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The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  FOREIGN ATTORNEYS THESE ATTORNEYS ARE NOT BONDED. FOREIGN ATTORNEYS.-The following is a selected list or Legal Practitioners in the Principal Towns throughout the World. with the exception of the United States. Canada. Cuba. Philippine Islands, and Porto Rico. recommended to us as trustworthy and responsible in all matters of Commercial Laws. Collections, and any legal business entrusted to them. ·Fees must be arranged for In advance as business Is seldom accepted on a contingent basis.  AFRICA-(Continued)  AFRICA ALGERIA Algiers ............ ..... Louis Gouttebaron, Rue d'lely, 61. Oran •...•............. Roux de Frawineni.  ANGOLA Ambaoa .............. . A. Saro da Cunha. Bio .....•........••... Amilcar Barca. BeD£Uella ... .... , , ..... Baltazar de Aguiam.  lf:!~~dM :. ·. ·.:::::::: ~er~~;,A{,~~~a:1~~ea1. 08  AZORES ISLAND Heroiamo do Ansra (Teroeira) ............ Theotonio Paim de Ornellas Bruges. Horta (Fayal) ......... . Antonio Xavier de Mesquita. (St. Delaada 1-onta Michael) ............ . Luiz Bettencourt, M. E. Camara.  BELGIAN CONGO Boma ................ . Monsieur Bossart, Dept. de la Justice. .Brazsa ville ..•••••••.•.. Me. Cadot.  RHODESIA Bulawayo .............. Webb & Low.  Gwelo ..... , .•..•.•.... G. Pilkington. Sallilbury ........•..••. Coghlan, Welsh & Guest. Umtali .......•.•.•.... A. F. Ternouth. Victoria ......••....••. H. Hayles.  SENEGAL Dakar ................. Maitre Wida!. St. Louia .......•...... Maitre Herbault.  SEYCHELLES ISLANDS Victoria ...........•.•. Raoul Bax de Savignac.  SIERRA LEONE Freetown .....•.......• Claude Emile W riiht.  TRIPOLI Tripoli •............... G. B. Criscimanno. Tunia ................. Ben Attar.  BRITISH EAST AFRICA PROTECTORATE Mombasa ..•••••.•..... R. M. Byron & Co. Nairobi. ............... R. M. Byron & Co. Laguna (Teneriffe) ..... . Juan Aacanio y Nieves.  nary) ................ Tomas Garcia Guerra. Santa Cru• (Teneriffe} .. . Juan Marti y Dehesa.  CAPE VERDE ISLANDS Bra va ..•.•.•...••..... Caetano Arrobas. Foiio . ........... , ..... Carlos de Vasconcelloe. St. Antonio .•...•.•.•.. Jos6 Luiz de Mello. St. Jago ..••••...••.... Jos6 do Sacramento Monteiro. St. Vincent .••....••... Roberto Duarte Silva. Tanafal ..•.•........•. Daniel Tello Simoes Sosrea.  EGYPT Aleundria., .......... . Catzeflis & Booth.  Cairo ......•.......... . John Porter Foster. Khartoum . ............ E. M. Drower.  Pon Said .•••••........ R. T. Prioleau.  FRENCH IVORY COAS'F  Grand Bassam .....••... Pierre Gresl6.  GAMBIA &thunt . .............. S. J. Forster.  GOLD COAST COLONY Accra (Eastern Province)A. B. Quartey-Papafio. Cape Coaat (Central .ProvinCd) ..••.••••.....•. Casely Hayford. Seocondee ( W eetern Province) ...••.......••.. Casely Hayford.  LIBERIA Grand Baua .......... . J.M. Allen Grand Cape Mount .•... T. E. Bey Solow. Maryland .... ..... , .... A. B. Stevena. Monrovia .............. E.W. Barclay. Sinoe . ................. S. J. Crayton.  MADAGASCAR ISLAND Antananarivo or Tananarive ................ J. Bruelle. Die10 Suares .. ......... M. Bruelle.  Fianarant.aoa . .......... Me. Thuillier. MaJun1a ...... ......... Me. Ca vet. Tamatave ..... ......... Me. Berard.  MADEIRA ISLAND  Funchal •...... , ...•... Nuno Jardim.  MAURITIUS Port Louia ............. P. E. de Chazal. /  MOROCCO H.J. King, Gibraltar.  NIGERIA Calabar (E. Province} .. . J. W. Maxwell. Laios (Western Province)J. T. N. Cole. Warri (Central Province)S. L. H. Bucknor.  NYASALAND PROTECTORATE  Blantyre ....•.......... En11:elbach & Wilson.  PORTUGUESE EAST AFRICA  Lourenco Marque& ..... . Alfredo Leal, P. 0. Box 3~3. Mo11ambique .......... . Jose Pedro Santana Godinho.  B  UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA  C  Alice .................. W. J. Wynne. (Cape of Good Hope) Aliwal North .......... . N. E. Smuts & Co. (Cape of Good Hope) Barberton . ............ F. Haselden. ( Trana11aal) Bloemfontein ........... Goodrick & Franklin, ( Orange Fres State) Caledon . .............. Guthrie & Theron. (Cape of Good Hope)  Calvinia ..•..••...•• , .. Nel & Lawrence. (Cap_e of Good Hope) Cape Town ........... , Buchanan & Boyes. (Cape of Good Hope)  Dundee ..•...••..•••... Thos. H. Brokensha. (Natal)  Durban ....•.....•..... Alexander Ward Airth. (Natal)  East London ........... William Francia Marshall. (Cape of Good Hope)  Edenburg .............. G. van Niekerk. ( Orange Free State)  Grahamstown ......•... Dold & Stone. (Cape of Good Hope)  Jagersfontein ........... Olivier & Havenga. (Orange Fres State)  Johannesbur1. . . . • . . • . Hudson & Friel. (Tram11aal)  Kimberley .........•.•. Denoon, Duncan & Brown. (Cape of Good Hope)  Kina William'• Town .... C.R. Atherstone. (Cape of Good Hope)  Klerkadorp ............. J. A. Neser. (Tram11aal)  Kroonstad ....•....•... Francia George Hill. ( Orange Free State)  Krugersdorp ......... , . B. Alexander & Bros. ( Trana11aal)  Ladysmith .•.•...•..... Carter & Robinson.  •  (Natal)  Oudtshoorn ............ V. Gordon.  (Cape of Good Hope) Paarl. ................. Faure & Faure. (Cape of Good Hope) Parijs ................. J. T. Moll. ( Orange Free State) Pietermaritzburg ....... Murray & Jansen. (Natal) Port Eli1abeth . ......... Dyason, Hazell & Wilson. (CC!1"' of Good Hope) Port Bhepatone . ........ W. J. Plows. (Natal)  Potchef1troom .......... Vander Hoff & du Toit. ( Tran,11aal) Pretoria . .............. Ludorf & Strange. ( Trana11aal)  Queenstown .•.•..•••... Elliott Bros. (Cape of Good Hope)  Stellenbosch ....•.•.•.•. P. D. Cluver. (Cape of Good Hope)  Trompsburg ........... Jacs. A. du Toit. (Orange Free Stau) Uitenhage ....•.••...•.. Chase & Cunningham.  Su  Wepener ............•.. Eben Potgeiter. (Orange Free State) W oroester ....••...••.•• Malan & Gie.  N  (Cape of Good Hope)  (Cape of Good Hope)  REUNION St. Denis .............. Albert Rieul.  V  UGANDA PROTECTORATE Jinja .........•........ A. D. Home. Kampala .......••.•.•. Hunter & Greig.  CANARY ISLANDS Lu Palmaa (Grand Ca-  8  TUNIS  ZANZIBAR Zanzibar . .............. Mead & Wiggins.  1836  ASIA CELEBES M  xcep-  irs of  ldoID  (Dutch East Indies) acassar ............. .John Paulus.  CEYLON Colombo .............. . P. D. & T. D. Mack, 121 Hultsdorf.  Hank  CHINA  Sha : : : · · · · · · ........ R. A. Frost.  Tie ~1U • • •••••••••••• Platt, Macleod & Wilson. ............... Kent & Mounsey.  n  CHOSEN (COREA)  Chemulpo .. . Seoul · · · · • • • . . . . . . . s. Ki taJ1ma ... • • • .•.......... Jur. C. Kudo.  CYPRUS  !,&ma Limass~i • • ............ N. Rossos .. Nicosia -----··------ ---- _N. K. Larutes. · • • • •.....•..... W. A. Russell.  FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN INDIA  ~L~·rry••,,• • .......... R. Bayou_d. .......... Gaston Pierre. GOA  Benaulin (Portuguese East Indies) Bard J. J. Roque Correa Alfonso. llhaaie~ alangute ______ . Pedro Antonio de Sousa. 8alse'te Bova Goa . ....... Manoel Sebastiao Vas. enaulim ________ J. J. Roque Correa Alfonso.  cf .. ··· ........  HONG KONG  AUSTRALASIA-(Continued) NEW SOUTH WALES Albury .•. . ...•......•.. Emerson & Tietyens. Bathurst .........•..... McIntosh & Co. Broken Hill .•.•.••••... Justin McCarthy. Goulburn .........••..•. Johnson & Bendall. Grafton ........••.••... Foott, Law & Co. Lithgow .•......•.••.... H. T. Thompson. Newcastle ....•..•.•.••. Sparke & Millard. North Sydney ..•.•..... A.H. Grace. Parramatta ............. Bowden & Bowden . Sydney ..••.•.....•.•.. Allen. A lien & Hell131ay Tamworth ....••.•.... , Tril:Je & Prentice. W agga W agga . ......... Higgins & Robinson. West Maitland ...•..... Norrie & Lindsay.  NEW ZEALAND Auckland .............. Buddle, Richmond & Buddle Christchurch ..••..•..•. Dougall & Upham. Dunedin ..•••••........ Mondy & Stephens. Feilding ................ Fullerton-Smith, Miles & Cook. Gisborne (Poverty Bay). Kirk, Burnard & Sievwright. Invercargill ......••..... Macalister Bros. Lawrence .............. Archibald Stewart & Fletcher. Lyttleton ...•.......... Dougall & Upham. Napier ........•........ Sainsbm-y, Logan & Williams. Naseby ................ J. J. Fraser. Nelson ................. Pitt & Moore. • New Plymouth .....•... Govett & Quilliam.  :~~i!  ~!i!~r~ioi°i·N~rlh·::.::: .fL~~hart-Fitzherben. Palmerston Bo. (Otsgo) . . Aslin & Bedford. Reefton .....••.•.•..•.. Free & Cottrell (see Westport). Timaru ...•...