnsey* to Calhoun. ~uraJ to Williamson, W.Va ~u■b• to Ashland. Cave to Lexington. Uth (Oaldwell Oo.) to Fredonia. auth (Puluk1 Co.) to Somer1et. ~Uthton to Richmond. RJan* to Flem1nr1burr. Jle• to Verona .  to Portsmouth• t alo•1th ~=:~op~~~ldt~ t~}i;~':.!~~!:\ Portsmouth. Ohio. South t"nlon•t to Auburn. Sweeden* to Leitchfield. Southvllle to Shelbyvllle. SweeneyvilJe to Campbellilville. Spa to Lewlsbur11:. Sweet Owen to Owenton. Spann* to Monticello. Sparks Quarry to Mount Swifton to Monticello. to Stamping Vernon. Switzer• a Ground. Sparksville to Grady. Swope to Owenton. Sparrow• to Chaolln. Sylvandell to Cynthiana. Spears* to Nicholasville. Symsonia to Benton. Speck to Casey Creek. Speedwell* to Waco. Tablow to Cornlshville. Speight to Plkevtlle. Spencer to Mount Sterllnr. Tabor• to Mount Sterling. Tacketts Mill to Monterey. Solder to Hindman. Taffy to Hartford. Spike to Upton. Taft to Booneville. Splro to Mount Vernon. Spottsville•t1to Henderson Talbert to Jackson. Tallega*tt to Jackson. Spoutspring to Clay Clty. Talmage*t to Salvisa.. Spray to Mayfield. SpringCreek*toManchester. Tangletown to Germantown Sprtngdale•u to Maysvllle. Tanksley to Manche~er. Spring Grove to Henshaw. Tanner to Hodgenville. Tannery• to Vanceburir. Springhill to Clinton Tarapin to Salvisa. Springlake* to Latonia. Spring Llck•t1 to Caney- Tartork* to Cloverport. Tar Hill to Clarkson. ville. 1 Sp~~f Station• t1 to Mid- 1 f!~~~ t~oc~ft!'i;i~~ro. Tateville*t to Burnside. La.wrenc&to t Springville• "'atham Springs* to Bloomburg. tlt'ld. Sprout to Moorefield. 1 j • Taulbee to Jackson. Spruceburg* to Corbin. Taylorsport to Burbnrton. Sprule to Barbourville Spurllngton*t to Campbells- Taylors Store to Hazel. Teague* to Barbourv1lle. vllle . Tearcoat to Jamestown, Spurrier to Sonora. Teateravllle to Lancaster. SQuireavllle to Owenton. Tedders to Barbourv1lle. Teddy to Liberty. Stacy to Hazard.  Scranton• to Salt Lick. Seavtlle to Harrodaburr. Seco to Fleming. Sedalla • to Maytl.eld. Segal to Brownsville Setts• to Salyeravllle. Select* to Beaverdam. Sell to Cave Clty. Sellars• to Cannel Clty . Semlway to Saoramento. Seney• to Grayson. Serient* to Whitesburg. Seth to Manchester. Settle to Seott11vllle. Seventy Six• to Alt>any. Sewellton• to Jamestown. Sextons Creek* to Manchester. Seymour to Hone Cave.  Rockbrtdre to Tompklns-1 vlll.e. Rockcastle* to Oadiz. Rockcastle Springs to Lon-, don. RRockdale* to Sad1evllle. ocl{tl.eld•i to Bowline Green. Rockford to Berea. RRockga;p to Manchester. ockba..-en•i to Bra.ndenbure:. Rockholds*tt to Williamsburr;. RRocJdand•toBowllniGreeJl ock Llok to Green■ burr. RRockvale* to Hardln1burr. ockybranch to Monticello RRodbourn to Morehead. odemer to Scottsville. R odney to Sturgis. ~oa to Hardinsburg. ci.ottere to Camoton. Rogersgap*tt to 8adieville. R olan to Albany. RRoll~nr;burr; to Greensbu~. , ollmg Fork to Hustonville! Rollings to Gravel Switch. R ome• to Owo,naboro ~omine to Campbellsville. ci.ooney• to Olive Htll. RRoosevelt to Jacli:1on. oscoe (Elliott Co.) to R Sandy Hook. 0 (Graves Co.) to Roseburg* to Munfordville. RRosedale to Willard. osefork to Cannel Cit~. ~ose Hill• to Harrodsburg. Rosetta to Irvington.  1  Sherburne* to Moorefield. Sheridan• to Marton. Sherman• ft to Crittenden. Shlloh to Murray. Shlneo to London. Shipley to Albany. I Shirley to Berea. Shoal to Hyden.  Stambaugh to Paintsville. tC'ac~aeyneviy·!viell.le. di 0 S Stanhope to Providence. Stanley .. H to Owensboro. 10 • f:·Eddyville. Star M!lls*t to Glendale. State Line•t to Hickman. Staub to Hazard.  :f~fi~;otglfyae~~~ijT!~r · Temperance• to Franklin. Temple Hill* to Glasgow. Templer to East BerD!lta.dt. Tenmlle to C"old Springs. Teresita to Monterey. 1 Terrill to Richmond.  :f:~~l~e t~ ~!~~b:~~k Te.x,as* to Springfield. TheaJli:a* to Palntsvtlle. Thelma .. to Palntllville. Shoemaker to Monticello. The Ridge to Sandy Hook. Shopville* to SomersPt. Thomas• to PrestonsbUfE. Short CrPek* to Caneyville. Thomson • t to Yount SterSteele to Plkevme. Shreve to Fordsville. Ung. Sbrewsbury• to Leltch1leld. Stella to Salyersvllle. Thor to Vanceburg-. I Stephens .. to Wlllard. Sidell* to Manchester. Sldeview to Mount Sterllng. Stephensburg*t to Cecilia. Thornton to Whitesburg. Stephensport•tt to Clover- Threefork11t to Oakland. Sideway to Sandy Hook. Threelinks to Berea. port. Sidney to Williamson. W. Stepstone•i to Mt. Ster- Three Springs* to Hor,e Va. Cave. llng. Sllentrun to Nebo. 1 Steubenville• to Monticello. Thrclkel tc Bowllng Green . Slier to Williamsburg. Thruston to Owensboro. Stevenson* to Jackson. Silervillet to Pine Knot. Stewart (Mercer Co.) to Thurlow• to Green.aburr. Si.loam* to Portsmouth. Tllc1en to Dixon. Perryville. Silva to Hodgenville. Silver Creek•tt to Kirks- Stewart (Pike Co.) to Pike-- TIiford* to Caneyville. Tll11e• to Whitesburg. vllle. ville. Silver Grove to Cold Stewartsville to Wllllams- :fg;oi t,¥,tl~~':ifi"e~urg. 0 Tinier to Llancheeter. sn~~~~Ti to West Liberty. Stf~~s to West Point. Tinsley• to Plnevllle. s1mer11toWllll.amson,W.Va. St11ee to New Haven. Tip-Top*tt to Stithton. Stlllwater* to Campton. Simmons* to RockDort. Tobacco* to Hazel. Stinnett to Bloomfield. Stmp1on• to JackSon. Todd• to Eubanks. Stinson to Grayson. Sinai* to LawrenoebttfE. Stockholm* to Brownsville. Todds Point to SlmpsonSlnklnt Fork to Oera.lean. ville. Stonewall to Brooksville. Slp* to PalntsvUle. ToUver to Hazel Green, Stonington to Greenup. Sirocco• to Brandenburr. Tomahawk to Inez. Stoops to Yount Sterllng. Sitka* to Palntsvtlle. StStooDva~ Mtooni'f'a~goow June-I ioo~f:v}uoee:reentoup.Hod.,.enaSkaggs to Louisa. .. • vllle. tion. ~~ft~~n¼'~~'W!\veavtlle. , Torohtl1tbt*i to Louisa. Stowers to Franklin. Sk.lnnenbur~ to Stamping Stra.lrht Creek• to Pineville Toria to Gradyville. Torrent•ti to Campton. Straw to Brownsville. Ground Tousey* to Caneyvflle. Strawberry to Somerwet. Skip to Somerset. Towers to Indif:endenoe. Strlcklett• to Vanoebnrr. Skiullbuster to Sadieville. :f~~!!vt~leJgw ~~~~~: ~~=~tJi~~~e. SkYll1tW to LaGranre. Ohio. f Stuart to Lewisburg. Slade* to Stanton. Tracefork to Hyden. Stubblefield to Wlnr;o. Slat to Monticello. Tracy• t'! Glasgow. Stubbs to Moscow. Slater to La center. Trammel to Scott-svUle. Slaughtersvllle to Slaugh- StuNeon* to Booneville. Trap to Winchester. ters Travellers Root• to BooneSublett• to Salyersville. Slavan.1 to Monticello. vllle. Subtle to Edmonton. Slemp to Hazard. Trench* to Sandy Hook. Sud.1th to Salt Lick. Slickford to Monticello. Tr!"ntt to Hazel Green. Sucar to Glencoe. Sltok Rook• to Glas.;ow. Sloan• Valley* to Burnside. tfirva<::"•o{t: §~:~~bury. Tribbey to Hazard Sulphur Lick* to Tompk!Jla.. Tribune• to Marlon. Slusher to Pineville. Trigg Furnace* to Cadiz. vUle. Smalley to Prestonsburg. Sulphur Sprlnp to Fords- Trimble• to Somertet. Smile to Morehead. TrlnltY- to Yanoheater ville. Smith to Harlan. to Morehead. wen• to EdmonSmlthvllle,.t to Shepherd-. Summersvtlle• to Greens- Trisler to FordnWe. Trot1t1er• to Barbourvtlle. bur11:. ville. Smoky Va11t,y• to Ollve Summit*? to Ellzabethtown Trotter to Vanceburg. Sumner• to Wllllam1burg-. Troy to Wilmore. Hill Truetvllle to Monterey. Sun.11.ah• to Brownsvllle. snap io Clarkson. Sunnybrook to Monticello. Truitt to Greenup. Snider to Taylorsvtlle. SUnnydale to Beaver Dam. Tuck to Owensboro. snow to Albany. Sunny Lane to Bowllnr Tug to Hazard. sotdler•tt to ouve Hill. Tulga to Greenup Green. solitude* to Bardstown. TUnnel HUI•tito EllzabethSunny Slde*t to Oakland. Solway* to Leltchfleld. town. SUnaet to Hlllsboro. sor11:ho•t to Owen.1boro. Turin to Booneville. Sum1hine to Jamestown. south• to Leltehfteld. Turkey to Jaok•on. SUste• to Monticello. south Corbin to Oorbln. Turkey Foot to SadlevlJle south Elkhorn to Lexlna'ton Suterville to Stamping Tumersvllle to McKinney. Ground. south Forkt (Lincoln Co.) Sutherland to Owensboro. Tuscola• to Loulla. to McKinney. southfork (Owsley Oo.) to Sutton (Flemln1t Co.) to Tuttle* to Barbourville. FlemlngsbufE. Booneville. 1 Twelvemlle to Hyden. Sutton (Pike Co.) to Plke- Twila to Harlan. a·uth Hill to Rochester. ..., •rwtn S_p~i~gs to Princeton. v 1ll e. soutb Par k•+• to L oul • v11l e.  I  g:::t:b3:-~~ot::t1~:in. Sul~:~  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~:~t~~~iw~M  •County Beat.  •Money Order Office.  Trl°i,~!~.  tTelegraph St.ation.  KENTUCKY  2023  Tygarts Valley• to» Tyler to Paducah Tyner• to McKee. Typo to Hazard. Tyrone•u to Lawreno. burg. Tyson to Crotton. Ucum to Jamestown. Ulvah*t to White.sburg. Ulysse■• to Louisa. Union Clty* to Richmond. Unionhall to Irvine. Union Mllls to Nloholasvtlle Union Star• to Cloverpon. Unity* to Ashland. Uno to Horse Oave. U\>cburoh to Albany. Upperbruce to Vanceburg. Upper Tygart• to Olive HW Uroan• to Mancbeater. Utlllty to Hawesvllle. Uz* to Whitesburg. Vale to Morehead. Valeria to Campt,on. Valley* to Vanceou.rg. Valley Hltl to Springfield. Valleyoak to Somerset. Valley Station• to Lou• ville. Valley View*tt to Nicholuville. Vanard.sdell*t to Salvia&. Vance to Port Royal. Vanderburg to Dixon. Vandetta to Madisonville. Vanlear* to Paintsville. V&.DZant• to Ford■vllle Varlllat to Pineville. Varney to Williamson, W. Va. Mill to Clay City. VealBburir to Lynnvtlle. Veazey to Hanson. Veechdale• tt to Slmp10Dv1lle.  Velber to Science Hill. Venus to Cynthiana. Verua to Harlan. Vernon to Celina, Tenn. Vertrees* to Cecilia.. Vesl!.ie to Grayson. Veet* to Hindman. Vtouburi• to Smithland. Victory to East Bern1tad1. Vlew to Marlon. Ylnoent* to Boonevtlle. Vine to Bond. Vineyard to Morgantown. Vinnie* to Somerset. Vinson to Independence. Viola to May1leld. ,~lpar* to Hazard. Virden to Olay Olty. Vlrcle* to Plkmlle. Vi1alla. • t t to Independenoe. Viva• to East Bernstadt. Vivian to Summer SJ.Jade. Vogel to .Irvine. VOlgG to Paintsville. Vortex to Cam1>ton. Vox to Corbin. Vutton Creek to Mayfield. Wabd to Mount Vernon. Wades Mill to Winchester. Warern111e• to Iiw;ino. Waper to Morehead. Waltman• to LewlflJ)Ort . Wakefield• t to Bloomfield Waloott to Broolnlvlllo. Walden to Wlll1&m.1burr. Waldo to S&1¥ernt110. WalCI to Plkevtllo. Welkor* to Barbourv1Jle. Wall&oe• to Jlld"aF Wallaceton to Paint Llok. WalUnrtord* to FlemlDi'll-  bnrr.  Wallins Creek• to Harlan.  W&Uellla• to Cerulean. Wall.lend* to Plnev1lle.  Walnutflat c)lard .  to  Crab  Or-  W&lnutgrove* to Eubank Walnut HUI to Lexlnrton. W&lth to Port,moutl!!. Ohio W&lturaville to Clay v"tty. Waltz to Morehead. Wampum to Falmouth. Wanamaker to Poole. Warbranch to Hyden. War Creek to Jaekaon. Ware to Eubankii. W&nler to Ell.zabethtowit. Wamock to Greenup. Warren•t to Barbourville.  Warwick to Salvisa.. WUhlngton • to YaysvWe. W&lfoto•i to Pln~vllle. ~:~g~~• C~rtl:_any. Waterford* to Taylonivllle. Watergap• to Prestons.burg Waterloo• to Somenet Wate"tew• to Marrowbone Weatherford to Kirkma,navllle.  Weaver to Ea■t Bemstad\. Webbe• to Greensbuilt'.  t Express  Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2024  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  KENTUCKY  Woodstock* to Eubank. -j Wood vtUe to Kevil. Woollum to Manchester. Wooton• to Hyden. Worley• to Pine Knot. Worth to Crestwood. Worthington to Crestwood. Wrlicley• to West Liberty , Welborn to Science Hill. Wurtland'" to Ironton. Ohto Welchs ('reek to C'ane:-,ville. Wyandotte to Wlnchcster. Wynrui to Crofton. Welcome to Caneyvtlle. Weldon*U to Brandenberg. Wyoming to Owingsvllle. Wellington* to Hazel Green Wysox• to Rochester. Wellsburgtt to Augusta. Wee1eyvtllf" to Grayson. ' Xena to Stanton. Wees to Liberty. Xerxes to Burkesville. Wf' ■ tbend* to Clay City Weat Clifty* to Clarkson. West Covingtont to Cov- Yaho to London. Webbs Cross Roads* to Russel Springs. Wel>bville*tt LO Grayson. Web!!ter•t to Hardinsburg. Wedonia* to ;\lays Lick. Weed to Gradyville. Weir* to Greenvllle.  I  Bailey* to Amite City. Ba.ins to Ba.ton Rouge. Baker•tt to Zachary. Ba.II• to Alexandria. Ballina• to Vidalia. Banc-ker.,. to Abbeville. Bancroft* to Merryvllle. Bannister• to De Ridder. Baratarla* to Gretna. Barbreck* to Bunkie. Darnamtt to Lee,wille. Barron i;o Alexandria Barton• to Donaldsonvllle.  Carvtlle* to White Castle. Casplana •ti to ShreveI)ort Castllle to Rayne. Ca.taro* to ashlngton. Ce,•i!• to . Iarion. Cecilla to Breaux 8nd1re. Cec1arton to Ruston. Ceiper to Doyce. Center Point* to Marksville Central• to Donaldsonvllle  ,v  Chacahoula • t t to Thlboda ux. Ohaler to _ atchitoches. Chalmette•tt to New Or leans. Chambcrlln•tt to Port Allen Charenton•t to Baldwin. Charllevme•t to Mangham  Batchelor•tt to New Roads Bayou Barbary* to Ponchatoula.. Bayou Chene• to Plaque- I mine. Bayou Chicot• to Ville ,  g~~;;.;2  Owac to Houma. Dunbar•H to Pearllnirton Miss.  Dunn*t to Rayville. Duplessis• to Donaldsonville. Dupont* to New Road1. Dura.Id to Eunice. Dutch Town• to Donaldsonvllle. Duty• to Columbia. Dykesvllle to Haynesville.  1  G  G G G  G  G  Easton• to :r-.tamou. ~ast Pendleton to Many. Ea~t Polnt•ttto 0oushatta. Echo• to .Mansura. Eden* to Jena. • Edita rd •tt to Reserve. Edgard Station to Reserve.  13rtt!er;t;,r~ni1t\~~-H~:~~a~!\~ i~ne Knot. Ba';~Jtg·urrent* to Melvtlle.' t~W~~~!~· Edna • to Kinder. i!~e'::~1f; Jfk!'v°til:a. Ba ~ouJa•tt to White· t~;eir t~eMo~~~~1 1 Effie* to Marksvllle. Yeaman• to Caneyville. , Bayou La Chute • to Chester to Columbia. Yellow Mountain to HindShreveport. Chestnut•u to Wtnn0eld. Eian•tt to Crowley. man. 1 Bayou Sale*tt to Center- Chopin*tt to Colfax. if:mBiid,Jfn~'t~~~a Yellowrock to Beattyville. 1 ville. I Choupique* to Vinton. Elba.,. to Melvtlle. Yelvington* to Owensboro. , Bayou Sara•tt to Baton Yerkes• to Hazard. Rouge. Clnclare•tt to Port Allen . e.:Idoradot to Tallulah. Whalen to Wblteavllle. Yocum* to West Liberty. Bear• to Lake Charles. City Prtce• to Nf'w Orlean■ Ellzabeth*tt to Oakdale. 1 Wharton to Hazard York to Greenup. Beekman* to Bastrop. Ellendale• to Houma. Wheatcrott•rt to Cl..,y, Yosemite• to MtddlebUri. Clare• to Many. Begg* to Washlnl,?'ton. Wheeler to Barboursville. Yost• to Greenville. Belair•t to ew Orleans. Clarence*tt to Campti. Elll1 to Crowley. Wheelersburi to Salyers- Young to Salt Lick. Clarke• U to Columbia. Elmer• to Alexandria. vllle. Y ounga Creek to Corbin. Bell Chase to New Orleans. Clay• to Ruston. Elmgrove* to Shreveport. Yuma to Campbellsvllle. Bell City• to Welsh. Clayton*U to Vidalia. i,;Jmoret to Ruston. Belle Alllance•tt to Don- Clear Lake to Campti. Elm Park to Baton Rouge. Wheelers Mills• to Munaldsonvllle. Cllfton*tt to Franklinton Emad to Kinder. ford ville. Belle Arnie to Locknort. Wheelwright to Weeksbury Zachariah to Clay City. Olio• to Hammond. Empire• to New Orlean■. Whetstone• to Burkesvllle. Zebulon to Pikeville. Belledeau to Mansura. Zelda* to Louisa. Belle Helene• to DonaldWhlck*tt to Jackson Enirllsh Lookout to Peart· Zero to Hogdenville. sonvllle. Cockfield to l\Ionti?;omery. Ing-ton, Mlsa. Whbman to Camµton. Zion to Henderson. Belle Rose• to Palncourt- Coe* to Church Point. Whitco to Whitesburg. English Turn to New Or· Zion Station*t to Mount ville. Coleman* to Tallulah. leans. Zion. Bellevue• to Shreveport. Colquitt• to Homer. Enoka* to Tallulah. Whitehall* to Richmond Bellwood* to .Natchitoches. Colsons to Farmerville. Enon* to Franklinton. Wbl. tohouse*tt to Paints-, Zoe to Beattyville. Zold to Beattyville. Belmont• to Zwolle. Enterprise to Columbia. ville. Zoneton to Shepherdsvllle. <:omite* to Baton Rouge. Eola•tt to Bunkie. White Mills• to Sonora. Whiteoak* to Cannel City. Zula to Monticello. Benson• t t to Mansfleld. ,convent•tt to Lutcher. Epney* to Amite City. Conway• to Farmerville. Whitepost to Williamson, Bentley* to Pollock. Epp to Oakgrove. Bermuda• to Montsromery. Cook to Manafi~l<i. Ero *tt to Monroe. W.Va. Bertte• to Napoleonvllle. Copeland to Vidalia. Erwinville*tt to Port AllenBertrandvllle•t to New Or- Corbln*t to Denham White Rose to CampbellaSprtngs. E ■ ther• to Abbeville. leans. vllle. Bethany• to Shreveport. Corey Station to Columbia E ■ therwood •ft to Crowlef· White Run• to Caneyville. Corleyvtlle* to Many. Esto to Many. Btg Bend• to Manl!lura. Whites Statton•: to Berea. Wll1te ~tar to Harlan. B1g Cane• to Bunkie. Cornorvtew•to Baton Rou,:t E ■ toplnal* to New OrleantLOUISIANA Cornor to Woodville. EtheJ • tt to Clinton. White Sulphur to Midway. Blackburn* to Homer. Black Creek* to Colfax. Oossinade* to Kaplan. Eva• to Jonesville. Whitewood to Greensburg. Black Ifawk*tt to Vidalia. Couchwood to Cotton Val- Evanicellne• to Jennlnp. Whittleld to Taylorsville. ley. Evelyn• to Manl!lfleld. Blanchard• U to ShreveWhltleyt to Pine Knot. Abbie Joe to De Quincy. Cow1ey to Winnfield. E verireen • t t to B unkle. port. Whitley City•t to Pine Abington to Shreveporli. Exten1lon• to Winnsboro. Coverdale to Kinder. Knot. Abita Srrln1tl!l•n to Cov- Blanks to Lottie. Whitlock to Richmond. tnitoD. , Blankston• to Columbia. Whitt• to Olive Hill. Oow Island to A bbevtlle. Aome t(' Vidalia. Crane to Boyce. Fairbanks to Monroe. Whynot to Irvtne. Blond to Covington. Acy• to Baton Rouge. Fairmount• to Colfax. Bluff Creek* to Clinton. Cravena•ti to De Ridder. Wlhorg to Somerset. Feitel* to Yacherie. Boatner• to Jonesboro . Adellne t t to Baldwin. Bodcau • i to Shreveport. Fellxvllle* to Clinton. Wide Awake to Carrollton. Aduer* t.o Shreveport. Creole* to Lake Chartea. Fenris to Eunice. Bodoc to Cottonport. Wllbur* to Blaine. Cre■ cent to Plaquemine. Arton• to Tallulah . Boeur River (Caldwell Co.) Creaton•t to Campti Fenton •tt to Kinder. Wlldte•tt to Mt. Vernon. Ageratum to Robeline. Ferry Lake to Oil City. Wildwood to Scottsville. Almwell• to Jena. to Columbia. Crew to Rayvtlle . Bollnger•t to Plain Deallnit Crichtontt to Oou hatta. Fields* to Lake Charl011WUey to Benton. Ajak to Plea ant Hill Bollvar• to Tangipahoa. Cross Keys to breveport Flaher• tt to Many. Wilhelmina to P-lkton. Akerat to Ponchatoula. Crowvme• to Wlnnaboro. Wllboit* to Harlan. Flat Creek to Olla. Wllburst•tt to Jackson. Albemarle• to Labadlevllle Bonaml•tt to De Ridder. 1 Curry to Wlnn0eld Flatwoods* to Royoe. Bontouca* to SlldeU. Alberta*t:t to Castor. Curtl1* to Shreveport. Bonham Landing to Moor- Cypre11•ttt0Natcbltoohea Flora• to Natchltochee, Willailla to Brodhead. Alcus to Slidell. Florenville•tt to Slidell. ingsport. Wlllard•tt to Grayson. Alden Bridi-e•tt to Plain Flournoy •to Sbrevepor1Williams to C'annel ( 'lty. Deallnit. aFloyd• to Oak Grove. WIJllamsport• to PalntavWe Alfalfa to Boyce. Fluker• to Rosedale. Boi,co•r t to Monroe . Wlllow• to Beattyville. J Allemands*tt to Raceland Wlllowgrove to Hutler. Flynn to Opelousas. uo ·sior*t to . hroveport. Daloour to New Orlean ■. Allendale to ShreveI>ort. WUlow Shade* to Marrow- Alma to Dubach. Dalley to Chatham. Bouclroaux• to Houma. Danville* to Bien v11le. Folsom •tt to Covington, Aloha• t t to Colfax. bone. Bourland Station to Mon- D'Arbonne to Choudrant Fondale to Monroe. Wlllow Shoalat to Beatty- Alpha to Coushatta. roe. Alsatla • tt to Lake Provivllle. g:ii:~o~• ~f!rn:~~vllle ig~~~~t:•tft ~~rir:~l~~oui' Boutte•t:t to Paradis. dence Oa.-;pit to Houma. Willow Town to Campbells- .alsen to Banton Rouge. Foreman to Baton RouireBowie*tt to Raceland. 1 Forest HIU •tt to Ale· Braithwaite* to i ew Or- Oanint to • ·ew Orleans. vtlle. Alton• to Slidell. Davis Station to Gretna.. Willowtree to In.1ne. lean~. andrta. Wllsonvtlle• to TayloravUJe. Arna* to Gretna. Brandon• to Baton Rouge. ~~~ JJ:~~s:11~.Mfonywtnnl' Wilton• to Corbin. Amella"U to Morgan City. Urcckwolclt to Hammond. I R;:~o~~\~r~~chary. Wimsatt to nard'-town. Amesville• to Gretna Hrewerton to Donaldsou- l>eerparktt to Vidalia.. boro . De Loutre to P'armervllle I Foster*t to Centerville, Wln to Salyers\1lle Ana,·oco.,.t to Leesville. Yillt•. Brignac to Donaldsonvtlle. Delta •tto Vlckaburi, Ml1!111 . Foul•·* to Ferriday. Wind Cave to McKee. Anchor• to New Roads. ~ Deltabridge* to St . Joseph P'rencn Windsor to Somerset. Andrepont to Opelousas. Brooks• to ' ew Roads. Settlement• Dennis llll8• to Denbam V{inesap to l\lunford,..ille. Baton Rouge. · A nrl rew* to Rayne. Drown to Saline. Springs. Frey* to Eunlc-e. Winifred* to Blaine. Angola*tt to Daton Rouge. 1 Brusly La.nuln~ to Port AlJe,n. Winkler to ancly Hook. Aosley•t to Ruston. 1 ~:~~veeporS· Wlnaton• to Irvine. Buc1<eye* to Alexandrta, Antlocb to Homer. Buckner• to Mangham. Deshotel•• to VWe Platte. Frl.·co to Iaringouin. Arhroth • to Port Allen. FrogruorP to \'idalia. Wireman* to PrestoMburi. 1 Arcblbald•tt to Mangham. Bundick to De Ridner. Buraa•t to New Orlcana. De:,trch nl to l{enner. Wlldom• to Edmonton. Arcola*tt to l{oseland. :~1t<~~,;fi ~gt~ke owl_. Wlsemantown• to Irvine Argo to Jonesville Burn11lde•tt to Donaldson Devall to Pon Allen. Funston to Ln.itanspor~Wish hone to Tollesboro. vllle. Ariel• to Raceland. Oe\'ille to Ale. u.ndria. Wiswell to ~urray. Furrh to Shreveport. Arkana* to Plain Deallni. Durr<i Ferry to Lecsvlllc. Diamond• t to Gretna. Withers* to Livingst,m. Hurtv1Ue• to Baton Rougf' Dlckard to Waterproof. , Armlde to Opelousas Witt to Irvine. Dido• to Fullerton. Armisteadtt to Coushatta.. Burwood to New Orleans Ga.ars J\!ills* to Dodson;. Bu1h*ti to 1301ralusa. Dlxte•tt (Caddo Co.) to Gahagan•tt to Coushai ... , Witt Sprlni11* to Irvine. Asbland•tt to Minden. Butler- to Pleasant Hill. Belcher. Galbraith* to Colfax. Wofford•t to Wllllamsburg. A11hly• to Tallulah. Dnllctte to Man field. C.1tlllon•tt to Merrollie• WoU ':> Grayson A. •iri<lgP to \'idalia. Donner• t to iorgan City Ou.llownv to Bogalusa Wolf Coal to Jackson. Ashton* to Baldwin. Caddo to Oil City. Dorchcat to Cotton Valley Galvez Baton Route. Wolf Creek• to Branden- Ashwood to N"eY.ellton. C ade*t! to ·ew Iberia. Dorcyvme• to\Vblte Caatle nitndy to ~Jany 0 W~~~1t to Pikeville. At~l:~j:~.~yat to Breaux (or':lonroe. ~~~~f ~ g:~,,~;ll~Ji~•~ofo Atherton• to Lake Provi- Callaway to Fanncrvllle. Oouglaa t-0 Ruston. Gardner* to Alexanclrt&• Woodhlne•tt to Corbin. dence Calumet•t to Patterson. Downsville* to Choudrnnt. Gartleld to Vivian. Woodlake to Frankfort Atkms• tt to Shreveport. Calvtn•t to Winnfield. Dreytul!I• to Donaldsonvtllf Garland• to WashlngWrr!11· Woodlawn*t to Bardstown Atlanta•tt to New Verda. Ory Cre<'k* to Kinder. Ga. ·owary to Lake 0 0 W~d~:~· to Wllllam■on. ;t~~~?o~ t!iWJ;1Y~· c~~~rt:·Higr:::r~e Cbarle1 g~::rY~~·p t~ G~~l~;; to Shreveport• Woodrow to lrvingron. Avery Island•t to New arli le• t.o .. •ew Orleans. Duboln• to 1'cw n, ria. Ge<I to \'lnton. 1' Wooo11• to Prestonshurg. Iberia. Carlyu• to Lake Cbarlee. Dubuisson to Washlnirton. Geddie to Cros.-;ett,alAJ~ Woodaonville to Munford- Avoca•t to Labadlevllle. Carroll• to Coushatta. Duck Port• to Vicksburg, ! Gelsmar•tt to Don __ Y1_l_le_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _A..::.Y_<'_o_c:_k_t_o_A_r_<'A_c1_1_a_____C_a_rs_o_n_•_t..;.t_t_o_D_e_R_1rlc1er._ _ _ Mtss..:. _ vllle. ----w~f~eld to Wbltesvtlle. ::io~*v~~e~!~iJ~~lne We•tI>ort• to La Granl,?'e. West \'an Lear to Paintsvllle. Westvlew* to HardlnsbUri, Weymouth to Fulton.  G  G G  g~~~  6~~  I  El  R  lI II El  H  li H 1:1  I  I  Lake•t  ~~~tt4:it1~ i~ ~~;.88~:ns.1  I  I  g~~~;f; :~ r:ira!~erta.  gi:~~"oh:~; ~g  to  8:r:;~~~t1  ~~rn~1!.~~~-  /ra~ldll'  Ji~'J~<;,,~·  REFERENCE KEY.  , County Seat.  • .Money Order Office.  tTelegraph Station.  t Express  Office.  fl 1i  a  I l[  li Ii  a  Ii El  a  .a 1:1 :n:  llo l:io liu liu liu  au a,  la.t  Ibe Ike Inc Inc I  LOUISIANA  llnirton  ialdson-  1a.ds. Donald-  esvtlle.  Many. llshatta.  rve. iteserve. fon.  fOn.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Innis• to New Roads Iowa• t t to Lake Charles. Irene• (East Baton Roug1:: Co.J to Zachary. Irish Bend•t to r'ranklln. Isabell*tt to Bogalusa. Ivan to Benton.  Genessee•tt to Hammond . Oeorgetown•tt to Pollock Glwens* to RacPland. Gibson• tt to Thlhoda WI. GUiis* to Lake Charles. Girard • t t to Rayville. Glencoe• to Baldwin. Gloster• t :t to Grand Cane.  Lonewa to , 1onroe. Lon11;t,rtdget1 to Mansura. Longleat• to Alexandna.  LOUISIANA  I New Light* to , -l'wellton.' Newlin* to De Ridder.  Randolph• U to Junction Clly, Ark. Newport• to Columbia. Ravenwood to l\felvtlle. Newton to Campti. Red Cro11* to Melville. ew Verda* to Winnfield. Reddell• to Vllle Platte. Lookout• (St.Helena Co.) to Nezptque• to .rennlngs. Hed Fish• to Cottonport. Clinton. Nickol to Jena. Redllch* to Eunice Loranger* to Tndepen<ience inock* to ~l1reveport. Herl Oak* to Coushatta. Lotus* to Natchitoches. Nolla to Montgomery. Reeves• to Kinder. G!ynn*tt (De Soto Co.) to Jock• to Greensburg. Lou to Ringgold Nona to Leesvllle. R elds* to De Ridder Loyd to <'heneyville. Jacoby• to New Roads. Norah to Lockport. :\Iansflel<I . He1sor*t: to Shreveport. Glynn (Pointe Coupee Co.) Jamestown•t to Ringgold. Lucas•tt to Shreveport. 1 • orma to 11 essmer. RPliof* to Haynesville. .Jarn•au• to , ew ltoads. Lucknow* to Mangham. Notnao• to Newellton. Remy* to Lutcher. *tt to , -ew Hoad ·. Nugent to Pollock. Goldctust'"tt to Bunkie. Rexmere to Bordelonvllle. Jesuit Bend•t to Newl Lucky* to Sal\ne. Lucy• to Reserve. Nunez* to Abbeville. Go!ctman*t to Waterproof Reynolds to Alexandria. Orteans. Ludlngton•tt to De Ridder Goldonna• t:t to Wlnntleld Jewella to Shreveport. Rhinehart* to Jena. Luella* to Natchitoches. Rhoda• to Morjlan City. Johnson to Hammond. Good Plne*t+ to Jena. Johnson (St. John Baptist Lula" to .Manslleld. Rl<>e to Welsh. Lulim1;*tt to Gretna. Gordon* to Haynesville. Co.) to Reserve. Riceville* to Gueydan. Richa.rd to Bunkie. Luna* to :Monroe. Jones*tt to Mer Rouge. Gorum• to Colfax. Oakland* to Strong, Ark. L;vdla*t to Jeanerette. Goss to l\ {ansflelll Richland* to Alexandria. Joyce! to Winnfield. Oaklawn* to Slidell. RidKe" to Rayne. Junction City to Junction Goudeau to Bunkie. Oaknolia to Slaughter. Rio*tt to Bogalusa. C'ity, Ark. Grabow to De Ridder. Odenburg• to Melvllle. Junior* to New Orleans. Grace* to Winnfield. Rlverton*tt to Ooluml>la. Ok11.loosa to Eros. Gramercy•tt to Lutcher. Junks* to Vidalia. Magda• to Alexandr\&. Oldfield* to Independence. Roanoke•tt to Welsh. 1-tohert to Hammond. Grand t :t to CouMagnolla. • to Denham Olir;a• to New Orleans. •hatta. Olive Branch• to Slaughter Robson* to ·Shreveport. Sp11ngs. Grand Chenier• to Lake Kahns* to Port Allen. Rochelle• tt to Olla. Ollvler•tt to New Iberia. Mahon to Homer. Kateland to Colfax. Arthur. Maillard to Jeanerette. J(eatchie*tt ro Shreveport. :\lanchac to Baton Rouge Grand Coteau• to Sunset. tioTig1o~fn\ton. I Manllest• to Jena. Grand Ecore to r Tatchi- Keith to De Ridder. Ora. to Farmerville. Rock to Hornbeck. 1 Rocky Keltbv11le*t 1 to Shreveport l\Ia.nill.t Village to Gretna. , Oretta to De Ridder. toches. Mount• to Plain 0 GGra.nd Iele•tt to Gretna. Manslord* to Tallulah. Oscar• to New Roads. Dealing. rand Lake• to Lake Marcel• to New Iberia. Osceola to Indeoendenoe. Rodes,ia • t :t to Vivian. Charles. Marco• to Coltax. Ossun to Scott. Rollins to Shreveport. 1 Kent11 Store* to Clinton. GGrangevtlle*t to Clinton. Mark• to Port Allen. Ostrlca• to New Orleans. HomeYille* to Lutcher. Klle to Leesville. rl\nt• to De RlddflT. Otis to Boyce. Roosevelt*tt to Tallulah 1 .. Iarston to Bogalusa.. Killian* to Ponchatoula .. GGrappes BlutT• to Campti. Martin to Cotton Valley. Ouachita• to Monroe. Rosa•t:t to Melville. Klllona • t :tto Reserve. ray• to Thibodaux. , Mason to Winnsboro. Oubre* to acherie. Rosedale"t:t to Marlniouln. Greenwood•t:t to Shreve- 1 King* to Tallulah. Mathews*1 to Raceland. Oxtord•tt to Manstl.eld. Roseflelcl • to Olla. Kln'1,'ston• to Manstleld. Maud to Slidell. Hoseland*tt to Amite. Gr~~~-Tete•t:t to Maring- T'iolin to Alexandria. Maurepas• to Ponchatoula. Roseµlne•t to De Ridder. ouin. Klein wood to Bordelonvtlle. Maxie to Crowley. Ruby• to Alexandria. Grove• to Minden. Ruple* to T:Iaynesville. t~~t~c~urtvUJe , Mayna. to J onesvtlle. Gullets Stationt to Amite Mayo to Leesvtlle. Rustville to Leesville. Packton*t to Wlnnfteld. City. Koran• to Minden. Palmetto• U to Melville. Kraemer to Thibodaux. Gurley• to Jackson. Paradis*t to Kenner. Krotzsprings*-r! to :.\IelMcCall• t :t to Donald1on Parcperdue* to Delcambre. ville. Parnams* to J onesvtlle. ailcs* to Gibsland. ville. Kurthwood to Lee Yille. Parkst to St. Martinsville. :::vrc l'ea * to New Roads. Saint Amant• to Baton Parkville to Lees\'llle. Hackberry* to Vinton. Rouge. Mc Dade to Shreveport. Pasman* to Frank.llnton. Labarre to Paincourtville . iackley•t to Franklinton. McDonoghvme•t to Gre\na . Saint Amelia.• to DonaldPa.toutvllle to Jeanerette. La Branch*t to Kenner. ad ley to Shreveport. sonville. l\lc" lanust to Jackson. Ha11e•t to Marton. Paulina• to Lutcher Lacas:;ino Station to Welsh. McNary to Alexandria ,St. Bemard*t to Arabi. Pearl River" t t to Sltdell. La.chute to Shreveport. Rau to Denham Springs. St. Oharles Station to Pearsonville to :Vlelville. Ralls Summit to Coushatta Lacombe to Slidell. Gretna. Peason to Hornbeck Ramburg•Uto loreauvllle. Lacour• to New Roads. St. Elmo to Donaldsonville. Melonie* to New Orleana. Pecan lSland* to Gueydan. St. Gabriol*tt to PlaqueLa l''ay to Oakgrove. nanna*tt to Coushatta. Melrose• to Natchttochee. Peck•t to Winnsboro. Lafitte* to New Orleans. mine. ~fi?ilarn/ack* to New 1 Lafourche Oro sing*tt to .l\J* to ew Orleans. Perry• to Abbeville. Saint James*t to Va.cherle. Meridian to Alexandria. Perryvtlle to Bastrop. Thibodaux. Harahan to Kenner. Saint Landry*tt to Bunkie. Mermenton• to Jennlnl{■ . Phillips to Amite City. Lairan• to Donaldsonville. Hardie* to Columbia.. Saint Maurlce•tt to MontMessick to Coushatta. Phillips Bluff* to Kinder. Harelson to Baton Rouie. Lake End*tt to -atchl- . 1etcalf to , hreveport. iomery. 1 Phcenlx* to New Orleans. toches. ~argis to Montgomery. St. Pa.tricks* to Vacherle. Mldland•r:t to Crowley. Lakeland• to New Roads. Milldale to Zacharl, . Plckerlnic• t t to Leesvllle. St. Rose*tt to Tew Orleans. I Saint Tammany•t to CovLamar to Winnsboro. a!~sa~o til~si:,.stta~fii. :\.liJlikin*tt to Lake ProYi- Pillette to Broussard. Pilot Town• to New Orington. Harvens Mllle to Greena- Lamourie*tl to Lecompte. dence. leans Lamourte Station to L~ Milton* to Broussard. burgh. Samstown to Whltecastle. compte. l\liltonhel'g to Alexandria. Pine to Franklinton. Ra.rvey• t to Gretna. Pine Grove*t to Amite. Satsuma to Doyle. !.flneral to Pleasant Hill. Ugh ton• t tto Shreveport. Lam~*t to Belcher. Lapine• to Monroe. Plnevme•t:t to Alexandria. Schley to Leesville. Minerva• to H oume.. awthorn• to Leesvtlle. Pinewood* to De Ridder. Schriever• t t to Thibodaux, l\lirn*tt to Ida. liayes•u to Lake Arthur. I Laplace• t 1 to Reserve. La.ran• to Strong, Ark. Ploneer•tt to Oak Grove. Schwab to Morganza. l\Tissionary* to Ida. Pirmont to Coushatta. Scotlandville to Baton Elead or Island* to Denham L'Argent• to Waterproor. Mitchell• to Pleasant HUI. Pltkln*tt to De Ridder. Larose to Lockport. Rouge. 8prlngs. Latex to Marsha1l. Texas. Pltrevllle to Opelousas. eale* t,o De Quincy. ffeuert to Columbia. Lauderdale• to DonaldsonPlaisance* to Opelousas. Security to Jonesvllle. ~ernphlll* to Alexandria. l\litchener* to Delhi. Planchette to New Roads. Segura• to New Iberia. Ii enrv• to Abbevllle. Mix• to New Roads. Plattenvllle tl to Pain- Sellers• to Kenner. errn1t~e• to New Roads La:1; Napoleonville. Moberly* to Gretna. 11 ester* Laurel Ilill*t to Baton .l\lodeste courtvllle. Selma•tt to Pollock. to Lutcher to Donaldsonville Plettenberg to Baton I Serena to Jonesville. :ickory to Cottonport. Moncla* to Marksville. La~~~!:; to Jonesville. ~lou!ie1, ,,. 11 Pl tt Soymow·ville co• to Dubach. to Plaquec\J rntegut* to Houma. H lghland • (Tensas Co.) to Lawhon• to Rlng~old P omt .u ue to I e a e. mine. Montrose•! to Natcbltocbea Lawrence~- to ~ ew rleans. ,:'\lontz* Shamrock• to Robeline to Reserve. ui~tterproor. Leander to Leesville ,Pointe a la Hache•t to New Sllarp,-Jmrl{ to Baton Rouge Moorland• to Alexandria Le Beau to Mel,iUc. Orleans. Shaw*tt to Ferriday. Rllly2 t~og~~~-ich. Mora• to Boyce. LeBlanc*t to Kinder. Point Pleasant* to Newell-, Shelburn•tt to Lake ProVlRtneston• to Alexanana. Morblhan to New Iberia. Lee Bayou* to Fer~lday. ton. uence. llaoncy*t to Plaquemlne. Lee i\T oven to Bunkie. Poley* to Doyle. Shell Beach to Arabi. Morris to Boyce. to Donaldsonvme. Legontei-• to Marksvllle. Po01e to Shreveport Sherwood to Harrlsonbure, Morrow• t1 to Bunkie. liod •on to I<'armervllle. Leland• to Harrlsonburc Port Barrow to Donaldson- Shilob (Union Co.J to BerMorse•tt to Crowley. Hobge•q to Jonesboro. Leleux to Kaplan . ville. nice. en Solms • to White Lens Morvllle*t to Vidalia. Station• to Boyce I{ C8Stle. Moselys Bluff to Farmers- Port Chalmettet to New Shon~aloo• to Haynesvllle. Lenoir* to Mansfield Orleans. . hrewsburyr to New Orville. 1~U.W*t (Livingston Co.) Len1.l>urg to Coushatta. leans. l\Ios Hlufl' to Lake Charle:·. Port Eads* to~ Tew Orleans. lion ammon<I. to Opelousas. Port Hudson•t to St. r·ran- Shuteston• to Sunset. Moss ville* to Lake Charle ■. a 011°~av• to Alexandrta. Lt-onville Le sassier t~ Reserve. clsvllle. Sibley (Lincoln Co.) to Mound•tt to Tallulah. Y to Mansfield. Lt>:lie to Mmden. Port Vincent* to Denham Choudrant. a0 1ly Grove• to Winnsboro. Leton* Mount Alrey* t<' Lut<'her. to Cotton Valley. Springs. Simme~port*H to CottonMt. llermon*:f to Kent,. Hir_lgett to Huyville. Lett:worth•r:t to New Potasb•t to New Orleans. port. wovd. Hoi:o ·v11lo to Bunlde. Lebanon• to Gibs- Powbatan•tt to Campti. t Simpson to Leesville. Ho rn• to Columbia Le~~~~\o St. Martinsville Mount Poydras to New Orleans. Singer• t 1 to DeRidder. land. Place to 'cw Orleans Lewls*tt to Vivian. a 0 < to Art·adia. Pleasant* to Colum-1 Pralrlevllle* to Donaldson- Sligo* to Shrevevort. Lewisburg* to Church Point Mount vl\le. Smoke Bend* to DonaJdson• e Pe•t to Minden. bla. Lewiston* to Osyka M lss. I Prichard to Harrisonburg. ville. ~e Vllla*t to Baton Liberty HUI" to Bl~nvUle ~iowata* to Eunice. Pride* to Zachary. Soap Stone to Oberlin. 8 ouge Musson to Maringouin. Libuse t.o ,\ 10,candr1a. Princeton to Shreveport. Sodust:t tu Pleasant Hlll. ~fyatt to Monroe. to ( otton Valley Llcldievllle to Winnsboro. Provencal*tt to Robeline. 1\1 yrLi;;t! to Vivian. l:iot t~n•rt lo Uilliaru. Llllle"tt to Bernice. Pugh to La.badleville Soradh1>imert to Tallulah. Myrtle Grove•t to New OrIJo ell to Boyce. inccrum to Pollock. Sorrento*tt to Baton Rouge leans. ~ [ 0 nvmc to Madison- ILlndsl\y•tt toSt. Prancl11vlllt a fl. outh Mansfleld*tttoMa.nsLlnvllle* to Marlon. tleld. to Shreveport. Lions• to Garyville. Soutbportt to New Orleana. Iiugb to Baton Rouge. Naborton* Sparta• to Blenvllle. to Mansfield. lium~ :Spur• to ncuton. Lisbon• to Ilomc,r. Qua.drate• to Boyce. Nalrn•:t to New Orleans. Spearsvllle to Bernice. liun tcys• to Houma. Li:more~ to VitJalia. (Juarry to Boyce. Naomi* to New Orleans. Spencer•t to Monroe. llusster:t to M1mst\eld. Litroe• to l\l~rwn. Quebec•tt to Tallulah. aplesU to l\larksvllle. Spider* to iianstl.eld. liJ<trer to Independence. Little Creek to Jena. New Na.talbany• Quimt,ytt to ewellton. 00 olta io Marksville. to Hammond. pringcreek* to Tangipahoa Little Woodsl to 'atcbez• tt to Natcbltochee Quinton to New Roads. Springfield• to Ponchatoula Qultman•tt to Jonesboro. Springndge to Shreveport.. Ll~);~~~f• to Greenshuri. Neame•u to De Ridder. Nebo* to Jena. Spr\nJZ'vllle• to Ponchatoula Livinl-{stou* to Doyle. Ne1treet• to Many. Standa.rd•tt to Olla.* t Ltvonta• to New Neita.• to Melville. Ibervu?e:Vinnfleld. Raccourcl• to New Roads. Stanton Landing to New L 0 bdcll"rt to Port Allen. 1 Ikevu 1 to Baton Rouie. "· elson to ( lib land. Ra1deyt to De Ridder. Orlt>ans. b Lomond* to Monroe. In<t1a e to Welsh. t~gust Ridge• to St.Joseph Nero• to New Orlea.n1. Ramhin to Pelican. Starhill* to Baton Rouge. Nesom to Clinton In<tia~ BJYou• to Rayne. Ramos• to Morgan City. Starks"tttoLake Charles. Logtown* to Monroe .. ~oure. ound• to Baton Lonepine to Cheneyville. Nestor* to New Orleans. Ramsey to Covlng_tco__n_. _ _,;. .•_._t_e_ rl_ltl!rton to :Vlonrot. , county Seat. • .ioney Order Office. t Telegraph Statton. tExpress Office. REFERENCE KEY,  I  I  I  ra h.  kdale. a.  a. port. ouge.  ean1.  Peart· ew  or-  n. bla.  ty. tAllell• e.  rowlef·  rlea~·  n. r.  lty. arlel•  g~;lft~:  l:~ti;tJr!g ~ 6~~~~tta.  I  ~~J;1~;;:  ~:rt:;: ttg ,h~~a~S~e"·  Ma  I  :~~art•  I  a. l(~jtY  I  a~t'~  I  a::man•  li~::udtt  ·auldP'· (iri&•  g~~·\'I· rt,  At~,:...  ald..,...  2025 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2026  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  LOUISIANA  Stevensdale to Baton Rouge. Stevenson* to Bastrop. Stille to Boyce. Stonewall• l to Shreveport. ~~~!fi~it:,t;;~e~t~i~ter. Sugar Creek to Arcadia.. SUgartown• to De Ridder. Summerfield• to Junction City, Ark. Summerville* to Jena. Sun•tt to Bogalusa. Sunbeam to Clinton. Sunny Hill* to Franklinton. Sunrise to Port Allen. Sunshine• to Plaquemine. Swords to Opelousas. Sycamore to Alexandria.  to Baton Rogue. I WeYanoke* Whitehall* to Doyle.  Taft* to Gretna. Tallsheek*tt to Slidell. Tallleu* to Labadieville. Ta.ngipahoa.*tt to Kentwood. Tay!or•t to Gibsland. Taylortown•tt to Shreveport. Teche to Franklin. Temple ta Boyce. Tenmile* to Oberlin. Terry to Oak Grove. Theriot to Houma. Thomastown•t to Tallulah. Thornwell• to Lake Arthur. Thurman to Bernice. Tlckfaw•tt to Hammond. Tide to Winnfield. Tillma.n*t to Fullerton. Tillou to Bastrop. Timberton*t:t: to Lutcher. , Timon* to Campti. Tlnus* to Greensburg. Tloga•tt to Alexandria. Togo to Newellton. Torbert to Lottie. Toro• to Many, Torras•ti to New Roads. Toups to Lockport. Transylvanla•rt to Lake 1 Tr~::i~e~~~an. Tremont*tt to Choudrant. Trenton* to Mansfield. Tnchell* to Natchitoches. Triumph to New Orleans. Trout•U to Jena. Truxno to Strong, Ark. Tullos* l to Olla. Tunica to St.. Francisville. Turkey Creek• to LeCompte. Turps to Lake Charles. Tyne to Many.  Uneedas to Covington. Unitt to Belcher. Union• to Donaldsonvllle. Unionville to Dubach. Uraniatt to Olla. Utlllty• to Jonesvtlle. Valverda* to Marlngouin. Vanoevme to Shreveport. Varnado*t:t: to Bogalusa. Vatican to Scott.  s~:;;N1~r_t  ~:i!~}io Venice* to New Orleans. Ventress• to New Roads. Verda*H to Winnfield. Verdunville to Franklin. Vergert to Coving-ton. ,Vernon• to Ruston. v,ck* to Marksvllie. Vlotorla•tt to Robeline. Vidrine to Ville Platte. Vienna• to Ruston.  Curtis Comer•tttoLewtaton Ea.II\ Winn• to Oldtown. Bowerbank to Dover. East Wlntnrop• to Win Bowery Beach t tu Port- Cushing* to Thomaston. tbrop. Cutler• to Machias. land. Whiteville• 1 to Bunkie. Eaton*t to Bangor. Wicklif!e"' to .1.Tew Roads. Eddiniton to Bangor. Boyd Lake to Milo. Wllbertt to Port Allen Eden* to Bar Harbor. Wilcox* to Baton Rouge. :~~fg~~ ·d;n:r~~~~fto. Daigle* to Fort Kent. Edes Falla to Bridgton. Damariscotta MU1s•t1 to Edgecomb• to Wiscasset. Bradley• t to Oldtown. Wllda to Boyce. Edmunds to Eastport. Damariscotta. Branch Mills to Augusta. Wlldavllle• to Joneavllle. Damascus to Bangor. Eiiemogiln • to Rockland \Vlllets to Vidalia. Bremen to Waldoboro. Ellot•tt to Portsmouth, Bridgewater Center• Willhite to Monroe. Danville Junctiontt to N. H. Auburn. Presque Isle. Wllllams* to Coushatta. Dark Harbor*l to Beltaai. Ellingwood Comer to BanWllllamsport to New Roads Brighton* to Skowhegan. gor. Davidson · rt to Houlton. Bristol* to New Castle. Wills Point to Arabi. Ellsworth Falls•% to Ell&Dayton ti' l:llddeford. Wilson Landing to Jonesworth. ville. Broad Cove• to Waldoboro Dead Rlver to I-·armtniton. Elmore* to Thomaston. Brooklln•t to Ellsworth. Elma to Kennebunk. Brooksv!lle• to Bucksport. Deblois* to Ellsworth. Wilmer* to Amite City. Dedham to liang,·r. Embden*t to Madison. Brookton • t to Calais. Wilson*tl to Norwood. Emery Milla• to Svrtnirvale. Browntleld•t to Brldg-ton. Womack to Chatham. Enfleld*tt to Oldtown. Deerlngt to Portland. Brownvllle*T l to Mllo. Woodland* to Clinton. Deering Centert tc Portlano Etna•ti to Newport. Woodlawn* to Kinder. · .ustls* to Rangeley. Woodworth•tt to Alexan• Brownville Junction•ti to Deer lsJe• t to Rock.and LXeter• to Bane:or. Denmark• to Bridgto. dria. Milo. Bryant Pond• U to Bethel. Dennysvme•u to Eaatpun '<; Jf.eter :Mills to Bangor. Wright* to Gueydan. Bucks Harbor• to Macblaa. Derby to Milo. Wyatt•tt to Jonesboro. , Buoluport Centertto Buck> Detrott•rt to Plttsfteld. port. Dixfield Center to Rumford Fa1ruanks to Fa.rmlnirton. Falls. Yellow Pine*t to Minden. Burdin to Guilford. Falrtteld Center• to FalrBurkettvlJle• to Waldoboro Dixmont• to Newport. tl.eld. Dorman to Machias. Burllngton• to Oldtown. Zimmerman• t l to Boyoe. Burnham•u to Plttatl.eld . I Douglas Hill* to Portland. Fairmount to Fort Fa.trdeld Dover South Mills to Dover. Falmouth to Portland. Zion to Winnfield. B ustins Island to Freepart to Foreslde Falmouth Dresden• to Richmond. Buxton•: to Saco. Zona•t:t: to .t<'rankllnton. Portland. Dresden Mills• to RichBuxton Center• to Saco. mond. Farmlngdalet to Gardiner. Byron•U to Rumford Fallt Farmington Falls•to Fann• Drew• to Bangor. tngton. Dryden•t to Wllton. Fayette• to Winthrop. Dry MIils* to Portland. Fayette Corner to Wl.nDurham to Auburn. throp. Dyer Brook*t w Houlton. Cambrldie• to Dexter. Five Islands• to Bath. Canaan• to Skowhegan. Flagstaff• to Skowhegan. Canton*U to Livermore MAINE Fly Point• to Ellsworth. Falls. amden. Forest City• to Bangor. 1 Canton Point• to Liver- .Eagle* to Eagle Lake"UtoFort Kent. Fortunes Rock to Bidd:,more Falls. ford. Abbott Village•u to Gull- Cape Cottage• to Portland East Andover to Rumford. Foxcrott*t to Dover. Caoe Elizabeth to Portland Ea11t Auburn to Auburn. ford. Cape Neddlck• to York Vll- East Baldwln•tt to Port- Frankfort*tt to SearsoorS, Aoe.dla* to Caribou. land. Franklln • t 1 to Ellswortb!age. ddison* to Jonesport. Freedom• to Unity. East Bangor to Bangor. C'apens* to Guilford. Albany to Bethel. Freeman to Farmmgton. Cape Porpoise• to Kenn~ Bethel to Bethel. Alblon•t to Falrfteld East llluehill* to Ellsworth. Frenchboro• to Bar Harbor cat~1ozler• to Beltast. ~:~:rd. East Boothbay• to Booth- Frenchville"-tt to Fort Kent, Friendship• to Waldoboro. bay Harbor. Capitol*t to Bath. Allegasb to Fort "Kent. f'rye• t to Rumford Falls. Eastbrook to Ellsworth. Allen,1 .Mills to Farminiton East Brownfteld*t to Frye- Fryeburg Center to F1·y&Caratunk• to Madison. Alna• to Damariscotta. burg. burg. Cardville• to Oldtown. Altont to Oldtown. East Corlmh•t to Bangor. Amhel'llt~ to Bangor. Carmel•tl to Bangor. East Dlxdeld• to Wllton. Carroll• to Bangor. Andover• to RumCord. Carthage to Rumford Falls East Dixmont to Bana-or. Anion• t to Madison. Garland• to Dexter. East Dover• t t to Dover. Cary* to Houlton. Aopleton• to Camden. Georsretown• to Bath. Argyle to Oldtown. Cashs Corner to Portland. East Eddlngton•tto Bangor Gilead• t l to Bethel. C8.!!t1ne*tl to Belfast. Arrowalo*t to Bath. A1hpoint• to Rockland. Fort East Edp:eCQmb* to Dama- Glencove• to Rockland. Qa.,:;weU J,Jantaliion Glendon•! to Waldoboro. riscotta. Fairfield. Ashville• to Bar Harbor. Easli Franklln*toEllsworth. Goodricht to Fort Fairfield. Asticou* to Dar Harbor Catha.nee* to Brunswick. Ea11t Frlendshtp*toThomas- Goodwin's Mlllst to Bldde< At.hens• to Skowhegan. rord. ton. Cedar* to 'alais. Atkinson to Dover. Cedar Grove• to Richmond East Gray*t to Portland. Gore to Sanford. Atlantic• to Ellsworth. CeBter Belmont• to Beltan. East Hamodent to Bangor. Gotts Island*to Ba::Harbor, Aurora* to Bangor. Center Lovell• to Bridgton. East Harpswell to Bruns- Gould•ooro• to Ellsworth. Avon to Pb1tl!ps. Grand Isle• to Van Buren. wtok. Ayers• to Calais. Center Montvllle to Belfast. Chamberlain* to Damaris- East Hiram• to Fryeburg. Grand Lake Stream* to Calais. East Holden•t to Bangor. cotta. Chapman to Presque Isle. East Jackson to Belfast. Grants to Rangeley. Cbarleston• to Bangor. Gray• to Portland. East Knox to Beltast. Balley Island• to BruD.1- Charlotte to Calais. East Lamoine to Ellsworth. wick. P-Wo~~•ff fgr·o1d• Chebeague I a I an d • t to Lebanon• t to Sanford. Bald .Mountain to Phllilpa town. East Llmington•t0Llmer1ck Portland. Bancrofttt to Bangor. East Livermore•: to Llver- Greene•tt to Lewiston. Chelsea to Augusta. Rarinp:• to Calais. more Falls. Greenfield• to Oldtown. Cherry~eld •ttto Machias. Barker* to Rangeley. 0 East Livermore Mills• Chestc!" to \)lcltown. Bar Mllls•H to Saco. g~::~v~~~e;~i:go~~t~ rio to Livermore Falls. Bauneg Beir to North Ber• Greenvllle Che11terv"te• to Farmtni· wick. East Lowell* to Oldtown. Greenwood to Bethel. ton. Bay Point* to Bath. Bayside (Hancock Co.> to Chesunco 11!:• to Greenville. East Machlas•n to Machias Grimes to Caribou. Madison to Skowbep:an Grove* to Calais. China• 1 to Watervllle. Ellsworth. Bayside• (Waldo Co.) to Chisholm• ro Livermore East Mlillnocket*ttt;o Milli• Groveville to Saco. nocket. Falls. Guerette to Caribou. Belfast. Bayville* to Boothbay Har- Christmas Cove• to Dama- East Monmouth to Wln-  '°  I  I  tl~&~1a1%* ~g  '°  8~:t  Cli~  9  Eat~ffft'. Vernon to Augusta 'i;'(~{:i•t to Belfast. Be~~~wood*t to Biddeford . Clark Island* to Rockland. East Newport•tt to NewBeals• to Jonesport. port. Beaver Pond to Rangeley. Clarkl,; ~fill* to Saco. Violin* to Covtniton. East New Portland•toMadlVixen* to Chatham. Belgrade•tt to Oakland. son. Vowella .Mllls to Robeline. Belirade Lakes•t to Oak- Clevelnnd to Fort Kent. CUii [~11\nd*rt to Portland. Eat ~· orthport* to Bclfrut. land. Ea11ton•tt to Fort Fairfield Clifton to Bangor. Belmont to Belfast. East Orland to Bucksport. Waddlll to Lake Providence Bemis*t+ to Rumford Falls Cllnton*t % to Waterv:fllt1. ttg '~{~!~~!tM?Jft°{o ;oti,!f~~l~.n. ~:~i~~~~~tlJ~t~~ei\~~e East Palermo to Augustli. port. Benton Falls* to Fairfield. Waldheim• to Slidell. to LlmParson.neld• East Bridg-ton to Convene• Falr• to Station• Benton Springs Walker* to Denham erick. Cooks to Bridgton. tl.eld. Wallac;e• to Reserve. East Peru• to Dixfield. Cooper* to :\lachias. Bernard* to Bar Harbor. Walls* to Port Allen. Berry Mills* to Dixfield Coopers Mms• t to Au21.111ta . East Pittston• to Gardiner. Walnut Hill to Leesville. East Poland• to Auburn. Walnutlane* to Farmerville. Berwick* to Somersworth. ,orca* to Bar Harbor Eaat Raymond to Portland. Cornl1ht to Limerick. N. H. Walte1·s to Jonesville. East Sebago• to Bridg-toD Cornvllle to Skowhera.n Wardvllle*t to Bastrop. E. toneha.m* to Nonvay. Warnerton*tt to Franklin- Biddeford Pool• to Bldd~ Costlgan•tt to Oldtown Cousins lsland•t to Port- ~- Sulllvan* to Bar Harbor. ford. ton. East Sumner*tt to Buckland. Watson• toDenham Springs Bingham•tt to Madison field. Cranberry Isles•to Bar HarBirches• to Rane:eley. Waver!y• tt to Tallulah. E1,:,t Surry• to Ellsworth. bor. Birch Island*t to BrunsWaxla* to Washington. Eut Troy o Plttstlcld. Crieba ~en• to Rockland. wick. Weeks* to Baldwin. Crousevll!e• to PreaqueI1le East Union• to Warrex:. Blaine•t to Mars Htll. Well to Alexandria. East Vassatooro• to Wat-Blanchard• ti to Guilford. Crystaltt to Houlton Wei.a to Denham Springs. ervllle. Cumberland Center•rt to Welcome• to Donald1on- Bluchill*t to Ellsworth. East \ ·aldoboro to WaldoPonlanu Bluebill Falls* to Ellsworth. ville. boro. Bolsters Mill&• to Nonray Weldon to Bernice. Westdale•ti to Coushatta. Boothbay• to Booth B&} Cumber! nd Forsidet to East Warren to Thomaston. Easi Waterborort to SanPortl.,nd. Westlake•U toLakeCharles l Harbor. ford. Cumbt•i 1and Millst to Boundary to Houlton. Weston to Jonesboro. East Waterford• to Norway '\Vest111·r,ok Bowdoin to Richmond. Weatoort to Alexandria. Weetwego•t to New Or-J Bowdoinham *U to Bruna- CUndys ilarbor • to Bruu. Eaat Wtlton•U to Farm- j . _ __ _ _ .;:,o__n=..:... ;k ._ __ _ __ __ ...:...._ l.;..n.:g-t _ _ _.:.___:.w:...:l.::.ok~.__________w..:.; leans.  ~~fe~n~~ ~e~ulcf~~na.  ~:~ig~:tt  ~~~es- i!:t 8~f~grig;i J!:1J~;·.  I  REFERENCE KEY.  , County Seat.  • ~Ione,,  rder Otllce  t Telegraph Statton.  Haines Landlng*to Ra.Dre" ley. Hale to Rumford. Hallda.le to 13elfast. a ,.. Hall Quarry• to Bar .u.a bor. Halls Mills to l\Iachias, Hamlin to Caribou. Hampden•tt to Bangor. r Hampden Center to Bani~ Hampden Highland•• Bangor. Hancock" tl to Ellswort~•.. Hancock Point• to EiIl ~~1;~r* to Rumford Falll Harbor to Fryeburg. Harbor1lde• to Belfat;e1·d Harmony•tt to P1ti811 •  Harpswell Center to DrtJDI" n:-r!-r~gton•tt to JonesportHartford t t to Ruxntord ti Id Falls. Hartland•tt to PlttsuJ:on, Harvey Siding to Ho Haven• to EllsworthHaynesvm~• to Houlto.Di. Head 'ride• t to Wfscaa~,e Mech.,.. to Hebron• ---Falls. t Ex pre s Office.  He  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Hebron Station• to M&chanlo Falls. Hermon• to Bangor. Heron Island to Boothbay Harbor Rerricks to Ellsworth Higgins Beach*! to Portland. Highland to Warren. Highland Lake* to West• brook. B'llislde-1< to Bridgton. HHlnckley•tt to Skowhegan lr1J.m•ti to Portland.  or. srton. Fatrlrfteld d. e  io  Longcove* to Thomaston. Lon1r Island •t to Portland. Lonir Pond*ti to Greenville. Loon Lake to Rangeley. Loud ville* to Damariscotta. Lovell• to Bridgton. Lowell* to Oldtown. Ludlow•U to HoUlton.  I Lyman to Biddeford.  North Bethel• to Bethel. North Bradford• to MUo.  Parson111l.eld* to Limerick. I Sebae:o* to Brtdrton. I Passadum.11:eag•tt to Old- Seoaito Lake•tt to  l~~~'f:1':;\c~ Et~1i;t'h~ ~: N. Brooksville* to Bucks0  port. · N . Buckfield to Buckfl.eld. N Bucksport to Bucksport. North Carmel to Bangor. North Castine• to Belfast. N. Chesterville* to Farmington. N. Cornville to Skowhegan. North Cutler* to Maohlaa. North Deerlngt to Portland N. Deer Isle*+ to Rockland. North Dexter• to Dexter. N. Dixmont* to Newport. Northeast Carry* to Greenville. Northeast Harbor*Uto Bar Harbor. No~er.dgecomb• to WtaN. Ellsworth to Ellsworth Northern Maine Junction to Bangor. Northfield• to Machlas. N. Fryeburg* to Fryeburg. N. Gorham* to Westbrook. :~~: g~fro%~~1~f3ord. N. Hancock*t to Ellsworth. N. Harpswell to Brunswick. N. Haven* to Rockland.  Machias-port• to Machle.a. Macwahoc· to Houlton. Madawaska* t t to Edmonstr,n, N B. HHode:don • to Houlton. oldentt to Bangor. Madison Ce.ater• to MadtHHoleb•rt to Greenville. son. ollis Center• to Saco. Madrid to PhWlps. H ope•t to Camaen. Magalloway Plantation to Colebrook,l .1." . H. Howe Brook*tt to Houlton H owes Corner to Auburn. Malnstream •t to Plttsfteld H owland • to Bangor Manchester• to Augusta. I Hudsontt to Bangor. Man11et• to Bar Harbor. Huns Cove*to Bar Harbor M~i!rn~fg~e • t t to Fort Mapleton•tt to Presque Isle Indian River• to Jonesport M&plewood to Limerick. IL&ranacook• t t to WinIntervale• to Auburn. throp. Island Falls*tt to Houlton Isle Au Haut• to Rockland Mariaville* to Ellsworth. Marion Lo Machias. Islesboro• to Belfast. .M arlboro to Ellsworth. IBlesford• to Bar Harbor. Martin* to Watdoboro. Martinsville• to Thomaston tt to Houlton. to l Maaardts• Station*t Jackman North Islesboro• to Belfast. Matinicus• to Rockland. Jackman. t t to Old- North Jay*tt to Wilton. Mattawamkeag• Jackson to Belfast. N. Lebanon* to Sanford. town. Jacksonville• to Machias. North Leeds•tt to LiverJay•tt to Livermore Falls more Falls. Meddybemps• to Calal1. T . Limington* to Limerick. Medford t to Milo. Jefferson• to Waldoboro. Lincoln*+ to Oldtown. N. Medford Center* to Mllo. iem tlana•t to Caribou. Medomak• to Waldoboro. North Livermore* to Live,· o1ce to Gardiner Falls. more '\Valdoboro. to 1\leduncook* Jonesboro* to Jonesport. North Lubec• to Lubec. Medway• to Mllllnocket. N. :Monmouth* to WinMercer• to Skowheitan. throp. North Newburg to Bangor. lratahdln Iron Worka*t Merepoint* to Brunswick. N. Newcastle* to Wiscasset. Rumford. to Mexico• to Milo. North New Portland•t to Michaud to Fort Kent. feeiran•tt to Van Buren. Madison. Middle Dam* to Rumford. North enduskeag• to Bangor. Newry* to Bethel. Kennebago* to Rangeley. Milford• to Oldtown. .1. • Nobleboro to '\Yaldoboro Machia.a. to Mlllbrldge K1nnebago Lake*to Range-. . to Norway. Norway N, Milltown*t to Ca.lais. Key. North Orrington to Bangor. ennebunk Beach•rt to Millvale* to Bucksport. North Palermo to Augusta. Mllo. to Junctlon•tt M.llo 1 Kennebunk. Nortn Paris to South Parts. Kennebunkport*! t to Ken- Milton Plantation to Bethel ... Parsonfield toLimerick. Minot• to Auburn. nebunk. Penobscot* to .BucksN. Ken ta Hlll •t to Winthrop. Minturn• to Rockland. port. Perry to Eastport. North Ridire (Silver Monarda* lneo•tt to Greenville. Pittston to Gardiner. Plantation) to Houlton. North K~gman•u to Bangor. Northport• to Belfast. Boothbay to Monhega.n*t Pbury• to Gullford. Northport Camp Ground Harbor. 1 to Belfast. Monmouth• t t to Winthrop .,. .,.orth Pownal to Portland. to Monroe• Rjttery Depot*t to Kittery. Auburn. to Raymond* N. ~.tery Point*tt to Kittery MODIOD. t t to GuWord. N. Scarboro to ·westbrook. Monticello*U to Houlton. I{ 1ghtsvllle to Portland. North Searamont*to Belfast Montville* to nox to Belfast. N. Searsport to Searsport. 0 x Station:: to Unity. Mood}'* to KeD.lle'ltunk:. North Sebago• to Brid~on. 0 aclJo* to Greenville. M.oosehead*t to GreenYille. N. Sedgwick* to Ellsworth. Moose River• to Gullford. N. Shapleigh* to Limerick. Belfast. to M.orrlll• N. Sullivan* to Ellsworth. I Mountain to Auburn. La Grange• ti to Milo. North Troy to Pltts1l.eld. t!te Moxle*H to Madl!oD Mounta.invtew• to Ranire- North Turner• to Auburn. Lake Parlin to Greenville 1\l~~nt.ainville to Ell ·worth. .1."orth Turner Bridge to Lake Shore to Augusta. Livermore Falls. Mount Chase to Patten. L eslde• to Oakland. Vassalboro* to WaterMount Deaert• to Bar Har- N.ville. &ke View• t t to MUo. L'\kewood (Somer et Oo.) Waldoboro• to WalNorth to U Ferry• Desert w:~:~i L O Skowhegan. doboro. Bar Harbor. L 8.tnbert Lake• t to Calais. Non.ti Warren to Warren. Augusta to Vernon• Mount Latnolne to Ellsworth. N. ·waterboro* to Limerick.I N. '\Vaterford* to Norway. L!~n~ to Skowhegan. North Wayne•ttoWlnthrop Bridgton. to Nap1e11•t Law~;~~ ~a1tci~c~i:~: N. Whitefleld*t to Gardiner Naskeag* to Ellsworth. N. Windham* to Portland. Home*t Soldier'• National . ·wmterport to Bangor. t:~~nont to Sanford, to Gardiner. to Oldtown. North Woodstock to Bethel L to Cartbou. North Yarmouth•rttoPortt!~~a• to Livermore Falla Nelson BootbbaJ to * Newaiten a Junction • t t to land. Lewlston. Harbor. Norway Lake• to Norway. Newburg to Bangor. Newburg Center to Bangor. tl"ant• to Ban~or. Newca.stle*t to Dam.aria- Oakfteld*tt to Houlton. LI berty• to Belfast. to B elfaat. Li be~YVille Oak• to Norway. Ne~~1:ic1• to Limerick. 0 1 ~ at to Portland. t~~;.t~osiriothba1 New Glouceater•tt to AuLt 6 tt to Van Buren. Harbor D art. • burn. u:11n~on• to Limerick. Oceanville* to Rockland. am Coln Center •t:t to Old- New Harbor to town cotLtla. rtcke ♦ t to Houl- 1 Ov;unqutt•t to Kennebunk. Olamon•ttto Oldtown. ' New me ~ooluvme• to Camden. 1 I to Center* colnvme d • to Farmlnitton. L C amden Old Orcbard*tt to Saco. New Portlan 1 Onawa*U to Gteenvtlle. ~ekin* to Boothbay Harton. or. Oo.uossoc•tt to Rumford. Newry t-o Bethel. New Sharon• to Farmin1t- Orient• to Houlton. J:lnneus• to Houlton. d:~on•u to Lisbon Fall• Ne\~nSweden*ttto Caribou. Orland• to Bucksport. F•oun Center• to Lisbon New Sweden Statlon•t to 8~1i~~:~.tro i~J1~d. • Lt .. 8. LI tchO.eld • to Gardiner. e~r~fn°eyard • to Farm- Otis to Ellsworth. tchO.eld Corners• to Rlch- N Otlsfteld to Norway. Lllllond. t to Ellswortll. tchQeld Plains to GardlOtter Creek to Bar Harbor. Ll ner. Ouellette to Fort Kent. t tle Deer Isle• to Rock- Nobleboro•t to Dama.rt. Owls Head• to Rockland. 1 and. t t to MUllnocket. Oxho ,·* to Ashland. Oxtord • to Mechanic Fall ■• Ll~le John Island*t to Norrtdrewock*U to Slr:owLt ortlanct Houlton. to N!,~taXi:ntty* Llttletontt' to Houlton. North An11on•tito Madison. Palermo•t to Augusta. ;.ennll ore• to Livermore N. Palmyra• to Newport. Appleton* to Camden. Ll a s. North Auburn to Auburn. Paris• to South Paris. verrnore Center to Llver- North Baldwln*toBrldnon. Parker Head• to Bath. L IDore Falls .N. ~Jgrade*tt to Oakland. Parkman• to Guilford. ~ l l l s • t t to R<"thel. • County Beat. • ~Ioney Order Office. REFERENCE KEY•  I  I  f  d.  oro. rfteld, lddOarbor, ortb. uren. m* to  n.  n. gor.  fl  $1)  }P1k  g~e::  Ltfi  rtb,  Ellr Falll Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  Nl~,~!'-.f  Ni~~~-,•  MAINE  Pa~~mpus to Millinocket Peak Island•t to Portland. Pearly Brook to Fort Kent. , PeJep11cot•t to Brunswick. Pemaquid•to Damariscotta Pemaquld Beacb* to Damarlscotta. Pemaquld Harbor• to Damariscotta. Pemaquid Point* to Damariscotta. Pembroke•tt to Eastport. Penobscot• to Bucksport. Perham•t:t to Caribou. Perkins to J'viillinockot. Per:ry•tt to l!:astpon. Peru*t to Rumford. Phatr•t to Presaue Isle. Phlp1i,8burg• to Bath. ~lft~to~f\~ti!~d~~~: Plaisted* to J:<'ort Kent. Pleasantdalet to Portland. Plea11antialand•toRangeley Pleasant Polnt*to Thomaston.  Pleasant Pond to SkowPl~gaa~tvtlle to Warren. Plymouth• to Newport. to Mechanic Poland• ti Falls. Pond Covet to Portland. Popham Beach• to Bath. Portage•Jt to Fort Kent. Pon Cly e• to Thoma11ton. Porter* to Kezar Falls. Pownal to Freeport.  2027 Port-  seb3,!;~o* to Bath. Sebeo• to Dover. Sebeo Lake* to Dover. Sebeo Statlon•t to Dover. Seboei11"' to Milo. Sedgwtck"U to Ellsworth. Selden to Houlton. Shapleigh* to Sanford. Shapleigh Corner to Sanford. Shawmut•ttto Falrneld. Sheepscot*t to .1. ewcastle. Sheridan* to Ashland. Sherman•t to Millmoc.1i:et. Sherman MUla•t to Houlton. to Statlon•t Sherman Houlton. Shirley Mllls•ttto GuWord. ~I~~! ifufs'!ft~tiexter. Sinclair to Fort Kent. Skinner* to Greenville. Small Polnt Beacb*toBatb. Smtthfl.eld* to Oakland. Smithville* to Ellsworth. Smyrna Mllls•ntoHoulton. Snow Comer to Bangor. Soldier Pond * t t to Fort Kent. Solon•tt to Madison. Somerset* to Madison. Some1·set Junctiontt to Greenville. Somerville to Augu1ta. Songo Lock to Brlditton. Sorrento• t to Bar Harbor. South Addison to Machle.a. S. Andover to Rumford. S. Beddington to Ellsworth. S. Rluebill* to Ellsworth. South Brewer•ti to Banitor S. Bridgton* to Bridgton. Sofrt~r:t;~tol* to Boothbay S. Brooksville* to Ellsworth.  Prentiss* to Oldtown. Prides Corners to Portland. Princeton• t t to Calais. Prospect t t to Stockton Springs. Prospect Ferry to Bucksport. Prospect Harbor• to Bar Harbor. Prouts Neck*t to Portland. Pulpit Harbor• to Rockland . South Casco• to Portland. South China• to Augusta. South Corinth to Bangor. South Cushing* to ThomasRandolpht to Gardiner. ton. Raymond• to Portland. Razorvillc* to '\Valdoboro. S. Deer Isle to Rockland. Readfield •t to Winthrop. South Dover to Dover. Readtield Depot•tt to Win- S. Dresden to Richmond. S. I.Wot* to Portsmouth, throp. N. H. Red Beach• to Calais. South Exeter to Dexter. Redding* to Buckfield. Richmond Corner• to Rich- South Freeport•to Freeport S. Gardiuer*t::: to Gardiner. mond. S. Gouldsboro* to EllsRldlonvllle• to Rumford. worth. Rlggsvllle* to Bath. Riley• t to Livermore Falla. S. Hancock* to Ellsworth. S. Harpswell* to Portland. Rloley• to Dexter. S. Hiram* to Kezar Falls. Rlversidet to Augusta. South Hollls to South Hope• to Camden. Robbinston• to Calais. Soutn Jefferson* to DamarRobinhood to Bath. Roblnsons•tt to Mars HID. . lscott11,. S. La Grange*tt to Oldtown Rockvffie to Rockland. Rockwood*t to Greenvllle. South Lebanon to RochesRome to Farmln~on. ter, N. H. Roque Bluffs* to Machias. Ross Corners* to Limerick. to ~g~f~ t1G!~t\, t~OB~~ft~;·t. Mountain* Round S Limington* to Limi>rick. Rangeley. Round Pond• to Damaris- South Lincoln• to Oldtown. S. Litchfl.eld to Gardiner. cotta. Roxbury• t t to Rumford South Livermore to Livermore Falls. Falls. Rumford Center• to Rum- South Lubec• to Lubec. ford. South Monmouth to W lnthrop. Rumford Corner to Rumford. South Newburg to Bangor. Rumford Fallst t to Rum~: ~!~~bts~~;tf tio ford. port. Rumford Point• to Rumford. South Poland•t to Auburn. Southport•t to Boothbay Harbor. Sabattus• t t to Auburn. S. Portland* to Portland. Sabbathday Lake* to Au- !louth RobblD11ton to Calais. burn. South Sanford to Sanford. Saint Agatha"' to Van Bu- I S. Springfield to Oldtown. ren. S. tandish* to Portland. SalntAlbans•t to Plttsfteld. 1 S. Thomaston* to Rockland Saint David •tt to Van I Buren. South Unlon•t to Rockland Saint Francis• t t to Fort S. Waldoboro to Waldoboro Kent. S. Warren* to Thomaston. Salnt George• to Thoma.. S. Waterford* to Bridgton. ton. St. John Plantation to Fort Southwest Harbor•tt to Bar Harbor. Sa~~.\ to Phillips. S. Windham*tt to WestSalls bury Cove• to Bar Harbrook. bor. South Windsor to Auirusta. Sandy Creek• to Brld~on. South Woodstock to South Sandypoint•tt to Stockton Paris. Springs. Spencer* to Rangeley. Sangerville• t t to Guilford. Spragues MUI to Fort FalrSargentvllle• to Ellsworth. tleld. Scarboro• t to Portland. Sprln11;.0.eld• to Oldtown. Scarboro Beachtt to Port- Spruce Bead* to Rockland.  Bi\~~-  I  se!i.~~gve* to Southwest Har-I bor. Seal Harbor•tito Bar Harbor. Searsmont• to Bcllaat.  ----- -Seawall• to Bar Harbor. t Telegraph  Station.  Squa Pantt to Ashland. Squirrel lsland*tt to Boothbay Harbor. Stacyville*! i to Mllllnooke\. Standish• to West brook. Starboard to M achlas. Starks* to Madison.  -----  t Express Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  028  MAINE  Steep Fallii•tt to Portland Stetson• to Newport. Steuben* to Cherryfield. ::ltevensvllle to Fort !<'air flold. StiC'kney Corner* to 'Waldoboro. Stillwater• to Oldtown. ..,t,wkholm*tt to Caribou. Stoning-ton• t t to Rockland "'tow to Brldi,rton . Stratton• to PhllUps. Strickland• t to Livermore Fall<J. t Strorur rt to Phillips. Stroudwater* to Portland. Sugar Island* to Guilford. Sullivan• t to Bar Harbor. Sumner* to Buckfield. Sunset• to Ellsworth. Sunahlne* to Rockland. Surry• to Ellsworth. Swans !Bland• to Bar Harbor. Swanville• to Searsport. Sweden to Brlditon.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS West Forks to Madlllon. W. 1' ranklin* to Ellsworth . WeAt Gardiner to nardlner. \'Vest Garland to Dexter. W. Gorham to \Vestbrook. W. Gouldsboro• to Ellsworth. West Gray to Portland. West Hampden to Bangor. West Hancock to Ellsworth  /.hen• to t<'ruitland. Alll'11s Fr~~h to La Plata. Alllbone to Bel Air. Alplu,• to Sykesville. Altamontl to Oakland. American Corners to FederalstJurg. AnderBontown to Denton. Andrews to Cambrtd~r.. Annapolis Junctlon•t i to Laurel. W . Harpswell to Brunswick Antietamt to Sbarpsbur2", , 1 W. Hollis to West Buxton . A PJ>eal to Solomons. \V. Jonesport• to Jonesport. Applegartn• to Cambrldge. W. l ' Pnnehunk*t to Ken- A1,~a;~o• to Upper Mu.l'lnebunk. W. Lebanon* to Rochester Art>utus to Ba.lttmore. N H. Armiger to Annapolis. West Leech to Lewiston. Arnold• t to Anna polls. West Levant to Bangor. West Lubec• to Lubec. Asl>estos*t to Heistcrstown . West Mills• to Farmington . Ash to VVllllamsport. Weat Mlnot•tt to Auburn. Ashlanct•i (Baltimore Co.) to Cockeysvllle. W . l\Iount Vernon to Winthrop. Ashlandtt /Queen Anne Co.) West Newfteld • to Limerick to Centerville. W. :::-l" ew Portland to Far- Ashton• to Randy Spring. mington. Aspen to Rockville. West Oldtown to Oldtown. Athel to Salisbury Atbolton* to Elllcott C1t1. Avalon• to Tilghman. W. Outlet* to Greenville.  I  Brentwood• t to Hyattsville Colll'ate• to Baltimore. Brtdgeport to Emmlttsburg College Park• to HyattsvJlle. Brld1retown to Greensboro. to Brighton• to Sandy ::;pring. Collington• t Marlboro Rrtstol• to Upoer Marlboro . ColorB•tt to Rising Sun. Columbia to Ellicott City. Rrltton• to Leonarcttown . Broadfordlni to Hagers- Compton• to Leonardtown. Comus• to Poolesville• town. Concord to Denton Brookeville* to Sandy Conocoohea.gue to Hagers'pring. town . Drooklandvllle*t to TowConowiniro• t t to Port Deson. posit. Brookv1ew• to Hurlock. Broorni>s Island to Prlnre Cooki1ey to La Pia.ta. Cooksville• to Sykewllle. Fredericlc Brown to Upper Marlboro Corbett•t to Cockeysvl11e. :~g:~~~fil!~ie  Br~~~~  ~~ M&:~;i  Cornersv11le* to Cambridge. 1  Road* to Indian Corrlganvllle""r to Cumt,er• land. Head. Costent! to Pocomoke OitY Bryan town• to Hughesville. Covp P oint to ' •11omons. Buckeystown•t to Fred - Cover to New Windsor. erick. Cowentown to Newark, Bucklodie• t to GaithersDel. burg. Cox's Station to La Plata. Bucktownr to Cambridge Crapo• to Cambridge. Budds Creek to Mechan- Creagerstown to Thurmont, Temple• to Farmington. lcsv1lle. Crellin• to Oakland. Tenants Harbor•t to 1 Cresaptown to Cumberland, Thomaston. ~: i~~~~i~\ Creswell to Bel Air. W. Paris*tt to South Paris . Avllton-t< to Lonaconlni. Tbt' Forks• to Madison. Burnt Mills to Sliver Crocberon• to Camhrldge. W. Pembroke* to Eastport. Thornd Ike• U to Belfast. Spring. Cronhardt to Towson. Thornton Hei~hts to Port- W . Penobscot to Bucksport W Peru* to Rumford. Groome* to Upper Marl• Bachmans Mills to West.- Burrlsvtlle to Centerville land. minster. Burrsvllle to Denton. West Point to Bath. boro. Ttm to Rangeley. Burtonsvme• to Laurel Cronme Station*! to Upper W. Poland* to Mechanic Baden*t to Brandywine. Togus to Gardiner. Falls. ~Iarlboro. Bushwood to Leonardtown Bagley• to Bel Air. Topsfield• to Calais. Cropley to Georgetown. Butler• to Cockeysvlhe. Wt'stport to Wiscasset. Ba.Ile to New Windsor. Topsham• to Brunswtck. West Pownal• to Portland Bakersville to Keedysv11le. Bynum• t to Bel Air. D . C. Trefrthen to Portland. Uros11 Roads• to La Plata. Baldwln•tt to Bel Air. Tremont" to Bar Harbor. Rockport* to Rockport. Trescott to Lubec. nd Barclay• t t to Sudlersvme. Crumpton• to MIIUni,rton. Trg~~~t• to Boothbay Har- ~~sJe~~~g;g;~olerr~t urti · Bayt! to Baltimore, Bark Hilt to Union Bridge. I W. Sedgwick to Ellsworth. iltu· Neck to Tilghman. Troy• to Plttsneld. Cabin Creekt to Nev. Market. :rroy Centre to Pltts1'leld. Rarnesvme• tt to PoolesW. Southport* to Boothbay Turner• to Auburn. Cabin John• to Rockville. vllle Harbor. Turner Center• to Auburn. Ba.rrellvllle•t to Mount California.• to Leonardtown W. Sullivan*t to Ellsworth ., Calvary to Bel Air Savage. Barstow• to Prince Fred- Ca.lvertt to Rlsln11: Sun. i~~kr!~~ 1 erick. 1 ~~f~~~r: Calverton .M:Uls to Baltf- Daisy to Woodbine. b01 more. to Mount Bartholows•t Unlonvme•: to Ma.chlaa. West Trenton• to Ellsworth Dameron to LeonardtoWJI. Campbell to Bishopville. Airy. U~!rd. ;>la.ntatlon to FairBa.ya.rd to Upoer Marlboco. Springs to Upper Dames Quarter to Pr1ncdl W. Waldoboro to Waldo- Bay View to North East. Anne. Marlboro. Upper Dam• to Rangeley. boro. Heights to Wash- Dares Wharf to Prtnoe Upper Frenchville,._ to Fort, W. Warrent to Waldoboro Beachvllle* to Leonardtown Capitol C. D. Frederick. lngton, Poolesville. to '3ea.llsvllle• Kent. Wasblngton* to Wal• Beane to Rockvllle. Cardi!!• to Delta, Pa. DW.a~a.~o Harpers Ferrf, Upper Gloucester• to Au- West doboro Beauvue to Leona.rdstown . Ca.rea to Stewartstown, Pa burn. W. \Yinterport to Bucks- Beaver Creek*t to Hagers- Carlos* to Frostburg. Darnestown to Galthert' Ut>ton• to Bethel. port. burg. Carmichael• to Queenstown town. West Woolwich to Bath. Davldsonvllle• to Annap(I" Beaverdamt to Pocomoke Carn:v to Towson. Carroll to Bu.Jtimore. Us. Citv. wi~e~_ck• to Edmunston. Beckleysvllle to Ha.mostead Carrollton•t to Westmin- Dawsonville* to Pool_. Vanceboro•rt to Calais. ville. ster. Bedswortnt to Crlsftelct. Vassalboro•tt to Water- ~~n:nJ~~~t\t tfo Day to Woodbine. Carslns to Aberdeen. Rel Alton• t to La Plata. ville. Whiting• to Lubec. to Walkersville, Da.ysvllle 1 Emmitsburg. to Cascade• Air. Bel to Belcamp•tt Veaztett to Bangor. Whltneyvlllt"•t to Machias Belfast to Cockeysvllle. Dayton• to Ellicott Cltf, Castleton• to Bel Air. Verona to Bucksport. Willardt to Portland. Annapolis. to Dea.1e• Thurto Furnace Oatoctin Hancock. to Grove• Belle Vienna• to FarmlnitQn. Willimantic• to Dover. Deep Run to Westminster• mont. Bellevue•1 to Oxfor<1. Windham Centert to West- Beltsvllle• t to Laurel. Cavetown • t to Smithsburg Deer Creek to Aberdeen. brook. Ca.yots to Chesapeake Citr 0 Benedlct•t to La Pia.ta. 1 Ceartoss to Hagerstown. Bencvola to Boon boro. Cedar Grove to Galthers Dellirht to Relsterstown. 13entll'lcl t ·i ()dent.on. Windsor! to Augusta. Wlndsorvme• to Augusta. Waldof to Belfast. Dentsvlllet to La Plata. bUri. Seniles• to Ba.ltl'l!Or"' Waldo Station*t to Belfast. Wlno*tt to Oldtown. PrincP Derwood • t to Rockville, to Hlll Cedar Denson• to Bel Alt. Wales to Lewiston. Wlnnecookt to Plttstleld. Ji'redertck. UentleJ :-:lprinirs*! to ParkWallagrass Plantation t l Wlnnegance• to Dickerson• rt to Frederloll Cedartown to now Hill. ton. to Fort Kent. Winslow• to Waterville. Ce<larville*t to Brandy- Dodson• to• Kitzmiller. Walnut Hlll•t to Portland Wlnslows Mms•t to Waldowine. Doncaster• to La Plata. boro. Walpole to Da.martscotta. ~gc~~ftr~~;o,lt. 1 Champ• to Princess Anne. Dorsey•t to Laurel. Winter Harbor•t to Bar Berrett to Sykesville. Waltham• to Ellsworth. Chance• to Princess Anne. g~~~:~!e~~:rer;nctiuoott Harbor. Washington• to Waldoboro Chancy*! to Owings. Berry* to La Plata. Watt'rho!'O• to Sanford. City. Berwyn•t to Hyattsville. Waterboro Center• to LlmChaptlco• to Mechanicsville Downes•tt to RldielJ. Bestpitch to Cambridge. ertck "Winthrop Center*t to \YinCharlestown• t to N onh Downsville to William11oo! throp. Waterford• to Norway. Drawbrldger to CambrfdP, East. Bethlehem• rt to Preston. W oodrordsl to Portland. Wayne• to Winthrop. Dra.yden• to Leonllr<lto'l,fJI, CharlesvUle to Frederick. Webbs l\flll11• to Bridgton. Big Pool*tt to Clear , pring. Charlotte Han• tto Mechan- Drury to Upper M1trlbof0• Webha.nnet* to Kenne- Woodland(W asbingtonCo.) Biit Hpring* to Clear pring. lc,vllle. Dry Run to Hagerato\VJl• bunk. Cha.rlton•t to Williamsport Dublln to Bel Air. Anna.polls *t! to Calais. Webster to Orono. DuBois to La Plata. Cha~e• Tt to Balttmore. Woodland (Aroostook Co.) UL hop•tt to llisbopville. Weeks Mills• t to Augusta Cheltenham t t to Upper Dulaney! Valley to To-,,IIO,!: Bish11p~ Ht>ad* to < rapo. to <.'aribou. Welchvllle• to Mechanic Woolwlcb•tt to Bath. Duleyt to Uoper .Marlb0•.,. Marlboro. Bittinger• to Grantsville. Fallii. Dunkirk* to Owings. Cherry II ill• to Elkton. l:llva.lve• to Nanticoke. Wyman to Machias. Weld• to Phillips. Chesapeake Beach•tt to Oynanl to Leonardto1'1lWytopltlock•U to Banior. lllack*tt to Chestertown. Wt>lllngton• to Gullrord. 0 Rlackrock to Cockeysvllle Wells• t to Kennebunk. Bladensburg• to Hyatts- Ch~~~~a~~arl~~ cuon to l Wells Beachtt to Kenn&- Vannouth*U to Portland. Wa t.lngton D. C. vllle. bunk. Chester•t t to Stevn1av11le Yarmouthville•toPortland. Blake to Elkton. Wellshranch to Kennebunk. York !:3each•tt to York Blakistone• to Leonard- Cbestert1eld* to Annapolis. Wells Depot•t to Norttl 11 1 0 town. garlelirh Heights* to 1.r Berwick. t! M~1ni\~n. Bloom to Westminster. Wesley• to Machias. York Harbor•tt to York Bloomington• to Piedmont. Ch vy h e to Kensington o.anralepvolllllse.•to Mlddleto"1l• West Athens to Skowhegan .-, 1 Hagen; to t Chewsvllle• W. Va. Village. West Auburn to Auburn. Blue Ball to Elkton. Ea~l~~n to Havre de Grac,e, W. Balrlwin*tt to Portland . llluestone to ).lcchanics- Ch1~~uxen to La Pia.ta. I f<~. Brookl)·n* to Baltlrnot8Chllds•u to Elkton. West Ba.tht to ville. West Bethel• tt to Bethel. Chlllum to Washington gastport*t to Annapolltet• Ea~t View to \Vrstrnlns_,... West Boothbay Harbor* D. C. Blythedale to Port Deposit. MARYLAND Eckhart Mines• to t·rv-• to Boothbay Harbor. Choo tank• t to Preston. Bollver to Middletown. W. Bowdoin* to Lisbon Cht>°rtct~e. Creek• to Cam- F.le'!:ftt to Fruitland, Falls. Boonet to Annapolis. W. Urooklin* to Ellsworth. Abell to Leonardtown. Edesvtlle to Cheste~::: l:lorlng• t to Relsterstown. Churchton• to Annapolis. Ed1temon1.•ti to srn \V Brooksville*t to Belfa t. Abingdon• to Bel Air. Bowen• to Prince Frndcrick Churchville• to Bel Air. bur11:. Clalborne• t t to St. ~ 11West Charleiiton to Dexter. Accident• to FrtendsvUle. Boxlront to Girdle Tree. 111 ·we: t ('orinth to Bangor. Edgewater• to Aonapodei,,, chael"s. Boyds• rt to Galth<!rsburg. Accokeek• to La Plata. Ediewood • ft to Aber Clara• to Nanticoke. W. Cumberland to Port- A<lP-llna • to Prince Fred- Bozman• to St. Michaels land. Rockville, to Ednor* Gaithersto Clarksburg• Braddock Height to Frederick. burg. W. Dresden* to Richmond • <IY to Belair. eri k . W Durham to Lishon Falls Aikin-c.! to Perryville. Bradenba.ugh to Del Air. Clarll11v1Ue•to Ellicott City. Elderaburg to SykesvtJJe. W. Eden to Bar Harbor. Elclurado to Hurlocck -,, Clayton• to Bel Air. Airt-i.lcle* to Leonardtown. Bractshaw• q to Bel Air. 'lf'ments• to Leonardtown. 1':lloak• to J.<,lllcott 1 ' West F.ntlt"Jd• to Oldtown . Branch vlllet to Hyatt.&Elk Mllls•t to Jo:lkton ,_. Cllfton to 1-'re<lerick. i~am~~1~ec1ty. 1 W Falmouth•: to Portland vllle. Weat Farmlngton•t to villeElk Neck to Nnrtb 8 Breathedsvllle• to KBedysAlcllno to Havre de Grace. Elk Ridge* to atons d rton. Dett to Farmington. Coleman Alesta•t to Manchester. 1 Weatneld*tt to Mars Hill Colesvllle• to Silver Sp~g. Ellersue• to cumber!~ Br~!Tand• to La Plata. llega.nyt to Frostburg.  :~~~r::::uf~.  ,v  I  t~  I  g~~~n:J  g~:~n:l~i.\ r:wai?a°~il.  I  Fr Fr Fr  Fu  Fu  Fu  Fu  i:~~t:y~~  ~~:~t:~~ri~:n i~i~~~9lgJ  I  g~::f~~\ ~ni  1ff,~~~:1 :i  I  REFERENCE KEY.  • County Seat.  • lloney Order Office.  t Tele  r ph StaU n.  :i Exp re s Oltlce.  GI GI  Gt  GI  Gl  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS EEllerton to Myersville.  ~  Sun. City.  r,dtown. Uc.  Eia~ers-  ort De-  ivtue.  [SVIIIC.  1brtdge.  1umlier• e OitY ODS.  ~or.  ewark,  Plata. e.  rmont,  erland.  ridge. D.  Marl·  Upper  etown, lata.  ton. imore,  thert" napO" oolflll"  vme. Cltf, 1n11ter, en. ont. land,  wn.  ta.  me. erto1'·  r.  ta.  11°porC· rldP. to\fll• oro,  wn.  Grave Run Mllls to Man- , lllott • to Vienna. chester. Ellwood •tt to Preston. Grayton • to La Plata. ilvaton* to Annapulle.. 1 Great Mllls• to Leonardtown. ' ~rt~;Iis tot:e~~~nds- 1 Greenmount•:t to Hampville. stead. Enterprise to New Windsor Greenock* to Upper Marlitchlson to GaltM•rsr.,urg. boro. ,vna to Cockeysvllle. Green Rldge*H to CumberE Well• to Crisfield. land. Greensburg to 8mlthsburg Grlrton to Sandy Sorlnir Grimes"'! to Hagerstown. Guard* to Frlendsvllle Guilford to Ellicott City. Guy:i to Queenstown. Fairbank* to Tilghman. Gwynnhrook•t to Relstersia!rfield • to Baltimore. town. 1 0 Gwynne Oak Junction to! F!/~1!!iJ t~ I~1;f;~n. Baltmo:<· Fairlee to Chestertown. Fairmount• to Princess Habnab• to Prlncess Anne Anne. Halethorp•t to Catonsvtlle Fairmount Heights to • Halfway•ttto Wllllamsport Washington D. 0. Halls*t to upper !\larlboro. Fairplay* to Hagerstown. Hampllent to Baltimore. Fairview to Hagerstown. Hanover•t to Ellicott City . Hansonville to Frederick.. Fallston• tt to Bel Air. Hardesty to Upper Marliarmtngton to Rising Sun. boro. aulkner• to La Plata. H artord Furnace to AberFeae:a ville to Frederick. dcen Fearer* to Fnenctsvllle. Rarmans to Baltimore. Federal Hill to Bel Air. Hannony to Myersville. Harmony Grove•t to 1nchvl1Jet to Federalsburg Frederick. 1nksburg• t to Westminster. tirr:i~;Y~i~Ycin. Finzel to Frostburg. Harrl11onr to Hurlock. Fishing <'reek*t to Cam- Harrisonville to Relstersbridge. town. Flint Stone*t to Oumoer- Harwood• to Annapolis . land Hawkeye to East New MarFllntvlile* to Delta, Pa. ket. F lorence to Woodbine. Hayden• to CentervUle. HebbvlJle to B11ltlmore. Fords Store• t to Queens- Helen to Mechanlrsvllle town Heoderson•t:t to Goldsboro Forest Gltn*tt to Kensington. B:ererord to f'oc11:ey11vllll'I. ;oreston to Hampstead. 1 HermanvlJJe• to Leonard0 town. b~~~villc* to llpper MarlHernwoo<I to Balt.lmore Fork• to Bel Air . Heso; to Bel Air. Fo.g Foote t.o Washington, F . C. Hlo1rnry to Bel Air. F Ort ll oward* to Baltimore. Hlt:bneld • t t to F.mmltsort Washmgton • t to A1exburg. anctr1a. Va. Hlgb Knob to Frederick. tountaln Green to Rel Air. Fountain Mills to Monrovia. Hlghlandtowntt to Bait!our Locks LO Clear Spring more.  E~1f  Kahnla to Bel Air. Keep Tryst•t to Harpers Ferry, W Va. Kemptown to Mount Airy ., K ennedyvUJe• tt to Chestertown Keymar*tt to Union Bridge ! Keyser to Grantsville. Keysville to Union Bridge.  MARYLAND  2029  Matthews to Cordova. Owtn~s Mms•tt to PlkesMaugansvllle• 1 to Hagersvllle. Oxen Hill to AnacoRtla. town. Maytwrry to Taneytown. D. C. Mayfield to Ellicott City. Mayo* to Annapolls.  McConchle*t to La Plata McC'oole to Keyser. \V. Va. McDaniel• t t to St. Mi- Palmers to Leonardtown. Paramount to Hagerstown. Kifer to Cumberland. chaels. Kings Creektt to Princess McHenry* to Oakland. j Paris t,o Owings. Parkball • to Leonardtown. McKalg to Frederick. Anne. Klngston•tt to Marlon Sta- McKendree* to Upper Marl Park \1llls to Frederick. Parkville* to Baltimore. boro. tion. Kings Valley to Gaithers- McKinstry to Union Bridge Parole• to Anna.polls Parran* to Prtnce Frederick burg. Kingsville• to Bel Air. \fcadows• to Upper Marl- Parsonsburg*H to Plttsvllle. Klej Grange to Glrdletree. boro. Knollwood to Ellicott C'ity. Mechanic Valleyt to North Parsonvllle to Crisfield. ~~aRt, Knoxvllle*t to 8ruil'3Wlck. 0 Medtord•t to New Windsor Kumot to Taneytowu. ~!i!g~~t?t; ~~::ri~t!·r Mellto,a to Chestertown. Pearl to Frederick. Melro!!e to Manchester. Pearre*H to Hancock. Mel&on t to Delmar. Del. Ladlesburg• t to WoodsPearson* to J.,eanardtown. l>oro. Middlebrook to Gaithers- PecktonvllJe to Hancock. Pekin tn Lonaconing. Lakeland to Hyattsville. burg. Lake Shore to Annapolis. Mldctleburg•t to Unton Peninsula Junction* to PrinLakesvllle* to Cam bridge. cess Anne. Brldge Lamotte• to Relsterstown . l\Iiddle Point to Myersville. Pen :Viar to Smithsburg. Lander* to Brunswick. M lctdlertver• to Baltimore. Perry Hall to Towson. Perryroan•~t to Aberdeen. Landover•tt to Hyatts- \11dlothlan* to Frostburg. ville. Mllestown to Leonardtown. Petersville to Brunswick. Lanbam•t:t to Washing- Millers• to Manchester Phamlx (Allegany Co.), ton. D. C. !.flllersvllle• to Annapolls. tn \Ve~ternµort Lanqdowne•t to Baltimore. 'vi IJls to Ha~erstown. Ph<:enlx • tt (I3altlmore Co.) Lantz• to Thurmont. Mill Rtone*:t to Hancock. to Cockeysville. Lapldum to Port Deposit. \iiltchellvllle*to UpperMarlPlndeJl•t to Upper MarlLargo to Washington. D.C. boro. boro. Laura,·ille"' to Baltimore. PJnest)Urg t.o Williamsport. Laurel Grove • to Me• Monie* to Prtnces:c, Anne. cbanlcsvllle. .\ 1onkton•tt to Whlte Hall . Piney Grove• to Hancock. Law,onla*t to Crlsftl'ld. Montro<ie to Rnckvllle. Lay bill to K enalngton. to Woodbine. Piney Neck to Hock Hall. Laytonsvllle• to Galthen Morgau*t :\.1 organ town to La Plata. Piney Point• to Leonardburg. Morganza • to Mechanicstown . Leeland• t to Upoer Marl- M;;~~;w Mills* to Barton Prnto• to cimherland. . Motters• to Emmltic;hurl? Plscata?ay to I3raudywme uoro. Le (,ore to Woodsboro. Mountamdale to Frederick Pisgah t to La Plata. Leitcb"t r.o Owings. Mountain Lake Park•rt to Pl~fiunfx~;~r Four to Leltersburg to Hagerstown Oakla nd . Pleasant Hill to Elkton. Leon to Upper Marlboro. Mt. Carmel* to Hampstead P1easanty111e• to Bel Air. Leslle*t to North East. Level to Havre De Grace. l\lt . Harmony* to Ow!n~. Pl~ecte!•i~k~t to Prince Lewlsdale to Monrovia. M~unt Pleasant to Freder- Point of Rocks•t to FrederLewistown* to Frederick. ick. lck. Liberty Grove • t to Port Mt. St. l\Iar:rs to Em- Pomfret* to La Plata. Pomona to Chestertown, Depo11lt. mittshunr . Pomonkey• to La Plata. Llck.svllle to Frederick. Mountsville to Frederick. Llme Kiln• t to Frederick. Mt. Vernon to l'rince:s Pondsvllle to Smithsburg. Popes Creek•tt to La Plata. Anne. Hill t,o Brandywine. rn:d~i;:t t~oBA~:~<;rt~e. ti~a~~;:vtflf ~i:,sini5~~ber- Mount Victoria to La Plata Poplar Poplar Springs to Woodlanu. igw11ng Creek to Preston H ill Top*t to La Plata. 1\-fount,·iew to Sykesville. bine. filnkle to Mt. Airy. Llneboro•t to Manchester. Mt. Washington*tl to XvlUe to Thurmont. Port Republic* to Prince Holib!I• t t to Denton. Linganore to J\1t. Airy. Baltimore. Fredericlc Llnkwood•:t to Cambridge lVIt. Winans*! to Daltimore. tra.nkllntown to Baltimore I Holbrook to PlkesvUle. Port*t to La Plata. Hollands Island* to Prin- Linwood• l to Union J:lrldg< FranklinYille to Bel Air. Potomac (Allegany Co.) cess Anne. Ll11hon• to Mount Air,. re<1erlck Junction to It'redMulrklrk• tt to Laurel. to Cumberland. F erlck. Hollywood* to Leonard-I Little OrleaIUI to .flancock. Mullinix to Mt. Airy. 1 * (~fontgomery town. Lloyds to C~mbrld~e. reeland*t to Ahrewsbury. I Mutual+ to Prince Fred- Potomac Co.) to Rockville . Fiomesteadt to Baltimore. F Pa.. erick. Powcllville to Pittsville. l:f one:fi to Cambl'irlge. Loch Lynn Heights to F~lenct •hiptt to Owings. Powhatan to Baltimore. Bood~ Mllls•t to Sy11:ewllle. Oakland. ~ellburg to Westminster 1 Hooper11vllle • :t to Cam- Loeb Raven• t t to Towson Ful1 Ord to Bel Air. Pratt to Cumberland. brldgr,. Locust Grove• to Chester F lort,011-~ to Overlea. Prices*t to hurch Hill. town. ~lton* t to Laurel. Prtnclplo to Rl:!lng Sun. Louis to Cumberland. nkatown• to tlarerstown Hope to Centerville. Prlnclplo Furnace• to Long Corner to Mount Airy HopewclU to Crtsfkld. North East. Houok11vllle to Hamp11tead. Long Gn·en• to Towson Prospect to Bel Air. Lon1rWoods* to Easton . Howardevllle• t to Plk.esProvidence• to Ell{ton. Lora* to Mldlanct. vme. Pumphrey to Baltimore. Lorettot to Princess Anne Eioyes• to Fl'lendsvllle. 1 Purdum to Monrovia. Lothian• to Upper Marl- Newburv• to La Plata. 8:i1,her*tt to Rykesville. Nrw Germany* to Grants- Pylesvme•tt to Delta, Pa. ~~~~?:: t~ l~afobrb°a~~hers- 1 boro. Ga\estown to Seatord. Del. v1lle. Love Polnt•tt to Stevenet>Urg. New London to ,fonrovla. Ga~~ways* to Ualesville. vlile. Huntlngtown • to Prince Ga le~ to Westminster. Lovevllle to Leonardtown New Mark(•t* (P'rederick Quantlco•t to Hebron. Frederick. Co ) to Monrovia. Ga 1')rdls;* t-o Odenton. Quel'n Ann"*°tt to flillsboro Lower Marlboro• to Prince Hurry• to Mecba.nll"!!vllle. New Mldway•t to Woods- Quince Orchard to GalthersGa~ and: l t to K eedy11vllle. Huttontt to Oakland. Frederick. G dennu *t to Baltimore Huyett to HaS?er~town. boro. bufl!:. Luke*t to Piedmont, W.Va Newport• to La Plata. o:rnelcl to Smlthsl>ur~. llyattstown* 1,0 l'vlonrovia. rrett Park•t to Kenslng- Hydes•t to Towson. t~!~::;1t~~o~~m;g:aon. I G on. Norbeck to Rockville. G:rr1son • to Plkesvllle. Normans to Stevensville. Norrisville* to Stewarts- R11ndallstown to Plkesvllle. to Elllcott City. I Lyons Creek to Upper MarlGe r,:i; town, to Galena. Ija.msvllle*t to Frederick. town. Pa. Ra.spcburg* to Balt.lmore. horo. l'lnat:town. • :t to Gaither&- , llohester• t to Ellicott City. North BranchH to Pikes- H.a wllugs • t t to Ii eyser, bUrst Indian Springs to Hagersvillo. W. Va glbeon 'to Bel Air. town N orwooct to Sandy Springs. Rayvllle to Parkton. Glfnor:• to Mldllmd. Jngleslcie• to SudlP-rsvllle. ::~1otx!ot:~fctii.nlcsvl11e Nottingham*! to Upper 1 Glsretn t,o Cumberland. ~1arlhoro. Inverness* to r:r.~'intccss Anne Madison• to Cambrl<1ge. Reckord • to Bel Air. Glttlno \.\ estmlnster. Nutwell* to Anna.oolls. lronhill*tt to { on. I ectgat,c to Leonardtown Madonna to l3el Air. rs• to Towson. Ironshlre•:t to Berlin. Ma".nolla•t• to Bel Alr. Hedland to Galtherstiurg-. Ironslcles to La Plata. .. • Heels ,i\1 ills to Frederick. Gle n to Rock lll Irvington to Baltimore.. M.alcolm* to La Plata Reese to \Vestmtn~ter, m:nal'm•t t; T~wson. f;;J!lnrl Creek to Prmce Manokln~ to Princess Anne Reboheth* to l'ocomoke Gle~c~"•tt to Cockeyevllle. Frederick. M~~~~ter. rove t to Ma.nCity . o. (Sebo• to \-\'a.sblngton. I ssurye ti0 ~.fyr!:~lle Maplevllle*t to Boonesboro Oakdale to Sandy pl'ings Reid t to Hagerstown 1 vo GleneJ ·• ~larl>ury* to La Plata 1111khu1d Mills to b:llicott. Reidsgrove*tt to Hurlock. Glenn Ir to Elllcott City. Ma.rlhorott to Upoer MarlI elay*:t to Baltimore. <'lty. Ma lb 0 a1e•1 to Upper Ille to CockeysRevell* to Annapolt<i. boro. 011kley• to Leonardtown. Glen: oro. Ja.oksonv ::\larle~·• to Baltimore. OakvllJe•to Mechanlcsvllle. Glenw~led~ Havre de Grace J vi~;,.; to Cambridge. Marriott vme•t to Sykes• Oakwood to Rising Sun. Rhodesdale•tt to Hurlock. Gluck! 0 . to Syke3v\lle. j am ,me• to Leonardvllle. Ocean• to Midland . Rhodes Point to Crisfield. M:ar~!~~t to J<;a:st New Ja~~~~-\ , Marshall Hall• to Alexan• Oden ton to Baltimore. Rlchardsmere to Rising Sun GlYrnont t I . J n to Princess Anne. drla, Va.<>rwoodt to Towson. Golden Hu~• n(b~n Head. Ja~~lnirs• to Grantsvllle. Marston to New ·w·1ndsor. Oella• to Ellicott City. Ridge• to Leonardtown. Golts*t t Carubrtdre J~rusalem* to Bel Air Martinsburg to Leeslmrg 1 ()ldtown•tt to Cumberland Rldgc•vllle to Mount Airy. O 1 m1st.on. Goodw\lJ u s*t to Laurel. Va. OltvN • to ~olomnns. Rlng-g-old to Smttbsburg-. Gorsuch/R1~rcomok'!l City . 1 i:~efvme• to Nanticoke. Marumsco to Marlon Sta- Olney• to Sandy Springs Rison* to La Plata town p I s to Stewarts- Jewell to Upper Marlboro. tlon Orangevi'le to Ba.ltimore. H.ltchlet to l pper Marlboro goshen 'to aGaltb Jlmtown to Thunnont. ::\faryd1•ll*H to Goldshoro. Oravllle* to MechanlcsvU1e. Hlvndale•t to Hyattsvllle Graceham•t t ~~hurl!:, t 1 Johnsville to Union Brldire. Maryland Line• to Ne" Oregon to Cockeysvllle. Rlver-.lde* to La Plata. range to 8 urmon i Jones to Berlin. Freedom, Pa. Oriole• to Princess Anne. River Springs• to Leonard1 Joppa•~Rel3.!!:__ __ __,?:!as_on prin1,r•t~La Plata. 1 Orme*t t,o BrandywinE;._ _1 town.  t  ~!~~rl~o  I  R  pJ  I I  g~~'f• ~: {~t~t~~\~~wn.  a:!  I  I  /iY·  °  ~ f ~ '_  REFERENCE KEV• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ACounty Seat.  •~Ioney Order Otlice.  tTelegraph Station.  tExprefiR Ollice. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2030  MARYLAND  State Sanatorium• to Thurmont. Stemmer'& Runtt to Baltimore. Stepney to Aberdeen. Roblnaont to Annapoll1. Rookawalklnr; to Salisbury. Stevenson•tt to Towson. Steyer• to Oakland. Rockdale to Plkesvllle. Rock Point• to La Plata. Still Pond*tt to Betterton. Rocks• to Bel Air. Stoakley to Prince Frederick. Rook1 Ridire• tt to Thur, Street• to Delta, 'Pa. mont. Rodgers Forire• to Towson. Sudley• to Annapol11. Rohreravme•tt to Keedy&- 1 Sultland to Waahlngton, vllle. D.C. Roland Park*t to Balti- Sunderland* to Owing11. more. Sunny Brookt to Cookey► vme. Ro1aryv111e• to Upper Marl- Sunnyside to Oakland. boro. Sutton to Frostburg. Rosecrott to Anacostla. D.C. Swanton• t to Oakland Rosedale to Baltimore. Sweet Atr• to Cockeysvllle. Roslyn•t to Plkesvllle. Sylmar•t to Rising Sun. Rowlandsville•t to Port Deposit. Roxbury•t to Hagerstown. Roxbury Mllll to Syke&- Ta.nnery•tt to Westminster vllle. Tanya.rd to Preston. to St.I Taylor to Cockeysville Royal Oak•t t Mlohael. Taylors Island• to Cam• Rumbley to Princess Anne bride-e. Rush to Cumberland. Taylorsville to New WindRuthsburg to Centervllle. sor. •r. B.* to Brandywine. Rutledge to Bel Air. Ruxton*tt to Towson. Templeville• to Goldsboro. Ryceville* to La Plata. Texas•t to Cockeysvllle. Theodore to Rising Sun. Thomas• to Cambridire. Tlmontum "tl to Coc1tey1- 1 ville. Sa.blllasvllle• to Thurmont. Sal~~:eu~~~lne to Cbesa- '.f~'~l~l!k!~/~~a~~Ki'~~~ce. : safnt Dents to Baltimore. St. George• to Reistertown. Tolche1ter Beach• to Che.tertown. St. Georges Island to Tomokln1vllle to La Plata. Leon.ardtown. 8t. Imgoes* to Leonard- Town Point to Chesapeake Clty j town. S&1nt Leonard• to Prince Townshend*t to Brandywine. Frederick. St. l\largaretst to Annap- Tracy■Ldg.* to Upp 81·Marlboro olis. Travllah to Rockville. Saint Mart~nat to.Berlln. Saint Mary• City to Leon- Treiro• to Keedysvllle. Troutvllle to Woodsboro. 1 ardtown. Trump to Parkton. . Salemt to Vienna. Sams Oreek to New Wmd• Tunis Mllls to Easton. Tuscarora•l to .Frederloll:. sor. Sandgates to Mechanlcsvllle Tuxedo•t to Washington · D c Sandy Hookt t to Harper's · · Ferry, W. Va. Sandyville to Westminster. Twlg~own• to Cumberland Two Johns to Denton. Sang Run• to Oakland. Sa11afra1 to Middletown. fyaskln • to Nanticoke. Tylerton• to Crlsfteld. to Laurel. Tyrone to Westminster. Scaiirsvllle to Laurel. Scarboro to Bel Alr. Soarff*t to Bel Air. Scotland• to LeonardUnicorn Mills to Aillington town. Seabrook*tt to Upper Marl- Unionville• to Union Bridge Unity to Galtheraburr. boro. Secretary• to East New Upperco• to Hamp ■ tead. Upper ()rossroad.s to Bel Ma.rket. Air. Fairmount• to PrlD• Upper Seourlty•tt to 'Hagerstown cess Anne. Selbysport• to Frlend ■vtue Upper Falls• to Bel Air. Sellman* to Poolesville. Urbana to Frederick. Seneca• to Poolesvllle Utica Mill ■ to Walkersville. Sevem•tto Baltimore Sewell*l to Bel Alr. Shaay Bower to Hairer. 1 1 Vale• to Bel Air. town. Shady Side• to Annapol11. Vale Summit• to Frost0 buri. ~t:~to V8fo6:n. Lee• to LeonardSharon•i to Bel Air. van Blbber~1 to Bel Atr. Shawan to Cockeysvllle. Shawsvllle to Cockeysvllle. Venton to Princess Anne. Sh;~~~wn• to Marlon Sta- Vlndex to Kitzmiller. 1 Shevperd to Cockeysvllle. Wakefteld* to NewWlndsor Shcrwoorl* to Tilghman. Sherwood Station to Tow- Waldort•tt to La Plata. Sh~~~ell*tt to Bishopville. Walker's Switch* to Parkw!?1~me• to Prince Fred• Slebert• to Cumberland. ericl!. Silesia• to Alexandria, Va. Sliver Hlll to Washington, warfteldburi to Westmln• ■ter. D. C. Sliver Run to Littlestown warren• to Cockeysvllle. Sh~Rsonvllle• to Ellicott wir:.ick" to Middletown.  Riverton• to Sharptown.  tga~nb~fcf;!~· ~~\>~:t;o Roberts*t to Ohurch HUI.  I  Wheaton to :Kensington.  ~i::r::f.f  0  I Bernardlton•tt I  ~}~~~~;0;0  :~tmt~~i \~  W~~1vtnet to Mount Airy. Woodward ville* to AnnapW~~riord*t to Cambr1dv;e. j Worton•tt to Chestertown. Wrights to Cambridge. Wye Milla" to Centerville Wynne •t to Leonardtown. Yarrowsburg to Brum wi<-k. Yellow Sprln~ to Frederick. Yeoho to Cockeysvllle. Zihlman t-0 Frostburg. ~lont to North East.  Sa~iie•  tJt~ f:tf'g.  s1ife;?\  Washtnirton Grove • t to 0 Oakland. w~te~t:i:-;~u[fAnnapoll■. S!lnirer to Bel Air. Watersvllle•t to MountAlrJ Skipton to Cordova. Watk1Ds to Galthersburir. Sligo to Sllver Spring. Smlthvllle to Federalsburg. Waverly to Baltimore. Smoketown to Boonsboro. 1 Wayside• to La Plata. Snydersburg to Hampstead Webster to Havre de Grace Welbourne* to Stockton. Sollers to Lu. bys. Welcome• t to La Plata. Solley• to Baltimore. Wellhams to BaltlmCJre. Sotterly to Leonardtown. S. Baltimore• to Brooklyn. ·wenona.• to Deal Island. South Cumberlandtl to W. Friendship* to · ykesvi!le. Cumberland. South River• to Annapolis. Westover• tt to Prince.• Anne. Spence to Snow Hlll. Westport to Baltimore. Spenoervme• to Laurel. Spickler to Clear 'pring. West River to Annapolis. Splelmant to Hag-erstown. We.;;twood*tt to llrandywine. Sprinirtlel<'l*t to Laurel. SprtngGap•t toCumberland Wetlpqutn• to Nanticoke. Weverton•tt to Brunswick Spring Hlll to La Plata. Wbaleysvme• tt to Berlin. Starkoy to Church Hill. Whayland 1 to Salisbury. Starr to Centervllle,  I  REFERENCE KEY.  A County  Seat.  to Green- I Douglassu to Uxbridge. Dover•tt to Needham. Dracut• to Lowell. Dudley•t to Webster. Dunstable" U to Naahu  Bifl:~1ca•tt to Lowell. :t:.~:~;oi: .1o~hawpot~~-b Adami. Wblteleyaburir to Green ■Blackstone •ti to Woonboro. 1ockei, R. 1. White Marab•t to BalilBlandford•t to Wtstfteld. more. White Plain■ • t to La Bolton• to Olinton. 1 Bondsvllle"tt to Palmer. Plata. I Boume•t to Wa.reham. Whiton to Pittsville. tiJ:c~:t1nne. 1 f!~~~!,8*J~ir!~:~~m. Boylston Center• to Clinton Wllla.rds"H to Pltt1vUle. Williamsburg*t to Hurlock. 1 Bn.dfordt to HaverhllL Bradstreet•toNorthampton Wl111ston to Denton. Willoughbytt to Hillsboro. Braggvllle•t to Milford. Willows• to Prince Fred• Braley'stt to New Bedford. erick. Wllna• to Bel Air, Brant Rock• to Plymouth. Brewster • t to Harwich. Wilson to Prince Frederick. Brier• t9 Adams. ~°o~\~fdams w~~~-sterrt to Queens- I Brlrhtwood T to SprtnirWindy Hlllt to Eeston. field. Wlnfteld to Mount Airy. Wittman• to St. Mlcha~l•. Brlm!ield•t to Palmer. Brooltfield*tl tc Spencer. Wolfsvlllet to Myersville. Woodberryt to Baltimore. Brooltvllle" to Brockton. Woodbrook"tt to Tow■ on . Bryantvllle•t to Whitman. Woodensburir*lto Relaters- Bucl[land• t to Shelburne Falls. town. Woodfield to Galthenburg-. Burllngton to Woburn. Burraire• to Whitman. Woodland to Easton. Woodlawn* (Baltimore Co.) Buzzard■ Bay•tt to Wa.reham. to Baltimore. Woodlawn (Cecll Co.) to Bytleld•tt to Georiretown. Port Deposit. Woodmore to Upper Marlboro. Woodatook*tl to Elllcott Ca.mbrldgeportt1 to Camt:ni:i'i!:ia.  MASSAOHUSET'.1'S  N.H.  Duxbury*tt to Plymouth. Dwt11:ht•t to Amherst. East Acton to Concord. East Blackstone to Woon· socket R. I. E. Boxford* to Georgetown, East Braintree to QulncJ, E . Brewster*tt to Harwich. E. Brimfield* to South· bridge. E. Brookfleld*tt to Spencer East Carver* to Plymouth. East Dedham to D~dham. E. Deertleld~t to Greenfield Dennta• to Harw1oh E. Douglas•tt to WhitinBYille. E. Falmouth* to Falmouth. East Foxboro•t to Foxboro, East Freetown•tt to Ne• Bedford. Eastham• t to Harwich. E. Harwich*t to Harwich. E . Holliston•t to Framinl· ham. East Lee• to Lee. E. Le\·erett to Amherst. E. Lexingtont to Arlington, EaJ~ri~l!\d.Meadow•t i iO E. Mansfield* to Mansfield, East Mattaoolsett• to Fairhaven East Mlhon• to .Milton. Ca~~~~f~tt to Brockton. East Northfield •ttoBrattleCanto l t Canton Junction boro, Vt. Norton• to Taunton. caW1~ie• to Concord. Eaaton•t to North Ea.stoJl. Carver•t to Plymouth. Eastondale• to Nortn .E8"' Caryvllle•i to Milford. ton. Cataumet• tt to Falmouth. East Orleans•t to Harwtcll• Center Marshfield* to East Otts• to Lee. Plymouth. E. Pembroke* to Rockland, Centerville• to Hyannis. Central Vlllaire • to New E. Princeton• to Leoxnlnster. Bedford. Charlemont• t t to ShelEast Sandwlch*l to Y~ burne Falls. mouthpon.. Charlestown*tt to Boston. Chartton•tt to Soutbbrldite East SaugUS•t to Lynn.. Charlton City• t to South- East Sharon to Canton. East. Taunton• t to Taunto• bridge. CharltonDep:->t• ttoSpencer E. Templeton• to Gardnel'• Cbartley•tt to Attleboro. Eut WalooleH to DedbaJJ E. Wareham•tt to warr ham. OhathamPort•tto Harwich. E. Whately* to N orthaDlP'" Chelmsford*tl to Lowell. Cherry Valley• to Leicester. Eats~n\Vlndsor• to Plttl!lftelll Eddyville to Middleboro, Cheshlre•rt to Adams. Edtreworth t to Malden. Chester•t t to Weatfl.eld. Chesterft.eld •tto Northamp~ef~~~~am. ton. t o Vineyard Elm Grove• to Shelburl' Chllmarkf Haven. Falls. Elmwood• to East BI1~ ChUtonvUle to Plymouth. City Mills• i to Franklin. water. 'larendon Hillst to Boston. End!cotU to Dedbam. Clayton to Canaan. Conn. Enfteld"tt to Clifford• to New Bedford. 0 ~~~~1; it! CU!ton• to Marblehead. Cllttondale*t to Lynn. Cllauot to Homston. Cochesett~t to Bridgewater  Har har rt H.a  Ba Ha Ha  na  Ha  In In  l ■l  hi  I■l  Ja  .Te  ~fil',I?rt~  Accord* to Hlngha.n.. Acoe..,:et• to Fa.11 River. Acton• to Concord. Acushnet• to New Bedford. Adamsaa1et to Pawtucket R. I. A.damsvllle* to Shelburne Falla. Arawam• to Sprlngfteld. , Altord to Great Barrington Allerton•~ to Ringham. All tont! to Bo ton. Annlsquam to Gloucester, Arllnitton Helithta• tt to Ar• llnitton. Asbury Grove• to Salem. Aahburnham•tt to Gardner Alhby"t to Fltchburir. Ashfield• to Conway. Allhlaad*tt to Framingham Ashley Falls*tt to Great Barrington. A11lnnlppt• to Rockland. Assonet•tt to Fall River. Asylum Statton to Danvers. Atlantic• to Quincy. Attleboro Fall■ tl to North Attleboro. Auburn•tt to Worcester. Avon•i to Brockton. Ayer• Vlllage to Haverhill  Cochltuate• to Natick. Coldbrook ~prlnp•t to Barre. Cold,prlnit" to Lowell. Shelburne to Colerain• Falls. Colllruivme• to Lowell. Concord Junctlon•tttoConcord. Congamondtt to Westfield. Conomo Station to Gloucester. Cooleyvllle• to Athol. Cordavllle•t to Westboro. Cotutt•t to Hyannis. Crai •ville• to IIyannls. row Point to Hingham. Crystal . prin,z-t to Fall Hi ·er. Cummaqutd • to Yarmoutbport. Cummlnitsvllle to Woburn. Cummtngton•t to NorthBallard vale• tt to Andover amoton. Bancrott• to Plttsftelrt. Cu. hing to ~ •ewburyport. Bardwell. Ferry•t to hel- Cushmant to Amherst. burne Fall.. to YartBam■ table•U mouthport. Dana• to Barre. Barre Plains• tt to Barre. Barrowsvme•t to Attleboro Danversport to Danvers. Bay. tate to 'ortlrnmpton. Darby to Plymouth. Bayview to Glouce11ter Dartmouth• to New BedBeach Bluff• t to Lynn. ford. Becket• tt to Plttstleld. Davi * to Shelburne Fall . Becttord • tt to Concord. Deerfte1ct• t to South Deerl'leld. Bedford pringst to Concorcl. Dell* to belburne Fall . Beechwood* to Hln11;ham. D ennls • t1 to Yarmouth port. Belchertown•t t to Ware. Dennlaport• to Harwich. Bellingham• t to Mlltord. Dighton• tt to Taunton. Bemis to \Vatertown . Dode;e• to Worcester. Berkshire• to Pittsfield. Dodgevlllc•t to Attleboro. Berlln•_tt to Clinton. Dorch tert: to Bo ton. • )loney Order Office.  I  1~::rct~·  ifei~im)~~- Fall!l~~~1J mouth.  Farley• t t to Oranie. Farnams• to Plttsfteld. ,_ Farnum ■ vllle•t to Gratto  ~:~~u~:q r  ~aldF~amld'  Htlls•tt to Sprtd' Fe~~fnefteld.  F1shervme• to Gratton, Flskdale• to Soutbbrld,:'ii, Foreatda.le* to Yarmou ell port. Forire Vlllage•tt to LO!... Franklin Park* t to Ly....Freetown to Fall River, Furnace•tt to Ware.  Gay Head to Vtne:,ar' Haven. Gllbertvtlle *ti to ware. Gill to Turners FallJI, Gleasondale• t to Hud10r1!tt Glendale• tt to Stockb Glenwood to Medford ..,... Goshen• to NortharnPGranoy• to Holyoke. ll Granltevme•u to Lo..,wfd' Granville • to Westue ~ Granville Center•t to W i,. neld. Grecnbush"tt to Hlngllplf• Green Harbor • to month. Greenwich• t to ware. " vmage"l Greenwich Id Ware. Greenwood to Wake0e elGrl■ woldvllle• to Sb burne Falls. Groton•tt to Ayer. btll· Groveland• t to ~  :,E:cpr ss Office.  L  L  L L L L  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  l B &dley•t to Northampton. I M1lllngton• to Athol. 8 &llta:r.• to Plymouth. Mlllt11*t:t to Holll11ton. I Mill Rlver•to Canaan.Conn Bamuton•t to Beverly. R&tnpden•t to Sprtnirdeld. Mlllvllle•t:t to Woon1ocket, R. I. u:~~~.~~=tiot~lt~~i~~nd. , Ranover Center* to Rock-I Minot* to Hlnirham. to SpringM1ttlnea~e*H ' land. , dela.. Banaon• to Whitman. Harding• to South Fram- Monponsettt to Whitman. Monroe Bridge*t to N. Ingham. Adams. Hardwick• to Barre. hQrtavme• to Great Bar- M.onta~e•t to Turners Falls. ' rlnirton. Monta~e Clty•t1toTUrners llarvard•tt to Ayer. Falls. Rarwtch Port • t to Har- Montellotl to Jlrockton. Monterey• to Great BarWlch. rlnirton. RH&tfield*t to Northampton! Montrose to Wakefteld. ..,.•therly to Rockland. Montvale to Woburn. .uathome•ti to Da.nvers. Hawley• to Shelburne Falls Montwaltt to Framingham  ch. rwich. aminl· erst. ington. *H to sfleld, o Fali-  n.  rattlenton. astoJI., b Eal'  rwtob kland, eombl-  y.,.  2031  • .ne-j Sheldonvllle tham.  to wr, .!l· Unlonvllle•t to Franklin. Uphams Cornr ,-ft to B011ton. Sherborn•: to Natick. Upton•ti to Milford. Shlrley*H to Ayer. Shirley Center• to Ayer. 0 ti A-:i~~:tter Vineyard Haven*tt to Tisbury. Siasconsett*t to Nantucket. Silver Lake*t to Plymouth. Sixteen Acres to Sprt~fteld Smiths*t to Ware. Waban• to Newton Center. Wales• to Palmer. Somerset•t to Fall River. Walnut hlll! to Dedham. South Acton*tt to Concord. Waquolt• to Falmouth. South Amherst• to Amhertt Ward Hill• ti to Ha.verhW. Southampton*U to East- Warwick• to Ora·1ire. hampton. Washln~on•t tc P•ttafteld. Oak Bluff11tt to Vineyard South A11hburnham*t t to Waterville*t to WinchenAshburnham. Haven. don . Oakdale•tt to Worcel!ter. South Ashfield• to Conway . South Athol* to Athol. Oak Grovet to Malden. Waverley*tt to Waltham. S. Attleboro*t to Attleboro. Wayland•tt to Waltham. Oakhan.• to Barre. South Barre* to Barre. Oakland to Taunton. Weir VWage to Taunton. South Berlln* to Northboro. Welllngtont to Medford. Ocean Bil.ill to Rockland. Heath• to Shelburne Fa1l11. Monument Beach•t to Ocean Grovet to Fall River. Southboro*ti t~ Marlboro. Wenden•t to Oranite. Wareham. !!ebronvme•t to Attleboro. . Harwich to llrewster*t S. ·wendell D~pot to Orange. .ulnitham Center•t to Hlnir- Moores Corner* toAmherst. Ocean Spray to Winthrop, S. Carver* to ·wareham. ham. Wenham•tt to Beverly. Mount Auburn* to WaterOldtown to North Attle- S. Chatham*t to Harwich. town. HHlnsdale•u to Ptttsfteld. S. Chelmsford* t to Lowell. West Aoton*tt to Concord, boro. ..,.olbrook*tt to Brockton. Mouni Hermon•t:tt0GreenS. Dartmouth* to New West Auburn* to Worcester. Onset*% to Wareham. fte1a. uolden• ti to Worcester. Bedford. West Bam11table•tt to HyMount Tom•% to North- Onset Junctlontl to WareHolland to Southbridge. S. Dennis*t.t to Harwich. ham. annis. ampton. Hoosac Tunnel• n to North Duxbury* to Plymouth. West BerJ1n•U to Clinton. S. 1 Harwtcb. to Orleans•rt Myr!cks*tt to Taunton. Adams. S. Easton* to North Easton West Doxtord• to Geori&011tenme• to Hyannis. ftot>eda.le•t to Milford. South Evemont• to Great Otl.11• to Lee. town. Nahant•t to Lynn. ~!~lfr~k Beach to ew Nantasket Barrington. to Otter River• t % to Gardner. to Boylston • r t West Beach*t South Essex• to Gloucester. O~ord*ti to Worc011ter. Worce11ter. Hingham. Borton ville to Fall Rtver. Southdeld • to Great Bar- v;. Brewster* to Harwich. Needham IJeights•U to ough'' Neck to QuJncy. ring-ton. Briditewater•t to West Needham. liouRatonJc•t ttoGreat BarS. Framinghamt to FramPaxton• to Worcester. Neponsett to :Milton. Br'drewater. rtninon. ingham. Weit Brookdeld*U to Ware ~t"t- 1 'lrd11ton•ttt0Gardner. New Boston• to Winsted, Pelham to Amherst. S. Groveland to IIa·verhill. P~mbroke• to Whitman. Conn. null• ,o Hingham. Pepperell*tt to East Pep- South Fadley• to Holvoke. West Chatham• to Harwlob llumarock to Plymouth. New Braintree• to Ware. S. Had'ey Falls*tt to Hol~·- West Chelmsford •1 to perell. untlru~ton"'tt to we11tOeld Newbury to Newburyport. oke Lowell. Peru*t to Plttsdeld. l'annlsport• to Hyann111. New Leno,:*t to Lenox. West CheeterD.eld• toNor1bNew Marlboro• to Great Petersbam•t to Athol. llydl! Parktt to Bost<'~. am:oton. so_ uHtha H avmer~}otn * t1~0Bck1:v1,:0rl1_ Phillipston• to Athol. Barrington. 11 0 ~ d. West Chop* to Vineyard • 0 '" Pigeon Cove to Rockport. 8 IndJano rchard * t ttoS prlng- New Salem• t1 to Athol. , S. Hanson*tt to 'Whitman. 1 Uaven. Plalru}eld• to Adams. Tewstate to Adams. ftcld. Harwich. to Harwich*tt West Cummington • to s. NorthAttleto le*tl ll_ Plablnorv to •t Highlands Newton ~n terlaken* to Stvckbr'dge. S. Hingham* to Hingham. Northampton N wt n Center 0 •1and Creek • to PlyFa.list Pleasant Lake• u to Har- s. Hyannis* to H) annis. I Westdale* to East Brld~ Ne\\~on° Lower mouth. S. Lanca ·tcr*t to Clinton. I water. 1 11land Park* to H-1verhlll. wich. to '\\'est Newton. West Dennis • to Yar1•llnirton • t to , edham. South Lee•tt to Lee. Newton Upper Falls*H tol Plympton• to Plymouth. S. Lincoln*t to Concord. , Pocas,et•t to Wareham. mouthport. Newton Genter. to West Dudley• to SoutbSo~t~dle~~~~~eboro• t Ponkapog• to Canton. 1 brldite. iamaica t>laintt to Boston. :~~!it~~*Jit!g ~~~~~~ham to West Duxbury • to Pl~:; l~,:~t~lver. South Middleton • t efferaon•tt to Worcester. mo·.:th. Danvers. Pridee Orossing*tto Beverly, Nonqutt• to New Bedtord wos~. Everettt to Everett. South Natick to Natick. Prlnceton•tt to Gardner. Nortolk•tt to Franklin. to S. Orlean~* to Ilarwich. Depot• U Norfolk Downst to Quincy. Princeton lrenberma to Hlngham. South Rehoboth to Provt- w Falmouth•tt to FalWorcester. Renda! Green•tt to Wal- North Ablnitton*U to Abmouth. dence, R. I. lngton. than1. Weatrord•t to Lowell. Royatston*tt t,o Athol. RingsLon*U to Plymouth. North Acton•t to Concord. Qulnapoxet•t to Worce11ter S. S. Sandwich* .,o Hyannis. West Glouoeatert to GlouSouth Sudbury*tt to Framcester. N. Amherst* to Amherst. Qulllllett• to Falmouth. West Granville to Westfield , ingham. ! N. Andover*tt to Lawrence Boon to Maynard. i South Vernon to Brattle-1 West Groton•t to Ayer. Bellingham*t to. !ilford a~: ea,;ant•ttto TUmer11 N. Weathampton* to Nort'bboro. Vt. North Beverlyt to Beverly. Raynham•t to Taunton. 1 amuton. takeville• t to M1ddleboro. to : i\1~<;[J~~;dt t~o .«r~t~~Jd. R~~n. Center• W. Hauover*t to Rockland. La.ncaster• Tt to Cllnton. W. lla.rwich*t to Harwich. Wareham. to ·wareham*t S. Park. Hyde to Reaclvillett Harwich. to nrewster*t N. L8.Ila&boro• to Plttsfteld. S. Wellfleet*H to Province- West Hatfield* to NorthNorthbrldite•u to Whltlna- Rehohoth•t to Taunton. anesvme to Gloucester. ampton. town. Rlchmond•tt to Pltt11ddd. •llle. Westport• to New W. Hawley* to Shelburne South to % Furnace• Richmond Camto cambridgett . orthampton. ~11• l to Falls. Bectrord. Pittsfield. bridge. ~uo:r.dale*tt to Lenox. Soutbwlck•n to Weatfteld. Weat Le:vden•to Greent1eld. N. Carver*t to Midclle~oro. Ridg-ehill to Ror:kland. L Verett•tt to Amherst. South Williamstown• to West L:vnn*t to Lynn. ~, Chatham ... to Harwich. Rlnirvllle to \Vest!'leld. Lrlden• to Greent1eld. W. Mansfleld*tt to MansWilliamstown. • <'helmsford*t1 to Low<>!I Rlversid • to Turner Falla. Linrln•t to Concord. field. South WorthlniUJn • to m. .... Hingh to Cohasset* N. Lt en to Malden. Weat .Medtord*t to Medford 1 Ll~o~d • to Whlt1n11v1Ue. North Dana•tt to Athol. Sp~~~i!'i:~\~iion to Can- W. 1\1edway*tt to ME1dway. •~: i~'i~~':ter. Llttla to Northampton. West .Mlllbury• to MWbur7. ton. ew Rochester• to Wareham. N. Dartmouth* to eton•tt to Ayer. Standlsb* to Plymouth. Rock•ti to Mlddleboro, Bedford. to Brtd~ewater W estminster*t to Gardner Farm• State Holliston. to RookvUle• Taunton. to ! 1 Di~htou N. ~leton Common •ttoAyer '. Duxbury• to Plymouth. Roslindalett to Boston. Westminster Depot• t te Lon'Ju Vlllaire• to Orane;e. Gardner. . t~astham*l to Harwich. Rowe• to Shelburne Falls. State Line• n to Great Bartl~eadowt to Springrlnitton. W. Newbury*i' to HaverNorth Evemont• to Great :~:J:;ftt~01~8c,~t~·. Sterllnit•ti to Clinton. hill. Lot:°g Plain to New Bed- N Ba~lf:!.t~~h*t! to Fal- Royalston• to Athol. Still River• ti to Ayer. West Northdeld•t to L ord. Stony Brook•t to Waltham Brattleboro, Vt. t t~0 ~~r~~~ld. mouth. ":lpdw Center• to , prtng-, Stow* to Maynard. Weston*tt tc Waltham. L e . Straights Pond to Hingham to Greendeld. Lllnenbufi• to · ttchburg. Northnetd*tl W. Orange to Orange. L~nfteld•tt to Wakefield., Northfteld Fanns*t to TUr- Sae-a.more•tt to Wareham .. Sturbridge• to Southbrldrc,. W. Peabody*t! to Peabody. nt'r Falls. to NortbGrarton•n 'w,nl1eld Centre•U We11tport•t to Fall River. Salisbury •t to Newbury-, Sudbury•U to Hudi,on. toGratton, L aketleld to South Westport Point• to Fall Sunderland • Hadley• to Nort.r Y3~!_llle • · to Shelb' .rne North River. Deerdeld. . a~~f,~ry Beach to New-'. ampton. West Quincy to Quincy. huryport. SUttont to Millbury. 1 I oxburyt to Boston. '\Vei,;t Lynn. to Sv-ampscott Ame11to Point Salbbury HocKl3:nd. N. Hanover• to West Rutland•t to Barre. S .nnsea• to Fall River. bury. IIarwich*t to Harwl<'h llarno1t + t North Battleld•ttto North- ;:~~!~Nit•.ttf :1ni!~:iam. Swl~~~ Center to Warrer, West Somel'Yille*tt to tancha:~. 0 Somerville Swift River• to Northamp11::rmet•t to Plymou th • , L"Toar'fi:'t feomlnster r l to Santult• to Hyannis. I ,, llart ew.00<1 t to Malden. We11t SterUng• to Clinton ton. N.LLeoernvelrDt~\';\o Gr~e. nfleld. Saugus Centert to Lynn. Ila on t t to Wareham. Stockbridge U West l'llbl1eld Hlll1•tt toRock· Stockbride;e. , N. Lcxinc:ton to Ar1mgton. Saunder11vllle•tt to GraftoD 1\1:l &nd. 1 Savoy•t to Adams. to Canton. toughton* W. ~~u~t~· t3 i~~if%{e~~eio a.rstons Mills• to Byan-I T. l\larshttc•I<IT w Rock lard Saxonvillett to Framing81 I( n 1s. ham. Templeton•tt t.o Gardner. Weit Sutton to Millbury. North Mlddleboro • to a■hpec• to Hyannis. 11 West Tbbury* to Vineyard Tewkc11bury•t to Lowell. Bridgewater. to Brockton. ,...atfleldt Scituate Center• io Hlnit-, Thorndlke*tt to Palmer. Htwen. N'ortb Natick to Natick. .v-la.tta.1la tt ham. North NewSalem* toOrangt' n to Boston. llatta Three Rlvers*tl to Palmer. '\ r. Town end*t to TownScotll\nd to Bnde;ewater. .., ven~ol11ett*t1to Fair lla- North Oranite• to Athol. send. Tltioutt to Bridgewater. West Upton•t to Mlltord :-Jorth oxrord*t! to Oxford. Sea Side to Plymouth. :!edfteld*fl to Dedham. Tolland* to Wlnstt>a. <.;onn •~1fo11e Hle;hlandi• u to ·, Pembroke* to Rockland. Sea ·Irle Park to Hyannis. tt to Danvers . '\Vestvale to Concord Topsfield• Plymouth. to View*t .'ea Plymouth•! to Plyll""'"lro■e Seekonk• to Providence, Touissett*tt to Warren ,v. Warcllam*-r to Waremouth Mlltord. M"Ddon• ' It. I. R I. ham. remsha.* to Vineyard ,. ~orth Prescott to Ora.nee Se~eiranset •t to Taunton.I Townsend Harbor•tt to Wes\ Warren*U to \\'ar · Townsend. N Readingtt to HC'a lln~. Sharon*tt to Canton. West WhaLe:ly to S1., Deer~er~l~:l1!·t to Springfield. field. }d~rrlmact>ort• to .Merrimac N: ltochestert to ::\J'dtlle- Shattuckvllle • to Shel- Tremont Station to Wareham burne Falls. Westwood• to Dedham llldtca.1t'*t to Framingham. Shawmut• to New Bedford. Truro•t to Provincetown 11°Rutland to l'ar . Yarmouth* to llyano lltd3}efeld • t to Pltt11deld. ~ Scituate*tt to 11 in 'ham Sheffleld*tt to Great Bar- Tutt11 Colleger to Medford. W. to Weymouth Ileightst 11.1:tUb e on• U to Danvers. • · Stoughtontt to c~uton. Tully• to Athol. ring-ton. . outh Weymouth. Sudbury*t t') !\Ia:rnard. Sh!'lburne to Shelburne Tyu1t11boro•u to Lowell. lllU..,~o1,,k* to Plymouth. •Id. Deerfi So. to Whately•% Fan,. alls•u to Turners I N. swan. ca* to Fall Ri ·er Tyringham• to Lee. Falls. Wneelwrtitht*t to W&re. Office. Order lonr>y tTelegraph Statton. REFERENCE KEY. :l:Exprcss Office. I  mouth. oxboro. o Ne1f  MASSACHUSETTS  Nortn Tisbury* to V yard Haven. North Truro•t:t to Prov1ncetown. N. Uxbri9,ge* to Uxbridge.I No:Ri~e:Vestport•t to Falll N. Weymouth* to Quincy. , North Wllbraham•ti to Springfield. North Wllmlnitton • t % to Andover. T. '\Yoborntt to Woburn. Norton•t to Attleboro. Norwich to Westfield. 1  ~~~i-::::;l:  I  ff  ~~!!:~I~  1  I  1:  ~~~J!r:~r:.\\ ;g .:r~:B~:~ I  :~~:~~1~  d.  atto.. ·mbll'  :~ri:~~!f  1  prbll'  ;g ~1~f;:!i1e.  T  to  Id  el-  r~· Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  '°  •  1  N.  1~  N:  I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2032  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  MASSACHUSETTS  White Horse Beach to Plymouth. White Valley• to Barre. Whittentont to Taunton. Wl\hraham•t to Sprlnineld WllklnsonvllJe• t t to Mlllbury. W1llla.msburg•tt to Northarnoton Wllllamt1town Statlon•tt to \ illiarustown. Wllllamsvllle• f i to Barre. Willimansett* to Holyoke. Wllmlngtm1•tt to H.ea.dlng Wlnchendo!J Sprln1t1• to Wlncbendou . Wtnct11or* to Dalton. Wood HoJe•rt to Falmouth. Woodville• to Hopkinton Woronoro*t to Westl1eld. Worthlngton•t to Pittsfteld Wyomlnit to Melrose.  Carlton Center to Ha.11tlnp. I Carpey"'tt to Stephenson.  Hates*t to Tr11Terse City. Bauer t.o Jludsonvllle. Baxter to .i \!e ick. 1  0  i~7~:~ey. 8!~fif:J:rt! t~ae:::~ing. Oarrollton*tt to Saginaw. 0  ~!;sh'c!:~ ~t tto Bay Side to Bay City. Beacon•r to Ishpeming. Beacon Hill• t t to Houihton. Beadle to Battle Creek. Bea.I City to Mount Plea.  Cary to Baldwin. Cascade to Ada. Casro t0 Hichmond. rash to Sandusky. Cass Lake to Pontiac. Cat.uro* to Alpena.  ant.  Deu.nt11on to Coopersville. Denton•t to Ypsilanti. Derby•t to Sa.Int Jo11eph. De Tour*t to Sault Ste. , Marie. Devereaux•tt to Sprtniport. Devils Lake• T to Addison. Di>war<l*t + to Frederic. Dewtngs to Leroy. Dlamondloch to Newaygo. Diamond Springs to Ham11ton. Dice to Freeland. Dinca to Falmouth. Dlorlte• to lshpemfn1t. Disco to Utica. Dlxboro to Ann Arbor. Dod1wville* to Houghton. Dollar Ba:v•tt to Hou~hton Dollarvill'.)t to Newberry. Donaldson to Sault Ste. l\Iarie. Donken to outh Range. Dorrance to Coldwater. Dorr Station to Midland. Doster• t l to Plainwell. Dover to Clare. Dowllni• to Hastings. j Downiniton • to Decker-  Ferry• to Shelby. Ferryaburir~tt to Haven. Fibre*t to Rudyard. Flier Clty•t to :l.lanlstee. Flllon•t to Kinde. Fillmore Center to Hamilton. FlndJeytt to Burr Oak. Fish ville to Stanton. Fltchbur,i to Stockbridge. Five Laltes to Lapeer. Five P oints to l{eclford. Flowercreek to Montague. FlowerlleJd•tt to School craft. Floyd to Midland. Ford CitY to V:vandotte. Ford ttiver* to Bark Hiver. Forester to Carsonville. Forest Grove to Hudsonville. Forest HUJ•l to Alma. Fores t L,iko to :\IunL,;ing. Forsythe* to Gwinn. Forward to ~lcHaln. Foster City• t tto Escanaba Fosters* to Sa.1,!lnaw. Foucht to Traverse City. Francisco•ttto Gras!l Lake. Frankenlust to Day City. ville. Frankentrost to Sa11;lna.w. Drake to Lapeer. Drayton Plainst t to Pon~wn~}r~lnll~~Jitlac. ton. Drenthe to Zeeland. to Bellevllle. Drummon<1 • to Sault Ste. Frenchlandln1t Frontier• to Hillsdale. Marie. Frost to Hemlock. Dryburg*f to Rudyard. Fruitport• to Grand Haven Uublln•rt to Manistee. Fruit Ridge• to Adrian. Dul"klake to . pringpurt. Furness to }.!ancelona. Duel to Midland. Duffleld*tl to Durand. Duke to Ewen.  Bearcreek to Manistee. I Deaverdam to Zeeland. Bedell to nay City. Cecn•t to Mackinaw. Bedford• to Battle Creek. Cedar Bank to Hanover. neehe to Ithaca. Cedarcreek to Hastin~. Beecni to oetrolt. Ceda.rdale to Deckerville. Beechwood• to Iron River. Oedarlake*t to Edmore. Dell Branch to Hedford. Cedarrivcr* to Stephenson . Delle Oak to '\Vebbenille. Cedarrun*H to 'rraverse Belmont•t to Rockford. City. Benrton•ti to Thompson- Cedarville• to Sa.Int Ignace. , TJllle I BennPtt to Baldwin. Cereaco•t to Mar11nall. Uennlnl?ton•tt to Owosso. Champlon•rt to Isboemtng. Yarroouth•t to Yarmoutb Ben on to CadUlac. Channlni• U to Iron Mounport. t:,1i~l~~~n. ta.In. Rerlamont•t to Bloomlni- 1 Zoar•tt to North Adam11 dale. Chapel to Ada. Rerrlen Center• t t to Eau Chapin• to Elsie. Claire. Charleston to lldln<1en City. Bervllle* to Armada. , Chase• t1 to Reed Clty. Bethel to Coldwater Heverly to Grand Rapid,. ·chatham•tt to Munlsln1t. Chauncey to Rocktord. Bl2 Bay•t to Marquette Big Beaver•to Birmingham. Cherry Hill to Ypsilanti. Cheshire to Allegan. l\1ICHIGAN Big Rock" to Lewiston . Chester! to Ch11rlotte. Ollllng1* to Beaverton. Blntrbam to Traverse City. Chesterfield t l to Mount Clemens. Abbotsford •to Port Huron. Alrdsell to Adrian. Chestonia to East Jordan. Aomf' to 'rraver~P ('ttv , Blsbop to Fremont. Chicora to Allegan . Ada~tt to U and Rapids . Al&ckmer to Blrcb Run.• to Hlcb11101 .. 1 Bla.ckriver*H (Alcona Co.) Chief• to Bear Lake . Chief Lakett to Bear Lake. Adamsville to Edwardsburg to Harrisville. Gaastra* to . tambaugh. Dunham to Bessemer. Aetna to White Cloud. Black River (Allegan Co.) Chlldsdale to Rockford. Galloway to Merrill. Chl111on•t to Brighton. Dunningville* tu liamilton. Ganges• to Fennvtlle. Afton* to ('beboygan. to Fennville. Chippewa Lake • to Big Dutton* t t to Caledonia. Agnew to Grand Haven . Blalne•i to Port Huron. Gardendale to Akron. RaplltS. Ahmeek*tt to Calumet. Blaney* to Manistique. Garnet•t to Sault Ste. Chippewa Station• H to Alnger• to Olivet. Bolton• to Alpena.Marte. Evart. Altken to Croswell. Bonifa<;* to Irr,n lOver. Ga ·ton to Cadillac. Church to Hudson. Ala.baster• tt to Tawas C!t)- 8orcu10* to Zee-Jana. Eagle*tt to Grand Led1te. Gates,·llle'"T to Sa.ult te Alamo•n to Kalamazoo. l•,aglerivcr* to _ fohawk. Rorland to Morley . arle. 1 Gay• tt to Lake Linden. Ala.ttka to Caledonia. Bowen to Grand Raplr\s. Eames* to Pontiac. Alcona to Harrisville. Bowens 1\!llls to r.liddle- Clarence* ta Marlon. Davton to Kingston. Geary to Laingsburg. Aldersou•t to Baldwin. ville. Ge<i<le: to Ann Arbor. Clarencevllle! to Farming- East GIJead to Bronson. Alembic to Mount Plea11ant Bowmanvllle to Sta.ndlsn. Ea.!ltlake* t l to ManIBtee. Genessee• to Flint. ton Algansee to Quincy. ' Boyden to fount Pleasant. Clarendon! to Homer. East Leroy•tt to Battle Genevat to Hudson. Alger• tt to Standish. Creek. Gera • t1 to I:- rankenmuth. Clarion• rt to Peto11key. Alicia.• to St. Charles. Eastmanvllle to Coopers- Germania. to .1arlette. Boyne*H to Boyne City. Clark to Manl11tee. Allendale• to Coopersvllle Germfask" to Seney. ville. Bradford to Midlanrl. Clarklake•tt to Brooklyn. Ailenton,..t to Almont. Bra.ll le. ·*tt to w ~- ·land. Cla w11on • to Blrmln1tbam. Easton (Shiawassee Co.) to Gert to Peter~burg Allenville* to St. Ignace. Cbesanlng. Gibson to Sau2atuck. t Cla.ybank11 to Monta1n1e. 1 Brady to C hesamn'1'.. Allouez• to Catunlflt. East Paris to Grand Rapids Gldd!ng-s to Baraga. Brarnpton*tt to Glad . tone. Clay Hill to Luther. Almena to Paw Paw. Eastport• to Central Lake. Gilbert• to ~1anton. Branch• Tt to ScottvUle. Cloverdale*t to Delton. Aloha• t t to Cheboygan. East Saugatuck•U to Sau- rnlcltrist*tt to Engadine . Brant• to St. CharleiJ Clyde•tt to Holly. Arpme•t to Grand Rapid~ ~~:~f:Jfi~rre:on~~gor. gatuck. Gilmore to Farwell. I Clyde Centre to .Pennville. East Alston*U to Houghton. Girard to Tekonsha. Thetford*! to FIJnt. Altona• to Lakeview. Brentcreek"U to Flushlnir. Gltchel to Zeeland. Easi;wood to St. Charles. Alverno to Cbeboy2an. Brest to Monroe. Glen Arbor to Cedar. Coate11 Grove• to Hutlng1 . Amadore• t to Croswell. Glendale to Paw Paw. Cobmoosa to W1Jkerville. Amasa.•t:t to Cryl'ltal Fala Bretbrt'n•t to Copemish. Gleudora.•t 1 to Ga.lien. Cohurntown to Hancock. Amber to Scottville. Brevort* to St. Tg-nace. Eben Junction to :Munising. Olr-11ha Pn * to Emp!rc. Coe to St. Louis . Amellth to Bay City. Brlce to Middleton. Cohoctah Center to Howell. Eckerman Tl to Newberry. Uln1lord to St. Joseph. Anohorvllle• t to New Bal Brldlt'eport•tt to Sai:lnaw. Coldwater Lake to Cold- Eckrord • tt to Homer. Glenmen.. . to I•~mpire. tlmore. Bridgeton to Grant. Eclen• to Ma on. Glenwood*:t to Decatar water. Ander1'ont to Pinckney. Edenville* to Midland. Glover to Standish . Colebeck to Beaverton. An~ellt to JClk Hn.pids. Brle.r to Mldlano. Edgerton• t to Rockford. Goctzville to Sau\t Ste. Oollin~•t to Oaro. Antrlmt to Mancelona.. Ed~etts • t l to Luther. Brinton to Farwell. I\l:i.rie. ColllnsU to Lyons. Arbela to Clio. Bristol to Tu11tln. Ed~ewood to Ithaca. Go elJlc*tl to llc,seruer. Colon ville to Clare. Arden to Berrien Sprlnaa. Brorkton to Marlette, EcJward to \'Vest Branch. Goo Harbor to ( eJar. Columbus•t t-0 St. Clair. Arenac to Omer. Brookfield to Charlotte. Egleston to Levering. Good Heart to Harbor Comfort to Bella.ire. Argentine• to Linden Brouard to Pl11.lnwell. 1 I ,,. • • t to Lapeer. .Soring . Commerce to Mllrord. Arlene to Lake CltY. Browns Corners to Clare Elhrldie to Hart . Gootllng*tt to Sparta.. Comatock•t toKalamazoo. Amhelmt to Baraga.. Brownstown to Lake Lin- Connor Creek to Dt1tro1t. Eldorado• to Ro11oomroon r.oodl on• to Roche•aer. .~rnold * to f<:scauaba. Goodland to Imlay City. den. Conway*tt to Harbor Spp. Ellnke* to Harrison Arthur to Reese. (;orm n to Adrian . Brown1vllle to Ca1111opolls. 1m1niton to Caro. Cook11° to Manistique. Ashland Cont er to Grant Bruces Cro· ·ing*tt to Rock- Cooper to Kalamazoo. Elli.· to larsb, 11. Gotts to Ca evllle. Aahmore to Gagetown. lanc1. Ellisville to (' heboygan. Gonld ity*tt to :\lanisCopl)er <.Jlty to Mohawk. AetJton•t I to Reed City. Brunswick*H to Holton. tique. Corey• tl to T bree Rivers Elmt to Plymouth. A1syrla • to Bellevue. Brutus• tt to Pellston. Gowen• t t to Greenvllle. Elrndale 1 t to Alto. Corinnet to En •acline. Atklns•u to Port Huron. ' Br,; n• to . lanistique. Elmer to Sandusky. Graaf:cbal) to Holland. Cornell* tn E. cnnaha. Atlantic Mine* to South Bunker Hlll to Le!llle. Grand lleacht to Michigan J~Jm llall*1 to l{h erdale. I Coroine: to Wayland. Range. Burdickvillc* to Empire. Olty, lnll. Council Corner to Royal Elmwood to Cas11 City. Ulas•i to Fllnt. Burnips" to Dorr. Grand Junctlon•t l to BanOalc Att:lca•U to Imlay City. Burnips Oorncr·"' to Dorr. Covin~ton*tt to Baraga. gor. Atwood to· 1•:llsworth . Durns to Port Huron. Grand faire to St. Jo11eph. Crane to Midland. Auburn Heights to Pontiac. Burnside to Brown City. Crapo to l c cJ Oity. Elo* to Hancock. Grand .'.\larais* to Mar• Aurelius to .\ foson. Durt to l\lont.rose Eloise• t to Wayne. Quette. Cressey• to Rlcnland. A.u11terlltz to Roclctord. Burt Lake• to Indian River. Cri o to Holland. Grape to Mayhee. Elton to Cadillac. Autratn•tt to ~fun!'llng. Burton• to Ovi<l , Crosby• to ~rand Rapld11. Emerald to Rvart. Gra. ·mere! to Elkton. A verlll • tt to M!<lla.nd. Bu hnell to ~herldan. Gratiot Beach to Pon Cros Village• to Leverln1t. Emery to Ann Arbor. Avondale to Eva.,;t. Rutler to Quincy. Emery Junction* t l Huron. to Croton to Newayio. Axln" to Cadlllac. Butman* to tlladwln. Grattan to Belding. 1 urner. Crown to Kinde. Azaua•n to Dundee. Butterfield• to Lake City. Englishville*t to 'parta. Gray to llrtlaud. Cuh·er* to Kalkaska. 1 Cum her• to Cass City. Green to Ontonagon. 0 t~nt;:.~Greenbusb•rtto HarrlJvtlJe. Curran to Lincoln. Eo«ilon* to Peto11key. <,r • 11d1Lh• to 'hephertl. Curtis* to Newncrry. Bachelor to Ponntaln. Cadmus• t t to Adrian. E11tey* to Pinconning. Cutcheon* to Lllke City. r nfleld* to Detroit. Cady to I• rr.s!;'r. BaJlrr• t to Struhen11011 <.re u rden to ;:-,. I arquetteCutlerville to Grand Hapids Eureka• to St. J ohos. Ba.mbridge Center to Colo- Ca.loerwooa• to Marquette. I-:vans•t to Cedar Sprlnp. ( ,r nlnko to Wayland. ma. CalrJ well to Mount Pleasant. Greenleaf to Cas City Ba.lludi'I to Sparta.. California to lay. Ind. Dafoe• to Alpena. Gre1•n River to \1ancelon&, Ballentine to Ewen. Calklnsvllle to Roset>ush. Dalley•n to Cassopolls. Fa.ctoryvtJle to Athena. <ire liam to < harlotte. Cambria to Reading. Baltlc• to ::south Hange. Dale to Ueavcrton. t,rlnd ton Clty•tt to Pori Fairfax• to Colon. Baltimore to lil\!ltln~'l. Cbnipt,ells Corners to We11t Daltont to Muskegon. 1-'alrOeld" to Ja11per. Au tin. Banat* to Stepnemon. Branch. Dan ·ville to J:1a.·on. Fair Haven• t · to New Groos* to E. canaba. Banlleld to Rattle Creek. Canada. Cornets to Ca11- I Da.rra.orh• to Kalka.ska. Gro cap• to St. Ilwace. Uaven. novia. Bankerart to HIiisdaie. Davis to Romeo Fairport tQ Gurd n Gro e I 1e•t to Trenton. Barbeau to ~ault ste. i\JariP. Canandaigua to Morenci. Davlst>ur1t•U to Holly. Faltbo10• to Menominee. Gr,> e Pointe F rms to Barkercreek• t l to Kal- Canboro to Owendale. Dayton• to Buchanan. Earg >*t t \\•oca. D •troit. bores to Ca.nOcld to Hale. Defiance• to Gladstone. ka ■ ka. Farnham! to Houghton. Groi. Point Barkvllle to Bark River. Cannonshure:• to Rockford. Delb' ~111111 to Ann Arbor. Fayette•t to Garden. Ci o Poln e. Barron Lake to ·ne11. Canton• to Wayne. DPlrar to Detroit. Felch•t to iron tountaln Unwe to Sancl Lake. Barton <'lty• to Linroln. Carland*t to Owosso. Delta.ft to Grand Ledre. Fenrnore to Fl11le. Gulliver• to Mani tlque. Carlisle to Charlotte. Delwtnt to Coleman. Fefi\ls• to Chceantnir. Guumar h o Martin. C&rlshend• to Marquett~emmon• to Hancock. _ _Ferris to Vestabur~ Gustin to H11,rrisvi!le.  I  U:~;~:~~/f  I  I  ~~:~lj~.  0  I  0  ~~t1.ftn~ tiJ  l:!v~!rr~ \~ i~ys::~~~le.  REFERi::NCE KEY~  , County Seat.  • ~loney Order Office.  +Telegraph Stat! n  :tF.xpr  ---- Office  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  MICHIGAN  Aranltou Beach*H to Addi-I son. Manning to Cheboygan. Mansfit.'ld to Crystal Falls. Mapt>lton to Iron River. Maole Clty•t to Cedar. Maplegrove to Nashville. Maple Ridge* (Arenac Co.) to Prescot,t. Maple Ridge (Delta Co.) to Escanaba. Mapleton to Traverse City.  Kellogg to Allegan. Kelly to Sunf1elcl. Kendall• t t to Gohlevllle. Kennethl to St Ignace. Kenton•tt to Ewen. 11-entvllle to TnompRonV1Jle. K ewaltln. to Elk Rapid!!. to Bay• t t Kf'we.,.naw Baraga. Klbhie*l to South Raven. Klllmaster• to Llnc·oln . Irlmhall to Port Huron. Kln<terhook• to Coldwater. Kings l\Iill*tt to North Braneb. Klnro~s•ttoSanlt Ste. Marie Klpllng•t to Glad!ltone Kirk to Walkerville. Kirkland• to West Branch Kllnr.rers* to ~tUrl{IS.  H a1tensvllle to Roven. Hallock* t<' Gaylord. Hamhurg• tho South Lyon. Hammond I Kent Co.J to Caledonia. Hammond* (Presque tsle Co.) to Millersburg. Hand Station • t to Dearborn. Hanley to Grand Raolds. Hannah to Kln1tsley Harhert•t to Tbree Oaks Hard wood• to Ei:scanaba. Hllrlan* to Copemish. flarriette to Cadillac. Harris* to Bark River. Hartland• to Howt"ll. Harvard• U to Greenville. Harvey to Marquette. :Uatmaker to Bronson. Hawkbead to South Haven. Hawkins to Reed City. Hawks*t to Ho,~ers. Haymarsn• to Lake City.  Pelkle•t to Baraga. Pllnl1el<t • to Battle Creek. Penn• ti to Cassopolis. Pentecost•l to J'ecumse'll. Peutoi?:a • t t to Iron River. Pe11uamlng• to L'Anse. Perfection to Hurrb, ille. Perkins• to Gladstone. Perrlntn1ll1•• to \\ ayne. PerronvUle• to Escanaba. Perrys l'ier to Onekama. Peters to tarlne City. Petervillr to Honor. PPtreville to Eaton Rapida. f'beli,s•t to Chartt-volx PhillipsviHe to Calumet. Pboentx•t to Mohawk. 1  New Salem to Jamestown. New Troy• to Three Oak'3 :S.ew W.-xford to Bucl,ley. Nicholson to Morrke. Nlcbolsville to Marcellus. Nickel l'late to Ionia.. Nirvana•; to Reed City. NlsuJa• to Baraga. Mareniro•l to Albion. Noordeloos to Hol!and. :\1arenisco* to \Vakefield. Norrisv.ille to Traverse Cit~ Ma rill a• to Kaleva. Marlon Springs to ~ St. North Bradley•n to CoifCharles. No~hn.Uetrott•t to Detroit Markell to Fostoria. ct Cit Pl " *tt t ti North Dorr to Dorr. '.'.1arkey• to Roscommon. '1 North FarmlngtonttoFa.rm Pi~~c~~ek tu°Atg;;s~ .Martlnsvtlle to Belleville. 1-'tne Grove Mllls• t to Gobl&lngton. l\fasomille*t to Gladstone. Pl~~'?,~ke to Pontiac. Norrnirrove to Mayvllle. :v1 as!':*tl to l{ North Holland to Pine R1vern to umer. Matchwood• to Rockland Matherton*to Hubbardston North Lake to Otter Lake. Ptnnebog• to Klnuc. Pioneer• to LakP City. Northllmd•! to Escanaba. North Manitou lslana• io Plpt-etone to Eau Claire. Mattl11on to Sherwood. Pitt. field t to Saline. Traverse City. Maxton• to Sa.ult Ste. Marie North Moreucl*ttt0Moreno1 , Plalotteld (Kent Co.) to May to Holland. Rockford . North Mll!lkegon to Muskefoyneld•t to Kingsley. Plainfield (Livingston Co.) ~on. Mccarron* to Sauli Ste. to Stockbridge. Marie. N ortb Street• to Port Plato* to Mass. Huron. McDona.ld"lt to Bangor. 1-'leaMnt Clty to Suttona McDonough to St. Charlea. North Unity to Cedar. Hay North Wheeler to Wheeler Pleasant Valley to Sal.Jll I Williamsto.Mtdland North City. Tawa1 to Mclvor•t Louts. McMlllan•tt to Newberry. Norvell•tt to Maurbester Point Aux Barques•t to*tl to Onekama. Meade to New Haven. Port Awstin Norwlrh to Lake Clty Meauwatka• to Cadillac. Pointo Aux · Pins*t to Norwood to Charlevoix. Metllna• to Hudson Chel>oyc:-an. Centervlll~ to Nottawa•tt Mel. trand to Munising. Point Mma• to Hancock Novesta to Deford. Poka.gon•t to Dowagiac: Meridian to Williamston. , Novl•U to Northville. Pomona• to Copemish. Merlebeach• to St. Johna . Popple to Bad Aite .ierrltt to Lake City. Portage• l ( K.a,amazoo Co.) Mef"on to Alleian. 1 1 ~eei~~~o~l~n rai:c1cto Iron l 8:~nt~l}r~~:/\o Oreen Po~a~: ~~!~~:iee Co.) to Onekama vllle. Mountain. 0  I  Helena (Antrim Co.)* to Bellaire Helena (Huron Co.) to Harbor Helmer* to Newberry. Hcnclrick!I Quarry to Enga.ndine. HH"'nrtetta to Jack!lon. 1 ermantt to L'Anse. Hermansvlhe*H to Powers Herpst to Dorr. Herrick to Clare. Herting Lake to Honor. Herrington to Marne. 1 He1111e1• to .St. Ignace. Hetherton • to J obannee- · burg.  Labarge to Caledonia. La Branche• to F-sca.naba. Lacey to Nashville. Lac--0ta•tt to South Haven. Lagrange to CaSBopolls. La.Ing to Argyle. Lake*tt to Farwell. Lake Ann•t1 to Traverse City. Laket\eld to Merrlll. Lake George*t to Farwell. Lake Gogebict to {';wen. Lakeland• 1 t to Pinckney. Lake Mine • t t to Greenland. Rttlckory Corners• to Delton. I Lake Orion to Rochester. lgglns Lake to Roscom- Lakeport to Port Huron Lake Shore to Mount Clemon. mons. HHhrbland•tt to Milford. Lakeside*! (Berrien Co.) to litbwood* to Gladwin. Three Oaks. Bllllard11•tt to Hopkins. Hills Corners to Gallen. Berrien La~~~?iun~~~fec~i;i:s. Co.) I to Htnrbma.nt Lakeside !Muskegon Co.) to l Springs. Muskegon. Laketon \Muskegon Co.) to! Hobart• to Cadlllac. Muskegon. Hoi-kaoay to Gladwin. Lakev1lle* to Oxlord. Hodunk to Coldwater. Lambertv!Lie• to West To- I Holloway• ti to Adrian. ledo. Ohio. !:!ollywood to St. Joseph. Lamont• to CoopenvWe. .1.&olt•tt to Mason. Lamotte to Manette. Homeatead <Benzie Co.) to Langston to G1~envtlle. Benzonia. Laporte to Freeland. Hope• to Mlatan<t. Laredo to Auburn. HH01>klns Sta. to Hopkin. a. Larkin to l\tidland. orton•tt to Jackson Rocquett to Rogers. La CltY. Boyne to Uonon liay I La Salle• tt to Monroe. llou~bton Lake• io Ros- Lathrop•H to Escanaba. I Lattin to Ila.rt. H~:r13~~ile to Marcell118. Laurel to Sanctu,kY, Huxeyville* to Luther. Layton Corners toMontro ■ e HruJe to North Leaton• to Mount Plea. H,1yt.ville to Mulliken. H ubbarrt Lake• to Alpena. ant. Humboldt• 1 t to lsb pemlntr Lee*t to Fennville. Hunters C'reek*H to Lapeer Leer• to Po1,en. 1 0 ~ unt Spur*t to Manl11tlque t:~~,~i~fe! t~ H~~~ni~~~rt' rH~~fhton. Le.~rand* to Tower. Lelsur~ to South Haven. , Lt"land • to Tra verst" City . Lemon Lakel 1 to Cop~mlsh Ina to Dlsrbton. Indian River• t t to Cb~ · Lengsvllle to Ray City. boy1,;im Leonlt to Gras11 La.Ile. InKalls*tt to Stephenson. Leota• to llarrlson. I nirle!!ldt"* to Levenni r Dk Le11 Cbeneaux * to St. 111 ter• to Wayne. }l{Dll('C, Traverae to lnterlochen•u Lester to Fremont, Ind. City.  I  I  aJ:tr:ka.  LlbertY to Brooklyn. Li('kJt,ys Oornt·r to Hud ·on. Lime Creek to Hud~on. Lhne11tont-~ to Mun1111nir. LlnKvlllt" to Owendale. Llshon to Sparta. Liske to Rogers. Lit tie Lakett to Gwinn. Livonia to Plymouth. Lockwood to Coldwater. JJaootisvll!e• to Hou~hton. Loehne to A 11 hurn. Lomlon to Dundee. arn to Merrill. Jeffenion Towtltlhlp to Caae- Long Lake (( !are Co.) to Harrison. oi,01111. Long Lake (losco Co.) to Jeffery to Portland. , Ta,HtS City. Jeutson • t to Uraudvllle. Jenn1n2.::• tt to Lake VltY. Long J'apids* to Lachine. Loomt11 • t t to Coleman. Loretto• U to , orway. Jessie to Ovid. Johanuesl>urg*t to Gaylord.I Loud . 'J1t11· to I uni. ing. John11 Wood to Bault Ste. Lovells*l to Grayllni. Lo1t1ey to Harrl11on. lari1•. Luca11•t to Cadillac. Jopp1~ to 1<;1~st Loro:v. {udds Corue111 to Fluablna:. Luce• to Chesaning. to Ida. Lulu• •Uhl to Mar:~tte l.upt1111*:t to Hose f'lty. to Vassar. Lu.temtt* to Roscommon Lyon Lake to Battle Creek. Io~co to Fowlerville. Irons•t to Bal ct win. Iron ton• to Charlevoix. IrvlnK*tt to l\liddleville. habella.•rt to :-.fa.1,t11tl4ue. Isle Ro_valt to Hu.ucock. Iva to Hemlock. Ivanhoe to Bad Axe.  ew Holland to Holland New fiudson•tt to Soutb Lyon New Hlchmond•H to Fennville.  2033  t!!;P~~~i ig 6-~~~~~1 i:  Klondike to Walkervtlle. Kncehtnd to Mio. Korhvlllt- to Sairtnaw. [{orelock* to Ewen. Kosstt to StPphenson. Kurtz to Mikado.  I  MICHIGAN  I  I  I  I  ~irr.~~~e g:~ ¥li?1te;tt ~a~~~:~l. tw.i~~i~:t!•\t Mlchl11:au Center to Ja.ckson.J Oakland to Hamilton. I  MtchllllnCla* to Whitehall .. Oakvllle to M!.la.n. Middle Vlllaie to Harborl Oakwood (Oakland Co.) to Oxford. Springs. Millbrook• rt to Remus. Oberlin* to Gladwln. Ocqueoc• to Mlllersburc. Miller* to Greenville. Oden•ti to Petosicey. MWerton*t to Manl1tee. O'Donnell to Ha1tlnir;1. Oa;den U to Ja11per. Millett, to Lan11tni. Oiden Centre to Bll11Sfleld Milla to DeckervWe. Ojibwayt to Mohawk. Milnes to JonesvlJle. Okemos•1 t to Lanalntr, Milo" to Delton. Milton Junction io Reed: Ola to Ashley. Old Mlsalon• to TraverR• City. City. l\flnarcl to Jackson. , 11,1 lnerlakP-* to Alleii;an. Olde to Coldwater. Olive to St. John11. ~~J~~:se:l;l:~ (oa~~~~fli. OUve Center to Holland. Molt-ke to Rogers. Monitor to Auburn. Ollverstt to Reed City. Monroe enter to Grawn. Olivet Stationtt to Olivet l\Jontern:v to llopkim,. Moore Park• U to Three Olney to Elsie. Olson• to Midland. Rivers. Omena•t to ~uttons Bay Moores to Standish. Moore'11 Junction to Stand- Onota to Munh1lnir;. Orange to Ionia ish. Moorestown• to Lake Cit:,. Oranir;evme• to Martln. Orchara Lake•tt to Pon- , Moorland• to Muskeiron. tiac. Moran*tt to St Ignace. • 1,wey to Lake City. Morgan•1 (Barry Co.) to Orono•t to Reed City. Orr to Hemloclc. Nasbvllle. Osceola*tt to Calumet. Morgan (Newaygo Co.) to Oshtemo• to Kalamazoo. Osier* to Glach;tone. White Cloud. O11kar• to Houghton. Oaeeo•rt to Hlllsdale. Moacow•tt to Jonesville.  I  I  l  ti1i~esvllle 8:T!1!!ti·~h~~/f.~;~t ii~=~~e~!.r1;!\ Otlsi-o to Beldtnr. Mossback to Kalka ka.  ~lottvllle to White Pigeon. I Ot<:E'~0 Ll\ke• to Craylord ,:\1011ntvernon to l{omeo. , Otterburnt to Fllut. i Ovt:lrlsel• to Hamilton. . [ulherry• to jjl\s!lneld . Mullet Lake to Cbehoya;an. :\lunith to .lark"on. ~1 nnson • tl to Morencl. Mystic to Mant-0n.  I  ~~~;f~o~~~~~e!1;~~:!ton. Poayvll!e to Midland . Poulsen to Lucllngton. Prairie Ronne to Marcellus. Prairlevllle• to Delton. PrattvUie• tl to H udeon. PresquP Isle to Alpena. PPrrlec"etotno t ot.\-\J·a ynnse. 0h 8 Prltcbardvllle to Ha.atlnp. Pro~per to McBain. Pulaski• U to Concord. Pullman•t1 to r'ennvllle. Puritan* to Ironwood. Putnam* to Tecumseh. Quanlcassee City to Fairgrove. (.Julck• to Gaylord Quimby• to Hastings. 1,Julnnesec• t tto Iron Mountain. Raber• to Sault Ste. Marlo. Ra.l'O t.o Brimley. Rucy to Chesaning. R11ls10vllle• to Dundee. Rall)h*t to Iron Mountain. Ramona•i to \\ bite Cloud. Ramsey to Be1111emer. lianua.11 Beach to Orion. Randvlllt-•tt to Iron Mountain. Rankin to Flint. Ransom• to Hillsdale. Rapid River• fl to Gladstone. Rapson to Bad Axe. RatbhODf' to Hreckenrtdire. Rattlt-run to St. Clair Ray Center to New Haven. Rear t to Dundee. Heady to Raglnaw. Red Jackett to Calume,. H.edml\n to Pon Hopfl. Redrl<tgt-• to Houe:hton. Red Sta.r to Murlt>ttf'. Rooi;tone to Breckenridge. Rents to Cedar ~prings. Keed boro to MUll\'<IDI. H.POllHLll*f t lO t<'remont. R,•no to Berlin. Het11cue to Owend11.le. R("w to Lalne:i,11urg. Rexton•tt to St.. Ignace. Hlchl\t"I0 to Davison RlrhmondvUJe to Oecke~  Paavola* to Hancock. P,i.rll:ard to C:overt. Paincst to :-lagina.w. Sour.I Palnesdale•n t() Range. ~ ~~~ }{t kiot~:~~\~f~~;t, Palatka• to Stambaugh. National M.tne~tolsh1>emtn11: I Palmer• to :'\egaunee. Palmyra•rt to Rllsatleld Na.ubinwa:v* .to En~adine Paradise to K lngsky. 1'\a,:a.reth• to Kalamazoo VIiie Parts•t t to Big Raolda. Pa.rle"ll\e to Minden CltJ Nelson to Hemlock. Rlde:eway•tt to Tecumseh. Nessen Clty•rt to Thomp- 1 Parshall\'llle to Howell. kll!it•vlllt-* to Cheboygan, sonvWe. Pl\rtello to Ollvt"t. Rlll"Y• to r'owlP.r Panldln~ to Ontona~on. Riley Center• to Emmett. Nestorta*t t to L'Anse H1 eroank to Tu11t11'.1 Pav111on•1 l to Vlcluburc Pawlowski to Ruth. Rfvt:lrslde•ti to Coloma. Newark (Gratiot Co.) Paw Paw Laket to Coloma Rive, Junctlon•tt to Leslie Ithaca. Payment to Sault St. RohbinH to Wakefield. Marte Rock• to Fscanaba Ewe.a. to Payneavllle•tt to Co.) (Oakland Newark•t ,.t. to lsland*tl Mackinac to Hancock. Rockharbor KKalamo to Vermontville. : Peacock•tt to Luther. Holly. l1,tnac1•. K arlln• to Copemish. j Pea~:ork Station *tt to Rollin• t t to Hudson. Macomb to Mount Clemen,. Roml" to Adrian. Pioneer. •ewburg to Plymouth. to Tecumseh. K:~i;.,.~~ ~!Wiowg~lumf't. Macon• Rooaevclt to St. Cbarlea. Pear1•t to Fennvfile. • ew ('us!'.o to Alle~an arhor to Pontiac. Macll11on to Howell Keego Ro,,.• to Holly. Al~ona.c. to beach* Pearl 1 ·ew Dalton *to ;\l ar uuette City. Rose to Maltby* R eetf'r to Hartford t-_w_ G_r_o _n_ll!.;_e_n_toc:._Z.:.t"'.:.1_:__:_p_,.=a.:.:rl:.::ln:::e:....::.:to C'oopt'rl'Vf_ll_f'_ _ _R~o_"f' (;f'nt.r.r•tt to Holly. _ _ _1'_._ Malt» to Sa!lnllw. Keller to Crl\nd Kanfd!I. ;. County Beat. • )1oney Order Office. t Telegraph Station. :tExpreas Otllce. REFERENCE KEY, Nadeau• tt to Powers. Nahma• to f-,scanaba spoleon • t t to J I\Ckson .  ~f  i  I  i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ••I  l Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2034  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  MICHIGAN  Rosedale• Marte.  Waldenburg to Utica. to Sault Ste. Stacks to Escanaba Alborn*ti to Duluth. Oan7on to Duluth. Stager to Crystal Falls. Wales• to Port Huron. Alice to East Grand Forkls Caribou* to Lancaater. to Rockland. Stanley to Battle Creek. W alballa • t to Scottville. Allda. • to Shevlin. Carimona to Preston. Walker to Grand Rapids. Ro1eville• to Mount Clem- Star City* to Laxe City. Allen to Biwabik. Carlllon•tt to Murdock. en1. Star Island to Detroit. Wallace•u to Stephenson. Alma. City* to Pemberton. Carmel to Grygla. Ro s to Byron Center. SterkU to Plymouth. Oa.rmody to Princeton. Rothbury•t to Montalt\le. State Road to Pinconning. wr,~~~- L&ke•u to South , Carp f.O Baudette. Rowland to Blanchard. wa111n•u to Thompsonville Alvwooa* to BlacJCduck. Steamburir to Hlllsdale. Carson Lake• to Hibbing. RowleyH to South Board- Steiner•tt to Monroe Walloon Lake•tt to Petos- America* to Warroad. key. Amherst to Canton. Ca::iey to Darwin. man. Stetson to Walkerville. Roxana to Charlotte. Steuben* to ManlstlQue. Walton•t to Fife Lake. Amor to Battle Lake. Cazenovia• l to Pipestone. Royalton to St. Jo1ep:b. Stirlingville to Pickford. Waltz•t to Carleton. Anderson to Kelliher. Cedar Lake*t to Aitkin. Wa1ep1•u to Centerville. Andovert Anoka. Oellna to Cook. ii~1:l!!·d. StUtavllle• to Lake City. Watertord•ttto Clarkston. Andree to Braham. Cenatohowa to Delano. Rumely* to Munising. Waterloo• to Chel11ea. Angora* to Cook. 0 ~t~~;,n~t;>e~~t t~ N~~~~:t~a. Watera•tt to Gaylord. Ruse to :\farquctte. Anthony to Halstad. Centerville to Hugo. Ru1hton • t to South L7on Strubur1*l to Monroe. Watersmeet*ti to WakeCentral (Koocb1ch1nr Co.) Ruak to Zeellmd. Htratbmoor* to Detroit. field. Apple to Ara!e. to Baudette. Ru■ ttord to Morley. Watertow& to Sandusky. Strom* to Bessemer. Ara.ire• to Park Ra.olds. Central (Wadena Co.) to Ryan to Merrill. Stronach• to Manistee. Watson to Martin. Arendahl to Rushford. Verndale. Stron1r1•tt to Newberry. Watson Corners to Martin. Arnesen to Warroad. Central Lake to Virginia. Sucker Creek to Ontona,on. Watton* to Covington. I Arnold to Duluth. Chamberlin• to Akely. Waucedab•rt to Norway. Arthur to Dent. Sugargrove to Scottville. Cheney*t to Dodre Center. Arthyde*t to Mooae Lake. , Cherry Grove to Spring 1l9 t~if:,1connlnr. Sugar Island to Sault Ste. Weadock• to Cheboyiran. Artichoke to Correll. Marie. Valley. ,Sarlnaw We■ t Slde•t to Sugar Rapids to Gladwin. Weare to Hart. Arvilla to Dassel. Saginaw. Cbe■ ter*t 1 to Rochcater. Web ■ter to Dexter. Saro1a•ttto Iron Mountain. Sulllvan • l to Muskeiton. Wells•t to E ■canaba. Aspeiin* to Gatzke. St. Anthony to Petersburg. Summerton to Alma. Choice to :Mabel. Christiana to Farmington. St. Clair Flats to Detroit. Summlt Clty•t to Kln1r1le7. Wellston*tt to Baldwin. A■pelund to Kenyon. Wellsville to Deertleld. Sumner• to Riverdale. A111umptton to Norwood. Cisco to Erskine. West Bay City T to Bay Atkinson•% to Carlton. St. Clair Heights* to De- Sumnervllle to Nlles. Claybank to Goodhue. City. troit. Swan Creek•t to Saginaw. Aure* to Leonard. Clear River to Warroad. West Carllale to Grand Axel to Battle Lake. Saint Jacques*t to Glad- Swan■on* to Marinette. Clementson* to Baudette. Rapid■ Clinton Falls* to Medford. Sa~!