••.•..... Perry, Perry & Kinnerney. Wanganui .•..•...•..... Marshall & Hutton. Wellington ..•....•••••. Bell, Gully, Bell & Myers. " ............. Brown, Neave & Courtney. Westport ..........•..•. Free & Cottrell.  Victoria .... ............ Stephens & Willson.  INDIA  Bombay (Preai•  c.1::la(~~=bay) .................. Little & Co. M~ncy of Bengal) ................... . Pugh & Co. & C Maul™·.· · • • • ., . ............... Short, Bewea o. Oota mem ..... Burmah ................ C. W. Law. ha ~C&IDund •. • Madras ................ Walker & Gra m. To C.On •••••• Burmah ............... W. P. Okeden. ungoo_______ Burmah •••• _____________ R. L. Chatterji.  ISLAND OF MACAO Maoao ... .............. J.M. Carvalho Rego. K JAPAN T~0 k "<• · •••,............ Crosse & Yamashita. T . u Taiwan Ieland) . . . T. Oinuma. T~n (Taiwan Island) •... :G. Kawahara. Yokota~· • · · · ........ - .. _John Gadsby. h  "  • • • • .•.•.•••••••. Crosse & Heat . . • • , ...••..•...... Masujima & Fukushima.  JAVA (Dutch East Indies) A. Maclaine Pont & A.H. Van Ophuysen. Soerab g ............. T. B. Bergsma. a 1a .............. C. L. Rahder.  ,~~:n ····, .........  SAIGNON Bajp  0 • ••••••••••••••• A.  8  (Cochin China) Duval & F. Condamy.  SIAM anakok ..... ................ Tilleke & Gibbins.  STRAITS SETTLEMENTS  ~ · · • • • ....••.••.. Allen & Gledhill. Sinai · ••, ............ Adams & Allan.  l>01'e · • • ••.•••••... Braddell Brothers.  SUMATRA M  (Dutch East Indies) J. J. de He~t. nc ... ............. C.H. Cockmga.  pa'tan .... .............  TURKEY IN ASIA (See Turkey in Europe)  AUSTRALASIA FIJI ISLANDS Suva ................. . Garrick, Caldwell & Ellia  NEW CALEDONIA No~:nea ............... M. Borde. • .......•••..••• M. Brajeul. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  PAPUA Port Moresby .......... MacDonnell, Hannam & Hamlyn-Hania. (Send to Cairns, Queensland)  QUEENSLAND Brisbane ..•..•......... Chambers, McNab & McNab. " ...•...•...... Thynne & Macartney. Bundaberg .••........•. Henry Nairne Thorburn. Cairns ................. MarDonnell, Hannam & Hamlyn-Harrill. Charters Towers ...•.... Williams & Murphy. Cunnamulla ....•••..... S. S. Pegg. Gympie .........•..... Power & Power. Ipswich ........••.•.... Pender & Pender. Mackay ................ S. B. Wright & Wright. Maryborough .....•..... Morton, Gordon & Morton. Mount Morgan ........ . J. D. Murray. Nanango ....••••••••.•• Morton, Gordon & Morton.  ,~~~~~:t~.~::: :::::::  ~;ntlft~~g&r~~~'tito~~ & McLaughlin. Townsville . ............ MacDonnell, Hannam & Hamlyn-Harria.  SAMOA Apia ................... A. Nauer.  SOUTH AUSTRALIA Adelaide .....•......... Sandford & Limbert. Port Adelaide .......•..• Dem1>ster & Dempster. Port Darwin ......•••... J. J. Symes. Port Pirie ...••••••••.•. Barwell & Hague. Tanunda ......•...•••.• William Eberhard HeusenrOeder.  TAHITI (Society Islands) Papeete ............... M. Sigogne, Defenseur.  TASMANIA Campbell Town ........ Robert Leslie Gatenby. Hobart ....••.••••••... Butler, McIntyre & Butler. Launceston ..•••••••••.. Law & Weston & Archer. Queenstown ..•.....••.. A. A. Winch. Zeehan (Silver Fields) ... Alfred J. Douglas.  VICTORIA Ballarat ......•.•..•..•. Cuthbert, Morrow & Ml18t. Bendigo ....•••••.••... Cohen, Kirby & Co. Caetlemaine ..••••••.•.. McCay & Thwaites. Charlton ...•••••••••... Arthur PhilliJ>s. Colao ....••.••••••..... Harwood & Pincott. Eaglehawk .. ........... Tatohell, Dunlop, Smalley & Balmer. Geelong ....•••••.....•. Harwood & Pincott. Hamilton ...••••••.•... Sidney I. Silberberg. Maldon .......•..•..•.. McCay & Thwaites. Maryborough ...•...... Herring & Herring. Melbourne ..••.. , ...•.. Cleverdon & Fay. Collison & Co. Mildura ................ Percy T. Park. Shepparton •.••••.••••.. William McClure Abernethy. Stawell ...•..•.••.•..•. Lindsay & Ackhurst. W arrnambool .....••••.. W. Ard.lie. Yaokandandah .... ...... Mackay & Norman.  WESTERN AUSTRALIA Albany .........•.•..•. Haynes, Robinson & W atkina. Coolgardie .••.•••...... Andrews & Tindal. Freemantle ............ . Gawler, Hardwick & Forman. Kalgoorlie (Hannan',) .. . Keenan & Randall. Perth ................. Stone & Burt. Phillipe River . .......... Arthur Herbert Foord. York ................. . E. H. Neville. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  FOREIGN ATTORNEYS (NOT BONDED)  EUROPE  EUROPE-(Continued)  AUSTRIA  FRANCE-(Continued)  Arad ........••• ..••..•. L. Kralit1. BaDJaluka CBooia) .... .. V. Akalay. Bihac, (Boenia) ....•••••• Milan Katicic. Breka <Donia) •••. , •.•• Milan Hn.d1i RU1tio. Debreoaen . ..••••.•••.. Andor Berger. E11ek ..•. , , , • , •••• , •• , H. Plachte. Florisdorf .•••• , • , • , •••• F Brtlll. Oablons .• ;,, ••••• ,, •• •J. G0tz. Innsbruck, •••••••••••. Anton Eder, Museumatraue. Lember1 . ..•••••••••••• Artura Tilla. Moatar (Heraeaovina) ... Dominik Mazzi. Po11ony ..••••••••• , ••• Victor Forster. R1eer:ow. , . , , ....•..... S Braunfeld. Sah1bur1 ....••.•••••... Paul Madolsperger. Sarajevo (Bosnia) . .. ; .. . Moritz Rothkopf. Sopron ...•••••.• , ••••. N Rosenfeld. Stockerau .•••••••.••••• E . Hiller. Tarnow . .••••••••• • •.• . A . Salz. Trautenau . • .•.•••••••. Karl Th. Pick. Travnik (Bosnia) .•••.•. Peter Musial. Trieste . ........•...... Giovanni Martinolich. Troppau . •••••....•••.. T. Sonnensohein. Tuzla (Bosnia) ...... , . . I vo Pilar. Waptadt .......... . .. . J. Angel. Warlllldorf ...••••.• . .• . J. ij:atz. Wien or Vienna ...••..• • Ma:rimilian Krenn, 1., Spieaelpae It  BELGIUM Anvera or Antwerp . . .. . . Neil Edward Campbell. Bruge1 ....•....• , •... . Alfred de Wynter.  Charleroi ..•.••.. , •.••. M. Lucien Giroul. BrW18ela ...•.••••••.•.. Edward Barclay. Gand or Ghent ••••••.•. Leonard Willema. Li~1e ...... , .......... . M . Albert Tahon. Lou vain .........•••... Alfred Gesche. Malinea ..•.....••.••..• Victor Frie. Morus ........•....... . E. Bourlard. Namur •.•••••...•••••. H. Bribosia. Ost.end ..••.•••••.•...• Neil E. Campbell. Tournay . •.•••• • ••....• A. de Rick. Verviera . ............. . A. Bonjean.  But.ia ........ Coraica .•..•••••••••.. . M. de Carbuocia. Besancon •••.• Doub1 .••• , ••••••••.•.• M Bcslher. Besi.era ... , . • ,H,.rault ....••.•••••••.. M . Durand. Biarrit1 .•••••• Baaae Pyreneea ••••••••. Charlea Blaiae. Bordeaus •••.• Gironde .•••.•••.••.••• Edward Barclay. Boulogne aur mer ..••• Paa-de-Calaia ••••••••.. M.A. Miohau:s. Brest ..••••... FinistArre . ..•.•••...•.. M. le Guen. Calais ..•.••.. Paa-de-Calais ........... Me. Victor Mussel. CarcaMonne .•. Aude .. , •. , •..•.•••.••• M. Maldre. Cherbour1, •• • Manche . ....• , •..•..••. M. Favier, Rued• Mou.liu I. Clermont Ferraud ....• Puy de Dome ..•.••.... M. Morin. Dieppe .....•. Seine Inferieuro ....•••.. M. A. Roger. Dijon ....•.••. C6te d'Or ....••••••.••. M. Dumoulin. Douai . .•••••. Nord . .••••••.••.••.••. M. Duhron Dunkirk ..•••. Nord ........ . ..... .. .. M . Georges Dumont. Havre ....•.•. Seine Inferieure . . . ..•... M . de Grandmaiaon. La Rochelle .•. Charente Inferieure ...... M . Godin. Lille ..••••••• Nord . .......••....... M . Thery. Limoges •.•.•. Haute Vienne .......... M . Soulignao. Lyon ......... du Rhone ............. M. Paul Trillat. Marseille ..... . Bouches du Rhone ....•. Dr . F C . Autran. Mets ..... , .. . Alsace-Lorraine ......... E. !-.Hiller. Montpellier ... HerauJt .. ..•....... M . Abrio. Millhauaen . ... Alsace-Lorraine ......... K. Reinach. Nancy ....••.. 11eurthe .... ...•..•.•.. M . Moreau. Nantes ...•.•• Loire Inf~rieure ......... M. Pirhelen. Ni<'e ......... ,Alpes Maritimee ........ Browne & Batchelor. Nimes .••.••.. Gard ........•.•..•.... 11. Viala. Paris ......... (Dept. Seine) .......... Donald Harper, Walter R, Berry, Benjamin H. Connor. Attorneys at Law; 3 1 Avenue de l'O~ra. Members of the New York Bar and United States Supreme Court. Poitiera ....... Vienne .. . ..••.•...•.•. M . Charpentier. Rennea ..••••• IllHlt-Vilaine ....••.•... M . Lehorgne. Rouen ..•...•. Seine Inferieure ......... M . Lamy. St. Etienne ..•. Loire ..........•....... M . Pauly. St. Malo ..•• , ,IllHlt-Vilaine ..•........ M . Mainsard. St. Nar:aire ..•. Loire Inferieure ......... M . Galibourg. SaargemQnd ..• Alsace-Lorraine ....• , •.. Dr. Greber. Strassburg ..•. Alsace-Lorraine . ..•.... 0 . Meyer. Tarascon ...••. Bouchea du Rh6oe ...... M de Borne. Toulon ....... Var ................... M. Ortigue. Toulouae ...•.. Haute Garonne ..•...... M. Fourcade. Tours ........ Indre-et-Loire ..•....•.. M . Berlier de Vauplane. Zabem ....••.. Alaace-Lorraine ...••. . .. Max Wachsner.  \V  BULGARIA Sofia ..••....•........• A. Galinoff. Varna ............••... B. Karamichaloff.  CHANNEL ISLANDS St. Heliera (Jerwey) ...... G. F. Durell Le Gallaia. St. Peter'• Port (Quern• 1ey) ................ . Carey & Ridgway.  CZECHO-SLOVAKIA BrQnn .•••..•••.•••.••• Alfred Beer.  Carlabad . ..........• , .. C. Aller,.  E1er .... ............. . W. ZeuLner. KIUII& •••• ••• •••••••••• Ernst Weiser. Pilsen . •..••••......... M Ekstein Praaue . ...•.•......•.. Franz Wien, Heinriohaa18e, U. Reiohenber1 .. .... , .... ,Alfred M!lller.  DENMARK Aalbor1 . .............. Knud Petersen. Aarhua ............... . Jacob Brandt. KJ0benhavn or Copenba1en . ...... , ....... Ulf Hansen. E1bJer1 . ...........•... H. Bang. Koldin1 .•••••••.••••.• I. N. Buua. Nybora ................ C. L. Qvist. Odenae .•..•••••••••.•. P . P. Gram. Randera .•••••••••••••. J S. M~Uer. Bla1elae ................ A. Hoffmann. Vibora .••.•••.•••.•••. H.F. Andersen.  FINLAND Abo . .. . .... . ... .. .... Alfred Holmstrom.  FRANCE Ai.x .•.•••••••• Bouchee du Rhone .••••. M. B. Abram.  Amiem . ...... Somme ••....•...•••••. M. Crampon. A.rle1 ........ . Bouchee du Rhone ..•••. M. Jambon.  Avicnon .. , .. . Vaucluae ....•..••..•••• M. Ranquei.  GERMANY Abe-la-Chapelle or Aachen . .. Pruuia . .....•••••• , ••• Heinrich Welter, Wilhelm, etrasee, 48. Altenburg .... . Saxe Altenburg ..••.•... Dr. Hoefer. Altona . ..•.•.. PrU88ia ..•......••..•.. C. H Huberich. Augsburg ...•. Bavaria ....••........•. E. Strauss. Baden ..•••... Baden . .•...••••.....•• Wilhelm Handel. Bamberg ...••. Bavaria .......•......• Jos. Schmitt. Barmen ....•.. Prul!llia ........•.•..... A. Hineberg. Berlin ..•..... PrUBSia ................ Leader. Plunkett & Leader, 81 • Markgrafenstrasae. Bielefeld ..•... Prussia .•.••••.•••••... Dr. Frankenstein. Borhum ..••.. Prussia .. , ...•••.•...•. Dr. Romer. Bonn .....•... PTU88ia ..•....• , ••.•.•. Dr. Adame. . 1' Bremen .• , •... Bremen ........•....... Ores. Meinen, Papendiebo~ Lemke & Heymann, Wac etrasse 14-15. Breelau ....••. Prussian Silesia ......... F. Bie. Brunswick ..•• Brunswick .....•.•..•.. A. Robert. Carleruhe or Karlsruhe ... Baden ..•••••• , •.. , .... Wilhelm Hii.ndel. Chemnit1 ...•. Saxony .•••.•••.•.•.•.. J ustizrat Ulrich. Coblen1 . . . ... Prussia .. , .•.•......... Engels dt Macke. I COin or ColoinePruseia ..•••.•.••..... RechtsanwA.lte Dr. Becker · Lang, Dr. Strohmer. Crefeld or Krefeld . ....... PruB8ia ................ G. Simon. Darmstadt .•.. Hesse-Darmstadt ...•••. Dr. Carnier. Dell88U . . .•••• Anhalt .......•...••.... G. Frenckel. Dortmund .... Prussia ..•...••••...... Rechteanwalt von Bodeo~ Dresden ..•... Saxony .............•.. Otto Huebler & Levin\11 ner. Dlleeeldorf. .•• Pruaeia ...•..•.•.••.... Carl Welter. Elberfeld ...••. Pruaeia .••.•....•...•.. Rechteanwalt Flucht. Erfurt ......•. Prussia ..•...........•. Alex. Heilbrun. Eeeen-on-tbe Ruhr ....... Pruasia ...•....••...... Dr. Heinemann. Frankfort-onthe Main .... Hesse Na.eeau (Prussia) .. Ludwig Wertheimer. Freiburi ...••. Baden ................. Otto Bausch. Filrth ..••.... Bavaria ................ J. H. Aeyl. Gera ...•.•••. Re\188 ...•••..•........ A. Schlotter. Gotba. , •••... Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Dr. Bretzfeld. Guben ........ Prussia .•••.....•...•. Mehl & Unger. Hagen in W eatf PrU88i.a ......•......... Dr. Helmke. Halle .....•... Prussia ........•....... G. Meyer. Hambur1 .•... Hamburi .............. Leader, Plunkett & I,eacMr, 29 Ferdinandatraae.  Aa Aa Aa  EUROPE-(Continued) GERMANY-(Continued) ll&aover , .•••. p r\188~ · ..•••• , ••• ,..... D r. R e1c · he rt . B:W  • • • • •••••• Prt.U18U1. •••••••••••••••• Drea. Reese cl: Baumgll.rtel. ~ Lorentsendamm. Lei a"!a · · · , ... Baden .•.••••••••.••••• Arthur Gugel. P • • , .... Saxony ...• , ••..••••••• M. F. Barwinkel cl: Frita Hoff• Ltlbeck man, Burg~trasse, 35. Ma,rl b • •• •.. Lllbeck, ••••••••••••••. C. H Hubent'k. Mam: ~rg · • • • Pruuia ..••...•.••..... Stern & Wollman 0  w!:i:!f: •...•Baden Heese-Darmstadt ••••••• G. Ha1?erling. Mllnchen .••...•.••••• , ••. Otto Sunon. 0  ml.  R,  . at  'Bar  ~• •  Munich .•..• Bavaria ..••.....••••.• JU8tus von Liebig, Arciastrasee, Naumbur • .. Nordh I• • • . Prusa1a .....••.....•... Dr.rnReichardt. Nurem\'!,S:n • .. Prussia ...........•.••. G .. Usbek. or Nllrnter g :B ava!'la · ...•...... , . . . . D avi'd K a ufmann. Osnabrllck Pio h . •• .. Prussia .• ••.•.•.•.• .... Dre11 Schulhof & Jaoobeon. Pia~: e1m ...•. Baden . . , ..•....•....•• Wilhelm Handel. Potadn · ·••• .. Saxony .........•.•.•.. Arthur Mllller. Roet00ar· ····.Brandenburg .........•. Dr. Lehmann. • • •••• Mecklenburg-Sohwerin ... Dr. Jur. A. Prahst & H. BuohBohw • tien. Bonn:~~· · • • • • Meckleb.'!>~rg-Schwerin .. Dr. Abesser. Bora g · · • • • Saxe-~emmgen ...... •.. Dr. Hess. B~tt~ · · · · · • • • . Prussia ............•... Dr. St' hade. Btol ID· · · • • • • • Pome!ania ..........••. J usti~rat Dr .. Primo. 8trafs~"n"ci · · · · •Pruss!a ....... .••.. .... Dr ~Ilherstem. Btutt a · · · • •Pn1sS1a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J uaturat Langemak. Weim'il. rt· ·•• .• Wurtem1?erg ........... Bach&: Sehick. Wieaba~i · · • • • . Saxe-W e1mar ..•. .. .. ... Dr. Voigt. a en .. , .Prussia .•.•.....••...•. Jr. Dr. Fleischer & Dr. ButterWtirab . sack . urg, •... Bavana .•........... , • Dr. J ur. Otto Stern.  . GREAT BRITAIN (1 ncludinq England, Ireland, Scotland, Wale., and the I ale of Man.)  ENGLAND AND WALES  , 81,  ft~avon. • • • .Glamorganshire ....... , .M. Tennant & Son. Aberfrne · · · · . Monmouthshire ......•. Thos. S. Edwards. .A.berg are· · • • • • Glamorganshire ......... Thoe Phillips & Son. Abertilrenny · · Monmouth8hire .......•. Gabb & Walford. Abe ery · • • . Monmouthahire ......... Arthur H Dolman. Ab~d~"'Yth . . Cardig~nshire ........... Joseph Davies & Son. Aoorin .... n · • • • •Berkshire ...•.......... Morland & Son Aoton ••0 n, • • •kf.ncashire .....•....... Broughton & Broughton. Alderahot. · · · · · 1ddles1:x ....•.......•. W . A. & G. A. Brown. Alnwick ·•·•.Hampshire . .•.......... Lamb, Brooks & Co. Alton · · · · · • •North umber land ...•.•.. C . Pe~cy & Son. Altrin~b · · · • • •Banta ................. Dowwe & Gad ban. Ainbl am·· . . Cheshire . .......•..••.. Edwin Almond & Son.1. Ando!· · · · • • • •Northumberland ........ Di~kson, Archer & Thorp. Aahbo:· ·· ... Banta ........•........ Srmth & So?,. Willi Aahby-d~l~: • •Derbyshire ...•......•.. Holland, Rigby & ams. Zouoh · · · · • •L e10el!ter · Ashford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fisher, J esson & Co . Ashton · · ·d· ·•.Kent .................. Dale & Newberry. L ·un er ···•••.Lancashire ............• Wm. Bottomley & Bon. Mer_;,upon• · Aston !8.Y · • •Cheshire ..........•.... Bnggs, Crosse & Whitworth . Athe Manor .. W anriok .....••...•.... Thomas Finsbury Wakley. Aylea~n · · • • .. Lancashire ..•.•..•.•... W atkirui, Son & Fletcher. Baou ury · • • •. Bucks ....••..•.•.•..•. Horwood & James. B&il~· · • • • • • .Lanoas~ire ....•...•...• Alexander Wright & Co. Banh n .... ••.Yorkshire ...........•.. F . E. E. J. Hall. Banc IU'y • • • • • • Oxfordshire ............ Stockton, Sons & Fortescue. Bar&· · • • • • . Carnarvonshire .....•••. S. R. Dew & Co_. Barnar~· Essex .............•.•.. S. R. Preston-Hillary. Barnea astleDurham ............... J. H. Holmes: Barnet···•••• .Surrey ................. Hy. W. Purki11. B&rnold · · ·. · • • . Herts ................. H . J . Creed. Barnale amok•. Y orks~re .......•...... Charles Thornton. Barnet Y · · • • · •Yorkshire ..........•.•. Raley & Sons ap1e ..•. Devonshire ........... • Charles Edward Roberta Barr0 ..,·inChanter.  Aaht,°:  eok, obY  a·· ..  Ba~eea · • • • . Laneaahire ........•.... Poole, Son & Barnea. Bac:l,arry Dook)Glamorganshire .....•... Fredk. Propert Jonea-Lloyd. :a n-uponBaai=ber •.... Lincolnshire ..•.••.••••• Henry Wilson. Bath toke ... Ranta ................ . Bayley & ~o~e•. . . Bat1 · · · • • • ... Somerset .......••••••.. Fuller, Whittington cl: Fielding. Beoo~Y · · • • •, , . Yorkshire .....•..•••.•. S~holefield, Taylor & Mana. Bedfo~~ • • • • .. Suffolk ......•.•..•..... Rix & Son. · · ·•·, .. Bedfordshire ....•••.... JeBSopp & Son. Belpei n · • • ..•. N otting~amshire ........ Send to Nottingham. Berth···••• . . Derbyshire ............. E.G. & F. J. Jackllon Berry matead. Herta .....•..•.•.•..•.. Penny & Son. B--.. krow . .. Yorkshire ..........•... William Kaye Baxter. 'i-;.'o -onBe.,.ari:d • • .... N orthu~berland . ....... T. Cleghorn Smith. Y ••.•.• Yorkshire .............. Laverack. Sou dt Wray.  8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  EUROPE-(Continued) ENGLAND AND W ALES-(Continued) Bexhill ... .•... 8U88ex ...•.••••••••.••• Charles Auguatua Pead. Bexley Heath .. Kent ........••••.•..•. T. Godfrey Baynes. Bideford ..•... Dtwonshire .....•.••••. Bazeley. Barnes & Baseley. Biggleawade ... Bedfordshire ..........• H. Chaundler. Bilston .•..... Staffordshire .••••.••.•. Hall, Pratt & Pritchard. Bingley .••••.. Yorkshire ....•...•••••. Weatherhead & Knowles. Birkdale. : . .•. Lant'ashire .••..•..•••.. R. G. Teebay. Birkenhead .... Cheshire .•.. ••.•...••.. Moore & Son. Birmingham ... Warwick ...•••.• , ••.... Amll. & Sherwin, 27 Benne~, Birstal ........ Yorkshire ....••••.•..•. Soholefield, Taylor & Mana. Bishop Auckland ........ Durham ....... ..•..•.. J. T. Proud & Son. Bishop's Castle Shropshire ....... ...... P. H. Newill. Bishop's Stortford .... Herta . .............•.. N ockolds & Son. Blackburn ..... Lancaster .........•••.. J. W. Carter. Blaokheath .... Staffordshire ...••...... Thomas Cooksey & Co. Blackpool ..... Lancashire ............. W. Banks & Co. Blaehavon .•.. Monmouthshire ......... Watkins & Co. Blyth ...•• .•.. Northumberland .....•.. Lynn, Rutherford & Reader. Bodmin ....... Cornwall .......•. , ..... M. Guy. Bognor ....... Sussex ................ Arnold. Cooper cl: Tompkins. Bolton ...•.... Lancaster ........•..... Watkins & Son. Bootle ....•... Cum bnland ............ Thos. Butler & Son. Bootle ........ Lancashire .....•••••... 'l'udor, Jones & Jones. Boston .....•.. Lincolnshire ......•••... Marris. Rice & Waite. Bourn ........ Lincolnshire ......•...•. S R. Andrews. Bournemouth .. Hampshire . . .......•••. Mooring Aldrid1ie & Haydon. Bradford-onA von ....•.. Wiltshire .....••.•.•.... Bea van & Compton. Bradford ...... York .........•..... ... Gordon, Hunter & Duncan. Braintree ..... EBSex ........•...•.•... Cunnington, Son & Orfeur. Brandon ...... Suffolk .......•........ 0. F. Read. Breron ....••.. Brecknockshire ......... H. E. Thomas & Harries Brentford ..... Middlesex ..........•... Ruston, Clark & RWJton. Brentwood .... EsRex . . . .........•... E. F. & H. Landon. Bridgend ..... Glamorganshire ......... Lewis & Llewellyn. Bridgnorth .... Salop ... ............. Nicholls & Taylor. Bridgwater .... Somerset ......•........ Barham & Watson. Bridlington .... Yorkshire ........••..•. Moss. Lowe & Co. Bridport ...... Dorsetshire ...........•. Nantes & Maunsell. Brierley Hill ... Staffordshire .•...•.•... Higgs & Son. Brighouse ..... Yorkshire .•.......••... Jubb, Booth & Helliwell. Brighton ...... Sussex ................ J.C. Buckwell & Webb. Bristol . ....•.. Gloucester .........•... Lawrence & Co. Brixham ...... Devonshire ............ Eastley & Eastley. Broadstairs .... Kent ..........•....... S. B. Williams. Bromley ...... Kent ......... , ......•. Latter & Willett. Bromsgrove ... Worcestershire .......... Scott & Holyoake. Broseley ...... Shropshire .......•...•. Potts & Potts. Buckhurst Hill.Essex ... ...•.•........ Ashley, Tee & Sons. Buckley ...... . Flintshire .............. F. L. Jones. Burgess Hill ... Sussex .... , ..•....... A. F Hardwick. Burnley ....... Lancaster .............. Creeke & Son. Burslem •..... Staffordshire ........... Hollinshead & Moody . Burton-onTrent ....... Staffordshire ..•.••..... H. Goodger & 800. Bury ......... Lancashire ........•.... Woodcock & Sons. Bury St. Edmunds Suffolk .........•.•.. Salmon & Son. Buxton ....... Derbyshire ............. Bennett & Co. Caerphilly ..... Glamorganshire ......... R. Y. Evans. Camborne ..... Cornwall ....•••..•.. Daniell & Thomas. Cambridge .... Cambridgeshire .....•.•. Eaden, Spearing & Raynes. Cannock ...... Staffordshire ....•....•. C. & 8. Loxton. Canterbury .... Kent ......•.• ; •.•.•.•. Kingsford, Arrowsmith cl; Wightwick. Card.Ll ........ Glamorgan ..........•.. Lloyd & Pratt. Carlisle ....... Cumberland .....•.•.•.. Wright, Brown & Strong. Carmarthen .•. Carmarthenshire ....•... Barker, Morris & Owen. Carnarvon .... Carnarvonshire ....••... Allanson & Co. Castleford ..... Yorkshire .......•..... Claude Leatham & Co. Chard ........ Somersetahire ........... Tucker & Forward. Chatham ...... Kent ..............••.. Henry Philip Mann. Chatteris ..••.. Cambridgeshire ........ . A. H. Ruston & Son. Cheadle ... .... Staffordshire ......•.... Blagg, Son & Masefield. Chelmsford .... Essex .... ...•..••..... Duffield & Son. Cheltenham ... Gloucester ••........... Bubb & Co. Chertsey ...... Surrey .........•.....•. Paine, Brettell & Porter. Chesham ...... Bucks ...............•. Francis & How Cheshunt .•... Herta ............•••... A. C. Lee. Chester ....... Cheshire ...........•... Birch, Cullimore & Co. Chesterfield .•. Derbyshire ..........••. A. Slack & Co. Chester-leStreet ....•. Durham ......•....••.. Dix & Harle. Chichester .... Sussex ...•.........•.•. Arnold, Cooper & Tompkins. Chippenham ... Wiltshire .....•..••.•... Wood & Awdry. Chislehurst .... Kent ............. , .. , . J . Bartlett. Chiswick ..••.. Middlesex .....••••••.•. Send to London. Chorley ....•.. Lancashire ..••....••.•. Stanton & Sons. Christchurch ... Han ts .. ...•.•...•• , .•. Mooring Aldridge & Haydon. Church ..•..•. Lancashire ..•....••.••. Ainsworth, Sanderson & How• Cirenoester .... Gloucestershire ••••..•.. M~~~~g1, Ellett & Co. Clacton-on-Sea EBSex ........ , ..•••.•.• Jones & Son. Clapham ..•... Surrey ......•.•.•.•.... Send to London Clayton ... .••. Yorkshire ..•••.•••••... John F. Elliott. Cleckheaton .•. Yorkshire ...••••• , •••.. Cadman, Grylls & Cadman. Cleethorpes.... Lincolnshire ...••..•... Brown & Son. ClE>vedon .....• Gloucestershire ..••••••. H. Coates. Clifton .. 1 • • • • • Gloucestershire ..•••.... Salmon & Cumberland. Clitheroe ...••. Lancashire .. .••••..••.. J. & T. Eastham. Coalville ...... Leicestershire .•..•••. , •. Fisher, Jesson & Co. Cockermouth .. Cumberland ......•.•... Hayton, Simpsin & Fisher. Colchester ..... E11Sex .....••....... Jones & Son. Colne .. ....••. Lancashire ....••...•... Hartley & Pilgrim. go!~ Bay ... Denbi!th11hire ...•.....•. Ernest Edgar Bone & Son. ong eton .. ... Cheshire .....•.....•... H. L. & W P. Reade. Conl!t'tt ...... Durham ............... Booth & Lazenby Conway ....•.. Carnarvonshire ......... Porter, Amphlett & Co. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1840  EUROPE-(Continued)  EUROPE-(Continued)  ENGLAND AND WALES-(Continued)  ENGLAND AND WALES -(Continued)  Coventry . .... Warwick .....•.••••.... Hughes & Masser. Cowes . ....... Isle of Wight ...••••.... Damant & Sons. Crewe . ....... Cheshire .......••••..•• Bygott & Sons. Crewkeme . ... Somerset .......•..••... Sparks & Blake. Crioklade .•... Wiltshire .....•.•••• • ... Kinneir & Co. Cromer . ...... Norfolk ....•........... Hansells & Hales. Croydon ..... . Surrey ................. Arthur William Berney Drummond & Alick Cavell Mutter. Dalton-in-Furness ........ Lancashire .....••...... J. Tyson. Darlaston .•... Stafford .. . .......••.... Slater & Co. Darlington ..•. Durham ...•.•.......•. Steavenson, Sons & Plant. Dartford . ..... Kent .............•.... J. & J.C. Hayward. Dartmouth .... Devonshire ............ W. S. Richards. Darwen ....... Lancashire ...•••....... Walmsley P. Kay. Deal. . ......•. Kent ........•.••...... F. W . Hardman. Denbigh ....•. Denbighshire ......... , .Parry Jones, Francis & Davies. Denton ....... Lancashire ............. Wm. Richards. Deptford ...... Kent .................. Sand om, Kersey & Knight. Derby .......• Derbyshire ........•.... Simpson, Bowring & Smith. Dereham ...... Norfolk ..........••.... Barton & Sons. Devizes ....... Wilts .................. Jackson & Jackson. Devon port .... Devon ................. James Alfred Pearce. Dewsbury ..•.. Yorkshire ....•...•..... Chadwick, Son & Nicholson. Didsbury ..... Lancashire ....•........ Grover, Smith & Moss. Doncaster . .•.. Yorkshire ........•..... Oxley & Coward. Dorchester .... Dorset ........••..•.... Symonds & Sons. Dor king ...... Surrey ................. Hart, Scales & Hodges. Dover ........ Kent ...........••..... Fielding & Son. Dowlais ...•... Glamorganshire ......... D. W. Jones & Co. Droylsden ..... Lancashire ......••..... Jno. C. Wilson. Dudley ....... Worcestershire ......... Thompson & Warmington. Dukinfield .... Cheshire .....••........ T. H. Gordon. Dunstable .... Bedfordshire .........•. Benning & Son. Dunster . ...... Somerset ........•..... Incledon & Newbery. Durham ..... . Durham ............... James Chambers. Ealing . ..... , . Middlesex .....•....... Send to London. Eastbourne . ... Sussex ........ , •.•.• , , . Coles, Sons & Tilburn. East Grinstead Sussex .......... . ...... Pearlees, Sons & DeRougemont. East Ham ..... Essex .. . ............... Mitchell, Lucas & Mitchell. Eastleigh . ..... Hampshire ... , ... , ..... Hepherd & Winstanley. Ebbw Vale .... Monmouthshire ......... Powell, Hughes & Jones. Eccles ........ Lancashire ............. F. W. Watson. Egham . ...... Surrey ........ , ...•.... A. D. Brett. Egremont ..... Cheshire ............... William J osih Yeoman.  Heywood .•.•. Lancashire ............. Alfred Grundy, Son & Co. High WycombeBucks . ............•... Reynolds & Son. Hinckley ...... Leicestershire ........... S. H. & W. J. Pilgrim. Hitchin ....... Herts .................. Hawkins & Co. Holmfirth _____ Yorkshire ___ . ... ______ c. H. Marshall. Holyhead ..... Anglesey ............•.. Lloyd, Griffith & Williama. Horbury ...... Yorkshire ..........•... Haigh, Barker & Scholes. Homsey ...... Middlesex .............. Send to London. Horsforth ..... Yorkshire .....•........ Walter & E. H. Foster. Horsham ...... Sussex ........• , .•..... Rawlison & Butler. Horwich ...... Lancashire ..........•.. Winders. Houghton-leSpring ...... Durham .......•.....•. Graham Shepherd & Sons. Hoylake ...... Cheshire ...........•.•. R. Williams & Bardsley. Hucknall Torkard ..•. N otts .................. F. Allcock. Huddersfield ... York ........•......••. Mills & Co. Hull .......... York ......•......•.... Champney & Forward. Hyde ......... Cheshire .....•......... Pennington, Hibbert & W e1tbrook. Hythe ........ Kent ..•............... Atkinson & Stainer. Ilford ......... Essex .................. Fred Mullis. Ilfracombe .... Devonshire ...•........ Charles Edward Roberts Chanter. Ilkeston ....... Derbyshire ..•...•...... Henry Thorpe & Sons. llkley ......... Yorkshire .............. Scott, Eames & Mossman. Ipswich ....... Suffolk ................ Cobbold, Sons & Menneer. Jarrow ......•. Durham ............... Newlands & Newlands. Keighley ...... York .................. Wright & Wright. Kendal ....... Westmoreland .......... Watson & Chorley. Kensington .... Middlesex .......... • .. Send to London. Kettering ..... Northamptonshire .•..•. Lamb & Stringer. Kidderminster.Worcestershire. . ....•.. Ivens, Morton & Morton. King's Lynn ... Norfolk . . .............. Archer & Archer. Kingswood .... Gloucestershire ......••. Lawrence & Co. Knaresborough Yorkshire ...•....•..... Powell, Son & Eddison. Knutsford ..... Cheshire ............... Sedgley Caldecutt & Co. Lancaster ..... Lancashire ........•.••. Maxsted, Gibsons & Sturton. Leamington ... Warwickshire .....•..••. Hannay & Bourne. Leeds ......... York ......•........ , .. Bond, Barwick & Peake. Leek ......... Staffordshire .....•..•.. Hacker & Allen. Leicester ...... Leicester ............•.. Fowler & Fowler. Leigh ......... Essex .................. F. T. Fisher. Leigh ......... Lancashire .....•....... Marsh, Son & Calvert. Leighton Buzsard ........ Bedfordshire ........•.. Newton & Calcott. Leominster .... Herefordshire ........... Moore & Son. Lewes . . . . . .. Sussex .......•••..•...• Blaker & Son. Leyland ......• Lancashire ...........•. Finch, Johnson & Co. Leyton ....... Essex .........•...•..•. SPnd to London. Lichfield ...... Staffordshire ........... Hinckley & Brown. Lincoln ..••... Lincolnshire ........•..• Toynbee, Larken, Mason & Co· Littleborough .. Lancashire ...•....•..•• Jno. Molesworth & Son. Littleha.mpton . Sussex . . .......•...•... Holmes, Lear & Beldam. Liverpool. .... Lancaster ......•....... Cleaver, Holden & Co., 26 North John Street. Banks, Kendall & Taylor, 26 North John Street. Llandudno .... Carnarvonshire ......... Ernest Edgar Bone & Son. Lla.nelly ....... Carmarthenshire ........ William Howell. London ...•... London ................ Abrahams (Michael) Sons &Co, 5 Tokenhouse Yard, E. C. Bird & Bird, 5 Gray's Inn Square, W. C, McKenna & Co., 31 to 34 Basinghall St., E. C. Rawle, Johnstone & Co., 1 Bedford Row, W. C. Long Eaton ... Derbyshire ...........•. Edwin Williams. Longton ...•.. Lancashire ...•...•...•. T. H. & T. Dodd. Longton ...... Staffordshire ............ Rupert Thomas Adderley.  ll~i!~: ::::::I~~~~~:: ¥I:tr!i1. Ely .....•. , .•. Cambridgeshire ....• , . , . Archer & Archer.  Enfield ....... Middlesex .............. Dixon, Weld, Dixons & Beavan. Epsom . . ...... Surrey ................. T. Bell & Co. Erith ......... Kent .........•.•...... Habershon Watts & Co. Evesham ...... Worcestershire ......••.. Byrch, Cox & bon Exeter ..••.... Devon .........••••.•.. Ford, Harris & Ford. Exmouth ...... DevonRhire .....•....... Petherick & Sons. Falmouth .•... Cornwall ..........•.... Reginald Rogers & Son. Fareham ...... Han ts ............••... Warner & Son. Farnborough .. Hants ...........•..... Foster & Wells. Farnham . ..... Surrey .. . ..•........... Potter & Crundwell. Farnworth .... Lancashire ............. J. Dutton & Son. Farsley . ...... Yorkshire ..........•... Rawnsley & Peacock. Faversham .... Kent .................. Tassell & Son. Felixstowe ..•. Suffolk . ............... Temple & Geoghegan. Fenton ....... Staffordshire ........... R. T. Adderley . Finchley .....• Middlesex .......••..... Chambers & Garnett. Fleetwood ...•. Lancashire .....•....... James H. Kean. Folkestone .... Kent ...........•...... Wightwick & Gardner. Frome ... . .... Somersetshire ......••... Cruttwell, Daniel & Collings. Gainsborough .. Lincolnshire ............ Hayes, Son & Richmond. Garston ....... Lancashire ............. Edmund Leach. Gateshead . .... Durham ......•...•.... Ryott & Swan. Gillingham .... Dorsetshire. ~- .......... Freame, Light & Wyld. Glossop ...•... Derbyshire ............. P. E. Ireland. Gloucester .... Gloucester ............. Jones & Blakewa~. Godalming .... Surrey ............... Day, Whately & Barlow. Golboroe ...... Lancashire .......•..... Wright & Rigby. Golcar ........ Yorkshire .......•.•.... Ramsden. Sykes & Ramsden. Goole ......... Yorkshire .......•...... E. & T. Clark. Gosport ....... Rants ................. Blake, Reed & Lap thorn. Grantham ..... Lincolnshire ........•.•. R. A. White & Son. Gravesend .... Kent ...............•.. Hatten, Winnett & Hatten. Great Crosby .. Lancashire .....•.•..... Gregson & Sharman. Great Grimsby.Lincolnshire ............ Grange & Wintringham. Great HarwoodLancashire ...... , ...... E. & B. Haworth. Greenwich .... Kent ..........•....... Batchelor & Batchelor. Guildford ..... Surrey ................. Day, Whately & Barlow. Guisborough ... Yorkshire ............•. W. C. Trevor. Halifax ..•.... York .................. James Clarkson & Son. Jubb, Booth & Helliwell. Halstead. . ..• Essex .................. Morton & Son. Hammersmith. Middlesex .....•..•..... Send to London. Hampton Hill. Middlesex ..........•... Helliwell, Harby & Evershed. Handsworth ... Staffordshire ..•..•..... Rankin & Miller. Hanley ....... Staffordshire .....•..... Hollinshead & Moody. Han well ...... Middlesex ..........•... Send to London. Harrogate ..... Yorkshire .....•........ Barstow, Midgley & Cross. Harrow . ...... Middlesex ............•. Alfred Curtis Bird. Hartlepool .... W. Durham ............ Bolam Middleton & Co. Harwich ..... . Essex ................•. Ward, Hugh-Jones & Ward. Haslingden . ... Lancashire ............. Woodcock & Sons. Hastings . ..... Sussex ................. Langham, Son & Douglas. Haverford west .Pembrokeshire .......... Eaton-Evans & Williams. Haverhill ..... Essex ............•... , .Bates, Ellison & Co. Haworth ...... Yorkshire ........•...•. Wright & Atkinson. Heanor ....... Derbyshire ........•.... Frederic Cattle. Hebden Bridge Yorkshire ....... , ....•. Longbotham & Sons. Hemel Hempltead . ...... Herta ..............•••. L. Smeathman. Hereford .. .... Herefordshire ........•. Earle & Cochrane. Heme Bay ..•. Kent ............••.... Lumley & Lumley. Hertford . ..... Hertfordshire .......•... Longmore, Sworder & Longmore. Hexham ... ... Northumberland ......