~1}!me11• to Cbarlevolx. I Sylvester to Mecosta. Westhaven to Ow088o. Clotho to Loni,; Prairie. Salem•u to South Lyon. West Hlrhland to Milford. Taft to Ilale. Ooates*tt to Rosemount. Samarta•U to Temperance. Talbot to Stephenson. \Vest Millbrook to Mecosta. Badoura• to Nevle Coln to Braham. S&nd Ba:, to Cheboyiran. We■ tmtn■ter to Kiniraley. Bain*tl to Palisade. Talcott to Peto11key. cow ■• to Graceville. Sandcreek*tt to Adrian. We■ t Ollve•U to Grand Ballclub*l to Deer River. Tallmadge to Marne. Columbia Helirbts•r to Mtn-Sand Hill to Redford. Ta.llman*t to Fouma.ln. Balmoral to Battle Lake. neapoll■ . Sands* to Negaunee. Tamarack City to Hough- w!ts~pter to Belleifile. Bancroft to Albert Lea. Conception to Kellogg. Sanlla.c Center to Sandusky. Banks to Wells. Concord to West Concord. ton. San■ Soucl* to Alconac. Tapiola* to Houirbton. Wetmore•u to Munlalllr. Barr to Zumbrota. Santiago* to Turner. Taquamenon to Sault Ste. Wetzell•t to Mancelona. BaraneS11 to Glenwood. Sauble to Luther. :\Iarie. Wexford to Buckley Baaaettt to Biwabik. Constance* to Cedar. Saunder■ • t t to Iron River. Taylor Center• to Wyan- Wheatland to Addison. Bass Lake* to Deer River. Ooon Creek:!: to Anoka. Sawyer*U to Bridgman. Basswood to Richville. dotto. Wheatley• to Gladwin. Copa ■ •ti to Scandia. Taymouth to Birch Run. Wh1tet io Camden. ' Corcoran to 011seo. Schaffer· to Bark River. Temperance* to Eric. Whitedalett to Manistique. Bath to Hartland. Cordova to Lesueur Center. Temple• rt to M:arlon. Whiteford Center to Bliss- Battle Rlver• to Kelliher. Cormorant• to Audubon. ~~~g~~~a· 0 Baylake to Deerwood. Corning to Lan<;lng. Texaa Comer■ to KalamaO.eld. &oo. Scottdale to Benton Harbor White Lake to Holl:,. Beard to Clearbrook. Ooronat to uarlton. Sear■ •U to Evart. Thoma■• U to Ox.tord. Whlte Oak to Stockbridge Bear Lake to HutcbtnaoJL Cottagerrove* to Hastin(■• Sebewa• to Portland. Thoma■ ton*U to Bc,semer. White Pine to Ontonagon. Bear Rlver• to Hihblnir. Cotton• to Eveleth. Beauford to Mapleton. See Why*t to Newberry. Thomasville to Hastings. White Rock to Ruth. Cove• to Onamia. Selkirk• to We■ t Branch. Thom peon• to Manl■ tlque. Whitmore Lake• t l to Ann Beaulleu • to Mahnomea Cralgville to Big Fork. Beaver to Minneiska.. Seneca•t to Morenci. Thornton to Port Huron. Cramer* to Two Hnrbors. Arbor. Seney to Newberry Be&Yer Ba7• to Two Har- Credit River to Prior Lake. ThomYille to .Metamora. Whltney• to Escanaba. Whittaker• t l to Milan. bon. Senter• to Hancock. Tlttabaw&11ee Junction to 1 Sethton to Middleton. Cross Lake* to P0<1uot. tf0Ni!:1cnr1wood Crown to Bethel. sair1naw. Wilber• to Tawas. Shady1ide to Hillsdale. Titm; to Remus. , Wildwood • to tndlan Bee to Sprlnir Grove. Sbattaburr•tt to Perry. Crow River to Grove City. Sharon* ( Kalkaska Co.) to Tobins Harbor• to HanRlver. Crow Wing•t to Barrows. cock. Wlley to Scottvllle. Beldentt to Cloverton. Kalkaska. Cry11tal Bay•tt to Wayzata. Sharon (Washtenaw Co.) Tolvola*U to South Ranre. Willard to Auburn. Belle Creek to Goodhue. Oo.lver• to Cloquet. Tomoldna to Le■m,. to* :;\fanchester. Wllllams• t to Kalamazoo. Belleriver ti l uarlos. Current Lake t.o Balaton. Sheffield to Cedar Springs. Wllllam1v11le to Vandalia. Belvidere Mllla to Goodhue Cusson*tt to Cook. Sbolbyville•tt to Martin. Topaz* to Ewen. Willow* to Carleton. Bena• U to Cas Lake. Cutler to Aitkin. Sheldon to Wayne. Topinaboe*tt to Cheboygan Willwalk to Sault Ste. Benedlctt (Hubbard Co.) tCl Cypherst to "\Yalker. Shelldrake to Sault Ste. Toquln to Covert. ; farie. La. Porte. :Marte. Torch Lake to Lake Linden W1lmot•tt to ltlnraton. Benral*tl to Hibbtnr. Sbeoardsv1lle*t t to Ovid. Town l'lou1e to Hudeon. Wll ■on•H to Power■• Bennettville• to Aitkin. Sherman*t to Buckley. Townley• to Rud.Ion. '\'Vilwin to Trout Lake. Benton to Cologne. Sherman CltJ to Barryton. Trenary*? to Munllinr. Wloegars to Beaverton. Benwood* to , trathcona.. Darlln~t to Little Falla. Shield■ to Sarinaw. Trent to Casnovia. Winona• U to Rockland. Be?i to Northtleld. Day to Dalbo. Shlloh•tt to Belding. Tr1mounta1n*U to South Winsor to Owendale. Beriren to Windom. Deb. to J>i11P.wood. Wlnten• to .Munlltnr. Berkey to Underwood. Decpbavcm ... tl to Excelsior. Sblnrleton•tt to .Munlalnr. Ranire. Shults• to Hutlnp. Trlst to Grass Lake. Wise to Coleman. Berlin to New Richland. Deerfield to Medford. Wllner to Akron. Berne to Weet Concord. Dell to Frost. , \~~ce:,ton. I Berner• to Gonvick. Derby to Guckeen. Wlxom*t t to M1llord. 1 Sldnaw•U to Rockland. Turtle to Turner. Bescemar to Littlefork. Dickinson to Buffalo. Sliel to Harbor Beach. Tu■ cola• to Vaasar. Wolf Creek to Adrian. Betcher to Ga.ry. Domas.a to Kelliher. Sigmatt to Kalka■ ka. Twin Lake•tt to Holton. Woodbury•U to Lake Betbany• t to Lewiston. Dopelius*:t to Bluffton. Siloam• to Hale. Tyre• t t to Ubly. ' Dorothyt to Red Lake FaU. Beverdam to Elyslall. Odessa. Silvercreek to Plamwell. , Tyrone to Kent City. Woodlawn• to Escanaba. Big Wood■ to Oalo. I Dotson tu Springfield. Sister Lakes* to Dowagiac. Woodmeret to Detroit. Sitka to Holton. Doyle to Kilkenny. Woodville•ti (Bay Oo.) to Birchdale* to Baudette. Blrkhols 10 01110. Dresbach*t to Dakota. ~=::~!~*t~°i)~!~~~•tte. g~~~~ot'hfi~:!1~7nd. w!i~~~~~Newano oo.) Blr<h~berry• ttoGra;id Rap- Dresselville to LP ueur. Skeele to Gladwla. Union Pler•tt to TbreeO&ka Drummond• to 'i'Wo Harto Big Raptda. SJJzJat, te Trayer■ e City. , Upper Bli Raplda to B11r Woolmltb to Maybee. b on. Black Ha.mmer to Sprflll Slocum*tt to Ravenna. Rapids. GroTe. Wooater•t to Fremont. Du&ne* to Fosston. Smiths Crossingt to Mid- 1 Upton Workl*t to Port Worden to South Lyon. Blom!ord to Cambridge. Dudleyt to Mar hall. land. , Huron. Worth to Standish. Bloomington to Minne- Duelm to Foley . Smyma•u to Beldtnr. Wright to Conklin. Durdale•u to Mentor. 1 Boacf~~sto Isanti. Sodus*tt to Benton Harbor. Wyman to ll!dmore. Dumfries to Waba11ba. SolonU to Cedar. Valley Center•n to Brown to Kenyon. Dunba~ to Blackduck. Som.enet•U to Brook}yn. City. Boonl&ke to Buffalo l,alte. Duquette•t to Kerrick. Somenet Center• t l to Van Buren to Rapid City. Yalmar• to Marquette. Border to Baudette. Dutchie to Williams. Brooklyn. Vandercook Lake to .Tack• Yankee Springs to Mid Bow1tr1nr• to Deer River. Dw:bury to Markvllle. Sonoma to Battle Creek. levllle. on. Duxby• to Badirer. Soo .Junotlon•ti to New- Vans Harbor• to Escanaba. Yarcenille to Monroe. Dykeman to Brainerd. berry. Velzy to Cedar Sprlnira. Yatee Station to Rocbeater. Bradford to C&mbrldro. Soule to Elkton. York to Milan. Verrennea to Lowell. Brage['$ to Ponsrord. South Blendon to Hudson- Verne to Burt. Yorkvllle*U to Richland Brataberr to Ru■ htord. ville. Vernon*tt to Durand. Yuma•i to Mesick. Breda to Two Harbors. East Lake•: to A1tk1n. Soutbbranob•t to H&le. E. Pra.lrieville to Faribault. Verona*t to Wakefield. South Butler to Quincy. Verona M11la to Bad Axe. Bridke Water to Dundas. East Saint Oloudtt to South Falr11eld to Jaaper. Cloud. Zeba to L'Anse. Brtm■on • tl to Two Harbora Southtleld to Blrm1nitham. Vlokeryvllle•u to Canon ZUwaukeet to Sailnaw. Brockway to Rice. East Union to Carver. Southlake Linden to HubBrookfield* to Buffalo Lake Eastwood• to Aitkin. CltY. Zutpben to Zeeland. bell. Vicksburg•tt to Marysville. Brown.abw,i to Jaouon. Ebro•t to Ba1r1ey. 1 Vlctorta • to Rockland. Southland to Riga. Bruoel to HlllB. Echola•t to St. Jamca. South Manitou• to Cedar. Vineland to St. Joseph. Brush Creek to Bricelyn. Eddsville to Bird Island. Scuth Monterey to Alleian. Vo,:el Center• to .MoBaln. Edentt to Dodire Center. Sp&ldtnir•n to PoweH. Volney to Walkerv1.lle. Eden Pra1r1e• t l to HopBurchard to Balaton. Speaker to Ya.le. Vrtealand• t to Zeel&nd. Burnettt to Proctor. kins. Spencer• to Kalkaska. Vuloan•U to Norway. MINNESOTA Burschvllle to Loretto. Spinks Corners to Benton Butler• to New York :W:111■• Harbor. Butternut to Lake Cryttal. Edwards to Erhard. Spratt* to Alpena. Waoouata.•t to Grand Ledie Aastad to Wendell. Buyck to Tower. Effie to Deer River. Sorin« Arbor• to laok1on. Wadhams to Port Huron. Acoma to HutohlnaoD. B7c1&nd to Fllbor. Erttleaton•n to Red WlDC• Springgrove to South Ha- Wadlworth to Bad Axe. Acton to Lltchfield. Eldawold to Lakeville. ven. Wagarv1lle to Gladwin. Adoloh• to Dniutb. Elba• to Altura.. 8l)rlnc,r&10• t to Boyne F&lll Wah.Jameia to Caro Ahlbrech1i ~ Cokato. Ellertb to Newfolden. Sprtnirville to Outed. We.Inola to Greenland. A1r1te•tt to Plpe■ tono. O&hlll k' Mlnneal)OIJ& Ellis* to 'lotley. Sprlngwells to Detroit. Wakelee•U to Marcellus. Albion Center to Maple 1 Oannonvllle to Waterville. Ellsburg* to Virginia. Spruce• to ~~pena. Walburg to Alpena. Lake. Canosia• to Duluth. ____E_llaon* to D e n b ~ Ro■ elawn  ff!~! ~g 6~~\~·  I  I  ::tf!~:: t~  ::::~':~J  tt J:~g~e.  I  g:~rla~  ::~/c~:u  :&~~: ;g  I  l  i  I  I  REFERENCE KEY.  I  , County Seat.  • Money Order Office.  tTelegraph Statton.  i Express Office,  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  MINNESOTA  ------------  Hl~hlandt (Lake Co.) to lf:dale to Bowlus. Two Harbors. 0 Elm~~•r~ t6a>:J~~·v. Ilighland (Wright Co.), to Howard Lake. Embarrass•U to Tower. High Landing* to GoodEmUy• to Pequot. ridge. Empire City*H to HampHighwoodt to St. Paul. ton. EEnfleld*t to Silver Creek. Hill River to Fosston. Hill View• to Sebeka. a nglund to Strandquist. .,,nok to Kennedy. Hiwood to ·warroad. Hobson to Claremont. Er~cslmrg• to .i:<ay. Hollywood to Mayer. Erie* to Goodridge. Esplee* to Grygla. Holman•t to Bovey. Holyoke* l to SUperlor. Estesbrool!: to Foreston. E ureka•t to Excelsior. Wis. Eureka Center to Lakeville. Homer• U to Winona. E verdeU•t to Foxhome. j~ffo~s 0VKfe~tga.. Houpt*t to Northome. Hovey Junction to Blackduck. Fa!rbanks*H to Biwabik. Fair Hills to Detroit. Hovland• to Grand Marais. . Fairland to International Hoyt to Lamberton. Falls. Ilubbard* to Park Rapids. Hubert"'+ to Pequot. Jaitb to Twin Valley. I Hughes to Cook. F:~~srt~o, ~~~~~~~d. Huntenvllle• to Menahga. Huot to Red Lake Fslls. Hutton• to Preston. :~ndo to Stewan. &UWOre to Wykoff. Fletcher to Rogers. Imogen t t to Granada. Florenton to Virglnia Independence• to Duluth. Florian to Strandquist. Indus• tolnternationalFalls Fond du Lac• U (corporate Inez* to Blackduck. Inger to Bena. Po~~:: Pc,ulJf;~le!tDuluth. Invergrove • t to South Saint Paul. Pp<1reat City to Litohtleld. Iron•t to Virginia. ork• to Oslo. Foqum to Twin Valley. Four Town to Grygla. F ox•t to Roseau. Isinour ·tt to Preston. Ita ·ka to Dayton. Carlton. Reedbem • to Little FallB. Iversont to  ti  f~:i~1 tti #r~!~~~t  0  Fr=:ot~ fo t~!v<';ion. French to Fergus Falls. ~ch River to Duluth. e7• l to Mlnneapolla. F Frieshmrit to II inckley. rontler• to Baudette ?!:_uthville to Sauk Rapids. 11Dkley•t l to Blackduck.  Jacobson• to Grand Rapid . Jarrett..;* to Hammond. Jessie Lak~ to Deer River. Johnsburg to Adams. Johnsclale to Onamia. Joy to l'o.rkors Prairie.  &·  Lorne•i to HanleJ' FaU■ .1 Norway Lake• to New Lond1Jn. Louriston to Murdock. Nowthen to Elk River. Lundgren to Big Falls. Nymore•t to Bemldjl. Lut■en• to Grand Marais Luxemburg to Saint Cloud.  I  Ma:::nr~~;.  I  1  1  I to Moose Lake. Karmel to Cambridge. to Bralner,:1. Kelley La.k~tt to Ribblng. t. Louis Co. to Kelsey• t t to Virglnla. to Grand GemmeU•tt to Mizpah. ghenoJa•tt to Little l•'alls. Kimbcrl:v•tt to :McGregor. een• to Orr. Kingsdalett to Cloverton. to Finlayson. g~shrlse Kirk Siding to Eveleth. t to Sedan. GI c Kitzville to Hibbing. to Saint Paul Kletctzen to Badger. 1Ldatone•u 01 Glasgow to Wabasha. 0 Glen• to Altkln. endale to Savage. • t i to Two River Knlte Glendorado to Princeton. H&rbora. Komensky to Hutchison. Aitkin to Glory Kost to Nortb Br•noh. goaabl to Saint ·James. Kratka* to Goodridge. idenvalley (Hennepin Kroschel to lilnckley. o0 o.) to Minneapolis. 6den Valley (Marshall G o.} to Holt Lac Qui Parle to Watson. G00 tlland*t to \Va.rba. Lake Elizabeth to Atwater. ~tha to Cologne. Lake Ita..-,ca• to Park RapG Wan• to Floodwood ids. Gr&ceJooJc to Montevideo L&kelane1 • t t to Hudson, rand La.ket to Cloquet: 0 rand Porta1te to Grand Wis. Lake Lena to Danbury.Wis. Marat■. Lake LUUan • to Bird Island. grayUng•t to Altkln. reaney to Cook. 0 reeley Lake Lizzie to Pelican to Braham. 0 Rapids. a:::nln Lake to Spicer. to Anoka. L&kenetta and• to Elysian. G Lakeside to Buffalo Lake. o~:eennlle&t to Lltchtleld. Lake Verm111ion to Ely, eatton to Preston G Lambert to Oklee. G~nvale to Northfield. Lamollle•ti to Wlnona. Gro 17nanv!ew to Beltrami. Lamson to Das■el. U to St .rame■ .. Grove Lanirdon•ti to Ha1Unp. Lake to Brooten.' Le.Dire to St. Peter. ll Langnel to Starbuck, ll~ger to Wanamingo. Lansford to McGregor. lt"'Y1er tto Ada. Laurel• to International &fan to .Milan.  &!rrt:on•  .otiii\h.  K'if~i~~ l  f ~ff of~ fo M!~vllle.  I  I  11  Fall■.  ~Uton Station to Savll -ee, llatnlinet to St. Paul. a&rney to Oloquet. arltol<l Station to CrookII on. a:!!'8<>ton to Atwater. Rushford n •~ Baeaan to Rogers !t~•toti to Clearwater. Greenbush. Ra- !la;~t_t to Owatonna. .Fla "'•-k to Red Wlne, llai~etnvme to Madison. ont to Motordale. zelwood to ,vebster. nIlaeatwote to Hutchinson.  Laviniat to Bemidji. Leader• to Motley. Leaf Valley to Garfield. Leech Lake to Walker. Leigh to Genola. Leipold to Hlll Clt:V · Lemond to Otisco. Lenora lo Canton. Leo* to Greenbush. Leota• to Edirerton. Lerdal to Hayward. LeXtnirton to Le SUeur Oenter. Libby* to Palisade. Lida to Vergas. Llllo* to Oklee. l,lmecreek•ti to Jl'uld.a.  l:lbertrt to Twtn Valley. lle~~~beq to New Prague. llelenaatto New York Mills. llenrvto o Jordan. 1ereror<1~ lleuun to KelUher. 11~t~reat to Stewartville. _Wiial~.(Flllmore Oo.) to  Linden to Hanska. LlDtonvtne•ft to Payne.Ll~e•.. ,arai1•to Two H_. .... urt1~·Rock to Royalton. Little swan to Hibbing. LoJD&n• to International Lo:~:fie• to Hackensack.  :g ::~~y.  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  • County Seat.  2035  Rollis* to Gatzke. Ronneby to Foley. RosbYt! to Bemidji. Roscoe (Goodhue Co.) to Zumbrota. I Rose City to Miltona. Oakcenter to Lake City. Lyman to Deer Creek. Roseland to Svea. Oakdale to Lake Elmo. Rosen to Bellingham. Oak Hll1 to Osakis. Rosendale to Grove City . Oak Point to Lancaster. Mack to DeAr River. Ross* to Roseau. Olga* to Gully. Roseburg*ti to Altkln. to Whlk Omro to Bixby. Rowena to Wabasso. OD1irum • to Walker. Maine to Underwood. Rowland to Hopkins. • lalcolm• to Grygla. Rudell to Trail. Opole to .ttoyalton. Mallard• to Shevlin. Runeberg to :tvlenahga. Opstead* to Isle. Malmo• to Altkln. Rush Point to Rush City. Orchard Lake to Savage, Malunr to Roseau. Rush River to Le Sueur . Deerwood to Orelandt Manannah to Litchfield. · Ru kin to Faribault. Orgti to Worthington. Russia! to Beltrami. Manitou to International Orrock to Big: Lake. Rutledge*t to Willow River Ortb•t to Blackduck. Falls. Saginaw•t:i to Cloquet. Osage• to Park Raoids. Mansfield to Alden. Saint Anna to Avon. Oshu.wat to Backus. :h-fanston• to Rothsay. Anthon:, to Albany. Sa.lnt to Co.) ·icollet (, Oshawat Maplebay• to Fertile. Saint Peter. Sr,i>'i~f.hony Parkt to Saint Maple Grovet to Osseo. Maple Islaudt to Marine on Oslo• + (Dodge Co.) to Sa~~ut.u~stal to t. Croix. Hayftelc!. Maplertdge to Braham. St. Francis* (Stearns Co ) O ■ter to Waverly. Marcell• to Deer River. · to Holdingford. Otllville• to Scandia. - larch to \\'arren. Georite to New Ulm Saint Sueur. Le to tl Ottawa• Marcy• to Two Harbon. Killian to Wilmont · Otto* to Kelliher. Margle*tl to Big Falls. St. Louis.Park to Hopkins. Outing to Remer. Marion to Rochester. O.x.boro Heath to :Minne- t ..• I aLlua.-; to Fort Ripley. Markham* to .utwablk. Samt Nicholas• to Watkins. apolis. Martinville to Canby. Saint Patrick to New Oxhp to Isanti. Prague. Oylen to Staples. Marty to Kimball. St. Paul Park"'tt to St. Paul. Marystown to Shakopee. Peter*t:t to Ifasota. t. , Mattson to Hallock. Saint Thomas to Le SUeur. Max• to Northome. Saint Wendall to Avon. _ layhew Lake to Sauk' Padua to Brooten. Palm Dale to Taylors Falls.· Salo• to Moose Lake. Rapids. ' Palmer (St. Louis Co.) to Sandridge to Holt. iayville t.o Austin. Sandy•t to Virginia. Two Harbors. McKlnley•tt to Biwabik. to Sauk Rapids. Palmer (Waseca Co.) to Sartell~tt Ieadow Brook to Cook. 11 to Kelliher. Saum eca. \Va :Melvln*l to Fertle. Merriam Park•tt to St. Palo* to Biwabik. SawYert t to Carlton.•t to Foley. Paul. axet to Buhl. Payne to Eveleth. Merrtfleld•t to Brainerd. Pelland to International Scanlon*tt to Cloouet. Merton to Owatonna. ven to Cat·los. Seri . ■ Fall Mesaba•tt to Tower. SeM·ey* to • J cGrath. Fencer* to Roseau. Midway• to Proctor. Section Thirty• to Ely. Pengillv*t to Marble. MiesvUle to Hastinits. Pennington* to Cass Lake. emer to 'I'ower. Mtidred•t to Pine River. etont to .Mound. Miles to Danube. Shaw to Eveleth . ~:!~~lb~iJ~or!~okson. • Hller burg to Dundas. Shermant to 'ilver Lake, Mlloma•ti to Heron Lake. Pet.tis to Kasota. Sh\eldsville to Faribault. Peyla to 'l'ower. Shilling to Grygla . Minnesota Cit:r•tt to RollPhelps to Underwood. ingstone. to Kelliher. Shooksl !inn ota Falls to Granite Phena to Northome. Shoreham to Detroit. Phllbrook•t: to Staples. Falls. Kelliher. to Shotly Wlnona. to Pickwick Minnesota Transfer Stastpbee to Hayward. PlllsbUI'J' to Swanville. tion to St. Pa.ul. Simpson*tt to Rochester. Minnetonka Beach• t t to Pilotgrove to Elmore. Pilot Mounrl to Obatfl.eld Sioux Valley to Lake Park, Wayzata. Ia. Minnetonka nus to Hop- Plnetop to Northome. Sklme to Roseau. Plnevllle* to Biwabik. klns. Mill*H to Janesville. Smith Pltt*t to Baudette. ... llnnewa.shta to Victoria. Smlthvtlle*l to Duluth. Platte to Pierz. Mi· i ippl to Grand to Ponsford. Snellman Rapids. Pleasant Grove to Stewart-- Sobieski to Little Falls. Moland to Kenyon. So~ tc Dennison. ville. Money Creek to Hou.ton. Plymouth to Mmneapolll. Solana*H to Denham. 1.orrill to Foley. Ponemah to Bemidji. foscow to Oakland. oules Siding to Pease. Mound Prairie• to Ho1uton. Pontoria* to Backus. South Branch to St. James. Popple to Northome. Mulfor<ls to Kilkenny. Park to So. St. Paul. So. Ell[1D. to Potsdam Munger* to Proctor. Spafford to Round Lake. MuskodaH to Hawley. ' Soarta*tt to Gilbert. Poupore* to Cloquet. yers to We~dahl. Spectacle Lake to Dalbo. Pratt•: to Owatonna. Spencer Brook to Prtnoeton Predmore: to Eyota. Spina to Kinney. Priamt to Raymond. Proctorknott io Proctor. Namsos to Alpha. 8p[::1te~:,irJ~v~~asca Co.) Prosit to Meadowlands. Nansen to :Kenvon. Spring Park•tt to Mound. Provtdence to Dawaon. ass• to Oook. Sortni Vale• to Cambrldp. Puposky to Bemidji. Navarre to Mound. to Tenstrike. Spur Mahto Naytabwaush Squier to Wendell. nomen. Stanley (Isanti Oo.) to Nebish• to Bemidll. Cambridge. Rabey to Hill City. Negord to Kerkhoven. Stark to Harrt■ • N emadjift to Moose Lake Raboln to Casa Lake. Lake to Dent. Star Foley. to Ramey• Neptune to Gully. Ramsey Junction to Austin. Randen• to Middle River. Steele Center to Owatonna. N bltt to MinneapoUa. Steinert to Thlet RITer Ranum to Fertile. ett Lake*t to Cook. Falla. Rasset to Buffalo. Teutral to Brainerd. Sterlin( Center to Amboy. Cook. to Rauch Tevlng• to Leonard. Steven■on• U to HlbblDI, Newburc to Mabel. Stockholm to Cokato. New Duluth*tt (Corporate Reads to Wabasha. Stookwood•t to GlJ"Ddon. name Duluth) to Duluth. Stonehouae to Cloquet. New Germany•tt to MotorStorden to Cottonwood. Red Too•t to Wahkon, dale. .Strout io Lltchfteld. New Hartford to Dakota. Regal to Paynesville. Oaledonla. to Reno•U Newhouse•% to Mabel. Stubbs Bay to Long Lake. Renova•u to Dexter New Pierz to Genola. Sundahl to Fertile. Rhoda• to Oklee. Sveadahl to Darrur. Swan H.iver•tt to Grand Rloeford to !4abel. Rapids. Rice Lake to Duluth. New Trter• to Hampton. Swttt•t to Warroad. Rlchtlt'lld to M1nneaool111. Nia a• to Laporte. Rich Valley•ti to Rose- Sylvan• ♦ to Pillager. Nickerson•tt to Kerrick. mount . lcols (Dakota Co.) to Richwood• to Call&W&J'. Taconite• ti to Bovey. Mendota. ~~~~~ i~JX:.'ona. Ta.ft to Cloquet. Nimrod• to Sebeka. • Tisswa•t to Pequot. Tawney to .114abel. Ringe to Rochester. N odlne to Dakota, ' Terrace• to Sedan. Ripple to Big Falla. Nokay to Deerwood. Terrebonne• to Red Lake River to Roseau. Nopemlng to Duluth. Fall■ • Riverside to Bena. Norden to Kelllher. Thomson•% to Carlton. ormania to ottonwood. Robbtn•to Drayton. N. D. Thorhult* to Goodridge. Norael&nd to S&lnt Pew. Roberta to Feri'\18 Falla. Tobliue to Remer. Northern to Bemidji. Rochert to Detroit. Tofte to Two Harbor■ • Northland (Polk Co.) to, Rook Dell to Byron. 0 East Grand Forks. f~f~ii t!i!~~~a. Northland• (St, Louil Co.) ~~fa.~!t,1ro~1e~~er. Toivola to Iea.dowlands. to Bibbing. Roll&t' to Ha wleJ'. Tolln to Prtnceton.  ::~bf.a~•s::i~~l<Ul.  :::11.!~J!~~:lf:U:i~e.  I  •Money Order Office.  tTelegraph Statton.  i Express Offioe. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2036  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  MINNESOTA  T~nka• to Excelsior. Tor1ekat to Little Falls. Travers•""tt tu Peter. TrondJem to Lonsrlale. Troy to St. Ch1.1rl~s. Turtle Lake to Deer Hlver Turtle River*t to Tenstrike Twtg• to Dulutb. Two Inlets to Park Rapids.  I Ahwma Al:,rn• to Po~ Glbso~.• t to Pontotoc.  Blue Latre"' to 'l'utwiler. Blue Sprtngs • l to New Albany. ' Rlu!T to Blue Mountain. I Bobo"'l to Clark<i<lale. Bodone to Durant. Bolatusha* to . a.11is. Bolivar to Benoit. 8ond*H to Wl~gin... Bonhomie to Hattiesburg.  Alhambra* to Greenville. Alice to PbiladPlphfa. Allandale to Columbus Allen* to Wesson. Alligator*t to 8helby. Almaclale to Terr~·Alphaha to Coldwater. Alplka to Memphis, Tenn Alpine to New Albany. Altus to Oxford. Alva• to Duck Hill.  Bonita• to Meridian. 1 IJonus to Mea.ct ville Hounds to Calnuun Clty. Union to Blooming Prairie. Bourbon• to Leland Union HUI to New Pra~e Amazon to Waynesboro. Bovina• ti to Vicksburg. Anderson to Flora. 1 Anet Ing• t t to \ azoo City Howerton to \''e1:1son. Bowltl-.., to Houlka.. Andrew to Mize. Howling Green lHolme!I Anna to .:-.atchez. Valley Creek to Stillwater. Ansley• to Bay t. Louis. Co.) to Durant. Bowman tu ( 'old water. Va~a• tu Welch. Antlers to Clarksdall• Vawter! to Royalton. A.rho•tt to Mount Ollv~ , Boyce* to Waynesboro. Verdon to Grand Rapld11. Arcadia"" to Vicksburg. Bradley• to Sturgis. Verna t to Grand Rapids. Ariel* to Centerville. to Morton. Vesell• to Lonsdale. Ark• to Isola. 1:Srewer to Quitman. VlnelanLI* to Onamia. Viola• t t to Elgin. Arkabutla• to Coldwater 8rldgevlllt: tu Hazlehurst. VlasatyU to Dodge Center. Arm*U to :\lonticPllo. Briers• to Natchez. Arnol<I to L{osedale Voss to Ulen Urlght* to Hernando. Askew•t to Creniahaw. Brl!!tOW to Amory . Atlanta to ,voodland. Britton to Wayne11boro. 1\rod,· to ,valnut Auburn• to Summit. Auria to Vaiden. Brooklyn•rt to HattlWagner to Finlayson. huri,; Austin* to Tunica. Walbo to Cambridge. Auter- to Angu1l11,.. B rownQeld • t to MJddleton. 1'enn. Wallace (Dakota Co.) to! Avalon• to Greenwood. Rro,, ning to Greenwood Northfield. AvonH to Greenvllle. Wallace (St. Louis Co ) to Brownsville to Bolton. Virp;inia. Wall Laket to Fergus Falls. Browns Wells to HazleBalley• to Merldlau. burst. W anits to Dennison. Balnl•tt to Indianola. Brozvllle to Lexington. Wanke* to Trail Brunswick• to Vlcksbur1t. Ward Springs • l to Grey Baker to .New Albany. Dale<1hed • to Lake Prov1 Uryant• to Co!Jeevllle. Ea1tle. Warman* to Mora. Bryantvllle to Vaiden. dence. W11r1111w• to \forrl11town. Ballar<tsvtlle to Tupelo. Bucatunna•tt to WaynesWasioja to Dodge Center. Ballrntlne to Sardis. boro. Balli,;round • to Vicks bu~. Budett to Meadville. Waskish to Kelliher Wutedo to Cannon 1''al11. Baloll to CoUlervllle. Tenn Buena Vista• to Okolona. Waterford to Nortbfteld. Baltzer to Clarksdale. I Bullock to Ripley. l:Saulis tt to Tunica. Waukon to Gary. Bunckley* to Gloster. Bank!lton to Eupora. Wawina% to Floodwood. Wei,.., to J.'llorth Branch. I Banner• to Water Vl\lley. Burdette•t to Leland. Buriress• to Oxford. W e1t1teland to r·er11:us Falls. Ha.rlano• to Port Gibson. Burns• to Ralelgn . Barlow• to Hazlehurst. Weme to Clearhrook. Rurnslde•: to Pblladelpbla. Barnett• t to Pachuta. West DuluthH to Duluth. Burnsvtlle•tt to Corinth. Weat Lyn to Hutchinson. Barr to Senatobia. Bartlett to Newton. Burtons to Booneville. West Minneapolis to HopBw yton* to Vardaman. Barto* to ~Iagnolia. kins. Ba,,lc C'lty to (.Juitman. West Point to Cambridge. Byram• tt to Terry Wbea.tvillet to Ada. Basin to Luceoale. Bassfield • rt to Prentis,. White 1£arth* to Ogema. White Pine• to Willow Battle* to Wayne11horo. Battlefteld• to Union. River. Whltewlllowt to Goodhue. Baxter* to Bay Spring. Ca.da.retta. to Duck Hill. i'~iW:,~r~ome. I Baxtervme• U to Lumber- Caddo to Carrollton. Willernir to North St. Paul ton. Cieiiar• to Picayune. WUlow Creek to Amboy. 1 ::r~~~t;~\I~~~~~ City. 8!fi~e t~ol!;;i~gls. W~i:1~~!:on to Spring! Bear Creek lliinds Co.) to Cairo to West Point. Wilson• to Winona. Utica. <'aledonla* to <'olumbus. 1 Wtlton•t t to Bemldll. Bear Creek ((Washington Calvert to Meridian. Winner to Warroad. Co.) to Belzoni. Wi.J1Lon to Tower Calyx* to ShU(lUlak. Beasley to We11t Point. Wlrock to Ful<1a. c~amden• to Pickens. Wirt• to Deer River. Beatrice (Clarke Co.) to' Cameron• to Pickell.II. Wltoka• to Winona. Pa(·buta. Cameta• to Anf.!uilla. Wolf Lake to Frazee. Beatrice• (Harrison Co.) to Camp Oaks to West Point. Wooclhury to Lake !!:Imo. Gulfport. Canaan to Grand Junction, Woodland to Frazee. Beaumont•t1 to New AuTenn. Woodrow to Brainerd. gusta. Cannonsbuntt to Fayette. W11od11lde to ~1t-ntor. Beaureiard • 1 to Wesson. Carley to Columbia. Wrlll.'ht11town to Hf'wltt. Becker tu Amory. Wyanette to Princeton. Bedford to Gr P11wood. Ca.rllsle*tt to Utica. Wyattvllie to Lewiston. Beelake•n to Tchula. Carmichael• to Quitman. , Belden•t to Tup.-lo. Carneirle to \'Vlnona Belen• to Mark!!. Carne11* to Lumberton. Bellefontaine• to P:upora. Carpenter• lto Utica. Bellewooct-t to Isola. Carriere• t t to Plrayune. Bellisle• to Ro11edale. York to Lime Spring. Ia. Carson•tt to Pr ntiss. Bell11 to Tupelo. Carter*t to Ya.zoo City. Yucatan to Houston. Bcnmor t to lticbton. Cartnvllle • to Ocean Bentoak• t to Arte .. 1a. Sprln11:1 Benton• to Yazoo City. Cartledire to Friar Point. Bentonia• t t to Yazoo City Cary• t to Rolling Fork. Casntlla • to Holcomb. Zerkel to Bagley. Berclalr•t to Ttta Bena. Caseyville to Brookhaven. Zlm • to Eveleth. Berryville to Cantori Zw, s* to Zumbrota. Oerwirk to l:pntervllle. Ca!IWf'll to Oxtor<l. Zip1iel* to Rethnny• to Balctwyn. Catahoula• to Bay St.Louis Detheden to Louisville. <'at d1inJo1:s* to Ani,tuilla. Bethlehem to Holly SprlnSl' Cato to Braxton.  :u~:-~o~•  I  l  I  ~!t~rr~ t~C~~~~~~!ie.  MISSISSIPPI  Bevil to Lou1svi!le. Bt>wPlc-ome* to Lil>f"rty. Bexley*tl to Merrill. Ki1-thee to Am11rv Blghee Vallf'y to Macon. Blir Creek• to Calhoun City. Blit Polnt* to Mose Point.  b:;~~;i/BW~llle. Tenn. Cellar Blutr•tt to West  Point. Cedar Hlll to Winona. Cedars• to VlcKshurg. Ct>dar View• to Hernando. Center• to Kosciusko.  Abhevllle•, t to Oxford. Abbott• to Wost Point. Aberdeen Junction to AberCentral Academy• to Batesdeen. Btir Springs to West Point. vllle. Abney to Tuµelo. llinfor<i t.o AberdePn. Cha.mhers to Shelby. Ahsalom to Lout .. vllle. Binn vme• to Scooba. Chaney* to Marks Arona to Lexln~on. Hlrdle• to Lula. Chaparral to Waynesboro Adair to ~!don. Rls11eU to Tupelo Chapeltown to Batcllvllle. Adams Station• to Utlca. Blark Hawk" to Lexln11;ton. Charlton• to Canton , Atldie to Hollin~ Fork. Rlackland to Boonevlllt. Chntawa• t to Mae-nolla. Afrl<'-a* to Dunran. Blarkmonton• to Vaiden Chatham• to C,reenvllle. Agricola• to Lucectale. Blackwater• to Oxford. Cheraw• to Columbia. A1trlcultural Colle1te* t t to RJalue•t to Ruleville. Cherokee to Columhus. Starkville. Rlalr to Guntmvn Chf'rry Crt-ekt to P.cru. Alrmount• to Cotreevllle. Rlllnton• to Rolling Fork. Cherry Hill t.o Houston. Alamucha to Meridian. Blodirett to Richt.on. Cbe11ter• to Ac1<erman. Al=b:..::ln=-•...:t:....t:..::o=--W-e:..::b:....b=-.=-----....;_-B_10_,_m_t_.v_l_ll_e_t_o_r_rc_.n_t_.is_s_.___C_h_e_s~t-c_rvllle to TuE!l_o ..  REF'ERENCE KEY.  •County Seat.  • ~loney Oruer Ollice.  Chewalla to Holly .:,prtnirs Dubard*t to Grenada. Chlcora•t to Waynesboro. Dubbs• to Tunica. Chlta to Kosciusko. Dublln•t t to Clarksdale. Chlwapa to Pontotoc. Duffee to Union . Chotard* to V cksburg. Dukf' to Utica Chulahoma • to Holly ~p•gs numas• to Rloley . Cbuney•U to Hickory. O.inlelth • 1 to Leland. Chunn to W,iynesboro. Durham* to Clark:idale. 1 Dwiggins* Church HUI• to Fayette. to Dn•w. Clacks• to Tun lea. Owyer• to Moorhead. Clara to Wa.ynesooro. Claremont• to Clarksdale. Clarion to Tunica. Clark to Port Gibson. Clarksburg• t to P!"labatcbee Clarks r.llll to Greenwood Eagle to Corinth. Clarkson• to Maben. Eagle Bend• to Vicksburg. Clarysvllle to Ripley. l!arly Grove to Moscow, Claude• to Columbia. Tenn. ('lai • to l•'ulton. Earlyvllle to Kosciusko. Clayton•t t to Tunica. Eastman• to Fulton Cl~ary to Plorence. ~astslde• to Moss Point. Ebenezer• to Lexlni,:-ton. CIIIT to Baldwyn Cliftonville• to Brooksville. /',c11J11·t>ton.tott to Meadville. Cloverhllltt to Clarksdale Eden•t to Yazoo City. Clydf'• t to Hattiesburg. Coahoma• t t to Friar Ed lnhurg• to Pblladelphla. t-: d11vllle to \,\ e~t Point. Cobbs to Brookhaven. P:izgvllle to Tupelo. C'orkPrhum to ::\IcComb. l':gremunt• l to Rolllntr Corkrum• to Bernaudo. Fork C'ol"('r to Pontotoc. l!:~ypt • 1 t to Okolona. Cohay to ~1ize. ~ldorado• to Vicksburg. Colla• to Carrollton. Elt ctrtc \tllls•tt to Scooba. Colbert to Holly :,prlngs. Plf'na to Greenvll11> ( 'ole:<• to ( :i lo ·ter Elfin to Baluw.\'n Elipha.z to enatohia.. Colle~e Hill to O:dord. Colllnsvllle to Meridian. 1<:11za1Jeth•tt to Leland. Elkville to Amory. Comm<'rce• to Tunic-a. Commodore to Ethel 1<:111ott•t to Grenada. Coml)lf'te• to Meridian. Elllstown to New Albany. Conebatta • to Lake Embry* to Eupora. Conn* t<J Herman ville. Conway• to Carthage. F.meralct to M112nolta. Cook!ley to Decatur. Emory to West. F.ndvl11e to Shrrman . to Shuaualak Coopers WPlls to 1-taymond. Enondale• tu , 'cooba.. Eoterpl'ise•tt to Quitman. Corinne to Aberdeen. Enzor to Merlcltan. Cork to Noxapater F.plpy• tt to H11ttl1><1hUf'C, Cornersvllle to ~lyrtle. Errata.t to :a.n<lPrsville. Cornl!!h• to O:"tford. L<:rw1n•t t to Uref'nvllle. Cottondale to Rulevllle. Cotton Plant•t: to Blue 1-:::scatawpa • to ~los11 PolDS. Eskridge• to Duckhlll. !\ County Line to Leakesville Essex• to Marks. Coxburg to Lexln1non. ' Cra11r• to Yazoo City. Estabutchle• t to HattleeCrandall to Quitman. burir. Cran~ Creek to Poplarville Estes to Loulsvllle CranQeld to Natchez . E11tesmlll• to Cartha11:e. Creek (Attala. Co.) to Ethel Estill • t to Hollanclale. Etta• to Myrtlf'. Crevl to u1nesvllle. Crews to Helena Ark. Eucutta to Shuhuta. Eu,Jora• to lIPrnanclo. rowder to Batesville. Crump• to r nd ianola.. Eunice to LlhPrty. Cuba to Corinth. E-:ureka Springs to CourtCub Luko* to llr>rnando. land. Cu<le•t to Itta Bena. Evan~vme•l to Tunica. Cuevas• to Pass Chrlsttan Ever11:reen to Nettleton. C11llum• to Lauderdale. Curnherlaoct • l to Maben. Cupid to enatohia. Currie to ;\1i;1.P. C'yhur to Picayune. Cynihla • to J 11-ckson. Fairground to PhllactelphlA• Fairport to l::! rookvtlle. P11lr Rlvn to BrookbaveD Faisonia to Indianola. .f1.1ko11 to Sledice. Dabney to Duck Hill. Falin to Brn~ton. Dabomy* to Benoit. Falkner•, t to Ripley. Oale to Oolumllla. Fallhal'k to BPnoit Daleville* to Meridian. Fannin• to Brandon. I •alla!I• to Pontotoc Farrell*! to Friar Point. Damasclu; to 'eha.;-topol. u"nt•y•t to Maben Fearns Sprini:~s• to Loul9Dantzler• to ~IcHenry. vill . Fenton• to Bay St. Louis. OarlJun• to Columhla. 1111rl1111r t t to Crenshaw. Fern wnod*H tu :"llagnollaDarracott to .·\berueen. Flelct to Tunica Davo to Tylertown. Finger to Hlpley. Days to Hern11nuo. f'ltler• to Rolling Fork. Fit1-ht1Kll*t to 1,ule,ille. Dta11onvl!IP. to Plcken11. Flat' to Canton O<'1,orah to Chtrk,dllle. .flo\veree to \'1<'k11burg. O<'enier*H to Phlladelphta. Fnodf' to WAVUt"-.horo. Deen to Pren I b;;. Fondren to .Jackison. l)Pnhrook* to Brookville. FontaitwhlPau to Ocean Ott·son •rt to Gunnison. . p1·in:rs. OeI.ay• to O:1;ror1i Foote•t to Greenville. De Lisle* to Pa..,s <'hrirtian. Delta• to Crenshaw Ford (.Jackson Co.l to MOSI IJenbam to \\ ayue!lboro. Point. Ford •~mlth Co.) to Tat· Denman to Grenada. Denmark* to Oxford. lon!Vllle l>f'nni~ t to Corinth. Fordykt- to Plckrn . U<'ntvllle to Hazlt-buret. ForKVlllf"* to ~1orton UPovolente• to Bf'lz,,na. Fon Adam11• t0 Wood~ !Jeri y*t to Po11!1-1rvllle. Fort Lorin.:*: ro ( irt~•nwood· De Soto• ft t,, Qu1tm11n. Fort Stephen!! to Merl(11&11, Dlrkerson* to Friar Point. Pti.·ter to al rltcz. Ul110 to ckerman. Fox to \\- lnona Dinan t.o Tylertown. l)ln!lmore to ~aeon. l ~~of,-01umbl• I H"tl\11 to Philipp. Frank. to Phlllldelpbla. Divide to ~lontlcello. Dixon• to Union . Frazier to Shaw O(lckery• to Hulevllle. FrP•~man• to . unflower. Dn1ld11vllle•tt to Huleville. ~~~~h tg:;:;:.ha[:. Aclld" Ooloroso .. to Woodville. lJoat to <'ollln~. mlln. Frlenrlshlp to Okolona. 0 t!u£~~1usko. Ory Crtek to Colllns Frulth nd Parkl t,nWlggin Ory Grove to TerrY. Furrh to "upelu._ _ _ Dry Ru~ _to Ilo211~1lle.  g~~~11~e~  t Telcgraptl Station.  G G G G G G  G G  G G  G  G G G G G G G G  H  R H  II  a  I  II  I  II Ii  H ll H ll  a B  B Ii H  a  Ir Ii H  lie  ;~~e-~:'t,~~tf  lie lie He Be Be He lie  f~~?~,~~1:e°{!:~~:~nesbOtO  1111  t Exvre s Ottlca.  Ill,  Hl1  li11  Rti  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  MISSISSIPPI  Highla.ndale* to Schlater. High Polnt*t to Loul.lvllle. Hight to Noxapater. Hli?htown to Corinth. Hlllhouse*tl to Friar Point. Hillman to Leakesville. Hlllsboro• to Forest. Hlllsdale• :t to Lumberton. Hlnchcllfl•l to Marks.  !~ ll~~~e~!ft~· 3!\r~: Gallatin to Hazlehurst. Gallman• tt  to  Crystal  Ga~R;~~g~o Myrtle. Garcia to Rolling Fork. Garden City• to Gloster. Ga.rlandvme• to Newton. Garner to Water Valley.  Hollyknowe to Leland. Holly Ridge• to Indianola. Hollywood• rt to Tunica. Holmesville* to McComb. Homewood* t.o Forest. Homochitto to Lake Pr0'\.1dence. Hoods to Leland. Hookston to Meridian. Hope to Philadelphia. Hopewell*tt to Georgetown 1:lopoca to Kosciusko. Horatio* to Sardis. Horn La1ce•tt to Memphis,· Tenn.  Giles to Scooba. Glllsbur~• to Osyka. Gil.mer to Taylorsville. Gip to Oarthage. • Gitano• to Laurel. GladhuI'llt to Osy.11:11.. Glading*t to Liberty. Gladys• to Itta Bena. Glancy• to Hazlehurst. Glass • to Vlck!lbur~. Glen* to Corinth. Glendora*tt to Philipp. Glen0eld* to New Albany. Glenville to Como.  House to Union. Hovey to McHenry. Hovis to Corinth. to Lexington. 8{~~;~;a1°t•~~~1:}f,;oiii~!: Howard*:J: Golden•t to Red Bay, AJa. Howtson*tt to Gulfport. Hub•U to Columbia. Gomez to O:xtord. 1 HudsonvUle • :t to Holly Goode to Senatobia. Sprlngii. Good Hope (Leake Co.) to Hutt to Carrollton. < nrthage. Hu11:he11 to KosclUBkO. <,oodman"t;to Ahe1·cleen. Humber* to Friar Point. &~::.cnJ'gg~;t~~randOD i Runt. ville to Stewart. 1 HurJey• to Moss Polnt. Gossett to Ripley. Hurst to Liberty. Gowdey to Jackson. Hushpuckena*t to Shelby. Fork. Graham to Baldwyn. Grand Gulf* t,o Port Gibson. Cda to Baldwyn. Grange*t to Silver Creek. Improve• to Columbia. Grapeland* to Benoit. to Mendenhall. Ina Graves to Ripley. Increase• to Meridian. Gray to Kosciusko. Independence• to ColdGraysport• to Grenada. water. Greene to Brandon. Ingleside• to Port Glb!lon. Grccntletd• to Brandon. Green Grove l to Clark► tnitomart New Albl\DJ'. Initrams Mlll to Byhalia. dale.  2037  1 Marathon to Greenvllle. Nlttayuma•t:t to Angullla. I Marianna to Holly Spring!!. Nixon to Pontotoc. Marie to Indianola. oab to Oxford. Marietta• to Baldw:vn. Nod to Yazoo City. Lackie to Aberdeen. Marlon• t to Meridian. Nola•t to Brookhaven. Ladner to Poplarville. Markette to Oxford. N omac* to Richton. Latayette Springs• to Ox- Marksville to Cruger. Norfleld•U to Bogue Chltto ford. Martlnsvllle•tto IIazleburst Norfolk to Memphis. Tenn. La Grange to Eupora. Marydell • to Kosciusko. Norrts• to Forest. La.lne•:t to Pasca~oula. Maryland Station to Schla- •ortac to Gulfport. Laird to 'aulsbury. Tenn. ter. Nugent* to Gulfport .. Lake Carrier to Sardis. Masengale to Enterprise. Lake City• to Yazoo City. Masbula.vme• to Macon. Lake Como* to Bay Springs. Matagorda to Clarksdale. Lake Cormorant • t t to Mathervme• to Shubuta. Mcmphl11, Tenn. Matthews to Pittsboro. Lakeshore *t to Bay St. Oakrorest to Holly Springs. Louts Oak Grove •(Kemper Co.) Mattson*l to Clarksdale. Lake View *tt to Memphis, Maud• to Tunica. to Scooba. Tenn. Oakley• :t to Raymond. Maxie*tt to Wiggins. Lamar• t t to Holly Springs. ,Mayersvme•t to Rolling Oak Ridge• to Vicksburg. Lamb• to Gunnison. Oaks to Pickens. Fork. Lamkint*t to Yazoo City. Maybew•tt to West Pnlnt. Ocobla to Phlladelobla. Lamont•tt to Greenville. Otahoma• to Carthage. Mayton to Mendenhall. 0. K. to Tunica. Landing to Anguilla. McAdamst to Kosciusko. Landon• to Gulfport. io~r~lt~~n. O,~;ts. (Lamar Co.) to 1 Langford* to Brandon. Langsdale• to Shubuta. McCalls Creek*:J: to Mead- 1 Oktoc to Starkville. ouo• to Centervme. ville. McCarley•t to Carrollton. 1 Larue• to Ocean Springs. Oliver• to Clarksdale. McCondy• to Okolona. Latimer• to Blloxl. Kreole*t to PascagoUla. Kuhns to Cleveland.  Hinze• to Noxapater. Hiwannee*:J: to Shubuta. Hodge to Invernes11. Hoffman Switch to West. Hohenllnden • to Maben. Holcut t,o Corinth. Holladay to Houston. Hollls• to Vardaman. Holly Illuil'*! to Yazoo Oity  Gatesville t t to Crystal Sprlnir:. Gatewood to Coffcevllle. Gattman•t to Aberdeen. Gault to Oxrora. Gautler•tt to Pascagoula. Geevme• to Baldw:vn. Gerald* to Friar Point. Geren• to Philipp. Germania to Yazoo City. Gholson• to Shuqualak. Glbson•t to Aberdeen. Glft to Corinth.  MISSISSIPPI  I  ~g~~ EJ;. i~  0 m~~t :i §::!~~"~phla. ~~g~~tf to c\~Y~!~~S~lil;~i~ngsl McDonald*t to Philadel-, Oma•tt to Monticello 0  t::~e~tn:\~ Leat•u to Merrill. Leamea•tt to Utica. Leedo to Fayette. Leerly* to Corinth. Lecke to Mount Olive. Lee11burg to Morton. Leesdale to a.tchez. Letlore•t to Greenwood. Leggo to Water Valley. Lemon* to Raleigh.  I  0' ·eil* to Liberty. · Opal to Ackerman. Oobella to Canton. Ora*tt to Collins. Orange Grove•u to Pascagoula. Ora.ngevflle to Bolton. O'Reilly*% to haw. Orlon to Holly Springs. Orvisburg•u to PoplarvllJe Orwood to Oxford.  phia. McLaurln•tt to Hatt-leaburg. McLeod• to Ma.con. McNatr•U to Fayette. McNelll•tt to Poplarvllle.  McVille to Kosciusko. Mechanicsburg* to Flora.. Meehan Junction•: to Meridian. Lena* to Carthage. Leota Landing• to Green- Mehlinger to Rosedale. Osborn•: to Starkvllle. Merrill to Lucedale: ville. Oswalt to Flora. Mesa to Tylertown. Lespldeza to Sardl11. Otho to Forest. Metcalfe*t to Greenville. Lcssley to Woodville. Ovett*tt to Laurel. Midnight*t to Belzoni. Leverett to Charleston. Midway to Raymond. Owens Wells • t to LexLewll!burg* to Hernando. ington Mikoma to Webb. Lexie*t:t to Tylertown. Lllao to Duckbill Mileston*:J: to Tchula. Lilian to Forest. Millard* to Pop1arv1lle. Lilly to Kosciusko. Mill Creek to Louisville. Limerick• to Yazoo Clty. Miller• t :t to Colltervllle, Paden•t to Corfnth. Lines to No:x.11,pater. Palmetto to Tupelo. Tenn. Lingle* to Morton. Palmyra• to Vicksburg. Mlllvtlle* to Canton. Linn to Indianola. Mineral Wells*Ho Memphis Palona. to Carthage. Linton• to Quitman. Panther Burn•t to Anguilla Minerva to Winona. Little Rock to Union. Paradise• to inar Point. Minneola. to Scooba. Little Springs* to Meadville Minter Clty*tttoGreenwood Parchman•tt to Tutwiler. Mlestsslppl City• tt to Gull- Pardue to Booneville. Livingston to Flora. Paris• to Water Valley. port.• to .McHenry. Parksplace to Como. Ml11terton• to Grenada. Lizelia. to Gulfport. In more*t to Utica Greens to Flora. Pattison•tt to Port Gibson Loakfoma* to Loulsvllle. Mitchell to Ripley. Greenwood Sprlngs•t to Jowana to Pasca11;oula. APauldlng* to Bay Spring. Benoit. to Lobdell*t Gloster. to Ireland* Amory. Paulette to Shuqualak. Mlzoab to Hazelhurst. Lockhart*t to Meridian. Irene* to McComb. Greer to Carthage. to Grenada. Paynes• Albany. New to Molino• Baldwyn. to Locum Fork. Rolllng to Issaquenat Gregory* to Ethel. Money*t:J: to Philipp. Lodi* to Winona. Ituma to Tchula. Gridley to Bay Springs. Monroe•t ( Prnnklln Co.) to Pea Ridge to Scooba.. Lodockery to Hernando. Grifflth to We11t Point. Pearl• to Crystal Sprlnn. Meadv!lle. , G roveton t,o Morton. ' Monroe (Perry Co,) to Hat- Pca.rlington* to Logtown. tol8 to Taylorsville. Hukle to Pelabat hie. Pearsontt to Jackson tle11burg. Clarksdale. to Lombardy*:J: Rienzi. to Jacinto G111r Viow to ilay St. Louis. i~~~•\;os~~fi~f!~ula.. Long Beach•tt to Gulf- Monterey to Florence. Gum Rl<!v;e• to Natches. f:~C:ot~~~:~:Jiie. 0 unn to Raleigh. Peden to Scooba.. MontpeUer* to Mantee. Lo':i°g1;ireet to Tutwiler. Java to Union. Montrose*t:J: to Bay Spring. PeeleI'II* to Vicksburg. Lonirt;own to Crenshaw. Jaw to Union. Peete to Holcomb. Longview• :t to Starkville. Moon•t to Helena. Ark. Ja.vess to Monticello Jaynesvillc to Mount Olive. Lonpood*l to Greenville. Mooretown• to Hernando. Penn•t to Columbus. Penton•t to Tunica. Moorevllle • to Tupelo. Jeanette* to Natchez. Looxahoma• to Senatobia Morgan tJlty•ttto ltta Bena Peoria to Liberty. 1 d Ha1,.t ct• t O Cl Percy•U to Hollandale. Lorena• to For6!'t. Jeffries* to Lula.. eve an · a ca Morgantownt to Columbia.. Perklm1ton•t t to McHenry. Lorin~ to Pickens. Jessie to Carthage. :a:~3~!tfo~~~~~Perklnsvllle to Loul8vllle. Moscos to Oo!Jins. Lonnan•U to Fayette. Hampton•tt to Rolllne Joe to Mendenhall. Perth• to Fayette. Moscow* to Scooba. Lorraine• to Gulfport. Johns• to Rrando~ Fork. Pertb11blre•t1 to Gunnison. Mosene•tt to Elllsville. Johnston Station*t to um- Lottvlllc* to Canton. Randle to Noxapater. Petal* to Hattlesourg. Moss• to Laurel. Lotus• to Bclzona. mit. Handsboro• to Gulfport. Louin*tt to Bay Springs. I Mound Cltv• to RC1sedale. Pettlt* to Greenvtlle. Hankinson* to Port Gibson. Jonathan• to Lcakcsvllle. Peyton* to Port Gibson. Louise*:J: to Belzom. Josephine to Rosedale. Love Station•: to Cold- Mount Carmel to PrentlBs. Phalla to Ro11edale. Hardy statlon•U to Gre- Judah to Pontotoc. Phoonix• to Yazoo City. Mount Nebo to Scooba. water. nada. MY~~l~~e,rea~~• to Col-; Piave to McLain. Loyd to Vardaman. I:~:~~~~ tooii~~dale. 1 Pickwick* to Sandy Hook. Muldon•u to Aberdeen. Luclen*t to Meadville. Harmontown• to oxrord. Pikeville to Okolona. Luelle to Meridian. K~n to Ackerman. ~arperavme• to Forest. Pinckneyville• to Woodville Murphy• w Hollandale. Luck to Colllervllle. Tenn. Keirn to Cruger. ..:i.arr1ston•tt to Fayette Pine Bluff to Maben. Murry to Coldwater. Lucknow to Brandon. liarrtsvme• to Braxton.· 1 Kellis Store• to Scooba.. Pine Bur•tt to Columbia. Myrick to Laurel. Lucre to Rolltng Fork. Kelly to Mem"P,hl~. Tenn. liartness to Starkville. Pine Ridge* to Natchez. Myrlevtlle to Yazoo Clty. Ludlow to Morton. Kemt> to Kilmichael. li&11sle to Starkville. Pines to Corinth. • Lunch to Baldwyn. :U:atborn•t (Marion Co.) to Pine Valley• to Water Lurline to Coldwater. Kena.go to Ackerman. olumbia. Valley. Luther to Carthag;e. Hathorn (Winston co.) to Kendrick" to Corinth. Plnevme• to Montrose. Lux•t to Hattiesburg. Keno to Columbia. Louisville. Pinola*tt to Mendenhall. , I eownville to ·ew Albany. Lyman•tt to Gulfport. liatley to AmorPisgah• to Pelahatchee. Lynchburit to Memphl11,' Kerr to McCool. Havre to Courtland Plain to Jackson. Tenn. Kcwancc•t to Merld_ll\n. Hay *to . ebastopol. Lynn Creek to Brookville. ~ anache Haw to Port Gib- Pla.nter11ville • t to Tupelo. IIazct Dell to Booneville. I Rienstra so Woodv11le. Plattsburg* to Noxapater. ,·on. Lynwood to Pclahatchee. Pleasant to Kmiclusko. Nancy* to Pachuta. Lyon•:t to Clarksdale. , Kiln• to Bay St. Louis. »cad.* to Leland. Pleasant Grove* to CrenNannye to Wesson. ?!eathman•u to Indianola. i Kincaid* to Grenada. shaw. Na11on to Grenada. King to Florence. .... eckla to Hattiesburg. Pleasant Hm• to Hernando. Navina to Scooba. Kingston to Natchez. :N'earby to Philadelphia. Kloto* to Tylertown. Helena* to ross Point. Plum Point to Memphis. Macedonia. to buqualak. Neeclmore to Philipp. Kipling to 8cooba. li elm•tt to Leland. 1'enn. Neely to McLain. MaceJ•t to Philipp. liemmgway to Carrollton. !{Irby* to ,1eadville. Pluto• to Yazoo Clty. Mack to Holly Sprtnga. HetnJ>hlll• to Richton. Plymouth to Pontotoc. Nesboba*t! to Union. Madden• to Carthag:e. H erbert to Meridian. Kirklin to Tylertown. Magna Vista to Vicksburg. New Hope to Columbus. 1 Pocahontas•t1 to Flora. Klrksy to Como. Polkville• to Morton. Mahned•Uto New Augusta I Kirkville to Baldwyn. ~eron to Water Valley. Pond• to Woodville. Newlt to Monticello. Mabon% to Holly Sprtnp. ritchener* to 1?eha topol. ~ervey to Port Gibson. Poplar Creek• to Kil.miNewman to Edwards. • fal<-o to . ehastopol. Klein* to I aleo~h. ~~sktervtue• to Kosciusko. cha.el. New Prospect to Ackerman. Malone to Holly prings. Knoxo*! to Tylertown. .<;1.JC ~ to Favette Porterville*t to Meridian. New Site• to Booneville. - Ialvina•:t to I ose:lale. l{noxvme•tt to Gloster. 1gbdon to Holly Sprtnga. to West. Possumneck 1 Canton. to Mamie Tylertown. to Koirnmo*l j.j.!t to Sturi:tls. :N'lcbolson•tt to Picayune. 1 Potter to Ruleville. Manna1111a to Quitman. Kola* to Mount Olive. 1gh Hill to Rehastopol. 81 gbland to Oorlnth_. _ _ _ _ Powell to Lula_. _ _ __ _ c_b_lc_ to_ G_u..;n.:.t:...:o_wn;.:::.:._ _;c...Nlcnolsonvllle to Shaw. K_o_s_su...t~~nt-::h::·_ ___M_a.;;.n_ta  8~:f:;J t;oR~m~tf.  I  I  1  I  I  I  I I  I  !!  ~EFERENCE KEY.  129 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  6 Countv Seat,  •:'.'!Ione Order Office.  ~  Telegraoh Statton,  tExnress Otllce Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2038  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  MISSISSIPPI  Prairie Point• to Macou. Preston• to Scooba. Pretoria to Brookville. Prichard"' t :t to Tunica. Priscilla to Greenville. Prismatic to Meridian. Puckett* to Braxton. Pulaski• to Morton. Pyland* to Houston..  Sharon* (Madison Co.) to ' Canton. , Sharpsburg* to Canton. ' Shawnee to Holly Sprtngs. Shealey to Decatur. Sbellmound • to Greenwood Sherard•U to Clarksdale. J Shiloh• to Rolling Fork.  Shinault* to Oxford. Shipman• t t to Lucedale. Sblvers•t to New Hebron. Sboccoe to Canton. Qulnoy•U to Amory. Sbongelo to Ralelgh. Quinn to Summit. Short• to Iuka. Quito*t to Itta Bena.. Shrock• to Goodman. Shuford• to Courtland. Randa.Us Blufl to Louisville. Sibley• to Natchez. S1bleyton• to Kilmichael. Randolph"' to Pontotoc. Sidney to Grenada. Rands to Nettleton. Sidon*tt to Greenwood. Rankin t to Brandon. Rara A vis* to Red Bay ,Ala. ~{Fo:~• t~ J~is~~fii Silver City*tt to Belzoni. Ras to Bay Springs. Silver Springs to Ripley. Rat111r• to Guntown. to Brookhaven. Slmllo Ra vine to Brookville. Simmonsville to Ma~olta. inger to Tunica. Rea to Sardis. Skene* to Cleveland. Reba to ~fcLain. Slate Spring• to Calhoun Recluse to Wiggins. City. Red Banks•tt to Holly Slayden to Moscow, Tenn. Springs. Slaydens Crossing to MosRedding to Grenada. cow. Tenn. Reddoch to Taylorsville. Smedes* t.o Rolling Fork. Red Llck•tt to Fayette. to Osyka. Smlthburg to Brookhaven. Redwoodll to Vlcksburii. Smltb.dale• to Summit. SmltbvUle• to Amory. Reform*1 to Ackerman. Smyrna to Kosciusko. Refuge to Greenvllle. Snave• to Rolling Fork. Reganton to Utica. Snowden to Meridian. Reid* to Vardaman. Soeiraard to Brookhaven. Sontag•t to Monticello. Remu<1 to Phlladelpbl.a. Sortn to Pass Christian. Renalara*t to Clarksdale. to Laurel. Soso•t Renova• to Cleveland. Pascagoula• to PascaSouth Retreat to Coffeeville. goula. Reuben* to Indianola. Soarta to Houston. Revive to Canton. Spinks to Meridian. Rex* to Greenville. Splinter to Water Valley. Splunge• to Amory. Rhodes to Richton. Spring Cottage* to Sandy Riceville to GuJrport. Hook. Rlch•t to LuJa. S'{)ringvllle* to Pontotoc. to Gunnison. Stafford* Richey to Anguilla.. tage* to :\lorton. Ridgeland • 1 to Madison Stallo•tt to Philadelphia. Station. Stamper to Decatur. Riggins to Amory. Rio• to Union. J~s;'~b~r!:ian. Standing Pine to Cartnage. Roadside to Ya.zoo Cit7. Natchez. to Stanton•U Robbs to PQPtotoc. Star• to Braxton. Roberts•: to Newtou. Forest. to Steel Robinson*t to Liberty. to Columbus. Roblnsonvllle• 11 to Tunica Steens•t Steiner to Shaw. Roblnwood *t1toM on ti cello Steohenson to Gloster. Rockport*tt to Georgetown to Wiggins. Rocky Point to Kosciusko. Stillmore Rocky Springs* to Utica. Canton. to Stokes Rodney• to Fay£ tte. Stone to Pblladelphla. aome•t to Tutwiler. t 1 to Leland. Stoneville• Rose to Clarksdale. Stonewa.ll"'tt to Quitman. Roseacres*:t to Lula.  Tibbs to Sledge. Tie Plant* to Grenada.. Tilden to Fulton. Tileville to Ro.'cdale. Tllla.toba•tt to Oakland. Tlllman • to Port Gibson. Tiltontt to l\1onticel!o. Timberville to Vardaman. Tinsley to Yazoo City. Tiplersvme• tt to Ripley. Tippah to Hickory Flat. Tippo to PhiUpp. Tishomingo*! to Corinth. Togo to Brookvllle. Tolarville* to Lexington. Tomnolen •t t to Eupora. Toomsuba•tt to Meridian.  ~ggi~~i tg t~~m~.  Wicker to Forest. Wllczinski* to Greenville. Wilkinson* to Woodville. Willett* to Hollandale. Williston to Carthage. Wtllows• to Port Gibson. Wilmot• to Leland. Wiltshire to Vaiden. Winborn"' to Holly Sprlngi. Wlnchester•t to Waynesboro. Wind ham to Laurel. Wingate* to • 'ew Augusta. I Winterville• t to Greenvllle. Wisdom• to McHenry. I Wisner* to Taylorsville.  I  0  I ; ~~~~ ~Ti!>d~~nola. Torrance•ti to ColieevUle. Woodson to Aberdeen. Wool Market to Gulfport. Tougaloo•ti to Jackson. Wortham* to Gulfport. Townsend to Scooba. Wren to Amory. Wright* to Rosedale. Trail Laket to Leland. Wya.tte* to Sena.toola. Trapp to Philadelphia. Travis to Liberty. TraXler to Raleigh. Ya.zoo Pass to Lula.. Traynham to Clarksdale. Yeargain to Cruger. Trebloc to Okolona. Yellow Rabbitt to Holly Tremont to Amory. Springs. Trenton• to Morton. Yokena•u to Vlcksbur,. Tribbit"'1 to Leland. Youngs* to Coffeeville. Tribble to Charleston. Younirton to Edwards. Trlmcane to Starkville. Trlnity to Columous. Troy• to Shannon. Zemuly to Sallis. Truitt to Pickens. Ziglerville.;. to Lexington. Trussell to Unlon. Zion to ebastopol. Trusty to Water Valley. 1 Zion Hill* to Liberty. Tula• to OxCord. Turkey to Ethel. Turnbull* to Woodville. Turner* to l-atchez. Turnerv!lle to Laurel. Turnetta to Canton. Tuscanola Station to EllisMISSOURI ville. Tuscola to Carthage. Tyro• to Senatobia. Aaron to Creighton. Una to Aberdeen. Abbott to Springfield., Union Church• to Fayette. Aberdeen to Eolia. University• to Oxford. Abesvllle to Galena. Upshaw to Belzoni. Abo to Lebanon. Ure to Oxford. Acorn* to Success, Ark. UstanA to Liberty. Acornrldge to Puxico. Utica Institute~ to Utica. Adair to Brashear. Adams to Potosi. Valewood to Rolling Fork. Adolph to Morrtson. Valley*! to Yazoo City. Aaonls to Flemington. Valley Hill• to Carrollton. A!Jton• to Luxemberit. ValleyPark*t 1 to Vlcksburir Agnes* to Lebanon. Value* to Bran<lon. Aholt• to Glasgow. Van Buren to Lambert. Vance•u to Tutwiler. Aid* to Bloomfield. Vancleave• to Ocean S'{)'ngs Akers• to Salem. Van Vleet*U io Okolona. Aklnsvrne• to Fortuna. Van Winkle to Jackson. Akron to Blythedale. Vaugba.n•t 1 to Pickens. Ala.nthus Grove to StanVelma to Coffeeville. berry. Verba to Newton. Algire to Suntvan. Verna• to Monticello. Alice* to Mountain Grove. Stovall•t to Friar Point. Vernal• to Lucedale. Alley* to Eminence. Rosebloom to Grenada. Stover to Sumner. , Vestry* to Merrill. Alliance• to Fredericktown Rose Hill* to Pachuta.. Stratton•t to Decatur. Almartha* to Rockbrtdgt Rosetta.•u to Gloster. Senatobia. to ~:~~~f~!*loti!':v◊iit Strayhorn• to Hermitage. Almon• Clarksdale to Rounda.way•t Street• to Liberty. v1mvme• to Meridian. Roundlake*t to Gunnison. Strickland Corinth. Violet• to Port Gibson. Alpha to Laredo. Rounsavllle*to Leakesvi1le. Stringer• t1 to to Laurel. Virgil to Pelahatchee. Alsup to Pleasant Hope. Rowsey to Water Valley. Stringtown* to Benoit. Vossburg*tt to Laurel. Altbelm to Clayton. Roxie "t1to Natchez. Point. West to Strongs*t Noxapater. to Vowell to Adrian. Altona• Ruble to Merrill. Voy to Baldwyn. Rudyard to Clarksdale. Sucarnochee•tt to Scooba. Amos• to Stotesbury. Amy• to Bakersfield. Ruunelatown • to Hatties- Suffolk* to atchez. Summerland•tt to Laurel. Wahalak•tt to Shuqualak. Anabel•U to Clarence. burg, to St. Clair. Anacondatt Springs. Holly to Lake. to Walts* Sun Rural Hlll•to McCool. 1 Ancelltt to Fornfelt. Sunnyside* to Greenwood. Wakefield to Byhalia. Rushton to Scooba. Lamoni. to Andover•tt Macon. Philadelphia. to to Waldo Sunshine Russell• to Meridian. Iowa. 'uquelena. to ... Ieridian. Wallerv1lle • :t to New AlRussellville to Vicksburg. Sumner. to Eminence. tt to Lake• Anirellne* Swan bany. Russum•t to Port Gibson. Sweatman* to Duck HUl. Walley to Richton. Ruth* to Summit. Ann* to Mountain Grove . \Vallfleld to Houlka. Swiftown•t to Itta Bena. Rye to Aberdeen. Anove to Albany. Wall Hlll to Byhalia. 1 SwUtwater*t to Greenville. Walls• t to Memphis, Tenn. j ~~~~~~~a; 0 t~~~~!i~e. Sabino• to ClarKsdate. Walnut Grove* (Leake Co.) Anthonies ::\lill* to BourSabou~Ja* to Calhoun City. to ('arthage. bon. Saints Re,.t to J ndianola ,Walthall• to Eupora. Antioch to Kahoka. Samneville to Union Antonia to J{!ID.Oll;wick. Tallula* to Lake Providence Walton to lyrtle. anatorium to .i\Iae:ee. Apex• t to Elsberry. Wamba to Kosciusko. La. Sand Hill to Brandon. ppl ere k to J.,ongtown. WanUla•tt to Monticello. Tamola*t to Meridian. Sandy to 5ardls. Appleton* to Old Appleton. Warsaw to Byhalla. Tandy• to Charleston. Sandy Hook*tt to Angle, La Tapo to Corinth. Washington• to atcbez. Aptus• to Potosi. Sanford*tt to Hattiesburg. Ta.ska* to Holly Springs. to Ilolly Aqulllat to Bloomfield. W at.erf rd *tt Sapa•1 to Eupora. Rpring·. Arab* to Zalma. Tatum to <,r,nad,\. Sarah• tl to Crensba w. Watson• to Byhalia. Arborf to dvance. Taylor• t 1 to Oxford. Saratoga• t t to Mount Ollve rbyrd•+ t to < , rd well Waveland•t to Bay St. Sarepta• to Pontotoc. Arden• to Ava. Teasdale to Oakland. Columbus. I Ardeola.*tt to Ad\·ance. Teckvllle to Sardis Satartia• to Yazoo City. Arditta to \\'c. tplo.ins. Way•tt to Canton Ted* to Raleigh. Saucier*tt to Mcllenry. Ardmore• to Macon. Way">ldc•t to Greenvtlle. Tenmile*::: to «ulfport. Saukum to Gloster. Weathersb:v•tt to Magee. A~entvlUe to Winfield Teoc to Carrollton. Sava.~e•tt to Tunica. Weeks to Salli. . Argo to Bourbon. Terza to Sarrlls. \\'ei.!!'ant• to I oiling Fork. Ark to Salem. T'ewanta to Ellisville. Weilenman* to Lelaud Scha.mberville to Meridian. Thaxton• to Pontotoc. Arlington• t to • ·ewu\U'Q'. Wenasoga•t to Corinth. Scobey*tt to Water Valley Tbeactville* to Quitman. We::itsldC- to Port Gib on. Arloet to St. Louis. Scott*H to Benoit. The Gums to Sardis. Armour ♦ to Rusbvllle. Scrantont to Pascagoula.. Thomastown to Kosciusko. '\\'haley•t to Greenwood Amica to Humansville. Wbeeler*tt to Booneville. Thoma ville to Florence. Whistler• to Waynesboro Arno• to Ava. Thompson to Liberty. Selden to Corinth. Whitaker* to Centervllle. SelleN to Picayune. Arnshenr• to Jack on. Thorn to Houston. "hite \pple* to , ·atchez. Senath to Aberdeen. Thornton•t to Tchula. White Bluff*tt to Oakvale. Arron• to Summersville. Thrasher• to Booneville. Service to Laurel. Arthur• to Rich Hill. Three Rivers• to Moss Point Whites to Terry. Sessums•t to Artesia. Ash to Madison. Wbltesand • t to Prentiss. Thyatlra • to Senatobia. Seven Pines to Sidon. to Loutslan&. Ash burn• tt Tibbee Statlon•t to · Whitney• to Rulevllle. Seymour to Biloxi. v\'hynnt• to :\1er1dlan ~harkey• to S11mner. Point. A hervlllP. 0 to Puxico.  ~~!~ll~a: t~  se~~~-  I  w~~~~i9.;lto  I  REFERENCE KEY .  , county Seat.  • :'.\Ioney Order Office.  t Telegraph Station.  M Ashton•t to Kahoka. Astoria• to Hartville. Athens• to Farmin~ton Ia. Athol to Butler. Atwell to Hancock. Auburn to Silex. Aud* to Chamois. Aurora Springs• t to Eldon. Austin• to Archie. Avenue City• to Cosby. Avert• to Bloomfield. A very* to Warsaw. Avon• to Coffman.  B B B B B  B(  Be  B(  Be Be  Axtell* to Macon. Ayers to Slater. Azen to Granger. Bachelor• te Auxvasse. Bacon to andy Hoo~. Bado* to Cabool. Bahner to Smithton. Baileys to Poplarbluff. Bainbridge to Cape Girardeau. Baldridge to Plato. Ballwin•. to Manchester. Balm• to Eldorado SprlnfL Bal8 to Troy Bandyville to Alton. Bangert* to Salem. Banister to Macks Creek. Bardley• to Doniphan. Barks to Perryville. Barnesville to Atlanta. Barnumton• to u I I m ax Springs Barren to Van Buren. Barry to Kansas City. Bartlett*! to Dir<"htree. Harytles• to De Soto. Basher* to Ava. Bassville to Strafford. BatesYille to Poplarblufl. Haxter• to Berryville. Ark. Baytleldt to Clarksdale. Bayouvllle to East Prairie. Beach to Marshfield. Beaman• t :t to Sedalia. Bean Lake to Rushville. Bearcreek• (Cedar Co.) to Fairplay. Bebra. to Versailles. Beck to Kimmswick. Bedlson • 1 to M aryvlll e. Beemont* to Gerald. Belgique* to Chester. Bellamy to Sheldon. Belle Center to Joplin. Bellefontaine to Manchester. Belleville to Joplin. Bell pring to :\.larshfleld. l3elltown to Sleeper. Belmont*tt to Columbus, Ky. Bern• to Owensvllle. Bend to Vlenna. Ben Davis• to :\.fountain Grove. Benjamin• to Canton. Bennett• (Ripley Co.) to Doniphan. Bentonville* to Fairtleld. Berlin to King City. Bernheimer* to Treloar. Berryman• to Potosi, Bertha to Ava. B -;ville* to Lutesville. Bethpage to tella. Beverly Sta.tlon*t t toPlatte City. Blblegrove to Memphis. Blehle*:t to Perryville. Bigpincy• to Bloodland. Olgsprtng to ,\lcKlttrlck. Bllllngsvllle* to Boonvllle, Blllmore to Thaver. Birdsong to Uollins. Bird. point to < harleston. Btrmtn~.,am • t t to LlbertJ, Bixby* ,o Salem. Black* to Centerville. Blackjack to :t. Loui . Black Walnut• to St. Charles. Blake to Jamesport. Illa11che* U> ltoclcbridge. Bliss• to Poto l. Blooming Ro e to Rolla. Bloomlnirton to Bevier. Bio ·er to :\.ialta!Jend. Blue J<;ye• to Eureka Sp'ng9, Blue Lick* to Mar ball. Blue ~lound tu Dawn. Blue Ridge to Gilman CltY• Blull' to I ur·yth Bluff Port to Gia g-ow. Blul!ton• to Portland. Bly* to UakersOeld. Boaz• (Cbrlstlan Co.) to Clever. Bo ch nvllle to olecamP• Boeurr.reek to ·ew HavenBoles• tt to Washington. Bona to Dade Ille. Bond to Clayton. Donham to :'.\I ariondlle. Boomer• to Laclede. Boone to Sullivan. Booneshoro* to Glasgow. Bmchertown to. t. C ~ ;Expre s Oilice.  Br Br  8r  Br Br Br Br Br Br Br  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  MISSOURI  MISSOURI  I Exchange*  I  Boss* to Cook Station. Drake*t to Rosebud. Corkery to Lebanon. \ 8!EE;ltC:, ~u~e~':. Wells. Drakemore to Kansas City Cornelia to Warrensburg. Boston*t to Lamar. 1 Carrine;ton • t to Fulton. Cornwall• to Fredericktown Dresden•tt to Sedalia. Bounds• to Piedmont. Drew to Lebanon. Carson to West Plains. Corrldon•to CentervUle. Bowdry to Carrollton. Carsonvllle to Wellston. Drum to Adv-'.l.nce. Corry to Dadeville. Bovren*t t to Windsor. Drury to .M.ountaingrove. Corsicana to Purdy. Bowman (Harrison Co.) to Cartmell to Neosho. Drynob• to Lebanon. Caruth• to Senath. Corso• to Silex. Bethany. Cortlcelll to Russellville. Bowmansville*t to War- Carver to Versallles. Cascade to Coldwater. Cote Sans Desseln to Teb- Dudenville to Golden City. rensburg. Casco to .BeauFort. Dugginsville to Galnesvme. betts. Case•t to McKittrick. Duke to Richland. Boydsville to Fulton. Cottage to Elmer. Cottleville• to Saint Peters. Dumastt to I evere. J Cash to Callao. Boyer to Hartville. Cassidy to Ozark. Boylers Mill* to Stover. ggng~~~ 0~ai~~t£o Car- Duncan* t,o f.;Pvmour. Castlett to Green Castle. uther1ville. Castlewood to Valley Park. Couch• to Alton. Castor• to Lutesvllle. ~~~!:bft\lgu~~~~t Branch* to Macks Creek. Coulstone to Licking. Brandon <Benton Co.) to Cato* to CassvUle. Durnell to Bloomfield. Courtney• t t to Indepen- Duroc to ·warsaw. Catron to Parma. Windsor. dence. Branum to Hornersville. Dutchtown• to Jackson Courtois* to Potost. Cavema to Pineville. Brawley* to Winona. Duval to Iantha. Cove to Cassvllle. Cave Spring to Willard. Brays* to Iberia. Dwyer to Kirkwood. CoVlD~on to Steel. Cawoodt to Rea. Brazil* to Potosi. Dye to Weston. Brazlto* to Jefferson City. Cazzell to Dalton. Dykes• to Houston. Cox to Macon. CecU to Paris. Breezy Heights to Kimms- Cedar City•tt to Jefferson Coy to Anderson. City Orab Orchard to Orrick. . wick Eads to Cofl'man. Craddock* to Rolla. Brenner to • -orth Kansas Oedarcreek* to Protem. Eagle Rock* to Cassville. Crai 6 *tt to Poplar Bluff. Oedarfork to Newhavea. City. Earl (Callaway Co.) to Iemphis. to Crawfordt eymour. . to Brent woodt to Kirkwood. Ce<largap*H Fulton. Crescent*t to Eureka. Cedargrove* to Salem. Brewer• to Perryville. Easley•t to Hartsburg. Crest to Cedarhill* to Pacific. Cedar Sprln~* to Eldorado Cretcher to Sweeli Sprinirs E. Atchison* to Atchison, Brian* to Campbell. Kan. Crider* to Westplalns. Springs. Briarcreek* to Doniphan. East Bonne Terre* to Bonne Cedar Valley* to Ho111ster Crisp to Stockton. Brice• to Lebanon. Terre. Cedarville to Jerico Springs. Crittenden* to CltmaxSp'gs. Bricefield to Peirce City. East End to Belleview. Brlckeys*l to Ste. GeneEast Leavenworth* t l to Crook* to Chamois. Celt* to Buffa.lo. vieve. Leavenworth, Kan. Crosno• to Columbus. Ky . Bridgeport to Pattonsburg. Celynda to Donlt>han. Eastview to Bradleyville. Bride;eton•tt to Wellston. Cement City to Inde- Crosskey1 to Florlsant. Eru twood* to Van Buren. Cross Roads• to Ava. pendence. Ebenezer to Sorlngfield. Crosstown• to Perryville. Brinktown* to Dixon. Centaur Station•U to Pa- Crowder•t to Morley. Briscoe• i to Silex. Eccles to Keytesville. Crown to Marshfield. cific. Bristow to Nevada. Echo to MarceUne. Crulse to Potosi. Central Clty to Joplln. Brixey to Hockbridge. Economy to Atlanta. Chain of Rockst to Old Crump to Whitewater. 1 to Plato. Edanville We.~tDlains. Cull• Monroe. Broadwater to Malden. Chalk Level* to Lowry Cits Culver to Butler. Broadway* to St. James. Lesterville. to Edgehill* Buren. Van to Oumming-s Kahoka. to Chambersburg l3rooklyn to Ridgeway. Eclgewood*tl to Bowling urdton to Puxico. Brooks Junction to Morley. Ohamlnadet to Clayton. Green. Westplains. to Cureau• Gerald. to City Champion ~rown to Green '1ity. Currentvlew to Success. Edinburg to Trenton. Chandlertt to Liberty. Edith to Linn Creek. Ark Chantilly to Winfield. B~~:~~~f~;~~ ~icit!~d. Chapel Edmonson• to Lincoln. Curzon* to Oregon. Hill to Odessa. Edna to Fornfelt. Salem. to Custer BBrown Spring* to Billings. Chaplnt to Westplains. Edwards• to Warsaw. I Pineville. to Cyclone Mendota. to Charlton rowns Ste.t,Jon • t to t to Bowling Green. Egbert to Portland. Cyrene• Columbia.. EgyI>t Mills • to CaI)e GI Czar to Steelville. Brownwood•U to Advance Charter Oakt to Canton. rardeau. Chauncey* to Llnn Creek. Ehlenberg to Hermann. Brule* to Belleview. Eie;ht Mne•1t0Harrlsonvm~ Dagonia* to Ellington. Cheney* to Ava. Bruner• to ~narta. Elayer to teelville. Dallaa to Kansas City. Cherrybox* to Clarance. Brunot• to Des Arc. Dameron to Elsberry. Cherryville* to Steelville. BBrushcreekt to Lebanon. to Lebanon. Eldride:e• Creek. Linn to Damsel* Cherryville* to Leadwood. russels to Foley. Elgin (Shelby Oo.) to Chesapeake• to Mt. Vernon. Danby• to De Soto. Bethel. ,Danville• to Monte;omery Chestnutrlde;e to Ozark. BBryant• to Mansfield. City. ryson (Pettis co.) to Ohicopeett to Van Buren. El8~eJ861ll~~an Oo.) to Childers to Cross Timben. Dardenne• to O'Fallon. Greenriclge. Elijah* to Bakersfield. Darien_. to Salem. Bryson (Pike Co.) to Chilton* Van Buren. Fork to Greenridge. Elk DarJcsvllle to Huntsville. Chitwood t to Joplln Louisiana Elkhart to Adrian. DavtsvUle* ~o Steelvllle. Chloe•t to Lowry City. · to Sparta. Elkhead Dawson* (Wright Co.) to Chloride* to Ironton. Bu kb • Elkins to New Bloomfield. Mountaingrove. to Mountain Chranevllle to Keytesvllle. art Christian Center to Ozark. Dawsonville to Burlington B rove. Elko to Unionville. Junction. Christopher to Neosho. 8 U~khorn* to Marquand. Elk Prairie to Rolla. ClvU Bend to Pattonsburg. Dawt to Gainesvllle. BUcodat to Senath. Day (Stoddard Co.J to ' Elk Springs to Noel. Clair to Cosby. BUcYrus* to Houston. Elkton• to Flemlne;ton. Bloomfield. Clapper to Stoutsville. B~iapest to Ellsinore. Day (Taney Co.) to Reeds I3 . ington to l\~oM)louse. Clara. to Houston. Ellla Prairie* to Houston. Spring. Clarks Fork to Boonville. B~tk to 00]-r tation. Elllsvlllet to Manchester. Dayton to Garden City. Clarkson to Pierce City. Bu bank to Greenville. Elm to Klngsvme. Dean Lakett to Triplett. Claryvllle• to Chester. Bu~~h t~ Lowndes. Elm Grove to Forbes. De Camp* to St. James. Claud to Humansville. Bu ett to fdrlan. Elmont* to 8ulllvan. Decatur to Russellville. ClaY Center to Maitland. Bu;:rordvllle to Jackson. Bu/ess t? Mulberry, Kan. Clay Roott to Bragg ity. Decaturville* to Linn Creek Elmwood (Laclede Co.) to Lebanon. Deer to Chamois. Claysville to Harrisburg. SDbam t. t to Willow Elmwood (Salme Co.) to Clayton (Vernon Co.) to Deerpark to Columbia. Bu~~\ngts.B .Blackburn. Deerridge to La Belle. Fort Scott, Kan. Bu * o o11 var. Elsey• to Crane. Clear Springs• to Willow Deicke to Eureka. Butr to Doniphan. Elston•t to Jerterson City. Dell to Warsaw. S~rlngs B rr Oak to Foley. 0 *t to l''ayette. Elwood• t to Springfield. Delmart to Clinton. Cleavesvnie to Bland. ElY-U to Palmvra. Delpha to Unionville. {oonvllle (Barry Co.) Clementine• to Rolla. Delta.H to Jackson. Cleo to Aurora. B Purdy. Emerson to Durham. Denlow* to Norwood. nville (Dallas Co.) Cleopatra to Ltnevllle. 1fto O 13 Emmett to Everton. Dent to Lickin~. Cltfford to Bolivar. u.ffalo. Bu Clines Island to Bloomfield. Denton*t (Johnson Co.) to Empire Prairie to King City Bu~~h~le to Leeton. Englewood to Ashland Chilhowee. Cllquot•t to Bolivar. Bu b. to HannllJa.l. Clover Bottom to Wasblne;- Denton (Pemiscot Co.) to I~nough to 13elleview. Buie ~ell to Lamar. O Green CltY. Enterprise to Clarence. Steele. ton Bu Enyart to Stanberry. Depew to eymour. Clubb. to Piedmont. BuiterQeld • t to Purdy EI)worth• to Leona.rd. g:~;t;~;~:;i:fleld. coal to Clinton. s to Steelvllle. to Wllllamstown. it Cobb• to Collins. th By-ros• t Erle to Neosho. Dcslet to E11ln1rton. Cockrell to Leie Scum~ . Byrnesv1ie;:s~onaHil.lsb 0 r Ernest (Dade Co.) to Lock Coelleda to L nn ree-.. o. Byr • wood. g~~:r~ts~~J~l~kwood. Colfeyton* to Bourbon. on to Belle. Ernestville to Concordia.. l c orwood. to Sprtnirs* (;old Deventer to bar eston. Coldwater• to Des Arc. F.akin to Osborn. Dickens• to Fora..,.th. Coleman•-tt to Raymore. I t I r " Colony to Gorin. tio Lai;;;~? a. 8!~do to Marshf\eld. Columbus• to wtrrensburg Dillard* to 'tee!eville. Inu grove. Cadet•t to Potosi. Este11 to Curryville. Dlllon*t to St. James. Comet t,o mus to Rolla. 0 &.gle EF.a!lttihlle;:1 :totoNFelwatFRra1vnkerl1:n. Dlsaen to J. ew Haven. gg:c~~tl~n:fr~:·myde to Jo9lln. 0 • ,• Concord c1>emiscot Co ) to Dittmer to Hillsboro. to Donlphan. ~fr1~!1tt;ioN~~sif:v~:lls Hill to Marthaa- Dixie to ·ew Bloomfteld. to Clarksvllle. Cal~medt Ca 00 • to Fulton. d o}llPbellton to New Haven F-unlce• to Houston. R~>~~e~ ~ari!~~mou . to Salem. c lllpbranch to Sedalia. Co~iJl:aY Europa to Senath. Dodds pur to Lilbourn. Conklin to Marsbtleld. ·: to Owensville. Farmlnir;ton to Doerun•tt Marston. to Conran•t Oa.~!dY *t to Caruthersv1Jle Continental to Luxeml,urg. Doe;wood to Seymour. Evansville*j: (Monroe Co. ) 0 bluff reek*t to Poplar- Converse*l to LAthrop to ,\,ladl<;on. Dou ola to Ad\an<'e. l to Fort Scott, Kan Eve•t Ky. Hickman. to Dorena Richland to CookvUle g:ne i1 ill* to 'tockton. Evelyn*t to Bucklin. ~ 8\~ Dormls* to Gainesville. to Chapel Cooper Ca~? to Rockbridge. to Richland Salem. to Doss !in. ranl I, a. Y 0 reek to Oran. Everett to Archle. Dotham to Fairfax. Hill" to Bland. nnon :'I lines to Blackwell Cooper Chula.. to EveT'lonv\lle ~teele. to Douglas Brownln1t. to t Cora• c!nnonville to Palmyra.. Excello• t to ~lacon, Dove to Lebanon. Corbin to usceola. Ca ntweJI t.o Desloii:e. t>rsallles. V to xcelsior• E_ __ _ o_n_. i t_ 't_a_ __ k _ o _ o __ to e_ l _ y o_ _ D _ _ . s . ; _ g_ _; n r_l_ ' p illow_,-' W to Oorctz Pe F a i r ~ ~ e ~  I  I  ~f~~!:  I  8  I  I  n~11°  i;~~•~  "·a  c!lm  cPn~i;J  T  a  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ._ County Seat.  •. Ioney Order Office.  t Telegraph  tatlon  2039  to Ellington.  Fabius*t to Rutledge. Fairdealing* to Doniphan. Fairmont to Wvaconda. Fairmont Anglum. 1:"alrvllle to Marshall. Faith to Iberia. Falcon• to Lebanon. Fanchon to Westptalns. Fannlnir*l to Uuba. Farewell to Tb ayer. Farmer to Curryville. 1:<'armersville ( Lh ingston Co.) to Chula. Farmersville ( Ralls Co.) to Monroe City. Faro to Fredericktown. Farrar* to P erryvlll e. Farrenberg*t-' New Madrid. Fate to Lebanon. Faust* to Ila:rti. Fayetteville* to Warrens• burg.  Fegley to Connel~ville. Femme O ·age to Au!:!;usta. Fernridgf' to Orere Coeur. Fertile* to Potosi. Feuersville* to llelle. Fidelity to Carthage. Filley* to Eldorado Springs. Firrnat to Old :.VIonroe. Firth to Moberlv. Flag Springs to Union Star. Flannery to Springfield. Flat* to ewburg. Flatcreek* to Crane. Flatwoods* to Doniphan. Fleming to Orrick. Fletchei·* to De Soto. Flip to Winona. Florilla to Mountaln Grove Flory to Lamar. Floyd Station to Orrick. Flucom to Festus. Foil to Ava. Folk* to l\feta. Foose to Butl'alo. Fordliamt to Cameron. Forkert to Laclede. Forkner.s Hill to ..,onway. Fort Lyon to Windspr. Fountain Grove* to Meadville. Fourche a Renault to Potosi Fowler* to Mountaingrove. Fox to Hardin. Foxcreek to Pacific. Fra.nkclay* to Leadwood. Frankenstein* to Bonnotl Mills. Franklln•t to New Franklin Franklin Junction to New Franklin. Franklinville to Shelbina. Franks•t to Dixon. Frazer•t to Gower. FrederickHburg*to Morrison Fredonia to ,varsaw. F'reedom• t cCbamois. Freistatt• to Monett.  French ~Iills* to FredericktO\Yn.  French Village* to Bonne Terre. Frledhelm*t to Oakridge, Friendship to Sleeper. Frisco• to Essex. Fristue• to Warsaw. (l'ruit City to Ellin 17ton. Fruitland• t to Jackson. Frumet to De 'oto. Fuget to Columbus, Ky. Fuson to Hartvllle.  Gads Hlll*tt to Des Aro. Gaines to Brownington. Galesburir: to Oronogo. Galloway•i to Springfield. GamburL!' to aylor. Game to aruthersville. Gamma.• to Bellflower. Gang to Eminence. Gano to Salem. Gant to C1mtralia. Ganter to Stoutland. Gara to Albany. Garhrr• to Hr: nson. Gartleld to Alton. Garland• to Clinton. Garner to Purdin. Garrettsburg to Agency. Garrison• to Chadwick. Garwood* to Piedmont. Ga1conade• U to Morrison.  Ga■ condy* to Freeburir. Gash land• ti to Kauu City. Gatewood• to l>onlpban. Gaynor to Parnell. Gazette• to Vanda.Ua. Geoler to Hermann. Gentryville• to Darllnrt;on  I  tExprese Ofl1ce. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2040  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  MISSOURI  Hassard to Monroe City. Hastatn• to WaTB&w. Hatton• to Auxv8.88e. Germantown to Montrose. I Haven to Ash Grove. Haw Creek to Frankford. Gertrude to Rogersville. Hawkeye• to Crooker. Glbson•r.t to Holcomb. Giffora*tt to South Gifford. Hawkins to Hlood.Jand. Hayden• to Dixon. Glldehouse to Union. Gllmore• t t to Wentzvme. Hayward* to Portageville. Hazelrun* to Bonne Terre. Ginlet to Columbia. Hazelvllle to Baring. Glp1y• to Zalma. Hazleton to Licking. Girdner to Ava. Heather to Philadelphia. Gladden to Salem. Hebron* to Willow Springs. Gladstone• to Eldon. Hecla to Linneus. Glaise City to Richland. Hedge City to Novelty. Glencoe•n to Eureka. Glendale (Jackson Co.) to Hedrick to Salem. Helm to Hancock. Independence. Glendale (St. Louis Oo.), Helvey to Piedmont. Helwig to Oregon. to Kirkwood. Hematite*tt to Festus. Glenn* to Naylor. Glennonville.. to Campbell. Henderson to Rogersville. Glensted•t to Versames. Glesa to Rogersville.  Geo~etown • to Sedalia. Georirevllle to Cowiill. Germania to Queen City.  Iatan*t:t to Weston. Iconium• to Osceola. Ida. to Blackwell. Idalia• t t to Bloomfteld. Dasoo•t to Hannibal. Impo* to Mountain Grove.I Indiancreek to MonroeClty IndJangrove to Brunswick. Ink* to Eminence. Ipleyt to Kennett. Ira* to Lebanon. Irena to Grant City. Iron Mountaln*t t to Bismarck. Irwin• t to Sheldon. lsadora* to Athelstan. Ia. Isbell StatJon*t to Bonnota Mill. Island City to Stanberry.  I  Glidewell to Sprtngfteld.  Glover* o Ironton. Golden• to Eureka Springs, , Ark. Golden Rule to Novinger. Gooch MUl to Boonville. Goodnope* to Ava. Goodland* to Ironton. G~l~~~~\ iJ~~~~ Oo.) to Goodson• to Bollvar. Good w a.ter* to Ironton. Gore* to McKittrick. Gorham to Laredo. Go1ben to Princeton. GoH•t to Parts. Gould Farm to Cowsdll. Grabeel to GatnesvIUe. Grove. ~ Grana<1a • to Ava. Grand Center to Prairie Hill. Graniteville• to Ironton. t~uJ:~=~Gravelton• to Marquand. to Versailles. Mills• Gravois Gr~Kt~ro~~~tngst to Wal- , Grayridge* to Dexter.  g:-~~ ttt:~~Yn  g.~~f~f  1  Gray1on•tt to Plattsburg. Grays ville to Unionville Greeley to Bunker. Greenbrler•t to Zalma. Greendoor to Warrensburg. Greenlawn to Perry. Greenaburg• to Baring. Greer• to Alton. Gregory Landing• to Alexandria. Gresham to Morrisville. Greys Point to Miller. Gridley to Osborn. Grun.met to Westpl&ina. Grogan to Houston. Groom* to Hollister. Grover to Pactfto. Grubvllle to Union. Gulf to Eudora. Gulick to Morrisville. Gumbo* to Clayton. Gunn City• to East Lynne. Guthridge Mllls to Keyteaville.  Hamden• to Bynumvme. Hampton to Platte City. Hams Prairie to Fulton. Handy to Fremont. Hannon• t to Liberal. Hardeman to Napton. i:~fe: ~~luiW~;fti Kansas Oity. Harold to Walnutgrove. Harper• to Osceola. Hartt (Macon Co.)to Bucklin. Harttord to Unionville. Hartley to Fairplay. Hartshorn• to l:>'ummersville Hartwell•tt to Urtcn. Hartzell to Parma. Harvester to Saint Charles. Harveyt to Clinton. Haseltine to Sprtn,rfteld. &asevllle to Laredo.  1  Lawndale to Gainesville. Lawrenceburg* to Ashgrovel Lawrenceton•to Ste Genevieve. Lead Mine* to Bu.tralo. Leann• to Aurora. 0 t:i~~ktt i!.!!i~f!~prtngs l Leboeu!• to Belle. Leemon to Jackson. Leeper*tt to Mill Spring. • Leesville• to Clinton. Lella• to Eldorado Sprtnirs. Lemonville to Lemons. Leopold• to Lutes ville. Leora• to Puxico. Leota* to Moody. Leta to Dewitt. Levick Mill to Jacksonvllle. Lewis Statlon .. tto Calhoun. Lexington Junction t: to Henrietta. Libertyville• to Farmington.  j  tlWt~  I  I  Hadley (Maries Oo.) to Bland. Hadley (Reynolds Co.) to Piedmont. Hadsell*% to StrasbUTi, Hagers Grove* to Clarence. Hahatonka • to Linn Creek. Hahn* to Zalma. Half Rock to Harris. Hahfa,r• to Bonne Terre. Ballard to Rayvllle. Halleck to Faucett.  La Valle to Parma.  Jack* to Salem. Jacket to Pea Ridge, Ark. Jadwtn to Salem. Jakes Prairie* to Ouba. Jamesville• to Clever. Henrietta (Johnson Co.) to Jane• to Pineville. , Japan to Sullivan. H~~:i~\Jharle ton. f Jarvis to Hillsboro. j Cleveland. to Jaudon*t Hercules* to Forsyth. Jeff* to Thayer. Hereford to Fulton. Jefferson Barracks*tt to St. 1 Herm.ondale to Holland. Louis. i:S1fi~ v~arshall. .1effrlesburir•t to Union. Hester to Maywood. Jenningst to Saint Louis, Hibernia to New Bloom- Jerome*tt to Newburg. Jewett to Des Arc. fteld. . Hickman Mllls•t to Belton Job to Alton. Liebig to Doniphan. Hickoryhill to Russellville. Jogf:;.n Clt_y to Appleton 0 Hicks City to Oak Grove. P~~~!!i>Ur1t. Rosebud. to Spur Johnson Higdon to Fredericktown. Linda to Marston. Higgerson to New Madrid. Johnsonville to Weatherby. Lindell to Vlennr Montrose. to Johnstown• High Gate• to St. James. Linden (Atchison Co.) to Jordan to Cross Tlmben. High Knob to Dixon. Rockport. Josephville to Wentzville. lHf~~ao~~;* tfoP<5~~fa.. Joy* to Salem. Lindley to Galt. Judge* to Linn. Highridge* to St. Louis. Llnkvllle to Nashua. Judson to Harris. Hllda* to Forsyth. Lisbon to Glasgow. Hllderbrand*t to Perryville June to Neosho. Lisle*tt to Drexel. , Hillard to Poplar Bluff. Lithium*% to St. Marys. ' :ll~1ai~ ~ ,!~cbeport. Little Berger to Hermann. Little Blue•ttto Lees sumKader to Stockton. Himmel to Vandu er. mit. Little Compton to l:Iale. l!i~•~oB~w~:t Little Rock to Gllllam. Kaseyville to Callao. Livelv to war-aw. Keener• to Williamsville. Hines to Troy. Llxvtile to Perryville. K~Ti~. Statton to Shelby- Locust to Galnesvllle. Hinkle to St. James. Locusthill to Novelty. Keltner to Chadwick. Hinton to Columbia. Kendall to Shelbina. Hiram• to Lowndes. ~~~r.e; 0tt~'';{1r~l.len. 1~ to Kendricktown to Carthage. Loeffler to Green Oity. 1 Kenmoor1 t to De Kalb. Hgb:~ \~ S~l~~Loehr to Kirkwood. Kennard;" Columbia. Hockman to Warsaw. Loian • t to Marlon ville. , Kennedy to Haytl. Hodge•t to Waverly. London to Ia.nsfleld. Hoebervllle to Wentzville. ~ Kenton to Sparta. LonedelJ • to Moselle. Kenwood to ~u.rdland. Hoecker*% to M~ta Lone Elm to Bunceton Kenwood Springs to ,vell- Lone HiJl to Poplar Bluff. · Hofflln to Cuba. ston. Hogan•tt to Ironton. Lone Star to Albanv. Keota to Bevier. Hollow to Pacific Lonetree • t to HarrlsonHollywood*t:t to ·Horners- Kerens to Poplar Blutr. vllle. . Kerr to K.ldder. ville Longbraneh to P~. Holmes .?ark•tt to Grand- Kerr Stat101: to Platte City. Longrun to Hammond. Ketterman .o Walker. vlew Lookout to Clifton City. Kewanee*t to New_ Madrid. Loring* to Hartville. · Keystone* to Pernn. Louisa to Cabool. Keys Summu to Valley Loulsvllle• Bowling to Park. • Green. Kepville t to Steelville. Holschen Landing to Lovelake to Atlanta. Klel to New Haven. Wittenberg. Low Wossle*t to Winona. Kµwtnntng to Downing. Holstein* to Treloar. Loyd to Lutesvllle. Holts Summit• to New Kimberly to Moberly. Lucas to Urich. Llcktn,. to K~ble Bloom.field. Luck to Walnut Grove. Kime* to Greepv1lle. Hnnseville to Rolla. t~~~~~f:a~~ St. Clair. Kinder to Puxico. }l~g~:~• ttg ~!;iigvllle. Lund:v to Houston. Klnp Point to Lockwood. Lutman Hope• to Linn. to Smithton. Atgaa~ia:~• Tre- Ki~.y alley to RockyCom- Luxemburgt to , t. Louis. Luystown to Linn. Klnloch to Ferguson. loar. Kinsey* to Featua. Horine*tt to Pevely. t~~ght~uw:w~~:~:~on. Kirby to Shelbyville. Hornet to Joplin. Lyons* to Lebanon. Klrbyv1lle• to Forsyth. Hortense to Cllnton. Kissee Mills* to Forsyth. Horton•tt to Metz. Kissingertt to Annada. Houck to Jackson. Kliever to Calltomla. Hough to East Prairie. I Klondiket (McDonald Co.) Howards to St. Louis. to Seneca. Howards Ridge to Gaines_ Iachen. *tt to Portage Des Klondike*t(St. CharlesCo.) vllle. Siou.. to Augusta. Howell* to Hamburg. Maoomb•t to Norwood. Knights to Carthage. Howes Mill* to Salem. Maddix to Urbana. Knobllck*r.t to Farmington. Madlaonville to Center. Howes Station to Salem. Knobtown to Leea Summit. Madry to Aurora. Howland to Unionville. Knobvlew• t to St. James. Hubbard to Prairie Hill. M.a!lllet to Rockport. Knoxville to Rayville. Main City to Drexel. Kodiak to Savannah. ~lajorville to Warsa, ·. Koeltztown• to Meta. Mammoth to Gainesville. Koenig• to Belle. Hubert to Wllllamsvllle. Manda to Owensville. Koester to De Soto. Huckaby to Urbana. Mandevllle to Bogard. Koping to • 'elson. Hugttlns• to Houston. Manila to Sedall&. Krakow• to Washington. Manley* to Holcomb. Hugo to Linn Creek. Kyles* to Piedmont. Hulda to Cole Camp. Mann to Ironton. Hulston to Everton. Many Springs to Alton. Hunt* to Broseley. Maple Grove to Golden Clty Huntervfile• to Morehouse. Lacrosse• t to La Plata. 'Maple Park to Liberty. Huntlngdale to Clinton. La.flin*t to Lutesville. • Iaple * to Huntington •to Monroe Clty Laforge*U to New Madrid. Mapleton to , orthington Huntsdale• t t to Rocheport Lagonda* to New Cambria March• to Buffa10. Hurlingen to Clarksdale. Marco to Essex. Lake to Creve Coeur. Huron• to Bolivar. Lake Clty•t l to Independ- Marcoot to Salem. Hurricane to Lutesvllle. ence. Margaret to Bland. Hutchi ·on to Laddonia. Lake Creek to Oole Camp. Marion*t to Centertown. Hutton Valley• t to Willow Marttnstown to WorthingSprings. ton. Huzzah• to Steelvllle. Marvln•t to Versailles. Hydsburg*t to Hannibal. :laryland Helghtst _ Hyman* to Parma. _ Oreve Cceur.  1  1  Lambert to Benton. Lamlne"t to lioonvllle. Lana.itan • 1 t to Pineville. Landmark* to Fayette. Lane• to Linn. Lanes Prairie to St. James. Langdon*tt to Rockport. Lanton• to Koshkonong. Laquey• to W aynesvllle. Larissa to Ava.  1  ~~g:::tt •  REFERENCE KEY.  1  I  • County Seat.  Marys Home• to Eugene. Mason Springs to Seneca. Masters to Fairplay. Matkins to New Hampton. Matson•tt to Augusta. Mattese to Luxemburg. Maud to Clarence. Maupin to Catawissa. Maurtnet to lilalrstown. Mayesburg to Creighton. Mayfield to Lutesvllle. Mayflower to Seligman.  N N N N  N N  N N N N Ni Ni  McBaine• t t to Columbia. MoBrldett to Perryville. McCabe to Westplains. Mcclurg to Ava. McCracken•t to Ozark. McCunes Station• to BowlIng Green. McDowell• to Verona. McElhaney to Neosho. McGee* to Lowndes. McGlnty to Neosho.  N N  N  N N  N  McKinley to Marionville. • MoMullin • t to Sikeston. McNatt to Neosho. Meccat to Plattsburg. Medford*tt to Holden. Medley to Columbia.. Medoo• to Carl Junotlon. Mehlville to St. Louis. Meinert to Lockwood. Melrose to Pacific. Melva• to Rollister. Melville to Qulin. Mentor (Greene Co.) te Ozark. Mentor (St. Louis Co.) Webster Groves. Mer&mec Hlghlandsti te Kirkwood.  N  N N  N  N  N N  N  N N  '°  N N  N N  Miami Statlon•tt to Miami. Micola*t to Caruthersvtlle. J\Iidco to Fremont. Iiddlebrook• t t to Ironton. Mlddlegrove to Madison. Midland Adair Oo. to .t ovinger. Midland St. Louis Co. to t. Louis. Midway (Boone Co.) to Columbia. Midway (Saline Oo.) to _ farshal. Mike to !arcellne. Mildred to Forsyth. Millard• t to Kirksville. Mlllbrook to Russellville. Mlllcreek*to Frederlckto"11 Millersburg• to Stephen&, Mlllersvllle* to Jackson. Millheim* to Perryvllle. l\lillville (Ray Oo.) to Richmond. Millville (Stoddard Oo.) to Advance. Mlllwood to Silex. Mlltondale to Mlssourl CitY• Milwaukee to Cassville. Minaville to Liberty. tl~;Y~~~t1~isttir to FredM~~~~ti~nt• tt to PotolL Mineral Springs* to oass· ' ville. Mingo* to Puxico. Mtngsvllle to Plato. Mini.mum to Ironton. Mlnnlth•t to St. Mary■ • Mollle to HumaDBvllle. Monarch t to Clayton. Monarch prings to NeoslJO M~~f:.w Springs• to Of' Montag'Ue• to Ozark. Montauk• to Salem. Monteer• to Blrob Tree.  Monterey• to Centervlll•• Montevallo• to Nevada.  Montreal• to Stoutland. Montserrat• ft to Knol>'  noster. - fora•t to Colecamp. Morrellton•t to St. Clair. Morse Mlll* to Hillsboro. foTton to Hardlp. Mosler to Linn Creek. Mountain to Ptnevllle.  • fount Airy to Cliffton~~ ount Carmel• to VandlY'"" Mounthope to . oselle. . . Iount Hulda to Oolec~ Mount Pleasant to Well'<l'oiount Sterling• to .P M~~i~lon to Brownln«t011 Mum!ord to Sprlngfteld, Munger to Ironton. urphy to St. Louts.  1~J~r~*~ii~~tesville. M1:ilfek. t~ l:f~t;etinArJI:, Mystic to Green City.  ,;  ''' I;.  I  •·~  ..... '  •  •• •  t  I ; I I  .•••  I  I  ;  •  ' ••  .  I ,I  t  ' '  '  I  ..  I ". I "  "  I  t  •  "  I ' I  .•• • I  •  '  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  MISSOURI  I  N&rrows Creek to Macon. Nashville• to Mindenmines. Nauvoo•to Berryville, Ark. Nebo• to Plato. Needmore (Caldwell Co.) to Kingston. Neelys Landing* to Jackson Nee1>er to Kahoka.  Purman to 15uccess Ark. Ostr!a to St• .Tames. St. Francisville* to Ka- I Springcreek* to Rolla.. Oto to Crane. . Springdale to Rogersvtlle. hoka. Purvis• to Linn Creek, Overion .. l to Rocheport. Pyle to Dexter. Samt Francols•t :t to Flat Spring Fork• to Sedalla. Ovid to Cowglll. P:vrmont to Stover. I S1>rln1t Garden •to Rugene. Hartvllle. to sa't:i\v~eo~e Owasco• to Milan. Owsley to Greenrtdge. Svrott•U to Farming-ton. St. John to Powersvllle. Oxtord to Parnell. St. John Station to Over- S1>u(i'eon to Neosho. Quaker* to Belgrade. Ox.1y•ti to Doniphan. SQulrea• to Ava. Quarles to Clinton. land . Oyer• to Osceola. Stahl•rt to Novtne:er. Qulck Cltrl to Blairstown. St. Luke to Marshfield. Neter to Union. Ozark Beach to Forsyth. Standish*t:l: to Carrollton. Qulncy• to Wheatland. Saint Patrick• to Canton. Stanton•: to Sullivan. Nelsonville* to St effenv ille. Ozora.• to St. Marys. Salcedo to Sikeston. Qulnn to Pollock. Nemo to Hermitage. Star (Macon Co.), to Ethel. Sam!ord to Steele. Quote• to Ludlow. Neola to Greenfield. Sammy Lane to Hollister. Starfield to Plattsburg. Pack to Southwesi Clt7. Nesbit t t o Senath. Stark to Paddy to W estplatna. Sa.mos to Charleston. Netherland to Hayti. Starkenburg* to Rhineland. Raclne•i to seneca. Sample to Collins. Painton to Bell City. Star Landing to WittenNew Coin to Seneca. Sampson to Mangua. Racket to Warsaw. Palmer* to Potoel. berg. San Antonio to Easton. Newcomer to Brunswick. Ra.cola.• to Potosi. Palmettot to Rorenvllle. Steinmetzt :t to Glasgow. New Frankfort to Gilliam. Paloplnto to Lincoln. Rader (Webster Oo.) io Sandi to Rolla. New Grove_. to Seymour. Conway. Sand Spring to Marshfield. Sterlingt to Cabool. Pana.mat to Rich Hill. Stet• to Norborne. Radical• to Reede Sl)l'lnc. Sandstone to Nevada. Pall8Y* to Ava. Stewart to Portageville. Ra.ftville to Licking. Sank to Zalma. Newhall to Mendon. Stloklervllle to Green Castle Rainey to Osceola Santlaito to Lincoln. New Harmony to Curry- Paptnsvllle to Rockvllle. Stickney• to Vienna. Columbia. to Sapp Ne";,,lll~a.rtford• to Bowling Pa.~~~:vilfe~lay Co.) to Randles* to Cape Girardeau Sappln&'fion to Kirkwood. Stillings• to Leavenworth, Kansas R~i~~ph • t :t to Parl1 Sprlnira to Miller. Green. Kan. Saratoia to So. West City Sarient•:t to Wlllow Spgs. Stinson to Miller. Ranger• to Salem. Parker to Bolckow. New Rope to Elsberry. Stlnsonvllle to Sarcoxie. Rat• to Centerville. Pa.rkerton to Trenton. Newland to Sedalia. Stokley to Lamonte. Sarv18 Point to ::leymour. Rayborn• to Hartville. New Lebanon to Pleaaant Parshley to Cartbap. Stolpe to Hermann. ~!!~rty~~•I;o!~ite~nnlba.l. Readsville• tQ Portland. N~eifbcrty* to Winona. Pascota•u to Hayti. Stone Hlll to Salem. Saxton•U to Sa.Int Joseph. Stony Hill* to New Haven. ~~~~1~l!\~a!~~d. New Market- :t to Dear- P888o to Wanraw. Atrain to Gerald. Schluersburg to Augusta.. ' Passover to Llnn Creek. born. Stratmann to t. Louis. Schofield to Buffalo. Redd to Dudley. New Offenburg t t to Ste. ' Pats::v* to Steelvllle. Strother• to Parts. Scholten• to Crane. Pattonville• to St. Charle.. Reddings Mill to Joplin. Genevieve. School• to Marionville. Redford• to Ironton. Pa.uldtng•U to Cardwell. New Point• to Oregon. Studt to Creve Coeur. o~d•v fie1tlaBne~e· view. I ~g~fi~!•ti°r.~~h~lJ.le. RReedc:a N~~~- (Barton Co.) to j Pauline to Sedalia. 0 1 • Red Oak• to Bower Mills. , ; Pawnee• to Blythed3le. Newtonia• to Neosho. Sublett•.t to Kirksville. I Scrivner to RussellvUle. Paynesvme• to Clarksville. Redtop* to Buffa.lo. !ew Wells* to Je.ckson. Success• to Houston. I Soruir~ to Jefferson City Peace Valley• to West- Reece• to Puxico. nlchola•U to Springfield. Sue City to La Plata. : Seaton to Salem. 1 Reform to Portland Qlalns. Sugar Lake to Rushvllle. Seckman to Klmmswtck. Regal to Braymer. Peakesville to Revere. Nlckellton• to Atlanta. Sedgewickville• to Mar- Sugartree to Norborne. Rembert* to Hartville. Nlnd to Gifford. Pea Ridge to Sullivan. Sutp hmumr swSlpertnk. gs* t :t to Nlllhnabotna • t :t to Corn- Pearl•t to Ashgrove. Quand. Renfro to Wooldridge. K1 Selmore• to Ozark. Pearson Spur to NewFrankSummit to Potosi. Selsat to Independence. Reno to Ozark. Un. to Montrose. N Nobby to Warsaw. 1 1 ~~r; lw~ ~rui:1bal. i ~::~en~v;lt;>m~~~~ven ~~~it~~o~ t~elfr:g:m. i::::.1°t~t:~b°a:svllle. Noble• to Gainesville. Sunshine to Henl'ietta. Sereno to Perryv1lle. Re:vnolds* to Centerville. Nonsuch* to Llnn Creek. Richville* to .tVIountain l Settles -Statlont to Platt,e Surprise to Alton. Pembina to Rogersvllle. to Leeton. Sutherland Cit:V. Grove. Warrenton. Pendleton•tito Norman • to St. James. beventystx•U to Witten• Sutter to St. Louis. NNormand}" •tt to St. Louts. Pennville to Green Olty. Suttonville to Longlane. berir. Ridge Prairie to Nelson. Peoria• to Belgrade. orrts to Blairstown. Swan• to Forsytn. Sexson to Humansvtlle. Ridgley to Exeter Pepsin to Granby ~orthcutt to Sullivan. Swanwick to Richmond. Seybert to Greenfield, Rigirs to Sture:eon. Shackelford•! l to Marshall Swart to Fort Scott, Kan. Rimby to Polk. N~~t f~J!rstgnNg»J~~~: Perkins• to Oran. Sweden* to Ava. Shatter to Purdin. • Qlnehart•i to Nevada. son City. Per. bing to forrison. Sweetwater to Neosho. Shamrock• to Wellsville. Ripley to Independence. Peruque•tt to St. Peters. NNorton*tt to Marshall. Shannondate• :t to SallsbUll' Swifton to Portageville. Rippee• to Ava.. Otch • to Reeds Sprtntr, Petersburg to Chilhowee. Swlnton•t to Advance. Sharon to Slater. Rlsco*t to Parma. NNottinghlll to Noble. Phelps* to Miller. Swiss* to Hermann. ox to Walnutgrove. Phelps City• t :t to Rockport River aux Vases* to Ste. Sharp* to Gainesville. Swope to Kansas City. Shaw to Columbia. Genevieve. ~oxan to Ma.thews. Phentx•u to Walnut Gron Sycamore to Gainesville. Shawnee• to Eminence. Riverdale to Ozark. ;."!,Ursery* to St. Louis. Riverview to Brownington. Shawnee Mound ·to Leeton Sylvania• to Jerico Sp11l).p. ...,yhart to Foster. Pierpont to Columbia. Shawneetown to Poce.Rives to Hornersville. ' Pllirrlm to Everton. hontas. Roach* to Llnn Creek. I Pllotknob* to Ironton. Taberville• to Rook'Yllle. Norborne. to Roads , Pinckney to Treloar. 1 Roanoke• to Armstrong. Sheffleldtt to Kansas City. Taft*: to Naylor. Pine• to Doniphan. Oak to Clarksdale. Oakdale (Ripley Oo.) to Pine Top to Omaha, Ark. ~~~ ~t:fl>k~:.u~t~assvllle. I Robins to Warrensburg. Doniphan. Pioneer"' to Pierce City. I Taneycomo to Branson. Shepard to Belleview. Roby• to Houston. Oakdale (Shelby Co,) to Piper to Montro1e. Taneyvwe• to Forsyth. Sherman•t l to PacUlo. Rochester• to Helena. Shelbina. Plstrah to Bunceton. Taos to Jefferson Cit~. Sherrill to Licking. Rock to Hume. Oakland• (Laclede Co.) to Pltchor to Fulton. Rook Creek to Ktmmswtck. Shlbleys Point to Oonnels- Tarsney to Grain Valley. Lebanon. Taskee Station• t to WUville. Bagnell. to Rockdale Oakland (Ralls Co.) to Uamsville. Shipley to Kennett. Rockford • to SallsbUJ'J'. Monroe City. Plad• to Buffalo. Tauria• to Reeds Spring. Shirley• to Potosi. Rockhill to Kirkwood. Oakland Station to Webb Plano to Bois D'Are. to Meta. Tavern• Cbaonla. to Shook* Norborne. to Rockingham Oity, Platte River to Dearborn. Tea• to Owensvllle. Shortbend to Salem. Rockview to Chaffee. Oakstde•to Summerville. Plat tin•! :t to FestU8, Oakton to Lamar. Pleasant Gap•to Appleton ~~~1!fia11~~~i~~?n. i!~fe;~!°t~e~~~nla. ~g~~ lc,lnf:~vllle, City. Oakvme to st. Louis. Temple to Nevada. Pleaaant Ridge (Buchanan Roe to Lebanon. Co.) to St. Joseph. to Hollister. tMft!~knJ~:) to :f:~Jr~ma~~DM~lio Pleasant View• to Eldorado ~g~:~c!!~~~:Sviue. Centerville. to acltee• 1 Ma.con. Green Castle. Rombauer•ttoPoplar Blu1l. 0 e to Protem. Sortnp. Ten Mile (Butler Co.) to Sigsbee to Steffenvllle. Rome• to Ava. 0 ctat to Senath. Plum Valley to Houston. Poplar Bluff. Festus. to U Silica• Hartville. to Odin• Siloam Springs* to W•~ Teresita to Mountain View. Rookins to Collins. Pl7moutb to Ludlow. Obermtann to Catawissa. Roosevelt to Willow Sprtnp l>lalns. O o• to Lowry City. Pocahontas*t (Charttion Terrell to Republlc. Sllva• to Greenville. Roseland• to Windsor. Co.) to Marceline. OJlbwa.y to Chaonla. Theodosia* to GalnesvWe. Point Pleasant• to Marston Roselle to Arcadia. ~ll!!~~e;ot~~~:.111•• Theron to Houston. Houston. to Roubidoux• PotntreRt to Perryville. 8\itbe to Mansfield. Thomas Hill to OllftoD Silverton to Ava. Grove to Miller. Pomona*t to West Plains. Round Oldenfl •tt to Westplatna. Hill. Rover• to Westplains. e1d• to Sparta. Ponca• io Farmmrwn. Thoms Station to Webb Salem. to • Slnkfn Centralla. to Rowena Oldham to Hartsburg. City. Skiatook to Vienna.. Rowland to Stockton. Pond to Mancbeeter. Old Mines• to Potosi. Thorn berry to Climax Rowlett to Willow Springs. Skinner to Centralia. OldG Orcbardtt to Webster Ponder• to Doniphan. Springs. Roy• to Ava. Ponttao• to Gatneevllle. roves. Thornfletd• to Hammond. 0 Royal• to St. Jamee. Poplar to waraaw. ornger t to Greenfield. Thornletgh to Sedalia. Sligo*t to Cook Station. Portia to Eldorado Sprlq1 Ruble• to Elll.ngton. to Fairgrove. Thorpe to Marshfield. Ava. to Smallett• Sturgeon. to Rucker 01 ,ive Carterville.I to Ricot Porto ver to La Plata. Smileyvtlle (Marion Co.) to Thrush to Calhoun. Rue~ to St. Louts. !"ostal to Nelson. Olivette• to Clayton. Tllf* to Potosi. Palmyra. Post Oak• to Leeton. Smileyville (Marlon Co.) Tiffany Sprlnp to Parkvm. 0 J:vmpla to Eldorado Spg's. Pottersvllle* to Westplalna, Rule to Springfield. to Marshall. Ttght Wad to Clinton. 0 Illa ha to Mendota. Smlthlleld•:t to O&rl Ju• Rush to Rosendale. Omba • to Willow Springs. Pott.a to Linn Tilden• to Buffalo. tton. Rush Tower• 1 to Fest\18. Powe• to CamDbell. O mer to J erlco Sprlnp. Ttlslt to Jackson. Powell• to RookY Comron. Rushville (Laclede Co.)•ti Smittle to Hartville. 0 mo to Norwood. Gron. Oak to Milli Timber• to Eminence. Sn! to Phillipsburg. Powersfte to Forsyth. 0 0 Ttngley to J ertco. ~ ~ : ~ · Oreek. Co.) tfod~•t:~U81:ir.1etl. Poynor• to Don11>ban, Tinney Grove to Braymer. O~ardfarm•t:t to St. Sorrell• to Green City. 'tlpton Ford* to Neoano. to Hardin. Prairie City to Rockville. Charles. Titman to Advance. Souder to Rockbridge. Ryora• to Ltnn. Prairie Lick to BoonvUle. Toccoa to Gainesville. Southard to Lebanon Prairie View to HawkPolnt g~iranna to Lebanon. South Fork• to Weatplalm. Toledo•(Ozark Co.) to Ava. Doniphan. to Pratt• ole to Jackson. St.Loull to Ironton. to St.Louts• South S&bula•:t • :t to Tolona 0 r1a• to .Lebanon. Prescott to Licking, Saco• to Fredericktown. Tovaz• to Mountain Grove. 0 Spalding to Oakwood. Sare• to St. Jamee. Topozark* to Belgrade. o=!'t~ Saginaw• to Joplin. Spanish Laketl to Balnt Torch to Naylor. Bell· Sarrada* to Stover. Prtce to Clayton. Louis. Prices Branch to oaa to Crane. :}:g~t~!a.;~o~1~ 1~3.1or. Labaddie. to to Clinton. Albanst Sparrow Saint Oaage Bend to Jefferson Saint Annie io Richland. Townley• to Malden. Grove. Mountain pJ:r~e~o n..C:lty. ~g:~ri1:,uit\r':~~ Iberia. to Antony Saint Tracv• to Platte City. Bluff to Je.aer10n Proctor• to Versailles. ~re Trask•t to Willow Sprlnp. Prospect Hill to St. Louie. St. Aubert•tt to Chamota. Splttloir to Andenoa. City. Saint O&tbarlne•U to Spokane to Ozark. Traverse to Cassville. 0 lap tron Workla•to Linn Prospertne to Lebanon. Brooldleld. Springblu:tr• to Sullivan. Tribune to Bloodla.nd. Proeperlty•T to CartervUJe. Saint Cree1t. Bowllq to Clement Trickum to Houstonia. to Co.) (Newton SpJ~~~~ty Doniphan. to Pulaski*: Oscar• to Licking. Green. Triumph to Belle. Pure Air to Novtnirer. Ollrta to Jerloo Sprtnp. • Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station. , County Seat. t Exprel!s Office. REFERENCE KEY.  I  I  1  ~i·  D,  ~:=:  1  to to to  1  to  1  to  1  1 1  to  t.1•  2041  I  I  1  gaats•  ~l~!:3[y .  I 1  m:!~ :g :rs~:~.  I f~t~Jg~ir,?.·  ~~~.,«!~ictay  o:f-  <5~=- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  +~Ur;~: :g Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2042  MISSOURI  TOWNS ACCESSIHLE TO BANKING POINTS  Wildwood* to Waynes-vllle.l Troutt to Potosi. TruesdaU•ti to Warrenton. Wllhemina* to Campbell. Wilhite to Columbia. Tuckahoe* to Joplin. Wllhoit to Gainesville. Tucker to Doniphan. \Villmathsvillt>*to Greentop Tulip to Centralia. \Yillow Bt·ook to Faucett. • Tullvania• to Ethel. Will · to Greenville. Tunas to Buffalo. Wilson Creel!:* to Battlefield Tunnel to De Soto. Turkey Hidge to Waynes- ~ Uton• to Ashland. \Vinchester to \Vayland. ville. Windom to Webster Groves Turley* to Plato. Winkler* to Salem. to Greentl.eld. Winner to Smithville. Turners• l to Sprlngtl.eld. Turners Station to Colum- , Winnetonka to Kansas City Winnipe(.I; to Lebanon. bia. Winnwood Lake to • ~ortb Turpin to Clarksvllle. Kansas City. Turtle to Salem. Tuxedo to Webster Groves. Wins!ow to King City. Twin Hickories to Licking. 1 Wintersville to Harris. · Wtnthrot> to Atchison, Kan Tyler* to Steele. Wisdom* to Warsaw. Tyrone• to Houston  I  I  I  Udall* to Bakersfield Umber to Stockton. g~~~i;,;~l~~t~~l~-pleton. I Upalika*t to Williamsville. Upton* to Houston. Useful* to Linn. Vada to Honst9n. Valda to Sedalia. Valles Mines•tt to De Soto. Valley City to Knobnoster. Valle:r ltilige to Campbell.I Van• to BoUva.r. Vancleve• to Meta. Vanza.nt*to Mountal.nGrove Vastus to_,_ ~eelYSville. Venice (Callaway Co.) to Martinsburg. Venice (Shannon Co.) to Eminence. Venus to Vienna. Vera.* to Bowling Green. Veracruz to Ava. Verdella to Libera.I. Vermont* to Bunceton. I Vessie to Newburg. Veto* to Rolla.. Vibbard*tt to Lawson. Viburnum• to Steelvllle. Vicksburg to Braggodocio. Victor• to Florida. Vtctorla • t l to De Soto. Vida* to Rolla Vieman to Cuba. Vigus*tt to Overland. Vilander* to Bourbon. Vllea.n to St. James. Vineland • T to De Soto. Vinita Park to St. Louis. Vinson to Dexter. Viola* to Berryville. Violet* to Bolivar. Virgil City to St>rlngs. Virginia. to Amoret Vogt to Bunker. · Vosha.ll to Bonnots Mill. Vulcan to Des Arc.  Wise• to Sheldon. Wishart• to Bollvar. w~~l~rs Mills*l to HanniWitty* to Bradleyville. Wol! Creek to .\.1ansneld. Wolf Island• to Columbut. Ky. * Womack toFredencktown .  II  Woodland•tt (Marion Co.) to Palmyra. Woodlandt (St. LouJ.t Co.l to St. Louis. Woodlandvllle• to Roch&port. Woodlawn to Madison. Woodruif • t to Ca.md6ll Point. Woods to Amity, Woodside* to Alton. Woodville to Jacksonville. \Voollam* to Owensyille. Worcester to Rusb Hill. Worland• t to Foster. Wrightville to Clarkton. Wyetht to Rosendale. Yancy Mllls* to Rolla. Y oungen, to Hallsville. Youngstc,wn• to Klrk1vllle Yount* to Perr:rville Yucatan to Portland. Yukon• to Houston. Yuma to Lemons. Za.dock• to Bloomtl.eld. Zanoni to Gainesville. Zebra* to Linn Creek. Zell* to Ste. Gt:nevteve. Zenar to Fordland. Zeta*t to Bloomtl.eld. Zinclte• to Joplin. Zion to I•'redericktown. Zio~ Hill to St. James. Zodiac* to Sheldon. Zola to CoatsYille. Zora* to Warsaw. Zwanzig to Versailles.  MONTANA  Ab her to Melstone. Acton*t to Broadview. Adel* to Cascade. Agawam* to Bynum. Ahle.s to Ingomar. Ajerton to Wolf Point. Alberton* to Missoula. Albion* to Belle Fourche. S. D. t\.lder•tt to Virginia City.  I I  ~:~~ra.1\~mJ!fe°ni.alls. Allen•t to Miles City. Alma* to Joplin. Aloe to Shelby. Alzada* to Bellefourcbe, S. D. Amsterdam to Manhattan. I Andes* to Culbertson. Angelat to . liles City. nita to Ballantine. Apextt to Dillon. Apgar to Columbia Falls. Archer to Redstone. Arlee*t t to Missoula.. Armells* to Hilger. Armlngton•u to Belt. Arrnstead*H to Dlllon. Ashley* to "·inett. Ashmoor to Brady. Austtnt to Helena. W. Quincyt to Quincy, Ill. Avon•tt to Helena. Westvtne• to Marcellne. A Yondale to Glen tan a. Wet Glaize* t.> 'toutland. Axtell to Richey. Wharton to Bloodland. Aznoe to Brady. Wheeler to Dixon. White Church• to West Plains. Babh* to Browning. Baeth to Malta. Whiteoak*+ to Holcomb. White Rock to Carrollton. Bannack• to Dlllon. Whiting to Charle-ton. Barr to Glasgow. '\Vhitton* to .\1cFa.ll. Bascom*t to Melstone. Basln*tt to Boulder. Wien• to_,_ ew Cambria. Battleson to ::lcobey. Wilby to Poplar Bluff. Battrick to \Yinnett. Wilderness* to Fremont. ' Baylor*t to Opheim._  I  I  !  REFERENCE KEY  • County Seat.  if!{~r  I  I  Waddill to Stella. Wagoner* to Jerico Spring11. Wainwright• to Jefferson City. Wakonda*Hto ('arrollton. Walbert. to ~ulllvan. Wa.lnutshade* to Branson. Wanamaker• to Marshall. Wa.ppa.pello•t to Puxir.o. Wardsville• to Jefferson City. Ware to De oto. Warren• to Monroe. Washington Centre to Martinsville. Wa.<;ola* to Rockbridge. Waterloo to Wellington. Watkins to Iberia., Wayham to Eldon. Waynet to Exeter. Wayside to Chadwick. Ste to Weingarten• U Genevieve. Welch to Paris. \Velcome to Ohamois. Weldon Spring• to Charles. Wesco*t to Steelville. Westalton•tt to Alton, Ill . West Dale to Nasbua. Westely to Palmyra.. West Eminence• to Em!• nence. Westtork* to Centerville. West Hinton to Columbia. West Liberty to Unlonvllle Westover* to Steelville. Westportt to Kansas City.  1 Dover to Stanford. Bt>ar~reek• io Hed Lodge. Kippen to Shelby. Bearmouth*ll to Drum- Dupuyer* to Valier. Kirby_. to Sheridan, Wyo. mond. Klein_. to Roundup. Bca,·er to Thompson Falls. Knobs to Baker. Beavertonl to Saco. East cobey*t to Scobey. Knowlton• to Ismay. Becket to Grassrange. Eddy•tt to Thompson Beebe• to Miles City. Falls. Lake Basin* to Rapelje. Beene* to "Wibaux. Edl'n to Stockett. Lakeside to Bainville. Belair to Helmville. Edwards to Jordan. Lakeview to Dillon. Belknap*t to Thompson Eggert! to Livingston. Lamedeer* to Forsyth. Falls. Elllston • U to Helena. Lanark* to Culbertson. Belitower to Ekalaka. ' Elmo* to Dayton. Landusky• to Harlem. Belton• ti to Columbia Elwood to Dutton. Larchwood to Thompson Falls. Falls. Bentont to Fort Benton. Emory to Lavina. Larsian to Glasgow. Benzion to Sumatra. Ep. i to .i\fi!es City. t to Sheridan. Laurin• Hew t,> Custer. Essex• t t to Columbia. Fall11 Ledger to Conrad. Biddle to Broadus. Ethridge to Cut Bank. Forsyth. to Lee*.t Big Arm* to Dayton.*tt to Missoula. Lennep,.t! to M artinsd!lle. Bighorn*tt to Custer. Big Sandy. to Leroy* Birney• to Sheridan. Wyo. Lila~ to Gildford. • ·1 * t B mack r-: a~le* to GreatFallsl r Black!oot*t to Cut Bank. F!~1~l1;ta°n• ;~'cit.~~ieau. Limestone to Absarokee. t R F Blakeslee to Grassrange. Limington to Bole. Lincoln• to Helena. foe~::~am. R~~ime:~*Jgo'?~~\~l~ive. Lindsay* to Glendive. Fishtail• to Columbus. llonin * to Frazier. Little Chicago to Great Flshtrap• to Anaconda. BonJta•t to Missoula. Falls. Flat to Roundup. Bonner*t t to .Missoula. to Roy. Little Flatwillow* to Mussel~hell. Living Crooked* Boulder Hot Springs Springs* to Juditb Florence•tt to Stevensville. to ll~ulder. Gap. Floweree* to Fort Benton. L!oYd • to Chinook. Bowler t~ B!;idger. Bowrnanvtlle to Sumatra. Forest Grove*to Lewistown Loesch to Miles Uity. Fort Belknap to Harlem. Boyer*to l\la.doc. Logan• t1 to Manhattan, Boy8:'> to Bellefourcbe,S. D. Fortlne•tt to Eureka. Fort Peck to Homestead. Ilren1zer to B~ach, N. D. tggf~ilri;l~s~~!. Fort Shaw* to ::limms. Br~nner to Dillon. Lombarcl*tt to Toston. Foster* to Custer. 13rmkman*to R1;1_dyard. Lost Lake* to Dodson. Fowler* to Conrad. Brockway to Ctrcle. to Malta. LoveJoy* !<'ox Lake to Lambert. .t:Jruce to Sumatra. Lowry* to Simms. Franklln to Hedgesville. Bruneld*a* to Ingomar. to Wolf Point. Lustre Freewater to Malta. Brusett to Jordan. Luther* to Red Lodge. Brush Lake to Grenora, French Gulch* to Anaconda Frenchtown• ti to Missoula MacKenzie to Ismay. Bu;dp.· to Lavina. Manson to Conrad. Burns*t to Savage. 11arlon to Kallspell. Busby* to Sheridan. Wyo. Ga!1"e* to Roundup. Ma.rsh_.t to Glendive. Caldwell to Dodson. Garnem • tt to Judith Gap. Ma.rvsvllle*t % to Helena. 1 Calkins to White Sulphur Garnet• to Drummond. to Belgrade. Springs. Garrison•tt to Deer Lodge. i\Iaudlow*tt Philipsburg. to Maxville! Camas* to Plains. Gateway•tt to Eureka. McAllister* to Ennis. Camas Prairie• to Plains. Genevieve to aco. Cameron* to Virginia City. f Gerhard to Winifred. , McElroy to Westby. Camp Creek*tt to Man- Gibson to Bigtimber. McLeod* to Bigtimber. hattan. Gibtown to Roundup. Gilt Echrn* to Lewistown. :\1cRae to Hysham. Canton• to Townsend. ~Ieaderville*t to Butte. Canyon Creek* to Helena. Girard* to idney. -:-.1ecaha to Roy. Canyon Ferry* to Helena. Glacier* to ~ ' 11itetlsh. CaB_ltt* to Crook, Glacier Park*tt to Brown- ::\ledicine prings to DarbY· ing. Melrose•tt to Butte. Glengarry* to Lewistown. Melville* to Bigtimber. Cardwell*tt to Whitehall. :i \Ienard to Belgrade. Carpenter Creek to Mel- Goldbutte* to Devon. stone. Goldcreek*tt to Drum- Merino to G yber. mond. :\Iidvale*tt to Browning. Cartersvllle•tt to Forsyth. Gold tone* to Rudyard. Mlllegan • to Cascade. Castle* to :\Iartinsdale. Milltown to Missoula. Castle Butte to Pompeys Gould* to Helena. ~link to Circle. Pillar. Grace* t to Butte. , lizaph* to Miles City. Grant• to Dillon. Grant dale*t to Hamilton. ::\Ioeise to Dixon. Centervillet to Butte. 11.Ionarch•tt to Nelba.rt. Central Park! to :\fan- Gregson*t! to Anaconda. Monlda•tt to Dillon. hatta.n. Greve to Saco. Greycliff*tt to Bigtimber. Moorhead* to Gillette. Wyo, Morrison to Dillon. Chadbourn to Clyde Park Half Moon to Columbia Mosby* to Winett. Chance* to Belfry. Mo smaintt to Billings. Cheadle to Lewistown. H[~gh"n to Wolf' Point. I Myerstt to Hysham. Hanover to Lewiston. Chico to Livingston. Cbtmneyrock*to Livingston Hathawa.y•tt to Mlles City. Nantelle to~,\,lalta. Narada to Day,ton. Haugan*tt to Superior. Christina to Hilger. avajo to Redstone. Hay11* to Harlem. Ilazel to Terry. Nelson to Helena. Clancey• tt to Helena. ,. ·ewton Groves*t to :,\lei· Iara* to Lavina. Ueartbutte to Browning. .·tone. Clark to Sidney. Hedges*Hto Hedgesville. Cla.rkBton*tt to Manhattan H~~~'ii~~n•t to Wallace') , 'ielsen to :Malta. :-.ihlll to Hedgesville. Oieiv to Choteau. Clemons* to Gilman. Heron• t t to Thompson • 'ina* to Oswego. 'inemilo* to ?-.Ill soula. Cleveland• to Chinook. Falis. • 'ohly to Fairview. Cllmax to Ekalaka. Hervin to Cart r. • 'ora to Park Uity. Hesper to Laurel. Cllnton • t t to Missoula.. • 'orbctt to Highwood. llibl>artl to umatra. :Norheim* to Chinook. Hillside to Jordan. Coal creek to Scobey. Coalridge* to Antelope. Hod1Zes*tt to Wibaux. to t~ar~hoimpsoO Hoffman (Park Co.) to Coalwood* to :Vliles City. Livingston. Cohagen to ~Illes City. to Columbia Falls, Holland to llelgrade. ollins*tt to Dutton. Nye• to Columbus. Colony Bay* to Loma. Homestake*tt to Butte. Comanche*? to Broadview Hopsonville* to Forsyth. Oka. to Judith Gap. Horte to Ronan. Comertown to Westby. Olive* to .mes City. Ho)'le to Gra..;s Range. Como*t to Darby. Bunters Hot ~prings* to Olney* to Whiteli h. Conner* to Darby. 0 ·l>orn to Huntley. Bigtimber. Content* to • 'I alta. Oscar to Ha,'l'e. Cooke• to Gardiner. Huson*tt to Missoula. Oxford* to Judith Gap. Coramt to Columbia Falls Iliad to Big andy. Corbin•tt to Boulder. lnga to Big andy. Paolat to Kalispel1. Cordovat to Power. fron • fountain*t! to Su- Paradl e*tt to Pia.Ins. orintht to Hardin. perior. Paris*U to Terry. Corwin Springs * t to Parkin on* to Melstone. Gardiner: Ivanell to Ingomar. Paxton• to Poolar. Craig• t t to Cascade. Jackson* to "\ 'i dom. Pefle · to H.onert . Crane* to Savage. Japan to 1elstone. Perma.• tt to 'aradise· Creston• to Kallsoell. 'row Rock* to Miie City. Je!Jers* to Enni.:. Cusnman*tt to Belmont. Jefferson Clty• to Boulder. Phillip to Dodson. Cuskerton to Scobey. J4i!ft.on Island*lto White- ~/~0;1J~ot~rilinLewistoWI1· Pineview* to Custer. Dar,cmar* to Antelope. I Jennlngstt to Libby. Pini le* to Broadu . .Jens to Drwnmond. Do.leview to Outlook. 0 Danvers to Denton. ~f~~~e~~ 11~!te8r t~ ~\~inifred. I>'A "te to Dixon. Piper to Lewi town. Julian*t to Cobey. Deborgia*tt to uperior. Plummerton to Power. Kendall"' to lillger. Dell• tt to Dillon. Delphla*t to Musselshell. Kenilworth to Big Sandy. PPoolrtaar~e••~otDo lliGornea· t Falll· • + Kevin* to Shelby. Demer to weetgrass, Potomac• to MlssouleJa. kA D mp e~• t to Deer Lodge. Key ·tone to uperior. Dewey to Butte. Powdervllle• to Ek a · Klla. • to Kalispell' Prairie Elk to Oswego. Di!o• to umatra. l{lngsley to ~Iiles ity. Dlvlde•tt to Butte_._ _ _ Klnsey•tt to l!lles C ~ Pray* to Llvingsto~  I  ~gi~~~\\ .'i~J:*t  }~~1:~:  ¥~  I  * Money Order Office.  t"'elegraph Stl\t1on.  t Eitpres  Office.  t~a~e.  MONTANA,NEBRASKA  kee.  oy. Judith tan.  ity. art.  e,WyO, gs.  e. o :',lei· e. la.  'ct. k.  onmpsoO  a Falls,  ap.  g;g:;~t'!ft  Dally to Newcastle. Dale to Arlington. Dandale* to Ashby. Dannevtrke to Cotesfteld. Oarr•:t to Cozad. Delphi to La vrence. Denman to Shelton. D;,soto* to Fort Calhoun. Dewing to Rushville. Dorsey* to L.vncb Dunlap• to Hemlngtord.  Yanko. to Brainard. Yockey to Bridgeport.  East Omaha to Omaha. Edholm•t tto Schuyler. Elk City• to Washington. lWsworth*H to Lakeside. Elsmere* to Dunning. fl:mer1ck•to Meadow Grove. Enc1erslake to Ainsworth. Ethel* to .Mullen. ~:tna* to Gotnenburg. e:verett to Hooper. Fern to Mullen. Fiuchville to Arnold. P'lats• to Paxton. E-'ole,- to Da vld Cit:,.  2043  Wareham to Belden. Middle Branch* to Page. Warnervllle* to Norfolk. ~Iid,·ale"' to Ainsworth. \'Varren to Oshkosh. Milburn• to Anselmo. MIL!dale* to Callaway. :V[lllerton•tt to David Clt7 Webster to Scribner. Weissert* to Berwyn :'.1ills* to Gregory ... D. Minersville to Nebraska Westervllle• to Ansley. West Hill*t to Genoa.. CitY. Monterey to West Polnt. Montrose to Ardmore, S. D. Weyerts* to Lodge Pole. 1 Wheeler to Bartlett. to Minden. White* to Maywood, Moulton to Taylor. Whlteclay• to Rushville. :M uriel to Glenvil. ~ynard•tt to Plattsmouth \Villett to Arthur. Wllllam11* to Hubbell. \Villis to J,tckson. Willow Island•tt to Cozad. Woodville to St. Ed\\ ard. Xt>wark* to Kearney. Worms to St. Libory. Nimburg to Abie. Wyomtn11:*U to Nebra11ka ~ormal"- to Lincoln. Clty, Northoort •tt to Brtdireport Northstar to Fullerton. Norway* to Thedford.  Colelcsser to Rushville. Collins"' to Hyannis. Copcnhagent to Plainview. Corn en• to Trenton. ~a~?t:er. Cumro* to Sumner. Curly* to Scotts Bluff.  I  Oconee• ti to Monroe. Odessa*t:t to Elm Creek. Opportunity* to O'Neill. Oraflno* to Ca.mhridge . Orella*tt to Crawfora. Orum to Kennard.  1  NE'l'ADA  Pau1•t:t to Nebraska City. Pha:nlx* to Atklnaon. Plllhelvllle• to Verdel. Pony Lake to Newport. Powel* to Alexandria. Precept to Beaver Oity. Prcswn*tt to Falls City.  Alamo* to Pioche. Amos* to Winnemucca. Arden•ti to Las Veras. Arloment to Tonopah. Arrowhead to Tonopah.  Fontanell~ to Nickerson. Fort Crook• t to South Quick to McCook. Omaha. Fort Roblnlon•U to Crawford. Baker* to Ely. Freedom• to Bartley. Bauvardt to Wells. Redbird* to Lynch. Redington• to Brld11:eport. Beatty*tt to Goldfield. Saugustt to Terry. .Belmontt to Tonopah. Abbottt to Grand tsland. Re<twillow to Indianola. Beowawe•tt to Elko, Selway* Lo lfroadus. Abdal to Superior. Rescue to Pralf\le, Gables to Ertoson. Blair Junctiont to Tonopah. BUhoukin* to Highwood. Admab to Herman. H.inggold* to Tryon. Gates* to Anselmo. S esta • t t to J ollet. Bonnie Clare*t+ to GoldAgate* to Harrison. Riverview to Bassett. <!eo~etown* to Oconto. field. SilverH to Helena. Akron to Loretto. Rokeby• t 1 to Lincoln. Germantown to Garland. Bristol to Pioche. SUver Bow•rt to Butte. to Gordon. Rollwitz*t to Parks. Giles to Dunning. 8 llver Star• to Twin Bridiea Albany• Buena ¥ista to Bishop, Cal. to Omaha. Albright, CraWford. to Glen• Ogallala. to Roscoe*t 8 ~ou:r. Pass* to Mondak. Bunkerv'.JJ.e• to St. George, Almeria* to Sargent. (tlenwood Par1'. to Kearney. Rosenburg to Lindsay. Utah. Sixteen*t to Rin~ling. Aloys to West Point. ' Round Valley* to Broken Gracie* to Burwell. Slaytont to Lavina.. Grayson• to RushvUJe. Bow. Amboy to Red Cloud. Snow Belt* to ;:;umatra. Ruby to Mllford. Amelia• to Chambers. South Buttett to Butte. Hadar to Pier •e. Ana.n to Glenvil. l:iaigville to HaiEr. Southern Cross to Ana- Andrews• to Harrtllon. Caliente*tt to Pioche. llalsey*t! to Thedford. concla Annandale to Glenvil. Carlln*U to Elko. Saint Ann• to Motlook. Hammond• to Ne,vport. Spi~n Kop*H to Geyser. Arabia* to \Vood Lake. Saint Bernard to Lindsay. Oa.rre.ra to <;,oldfleld. Valentine. to Hannonv* ~Prmgdale*tt to Bigtimber. Arbor to Lincoln. Ca~son I11q1an School to Saint Helena• to Wynot. Hecla*t t to Mullen. P$ihlll to Belgrade. Arborvllle• to Polk. Carso~ O1ty. . . , lfrrmosa to ilroken Bow. Saint Henry to Howells. 8 ~1ngtime to 'olumbus. Tekama.b. to Arizona Oenterv1lle*+ to Mmden. Boelus., to Micha.el*tt Saint 8 0 Armour• 1 t to Liberty. Chafey to Wl~nemucca, Sacramento* to Funk. Hlawatha to Imperial · ~~ty Sta~it\i 1 Ashbrook:* to Marsland Cherry Creek tt to Ely. Sanborn* to Haigler. Hlnchtey to Gordon. 8t1 Pekt to Glendive. 1:~:rd 6~t~0 :i~i~i1s. Aten to Yankton. S. D. lloag*t! to Beatrice. I Sartoria. to Pleasanton. Atkins Siding to Bridgepori Hoagland* to Stapleton. :!ockade to Reed Point. •raw*tt to .Moore. to Loup City. AW1tln to Wells . Cobre•tt Exeter-. to Sawyert:t Alliance. to llofflandtt t rYker*H to I•:ureka. Avery to Omaha. Contact* to Rogerson, Ida. Schaupps to Ashton. Holland• to Hickman 8SU1Tolk to Winifred. Crescent* to J.,a,11 Ve11:aa. Hollinger* to Beaver City. Schedlng to Brewster. 8 Ulfl:"' to Darby. Currant* to Ely. Sedan* to Edgar. Houatonrt to York. ~Ulhvan* to H.ichey. i:ihawivan·s Ferry to Lor- Currte•tt to ElJ', Howardsville to Giltner. un Prairie to Malta.. Hunt. ·man to 'idney. etto. Merrtman. to Balley Sun RiYer"- to hrum;. Shea to Dlller. Basford to Lyons. S;rkea* to Ekalaka. Sheridan* to Ericson. Belfast to Greeley. Bellevue• rt io Omaha. Inez• to Atkinson. I Dayton*tt to Carson City. ~~~~~ :~~~~r~~e. Belmar to Lemoynl•. Ine:nam* to Farnam. Belmont•tt to Crawford. Smartvillett to St. Mary. Irwtn• to Gordon. Taft*t to Superior. 0 Omaha. to Benson*t to Ely Duckwater* Superior. to Smyrnatt ;atnpfco•t to Glasgow. Bentontt to Richland. Somerset* to Wellfleet. ande to Scobey. . Alliance. to Berea Naper. to JamleoB• T~ug~ to Opheim. Borlin to ,._ Tebra~ka City. , South Auburn*! to Auburn. Jennings to Lakeside. 1u.rk10• to Superior. , So. Bend*U to Louisville. Bertha to Craig. Josselyn to Lexington. to Grassrange. ~outh OmahaH to Omaha. Fernley*ti to Sparks. Bl~ell to Maxwell. T elgen erraco* to Yida. Billings to Goruou. Spade* to Gordon. Flanigan to Susanville. Cal. Thoeny to Hinsdale. Bissel to Schuyler. Sparks* to Valentine. Brownlee. to Kennedy Francis to Reno. ~Odd Lake to Frazer. Sparta to Niobrara. K ·terson to Fairbury. • t to Canon Franktown T oluca.*tt to Ilardin. Blanche to 1<.::Jsie. Spiker to Herman. Klnney to Liberty. City. racy to , tockett. Blueva.le to Waco. Statford•t:t to Ewlni. Harrlllbur11:. to Kirk• lrldent*tt to .Manhattan. Boheet to Leigh. City. Falls to Stra.ussville rout Creek"H to Thomp,- Bookwalter•rt to Summer- Knoxvtlle* to Dorsey. Sunrise to Fullerton. Koller to Minden. 1' 110n Falls. field. Kan. Survey* to Ashby. to Osbkot1b. Tu cor lo 1'hompson Falls. Bow Valley to Hartln~n. Kowanda Swan* to Atkinson. . ~Iarquette. to onborg J !Genoa* to Minden. , Brackentt to Nemaha. ~·ute* t-o Harlem. to Stromsburg . Gerlacb*'tt Swedehome to 'Winnemucca.. .. ¥ler• to Lewistown. Brock1burg• to Herrick, Sybrant* to Newport. Golconda •t:ttoWlnnemuoca South to t t Platte* La Gold Creek• to Elko. to Paxton. Omaha. Goodsprings* to Las Vegas. to Great Falls. Buda•rt to Kearney. 1 Leo.t to 2\lerriman. u1110n* to Glendive. Butra10• to Cozad Table* to Arnold. Le Blanc to Niobrara. ral* to Eureka. Burnham to Lincoln. Tate•u to Virginia. Le Roy to Pauline. Utica• to Hobson. BurreHt to Fairmont. Lllllan* to Broken Bow. • Telba11ta to Nickeraon. Thompson•U to Reynolds. Hamllton• to Ely. Logan to Arnold. Lomax•:t to Eddyv-llle. · ~alentine to Rov Harrlman to Spark11. Luce to Shotton. Tonawanda• to Atklnaon. , illawthorne*t Yerington. Valleytown to s~co. Trouble to Cody. van to _Sweetgrass. Hazen*t+ to 1~allon. Calhoun to Fort Calhoun. \Tanctaha. to Hinsdale Cameron to Wood River. Hill Top*to BattleMountain vaughn*tt to Great Falls. canton• to Hemingford. Ilornsilver* to Goldfield. .l\[ariavillo* to 'ewport. Carllile•H to Davenport. erona. to Dig Sandy Hualipe to Winnemucca. Valleyview to Burwell. Martha to Oham1>01·s. Carman* to Km·stone. Hud!-on to Yerington. Velma to Lewellen. .Martland • t! to Shickley. cams• to Ba1seh. Humboldt to Lovelocks. ::\lascot*tt to Oxfo1·d. Venus• to Orchard. carter•t to Orleans. Ilylton* to Elko. Violet• to Pawnee City. Cedar Creek to Louisville. ! Iattes1:m to ValeutiI!e. Wagner•tt t M It Vista to Jackson. Ma t Vlll~Jo Falls City. Walkervme•t to Mayberry .. to .Steinauer. CbarlMton•U to x ork. Walluni•t to H, lgos ··lie 'May0ower*l to Tryon. Cha•e to Imperial. '1 • e< Waltham t Oberry* to Mullen. Ware to Le~vt{ghwood. 1 ~lcC,andless Siding to NemImlay*tt to Winnemucca. aha. Ohimnev Rock to Bayard. Lwn. Warland•tt to Las prinn-s+ j Indian Walnut* tc; Verdigre. O Meadville• to Springview Warrnsprtng8t~tl lb~. Ana• cumax• to Anselmo. + \ cgas Walters to Davenport. _ _9'NeU.!:____ to Meek• Alblo~_ ~~~ ~nda. Ione to Austin . Walworth• to Sargent. •Money Order Otllce. ,county Seat. REFERENCE KEY. tTelegraph Station. :r. Express Oftlce.  I  M~~g~  I  I  \~  I  g  g~~~~:ff t~!~•-  I  n:c:1.Pail*  gtm•  s.  NEVADA  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  I  ._ri_dg_er-.-_ B - -e-n ~* t_to Prtckley Pear ;:.nctlon r t to W~arr Warrick* to Big ~andy. 1<:ast Halena. 1 Washoe• to Red Loctice. Proctor* to Dayton. : Wason Flats* to Ingomar. Pryor* to Billings. Waterloo•t to Whitehall. Watkin~ .. to Terry. \Vatson* to \Vhite Sulphur Quartz*+ to Superior. Springs. Webster-1< to Baker. Racetrack*+ to Deer Lodge Weldon to Cir"le. West Butte* to Sweetirrass. Radersburg* to T .:iston. \Yest Fork* to cohey. Ramsey to Butte. Ranch Creek to Gillette.I ·west Yellowstone to Idaho. Whitcomb to Malta. Wyo. Rattlcsnake to Chinook. R avalli*t! to St. Ignatius. White Pine*ttto Thompson Falls . Redwater* to Circle. 1 Whitewater to Saco. Regina to ~Ialta. , Whitlash to Chester· Reichle to Dillon. Rema to Oamp Crook. S. D. Whltncy*t to Terry, Wickes~ to Boulder. Renova• t to Whitehall. Wilborn to Helena. Rexrord*tt to Eureka. Rid"e* to lle1lo Fourche, Wilder* to Hoy. Willard to Baker. W l111ey to J ollet. R~t~*t to Helena. Wln11ton•tt to Townsend. :o J.lWOOd to Opheim. Wise River* to Dutte. R~~erts~~l~~tteto Mlles Wolfcreek•tt to Helena. I Woodside*tl to Corvallis. Ctty. ~ockvale*t to Joliet. .1.,ollins* to Dayton. ~oscoe• to Red Lodge. Y11otic to Lohman. RRose Valley to Richey. Ycgent to Billings. oss Fork"-t+ to Kolin. ~Othiemay to lledgesville. York to Helena, uRUby• to Virginia Clty. ussell to Carter. Zenon to Malta. Zortman* to Dodson Joseph to lla.vre. St. l'eter* to Cusc,ide. .Phillip* to Yates. Sst. Hegis*t; to ·uperior.•tt to Superior. Ba.nct Ureek to Terrace. Bancters*tt to Hysham. Band 'prlngs to Surua.tra.. NEBRASKA Sa.ppington*t+ to Willow Creek.  l  1kt!'ite Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ..  ---· --- ----  _______ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2044  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  NEVADA  ------ -------  Durham*t t to Dover. Alton• t t to Farmington. Alton Bay*tt to Farmington. Amherst•t to Milford. Amoskeagt to Manchester. E. Acworth* to CharlesAnderson Station to Na- I town. shua. East Alsteael • to Bellows Falls. Vt. Andover• t t to Franklln. Lamoille* to Elko. E. Andover*tt to Franklin. Antrlm*tt to Hillsboro. Lida• to Goldfield. East Barrin~on • t to RochLogandale* to Las Vegas. Apthorp to Littleton. ester. Lower Rochester to Love- Ashuelot• t to Wlnch08ter. Candia•% to ManI East locks. chester. Ludwig*t to Yerington. Att~:~_nt to Haverhill, : .E. Canterbury• to Concord. Lund•t to Ely. Atkinson Depot•tto llaver- 1 East Concord t t to Concord. Luning*tt to Tonopah. hill, Mass. E. Conway to Fryeburg, Me. Auburn•:t to Manchester. East Deerlng to Hillsboro .Manhattan*t to Tonopah. East Derry• to Derry. Manse* to Las Vegas. Grafton• to Lebanon. .:'tlary :;\,line to Goldfield. Barnstead• t to Plttsdeld. East Hampstead•to Havel'Mason to Yerington. hlll, Mass. Mesquite• to St. George. Barrett to Lisbon. Barrington•t to Rochester. EastHaverhlll•t:t toWoodsUtah. vllle. Bartlett•tt to North ConMetropolis* to Wells. way. East Hebron• to Bristol. Midas• to Elko. E. Kingston•tt to Exeter. Mill City•U to Winner Bath•tt to Woodsvllle. Bear Island• to Lakeport. mucca. Bedtordtt to Manchester. East MaC11son• to Conway. Mlllett• to Austin. Belmont• i to Tilton. Ea ·t Milford to Milford . .Mina• t t to Tonopah. Easton• to Littleton. .Moapa • U to Las Vegas. Bennetts Landing•toWhite Ea!lt Pembro.u:e to Concord. Montello*tt to Wells. field. East Rlndge• to East Morning Star to Yerington. Jaffrey. :;\'found House*tt to Carson Bennington•U to Hlllsboro Bethlehem•tt to Littleton. East to Rochester•t1 Rochester. I Bethlehem Junctiontt to Mo~raln City• to Elko. Littleton. East Side to Concord. BlackmounttttoWoodsvllle East Sullivan• to Keene. East Swanzey• to Keene. National* to Winnemucca Blodgett Landing* to !-Tew- Eastview to Peterboro. ~ Tuon* to .Reno. E. Wakefldd*tt to Wolfeport. Nordyke* to Yerington. boro. Boscawen•t:t to Franklin. North Fork• to Elko. E . Washington• to HillsBow to Concord. boro. Bow Mills to Concord. East Weare• t to ManOreana to Lovelocks. chester. Bradford • U to Newport. Osceola• t to Ely. E. We.stmoreland•t to Brentwood• to Exeter. Overton* to Las Vegas. Keene. Bratton Woods*"t to WhiteOwyhee• to Elko. field. Packard to Lovelocks. Wolfeboro*t to WolfeE. Townsend, to Brookline•tt Pahrump to Las Vegas. boro. .Mass. Palisade• ft to Elko. to Newport. Edgemont Newport. to Burkehaven•* to Pioche. Paradise Valley• to Wlnno- Burleyvillet to Wolfeboro. Effingham* to Wolfeboro. Effingham Falls• to Wolfemucca. Ploneer*t to Goldfield. I El~~.; to Franklin. Platina to Las Vegas. Campton•tt to Plymouth. , Emerson to Hillsboro. Preston• t to Ely. Enfteld*t t to Lebanon. Canaan•t t to Lebanon. Pyramid Lake to Reno. Canaan Centre• to Lebanon Enfield Center• to Lebanon. Canaan Stree~ to Lebanon. Epplng•t t to New Market. Epsom•t to Pittsfield. Candta•tt to Manchester. Queen to Bishop, Cal. Candia V1llage to Manches- Errol• to Colebrook. Etna• to Lebanon. ter. Rand* to Yerington. ti to Me- 1 CafiJ>~:. Rawhide* to l<'allon. Canterbury• to Concord. I Relpetown to Ely. Fabyan House• to WhiteLebanon. to Card1itant Rhyollte•ti to Goldfield. field. Ripley• to Las Vegas. Fairview• to Plymouth. Berlin. to Cascade• Rochester to Lovelocks. to Wolleooro. Fernald to Barnstead•U Center Round Mountain*t to TonFitzwilliam •t to WlnobenPittsfield. opah. don, . iass. Center Conway*t to ConRowland* to Elko. Fitzwilliam Depot•tt to way. Ruby Valley* to Wells. Winchendon, Mass. Center Efflngham•to WolfeRuth•t to Ely. Flume House•to Plymouth boro. Center Harbor•t:t to Mere- I Francestown• to Peterboro. Franconia• to Littleton. dlth. Saint Thomas• to Las' Center Sanelwich• to Mere- Freedom* to Wolfeboro. Ve~as. Fremont•U to Exeter. dlth. Schurz*tt to Yerington. Searchhght*H to Laa Vegas Center Stratrord•to RochesSnerl<.lan* to Minden. ter. Silver City• to Carson City Center Tuftonboro• to Ga.let tA> .r'ranklln. Silverpeak* to Goldfield. Garrlsont to Concord. W()lfeboro. Slmp on to Yerington. Georges Mills• to Newport. Skelton• to Elko. Cnerry Mountalnt to Lan- Gerrtsh*tt to Franklin. Stillwater•t to Fallon. Gilboa to Keene. caster. SUlpbur•tt to Wtnnemucca. Ohesham • tl to Keene. Glltord to Laconia. Sunkist to Winnemucca. Gilmanton• to Laconia. Chester• to Derry. Sweetwater* to Yerington. Cheeterfield•to Brattleboro Gilmanton Iron Works• to Farmln~on. Vt. Gilsum• to Keene. Chichester* to Concord. Telluride to Goldfield. • Glen•tt to North Conway. Chocorua• to Conway. Thorn*tt to Yerington. Claremont Junctlon•U to Glen Clltr•tt to Woodsvllle Tippett*t to Ely. Glenda.let to Lakeport. Claremont. Tobart.t to Wells. Cllnton Grove to Manches- Gotrs Falls t 1 to ManTuscarora• to Elko. chester. ter. Cold River Station to Gotrstov. u•UtoMannhester. Gonlc• t to Rochester. Bellows Falls, Vt. Ursine to Pioche. Gossvme• to Plttstleld. Columbia to Colebrook. Grarton•tt to Lebanon. Contoocook•t t to Concord. Grafton Center • t :t to Converse to Franklin. Verdl•U to Reno Lebanon. Virginia City to Carson Cornish Flat* to Claremont Grange to Lancaster. 1 Cotton Valley to Wolfeboro. Granite• to Wolfeboro. City. Crawford House• t to Llttle- Grantham• to Newport. Grasmere• 1 to Manchester. Wa.buska•tt to Yerington. Cr~~i·on• to Newport. Greenfield• t t to PP.terboro. Croydon !-'lat• to Newport. Greenland•tto 1-ortsmouth. Wadsworth*U to Reno. Crystat• to Berlin. Washoe• to Carson Oity. Greenland Depot•ttoPortsWellington to Yerington. , mouth. Whiteplains to Lovelock<,. Groton• to Bristol. Willow Point to WinneGulla• to Newport. mucca. Daiton to Whttefteld. Wonder• to Fallon. Danbury•t: to Franklin. Danville• to Haverhill, .Mass. Halcyont to Franklin . Hampsteadtt to Derry, Deerfteld* to Manchester. Deerfield Center•tto Man- Hampton•t 1 to Exeter. Hamoton Beach to Exeter. chester. Hampton Falls• t to NewDerry Vlllage to Derry, buryport, Mass. Dixville Notch* to ColeNEW HAMPSHIRE Hancock• t1 to Peterboro. brook. Harrlsvllle• t t to Peterboro Haverhill•t 1 to Woodsvllle Dover Polntt to Dover. Amrorth• to Charlestown. Drewsvllle to Bellows Falls, ~:i~~.t~Rg~i~r· Vt. Alexandria* to Bristol. Hedding• to New Market. ~ • t to Bellows Falls, 1 g~h1::Jo~~ ioe~~~~~d. Hennlkert to Hlllsboro. Jarbidge* to Buhl, Idaho. .Tean•tt to Las Veias. Jiggs to Elko. Joseco to Pioche. Jungoti to Winnemucca.  I  :&1::r  1  I  REFERENCE KEY.  , county Seat.  •. loney Orde.r Office.  NEW HAMPSHIRE I  Highlands Station to White- North Chichester• to Pittsfield . field. HUI•tt to Bristol. North Danville• to Exeter. Northfteldtt to Tilton. Hillsboro Lower Vlllage • North to Hampton• t 1 to Hillsboro. Portsmouth. Hlllsboro Upper Village• to North Haverhlll•U to Hll!aboro . Woodsvllle. North Lisbon to Lisbon. i~~a~~~~i: ~i~~~~~r- 1 N. ~ Ionroe to " ' oodsville. T. Tewport• to Newport. Hollis• to Nashua. Hookset•tt to Manchester. 1 North Richmond• to WlnHopkinton• to Concord. 1 Hubbards to Derry. chester. Hudson•t to Nashua. North Rochester* t to RoHudi;on Center to Nashua. chester. North Salem• to Derry. N. Sandwich* to ::\Iereditb • North Stratford to Lancaster. Intervale•t:t to North Conway. North Sutton• to Newport. Northumberland•tt to Groveton. Northville Stationt to Newport. Jackson• to North Conway Jaffrey• to East Jaffrey. North Walpolet to Bellows Falls, Vt. Jefferson•tt to Whitefield. Jefferson Hlghland•t to North Weare•u to Manchester. Whitefield Northwood• to Rochester . Northwooa Center• t to Pittsfield. Kearsarge • to North Con- Northwood Narrows• to Plttstleid. way. North\\ ood Ridge* to PittsKensington to ~xeter. fi eld. Kingston• t to Exeter. North Woodstock•H to Plymouth. Nottingham• to New .Market. Lakewoodt to Conway. , Landaff to Llsbon. Langdon to Bellows Falls, Vt Leavltt·s Hlll• to Man- Ollverlan to Woodsvllle. chester. Orford• to Bradford.. Vt.. Lee• to New Market. Orfordvllle• to Bradford,. Vt. Lee Sta.tlontl to New Market. iOsslpee•t: to Wolfeboro. Ossipee Valley* to Conway. Lempster• to Newport. Llncoln•t t to Plymouth. to Boarshead•t Little Parkhlll • to Keene. Portsmouth. Llvermore•U to North Patteet to Lebanon. Pattenvllle to Littleton. Conway. Pelham• to Lowell. lass. Lockruere*tt to Tilton. Lonaonderry•t t to Derry. Penacook t t to Concord Long lsland • to Meredith. Pequaket* to Conway. Loudon• to Concol'd. Perc:rtt to Berlin. Lyman to Lisbon. Pierce Br1dge•t to Littletoo Lyme• to Hanover. Lyme Centre• to Hanover Piermont• to Rradtord, Vt. Plke•tt to Wooasvllle. Lyndebo1·0 to :0.1ilford.  ig  ~m~~~rn= t\~ ~  1  1~~r6~~~·vt. Plalstow•t to Ha verb()), Mass. Madison• t to Conway. Maplewood*! to Littleton. Ponemab•U to Milford. Potter Place•tt to Franklin Marlboro*t % to Keene. Marlboro Depot*tt-o Keene. ProtueHouse•Uto Littleton Province Lake• to RochesMarlow• to Keene. ter. Mascoma*tl to Lebanon. Mason•t toTownsend.Mal!ft!. Mast Yard*U to Concord. Quincy- to Plymouth. ~ratthcws to Wolf boro. Meadows• t to Lancaster. Melvlns Mills• to Newport. Randolph• to Gorham. Melvin Village• to Wolfe- Raymond*tt to Manchester boro. Redstone•t tto North Conway. Meredith Center• to Mer&Reeds Ferry•tt to Mandlth. chester. Meriden• to Lebanon. Merrimack• tt to Nashua. Richmond to Winchester. Middleton to Farmington. Rlndge•tto l!;ast Jaffrey. Rlndiremere to Rocllester. Milan• to Berlin. Riverton• t to Lancaster. M.Ul Vlllage• to 1 ·ewport MUton•rt to Rochester. Milton MU1s•tto Rochester. Robys Corner•t to Concord ew Mirror Lake• to Wolfeboro Rocklngham•t:t to Market. Rolltnstordt to Salmo• Monroe• to Woodsvllle. Falls. Moultonboro• to Meredith. Moultonville •t to Wolfe- Rumney•t to Plymouth. Rumney Depot to Plyboro. mouth. Mountalnvlew*tt to WolfeRye• to Portsmouth. boro. Mount Sunapee• :t to New- Rye Beach• t to Ponsmouth. port. Mount Vernon• to Milford. Rye~ ·orth* to Portsmouth. Mount Washlnirton•t to Whltetleld. Mount Whittler Statlontto Salem• to lethuen, Mass. Conway. Salem Depot•t to Methuen, Munsonvme• to Keene. Mass. Salisbury• to Franklin. Sallsbury Heights to FrankUn. New Boston•t:t to Sanbornton* to Tilton. chester. anbornville*tl to \\"olfeNewbury•tt to Newport. boro. New Castle•tto Portsmouth t~oM~:~th. Ne~~~~ham•u to FarmNewfields•Uto New Market Sawyer River Statlont to North Conway. New Hampton• to Bristol. Ne,vlngton to Portsmouth. Seabrook•U to NewburY· port. lass. New Ipswich • to Town- Sbelburne•rt to Gorham. hirley Hill tation to Mansend, Mass. ch t r. New London• to Franklin. Newton•t to Merrt.mac, Short Falls•t to Pittsfield, SUver Lake*! to Conway. Mass. Newton Junot1on•U to Smithtown• to ,. ewburYMerrimac, Mass. Townsend, North Branch to Hillsboro North Charlestown•U to Mass. Charlestown. Snowvllle• to Conway.  Man.I  t~g~y~f.t  sJm;v~e8;8'\o  t Telegraph Station.  i Expr  88  Office.  B  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS I  S. Acworth* to Charlestown outh Barnstead to Pittsfield. fouth Barrln~ton to Dovor. 3. Danbury*t to Franklin. South Danville• to Ilaverhlll. Mass. , . Effin~ham* to ·wolfeboro South Hamoton to Amesbury, Mass. South Keenet to Keene. S. Kingston to Merrimac, Mas. South Lee•tto New Market . Lyncleboro*t to Milford. S. Merrimack*t to .J: ~asbua. ewbury* to Newport.  Wilmot Flat• to Franklin. Wllton*t to Mlltord. Windham to Derry. Windham Depot • t t to Derry. Wlnnisquam to LaconJa. Wtnona • tt to Mereditl\ Wolfeboro Falls* to Wolfeboro. "\Vona.lancet* to onway. Woodman• to Wol!cboro. Woodstock*U toPlymouth.  South Seabrook to New-  NEW .JERSEY  So~ii?'Bif:o~8:· Newport. . Tamworth* to Conway. S. w ·eare* to Manchester. S. Wolfeboro* to Wolfeboro Spofford• to Keene. Sprlngftelct • to Newport. Stark•t to Groveton. Starrk1ng•to Lancaster. State Line• to Winchendon, Mass. Stinson Lake* to Plymouth. Sto<ldard• to Hillsboro. Strafford• to Rochester. Strattord • to Groveton. :~X:a\?1¾:filii•l°t:-:ttl~~~ket. Sunapee* to Newoort. Sutton• to Newport. Swalnboro to Plymouth. Swanzey• to Keene. Swlttwater to Woodsville  I  Blackwells Mills to Newj Brunswick. Blair to Towton. Blawenburg• to Hopewell. Bloomlngda.le•t to Butler. Blue Anchor• to Wllllams-1 town. i  1  Bonhamtown to Brunswick. Dougher* to Moorestown. Braddock to Williamstown.; Brainards• to Belvidere. BranchportU to Long- · branch. Brant Beachtt to Barnegat.  Brldgeboro•t to Riverside. Brldgeport•tt (Gloucester1 I Co.) to Swedesboro. Bridgeville• U to Belvidere. i Brlelle*f to Manasquan. Adamston* to Point Pleas- Broad,vay•tt to Washtnir-1 ton. ant. Bro0kdalet to Bloomfield. Adelpbla•t to Freehold. Alblon Placer to Paterson. Brookside• to Morristown. Brookville to Barnegat. Aldeneti to Roselle. Brown Mills*t to PemberAldlne to Elmer. ton. Allairett to Manasquan. Allamuchy•tt to Hackett.8- Buckshutem to Port Norris.· Budd Lake•t to Netcong. I town. Buddtown to Vlncentown. , Allendale• t t to Ramsey. Allenhurst•tt to Asbury Buena*U to Vtneland. Burleigh*H to Oape May Park. Allt-nwood • tt to Manasj Bu~~e to Lakewood. Buttzvllle•tt to Belvidere. Ala~:ge. to Vineland. , Byramt to Frenchtown. Alloway•tt to Salem. Almonesson to Woodbury. Alpha*f t to Phillipsburg. Alpine• to Closter. Campgaw*tt to Ridgewood Amatol to Hammonton. Canton• t to Salem. Amperett to Newark. Cafre May Point• to Catie  Anderson to Washln~on. Tamworth• to Conway. AndovcrU to Newton. Temple• to Townsend, Anglesea•tt to Wildwood. I Annandale• t t to High Mass. Bridge. The W elrs • t to Lakeport. Tnorntons Ferry •tt to Anthony to Callon. Nashua. Corner Applegates Troy•t t to Keene. to Bridgeton. Twin Mountain•tt to LitArdena to Freehold. tleton. Asbury* to Bloomsbury. Ashland• t t to Haddonfield Atco•tt to Berlin. Union• tt to Rochester. Atbenia•tt to Passaic. Unitl * to Claremont. Atslon•tt to Hammonton.  Georgetown• to Bordentown. German Va.Uey•tt to Hack• ettstown. Gibbsboro • to Haddon• fteld. Glbbstown•tt to Paulsboro Glllette•t to Summit. Gladstone • t t to Whlte House Station. Glendola to Belmar. Da Oostat to Hammonton.I Glen Gardner•tt to Highbridge. Daretown*t to Elmer. Davist to Allentown. Glenmoore*t l to Hopewell, Da.yton•tt to Cranbury . Deacons Station to Bur- Glen Rockti to Ridgewood. lington. Glenwood• t to Goshen, Deal Beach•t to Asbury N. Y. Park. Goshen• U to Cape May. Deanstt to New Brunswick. Grand View (Bel'i'en Co.) to Dcckertownt to Sussex. Hackensack. Deerfield Street• to Bridge- Grandvlewt (Somerset Co.) ton. to Somerville. Delair*tt to Merchantvllle. Grantwood•t to Edgewater Delo.01:9•1t to Riverside. Grassem•t to Elizabeth. Delawanna*t to Passaic. Great Mf'&dow• t t to Hack• ettstown. Delaware•tt to Belvidere. Great Notcht to Little Falla Delmont• to Millville. Greenbank*H to Egg Harbor Oity. Demarest•tt to Closter. Dennlsvllle• t t to Ocean GreenC'reek*t to Oape May. City. Greendollt to Newton. Greenpcmd to Dover. Denvtlle•tt to Boonton. Dias Creek• U to Cape May Greenvillage•t to Madison. C.H. Green villeH (Hudson Oo.) to Jersey City. Dividing Creek• to Port Greenwlch•tt to Bridgeton. Norris. Grenloch • U to Blackwood. Dobbins• to Burlington. Grtggstown • to Princeton. Dorchester•t to Mlllville. Grover to Flemlngton. Dorothy"'tt to Mlllvllle. Grovevme• to Bordentown. E~~~~~~ Gf!sst~gkettetown. Dudleyt to Camden. g~~::e~!~~t i~~~~~~:n H~~~~~urg • ~ ! to BlalraHatnesoort • t to Mount Holly. East Bound Brook to Halnesvme• to Branchville. Haledon•t to Paterson. Bound Brook. East Long Brancht to Lonit H°;:S~i:i~ Borough to Pat. to Port; E.B{f8~tme*tt to Somer- Haleyville•  Cresskm•tt to Tenafly. Cross Keys• to Williamstown. Crosswicks* to Bordentown Croton• to Flemlngton, Crystal Lake*t to Pompton 1.,akes. Culver to Barnegat. Culvers to Bra.nch,•ille.  u  to Paasalc. Car1:ln Hm • Carmel• to Bridgeton. Carneys Point* to Penns Gro,·e. Carpentersvme•tt to .Phil• to Roosevelt. 0 Casaville• to Lakewood.  J~f=~~~i  N to g:~~/ildi~a:s:!1:!wood. E~t"iatorson * to Paterson' H )forrist t Oedarbrook"'tt to Williams- East Rahway to Roosevelt., H!~1e: to t~tnt:'ri. n. ce1~';1lfreek to Toms River. E~~er}~~~~erfordt to Ru- H~~n~ton Square• to TrenCedargrove•t to Montclair. Eayrestown to Mount Holly Hampton•tt to High Brldce Ha.ncocks Bridge • to SaCedar Lake to Wllllams- Echo Lake• to Butler. lem. Edgewater Park•t to Bevtown. Wadley'11 Falla to New Auburn• to Swedesboro. Hanover• to Madison. erly Cedarrun*t to Tuckerton. Augusta•tt to Branchville. Cedarvllle•t to Bridgeton. Edinburg to Hightstown. Market. Hanover Neck to Madlaon. Wakefleld*t to Wolfeboro. Aura• t to Glassboro. Elberon•U to Long Bra.nob Harbourton• to LambertAvalon•tt to Ocean Clty. Warner•t t to Concord. ville. Centertont(Burltngton Co.) 1' Eldora•u to cape May. Avenel• to Rahway. Warren•u to Plymouth, Hlllt to Woods- Hardingvlllet to Glassboro. Eldrldges Moorestown. to Waahinirton• to Hillsboro, Avontt to Belmar. HHaarrmun gresnvll• le't•o tflo opaelewmell•• t (Salem Co.) to l town. Water Village* to Wolfe- Avon-bY-the-Sea • to Bel- Centerton* Se 6 I Ellzabethport T to Ellz&- Harmony• Elmer. mar. boro. to Phllllpsburc. beth. Centervlllet t to Flemington Weare• to Manchester. Chadwlcktto Potnt Pleasant Elllsburgt to Haddonfteld. Harrlngton•t to Closter. Webbtt to Keene. Harrisonville• to Woott.Chamberaburr to Trenton. Ellladale to A11entown. Balevrue• to Newton. to Concord. town. Changewater•U to Waah• Elm•U to Hammonton. Baptlstown • to Frenc.bWendell• to Newport. Atl ti Elwood•tt to Egg Harbor Harrlsonvllle Statton 1io tngton. Wentwortb•tt to PlymWoodstown. City. an c Chapel Hlll to B;:»b~town to Frenchtown. outh. Emerson•tt to Westwood Harttord•tt to MoorestoWD Highlands. Wentworth Location• to Barnegat Clty• t to Barne- Charlotteburgtt to Butler. English Creek to Mays Haskell*t to PomptonLakea Colebrook. Haworth•U to Closter. Landing. Chatham•tt to Madison. Bl~~gat Piertt to Tom Hawthorne• t to Pateraon. Ertal to Berlln. River. West Alton*t to Laconla. tlYs~ff~:r~!idwell. Hazent to Belvidere. to PemberChatsworth•tt WeatAn<1over•tt to !<'rank-, 0 Barn boro to "\Voodbury. Un. Hazlet•tt to Matawan. West Barrington to Roob- Barrln~on*t to Haddon ch\ ~equake to Matawan. EEtvrear•ettot• Ht01ghetsdtoBwnank•. }~m~slf:~~Oberry Hllltt to Hacken-I EverlttatoW: to Frenchceater. Westboro to White Rlver' Balft~~';,•% to Hacketts- Ch':,8'~vllle• to Flemington.' Hewltt•ti to Butler. town. town. Evesborot to Moorestown. Hlhernla* to Dover, Chesllhurst•U to Berlin. w ~tnii~~::h~Jod to Exeter. lili~~ticf:~rk to New I Ewan• to Glassboro. Chester*U to Dover. W. Campton• to Plymouth. Basking Ridge• t t to Ber- Chesterlleld• Hlghlands•tt to Sea Brighi EwlnirvUJ.e to Trenton. Borden•1 to nardsvllle. W. Canaan*tt to Lebanon. Weat Chestertleld • to High Polnt• to Barnegat. / Falrfteld to Caldwell. Ch~:.- to Blackwood. Woodstown. to Bassett•U Brattleboro, Vt. 'Falr Haven• to Red Bank. Hlghwood•t to Englewood. Chrome*t to Roosevelt. W. Claremont* to Batsto to Egg Harbor City. ctnnamtnson•t to Riverton 1 Fair Lawn*tt to Paterson.: Hillsboro to Somervllle. Bayhead • U to Point Pleae- Clarksboro•tt to Paulsboro! Fairmount• (Bergen Co. , Hlllsdale•tt to Westwood. ant. w~8~~cordtt \o Concord. Hllton*t to Newark. to Hackensack. Clarksburg• to Hightstown. West Epping•t to New •Fairmount • (Hunterdon Hohokus•U to Ridgewood. to Salem. Bayville• to Toms River. Claysville Market. Holland to Mlltord. Co.) to Callton. City. Ocean to CJermont•t Weat Hampstead• to Derry Bay Way to Elizabeth. Holly Beach to Wildwood. Falrton•t to Bridgeton. cutrwooct•t to Matawan. W. Henniker•t to Hlllsboro Haven Terra.cet to Cloverhill* to Flemington. I Falrvlew•tt (Bergen Co.) Holmdel* to Keyport. Barnegat. W. Hopkinton* to Hillsboro Holmeson to Allentown. to Hackensack. Bridgeton. to Coha.nsey West Lebanon*t to White Beatyestown• to Hackett&- Cokesbury* to High Bridge, Fairview (~urlington Co.) Homesteadtt to West Ho-. River Junction, Vt. boken Riverside. to May. Cape to t Coldsprlnir• Be~~-Lakett to Hamburc Colesville• to Sussex. West Mllan•tt to Berltn. Fanwood•U to Plalntleld. HopatconR:t to Netcon«. Beaverrun to Hamburg. Oolliers Mills to New Far Hllls•U to Bernard• Hornerstown•tt to Allen-W eatmoreland • to Keene. town. ville. Egypt. Weatmoreland Depot•t to Bedminster• to Bernards- Cologne•tt to Egg Harbor Fleldsboro•tt to Borden- Houses* to Newton. Keene. Howelltt to Freehold, town. Clty. Weat Nottingham to New Be~~:rville* to Sussex. Colts Neck• to Freehold. Flndemti•T to Somerville. Hudson Helghts*t to Gu'°" Beesleys Point*! to Ocean Columbla•tt Market. tenberg. to Blairstown. Flnesvt.te• to Bloomsbury. West Osslpee•tt Conway. Huntsville• to Newton. Columbus• U to BordenAtlantlo to BeTt~ici W. Petcrboro• to.Peterboro Fishing Creek•t to Cape Hurffvillet to Woodbury. town. Westport*ti to Winche11ter. Highlands. Hyson to Lakewood, May. Columbus Helghtst1 to West Rlndge*t to Winchen- Bellemead*tt to SomerFlagtown*tt to Somerville. Paterson. don, Mass. Dover. to Flanderst•t Jersey to CommunlpawU W. I umney*tt to Plym- Be~;ialne•tt to Ullville. Flatbrookvtlle• to Newton. Idell to Frenchtown. City Bellmawr to Haddon Como t t to Springlake. Florham Park• to Madlson. Idlewood • to MaysLandlq. Height!!. W~~tl¾i e• to Portsmouth. Folsom• t t to Hammonton, Imlaystown • i to Allento t t * Station convent West s3'tsbury• to Franklin Bergen Polntl to Bayonne, town. Forked River*tt to Toma forristown. WW. Springfield* to Newport Berkeley Helghts* to sum- Cookstown•U to Mount Indian MUls•t to Medford. Rlver. eat Stewartstown• t t to Iona.*tt to Olayton. Fortescue• to Brtdireton. HoUy. Colebrook. Ironla•i to Dover. Weat Swanzey•tt to Keene B~ey Arms to Toms Cooksville to Bloomsbury. J~!~~t J~J!>:e!'t"le. to lselln•U to Rahway. River. W. Thornton*tt to Plym- Berkshire Hamburg. Island Helghts•ti to Tom, Flemlnirton. to Copperhlll Valley to Dover. Comlllh to Belvtdere . outh. River. Franklin Park• to New Weatvme• t t to Haverhill, Bethlehem to Bloomsbury. Qoyteev11le*lt to Fort Lee. Brunswick. Br::.nchville. to Bevans• Mass. Clayton to Frankllnville•tt Camden. to Hilll Cramer Billlngsportt to Paulsboro. West Wllton to Mllford. Jacuonville t to Moun& Cranbury Station• tto Cran-1 Fredon to Newton. WW. Wlndbam*tt to Nashua Blrmlnirham • t t to Mount Holl)'. Freneau•u to Matawan. l bury. bltetace• to Meredith. Jacohstown• to New EIYP\ Creamrldge•u to Allen- Gallia to Plainfield. Califon. Bt!!~Nyio Whlttler• tb Conway. tc. Wllllamstown. Janvtert ' Cranford. to Garwood•tt town. Blvalve•t to Port Norris. W llmot• to Franklin. • )loney Order Office. t Telegraph Statton. t Express Office. Seat. ce>unty • REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  I  ~~:r  n:~~t!tlfIJ  I  u  1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2046  '!'OWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  NEW JERSEY  New ProVldence•t to Sum- / Pomonatt to Egg Harbor City. mlt. New Sharon"' to Allentown. Pornpton*tt to Pompton Lakes. Newtownt :t to Allentown. , to Pompton Plalns•t:t New Vernon• to Madison. Butler. New Vlllage•t to PhillipsPompton Station to Pompburg. ton Lakes. Nolans Pointt to Dover. ·ordboffH to Englewood. Port Colden• to Washington. Norma•t:t to Vineland. Port El!zabeth•t: to Millormandle-by-the Sea to ville. Sea Bright. :N. Arlington to Arlington. Port Mercer to Princeton. Kaighns Polntt to Camden McKee Clty•:t to Atlantic North Asbury Parkt to Port Monmouth•tt to AtKearnytt to Harrison. lantlc Highlands. Asbury Park. City. KeasbeY* to Perth Amboy. Kenllworth*ttto Cranford. Mendham•:t to Morristown . North Bergen*t to West Port Morrls•t to Netcong. Port Murry•t1 to WashlnitHoboken. Menlo Park•t to Metuchen. Kenvu•n to Dover. ton. North Branch*H to SomerKingslandH to Lyndhurst. Mercervllle* to Trenton. Port Oram to Dover. ville. Klngeton•t:t to Princeton. Metee1econk to Lakewood. Kingwood to Frenchtown. Mlckleton •t to Woodbury. North Branch Depot• to Port Reae11ng•1 to Woodbrld~e. Somervllle. Klnkora t t to Bordentown. Mlddlehu h • t :t to N e w North Cramere HUlt to Port Republic• to PleasBrunswick. Kirkwood•t:t to Haddonantvll1e. Camden . Middletown •tt to Atlantic field. Northfield• t to Pleasant- Potterstown to White Highlands, Kressonr to Moorestown. House Station. ville. Station to Middletown North Hackensack•tt to Pottcrsvllle • to White Salem. Lafeyette*tt to Tewton. House Station. Hackensack. Lake Como*t to Spring Middle Valley• t :t to CallNorth Haledon to Paterson. I Preaknesi- to Pompton fon . Lake. Lakes. North Hammontont to Lake Denmark to Milford. Middleville* to Newton. Princeton Junctlon•rt to Hammonton. Lake Iiopatcongt to Dover Midland Park*H to RidgePrinceton. to North Longoranch t wood. Lakeburst*H to Toms Prospect Park Borougbt to Long )jranch. Midvale*tt to Pompton River. Paterson. Haddon Northmont to Lakes. LakevlewU to Paterson. Prospect Plalns•tttoJameir Ileights. Lamlngton to White House Milhurst to Freehold. burg. N. Paterson*tt to Paterson. Mlllbrook to Blairstown. Station. . Plaintleldt to Plain.field Mllldale to Dover. Landlng•t to Netcong. Northvale•:t to Closter. LandlsvllJe•t:t to Vineland. Mlllhamt to Trenton. Mllllngton*tt to Bernards- I Norwood•tt to Closter. La.noka* to Toms River. Quakertown• to Flemingville. Laurel Sprlngs•tt to Hadton. Mlllstone•t to Somervllle. donfleld. Quarryvllle*t to SuBSex. Ml~ay•t:t to Mays Land-, La.urelton to Lakewood. Qulnton•t:t to Salem, , Oakdale to Lambertvllle. Le.::~~ette•t to Point Pleas- Milton to Dover. Minebrook to Bernardsville Oakgrove to Flemington. Lawnside*:t to Haddon Oakhurst• to Long Branch Minehill to Dover. Heights. Oakland*tt to Pompton Rancocas•t to Mount Holly Mlnlslnkt to Dover. Lawrence t to Treo ton. Ravenrock*U to LambertLakes. Lawrencevllle* to Trenton. Mizpah• t to Mays Landville. Oaklyn*tt to Haddon Ing. Layton• to Branchvllle. Readington• to Somervllle. Heights. Leoanon•tt to HlghBrldge. , Moe* to Butler. Reavllle• to Flemington. Monmouth Beach t t to Oak Rldge*ti to Butler. Ledqewood•U to Dover. Redllon to Vlncentown. Oak Tree"' to Plalnfteld. Long Branch. Leeds Point* to PleasantMonmouth Junction • t t to Ocean Gate * t t to Toms Red Valley to Allentown. ville. Repaupo t-o wede·boro. River. Jamesburg. khod.e hall to Jamesburit. Oceanlc* to Sea Bright. Monroe•t to Hamburg. Leesburg• t :t to Millville. Richfleldt to Pa aic. Oceanport • to Long Leonardo•to Atlantic Hlgh- Monroevllle*tt to Elmer. Rlchland•t:t to Maye LandBranch. MontaitUe to Mlltord._Pa. ~ands. Ing. Leonia Heights to Fort Lee. Montgomery to Flenungton Oceanvlew•t:t to Ocean to Glassboro. Rlchwood•tt City. River Pearl to Mo!ltvale*tt Lewlstowntt to Pemberton. Rldgefield*H to Ridgefield Oceanville* to Absecon. N. Y. Liberty Corner• to BerPark. Hamto Ogdensburg•tt nardsvllle. Riegelsville• t to Phllllp&Montvllle• to Beonton. burg. Lincoln• t to Bound brook. burg. Linco!n Park*tt to Boonton Morganvme•ttto Matl!wan. Old B rldge*H to South Rlleyvllle to Hopewell. River Morris Plalns*t:t to MorrisLlncro!t• to Red Bank. town. Oldwick· to White House' Rlngoes•t to Flemln~on. Morsemerett to Edgewater.1 Ringwood Manor t :t to fltation. Lindenwold•! to Berlln. Mountain Laked to Boon- Oradell*tt to Westwood. Pompton Lakes. Llnvale to Hopewell. ton. Grande•tt to Cape May Rio Orange. to Valleyt:t Orange Linwood• :t to PleasantMountainside* to Westtleld Oriental to Vlncentown. Risley*rt to Mays Landing. vllle. Rlsleyvllle to Pleasantvllle. Little Ferry*tttoRldgefteld Mountalnvlew•t:t to Little Ormond"' to Mlllvllle. Falls. Point Rlverdale*t to Butler. to Oebornsville • Park. River J£dge*tt to HackenPleasant. Little Sllver*t ttoRed Bank Mountatnvllle* to Califon. Mountalrytto Lambertvllle Overbrook to Haddon sack. Rivervale to We.twood. Heights. Little York• to Bloomsbury Mount Arlington • to Dover. Roadstown• to Bridgeton. Oxlord*t to Washington. Llvlngston•t to Orange. Locktown T to Flemington. Mount Bethelt to Plain- Oxford Furnace to Robblnevllle • t t to Allenfield. Locust Point to Atlantic R:g~sford to Garfield. ington. Mount Ephraim•tt to HadHighlancls. Rochelle Park• t t to Haokdonfield. Long Hi!l to Summit. eneack. Dover Freedom•tto Mount Longport*tt to Ventnor Rockport to Hackettstown City. Rockeburg* to Belvidere. Long Valley to IIacketts- Mount Hope to Dover. Palatlne•:t to Elmer. 0 Mount Laurel to Moores- Palermo•tt to Ocean City. town. t~'Wr~:;~ion. :~~; town. Pallsade*t to Edgewater. Lorrainet to Roselle. t to Hammonton. Rosedale• ~l~~~~r t~tr~?t-~~d. Pamraoot to BaJonne. Louden •tto Berltn. Roseland• to Caldwell. Lo:C,~ !if:k•t to Egg Har- Mount Rose to Hopewell. Rosemont• to LambertvUle ~!¥:!:!~~~l~on.useex. Lower Ja.mesburg :t to Mount Royal• t to Pauls- Parkertown • t to Tuckerton. Rosenbayn•t:t to Bridgeton. Rwnson*t to Sea Bright. I boro. Jamesburg Lower Squa.nkum to Farm- I Mount Tabortt to Morris- PaR~vli~e~~t to Pearl Runnymede to Blackwood. town ingdale Parlin• t to South River. Ludlowtt to Bloomsbury. l Murray Hill• t to Summit. Parry to Riverton. Parsippanny to Boonton. Lurnberton*tt to Mt. Iiolly Pattenburl?•tt to Clinton. Saddle River• to RldgeLyons• t to Bernardsville. wood, Pa.vonia. 'tationt to Oa.mLyoni> Farmst to Elizabeth. Sandhrook* to Flemington den. South to Peapack*t:t to Wb1te House Sayervllle• t "'atco to Keyport. River. Station. National Park• to Woodbury. Peermont* to Ocean City. Schooleys .: Iountaln*t to Hackettstown. Magnolia •tt to Haddon- Naughrlght• to Hacketts- Peetzburg*tto Hackensack. town. Scoueyvllle*t to Red Bank. Heights. Pennsville* to . alem. Mahwab-l<ft to Sufiern.N.Y. Nave lnk•t to Atlantic Pensauken t,o, Ierchantvillc Scotch Pla.lns*t to Pl.&lnfield. Illghlands. Pequannock•t to Paterson. Main A venuet to Vlneland. cullvllle* to Pleasantville •eisonYllle• to Allentown. Perrlnevme• to Hightstown Malaga•t:t to Vlneland. Seaglrt• t t to Manasquan. Phalanx* to Red Bank. Manahawkln•tt to Tucker- Nesco to Hammonton. .,. sha.nic•t to . 'omervi!le. Plcton•u to Westfield. ton. Sea Isle Clty*U to Ocean City. Manalapan• to English- Neshanlc Statlon•t:t to Pine Beach*tto Tome River. easide to • ea Bright. Somerville. town. Plnebrook* to Caldwell. Mantoloklng•t:t to Point Netberwoodt to Plainfield. Piscataway to New Brun.s- Seaside Heights to Toms Rivl'r. New Bedtord to Belmar. wick. Pleasant. ,. ·ew Brldg to Hackens, ck. Pitt ~ove*t to Elmer. Seaside Park•t:t to Tom Mantua•r to Woodbury. J lver. Manumusklntt to Mlllvllle. New Durbam•U to West Plttstown•t to Clinton. Hoboken. Manville"tt to Bound Brook Plalnsboro•t:t to Princeton Seeleyt to Brldsreton. Sergeantsvllle• to FlemlngMapleshade• t to Moores- Newfield •t t to \Tineland. Plaudervllle to Garfield. ton. Newroundland•tt to Butler Pleasantdale• to Orange. town. New Gerrnantown•t to Marcella* to Dover. Pleasant Grove to Califon. Sewaren•t:t to Woodbridge White House Station Margate City to Atlantic Pleasant Mllls to Egg Har- Sewell• t to Woodbury. •ew Gretna• to Tuckerton hady. idet to Edgewater. City. bor City. antrun to Whltellousc Sharon Station to Allen::~it:i.t1rsefu N~!tampton*to \Vashlng- PieStution. town. town. Pleasure Bayt t to Long · Sharptown • to Woods· town. Ma.rlboro•tt to Freehold. Branch. .. ew Llsbon•tt to PemberMarlton•tt to Moorestown. Pluckemtn• to Somerville. Shiloh• to Bridgeton. ton. bimer. t to Phillip burg. ltarmora • t to Ocean City. Newmarket*t:tto Dunellen. Polntvme• to Bordentown. Mar~hallville to , alem. Short HUis tt to ummlt. ..·ew ~mrorct•t:t to Hacken- Pole Tavern to Elmer. Shrewsbury• t ttoRed Bank Martins Crt'ek Statlontl to Polkvllle to Blair town. ~ack. Belvidere. 'ew Orangct l to Cranford. Pomerania • to Egg Har- I SlcklervllJe• to \ llllam.Btown._ _ _ _ _ __ --' Martin~ville* to Somerville. .i. ewoon*T to Port N o r 1 ~ r City. Jeffers· to P1easantv1lle. Jellerson to Mu!Uca Hill. Jerlcho:t to Bridgeton. Jerseyville to Freehold. Joos town• t t to Moun t Holly. Johnsonburg• t to Blairstown Jullustown•:t to Pemberton Junction to High Bridge. Jutland•U to Cllnton.  I  Masonvme•tt to Moorestown. Maurer*T Ho Pertn Amboy. Maurice River*tt to Port Norris. Mauricetown *:t to Port Norris. Mayetta to Tuckerton. Maywood•tt to Hackensack. McAfee Valley• to Hamburg.  I  0  I  ~°o':i~\  iifl1l1  ,.  I  REFERENCE KE  ~  •County Seat.  • ~loner Order Office.  tTelegraph StaUon.  I  Sidney to Canton. Silver Lake* to Bloomfield. Silverton* to Toms River. Singac*t to Little Falls. Sklllman•tt to Hopewell. Smlthburg to Freehold. Smith l\lills* to Butler. miths Landing to Pleasant\·ille. SmlthvUle*tt(Burllngton Co.) to Mount Holly. Smithville (Monmouth Co.) to Freehold. Somers Point• :t to Ocean City. Southard to Lakewood. S. Bergent to Jersey City. to South Boundbrook• Boundbrook. South branch• to Somervllle. S. Dennis*tt to Ocean City. S. Seaville*H to Cape :\lay C. H. S. Vlneland*tt to nne.,,nd. Sparta•tt to Newton. Spotswood*ttto Jamesburiz Sprln~fiela•u to Millburn. Springtownt to Bloomsbury. Spring Valley to Hackensack. Squankum tation to Farmingdale. Stalfordvllle* to Tuckerton. tanhope*t to yetcong. Stanley*t to Summit. Stanton*t! to White House Station. Stanwicktt to Moorestown. 4  St~!j}~_anville to PleasantStelton*t! to _·ew Brunswick.  Stephensburg•to Hackettstown. Sterllng Forest* t :t to Warwick, N. Y. Stewartsvllle*ttto Bloomsbury. Stewartsville Station to Bloomsbury. Still Valley to Bloomsbury. Stlllwater U to Newton. Stlrltng•tt to Bernardsvllle Stockholm•tt to Hamburg. Stockton*t to Lambertville Stoneharbor* t t to ocean City. Stovers Mills to Flemington Stratford* t :t to Haddon Heights. Strathmere to Ocean City. Succasunna•t to Dover. Summerfield to AsburyPark unny.-ide* to Clinton. Surf* to Barnegat. Swalnton•tt to ()ape May. c. H. Swartewood• to Newton. Sykesville to Bordentown. Tabernaclet to Vlncentown Tabor• to Morristown. Tansborott to Berlln. Teanecktt to llac1wnsack. Tennent• t to Englishtown. Thororare• to Wooqoury. Three Brldges•u to Flemington. Tinton Falls to Red Bank. Titusville t to Lambert-ville. Totowa Dorough t.o Paterson . Towaco•: to Boonton. Townley to W estfleld. Townsbury•t to Hackettstown. Townsends Inlet* to Ocean City. Tranqulltty•t to Newton. Tremley to Elizabeth. l'renton Junction• tt to Trenton. rurner ville• to Woodbury. Undercllfft:t to Ridgewood. Union• to Elizabeth. Union H 111 t to Town of Unlon. Opper lacopln• to Butler. fontclalrtt to~ Iont  U~f:f'r:  Vall*Tt to Dlalrstown. Vallsburgt to Newark. Valley to Bloom bury. Vanderbur * to Freehold. Van1Jlsevll1e• to Lakewood. Vauxhall• to Aflllburn. Vernon•tt to Hambu~. Vienna• to Hackettstown. 7 illn Park• to "°'Pring Lake. Vulcanit tt to l'ltillipsburg Wading RiYer*t to Swedes·  w~°d'~ok•  t to Ridgewood Wall to Belmar. ale. allingtont! to P WallpackCenter• toBranobvUle_. _ _ _ _ _ _  t Ex pre  Office.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Id. r. I.  as•  o.> an ty. to er;ty.  ay d.  n.  se n. t;.  I Amalia* Colo.  Walnut Grove to Dover. Walnut Valley to Blair. iown. Wanamassa to Asbury Park Wanaque*tt to Pompton Lakes. Waretown•u to Barnegat. Warren Glen to Bloomsbury. Warren Paper Mllls• to Bloomsbury. Warrenpolnt* to Patel"!lon. Warrenville•t to Plalnfletd. Washingtons Orossingt:t to Lambertville. Washlngtonvlllet:t to Newton. Watchung•t to Plainfield .. Waterford Works• to Ham-1 monton. Waterloo* to Netcong. Wayne*tt to Pompton Lakes. Wayslde to Lonr Branch. W eehawken*tt to Hoboken Weehawken P. 0. to Town of Union. Wenonah•t:t to Woodbury. Wertsville to Flemln~on. West Berlin*t:t to Berlin. W. Cape May*t to Cape May. WWestcrcek*t:I: to Tuckerton. est Elizabeth to Elizabeth. West End to Long Branch. West Englewood t :t to Enirlewood. West Fort Lee to Fort Lee. West Freehold to Freehold. West Grove to AsburyPark. West Long Bi-anch* toLong w!ttanMllcht. d• t B tl o u er. or \V estmont• to Haddonfteld. \Veat to Moorestown Moorestown. Weet Norwood•tt toCloster Weaton*t :t to Somervllle. WW. Patorson*t to Paterson. t t p · t I est Point p~~1!.s~;;.5an W bu~_rtal*t+ to BloomsWest Summtt• t to Summlt. ~- View to Ridgefield Park. gmoutht to Mays Land•  to  San Acacio, Ellzabethtown•t to Raton. Elir- to Alamogordo. Elkins* to Kenna. El Rlto• to Santa Fe. j{Jz.~dfo t~Jt°i:!J>r:ings. Embudo*t:t to Espanola. Emery Gap:t to Des Moinesl Emzy to Portales. Endee•t:i: to Tucumcari. Eogle*t:!: to San Marcial. Ensenada toPagosaSpriogs, Colo. , Eunice• to Carlsbad.  Amargo to Pagosa Springs. Colo. Amlstad* to Nara Visa. Ancho*U to Carrizozo. Animas* to Lordsburg. Anton Chico• to Las Vegas. Arabela to RoswellAragon* to Magdalena. Armijo to AlbuQuerque. Arrey* to Hillsboro. Arroyo Hondo* to Taos. Arroyo Seco• to Taos. Ataque to Gallup. Atoka to Artesia. Aurora to Wagon Mound. Avis* to Alamoitordo.  Baca to Albuquerque. Bacavllle* to Belen. Bald:v*i· to Cimarron. Bard City to Tucumcari. Barney• to Clayton. Barranca Station to Taos. Bayardt:t to Silver City. Beenham• to Clayton. Bell Ranch* to Tucumcari. Bellview* to Clovis. Dent•t to Tularosa.. Berino* to Las Cruces, ,Dernalillo*tt to Albuquerqua. Bibo* to Albuquerque. Blanco• to Aztec. Bloomfield• to Azteo. Blossburg to Raton. Bluewater*t:t to Albuquerque Doaz* to Kenna. Briee* to Alamogordo. Buchanan*t:t to Fort Sumner Buckhorn* to Silver City. Bueyeros• to Clayton.  Cabezon• to Albuquerque.'  ' Cambray•t to Deroin". to Alamosa, tolo.l ° Canjllon• g:gfonn;o t~z~f;irose. , Oaprock t~ ,Ro~well. COa~shon t~ It aoJan Antonio., , act ago o I  r.k  y,  I  8  I  d.  ot r. t  Lindrith to Albuquerque. Longs• to Portales. Longwell to Alamogordo. Los Alamos* to Las Vegas Los Cerrlllostt to Santa Fe. ,Los Lunas•tt to Albuquerque. Los Pinos to Alamosa.Colo. Los ranos•t to Santa Rosa Lower Penaseo to Hope. Lucero• to Las Vegaa. Lucille• to Montoya. Lucy*t:i: to Willard. Lumberton•t:t to Pagosa, Colo. Fairview*t to San Marcial. Luna to Maidalena. Faywood• to Silver City. Field to Melrose. McA11ster* to Melrose. Flerro•tt to Silver City. McDonald to Roswell. Flora Vista• to Aztec. Mclntosh•tt to Estancia. Flovd* to Portales. Folsom*tt to Des :Moines. I Madrla•t to Santa Fe. Maes• to Las Vegas, Forrest to Melrose. Fort Bayard•t to Silver City , Malacra*:t to Carlsbad. Fort !.elden to Las Cruces. / Malpai to Des .Moines. Fort Stantoo*t to Carrizozo Mangas to Magdalena. Manuellto•t:t to Gallup. Fort Wingatet to Gallup. Manzano* to Estancia. Frencb*t:I: to Sprlnster. :\lariano Lake to Gallup Frio to Tucumcari. :Marquez to Albuquerque. Frisco* to Magdalena. Fruitland• to Farmington. .l\Iayhill* to Alamogordo. Mentmore to Gallup. Me1calero• to Tularosa. Gage• t to Demlng. Mesilla• to Las Cruces. Gailsteo* to Santa Fe. MeaillaPark*tl toLasCruCEF Galllna.* to Santa Fe. Mesquite*:t to Las Cruces Gartleld • to Las Cruces. Mlaml*t to Springer. Garrison to Portales. I Miera to Clayton. Glbson•t to Gallup. : Mimbres• to Silver City. Gila* to Silver City. Mogollon* to Silver City. Gladstone• to Mills. Monero*tt to Pagosa Sp'gs, Glencoe• to Carrizozo. Colo. Glenrio* to Tucumcari. Montlceno•to San Marcia.I Glenwoori to Silver City. Montoya•tt to Tucumcari. Globe to Carlsbad. Monument• to Carlsbad. Glorieta*tt to Santa Fe. Goldent to Albuquerque. Moses* to Clayton. to Roy. Mo11quero* Governador to Durango, Mountain Park• :t to AlaColo. IDOitOrdo. Grant•rt to Albuquerque. Greenfleld*t to Hagerman. MYildUB* to Deming. Griegos to Albuquerque. Guadaluplta• to Las Vegas. Guy* to Des Moines. Nadine* to Carlsbad. Nambe* to Santa Fe. ::~~~:;.t t~ll~~:i~~~lt- Negra• to Willard. Newhope to Elida. Harrington to Maxwell. Newklrk*t to Santa Rosa. Hassell to Fort Sumner. Newman*t:t to El Paso. 0 • st~ricf~vis. Tex. Noga.I• to Carrizozo. Hayden* to Nara Visa. Nolan* to Waion Mound. Haynes to Albuquerque. Norton to Tucumcari. Heaton* to GalluD. Hermanas*tt to Columbus. Higbrolls:t to Alamogordo. Obar•; to Nara VI.Ila. Hilario* to Las Vegas. Hill to Las Cruces. Ooate• to Wagon Mound. Hobbs* to Carlsbad. Ochoa to Carlsbad. Hollene* to Clovis. Odon to Demlng. Holman* to Las Vegas. Ohaysi* to Alamogordo. Honda.le* to Demlng, Ojo Caliente• to Taos. Hondo* to Carrizozo. Ojo Barco to Santa Fe. Hot Springs (San Miguel Old Albuquerque •t to Co.) to Las Vegas. Albuqueraue. House* to Melrose. Ootlmo• to Wagon Mound. Orange• to Van Hom, Tex. Hudson• to Tucumcari. Orran• to Las Cruces. Hurley to Silver City. Hyer• to Estancia. Orogrande • t :t to Alamogordo. Osoura..,t t to Carrizozo. Otis to Carlsbad. Ima* to Tucumcari. Otto• to Estanela. Inez to Portales. Isleta•t:t to Albuquerque.  io  i:~!-  Casa Blanca* to Albuq_uerWhlnon•u to Dover. • q_ue. ~f1>1>any•t to Morristown. •-te Hlllt:t to Borden- Ceaar HW to Aztec. Cedarvale* to Corona. ouwn Central* to Silver Clt~ ~!to llorsP. to Trenton. tehouse•t to White Cerrtlloa•t:t to Santa e. n Cerro• to Taos. Whl otesusbeosrota*ttiotno. Cape Maw ~ Chacon to Las Vegas. Chambertno• to t l Paso. C. H. Wliltesville•t to Lakewood. Ohamlsal to Santa Fe. ~ttnK*t:I: to Toms River. Chamlta• to Santa Fe. Chapertto• to Las Vega.a. _...-ubur to Trenton. \VllbUrtha•u to Trenton. Chico* to Maxwell. WUdwood Crestt to WUd· Chlllll to Estancia. Chima.yo• to Santa Fe. Wood. Cllloride*t to Hillsboro. :1nlllowgrove to Vlnelan,1. W dsor•t to Hightstown. Claud* to Clovis. Wlnalow• to Hammonton. Cleveland* to Las Vegaa. cuu• to Silver City. Woodb!ne•t:t to Millville. oodbury Helghts•t 1 to Oloverctale to Lordsvurg. Clvaet to San Marcial. W Woodbury. Woodcllfft to Guttenberg. Coltax to Raton. oodcUft Lake•t:t to West- Colmor*t:t to Wagon Mound Colonla.s* to Sant.a Roa&. WWood. Cone* to Nam Vista. WOOdglenn to Callfon. Contreras to Socorro. WOOdlynnct to Camden. Pajarlto* to Albuquerbue. Jal to Pecos, Tex. Woodmansietto Pemberton Cordova* to Santa Fe. Palma* to Vaughn. Jarales• to Belen. Correo to Albuquerque. 'Woodport to Dover. Palomas Springs to Hot Jemes* to Albuquerque. ooct Ridge*H to OarlSprings. Costillo* to Sa.nAcaclo,Colo. Jemez Springs to AlbuquerWstadt. Para.jet to Sao Marcia!. que. Cowles* to Las Vegas. Woodruff:t to Bridgeton. Park Springs to Las Vegas. Jenkins* to Elida. eoyote* to Bspaoola. Woodsvllle• to Hopewell. Parkview* to Chama. Jlcarllla• to Carrizozo. Ortendyke•t:t to Ridge- Coyote canon to Gallup. Parsons• to Carrizozo. Jordan• to Tucumcari. Crownpoint to Gallup. W wood. Pasamonte• to Clayton. June to Las Vegas. wYckotr•tt to Ridgewood. Crozler*t to Gallup. Pastura•tt to Santa Rosa. Ykertown to Branchville. Crystal• t to Gallup. Patterson to Clayton. Cuba• to Albuquerque. Peach Springs to Gallup. Kelly• to Magdalena. Cubero• to Albu_querque. y Pecos• to Santa Fe. Kentucky to Farmington. yardv111e•ttto Bordentown ('ucbillo*t to H1llsboro. Pederoal to Estancm. Otktown • t to Woods- cuervo•tt to Santa Roa& . Kingston*t to Hillsboro. Pena Blanca * to AlbuKirk to ~1elrose. curry to Fort 'umn!)r, town. to Farmlnirton. querque. Cutter• to San l\1arc1a.l. 1 Kirtland• Penasco• to Taos. Knowles* to Carlsbad. ftn,gsem to Hackensack. tb~c:~~rq_ue. j on• to Hopewell. Perea to Gallup. La Cebolla to Las Vegas. Datll • to M airdalena. to Santa Fe. La Cueva* to Las Vegas. Dayton to Artesia. La.gUDa • t 1 to Albuquerque Plcacho* to Roswell. Deliance to Gallup. Pl non• to Alamogordo. LAJoya* :t to Socorro. Delphos* to Portales. Plnoa Altos• to Silver Clty. Melrose. to Dereno 1 Lake Arthur to Artesia Lake Yalley•t+ to Hillsboro Plnoswells* to Wlllard. Derr,* to Las Cruces. La .tande•H toFort Sumner Placitos* to Albuquerque. Dllia* to Las Vegas. NEW MEXICO Plaln* to Tucumcari. La Luz• to Alamogordo. Dixon* to J~spanola. Plainview• to Lovington. Domingo• tttoAlbuauerque La Madera to Taos. Pojua.que• to Santa Fe. Dona Ana•:t to Las Cruces ,; La Mesa• to Laa Crucea. Polvaderat to Socorro. Lamy•U to Santa Fe. Dora to Portales. Abhotttt to Rov Ponil to Cimarron. Aztec. to Plata• La \'egas. Las to Doretta Ablqulu • to Santa Fe. Progresso• to Willard. Dulce• to Pago a Sprlngs, Lar~ to Aztec. Abo to BC>lco. to M.a.gdalena. Puerteclto MarSan to Paloma.s* Las Aome•t t to Roswell. c~~ to Artesia. ,Puerto De Luna• to Santa cial. Dunken* 0 !ta to Alhuquerque. Rosa. Las Tablas to Taos. , Roswell. to Dunlap* Ade no• Albuquerque. La Union to El Paso, Tex. Punta* to Estancia. ouran*t:t to Corona. en•t t to Demlng. Ledoux to Las Vegas. !~abmeda• to Albuquerque. Dwyer• to Deming. to Socorro. Lemlta.r*t en;• to Roy Quay• to Tucumcari. Levy* to Waston Mound. Alcalde• to Santa Fe. Queen• to Carlsbad. Leyba to Las Vegas. 1}fiodones• to Albuquerque Eiv•le Hill to Elida. 8~:.mi:~f*t;oT~o~~dalena. , Rosa ~anta t t b "' ~Lt~;.tr/c~~~~n. Gallup. to so.11• Al~ to Silver C i t y ~ n ° · · · • )foney Order Office. t Telegraph Statton. ,county Seat. REFERENCF. KEY. 1  y.  ~=~j~~t:,i;  I  ta 1f  d  NEW MEXICO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  Ramah* to Gallup. Rana* to Logan. Ranchet of Taos• to Tao1. Rayo to Belen. Redlake to Portales. Red River• to Taos. Red Rock* to Lordsburg. Regina* to Albuquerque. Ribera•t to Las Vegas. Rlcardo*t:t to Fort Sumner. Richland* to Elida RidingP.r to Farmin11:ton. Rincon•t:t to Hatcb. Rio Pueo10 to ·1'aos. Roclaaa to Las Vegas. Rook Island* to Tucumcari. Rodarte to Taos. Rodeo*t+ to Douglas, Artz. Rodey• to Las Cruces. Rogers* to Portales. Roosevelt* to Melrose.. , Rosa* to Durango, Colo. Rosebud* to Nara Visa. Rosedale• to San Marcial. Rosing* to Aztec. Rowe• U to Santa Fe. Ruidoso• to Carrizozo. Russia to Alamogordo.  St. Vrain*t to Melrose. Salem• to Las Cruces. Salt Lake tQ .Mal!:dalena. Sao Acacia* to ::Socorro. San Antonio*t:t (Bernalillo Co.). to Albuquerque Sanchez to Hoy. Sandoval• to Albuquerque. San Fidel to Albuquerque. San Jose to Las Vegas. San Juan to Belen. San Lorenzo to :Silver City. San Mateo*to Albuquerque. San Patricio to Carrizozo. San Rafael* to Albuquerque. Santa Cruz to Santa Fe. Santa Rlta•tt to Silver Clt~ Saoello to Las Vegas. Saynosta to Farmington. Scnolle to Belen. to Albuquerque. Seboyeta• to Albuquerque Sedan* to Clayton. Seneca• to Clayton. Separ*t to Lordsburg. Servilleta to Taos. Sherman to Silver City. Shiprock* to Farmington. Shoemaker•t to Las Veira• ~!!;11~·st1a~!lfonl.a11up. Sofia* to Clayton. Soham to Las Vegas. Solano•tf to Hoy. Stanley• to Estancia. State College * to Lu Cruces. Steeplerock • to Duncan. Artz.  Stelns•ti to Lordsburg. Strausst to El Paso, Tex. Swarts to Silver City. 'fart to Fort Snmnn. Tajlque• to Estancia. Talpa* to Taos. Taos Canon to Taos. Taos Junctiontt to Taos. Taylor Springs* to Springer. Tecolote to Las Vegas. Teel to Silver City. Telles to Las Cruces. Thomas* to Clayton. i~~!!a~~!!~~:tGt~uXlamo0  • T1~i~ ' Amarllla • to Durango. Colo. Tijeras to Albuquerque. Tlnnie* to Roswell. Toa.dlena to Gallup. Tohatcbt•t to Gallup. Tokay to San Antonio. Tolar*t:t to Melrose. Tome•t to Albuquerque. Torreon to Estancia. Trampas* to Taos. Tremm1tina* to Las Vegaa. Trcs Pleclras•t to Tao11. Tres Ritos to Las Vegas. Trucbas* to Santa Fe. Turley to Aztec. Tusas to Tao&. Upton to Ellda. Ute Parkt • to Cimarron. Vado t.o Las Cruces. Valdez• to Taos. Valedon to Lordsburg. Valencia to Albuquerq_ue. Vallecltos* to Taos. Valley Ranch• to Santa Fe, Valley View to Elida. Valmont to Alamogordo. Vanandium to Silver City. Veguita to Belen. Velarde• to Santa Fe. Venus to Estancia. Vermejo Park* to Raton. Villanueva* to Las Vegas. (;Jen to Blooms-  w~~::  ------- --------:tExprcss Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2048  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  NEW MEXICO  Waldo to Albuquerque. WaITen to Portales. 1 Watrous•u to Las Vegas. Weed• to Alamogordo. Wblte Oaks* to Carrizozo . White Slsrna.l to Silver City. White Tail to Tularosa. Whitewater*tt (Grant Co.) to Silver Cit:r. Whitewater•ti (:VIcKinley Co.) to Gallup. X Ray to Mountainair. Yeeo*tt to Fort Summer. Youngsville to Santa Fe.  Astoria to N. Y. City. Aebvllle*t to Jamestown. Asbwood•H toL:vndonvllle. Atbol• to Warrensburg. Atbol Springs•ti to Hamburg. Atlanta.•t1 to Wayland. Atwater•tt to Aurora. Atwood• to Kingtson. Augusta• to Oriskany Falls. Aurellust to Auburn. Aurlesvlllet 1 to Fultonvllle. Au Sable Chasm • 1 to Keet!evllle. Austerlitz• to Ohatham. Ava• to Boonville. AverlllPark• to Troy. Awosting to Walden.  Berkshire Pass to Millerton. Berne to Altamont. Bernhards Bay* to Central ~quare. Besemer*U to Ithaca. Bethany to Batavia. Bethel• to Jeffersonville. Bethlehem Center to Albany. Bidwell to Rochester. Bigcreek to llornell. Bigelow• to Gouverneur. Bli Flats•tt to Corning. Big Hollow* to Catskill. Big Indian*tl to Margaretville. Big Moose*tt to Old Forge. Big Tree to Hamburg.  Briltol Center• to Canandala-ua. Brlatol Springs to Naples. Brockway* to Bea.con. Brodhead*tt to Kingston. Bronxdalet to New York City, Manhattan. Brookdale to Winthrop. Brookfield to Earlville.  to Syracuse. I Cedarvale Cedarville• to Weat Winfl.eld.  }!:e~kiit.  I  O  mgg:~fi!~~; ig ,~i~~?D·  6  I  James-I  1  REFERENCE KE Y.  ,county Seat.  •.roney Order Offl•e.  Cedar Grove to Poughkeei;>sle. Ceaar Hlli to Albamr.  Brook Haven*tt to Patchogue. Brooksburg• to Catskill. Brookton•U to Ithaca. Brookview*tt to Castleton. I Broome center to Middl~ burg.  Brownville*tt to WaterZuni• to Gallup. Babcock Hlll to West Wln- Bllltngs* to Poughkeepsie. 1 town. 0 Ba~~~-Hill to Schuylerville D :~h~=c•~ ~ Baiting Hollow Station to Blrdaall•t l to Angelica., Bucks bridge to l\Iadrid. Riverhead Blshopvllle to Hornell Buckton to Winthrop. B k M"li th Blackbrook* to Au Sable Buei to Canajoharie. 1 * tO N ac:!!k. s or Forks. Bull Run to Ellenville. NEW YORK Balcom to south Dayton. Black Creek* to Cuba. Bullshea.d• (Dutchess Co.) Blackmans Corners to to Rhinebeck. Baldwin Place• t 1 to Car- I Champlain. Bullshead {Richmond Co.) mel. Black Rlver*H to Water· to Port Richmond. Abbotts to Cuba. Ballston Center to Ballston Blt?~n. C h rt Bullvllle•U to Middletown. Academy to Canandaigua. Spa. au,eto analo a e. Accord*tt to Kerhonkson. Ballston Lake•tt to Sobe- ' Bla.uvelt*tt to Sparkill. Burden to Hudson. Aoldalla• to Roscoe. neotady. Bleecker• to Gloversvllle. Burdett•U to Watkins. Aora• to Catskill. Balmvlllet to Newburgh. BllssvllleU to Long Island Burke*tt to Malone. City. . I Burlingham•to Middletown Adam's Baa1n•tt to Brook- Bangall•tt to Mllibrook. Burlington• to Edmeston. paom~;. Center•t•to Ad• ... , Bangor• to Malone. Blockvllle to Jamestown. Burlington Flats• to EdAdi + ......,. Bankavllle• to Greenwich, Blodgett Mllla•tt to Cortmeaton. Adam's Corners* to Peeksconn. land. Burnhams• to Fredonla. kill. Bannerhouse• to Cbateau- Bloomingburg•tttoMlddle• 'Buma•tt to Canaseraga . .Adlrondaok*tt to Warrensgay. town. Burnside*tt to Washingburg. Bardonla • 1 to Spring Bloomingdale• ti to Saraton ville. Adrian•tt to Cantsteo. Valley; nae Lake. Burnt Ilills* to Ballston Al&bama•t to Medina. Barkersvllle to Ballston Spa Blooming Grove*t to Wash• Spa. Alabama Center to Medina. Barnard•tt to Rochester. ingtonville. I Burnwood• to Hancock. Al~~tf~1a Stationt:t: to Oak- Barnervllle• to Cobleskill. f Burrs Mills* to Watertown Alburg to St. Regis Falla. Ba.mes• ti to Dundee. Blossom to Lancaster. g~~i;J&~ff:x~r:terdam !}~~e~e~te~f ~en. Barnes Corners* to Copen- Blossvate• t t to Camden. Bushes Landing*t to Lowvil,le. Alder Brook* to Saranac Ba~!!~id•t i to Holland Blue :n.t:ountaln Lake•tt to Bushnellsville* to Kingston. Lake. Patent. Old Forge. Bushville* to Monticello. Alder Creek• t l to Boonvllle Barre Center to Albion. Blue Point•ti to PatchoBuskirk*% to Hoosick Falls. Aldrich to Harrisville. Barrytown • t 1 to Red Hook gue. Alexander•tt to Attica. Barryvllle• to Port Jervts. Blue Ridge• to Port Henry. Busti to Jamestown. Butler Centert to Walcott. Altred Statlon•tt to Allred. Bartlett* to Rome. Blue Stores• to Hudson.. Allaben*t to Margaretville. Barton•u to Waverly. Rlu.fl'Pointti to Penn Yan. Buttermllk Falls to Highland Falla. Allens Falls to Potsdam. Bartow on the Sound to Bohemia• to Sayvllle. Byersville to Dansville. Allens Hm to East BloomNew York City (Bronx). Boicevilie* to Kingston. 11.eld. Byron•tt to Batavia. Bolton• to Lake George. Allentown•t to Wellsvllle. Basom• to Oak11eld. Bolton Landlng•tt to Lake ifl~g;~~rL%:s~w Paltz. I Batchellervme• to NorthGeorge. Alma• to Wellsville. Ba~~·io Mlddlebmy. B°r,~~~y•tt to FortCovtnir- , Cadosia•tt to Hancock. Almond•tt to Hornell. Bathbeachti to Brooklyn. Cadyvllle•ti to Plattsburg Alpine•tt to Odessa. to Bonaparte* to IIarrisyille. Calro•tt to Catskill. Alplaus to Schenectady. Rensselaer. Bonney• to Norwich. Calcium""tt to Evans ... !ills. Alps to Troy. Battenvllle* to Greenwich. Boomertown t to Caldwellt to Lake George. Alsen•tt to Catskill. Baychester to New York town. Callicoon Center• to Je.trerAltay to Dundee. City .(Manhattan) Boquet• to Port Henry. sonville. Altmar•tt to Pulaski. Bayport•tt to SayvUle. Borden to Elkland, Pa. Calverton•tt to Riverhead. Alton• t t to Sodus. Bay ide*tt to N. y. City. Border City• t to Geneva. Cameron• t 1 to AddlBon. A\tona.•tt to Chamolaln. Hayville*t to Oyster Bay. Boreas River to PortHenry. Cameron Mllls•tt to AddlBeTac0hnawRalndg~.t t to North Borodlno• to Skaneateles. son. A.maita.naett•U to Eaat d,. O&mlllua*t l to Syracuse. Hampton. Bearsville* to Saugerties. Boston•tt to Hamburg. Campbell Hall*U to GoshAmber• to Marcellus. Boston Corner• Ti to Miller• en. Amboy Center to Parish. Beaver Brook• to Montiton. Oampvllle• t t to Owego. Amenia Union• to Amenia. Bouckvllle•U to Hamllton., Oanaan•tt to Chatham. cello. Ames• to Canajoharie. Canada Lake to GloversBeaver Dams•u to Cornlnc. Bovina• to Delhi. Amity• to Warwick. ville. Beaver Falle•t to Lowvllle. Bovina Center• to Delhi. Ancram• t 1 to Plne Plains. Beaver Km• to Roscoe. Bowen to Randolph. Canad\ce to Livonia Ancram Lead Mines• t t to Beaver Meadow *to South Bowens Cornerst to Fulton. Canarslet to Brooklyn. Pine Plains. Bowmansvllle•tt to LanOtselic. Annada.let 1 <Richmond Co.) Beaver Rlver•t:t: to Remsen caster. Caneadea*t:t to Belfast. to N. Y. City. Cannonsvllle• to Deposit. Becker's Corners to Albany. Boyd to Lowville. Annandale-On-Hudson• Boylston Center to Lacona. Canoga to Seneca Falls. Beckwith to Rochester. (Dutchess Co.) to Red Bedtord*t to Mount Kisco. Bo/!\l~_nville to Hoosick Canterbury to Cornwall. Hook. Cantonvllle to Ellenville. Bedford Hill *t:t: to ,. fount Apalachln•U to Owego. Bradford• to Bath. Ca.pron* to Utica. Kisco. Apex• t 1 to Hancock. Bradley• to Liberty. Cardiff* to TuUy. Brainard Statlon•tt to Appleton*tt to Barker. I1 Beekman to Pawling. Apulla•t to Tully. Carle Park to • lineola. Chatham. Beekmantown to Platts1 Apulla Sta.•U to Tully. Brainerdsville* to Chateau- Carle Place to Mineola. burg. gay. A,1uebogue•t to Riverhead. Beenton•t to Walton. Carlisle• to Coble kill. AQ.ueductt l (Queena Co.) Belcher• to Salem. Branchport• to Penn Yan. Carlisle Centre* to Cobleskill. Brandretht to Tupper Lake to Ozone Park. Beltort to Lowvllle. Carlton• to lbion. Belgium• to Baldwinsville. Brant• to Angola. Aquetuck• to Ravena. Brantingham• to Lowville. Carlton Station*tt to Albion. .Archdale to Greenwich. Brasher Center to Brasher Belle Isle to Syracuse. Falls. A.rden•U to Monroe. Carlyont to Lyndonville. Belleville• to Adams. Brasher Iron ·works to Carman• to Schenectady. Ardonia• to New Platz. Bellevue:t to Lancaster. Brasher I• all. . A.rdaley•tt to Dobb'a Ferry Bellona•tt to Geneva Ca.;fife~ Lake* to GloversA.rdaley on Hudson•tt to Bellona Brasle Corners* to HamStationtt to Caroline to Ithaca.. Irvington. Geneva. mond. A.rena•tt to Mariraretvllle. I Bellport*tt to Patchogue. Breakabeen• to Middleburg. Caroline Center to Ithaca. A.rg'Ul!Vllle• to Canajonarte. Bellvale• to Warwick. Caroline Depot•t to Ithaca. Arkvllle•t t to Margaret- Bellwood to Lowville. Breesport*tt to Horseheads Carrollton• t t to Salamanca vllle. to Bay. Carylt to Yonkers. Belmont Center to Malone. Brentwood •tt Cassadaga.* to Fredonia. Arkwright to Fredonia. Shore . Belvidere•tt to Belmont. .Arlington• (Dutchess Co.) Brewei•ton*t:t to Central Oasavllle•tto West Winfield. to Pouithkeepsle. Square. Bemus Heights to Meehan.Arlington t (Richmond Co.) Bnarolla Manortt too ssi- Castle to Oneida. icsville. to Mariners Harbor. Bemus Polnt•tt to Jamesnlng. 021,~fn~reek• to Whitney .Armonk• to Pleaaantvtlle. Brlcett to Albion. town. Bridgeport• to Syracuse. Castleton Cornerst to Port .Armort to Hamburg. Benedlct• to Northville. Richmond. Arrochart to N. Y. City. Bennettsbura-• to Watkins. Brldgevllle~ to Monticello. Arvth_ uers. burg to La. Grange- Bennettsville to Bainbridge Br14f:::i~~r•tt to Wtm Castorland• ti to Lowvllle. Oat&tonk• l to Owego. 111 Benninirton • to Attica. Arverneti t.o N. Y. City. Benson Mines•t to Harris- Brier Hill*t:f: to :Morristown Catawba• to Hammoncleport. Aahford (Cattaraugua Co.) Brightontt to Rochester. ville. to Ellicottville. I Benton Center to Penn Yu, Br~~~:,a.ters*t:t to Bay- Catlin to Horseheads. Aabford (Westchester Co.) Caton to Corning. to Dobbs Ferry. , Bercholtz to North Ton&-•tt to Beacon. Oaiak:Ul St&i1on • t to Cat&-Aahland•tto Grange Gorire 1 wanda. Brtaben•tt to Greene. klll. Aahokan•tt to Kingston. I Berkshire4'tt to Newark l Briscoe* to Jeffersonville. Caughdenoy*tt to Central Ashton• to Kingston, Valley._ Bristol• to East Bloomfl.eld quare.  ~~hi6!~~•rliiia~~ii!~  Cayuga•u to Auburn. Cayuta• t l to Odessa.. Cayutavllle to Odessa.. Caywood• t l to Ovid. CcdarclW*t to Marlboro.  Celoron• to Jamestown. Cementon• to Saugerties.  I Center (Herkimer Co.) Frankfort.  to  Center Berlin* to Berlin. Center Brunswick to Troy. ceg;?c[g~.ambrldge to CamOentereach* to StonyBrook Center Lisle• to Lisle. . Centervort• to Huntington. Center Vlllage•tt to Alton. Centerville • t t (Allegany Co.) to Pike. Centerville (Ulster Co.) to Highland. Centerville Statton* t t to Woodridge. Central Brldge•tt to Schoharie. Centralia to Stockt->n. 1 ltiJslf?armlngdale. Ceres• t t to Olean. Ceylon• to Homer. Chadwicks*t:t: GO Clayville. Chatee• t 1 to Holland. Chamberst to Corning. Champion to Canhage. Chapin•t l to Canandaigua.  8:~g:} t~f:]i  Ch:8fe~C1ua*t i to Pleaaani. Charle ton to N. Y. City. <;narleston Four Corners \0 Fultonville. Charlottett to Rochester. Charlotte Center to Slnolalrvllle. Charlotteville* to East ,vorcester. Cbaritont to Ballston Spa. Chase Mills•t to Madrid. Chasevllle* to Schenevu.s. Chasm Falls to Malone. Chateaugay Lake* to Chai. eaugay. Chatham Center•ttto Chai. ham. Chaumont t:t to Cape Vincent. Oha.uncey*tt to Dobbs Ferry. Chautauqua.•t l to Mayville. Chazy•t t to Champlain. Cheektowaga. to Bu.fl'alo. Chelsea•t (Dutchess Co.) to Beacon. Chelsea (Richmond Co.) to Port Richmond. Chemunr•tt to Waverly. Chemung Center to Waverly.  Chena.nio Bridge• t t to Binghamton. Chenango Forks•tt to Greene. Cheningo to Truxton. Chepachet•t to West WIil· field. Cherry to Derlin. Cheshire to Cananda.tgua. Chestertown•t to Wa.rre~ burg. Chestervllle to Ra.veQa.. Cheviot• to Hudson. Chichester• to Fleischmanns. Childs to Albion. Chlldwold to Tupper Lake, Chlll 0 to Rochester. Chill Station• t l to Cburoll· vill . Chilson• to Tlconderora. Chipman to Madrid. Chipmonk• to Allegany Chippewa Bay • to HaJJl• mond. Chittenango* to Syracult• Chittenango Falla to Cd' Ch1~~i1:ngo Statlon•ti to Syracuse. Churchtown to Hudson. Churubusco• to Cba.te&Ugay . Cicero• to Syracuse . Cicero Center to Syrac,al8• ClrelevUle•tt  to  Mtddle-  Cil~'?siandt:t to New York City (Bronx). g~~!:c~ 8!:;;~r1!·t i to .U• Cl~!nceville t t to Ricbmond HUI. Clarendon• to Holle)',_ tExpr  Office.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  NEW YORK  ro.  Win-  ~.  !'&· ,) to  ln.  ~roy. 1-'am-  ) to  t to chormcilia.  ~ant-  NEW YORK  Donnansvllle• to Albany. East Poughkeepsie Clark to Jamestown. to Evergreentt to Ridgewood Coventry• to Greene. Clark Mms•tt to Clinton. Coventryvllle• to Bain- Douglaston*tt to Queens, E.PQ~~~!!f~~-Riverhead. FabiuI• gifully. ~ . Y. City. Clarksburg to Hamburg. brldge. Clarkson• to Brookport. Fairdale to Fulton CovertU to Trumanaburir. Dover Furnacett to Dover East River to Cortland. East Rockaway•tt to Lyn- Falrfteld• to Little Falla. Plains. Clarksville* to Albany. Coveville to Schuylerville. Dresden•U to Penn Yan. brook. OlaryVille* to Liberty. Fall' Heaven*tt to ato. Covtngton•to Wyomlnir. Olaverack•U to Hudson. Cowlesvme• to Attica. I Dresden Station • t l to East Rodman* to Water- FalrmountU to Syracuse. town. Fairoaks* to Middletown. Whitehall. Olaverhouse"' to Rochester. Cow-Neck to Port Washlne;Dresserville to Moravia. East Salamanca* to Sala- Fairville to ewark. Olay• U to Syracuse. ton. manca. Fallsburg• to Monticello. Clayburg•t to Plattsbure;. Coxsackie Stattonf (Colum- Drybrook to :Margaretville. East Schodack•% to Albany Fallsburg Stationtt to Olear Creek to Conewango bia Co.) to Coxackie. East Schuyler to Frankfort. South Fallsburg. Valley. Coxsackie Statton (Green Duane• to Malone. Clearwater•t to Remsen. co.) to Coxsackie. Duanesbure;•U to Sct1.e11ecFancher•tt to Holley. Oleaver* to Walton. Crafts*t to Carmel. tady. Clemons• t t to Whltehall. Craismoor* to Ellenville. Dugway to Parish. East Shelby to Medina. r°ni~Yaken. Clermont• to Hudson. Craig*t to Schenectady. Dunhams Basin to Hudson East Sldney to Franklin. Farmers Alllls* to Carmel Cleveland*H to Central Cratgsvtlle•tt to Chester. Springfield• to Cherry Farmersvllle to FrankUnFalls. Square. Cranberry Creek• ti to Dunham!! Hollow• to Troy. Valley. ville Oleverdale*t to LakeGeorge Northville. Dunraven•tt to Margaret- East steamburg to Tru- Farmersville Statlon•tt to mansburir. Clltton•t (Monroe Co.) to Cranberry Lake~ to Canto>l. Frankllnvllle. ville. . :r ~ Caledonia. cranesvllle • to Amster- Dllll;tont to .Jamaica, N. 1: . Farmington Palmyra. Eastview• ti to Tarrytown. Farnham• ti to Oliftont (Richmond Co.),to dam I City. to Angola. East Waldentt to Walden. , N. Y. City. Crary Mllls• to canton. Durham*t to Catskill. Far Rockaway*t:J: to ... ~ow OllttonPark•ttoMechanics.- craryville*U to Philmont. I Durham~ne•U to (?neida. East White Plains* to White ~~~kn ~it;y, Borough of Plains. ' Ville. Creedmoort to ... :r. Y. City. Durlandville to Flo~1da. Climax• to Coxsackie. Creek Locks* to King ton. Dutchess Junction t t to East WllUamsburii:ht to Faust•t to Tupper Lake. Queens. N. Y. City. 01 1:~~~hk~~~l';;,s•U to &:i~i~d\t ~gh-%~~ers. DJ~~cg~ttlement to KiDgs- East Wllllamson*tt to Wil- Fawns to Sauii:erties. liamson. Cllntondale•ttto NewPaltz. Urittenden*t to Corfu. ton. E. Williston*tt to Mineola. Fayette• to Seneca Falls. Clinton Hollow to Pough- Crockett• tt to Oswego. Dwaar K1ll* to Pinebush. Felts Mllls•tito Watertown East Wilson to Wilson. keeosle. Dykemane• t l to Carmel. East Wlndham•tto CatsklU Fentonvllle*to Jamestown. Clintonville* to Keesevllle. , Cronomer Valley to NewFergusons Corners to Penn E. Windsor*tt to Windsor. Clockville* to Canastota. burg. Yan . .E. Winfl.eldtt to W. WinClove to Dover Plalns. Cropseyville• to Troy. Fergusonville• to Schenefield. Clove Valley to Pawllni. Crosby to Penn Yan. Eairle• U to Bliss. vus. 0 lYmerhil to Clymer. Cross River• to Mount Eagle Bay*tt to Old Forge. Eastwood•t to Syracuse. Ferndale•p to Liberty. C ochecton*tt to Callicoon. Eagle Bridge•U to Hoosick East Worcester to Wor- Fernwood Kisco. U to Pulaskl, cester. Cocheton Center* to Calli- Croton Falls• t t to Brewster Falls. Feura Bush*tl to Albany. Eaton•U to Hamllton. Eairle Harbor• t t to Albion. Eatonville Findley Lake• to Sherman. Co~ii1:irn to Saugertlen. to Little Falls. Cr~~~o~ake•u to Mount Eairle Mms• to Troy. Fine* to :t:Edwards. Ooeymans*t to Ravena. Croton Landing to Crot.en to Potsdam. Fine View* to Olayton. Coeymans Hollow• to E . Amherst to Tonawanda. Ebentt on Hudson. Ebenezer•tt to Buffalo. Finks Basin to Little Falla. Ravena. Crown Point Center• to E. Ashford to Springville. Echo•t to Port Jefferson. Fire Place to East HampColla• to Cambridge. E. Avon* to Avon. Crown Point. East Beekmantown* to Eddy to Canton. Fi~~cllll'e*tt to Cornwall. Oold Brook• to Poland. Crugers*t to Peekskill. Plattsburg. Ed;t~fo'::it~Ulster Co.) to Fish Creek*t i to Oneida. Oolden•tt to Hamburg. Crum Elbow to Pough• East Berne* to Altamont. Eddyville(Cattaraue;us Co.) Flshers•u to Victor. Coldenham to Walden keepste. Oold Spring (SUtrolk Co.) to Crystal Dale* to Lowvme. E. Bethany*tt to Batavia. to Elltcottv1lle. Fishers Island* to New LonHuntington Crystalrun*tt to Middl~ E. Bloomfleld*t to Hol- Eden • to North Colllns. <100, Conn. comb. Eden CentreU to North Fishers Landln1r to Cle.yCo~eprlng He.rbor•r to cu1t~iackville• to Port Colltns. ton. untlngton. Jervis East Branch• t l to Han0 ~Id Springs (Steuben Co.) I Cullen to Rlohfteld Springs. Eden Valley to Hamburg. Fishkill on the Hudson to cock. Edenville• to Warwick. Beacon. Col~ i~t~ngs (Ulster Co.} Currlers Stationt to Arcade E. Chatham*tt to Chatham EdgemereU to Far Rocka.- Flshklll Plains to WapplnEast Chesteri (Orange Co.) to N p It Curry to Liberty. wa.y, N. Y. City, iers Falls. Oold ew a z. • Curtls• to Campbell. to Chester. Flshkill Village to Fishkill. Spring Statton to cutchogue• t t to Mattituck East Chestert (Bronx Co., Ed1cks to .Mohawk. W B unttng-ton. Flsbs Eddrtt to Hancock to ·ew York City (Man- Edinburg to Northv e. Coldwater•tt to Rochester Cuyler tt to De R uyter. • Edson to Windsor. Five Corners to Genoa. · hattan.) Oolemans to Utica. · Cuylervllle•tt to Mount EdwardsvWe to MorrlS t own Flackville to Heuvelton. East Clarence to Akron. Coleman Statlon•tt io MUMorris. E. Cobleskill* to Oobles~ill. Eggertsville to Willia.ms_! Flatbushtt to N. Y. City. lerton. E. Concord•tt to Springill I Brooklyn. Colla.mer to East Syracuse. ville. E;;,n£'to Falrport ' Flat Creek to Canajoharle. College Point*H to N. Y.1 e.,., · E. Flemlnir to Auburn. Dickinson to Brushton. City. Dairyland* to Ellenville. Flemlngsvlllet t to Owego. Colllerat i to Oneonta. Dale•t i to Warsaw. Elbertatt to Ransomville. Flint• East Durham• t to Catskill. Elbrldge• to Geneva. • Colllersvme• to Oneonta. to Syracuse. Damascus to Windsor. East Eden to Hamburg. Florence* to Camden. Colllns•tt to Gowanda. Eldred• to Port Jervis. Danby to Ithaca. East Fishkill to Beacon. Floyd to Holland Patent. Colltns Center•to Gowanda. Da.nnemora•tttoPlattsburg Florence to Camden. ,Ellzabetbtown•tto West- Flushing*tt to New York Oolosse* to Parish. Danubet to Little Falls. East Floyd to Holland El&~1;rne•t to Red Hook. City, Borough of Queens. Colton• to Potsdam. Darten•tt to Attica. Fluvanna to Jamestown. Oohunbla• to Mohawk. Darien Center•t to Corfu. E. Patent. Freetown*! to Marathon Elka Park• t to Catsk!ll. Fly Oreek•tto Cooperstown Columbtavllle• to Hudson. Davenport• to Schenevus. Elkbrook*to Roscoe. Fly Mountain to Rondout. Columbus to New Berlin. Davenport Center•tt to E. Galway* to Ballston Spa•. Elk Creek• to Schenevus. Fly Summit• to Cambrtdge. Commack• to Northvort. Oneonta. E. Greenbush*t to Albany. Elkdale to Little Valley. Folsomdale to Attlee.. Oomatock•ti to Fort Ed- Daws• to Batavla. East GTeenwloh• to Salem. j Elko*to Salamanca . ward. Day• to Corinth. ~g~:~;~~ir:o t~b::i:~~~o. Concord (Erle co.) to Daysvlllett to Pulaski, ~~r~i~M Forest Hills to Queens, N. Sortngvtlle Dayton*tt to Gowanda. .E. Hamilton• to Hamilton. ee.uiray. Y. City. Concordt(Rtohmond Co.) to Deansboro•tt to Oriskany East HamUnU to Hilton. Ellicott to Ha.mburir. Forest Homet to Ithaca. Stapleton. Falls. ElliV.naTr°ey~-1< to Conewango Forestlne* to Montloello. Conesua•tt to Livonia. Deoruce* t to Livingston East Hampton Sprlnp to 1 Forest Lawn•tt to Webster Coneav111e• to Grand Gor1te. East Hampton. Elllsburg• to Lacona. Manor. Forest or Deans Mines to Oonewango*t . to Cone- Deck to Mohawk. . East Hannibal to Fulton. Ellsw~rtb to Aurora. Oentral Valley. wango Valley. Deerhead* to Keeseville. East Haverstraw to Peeks- Elma tt to Lancaster. Foreatoort•tt to Remsen. kill. Coney Island*tt to Brook- Deerland* to Tupper Lake. Elma Center• t t to East Forks• to Buffalo. IYD. Deer Park*U to Farming- East Homer•tito Cortland. ElAmudraolerat.o Gouverneur. Forsyth to Ripley. go~ers• tt to Haverstraw. dale. East Irvington to Irvington Ft. Ann*tt to Fort Edward. East Java to North Java. ' Elmhurst-l<tt to Now York Cgn{~~:itl~ Deer River• ti to Carthage. East Jewett• to Catsklll. · City. Borough or Queens. Fort Hamilton Tl to Brooklyn. Conklin Center to Bing- Deferiet* to Carthage. East Klngston•t to Kings- I Elmontt to Floral Park. Ft. Hunter*tt to Amsterhamton. Defreestville to Albany. 0 dam. ConkUngville•t to Corinth. Degrasse~ to Hermon. t°iroy to Pike. ! El~o!S~tt. ~ Rlch- Fort Jackson* to Winthrop. 0 onnelly* to Kingston. DeKalb to Canton. Johnson*tt to Amstergonquest to Weedsport. DeKalbJunotlon*U to Can- l~l*~{~~~prteinfg~~' ~~~~=ii~~Y~!l~· Ft.dam. ville. Elnora• ti to Mechanlos- Fort Miller• to Schuylereonstable• ti to Malone. D!l~ncey*t to Delht. Constablevme• to Boonville, Delanson*t ito Schenectady East Masonvllle* to Una- : vllle. ville. dllla. Elpts to Cleveland. o~~/!.~!'.a*tt to Central Dellwoodtt to Lancaster. Foi1;n,of!fi~~ery• to High.E. ~ Ieredith*tt to Oneonto. .Elsmere to Albany. 0 °oksburir• to Mtddleburr. Delmar•ti to Albany. East Mills to Poughkeepsie. I Eltingville*t to Richmond, Fort Salonga• to Northport 0 0 oks Corners to Brushton. Delohl Falls t i to Cazen- East C Morlches•U to Center N. Y. City. Mortches. COoka Falls•tt to Roscoe. • to "iexico. Fort Terry•to New London, Ooley• to Liberty. u East NtBSau• to Chatham. Elton• to Arcade. Conn. Coomer to Lockport. Denley to Boonville. East Nf,wark to Newark• Emerick* to Cohoes. Fort Tlconderoga*t i to Ti0 oonrod to aome. Denma.rk* to Carthage. E. orthport*t to North- l Emerson to Weedsport. Coopers Pl I • t c lne; Denton to Middle.ow~. port. Em.eryvllle• t to Gouvern- Ft.conderoga. ,vadswortht to l ichCoopersto:Uns J:nog~. · Denver* to Margaretville. E . .,.orwich* to Oy ter Bay. eur. mond, N. Y. City. to Oneonta.. Depa.uvme• tc,·Olayton. Easton to Greenwich. Eminence • to Rlchmond- Fosterdale* to JeffersonCoopersvme• t t to Cham- De Peyster• to Heuvelton. East Onondaga• to Ononville. ville. Plain. Derby• t t to Angola. Valley. Emmonsville to Livingston Four COJ>&kc• ti to Mlllerton. Cornerst to Port RlchDerrlckl to Tuoper Lnke. Otto• to Cattaraugus. Manor. mond , :r. Y. City. gol>ake Falls• to Millerton. Despatch t to East Ro- East Ea~t Palermo to Central lllmpireville to ratonah. Four Mlle• t to Olean. optague• i to AmttyvUie. chester. Coram• to Port Jefferson. De Witt*t to Fayettev11le. Easiia:~yra•i to Palmyra I i~::i~r~~ner~ l°u~t~':6• Fowler to Gouverneur. Fowlerville•tt to York. Oorbetttl to Downsville. Dewittville*tt to Mayville. East Park to Poughkeepsie. Ephratah• to Fort Plain. FoxtoSErlngvllle. Ooprbettsville* to Hallstead. Dexterville to Fulton. a. Diamond Point• to Lake East Patchogue•r to Pat- Erastinat to Mariners Har- Fo;m!ol ow to Margaretchogue. bor, N. Y. City Cornwall Landlng* to Corn- Dl~kfn~~«:i center• ti to St. E. Pembroke*tt to Batavia. Enevllle*tt to Cazenovia. Fox Island to Port Chester CoWall. Regis Falls. Ertn•tt to Horseheads. Frankfort Hill to Utica. CastkW. Dlvtne Corners* to Liberty. East Penfteld to Faln,ort. Esopue•u to Kingston. a0rnwaUvllle• Franklln Depot*ti to r<;>na-1<tt to t toew York ' East P~arsalla • to N orwtcb .Esperance*t to Schoharie. CoOity, Borough of Queens, DlX to Rome. Pitcairn to Edwards. Essex•t to Westport. Fr:~kllniron Works to lllla'YUna • to Salem. J t wn East Pleasantville* to Plea- Etna• t t to Dryden. Cottage to South Dayton. Dodge to ames O • Clinton. Cotteklll•u to Klnn-ston. , Dongan Hllls*t to Richsantvtlle. ' Euclid• to Baldwlnsvllle Franklin Springs• t tto ClinCount Lin • mond, N. Y. City. East PoestenkW• to Troy. Eureka* to Ellenville · ton. vrul. e to Lyndon- Doraville to Windsor. Eaatport• t l to Center Mor- Evans to Angola. • Square to Hemp~use to Albany. I Dorloo* to Cobleskill. lobes. Evan's Center to Angola. I  I  Ii:~g,:/ t1°  I  •  I  o.  Co.) .) to y.  verto  to  ~:::  t~ g~:;o- ili:~g~~f b!c:it~~~~it!t:  I  11T&~~~::  E:S  a. aIJl•  ee.  Cd'  t to  2049  &i;~  I  I  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ,county Seat..  • loney Order Office.  tTelegraph Statiqn.  Fr=~  t Express Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  --  --  -----  2050  --------  Franklinton• to Middle-! burl? Fran11:llnvJlle * t t (Suffolk Co.) to R\verhead. Fraser• to Delhi. Freedom• t t to Arcade. Freedom Plains to Poughkeepsle. FreehoJd•t to Ca.tsklll. Freemant to Addison. Freetown Corners to Marathon. Freevme•tt to Dryden. Fremont Center• to Callcoon. French Creek to Sherman. French Mountain* to Glens Falls. to JamesFrewsburi• t town Freysbush to Fort Plain. Frontier to Chateaugay. ~~~:11t}1a1;e~\t~:rJ~~:~~n. Fullers*tt to Schenectady. Fullervllle Iron Works• to Gouverneur. Fultonham• to Mlddleburi. Gabriels*t tto Saranac Lake tioPlfb~o1~n.  g:r::s  G~~~;~oT8PS;ii;6~~:: 8anatinvllei to Pine Plains Gallupvllle• to Schoharie. Galway• to Ballston Spa. Ganabttote* to New Paltz. Gansevoort• t t to Fort Edward. Garbut•tt to Rochester. Garden City*t t to Mineola. Garden Clty Parkt to Mineola. Gardenville•t to Buffalo. Gardiner•U to New Paltz. Gardners Corners to Lowvllle. Garfield• to Plttsfteld,Mll,88. Garland to Brocki,ort. Garnertown to Cornwall. Gamervllle• t to Haverstraw. Garnet* to North Creek. Garoga* to J obnstown. Garrattsville• to Edmeston. Garretsons Station to Richmond, N. Y. City. Garrlson*t i to Cold Spring. Garwoodt to Ca.naseraga. Gates*t to Rochester. Gayhead • to Coxsackie. Georgetown•t to Earlvllle. Georgetown Station• t to Earlville. Germ!ntown*tt (Columbia Co.) to Hudson. Germantown (Oranie Co.) to Port Jervis. Gerry*tt to Jamestown. Getzvllle• U to Tonawanda. Gbent•U to Chatham. Gibson to Cornin~. Glbsons Landing to Hammondsport. Gilberts 1 illst to Fult-0n. GU boa• to Stamford. Gile* to St. Regis Fa.llB. Glasco• to Saugerties. Glen* to Fult.>nvllle. Glenacker to Livonla. Glen Aubrey* to Whitney Point. Glenburnle • to Ticonderoga. Glen Ca.stle*to Binghamton. Glenco Mllls• to Hudson. Glendale to Queens, N. Y. City. Glendale Station to Queens, N. Y. City. 0 troTL i:erri~~a. Glenford to Kingston. Glenham•tt to Beacon. Glen Head• t t to Glen Cove.  m:~~Ulri  Glen Lake• to Glens Fallil. Glenmont•tt to Albany. Glenmore• to Camden. GJenora • t to Dundee. Glenpark• to Watertown  m:~  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  NEW YORK  vW:rtdi:b°e1;;e{~~: Glen Wild• to Monticello. Glenwood•U to Springville Glenwood Landing• t to Glen Cove. Godetrroy• to Pon Jerv11. Goldenbnaie• t t to Mount Klsoo. Good Ground• t t to Southampton . Goodyears to Aurora. Goose Creekt to Woodba ven. N. Y. City. Gorham• t t to Canandaigua Gratton• to Troy. Grabamsvllle* to Liberty. Granby Center to Fulton. Grand Hotel Statlont t to Fleischmanns. Grand Island• to Tonawanda.  - - - - - - - --- --  Grandviewt to Nyack. Grangervllle to Schuylerville. Granite to Kerhonkson. Granite Sprfngs•ti to CarI mel. Graniteville to Port Riebmond, N. Y. City. Grant• to Poland. Grant Cityt to Stapleton, N. Y. City. Granton•t to Walton. Grapevllle• to Coxsackie. Grasmeret to Stapleton, N. Y . City. Grassy Point•t to Haverstraw. GratwlckH to North Tonawanaa. Gravesendt to Brooklyn. Gravesvll1e* to Poland. Gray• to Poland.  fo t~~fe!~ff:: g~:!l~~~t•/ Y. City. N.  Great River•tt to East l Islip. Great Valley•tt to Ellfcott ville. Greecet to Rochester. Greendale*t to CataldU. Greenfield• to Ellenville. Greenfield Center • to Saratoga Springs. Green Haven• to Pawllnc. Green Islandt to Troy. Greenlawn*tttoHuntlngton Greenport Oenter to Hudson. Green Rldg~t to Tottenville, . Y. City. Greenriver to Chatham. Greenvllle•r (Greene Co. i to Coxsackie. Greenville (Oran~ Co.) to Port Jervta. Greenville ( Westchester Co.) to Scarsdale. GreenvUle Center• to Cox, 11ackle. Greenwayt to Rome. Greenwood Lake• to Warwick. Gregorytown to Downsville Gretg• to Lowville. Grei!l!lvllle*t t to York. iar:~ter. Grl.fflns MUls to East Aurora. Grfndstone•t to Clayton. Grooms to Schenectady. Groovllle* to Livingston Manor. Groton City to Groton. Groveland to Geneseo. Grove Springs to Rome. GuUderland•t to Alt>any. Gullderlana Cenu,r• Tt tc Albany. Guilfurd*U to Sidney. Guilford Center• to Sidney . Gul.t Summtt•U to Deposit Gum Spring to Saratoga Springs. Guymard • Tt to Port J ervts. Gypsum to Olifton Springs.  - --  - ---  Harrlson*tt to Rye. Harrower• to Amsterdam. Hartfield* to Mayville. Hartford* to Fort Ann. Hartland to Gasport. Hart Lot*t to Skaneateles. Hartman to Glens Falls. Whlte to Hartsdale•tt Plains. Hartwick Seminary• to Cooperstown. Harvard •ti to Downsville. Hasbrouck• to Liberty. Haselton to Au Sable Forks. Haskell Flats to Cuba. Hasklnvllle to Hornell. Hastings •tt ( 0 we,go Co.) to Parish. Hastingst (Westchester Co) to Hastings upon Hudson Hastings Center to Central Square. BtUJ'ar:i~'ii:e• to Smithtown Haven* to Middletown. Hawkeye • to Au Sable Forks. Hawkinsville• to Boonville. Bawleyton to Binghamton. Hawthorne• t t to PleasantvUle. !Iaynerville to Troy. Hayt Corners• t t to Ovid. Hazel• to Roscoe. Beath to Saugerties. Hebron to Salem. Heclat to Vernon. Hecla Work11 to Vernon. Hector•tt to Watkins. Belildens* to Ithaca. Helena*tt to Brasher Falls. Hemlock•t t to Llvonl&. Henderson •t to Adami!. Henderson Harbor* to Adams. Henrietta• tt to Rochester. Hensonvllle•r to Catsklll. Hennltage to Galnesvllle. Herrlnir to Carthage. Hewlett•tt to Lynbrook. 1 Hibernia• to Mlllbrook. Hicks to Elmira. Higginsville to Oneida. Higo Falls*tt to Kerhonkson. Lake• to Port to MlllB•tt Highland Central Valley. Highmount*t to Flelschmanns. Highview•t to Middletown. High Woods to Saugerties. Hillburn*tt to SUffem. BlllBdale*t t to Philmont.  Hunter*ti to Tanners\ille. Hunters and to Mlddl&burg. Hunter's PointU to Long Island Cit y , . Y. City. Hunts Comers to Marathon. Hunts Polntt to New York City (Manhattan). Hurley•tt to Kingston. Hurleyvllle*tto Monticello. Hurstvllle to Albany. Husteds to Millerton. Hyde Park * t t (Dutchess Co.) to Poughkeepsie. H17de Park (Nassau Co.) to Mineola. Hyde Park (Otsego Co.) to Cooperstown. Hyndsvllle•tt to Cobleskill.  NEW YORK Kenoza Lake* to Jeffersonville. Kensico to White Plains. Kent•t to Albion. Kent Cliffs• to Carmel. E'enwooa *ti to Oneida. Kenyonvllle to Lynctonvllle Ketchums Comers to Sara-  K;~fu~:1\Y::± to Newark Valley. Keuka•tto Ht!-mmondsport Keuka Park•to Penn Yan. Kiamesha • to Monticello. Kiantone to Jamestown Kildare•t to Tup per Lake. Klllawog•tt to Marathon. Kil Buck•ttto Salamanca. K ing F erry* to Genoa. K18fttl~;JJ!it~;t York Kingsbury• to Hudson Falls. Kings Park*Uto Northpon Index•t to Cooperstown. Indian Castlet t to Little Kirk to ' orwich. Kirkland• t to Clinton. Falls. , Kirkville• t t to Syracuse. Indian Falls• to Corfu. Indian Fields* to Ravena. Indian Lake• to North Ktrkwood•tt to Binghamton. Creek. Indian Rivf'r to C roghan . Ingham Mills to Dolgeville. Kir ·chnerville to Croghan. Kiskatom to Catskill. Ingleside to Naples. Kitchawan•U to Mount Ingranam to Plattsburg. Kisco. Inlet* to Remsen. Knaop Creek• to Olean. Inman• to Saranac Lake. Inwoodt to Far Rockaway, KnC'welhurst• to Warrensbur~ . N. Y. City. KnowlesvWe• to Medina. lonla•tt to HolcoP"b. Knox• to Schoharie. Ira• to to Oriskany Knoxboro Irona • t to Champlain. Falls. Irondequolt•t to Rochester Ironton to North Ton~ Kortright• to OnMnta. Krfgg_Iebush* to B.erkonkIr;'~~~ti to Silver Creek. Ischua•tt to FranJdinvllle. Krumville*t to Kerhonkson. Ita1y to Naples. Kuckvllle to Lyndonvllle. t~ff~!~bi~'fnt. Kyserike*tt to Kerhonkson  n:!it!;~~  Jackson Comers• to Pine Lackawack• to Ellenvllle. Ladentown to Spring ValPlains. ley. Jacksonville• to TrumansLadleton* to Ellenville. burg. La Fargeville• tt to Olaytoo Jacks Reef to Syracuse. Jamaica*tt to New York La Fayette•t to Tully. Pine to City. Borough or Queens. Lafayettevllle Plains. Jamesport• U to Riverhead Jamesvllle•tt to Syracuse La Grange to Perry. Jamison Road•tt to East , Lagra.ngevllle•tt to Pougb• keepsle. Aurora. Lalrd!vllle to Clinton. Jaquins• to Corry, Pa. Lake tl to Warwick. Jasper* to Canisteo. Lake Bluff* to Wolcott. Java• to Arcade. Java Center•rt to North Lake llonn.partet to Harrisville. Java. Hlllside* to Pleasantville. to Saranao Java vmage• to North Java Lake Clear• Hlmrod•tt to Dundee. Lake. Jay• to Au Sable Forks. Blnckley•tt to Remsen. Lake Clear Junction• tt to Jeddo to Middleport. HHlnlndmsabnurg teo tAio bploh~nix. Saranac Lake. '""' vil11 1 Jefferson• to Stamford. Jefferson Valley• to Peeks- Lake Colbey to Saranao Hinsdale•tt to Olean. Lake. kill Hoag Corners to Albany. Hoffmans •tt to Amster- Jenke ntown to • ew Paltz. Lake Grove*t to Stony Brook. , Jenksvllle to Oweiro dam. Lake Hill• tO' Kin.,ston. Hogansburg• to Fort Cov- Jertc-ho•t to Hlcksvllle Lake Huntington• to Jtjr· Jerry to Pari ·h. insrton. fersonville. • Jerus.~lem , outh to Fre&Holbrookt to Sayvllle. Lake Katrtne*l to Kingston port. Hollands t t to Rockaway Hadley•tt to Corinth. Lake Kushaqua•tt to MaJewellt to Oneida. B~ach, ~. Y. qity. Hagaman•tto Amsterdam lone. Hairedorns Mills* to Broad- Hol1_1stt to Jamaica, . Y. 11 Jewett• to Catskill. Lakeland to ayville. Jewettvllle•tt to East City. albin. Lake Mahopac to Carmel. Aurora. Hollowvllle• to Huason. Hagerman to Patchogue. Lake . linnewaskat to KerHollywood* to Potsdam. Jocindian to Potsdam. Hague• to Ticonderoga. honk on . Johnsburg•t to North Creek Hallesboro• to Gouverneur Holmes• to Pawlln~. Haines Fails*tt to Tanners- Holmesville*t to Norwich . Johnson•tt to Middletown. Lake Mohegant to PeekskUI Boltsvllle•tt to Patcnogue. Johnsonburg•tt to North Lake 1.ohonk to New Paltz. ville. Lakemont• to Dundee. Java . Halcott CElllter* to Griffin Honeoye•t to Livonia. Johnson Creek to Middle- !Lake Pleasant• to NorthHonk Jilli to Ellenville. Comers. ville. port. Balcottsviue•tt to Mar- Hooper to Johnson City. Hoosick Johnsontown to Haver- Lakeport to Canastota. Hoostck•tt to garetvllle. Lake Honkonkoma * t to straw. Falls. Hale Eddy• tt to Deposit. Sayvllle. Hope Falls* to Nortbvllle. Jobnsonvllle•tt to Troy. Haleslte• to Huntington. Hopewell to Canandaigua. Jones Point*tt to Peekskill. Lakeside• to Wllltamson. ITalf Moon to Cohoes. Hopewell Jt?.nctton*r t to l Jonesville • to Menhanlcs- Lake Vi< w*tt to Angola. Halt Wayt t to Syracuse. Lake\1lle•tt (Livingston ville. Wappingers Falls. Hall*tt to Penn Yan. Co.I to Livonia. Ilopkmton* to Winthrop . 1 Jordan• to Weedsport. Hallsvllle to Fort Plain. Halsey Valley• to Spencer Horicon• to Warrensburg. Jordanvme•t to Rlcbtleld Lake\·ill e (. a.:·~au Co.) to Great • Teck ' tation. Springs. Hamblettville• to Deposit. Horseshoe• t t to Tupper Lakewood•ttto ,Jamestown Joy to Sodus, Lake. Hamden•tt to Deihl, Lamberton to Fredonia. Junius to Lyons. Hamlet• to South Dayton Horton•t to Roscoe. Lamont to Castile. Hortonvllle• to Calllcoon. Hamlin"U to Brockport. Lam on •t1 to BaldwtnsHa.mmels Station to Rock· Houghton•ti to Flllmore. vllle. away Beach, .1. • Y. ity. Houseville* to Lowville. KaaterskU1°1 to Kingston. Lanesville•tt to King,;t.on. HaMmlpdtoento(wnOr_ange Co.) to Howard• to Hornell. Langford to North ColllnSHowe Cave*tt to Ooble- Kanona•n to Bath. d 1 Lansing to Oswego. skill. Hampton • (Washington 1 Karner to West Albany . Lam,inglmrg t to Troy. Kasoag•tt to Camden. Co.) to Poultney, Vt. Kattelvllle to Binghamton. Lan"in~ville to Ithaca. Howells•t to Middletown. Bankins•tt to Callicoon. to Lake LaonaU to Fredonta. Kattsklll Bay• Hannawa Fallil• to Po~ Howes• to Afton. Lapala to Kingston. George. Hubba.rdsvllle• t t to Hamdam. Kauneonga to Monticello. Larchmont Manor t t tollton. Hannlbal•tt to Oswego. Larchmont. Hannibal Center to Oswego Hughsonvme• to Wappln- Kecks Center to Johnstown . Keene• to Lake Placid. irers Falls. Harbortt to Utka . Larkfteld to Northport. Huguenot* to Port Jervis. Keenest: to Gouverneur. HardysU to Gainesville. Hu"uenot Park*H to Tot- Keene Valley•t to Lake La alle*tt to ... iagara. Fall• Hartord*t to Dryden. Lassellsvllle to St JonnsPlacid. tenville. N. Y. City. Harford Mllls•tto Dryden. ville. Kelloggsvllle to Moravia. Ilulberton* to Holley . Harkness• to Keeseville. to Kelley Corners• to Margar- Ll\tham to Watervliet. Landing • lluletts Harlemville to Philmont. to Newburgh. Latintown etville. Whitehall. to Harmon-On-Hudson Lattingtown to Glen cove, Kelsey• to Hancock. Hume* to Fillmore. Croton-On-Hudson. Laurel•tt to Mattltuck B.arperst\e!d• to Stamford. Humphrey• to Ellicottville. Kendata•tt to Ovid. , Humphrey Center• to Elll- Kendall•tt (Orleans Co.) Laurel Hilltt to Long Island City, . Y. CitY• to Holley. cottvllle. H&rr1man•t to Monroe. Laurens•tt to Oneonta. Humphreysville to Hudson. Kendall ~Iii! to Holley. Harris* to Monticello. :::;.e~-=d~Y_*.:..t.:.t...:t:.:o...:J:.:a::m=-e=s:.:to:.::.::wn:..=.:·_:La:=.:v:..:a:.•...::to:...::C:.:al:.:l::.lco::.::..:o::.::n::.__ Hunt• t to Dalton...;._ _ __ ..=::.:e.=nn Harrisburg to Lowville.  g~:;;~~i{• ~t  REFERENCE K EY .  • County Seat.  HiJ:f;{!~  0  • Money Order Office.  tTelegre.pb St tlon.  t Express Oftlce.  NEW YORK ersonins. l.  da. onvtlle Saraewark dsport Yan. ello. wn Lake. thon. anca. a. York hpon  n.  cuse. ghamoghan.  l.  Mount  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  Lawrencevme•t (St. Lawrence Co.) to Brushton. .,. ...wrencev1lle (Ulster Co.) to Kingston. La wtons*tttoN orthCollins. Lawyersv1lle* to Cobleskill Lebanon• U to Earl vUle. Lebanon Sp r Ing s•tt to Pittsfield. Mass. Ledyard• to Auburn Lee to Rome. Lee Center• to Rome. Leeds• 1 to Catskill. Leek• to Franklinville. Lehi11:h to Corfu. Leibhardt* to Kerhonkson. Leicestertt to Mt. Morris. Leila to Rome. Lenox to Oneida. Leon• to Cherry Creek. Leonardsville• t to West Winfield. Leotondale* to Wallkill. Le Raysville to Evan Mills Lester to Windsor. Lestershirett to Johnson City. Levanna•tt to Aurora. Levant to Falconer. LLewbeach • to Roscoe. ewis* to Westport. Lewisboro to Ridgefield, Conn. Lewiston• t t to Niagara Falls. tex1n11;ton • to Catskill. 0  Lf6~~ ~a11s r°r6ff1>erty. f:!bertyvllle to New Paltz.  j~!!iun-  8t  Loyd• t to Highland. Ludtngtonvllle* to Carmel. Ludlowvllle• U to Ithaca. Luzerne• to Sara.toga Springs. Lycoming•t to Oswego. to I Lykers to Canajoharie. Mountain• t t Lyon Plattsburg. Lyonsdale* to Boonville. Lyons Falls*t tto Boonvllle. Lysander• to Baldwinsville Mabbettsville to Mlllbrook. MacDouga.l•tt to Geneva. Macedon*U to Palmyra. Macedon Center• to Palmyra. Machlas•ttto Franklinville. to Machias Junction• Fra.nkllnvtlle. Mackey to Middleburg. Macomb to-Gouverneur Mada.Un• t to Saugerties. Madawaska.* to St. Regil! Falls. Madlson*to Oriskany Falls. Madrid Sorlngs• to Madrid. Magee to Waterloo. Mahopa.c•tt to Carmel. Mahopac Fa.Us• to Carmel. Mame• to Union. Malden Brtdge•to Chatham Malden on Hudson *H to Saugerties. Mallory*tt to Central  Mji~1  t~eBallston Spa.. Malta.ville to Ballston Spa. Manchester * t t to Shortsville. MancheeterB rldire•to Pougbkeeosle-  Mfddlefleld to Cooperstown Middlefield Center to Cooperstown. Middle Granvllle*t ttoGra.n• vUle. Middle Grove to Saratoga. Springs. Middle Hope* to Newburgh Middle Island• to Port JelTerson. Mlddlesex•tt to Naples. Middle VlllageJt to Brooklyn, N. Y. City. Mld)and Bi:acb*toStapleton . Y. City. Milan t? Rhinebeck. M~eses to CalUcoon. M~lford Center to Milford. Mj.lburt; to Freeport. Mf~;;o; lace*t to Port JefMlllere*t to Lyndonville. Millers Mllls*to West Winfield. MUlersportt to Lockport. Mill Grove to Alden. Mill Point to Amsterdam. Mill Port•tt to Montour Falls. Mills Corners to Glovers-ville. M111vllle to Medina. Mlllwood•tt to Mt. Kisco. Milo Center to Penn Yan. Mlna.vllle• to Amsterdam. Mlnde!l to St. Johnsville. Mlndenvillett to St. Johnsville. Mineral Springs• to Cobleskill. Minerva.• to North Creek. Mlnetto•tt to Oswego. Mlnevllle •to Port Henry , Minisink* to Port Jervts Minisink Ford* to Port Jervis. M~~e:~~a'!t tfo f:X.fis;~:  I  L:!KeDt~;!1/~o Vllie. Ltmerlck•tt to Watertown. Ma.nltou•t to Peekskill. L!mestone•tt to Bradtord. Manlius*tt to Fayetteville. Manlius Centert to FayPa. etteville. t~estreet to Catskill. Mannsville*tt to Lacona. Lin~~!!~• b~~!~u~:tbe Ma.nor to Center Morichea. , Ma.nor Kill* to Stamford. Ruyter. Ma.norv111e• t 1 to Center Lincoln• to Fairport. Mortches. Ltncolnda.l'e*tt to Mount Maple Beach to Livonia. Kisco. Lincoln Park• t t to Roches- Maple Grove to Morris Ma.oles to Ellicottville. ter. Maple Sortngs•tto llda.yvUle LL1nden • t t to Attica.. Maplestreet to Wilson. lnd1ey• t to Corning. Mapleton•tt to Auburn. Linl!thgo•tt to Hudson. LinUthgo Stationt to Hud- Ma.pleton Sta.tlont to Lookoort. Ll~~~umvme• t to Port Map1e View• t to Pulaski. Richmond, N. Y. City. LInwood•tt to York. Maplewood• t to Monticello. 1 shbon • tt to Ogdensburg. Marbletown• to Kingston. 1 s as Kill to Schenectady Marcellus Falls • to Marcellus. t~ithfteld to lllon. Marcy• t t to Utica. 0 Llttl~ 'a;1iatn~nlato New- Marengo to Clyde. burg Mariaville io Schenectady. M1~~owbrook*to Boonville Little ·France to Central \i!arletta• to Marcellus. Minoa• t to Syracuse. Marilla• to East Aurora.. Square. Mlnsteed to Newark. ~!ttle tienessee to .bolivar. Ma.rllla Statton U to Lan- MttchellvUle to Bath . ...._.ttle Neck*tt to Bayside, Harbor* to .1.Tew Modelcitytt to Niagara. L · Y. City. Falls. }\'!York City, (Borough of L lttle River to Canton. .Modeltown•to NtagaraFalls Richmond). lttle Utica to BaldwinsModena•u to New Paltz. V1lle. Markha.msl to South Day- MoffitsvUIA*t to Plattsburg Little York•tt to Homer. ton. 11> 0 01 • t t to Syracuse. Mohawk Hm to Boonville. t ngston• (Columbia Co.) Mar hall to Rel!Mt. to Peekskill Marshvllle to Canajoharie. Mohegan Lake• Li<? Hudson. Mobonk Lake* t to New rngstont ( Richmond Co.) Martindale Depot• to Paltz. ~ est New Brighton, M{Jl~~t>°ir~• to Lowvme. Moira.• t t to Brushton. Llvlngsto~i~1at1on to Hud- Martinsville• to North Ton- Molyneux Corners to Lockson I Mg~~a.ccus* to KerhonkLtvlngstonvme• to Middle- ,1;1:r~:g~~tt to Cato. Maryland• t t to Schenevus. Mg~~a.up• to Port Jervis. Li burg. Livonia Center• to Livonia \lasonvllle• to Sidney. Mongaup Valley•to MontiNeck to HuntingMassapequa • tt to Amity- M;~~'gy*t t to Sprin11: Valley  I  t  :~1J:~-  Stony ston. to Ji,f• lngston to Ma-  e.  rmel.  to Ker-  eeksklll w PaltZ, ee. North·  tl!f J  i~g_s  !:1c1tong Y. CitY·  ~ nta.  1  t~i~: M;;!~~a Center•to Massena Massena SprlnltB* t t to Ma.sEllenvllJe. to MJgfe1a• Cove. Glen. to ae.coc.,,. n aste 11 Monterey• to \Vatklns. " .... 111 ~1ontezuma•tto ,veedsportl '.\1a.tteawan* to Beacon. ~fontoma to Kingston. t• t p k kUI • \111.,tleld*tt to Glovers.v111 e. to Montrose• • o ee s McClure Settlement  LooLo"an to .Watkins, Lo~01\t,v11le* to Kingston. to Callicoon. Lon~ • ", s ~nd City*tt to cw \ ork City of Queens. ' LagkeLake*t to Tupper Lo ng Lake West t t to Tnupper Lake. LO i,f. Year to Mount Lo easant. ~0 Walton. Lo~mis to Lancaster. L00~ 8 Lordvme•ett1 tto Malone. LLorena to Romo eHancock. • orrat Loud ne• to Adams. LouJs~1ttllJe• t to Albany. Lout 1 1le to Massena. e t.Landlnl?' • to Lounsbena. • Loweu t ~ lt to Oweio. om~. Lower 0~ kers. LoL wm~~t. o r, 1mtra. ow p . ~aeon.  McDCeoplloosnlt1s· •t+ to Ma.lone. .. McConnellsville*tt to Ca.m••odDen ~_ouah* to Oxford. .. 0 . • McGra.w*t to Cortland. McKeever*tt to Old Forge. McK!nlev to Canajoharie. McKownvl11e to Albany. • t to Cortland L M i0 ne Mc ean 1 Meacham LaPkle;tttr/ Meaders to • a to Albany. Meadonlwdale t 1 tto MlddleMecha cstown 1 M!~~~nburg* to TnunansIll burg. t'to PatMeco to GSlovtler~rt Medford ta O chogue. 1 Medusa. to c3xsa.c~kTe Medway• tf oxsihllmont. Mellenv!"tet liJtnsln11:burrz.l . d le Melrose Melville 0 .Ft~W~f~se: • Memoh 1s 1 • \fen don• tt to V1ctor.  l;~1~  Uet. burgh, n Co\' 6 •  ~g~i!~~/f  Locch Muller* to North L reek. L~~~ iheldrake•to Liberty Lo k erun• to Lyons. t e Wood•t to Waverly. o0cuovsteVaUey•1t ~o Glenl LOdl• t·o Ovid.  E?4Y*tt  M.::S!  f¥ [  0  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  !  , county Seat.  NEW YORK  Mendon Center to Honeoye Morrisville Statton•tt tol Falls. Morrisville. Meredith•· to Delhi. Mortlmer*l t to Rochester. Merldale• to Delhi. Morton•tt to Holley. Merllllan • to Cato. Morton Corners to Sprtnirvllle. Merrick* t t to Freeport Mosesklll to Fort Edward. Merrlckvllle*i to Walton. Moshervtlle to Ballston Spa. Merrlfleld* to Auburn.f Merrill• to Chateaugay. Mottville• to S11:aoeateles. Merrlllsvllle to Oneida. Mountatn Dale*tt to Ellenville. Mertensla•t to Victor. Messengervllle*t t to Mara,. 1 thon. Houset to Ca.ts-Metropolltanttto Brooklyn Mountain kill. N. Y. ity. Mountain V!ew• t t to Ma,. Mettacahonts to Kerhonklone. Mt1°d1e Falls* to Greenwich. M~~l~a.lnvllle*tt to Corn-  Moodna*t to CornwaU. 1roody* to Tupper Lake. Mooers• to Champlain. ~fooers Forks* tt to Champlain. ~iooers Junctlonttto Cba.molaln. Moons*t to Slnclalrvllle. k 1 Mtllb 1oores Mlll*11 to P {ood .M orehou. evi e* to o an , Moreland to Watkins. Moreland Statlon*lto Watkins. Moresvllle to Grand Gorge. Morganvllle• to Le Roy. .MMoorrllaabb· tcoeiit~~ H;~ryPort Henry. Morlches• t to Center Moriches. Morley• to Canton Morris Helghtsf to New York City (Manhattan). Morrisonville*tt to Plattsburg Morris ·Park.,.tttoRlchmond HUI. • Money Order Office.  Mounthope (Orange Co.) to Middletown. Mt. Ilope*tt ("V\'.'estchester g~Js}g_ Hastmgs upon Mount I-vy• tto Haverstraw. Mt. Lebanon* to Pittsfield, Ma.5s Mount ·Marton• t t to Saugertles. Mount Read to Rochester. Mt. Ross*tt to Pine Plains. Mt. Sinai* to Port Jefferson Mt. Tremper* to Kingston. Mount Upton•tt to Sidney. Mount Vision*t to Oneonta Multzesklll to Castleton. Mumtord*tt to Caledonia. Mundale to Walton. Munnsville• t to Oneida.. Munson t!) Hem&stea.d .. ~Jr~!~n;~l~Jfey.loversville Myers•t to Ithaca..  Nanticoke• to Whitney Polnt. Na.nuet•tt to Spring Valley Napanoch•tt to Ellenvtlle. nd ~:~o~!:e:~r::in Rt~ coon. Nashville to Forestvllle. Nassautt to Albany. Natura.I Bridge• to Car~ thage. Natural Dam• to Gouverneur. aumburg to Carthage. Navarino to Marcellus. Nedrow to Onondaga Valley. N elllston • to Fort Plain. Nelson• to Cazenovia.. Nelsonvme•t to ColdSpring Nepera.n to Pleasantville. Nepera Park*tt to Yonkel.'15 Nesconset* to Smithtown Branch.  ~i~t  2051  Newtown (Queens Co.) to Elmhui·st, N. Y. City. New Vernon to Mldrtletown Newvtl1e* to Little Falls. New Windsortt to Newburgh. New W'oodstoc1r•tt to Ca.senovta.. New York Mills*tttoUtlca. Nlcholvllle• to Potsdam. Nlle• to Friendship. Nlles to Auburn. Ntneveh*l to Atton to Junctlon•t Nineveh Alton. Nlobe•tt to Jamestown. Niskayuna• t t to Scheneotady. Stonyto Nlssequoque broolc. Nlverville•tt to Kinderhook. Norma.nsvllJe to Albany. Northampton• to Northville.  ~ g~~ i~~r;f ~rff!fone.  North Ray•tt to Oneida.. N. Beach to Long Island City, N. Y. City. N. Bellport to Patchogue. North Ber11:ent to Bergen• North Blenhehn • to Middleburg. North Bloomfield* to Hon&oye Falls. North Boston• to Ha.mbunr North Branch• to Ca.lltcoon to North Brookfield* t Waterville. North bush to Johnstown. North Chatham•t to Kinderhook. North Cllemung to Elmira North Chill* to Rochester. N. Clymer* to Sherman. N. Cohocton* to Wayland. North Colesvtlle to Blnir,hamton. N. Constantia to Central Square. North Easton to Greenwtoh North Evans*t to Angola. N. Fair Ha.ven*tt to North Fenton to Greene. Northfieldtt to Walton. N. Franklin* to Oneonta.  North Germa.ntown•t to I N. Hudson. Granville• to Granville.  N. Greece* to Spencerport. N. Greenwich to Greenwich North Hamden to Walton. North Hamlin to Brockpor• North Hannibal to Oswego. to North Harpersfield• Stamford. Neversink* to Liberty. North Hebron to Granville. Nevis to Red Hook. New Albion• to Cattiv North Hectort to Watklna. raugus. New Ba.lthnore•t to Cox- North Hillsdale to Chatham North Hoostck•tt to Hoosackie. sick Falls. New Boston to Lowville. New Bremen* to Lowville. North Hudson• to Port Henry. New Bridge• to Canton. ew Brighton*t • ee Now North Huron to Wolcott. N. Kortright* to Stamford. Y. City, Richmond. New Centerville* to North Lansln11:•ttto Locke. aNew Clty•ti to Haver- N. Lawrence*tt to Brasher Falls. straw. Newcomb• to North Creek. North Manlius• to Syracuse New Vl'rp•t~ to Stapleton, North N orwlcb • to Sherburne . . Y. City. Newelden* to Callicoon. North Pelham to Mount Vernon. 1~:-:fl~~~k~n!!~~~ato WapNorth Pembroke to Ba.tavta. pingers Falls. New Hamburir • t to Wap- North Peteraburg to Hoosick Falls. pingers Falls. New Hamptoo•tt to Mid- North Pharsalia• to South Otselic. dletown New Haven•tt to Mexico. North Pitcher* to South Otselic. New Hope• to Moravia. New Hyde Park*tt to Min- North Rld2'et to Lockport. N. River* to orth Creek. eola. New Kingston• to Margar- North Roslynt to Roslyn. etville. New Lebanon* t t to Pltts- North Ruan• to Scottsvme N. Russell to Canton. flel<1, Mass. New Lebanon Center• to North Salem• to Brewster. North Sanford• to Afton. Pittsfield, Mass. North Sea to Southampton. New Lisbon• to Morris. . Spencer*tt to Spencer. New London to Rome. Newman• t to Lake Placld. North Stephentown • to Berlin. New Mlltord • t to Warwick New Oregon to North Col- N. Stockholm*tto Norwood ,. . Syracuse*t to Syracuse. lins. Te.rrytown•t to Nort.h Tarrytown. New Russia• to West Port. New Salem• (Albany Co.) Northumberland to Schuyto Albany. lervUle. New Salem (Ulster Co.) to North Victory to Rondout. North Western• to Rome. New Scotland*tt to Albany North White Lake• to New Springvillet to Port Monticello. Richmond, N. Y. City. North Wilna to Carthage. New Suffolk•tto Mattltuck. Nortb Wolcott to Wolcott. Newtonfalls*tt to HarrisNorth Yonkers to Yonkers. ville. Newton Hook•tt to Cox- Norton Hill* to Coxsackie. Norway• to Newport. sackle. Newtonvllle•t to Water-I Norwood (Nassau Co.) to Hempstead. vllet. tTelegraph Station.  i Expreee Office.  - - --- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  --  ---~  2052  --  NEW YORK  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  NEW YORK  Number Four to Lowvllle. Pasadena to Boonville. Pope Mills* to Gouverneur. Reeds Corners to Canan- Round Lake•u to Ballston Nyando *tt to Massena. Pataukunk* to Kerhonkson Poplar Ridge• to Auburn. daigua. Spa. Pattens Mills to Gleni1 Portage•tt to Nunda. Remsenburg*t to West Round Top• to Catskill. Falls. l'ortagevllle*tt to Oastlle. 1 Hampton Beach. Pattersontt to Pawllnc. Oakbeach* to Babylon. Port Benjamin to Kerhonk- Rensselaer Falls*tt to Heu- Royalton to Middleport. Ruby,11 to Kingston. Pattersonv111e• t t to Amson. . Oak Hm•t to Catskill. velton. aterdam. Oakland• to Nunda, Por~ Byron*tt to Auburn. Rensselaerville*t to Albany Rural Grove to Canajoharie Rural Hlll to Oakland Valley• to Monti- Paul Smitbs*t to Saranac Port•u to Bingham- Reserve to Buffalo. Rush•tt to Honeoye Falls. Lake. ton. Resort to Wolcott. cello. Pavement to Lancaster. Port Dlcklnson•t to Bing- Result to Coxsackie. Rushford* to Belfast. Oak Orchard to Medina. Oak Orchard-on-the-Lake Peabrook to Hancock. ltussell* to Hermon. hamton. Retsot*U to York. Peach Orchard to Watkins. Porter to Salem. Russia to Poland. to Albion. Rex to Fort Plain. Peakvllle•t to Roscoe. Oak Point to Hammond. Porter Corners to Saratoga Rextora *t to Schenectady. Rutland to Watertown. Oak Ridge to Fultonville. Pearl Creek• t t to Wyoming Springs. Rexv1lle• t to Greenwood. Rutsonvllle* to Walden. Oaks Corners•tt to Phelps. Pea.sleevllle• to l'lattsbur~. Porterville• to East Aurora. Reynoldstt to Mecha.nlcs- Rye Neck to Mamaroneck. Oa.ksvllle• to Cooperstown. Peconlc•tt to Southold. Port Ewen•tt to Kingston. I ville. Oakwood• tt (Cayuga Co.) Pekin to Lockport. Port Glbson•t to Newark. Reynoldston• to Malone. Sabbatls*t to Tupper Lake to Union Sprine:s. Pelham*tt to Mount Ver-, Port Hixon to Kerhonkson. Reynoldsvllle • (Schuyler Sabbath Day Point*to Ti: Oakwood* (Richmond Oo.) non. Port Jefferson Statlon*t to Co.) to Watkins. conderoga to Stapleton, N. Y. City. Pelham Bridge to NewYork Pt. Jefferson. Rhelms•tt to Hammond- saca.ndaga*tt to Northville Obernburg• to Ca.lllcoon. City (Manhattan.) Port Kent•tt to Keeseville oort. Sacket Rarbor*ttto WaterPelham Manor*tt to New Portland*U to Brocton. Obi to CUM. Rhlnecliff*t to Rhinebeck. town Ocean Sidet to Rockville Rochelle. Portland Point * to Ithaca. Ricard to Pulaski. Sagaponack• t to Sag HarOenter. Pembroke• u to Cortu. Portla.ndvme•ti to Milford. I Rlces*tt to Watertown. bor Oceanus to Rockaway Pendleton to Lockport. Port Ontario to Pulaski. Rlcev1lle to Springville. Sa.getown to Elmira Beach, N. Y. City. Pendleton Centert ito Lock- Port Richmond*. See Rich- Richburg• to Bolllvar. Sagevillet to Northville. Ohio• to Poland. port. mond, N. Y. City. Riches Corners to Albion. Sallors Snug HarborttoNew Ohlovllle* to New Paltz. Penfteld* to Fail.'l)ort. Portvllle*n to Olean. I Richfield• to Rich ft e 1 d Brighton Pennellvllle•tt tu Phoonlx. Portwaytt to Wayland. Springs. Saint Albanstt to Jamaica Olcott• to Lockport. Peoria to York. Post Creek to Corning. RlchO.eldJunctiontttoWest y City Old Chatham•tt to Chat- Pepacton •t ♦to Downsvllle. Potter• to Rushv1lle. Winfteld. Saint Georgeti to New Perch River to Watertown. Potter Hill to Hoosick Falls Richford*tt to Newark ham. Brighton Old Westbury*tto Mineola. Potter Hollow• to MiddleValley. Saint Jame.s*t• to Stony Olive to Kingston. Perklnsv1lle•t to Wayland. I burg. •• Rlchia.nd*tt. to Lacona. Brook. + Olivebridge*t to Kingston. Perry Center to Perry. Pottersville t to Warrens- !Rlchn;on~ t to Stapleton, Saint Johns*to Haverstraw. Ollverea • to Margaretville. PerryCltytoTrumansburg. burg. N". 1'. City. Saint Johnsburg to North Olmstedv1lle•t to North Perrysbur1r•ti to Gowanda. Pousrhqua.g•tt to Pawling. Richmond Hip.•t:; ee Tonawanda. Creek. Perrys Mills•to Champlain PoundrldgettoNew Canaan, Queens, . 1:. City. Saint Lawrence*to rna.yton. Omar* to Clayton. Perryv1lle• to Canastota. Conn. Richmond Mills to Livonia. Saint Remy• to Kingston Onatlviatt to Syracuse. Perth to Amsterdam. Pratts Hollow• to Morris- Richmond Valleytt to Tot- Salera Center• to Brewste~. Onchiota* to Saranac Lake. Peru•tt to Platt!burg. vllle. tenv1lle. Peruvme• to Groton. Prattsvfile•t to Grand Rlchvllle•tt to Gouverneur Salisbury* to Dolgeville. Gorge. Ridge to Mt. Morris. Oneida Caatle•t td Oneida. Peterboro• to Canastota Salisbury Center•tto DolgePreble•tt to Tully. Ridgebury• to Middletown. Oneida Lake to Canastota. Petersburg•tt to Berlin.' ville. Petrles Corners*to Lowvllle Presho• U to Conµng. Ridgeland to Rochester. Oneida Valley to Oneida. Salisbury Mills*tt to WashPreston* to Norwich. Ridge Mills to Rome. Onondaga*t to Onondaga ingtonville. . Pharsalia to Cincinnatus. Ridge Road to Lockport. Valley. Salmon River to Pulaski. Onondaga Castle to Syra- Phllllpsburg to Middletown. Preston Hollow• to Middle- Ridgeway to Medina. Salt Polnt•tt to PoughPhillips Creek to Belmont. burg. Ridgewood*t to New York cuse. keepsie. Phllltosport•t to Ellenvllle. Primrose to Hastings upon City. Borough of Queens. Salt Springville• to Cherry Onovllle• to Randolph. Hudson. Ri!ton* to Kingston. Ontario Center* to Ontario. Phoenicia*tt to MargaretValley. ville. Prince Bay*t to Tottenvllle Riga to Churchville. Oppenheim to St. JohnsSammonsvme to Fonda. Phoenix Millstt to CoopersN. Y. City. Rio* to Port Jervis. vllle. San *ti to Niagara. Falls. town. Princetown*to Schenectady Ri1>arius• to Warrensburg. Sandborn'a Lake• to Deposlt. Lake• c.o Troy. Piercefteld•tt to Tupper Rlsln~llle to Campbell. Sands Point t to Port Oramel• to BeUast. Lake. Prospect•t to Remsen. Rlverdalet to New York Washington. g~~;!tui-~* izi~o~aarklll. Piermont*t to Sparkill. Prw:rJeld~tatlont to RlCity <fa~rtin). West SanduskY•t to Arcade. Sandy Creek* to Lacona. Orange Lake*rto Walden. t~f:g#'ti to Protectlon•tt to Holland, ~fnflel3~ o Hill t to Hudson Oraniteoort to Lockport. Adams. I Pulteney•t to Prattsburg. Riverside Station to War- Sandy Falls. Oregon to Peekskill. Piffard•U to Geneseo. Pultneyv1lle• to Williamrensburg. Sanford• to Depoc,it. Orient• to Greenoort. Pike* to Bliss. son. Riverview * to Sar an a c Sangerfield• to Waterville. Ortskany•tt to Utica. Pike Station to Gainesville. Pulver's Corners to MillerLake. Sanitarla Springs• ti to Binghamton. Orlando to ElllcottvUle. Pikeville* to Wellsville. Pu~~fiase•tto White Plains. :ob~s~n t~tla!isb'!~~· t Orleans•t to Clllton Spr'ngs PPilll a.rCPlto~tt•tot DEelxtler. Purdy Creek to Canisteo. r olio~~i!e F':3i°s. on o Santa Clara*tt to St. Regis Falls. Or¥':~~!~ur Corners• t to Wul*tt O to mFI~sch- Purdys Mills to Plattsburg. Rockaway Beach*tt to Saranac•t to Plattsburg. Orville to Fayetteville. manns. Purdy Statlon•tt to Brew- ' Queens,~ . Y. City. Saranac Junction to SaraOrwell* to Lacona. ster. Rock City (Cattaraugus nac Lake. Osborn to Waverl:v. Pine Island*tt to Florida. Purling• to Catskill. Co.) to Olean. Sardlnla.•tt to Arcade. Osborn Brldite* to North- Plnelawn•t to Farmingdale Putnam to Whitehall. Rock City (Dutchess Co.) Sauquolt•t t to Utica. ville. Pines Bridge to Mount Putnam S t a t i o n • t t to to Red Hook. Savannah*t t to Clyde. o■oawana•tt to Croton on Kisco. Whitehall. Rook City Falls•to Ballston Savilton* to Nawburgh. Hudson. Pine Valley*tt to Horse- Putnam Valley to Peekskill. Roscoll:ad.ale•t• to Sidney. heevlladsle· to Walton. Pyrites• to Canton. Rock Glen._ti to Silver Sa.wens• to Cortu. Pin 8:SOftJ\•o tgifn~11ft Plseco* to Northville. Quaker Bridgett to RanSprings. ~!~:~sto C~~~~nto Nortn Oswegatchie*t to Harris- Pitcairn to Hanisville. dolph. Rook Hlll • to Monticello. Tonawanda. ville. Pitcher• to Cincinnatus. Quaker Hlll• to Pawllnfl Rockla nd •T to Roscoe. Scarboro•tt to Ossining. Oswego Center to Oswego: Pitcher Springs to Cinoln- Quaker Springs• to Schuy- Rockla nd Lake• to Nyack. Schaghtlcoke*tt to Troy. Oteio*t t to Oneonta. natus. lervllle. Rocklet• to Washington- Schodack Center to CastleOtisco• to Syracuse. Pittsfield to New Berlin. Quaker Street•t to Schenv1lle. ton. Otisco Mills to Cambrldite. Plttstord*tt to Rochester. eotady. Rocle Rift*tt to Walton. Schodack Landlng•tt to Ottsco Vallev* to Tully. Pittstown• to Troy. Quarryvllle to Saugerties. Rockroyal• to Walton. Castleton. Otlsvllle*tt to Middletown. Plains to Rome. Qua.sslck Bridge to New- Rock S t rea.m•u to Du nd ee Schroon•T to Crown Ot.ada.wa to Oneonta. Plainv1lle• to Baldwinsville burgh. R~kg· tdiitu~~~•t to WashPoint. • Ot.aellc* to South Otsellc. Plastervllle to Norwich. Queens*tt to Jamaica, ~ Rook Valley• to Calllcoon Schroon River t to Port Otterlake to Boonville. Plato to Ellicottville. Y. City. R 00k ll1 * t O B It t 'I Henry. Otto• to Cattaraugus. Platt Clove• to Saugerties. QueensburY to Glens Falls. v e e* aS . SchultzvUle to Rhinebeck. Plattekill* to Newburgh. Quogue•tt to West Hamp- Rockwells Mills t to Sid- I Schuyler Falls•t to PlattsPleasantbrook* to Cherry ton Beach. Ouaquaga• to Windsor. ney. buri. Valley. Ovid Center• t to Ovid, Rockwood* to Johnstown. Owasco• to Auburn. Pleasant Lake* to Tupper Rocky Polnt•tt to Port Scio*tt to Wellsville. Lake. Owasco Lakett to Auburn. Jefferson. Sciota•: to Plattsburg. Pleasant Plains• (Dutcheas Owens Mills to Waverly. Rodbournvllle to Horse- Scipio to Auburn. Co.) to Poughkeepsie. Racket River• to Massena. OwL!I Head• t t to Malone. beads. Scipioville* to Auburn. Pleasant Plainstt to Tot- Ra.mapo•tt to Suffern. Oxbow• to Antwerp. Rodman• to Scotch Bush to Amsterdam. tenville, N. Y. City. Oxtorct Depot*tt to Chester Randa.Jl•t to Fonda. RogersvilleU to Dansville. Scotchtownt to Middletown Ozone Parktt to Wood- Pleasant Valley•Tt (Dutch- Randall Road to Ransom- Rolandt to Lackawanna. Scotia•t to Schenectady. esa Co.) to Poughkeepsie. ville. Rondouttt to Kingston. haven, N. Y. Citl·• Scott to Homer. Plessls•t to Theresa. Randallsvillett to Hamilton Ronkonkoma*tt to SayPlumbrook•t to Norwood. Rapids to Lockport. ville. Scottsburg• to Dansville. Paitebrook to Gree!le. Plutarch to New Paltz. Raquette Lake*tt to Oldl Rooseve1t•t to Freeport. ScottsvUle*tt to Rochester Pages Corners to Rich!leld Plymouth• to Norwich. Forge. Rose• to Clyde~ Scriba to Oswego. Springs. Rathbone• ft to Addison. Rosebank• t to Stapleton. Sea. Breeze* to Rochester. Painted Post*t 1 to Corning Pocantlco Hllls •tt to Ravenswoodtt to Long Is-- Roseboom*to CherryVa.lley Sea Cliff*tt to Glen Cove Palatine Bridge•t to Cana,. Tarrytown. land City. Hosedalet:;: to Jamaica, ". Seatord*t! to Amityville. joha.rle. Poestenkill* to Troy. Rawson to Cuba. 1 Y. City. Seager* to Margaretville. Palenv1lle• t to Catsk111. Point Au Roche to Pla.tts- Ray to Attica. I Rose fllll*! to Syracuse. Sear ·burg to Trumansburg. Palermo to Fulton. Raybrook•tto Roseland to Webster. Searsville to ~ Iontgomery. Palisades* to Sparklll. Potf\reeze• to Albion. Raymertown to Troy. Rosendale•t t to Kingston ·easidet (Rkhmond Oo.) Palmer• to Corinth. Polnt Chautauqua•tt to Raymond to Lockport. Rosendale Plains to New to Tottenville. Ma.yv1lle. Pamelia Four Corners to Ra.ymondville•t to NorPaltz. Seaside Station to RockPoint Peninsula* to WaterWatertown. wood. Roses Point to Port Jervis. I a.way town.•t to Sherman. Roseton*tt to .,.ewburgh. Seaverton to Winthrop. Panama Statlont to Sher- Point Rock• to Rome. Readburn• to Hancock. Rose Valley to Clyde. Point Vivian• to Alexandria Reading to Watkins. man. Ro ·iere*tt to 'ape Vincent. Seely Creek" ti to Elmlra. Bay. Paradox* to Ticonderoga. Reading Center•tt to Wat- Rossburg•tt to Fillmore. Selden*t to Port Jetrerson. Pomona• t to Spring Valley. Parts• to Waterville. kins. Ros.'lie* to Hammond. Selkiu• tt to Albany. Pompey• to Syracuse. Pa.rlshvlUe• to Potsdam Reber• to Keeseville. Rossman•.t to Hudson. Semprolnus to Moravia. Parts Statlon•t to Water- Pompey Center to Syracuse. Rector• to Lowvllle. Rossvme•t to Tottenvllle, Seneca Ca.stle•tt to Geneva Pond E d d y • t t o P o r t Red Falls to Grand Gorge. ville. • '. Y. City. Seneca Hill to Oswe!?o, Parkston* to Livingston Redfield• to Camden. RotterdamttoSchenectady. Sennett*tt to Auburn. Po~«a:1lo Rochester. I Manor. li~ori~~~•frtt~bu~~la-1 RoJ:~~~!~;d~ctlon•U to Se~~~WU to Port JetrerParksvllle•tt to Liberty. Parma to Hilton. Ponquoque to Southampton manca. Round Island tto Highland Severa.nee• to Crown Point, Parma Center to Hilton. Poolvllle• t % to Earlville. Redrock to Chatham_. _ _ _ _F_a_n_s_._________s_e_v_ey=--t_o_P_o_ts_d_am __ . _ __  s s s s s  s s s  I  s  I  s s s s  s  T  I  1  ~f:g::~~~r  I  p~!  T.  I  •REFERENCE KEY.  , County Seat.  I  • ~loney Order Office.  tTelegrapb Station.  ~  Express omce.  Sol  £  Sor Sor So So So  s. s .. s. s.  s. .  S. l (  s .  .s  S. J  s. J s. 1 s.]  s.]  s.] S. l s.] s. (  s.  b  s~  NEW YORK  TOW NS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  NEW YORK  2053  Tlvou•u to Saugertles. Steele to Geneva. Vermontville• to Saranac Steinwaytt to Long Island Toddsvme• to Cooperstown Lake. Tomhannock• to Troy. City. Vernon Center• to Vernon. Tomkins Cove*t 1 to Haver- Verona•t to Oneida. Stella to Binghamton. straw. S. Cortland to Cortland. Stephens Mllls to Hornell. Verona Mi.Us to Rome. S. Dansville* to Dan ·ville. Stepnentown•rt to Pitts- Tompkins Corners (Che- Verona Statlon•t1 to Vermung Co.) to Horseheads non. field, Mass. S. DoverH to Dover Plains. Stephentown Center• to Tompkins Corners (Put- Verplanck•t to Peekskill. S. Durham* to Catsklll. nam Co.) to Peekskill. Pittsfield, Mass. S. East Center to Brewster. Versallles• to Gowanda. Tompkinsville*tt to New Vesper• to Tully. Sterllng• to Oswego. S. Easton to Cambridge. B!"igbton, N. Y. City. S. Edmeston •t to New Sterllngbush to Carthage. Vestal•tt to Union. Sterling Statlon•tt to Os- Tongore to Kingston Berlin. Vestal Center• to Union. Tottenville*t to Richmond, Veteran to Saugerties. wego. Sharon Station • t 1 to l S. Edwards* to Edwards. N. Y. City. Soutbtlelcts•u to Monroe. Sterllngton•tt to Suffern. Amenia. Victory to Cato. Sterllng Valley• to Oswego. Tower Hlll to Port Rlch- Victory Mills* to SchuylerShavertown • t t to Downmond. Sterllngvllle•tt to PhUadelS. Gllboa•tt to Stamrora. ville. vllle. Towlesvtlle to Bath. ohia. Vienna*tt to Camden. S. Granby•tt to Fulton. Shawangunk to Wallkill. Steuben to Holland Patent. Towne1:1•tt to Brewster. S. Greece to Rochester. Vine Valley to Rushville. Shawnee to Lockport. S. Hamilton* to Sherburne. Stevensvme• to Liberty. I Town Line•tt to Lancaster Vineyard• to Brocton. Sbeds*t to De Ruyter. Townsend to Montour Falls V1ntonton to Coblesklll. Sheeoshead Bay t t to S. Ham.mond*tt to Ham- Stewart to Stamford. Stillwater • to Mechanics- Tracy Creek to Union. mond. Viola to Spring Valley. Brooklyn, N. Y. City. Travlsvtlle to Port Rlch- Virgll to Cortland. vllle. S. Hannibal to Fulton. Shekomekocu to Pine mond. Vlscber :e·erry• to Scheneo$.Hartford •to Fort Edward. Plains. tady. S. Hartwick* to Hartwick. Stlsslnit*tt to Pine Plains. Treadwell• to Franklin. Shelby to Medina. Vista to New Canaan, Conn. S. Jamesport*tto Riverhead Stittvllle*tl to Holland Patent S. Kortright*t.t to Hobart. Shelby Basin to Medina. Trenton Falls• to Holland 1 Volney to Fulton. Volusia to Westfield. Stockbridge• to Oneida. Pa.tent. S. Lanslnit*t to !thaca. Sheldon to North Java. Stockport• to Hudson. Triangle•to Whitney Point. Voorheesvllle*tt to Albany. Sheldon Corners to Sher- S. Lebanon to Earlville. , tockwell* to ·waterville. Tribes Hill*tt to Amsterdam. Stokes* to Rome. Sb~~~ake Sprlngs*t to In-1 S. Llma•rt to Livonia. terlaken. Stone Arabia to Canajo- Tristatcs to Port· Jervi . S. Llvonla•t to Livonia. harle. Troupsburg• to KnoxvUle. Shelter Island • T to Green- S. Millbrook* to Millbrook. Waccabuc to Mount Kisco. to Stone Church to Bergen. New Berlln •tt Pa. oort. S. Stoneco• to Poughkeepsie. Trout Brooktt to Roscoe. \Vadhams*tt to Westport. Shelter Island Heights• to l New Berlin. Greenport. Trout Creek* to Unadilla. Wadhams Mills*tt to WestStone Dam to WellsvUle. S. Nyack+ to Nyack. port. Trout River to Malone. S. Onondaga to Syracuse. Stonebouse• to PawUng. Shenandoah to Beacon. Trudeau*tto Saranac Lake. Wading Rlver•tt to Port S. Oyster Bay to Amityville Stone Mllls to Clayton. Sh:ibs~~r~m~~ Corners* 1 S. Jefferson. Plattsburgtto Plattsburg Stone Ridge*t to Kerhonkson. Trumbull Corners to Ithaca Wadsworth* to Geneseo. Sheridan• t to Forestvllle. S. Plymouth* to Norwich. Wainscott* to BridgehampStony Creek*t to Warrens- Truthvllle• to Granvllle. Sherman Parktt to Pleas- Southport to Elmira. ten. burg. Tunesassa• to Randolph. antville. South Pulteney to Pratts- Stony Hollow* to Kingston. Tunnel •tt to Binghamton. Wake to Windsor. Sherrm • to Oneida. Stony Polnt•t1 to Haver- Tupper Lake Junctlont.:t Wakefteldt to Mt. Vernon. Wales Center• to E. Austraw. to Tupper Lake. s.1Rl~1ey to North East Pa. Sherwood • to Aurora. rora. Storm Klng•to Cold Spring. Turln* to Lowville. Shlnbopp1e * t t to Downs-, S. Rondout t.o Kingston. Walker•tt to Hilton. Turner•u to Monroe. Stormville*tt to Beacon. S. Russell to Edwards. vllle. Walker Valley* to Pinebush Turnpike rto Potsdam. S. Rutland* to Watertown. Stottvme•t to Hudson. Shokan* to Kingston. 'l'urnwood*to Mariraretvllle Wallace•t1 to Avoca. S. Salem* to Ridgefield, Stow*t to Jamestown. Shone:o• to Wellsvllle. Straits Corners* to Owego. Tuscarora*tt to .rfount Walllngton•tt to Sodus. Conn. Shoreham• t to Port JefWalloomsac•u to Hoosick Morris. Stratford• to Little Falls. to Schenectady*tt S. ferson. Falls. Street Road to Ticonderoga Tutblll to New Paltz. Schenectady. Short Tract to Flllmore. Walmore to Niagara Falla. S. Schodack* to Castleton. Strykersvtue•to North Java Tuttles to Victor. Shrub Oak• to Peekskill. Walshville to Coxsackie. S. Schroon•t to War- Stuyvesant•t1 to Kinder- Tyner to Ox.tord. Shushan•rt to Salem. Walworth• to Palmyra. Tyre to Seneca Falls. hook. rensburg. Waml)svme•t to Oneida. Sidney Center• to Unadllla. S. Scriba to Oswego. St~d:i!oialls •tt to Tyrone* to Watkins. Wanakena•t to Harrisville. S. Sodus to Lyons. Siloam to Oneida. Sugarloaf• t1 to Chester. Silver Lake Assembly•ttto 1 S. Somerset to Barker. ;:~J\~h;u0 ~0 Freeport. S. Stockton to Sinclairville. t>erry. Warner•tt to Baldwlnsvllle Sllvernalls• t 1 to Pine Plalnai S. Trenton• to Holland Sullivan ville to Horseheads. Warnervme• to Coblesklll. Summer Dale*t to Mayville 1 Patent. Skaneateles Falls • t to Ulster Heights to Ellen-1 Warren 1 * to Richfield S. Valley* to Cherry Valley. Summer Hlll to Locke. Skaneateles. 'prings. ville. Summit* to Richmondville. Skerry• to Malone. Slate Hlll*tl to Mlddl&- S. Wales•u to East Aurora. Summlttvme•tt to Ellen- Ulster Landing to Sauger- Warrens Cornerst to Lock. port. ties. vllle. S. Westerlo-" to Coxsackie. town. Ulster Park*tt to Rondout. Washington Hollow to MlllSlaterv1lle Springs• to Ith- Southwest Oswego to Os-1 Sundown* to Ellenvllle. brook. Sunnysidet to Long Island Ulsterville*t to Pine Bush. wego. aca.. Washington Mllls • t 1 to City. S. Worcester* to Worcester. 1 Unadilla Forks• to West Utica. Winfield. Surprise• to Coxsackie. Sllngerlands•U to Albany. Spafford• to Homer. to Square Wru:1hlngton Ticonderoga. to Un~s* to Bridgett Suspension Port to Sparrow Bush* Sllters to Rensselaer. Hempstead. Underhill to Mount Kisco. Niagara Falls. Jervis. Sloan*t to Buffalo. Washingtonville to New Swain•u to Canaseraga. I Union Center~ to Union. Spartat to Ossining. Sloansvllle• to Schoharie. York City (Manhattan). t1lb;~~nx- Wassaic*tt to Amenta. Speculator• to Northville. ~::~~~oto0d;trt;~0~~~cer. g~~~ ~ ville. Swormvllle•t to Lockport. I Speedsvllle to Dryden. :Mlll•tt to SouthSmiths Basln•u to Ft. Ed- Spencertown• to Chatham. Sylvan Beacb•Uto Oneida. Union Courset.t to Wood- Water ampton. haven. Speonk•t1 to West Hamp- Syosset•tt to Oyster Bay. ward. Union Grove•tttoMariraret- Waterport•u to Lyndonton Beach. Smiths Landing to Sauvllle. ville. I Spillway to Kingston. gerties. Union Hlll*U to Webster. Watervale to Fayetteville. SmlthJJ Mills• t t to Forest- Split Rock to Syracuse. 1 SpraguevWe*t to GouverUnlonport t to New York Water Valley* to Hambur1 ville. Watervliet Center to WaterCity (Manhattan). neur. Smithtown*tt to Smithvllet. Union Square•t1 to Pulaski Sprakers*Uto Canajoharie. Ta.berg• to Rome. town Branch. Watson• to Lowvtlle. Taborton* to Troy. Smtthvllle* to Adams. Flats•tt to JamesWatts ( Westchester Unlonvllle Smithville Flats• to Greene. Spring Brook•tto East Au- Taghkanlck to Hudson. town. Co.) to Pleasantvllle. Tahawus• to Warrensburg. rora. (Suffolk Co.) to Smlthv11le South to Free-I Springfield (Otsego Co.) Talcottvllle• to Boonville. Upper Aquebogue to Rlver- Waverly Patchoque. bead. Talcville*t to Edwards. to Oberry Valley. Port. (Westchester Co.) I Upper Jay• to Au Sable Wavedy Springfleldtt (Queens Co.) Tallman•t to Suffern. Smyrna•tt to Norwich. to 'l'uckahoe. l<'orks. to Jamaica, . _ . Y. Cit:r. Ta,ppan*tt to Sparkill. Snyder*t (Cayuga. Co.) to Taughannock Falls•tt to Upper Lisle• to Whitney ,va.warsing*t to KerhonkSprlnl!."field Center• to Auburn. son. Point. Trumansbursr. Rlc!lfield Springs. Snyder*t (Erie Co.) to Wayne• to Dundee. Upper Nyack to Nyack. Spring G1e11 1 to Ellenvllle Ta.Ylor* to Cincinnatus. Williamsville. Springlake• (Cayuga Co.) Taylor Center to Cincin- Upper Red Hook• to Red Wayne Center to Lyons. Sodom* to Warrensburg. Wayneportl to Fairport. Hook. natus. to Weedsport Sodus Center•t1 to Sodus. Spring Lake (Dutchess Co.) Taylor Valley to Clncln- Upper Saranac•t to SaraSodus Polnt•tt to Sodus. WayvUle* to Mechanlcanae Lak~. natus. to Red Hook. Solon•t to Cortland. vllle. Urlton• to Coxsackie. Spring Mills* to Whites- Tennanah* to Roscoe. Webatuck to Dover Plains. Mecbanicsto t1 Ushers• Mexico. to Texas ville. SolsVUle • tl to Orlskaney Millsl to Elmira.. Webb Falls ville. S1>nngs• to East Hampton. ~~asC~~~:r t~ M_&~~~iin. Webster Crossing• to WaySomers•t to .Mount .KlSco. land. Somers Center to Mt. Kisco Sorout Brook to Fort Plain. The Glen•tt to WarrensWebster Station• to CazeSomersett to Barker. burg. Spuyten DuyvUU to New novia. York City <Manhattan). 'l'llendara to Old Forge. Ssomervllle to Gouverneur. Wedgewood to ·watkin . Staatsburg*tlto Rhinebeck The Vly* to Kerhonkson. onora to Wegatchie to Gouverneur. Vail Gate* to Cornwall. Thlells•t t to liaverstra.w. Statl'ord"tl to Batavia. Vall Mllls• to Gloversville. Wells (Chemung Co.) to Stalblrd to Hermon. SS. Alabama to Oakfield. Elmira. Thomastont to Great Neck Valatie*! to Kinderhook. Stanards* to "'ellsville. • Amenia* to Amenia. to WhltePlalns WellR*t (Hamilton Co.) to Valballa•tt Station. Standlsh"tl to Plattsburg, SS. Apalachin to Owego. Northvllle. to Valley Oottage•ttto Nyack Thompson Rldie•t1 • Argyle to Argyle. Wellsbrldge•tt to Unadllla.. Valley Falls•tl to Troy. Pine Bu ·h. Stanfordvllle"tl to MillS. Bangor to Malone. Wellsburg•tt to Elmira. Thompsons Lake to Alta- Valley M11lstt to Oneida. brook. s. Baytt ( Iadison Co.) to Vallonla Sprinirs to Afton. Weltonvllle to Owego. moot. Stanley•tt to Canandaigua. Canastota. Wendelville to orth TonaThomson• to Schuylervllle. Valols•tt to Vvatkins. S. Bay (Onondaga Oo.) to/ Stapleton* to Richmond, Thornwood*t wanda. to Pleasant- Vandalla•t to Alleghany. l • Y. City. Syracuse. to Cattaraugus. Wesley Spencer. to Etten*tt Van ville. Stark* to J>otsdam. S. Beacht to Stapleton. W. Albany*t to Albany. Thousand Island Park• t Va.nhornesvme• to Fort Starkey•tt to Dundee. to Lancaster. Alden W. Plain. Clayton. to Plain. Fort to Starkville* Altamont. ~- Berne* to Three Mile Bay*tt to Van Nestt to New York . Bethlehem*tt to Albany. W. Amboy* to Parish. City, (Manhattan.) ape Vincent. Starla.kc* to Harrisville. 'S· Bombay to Brushton. W. AthE.lDStl to Catskill. Varna• to Ithaca. Three Rivers to Phrenlx. State Bridge to Oneida. State Linet (Cattaraugus Tbroopsvilleito Weedsport. Varysburg*tt to No. Java. W. Bainbridge to BalnS. Bristol to Naples. brld1re. Warrensburg. to Tburman* Olean. to Co.) ~- Brookfield to Edmeston. Venice Center•t tc Mora.Via W. Bangor• to Brushton. State Llne(ChautauquaCo.) Thurston. to <.;ampbeu. • Butler* to Wolcott. W. Barre to Albion. Verbank•tt to Millbrook. Tlllson• to New Paltz. to Rloley. S. B~on*tt to Batavia.. Tilly Foster•t to Brew- Verbank Villaire• to Mill- W. Bataviatt to Batavta. ~- Ca1ro*t to Catskill. W. Bergen•t to Bergen. brook. ster. · 9ambridge* to Cam- State Road to Horseheads. W. Berne• to -Schoharie. Tioga Center•t1 to Oweio. Verdoy to Watervliet. Randolph to Steamburg•tt bnd~e. V_e_rm_Ull_:o..:..n____to.:......:M=-=.e=x1:..:co:..:..:..___'. VJ.· Bethany to Batavia. Stedman to Ma:::.y_vlll_;;:_e;:.;.____T_i_o_ro_n_a_t_o_B_ea._c_o_n_._ _ _ _ S ~ i s ~ o Canisteo. Sewara•tt to Coblesklll. Shady* to Kingston. Shakers to Albany. Shandaken*t.t to Margaretville. Shanda.lee to Livingston Manor. Sharon (Dutchess Co.) to Amenia. Sharon• (Schoharie Co.) to Sharon Springs.  S. Colton• to Potsdam.  Columbia*tt to RichSprings. I S.S. fleld Corlnth*T t to Corinth.  I  I  I  I  I  I  I  i~:~~~;~:u  C~~:~i:o  si~;1:riy.  I  I  I  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  , County' Seat.  • Money Order Office.  tTelegraph Statton.  tExpress Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2054  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  NEW YORK  W. Bloomfield •t to Lima. W. Branch• to Rome. W. Brightont to Rochester. W. Brookvllle•t to Middletown. W. Bur\lngton• to Edmeston. Westbury <Cayuga Co.) to Red Creek. W. Camp*tt to Saugerties. W. Candor*tt to Candor. W. Caton to Corning. w. Catskill to Catskill. W. Charlton to Schenectady. W. Chazy•tt to Plattsburg. W. Chenango to Blnghampton. Westchestertt to N. Y. City. Bronx. W. Clarksville• to Cuba. W . Colesville to Binghampton. W. Covesville* to Grand Gorge. W. Constable to Fort Covington.  I  W. Steohentown* to Pltts--1 fteld, M~s. W. Stor.kholm • to Potsdam. W. Stony Creek* to Warrensburg. W. Taghkanick to Hudson. Westtown*t:l: to Middletown. W. TownshiI> to Altamont. W. Troupsburg to Knoxville. Pa. W. Valley•tt to Springville. W. Vienna* to Oneida. Westvllle to Mtl!ord. Westville Center* to Fort Covington. W. Walworth• to Falrport. W. Webster• to Webster. W. Windsor to Windsor.  Yosts to Fonda. Young Hickory to Greenwood. Youngs*tt to Unadilla. Younl!'.stown*t to Niagara Falls. Youngsville* to Jeffersoni ville. Yula.n• to Port Jervis. Zena* to Kingston. Zurich to Newark.  NORTH CAROLINA  Bath• to Washington. Battle Ground*tto Greensboro. Baugus to Sparta. Bay to Columbia.. Beachspri11g to Hertford. Bear Creek•tt to Siler City. Bear Poplar* to Mooresville. Beasley* to Smithfield. Beaumont* to Pittsboro. Beaver Creek• to Jefferson. Beckwith to Belhaven. Beech to Ashevllle. Beech Creek to Elk Park. Bee Log* to Burnsville.  I  Bel Arthur to Farmville. Belcross * t t to Elizabeth City. Beldon to Jefferson. Belew Creek to Walnut Cove. Bellair to 'N'ewbern. Belva* to Marshall. Belvidere• to Hertford. Belwood• to Cherryvllle.  NORTH CAROLINA  Candler• to Ashevllle. Cane Creek to Siler City. Cane River* to Burnsville. Canto to Marshall. Capella to Pilot Mountain. Capelsie-1< to Troy. Cara.way• to Ashboro. Carbonton•t to Sanford. Cardenas• t to Raleigh.  Carmen to Marshall. Ca.rotenn to Erwin, Tenn. Carpenter *tl: (Wake Co.J to Apex. Casar• to Shelby. Cash Corner-1< to Bayboro. Cashiers* to Sylva. Casma to Varina. Castle Ha.ynett to Wilmington. Catherine Lake* t:> Jackson ville. Oedarcreek• to Fayetteville.  Wethersfield to Bliss. Wethersfield Springs to Gainesville. Wevertown• t to North Abbottsburg• t to Clarkton. Creek. Abner to Star. Whallonsburg•tt to West- Abshers* to North wilkes port. boro. Benaja*t to Reidsville. Cedar Falls*t t to Ashboro. W. Copake* to Pine Plains. Wheeler• tt to Bath. Acme*tt to Wilmington. Benoow to Elkin. Cedar Grove• to Hillsboro. W. Coxsackle•t to Cox- Wb1pplev11Je• to Malone. Acton• to Asheville. Deng* to Jefferson. Cedar Hill to Ansonville. White Creek• to North Ben- Adako* to Lenoir. sackie. Elkin. Benham* to nington. Vt. W estda.le*tl to Camden. Adams to Boone. Bentonville* to Smithfield. Cedar Mountain*to Brevard Cedar Valley to Lenoir. W. Danby• t t to Ithaca. Addiett to Sylva. Cetro to Roxboro. W. Davenport*tt to One- White Lake • to Monti- Addor*t to Aberdeen. Berea• to Ox.lord. Celo* to Burnsville. cello. onta.. Advance•tt to Mocl!:svllle. Bertha to Elizabeth City White Lake Corners• to Central Falls to Ashboro. W. Day* to Northville. Bessie to Sylva. Chalybea.te Springs• to LllW. Dryden to Ithaca. Al to Roxboro. Boonvllle. Beston to La Grange. linirton. Alrlle• to Littleton. W. Eaton* to Morrisville. Whitelaw to Canastota. Beta• to Sylva. Chambers to Bry ·on City. W. Edmeston* to Edmes- Whiteporttt to Kingston. Alark:a to Bryson City. Bethania* to Rural Hall. Champion to Northwilkeston. Whitestone*t to New York Albertson• to Pink Hill. Bethel HUJ• to Roxboro. boro. City, Borough of Queens. Alert• to Louisburg. Westerleigh to West New Brighton. White Store to New Berlin. Alexander• tt to Asheville. Big Laurel* to Hot Sprlnis White Sulphur Springs• to Alexis• to Stanlev. Westerlo* to Ravena. B!g Pine* to Marshall. Chandler to Albermarle. Western ville• to Rome. Allen* to Charlotte. Liberty. B II ba.o to Durham. Chapanoke• t to Hertford. Whitfield to Kerhonkson. · A!Jenton•t to Lumberton 81Itmore*rt to AshevU!e. Oharles to Statesville. W. Exeter• to West Win- Whitney Crosslng•ttoCana-j Alliance• to Bayboro. Bina to Jefferson. Cheeks to Ramseur. Allreds to Troy. seraga. field. • to Andrews. Cheoah W. Falls• t t to East Au- Wicopee to Beacon. B\xby• to Mocksville Cherokee• to Bryson City. Alma•t to Maxton. rora. Wilburt to Kingston. Blackburn to Newton Westford• to Schenevus. Almond*tl: to Bryson City. Blackwood to Chapel HUI. Cherry• to Creswell. Wlllard*t to Ovid. Cherryfield*t to Brevard. Altamahaw* to Elon Col- Blades* to Newbern. W. Fort Ann* to Hudson Willet* to Cincinnatus. Cherry Lane* to Sparta. lee:e. Williams Bridget to N. Y. Falls. 0 W. Fulton• to Cobleskill. Altamont* to Newland. City. Bronx. W. Galway• to Amster- Wtlllamstown•tt to Cam- Altapass*tt to Bakersville m:!i°c'h ~ t;}l1fiton. Blantyre*t to Brevard dam. Alto to Asheville. den. . Blounts Creek* to Aurora. AmeHa to Sparta. W. Glenville to Amsterdam. Wlllink to East Aurora. Ch1cod to Greenville. Bluff* to Hot Springs. W. Granville Corners• to Wllllst to Mineola. Amherst to Williamston . Chimney Rook*to RutherWlllow• to Kingston. Granville. fordton. Boardman•ttto Chadbourn W. Greece to Spencerport Willow Creektt to Ithaca. Amity to Cleveland. Bogue Banks* to ~forehead Chinquapln* to Pink HUI. Wlllowemoc• to Liberty. W. Groton to Locile. Anatone to Burnsville. Cnocowintty•ttto WashtngCity. Mechanicsto Glen Willow W. to Hampton*tt W. Angeline to Hende.rsonvflle. Bollvla* :t to Wilmington ton. ville. Hamoton Beach. Anna* to Sparta. Cid• to Thomasvllle. Bolton*tt to Whiteville. W. Haroersfteld to Stam- Willow Point* to Johnson Anneta to Woodland. to Edenton. Cisco Aurora. to Bonnerton• City. ford. • Apple Grove• to Jefferson. Boomer* to Northwilkes- City to Sparta. W. Ha.verstraw•tt to Hav- Willowvalet to Utica. Aqua.dale to Norwood. boro. erstraw. Aquone to Andrews. Boonford •tt to Burnsville. I W. Hebron• to Salem WlllseyvllJe• rt to Candor. Borum to Elizabeth City. Clarendon•tt to Tabor. W. Henrietta• t t to Roch- Wilmington• to Au Sable Clarissa* to Bakersvllle. Bosley• to Gatesville. ester. Forks Clark* to Newbern. I Mountain. Pilot Bosts Mills* to Concord. Ararat• t to W. Hurley* to Kingston. Clear Run to Wallace. Wilmurt* to Poland. T to High Point. Archaale• Warsaw. to Bowdens•tt W. Isltot to Babylon. Wilton• to Saratoll:aSp'ngs. Arcola* to Warrenton. Clemmons• t t to WinetonW. Junius to Phelps. Windham• rto Grand Gorge. Arden*tt to Asheville. Salem. W. Kendall• to Holley Windham Center to Grand Argura to Sylva. c;UfTdale to Rutherfordton. W. Km• to atskill. Bowditch to Burnsville. Clifton• to Jefferson. Wilmington to t Armour• W. Kortright* to Schenevus W~e~~-.T (Herkimer Co.> Ascend to Merry Oaks. Branch to Mor~anton. Cllmax•tt to Greensboro . W. Laurens• to Morris. Brandon to Jefferson. to We11t Wtnfleld. to Whiteville. W. Lebanon•r to Char,. Winfteldt! (Queens Co.) to Ash Drankton* to Asheville. Ashford* to Marlon. ham. Elmhurst. Ashland* to Mountatn City. Brasstown• to Murphy. Cofleld*tl to Winton. W. Leyden• to Boonville. Brlckton* to Hendersonville ColnJock• Junctiontt to N. 'fenn. to EUzabethClty. w. Lowville to Lowville.· Winfield Y. City (Borough of Ashley Ileightst to Aber- Brldgew•ater•tt to Morgan- Coles Store* to Ramseur. W. Martinsburg* to Lowton. Queens) . deen. Colfax• to Kernersvllle. ville. Brim• to Mount Airy. Wingdale•UtoDover P'alns ('oliol!ton* to :\Ianteo. W. Meredith to Delhi. Brlnkleyv11Je• to Hall1ax . Winterton• t to M lddletown Ashton*t to Burl!'a..v Collettsvllle•tt to Lenoir. W. Milton* to Ballston Spa Wiscoy• to Fillmore. Brock to Andrews. Ashwood to Oriental. Westminster Park• t to Wlsner•tt to Warwick. Brookford to Hickory. Comfort• to Trenton. As kewv1lle*T t to W\ndsor Alexandria Bay. Brooks to Sparta. Wltheroee* to Pon Henry . Askin* to Newbern. Como• to ::\furtreesboro. W. Monroe*t to Central 'W ittenberg* to Kingston. Brookside to parta.. Burnsville. to Athlone Complex to Denton. Square. Browns Summit•tt to Wolcottsburg to Akron Con;?o to Northwilk boro Westmoreland•tt to Clin- W olcottsvllle to Middleport Atlantic• to Morehead City. Greensboro. Cool Spring to Statesvme. ton. Jefferson. to Brownwoodt Wol! Run to Salamanca. to Fayetteville. Cooper• A~~~~an Springs• to Little- I W. Mt. Vernont to Mt. Woodbourne• to Liberty. Vernon. Greenville. Bruce* to Woodbury•r to Huntington Austln• to Elkin. West New Brighton*t to Autryville• t t to Fayette- Brummett to Baltersvllle. Corapeake•+ to Suffolk, Va. to New Richmond, N. Y. City. , Woodhaven*tt Brush Creek to suer City. ville. York City. Borough of Avoca* to Edenton . W. Nyack"U to Nyack. Buchanan to Vlrglllna, Va. Corbett* to Mebane. to Washington. Corepoint Queens. Weston to Dundee. Northwilkesboro to Buck Avon• to Manteo . Corinth to ::\Ieny Oaks. Woodhaven J'unct1ontt to Aydlett* to Eliza.beth City. Buckland to Gatesville. W. Oneonta •t to Oneonta Cornatzert to Mocksv1Jle. •. Y. City (Borough of Ayersville to toneville. Westons Mllls• to Olean. Buckner* to Marshall. Queens). Cornwall to Stovall. w. Park•tt to lllghland. Buck Shoal* to Rlkln. Ayr to Rutherfordton. West Pattersont:t to Pawl- WooahulJ• to Addison. Buffalo City* to Columbia. Corolla• to Elizabeth City. Azalea*tt to Asbevllie. Buffalo Cove* to Lenoir. Wooctlawnt to New York Ing. City (Manhattan). We t Pawline;tt to Pawling. Bughlll* to Whitev1lle. Wooe1ruere*ttto Cedarhurst W. Pierpont• to Canton. Bules• tt to Red Springs. I gg~~~1ly ~~i ~~d~~~~~;ii. Bachelor* to .. yew Bern. W. Plat,tshurg to Platts- Vi,'oodrow to Tottenvllle. Oove Creek* to \Vaynesville Bahama•t to Durham. Bula.dean to Uakersville. Woods to Antwerp. burg. Covingon to Mount Gilead. Bullock•tt to Stovall. Cowarts* to Sylva. W. Polnt*tt to Highland Wooctsidett to Looµ: Island ] Bain• to Denton. j Crabtree• to Waynesville. City. N. Y. City. Queens. Bald Creek• to Burnsville. Bunlevelt to Lillington. w~i~isdam to Potsdam. Washlnl{ton. to lJunyon Cranberry*t to ~lk Park. I :ggg~m~~~tt 1~:~~~ert1es B~tile~ountain to Burns- Burden to Aulander. Creek* to Warrenton. , Burgess• to Hertford. Baldwin* to Jefferson. W. RlchmondviUe to Rich- , Worth• to Adams. Burton to Burnsville. Wrtghts Cornerst to Look- Balm* to Elk Park. mondvUle. Balsam • u to Waynesville BushnelJ•ttto Bryson City ., port. w. Rush•tt to Honeoye Wurtsboro•tt to Middle- Balsam Grove• to Brevard . Busick to Burnsville. Falls. Cremo*t to Powellsville. Buxton• to Manteo. Bamboo to Boone. town. W. Salamanca• to SalaCrestmont• to Newport, 1 Bynum• to Pittsboro. Tenn. Lake• to Troy ~;:~~~~~~g.~~r~~!~~- ~!~!~;e!~ foat°u1;Ji!~fi·1e. Creston• to J etTerson. lngdale. W. Saugerties to SaugerCricket to .. ·orthwilke.5boro. Barber*tt to Cleveland. WynantskUJ• to Troy. ties. Croatan•t to L •ewhern. Barco• to Elizabeth City. Caharrus to Concord. Croftt to Charlotte. w. Sayville*t to Sayville. Yaphank•t to Patchogue. Barkers Creek*% to Sylva. Calabash* to Southport. Cro. snore* to , · ewland. W . Schuyler to Utica. Calahaln• to Mocksville. Barnard•tt to Marshall. Crouse• t to Lincolnton. W. Seneca t to Lacka- Yates to Lyndonville. Barnardsvllle• to Asheville. Call to Northwilkesboro Yatesville to Peno Yan. Crumpler• to JetTerson. wanna. Yorkshlre•t to Arcade. Cru o* to Wayne:,ville. W. Shelhy to Medina . to ~!~~itst'il~e* Ptirt!~irbluff. : • C~u1.en • t to Elizabeth Crutcbfteld•t to Elkin. Heights• W . Shokan*t to Kingston. Yorktown Bartlett to Elizabeth City. Campbell • to Stuart, Va. Mount Kisco. Culberson•U to Murphy. W . ~Ide t o Lake George. l Batcave* to Hendersonville Cana • to MockRvllle. VorkvllJe• t to Utica Culbreth to Stem. W. Somers t o Carmel.  I  I  w'.11~0:ct  REFERENC~ KEY.  A County  Seat.  • Money Order Office.  tTe!egraph Station. ess Office.  NORTH CAROLINA CUllasaja • to rranklln. Cullowhee* to Sylva. Cumberland *toFayettevllle Cumnock• ti to Sanford. CUrrle•tt to Wllmlngton. •Currituck • to Elizabeth City. Cycle• to Elkin.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Essex• to Littleton. Estatoe to BakersVllle, I Etber-1<t to Troy. . Etna* to Etowah*t to Henderson-, ville. Eufola • tt to Statesville. Eulalie to Franklin. Eureka• to Fremont.  Grandvtew• to Murphy. Grandy- to Elizabeth City. Grantsboro*t to Bayboro. Grantville to Marsball. Gra!!SY Creek• to Jefferson. Gray* to Sparta. Grayson*to Mountain City, Tenn.  Hoyle to Randleman. Hubert• to Jacksonvllle. Budson•t:t to Granite Fall Hugbes* to Newland. R untdale*ttto Bakersville Hunters Bridge to Washln~ton. Hunting Creek* to North Wilkesboro. Huntley• to Clinton. Hurdle Mllls• to Roxboro. Husk to Jefferson.  Greene to Goldston. Green Blll*to Rutherfordton. Eva to Hertford. Green Lees to Marion. Evans to Pittsboro. Dabney•t to Henderson. Evergreen*+ to Chadbourn. Greenmountain • tt to BakDale to Bakersville. ersville. Dalton• t to Pllotmountaln. Greens Creek* to Sylva. Ewart to Bakersville. Dana• to Hendersonville. Gregonr*t to Ellzabetb City Excelsior to Whitevllle. Dandy to Jefferson. Greystone*t :t to Henderson Exter to Windsor. Darby to Lenoir. Grlt'fltht to Charlotte. Exum• to Vineland. Dardens* to Plymouth. Grissom• to Creedmoor. Exway to .Mount Gilead. Darkridge to Elk Park. Grists• to Chadbourne. DaVldson Rlver•t to Brevard. Gudger to Columbia. Davis* to Beaufort. Falrtleld• to Swanquarter. Gull!ord*Tto Greensboro. Guilford College • t to Day Book* to Burnsville. Fairview* to Asheville. Greensboro. Dealville• to Taylorsvllle. Faith to Salisbury. Gulf• t :t to Sanford. Falcon* to Dunn. Dean to Franklin. Gumberry*tt to Seaboard. Deeprun* to Kinston. Gumneck* to Columbia.. Falkland* to Greenvllle. Deerfiela to Boone. Gupton to Louisburg. Dehart* to N orthwilkes- Fallcwr to Sylva. Guyton to Bladenboro. Fallston• to Shelby. boro. Gwyn to Yadkinville. Farmer• to Ashboro. Delco* to Wilmington. Dellwood• to Waynesvllle. Farmlngton*to Mocksville. Faro to Fremont. Delway• to Wallace. Democrat• to Ashevllle. Denny to Northwilkijsboro. Fearrington to Durham. Ferguson to Northwilkes- Hackett to Elk Park Derita• t to Charlotte. Hackney to Pitt boro. boro. Devotion to Elkin. Rallison• t to Carthage. Ferry to Caroleen. Hallsl.>oro*t to Whiteville. Fig* to Jefferson Dewdrop to Hot Springs. Halls Mills* to N ortbwilkesFinley to Blowing Rock. Dexter to Oxford. boro. Fisher to Troy. Dlllara* to Madison. Hallsville* to Wilmington. Mllton. to Fitch• Dillingham to Asheville. Flatrock• tt to HendersonDlllsboro•tt to Sylva. Hampstead• tto Wfimlngton ville. Dimmette* to Elkin. HamptonvUle • to YadkinFlats* to Franklin. Dimsdale to Tryon. ville. Fleetwood to Jefferson. Dixie to Charlotte. Handy to Denton. DDlxon•tt to Jacksonville. Hannersvllle* to Thomasockery to N orthwilkes- Flinty* to Burnsville. ville. Florence• to Orienta,. boro. Hanrahan to Grtfton. Dome• to Black Mountain. Folkstone•tt to Wllming- Harbinger• to Elizabeth City. ton. Donnoha*tt to Rural Hall. Fonta Flora to Morganton. Hardin to Dallas. Dothan• to Tabor. Fontana• to Bryson City. Double Shoal to Shelby. Hargrove to Stem. D oughton to Elkin. Footville to Yadklnvllle. Barkers Island*to Beautort Forbes to Bakersville. Harley to N orthwilkesboro. Fork to Mocksville. D read en* to Jefferson. 1 Harristt to Henrietta. Forney* to Bryson City. D rew to Windsor. Fort Barnwell*ttto Kinston Harrisburg* t to Concord. Drexel • t t to Morganton. D ruid to Marshall. Fort Landing* to Columbia Harrisville to Candor. Hartman to Danbury. Drum.hilJ*tt to Gates. Francisco• to Pilot Moun- Harts to Mooresville. Drv Creek to Candor. Hartshorn• to Liberty. Frank* to Elk Park. DDubUn to Bladenboro. Harvard* to Burnsvllle. Freeland* to Whiteville. uck to Manteo. Duck Creek*to Jacksonville Freeman*t to Wllmlngton. Hassell*l to Oak City. Friendshipt to Kerneraville. Hasty•t to Laurtnburg. DDudley• t t to Goldsboro. Ratteras•t to Manteo. Frisco* to Manteo. u1ab to Tabor. Ilavelock*t to 1 ewport. Dundarrach*t to Raeford. Frosty to Pittsboro. Haw Hrancn* to Sanford. gurants Neck* to Hertford. Fullers* to Thomasvllle. Hawk to Bakersville. Furches* to Jefferson. Hayne• to Cll.llton. Hays* t,o Northwilkesboro. Dysartvllle* to Marlon.  D~y;g; ttg l~~~~ig_-  Gale to Jefferson. Galveston to Durham. Gap to Pilot Mountain. Garden City* to Marlon. Gatewood to Danvllle. Va. ~- Arcad.ia*t to Clarkton. Gay to Sylva. E. Flat Rock* to Hender- Gaylord to Washington . Geneva (Rocklngbam Co.)\o Manteo. to Stokesdale. E. Monbo* to Statesville. Genoa*t to Goldsboro. George to Woodland. Edgar* to High Point. Georgevllle* to Concord. Eddgemont*tt to Lenoir. E ison to Jefferson. Edmonds* to Galax, Va. EdneyVllle• to Henderson- Gerton to Asheville. Ville. Ghlot to Hamlet. Edward•tt to Aurora. Edwards Crossroads* to Gibbs to Morganton. Gllkey•U to Rutherfordton Sparta. Gillett* to Jacksonville. Gilreath• to Northwllkes-1 ilat:t to Bryson CltY. 0 0 G~~~ valley* to Sparta. t~W~~~~ton. ~ldorado• to Troy. Glen Alplne•t:t to MorganElease* to Fayetteville. ton. Eleazer to Troy. Glen Ayre to Bakersvllle. Sp11ngs to JefferGlendale llkt(?n • t tc Clarkton. son. 1t~~* to N orthwilkesGlendon•t to Sanford. Glenn to Mountain City, Eller to Lexington. Tenn. Ellijay to Franklin. Glenola*t to Hlgb Point. Clinton. ElUott*t to ~}°1wood*tt to Cleveland. Glen Raven to Burlington. rod• t t to Rowland. E mbro• to Macon. Glenville• to Sylva. GlenwoocU to Marlon. Emerson• to Clarkton. Gllden* to Hertford. Globe* to Lenoir Gloucester* to Bea.utort. Gneiss to Fr;i.nklln. Godwtn•tt to Dunn ~ngllsh to Marshall. Gold Hill*tt to Rockwell nnlce• to Soarta. Goldpomt to Rooersonvllle. Enola to Morganton. Enterprise to Lexington. Good Spring to Dobson. Erastus to Sylva. Gorman* to Durham. Erect• to Ashboro. Goshen to Northwilkesboro ErnuI to Newbern. Gragg to Newland. Eskota to Burnsville.  I  Eagle Rock*t:t to Wendell. fagle Springs*t to Candor. ar1 • lt to Blacksburg, S.C E ar1evst to Ahoskie.  I I  E1~:~:!  I  REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  , County Seat.  NORTH CAROLINA  2055  Lee* to Hot Springs. Leecbville• to Belhaven. Leland• t to Wilmington. Lemon Springs• t t to Sanford. Lena to Fayetteville. Letitia* to Murpby. Lawisville* to WinstonSalem. Li~ht* to Thomasville. Lilly* to Elizabetn City. Lindent to Fayett< ville. Linville*t to Newland. Linville Falls* to .Morganton. Linwood• t t to Lexington.  Icard to Hickory. Littlefield to Ayden. Idalia to Aurora. Idlewlld• to Jefl'erson. Llttlerock Creek to Bakersville. Index to Jefferson. Indian Town*to Ellzabetb Little to Switzerland City Bakersville. Indian Trall•t to Monroe. Lodo to Charlotte. Lomax to Elkln. Inez• to Warrenton. Longcreeli: to Wllmlngton. Ingalls• to Bakersvtue. Longisland* to StatesVllle. Ingold* to Clinton. Longs Mills to Liberty. Ink* to Northwilkesboro. Long Shoals•to Lincolnton. Iotla to Franklin. Loray•t to Statesville. Iron Statlon • t to Lincolnton. Lotta to Spruce Pine. Ivanhoe•u to Wilmington Lovelace* to NorthwilkesIvy• to Marshall. boro. L0vill to Boone. Lowe to Lumberton. Lowesvllle to Stanley. Lowgap* to Galax. Va. JacKsons Creek to Ashboro. Lowlana* to Bayboro. Jalong>1- to Roxboro. Lucia to Mount Holly. James Clty•r to Newbern. Luck to I-lot Springs. Jamestown•t:t to High Lukens• to Oriental. Polnt. Lunday• to Bakersville. Japan* to Bryson City. Lupton• to Bea.wort. Jarvis to Northwilkesboro. Lynn• to Tryon. Lyons• t to Stem. Jarvtsburg• to Elizabeth City. Jasper to Newbern. Jennln"-8• to Statesville. Jerome to Fayetteville. Mabel* to Boone. Jerry* to Col um bla. Mackey Ferry•tt to Roper.• to Washington. Mackeys*tt to Roper. Made:e to Charlotte. Joe* to Hot Springs. Maggie* to Waynesville. Johns*tt to Laurinburg. Magnetlo City* to Bakersville. Jonas Rldge*to Morganton. Makatoka* to Whiteville. Jones to Jefferson. Jonesvme• to Elkin. Makelyvllle to Bellhaven. Jordan* to Slier City Ma.mers to Lillington. Joy to Morganton. Joynes to Elkm. Mamie• to Ellzabeth City. Manchester• t t to FayetteJudson• t to Bryson City Vllle. Jullan•t to Liberty. Juno to Asheville. 0  s~~~~:n6/1~~: ::~-1¥;; Manndale* to Pittsboro.  Kanoy t<' Ashboro. Kapps Mill to Dobson. Katesv1lle to Louisburg. Kearney to Loulsbur11:. Kellum to Jacksonville. Kelly• to Clarkton. Kemps Mill to Ashboro.  Manni! Haroor• to Manteo. Manson*l to Norlina..  Maple* to Elizabeth rnty Maple Cypress to Grifton. Maple Hill* to Jacksonvllle. Maple Springs to Northwilkesboro. Mapleton to Murfreesboro. Haywood* to .Merry Oaks. Map1evU1e• to Louisburg. Hazelwood* to Waynesville Kendal to Northwilkesboro Marble•t to Andrews. Heathsvllle• to Enfield. Margarettsvme• t t to SeaKennebect to Fuquay Heaton to Elk Park. board. Springs. Helena (Alleghany Co.> to Maribel• to Bayboro. Wilmington. to t Kerr• Soarta. Marietta• t t to Lumberton. Klrooolton* to Sller City. Helton• to Jefferson. Klmesvllle* to Liberty. Marines• to Wilmington. Hemlock• to Mountain City Kings Oreek* to Lenoir. Mariposa to Stanley. Klpllng•t to Lllllngton. Tenn. Marler• to Elkin. to Northwilkes-, Kittrell*tt to Henderson. Marley Ford to Northmbno~~~ wilkesboro. Kitty Hawk•t to Manteo. Knotts Island* to Norfolk. Marmaduke• to Warrenton. Marshallberg• to Beaufort. Va. Henrico* to Littleton. Marston to Hamlet. Henry• to Llnco1nton. Henry Rivert to Hickory. Knottville to Northwilkesboro. Hester•t to Creedmoor.* to Manteo. Kona. to Burnsville. Hewltts to Bryson Oity. Kyle to Franklin. Mast* to Boone. Hexlena to Aulander. Matney* to Boone. 0 Higgins* to Burnsville. ~!~;fion§n~ w\1M~vllle. Highfalls* to Carthage. Maytleld to Reidsville. Lagoon to E1lzabethtown Hle:hlands to Franklin. Lake Comfort to Swan- Mayhew to Mooresville. quarter. Mayworth to Gastonia. High Rock*t to Denton. to Junaluska*t High Shoals• Tt to Lincoln- Lake Waynesville. ton. Hig~ Towers* to Yancey- Lake Landing* to Swan- McAdenville• to Belmont. quarter. McCains to Waxhaw. ville. Lake Toxaway•tt to Bre- McConnell to Carthage. Hlldebran•:t to Hickory. vard. McCullers• t to Raleigh. Hlll1drt• to Hendersonville. Lake Vlew*t to Southern McOrady* to NorthwilkesHlwassee• to Murphy Pines. boro. Mciver• to Reidsville. Lake Waccamaw•u to Hobucken• to Bavboro. Whiteville. McLeansvme t to GreensHoffman•tt to Hamlet. Lanvale to Wilmington. boro. Homs• to Ellenboro. Hollow Poplar to BakersLatham to Washington. ville. Holly Rldge•t to Jackson• Laurelbranch* to Sparta. M:eadows• to Danbury. ville. Meat Camp• to Boone. HomlnYt:t to Asheville. Mechanic to Ashboro. Laurel Sprlngi,• to Sparta. Meaora .o Rocky Mount. Hooker to Sparta. Hoover HU! to Ashboro. Lawndale• to Shelby. Mege to Edenton. Hope Mills *tt to Fayette- Laws to Hillsboro. ville. Melvin Hill* to RutherHopkins to Boone. Leading to Mount Pleasant. fordton. Horse Shoe•tt to Hender- Leaman to Carthage. Menola. to Woodland. sonvllle. Leander to Elk Park. .MerchantMills to Gatesviile Houstonvtlle• to Mocks- Leasburg• to Roxboro. Merriman to Oriental. ville. Leatherman* to Franklin . Merritt• to Oriental. Howard to Windsor. Lede:er• to Bakersville. Merry Hill• to Windsor.  I  •Money Order Office.  t Telegraph  Station.  tExpreas Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2056  NORTH CAROLINA  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  NORTH CAROLINA  Merry Mount* to Norlina. Merry Oaks•tt to Pittsboro Mesic• to Bayboro. Metal to Shelby. Method•t to Raleigh.  Oak Hill to Stovall. Point Caswell*to Wllmtng- Rougemont•U to Roxboro Springcreek* to Hot Spgs. Oakley to Bethel. Spring Hill• t to Scotland ton. I Rough to Andrews. Oak Park to Ducktown. Point Harbor to Ellzabeth Round Mountain to NorthNeck. City. Tenn. wilkesboro. Spurgeon to i TorthwilkesOakridge• to h.ernersville. Round Peak• to :Mount Airy boro. Pomona•ttto Greensboro. Rowan to Mooresville. Oaks to Mebane. Poplar* to Bakersville. Royal to Aurora. Stackhouse•t to larshall. Oakwoods to ... Torthwilkes- Poplar Branch• to Eliza.- Ruffln•U to Reidsville. Stacy to Beaufort. boro. Mlca• to Marlon. Rusk• to Elkin. beth City. · Staley•t to Liberty. Obids to Jefferson. Pores Knob* to North Ruskin• to Elizabethtown. Mlcavllle• to Burnsville. Wilkesboro. Middleburg• t t to Hendet- Observer to Pineville. Ruth to Rutherfordton. Stancell 'to Weldon. Ocean to 111:orehead City. Porter to Norwood. Rutnertord CoUege•to Mor- State Road• to Elkin . son. ganton. Middletown• to Swanquar- Ocona Lufty• to Bryson Stecoah• to tsryson City. Postell to Murphy. City. Rutherwood to Boone. Stedman• t to Fayettevllle. Ryland• t to Edenton. w1:·to Sparta. I Ocracoke• to Swanauarter. Steeds*tt to tar. Powells Point• to Elizabeth ::Vlillboro*tt to Randleman. Odessa• to Ashevme. tella* to ~fay ville. City. Mill Brook•t to Raleigh. Ogden to Murphy. Prentisstt to Franklln. Mill Creek• to Roxboro. Stocksville• to Asheville. Prlce• tt to Stoneville. Millers Creek* to North- Ogreeta to Murphy. Stonewall• to Bayboro. Okcwemee* to Troy. Prices MW to Monroe. Stony Fork* to lloone. Saddle to Sparta. wilkesboro. Okisko•t to Elizabeth Clty. Print to Littleton. Mlllingport to Albemarle. Straits• to Beaufort. Sadler to Reidsville. Mlll Spnng• to Tryon. Proctor• to Bryson City. Saginaw• to Newland. Stratford* to Sparta. Old Dock* to Whiteville. Pro2"ress to Hlgb Polnt. M.lllwood to Pittsboro. St. John to Ahoskie. Street to BakersvlUe. Old Hundred• t to Gibson. Propst to Hickory Milsaps to Andrews. Salemt to Winston-Salem. Strieby to Ashboro . Prospect Hill• to Htllsboro. Olds to Elizabeth City. Stubbs to helby. Prosperity• to Carthage. Salem Chapel to :Walnut Stumpypoint* to Manteo. Oldtown* to Rural Hall. SturgU]s• to Jefferson. Cove. Mllton*tt to Danville. Va.. Old Trap* to Elizabeth City Pump to Marshall. Salem Church to Denton. Olin• to Statesville. Milwaukee* to Conway. Pungo* to Belhaven. Samarcand to Candor. Sugar Grove• to Boone. Olive Branch to :Marshville Purlear* to Northwilkes- , Sand Bluff to Ellzabetb- Sult* to l\furphy. Mineola to Washington. 1 Mineral Sprlngs•tov\raxhaw Olivia*t to Fayetteville. boro. town. Mlnneapolls• to Elk Park. Ophir to Troy. Purley• to Danville Va. Sands* to Boone. Minor to Concord. Purvis• to Maxton. Sandy Mush• to Marshall. , Summit* to ... ·orthwilkesOre Hill*H to Siler City. Mint Hill to Matthews. Putnam* (Moore 0o.) to Sandy Ridge• to Stoneville. I boro. Ore Knob* to Jefferscu. Carthage. Mlnts*t to Roseboro. Sans Soucl • to Plymouth. Sunburst to Canton. Misenheimer• to Rockwell. Orenburg liO Henrietta.. Pyatte to Newland. Sapphire* to Brevard. Supply"' to hallotte. Orion to Jefferson. Surl to Roxboro . 1 Sarem• to Gatesvllle. ~ , ~ : \~ RJi~~~Orrum•t to Lumberton. Surry* to "\ ashington. Osborne*tt to Hamlet. Satterwhite to Oxtoxd. Moll\e* to Whiteville. Sutberlan<1s to Mountain Moltonvllle• to Clinton. Saulston• to Goldsboro. City, Tenn. Savage* to Gatesville. Quebec• to Brevard. Monbo* to Statesville. Swain• to Bry.·on City. Osgood• t to Sanford. Queen to Troy. Sawmill• to Granite Falla. Swancreek to Elkin. Ostwalt to Statesvllle. Quick to Reidsville. Saxapabaw• to Graham. 1 Swannanoa*tt to Othello to Jefferson. Quinine to Ashboro. Scaly* to Franklin. Mountain. Otlla* to Manteo. Scotts* to Stony Point. Swann Station• t to JonesOttanola*to Hendersonvllle Quitsna to Windsor. Mcnroeton to Reidsville. Scotts Hill*tt to Wllmlngboro. Montezuma* to Newland. Otto•tt to Franklin. ton. Swansboro* to Jacksonville. Swayney to Bryson City. Montreat•tto Black Moun- Otway to Beaufort. Sweet Waier* to Boone. Scottvllle• to Sparta. Oval to Jefferson. M~~~an Falls* to orthScranton• to Swanquarter. Swepsonvllle•t to Graham Rachel to Ashboro. ' windel to Swanquarter. Scuppernong to Creswell. wilkesboro. Swiss* to Burnsvllle. Radical to Northwilkesboro Seagate to Wllminl?ton Morlah • to Roxboro. ~=Pi~~p~~tdale. , ~:~v!Y roo~~~JJ: g~t;~er*s\l~g ;t"Jount Sedalla• to Glbsonvllle. 0 M~u r?t~inview to Warren- Pactolus• t t to Greenville. Ransomville•toWa.sbington Sellca*t to Brevard. ton Palntfork to Marshall. Raven to Jefferson. Selwin to Hobbsville. · I Paintgap* to Burnsville. Raynham• t to Lumberton. Semora*t to Danville. Va. Palntrock*tt toHot Spr'gs. Ready Branch to North- Senta to Elk Park. Tamarack to MountainClty, Palestine to Albemarle. wilkesboro. Seven Sprlngs•to LaGrange Tenn. Red Bug* to Whltevllle. Sevlertt to Marion. Mt. Gould to Colerain. Tarneel•tto Elizabethtown. Mt. Mitchell• to Marion. Palmervllle• to Albemarle. Reddies River• to North• Tar River •t to Creedmore. wilkesboro. Shankle to Norwood. Mt. Mourne*! to Moores- Palmyra.•u to Scotland Teacheys•t to Wallace. Neck. Red Hill to Bakersville. Shannon•t to Red Sprlngs. 1 Teer• to Mebane. ville. . Red Top to Old Fort. ' Shawboro•tt to Elizabeth Telephone to Roxboro. Mt. Sterling* to Newport. Pamlico• to Oriental. Mt. Ulla.*tt to Mooresville. Pantego• t to Belhaven. Reelsboro•tt to Newbern. City. Tellico to Franklin. Mt. Vernon Springs to Siler Parker to Mountain City, Reepsvllle• to Lincolnton. Sheffield to Mocksville. Terra Ceia to Belhaven. Tenn. Reese to Boone. Shelmerdine to Greenvllle. Terrell• to Mooresvllle. City. Mount Zion to North Wil- Parkersburg•U to Clinton. Sherman to Jefferson. Thaxton• to Mountain Parsonville• to Northwilkes Relief to Bakersvllle. Sherrills Ford* to Mooreskesboro. City, Tenn. boro. Rennert•U to Red Springs. Mumford to Elizabeth Olty. ville. Thelma•u to Littleton. Pates•t to Maxton. Reno to Jefferson. Sherwood to Boone. Murchison to Burnsville. Thermal City• t t to RutherPatterson• to Lenoir. Shlloh• to Elizabeth City. tordton. Patterson Springs* to Shel- Revere* to MarRhall. 1 Theta to Jefferson. by. Rex*t to Parkton. Shipyard to Elizabeth City. Thornwall to Fayettevllle. I Thurmond* t" Ellan. Pattons Ridge to North- Reynoldson to Gatesville. Shoals• t to Rural Hall wilkesboro. ~ef Granite Sbootlng Creek• to Murphy· I iot:-ffa~i~~d. Paw Creek*t to Charlotte. Nagshead* to ~Ianteo. Peach Tree to Murphy. Falla. Naklna * to Whiteville. Shulls Mills* to Boone. Tobaccovllle• t to Rural I Rhodot to Andrews. Nance to Reidsvllle. Sidney to Belhaven. Hall. Richardson• to Bladenboro Silas Creek to Jefferson. Nantabala•tt to Bryson Pearson to Iorganton. •t t to Bakersvllle. Peden to Sparta. Slloam•tt to Rural Hall. Toledo to Burn ville. City. Pee Dee•tt to Lllesvllle. Sllverdale•to Jacksonvllle. Toliver to Jefferson. Pekin* to Mount Glleaa. Rich Mountain to Sylva.. Simpsons Store to Madison. Toluca to Cherryvllle. Peletier to Jacksonville. Riddle* to Elizabeth City. Sims• to Wilson. Tomahawk•t to WlhninitNaples t.o Hendersonville. Pelham•tt to Danville.Va. , Rldgecrest•t to Black Sioux to Burnsvllle. ton. Nathans Creek• to Jefrer- 1 Pendleton•t to Conway. Mountain. Tomotla*t to Murphy. son. Penelo* to Tarboro. Ridge Spring to Ayden. Sklnnersville to Roper. Topia to Sparta. Nealsvllle• to Marton. Rid~evllle• to Roxboro. Skyland•t to Ashevllle. Topnot to Yanceyville. Neoo•tt to Marlon. Peniand*tt to Bakersville. Ridgeway*tt to Norlina. Sladesvllle to Swan9.uarter. Needmore to Bryson City. Penrose•t to Brevard. Riggsbee• to Chapel Hill. Sligo to Elizabeth City. Topsy to Gatesvllle. Nellie• to Waynesvllle. Pensacola*to Burnsville. Sloan• to Wallace. Topton•tt toAndrews. Nelsont to Durham. Peoples* to Pittsboro. Rlleys Store to Ashboro. Slocomb to Fayetteville. Towncree~•tto Wilmington Neuse•tt to Wake Forest. Peppers to Bakersvllle. Ringwood• to Enfield. Sloop Point to Wllmlngton. Transon• to Jefferson. New Castle* to Elkin. Rlverdale•t to Newbern. Sly to Jefferson. TraphUI• to Elkin. Newdale to Burnsvme. Perkinsvllle*to Morganton. Riverside• to Boone. Small to Aurora. Treetop* to Jefferson. NeweU•t to Charlotte. Persimmon Creek to Mur- Rives Chapel to Siler City. Smethport to West Jefrer- Triangle to Stanley. th :::hi sw nto Winston- R~~~f6~io~•tt to ror · S~~t• to Stuart. Va. Point. quarter. tat ·ville. Salem. R1!! ~fountain City. ~mokeIIl:or*Jo J_n City Triplett to Boone. 0 Newhope* to Phcenu•: to :Vilmlngton. ,Robblnsvme• to Andrews. s:e~a;e~:8'to Jackson- Trotvllle•: to Gatesvllle. Roberdell• to Rockingham. ills. Trout to Jefferson. Rock Branch to J?ayctte- Snow Camp• to Liberty. Plnebluff•tt to Aberdeen. ville. Snowden• tt to Elizabeth '!'rust* to Asbevllle. New Hope Academy* to Pine Hau•tt to Madison. City. Trutb to felTY' Oaks . Rock Creek• to Liberty. "oda Hill to Iloone. Trypho:sa to l ranklln. Denton. Rock Cut to Statesvllle. Newlife to Northwillrn,'>boro Pineola* to Newland. New London•tt to Albe- Pineview• to Fayetteville. Rock Flsh•.i:to Fayetteville. Sol to Denton. Tuckaseig-ee• to Sylva. Rockford• t t to Elkin. marle. Piney Creek• to Sparta. Solola to Bry on City. Tuckerdale to Jefferson. Rockvlew to Ashev1lle. ' 1 Plnnlx to Lexln1eton. Rockyhock to Edenton. Sopbla*t to Randleman . Tuckertown"' to Albemarle Pinson to Denton. Hock-y PolnL*tt to Burgaw. Sound to Edenton. Tulis• to Ellzat>eth City. Rocky River Springs to S. Creek• to Aurora. Tulu to Edenton. Newsomtt to Albemarle. Pireway• to Whiteville. Norwood. S. Lowell to Durham. Tunls•u to\ inton. Newton Grove• to Cllnton. Pisgah• to Ashboro. Rocky prlngs to Stokes- 'outh Mill • to Camden. Turnersburg•to Statesvllle Nlairara*:ttoSouthernPlnes. Plsgab Forest•ttto Brevard dale. Southmont * t t to LexNicanor to Hertford. Rodanthe• to .Manteo. Pitts to Marion. Jngton. Tuscarora• t:t to T ewbern. Nile to Sparta. Plateau to Newton. Roduco* to l<~ure. South River to Sall bury. Tuskeegee* to Bryson City. Nlmrod to Charlotte. Roe to Beaufort. j South Shore to Columbia. Tuxecto•tto Hendersonville Nlxonton to Elizabeth City. Pleasant Garden• t to Southslde• to Lincolnton. Noland* to Bryson Clty. Rominger to MountalnCitY, 1 Spear* to Newland. Greensboro. Norman•t:t to Ellerbe. Pleasant I:Illl•tt to Ga.rysTenn. 1 Speedwell to Webster. N. Brook to Cherryville. burg. Rooks"'t to Atkinson. N. Oove• to .i: 1arion. Roscoe to Pittsboro. Sples•t to Carthage. N. Harlowe• to ewport. Pleasant Rldge.tto Gastonia Rosedale to EUza.bethCity. Spokane to Asbboro. Nortbslde• to Creedmore. Plumtree• to Elk Park. Rosindale• t to Clarkton. Spoutsprlngs•tt to l"ayette- Ulah to Ashboro. Nulln to Sparta. Plyler to Aloemarle. Rosman•tt to Brevard. ville. Unaka• to Murphy. REFERENCE KEY. , County Seat. • !\Ioney Order Office. tTelegraph Station. :i Express Otlico.  I  I  I  I  tf  f  I  j  fi~~i~  I  1};U1!~f1>t~·  er~~-  II I  I  Ptf~fown•  Bff  I  I  R:~:i}:~r.  i~:{/~tft, ~if;ti  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  NORTH CAROLINA  ci  Union to Ahoskie. Union Ridge• to Burlington. Untonvme• to Monroe. Un1verslty•tt to Hlllsboro. Upton' to Lenoir. Uree• to Rutherfordton. Uwharie to Troy.  