•. W. & B. D. Gibson.  t~~f~~~~~~~~: Ia~i~ciland. Lowestoft ..... Suffolk ..........••.... Norton, Peskett & Forward. Luton ......•. Bedfordshire ....•...... Cooke & Sons. Lytham .....•. Lancashire .......•...• . W. & J. Cooper. Macclesfield ... Cheshire .........•.•.•. Blunt & Brocklehurst. Maesteg ...... Glamorganshire ...•..... Robt. Scale. Maidenhead ... Berkshire ............•. Nantes & Maunsell. d Maidstone ..... Kent ............. , .•.. Howlett, Tatham & Whitebea · Maldon ....... Essex .•................ Crick & Freeman. Malvern ...... Worcestershire ......... Lamberts. Manchester . .. Lancaster .............. Allen, Whitfield & Hodiison, 65 Princess St. Briggs & Crosse, 9 St. James Square. Mansfield ..... Nottinghamshire ........ J. E. Alcock. March ........ Cambridgeshire ......... King & Sharman. Margate ...... Kent ........•......... Walter, Hills & Shea. Market Harborough ..... Leicestershire ........•. W artnaby, Jeffries & Co. Marple ....... Cheshire . ......•....... F. Newton & Sons. Maryport .•... Cumberland .......••... Tyson & Hobson. Matlock ....•. Derbyshire .....•....... Jas. Potter. Melton Mowbray ........ Leicestershire ........... Latham, New & Smyth. MerthyrTydfilGlamorganshire ......... D. W. Jones & Co. Mexborough ... Yorkshire .............. J. W. & A. E. Hattersley. Middlesbrough.Yorkshire .............. Belk, Cochrane & Belk. Middleton ..... Lancashire ............. Clark & Clark. Milford Haven.Pembrokeshire ......•.•. Herbert Arthur Jones-Lloyd. Millom ....... Cumberland ........•.•. M. J. A. Dickinson. Minchinhampton ....•.•.. Gloucestershire .....•... A. E. Smith & Son. Mirfield ....... Yorkshire .............. E. B. Wilson & Topham. Monmouth .... Monmouthshire .....•... Williams & Sons. Morecambe ... Lancashire ..• , ••...•••. Johnson & Tilly. Morley ...•... Yorkshire .............. E. 0. Wooler, Burrows & Burton. Morpeth ..•.•• Northumberland ..•.••.• Brum ell & Sample. Moasley ....... Lancashire .......•.•••• Joseph Hyde. Mountain Ash.Glamoriianshire ........ Arthur Pincombe.  tf!~~1~8:i:~~.' .' .':: ::::::~fl!~!  1&41  EUROPE-(Continued)  EUROPE-(Continued) ENGLAND AND W ALES-(Continued) ~antwich ..... Cheshire ............... Hensley, Whiteley & Bevan.  1t-  Ne~h ........ G lamorganshire ......... Alfred Curtis & Son. Ne on ........ Lancashire ............. Creeke & Son. Newark ....... Nottinghamshire ....•... Larken & Co. ewbury ...... Berkshire .............. B. & J.C. Pinniger. Newcastleunder-Lyme Staffordshire ...•....... Johnson & Son. Newcastleupon-Tyne .. Northumberland ....•... Botterell, Roche & Temperley. Ryott & Swan. N Newhaven .... Sussex ...........•..... Bedford & W ellsted. d' Albani & Ellis. ...•..... Cambridgeshire .. . Newmarket New Mills . .... Derbyshire ......•..•... Bennett & Co. Newport . ..... Isle of Wight ......••..• Frederic Stratton & Sont1. Newport ...... Monmouthshire ...•.•.. Lloyd & Pratt. Newport . ..... ShropMhire ......••..•.. Liddle & Heane. Newthown ...•. Montgomeryshi~e .•..... Williams, Gi~tine & Taylor. Northa~t>ton .. N orthamptonshue ..•... Darnell & Pnce. Nort .wich .... Cheshire .........•..... A. J.E. Fletcher. N Ol' ...... Norfolk ................ Mille & Reeve. Surrey ...........•.•... Send to London. N ngham . .. Nottingham ..•..•..•••. Hunt & Dickins. N 'j!1eaton ..... W arwickehire .......•.•. Brock Harris & Twist. 0of:i~ngatee .... Shropshire ....•....•.•. J. A. Holmes. Oldhury · • • • • . Worcestershire .......•.. Wright & Hollins. Lancashire ....•...•.... Wrigley, Claydon & Truetram. 0 r~ k .... . Lancashire .........•..• Brighouse, Jones & Co. 0 see t ....... . Yorkshire .............. A. M. Lawrence. O Salop .........•........ Bull & Son. Yorkshir~ .......•.•.... Sinclair & Atkinson. p dih · · · • • ... Oxfordshire .......•••.. Thomas Mallam & Co. pa· am ..... . Lancashire .....•....... J.C. Waddington. aigbnton ...... Devonshire .........••.. Wm. E. Tucker. P em roke and p Pembroke Dock. Pembrokeshire ...... Herbert Arthur Jones-Lloyd. p enarth ....... Glamorganshire ......... W. S. & H. H. Sweet-Escott. p:ng·~h_' ...... Surrey ................. Marshall & Liddle. Penn • • ..... Cumberland ............ Bleaymire & Shepherd. p nzance ...... Cornwall ............... Borlase & Vennin11:. Piterborough .. Northamptonshire ...... Deacon & Son. p Y%futh ..... Devonshire ......•..•... Rickeard & Co. p on ract .... Yorkshire .........•.... J. W. Sangster. p ontypo_ol. .... Monmouthshire ......... Bythway & Son. . p ontypndd .... G lamorganshire ......... Spicket_t & Sons.. p 0 ~i · · ci •• .... Dorsetshire ..........•.. Trevamon, Curtis & Ridley. O p an ...... Dorsetshire .........•... Symonds & Sons. P~!a~outh ... Hampshire .......•.•... Blake, Reed & Lapthorn. Prest~···••• .Lancaster .......•..•... W. Banks & Co. Puds Wlch. • .•. Lancashire .......•..... J. Hislop & Son. Quee eyb · •• •.. Yoi;kshire .............. Beaumont ~ Son. ury • .. Yorkshire .............. John F. Elliott. Rad Ra c b 8 • • •••• Lancashire ............. Clayton, Horsfield & Clayton. Rams ottom .. Lancashire ............. Butcher & Barlow. Ram:ate ..... Kent .................. K. & W. Daniel. Re~· nstall ... Lancashire ......•...... Alex. Wright & Co. Red mg• • .... Berks .........•......•. Martin & Martin. Reddir · · • • • .. Yorkshire ........•..... J. M. Meek,. M. A. Redhil\°h · • • • .. Worcestershire ......... E. E. Browmng. • • • .... Surrey ................. Mole, Rosling & Vermon. Red Re· ruth • ..... Cornwall ............... Thurstan Peter. R ifate• ....•. Surrey ..............•.. Mole, Rosling & Vernon. Rh;rrd East .. N <?ttin~ham ............ C~a:les F. ~cji:_ond. ms. ru h · · · · · · ... Flintshire ....••........ Williams & Ri~h mond ..... Surrey ................ Send to London. Rick:~~- • • .. Yorkshire .............. C. G. Croft.  Omood. ....  °  kh: •• .... o:iestry··..••.... •.. Oxt!rd·  Co·  Co,  c.  . c.  ~. c.  liff  ru:orth · ...... Herta .................. Rowell & Lomas. Yorkshire .............. Edmundson & Gowland. R.oohd\ ...... Lancas~e ............. Whites_ide & RobertsC Roch at!• • • • .. Lancashire ............. Standnng, Taylor & o. Romf6'rd r .. • .. Kent ...........•...... Arnold. Day & Tuff. Roth h · · • • • . EBBex .......•......... Hunt & Hunt. Ru her am .... Yorkshire .............. Oxley & Coward. Rug Y · · • • • • .• Warwickshire ........... G. M. Seabroke & Son. Cheshire ........•....•• F' A. Lake. R R.~ en .•..•. Northam_ptonshire ...... Simpson & Mason. B&ddl · · · · · • • .. Isle of Wight........... Fardells. Ba.ffr ew,wty ... Yorkshire .............. John Henra Bradbury. a denEssex ................•. Collin & i\ ams. St St' A ans•• ... Hertfordshire ...•....... Rodding & Clark. nnes-onLancashire ............. W. Ban.11 .s & Co. Bt8 St· I elans ..... Lancashire ...........•• Oppenherm, Son & Ross. St' Ivea .. • .... Cornwall .............. E. Boase. Huntingdonshire ......•. Maule & Sons. . St· Bai ary Ch' chDevo~shire ..........•.. Fos~r & Somerville. saJ· ·d ···•• .. Cheshire ...•.•....•.•.. Nadin & Coombs. B~b • · · · • • .. Lancashire ............. Rowley & Co. Bandbury ••• ... Wiltshire ............... Rodding & Jackson. Ba d ach .•... Cheshire ............... Bygott & Sons .. bown., .... Isle of Wight ........... Hy. Pleydell Wilton. Bo~through ... Yorkshire ...•...••..•.. Birdsall, Cross & l;ok. ox. Seah orpe .... Lincolnshire ...•.•••.... Alfred D. Hayes b am HarSelbour • ....... Durha~ ..•••.......... Gales, Boulton & Son. Se Y · · •• ..... Yorkshire .............. Parker & Parker. Bhvenoaks ..... Kent .....•..•.•....... Knocker, Knocker & Co. Kent ........•.••...•.. John Copland & Son. Sh She ed ...... York .•........•....... Howe & Co. Shep~n MalletSomersetshire .......... A. E. Nalder. Bhlrldorne ..... Dorsetshire .......•..... Bartlett & Sons. Shi:l<h' North Northumberland ........ Adamson & Adamson. Bhild , South.Durham .........•..... Newlands &r. Newland!. Sh· on ....... Durham ...•......•.... J. A. Wood. ~ 1ey ....•.. Yorkshire ........•..... Samuel Wright, Morgan & Co. 8B't .wsbury ... Shropshire .•....•...... Nutsey & Payne. tingbourne .. Kent .........•••...... Harris & Harris .. e:,ton .•..••. Yorkshire ...•..•.••..•. Richard Wilson & Son. 81 Bl ord ....... Lincolnshire ....••..•... Peake, Snow & Son. S ougb ....... . Bucks ..........••••... Barrett, Son & Thomson. s:ie~wick ... . Staffordshire ..••••..