Valdese•t to Morganton. Valley- to Elk Park. Vandemere •H to Bayboro. Vander to Fayettevllle. Vannoy* to Northwllkesboro. Vaugnan•U to Littleton. Vein Mountain* to Marlon Venable* to Carrboro. Verona• to Jacksonvllle. Vests to Murphy. Vnas• to Boone. Vlneland*t to Whiteville. Virgil* to Boone. Vlsta to Wilmington. Vivian to Gatesville. Vixen to Burnsville. Vox to Sparta.  Woodleigh* to Norfolk, Va. Woodrow to. Canton. Woodsdale•t to Roxboro. Woodville to Lewiston. \Vorley* to Marshall. Worry* to Morganton. Worth• to Dallas. Worthville• to Randleman. Wrightsville to Wilmington ,vysocking to Swanquarter.  Yadkin College• to Lexington. Yadkin Valley• to Lenoir. Yancey to Roxboro. Yeatesvllle to Belhaven. Yellow Creek* to Bryson City. Yorick to Elizabethtown. Yuma* to Boone. Zara• to Clarkton. I Zebra to Northwllkesboro. to Elkin. I Zephyr Zlonvllle• to Boone.  Zirconla • t to Hendersonvllle.  Wade• rt to Fayettevllle. Wadevllle•ttoMount Gilead W a.goner* to J etrerson. Wakefteld • to Zebulon. Wakulla •t to Red Springs. Walkertown*tt to Winston Salem. Wallburg• to Thomasvllle. Walls to Sparta. Walnut• to Marshall. Walsh to North Wilkesboro Walthall* to Holly Springs. Wampler to Burnsville. Wanantsh*t to Vineland. Wa.nchese• to Manteo. Warbler to Swanquarter. Warlick to Morganton. Warne• to Murphy. Warren Plains•u to Warrenton. Warrensvllle* to J etrerson. Watauga Falls* to Boone. Waterlily*to Elizabeth City Watha.•tt to Wallace. Watson• to Burlington. Waverly to Marshall. Wayside to Bryson City.  NORTH DAKOTA  Absaraka•tt to Wheatland. Ackworth to Dunseith. Acton to Grafton. Addlson*tt to Davenport. Adrian*tt to Dickey. Agate*t to Bisbee. Akra* to Cava.lier. Alicia*t to Lidgerwood. Alpha* to Golva. Alta (Barnes Co.) to Valley City. Alta (Burleigh Co.) to Regan. Amor* to Bowman. Ante10pe *l to Richardton Armourdale to Hansboro. Arvid* to Beach. Auburn•tt to Grafton. Aylmertt to Anamoose.  Weasel to Jefferson. Weaverstord*to Jefferson. \ :Vebb to Burnsville.  re.  al e.  n  Baden*t to Coulee. 1 tv"!:::tul:•to t~y 'E1izabeth Baq.Iand* to Rhame. Bangley to Baltour. City. Barrie to Kindred. Wehutty to Murphy. Beaulieu• to Olga. WWelcome* to Lexington. Bedford:!: to Page. ells to Siler City. ' Wentworth• to Reidsville. Belcourt• to Rolla. W Belden* to Stanley. Wesser* to Bryson City. Belmont to Buxton. 0 w:~ft~fct~*{; Benson to La Moure. Bereatt to Valley City. ;- Raleigh;f<t to Raleigh.  z.~~~d11~i,.  w~l~ft~;.r~  J~~~~lln. ~hlchard • to Greenvllle. hhi~tehead * to Sparta. \...,. •• tehurst to Bethel.  Berg* to Charlson. Bessie* to Bowman. Bierman to Rhame. Birchwood to St. John. Birdsell to New Lelpslg. White Oak•t (Bladen Co). Blacitwater* to Garr'i.son. Bloom to Jamestown. to Ellzabethtown. WWh~te Plalns*toMount Airy Bluegrass• to New Salem. h1te Rock-l< to Marshall. Bonnie View to Beach. Whlte Store• to Marshvllle. Brazil* to Balta. W hltnel* to Lenoir. Breien to Timmer. Brittin*:!: to Bismarck. Whitney*tt to Badin. Burleightt to Menoken. WWhltsett• to Gibsonville. hlttier•tt to BrysonClty. WW~ortonsvllle to Oriental. ~~gins Oro sroads to .Vhaleyville. !lbar• to N orthwilkesboro 1ldwood*t to Newport. WIihite• to Burnsvllle. Willa.rd• t:t to Wallace. WUlets• to Sylva. Wnuams• toWinston-Salem ~mis Creek to Fayetteville. wu 1ston to Beaufort. 1ow to Gatesvllle. Willow Spring• t to Raleigh W llmot*t to Sylva. WW~lsons Mills*tt to Selma. Indom to Burnsville. Wbndy Gap to Northwilkes-  f  e. e y.  e  W1~t• to Hertford. Wing• to Bakersville. Wtnna.bow• to Wilmington., ;1nsteadvllle to Belhaven! b~~~op Mms• to NewWtstti to Norlina. W it to Beaufort. Wolf Mountain* to BreVa.rd. Wood to Louisbut'g. Woodard* to Windsor. Wooe1tor<1• to Jefferson. W ,, oodlawn to Marion. ~dlea~tt to Cleveland.  Caledonia* to Shelly Minn. . Campbell to Klntyre. Cannon Ball*tt to FortR1ce Carpenter* to St. John. Cashel• t to Gratton. Catlin* to Watford City. Chamat to Sentinel Butte. Chandler*t to Haynes. Clement*t to Oakes. Coalbank to Regent. Coburn:t to Sheldon. Cole Harbortt to Coal  1l:'C:-:,~~~d  Lake to _Alamo c0 Crotr* to Watford City. C. ystal Springs* t to Ta.p-  cJ~8a1!.·t  Dally to Kathryn. Danat to Hazelton. Deep•t to Russell. Defiance* to Dodge. Deisem*tt to Edgeley .. Donuybrook*tt to Carpio. Dore* to Fairview, Mont. Dovert to Carrington. Drady to Minot. Duane to Ellendale. Dundas:t to New Rockford. Dunningt to Maxbass. ourbtn•U to Casselton.  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  to Fmgal.  ,County Seat.  Eastedge•ti to Kathryn. Edson to Norma. Elbowoods* to Parshall.  NORTH DAKOTA,  OHIO  2057  Warren• to Davenport. Warsaw• to Minto. Washegum to Bottineau. w ·atrous to Bentley. ,veaver*tt to Hampden. Elsworth to Arnegard. Westby to Westby, Mont. Emerson to Dunn Center. Nash• :t to Gratton. cntinel New Hradec* to Dickinson.I ,vesterheim to Emrlck*t to Fessenden. I Butte. Newport* to Bowbells. Enger to Portland. W estl1eld * to Hague. Nicholson*tt to Cogswell. Epworth* to Palermo. ·whetstone to Killdeer. Nilest to Leeds. Everestt to Casselton. White Spur to Kramer. N orfolkt to Anamoose. Expansion to Hazen. Whynot to Reynolds. Norton• to Adams. Wild Rice• :t to Fargo. Numedahl• to \Valhalla. Willa* to Burt. w·oburn*t:t to Coteau. Wolf Butte* to Bucyrus. Wolseth to Glenburn. Farrington* to Beulah. Oakdale• to Kildeee. Woods*% to Davenport. Fayette* to Killdeer. Oakwood• to Gratton. Ferot to Rugby. Odessa*:!: to New Leipzig. Fleak* to New Leipzig. 01ata•:t to Emerado. Flushingt to Inkster. Osgood• t to Horace. Youngtown• to New Salem to Overly-. Oswald to Fairmount. Fort 'l'otten* to Devils Otterberg to New Leipzig. Yucca~ to Sanger. Lake. Otter Creek* to Center. Freda*tt to Raleigh. Fried* to Jamestown. Funstont to Anamoose. Paradise* to Watauga, S.D. Zenlth*tt to Bellleld. Zion* to Cando. Parkin*t to Timmer. I Paulson to Crosby. Feebler to Deerlni?. Pelto to Brocket. Gaylord* to Belfield. Perryt to Rutland. Goldwin to Woodworth. Peterst to Napoleon. Gorham* to Belfield. Grand Harbor*tt to Devils Petrel* to Lemmon, S. D. Pickardville to McClusky. Lake Pickert;f<l to Blaoon 0010 Greene*tt to Grano. Pierce to De Sart. Griffin* to Rhame. Grinnell* to White Earth. Pilot* to Mccanna. Pleasant* to Sherwood. Gronna to Rolla. Portland Junctiont to Port- Abbeyvllle to Medlna. Gwythertt to Fort Rice. land. Abe to Covington. Powell to Grand Forks. Aberdeen• to Maysvllle,Ky. Power• to Leonard. Academia to Mount Vernon Praha to Fordville. Mllls•t to Dresden. Pretty Rock* to Elgin. Adarru ville* to Zanesville. Haley* to Gascoyne. Addison• to Galllpolls. Price to Sanger. Hallson* to Concrete. Addyston*tt to Cleves. Hamoie:t to Oakes. Adrian* to Carey. Hannover* to Center. Africa to W estervllie. Harry to Hamlet. Afton to Williamsburg. Havelock* t t to New EngRainy Butte* to Midway. Agosta•U to La Rue. land. Ramseyt to Penn. Al to Swanton. Hekton to Fort Rice. Rangely:!: to Balfour. Aid* to Ironton. Hensler*t to Washburn. to Cayuga. Ransom*tt Alnger to Montpelier. Herrick to Drayton. Ree to Expansion. Alcony* to Christiansburg. Holmes• to Reynolds. Homer Siding to James- Renville* to Dunn Center. Alexandersvllle to Miamt.sRhodesr t to Esmond. burg. town. Rlga•t to Granvllle. Alex.1st to West Toledo. Hongt to York. Rising to Norwich. Altred* to l'omeroy. Hoving to Milnor. Robmson*tt to Tuttle. Allee• 1 to Vlntt>n. Howard* to Grenora. Rohrville to Crary. Alledonia*tt to Beallsville. Hutr*t to Fort Rice. Rosebud* to New Salem Allensburg to Lynchburg. Hull* to Hague. to McArthur. Allensvllle• Hurd*H to Lansford. Allentown to Elida. Alma to Waverly. St. Anthony* to Iviandan. Alpha• ·to Xenia. Independence+ to La Moure St. Bonifacius to Kintyre. Altitude* to Woodsfield. Saunders to Fargo. Alton *U to West Jefferson. Schafer* to Watford Clty. Altoona to Wellston. Schefleld to Dickinson. Alum Creekt to Delaware. Seroco* to Center. Al vada • t to Fostoria. Johnstown•:;: to Gilby. Schmidt to Mandan. Amboy• to Conneaut. ,Tol!let>hlne• to Oberon. Shell to Plaza. Amity (Knox Co.) to Jud*tt to Alfred. Shflpard:t to Cooperstown. Howard. ,Sherbrooke* to Finley. Amlln • t to Hill lards. Silverleaf*t to Ellendale. Amsden*t:t to Fostoria. Sims*t:t to Almont. Anderson *t to Chillicothe. Keene* to Charlson. Skaar* to Wibaux, Mont. Andersonvllleto Chillicothe. Kellys*t to Mekinock. Skogmo* to Drake. Kelso•:t to Hillsboro. Slope Center to Bowman. Andls to Ironton. Kelvin* to Dunseith. Snow* to Belfield. Andre to Portsmouth. Kenaston*tt to Kenmare. Sonora! to Fairmount. Andrews to Mount Gilead. Kermit to Noonan, Stampede *t:t to Columous. Ankenytown • t t to FrederKidville to Englevale. Stilest to Lidgenvood. icktown. Klose to Jamestown. Still:!: to Wilton. Annapolis (Crawford Co.) Kuroki*t to Westhope. Stover to Edmore. to Bucyrus. Stowers* to Lemmon, S. D. Anthony to Athens. Straubvllle*1 to Cogswell. Antioch* to Woodslleld. Svold • to Backoo. Antlqulty*t to Racine. Lallie:t to O oeron. Swartwood* to Bowman. Antonis* to Waverly. La Mars to Fairmount. S. McIntosh, to Swastika*:!: to Freeport. Antrim• Langberg* to Bowman. D. Apple to Laurelville. Lark*t to Carson. Sweetbriar*t:t to Judson. Applegrove* to Racine. Laureat to Dunseith. Sydney to Millarton. Appleton t to Croton. Lawther to ~ ew Leipzig. Arabia to Ironton Leff to Reeder. Arbela to Richwood. Lehigh*! to Dickinson. Taftt to Hillsboro. Archers Fork* to Marietta. Lemertt to Carrington. Tansem to Colgan. Arion to Otway. Leroy*:t to Bac-koo. Tarsus*t to Bottineau. Arkoe to Piketon. Levant:t to Manvel. Thelen to Beach. Leverich to Rugby. Arg~-~trg Timmer*t:t to FlasheL·. Leyden*t to Walhalla. Arlington Heights to LockLincoln* to Lincoln Valley. Trotters* to Beach. Lansford. to Trurot land. Sawyer. to Logan Tunbridge• t to Rugby to Mills*t Armstrongs Loraine*tt to .Mohall. Tyler* to Wahpeton. Beallsville. Lynchburg:;: to Casselton. Arnhelm to Sardinia. Arnoldtt to Plain City. Arthur to Dellance. Asbury to Cinclnnatl. Union• rt to Milton. University*! to Gr a:n d Ash to Pataskala. Mandt to Grafton. Ash Ridge to Georgetown. Forks. :Maniha.11• to Richardton. Ashton to Caldwell. Urbana*t to Eckelson. McKinney to Tolley. Athalia• to Huntington, W Medberry*tt to Edgeley. Va. Medina*t:t to Cleveland. Athertont to Hebron. Melby* to Dunn Center. Atlanta•tt to Wllllamsport Merrlfleld:t to Thompson. Vang• to Walhalla. Vashti to Pingree. Atlas* to Barnesville. Midway"' to Amidon. Auburn to Mantua Venlot to Sheldon. Millers Spur to Bordulac. Mineral Springs* to Bow- V eseleyvllle* to Pisek. Auglaize to Delphos. man. Vikingtt to Hamberg. Augusta*tt to Minerva. l\fona* to Olga. Aultman• to Canton. Mortimer to Galesburg. Aurora• t;,.> Mantua. Mose•t to Binford. Aurora Station•U to Man. Waldont to Page. Moselle:!: to Wyndmere. tua Station. Walle to Thompson. Mount Carmel• to Mow- Walseth Siding to Glen- Austin• to Frankfort. bray. Austl:nburg•tt to Jefferson burn. Munster to New Rockford Murray to Mayville.  Bi~~~Tu\~x:iery  I  •. loney Order Office.  tTelegraph Station.  :t E. press Oflice. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2058  TOW NS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  OHIO  ---------------------,--------  Austintown• to Youngstown. Ava• :t to Caldwell. Avenue to Columbus. A very• t :t to Milan. A vis to Kalida. Avlon to Bremen. Avon• t :t to Elyria. Avondale to Thornville. Avon Lake* to Lorain. Axtel to VermUlion. Ayersvllle to Defiance. Bachman to Brookvllle. Bacon to Coshocton. Balley to Waterville. Baileys ~Iills*t to Barnesville. Bainbridge*tt to Chagrin Falls. Bairds Furnace to New Straitsville. Bairdstown• :t to Bloomdale. Baker to Greenville. Bakersville• to New Comerstown. Baldwin :t to Batavia. Bangorville to Bellville. Bangs•tt to MountVernon. Banner to Oak Hill. Bannock*t to St. Clalrsvllle. Bantam• to Bethel. Bardwell to Mount Orab. Barlow• to Watertown. Barnesburg to Miami. Barnhill• to Uhrichsville. Barretts Mills to Bainbridge. Barrs Mill*tt to Shanesville. Barry to Chagrin Falls. Barryville to Loulsvllle. Barton• t to St. Clairsville. Bascom• t t to Tiffin. Basban• to Pomeroy. Batemantown to Fredericktown. BatesvUJe• to Quaker Clty. Bath• to Akron. Batson to Payne. Bayard• t :t to Minerva. Bays*:t to Rudolpn. Bay Village* to Rocky River. Beacn Park to LorR.ln BeamsvUle to Ansonia. Beatty to Springfield. Beaumontt+ to Athens. Beaverpond* to Peebles. Beavertown to Dayton. Beckett• :t to Beverly. Bee to McArthur. Beebe to Athens. Beebetown to Berea.  Birds Run* + to Cambridge. Birmingham"' (Erle Co.) to Vermilion. Birmingham l GuernseyCo.). to Cambridge. Bishopville• t to Chesterhill •nackfork (Jackson Co.)tl to Oak Hill. Blackfork*t (Lawrence Co.) to Oak Hill.  Buford• to Mount Orab. Bulgoe to Bloomville. Bundysburg to West Farmington. Burbank•tt to Lodi. Burgblll•tt to Kinsman. Burgoon*tt to Bettsville. Burkbart*t to Woodsfield Burlington* to Huntington, '\V. Va. Burroak to Glouster. Burton Clty•:t to Orrville. Burton Station*+ to Burton Burtonvllle to Wilmington. Bushnell to Conneaut. Businesstmrg to Bellaire. Butlerville to Blanchester. Byer•t to Wellston. Bloom.field (Muskingum Byhalia• to Mount Victory. Co.) to New Concord. Bloomingdale* to Jewett. Byington* to Peebles. Blooming Grove to Galion. Byron to Yellow Springs. Cabie•tt to Woodstock. Bloomington to Sabina. Bloom Switch* to Oak Hlll. Cadmus to Gallipolis. Blowvllle to Wllllamsburg. Blue Ash*tt to Pleasant Cairo (Stark Co.) to Canton. Ridge. Calais• to Batesville. Blueball to Middletown. Calcutta to East Liverpool Blue Creek to Otway. Ca!ifornia*t to Cincinnati. Blue Rock• to Zanesville Calla*t to Canfield. Bluestone to Euclid. Boardman to Youngstown. Bobo to Beaver. Camba*1 t~ Jackson. Boden to Cambridge. Cameron to Clarington. Bodman to Mount Orab. Camp* to Piketon. Campt>ell • t :t to Ironton. Bogart to Sandusky. Campbellstown•ti to Eaton Bokes Creek to Richwood. Camp Chase•tto Columbus. Bolins Mills to Albany. Camp Dennlson•tto Mllford Boneta to Medina. Canaan to Creston. Bono• to Toledo. Canaanvllle•t:t to Athens. Bookwalter to Jeffersonvllle Canal Dover*tt to Dover. Booth (Lucas Co.) to Canal Lewisvllle*to CoshocToledo. ton. Boston (Belmont Co.) to Oannelville*t to Z.:1.nesvllle. Barnesville. Boston (Summit Co.)*t:f: Captina to Bellaire. to Cleveland. Caraghar to Metamora. Bostwick to Chardon. Boudes Ferry to Higgins- Carbondale • to Nelsonvllle Carbon Hill* t to Nelsonport. ville. Boughtonville• :t to North Carlisle (Noble Co.), to Falrfteld. Summerfield. Bourneville*t to Bainbridge Bowlusvlllettto Springfield. Carllsle•U (Warren Co.) to Franklin. Bracevllle•tt to Newton Carlton• to Middleport. Falls. Carmel• to Hillsboro. Brac1ley* to Dlllonvale. Bradrick to Huntington, W. Carpenter• tt to Middleport Va. Carrie to Clarksburg. Brady to Cambridge. Carrington to Shawnee. BraUeyI to Swanton. Branch Hill*t to Loveland. Carrotbers*U to Attica. Brandon to Mount Vernon . Carthage to Cincinnati. Carthagena • to Chickasaw. Brandt* to New Carlisle. Carthon•t to Somerset. Brandywine to Bucyrus. Carysville to Saint Paris. Cassella. to St. Henry. Brecont to Lockland. Cassels to Cambridge. Brewster to Navarre. Casstown• 1 to Troy. Brice• t t to Reynoldsburg. Brlceton•tt to Paulding. Cast1ne•t1 to West ManBrickner to Ottawa. chester. Bridgetown to Cheviot. Cat a w b a • to South Bridgeville to Zanesville. Vienna. Bridgewater to Montpelier. Catawba Island • to Port Brier Hill t to Youngstown Cllnton. Brlggsdale* to Columbus. Cavett•tt to Scott. Brlghtontt (Lorain Co.) to Caywood* to Marietta. Wellington. Cecu•tt to Pau1dln11:. Br~~1:i\°i:1 Vi~~~~ Co.) to lfllls~ot~¥?::~!s. Brllllant•tt to Wellsburg, Cedron to Felicity. VV • Va. Brtmfield•t to Kent. Center Belpre* to ParkersBrlnkha.ven*t* to Danvllle. burg, W. Va. Bristol (Morgan Co.) to Centerfield to Leesburg. Malta. Center Point to HigginsBrlstol*(Perry Co.) to New port. Lexinirton Centerton* to Chicago. Bristolville*tt to Warren. Center Vlllage to Galena. Brittain to Akron. Centerville !Belmont Co.). to Belmont. Broadacre* to Steubenville. Oe~ts~1~a.. (Clinton Co.), :roa~wafl;\!to~ary~Jllle. Centerville (Gallla Co.) to O roa we esvi e. Oak Hlll. Centervllle•tt (MontgomBrock to Versailles. ery Co.) to Dayton. Brokaw*l to Beverly. Central College to WesterBrokensword to Bucyrus. ville. Brookfield" to Sharon. Pa. CeylontttoBerllnHelghts. Brooklyn! to ClevPland. Chadwick Corners to CortBrook Park to Berea.. land. Broughton•t:t to Paulding Chaffee to Cleveland. !~~;~tef~tt A~{~~!t Chal!a.nts•t to Glenford. Brownsvllle• (Licking Co.I Champion to Warren. Chandlersville*tt to Zanesto Newark. ville. Brf~s;:~~s~filt~~wn Co.). Charlestown• to Ravenna. Browm;ville (Monroe Co.) Charm-' to Millersburg. to New ~Iatamoras. Chase to Athens. Browntown to 8anilnla. Chasetown to Mount Orab. Bruno to Thornville. Chasevllle to Caldwell. Brunswick• to Valley City. Chatfield*H to New Washlne;ton. Buchanan to \V-averly. Chatham• to Lodi Buchtel•t to Nelsonville. Chauncey•n to Atnens. Buchwalter toJetrersonville Chenoweth to Mt. , terling. Buckeye Cottage to Roso- Cherrv Fork* to Winchester ville. Cherry Grove• to CincinBuckeye Lake* to Hebron. nati (Mt. Washin11:ton.) Bucklngbamt to Corning. Cherry Valley to Andover. Buckland•tt to Wapako- Chesapeake• to Huntingneta. ton. W. Va. Buena Vista* to Vanceburg, Cheshire* t lGa\lla Co.) toj Ky. Mld<1Jeport.  g~t'6t~1~r:~ li~.rr:it<I~a.  I  Beidler• to New Phiiadelphla. Belden to Ely1ia. Belfast*t to Hillsboro. Bellbrook• to SprlngValley Belle Valley•U to Caldwell. Belle Vernon to Sycamore. Bellpoint to Delaware. Beloit*t to Sebring. Be{P;_e to Parkersburg;W Bennetts Corners to Berea. Benton• (Holmes Co.) to Mlllersburg. Benton (Crawford Co.) to Sycamore. Benton Ridge• to ftawson. Bentonvme• to Manchester Berkey*t to Metamora. Berkshire to Sunbury. Berlin• (Holmes Co.) to Be~t~er(~~~t~on Co.) Wellston. to Berlin (Williams Co.) to Edon. Berlin Center*tt to Alliance Berlin Crossroads * to Wellston. Berllnvlllc* to Berlin Heights. Berne• t to Summerfield. Berrysvllle to Hillsboro. Bertha* to Portsmouth. Berwlc1r•r:t to Tiffin. Bethany• to Monroe. Bevan-1< to .Marietta. Bevis to .Mount Healthy Bid wen• t to Vinton. Biers to Chillicothe. Big Plain to London. Bl~!':i.t~gs• :t to Rushsyl-  Black Hand to Newark. Blackllck•tt to ColumbUIS. jjJackrun • t to Frazeysburg Bladen• to Galllpolls. Bladensburg• to Utica. Blaine• to Bridgeport. Blairmont to Adena. Blalrsvllle to New Richmond. Blake to Wadsworth. Blakeslee• t t to Edon. Blanchard to Dunkirk. Blanco to Warsaw. Bllsstleld*tt to Warsaw. Bloom Center to Lewistown Bloomer• t to Versallles.  8:;l;;  I  !:  I  REFERENCE K E Y .  I  1  County Seat.  • Money Order Office.  Cheshire (Delaware Co.) to Cutler•t to Marietta. Delaware. Cynthiana• to Bainbrldite. Chester* to Pomeroy. Chesterfield to ChesterhUl. Dalry to New Martinsville, Chesterland • to Chardon. Dallas to Hlllsboro. Chesterville• to Frederick- Dalzell* to Marietta. Damascus•t to Salem. town. Chicago Junction to Wil- Dant>ury• t tto Port Clinton Danford to Cambridge. lard Danville to Hillsboro. ChUI t to Coshocton. DarbyvillE' to Mt. Sterling. Chuo• to Felicity. (Muskingum Chippewa Lake• t t to M~ Darlington Co.) to Zanesville. dina. Chuckery to Milford Center. Darlington (Richland Co.) to Bellvllle. Churchhill to Girard. Circle Hill to Covington. Darrowville• to Hudson. Claiborne• t :t to Richwood. Darrtown to Oxford. Dart to Marietta. Claridon to Burton. Darwin to Pomeroy. Clarion• to Vinton. Clark* (Coshocton Co.) to Millersburg. Dasie to Convoy. Clark (Dark Co.) to New Davis to Portsmouth. Madison. Davisville to Jackson. Clark Corners to Conneaut. Dawn•t to Ansonia. Clarksfield t t to Wakeman. Da.wson•r to Sidney. Clarkson• to East Liverpool Dean to Ironton. Dearing to Ironton. Clay to Oak Hill. Deavertown• to Crooksvllle Clay Center• to Genoa. Decatur• to Russellvllle. Clay Llck*:t to Newark. Decliff*tt to La Rue. Ola.ysville* to New Concord Deerfield• t t to Alliance. Deer Park to Norwood. Clayton*t to Brookville. Deersville• to CJadlz. Clean>on to Lancaster. Clermontville to New Rich- Delhitt to Cleves. Delisle to Arcanum. mond. Cllffyville to Summerflelel. Dell* to Marietta. Clirton • to Yellow Springs. Dellroy•tt to Carrollton. Cllmaxt to Edison. Cllntonville*ttto Columbus Democracy• to Howard. Cloud to Malta. Demos* to Belmont. Cloverdale•tt(Putnam Oo.) Denmark (Ashtabula Co.) to Continental. to Jefferson. Clutt to Denmark to Mount Gilead. Coa.lburgtt to Hubba.rd. Denson rt to .Morenci. Mich Coal Grove• I to Ironton. Dent to Cheviot. Coalrld11:e*t to Caldwell. Denver•x to Waverly. Coal Run to Beverly. Derby• t t to Mount Sterllnit Coalton• tt to Jackson. Derwent•tt to Pleasant Coats to Woodsfield. City. Cochranton• to Marlon Desoto to Georgetown. Coddlngvllle to Medina.. Deucher* to New MataCoitsville to Struthers. moras. Deunquat•t to Sycamore. Deweyville* to McComb. Colebrook• to Orwell. Dexter•tt to Pomeroy. 8~~~~r· Dexter City•H to Caldwell. Dlalton:t to Springfield. Colfax to Lancaster. College Hill to Cincinnati. Diamond •t to Newton Fall■ Colllns•tt to BerllnHeights Dick to JetTerson. Ooll!nsville*t to Somerville. Dlllles Bottom• to Mound■• ville, W. Va. Collmwood*tt to Cleveland Colton• t to Liberty Center. Dlxle*l to Shawnee. Dlxon•rt to Monroeville, Columbia to Edon. Ind. Columbia Center to PatasDoanvme•i to Nelsonvllle. kala. Columbia Statlon•U to Dobbston to Huntington. W. Va. 1 Co~!:\,o Clinton. Comly•t to Corning. Doddst to Lebanon. Dod.revine• to Orwell. Conant to Spencervllle. Dodsonvllle to Lynchburi. Concord to Painesville. g~pae;;f \ ; 0D~~~frk~r.fl.eld. Condlt•1 t to Sunbury. Domervllle to Defiance. g~~;~~r~~tM~g_c;.bocton.1 Donnelsville• to Springfield congress to west Salem. Dorcas* to Raclne. Connor-ville* to Mt. Pleas- Ri~~t;!tJ~at~~rson. cC:-n°o\ton* to Bowerston. Dover (Belmont Co.) to Conovert to St. Parls. Bellaire. Constanti.:1. to Delaware. Dovertt l Union Co.) to Constltutlon•tt to Marietta Marysville. Converse to Spencerville. Dover Center*tt to Rocky Cook*t to Mount Sterllnir. River. Cooney to Edon. Dowling•t to Perrysburg. Cooper to Republic. Downington to Pomeroy. Cooperdale•tt to Dresden. Drakest to Corning. Coopersville"' to Piketon. Copley• to Akron. Drill to Bridgeport. Cora to Gallipolis. Dry Run to Portsmouth. Cornersbur1 to Youniratown Dublin• to Columbus. Corwin to Waynesville. Ducat to Rudolph. Cosmos to Union Clty, Ind Dudley*t to Caldwell. Costonla• to Toronto. Duffy to New Martlnsvllle, Cove*t to Beavertown. W. Va. Cow Run* to Marietta. Duke to Peebles. Cox* to Adelphi. Dull to Ohio Clty. Cozaddale•t to Loveland. Dumontvllle to Lancaster. Crabtree to Portsmouth. Dunback to Portsmouth. Craig to Cambridge. Dunbarton to Peebles. Craiirt.on to Shreve. Dunbridge•t:t to Bowllnir Cranberry Prairie to St. Green. Henry. Duncan Falls•t to Zanea-Craver to Batavia. ville. Crawford to Carey. Duncan wood to Cadiz. Crayon to Urbana. Dundas*t to lcArthUJ'. CreedvillE' to Cheviot. Dundee*t! to Beach City. Creola•t to McArthur. Crescent•t:t to St. Dungannon (Oolumbiana ville. Co.) to Ken~ington. Crescentvllle t t to Lock- Dungannon (Noble Co.) to land. Beverly. Creswell* to .~teubenville. Dunglen* to l\It. Plea~ant. Crisp to Chllllcothe, Dunkinsville to Peebles. Crissy to Swanton. Dnnl&p to Mt. Healthy. Cromers• to Tiffin. Dupont•tt to Continental. Crone to Port mouth. Durant*t to McConnelsville. Crooked Tree to Caldwell. Durbint (Clark Co.) to Crossenvllle to Bremen. 'pringfleld. Cross Roads to Oak H111. Durbin (11ercer Co.) to Crosstown to Wllllam1bur1 Celina. Crown City• to Gallipoli.a. Duvall*:t to A. hville. Crystal Spring• to Masslllon Dwight to Clarington. Cuba*t:t: to Wihnin11:ton. Dye to Marlett,. Culbertson_*_t_o_I_r_o_n_to_n_.--'--D..;.y_e_svl_ll_e_•...;.t_t_o_?ii_i_l_d_d_le..:;p_o_r_t.  I 1  gg/:;:: fg  I  I  tTelegraph Station.  tExpress Office.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  OHIO  n  .)  e  .)  Eagle Cliff to Rocky River. Eagle Mllls• to Chllllcotbe. Eaglevllle* to Jefferson. Earley to Oelina. Eastburn to Jackson. East Canton to Canton. E. Claridon*tt to Chardon. E. Columbus* to Oolumbus. E. Danvillet to Hillsboro. E. Fairfield to New Waterford. E. Fultonham* to Roseville. E. Greenville* to Massillon E. Lewistown to Oolumbiana.. E. Monroe•t to Leesburg. Easton t t to Doylestown. E. Orwen•tt to Orwell. E. Richland to St. Olairsville. E. Ringgold to Circleville. E. Rochester*t to Minerva E. Sparta*tt to Magnolia. E. Springfield to Amsterdam. East Union to Orrville. E. View Village to Olevela.nd. Eastwood• to Wllllamsburg. Ebenezer to New Paris. Eber to Washing-ton C. H. Ebush to lJhillicothe. Eckley:i: to Wauseon. Eckmansville to,Vinchester Edenton• to Blanchester. Edgefield to Jamestown. Edinburg to Ravenna. Edison*tt to Mt. Gilead. Edith to Caldweil. Edwardsville to Morrow.  t:t1!{isr1Hr ifi~~.i Elba•t to Caldwell. 0  Eienor to Mutord. Elery to Malinta. Elgin* tt to Spencerville. EU to Jeliersonvllle. Elizabethtown*H (Hamllton Co.) to Cleves. Elizabethtown (Guernsel' Co.) to Quaker City. Elk to Caldwell. Elko to McArthur. Elkton• to Lisbon. Elianora* to Mr. Washington. Ellerton to Miamisburi. Ellet to Akron. Elllott to Chester Hlll. El11s*t to Dreso.P,n. Elllston • to Elmore. Ellsberry to Maysvllle, Ky Ellsworth to Canfteld. Ellsworth Station• to Canfield. Grove* to Piketon. t~o ~i~~ld. EElmwoodt to Kingston. lroy to Ansonia. Emerson* to Mt. PleasanL E mmett to Sherwood. ~mpire• t 1 to Toronto.  11m  .mt:~~;_; Id to to y  E~~i{!\ n:,ti~ringfte1d.  Enterpr!se*t (Hocking Co.) to Logan. Epwo1th Heights to Loveland. ~rat to Mount Sterlln11:. o ColMd wd a.ter. E rrahstrtus*tt 1 to e 1na. a E E~ffnt~oUi~e~~nt. ~thel•tt to Summerftelci. i:.tna • to Paw.skala. iuclicl*tt to Nottingham. Eureka• to Gallipolis. E~:~esft~\\* EE,vergreen* to Gallipolis. wtnfl:ton• to Vint.on. ExceUo* to Middletown.  Galateatt to No. Baltimore. Gallla*Tt to Oak Hill. Galloway•tt to Columbu1. Gallupt',to Hamler. Ganges to Shelby. Gano to Sharonville. 1 ~;l1s~o t~egr!~!iand. Gaysport• to Zanesville. Geauga Lake*tt to Chairrlnl Falls. Gem to Caldwell. George to Portsmouth. Georges Run to MlniO Junction. Georgesvme• t1 to West ia!rfax to Hlllsboro. Jefferson. atrfleld""t to Osborn. Fairhaven• to College Cor· Gepharts to Portsmouth. ner, Gerald*1 to Napoleon. Germano•tt to Jewett. iaiirhope* to Louisville. Getaway to Huntington. a rlawn* to Akron. W. Va. Fairmountt to Not,tin~ham Fa!rpoint•tt to St (:lairs- 1 Geyer to Botkins, ' Ville Ghent• to Akron. ialrportH to Painesville. a1rpo rt Harbor• to to Logan. Glblsonvme• ~alnesvme. 1 Fairyiew (Fayette Co.) to ' Glbson•l to Quaker City. Giddings to Jefferson. I "\,\ ai.hington C. II. (Darke Co.) to Fairview• ,Guernsey Co.) GiJbertt Burkettsville. to Barnesville. Co.) (Muskingum Gilbert*t Fairview {Highland Co.) . . to Zanesville. to lilllsboro Gillespieville* to Chillicothe, :allsburg to Utica. Gillford to Lisbon. Farmdale•t to Kinsman. Gillivan to West Jetrer1mn. armer• to Bryan. to Port washlngGilmore• Favrmers Station:i: to New ienna. Gl~~fiamsburg1 to Tlpp&iarmerstown to Baltic. canoe City. Farnham to Conneaut. Girton to Rising Sun. Farrington to Piqua. Given• tto Beaver. Fawcett to Peebles. ~_:.!_o Manetta_._____ ulade*t_~e~- ~ - • County Seat. REFERENCE KEY.  g:~~:  I  na to  t. al.  e.  to to Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Gladstone to Cedarville. Glandorf*tt to Ottawa. Glass* to New 1\latamoras. Glass Rock to Glenford. Glencoe*+t to Bellaire. Glenda.le*t to Lockland. Glenkam*tttoHollansburg. Glenmont to ~Iillersburg. Glenmoore•tt to Ohio City. Glenn*t to Vinton. Glenrose* to Batavia. Glenroy*t to Wellston. Glenvillett to Cleveland.  Glenwlllow• to Bedford . Glenwood* to PleasantCity Glvnnwood to St . .Marys. Goes*t to Yellow Springs. Golden Corners to Lodi. Flint to Westerville. Gomer*t to Elida.. Flints Mill* to New Mata- Gordon• t to Verona. moras. Gore• to New Straitsvllle. Floodwood to Nelsonville. Goshen• to Loveland. Flora• to Pomeroy. Florence (Erle Co.) to Ber- Gracey* to Marietta. lin Heights. Graham to Woodsfield. Florida• to Napoleon. Grand Rlver•t to PainesFly• to Sistersville. ville. Grandview• to New MataFolger• to Lorain. moras. Folsom to Hillsboro. Granger to Medina. Footville to Rock Creek. Grant to Kenton. Foraker•tt to Kenton. Graitot• to Zanesvllle. Ford to Burton. Grayson to Tippecanoe Forestville• to Mt. WashCity. ington. Graysville• to Woodsfield. Forgy• to New Carlisle. Graytown • t 1 to Elmore. Fort Anclent*t to Morrow. Greatbend to Ravenswood, Fort Hlll to Hillsboro. W. Va. Fort Jefferson to Greenville. Greenbush to Gratis. Fort McKinley to Dayton. Green Castle to Carroll. Fort Seneca• to Tiffin. Greendalett oo Logan. Greentord*t to Canfield . Greenland to Fran.klort, Foster* to Loveland. Greensburg (Summit Co.) Fowlertt to Cortland. to Akron. Fowlers Mills to Chardon. Greensburg {Trumbull Co.) Fox to Circleville. North Bloomfield. to Framvton to Frazeysburg. Greentown• to New Berlln. Frank•tt to Bellevue. to Greers*t to Brinkhaven. Franklin Furnace•: Grelton • t 1 to Mallnta. Greenup, Ky. Franklin Square• to Lee- Gresham• to Cleveland. Groesbeck to Mt. Healthy. tonia. Franklin Station to Ooshoc-o Grogant to Columbus. ton. Fredericksdale"" to Caldwell Guernsey•t to New Comerstown. Guildford to Seville. Freeburgtt to Loulsvtlle. Gurneyvllle to Wilmington. Freedom Station*t to Ra- Gustavus• to Kinsman. Gutma.nt to Wanakoneta. venna. Guysviiie*t to Athens. Freeland• t 1 to Zanesville Gypsum•ttto Port Clinton. French to Portsmouth. Frenchtown (Darke Co.) to Versailles. Frenchtown (Ottawa Co.) Hackney to Beverly. Ha1ta to Caldwell. to Oakharbor. Hai.ler to Milledgevllle. Fresno•tt to Coshocton. Halley to Gallipolis . Friendship* to Portsmouth. Hallsville* to Adelphi. Hambden*t1 to Chardon. Frost•t to Athens. Fruitdale• t to Greenneld. Hamer to West Unity. Ha.metown to Doylestown. Fruithill to Cincinnati. Hamlet• to Batavia. Pryburg to Botkins. Hamma.nsburg to North Fulda to Caldwell. Baltimore. Fullertown to Chardon. Hammonds Corners to Fulton• t 1 to Cardington. Akron. Fultonham• t t to Rosevllle. Hammondsvllle•t to WellsFunk*t to Wooster. ville. Ga&'e to Gallipolis.  ttg Ki%!~r.  .  Feesbur.:-• to Georgetown. Ferobanktt to Cleves. Fernwood•tto Steubenvllle Ferry to Waynesvllle. Flat* to Baltic. Fidelity to West Milton. Fields to Elyria. Fifteen* to Marietta. Fincastle• to Sardinia. Flrebrlck*t to Oak Hill. Fireside to Bellevue. Fitchville* to New London. Flvemlle to Mt. Orab. Fivepoints to Mount Sterling. Flat Rock* tt to Bellevue. Flemlng•t to Marietta. Fletcher• t 1 to Piqua.  OHIO  2059  Harwood to Lynchburg. Jerome to Plain City. Haseltont to Youngstown. Jerry Clty*t to Cygnet. Jersey to Pataskala. Hastings to Butler. Jerusalem•tt to Somerton. Hatch* to Piketon. Jesse*t to Kent. Jester to Conneaut. Hatton*tt to Rising Sun. Havana 1 to Monroeville. Jewell•t to Defiance. Havens to Fremont. Jobs* to Nelsonville. Haverhill* to Greenup, Ky. Johnson (Fayette Co.) to Ha.wk* to McArthur. New Holland. Haydentt to Hlllards. Haydenvllle•t to Logan. Johnson {Summit Co.) to Barberton. Hayesville*t to Ashlana. Haynes to Laurelville. Johnsonville to Cortland. Johnsville (Montgomery Haza.el• to Racine. Oo.) to New Lebanon. Hazlewood• to Mason. Johnsville (Morrow Co.) to Lexington. Ileadleys Corners to Columbus. Jones Crossing to Chillicothe. Hedges to Paulding. Jonestown to Ohio City. Hegler to Milledgeville. Helmlck•l to Coshocton. Jumbo to Belle Center. Jump to Alger. Hemlock*tl to Corning. HemlockGrove*to Pomeroy Junction to Defiance. Hendrysburg* to Barnes- Justus•tt to Beach City, ville. Henley• t to Otway. Hennings Mill to Williams- Kamins•t to Cleveland. burg. K\~~~f ttoPoint Pleasant Hepburn•tt to La Rue. Herrick*to MountPleasant. Karle to Montpelier. Heslop* to Marietta. Kauke Station to \Vooster. Hessville to Lihdsey. Keene• to Coshocton. Hibbetts•t to Carrollton. Keith to Caldwell. Hickman to Newark. Kelleys Island*tt to Sandusky. Higby*t to Waverly. Kelloggsvllle to Conneaut. Hlgb Hill to Cumberland. Kelsey-~t to Bellaire. High Water to Utica. Kemptt to Lima. Hlllgrove• to Union City, Ind. Kennard to Urbana. Hlllsfork to Manchester. Kennedyl: to PleasantRid11;e Hills Station*t to Loveland. Hilton to Gall1polls. Hinckley to Medina. Keno to Pomeroy. Hinton to Rockford. Kenwood* to Adena. Hiram* to Garrettsville. Kerr* to Galllpolls. Ilira.msburg*t to Garretts- Kessler to West Milton. ville. Kettlersvme• to BotklD.8. Hoadley to Oak Hlll. Hoa11:lln to Van Wert. Ulr~~ tfo 8l~1;i1!ecreek. Kiefervillet to Continental. Hocklngport• to Coolvllle. Holland•tt to Maumee. Kilbourne• to De1aware. Hollister* to Glouster. Kilett to Plain City. Holloway•tt to Flushing. Kllevllle* to Plain City. Hollowtown to Hlllsboro. Kilgore* to Scio. Homer• to Utica. Klmball•tt to Monroevllle.. Homervllle•t to Lodi. Klmberly*t to Nelsonville. Homeworth • t to Alliance. Klmbolton• t1 to CamHonesty to Lowell. bridge. Hooker•t to Lancaster. Klnderhook*t to WilliamsHooksburg*t to Stockport. port. Hopetownt to Chillicothe. Kingman to Wilmington. Hopewell* to Zanesville. Kings Creek •tt to Urbana. Hopkinsville to Morrow. Kings Mllls*tt to Mason. Horatio*1 to Gettysburit, Kingsville• t (Ashtabula.Co.; Horton to W. Mansfield. to Ashtabula. Kingsvllle (Montgomery Hosklnsvllle to Caldwell. Co.) to Dayton. Houcktown to Mt. Blan- Kingswa.yU to Fremont. chard. Klnniklnnlckt to Kmgston. Houston•tt to Sidney. Innsey to Englewood. Howenstinet to Canton. Kinsman Stationtt to KinsHughest to Monroe. man. Hullngton to Batavia. Kiousville to Mt. Sterling. Hull Prairie to Haskins. Kipling* to Cambridge. Humboldt to Balnbrld&'e, I Kirby• t t to Forest. Hume• t1 to Lima. Kirkersville Station to Hunchbargers Corner to Kirkersville. Unlon Clty, Ind. Klrkoatrtck to Caledonia. ' Kirkwoodtt to Sidney. Hunt to Mount Vernon. Huntington to Welllngton. I Kirtland to Willoughby. Huntsburg• to Burton. Kitchen* to Oak Hill. Husteaa* to Yellow Springs Kitchener to Waynesville. Hyattville to Delaware. Kitts Hill* to Ironton.  Hanging Rock*tt to Ironton. Hannibal• l to New Martlnavllle. W. Va. Klee• to Bellaire. Hanover•t to Newark. Iberia* to Edison. Klondike* (OolumbianaCo.) Hanoverton •to Kensinirton Idaho• to Piketon. to East Livcl'pool. ller*t to Fostoria. Knight to Cumberland. HarborU to Ashtabula. Immanuel to New Holland. Knox to Athens. Hardin to Sidney. Cleveland Independence* to Knoxdale to Antwerp. Harlem to Westervllle. Indian Camp to Cambridge. to Vanceburg. H~~:~ Sprin"8* to Carroll- Indian Hill to Madisonville. Kopp Kossuth to Spencerville. Ingomar•t to West Alex- Krumroyt 1 to Akron. Harmony to Springfield. andria. Kuhn* to Summerfield. Harper• T1 to Rushsylva- Inland• to Akron. Kyger• to :Middleport. nia. Kyle• t t to Monroe. Harpers Station to Greenfield. to Wellsville. Harpersville to Smlth!ield. Irondale*H Ironspot* to Rosevllle. Labella to Huntington, Harriet to Hlllsboro. to Zanesville. W. Va. Harrlettsvllle* to Caldwell. Irvllle [rwln • t t to Milford Center. Lacarne•tt to Port Clinton. Ha.rrts (Gallia Co.) to Vin- Isleboro Logan. to Ladd to Plketon. ton. St. Geor&'e•t to Port Lafayettet (Madison Co.) to Harrist (Ross Co.) to Bain- Isle Clinton . London. bridge. to New Comers- Lafayette (Ashland Co.) to Harrisburg* (Stark Co.) to Isleta.•t town. Ashland. Louisville. Arcanum. to Lafayette (Richland Co.) IIarrisonvil1e* to Pomeroy. Ithaca•t to Elmwood to Mansfield. Harris Station• to Baln- Ivorydale*tt Place. Lafferty•t to Flushing. brld~e. Laings* to Woodsfl.eld. Harrisville* to Cadiz. Lake• to Akron. Harshasvllle to Jacksonboro to Middletown Lakefork to Jeromeville. Harshman• to Dayton. Jacksontown• to Thornville Lakemore* to Akron. Hartford• (Trumoull Co.) Jacksonville*H to Glouster. Jacobeburg•t to Bellaire. to Orangeville. Lakeside*tt to MarbleHartfora (Licking Co.) to Jaito to Peninsula. head. Jasper• to Piketon. Croton. Lakcvllle*ttto Loudonvllle, Hartford (Guernsey Oo.) Java to Swanton. Lamartine* to Scio. Jaybird to Peebles. to Buffalo. La.mlra•tt to Delmont. Hartland Center to Nor- Jaysville* LO Greenville. Jeilerson*tl (Wayne Co.)to Landeck to Delphos. walk. Landis to Gettysburg. Wooster. Hartsburg to Continental. Lan~svme•ttto Middleport Jeuoway- to Danville. Hartsgrove to Orwell. H_ar_t_w_e_l_l*_t.:..t_to_L_oc_k_l_a_n.:..d_. .-:.....;..J_ep:..._*_t.::..o_I_r_o_n_to_n_._ _ _ _...:_Lc:.:...a=n.:.;sl:..n..:::g:__•_t.:..:.o _!3!"_ldg~  • Money Order Office.  tTelegraph Station.  +Express Office, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2060  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  OHIO  Macedon to Fort Recovery. Millbury• t to Genoa. Nashville (Darke Co.) to ~ 'ew W ton•tt to BurkMacedouia*tt to IIudson. .:\liller*t to Huntington, Greenville. ett ville. Mack to Cheviot. ,Y. Ya. Nashville• (Holmes Co.) to ... ·ew ,Yestville to New Macksburg*t t to Caldwell. Loudonville. Parfs. Macon• t to Winchester. Miller Clty*tt to Leipsic. National Mllltary Home*t New Winchester: to Bucyto Dayton. rus. M~l~~~s~,-~t;tl_ to llunting- National Road Crossing to Nlcbolsvllle to New RichMadlsonburg to Wooi:;ter. ::\lillerstown to St. Paris. Tbornv1lle. mond. Madison Mllls•t1 to Bloom- :M mersvlllC-tt to Helena. Neapolls•i to White House Nimisila to Clinton. lnisburf.!. MtUflcld • t to Glouster. Nina to Oakharbor. Nipgen to Bainbridge. Madisonville to Cincinnati. M,llport* to Kensington. Nebraska to Ashville. ;'\[ague tic Spring:,* to Rich- Milltown to ).Iarietta. NobJe•tt to Nottingham. Needmore to Delphos. Noblevllle to Pleasant City \\O Ocl . Millville to Hamilton. Neel to Ripley. Lawrencet to Ironton. Magrew* to Urbana. Norman to Newark. l\Iillwood to Howard. NeelysvUle to Malta. Lawrenceville to Springfield Maholm to New Lexrngton. Mllnersvme• to Cambridge. Neglcy*tt to East Palestine Lawshe*tt to Seaman. Mahonlngtl to Garretts- ::\lilton to ?ewton Falls. Nellie• to Warsaw. N. Amherstt to Amherst. Layland•tt to Killbuck. vllle. Milton Ccnter•tt to Cu1>tar. Nelson to Garrettsville. N. Auburn to New WashLayman to Marietta. Maineville• to Loveland. 1 Miltonsburg• to"\Voods!leld. Neotune to Celina. ington. Leaper• to Galllpolls. Malaby to Galltoolis. Mmeral•tt to Athens. Nettle Lake to Columbia. N. Bass Island to Port Leavlttsburg•n to Warren Malaga* to Somerton. Mineral City to Denni on. Nevme• to Moscow. Clinton. Leavittsvllle to Carrollton.· 1 ~lalvern*tt to " 'ancsburg. Mineral Ridge*H to Niles. New Aloany* to Gahanna. N. Bend*Tt to Cleves. Lebanon (Monroe Co.) Manchester*t (Summit Co.) Mineral Springs • to Pee- , New Alexander to Minerva. N. Benton*tt to Alliance. to Woodsfield. to Clinton. bles. New Alexandria• to Mlngo N .Berne*t to Lancaster. Lecta* to Iront on. Mandale•i to Grover Hill. Mineral Springs Statlont Junction. N. Bristol• to Warren. Lees Creek* t,o Sabina. Mantua Corners to .i'.\.lantua , to Peebles. ~ ·ew Antioch to ,Yilming- N. Clayton to Covington. Leesvme•to Bowerstown. Maple Grove*tt to Tiffin. Minersville• to Pomeroy. ton. Creek*t to Continental. Leesville Cross Roads to Mapleton to Canton. Minerton*t to McArthur. New Athens• to Cadiz. N. Dover* to Ro,;ky River. Crestline J\laplewood*tt to Jackson Minford to Portsmouth. New Baltimore (Hamilton N. Eaton•tt to Elyria. Leith* to Marietta. Center. . I Mingo•ti to North LewisT. Feesburg to Georgetown co.) to Harrison. Lemerti.t to Bucyrus Marathon* to Fayetteville. burg. New Baltimore (Stark Co.) Northfield• to Bedlord. Lemoyne•t to Luckey. Marble ClltJ *l to Columbus Mlsco to New Lexington. , to Alllance. . N. Georgetown* to Alliance 1 Lena• to St. Paris. Marchand* to New Berlln. I . Greenfield to West New Bavaria•tttoHolgate. Lenox to Jefferson. Marcy to Canal Win~bester. Mishler tt to Kent. New Bedlord• to Baltic. .Mansfield. Leon*t to Andover. Maria Stein*t to Chlckasaw Moffitt to Gilboa. New Berlin to orth canLeonardsburg•tt to Ashley Maritst to Mount Gilead. 1 Mohawll'.Vllla1?e*to Coshooton. N. 'Hampton•t to SpringLerado• to Blanchester. Mark Center•t1 to Sherton. New Bloomington field. Leroy (Lake Co.) to Faineswood. Mohican to Loudonville. Rue. ... •. Industry*tt to Canton. ville. Marlboro to Alliance. Afollne to Toledo. :New Bostont to Ports- N. Jackson•tt to Niles. Leroy• (Medina. Co.) to Se- Marquand to Coshocton. Momeneetown to Toledo. mouth. N. Kenova.•t to Catlettsvllle. Marr• to Woodsfield. Monclova•i to .Maumee. New Buffalo to Canfield. burg. Ky. Lester•tt to :Medina. Marseilles• to Upper San- Monday• to Nelsonville j Newburgtt to Cleveland. :N'.Kingsville* to Ashtabula Letart Falls• to Ra.cine. dusky. Monfort to Cincinnati. Newburgh Heightsville to N. Lawrence•t to Canal Levanna• to Ripley. Marsball•t to Hillsboro. Monnette*tt to BucJ·rus. Cleveland. Fulton. Levelt to Blanchester. Marshallville•ti to Orrville. Monroe•tt (Ja.ckson Co.) to New Burlington* (Greene N. Liberty (Adams Co.) to Levering to Fredericktown. , Martel•t:t to Caledonia. Oak Hlll. Co.) to Spring Valley. Winchester. Lewis Center•tt to Worth- Martin•t1 to Genoa. Monroe Centerto Conneaut. New Burlington (Hamilton N. Liberty (Knox Co.) to ington. Martinsburg• to Utica. Monterey to Owens"."ille. co.) to Mount Hea.lthY. Butler. Liberty• to New Lebanon. Massievllle to Ohllllcothe. :Montezuma*! to Cehn\1-. Newbury to Burton. N. Lima* to Columbiana. Lll1:btsvllle to Rossburg Montgomery* (Hamilton New Calltornia to Plain N. Madison• to Madison . Llfiy to Portsmouth · Masury to Sharon, Pa. Co.) to Pleasant Ridge City. N. Olmsted•t to OlmLlmavme•t to Alliance. Matvllle to Mount Sterling. (Cincinnati.) New Castle (Belmont Co.), sted Falls. LlmeCity•tt to Perrysburi Ma.ud*t to Mason. Montgomery (Licking Co.) to Barnesville. N. R&ndall•tt to CleveLimerick to Jackson Max to Bremen. to Newark. •ewca tie* to (Coshocton land Limestone•tt to Oak Ha.r- Maximo•tt to Alliance. Monticello to Spencerville. Co.) to Danville. I .i:T. Ridgeville*t to Elyria. bor. Maxville to Logan. Montra to JacksonCenter. _?ewcastle (:.\lonroe Co.) ... ?. Robinson*t to Bucyrus. Lincoln to Gallipolis. May to Batavia. Montrose to Akron. to Woodsfield. N. Royalton to Berea. Lindale to New Richmond Mayfield to Cleveland. Montville• to Chardon. New Cumberland•tt to N. Salem to Cambridge. Linden Helghts•tto ColUm- May Hill to Seaman. Sherodsvllle. :N. Sheffield to Ashtabula. bus. Maynard•tt to St. Clairs- Mooru, to Leesburg. New Dover• to Marysvllle. N. Solon to Cleveland. Lindentree to Canton. vllle. Moorefteld•t to Piedmont. Newell Run* to Marietta. Star* to Osgood. Lindenvme to Andover. Maysville to Apple Creek. Moorland to Wooster.* to Bainbridge. Linn to Beaver MoCartyvllle to Anna. l\-1organ to Columbus. Ne,v Franklin• to llnerva. North Uniontown to HillsLlnnvllle to Newark. McClainville. to Bellaire. Morian Center to Utica. New Guilforcl* to Warsaw. boro. Linton to Wellsville. McCuneyllle t to S1>:awnce. New Hampshlre•t to Northup• to Galllpolls. Linton Mills to New Com- McDamel to Oak Hill. Mor1ransvllle to Malta. vn-uuams1 NoMrtihchw.est to Camden. erstown. McDermott•t1 to Ports- Morgantown•to Bainbridge ,v Llnworth*t to Columbus. mouth. . Morning Sun• to Camden. burg. Tortont to Delaware. Lippincott to Urbana.. McDonald (Mu kmgum Morning View to Mount New Harrisburg to Carroll- Norwich• to Zanesville. Litchfield tt to Medina. Co.) to Zanesvill · Pleasant. ton. Nottinghamtt to Cleveland Llthopolls•tto Canal Win- McDGm~aldd(Trumbull Co.) Morrtsvllle to Martinsville. Netwo HHaavrer ~ <H_amilton Co.) Novelty• to Chagrin Falls. chester. : to irar · • 150 0 , Mortlmertt to Findlay. Little Hocking•t to Park- McDonaldsville to New , Morton to New Martins- Newhaven*t (Huron Co.) Nutwood• to Cortland. i,rsburg W Va Berlin. vllle to Plymouth. Little Sandusky to Harp- McGa;w• to Vanceburg, Ky. Moscow Mi1Js to Beverly Newhope (Brown Co.) to ster. ~~g~~i~l;t~~eOxford Moss Run* to Marietta. . Mount Orab. Oakfleld*t to.:. ·orth BloomLittle York (Montgomery McGuffey•tt to Alger · Moulton! tow. ap&k:oneta. New Hope (Preble Co.). field. · Co.) to E_nglewood. McKay to Loudonvllle. Moultri~• 1 to Mi~erva. to Ea.ton. Oak Grove to Piedmont. Lloyd* to Newton Falls. McKays to Port William. 1 Mounta1ryt to Cmcinnat~. New Jasper to Jamestown. Oakland (Butler Co.) to Lock to Centerburi:. McLean to WashlngtoD Mount Carmel* to Batavia. L~~: to t~ii~~lJtt to Monroe. Oakland (Fairfield Co.) to ~gt~~~e; 0ti~~:~bus C. H. • . Rock Creek. Amanda.. Lockvlllet to Canal Wln- McLuney t1 to Cr~okville. New Market to Hillsboro. chester McMorran to Lewi town. Mount Ephralm • to Ca.Id- New Martinsburg to Green- Oakleyt to Cincinnati. Oakshade to Wauseon. Lockwood •ttto N. Bloom- McZena to Loudonvllle. well. fteld. , Oakthoroe to Somerset. 14 field. ~~~~e~o t~i~t~~n. t~f~:u1.Clermont New Middletown• to Low- Obetz Junction to ColumLocust Corne~ to Amelia. bus. Means• to Cadiz. Mount Holly (Warren Co.) Ne~~~tfiord*t to Ravenna. Locust Gr~ve to Peebles. Mecca. to Cortland. to Spring Valley. Oceola• to Nevada. Locust Pomt to Oak)111;rbor. Mechanicstown•tt to Sa- Mounthope• to Fredericks- NewMoorefield*l toSprtnir- Octa.•tt to Mllledgevllle. Locustridge to Williamslinevllle. burg. field. Ogdenl to Wilmington. bo/tl}· ( C Medway•t to Osborne. ~ Iount Joy* to Otway. New Moscow to Dresden. Ohltown to ~ ilcs. Lod i ... . eneca o.). to Meeker* to Marion. Mount Liberty to Center- New Mount Pleasant to Repu}:>lic. Meigs* to McConnelsville. burg. McArthur. Okey to Galllpolls. Loganville to De~•afl'. Meigsville* to McOonnels- Mount Ollve to Felicity. New Pale tine to ~ ew Okolona•tt to Napoleon. Londonderry to l•reeport. ville. Mount Perry•t1 to GlenRichmond. Olbers to Glouster. Long ~o~o~ t to Ravens- Melbem•tt to Bryan. f tord. . Ne~la~tersburg• to Green- Old Portage to Akron. Oldtown to Xenia. Lo~~fey* F~storia. Melmore• to Tiffin. Mount Pisgah to New :Bich-· New Pittsburg to Wooster. Old Washington•t to CamLongst_reths* to .'clsom:ille ::~~~~r/t~oS~g~n~~od. M~idReoose to Mll!ord. New Plymouth* to Logan. bridge. Loramie to Fort Loramie. Memphis to Sabina. Iount St. Joseph* to Newport ( !ladison Co.) Olena • to orwalk. Lorastow~ to Warren. Mentor*tt to Painesville. Cincinnati. to London. Olentangy to Columbus. Lore City tt to Cambridire. Mercer• to Mendon. },fount Sterllng*tt (Muskin- Newport (Shelby Co.) to Olivebranch* to Batavia. Lottrldge to Coolvllle. Mercervtlle* to Galllpolls. gum Co.). to Zanesville. Fort Loramie. Olive Green (Delaware Co.) Loudon to Peebles. Mermill•t to Portage. Mountville to Glouster. Newport (Tuscarawas Co.) to unbury. Lovell*tt to Upper San- .Merwin* to Amella. Mount :titon to Pleasant Olivegreen• (Noble Co.) to to Uhrichsville. Caldwell. Lo~~tho Peebles. M~?J>a°~~~lr to North, Moc~!bala•tt to New Lex- Net~pm;i~ft:~bingtonCo.) Ollvesburg to Ashland. Loyal Oak to Barberton. Metz to Cuyahoga. Falls. lngton. New Portage to Barberton Omar•tt to Attica. Lucasville•tt to Ports- Mexico to Sycamore. New Richland* to Belle mouth. Mia.mitt to Cleves. Mudsock to Hilliards. Center. Omega•t to Wav rly. 1 Mulberry• to Mll!ord. Ludlow to West Milton. Miamiville•t to Mll!ord. New Riegel•tt to Fostoria. Oneida• t t to Minerva. Ludlow Falls• t1 to West Middle•ttto andusky I Mungen to Cygnet. t':rvTI~~hester to Pem- Ontario• T1 to Mansfield. Oppermant to Plea.sani Mllton. Middlebourne*t to Quaker! Munroe Falls* to Cuya- New Rumley• to Scio. City. Ludwick to HUlsboro. City. boga Falls. New Salem•tt to Basil. Luhrigtt to • •ew :\Iarsh- Middlebranch•tt to Canton Munson to Ohardon. New Salisbury to Saline- Oran to Laramie. Orange (Coshocton Co., fleld. Middleburg• (Logan Co.) Muntanna.% to Continental. ville. to i ew Comerstown. Lumberton to Port William to East Liberty. ' Murlin Heights to Dayton. New Sprtn,.,.i\eld* to ColumOrange (Cuyahoga Co.) to Lundat to Raymond. Middleburg (Noble Co.), Murray* to Nelsonville. blana. 6 "" Cha.grin Falls. t~t~!!~1tfo Mfdafei~twt~·New water-i M~~!~ City t t to Nelson- New Stark to Jenera. Lyda to CoolvUle. rord. ' Museville to Zanesville. Orbiston•t to Nelsonville. I.oykens to •ttBloomvllle. Middletown (Perry Co.) Mutual to Urbana.. Newton to 1;aymo nd • Oregon to Cellna. 1 yndon•t to Greenfield. to New Lexington. NewtonsV:lle to Batavia. Oregonta•ti to Lebanon. Lynx to West Union. Midland• to Blanchester. Newtown t1 (Hamilton Oreton to McArthur. Lyra• to Portsmouth. Midvaie•tt to Uhrichsville. - Co.l to .M:llto rd • Oreville to New Straitsville, Lysander to Athens. Midway to Sedalia. Nankln•t1 to Ashland. Newto~ (Tuscarawaa Co.) Ortent•t to Columbus. Lytle•tt to Vvaynesvllle. Mifflin to Ashland. Naomitt to Wauseon. I to New Comerstown. Orland• to McArthur. Lytton to Swanton. MUDlnvlllc to Columbus. Nashoort•t to Zanes_v_ll_l_e_.__N_e_w_ W ~ a~y.:.t__t~o_J_o_h_n_s_t_o_wn _ ._ _ O_rp;:..h _eu_s_ to_ O_a_k_ H_ll_l_._ _ Laporte to Elyria. La.pperell to Bainbridge. Latchle• to Genoa.. Latham• to Balnbrldire. Lathrop to Amesville. Latimer to Cm·tlancl. to Frankfort. Lattasburg to West Salem Latty•U to Paulding. Laura* t:t to West Milton. Laurel t o ~ •cw HiC'hmontl. Lawnrtale"t to Kenmore.  ~~~~f~-i;ft Af;11.'i~fr~~'a:  4  •  !  I  I  4  !  T.  I  0  I  ~=:  t  'b~~  I  to  ~~f;~:~:i~le.  I  REFERENCE KEY.  , County Seat.  * ~oney Order Ofllce.  t Telegraph Station.  ! Express Office.  OHIO  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  OHIO  2061  k-  w y-  h-  ty  h-  rt  Osman to West Union.  Point Isabel• to Felicity. Point Place to Toledo. Point Pleasant* to Moscow. Poland* to Struthers. Polkadotte to Huntington, W.Va. Polo to Covington. Pondrun* to Portsmouth. Poplargrove* to Peebles.  Rldgetontt to Bucyrus. Ridgeville to Lebanon. Rimer• to Vaughnsvllle. Rina.rd Mllls• to New Matamoras. Ringgold• to Malta. Rio Grande• to Oak HUI. River Styx to Wadsworth. Rix Mllls to New Concord. Roachester to Morrow. Roachton to Perrysburg. Robbins to Beaver. Robertsville•t to Minerva. Robins• to Byesville. Robtown to Ashville. Robyville• to Adena. Rochester*t:i: to New London. Rock to Uhrichsville. Rockbridge*t to Logan. Rock Camp* to Ironton. Rockcreek Stat1on•t to Rock Creek. Rockdale to Hamilton. Rockland•t to Parkersburg,  ::~fl~~ ;g  ii~~  Savona•tt to New Madison Spokane* to Warren. Sawyerwood to J\,logadore. Sporet to Bucyrus. Sprattt to Cumberland. Saxon to Racine. Springdale to Lockland. Saybrooktt to Geneva.. Svrlnger to Jackson. Sayler Park* to Cleves. Springfl~ld Center to Akron Sayre•t:t to Corning. Schley to New Matamoras. Spring Hill to W, Liberty. Spring Lake to Montpelier. Schumm to Wlllshire. Spring Mountain• to WarScience Hlll to Cadiz. saw. Scienceville to Youngstown Scioto Furnace•t to Ports- Springville to Shreve. Portersvme• to Corning. Squires to Kansas. mouth. Port Homer• t to Wellsville. Scioto Station to Columbus Stafford• to Woodsfteld. Port Jefferson• to Sidney. Sc~~~~e•tt to Poits- 1 ~~!~~~J~Ji~~:rletta. Portland• to Ravenswood, Padua to Fort Recovery. Paint to Bainbridge. Scipio S1dlng•t to Republic Stantontown to Ashley. W. Va. StanwoQd to Massillon. Scofield to Hipley. Painter Creek to Gettys. Port Union to Hamilton. 1 Postboy* to New Comersburg. Scotchridge• to Pember- Starr*t to Logan. Stateroad to Warren. ville. town. Pai~!~~vllle~ to James- I Poston* to Athens. Scottown* to Huntington, Station FU:teen• to DenJll. son. W. Va. Paint Valley to Millersburg Potsdam• to West Mllton. Staunton to Washln~ton Scotts to Carrollton. Potters burg• t t to MarysPalermo to Bowerston. C. H. Scotts Crossing to Delphos. Palestine• (Darke Co.) to ville. Scroggsfteld to Carrollton. Stedcke to Celina. Hollansburg. Powell*t:i: to Worthington. Steece• to Ironton. Sebastian to Chickasaw. Palmyra to Newton Falls. Powellsv1lle to Portsmouth. Steel• to Bellaire. Sedan to Peebles. P~~;~~stburg* to New Hol- Power Point* to Li-;bon. Steels Run to l\farietta. Pelwers Station to Fayette. Rock Mills to Washington Sego to Somerset. Seklta.n • to Cleves. C.H. Panbandle*t to Hopedale. Selden• t to Washington Stella to McArthur. Rockport to Beaverdam. Prall to Williamsburg. Pansy to Blanchester. C.H. Stelvldeo*t to Greenville. Rocky Fork to Newark. Pratts Fork* to Athens. Paradise Hlll to Ashland. Selig to Vanceburg, Ky. Steubent to Chicago JunoRockyhlll•t to Jackson. Pravo to Berirholz. Paris• H to Minerva. tlon. Rockyr1dge•u to Oak Har- Selma*t:i: to So. Charleston. Parkman• to Garrettsvllle. Prentiss to Leipsic. Sentinel to Jefferson. Stewart•t~ to Athene, bor. Pricetown (Highland Co.) Parlet,t* to Hopedale. Seventeen• to Uhrichsville. 'tewartsv1Ue*t:i: to e.tfs. Rodney* to Gallipolis. to Lynchburg. Seward• to Lyons. Stlllwater:i: to Ubrlchsvllle. Pricetown (Mahoning Co.) Rogers•tt to Lisbon. Parma to CJ1eve1and. Rolandus* to Ravenswood, Sewellsv1lle to Barnesville. Stlll Water Junction to to Newton Falls. Parral* to Dover. Shade• to Athens. Trotwood. W. Va.. Pride to Ch1lllcothe. Parrott* to Jeffersonville. Shadev1lle*t:t to Columbus. Stilwell to Killbuck. Rollersvtlle to Helena. Primrose to Alvordton. Pasco to Sidney. Stockdale• to Beaver. Proctorvllle• to Hunting- Rome (Adams Co.) to Shalersville to Mantua. Patmos to Salem. Shandon•tt to Hamilton. Vanceburg, Ky. Stockton•tt to Hamllton. ton, W. Va. Patriot• to Galllpolls. Storms• t to Bainoridge. Rome•tt (Ashtabula. Co.) Prout to Sandush.-y. Patterson• t to Forest. Shanesvilie to Sugar Creek. to Orwell. Pattersonvllle* to Minerva.. Pulaski• to Bryan. Stout to Vanceburg, Ky. Rome (Franklin Co.) to Sharline to Youngstown. Pulasklvllle to Moun11 Patty to West Milton. Stovertown to Zanesville. Sharon• to Oaldwell. Columbus. Gilead. Pavon1a • tt to Mansfield. to Co.) (Pike Straitsville to l'.lew Stralt&Sharonville to Co.) (Richland Rome Pursell to Laurelville. v1lle. Waverly. Shiloh. Put in Bay•tt to Port Pawnee to Lodi. Streetsboro to Kent. Sharpeye to Greenville. Rootstown• to Ravenna. Clinton. Paxton* to Akron. Sharpsburg• to AmesvUle. Stringtown to Kingston. Roscoe• t to Coshocton. Pyrmont to Brookville. Pearl• to Coshocton. Strongsville*t:t to Berea. Rosedale to Mechanics- Sha.uck• to Lexington. Pearson to Bowersvllle. Shaw.own• to McComb. burg. Suffield• t to Kent. Pedro• to Ironton. Rose Farm• to Crooksville. Shay to New 1\,latamoras. Sugar Grove*tt to LanQuarry to Woodstleld. caster. Sheeprun to Higginsport. Rosehill to Rossburg. Pemberton•tt to Quincy. Sugar Ridge•tt to Bowline Shenandoah to Shiloh. Roselms to Grover Hlll. tenfteld • to Welllngton. Green. Shepard* to Columbus. Rosemont•tt to Canfield. Raab to Swanton. 1 Raccoon Island* to Galllp- Rosewood*tt to St. Paris. Shepherdstown* toSt.Claln- Sugar Tree Rldge * to P!~:~~ Mowrytown. vllle. Ross• t to :Hamilton. olls. Peoria• t t to Raymond. Sherodsvllle * t t to Bow- Sugar Valley to Eaton. Rosseau to Malta. Radcliff• t to McArthur. Pertntown•n to Mllrord. Suiter• to Ironton. erston. Rossmoyne• to Lockland. Radnor• tt to Delaware. Perry•1 t to Painesville. Ragersvme• to Shanesvllle. Roswell• to New PhUa- Sberritte* to Ironton. Pperrysville to Scio. Sulphurgrove to Osborn. to Berlin delph1a. Ralnsboro•t to Hillsboro. 1 Shlnrock•tt erryton • to Dresden. Sulphur Lickt to Frankfort.. Ramsey* to Mt. Pleasant. Round Bottom• to Clarlng- 1 Heights. tershing to Delaware. Sulphur Springs• to BucyShort Oreek* to Adena. ton. Randall• tt to Clevelana. 1 rus. Roundhead* to Belle Oen- ShyvUle* to Piketon. P:~r!gu~~~~ ~ast Pales- Randolph* to Atwater, Summertordt to London. Slam•ti to Attica.. tre. Range to Mount Sterling. tine. Summerslde• to Batavia. S1gnal•t to Lisbon. Rousculv to Lima.. Rapids to Mantua. Petrea to Jackson. Rappsburg to Huntington, Rowland to McConnels- Sll1ca to Sylvania. Summersville to Richwood. Sllo to Mantua. ville. w. Va. Pptelffer to Kenton. Summit (Hamilton Co.) to Silvercreek* to Kenton. Rowsburg to Ashland. Rarden*t:t to Otway. halanx to Warren. Cincinnati. Silverton* to Cincinnati. Roxa.bell•tt to Frankfort. Phalanx Statlon•ti to War- Rar1irvllle to Columbus. SummitH (Ross Co.) to Slmons•:i: to Andover. Roxbury•t to Stockport. Ratchford to Wellston. ren. Waverly. Sinai to Beaver. Ratcli.trburg to McArthur. Royal to McArthur. Pharlsburg to Richwood. Sinking Spring• to Peebles. P h~rson to Wllllamsport. Royalton to Lancaster. Rathbone to Delaware. Summit (Summit Co.) to Sitka.,. to Marietta.. P h1ladelphia x Roadst to Ray*f to Wellston. Ruggles to New London. K Liberty. Six Points to Prairie Depot. Rayland*t:t to Martins Rupert to London. Dennison. Sixteen Mlle Stand to Love- Summithill*t to Waverly. Rural to Felicity. Ferry. Philanthropy to okeana. sk1:Jt Oross Roads • to ' su::~1a~tat1on•tt to Pa.roa1~.:~:rir:_vllle. Wre;~r;:°gton. p Summ1tvllle•tt to SallnoCelina. Rush Creek to Richwood. pgg~;J;a~o zJre:r.:. vllle. Slabtown to Lima. Rushmore• to Delphos. Phoneton• to Tippecanoe / Red Rl.ver to Gettysburg. Sumner to Pomeroy. Rush Run*t:t to Steuben- Slate Mllls to Chlll1cotbe. Reedsbur~ to Wooster. City, Smiths Siding to Sylvania. Sundale*tt to Ne,v Conville. Reedsville• to ParkersPiccolo to Port Clinton. cord. Rushtown• to Portsmouth. Snlders to Plckertngton. Plckrelltown to west Llb- 1 burg, w. Va. RuCshsealglr1n(GFealau g_a Co.) to snnyoddeesrttt toMSoeubnr1tng.ealtby. SSuu~vlo1r11*0ttotoMir0ounntton0.rab. Reedtown to Attica.. erty. 18 0 8 P SwuanJ Creek• to Galllpolla. Russe11•• (Hlghl"nd Co.) Soolalvllle* to M"solin. Reeses:i: to Lockville. Pllerpont• to Jefferson. 1 Swanders* to Anna. Sodom to Girard"' to Ly~ohburg. ... ~exing- l ~:~~~:~ \~ 0 P1~:~~i 1~~t~t_varre. Russells Point•t to Lake Solon•tt to Chagrin Falls. Sweden to Harbor. ton. Somerdale•tt to Mineral Sweetwine to Cincinnati. View. Reily* to Oxford. P11nkevme*I to Greenville. Sw1tts•tt to Beverly. City, P egrove• to Vinton. Relnersvme• to McCon- Russia• to Versallles. Switzer to Powhatan Poln\, Sonora*tt to Zanesville. nelsville. Plney Fork• tt to SmithSybene to Huntington, W. S. Amherst to Amherst. ReUet•t to Beverly. field. Va. S. Bantam to Bethel. Remlngtontt to Mlltord. Pink to Portsmouth. St. Clair* to E. Liverpool. S. Bloomfield* to Ashville. Rempel• to Oak Hlll. P~pesv1ue to Gambler. S. Bloomingvill * to Lau- Sycamore Valley•t0WoocbRemsons Corners to Me- St. James*H to Galion. Pp1sgah to Sharonville. field. relville. t.Johns*t:i: to Wapakoneta dina. 1tch1n to Springfield. St. Joseph (Hamilton Co,) S. Brooklyn to Oleveland. Symmes to Loveland. Plainfield• to West LaS. Euclid* to Nottingham. Symmes Corners to HamUto Cincinnati. Rendvllle*tt to Coming. layette. ton. St. Joseph (Portage Oo.) to S. Fincastle to Winchester. Plalnvme•tt to Madison- Reno• to Marietta.. Syracuse* to Pomeroy. Southington to Warren. Ravenna. Renollet to Paulding. Ville S. Lebanon*H to Lebanon. St. Louisville *t to Utica. Renrock• to Cumberland. ~fankton • to Sycamore. ~1;t~r;ot~i~ton. ano to Washington C.H. Re(~f!~r;;~atit Carthage Tabor to Carrollton. St. Peters to Fort Recovery S. New Lyme to Orwell. . Resaca to Plain City. Plants to Racine. Taooma•:i: to Barnesville. S. Olive•t to Caldwell. St.Rosa to Ohtckasaw. Pplantsvme• to Chester Hill. Reservoir to Barberton. Tadmor• t to Tlppecan•e St. Stephen*t to Bloomville S. Park*t:t to Bedford. to South Revenge to Amanda. lattsburg• t t City. St. Wendelin to St. Henry. S. Perry* to Laureville. Vienna. 1 Rex to New Carlisle. Salem Center to Pomeroy. S. J;ri~i_nouth to Milledge- Tallmadge•tt to Akron. Reynolds to Urbana.. ~fattsvme to Sidney. 0 th :!i!~t Be nd •t:i: to Hol- lif~~gs~~;c~a~~~ fleld. Salcl!;~ue • t to Quaker S. Point*t to Catlettsburg, t!~t!n! t~t°e~~fs%n. Tawawa to Sidney. Ky. to Bethel. Pleasant Comers to c~ Rice to Continental. Taylor to Columbus. S. alem* to Greenfield. Saltillo*tt to Rosev~lle. Richey to Van Wert. lumbus S. Thompson to Madison. Tayloraburg* to Dayton. Saltpetre• to Marietta. Pleasant ·Grove (Belmont Creek to Cleves. Taylors Hill Lil~rk *ft ~abs~w ~t~tW1~1.Y:.!~~~:~!i~at•o SylRiehfteld Center to Pl Co.) to Dillonvale. s: W~oJb~y tot:Sar~gton: Taful~_ville* to MowryHome to West Rl~~n!i'tm• to Centerburg. Sample to Canfield. Tea to Bloomdale. Pleasant Plain*tt to Blan- Richland to Belle Center. Samsonville* to Oak Hill. Southworth to Delphos. S. Zanesville*tt to Zanes- Tedrow• to Wauseon. Richmond• (Jefferson Co.) Sandhill to Sandusky. chester. Teegarden* to Lisbon. ville. Sandrun to Nelsonville. to Steubenville. Pleasant Ridge to Cinc1nTemperancevllle•to BameaSabnurdyg,Spryin_gs* to Vancenati. ville. Spanker to Englewood. K (Lake Co.), Pleasant Run to Mount Richmond t Tennyson to Piketon. Sandyville• tt to Mineral Spann to Amelia. to Pa.lnesvllle. Beal thy. Spargursvllle • to Bain- Terrace Park•tt to MUCity, Ple~sant Valley*tt toZanes- Richmond Center• to Andford. bridge. Sant to McArthur. over. v111e. Terre Haute to Urbana. Sparta* to Centerburg. Plimpton t to Loudon- Richmond Daie•tt to Chllli- Santa Fe*tt to Lakeview. t c t Te as t O L'b Specht to Minerva.. San Toy• to Corning. cothe. Ville. 1 er Y en er. x Sarnhsvllte•t• t C Id u s id • Rich yalle" to Caldwell. Plumwood to Plain Cit". Sargents•t to·P~et!n. we . pe el t to Barnesvllle. Canton. Poast Town*i to Middle- Richville S_aun_d_e_rs_vlll~e:...t.:..:o::.....:G:..:a=ll:::lp~o::l=ls::. ....:.....S_p...:~:::i~r=-;.:..~_s_t_a_t_lo_n_*_to_Q_u_a_k_er_:_...:T~h~e~Bend *t t to Sherwood. ___ Ridge to Beverly. town. Otho to Zanesville. Otsego• to New Concord. Ottokee to Wauseon. Outvllle• tt to Kirkersville. Overpeck•t to Hamilton. Overton*t to Wooster. Ovid to Columbus. Owens*t to Marion. Ox to McArthur. Ozark•t to Beallsv1lle.  I  I  ~e~ g~:!fs~~~n.  lsn,  nd  s.  m-  to to  m-  J:~  I  m-  I  ~-> to  o., to  le,  ~t ra.t~f~tlot~!ite;:~~:~~ ~:  t~:~.  I  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~::i~h~~!/c1~l;v1t~·  to  , County Seat.  * ~loney Order Office.  tTelegrapb Station.  1 Express Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2062  The Plains* to Athens. Thivener* to Galllpolls. Thompson• to Madison. 'Y'hornportt to Thornville. Thornton to Greenfield. Thurman• to Oak Hill. Thurston*t! to Baltimore Tmney to Helena.  Tippecanoe*t:): to Freeport Tipton* to Haviland. Tiverton to Buckeye City Tobasco* to Amelia.. Tobias Station t o Marion. Toboso•tt to Newark. Tokio to Ohio City. Topee Mills to Carrollton. Torch• t to Coolville, Townsend to Clyde. Townwoodt to Leipsic. Tracy• to Uhrichsville. Tradersvllle to :\-I echanicsburg. Trall to Wilmot. Tr&nQuil1ty• to Seaman. Transit to Mt. Healthy. Trebeins to Xenia. Trg:i~~t City•t to Sprlna· Triadelphia to McConneb vme. Trtlby to West Toledo. Trlmble•t to Glouster. Trtnway•tt to Dresden Triumph to No. Bloomfield. Trowbridge• t t to Elmore. Trumbull to Geneva.  Tucson to Chllllcothe. Tulip to West Union. Tunnelhill to Warsaw. Tu~R!~s Pia.Ins* to CoolTuecara was• t to Uhrichsvllle. Twenty-Mlle St and t o Mason. Twightwee to Loveland. Tycoon to Vinton. Tymochtee to Sycamore. Tyrrell •tt to Cortland .  Ulric* to Racine. Underwood to Corninr. Union (Licklnt Co.) to Granvllle. Union• t t (MontromeryCo.l to Englewood. Union Furnace• t to Logan Union Plains to Mt. Orab. Unlonport•t to Cadiz. Union Station•tt to Gran• vllle. Uniontown {Belmont Co.) to Flushing. Uniontown (Stark Co.) to Akron. Unionvalet to Cadiz. Unionville*tt to Madison. Unionville Center• to Plaiu City. U~~fa~tts• tt to WapakoUnity to East Palestine. Upland to Bridgeport. Utley to Amesville. Utopia to Augusta, Ky. Vales Mills* to McArthur. Valley to Salem. Valley Crossing•t to Columbus. Valley Junction to Cleves. V&llonia to Bellaire. V&natta•t to Newark. V&nburen•t to No. Baltimore, Vanceton to Vinton. Ve~a to Oak Hill. Venedocla•tt to Delphos. Venicett (Butler Co.) to Hamilton. Venice•ti(Erle Co.) to Sandusky. Vernontt to Kinsman. Vernon Junction to Shelby. Veto to Marietta. Vlckery•rt to Clyde. Victor to Pil.:eton. Victoria* to Fort Recovery. Yienna• to Niles. Vtitl • to Berea. Viro•t to Chllllcothe.  ;fl!~et~ .sf~~nif;:~tta. Vine to Fort Recovery.  Wabash• (Harrison Co.) to Cadiz. Wabash (1fercer Co.) to Celina. Wade* to St. :M arys, W. Va.. Wtfft~~~r Ripple to West Wairram to PatMkala. WalnWTifht• to New Phlla-delphla.  Watt to Portsrooutb.  Wakatomlka to Dresden. Waketleld•t to Piketon.  OKLAHOMA  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  OHIO  Ashley to Alva Asphaltum* to Loco . Atlee* to Ringling. Autwine•:t to Tonkawa. Aydelotte to Shawnee.  Willottsville to Hillsboro. Wllliams Center to Bryan. WUliamsfield • ti to Andover, Wllllamsportt (Morrow Co.) to Mount Gilead. Wllliamstown • T1 to Dunkirk. Williston*tt to Genoa .  Wales to Oak Hlll. Waldhonding*t1 to Warsaw Walkers to Wellsville. Wallsburg to Georretown. Walnut to Ashville. Walnutgrove to Rushsylvania. Walnutrun to London. Walton to Washtn11=ton C.H. Wamsley* to Peebles. Warner•tt to Marietta. Warnock*tto St.Clalrsvllle. Warpole to Harpster.  Willow*t to Cleveland. Wlllowbrook to Coshocton. Willowdell to Osgood. I Willow Wood• to Ironton. tio I Wills Creek to Coshocton. Wilson Mills to Willoughby. Warwick*tt to Clinton. Washlngtonvme•tt to Lee- Wlnameg to Delta. Winchester *tt (Guernsey tonia. Co.) to Cambridge. Wa.terloo* to Ironton. Watkins to Ostrander. Wlndtall to Medina. Watson to T!.ffin. ' Windham• tt to GarrettsWatt to Wren. ville. I Wattavlllett to BP.J'fctlolz. Wayland•t to Newton Windsor• (Ashtabula Co.) to Orwell. Falls. Weaver Statton to Greell- Wlndeort (Warren Co.) to Blanchester. ville. Wtnesburg• to Beach City. Webbs Summlt* to Loga o. Wingett Run•to New MataWebster to Versa.mes. moras. Weems* to Smithfield. Wlngston to Rudolph. WeHersvme•tto Smlthvllle. Winkle* to Hlllsboro. Welcome to Killbuck. Winona* to Salem. Wellsville Shops to Wells• Wintergreen* to Danville. vme. Winterset* to Cambrid~e. Wintersville to SteubenWell!lhfield• to Burton. ville. Wengerlawo• to Brookv1lle Wlsterman to Continental. W. Andover to Andover. W . Austintown• to Young11- Wlthamsvllle• to Batavia. town Wol!•tto New Comentown. W . Bedford• to Dresden. Wolf Creek to Beverly. Westboro• Ho Blanchester W olt Run* to Am ■terdam W . Brookfield to l\.lassillon. Wood• to W. Cairo*t to Lima.. Wooctgrove to Cumberland. W. Canaan to Plr In City. Woodlngton•t to Greenvllle W. Carlisle* to Frazeysburg Woodlawn• to Lockland. W. Charleston to Tippe- Woodside to Bradner. canoe City. W . Chester*t! to Sharon- Woodworth to Youngsville. town. W. Clarksfield• to Wak"'° Worstvllle to Payne. Wrightsville to Manchester W ~t~veland to Olevela.nd. I Wyandot to Nevada. W . Dover• to Cleveland. Wynant to Fort Loramie. W . Elkton• to Camden. Wyoming*t to Lockland .  ~:g:~:~filf• 0Jf!:et~~d  Chapel* to Pryor. Cheek* to Ardmore. Chester• to Selling. Chewey to W~tville. Cheyarha to eminole. Chlgley to Wynnewood. Childers* to Lenapah. Chism* to B:vars.  Bache• to McAlester. Balley• to Marlow. Baird• to Duncan. Baldhill to Morris. Banner*t (Canadian Co.) to Yukon. Banner (Garvin Co.) to Elmore City. Santy* to Bokchito. Barber to Tahlequah. Barnes to Seiling. Barney* to Fairview. Baron to Westville. Bartlett to Hoffman. Barton to Sentinel. Baum t0 Berwyn. Bear to Calvin. Bearden* to Okemah. Bebee• to Ada. Bee* to Tishomingo. Beland* to Muskoitee. Belford* to Halston. Bellemont to Prague Belleville to Marietta. Belva*tt to Quinlan. Belzoni to Antlers. Bengal*t% to Talihina. Bentley• to Caney. Berlin* to Sayre. Bethany to Oklahoma. Bethel* to Garvin. Beulah to Foyil.  Chockie* to Stringtown. Chrlstie*t to Westville. Church to tilwell. Citra• to Calvin. Civet* to Pauls Valley. Clarion t o C leo. Clarksville* to Porter. Claypool* to Waurika. Clear Lake* to Beaver. Clearview• to Weleetka. Cleo to Cleo Springs . Cleora• to Alton. CUI! to Madill.  '  Cloud Chief* to Cordell. Cloudy* to Antlers. Clyde*t to Medford. Coalton* to Henryetta. Cobb (Caddo Co.) to Fon Cobb. Oogar* to :Minco. Cold Springs*! to Roosevelt. Cole to Blanchard. Columbia to Dover. Concho to El Reno. Connervtlle• to Pontotoc. C'ood:vs Bluff* to Nowata. Cookson* to Park nm. Corbett to Purcell. Corinne* to Fort Towson. Cornish to Ringling. Corum to Comanche. Cottonwood to Coalgate. Council to Wheatland. Courtney• to Marietta. Cowden to Colony. Cowlington to Spiro. Coy* to Coldwater, Kan. Craig• t to IIaileyvllle. Cravens to Wilburton. Crawfm~d* to Strong City. Crekola to Muskogee. Creta to Olustee. Criner to Lindsay: . Cropper to Breckinridge. Cross to Ponca City. Crows~n• to Bristow. Cruce 't to Duncan. Crum Creek to Clayton. Crystal to Atoka. Cumberland* to Aylesworth. Curtls*t t t~ Mooreland. Curty to LIDdsay.  Bickford* to Hitchcock. Bidding Springs to Stilwell. Bilby to Holdenvllle. Bird to Longdale. Blackgum* to Vian. Blacklandt to Foraker. Blackrock to Allen. Blaine* to Keota. Blake• to Mangum. Bland to Mannford. I Blocker*ti to Crowder. Bloomington to Brinkman. I Blue•t to Durant. Bluff to Hugo Bly to Nowata. Boehler to Boswell. Western Star to Wadsworth. Yatesville to Bloomingburg Boggy Depot• to Caney. Bokhoma*tt to Foreman, Westerville Station to Wes- Yellow Bud to Kingston. ~rk tervllle. Yelrah to Basil. Bomar* to Marietta. Westfield to Ashle:v Station. Yelverton to Belle Center. W . Florence to Eaton. Boss* to Idabel Yoder to Lima. Bowden* to Sapulpa. Westhope* to McClure. Y ondota to Toledo. Bower• to Eufaula. W. Independence to Fos- York to Richwood. toria. Yorkshire*tt to Osgood. Bowles to Marietta. W. Jefl'erson•tt (Williams Yostt to Glenford. Box (Cleveland Co.) to Co.) to ·M ontpelier. Young* to Otway. Lexington. Young Hickory to Cumber-- Box (Sequoyah Co.) to Daisy* to Atoka. Dane to Fairview. W. Junctiont to Obillicothe land. Vian. Darrow*t to Homestead. ·west Lancaster to JefferBoyd• to Beaver. Darwin to Antlers. sonville. Braden• to Fort Smith, Ark Dawson• t l to Tulsa. w. Lebanon to Dalton. Zaleakt•H to McArthur. Deese* to Ardmore. W. Lelo11c• t to Leipsic. Zanesfteld • tt to Belleton- Brady* to Wynnewood. Delhi• to Sayre. ,v. Lodi* to Repuhlic. talne. Braithwaite to Foss. W. Mecca to Cortland. Zeno to Cumberland. Bray* to Marlow. Dempsey to Cheyenne. W. Mentor* to Willoughby. Zenz City to Fort Recovery Brent* to Salllsaw. Denton to Marlow. W. Middletown• to Mid- Zimmer to Groveport. Brtartown•t to Porum. Denver to Norman. dletown. . Zimmerman to Xenia. I Brock• to Ardmore. t Diamond to Comanch~. W. Mlllgrove• to Rising ! Zoar•tt to Bolivar. Brocken to Quinton. Dibble* to Blanchard. sun. Zoar Statlon•tt to Mineral , Brooken• to Quinton. Dickson to Spencer. Westminster•tt to Harrod. City. , Brooksville to Tecumseh. Dighton* to Hoffman. W. Newton to Harrod. Zoarville*tt to Mlnera!City Dillard to Wilson. Westpoint (Oolumbiana Zone to Fayette. Brown to Durant. Dillon to Eag-le Clt:v. Co.) to Lisbon. , Bruno to Atoka. Dix to Cleveland. Brush Hill* to Ohecotab. Dixie* to Loco. W. Point (Morrow Co.) Bryant* to Henryetta. Doby Springs• to Eng-I~ to Gallon. Buck to Krebs. wood, Kan. W. Richfleld*t to Peninsula Bunch•tt to Stilwell. Dodge* to So. West City. W. Rushville*t to Rushville Burneyville* to Marietta. Mo. W. Sonora• t to LewisOKLAHOMA Busbyhead*t to Foyil. Dolberg* to Rot!. burg. Butner to Wewoka, West Toledo*tt to Toledo. Byng* to Ada. Dombey• to Tyrone. Weatview• U to Berea. Dougherty•tt to Davia. Westvilletr to Urbana. Abbott to Ada. Douthat"' to Quapaw. W. "\Yheeling to Ilridgoport. Acme*t to Ru.·b. prings. Dow•t to II ailo\·vllle. w. WoodvUle to Blan- Addielee• to V{estville. Cabaniss* to Stuart. Doxey• t to Sayre. chester. Adelaide to Walter. Cade* to Bennington. Doyle"' to Duncan. Wetsel to Mlddlepolnt. Caln ville to Longdale. Ablo&o* to Ada, Cairo• to Coalgate. AJ1poatone to Faxon. Dr~ke* to ulphur. Weyers to Sanrlusky. Oalhoun to Poteau. Aktns• to Sallisaw. Dropright to Yale. Weymouth to Medina. Oa.mbria to McAlester. Alaoama to Weleetka.. Dunbar (Pushmataha Co.) Wharton (Scioto Co.) to Alamo to Guymon. to Antlers. Portsmouth. Camp• to Hooker Albany* to Bennington. Dunbar C.\Icintosh Co.) to Wheat to Seaman. Campbell to Gore Albert*t to Binger. Hitchita.. Wheelersburg-•t to PortsCarbon• to Krebs. Dunlap to !\-fay. mouth. Alden• to Carnegie. Carl"' to Hollis. Durham* to 8trong City. Whigville• t to Summerfield Alderson•tt to McAlester. I Carlton*t to Canton. Durwood•tt to Ardmore. Whipple• t t to Marietta. Aledo* to Putnam. ·carpenter*t to Hammon . Alfalfa* to Carnegie. Carroll to Dustin. Wbll!ltler* to Kingston. Allison* to Durant. Carson* to \\'etumka. White Cottage•rt to Zanes- Alma• to Duncan. CartersvUle•t to Bokoshe . Eagle Chlet to Avard. ville. , Alsuma• to Broken Arrow. Carwile to Ringwood. Eagletown"' to ilrokon Bow. White Oak• to Mount Orab. Altona to Okarche. Caseytt to Maramec. Eaton* to Lenapah. White Sulphur*tt to Dela- America• to Idabel. Catale*tt to 0hel ea. Econtuchka to Prai-ue. ware. Anderson to avanna. Catesby• to Shattuck. Eddy*t to Lamont. Wbltevllle to Metamora. Anthon* to Custer. Cathay to Eufaula.. Edith to Freedom. Whitfield to Miamisburg. Anttoch* to Maysvllle. Edna* to Beggs. Whitmore to Fremont. Ara• to Duncan. ~o :.\¥cutraii. Esto to Coleman. Wick to Andover. Arbuckle* to Berwyn. Center• to Ada. Eldon to Tahlequah. Wlckll.lie•tt to Wllloughby Arch to Hartshorne. Centervllle to Mountain Eli to Hulbert. Widowvllle to Ashland. Arlington to Prague. Park. Elise to Ada. Wlggonsville to Bethel. Armstrong* to Durant. Ceres* to Re!l Rock. Elk to Ardmore. Wilberforce• to Xenia. Arpelar* to McAlester Cestos to V:Ci. Elkton to Lamben. WUdare to Cortland. Arta to Tonkawa. Chance* to vVestvllle. Ellla to Chandler. Wilgus* to Ironton. Arthur• to Duncan. Chaney• to Gage. Elmwooa• to heaver. Wllkesv1lle• to McArthur. Artie to Haworth. Chant to McCurtain. Emanuel to Watonga..  REFERENCE KEY.  I  I  8:~1~t  I  .  1,.  --- -  County Seat.  ------------------'-----'-----;.;__- • ~Ioney Order Ofllce. t Tc leg rap h Statton. tExpreas Ollice  OKLAHOMA Emerson to Walter. Emet• to Durant. Empire City to Comanche. Enos to Wood ville. Enterprise• to Quinton. Envllle* to Marietta. Eola to Pauls Valley. Eramt to Morris. Jllrin Springs* to Lindsay. ErvIn* to Hugo. Estella* to Vinita. Estelle to Quinlan. Ethel to Antlers. Etowah to McComb. Euba.nk*l to Antlers. Eucha* to Jay. ETa* to Guymon. Exendine to Lookeba. Falr to Comanche. Fairbanks* to Fairview. Fair Valley• to Avard. Falfa to Talihina. Fallon to Hugo. Fame• to Eufaula. Panahawe*tl to Howe. Parris* to Antlers. Farry• to Avard. Faulkner• to Alva. Fawn* to Checotah. Featherston•u to Quinton. Ferinison • U to Hitchcock. Fern to Woodward. Fewell to Antlers. Flllmore* to Mllburn. Finley• to Antlers. Fisher to Tulsa. Fitzgerald to Supply. Fleetwood• to Ryan. Flint* to Siloam Sprlnp, Ark.  Florence• to Wakita. Fogel to Mena, Ark. Folsom• to Caddo. Fonda* to Oanton. Ford to Red Rock. Foreman to Gans. Forney to Hue;o. Foster* (Garvin Co.) to Pauls Valley. Foster (Hughes Co.) to H:>ldenville. Fox* to Ardmore. Francis (Greer Co.) to Mangum. Franklin to Norman. Franks• to Stonewall. Frisco* to Stonewall. Frogvllle* to Hugo. Gabriel to Tahlequah. Gaither* to Morris. Galena* to Aline. Gamet* to Alva. Garland to 8tigler. Garlington~ to Texhoma, Tex. Gay* to Hugo. Gerty* to Stuart. Gibson Statlon•t to Wagoner. Gideon• to Tahlequah. Gilbert to Jefferson. Gilmore* to Poteau. Glendale to Wister. Glenn• to Ardmore. G!enpoool*tt to Kiefer. Glover* to Valliant. Golden* to Garvin. Goodland* to Ilugo. Goodnight*l to Ooyle. Goodwater* to Haworth. Grady* to Ryan. Graham* to Ardmore. Grand• to Higgins. Tex. Grand Valley• to Liberal, Kan. Granton• to Falrvtew. Gray to Beaver. Gray Horse• to Fairfax. Grayson* to Hoffman. Greenleaf to Braggs. Gresham to Clayton, N. M. G rimes • to Sayre. GuUd to Prague. Hamburg• to Cheyenne. H amden* to Hugo. Hlianson•tt to Salllsaw. R ard wood to Coalgate. t~o Harmon* to Fargo. HHarringtont to Haworth. a.rrts to Idabel. 11arrtsburg1< to Duncan.  u!~?J li!:frk.  H~~isig ~~r~t~~~~?·  Haskew* to Mooreland. ¥!attonville to Commerce. .nawley to .1. ash. Ha.ydtln • to Chelsea. Hayubs* to :Muskogee. Haywood* to McAlester. liazel*l to Konawa. Heaston to El Reno. RHel enu to Kingston. e1Bel to Lexington. HHeman* to Waynoka. enrterson to Purcell. ~endrix*t to Kemfi City.  1 H:~~:~ -- - i~ ~a~t:iJe. -  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Herring:t to Hammon. Hess* to Elmer. Hester*l: to Mangum. Hewitt* to Wilson. Hex Switch to Elk City. Heyburn* to KelleyvUle. Higgins to Hartshorne. Hill* to Cameron. Hix to Mena, Ark. Hoardsville* to Dewar. Hochatown* to De Queen, Ark. Hodgen* to Heavener. Hogshooter *l to Bartlesville. HolUdayt to Faxon. Hollow* to Welch. Homer* to Davis. Hood to Sallisaw. Hoover to !Javis. Howard to Mena. Ark. Hoxbar to Ardmore. Hoyt• to Stigler.  Ona to Guymon. Onapa* to Checotah. Onasco to Apa1·he. Oneta* to Broken Arrow. OnyxU to Dou~la11. Ora to Duncan. Orienta*t! to Fairview . Orion* to Fairview Oscar* to Terral. Oswalt to Ardmore. 0 tta wa to Miami. Overbrook• to Ardmore. Owlt to Centrahoma. Ozark to .Braggs.  2068  Schooltan* to Okemah. Schulter*tt to Henryetta. Sc:ott* to Dini;ter. Scraper to Tahlequah. Scullln*U to Hickory. Sedan• to Mountain View. Seward• tt to Navina. Sewell to Tecumseh. Shadypoint• t f to Poteau. Shawneetown• to Idabel. Shay to h'.ingston. Sherman* to Quinlan. Sherwood to Idabel. Shiloh to Meridian. Short to Van Buren, Arlt. Shrewder to Gould. Shults• to Idabel. Sickles* to Lookeba. Silo• to Durant. Simpson to Mannsville. Sinnett to Mannford. 8ledge to Duncan. Sleeper* to Wagoner. Slim to Valliant. Sobol*:t to Fort Towson. Sophia• to Be.aver. Bouten to Cleveland. Southard*t:t to O'Keene. So. Canadian* to Oakwood. So. Cotreyville*tl to Coffeyville, Kan. So. Enid to Enid. So. McAlester to McAlester. Spaulding•tttoHoldenvl111' Spavinaw* to Salina. Speer to Hugo. Speermoore* to Laverne. Spencerville* to Ft,. Towson. Spokogee to Dustin. Springer• to Berwyn. Springtown to Stringtown. Stafford* to Clinton. Standing Rock to Lehigh . Stanley*t:t to Antlers. Star* to Keota. Staunton* to Healdton. Stecker to Anadarko. Steedman*tl to Allen. Stella to Newa.Ua.. Stidham• to Eufaula. Stone Bluff to Haskell. Story* to Maysville. Sturm to Fort Cobb. Summerfield* to Le Flore. Summit* to Muskogee. Sumoter to Braman. Sunset to Beaver. Surprise to Knowles. Sutter• to Poteau. Swan to Thomas. Sweetwater• to Texola. Swink*tl to Fort Towson. Sycamore to Southwee1 City, Mo. Sylvian* to Paden. Syria to Aline.  Mabelle* to Viaf.l. Madison* to Laverne. Maguire to Noble. Manard to Fort Gibson. Maple• to Muldrow. Marble City*t:t to Sallisaw. Mardock to Norman. Page*t:t to Mena, Ark. Marion to Oklahoma Oity. Palmer~ to Sulphur. Markham to Yale. Panama to Spiro. Marsden• to Ardmore. Panola to WUburton. Masham to Pawnee. Parker to Coalgate. Mason* to Castle. Parkland• to Agra.. Matoy* to Bokechito. Patteraon*tl to Wllburton Maxwell• to Byars. Paw* to Fort Smith Paw Mayfield• to Erick. ~~f~~; 6°a:e;,~ Ark. Gibson. Ft. to McBride to Lindsay. Payne* Hulen to Geronimo. McCann to Hugo. Payaon•t to Meeker. Humphreys•t to Altus. to Elmore. Pearsonia to Foraker. Hurley* to Elkhart, Kan. McCarty Macomb. to McComb Huskey to Hugo. Pemeta to Cushing. McKey• to Sallisaw. to Fort Smith. McLain* to Webbers Falls. Peno Peoria• to Seneca, Mo. McMann to Wirt. Icontum • to Meridian. McMillan* to Madlll. Ida to Valllant. Perth to Lovell. McQueen* to Duke. Independence* to Custer. McWilliel to Helena. Petersburg• to Nocona Indianapolis*l to ·w eatherTex. ford. Pettit to Tahlequah. Meers• to Cache. Inga.Us to Stillwater. Phillips*l to Coalgate. Mehan•:t to Ripley. Ioland* to Grand. Phroso* to Selllng. Mellette* to Eufaula. Iona* to -Wynnewood. Pickens* to Valliant. Merrick• t to Fa.Illa. Ireton* to Bradley. Pierce• to Ohecotah. Messer to Hugo. Mexhoma to Clayton, N. Pierceton to Tonkawa. Pike• to Marietta. Isom Springs* to Woodvllle. M. Pine to Coalgate. Ivanhoe to Shattuck. Micawber* to Paden. .:\Iiddleberg* to Blanchard. Piney to Stilwell . Mldlothlan*t:t to Chandler. Pink to Tecumseh, Pirtle* to Durant. Jackson• to Bennington. Midway to Lehigh. Platter*l to Durant. Jackson Switch to Broken Mldwell to Guymon. Pleasant Hill to Haworth. Arrow. Miles• to Vinita. Pollard to Idabel. Jadie to Haworth. Milo• to Ardmore. Poolville* to Ardmore. Jenness to Henryetta. Milton• to Bokoshe. Port* to Sentlnf>l. Jesse to Stonewall. Mlshak to Moore. Powell to Madlll. Jester• to Mangum. Mocane to 1rorgan. Joplin to Quapaw. Moffett* to Fort Smith, Praper to Kiefer. Prentiss* to Sayre. Juanita to Crow<ler. Ark. Proctor• to W estv1lle. July to Idabel. Moller to Tupelo. Jumbo* to Antlers. :-Olonarch to Baxter Springs, Provence• to Ardmore. Prue*H to Osage. Junction• to Geronimo. Kan. Purdy• to Lindsay. Monroe*ti to Howe. Moodys• to Tahlequah. Moorewood to Hammon. Kantma*ti to Stigler. Qualls to Braggs. Kansas to Siloam Springs, Morse• to Wewoka. Morv1n• to McOomb. Ark. Mosley to Siloam Spring■, Karns Spur to Calumet. Ra.bit to Miami. Ark. Katte• to Wynnewood. Ragsdale to Gray. Keeteton*t:t to Warner. tir~~~~~Raiford to Hanna. Kelrsey* to Durant. Randolph• :t to Madlll. Munice to Talov:a. Keller to Wilson. Range• to Guymon. Murphv to Choteau. Kelso*:t to Vinita. Tabler* to Chickasha. Rankin• to Cheyenne. Muse* to Tallhlna. Kent* to Hugo. Tabor* to Bristow. Rattan* to Antlers. Keokuk Fans• to Prague. 'l'aft*tl to Haskell. Kiam1chl*l to Albton. t~o Tamaha to Vian. Kibby• to Woodwara. 'l' a.ngier*tl to F"arp:o. Reagan• to Mlll Creek. Naples* to Alex. Kinlock to Madlll. Tar River* to Cardin. Reason* to Arnett. Narclsaa•i to Miami. Kinnison* to Welch. Tate to Wewoka. Redbird •t to Coweta. Nashoba* to Antlers. Kiser to Pauls Valley. Tatums* to Ardmore. Redden to Stringtown. Natura to Okmulgee. Redland•t to Fort Smith, Taylor to Temple. 8 Klondike to Paula Valley. I Teacross to liollls. Ark. Co.) ~~~iand ~:~~~~e Komalty• to Hobart. Tegarden"' to A,lva. Redmoon* to Cheyenne. to Noble. Kosoma•u to Antlera. Teresita to Tahlequah. Reed• to Mangum. Kullltuklo• to Idabel. Rentiesvllle•t to Checotah . Texanna• to Checotah. "N'ellda to Ardmore. Thackerville• ti to GaineaRetrop• to Nelson* to Antlers. vllle, Tex. Retta to Blackwell. I Neodesha* to Wagoner. Lacey to Hennessey. Thomasville*l to Heavener. Rext:t to Muskogee. 1 .Nerotown to Eufaula. Lacrosse to Pocasset. Ti* to Hartshorne. Rhea* to Leedey. Newby• to Bristow. Ladessa to Mangum. Tiawah* to Claremore. Rich* to Stringtown. Newcastle* to Norman. Lakemp* to Deaver. Tidmore to Semlnole. New Durwood to Ardmore. Richert to Heavener. Lane* to Atoka. to Beaver. Tiffin Towson. Fort to Ringolci Ardmore. to Newport• Langston• to Coyle. Tiger to Drumright. Ritter to Calvin. New \Vilson* to Wilson. Robberson• to Pauls Valley Tillman to Frederick. Lark to Kingston. Tinney to Germlno. Roberta• to Durant. Nida to ).!ilburn. Laura to Tuskahoma. Rock Island* to Hackett, Tivoli to Fairview. NUes• to Hinton. Laverty• to Cement. Todd*tl to Vinita. Ark. Antlers. to Nolia Fltzhusrh. Lawrence* to Togo* to Waynoka. Rocky Ford to Cement. Non* to Calvin. Layton to Pauls Valley. Tom to Idabel. Roland• to Muldrow. Leach* to Siloam Springs, Norfolk to Yale. Trail to Oamargo. Ron• to Cheyenne. N orge*tt to Chickasha. Ark. Trenton to Okemah. Romulus•t to McComb. Norris to Red Oak. Lebanon• to Marietta. Trousdale• to Wanette. Pryor. to Rose• orth Enid* to Enid. Legate" to Ardmore. Troy•t to Mlll Creek. • North Miami* to Oom- Rossvllle to Wellston. Leger to Altus. Tucker* to Spiro. Row"' to Gentry, Ark. merce. Lela•t to Morrison. Tullahassee•:t to Porter. N~[J:e:.Iuskogee to Mus- ~~b~~~i~tirod1k?arletta. t:~~:"iio~N{t::~~Turkey Ford* to Grove. to Tulsa. Turley• Nowata. Leon• to Gainesville. Tex. No.Kie* to Coffeyville, Ran. Ruby* to •ruskegee* to Beggs. Rufe*t:t to Valliant. Numa•t to Deer Creek. Leonard*t:t to Bi.xby. Tussy• to Duncan. Russell* to Duke. ~uyaka* to Beggs. Leonel* to Oakwtiotl. Tyler* to Madill. Russell Oreek to Welch. LeQutre*t:t to McCurtain. Tyrola"'ti to J.<"rancla, Russellville* to Quinton. Letitia• to Lawton. Russett*:t to Mannsville. Libert,y Lo :M uldrow. Ruthdale* to Delaware. Lightning Ridge to Roff. Oakdale to Eakly. St. Louis (Ottawa Co.) • to Oak llill to Idabell. Ltma~ to Wewoka. Ulan* to Scipio. to Quapaw-. Limestone Gap• to Kiowa. Oakburst~ to Tulsa. St. Louis (Pottawatomie Ungert:t to Boswell. Oakland• to Madlll. Ltncolnvillet to Baxter. Oo.) to Asher. Usna to Boise City. Oakman* to Ada. Springs, Ran. Utica• to Durant. Oaks* to Kansas . Linn* to Aylesworth. Sacred Heart* to Asher. Oberlin• to Bennington. Little* to Seminole. Saddle Mountain* to CoopOclna to Willow. Loaf to Adair. erton. Octavia to Hattleld, Ark. Lockridge*t to Cashion. Valeria to :Morrison. Sadie to Sallisaw. Odell* to Idabel. Lodi* to Red Oak. Valley• to Maramec. Sageeyah* to Claremore. Odetta* to Snyder. Logan"' w Ivanhoe. Vamoosa* to B.onawa. Salem to Henryetta. Lone Grove• to Ardmore. Oglesby* to Ochelata. Velma• to Duncan. S&m.psell* to Texhoma Oil City* to Wilson Lone Star to Walter. Verditn"is *H to Claremore. Sand Creek• to Wakita. Okesa* to Bartlesville. Long• to Muldrow. Saratoga to Coldwater.Kan , Vernon to Hanna. Okfuskee• to Okemah. Lookout• to Avard. Victor to Poteau. Sardis to Tuskahoma. Oleta to Fargo. Lorena• to Liberal, Kan. Victory to Altus. Saylor• to Tamaha. Olive• to Mannford. Louts• to El Dorado. _ . _ __ k _lns _l_n_c_~o~•- t_o_ P_er~ _._n_g_. _ _ -...c._V __hi _.;:;el to Ous Loving to Heavene~r.___ Olney*t:t to Coalit~a_ t_e_.____S_c_hl_eg  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Lowrey to Tahlequah. Lugert*tl to Blair. Lukta.ta* to Idabel. Lula to Tupelo. Lutie• to Wilburton. Lynch to Strang. Lyons* to Stillweil.  OKLAHOMA  ~:n.  ~~;::tfo  l!;~a J}~g~:~o.  I  I  I  , County Seat.  • Money Order Office. Statton.  tExnress Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2064  OREGON  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  OKLAHOMA  Vining* to Jet. Vinson* to lYiangum. Virgil to Hugo. VirgUlla to Tonkawa. Vista to Asher. Vlvtan to Eu.ta.ula. Voca to Caney. Vrona to Sallisaw.  Beaver Hill to Coquille. Beck Station to Florence. Beckley* to Crane. Beech Creek* to John Day. Belknap Springs to Springfield. Bellevue to Sheridan. Bellfountain to :Monroe. Bellrose to Portland. Berlin• to Lebanon. Bertha to Portland. Waco to Newalla. Bethany to Hillsboro. Wade• to Durant. Beulah• to Westfall. Wainwright*t:t. to Boynton. Ble;gs*U to Wasco. Walls to McCurtaln. Springs to PendleBingham Wallville* to Maysville. ton. Ward Springs to McAlester. Birkenfeld. to Clatskanie. Warren* to Blair. Warwlck•U to Wellston. Blachly• to Junction City. Washita to Anadarko. Black Rock*:t to Falls City. Wasbunga• to Kaw City. Blalock* to Arlington. Waterloo•:t to Edmond. Blind Slough*tt to Astoria. Watkins to Kiefer. Blitzen to Crane. Watova• to Nowata. Blodgett*! to Philomath. Watson to Cove, Ark. Blue Rlver•t to S1>rlngfield. Wauhillau* to Stilwell Bly* to Bonanza. Wayside* to Dewey. Boardman to Hermiston. Weathers to McAlester. Bonita to Vale. Weer to Broken Arrow. Booth to Glendale. Weklwa* to Tulsa. Borlng•t -to Gresham. Welllnfl•tt to Tahlequah. Bourne to Baker. Welty* to <Jastle. Boyd• to Dufur. W. Point to Glencoe. Bridal Vell*tl to Portland. West Tulsa*t to Tulsa. Wbeeless*to Clayton, N. M. Bridge* to Myrtle Point. Whiteagle*.t to Ponca City. Brighton to Wheeler. Whitebead to Pauls Valley. Brightwood* to Sandy. Whitefield• to Stigler. Broadacrest to Hubbard. Whitehorse• to Avard. · Broadbent to Myrtlepoint. l White Oak•tt to Vinita. Broadmead to Sheridan. Whitesboro to Talihina. Brockwa1• to Roseburg. Wilkerson to Porum. Wilkins• to Clayton, N. M. Brogan. t to Vale. Willard* to Ashland, Kan. Brooks t to Gervais. Brothers to Ben~. Wllllams*:t to Poteau. Brownlee to Richland._ Willis* to Kine:ston. Brownsboro* to EagleJ?Olllt. Wlllowbar* to Texhoma. Wlllow View•:t to Purcell. Brownsmead to .,\.l:itoria. ,villzetta to Prague. Bruce to Corvallls. Wimer• to Centralla. Buena Vista• to IndepenWinchester• to Alva. dence. Witchert to .Edmond. Bullards• to Bandon. Wolf to Wewoka. Bulirun"' to Sandy. Wooddale to Fairview. Burlingtont to Portland. W ood!ord • to Ardmore. Butte* to Paisley. Wybark*t to Mus1rngee. Butteville to Donald. Buxton•tt to Banks. Yabola_. to Haskell. Yanush to Tuskahoma. Cake to Baker. Yarnaby* to Achille. Yates to Stlllwater. , Camas Valley•to Rosebure:. Yeager to Holdenville. l Canyonvllle•t to Riddle. Carnation to Forest Grove. Yelton to Bufl'alo. Carson• to Halfway. Yewed•tt to Lambert. Yonkerst to Wagoner. Cascade Locks•ti to Hood York* to Roff. River. Yuba*.to Durant, Cascadia* to Lebanon. Castle Rock to Arlington. ~~:teeton. Zafra to Heavener. Cecil• to lone. Zeb* to Park Hill. Zena• to Grove. Cedar Mill to Beaverton. Zenobia to Bromide. 1 ~~e Zita to Healdton. Chapman to Scappoose. Zoe* to Heavener. Zora.ya to Antlers. Chemawa•t:t to Salem. Zula to Dacoma. ~a~J':.on. 1 . Cheshire* to Junction City· Chlloquln*tt to Klamath , · Falls. Chitwood• to Toledo. OREGON Clackamas"ltoOregonClty. Clarkes to Oregon City. Clem• to Condon. Cleveland:t to Roseburr. Acme• to Florence. Cllfton•t to Astoria. Aaams•tt to Athena. Adel•t to Lake View. 0 Adrian to Parma, Idaho. i Colton* to Molalla. Agate to Central Point. Columbia Ctty•:t to St. Agate Beach to ~ ewport. Helen. Agness• to Goldbeacb. Oomstock*t to Cottage A1rlle*t to Monmoutn. Grove. Albee* to Pilot Rock. Connellt to North Plains. Alfalfa to Bend. Algoma* to Klamath Falls. Cooston* to North Bend. Corbett*tl to Gresham. Alice!* to Imbler. Corbin to Goldbeach. Allegany" to Marshfield. Cord to Juntura. Almeda to Grants Pass. Cornucopia• to Halfway. Aloha* to Beaverton. Cottrell to Gresham. Alplnet to Monroe. Alvadore to Junction Oity. Cove Orchard *1 to Gaston Andrews• to Winnemucca, Crabtree*t to Lebanon. Crater Lake to Klamath Nev. Falls. Anlau!• to Drain. Crawfordsvllle• to BrownsAntelope• to Shaniko. ville. Antone• to John Day. Crescent* to Bend. Apiary to Rainier. Avplegate• to Jacksonville. Crow• to Eugene. Crowley to Juntura. Arago• to Myrtle Point. Culver*t:t to Metolius. Arletat to Portland. Currinsville to i!.stacada. A ustln • :t to Prairie City. Curtin* to Drain. Azalea* to Glendale. Cushman*tt to Florence. Ballston• t to Sheridan. Barlow•:t to Canby. Dairy-' to Bonanza. Bartlett* to Wallowa. Da.Ie• to Pilot Rock. Barton•t to Estacada. Damascust to Oregon City. Barview to Bay City. Days 0reek* to Riddle. Bates to Prairie City. Dayvllle" to John Day. Bay Ocean* to Bay City. Dee• to Hood Rtver. Beae;le to Goldhlll. Deer Island*t:t to St. Helensl Bear Creek to Monroe. Delmar to Marshfield. Beatty* to Bonanza. Denio•toWinnemucca.Nev. Beaver• to Tillamook. Beaver Creek to Oregon Denmark* to Bandon. Denzer* to Philomath. City.  l  II g:~s':' fg I  gg~~ti~g ifo~~~:  I 8t~~~f~lit  g~r~w:t\i .J:~~-  I  I  REFERENCE KEY.  ;. County Seat.  Dolph* to Cloverdale. Dorena• to Cottage Grove. Dothan*t to Glendale. Drewsey* to Juntura. Dryden* to Grants Pa88. Dundee• to Newberg. Durkee•t t to Huntington. Eagle Creek•tto Estacada. Eastslde to Marshfield. Ecola• to Seaside. Eddyvllle• t to Toledo. Edenbower* to Roseourg. Eight Mlle* to Heppner. Elam to Philomath. Elk City• to Toleao. Elkton• to Drain. Elmira• to Eugene. Elmonicat to Beaverton. Elsie• to Astoria. Ely to Oregon Clty. Emolre• to North Bend. E nd ersby to Dufur. Evans to LoSt ine. Fairviewt:t (Multnomah co.) to Gresham. Fall Creek• to Sprlngfteld. Fargot to Donald. Fayettevillet to Shedds. Fields to Wlnnamucca.1Nev. Fife* to Bend. Flanagan* to Maupin. Fla vel • t to Astoria. Fleetwood to Lapine. Follyfarm to Crane. Fort .l{lamatb • to Klamath Falls. Foster• to Lebanon. Fox* to John Day. Franklln to Junctlon City. Fremont* to La.pine. Friend to Du!ur.  t~~!v~  Galena to Prairie City. Galescreek* to Forest Grove Galice* to Grants Pass. Garden Homett to Portland Gartba1di*t to Bay City. Gates•t to Stayton. Gateway•tt to Madras. Gearheart*tt to Seaside. Glbbon•tt to Pendleton. Gladstone*tt to Ore~on City Glenada* to Florence. 0  g}:~~ioJ toNFi:~.lbaf~e. Glide• to Roseburg. Goble*tt to Rainier.  Grand Ronde*to Wlllamlna Granite* to Baker. Grave to Glendale. Green to Roseburg. Greenbergt to Beaverton. Greenhorn* to Baker. Greenvllle to Banks.  g~~t!r: t~ ~f~~s. Gurdane to Pilot Rock.  Gwendolen* to Condon. Gypsum to Huntington.  I I  I  Hamilton• to Canyon City. Hammond• t to Astoria. Hamoton* to Bend. Harbor* to Brookings. Hardman• to Heppner. Harlan to Phllomatb. Ilarney,i.t to Crane. Hay Creek• to Madras. Ha.zeldale to Beaverton. Hebo* to Cloverdale. Helvetiat to North Plains. Hemlock* to Tl1lamook. Hereford* to Baker. HUgard•n to La Grande Hlllsdale• to Portland. Hoff to Oregon City. Holbrook*t to Portland. Holdman* to Pendleton. Holland• to Grants Pass· Holley• to Brownsville. Home to Huntington. Homestead to Halfway.  Hopewell to Amlty. Hopmere to Gervais. Horton* to Junction Oity. Hoskins to Philomath. Hot Lake*tt to La Grande. Houlton*tt to St. Helens. Huber to Beaverton. Hubert to Junction City. • .Ioney Order Ofllce.  I  Mohler•:t to Wheeler. Montavlllatt to Portland. Monument• to Heppner. Moody to The Dalles. Morgan• to lone. Imnaha • to Enterprise. Ironside* to Vale. Mountaindale*t to Banks. Mt. Hood* to Hood River. Irrtgon•u to Hermiston. Mt. Tabortt to Portland. i~~nil~•Et~gi~eGrande. Mt. Vernon• to John Day. Mulino* to Molalla. Mulloy* to Wilsonville. Jacksonville*:t to Medford. Multnomahtt to Portland. Jamieson to Vale. M.ufl)hy• to Grants Jasper• to Springfield. Jennings Lodge*tttoOregon City. Narrows• to Burns. Jewell* to Astoria. Nashville* to Philomath. Jordan to Scio. Need:v to Aurora. Nehalem* to Wheeler. ~ Teskowin* to Cloverdale. Netarts* to TilJamook. N everstill to Clatskanie. Kamela*t:t to La.Grande. New Bridge* to Richland. Keating to Baker. New Era•:t to Canby. Kelso to Sandy. New Pine Creek• t to Lakej Keno• to Klamath Falls. view. Kent• to Grass Valley. Niagara* to :Mm City. Kerby* to Grant.a Pa88. Nice* to NeWJ)ort. Kernville* to Newport. N olln • to Echo. Kerry*:t to Clatskanie. Nortons* to Toledo, Kingston• to Stayton. Kings Valley* to Philo- Norway• to Myrtle Point. Noti to Eugene. math. Klamath Agency• to Klamath Falls. Oak Grove*t to Milwaukie. Klondike• to Wasco. Oakridge *tt to . prin~field. Koler to Glendale. Ocean View• to Newport. KubU to Grants Pa88. Odell* to Hood .River. Ola.Ila• to Ros1>burg. Olene• to Klamath Falls. Olex• to Arlington. Olney•t to Astoria. Lacomb* to Lebanon. Opal City*.:J: to Metolius . Laidlaw to Bend. Orencot:t to Hillsboro. Lake• to Lapine. Lakeside* to North Bend. Orton to Toledo. Oswego•tt to Portland. Lamonta* to Metolius. Lancaster to Junction City. Otis* to Willamina. Langlois• to Bandon. Langrell to Halfway. Latourell Falls* to Gres- Pacific City*to Cloverdale. ham. Palmer• to Portland. Laurel• to Hillsboro. Palmer Junction* to Ele;ln. La.wen* to Crane. Paradise* to Flora. Parkdale• to Hood River. Leaourg* to Springfield. Parker to Independence. Lee to Coquille. ParkersburlZ'• to Bandon. Leland•t:t to Glendale. Parkers Mllls* to Heppner. 0 ' Parkplace•t to Oregon City t~~J>q~lie. • Paulina• to Prlnevllle,Lents*tt to Portland. Leona" to Drain. J Pedee to Monmout~. Liberal to ll.Iolalla. Peoria to Shedd. Lime• to Huntington. Perdue• to Riddle. Lincoln to Salem. Perry• to La Grande. Linneman to Gresham. Perrydale*t to Dallas. Phllilps to Hillsboro. Linnton*t.t to Portland. Livcsley.t to Salem. Phcenf.x•t to Medford. Pine• to Halfway, Pioneer• to Toledo. Logan to Oregon City. t~r~1'cta:iss. tr/c~~~en~rove l Long Oreek" to Canyon j Pleasant Hill* to SpringI field. City. Lookingglass• to Roseburg. Pleasant Hometto Gresham Lorane"' to Cottage Grove. Pleasant Valley*t to Baker. Plush*t to Lakeview. Lorella• to Bonanza. Point Terrace,i. to Florence. Lowen•tt to Sprtngfteld. Lutgens• to Newport . Lyons• :t to Stayton. Portola to Eugene. Port Orford to Bandon. Post• to Prineville. Powell Butte • to Redmond Powell Valley to Gresham. Mabel* to Springfield. Pr a tum• to Silverton. Macksburg to Aurora. Prescott* to Rainier. Preuss to Coouille. Macleay •t to Salem. Prospect* to Ea~le Point. Malheur* to Baker. Prosper• to Bandon. Provolt* to Grants Pass. Manhattan Beach*t to Wheeler. Manning to Banks. Manzanita to Wheeler. Qulnaby:t to Salem. Qulncy•t to Clatskanie. Mapleton* to Florence. Maplewood to Portland. Marcola •:t to Springfield. Marion• t to J etrerson. Range to Canyon City. Marmot* to Sandy. Reedville•: to Beaverton. MarQuam • to Mt. AMe!. Reuben*tto Kalama, Wash. Marshland• t to Clatskanie. Rex• to Newberg. Mayger• :t to Clatskanie. Rhododendron to Sandy. lVIayville* to Fossil. Richmond• t<> Fossil. McCoy•:t to Amity. Rickreall • t to Dallas. McEwa.n*t to Baker. Rieth to Pendleton. McKee* to Mount Angel. Ritter to John Day. McKlnley* to CoQuille. Riverside* to Juntu.ra. McKlnzle Bridge * t to Riverton• to CoQullie. Sprlngfleld. Robinette *t:t to RichJan<l. Meacham•t:t to La Grande. Rockaway to Bay City. Meadowviewt to Junction Rockcreek* (Gilliam Co.) City. to Arlington. Mecca t ! to Madras. Rockford to Hood River. Medical Springs* to Baker. Rockwoodt to Gresham. Mehama* to Mill City. Rogue River to Grants Pas Melrose• to Roseburg. Roly at* to Bend. Merlin• U to Grants Pass. Rose Lodge* to Willamina. Metzger:t to Portland. Rowe to Sandy. Mtdland to*tKJamatn Falls Rowland to Harrisburg. Mlkkalo*t to Arlln~on. Roy to Banks. Rueb• to Jacksonville. Mllllcan to Bend. Rutus•t to Wasco. Millwood• to Oakland. Rujada to Cottage Grove. Mlnam* to Wallowa. Russellv11le to Portland. Mission to Pendleton. Rye Valley• to Huntln~on. Mist• to Clatskanie. Modoc Point to Klamath · Saddlebutte* to Crane. Falls. Saginaw* to Cottage Grove. Mohawk* oo Sonne;ftetd. Hugo•:t to Grant.a Pass. Hullt* to Silverton.  gg~~~~ .\o ~gbg~titield. Camp to I Government Sandy.  l  I  Detroit*+ to Albany. Devert to Albany. Devitt* to Philomath. Dexter* to Springfield. Diamond-t to Crane. Dillard•tt to Roseburg. Dllley"t to Forest Grove. Dtsston* to Cottage Grove. Dlvide• to Cottage Grove. Dixie to Huntington. Dixonville* to Roseburg.  tg~~~J1c;.  t Telegraph Station.  I  iI:f:~J;f  :t Express Offic  ---_  OREGON  :  =====:=:~===:;;=~•••••1■■■11-1-~-1 1 -1-1-~1--11illlllliiiiill] -- -_ ~----=-==-::--===---  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  Springwater• to Estacada. Stafford• to Sherwood. Starkey to La Grande. Stone (Clackamas Co.) to Oregon City. Strassel to Banks. Sublimity* to Stayton. um.merlake* to Paisley. Summerville* to Imbler. Summit• rt to Philomath. Sumner* to Marshfteld. Sumpter to Baker.  Sunnyside (Clackamas Co.) to Oregon Clty. Suntex to Burns. Suplee to Prinevllle. Susanvme• to Prairie City. Suver•:t to Independence. Svensen*t to Astoria. Sweet Home* to Leba.non. Swiss Home to Florence. Sycamore to Gresham. Sylvan to Portland. Tablerock to Central Point. Tatt* to Newport. Takllma* to Grants Pass. Talbott to Jefferson. Tanientt to Albany. Telocaset*rtoNorthPowder Terrebonne*tt to Re<1mond. Terry to Gresham. Thomas* to Scio. Thurston• to Sprlngftelo. Tidewater• to Newport. Tlller• to Riddle. Tlmber*t:t to Banks. Trail* to Eagle Point. Trenholm to St. Helens. Trent to Sprlngfl.eld. Troy* to Flora. Tualatin*tt to Sherwood. Tumalo to Bend. Tum Tum to Philomath. Twin Rocks to Bay City. Tygh Valley* to Maupin. Ukiah• to Pilot Rock. U mapine to Freewater. UmatUla*tt to Hermiston. Umpqua* to Sutherlin. Union Creek to Eaglepoint. Unionvale to Dayton. Unity• to Baker. University Park to Port-land. Van Horn to Hood River. Veneta to Eugene. Verboort to Cornellus. Vesper"' to Clatskanie. Vida• to Sprlngfteld. Viola to Estacaaa.. Voltage* to Crane. Wacondatt to Gervais. Waldo• to Grants Pass. Walker• to Cottage Grove. Waltervllle• to Springfield  ~!}~l~~• t~Op~~t~!~~-  Wamic* to Maupin. Wapinitia.* to .1aupin. Warmspring* to 1ae1ras. Warren•:t to St. Helen. Warrendale*t to Port1and. Warrenton•tt to Astoria.  Waterloo• to Lebanon. Wauna:t to Olatskanie. Weatherby• to Huntington Wedaerourn* to Go1dbeach. Welches* to Sandy. Wells• to Corvallis. Wendling*t:t to Springfl.eld. \Vestfall* to Harper. Westimber to Uanks. Westlake to Florence.  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2065  Alpine to Goldsboro. Avondalet (Luzerne Co.) to Ben A vontt to Avalon. Plymouth. Bendersville StatlonttoGet-Alt~;~d • t to Chambers-tysburg-. Althom to Tidioute. Bendertown to Benton. Altontt to Mount Jewett. Benezett* to Saint Marys. Bachmanvllle• to Palmyra. :::Jf!~t~~ ~ei~~fr!if«rngs. Alum Rock* to Foxburg. Aluta to Nazareth. Benningers to Slat;lngton Backus* to Smethport. Alverda* to Barnesboro. Ben ore* to State College. Baden• t 1 to Freedom. Alverton•tt to Scottdale. Benroy to Red Lion. Bagdad to Leechburg. Alvira to Montgomery. Bensalem to Bristol. Baggaley• :t to Latrobe. Amaranth*to Hancock, Md. Be*~l1. Oreek to Elmira. ~~ ~~~ti!,1iioe Ambersons* to Shippens- Bairdford* to Russelton. Bentzel to York. burg. Bakers Station to Wash- Benvenuet to Duncannon. Ambrose to Marlon Center. ington. Amity• to Washington. Bakers Summit* to Wood- Bergey* to Schwenkvllle. Amityville toBoyertown. Berlngert to Cherry Tree. bury. Amsbry•t to Cresson. Beringer City to CllntonBakerstown*t to Mars. Analomink*tt to East Bakersvllle• to Somerset. Ville. Stroudsburg. BerUnsvllle to Slatington. Andalusla•t to Holmes- Bata•t:t to Ardmore. Bermudian• to Dlllsburv:. burg. Bern•t to Hamburg. Ba.let Eairle•t to Tyrone. Andersonburg•t to New Baldhill to Mount Morris. Bernharts• to Reading. Bloomfteld. Bernice*t:t to Mildred. Baldmount• to Scranton. Anderson Roads to Cora- Baldwin• to Bruin. Berrysburg• to Elizabeth• opolis. ville. Balfour to Carlisle. Berwtnsdale• tt to Coalport. Balllett to Franklin. Andersontown to Mechan- Balllettsville*toCatasauqua Bessemer• (Lawrence Co.) lcsburl!'.. to New Castle. Balls Mills to Williamsport. Andover* to McConnells- Balm to Mercer. Best:t to Slatington. burg. Balser to Freeport. Yachats to Newport. Andreastt to Lehighton. Bethany• (Wayne Co.) to Banaanna to Hanover. Yalnax to Bont..nza. Andrews Bridge to Lan- BanlrSvllle to Pittsburg. Honesdale. Yankton• to St. Helen. caster. Bethayres•t:t to JenklnBannerv1llet to McCiure. Yaquina*t:t to N'3wport. Andrews Settlement* to Banntni• to Smithton. town. Yoder to Molalla. Genesee. Bethel• (Berks Co.) to Angelica to Reading. Mlllersburg. Barbara* to Wllltamsburg. Angels* to Scranton. Bethel:t(Mercer Co.)to West Barbours* to Muncy. Antse to .:scnwen.1tvllle. Middlesex. Bard to Hyndman. Zumwalt* to Enterprise. Anlta*H to Punxsutawney. Barevllle• to New Holland. Bethesda to Quarryville. Anselina•:t to Phrenlxvllle. Barker to Chester. Betula* to Austin. Ansonia•t:t to Wellsboro. Barkeyville to Grove Olty. Beyer to Plumville. Ansonvllle• to Curwensville Barnards to Dayton. Big Cove Tannery• to McConnellsburg. Barnes• to Sheffield. 1 Barneston• to Honeybrook. Blgdam to Dlllsburg. Bacft«;'.vllle• to Mahanoy ~~~~~*JJt 0 PENNSYLVANIA Blg Pond to Troy. Barnett to Saxton. Applebachsvllle to QuakerBig Soldier to Sykesville. town. Big Spring to NeWVl.Lle. Barnltz• to Carlisle. Aqua to Cbambersburv:. Aaronsburg• to Mlllhelm. Billman to V{illiamsport Barnsley• to Oxford. Aquasblcola• to Palmerton. Barree*t to Petersbur~. Abdera to Mlllhall. BUlmeyer* to Bainbridge Aquetonit*to Lambertville, Barren HUit to Consho- Bingen*H to So. Bethlehem Abington• (Montgomery N. J. Co.) to Jenkintown. hocken. Abrams•u to Norristown. ~!~nt~ats~l~n:,ockwood. Bingham to Bradtord. Academia• to Port Royal. Aram to Gettysburg. Academy Corners•to Knox- Ararat•U to SUsqueha.nna. Bart• to Christiana. ~~~f~mt~ef~~!~t~i.Yssea. Arbor to Red Lion. vllle. Blno to Greencastle. Barto•tt to Boyertown. Arbuckle to Union City. Accra to Carlisle. Arcadla•t:t to Glen Camir Ba~t~~~vlUe•ti to Strouds- Rlrchardvllle • to Montrose. Acker to Newport. Bl~w~nville• to PhrenlxBartvllle• to Christiana. !g~e;~~n:fe;1!~!::gor.l Ar~~pring1' to Tyrone. Birdell* to Honeybrook. Bastress to Williamsport. Arcola* to Collegeville. Acosta*! to Boswell. Ardara* to Trafford. Adah•:t to Carmichaels. Baumgardner to Lancaster. Bl~~u~e.Hand •tt to InterAdamsburir • <Westmore- Ardent to Washington. Blrdvllle*tt to Natrona. Arensberg to Rlces Landing ::~~l~'!nt;0L!~!8s~~~~· land Co.) to Manor. Adamsdale• :t to Schuylklll Argentine * :t to Parkers Bavlngton to Burgettstown Birmingham*tt to Tyrone. Bishop to Cecil. Landing. Baxter• to Brookville. Haven. Argus* to Sellersville. Adamstown• to Denver. Bissell (Washington Co.) to Bayne to Sewickley. Adamsville• t :t to Green- Arfel*t to Lake Ariel. Washington. Artosa to Gettysburg. vllle. Beachdale to Berlin. Beachhaven•t:t to Berwick. Blttersville to Red Llon. A.ddlngham • to Cllfton Arlstes* to Centralia. Arjay to Brookvllle Heights. tfo l!~~~~~to Honesdale. Beachlake• Arlington* <Wayne Co.) to Beachly to Addison. Adelaide• to Dawson. Bixler to New Bloomfield. Lake Ariel. Admire to York. Black Ash to Townvllle. Beadllnir•t to Carnegie. Adrian• to Kittanning. Beans Cove to Cumberland, Blackfl.eld* to Garrett. Adrian Mines to Punxsut- Armagh• to Johnstown. Armbrust* to )'. oungwood. Be~d. Creek•t to White Blacll:gap• to Chamber► a wney. Arnold City• t to Fayette to Beaver. Haven. City. Advance to Indiana. Blackhorset to Parkesburg. St~aCo~~~ ~=~ Arnot•U to Blossburv:. Alken• to Bradford. Arona* to Herminie. Allston to Delta. m:~~.~iktot~~~~o~~~?n. Bears Creek to Muncy. Arrow to Windber. Alrvllle• t~ Delta. Beartown•tttoHoneybrook Blackwa.lnutttoMeshoppen Arroyo* to Ridgway. Aitch• to Huntingdon. Cumberland, to Artemas Akelev• to Warren. :i:~~~~d*t~o ;-~~~~~Beatty*t:t to Latrobe. Md. Akersvme• to Everett. Beaumont* to Dallas. Alba• :t to Canton. Beautiful to Chambersburg Blain City to Coalport. Albany• to Hamburg. Beaver Brook* to McAdoo. Blainesburg to Brownsville. Isa to Bath. Albert to Wllkes-Barre. Beaver Center• to Spring- Blalnsport• to Denver. Albrlghtsvllle * to Mauch Xsat>h • to Wellsboro. Blair Four to Williamsburg. boro. Chunk. Blairs Corners* to Knox. Ashbourne•t to Jenkin- Beaver Meadows•tt to Alburtts•tt to Emaus. Blair Station• to Clairton. Hazleton. town. Aldan• t to Clltton Heights. Asherton to Sunbury. Beavertown (Huntingdon Blalrsvllle Intersection t i Alden*t to Nanticoke. to Blairsville. Co.) to Huntingdon. Ashfield• to Lehighton. Ashvllle•t:t (Cambria Co.) Beavertown•tt(SnyderCo.) Blakeley to Peckville. Aldenvme• to Honesdale. to Stroudsburg. Blakeslee* Springs. Beaver to Cresson. to Alderson• t :t to Dallas. ster Co.) to Beavertown (York Co.) to m:~~~~d;J~aA~~1~1.· Aldbam to Phoenlxvllle. Aleppo• to Cameron, W.Va. As~j~~d~Lanca m:~~~~;~;\ioR~~~~~d. Alert to Gao. I B Dlllstulf. •t C Askam•tto Ashley. ~ st> ~rs•alft Gt~tt§~~~;fi:mrg B:~~!;1a~ t~YM;3er!~aw ssa Bloomfield (Crawford Co.) Altarata to Lewistown. to Union Citv. Boyersto Bechtelsville•t:t · Media. to A:f~~Mllls• Altord•U to New Mutord Bloomfteld (Pernr Co.) to town. Allee* to Mount Pleasant. New Bloomfield. Birdsboro. to Beckersvllle Honesdale. to Atco Alicia to Brownsville. Becks Mills to Canonsburg. Bloomingdale to ShlckAthol• to Boyertown. Alinda• to Landisburg. shinny. Bedto Springs*t Bedford McVeyto MUls Atklnsons Aline to Middleburg. Blooming Glen• to Perkasie. ford. Alleghenyt:t to Pittsburgh. 1 town. BloomingGrove• to Hawley. Bedminster• to Perkasie. Allee:henyvllle to Readlng . Atlantlc•t:t to Greenville. Blooming Valley* to MeadBeechclitr to Cra.fton. Atlas* to MO'tl.nt Carmel. ville. Atlasburg to Burgettstown. Beechtree to Brockwayvllle Allemans* to Houtzdale. Beechview to Pittsburgh. Blo!lervllle to Newvllle. Atwood• to Rural Valley. Allen• to Carnsle. Allenport• t :t to Fayette Auburn Center to Meshop- Beechwood (Cameron Co.) Blue Ballt:t (Clearfield Co.) to Phlllpsburg. to Emporium. pen. City. Bluebell* to Ambler. Allens Mllls• to Brockway- Auburn Four Corners• to Bela to Rimersburg. Meshoppen. vllle. Blueknoo * t to Portage. Allensvme• to Huntingdon. Audenrled *tr to Hazleton. Belden to Bedford. to Summit* .Blueridge Audubon*t to Norristown. Beltast•t to Nazareth. Allenva!e:t to Somerset. AIils Hollow to Towanda. Bl~n~~i;~esburg. tf ioar;~ :a1es. AuJ~~~~ Mills* to Mount Allison to Browni.,ville. Bellaire t to Ellzabethtown I Blythedale• t to Sutersville. Alllson Park*:t to Sharps- Augusta.ville to Sunbury. Boalsburg* to State College. Relleirrove to Annvlile. Aula to Chambersburg. burg. Boardman• to Madera. Belle Valleyt to Erle. Aultman*! to Indiana. Allport• to Wlnburne. Allport Mines to Barnes Austinburg• to Knoxvllle. Bellrun to Port Allegheny. Bodlncs•tt to Wllllam ► port. Bells Lanctrng•t to MaAustlnvllle to Troy. boro Bolllng Springs•tt to Carha.trey. Averyt to Tunkhannock. Almedta• to Bloomsburi. _u_ rgc.._ _ __U_s_le_._ _ _ _ _ _ __ Avo.n •t to Lebanon_._ _ __ B_e_ls_a_n_o_•_t_o_ E_b_e_n_sb Almont• to Sellersvllle.  West Linn to Oregon City. ~~~fa°~~;*\ot~lt~~~~~ I w. Woodburntt to Woodburn. Whiteson-tt to McMinnville Whitney* to Baker. Wllbur*:t to Sutherlin. Wildervme• to Grants Pass. Wilhoit* to Molalla. Wilkesborot to No. Plains. wmamette ,. to Oregon Cit:r-, Shaw* to Aumsville. Willard to Silverton. Shelburn •:t to Scio. Williams• to Urants Pass. Siletz• to Toledo. Siltcoos* to Florence. Wimert to Grants Pass. Winant* to Newport. Silver Lake*t to Paisley. Wlnchester•:t to Roseburg. Slsters•to Redmona. Sixes to Bandon. Winchester Bay to ReedsSodavme• to Leoanon. port. South Beach to Newport. Winlock to Fossil. to Woltoreek .. ti to Glendale. So. Forest Grove• Forest Grove. Wonder* to Grants Pass. Woodlawnr to Portland. Sparta to Richland. Speaker to Glendale. Woods* to Cloverdale. i Spray* to Fossil. Worden to Dorris, Cal. Sprln11:brook-:t to Newber11:. Wren• to Philomath. Springdale to Troutdale. Wyeth•tt to Hood River.  St. Johns to Portland. St. Louls:t to Gervais. Sams Valley* to Gold Hill. Santa Clara to Eu11;ene. Schefflin to Cornelius. Soholls to Sherwood. Scottsburg* to Reedsnort. Seghers to Gaston. Sellwood t to Portland. Selma• to Grants Pass. Seneca* to Canyon City.  PENNSYLVANIA  i:Fr;t  1!:  ;;j!~;::; si~;i;~, I  ~g l~~IR!~N~!·  I  I  m~~::i~-;;.  i:~=•%  m~tfa.wk  :~~:~f t~~f>a':flii.  ::u.ri:P 0 0  I  aCounty Seat.  • 1oney Order Office.  t Telegraph Statton.  :j: Express  Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2066  PENNSYLVANIA  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  PENNSYLVANIA  ~  Hill* (Cumberlandl ?g~t:;i;~oNJ1~/Aotriif_ce. 1-:-~-~m-o-if~;•:g fa1fl!i:1ort. Camp Co.) to Lemovne. Camo Hlll (Alleitheny Co.), Bonneauville to Gettysbura Brookfield to Westfield. Coudersto Carnegie. to Brookland•tt Carlisle to Bonnybrook port. Bonus to Parkers Landing Cact.) ~llAJb~~~1.tgomery, Brooklinet to Pittsburg. Boone to Berlin. Brooklyn• to Hop Bottom. Camptown • to Wyalusing. Boone Station to Darby. Brooklyn Statton to Down- Canadensls• to E. Stroud• Boonevme• to Loganton. burg. fngtown. Booth Corner to Chester. Brookside to Jersey Shore. Canal to Cochranton Bootnwyn•t to t.;hester. Canby to Bloomsburr. Brooketon•t to Sheffield. Boquet• to Manor. Candor to Midway: Broomall• to Media. Bordell to Bradford. Bossardsville to Strouds- Broughton* to Castle Shan- Cannelton•rt to Beaver Falls. non. burg, Canoe Camp to Mansfield. Boston• tt to McKeesport. Brownfield• to Uniontown., Canoe Creek* to HollidaysBourne to Troy. burg. Bovara• to Slippery Rook. Brownhlll to Cambrldire Springs. Canoe Ridge to Pu.nxsuBower Hill (Allegheny Co.) ta wney. to Bridgeville. Brownsburg• t to LambertCaprivi to Carlisle. ville, N. J. Bower H111 (Washlnitton Carbon• (Carbon Co.) to Co.). to Washington. Brownsdale to Butler. Lehighton. Browns Mllls to Greencastle Bowere•tt to Topton. Carbon (Westmoreland Co.)· Bowersville to Punxeutaw• ney. to Greensburg. Brubaker to Lititz. Bowerton* to Washington. Bruce (Indiana Co.) to Carbon Center*:t to Butler. Bowie to Grove City. Carbon Station to New New Florence. Castle. Bowlder to Gettysburg. Bruceton•t to Carrick. Bowman Creek to Tunk• Brumbaugh to New Enter- Cardale to Republic. Cardill Mines to St. Marys. prise. bannock. Bowmansdale"tt to Me- Brumfieldville to New Cardington* to Philadelphia. chanicsburg, Enterprise. Carley Brook* to HonesBowman Station to Lehigh• Brunnervme• to Lititz. dale. ton. Brush Valley* to Mechanicsburg. Bowmansv1lle • to Denver. Carlisle Sprtngs*t to Carll.ale Carlo• to Kane. Boyce (Allegheny Co.), Carlton* to Cochranton. Bryan io Dayton. to Bridgeville. Carnot to Coraopol18. Boyds Mills*to Honesdale. Bryansvllle to Delta. Bryn Athyn•tt to Jenkin- Carnwath* to Curwensville. Boyerl!•n to Cllntonvllle. town. Ca.rpentertown to Mount Boyle (York Co.) to Shrew• Pleasant. Bryl!onia to Gettysbu~. bury. Carroll*t to Loganton. Boynton• to Elk Lick. Carsomrllle to HalUax. Buck to Quarryville. Cartwright•t to BrockwayBracken to Ebensburg. Buckglen to Ringtown. Brackney* to Binghamton Buck Hill Falls• to Eastl vllle. DoylesCarversvllle• to Stroudl!burr. N. Y. town. Bradenvllle•t to Latrobe. Buckhorn* to Bloomsburg. Bradleytown to Franklin Buckingham•u to Doyles-- Carverton to Wyoming. Casbtown• to Gettyaburr Bradys Bendt to East town. Brady, Buckingham Valley• to Casselman•: to Rockwood Cassville• to Mt. Union. Doylestown. Braeburn•tt to New Ken• slngton. Buckmanville• to Lambert-I Castanea•t to Lock Haven Caatlle to Waynesburr. Bragtown to Dlll~burg. ville, N. J. Braman• to Honesdale. Buok Mountaln•t to Ma- Castle F'in to Delta. Cataractt to Renovo. Branch• to Blatrsvllle. hanoy City. Catfish• to East Brady. Branchdale*t to Miners- Bucknell to Lewisburg. ville. Buckrun*H to Parkersburg Cato to Snowshoe. Brancbton•tt to SUppery Buckstown to Stoyel!town. Ceases Mills to Nanticoke. Rock. Bucksville• to Rierel1vllle. Cedar Creek to Allentown. Cedarlane:t to New RoiN. J. Brandamore*H to Honeybrook. land. Buck Valley* to Hancock, Jersey to Cedarrun*tt Md. Brandonville• ti to ShenanShore. doah. Brandt•tt to Susouehanna. Buena Vista (Butler Co.) Cedars• to North Wales. Cedar Springs to Mill Hall. Brandtsvillet to Dillsburg. to Chicora.. Cedarville to Pottstown. Brandy CampttoBrockway- Buena Vista (Fayette vtlle. Co.) to Vanderbilt. Brandywine l\1anor to Buena Vista Spring*t to Cementon•ti to Slegtrled. Centennial• to Hanover. Coateevllle. Waynesboro. Center (Allegheny Co.) Brandywine Summlt•tt to to Verona. West Chester. Buffalo• to Wa■hlngton. Brave• to Blacksville, W. Buffalo Mllls•tt (Bedford Center*t (Perry Co.) to Va. New Bloomfield. Co) to Hyndman Braznen• to Brownsville. Butralo Road11 to Lewlllburir Centerbridge*H to Lambertville, N. J. Bu.tralorun to Bellefonte. Breadysvlliet to Hatboro. Centerbill to Center Hall. Breezewood • to Everett. Co.) Cef;ebeft~~iui~dams Bretnlgsvliie• to Allcn~own. :~n~~•.tfo t8u~1g~'tfie. Brent to Mercer. Bunker Hill to Jonestown. Center Mills (Center Co.) to Breslaut to Plymouth. Millheim. Bunkertown*to Mlffl.lntown Breesler to Steelton. Center Moreland• to TunkBunola • tt to Elizabeth. bannock. Burlln~on• to Towanda. Briarcreek* to Berwick.· Burmont•t to Lansdowne Center Point to North Wales. Brickchurch to Ford City. Brlckerville• to Lititz. Burnt Cabins• to McCon- Centerport• to Hamburg. Brick Tavern to QuakerCenter Road Statlon•t to nellsburg. town. Conneautville. Burnwood to Forest City. Brtdesbu~H to Pblladel- Burrows• to Kane. Center Square* to Norristown. Bunionvllle to Quakertown. Brfli:port (Fayette Co.) to 0 g:~t:~o~u!;!Wvc~~rgh Brownsville Co.) to Coopersburg Bushlrlll* to Stroudsburg. Nabaretb genten1uw•{f M(ger b:Fgci Station to Le- ~ushkUI cegt:r eco~f'1o eTitUSV1ll~~w or Brid~eton (Bucks Co.). to B~~i~~~~t tg Be~~le~~'in.  Chapman Quarr1es*tt to Bath. Chapmans Run to Everett. Chapmans Statton to Allentown. Chapmansvllle to Titusville Charleston (Mercer Co.) to Sharon. Charlesvllle to Bedford. Charlton to Norristown. Charmian*t to Fairfield. Charteroak* to Petersburg. Chase (Luzerne Co.) to Plymouth. Chatham•t to West Grove.  I  i:tI~~:: tri~~~ft\~~t1  er:g!;~~~  sJW!r~~-n  c¾ork Co.) to Byberry Road to Hatboro Byers Statlon to DownYork. lngtown. Bridgetown to Perkal!le. Bridge Valley to Doyles- Byrnedale*tt to St. Mary■ town. B~~r;~~~~:;t~feaver Co.)  Ce~~ervi~eNe~m~_berllmct Centerville (Elk Co.) to St. Marya. Centervllle (Snyder Co.) to l\1idcllebu•g. ceg~~f~~11tro~s8:8i1:.~on  Cabel to :!!namoll'.ID. Cabot*tt to Butler. 8!~~g~n?foeWorfcTt;. ga~.'eading;. Caledonta• to Saint Mary■ . Calltornla (Bucks co.), ca!1eS~~~~~ti~vii1go. Callery•tt to Evan City. 8!t~~t~otc,t~~~~eitwood. Calvert• (Lycoming; Co.) to Vl'Ullamsoort. , Broadtop City to Saxton. Calvin•t to Mt. Union.  Central• to Benton. Cereal* to Irwin. g~~~~~~I\ot~~e~?la°,~~-Ceylon• to Carmichaels. Chadds Ford•t:t to Kennett Ch~i~!reFord Junctlon•tt to Kennett Square. ~~•1i1r:i~~lei1town. 0 Chalkhlll* to Uniontown. Cballenge*t to Brockwayville. Ch:~~ersvme•tt to 1ndi-  B~gir~'rt!{~[° (Bucke Co.), Brier Hm•t to Brownsville. tfo a.:~;~~k. Brlntont to Braddock. Brubln•t to Houtzdale. Brlstorfa• to Cameron, W. ar!!a.axe• to Ambler. Broad Ford *tl to Connellst.l Brgf~:> fountain* to  ~~fit•a~!i  g:I~r~~2  g~:ff  Cloe to Punxsutawney. Clovercreek• to Martlll9burg. Clover Top to Somerflel.1. Cly*! to Golclshoro. Clyae to Johnstown. Coal*wMonongahela. Coal Center• t to California. Coal Ulen• to Brockwayville. Coal Hill to Oil City. Coalmont• to Saxton. Coalridget to Wilkes-Barre. Coalrun to Elk Lick. Coaltown to Harrisville. Coal Valley• to Wilson. Coburn•tt to Millhelm. Cocalico* to Lincoln. Cochran Mills* to Apollo. Cochranvme•t to Atglen. Cocolamus to Mlffl.lntown.  Cheat ffaven•t to Point Marlon. Chelsea to Chester. Cheltenham * t t to Fox Chase. g~:~ F~t:d to st~i~s:orro Cogan Rouse• to Wllllam• Co~~~- Station• to WU Sleg!rled. llamsoort. C~~rrJfe'&~T/Warren Co.) Cherry dill Cl!:ne co.) to· Cokeburg* to Scenery Hill. 1 Cokeville• t to Blairsville. Albion. Cherry Htll (Northampton Cold Spring Station to Codorus. Co.). to Nazareth. Cherry Millet to Dushore. Colebrook•tt to Ellzabetb• town. Cherry Ridge to Honesdale. Coleburg to Coudersoort. Cherry Run to Sligo Cherry Springs to Couders Colegrove• t t to Smethport. Coleman*t to Stoyestown. port. Cherrytree (Venaniro co.) Colemanvllle• to MlllereCo~:in• to Oxford. to Oll City. Cherry Valley* to Burgetts- Colerain Forge to Tyrone. Colevllle to Smethport. town. Cherryville• to Slatington. Col!ax to Huntingdon. Chester Helghts*tt to Me- Collamer• to Oxford. College Hllltto Beaver Fall■ dla. Chester s pr Ing s• t t to Colley* to Dushore. Collier to Fairchance. Phrenlxvllle. Chesterville to West Grove. Collingdalet to Darby. Chestnut Level• to Quarry-1 ColUns to Quarryville. Collomsville• to Jersey vtlle. Shore. Chestnut Ridge to BrownsColmar•tt to La.ndl!dale. ville. Chest Springs• to Patton. Colona• to Monaca. Cheswick"H to Sprtngdale. 1 Columbia Cross Roads•tt to Troy. Chewtontt to Wampum. Cheyney•ttto West Chester Columbus•ti to Corry. Ohickasawt to New Bethle- Colver to Eben. burg. Colwynt to Darb~·. hem. Colyer to Center Hall. Chickle11t to Marietta. Comly to Turbotv1lle. Chllds•t to Carbondale. Commodore to Clymer. Chinchilla.• to Scranton. Choconut* to Binghamton, Compass* to Parkersburit. N. Y. Christian Springs to Naza- Concord to Shlppensburir. t Del.aConcord Statton reth. w-are Co.). to Media. Cbristmans • to Mauch Concordvllle•rt to Media. Chunk. Wilkes- Conestoga• to Mlllersvllle. to Christopher Conevllle* to Shingle Rouae. barre. Conewago Townsblo <DauChrome to Oxford. phin Co.). to Elizabethtown. Church to Knox. Churchtown (Cumberland Conier to Washini1;on. Con11:o* to Boyertown. Co.) to Carlisle. Churchtown • (Lancal!ter Congruity to New Alexaiadrla. Co.) to Honey Brook. Contrer*t to Brookville. Ch~r~;~~~J. (Bucks Co.) Conner to Boswell. Connerton• to Girard ville. Clrclevllle to Irwin. Clsnarun•t to Landl..l!burg. Conoquenessing• to Evan. . City. Cito• to McConnellsburg. Conrad• to Coudersport. Clair• to Saxton. Constitution to Delta. Clarence* to Snow Shoe. Conway• to Freedom. Conyngham• t to HazleClarldge•t to Jeanette. ton. Clarington• to Marlenvtlle. Clark• to Sharpsvllle. Clarksburg• to Saltsburg. Cookt>oTt• to Cherry Tree. Clarks Ferry to Duncannon. Cook ·bure:* to Tionesta. Cooks Millst (Bedford Co.) gar~s trJn;Tio tScrsrton. O one- cdgk;lk':!T~· Renovo. s t~~~Coolbaugh to East StroudsMunce garist~ll* ~il~:bo~o. reene o.) to eo:F§i:u1ng (Fayette Co.).  I  I  Yo  Clark1~1le 'ttiercer Co.), C to v1ftrp~v A1i d:~~s to Ltn~oln.entown. Clayhlll to Greencastle. Clayllck to Mercersburg. Clayton* to East Greenville Claytonta•t to Slippery Rock.  g:r~\~~~-~~~~~~~iit 01~::Strinir• to Dillsburg-. Clearvme• to Everett. t~ai~~~.~ll'{  Clermont•U to Smethport. Cleversburg to Shippen• Cll~urfine• to CoraopoUs. Cllfford • to Carbondale. (Allegheny Co.) Clifton  to Uniontown. c~~lsK~o~:vJre~fferson Co.) to s e c aegarsfc?wn.orn rs Coon Island* to Claysville. Cooperstown (Butler Co.) to • 1ars. Cooperstown (Venango co~g~r• f~a~~!~ 1~b.effl.eld. Copella to Bath. Cora• to Mount Union. Coral*! to Lick. Cordelia to "-lountville. 8 ;t\:~·ter. 8~~r;~et~o Corning to East Greenvllle. 8~~P~t~1~~r;rfifu 'i~ai£~·tingdon. Comwall•tt to Lebanon. Cornwell Iloights to  c0  W  5  to Champlon•to Mt. Pleasant. Cl~~o:~~dri:!~::wanna Co., Co~n°,;mll bu~~a.tion g~~~~1it•11gk~m~~s\il_n{}!· Camargo to Quarryvtlle. Holmesburg. to Scranton. Champion* to Millsboro. Brockport•tt to Brockway- Cambra• to Benton. Cllma.x• to New Bethlehem Corsica*t to Summerville. Chanceford• to Delta. Cambrldge•r (Lanca.,ter vtlle. Chandlers Valley• to Suirar Clinton• (Alleirheny Co.)to Cortez• to Lake Ariel. Co.) to Honey Drook. Brockton•t to Tamaqua. Corydon*tt to Warren. Coraopolis. Grove. Brodbecks*tt to Codorus. Camden* to Dravosburg. Clinton ('Vayne Co.) to Coryville* to Eldred. Brodheadsvme• to Stroud - Cameron•t to Emporium. Chaneysvme• to Everi>tt. Oostello*tt to Austin. Forest City. Cammal • to Jersey Shore. Chapel to East Greenville. burg.,_evil_l_e_•_t..:..o_Y_;o_r_k_;._'-h_a...:p_m_a_n_t_o_H_e_r_n_d_o_n ._ _ _C_llnto_ndale_•....;t..:.o....;L_;o.:c.c.;..;k::..:H=a-v_en.=....:_C..::....:o..:..tt_.a....::g:...e_*_t_o_P_e_te_rs_..;.b_ur..:..g:::.._ REFERENCE KEY.  • County Seat.  • ~Ioney Order Office.  tTelegraph Station.  f Express Office.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  I  Drehersvllle*ttto Tamaqua Eberlys Mlll* to Harrisburg Bspyvllle • t to Llnesvllle. Ebervale• to Hazleton. Dresher to Jenkintown. EsfrZ1~~llle~tatlon • t 1 to Drexel Hill to Lansdowne. Echo* ti to Dayton. Drifting* to Winburne. Eckert to Allentown. Estella to Dushore. Eckley• to Freeland. Drlfton*U to Freeland. Esterly• to Reading. Drittwood*tt to Emporium Economytt to Ambridge. Etters* to Goldsboro. Eddlngtou*t t to Bristol. Drinker to Scranton. Euclld•tt to Butler. Dromgold to New Bloom- Eddystone*t t to Chester. field. Eureka to Lansdale. Eddyville to Timblin. Evansburg (Montgomery Drumore• to Quarryvllle. Ede la* to Scranton. Co., to Collegeville. Edelman• to Pen Aral. Drums* to Hazleton. Evans Falls to TunkhanEden to Lancaster. Deanvllle to New Bethle- Dryland to Easton. nock. Dry Valley Crossroads to Eden born• to Uniontown. hem. Lewisburg. Evansville (Berks Co.) to l<Jdenburg to Knox. Dearth to New Salem. Rea.ding. Edenville• to ChambenDryvllle• to Topton. Deckard to Cochranton. burg. Evendale to Mifflintown. Deckers Point to M"rlon Dublin• to Doylestown. Evorgreen (Bradford Co.) Dublin l\Iills to McCon- Edge,n-ove• to Ha.noTer. Center. Edgehill*tt to Glenside. nellsburg. tglm~~~m:: to MillE;~rg~e~~ Duboistown• t t.o Wllllams- Ede:emont• to Media.. Co~ftf:vtt to Canton. vale. Edgewood Park to Wilkinsport. Deei:nston to FrederickCoylevillet to Butler. burg. Everson• t to Scottdale. Dudley• t to Saxton. town. Ooyne* to Old Forge. Edgeworth* to ewickley. Ewing'\.ille to Carnegie. De~ J:_lley• to Littleton, Crabtree*H to Latrobe. Excelsior• t t to Shamokin. Duetterras Station to Get- Edgwood to Yardley. Craig to Scranton. Edie to Somerset. tysburg. Exetert to West Pittston. Craigs Meadows to East Deert to Palmyra. Exeter Borough to West; Deer Lick*t to Waynesburg Duffield to Chambersburg. Edinburi'• to New Castle. Stroudsburg. Doylestown. to Edison• Malvern. to Mawr• Pittston: Duffryn Hopewell. to Defiance• Cra.rgsvi11e*H to KittanExpedit• to Ebensburg. Duke Center to Bradford. Edmon •t to Apollo. Degolla•t to Bradford. ning. Edrf•t to Avonmore. Exposition* (Crawford Co.) Duluth to Woodlawn. De Haven to Sharpsburg. Craley* to Red Lion. to Meadville. Edwardsdale to Edward.a Cramer* (Indiana. Co.) to Delbertsville to Slatington. Duncan to Wellsboro. ville. Exton• to Downingtown. Duncansville• t 1 to HolliDelabole* to Pen Argyl. Johnstown. Effort• to Stroudsbur1r. daysburg. Grove* to Millville. Eyers De Lancey*t to PunxsuC ranberry* to Oil City. 1 Eynon• to PeckvUle. Duncott• to Minersvllle. 0 ranesville*tt to Albion. t.awoey. Rgypt Mllls•t to Stroud• Dundatr• to Carbondale. Delaney to Gallitzin. Orates to Summerville. burg. Orawfordtown to Punx- "Delano•tt to .Mahanoy City Dundore to Herndon. Delaware Water Gap• Hto Dunkard• to Point Marlon. Ehrenteld•t to South Fork Fagleysvtlle* to Boyertown sutawney. Eightyfour• to Washing- Fatun:dus• to Tidioute. Dunlevy to Cnarleroi. East Stroudsburg. Cream to Oxford. ton. Fairbank* to New Salem. Dunlo*t to South Fork. Creamery* to Collegeville. Delhll to North East. Fairdale• to Montrose. Dunningsville to Washing- Elam to West Chester. Delk to Mercersburg. Oreamton to Honesdale. vllle to Cumberl&Jld. Fairfield Center to MonElbin■ ton. Duncannon. to Dellvllle Creasy Station to .BloomsMd. toursviJie. Dunns Station* to Waynesburg. Elbon •t to Brockwayvllie. Fairhaven*t to Castle ShaDelphene to Waynesburg. Creekside*tt to Indiana. to Waynesboro. non. I Elbrook D~i~~tt to Avoca. greighton*t to Tarentum. Delphi* to Schwenkvllle. Fairhope (Fayette Oo.) to Durbin to Cameron, W .Va. Elco• to Roscoe. to Wrtghtsvllle. r~nr~aw*t to Brockway- Delroy Elders Ridge* to Saltsburg Belle Vernon. Dempseytown to Oil City. Durell to Towanda. Eldersville• to BUri'etta- Fairhope• <Somerset Co.) Cresco*tt to East Strouds- Demunds Corners to Dal- Durham• to Easton. town. to Hyndman. Durlach • to Llncoln. las. burg. Fairmount• (Lancaster Co.) Duryeatt to Old l•'orge. 0 ressman* to Quakertown. Denbo to Brownsville. , to Quarryvllle. Dutch nm• to Parkers Eldorado• to Altoona. 0 reswell to Columbia. Denison to Greensburg 1 Fairmount City• to New Dushore. to Eldredsvme• Landing. Marys St. to Run•tt Dents gribbs to Youngwood. Bethlehem. Deodate to Elizabethtown. Dyberry• to Honesdale. Springs• to Fairmount El1dn • t:t to Corry. C~~gk!~ L6~~~l~r · to Wells- Derbydown to Coatesvllle. Dysart*1 to Cresson. Williamsport. to Benton. EUmsport• Deronda to Leechburg. boro. IWxir to Mahanoy City. Fairoaks*t to Am bridge. Derrick City• to Bradford. Orosby to Smethport. Elk Dale (Susquehanna Co. Fa~l.ay to Emmitsburg, Oross Creek* to Burgetts- Derrs to Benton. to Forest City. Derry Church* to Hershey. town. Fairview• U (Erle Co.) to Kutztown. to .Eaglepoint Emlenton. to Sale De OCross Fork*t to Galeton. Girard. Park•U to Jenkin• Elkins Tionesta. to Rock*tt Eagle Deslre• to Big Run. rossgrove to McClure. town. Fairview (Beaver Co.), t.o Crossingville to Edinboro. De TUrksvUle to Pine Grove Eagles Mere•to Hughesville East Liverpool, 0. Eagles Mere Park* to Du- Elk Lake• to Montrose. 0 rosskill Mills to Myers- Devault•t to Malvern. Elkvlew•t:to West Grove. Fairview (Butler Co.) to shore. Devon*rt to Berwyn. town. Bruin. to Canton. Cross Roads (Dauphin Co.) Dewart•t to Watsontown Eaglevillet /Centre Co.) Ellenton*tt New Fairview (Cambria Co.), to Elllottsburg• 1 Iloward. to DeYoung•t to Kane. to Elizabethville. to Conemauish. Bloomfield. Eaglevllle• ( Montgomery Cross Roads (Northampton Fairview (Cumberland Co.) Elllottson to Carlisle. Co.) to Norristown. Dial to Co.) to Bath. to Harrisburg. Eakins Corners to Emlen- Elllottsvllle• to Uniontown Crossroads (York Oo.) to Diamond• to Titusvtlle. Genesee. to Village* to NorFairview Elllsbur~• ton. Irwin. to Dick Shrewsbury. ristown. to Co.) <Lancaster Elm Telford. to Earlin11rton* Dickerson Run•ti to Daw• C rothers* to Claysville. Fairville• (Chester Co.) to Lititz. E lston to Everett. 0 rowl* to Shamokin. son. Kennett Square. Elmdale• to Scranton. Dickeys Mountain to Han- Earlville* to Boyertown. Orown*t to Marienville. Fallentlmber•t to Coalport. East Altoona• t to Juniata Elmer• to Westfield. cock, Md. Orozers to Media. Springs to New Falling Dunbar. to Grove Elm Bangor. to Bangor•t:t East Newville. to Dickinson•t 0 rucible to Rices Landing. Bloomfield. Elmhurst•tt to Scranton. 0 rumb to Windber. to ConDlcksonburg • East. Benton to Scranton. Elmora • to Carrolltown. • Faus•tt to Pittston. neautvllle. Orumlynne*tt to Chester. E. Branch to Spartansburg. Elrama• to West Elizabeth Fallsdale* to Honesdale. 0 r ystal Springs* to Everett. Fallslngton •t to Trenton, E. Droadtop to Orbisonia. Elroy• to Souderton. 0 Uddy* to Oecil. Dietrich to Millersburg. N. J. East Brook*to New Castle. Marlon. Point to Dilliner• CUibertson to Chambersto New Brighton Fallstontt Manheim. to Elstonville East Butler* to Butler. Dillingersville to burg. Falmouth• to Middletown. Elton• to Wlndber. Dllltown •t to Johnstown. East Canton to Canton. 0 ulmervillet to R ussellton Claysville. to Fargo Media. to Rlwyn*t:t Mansfield. to Charleston E. 0 ulp to Tyrone. ·t We to I Dilworthtown Farmers to York. E. Conemaugh to Cone- Ely to Doylestown. Che ter. Cumberland Valley* to Farmers Mills to Centet' maugh. Dime to Leechburg. Bedford. Hall. Coate. to Embreevllle•tt town. Pott to Coventry E. Dlmmsvllle to Newport. gumbola* to Pottsville. ' Farmers Valley• to Smeth~ ville. East EarI•tt to Blue Ball. Montrose. to 1 Dimock• \~~ngsville to Peters- Dingmans Ferry• to Milport. F&rmersvllle• to Akron. Emelgh* to Cherry Tree. East Finley to Claysville. ford. Cummins to Waynesburg. Farmington (Butler Co.) to Emerald• to Slatington. Dinsmore"' to Burgettstown E. Freedom*tt to Roaring Emerickvllle Brookvllle. to Parkers Landini. Spri~. CC,upola* to Honey Brook. Disston to Lititz. Farmington• (Fayette Co.) Distant to 1 ew 13ethleh m. E. Hanover to Jonestown. Emerson to Everett. Urtew to Perryopolis. to Uniontown. 0 Township* Hanover East Berlin. to Ridge Dividing Curley Hill to Doylestown. rk. Farno to Forest City. to Palmyra. Curnsvllle• to Rimersburg. Dixon to Tunkhannock. Farragut to Montoursville. Hickory* to Tione.c;ta. Emmavllle* to Everet\. Curry Run•rt to Mahaffey. Dlxonvme• to Marlon Cen- East Avalon. U to Look to Farrandsvllle• Emsworthtt Tunkhanto Eastlemon ter. Curryvllle• to Martinsburg. Haven. nock. 0 Urtin•tt (Center Co.) to Doerun* to Coatesville. N. Y. Elmira, to Fassett• Tionesta. to Endeavor• HopBottom to Lenox* East Dolf to Stewartstown. Bellefonte. Fay to New Wllmlngton. Lewisburg to Lewisburg. Enders• to Haiitax. Curtin CDauohin Co.) to Dollngton•t to Newtown. E. (Franklin Fayettevllle•t Energy to Ellwood Cit:v. Pittsburgll. to Libertytt E. Tremont. to Donaldson• Ml~lersburg. Co.I to Chambersburg. McKeesport•tto Wil- Enfield* to Chestnut Hlll. gurt1svi1le*t to Rus ollton. , Donegal • to Mount Pleas- East Englesville to Boyertown. Fearnot to Tower City. merding. ush Cree& to Cherry Tree. to Langhorne. Feasterville• Jersey to Center• Engllsh t t Junction Mahanoy East Custard to Meadvtlle. Millersto Mills D;gJally Federal• t to Carnegie. Shore. to Mahanoy City. town. Cu::iter City• U to Bradtord. Felix to Windber. Steelton. to Enhaut•t Greensburg. to DonohoeH CCYclone• t to Smethport. East Mlllsboro*t to Freder- Enid• to Hopewell. Ymbrla Mines• to Barnes-, Dora* to Timblin. Felton•u to Red Lion. Ennlsvtlle to Petersbunr. lcktown. Dormers to Pottsville. boro Enon Valley • to East Feltsville to Scranton. Cynwyd•U to Ardmore. Fenelton•tt to Butler. Palestine, 0. Eastmont to York. Dornsife*t:t to Herndon. Fenmore Station to StewEast' Nantmeal to Down- Enterllne• to Halifax. Dorrance tn Nanticoke. artstown. Enterprise• (Warren Oo.l ingtown. Dorrancetont to KinKston. Fern to Knox. Titusville. to New to Castlett New East Sharpsourg. to Dorseyv!lle ,Baggett to Rlmira, N. Y. (Bucks Co.) t.o Ferndale• Newvllle. to Entlervllle Castle to Hancock, i\ld. St. Dott* to Rlegelsvllle, N. J. ~~~~~~onda* Douglassvme•rt to Potts- East Point* to Blossburl?. ' Entriken• 1 to Huntingdon (Cambria Oo.) Ferndalet Finleyville. to Epton* I Carmichaels to Riverside E. gaguh s Mlnes• to St. Marys to .Johnstown. Eastrun to Cherry Tree. D;i~~ille to Shamokin. a oga • to Wilcox. Equlnunk• to Hancock, Ferndale (Lehigh Co.) to East Rush to Montrose. Dow to Pinc Grove. Dairy to Bethelem. Catasauqua. N. Y. Salem to Mifflintown. Downey to Berlin. ga1 YI.own to ( 'a.Ufornia. Ferneyt to Lock Haven. Eauitable to Apollo. Ea t ·andy to Oil City: DownieviHe•t to Mars. a 1e to Boyertown. Glen*tt (Luzerne Co.) Fern Roarto Sharpsburg East East to Downingtown*tt Dalevll!e* to Moscow. to Hazleton. Erclldoun• to Coatesvllle. Ing Soring. Downingtown. gauas City• to Hradtord. E.Smethport•to Smethport. Erdenheim to Chestnut Hill Fernridge to Stroudsburg. alton • U to Scranton. Fernwood Clearfield Co. to Damascus• to Honesdale. Doylesburg* to Blatrs 1\lill. East Sprlngfield •tto Girard E:rdman to Millersburg. Houtzdale. Danboro• to Doylestown. Doyles Mills to Port Royal. East Texas• to Allentown Erdon to Coalport. (Delaware Fernwood*tt Dubois. to Eriton Tltusvlllel to Titusville East Eaanlei to McConnellsburg. Co.) to Lansdowne. Erneys to Harrisburg. East Troy to Troy. Drab to WilllamslJurg. r n1r to Media. Erwlnna• to Frenchtown, Ferris• to Harrtsvllle. Eastvale to Beaver Falls. Darlington •t+ to Beaver Draco to Stewartstown. Fertlgs* to Oll Clty. N. J. E. Vandergriftt to VanderDrake to Grove City. + Falls. Fettervllle* to Blue Ball. grift. Darlln\rton Corners to West' .MUis to Cambridge Fiedler to Millheim. Boyertown. to Eshbach Blairs to Springs. Waterford*t I.;. Chester. Draketown to Confluence. Fielas Station* to WilllamsEshcol to Newport. :\.I ills. Darragh• to Herminfe. \Vellshoro. Drap~ ___;p_o_r_t_._ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Bloomsbur_g_. to ~spy•tt Tunkhannock_ Eatouvllle•to ~ e r v ~ _to Rea.din~  Ooudley* ;o Cleartleld. Ooulters* to McKeesport. Oountyline* to Dalmatia.. Ooupon* to Gallitzin. O°t.~!~ey*H to Mononga.Oovalt to Hancock, Md. Cove Forge* to Williamsburg. Cove Station to Saxton. Covington*tt to Mansfield. Oovode* to Punxsutawney. Oowan* to Mifflinburg. Cqwanesque*tt to Westfield Cowanshannoc*t to Kittanning. Cowansville*t to Kittan•  Davldsburg to East Berlin.• Davis <McKean Co.) to Brad!ord. Davis Corners to Emlenton Davis Station to Westfield. Davistown•to Waynesburg. Davisville• to Hatboro. Day to Clarion. Dea.I tt to Meyersdale. Dean to Cresson.  g:~~:;:1;.~ ;o  fi~~fet  I  I  I  ~:tli~r1ffJr1!'hi[  I  REFERENCE K E Y. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  • County Seat.  ,. ~oney Order Office.  tTelegraph Station.  •  iExpress Office . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2068  PENNSYLVANIA  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  to Lansdale. I Fricks• Fricks Lock to Spring City•  I  Glenburn•tt to Scranton. I Gi-eensoringt to Newville. Hartstown•tt \o Jamestown. Greenstone to Fairfield. Glencoe*tt to Hyndman. Hartsvllle•t to Hatboro. Greentown* to Moscow. Greentree* (Allegheny Co.) Harveys• to Waynesburg. Glendale to Carnegie. Harveyville• to Sh i ck Gleneyre•tt to Hawley. to Pittsbur~h. shinny. Green Tree (Bucks Co.) to Glenfield• t to Sewickley. Harwick to Springdale. Lansdale. Glenha.zel•t to Johnsonburg. Harwood Mines• to HazleGreen Treet (Chester Co.) to ton. Friedensvillet to South Glenbooe• to Madera. Bethlehtim. Glenlron•t to Mifflinburg. Gr~~v~ftiage• to Cham- 1 Hatchery to Mauch Clmnk. Glenloch•t to Malvern. Friends to Elmira, N. Y. bersburg. Hatfield• tt to Souderton. Friendsville• to Montrose. Glen Mawr Station to Greenville (Clarion Co.) to Hauto•t to Lansford. Huirbesville. Frisco*t to Ellwood Oity. Clarion. Bryn to Haverford*tt Fritz Statlou to Watson- Glen Mllls*tt to Medla.. Mawr. town. Glenmoore*tt to East Greenvllle {Indiana Co.) to Clymer. Hawk Run* t to PhlllpsFrltztown•t to Readlng. 1 Downingtown. Flatwoods to Dawson. burg. Greenwald * to Greensburg Glen Olden•tt to Darby. Fleegert to Butler. Hawks Crossing to Union• Greenwood to l\1illville. Frogtown* to New BethleFleetvme• to Scranton. town. hem. Glen Richey• to Curwens- Greggs* to Oakdale. Flemtng• to Bellefonte. ville. Haws to Lewistown. Greider to Carllsle. Flemington"- to Mill Hall. Frostburg• to Punxsutawney. Grierpoint to Duncannon. Hawthorn•:tto New BethleFlloksvllle• to Bangor. Glen Riddle• tt to Media. hem. Grlesemersville to Reading. Frugality*tt to Coalport. Glenrose* to Coatesville. Fllnton•t to Coalport. Haydentown to Fairchance Frultville to Pennsburg. Griffin to Masontown. Flora to Punxsutawney. Glenroy* to Oxford. Grill to Reading. Haydenvillet to GreensFlora.dale• to Gettysburg. Frymire to Reading. burg. Grimville* to Kutztown . Fullerton•t to Catasauqua. Floreffet to Elizabeth. G'rlndstone • to Browns- Hayest to Howard. Florence• to Burgettstown. Fulton House•t to Oxford. Glen Savage to Berlin. ville. Glenshaw•:t to Sharpsburg. Florenza• to Punxsutaw- Furlong* to Doylestown. Furnace Run lo Kittaning. Glenvllle•tt to Glen Rock. Groffs Store* to Lancaster. Haynie to Shlppensvllle. ney. Hays Grove*t to SbippensFurniss• to Quarryville. Grovanta•t to Danville. · Flourtown•tt to Ambler. Glenwhite* to Gallitzin. burg. ~urnondaga to Big Run. Glenwlllard* to Ambridge. Grover•t to Canton. Grove Summit to Falls Haysvme•t: to Sewickley. Floyd to Franklin. Gabelsvllle to Boyertown. Glenwood to Nicholson. , Hazelhurst•t to Mount Creek. Flynn to Montrose. Gaffney to Ulysses. Fogelsville• to Allentown. Globe Mllls*to Middleburg. Groveton• t to Coraopolis. • 1 Jewett. Hazelkirkt to Monongahela Galbleton to Marion Center Glyde to Washington. Guava to Benton. Folcroft•t to Darby. I Glyndon to Spartansburg. Guemsey•t to Gettysburg. Hazen~ to Brookvllle. Gaines• t to Galeton. Folsom to Chester. Galilee• to Honesdale. Gulltord Springs to Cham- Hazlebro')k• : to Hazleton. Foltz• to Mercersburg. Godard to Erle. llazzarrl • t n Monongahela. Gallatin* (Allegheny Co.) Goff to Clintonville. bersburg. Fombell •t to Zelienople. to Monongahela. 1 Font• to East Downingto Gettysburl?. Goheenville to New Beth- I Guldens Ln '. ·r · ~ to Montrose. Heart Conshohooto Mlllst Gulf town. Co.) (Fayette Gallatin lehem. to Masontown. HeathvH1c•t t v Summerken. Fontana to Annville. Gold* to Ulysses. ville. Gumbles* to Hawley. Footdale to New Salem. Golden to York. Forbes Road• to Greens- Ganlster• to Williamsburg. Goldenville to Gettysburg. Gump to Waynesburg. burg. Gans* to Smithfield. Goodhope to MechanicsGapsvllle to Everett. Force•tt to Dubois. ~::Un!<?t~¥!:t~~~n- ' {m!rW/~~~;;~n:e. Gardeau• to Emporium. Ford Clifft to Ford City. Hebron to Couderspo ,t. ington. Gardenville• to Doylestown Go~':f~ntent to Claysville. Fordyce* to Waynesburg. Guths Station to Allentown Heckendon to Snow Shoe. Gardners to Mount Holly Goodsprlng*tt to Valley Guthsvllle to Allentown. Foreman to Everett. HeckschersvJlle• to MlnersSprings. Vtew. ville. Guyaux• to Point Marlon. Heckton Mills* to HarrisGuys Mills •to Meadville. Forestgrove* to Doyles-1 Garfteld (Berks Co.) to Goodville• to Blue Ball. Goodyear to Carlisle. Bernville. burg. town. Gwendolen tt to Hickory. Goram to Delta. Foresthill to Mifflinburg. Gwynedd• to North Wales. Hecktowntt to Nazareth. Garfield (Warren Co.) to Gordon• t t to Ashland. Forest Houset to Austin. Gwynedd Valley * t t to Hecla (Schuylkill Co.) to Gordontown to Clarion. Sheffield. Forest Lake• to Montrose. Tamaqu1. North Wales. Gordonville•tt to InterForestville (Butler Co.) to Gartsville to Souder.on. Hecla (Westmoreland Co.) course. Harrisville. Garland• t t to Youngsville. , to Mount Pleasant. Gorsuch to Huntingdon. Garman* to Barnesboro. Hector* to Westfield. Haafsville to Allentown. Garretttord • to C 11 f t o n Gortont to Winburne. Forks*t to Benton. Heideloerg to Carnegie. Haas to Ashland. Goshen• to Quarryville. Heights. Forkston• to Meshot,pen. Heldlersburg• to GettysHackett• to Finleyville. Garrett Hill* to Bryn Mawr Forksville* to Laporte. burir. Hackneys• :t to Washington Garrett!! Run to Kittan- Gottshalls to Trevorton. Fort Hill• to Confluence. Gouglersville to Reading. ning. Fort Hunter• to Harnsburg Hellmandale to Lebanon. Gouldsboro*tt to Moscow. Hade to Greencastle. Fort Littleton• to McConHeilwood*tt to Clymer. Garrison• to Rurton. W.Va. Gowen City• to Shamoldn. Hadley•tt to Greenville. nellsburg. Helstersburg to Brownsvllle Gracedale• to W 11 k es- Hagersville to Perkasie. Fort Loudon• t t to Mer- Garwood to Bentleyvllle. Helen• to Uniontown. Hagevo to Windber. Barre. Gastonville* to Finleyville cersburg. Helen Furnace* to Clarion. Graceton•t to Homer City. Hahnstown to Ephrata. Gastown to Rural Valley. Fortney 11 to Dillsburg. Heltensteln* to Ashland. Gracey to McConnellsburg. Hall to Dillsburg. Gatchellville to Delta. , Helix.ville to Schellsburg. Hallowell to Hatboro. Gradyvllle to Medta. Fort Washington*tt to Gates to lv!asontown. Heller to Hanover. Grafton•t to Huntingdon. Halls Station to Muncy. Ambler. g!;~b~ba~~e~one. Helvetia* to Dubois. Fortyfortt to Kingston. Grahamville to Wrightsville Hallton•t to .Ridgway FossllviUe•tt to Hyndman. Gramplan*tt to Curwens- Hametown to Shrewsbury. Hemlock to Warren. Gaysport to Hollidaysburg . , Ham11ton to Punxsutawney ' Hemlock Hollow to Hawley ville. i Gazzam • t to Curwensvllle GrandValley•tt to Titus- Hamlin (Lebanon Co.) to Hench to New Bloomfield Geiger to Somerset. Foundryvllle to Berwick. Henderson to Sandv Lake. Fredericksburg. vUle. 1 Hamlin (Wayne Co.) to Hendersonville to CanonsGeigers Mills* to Birdsboro Grange• to Timblin. Fountain to Minersville. Birdsborn to Geigertowntt burg. Ariel. Lake Gettysburg to Granitehill I Fountain Dale to Gettysburg. Geistown to Johnstown. Grantboro to New Castle. Hammersley Fork• to Re- Hendricks• to Schwenkvllle Henningsvllle to Macungie. Fountain Springs•t to Ash- Gelatt• to Susquehanna.. novo. Grantvllle*t to Palmyra. Henrietta•tt to Martlns_ land. Granville*t:t(Mlfflin Co.)to Hammett, to Erie. burg. Gem to McConnellsburg. I Hammond to Tioga. LewLc:town Meadville. to Henryvllle•t:t to East Geneva•tt Kennett to Hamortoo• (WasWngton. Granville Fountalnvme• to D.oyles- 1 George to Hickory. town. Stroudsburg. Square. Co.) to Cali!ornla. Georgetown• (Beaver Co.) Granville Center• to Troy. Hampden to Mechan1cs- Hensel to Quarryville. Fowlervllle to Berwick: burg. to East Liverpool, Ohio. Granville Summit*t to Frampton to Clarion. Hampton• to East Berlin. Hepburnvllle• to WllliamsOanton. Georgetown tLan c a. st e r Francis to Girard. Co.) to Christiana. Grapeville•tt to Jeannette. Hancock to Reading. Franconia• to Souderton. port. Franconiaville to Souderton. , Georgetowntt (Wayne Co.)*t to Winburne. Hanlin Statlon•tt to Bur- Hepler• to Shamokin. gett.stown. Grassland to Byrn Mawr. to Lake Ariel. Frank•t to Sutersville. Hereford• to Pennsburg. Frankfort Sprlngs to Bur- Georgevllle• to Marton Cen- Grater F;ord• t :t to ' Hannah to Tyrone. Herman•t to Butler. Hannah Furnace to Phlllps- Hero to Hundred. W. Va. Schwenkvllle. q:ettstown. burg. Franklint (Cambria Co.) Ge\~·anla • to Galeton. Herrick Center•tt to Forest City. to Conemaugh. Germans Corner to New Gratztownt to Sutersville. Hannastown • t to Greenburg. Tripoli. Gravity*tt to Lake Arlel. Herrlckville• to Towanda. Hannasvllle to Cochranton. Franklln Cornera to Edin- Germansville*tt to New Graybill to York. Hanoverdale to Hummel&- Heshbon* to Black Lick. Graydon to York. Tripoli. boro. town. Franklindale to Towanda. Grays Landing* oo MasonHess to Gap. Hanover Junctlon•:tto Glen R essdale to Strasburg. Franklin Forks• to Mont- Geryville* to E. Greenville. town. Rock. Gibbon Glade* to Union- Graysville* to Tyrone. rose. Hetlerville to Berwick. town. Hanoverville to Bethlehem. Heverlyt to Coalport. Greason• t to Carllsle. Franklin Mills to Hancock, Md. Harbor Bridge to New ' Hewltt to Cumberland, Md. Great Belt*t to Butter. 1 Castle. Franklintown• to D1llsburg. Great Bend*ttto Hallstead. Harbour Creek*tt to J!;rie. Hickernell to Springboro. Franklinville• to Tyrone Greble to Myerstown. Gibsonia*tt to .i. far·. Gibsonton•:i: to Charleroi. Greeley• to Port Jervis. Harding to Pittston. Hickman• to Carnegie. Harford• to Rop Bottom Frankstown• to Holllday- Gideon to Somerset. N. Y. Hickory Corners* to Dalburg. Harlansburir to New Castle Greenawalt to Hambur~. Gllbert• to Stroudsburg. matia. Frazer•tt to Malvern. Gllberton • t t to Mahanoy Greenbank to ew Holland Ha.rlelgh • to Hazleton. Hickory Grove*tt to SusFredell.., to East Brady. City. Harlem to Pennsburg. Greenbrier* to Shamokin. quehanna. Harmarville*:t to Oakmont. Hickoryhill to Oxford . Frederick• to Schwenk- Gilbertsville* to Boyertown Greenburr* to Loganton. Harmonsburg• t t to Lines- Hickox to Genesee. Gilfoyle*t to Marienv1lle. ville. Greene to Quarryville. . Fr!~~~icksville to Boyer-1 Gillespie to Fayette City. Higbee t!> Cameron. W.Va. town. Glllett•t to Elmira, N. Y. Greenfield (Mercer Co.) to Harmony*tt t0 Zelienople. Rlghnouse to Uniontown. Harnedsvme• to Confluence High Lake to liancoclt Freed• to Scottdale. Mercer. Gillmort to Bradford. Harold to Ligonier. Freedom (Venango Co.) to Ginter• to Houtzdale. Greengrove to .Jermyn. N.'S:. Emlenton. Gipsy• to Glen Campbell. Green am• tt (Chester Co., Harper to Slat1nitton. High Rock•t to Delta. Harriman* to Bristol. Freehold to Sugar Grove. to West Ch~ter. Girty• to Apollo. Freeman to Reading. Green Hill (York Co.). Harrison Clty•l to Manor. Hllthville to Mlllersville. Harrison Valley•t to \.Vest- Hillchurch to Boyertown. Freemansburg• t t to Beth- Gladdens to Hyndman. to York. Hillegass to Pennsburg. field. Glade• to Rockwood. lehem. Greenmount to Getty burg. Freestone to Chambersburg Glade Mills• to Mars. Greenock•l to McKees- Harrlsonvme• to McCon- Hllllards•tt to Butler. Glaawyne•tt to Ardmore. Hills! to Oanonsburg. nellsburg. oort. lilllsboro <Someri,et co.> Glasgow• tt (Cambria Co.) Gieenpark*:to New Bloom• Harrlty to Lehighton. • Fremont to Middleburg. to Coalport. to Hooversville. Frenchtown to Meadville. Harrow* to Perkar-:;te. field. Glassmere•tt to New Ken- Grte enNeRwidgexfo(Ardd.ams Co.) Harshavllle to )lldland. Frenchvllle• to Clearfield. HUlsboro (Washington Co.l slngton. 0 Fretz to Quakertown. Green Rlditt (Lackawan- Hartleton• to Mifflinburg. H1}fsf;1~1!eJ J'f!1~·campbeli Glattelterst to York. Freya to Chambersburg. Hlllsgrove• to Huirhesville. Glea.,on to Canton. Hartley to York. Freystown to Myerstown. na Co.) to Scranton. Hillside* t (Westmoreland Gleasonton• to Renovo. Freysville to Red Llon. Green Ridge (York Co.) to Hartley Rall to .Muncy. Glen to Jersey Shore. Fribley to Hughesvlll_e. ....::...:·_ _ __ D_e.:.rry Hartranft to Norrlstow_n_._ _......;C..:.o....:.)_t..:.o:.._. Codorus. FUer to Stoneboro.  F!nland • to Pennsburg. Firsttork• to Emporium. j Fiscal to Glen Rook. Flllher• to Clarion. Fishers Ferry• to Herndon. Flshertown•tt to Bedford. Flshervtlle• (Dauphin Co.) I to Halifax. Fishing Creek• to Berwick. Fitzwatertown to Glenside. Flvetorks to Waynesboro. Ftve Points (Mercer Co.) to l West  1  Frledens•t to Somerset. Frledensburg (Berks Co.), to Oley. Frledensburg• (Schuylkill Co.) to Schuylkill Haven. I  I  I  I  8~  I  I l  ~~:::~t tJio:~g i~!i1grd.  I  I  II  I  mg;~~~\: r-l~w~t~~~a-.  REFERENCE KEY.  • County Seat.  • Ioney Order Office.  t Telegraph Station  :tExprese Office.  PENNSYLVANIA  nes-  >.  rg. ck• tz1e-  ~nk. on.  !ryn  tips-  ion•  Blll~lde (Montgomery Co.) to Jenkintown. Blllsvlew to Ligonier. Bllh1\llle•t to Nev. Castle. BUltown• to DoyleRtown. Blnkletown to Ephrata. Hiram• to McConnellsburg. Hites• t to Tarentum. Hoatlleys*t to Honesdale. Bohart to Hanover. Bohhle to Berwick Hoboken• to Aspinwall. Hockersvllle* to Hummelstown. Boernerstown to Hummelstown. Hoffer to Dalmatia. Hotrman to Slatlngton.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Iddo to McConnellsburg. ldetown to Dalla·.  unction to Manheim. June11u•ttto Punxsutawney Junedale* to Hazlt>ton. Junlatavllle• to Dawson. Juva to Waterford.  I3l:rv~~~t tioLle;~~:~gie. I mler•tt to Bedford.  PENNSYLVANIA  Knowlton to ChestPr. Knox Dale* to Brookville. Knoxl:vn to Gettysburg. Knoxvillet (Allev;huny Co.) to PittRt>Urgb. l{oonsvllle to 8blc-kshlnny. Koontzville to Jle1lforct. Kossuth to Knoit. Krail town to Dlllsbur(l. KratzervUle • to Selinsgrove. Kraussdale to E. GrePnvllle Kreamer•tt t(l Sellnsirrove. Kregar• to Llgomer. I{reidersville to Northampton. Kremts•tt to Fredonia. KresgevUle• to Lehighton. Kress• to Wellsboro. Krlc-kR Mill to Womelsdorf. Krumsvllle• to Kutztown. Kuhl to ~rte. Kulp to Catawissa. K ulpsvllle• to Lansdale. Kumry to Quakertown. Kunckle to Dallas. Kunkletown* tu Palmerton . Kushequa•t to Mount Jewett. Kylertown• to Wlnburne. Kylevllle to Delta.  Lawsvllle Center• to Hall• stead. Lawton• to Montrose.  t:r~gg;: i~  ~~;y~o~~~nd. Imlertown to Bedford. Leaman Place• tt to InterI nuependence* to A 1·ella. course. Indian Creek•, t I l"ayette Leard to Clymer. Co.) to Connellsville. Leasureville to Freeport. Indian Head• to ConnellsLeatherwood to New BethKammerer• to Monongaville. lehem. Indlanla.nd to Slatington. hela. KanevUle to Oil City. Indianola to Oakmont. Le Rreut to Waterford. Kantner• to Stoyestown. Inctlan Run to Mercer. Leck Kill* to Shamokin. K aolln to A von1l11le. lnJustry*t! to l\-1 idl1rnd. Leckrooe• t to Masontown. Karn.'I City•, t to Chicora. Ingleh1:1.rt to HoneRdale. Leconteii MUIR* to ClearKaslesvlUe to Mercersburg. I ngle:.iue• Lo l◄'rt-eport. field. Katelhm LO Pan Argyl. lnglersmltb to F.verett. Lederach• to Harleysvllle. Kato to Snow Shoe. lngorna.r to Pittsburgh. Ledged&le• to Lake Ariel. Kauffrnau*U to GreenLedger* to Gao. Bogestown• to Meobanlcs-- Ingram! ~o Crafton. [nkerma.nt to Pittston. castle. Lee to Shickshinny. bur11:. Kaylor to East Brady. Leechs Qoruerst to GreenBokendauqua • U to Cata- [n!lt11nter• l to WIicox. Kearney• to llopewell. vllle. Iola* to Millville. sauqua. Kearsarge to Erle. Iona to Leuanon. Leeper•t to Clarion. Boke:,i to Glen Rock. Kea.tingtt to Rt>IIOVO. LticsburgU to Mtlrcer. Holhrook* to Waynesburg lrlshlane to Schlclcshlnny lrl!lb Hipple• to Wampum Keating Summft•ti to AusLeesburg Statlont to Mer• Hollcong• to Doylestown. tin. cer. Irishtown• to Hanover. Holltlay to Wellsboro. lronhrldge• to Collegeville K e c k s b u r g to Pleasant Holland* to Langhorne. Unity . Irouure to Hanover. Le011 Crossroads•t:t to Shlp.. Holhml>ack to Wyaluslng. pens burg. Iron Springs to Oettysburg Keech to Genesee. Hollinger• to Lancaster. Keerers to Chambersburg. Leetonia• to Wellsboro. Holll"ltervtlle• to 8cranton. [romon* to C'oplay. Keelersville to Perkai-ie. Leetsdale*t t to Am bridge. lrvlne• to Youn~!lvllle. Holme11• U to Darby. Lehigh Furnace to SlattnirBoltwoud*t to <.>uarryvllle lrvinetontt to Youmrsville Keeneyvlllet to Wellsboro. RPewaydln* to Clearfield. ton. IHal'tilla*t to llone_v Brook Holtz• to Red lion Keffer• to Ligonier. [Sf'IID*t t to Saltsburg. Lehigh Gap to Palmerton. Home• to Marlon Center. !-.egg to Schellburg. Leblgh Tannery• to White [slund Parlet to t::aston. Homecamp to Dubois. Kehler to A!lhland. Haven. HomeLR Ferry*tl to Wya- (9let to Pro1mect. Keiser• to Mount Carmel. Lehman• to Dallas. [than• to \\ ayne. lu,ilng. Keisters*t to Slippery Rock Laanna• to StroudRburg. Lehnenburgt to Easton. Homeville (Allegheny Oo.) [tlf'y to Rdlnhoro. Keister Works to Union- La Helle* to Fredericktown Leib to Ashland. [va to Stra.11hur1t. to Homestead. town. Laboratory to \\'ashmitton . Homeville (Ohester Co.) Ivanhoe• to \fononrahela. KPlayres•r to Hazleton. Labot1 to York. Lelnbachs to Readmg. lvarPa to Albion to Oxford. Kellersburg to New Beth- LackawaxPn*tt to Hawley. Leiperville to nhester. Hi~~:_oodti to Beaver Ivylaad"tl to Hatboro. lebem. Lartclsburg to New Albany. Lelthsvllle to Btitblehem. lvywood to Butler. ' Kelleni Church* to Sellers- Lartooa to Coudersport. Roneoye•ttoSblngleHouse ville. Lafayettett to Mount Lemont to Tunkhannock. Honey Grove• to Port Lemont• tl to State (.1ollege Kellprsvil!e to 8trourtsburg. .Jewett. Royal. KellettvlJle• to Tionesta. Lafayette Hl11• to Consho- Lemont Furnace • t to H onur to New Castle. Uniontown. hocken . Jackson (Erie Co.) to Wa- Kellyburg" to \Vllllam!lport 8 ookert to Butler. Lenape• t t to West Chester. Kelly Crossroads to Lewis- Lattin• t t to Pittston. Hookstown* to Beaver. burg. La Grange to Tunkhannoc-k Lenhartsvme• tt to HamJat::8i:t;)~~- Susquehanna l Hoopeston to Ambler. burg. Kellypolnt to Lewisburg Labaska•n to Doylestown. Oo.) t.o ~us(luena.nna.. Hoovers Run to WaynesJack1<on ()entn•u to Mer- Kelly Stat1on•i to Ford Lalcllg• to McC'onnellshurg. Lenn! Mills• to Media. burg. City. Leo Lalrd1wllle• over• t to Parkesburi. to H U!ZhP'IVUle. ce:. gooverton to Norristown. Lenox• to Hop Bottom. Jackson Summtt•tt to El- Kell~·town to Curwensville La Jose*tt to Mahaffey. 1 l<elton•tt to V\ est Grove. Lake Cary•t to Tunkhan- Lenoxvllle• t to Nicholson. mira. N. V H~g:~~11 1{; ork. Leola• t t to New Holland. nock. Jacksonville (Center Co.) Kemhlesvllle• to Newark. Del. Lake Como• to Hancock Leolyn• to Canton. to Howard. goppenvllle• to Pennsburg. Leona to Troy. Lakemont•t to Altoona. Jacksonville IC'umberla.ncl Kempton•U to Reading. Kem.Jail Creek to Hnutrord Lake Pleasant to l'nlonC1ty Leonard to Avondale. ll~f;~fa°•d;t Co.• to Newvtlle. Leopard t to Berwyn. Laketon• to Dallas. Jacksonville (Daupbln Co.I K.enllworth to Pottstown Le Hoy* to Canton. Kennard• to Greenville. Lakeville• to Hawley. to Ha.lifax. a:~ijy to North East. Horning* to Castle Shan- Jacksonville {Indiana Co.) KenoerdeU*U to Cllnton- Laite Wlnota• to Factory- LeRter•t to Darby. Letort to Millersville. ville. ville. non. to lnJlaua. KPnwood to Clymer. Lakewood•ti to Hancock. Levin to Doylestown. H orrt-ll to Hollidaysburg. Levi~ton* to Hazleton. 8 ors ham• to Hatboro. Jacksonville• (Leblith Co.) KN>wn* to Pittsburg. N. Y. Lewis to Pittsburg. to New Tripoli. Keown Station to Pitts- Lamar•t to Lock Haven. Bllorton~ •to Glen Carnphell Lewl11berry* to Ooldsboro. burgh. Lamartine• to Emlenton. 011enAack•tt to E Green- Jacksonville (Westmorelan<f Co.) to Irwin tiepner to Tamaqua. Lamberton• to New Salem. Lewis Run*t:t to Bradford. VUte. Jacksonwald to Reading. Kermwllle to Allentown. Lambertsvllle• to Stoyes- Lewisville* to OxCord. Bost• to Womelsdorf. Lexington to Lititz. Ja.col>s to Orbisonia. Kerr to Freeport. town. E:ostetter* to Latrobe. Jae-ohs Oreek*t ro SmJtb Kerrmoor• U to CurwensLam hi; f'reek* to Mansfield Liberty {McKean Co.) to aouservllle to Bellefonte. Port Alleghany. too. vUle. Lamokln t tto Chetiter. H~~~u~ i~o~~!ffl~~rsburg. Ja.co1>11 Mllls:t to Hanover. Kerrsvme•! to Newvllle. Lamott•t to Jenklntowri. Jacohus• to York. Kerrtown:t to Meadville. Lampeter• to Strasburg. LlbertyCornerstoTowanda H owellville to Catawissa. Jamt'S City* to Kane. KerMey•t:t tu Saint Marys. Lanark* to <'oopersburg. Liberty Square to Quarry8 oytctate to Wampum. Laodenburg•U to Avonville. Hoytvilleti to Wellsboro. James Creek• to Hunt1nit• KeyR to Rt,<J Lion. 1 0 Ja~ !town to Portage. K?r=~~~:. Junction to MeyLat~:r to Su11:ar Grove. H~,~r;ri;.trti~ e.r:~~:town. Huhns to Quarryville. Jamhion* to Dovlestown. Keystone Mines to Meyers- Lantlingville*tt to Schuyl- Llcklngvllle• to Fryburi. B u111ersburg•to Bellefonte Jamison City•tt to Benton dale. kill Haven. Llghtstreet•t to Blooma8 Ut!Ron t! to Parsons. Janeo;;ville to Houtzdale. Khe<flve• to Carmichaels. LandlH Store* to Bally. burg. ffudsondalet to Weatherly.•! to Ambler. Kifertown to Scottdale. Lanrtle' Valley to Lancaster Llma•t to Media. uer11er• to F'ry1>urg. Jeancsville*tt to Hazleton . Kilgore to Sandy Lake. Lanesboro• U to Susque- Limekiln• to Readlng. 8 uey• to Rimersburg. Jeddo*tt to Freeland. K.llllnger to ~llllershurg. hanna. Llmeport* to Emaus. Rutt• to New Florence. KUmer• to Port Royal. Lanes Mllls•ti to Brock- Limerick• to Schwenksville. i~!n?hurch to Boyer- Jefferson (Yorx Co.) to Klmberton•U to Phoenixwayvllle. Limeridge*tt to BloomsCodnrus. ville. Lan11:<.1oodale* to Hopewell. , burg. H utrs Station to Greens- Jefferson Ce,nter to Butler. Klmhle•U to Hawley. Lan11:elotht to Burgetts- Limerock to Lititz. burg. Jefferson City to Knox. Klmmetton • to Stoyestown. Limestone•:t to Clarion. !!u~hestownt to Pittston. JelTerson Htatlon to Auburn town. Langvllle• to Timblin Llmestonevllle to MUton. u Ul111 to Coudersport. to Norrlt1- Kinderhook to Columbia.. Lanse• to Wlnburne. Lime Valley to Strasburir. B ulmevtlle•tto Langhorne Jefl'ersonvme•t town. Kini? of Prussla•i to Norri&- Lansing to Westfleld. Lincoln Place•t to Hays, 8 ulton t t to Oakmont. Jeffries to Houtzdale. town. Lantz to Mt ..rewett. Lincoln Unlversitrtt to Humbert to Confluence. Jenners•t to Bo•nvell. Kingsdale* to Littlestown. Lapark* to lnterroun:;e. Oxford. !umbertson to Somerfleld. Jennerstown• to Boswell. Ktnirs1ey•tt to Hop Bot- Laplume•tt to Factoryville. Lincolnville• to Union City. ~~,~~ls Wharf to Selin.., Jennt"r!lvllll• to West Grove tom. Lapps• to Gap. Llndavllle to Ho8 Bottom Bunkers·• to Youngwood. Jennlngsvllle to Meshop- ~1ngst1n ~o tL~~robe. rvill t~,~~~~~PJ~ 0 Hunlock Creek•tt to Shick- refi~e• to Hollsnpple. Kl~i;oo~ to Ric-':::;od. e Large• to Clairton. !-(lndAeyt to Punxs11tawney Shinny Jert1ey Mills to .Jersey Shore Kinpnrt! to Cherry Tree. Larlmer•tt to Irwin. I.:lne Lexington• to Lan. Hunters · Runtt to Mt. Jersey Shore Station% t-0 Kintnersville• to French- Larke to Williamsburg. dale. Holly Springs. Jersey Shore. u t oz'!°rs.·• Ntt' tJ . Gap Larksvillet to Edwardsville Line Mountain to SbamoRunterstown• to Gettys"' 10 , , Larrys Oreek*t to Jtirsey kin. 0 hur~ to Bloome- Klnzua•tt to ¼arren. Shore. Lmeville to Shippenville. :untersvllle to Hughesville Jer.1eytown•u burg. Kirby• to Wayneshurct. Larryvllle* to Jersey Sbore. Llnl1eld"tt to Hoyersrord. ':r~::;~~on Furnace to Joanna•rt to Birdsboro. ({irl,yvllle to I leetwood. Larue*t to Glen Kock. Llnglestown• to Harrisburg Corners to Elmira K{l_rrkksmaMn • t os t13oroRok_ v_nllgle.Sun. Lash" to West Newton. Lm!Jan* to Turtle Creek. Hunt1n1rton Mtus• to Shlck- Jcit,s N y 1 1 La.shley* 1 tu liam·,,c-k, 1 Md. Linwood 1 1 Statlon•t to 8 1 Bhlnny JofT,:e* to nurgE'ttstown. Md. Lathrop to Hop Bottom. Cbe11ter. iu 11 ts<1~ie•t to Carlisle. Johnetta•tt to LePchhurg Kirkwood• to Quarryville. Latimore to Dillsburg. Llonvllle• to Downingtown H untsvilte to Dallas. a u st, anct to Somerset. a:;~~~le. K~nt;.oquillas* to Heeds- t:~~f~~~vt\~e~l.o~~\\1i!11f«e tl~~~~ciitE\~1~~~K~.esburg. U'ltontown• to McConJohnson Olty to 8ham11kln Kls>'elhlll to Lltlt.z. ton I isuurn* to Mechanicsburg neu~hurg Jnhnson,111<-• to l'ortlaua. Kl-1,.tmmee to '-flddlehurir. Lanh~cbs to Northa.mpton. Ll~tte•t to Somerset. Hutchins•ti to Mt. Jewett. Johnqvllfe• to Hatboro. Kl~tler to New Hloomneld. Lauirhllntown• to Llitonler. Llstonburi• to Addi.son. Jollett· to Tremont. Klahr r.o <'layshurg. Laurel• t to \'ork. gvde•tt to r.1earflelrl. to Hundred, W Klecknersvtlle to Bath. Laurel La.kt>• to Montrose. Lltl"hfield to Athens. Yde Park•t to Leecbhure; Jollytown• 8l<letown•tt va. Kletnreltersvllle• to Myers- Laurel HunT1 to WUkea- Little Britain• to Oxford. to Tltusvlllf' 1 Ynemansvllle to Allen- Jona,:,i* to Palmert-0n. town Barre. Little Cooley to Townvllle. Jones· Mll111• to Mouo1 Klint,,, Orovet to Sunbury. Laurelville• to Mt. Plea!lan\ Littlega.p* to P.ilmerton. a: town. Pleasant. Rllue,.vtUe• to Hamburii. Laurys Statlon•u to Slei- Little Marsh• t-o Wellsboro. Yner• t t to Renovo. Jor<.lan• w New Trlpolf. Kn11uers to Readlnie . fried. Little Mea !owe* to Owego, Jordan Valley to New Tri • ~~~~•~ t~r~~~~~-ille. Lavansvllle to Somerset. N. y Jo~;;:~1n,-•tt to Rlack Lick h noh.,vUie• to McConnells- t:~e~~e;1 ~o ~:~r~=~:tbtown. Ll~l:n~()mers to SaegersI~:~allr*.ito Marton Center. Jovc-e to New <' 8 " 1le. burg. Law'\onham • Tt to Rlmers- Litztinher11:• to Allentown. ~ t to Getty~s~b~u~r~~~-_ _:.J~u=ll=a.=n-•_tl.:......t_o_R_,_•l_lt>_f_o_n~te_.____ n_11_11_~P_t_n_w_n_to_:_M~i!_IP~l""-·t~,o~w~n:..:..:...._~h~11~r~::.__ _ _ _ _ _ ___:_!:L~tv~P~r~rn~n~r~f'~•~t_t~n~R~l~~~l~rs~·v~l~ll~e !County Seat. • .Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station. :!:Express Office. REFERENCE KEY.  I  OE'.  ersrristh. to Co.)  tys-  n. vllle on.  d. g.  wley ld ke. ODS•  vllle gle. lns-  msg.  Va. rest da. k.  I  ~!c:ife':1~~  tfu UP°~~~~~r:w-  t:i~~~u ii l?ct';!i1~&-  Md, ro. DalSus•  . Va.  2069  1~ri~~Y,:~~ :,g  131 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  tl~3:~~1V? Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2070  PENNSYLVANIA  Llanercb•tt to Lansdowne. ! Lleweuyn • tl: to Mlnersvllle. Lloyd• to Wellsboro. Lloydell • t to South Fork. Lloydvillet to Bellwood. Loag to Honey Broolc. Lobacbsvllle to Boyertown. Local to Castle Shannon. Lochlel to Lewisburg. Lochvale to Glen Campbell. Lock No. 3•r to Elizabeth. Lock No. ,•r to Cbarlorol. Lockport! (Cllnton Co.) to Lock Haven. Lockport! (Northampton Co.) to Slatington.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  PENNSYLVANIA  Madlson•t (Westmoreland , Co.) to Herminia. Madlsonburg• to Millheim. Madlsonvme• to Moscow. Madley to Hyndman. Mahanoy Plane*tt to Girard ville. Maharg to Butler. Mahoning• t t to Kittanning Mahonlngtownn to New Castle. Malden Creek*U to ReadIng. Maiden Creek Station to Reading. Mainesburg• to Mansfield. Mainland• to Souderton. Mainvllle•tt to Catawissa. Maitland• to Lewistown. Malta to Dalmatia. Maltbyt to \Vilkes-Barre. Mammoth•t to Pleasant Unity. Manadahill to Hummelstown. Manata.wny• to Boyer town. Mance• to Meyersdale.  M:ayporttt to New Bethle- Mllanvllle• t to Callicoon, Morris Run*U to Blossbur1 Morton• rt to Swarthmore. N. Y. hem. Maysville to New .Bethle- Milerun to Sunbury. Mortonvme• ti to Coat~ Milesbur11:• t t to Bellefonte. hem. ville. Milesville to Monongahela. Morwood • to Telford Maze to Mlmlntown. MU!ord (Perry Co.) to .M oselem to Fleetwood. Mazeppa to Lewisburg. Juniata. MQA.levys Fort• to PetersMoselem Sprtna;1 to FleetMlltord Square• to Quakerburg. wood. Mccance• to Ligonier. town. Mlllbach to Richland. McCandless to Butler. Mlllbrook to Grove City. Mosgrove•tt to Klttannlns McCartney*tt to Madera. Mlllburn to Mercer. Moshannon* to Snow Shoe McOaslln to New Castle. McCleary to Midland. Mosiertown to Sa.egertown. McClelland town• to Mason- Mill City* to Tunkhannock Mosservllle to New Tripoli. town. Millcreek*t to Huntingdon. Mostoller to Stoyestown. McConnell's Mills to Hous- Mllled1eevllle to Cochranton Mount .t'Etna*to Myerstown Mountain to Hamburg. ton. Miller to PM Argyl. McOonnellstown* to Hunt- .Miller Run to Cairnbrook. Mountaindale•t to Coalpon ingdon. Millersburg (Berks Co.), Mountain Eagle to Howard . 0;t:r~ll-l McCoysv!Ue• to Port Royal. to Myerstown. Locustdale• to Ashland. McCracken• to Cameron, Millers Statlontt rCraw- Mountalngrove• to Hazl&Looustgap*Ttto Mount CarW. Va. ton. ford Co.) to Cambridge McCrea•t to Newvllle. Mountalnhome• to Stroud11mel. Sorlngs. burg. Locustgrove* to Hancock, McCullochsMlllstoMifflin- Mtllerton•ttto Elmlra,.L'T.Y. town. Mlllgrove (Columbia Co.) Mountain Sunset• to WerMd.· Locust Valley to Coopersnersville. McElhattan•ti to Lock to Catawissa. Haven. Mill Grove (Northampton Mountaintop• to Wilkesburg. Lofty*tt to McAdoo. McEwensvme• to WatsonBarre. Co.) to Nazareth. Loganla • to Duncannon. town. Mllllgantown to Parnassus. Mountainvllle! to AllenLogan Mllls to Loganton. Manchester* to MountWolf McFord to Delta. town. Mlllmont•tt to Mifflinburg. Logans Ferry tto Parnassus Mandata to Herndon. McGees Mllls*l to Mahaffey Millport (Carbon Co.) to Mt. Air to New Castle. Logansport to Ford Clty. Manlrold • to Washington. Mt. Alton •rt to Moun• McGovern to Houston. Palmerton. Loganville• to York. Jewett. Manito to Latrobe. McGrann• to Foret City. Mlllport•t (Potter Co.) to Logue• to Coudersport. Manns Choice*H to Schell- Mcilbaney to Stroudsburg. Mount Bethel• to Bangor. Shingle House. London to Grove City. Mt. Braddook*ttto Dunbar. burg. McIntyre to Indiana. Londonderry to West Grove Mannsville* to New Bloom- McKean• to Erle. Millrift* to Port Jervis, N. Mt. Carbont to Pottsville. Londongrove* to Mount Chestnut to Butler. \Vest , 11.eld. McKeansburg• toTamaqua. Y. Manoa* to Bryn 1\1awr. McKee•ttto·Roartng Spring Mill Run• to Connellsville. Mount Cobb to Scranton. Grove. Lone Plne to \Vashlngton. Manorhill* to Petersburg. ' McKees Hal! Falls"' to Mllls• t to Westfield. Mt. Gretna•tt to Lebanon. Longlevel to Wrightsville. Manorvme•r to KlttanMt. Hope*t! to Manheim. Selinsgrove. Millstone to Brookville. nlng. McKinley• to Jenkintown. Mllltown (Allegheny Co.) Mt. Jackson to New Castle. Longpond • to Stroudsburg. M.anown*r to Monon1eahela. MoKnlghtstown • to Getto Verona. Longrun•t to Avonmore. Mantz to Tamaqua. tysburg. Mllltown! (Chester Co.) Mount Lebanon*t to Castle Lon~dorf•H to Newvllle. l\Iapleglen to Ambler. McLallen Corners to Camto West Chester. Shannon. Maple Grove to East bridge Springs. Mlll VUlage• t t to Water- ::\:It. Nebo* to Quarryville. Stroudsburg. McLane• to Ecllnboro. ford. Mount Ollvm4 to Pittsburg. Loop* to Dayton. Maplehlll to Williamsport. McLeans Station to Penns- Mlllv1lle (Clarion Co.) to Mount Penn• to Reading. Lopez*tt to Mildred. Maplelake to Moscow. burg. New Bethlehem. Mount Pleasant (Clarion Lorah to ·w ernersville. Mapleshade to Oil Oity. McMlchaels to Stroudsburg. Mlllway•tt to Lititz. Co.) to KnoL Lorane•tt to Rea.ding. McMurray to Canonsburg. Mlllwood•+t to Derry. Mount Pleasant Mllls• to Lords Valley* to Hawley. Mapletown • to Masontown. McNeal to Blairs Mills. Middleburg. Mllnesvme•r to Hazleton. Loretto*t to Ebensburg. Maplewood*tt to Lake Milnor*t to Greencastle. Mount Pocono• U to East Lost Creek*t to Shenan• Ariel. Stroudsburg. Marble• to Frytmrg. McSparran• to Quarryvllle. Mllton Grove•to Mount Joy. Mount Rock (Adam• Co.) McVill to Freeport. Milwaukee to Scranton. to Hanover. to Sugar Grove Marburg• to Hanover. Marchand• to Punxsutaw- MoWUUams to Timblin. Mineral Point• to South ney. Mea.dowgap to Orbisoma. Fork. Mountrock (Cumberland Loudon to Mercersburg. Marchands to Sutersvllle. Meadow Lantls*r t to Hous-- Miners .Mills*t to Parsons. Loupurex* to Carnegie. Co.) to Newville. ton. Mines • to Williamsburg. Mount Royal to Dillsburg. Lovejoy*:! to Clymer. Marguerltet to Greensburg.I Mechanic Grove* to Quarry- Mlnet to Mount Morris. Lovells 8tatton to Corry. Mount Sterllng *t to Mason· ville. MlnR"o !!> Royersford. Lovelton • to Meshoppen. Maria to Woodbury. town. Mechanicsburg to Homer Mlngoville* to Belletonte. Mount Top* to D11lsburg. Lovely to Olaysburg. Marlasvllle to Emlenton. I City. Mlnnequa to Canton. Lover to Charleroi. Mount Zion• to Lebanon. Marion Heights to Mount Mechanics Valley* to Minnich to Catasauqua. Mowersvme• to ShippensLowber* to SUtersville. Carmel. Doyle.stown. 1 burg. Lower Providence* to ColMarkelsvme• to Newport. Mechanlcsvme•(Bucks Co.) Mlnooka•tt to Scranton. I Mowry* to Ashland. legeville. Markes• to Mercerbur1e. to Doylestown. Mlnsi to Stroudsbur1e. Moylan• t t to Media. Mechanicsville (Clarion Co.) Mlola• to Clarion. Lower Saucon to Bethlehem Markham*l to Media. Mozart to Doylestown. Markle• to Apollo. to Clarion. M:itchells Mills* to Clymer. , Muddyoreel.: to Terre Hill. Lowhill to New Tripoli. Mechanicsvtlle (Lehigh Co.) Mocanaqua•rt to Shick- Mudclycreek Forks*tt to Low Phost to Uniontown. 1 Marklesburg Borough to to Catasauqua. Lowville to Union City. shinny. York. Huntingdon. Mechanlcsvlllt, ( Ven an go Modena• rt to Coatesville. Loyalhanna•tt to Latrobe Co.) to Grove City. Mohrsville*tt to Leesport. Mud Lake to Montrose. Loyalsock* to Montours- Marklesburg Station to Huntingdon. I Meckvllle* to Myerstown. Mollenauer* to Castle Shan- Mu!T to Dayton. ville. Markleton•t1 to Rockwood Medixrun*tt to St. :\:Iarys.l non. Muhlenburg to Shlckshlnn1 Loyalton• to Lykens. Markleysburg* to Somer- Mehoopany•r to Meshop- Molltown* to Fleetwood. Loyalvllle to Dallas. Muir* to Tower City. tlela. pen. Monaghan to Mt. Pleasant Mulberry to East Berlin .. Loysburg* to New Enter- Markton to Punxsutawney. Melservme• to Selinsgrove. I Mon~ui to Shippensburf.!. Mummasburg to Gettys• Marple to Media. l\lelcroft to Confluence. Moniteau to Sllppery Rock. burg. vrlse. Marsh* to Honey Brook. Melrose Park to Jenkin- 1 Monocacy*t to Birdsboro. Muncy Valley•t to Hughe&· Marshalls Creek to East town. Monocacy Station• t to vllle. Stroudsburg. Mendenhall• t1 to Kennett Lucesco•t to Freeport. Birdsboro. Munder!• to BroclcwayvillP Marshallton to West ChesLucinda• t t to Fryburg. Square. Monroe• (Clarion Co.) to Munhall to llomestead. ter. Mendon to West Newton. Lucinda. Furnace to Fry. Knox. Munson*t to \Vinburne. Marshbrook to Dalton. Menges Mills*t to Hanover Monroeton*U to Towanda. Murdocksvllle• to burg. Bur· Luciusboro to Homer City. Marsbhurg to Bradford. :\:Ionroeville to Knox. gettstown. Lucknow*r to Harrisburg. Marsh Hill* to Wllllamsport , Menno to Belleville. Montacdon • t t to Lewls- Murray to Dushore. I Meridian to llutler. Lucky to York. buric. Murrell* to i::Dhr11,ta. Marshrun to Newport. Merton to Ardmore. Montclare*t to Phoenix- Murrtnsvtlle to Clintonville Ludlow*rt to Kane. Marshs Store to Waynes- Merton Square to Ardmore. Lull to Somerset. ville . Murrysvme• to Export boro. Merton Station• rt to Phlla- Montriale to Olyphant. Lum her Clty•tito CurwensMustard to Sutersvtlle. · l\'Iarsh View to Towanda. delphla. Montello to WernersvUle. Mntualt to Pleasant Unity . ville. Merionville to Ardmore. Monterey* to Topton. Lumberville* to Lambert- Marshwood• to Jessup. Muzette* to Marlenvllle. Marsteller• to Spangler. Merrlttstown to Drowns- Monterey Sp r l n g II to Myra• to Portai?e. ville, N. J· Martha Furnace to Bellevllle. Lundys Lane* to Albion. Wayne11boro. Mystic to Cambrldite Sp'gi (onte. Mertztown•rt to AllentoWD Montgomery Ferry*to NewLungervllle to Hughesville Martlcvllle to Lancaster. Merwin to Apollo. LurR"an to Shippensburg. port. Martin to Masontown. l\Ierwinsburg to Strouds- Montgomeryville to Lans- Naces to Hanover. Lusk* to Delmont. Nadine to Verona. burg. Luthersburg*t to Dubois. Martindale* to Nt>w Holdale. land. Luthers Mllls to Towanda Montrose (Allegheny Co.). N'aglney• to Reedsville. Messmore* to Uniontown. Lutzvllle to Everett. to YProna. • an. enr to Kane. Martins Corner to Coates- Metal• to Chambersburg. Luxor• to Greensburg. Nam meal Village to Pottsfontsera* to Carlisle. ville. Lyclppus• to Pleasant Mexico• to Port Royal. Monument*rt town. to Loci< Martins Creek*t to Easton. Mlckleys to Catasauqua. NaomlDlnesU to Stroud,Haven. Unltv. Lycoming to Wllliamsport. Marvlndale• to Mt. Jewett. Middaghs to Belvidere. 1\1oon Run* to ~rafton. burg. ~. J. Lyles to QuarryvUle. Marwood•tt to Butler. 1\1oore to Darby. Narhertb•t to Ardmore. Middlebury Center•r to Moorest>urg•rt to Danville. Narclssa to Ambler. LymansvUle to Coudersport Marya* to Tamaqua. Wellsboro. Lynoh • to Sheffield. Moores MIJIR to Carlisle. Narvon• to Honey Brook, Lyndell• to Downingtown Mascot* to New Holland. Middle Creek* t.o Lewis- Moorel!town to Ilath Kasby to Renovo. Mason and Dlxon•tt to town. -Lynn• to Tunkhannock. Moorebeactvllle• to N East. Na hville*t to Spring Grovt Greencastle. Middle Lancaster to Zellen- Moosic• t t to Old Forge. Lynnport*tt to New Tripoli Natalie* to Mount Carmel, Lynnville to New Tripoli. MMt to Honey Brook. ople. Mooween* to Saltsburg. Masten*tt to Wllllamsport. Mlddleport•tt to Pottsvllle Morano• to Houtzdale. Lyona to Meadvllle. Nauvoo to mossburr. Lyon Station• t to Topton. Mastersonvllle• to Man- I Middlesext to Carlisle. Moravia• to New Ca11tle. Nayaug 1.0 Scranton. Lyon Valley to Slatlnirtnn 1 helm. Middle Spring to 8hlppens- :VIorea olliery* to :\.1aha- Neale to Leechbur~. Masthope•rt to Hawley. burg. noy ity. ~el>raska• to Ttonesta. M1gi~~~wartb to Mlmln- tf~~:1aai!~ \~ ~~~~1;: ~r~~ttl~~on.H~~i~. 1 Mabel to Ashland. Mateer to Apollo. Macada to Bethlehem. ::\[atber to Waynesburg. Middletown (Westmoreland Morgan to Bridgeville. -:-.1 d . Yacdonaldton•t to Berlln Mattawana• to Lewistown. Co.) to Youngwood. l\Iorp;ans tation to Con- Neelyton*t to Orbisonia. Mlddlt'town Centerto MontMackeyville* to Mill Hall. Mattlt' to Everett. nell ville. ~effs*:t to ~latlngton. Macungie*tt to Emaus. rose. Maud* to Holmesburg. Morgantown* to Honey Neffs 1\1ills• to Peter-.:burs Maddensvllle* to Orbisonia Mausdale•t to Danvllle. M1dvalet to Waynesboro Brook. NetTsvllle• to Lancaster Madeira Hill to Mahaffey. Mawrglen• to Hughesville :\-littlin Cross Hoatis (Cum- Morrell to Tyrone. NellTer to Schwenkville. :Madellne• to Glen Camp- Maxatawny• to Allentown. bcrlan<I Co.) to Newville MorrellvUler to Johnstown. Neiman to Glen Rook. bell. :\:Iaxwell to Fredericktown. Mlmlnvme•t to Bloom11- Morns•r to Wellsboro. l\"ekocln• to Miller town.Madison (Chester Co.) to Mayhurg to Tlone'4ta ,.,tu.:~: • .,., A • ..,~"• I M~:i~~~ss Roads to Point _~~~1oa~.;,fi;ot!i~!~i~1~h~eJ~ Pottstown. I \.f, .. i,,.1r1••t tn r,....,.,., .. .,  ~~~; ;:;:;;s•t  I  tg~:~!f!°fo tfit~~~~:,n.  I  Lo1f~\?tna-  I  I  I  I  I  I  ~:~~~  I  -----  -  REFERENCE KEY.  • County Seat.  • ~loney Order Office.  tTelegraph Stntlon.  t Express  ~ ill.:c.  PENNSYLVANIA ur1 ore. t~  eet• 1n1  oe. wn. oll vn.  OWD  pon a.rd  zl~ ud&-  Neola to Stroudsburg, Nescopeck•tt to Berwick. Neshamlny• to Hatboro. Neshannock to West Mid· dlesex. Neshannock Falls• to New Wilmington. Nettle Hill to Cameron W. Va. Nettleton* to Ebensburg. Neville Island to Pittsburgh Nevilton to Coraopolis. New Athens to Rimersburg New Baltimore* to Schellburg. New Bedford* to New Castle. New Berllnvme• to Boyertown. Newberrytown to Goldsboro. New Boston•U to Mahanoy City. New Bridgeville to Wrlghtsvllle. New Brltatn•t1 to Doylestown. New Buena Vlsta* to Schellburg. New Buffalo• to Duncannon. Newburg• t (Cumberland Co .) to Shippensbure:. Newburg (Huntingdon Co.), to Saxton. · Newburg (Northampton Co.) to Nazareth.  to  •  Easi  Co.) and  ne.  llur·  vme t. uitY  e.  p'gi  otts· oudll' re. ookGro\lt roel-  . ·va.  cock  nia. bur8 er le.  New Centervllle•t (Chester Co.) to Berwyn. Newchester to Gettysburg. New Columbia*H to Milton. New Columbus* to Shickshinny. Newcomer•t to Uniontown. New Danville• to Lancaster New Derry• to Derry. New Eagte•t to Monongahela. NeweU•tt to Call!orn!a. New Englaud,.t to Wilson. New Era to Wyaluslnir. Newerr to Smethport. Newfield• to Ulysses. Newfoundland* to Lake Ariel. New Frankllnt to Cham• bersburg. New Freeport* to Littleton. W. Va. New Galtlee*Uto Wampum New Geneva• to Polnt Marlon. New Germantown•: to New Bloomfield. New Grenada• to McConnellsburg. New Hamburg to Fredonia. New Hanover* to Boyertown. NNewhaven tto Connellsville ew Jerus&.lem to Topton. New Lebanon• to sandy Lake. New Lexington• to Rookwood. Newlin to Catawissa. New London• (Chester Co.) to West Grove. N ewlonsburg* to Export. New Mahontng to Lehighton. Newmanstown•t to Womelsdort, NNewmansvllle • to Tionesta. ew Mayville• to New Bethlehem. New Mlllport• to CurwensVUle. NNew Paris* to Schellburg. ewpark*t to Stewartstown. Newwport (Lawrence co.) to ampum. NeNw-port (Luzerne Co.) to anttcoKe. :ewportvme• to Bristol. to Quarr~~1u~~ence*H Ne~ !:'tchmond to Town11 New Ringgold•H to Tama-Qua. Newry• to Hollldaysburg. New Salem(Armstrong Co.) to New Bethlehem. New Sbefileld• to Woodlawn. :ewside,• to Slatlnrton. ;:- ~J~nton •ti to Youn10 Netw Texas (Alleirheny Co.) o Verona New Texas (Lehigh Co.) to Allentown ~ewton to Scranton. ewton HamUton•U to Mount Union.  TOvVNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Newtown (Green Co.) to Wa,ynesburg. Newtown Mllls to Tionesta to Newtown Square• t Media. Washington• New to Mahaffey. Niagara to Forest City. Niantic• to Boyertown.  Ogontz*t to Jenkintown. Peely• to Ashley. Ohiopyle•t to Confluence. Pencoyd*U to Phlladelphla OhJ'h1.g_1e to East Liverpool. Penfleld*tt Dubois. Penllyn•rt to North Walea. Ohl• to Brookvllle. Penmar• to Waynesboro. Okeson to Mifflintown. Penn Line to Llnesvllle. Okiola to Chester. Penn Run* to Clymer. Olanta• to Curwensville. Penns Creek* to Middleburg. Old Concord to Claysville. Oldframe to Smithfield. Pennsdale• to Muncy. Old Line to Manheim. Nichola to Kittanning. Old Zionsville* to Emaus. Pennslde• to Albion. Nickel Mines• to Gap. Oliphant Furnace* to Fair- Penns Park• to Newtown. Nicklevllle• to Emlenton. chance. Penn Square*t to :NorrisNlcktown• to Spane;ler. Nicold to Mount .Pleasant. Ollveburg to Punxsutaw- 1 town. , Penns Station* to Jeanette.I ney. Nilan to Point Marion. Pennsville• t to Scottdale. t Niles Valley to Wellsboro. Ollver•r to Uniontown. Ninepoints• to Christiana. Olivers Mills• to Wllkes-, Pennsylvania Furnace•: to Tyrone. Nineveh* to Waynesburg. 01~!ir:o Saltsburg. Pen ow a to Avella. Nisbet•t to Williamsport. Penryn • to Manheim. Oneida•tt to Hazleton. Onnalinda • to South Fork. Nittany• to Bellefonte. Peoples* to Tremont. Ono• to Jonestown. Niverton to Elk Lick. Onondago to Punxsutaw-1 Pequea (Lancaster Co.) to Noble to Gettyshurg. Gap. ney. No blestown • t to Oakdale. Pequea to Millersville. Onset• to Jonestown. Nolo* to Indiana. Percy•r .to Dunbar. Opp* to Muncy. Noramont•t to Dusnore. Perkiomenville•t to GreenOotion • to Hays. Normal to Lehighton. lane. Normalville* to Connells- Orange to Pittston. Perrysville• (Allegheny Co.) Allentown. to Oreftetd• ville. to Pittsburg Norrlsvllle to Conneaut- Oregont to Brownstown. Oregon Hlll* to Wellsboro. Nov~ffonvUle to Norristown/ Ore Hill* to Roaring Spring Perrysvllle (Jeifers1m Co.) to Punxsutawnev. Oreland•tt to Jenkintown. North Bangor to Bangor. Perryville (Lycoming Co.) North Belle Yernou to Ore Valley to York. to Williamsport. Orient*! to New Salem. Belle Vernon. Perryville (Potter Co.)to Northbencl*tt to Renovo. Oriental* to Millerstown. Genesee. Oriole to Jersey Shore. Perulack•t to Port Royal. North Bessemer*tto Verona Orm.rod to Coplay. Peru Mllls to Port Royal. North Bingham• to Ulysses Ormsby*t to Smethport. N. Braddockt to Braddock. Orrtanna•U to Gettysburg. Peters Creek*t to Port Northbrook*tt to West Orson• T! to Carbondale. Deposit. Md. Orviston*tt to Howard. Chester. Petersville* to NorthampNorth Buffalo to Ford City. Orwell• to Towanda. ton. North Clarendon to Warren Orwig to Stewartstown. Petroleum Center• to on N. Coventry to Pott. town. Orwin* to Tower City. City. Northcraft to Hancock.Md. Osgoodt to Greenvllle. Oshanter*t to Curwensville. Petrolia• 1 t to Bruin. North Fork to Westfield. North Freedom to Tim- Osterburg*H to Claysburg. Pettis to Cochranton. 01terhout to Tunknan- Pfouts Valley to Mlllersblin . town. noek. North Glrard*tl to Girard. Oswayo•: to Shingle House Phlllpston • t t to East Brady. N. Glenside to Jenkintown. Ottawa*! to Watsontown. Phrentx to 'rimblin. N. Heidelberg to Wom- Otto to Glassport. Ottsvllle•t to Doylestown. Pickering to Phoenixville. elsdort. Pierce to Timblin. N. Liberty to Grove City. Outcrop* to Smithfield. Pierceville to Carmichaels. Mehoopany * to Outwood*t to Pine Grove. North to Marienville. Pigeon* Shore. Jersey to Oval• Meshoppen. Overbrook to Castle Shan- Pikescreek* to Nanticoke. North Mllls to Fredonia. Plkeevllle to Boyertown. non. N. Mountain to Hughesville North oaklanci to Cblcora. Overbrook*t t to Phlladel- Plketown • to Harrisburg. Pine Bank• to Burton. W. phla. North Orwell to Towanda. Va. Overton• to New Albany. North Penn to Tama.Qua. North Pine Grove• to OwensdaJe-1< to Connellsville Pinedale to Pottsville. • Oxford Church r to Phila- Pine Flats to Clymer. Marlenville. Plne ForgeH to Pottstown. delphia. Northpoint*tt to Dayton. to Furnace: Oxford Valley• to Lanir- Pinegrove North Rome to Rome. Carlisle. borne. Pine Grove Mills*! to North Sprlnitfteld* toGlrard State College. North Star to Midway. Mauch to Packerton•1 to Towanda • North Pinehill* to Berlin. Chunk. Towanda. N. Vandergrift to Vander- Palntersville*H to Lewis- Pine Station• to Jersey Shore. town. grift. Pine Summit• to Millville. Northvlllef to Ripley, N.Y. Paisley* to Carmichaels. to Newtown. Pinevme• North Warren•t to Warren Pallas to Selinsgrove. North Waflhinl!ton* (Butler Palm•ttto Pennsburg. Palmer to Oonneautvllle. Plneycreek to Everett. Co.) to Butler. Pinkerton to Rockwood. North Washington (West- Palo Altot to Pottsville. Pinolat to Shippensburg. moreland Co.) to Apollo. Panlc to Reynoldsville. Pipeline to Elmira, N. Y. North Water Gap•t to Pansy* to Summerville. Pipersvme• to Doylestown Panther* to Scranton. Stroudsburg. Pitco to Cecil. Paoll•tt to Malvern. Norwich*t to Austin. Pitman• to Mt. Carmel. Norwood Station• tt to Paradise to Strasburg. Paradl.Be Valley to Strouds- Pittock• to McKees Rocks. Darby. Pittsfield• t1 to Youngsville burg. Nossville to Blairs Mills. Pittsville• to Emlenton. Nottlngham•tt to Oxford. Pardee to Mifflinburg. Plainfield• to Carlisle. Nowrytown• to Avonmore. Pardoe•tt to Mercer. Plain Grovet to Slippery Noxen•lt to Tunkhannock. Pardus• to Reynoldsvllle. Rock. Parts to Burgettstown. Nuaniro a* to Nanticoke. Parke• to Stewartstown .. Numidla • to Catawissa. Nu Mine* to Rural Valley. Parkerford•t to Spring City Plainstt to Parsons Nuremburg•t to Hazleton. Parkersglen•u to Port Jer- PlainsvWe •t to WilkesBarre. Nyesville to Chambersburg I Pa~er~ sltion to Parkers Planebrook to Malvern. Platea•tt to Girard. Landing. I Oakbottom to Quarryvllle. Parkersville*t to W. Chest- Pleasant Comers (Carbon Co.) to Leighton. er. Oakbrook to Reading. Pleasant Corner (Lehigh Parkland to Langhorne. Oakford to Bristol. Co.) to New Trlpoll. Oakforest to Wayne burg. Par~place*tt to Mahanoy Pleasant Gap• to Bellefonte City. Oak Grove to Ligonler. Pleasantgrove* to Rising Oakhall Station• t to Center Par~wood • to Indiana. Sun, Md. Parrish to Sheffield. Hall Parryvllle•tt to Lehighton. Pleasanthall* to ShippensOak Hill to Oxford. burg. Oakland to New Bethlehem Parvin to Mill Hall. Pleasant Mount•t to CarOakland Cross Roads to Passer• to Coopersburir. bondale. Passmore to Boyertown. Export. Oakland Mms• to Mlmin- Patohinsvllle to Glen Camp-- Pleasantridge* to McConnellsburg. 1 Pa~i~ rsont to Mifflin. town. Pleasantrun to Pennsburg. Oak Lane*tto Phlladelphia. Pattonville to Lansdowne. Pleasant Valley• (Buck's Paul ton* to Apollo. Oakleat to Shickshinny. Co.) to Quakertown. Oak Ridge• to New Beth- ~!!Nr:gtt t~1v::~rf~me. Pleasant Valley (Westmoreland Co.) to Manor. Paxinos•u to Shamokin. to Phoonlxvllle. (Junia.ta Oak Station*t to Pitts- Paxons Cornere to La.mbert- Pleasantview* Co.) to Port Royal. vllle, N. J. burgh. Pleasantvllle (Berke Co.) Oakview* to cmton Heights Paxtang• to Harrlsburir. to Boyertown. Paxton*t to Mlllersbure:. oakvllle•t to Newvllle. Pab~~~~lle * t to MiddleObelisk* to Schwenkvllle.  l  I  I  o1:~~fi"  Oberlin • r to Steelton. Obold to Bernvllle. Odenthal to Portai:e. Odin to Coudersport. Ogden! to Chester. Ogdeusburg• to Canton. Ogle to Mar!'.  REFERENCE KEY• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  PENNSYLVANIA  • County Seat.  2071  Plymouth Meeting• to Conshohocken. Pocahontas to Meyeradale. Pocono* to E. Stroudsburg. Pocono Lake• U to Stroud&burg. Pocono Pines•tt to Stroudsburi. Pocono Summitt to East Stroudsbur&'. Pocopson*tt to W. Chester. Point* to Schellburg. Point Pleasant• to Frenchtown. N. J. Poland to Point farlon. Polk• t t to Franklin. Pollock* to Parkers Land• Ing. Pomeroy*tt to Parkeebura. Pomfert to Slatington. Pond EddY-tt to Port Jervls, N. Y. Pond Hill* to Shickshinny. Pont to· Albion. Po?J~~un to Hollld&J'I• Portage Creek to Por& Allegany. Pllrt Carbon• t t to Pottavllle. Port Cllnton*ttto Hambur1 Porter* t.o Timblin. Porters Sideling*t to Han• over. Portersville• to Zelienople. Port Griffitbt to Pittston. Port Kennedy•tt to Norristown. Portland Mills• t to Rldirway. Port Matilda• t t to Phlllipaburg. Port Perry• to Braddock. Port Trevorton • to Selin• grove. Portvuet to McKeesport. Possum Glory to Clymer. Potosi to Glen Rock. Potterbrook•t to Wea~ field. Pottersdale• to Clearfield. Potters Mills to Center.Hall. Po;&t~:me• to Le Rayi,Pottsgrove*tt to Milton. Landing Pottstown Pottstown. Powder Valley* to Emau■• Powen • 1 t to Towanda. Powel ton• to Osceola Mll11. Powis Valley* to Hallrax. PoJ'ia~~ne• t t to Carbon• Prescott*! to Lebanon. Prescottvillet to Reynold•· ville. President• to Tionesta. Presto• to Bridgeville. Preston Park• t t to Han• cock, N. Y. Prlceriurg* to Dickson City. Prlcedale to Belle Vernon. Prlcetown to Fleetwood. Prichard to Shickshinny. Primos•tt to Clitton Helghts. Prlmroset to McDonald. Princeton• to New Castle. Pringle to Kingston. Proctor*t to H ughesvllle. Progress•t to Harrlsburr. Prompton •t to Honesdale, Prospect* to Butler. Prospectvme• to Ambler. Prosperity• to Washington . Providence Square* to Col• legevllle. Pueblo* to Brookville. Pughtown to Pottstown. Pulaski*tt to W .Middlesex. Pump to SUppery Rock. Purcell to Everett. Purchase Line to CherrJ Tree. Puritan• to Portage. Putneyvlllet to New Betb• lehem. Pyrra to Ford Oity. Quakake•u to M11.hano1 City. Queen*tt to Claysburg. Queen·.runctlon*Uto Butler Queenstown• to East Brady Quentin to Lebanon. Quicks Bend to Wyalusing. Quincy•t to Waynesboro. Raccoon! to Burgettstown. Radnor•tt to Wayne. Staticn to College-  R~~!.  Rallroad •t to Shrewsbury. Rainsburg• to Bed!ora . Ralphton* to Stoyestown. Ramey•tt to Houtzdale. Hamsaytown*t to Brookvllle. Peach Bottom (Lancaster Plowvlile to Birdsboro .. Randolph• to Townvllle, Co.)t to Port Deposit, Plum to Titusvllle. RankinH to Braddock. Md. Plumer to OU City. Ranshaw• to Shamokin. Peach Bottom: (York Co.) Plumrun* to Hancock. 1\1:d. Ransort1*t to Pittston. to Delta. Plumsteadvllle• to Doyles- Rathmel• to Reynoldsvllle. Peak to Indiana. town. Rattigan to Chicora. Pedora to Export . Plunketts Creek to Muncy. Raubenstine to Hanover. • ~ioney Order Office.  t Telegraph  Station.  t Express Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2072  PENNSYLVANIA  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  I  Rauhsvtne• t to F.aston. Rockdale 1Delaware Co.), t11 M t'ltia. Rauchtown• to JerseyShore j Rockdale• (Lehlirb Co.) to Rauschs to Tamaqua. Sl11ttn1rton. Ravenrun•t to Shenandoah Rockey to Red Lion. Ravine• to Plne Grove. RawllnsvtJle• to Quarry•rt to Hazleton. Rol"kflt-n 1 Ra';~~iton • f 1 to Sandy Rocklillll Bucks Co.) to Sellerll\ Ille . Lake. Raymond• to Coudersport Ro,•kt>fll t Lane&11ter Co.) to M 1llen1vUle. Rays Hill to ll:vertit.t. l<'urnace•t to Rockhill Rea• to Hickory . ()rhisonla.. Rocklan<I~ to Emlenton. Rebuck• to Herndon. Rockll"dge to Fox Chase Rector• to Lhcooler. I Phlhldelphlal . R6dbank•t1 to ~11>1t Brady Rockport• to Weatherly. Redclyffe to Marit<nville. Rockavllle to Lanihome. Red Cross• to Aerndoo. Hockton•t to Dut,oJa. Rf'clfern to Duboi"· Red H lll*tt to renn!thnrg Rockville to Danielsville. Redington• ft to F.uion. Rockygrovt>t to Franklin. Redla.nd to L,ttlestown. Rodflf'ld• to Finleyville. Redman Mills• to Hays. Rodi• to Wllldnaburg. Red Kaven t to Oakmont. Roelofs• rt to Yardley. Red Rock• to Bradford. Rogers Mills to Connellsville. Redrun to Df'nver. Rogerstown to Connellsville Reed to Indiana. Reeder to Lambertvme,N.J. Rogrrsvllle• to Waynesburir. Reeders• t 1 to Stroud11burg Reedsgao• to ~llmlntown Rohrerstown •ti to Lanca'lter. Retton• to Strasbura:. Rohrl!hurg• to Benton. Register• to Shickshinny Rehrersburg• to Womels- Roler to York. Holr~tt to Johnsonburg. dorf . Reldenbacbs Store to New Ronco•t to Ma1ontown. Rook9•t1 to lnteroour11e. Holland . Rootvllle to Union City. Reld!!burg• to Clarion. Reilly* to Wilkinsburg. Rose Rudt to ('oalport. Reiner Ctty to Tower City . Rosecran11• to Loranton. Retnerton • to William.,. Rosec.lale.,t to Kennett Square town. Relnbolds Statlon•U to Rose~len to Duncannon. Rosemont•tt to Bryn Mawr Denver. Rose Point• to New Castle. Relstvtlle to Myerstown. Rost-to• to Blln1ror . Reitz• to Hooversvtlle. Roseville to Man110eld . Relay to York Roslyn• tt to J enklntown. Remington to Crafton. ttOMsland to Pen Argyl. Remlu* to Jenklnto• n. Rosslyn Farms to ()arneitle. Rendham• to Old Forge, Rossmoynet to Plumville Bentrew• ft to Butler. Ro11Rton•t to Ford City. Rennerdale• to <'arnegle. Rouvllle• to DW1burg. Reno•tt to Oil City. Renton to Parnu.~us. RothsvlJle• to Lititz. Renwick* to Oarhy. Rough and ReadY* to AahRetort to Osceola Mllls. lan<t. to East Berlin. Revere• (Bucks Co.) to l Roundhlll Round ·roo to Wellsboro. Frenchtown. N. J. t to Oil City. Rou,ievlll,,•f Reveret (Fayette Co.l to Rouzervllle• to WaynesUniontown. b,,ro. Revlol' to 1•:1.>ensburg. Rowenna • to Marietta. Rew•t to Bradford. Rowland•tt to Hawley. Reward to Newport. Hoxbury• to Sblppensburir. Rexmont• to Leh1rnon. Roxbury to Berlin. Reyburn to Shickshinny. to Spring Grove. Roy Reynol,lstt to Tamaqua. to M ldctletown. Reynoldsdalett to Clays- Royalton• to Wllllamsburg. Royer burg. Rheems•tt to ElizabethRuble to Smlthneld. town. Ruchsvllle to Coplay. Rhone*t to Nanticoke. Rudy• to Scbwenkvllle. Rlboldtt to Evans City. Rutfcreek to WayneBburr. Rlbot to Pf'tersburg Hulfs Oale*t to Scottdale. Riceville• to Union Ctty. Rlchardsvme• to Brook- Hurnllla to Telford. Rummel• to Windber. vUle. to ToRummerfleJd•ti Rlchboro• to Newtown. wanda. Rich H w• to Quakertown. Rundell to f'onneantvllle. Richhill (WashlngtOn Co.) Runvlllt>•t to Bellefonte. Ruport*tt to Catawissa. to Houston. Richland I.Jenter•to Quakertown. Ruppsvllle to Allf'ntown. Rlchlancttown•t to Quaker- ~~~~l;ir:e~o~r:S~:15ellton. town. Rlcbmond*t (Northampton Rushboro• to Meshoppen. Ru1!bland•tt t<' Newtown. Co./, to Belvidere, N. J . Rlchmondale to Fore.c;tClty. Ru!lbvllle" to Montrose. Richmond Furna.ce•i to Rus'\ell"tl to Warren. Rus!lc•ll <'ltY to Kane. Mercersburg. Rlddleshurg•t to Hopewell R11s11ellvt11e• to Oxford. to Roads Cross Riddles Rutan to Waynesburg. Tarentum. l{utLerford Heights to Ridge to Perkasie. Ha.rr,shurg . Ridgebury to Elmira, N. Y. Rutland• to Mansft6ld. Ridgewood to Parsons. Rutle!1~e• to Swarthmore. ~ ; ~ \ ti,!:{lf:nt.own. 0 Rife to Mlllershurg. Ryprsons 'tat1on to CamRlleyvllle to Honesdale. eron. W . Va. Rlllton• to Irwin. Ryot to Bedtora. Rlmer•t to Kittanning. Rtnely to Glen Rock. Rlngdale to Ousborf'\, Rln~go'd* to l'iml>lln. Sabbath Rest to Bellwood Rlsloe:sun to Slatlns,rton. Sabln11vute• tt to Westfield . Rlvt>r!:!lde•r to Oanvlile. S~hula*t: to Dubois. Rlvertont to Lemoyne. to Kane. Sackt>tt• Rlvf'r Viewt to MonongaSa1·ramento• to Valleyhela. vit•w RlAtonJ• to F.Jdred. Roadside to Waynesboro. Sadsburyvtlle* to Parkestiuri . Roaring 13rancb•tt to Ral8ae~t!rsvllle• to New Trlston Roaring Creek• to CataSate°'~arbor•tt to Mlllerswtssa. vllle Robhin11 8tatlon•t to McSagamore•tt to Plumville Ket>sport 8a.t.!maw• to Mt. Wolf. Robertsdate•tt to Saxton. Robe:<onla•tt to Womela- S11.1?on• to Shllmok,ln. Saint AUl!'U tine to Patton . dorf. Saint Benedict•tto Spangler Robinson* to Bolivar. Saint Bo11if11.l'lus• to Patto11 Roblnsonvlllt' to Everett. Rochester Mllls•t to ~Jarlon Ralnt Charles• to New Bethlehem. Center. Rt. Clairs\'illP* to Rf'rtrord Rock• ft to Pine Grovt'.  Cloud to Washln~on Sevenstarst to Gt>tty!lburg Seventy SI.I. to Woodlawn . Johns• to Hazleton. Joseph'" to Montr ,sP Lawrence• to f>atton Shadegap•t to Orbisonia. Shadeland•U to Sprlnp;St. Mlchllel• to Soutll Fork huro. Salnt Nlcholu•u to Ma- Shade Valley• to Blalrs hanoy City. Mills. St Peterl!*t ! to Pottstown Sh~~itfe_ove•t to GreenSaint Petersourg• t t to Sha1t• + to Shenandoah. Sa.hi~b¾~iarion Co.). to Emlenton . Shaftonf to lrwtn. Salem !Snyder Co.) to ~hamokln Darn• to Sunbury . Selinsgrove. Shamrock Statton•ti to Salem Church to Carlisle. Sallilll City to Oil City. Allentown . Salemvlllt,• to New Enter- Shanesvllle• to Boyertown. Shanksvillt•• t o S,1111Pr"'t't. Sa~~;t,me• to Schwenk- I Shannondale to Summervme. vllle. Salina (Venango Co.) to Oil Sharon Center* to Shingle City. House. (Westmoreland Sallna*tt ~~:~~~ trtJ~n~i;,cr.artr· Co.I to Avonmore. Salisbury• (Lancaster Co.I -;hartleRvllJC- to Hamhunr. to Gap. Sha•en.own• to Luzf'rue. Salisbury (Somerset Co.) to c;bawanese• to Dalla!!. Elk Lick . Shawrnut• tt to Brockwayville. Salix• t to South Fork. Salladasburg• to Jerser ~ha wnee-on-Dela ware• to Shore. Stroudsuurit. 'iha.wville• to C learfield. Salona•t to MIii Hall . Sbay to Ford City . Saltillo •tt to Orblsonla. Salunga• to Landlsvllle. Shazen to Uherry Tree. Saluvla• to McConnel1111>urr 9heakleyvUie• to Sandy Sanatoita • t to Pottatown. 8andbea-.:h to Hf'rshev . Sheart>rs Cross Roads to LE>echburg . Sandiford to Philadelphia. Sand Patcb•t: to Meyers- ibeeder'" to Sprtni C'lty. dale. 'ihebawken• to Hancock. 'ihelly•u to Quakertown Sandts Eddy to Ea!tton. ~hellytown• to Wtlllamt>Sanity Crf:'ekt to Verona. bur,r . Sandy Rldge•tt to Osceola qhelocta •tt to Jnrtlana. Mills. Sandy kun•tt to Freeland Sbenango•rt to Greenville Sandy VaUey•t to Reynold11vllle. ~hepberdstown•to MecbanlN1hur11:. Sarah (.t:Iuntingdon Oo.) Sheppton•rt to Ha:rleton . to Huntingdon. Sheridan• ft I Lebanon Co., Sardis to Export. to \\'omel!!dort Shertdan ISC'huvlklll Co.) Sarver•t to Freeport. to Williamstown Sassaman11vt11e• to Boyer• Sherman• to OP posit, N. Y . town. ~htirma.ns l>a!ti• to New Sattertleldt to Dushore. Hloomneld . ~aurona• to 1 ·oop&sburg -;hermdnsvUle • to LlnesSaulsburg• to Petersburg. vllle. Saville• to New Bloom Meld. Sherrl"tt to K tttannlnit. ShesheQ utn • to A thens. Sawyer City to Bradford Saxman* tc, Cherry Tree "lhllllnitton• to Reading. Saxonburg• to Butler. '3blmervllle• to l~mauR. Saybrook• to Sheffield. -!blndle*t to Lewl'<town. Saylorsburll*tt to Pen ~hlppln11:port• to Mlcllllnd ArKYI. Shire Oaks to M ono1111;abela Scandia• to Warren. Scarlets M 11111• e,o Blrdaboro Shirland t1 , Oakdale. 'ililrleysburg • t to OrbisoSchadts to Allentown nia. Scheib to Lykens. Shoaf Works to FalrchanrP. Srhenley to Freeport. '\hoenersvUle to Catasauqua. ScbnecksvlJle•i to Allentown. ihohola •ft to Port J ervt11. N . Y. "lhohola Falls• to Port JerSchocks Mll111 to Marietta. vis. N. V . Schof'neck • to Denver -,boring• to Frederlt'ktown .Schoenertown to Easton . ~houstown t l tll Ambrldiie Schofer to Topton. Scboll'ners Corners to Brock 'lhowers• to Cle rlon. Shunk• to Canton . wa~·ville. Shy Beaver• to Saxton. Schubert to Womelsdorf. Saint Saint Saint Saint  I  I  I  ;  REFERENCE KEY.  • County Seat.  Schultzvllle* t::, Scranton. <!lddon!lhurg• to Mechanicsburg. ::>cu 11yler• to Turt,ul ville Scbuylklll to Phoenixville · Sldellng Hill* to Hancock. Md. Scbweyers to l{eading . Sides to Barn~horo. Sciota* to Stroudsburg to ~1111th Fork. .;;1dman•t Scotch ttllJ• to Clarion '3ldney• to Mahatley . Scotiatt tu State College. Scotlao d •t to (:hambeN; Sitil{ersville tu Allentown. 8it,gfried•tt to N ortbamp Sc-~~':Jn• to Stroudsburg. ton Scottville to l::lrlstol. 'ilgt>I• to Brookvflle. hrlervllle to Lewi. town. Scruhi?rasst to <'llntonvllh Scullton• to Rockwood -;1gmund to Allentown. 8cyO<" to Port Ito.val. · -ill!:::tl,ee to !\la"OlltllWll. ~lies e,o Lani::uurne Seal to West Cbestf'r. 0 ~::~~~•tst~o HUo~~~ 'itlvara to \Vyalu'IIDI!'. . Uvercreek •t to Pottsville ih erda le* to l'erl..a-;ie. Sebring to Blosshunr. Si>cant-• t ~o Swarthmore -.11ve1·mills to En,r~tt. :-;!lven;prlng• to '.\fountvillP. Sedan to Watsontown. 1 La,·1<11wann11 Simpson • Sedgwick to Gettysburg Co.) to Carbondale. Seek• t tn Tamaqua. ' Seelyvllle• to Honesdale Set>m11vlllP to nllth . Seit,erlingvllle to New Trip- SlmpRon (McKean Co.) to Smethport. oll. SeJder'SYIIJe•t to South tatlon t.<, lmnison Brown~v ille Belhlehf'm . Selulf's to Allentown. Sln~ton• to Phlllpshurii::. 8t>ips to Eastop Sinking Spring• f ! to ReadSelpsto\'Vn to r-. utztown. lne: . Sf'lsholtzvllle to Penn~hurg Slnnamabonlnsi::•ft to Em!:>eltzlaud•t to Glt>n Rock porlum . Selc,a* to Orbiso11la. Sln::thelmt to Hanover. SE1lls ~tatlon•t to Hanovf'r I eminole• to New Bethle• ~•~ri\.flll*to McConnellshf'm Senera • to Oil ('tty. I ltk11 to nunh;,r. St'n'ienlg to Terre HUI. · Slttler• to Lehl11:hton. Sergeant to h:ane. jl lverly to Oil ('ity 1 1 ~ix l\lilP Hun• to !lope ell. Six Roa,ts to Bt>dfor'1 .  ift~~n.  ~!~:~~>~ t'n~~ ~~. t~:~tury. • Money Order Office.  t Telegraph  Station.  PENNSYLVANIA Slzervme•ti to Emportum. Skinners Bddy• to La.oeyvllle. Slrlooack• to ColleirevWe. Slab to Del ta. Slabtown to Cataw~!m. Sla tedale• to Slatlnicton. Sh1teford • to Portland. S la tehill * to D e lta.. Slate Lick to Freeport. Slaterun•ttto Jersey Shore. ~lick v ille to A \·unmore. Slocum to N11.ntit'oke. Smlck!tburl!'•t to Dayton. Smltbdale• to Sutt-r11vlUe. Smlthmlll• to Coalpori. Smiths Ferry• t t to East Llverµool, Ohio . Smiths :-;tation•ttoHanover Smithville• to Qullrryvllle. Smock•tt to Browmwllle. Sm okerun • t t to Madera. SmokPtown to Bird 1D Hanel . Smullton• to Mlllbelm. Smysers Station to Seven Valleys. Sned,..kervtlle• to Troy, Snydt-rs• to Tama1.1ua. Snydenburii•t to Frybura. Snfudl7'~~!~w~~ehlgn Co.) Snyderiovllle• (Monroe Co.) to Stroudsburg. Snydertown• t t to Sunbury. Sobert to Millheim Sol<11er• to Sykesvllle. Solebury• to Lambertville, N . J. Somertontt to Phlladel• phla. So~:iT!?wn•t to HugbesSonman• to Portage. Sonora to Butler Sourtt>r!thUrR"• to Lancaster Southampton•ti to Hatboro. S. Auburn to Meshoppen. South Bend• to A polio. outh Bethlehem to Bethlehem. South Brownsv 11 le• to Rrown11vllle South l::luricettstown• to Burgett!ltown S. Canaan• to Lake Ariel. South Connellsv 11 l e• f to Connell!lvllle. South Eastontt to Easton. S. S. S. S.  Gibson• •to Hop Bottom. Hatfield* to Souderton. Helght.c;*tt to Woodlawn. B~o~:.1itage• to Honey  S. Langhorne•to Langhorne S . Montrose•: to Montrose. obo~~~untain to WayneeS. Oil Cltyt to Oil City. South Sharontt to Farrell S. Sterling* to Lake Ariel. S. Warren to Le Raysville. S. Waverlyt to Waverly, N. Y. Southwest• to Mount Pleasant. S. WhitPhall to Allentown Spangsvllle to Boyertown. Speecevlile to Harrisburg. Speers• to Helle Vernon . Splnnerstown• to Quakertown Soortlnic HUI to Manheim. Spot,.wood to Honey Brook. Hpraicgs• to Wa)natibunc . Eaai to Sprasnievllle Strou1tsh11r1t Sprankle Mllls*to Timblin. Spnngbrook• to MO!ICOW. Spring Church• to Avolio. Sprin~ Creek*tl to Corry. SprlnR"et to York . Sprln11:Meld (Bradford Co.) to Troy. Springfield (Fayette Co.) to \ ·01111ellsv1l1t1. Springfield (Northumber• land Co. l to 8hamokln. Spring Garden to Watsontown. Spring Glen• to Williamstown. 8prlnithope• to Schi>llhurg. Spring House• to Amhler. , prin~ ::\.lilltt to Coushohocken. Sprinirmount • to Rrbwt?11k vtlle. Spriogruo• tO Blalrs Mllls, Sprinl!s to Elk Lick. Sprtnlftown • to Quakertown. . Sprmgvale •t to Red Lion. Spring Valley mucks co.) to Doylestown . SprinlfVllle /Huck~ Co.) to Doylt-:<tow11 tExpre1111 OtUce.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  PENNSYLVANIA  Trexler• to Hamburir. TrexJert.own • t t to Allentown. Trlrnllls to Benton. Trindle 8orlng to Mechanlcsourg. Trooper• to Norristown. Troughcreek* to Saxton. Troutrun•tt to WilliamsSunset to Washington. port. Supertor•t to Derry. Suptee•rt to Honey Brook. Troutville• to Sykesvllle. Trowbrldget to Elmira, ::lurveyor• to Cleartteld. N. Y. Suttonscreek to Pittston. Troxelvllle• to Beaver ::lwa.le,;, to Mitllntown. Springs. Swam to Ea.~t Herlln. Stanton• to Brookvtlle. Swanville• U to i,;rte. Bt11.rford •t to Clymer. Trurksville* to Luzerne. StarJunction•t to Perryop- ::lwu.rts to WayntiSburg. rruemans• to Sheffield. Sw11.rtzvllle to Denver. olis Trulttsburg to New BethleStarllght•tt to Hancock, Swatara Statlon•tttoHulllhern. melstuwn. N. Y. Trumbauersville• tn QuakSwedelana•U to NorrisBtarners*tt to Carlisle. ertown. Starr to Tionesta. town. Trunkeyville to Tidioute. Starrucra • ttoSusquebanna Sweden Valley to CoudersStarview to Mount Wolf. port. i~~~ !~11~~1\Y;~uffiusvllle. Shlckto Valley• Sweet Stateline* to Hagerstown, Tuckertonrt to Reading. sblnny . Md. Tullytown• tt to B rlstol. Stauffer• to Mount Pleas- Swo11~t>I* to Mifflinburg. Tulpehocken• to WomelsSwUtwater• to Stroudsbur.ct ant. dorf. Steamburg to Conneaut- Swo_yeri. to Lu1.erue. TunnelhUI* to Oallltzln. ::lyhert«ville* to Hazleton Ville. Tunnelton •ti to Saltsburg. Syc1:1mure• l to W ayneaburg Turkey City*!to Emlenton. Steelville* to Chrtstlana. ygan to Bridgeville. Stelnsbure:•ro Quakertown Turnersville to Jame.c;town. Steinsvllle*to New Tripoli Sylvan• to Mercersburg. Turniphole to Fcxburg. Stembersvllle to Lehl11;bton . Sylvania• to Troy. rump lire• l to Shrewsbury Stemtc>U to Northampton. Syner to Pahnyra. Turtlepoint• to Port AUeStenger to Shippensburg. cany. Sterling* to Moscow. Tuscarora•tt to Tamaqua Sterllng Run• U to EmpoTusseyvllle• to Center Hall Tablerock*i to Gettysburg Twtnoalr• to Chester. rium. Tatton• to Hawley. Sterner to Hanover. Twtn Rockstl to E henshurg Talmage• to Brownstown. Two Tavern• to Littlestown Sterrettanta to Glrnrd. Talmar to Benton. Tyler•tt to Uuhois. t~ Ktf!~f~';n. Tamara.ell* to Henovo. l'ylerdall"t to Washlnirton Tanguy* to West Chester. Tyler Hlll• to Honesdale. Stevens• tt to Denver. Stevens Point• to Susque- Tankl to Berwick. Tanners Falls to Honesdale f~::~~~~r i~a;{:,nF~bgr:~ hanna. StevenflvUle• to Wyalusing. Tannersvllle*t to Stroudsrton. burg. Tylersport• to Sellersvllle. Stewartsville (Indiana Co.) Ta.norna to Indiana. Tylersvme• to Loganton. to Indiana. Stewartsvillet (Westmore- Tarrs•u to Mount. Pleasan1 Tyre• to Midway. Tarrtown to l{ittannlng. land Co.) to Irwin. Tatamy•ti to Nazareth. Tatcsville to Everett. Stier to Portland. Udellt to Youngwood. Taxvllle to York. St\les•t to Coplay. to i''rench• U blerstown • Taylorla* to Stillwater• t to Benton. town, N. J. Taylorstown•tt to Ola.ysStiltz to Glen Rock. Uhler1vllle to Easton. vlllc➔• Stines Corner to New TripUledl • to Uniontown. Ta.ylorsville*t to Yardley. oli. Undtirrlitr to ~~tna. Taylorville to Clymer. Stockdale* to Roscoe. to Quarryville. Unicorn l!ltockertown•tt to Easton. T.,eplevllle to Cambridge Uniondale• t l to l''ore1tClty Springs. Stock ton• l to Hazleton Deposit• to HumUn1oa City. Union to Tellar StoddartsvUle to Whlte melstown. Temple" T t to Reading. Haven. Union Fumace•tt to Btont,ehurch •t to Bangor. Templeton•rtto Kittanning Tyrone. TtmmHll to Wafilbllll{tOn. S tonedale to Sewickley. Grove• to New Hol9 tonehenge to Chambere- Tenmile Bottom* to OU Union land, City . bur11;. Terrace•+ to Home.c;tea.d. Btone Hou~e to Indiana. Terrytown to Wyalusing . 8 tonerstown to SILxton. Thatcher to Quakert.own. Stonersvllle to ReacUng, UnlonvUJe (Beaver Co.) to Finleyville. S tonetown to Reading. to Rochester. Thomasdal(>t to Somerfield. Stontngtont to Sunbury. Thomas Mills to Holl.1- Unlonvillet (Berks Co.) to Stonybrookt to York. P11ttf;town . opple. 0nlonvllle tButler Co.) to Thomasvme•tt to York. Stonycreek to Berlin. Butler. Stonycreek Mills* to Read!Center Co.> Thompson•tt to Susque- Unlonvlllett ing. to Uellefoote. hanna. Stonytork to Wellsboro United• i to Pleasant Unity Chester. 1V. to Thornburyt Stony Point to FannettsUnltyv\Ue• to .\ llllvllle. Tborndate•ti to Downing- Universal* hurg. to Verona. town. Stony Run• to ffamourg. Upland• tt to Chester. Thornhurst* to Scranton. Btoopville to Newtown. Upper Bern to Hamburg. S tormstown• to Relletonte. Thornton• to West Chester t.Jpper Black Eddy• to 8tormvme to Stroudsbunr. Three Tuns• to Ambler. MUtor<1, N . J. S tottsvme to Parkesbur,. u':fo°.!ncP.arby•t to Lan18 toucbsburg• to Womels- Thurlowt· to Chester. Tta<iH.gbton • t t to Wells- Upper Hillvillet to E.Bra.dy dort. boro. S toughstownt to Newville. Upper Lehlgh•U to Free8tovAri;;town to York. Tidal* to East Brady. land. Ti<leda.le to Homer Oity. Upper S towe• t t to Pottstown. Mauch Chunkt to 8 trafl'ord•t to Wayne. Tilden to York. Maucb Chunk. S tratgbt•t to Johnscnburit. TilliP* to C.Pttysburg. UpJ!fon~~~~etown • to 8 trattonviUe•i to Clarion. Time to Waynesburic. Tinicum• to Frenchtown. Upper Mount Bethel to Strause to Reading. Strawberry Ridge• to TurBangor. Tl:n~{-t to Sheffield. botville , Upper Strasburg• to Ship8trawbridget to Hughes- T\ppecanoe,. to Brownsville pensburg . Tyrone. to Tloton•t VIile. Upton to Greencastle. Ttrzah to 1-'orest City. Urha.n* to Herndon. Tivoli* to II ugbesvllle. Strawn• to Addison. Urey• to Glen Campbell. StrlckersvUle• to Newark, Tobyha.ona • tl to Urtah• to Carlisle. Stroudsbur~. Del. lTnlna • t t to Confluence. Strlne.stown to Mount Wolr Todd• to Huntingdon. Uswi<'k* to Hawley. Tohlckoo• to Perkasie. Strobleton .. to Fryburg. Utabvt11e•ti to Coalport. Strodes Mills to Lewistown. I Tolna"' to Shrewsllury. U tlca • U to Frankll.n. 8 .. tron11:Rtown• to Indiana. Tompkinsville to J erm:vn. Tomstown to Wavnesboro otrutherstt to warren. Stud a to Avella 8t urgeon•t to McDonalO. I Torpedo•t to Youngsville Va.lencJa•U to Mars, · , Toul{hkenamon•tito Avon- Valier•tt to Punxsutawney S t urgis to Union City. N C . dale. Sturtevant to Titusville. ew VaM:~sinl-!~~ti to Suedberg•tt to Pine Grove. Townhill* to Shickshinny. Valley Forge• tt to PhoeSugar <'reek to Franklin. I TownJine to Shickshinny. nlIVllle. Su11:arhlll t,o Brockwayvllle Tracy to Albion. Valley Storet to Malvern. Sugar Lake to Cochranton. Tracyvllle to Honesdale. Trade City• to Pun.uutaw- Vallonla to Meadville. Su~arloaf'I< t.o Hazleton. \.'an•t to OU City. ney. tuga.r Notcb•t to Ashley Ugar Run• to Wyaluslne:. Tradesvllle to Ooyleatown. \'an Buren to East Brady. U 1 Mill v inlohur Sprtngs*to Bedford Trainertt to Chester. Sununerhlll •t + to E.iouth 1'r&1tRfer*U to Sharpsville. Va.ncJe I t sw•tto n ontown a.rren. a o Trappe• to Collegevllle. • Fork. Summtt• (Cambria Co.) to 1'rauger•t to Pleasant Unl- Vanderrrtft Eletghts•t to Vanderirrltt. tY Cresson. Summtttt (Crawford co.) Trelcblers•tt to Slell;frted. Vandling• to Forest City. Vandyke* to Mlflllntown. Tresckow• to Hazleton. to <'onneautvllle. Vanilla to Greencastle . Summit City (Venango co.) Trestle to Unity Station. Vankirk Station to WashTreveskyntt to Cecil. to Cllntonv\lle. lngtou. Summit Mlll!I to Meyersdale Trevose• t t to Langhorne.  Sproul .. to Clayshurg. Sprucecreek• U to Tyrone. Sprucegrove to Oxford. Sprucehill* to Port Royal. Spry to York. Squaretop to Olarks Summit. Stahl,.town• to Llgonler. Staley to York. Stalker• t,o Honesdale. Standard to Allentown. Standing Stone•U to Towanda.  Summit Atatlon• to Potteville. Sumneytown • to Green Lane Sunbeam to Chambersburg. ::;unc.terlluvllle• to Westneld Sunnyuurn•t to Delta.  ~~~r::~1~:t  er t-  n. to to  erin. on-  merg. er. ho-  to  ms. ton.  co.> ) to  I  REFERENCE K EY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  • County Seat.  • Money Order Office.  PENNSYLVANIA  Van Meter• to Smithton. Van 0rmer to Coalport, Vanport•t to Beaver. Van Voorhis* to Monongahela. Vanwert to Mifflintown. Varden• to Lake Ariel. Venango•tt to Cambridge Springs. Venetla•t to FlnleyvUle. Venice to Hickory. Ventland• to Madera. Venus• to Shippenville. Vera Cn.u•tt to Allentown. Verdllla to Selinsgrove. Verne to ReednUle Verntleld • to Souderton. Vernon• to Tunkhannock . Versaillestt to Mc"pesport . Vesta.bur~• to Frederickstown. Vetera to Spangler. Viaduct• t to Wlnbume. Vian to Hummelstown. Vlei to New Holland. Vicks burr• t to Mifflinburg.  t~°C~~~fC:!>.u{q: Va. ~I~!~r Vilas to Jersey Shore.  Village Gree-n to MPdia. Vincent to Sprlnr City. Vlnco to Conemauich. Vlnemont•tt to Reading. Vintage• to Gap Vlntondale*ttto Eben11bur11: Virginia Mllls• to Fa.irflcla. Virginia Station to West Mlddleses.. Vlrrtnvllle• tt to Ham bun: . Voganvllle*to New Holland Vose to Meshoppen. Vowlnckel•tt to Manenvllle. Vrooman to Tltusvllle. Waddte•t to Bellefonte. Wade* to Pott11"1lle. Wagner"' to Lewistown. W~fi1!':town • n to Coate.Waketleld • to Quarryvllle. Walbertl'l to Allentown . Walk Chalk to Klttannlniz . Walkers Mllls*t t,01 :arnelde Walkertown to California. WaU- to Wilmerding. Wallace to Honey Drook. Wallaceton•ti to Phillpsburg. Wallacevllle to Tltusvllle. Waller to Benton. Wallingford• tt to Media. Wa.llisrun• to Williamsport. ~!Ho~6~~t~ lor:1~~~;:_me. Wall ■ vllle to ~cranton. Walnut• to Mifflintown. . W&lnut Bottom• to NewvUle.  Walnuthlll to Uniontown. Walnutport•t: to Slatington. Walsall• to Johnstown. Wal ■ ton•t to Punxsutawney. Walter■ to Easton. Walter1burg•tt to Uniontown. Walters Park• to Wernersville. Waltonville •to Hummelstown. W anamakers•tt to New Tripoli. Wanamte•t to Nanticoke. Wauneta• to Albion. Wapwallopen•U to Berwick. Warble to Port Royal. Ward* to Media. W artordsbure-• to Hancock, Md. Warminster• to Hatboro. ' Warren Center• to uwego, N. Y.  2073  Wattsburg* to Union Cit,'. Waukesha to 1\-lahafJ'ev. W a verly*t to .Factoryville. Wawa •tt to Media. Waymart• t t to Carbondale Waynesvlllet to HalUax. Weaverland to Terre Hill. Weavers Old Standt to Youngwood. Weaversvllle• to Catasauqua. Webster Mills• to MoConnellsburg. Wehr to Tamaqua. Wehrum•tt to EbeTlflbtl1'8, \Vetdasvllle to Slatington. W elgb Scales to Shamokin. Welglestown to V ork. Weikert• to Mifflinburg. Weisel• to Perka!lle. Walsenburg• to Kutztown. Welshample to Ashland. Weisstown to Montgomery. Welcome Lake* to Ronetdale. Weldbank to Warren. Weldon• to Jenki'ltown. Wellersburg• to Mount Savage, Md. Wells to Elmira, N.Y. Wellsburg to Albion. W flllscreek* to Somerset. 'A·'ells Tannery• to Hop&well. Wel11h Hill* to Forest City. WelRhrun to MercPrshurg. Wi>lty to Pleas,rnt Unity. Wendel* to Irwin. Wenks to Gettysburg. W erle7s Corner to New Tri• poli. Wertz• to Williamsburg. Wertzvllle to Mecnanlcaburg. WescosvUle• to Allentown, Wesklt to Kittanning. Wesley• to Grove City. W. Auburn• to Lact>yvllle. WC8t Bangor• to Delta. West Belle Vernon to Belle Vernon. West Berw1ck to Berwick, W. Bethlehemt to Bethlehem. West Blngbam•tttoUlysse■ West Branch to Media. to Bridgewater• West Rochester. West BrownsvUle•t to Brownsville.  ;=~  81Y;l~~J\°onF~r T~<gity W. Decatur• to Philipsburg W. Dublin to Mc0onnellshurg. West Earl to Brownstown. W. Elizabetb*tto Elizabeth West End to Scbellhurg. West Falrfleld to Bolivar. W. Fairview•t to Harrlaburg. We.«t. l<'lnley• to C'laysv11le, We1ttord•t to Jamestown. West Franklin to Canton. West Freedom to Parkera Landing. W. Greenwood to Meadville W. Hamburg to Hamhurg. West Hanover• to Palmyra W. Hickory*tt to Tionesta. West Homestead to Home■• tead. Westland• to Hickory. Weit Lebanon to Saltshurg. West Leesport• to Reading, W. Leisenring• to Uniontown. West Lenox to Hop Bottom West Llbertyt to Slippery Rock. W. Line• to Mount Jewett. W. Manayunkt to Ma.nayunk. W. Middletown• to Avella.  Warrendale* to Mars. Warren■vllle* to Williamsport. Warren Tavernt to Malvern Warrln&"t<>n• to DoyJ.estown West Mill Creek to Erle. I West Millville to New Warrior Run to Ashley. Bethlehem. Warrlorsmark•t to 1'yrone.1 Warsaw• to Broclcwayvllle. West Monterey• to Park• ers Landing. Wannck•t to Birdsboro . Washtngtonboro•t io Co- W estmoort to Kingston. Westmoreland City•t to lumbia. Manor. Wa.c;hington Crossing* to West Moshannon • t to Yardley. Houtzdale. Washtngtonvtue• t to TurW. Nanticoke*t to Nantibotville. coke. W asserga1111 to Bethlehem. 1 W. Nicholson to Nicholson, Waterfall* to McConnells- Weston•t to Hazleton. burg. Westover•tt to Mahaffey. Waterford (Westmoreland West Plke•t to Galeton. Co.) to Ligonier. West Pikeland to l'hc.enlxWaterloo to Bl airs Mills. ville. Waterman to Homer Oity. West Pittsburght (AlleWatenlde• to Woodbury. gheny Co.) to Crafton. Water Street• to Petera- West Pittsburgh*tt (Lawrburr. ence Co.) to Wampum. Waterton• to Shickshinny. West Pittstontt to Pittston. to J eraey W. Polnt .. tt to N. Wales, W Westport•tt to Renovo. Wattersonvllle* to East West Reading• t to Readtn1 Brady. W. Salisbury•t to Elk Lick  ~t~~e• u  tTele'.;I' Station.  t Express Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2074  PENN., RHODE IS'D  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  I  Welt Sprtng Creek to Corry. Winton*t: to Jessup. West Springfield• tt to Con- Wiota to Spring Grove. Wireton*t (Allegheny Co.) neaut, Onlo. West Sunbury• to Butler. wfr°et!:bri~~~estmoreland w. Union to Waynesburg. Co.) to Monessen. Wirsing to Fairchance. W. Viewt to Pittsburgh. Wlshaw• to ReynoldsvUle. Westvllle•to BrockwayWismer• to Doylestown. vllle. W. Vincent to Phoonixville. Wistar to Renovo. W. Warren to Nichols,N.Y. Wistie* to Mount Union. West Whiteland• to Down- Wltmer•tt to Lancaster. Wittenberg to Meyersdale ingtown. Woltsbunr•ti to Bedford. W. Willow*tt to Lancaster. Wolfs Store* to Mlllheim. W. Winfield*+ to Freeport. Wooctblne•t to Delta. Wetmore*+ to Kane. Woodbourne•tt to LangWetona to Troy. horne. Wextord•t to Mars. Woodcock• to Cambridge Weyant to Claysburg. Springs. Wbarton*tt to Austin. Wooddale to Scottdale. Wbeatland*tt to Farrell. Wheat Sheat to Trenton, Woodhill to Newtown. Woodland•tt to Clearfield N. J. Wheelervllle•tt to Canton. Woodlyn•tt to Chester. Woodmont• t t to Hatboro. Whitaker•t to Homestead. Woodrow* to Hickory. White to Scottdale. Woodside* to -Yardfoy. White Bear to Birdsboro. White Calvin to Bethlehem. Woodvllle•tt to Carnegie. White Carbon to Bethle- Woodward• to Mtllheim. Woolrich• to Lock Haven. hem. Whitedeer•tt to Watson- Worcester• to NorthWales. Worlevtown to Greencastle. town. White Hall (Adams Co.) to Wormleysburg*t to HarrisLittlestown. burg. White Hall (Allegheny Co.) Worthington• to Klttanto Castle Shannon. nlnst White Hall (Mifflin Co.) to Worthville* to Timhlin Bellevllle. Wortzvllle to Falrtl.eld. White Hall* <Montour Co.) Woxall* to Sohwenkvllle. to Muncy. Wrights• to Port Alleghany Whitehorse* to 1alvern. Wrightstown* to Newtown. Whiteley• to Carmichaels. Whitemarsh to Jenkintown. Wurtemburgt to Ellwood White Mills*tt to HonesCity. dale. Wyano* to West Newton. Whlteoakt (Lancaster Co.) Wycombe • t to Doylesto Manheim. town. Whltepine* to Williamsport WylandvWe•ttto WashingWhite Rock*+ to Oxford. ton. Whitesburg• to Kittanning. Wyncote*t to Jenkintown. Whites Corners to West-, Wyndmoort to Chestnut field. Hill. Phila. Whites Ferry to Tunhan- Wysox•tt to Towanda. nock. Whltesprings to Mifflinburg. Whltestownt to Prospect. Yarnell* to Belletonte. Whites Valley* to Hones- Yates to Pittston. dale. Yatesboro•t toRural Valley Whittord •tt to Downing- Yeadon•t to Lansdowne. town. Y eagertown • to Lewistown. Whitford Station to Down- Yellow Creek• to Hopewell. ingtown. Yellow House• to BoyerWhttney•t to Latrobe. town. Whitsett• to Perryopolis. Yerkes• to Collegevtlle. Wick* to Harrisville. Yocumtown to Goldsboro. Wickboro to Kittanning. Yoe*t: to Red Lion. Wlckbaven* to Perryopolis. Wlconlsco•t to Lykens. Yohoghany•t to SutersWidnoon • to Rimersburg. ville. Wigton• to Phillipsburg. Yorkana to Wrightsville. Wlla* to Newport. York New Salem• to York. Wllawana•tt to Waverly. N. Y. York Run to Fairchance. Wilburton• to Mt. Carmel. Youngdalett to LockHaven Wildwood• t t to Mars. Youngs to Bath. Wildwood Springs to Youngstown• to Latrobe. Cresson. · Younts to Bedford.  Ashton•tt to Pawtucket. Aubw·nt+ to Provi<.lence. Barrington*tt to Warren. Bellville+ (Washington Co.) to 'Wicl..--ford. Berkleyt! to Pawtucket. Block Island*ttto Newport 1 Brad!ord*t to ·westerly. Bridgeton• to Pascoag.  I  Canoncbet•tto ffope Valley Carolina• t to Hope Valley Centerdale*t tto Providence 8:~~~~rl~11s1ftt~~fucket Charlestown* to Wakefield. Chepachet• to Pascoait. Clayvllle* to Phenix. Conlmlcut*ttto Providence Coventry• tt to Arctic. Cowesett•tto E. Greenwich. Cranstont:!: to Providence. Crompton*t to Arctic. Cumberland Hlllt to Woonsocket. Davisvllle• t to East Greenwich. Diamond HID• to Pawtucket.  I  • County Seat.  I  Calboun•tt to Pendleton. CalUson • to Greenwood. Cambridge to Ninety Six. Camp Ridge to Cades. Camptont to Inman. Car to Dtllon. Cartersville * t to Timmonsville. Carvers Bay to Georgetown Cashs Depot• to Cheraw. Cashvllle to Woodmff. Cassatt*tt to Camden. Catawba• to ROCK HIil. Cateechee*t to Norris.  8ri~!~:!  Hamllton• to Wlckford. Harmony• to Greenvme. Harrist t to Phenix. Harrlsvllle•rt to Pascoag. Hlllsgrove*tt to Providence SOUTH CAROLINA Rope•rt to Phenix Hopkinton• to Ashaway. Howard•tt to Providence. Roxte•:i: to Providence. Adamsburg* to Union. Hughesdale to Providence. Adamsrun* to Charleston. Adriant to Conway. ' Alcolu • t t to Manning. Island Park*to Fall River, Alcot to Bl.shopvllle. Mass. 1 Allen to Conway. Allsbrook*t to Loris. Alvin* to St. tephens. Jamestown*tt to Newport. I Angelus•t to Jeffereon. Antioch to Camden.  Causeyt to Fairbluff, N. O. Caves to Allendale. Cayce*tt to Columbia. Cedar Grove to FountalD Inn. Cedar Spring* to Spartanbur~  I  Kenyon•rt to Kingston. Knightsvillet,to Providence, Appleton• t to Allendale. Arcadia to Spartanburg.  Lafayette•t to Wlckford. Lakewood+ to Providence. Liberty to Wlckford. Zehner• to White Haven. Lime Rock to Pawtucket. Zenit.n* to Berwick. Little Coropton*t to Fall Zerbe* to Tremont. River, Mass. Ziegler to East Berlin. Longmeadow* t l to ProviZleglervllle • to ~chwenkdence. vllie. Lonsdale*! t to Pawtucket. Zimmerman to Somerset. Lymansvillet to Providence Zion• to Belletonte. Zionhill*+ to Quakertown. Zions Grove* to Mahanoy Mantontt to Providence. City. Manvtlle*ttt-o Woonsocket. Zions View to York. Maplevllle• to Pascoa.g. Zlonsvllle• t t to Emaus. Matunuck to Wakefield. , Zollarsville to Scenery Hill. Melville*tt to Newport. Meshanticutt to .Proviwg~7to ~~r~c~?olumbia l f~~t;~fi:1t:J~~~~~t Md. dence. Wlllowgrove*t+ (Montgom- Zullinger* to Waynesboro. Middletowntt to Newport.j ery Co.) to Uatboro. Willowhill* to Chambersburg. Nasonvme• t t to Slatervme Willowstreet* to Lancaster. Natick*tl to Phenix Wllmore•tt to Portage. Nooseneck Hill to Arctic. Wilmot to Wyalusing. North Scituate• to GreenWllpen* t.o Ligonier. ville. Wlmmers*tt to Lake Ariel. North Tiverton to Fall RHODE ISLAND Wind Fall to Canton. River, Mass. Windham to Owego, N. Y. Norwood*U to Providence.  REFERENCE KEY,  Quidnlcktt to Arctic. Blalrs•tt to Carlisle. Quonochontaug to Westerly! Blaney•tt to Camden. Blenheim to Bennettsville. Blooming Vale to Andrew& River Point*!! to Phenix. Bloomvlllet to Manning. Rockland• to Phenix. Blossom to cranton. Rockvllle• to Hope Valley. Blue Brick to Latta. Rumford• t to Providence. Bluffton• to Beaufort. Blythewood• t t to ltldgeway. Sakonnet* to Fall River, Boiling Springs to Spartanburir. Mass. Saunders town• to Wlcktord. Bonneau*tt to , t. f-1tephen Saylesvllle* to Pawtucket. Bookman• to Columbia. Shannock•t to Westerly. Bordeaux*t to }IcCormtck. Shawomet•t to Providence. Borden* to Hagood. Slocum•t::: to Wlcldord. Bowllng Green• to Clover. So.Foster to Danielson.Conn Boykin•tt to Camden. S. Portsmouth to Newport.I Bradley to Troy. South Scituate• to Phenix. Breezewood* to Troy. Stillwater*t to Greenville. Brlghtsville to Gibson. Summlt•tt to Arctic. Brogdon• to Sumter. Brownlee* to Abbevllle. Tarklln • t to Slatenvllle. BrownsvUle + to Bennetteville. Thornton*t to Providence. Tlverton•tt to Fall River, Brushy Creek to Easley. Mass. Tiverton Four Cornera• to Bucksoort• to Conway. Bucksvtlle to Conway. Fall River, Mass. Buddenville to Allendale. Bullockscreek* to Sharon. Usquepaugh• to Kln1t5ton Burgess* to Conway. Burton•t to Beaufort. Bush to Ellenton. Valley Falls *tt to Pawtucket.  Ed1?ewoo<1t to Providence. Wallum*t to Pascoag. Escoheag*to Norwich.Conn. Warwick•t to Providence. Exeter• to Wlcldord. \Vashlngton • tt to Arctic. Watch Hilltt to Westerly. West Barrington•tttoWarFlskevme•t to Phenix. ren. Forestdale• ', to Slatersvlile. Foster• to Danielson, Conn. We!!t Gloucester to Putnam, Foster Center• to DanielConn. West- Kingston• to Kingsson, Conn. ton. White Rock tr Westerly. Wood River Junction• t to 1 1e;; ~a~;:se:iu~~e Hope Valley. WoodvUlet to Hope Valley. Greene•tt to Arctic. Greystone*t to Provlaence. Wyoming • to Hope Valley  Wllgus• to Glen Campbell. Willet to Indiana. W1lliam Penn• to Conshohocken. Wllllams•tt to Hyndman. Wllllams Grovet (Clearfield Co.) to Phlllpsburg. Williams Grove* (Cumberland Co.) to Mechanicsburg. Wllllamson•tt (Frankltn Co.> to Chambersburg. Williams Valley to Johnstown. Wlllock•t to Hays.  Windham Center to Nichol Abbott Run•tto Pawtucket N. Y. Adamsvme• to Fall River. Wln{:lom* to Mountville. Mass. Wind Ridge• to Cameron, Alblon•tt to Woonsocket. Allendale to Providence. Wlndsor•t to Red Lion. Allenton• to Wlckford. Windsor Castle to Hamburg Alton• to Hope Valley. Wlntl.eld*U to Lewisburg. Anthony•r ! to Arctic. Apponaug•tto East GreenWingate to Bellefonte. wich. Wlngerton to Waynesboro. Arcadia• to Hope Valley. Winslow• tt to Bil!' Run. Arkwrtghttt to Phenix. Wlnterdale * to Hancock, Arlington to J>rovidence. Arnolds Mm,• t1 to PawN.Y. Wlnterstown to Red Lion. tucket. Wintersville to Myerstowo Ashland* to Phenix.  SOUTH CAROLIN A  Arkwright to Spartanburg. Arlington• to Greer. Armenia to Chester. Asbury to Jones ville. Ashepoo::: to Walterboro. Ashley Junction to Charleston. Atkins* to .:\iayesville. Atlantlcvme•tto Charleston Austin to Laurens. Autun•t to Pen<1leton. Avon to Blackstock. Awensdaw * to McClellanville. Badham • to St. George. Baldock• to Allendale. Ballentine• to Columbia. Bannockburn* to Florence. Barksdale*t to Laurens. • Barne5t (Anderson Co.) to Lowndesville. • Barr•t to Lexlnsrton.  Chandler to Belton. Cheddar to Williamston. Cherokee• to Spartanburg. Cherokee Faus• to Blacksburg. Chick Springs* to Taylor. Chicora to l\loncks Corner. Choppee• to Georgetown. Clarks Hill*t+ to Augusta. Ga. Claussen• to Florence. Clearwater• t t to Augusta . Ga. Clement to Charleston. Cleora* to Edgefield. Cleveland (GreenvUle Co.l to Traveller's Rest. Clyde+ to Hartsville. Cohens Bluff to Hampton. Cokesbury•, to Hodges. Cold Polntt to Laurens.  g~f~xr  0  l~Sfe~1  ;::t~o ~~ro. Colliers• to Edgefield. Collins to Lancaster. · Congaree•rt to Columbia. Connorst to Holtv Hill. Cool Sprtng*:J: to Conway. Cooper• to Hemingway. Coosawhatchle•t to Beaufort. Copeland to Lamar. Corde ·ville* to Moncka Corner. Cordova• tt to Oranl!ebura Cornwen • 1 to Blackstock.  Crescent• to WoodrulT. Crestont+ to Elloree Crockettvllle to Hamoton. Barton•tt!Barnwell Co.) to Cromer to _· ewherry. Allendale. Cross* to Holly Hlll . Bascomville*+ to Chester. Oros keys to Union. Batesvllle to Greer. Crouch* to Saluda. Batb•tt to Augusta. Ga. Cummlngs•t to Hampton. Battlecreek to \Vestminster Cypress• to Lamar. Baxter (Lexington Co.) to Oakland• t to Pascoait. Oaklanct Beach*tt to East Datesbur11: Bayboro*t to Lori~. Greenwich. Oak Lawn•ttto Providence Dacusvllle* to Easley. Beech Island+ to Auguata, Dale• to Beaufort. Ga. Pawtuxett to Providence. Belfast to Clinton. DalzeU•tt to Sumter. Peace Dale*tt to Wakefield Belvedere to X. Augusta. Dantzler to Holly Hill. Perrysville to Wakefiel<1. Benson to Klng!tree. Daufuskle to Savannah.Ga PhUllpsdalet to Providence. Point JudlthT to Narraga.n- Bethera• to ~Joncks Cor-1 Davis Statlon~t to Sumner. merton. Po8:;1~~1n· to Phenix. I Blngham•tt to Latta. Dawklns*t to Winnsboro. Portsmouth• t to Newport. Bishop to Spartanburg, Deans Crossing to GreenBlacks to Ridge ~pr1ng,_.____\-U _Ie_._ _ _ _ _ _ __ !'otter Hill •__!o A!!haway. * ~Ioney Order Otllce.  tTelegrnph  tatlon.  :t Express Otllce.  SOUTH CAROLINA  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  SOUTH DAKOTA 2075  Macbeth* to Monks Corner Pinopolis* to J\Ioncks Cor- Stokesbndge to Blshoovtlle. net·. Maddent to Lauren11. Storeville to Iva. Madison*tt to Westmirn,ter Plantersville• to George- Strawberry* to Monck~ town. Corner. Magnolia to Lynchburg. Pleasant to Ridgeway Strother• t to Carllsle. Majors to Liberty. Pleasant Htllt to Heath Sunnydale to Pickens. Mallozy•tt to Latta. Sprlnir. Mappus to Oharlcston. Swltzer-t to \Vooorurr. Marietta* to Travellers Plf'asant Lane• to Edtetleld Sycamore•u to F11.llfa1 P.onpont to Charleston. Rest. SyracuRe to Darllnirton. Marlboro to Bennettsville. Pontiac to Columbia. Port Royal*tt to Beaufort. Marsblutr• t t to Florence. Postont to J oho sonville. Hobbysville• to Woodruff . :Marshall to Columbia. Poverty Hill to Augusta Martln•t to Allendale. Dunvegan to Georgetown. Homewood! to Conway. Ga. Honeyhill* to l\IcClellan- :M artins Point* to CharlesDupont to Leesville. Table Mountain to EaaleJ. Power to Owings. ton. ville. Dyson•t to Ninety Six Talatha* to Alken Pregnall • l t to St. Geor~. Tamaea11ee• to \Valhalla. Mauldln*tt to Greenvllle. Hopklns•tt to Columbia. Prescott to EdgeQeld. Maynard to Easley, Horatio* to Hagood. Princeton• to Honea Path. Tarborot to E11tlll. Mayo*tt to Spartanburg. Horrell to Col um bla. Prloleau* to Holly Hlll. Horry to Conway. Taxahaw• to Kersh&\'!". Eadytown• to St. Stephen. Horse Pond* to 'harleston. McConnellsviUe• to York- Pritchardvllle• to Savan• Ten Mllet to Charlea1ton. nab. Ga. ville. Howellton to Aikeu Earle*t to Aiken. The Farms* to Charleston. Meeting Street to Johnston. Privateer to Sumter. Early Branoh•t to HampTnlckety*1 to Gaffney. Progres!! to Greer. j\foggett to Charleston. Hudson to Florence. ton. Thomas* to Allendait'I. Sumter. to Providence• Au1rm1ta, to Merlwcther*t Huger to Monks Corner. !l!benezer*t to Florence. Thompsoll to Georiretown Purysburg to Savannah. Ga. Huntersville to SlmpsonEden to Grayeourt. Thor*t to Pelion. 1 Merritts Bridge to Aiken. vWe. Edgewold• to Columbia. Meyers Mill* to :Uarnwell . Edgmoor•ti to Rock Hlll. Hyman* to Scranton. Tlgervllle• to Greer. Michael to Loris. Edisto Island* to ObarlesTlllman•tt to Estlll. Mlddendort*U to Cheraw. ton. Rains to Mullins. Tlndal*l to Sumter. Edmund•tt to Lexington. HaoJcy to Uwiugs. Tlrzab*1 to Yorkville. Midland Park to Summer- Ravenels• t t to Charleston. Toddvllle • to Conway. Effingham• tl to .Florence. Irene to Lexington. ville. Irmo•U to Columbia. Raymond* to Orangeburg. Toney Creek• to Belton. Mldway•t to Bamber,. lslandton* to Varnville. Red Point to Carlisle. Ekom to Laurens. Tradesvllle to Lancaster, Miley to Brunson. Red Top to Cnarleston. Eldorado to Loris. Mlllettvme• to Barnwell. Elko•tl to Williston. Reidville* to Duncan. Trough• to Sp"rtanburg. Mims to Batesburg. Rembert*tt to Hagood. Embree to Branchville. Tucapau • to Spartan burr. Jackson*tt (Aiken Co.) to Minturnt to Dillon. Renno• to Clinton. Turner to Ellenton. ~f!~?ti;i. foatoii~leston. Ellenton. Rhems* to Andrews. Tuten to Fairfax. Jackson (Richland Oo.) to Modoc*tt to Parksvllle. Richburg*tt to Ohester. Epworth• to NlnetY-SlX. Tylersvllle to Lauren ■. Monie to Blackville. Columbia. Etbertdge to Leesv1\le. Richland*tt to Seneca. Jacksonboro*H to Uharles- Mont Clare• t to Darllnir- Rlleys to Hodges. Eulonla• to Marlon. ton. ton. Rlmlnl • to Pinewood. Eureka• 1 to Alken. Monterey to Abbeville Jacobs• to Columbia. Rion* to Winnsboro Ulmers•rt to Fairfax. Monticello to Winnsboro. Jalaoa to Newberry. Rltter•t to Walterboro James Island t to Charles- Montmorencl•tt to Alken. RiR~st.Falls to Travellers ! Moore•t to S9artanburr. ton. Rlverside• (Lanca1ter Co.J Vance*t to Eutawville. l"alrtorest•t to Spartan- Jamestown* to St. Stephen. Morgana* to Auii-usta. Ga. Jam Ison• 1 to Orangeourg. l\'Iorris to Barnwell. to Lancaster. burg. Van Wyck•t to Waxhaw Jedburg•t to Summerville. Morrisville* to Andrews. Riverview to Tra-vellerl' Fairmont* to Duncan. N. C. Moss to Edgefield. Fair Play• to We11tmlnster. Rest Varntown to Walterboro. Fairview to Fountain Inn. Jenklnsvllle• to Winnsboro. Moultrlevllle• t to Charlesvaucluee• ttto Graniteville ton. Jennings to Winnsboro. Fechtlg*U to Hampton. Velma to Johnston. Robbins*H t:> Barnwell. Robertsvllle to El\tlll. Ferguson*tt to ~utawville. Jennys to Fairfax. VerderY•U to Greenwood. Mountain Rest* to Wal- Rock to Pickens. Fetteressat to Oharleston. Jocassee* to Walhalla. Vina to Conwi.y. halla. Rockton•U to W\nnsboro . v ox* to Hemingway. Johns lsland*tt to Charlesto Gallagher Mount Roc.11:ywell to Lexington. ton. l"Ubert• to Clover. Laurens. lPlngervllle• to Spartan- Jordan•: to Summerton. Rodman• t to Chester. Mount Holly*tt Moncks Roebuck• U to SpartanJordanvllle to Conway. burg. Corner. burg. Waco to Anderson. Floyd Dalet to Dillon. Mount Pleasant • t to Rome* to Hemingway. Walkersvllle to Greenville Foreston• 1 to Greeleyvllie Charleston. Roselandt to Alken. Wallacevme•t to Columbia Forney to Conway Mount Tabor• to Union. Round• to Walterboro. Wamoee• to Conway. Fort l?remont to Beaufort. Kalb• to Camden. Kathwood • t to Augu11ta, MoUDt W!Jling to Bates-- HunnvmedP to Oharlei.ton Wando• to Charleston. Fort Htll to Pendleton. burg. Rushville to Troy. ·waring to Scranton. Fort Lawn*tt to Lancaster. M ouzons* to Kingstree. Russellville* to St. tephens Warrenville*tt to Fort Madl■on to Weet-- Ke~~on* to Abbeville. Mudllc to Chapoells. Kelton• to Jonesville. vllle . mlnster. .Mullethal* to Charleston. Kemper•: to Marlon. Warrs Crossing to Andrew■• Fortner to Pickens. Mulligan to Estill. Keowee to Seneca. Wateree• to Fort Motte. Fowler* to Kingstree. Saint Oharles*H to Sumter. Wattst to Abbeville. Fox to Batesburg. Murrells Inlet to George- Saint Helena Isla.nd to Waverly Mills• to Georp. Kllllan•tt to Columbia. Franklin to Edgefield. town. Beaufort. Kina.rds•tt to Clinton. town. Frankville to Pelzer. Charleston. to • Myere Saint Paul• t t to Summer. Kings to Centr11l. Frogmore• to Beaufort. ton. Kingsburg*tto Johnsonv1llc Myrtle Beach•tt to ConWeathersbee to Barnwell. Fruit Hlll* to Johnston. way. Walhalla. Salem• to Kings Creek•tt to Black.eWedgefieJd•U to Sumter. Fudges to Lancaster. Salkahatchie*t to Water- weeks• to St, George. buri. bol'o. Kingville*tt to Fort Motte. Weimer to Hampton. Salters Depot* to Kings- Weston* to Columbia. Kirksey• to Greenwood. I tree. West Springs to Jonesvllle. Kltchings Mills* to Aiken. Nebo to Marion. I Samaria• i to Leesville. Nelson to Winnsboro. Westvllte•t to Kershaw. Knob to Pickens. Gable to Olanta. Nesmith* to Hemingway. Kollock•tt to Cheraw. Gadsden•t to Columbia. Newcut to Lancaster. ~!:rtt,A~%e~~lck. White Hau•t to Walterbo1' Galnr.s• to Greenwood. Greenwood Newmarket*lto Sandridge to Holly Hill. White Oak • t% to Winn. Galivants Ferry* to Marion Inman. to Prosoect New T'aylon. to Flat Sandy Beaufort. to Island Ladies boro. Gantt to Greenville. Sandy Run* to Columbia. White Pond•t to Wllllston. Ladson*tt to Summerville. Newey• to Seneca. Garnett•tt to Estill. New Zion• to Olanta. to Chapin. Whlte Lando• to Chester. G8.8ton • t to Swansea. Santee* to McOlellanvllle. White Rock•t Neyles to Walterboro. Stone*tt to SpartanLaneys to Oheraw. Gltrord*t to Hampton. Santuck•tt,to Carllsle. to Nimmons to Pickens. Statlon•t Lanford l>urir. Sa.rdlnlat to Manning. Nix to 'l'ravellers Rest. Gllllsonville• to Hampt,on. Savage* to Johnsonville. Wiggins* to Walterboro. Glvhanat to Summervllle. La!~~;~tt to Graniteville. Nixonvllie* to (;onway. Sawyer<1ale to North. Wllklns* to Beaufort. Glendalc*t to Spartanbur1t. Latime.- to Lowndesville. Scarboro to Sumter. Wllkllll!vllle• to HlokOTJ Glenn Sprlnp• to Suartan- Laurel to Georgetown. Olar. to Schofield* Grove. Lawtonville to Estlll. burg. Sea.brook• t to Beaufort. Moncks to Depot* Oakley to Chester. Wllkaburg GIYmphvUle to Newberry. Sedalla • to Union. Ehrhardt Wllll&ms•t Corner. Leeds•t to Che11ter. GoldvtUe•tt to Clinton. Seiglingville to Allendale. Wllson*t totoManntni. Klnirstree. to Oaks Blackville. to Leea*t goose Creek to Summervllle Selvem tt to Wagener. Oakway to Westminster. Lena*tt to Estill. Gordon to Hemingway. Latta. to t t Sellers• Leo* to Lake Clty. 1 Okatle to Savannah, G&. Winona to Florence. Septus to Pendleton. • Oldpoint to Rock Hlll. Wlsacky•tt to Bishoovllle. G~~~tef;'k~~~t~Y6orner. Lesslie*! to Rockhill. Old Townt to Chappell1. t t to Bennettsville. Wolfton to Orangeburg. gourdintt to St. Stephens. L :,:rLand* Sheldon*! to Beaufort. to Due \Vf'st. Ora•t to Laurens. Woodtord•tt to Nortn. Shell* (Horry Co.) to Con- Woodward•t to Blackstock tewts' Turnout• to Chester. Orum* to Florence. ~~&Inman. way. Osborn* to Oharleston. Wren* to Monks Oorner. to Lynchburg. Shiloh* C. N. Waxhaw, to Osceola• Heath to grahamville to Ridgeland. Llber1;y Hill• Shoals Junction*tt to Don- Wy11es Ferry to Pro11pertty. oswego•t to Sumter. Springs. alds. Outland to Hemingway. G~:~stM11a~pJ~:ufort. Sllver•U to Summerton. Owdoms* to Johnston. tPJatioGf;i~ellers Rest. Greenland to Barnwell. Silverstreet*! to Newberry. Yawha.nna.h to Georgetowt> 1 Green Pond• U to WalterSmallwood to Ridgeway. t~~lo1;~~ ~gasummervllle Pages Mills to Lakeview. boro. Yonges Island*tt to Smithboro t to Mullins. Charleston. Green Sea• to Tabor, N. O. Lisbon to Columbia. Smiths Mills* to JohnsonPalmervllle* to Andrews. G resham*t to Marion. Llvlnpton•U to NoTtb. ville. Darllnirton. to Palmettot Grover* to St. George. Smiths Turnout• to Rock Paris to Greenville. Lobecott to Beaufort. Hill Paris Island to Beaufort. Zlon*t to Marlon. G uesst to Mount Oroghan. Locust to Greenville. Smithville to Rembert. 0 Urey• 1 Lolo to Spartanburir. to Lorts. • ti to H l ck o r y Smyrna Charlesto Ferry* Parl!ers Elloree. to t tar• Lone 11 Gu thrle■vUle• t to Yorkvllle Grove. ton. Longcreek• to Walhalla: Snell\nir•t to Barnwell. Longridge to Summerville. Parler*tt to Elloree. Society Hm•tt to DarlingPatriclv*H to Ohera.w. Lonis* to Conway. ton. Pauline• to Spartanburg. Longtown• to Ridgeway. to Lynchhura • South Peak•U to Prospertt7. Lonoke to Belton. H:amer•tt to Dillon. Lynchburi. ~r~frlon. Lowryvllle•t to Cbester. gammond* to Conway. SOUTH DAKOTA Stafford to Estlll. 111 Perry•tt to Salley. Lucile to Florence. Hand• to Conway. e Petersfield to Hemingway. Stalvey to Oonway. e:!ndlab* to Johnsonville. Lucknow•ttttoDBl~rif,!!_~n O Batesburg. to Steedman•+ ar •· · r eeville•tt to Sa.van- Lumber•rt • + Lura:v•t to Hampton. nab. Ga. Academy• to Platte. Stirlin11: to Greenville. Lykesland*t to Columbia. Pineland•t to Estm. !larv1ni to Manning. Ada* to Chance. Pineville* to t. Stephens. Stockman to Prosperity. Lynchwood to Bethune. B8.8kell to Conway ..-:.;.w:..:e:..:1.:..l._ _;_P_ln_k_n_e:v_t_o_U_n_lo_n_._____S_t_o_k_e_s_•_t.:.o_W_a_lt_e_r_b..:.o_ro.:..•:.___ _A.:..d:::..e:.:la=.:.ld.:..e..:.*..:.t..:.t.:.o_C.:..o:.:n:::..d_e_._ __ liattlevl!!_et~to Barn~·w~e~ll.:...~ _!L~Y!:n~d~h~u~rs~t:.:.•_:t~o:_::B:;:a::rn t Express Office. t Telegraph Station. :) Money Order Office. Seat. County l REFERENCE KEY~  Delmar to Leesville. Dentsvtlle* to Columbia. Dongola to Conway. Dorchester*! to St. George Dov0!!,·llle• to Darlington. Oraket to Bennettsvllle. Drayton*(Soartanburir Co.} to Spartanburg. Drummondvllle to Woodruff. Ounbar•ti to Clio.  Hawthorn• to Ellenton. Hayne! to Spartanburg. Heinemann to Greeleyville. Hendersonville• to Walterboro. Henry to Hemingway. Heriot to Rembert. Hester to Calhoun Falls. 1 Hilda*! to Barnwell. Hlltonhead• to Beaufort.  I  f  I I  ~!~cf  I  G~~~!;ki~  a  ~:f~::t~  a  m· D· Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2076  SOUTH DAKOTA  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  Airmount to Hillhead. Allen• to Interior. Alsen to Beresforo. Appleby to W11.tertown. Arnott• to Harrold. Arpao to NMand. Avan~ to Faith.  TENNESSEB  \Vhee,er• to Geddes. White Rutta- to Lemmon. Whitedeer to l\1orristow11. Whitehorse to Timber Lake Gallup Sldln~ to Ashton. White Owl* to Marcus. Garland to M ldland. Oglala to Rushville, Neb. Willett* to ButTalo. (; lencio* to Stronl. Okobojo• to Pierre. Winship to Frederick. Goldfield to Sturgis. Okreek to Carter. ;~:o~*~iuJiay, Neb. Goldwell to Timber Lake. Ola* to Pukwana. Opal* t,o Faith. Gooby* to C"arter-. Balley to Miller. Ordway*tt to Oolumbla. Bard to MltC'bt>ll. Gopher to Isabel. Ottumwa• to Midland. Zeal* to Faith. Bates• to Wes8lngton. Gorman to Gcttysburr. Govert* to Buffalo. Batb•ti to Aberdeen. Grandfield• to Midland. Pactola• to Rapid Ctty. Grand Valley• to Mof11&. Parlfi*t to Thunder Hawk.. town. Paxton to Uarlock. Grant to Elkton. Beebe to lpswlcb. Ben Olaret to Valley Greenfield to Burbank. TENNESSEE Pedro• to Quinn. Greenwood• to Wairner. Springs. Gretna to Roscoe. Bendon ro Klmt-all. Grtndstone* to Cottonwood Pennington to New Under Bergen to Southshore. Grosse• to Cbamtierlaln. Betts to Mitchell. A. B. C. to Westmoreland. wood. Acorn to Madlsoovllle. Blfa.Sprtnp to Hawarden. Grossville to Belle Fourche. Peno• to Highmore. Penvllle•to Reeder, N. Dall Arton to Corinth. Miss. Binder to Onida. Adair to Ja<."kson. Perkins to Sprtngfleld. Ranna* to Lead. Bixby* to Faith. Aetna• t t to Centerville. Phelps to Melham. Black Hawk•tt to Rapid Hanson to Irene. Afton• t t to Gre!'nevtlle. Hanton to Watertown. City. Pine Ridge* to Marsland Agee• to Lafolll'tte. Hardtner• to Bellefourche Albanyt to Clrt't>nt'vllle. Blaha• to Tyndall. Neb. Harri.,on* to Corsica. Bloomln11:ton to Bovee. Alberton to Lexinitton. Plalnnew• ro Marcus. Hay Uraw• to New Onder Plana•t to Aberdeen. Boehrs to Faltb. wood. Boneita 8prin11;s*to Owanka Pleasant Hlage to LemBonhomme to Tabor. " Hayes• to Midland. mon. Hiland to Ortley. Booi;ce• rt to Garretson. Plumatt to Deadwood. l I llland* to Phlllo. Bower to Fairburn. Alcoa to Maryville. Plumb to Scotland. H lllstde to Corsica. Brayton to Faith. Poinsette to Lake Norden. Alderville to Ont>ida. Brennan to <,ordon, Neb. Hill Top to Hillhead. Porcupine• to Gordon.Nell Aldon to Linden. Allardt• to .Jamestown. Hlsega to Rapid City. ntosh. Allen" Creek•,t to HohenPowell*tt to Philip. Hooker• t t to Vlbortr:. Bullock to Camp Crook. wa1d Promise to M obrldge. Hoover• to Newell. 1$unker to Midland. Allisona• to College Grove. Provo,.tt to EdgtJmont. Huffton•t to Groton. Burcbtt to Britton Allons* to Livingston. Burdette• to Rockham. Allred* to Livingston. Burdoct to Edgemont. Imlay• to Scenic. Almavllle to Murrreeaboro. Imogene to Faith. Ralph * to Reeder. N. Oak Almira to Covlnlt"ton . Inland• to Newell. Burkmere• to Faulkton. Alpha•: to Morristown. Randolph*t to Verdon. Burton to Mitchell. Rauville to Watertown. Alto* to Sewa.nee. Red Elm to Dupree. i Jamea•t to Groton. Alton Park*t to ChattaRed111:• to Buffalo. nooga. 1 Cactus to Watertown. Jonesville* to New UnderAnden1on•tt to Stevenson. Caputa•t to Rapid City. wood. Ala. Carlock to Gregory. Reva* to Sorum. Jordan• to Winner. , Andersonville• to Clinton. Oarlyle* to Werota. Richlanrl to Elk Point. Joubert to <Jorsica. Anclrew Cbaoel to Jackl!lon. Ca.ab* to Hettinger. N.Da.k. Richmond to A herdeen. Castle Rock• to "l'!'well Riverside• to Mitchell. ' An~ to Lewlshurl?' Cedarbutte to Belvidere. Robey to White Lake. Kampel!lka•u to Water- Rochford•tt Cedar Canyon to Faith. to Deadwood Anlt"le to Westmoreland. town. Anna<lel•t to Warthurg. Center to Salem. Kartnen* to Buttalo. Antbras• to Jellico Rockervllle• to K ey11tone. Antlocb•t Na11hvllle. g:~~~!P~~;!~Jg>:i!1wood. Keh.Iron• to Morristown. Rosehud•to Valentine.Neb Aplson*t toto0l!'vPland. Kem•l to McLaughlin. Chalkbutte• to Sturgis Rouhalx• to Deadwood. Kirley* to Midland. Appleton"- to Loretto. Charles City to Colton. Royhl to Arlington. Cherry Creek• to Midland. Arcad!a•tto nate C"lty, Cheyenne Agency• to Get- Knodell to White River. Rudolph to Aberdeen. tyaburg. Rueb to Leola. Kyle* to Intertor. I Olarno to Junius. Rumford* to Ardmore. Clayton• to Emery, Ardee to Clarksvllle. Runningvllle to Vivian. Armathwalte• to JamesClearft«,ld* to Colome. Running \\'ater • r 1 to Lacy• to Fort Pierre. Olouirb• to Sturgis. Sprinifleld. town Ladelle to Doland. Arp to Ripley. Ladner• to Bowman, N. D Arrtnirton to Franklin. Lakeport to Vankton. Coal Springs to Meadow. to Cuwberland Lakeview to Crookston, Cole* to Haynes. N. D. St. Francis• to Crookston Aabury to Knoxville. Conata• to Interior. Neb. Neb. Landeau to Mobridge. Al!lbburn to Alla.lrvUle, Ky. Lantry• to F.arle Butte. Asboort* to Ripley St. Marys to Argonne. Ashwood• rt to Columbia. Coope~ to Sturgis. Le Beau•tt to Akaska. Aspen liW•i to Pulaski. Sanaarc• to Fort Pierre. LeevUle to Bere11rord. Savoy to Spearfish. Atkins to Lexington. , Cox• to Bowman.~- Dak. Le Roy to Madl11on. Craven* to Ispwlcb. Leslie• to Midland. Atoontley• to Plkevllle. Schamber* to Belvidere. Aulonti to :\lemphis. Creil(hton• to Quinn. Lightcap to Isabel. Aunt to Roirersvllle. 8;~t~:lk~i/~ah~~~~1~~ Line to Bowman. N. Dak. Austin to Lebanon. Shadehill to Lemmon. Crowlake* to Wel!lsin&'tQn Little Eagle to \ akpala. Austin Springs to Johnson Sheffleldt to Yale. Springs. Lodi;cepole• to Lemmon. City. SUver City• to Rapld City. Au tral•tt to Etowah. Cutmeat• to Valentine,N eb. I t~~~~a~~ 1 !~ ;:,e~!i lance. Ava to rd. I Ludiowi to Bowman, N. D. Sisseton Agency to ~tsseton Dahlberg Siding to Veblen! Smithville to Wasta. Bacons Ferry to Maryville. Dalesberir to Centerville. Srolthwick*tf to Oelrichs. Bairdad • to Carthage. Dalz~lJ• to Wasta Madra to Greenway. Spa.In• to Br tton. Deermont• to Newell. Mahto to McLaughlin. Spink* tc Uurhank. ,~;;~fe.B rter Degrey• to Pierre. \&l\ltby* to Strool. Spottswood to Tulare. Raker• to Green Brier. Dewey•tt to Ed11:emont. Manderson• to Gordon. Neb 0 Bakers Cross Roads to Dowllng• to Phlllp. Manila* to Mid land. Sparta.. Dunnebecke* to Faith. Man<1brldge to Armour. Strou1eton to Summit. Bakersgap* to Mountain Duxbury to Mellette. \t:artndahl to Mls11lon Hlll. Sulphur* to N City Dyce to Rutland. , Marlow* to Veblen. Bakervtlle• to Waverly. I tla~~e";s \~ Bakewell*tt to Soddy. Eagle to Kim ball. McGill to Reliance. Band Mlll to Dyersburg. East Sioux Fallstt to Sioux Bandy to Gallatin. Falls. McKain to Bushnell. Banner Sprlngs* to James-Edl!lon• to Faith. McNeely* to Colome. town. Elbon* to Pblllp. Barefoot to Westmoreland. Elllnpon• to Hettinger, Mlll&m,.t to Paulkton. Bargerton to Lexington. N. D \1lllboro• to Colome. Barley to Memphis. Elm Sprin,z11• to Wasta. Mllltown• to Parkston. Elwood to Midland. Minnekahta•tt to Hot ~g!efc; Springfield. En11;lewood • t l to Lead. Sprtnirs. Epiphany• to Farmer. Vale* to Whitewood. Bath Springs• to Clifton. Moe to Hudson. Van Metre•tt to Capa. Baucum to .Manchester. Fairbank* to Onida. Moenvllle* to Midland. Vega to Pukwana. Baugh to Elkton. Falrpolnt• to ewell. Molan to Menno. \'era• to Draper. J'arley to Belvidere. Morefield to Sioux Falls. Vetal to Cody, Neb. BaYDe to Bli Sandy. Farnsworth to Foreatbur,r. MorU,z* to Gary. Viewfleld* to New Under- Bea.cbvUle to NB.l hvtlle. Farwell to Artesian. Mullen to Luca.s. wood. Beacon• to Parsons.  Bear Springs• to Dover. Beasley to Lewisburg. Reaverblll to Monterey. Beckwith• t to Lebanon. Beech Blutr•tt to .Jaclcl!IOD Beechland to Columbia. Beersheba Springs* to Coal• mont. Belk to Smlthvtlle.  Nemo•t to Lead. New Holland to Coralca. Nora to Alcester.  Belle Eagle to B rownsvlll~ Belleview• to Nashv1lle. Bellsburg to Charlotte. Belltown* to Tellico PlatDI'  ::::;~~~ ~~ rn;:~~;_me. Belmont* to Manchester.  Belv1dere•t to Winchester Remis•t to Jackson. Bennett to Jelllco. Rerdair to Memphis. '  g~\~ :~ ~r~~~fife.  Betbel* <Giles Co.) to Proepect Station. Bethesda• to Fran kiln. Retsytown to Charlotte. Bexar to Ripley. BlgoyvUle to Columbia. Bhrcreek* to Bristol. 812" Lick to Crostwllle. Bigsprtng• to Dayton. Rlnfteld* to Maryville. Bingham to Frnnkl'n. Binghamton• to Mempblr Blackfox to Cleveland. Blackman to Murtreeebol'9 Blainevllle to Rutledge. Blairsgap to Jonesboro. Blanton to Cookeville. Blend to Liberty.  l~11f~~rt:~~~f  ~~~g~l:~-~~w:::;lfi_  Bogota• to Dyersburg. Bold Spring• to WaverlJ Bolton to Memphis. Boma• to Baxter.  Bon Air* tt to Sparta.  :g~eA~~~~tt ;g ~~i1~.  vllle. Bon1cord to Dyersburr.  I  Ai~i;;.•n  11  I  ::~~~ti~l~~fl  I  :~~:0h~~«:nii0s~~~~f.ld.  Va.!  I  I  Bloomingdale• to Kinpport. Bloomington Springs* k> Cookeville. Bluebank to Tiptonville. Blue~8.SA <Knox Co,) Knoxville. Bluffton to Newport. Boatland to Jamel'ltown..  ~r;:::1or~!Wt; ut\~WZe. eweli.  ~:;;::!~.  ::~e~  Boomer to Newport. Boonevllle to Lynch burg. Boons Creek to Johnso City. Boonsblll* to Petersburg. Bootbspoint•to Dyersbu~ Booz to Livingston. Bordeaux to NashvUle. Boston• to Franklin. Box to Waverly. Boy to Lafollette. Boyd's Creek• to Sevierville Brare*t to Summertown. Brackentown to Westmore land.• Braden t to Mason. Bradshaw to Pulaski. Branchville to PeteT!lbUfl' Branstord•t to Gallatin. Brayton• to Dayton. Bree<1enton to Decatur. Brentwood•tt to Na!!hville BrlcevllJe• to Coal CrePK:. Brick Church• to LynnvtDe Bride t(l Coving-ton. Brldll.'eport•t to Newport. Bridges to Gordonsvllle. Brtgbt Hope to Greenevllle Brinkley to Somerville. Britt's Landing• to Waver• ly. Broadview to Columbia. Broadway to Knoxvllle.  Bro<'kdeU to Pikeville. Brooks to Gallatin. Brotherton•t to Cookevilk, Browns* to Newport. Brownsboro to Limestone Bruceville to Dy~rshur~. Brunswtck•tt to ~temphla Bryaots Stationt to Lewie• burg. Bryantvllle to Clarksville Buchanan• to Parts. Buckeye•tt to Jellico.  Buena Vlsta•tt to Hun&-0 1 t:it:;:i;;dale. ~~~~~ !t:~otH3lu&ii~· ~ 'ri!~Tdere. ~rieekn_t;~W~·ntlanr!.l aJ~i?a°•\o Waverly. Forest Clty•to Oett,..burr Wanbtee to Interior. Buford•t to Lynnville. 1 Bean Station to Rutledge. Forestville*t to Southshore. Wendte*tt to Copa. Hear 8rancb to SmltbvUle Bunker Hill• to Pulaskt i'ort Thompson• to Cham- Nahon to Aberdeen. Westover* to Murdo. Bearden • tt to Rnoxvtlle. Buntyn* to Memobls. ~b~~~rl~a=ln=·:....__ _ _ _ _ _~~N_a~ns--=e_n-=.t~o_H__:o_w_a_r~d~----...:_W_e~t_a_•_to~K_a_d_o_k_a_._ _~......__B_t:a._r_d_s_to_wn• t_o_L_ln_d_e_n_._ _,;,._B_u_r_e_m_•_t_t_o_R_o~g_e_rs_v_l_ll_e_._  :g:~m~  ~~!~':n~!  REFERENCE KEY .  4 County  Seat.  * Money Order Office,  R!!~  t Telegraph.  I  Station.  t Express Office.  B1trke to Crossville. Burlison• to Covington. Burney to Clarksville. Burrvme• to Wartbura Burton to Cookevllle. Butlers Landing to Oellna. Bybee• to Newport. Byington•tt to Knoxville.  Cosby• to Newport. Cottage Home to Liberty. Cottontown• to Gallatin. CoucbvUle to Nashville. Coultervllle*'t to Dayton. Counce tc, Savannah. Cowenvllle to Hickman. Coxburg• to vamden. Crab Orchard•t: to CroB&vllle.  Eidson• to RoiteravUle. Elgtn• to Robbins. to Bluff City. Elkhorn to Paris. Elk Mills to Butler. I Elkmont• to Maryville Elkmont Springs to Pros-I' pect Station. Elk Valley•tt to Jelllco.  iUi,, Uitr;:: r~:DhlB. 0  Craggie Hope*t to Kingston Springs. Cratitne1ct to i''ranklln. Cralnesvllle to Bolivar. Crandull • to Damascus, Va. Cravens 10verton Co.) to Monterey. Crawford•tt to Monterey. 1 Creek to McMinnville. Crescent to Murrree11boro. Creston• t to Crouvllle. Oa.neybranch to Greenevllle Crestview•t to Summertown. t~~~j:~~rg Crider to Huntmitdon. cag~~- Ford to Cumberland Oronanvllle• to Tiptonvllle. Carlnirer* to karyvllle. Carlooksvllle to Murfrees- Orossaochor to Greenevllle Crossbridgest to Mount boro. Pleasant. Carolina to Brownsville. Cross Keys to Spring City. Crowson* to Lawrenceburg Carpenters to Franklin. Crump* to Savannah. Oarrollt to Jackson. Crystal to Union City. Garter• to Elizabethton. 08.rters Creek*t i to Colum- Cuba* to MIilington. bia. Caryville• U to Coal Creek. g~~abt~~~f~;~a::;r~ I CharloLte castallan Springs• to Galla,. Cummlngsvllle• to Doyle tin Station. O&talpa to Bells. Cunningham• to Clarksville Catoosa* to Wartburg. Cupp• to Jellico. Cave• to Doyle Station. Currie to Dyer. Cave Creek to Loudon. Oave Springst to Elizabeth- Curve*tt to Ripley. ton. Co.) to Cy&~~~tJ1:'1if ~ Inn• to Florence, Cedar Creek Landing to Linden. Oedar Grove• to Mllan. O&blnet to Carthage. Cabo to Henderson. Cades• to Milan. Cades Cove to Maryville. Oalnsvllle to Lebanon. Campalgnl to McMlnnvllle. Oampbellst to Oulleoka. Camp Oreek to Greeneville. Camp vround to Sparta. Canadavllle to Coll1ervWe.  g:~r:Jifi!tgi:»  I  :S~Y  ~:g:; 8r~:~i1 ~!!~~Ure CYXf:'.'3 Cedar Springs* to Wbitwell Oensus to Decatur. Center Point to Lexington. Cerro Gordo•t to Savannah Ohalldevel to Camden. Chamlierlaln to Kingston. Ohandler to Maryville. Chanute* to Byrdatown. Ohaseville to Camden. Ohaska*tt to La Follette. Oheap Hill* to Ashland City. Cherokee to Halls. Cherry to Hennlnir. Oherrys to Clarksvllle. Chestertleld • t to Lexington Che11tnut Bluff• to Halls. Che11tnut Mound• to Carthaire.  8t::~~=!  tt~Ec1:rl~ih.Mlss. Ohir to Dyersburg. Chilhowee• to Maryvllle. Ohoptack to Rogeraville  Oburcbton to Newbern. Ctsco to Athens. Citadel to Smlthvllle. Olalrfleld *ti to J elllco. Olarkran11:e• to Jamestown etarksburg to Huntlngcton 0 laud to Camden. Olay Hrook to Jackson. gayton to Union City. 01:~e;i\sov~=i~is~;;~~a. 0 11itT Spnng:, to Monterey, 0 1 tty*t to Sparta.  Olouds to Tazewell. Clover Bottom to Jonesboro Oloverhtll,. to Maryville. &lover Port to Whiteville. ub Sprtng to Gordonavllle 01  ol~~u~ ~o 'b~!~~\!nd. Coru Field •r to Petros.  Oobte• to Centerville. gotTee Landing to Savannah ogt~~~r!~kf to';~h. Tellico Plains. Oolesvme to Elizabethton. Combs to Tazewell. Comfort to Jasper. Oona...auga• to Benton. 0 oncord*tt to Knoxville. 0 onkllng to Jonesboro. Cook Place• to Monterey. Copenhagen• to SouthPltl> burg.  Oo rbandale•t to Clarksville. ·0 ordeU to Oneida. goroua• to Millington. O~~fat~3 "J} :'ar~lr:;:;;_me. Oortner•t to Normandy.  Dalsy•tt to Chattanooga. Dancyvllle• to Stanton. Daniel to Charlotte. Daniele Landln2• to LlDden , Danville• t t to Ertn. Darks Millt to Columbia. Darwlru to Da:vton.  Elora•tt to Huntland. Elpardo to Gainesboro. Elva to Oneida. JonesEmbreeville• to boro Emmett* to Brilltol.  f :o~~:ir:;; :g ::~vit~.,  Enterprise to Mount Pleas• ant. Erle• to Sweetwater. Ernestvllle* to Erwln. EBBary Springs* to Corinth MlBB. Euchee• to Sprtnir City, Eulla to Westmoreland, Eurekaton to WhltevWe. Eva •tt to Camdel'.i. Evensville*tt to Dayton.  Factory to Lawrenceburg. Fairfield to Wartrace. Fairmount• to Chattanoor Fairview to Trimble. Falcont to Selmer. FaUbranch* to JonesborG Fall Creek to Shetb:vvllle, Fall Mllls to Huntland. Fall River* to Lawrencebur~. Fancbers Mills to Soarta. Farmen1 Exchanire• to H~ benwald. Farmers Valley to Llnden  Ea~r::vme•  , county Seat.  • Money Order Office.  Glenmary*U to Robbins. Glenobey* to Jamestown. Gllmp to Hennmg. Godwlnt to Columbia. GofTton to Cookevllle. Goin• to Tazewell. Golddust* to Ripley. Goldpolnt to Chattanooita.  Hoop• to Tazewell. Hooten to Dyer. Hoover to Bellbuckle. Hopson• to Ellzalletbton. Horner to Linden. Horse Creek to Limestone.  %ar;:f:!~~-  ff  Hunnicutt to Oakdale. Hunt ~ Jackson. Hurley to Savannah. Huron•u to Lextngton. Hurricane Mme• to Waver-  Goodspring• to Pulaski. gi~oa°i!'~'lv~v!?:,Cnwald Graharn•t to Centervllle. Grandvtew•t (Rhea Co.) to Sprtng City, Grant to Lebanon. Grapevine. to Plkevtlle. Grassy Cove• to Crouvtlle  GravelhUl• to Selmer. Greenlawn to Mount Juliet. Greenvale to Watertown. Greenwood•t to Lenanon. GreitoryvWe to Celina. Grey to Livingston. Grimsley* to Jamestown. Grit to Erin. Grizzard to Dyer. Grol!8 to Bluff City. Groveland to Columbia. Grover to Jackson. Gruetll* to Coalmont. Guild* to Jasper. Gumrork to Pine Knot, Ky Gunter to Byrdstown. Guys*t to <'orinth, Miss. Gwinn to Decatur. ~ i1:~!~vme. Hales Point to Ripley. Haley• t to Wartrace. Halls Crossroads to Knoxville.  Hixson• i to Chattanooir&. Bodgea•tt to Jefferson Ct~ Holders Statton to Sparta. Holloway to Lebanon. Hollow Springs to Woodbury. Holly Grove to CoVlngton. I{gltr::i~to t8h~~dir1Wn. Holt's Corner to Chapel HW H oltsvllle to Savannah. Honeycut to Surgoinsville.  g::~JvM>e HoweU • 1 to Fayettc!vWe.  1 Goodbars t.o McMlnnville.  Fannlnirton to Lewisburg;. Farner• t t to Ducktown. Faxon•ti to Big Sandy Fayette Comers to Whiteville. Felker to Cleveland. Flketon to A thens. Davic'lson to Wilder. F\nley•t to Dyersburg. I Dayll~ht• to Mcl\.flnnville. F1.8h<1am* to Bristol. Da:vsvlile• to Rock woo<l. ' Deannurg to Henderson. Deason to Belle Buckle. j Flsbervtlle to Colllersvllle. I Deer Lodire• to Wartburg. I Fl~~n~prtng• to Elizabeth· I Deermont to Oakdale. Oefea ted • to CartbaKe. Flag to Greeneville. Dellna to Petersburg. Flagpond* to Erwin. Flat Woods to Linden. Delohi*t to Dunlap. FllntvUle• U to Fayettevllle. Delrlo*tt to Newport. Flippin to Ripley. Denmark"tt to Jackson. Florence*t to Murfreesboro Denver*tl to Waverly. De llussett•t to Sparta. F'loyd to Bells. Flynns Lick to GainesDetroit to Covington. Dexter to Cordova. boro. Difficult• to Cartha(le. Forb\111• to Jamestown. Dildays to Dover. Fordtown•t.t t.o Kin~sport. Dodson to Sparta.. Foret1t Hlll*t to Colltervllle. Doevme• to Butler. Forkrtdge* to Mlddlesboro. Dogwood• to Charlotte. I Fort Henry• to Dover. Forty .Eight to Clifton. Donoho to Cartbaire. Oout,le Bridges to Halla. Double Springs•t to CookeFostervme•tt to Bellbuckle ville. Dove to South Pittsburg. 11 Fountain Ctty•t to Knoxv\lle. Oozlers to Nash ville. Fountain Creek• to CulleDrummonds to Munford. oli:a. Dryfork to Nashville. Fountain Head•t to Gallatin. Duck-River* to Centervllle Duff• U to La F'ollette. Fowlkes*t to Dyersburg. Dulac• to B\g Sanrty, Fox Blull* to Aabland Clty Dulany to Greenevllle. Dunoar to Decaprrvllle. Duncans Landing to Sa- Frankfort• to Wartbu~. f'ray1er to Memphis. vannah. Fredonia to ClartuvWe. Dunn•t to Lawrencebura:. Freeland to Peryear. Duo lex to Spring H Ul. Fremont to Union Clty. Durbamvllle to Henntnc. Dycus to Gainesboro. French Broad* to Newport. Frultvale•t to Belle. Fullenat to Limestone. Fulton to CovlDgton. Eads•U to Arlington. Jelllco. to Ea~an"'t Eaitlt' ~witch to LawrenceGall to Henderson. to McMinnville Galnsvllle to Mason. G•H,ra.itb Springs to Rogera Easley to Kingsport. villi,. E. Cumberland Gap to Galen to Lafayette. Cumberlanrt Gap. Eastlake* to Chattanooga Gallaway•t to Arlington. Gann to Milan. Eaatl&nd•tt to Sparta. Garbeni• to J onest>oro. Ebenezer*U (Knox Co.) to Gardner* t to Martin. Garland to Covlnirton. Knoxville. Edens Hllhte to Kingsport Edenwold"tt to NashvlUe Gatliff• to La Follette. Gause to Cedar Hlll. Editemoore• to Clinton. Ged to Rrownsvllle. Edgewood to Dickson. Gentry to Raster. Edmunds to Bradford. Edna Station t.o :-.omervlllf' Geor;r!'tow:... • to r'leve1and  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Elm Tree to PalmersvWe. Elmwood• to Carthage.  I  I  Gennantown•u to Colllervllle. Gernt to Oneida. Gibson Wells to Trenton. Gift to Covlnirton. Gtlllse's Mills• to Savannah. Gllroy to Nashvllle. Glltedll'e to Covtnirton. Glvensville to Milan. I Glass• to Obton. Glenalice*t to Rockwood. Glen Cliff to Nashville. Glendale•t to Culleoka.  1-v.  HU8tburr to Waverly. H:vatt• to Copper HUI.  Idavtlle to Atoka. IdlewtJd•tt to Bradford. Idol• to Rutledire. Increase to MoMlnnvWe. India to Parts. Indian Mound• to Dover. Inctlan Sprtngs• to Blou.n"vme.• to South Plttabura. Iru,klp to Knoxville. I Ipe• to Madisonville. Irby to Cookevllle.  ::~~e~'17e  Hamtlle* to Soutbatde. Hamhur~ to Savannah. Hamilton to Dayton. Hampton• to 1<:lizabethton. Hampton Statlon*t to Gutnrle. HandJeyton to Orlinda. Hanll'lng Llmb*tto Livtnireton. Hanley to Brownsvllle. Hardtsons Mills to Columbia. Harmony to Jonesboro. Harms• to Fayetteville. Harrlcan• to Tracy C1t:v. Harrls"l to Union City, Harrison• to Chattanooga. Harrogate to Oumberland Gap. Hartford• to Newport. Hartleysvute to Humboldt. Hartranft• to Middlesboro, Ky. Hatchte•n to Whttevllle.  Iron11burg to Tel1100 Platru. Irving College• to McMlnnvllle. Isabella•t to Ducktown. Isham* to Oneida. Island Mille to Bluff City. Isollne•t to CroHvllle. Ivy* to Madlsonvme. ,Jacksboro • to La lette.  Fol-  Jeannette to Decaturville. Jearoldstown•to Llmeistone Jefferson to Smyrna. Jewell to Dresden. Jlmtown to Nashville. Jingo• to White Rlulfa. Jockey to Limestone, Joelton• to Naahvllle. J ohMoDB Grove to Bells. Jobnsonvtlle•ttto WaverlJ' Jonee•t to Bells. Jones Cove to Newoort. Jones Mill to Smithvllle. Jones Valley to Ccntervllle. Jonesville to Oliver Springs. Joppa•t to Rutledite. J ordans Springs to Clarbville. J oslab to Colllervllle. Juno• to Lexinirton.  KeathJeyvtlle to Trimble. ~:~~:ir~s;~Jt~~~il~~e. Kedron to Spring HW. Haydenbur.,.* tn Gainesboro Keefe to Ridgely. Keeling• to Mason. HaysvUle to Lafayette. Keenburir to Ellzabethton. Keltonburg to Smithville. Hazel k1<1ge to Dickson. Kenrtrlck's Creek to Jone. Heard to Byrdstown boro. Heatoncreek to ElizabethKepler to Rogersville. ton. Helskell•tt to CJtnton. K~l~Jm,~con Oo.) to Helena to Jamestown. Helenwood•tt to Bunt&vUle. Ketcball• to Sonth Pitt. Helolse• to Dyersburg. burg. Henard* to Ltvtn11:ston. Hendersons Cross Roads• Kettle Mllis to Columbia. to Norene Henrys Crossroads• to Sevierville. HenryvtUe* to Summertown H6rroltaire•1 to NashviJle. Hermitage Springs to Celina. Heron to Prol!lpect Station. Hickory Point• i to Clarksvllle. Hickory Wlthe•t tto Somerville. High Oliff to Jellico. Hlgbla.nd Park to Chatrt.anooga. Hilham• to Livingston. HUU to Columhla. Hillsboro• to Manchester. Hlllsdale• to Hartsville. Hlllvllle to Whltevllle. Hlndecreek to Clinton. Hinkle to Sattlllo. Hlnklerlale to \.fcKenzte. Station.  irn~~:,f~ tig :o~irt~i>Urg.  Heights • to Klmberlln KnoxvUle. Kimmins• tt to Hohenwald Kirk to Colllervllle. Kirkland to EaitlevWe.  Kittrell to Murfreesboro. Klttyton* to Erwin. I~ tzer* to Green back. Klondike* to Surglonsvme. Kodak• to Sevtervtlle. Koko to Browru,vllle. Kyles Ford• to Rogersville.  Laconla•t1 to Somervtll4,. Lairuardo to Gallatin. Lamont to Ortlnda. Lanctng•tt to Wartbura. Lane• to Newbern. Lanevtew to Trenton. Langston to Chattanoora.  t Express Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2078  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  TENNESSEE  TENNESSE~  Ruddervt11e to Franklin. Poe to Decaturville. McDonald"U to Cleveland.I ;onaburg to Athen:. Lanton to Columbia. McGbee•t to Madtsonvme. ' Nonaville to Mount Juliet. Point Pleasant to Saltillo. Rudolph to Brownsville. Laplata to Newbern. Rugby• (Morgan Co.) to Polk•t to Troy. Nonconnah to 1\,lemphi<;. , McHane:v to Milan. Latham to Dresden. Robbins. Pomona• to Crossville. ~~~~~:st~ 3:e~~d;. tf0 CJ~~;,~ile. La;:~~!~o{?~ery* to Da- 1 Pomona Road* to Cross- Rugby Roadt to Robt>lns. ville. RUBkln • to Dickson. I North Chattanooga*t to Laurelburg* to McMinnvillel McKtnnon*t to Erin. Pondvllle to Westmoreland Ruth to Savannah. Chattanooga. McMlllant to Knoxvtlle. Pope• to Linden. H.utbville to Martin. Laurel Hill to Cookeville. McNatry•U to Henderson. Northford to Parsons. Norwood* to Jackson. LaVergne•ti to Smyrna. Roads to Po8~~;el to Newbern. Lavinia• to MIJan. Sadlersville• to Guthrl~ Meadorville* to Lafayette 1 Nunnelly*t! to Centerville. Porterfield to Wo:,dbury. Law to Lexington. Nut Bush to Ripley. Meadow*t to Greenback. Ky. Port Royal• to Guthrie. Safford to Lexington. Post to H untlngdon. Meadowbrook to Jonesboro Leach• to Huntingdon. Sailors Rest•t to Erin. Postelle• to Ducktown. Lead vale•! to White Pine. Meagsville to Gainesboro. St. Bethlehem*t to Clark11 Poteet to Livingston. Leaman to Rogersville. ville. Povo• to Madisonville. Leapwood to Bethel Springs Meda to Sharon. Oakfteld to Jackson. St. Clair* to Bulls Gap . Rut,. to Sprlng•t Powder Leas Springs* to Rutledge . Medon•tt to Jackson. tPickett Co.) Oakgrove St. Elmo to Chattanooga ledge. Byrdstown. to Mee11:s to Tracy Clty. Powell Station to Knox- St. John to Gramille. Lee to Pikeville. Oak Ilill* to Livingston. ville. Lee Valley• to Rogersville. Melrose to Wartburg. 1 St. Luke to Cookeville. Oakknob to Lafayette. Melvtlletl to Chattanooga. Oakley* Prairie Plains to Manchea- Sale Creek•tt to Dayton Leftwich to Columt>IA. . Livingston to • Iengelwood* to Dyersburg Oakplain to Clarksville. I Samburg to Hornbeak. ter. Legate* to Do,•er. Mentor•t to Maryvllle. Samuel to Blountvllle. Prenaergast* to Etowah. Lelnarts• to Clinton. Oakville* to Memphis. Pressmans Home to Rogers- Sanders to F1iendshlp. Lella to Bluff City. Oakwood to Clarksville. Michie• to Corinth, Miss. Sandy Hook to Moun, ville. Lenow to Cordova. Pleasant. Price to Covington. Lenox to Dyersburg. Obannon to Lafayette. Middleburg*! to Bolivar. Obey Santordt to Athens. Franklln. to Priest City to Monterey. Midland to Bell Buckle. Sango to Clarksville. Primm• to Centerville. Leon to Cookeville. Benton. to Ocoee Midway"'H to Mosheim. SaundersvUle•r to Gallatin Odd Fellows Hall to Pulaski Proctor to Hells. Mifflin to Henderson. Pruden*I to Mlddlesboro, Saw Dust Valley to Colum Lex to Trenton. Odum to Lebanon . bia Ky. Lexie to Huntland. Clinton. to Ofl'uttt Milldale to Orlinda. Scoot to Bulls Gap. PuckeU to Eagleville. Okra to Byrdstown . , Sedalla• to Tazewell. Pyburns to SaYannab. Libertybill"t to Rutledie, Milledgeville to Saltillo. Cleveland. to Oldfort*:t Milligan College* to John- Oldtown to Cumberland Sequatchte•tt to Jasper. Lick Creel!: to Centerville. son City. Servilla* to Benton. Llckton to Goodlettsvllle. Gao. MIU Point to Blountville. 1 Olga Quebeck•t to Sparta. , Sewee to Decatur. Llte to Lexington. to Livingston. Quito• to Mllltngton. 1 Seymour*t to Sevierville. Light to Iron City. Mineral Park to Ooltewah. Olivehill* to Savannah. Lightfoot to RIDiey. Mingo to Middlesboro, Ky. Omega to Erm. Shady to Mountain City. LUlydale• to Celina. . * O'Neil to Nashville. Shady Hill to Lexington. Limestone Cove to Erwin. Mlnnlcks to Obion. Rarter * to Madisonville. Only* to Centerville. Sharps Chapel* to Luttrell to Mint• to Maryville. Springs Rames :t to Memphis. Limestone Opal to Gallatin. Sbawanee•t to Cumberland Greeneville. Rainy t~ Plkevllle. Ora to Cleveland. Mlston•t to Ridgley. Gap. Ralelith to Memphis. Chattato Knob Orchard Mitchell to Portland. Linary to Crossville. Raistons Station t to Mar- Shea to Oneida. nooga. Mixte to Huntlne:ton. Shearons Landing to Ash , Lincoln to Kelso. tin. • Ore Spring to Glea,;on. land Clty. Lindauer to 8ummertown to South Pittsburg. Ramer t1 to Selmer. Mockeson to Lawrenceburg. I Orme•i Link to Murfreesboro. I Ramsey Memphis. Orysa to Henning. Model• to Bumpus Mllls. ~~:IB:~ie*J o iYi~:tet~~~n Linton to Nashville. to Atoka. Ran~ol~h Paris. to Osage j Ostella to Cornersville. Molino to Fayetteville. . Shell Mound"H to Soutb Ran,..,nr to .Jac-k!on. Plttsburit. Rankins Depot t to NowLittle Crab* to Jamestown. Monoville* to Carthage. to Rogersville. I Otes Monroe• to Livingston. Shellstord to McMinn ville Litton• to Pikeville. port. Mosheim. to Ottway Monteagle•tt to TracyCity. Overall* to :Murfreesboro. Rasar to ~aryvUle. Montezuma• to Henderson. Owlhollow to Winchester. Shepherd• to Chattanooga Llverville to Clinton. Ra th burnt+ to oddy. Montlake to Chattanooga. Shepp to Stanton. Liverwort to Clarksville. Sherwood•tt to Wlncheste, Ravenscrort•t to Sparta. }g Locke to Memphis. Mooctyvlile to Byrdstown. Sblnile to Sparta. Raymore to Paris. · Shirley to Jamestown. Locustmount to Jonesboro. Moon to Lawrenceburg. Re&iar,-• to Lexln1rton. I Mooresburg*to Morristown • hooks to Knoxville. Lodge to Jasper. Mooresvllle to Lewisburg. Red SUiphur Sprlnp• to Shop Sorlng-l<:t to Lebano11 Lotton to Murfreesboro. Pace to Big Sandy. Mooring to Tiptonville. Savannah. Shore to Pulaski. t~~~nL%~ot°J);~tsville. I Moorman to Somervllle. Pactolus to Jonesboro. Reeltoot • to Tlptonvllle. Short Mountain to WoodPainter to Jonesboro. bury. Rein to Brownavllle. J Lonely to Denver. Pall Mall* to Jamestown. Lone Mountatn•t1to Taze- Morgan to Wlldersvllle. Shouns•tt to Mountain City Reliance• to Etowah. Morgan Springs• to Dayton Palmer* to Tracy City. well. Rembert Springs to Mem- Shubert•t to Hohenwald. Palmetto to Lewisburg. Lone Oakt (Montgomery Morley*t to Jellico. phis. Morning Star to Jonesboro. Palmyra*t to Clarksville. Co.) to Clarksville. Slam to Elizabethton. Reverie* to Munford. Long SaYannah to Cleve- Morris Chapel* to Savan- Paperville to Bristol. Sldevtew to Gallatin. Reynold.It to Lynnville. nah. Paragon :Mills to Nashville land. Signal Mountain to Chat tanooga. Pardue• to Ashland City. Moss* to Celina. Lonv:town to Mason. Rhea Sprlop• to Spring Parham to Gallatin. Silers to Bolivar. Lonoke to Rutherford. Clty. Mountain Junction to Chat- Parker to Par ·ons. Lookout to Chattanooga. Silver Creekt to Lewlshura Rheatown to Llmeatono. , Parksville to Benton. tanooga. Silver Hill to Smyrna. Lookout Mountain • to Mountairy*t to Dunlap. Chattanooga. Sllverlake to Mountain City Rialto* to Hennin1r. Mountcarmel to Covington. i~r;:~~lt*ebt~n~~wport. j Rieb to Pulaski Lorralnet to Sprln11: Clty. Silver Polnt•t to Cookeville. Mount Helen to Huntsville Pasquo to Na hville. Lostcreek* to Luttrell. Riobard City*tt to South Mt. Vernon to Madisonville Pates Hill to Mosheim. Silver Springs Statlont to Louiset to Clarksville. Pltt1bur~. Lebanon. Patty*tt to Benton. Rlohard10ns* to Louisville*H to Maryville. :Mouse Creek to Niota. Mouth of Sandy to Big Peach to Lawrencel:lurg. Stlvertop to McEwen. Rloh Creek to Lewlablll"(. Sandy. Peachers Mills to Clarks- Richmond to Petenburit. Slrenburg to Greeneville. Lovelace to Jonesboro. ville. Rickman* to Livingston. Moxie to Lcoanon. Luckett to Ripley. kelton to Church Ilill. Pearl City to Fayetteville. Rlddleton• to Cartbare. Lucy• 1 to M11l1ngton. Pearley to Millington. Riclgedalet to Chattanooga. Slate to Manrvme. Mulllnst t to Memphis. Luke to Jonesboro. Pearlville to Smithville. Mulloys to Portland. Ridge Top*t to Green Brier Sloan ville to Mllllneton. Lula* to Henderson. Smartt•t to McMirinvllle Pea.vine* to Crossville. Munseyt to Lebanon. Luther• to Ro1?ersv11le. Ridings to Erin. Smithland to Huntland. Ridley to Columbia. Pebble to elmer. Myers to Mosheim. Luttrell*tt to Knoxville. Peeled Chestnut to Sparta. Rlrht* to Savannah. ' Smokey to Huntsville. Lutts• to Savannah. Smoky Junction* to I I unttKingston Rlnda to Greenlleld. to Pegram*t Lylcs*t to Centreville. ville. Rl~gold to Clarksville. Springs. Naillon to Newport. Snider to Dover. Riverdale to Knoxvtlle. Pelham* to :Monteagle. Nanklpoo to Halls. Sooel* to A1.1bland City. RlverhW to Sparta. Napier•t to Summertown. Perdue to Franklin. Ky. Mack to Ripley. Persia*t to l:{o~ersville. Nathan to Linden. olo to Covington. Macon* to Somerville. Rlver1hm1:t to Pulaskt. Southall to Franklin. Rlvenide•tt Hohenwald. National Soldiers Home*t Peryear to Puryear. Madge to Arl\nflton. Peters Landing"' to Clifton. Roan Moantaln•t to Eliza- South Port to Columhla. to Johnson City. Malesus•:t to Jackson. retros to Harriman. Nauvoo to Dyersburg. Maltsberger to Greeneville South 'I'unnel•t to Gallatl11 bethton. Petway to Ashland City. Manring* to Middlesboro, Sparkman to McMinnvlll..l{y. Ro1'lerta to Oneida. Near Yorkville to Yorkville. Peytonsville to Franklin. Speedwell• to La Follette Henderson. to Roby Neboville to Dyer. Manstleld • t l to Parts. Phelan to Mason. Mount Soot• to Centerville. Rockdale*t t to Neely'st to Jackson. Mansford to Winchester. Ph1llipprt to Tlptonvllle. pout. pring to Hornbeak Pleasant. N'ellle to Jonesboro. Manson to Jamestown. Springcreek•t (Madison Co., Rockford• t to Maryvtllo. Neptune* to Ashland Clty. Pickwick to avannah. to Medina. Pierces Station*t to Ful- Rockbtll to Franklin. Marlow•ttto Oliver Springs Nero to Jackson. Rock Island•tt to McMinn- Soring Place to Lewlsburs Marrowbone to Ashland • ·hoha to Collierville. to Sevierville. City. Netti~ Carrler•toLi,ingston Sprlngville•t to Blg Sandy ville. Rockvale• to Murfreesboro. Spurrier to Byrdstown. Neubertt to Knoxville. Mart~J•t to Lenoir City. Rocky Fork to Smyrna. Martha•t (Wilson Co.) to Neva•t to Mountain City. Pinegar to Smithville. Pinegrove to Greenback. Stacy to Rogersville. Roddy•tt to Spring City Leoanon. Toone. to Pinetop Rod~y Springs to Stalnvllle to Coal Creek. Martins Mills* to Clifton. New Castle to Whiteville. Pinewood* to enterville. 'tar to Iron City. Newcomb*tt to Jellico. Marvin to Bulls Gap. City. PineYflats*tt to Bluff City. Rodelm to Knoxville. Station Camp to Gallatin . Newell to Rutherford . .M ast'ot *tt to Knox ville. Roellen to Dyerabu1"2. PlnkneY*t to West Point. New Hope to Roger1vllle. Match• to Columbia. Ploneer•t to Jellico. Stegall to Lexington. New Kent to Collierville. Roiranat to Gallatin. Matlock to Lenoir City. Piperton to Collierville. Newland to Oneida. Rogers Springs•t to Mid- Stella to Prospect Statton Stewart•tt to Erin. Newmansville to Greene- Pis11:ah to Pulaski. dleton. Maxwen•tt to Huntland. Pittsburg Landini* to Saville. St~warts Ferry to -ashvlllr ~J~i~~~~vllJe. vannah. Mayday to Jonesboro. N e~l!!ddleton • toGordons-1 Maydee to Osceola, Ark. 1 Denver. to Plant st~ke:.,Vt~eF;fen~I~~~g_ m. Romeo to Hulls Gap. New Providence• to ClarksMayland• tt to Crossville. ' Plato* to Elizabethton. ville. !Maynar1v1lle* to Knoxto Gordonsville Stonewall• ~~=~ Robbins. to River•tt New ville. s~g~i~~1s~!~::::~insvillt Newsoma Station*ltoNash- Pleasant Grove (Maury Co.) Ros~ Hill to Olarksvllle. Stowers• to w artburg. Roslm to Harriman. to Culleok&. vtlle. McAllister's Cross Road• to Rossert to Huntingdon. Pleasanthill* to Crossville. Clarksville. Straight Fork* to Hunt,, Nicks Creek to Huntsville. Pleaaant Point• to Law- Ros.'l View to Clarksville. ville. Roundtop to Alexandria renceburr. , Nlne Mlle to Plkevllle. McBur~ to Fayetteville. Strtblln~ to Dover. · Pleasantville• to Center-. Routon• to Henry. Nlxoo• to Savannah. Manchester. to Noah to Adams. troudsville , E&ilevllle. to Rover 1 ville. McCloud*t to Ro~ersvtlle., Rowtand•t to MoMlnnvllle. Su11:ar Grove to Westmor.Plumpoint to Ripley. McConnells*t:t to Martin. No1>lea to Paris. Noeton• to Morristown. M;.;·......:._ _:l,:a~n.::d.:.._ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Pocahontas to M ldd Ieton. R uckert _to McCUiley to A tbeilll .  t~~~'i'cf!~•  I  1rnf  I  I  I  t2  8;~~:Jf  .ff  I  l}~~;s\~~~~-  I  Pi:~~Jolie  1  tm~  ~•¾:e~~~::  1  REFERENCE KEY.  ._ County Seat.  • Money Order Ofllce .  tTelegraph Statton.  ! Express Office.  V V V  V V V  TENNESSEE SU.gar Tree• to Parsons. Sulphura to Portland. SUmmltvWe•t to Manchester. SUmpter to Bluff City. Sunbrlght•t: to Wartburg. lunrlae to Centerville. Swl1t to Savannah. Landing Sycamore to Waverly. Sykes*t to Hickman. Sylvia• t to Dickson.  Tart• to Fayetteville. 1'alome to Woodbury. Tampico to Jefferson City. Tarlton to Tracy Oity. Tarpley to Pulw kl.  /f t1J 8!~cl~hect. ~:!!~~ Tatesvllle to Tracy City. 0  Tatumvllle to Newbern. Taylors Chapel to Somerville. Taylorvllle to .Mount Pleasant. Teague to Toone Templow to Hartsville. 'l'ennemo to Caruthersville. Tennessee Clty•tt to Dickson. Tennscsee Rldgc•tt to Erin Terrell •t to Martin. Terry to Mt. Pleasant. Tharpe* to Dover. Theola to Jonesboro. Theta to Spring Hlll . Thick to Lewlaburg. (Cheatham Tbomasvllle* Co.) to Ashland Clty. Thomasville (Madison Co.) to Jackson. Jefferson to Thornburg City. Thorngrove to Knoxville. l'lbbs to Brownsvllle. Tigrett*t to Friendship. Timmons to Columbia. Timotby* to Livingston. Tlnsleys .Bottom to Gainesboro. Tlpton•t to Covington. Titan• to Ridgely. To~,1~~~ Port• to Bumpus Tom's Creek to Linden. Topsy* to Hohenwald. Totty·s to Centerville. Townes to Camden. Townsend• to Maryville. Trade• to Mountain City. Treadway• to Rogersville. TresweU to Dickson. Triune• to F·ranklln. Trousdale to McMinnville. Trundles Crossroads* to Sevierville. Tuckers Cross Roads to Lebanon. Tuckor Spdngs*t to Cleve. land. Tulipgrove to Nashville. Tulu to Corinth, :Mi s. Turners to Westmoreland . Turnersville to Cedar Hill. Turtletown* to Ducktown Tusculum to Greeneville. fwomeyt to Centerville. l'~~i~*foti~ti~;}g~3~a.  Uceba to R.noxv1lle. 0 na. to Nashville.  Onaka Springs• to Erwin. Un1001•tt to Erwin. Union Cross Roads to Lenotr City UnJty to Dukedom. UPtonvme to Mercer. 0 rte! to Atoka.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Acton to Granbury. Waco to Lynnvllle. WaldenslaU to Rockwocd Acworth* to Clark.svllle Adamsville• to Lampasas. Wales•t to Pulaski. Addicks•! to Houston. Walland•tt to Maryville. Walling•t to McMinnville. Adclielou to Detroit. Wallvlew to South Pitts- Addran to ulphur Spring. bunr. Walnut Grove• to Savan- Adell to Whitt. Ad Hall to Cameron. nah. Walterhlll• to Murtreeshorc Adkins*! to Lavernia. Admiral* to Baird. Walts to Millington. Adobe Walls to Pampa. Warfield to Linden. Adrian*tt to Vega. Wargap to Rogersville. Advance to Whitt. Warren•tt to Somervllle. Warrens Bh.ill to Lexington Afton• (Dickens Co.) to Spur. Warrensburg*tto Mosheim Washburn•tt to Rutledge. A1rnes to Poolvllle. Washington to Dayton Washington College*; to A1rna Dulce* to Alice. Agullares•tt to Laredo Jonesboro. Watauga•tt to Johnson Alamed:i to Falfurrias . Alamo Mills* to Queen City City. Watauga Valley* to Eliza- Alazan to Nacogdoches. Albert* to Blanco. oethton. Albion to Clarksville. Waterloo• to Cookeville. Alcala to Brownsville. Watervalley to Columbia. Aleedo to Lufkin. Watkins to Nashville. Alderbranch to Palestine, Wayland Springs• to \Vest Port. Aleman to Hamilton. Wayne to Ethridge. \Vayslde to .Murfreesboro. Aley to Kemo. AIf red• t to Alice. Weakly to Pulaski. Richland , to ·w eavers Store*to Bumpus ! Algerita Springs. Milis. Algoa•tt to Alvin. Webster to Harriman. Alhambra* to Pampa.. Wellsville to Maryv1lle. Alie!* to Houston. Wellwood to Brownsville. Allamoore *t t to Van Horn West to Medina. Westbourne* to Jellico. Allentarm*H to Navasota. WesteJ•t to Rockwood. Alleyton•t to Columbus. W. !fork to Livingston . We:1t Harpetn*tto Franklin Allison to Decatur. W. . ash villet to ville. Almeda• to Houston. Westport,*t to Huntingdon . Almira to Linden. Almont to DeKalb. Wetmore• to Etowah. Alpha {Dallas Co.l to Wheat• to Harriman. Richardson. Wheel to Shelbyville. Alsa to Wills Point. Wheelerton to li:lkton. Alsdorf'l'tt to Ennis. White to Memphis. Wnlte Fem to Lexington. Altair*tt to Eagle Lake. Whitehaven* to Memphis. White Hlll to Goodlettsvllle Alta Vista* to TTebbronville Whitehorn*t to Bulls Gap. Altheat to Bartlett. Whltesburg•n to Morrls- Alton to Mission. Altonia* to Sau Augustine. town. Whlteslde•rt to Chatta-: Alum to Stockdale. Ambia to Paris. nooga. Amelia to Beaumont. Whltlock•tt to Paris. \Vhittens Stand to Iron Ames* to Gatesville. Amhurst to Paris. City. Amigo to Winona. Whitthorne* to' Milan. Wildrose to Surgoinsville. Amphion• to Poteet. I Anarene to Archer City. Wilhoite to Lewisburg. Anchor*tt to .Angleton. Willette* to Hartsville. Wllllamsoort• to Columbia. Anchorage* to Poteet. Andy to Jacksonville. Wllaonvllle to Homoeak. Angel City to Goliad. Windle* to Livingston. Windrock*to Oliver Springs Ani:-eles to Pecos Ang-elita*tt to Odem. Win<.'sap to Crossville. Angus • to Corsicana. Winfield• t t to Oneida. Winner to Elizabethton. Anneta to Weatherford. Winona to Oneida. Wlrm1ngham*toLivlng ton Antelope* to Jermyn. Witham to Westmoreland. Anthony to Savoy. Witt's Foundry* to Morris- Anti to Atlanta. Apolonia to Anderson. town. Wolfcreek*tt to Newport. Arbala* to Sulphur Svrings. Woodford• to Cl&rksvllle. Woodlawn* to Clarksvllle. Arcadia*tt to Alta Loma. WoodstockU to Memphis. Arcola*t! to Houston. Arden* to Mert7.on. Woodville to Rloley. Argenta to Mathis. Wooldridge• to Jellico. Argo to .:\It. Pleas Worley to Chattanooga. Worsham to Hendersonville Arlie• to Hollls, Okla. Armstronii:* to Riviera. Wrencoe to Nashville. ArnecxeviJJe• to Cuero. Wynn to Dover. Wynnburg*t to Tiptonville Arnett to Gatesvllle. Arnirn to \Yharton. Arnold to Merit. Artesia Wells*tt to Cotulla. Arthur Clty•tt to Paris. Ash {Houston Co.) to Crockett. Yager to ;\Ic\Iinnville. Ashtola to Clarendon. Yankeetown to Sparta. Ashwood* to Bay City. Yell to Lewisburg. A hworth to Kaufman. Yellow Creek to Erin. Atascosa* to Lytle. Youngblood to Liberty. Ater to Gatesville. Yum Yum to Somerville. Atlas* to Howland. Attovac* to Chireno. Atwell* to Putnam. Audelia to Garland. Audubon to Alvord. Augusta* to Grapeland. Zach to Camden. Authon to Weatherford.  Barnum* to Livingston. Bartonvllle to Argyle. Bas. ett*tt to Naples. Bates,·ille to Uvalde. nat,on* to Sour Lake . Battle to Waco. Baurs to Tom Ball. Bayou to Hemphill. Bayside* to Rockport. Bazette to Kerens.  TEXAS  207"  Brachfield to Henderson. I Ilracken•tt to New Braun-  Beadle to Markham. Beatriz to Donna. Beattie to Comanche. Beaukiss* to Elgin.  fels. Brad* to Strawn. Branch to I cKinney. Branchville to Hearne.  Bransford to Grapevine. Breslau to Hallettsvllle. Briar to Newark. Brice* to Clarendon. Brighton* to Corpus Christi ~~~i1\~olnu~rs~ur Springs. Britt to Centerville.  