•.. C. F. Price, Atkins & Price. ut all ...... Middlesex . ............ Send to London.  Riiihk; ··••• ..  hdrn ......  ead·  Alb  i " .. ••... Mea ··•••..  sO:  9mrniss .....  d.  Ski Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  f  ENGLAND AND WALES-(Continued) Southampton .. Hampshire ............. Henry George Randall Aldrid11:e Southborough .. Kent ....•....•........ Thoe. Buss. Southend ..... Essex ...............•.. Gregsons & Powell Southgate New Middlesex .....•......•. Send to London · Southport ..... Lancashire ...•......•.. Worden & Worden Sowerby Bridge Yorkshire .....•..•..... W. H. Boocock & Son Spalding ...... Lincolnshire ..•...•..... Calthrot>_ & Leopold Harvey · Spennymoor ... Durham ............•.. F. & S. E. Badcock. Stafford ....... Staffordshire ..•..••..•. Watson & Owen Staines ....... Middlesex ....••..•..•.. Horne, Engall &. Freeman · Stamford ...... Lincol!l,shire ..••..••••.. Stapleton & Son. Stockport ..... Cheshire ....•.••.•...•• Thomas Worthington Potts. Stockton-onTees ........ Durham ......•.•.••... Faber, Fawcett & Faber. Stoke-uponTrent ....... Staffordshire .......•... W. Fifield Holtom Stone ......... Staffordshire ..•.••.•... Watson & Owen · · Stonehouse .... Devonshire ............. R. R. Rodd. Stourbridge ... Worcestershire ....•..... H. Neild Collis. Stratford ...... Essex . ................. Send to London. Stratfordupon-Avon .. Warwickshire .....•..... Slatter, Son & Slatter Stroud ........ Gloucestershire •.•.•.•.. Winterbotham & So~ · Sudbury ...... Suffolk ...•..••.••.•... Bates & Welle. Sun~erland .... Durham ..•......•.•... Bolam, :Middleton & Co. Surbiton ...... Surrey .....•.•.....•... Wm. Tbos. Hamlin . Sutton Coldfield ........ Warwickshire .........•. Eddowes & Son Swadlincote ... Derbyshire ......••..... Dewes & M ueson Swansea .•.... Glamorganshire ......... Ingledew, Sons & ·Phillips · S~ndon ...... Wiltshire .......•...•... Kinneir & Co. Swmton ....... Lancashire .......••..•. Dendy & Paterson · Tamworth .... Staffordshire .....•••... Argyle & Sons. Taunton ...... Somerset ........•...•.. G. H. Kite & Son Teddington .... Middlesex ....•.•..•..•. Send to London. · Teignmouth ... Devonshire ......•....•. Tozer & Dell. Tewkesbury ... Gloucestershire ..•.••.•. Brookes & Badham. Thornaby-onTees ........ Yorkshire ....•.•• ~ ...•. William Horner. T!pton ........ Staffords?ire ....•...... A. E. Gr1:enway. Tiverton ...... Devonshire .....•...•.•. Arthur Fisher. Todmorden .... Yorkshir~ ...•..•.•••... Eaetwoods, Sutcliffes, Sager. Torquay ...... Devonshire .•...•..••... Hooper & Wollen Tottenham .... Middlesex .............. Send to London. · Tredegar ...•.. Monmouthshire .....•.. Dauncey & Co. Trowbridge .... Wiltahire ............... Mann, Rodway & Green. Truro . ........ Cornwall .....•.••...... Chilcott & Sons. Tunbridge ..... Kent ........••.•...... Gorham, Warner & Son. Tunbridge WellsKent .......•...•..•.. Stone, Siml)son & Mason. Tunstall ...... Staffordshire .....•.•.•. Hollinshead & Moody. Twickenham .. Middlesex ......•...•... Send to London. Tynemouth ... N orth~berland ........ Bramwell, Bell & Clayton. Ulverston ..... Lancashire .......•.•... Poole, Son & Barnes. Uttoxeter ..... Staffordshire ......•..•. F. 8. Hawthorn & Son. Uxbridge ...... l\Iiddlesex .............. Bird & Lovibond. Ventnor ....... Isle of Wight ........... Buckel! & Drew. Wakefield ..... Yorkshire .............. Harrison, Beaumont & Smith. Wallsend ...... Northumberland ........ G. W. Chapman. Walmer ....... Kent ..........•..•.... F. W. Hardman. Walsall ..•.... Staffordshire .........•. Marlow, Marten & Jesson. Waltham Abbey ...... Essex .................. Duffield, Bmty & Co . W althamstow .. Essex ...............•.. Send to London. Ware ......... Hertfordshire ...•....... G. H. Gisby. Warmiru;ter ... Wiltshire ...•........... Wakeman & Soni!. Warrington .... Lancashire .........•••. H.B. White & Sons Warwick ...... Warwickshire ........... Heath & Blen.kinsop·. Watford ...... Hertfordshire ........... Broad & Riggall. Wednesbury ... Staffordshire ....•.••.•. Thursfield, Messiter & Bhirlaw · W ellingboroughN orthamptonshire ..•... Simpson & Mason. Wellington .... Shropshire .....•....... R. A. Newill. Wellington .... Somerset .............. E. L. Michell. Wells ......... Somerset ..........•••. Harris & Harris. W. Bromwich .. Staffordshire ....•.••... Caddick & Walker. West Ham .... Essex ......•..•.•••..•. Send to London. W. Hartlepool . Durham .••.•....•..•.. See Hartlepool West. Weston-superMare ....•.. Somerset.shire .........•• Baker & Co. Weybridge ..•. Surrey .........•...... Paine, Brettell & Porter · We:y-mouth .... Dorsetshire .•..•••.••.. Bowen & Symes. Whitby ....... Yorkshire ..•..•.•..•... Woodwark & White Wh!tchurch ... Shropshire ..•••........ Arthur Percy Spencer. Whitehaven .. Cumberland .•.•.•...... Edward Atter Whit.stable .... Kent ..........•.••.... Burch & Brooks · Whitworth .... Lancashire ...•....•.... J.C. Owen. W!dnes ....... Lancashire ....•••....•. F. J. & C. Poole. Wigan ......•. Lancashire ..•........•. Heald & Son wµ1esden .•••• Middl!lsex ......•.•...•. Send to London. W!lmslow ..... Cheshire .........•...•. C<?b))ett. Wheeler & Cobbett. ' W!mbledom ... Surrey .................. William George Wilde. W!nchester .... Hampsp._ire ....•...••.•. C. Wooldridge & Son. Wmdsor ..•... Berkshire ......•....... Last & Goodford W!nsford ...... Cheshi~e .... : .......... J. H. Cooke & Sons. W IBb.eoh ...... Cambndgeshire ....•.... Southwell & Dennis. Wokmg ....... Surrey ................. Wm. Davies. ; olverhamptonStaffordshire ....•...... Fowler, Langley & Wriaht. w°1f<?rd ..... Essex ............•.•... Ashley, Tee & Sons. OOWich ..... Kent ..........•...•... A. B. Bryceson W orc~ter ..... Worcestershire ......•... Curtler, Davis & Curt.ler. ; orkington ... Cum))erland .. _. ......... Paisley, Falcon, Skerry&Hi11:het. W or~op ...... N ottlnghamshire ......•. J. S. & C. A. Whall. or ng ..... Sussex ................. Verrall & Sons Wrexham ..... Denbighshire ........... Bury & Acton: Yar~outh (Great)Norfolk .....••.•..•. Arthur E. Cowl & Son. Yeovil ........ Somers~tahire .......•... Marsh & W arry. York ...•....• Yorkshire .....•..•..... George Crombie & Sona.  HUNGARY Budapest •.............. Imre de Pekar. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1842  .FOREIGN ATTORNEYS (NOT BONDED)  EUROPE-(Continued) IRELAND  Annach ....... Arma&h .••••..• ••...• . Joehua E.  Peel & Son. Athlone ....... W e1tmeath . ...•..•••..• Robert. Elder. Athy ......•.. Kildare ............. ... Henry K Toomey. Ballina . ...... Mayo .•••.••.••••••.•. John W. F. Garvey. Ballymena ... . Antrim ..••.••••••••.•• J. & A. Caruth. Bally1hannon . . Donegal. •..•.••.•••.•• Lipsett & Ramage. Belfast ........ Antrim .•...•••.•....•• John Bristow. 9 Wellington Place. McCormick & Quail. 81 High Street. Bray . ....•..• Wicklow ...••••..•••••. Hamilton & Craig. Cahir ..••••.•• Tipperary ..•.•.•.•..•.. George H. Sargint & Co. Carlow ...•... Carlow ...••.•••••.•••. John J. Duggan. Carric-on-Suir . Tipperary •.•••••.•••.. Kenny, Stephenson & Connolly Clonmel .•.•.. Tipperary ......••..•••• MacKenzie & Skenan. Coleraine .••.. Londonderry ...•..••••• Macaulay & O'Neill. Cork ......... Cork ..•...•...•••••••. Corker & Levis. Downpatrick .. Down .•.••.....••••.•. H. Wallace & Co. Drogheda ..... Louth .•...•..•..•..••• Thomae Gerrard & Co. Dublin ........ Dublin ...••.....••.••. Barrington & Son, IO Ely Place. Hamilton & Craig, 30 South Frederick St. Dundalk .•.•.• Louth ...••.••.•.•.•.•. Charles MacMahon. Ennis ....•.... Clare ....•..•••.•••.... Michael J. MacNamara. Enniacorthy ... W erlord ...••.••.•..... John A. Sinnott & Co. Enniskillen ...• Fermanagh ....•.•....•. W. D. Graham. Fermoy ......• Cork ...•...•.•..••.•.. Wm. J. Magnier. Galway ..••••. Galway ................ Blake & Kenny. Kilkenny ...... Kilkenny .....•••••.•.. James Poe & Son. Killarney ..... Kerry ....••...•..••... Eugene J. Downing. Letterkenny ... Donegal .......•..•..•. Edward M 'Fadden. Limavady ..... Londonderry .•.•..•.•.. Martin, King,French & Ingram. Limerick ...... Limerick .......••.••.•. P. S. Connolly & Co. Liaburn ..•..•. Down .......••..•.•... Joseph Allen. Londonderry •. Londonderry ..•.•...•.. Martin, King,French & Ingram. Lurgan . ...... Armagh ................ Thos G. Menary. Monaghan ... . Monaghan ......•.. , .