Bebe* to Gonzales. Broadmoor to Brady. Becker to Ks.ufman. Broadway to Paris. Beckham to Sulphur Brock* to \Veatherford. Bronco* to Plains. nei~i;1lio Fort Worth. Broome to Sterling City. Beecaves to Austin. Browndel to Jasper. Beechgrove* to Jasper. Brownings to Winona. Bee House* to Gatesville. Brundage* to Big Wells. Behrnville to Jarrell. Bruni* to · rrebbronville. Belchervtlle•tt to Nocona. Drunnert to Houston. Belfalls k, Troy. Brushycreek* to Palestine. Belk to Paris. Bryans Mlll• to Naplea. 1 Bryarly to Clarksville.  ~~-!~c?i~tf~y. I ~:H: Belmont* to Luling  I  Buck* to Livingston. Buckeye•tt to Bay City. Buckhorn to Bellville. Ben Boltt to Alice. Buckner• to Weatbertord. Benbrook*tt to Fort Worth Buffalo Springs• to Beu~ Benchley*H to Bryan. vue. Bend* to Lometa. Bulcber• to St. Jo. Benford* to Corrigan. Bull <.keek to Ranger. Benhur to Groesbeck. Bulverde• to San Antonio. Benina• to San Augustine. Bunger* to Graham. Benoft* to Ballinger. Benton• to Lytle. : ~~~~'!8t Bentonville to Alice. Burkett• to Coleman. Benvanue to Byers. Burns to Gainesville. Bergheim to Boerne. Burr* to Wharton. Bergs to San Antonio. Burroughs to ·wams. to Royse City. ~:~:~~~;o ~~vinss:~nr. i z 0 Burrow Bushland to Amarillo. Springs. Bustamante to Laredo. Bernardo* to Columbus. Butler* to Oakwood. Berwick• to Jacksboro. Bossmay*tt to Kirbyville. Byrds to May. Pethel* to Palestine. Byrdston to Blossom. Bettio*tt to Gilmer. Byron (Ellis Co.) to Ennla .Bexar to Lytle. Beyersvllle to Taylor. Belott to Crockett.  r'tJlr::ri:rri.  Blardstown• to Paris. Bibb to Comancne. Ilibles to Kirkland. Big Foot* to Devine. Bighill* {Limestone Co.) to Thornton. Big Hill {::1-fatagor<la Co.) to Matagorda. Big Lump to Rockdale. Big Yalley to Goldthwaite.  Birch to Lyons. Birdville to Fort Worth. Birome to Mount Calm. Sulphur to Birthright* Springs Blry to D·evine. Bivins to Atlanta. Blacktt to Friona. Blackfoot to Palestine. Black Jack to Troup. Blackoak to Como. Blair* to Merkel. Blakeney* to Bagwell. Blanchard* to Livingston. Blanconia* to Goliad. Bland to Belton. Blandlake• to San Augustine. Blanton to Blum. Bleakwood* to Klrbyvllle. Bleiblerville to Industry. BlevtDB to Eddy. Bliss {Grayson Co.) to \Vhitewright. Rloomfield to Gainesville. Hluegrove* to Henrietta. Bluemels Store to San Antonio. Bluff Springs to Austin. Bluffton* to Llano. BIUmenthal*t to Fredericksbur11:. Blunt to Fairfield. Bluntzer* to Mathis. Bly to Mount Pleasant. Blythe to Seminole. Bobv111e* to Montg-omery,  Cactus• to Laredo. Oacldell to Nacogdoches. Cadiz* to Heevllle. Caesar* to Kenedy. ('alallentt to Robstown. <'alaveras"'H to Floresville. Caledonia to Timpson. Calf Creek* to Brady. Calhoun (Colorado Oo.) lio Eagle Lake. Call•tt to Klrbyvllle. Calllna to Coolidge. Calllsburi to GalnesvlJle. Calvin to Bastrop. Camden* to Livingston. Oamev Spur to Frisco. Camilla* to Shepherd. Camobellton•tto !<'alls City Camp San Saba* to Brady. Camo Springs• to Snyder. Camo Verde• to Center Point. Canary* to Livingston. Candelaria• to Marra.  2:~~~~  :i ::rm~~-  Cannon to Van Alstyne. Canutillot to El Pai;o. Caps• to Abtlene. Caradan• to Goldthwaite. Carancahua*to Port Lavaca Carbondale to Maud. Ca.rey•tt to Childress. Carlisle* (Trinity Co.) to Trinity. Carlos to Anderson. Oarlsbad*tt to San Angelo. Carmona• to Corrigan. Caro•tt to NacogaoclJea. Carolina to Riverside.  Carpenter to Lavernla. Carpenters Blufftt to Denison. Carricitos to San Benito. !!fee~!~ t3o~~a~ortb. Vaden to McEwen. Oarroll to Lindale. Bolingt to Wharton. VValcteau to Chattanooga. Carson to Bonham. Bolivar to Sanger. ale*t to Hollow Rock. Carta Valley to Del Rio. Bonanza to Emory. Valley Forge to ElizabethBonner {Freestone Co.) to Cartwright {Wood Co.) to ton. Winnsboro. Detroit. Vancet to Bluff City. Cary Station to Childreee. Bonney* to Angleton. Bagby to Honey Grove. Vvand~ver to Crossville. Casablanca* to Sandia. Bono• to <.:leburne. Balleyv1JJe• to Rosebud. antull to Church Hill. Casa Piedra to Marfa. Bonus*tt to Eagle Lake. Balch to Weatherford. ;asper•tt to Coal Creek. Cash •t to Quinlan. ~~~ofi::\~e~r~ie~~~Fn. Bon Welr•ttto K1royville. Cass• to Bloomburg. TEXAS. ~i~~~svWe• to Mountain Cassin to San Antonio. Bankersmith to Fredericks- Boquillas* to Marathon. Venla to Cookevllle. Casten• to Llano. Borden to Weimar. burg. ;ernon• to Centerville. Castroville* to La Coste. Bannister* to San Augus- Bo!'queville to Waco. Aberdeen* to Shamrock. erona to Lewlsbur11:. Catarlna*t to Asherton. •Boston* to New Boston tine. Aberfoyle to \Volfe City. ; 1 ctor1a•t to Whitwell. 1 enna to Dover Cave Creek to Crawford. Banquete •tt _to Robstown Boswell to Huntsville. Ables Springs to Terrell. Caviness* to Paris. Bovina to Farwell. Bantam to Wmdom. Abner to Kaufman. ~IUldo•u to Whiteville. Cawthontt to Navasota. Bowser* to Brownwood. Barbarosa to eguin. Abram* to Mission. V Y to Clinton. C&yote to Valley Mllls. Annona. to Boxelder* Rosebud. io Barclay Cleveland. to Ace v~ne to Murfreesboro. Boyds Chappel to Hamlin. Cedar Bayou* to La Porte. Acme•tt(Hardeman Co.) to Barker*t to Houston. Vlnta to Prospect Station. z to Waxahachie. B..;;.o..c. Cedar Creek to Bastr~ Barnes! to Moscow. _ __;__ ~..:? Dec~rv11_1e_,__ _.,__ ~ h Office Order Money • Statton. tTelegraph Seat. County 4 i Express Office. REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2080  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  TEXAS  Oedar Lake* to Brazoria. Oeda.r Lane to .Bay ()lty. Cedar Mills to Pottsboro. 1 Cedar Park*:t to Round Rock. Oedar Svrings to R osebud . Cedar Valley to Austin. Cego to Eddy. Cele to H u t to. Oement*t to DallaR. Centennial to Carthage. Center Mill to Granbury. Centralia* to Groveton. Cestohowa* to Falls City. Cbaha to Garland. Chalk* to Paducah. Chalk Bluff to Waco. Ohalk Mountain* ro Wal• nut SprlnJ.:S, Chambersvllle to Melissa. Chambliss to Melissa. Champion to Roscoe. Chappell* to San Saba.  Cost* to Gonzales. Cottondale to Paradise. Cotton Gin to Mexia. Cotton Plant to Ranger. Cottonwood* to Putnam. Coughran to Pleasanton . , Courtney•U to Navasota. Cove* (Chambers Co.) to Anahuac. Coxvllle to Red Rock. Craru to Jacksonville. Crafton• to Chico. Crat~ to Henderson. Cranes Mill* to New Braunfels.  8t:~f~~~.11~nJ~oper. Charlie* to Petrolia. Chat to Hillsboro. Chatfield* to Rice. Cheaney to Ranger.  Crestonio to Hebbronville. Crete to Groveton.  I  Cheap Side* to Westhoff. Cheek* to Beaumont. Cheetham* to Rock Island Cheisa to Rowlett. g::~°fg*Bt~~~n~eton. OherrySpring to Fredericksburg. Ohesterville*tt to Eagle Lake. Ohicota• to Paris. Ohief to Kaufman. Ohina•tt to Beaumont. China Spring* to Waco. Chita• to Groveton. Choate• to Kenedy. Chocolate Bayou• to Alvin. Choice* to Center. Chrl8t1ne•t to Jourdanton.  Cranz* to Waelder. Creath to Kennard. Orecy to Groveton. Oreechville to Ennis. Creedmoor• to Austln. Creek* to Lovelady.  Crews* to Ba111nger. Crisp*:t to Ennis. Cross* to Iola. Cross Cut• to Cross Plains. Crow* to Mineola. Crown• to Jourdanton. Cryer Creek to Barry, ~S:o~a iei~~~eton. Cundiff• to Chico. Cuney to Jacksonville. Cunningham* to Deport. Cun1e to Wortham. CuBSeta • to Naples. Cut* to Crockett. Cu th and• to Clarksville. Cutbhert• to Colorado. Cyclone to Rogers. Cypre815•tt to Houston. Cy~fte;~ Mill~ to Johnson Cypress Top to Houston.  Donna (Collin Co.) to Anna Etolle* to Chireno. 1 1-':ula• to Clyde. Uoole to Brady. Euless to Arlington. Dora* to Sweetwater. e:uiogy to Morgan. Doss to Frederlckllbtu'i, Eunice to Oakwoods. Dothan* to Cl.8co. Dotson to Timpson. Double Bayou• to Anahu&f 1 Eureka* (Navarro Co.) to Corskan a . Doucette*tt to Oolmesnen. Eva• to San Dletto. 1 B:'fadate• to Reaumont, Dou1rlas1• to cushln&. 1 Evelvn to Lockhart. Dove to Grapevine. Evergreen• to Coldspring. Downing to De Leon. Everitt• to Shepherd. Downsville to Waco. Ewell to Plttshurg j Bxray to Stephenville. Dozier to Shamrock. Ezzell• to HallettsvWe. Drane to Corsicana. I Dreka to Center. Dresden to Blooming Grove Dressy to Cross Plains.  Garcias• to Rio Grande. Gardendale*tt to Cotulla. Garden Valley (Chlldrese Co.) to Kirkland. Garden Valley* (Smith Co.) to Lindale. Gardner to Lexington. Garfield to Austln. Garner•tt to Weatherford. Garrett•tt to F.nnls. Garretts Bluff to Paris. Garseno to Rio Grande.  I  I  ~ !8verton. g:~l:i!~ Gaston* r Ft. Benll Co.) ,o Richmond. 0  Gastonia to Crandall. Gates•t to Dallas. Gay to Bronson. Gaybill*t to Brenham. Driftwood* to Buda. ;:~t1'a~s~;f1!0Lfi~8u11ton. Gaylord to Booker. Dripping Springs* to Gem* to Canact,an. Fairchilds to Ro:-enherg. Austin. Geneva• (Sabine Co.) so Fairdale to Hemphill. Driscoll* to Bishop. San Augustine. Falrlana•tt to Marble Falls Drop to Justln. Genoa•tt to Houston. Fairmount* to Hemphill. Dryburg to Jasper. Fair Play to Pine EI Ill. George*t to Normangee. Fairview to FloresvWe. Dryden•t:t to Sanderson. Fatcy• to Hico. Georges Creek• to Ot. Dryer to Yoakum. burne. Dubose to San Diego. Gholson to Waco. Falba to Huntsville. Duke•t to Houston. Gibtown* to Poolvllle. Falcon to Laredo. Dull to Fowlerton. Glles•rt to Memphis. Dumonttt (Harrts Co.) to Fallonrt to Mexia. GIii to Marshall. Fancbon• to Happy. Houston. Gillett• to Stockdale. Fannett• to Beaumont. Dumont* (Kin~ Co,) Gllllland* to Truscott. Paducah. FannlD*l to Goliad. Glndale to Ro~ers. Dump to Wylie. Fant C'lty to Th.ree Rivers. Ginger to Emory. Fargo* to Vernon . Gintown to Deport. Dunkin to Lufkln. Girvint to Fort Stockton. Dunlap (Cottle Co.) to Farmington t.o Howe, Gist to Buna. Farrar•tt to Jewett. Paducah. Givens to Parts. Dunlap (Travis Co.) to Farrsville• to Newton. 0 Austln. i:;t!~gtio } Glade to Grapevine. DunJay*t to Hondo. Gladstell* to Cleveland. Fazenda to Ollmt1r. Dunn• to Hermlelgh, Gladstone to Huntsvute. Fedor to Lexington, Duplex to Bonham. Gladys City to Beaumon,. Durango to Lott, Glass• to Glen Rose. Felicia to Beaumont. Fetzer to Na\'a.sota.. G Jen Cove* to Coleman. Durham to Snyder. Field Creek• to Llano. Glendale• to Trinity. Duster*t to 8iµe Springs. Fields Store* to Waller. Dwtre to San Augustine. Ftfe• to Brady, Glentawn• to Cushing. Dye to St. Jo. Files to Itasca. Glenham to McDade. Fincastle to A thens. Glenwood•t to Gilmer. Glldden•tt to Columbu1 . Finis• to Grabam. Globe to Paris. Fink to Pott11horo. Glory• to Parts. Finley to El Paso. Eagle Ford•tt to Dallas. Gober• to Dodd City, Fir to Gorwan. Earle to 8an Antonio. SulphurHprfngs to !£ .Caney Fischer Store• to San Mar- Goetz to Streetman. Easter1y•n to Franklin cos. Goforttt to Bucta. East Hamilton to San AuGold• to Fredericksburg. Fisber to Dallas. gustine. Goldenrod to Fisk* to <:olenian. Easton to Tatum. U!!tln. A to ville Fisk Goldsboro•tt to Novice. Eaton to Franklin. Fitzgerald to Palestlne. Goltndo to Wano. Ebony* to Brownwood. Gomez* to Brownfield. Fitzhugh to Austin. Echo to Coleman . Goodland to Calvert. Eckert* to Fredericksburg. Goodr1ch•t1 to Livingston. Flat to Gatesvtlle. Ecla to Pampa. Fletcher (Hardin Oo.) to Sil«hee. Gossett to Kemp. Edgar:t to Cuero. Goulubusk* to .·ants Anna . Flint•tt to Tyler. l-:dge,i, to Bryan. , Flo to Buffalo. Graball to riavasota. Edhube to Honbam. Floro to Lockney Graceton•tt to Gilmer. Edith• to Robert Lee. Graeb to Seguin. Flomot* to 1\1 atarlor. Edna Hill to Oublin. Granada to Fort Stockton. Foard Clty•t to Crowell. Edom• to Tyler. P'odlce* to LoVPlady. Grand Falls* to Barstow. Eiran • tt to Alvarado. Foncine to :.\1 cl..:.inney. Egypt•t to Whan.on. Grant (Burleson Co.) le 1<:lam to Dallas. Bryan. Foot to McKinney. Elbert• to Throckmorton. Grassland to Post. Ford to Canton. Eldervllle• to Longvfow. Victoria. to Ulddlntt11, to Grassyvllle Fordtran• Eldurado Center to DawGrayblll to Westminster. son . Eldrld11:e• 1Colorado Co.) to l Fort Chadhourne • t t to Grayburg•t to Sour Lake. Green•t <Karnes Co.) w Fo~tog~~~eto Albany. Eagle Lake. Kenedy. Fort Hancock"T1to El Paao Green r Kaufman Co.) to EI•te to Lake View. Kaufman Elk to W&oo. Fort McKavett• to Menard, Greenhill to Mount Pleasani Ellpleasant to Wallis. Greenvlne to Brenham. Fort Prairie to Au<-tln. Fort Svunky to Cleburne. Greenwood to Udell. Elma.ton to Blessing. Greg!? to Austin. Forward to Parts. Elmdale• Co Abilene. Elmendort•t1 to San An- Foster• to Richmond. 1 Gresham to Tyler. Cleveland to ft Fostoria• tonio. I Fowlerton•tl to ('otulla. GricA to Rhonesboro. Elm nrove to Flatonia. Elmiru,,•ttto New Waverly Franc~ to Cry tut Olty. Griffin to Troup. Griffith. Switch to Venua Fratt to San AntonJo. Elm Mott•tt Co Waco. Fred• to Sllshee. GrtiBbY to Nacogdechea. Elmont• to \Ian Alstyne. .Mason. to Grimes Switch to Iola. Fredonia• Elm town to Pale ·tine. Elmvlew to Gunter. Freemound to Saint Jo. 1 g~g~~~o~a~~!t~gs. Freestone• to Teairue. Eloise to Marlin. Frelshurg to New l ' lm. Gruenet to ~ew Braunfela l'IJroy to Austin . :\larll~onvllle. to French Gruda• to Grande. Elstone• to Hondo. Frenstat to Oaldwell. Grundyvllle • to Lampasa• l!:lwood to Bonham. Houston. to Fresno• to Victoria. Guadalupe•t Emoerson to Paris. Guda* to Chilton. Emblem to Sulphur Sprlnp Freyburg to SchulenbUfi.  0::~~1vllle.  I Ohristoval* to San Angelo. I Church Hill to Henderson. Circle to Rusk. Circleville* to Taylor. Dacosta*t to Victoria. Cistern* to Flatonia . Citrus Grove*t to Palacios. Dacus• to Mont~omery. DH.le•t to Lockhart. Da.lworth Park to Grand Olardy to Pattonvllle. Prairie. Olareno to Laredo, Dams!te to Chillicothe. Clareville to Beeville. Dan to Greenwood. Clarkson to Rosebud. OlarkWood•to CorpusChrlsti Danbury•tt to Angleton. Danevang• to El Campo. Clawson* to Lufkin. Clay•tt to Navasota. Daniel to Crockett. Clayton• to Carthage. Sweet Daohne to Mount Vernon. to Olaytonvtlle• Darden to aples. Water. Clear Creek to League Olty Dare;an to Elysiantlelds. Darwin• to Laredo. Olear Fork to Lockhart. Daryl to Marshall. Clear Lake* to Wylie. to New Datura•t to Coolidge. Spring Clear Davenport to ValUant. Braunfels. Okla. Olemvllle• to Markham. Olick* to Liano. Davilla• to Bartlett. Davy• to Yorktown. Oliff (Medina Oo.) to La , Dawn to Hereford. Coste. 1 Deadwood* to Carthage. Climax to Farmersville. Dean to Wichita Falls. Cline•tt to Uvalde. De Berry• to El:vsian Fields OUnesburg to Cleveland. Cllnton•t (Hunt Co.) to Deep Lake to Memphis. Greenville. Deepwatert to Houston. Olodine •tt to Richmond. Deltla to Leonard. Clute to Velasco. Delttna* to Edinburg. Cobb to Elmo. Delhi to Waelder. Cochran to Bellville. Della• to Mount Calm. Ooesfl6ld to Marietta, Okla Delvalle* to Austin. Dslwin to Paducah. Coke to Wlnnsboro. Coldvlew to Bryan. Democrat• to Comanche. Coley ...·llle to Paducah. Denman to Mabank. Colfax to Grand Sallne. Oollegebill to De Kalb. t~o\$!~~~~-ine Collegeport to Palacios. Denny to Bremond. OoheKe Stat1on*t: to Bryar Denson Sprtng*to Patestlne Oolllns Switch to BrookeB:~~oe~1~0ti~~~o Spnngi: O~~n~tt to Terrell. Derby*t to Dllley. Coltharps to Kennard. Derden to Blum Colton to Austin. Dermott*! to Snyder. Columbia*-t; to West Desert to Leonard. Colum bia. De Soto to Lancaster. Colvin to Giddings. Dessau to Austin. Comal to New Braunfels. Deven;*tt to Liberty. Combes* to Harlinrcen. Dew to Fairfield. Combine to Kaufman. l~\~e:;c!.°t:X~~h~~c. &>:rii~<l;!tD~tu~.el Rio Dewalt* to Suitar Land. Emmet to Frost. Deweyvme•r to Beaumont I Emmonst to Nacogdoches. Concepcion to Sau Diego. DewvUJe• to Nixon. Conc-ord*t to Jewett. Dial to Honey Grove. Enc-antada to Falt'nrrtas. Concrete to Cuero. Dlboll•tt to Lufkin. Encinal• t t to Cotulla. Oona• to Floydada. Dicey• to Weathertord. Energy* to Gustine. Conlan• to Stratford. Dickens* to Spur. Enirland to Sevmour. Oonnell to Beaumont, Engle•, t to Fiatonla. Dike• to Sulpbur Sprtnp. Connor to Madlsonv11Je. "!:nillsh to Annona. Dilworth• t to Gonzales. Oonverse•t to Schertz. D1mp1e• to Clarksville. Enalll:D to Ennis. Conway• to Panhandle. OookAS Point to Caldwell Dinero• to Mathis. S:ola• to Miles. Coplta to FalfUrrlas. Dinkins to Navasota. ~ rath to Waco. Oorallto to San Antonio. Direct.• to Parts. Corbet• to C'orsicana. l!:rtn• to Klrbyvllle. Dlnrln• to Ta.tum. Cordele to Edna. Er11a to :\lason. Ditto• to Poteet. Oortntbt to Denton. l il:rwtn• to Navasota. I Eskota•tt to Trt>nt. Divot to Dilley. Corley to Maud. Dixie to Whitesboro. Cornett to Naples. Esperanza• to New Waver-, GreenvtUe. ly. Dixon• oryell to Gatesville. Dolores to L!l'~O·~ osner to San~er. , Eatacado • to Lubbock.  g:~~l~!  TEXAS  1  I  I  to Longview. I Friendship Friendswood* to League  I I  8  REFERENCE KEY.  '°  • County Seat.  • Money Order Ofllce.  City. Frio Town• to PearR&ll. Frultland•t L fontague Co. l to Bowle. Fruitvale• to Grand Sallne. Frydek to Sl'aly . Ful11hear• t t to Richmond. Funston to Anson. Fuqua.*tt to Kountze. Furrh• to Elysian Fields.  Guerra• to Hebbronvllle. Gu!Tey*t to Beaumont. Guion" to Abilene. Gulf to Matagorda. Gunslght• to Eastland. Gus to Caldwell. •Guthrie to Paducah. Guy• to Richmond. Guyler to Montgomery. Guys Store* to CrockeU.  I  Hackberry <Edwards Oo,) to Rocksprings. HacKberryt (Lavaca Oo.) Gage to Sherman. to Schulenburg. G~eby to Mobeetie.• to Mount Ver· Ga.h1esmore to Day City. non GallP to San Marca.a. l ..:C:.:a:.:m=-p::.o.::.·: __ _ :::.:.. H:.:a:.::h:.::n:....:.t.::.o_E Gap* to. ipe. ,_!}_rl_n_1£_s _ _ _1:: tTelegraph Station,  .t Express Ofllce.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  TEXAS  TEXAS  2081  Humphrey to Quinlan. Kennedale to Ft. Worth. Llano Grande to Mercedes. ~~~~man Oo.) to H uniertord • t t to Wharton. Kent• ft to Pecos. Lloyd to Aubrey. Kentucky Town• to WhlteHunt* to Kerrville. ~m?;;ii;l:OS~t~~ MU!ord. v,,t11tbt. Hunter•ti to San Maroos. Lochridge to Fr ouston. Locker• to Gol!ttbwalte. Hunters' Retreat to Tom Kerby to Hillsboro. Halsell* to Hent1etta. McKinney Springs to Ma.rKey to Denison. Ball. Locust to Pottshoro. athon. Halsted to La Grange.*tt to Linden. Hurley to Farwell. McKnight to Hedley. Hamby* to Abllene. Kimball to Kopperl McLendons to Fate. Hamiltonburgt to Three Hurnvllle to Henrietta. Kini!"" to Gatesville. Lodwick* to Harleton. Huron to Whitney. Rivers. Logan to Logansport. R lnr■ la.nd • t t to Llano. MoMahan* to Lockhart. Bammond•tt to Calvert. Lolita to Edna. Hunt <Coryell Co.) to Olif- Kln~ston*tt to Celeste, McNell•tt to Round Rock. Hamon* to Gonzales. t.on. Kinkier to HallettsvUJe. McPeek to Gurner. Hamsblre• to Beaumont. London• to Junction. McQueeny• to Sel?Uln. Hancui-lr• to New Ur1tUnfels Hurst (Tarrant Co.) to Kiomatla to Detroit. Lone Camp• to Santo. Fort Worth. Meaaow* to Bro..vntleld. Hankamer* to Lloerty. Kipling to Forney. Hutc11eson* to Huntsville. Lone CMar to Blooming! Mecca to Madisonville. Grove. Kirby to San Antonio. Medill• to Htossom. Huxley to Center. Hansford* to ~pearman. Kirk to Mart. Hye• to Johnson City. Lone mm to Waxahachie. I Barotn*t to Dublin. Lone Grove• to Llano. Kit to Irvlnit. Medina• to Bandera. Hylton• to Sweetwater Hardint: to Liberty. Loneatar• (Cherokee Co.)to Medina Lake to La Ooste. Kittrell to Tt111lty. Hardy* to St. Jo. RtUk. Meeks to Rogers. Knapp* to Snyder. Hare to Taylor. Knickerbocker• to San An- Long Branch*tt to Hen- Melon• to Pearsall. Harkeyvllle (San Saba Oo.) derson. Melrose• to Nacoirdoohea. relo. Iago• to Wharton. to 8an Saba. Mendota 11''tt Lo Canadian. Knlirht" to Ltvlnrston. latan*tt to Westbrook. Harmon to Ben Franklin. Long Lake to Oakwoods. Mendoza to Lockhart. Harmony to Nacol( Iberis to A bllene. Longmott* to Seudrlft. Menlow to Aquilla. Ida (Grayson Co.) to Tom Knlopa•t to Uvalde. Harpersville* to Cisco . Loni Point to Burton. Mentz to Columbus. Bean Knott to Blir Sortnis. Harriett to San Angelo. Meredith to San Antonio. Konuhassett* t o Big Springs tggrer~t~Yici~yl ;~ter. Ike to Waxahachie. Harri;; to Browntleld. Mereta* to Miles. Illinois Bend• to Saint Jo. Korvllle to Tom Ball. Harrison to Waco. Lookout to San Antonio. MerlP to Lyons. Ko clusko to Poth. Harris Valley to Cotulla. Lopeno to Laredo. Merr1lltown to Round Rock. Imperial (Fort Bend Co.) Krlegie to Wharton . Han.• t-0 Kress. Mission. to Eb&nos* Los Lufkln. to Krub Sugarland. to Hartburg* to Oranie. Los Indios to San Benito. Merrimac* to Winnsboro. Impcrl'l.l CPecos Co.) to Kurten• to Bryan. Hartley to Dalhart. Mesa• to Iola. Losoya to Sa.n Antonio. l<'ort Rtockton. (Cherokee Independence Lo. Saenz to Rio Grande. Meyersvllle• to Guero. Hart.shluff to Clarksville. Mickoy* to Floydada. Lacasa to Ranger. Co .> to J a ckeonvtlle. Lou• to Lamesa. Harvey to Bryan. Middleton• to Jewett. \\ ashlng- La Favette• to Pltt1bunr. Indepenaence• Louettat to Houston. Haslam*tt to Joaquin. Mld<llewater•tt o Dalhart. La.w:arto to Mathis ton Co. to Brenham. Hatchel* to Ballinger 1\Jldfleld to Blessing. Hatton to Grand Saline. La~~~e. (Uv&lde Co.) to Lovela.cet to Itasca. Midyett* to ~Iysian Field.I. Lowake to Mlles. Index to Edgewood. Havana to Mission. LaJitas to Alpine. [ndla to Ferns. LUCM to McKinney. Hawcreek to Fayetteville. Mliruet• to Devine. Enloe. to Creek* Lake Brownto Creek• Indian Frederlok&to Luckenbach* Hawkinsvi1let1 to Bay City Mikeska to Three Rivers. Lake Vlctor•t to Lampaau wood. buri. Hawley (Matagorda Co.) to Milam• to San Augustine. Lakeview to Flo.•dada. Indio to Orystal City. Luella* to Sherman. Blessing. Milburn• to Mercury. lnitleside•ttto Aransas Pass Lakota to M ilh111p. Lumberton to Silsbee. MIidred to Corsicana. La Maroue•tt to G&lveaton Lund to Elitln. Hawthorne•to NewWaverly Inirram• to Kerrvtlle. Mill Creek to Brenham. Lamasco• to Bonham. Lusk* to Woodson. Iowa Colony to Alvin. Hayes to Franklin. Mlller Grove• to Lone Oak. Lambert to Weatherrord. Ira• to Snyder. Lutie to Wellington Heald to McLean. M lllersv1ew• to Patnt Rock. Luxello to Schertz. Hefner to Goree. Millett• tt to Dilley. Lammburg to San Antonio. Lydia to A very. Ironton• to Jacksonvllle. Regar* to Waller. Mtllbeim* to Sealy. Landrum to Alto. Irwin to Henderson. Helbig to Beaumont. Lyman* to Roaring Springe! Mllllcan•ft to Navasota. Isabel• to l::lrownsvllle, I Lane to Celeste. Helena• to Karnes City. Porte. to Royse City. i~rJ:r!~.a MIiiwood Lane Oity•tt to Whart-on. Isla* to NacogJoches. Helmlc"'t to Groveton. Laneport to Taylor. lsllta.s* to Laredo. Lytton Springs• to Lockto Parts. Lanevtue• to Henderson. I Ivan* to Breckenridge. I Milton hart. Helotes* to San Antonio. MII vld *tt to Cleveland. Lanire* to Fredericksburg. Ivanhoe• to Ronha.m. Hemming to Pilot Point. Minden• to Henderson. 0 Cleveland. to Ives Henly• to Austin. 1 t:~i~~*l; a~!ft:J?· Izoro* to Lampasas. Benry to Red Oak. ~:~:~::. t:!, Mabelle* to Seymour. Laniert to Linden. Hermitage to Hughes tfLh;'·;rii;e·co.) I Minerva •t to Rockdale. Clty. Lannlt.U to Dodd Sprtnp. 0 Jackson (Montgomery Oo.) La.para to Beeville. Bester to Corsicana. ttg to Dayton. La Reforma to Mission. to Montgomery. M:ge~~~awl!~l~~r Co.) Minter• to Blossom. Jackson (Van Zandt Oo.) to L&rtasa io Jacklonvtlle. Hewitt to Waco. to Liberty. Miriam Brackettville. to Macie Canton. 1 Bext• to Menard. Mission Valley• to Vlctori&. Macon to Winfield. Hickory Creek to Woltt' Jaoobla to Greenvtlle. c.a0~~~b~~i~eatone Co.) to 1 Maoune* to San Augustine. Missouri Oity*tt to SugarJalvton to Jayton City. land. Madero to Mission. Lassa.ter•ti to A vin~er. Jakehamon to De Leon. Hickory Grove to .Enola. to Pritchett Madras* to Clarksville. Bkki;baugh to Woodville. Ja.mes (Grayson Co.) to Latch Crockett. to Latexo•t Alstyne. Va Magnet• to Wharton. Blcktston• to WaPlder. Magnolia Beach to Port James (Upshur Oo.) to Latlum to Bren.ham. Hlda1go• to McAllen. La Tunat:I: to Anthony, Mobile* to Colmesneil. Lavaca. Ashland. High• to Petty N.M. Magnotta Sprtngs•t to Klr- MofTat• to Belton. Blithbank•ti to Marlin. to Kingsville. Moglia to Laredo. hyvllle. Blgb Hill to Schulenburg. Jamestown (Newton Co.) Laureles Lavender to Groesbeck. Moline* to Star. Mabl•t to Nacaidocbes. to Newton. Btg11 lelana •!to Galveston Lavon •t to Wylie. Mollie to A very. Mahomet* to Bertram. Jardin to Ladonia. Highland to Dublln. La \\ a.rd* to Francitas. Monahans•u to Bartsow. Mahon to BeckvUle. Hightower• (Liberty Oo.J Jasmine to Victoria. Lawrence• tt to Terrell. Mon11.,·ille* to Hempstead. Mahoney to Sulphur Jeddo to Waelder. to <'leveland. Lawson to Mesquite. Monico to Oanton. Springs. J ennlnits to Parts. Hill City toGranbury. Law■onvtlle to Mount En- .U:allard to St. Jo. Monketown• to Honey Jeri ho*tt to Clarendon. Bllltster• to Woodville. terprtse. Grove. Je.·ter to Purdon. ?:!lllJe to El Campo. Lazare*t to Kirkland. l.Vlont to Halletsvllle. Maloney to Forreston. Jlba* to Kautman. ~1.lllslde to Lorena. Leaday* to Talpa. Mont&lba • to Pal& tine. Malta• to De Kalb. BU111 Prairie* to Rastrop. 1 Montell* to Barksdale. Malvern* to Oakwoods. Johnsvtlle* to Stephenville. Hindes to Charlotte. Lebanon to Frisco. Monteola* to Kenedy, Manchaca•rt to Austin. Binkles Ferry* to Bra7.or1a 1 Johntown t~ !:}ogata. Le<lbet-ter*tt to Carmine. Montfort to Corsicana.. Manchester* to Detroit. Joiner to Elhn~er. Binkley to Paris Lees* to Bli Sprtnp. Monthalla• to Gollllales. Manda to Manor. Joliet to Lockhart. Hiram to Terrell." Mangum•tt to Eastland. JollY*t t to Henrtett&. Rix to Caldwell. Lees MUl* to Kirbyville. Manheim to Glddlnrs. Jonah• to Georgetown. Monticello to Mount PleasLeesvUle* to Nixon. Mankins* to Wichita Falls. Jonesboro• to Gateevtlle. ant. B obson•t to Falla City. Mannlnir"1 to Lufkin. Jones Prairie• to Cameron. Lelih"Tt to Marshall. Montopolle to Austln. 8 oobbetm • to Yoakum. Manve1•t to Alvin. Moorevllle to Chilton. ~ockley•n to Waller. Orange. to Lemonvtne• Buckholts. to Marak Jones Store to Lockhart. Morales• to Edna. nod,ces to Hawley. Marakville to Temple. Joneavme•tt to Marshall. Lena to Muldoon. Moravia to Schulenburg. Bolder- to Brownwood. Lenz to Kenedy. Marcy to Rochester. to Perrin. Morgans Point to La Porte «◊lllday*tt to Archer City Joplin* Galnesvtlle. to Leo• Margaret•tt to Crowell. Joseph• to Waller. Mortnce to Edgewood. olly to Lovelady. j Marianna to Vlotorta. Leona• to Jewett. Joseerand• to Groveton. H olman to Weimar Morris Ranch• to FredLeon Junction •to Gatesv1lle Marlo to Bronte. Joy* to Henrietta. ericksburg. Holmes• to Lockhart. Marilee to McKinney. Joyce to Laredo. Mortimer to Cameron, Homer• to Lufkin. Boerne. to Spt1np•t Leon Loving. to Markley* Jud to Rochester. to Corrigan. Moscow•tt Honea* to Conroe. Le Ray to Cisco. Mar11 to Athena. Mosheim• to Valley Mills. Honey Island• to Kountze. Judson to Longview. Lesley• to Lakeview. Martinez to San Antonio. Moes Bluff• to Liberty. JullfT to Alvin L ter to Ladonia. Martins Mills* to Athens. Jumbo to Mt Enterprlae. Mos11vllle* to Gainesville. Hood to Myra. Letot to Irving. Juno• to Del Rio . Motley to Henderson. gooleyan to Kirkland. Levelview• to Seymour. Justlceburg*tt to Post. Martinsville• to N acor- Mott, to Lufkin Levi to Loren11.. docbes. Mound• to Gatesvtlle. B~g~~6 0 Gatesville. to Lovtta• Maryneal*tt to Roscoe. 0 Pevme to Paris. Kaffir to .Mertzon. Mountain Home• to KerrLewisburg to Honey Grove Maryville to Mueru1ter. orger* to Jasper. Karney* to Port LaTaca. 0 rn Hill to Groesbeck. vtlle. Maa■ ey to Abbott. LUbert to cu ■hlnr. Kanawha to Oetrolt. 0 rnshy to Au11t1n. Mountain Peak to MldloLima (BanderaCo.) to Kerr- Ma.eters to Woodson. Karnack•tt to Jetl'er1on. thlan. Matlnburir• to Plttaburc. vUJe Hortense* to Livingston. Katemcy• to Muon. H Orton to Commerce. Lime Rock to Martlndalfl. Matthewet to Eagle Lake. M~uo'l~~ Spring to Pilot n Rivlera. to Katherine! CJ.Ot Wells*t to EI Paso. Mount Sylvan* to Tyler. M:i.udlowe to Vlctorla. Limpla to Fort Davis Keck to Gonzalee. Maurtoevtlle*U to Oranre. Muellervllle to Brenham. tl~~~~:Jlotgu~~~~inp. BO\lse• to Richmond. Houston Helghts•tto Hous- Keech!" to Ruffalo. M~b8(!r~~Ti1e.Rlver Oo.) ~:~;~fc*k!otoG~~nf!C:er. Llndaay*t to Galneev1lle. Keenan•n to Conroe. ton. Muldoon•t1 to Fla.ton!&. Keene•r,: to Cleburne. 0 vey to Fort Stockton. Maxdale* to Killeen. Mumford•tt to Hearne. Keeter to Boyd. Lingo <Naoogdoohet Co.) to Maxey• to Brookston. B"oward to Waxahachie. Mun~r•t to Hubbard. Lockhart. to *t Maxwell Shiro. to Nacordochee. Keisler Bowellvllle to Houston Muriel to Graoev1ne. Maynard* to Ooldsprlng Linnflat* to Cushing. Keith* to Navaaota. IIOWth•t to Hempsu~ad Mayotown*to Nacoidoohea. Murphy*t to Wylie. Lisbon to Dallas. . OYttt to Alba Murray• to MaysQeJd• to Cameron. LIRSle•i to F.agle Lake. uber to ·rtmpson. Kellogg to Klnpton. Murvaul to Gary • Mazatlan• to Premont. Lltttr• to Elgin. to Stephenville. KeUyvllle to Jefferson. B Uckabay• Mu■tanr to Pilot ·Point Orosbyton. to McAdoo Frlsoo. to Elm" Little Ud to Snyder Kelsey*f to Ro ewood. · Myer■ * to Bryan. Little Rlver•tt to Temple McOlanaban to Marlin, ftufflns to Btvins Kelty11* to Lufkin. to Houston Mykawa•t Bonita. to Mccollum I Kemab*t to Leairue Clty. uffman•tt to Houston 8 to Myrtle Spt1np• to Atascosa Live Oak Hill to Ellinger. McCoy 0 t> utemlth • U to Houston. Point Plf1a!':11nton . I Llverpooltt to Alvin. uuJver• to F.stell111e.  i~?,;  Hall to Dodd CltY. Hainesville to Mineola. Hall* to Richland Spring.  ~~f~'t r:~~1ife11~on.  t~;~  t  tl!g~~g~;;  i:::~8ie.  I ~.W:it i~~;~~n. I  I I  ! l  t$ ~t:~a.  1[  I  I  I  0  o.> o.)  er·  f  I  Willa  f:~~f~~;., i ~'-::.imond  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  , county Beat.  • Money Order Office.  tTelegraph Station.  f Express Office, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2082  Oran•tt to Mineral Wells. Orangeville to Whitewright Orchard*+ to Wallis. Orient (Knox <..:o.) to Knox City. Orient (Tom Green Co.) to Miles. Orlena. to Marietta, Okla. Orphans Home• to Dallas. Orth*+ to Olney. Osage• (Coryell Co.) tol Crawford. Otis to Bastrop. Ottlne•tt to Luling . Owens• to Brownw.ood. Nederland• i to Port Ar- Owlet Green to Grand thur. Saline. Nedra to Eagle Lake. Oxford• to Llano. Ozark to Paris.  Nabors* to Avoca. Nada* to Garwood. Naruna to Lampasas. Nash (Ellis Co.) to Waxahachie. Nashland to Beaumont. Nat to Cushing. Natalia to Lytle. Navarro*tt to Corsicana.. Navidad • to Edna. Navo to Prosper. Nazareth* to Tulia. Nebo to Bullard. Nechanltz• to La Grange.  ~:fJ~~ fg fJ:~~~ville. Nelsonville to Belleville.  Neita to Sulphur Spl'ings. Nemo* to Glen ·Rose. Neola to Greenville. Nesbitt to Bremond. Netta.ville to l<'owlerton. Neuvme•i to Center. New Baden•: to Franklin. New Berlin to Marlon. Newburg to Comanche. • Newl>yr.t to Jewett. New Caney•U to Houston.  Padgitt* to Olney. Palafox to Lareda. to Sweetwater. Palmetto to Huntsville. Pa.luxy• to Bluffdale. Pancake to Gatesville. Pandora. to Nixon. Panna. Marla•to Ka.rnesCity Panola to Logansport, La. Papalote•i to Skidmore. P1rk (Bowie Co.) to Nash. Park (F·ayette Co.) to La Grange. Parker (Collin Co.) to Plano Par1rer•:t (Johnson Co.) t,o Cleburne. Park Place to Houston. Parvin to Aubrey. Pasche* to Eden. Patilo to Lipan. Pa.trick to Waco. Patroon• to San Augustine. Pattison* to Brook'>hire. Patton to Valley Mills. Pauline• to Mabank. Pauls Store to Timpson. Paxton• to Tena.ha. Payne Springs to Eustace.  Newharo to Alvord. New Hope (Dallas Co.) to  N~es-Jgbi:· (Jones Oo.) to Stamford. New Balem• to Cushing. San New Somerset to Antonio. New Sweden to Manor. New W1llard•tt to Livingston. Neyland•t to Greenvllle. Neylandville*' to Crawford. Nickel to Moulton. Niederwald to Kyle. N1gton to Groveton. Nlle* to Thorndale. Nimrod• to Clsco. Nine* to Brady. Nineveh* to Oakwood■• Nix to La.mI>asas. Noack to Taylor. Noblllty to Trenton. Noble to Petty. Nogalus* to Groveton. Nolan• to Sweet Water. Nolanville *+ to Belton. Nome•t:t to Sour Lake. Nona• to Kountze. Noodle• to Merkle. Noon<1ay to Tyler. Nopal• to Yorktown. Norfolk to Overton. Normanna•U to Beeville. Norse• to Clltton. Northfield• to Childress. North Galveston to Galveston. Northrup:t to Giddings. Norton-1< <Runnells Co.) to Bronte. Norwood to Waco. Nottawa* to Eagle Lake. Noxvllle to Kerrvllle. Nubia* to ¥erkle. to Corpus Nuecestown Chris!!. L ed N ugent • to u - ers. Nursery + to Victoria.  Oak to Waxahachie.;:Ott1b~B~~~"· Oakdale* (Liberty Co.) Cleveland. Oak Grove (Tarrant Co.) Burleson. Oak Grove (Wood Co.) Quitman. Oak Grove* CBowle Co.)  TEXAS  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  TEXAS  to to  1·  Roctney to Wortham. Roeder to Mount Pleasant. Roga.nvtlle•tt to Jasper. Rogerstown to Ochiltree. Roland to McKinney. Roma* to Rio Grande. Romayor to Cleveland. Romero* t + to Nara, New Mexico. Romney• to Cisco. Roosevelt* to Junction. Rosalie• to Boga.ta. Rosanky•t:t to Smithville. Rosedale to Beaumont. Rose Hill (Dallas Co.) to Garland. Rosehlll (Harris Co.) to Tom Ball. Prairieview*tt to HempRosenthal to Lorena. stead. Rosharon* to Angleton. Prairieville• to Kemp. Prattville to Cooper. Ross• to \Vaco. Presidio• to Marta. Rosser•tt to Ennis. Preston to Denison. Rosston• to Gainesville. Pride* to Big Springs Rossville to Poteet. Primm* to Smlthvllle. Roswell* (Bosque Co.) to Primrose to Tyler. Whitne)·. Proffitt• to Graham. Round J\Iountain* to JohnProspect to Jacksboro. son City. Provident City to Ganado. Pruitt to Grand Saline. Rowden to Baird. Pueblo to Moran. Rowland to Nocona. Purley to Mount Vernon. Royston *t+ to Sylvester. Purmela. • to Gatesvllle. Roznov to 1''ayettev1lle. Pursley to Dawson. Purves to Dublin. Ruben to Honey Grove. Pyote•tt to Barstow. Rut>y to Stratfora. Pyron* to Hermlaigh. Rucker• to De Leon. Rughy* to Boga.ta. Ruidosa to Marfa. Rulifftt to Beaumont. Rural Shade• to Kerens. Quail* to Wellington. Quemado to Eagle Pass. Quihi to Hondo. Russell t,o Oakwoods. Rustler to Gorman. Rutersville* to La Grange. Ruth /Concho Co.) to Eden., Ruth (Coryell Co.) to Gatesville. Race Track to Cooper. Rutledge to Round Rock. Ragtown to Paris. Ryals to Conroe. Rainbow* to Glenrose. Rye to Bryan. Raisin• i to Victoria. Rye (Liberty Co.) to Raleigh to Frost. Kountze. Ramirena to Mathis. Ramirez to Hebbronville. Rylle* to .Mesquite. Ramsden •t to Shamrock. Rancho to ~ ' ixon. Sabanno* to C;ross Plains. Randado* to La.redo. Rankin (Ellis Co.) to Ennis. I Saba.thany to Weatherford. th Rankin*tt (Upton Co.) to ~:gJ~:*i"\,!~!~r ~r 1Virt Arthur. Mertzon. · Sabine Town* to Hemphill. Rast to Canton. ' Sachse~: to Garland. Rattan to Pecan Gap. Rayburn•tt to Cleveland. Sage to Burnet. 1 Saglnaw•tt to Fort \Vorth. Raylanri* .to Vernon. I Raywood :t to Ueaumont. Salado * to Holland . Mineral to t t Salesville• Razor* to_Parls. Wells Reagan \\ ells* to Uvalde. Reagor Springs to \Vaxa-1 Salineno to IUo Grande. Salmon* to Crockett. hachie. Realitos*tt to Hebbronville 1 Salona. to Bowle. Salty to Thorndale. Rehecca to Bronson. I Samfordyce*tt to Mission fl~}~~Jt}·~r,t~r~~le. Whe sth0 tI, ~amJ1e* Red llill to Linden. s!~di~t to r1n~8;1~~Red Lawn to Alto. Sandoval to Thorndale. ltecl Ranger t,o Hogers. ~andulky to Whitesboro. ~f!int~s~~i°v~:r:~ur. s!~~~ 1rnJJtooh¥_j~~~g\~i.° Redwood to San :Marcos. RReeeesdeV.itllet•otJtact,koso:,.,n1•~lxllweell. Sandypoint* to JI ouston. San Ellzarto• to El Paso. • ' • Regency to Goldthwaite. San Felipe•: to Sealy. Reily Springs to Sulphur San Gabriel* to Tnornda.le. San Jose• (llexar Co.) to Re~f;f!1f~· Laredo. 1 I Sa~anJ~:!to~{?ehb Co. to Reliance to Bryan. Laredo. Hemlig"' to Brookeland. San Patricio* to , fathis. Rc n ctham to Seymour. Reno~ (Lamar Uo.) to Paris Sansom •t to Uvalde. Port Bolivar* to Galveston. Porters Springs to Crockett Port O'Connor to Seadrift. Port Sullivan• (Mlla.m Co.) to Hearne. Pose3- o Suiphur Springs. Posldeon to Palo Pinto. Postoak• to Jacksboro. Postoak'Point to New Ulm. Potosi• to Abilene. Pottsville• to Hamilton. Powaerly•t to Paris. Praha. to "Flatonia.. Prairie Dell• to Belton. Prairie Lea• to Luling. Prairie Point to Forestburg.  I  Peach* to Rhonesboro. Pearl• tu Gatesville. Pear Valley• to Brady. Pecan Grove to Gatesville. Peden to Boyd. Pedigo• to Nacogdoches. Peede to Kaufman. Peerless• to Sulphur Sp'its Pelham to Dawson. Pella to Alvord. PP!ll:lope*t to ~Ialon r, Penlel • T to GreenvUie. Penitas* to .\I1sslon. Penn to Mount Vernon. Pennington• to uroveton. Peoria to Hlllsboro Percilla* to Grapeland. Perlco•t to Texline. Perry Landini• to Velasco. Perryville to Winnsboro. Pert to Palestine. ~~~!!~;/ios:rr~on<l. Pettus•tt to Beeville. Phalba to Mabank. Phelan*H to Bastroo. ' Phelps•tt to Huntsville. Pickens Spur to Athens. Pickwick* to Graford. Pldcoke• to Gatesville. 1 Piedmont to Navasota. Plerce•ti to El Campo. 1~:--fg1t~~ley. Pllot Grove•to Whitewrtghtl I Pine• to Plttsl)urg. I ~~~: ~?:o~! \ 0o CC~o. Pinehurst * to Tom Ball. Plneland*H to Brookland.  I 1  i?r  I ::~  I  ~f~  ~l~;\~~ls ~~~r~!a.  • Reno*  t~o to Pioneer*+ to Oross Pia.ins n to ~iri1~rf~h:;1f~o~e~ ctera. , J>i;iek to New Ulm. De Katb. Oakhurst*t to Coldspring. Pittbridge* to Bryan. Oak Point to Cameron. Pla.cedo* to Bloomington. Oakville• to Three H.ivers. I ~l:iid:o tfu~fi~ry. ! O'Barr to Beaumont. Pleasant Grove to Eastland Ocee to Crawtord Pleasant Grove to WinnsOchiltree to Glazier. boro. OcJrnr to Temple. Pleasant Point to Alvarado. O'Daniel to Lavernia. Pleasant Valley (Dallas Co.) Odds to Kosse. to Garland. Oenavme• to Temple. Pledger• t t to Wharton. O'Farrell to Atlanta. Plehwevhle• to Mason. Oirburn*t+ to Winnsboro. Plemons* to J>a.nhandle. Ogle* to Lampasas. Plum•:t to La Grange. Ohio* tc Evant. Pluto to Italy. Okra• to Caroon. Plymoutn • to Shamrock. Ola to Kautman. ; Pocahontas to Conroe. Oldenburg• to .La Grange. , Poetry to Terrell. Pointblank • to Huntsville. Old Glory to Sagerton. Point }!;abel to Brownsville. Oletha • to Thornton. Point Ysabel to BrownsOlin to Hlco. viJle. Olivia• to Port Lavaca. Pollok* to Wells. Olmlto•t to Brownsville. Pomona to Jacksonville. Olton* to Plainview. Pone to HendersoD. Omen to Arp. Pontotoc • to Llano. Opelaka.• to Brownsboro. Po~:.i-a.nsas* to Aransas I O'Qulnn• to La Granee. REFERENCE KEY.  , County Seat.  I  (Parker  Co.)  Re~~~~~g N~vasota.  ~:~~: g~~= i~ 1;.~~~~~B.  to  Sebastian* to Lyford. Sebree to Jacksboro. Security* to Cleveland. Sedwick* to Moran. Seglar to Lytle. 8egno to Livingston. Segovia* to Junction. Selden to Stephenv1lle. Sells to Honey Grove. Selma to Schertz. Senate to Jacksboro. Senior to San Antonio. Serbln to Gladlngs. Seven Oaks to Livingston. Sexton to San Augustine. Shafter• to Marta. Shafter Lake* to Andrews . Shallowater to Lubbock. Sharp to Buckholts. heffleld* to Ozona. helby* to Fayetteville. Shelbyvme• to Center. Sheldon*+ to Crosby. Shep* to Blackwell. Sheridan (Colorado Co.) to Rock Island. Sherley to Sulohur Sprlng11 . Sherry to Clarksvtlle. Sherwood* to Mertzon. Shield to Santa Anna. Shiloh to Lewlsvllle. Shiloh lLimestone Oo.) to Mexia. Shive• to Hamilton. Sholar to Logansport. Short to Center. Sidney* to Comanche. Sikes to Greenville. Silas to Timpson. Siloam to New Boston. Silver City to Purdon. Silver Lake* to Mineola. Silver Valley*t to Coleman. Simmons* to Three Rivers . Simms* to New Boston. Simon to Laredo. Simonds to Dallas. imonton*t+ to Richmond. Singleton*tt to hlro. Sion to Madisonville. Sisk to Stephenville. isterdale* to Comfort. Sivells Bend * to Gainesville. Sky to ~Iadisonville. 'tayden*:t to Gonzales. Slocum• to Elkhart. mall (Van Za.ndt Co.) to Edirewood. metana to .Bryan. Smithland* to Jefferson. Smith Oak to Sherman. Smithsons Valley to New Braunfels. Smithwick* to Marble Falls Sneedville to Paducah. Snook* to Lyons. Rocorro* t.o El Paso. Soda* to Li\ ingston. Sodville to Hinwn. Solms to New Braunfels. South Bo 'Que* to .McGregor S. Grape Creek to Fred l'i k burc:. S . Hou ·ton*t to llou:-.ton.  South :an Antonio to San .\ntonio. South Sulphur to Commerce outhton: to 'an ntonio. Spanisn f'amp to \Vhurton pani ·h ForL* to i ·ocona. parenht!r ·* to Big Springs 8oark to , i>arta* to Belton . peeglevilk* to Waco.  Santa :Maria* to an Benito Splcewood* to Marble Fa.Ila ' pies ~witch to Ravenna. Santo Tomas* t oJLarecla. Spiller:s ·tore to Jewett. ' an Y~uaclo• to L!lredo. 0 Spivey to Tenaha.. I • apm~k t,o Gordon . Spl,•ndora* to Conroe. Rlce 8 Crossing to •raylor. I ~!~!~;~~! ~ai~h!~tiie. Spotrord • r i to Brackett· Hidgc to Franklin ,1110. Sargent to Bay Oity. •Sarlta*tt to Riveria. Sprmg nranch to New i ~~~:n;f t~at~n~oste. I ~:~gnt~ tfi~:~)~eci~~ve. ilraunfds. Ripleyt to Mount Pleasant. Saspamco•tt to Floresville Spring Creek* to Megargle. Springdale• to Queen City. Hatin to Waco. Rita to Caldwell. Rlverby to Honey Grove. Sattler• to New Braunfels. Springhill to Dawson. •. pringlakc* to Dimmitt. Saturn* to Waelder. Riverdale to Goliad. Sprinkle*t+ to Austm. Savage to Leonard. Riviera Beach to Riviera. Spurgf'r* to Woodville. Sayers to San Antonio. Sayer.·ville• to Bastrop. Roane• to Corsicana. St. Elmo to Austin. Roans Prairie*t+ to Shiro. Robberson to It10 Grande. Schley to Marshall. St. F'rances*t to Crystal Schoenau to .,_ •ew Ulm. Robbinstt to Jewett. City. "chroedee* ~o Goliad. Robinson to Waco. St, Fra11cis*t (Potter Oo.) Scott to Wills Point. Rock Creek to Waco. to Panhandle. Rock Crusher to Silver 'cottYille* to ~larshall. St. Francis*t (Zavalla Co,) Scranton• to J>utnam. Valley. to Crystal City. Scrap to Detroit. Rockett to Red Oak. Scroggins• to Winnaboro. St. Hedwig" to Lavernla. Rockford to Paris. St. Paul tt to Sinton. RockhHI 1,0 Prosper. Seabrook*tt to La. Porte Stacy* to Tal:oa. Rockhouse to New Ulm. taff to E:nstland. Rockland*t+ to Woodville. Seale* to Marquez. Staffor<I* (Fort Bend Co.> Seaton to Temple. Rocky Branch to Naples. to Ricllnwnd. to Gateavllle. Roddy to Mabank. Hetta Swit,eh to Burleson. Reynard to Grapeland.  1  ~l1i~:J~Wt~ J'i1~~~1alie.  :i~  Seattle  • Ioney Order Office.  tTelegraph S~atlon.  i Express Office.  TEXAS  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  8taffords Ranch to Eagle Lake. Staggs to Sweeny. Stampede to Moody. Stanley (Polk Co.) to Livingston.  ,.  ..  .)  d.  8·  1,  Tokeen* to Novice. Tokio (Terry ' o.) to Brownfield. Tolbert•t.t to ChUllcothe. Toledo• to Tolette to Para. Staples* to San Marcos. Tolosa. to Kemp. S;;arrville to Winona. Tona.• to Terrell. Steedman to Hagerman. Tool to Mabank. Stee1es .::!tore* to Hearne. Steepcreek* to San Augus- Toomey to Timpson. Topsey• to Lampa11u. tine. Tornillo to El Paso. Steep Hollow to Bryan. Toto to Weatherford. .,teiner to Kopper!. Tours to West. Sterrett* to Waxahachie. Tow* to Llano. Stewards Mills* to Kirvin. Townbluff to Beaumont. Toya.hvale* to Toyah. Stewart; to Tatum. Tracy to Rockdale. ,stiles* to Midland . Trawlck•.t to Cushlnir. Stilson to Liberty. Stith to Merkel. Tredway• to Gall. Trexler to Redwater. Trlckham • to Santa Anna. Stockard* to Athens. Stockman to Timpson. Stock Yards Station to Trip to Meaqutte. Truby to Hawle:v. Fort Worth. Tubbea to Nacoirdochea. Stoneburg*t.t to Bowie. Tucker (Anderson Co.) to Stone City to Bryan. Palestine. Stoneham*t.t to Navasota. Tucker (:\lcCulloch Co.) to Brady. Stone Point• to Wills Point. Tuff* to Bandera. Stonewall* to Fredericks- Tuleta*.t to Beeville. Tulip to Bonham. burg . Tundra to A thens. Stony* to Ponder. Tunis to Caldwell. Stop to San Augustine. Tupelo to Rice. Stowell*.t eo Beaumont. Turllnirton to FalrOeld. Stranger to Ko se. Turney* to Jacksonvllle. Turpentine to Jasper. Turtle Bayou* to Anahuac. Streeter• to Mason. Tux.edo•rt to Stamford. String to Beidenheimer. String Prairie to mi th ville. Twin Sisters• to Blanco. Twitty to Shamrock. Stryker* to Livingston. Tye•t.t to Abllone. St.ubb'> to Kemp. Type to Elgin. Styx to Kemp. Sublime*.t to Hallettsville. Tyson to Aqullla. Sudan to Littlefield. Sue to Poteet. Su.1?olk to Gilmer. Sullivan to Kingsbury . Summerfield* (Oastro Co.) Ubell to Boney Grove. Uhland to Kyle. to llercford. Summerfield (Cherokee Co.) Ulmer*t to Richards. Um ba.rger• tt to Canyon. to Jacksonville. Union* to Stockdale. ijummers Mills to Belton. Uoton• to Bastrop. Sumner* to Paris. Sunnyside* to Brookshire. Urbana to ' hepherd. Sunset. Heights* to Houston Utley to Ba.strop. Uvalde Junction to Uvalde. Uz to Alvord. Swa.n•t.t to Tyler. Swannville to San Augustine. 8weden* to San Diego. Swift,* to Nacogdoches . Valdasta to Swiss Alp to La <,range. Va.lentine•ti to Ma.rt&. Sycamore to Dec11.tur. Yalley Grove to Aubrey. Sylvan to Blossom. Valley Spring• to Llano. Valley Well_s to Big Wells. Van to Grana 8allne. Vance• to Barksdale. rabor* to Bryan. Tacoma* to 'artbage. Tadmor to ('rockott. Tage• to Bowie. Taiton* to El Campo.  I  t· Vf 6,  Teok to Auatln. Tecula to ,Jacksonville. Tcleiraoh• to Junction.  Waring*t.t to Comfort. W11.rren • t (Tyler Co.) to Beaumont. Warrenton• to La Grange. ,varsaw to Kaufman. \Vashburn•tt to Claude. Washln~ton• to Navasota.  I I  Telterner*t to Victoria. T ellco to Ennis. Tenneasee Colony• to Palestine. I ieunessee Valley to Belton. ~l:tlte.  vanderbllt*t.t to Edna. Vanderpool* to Sabinal. Van Haub* to Bo1::rne. \'an Vleck*t:t to Bay City. Vasco to Enloe. Vashti• tn Bellevue. Vauirnan to Aquilla. Ventura to Tom Ball. Verdi* to Floresville. Verona to Farmersvtlle. Vesey* to Clarksvllle. \'iboras* to l!io Grande. Vidauri to Refugio. Viego to .Junction. Vi1Jnna. to lia.llettavllle. Vlew to Abllene. Vigo Park* to Tulla. Vl111.11 to Holland. Village. lills*tt to Kountze Vincent• to Big Sprtnp. Vineyard• r to Jacksboro. Vinton to El Violet to Itob"town. Vista tu Hamilton. Vivian to Crowell. Voca• to Brady. Volga to Weldon. Von Ormrn to Lytle. Vontress* to HaskolJ. Voss• to Coleman. Votaw*.t to Kountze. Voth•.t to Beaumont.  Zionsville to Brenham. Zorn to San l\.1arcos. Zuehl to Marton. Zulob•t to Iola. Zyback to Wheel«.  Harper to Price. Hatch to Panguitch. Hayden* to Roosevelt.  Watts Switch to Hearne. Waukegan,.,tt to Conroe. Waverly• to New Waverly.  I  Henderson to :\Iarysvale. to Coalvllle. I Henefer• Henrieville* to Panguitch.  UTAH  Wayside* to Happy. Wealthy* to Nor!llangee. Weaver*t to Saltillo. Web? (Tarrant Co.) to :\fansfleld. Webb* (Webb Co.) to Lawrtt0 i-vule to Manor w:bster*t.t to Houston. Weches to Alto. Weesatcbe• to Yorktown. Wellborn•tt to Bryan. Welvlew* to Eden.  1  Herriman to Hiverton. Hiawatha* to Price . Hinckley *to Oasis. Holden• to Flllmore. Bolllday to Murray. Alta• to Sandy Boneyvlllet.t to Brlirham. Alton to Pang-ultch. Hooper* to Ogden. Altonah to Myton. Howell to Garland. Alunite to .:\larysvale. Hoytsville• to Coalville. Anna.oeua• to Rlchneld. Hunter to Murray. An~~ole to Green River. Huntington to Price. Huntsvllle• to Ogden. Asay11 io Panguitch Hyde Park• to Loiran. Aurora* to Salina · Austin to Monroe.' Ibapab•t to Ely, Nev. Indianola• to Mt. Pleaeant  I Adamavllle• to Beaver. Alpine to American Fork.  Wentz to Three Rivers. Weser• to Yorktown. Wesley to Brenham. Bacchus to Magna. Westbrook to Oolorado. Bear River Oity* to TreWestfield• to Houston. monton. West Mountain to Gladetioi~~lah Fork. water. Beryltt to Cedar City. Westphalia to Lott. Bicknell* to Richfield. Westpolnt•tt to La Granire Bingham Junction to Mid• Westvme• to Groveton. vale. Wetmore•t to San Antonio. I Wheatland (Dallas Co.J to Black Rock•t.t to Milford. Dallas. Blaine to Ogden. Wheelock• to Franklin. Bloomlniton to St. George. White City*t.t to Bronson. Bluebell to Roo evelt. Whiteflat* to Matador. Blue Creek to Tremonton. Whiteland*t.t to Brady. Bluff* to Blanding. Whiterook (Hunt Co.) to Boneta* to Duchesne. Celeate. Brighton to Park Oity. Whlterock (Red River Co.) Brinton to Murray. to Annona. Burmestertt to Grantsville. Burtner to Delta. Whitfield• to Plainview. Whitman to Chaplehlll. Whitsettt to 'l'hree Rivers. w hltson to .Moody. "Whit.taker* to Bryan. Cannonville* to Panguitch. Whon• to Santa Anna. Castila to Springville. Wled to HaUettavllle. Oastleirate*t t to Price. Wieland to Greenvllle. J Castleton* to Greenrtver. Wicr~ate to ::_\[ewton. Cedarview to Roosevelt. Wildcrville to Rosebud. Centerville* to llountiful. Wildhurst to Tyler. Central to • Ionroe. Wile ;t to Hang-er. 1 Cbarleston•t to Heber. " ' ,!lt1",~~ms tP-oenGnl! I Chester• to Moroni. W ... • Circleville* to .\larysvale. Wlllow City• to FrederJc.ka-1 Clsco•tt to Fruita.. Colo.  ~:~l~~•rJ  I  ror~~t~Y>1eas-  I g!!:~~;~!r*i1 ant. Willow Point* to Boonsville Clear Lake*tl to Oasls. Wilmeth to Wlntera. Cleveland* to Huntington. Clover• to Tooele. Colltnston•tt to B11gham. I Colton*l.t to llelper. Wimberly• to .'an l\,Iarcos. Corinne• t t to Brigham. Winchell• rt to :\lcrcury. Cornish*U to Lewiston. Windom (Angellna Co.) to Cove• to Richmond. I Lufkin. Coyoto• t to Richfield. Windsor to YicGregor. Cro:;cent to Siincly. Windthorst~ to 8coLland. Croydon,., to Morgan. Win!rc • to Liberty. Winkler to Corsicana. Witting to Moulton. Deep Creek to Ely, ·ev. Deseret• to Oasis. , ·1za.rcl "'ells* to Jacksboro Devlls Sllde*t.t to Morgan. Woden* to Nacogdoches. Deweyvllle* to Tremonton. Womack to Clifton. Dra.gon•tt to Vernal. woodblne•.t to Gain vllle. Draper•rt to Sandy. \Voodbury to IIll11boro. Duchc~n,•* t.o . lj ton. Woodland• (Red River. Co.) to Detroit. "'oodlawn• to Marshall. Echo Clty•tt to Coalville. Woodrow Lo Silsbee. Eden• to Ogden. ,vood~ to Tenaha. Elberta* to Eureka. Woodward*H to Cotulla. F.:lalnore• ! t to Rlchtleld. Word to Center. Eme1·y* to Castle Dale. W ortlling to Hallettsville. Enoch to Cedar Clt:r. Wrlichtaboro• to Gonzales. Enterprise to St. George. Ewell to Helper.  J  .)  .)  .)  \~ v  J~~=~~: R~~reld. Joy• to Oasis. •Junction. to Rich.Oeld. Kanarravllle* to Cedar CltJ". Kanesville to Ogden. Kanosh• to Fillmore. Kelton•tt to Brigham. Kenilworth; to Uelper. J~ing11ton • to Richfield. Koosharem• to Riohtleld.  Lake Point* to Gar.Oeld. Lake Shore to Spanish Fork. Laketown• to Randoloh Lake View to Provo. Lapoint to Vernal. Lark* to Bingham. LasaJ-1' tol\loa.b. Latuda to Helper. La Verkin* to St. Georire. Leamington• to Oas111. Leed•• to St. Georire. Leeton to Roosevelt. Levan• to Nephi. Liberty to Ogden. Lindon to Pleasant Grove. Linwood• to Green River, Lockerly to 1'v1onticello Lucln*.t to Oitden. Lund to Cedar City. Lyman* to Hich0eld. Lynndyl*t.t to Delta.  Mammoth*tt to Eureka. .:\Ianila. to Greenriver, Wyo. Mantua to Brigham.  SJ~~°:i:~•:t  ~!~~;~n. \oo Meadow• to Fillmore. Mendon• H to Logan. Mldwu•• to Heber. ,:\lillcreek to "alt Lake City. MIiler to Murray. Mlllll* to Nephl. Millville• to Logan. Minersville• to Milford. Modena*t.t to :;\Iilford. Mohrla.nd* to Price. Mona• to Neohl. .\Torrissey to lleaver. ;\,losida. to Eureka.. Mountain llome* to DuchP ·ne. Mt. Carmel* to Kanab. Mt. Emmons to .1yton.  Nada to Milford. afton to Albion, Idaho. Na.pies to Vernal. Neola to Roosevelt. Yale to Mt. Vernon. Neslen to Greenriver. Falrtleld*U to Lehi. Yancey to Hondo. New Castle* to Cedar City. Fayette• to Gunnison. Yaruoro•.t to Navasota. 1 New Harmony• to Cedar Terrace to Denllon. . Ferron* to Castle Dale. Yard to Palestine. Terry•l to Beaumont. Wnclsworth*t.t to Ray City Yarrellton City. Fielding• to Garland. to Cameron. l'erryvil!e to Yoakum. Wairner to Greenvllle. ewhouse•t.t to Milford. Fort Duchesne*t to RooseY•tes to Junction City. Wastram* to Mason. Newton• to Cache Junction vel t. Bank to BallettsTexhoma to Texhoma.Okla.. Walueck• (Fayett.e Co.) to Yellow Nortb Ostden to Oicden. Francis to Park City. vllle. I Giddln~s. 'orth Texta• to Oranire. Salt Lake.t to Salt Freedom* to Moroni. Yellow Plne* to Hemphill. Thalia• to Crowell. Waldrip* to B:ady. Lake City. Frl11co*t t to Mlltord. Yew to Honey Grove: Tharp to Conroe. ,Valhalla to houndtop. Fruitiand• to Duchesne. York Creek to , an ~Iarcos. Thomuton•tt to Cuero. Wall* to San Angelo Younsr* to FalrOeld. Thompaon•a•t: to Rieb- walling• to Hubbard. Young ·port* to Florence . . mond. Wo.llisville* to Anahuac . Gale to Sandy. Yowell to Pecan Gap. Oak City* to Delta. Thorp Springs* to Gran- Walsh to Gonzalea. Gandy to Ely, Nev. Oakley* to Kamas. Yaleta•tt to El bury. Walter* to Liberty. Ga.rden Clty•toParlB,Idaho. Ophir* to Tooele. Thrtttye to Banp Walton to Athens. Garrison• to Ely, Nev. Orangeville• to Castle Dale Thurber•t to MlnlCUt. Waneta to Grapeland. Geneva• to Brigham. Orderville* to Kanab. ndweu to Greenvllle Waples to Granbury. Gilluly to Pro, c. Orem City to Provo. 1'igertown to Honey Grove. Warda• to Glddln1r1. Zack* to Bryan . Glendale• to Panguitch Ouray to Vernal. •Tilden• t ~ l e r_ton. ware to ~D~a::l=b=a::.rt:.:·----'--•-Zapata• to Laredo. • . ioncy Order Office. tTelegraph Statton. tExprese Office. • county Seat. REFERENCE KEY.  T:~i;r;~~=i1  I  al  2083  Glenwood• to Rlchfteld. Gold Hill*.t to Tooele. Goodridge to Cortez, Oolo, Cio11ben•tt to Payson. Granger.t to Mlll"ray. Grass Creek* to Coalville. Grayson* to Blanding. Grouse Creek• to Ogden. Gunlock• to St. Georire.  Zapp to Fa:vetteville. Zeno to Jacksonville. I Zlirza,r to Devine.  \Va.stella*.t to Roscoe. Watauga*U to Fort Worth. Waterloo to Taylor. Wa.terman*.t to Timpson. Water Valley*t.t to San Angelo. Watt to Mount Calm .  II ~~fJV;: ~ g~f,~e~~- wR~,~- Grove to Moody. w illowhole to Iola.  Talltimber to Hemphill. Talty to Terrell. ' Tama• to Killeen. 'l'an1ego to Bertram. Tamlna to Conroe. Tanglewood• t to Lexington Tankersley* to San Angelo. Tarpley* to Bandera. l'arrant•tt to Arlln11;ton. •Tascosa•t.t to Amarlllo. l'avcner to East Bernard. Taylors Bayou to B ea umont. T&J'loravllle to Lockhart. Ta.zewell to Sul9hur Springs Tebo t.o Nacogdocheo. la  Tira to Sulphur Sorlnir1.  UTAH Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I I  I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2084  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  UTAH •to Hyrum. Woodrutr• to Evanston., Pararonab • to Parowan. Wyo. Park Valley• to Brigham. Woodslde•tt to Greenriver. Peerless to Helper. Peoa•t to Kamas. Perry to Brigham. Yoat• to Albion, Idabo. :Peter■on • rt to Morsran. Plne Valley• to St. Geo?"K9. Plain Clty to Oirden. Pleasant Green to Magna. Pleasant View to Ogden. Plymouth• to Garland. Portaae to Malad. Ida. VERMONT Promontory• to Brigham. Providence• to Logan. Provo Bench to Provo. Adamant• to Montpelier. Adam ■ to Plattshurg, N.Y. Addison to Veriennea. I Albany• to Or!CAD.s. Alburgh*t: to Swanton. Rains to Helver. ' Al burgh Junction to SwanRandlett"' to Myton. Reamond• to Sallna. I Alt>u~gh Springs to SwanRiter to Magna. ton. Riverdale to Ogden. Amsden to Springfield. Rlve111lde• to Garland. Andover• to Chester. Rochei;ter to Castledale. Arlington• U to .Uanche■ ter Rockville• to St. Georire. Center. Roosevelt Hot Springs to Ascutneyvtne• to Clar&Milford. mont. N. H. Roy• U to Ogden. A verlll • to Island Pond. Rozel to Brigham.  VERMONT  Halifax• to Brattleboro. Hancock• to Bethel. II Hank1vWe to Burlington.  Duxbury to Waterbury. East Albany to Harton. .1£~Jn.A.lburgh*tl to Swan-I Eaat Arlington• to Mancheater Center. East Barnard to Bethel. East Barnet•; to Saint Johnsbury ' East Barre• to Barre E. Berkshire•tt to Richford East Bethel• to Bethel. E. BralntrPe* to Randolph. East Brookt1eld to Chelsea E. Burke* to Lyndonville. Cala11• to Hardwick. E . Charleston• to Island Pond. E. Charlotte to Burlington. E. Clarendon•tt to Rutland  Eut Concord•; to Saint  r.:~~hJ;~~i. to Bradford E. Craftsbury• to Hardwick East Dorst>t•u to Manchester Center. East Dover• to Brattleboro Dummerston• to Brattleboro. East Elmore to Hardwick. East Enosburg to Enosburg! E.~1f;field*H t~ St. Albans E. Fletcher•t to Hyde Park. Eut Frankltn• to Richford E. Georgia•t to St. Albans. East GranvtUe•i to Randolph. E. Greensboro to Hardwick. E. Hardwick*H to HardE.~~~·en• to Lyndonville. E.Highgate•ttto St. Albanfl East Hubbardton to Fair Haven.  Nort.b Hartland• to Wblte R1ve1 .Junction ,North Hero"-t to Swanton. Hartford"U to WhlteRlver North Hye1e Park• to Junction. Hyde Park. Hartland•U to Windsor. N ortb Montpeller• to Mon~ Hartland Four Comers• to pelter. Windsor, North Peacham to Danville N. Pomfret• to Woodstock. :~i~~r:Me to ~udl*~~th North Pownal•U to BeoAdams. Mass. nlnirt;on Highgate• to Saint Albans N. Randolph to Randolph. Center• to Saint North Rupert to Manchester Center. mg~~;\~n. Springs•t to N. Sherburne*to Rutland. N. Shrewsbury to Rutland. Hlnesburir•t to Burllnirton. N os1;~ngft~rlng1leld • to Holland to Derby l,lne. HortonTUle to Brandon. N. Thetford*H to Bradford Huhbardt()n* to F11.irllaven N. Tunbridg-e to Chelsea. Huntlngton• to Waterbury, North Wllllston•1 to BurHuntlnirton Center• to lington. Waterbury. N. Wolcott• to Hyde Park. Bydevtue• U to Fair Haven Norton MWe•tt to Island Pond. I Norwtch•tto Hanover,N.B. Inwood to St. Johnsbury. Ira to West Rutland. lraaburir• to Orleans. Old Bennington to BenIsle Lamotte• to Chamnlngton. plain, N. Y. Orange• to Barre.  Hllf~:.:.  Jackaonvwe• to WtlmlngJa;°~ Ne ort. ~:~stg::i~~t<i-e{ng1§'i~Jobn&• Saint Albans JeffersonviTI'P•t to Johnson bury. Barnard• to Bethel. Jerlcho•n to Hurllngton. I Pawlet• to Granville, N. Y. Barnet•u to St. Jobn1bury ~erlcho Centilr to Burling- Peacham• to Danville. Bartonavme• t.o Chester. ton. Perklnsv11le 0 to Sprlnglleld. Beebe Plain• to Beebe. JonesvWe•U to Waterbury Peru• to Manchester CenQue. Beecher Fans• U to Col&P1t::ne1d• to Bethel. brook, N. H. Lake Dunmore• to Bran- Plttsford*U to Proctor. Belmont• to Ludlow. don. Ptttsrord Mllls• to Proctor. Belvidere Center• to Hyde Lakeside to Wells River. Plalnfield"U to Barre. Park. Lelce1ter Junctlon•U to Pleasant Va ley t Johnson . Belvidere Comers to Hyde Park. Le~:~<!io.n. to Hanover Plymouth• to Ludlow. Benson• to Orwell. East Middlebury• to Mid-, N. H. Plfo!~uth Union• to LudBerkahlre* to Rlchfotd. dlebury. Lincoln• to Bristol. Pomfret• to Woodstock. Berlin to Montpelier. East Monkton to Brtatol. Londonderry• to Chester. Pompanoosuc•tt to HanBlnghamville to Satnt E. Montpelier•t to Mont-! Lonir Point to Vergennes. over. N. H. Albans. pelier Lowell•t to Orle·... nt1. Post Mills• to Bradford. Bloomfteld• to Island Pond. Ea■t Orange to Barre Lower Cabot• to Danvtllt> Pownal•tt to Bennlnirton. Sprtnl' Clty•tt to Mount Bolton•ti to Waterbury, East Peacham• to Danville Lower Waterford• to Saint Pownal Center to BenningPleuant Boltonv11le•i to Well■ Springdale* to Hurricane. River. Eaat Poultney• to Pou.lUley L~oeh:::r~7t· to Lancaater Pr!~~er to Woodstock. Spring Glenn to Helper. Bomo ·een• to Fair Haven. E. Randolph* to Randolph. N. H. Putnam ville• to Montpelier Btandardville to Helper. Bondville• to Manchester E. Richford•t to Richford. Lyndon•: to Lyndonville. Putney•H to Brattleboro. 8terlln1r- to Mantl. Center. Stockton• tt to Tooele. Bralntree•ti to Randolph. East Roxbury to North0eld Lyndon Center• to LyndonStorrs• to Helper. ville. Bridgewater• to Wood ■tock East Rupert to Manchester Center. B rldgewa ter Comera • to Quechee•t to Woodstock. East Ryegate•tt to Wells Su~f{y ~ouae• to Salt Lake Woodstock. Mcindoe Faus• to WellF Queen Clty Park• to BurRiver. Bridport• to MtddlebUl'J'. Su~arville to Delta. E. Sheldon to St. Albans. Briggs• to Woodstock. Bay to Winooski lington. Summit• to Parowan. East Shoreham• T to Orwell Brookfteld • to Randolph, Sunnyalde• t 1 to Prlce. E. Thetford• to Hanover. AManchester•t to ManBrownington to Orleans. chester Center. Sunset to Clearfield. N.H. Brownington Center IO Center• to RanSutherland to Delta. East Walllnirtord•U to Manchester Depot•t to Randolph Orlt>ana. dolph. Manche11ter Center. 8yracu1e to Layton. Rutland. Brown11vme• to Wlnd ■or. Readaboro•tttoWUmlngton Maquam to Swanton. Eden• to Hyde Park. Buck Hollow to Saint AlBurlington. Eden Mllls• to Hyde Park. Marlboro• to Brattleboro. Rlchmond•tito bans. Marshfteld"tito Montpeller Ricker ~Ulls to Wells River. Elmore• to Morrisville. Burke• to Lyndonville. Ripton• to Middlebury. Mlddlesex•tt to Montpelle1 Tabbv• to Duchesne. Ely Station to Bradford. Riverside to Burllnll.'ton. Tabiona• to Duchesne. Eno11burg to Enosburir 1 Middletown Springs to Riverton to Northfield. Taft to Vernal. Falls 1 Roblnson• Brandon. Poultney Talmage• to Myton. Cabot• to Danville. Essex•tt to Es~e:r Junction Miles 1-'ond*l to St. Johns- Rochester• to to Bethel. Tayloravtlle to Murray. Cadya Falls to Hyde Park. Evansville to Orleans. 0 Rockingham bury. to Bellows Tea1dale to Rlchftflld. Calats• to Montpelier. Evartstt to White River Mllton*rt to Burlington. Falls. ThE>odore to Duchesne. Cambrldge•t i to Hyde Park Junction. Roxbury•U to Northfield. Mlsslsquoltt to Richford. Tbtat1e•tt to SprtnirviUe. Cambridge Junctlon•U to Royalton•ti to Bethel. Monkton• to Veritennea. Thompsons•ti to Green Hyde Park. Monkton Ridge to Ver0 River. Cambrtdireport• to Bel- 1 y. genne,. Thurber• to Rlcbfteld. Fatrtax• to Saint Albans. lows Falls. Toquerville* to Hurricane.• t to Colebrook, Falr0eld 0 to Saint Alban.a Montgomery• to Richford Montgomery Center• to Torrey• to Rlchfteld. Fairlee• tt to Bradford . . N. H. Richford. Tropic• to Panguitch. Castleton•tt to Fair Haven. Fel<'hvtlle•t to Wlnd1or, Moretown• to Waterburv. 1 St. Albans Bay• to St. Troutcreek to Oasis. Cavendlah 0 U to Proctors- Ferrt11bur1r•ttto Vergennes. Albans. Fl«.k to Champlain . N. Y. ville. Mor(l'an•t to Island Pond. Saint Johnsbury center"r Center Rutland•tt to Rut- Fltzdate• to Whltefteld. Morgan Center• to Island to Saint Johnsbury. N. H. land. Utnta•U to Oirden. t M rrl vtll Centervalett to St. Johns- Fletcher• to Saint Albam. I Saint Johnsbury East• r to own o o a e. Union to Murray. Saint Johnsbury. Florence•t to Proctor. bury. Morses Line• to Swanton. Sallsbury•t• to Brandon. Upalco to Myton. Forest Dale* to Brandon. Centerville to Hyde Park Moscow• to Waterbury. s d Fort Ethan Allen•t to Mountain Mllls•i to WU- age~f;;, +to Manc h es t er Central.., to Lancaster.N .H. Winooski. Charlotte•u to Verirennea. Franklin• to Enosburg , •t• t L d.l Saxtons River• to Bellow• Chester Depot•t to ChesMomulnntgHton o11Y + o u ow . 1 Falls. Ventce to Rlcbftel<t. Falls. ter. 1 Seareburg•to Wilmington. Vernon• to Eureka. . Chlppenhook to West RutMountorne Station to Lan- Shaftsbury• U to North Vineyard to Provo. land. caster, N. II. Bennin on. G&llup1 Milla • to Chittenden• to Rutland. ~~,~= ~ ~~~~~ne. Shnon•tt to Bethel. Clarendon• ti to Rutland Sheffield• to Lyndonvtlle. Clarendon SprtnpU to G.3ri~fJbt~1i:,de Park. Gaaaetts•ti to Chester. 0 Rutland. Tewark to Lyndonville. ~~:i~~~~1;r Colchester• ti to Winooski. Gay1vUJe• to Bethel. ~ewbury•U to WellsHlver. Sheldon Junction• t l to Wattsburg• to Heber. Concord•U to St. Johns- Georirta t to Saint Albani. Georila Plain to St. Alball! New Haven• to Bristol. Saint Albans. bury. Wanantp• to Coalville. Glastenbury to North Ben- New Haven Mills to Bristol Sheldon Sprlngs•t t to Sain• Warren to Ogden. Oonlcutt to Bradford. Newport Center•t to Newnington Albans. Wubtnirton• to St. Georce. Corinth* to Bradford. port. · Glover• to Barton. Shelburne• to Rutland. Wat~nt to Vernal. Cornwall to Mlddlebul'J'. Northborot to Bradford . G08hen to Brandon. Shoreham•t to Orwell. Coventry• to Newport. Wattis* to Price. North Calais• to Hardwick. Shoreham Center• to OrGratton• to Cheat~r. Welby* to Midvale, Cra!t ■ bury• to Hardwick. well. Cuttlnpvllle•U to Rut- Grand Ille"U to BurllngtoD N. Cambridge to Johnson . W elllngton • to Price. N. Clarendon• to Rutland. Shrewsbury to Rutland. Granltevme• to Barre. Wendover•tt to Gartleld. land. Nortb Concord"U to Saint Slmonsvtue• to Chester. Granville• to Randolph. West Jordant to Mldvale. Johnsbury. Green River to Brattleboro South Albany• to Barton.•to Malad.Idaho N.Craft bury* to Hardwick South Barre•t to Barre. Greensboro• to Hardwick. Wmtwater*U to Frulta, Danby•ti to Mancbe■ ter Greensboro Bend•t to Hard- North Danvtlle to Danvtlle. South Burlington to Bur• Colo. North Derby• toDerbyLlne wick. llngton. Center. W. W ebert to Ogden. Danby Four Corner1• to Greenaboro Mllll to Hard- North Duxbury*t to Water- South Cabott to Danvtlle. Wbtterocka• to Vernal. bury. wick. South Dorset• to MancheeManchester Center. Wldtsoe to Panguitch. Groton•U to Well ■ River. North Enosburg to Enoster Center. Derby*t to Newport. Wlllard*H to Brigham. burg Falls. South Fairlee• to Bradford. Dorset• to Mancheater Cen- Groton Pond• t0Wel11Rlve, Winn to Myton. •Guildhall" r to Lancaster North Ferrtaburi•U to Ver- South H ero•tt to Plattster. Winterquarters•t to Price irennea N. H. Dummer■ ton• to BrattleWoodland• to Kamas. Guilford to Rrattleboro. N. Field Fa1J11•to Northfteld. So~~~g·L:ttn~in• to BristOl • boro. Woodrow to f>t>lta. St. John•tt to Tooele. Saldurott to Salt Lake City Salem• to Soanl1h Fork. Santa Clara• to St . Georire. nio~:~on. Scot\eld•t i to Prlce. Sego to Green River. Sevier• to Rlchfteld. Sharon to Provo. Sigurd• to Rlchfteld. Sliver Clty•U to Eureka. Silver Lake• to Park Oity. Slaterville to Ogden. SnoWTille• to Tremonton. Soldiers Summit•t to Heloer. South Jordan to Sandy.  Baker■ fteld •to  ~~fp\~'1ufot ~tf  ~::U!:~~c:;o~:a~i~~· I  M~l;ifs  I  I  :~~;~;1 t; ws:J:~1S!r.  M!:-~~~-  Saint!  f; s~1':i?1~~~  REFERENCE KEY.  • County Seat.  • Money Order Office.  tTelegraph Station.  t Expre11 Office.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS South Londonderry• U to W.Halifax* to Brattleboro. Chester. West Harttord•tt to White River Junction. Soutb Lunenburg•t to LanW. Haven to Fair Haven. to Bradford. West Llnwln* to Bristol. S. S. Newfane* to Brattleboro. W . Milton to Burlington. S • Northfield to Northfield. WestmlnBter• to Bellows 8 . Peacham* to Danville. Falls. S. Pomfret• to Woodstock. Westminster Statlon•tt to Wa.Jpole. N. H. S. Poultney* to Poultney. S. Randolph to Randolph. Westminster West• to Bellowl! 1'' a.lls. S. Royalton*tt to Bethel. Westmore• to Barton. SS.Ryegate*ttto WellsRiver Wet1t Newbury• to Wells River. outh Sbaftshury•f1 to Weston • to Chester. So~flit~t~aeJ1a°/gftf:· White West Pa.wlet*tt to Granv!Ile, N Y. River Junction. South Vernontt to Brattle- W. Rupert*t to Salem,N.Y.  ¥S!~~~~•ft·  B n-  II•  Y. ild. D•  r. n.  d-  r-  n-  west Topsham• to Barre. West Townshend • i to Jamaica. to Wardsboro • West Jamaica.. Wei,t Woodstock• to Woodstock. 0 Weybrtdge to Middlebury s:~vo~~~~~i:t~ Wheelock• to Lyndonville. North Whltlng•tt to Brandon. to Stamford Whitingham• to WUmingsttt!~;o~~-B rlstoJ. ton. Wilder• t t to White River Sstockbrluge• to Bethel. Junction. towe• to Morrlsvllle. Stra.fl'ord* to White River Wllllamstown • U to Barre. WU!lamsvllle• to BrattleJunction. boro. Stratton to Jamaica.. $ Udbury• to Orwell. WUIL,ton•t to Burlington. to Man- Wlllou11;bby*tt to Ba.rt.on. Sunderland U Windham• to f:hester. chester. Wolcott*tt to Hardwick. Sutton• to Lyndonville. Woodbury* to Hardwick. Swanton Junction to Woodford* to Bennington. Swanton. Worcester• to Montpelier.  s. ~?~~den* to Hardwick. :South Walllngtord•U to Rutland . Wardsboro to South Jamaica. ~OUth Wlndham•to Chester.  w~~£s~g~  Thetford• to Hanover. N.H. Thetford Center• to White River Junction Thompsons Point• to Vergennes. Tice to Derby Line. Tinmouth to Middletown Springs. Top!lham• to Bradford. 'l'ownshend•i to Brattleboro. Troy• to Newport. Tunbridge• to Chelsea. Tvson • to Ludlow.  VIRGINIA  Abbott• to Newcastle. Abilene*tt to Keysville. Accottnk• to Alexandria. Achilles* to Gloucester Point. Acorn to Kinsale. Ada to Marshall. Adams Grove*t toDrewrysv!lle Addlso·n to Petersburc. Aden to Nokesvtlle. Underhlll•ti to .Essex Junc- Adlai* to Lovtnpton. Adner* to Gloucester. tion. Underhill Center• to Essex Adria* to Tazewell. Junction. Adslt*l to Albt>rta. Onton VWage• ~ Hanover, Advance MWs• to CharN.H. lotteRv11le. Adwolt to Marton. Afton• t t to Basic. ~alley to Wilmington. Agnewvill...♦ to Occooaan. ersblre• to Chelsea. Ailv to Clintwood. Vlotory• to Lyndonvtlle. Alrinont to Purcellville. Airpoint• to Roanoke. Watt.'!tl.eld• to Waterbury. Ajax• to Chatham. WWalts River• to Bradford. Alanthus• to Culpepper. Albano• to Orange. aJden•tt to Danville. WWal<Jt>n Heil{hts to Danville Alberene• to Esmont. alltnirtord • rt to Rutland Albin to Winchester. W~!lis Pond to Colebroolc, Alohle to Houston. Alcorna to DlllwYn. n-~~- II. Alden to Colonial vvardsboro• to Jamaica. Wa~dsboro Oenter to Jam- Aldle• to Leesourir. a1ca. Alfonso• to Kilmarnock. WWarren• to Northfield Alfredtown• to Rlchlandll. ashln~on• to Barre. Waterbury center • to Alleghany*tt to Covin~ton Alleghany Sprtng• to ChrlaWaterbury Wtte~~rd• io St. Johns- I A1f!~i!1~~~-Statlon•U to Covington. ;aterville* to Johnson. W ebcitervme• to Barre Wells• to Granville, N'. Y. Allens Creek*t to Amherst. W enlocklt to Island Pond. Alleuslevel to omwyn. est Ad, Ison to Vergennee. Alllanoe• to Dendron. W est Arlington to Man- Alltsonla.*tt to Draper. AllmondsvUle to Gloucester Wchester Center. -Ilarnet*to Rt Johnsbury Allwood to Amhent. W"'b-st Berltshtre•t to Enos- Alma to Stanleyton. Almagro•t to Danville. urg Falls. ;est Berlln•tttoNortbfleld Almira• to Wise. wit Bolton*to Waterbury. Alonzavtlle to Woodttock. bo~~~tleboro to Brattie- Alpha* to Dillwyn. W -t13ridgewa.ter* to Wood- Alps to Bowline- Green. Alto to Buena Vista. WB ock. w•llrooktleld to Randolph. Alton•t to South Bo1ton. w•Burke*tt to Lyndonville Alum Ridge* to Floyd. w•Castleton to Fair Haven Alum Wells to Abingdon. w· Charleston•to Newport. Alvarado• to Abingdon. Alvis to Brodnax. Corinth* to Chelsea. w•gorn~all to Middlebury. Ambar• to Fredertekabur~. w · a.nv11le*tt to Danville. Ambure:• to Gloucester. West Derby• to Newport. Amlssvme• to Warrenton. w· gover• to Wilmington. Ammon* to ti bummerston•i to .8rat- Amaterdam* Ford. to Troutvllle. W e oro. Anciersonvme• to UUly,,YD, F~rosburg. to Enosburg Ankum to Lawrenceville. W as. Annandale to Alexandria. West Palrlee to• Bradford Westfield• to Newport. . Ante• to EmporlA. to Scottavllle. ~i~ord* to Essex Junc- Antioch• Antlers• to Boydton. ;-Georgia to Albans. Apple Grove• to Mineral. Aqua• to Fairfield. est Ulover• to Barton. , County Seat. REFERENCE KEY.  I  r-  r-  ~iat~~d.  A°l;:u~  Tartsvme•t to Woodstock.  T alcvllle to Bethel.  w· Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  VIRGINIA  Ararat* to Moun\ Alry, BelltalrMllls• to Frederlcksburit. N. C. Bellll to Bedford City. Arca.dia*t to Buchanan. Arcanum* to Dlllwyn. Bells Crossroads* to Louisa. Arch Mllls to Buchanan. BellsVa.lley•tt to Staunton Arco to Front Royal. Belmont• to Orange. Areola• to Lees bur~. Belona•i to Cumberland. Ark• to Gloucester. Belrol• to Gloucester. Arkton to New Market. Arllngton• to Rosslyn. 1::~rrw:J-ige Armel to Winchester. to Covlngton. Arringdale*tt to Drewrys- Ben Bena• to Gloucester Point ville. Arrington• ti to Loving- Benhame•U to Br18tol, s ton. Tenn. Artla* to Honaker. Benhur•t to Pennington Artrip* to Cleveland. Gap. Bennettcreek to Suffolk. At berry• to Tazewell. Benns Church* to SmithAsbburn•tt to Leesburg. field. Ashu .v tt to Front Hoyal. Aspen*t t to Phenix. Assawoman* to Temper- i:~:g~e:~:a~~-~f{~~!~t~~ ancevUle. Bentonville• rt to J:<' ront Atkin *tt to l\ifarion. Royal. Atlantic* to Horsry. Berea• to Fredericksburg. Atlee•tt to J:llchmond. Berkleyt to Norfolk. Hundred• to Bermuda Atoka to Marshall. Petersburg. Attoway* to Marlon. Bernard• to Gordon1vtlle. Aubumt to Warrcntl>n. Bertha ville• to Frederico bur~. to~~rtnp • t i to Berton* to Pearishburg. Austlnvllle•tt to Ivanhoe. Bertrand• to Irvington. Autumn to Bristol, Tenn. 1 Bessie to Clintwood. Avalon• to H ea tbsvllle. Bestlandto Tappahannock Averett• to Clarksvllle. Bethel Academy to War Avon• to Waynesboro. renton. Axton•tt to Martlnsvllle. Beulahville• to Walkerton A:,lett,• t,o Walkerton. BeverleyvUle* to Reedville Aylor to .Madison. Bigjim to St. Paul. Big Rock• to Grundy.  Bachelors Hall to Danville Backhay•tt to Nortolk. Bacons Castle* to Smitht\eld. Baden to Clintwood. Bagby• to Bowlin(? Green. Bagleys MWs• to South  II  Hill.  Cross-Roads to Falll!I Church. Baldwin Statton• to Clifton Forge .• Ba.Jlston to Rosslyn. Ballsvllle•i to Cumberland. Baity* to Milford. Banco• to Madtson. Bandy* to C'edar Bluff. Bane to Pearisburg. Banks to Tappahannock. Ba.Heys  Banner to Coeburn. Barber to Covington. Barboura Creek•ti to Newcastle. Bart>ourav1Ue•tt to Oran(Ce Barcroft• to Rosalyn.  Barhamsvtlle• to Wllllamsburg. Barlev to Emporia. Barnett to Honaker. Barnetts to RIC'brnond. BarrenSprlngs*t 1 toPulatkl Barton Heights• to Richmond. Bartonville to Stephens City. Baa ham• to Floyd. Baskerville*tt to Union Level. Bastian to Bland. Bateavtne• to Crozet. Batna.• to Culpeper. Battery Par.1c•t to Smithfield. Bayard• to Front Royal. Ba:vtord • to Nassawadox. Baynesville* to Montross. Bay Port* to Urbanna. Baysbore to Norfolk. Bayvlew*t to Cheriton. Bay wood• to Independence Beach*tt to Chester.  Beales to Montross. Bealeton•tt to Warrenton Beamon• to Suffolk. Bear Wa.Uow• to Berwlnd, W.Va.. Beatrice to Cbll.Se City. Beauford to Floyd. Bea.verlett to Mathews Court House. TappahanBeazley• to nock. Beckham• to Appomattox Bedford Sprlnits to Lynchburit. Bee to Clintwood. Beldor to Elkton. Belfast Milla• to Lebanon. Belgrade to Mt. Jackson, Belinda• to Hall wood. Bellamy to Clinchport. Bellevue •t to Redford City • Money Order Office.  2085  Bridle Creek to Independence. Brtery* to Keysvllle. Brlggs•t to Berryville. Brlirhtwood• to Madison. Arlnk* to Emporia. Brlstersburg to WarrentOD Brtstow•tt to ManaSB&11. Britain to Puroel\vWe. Britts to Pearisburg. Rroadcreek to Norfolk. Broad ford• to Saltvllle. Broadrun*t to The Pla.lna. Broadwater• to Exmore. Brockett to Strasburg Brockroad • to Frederlck&burg. Brokenburg• to Fredertckeburg. Bronson• to Washington. Brooke•u to Frederick> • burg. Brook Hlll • to Richmond. Brookvale to KUmarnock. Browns Store* to Ileatti. ville. Browntown• to Fron\ Royal. Bruce*tt to Portsmouth. flrucetown• to Wlncbestez Bruington* to Walkerton. · Brumley Gap to Ahtngdon. Bryant* to Lovlngston. Bryce to Lynchburg. Buckhall* to Manas!l&II. Buckhorn• to Holland. ,Hucklngham• to DIiiwyn. Buckner•i to Beaverdam.  Beach*f Buckroe l'bcebus. Bucu • to Cleveland. Binns Hall• to Richmond Buen• to Berkley. Buena• to Rapidan. Blr-chtear to Clintwood. Blrawood• to Charlottea- Bui.fa.lo Junction •ti to Clarksville. vtlle. Butialo Llthla Sprtngs•t t Biscoe* to Walkerton. to Clarksville. Blackey* to Grundy. Black Mountain to Pen- Buffa.lo Ridge• to Stuart. nington Gao. Buffalo Statton• to AmBlack Rldie to Brodnax. herst. Blackstord to HonaKer. Blackwater• to Jonesville. Rula • to Columbia. Bullbegger* to Horsey. Blackwens•t to Reedville. Bull Run to Manassa.a. Bumpass*t to Beaverdam. Ble.ckwood •t to Norton. Burdette•tt to Suffolk. Blairs to Hopewell. Bur1teu Store•to Reedville Blakes• to Mathews. Burke•tt to FalrtaL Burkes Garden• to Taze.. well. Burketown• to Weyen Cave. Burnleys•t to Oharlottavllle. Bluemont•U to PurccllBurnnllle*to Warm Spp. vllle. Bl~:on~!tf:. Springs*t to Burnt Ch1mney1U to Mar-tlnsvtlle. Blue Spring Run* to CovBurr Hill• to Culpeper. in1tton. Burrownwe• to Peter. . bUl'lf. Bluff City• to Pearisburg. Burtons Creek to LynchBoaz! to Windsor. burg. Bl'COCk to Lynchburg. Bushy• to Urbanna. Body Camp to Moneta. Butterworth•tt to Dinwiddie. Boer to Irv1ngton. Butts to Norfolk. Bohannon• to Mathew11. Poca- Butylo• to Urbanna. to Bolssevaln*i Bybee* to Palmyra. hontas. Bylltlsbyt to Ivanhoe. Bolar• to Wann Springs. Bolling to DWwyn. Cadet• to Big Stone Gap.• tt to Richmond. Caledonia to Columbia. 1 Callaghan• 1 to Covlnitton. Bondtown• to Coeburn. ' Call ands* to Chatham. Bonney to Norfolk. Callavme• to Lawrencevtlle Bonsa.ckst t to Roanoke. Boonesvllle* to Charlottes- Callaway• to Rocky Moant Calvary to Woodstock. vllle. Boonsboro to Lynchburg. Calverton•ti to Warrento• Camp• to Rural Retreat. Boston• to Culpeper. Boulevard* to Richmond . Campbell•t to Charlot~ vllle. Bowers Hlll • t t to PortsCamp Creek• to Floyd. mouth. Bowlers Wbarf*t to Tap- Cana• to Mount Alry, N.O. Canova to Manaasae. pahannock. Bowmans•t to Edlnburi. Boxwood• to Martlnsvllle. Cap• to Hlllevllle. Cape Henry*t to Norfolk. Boyd Ta vem • to Char- Cappahoslc• to Gloucestet. Captain to Newcastle. lottesvllle. Cardinal* to Mathews. Bracey• tt to La. Crosse. Bra.dleys Store to RichCardwell* to Richmond. mond. Brand to Luray. 1 g:~r;~V~~•Tfc?~&O~a~~~~Brando.c • to Richmond. Carrle*to Cleveland. Brandy Statlon•t to Cul- Carrollton• to Smithfield. peper. Ca.rravllle•ti to Franklin. Brandywine• to Bowling Carsonvllle• to Fries. Green. Carters Bridge* to Cha.rBrays• to Tappahannock. lotteavllle. Breckenridge to .Eagle Rock Carters Mills to Stuart. Bremo Bluff•tt to Arvonia. Carterton•tt to Cleveland. Carthage• to Floyd. Brentsvllle to Manassa.s. Cartwrlghtll Wharf• to SufBrewster• to St. Paul. folk Brlckhaven to Warrenton. Gloucester Caryshrook•ito Palmyra. to Bridges* Casanova•i to Warrenton. Point. Bridgetown• to Machl· Cascade•tt to Danville. Casco to Ashland. Ponito.  Blantons* to Milford. Blenheim• to Scottsville. Bloom to Winchester. Bloomfield to Purcellvllle. Blossom Hill to N ortolk.  I  t Telegraph  Station.  l Express Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2086  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  VIRGINIA  ColoitDe• to Westpoint. Colosse• to Wlndsor. Columbia Furnace• to Edlnburg. Colvin Run to Leesburg.  Dickinsonville to Castle-I Endicott• to Rocky Mount. Franconlat:t to Alexandria wood. Enfleld•to Walkerton. Franklin City*tt to StockDifficult to Fairtax. Enoch* to Urbanna. ton. l\fd. Diggs•:t to Mathews. ; Enonvllle• to Dillwyn. Franktown• to Nassawa· dox . Catawba• to Salem. Dilbeck* to Woodstock. Catbarpin • to Manasau. Dlllons Mills* to Rocky Eona* to Hlllsville. Fredericks Hall•rt to MinCatlett•t to Warrenton. Comers Rock* to Rural Mount. eral. Epworth to Walkerton. Retreat. Ditcbley:t to Kilmarnock. Era* to Ford. Cave Sortnir to Roanoke. Freeling* to Clintwood. Comet to Smithfield. Freeman*t:t to LawrenceComorn • to Fredericksburg Dixie to Mathews. Cedar Blufi' to Richland. ville. Erica• to R.insale. Cedargrove to Winchester. Compton* to Luray. Dixondale*:t to Gloucester. Erln Shades to Richmond. Freeport to Gloucester. Concord to Exmore. Dodds* to Fredericksburg. Esservllle* to Norton. Free Union• to CharlottesCedar Sprtnp• to Rural Concord Depot• to Lynch- Dod.lyt to Heathsville. ville. Essex Mill* to TappahanRetreat. burg. FrlendshlI> to Glade Spring. Dodson• to Bassetts. nocll:. Cedarvllle•tto Front Royal. Conde* to Warrenton. Estes to Culpeper. Fugates Hill to Lebanon. Cedon• to Bowling Green. Dogue* to Fredericksburg. Fulks Run• to Broadway. ConicvllJe• to Edinburg. Dolphin*t:t to Alberta. Furnace to Elkton. Ethel• to Warsaw. Celt to Stanardsville. Contra* to Walkerton. Domlno to Penntnirt;on Gao. Ethelfelts• to Galax. j Centenary to ScoUsville. Coonseye to Norton. Don• to Oranie. Center Croas• to Tappahan- Cooper• to Urbanna. Dona to Cllncnport. Etlan* to Maalson. : Cootes Store* to Broadway. nock. Etna Mills* to Walkerton. Gainesboro• to Winchester. Centerville to Fairfax. Dooley• to Norton. Copper Hill* to Floyd. Galnesvllle•t to Manassas. Centralla•tt to Richmond. Dooms• to Waynesboro. Etta to Bowling Green. Gala• t t to Eagle Rock. Central Point• to Milford. Copper Valley to Floyd. Doran•t to Richlands. Etter to Speedwell. Gaits Mills*tt to LyncbCorbin• to Fredericksburg. Dorchester• to Norton. Ettrtcks•t to Petersburg;. burit. Ceres• to Rural Retreat. Cordova* to Culpeper. Gambrill to Alexandrta. Chalklevel to Gretna.. Corinth to Rural Retreat. Dot• to Pennlngton Gap. Gardners• to Honaker. Everets• to Suffolk. Cbambersvme•to WinchesDoua;laa to Rose Hlll. Everg-reen•rt to Appomat- Gargatha to Bloxom. Cornland to Portsmouth. ter. tox. Champe to Ford. Cornwall*? to Lexlnrton. Dover to Leesburg. Ever11:Teen MUls to Leesburr 8:~~t;n~£~l~~edericbChamplain• to Tappahan- Ooulwood* to Cleveland. Doveavme• to Broadway. Evinirt;on • • to Lynchburg. bura;. Councll• to Honaker. Downlngs* to Warsaw. Gary to Kenbridge. nock. Ollanttlly to Fah1ax. Cove Creek* to Tazewell. Doylesville* to Crozet. Gasburr• to Emporia. Covesvtlle•tt to CharlotteExit to Suffolk. Gatewood to Frederick88t!~e1tio figi;;_tox. ville. Dragonville• to Westpoint. Expo* to Norfolk. burr. AC'harles City* to Hopewell. Cowart* to Heathsvllle. Dranesvllle to Herndon. Ezell to Lawrenceville. Charlle Hope• 1 to LawGeer to Charlottesville. Drenn to Galax. Craddockville* to:(Be1le rencevWe. Genoa to Broadway. Drewrys Bluff•t:t to RichChatham Hill• to Marton. Haven. Georges Fork to Clintwood. mond. Cheapslde to Townsend. Drill to Honaker. Gera• to Fredericksburg. Cherryaale to Rosalyn. Driver• t t to Portsmouth. Fa.bera• t l to Lovlngston. Gertie to Portsmouth Crandon • to Bland. Cherry HW*tt to Alexan- Crawford to Martlnllvlllt Fair Port• to Reedv1lle. Gether to Bowling Green. Dry Fork*tt to Chatham. Fairview• to Cllnchport. dria. Getz to Mount Jackson. Creedst to N ortolk. Obesapeake• to Cheriton. Crest to Fredericksburg. · Duane* to Walkerton. Fairwood • to 'I'routdale. Ghol11onvllle• to La.wrenr.. Ohesconnessex to Onancock Creathlll* to Warrenton. Ducat• to Fredericksburg. vile. !Chesterfield* to Chester. Crichton to Lawrenceville. Dudie to Warrenton. Falls Mllls•tt to Graham. Duet• to Madison. ' Glbsons Station• to Cu"' Crtders* to Broadway. Chestnut Level to Chatham. C11glersvllle• to Madison. Duffield• tt to Clinchport. Fatmoutb•t to Frederick• berland Gap. Chlldreas• to Christians- Crtmora.•tt to Waynesboro. burg;. Gilden to Machlpongo. burg. Dugspur* to Hillsville. Chilesburg* to Beaverdam Dumbarton• to Richmond gB:~~n~ittXt°r:gi~~~ OhUtons• to Montross. Cr~gJ~ Creek•t to Speed- Dumfries• to Occoquan. gow. Dunavant• to Frederick&- Farmers Fork* to Warsaw. Gladehlll•tto Rocky Moun\ Farnham* to Sharps. Gladeaboro to HlllsvUle. burr. Dunbrooke• to TappahanGladstone*tt to Amherst. Gladys• tt to Brookneal nock. Farr to Fairfax. Glamora;an• to Wise. Dunn Loring*t to Fairfax. Farrington to Ashland. Fauqufer Sprlna;s to War- Glaas to Gloucester Point. Chula• rt to Amelia. Cross Junction to Wlnches- Ounnavllle* to Tappa.banrenton. Glenallen•t:t to Richmond Churchland • to Portsmouthi ter. nock. Cross Keya to Harrison- Durmid • t to Lynch bur~. Glencarlyn* to Fall<> Faye to BurkevUle. Dutton• to Gloucester. Church. Fayerdale* to Stuart. Church Road*H to Ford. Cr~~~• to Walkerton Duty to Cleveland. Glendower• to Scottsville. Church Vlew• to Urbanna. Crozler• to Richmond. · Felden• to Farmvllle. Glen Echo to Front Royal Dwale• to Clintwood. Glenford to Abingdon. C!fax to B~tord Clcy. ii°uP.1~gr~oCJ!lon. Dwlrht Fentress•t:t to Norfolk. to Grundy. Glen Lyn•tt to Narrows. Cmlra to Kmsale. Fern Clifi' to Louisa. Dwlna to Coeburn. Glenmore• to ScottsvUle. Oismont* to Charlottesville Cuckoo• to Mineral. Ferrell• to Colonial Beach. Glenn"* to Urbanna. City Point*t to Ilopowell. Cullen•t:t to Drakes Branch. Dye to Honaker. Dyke to Charlottesvllle. Glenora tc Mineral. Cumbow to Jonesboro. Fieldale to , Iartins, ille. Glenvart to Salem. Clam to Parksley. Cumnor• to Walkerton. Ft.te• to Columbia. Glen WUton•rt to CllttoD Olancie to Westpo1nt. Curdsvme• to Parmvllle. Flrsboro• to Martlnsv1lle. ' Forre. Curlew* to Fredericksburg. Flnchley•t to Clarksvllle. ,Clarendon* to Rosslyn. Cyfo~':_8 Chapel• to Suf- Eane11 Cross Roads• to Globe* to Walkerton. 0 Finchvllle to Fredericks- Golansville* to .M ilford. ~~:n<:tf*t~ Lawrenceville. burg. Oolddale• to .r'rederlcbEarlhurst • to Covlngton. Clary to Strasburg. Fineereek Mills* to Richbura;. Earls to Blackstone. Claudvllle• to Stuart. moncl. Gold Hill• to Dillwyn. Early to Hlllsvllle. Clay B11.nk• to Gloucester. Goldleaf to Boydton. Early11vllle• to Charlottes- Flnk*t to St. Paul. Clayville*:t to Amelia C.H. Finney to Onancock. Goldvein•to Fredericksburg ville. Clear Brook•t to Winches- Dabney*lto Louisa. Finneywood•:t to Chase Daisy• to Tappahannock. En.nest• to Odd. ter. Clty. Da.lby's to Cape Charles. E. Falls Church• to Falla Fishers Hm•t to Strasburg. Clear Creek* to No;ton. Dale Enterprise* to Harn-,· Church. Flshersvllle• r 1 to Staunton Goodes•t to Bedford City Oliffleld to Tazewell. sonburg. East Leake* to Cartersville. Fltchetts•t Mathews. Goodes Ferry• to Boydton Cliff Milli to Warrenton. Daleville• to Troutville. East Lexinirt;on • t to Lex- Fitzhugh• totoLawrenceville Cllfford • to Amherst. Dandy to Yorktown. tngton. Goodloes• to Frederick .. Cliff view to Galax. Daniel* to Orange. East Radford*ti to Radford Flag Pond to Clinchport. burir. ClUt to Covington. Danieltown• to Alberta. East Stone Gap• to Btg Flat Gap• to Norton. Goods Mills to Harrison· Cllfton Statlon•Uto Mana&- Danripple to South Boston. Stone Gap. Flatrld1te• to Troutdale. 1&1. Danton to Orange. EastvUle Station• t tto East1 1 Flat Run to Culpeper. Gt~¾-Iew*t:t to Moneta. Clinch•t to Dunaannon. Daphna•t to Broadway. · vllle. Flat Woods to Coeburn. Clinchco to Clintwood. Darbyvme• to Pennlnrton Goodwlns Ferry to PearillOlinchflcld to <Jleveland. Gao. Ebony• to Warrenton. N.C. Fleet• to Glade 'prings. burg. Clip ~o Abingdon. Dare• to Yorktown. Ecklngton• to Culpeper. Pleeton•t to keedville. Darllngton Heights• to Eclipse• to Smithfield. Fletcher-1< to Stanardsville. Go1hen•tt to Lexington. Pamplin City. Edgar• to Bowling Green. Clopton to Gloucester. Goshen Bridge t,o LexlnrDarwin to Clintwood. Ed1?ehlll to Colonial Beach. Flood to ).lonterey. Cloud to Washington. Florls to Leesburg, ton. Clover Creek to Monterey. Edgerton•tt to LawrenceCloverda.Ifl•+t to Trantville Daugherty*:t to OnleY. Foue woo,1• to . Iontros~. Graden* to Norton. vllle. Clover Hidge to Gate City. Davenport• to Honaker. Fontaine to Marttnsville. Edgewood• to Bassett!!. Clutter Sprtngs•t to South David to Nokesville. Grafton• to Yorktown. Davis Wharf* to Painter. Edmunds Store to Alberta. Foraker* to Clintwood Grab&IllS Forfe to Wyth&Boston. 1',dna to Tappahannock. Dawn• to Bowllng Green. ville. Fordllick•t:: to Craigsville. Coaldon* to Rlchlands. Grangcvllle* to Keller. DawsonvUle* to Stanards- Edom* to Harrlsonburi. Edwardsville• to Heatha- For ·tburg to Quantico. Coalton to Castlewood. Grant• to Troutdale. ville. vllle. Coan• to Heathsvllle. Forestville* to Mount Jack- Grape to Parksley Coast to Colonial Beach. Deanes• to Portsmouth. Effna. to Bland. son. Cobbs Creek* to Mathews. Deep Oree.II: to Portsmouth. Eheart• to Orange. Grapelleld to Bland. Forkland• to Blackstone. 1 Gru11tl.eldt Cobham•tt to Charlottes- Deerfteld • to Staunton. Elamsvllle• to Stuart. to Portsrnoutb Forks or Buffalo to Am-i Gra11land Dehaven to Winchester. Elberon* to Dendron. ville. • to Oranjfe. Cobham Wharf% to Den- Delaplane•tt to Front Elk Garden to Honaker. Gratton* to Tazewell. Fo~t~~iue• to South Hill. I Gravel Spring Royal. Elk HIJl•tt to Columbia. dron. to Str1u1bur1 Formosa• to DralCe&Branch Graves Del Ray to Alexandria. Oochran•tt to Alberta. Elko•u to Richmond. Mills• to Madison. Cody to Houston. Delta.ville* to Urbanna. Elk Run to Culpeper. Gray•tt to Jarratt. Fort Dellance•t to Staun- Greatbrluge to ~ orFolk. Delton• to Draper. Coffee• to Lynchburg;. Elkwood•t to Culpeper. ton. ,Denblgh•to NewportNews Ellenaale to Marlon. Great, Falls• to Herndon. Fort Mitchell• to Chase City Greenbackville* 0ohassett• to Fork Union. Denniston• to South Bos- Ellerson• to Richmond. to Stock· Fort ~1yer•t to Rosslyn. Cohoke•t to Westoolnt. ton. j Ellet to Christiansburg. ton . .:\Id. Desha* to Tappahannock. Coke* to Gloucester. Elllston•tt to Shawsvllle. Greenbay•tt to Meherrin. Deskins* to Honaker. Elly* to Madison. Coldwater to Westpoint. Fort !\Iyer Heights to GreenbushHt to Accomac. Detrick to Woodstock. H.o ~lyn. Elmlnirton• to Lovlngaton Green Cove• to Chtlhowte. Cole to Cbllhowie. Elmont• to Ashland. Coleman Falls* to Big Is- Dewey to Wlle. Fortres, Monroe*t to Phoe- Greendale to A blngdon. Dewltt•tt to Butterworth. Elsom to Westpolnt. bus. Green0eld • to Waynesboro. land. De.1:ter to Cleveland. Ooles Ferry to Phenix. Elvan to Brunswick, Md. Foster• to Mathews. Ooles Poinli to Waraw. Elwood*t lo li{)llaud. Fostera Falls•u to Ivanhoe Green Lee•t:t to Glasgow. Diana Mtlls* to Arvonia. Emmerton• to Warsaw. Colley to Cllntwood. Green Sprlna; Depot• to l~ierc1r~:~~~k. Oollleratown • to Lexington. Dl.aacond•t to Emory•t to ~leadowvlew. Louisa.. Ca11h* to Gloucester. Cashvllle to Onancock. Castleton• to Culpeper.  I  I  I  1f  i:~~i ~J: l~ 1&~~;~~:  ii~i~;i;i?:1 ii;;~;r.:ii::d  I  ,  I gg:::  l  J;:=fti!".g.  ?8~:i~;U:~~~ntmond  I  I  t~!:v!fl  REFERENCE KEY.  • County Seat.  • .Ioney Order Office.  t Telegraph Station.  ! E:xpresa Office.  VIRGINIA  andria Stock-  .ssawa• Mrn-  J  ~d.  •ren ce-  lr.  lottes-  lpring .  ~~:rester. assas  k.  YDcb·  a. r.  Green Valley* to Warm Springs. Greenwich to Manassas. Greenwood•tt to Crozet. Gressett* to Westpoint. Greta* to Horsey . Gritttnsburg* to Culpeper. Grimes* to Winchester.  Grtmstead • to Mathews. Grlnels* to Urbana . Grtzzard* to Emporia. Grizzle to Cleveland. Groseclose*tt to Rural Retreat. Grosses to Chilhowie. Groton* to Temperanceville Grove•tt to Williamsburg. Grg;:h. Hlll*t to ShenanGulltord* to Bloxom. GUlnea*ttto BowllngGreen. Guinea Mills* to Cumberland. Gu!vy* to Colonial Beach. Gum Fork* to Gloucester.  VIRGINIA  Hicks Store• to Fredertoit.burg. Hicks Wharf•t to Mathew■ Highland Springs• t to Richmond. High Peak to Rocky Mount  Jasper*t to Big Stone Gap. Java* to Cl1atham. Jefferson* to Richmond. JefTersonto.o* to Remington. Jeffress*t to Clarksville. Jeffs to Odd.  Hlghtown• to Monterey. HUlsboro• to Purcellv1lle. Hlll Station• to Clinchport. HUtons•tt to Gate City. Hilton Village to Newport N ews . Hlnnom* to Montross. Hinton• to Harrisonburg. Hitch• to Front Royal. Hiwasse* to Draper. Hix.burg to Pamolln. Hoadly* to Occoquan. Hobson• to Suffolk. Hockleyt to W estpoint. Hodges Ferry*t to Portsmouth. Hoges Store* to Pearisburg. Holcombs Rock*tt to Lynchburg. Holdcrort•to Wllllamsburg. Holladay•to Sulphur Mines. Holllns•tt to Roanoke.  Jenkins Bridge• to Horsey. New■. Jennings Ordinary• to Leemaster to Grundy. Lee Mont• to Park1ley. Burkeville. Jerome• to Edinburg. Lee■vtne•t to Altavtna.  Macea Spr:lngt to Gate CltJ'. lVlachodoc* to l\T ontross. Macon• to Cumberland . · Madison Heights*t to Lynchburg. Madl1on .Mllls• to Oranire. Madl1on Run•t to Oranre. .M:adl1onvl1Je• to Pamplin City.  Lebanon Church• to Stras• burir. Leck to Coeburn. Leda to Hou1ton. Leedstown • t to Colonial Beach. Leehall • tt to Newport  1  Jewell Rid:.1;e to Richlands. Leighton to Purcellville. Lenah to Leesburg. John to Cleveland. Lennig• t to Holl8ton. Johnson Mill to Appalachia. Lent• to Bowling Green. Johnsons Springs to Rich- Leon to Culoeper. mond. Leona Mines* to Pennington Gap. Jones Store to Fredericks- Lerty to Montross. burg. Leslie to Roano.11:e. Joplin to Manassas. Lester Manor*tt to West Jordan Mines*:): to Covingpoint. ton. Level Run* to Gretna. Joyner*t to Drewryville. Jumbo to Boydton. Jump to Brownsbur~. Justisville to Parksley.  Lewlnsvme to Falla Church Lewtsetta* to Heathnllle. Lewilton to Fredertck1burg  Mar~le to Newcastle. Mairnet* to Smlthtleld. Marnolla•i to Suttolk. 1\-Iagotha to Townsend. llarru<1er to WUllamsburs. Malden■ •tt to Richmond. Major• to Troutdale. Makemle Park•tt to Temperancevllle. Mallow• to Covington. Malvern Hlll• to Richmond. Man to Gate City. Manaldn* to Richmond. Ma.n~nhlck• to Richmond. Mannboro* to Blackstone.  a:~~g~~rf~. \~  t~a~ll1i~  outb G ia,, OUDI ft.  rst.  l  lnt . nd lie yal s.  le. !ton  ck.-  Uf'i  nd  tty  ton Ok ..  onta. r.19-  nr·  h&-  tb  2087  Manqula• to Mbland. Lick Run•t to Clifton Forge Manry• to Wakefield. Llg'ht to Winchester. Manteo•t to Dillwyn. Hollydale to South Hill. Lit~~~ot•t to Wllllams- M'W~!cb~rove* to Colonial Hollywood to Appomattox. Holmhead• to Columbia. Llgnite* to Eagle Rock. Ka• to Dungannon. Mapleton to Norfolk. aack,,mecll:* to Keller. Holston• to Ablnirdon. Lignum• to Culpeper. Mappsburg• to Painter. K eats* to Boydton. Holston Bridge to Gate Keeling* Lllhurn to Richmond. Mapp■vme• to Hallwood. to Danville. ~iT~mbla. City. LllUan• to Reedville. March to Stanardsville. to Charlottesville. Hadlock* to Exmore. Homedale to Fredericks- Keene* Keezletown • t t to Harri- Llll:v to Harrl■ onb~. Haga.n*t to Boons Path. burg. Marengo• to La Cro11e. sonburg. a:ale Ford to Moneta. Iiomevme•tt to Waveny. Llmeton•i to Front Royal Margo• to Frederlcksburc. Keith to Richmond. Llmstrong to Manassu. .Markham • t t to Front Halfway to Warrenton. Hood* to Madison. Royal. Kellys Ford* to Remington Lincoln• to Purcellvtlle. Elallletord to Mathews. to Fredencksburg. 'Kelsa* to Grundy. Hallsboro • t to Richmond. Hooes* ifoea~'::t!~.ia. ~:~f~~n~;b~1~!~nley. Hopeful to Beaverdam. KempsvUle to Norfolk. !!alls Hill to Falls Church. Hopeton* to Parksley. Kendall Grove to Eastville. Llnden•tt to .F'ront Royal. j Marlboro* to Middletown. Qalsteads Point• to York- Hopktns* to Parksley. Kenmore to ,vashington. Lindsay*tt to Charlottes- Mal'lbrook*t to Fairfield. town. Horners to Montross. ville. Marmion to Lexlnrton D. C. Horntown• to New Church. Link to Norfolk. Elamburg to Edinburg. Horse Head to Heathsville. Linville• to Harrlsonbur11:. Mart to Clintwood. K ents Store* to Columbia. Hampden Sidney• to Farm- Horsepen* to Tazewell. Linville Depot*t to Harri- Marvin to Richlands. Kentuck to Danville. ville. Su=it* to sonburg. Marye to Frederlcksburc. Keokee*t to Appalachia. Elampstead to Fredericks- Hortons Cllnchoort. Mascot to Urbanna . . Kernstown • t to Winchester Ltpps to Norton. burg. Kerrs Creek* to Lexington. Llpscomb*l to Waynesboro ~andsom•tt to Newsoms. Ilotchkiss*i'! t o Millboro. Massanutton to Luray. Keswtck•U to Charlotte,,., Qanger to Grundy. Houchins to Cambria. Lithla•tt to Buchanan. Massaponax• to Frederick ► ville. Howardsvllle• t t to ScottsLittle Plymouth* to Westburg. gansonvme• to Lebanon. ville. Ketron to Bristol, Tenn. point. M11ssey•t to New Church. gfa1.Creek • i to Front H~~~Q'.ons* Littleton to Waverly. to Tappahan- 1 Kew* to Brookneal. Mathias Point• to Freder-Kibler to Stuart. Lltwalton• to Kilmarnock. lcksburg. Haran to Roanoke. to DUlwyn. Kldd8 Fork to Bowllnr Matoaca*t to Petersburg. Rarborton* to Keller. · Huba.rd Hubbard Springs•t to GrPen. Looklles* to Urbanna. .Mattoax•tt to Amell&. Harcum to Glou~ester. 1 Jonesville. Hardesty• to Front Royal. Hudgins• 1 Locustgrove•t to Orange. to Mathews. Kimball• to Luray. Mauck to tanley. to C ulpeper. Kimballton• to PearlBbu~. Locust Hill• to Urbanna. Maurertown•t to Wood• Hardlngs•t to Kilmarnock. Hudson l\Illl to • Tewcastle. Kinderhook to 'tanards- Locust Lane to Dungannon. stock. B: ardware•tt to Scottsville. Iluffman HulJville to Floyd. 0 8 ardy to Roanoke. ville. I Locustvme• to Onley. ::~yt; H~1f~:111-:~y. Hume• to Marsb11.ll. Hare Valley to Exmore. I Hunter• Alexandria . Lodge• to Heathvllle. Harless• to Christiansburg. Hunter to Hall t,o Rocky ,King and Queen* to West- Lodi• to Meadowview. Maxwell• t to Tazewell. H arman to Cedar Bluff. ooint. Mayberry• to Stuart. :\lount. Lofton*! to Greenville. HuntlY* to Front Royal. Maybrook• to Pearl1bur1. Lotff* to Warrenton. 8'.annony•:i: to South Bos- Hupp to 'l'lmbervllle. Mayland to Broadway. ton. Londonbridg:e*t to N orfo.1.k. Mayot Hurley• to Grundy . to South Boston. Loneash 8:armony Village•· to Ur- Hurt*t to Pulaski. to Ivor. to Gretna. Lone Fountain* to Staun- McClelland* banna. Kingsford to La Crosse. Mcclung• to Warm Spp. Hustle to Tappahannock. ton. Harpers Home to Black- Hyacinth ,King WilUam• to WalkerMcConnell to Heathville. to Nickelsville. stone. Loneoak* to Martinsville. McCov to Radford ton. . Long Dale•t to Cllfton McDowell• F.Iarpersvtlle* to Newport Hylas* to Ashland. Kiullng to Marlon. to Monterey. New:i. F'orge. Kiret to Pearisburg. McDuff* to ::\lilford. Knob to Tazewetl. Longhollow* w Saltville. i-oopf to .:-.Iilford. !;!arr1s Grove* to Yorktown. narrlston•t to Grottoes. Jlyters Gap to Glade Spring Kolbs to Colonial Beach. Long Island*! to Brookneal Konnarock* to Damascus. Loug Shoal,.. to Draper. iarrisvllle to Woodstock. }~iri~ ~u~i:;1'.1arnock. McHenry*t to Frederick ► Long !:lpur to Bland. Kopp* to 1-!anassas. bur~. Looney to Grundy. Korea* io Culpeper. II~P'~~i:to~~is~aker. ~~~; 1; 0t~~J~ri~isburg. • lclvorst to 1onroe. Loretto• to Tappahannock. McLean* to Falls Church. Kremlin to Warsaw. 8:artvme• to Stuart. Ilda to Fairfax. Lorne to Bowllnic Green. Kress*tt to McKenney. McMullen to Stanardsville. 8:artwood* to Frederlclcs- Independent Hill* to .M anMeadow• to Richmond. Meadow MUls* to MiddleLorton• t to Alexandria. a: burg.8 Jn~~~-to Colonial Beach. Lorton Valley to Alexantown. ~;cf Wharf* to KJlmar- Indian* to l{ichlands. dria. Haskins to Dundas. lndian Neck* to Tappahan- 1 Laban* to Mathewa. Meadows of Dan• to Stuart. nock. Lacey Spring• to Broadway Lot• to Urbanna. Lott11burg• to Heathsvllle. Meadvme• to Houston. Iiatton•t to Scottsville. Indian Rock•tt to Buchal\lears*tt to Bloxom. Love to Waynesboro. Havelock to Warsaw. nan. L d t GI t l\.learsville to Bloxom. Hawklnstown• to Mt. Jack- Indiantown* to Cull)eper. a Y o ouces er. son. Indian Valley• to H11lsV11le. Lafayette..- (Montgomery Lovettsvllle• to Brunswick, Mech um River• t t to Croze, Md. ~awltn• to Culpeper. Indlka to Windsor. La\1y~t\~ SM~~!leco.) to towesvllle• to Amherst. Meetze•t to Warrenton . •:iayes Store* to Gloucester Inez to Louisa. Lowland (Wise Co.) to J. 1elita* to An-onla. Potnt. Ingram to South Boston. Orange. .J.\.lellie to Cleveland. Dungannon. B:ayfield* to Winchester. loo* to Tappahannock. Melrose*t (Campbell Co.)to Intertor•t to P earisburg. Lagrange to Cu 1peper. Brookneal. El&Ymakertown• to Fln- Ira* to Grundy. k ~ o r r iio ~~an~r· Lo;:;~~r • t ! to Clifton :l\Ieltons*t to Gordonsville a castle. Iravllle •to Tappahannoc · Lak~ta~ toe1ke~1n:ion. Lowry•tt to Bedford City. e:8.Ytnarket•tt to Manassas Irene to Purcellvllle. Melvin* to Gate City. Lambt1l>Ure:• to Hillsville. Loyalty to Leesburg. Menchvllle• to Newpon avnesvllle* to Warsaw. Iron Gate*tt to curt.on ,Lancaster* to Kilmarnock. Lucketts* to Leesburg. a News. Lance to Frederlcksow·g. Lummis to Suffolk. Merchant to Lawrenceville. a'H'S1* to Cllntwood. IroFn~ro~~- to Shawsvllle. Landt to Norfolk. aazel* to St. Paul. + ! 0 d Cit Lanesville to Westpoint. ,Lunenburg• to Victoria. e:azel Spring to Saltville. Irving"' tot B~I ~monf· Laneview* to Urbanna. Lurloh•tt to Narrows. Saling Springs• to Hot Irwin•tt o C le mbla . Lanexa•t to Richmond. Luther to Richmond. :.'\Icredithville* to Laworlrigs. {:f!~~;JrJit: Elkton. Lanrley to Washington. Luttrelldlle to ·villi'. renceville. th gealys to Saluda. 1Islc or Wight* to Smi - La.~o Dungannon. Lydia* to Stanardsville. rJfn~:w~~Chrt. H ea rd s* to Crozet. Islf:~ion to Amherst. Lyells• to Warsaw. tlan11bur~. u:t?onJ* ~ ~g~~lk. Isom to Clintwood. {!~!! ~111A_~!fh~v1~fe~urg I Ly,~~~a_Statlon•t to Alta- 1f~~k~olnt• to Kllmar:ettm to Fredericksburg. Itata to Surry. 1Ott Lauraville to Milford. Lyndhunt*U to Waynes- 1 ~estJlck* to Odd. ernp to Frederlcksl>Ufi. lVY Depot* to Cbar eo- Laurel Hlll to Staunton. boro. 1 Messongo* to Hallwood. a ville. L •I ::\rlls* to '\Ya h' Lynbams to Kllmarnock. Meter* to Klnsale. 8 1 ::::tt:.MoneL:~id:r ~o , tgr:i:i~!~· Metompkin to Parksley. 0 Henners t M J JacJ,sondalet to Norfolk. Lyons* to Clintwood. Mew* to Castlewood. Herald• tg Co~buarnck_son. Jadwyn to Woodstock. Lawyen•t to Lynchburg. 1 Mica* to Bowling Green. Herbert * to Urbanna Michaux• to Richmond. Norfolk. Jamaica . t T -a••-vUle to Luray. di II el wklett to Beaverdam. James Store* tEo Glourcees er. ~therwood• to Martins• Mabe• to Clinchnort. Mid ebrook* to Staunton. R c ory•t to Norfolk. Jamesville* to xmo . ~vme. M""crady• to Sa.,ltville. l\Iiddlehurg* to Leesburg. Ili ~~rov~to_M~:an~a~ss~•~s!__:!J~a~n~e_;t~o_:C~.,l::.i::.n:_t'::..".::.oo.::.d=-·:__- ---'---:-~--:---- -- - --'-""'......::.....::.:..:::..:._......::..::.....:==:::..:..=:.:__-'-=M:.:l.=d.:.:la:.:n:.:rl:..•...:t:.......::to:=-...:.W.:.a=rr:..:.::e:::n:.:to:::n:::. • county Seat. • ~1oney Ordet Office. t Telegraph Station. iExpress Office. REFE~ENCE KEY.  Gum Soring* to Richmond. Gwynn• to Mathews.  rick~  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  '1f  I  t!~~er; \~I~:S~~:  ~i  a~:;:~  '° Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~o  i}!g:~~;~f  I  t~~~~~~~no  I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2088  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  VIRGINIA  :  I  Kldlothlan•tt to Richmond Midvale*tt to Fairfield. , Midway Mills* to Scotts-\ vUle. Jrllke to Brookneal. MUa•t to Reedville. Jrllllard• to Clintwood.  Musselman to Frederlcks-1 burir. Mustoe to Monterey. Myrtle*t to Windsor.  Mlllboro Spring* to Mlllboro. Klllda.le to Front Royal. M.Wenbeok• to Irvlnitton. Mllle111 Tavern• to Tappa,-! bannock. Milli&; to Fredericksburg.  Nace•tt to Troutvllle. Naffs• to Roanoke. Nabor to Palmyra. Naln• to Winchester. Nandua• to Painter. Naola. to Big Island.  ----  1  Reform to Front Royal. Regent* to Urbanna. Regina to Kilmarnock, Rehoboth• to Vlctona. Rehoboth Church• to KWmarnock. Rel to Glade Sprint. Relds Ferry• to Suffolk.  Pine to Coeburn. Octagon to Alberta. 011:11urn• to Umon Level. 1 Plnetta• to Gloucester. Pine View• to Culoeper. OllviJle* to Richmond. 01a1• to Salem. Old Church• to Richmond. 1 Pinners* to Norfolk. , Pipers Gap* to Hillsville. Oldbams• to Warsaw. 1 Old Point Comfortt! toJ Pirkey to Stanardsvllle. Pizarro* to Floyd. Pboebua. Oldtown• te Galax. Plain Vlew•t to Westpolnt. Plantenvllle to Chase City. 1 Olln!l'er•t to Blir StoneGap. Plasterco•tt to Saltvllle. Ollie• to Covln~on. Pleasant Rtdge•ttoNortolk. Omaha to Clintwood. Pleasantsbadef t to EmOmeira to South Boston. porla. 00Neal to Floyd. I Pleasant Valley• (Fairfax Ootarto•t to Keysvllle. Co.) to Leesburg. On ville• to Fredericksburg.  t!{;:;c~~ ~gs:flci1etown.  RemUk• to Urbanna. Remo to ReedvUJe. RenovUle to Norfolk. Repass to Richlands. Repton Mills to Madison. Republlcan Grove• to Hou• 8 J~;e~!·ter .' ston. Valley Depott I Rescue• to Smithfield. Plea■ant Opequon• to Winchester. , Mine Run • to Orange. (Rockingham Co.) to Rest to Winchester. Ophelia to Reedville. Return• to Milford. Mlnnlevtlle* to Occoqua:n. Harrisonburg. Ora to Abingdon. Minor• to Walkerton. Pleaaantvlew• to Amherst. Retz to Mathew11 Oranda to Strasburg. Mlnt Sprtnir•t to Staunton Poage.-.; Mill* to Roanoke. Orchid• to Louilla. Reusens•t to LyncbbUri. M.laklmon• to Heatbaville. Ordinary• to Gloucester 1 Poff• to Floyd. Reva* to Culpeoer. Mission Home,. to StanPolndexter• to Louisa. Point. Rexburg• to Tappahanardsville. Ore Bank• to Arvonia. nock. Hltchells • l to Culpeper. Point Eastern• to Bowling Oreton to Big Stone Gap. Reynolds to Orange. Green. Orr;.ans Mills to Brookneal. I Store to Win• Ueynolds Staunton. to Gao Pond Rock Earle to kany•tt Or t<&~alb1~· Gate chester. Pope• t t to Courtland. Orkney Sprtnp• to Mt Poolar Camp• to Ivanhoe. Rboadesvllle• to Orange. City. Poplar Hill* to Pearil;burg. Rice*tl to Farmville. ManaHaa. Modest Town• to Bloxom. Riceville• to Chatham. Poquoson• to Odd Orlean• to Warrenton. Moffatt& Creek* to RaphRichardson* to Hillsvtlle. Frederto Conway•t Port Oronoco to Buena Vista. fne. Rlcbardsvme• to Frede-1~~yal. 0 icksburg. Orrix• to Bedford City. rlcksburir. Port Haywood• to Mathews g~~.a;~ Molusk• to Kilmarnock. Port N orfolkH to Ports- Rich Creek*tt to Narrows. Richpatch* to Olifton Forge mouth. Monarat• to Galax. 1 Port Repubuo•tt to Grotg~~~a!ot~hm~~~~~d. mr::vill1e•1i ~~ht~~y. ~~':its~gn~r~onfv~marnock. l toes. Otta to Lovtn1t1ton. I Monroe*tt f o Amherst. Otter Rtveri to Lyaobburg. Port Royal• i to Bowline Rlnggold•U to Danvllle. Monroe Hall to Oolonial j Rio* t to Charlottesvllle. Green. Ottobine to Brid~ewater. Beach. New Baltimore to warren-I Ottoman*t to Kilmarnock. Post Oak• to Fredericks- Riovista• to Richmond. Monrovia* to Orange. buri. I O•erall•t to Luray. ton. RJggt;mead•ti to Pearl.9Montague• to Tappahan-1 Owen•• to Fredertoksbur,i. Potomac*t to Alexandria. Newbern• to Dublin. nock. Rlvermont to Rockymount. NewBobemta•toPetenbura Ow nton• to Milford. Montebello* to Amhent. ter Po1nt*t to Newport Potomac Beach to Colonial Rlverslde*U to BuenaVlst.a I New Canton• to Arvonia. Uy.News. F d t "thvill M on t 81 Beach. re er- New Glaagow•ti to Am• e O Ozeana• to Tappahannock.I Potomac Mills* to Mont- Riverton•tt to FrontRoyal I beret icksburg. ross. Rtvervllle*tt to Lynchburg. · Montevideo to Harrtson-i Potts Creek* to Covington. RlxeyvU!e• to Culpeper. _. r bunt. Paces .tt to Sout!1 Bost0 n Poulson to Bloxom. • Roanes•t to Gloucester. Montfort io Orange. d• t "'I Montpeuer Stationti to Newington to Alexandria . Paeoma.n Springs t toLees- P o n se. oun buriz !New Rent• to Richmond to Sharps. Paint Bank*t to Newcastle. Pounding Mlll•tt to Taze- Robley I Newland• to Warsaw. Orange. Robuck to Abingdon. p we!-1t * t O M t New London to Bowling Paint Lick to Tazewell. ¥oon• to Mathews. Rochelle• to Madison. on ere:,. ove Y Pairs Store to Emporia. Green. Moores Mllls to MartinaRockbridge Alum Sprinp4 to :\Iillboro. Powcan• to Walkerton. Palls* to Walkerton. ~:; P'/i~t;rt t_g~~!~e':. vllle. Powhatan~tt to Richmond. Rockbridge Baths* to Palmer* to Irvington. Radford. Moores Store• to Mt. JackBrownsburg. News Ferry•t: to Soutb Palmer Springs"" to Norlina Prater to Grundy. M~g~ii-• to Dendron. • Pratts* to Madison. N C Boston. "'u Preston•t to Martinsville. R°;it1e~ast1e•tt to Carten~~~~igi.rl~~~~=~ Newtown• to Tappahan- Palo· Alto to Monterey. R kd 11 to Leb Bl •-b I F Pampa to Gloucester. • nock. to ~~l~~y~•rt ~barfo;tes':u~e. Rg~k e Enon Morrtson•U to Newport New Upton to Gloucester Pardee* to Appalacbla. Winchester. Pridemore to Pennln~on -l;~':fo~ Royal. Nimrod Hall* to Millboro. ~~~: News. Ni~~:h~tore* to OoloniaJ I Parker• to Fredericksburg. Prg:~ Colonial Beach. 1=":J.r· Rockllsb • tt to Lovtn~n. Rockingham• to Harrtaon-to Front Royal. Park Lane to Rosslyn. burg. Moss Neck• to Fredericks- Nlneven• Nocam to Colonial Beach. Parnassus• to Staunton. Rock :\fills to Culpepper. burg. Ashland. to Noel* Parr to Eagle Rock. Mossy Creek•t to Brldite- Nohead • to Urbanna. to Tappahannock. 1 Rockvllle* to Ashland. Prince Parrishtown to Norfolk .. water. ,Prtnceu Anne• rt to Nor- Rocky Gap* to Bland. Nokomll to Heath■ vWe. Parrott*tt to East Radford . Rocky Polnt•t to Buchan• Motorun• to Mathews. folk. Partlow• to Fredericksburg Mount to Fredericksburg. Nola* to Rockymount. Mountain Falill• to Ste- Nomlny Grove•t.o MontroBB Passapatanzy*toFredericks- Pr~mrtt to Charlotte&- Rtdnes to Lynchbur~. phens Clt:v. Prosoect• U to FarmvWe. Roe to Chilhowie. burit. Non Intervention• to Rogers• to Christiansburg. Passing to Milford. South Hlll Mountain Grove• to Warm Forge•tt to Rolla• to Staunton. Providence Pastorla to Parksley. , Nora• to Clintwood. . Sprlnp. Mountain Lake* to Pem- Norge*H to Toano. Rolling HUI* to Pamplin Patterson to Pulaski City. Pr~~~~~ot~dRtchmond. Norland to Clintwood. broke. RoY1\%· Fork•to Frederlck&Norma to Colonial Beach. , PattonAvllle to Clinchport. Pugbs•t to Portsmou t b. burg. Norfolk.. to Pungot Culpeper. to Norman TapRoad&*to Cross Paul■ Mountain Valley to Martt.n. 11 Rope Ferry to Amherst. Pungotea&1J.e• to Keller. pahannock. North• to Mathew■. ville. elanct• to Amherst. Ro Jarratt. to Purdy•tt Purcellville to Orange. to Fork• Paytes• North Mountainview to FredeRose Mills to Lovlngston. N. Garden•tt to Cha.rlot- Peach Bottom to Independ- Putnam to Honaker. ricksburg. 1 ence. 11 0 tesvtlle. Mount Airy* to Gretna. cFt1~~~lck:~J: North Hol8ton• to Saltvillf' Peaks Turnout• to Ashland Peaksvllle to Bedford City. Qulckaburg• i to Mount Mt.Carmel to South Boston Jackson. New News•to Newport N. Round Bottom to NarMountcastle to Richmond., QUlnby•. to P!l,lnter. Pea.patch to Richlands. port News. rows. Mt. Clifton to Mt.Jackson. I Qu\nque to Star~ardsvme. Peary to Ma~newa. Mount Cllnton to Harri.son- N. River• to Harrisonburg Peatross* Richmond. to Qwnton*tt :Vlilford. to I N. Tazewell•t to Tazewell burg. Pe-ck to Hlllsville. Rouss to Gate City. Mt. Crawford*t to Harri- , N. View• to Union Level. Pedlar MWB• to LynchRoxbury•tt to Richmond. sonburg. Nortbwest•t to Norfolk. Raccoon Ford to Culpeper. Roxie to Saltville. buri. Mountcross to Danville. Nortonaville• to Charlottes· Peccia to Montross. Radiant• to Orange. Ruby• to Fredericksburg, vme. Radium to Emporia. Mountfatr* to Crozet. Pemberton•tt to Carten- Ralnswood• to Heatbsvllle. Ruckersville• to StanardtM.ount Gilead to Leesburg. Norvello to Boydton. Randolpb•U to Drakes vllle. \'llle. Mount Holly* to MontroSR. Branch. Pender to Fairfax. Rue to Parksley. Mt. Landing• to Tappa- Norwood•tt to Ambe111,. 1Nottoway•ttto81ackstom Pendletons•t to Mineral. Ransons• to D111WY11Ru/Ts to tathews. hannock. Penhook•t to Rockymount. 1 Rugby to Troutdale. llount Laurel• to Clover. Rappahanock Academy• Penlan•t to Arvonia. Rumford* to Walkerton. Mt. Meridian to Grottoes. ~~~~~= ifuf.u~gef\~yd. Nuckols• to Arvonia. Penmman to Williamsburg. 1 tu Fn•tlcricksbur1r. Runnymede* to Dendron. Penn Laird• t to l:iarrl.800- Rapps MUI• to Lexington. Ruishmere• to Smithfield. Mount Olive to Strasburg. Nunley to Lebanon. burg. Raven •t to Richlands. Ruskin to Tazewell. Ht. Pleasant to Frederlllll::1- Nurseries to Boons Path. R~wlini,;11•ti to .McKenney. Nuttsvllle• to Kilmarnock Penns Store to Stuart. burg. Raynor• to Ivor Penola*t to ~Iilford. Russell to Cleveland. Iii. Sidney •t to Weyen Penvlr* to Narrow11. Rustburg• t t to Lynohbur,. 1 Rayo to Fredericksburg. Cave. Peola Mllls • to Madison. Ruth to Madison. Mount Vernon on the PotoReams•tt to Pete111burg. Rutherglen•u to Bowllnl Oak Grove• to Colonial mac to Alexandria. Green. Perkinsville to Richmond. Reotortown•tt to Marshall. Beach. Mountville• to Leesburc. Rectory• to Freclertokaburit. Ruthville• to Hopewell. Perrin to Gloucester Oak Hall*Tt to Horsey. Redart• to Mathews. Point. Ki. Wllllams • to Win- Oa.kpark• to Rapidan. Peters to Gate City. I Ryan• to Leesburg. Red Alb* to Rlcblandl. Oakton • to Fairfax. chester. Rye Cove• to CllnchPort, Mouth of Wilson• to Inde- Oakville* to Appomattox. Peters Creek• to Stuart. Pbllomont• to PurcellvWe. Red Hlll•t to Charlottespendence. ville. Pbllpotta to Bassette. Oatlands* to Leesburg. M.unaen•u to Norfolk. Red House• to Pamplin. Phipps to Wise. Ocala• to Hillsville. Redlawn to Boydton. Mundy Point• to Kinsale. Occupacia• to Tappa.ban- Pblegar to NarroW1. Sabot•tt to Richmond. RedoAJc• to CbMe City. Pickaway to Danville. nock. Uuarord* to B11cbanan. Redwood*! to ockymount Sago• to Chatham. Plrn to <.:batham. Oceana• to Norfolk. Murat• to Lextnitton. Saint Br1des•t to Norfolk. Draper. Reed Island• Pilkinton• to Richmond. Ocoonlta•t to jonesvllle. Uurpby• to Grundy. _ _t_o_n_r_a_k_es_B_r_s_n_ch_.......:.._S_t_._0_1a_l_r_B_o_t_to_m_t_o_M_ar_t_Oll_· K::c..:::ua~e~•_lll_e_to_C_b_a_tb_a_m_.___1_0_c_r_a_n_•_t_o_K_l_lm_a_rn_<W_k_._ _ _P_ll_o_t_•_t0Chrt_11_t_1a_n_~_h_u_r_~_-_..;._R_f"8Re.<'l  tlli!i':~~:h: iro  t\.~1~f~  :~ff:.\~ ~:!{  I  Naruna•t to Brookneal. Nashle to Coeburn. Nash to Lovln1tston. Nasons• to Orange. Natbaue•u to Houston. National Soldiers Home*t to Hampton. Natural Bridge*tt to Glasgow. Nauck to Rosslyn. Naulakla* to l\tiJCord. Navy to Fairfax. Naxera• to Gloucester. Naylora•t to Warsaw. Neau. co• to Occoquan. 1 ~~1!ah i~d}.!i~t?~~~wood. Neersvllle to HarpereFerey "\V. Va. Neill to Fredericksburg. Nellysford• to Waynesboro irelmont to Amherst. ~:}:g~;;. tio ~ ::l~n~~ ~~o'ticrei!:~a. N h *t c 1 1 N!tu:r~ld~e•  or1:~~~o~  i?r,~f~~f;,'iJ1:;:g.  ';N~~~~-  'il'ill.:-art.  I  I  I  I  si;:1rfn°is•  ;g  l\~~;,!1tt ¥l  I  I  I  REFERENCE K E Y.  ACounty Beat.  ~g:ftal t~  •Money Order Office.  +Telegraph Station.  :Expreea Office.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  HNIA  ral.  L.  lk•  la.  ~  KW-  ~lk.  l<>WD.  ~dison. ~ Hou-  l.  St. Davids Church• to Woodstock. Saint Just• to Orange. $&.Int Luke to Woodstock. Saint Stephens Chiurch• to Walkerton. Saltcreek* to Lynchburg. Saltpetre Cave• to Eairle Rook.  Salvia• to Tappahannock. &mos• to Urbanna. Sampson to W_aynesboro. Sampsons Whartto Heathsville. Bandldges• to Amherst. Sandy Ford to Montvale. ~dy Hook• to Richmond dy Level•t to Gretna. Sand River• to Martllllll-  Somerset•Uto Oranire. Somerton to Whaleyvllle Somervllle to Warrenton. Sontag• to Rockymount. Soudan • t to Clarksvllle.  ahanWinge.  I  f:1~ils1;i~~•  Sanford• to Hallwood. Sangerville to Bridgewater. Sanvme• to Martlnavllle. Sarah to Mathews. Sassatras• to Gloucester. & umsvllle to Woodstock. 8 aunders to Suffolk. ~~vageville to Onlev. ,-vedire• to Dendron. Ba. xe• t t to Drakes Branch. 8axis• to Bloxom. Say• to Honaker.  t8c~fe1;?~*d~u~!;te~~ll. 0_ bool • to Richmond. ._hoolfteld• to Danville,  I  South Quay to Franklin. South Washington to Roealyn. Soweiro to Warrenton. Sowen• to Floyd. Sparta• to Milford. Tabb• to Odd. Tabernacle* to Mathew,. Speel'B Ferry*tt to Clinch- Tabscott• to Columbia. port. Tacie to Front Royal. Spencer• t 1 to Martl.nlvtlle. Tacket\ Mills to Frederick► burir. Sperryvllle• to Luray. Tacoma• t 1 to Wlae. Spla.shdam to Clintwood. Taft• to Irvln~on. 8 ' to Fred-' Ta1t1tart to ScottsvUle. Spottswood*1 to Raphtne. Tampico• to Yorktown. Spout Sprlng*tt to Appo- Tamworth• to Carteraville. mattox. Tand1 to Clintwood. Spring Creek• to Bridge-I Tangier* to Crisfield, Md. water. Tanneravllle to Saltvllle. Sortnirf\eld•t to Alexandrla Spring Garden•to Chatham. Tarpon to Cllntwood. Sprtng Grove•t to Clare- Tasle,v•U to Onancock. mont. Tasso to Wise. Sprtnit Mllls•to Lyncbburit Tatum• to Orange. Springs• to Newcastle. Taylors Store• to RockJ'Springvale to Leeeburg. mount. Sonng Va1te:r• io .l''rle&. Taylorstown• to Leesbure. Springwood•ti to Buchan-  vtlfu.  urir.  University of Virginia to Charlottesville. Uno• to Orani;re. Sydnorsville• to Rocky- UPJ::i"en~lon• to Bowlin~ mount. Uortiht to Tappahannock. Syria• to Madison. Upshaw to Walkerton. Syrlnira* to Urbanna.  Creek•U to HonI Swords aker. Sycamore•:t to Gretna.  Valaho to Dungannon. Vale to Fairfax. Valentines* to Lawrenoevme. Valerta to Franklin. Valley Center to Monterey. Van to Jonesvllle. Vanderpool to Monterey. Van Dyke to Rtchlands. Variety Mills to Lovlngston  I  I  St::~  Va.ucluse*t to Middletown. Vaughns Summitt Lo Luray HUI, Venter• to Walkerton. WtcklUfe 'lie> BenyvUle. Wicomico• to Glouoester ~:~~;;~ ftP~I~:n!~1tah. Point. Verdi to Gate Clty. Wicomico Church• to KftVerdon•t to Ashland. marnock. U to Fred· t:~g~tt~!s- Wldewater• ertckllburg. ton. Vernon Mms• to Marshall. Wtebte•t to Leesburir. Vesta• to Stuart. Wightman* to Union Level. Veatal* to DamascuR. Ve1uvlue•tt to Buena Vlata wm,urn• to Chase Clty. Wilder to Oleveland. Vicar Switch• to Chrlatla.D!l· Wllderneu• to Frederic~ burg. burg. Wlldwood•t to Palmyra . Vlcey to Grundy. Wilhoit• to Charlottesrl!le. Vlewtown* to Warrenton. Will to Oolt1Dl&I k~b. Vliror• to Louisa. Wilcox Wharf to HopewelL W111tamsvUJe• to Staunton. Village* to Callao. Wbarf•t to .14.. Vineland to Lawrenceville. Wllllama thewe. Vlnlta*t to Richmond. WUllB Wharf• to Exmore. Vlrg'lnla Beach•rt to Nor- Wllloughby Beacht to Norfolk. folk. Vlnrtnla Clty• t t to Coeburn Wlllow to Amherst. Volney• to Troutdale. W111owbrook to Louisa. Vontay• to Ashland. Wilmington• to Palm~. Vote to Albert d.. WUsons•tt to Blackstone. Voy to Manassas. Wllton• to Urbanna. to Oranire. Wily to Dillwyn. Wlntall•t to Lynchburg.  ~~~~~OJJ'!  ::b~a:~s-  I &Stafford* to Grundy. I ::!1!:::ua:~e:= to Fredericks- Teas• to SUll&r Grove.  burg. •rempleman Cross Roads• Stafford Store toFredertck&-1 to Montross. bur1t. Tender to Orange. Statrord1ville*t0Pearlaburr. Tenin Le1rlon to Broadway.  Schuyler• to Esmont. Bcotland*t to Wakefield. 8crabble* to Culpeper. Soreamervllle• to Fred- Stai;re Junction• to Colum- Terry• Fork• to Floyd. 1 ertcksbu~. bla. TerryvUle to Brookneal. Bcrlbner to Colonial Beach., Stallard to Honaker. I Tetotum to Colonial Heach. Bcruggs* to Rockymount. Stampers to Saluda. Tettlngton• to WilliamsSea.lston•to FredertokSbura. Stapleton• n to Lynchburir burg. •Star• to Hlllsvllie. Tbaxton•tt to Bedford """a View• to Cberlton. City. Bes1 den• to Gloucester. Starkeytt to Roanoke. The Falls* to Victoria. .,e1 ma* to Clifton Forge. Star Tannery• to Wlncheso,;,elone to Marshall. ter. Tb~ Hollow• to Mt. Airy. rneca•ti to Brookneal. Stearnel'ltt to Columbia. Thelma• to GordonsvUle. s:~~~aF~~fu~!'-to Wood- Steeleburg to Tazewell. ThAf~~f~~f1ra.Sem1nary to Wlnglna tt to Scottsvllle. &tock. Steeles Tavern• to Raphine Thessalla• to Pearlaburg. Wln11ton•tt to Culpeper. Stella•tt to Stuart. Thornburg• to Frederlck&Wintergreen• to Wayne. Wadeavme•tto Winchester." Seven ~lle Ford*t1 to Chilboro. Stephenson•t to Winches- Th~~~'iim• to Orange. Waldllboro*t t O Rocky Wloterpock*U howie. to PetersMount. Severn *t toG loucester Point st!~finir•tt to Leesburg. Thorouithfare•t to Warburg. & xton* to Dendron. Wakema to Westpolnt. to Culoeper. Tbrreeento~Quare* to Rlch- tValdrop* to Gordonevf\le. Wlrtz*t to Rockymount. Shacklefords* to West1>olnt Steven1burg• to Temperana. Stevensvllle* to Walkerton. mond Walker Ford*ti to Amherst Wlthams• vute. Stewartsville* to Moneta. Thurman to Moneta. Wa1.Kers•t1 to Richmond. Witt• to Danvllle. Bhadwell•t to CharlottesWlttens M11ls•t to Tazewell. ville. Stlokleyv1lle to Jonesville. Tlhltha*t to Reedville. Wallace•tt to Brlstol,Tenn. Wolf Glade to Galax. !hhady Side•to Macbipongo. Stile to Gate City. Tidewater• to Sharps. Wallaceton• to Ports- Wolfrun to Bristol. Tenn. allow Well to Richmond. 0 mouth. to~,.,t~:~~~1~ivme. Ttdwell!J• to M!>ntrosa. Wolf Trap•t to South Bo. g~anghal* to We11toolnt. Stone B r1dge* to BerryvUle. Tlm ber Ridge l l to Le:x- Walmsley to Heatbsville. ton. Walnuthillt to Cumberland t:~=~o~~zewell Stonega* tt to Blir Stone Wood to Dungannon. ington. Oap. Tenn. Gap Tinder to Orange. to Alexandria. Walnui Point• to Heaths- Wooabrldg-e• l!lheppards• to Farmvfile. Stonelelith to Fairfax. \\'oodburn to Leesburg. Tiny to Clintwood. vllle. ~lelds to Belle Haven. Stone Mountaln•t to Mon- Ttpers•t to K\lmarnock. Woorttord•t to· Bowllns uulloh• to Colonlal Beach. Tiptop• rt to Tazewell. Green. Walton to Radford. s~~~CrOA*toUnlonLevel. Tivis to CHntwood. Wootllawn• to Hlllsvllle. 1 Woodridge• to Sr.ottavtu.. Stony Man• to Luray. :11h Pman•n to Lovlnpton., Wan• to Gloucester. Tobacco* to Alberta. Woods Cross Roads• te Stony Point• to Charlottes- Tobaccovme•tt to CUm- Ward Gap to Hlll11Vtlle. ores•t to Fork Union. Gloucester. vUle. ::ortt1 Creek• to Hll111vllle. Wardtown• to Exmore. herland. Wooueon• to Amherst. Storck• io Frederlok11burg. Toga* llh ortsvfile to Abtnron. Ware Neck:• to Gloucester. Woo<1vllle• to Dillwyn. to Culpeper. Stormont• to Urbanna. Warfleld*tt to Alberta. Tola.* to Pbemx. 8b~arr1.,e~ ~tJ:x;ewe . Woolwine• to Stuart.. Toluca* to t''redertck1burr Woraham• to Farmvllle. Shumansville* to Milford. Stott to Wind or. Warmln1ter•t1 to Scott&Toms Creek*t! to Coeburn. Wren• to Brookneal. vllle. Wyche to Lawrencev1Ue. i~:l~b~t~~:~~ti~oolmeal. Shumate to NarroWl!I. Warner to Urbanna. to Straaburir. Strasbura: Junction• t l to Topnot Sigma• to N ortolk. Wtl;~ei~)~-rg• to Drak• Warren"U to Scottsville. Topplnir• to Urbanna. 8 ~nplne* to Gloucester. Stra11hur1r Wa.rren ton Junction to Wyndale*t1 to Abingdon. Tosbes*tt to Gretna.. S Cott Springs to Purcell- Stratford* to Montro1s. Warrenton. Totaro to Lawrenceville. I Watau~a• to Abingdon. ville. Stratton* to Clintwood. Totten to Fron, Royal. I Streets• to Urbanna. Bller to Winchester. Tower Hlll•to Apoomattox. Waterfall• to M &nabSU. &Uva to New Church. Waterford• to Leestmrg. Traden• to Mathew,. Yadkin to Portsmouth. 6 0 m:eon•tto harlottesville Waterllck•t to Strasburg. Traffic to Chuc City. Ya1t••tt to Waverly. ~o ~d. monevWe to Newcastle Trapp to Purcellville. 81 monson• Vanrey• to F:lkton. Stump to Ahlncdon. to Sha.rps. WatPrloo• to WarrAnton. Tree• to Blackstone. Yancey Mi1111• to Crozat Stumptown to Leesburg. lltmollclty to .Meherrtn. Wateroak to Norfolk. Trenholm• to CartersvWe. Yards* to Pocahontas. Suhlett.8• I,() Richmond. Water View• to Urbanna. Trevtllan1•t to Loul1a. Yuma• to Gate City. 8tnrer Glen• to Harrison- 3acoeu• to Front Royal. Trigg• to Pearisburg. burg. Trtmble to Monterey. Watson to Leesburg. 81~~ng Crook• to N ewcas- Sullivan to Elkton. \Vattsboro• to Chase City. Trlplei• to Lawrenceville. Sumerduck • to Remlnirton. 1 ~:~:~ /e;0 ti~eis1~:J:1'ch. Zacata* to Montros.s. :innlckson• to NewChurob Trone to Winchester, summerfteld to Indepen- Trower• Zanonl• to Gloucester. 8k eetrock to Clintwood. to Keller. 1 Zeolla to Harrisonburg to Grundy. 0 1 0 8 1eggs• to Fredertck.Zenohla to A !ttngdon. DPers• to Emporia. ~::ra ~ b~~bgrt;. 7.epp• to 'ltras1,urg. SI 1PWlth•t to Chmie Clty. Trueblue to Culpeper. Wealtbla• to Arvonia. to Frederloks- Tucker• Zeus• to Madison. Slanbt to 011nchoort. to tloottsvllle. I WeedonvUle• io Colonl.all Zlon •• to Louisa. as to Kinsale. Tucker to Klnsale. Beach. 81 Su.~~1/·aank• to Reedville. Tutlp to Hill• ai!te MlUa• to cu,oeoer. :,r.ephena City. Weems• to lrvlnirton. te River .Mllla to Dillwyn. SU.nnyslde• t to Cumber- Tu111tall•t1 to Richmond. Welrwood*ttoNa.118awadox. land. Turhevllle• to South Bos- We1cn1• to Bowlln1t Green. filaurhter to Waynesboro. Supply to Tappabannock. Tut~~-r to Lawrenceville. W~l~:ie• to Fredertokss:mp to Cleveland. Su■an• to Mathew• l!J art to Floyd ,Suaaex • to Stony Creek Twymans M 1118 •to Orange. 8met1ley• to Waahlnttton. WASHINGT0N Sutberlanct• to Pt'terahur&'. Tye Rlver•tt to Amherst. Wellford•t to Warsaw. lllreoky Ordinary• to Lawncevme Sutberlw•rt to oanvllle. H~~~s~oto~~~:r~am. ::n~re~~?ii!oa~:~:tei~: Smoots• to Milford Swee, Brlar*t to Arnhem. Well Water• to Buckingham =~:ke Creek• to HlllevWe. bal..,beate• to CoY• Wenonda• to Danville. Acme•t to Bellin11:ham. SWf!O \ C 1 8nt 11 to Fredertck■burir. 1 Ulllanee to Tappahannock. W. Augusta.• to Churchville 00 ckersvtlJ.e to Purcellville aii.n•t to Westpolnt.l Union HaU•t to Rocky- W. Falls Ohurch*tt to E. Adelaide to Tacoma. • to Falrtax. mount. Falls Church. Adna •tt to Cbehalls. t:oworeekto Rockymount SswrAn~n4' to Elkton. Union Mills* to Palmyra. West Graham• t,o Graham. Adrlan•t t to Ephrata. Inow Flake• to Gate City . w Unlonvllle• to Oranire. Westland to Irvington. Aeneas to Tonasket. 8 OWVllle• to Radtord imleJ'*1 to BerryvUle. Unison• to Purcellville. Weat Norfolk•l to Norfolk. Agnew to Sequim. PB tone to Martinsville. s!oope• 8 t1 to stau n ton_. ___ U_n_l_ty_to_S_u_tT_o_l_k _ _ _ _ ....!.._W;,; _...:,_..::A:.:h:..:.t:.::11..::11:..:u:::m:.:_t:,:o:._\:..· ::11.k:,l:::m~a:...__ - es to Mntbew1. • ioney Order Olllce. tTelegraph Station. • county Seat. t Express Olllce. RlFERENCE KEY,  I I I  rter►  •  to  ton. OD•  per. ban-  Nar-  ond.  urg. rd.-  llnC  r\.  West View*t to Oartentville. Westwood* to Ashland. Wbeattleld • to Strasburg. Wheatland to Hamilton. Whtt to Boyce. Whitacre• to Winchester. White Gate• to Dublln. Whitehall to Winchfflter. \Vhite House to West Poln$ Wblte Marsh• to Gloucester White Plains• to Lawren~ vllle. Whitepoint to Klnsale. White Post•tt to Boyce. Whites to Bowlin~ Green. Wbitetborne•ti to Radford.t Wblte Top• to Troutdale. Whitewood* to Richlands. Whltmeu• to Chatham. Whittles Depot* to 0 ~ ham. Whittles Milla to Soutlt  Bh!lb;tr  ~~~~t  1  ~!:~re-;.  I!~fa  I  st  Su~::i~~•r su!ft:bt.*  s~:ft  .gf Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  f~~~:ti! Ja ~:r~tk.  I  l  :J: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2090  WASHINGTON  AJJune to Morton. A.lactdln• to Colvllle Alameda* to Almira. Alder•r:t: toEat,onville. Alderdale•t to Arlington. Ore. Alderton• t to Puyalluo. Alderwood Manor to Edmonds. Alger*t to B trrlington. Algona* to Auburn. Allard to White Bluffs. Allent to Burlington. A..llyn • to Sb el ton. Almota*H to Colfax. A.lob& to Hoquiam. Alpha*t to Chehalis. Alpine to Sultan. Alpowat to Clarkston .A.lstownt to Waterville. Altoona •t to Astorta, Ore. A.mber*:t: to Cheney. A.mboy• to Yacolt. American Lake*t to Tacoma. Anatone to Asotin. A.nir:lin • to Mol1011 . Annapolis to Port Orchard. A.pp1eton * to Lyle. Aquarium to Vashon. Arden• 1 to Col ville. A.rule to Frlda:v Harbor . .Artel• to Woodland. Arkley to Roy. Arletta* to Tacoma. Ash!ord*tt to Eatonvllie, Atlanta to Edison. Attaua•t: to Puco. Austin to Langley. A.Yant to Mount Vernon. Ayer Junctiont to Starbuck. Balley to Qumcy. Baird* to Coulee City. Baker:): to Concrete. Balch:): to Oakville. Baldi* to Buckley. Ballow to Olympia. Banw;ot* to Poulsbo. Baring*tt to Sultan. Barneston*t to Seattle. BAITY* to Almira. Bay Center• to South Bend. Bay Oityt to Aberdeen. Bayne-1<:J: to Enumclaw. Bay View (Pierce Co.) to Tacoma. Bay View* (Skagit Co.) to Burlington. Beach •t to Belllngham. Beaver• to Port Angeles. Beaver Creek Spur to Tenino. Beebe* to Chelan. Belfair to Port Orchard. Belltt to Rockford. Belleville*t to Burlington. Bellevue to Kirkland. Belmont*tt to Garfield. Belmoret to Olympia. Benge*tt to Winona. Benston to Tacoma. Benton City*t to Prosser. BeYerlY*t:t: to Ellensburg. Big Lake*tt to Mount Vernon. Bingen* to White Salmon. Blrdsview*t to Hamilton. Blrmlntha.m* to Stanwood. Blshop*t to Colton. Black Diamond to Enumclaw. . Black Lake to Colville. Blanchard! to Edison. Blewett* to Leavenworth. Blockhouse to Goldendale. Blue Creek•t to Ohewela.b. Blueslidc*tt to Ione. Blue11tem • t to Harrington. Blyn to Sequim. B1,-ton to Colton. Bogachlel to Port An1rele11. Bolles J1mction to Waitsburg. Bordeaux • to Olympia.. Bossburg*t to Marcus. Boundary*:): to Northport. Bow• t t to Edison. Boyds*:t: to Orient. Brady to Montesano. Breakers* to Ilwaco. Bremer"' to Morton. Brinnon* to Seattle. i brg~:-_11eld • t to Astoria,  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Carlton* to Twisp. Carnationt:t: to Tolt. Carrollst to Kalama. Carrollton• to Kalama. Carson*! to Stevenson. Cathcart! to Snohomish. Oatlint to Kelso. Cedarbome to Stanwood. Cedar 1'1!ountain to Renton Cedar Valley to Edmonds. Cedarvillet! to Oakville. Cedonla* to Hunters. Oenter* to Irondale. Ceres*t to Cbeballs. to Chambers Prairiet Olympia. Chattaroy*t to Hillyard. Chelan Fa11t,• to Chelan. Cherry Valley to Duvall . Chester• to Spokane. Chima.cum• to Port Townsend. Chinook*i to Ilwaco. Chisville to Bellingham. Chooaka*t:t to Orovllle. Chuckanut to Bellingham. Clallam Bay•t to Port An«elee. Ol&rk* to WllbUT. Clay Clty-1< to Tacoma. Clayton• t t to Deer Park. Clearbrook•t to Sumas. Clear Water* to Hoquiam. Cleveland• to Blckleton. Clifton to Port Orchard. Clinton* to Langley. Cll1>per• to Belllngham. Cloverland• to Asotin. Clyde• t to Prescott. Coal Creektt to Kelso. Coalfield to Renton. Colbert• to Spokane. Colby• to Port Orchard Oollins to Tacoma. Columbia River * t t to Wenatchee. Columbus* to Goldendale, Oook* to White Salmon. Oopalis to Hoauiam. Copalis Crossing to Hoquiam. Oorfu*t to Othello. Cornett to La Conner. Cosmopolls*tt to Aberdeen. Cougar to Yacolt. Covada* to Hunters. Cove to Vashon. Covello• to Dayton. Cow1che* to Naches. Oowlitzt to Toledo. Coyle to Seattle. Cranmar to Kent. Crawford* to Battleground. Creosote to Seattle. Crocker to Orting. Cromwell* to Tacoma. Cumberland*t to Black Diamond. Cunningham to Hatton. Curlew•tt to Republic, Ourtis* to Chehalis. Cusick*tt to Newport. Ouster to Tacoma.  Dabob* to Port Townsend. Dahlia to Astoria, Ore. Daisy• to Kettle Falls. Dalkena*tt to Newport. Dalton to Granger. DanvUle•tt to Grand Fork, B. C. Dardanelles• to Leavenworth. Darrington• Uto Arllngton. Dartford to Spokane. Dash Point to Tacoma. Decatur* to Anacortes. Deepcreek•t to Med.teal Lake. Deepriver* to Astoria, Ore. Deerharbor* to Friday Harbor. Delano to Tacoma. Delrto*to Bridgeport. Deltatt to Everett. Deming• t t to Everson. Denlsontt to Deer Puk. Des Chutes Spm- to Tenino. De11 Moines• to Kent. Detroit• to Tacoma. Dewatto* to Shelton. Dlamond*tt to Colfax. Dieringert to Sumner. Disautel to Omak. Brooklynt to Raymond. Dlxte•u to Walla Walla. Broomfield to Buckley. Dock.ton• to Vashon. Brownsville-I< to .Bremerton. Doe B11,y* to Friday HarBrush Pr;i.irle*t to Battle bor. Ground. Dolphin to Friday Harbor. j 81'1'ant • t t to Arllnw;ton. 0 iYea~t1: • Bryn Mawr* to Renton . Jiluckeye*t to Deer Park. Dougla.s*t to We.tervllle. Bu.ooda • t t to Tenino Downs*tt to Harrington. Bunker to Chehalis. Dryad"tt to Pe Ell, Burbank*! to Pasco. Ducka.bush* to Seat,tle. Burley* to Port Orchard. Dungeness*t to Sequin. Burnett*tt to Buckley. Du Pont*H to South TaBurton* to Vashon. coma.:): B:,ron*t to Prosser. Durham to Enumclaw. Oallow to Oakville. Dusty to La Crosse. O&m&no* to Coupevllle. Duwamisht to Seattle. Oamden•t to Newport. Oapeborn•t to Washoue-al. Oarbonado*tt to Wilkeson. Eaglecllff to Clatskanie, Ore. Oarley*t to Arlington, Ore. Carlisle to Hoquiam. Eac~~ew~orge*H to EnumCarlsborg to ~equim.  I  I  B~f;!ij ig  I  I  REFERENCE KEY.  • County Seat.  Eagle Harbor to Seattle. Earllngton • to Renton. E. Farmst to Post Falls. Ida. Easton•t t to Cle Elum. East Seattle*t to Seattle. Ea.stsound • to Friday Ha.rbor. East White Bluffs * to White Falls. Ecbo* to Colvllle. Eden to Astoria, Ore. Edgecomb*t to Arlington. EdgP-water* to Stevenson. Edgewick* to North Bend.  WASHINGTON  I Hadlock• send.  to Port Town- Leber to Eatonvllle. Leland• to Pt. TowWJend Lemola to Poulsbo. Lester*tt to Enumclaw. Lewis* (Lewis Co.) to Morton. Lewis (Pierce Co.) to Camp Lewis. Lewisville to Battleground Liberty• to Cle Elum. Liberty Bond to Lyle. Liberty Lakel to Suokane. Lichtyt to Sunnyside. Lilllwauv to Shelton. Lincoln (Lewis Co.) t• Centralia. Lincoln (Lincoln Oo.) to Creston. Lindberg to Marton. Lisabuela* to Tacoma. Heisson*t to Battleground. LttteU•ti to Cbehalls. Helsing Junction to Cen- Little Falls to Vader . tralia. Llttlerock• t1 to 01:vmpla. Henrybro to Yakima. Lochloy"'t to Lake Steven11 Heybrook lio Sultan. Locke*tt to Newport. High Polnt-l<l to Issaquah. Lofall to Poulsbo. Long Beach •t to Ilwaco Hobart*t to Renton. Lonirbranch • to Tacoma. Hockinson to Battle Long Laket to Ground. Longmire to Eatonville. Hogdahl to Sedro \Voolley. Longview* to Prosser. ' Hoh* to Hoqutam. Lookout to Burlington. Holcombt to Raymond . Loon Lake*tt to SpringdaJ• Holly* to Port Orchard. Looez• to Friday Harbor. Hollywood*t to Bothell. Lost Creek* to Ione. Homant to Vancouver. Loveland t to Tacoma. Home to Tacoma. Lowden• to Touchet. Boodsport• to Shelton. Lowgap* to Qutnc:,. Hooper•tto Lacrosse. Lucas• to Goldendale. Houghton* to Seattle. Lucerne* to Chelan. Hover•t:t to Kennewick. Lummi Island to Belling• Humptulips• to Hoaulam. ham. Hunts Point to Seattle. Huntsvme•t to Walt11burw;. Huaum • to White Salmon. Mabana to Everett. Hylebos to Tacoma. Macall to Lamont. Maoblas•t:t to Snohomlsb Mae* to Ephrata . Illahee to Bremerton. Magnolia Beach* to•VashoD Imaget to Vancouver. Malaga•t to Wenatchee. Inchelium to Hunter s. Malo•t to Republlo. 1 n d e p e n d e n c e *tt to Malonet to Elma. Centralia, Malott* to Okanow;an. Maltby• t t to Snobomlab. Index*t1 to Sultan. Indianola to Seattle. Manchester"' to Port Orchard Ingleford to Spokane. Manitou Beach to Seattle Ingleside to Tacoma. Manor to Battle Ground. Ing1ewood*t to Redmond. lY!ansford to Arlington. Interlaaken to Tacoma. Manson• to Chelan. Irby*tt to Odessa. Manzanita to Seattle. Irvin* to Spokane. Maple Falls*t to Sumas. Maplevalley*tt to Renton Hall* to Yacolt. Hamlin to Stevenson. Hanford*t:t t.o White Bluffs. Hansville*t to Edmonds. Harding:): to Tacoma. Harper* to Port Orchard. to Wapato. Harstine lsland to Shelton. Hartford*tt to Lake Stevens. Harwood to North Yakima. Havllla.b* to Molson. Ha.y•tt W Lacrosse. Hayfvrd to Spokane. Baza.rd to Deerpark. Haze1•tt to Arlington. Hazeldell to Vancouver.  Edgewooctt to Puyallup, ~glon to Seattle. Ebrlloh*tto Sedro-Woolley. Elbe*tt to Eatonville. Elgin• to Tacoma. .t£1Usport* to Vashon. Ellswortht to Vancouver. Elwha to Port Angeles. Emerald to Sunnyside. Englisht to Marysville. liR!f;ot~*i:~P~~~~~l Lake. Etna• to Woodland. Eureka•t to Walla Walla. Evans•t to Marcus. Ewan to St. John.  Fairbanks*tt to Oakesdale. Fairfax*tt to Wilkeson. Fairholm to Port Angeles. Fairmount*t to Port Townsend. Fallbrldge*ttto The Dalles . Ore. ·Fall Oity*:J: to Snoqualmie Falls. Fallon to Pullman. Farmer* to Withrow. ..Felldat to Vancouver. "Fernhillt to Tacoma. Ferry*tt to Midway, B. C. Fife to Tacoma. Flnley*t to Kennewick. Fir*t to Conway. Firwood to Puyallup. Flshert to Camas. Flshtrao*t to Sprairue. Fletcher Bay to Seattle. Flora! to Spokane. Florence• to Stanwood.  Footblll to Hillyard. Ford to Springdale. Forest• to Chehalis. Jared t:t: to Ione. Forks• to Port Ang:eles. Jerry to Asotin. Fort Casey• to Coupeville. Johnson's Orossing to Tacoma. Fort Simcoe*t to White Jonesville to Hoquain. Swan. Jovita to Auburn. Fortson*U to Arlington. Fort Spokane to Davenport. j~:i:~t!ot~o~~~fi~les. Foster to Renton. Junction CltY* ttoA berdeen Four Lakes-1< to Cheney.  ::~gl:*J:o~f•o~b8ii~rete Marcell1111*t:t to Rttsville.  Marengo to La Crosse.  Martetta*to Belltnrham. Markham*U to Aberdeen Martllall•tt IO Spokane. MaryhillH to Goldendale Matlock• to Shelton. Maud* to Colvllle. l'l!axwelton to Langley. Fragaria.* to Seattle. May Creek to Renton. Frances•tt to Pe Ell. Kamllcbe to Shelton. Mayfield* to Napavine. Fravel• to Edison. Kanaskettt to Enumclaw. Maynard to Port Townsend Fredouia~ to Mount Ver- Kangleytt to Enumclaw. Maytowntt to Olympia. non. Kapowstn•tt to Eatonville. Mayview• to Pomeroy, Freeland to Langley. Karamint to Republic. McCleary*:): to Elma. Freeman•tt to Rockford. Keechelust to Ole Elum. McCormlck•t to Pe Ell. Fruitland• to Hunters. Keller" to Wllbur. McCue t to Waterville. Kendall• to Sumas. McGowan• to Astoria, Or• Kenmore* to Bothell. McIntosh Tt to Tenino. Kennydale•t to Renton. M0Kenna-1<t:J: to Roy. Keyport*to Poulsbo. MoMUlan•t to Orting. Galvint to CentraPa. Kentone*tt to Sprai-ue. McMurray to Arlington. Gardenville to Tacoma. I{jngston to Poulsbo. Mead• to Hlllyard. Gate*tt to Oakville. Ktona*t:t to Prosser. Meadowdale•tito Edmond.t Geer to Goldendale. Klaber• to Chehalis. Meadow Lake to Chene:,. Gerome* to Hunters. Kllclrltat*:t to L:vle. 1\1edina to Bellevue. Gertrude to Tacoma. Knappst:t: to Ridgefield. Melbourne• to Getcbell•t to Marysville, K. na.opton* to Astoria, Ore. Mendota*t to Centralia. Gettysburg*t to Port Knowlton* to Brewster. Menlo•t to Raymond. Angeles. Kulshan to Bellingham. Meridian* to Tacoma.. Kyrot to Olympia. Me.rrltt•t:t to Leavenwort) 1 Meaa*tt to Connell. Gifl'ord* to Hunters. Gl~ Harbor• to Tacoma. I Me11klll*t to Pc Ell. Gilberton to Bremerton. Metallne*to Metaline Fall• Lacamas to Chehalis. I Meteor to Kettle Falls. Gleect to Yakima. Lacey•t to Olympia. Methow*t to Pateros. Glencove* to Tacoma. Lagrande*:i: to Eatonville. Glendale to Everett. Lakel to Connell. Meyers Fau,•u to Ketti• Glenoma to :Morton. Lakebay• to Tacoma. Falla Glenwood to White Salmon Lake City to Tacoma Mica*tt to Valleyford. Globe*t to Pe Ell. Lake Crescent to Port Mlddle1>ort to Ione. Gloyd:J: to Wheeler. Angeles. Midlakes to Bellevue. Lake Forest to Seattle. Midland to ·racoma. Goldbar•ti to Sultan. Lakeside* to Chelan. Mllan•tt to Spokane. &~~!~~ttlo Lat~:_w*tt to Sou Ta- I ~h~~re:t~onroe Lake ,vnderness to Renton.I Milltown*t to Stanwood. Graba.m* to Tacoma. Lakewood to Marysville. Mllton•t to Tacoma. Grand Mound•ti to Cen- La.mart to Prescott. Mineral*t to Morton. tralla. La.mona*t to Harrington. Minkler to Lyman. GraDt Orchards to Eohrata.. Lancaster* to St. John. Moab"lto Rathdrum,Id&a• Grasmere* to Concrete. 1 . La to Port Angeles. Mocllps*t:t to Hoquiam. GraY*l to Springdale. Lanon•tt to Bellmgbam. Mohler•t to Harrington. Grayland* to Aberdeen. Laurel (Whatcom Co.) to l Mold* to Coulee City. Grays Rlver• to Astoria, Bellingham. Monctonti to Nortbbend Ore. . Laurel• (Kllckitat Co.) to Mondovl•t to Davenport Greenbank* to Coupeville. White Salmon. Mon.ttor*t to Cashmere. Oreenblufl' to Hillyard. L&urier•t:t: to Orient. Monohan*:): to Issaquah. Greene Park to Camp Lawrence•t to Everson. Monse to Brewster. Lewis. Leadpoint* to Northport. Montborne*l to Moun• 1 ta,fut;i~fmon. t!t!~;f/ft~~;~ond.  I  I  Ewift~~:  I  th  MJ;;:~~·Chet&n.  g~1~.?;~  • 11oney Order Office.  ~'t~:;  tTelegrapb Station.  :f Express Office.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  WASHINGTON  ,nd  v.  to to  und  ~ e.  t•  la. en11  a.  n. ~  linic ·  Queets to Hoquiam. teinaker Landing to PoulsQullcene•to Port Townsend horo. Stella• to Kelso. Qulnlault* to Hoquiam. teno to Spokane. Stlllwatert to Tolt. Strandell to Everson. Ralnler•tt to Tenino. Stratford • t to Wilson Ralston to Ritzville. Ramapo to Port Angeles. Creek. Summitt to Tacoma. Randle* to Morton. Sundalet to Arlington. Ore. Ravensc1a1e•tt to Kent.  Mora•t to Port Angelesy Moran Prairie to Spokane. Morristown to Buckley. Moses Lake* to Wheeler. Mossyrock* t o C h eh a lis. Mottlngert to Kenne'1tick. Mounta in Vi ew t o Mount Vernon. Mt. Hope*t:i: to Rockford . Mt. Pleasant to Washougal. Mukilteo• t1 to Everett.  S unlight Beach to Langley. Sun.nyaale to Seattle. Sunset•t to St. John. Suquamlah-4< to Poulsbo. Sylvan• to Tacoma. Synarep• to Riverside.  Rayv ille t o E lma . Redondo• to Auburn. R egents Park to Ta.coma. Nagromt to Enumclaw. Reno (Cowlitz Co.) to Nabcotta•t to Ilwaco. Woodland . ~allpeet to Raymo nd. Reno (Whitman Co.) to Nasel• to Astoria. Ore. La Crosse. National*tt to Eatonville. Neahbay*t tto PortAngeles Retsil* to Port Orchard. Reverett to Lamont. Nelllta • to Bremerton Rlct,• to Kettle Falls. N"emah t.o Sout h lle nd. Neppel*t! to Wheeler. to Friday Nespelem• to Almira. Richardson• Harbor. Newcastle•tt to Renton. ~ew KamUche• to Shelton Rlcbmond Beach• tt to Edmonds . Newman Lake to Rath- , Richmond Highlands t.o drum. Nlghthawk•tt to Oroville. Seattle. Riffe* to Morton. Nisqually to Olympia. Rimrock to Nach es. Rlparla•tt to Starbuck. Norman•t to Stanwood. North Avon to Mount Riverton to Seattle. Robe• t to Everett Vernon. ~orthcove* to South Bend. Roche Harbort to Friday Noveltyt to Duva.IL Harbor.  Taholah* to Hoquiam. T ah uya* to helton . Tay\or•rt to Renton. 'l'borna11•:r to Kent. Thorp• tt to Ellensburi. Three Lakes• to Snohomish Thrift to Tacoma. Tlger•t to Ione. Tillicum * to Tacoma. 'l'okelnnd • to South Bend. Tono•t to Centralia.  WEST VIRGINIA  2091  Ballard to u-reenville. Ballengee to Hinton. Bamboo to Richwoods. Banco to Loran Bancroft* to Wlntield. lla.rdane• to Charlestown Barn• to Beckley. Barna.bus to Logan. WEST VIRGINIA  Barnum•tt to Piedmont. Barrackvllle• t t to FalJ• mont. Barren Creek to Clendenin Bartow•t to Durbin. Basin to Mullens. Bass to Moorefield. Baxter (Berkeley Co.) ~ Martinsburg. Bdxter• (Marlon Co.) t• Fairmont.  Aarons to Charleston. Abbott• to Buckhannon. Beckley. Abranam* to Hinton.  !Abney* to  Accov1llet to Lo"-an. Acme• to Charleston. Ada* t to Bluefield. Adaline• to Cameron. Adam• to Spencer. Adamston•t to Clarksbur~ Adlai* to Pennsooro. Adolph* to ;\lill Creek.  1  Bays* to Sutton. BeaJe•t to Gallloolls, Ohio Beard•tt to Marlinton. Bearsvme•to Mlddlebourn, Beatrice* to Smithville.  jAdvent* to Ripley.  Beaver• to Summersville Bebee to New fartinsvmt Beckwith• to l• ayetteville I~~~~1t;~:tLt~iln~ck!ey. Bedrngton • to Martillltto Cumberland. burg. Torodat to Midway, B. C. Alaska.* ~Id . T outle• to Castlerock. :::cl.° t:~~:~cer. Tracyton • to Bremerton. !Albert* to Davis. Beech Bottom to Wells• Trentt to Spokane. Alexander*t:t to Buckburg. Trlnidad*tt to Quincy. hannon. Rochester• tt to Centralia Algoma• to Keystone. Oak Point* to Cathlamet. Rock Cut• to Orient. Beech Hlll•t to Point Troutlake* (Klickitat Co.) Algonquin to l\latoaca. O'Brlen•t to Kent. Pleasant. I Rocklyn • 1 to Davenport. to White Salmon. to Glenville. Beechwood to Morirantown Ocean Park• to Ilwaco. j Rockport•t t to Concrete. 'l'rout Lake* (Pierce Co.) Alice Alkol to .Madison. Bee ·on,. to :\latoalrn. Ot1osta•t to Hoquiam. to Eatonville. Behler• to Morgantown. Offutt to Tenino. n.odnat to Lamont. Tukwila* to Re nton . Allen to Hamlin. Rogersburg to Anatone. Ola.Ila• to Tacoma. Tula.Ho to MarysvUle. Allister to Pine Grove. Belfont• to Gassaway. Rolling Bay• to Seattle. Ol<tst to Wenatchee. Alma* to Middlebourne. Belri;rove* to Rlple:v. Ronald• tt to Roslyn. Olema• to Brewster. Tumtum to Springdale. Alnwickt to Williamson. Belle* to Charleston. Rooseveltt to Arlington, Tumwater•t to Olympia. Olequat to Vader. Alpena• to Elkins. Bellepolnt• to Hinton. Olga* to Friday Harbor. Ore. Turner• to Dayton. Onalaska to Napa.vine. Twin t to Port Angeles. Alpo!'a. to Mullens. Bellevme•rt to Parken.Rosario• to Friday Harbor. Two Rtvers•t to Paeco . Onslowt to Hoquiam. Altizer to Spencer. burg. Rosl>urg• to Astoria. Ore. Tyler*t:t to Cheney. Orcas• to Friday Harbor. Altman•t to Danv1lle. Bellton• to Cameron. Rosedale•t to Tacoma. Orchards•t to Vancouver. Altou•t to Buckhannon. Belmontt to St. Mary's. Orient to Marcu ·. Roza•tt to Selah. Alum Brldire• to Weston. Belva•t to Gauley Brldre Ruby! to Ione. Orlllta • t to Kent. Alum Creek*t to St. Albans Bemis*tt to Beverly. Orin• to Colvllle. Rustont to Tacoma . Orondo• to Watervme. Underwood*tt to Hood Alvon • to White Sulphur! Benbusb to Thomas. River. Ore. gsceola to Enumclaw. Sprlne;s. Bender to Gassaway. Union• to Shelton. 0 11 Alvy• to west Union. Ben Lomond*! to Galli, Union Gap to ~;~~i110 Ya.ldmo.. Saint Andrews• to Coulee Amblersburg•t to Rowles• polls, Ohio. Union Mills! to Olympia. Otts Orchards•t to Spokane Clty. burg. 1 Bennett to Gassaway. Usk*t to Newport. Oysterville• to 11 waco. , t. ClairH to Olympia. Amboy to Terra Alta. Benson to Weston. Salmon Creek to Vancouver Ambrosia• to Point PleasBens Run•tt to Sistersville Sals1ch Junction to Tacoma Van Buren to Everson. San De Fuca • to Coupeville Pacific to Auburn. A~~stdalet to Logan. Bentons Ferry to Fairmon, Van Horn*! to Concrete. Pa01nc Beacn• to Hoquiam . Sara to Ridgefield. Bentree*t to Gauley Bridg• Van Zandt*t to Bellingham. Amigo to Beckley. . arato11;a to Langley. Packard to 1-titzville Berea• to Harrisville. Vaughn• to Taooma. Satsop•tt to Elma . to Centralia.. Aroma• to Clendenin. Bergoo• to Webster Springe Veg-a• to Tacoma. Parlilla* to Mount Vernon. Satus*1 to Mabton. :Amy• to Grlffl th11vUJ c. Berllnt to Janelew. Sauk*:t to Concrete. Page* to Pasco. Vera. to Spokane. cauclia to Poulsbo . Pa~a•tt to Lind. Bernie* to Hamlin. Yesto. to Aberdeen. Paitsades*t to WatervUle. Anmoore* to Clarksburg. Berrysburg to Gratton VJew to Lacenter. Palmer•t to Enumclaw. ScenloU to Monroe. Bertha to Hin ton. Vinland to Poulsboro. Pampa• to Lacrosse. Schrag*t to Rltzvllle. Annamorlah• to Grants- Beryl• to Piedmont. P&rk•t to Belllngham. ! ville. Soot1a•u to Newport. Besoco to Mullens. P&rker•tt to Wapato. Sea.beck• to Poulsbo. Anthony*i"t to Renick. Bethany• to Wellaburii Parkland •t to Tacoma. to ll~aco. 1 Beury•t to Thurmond Wahkla.cus*t to Lyle. I 1~ci;imKt~ie:~ntsvi1 /e. Bickmore Parkwatert to Spokane. Sea.ton to W1lhur. I Wahl to Everson. to C"lay. ~ascosco to Black Diamond Seattle Helithts* to Ed• .A~Psl.e ot~~~e•U to GallipoWabluke* to White Bluffs. atahii City to Pomeroy. monds. Blgbend to Grantsville. Wallace to Paterson*t to Prosser. Arbovale• to Durbin. BlrChlmney•t toCbarlestoa Wallula*tt to Touchet. P each• to Creston. Seavlew*t to Ilwaco. Arbuckle•tt to Point Pleas• B~ Creek•U to Logan . Pearl• to Bridgeport. Selleck•t to Enumclaw. ant. Btg Four to Welch. I ~!~~~e;~ 6°e~t~r~N1·1e. Pearson• to Poulsbo. Sharon to Sookane. B~ lllaa.c• to Salem. Warwick to Centerville. ~enawawa*:t to Lacrosse. Sherlock• t 1 to Olympia. Ardelt to Wayne. Waterman• to Bremerto.n. enrlth•t to Newport. Arden*tt to Philippi. Sherwood to Tacoma. Bllt Otter* to Clay. waucon<la • to Republic. PeoJa • to Pomeroy. l:,;hinc* to Port To,, n end. Waukon•t to Edwall. Arista to l\fatoa.ka. Bit Sandy•t to Welch. Peono to Hillyarcl. Arlee• to Point Pleasant. Siftont to Vancouver. Blit Springs* to Grantsvtlle wauna • to Tacoma. Armllda to Wayne. ~e~hastin*t toLeavenwortb. Silcott* to Clarkston. wawawaf•t to Pullman. p~•n.ney Creek to Seattle. Bingham to Rupert. Arnettsvllle to Fairmont. Point to Tacoma. Birch Rlver• to Sutton. (,~cnH• Amoldaburg• to Grants- Birch Run to Clay. icumont* to Port Angeles. Silver BeachH to Bellini• Wayside! to Hillyard. vtne. P~lchuck•tt to Arlington. . Birchton to Whitesville. Pillar Rockt to Astoria.Ore. Sih·ercrcek-4< to Napavine. Wellington• to Leaven- Arroyo to Well ■vtlle, Ohio . Bismark* to Gormanla. worth. A.rthur to Petenburg Plneburo:;tt to Everett Silverta.ko* ( owlltz Co.) A.rtte to Mount Hooe. Pleasant Beach to Bremertn Cnstl ero~tc. . C ) Wellolnet to Reardan. Black Betsy•t t to Winfield Arvilla* to St . .Marys. ton. Silver LnkP- (Snohormsh o Westoort•t to Hoquiam. Blatne•tt to Kltzmlller.Md Westsound* to Friday Har• A1bury• to Alderson. ~\ea.sant Prairie to Hillyard to Everett. Granite Blair to Madison. bor. A.1h to Point Pleasant. P 1asant Valley to Blain Sllverton•t to 0 Ashford*! to . !adlson. m:~~~eKf~t1st. t~h1f~~sr~~1:i. Poo ntt Roberts• to Blaine. Falls. Arltn...+"n, As bland• to N orthtork. r age* to Vashon. Slxprong• to •Fllandvllle• to West Union Ashley• to West Union. ,11·wte Center to Seattle. Port Ulakelev•tt to Seattle. Ore. v Blocton* to Wllllamson. · Skagit to Mount ernon. Whitest to Elma.. Aahton•:t to Gallipolis. Bloomery to Winchester. Port Columbia to BrewOhio. Skamania to Stevenson. ""hit ·tran to Prosser. Va. Ster. Skykomlsh*tt to Sultan. Wlokersham•n to SedroBlooming Rose to Madison Atenvllle* to Hamlin. Port Crescent•rt to Port Sruyrna•t to Othello. Woolley. Angeles. Flnalce H.ivertt to Kahlotus . wucox • to Colfax. Atwood to Middlebourne. Blue• to Middlebourne. ~orter• t to F:lma. soap Lake* to Ephrata. Augment to Marlinton. Wiley City to Yakima. Bluecreek• ti to Clendenla Auirusta• to Romney. Willuda. to t. John. ort Gamble• tt to Poulsbo Blue Jay* to Beckley. South Bellinghamtt tu Bet- Wlllapa•t to Raymond. A. 1 1rora• to Terra Alta. Austen•! to Newbur~. Wlnchester•t to Quincy. Port Hadlock to Port Town 1 1 S~~~~t~~ t. s. send. ~1~•t to Cle Elum. Winesap• to Chelan. Auto to Renick. Alder.c1on. PoTrt Ludlow• tt to Port s. Colby t:> Port Orchard . Winalow• to Seattle. South Pralrte•tt to Buckley w·int.oott to Leavenworth. Avon* to West Union. P ownsend Illundon to Charleston. Avondale* to Berwind. ""i. hkah to .Aberdeen. p Ort Madison• to Seattle. Boaz• to Wllliamstown. Ayers• to GrantsvUle. oHrt Stanley• to Frlday South Tacomat:: to Tacoma W' ollochet to Ta.coma. Boggs to Cowen. s. Worth to Port Orchard. Woodlnvllle•tt to Bothell. P arbor. Spana way• t to Tacoma. Woodland*tt to Puyallup. p~~ t Williama•tto Sequim. Bolalr* to Webster Sortnra Spear! to Sookane. Pr 1atch • to Shelton. Bolivar• to Harpers Fem Bablln to Weston. Pr~~le•t to Sedro-Woolley. Splketon! to Buckley. Bolt* to Beckley. st Spolcane Brldge*H to Po Yale* to Yacolt. ,Bachman to Ansted. PrtnctYU:H to Issaquah. Bomont to Clendenin. 6 :t to Washou~aJ. Pr Falls. Ida. I Yardley:t to Spokane. I3a<'kus* to Thurmond. Bonnie to Sutton. p oebstel to Vancouver Springfield to Tacoma. Yelm*t to Roy. 811.l\eysvllle• to Plnevllle p Uget Island to Oatblamet. SprlntrValley•st1 t~Waver1y. Yoman to Tacoma. !3akrr to MooreQeld. · Booher* to Sistersville. llrdy to Tacoma. Stadiumt to e on. Bakerton• to liarpen Boomer•tt to MontgomeT:' Startup•tt to Sultan. Ferry. Boon ,.. to Winona. Stearnsvtllet to Boautam. . Boothsvllle to Fairmont Q~'rtrrmMter Harbor to , tehekin"" to 'helan. Zanaton to 0 1ymp1a. Bald Knob• to Madison . Booto~o v_V_a_y_n_e_. _ __ ~sh~. _ _ __,.._1_1s~t:!e~il~a~co~o~~m~•~to~T~a~oo=m:.:a::. __ ..:..._ z _e_n1=-t:-:h;-:•-=-t-=-o_:: K_en_ t_._ __ _,_.:._B_a_ld_w _ ln_*_ to_ G_'l_e_n_v_ll_le. I  !  o:i;Jn~ e~t  as.  toD  rete Ile.  I  !  I!~~~:U!~ ¥tliJ~gfey.  I  !~~  I  I I  I  I  m~:  8}:  Bse;;.~~:s  I  REF ERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  , county seat.  • Money Order Office.  t Telegraph  Statton.  t Express Office.  1092 WEST VIRGINIA 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  Boraeriand•t to Wllllamson Bowden•t:t to F.lklns. Bowen to Huntington. Bower•tt to Burnsvllle. Bowlby to Mount Morris  Chap• to Madison. Custis to Sutton. Chapel* to Gassaway. Cutlips to Gassaway. Chapmanvllle"U to Logan Cuzzart* to Terra Alta. Chattaroy•tt toWllllamson. Cuzzle to Wayne. Chauncey to Logan Cyclone* to Logan. Chelyan• to Cabin Creek. Czar* to Buckhannon. Pa. Cherry Run•tt to MartinsBowles to Hamlin. burg. Bownemont•to Charleston. Chesapeake to Charleston. Boyd to Spencer. Boyer• to Durbin. Dade to Summersville. Chloe to Grantsvllle. Dailey to Charles Town. Christian to Logan. Brabant to Wayne. Dain• to Richwood. Bradford to Belington. Churchville to Weston. Date• to West Union. Cicerone to Walton. Bradshaw• to Berwtnd. Dalla■• to West Alexander Bradyvllle to Hamlln. Cinco to Charleston. Pa. Clndertlla to Wllllamson. Braeholm• to Logan. Dameron• to Beckley. Clrclevllle• to Franklin. Dan to Berwind. Brake to Moorefield. Branchla.nd*tl to Hamlin. Cirtsville• to Pax. Dana •tt to Charleston. Claremont•t to Thurmond. Danese* to Rainelle. Brandonville• to Bruceton Clarla• to Grantsvllle. Daniels* to Beckley. Clator to Wheellni. Darke to Shepherdstown. Mlll!I. Brandywine• to Franklin. Clayton to Alderson. Darkesvme• i to MartlnsBrantvllle to Lewtsburi. buri. Braxton to Gassaway. Clear Creek* to Pax. Dartmoor to Belington. Breading to Wllllamson. Clem to Gassaway. Davison to Gassaway. Breedlove* to Oakland.Md. Cleveland* to Buckhannon. Da v\svllle*t to Parkersburg 1 Cllfton•t Bretz•tt to Masontown. to Middleport, Dawest to Ca.bin Creek. Brewsterdale to Berwind. Dawson•to Alderson. Ohio. Clltton Mills• to Terr& Alta. Dean• to Littleton. Bright to Clendenin. Cliftonville to Avella, Pa. Dearing• to Anawalt. tro 1 8N!ty:o t11te~!~~Decota"'t to Cabin Creek. Brooks• to Hinton Clinton to Wheeling. Deep Water• tt to .M.ontBroomf!.eld• to Mannington romery. Broalus• to Hancock. Mrl Cllntonvllle* to Lewlsbu11t. Deepwen• to Summersville Brounland•t to St. Albana. Clio to Clendenin. Deer Creekl to .Marlinton Brown• t to Wallace. Clothler•t to Madllon. f<'ranklln. Brownsville to Weston. Cloverdale to Narrows, Va.. Deer RuntotoGlenville. Clover Llc1t•i to Marlin- Dekalb• Dellalow•tt to Morgantown ton. Bruce to SUmmersvUle. De Loni to St. Marys. Brush Creek to Danville. Delormet 1 to Williamson. Coal Bloom to Madison. Brushtork• to Btuetteld. Delray to Romney. Brushy Run* to Franklin. CoaJburg*tt to Cabin Creek Dempsey• to Fayetteville. Coalda1e•t1 to Bramwell. Bryson to Beckley. Denn11 to Alderson. Coal Fork• to Charleston. Buckeye• to Marlinton. Denver tt (Marshall Co.) to Coalton•tt to Elkins. Bud* to Mullens. Cameron. Coalwood•t to Welch. Buffalo Creekt to Ceredo. Devils Forg:*t to Mullens. Coburn to Hundred. Buffalo Shoal& to Ceredo. Devontt to Williamson. Coco• to Charle ■ ton. Buhrer to Hamlin Cokeley■* to Harrlaville. Bulltown to Burnsville. Diamond* to Charleston. 9unker Hlll • l to Martln&- Coketon•t to Thomas. Colcord*t to Whl1esville. Diana• to Webster Sorlngs. burg. Cold Rtream• to Romney. Bunners to Fa.lrmont. g{~~sfgio~Psa~W.e. Coldwater to Salf'm. Dille* to Clay. Colebank* to Grafton. Burch• to Williamson. Dilleys Mills to Marlinton. Coltax*tl to Fairmont. Burg to Princeton. Dlllons Run to Romney. Burl to Summersville. Dlmmock* Thurmond. Colllen• U to Steubenvllle, Dingess• tt to Burlington• to Keyser. to Wllllamson. Ohio. • Burning Springs• to ElizaDingy to Gassaway. Comt,11• to Cairo. beth. Dlnk to Clay. Burnt House• to Smlthvlllt> Comfort• to Madllron. Divide• to ·winona.. Burnwell• to Montgomery. Conaway* to Middlebourne Dixie• to Gauley Bridge. Concho* to Thurmond. Burton•t to Hundred. Concord• to Winchester, Va. Doak to Salem. Byrneside to St. Albans. Conttdence• to \\'lnlleld. Dodrill to GrantsvUle. · Con~o• to Wellsville. Ohio. Dola•tt to Wallace. Conlngs• to Auburn. Dornan• to Mooreneld. OabeJI to Madison. I Coopers•u to Bramwell. Donald to Surnmers•tlle. Oacapehon• to Cumberland.I Copen*t to Burnsville. 1 Donohue• to Cairo, oa¥ct·tta• to St. Marys. Copenhaver to Charleston. • Donwood• to Montgomery Dora to Glenville. Oaldona to St. Albans. Cora.t to Logan. Dorcas• to Petersburc. Caldwell• to Lewlsburi. Corco to Madison. Dorree to Clay. Oamflen• tu Weston. Cordova to Renick. Dorothy* to Whitesvllle. Camp* to \rVest Union. Core• to Morgantown. Dorr• to Union. Campbell to Spencer. Corlnth•t to Terra Alta Dothan• to Oak Hill. Oamp Oreek• to Matoaka. Corley• to Sutton. Dott• to Matoaka. Douglast to Davis. Canebrake• to Berwlnd. g~~l~!~: i:r:r~~~:~~Douglass to Grantsville. Cantleld * to Sutton. I Cornstalk to Lewisburg. Oannelton.t to Montgomery Cornwallis•! t to Cairo. Drennen• to SUmmeravllle Canterburyt to Wllllarnsonl Corrine to Mullens. Drybranch*l to Cabin Oa.nton• to West Union. I Costa to Madison. Creek. Cantwell• to Harrisville. Dry Creek* to Whitesville. Oanvas to Summersville. Cottagevllle•t to Ripley. Dryfork* to Harman. oaBr:a~i;:t. to Potnt g~;ifa~Pt~o Ky. Duhree• to ·winona. Duck• to Clay O&perton•t to .Fayetteville. Cob~ur~!*tt to Ba.r- Duh rtng* 1 to Bram well. Dulin* to Ellzabeth. O&pon Brldre• to Winches- Ooxs Mill • to Auburn. Crab Orchard to Beckley. ter. Va. Duncan•t to Ravenswood O&pon Sprtngs•t to Win- Crahtmoor to Ularkst,uri. Craigsville"' to Camden on Dundontt to Clay. chester. Va. Dungritr• to Charleston. Gauley. Caotlna • to Moundsville. CranberryH (Nicholas Co.) Dunleith• to <"'credo. Carbon• to Oabincreek. Dunloop• to Mount Hope. to Richwood. Caress to Burnsvtlle. Dunlow•tt to Wayne. Oarl to Rtchwooa. Crtt1bee~?le/Raleigh Co.) I Dunmore• to Marlinton. Oa.rli ·le*t to Oak Hill. Dunns• to Hinton. Oarmel to Terra Alta. Cranecot t.o Lo11:an. 0 Cranesville• to Terra Alta. Oarpentert to Charleston. ~o*k ~~n~i11r:.O.eld. Crany to Plne•llle. Dutch to Burnsville. Crawforct•t to \\'e:rton. Oucadet to Masontown. Dyer• to Cowen. Crawley• to Alderson. Cashmere• to Narrows, Va. Oass•tt to Marlinton. Creamery• to Alrlerson. Ouste• to Louisa, Ky. Cremo to Grantsvllle. u11lty• to Beverly. Eal?le•t to Yont~omery. assvllle* to Morgantown. Cressmont• to Clay. P.arnshaw* to Hundred. Creston• to Reedy. atawba* to Fairmont. Crete* to Wayne. Eastba.nk-1-t to <"'abin Creek. Oave to Franklin. Ea<;t!{u,f to Beckley. Crlckmer• to Thurmond. OecU•t to Gratton. Lynn• to Wayne. Croaoy to Clay. Oedar• to Williamson. Easton to Morrantown. Crow• to Beckley. Oedargrove•tt to Mont- Crown to Logan. Eaton■• 1 to Parkenburr. gomery. Crownhlll• to Montiromery. Ecclee•tt to Beckley. Cedan-ute• to Glenvllle. Ecban to Madlaon. Crow Summit• to Ravena- Echo*t to Wayne Centennial* to Union. wood. Eckman to Keystone. Center to Fairmont. Crum•tt to F,den. Ky. Oenterpoint• to Salem. Edgarton • to Wllllamson. Oentervllle to Middle- Crumpler• to Northfork. Crurn1111 Bottom to Hinton. Edgwood to Wheeling. bourne. Crystal•t to Bramwell. Edith to PlneTllle. Oentraua•U to SUtton. Edmiston to Weston. Central Statlon•U to West CUhana* to Buckhannon. Edmond• to Winona. Union. Cucumber to Berwlnd. Edray• to Marlinton, Oentury•t to Pb!Uppl. Cullo,1~n • t to H urrtcane. E1rgleton to H urrlcane. Chaffee• to Piedmont. E1rlon• to Oakland, Md. 1 Cunard to Thurmond. Uu rry to Loic11.n Egypt to Wayne. Ohafln to Logan. Ohampwoofl to Romney. Curtln•tt to Richwood. Elana to Ola:v.  l~;~i;J. s~'i~~on.  I  I  I  I  !  i~  I  Ji~W!:  I  g~~~  8  I  QEFEREINCE KEY.  , County Seat.  • :\Ioney Order Office.  Elbert* to Gary. Elgood*to Princeton. Elk to Parson~ Elk Fork to H.ipley.  ' Frlendl>1'•tt to SlstersvUle. Frost• to forllnton. Frozen to Gassaway. I Fry to St. Albans.  Elk Garden•tttoKltzmllier,, Md.  Elkhorn•tt to Keystone. Elkhurst•tt to Clay. Elkrldge* to Montl?'omery. Elkvtew• to Clendenin. Elkwater* to Elkins. Ellamore• to Elkins. Ellenboro•tt to Harrtsvllle.  Gad* to Summersv11le. Gaines• to Buckhannon. Gale to Buckhannon. Ga.JlJ.gher to Montgomery. Gallipolis Ferry*Tt to Polni Pleasant. Galloway to Flemington.  Gamoca•t to Montgomery. Gandeeville• to Walton. Ganotown to Mart1nsburii. Gap to Point Pleasant. Gapmllls• to Union. Gardner• to Princeton. Garnet• to Charleston. Garrets Bend*to St. Albans. Garrison to Whitesville. Gaston to Weston. Gates• to Unlon. Emoryvllle• to Kltzmlller, Gatewood• to FayettevUle.  Elliott• to Ansted. ElllB to Glenville. Elllson to Hinton. Elmhurst to Alderson. Elmira to Gassaway. Elmot to Fayt>tteville, Elmwood to Point Pleasant. Elton• to Hinton. Elverton• J: to Fayetteville. Md.  Endloott•to Littleton. P:ngle*tt to HarpE'rs Ferry. Engllsh*tt to Berwind. Ennla•tt to Bramwell. Enon• to Summersvllle. Enterprise*tt to Shinnston. Epperly to Beckley. Erbacon*tt to Sutton. Ernest to Spencer. Ersell to Ceredo. Erwin to Rowlesburg. Esau to Beckley. Eskdale*l to Cabin Creek. Estep to Danville. Esty to Renick. Eta.m to Rowlesburg. Ethel*! to Logan. Euiene• to Williamson. Eureka• to St. Mary's.  Gauley Milts to Camden-o• Gauley. Gawthrop to Buckhannon. Gay to Ripley. Gazll to Clendenin. Gem•t to Burnsville. Geneva to Spencer Genoa•t to Wayne. Gerrardstown • to Martbll· burg. Ghent• to Beckley. Gtatto•t to Matoaka. Gilboa. to Summersville. Giles• to Montgomery. Gtll•tt to Hamlin. Gilliam* to Northrork. Glllooly tQ Weston. Gilman• to Elkins. Gllmer•tt to Burnsvllle. Gip to Gassaway. Glrta to Cairo.  Eva• to Harrisville. Evans•t to Ripley. Eveuwood* to Elkins. Everson•t to Fairmont. Excelsior to Berwind. Exchange to Gasi1away, Export•t to Thurmond.  Given• to Ripley. Glace• to White Sulphw Springs. Glade Farms• to Terra Alu Gladwtn•t to Hendricks Glady• tt to Beverly. Glasgow to Montgomery. Gleason to Kitzmiller, MdGleoe to Romney. Glen to Clay. Fabius• to Moorefield. Glenalum•tt toWllllamsoD Fair Plain* to klpley. Falling Waters•t to Mar- Gle.i Dale to Moundsville. tinsburg. Glendenning to Middlebourne. rae~~~~~~e. Glendon* to Gassaway, Fanny to PlnevUle. Glen Easton• t t to Cameron Far to New Martinsville. Glen Ferris •tt to Gauley Fartey* to Hinton. Bridge. Fayette• tt to Fayettevllle Glengary to Martinsburg. Federal* to . t. 1\1 arys. Glenhaye;;t to Louisa. Ky. Felix to Louisa. Ky. 0 Fellowsvllle to Newburg. Fenwtck*t to Richwood. Glenwood•ti to Gallipoll1, Ohio. Ferp;usont to Wayne. Glover Gap•tt to ManntnirFerrellsburir• to Loian. ton. Finch to Penm1horo. Goffs• to Harrisville. Fink* to Weston. Fln111ter to \l\'eston. Golden to Cameron. Fireco to Becklev. Gol<ltown• to HiµIPy. Flaber to Moorellelc1. Good to Winchester, Va.. Fltzpatrlck•t to Beckley. Flve MUe•to PolntPleau.nt Good Hope to Lost. Creek. Goodman• to \\ llllamson Goodwlll•t to Bramwell. Flattork to Spencer. Flat Rock to Point Pleasant Goo e Creek• to Cairo. Gordon to Marl!. on. Flatrun to Manntn~on. Gould to Buckhannon. Flat■ to MoorellehJ. Grace to Reedy. Flat Top• to Bec-kley. Graham Statlon•t to Bit· Flatwoods• t l to Sutton. clne. Ohio. Fletcher• to Ripley. Grandview• to Beckley. GrangeYllle to Manning-ton Flint to Salem. Grant Town• to Fairmont. Floe to Clay. Fola to Clay. Grassy to Louisa, Ky. Foley• to Logan. Grassy Meall.ows• to Alder· Folsom•tt to Wallace. !!OD. Fonzo• to Smlthvute. Gray to Wtlll'l.mson. Grayrlon• to FayettevUle Foote to Romney. Grays Flat to Amos. Forest HUI• to Hinton. Forks of Capon to Romney Graysvmet to ClarlngtonOhlo. Forman• to Petenit>urg. Great Cacapon•ttto BerkeFort Branch* io Logan. ley Springs. Fort Defiance to Gauley Green bank• to Durbin. Bridge. Fort Gay•tt to Lout.a.Ky Greenberry to Charleston. Fort Seybert• to Franklin GreenBottom*t toHunttnir· ton. Fort Spring• Tt to Ron~ Greenbrier Springs to Hill· verte. t-on. Foster• to Danville. Green Hlll*to New MartlntFuwler Knob to Summersvllle. ville. Greenland• to GormanJa. Frame to Clendenin. Greenshoal to Logan. Frametown• lto Gassaway Green Spring• U to CUIJ>• Frankford• to Renick. berland, id. Frazier's Bottom to Win- Green Sulphur Sprlnrs• to field. Hinton Freed* to Smithvllle. Greeovlew•t to Mactlson. Freeman• to Bramwell. Greenwood•tto we·t UnloD Freemansburg* to Weston Greer to Ma.,;ontown. French Creekt to Buck- Grege:s to Wheeling. hannon. Gregory to Burnsville. Frenchton•ti to Buckhan- Grey Ea.gte to Willlarnso•, non. Grimms Landing•t to Poln Frew• to Miclc1teho11me. Pleasant.  i:u:~i~  m:~ W~ft~~\~ ::~~f:::  ¼Telegraph Station.  i E1:press Office.  WEST VIRGINIA Gulft1gnt to C,lenville. Guthrlt • to Cbar1•·1Lon. Gu~an lo PlnevUle. Guyandotte•1 to Huntlnitton. Hacker Valley• to Webster  a:Ji~1;~  · Hamlin. I ::~:~~: ¥¾[:lrnmont. Halcyon to Logan. HaU• to Bu<'khannon · Ballburg to Clay. Ball,ck to Morirantown. Balltown•t to Charlestown. Bamhlt'ton•tt to Hendricks Bamlot tc. Thurmond. Hammonct•t to Fairmont Hanclley•tt toMontv;omery Hanging Rock•to Romnev· Hannahdale•to Harrtsvllle· · Hanover• to Ptnevtlle. Baostord•ttto Montitomecy i:~dt~~ • ~ a(on~lkins. Hardman• to Glenville. Hardy to Princeton. Harewooct•tto.Montitomery.  Harlln to West Union. Harmony to Spencer. Barper•t to Beckley. BarrlRon•t to Clay. Bartford*tt t-0 New Haven. Hartllmct to Ulay. Hartley• to Smithville Hartmonsvllle• to Keyser. Harts to Logan. Hartwell to Berwind. Harvey*t to Mount Hope. Harvt'ytown to Huntington Hastin11:H*t to Pine Grove. Batfleld• to Wlll\amson. Bavoco• to Welch. Hawksnest•t to Anstett. Haywood• tto Lum t,eroort Hazelgreen• to Harrisville. Hazelton•to Rruceton Mllls Heacls\ lite• to Keyser. Beaten~• t t to Sutton. Heatberman• to Clendenin. Hebron• to Pennsboro HedgesvUle• to Martinsburg. Belichts• to Pomt Pleasant Hellner to Williamson. Belzer• to \\'lnlleld. Belen to Mullens. Helvetia• to Buckhannon. gemlo<'k* to Buckhannon. 1 1 Point ~~!tte Plf>asant. Henlawson• to Logan. Bennin!? to L«-wlshurg. Benrletta• to Grantsville. H enry to Piedmont. B epzihah•t to Clarksburg. 8 erbert• to Wayne. Beretorct• to Ripley. 1Ierndon•t1 to Mullens.  a:~~:-~  i~·  ltemshaw• to Charleston. a erold• to Ga88away. H ettie to Burusville. 8 ewlett• to Louisa.. Ky. H iawatha* to Matoaka. H tirhy• to Spencer. Hl11:gln11vllle* to Romney Blghc-oal•t to Whitesville. H lgblanrt • to Pennshoro HB!gh, lew•to\Vlnchester.Va .,.,.111 Top• to Glen ,JPa.n. nln1ler to WIiiiamson. B \orrn• to Newbunz:. Raogi.ett•tto GaJllpolls,Ohto. oke to Ronceverte. Elolcomh•t to Richwood.  Holdeu•tt to Logan. r·  ll  Holliday Cove•t to Steubenv\lJe, Ohio. Elolay• t to Sutton. Elol\y Grove• to Buokhannon B:ollvwood to Union. 'flomtny Falls*to SummersVille. fon1•y Dewl to Rainelle.  Ii~~~::. ~!~i~n.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Huntersvme• to Marlinton Hur• to Grantsvllle. Hurst• to Weston. Hutchlnson•t to Fairmont Huttonsville*H to Creek. Hyer•t to Sutton.  I Kline• to Franklin.  Lowell•t to Alderson. Low~ap• to Mad lson. Lowney to Kermit. Knob Fork• to Littleton. Lowsvllle• to f-'alrmont. Knobley to Ou.mberla.nd. Lucas to Ansted. Md. Mill Lucerne to Glenville. Knobs to Union. Lyoncamp* to MoundsKodol• to Littleton. ville. Kovan to Webster Springs 1  ~~:~~ ;g g~~i:i~~l~e.  ~iree.r;t~oK~~i~:~. Maben*H to Mullena. Impertal to Buckhannon. Mahle• to Elkins . lnuependence•t to NewMabscott•t: to Beckley burir. Labmansvllle• to Petere- Mac Donald•• t to Mt. Hope lnd~x to ~ra;1tsvllle. Mace• to Marlinton. burir:. lnd1au Mills to Hinton, MacFarlan• to Cairo. Laing• to Cabincreek. Indore to ~lay. to Peteraburrt Macksville* . Logan to l.ake• Industrial l to Salem. Ma.cneer to Madison. Lanark• to Beckley. Industry to Grantsville. Landea to Petenuure. Ingleside tt to Princeton. Mae-irte•t to Polni Pleasant Landgrair•t to Keystone. ln~o to We'lton. Maf(nolla•t t to Berkele) In~ram Branch to Oak Tilll. Lanham to St. Albans. SprinKS. P'ayettevfile. to Lanainr•t Inkerman• to Mooreneld. Mahan*t to Mont1mmery. Lantz• to Belin~on. lnstltute•t to St. Albans Berkeley Mahone• to Bmfthvllle. L a .~ gnc.!_t to 8 .,rl .~ M&1davllle to Morirantown Invermere to Kingwood. Ma.ltla.nd to Wekh l n wooct • tl to Martlnaburg Laahmeet• to Princeton. Lauckport to Parker11burr. Majhay to Rainelle. Ira• to Clay. Malden•t to Cbarteaton. Laurel Branch to Union Ireland• to VVeaton. Iris to Smltbvllle. t.a:i~e~d. Creek• to Thur- Mallory to Logan. lroqui.· to l\lullens. Mammoth• to Charleston. lslandbranch to Charleston LaureJ Date• to Keyser. Man•t to Loe:an. Isom to M a.dison. Laurel Iron Works to Mor- Manatus to Wbltesvllle. Iuka• to Mlddle-boume. Manayka to Chirksburg. rantown. Ivan to Ellzaheth. Laurel Point to Mor&'an- Manbar to Logan. Ivanhoe• to Buckhannon. 1 M anhPlm•tt to Rowlesbur1, town. lvaton to St. Albans. l.fanlla• to Madlaon. Lava.let.te•i to Ceredo. lvydalc• to Clay. M1mnerlne: • to bramwell. Lawford* to Auburn. Maplewood• to Thurmond Lawn to Hlnton. Marcus• to C'owPn. Lawton• to Hlnton. Jacox to Marlinton. Marfork to Whitesville. Layland •t to Beckley. Valh,y * t t to Jarrold Marte• to Hlnton. White.sville. Marigold to Hamlin. Lead Mine• to Parsons. Jar.rlsvllle to Clarksburg. Marmet•tt to Charleston. League to Harrisville. Javln to M adlson. M arpleton* t,o Sutt.on. Leander• to Ani;ted. Jed* to Welch. JelTery*! to Madison. Marqueaa• to Newbur~. ~ofn~w~~!an.! to 1\-1 ullens. Marshes• to Beckley, Leet• to Hamlln. JenklnJonest to Anawalt. Marth&* to Raroouravtll~ Lt'etown to Charlestown. Jenky to An,;ted. Mn.rtin• to Mooretlelct. Leewood•! to <.'ahinc-reek. Jennings• to Oa.ssaway. Martlnit• to Mootiromel'J'. Jennlnitston•tto Hendricks Left Hand* to Clendenin. Marve1 to An1te<1. Lei(~ to Cbarleaton. Jesse* to PlnevUle. Marytown•t to Welch. Leiro to Beckley, Lebew• to Winchester, Va. Mason•tt to Pomeroy, O. Jettsvllle• to Richwood. Maaonvtllf' to Peter<1hurg. Rl<'hwood. to Lelvasy• Joh*t to Horton. Mathias• to Moorefield, Lenoret to WWlam110n. Jodie to Gauley Bridge. to Walton. Mattie Jobnsoo to l.ratton. Johnstown• to Lust Creek Leon•tt to Point Pleaaant Matville to Beckley. to New Martinsville Maud•t . Renick to Leonard Joker to GrantsvUle. l.\.laxine to St. Albans Jones Sprtng-s to Martins- Leopold* to We11t Unlon. Maxwell* to St Marys. Lerona• to Atncns. bur1r. Maxwelton• to Lewl1bur1t Leroy•t to Reerty. Maybeury*t to B1a.mwell. 1g~s:n!~t!~~i,~~burg. Le Sa.~•t t-o Huntlnirton. Maynard to Hamlin. Le:-ter•tt to Beckley. Josephs Mills• to Penns- Letart•tt to Racille, Oblo. Maynor to Pax. Mayavme• to Petersbur&". Letheroark to Spencer. boro. McAlpin to Be<'kley. LettN Gap to Glenville. Jurtson• to Hinton. McCauley* to .Mooreneld. Leve111• to Romney. Julia* to l{enlck. Levi• to Sutton. Julian• to Danville. ' McComas•t to Bramwell. Jumping Branch• to Hin· Lewis to Clarksburg. to Charleston. McCorkte•t to St. Alban■. Lewiston• ton. McCreeryt to Beckley. Berwlnd. to LPx* Junction• to Romney. McCurclyt to Huntington Liberty• to \.\llnfteld. Junta to Hinton. to .Northfork. McDowell• Charleston. t(l Llbow Jurerna to \\'t'lch. McGee to Gratton. Lick Creek to Athens. Juatlce to Wllllamson. Mc(,ra.w to Oc-eana. Lick Forkt to Oa.k Hill. McKlm to Mlddlehourne. Mc eer to Madison. Lfl['htburn to Janelew. McNelll•t to Moortelleld. Kabaltown• to Charlestown un1an•t to PhUippl. Mc-Whorter•t to Lost Creek Llll:v to Hlnton to Foils •t Kanawha Meador to Matewan. Lill\·brook to Beckley. Gauley Bridge. Meadow Blu!l'• 10 Aldereon Kanawha Head* to Buck• Llllydale* to (Tnlon. Meadow Bridge•tt to Lima• to Mlddlehourne. bannon. l.\.leadow Creek. Kanawha Station• t t tQ Linden• to Spencer. to Meadoworook • t t Lln<11ey•t to Wllllamaon. Parkersburi. Clark1burr. <Jreenvllle. to Llndalde• KM on• to Philippi. Meaaowdalet (Jackson Co.l Link to Middlebourne. Katy to Farmington. to Ravenswood. Linn• ~o Glenvllle. K 11 ueooth" to Cameron. Meadowdale (Marlon Co.) Kayrord*t to Whitesville. Linwood• to Marlinton. . to Fairmont. Kay Moor•t to Favettevtlle Little to Slstenvllle. Mea.dvllle• to Sistersvl1le. Little Birch• to Sutton. h.earneysvtne•t to Shep- Little Fallr to MorranMechanlcatown to Charles• town. herdiitown. town. Little Otter• to Ousaway. l{ecnan to Union. Medina to Ravenswood. Keen<>ys Cre kl to Thur- Llttle1burr• to Blue0eld. Medley• to Petenburv:. LtYerpoot•t to Ree<1:,. mood. Meeker• to M lctdlebourne. LLolZheemllao~e•t toMr.a.lralynton. Kel?ley•t to Princeton. 0 Met~nen i.v Mouoct1vllle. Ii Kellt>r• to AarperR fl'erry. Mells■a to Huntin~on. L0t•hg1>1ly• to Oak HUI. Kelleys\"ille to Princeton. Mellin• to Cairo. Lockbrtdie to Htnton. Kt:mper• to \\'e.'lton. Lockwoo<l to Summersville. lentor to Ripley. Kl'nna• to Rloll'y. Mercers Rottom•t to Point Lo<'Ult to Marlinton. Kennison to Hillsboro. Pleasant Lol!'ah110ort to Manninirton. Kf"ntucK* to Ripley. 0  I  ~=~~f;J  I  ~e:r6:ct ~t;° i~~~~~• ~:• 1  ,..  ..  1nt  2093  Milroy* to Sutton. Mlnden•t to Tlt•1rmond. Mineral Wells• to Parkei> burg. Minerva to Hamlin. Mlnro• to Beverly. Minnehaha Springs Marllnton. Mlnnie•t to New kartln. vllle.  '°  \Unnora to 6rantsvllle. Miracle Run to Falrmonl. '.\l lstletoe to Madison. \foatsvllle•t to Phlllppl. Mobley• to Littleton. '.\1 odoc to Reni<'k.• to Welch, fole Hlll• to Pennsboro. Mona• to Morgantown. \.lonavllle to Logan. Montana Mines• to Fairmont. Montcalm*tt to Bramwell. Mont<'oal to Whitesville. ~ontervllle* to Be\·erly. Montrose•tt to Elkins. Moore• to Parsons. Mooresville• to Morga. town, Pa 1ordue• to Whitesvllle. Moriransvllle •:r. to Wes1 Union. Morlant to Kingwood. Morrlsl tKanawha Co.) a Charleston. Morris• (Nicholas Co.) a Sulton. Morris (Wirt Co.) to EU... beth. Morrlsvale to Madison. Moscow to l'lew Cumbel-laod. lo. to Glen~Ule. i\lossy to Pax. Mt. Carbon•t to Montgo. mery. Mt Clare* to Ola.rksbura. Mount Gay to Logan. Mt.Lookout•to Summeraville. Mt.Nebo* to Summersvllle. Mount Storm• to Gorma.nll Mount Tell to Ripley. Mountvlew to Hinton. \fount Zion• to Grantsville. Mouth of Seneca• to Hat• -man. Moyers to Franklin. Mutt• to Hamlin. Mudtork to Clay. Mulvane• to Ansted. Munday to Harrisville. Munson to Berkeley Sprlnp Murraysvllle• to Raven9wood Musei. Bottom•tt to Ravenewooel. Myer11town to Charlestowa Myra• to Hamlin. Myrtle to Williamson. Nabob• to Charleston. N alien to Winon11.. Napier• to Burnsville. Nat• to Point Pleasant. Nauiratuck*Tt to WWl&m• son. Neho to Clay. Needmore* to Moorefield. N emours*t to Pocahontaa. Va. Neola• to White Sulpbal Springs. Neponset to .Hinton. Nero to Winchester, Va. • 'e ·co to Beckley. Nestlow to Wayne. Nestorvme• to Pblllppl Nettle• to Richwood. New* to BecklP.Y, Newark•t to Elizabeth. Newherne to Auburn. New Creek• to Keyser. Newdale* to New ~artll» Ville. Newell•t to East Llverpool4 Ohio. New Enirland•t to Parker. burg. Ne,v Hall* to Bcrwind.  t:r:r:•6r~~t1i~~~-to Sum- ~~~o~:Ja~~ri:t,~~=~ Ravenswood. wood. IDf-"Nlville Merlden•t to Pblltppl. Lone Oak to Ripley. Kessel to Mooreneld. gorsepen to Logan. 1 0 1 ibct~e Run•to Oak- ~:~~~~n\~~ W~tersbuflt. Loniracre•t to Montrom- ~~~~tg*t~ B~~l'i ~~~son. ri1annln!\'ton. to .ietz•t ery. Walton. to Kettle Elorton•t to Harman. l,ong Branch to Mount Mlam1•1 to Charleston. Ke,•rock* to Pinevtlle. iosterman•t to Durbin. Middle Forkt to Charle.~ton New HooeU to Dtuefleld. Hope. Klahsvlll~• to Wayne Elotc-hkl!is• to Beckley. Kidwell to ,flddlehoume. Long Reach*t to Sisters- Yldclleway to Charlestown. Newl st to Mullens. liotc-oal• to Beckley. Newlonton• to Buckhannoa MldkitT•t to Hamlin. vWe. Klefl'er to Alrter1on. oult•t to Fairmont. Newlyn•t to Thurmond. R oward ro Cameron. Midway• to Wlnfleld, 1,ontr Run•tt to Salem. Killarney to Beckley. New Milton• to West UnlOJl Milam to Moorelleld , Lookout• to Winona. ~owe,wme•t to Tunnelton. Mllburnt to Montgomery. Kimberley• to Montgomery Looneyvfile• to Soencer. oy to Romney. B Ubltall to Ha.mlln New Richmond• to HlnLoop to Charleston. Kincaid• to Fayt'tte,'1l.le. ton. Mfletus• to Salem Londo to Logan. Rubbardstown•to catletts- Kincheloe to Ja.nelew. New Thacker• te WWl&m• Lorentz•t to Ruckhannon. Miller to Winona. Klngmont to Fairmont. burg. Ky. son. Mlllett• to Louisa. Ky. Klng11 ton•t to .Montrom- Lory to Danville. e:udnall to Montgomery. aUdson• to Brucet Mlll Newton• to S~encer Mill Point• to Hlllshoro. Lo le to Grantsville. Mill atone• to Grantsville. ,. ld . 1,o. \. Cl ty • i.o .M ooreue to Elkins. Hu s Klenr~.vtlle on Newvllle• to utton.• ..~ a ll h art to Lewisburg. Lo1t River• to Moorefteld. Mfllvllle•t to Harpers Ferry Nlcut to Grantsvllle. Ugheston•t to Montgom Klrhy* to Romney. Mlllwood•rt tc, Raven&- Nile to Summersville. Loudenvllle• to r.ameron. Kirk to Wlllla.rnson. ery. 11 U11;bey• to Logan. Nina to Salem. wood. Lough* tn mithville. Klstlert to Logan. M_a_t_oa_k_a_._ _ _~M_l....:lo_to.:.._S..:.p....:e....:n....:<'~er::...:.~-----=N~o::::.c:::.l..:.t~o:..:~~u:::.m~m~ers~vl..'..l~la:.:.:___ __ Lo_w_e_•_to ~m0<•0 to M ea.dow Cr ~k~-~K:.:..:.;lt::C:::h..::e=n.!..l..:.t:.::o_L=o=-1r=-a::.:n=-·~____ tfo  J)·  WEST VIRGINIA  1~~~1,  REFERENCE KEY, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  • County Seat.  • Money Order Office.  t Telegraph  Station.  t Express Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2094  WEST VIRGINIA  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  Sun•t to Glen Jean. Sun Hill• to Plnevllle. Sunlight* to Renick. Superior* to ,velch. Survevor*tt to Beckley. Swanda.lo* to Clay. Swann to Milton. Swanpond to Martln11burg. Bweeneyburg* to Beckley ~weetlnnd* to Ho.mlln. Sweetsprlnga• to Union. hock l< orgef+ to Morgan- Shrewsbury•t to Charleston. Swiss* to Gauley Bridge. Swltcbback•t to Bramwell t.own. Sias to Hamlln. witzer to Logan . Rock Gap to Berkeley ! Sidney to Wayne. Sycamore to Grantsville. Springs. Sigman* to Wlnfleld. Sylvia• to Beckley. Rockllck• to Cameron. Pool* to Summersville. Silica* to Buckhannon. Silush to Madison. Porters Falls*t to Pine Rockoak* to Romney. Sllver Hill• to Littleton. Grove. Portersville to Hamlin. Rockport• to Elizabeth. Porterwood• to Parsons. Hocksdale to Spencer. Silverton*t to Ravenswood. , Portlandt to Ravenswood. Rockvlew* to Pineville. Simpson• t to Grafton Posey to Beckley. Tabler .. t to Martinsburg Roderfleld*rt to Welch. Sincerity to Littleton. Potomac Manor to Kitz- Roe to Montgomery. Table Rock to Beckley. Sinclair* to Tunnelton. miller, Md. Romance to Charleston. Tau to Charle>'ton. Sinks' Grove• to Union. Powells to Fairmont. Romont to Fayettevllle. Sir John's Run•tt to Berke- Tague• to Gassaway. Powellton•t to Montgom- Ronda*t to Charleston. Talcott•t to Hinton. ley Springs. Slssonvllle* to Charleston Tallmansvllle* to Buckhru>• Po6w1atan•:t to Keystone. j Roneys Point• to West non.• to Montgomery. Alexander, Pa. Skelt to Webster Springs. Tamroy* to :\Iount Hope. Premier• to Welch. Skelton*t to Beckley. Tams*:t to :l.lullens. 1 Rorer* to R enick. Preston to Louisa. Ky. 1 Ro~bys Rock•t to Mounds- Skull Run to Ravenswood. Tan11:o to St. Albans. ville. , Skyles to Sutton. Tanner• to Glenville. Price to Hamlln. Roscoe to Spencer. Slab Fork• tt to Beckley. Tariff* to Spencer. Price Hill* to Mount Ilope. Rosebud*t to Lumberport. :::llaglet to Logan. Teays•t to Hurricane. Prfcha.rd*H to Wayne. Rosedale* to Glenville. Slanesvllle to Romney. Tempa to Alderson. Priestley to St. Albans. Ten Mlle to Buckhannon 0 ~ *IAf!~son. 1 Prtnce•rt to Beckley. Terry* to Beckley. Proclous• to Clay. 1 Rosevme• to Pax. Tesla* to Sutton. Sleepy Creek•t to Berkeley Teter to Buckhannon. Proctor•rt to New Martins- I Rosina to Olendennin. Rossmore to Logan. Springs. ville. · Teterton to Harman. Progress to Gassaway. Sleltb to Oassaway. Teutonia to New MartimProsperity., to Beckley. Roy to Wayne. Smith to Hamlln. ville. Prudence• to Mount Hone. Royal to Beckley. Smlthers•tttoMontgomery. Thacker*tt to ,villiamson Pruntytown to Gratton. Ruby* .to Winfield. SmltbtleJd•tt to Wallace. Thacker ~Iines* to WillSmlthton•t to West Union. Pugh to 'Webster Springs.I Ruckman* to Romney. iamson. Pughtown* to :New Cum- Ruddle to Franklln. Smithville• to Harrl11v1lle, Thayer *t to Thurmond. Runa to ;summersville. berland. Smoot* to Alderson. Thompson Depot to Purgltsvine• to Romney. Rusbrun • to Thurmond. Snowden* to Griffithsville. Charlestown. Putney* to Charleston. Rusk to Cairo. Thornton•tt to Gratton . Russelldale to Keyser. Snyders Mills to Shepherds- Thornwood* to Durbin. Hus ellsville* to ,vinona. Thorpe to Gary. town. Russett to GrantsvUle. ThreeChurches .. toRomney . Sod to St. Albans. Rutherford• to Cairo. Sophia*l to Beckley Tnree ~11le to Clendenin. Rutledge to Charleston. S. Branch* to Cumberland, Tigerton to Matoaka. Quaker to Louisa, Ky. Ryan to Walton. Mc!. Tincher* to Ruoert. Rymer to Manning-ton. S. Side* to Point Pleasant. Tioga* to Lanesbottom. Queens* to Buckhannon. Queen Shoals* to Clen- 1 Sovereign to Madison. Tipton tu Summersvl)Je. denin. Spangler* to Beverley. Toll Gate*t to Pennsboro. Queens Ridge* to Wayne. Spanlshbur11:* to Princeton. Tomahawk to Martln11bur1 Qulck*t to Charleston. Toney* to Logan. Quincy• to Charleston. Sparks to Summersville. Tophet* to Hinton. Qulnnlmont•tt to Thur- Sabra.ton*UtoMorgantown. Spaulding* to Williamson. Tornado• to St. Albans. mond. Sago*tt to Buckhannon. Spears to Hamlin. Toson to Barbouravllle. Saint Clara to West Union. Speedway to Princeton. Track Fork to Charleston.  Nolan•tt to Williamson. Pleasantrun to Parsons Normantown to Glenv11le. Plea:,;ant Valley* to Elm Grn,·c. North Mountaln•n to Martinsburg-. Pliny• to Winfield. Northriver Mills* to Rom- Plum Orchard to Ripley. ney. Pl us to Charleston. Northspring to Pineville. Pluto to Hinton. Nottingham to Durbin. Plymouth*tt to Wlntleld. Nuss to Littleton. Poca•t to Winfield. Nuttallburg* to 'Winona. Pocotaligo to Charleston. Nutter Fort to Clarksburg. Poe to Summersvllle. Nuttervllle to Lewlsbu1g Points* to nomney. Pond* to Madison. Pond Gap* to Monte:omery. Oakland• to Berke 1 e > Sprlng-s. Oakmont* to Kltzmlller. Md. Oakvale•n to Narrows, Va. Obrion to Clay. Oceana• to Plnevllle. Odd• to Beckley. Odell* to Clendenin. Odessa* to Clay. Ohley* to Charleston. Oka to Spencer. Okeeffe* to Wllllamson. Okonoko * t t to Cumberland, Md. Olcott* to 8t. Albans. Old Fields• to Moorefield. Olive to Clarksburg-. Olmstead*t to Welch. Olympia* to Elizabeth. Omar to Logan. Omp11 to Berkeley Springs. Ona•t to Milton. Onego• to Harman. Oney Gap to Princeton. Onoto• to Marlinton. Ope.11:Iska • n to Morgantown. Orange to Whitesville. Orchard to Ronceverte. Organ Cave* to Ronceverte. Orlando*tt to Burnsville. Orleans Cross Roads• to Berkeley Sprlng-s. Orma to Spencer. Orndorff* to Webster Springs. Orton to Glenville. 01bornea Mills* to Olen denln. 01ceola* to Horton. Osle to Clay. Otsego to Mullens. Ottawa to Madison. Otto to Spencer. Oxford• to Pennsboro. Oxley to Beckley.  I  WEST VIRGINIA  Robertsbur11: to Wlnfleld. Robinette to Lo11:an. Robson• to Fayetteville. Rock•t to Matoaka. Hockbottom to Danville. Rock Camp tl.l Union. , Rockcastle• to Rlolev. Rock Cave• to Buckho.nnon. Rockford to Lost Creek. ,  Sheridan to Hamltn. Sherman• t to Ravenswood . Sherrard• to Benwood. Sherwood to West Union. Shiloh to Sistersville. Shirley• to West Union. Shively to Logan. Shoats• to Ceredo. Shock to Ga~saway. Short Creek• to Wellsburg.  V  I  ~1!i;;ir~ t?t~~Tr:r:~~-  ~g::~1~1!;t  w w w w w w w w w w w w w w  ~::~~;rf; ;:~J:~~~s. Ij sglfi~~ !fi11£~ ~iddleport. ~~!t~etio6.~"}~f~;.me. . Salisbury to Sutton. Ohio. Trent to Pineville. altpeter* to Louisa, Ky. S pottswood !o Logan. Triadelphia• to Wheellntr Salt Rock* to Barbouraville. i ~~~~~i*lotoJt~f~~lc;n. ~~}~1~:t t~ s~~~~rr. Salt Sulphur Springs• to Spring Creek*t to Renick. Trout• to Renick. 0  ::~i~i\~o cfiiean~T1~~.. Packs Ferry• to Hinton. Radnort to Wayne. Packsville to Wbitesville. Union. Paden Ctty*t to Slstersvtuo. Ragland to Williamson. Ralelgh•tt to Beckley. • Sand Creekt to Hamlin. Page•tt to Mont11:omery. Ramage*t to Madison. Pageton•t to Anawalt. Sand Fork• to Glenville. Ramp* to Hinton. Paintsville• to Pax. Sand Hill to Elm Grove. Palermo• to HamUn. Ramsey* to Ansted. Handlick* to Bluefield. Rand to Clendenin. Palestlne•t to Elizabet.ti. Sand Run to Buckhannon. Palmer*tt to Sutton. Ranger*U to Hamlin. Sandstonet to Hinton. I Rangoon to Philippi. Pancoast to Clay. Sandyvflle•t to RavensRanson to Charlestown. wood. Raven Rock•t to St. Marya. Sanger• to Thurmond. Pansy* to Petersburg. , Havens Eye* to \\iinona. Panther•t to Welch. Sanoma• to E1lzabeth. • Rawl*t to Williamson. Paradise- to Wlntleld. Raymond Clty•tt to Wln- Sarah to Barboursville. Para11:on to Charleston. Patterson Creek*H to Cumfield. Sarctls to Clarksburg. 1 Sarton to Greenville. Raywood to }.Iarlinton. berland. Ma. J Paw Paw*tt to Oumber- Reader•t to New Martins- I Sattes*H to St. Albans. lancl, Md. 1 1 Re~ t~~- to Hamlin. ttg f1~1t;~:~urg. Paxton to Clay. Red Creek• to Hendricks. 1 PaynesvHle* to Berwind. Red House*lt to Winfield. Savage to Piedmont. Peach Creek to Logan. Red Jacket• to Williamson. Saxman* to R_lchwood. Pear• to Beckley. Pecks Mlllt to Logan. Red Knob* to Spencer. Saxon• to Beckley. Sca.rbro•t to Oak Hill. Pecks Run to Buekhannon Red Springs to Hlnton. Redstar*f to Glen Jean. Pedro to Union. Scary•t to St. Albans. Red Su phursprlngs• to Schell*tt to Kitzmiller, Md Peewee to Reedy. Narrows, Va. Scherr to Gormania.. Pemberton*t to Beckley. Redwln~ to Hamlin. Schoolhouse*t to RavensPence Sorlngs*t t to Hinton. Reeses Mill* to Keyser. wood. Penrith to New Cumber- Removal* to Sutton. Renicks Valley to Renick. Hcottdale* to Fairmont. land. Replete to utton Scott Denot• to Wlnflelc1. Pentacret to Charleston. Revel• to Glenvuie. .'ccoma to :Meadow Crc k Pentress to Morgantown. Revere to Grantsville. Secondcreek to Ronceverte. Peora to Shinnston. Heynoldsvme•t to Clarks- Sedalia to Salem. Pepper to Philippi. Perkins to GlenvUle. burg. Se dela)enrtt?ttRot<n>1 1n1e1.Y1:,_ boro. Rhodell to Beckley. ~ II., 0 ~:~n~r~f~~uu~m;7i!vme. Rlcbard•t to Morgantown. Selbyvme• to Duokhannon Richardson* to Grantsvtlle. Selwyn to Kermit. Peru• to Moorefield. Richlands* to Lewisburg. Seng* to Madison. Petroleum•tt to Cairo. Pettry to Athens. Rldersville to Berkeley .Servla* to Gassaway. Peytona •t to Madison. Springs. " eth~:;: to 'Whitesville. I Phlloah to Wlnfteld. · Ridge to Berkeley Sprlnga. Sevenplnes to Mannington. Pickaway• to Union. Rldireway*t to Winchester, evy to Rainelle. Va. Sewell•t to Thurmond. Plckens•u to Buckhannon. Riffle to Gassaway. Shady Spring* to Beckley. Pierce to Thomas. Riley* to Beckley. Shanghai• to Martinsburg. I Pigeon to Clendenin. M 11 t Shanks* to Romney. Pike• to Harrisville. Shannon to Whee1Ln11:. Pinchton• to Charleston. I I:Uii1e~~1tt ro ~Voa.~iace. Rlo* to Romney. , Pine Bluff to Shinnston. Rlppon•tt to Charlestown. Sharon•t (Kanawha Co.) to Pineknob to White,,n-ille. Riverside* to Montgomery. Charleston. Piney• to Pine Grove. Riverton• to Harman. Sharples* to Mad)son. Pipestem* to Athens. Riverview to Ch<1.rleston. Shaversvlllef to Sutton. ' Pisgah• to Morirantown. to Kitzmiller, "'1d Pitbranch to Lo11:an. j Rlvesvllle• to Fairmont. I Sbaw•tt Shenandoah Junctlon•tt to Pittman* to Fayetteville. Roach to Barboursville. _ _ Pleuant Dale* to Romn~~• Roanoke•t to West...;o_n_.___ Charle 9t o_:wn. • .Money Order Office. ACounty Seat. REFERENCE KEY.  I  I  I  I  ~!~~!~tlf!  Spring Date•t to Alaerson. Troy• to We1Ston. Sprlngtleld•t to Romney. True* to Hinton. Turtle Creek* to Madison. Spring Hill*tt to Charles- , Twin Branch•t to Welch. ton. Twistville to Gassaway. Sorlngton•t to Matoaka. Tnconnell to Grarton. Spruce• to Marlinton. Spurlockville* to Ha~lln. Squire Jim to llerw1nd. Stanatorct•t to Beckley. Standard! to Montgomery. Umngton 4 to MOfl!:ADtOWD Star Clty*t to _Morgantown. Uler to Clay. Stark to :\1ad1son. I Uneeda• to Madison. Statler Run to Morg-an- , Uneva to Mofl!:a.ntown. Ungers Store• to Berkeley ltown. Statts Mllls to Ripley. Springs. Unle* to Littleton. Steer creek to Glenvllle. Unionridge to Huntingt.on, Stephenson's Depot to l Untontown• to Littleton. Shepherdstown .. Uno to Pineville. Storling*t to Madison. Onus• to Renick. Upperglade* to Cowen. Stewartstown to Polnt Upper Potomac to KitsJarlon, Pa. I miller, Md. Stiltner to Wayne. Upper Tract*to Franklln. ~tlnson* to Gassaway. Orland to .:\1a.tewan. Stolllnsts to Logan, Stone Br~ncht to Logan. StoneclltJ • t to Thurmond. Stonecoal to Loul.ia. Ky. Stonewall* t.o Beckley. Vadls• to Weston. Stony Bottom• to Marlin- Vago to Lewisburg. ton. • Yale to Rainelle. Stop to Burnsvllle. Valley Bend• to Beverly. Valleytork* to Clay. Stotesbury•t to Beckley. Valley Furnace to Philippi. Stotlers Cross Roads., to Valley Grove•to West Ale.J• Berkeley Springs. ander, Pa. st0 uts Mills to Burnsville. Valley Heact• to Beverly. Stover to Beckley. Valley Hehzhts•to AldeT8on, Slowe to Logan. Valley Point• to Brucetoll Strange Creek*H to Gal88.Mills. way. Van* to Madison. Streeter to Hinton. Van Clevesvlllel to Ma.rStumptown• to Glenville. tlnsburg. Vandalia to ,veston. Sturglsson•tt to Moriran- Va tta•tt G ley Brldi' town. Va~~oys Milla:o Philippi. Sue• to Renick. Vanvoorhis* to Morgan· Su11:ar Grove• to Franklin. town. Sugar Valley to St. Mary1 Vaughan• t to Gau I e'Y Sulllvan*t to Beckley · Bridge. Sulphur to Piedmont.· Vegan to Buckhannon. Summerco to GriffithRville Verner to Logan. Summerlee• to Glen Jean. · Vernon to Hutton. Summit Polnt•Uto Charles- Viacovia. to Beckley. town VlcaTB• to Spencer.  t Telegraph Station.  i Express O!tlce.  wm b  Will Wm  WU!  ww \V  WU! wu,  Wui Wlls  Wus  bu  WUa  Wtn,  ;~  W'In1  01  W'iru  Wtse Witt Wou Wou Wolf bu Woo, Woo1  ~  WEST VIRGINIA  Woodruff* to Cameron. Woods*t to Winfield. Woodsdale to Wheeling. Woodville to Grltnthsvllle. Woosley* to PinevUle. Worth• to Keystone. Wrlght•t to Beckley. Wriston* to Fayetteville. Wyatt to Shinnston. Wyco to Mullens. Wymer* to Harman. Wyndal*tto Gauley Bridge. Wyomlnr,r City to Welch.  Wadesville to Parkersburg. Wairgy to Sutton. Wainville*t to Cowen. Waltevllle*t to Union. Wake Forest•t to Charleston. Waldeck* to Burnsville. Waldo* to Winfield. Walker•tt to Parkersbu~. Walkersvllle•tt to Weston. Wallback* to Clay. Walnut to Grantsville. Walnut Grove* to Spencer. Wana* to Wadestown. Wanego to Clay. Wapoocomo*t to Romney.  Yantus to Losran.  Washington •t to Parkersburg. Waterloo to Point Pleasant. Watson*t to Fairmont. Waverly•U to Marietta, 0. Wayslde•to Greenvllle. ::tb'!rt:t i~uYs~~g~n. Webster•t to Gratton. Weir• to Clendenin. Weutord*to Clendenin. Wendel* to Flemington. Wesley to Parkersburg. West• to New Martinsville. West Columbla*lt0Mlddl&1>ort, Ohio.  Westerly to Montgomery. West Hamlln*ttto Hamlin. West Liberty• to Wbeellnir. W. Milford* to Lost Creek. Wevaco• to Charleston. Wewanta to Hamlin Wbarncllae• t to WIIUamson. Wheat to Pine Grove. Wheatlandt to Charlestown. Wheeler to Webster Sprinirs Wblt,ple• to Oak Hill. Whirlwind* to Logan. White Pine* to Grantsville. Whites Creek* to Kenova. Whitmer•t to Harman. Wick• to Sistersville. WWlckham to Beckley. icklow• to Thurmond. Widen• to Clay. WWlgitns* to Hinton. lkel • to Union. WWU~ur* to West Union. llcoe• U to Gary. Wildcat ... to BumsvUle. !Udlng-• to Ravenswood. ... neyvme• to New Martinsville. Wilkinson to Logan. Wllllamsport • burir.  II  r·  to  Yates to Milton. Yawkev* to Grlffithsvllle. Yellow Spring*to Winchester, Va. Yokum to Buckhannon. Y olyn* to Logan. Young to Ripley. Yukon* to Berwlnd. Zada* to Beckley. Zela* to Summersvllle. Zenith* to Union. Zona* to Spencer.  WISCONSIN  Ackerville*t to Schleisingerville. Ada to Kiel. Adamsville to Cochrane. Addison to Allenton. Adkins to Crandon. Advance to Cecll. Atton•H to Janesville. Agenda to Butternut. Alaska to Kewaunee. Albertvllle*t to Col!ax. Albion • to Ed11;erton. Alden to Star Prairie. Alderl:v to Oconomowoc. Allen Grove•tt to Darien. Allenville• to Oshkosh. AllouezH to Superior. Alols* to Milwaukee. Alpha. to Grantsburg. Alto to Waupun. Al vernot to Manitowoc. Alvin* to Crandon. Amber to Withee. Amberg•U to Wausaukee. Amnicon Falls! to uperior. Amos to Cambridge. Amy to Elk Mound, Angellca • to Pulaski. Angelo to Sparta. Angus* to Birchwood. Anson to Chippewa Falls. Anston to Green Bay. Apple Creek to Appleton.  tri~~on-#r:a~<! N~~e- Rhinelander. Arkansaw• to Durand. Arkdale*H to Friendship. Arland to Clayton. Arnwnia to " ecedah. Armstrong to Campbellsport. Armstrong Creek• tl to Crandon. Arnold* to Holcombe. Artbur to Rewey. Ashtord to Campbellsport . Ashton to Middleton Athelstane• to Wausaukee. Atlas to Luck.  Peters- Attica* to Albany.  Atwater•t to Waupun . . Atwoodt to Owen. Aurorahvllle• to Berlin. Avalanche to Viroqua. WilliE Branch to Pax. Wlllow• to St. Marys. Avalon• u to J anesv1lle. Avon t-o Brodhead. ~lllow Bend* to Union. WUiow Grove*tto Ravens- Aztalan to LakemHls. wood. 11owton• to Narrows, Va. Babcock• t l to Plttsvllle. wJls to Charleston. Baer to Richfield. 0 Baileys Harbor* to Stur t~a~:imanla. WUsonbu~•ti to ClarksB~i/~ureafo Mari-hfleld. burg. ;nlnso:ndaie•tttoLoulsa, Ky Banner to St. Cloud. Barker to Borceville. Wlndmg Gul~t to Deckley Rarkpolnt to Bayfleld. W dy• to Ellzabeth. treaet to Charleston. Barksdale*t to Washburn. n1treae Junctlont to Barnes* to Iron River. O barleaton. Barnum• to Gays Mills. Winslow io Barboursville. Barre Mills to We ·t S~lem Bartel Station to Thiens-  :11 wu:~~ } wf  WISCONSIN  ---~--~-  Victor• to Ansted. Vtenna•tt to Parkersburir. Vllla*to Charleston. Vinton to Summersville. Vlola*to Elm Grovt-. Virginville* to Follansbee. Vlropa•t to Shinnston. Vista to Beckley. Vlv1an•ti to Welch. Volga•t to Phlllppl. VUlcan•t to WJU1amson.  Wara• to Montgomery. Warden•to Beckley. War Eagle•tto WUUamson. Warfield to Clay. Wartord*to Hinton. Warwick• to Marlinton. Washburn• to Harrisville.  1.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  I City Cicero to Seymour. Polnt•tl to  Beaver*H to Pound. Beechwood to Kewaskum. Beetown• to Bloomington. Beldenvme•tt to Ell11wortb Bell Center• to Gay Mills. Belle Plalne•x to Shawano. Bellevuet to Green Bay. 1 Bellinger.t to Thorp. Bellwood to Superior. Bennett*tt to Superior. llenolt* to Mason. Beriren to Clinton.  Grand Rapids. Clam Falls• to Frederic. Clarks Mills to Manit,owoc I Clarno•t to Monroe. Clay* to Merrlllan. Clay Banks to Sturgeon Bay. Clayton to Soldiers Grove. Clearwater Lake* to Eagle River. Clemansv1lle to Oshkosh. Cllfford•t to Prentice. Clifton to Hustler.  I  Bethel• to Marshfield. Bevent• to Eland. Bibontt to Ma on. Big Flats* to Friendship. 1 Clinton Junotlontt to ClinBlg Spring to Kilbourn. ton. Binghamton to BlackC'reek. 1 Clomo to Crandon. Birch Island* to Danbury I Clyde* to Avoca. Blackwell* to Walleno. Oobban* to Cornell. Blaine to Almond. Ooddingtont to Bancroft. Blenker• to Auburndale. Colburn to Boyd. Blodgett to Waukesha. Colgate•tt to Menomonee Bloom City to Richland Falls. Center. Columbia• to Nelllsvllle. Bloornfleld to Lake Geneva Bloomingdale to Westby. Combined Locks• H to Kaukauna. Bloomvllle* to Merrill. Blueberry*! to Iron RiveF. Commonwealth• t t to Flor• ence. Boardman•tt to New RichComo to Lake Geneva. mond. Concord to Oconomowoc. Boaz• to Richland Center. Connersvllle to Downing. Conover• t t to Eagle River Bolt to Kewaunee. Boltonvllle to Kewaskum. Coomer to Siren. Cooperstown to Maribel. Borea. to Superior. Corlnth*t to Athens . Borth to Omro. Cornucopia• to Bayfield Boulder Junction• to Cranberry Center to NeceMinocqua. dah. Bowers to Elkhorn. Crane to Ladysmith. Brackett to Fall Creek. Cranmoor•to Grand Rapids. Bradley•t to Tomahawk. Cream• to Alma. Branch• to Manitowoc. Custer• t to Amherst June> Branstad to Grantsbu~. tion. Brant to Chilton. Brantwooct•tt to Prentice. Outler• to Necedah. B raslnirton to Malden Rock. Breed* to Suring. Brehm to Rib Lake. Dacada to Random Lake. Brlarton to Black Creek. Dahl to Baldwin. Dakota to Wautoma. Bridgeport•U to Prairie du Dancy•i to Mosinee. Chien. Danv1llet to Columbus. Brlgi,rsvtlle• to Porta11;e. Darboy to Appleton. Brighton to Burllnitton .. Dayton• to Bellevllle. British Hollow to Potosi. Deansville to Marshall. Brokaw*U to Wausau. Dedham•tt to Superior. BrooksH to Oxford. Deerbrook*t to Antiiro. Brookside to Abrams. Delal\eld • to Oconomowoc. Brothertown to Chilton. Dell to Cashton. Browndeert to N. Mihva.u- Delton• to Kilbourn. kee. Denoon to Waukesha. Brownmi• to Pardeeville. Denzer to Prairie du Sao. Brushville to Poy Sipp1. Deronda•tt to Amery. Brussels* to Forestville. Detroit Harbor• to SturBryant•t to Antigo. geon Bay. Buck Creek to Richland Devils Lake*U to Baraboo. Center. Dewey! to Superior. Buckman to Denmark. Dextervme•tt to Grand Bud to Viroqua. Rapids. Budsln to Neshkora. Diamond Blutr-U to Red Buena Vista to Arnott. Wing. Minn. Buiialo Cityt to Cochrane. Dickeysvtlle to Potosi. Bungert to Appleton. Dillman to Mllwauw:ee. Bunyan to Balsam Lake. Dllly• to lJ lllsboro. Burke to Sun Prairie. Disco• to Black River Falls. Burkhardt• r to Hudson. Divide to Hurley. Burr Oak• to Wellt Salem. Dobie to Rice Lake. Burton to J>otosi. noertn11:* to Merrill. Butlertt to Milwaukee. Donald*t to Gilman. Do.naldson..,to Eagle River. Butte dea Morts*to Winne- Dotyvllle to Fond du Lao. conne. Byrd!! Creek• to Rlue River. Dovert (Racine Co.) to Byron•n to Brownsville. Burlington. Drammen to Mondovi. Dra.per*tt to Winter. Calnvllle to Evansvllle. Calamine• ti to Darlington. Druecker* toPort Washingt-on. Caldwell to Mukwonairo. Drummond*tt to Ashland. Caledonill • t t to Racine. Drybone to Montfort. Calhoun• ttto Waukesha. Duck Creekt to Green Bay Calumetvllle to Stock- Dudley* to Merrill. bridge. Camp Lake•t to Silver Dueholm to Luck. Dunbar•tt to Iron MounLake. tain. Mich. Carlton to Kewaunee. Dunbarton*tt to Gratiot. Carnot to Forestvtlle. . to Kaukauna. Carrollvillett to South Mil- Dundas*t Dundee to Campbellsport waukee. Duplalnvllle*rtto Pewauka. Carter• to \,Vabeno. Cartwright to New Au- Durham to Milwaukee. Duvall to Luxembourg. burn. Dwightt to Wanderoos. Caryville't to Eau Claire. Dyckesvtlle to Luxembourg. Casimir to Stevens Point. Cassian• to Tomahawk. Castle Rock to Monttort. Ea11:le Corners to Muscoda. Cataract• to Sparta. Eagle Pointtt to Chippewa Cavour•tt to Crandon. Falls. Eagleton to Bloomer. Cavuga* to Glidden. Earl* to Trego.• to Hurley. ~ast Brlrol to Se: 1 Cedar Creek to Jackson. -£11s~o~iht~o Ells~~th Cedar I<·aus to Menomonie. ~::~!.1:~lniftob~!~~sceola  I  Elk Creek to Inaependence.  Elk Grove to Cuba. Ella to Durand.  Ellenborot to Lancaster. Ellls to Stevens Point. Ellison Bay• to SturgeoD Bay. Ellisville to Kewaunee. Elm Grove•tt to MUwaukee. Elmhurst•t: to Anttiro. P:lmot to Platteville. Elmore to Campbell!pon. Elo to Oshkosh. El Paso to Ellsworth. Elton• to Antigo. Emerald Grove to Jane. ville. Emerson* to Hurley. Emmerich to Merrill. Empire to Pontl Du Lac. Enterprtse*t to Pellc&11 Lake. Ephraim• to Sturgeon Ba,. Erb to Appleton. Erdman to Sheboy~an. Esdaile to Day Uity. E1oteat to We!ltby. Eureka• to Berlin. Eureka Center to St. Crob Falls. Excelsior• to Blue River. Fa:rr.1ay to East DubuQUt1 Pall City to MenoD'lonle. Falun• to Grantsburg. Fancher to Amherst Junc-tion. Farmersville to 1\Iayville. Farmhlll to Elmwood. Farmington to J ohn1011 Creek. Fayette to Darllnirton. Fillmore to Fredonia. Finley• to Grand Rapid.a Fish Creek• to SturgeoD Bay. Fisk•% to Oshkosh. Fltchburg*t to Basco. Flvemlle to Minon(t. Five Points to l{ichlano Center. Flintvllle to Green !jay. Folsom to Viroqua. Fontana• to Wlllworth. Fontenoy to Denm11rk. Forest to Emerald. Forks to Green Bay. Forward to Mount Horeb . Foxboro*tt to Superior. Fox H.iver*tt to Burlington Frank to Jackson. Franklin to F.lkhan. Frazer to Pulaski.  I  11::::  2095  Freistadt to Thiensville. Frenchville to Galesville. Fulton to Editerton. Fuasvllle to MenomonM Falls.  Gagen•tt to Rhinelander. Galloway*t to Rosholt. Gardner to 8turgeon Bar. Garnett to Chilton. Genesee•t t to Genesee Depot. 8:-'~ac~fa'?t: ~e~~~oaro.  I  ic:·  Germantown (Juneau Co.) to Mauston. Germantowntl(Washingt•n Co.) to So. Germantown. Glbbsvllle to Oostburg. Gile• to Hurley. Gtlllngham • to Richland Center. Gllls Landing to Waupaca. Gilisrock lVoor oo.) to Sturgeon Bay. Gilman (Pierce Co.) to Spring Valley. Glandon to Wausau. Glencoe to Arcadia. Glendale• to Rendall. Glenmore to Denmark. Glen Oaktt to Montello. Glooe to Neillsville. Goodrich* to Medford. Gordon•tt to West Suporlor. Gotham•t to Lone Rock. Graham to St. Cloud. Grandvlew•tt to Ashland. Gr~~~i_ Hall to .Malden Granite Heights• to Wa• Gr~:'1lle*t t to Menominee  ft1  Cedarville* to Wausaukee. ~:~tcl~i;~ lak~ s~~erior Gr!;~m to Clear Lake. W!seburc to Ravenswood. B a~~~~-H to Belleville. Centerville ('I'rempea.teau ~au Galle• to Durand. Greenbush* to Glenbeulah. Bassett*t to Sllver Lake. Withers to Glonville. co.) to Galesville. Edgewatert to Birchwood. Greenfield Mills to Baraboo Basswood to Muscoda. ;oltcreek* to Alderson. Centralia to Grana Rapids. Edson to Boyd. Batavia to Adell. olte* to Pocahontas. Va. Cbnmplon to Green Bay. Edwards to Cleveland. Gregory to Turtle Lake, Wolfs Summit*tt to Clarks- Bavaria to Antigo. Eu Harbor• to Sturireon Grellton to Watertown. bure; Bay Settlement to Green Charlesburg &o Chllton. Chase to Green Bay. Bay. Grimms•tt to Cato. Woodbine• to Ehlinger to Antigo. Gurneyt to Hurley. Woodlands to c~!~fn~i~~: Be~:\ralley to LoD:e Rock. Chelsea•rt to Aled!ord. Cherokee t_o_C_o_lb_f_._____I_~i_d_s_v_o_ld_t'--to_T_h_o_r..=p_._ _ _ _G_u_t_h_rl_e_t_o_W_au_lc_es_h_a_._ _ Beaumont to Burlrngton. ~lo. • .!oney Order Office. tTelegrsph Station. tExprese Office. REFERENCE KEY. ,county Seat. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2096  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  WISCONSIN  ~;~~~~~r; tor~/fctlJ~Us.  BW.~g. ~~~~:i to Red Bald~r to Mosinee. Bale to OSBeo. BalWI\Y to Med ord. Bamburg• to Marathon. Bamtlton•t to l-'onc1 du Lac .  :::m:!M~  rou~:ln1ey. Banover•u to Janesville. Harker Statton to Mineral Point  \Z:~~!~~-  l~~fJe t~o Barshaw* to Tomahawk ~e~~fia":i~Uey Bawthornl"•U to Lake Nebagamon. Hayes to Suring. Ba:vton•i to Chilton. Ba.zelhurst•tt to Minocqua Beafford to Tomahawk. Heart Pralrle to Whlte-  l!~~~fi :~  water.  Hebel to Green Bay. Hebron to Fort A tkln11on. Beelyton to Mllwaukee. 0  ft:f:n! J~~ar Oreek. Beller• to Merrill. Benryavtlle to Green Bay. Herbert to F.llswortb. Herbster to Port Wing. Berman to Hartford. Herold to Alma. Bersey•t:t to Wilson. Bertel• to Shell Lake. Betzel to Almooct . Bewltt•t to Mar<ihfleld . Blw;b Brldire• t t to Ashland . High Cllff*t to Sherwood. Hlka • to Cleveland. Hilda• to Shawano. BIies• to Crandon. Hines to ~'Uperlor. ' Hingham• to Adell. Hintz to Gillett. Bota Park to Seymour. Bolland to Kaukauna. BolmsvillE> t.:> Friendship. Holy Cross to Fredonia Homestead to Iron Mountain , Mich. Horns Corners to Howards Grove. Houltont to Stillwater, Minn. Hub City• to Richland Center. Hubertus• to Rlchfleld. Builsbur~ to Rubicon. BulJ to Stevens Point Buntlng•tt to Marton. Hurlbut to Boscobel. Buron to Stanley. Hurricane to Lane&l'lter. Bu11ber to RarlnP . Hyde to Barneveld.  lduna to Ga.lesvflle. Indian Ford to Edgerton. Inatltute to Sturgeon Bay. Interwalo • to Rtl> Lake. Irma•t t to Merr111. Iron Belt* l to H ur1ey. Iron Mountain to Iron , Ridge. j Ironton• to La Valle. Irvtnr to Black River Falla. lrvingtont to Menomonie Island Lake• to Weyern:S~~tirto Ruperlor. I Ithaca to Richland Center. Ives to Racine lvea Grove to Union Grove.  Jacksonport• to Sturgeon Bay. .Jefferson Junctlon•tt to Jefferson. J'effris to Rhinelander. Jennings• to H.hlu~landPr. ,Jenson to St. Croix Falls. lertr.ho to Chilton . lewett•t to New Richmond Joet•t t.o Turtle Lake. ,Jobn11burg to Fond du Lac. ,Jobnsonvllle to Plymouth. Johnstown (Rock Co.) to Janesville. ,Johnstown Center to Janesvllle. lonE>sdale• tt to Hollandale. lump Rlver•t to Stanley. Kadlee to Lena. Kaiser• to Park Falls. Kalish to Weyerhauser. Kand&SvUle• t:t to Burling-  ton.  Kasson to Brtlllon. Keene to Bancroft. Kekoskee to Mayvllle. Kelley Brook to Lena. Kellner to Grand l{aplds. Kellnersvllle• to Manitowoc Kelly to Ma: on. KeUy (Ma,atbon Co.) to Wausau .  0  Keowns to Jackson. Keishena• tu Shawano. Keyes~, to torr1:1onvlJle. Keystone to l:Hoomer. R leler to Duhu11ue, lowa I  ~i~g::1: i°art ~ Ia.  1  B'ubuque.  King, Rr!dge to Manitowoc. Ktrchhavn to Cedarbu.rr. Klevenvflle•ti to Cro111 Kl:~~m:e to Mllwl\Ukee. Knowlton•t to Mosinee. Knox Mills to Prt!ntlce. Koeoenlck to Antl1eo. Kohler to Fredonia. Kohler to Sheboy1<an. Kohl11vUle to A.Henton. Kolb to De Pere K"lherit to Forestville. l{onstnd• to Crivitz. Koro to Rerlln. Koshkonon1r i to Milton Junction. Krakow• to Green Valley. Kru..:h\·llle to Dt•ertlelc1. Krok to Kewaunee. Kuneah to Green Bay. Lao du Flambeau•tt tc Rhinelander Ladoga to Waupun. La Gr11.nre to Whitewater La.kett to Park Falls. Lake Beulah•tt to Mukwonairo.  LakeCburchto Cedar Grove Lake Vif'w to Cumberland. Lakt'wood•tt to Wabeno Lamartine to Oak0eld. Lamberton• to Rarlne. Lamont to Darllne:ton. Lam n11on • to Trego. Laney to Pula11kl. Lan11es t.o Denmark. Lan~lade* to Antigo. Lannon• tt to Menominet Falla, La Pointe• to Rayfield. Lark• ro Wayside. Larrahee to Manitowoc. Lauderc1a.le to J-':lkhom.  Manltowl11h•rt to Hurley Ma111e•t to Suoerlor. M~~~ ~r~~:ds~~fe~ttowoc Mapletonttto O<'onomowoc. • larblehead~ to Eden: March• to Stratrord Marcy to Menomonee Falla.  WISCONSIN  Camp-IPorcupine Poniatowski to Ea~a.r to Durand.  New Prosp..,et to bellsport. New R<>me• to Grand RapIda. Newt7 to Ca1hton. Newtoot: (, lanitowoc Co.) to Manitowoc. Newton (Vernon Co.) to Viroqua. Marek• to Iron Mountain, Newtonburg to Manitowoc. Nlcbolson tu Bear Creek. Mich. Marquette• to Markesan. 'lebull to Hancock. Niles to Chilton. MarshlandU to Winona. Nobleton• to Haugen . .Mlnn. Nora to Deerneld Marsh ville• to Theresa. Martell• to Ellsworth. Norm11n to Kewaunee. Ma.-tintown•:t to Monroe. Norrte• to Eland. Yarxv111«- to Mazomanie. Mather• tt io Tomah. North Andover• to Bloom\iayfleld to Jack on. ington . McAlllater•i to Marinette. North Bloomneld to Lake Geneva. McCartneyt:t to Caa.vUle. Nortb Brtatol to sun McCord•t to Tomahawk . Pra1rlf'. McNlluirhton• to Rhlne- North Cape• to Union lander. Grove. Meadow Vallev• to Tomah. I North Clayton to Soldiers Me,---.n to Montello. Grove . Medina• ti to Dale. Northfield* to Hixton. N . Grt>enfleldt to WestAllis. Meeban to Grand Rantds. North Huctaon to Hudson.. Mt-t"ker to Rlcb0eld. Meekers Grove to Ouba. North La Crosse to La Meeme to Cleveland. Crosse. Northland• to Iola. Meg~n to New Hohteln. North Leeds to Arlington. Melnick to Manitowoc. Nortoline to Hudson. Menchalvllle to Manitowoc. N. Menomonie to MeMendota• t t to Ma<11son. nomon ie. Meoel[aune,- to Ml\rtnette, Northport to New London. Menomonie Junction t to North York to Ashland Menomonie . Norton to Colfax. Mequont:t to Thlensvtlle. Norway Grove to De Forest. Mt-r.-er•tt to Hurley. Norw11y R1uire to Tomah. Metz to Weyauwega. Nowell to New London. Nutterville to Wausau. Middle Inlet•t to Wau- Nye•t:t to Dre&ler Junction ; 1aukee. Middle Ridge to Bangor. Mldway•tt to La Vroue. Oakdate•tt to Toml\h. lllfflln• to Rewey. Oak Grovet to Junt-au. ~ W!nt~•}i~ri:!~~~_wooci. Oakwooa•u to Souih MUwaukee. Milford to Lakemills. Odanah • t t to Ashland. MUlard to Elkhorn. Mill creek to Richland Cen- O'Day to l\.lerrill. Oiibwa• to RadL ·on. ter. Millersville to Sheboygan. Okaucbee•u to Oconomowoc Mill Home to Klei. Mila. Center to Green Bay Okee• to Lodi. 1 Oliver to Superior. Ul111ton•u to Black River Olivet to Sprlni Valley. Falh1. !.{lllvllle• to Bloominrton Orihula to Weyauwega. \flnl"r• to Necedah. O"born to Unity Y:inoesota Juncilon•tt tr Oslo to Manitowoc. Juneau. 01man to Cleveland. Misha Mokwa to Nelson. OtJen• to South Mllwaukee. Mitchell to Food du Lac. Otaego• to Rio. Mittenhoffer to Thorp. Oulu• to Iron River.  Port Arthur to L a<i ysmftb. Port Edward1• t l to Grand Rapids. Portland (Monroe Co.) • Cashton. Portland (Dodge Oo.J M Waterloo.  Postville to New Glarua. Powell (Iowa Co.)to Rewe7 Powers Lake• t o Genoa Junction. Poye:11.n to Omro . Pray•tt to N eUlsvme. Pre hlf' to Or~n Buy Pre!ltoo•t to Fennimore. Price to Falrchlld . Prospect tc Waukeaba. Pulcl!er• to Glllet.t. Quarry• to Manitowoc . Quincy• to Mauston. Racine Junctlontt to Racine. Ramona to Browntown. ltange to Amery. Raaiellne to Two Riven.  ~~~~ttf fo'\!>~~bsa.  Rapids to Manitowoc. Raymond to Racine. Readlleld • to Dale. Redcedar•tt to Durand. Red Clitl't to Ba.y6cld. Red Mound to De Soto. Red Spring to Oreebam. Reed to Ferrvvtlle. Reeve to Clayton. Reg-Ina to Wlttenberr. Rl"it to AlanJtowoe. Requa to Osseo.  ~~:~;!f i tro ~~~~- Lake. Retrt'at to De Soto. Rhine to Elkhan..  m~:a~~:o~• ~b~~yton. Richford to Co,oma. Richland Clty to Lone Rock. Richmond to Delevan.  Rlchwood•t to WaterLawrence (Marquette Oo.) town. to Westfield . Rlley•t to lilt. Horeb. Lawton to P:llswortb. R Di to Ollhkoah. Leadmlne• to l:lenton. Ringle• to Wausau. Lee to Black River Falla. Riplinl?er to Unity Le-t-<i'! to Morrt1mnvllle. Rising Sun to Ferryville. Leeman• to Shiocton. Riverside to Sbawano. Lehigb•t:t to Weyerhauser Robbins• to Rhinelander. Leland to North F'rel"dom Rochester• to Waterford. Lemineton to Exeland. Lemonweir (Juneau Co.1 '.\1 oeville to Ellsworth. Rockbridge• to Rlcblan• to \lau~ton. Mooches to North Lake. Center. Leola to Hancock. Monico• rt to Rhlnelauaer Padua• to Wabeno. Rockdale• to Cambrtdre. Leon•tt to Soarta, Rock Elm• to Elmwood. • 1 on roe Center to Necedah_·1 Pat mer to nald "'1ll. Monterey to Oconomowoc Paoli to Bellevllle. Rock Falla to Claire. Le Roy to Mayville. Montreal• to Hurley. Roekfleld•tt to South O• Le11te* to Belmont. Montrose to Belleville. mantown. Levi, to Oast"o. Moon to Mosmee. Paskin to Poskin . Leyden to ./ aneavtlle. Mooret to Hurley. Patzaui to Suoertor. Rockmount to Superior. Llbertv Pole to Viroqua Moouah•t to A<ihland. Pearaon•t to AotliO, Rockton• to La Farge. Morgan to Oconto Falla. I Peek to Mason. Lily• in A.nttiro. Rockville• (Grant Oo.) .. Lima Center• rt to White Morlev• to Antlvo. Peelllea• to Fond du LAO. Potosi. Morrison• to Wayllide. water. RO<'kwell to Maribel. Morse•i to Mellen. Pellran Laket to Crandon. Rockwood to Francis Oreell Lincoln to Ca11co. Pella• to Marton. Rod e ll to Augu r,a. Moal"l to Sheboyran. Pence• to Hurley Rodney to Be!'lln. ~.\\;~u8~;:ton. Moating• t t to Gllll"tt. Pennin~tou•t! to Prentice. Rogersville to Fond du La• Mountaln•tt to Suring. Llnoton to Walworth. Peo ■aukee••t to Oconto. 1ount lda • to Fennimore. Perida to Web~ter Llowooo to Racine. Rolling Prau1e•t to Little Ulack•t to Medford . Mount Morris to \'Vautoma Pt-rklnstown • t-0 Medford. Beaver Dam. Mount Tabor• to H lllsboro Perry to Mount Horeb. Root Creek to West AIU. trm~ri~:1:~ ~ollJiiiliiivra. Mount Vernon to Verona. Peru to Amherst Junotlon . Ro1ecranz to fanltowoc. Petersburi" i to Ga.vs .\fills. Ro11e Lawn• to Seymour. Rosewood to Racine. Ll1~;:aptd1•t to Wrtghts-1 Murryt to Ladysmith. Mu,kego• to Waukesna. Pbeaaant Branch to Middle- H.oslere to Casco . ton. LlttleSuamlco tttoAbrams Myra to West Bend. Ro!'ltok io Kewaunee. Pbelps to Eagle River. Lohrville• to Rea Granite Rothachlld•tt to Wauaau. Phlpp'! to Hayward. London•• t to Ueerneld. Pickerel• to Antl~o. Long Lake•tt to Laona. Rowleys Ba7 to Bt.urgec,9 Namur to Forestville. Plckett•t ,w1nnebago Co.) Longwood to Greenwood, Bay. Nashotah*t to tJartland. to Ripon. Roxbury to Sau CltY. Nashville• to Crandon. Lookout to Tn<lependence. Rozellvllle• to Marshlleld, 'asonville*t to M&rsh.tleld Pike Lake to Wittenberg. Loomis• to Crivitz. Rul>e to Manito oc. Naug-art• to \VauMu. Pll1en to LUXl"ml>ourg. Loraine to Curnhf'rland Huhy• to Cornoll. ·enno to Allt,nt.on. Pine lilutT to Mt, Hor~b. LoRt <.;n:ek to Ellsworth. Rughy Junctiontt to Rico· Neoplt• to,ham. Pine Grove (li1own Co.) to Lo11t Lake to Randolph. field. Neptune• to Richland Cen• Gref>D Uay Loul<1hure• to Cuha. Rural to Wau1>&C&. Pine Lake to Hurley. Louis Corners to Kiel. ter. Nero to Two Rivers. Lowell•tt to rleesevllle. J>iue Hlver <Lincoln Co.) to Rush Lake•tt to RJpon. Neuern to Luxembourg. Merrill. Loyd• to Cazenovia. Rusk•ri to Menomonee. Pine klver•(Wauabara Co.) Russel (Bayfield Co.) $0 Newald* to Rhinelander. Ludington to Cadott. to Redgranite. Baylleld . New Amsterdam to La Plpersvlllet to Watertown. Ru ell (Trempealeau Qo.l Lu~erville to Phillips. Lund to Stockholm. Crosse. Plttsneld to Pulaski. 1 Lund tation to Shawano. Newark to Orfordville. Plu1 to Plymouth. Newberg Corners to Bangor PlalnvilJe• to l{Ubo1ll'D. Lyktm to Centuria. New Herlln to Waukesha. Lync1hul"lt*t to Gresham. Plai to Waulteaba. Nt,w Ceotervlllc to Baldwin Lynnt to Granton. New Coelnt to MUwaukee. Plea ant Pralrte•tt to 1 Sabm to Richland Center. Kenosha . a~nle to Freedom. New Pane to Rew"8lnun. Pleasantville to Whitehall. Saini Anna to Kiel. New Hope to Amherst. Mackville to Aooleton. Plover• t t to Stevens f-010\. St. FranclB*tl to MIJNew Johannesburg to New Pt)ll\nd to Green l:3ay. :\I adge* to Shell Lake. waukee. Polar• to Ant11ro. Richmond. Magnolia to Evansville. Satnt Johna to HIJbert. Malone•t to Food du Lac. New Munster• to Burling- Potley• to Stanley. t . Joseph• to W t alelll Polonia• to Steven11 Point. Saint Kilian to Tberesa. _ ton. \fanchet1ter• to Markes11n .  tl~~ .  REFERENCE KEY.  Ri~ :1f::~~::  , County Seat.  • foney Order Office.  tTelegraph Station.  t ExpNB  Office.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  i  Barnt Lawrence 1.o Schiel&- Tayeheedah•to.l<'ooa du Lac T~ega.r1Ji·n to Kna.pp. lncervllle. Satnt Martins to Milwaukee. Tell t.o Alma. St.Mic-ha.Pis to Kewal'lkum. 1 Templeton•t to Waukeaha Saint Peter to Fond du Lac. ' 1 en.nyson to Potosi. Saint Wendel to Cleveland. I Tel!S Corners to Wauke11ha · Thiry D&ems to Lu.i.emSalem to Burlington. bour&'. 8aluna to Stur.-eon Ba:,. Thomp,ion to Hartford. Salter to Cedarburc. Thompi1<,nvllle to Haclne. Sam11sou to Abrams. Thornt,1n to Shawano. Tthl,ets to Elkhorn. 8andlake to Dreaer .June- Tlclh&"an to Waterford. Tlr.any• to Clinton . tion Tllden to Chippewa Falll. Sandusky• to Llmertdge. 8ara.t111{u• to Grand Ra.pids. 'I'illooa• to Marion . Timberland to ('umberland 8a.1.evll1e• to Wild Rose. Timme to Coleman. Sa:,n"r•tl to Minocqua. &-11.rboro to Luxembourg. Timothy• to Ml'nltowoo. TloH• to 1-'alrclllld. Bchlllt-r to New .Franken. Tipler to Wahtino. Schleswig to Klei. Token to Suu Prairie. 8cbolleid"U to Wat11au. 8 Tom ah aw k Lake•U to ~boo! HUI to Kiel. 1 1 Black Rtver To~~~~~ ~~·xemt>ourr. Se~~t~~~,ft~! Torun to Stevens Point. Falls. Towervllle to Gaye Milla. Seeley to Hayward. 8evastoool to SturgeonBay. Townsend• to 8urlnJ..  I  I  ~o  Se:rtonvute• to Richland Center 8e7imour Corners to Dar.., lngton. "'uamrock to Black River Falls. Shaw to EleTa.  !hhennlngton•t♦ to Tom11h. : epley• to Wittenburg.  .,herMan•ri to Waupaca. 8 berry•tt to Auburndale.  Bhtrlt>y to Denmark. S h:>plere•t to Clinton. 8 hortvllJe to NeUlsvllle. Shoto to Manitowoc. S hull to Mellen. Slgel to La. Crosse. 8lllca to f'ont1 du Lao. Sllver Creek to Random Lake. Bllverlake (Waabburn Co.) to Trego. 81iitcr Ba:,•to Sturceon Bay Blades Corners• to Burling-  m!~~n  .,.  WIicox to Nelllsvllle. Wildwood to Woodville. WU1ar<1•t to Greenwood. , Wllllams Bay• U to Lake Geneva.  ;R!~~ ~i~!; i'o cir':~t'.;;~~g  . reel!  La•  I  I  I  to Kewaunee. Sob1es11:1•tt to At>rams. Somer!!• tt to Kenosbs. trnmervillc to MUwaukee. !)erton•u to Wabena. ~- Byron*tt to Brownsvllle. • ka~~~k,.,una•t ~ Kau- Valley• to La FllTge. Valley Junctlon•tt to T~ mah. Boutb Osborne to ~eymour. South Range•ttto Superior. Valmy to 8turgeon Bay. Vlllton• to Wonewoc. l!lperheck to Black River Van Hu~klrk* to Hurley. Falls. V1\Dce to Prairie Farm. Veerlum• to Pittsville. l!lplrtt• to Prentice. 81>l rtt Falls• to Tomahawk. \'eefkindl to Marshfield. 8 Dllt Rock• t to Tigerton. Velp to Green Bay. S 1 Victory• t1 to Viroqua. Pokevlllet to Loval. SPrallUf' to N ecedan. Vlgnes to Sturgeon Bay. Viking to Balr1wln. S1>rlnll:"blu1T to WestOeld. l!lprlngftelct • t t to Lake Gen- Vilas to Madison. Volaia to Amery.  l!lp~:'u~etake*toRed Granite Wagner•t: to Marinette. Waldwick to Mlnrral Potnt ~nnir Pralrte• to P!lkhorn Walha'n to Luxernhourg Walrath to Glen Flora. gPrtngvllle to Viroqua. Walsh*Tl to Marinette. to Waupaca. 8 Prtnirwater Was!'ott•t to Spooner. Drure to Lena. Washlnitton Harhor• to :taarlt• to Stratford . Bay tanberryt to Hayward. Waubeka to Fredonia. l!ltl\n,11\rt to Dodgevtlle. ltangelvllle• to Kewaunee \'\,'a111·ou11ta to Campbell• port. New Rlchmonrl 8 tat11.rnktonttto Waukau•t to Omro. s to Rhinelander. S t.arlake • t t to Minocqua. Waverly to Ellsworth. Wayne 1\\'11.'ltilnicton Co.) to Kewa11k11rn Star Valley to Soldiers Orove. Weblake• to Danbury. ~ttaw, Linet to Eagle River. Wein to f':c1gar. Wt>irKor to l ::0<11la.nd. at.esan* to Wales. Well, to Collins. ~te1t11ha.1 to K:el. tte1itiensvllle to Hortonvtlle Wentwortb•i to Superior. ettln to Marathon. Wequlot-11 to t;r,.l"n Bl\y. Werl<>y• to reuulmorc. ~iiiwart to Blanchardville. W. Dloomlield* to Wey. es•t to AbraIUB. auwei.:a. S8 l.tlt:s ,lunctiontl to AbramF s~tkton t lto Stevens Point West Ol'nmark to Luck. w. Eau <.Jiu.ire tt.1 Eau St O os to Sturgeon Bay. 1 oneha.nk to North Lake. S tr~der Union to 0orllss. w~ to Augusta. ~~rH•kland to Weyerhauser. w Gr,~n\·ille to Milwaukee S rong!< Prairie• to NCC'edah West Lima• to La l-'ar11e. We.1ton•t 'Dunn Co.J t<i Bush •t to New LonMenomonie ~urnmft Lllke*'tto Antliro W Plu.inthild to Plainfield. Westµort to Musco<la. ~nincr to Edire1 ton weat Prall II"• to o~ Soto ,I unction to w. H.o,,,·ndall' to l{ost•ndale Swfs,,;• to Mar1eville, Minn West swetl .. n w l"ret'1erlc s11,·er Lake Whe11tl!rn<1•:to V101a. to S~tvan• WblLcomb•: to Tl~l'rton. S} I Vllnia to CorlLss. 8 Ymco to Manawa. White Cret'k to Mauston. White Fl11bBay•q1Mllwau kce Co.) to Mllweu1'ee. 1  8  Jd, fob·  n. $G  Oo,I  ;\cme• to Sheridan. Inez to Douglas. Ala.cldin•t to Bellefourcbe. 11 lsbawooa• Lo c..;ody. S. D. Albany•t to Laramie. Albin• to Pinebluff. .\lrova* to Ca-cner. Je!m• to Laramie. Algertt to Sheridan. Alva• to BellPfo11r,·he, S. D. Jlreh*l to Manville. Apostol to Newcastle. Kelly to Jackson Arapahoe•ti to Lander. Klrhy*tt to Thermopolis. Archert to Chtiyenne. Kirwin* to Red Lodge, Arcola to Ohe:venne. Mont. Casper. Armlnto to Kool* to Sheridan. Atlantic City• to Lander. Auburn• to Afton. La Barge* to Kt>mmerer. Ba.clwater to Casper. Labonte• to Dougla<;. t:sanner• to Sheridan. Lan e <'reek to Lu,;k, Harn11m• to HU~SllO. Leiter to Clearmont. Bedford• to Arton. Lenore to Dubois. lleulab • to Spt:>arllsh. S. D. Leo to Hanna. Big Horn• to Sheridan. Lwnkol to ltock Springs. Lonetree* to Lyman Bittercreek*tt to Rock Lost Cabin• to Sho11honl. Sprin~s. Lucerne to Tbermopolls. Blaclt Buttes*tt to Rock Luthert to Burns. Spr1nn. Lysitet to Shoshoni. Bonanza• to Man<lerson. Hondurant• to fi.cmmner Boonevilletl to Shoi;honl. Mammoth Hot ~prlngst to Hordf"aux• to Whf"utlauct. Ltv1mritton. Mont. Border• to Cokeville. Marhleton• to h'.ernmerer. M1Lvoworth• to liurta.10. l3o~ter*tf to Laramie. Mav,cturf to {; il! .. tte. Boulder• to Pinedale. Merino to l.Jpto11 Hronx• to Kemmerer. Midwe,;t to Tbermopolls. Buckhorn• to Sundance. M Ill brook to La.raullb. Hutord*t l to Cbt'YtlllUe M0narch • to Sh•,rl<.lan. Burl(e to Van T1Lssell. to Shoshoni. Mo.neta•tt Burntfork• to Green River. Uyron • to Garland.  t~;.~-  u~;~  .f.~;~~-  Oambria*tt to Newcastle. Camp Stool• to Chf":venne. ..:areybur~t•T: to <llenrock Carlile• to Moorecrort. CarneyvU1e• to Sheridan.  Nether• to Worland. New Haven to Hulett. Node• to Lusk . No Wood• to Worland.  Carter•tt to Lyman. 0ai;sa to Guernsey. Centennlal"l•to Laramie. Charger to Clearmont. Cha.tbam to Tnermopolls  Oakley• to Kemmerer. Oi:,11.J•tt to Kemmerer. Orin• to Oouirl11'I Orpha* to Douglas. OtlO • to Ba.sin.  0  r.  faeire11vtlfe to Wauaau. Tarran, to Durand. Tau,, to ,\ fanJtowoo nver.,• tn l\lur F<l.ver.  WhlteJaw•t to Manitowoc. White Mound• to Plain. Whlttlesey•t to ~iedfor.J. Wll'kware to t'he•ek  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2097  flolnt or Rocits•u ro Rook Springs Powder River•tt to Casper. Ralston* to Powell. lted Buttes to Laramie. Relia.n<'e* to Rock Springs. l{iverside to Enl·ampmeot. Rohert::,on• to 1-:,a.nsto.n. Rocky t->olnt• to ~oorcrott. Rosti• to Dou1tlas. Rozet• to Moorcroft. Saire*Tt to KemmP.rer.  Salt Creek to Casper. ~11v1\l.(f"ton to Gillette. Savery• to Dixon.  Shell• to Basin. 1 to Lander t~n:c South Pa11s City• to Lander · Split Rock• to Rawlins, S11r1ni HIii to Oougtu.s. 8tewa.rt to Torrington. Story• to Sberltl11n . Stroner to M oorcrort. 9uhteL to Kemm,.rer. Sunrise• t to Gu!'rnse:y. Sussex• to B utrato.  g~~~  Af?~':i.  0  l!lp~~~eld Corners to Wau-  re.  o..  Oaniet• to Pinedale. Deep t.Jreek to Sbosbonl. Do Maris to Meeteetse. Dia.mood* to Chugwater.  Dlamonrlvme•u to Kemmerer. Willow Springs to DarlingOlr.kle to Worland. ton . Diet,• tt to Sbenuan. Wllt11•t to Iron River Dwyer to Guernsey. Wilmot• to Silver Lake. W1ncbeater• , VUl!.8 Co.) to P.den• to Rock Sprlnp. Ironwood, Mlch. Eg1>ert•U to Burns. Wtnrbflliter {Winne bag t Elk• to .Ja.1·kson . Co ., to \.Vlnner.onne Elk Ba1iin to Powell. Wind Lake to Waterford. Elkborn to Lander. 171k Mountain• to Hanna. Wfneicar• io lronwood. Elko!• to Kemmerer. Mich. Wtnnebago•t to Oshkosh. Elmo to Hanna. Ernbar• to Tbe1mopol11. Wiota to Woorlford. Wlaconsln Vete1ana Home• Emblem to Greybull. to Waupaca. E1terbrook• to Douglas. Etna to Afton. Wltwen to Prairie du Sac Wolfcreek•to St.Croix Falls Fairview* to Afton. \\' ood to Wonewoc. Rhineto Federal to Cheyenne. Woodboro% Flattop* to Man ville. lander. Wooddale to Birchwood. Fort Bridger• to Evanston 0 Woodhull to Fond <tu Lac Fort Fred Steele" to Raw llns. Wood Lake to UranuhurT Tramway to Knapp. Trenton to Red Wing. Woodstock• to Richland Fort W11ah11.klc• to Lander ('«-nt('r F'o88ll tl to H.emmerer 1 Minn. Four Corners to "'1 ewca.stle. Woodville•tt to Hilbert. Tre\,or•rt to Antioch. Foxpark•l to Laramie. I Woodworth• t% to Hrtsiol. f'rellerlck Trlppvllle to Kenllall. to Guernsey. Trout! to Minocqua Worcestert to Prentice. Bagley to Wya.luslug•tt to Kemmerer. Frontler•t Troy to East Troy. Iowa. Troy Center•H to E. Troy Wyevillett to Tomah. Garland•tt to Powell. Tru«"sdellt to Kenosha. Wyoml.nai to ::lprwg Green Ue110 to Thennopolls. Truman to Belmont. Glencoe• to Kemmerer. Tunnt:l City•• t to Tomah. Gramm to Walden, Colo. Tu■ t1n to Wcy, Grane:er-tl to G1een Rl"f'r Twelve Corners to Appl& York to Whitehall. Yorkville to Union Grove. ton. Granite Canon*tt to Cheyenne. Twin Blutra•t to Rlcbland Grnver• to Arton. C"nter Gun.n* to Rock Springs. j Zander to Two Rivers. Twin Grove to Monro!". Twin Lakes•u to Genoa Z•nonl to Secedah. Zenda•tt to Htibron. Ill. Junction. j Zleirh,r to MAratbon. Halfway to Big Piney. Zion to Osbkosb. Hamp,htre to Newcastle. Ubet to Dresser Junction. Zlttau to Neenah. Hartville" to Guernsey. Underhfll" to Cecil. Hilt Cri>Pk* to Lu,ik Onion to ~vansvUle. llermosatt to Laramie. Uruon Ccnter•tt to WoneHime&* to Greyllull. Horije Creek•tt to Cheyu:g~-Church to Waterford enne. Upson•tt to Hurley. WYOMING Horton• to Newcal'tle Urne to Nelson. Hyattvllle• to Manderson. Utica to Stoughton.  I  e.  WYOMING, ALBERTA  • County Seat.  Clark• to Red Lod~e. Mont. Parkerton to Casper. Colony• to Bellefourcbe. l'ukrnao•tt to St:erldan. S . D. Pavillion• to Riverton. Cora• to Pinedale. Crosbv• tn Tbermooolla. Peckvllle to Iluffalo. Cumber1and•tt ,o Kem- Piedmont• to l':van!lton. merl"r Pilot to ltlvPrt,on • Money Order Office.  t Telegraph Station.  Tbr~r:r Junctlon•t to ~ Thayne• to Afton. Tie Slitlnic• to Laramie. Ucross to Clearmont. Ulm•tt to Clearmont. Uva• to Wheauand. Valley to Cocty. Viola• to Kemmerer.  WalC'ott•t: to Rawlins.  ~~!~t,'~~t~:;t ,tr f:!'~!~11na  Wendover•tt to Wheatland Wilson• to Ja.ekison. Wind River• to Lander. Wolf* to Ranchester. Yellowstone Park•t (Yellowstone National Park) to Livingst.on . Mont. Youngwoman• to Lusk.  ALBERTA  Abee to Edmonton. Abilene to St. .Paul de Metia Aerial• to Bassano. Aetna to CaldNton . Alberta. Bea.cllt to 81;, Alhert. Albambrat to Red Deer. A ltoracto tu Foremost. Altariot to Monitor. Anwth.\'St to llrooks. Andrewt to C'hlpman. A11,cle Lah e t,o \/ermlllon. Ankerton*l to Daysland. Ardenodet to Rockvford. Ardrossan to Edmonton. Armada to Arn1e11a.t to Camrose. Arvilla to M1,rinville. A tiee to Jenner.  Balntreet to Rockyford. H11nkb-:ad It to Hantf Barich to Smoky Lake. Harnwellt to Taller. Barrhea<I to Westlock. llattent,urg to Bou Accord, Uattlt· Hend tu fl anll1:1ty. 811.ttle Lake t,o W taskiwin. Dearherry to Olds. neauva.llon to lnnisfree. Beaver Crossing toKitscoty. Beaver Mines•t to Pincher <'reflk. Belvedere to Morinville.  Renton to . Sask. Benyon to Hockyford. Berr:v Ureek tu Hlchdale. Peza.nson to Orande Pralrle. Bi<lt>forcl to Monitor.  t Express  Ottice. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2098  ALBERTA  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  ALBERTA  Blackfalcls to Lacombe. Eastgate to Ilon ccord. Blackfoot to Lloydm1nster. Eastway to Vulcan. Edensville to Weta.sklwin. Boian to Vegreville. Bondiss to Edmonton. Edwell to Elnora.. Bonnie Glen to Millett. .l:!:~remont to Fort Sa.11:atchewan. Bordenave to Ashmont. Elbow River to Calrary. Bottrel to Cochrane. Elca.nt to Taber. Bowellf :t to Medicine Hat. Boyle to Morin,ille. Elkton to Dldsburv. Boyne Lake to Asbmont. Endiang to Ha.Jkirk. Bredin to Grand ..Prairie. Enclon to Foremost. Enilda to High Prairie. Bremner*t to Edmonton. Enslrrn: to Brant Bretonat to Edmonton. Brl~ntvtew to Wetasklwln. Eutrance to E<lson.  Hill End to Innlstall. Hilliarclt to :\lundare. Hlllsdown to Red Deer. Hill Spring•! to Cardston Hobbemal to Wetasklwtn. Holborn to Stony Plain. Hopkins• to Vermilion. Ilorbure;t to Rocky Mountain Hou'e. Hutton to Bassano. Hythe to Lake ~askatoon.  I  Nakamun to Morinville. St. Lina (Victoria Co.) to ~ 'amakat to 8trathmu1·e. St. Paul de Metls. Namao• to Edmonton. Sampsonton to Crossfield. Naughton Glen to Man- Sanderville to Provost. ville. Sarrail to Atha.baska. Nemiscam to Foremo. t. . aunclerst to Red Deer• Tcstow (Edmonton)! to Sn.wriciget to Edmonton. ~ Iorinville. Schuler to Medicine Hat. ~eutral \'alley to Consort Newbrook to non Accord. Scotfleldt to Youngstown New Lunnon to Fort Sas- Scollard:t to Red Deer. katche-wan. Seba to Stony Plain. New Sarepta to Tofield. New Stirling to Stirling. Nle:btlne:ale* to Strathmore. Shandro• to Vein-evllle. Niton:t to Edson. 1 ,"harrowt to Empre.55. I haw! to Edson. Tormandeau to Edmonton Sheerness to S!anmore. ortbbank to, mol-;y Lake. bepard*tt to Cal11;a.ry. ... rorth Edmonton"' t.o Bd- Shining Bank to Edson. mouton. Slon to Morlnvllle. Noyes Cros ing to Stony Plain. Skaro to Lamont. Nugent to Rimbey. .'kit!t to Foremost. lawa to Manville. Smitht to Edmonton.  Idde.5lei~h to Jenner. Imrie! to tony Plain. Independence to l\.1orinville 1 Brockett :t to Pincher Creek. Entwt.<;tJt-•t:t to Stony Pl"ln lron Svrln1?s to Letbbrldite. Brosseau to Veg-revllle. Errington to Edson. 1 Ethe1wyn to Vermilllon. Brule ~,tines* to Edson. Eunice to Morinville. Jarvie to :'.\Iorinville. Bu.ffalot to Caven~ish. Buroro to Leduc. Evansburg to tony Plain. Jasper*tt to Edson. Bullocksville to Alix. Evart, to Red Deer. Joffret to .Alix. Excelt to 8ibbald. Jumping Poncl to Calgary. Burbankt to Lacombe. l:':xshaw*t l to Burmistt to Bellevue. Junklns*t to Stony Plalu. Oberlint to Erskine. Burtonsvllle to Stony Plain Eyremore to Brooks. Ogdentt to Calgary. Kahwin to Smoky Lake. Kalelancl to \'egreville. Kanana<;kfatt to Sanrc. Katb..rynt to Calgary.  Fabyant to Wainwright. Faith to Foremost.  I moky Hiver Spirit ISouth Ho~~!~ Creek to Edson. Cooking Lake to Edt;o  i  Opal to Fort Saskatchewan monton. Orton* to l\.Iacloocl. Spring Bank to CaJgary. Owl's Eye Lake to Ash- ,'pringCoulee•ttoMagrath Cache Lake to Ashmont. Falllsl to Stony Plain. mont. Cadomint to Edson. Springdale to Ponoka. Falun to \Vt•ta.skiwin. Keep Hills to Stony Plain. Oxville to Edgerton Station Spring Lake* to Daysla.nd Cairns! to Cactogan. Faust to wan River. Keomatt to Ilelseker. Calahoo to t. Albert. Favor to Bassano. Kcrriemulr to Hed Deer. Calais to Peace River. Fawcett to Edmonton. Kevisville to Innisfail. Oalder-t to Edmonton. Spruce Grove Centre to Fawn Lain" to MorlnvUle. Kew to Okotoks. Calmar to Leduc. Stony Pbin. Kimball to Cardston. Padstow to Stony Plain. Campsie to :saugudo. Stafford Vilia.g~ to Letb· Federaltt to Coronation. Pakan*t to Lamont. Canmon••tt to Bantl. bridge. 1 Fedorah to Edmonton. Kinmundy to hinook. J>akouki to For mo. t. Stand OIT to Macleod. c~r:,~~11 Siding to Edmon- Fennt to :-,tettler. Pandora to Dassano. · tanc:er to Stony Plain. 1 Ferguson Flats to Vermilion Kinnontlale to Lomond. rinuso to Athabaska. Paradise Valley* to ltdger- 'taufl'er to Oardiff to Morinville. Ferry Point to Bawlt. ton Station. Carlstadt to Alderson. ~ terlingville to Acme. F1snburn to Plnrher Creek. Kipp*t:t to Letbbrldio. Kirkcaldyt to Vulcan. Pashley to :\Iedlcine Hat. fltevevllle to Brooks. Fleet•-;-t to Castor. Knee Hlll Valley* to Innl8- Passhurg*.t to Bellevue. Carolina to Inn1s!all. Stocks to Athabaska. tall. Patricia to Jenner. Carrolside to Sunnynook. ' Fort Chipewyan to Atha'tonela.w to Big Valley. Paxc;op to Athabaska. Carrot Creek to E:dson. Sturgenvllle to Fort Saska► baska. Pearcet:t to Macleod. Carvel: to Stonv Plain. cbewan. Casslls to Redcli:ff. turgeon Lake to Grande ll,i{c1itJrr~y Lac La NonnP, to Mortnvtlle. Peavine*t to n.ngudo. Prairie. ba.:;ka. Lac St. Anne* to Stony Peerst to Edson. Chailey to Manville. Suffield*tt to Alderson. Resolution to AtbaPlain Sundre Pembina to Olds. to \Vestlock. Chancellor! to 'tandard. Fort haska. Lafond to A hmont. to Strathmore. Sunland to Lamont . Fort Vermillion to Peace Lake Geneva to .M anville. Peno to Lamont. SUJ1nie Bend to Morinville River. Lak.e Islet to 8t, Alben. Perbeck to Huxley. Chlnt to Lethbrldre. unnybrook to Leduc. Pcrryvale t to Athabaska.. Sunnyslope* to Acme. Chisholmt to \Vestlock. Lal!:eview* to Trochu. Frank*tt to Bellevue. L'Amoureux to Fort Su- PbillJos to Vlkln~. CU vale to Sunnynook. Fraserton to Sunnynook. • katchewan. Pibroch to .Morinville. Clover Bar to Edmonton. Freedom to Westlock. Landonville to Vermlllon. Ooal Spurt to Edson. Furman to Claresholm. La.tbomt to Bassano. Lawndale to Vulcan. Oommerce to Lethbridge. Talbot to Coronation. Lawton to Morinville. Comrey to Foremost. Pincher Statfon*t:t to Pin• Ta.wa.tinaw:t to Atha.bub Leama.nt to Stony Plain. Condor to Red Deer. cher Creek. Tee.5*! to Allx. , Lea Park to Klt11coty. Connor's Creek to Sangudo. Gahern to Foremost. Pine Creek* to Lamont. Teifordvllle to Leduc. Oooking Lake Station to Gainford*t to Stony Plain. Leedn.le to Eckville. Pine Lake* to Innic;fail: Garden Plain to Hanna. , Leo to Gadsby. Edmonton. Plain Lake to Vein-eville. Coronado Siding to Bon Garrtnrton to Olds. Plamondonville to Atha- Thelma. to Irvine. Lewiston Siding! to AthaAccord. I Gem to Bassano. baska. Therien to St. Paul d• baska. Genesee to Leduc. Pleasant Yiew to Etzikom . Matis. g~~i~t s;,ni~~ano. Limestone Lake to Lamont. Ghost Pine Creek* to Three Pocahontas*tt to Edson. Thorbild to Brued.erhelm. Lochearntt to Rocky Couttst to Sweet Grass, Hills. Poet to Holden. Throne to Coronation. Mountain House. Mont. GUby to Lacombe. Port Cornwall to AthaLoch loy to High Rlver. Cremona to Carstalrs. 1 1 Crippsdale to Morinville. Gilt Edge to Wainwright. Lonebutte to Hanna. baska . Tollerton to Edson. 0 Long Vlew to H1~h River. Orowfoott to Bassano. Girouxville to Peace River i~~t\;=Ii~~it Jt;e~: Plaln Tomabawk to Stony PlalD Ourlew to Trochu. Glaa:vs:t to Okotoks. Pr1ddls* to Cal~ary. Glen Banner to Medicine Loveland to Castor. · Purple Springs*t:t to Taber Trenville to Delburne. Lovetttt to Edson. Hat. · 1'rlng to Kitacoty. Loyalist,*t to Veteran. Glenbow•:t to Calpry. Tripola to Bashaw. Lucky Strike to Foremost. Glenevis to Stony Plain. Tudort to Standard. Dalehurstt to Edson. Glenhewitt to Ponoka. Turin to Retlaw. Dalemead to Langdon. Quarrel to Day11land. Glenister to Stony Dalroy to Calgary. 1 'I'C~e~:.tte to Pincher Queenstown to ~Iilo. Glenwood to Oardston. Dapp* to W tlock. Twiningt to Three Hills. Darwen to Edmonton. Magic to Ponoka. Two Hills to VegrevUle. Dauntless to Medicine Hat. Goddard to Foremost. MalOH)Ua to Stony Plain. Gold Creek to Bellis. Dela.court to Calgary. Rale:vtt to Cardston. lakepeace:t to .Bassano. Golden Spike to Stony Maleb to Bow Island. Del Bonita to Magrath. Raven to Innlstall. Plain. Delph to Waskateneau. Ray to St. Albert. Malmo to Wetaskiwin. Gopher Head to Big Valley. MarkervllJe• Denhart to Jenner. Redlandt to Rockyford. to Innl8tall. Usona to Ponoka.. Denisvllle to St. Paul de Graminia to Spruce Grove. Marlboro to Edson. Red Lodge to Bowden. Gra sy Lak •t to Tabor. Metis. Marwayne to Kit: coty. Desjarlais to Vegreville. Reid Hill* to Vulcan. Mary Lake to Vermillion. Greenshlelds • :t to WainDevllle to Tofleld. Renot to Peace River. wright. Dewberry to Islay. Ribstone to Chauvin. Maybutt to Raymond. Valhalla. to Lake Saska.too11 Groton to Foremost. De Wlntont to Okotoks. Rich Valley to Morinville. Vanrenat to Peace River. Diamond Oity* to Letb- Gunn:t to Morinville. Mayton* to Olds. Gurneyville to St. Paul de 'ulazzeppa tt to Aldersyde. Ridgeclough*t to Lloyd- Venice to l!:dmonton. bridge. Verdant Valley to DrUlJl• Metis. Dickson to Innlllfall. minster, Sask. McLennan to Edmonton. heller. to Ua.mrose. .McLeod Valley to Edson. Rivercourse to Lloydmins- Vinca to Fort SaskatcheDinton to Blackie. ter. ask. Meanook:t to Atha.baska. wan. Dog Pound to Cochrane. Riviere Qul Barre• to MorDome Creek to Edmonton. Halr:v Hill to Vein-eville. Iovllle. Donatvme to Athabasca. Hn.lcourt to Uro.nde Prairie. Mellowdale to Morinv!lle. Robin ·on Crossing to EdHalley to Hay Lake. Doran to Milk River. HardlevUle to Lethbrld~e. J!~~~ef~ J~d:!i~[k~lain. R~g~fe~t to Atha.bask&, Wabamun • t :t to Ston1 Dorenlee to Bashaw. Hargwent to Edson. Mldnapore•tt to Cal,rary. Rocky Rapids to Stony Plain. Dorothy to Bassano. Millarville to Calitary. Plain. Wabascat to Athabaska. Downin~ {Edmonton Co.) Harker to Stettler. iw~~:~~t ila.~;sta~iics. ~gf:i~n~drgnRichdale. to Bellis. Hartcli:ffe to Three Hills. :;~i;:tno~ Driftpilet to High Prairie. Hartshorn to Gadsby. Minnehik to Wetaskiwin. Rosemaryt to Bru ·ano. Wanhamt to Spirit River. Mirror Landingt to EdmonRosevea.rt to Edson. Wn.rspite to Edmonton. Duffield to Stony Plain. l Coulee to Dayston. Ross Creek to Edmonton. Warwlck to Vegrevllle. to Kitscoty. Ro- ·ington to We. tlock. Wa.c;el*:t to St. Paul d• ~~~~;~ to J~~[foS:ti to 1 Heart Lake to Craigmyle. Mooswn. Morleytt to Oal~ary. Rosytll to Hardisty. Metis. Mertlclne Hat. Heath*t to Walmv-rlght. Mornmirside*l to Lacombe. 1-..oyal City tQ Lethbridge. Water Glen to Bashaw. Dunnt to Edgerton. Heatherdown to Stony Mosslde to MorlnvUie. Rycro!tt to Spirit River. Watts to Hanna. Dunstable to :'\forinville. Plain. :'.\-lountain Park to Edson. \Vatt ·ford to Vegrenlle, Duvernay to Veirreville. Heathersage to Stony Plain Mountain Vlew* i,o vard1Waugh to Fort Saska.tcb., too. wan. Heaton Moor to Edmonton. Mulhurst to Millet. Sacred Heart to Vegreville. Weno to Calgary. Ile1oar to Stony Plain. , Murray Valle~· to Olde. addle Laket to t. Paul de We. lngton to Donaldo. Eagle Butte to Etzikom. Myrnam to ,!anville. ~letis. Westcott to Dldsb ry. Eagle Hill to Old1. H oero*.t to Red Deer. .M~·rtle Creek to Radway St. Kilda. to Sweet Grass. , E_a_r_lv_i_JJ_e_t_o_P_o_n_o_k_a_.----'_H_ig"""h_w_o_o_d_t_o_H_i_gh __ H_h_•_er_.___C_e_n_t_r_e_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;:\-_I_o_n_t_._________ Westerose to Wetulclw~  Jg~  Eig1°l1fg~J  I  l  I  l  :{:~1 °a~:t1\~ }~ f;~er.  I  I~~~iat-  Ht!~~s  REFERENCE KEY  i  County Seat.  • Money Order Ofl\ce.  +Telegraph Station.  t Express  Otnce.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  ALBERTA  ·-  West Peace River to Peace River. What Cheer to Coronation Wheat Centre to Lomond. Whitefish Lake to Edmonton. Whltla to Bow Island. to Stony Plain. Wimborne to Trochu. Wlnterburn to Edmonton. Wiste to Loyalist. \Yolf Creek to Edson. Woodhouse to Claresholm. Wood River to Ponoka. W oolchester to Medicine Hat. Woolford to Cardston. W ostokt to Lamont. Wrentnam to Foremost. Yarrow to Pincher Creek. Yeoford* to Wetaskiwin. Yetwood to Lomond. Zetland to Youngstown. iris  n.  BRITISH COLUMBIA  d·  th  nd to  th  Ahousatt to Port Alberni. Ainsworth• T1 to Kaslo. Albas to Kamloops. Alberni*tt to Port Alberni. A.lbert Canyon tl to Reve1stoke. Albion to Port Haney. Alder~rove*:t to Abbotst'ord Alert Bay•t to Vancouver. Alexandria t (Carlboo Co.) to Quesnel. ~~~reekt to 15q Mile  ,\lif  a►  Aleza Laket to Prince ~leorge. A.lice Arm to PrinceRupert. Aliford Bay to Prince Rupert. Alkali Lake to Ashcroft. Alleuby to Princeton. Alta Lake to Squamish. Altamont to Penticton. Alta Vista* to Vancouver. Apext to Nelson. Ardley:t to Vancouver. Arrow Park*t to Nakusp. Atchelitz to Sardis.  Atli to Prince Rupert. Atlin*tt to White Horse Yukon. Avola to Kamloops. ka  d•  Babine to Hazelton. Bainlll'idget to Port Alberni B&ker to Cranbrook. Balfour*t to Nelson. Bamberton to Sidney. Bamflold*tt to Port Alberni Barkerville*t to Quesnel. Barnett•tt to Port Moody. Barriere to Kamloops. Baynestt to Fernie. Beaconsfield to Vancouver. Bear Lake to Kaslo. Beaton * to Revelstoke. Beaver Creek Wharf to Parksvillr.. Beaverdell to Greenwood. Beaver Point to Sidney. Belford to Nelson. Bellabella to Vancouver. Bella, Coola*t to Vancouver elson. Benton Sidmg to Bevan to Cumberland. Bickle to Smithers. Big Bar to Lillooet. Big Bay* to Prince Rupert. Bifro~te~ek to 150 Mile Birchbank t to Rossland. Birch Islandtt to Kamloops. Bishop's Landing to Vancouver. Blind Channel to Vancouver. Blubber Bayt to Vancouver. Blucher Hall to Kamloops. Blueberry Creek to Trail. Blue Rivert to Ka.mloops. Bonanza Siding to Grand l•'orks. Borland to 150 Mile House. Boston Bartt to Chilliwack. Boswell.t to Nelson. Boulder Creek to Nelson. Boundary Bay to Ladner. to Boundary Falls • l Greenwooct.  Bowen I stand *tto Vancouver Brackendale to Vancouver. Bradner to Abbotsford. Brentwooct to \'ictoria. Bridesvillett to nreenwood. Bri,!ge Creek to 150 Mile House. Brtlllanttt to NelsonBriscot to Golden. Brookmere::: to Merritt. to New Brownsvllle Westminster. Buccaneer Bay to Vancouver. Buckley Bay to Prince Ru1 _Pe_!:E:..  Bull Rivert to Cranbrook. Burgoyne Bay to Victoria. Burnaby to New \Vestminster. Burnaby Lake*t to New Westminster. Burquitlam to New West-, minster. Burton City to Nakusp. Butedale to Vancouver. Bute Inlet to 1 anaimo. Cache Creek to Ashcro!t. Caithness::: to Fernie. Canford*:l: to Merritt. Canford l\lill to :Merritt. Canim Lake to 150 Mile House. Canoe to Salmon Arm. Canoe C!'eek to Lillooet. 1 Cape Scottt to Vancouver. Carbonado to Fernle. Carmi* to Greenwood. C'arriden Bay to Vancouver Cascade City• t t · to Grand Forks. Cassidy's Siding to Nanaimo. Castlega.r*+ to Nel1!0n. Caulflelds to Vanc•uver. Cawston to Keremeos. Cedar to Nanaimo. Cedar Cottage4't to Vancouver. Cedar Cove to Vancouver. Center Island to Port Alberni. Central Park*t to '\' ancouver. Chemainus*tt to Ladysmith. Cherry Creekt to Kamloops . Chuchua to Kamloops. Churchhouse to anaimo. Claxton to Prince Rupert. Clayburn*tt to Abbotsford. Clayoquot* to Port Albernl. Clayton to Cloverdale. Clo-oose to Victoria. Olowhom Falls to Vancouver. Coal Creek*t to Fernie. Coalmont*U to Princeton. I Coghlan to Cloverdale. Collingwood West to Vancouver. Colauitz to Victoria. Columbia*ttoGranct .Forks. Colwood* to Victoria. Comox*tt to Courtenay. I Ooombst to Parksville. Co-B,per City to Prince , Oop~~:rtCreek  Kam-1  c~g~t~~mt to Port Coauitlam Corbin* to Michel. Cordova. Bay to Victoria.. •, Cottonwood to Quesnel. County Line to New ,vestI minster. Oowicnan Bay to Duncans Station. Oowichan Laket to Duncans Station. Cowichan Statl_on*tt to Duncans tatwn. Crawford Bay to Nelson. Crescent*t to New West-  v  C;:ge~f alleyt to Nelson Crofton* to Duncans Staor:~~- Nest*tito Ooleman, / Cr~t~font to Prince George. Cui ch eon Cove to Sidney. Cusheon Cove to Sidney.  E. Wellington to Nanarmo.l Eburne to Marpole. I•~dgewood*t to Nelson. Edmonds*t to NewWestmirn,ter. Egmont to \Tancouver. Eholt*t to Greenwood. Elgl,;i to Cloverdale. Elko*t:t to Fernie. Endako to Prince George. Engen.t to Prince George. Enckson to Creston. Erte•:t to NelsoD. Errington to Parksville. Ewings Landlngl to Vernon. Extension Mines to Ladysmith.  Heffley Creek to Kam•' M1ddlesboro to Yerrltt. : Midway*t:t to Greenwood. loops. Heriot Bay* to Courtenay., Mill Bay to Prince Rupert. Hillbankt to Duncans Sta- Mill Creek to Vancouver. :Milne's Landing* to Viction. toria. Hilliers to Parksville. :Mineola to West SummerHolberg to Port Albernl. Janel. Ilollyburn* to N. VanMimskinisht to Hazelton. couver. Moberly.t to Golden. Hope to Vancouver. 1\.Ions to Vancouver. llosmer*tt to Ferme. Moresby Island to Prince Houston to Smithers. Rupert. Howser:t to Kaslo. Hudson Hopet to Pounce Mt. Lehman to Abbotsford. Mount Olle to Kamloopa. Coupe. Hulattt to Prince George.  Fairmount Hot Springs to Golden. Fairview*t to Penticton. Falkland to Armstron,:t. Fanny Bay to Union Bay. Fauquier! to Nakusp. Ferguson* to Revelstoke. Femridge to Cloverdale. Flfe:t to Gra.nd For.11:s. Firv-ale to Prince Rupert. Flagstone*+ to Ferme. Forest Grove to Clinton. Fort Fraser to Prince George. Fort George to Prince George. Fort Rupert to Vancouver. Fort St. James to Vanderhoof. Fort t. Johnt to Spirit River, Alta. Fort Steele*tt to Oranbrook. Francois Lake to Smithers. Fraser Lakett to Prince George. FraserMills•ttto NewWestminster. Freysville to Abbotsford. Fl'iendly Cove to Port Alberni. F'ruitlands to Kamloops.  Dfc~t Bay to Vancouver. Deeo Cove to ~idney. Deering Siding to Nelaon. Deer Parkl to Nelson. Denman Island* to Union  I  D!~on to Abbotsford. Deroche*t to Mission City. Millston to Dewdney•l D~!~t to Prince George. Discovery• to White Horse. Doiig<r~~k to Al!lhcroft. Dollarton to Vancouve~. Dome Creek to Prwce George. . Dorr to Ferniett Douglas Statton to Blame. Wash .. U.S. Dunderave to ,:r.vancouver Dunster+ to Prince George. Eagle Harbort to Vancouver. Ea.rlsroad Station*t to Vancouver. East Arrow Park to Nakusp H:ast _Kelowna to l<'eJowna.. .i  County Seat.  Mount Tolmie to Victoria. Moyle*tt to Cranbrook. ITupel to Enderby. lluttont to Prince George. Murrayville*t to New Westminster. Illecillewaet*tt to Revel-1 stoke. Indian River to Vancouver. Naas Barbor to J'rmce Rupert. Inverness-r to Prince RuNa.den Harbor t-<> Prince pert. Ruoert. loco to Vancouver. Harbor to Vancouver. Jatrra.y*tt to Cranbrook. NanoosP Bayt to Nana.Imo. James Island to Sidney. Needles! to Na.kusp. Jeaway to Prince Rupert. New Hazeltontt to Hazelton Jervis Inlet to Vancouver. Jesmon<.l to Clinton. Newlands to Prince George. Jessica to Yancouver. New Masset to Prince Rupert. Jubilee Station to VanNe"I"' Michel* to Natal. • couver. Newport to Vancouver. Newton to Cloverdale. Nicola*tt to ·Merrit,t. Keating* to Victoria. Nine-:\Iile-Creek to 150 Keeferstt to Vancouver. :Mile House. Keithley Creek to 150 Mile Nitinat to Victoria. House. to Port Albernl. ootka Kelly Lake to Clinton. Kennedy to New West- North Arm to New Wes~ minster. minster. Ben<.I*tt to V:.aKettle Valley to Greenwood North couver. Kidd to Prince George. to Nana.Imo. Northfield*! Kildonan to Port Alberni. otch Hill*tt to Salmon Kilgard to Abbotsford. Arm.  I  m~~1~~ ~g ~~f~~: {i~g:~t  Kingcome Inlet to Van- Oaklands to Victoria. Oatsa Lake to Burns Lake. couver. Ocean F'alJ-; to 'vancou\er. G br'ola Island to Nan- Kispiox to Hazelton. Kitamaat to Prince Rupert. Oceanic to Prince Rupert. aaidio Okanagan Centre*tt to K~tchenert.t to Creston. Galenat to Golden. K1twangatt to Hazelton. , \ ernon. Galiano Island to Sidney Gallowaytt to Fernie. · Knight Inlet to Vancouver.I Ok~na,gau Falls* to Pen• t1ctqn. Knox Bay to Vancouver. Gan e'*t to Victoria Okana.gan Landing •tt to Knutsfor<;l to Kamloops. Gar!h!m to Victoria.: * Koch.Sidmg:t. to :t:l'elson. I Vernon. GellatLvt to Vernon. Okanagan Mission tto KeJ. Genoa· Ilay to Duncans Koen~gs to Victoria. owna. Ko.11:silah:i. to Duncans StaStation 100 Mile House to Clinton. tion. t · t p I ce RuG Kyuquot to Port Alberni. 153 Mile House to 150 r n e;}!fte own Mil~ l:iouse. Gerrar.dt to Nakusp. Onward Ranch to 150 mile Glbsons Landing to VanHouse. Lac Ln Hache* to Ashcroft couver Ootsa Lake t~ B~ns Lake. Laidlaw to Vancouver. Gifford to Abbotsford. Giscomet to Prince George. Laird Post to Prince Ru Osoyoos to I ent1ctou. OLhellot to Vancouver. pert. Giscome Portage to Prince Ottert to New Westminster Lang Bay to Vancouver George · I Otter Flat to Princeton. Langford to Victor!&. Glaciert:t ·to Revelstoke. Owl Creek* to Vancouver. Glen Valley to Port Ham- Langley* to Cloverdale. Oyama* to Vernon. mond Oy1tor Bay to Lady1mltll Gold Hlllt \.O Kal!llo. Goldstreamt to Victoria. Lardott to Kal!llo. Gordon Head to Victoria.. Lavinizton to Vernon. Gorge Harbor to Van- Lawn Hillt to PrinceRupertj Pacific to Prince Ruper~. Pacof:l to Prince Rupert. Lazo to Courtenay. couver. Pa1·sons to Golden. Granby Bay to Prince Ru- Little to Quesnel. Lockeport to Prince Ru I Patricia to Abbotsford. pert. Paul11ontt to Grand Fork1. pert. Grande Prairie to KamLombard to New \.Vest- Pavillion to Lillooet. loops. Pembertont to Squamish. minster. Grand View to Vancouver. PrincP Pender rlarbour to V&nto Longwortht Granite to Nelson. 1 couver. George. Granlte Bay•to Vancouver. Louts Creek to Kamloov,. 1 Pender Island* to Sidney. Gray Creek to Nelson. Green Point Rapids*t to Lowe Inlet to Prince Ru I Pennyt to Prince George. I Perry Sidingl to Nell!IOD. pert. Vancouver. Phoenix*tt to Lower Nicola* to Merritt Grindrod*t to .Enderby. Guildfordt to prince Lucernet to Prince George. Pine City to White Horae. Yukon. Lund*t to Va.noouver. George. Pingston Creek to Revel. Luxton to Victoria. stoke. Lynn Creek* to N. VanPitt Meadowst to Port couver. Hagensborg* to Prince RuMoody. Lynn Valley to N. Van pert. Point Comfort to Sidney. Couver. Ha·g to Hope Poplartt to Kaslo. Ha1f Moon Bayt to Van- Lytton to Ashcroft. Portal to Femle. couver. Port Clements to Prince Hallt to eison. Rupert. MacKinnon to Lillooet. Hamilton to Cranbrook. Port Edward to Prince HammondT1 to Port Ham- Malllardv11le* to New Rupert. Westminster. mond. Hancevillet to 150 Mile Malakwa*t to Revelstoke Porters Landing to Prince Rupert. 11apes to Prince George. House. 1 Port Essington•t to Prtnce Han .. ard Lake to Prince Mara•t to Enderby. Rupert. CranMarysville*tt to George. Port Hardy to Vancouver. brook. Happy Valley to Victoria. Harbledown Island to Van- Masset* to Prince Rupert. Port Harvey to Vancouver. Port Kells:t: to Cloverdale. Mayne* to Sidney. couver. 1 Port Kusam to Vancouver. Harpers Campt to 150 Maywood* to Victoria. Port Mannt to New WestMazama to Penticton. l\lile House. mm1,ter. Prince to Harrison Hot Springs• to :.McBridett Port Nelson to Prince Ru• George. Agassiz. pert. Harrison MUls*tt to Agas- McDame's Creek to Prlnct Port Progress to Vancouver Rupert. siz. McGillivraytt to Coleman. Port Renfrewt to Victoria. Harrop*t to Nelson. Port Sa.n Juan to Victoria. Alt.a. Hartley Bay to Prince Port Slmpson*t to Prince McGuire to Squamlsh. Rupert. Rupert. Hastings*tt to Vancouver. :\IcLellan to Cloverdale. Sid1 Port Washington to 1 McMurdot to Golden. ney, Haysportt to Prince Ru-1 Metchosln to Victoria. Metlakahtla to Prince Ru- Pritchardt to Kamloops. oert. Prootor*+:t to Nelson. OPrt,. Razelmere*t to Cloverdale.  °  I  D'Arcy to Lillooet. Dease Lake to Prince Ru-  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  to  I  2099  --~---~------------------  --  I ;~\11~;t:i*lrt~/1~1Vi~toria.  I  BRITISH COLUMBIA  --- -  - - ----- - - - - - - -  I  • Money Order Office•  t Telegraph Station.  t Express  Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  ZIOO Qualicum to Parksville. Quall<'um Beacht to Parksville. Quamlchan to Duncan's Station. Quathlasld Oovet to Vancouver. Ouatstno• to Port Albero!. Queen Charlotte City to Prince Rupert. Quesnel Forkst to Quesnel. Quilchena to Merritt.  I  Stave River to Mis. ion Erlnvlewt to Winnipeg. La venba-:i.•t to Ro endale, City Lavinia! tu Ewart•t to Reston. Steelhead to Mi. Ion C'lty. Layland 'liding to Portage Straiton to Abbotsford. la Prairie. Strathcona to Duncans Lazarett to Foxwarren. 8t.11tion . Falrtax•tt to Elgin. Strawberry HUI to New Learyt to Notre Dame De Fairfordt to Astiern. Lourd. Westminster. Faulkn ert t o Ashero. Lenat to KUlamey. Stuart Lake to Prine.. Ftncllayt to Plpeiitone. Gt'or,~e. Lt>rinard tu HussPIJ. MANITOBA. Flrdale to \\"ellwuod . Sullivant to Cloverdale. Fisher BrancbU to Winni- Lewlst to Dugald. to Chllliwack. Summit•t to Nakusp . ! Lihau to Selkirk West. Fifi:rton to Winnipeg. Llllyffelci to Wlnnlne2. Surge Narrows to VancouFislung ltive r t u ~iftun. vPr. Llttle Bull Head to RiverAbbP-yvllle to Lundar. Fol ey to Se lkirk \V1,st. Radium Hot Springst to ton . Fork River*! to WinnipegoAcorn to Carroll. Surrey to C'loverdale. Golden . Lockoortt to Selkirk. sis. Redstone to One Hundred 8urrey Center• to Clover- Amandat to Winnipeg. Rrandon to Forrest•t dale. and f<' ifty Mile House. Fort Alexan<.ler to Lac Du Ly all to BeausPjour. Refuge Cove to Port Al- Swam.on Bay to Prlnc-1Rupert. Anola to Transcona. Lydlatttt to Huelridge. llonnet. bernl. Fort Garryt to Winnipeg. Swift Creekt to Kam.loops . Arg_\·le to Winnipeg. Remot to Terrace. Porta"e la to Fortier ArneK to Glmll. Renataf to Nelson. Pralrte. Arrow ltivcr*tt to Crandall Rendezvous Island to VanFraserwood to Teulon. Ase8'lppt to Rusl!lell. couvPr. Albvtllc•: to Gllben Plalns. Revel~toke Station to Rev- Taghumt to Nelson. M&karofft to Togo, Sask. Siding to Salmon Taf elatoke. Rexruount to Llllooet. Malontoo r-0 Teulon, Nelson. to Tarryst Riske Creek* to 150 Mile Manlgotogan to U.iverton. Badp;P.r to St. Anne Des Gardenton to Emenion. Tele1erapb Creekf to Bouse. M1u11tou ltapids to 'l'he <'henes Rupert. Garla.111.H to Ethelbert. Rivers Inlet to Vancouver l'as. Bali;am .Bii.y to Selkirk West Giroux ft to Ste inbach RobertsOreek to Vancouver. Ten Mlle to New Denver. Bannerman•tt to Killarney Glencair11! to Glt•nella. Terril Nova to Van<'ouver. Robson• to Nelson. Manaontt to Elkhorn. orrlen. Vancouver M to to City lencr08St G RO<'k Crt"ek* to (.rN'enwooci Texada :\lu.plcton to Selkirk West. · Glenora•t to Raldur. Rogera Pass• ft to Golden Th1•t1s Island to Victoria Marble Ridge to Winnipeg. Thompson's Crossing to Beaver*tt to Mat'Gregor. Gonort to \.\'lnuli,i:g. Roos, ilie to Fernle. Mur<"handH to l::ite. Anm Gra.harndale to Ashern. Bellevtewt to Plpe■ tone. Princtt George. Roseberryf t to New Den• des Cbenes Grand Beach tt to WinniIleloo tu Arl>org. Thnrhurn to Victoria. ver. 0 peg. Rosedale to Chtlllwack. to Lundar. Markland ~:~eai~t JYv!;fieto Selkirk ~~!~t~~ouver Royal Oak* to Victoria. WPSt. Toti ln)Pt* to Victoria Grande Pointet to WinniRoyal 011ks to Vancouver West. ~ peg. Roystoo Stat.Ion; to Court- Toflnu•t to Port Albernl. Bere■ ford•tt to Sourta. Grand Rapids to Selkirk Topaz Harbour to Van- Bertontl to Olad1tone. Gladstone. to Mayffeldt couver. West. Ruet~;~jreekt to Vancouver l\li:Munn to Wi11niptlg, Vital to Winnipeg. Bleld to Rohlin. Rusk in*tl to Mission City Tranqulllel to Kamloons. McT11\·lsbt to Morr,._. Trout Lake to l{1•vt'lstoke. Birch Rivert to Bowsman Grays• to nrays~·ille. Rutland to Kelowna. Meadow Lea to Stonewall. liiver. (;raysvil ,ti• to Carman. Tulameen• to Princeton Gretwhuit! to ~ti:. Anne des Mlle Creek to .lied- BlrdB HIU*tt to w lnnJpeg 0htrnes. Saanlchton to Ridney. Medora to Naptnka, Ty<>e Slcling to Duncan's Blrdtallt to Rosshurn. Greeowayrt to Baldur. Sahtlarnt to Duncan. l\lelcl> to Arbor){. Stavlon. Bluff Creek to Amaranth. ' Oregi,tl tu Klvers . Saint F.lmo to Vancouver. Tzoubalem to Selkirk West. Melrose Duncans to Gro ae hlett to Win.nip~ . Bou\'ltle to Winnipeg. Salmo•tt to Nelson Station. Uruuthal to St. l'lerrt:1 Bracthurut to Carnrnn. Salmon River (Nana.Imo to Emerson. Menlslnot . ilalruoru.l. to U Ounton• Broad Valley to \\ mnlpeg. Uo.l to Vancouver. Gypsumvillet to Ashern. 1\.1 en:de: to Oakl>urn. Broomhill t to Tii.i;tuu. Salt Spring Island* to Sid Metbventl to Wawanesa Morden. to Brown llcluelett to Port Alber1.1I. ney Brunldldtt to Sperlinr. &ndon•tt to New Denver Union to Cumberland. Upµer Naas to Priuce Ru- liunclu<.lyt to Carroll. 80.ndwick to Courtenay. Middle Chu,.cht to WlnDJHurnsldeU to Portaie la Haas to Gimll. pert. San Josef Bay to Port pei. Hada.sbville to Duga.ld. Prairie. (l skt to Prince Rupert. Alhernl. Sixty-Four to Wl.nnJMile 1-,mt:r11on. LO Hatr,st.alJI. Butler to Marydeld, Suk. Sapperton•t to New Westpeg. Hl\llcz to Gilbert Plains. minst,er. Million to Ochre River. Kent.uu. tu Jlarding*U Saturnat to Victoria.. Savar~ h;land to Vancouver Valdez Island to Courtenay ~:~~~:,~~;:~rtovKf:X1u1ey. Ml!Jwoo~t to Blns~arth Van Anda* to V'l.ncouver. Ualfental to Emerson. &voua•t 1 to Kamloops Harrowt,y•rt to utnaoart..u . ::\l111k Creek to Ethelbert. Cameron •t to Lyletoa. Van Winicte to Quesnel. Sayward*t to Vancouver. Mollnef to Rapid ntv. Hartet 1 to Rlvt•rs Cumptlrf to Asbern. Seaside Park to Vancouver. Vavenhy to Kamloops. Molson t t to H~auseJour. ..ketttt to Morden. Ha. Vedder Crossing to Chilli- , 1mperville to Winnipeg- Hayneldtl Seohelt*t to Vancouver. MonomtntotoSte.Annede■ to Brandon. osis . I wack. Selma Park to Vancouver. Chenes. <.:rtell. Elm to 1:iaywooe1•1 Cardale*t to McConDP.11. Vesu vlus Bay to Sidney. Seton Laket to Lillouet. Cardlnaltt to Notre Dame Sewall to Pr10ce Rupert. De Lourd. Heasllpt to Minto. Sbawnlgan Lake*t to DunMoo e Bay to Slfton. can·s Station. Hecia to Selkirk West. Wa.lcio•tt to Cranhrook. Moose Horn*t to Ashern. Herb Lake to The Pas. Walhacbln*tt to Ashcroft. Careyt to St. Pierre. Shoal Bay to Vancouver. Moose Lake to The Pas. Carnt:1ic1e•t to Brandon. Waneta•, t to Nelson. Shoreacres to Nelson Mountain Road to Frank• Wardner • u to Cranhrook . Cbarleswoo<.I to Winnipeg Shull to Vancouver Hn. Shushartie Bay to Prince W arboon to Langley Prairie Chatert:t to Branclon Hilhret to Ashern. Cbattlcld to Winnlpeg. RupPrt. Wasat to Cranurook. Mountainsidet to DeloOlaucleboyet to l::lelklrk A llllop to ('Jan WIiiiam. Bbuswap•U to Kamloops W111tirloo to Nelson . raine. Hllton • t to Wawau-. West. Slcarnou.._•t:i., Salmon Arm Watt■ huryU to Cranbrook . Mount Royal to Wtnnlpe; . linausa tu lt1ve1·tu11. Web ·r.e rs Corner to Port Sldnev Island to Sidney. :\lowbray*tt to Snowflake. Hochstadt to St. l'ierre. Haney. Sliver Creek to Mission l\luir to Gladstone. City. Wellln1Cton•tt to Nana.Imo. Cooks Creek to Oak Bank. Hod1,tson to i,~1sher Branch. Hullywood*l to Langrutb. Myrt1e•tt to Roland. 81Jverdale1 to Mlssfon City W et111 Landt~ to Mission Cordova: t.o Haplt! Vhy. City. OouJterl to Lyle1,0n. SUverton•u to New DenHorndeant to Plum Coulee. West Arrow Park to Na- Cowan to Minitonas. ver. kusp Cromer to Marvtleld. Sask. Simoon Sound to Nanalmo Westbankt to Kelowna. Cwrout to Elm Creek. Slrdartt to Creston. Si~ ~lile Creekt to GoMen \Vp,.tt,ridKe to Urt>enwood . Narcisse to Winnipeg. • arol to Winnipeg. Skeena Cityl to Prince Westbam Island to Ladner. Indian Bay to Winnipeg. Wt,t,LIJUlruet t.o Duucans Rupert. Indian Sprlnitst to Swan N~bltt*tt to \\ awanesa. Station. Dacotaht to Elie. Skeena Cros.slng•t to Prince · etley to Selkirk West. Rivers.· to ln~~;., 1 Da.nd to Hartney. Rupert. Neubergtbal to Altona. Skldtl~atettoPrlnce Rupert ::;;:;f~t: J:~~~fo~~i"to l Davis Point to Ashern. lnwood*1 to W1uulpeg. .Port Coquitlam. Skookuntcbuckt(Ooast Co.) Neuenberg to Winkler. to Vancouver. Pwton Siding to Oakville. Isle Dea Chenea to WinntDeer Hornt to Lundar. Skookumchuck (Kootenay Ninette• t t to Belmont. per. Co.) to Cranbrook. Wbaletown to Courtenay. Deleau•tt to Hartney . Slocan City* to New Den- White Rock*H to Blaine. , Delta Beach to Portage La. Norgatet to Kelwood Prail'ii,. Janow to Transcona. Waih . ver. Transconatt to orth 1 Julius to Deausejour. l Whonno<'k*tt Sluggetts to Victoria. to Port Tran cona. Desford*1 to Bolssevaln. JuatJcer to RJvenJ. Haney . Smith!:! Inlet to Vancouver House to Selkirk So<la Creek• t to Ashcroft . Whytecllff to North Van- Dueiµer to Slfton. Vo).{ Creek to ~riksdale. couvt>r. Solntula* to Vancouver. 801111.•nol;*t to Duncan·~ William-. Head to Vktoria. DouicJas•r 1 to Hran<lun. Norwoorl Grove*t to ss. Station. Drifting River to Oilbert Kaleldat to Manitou. WIiiow Pomtt to N"l1011 . RonJrace. ' Kanet to lioland. Sookef to Victoria. Plains. Willow Hiver to Prince Oakbrae to Winnlpegosls. 1 Sorrt>nto to Salmon Arm 1 George. }(!~~~ South Buckleyt to Burns W ii nwr•t to Fern ie Oakland 1 tlJ Portaie LI Duck Mountain to Togo, Keld to Dauoh111 Lake. Wln'1ermere* to Golden. Pralrte. Sask. 8. f<'t. . George to Princt- Wlutaw ',tding to Neilson. K elloe• t t to Sboal Lake. Out11olu to Eri.ksdale. George. Dufrostt to Arnaud. Landing Kemnaytt to Dranuon. \'\'ol)(I ward~ to ~tPve,;ton. So. Slocantt to Nelson. Oak Point•tt to Lundar. Keyes•tt to GI act. tone. WulfTson Bay to Vancouver 8. Sumas to Sardis. 01>,•ron•: to ltro11hdale. 8. \\ estmin,.tec to New Wyatt Bay to Prince RuI<ildonan West to \\'lnnlpeg OJ?llviet to Plumas. Westminster. pert . Kinosota to Amaranth. Okua t.o Arhurg East Bay to St. Rose Du Klrk~Jlc11 t to clkborn . Spallumcheen to Vlr.torla. Wyclltre•tt to Cranhrook. 1,. horne to :-.1 urMs . Lac. Klrk1leld Park to \\ l11nlpe1:. Ozerna ·to Sandy Lake, WynnueU to Creston. Sparwooe1 rt to Fern1e East I<lldona.n to Wlnnlpe11 Klct•lfolcl to ' t . Pierro. Spence■ Brtdite• r to AabEhor•ttto M.aryffeld, Sa.-,k 1 Kumarnott to Tculon. crort. Edctilen to :jt,e. ltuse du Kroru;tllal to Morris. Sperling to New Westmln*tt to Cranbrook. La~. Yale•tt to Vancouver. Ster. Edwlnt to Portaie la Yarrow to Sardis. Spillimacheen to Golden. Peiruis to ~elkirk West. Prairie. \ tinnaduu• tu l'urt Haney. Sprl111athouse to Ashcroft . Pendennl ■ t to Hrilllwardl.40Elmat to Transcona. Vmlr " fl to Nel ■on. Bpuzzurntt to Vancouver. 1 Youngs Post. omce to Vic• 8quilax1 to Chase. J1et~e~;r~~~~11td Cltf Ladywood to Beausejour. torla. Stan leyt t o Quesnel. l'ilwon Lake to \\ i1111iµeg . Lake FrancL-,t to l 11ndar. Elva•tt to Meltta. Stave l~a.ll1-, to :\t ission City Vrt>ka to Port. AlhPrnf , Lake ~t. .\I artin t n \);.tern. I Pine Cre<•kt tn :\.Tai·Gr •got , , County Beat. • Money Order Office. tTeleirranh Statton. REFERENCE KEY. Expre,u, Office.  I  f::i~  Prince! I  i'~~~~.f  I  ~:frociill §'e~~tf  r1:;cv  I  I  I  I  I N~v'~i.  /i'cTc~tt f~X~~ff't  ~!!~  *  0  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  MANITOBA Pine River to Ethelbert. Plnevt t to Rmerson. PiQuitona to The Pas. Point Du Bois to Lac Du Bonnett. Pooet to Rivers. Poplarfielll to Winniprg. Pralrte Grove to Wlnnlr;>eir. Prattt to MacGregor. Purves*H to Snowflake.  Toutes Aides to St. Rose du Lac. Treesbank*t:1: to Wawanesa Tuxedo to Winnipeg. Two Creekstt to Virden. Tyndall•U to Beausejour.  Bear Island to Fredericton. Beaumont to Sackville. Beaver Harbor• to St. George. Beechwoodt to Beersvlllet to Rexton. BelledunetttoJa.cQuetRlver Bellefleur to St. Leonards Station. Ilelleisle Bay to Hampton. Belleisle Creek to Sussex. Belleville to Woodstock. Belliveau Village to St. Joseph. Benjamin Ri to Jaquet River. Ben Lomond to .3t. John. Benton•tl to Woodstock. Berestordt to Bathurst. Berrys Mills to Moncton. Bertrand to Caraquet. Beulah to Ha.moton.  Ukraniat to Sifton. Underhill rt to Hartney. Union Pointt to Morris.  Queens Valley to Dugald.  Rabbit Point to Lunctar. Reatmrn•tt to Wlnnloeir. Regent to Elgin. Reinland to Winkler. Rembrandt* to Arborg. Renwer to l\finitonas. Richer to Ste. Anne des Chenes. Riding Mountain*t to Kelwood. Rosengart to Winkler Rosenort to Morris. Rosewood to Ste. Anne des Chenes. Rounthwalte • t to Wawanesa. Routledget to Virden.  St. Adelard to Stonewall.  St. Adolphe to St. Agathe. St. Alphonse* to Mariapolts St. Ambrol■e to Portage la Pralrle. Ste. Amelie to Ste. Rose du Lac. st. Andrews to Winnipeg. St. Chariest to Winnipeg. St. Eustache to Elie. Si.. Franeols Xa vte.- to Wlnnlpeir. St. Genevieve to Winnipeg. St. George to Lac Du Bonnett. St. Joseph to Letellier. St. Laurent*H to Lundar.  St. Leon to Somerset. St. Louls Guilbertt to Selkirk West. St. Malo to St. Pierre. ~t. Martint to Ashern. ::st. Ouens to BeauseJour St. Raymond to te. Anne des Chene. St. Vltai to Winnipeg.  Valley Rlvert to Dauphin. Vassartt to Ste. Anne des Chenes. Venlaw to Gilbert Plains. Victoria Ileach to '\Vinnipeg. Victoria Park to Winnipeg. Vidir to Arborg. Vincelette to Selkirk West. t Bii,lf~~enc!tWf:. to EaS Vlstat to Rossburn. Vita*t to Erner on. Blrdton to Fredericton. Viviani to T!'ani;cona Black Brookt to Chatham. Black Land to Jacquet River. Black Point to Jacquet Wa.kooa*tt to Klllarney. River. Wa.ldersee to Glenella. Blaolr Rlvert to Buctouche. Walkerburn to Togo tiask. Black River Bridge to Wampumt to Rainy Rivet. Chatham. Ont. Blacks Harbor to St. Warrentt to Warrenton. George. Water Hen River to Tbel Pas. nlair to Gagetown. Waugh to Winnlpeg. Illissfleldt to N ewca.stle. Westooume• n to Portage • Bloomfield* (Carleton Co.) la Prairie. to Woodstock. Wheatland*H to Rivers. Bloomflela Station*tt (Norton Parish. Kings Co.) to Norton. Whitemouth Lake to Ste. Blue llellt to Grand Falls. Blue Cove to Ca.ra.quet. Anne Des Chene .. Whltewater•U to Boissellocabec to St. Andrews. vain. • r l {Ludlow ~hr::1~ldMJA;~y _Selkirk Rolestown Parlsb) to Fredericton. Winnipeg Bea.chtt to Sel- Bonnells Corner to Monokirk West. I ton. Wooa Bavl to Pilot! Bonny River to St. George. Uon Secours to Moncton. Mound. Wooanorthtt to Vlrcien. Boom Road to N ewoastfe. Woodrldgetl to Winnipeg. Uoudreau Vlllage to Dorchester. Woodroyd to Winnipeg. Woodsldet to Gladstone. Boundary Creekt to MonoWoody Lake to The Pas. ton. Woody River to Swan River Boundary Line (Vlctorla Co.) to Andover. Zhoda to Vita. Brest to Rexton. Breta.gneville to Richibucto Zorra to Sifton. Bristol*tt to East Florenceville. Brockway to McAdam Junction. Brookvillet to t. John. Brown's Flats to St. John. Bryenton (Derby Parish) to NEW BRUNSWICK Newcastle.  I  I  I  Salte! to Ste. Anne des Ch nes. andilandst to Ste. Anne Aca.dieville to Roger ville. Des Cbenes. Adamsvllle*t to Moncton. Sandridge to Winnipeg. Albertine to l~dmundston Scandinavia to Clan Albert Mlnest to Hill borough. William. Alexandrina to Shedlao. Scanterbury to Selkirk. Alma• to Riverside. Scarth t l to Vlrdell. Ammon to Moncton. Sclatet·t to Minitonas. Anagance• ti (Parish of Scotch Bay to Eriksdale. Cardwell) to Petitcodla.c. elkirk East to Selkirk Anctover*t:t tu Perth. West. Apohaqul • tl to Sussei. Senkiw to JJ;merson. Archibald Settlement to ~ewelltt to Hosenfeld. Jacauet River Shanawan t to Winnipeg. Armstrong's Corner to St. Shellmouth*tl to Russell. John. Shergrove to Makinak. S ~ortdalett to Graud Vle'9'. Aroostook Junctlontl to 9 Perth. '!Iver Plaiast to Morris. Arseneau Sidin~ to St. Silver pur to Arborg. Leonards tat10n. Silvertont to Russell. Auburnville to Chatham._ Avondale (Parish of Wilmot) to Hartand. Snake Island to Selkirk West. Back Bay to St. George. SoMuth Junction to Warroad, Bale Verte•rt (Westmore-I inn. land Parlsh)to PortElgin. Sp ~uett to Ste. Anne des Ba.irdsville to Perth. S enes. .Baker Brook* to Edmundsortnittl.ela T to Winnipeg. ton. Sortn2 iilllt to Neepawa. Baker Lake to Edmundstonl Stteep Rocktt to Ashern. Balmoral to Dalhousie. .S enhenfleld t to Carman. Ba.rachols to Shedlac. S tockton•n to Glenboro. Bar De Cocagne to Bue8 tony Hill to Lunclar. touche. Stony Mountatn•1t to Barker's Point to FredericStonewall. ruartburn*l to Emerson. ea.%~oy River ft l,o Newtrrtburn Station to castle. 0 Barnesvtlle (Upham Pari. h Stur~~! treek to Wlnnlto Hampton. oeir. Barrieau to Rogersville. gutrren to Eriksdale. Barrvville to Chatham. unuown* to Emerson. Bartiboi Bridge to Chat-  Buctouche Baie to Buctouche. Bumfrau to Bath. Burden to l•'redericton. Burnsvillet to Caraquet. Burnt Church to Chatham. Burnt Land llrook to Perth. Burton to Gagetown. Burtt's Comer• to Frederioton. Butternut Ridge to Petltcodia.c.  Daigle to Grand Falls. Dalhousie Junction r l to Dalhousie. Da.wsonvtlle to Oa.mpbellton. Deadma.n's Harbor to St. George. De Bee Junctlonti to Woodstock. Derby to N ewca.stle. Dipper Harbor to St. John. I Dorchester Crossing to I Shediac. Doughertyt to Chipman. I Douglas to l<'rederlcton. Douglas Harbor to Minto. Douglastown* to Chatham. Dover to Moncton. Downeyvllle to Sussex. lJrummond to Grand Falla.  Dumbarton Station to McAdam Junction. Dumrrtes to Woodstock. Dundee to Dalhousie. Dupey's Corner to Shedlac. Durham Brldge*toFrederloton. Durham Centre to Jacquet River.  Edl!.'etts Landing to Hillsborough. Eel River Bridge to Chatham. Eel River Crossing• to Dalhousie. Cain's River to Newcastle. Elgin*t to J>etitcodiac. California to Perth. Elmsville to St. George. Cambridge to Gagetown. F:lm Tree•tto Bathurst. Camp bell Settlement ( K Inga Elmwood to Houlton, Me. Co.) to Sussex. Ennlsklllen Statlont to St Canaan Station tl to MonoJohn. ton. Escumlna.ct to Chatham. Esdraelon to Hartland. Ca.noble to Bathurst. Everett to Perth. Cape Bald" to Sbedlac. Cape De Moiselle Creek to Hillsborough . Cape Station to Riverside. Fairhaven to St. Andrews. CaJ?egTlno.rmentlnert to Port Fairley to Fredericton. Fair Vale to St. John. E1 Fo.rmerston to Hartland. Carleton to St. John. Caron Brookt to Edmunds- Feriruson'st to Oaraauet. Ferry Road to Newcastle. ton. Carrol's Crossing to New- Fielding to East Florenceville. C~~l~\o Newcastle. Five l•'ingerst to St. Leonard Station. Castalia t to Grand Manan. Central Blissville* to Fred- Flatlandsltto Campbellton. Florencevllle •tt (Simonds erlcton. Parish l to East FlorenceCentral Greenwich to St, ville. John. Centre Nappa.n to Chat,. Flume Ridge to McAdam Junction. ham. 1 Folkins to SUssex. attf:tt Mllls to St. Anto( ta.fncir~ ~~ Ford's Mills to Rexton. d1 Parish) to St. Andrews. Forest City to Woodstock. Bas~eRfver* (Kent Co.) tol Chance Harbour to St. John. Forest Glen to Petitcodiac. ~enbyt to Plumas. Rexton. Chapman to Port Elgin. Foreston to I.Cast Florenceerencett to Brandon. ville. Bathurst Mines to Bathurst Obarlo to Dalhousie. Charlo Stationtt to Dal- Fostervllle to Woodstock ~ticket Portage to The Pas Bathurst*t to Four Falls to Perth. Bathurst housle. Tof81;.°hlll • t 1 to Morden. Ba:r du Vint to Chl!tham. Ohurch Point to Chatham. Foxcreek to Moncton. _ oyt to Emerson.  0  I  REFERENCE KEY.  133 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  , County Seat.  g~::~gi~t  • Money Order Office.  2101  Clarendon Station* to St. French Lake rnurton ParJohn. ish) to Frede· uo~.)J.I Clifford vale to Grand Falls. Clifton• (K1n1rston Parish. Kings Co.) to Hampton. Cloverdale to Hartland. GaJg:~~•a Creek to St. Clover Hill to Sussex. Ga.spereaux to Chipman. Coal Branch Station t t (Har- Gaspereaux Statlontt to court Parish) to Moncton St. John. Coal Creek to Chipman. Coburn to McAdam Junc- Gi~t~n;Jtb~t,; 0 ~ary'1 Partion. East FlorenceCocagne• (Parish of Dun- Glaasvllle•to vlJle. das) to Shedlac. Glen Anglin to Bathurst Cody's*t to Norton. Glenlivet*t to Campbellton Coldstream• to Hartland. Glenwood to St. John. Coles Island to Chipman. Oollege Bridgett to St. Goguen to Shediac. Gondola Point to St. John Joseph. Colette to Rogersville. Goose Creek to Sussex. Collina* to Sussex. Grafton to Woodstock Comeau Ridge to Grand Grainfield to Newcastle. Falls. Ance*tt (New Connortt to Edmundston. Grande Brandon Parish to Cara. Cork Stationt to McAdam quet. Junction. Cormiers Cove to St. Grand Bay_tt to St. John. Gra.ndfque *t to Shedlac. Joseph. Oormierville to Buctouche. Grand View to Woodstock Granite Hill to Fredericton· Oorn Hill* to PetitcodJa.c. · Coteau Road to Lameque. Grattan to Chatham. Gr~;ln~hemogue• to Pon Coughlan* to Newcastle. Covered Bridget to FredeGreen Hill to Fredericton. ricton. Green Point to Bathurst. Green River Statlontt to 8~o~t:tn!:1~~~~~ls1t;,~~Edmundston. Cross Creek• U to FredericGreenwich Hlll to st. John. ton. Cumberland Bayt to Chip.. Gr~ys Mills to St. John. Gmm~nd t~ Richibucto. man. Gunnmgsville to Moncton. Oupid to Perth. Curryvlllet to Hillsborough.  I  r,  NEW BRUNSWICK  tTelegraph Statton.  Hammond Vale to Sussex Ilampstea.d* to Gagetown H a.rco~t*tt to Moncton. Hardw1cket to Oha.tham. Hardwood Ridge to Ohi1>man. Hartfield to Woodstock. Ha.rvey*t to Riverside. Harvey Bank to Riverside Hatflelds to Woodstock · Hatfield's Point to Sussex. Hawks~aw to Fredericton. Ha.yesVIlle to Fredericton. Hazen; to St. Leona.rds Station. Ilea.d of Millstream to Sus-  sex.  Hta.Jlt~~_Tlde to CampHenderson Settlement to Sussex. Rexam to Chatham Hibernia to Ga.geto~n Highfield to Sussex. · Hillsdale to Sussex. Holmesville to Honeydalel to St. Stephen. Hopewell Cape • to HUlsborough. Hopewell Hlll•t to Riverside. Hoyt Statlon•ti to St. John. Humphreys M11ls to Moncton.  Inchby to St. John. Indian Mountain to Moncton. Indiantownt to Newcastle. Irlshtownt to Moncton. Iroquois to Edmundston. lslaud River to Lameque.  Jacksonvllle• to Wood11tock Janevlllett to Bathurst. Jeffry to Sussex. Jemseg* to Gagetown. J ollcure ( W estmorela ne1. Parish) to Sackvlll~. Juniper to East Florenceville.  Kane's to Bathurst. Keats to Petitcodia<.'. Kedgwick to Campbellton. K~fd_unctiontt to RogersKent Lake to Richibucto. Keswick Ridge to Fredertoton. Ketepec to Fairville. Kilburn•tt to Perth. M illsttoPetitcodiac Klngarth to Frederlcton. Klngsclear• to Fredericton· Kingston (Kent Col to Rex-  ton.  Kingston* (Klnp Co.) to Hampton.. Kirkland to Woodstock.  t Express  Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2102  NEW BRUNSWICK  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  MUI Cove to Gagetown. Klrkoatt1c.11: to St. Jolm. Koucbibouguac* to Richl- Milledgeville to St. John. Mlllerton•ti to Newcastle. bucto. Mill Settlement to Fredericton. Millstream to Sussex. Miscou Centre to Lameque. Lagaceville to Chatbam. Lake Baker* to Edmunds- Mlscou Light House to ton. Lake George to Frederic- Mfs~~e~N!ins to Lameque. ton. Mtzonnette to Caraquet. Lakeville to Centreville. Molus Rivert to Rexton. Landsdowne to Hartland. Moore's M1llst to St. SteLawrence Stationt to Mcphen. Adam Junction. Moran to Newcastle. Le Blanc to Port Elgin. Morehouse• to Newcastle. Le Bouthlller to Cara- Morrlsdale to St. John. quet. Mount Carmel* to BucLedge to St. Steohen. touche. Ledges to Edmundston. Mount Middleton to Smse:x • Legere to Caraquet. Legere Corner to Moncton. Mt. Pleasant to Hartland. Legervllle to Moncton. Lecmardvllle to Eastport, Mt. Whatley to Sackville. Mouth of Jemseg to GageMe. town. Mouth o! Keswick to Fred• t~i~~~ ericton. Lewlsvllle:t to Moncton. Munlactt to Perth. Llly Lake to St. John. Little A.ldouane to Richi- Murray Corner to Port Elgin. buct;o. Musquash:t to St. John. ~o Little Buctouche to Buctouche. Little Ridgeton to St. Nackawtck to Woodstock Napadogant to Fredericton Stephen. Narrows* to Gagetown. IJttle River to St. John. Creekt:t to Jacquet Nash's Little Roeber to Riverside. River. Little Salmon River to Sus- Nasbwaak:t to Fredericton. waakBridge to lfrectersex. icton. Loch Lomond to St. John. Loggievilla*:t to Chatham. Nasbwaaksis*:t to Fredericton. Long Creek to Sussex. Na.shwaa.k Village to Fred• ericton. Nauwigewauktt to• Me. ton. Lorneville to St. John. Lower Balmoral to DalNeguac* to Chatham. housie. Lower Brighton to Hart- Nelsont:t to Newcastle. Nelson Reserve to Newland. castle. Lower Caraquet to Caraquet. ti!ti:St: Lower Coverdale to Moncton. Lower Derby to Newcastle. ~~~· Lower Green Point to Newdenmark to Grand Falls. Lo~':-a~lJ~ac;Yille to FredNew Ireland to Riverericton. side. Lower Millstream to Sussex New Jerusalem to St. John Lower N eguac to Chat- New Market to Fredericton ham. New Mills*t:t to Jacquet River. Lower Prince William to Fred ;ricton. New River Statlont to St. George. Lower Queensbury to Frederickton. New Town to Sussex Lower Southampton to Woc,dstock. Nlgadot to Bathurst. Lower Wood1tock to Wood- Nordin to Newcastle. stock. North Esk Boom to NewLozier Settlement to Caracastle. quet. North Head* to Grand Ludlow:t to Fredericton. Ma.nan. Lyttleton to Newcastle. North West Bridge to Newcastle. Notre Damei to Moncton  t3t~h;i~:  lirn: :::~~h  ~~~fi~C::  ~~cfs R8~;~ ti:tl~~ort,  ~:-:~~~~~°lo ~::~tl: ~r!i~i:g  Poco1ogan:t to St. George. Point cte Bute to Sackvillo. Pointe du Chenet t to Shedlac. Point to Richibucto. Pollett Rivert to Petitcodiac. Poqulock to Woodstock. Portage River to Caraquet. Porter Cove Road to Fred• ericton. Powers Creek (St. Leonard Parish) to Gr.and Falls. Predenha.ut to St. Joseph. Prime* to Edmundston. Prince of Walest to Fairville. Prince Wllllam to Fredericton. Prince Wllllam Statlon:t to McAdam Junction. Protectlonvllle to Newcastle. Public Landing to St. John.  NEWFOUNDLAND  Upper Gagetown* to Gag&town. Upper Hainesville to Woodstock. Upper Kent! to Bath. Upper Maugerville to Fredericton. Upper Mills to St. Stephen. Upper N elsont to Newcastle a tiefkmouche* to Upper 2ueensbury to FredScoudouct:t to Shediac. ericton. Grand Upper Sackville:t to Sackto Seal Cover Manan. ville. Second Falls to St. George. Upper St. Rose to Caraquet Selwood to Dalhousie. Upper Sheffield to FredericSewellville to Caraquet. on. to Upper Woodstock*:t Shanklin to St. John. Woodstock. Shannon to Gagetown. Upsalquitcht to CampbellSheba to Sussex. ton. Shedia.c Bridge to Shediac. Shediac Cave to Shediac. Salmon Harbor to Chipman. Salmonhurst to GrandFalls. Salmon River to Hampton. Salt Sprl.ngs (Upham Parish) to Hampton. Scotch Settlement to Moncton. Scotch Town*(Cannlng Parish) to Minto. Scott to Woodstock.  Sheffield* to Gagetown. Sheffield Academy to Fredericton. Sheila to Caraquet. Shlppigan Island to Lameque. Shogomac:t to Woodstock. Siegas to St. Leonard Station. Randolph to Fairville. Red Bank* to Newcastle. Sillikers to Newcastle. Silver Stream to Edmunds•• Red Rapids to Perth. ton. Red Rapids Bridge to Sisson Ridge to Perth. Perth. Reeds Point to Hampton. Six Roads to Caraquet. Smithtown to Hampton. Renforth:t to St. John. Renous:t to Newcastle. Richards Station to Camo- South Bay:t to Fairville. South Branch St. Nlchobellton. las River to Rexton. Richardsonville to St. An• South Clones to Gagetown. drews. Rlchlbucto Village to Rex- Southfield to Susse'I:. South Minto to 1into. ton. Richmond Corner• (Richmond Parish) to Wood- South Nelson Road to Newcastle. stock. Springfield* (Kings Co.) to Riley Brook to Perth. Sussex. Riordon to Bathurst. Springfield (York Co.) to Ripples to Minto. Fredericton. River Bank* to East FlorSprinihW to Fredericton. enceville. River Charlo• to Dalhousle River De Cbute*:t to Pertb. Steevescote to Hillsborough River Glaclet to Petltcodlac. Stlckuey to East Florencov1lle. River Louison* to Jacue1 Stonehaven•t:t to Bathurst. River. to Newcastle. Strathadam Bathurst. to Robertvllle Summerfield to Bath. Robichaud to Shedlac. Roblnsonvllle to Campbell• Summer Hill to Gagetown. Sunny Brae to Moncton. ton. Rockland (Carleton Co.) to Sunny Corner to Newcastle Surrey* to Hillsborough. Hartland. Rolling Dam:t to St. Stephen Suuex Corner to Sussex. Rolling Dam Station to St SweeneyVille*:t to Moncton. Stephen. Rosairville to Rogersville. Rosebank to Caraquet. Rose Vale to HIilsborough Rothesay*tt to St .John. Tabusintac* (Alnwich ParRough Waters to Bathur t. ish) to Chatham. Round Hill to St. John. Tay Creek to Fredericton. Rowena to Perth. Taymouth• t to Fredericton. Ruaairornta to Fredericton. Rwiairomla Statlon:tto Fredcirloton.  Russellville to Chatham.  Mac Dougall's to Shedlac. Magaguadavic Stationt:t to McAdam Junction. Main River to Rexton. Main Stream to Hartland. Manners Sutton to McAdam Junction. Martin Head to Sussex. M:artown to Sussex.  TJ~:ff  Val d'Amour to Campbellton. Vautour to Newcastle. Verret* to Edmundston. Victoria to Hartland. Vienneau to Rogersville. Village St. Jean to Chatham Vlncent to St. John.  Waasis Station:t to Frederickton. Wapske:t to Perth. Waterboro to G:1getown 'Waterford to Sussex. Waterside to Riverside. Waterville to Hartland. Wawelg:t to St. Stephen. Wayerton to ewcastle. Welch oool t to Eaatport, Me. Weldlord to Moncton. Welsrord•tt to St. John. Weet Branch St. Nicholas River to Rexton. Westfield* to St. John. Westfield Beacht:t to St. John. Westfield Centre to St. John. West; Ouaco to St. John West Waterville to Woodstock. Wheaton Mills:t to Petitcodiac. W~eWto:.rook:t to CampWhitehead to Grand Ma.nan Whf te's Cove to Gagetown. Whitney to Newcastle. Wickham to Gagetown. WUUamaburg to Frederle>toc. Wilsonburgh to Minto Wilson's Beach (Cbariotte Co.) to Eastport, Me. Wilson's Beach (Gloucester Co.), to Caraauet. Windsor to Hartland. Woodlawn to Woodstock. Woodman's Point to St. John . Tay Settlement to Fred- Wood Potnt to SackVllle. ericton. Woodville to Grand Falls. Temperance Vs.le to Wood- Woodward's t<' Cover stock. Grand Ms.nan. Templet to Canterbury. Tete a Uaucne River j (South Side) to Bathurst. York fills to McAdam The Range to Chloman. Junction. The Willows (Oak Point) Young's Cove to Chipman. to Chatham. Young's Oove Roa.d*:t to Thornetown to Sussex. Chipman. 'Three Brooks:t to Perth. Tide Head to Campbellton. , Port Tldnlsh Bridie to Zealand Statlon•tto FrederElgin. icton. Tilley to Perth. TWey Road to Caraquet. Titusville to Bamoton. Tobiquet to Campbellton Tobique Narrowst to Pertb Tobique River to Perth. I  Oak Bay to St. Stephen. St. Andre de Madawaska to Oak Point• to St. John. Grand Falls. Oakvllle to Woodstock. St. Andre De Shediac to O'dell Rivert to Perth. hediac. O'Donnell's Siding to Fred- Ste. Anna De Kent to Bucericton. touche. Olin ville to St. John. Ste. Anne de Madawaska• Oromooto• to Fredericton (Madawaska Co.) to St Ortonvillet to Grand Falls. Leonard Station. Mascarene to St. George. Otist to Woodstock. St. Anselme to Moncton . Maugervil:a* to Frederic- Otnabog to Gagetown. St.Anthony*:tto Buctouch~ Otty Glen to Hampton. ton. St. Ba.sil*:t to Edmundston Maxwell to Woodstock. St. Charles* to Richibucto. McDonald's Corner to st ~ McAdam Painsec Junctiont:t to Gagetown. McDonald's Point to Ga.g&St. Cyrille to Buctoucbe. Moncton. town. Palnsec Settlement to Mono- St. Damien to Buctouche. MoGlvney's Junctlont:t to St. Edouard de Kent to Tracey's Mills to Centr&ton. Buctouche. Fredericton. PaquetVUle to Caraquet. ville. McKendrick to Campbell- Parents:t to St. Leonard St. Fabien to Buctouche. Sts.tlon•t to FredNEWFOU DLAND ton. St. Francois De Kent to Tracey Station. ericton. Buctouche. McKlnleyvUle to Newcastle. Parkindale to Petitcodiac. to Moncton. Brook Trout MoNamee:t to Newcastle. St. Francois De Madawaska Turgeon to Jacquet Passekeagt to Hamoton. River Adams Cove to Carbonea.r. to Edmundston. Mechanics' Settlement to Pelletier Mills to EdCree kt l Coverdale Anderson·s Cove to Grand Suuex. St. Hilairet:t to Edmund- Turtle mundston. Parish) to Hillsboro. Bank. . ston. M:educt1c• to Woodstock. Penlact to !<'redertcton. Aquafortet to t. Johns. Melroset to Port Elgin. Pennfteld:t to St. George. St. Ignace to Richibucto. Argentia to Placentia. Pennfield Centre to St. St. Isldoro:t to Caraquet. Arnolds Covet to Placentia. St. Jacques to Edmundston George Momramcook West to St. Pennfieli Ridge to St. st. Jean D'Arc to Cara.quot. Underhill to Newcastle. st. Louis de Kent* to Richi• Uoham• to Hampton. George. Josepb. UpJ?er Abougoggin to Sb&- Badger Brookt:t to Grand bucto. Michaud to Edmundston. Penobsquis•tt (Cardwell Falls. diac. St. Margaret's to Chatham. Parish) to Sussex. St. Martins*:t to Hampton. Upper Balmoral to Dal- Baine Harbort to Grand Middle Caraquet to CaraBank. . housle. Perry's Point to Hampton. St. Maryst:t to Buctouche. quet. St. Mary's Ferryt:t to Upper Blackv1llet to New- Bank Head to Curling. Middle Hainesville to Fred- Petersen to Grand Falls. Barr'd I lafld to Fop;o. castle. Devon. Peter's Mill to Rexton. ericton. St. Michel to Grand Falls. Upper Buctouche to Bue- Barren Ish1.nd to Placentia. Middle Sackville*t to ack- Petersvllle to St. John. Bay DeVerdet:t to Carber touche. Petersville Church to St St. Norbert to Rexton. ville. near. Uoper Cape to Port EIRln. , St. Pauls* to Moncton. John. Middle Slmonas to HartUpper Caraquet:t to Cara- Bay l'Argent*tt to Grand Petite Lameque to Lame- St. Simon to Caraquet. land. Ilank. quet. Salemt to Hillsborough. que. Middle Southampton to 0 1 i:rv~ ~t~1!dtsU~1~ti:;i~~: i~~~ge~~e1?t~ Salmon Creek to ChipHt~ Wo~~:~g;_t. M;::i~is~~~ntto Sa.ckville lleno1t·s Oove to Curling chester. man. Midway to Riverside. ::.=.::..a.:..n.::..t_P_o;..:ln_t_t_t_o_S_t_.J_o_h_n_._1_S_a_l_m_o_n_d_a_l_e_to_1_~_0_r_to_n_.___U_p_p_r_D_o_v_e_r_to_M_o_n.c.ct_o;·:.:u:.:n~g!.:a:..:t.::.e P.::..leaa Mil!ord to Fairvll.::..le;..:._ ___:c.__:_ • !lfoney Order Office. tTelegraph Station. • County Seat. REFERENCE KEY. tExpr ss Office.  I  1un~£i':f!7  I  i1g~~.  gg~~  1>~:~  G G  G  G G G  G  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  NEWFOUNDLAND  BIF~~f!',s  Fallstt to Grand Black Head to Carbonear. Blaketown to St. Johns. Bonaventure+ to Trinity. Boot Harbor to Little Bay Islands. Botwooa to Grand Falls. Boxey to Grand Bank. Branch to St. Johns. Brickyard to St. Johns. Brig Bayt to Bonne Bay. Brigus Juactiontt to Brigus Britania Covett to St. Johns. British Harbort to Trinity. Broad Covet to Harbor Grace. Brookfield to St. Johns. Brooklynt:t to St. Johns. Bunyans Cove to St. Johns. Burlington to Little Bay Island. Burnt Arm to Grand Falls.  :~~i rsr::~  0  t!2~~nel. Burnt Point to Carbonear.  Harbor Lecou to Channel. Harbor Main to St. Johns. Harry's Harbor to Little Bay Islands. Haystack to Placentia. Heart's Delight to Heart's Content. Heatherton to Curling. Hebron to St. Johns. liermltage Cove to Grana Bank. Herring N eckt to Twillingate. Hickmans Harbor to St. Johns. Hillview to St. Johns. Holyroodt:t to St. Johns. ii~~~~~tfut~~na~!ing. Indian Bay to Wesleyville. Indian Islands to .lfogo. Ireland Bight to Twillingate Ireland's Eye to Trinity. Isle Aux Morte to Channel.  Jackson's Arm to Twillingate. Oampbelltont to TwillinJackson's Cove to Twillingate. Canada Harbor to Little Je~~!~s to Curling. Bay Islands. Jersey Harbor to Grand Cape Charles to Burgeo. Bank. ~!lf~~\,\~a~~r,eo. Jersey Side (Placentia) to Placentia. Caplin Bay to St. Johns. Oaplin Cove to Oarbonear. Job's Cove to Carbonear. Joe Batt's Arm to Fogo. Carmanville to Fogo. Ca.rtwri~ht to Twilllngate. Keels to Bonavista. Oartyville to Curling. Cat Harbor to WesleYVille. Kelligrewst:t to St. Johns. King's Covet to Bonavista. Ohampneys to Trinity. Change Harbor to Twillin- Kifslf~n&~int to Little Bay gate. Charlottetown to St. Johns. Kingswell to Harbor Buffett. Clarenvillett to St. Johns. Clifton to Trinity. <Joachman's Cove to Grand Ladle Cove to Fogo. Lady Covet to Trinity. Falls. La Poilet to Channel. Codroyt to Channel. Coleys Point to Bay Rob- Lark Harbor to Curling. Lascie to Twillingate. erts. Lawnt:t to Burin. Oolinet to Placentia. Lawrencetown to Grand Colliers to St. Johns. Fallc::. Oome-by-Cbancet to Leading Tickles to TwillinSt. Johns. gate. Conception Harbor to HarLeading Tickles W est:t to bor Grace. Little Bay Islands. Oonche to Bonne Bay. Lewisportett to Twillinga.te Corner Brook to Curling. Cottles Cove to Twillingate Little Bay to Little Bay Islands. Cow Head to Bonne Bay. Little Catalina to Catalina. Orabbestt to Curling. Crow Head to Twillingate Little Paradise to Grand Bank. Oul De Sac to Burgeo. Current Island to Bonne Little River Codroy to Channel. Bay. Loon Bay to Twillingate. Daniel•;; Harbort to Bonne Lords Cove to Burin. Lower Island Cove• t to Harbor Grace. o~:Ic;ns Oove to Grand Lumbergrass to St. Johns. Bank. Deer Lakett to Grand Falls Lumsden to Wesleyville. Dildo to Harbor Grace. Manuelst1 to St. Johns. Doting Cove to Fogo. to Harbor Doyle's Station to Channel. McCallum Grand Bank. Dunvillet to Placentia. Meadows to Curling. Merasheen to Placentia. Ellistont to Bonavista. Engliah Harbort (District Middle Arm to Curling. or Fortune) to Grand Middle Brook to St. John's Millertowntl to Grand Falls Bank. Millertown Junctiont:t to Enirllsh Harbor <Dllltrlct Grand Fall. Trinity) to Trinity. Mobilet to St. Johns. Epworthtt to Burin. to Old Perlican. Monroe Exploits Harbor to TwillinMoreto1fs 1. arbort to gate.  8:~:  Fair Islands to Wesleyville. Fermeuse to St. Johns. Flat Island (District of Burin) to Burin. Flat Islands (District of to St. Johns. Flower's Covet to Bonne Bay. Fortune Harbor to Twillingate. Fox Island to Channel. Fox Roost to Channel. Francois to Burgeo. Fredericton to Fogo. Freshwater to Carboner&. Friday's Bay to Twlllingate Gambot:t to St. Johns. Gander Bay to Fogo. Garnisht to Burin. George's Brookt to Trinity. Glenwoodtt to St. Johns. Glovertown to St. Johns. Gooseberry Cove to St. Johns. Goose Cove to Twillingate. Grand Bruitt to Burgeo. Grates Cove to Carbonear. Great Burint to Burin. Great Harbor to Grand Bank. Green's Harbor to Heart's Content. Gull Island to Carbonear. Hant's Harbort:t to Ileart's Content Hj~~s.Adventure to St.  Quirpoin to Twillingate. Ra~ged Islands to Placentia. Ramea to Burgeo. Red Island to Placentia. Rencontre (District of Burgeo and La Poile) to Burgeo. Rencontre (District of Fortune) to Grand Bank. Renews to St. Johns. Richard's Harbor to Grand Bank Riverhead to St. Johns. Riverside to Harbor Grace. Robinson's Head to Curling Robinsons Station to St. George's. Rock Harbor to Burin. Rocky Harbor to Bonne Bay. Safe Harbor to Wesleyville. St. Anthony to Twillingate. St. Jaquest to Grand Bank. St. Joseph's (Salmonier) to Placentia. St. Lawrencet to Burin. St. Mary's to St. John's. Salmon Covet to Carbonea1 Salmonier to Placentia. Salva.get to St. Johns. Sandy Point to Curling. Searston to Channel. Seldom-Come-By to Fogo. Sha.Hop Cove to Curling. Shea.rston to Harbor Grace. Shoal Harbor to St. Johns. Small Point to Western Bay Sound Island to St. Johns. Southern Bayt to Trinity. Southport to St. Johns. Spaniard's Baytt to Harbo1 Grace. Spencer's Cove to Placentia Spoon Cove to Burin. Spout Cove to Western Bay Springdalet to Little Bay Islands. Stanleyville to Bonne Bay. Stephenvillet:t to Curling. SteJ!~f;:.1" Crossing to Stone Cove to Grand Bank Summerside (District of George) to Curling. Summerside (District of to Trinity. Sweet Bay to Bonavista.  Beach to Placentia. MJs-:~t~~:e to St. Johns. Tack's Armst to Little Bay Mulleys Cove to Western Three Islands. Cove to Bonavista. Harbor to Fogo. Tickle Covet:t to Little Bay Musgrave Townt to Bona.- Tilt Islands. vistaHarbor to Fogo. Mussel Harbor Arm to Tilton Tizzard's Harbor to TwllPlacentia. lingate. Cove to St. Johns. Nardini Crossing to Curlln,g Toad's Tompkins to Channel. New Harbor to Heart·s Topsailt:t to St. Johns. Content. to St. Johns. Newmans Cove to Bona- Torbay TOl·'s Cove to St. Johns. Ntw-8\erelbourne to Heart'e 'frepassey to St. Johns. 1~1~~ E~:t tfiI£t~lttiay N~nW:X.hcan to Heart•~ Islands. N Wesleyville. Trout River to Bonne Bay. Nipper's Harbort:t to Little Bay Islands. Upper Ferry to Channel. Norris Armt:t toG rand Falls. J~~~~ Cove t;o H&rNorris Point to Bonne Bay. U Northern Bayt to Carbonear. Valleyfteld to Wesleyville. Northern Bigbtt to St. Victoria Village to CarboN1:ti1nii.arbor to St. John's. near. North River to Brigus. orth West Armt to Little to Fogo. Wadhams Bay Islands. Ward's Harbor to Twillingate. Ochre Pit Cove to CarWest St. Modest to Bonne bonear. Bay. Openhall to St. Johns. Wh1tbourneU to Harbor Grace. Paradiset to Grand Bank. Pass Island to Grand Bank. WhitA Rock to St. Johns. Perry's Cove to Carbon- ,Vhiteway to Harbor Grace.I Witless Bay to St. Johns. near.  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Petites to Channel. Petrles Crossing to Curling. Petty Harbor to St. John's. Pilley's Island to Little Bay Island. Pinchard's Island to Wesleyville. Plate Cove to Point May to Burin. Pool's Cove to Grand Bank. Pool's Island to Wesleyville Port Au Bras•t to Burin. Port Aux Basquest:t to Channel. Port Blanfordt:t to St. • Johns. Port De Grave to Brigus. Port Rextont to Trinity. to St. Portugal Cove Johns. Port Union to Catalina. Presque to St. Johns. Princetown to Catalina. Pusbthrought to Grand Bank.  1b1'o~r  , County Seat.  • .\foney Order Office.  NOV A SCOTIA  2103  Woodford Cove to Little Boladalett liO North Sydne)'. Bay Islands. Boudreauville to Arichat. Woods Island to Ourling. Boulardarle to North Sydney. Woody Island to Placentia. Boulardarte Centret to North Sydney. Boulardarie Westt to North Sydney. Boutlller Point to H&llf&x. NOVA SCOTIA Bowser Station to Halifax Boylstoo* to Guysborouldl. Abram River to Yarmouth. Branch La Have to BrJdg~ Acaciavllle to Digby. water. Admiral Rock to ShubenBrass Hill to Barrington. acadle. Advocate Harbor* to Parrs- Brazll Lake t t to Y &l'mouth. boro. Brldgeport•t:t to Giace B&J'. Afton:t to Antigonishe. Albany Cross to Middleton Albert Bridge to Louis- Brldgevme•:t ( River> to Stellarton. burg. Alder Pointt to Little Bras Brighton to Digby. Covet to North Brlton D'Or Sydney. Allendale to Lockeport. Broad Cove (Lunenburr Alma:t to Westville. Co.) to Bridgewater. Altont to Stewiacke. Broad Cove ChapeJ to Apple River to Parrsboro. Inverness. Arcadla*:t to Yarmouth. Broad Cove Marsh to InverArdness to Antlgonlshe. ness. Argyle Head to Yarmouth. Brooll:11eld • t t (Colcheeter Ashmore to Weymouth. Co.) to Truro. At.hol•ti to Amherst. Atwood's Brook to Bar- Brooktleld • (Queens Co.) to Llver1>ool. rington Passage. BrooklYDti (Hants Co.) t;o Auburn•t to Aylesford. Windsor. Auld's Cove to Mulgrave. Brooklyn•t (Queens Co.) t.e Avondale to Windsor. Liverpool. Avondale Station U to Anti· Brooklyn (Yarmouth Co.) gonishe. to Yarmouth. Avonport• to Wolfvllle. Brooklyn Corner to Kent.ville. Brook Vfllaget to Mabou. Baccarro to Barrtn1tton. Baddeck Forks to Bad- Brookville CHa.nts Co.) to Windsor. deck. Baileys Brook• to Antl- Broughton* to Port Morien Brown's Brook to Parnboro. Ba'ic°:r~~ti1ement; to BrlditeBrownsville to New Gia. gow. Ballantyne Cove to Anti Brule to Plctou. gonishe. Brule Shore to Plctou. Balmoral MUls to Truro. Burlington to Berwick. Bangs Falls to Liverpool. Barachois Harbor to North Burnside to Stellarton. Sydney. Barney's Rivert to Antigonishe. Barney's River Station to Ant1gonishe. Barrington West to Bar- Caledonia Mtnes•t to Glaoe rington. Bay. Barronstleld to River He- Cambridge to Windsor. bert Cambridge Station•tt t;o Barss' Corners* to BridgeKent.ville. water. Camden to Truro. Barton• to DlibY. Canard (Comwallls Pariah) Bateston to Louisburg, to Canning. Baxters Harbor to Cannini Cannes to St. Peter's. Bayfield• t to Ant.l1tonlsbe. Cape Augnet to Arichat. Bay Road Valley to Ingo- Cape D'Or to Parrsboro. nish. Cape Fourchu to YarBay St. Lawrencet to Ingomouth. nish. Cape George to Antlgonlshe. Bayside to Halifax. Cape Negro to Shelburne. Bay View to Digby. Cape Northt to Ingonish. Cape Sable Island (South Side) to Clarke's Harbor. Bear Cove to Meteghan River. Bear Point; to Barrinit(>n Cap La Ronde to Arlchat. O11.I'ibou Island to Pictou. Paasa1te. Carleton• to Yarmouth. Beauly to Antlgonlshe. Carleton Village to ShelBeaver Bank to Halifax. burne. Beaver Cove to North Sydney, Carroll's Corners to Shubenacadie. Beaver Harbor to Sherbrooke. Carr's Brook to Parrsboro. Beaver River to Ya.., mouth. Castle Bayt to North Sydney. Belle Cote to Margaree Harbor. Catalone to Louisburg. Belleisle* to Bridgetown. Cedar Lake to Yarmouth. Belle Marche to Eastern toA~~ou: Harbor. Truro. Belleville:t to Yarmouth. to Burlington• Belllveau Cove* to Wey- Centre Windsor. mouth. Centre Musquodoboit to Belmont•tt to Truro. Stewiacke. Benacadlet to North Sydney Centreville (Formerl7 Trou, Cove), Dll[bY Co. t;o Bl§y~~8i,~~· or•t to North Digby. Big Intervale to Ingonish. Centreville <Kinil Co.) Kent.ville. Big Lorraine to Louisburg. Big Meadow to Port Ohaplln to Shubenacadle. Charlo's Cove to GuysHawkesbury. borough. B lg Pond to Sydney. Blg Pond Centre to Sydney. Chaswood to Shubenacadle. Big Tracadle* to Antlio- Chelsea to Brid1tewater. nlshe. (Cornwalllll 8t:?e~1'!1i!~ft~~~:s~:.~ Blll Town• Parish) to KentvUle. Birch Brook to Antlgon- Chester Grant to Chester. Chevene• (Kempt Townlshe. ship) to Windsor. Birch Grove to Port Morien Blrchtown to Shelburne. Blshbpville to Hantsport. Sydney. Black Point; (Halifax Co.) Churchview to Whycocoto Halltax. Blandford* to Chester. Blockhouse to Mahone Bay Churchville to New Gla&gow. Bloomington to Mlddl~ Clam Harbor to Dartmouth ton. to Bridgetown. Clarence• New to Blue Mountain Clarksvillet:t to Kennetcook Glasgow. Corner. Blue Rock to Lunenburi. Blue's Mill to Whycoco- Clementaport•tt to .Annap.. olla RoyaL magh.  g:~t~A1lfel::t  '°  gg~::rr:~~r:·~o~  t Telegraph Station.  tExpress Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2104  NOVA SCOTIA  Clementsvale* to Bear River. Cleveland• to Port Hawkeabury. ClUton:t to 'l'ruro. O1:,de Rlver•tto Barrlncton Cogmagun River to Windsor. Cold Brook Statton•U to Kentvtlle. Cole Harbor (Guysborough Co.) to Canso. Colllncwood Corner to Oxford. Comeauville to Metegha.n River. Concession to Meteghan River. Conn's Mills:t to Oxford. Oonq uerall Banks to Brlagewater. Cook's Brook to Shubenaeadle. Cook's Cove to Guysborough. Corberrle to Weymouth. Country Harbor Mines to Sherbrooke. Cow Boy to Dartmouth. OralirmoreT to Port HawkesburY. Orel.rnlsht to Port Hawkes· Oury. Orossburn* to Middleton. Orou Road11 Country RarborT to Sherbrooke. Orosa Roads Leithe's Creek to North Sydney. Crousetown to Bridgewater Crowel to Barrington Pasage. OUlloden to Digby.  Dalhousie East to Mlddl&ton. Dalhousie West to Brldgotown. Danven to·weymouth. Daysprlng to Bridgewater. Dayton to Yarmouth. Dean to Shubenaoadle. to Debert Statlon•tt Londonderry. Deep Brookt to Digby. Deepdale to Inverness. Uolap's ~ove to Annapous Royal. Delhaven to canning. Denma.rk*tt to Tatamagouche. Denver to Sherbrooke. D'Escousse* to Arichat. Diamond to Pictou DUlgent River to Parraboro Dlngwallt to North Sydney Doctor's Cove• to Barrington Passage. Dominion to Glace Bay. Dominion* No. G to Glaoe Bay. Dominion No. 12 to New Waterford. Dominion No. 14 to New Waterford. WeyDoucettevllle to mouth. Dover West to Halifax. Drumhead to Guysborough Dublin Shore to Brldg&water. Duncan to Chester. Dunvegan to Inverness Durham"' to Plotou.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS E. River (Lunenburg) to Chester. River (St. Mar:v1l to Antlgonl11he. E. River Sheet Harbor to SherbrookeE. Wentworth to Londonderry. Eatonvllle to Parraboro. Economy• to Parraboro. Eeum Seoum to Sherbrooke Eoum Secum Bridge to Sherbrooke. Eden Lake to New Glasgow Eel Brook to Yarmouth. Eel Cove to North Sydney. Eel Creek to Oxford. Egertont to New Glasgow. Elderbank*to8hubenacadie Ellershouse*tt to Windsor. E.  Elmsdale*tt to Shubenacadie. Emerald to InvernCIIS. Entl.eld • Hto Shubenaoadle. Englllh Corner to HalUax. English Town*t to North Sydney. Erlnvllle to Guysborough. Estmere to Baddeck. Eureka •tt to stellarton.  Fairview Station to Halifax Falkland Ridge to Mlddl&ton. Falmouth to Windsor. Feltz South to Rlverport. First South to Riverport. Fisher Mill to Sherbrooke. Five Islands• to Parrsboro. Five Mlle River to Maitland Florence• t to Sydney Mines Folly Lake to Londonderry Folly Mountain to Londonderry. Folly V1llage to Londonderry. Forties Settlement to KentvUie. Fort Lawrence to Amherst. Fort Louisburg &o Louisburg. Fourchutt to Louisburg. Fox River to Parnboro. Frambroise to Sydney. Frankvllie to Pt. Hawkes- , bury. French Rivert to New Glasgow. French Road to Louisburg. French Villa.get to Hallfax Friar's Head to Invernes11 Frizzleton* to :M argaree Harbor.  Gabarouse•t to Louisburg Gabaroua Lake to Loulllburg. Gupereaux• to Wolfvllle. Gavelton to Yarmouth. Gay•, River• to Sbubenacadle. George's Rivert to Little Bras d'Or. Georgevtlle to Antlronlshe Getson's Point to La Have. Giant·s Lake to Guysborough.  mIB:\fo~t :~ }r;J'~~~~h 0  Gillisdale to Inverness. Glassburn to Antlgonlsbe. Glencoe to Mabou. Glendale to Port Hawke&bury. Earltown• to Truro. Ea1t Apple River• to Glenelg to Sherbrooke. Glengarry Stationtt to Parraboro. Stellarton. E. Bay• to Sydney E. Bay, North Sldet to Glenholme• to Londonderry. Sydney. E. Chezzetcook to Dart,. Glen Margaret to Halifax Glenwood• to Yarmouth. mouth. Goldboro*t to Antigonishe E. Dover to Halifax. E. Erinville to Guysbor- Gold Rlver to Mahone nay Gore (Ilants) to Kennetough. cook Corner. Eastern Passage to Dartmouth. Eastern Points to Lunen- Goshen to Antlgonlshe. Grafton to Kentvllle. berg. Grand Desert to Dart E. Ferry to Weymouth. mouth. East Hall's Harbor Road to Grande Anse to St. Peter's Kentvme. East Ingllsvllle to Law- Grand Etang* to Eastern Harbor. rencetown. East Jeddore to Dartmouth Grand Lake Station tc, Halifax. East Jordan Bay to LockeGrand Narrow11l to Badoort deck. East La Have to Riverport. Eastlake (Ainslie) to In- Grand Pre• t to Woltvllle. GrandRlver'l't t.o St. Peter's verness. Grantville• to Pt. Hawke• East Leicester to O:dord. bury. East Margaree to Margaree Granville Center• to AnHarbor. napolis Royal. Ealt MIDCII Stationrt to LondonderrY, to AnEast ew Anna11 to Tata- Gr:!rib\11; Greenfield (Colchester Co.) magouche. tc -~ ruro. E. Port Medway to LtverGreenfield (Queens Co.) to Liverpool. E. Pubnloo •tl to Yar~ n Harbor to Lockeport mouth  J~';'ir.•t  Dool.  REFERENCE KEY .  1  County Seat.  Greenh111 to Westville, Greenville Station to Oxford. Greenwich• to Wol!vllle. Greywood to Annapolis Royal. Grosses Coques to " ' eymouth. Gutr Shore to Oxford. Gulliver Cove to Digby. Gunning Cove to Shelburne Gu:,sborough Intervale to Guysborough. Hackett's Cove to Halllax. Half Island Covet to Canao . Hal!way Brook to Truro. Halfway Cove to Gu:,sborough. Hall'• Harbor to Kentvllle. Hammond's Plains to Halifax. Hampton* to Bridgetown. Harborview to Port Hood. Harborvllle to Berwick. Harmony Mills to Caledonia. Harrigan Cove to Sherbrooke. Hartling to Sherbrooke. Hartv\llet to Windsor. Havelock to Weymouth. Havendale to Guysborough Havre Boucher* to Mui· grave. Hay Cove (Red Islands) to St. Peter·s. Hay's River to Mabou. Hazel Hill• f to Canao. Head ot Amhent to Amherst. Head of Chezzetcook to Dartmouth. Head of Jeddore to Dartmouth. Head of St. .Margaret's Bay to Heatherton*Tl to Antigonlllhe. Hebbs Cross to BrJdgewater. Hebbville to Bridgewater Hebron•t to Yarmouth. Hectanooga ft to Metegban River. Hemfordt to Bridgewater. Herring Cove to Hallfax. Hildentt to Truro. Hillsburn to Annapolis Royal. Hopeweu•u to Stellarton. Hortonville• to WoUv1lle. Hubbards*t to Halifax. Hunters Mountain to Baddeck. Hunts Point to Liverpool.  NOVA SCOTIA  I Laggan to Antigonishe. , Lydgate• to Lockeport. La Have Island to Bridge- Lyons Brook*+ to Plctou. I Lake water. Ainslie South Side to ,vhycocomagh. Lake Ainslie, West Side. to \Ybycocomagh. Lake Doucette to l\Ieteghan River. Lake Ram11ay to Kentvllle. Lake Vale to Ant!gonlshe. Lakeville (Cornwallla ParLa~:~o~!ec:e,vm,; to stellarton. Lantz to Bridgewater. Lantz Siding to Shubenacadie. L'Archeveque to St. Peters. L'Ardolse*t to St. Peter's. Larry's Rlverf to Guysborough. Latties Brook to Maitland.  I  LettcbCII Creek to North Sydney. LeQullle to Anoapol111 RoyAl Lewtston to Sherbrooke. Linden to Oxtord. Lingan to New Waterford. L1W!ferro~8ad to New L!nwood:t to Port Hawkesbury. Ltsoomb • f to Sherbrooke. Liscomb Mlll11 to Sher-, brooke. LLsmore to New Glasgow . Lttcb.O.eld to Annapolis Royal. Little Bass River to Londonderry. Little Bras D'Or Bridget to Sydney Mines. Little Brook to Meteghan River. Little Brook Sta.tlont to Weymouth. Little Dover to Canso. Ltttle Harbor (Plctou Co., to New Glasi"OW Little Harbor tShelburnt Co.) to Lockeport. Little Narrows to ,vhycocomagh. Little Pond to Little Brasl D'Or Little River (Digby Co.) to Dlgby. Little River Chet!camp (Inverness Co ) to East.ern Harbor Llvlngstone Cove to Antlgonishe.  Mabou Harbor to Mabou. Maccan•ti to Amherst. Main a'Dleu•t to Louisburg Mall~ant Cove to Antlgontsbe. H:gl~~~~°t~PB~!:~ater. Margaree Forkst to Margaree Harbor. Margaretsvme• to Mlddloton. Marie Joseph to Sherbrooke Marion Brldite* to Svdney. Marriott's Cove to Chester. Marshville to Pictou. Martln'11 Point to Mahone Bay. Martln'11 River to Mabone Bay. Maryvale to Antlgonlllbe. Mass Town to Londonderry YavUette to Meteghan River. Maxwellton Station to Meteghan River. Mayfield to Antlgonlllhe.  McClure to Wallace. McCormackt to Mabou. McEachan Mllls to Inverness. McGray* to Barrington Passage. McKay's Corner•r to Glaoe M·BKalny. , H b f+ to c non s ar or + Baddeck. McLellan's Brook to Stellarton. McNabs Cove to St.Peter's. McNuts Island to Sbelburne. • McPherson s Mille; to New M Glaswvlllgow· Stat! T+ to eacto e on + M Plchtou_. G t to Sb b eag er II ran u enacadle. Melanson to ·w o!fvllle. Melford to Port Hawkesbury. Melrose to Sherbrooke. Melvern Square• to Mlddl&ton. M:ertgomlsh•tt to New Glasgow. 1 Meteghant to Metegnan River. Lochaber* to Antigonishe. Meteghan Centre to MeteLoeb Katrine to Antl&'O· 1 ghan River. nlllhe. Meteghan Statlontt to MetLoch Lomond to St. Peter's. eghan River. Lochslde to St. Peter's Middleboro to Oxford. Indian Brookt to North Logans Tannery to Plctou. Middle Country Harbour Loganville to Plctou. Sydney. to Antigonishe. Indian Harbor (Halifax Londonderry StatlonU to Middle East Pubnloo to Londonderry. Co.) to Hallfax. B arrlngton Passage. Indian Harbor Lake to Long Point to Port Hawkeabury. Sherbrooke. Indian Point to Mahone LLoo~:v1°111~1~11 Middle La Have Ferry to Bay. Lunenburg. InirllsvUle to L11,.wrencetown Loulsdale to Arlchat. Middle Manchester to Guys-Ingonish Beach to lngonlsh. Lourdes to 8tellarton. borou11:h. lngonish Centre to Ingo- Lower Argyle•tt to Yar- Middle Ohio to Shelburne. nish. mouth. Middle River to Baddeck. lngonish Ferryt to Ingonish 8i!:~,~ River to Middle Sackvllle to Halifax. lnrramport•t:t to Halifax. Lower Burllncton to Wind- M1ddle Stewlacke• to Truro Iona•U to Baddeck. sor. M~~~!~~ Pubnico* to lrub Cove*T to St. Peter'11. t Iron Iines t,o Whycoco- Lower Ea, Pub1llco•t to Midville Branch to Brldg&magh. Yannoutb. water. Isaac's Harbor*t to Guys- Lower Economy to PaIT$-1 Milford (Annapolis Co.) to borough. boro Annapolis Royal. Italy Cross to Bridgewater. Lower Five Islands to Parra- Mllrord Station •1 (H&ntl t,oro Co.> to Sbubenacadle. Lower ·Granvllle to Annap- MUI Cove to olls Royal. I James Rlvert to Antigo- LoP:er~:Ardolse*t to St . 1~.g~eek to Little Rras Ja~~;llle to Daddeck. Lower Ohio to Shelburne. Mlllsvllle to Plctou. Jeddore Oyster Ponds to Lower Onslow to Truro. Mill Vlllaget to Liverpool. Dartmouth Lower Roae Bay to Luncn- Millville to Aylesford. Jog~n Bridge· to Digby. burg. Milton• (Queens Co.) to Joggln Mlnes•t to River Lower Sackvllle to Halllax Liverpool. Hebert. Lower ,st. Esprit to St. }.Iinasville to Kennetcook Jordan Falls* to Shelburne. , Peters. orner. Jordan Ferry to Shelburne Lower Sandy Point to Shel- ~~t~;,!otriiig~~th. Judiqueft to Port Hood. Lo~e;?;aulnlervllle to Met- ::\lira Gutt to Port Morien. eghan River. Mochellet to Annapolll Lower Selmah to Maitland. Royal. Lower Shag Harbor to Bar- l\1onastery to Tracadie. Karsdale to Annapolla rlnirton Passage. Montague Gold Mines to Royal. Kempt* toAnnapolls Royal. Lower Shinimecas to AmDartmouth. Kempt Head to Baddeck. 0 Lo';;:t,Sblp Harbor to I ~r~i'~~d~ji[~d. Kempt Shore to Windsor. Dartmouth. Moose River to Parrsboro. Kempt Town to Truro. Lower hip Harbor East to Moose River Gold Mines to Kemptv!Ue• to Yarmouth. l\1 usquodoboit. Sbubenacadle. Kenlock to Inverness. Kennington Cove to Louls- Lower Stewiacke to Ste-, Morden* to Aylesford. wiacke. Morristown ( Antlgonlab 1 burg. Ketch Harbor to Halifax. LOwer Wedgeport to YarCo.) to AntlgonJabe. Kingsburg to Riverport. mouth. Morristown (Kings Co.) tc Ktngaport•t to Canning. Lower Wentworth to WalBerwick. lace. Moser's River• to SherKingston Village to .Mlddl&Lower W. Jeddore to Stebrooke. ton. Klng11vllle to Port Hood. ,viacke. M.oshervlllet to Wlndaor. Kln11mao'a Comers to Kent- Lower Wesl Pubnlco t0 Mossman's Grant to 1 Yarmouth. vtlle. Bridgew...:.a...:.t.:... er...:.·_ __ __  I  1~!rst.  Lo;:~  ~g~;~  • Money Order Office.  tTelegraph Station.  tExpre~s Ofll.ce,  Pa  Pa  Pa  Pa Pa  l  Pe1  Pei Pei  ...!  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  NOVA SCOTIA Mount Hanly to Middleton. Mount Pleasant to Oxford. Mount Thom to Westvllle. Mt. Uniacke*H to Windsor Mull River to Mabou. Murrayt to Baddeck. Murrays Siding to Truro. Mushaboom to Shubena.cadie.  Co.) to Antl1ronlahe.  St. Ann's to Baddeck. St. Bernard to Weymouth. St. Columbia to Badcleck. 1 to C~l;:cfi ~ !1-Iulgrave. St. Joseph to Antlgoolshe. St. Joseph Du Moine to Margaree Harbor. Nappan Station*t to AmSt. Patrick 's Channelt to herst. Necum Teuch to Shersa.Pe~~g~d to St. Peters. brooke. Salmon River (Cape Bret.OD Neils Harbort to Ingonish. Co.) to Sydney. New Aberdeen•t to Glace Salmon River <Digby Co.) Bay. to Meteghan River. New Albany to Middleton. Salt Springs to Pictou. Newburn to New Germany. Sambro to Hallfa.x. to New Campbellton*t Sampsonville to St. Peters. North Sydney. New Canada to Bridgetn~ P~nt t•t 1ro1lgiavC. ) water. fo ~ey°~~uth. Ir Y o. Newcombe Corner to StewSandy Point• to Shelburne. iack. Saulnlei-ville• to Meteghan New Cornwall to BrldirePockwock to Halltax. water. River. New Edinburgh to Wey- Point Cross to Eastern Saulnierville Station to Meteghan River. Harbor. mouth. Newellton to Clarke's Har- Pomt Tupper• t t to Port Scotch Lake to North SydHawkesbury. bor. Sc~flti vwaire•ttto WindNew flarbor 1iO Guys- Poirierville to Arichat. Pomquet to Antl1ronlllbe, boroup;h. Sc~~burnti to Pictou. New Havant to Ingonisb. Ponds to New Gla..c;1?ow. Scotsburn Station• to Pondville to Arichat. New Minas to Kentvllle. Pope's Harbor to Dart· Plctou. Newport• to Windsor. Scotsville to Inverness. Mouth. Newport Corner to Windsor Portaplque to Londonderry SCQtt's Bay to Canning. Scott's Bay Road to CanNewport Landln1r•to WindPort Btckerton to Shernlng. sor. brooke. to N~rid!or. Statlontt Seabright to Halifax. ~~~ C~~t~ Bf~!~~- Selma.h to Maitland. New Ross* to Kentvllle. brooke. New Salem to Parrsboro. Porter's Lake to Dartmouth Shag Harbor"ttoBarrington Newton Mills to Truro. New Tusket to Weymouth. Port Felix to Guysborough 1 Passage. New Victoria. to New Port FellX East to Canso Sheet Harbor Passaget to Shubenacadie. Port Georie to Middleton. Waterford. Port Hastlngs•tt to Port Sbeffleld Mlllat to Cannlnc Newvlllet to Parrsboro. Shinimecas Bridge to AmHawkes bury. Nlctaux Falls• to Mlddl&herst. Port Hillford to Sherbrooke ton. Nine Mlle River to Shuben- Port Hood .Mines• to Port SWo Harbor1to Dartmouth Short Beach to Yarmouth. Hood. acadl@. Shulie to River Hebert. Noel* to Kennetcook Cor- Port Howe• to Oxford. Shunaca.die toN orthSydney Port Joli to Liverpool. ner. Noel Road to Kennetcook. Port La Tour• to Barring Simpson Corner to Bridgewater. ton. Corner. North Ainslie to Inverness. Port Lorne• to ~rld1retown Six Mile Brook to Pictou. Dhu to North Sydney. Skir North Alton to Kentville North Beaver BaillC to Port Maitland• to Yar- Sluice Point to Yarmouth. Smith's Covet to Digby. mouth . Hallfax. Port Medway* to Liverpool. Smithsville to Barrington. ktl Id• t O Live North B r-- Port Moutont to Liverpool. Soapstone Mine to Whycopool. roo e comagh. Port Phlllp to Oxford. North Earltown to Truro. N. E. Harbor to Shelburne. Port Royal to Arlcbat. N. E. Margareet to Mar- Port Saxon to Barring-ton. Sober Island to Shubenacadie. Port Shoreham to Guysgaree Harbor. Soldier's Cove to St. H lU borough. Northfield to Bridgewater. Cove to a ax 1 Peter's. I Portuguese Somerset• to Berwick. North Lochaber to Antllr• Port Wade* to Dl1rby. Sonora* to Sherbrooke. Poulamond to Arlchat. onlshe. South to Lunenburi. North Mlddleboro to Ox• Prospect• to Halifax. Pubnico to Barring- South Alton to KentvWe. ford, Southamoton•t to Sprlnir. ton Passage. Northport* to Pugwasb. to • lllll. Pubnico Head*t to Pubmco N. RangeH to Digby. Farming-ton South North River to Truro. , Middleton. North River Brld1ret to Pugwasn Junctlon•ti to South Gut or St. Ann s•tto Oxford. Baddeck . Baddeck. . North River Center to BadSouth Ingomsh to Ingomsb. deck. South Lochaber to AntlgoNorth Salem to Shubenanlahe. Queensland to Halifax. cadle. South .M~itlandtto Maitland N. Shore to North Sydney. Queensportt to Guye. South Milford to Annapolis borough. North Shore St. Mariraret's Roya.I. Queensville to Port HawkesBay to Hallfax. South Ohlo•tto Yarmouth. bury. North Springfield to Middle South Ra~don to vytndsor. Qulnan to Yarmouth. ton. South_ Rryer Stat10nt to North Wallace to Wallace. Ant1~omshe. Nortn West to Lunenbuflr. Rawdon to Kennetcook soit:nnld;o "t~1:1b1~\f~~~~ Nyanza to Baddeck. tain. Corner. Rear of Ball's Creek to Syd- South West Marirareet to Inverness. ney. 0 gden to Guysborough, Reserve Mines•t to Glact South West Port Mouton 0 gllvle to Berwick. to Liverpool. Bav 0 hlo to Antlgonlshe. River Bourgeols•t to St. Spanish Ship Bay to Sher0 Id Barns• to Truro. brooke. Peter's. 0 1dham* to Shubenacadle. RlverDennlato Pt Hawke&- Spencer's Island to Parrs0 nslow Station to Truro. Orangedale to Port Hawkes• Rl~~:-V·oennls S~tlon to l Sp~g;~dale to Meteghan bury. River. Port Hawkesbury. Osborne to Lockeport. River Phlllpt1 to Oxford. Springfield*t to Middleton Ostrea Lake to Halifax. Springhaven to Yarmouth. gttawa Brook to Baddeck. Sprin~ Hill Junction•tt to Rlversdalett (Colchester 1 Sprm~bill. Oo.) to Truro. o~1irtfi~tg J!~~ut~hi:>artRiversdale (Digby Co.) tc Sprmgv1llet to Stellarton. mouth. Spry Bay*t to Dartmouth. Weymouth. Oxtord Junctlontt to OxRlversdale (Lunenburir Co.> Spry Harbor to Dartmouth. ford. Stake Road to Oxford. to Bridgewater. Oyster Ponds (Guysto Pictou . borough Co.) to Mul- Riverside Corner to Wind- Stillman Stirlin~ Brook to Maltla.n1 sor grave. Stony Islandt to Clarke" Rockdalet to St. Peter's. . . Harbor. Rocklngnam Station t ~o l Stormont to Ant1gomshe. Ha!Uax. Paradise• t to Lawrence(Formerl3 Stratblorne*t Rocklin to Stellarton. town. Broad Road Intervale) to Parkdale to Mahone Bay. RockvUle to Yarmouth. Inverness. Parker's Cove to Annapollll Rocky Mountain to Nell Streets Ridge to Oxf(!rd. Glasgow. Royal. Valley to Guys- Sugar Loaf to Ingomsh. ~ark's Creek to Riverport Roman Summervllle (Ha.nts Co.) borough. arraboro Shore to Parrato Hantsport. Rose Bay• to Lunenburir. boro. SummervilleCentre(Queens Roseway to Shelburne. ~egzy's Cove to Halifax. Oo.) to Liverpool. Ros■way to Dl1rby. P!:g~:: tih~~di~r. Yar- Round ttm•t to Annapoll.l Sundridge to Pictou. 1 unnybrae*t to Stellarton. Royal. mouth.  ~t  !~g~~-  I  f· 0  d. 0,  w  I  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2105  Rlvert to Lockeport. I Sweet's Corner to Wlnd· I Sable sor. St. Andrews• (Antlgonlahe  Pentz to Bridgewater. Petite de Grat Bridge to Arlchat. Petite Riviere Brld1re* to to l Btrolud1rewLaatnedr.lng* t + + PIC Pictou. Pii~~s~~~-Valleyt to New Pinkney·s Point to Yarmouth. Pleasant Bayt to Eastern Harbor. Pleasantfield to Liverpool. Pl:~~it Harbor to DartPleasant Lake to Yarmouth Pleasant River to Bridiewater. PleasantValley(Antlgonlshr Co.) to Antigonishe. Pleasant Valley (Yarmoutb Co.) to Yarmouth. Pl«::f'e~~vllle to BrldirePlymouth to Yarmouth. Plympton*t to Weymouth  I  6  ONTARIO  ,county Seat.  •Money Order Office.  I Waverly*tt to Dartmouth. Welsford to Pictou. Wentworth to London• Sydney Forks to Sydney. derry. Sydney River to Sydney. Sylvan Valley (Antlgoniahe Wentworth Center• to Lon1 donderry. P. 0.) to Antigonlshe. Wt'ntwortn atatlont: to nd0nd erry. Lo Tancook Island*to Chester Wentzell8 Lake to Brld~ Tangtert to Dartmouth. water. Halifax. to Tantallon W. Advocate to Parrsboro. Tarbot to Baddeck. Tenecape to Kennetcook West Alba. to Port Ha.wkei;. bury. Corner. ft~llf,~~er's. wg50tr:pple River to Parrs• ~:;~cN~;f West Arlchat• to Arlchat. The Falls to Truro. The Ha.wk to Barrington West Bay• to Port Hawke► bury. Passage. Thtbeauv1lle to St. Peter's West Bay Roadtt to Port Hawkesbury. Thompson's Station* to Weat Berlin to Liverpool. Oxford. Thorne's cove to Digby, Three Fathom River to West Branch River John to River J obn. ThDe~r1iruoui~- 1 t t O Wind W. Caledonia to Liverpool. • Westchestertt to Oxford. ans e Westchester Station• to Tlddvllle to Weymouth. Oxtord. Tldnlsh • to Amherst. Guys- West Chezzetcook to Dartto Tomkinsvllle mouth borough. West Clifford to Bride• Toney M1lls to Plctou. water. West Dubllnto Bridgewater f~~lr!j:!~ West Gore• to Wlvdsor. To;:~~ok Mlnes*to Mlddle- West Head to Clarke's Harbor. Tracadie to Antigonish. West Jeddore to DartTremont to .l'vlidctleton. mouth. Tuppervllletto Bridgetown. Tusket•tt <Argyle Town- West La Have to Brid1rewater. shlp) to Yannouth. Tusket Wedge to Yar- West New Annan to Truro. mouth. Two Rivers to River He- West Newdy Quoddy to Sherbrooke. bert. West Northfield to Brldirewater. Pubnlco• to Y arUpper Branch to Brldg~ West mouth. water. to Plctou. Rlvert West Upper Burlington to Wind- West River Statlon*t to sor. Truro. Upper Clementstto Annap- Weymouth Mllls to Weyolis Royal. mouth. Union Square to New Ger-. many. North*to WeyUpper Economy to London- Weymouth mouth. derry Wbitehead*t to Canso. U~~;~lsb~{;_nd Mira. to White Point to Ingonish. Whites Lake to Halifax. Upper Kennetcook* to Kennetcook Corner. Windsor Forks to Windsor. Upper La Have to Bridgewater. Wlndsor Juvction tt tc Upper Lakeville to MusHalifax. quodohoit Harbor. to Sbe11 Wlne Harbor brooke. Upper Mlddleboro to Ox- Wittinberg to Stewlacke. Wood's HarbortttoBarrlnirford. ton. Upj;Jde~~~dle River to Wreck Covet to North Sydney. Upper Falmouth to Windsor. Upper Musquodobolt• to Stewia.cke. Uooer Newport to Windsor. Upper Nine Mlle River to Kennetcook Corner. Upper Port La Tour* to Barrington. Upper Rawdon to Shubenacadle. Upper Sackville to Hallfax. ONTARIO  I  ig  :or.  ~tilJf;fin.  Upper Smithfield to Sher• brooke. Upper South River to Antl- Aberarder to Forest. gonlshe. Aberdour to Port Elirln. Upper Stewlacke• to Truro. Aberfoyle• to Guelph. Upper Wood Harbor to ~o~~~:,tlle Barring-ton Passaire. Acacia to TUaonbur,r. Actlnollte•tt to Tweed, Valley Station ti to Truro. Adamsville to Wlarton. Addison• to Athens. Vaughan to Windsor. Adelaide to Kerrwood. Victoria to Oxford. Victoria Beacht to Dbtby. Admaston to Renfrew. Victoria Bridget to Louis- Admaston Station to Renburg. frew. Victoria. Vale to Middleton. Adolphustown• to Picton. Agerton to Milton. Victory to Bear River. Vogler's Cove to Liverpool. Ahmlc Harbour• to Burk'• Falls.  fg~wt1~~  Ahmlc Lake to Burk'sFalls Waldeck Line to Bear Alberton to Ancaster. River. Waldegrave to Tatama- Albuna to Leamington. Alderale to Powassan. gouche. Alford Junction to BrantWalden to Mahone Day. ford. Walkerville to Pt. HawkesAlfred Station• to Alfred. bury. Wallace Bridge to Wallace. Algoma. Mills• to Blind River. Wallace Ridge to Wallace. Wallace Stationt to Wal- Alv;onquin• to Brockvflle. Park*ttto Burk's to Kennetcook W Alice to Pembroke. Corner. Ward's Brook to Parrsboro. Washabuck Bridge to .8ad- 1 Allanburgt to Welland. Allan Park*i to Hanover deck. Washabuck Center to Bad- Allan's Mllls to Perth. Allan Station to Maddoc. deck. Waternish to Sherbrooke. AllenavWe• to HuntsvUlci. Watford to New Germany. Allen Water to Sioux Lookout. Watt Section to Sher-1 Allenwood• to Elmvale brooke. Waugh's River to Tatama- Alllsonvllle to Welllniiton. Almira to UnlonvUle. gouche.  Ali~1~~  ~~iiii•  I  tTelegraph Station.  t Express Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  ONTARIO .Alport to Bracebrtdire. tl~~~!pt~ ~to'!m1~~t. Statlont to Amaranth Orangevllle. Amberley to Klncardlne Amtirart• to Fort Erle. Amulree to Shakespeare. A.myottt to Chaoleau.  Brooke (Lanark Co ) to l Belmore to Wro'l:eter. Perth. Ben Allen to Owen Sound. Brookfteld Statlont to Wei• Benmiller• to Goderich. land. Bennie CornersttoAlmonte.  Cataractt to Alton . Cat&raqu1• to Kingston. Cathcart* to Burtord. Cavant to Mlllbrooli:. Cavanville to Millbrook.  ONTARIO Conatanoe to Seaforth.  Conway to Bath, I Cooper to Madoc. ,&~f~:gr:1i~  t3p~~~&.  Brookholm• to Owen Sound Cedar Brae to Mount Copleston• to Petrolia. Brook1dale• to Embro. Albert. Brougham• to Claremont. Corbeilt to North Bay. Brown Hillt to Sutton West Corbett to Park Hill. Brown's Cornerst to Agin- Cedar Grove to .Markham. court. Cedar Hlll to Pakenham. Corbyvllle to Belleville. Anderson to St. Mary'1. Brown'• Nurseries to FontAnnant to Owen Sound. hill. Anten Mills to Barrie. Cordova Mines• to Marmora. Cedarville• to Mount Forest Brownton to Peterboro. Bertie Station to Rld~eway Bruce Stationt to Bruce Center Dummer to NorAntrim* to Klnburn. Mines. Cormack to Eganvllle. wood. Appleton to Carleton Place. Bervle• to Klncardlne. Ilrudenell to Killaloe Sta- Central Ontario Junction U Cornell to Otterville. Berwick•Tt to Finch. Aosley• to Lakefield. Corson's Siding to Klrkdeld. to Springbrook. tion. Archer to Aultsvllle. Coulson to Ortllla. Centreton to Cobourg. Brunetvllle to SUdbury. Bethesda to Stouffville. Brunner to Mllverton. Centreville • (Addlngtoo Courtloe to Bowmanvllle. Bewdley to Port Hope. Ardbeg to Parry Sound. Co.) to Camden. East. Brvanston to Granton. Bexley• to Klrkfleld. Ardoch to Perth. Cowal to Lawrence Station. I Buckett to Sioux Lookout. Bickford to Courtrhrht. Ardtrea to Orlllla. Chaffey's Locks to New- Coyne to Capreol. Big "\Yoodt:I: to Parry ' Budd Mills to EganvUle. Ar-ale* to Woodvllle. Bulger to Cobden. Sound. Cralgfe Lea to Gravenhura& boro. Arisa to Guelph. Bullock'• Corners to Dun- Chalk River• t t to Pero- Cralgvalett to Barrie. Arkellt to Guelph broke. das. Bllltngs Brldge*tto Ottawa. 1 Bunyan to Sarnia. Cranbrook• to Rruasels. Arkwright• to Tara. Chantler Station to Welland C'rean Hill Mine to SudBurv;oyne to Port Ele-ln. Birdsallst to Ha.stings. Annadale to Markham. Chantry to Phllllpsville. bury. Armow• to Klncardlne. Bird's Creektt to Bancroft. Burketon Station•t to Chapman to Tweed. Blackstock. Credlton East to Credlton. Armstrong to Sioux Look- Blrkendalet to Huntsville. Burleiitb 'Falls to Lakeileld. Chard to Plantagenet. Creighton to Orillia. Birnam to Arkona. out. Chartn1t Cross• tt to Chat- Creighton Mine* to SudAnnstronir·s Mills toGuelpb ham. bury. I Bur1lnitton Beach to 11amBirr to Lucan. Amert to Ktng1vllle. llton. ntscotasing* to Sudbury. Amott to Chatsworth Burnabr to Pon Colborne. Charlemont to Wallaceburg Crewe to Dungannon. !~11!~~\Yt~rth Bay. Charleston to Athens. Crewson's Corners to Acton Crofton to Amellasbu~. Bismark (Lincoln Co.) to Burnhamthorpe to Cook~ Charlevllle to Prescott. Ashburn* to Brooklin. Chartrand to Navan. vllle. Well and port. Cromarty to Dublin. Ashdadt to Oalabogie. Chatterton to Foxboro. Burnley to Warkworth. Crookston* to 1'1ac.loc. Black Bank to Creemore. Cheapslde to Jarvis. Bums to Milbank. Blackburnt to Ottawa. Chedoke to Hamilton. Burnstown to Renfrew. Crosbyft to ewboro. Aspdtn to Huntsville. Burnt River• to Fenelon Cross Hill to "\Vellesley, Asselstlne to Odessa. Falls. Crossland to Elmvale. Black Ha.wk to RalnyRlver. A1torville to North Bay. Croton to Florence. Cheney Station to Vars. Black Heath to Caledonia. Burridge to Westport. Chepstowe1 to Cargill. Crow Lake to Perth. Blackwatert to Sunderland Burriss to Fort Francis. Cherry Valley to Illoomfleld. Crowland to Welland. Blair*ft to Galt. Atherley•t: to Orlllla. Cherrywoodt to Pickering. Blairhampton to HaliburAtherton to Simcoe. Chicopee Mills to Kitchener Crows Landing to LakeBurtell to Brantford. ton. Athlone to Tottenham. Burwasbtt to Sudbury. field. Atbole to Maxville. Chlppav.-a Hill to South- , Croydon to Tamworth. Buttonville to Unionville. Atikokan tt to Fort Frances Blairtont to Havelock. Buxton to Merl\n. · C'roziert to Fort Frances. ampton. Blake to Zurich. Atkin to Inwood. Crumllnt to London Chi elhurst to Hensall. Atkln1on to Gananoque. BlAk:eney* to Almonte. to l BBynyn! to n1Deunt*nt'111et.o Crystal Beach*t to .Rid~ Parry Chlswick to North Bay. + • 1 Statioot Atterclltret to Dunnvllle. Blandford way. 1 Christian Island to PeneSound. nrumbo. Culloden to Brownsville. tangulshene. Byron to London. Bla.ntyre to Mea!ord. to Port Rowan. Cultus Au~hrlm to Alvtnaton. Blayney to Delhi. Chrl3tlet to Dundas. Cumming's Bridge•t to Mount to Christina Eastview Center. Blezard Valley*to SUdbury. A vonton to Strattord. Brv11ges. Currie's CMssing to WoodBloomingdale to Kitcheuer. Axe Lake to Huntsville. Christy s Lake to Perth. stock. Bloomington to Stouffville. Azlldatt to Sudbury. to Letroy. Churchlll*t Cl!Shendall to Kingston. BloomsbUTI!: to Waterford. Cache :Ha:v•tt to Sturgeon Cburchvtllet to Brampton. Cutler*tt to Massey. Falb,. Blytheswood•t to Leam-1 CyrvUle* to Ottawa. Cadarette to Sturgeon Falls lngton. City View to Ottawa. Boakevlewtto Parry Sound. Cadmus* to Blarkstock. Clachan to Bothwell. Cae area to Nestleton. Bogarti to Tweed. Clairville to Woodbridge. Calntown to Mallorytown. Boga.rttown to Newmarket: Caiphat to Sudbury. Cairngorm to l:,'tratbroy. Boirnor• to Owen Sound. aistorville •to Smithville. Bollngbroke to Westport. Calstor Centre to Dunnvtlle Bo1sover to Klrktleld. Badjeros to Dundalk. to Richmond w Lake Bond Corners Ba.insville*H to Lancaster. g'!_\~t;elf•~~tlJ~ifl~· Cala- Clrff Hill Balaclava to Owen Sound. Bonlnville to SUdbury Clarence• to Rockland. bogie. Dacre to Renfrew. Clarendon tG Perth. B~tf:.bridge. Bonvtlle to Cornwall. Dalhousie Lake to Lanark. Clarevtew to Tamworth. Baldoont to Chatham. Dalhousie Mills to DalClarke• to Newtonville. Norwich. to Bookton Baldwin to Sutton. housie Station, Que. Clark's Mills to Camden CaledonlaSprlngs•u to Bornholm• to Mitchell. Ballantraet to Stou.trville. Dalmeny to Osgoode Stast . Ea. Bay. North to ca't~~~'!r•t District) CNlplsstni Boston• tion. Balllr.afad• to Georgetown. Claverlng to Wlarton. Calton to Avlmer. to Enilehart. Dalrymple to Brechin. Ballycroy• to Tottenham Damascus to Fergus. Claybank to Amorior. Camborne to Cobourg. to Millbrook. Claybelt to Englehart. Danett to Enilchart. Bolton (Norfolk Co.) to Cambray*t to .Lindsay. Cambridgett to Embrum. Ballymote to London. Waterford. Daniston to Ottawa. Clavton• to Almonte. :8almoral to Cayuga. Boston Creek to Englehart. Camel Chute to Renfrew. Darlin£ Roadt to Dunnv1lle Balsam to Claremont. Clear Creek• to Port Rowan. Darlingside to Lansdowne. Cameron to Llndaay. Clear Lake to 1Jravenhur1t. Dartford to Hastlne-s. Camilla• to Ora~evllle. Balsam Laket to Kfrkfield. Boulter to Bancroft. Baltimore• to Cobourg. Campoellcrort • t to Port Clearvllle to Highgate. Bourkest io .Englehart. Bamberg to W elle.sley. Davia Mills to Pembroke cfm°J>;e11•s Cross to Ingle- Clontarf to Eganville. Banks to Collingwood. Boweavtlle to Ottawa Dawn MUls to Dresden. Cloudslee to Bruce Mine■ . wood. Bowooa to A.llla Cralir. Dawn Valley to Dresden. Cloyne• to Tweed. Campbellton to Dutton. Day Mills to Thessalon. Bannockburn*tt to Madoc. Box Gmve io Markham. Cluny to Port Elgin. Canalt to Huntsville. Boyd to Douglas. Baptiste to Bancroft. Deaa Creek to Tweed. Clute to Cochrane. Cannamore to Crysler. Barkway to Bracebrldge, Cannifton* to Belleville. Dean Lake•tt to Thessalon. Barnesdale to Parry Sound, Boyne to Milton. Canning to Paris. Braeonaale to Toronto. De Cewavtlle to Cayuga. Barriefteld t to Kinirston. Clyde to Galt. Canonto to Renfrew. Deemerton to MUdmay. Bar River•t to Sault Ste. Bradshaw to Brlgden. Marie. Deerbrook to Belle River. Clydesdale to Madoc. Canton to Port Hope. Cobble Hill to Thorndale. Delmer to Brownaville. Barrow Bay•to Lion's Head Braemar to Hlckson, I Batchewana to Sault Ste Braealde•tt to Arnorlor. Caoe Croker to Wlarton Marie. Cardwell Junction to Cale- Cockburn Island~ to Thea- Deloro* to l\:tarmora. Brachton *rLo Galt. salon. Demorestvllle*t to Picton. Brennan Harbour to Mas- 1 don East. Batteau to Collingwood. Codrlnirton• to Brighton. Carleytt to Hillsdale sey. Battenea t to K~ston. ~e~~~Carllngtord* to Sebring- Ooe Hill to Madoc. Baxtert to Alliston. Brentwood to Stayner. ville. D~~:.arbor•u to Parr, Ba:vavUie• to Bracebridge. Brewer's Mills to Seeley's Carlisle* CMlddle1ex Co.> Colcheatert to Harrow. Cold Springs to Cobourg. to Allsa Craig. Bay. Bealton to Waterford. 1 Dereham Center to TlllBearbrook to Ottawa. g~~g~~~~i~•totoY~~~~~~roy, Co.) sonburg. Bear Island to Cobalt. Cole Lake to Kingston. to Dalhousie Station, Carlow to Auburn. Derrvvllle to Cannlnitton. Bear Laket to Parry Sound. Carlsbad Springs • t t to! Derwent to Belmont. Que. Bear Line to Chatham. Coleman•t to Toronto. Ottawa. Desaulniers to North Bay. Bridgenorth• to Peterboro. Beaumarts• t ttoBracebridge 1 Coleralne to Woodbridge. Carlsrube• to Hanover. Becher• to Wallacebur~. Desert Lake to Sydenham. Colg~n to Tot~enbam. Brldievlew to :Kemptv1lle. Carluke to Hamilton. Bedford Mlllst to Newboro. Brighton Beach to Sutton Carnarvon to Fenelon Falls Colhn~tt to 10ux Lookout. Detlor to Bancroft. Collins Bay•tt to KlllJlston Devtzes to uranton. I West. Carrvtlle to Richmond HUI Bedford Park•tto Toronto Brtnale.-• to Lucan. Devlin •ti to Fort Franoes. Carl"ying Place to Trenton. Collin's lnlet to Little Dlck1nson'a L&ndtng• to Brinon to Winchester. Beechwood• to Seaforth Current. Carsonby to orth Gower. Beniboro to Sprucedale. Wales. Colpoy's !lay• to Wiarton. Dlnorwtct i to Dryden. Beltast to Lucknow. Britannia Bav to Westboro 1 Carswell to Renfrew. Colquhoun to Morrlsbur"i, Beltountaln• to Erin. to Carthage to Listowel. Heights Britannia Columbus• to Oshawa. Gart1er*tI to Sudbury. We&tboro. Belhaven• to Sutton. Dlrleton to Fitzroy HarCashel to Unionville. bour. Bellamy'•tt to Brockvllle. Britton to Listowell. Broadbent w Parry Sound. Cashlon's Glen to Cornwall Commanda to Trout Creek Divert: to North Bay. Bell Ewe.rt to Lefroy. Bell Rock to Sydenham. Dlxle*t to CookavUle. Toronto. to Concorott RenBella Oorners•t to West- Brodie to Glen Robertson I g::ir~f~~l;~ng~f-to Dixon to Walea. boro. Dixon's Corners to lroquola Br~g::d~Grey Co.) to Owen ca~rt1:more to Woodbrldre. g~~~:u~h~iougl!~~ile. Bellvtew to Sprmgbrook. Dobblnton•t to ChesleY, Benoit to Casselman. Bensfort to Mlllbrook. Bent River to Bracebridge. Bergland to Rainy River. Berkeley• t t to Markdale. Berlin to Kitchener. Berry-ton to Gananoque.  ·1  I  I  I  I  ~J:gJ:~~-~ ~aft~~e.  I  ~:i~:S~i!'. !~  :iyrc;~.  I  I  I  I  I  g:~~J~:l~  :~~~et:~ rru!~~f~  I  I  I  REFERENCE KEY.  A County  Seat.  • Money Order Office.  tTelegraph Station.  t Expreee  Office.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  ONTARIO Dollar to Thornhill. Domlnlonvllle to Maxville. Domvllle to Prescott. Donald to Haliburton. Donegal to Atwood, Donnell to Arnprlor. Doon*H to Kitchener.  Elmhed1te to Elmsteadtt to Tecumseh. Elm Tree to Tweed. Eloida to Athens. Elphln* to Lanark. Elsinore to Allenford. Emerald to Kingston. Emeryt to Weston. Emadale•tt to Burk's Falls  Dorion*tt to Port Arthur. Dorldngtt to Linwood. Dorland to Napanee. Enft~it~ to Osgoode Dornoch• to Durham. Ennets Station to Dresden. Dorset to Huntsville. Douro to Lakefield,• to BowmanDover South to Oha.tham. Ennl■mor«s to Peterboro. Downer's Corners to Peterboro. Ennotvllle to Fergus. Downeyvtlle to Omemee. Epping to Meaford. Downsvlew to Weston. Eramosa to Uuelpn. Drew Statlont to Harrtaton. Erbsvllle to Waterloo. Dromore• to Hol■teln. Erlea.ut to Blenheim. EriA View to Port Rowan. Drummond to Perth. Drysdale to Zurtok. Erindale*tt to Cooksville. Duart* to Muirk:irk. Erinsvillett to Napa.nee. Dubuque to Chatham. Ernestown Stationtt to Dudley to Gravenhurst. Napanee. Escott to Mallorytown. Dutrertn (Frontenac Co.) to Kingston. Dutrerln Bridite to Pam Esauesing to Georgetown Sound. Eue:enia• to Flesherton Dulcemaine to Lansdowne Evantural to L'Orlglnal. Evelyn to Thorndale. Dunbar* to Chesterville. Eversley to Aurora. Dunbarton• to Plckertnii. Everton* to Rockwood. Dunooyne to Aylmer. Excelsior to Little Current. Duncan* to Thornbury. Duncburch• to Burk's Falls. Dundela to Iroquois. Dundonald to Colborne. Dunedin to Creemore. Dunkeld to Carctll. Dunlop to Goderich. Dunnet to Verner. Dunrobin to Woodlawn. Dunsfordt to Lindsay.  0  Eagle River*t to Dryden. Earner's Corners to Cornwall. Earlscourt*t to Toronto. Earlton*tt to New Liskeard E. Hawkesbury to Ha.wkesbury. E. E. E. E.  Faraday to Bancroft. Faraubar* to Exeter. Farra.n's Polnt• to Wales. Favel to Winnipeg, Man. Fenell~ to Roseneath. Ferguson to Komoka. Ferguson's Falls to Lanark  Fergusonvale to Elmvale. Fermoy to Westoort. Fern Glen to Sprucedale. Fernbill to Strathroy. Fernlee to Gore Bay. FernleiJth to Perth. Linton to Owen Sound. Feronia to North Bay. Oro to Ori Ilia. Fesserton*! to Coldwater. Oxford to Kemptvllle Field* to North Bay. Toronto*t to Toronto.  E. Willtamsburgh to Morrisburg. Eastwood*tt to Woodstock. Eau Claire*tt to Mattawa. Ebertst to Chatham. Echo Placfl• to Brantford. E dent to Tillsonburg. Eden Grovet to Cargill. E den Mills to Rockwood. Edenvale* to Stayner. Edgar to Barrie. Edi:cele:v• to Woodbrldire.  y.  Falardeau to New Ltskeard. Falconbridge to Mount Brydges. Fatding*t to Parry Sound. Falkenburg Stationt to Bracebridge.  Dunvegan• to Alexandria. Dutblll to Sombra. Falkland to Paris. Dwle;bt*t to Huntsville. Fall Brook to Lanark. Dyer's Bay to Lion's Bead. Fallowfield to Richmond. Falls View* to Niagara Falls South. Fanshawe to London.  Eadytt to Coldwater. E ae;leti (Elgin Co.) to We■ t Lorne. Eagle Lake to South River  1-  Fairfield Plain to Burford. Fair Ground to Port Rowan  Edgington Station to Parry Sound. Edville to Colborne Edy's Milla to 011 Sprlnp. E ffingham to Fonthlll. E gbert to Thornton. Egerton to Mount Forest. !jlgmondville to Seaforth. c,kfridt to Glencoe. Elb Mills to Athens. Elcho to Smithville.  Flamboro Centre to:waterdown. Flanders to Fort Frances. Fleetwood* to Millbrook. Fletcher*t! to l\ferlin Flint Siding to Ft. William.  I  Floradale* to Elmira. Flower Stationtt to Calabogie. Folden's Corners to Ingersoll. I  I  Foote·s .Bay•tt to Brac&bridge Fordyce to Wingham. Forest Mills to Napa.nee. Forest Nook to Burk's Falls Forestville to Port Rowan. Forfart to Newboro.  Frogmore to Tillson burg. Frome to Shedden. FruJtland • to Stoney Creek. Fulton to Grimsby. Fultons Mills to Clifford.  Gad's Hillt to Stratford. Gagnon to Casselman. Galllngertown to Morrl.9- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ACounty  Seat.  Hope Bay to Wlarton. Hopetown to Lanark. Hopevllle• to Dundalk. Hornbyt to Milton. Hornepayne to Chapleau. HOU&'hton to Tlllsonbur1t.  Grimsthorpe to Gore Bay. Guerin to Peterboro. Guilds to Blenheim. Gunter to Madoc. Guysboro to Tillsonburg.  Howe Island to Ktnpton. Howlett to Lambeth. Humbert to Woodbrld~e. Huml>er Bay•r to Toronto.  H~=~fe.  • ~Ioney Order Office.  2107  Gr'38nway to Parle Hill. Greenwood* to Pickering. Gregory to Braoebrldiie. Grenadier Island■ to Mallorytown. Griersvllle to Meaford.  Ga~!ir1die•t to Beaverton Haddo to Iroquois. Garden Hlll ti to Port Hope Hadlington to Fenelon Falls Corners to Garden River• to Sault Ste. Marie. Rainsville to Iroquois. Gardenville to Consecon. Haldane Hlll to Huntsville. Garson Mlnett to SudburY. Gas Line to Port Colborne. Haley Statlon•tt to Cobden. Gelertt:t to Fenelon Falls. Germania to Gravenburst. Halloway to Foxboro. Hall's Bridge to Lakefield. Germanlcus to Eganvtue. German Mills to Kitchener. Hall's Glen to Lakefield. Hall's Mllla to Almonte. Gesto to Essex. Gibraltar to Collln1twood. Hallvllle to Mountain. Gutordft to Lefroy Haruill's Pointtto GravenGillies to Fort William. hurst. Gllmour*t t to Madoc. Hamilton Beach to HamilGiroux Lake* to Cobalt. ton. Hamlett to Orillla. Gladstone to Harrletsvllle. Hammond• rt (Russell Co.) Glammts• to Palsle:v. to Rockland. Glanford to Hamilton. Hamostead to Shakespeare. Glanford Station to Caledonia. Glasgow to Stoutrvllle. Ranmer•tt to Sudbury. Glas11;ow Station to Arn- Hannon to Hamilton. orlor. Glenallan* to Linwood. Harboard to Ottawa. Harcourt to Bancroft. Glen Andrew to Dalkelth. Harlem to Delta. Glen Annant to Wingham. Harle:vtt to Burford. Glenarm to Woodvtlle. Harlowe to Tweed. Glen Brook to Lancaster. Harold* to Springbrook. Glen Buell* to Brockville. Harper to Perth. Glenburnle to Klnirston. Harper·s Corners to Waterdown. Harrington* to Embro. Glen Colin to Aylmer. Harrlson·s Corners to CornGlendower to Klni■ton. wall. Glenfield to Renfrew. Glen Gordon to Lancaster. Hartford to Hairersvllle. Glen Huront to Colllnir- Hartingtontt to Kingston. Hartleyt to Woodville. wood. Glen Meyer to Tillsonburg. Harwich• to Rlditetown. Harwood to Cobourii. Glen Mlllert to Trenton. Glen Mount to Graven- Hatchley Statlont to Norwich. hurst. Glen NormanttoAlexandrla Hawk Junction to Sault Glenora • to Picton. te. Marie. Glen Rae to Inwood. Hawley to Napanee. Hawtrey•t to Ottervllle Hay to Exeter. Glenroyt to Alexandria. Hay Bay to Napanee. Glenshee to Simcoe. Haycroftt:t to Comber. Glen Stewart to lroquoll. Glenvalet to Kingston. Haydon to Bowmanville Glen Walter to Cornwall. Haysville* to New Hamburg. Glen Wllllama• to Geot1toIJazeldean to SUttsville. town. liazzard's Corners toMadoc Glenwood StatlonttoMerun. Heaslip*tt to Englehart. Goble's? to Princeton. IIeatbcote* to Clarksburg. God!reytt to Klnnton. Heckston* to Kemotville. GogamaH to Sudbury. Golden Valley to Powassan. IT enfrynt to Atwood. Goldtleldt to Finch. Henry to Vankleek Hill. Golrtlands* to Coc!Jrane. IIermon to Bancroft. Goldstonet to Drayton. Golsple to Woodstock. Heron Bay*tt to Schreiber Gooderham • to Lindsay. Herrons Mills to Lanark. Gordon to Amherstburg. Gordon Bay*tt to Brace- Hesson to Mlllbank. Hewitt to Welland. bridge. Highland Creek•to Toronto. Gordon Lake to Bruce Highland Grove to Bancroft. Mines. Gore's Landing• to Co- HHUer•t to Consecon. bourg. Hlll's Green to Hensall Goring to Markdale. Hill View to New Liskeard. Goudreau to Sault Ste. Hilton* (Algoma. Co.) to Marie. Bruce Mines. Gowanstown*tt to Listowel Hllton (Northumberland Gowganda* to Elk Lake. Co.) to Brighton. Grand Bend• to Park Hill. Hlnchlnbrook!to Kln11:ston  Forget to Embrun. Grand View• to Brantford. Fork's Road* to Dunnvllle. Grant (Nipissing Co.) to Fort Stewart• to Bancroft. C'ocbrane. Grantley to Chesterville. Eldon Statlontt to Oannln1t· Fowler's Corners to Petei-- Graut·s Cornen to Cornton. boro. wall. Foxmead to Coldwater. Eldorado•t t to Madoc. Grass Hillt to Woodville. Electrtct to Wallacebur~. Fox Point•t to Huntsville" Qrassle*tt to Grimsby. Eltrtda to Stony Creek. Frankllnt (Durham Co.) to Grassmere to Huntsville. Elglnburg to Kingston. Omemee. E lifntleld to Lucan. Grattant to Eiranvllle. Elirln Housett0Bracebrld1te. Franktown*tt to Carleton Gratton Oorner to Alfred. Place. Gravel Hfll to Avonmore. Ellmvme•to Exeter. Franzt to Ohapleau. Greely to Metcalfe. Ellzabethv11le to Port Hope. Fraserburg to Bracebrldge. Greenbank to Port Perry. Elk Lalce*U to New Liskeard. Frederick House to Ooch- Gr"enbusn to Brocll:vllle. ElJesmeret to Airlnoourt. rane. Greenfield• t t to Alexandt1a Freeport to Kitchener. Greenockt to Walkerton. Elllott to Perth. French Hill to Ottawa. Green River to Markham. Elllsvtlle to Seeley'■ Bay. Rlver•tt to Parry ',reen■ vme• to Dunda■. Ellwood to Ottawa. Sound. Green Valley•ttto Ale:unElma to Chesterville. Froatburn to Morrtabwv. dr\a. REFERENCE KEY.  ONTARIO  Hunta to Cochrane. Huntley to Carp. Hurdman's Bridge to Ottawa.. Hurdvllle to Parry Sound. Hutton House to Brac&bridge. fJuttonville to Brampton. Hyblat to Bancroft. Hyae Park Cornertt to London. Hydro Glen to OrUlia Hyndford to Eganvllle. Hyndman to Kemptvllle. lee L~ke"' to Gore Day. Ida io Millbrook. Ignace*t t to Dryden.  Innlsvlllet to Le.nark. Inverar:v• to Kingston. rnvermay to Tara. Iona• to Shedden. Ira to Dundas. Irena* to lroouo1a. Trish Creek to Jasper. Iron fl ridge to Bllnd River. Isbistertto ault Ste. Marte. Ivanhoe*tt to Madoc. Ivy to Thornton. Ivy Lea to Lansdowne.  Jack Fish*tt to Schreiber. Jackson to Owen Sound Jackson's Corners to Windsor. Jackson's Polnt*t to Sutton West. Jamestown* to Brussels. Janetville•t to Lindsay. Jarlsburg to Parry Sound. Jarratt·s Corners to Orillla. Jeanette's Creektt to Tllburg. Jefferson to Aurora. Jermyn to Peterboro. Jerseyville*tt to Lynden. Jessop Fallst to Plantagenet. Jessopville to Shelburne. Jock Vale to Manotick. John Island*t to Gore Bay. Jones Falls to Elgin. Joyceville to Kingston. Judd.haven to Bracebridge. Junetown to Mallorytown. Juniper Island to Lakefield.  Kakabeka Falls*tt to Fort ~'illiam. Kaladar Stationtt to Tweed Kaministiqua*t:t to Fort William. Kare* to Osgoode Station. Kashabolwett to Fort William. Katrine to Burk's Falls. Keady* to Tara. Keldon to Shelburne. Kelsot to Milton. Kelvin* to N orwloh. Kemble to Owen Sound. Kemptont:t to Kemotvme.  Hoard's Statlont to Stirling Hoaslc to Morrfsburg. Kenabeek to Englehart. Head to Owen Kendal to Orono. Sound. Hockley to urangevllle. Hogant to Me.doc. Holbrook to Burgesavllle. Holiday to Embro. Holland La.nd1n1t•ti Newmarket. Holleford to Kingston. Holly to Barrie.  Kennlcott to Mitchell. Kent Centre:' to Chatham. Kentvale to Sauh; Ste. Marie. Khartum to Eganville. to Kllbrlde* to Milton. J!tlllarney• to Little Current  Holmesvlllet to Clinton. Holt to Mt. Albert. Holyroodt to Lucknow. Homert to St Cathartnea. Homer Sldingt to Cochrane Honey Harbor to Midland tTelegrapb Station.  Kilmaur's to Woodlawn. Kl11yth• to Owen Souna . Kllwortby to GravenbW'11\. Kimball to Br~den. King•t:t to King Oity. Klniarl to Klne&rdine. Kinghorn to Ktnr City. to Tlllsonburg. tExpre111 Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2108  ONTARIO  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  ONTARIO  Klngsbridge* to Dungan- Lotus to Blackstock. LouJs~ to Elmwood. non. Louisville to Thamesville. Loverlngtt to Coldwater. Klngscourt to Watford. Kingsford to Oeseronto. Lowbanks to Dunnville. Kings Mill*tt to St. Thomaa KlnstSton Mills to Kingston Loyal to Goderich. Luli.ervllle to Essex. Lunenburir• to Walea. Kingsway to Huntsville. Luton to Aylmer. Klnkora to Sebrlngvllle. Lynedoch* to Delhi. Klnlossf to Lucknow. Lynn Valley to Simcoe. Lyons to St>rlngfield. l!'lnlough to Lucknow. Lythmoret to Cayuga. Klnsale to Brooklin. Klntall to Lucknow. Kipling to Sturgeon Fall!l.  Meldrum Bay to Tbe81!alon. Muncey•t to Melbourne. Melville (Prince Edward Munro to Mitchell. Munroe's .Mills to Martin• Co.) to Consecon. town. Melville Junctiont:t to Orangeville. Munster to Richmond Murlllo•t t to Fort Williams Menle to Campbelltord. Meri vale to Ottawa. to Trenton. Murvale to Harrowsmlth. Muskoka Falla to Brace, Merton to Bronte. bridge Metz to Arthur. Meyersburg to Campbell- Musselburg to Milverton. Myrehall to Belleville. ford . Myrtlet to Port PAITY. Michlplcoton Harbor• to Sault Ste. Marte.  Klppen•U to Hensall. Ktrby to Orono. Kirkhill to Alexandria. Klock*tt to Mattawa. Kobler to CayUga. Kossutih to Preston. Kowkashtt to Sioux Lookout.  Mlcn1p1coton River to Sault Ste. Marie. Mlcksburg to Cobden. to Middlemarcht St. Thomas.  McAlplnt to Vankleek Hill McArthur's Mills to Bancroft. McCrackens Landing to Lakefield. McCnmmon• to Alexandria McDonald's Comers• to Lanark. Krougersdortt to Englehart McDougall to Renfrew. Kubryvllle to Sebrlngvllle. McDougall Mills to Sioux Kurtzville to Listowel. Lookout.  Laderoute to VankleekHill. Lafontalne to Penetangulsbene. Laird to Sault Ste. Marie. Lake Charles to Wlarton. Lake Doree to Eganville Lakehurst to Lakefield. Lakelet to ClUiord. Lake Opinicon to Syden• ham. Lakeport• to Colborne. Lakeview to Port Burwell. L'Amable•t to Bancroft. L'A.mable Stationt to Bancroft. L' Amaroux to Aglncourt. Lanes to Lucknow. Lang to Keene. Langs1de to Lucknow. Lanirsta.1? to Thornhill. Larcbwood•tt to Sudbury. Larder Lake to Englehart. Larkln*Tt to Tweed. La Salettett to Otterville. Laakay to Kine: Clt:v. La81!wade to Lakefield. Latch!ord*tt to Cobalt. Latimer to Klnirston. Latta to Belleville. Laurentian View to Westboro. Laurler to Ripley. LaVallee•tt to Fort Frances Lavant Statlon•t to Lanark Lavigne to Verner. Lawson to Coldwater Le~ idet to Toronto. Leaakdale to U xbrldire. Lebanon to Llstowel. Leeburn to Bruce Mine■ . Leith to Owen Sound. Lemieux to Casselman. LemonvlUe to Stouffville. Leonardtt to Vars. Leakard to Orono. to Sudbury. Lewisham to Gravenbunt Lleury • to Park Hlll. Lifford to Millbrook.  Jg :~~r.~·  Middleport to Caledonia. Falls tH~Po~h~~tJ Mllberta• to New Llskea.rd.  McIntosh Mllls to Mallory- Mlltordt to Picton. town. Milford Bayf to Bra.ce-McIntyre• to Dundalk. brldire. Millar to Fort Wllllam MoKella.r•t to Parry Sound. Mlllar's Corner's to KemptMcLaren's Deoot• to Perth. vllle. McLarty to Bruce Mines. McLean to Parham. to MUlbrtctgett to Madoc. Corners McMlllan·s Mill Grove to Dundas. Cornwall. Mill Haven to Bath. Mabee to Tillsonburg. Mackey's Stationtt to Pembroke. Millhill to Fenelon Falls. Milliken to Unlonvllle. M~ti~~an•t to Bruce Mimosa to Ertn. MacTier to Parry Sound. Mlnaklt.t to Wlnnloeg. Madawaska*tt to KiUaloe Mlne Centret to Fort Frances. Station. Mine Centre Statlont to Fort .Frances. Ma.gnetawan•t to Burk's Falls. Maguire to Lucan. Mlnettt tiO Bra.cebrtdire. Maldstonet t to Essex. Minto to Stlrllng. Mainsvllle to Cardinal. Mlssanable•t:t to Cbapleau Maitland• t t to Brockvllle. Mlsslssaqua River to Blind River. Malachitt to Winnipeg, MlSSlSSIPPI Statlont to Man. Perth. Malakofl'• to North Gower. Mitchell's Bay to Chatham Malden Centre to Amherst-- Mitchell's quare to Hawkeburg. stone. Malonet to Marmora. Malta to Gravenhurst. Moffat t to Campbellville. Malton•tt to Brampton. Mohawk• to Brantford. Moira to Stirling. Malvern to Agincourt. Malwood to Carp. Molesworth• to Ethel. Manchester (Huron Oo.). Moltke to Neusta.dt. to Auburn. Moock to Arthur. Manchester (Ontario Co.) to Port Perry. Moncneff to Brussels. Mandaumintt to Sarnia.. Mood to Sudbury. Mandeville to Trout Creek. Monetville to Sudbury. Manion tiO Perth. Mannheim to Kitchener. Manvers Statlontt to Mill- M~ft~e. Centre to Oranire-brook. .Mono Mills• to Orane-evllle. Maple Island to Parry Mono Road Statlon•t f to Sound. Bolton. Maple Laket to Fenelon Monteal(le Valley to BanFalls. croft. .Maple Lake Statlont to Monticello• to Grand Valley Pa.ny Sound. Maple Lawn to Klnnton. Mapleton to Saint Thomas. Maple Valley• to Creemore Maplewood to Tavistock  Mar to Wlarton. Marburg to Simcoe. Marchmont to OrUlla. Marden to Guelph. Marionville to Russell. Mariposa Station to LindLittlewood to St. Thomas. say. Lloyd to Almonte. Markstay•tt to Sudbury. Lloydtown* to Schomberg. Lobo to Komoka. Marksvtlle• to Bruce Mines Lochalsbti to Ripley. Lochlel* to Alexandria. Mannion to Chesley. Lochlln• to Fenelon Falls. Marsvllle• to Orangeville. Look81ey Statton to Pem- Martel Corners to Oasselman. broke. Llmebouset t to Acton. Lisbon to Wellesley. Little Rapids to The■ salon  Locust Hill to Markham. Massie to Chatswortn. Lombardy• to Smith's Falls. Matawatchan to Renfrew. Mathers Corners to PeterLong Braucht to New boro. Toronto. Mattagami Heights to Lou1rtord Mills• to Or11Ua. Timmins. .Maxwell• tc> Flesherton. Long Lake to Mountaln. Long Point to Lyndhurst. Maybrook to ew Liskeard Longuelac to Port Arthur. .Maytleld to Brampton. Lonirwoodrt to Melbourne. Maynooth*tt to Bancrort. Lonsdale to Deseronto. Loretto to Tottenham. Meadowvale• tt to StreetsvUle. Loring• to Parry Sound. Mecunoma to South River. Lome Park to Port Credit Medinat to St. Mary'a. Lornevillett to Woodville. Melancthoot to Shelburne. Lost Ohance to Tweed. Melcombe to Lansdowne.  REFEREN C E KEY.  l County Seat.  I  Omoah to Renfrew. Oneida to Hagersvllle. Onondaga*t:t to Calnsvtlle. Orchard• to Mount Fore■t.  Oriel to Burgessv1Ue. Orient to Clarence Creek. Oriole to Aglncourt. Orkney to Dundas Orland to Brighton. Orleanst to Ottawa. Ormond*f to Winchester. Ormsbyt to Ma.doc. Oro Station to Barrie. Orr Lake to Elmvale. Orrville• to Parry Sound. Orwell• to Aylmer. Osborne to Petrolia. Nairn to Ailsa Craig. Nairn Centre* to Sudbury. Osceola• to Cobden. Osnabrock Centre• to Napier• to Kerrwood. Wales. Napperton to Strathroy. Nassagaweya• to Camp- Oso Statlontt to Perth. Osprlnge to Acton. bellville. Osseot to Cobalt. Ostrandert to Tillsonburg. Nellie Lake to Cochrane. Corners to O'Sullivan's Nelson• to Hamilton. Aglncourt. Nestervlllet to Thessalon. Ottawa Westt to Ottawa. Otter Lake Statlon•tt to Netherb:v tn StevensvUle. Parry Sound. Ouellette to Sturgeon Falls Newbliss to Jasper. New Boyne to Portland .. Oulmet Siding to Port New Canaant to Essex. Arthur. New Carlow to Bancroft. Oustlc to Rockwood. New Dublln to Brookville. Ouvry to Blenheim. New Durham• to Norwich. Overbrooke to East View New Flos to Stayner. Centre. Nt1w Germany• (Waterloo Oxdrlft*tt to Dryden. Co.) to Kitchener. Oxenden to Wlarton. Oxtord Centre• to Woodstock. Newport to Brantford. Newry to Atwood. New Sarumt~ to Saint Oxford Statlont to Kempt-ville. Thomas. Newton•tt to Mllverton. Roblnson • Newton to Cookstown. icklet-0nt to Sudbury. Nlcolsto11 to Alliston. Nile to Dungannon. Nllestown to Dorchester Station. Nipigon•tt to Pt. Arthur. Nlplsainir• to North Ba:v. Nl*~~ii' B~~~ctlon f t Nltbbure- to Wellesley. Nlxontl to Simcoe.  to  Palnswlck to Barrie. l'a.kesleyt to udbury. Palmer's Rapids to Barry's Bay. Palmyra• to H lghgate. Pana to Russell. Panmure to Kinburn.  Parham Stationt to Harrowsmith . Parker to Drayton. BraceP11.rkersvllle • to Nobeltt to Parry Soulld. bridge. Nober to HairersvUle. Park Headt to Hepworth. Parma to Napa.nee. Parry Harbor• rt to P&rry Sound. Noirtes Creek to BobcayPeabody to Chesley. ireon. to New Llsk.eard. Pearson• Nolalu to Fort William. Norham to Campbelltord. Norland* to Fenelon Falls. Norman•t to Kenora. Pelette Comers to WalkerNormandale to Simcoe. ville. North Brook to Tweed. Pelham Centre to Fenwick. North Bruce to Port Elirln. Penln■ ula Harbor to Pon Arthur. N. Buxtontt to Chatham. Penvllle to Tottenham. N. Claremont to Claremont Perch to Sarnia. N. Cobalt*tt to Hailey- Perklnsfleld to Penetanbury. irulshene. Perreton to Pembroke. Northcotet:t to Renfrew. North Ekfrid to App in. Statton ti to Welland Northfield (Stormont) to Perry Port . Avanmore. Road• to Syd en ham. orth Keppel to Wiarton. Perth Petawawa to Pembroke. 0 N. La.ncaster*t to Dal- Petersbu!'itt to Baden. t~h6~:~~e. housie Station, Que. Moon Falls to Parry Sound North Lunenbunr to Walea Moonstone to Coldwater. N. Ma.Iden to A.mherstburg. Petworth to Yarker. Pevensey to North Bay. Pfetrers Station to Newton. Mooresburg to Chesley. Phlllipsburg West• to New Metcalfe. to Osgoode North Mooresvllle to Lucan. HR.mbuni:. to Court- North Pelham to Fonthill. Phillipsville*t to Delta. Mooretown•t North Port to Picton. right. Moor Lake Stationt:t to N. Ri<1eau to Kemptville Pickerel Station to SudPembroke. bury. N. SeQuin to Parry Sound. j Plke Bay to Wlarton. North V-alley to Wales Morganston to Colborne. . Northwood*fl to Thames- P~oei to Cha.pleau. .Morinust to Gravenhurst. Pme Grove to Woodbridge. vUie Morson to Rainy River. Pine Lands to Bracebrldge. • Norwayt to Toronto. .Morton•t to Elirln. Norway Pointt to HuntsPine Orchardt to Newmarville. t1a°ss~o:~tf ~~ ~ a? ket. Nottawa.• to Collingwood. Mossley to HarrletsvUle. Pine River to Ripley. Novar•tt to Huntsvllle. Pinewooct•tt to tratton. Matheijon. to Nushlcat Motherwell to St. Mary's. Pinkerton• to Paisley. Moulinette• to Mille to Pinkerton Station t t Roches, Carglll. Pitt's Ferry to GananoQue. .Moultont to Dunnville. Pltttoiton to Cardinal. Mountaln View to Bell~ Oakdale to Florence. Plainfield to Bellevllle. vllle. Oakland• to Scotland. PlalnvUle to Cobourir. Mount Albion to Hamilton. Oak Leaf to Athens. w Springs Plantagenet Mount Carmel to Credlton. Oak Ridges to Aurora • Plantairenet. Oba to Chapleau. Mt. Ohesnay to Klnatoo. O'Donnell to Sudbury. Plevna• to Smith's Falla. Ohsweken• to Brantford . Plum Hollow to Athens. Mt. Joy• to Markham. OU CltY-U to OU Springs. Plummer to Bruce M Ines. Mount Julian to Lakefield Ojibwa.y to Petite Cote. Polnt Alexander to Pembroke. Mt. St. Louis to Hillsdale Old Castlet to Walkerville Polnt Anne• to Bellevllle. Mt. St. Patrick to Renfrew. Olinda• to Leamington. Pointe au Baril to Parry Oliphant to Wlarton. Mount Salem to Aylmer. ound. Oliver to Thorndale. Mountsberg to Freelton. Polanct to Lanark. Mount Vernon "o Burford. Omagh• to Mllton. Pond Mills to London.  ~~~~g!:Jn}  * Money Order  Office.  +Telegraph Station.  i Expre1111 Office.  R R R R R  RI R R RI  R R Rl Rt  RI R Ro  ONTARIO  ONTARIO  - -,- - _ _ _TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  Roch Lake to Killaloe. Poole to MUverton. Poole's Resort to Mallorytown. Rockfield to Ma.Lloryt.JWn. Poplar to Gore Bay Rockford to Jarvis. Poplar Hill to Komoka. Rockingham* to Eitanvllle. Porquis Junction to Coch- Rock Mills to Flesherton. rane. Portage to Huntsville. Rock Springs t o Brockvillt!. Port Albert to Goderich. Rockton• to Lynden . Port Bruce to Sparta. Port Carling•U to Brae~ Rocky Inlet to Fort Frances brlde;e. to Spencervllle. Port Ooldw111l• to ~chreiber Roebuck to Blenheim . Port Elmsley* to Smith's Rondea.urt Rose Corner to St. Isidore F'alls . Prescott. De Porter's fllll to Clinton Rosedale I Victoria Co.) to Porterville to Maynooth . Fenelon Palls. RosP Hall to Welllngton. Port Pranks to Thedford Port Granby to NewLon - Rose Pointt to Parry Sound ville. Roseville to Ayr. Roslln* to Tweed . Port Lockt to Bruce Mines. Rosseau•t t to Parry Sound Port Maitland to Dunnvllle Rosseau Falls to Bracebridge. Port Milford to Picton. Rosslyn to Fort William. Port Nelson to Hamllton. Port Royal ~o P ,,rt 1 : Llwan . Rossmore to Hellevllle. Port Ryerse• t- Port Oover Rossport• t t to Port Arthur. Hostock to SPhrl111!, Ill e. Port Sandlleld t t to Bracl}- Rot hsay* to Moore rl cld. brldge. Round Plains to Wa t erford Port Severn to Coldwater. Portsmouth* to Kln11:ston. Port Stanton to Orillia. Routhier to Vankleek HW Po~nlydney•t to Hunts- Rowena to Morrtsburg. Rows Corners to BrockvUle. Port ~hltby to Whitby. H.uby to Eganvllle. Postville to Oakville. Hueltt to Sudbury . Prairie Sldlngt to Chatham. Runnymede to Toronto. Precious Corners to Cobourg. Ruscom Station• to ComPreneveau to Havelock ber. Presqu'Isle to Owen Sound ~~:~el~~\~\~o M~tc1~8~k. Price's Corner to Orlll1a. 0  n~~~~~~~~g  Sh;~~ih. Lake*tt to HepShamrock to Renfrew. Shanty* to caralnal Shanty Ba}"*l (Simcoe Co.I to Uarrle. Sharon• to Newmarket. Shawanagat to Pa.ri-.vSounrl  I I  \i J!i[~~~~-  Prtmroset to Shelburne. Prince Albert to Port Perry fluthven•tt to Leamlagton Pros.oect to Carleton Place Ruttert t to Sudbury. Ryckman's Corners to Hamilton. Prospe<'t Hill to London. R:vaa1 Bank*to Bruce Mines Rylstone to Campbelltord to Hamilton. Proton Station• t t to Dun- H.ymal dalk. Proulx to Vankleek Hill. Pucet to Windsor. Purbrook to Bracebrldge. Purole Valley to Wlarton. Pusllnch•tt to Guelph St. Amour to Vankleek  UtoplaU to uarne. Utterson•tt to HuntavW•. Uttoxeter to Foreai.  .Strathavon* to Chatswortb ~eb,lght to Orlllla. Strathburn to Glencoe. Sec rton/o Brlgden. e~u~d. alls• to Parry Strathcona•tt to Newburgh SeUwood•tt to Sudbury. Selwyn to Lakelleld . Sesekinika Lake to Matheson. Severn Bridge*t to Ori\lla. Shady Nook to Pembroke.  Hill.I  St. Andrews West• to CornQuad ville to Egan ville. . wall. Queensuoro*tt to Ma.doc t. An t h •DY Mi ne; to. ivu · Qu~en's Llne to Cobden.· Qu1bellt to Winnipeg, Man. St.Lookout. Augustine to Dungannon.  I  Stromness to Dunnv11le Sturgeon Bay to Victoria Harbour. Vachell to Sutton. Sturgeon Lake to Dryden . Valentia to Little Brltaln Valetta to Tllhury. Sturgeon Point to Fenelou V~~r!!~i;/o St. Isidore di! Falls. Vallentyne to Sunderland ~~f;~[d~ft~;9r~~!~~bridgt> Vancamp to Mountain . Vandecar to Woodstock. Summerhlll to Clinton . Summerstown• to Lan- Vandeleur to Markdale. Vandortt to Aurora. caster . Summerstown Statlontl to Vftrney•t to Durham . Lancaster. Summervlllet to c'ooks vi lie Vasey to Victoria Harbor Vellore to Maple. Sunbury to I{ ln11:ston. Vennachar to Kingston . Ventnor• to SoencervU!e su;e~ldale r.orners to Stay- Vermillion Bayt! to Dryden . :.uncrior .Junction to Sioux Vernonvllle to Grafton Lookout Sutorvllle to Watford .swa nsea•t to Toronto 'lwa~tika*H to Englehart Victoria Corners t o Uxbridge. Swea bur11: to Woodstock Sweet·s Corners <Haldi- Vl~~r'i~ Mlnes•n to SUdmand Co.) to Dunnville v1i~y~1_a Road *tt to Klrk-  Shegulnadah • to Little cu, rent. Sheppardton to Goderich . Sheridan to Oakville. Sherkston• to Hldgeway. Sherwood to Maple. Sherwood Spring to Brock vllle. S},letland* to Florence. Shields to Gl encoe. hillington to Cochrane. S llipka. to Dashwood. S~~ei~~~h~~-(Leeds Oo.) Swinton Park• to Dundalk. ~h~~;:i~rb!~nB!~~~eJm· Sylvan to Thedford Slllsvllle to Napa.nee. · ..;;yJvan Valley to Sault Ste. · Marie. Siloam to Uxbridge. Silver C entre* to Tiaileybury. Sllverdalett to Beamsville Sliver Hill to Deihl. SUverwater to Gore Hay. ~inclairville t o Cayuga. Slne to Stirling. Tagona to Sault Ste. Marie Singletont to Newboro. Tall>otvlllet to St. Thomas Ta.nnint Lo Sioux Lookout. Six Nation to Caledonia.. Skern vore to Parry Sound. Tansley to Milton. Ta.shota tt to Sioux LookSkye to Alexand rla. out. Slate River to Fort Wll Taunton to Oshawa. llam. to Avonmore. Tayside Sleeman*tt to Rainy River . Smithfield (Northumber. Brighton to Oo.) land Smithfield (York Oo .l to Tecir:~anc-evlJlt>• to King Weston. Tempo t•J Laml>etb . Smoky Falls to Stur!(eon Tennyson tn Pertb Falls. Terra Cotta to Geore;etowo . Snelgrovet to Brampton rerra Nova to Alll1:1wo Snow Road t t to I 'erth Teston tu Maule . Snowville to l\lanitowaning Tne Ridge to Madoo. Snyder to Stevensville. Thomasburg• to Twee<l . Solina to Bowmanvllle. Thomp1:1on to Thessalon Solway to Elmwood Tbornclltre to Dresden Sonya to Port Perry. Sopertont to Delta. T'hornlot•H to New LlsHarrowto Ti~~b~~net South Bay to Picton. South Cayuga to DunnvUJe smith. Southcote to Dundas. Tilley to Lansaowne. South End to Nla1?ara f'alls Timagami• t to Cobalt. to Brockvllle. • Gloucester to Mauotick. Tlncap rlntern to Reamsvllle. S. Lancaster to Lancaster. Tionaga to Sudbury. Soutn Marcb*t to Carp. robermoryf to Lion's Head S. Middleton to Tillson bur.,: S. Monaghan to Millurook to North Bay. Southwold Station to Shed l'omlko•tt romstown* to Englebart. den. rorrance•tt to Gravenhurst Southwood! to Gravenburs1 Tory Hill* to Kinmount. Sowerby to Thessalon. Spanish Mills• t to Massey. Spanish Station to Massey Townsend Centre to Waterford. Soarrow Lake*tt to Orillla Soragge•u to Blind H.lver Trafalgar to Oakville Traleet to Llstowel. Tramore to Killa.loe StaSpringbank to Stratbroy. tion . Sprtngtord • t to Otterville rra verston to Markda.le. Springvale to Ha.gersville. to Rockland. rreadwell* Peterboro. to Soringvllle l'rent Dridge to Havelock. Trent River to Havelock. SJ>ry to Lion's Head. Trevelyan to Mallorvtown.  I  I  l  REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ACounty Seat.  Vlcmtoorlnda HSlqllu. are to RiebVlenna•tt to Port Burwe11 Vlllanova•t to Waterford . VIiiiers to Hastings. Vlnemonntt l to Winona Vinet,te to Rockland. Violet to Odessa. Virginia • to Sutton Vroomanton to Sunderlanrt  Waba to Arnprlor. Wab~unt to New Llskeard. Wab1go<:>n*tt to Dryden. Wa.garv1lle to Kingston. Wahtahbeag to Matheson Wa.kot to Sioux Lookout. Waldhott to Dryden. Walford Statlon*U to Massey. Wallace* to Llstowel. Wallacetown* to Dutton Wallbrldge to Belleville. Wallenstelntt to Elmira Walsh• to Simcoe. Wr}~~~~~n~entre• t to Wt~~i;in to Parry to Wyomln~  I Wanstead t l  St. Columban• to Dublin. St. Felix to Rockland. ~~iei;\~1k~1~~~tco.) j Raglan to Port Perry. to London. RaR llton • to Harrowsmltb. to Kingston. Lawrence St. alnham to Dunnvllle St. 01.i to Ma.doc. Ra!nham Centre to St. Onge to Embrun. Raitb*tt to Fort William. St. Paschal Baylon to Plan· R ama t0 Orillia. taganet. Ramoret to Englehart. St. Paul's Statlontl to St Ha.msayville to Otta. wa. Marys. R anelagh to Norwich. St. Raphael West to AlexR ankln to Pembroke. andria. Rannoch to St. Mary'11. Salntsbury to Exeter. Ratbburn*t to Orlllla. St. Thomas D'alfredt to Ratho to Bright. Alfred. Ravenna to Clarksburg. Ravenscllffe to Huntsvllle. Sable to Park Hill. Ravenshoe to Mount Albert Sahanatlen to <.;ravenhurst R avenswooa to Thedford. Sa.intflelrl to Sunderland. a;:N:.worthtt to Burks Salem T to Elora. Reaboro to Omemee. Salfordt to lnl{ersoll. Read to Shannonville. Saltford to Goderich. Rebecca to Thorndale. Stanley to Fort Williams. Sand Bay to Lansdowne. Redickville• to Shelburne. Sandfleld to Ma.nitowaning. Stanley House to Parry Trout Mllls*t to North Bay R edttt to Wlnnfoeit. Man. Sandford to Uxbridge. Sound. Trowbridge• to Llstowel. Redwlng to Clarksburg. Stanley's Corners to Carp. Sand Hill• to Bramoton. Troy to Lynden . Tulia.more• to Brampton . LO Perth. ::ltanlpyville Reeve Ora.lg to Osgoode Sandown to Fournier. Sand Point• t t to Arnpr101 Stanton to Alllston. Statton. Stanwood to Campbellrord Turnervllle to OresdPo Reld's Mills to Mountain. Sandr1ngbarn to A vonmort' Staples• t to ('omher. Turrif.U to Bancroft Sandusk to Jarvis. R entontt to Simcoe. teeltontt to Sault Ste. Turtle Lake to Parry Sound San11:Ster to K lnirston. ~enwlck*t to Wheatley. Tuscarora to Caledonia. l\Iarie. Sans Soucl to Parry Sound estoUle to North Bay. Tyneslcle to Caledunlli Steeubun? to '.1.1adoc. Tyotown to Cornwall Savannett to Fort Willian, Tyrone to Bowmanvllle. Stepney to llawkes1>11ry. Scarboro• to Toronto. RRlchvtew to Istmgton. Tyrrell to Si rucue. Tllhury to Stevenson Toto JunctlonH Scarboro 1chwood• to Drumbo. Peterboro to Ha.II Stewart ronto. Rideau Ferry• to Perth. Udney tto Brech In . Stewart's to Arnprlor Scltutt to WUno. Ufflngton* to 13racebrldge. Scotch Block to George- Stii\;~~ Town to l ,eorge- Ufford R ldgevUle• to Welland. to 13racebrldge. R 1mlngton to Ma.doc. town. l to Orlllla. Upthotrt Mines. nruce to Stohiet Scotch Line to Perth. Ringwood to Stoutrvllle. Sudtiury. to Stol.Jle Mlnet i}versdale• to Teeswater. Union Valley to Athens. Frankford. to Stockdale Lambeth. to Scottsville ver Valley to North Bay. UnoPark•tt toNewLisk~t.rct Stoco•ft to Tweed. Scudder to Pelee Island. Stok~ Bay• Lo l.1oo's Read Vpblll 0 to Lindsay . Sougog to Port Perry. Pembroke. to tonecliff*tt . Perry Port io*tl Upper to Cayuga. Searcbmont• to Sault Ste. Strabane to Waterdown. Riverview to Dundalk. Uptergrovel to Ortllla Strange to King City. Marie. 0 ~b e's Point to Sutton. Utica to Port Perry Comber. to Stra.nitfield Sebastopol to Ta vi.stock. to Mt. Forest. -'-o  ~t  2109  • Money Order Office.  tTelegraph Station.  Warburton to Lansaowne Wariua t.o Maxville. Warminster* to Orlllla Warner to Dunnville. Wartburg to SebrlngvUle Warwick• to Watford. Wasaga Beach to Oollingwood. Washago•tt to Orillla. Washburnt to Kingston. Washington to Plattsvllle. Waterton to Mallorytown Watson'sCorners* toLanarli Wattenwyl to South River . WaubamlckttoPa.rry Sound Wauoausbene•tt to Cold water. W aupoos to Picton . Waverley"" to Elmvale. w e1r ti) Lynden. Wcissenburgtt to St. Jacobs. Welland Junctiont to Welland. Wellburn to St. Mary's. Wellman's Corners to Stirling. W emyss to Perth. Westbrook to Kingston. Westfield to Blyth. West Flamboro to Dundaa West Gravenburst• to Gravenburst. West Hamilton to Hamilton W. Huntingdon to Stlrllng. West Lake to Picton. W Cr~i.Gillivray to Alisa West Montrosett to Elmlra \V~t~":.oode to Osgoode Westover to Dundaa. West Plain to Naoaneo. W estreet to Capreol. Westwood• to Hutlnp.  t Express  Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2110  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  ONTARIO  Bothwell to Sourta. Brackley Beach to Charlottetown. Bridgetown• to Sourts. Bristol to Charlottetown. to Hunter's Whitechurch*tt to Luck- Brookfield River. now. White Flshtt to SUdbury. Brudenell to Montague. Whlte Fish Bay to Kenora Burllnirton to KenslnJrton. Whitehall to Parr, Sound. Caledonia. to Montague. Wbitelake to Arnprior. Cambridge Road to MonWhite Oak to Lambetli tague. White Rlver•tt to ChapCampbellton to O'Leary leau. Station. Whiteside to Gravenhurst. Canoe Cove to CharlotteWhitestone to Parry Sound town. Whitevale to Markham. Cape Traverse*t to VicWhllfteld to Shelburne. toria. WhltneY*r t to K lllaloe. Carleton (Lot 28) to VicWicklow to Gratton. toria Widdlfleld Station•tt to 1 North Bay. 8~~1a1~~e tott bH~ter's Wlirwam to Gowganda. River. Wikwemikongt to Manlto- Central Bedeque (Lot Z8) waning. to Summerslde. Wilberfo1 c ~• to Fenelon Centre Line Road to AlberFalls. ton. WIide to Avonmore. Centreville to Bedeque. Wlldtleld t, Bolton. Cherry Valley to CharlotteWilfrid to Pefferlaw. town. WilkeaDort• to Sombra. China Point to Vernon Bridge. Ol&rkes Mills to BummerWlllow Grove to Ha&'eraside. v1lle. Clifton to Kensington. Wllsonvflle to Waterford. Clyde River to CharlotteWllstead to Gananoque. town. Wilton• to Odessa Coleman• to O'Leary StaWlnchelsea to Exeter. tion. Winchester Springs• to Commercial Cross to MonWinchester. tague. Windermere• t t (Muskoka Conway Station to O'Leary Co.) to Bra.cebrld&'e. Station. Oornwall to Charlottetown. County Line to Emerald. Windy Lakett to Sudbury. Coverhead Road to CharWinger to Wellandport. lottetown. Wlnllow to SmltbYllle. Crapaudt to Victoria. Wexford to Toronto. Whalen to Granton. Whitebread Statlont Wa.llaceburg.  to  Winthrop to Seaforth. Woburn to Agincourt. Wodehouse to Markdale. Wolto to Pembroke. Wolvertontt to Drumbo. Woodburn to Hamilton. Woodford•t to Meatord Wood Green to Wardsville. Woodham• to St Mary•s WoodlnJt>tonttoBraoebrtdgt>  Woodroffe to Westboro. Woodslee • to Essex. Worthlngton•tt to Sudbury Wyehrldge• ft to Midland Wyeoombe to Tlllsonburg Wyevale• U to Eln' vale. Yarmouth Centre to St. Thomas Yeartey•s to Huntsville. Yelverton to Nestleton. Yonge MUls to Mallorytown York! t (Haldlmand Co.) to YitY~fiis to Toronto. Yo Potnt• to Lak~  ~r'' 6  Zealand to Sbarbot Lake. Zenda to B urresavme.  PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND  Ab;a,ms Vffiage to Summersldf' Albion (Lot 59) to Montague. Alltston to Montague. Alma to Alberton. Annandale to Souris. Baltic to Souris. Bay.Oeld to Souris. Bay Fortune to Souris. Bayville to St. Peters.  tro  ==~iwl~~;t ~~~~~e. Bedtord Station to Charlottetown. Belfast• to Eldon. BeUe River to Murray River. Bellevue to Montague. Bloomfleldtt to O'Leary Station. Bloomfield Station r f O'Leary St ation. Bonaha.w to Victoria.  Long River to Kensington. Valleyfl.eld to Montague. Lorne Valley (Lot 52) to Vernon River to CharlotteMontague. town. Lower Montague to Monta- Victoria Cross (Lot 52) to Montague. irue. Maddock (Lot 8) to O'Leary Station. Malpeque to K ensin11:ton. Waterford (Lot 1) to Alberton. ioo!!1.15tngton. Webster's Corners to CharMarsbtleld to Charlottetown lottetown. Martin to Hunter's R.Iver. West Cape to O'Leary Mayfield to Hunter's River. Station. West Devont to O'Leary l\lJ.etville to M ontague. Station. Mill River to Alberton. MUIVleW to Charlottetown. West Point to O'Leary Station. Milton Statton (Lot 32) to Weat River to CharlotteObarlottetown. town. Mlmlnegasb to Alberton. Montrose to Alberton. Wheatley River to Hunter's River. Mount Albion to CharlotteWhim Road Cross (Lot 59 ) town. to Montague. Mount Carmelt to SummerWlnslow Station to Charside. lottetown. Muddy Creek to SummerWood Island to Montague. aide. Murray Harbor North• to Woodville Milla (Lot 54) to Montague. Murray River. Murray Harbor South to Murray River. York to Oharlottetown.  ~~r:i~  New Annant to Summerside. New Dominion to Charlottetown. New Glasgow* to Hunter's River. New Glasgow Mills to Hunter's River. New Haven to Charlottetown. New Perth to Montague. Newport to Montague. ortham to Victoria. North River to Charlottetown. ·North Rustico to Hunter's River. De Blois+ to Tlgnish. North Tryon to Victoria. DingweU-s Mills to Souris. North Wiltshirett to HunDundas to Montague. ter's River. Dunedin to Charlottetown. Dunstaffnage to Charlottetown. Duvar to O'Leary Station. Orwell to Eldon. Orwell ove to Eldon. Oyster Bed Bridge to HunEast Baltic to Souris. ter's River. Egmont Bay to Summerside. EUerslie Station to Victoria Elliott's Mills to Hunter's Park Corner to Kensington. River. Pea.keStatlon• to Montague Elmira to Souris. Peters Road <Lot 81) to Elmsdale to Alberton. Murray River. Fort Augustus to Charlotte- Pinette to Eldon. PisQuld to Charlottetown. town. Plusville to O'Leary StaFortune Bridge to Souris. tion. Founcl's Mills to KensingPortage to O'Leary Station. ton. Fredericton Station to Pownall to Charlottetown. Hunter's River. Freetown•t to Kensington. French River to Kenslng-- Red Point to Souris. ton. Richmond to Summerslde. Rollo Bay to Sourl11. Rose Rill to Summerside. Rose Valley to Hunter's River. Gaspereaux• to Monta1rue. rtusticoville to Hunter•s River. Glenwood to O'Leary Station. Granam's Road to Kensington. t. Annes to Hunter's Grand River Bridge to l River. Montague. St. Anthony to O'Leary Grand Tracadiet to OharStation lottetowo. St. Chrysostome(Lot 25) to Grand View to Eldon. Summerslde. Granville tl Kensington. St. i,;tt>anors to Summerslde . t. Louis to Alberton. Hampshire to Charlotte- St. Peters Bay* to Souris. t. Ter~a (Lot 53) to Montown. tague. Hamµton to Victoria Hartsville to Hunter's St Timothy to Summerside Savage Harbor to CharRiver. lottetown. Bazelbrook to Charlotteearletown to Kensington. town. Hazel Grove to Hunter's Sea.view (Lot 20) to KenRiver. Head or St Peters Bay• efi~~0t~· Souris. hamrork to Kensington. to St. Peters. Heatherdale to Montague. Souris West to Souris Hillsboro to Oharlntt<>town Southport to Charlottetown. Hopefleldt to Murray River H~fi~ei.Uver to Hunter's Springfield to O'Leary Station. Bowlan to o·Leary ta- Stanhope (Lot 34) to Charlottetown. tion. Stanley Bridge* to Hunter's River. Iona to Eldon. turgeon (Lot 81) to MonIris to Montague. tague. Kellev's Cross to Victoria. Kllmulr to Montague. T;gnish Gomer to Tlgnlsh. Klngaborough to Sourts. Klnnton to Cbarlottetow■ Tracadie Cross to Charlottetown. Kfnl')ck to Montague. Tryon 10 to Victoria. Klnro to Monta&'Ue. Tyrone to Hunter's River.  REFERENCE KEY .  • County Scat.  PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND  • Money Order Office.  QUEBEO Abbotsford*tt to St. Pie. Abbotts Corners to Frellghsburg. Abenakls Sprlngst to St. Francois du Lac. Abenaquts to St. Anselme. bercorn•rt to Sutton Adderley to Plesslsvllle. Adatock • to Tbettord Mines. Agnest (Beauce Co.) to Lake Megantic. Aines (C:>moton Co.) to Lake Megantic. Aguanish to Paspebiac. Alainbourg to Victorlavllle. AlbaneI• to Roberval. Albert Mines to Sherbrooke Albert,ille to Amqul. Corners to Ormstown. Allard to Dalhousie, N. B . Allens Mlllat t to St. Raymond. Allumette Island to Pembrooke, Ont. Alma to St. Joseph D' Alma Almaville to Shawlnlgan Falls Amherst Island to Gaspe. Ancienne Lorette• to St. Romuald d' Etchemin. Andersons Corners to Ormstown. A.ngellnet to Farnham. !~fi~s;t,t t3t MB~i~elem.1. Antoinette to St. Jovita. Armand to Riviere du Loup Armstrong! to t. George. ArthurvUJe to St. Raphael. Ascot Corners to Sherbrook. Aston JunotlonU to Vlotorlavllle. Aston Station t t to Vlctorlaviile. t to st . ChrysosAudet to Lake Megantlc. Aw·igny•t to Inverness .  A~~~!! . s.  QUEBEC  Beaucevllle West to Beauoeville E ast. Beaudoin to St, Ferdinand Beaulieu to Quebec. (Lot biniere Co.) to St. Sylvestre. Beau Rlvagel 1Rtmouskl Co.) to AmQ ul. Beausoleil to L"Assomptlon. Beauvoir to St. Polycarpe Beaver to Huntingdon. Bedardt to Mont Laurler. Beech Grove to Quyon. Beech Ridge to Lachute. Beith to Huntingdon. Belair Station to St. Augustin. Belgo Biding to St. Raymond. BellsJe·s Millstt to St. Agathe. Bellavance Siding to Sayabec. Belle Anse to Gaspe. Belle Plage to Vaudreuil. Bellerive to Valleyfl.eld Bellerive Station to Mont La.urier. Belle Riviere to Ste. Scbolastique. Bell Mount to Campbella Bay. Belmina to D·Jsraell. Beloeil Station to Beloell. Bergervflle• to Quebec. Bernier to St. Ferdinand. Berthier Junctiontt to Berthier. Bethany to Roxton Falls. Bethel to So. Durham. B etsiamites to Rimouskl. Bilodeau Station to Roberval. Blrchton•rt to Cookshlre. Bisson to Ste. Marie. Black Cape•t to New Richmond. Black River Station to St. Agapit. Blais! to East Broue;hton. Blaisville* to Riviere du Loup. Blanche to Thurso. Blanc ablon to Rimouskl. Bland!ord to Princeville. Bleriot to St. Joseph de Beauce. Blondin to Grand Mere. Blue ea Lake to Maniwakl. Boileau to St. Jovita. Bois to St. Justin. Bots de Fillon toSte.Therese Bois Franc to Manlwui. Boissonnault to Lyster Sta.tlon. Bolduc• to St. George East. BoltonCentre•tttoEastman Bolton Sprtngs to Manson• ville. Bonaventure to New Richmond. Bonaventure .Eastt to New Carlisle. Bonaventure Island to Perce. Bon Deslret to Fraserville. Bonne Esperancet to Bonne 80!fli't~ri~·rt coulonge.  Bord a Pouffe to St. Martin  Authier to Makamlk. Boscobel to Valcourt. Auvergne to St. Raymond. Botreaux to Ormstown. A v1gnon* to Campbellton Bouiranvllle to Ga1oe. . B. , Bourg Loufa to St. RayAvoca to Paomeauvflle. mond. Aylwin*t t:> Gracefl.eld. Bournlva.l to Yamaoblche. Bout de L'Isle (Hoohelaga Co.) to Point Aux Trembles. Bale des Peres to VllleMarle Baio hawlnigan to Shaw- Bown to Bury. inlgan Falls. Boyer to Levis. Balllarireon • to St.Romuald Boyntontt to Stanstead. d ·Etcheroin. Bru D'Aolc*t to L'Islet. Bald wins Mills toCoatlcook Barre to Beaucevil!e. Brebeuf* to St. Jov1te. Station to Ba.{t:~~ont to Breckenridge Aylmer . B aia~Y. la Bale to Bale St. Brennans Hill to Hull. Bas de l'Anse to '.lurray Bay. B in De Chlcoutiml to C'hicoutimi. Bassin du Llevret to Buckingham. BatesvUlet to St. Jovlte. Bayonne to BerthJerville. Beacon .fleldtt to Pointe Claire. Bearn to Ville Marte. Beauce Junction• to St Joseph de Beauce. tTelegraph Statton.  0 CJ  Bridgeville to Perce. Brtghamt to Cowansvllle. Bristol Mines to Quyon. Bristol Ridge to Shawville. l:Jroadlands to Campbellton. N. B. Brome Centre to Brome. Brampton to Bromptonville. Brookbury to Blabopl Crosslne-. Brookdale to St. Jovlte.  t Express Office.  C  Cti  01:  ct  Cb  Ob  Oh Ch  C  Oh  Ch.  Ob Oh Ch  I  Cla  I  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  QUEBEC  Brosseau Statlont to La 8l!~e~ttl;h~J~J1~ieres. Prairie. to Thetford Oloutiert CBea.uce Co.) to Broughton Mines . lieaucevllle. to Clyde's Corners to HuntlnirBroughton Station• Thettord Mills. don. Coffee to Amos. Brunet to Mont Laurier. Comins Mills to Coatlcook. Bryon. Islandt to Jnver- Como• to Rigaud. ness.N. S. Grand to Coocoocache Bryson*t to Camp bells Bay Mere. 8ry8()nvllle to Ormstown. Corbin to Hemmlngford. Bulstrode to St. Valore de Corner or the Beachtt to Bulstrode. Perce. Bulstrode Station to Vt~ Coteau Landing to Coteau torlavUle. Station. Bulwertt to Cookablre. Cote Rouge to Ste. Benoit. Burbldire*tl to Manlwakl. Cote St. Emmanuel to Coteau Station. Cote St. Mlchelt to Montreal. Cote St. Pierre to St. Andre Avelin. o S t. V In oe n t Cabane Rondet to L'Epl- Cote Ste. ScholastlQue. pha.nle. Princeville. to Mills Cote's Cadot to St. Esprit. Coulombe to St. Isidore. Calmslde to Howick. Courcelles*H to Lambton. Caldwell to Shawvllle. Calumet Island* to Camp- Couianeau to Masson. bells Bay. Couturval to AmquJ. Covey Hlllt to HemmlnirCambria to St. Jerome. tord. Canrohert to Ange Gardlen. Cox's West to New Carllsle. Cantley to Hull. Crabtree Mlllal to J ollette. Caouta to Ste. Bcholastlque. Cap a la Baletne to Matane. Craig'• Road Statlontt to Cap A L'Aigle*t to Murray St. Romua.ld de EtcheBay. mia. Oranbourne to BeaucevUle. Cap au Renaud to Gasoe. Crane Island to Montmagny . Cape Aux Os to Gaspe. Creemome to Campbell11 Bay. Cape Despair to Perce. Oao Dea Ro ■lert to Gaspe. Cry11tal Falls to St. Jovlte. Culdaff De Crambourne to Oapelton • U to Sherbrooke Beaucevllle. New Cumberland Mille to Beau~ to vllle. st · Ca8a.b~fe1 d~•~~~~dotg. Cap St. Ignace Stationt to Cap St. ll!;nace. C~Yn~t. Martin to St. MarD' AlguJllon to Gaspe. Dairy Valley to Clart1nceCapuolnst te Matane. vllle. Dale11vllle to Lachute. Oartboo Ialandt to Fruer- Dallbalre* to Matane. ville. Dalmas to Roberval. Carillon• to Laohute. Oarleton•ti to Carleton Dambourges to Neuvllle. Danbyf t to Acton. Centre. Carleton West so Dalhouale. Danford Lake to GraceflelcJ N. B.  Darveau to St. Romuald de Etcbemln. Oarmel*tt to DrummondOavldson•tto FortOoulonire vtlle. Davidson's Corners to Ottawa, Ont. Ca.scades•tt to Ottawa.Ont. Oasf:g~_Polnt to Coteau De La. Grave to MontOaughna.waga to Laohlne. D:1~!os to St. Jovlte. Oauscapsca.t•ti to AmQul. Demers Centre to Pembroke, Ont. Cavignact to St. Hurnea. Caxton to Yamaoblche.  Denlau to St.  Jean Port  Ohaleurs*t to New Rlch- ofJ~~n'I Mlll• to Rich• mona D~~~~-to Roberval. Chantelle to Rawdon. De St. Juste to Ste. Anne de la Pocatlere. Charette Mills to St. Barnabe Nord. Oharlemague•tt to Terre- Deschenes Mlllstto Ottawa, bonne. to Ste. Celestin. Oharterls to Sbawvllle. Chartierville" to Scotatown. Desjardins (Megantic Co.) Lake. Black to Chatboro to Lachute. to St. Jovlte. Ormeaux Des Casimir. St. to Chateauvert Dessa.lnttt to St. Helene. Chatmon to Nicolet. to Huntlng_don . Chaudlere Basin to St. Dewlttville Romuald de Etcbemin. Dimock Creek to New Rich· to Chaudiere Curve•tt St. Romuald de Etche- D~~nto Dalhousie. N. B Dolbeau to Fraser.ville. min. uneon. Doreil to St. Chaudlere Junctlontt to St. Dorval Sta.tion*t to Dorval. Dout:et tu A,11os. Romuald. Cbaudlere Statlontt to St. Douglasburg to Naolervllle. Romuald. Douglastown•tt to Gaape. Douville to Nicolet. Chelsea•tt to Hull. Duclos to Hull . Chemin Gouin to Mont Dudswell Junctlontt to Bishops Crossing. Laurier. Chemin Tache,. to Fraser- Duhamel to St. Andre vllle. to Pembroke.Ont. Oheneville• to St. Andre DunanY to Lachute, Avelin.  D~g!iea  Grande Oaroline to Ma.rleP:asi AIC1Held to Hull ville. East Bolton* to Magog. E ast Broughton*t:t: to East Grande Entry to Grand River. Broughton St ation. Grande Freniere to St. Eustache. East Clifton to Sawyerville Grande Greve• t to Gaspe. Ea■ t Farnham •t to Cowans- Grande Montagne {Beauce vme. Co.) to St. Joseph. East Heretordt to Coatl- Grandes Meschins to l\1atane. cook. East Hlll to Knowlton. Ea-st Sherbrooke* to SherGrand Etang to Gaspe. brooke. East Templeton*tt to Ot- Grand Fonds to Murray Bay. tawa, Ont. Grand Ligne (St. Johns Eaton to Cookahlre. Co.> to St. John■• Eboulements to Les Eboulements. Grand Metia• t to Rlmou1kl. Echo Vale to LakeMegantic. Grand Pabos to Perce. Edmondville to Descball- Grand Pabos Centre to Perce. lons. Grand Pre to Louiaevtlle. Egypte to Upton. Elgin Roa.dt to St. Jean Grand Rana: to BeauoevUJe. Port Joli. Grand Saint E1prlt to NI~ Ellis Bay*t to Quebec. oles. Elmslde to Shawvllle. Ema.rd to St. Stanisla.a de Grand Valleet to Gaspe. Granltevtlle• to Beene. Kostka.. Gravel to New Richmo!ld. Emilieville to St. Pie. E n tre Lac to Ste. Adele. Greece's Point to Grenville. Erle to Marbleton. 1 Escoumains to Les Escou~1v~ mains. Escourt to St. Alexandre. Greer Mount to Ca.mpbells Bay. Escum1nao to Dalhou11le, Grtffln Cove•t to Gasoe. NB . Grindstone Island*t to InE11qulmau.x Polnt•t to verness. N. S. Gaspe. Etang du Nord•tto Grand Grondlnes Sta.tiontto Grondines. River. Etchemin to St. Romua.ld Grosse Isle ·to Grand River. Grosses Roohea to Matane. de Etchemin. Guenette Village to Quebeo. Euatla to Sherbrooke. Gulenne to Matane.  3~::~  1~/~~~~~ll::  Hadlow Cove to Levt.. Haldlm.lllld t to Ga1pe. Hallerton to Hemmlnldord. Hamilton Cove to Fraservillo. Ham Sud to Weedon Station. Hardwood Flat to Bury. Harrica.naw to Amos. Harrtnirtont to Campbellton, N. B. Harrington Ea.stt to Grenvllle. Ha.terby to Maka.mik. Hatley* to Oompton. Hauteur to Luceville. Fleuryl to Hebertville Sta- Hebert to Pleesl1vtlle. Hebertville to Hebertvllle tion. Station. Flourin to St. Gabriel. Flynn to Perce. Fontainebleau to Weedon Station. Helena to Hunttnrdon. Fontarabie to St. Ursuie. Heml11on to St. Anaelme. Henrysburitt to Laoolle. Fontenelle to Gaspe. Fontenoy to Richmond . Herdman to Huntlnrdoa. Forgetville to Murray Bay. Heretora to Fort lngall to Notre Heronvillet to St. Tlte. HerveyJunotlon•tttoGraad du Lac. Mere. Fort William to Pembroke, High Falls to Buckingham. Ont. Highwater•tt to Masonville Fox River• t to Gaspe. Fradetville to Armagh. Hlll Head to Laohute. HUlbunttt to Ceatfoook. Frechette to St. Romuald Holland' ■ Milli to Bucklnirham. de Etchemin. Frontenac to Deschalllons. HonQeur•t to St. Anselma. Frontier to Hemmlngtord. Honorevtlle to St. Cesaire. Frost Villaire to Waterloo. to Paspebla.c. ~~~~w totoVillw!'!~l!,. Hopetown House Harbor•t to Grand River. Huoerdeau*tt to St. Jovtffl. Hudson Heights*tt to Budson. Gagne (Indian Reserve) to Hunter's Point to MattaNew Richmond. wa., Ont. to Garneau JunctlonU Huntentown to LouiseGrand MMe. vUle. Gascon*tt to Port Daniel Huntingville to LennoxCentre. ville. Gaspe Ba.lsln to Gasoe. Gaspe HarboW'* to Gaspe. Gaudette to Mattawa., Ont.  Fatrtax to Stanstead. I<'arewell Cove to Gaspe· Farm Pointt to Hull. Farndon to Farnham. Fambam Centre to CowanavUle. Farrelton•t to Hull. Father Polnt•t to Rlmou11kl. Fauvel to New Carlisle. Ferme Rouge to Mont Laurier. Fernetville to Berthlerville. Fleldvllle to Hull. Fitzoatrick to La Tuaue.  QUEBEC  Jogues to St. Pte. Johan Beetz Bay to Gaspe. Johnson's to Hemmlne:tord. Johnville*t to Sherbrook~. Joynt to Hull. Ka.mouraska. Aux Oote to Kamouraska. Kannon to St. Lambert. Kazaba.zua Sta.tfontt to Gra.ceO.eld. Kelley to Paspebfac. Kempt Station to RlmOU8kt.  Kenslnirtont to Huntingdon. Kla.mlka• to Mont Laurter. Kllbalnt to Huntlnirdon. Klllowa.n to St. Andt ew1 East. Kingsbury Junction to St. Romuald de Etchemln.  1:~~-~m8~: i:rs~~?tl! Klnr11e:, to Danvtlle.  Klnpmere ttJ Hull. Kinnear' ■ Mllll*t to Inverneea. Kippewa.. tt to Mattawa, Ont. Klrkdale to Richmond. Kirk's Ferryt to Hull. Kiaklaslnk Station to St. Raymond. Knowlton Landlns to Man■onvllle.  La Barrlerei to St. Felix de Valois. La Beauce to Ste. Marie. Labelle•tt to St, Jovlte. Lac A Bea.uce to La Tuque. Laoa.dleti to St. Johns. Lac a Foin to GraceO.eid. Lac a la Croix to Hebenvllle Station. Lao a la Tortue• t t to Gr&11cl Mere. La Carriere to St. Hy&olnthe. Lac Bellemarre to St. Boniface de Sha.winigan. Lao Bouchette•t too hlooullmt. Lac Castor to St. Jovite. Lac Charlebois to St. J• rome.  t:~ g~~dtioL~~~!urler  Lac Des to St. Camille. Lac Des Ecorces• to Mont Laurier. Lao De11ert to St. Jerome. Lac Des Isles to Mont La.urier. Lac Francols to St. Javlte. Lac Grosleau to St. Andre Avelln. La Chapelle to St. Jerome. Lachenale to Terrebonne, Lachevrotlere to Deschambault. La.chine Locks• to Lachlne. Lacbute Mills• to Laobute. Lac Longt to St. Alexandre. Lac Masson• to Ste. Ma.rguerite. Lac Mercier to St. Jovite. Lao N'antel to St. Ara.the. Laoolle Statlont to Lacolle. La Conception• to St. JoVite. La Croche to La Tuque. Lao St. Jean to Roberv&l. L&o St. Joseph to St. R&T• mood. Lac St. Marie to Gracefteld. Lac St. Paul to Mont Laurier. Lac Sec t-0 Chlcouthnl. L& Decharire to Chlcoutlm.1. La Dura.ntayett to St. Charles.  Inlet to Thurso. Gerin to St. Justin. Iron Hill to Sweetsburg. Giffard to Beauport. Lafontaine Station to St. Ironsldet to Hull. GUman to Cowansvtlle. Perpetue. Island Brook to Bury. Girard to St. Johns. Glenadat to Grand Mere. Isle Aux Coudrea to St La.ganiere to Portneuf. La Guerre to Hulltllu'.don. Paul'• Bay. Glen Almondl to BuokinirIsle Aux Gruee• to Mont,. Lake Beauport to Quebec. ham. &l:~f~~n tia.11~~e~ldEd- Isl:arui· Nolx to Henry- La.x:ilaya.mont to GraceLake Edward•tt to s,. ville. mundston, N. B. RaTJDond. Isle ·Dupas to Berthler. Glenelm to Hunt1nitdon. Isle Perrot Nord to Ste. Lake Etchemin• to 8$. Glenllvet to Hull. Fra.ncois. Anne de Beilevue. Glen Murray to Lyster.StaLakelield to La.chute. tion. Duncan Statlont to DrumParkt to Sherbrooke. Lake Marbleton. $0 Ives Irenee. St. to Gobiel mond ville. Ivrytt to Notre Dame du Godboutt to Rlmouskl. Dundee• to Huntingdon. Lake Serrentt to Quebeo. Lac. Goldwln to Ca.mpbells Bay. Dunkin to Manaonvtlle. Ivry on the Laket to e,, Lake View to Grenville. ounraven to Campbell'11 Gorei to Richmond. Lake Weedon to Weedon Agathe. Goshen to Wlnd11or Milli. BaY. Station. GoHelln'I Mill■ to Coatl• Lalement to ~ew Leskeard. cook. Duscbesnes Mills to Deie to St. Jovtte, LaMaoaza• Scotstown. to Goula Chaillons. La Martine* to L'Islet. Gould Statloni to Scot► Jarnac to Thurso. Lambton Statton to LambJeanne D'Aro to Hull. town. JeAey Cove to Oa1rp_e._____to_ n_ . _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ te_n_._ _ _ _ . ____G_o_u_l_e_t _t_o_ R_t._ D_a__m _E_a._r_d_le""'y""t_ t_o_Q_u_ y_ on  o:;gf:i~·  Chenier to GraceO.eld. Chichester to Pembroke. Ont. Chicot to St. Cuthbert. Chlorydormest to Ga.ape. Oholsyt to Rigaud. Ohrlstlevillet to St. Jerome Chute to St. Rayde miS1~~t·x Hyacinthe.  B~ot to St.  REFERENf.:E KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2111  , County Seat.  • Money Order Offlca.  +Telegraph Station.  i E:r.prese Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2112  QUEBEC  Maadington Falls to VloLamy to Fraserville. toria ville. Landrienne to Amos. Landvllla to Montma~y. Magdalen Islands to Pictou N . S. Langevin* to Beauceville Magenta to Farnham. East. Magplet to Fraservllle. Lanorale Statlonti to Jo- Malbaiet to Murray Baie. liette. Mal-Bayt to Gasoe. L'Anse a Brilliant to Ge.ape. L'An. ea Fu~ere to Gaspe. Malhoit to Plessisville. L'Anse a Gilestt to L'Islet. Malmalsont to Bedford. Mandelvllle to St. Gabriel L'Anse a la Barbe to Paspede Brandon. blac. Manouan Crossing to La Tuque. L'Anse au Beaullls to Gasoe Maple Grove • to St. Ferdinand, L'Anse Au Cheval to Chlcoutlml. Maple Leaf to Beauceville L'Anse au Foin to Chlcou- Marceauvllle to St. Raphael timl. Marcllt to Paspeblao. L'Anse aux Cousins to Maria*t to New Richmond. Gaspo. L'Anse a Valleau to Gaspe. Maria Capes* to New RichLantier to Ste. Agathe. mond. La Petite Riviere to Quebec Maria East to New Richmond. La Plalnetto Lauren tides . Marier to Ste. Agathe des Monts. Marlinirton to Stanstead. Laroche (Chicoutfmi) to ~~~~t~to fc,ak;~eg.:_~~~ H·ebertville Station. des Monts. Martel to Chicoutimi. Larochelle to Plessisville. to Hull. Martindale Lasalle to Lachine. LasceHes to Hull. L' Ascension* to St. Jovlte. Marylandtt to Shawville. Mascouche Rapids to Mascouche. Latourelle to Manlwakt. Masham Mills to Hull. La Trappe* to Rigaud . Maskinonge to Pont de Latulipe to Vllle Marle. Maskinonge. Laurel to Lachute. MassawtppI•t to Stanstead. Laurler Station to St. Croll! Mastal to Quebec. L1n·a1 to Quebec. Matapedla to CampbellLaval de Rapidest to Sv. ton, N. B. Martin. Mawcook to Granby, Mayot to Thurso. L'Aventr• to Richmond. Laverinet to Vlctorlavllle. McBean to Gracefteld. McKeet tc Shawville. McNeil Crossing to ManLavigne to Rigaud. sonville. La Visitation to Nicolet. Le Bras to St. Victor dt. Meach Lake to Hull. Melboro to Richmond. Tring. Leclaire to Fort Coulonire. Melbourne•t to Richmond . Leclercvllle to Deschaillons. Melbourne Ridge to Richmond. Leeds Station to Thetford MelochevlilP to Beauhamola Mines. Legace to Campbellton, Menara Corners to St. N. B. Johns. Leggats Polntt to Rlmou- Metgermette to St. Georire East. skl. Metis Beach to Sandy Bay. Lemay to Gracefleld. Mlchauavllle to St. Ours. Lemesurler to Thetford Mlguasha West to Dalhousie, N. B. Mines. Lemleuxtt to Drummond- Mllan•tt to Scotstown. vlJle. Mllle Isles• to St. Jerome. Lemire to Warwick. L'Enfant Jesus to Bea.uce Mille Va.chest to Les EsEast. coumains. Lesage to St. Jerome. Mllltleld to Inverness. Les Boules to Matane. Millington to Mansonville. Les Obenaux to Quebec. Mill Stream U to CampbellLes Dalles to JolJette. ton. N. B. Les Ecureulls*tt to Pont Milnikek tG Amqul. Rouge. Mllton East to Granby, Les Fonds to St. Romuald. Mlnerve to St. Jerome. MJngan t to Fraservllle. Les Grand es Bergesonnes t<' Fraserville. Mlrabelt to La.chute. Les SauJes to Quebec. Miserie to Les Eboulements Mlstasslnl•t to Roberval. Lime Ridge*tt to Marbleton. Mitchell Stationttto DrumLinda to Cookshlre. mond ville. Lineboro to Beebe. River to Compton. LJntere to Saint GeorgeEast Moe's Molslet to Fraserville. Lii~~h~~-tiontt to South Monett to Amos. Monk Station to Tourville. Montagne Ronde to Tring Little C'ascapedia"' to Little Junction. Metis. Montauban * to Notre Dame des Anges. Little Metia Station U to Montcalm Tt (Montcalm Co.) Matane. to Joliette. Little Pabos to Paspeblac. Montcert• to Manlwakl. Dufresne to SherLittle River East to Grand Mont brooke. River. to St. Jerome. Montfort•t Little RiverWestt to Granrl Monti~ny to Mont Launer. River. Mont Loulst to Gaspe. Lome• to Danville. Mont Morin to St Agathe. Lost River to Gren ville.  Montpelier* to St. Andre Lourdes to Plesslsvflle. Avelin. Low to Hull. Lower Ireland to Inverness. Mr~i:l~al Eastt to MonLow Statlontt to Hull. Lumsden's Mlllst to Mattawa, Ont. Lusk ville to Aylmer. Mont. Rolland• to St. Lysander to Inverness. Jerome. Lytton to Manlwakl. Mont St. Hilaire to St. Hilaire. Mont Tremblantt to St. Jovlte. Moose River to Acton. Morehea.dt to Campbells Bay. Mabel to Lachute. Morl11:eau to M.ontmairny. Macr.ld lr to Sandy Bay. Morin Heights•tt to St. Jerome. MaCIJt:b tu ~imouski. REFERENCE KE Y.  QUEBEC  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  4 County Seat  Port Lewis to St. Anicet. Padoue to Rimouskl. Paquette*t to La Tuque. to Portneut Statlon*tt Portneut. Paquettevlllett to Sawyerville. Powers' Court to Huntlnirdon. Pare to Deschambault. Precieaux Sang to St. Celestin. Parent to La Tuque. Parisville to Deschalllons Prevel to Gaspe. Parkhurst to Saint Marte. Prlmeauville to St. Martin. Paspeblac West•t to Paap~ Prouixcille*t to St. Severin. blac. Providence to St. E vartste Station. Pauline to St Cesatre.  Morrison Station to St. Jovlte. to Station Morrissette Beaucevllle. Moulin Bersimis to Rimouskl. Moulln Tetu to St. Romuald de Etchemin. Mt. Carmel (Champlain Oo.) to Three Rivers. Mount Carmel (Kamouraska Co.) to St. Philippe de Nery.  Pearl Laket to St. Raymond. Mount Loyal to Ste. Ju- Pelletier Station toKamourashi. lienne. Peninsula Gaspet to Gaspe. Mount (Jscar to Rigaud de Rlmouskl• to Musselyville to Paspebiac. Penta.cost River*t to Fra.- Quat Rimouski. serville. Mystlct to Bedford. Eboulements• to Les Qua! Perce•t to Grand River. Les Eboulemenlis. Peribonca•t to Chlcoutimi. Quatre Chemins to Bt. Prosper. Nairn Falls to Murray Bay. Perkins* to Hull. Querry to New Richmond. Namur* to St. Andre Ave- Petit Bois to St. Lambert. Quinnvllle to Pointe GatlPetit Bonaventure to BonaUn neau. venture. Nancy to St. Leon. Natashquant to Paspeblao. Petit Brule to Ste. Scholastique. Nedelec to New Liskeard. Petit Cap to Gaspe. Ont. Petite Magdelelne to Gaspe . Nelgette to Rlmouskl. Petit Marie to St. Ephrem Nellsonvllle to Quebec. Raclnett to Valcourt. de Tring. New Armagh to Ste. Marie. 1ills t-0 St. Jovlte. Newbois* to Scott Junrtion Petite Mascouche to St. Racine Radnor Forgest to Three Anne des Plaines. New Erin to Huntingdon. Rivers. New Glasgow*tt to St. Petite Matane• to Matane Radstock to J ollette. to awyerville. N:°:~~?and to St. Ferdl- 1 Petit Lac to Thetford Randboro Raplde de l'Orlgnal• to Mines. nand. Mont Laurier. Petit Pre to L'Ange Gar- Raplde Dufort to Bucklnito St. New Liverpool• dien. ham. H.cmuald. Pet!\ Riviere au Renard to ewporttt to Grand River. Gaspe. R1f~~egrgk~. b°ot~hlms• to Newport Centre* to Grand Petits Meschlns to M atane Ravignan to Beauceville. River. Petit Vallee to Gaspe. Newport Point*t to Grand Petit Village to Beauceville. Rectory Hill* to Inverness. River. New Richmond Centre to Peverll to Dalhousie Sta- Reeos <..:rosslng to North Hatley. New Richmond. tion. Reedsville to Lake New Richmond Station• to Piastre Baiet to Gaspe. Iegantlc. Richmond. New Pidgeon to Plesslsvllle. to L'AssompNew Richmond West• t t to Pledmonttt to t. Jerome. Repentlgny tlon. New Richmond. to CampbellRestigouche*t New Rooklands to Rich- Plerrevllle Millst to Plerreton, N. B. mond. vllle. Stanbrld11:e to Rlceourg North Clarendon to Shaw- Pigeon Hlll to FrellghsbUTi East. vllle. Pike River to Bedford. Richardville* to St. FerdiGeor~etown North to Plncourt to Terrebonne. nand. Howick. Pine Hill to Lachute. North Ham* to Garthby. t~~i~eo~!f North Nation Mills* to 1 Plamondons Mills to Dan- Ripon• to St. Andre A velln. Quyon. N:Jtt~s1;~ ville. Corner to CoatlNorth Stanbrldge to Bed- Plesslsville Statlon*tt to Rlvard's cook. Plesslsvllle. ford. to Howick. Rlver.fleld* North Stukelyt to Law- Pohenegamooke t to St. River Gilbert to Beaucevll'e Alexandre. renoevllle. 0 North Waketleld 1 to Hull. Pointe au Calumet to St. River Joseph to Manlwakl. Joseph du Lac. North Wolfestown to St. a Claucte to Gaspe. Ferdinand. Pointe a La Fregate to Riviere Riviere a La Fleur to QueGaspe. Norton Creek to St. Rem!. bec. Norway Bay to Arnprior. Polnt a La Gardet to Camp- Riviere a la Martret to bellton, N. B. Ont. Gaspe. Pointe a Pie to Murray Riviere a 1 'Ours to RoberBay. val. au Dore to RoberNotre Dame de La Dore to Potnt au Boisvert to Fraser- Riviere val. ville. Roberval. Riviere aux Chlens to QueNotre Dame Do La Merci Point Au Bouleau to bec to Ste. Agathe. Fraserville. aux Sables to Notre Dame de la Palx• to Pointe au Chenet l to La.- Riviere JonQuleres. chute. St. Andre Avellin. Pointe Au Ga.umon to Gaspe. Notre Dame de L'Assomp- Pob°a.1:,epe.Aux AnglaJs to Riviere Blanche to Matane. tion to andy Bay. Notre Dame de L'I,-le Verte Point Aux Orignauxt to RlFi1;[;ie~~is Clair• to St. Fraservllle. to I le Verte. Notre Dame des Bois* to Pointe Aux Outardest to Rivie1·e Oho.loupe to Gaspe. Scotstown. Himou ki. Notre Dame Des Lauren- Pointe Basset to Gaspe. Rlv1ereDesert to Manlwakl. Pointe Bleue to Roherval. R tides to Oharlesbourg. des Plantes to 'vlere Notre Dame Des Quinze to Pointe Bourque to New Bea.uceville. Richmond. Ville Marie. Moulin to Chldu Riviere Notre Dame D'Issoudon Point Comfort to Manlwakl. coutlml. Point Du Jour to St . .l:Iya- R1v1ere to St. Croix. to St. Famine clnthe. Notre Dame du taus• to Georg"' East. Pointe du Lactt to Three Riviere Buckingham. Gentilly to Gentilly Rivers. RivierP Henri to St. Flavien Notre Dame du Pont Main to Buckingham. Riviere Jaune to OharlesNotre Dame du Portaie to Pointe Jaune to bourg. Point t. Chariest to Mon- Riviere Fraservllle. la Madeline to treal. Notre Dame du Sacre Coeur Gaspe. Polnt St. Peter• t to Gaspe. Riviere Mailloux to Murto St. Croix. Casimir. t. to Poire Nouvellet toDalhouste,N.B. ray Bay. Poltlmore• to Buckingham Riviere Noyan to ClarencevllJe. Manlcouian to RlPoncheville to l',Iatane. mouskl. Pont Briand• to Thetford Riviere Manie to St. PaMines. Old Chelsea to Hull. come. Old Harryt to Grand River. Pont Chateau ro Coteau Riviere Mattawln to Grand Station. Old Lake Road t to Fra.serMere. vllle. Pont de la Noreau to St. Riviere Noir to St. Agaplt. Casimir. Onslow Corner to Quyon. Ortord Centre to Sherbrooke Pont EtchemJn • to St. Riviere Nolret (ArthaOscalanea to La Tuque. Romuald de baska Co.) to Vlctori&Otter Lake• to Campbell's Pont Garneau to St. Romvllle. Bay. uald de Etchemin. Riviere Ouelle Statlont to to Pont Viau to St. Vincent de Ouiatchoua.n Falls t Riviere Queue. Paul. Roberval. Riviere Romaine to RlOzanam to St. Jean Port Portage de La Nation to mouskl. Paolneauvllle. Joli. Riviere des Prairie. to Monti ea.I. Port au Persilt to St.. Irenee Port Daniel East• to Port Riviere St. Jean to RlmoaDaniel Centre. skl. Pabos Mills*t to Grand River. Port Daniel West to Port Riviere St. Mar&'llerttet to Frasnvllle. Pabos West to Grand River. Daniel Centre.  I  io  • Mor.ey Order Office.  ~~lfa  ~1~Ps~~e  t Telegraph  Station.  1ExpreH Office.  s  8  81  s~  s s  ~~ s  s Sa Sa  Sa~ Sal  St. Sa  St. Sal  t  St.  Sal~  t St.  [  0  l-  o  l-  QUEBEC  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  Riviere Trots Plstoles• to Saint Bazile le Grandt to St. Etienne de Lauzon to St. Romuald. Beloell. Trots Plstoles. Saint Etienne des Gres• to Rivington to Oa.lumet. St. Boniface de ShaSaint Benjamin to Beauce-winigan. ville. Robitaille• to Dalhousie, St. Benoit (Bonaventure N. B. Co.) to Campbellton.N.B. Rochelle to Lawrenceville. Sa.Int Eugenet to L'Islet. St. Benoit Labre* to St. RQcnon• to Hull. Saint Euphenle to MontGeorge East. magny. Rock Forest•t to Sher- St. Bernard to St. Ours. Saint Eusebe de to brooke. Notre Dame du Lac. Rockmount to Campbell's Saint Bernard South to La.- Saint Evariste de Forsyth colle. Bay. •ttto St. Evarlste StaRockway Valley to St. Jo- Blaise+ to Saint Johns tion. vita. Sainte Blan .,ine to Rim- Saint Faustln•tt to Saint Rose Bridget to Gaspe. Jovlte. Rosemerel: to Ste. Therese St.ouski. Bonaventure• to St. Saint Faustln Station• to Ross Mills to St. Romua.ld Guillaume d'Uoton. Saint Jovite. Bri~tte des Sawts• Sainte Fellclte•t to Matane. Rousseau's Mlllsl: to Grand Sainte to Nicolet. Mere. Routbiervilletf to Am.qui. Saint Bruno (Chicoutimi St. Felix de Kingsey to Danville. Roxton to Roxton Co.) to Hebertville. Saint Fidele to Mw-ray Fa.Us. (Kamouraska Bruno Bay. Chaude l'Ea.u a. Rulssea.u Co.) to St. Paschal. Sainte Flaviett to MontJoli to Sa.Int Anselme. Calixte do Kilkenny Ste. Fla vie Station to Mont Rulssea.u a. Sem to Sainte Laurentldes. Joli. Ruisseau to New St.toCamille• Danville. to Ste. Florence to Amqul. Carlisle. Saint to Canute•t Saint Fortunat to D'Tsraeli. St. to George Rulssea.u St. Jerome. St. Francois de Levra.rd to St. Jacques. Casslen des Capet to Deschaillons. Rumpelv1lle to Thetford Saint Baie St. Paul. Mines . . Sainte Catherine (Portneur Saint Francois de Sales to Rupert* to Hull. to Saint Raymond. Co.) Terrebonne. Russelltown to St. OhrysosSaint Francois de Salle to tome. St. Catherine (Saguenay Roberval. Rutledge to Quyon. Co.) to Fraserville. St. Francois de Whlteworth Rya.nville to Gracefleld. Sainte Cecile de Levrard to to FrazervUle. Deschalllons. Saint Francois d'Orleanst Saint Cecile de Ma.sham• to to St. Jean. Sabrevols*t t to Ibervllle. Hull. Sainte Francois to Trols Sa.ere Coeur de Jesus Plstoles. (Beauco Oo.) to East Sainte Cecile de Whlttom to Lake Megantic. St. Francois (East,) to Broughton. Beauceville. Sacre Coeur de Jesus St. Cecile Stationt to St. Sebastien. St. Francois (N. East) t to Oo. ) ( Saguenay St. Charles Borromee to to Beauceville. Fraserville. Jonquieres. Saint Franools Xavier de Saint Charles de Caplln to Brompton to Windsor New Richmond. MUls. St. Charles De Montcalm Saint Francois Xavier de to Rawdon. Viger to Fraservllle. Sainte Adelaide de Pabos•tt Sainte Christine(BagotOo.) Saint Frederic• to St. to Paspebiac. to Roxton Falls. Joseph. Adelbert to St. Pam- Saint Christine (Portneut Saint Fulgencef to Cblcouphile. Co.) to St. Raymond. timl. Ste. Adele Station to Saint SalDtGabrlel CPortneut Co.> Jerome. Richmond. to Claude* St. Portneu!. to Saint Adolphe de Dudswell• Saint Cleoohas de Brando.a to Marbleton. Valois. de Felix St. to Saint Adolphe de Howard Saint Clothllde• (Chateau- Saint Gabriel• (Rlmous.ld Co.) to Rlmouskl. to Sainte Agathe. quay Co.J to St. Remi. Gedeon de Malrow to Saint Adrien to Danville. Coeur De Marie to Saint George East. Saint St. Adrien d'Ireland to St. St.Herbertville Station. Saint George de Ma.Ibale to Ferdinand. Ga.ape. Sainte Aicnes de Oharlevolx Saint George de Windsor• to Murray Bay. to Danville. Sainte Agnes de Dundee to Saint Come to Joliette. St. Gerard*t to Loretteville Huntinizdon. Saint Agricole to Ste. St. Come de Kennebec to Gerard*:t to Weedon St. George East. Agathe. Gerard D'YamasKa to Saint Cuthbert Statlontt St.Plerrevllle. Sa.Int Albert to Warwick. to St. Cuthbert. St.Oyprien(Dorchester Co.) St. Germain to Beauceville. . *t to Be3:uceville. Sainte Gertrude• to St. CelSaint Alexis (Bonaventure Saint Cypr1ent (Telllsestin. couata Co.) to Trois Saint Co.) to Campbellton,N.B . Gilbert to Deschames. Pistol Saint Alexlst (Chlcoutlml bault. Saint Cyr to Richmond. Co.) to Grande Baie. amt Godfroi to Paspebiac. St. Alphonse <Chlcoutlml Saint uyrtao to Chlcoutlml. Co.) to Bagotville. Saint Alphonset (Jollette Saint Damase• (Rlmouskl Co.) to Cedar Hall. Co.) to Joliette. St. Alphonse De Caplln to Saint Damase des Aulnals to St. Jean Port Joli. Paspeblac. St. Guillaume Station*t to Saint Alphonse de Granby St. Damase de Thetford to St. Guillaume d' Upton. Thetford Mines. to Granby. Ste. Helene <le Chester to St. Amable to Ste. Julie. Princeville. Saint Ambrolset to Chlcou- Saint Denis (Kamouraska St. Helene De La Croix to Co.) to St. Philippe de tlml. New Richmond. St. Ambroise de La Jeune St. Heller to Ga.ape. Sarn~ri>ldace to St. Gabriel Saint Henri Junction to Lorette to Loretteville. de Brandon. Saint Amedee toM ontebello St. Henri. St. Dominique Stationt to Saint Hermas StationH to St. Dominique. St. Hermas. Saint Donat de Montcalm Saint Hermenegllde• to to Ste. Agathe. Sainte Anastasie• to Lyster Coatlcook. Saint Edmond to St. Bar- Saint Hllalre de Dol'llet to Station. Saint Andre De Lepouvante thelemi. St. Evartste Station. to Roberval. St. Hilaire Statlon•t to Saint Andre Restlgouche* St. Edouard (L?tbiniere St. Hllalre. Co.) to St. Flav1en. 0 Saint Hilarion*t to Daie sal~t~a~~~~t ~iar:io:· to St. Edouard de Frampton t. Paul. to Frampton. St. Andre. Ste. Hlppolyte de Kllkennr t. Edouard de Ma'>kinonge ~te. Angelett to Rimouskl. to St Jerome. . to Ste. Ursule. Saint Honore• (Temistt.te~M~lile.Du Nord to Saint Edouard Mechms couata Co.) to Riviere du to Mont Joli. Sainte Anil:es to St. Marie. Saint Elle to Shawenega.n St~~nore to ChicoutimJ. Saint Ignace Du Lac to Sainte Anne de Sorel to st:.a~1iza.beth de Warwick St. Gabriel de Brandon. Sorel. Saint Isidore D' Auckland Sainte Anne de Stukely to sa.f~t ~ti;:itkto Isle Verte. to Sawyerville. Isidore de Gasoe to saI:i~:ref~~~ll~u Lac to Saint Elpheget to Plerr~ st.Grand River. ville. Mont Laurier. Saint Isidore Junctlontt St. Antoine Abbe to OrmsRem!. St. to Sainte Emelle Junction to St. Jacques De Causapsca.l St.~'ii~olne Des Charlevoix Safg!ie~~Ue de Montcalm to Amqul 0 Saint Jacques des Piles to to Rawdon. St~ }~~~~~- pt:dous to Grand Mere. to Sutrolk• de Emile Saint Gasoe. Saint Jacques Nord to Rt. Andre Avelin .. Saint Antonin to Riviere du Saint Ephrem Stat1ont. to St.Jacques. Loup. Jean Ohrysostome*:t to Saint Ephrem de Trmg. St. Appollne to Montmagt. Romuald. Jean des Piles• to Saint to Bolton de Etienne Salnt St:_y Aurelie to St. George Grand Mere. Eastman. East. • Money Order Office. ! County Seat. REFERENCE KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  QUEBEC  2113  St. Octave de Do quet to Saint Jean L'Evanrellste•t Lotbiniere. to Dalhousie, N. B. Salnt Omer•t to Dalbouale, Ste. Jeanne de Neuvllle to N. B. Pont Rouge. Sainte Onezime to Ste. Anne de la Pocatlere. Saint Ours Lock to Saini St. Joachim de Berthler to Ours. St. Barthelemi. Saint Ovlde to Doschaillon, Saint Joachim de Courval St. Patrick to Fraserville. to Drummondvllle. Saint Joachim de Shefford Saint Paul de la Croix to to Waterloo. Isle Verte. Saint PaUl D'Industrle to Joliette. Paul's Bayt to Bale St. Sa~~Jf}~~~ de Lepage to St.Paul. St. Joseph De Levist to Ste. Perpetue (L'Islet Co.) Lauzon. t,o St. Jean Port Joli. St. Perpetue• (Nicolet Co.) to St. Leonard D •Aston. Macklnar S~~tG~~~«;f  i.r~~-  Stiir~~e~vt~. Nicolet to Saint Joseph de Sorel to Sorel. Saint Jovita Station to St Jovite. St. Jules to Tring Junction. St. Julie Stationt to Inverness. St. Juste De Bretonnlere to Cap St. Ignace.  St. Petronilet to guebec. Sa~~j1•{~1¥:f:hut;~rgent-  vfc~J!ff  ~u~~ Chester Sa!~t St. Philomena de Fortierville* to Deschallionns. Saint Pie de Guire to Plerr~ ville. Saint Pierre D'Orleanst to St. Jean. St. Pierre De Borel to Sorel.  Ste. Justine Station*tt to Ste. Justine . de Newton. Saint Pierre De Wakefield St. Lambertt (Levis Co ) to to Hull. · St. Henri. Pierre les Becquets•t Saint Lazare de Vaudreullt to Descbaillons. to Hudson. Saint Polycarpe Junction tt to St. Polycarpe  Sal¥~ct.!'o8:.are Statlontt to Saint Reml D'Amherst• to St. Jovite. Ste. Leandre to Rimouskl. Saint Remi de Tingwick• to Danville. Stm~:3~ard to St. Ray- St. Roehl: to St. Ours. St. Roch de Meckinac to Saint Leonard de ChlcoutlGrand Mere. mlt to Chicoutlml. Saint Leonard de Port S\0RSot~i~1t:as~~;;_uce Co.) ~a~~~ir~~~chelaga Co.) Sagi;_) ~~faJ~ba~~~~pton Sainte Rosail"e to Princeville. Saint Louis (Champlain Co.)t to Cap de la Madeleine. St. Loui<; (Dorchester Co.) Sainte Rose de Lima• to Hull. to Beauceville. St. Louis Church to Fraser- Sainte Rose De WatfordU to Beauceville. vllle. Saint Louis de Bonsecourt St. Sabinet to St. Oharlea. to Sorel. Ste. Babinet to Farnham. Saint Louis de Plntendre to Saint Samuel de Gayhurst• to St. Evarlste Station. St. Henri. Saint Louis Gonzague•t to Saint Samuel De Horton to St. Eulalie. Beauceville. St. Louis N azalre to ChJcoutlml. St. Louis Stationt to St. Saint Sebastien to HenryLouis de Gonzague. ville. St. Seraphin to Danville. Saint Severe to Yamacbi<'he Saint Luc (St. John Co.) to \ S§I!.ri~ a.~Te.Beaurivage St. John. 0 Saint Luc De to Sainte Sixte* to Thurso. Matane. Ste. Sophiet to St. Jerome. Saint Lucet to Rimouski. Sainte Sophie de Levard• Ste. Lucie to Rimouski. to Deschaillons. St. Lucie De Beauregard to St. Camille. Saint Sulpice to L'AssompSainte Lucie de Doncaster tion. to Ste. Agathe. Saint Sylvere• to St. Eulall• St. Lucien to Drummondvllle. Saint Telesphore to DalSaint Maglolre to St. Valier housie Station. Saint Majorie to Drum- Saint Theodore D'Aoton t.o mondvltle. Acton Vale. Saint Marcel (RlohelleuCo.) Theodore de Chertse:r to St. Alme. to Rawdon. Saint Marcelln to Rlmou1kl. St. Marguerite Bay Mill to Saint Theodosia to St.Denis Fraservllle. Saint Marguerite Station to Saint Theophile to St. George. Adele. Sainte Marie de Blandford Saint Thomas to Montmagny. Gertrude. to St. Saint Thomas D'Aquln to Saint Hyacinthe. St. Martin• to St. George East. St. Marv'• Ely to Valcourt. Saint Mathias to St. Hilaire St. Thomas De Caxton to St. Nord. St. Mathieu (La Prairie Saint Thuribe to Saini Co.) to La Prairie. Casimir. Saint Mathieu (RlmouskJ St. Timothee De Champlain to Champlain. Co.) to Trots Plstoles. Saint Maurice Forges to Saint Ulrlc•t to Matane. Three Rivers. St. Maxime to Scott Junction. Saint Valerien• to Bic. Saint Veronlque•t to SI. Jovite. Saint Michel de RougeSt. Viateur to St. Barthel• mont to Mariaville. emi. Saint Michel de Wentworth Saint Vital de Lambton to to Grenville. Lambton. St. Michel Station (Naplervllle Co.) to St. Rem!. Saint Mode.stet to Fraser• Salnt Yvon to Gaape. Saint Zacharie• to Saini ville. Geor~e East. Saint Moise to Val Brillant.  t Telegraph Station.  tExpresa Office. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2114  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS  QUEBEC  Saint Zenon to St. Felix de Tourelle to Ste. Anne des Mon. Valois. Tremblay• to ChJooutlml. &Int Zotlque*t to Coteau Trenholm to Richmond. Trinity Bay to Quebec. Station. Salmon Lake to Amqul. Trots Saumonst to L 'Islet. Trottier to Princeville. Trout Brook to Warwick. &JvaU to St. :ffyaclnthe. Samson Siding to Roberval. Trout River to Huntlngdon Tullock Gorum to Orm■Sand Hill to Lennoxville. town. Sandy Beach Centre to Gaave. Sanmaur to La Tuque. Saraguayville to St. Genevieve. Saulta La Puce to Ohateau Ulverton* to Richmond. Richer. Upper Bedfordt to Bedford U~:Of.1elbourne to RichSau]t au Moutonst to Murray Bay. 8au1t Ste. Lin to Lauren• tides. ~vage'1 Millst to Granby. Sayabec*t to Rimouski. Valcartier to Quebec. Scotch Road to Grenville. Val Dee Bois* to Buoklna· ham. Seal Cove to Ga■ ve. Va.ldor to Thurso. Sellarvllle to Campbellton, Valencey to Thurso. N. B. Valenclennes to Pleaatevllle. Seven Islands*t to Little Vale to Mansonvllle Metis. Vallee Des Erables to Coteau Station. Shannon to Ouebec. Valletort to St. Sebastien &awbrldge•tt to Salnt de Beauce. Jerome. Valmont to Three Rivers. Sheen borough* to Pembroke Va1morintt to St. Adele. Ont. Sbefford Mountaln to Gran- Val Quesnel* to St. Andre b:,. Avelin. Sbefrordvale -to Granby. Va.Ira.cine* to Lake M~antic. l!lheldraket to Dalhouale, Van Bruysselt to ChamN. B. bord. Shenley to St. Honore Vaubantt to Notre Dame de Shenley. du Lac. Vaucluse:tto L'Eplphanle. 0 Venosta*t to Hu]l. Vernet to La.chute. N. B. Iberville. VersailleaU Signal to Hebertvllle Sta- Viger* to Eplphane. tion. Village Belanger to St. Martin. Simard to Chicoutlmi. Vlllaire des Awnall•t to Simmons to Hwl. Ste. Anne de la Pocatlere. Richelieu• to ChamSixteen I■land Lake*tt to Village bly Basin. Saint .Jerome. St. Onge to BhawVillage Somerset to Plesalavtlle. enegan Falls. to St. Romuald. Roytt Vllle Soucy to St. Guillaume de vmette to Coatloook. Upton. Amos. to Vilmontel South Beaoht to Gaspe. Vincennes to Three Rivers. S. Bolton•tt to Knowlton. Vintont to Oampbells Ba;r.  :t~ir~:!t\; t~t~t~i~:  South Ely to Valcourt. S. Roxton*tt to Granby. S. Stukely*t to Waterloo. Wabaase to Buckingham. Springfield Park to St. Walkers Cuttlng to VicLambert. toria.ville. Spring Hilltt to Lake Waltham Station• to Fort Megantic. Cowonge. to Waterloo. Wardentt Stadaconat t.o Quebec. Ways MUls to Ayer's Cllfr. Stanbrldge Statlon*t: to Weedon Centre to Weedon Bedtord. Weir•: to St. Jovtte. Standon • to St. Anselme. to Shawville. Welrstead Stanfold to Prlnceville. West Boltontto Knowlton. Stanhopet to Dixville. W. Brome•tt to CowansiL&rks Corners to Shawville ville. Broughton• to ThetStaynervillet: to Lachute. West ford Mines. Stenson to D'Israell. Siding to East Westbury iltockwell to Hemmln~ord. Angus. Ely to Waterloo. Stoke Centre to Sherbrooke. West West Polnt to Gaspe. Stonefleld*t to Grenville. Stoneham to Quebec. White Head to Grand River Stornoway* to Lake Me- White•, Statlontt to Huntgantic. ingdon. Fraaervllle. Stratford Center• to D'Is- Wbltewortht:tto Wlckllam West•tt to Acton raell. Vale. Stukeley to Waterloo. WU1on·s Corner to Hull. Suffield to Sherbrooke. Wilson's Mills to Lyster Station. Sutton Junction• to SUt- Woburn* to Lake Megantlc ton. Rldire to ClarencoWolfe Sweetsbur~ to Cowansvllle. ville. Sydenham Place to St.Felix Wolf Lake to SbawvUle. de Kingsey. Wolfstown• to St. Ferdinand. Woodside to St. Ferdinand Wright* to Gracefleld. Wyman•t to Shawville. Talllon•t (La Pipe) to Hebertville Station. Tanoredla to Campbell's Bay. West to Yamaaka Tardlr Mill to Victoria.ville. East Tartague Station to St. Yarm to Shawville. Octave. Tatehunt to Ormstown. Terre Haute to Mont Laurler. Tesslerville to Matane. Tllibaudeaa to Ste. OrolL Thivierge to New Richmond. Thornby to Bhawville. Three Lakes to Lake Megantlc Tllunder· Rtvert to Dal· housle, N. B. Tobin*t to Riviere du Loup.  Amazon: to Simpson. Amelia to East End. Amsterdam to Canora. Anerleyt to Dinsmore. Angliat to Rosetown. Anna.helm* to St. Gregor. Annette to Sturgis. Antelooet to Gull Lake. Arabella to Benito, Man. Arbortl.eld to Tisdale.  Dahlton to Quill Lake. Dana*tt to Humboldt. D A.-cy to Brock. Davin*tt to Vibank. Davtat to Prince Albert. Daysville to Mervin. Dead Moose Lake to Humboldt. Asor to Denzil. ~o~~u~tia~~x!,~~nwold. Deckerville to Limerick.  roei«;crest. :!fi!fln~ Bannockt to Tisdale.  Baring*tt to Wolseley. Barrows to Bowsman River Man. Batocnet to Duck Lake. Battle Creek to Vidora. Bayardtt to A vonlea. Beadlett to Klnderaley.  fo t'k!:;g:it. i:~i~rf Becnard to Riceton.  tConnty Seat.  Drobot to Theodore. Dro:dord to Morse. Druid*tt to Plenty. to Wawota.  B~~tJ ti:; lo~~~-  Hudson Bay Junctlon•tt ie Tisdale. Humet:t to Wevbum. Huntoon to Griffin Huro12vllle to Fillmore.  Ingleford to Colgate. to Shaunavon. Isle La Croase to Prlnoe Albert.  Jn■tow  Earlswood to Wapella. Eastleigh to Mortlach Ebenezertt to Yorkton. Edenbridge to Star Oity.  Blrdvlewt to Delisle. Birmlngham*t t to Melville Blooming to Radville. Blucher*tt to Elstow. Blumenhoft to Neville. Boharmti to Moose Jaw.  Elardee to Prelate. Eldredt to Debden. EUl1boro to Wolseley. Elmore to Galn1boro.  BrookJng*tl to Radville. Brought to Griffin. Browningt to .Lampman. Bryantt to Lampman. Buffalo Head to Hatton. Burgls:t to Canora. Buttresst to Moose Jaw.  Hazel Dell to Preeceville Hazelwood to Kipling. Hearnet:t to A vonlea. Henribourg to Prince AJ. bert.  Dunelm*l to Swift Current. Dunfermlinet to Asquith.  ·Bender*tl to KJoUng. Beverly to Swift Current. Bienfait*H to Estevan. Big River•tt to Canwood.  Brldgeford•tt to Tugaake Brightsand to Turtleford. Brithdir to Plunkett. Broadacres to Kerrobert.  Hardyt:t to Ceylon. Hart to Bengough. Hazel CUIJe*t to Esterhaz)'.  Hlrachtt to Frobisher. Hitchcock.. tt to E11tevan. to Willow Bunch. Delma■ •tt to North Battle- Holbeck to Glidden. ford. Honeymoon to Prince Al• Demaine to Riverhurst. bert. Hoosier to Loverna. Dlsley•t:t to Lum1den. Horizont to Viceroy. Driver to Kindersley.  Belbecktt to Moose Jaw. Bellegarde to Antler. Belle Plaine•tt to Pense.  Borderland to Willow Bunch. Branceoetht to Klnlstlno. Bratton*:t to Mac Rorie. Brement to Cudworth. Bresaylor*tt to North Battleford.  Great Deer to Borden. Greenan to Elrose. Greenbusht to Tisdale. Green Lake to Cau wood. Gunderson to Pennant.  Hamptont to Rhein.  Archydal to Moose Jaw. Ardillt to Moss Bank. Arelee to Perdue. Argo to Biggar. Arlington to Govan Artlandt to Battleford.  Elm Springat to Assinlbola. Elswickt to Goodwater. Engelteld*t to Watson. Ernfoldtt to Morse. Eskt to Lanllran. Ethelton to Kinistino. Ethmuir to Kerrobert. Ettine:ton to Vantage. Eve ham*tt to Macklin.  Falrltght to :Marytl.eld. Falrmount to Kindersley. Fairy Glen to Meltort. Fenton•t to Birch Ilills.  Jasmin•t:t to Kelliher. Jonesville to Gilroy. Juniatatt to Asquith. Junor to Edam.  Kantenvllle to Vldora. Karluke to East End. Keddleston•tt to Bold!ast. Kelso to Maryfteld. Kendal to Montmartre. Keppelt to Perdue. Ketchen to Preeceville. Klllaly*tt to Neudort. Kllwinningt to Lea k. Klncortb t t to Maple Creek. Kine:sford to Estevan. Krlstnes to Leslie. Krupp to Leader. Kuroki*! to Margo. Kylemoret tCI ,Vaden& l{ylervtlle to White Bear.  Fertile to Antler. Flndlater•tt to Bethune. Flowing Well to Mor e. Fonehillt to Willow Brook. Lac La Rongo to Prince Fooston to Wadena. Albert. Forester to Tisdale. Lac Pelletier to Neville. Forgan to Hughton. Lac Vert to Watson Cactus to Meyronne. Lad. tock to Foam Lake. tM~i~~tre. Fort a la Gome to Kinis- Lance Valley to Wlseton. tino. Landscape to Viceroy. I Fort Pitt to Lloyd minster. Ll\.ngbanktt to Kennedy. Cantal to Alida Cantuar•t to ·swift Our- Fortunet to Rosetown. Forward to Pangman. rent. Fossemour to Webb. Canuck to Shauna.van. Leinan to uccess. s 0arlea to Tisdale. Lemsford*tt to Portreeve. Carm1chealt to TompkJns. Fox Valley to ceptre. Leo field to Cud worth. Carrignan to Gravelbourg. Frenchville to Admiral. Fr)''s:t to Antler. Leross•tt to Kelllber. Ca.veil to LandL'I. Fusilier to Kerrobert. Cecil to Birch Hills. Lilact to Ruddell. Cedoux to Lewvan.  8!~Jfi!>t~~  Ohagoness to Star City. Chellwood to Marcelin. Clansman to 'l'urtleford. Clarkboro:t to Aberdeen. Clarks Crosslngt to Saskatoon. Cla.vettt to Saskatoon. Olay Bank to A vonlea. Cliftonville to Maple Creek Cloan to Rockhaven. Clouston to Prince Albert. Cluffleld to Wadena. Coblenzt:t to Landis. Cochiv to Meota. Colfax to Lewvan. Collins to Herbert. Congress to Vantage. Consu] to Vidora. SASKA.TOHEWAN Coriander to Ponteix. Corinne to Wilcox. Cornfield to Eaton. Cotet to Kamsack. Adams to Regina. Court to Compeer. Alta Aiktowt to Elbow. to Mortlach. Courval Albertown to Hafford. to Lancer. Albertville to Prince Albert. Oramersburg to Expanse. Crestwyndt Alingly to Prince Albert. Crichton:t to Cadillac. A lvene to Vonda.  REFERENCE K£Y,  Crooked Rlver•tt to Tl&dale. Cross•t:t to Maple Creek. Crystal Springs to Birch Hills. Cu11ent to Lampman. Cumberland House to The Pas Man. Oymric:t to Govan.  SASKATCHEWAN  • Money Order Office.  Galilee to Spring Valley. Gallivan to Rockbaven Geraldtt to Esterhazy. Gibbst to Buiyea.  Llllistrom to Moose Jaw. Lilydale to Carruthers. Llosett to M elfort. Little Woody to Willow Bunch. Log Valley to Morse.  Lorliel to Balcarres. Lost River to Star Oity. Glaslyn to Edam. Lovatt to Glen Avon. Gla.•mevinl to Ogemll. Lydden to Biggar. Glenbogie to St. Walburg. Glenbush to North Batt!~ ford  Gladmar to Ceylon.  Glen Kerr to Morse. Glen McPherson to PonteiJ: McCord to Meyronne. McGeett to Rosetown. Gorlitzt to Canara. MaoDowall • t to Prtnoe Gouldtown to Herbert. M!l:egentre to Herbert. Gouveneur to Cadillac. Malrt to MaryQeld. G"ovenlock to Vidora. Marchwelll to Lan~enbure, Grace to Moss Bank. Grand Couiee*tt to Re- Marlin to Edam. gina. Marx to Vanguard. Grandora*tt to Aeauith. Maxim to Colgate. Grayburn to Moose Jaw. tTelegraph Station.  t Expree• Office.  SASKATCHEWAN Meadow Laket to Tnrtleford. Medstea.d to N. Ba.ttleford. Melaval*tt to Lafleche. Mennont to Da.lmeny. Merldtt to Marengo. Middle Lake to liumboldt Midnight Lake to Mervin Mildred to Shell Brook. M IUerdaJe to H.erroben. Milly to Meyronne. Mlstatlmtt to Tisdale. Mista.wasls to Shellbrook. Mitcbellton to Moss Bank. Mltcbelv1ew to Buchanan Montreal Lake to Prince Albert. Moon Hills to Marcelin. Moose Range to Tisdale. Morelandtl to Pa.ngman.  TOWNS ACCESSIBLE TO BANKING POINTS Parry*% to Dummer. Pasqua*ft to Moose Jaw. Peebles to Windthorst. Peesanet to Tisdale. Perclva.U to Whitewood. Perigord to Wadena. Peterson to Meacham.  Rctlandt to Unity. Ryersont to Maryfleld. St. Benedict to Cudworth.  ¥,~;'isei~ ~o~~:~elbourg ~t St. Frount to Quill Lake. ~t l}~eo~~~ t~~t-=-~:  YUKON TER'T'Y to Griffin. Tangleflags to Lloydmlnster. Taylorton* to Bienfait. Teddington to Star City. Theresa to Lafleche. Tilney to Brfercrest. Tlnyt to Canora. Tregarvatt to Regina. R~::is1:;11 i?r!1'e~yburn. Tuffnellt to Foam Lake. Tullis to Dunblane. Turtle Lake to Turtleford. Tway to Waka.w.  Piche to Harris. Pike Lake to Vanscoy. Pilger to Humboldt. Pilot Butte*tt to Balgonie. St. Louis to Prince Albert. ~t~a~ht:a~d/;.ocanville. Pitmant to Rouleau. Pleasant Valley to Melfort. Samburg to Prince Albert. Prairie Rivert to Tisdale. Sandford Dene to Ca.bri. sag~;;,. Lake to Prince AlPrimatett to Denztl. Prlnce*tt to North Ba.ttle- Saskatchewan Landing to ~;!<;,.~e4¥a~ ~!~~~~rt. rord. Success. Pronguat to Battleford. Secretant to Chaplin. Mulllngar to North Battlerord. Senate to Vidora. Mullrany to Verwood. Urent to Chaplin. Shandr to Estevan. Mulock to Rhein. Shell River to Debd.en. Mutrie to Montmartre. Sldewoodt to Tompkins. Queen Centre to Morse. Valbrand to Canwood. Silver Park to Melfort. Quinton*tt to Punnichy. Va.ljeant to Cha.plin. Snipe Laket to Eston. Nadeauville to Tompkins. Valor to Asslniboia. Naicum to Watson. Vandurat to Wawota. Socrates to Woodrow. Naisberry*t to Melfort. Verat to UnitY. Maymont. to Sonningdale Naseby*t to Landis. Viewfield to Benson. Rabbit Lake to North Neola to Biggar. I South Fork to Dollard. Ba.ttelford. Neosho to Oabri. So. Melfort to Melton. Rainton to Weyburn. Neptune to Colgate. Speedington to Tisdale. Ra.lpb to Weyburn. to Invermay. New Finland to Tantallon. Rama*t Spinney Htll to Maymont. Waldville to Shaunavon. Ratner to Star City. N oremac to Eston Spruce Bluff to Spruce Lake Walpole*t to Wawota.. North.gate to Frobisher. Ra venscrag to East End. Warman•tt to Saskatoon. North Porta1•t1 to Estevan Ravine Bank to Tisdale. W artlme to Elros-3. Steelman to Frobisher. North Side to Prince Albert Redberry to Hafford. to Prince AlCreek Steep Nottingham to Redvers. Waterfield to Tisdale. bert. Deer HIU to Prince Nummola to Sha.unavon. Red Wauchoue-"tt to Manor. Stewart to Bateman. Albert. Nut Lake to Wadena. Welbyt to Spy Hill. Red Jackett to Moosomln. Stone to Tompkins. Nut Mountain to Margo. Red Pheasant to Battleford Stonehenge to Assinlboia. White Sand to Springside. Regina Beachtt to Craven. Stowlea to Turtleford. Renountt to Watrou1. Whitkow to Hafford. Stranraer*tt to Plenty. WIiiows to Assinlbofa. Oakley to Alida. Richardson to Regina. Yorkton. to Watson. to Sturdeet "\Vim.mart Oakshella.1 to Grentell. Richmond to Hatton. St~t~~i. Lake to Prince Winside to Viceroy. Oban Station:t to Biggar. Wintert to Unity. Ridgeclough to LloydminOldbury to Richard. Sturgeon Landing to The ster. Onion La.ket to Lloy-dmln- Rldpatht:t to Rosetown. Wishart to Punnlchy. Pas. Man. ster. Sturgeon Niver to Canwood Witchekan to Debden. Ritchie to Bengougb. Onwardt to Kerrobert. Rivercourse to Lloydmin- Sturgeon Valley to Shell- to Wilkie. Orcadia*t to Yorkton. Wolverine to Guernsey. brook. ster. Orpblugton to Wadena. Summercove to Kincaid. Riverstone to Tisdale. Osgoodt to Tisdale. Wood Mountaint to LimGilroy. to Sunkist Roan Mine to Ceylon. Osler•tt to Hague. erick. Superb to Kerrobert. Robsart to Vidora. Ottbontt to Yorkton. W oodrock to Preeceville. Roche Percee*tt to Es- Surbltont to Dinsmore. Outram to Estevan. W orclsworth:t to Carlyle. Surprise to Hatton. tevan. Overland to Brombead. Swarthmore to Unity. Roche Plaine to Admiral. Wymark*H to Moose Jaw. Sylvania. to Tisdale. Rnkeby_•tt to Y orkton. Pambrumt:t to Vanguard. Rose Valley to Wadena. llattJeford North to Rossall Turtleford. Paradise Hill to Yarboi to Atwater Rossduff to Parkbergt 1 to Mortlaon. Yeomanst to \Veybum. Tadmor to Oanora. Rouen to Gravelbourg. Parkmantt to Carlyle. VonkPr1 ! to R<'ott. Taknt to Unitv Runnyme<iet to ToQ:o. tTelegraph Statton. Office. Order Money • Seat. County ;. REFERENCli KEY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2115  Zehnertt to Regina, Zeneta tt to W &ldron.  YUKON TERRITORY  Big Salmon to WbJte Hone. Bonanza to Dawson. Oarcross to WbJte Horse. Carmacks to White Horse. Ohampayne Landing to WbJte Horse. Conrad City to White Horse. Domlnlon Oreek to Dawson Fort Selkirk to White Horse. Forty Mile to Dawson. Gold Bottom to Dawson. Grand Forks to Dawson. Granville to Dawson. Hunker Creek to Dawson. Indian River to Dawson. Little Salmon to White Horse. Livingston Creek to White Horse. Mayo to Dawson. Pelly to Dawson. Quartz Creek to  Daw■on.  Rampart House to Dawson. Stewart Oity to Dawson. Sulphur Creek to Dawaon. Teslin Lake Horsf'.  to  tExpress Office  White Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ()  OFFICIAL NUMBERING AGENT FOR AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION  ~-j  L. J.  v.  s.  C.  w w w  T.  8. J.  A..  ,.  J. l (  fl. J.,  w.  ""·  F. •  A.J  w. w.  Mr~  E. J  C. ll  C. I  Ii. 1  · 2116