•. Parke & McWilliam. Mullingar . .... Westmeath ............. Wm. Mooney & Son. Naas ........ . Kildare ......•••...•... Brown & McCann. New Roas ..... Wexford .............. . John R. Colfer. Newry ...••... Down & Armagh ....... Hunter Moore & Boyle. N ewt.ownarda . . Down ........•••.•.•.. T. C. G. Mackintosh. Omagh . ...... Tyrone .....•••••••..•. Dickie & Carson Portadown .... Armagh ........••.••••. Carleton, Atkinson &: Sloan. Queenstown ... Cork ......•••••••••••. A H. Allen & Son. Roscommon ... Roscommon ............ Joseph Burke & Son. Sligo .....•••. Sligo ......•••.••••..•. Fenton & Lyons. Strabane ...... Trrone ...••.•••••••.•. Wilson & Sim ma. Tipperary ..... Tipperary .............. George H. Sargint & Co. Tralee .•.. , •.. Kerry ..•.....•••••..•. F. C. Downin& & Sona. Tuam ....••.. Galway .....•..••••••.• Henry Concanon. Waterford ..... Waterford ......••.••... Dobbyn & McCoy. W erlord ..•... W e:dord ........•••••.• Little & El gee. Wicklow ...... Wicklow ....•••..•..••. Hamilton & Craig.  ISLE OF MAN Douglas ............... Rini & Moore. RaDllleY ....•.•........ Dickinson. Cruickshank & Co.  SCOTLAND Aberdeen ..... Aberdeen .••.•.••••.••. Hunter & Gordon. Airdrie ....... Lanark .....••......... Motherwell, MoMurdo & Mitchell. Alloa ...••.... Clackmannan .....•..... Ewing & Cuthbert. Anatruther ..•. Fife ......••••.••....•. Mackintosh & Watson. Arhroatb ...... Forfar ..•...•.•••....•. George G. Dalgarno. ArdroBB&n ....• Ayr ........••.••....•. John Emslie & Guthrie. Ayr ......... . Ayr ........•...••...•. D. & J. Dunlop. Barrhead ...... Renfrew ........••..... Brownlie, Watson & Beckett. Bathgate ..... . Linlithgow ..........•.. Dodds, Caesar & MacKnight. Beith ....•.... Ayr .........•......... Love & Williamson. Bo'ness ....... Lmh thgow ............. Liddle & Salmon. Breohin .....•. Forfar ................. C. & W. Anderson. Broxburn ..... Linlithgow .....•.•.... . James F. Macdonald. Buckie ........ Ba.nff ..........••••.••. J. L. M'Naughton. Cambuslang .. . Lanark .............••. See Hamilton. Campbell town. Argy II .....•.....••..•. C. &: D. Mactaggart. Carluke ....... Lanark ...........•.•.. Ala ton & Orr. Carnouatie .•.. Forfar ...............•. James M. Gray. Clydebank .•.. Dumbarton .••......•.. William Stove. Co\tbridge .... Lanark ....•.......••.. Bishop, Milne Boyd & Ru11sell. Cowdenbeath . . Fife ..•.........•.•.••. Stenhouse, Husband & Reid. ~rieff ......... Perth ........•......... Graham & Finlayson. Dalkeith ..... . Edinburgh ...•....• , .•. Thos. Sturrock. Denny ....... . Stirling ........•....... A. Hendry. Dumbarton ... Dumbarton ........•... Macfarlan & Thomaon. Dumfrie1 ...... Dumfries ......••.•..•• Wm. Thompson, Hyslop Dickie. Dunbar ....••. Haddington ........•... Ferme, Ferme & Williamaon. Dundee ....... Forfar ............••.•. Thos. Thornton, Son & Co. Dunfermline... Fife .................•. W. & W. G.D. Simpson. Du noon .....•• Argyll ..•....•....••.•. Stewart & Bennett. Edinburgh .... Edinburgh ...... , ...•.. Crawford & Crawford. 74 George St. Wishart & Sanderson, 23 Rutland St. Elipn ..•.•.... Elgin .......•.....••.•. Stewart & Mcisaac. Falkirk ...... . Stirling ...•.••....••••. Jas. Wilson & Sons. Forfar . ....... Forfar ..•...•......•••. MacHardy & Alexander. Forres . ....... Elgin .......•.......... Leask, John & H. M. Fort-William . . Inverness .•.•...•..•.•. Macniven & Macniven. Fraaerbur&h .. . Aberdeen ....•.•••.•.•. John Finlayson. Oala■ hiela .. ... Selkirk ....•.....•..... Cramond & Thomson. Galaton .. ..... Ayr . .................. James Guthrie. Oluaow . ..... Lanark ...........••... Dickie & Simons. 173 St. Vincent Street. Ma.clay, Murray & Spe.n1. 169 West George St. <1ourock, ••••• Renfrew . .............. M. F. Dunlop, Sona & Boyd.  EUROPE-(Continued) SCOTLAN~(Continued) Govan .••••... Lanark ........••...•.• AleL M'Clure. Grancemouth .• Stirling .•••••..•••••••• Tait & Mackenzie. Greenock .•••. Renfrew .•.•••••••••.• •J. 4: H. D. Glen. Haddington ... Haddington .••••••••••• Ferme, Ferme, & William■on. Hamilton .•••. Lanark ..•.•••••••.•••. Wm. & J.C. Pollok. Hawirk ....•• Roxburgh .............. G. & J Oliver. Helenaburgh ... Dumbarton .....•.•••.• Ormond & Stanton. lnvernesa ..•.. Inverness ...•......••.. Kenneth MacDonald. Irvine ..•.•••• Ayrshire .•.•..•••••••.• Murray, Gilliea & Wilson. Islay ......•.. Ar&yll ..••....••..•.... M Mactaggart. Johnatone ..... Renfrew .•.••.••••..•.. James Richardson. Kilbirnie .•.••• Ayr ....•..•••.•.•...•. M'Co11h, Lusk & Gordon. Kilmalcolm .... Renfrew .•.•.•••••.•••. J C. Fyfe. Kilmarnock ••. Ayr ....•••....••.••.•. J & J. Sturrock & Co. Kilayth ...••.. Stirling .••••••••.•..•.. R. M. & W M. Lennox. Kirkcaldy ..... Fife .........••••..•... Beveridge- & Aitken. Kirkcudhright. Kirkcudbright .••.••.••. John Gib11on. Kirkintillock ... Dumbarton .•..•••..•.. Patrick & Pateraon. Kirkwall .•.... Orkney ..•.......•..... T. P. &J. L. Low. Lanark ....... Lanark .....••.•.•..... Wm. & Ju. Annan. Leith .•...... Edinburgh .•.•.•.•...•. Bruce & Stoddart.. Lerwick ...... Zetland ....•.•.••...•.. John Samuel Tulloch. (Shetland Isles.) Leven ....••.. Fife ..........•.....•.. Smith & Grant. Linlithgow ..•. Linlithgow .........•... J & W. Russell. Maybole ....•. Ayr . .................. Brown &: Gibson. Montrose ..... Forfar ..•........•. , ... Myers & Willa. Motherwell .... Lanark ...•.....•...... Jamee Burne. M usselburgh .•. Edinbur&h ...•......... John Anderson. Nairn ......... Nairn .....••......•... Lamb & Co. Neilston ....... Renfrew .•............. A. R. Ferguson, Grier & Co. Oban ..•....•. Argyll .........•....... Hosack & Sutherland. Paisley ..•.... Renfrew .•...•••.••.••• MacRobert, Son & Hutchiaou. Partick ....•.. Lanark .........•..•... Alex. Jeans. Peebles .•..•.. Peebles .........•...... Blackwood & Smith. Perth ........ Perth .................. C.H. Gordon. Peterhead ..... Aberdeen .•.•.......... Gray & Gray. Pollokehawa ... Renfrew ..•....•...•••. Prentice & Frew. Port Gla11gow .. Renfrew .....•...•.•... Lade & Hood. Portobello ..... Edinburgh ........•.... W.R. Ramsay & Nightingale. Renfrew ...... Renfrew .•...•......... Herron & Harper. Rothesay ..... Bute ..•.•.•.......••.. John T Wilson & Alexander. Rutherglen .... Lanark ................ Andrew Mucallan & Son. St. Andrews ... Fife ...•..•.........•.. Thomson & Cantley. Saltcoats ..••.. Ayr ....•...........•.. J. Campbell. Selkirk ......•. Selkirk .•........•••••. Lang & Steedman. Shettleston .... Lanark ..•.•••....•.••. Thoe. Philp & Crawford. Stevenston .... Ayr ....••..••...••..•. Thos. Kirkhope & Gilmour. Stirlin& ....••. Stirling ...•••.••...•... Brown & Murray. Stonebavon .... Kincardine ....•••..•... D. Cooper Booth. Stornoway .... Ross .....••........... John Norrie Ander■on. Troon .....•.. Ayr .....•.•••.....•... Robt. Young. Wink ..•....•. Caithness .•••...•.•.... Nimmo & Morril!(ln. Wiahaw ... .... Lanark ..••..•.•...•.•. Logan, Sloan & Rae.  GREECE Athena . ............... Constantin H0sslin. Cephalonia ............. G. Moussouris. Chalkis ................ S. C. Stamatiou. Corfu .........•..•..•. B. D. Milonopulo. Kabmata .............. T. G. Photopoulos. Lamia .....•.......•... Th.Sodore Steloudis. LariMa ................ Arist. Iatrou. Levudia ............... T. Vardavoulias. Misaolonghi ............ A. Trigonis. N auplia ............... Sp. J annopoulo11. Patras ............•.... J. G. Argyropoulos. Pyr1toe ................ Constantin Tripodi11. Salons ................. L. Papaetathis.  rrr:k~l~ ·.::::::::::::: :~~i~~ r:£::·  Zante ............••••. N. Minotoa.  HOLLAND, or THE NETHERLAND Allcmaar .. ............. A. M. de Lan&e. Amaterdam ........... . Boerlage & Mulder. Leader. Plunkett & Leader. Arnhem ..........•.•.. Dr. H.P. de Wilde. Aasen ................. A. Hilbinghten Oever. Breda ......••.......• . M. P. 1\,1. van Dam. Dordrecht ............ . A. A. Moll. Flushinic .......•..•..•. (The Seat of the Court is at Micldelburg) Groningen ............. S. C. H. Romkes. Haarlem ............... F. W. van Styrum. Leeuwarden ............ J. A. Stoop. Leyden ................ J.C. van der Lip. Maastricht ............. F. I. J. Janssen. Middleburg ............ M. J. de Witt Hamer. Rotterdam ............. Munton, Morris, King & Co 's Gravenhage, or The Hague ............... M unton, Morris, King & Co Utre<'ht ..•............ Claringbould & Dop. Zwolle ......•......•... J. van Set ten.  ICELAND ReykJa vik .....••..•... 0. Gislason. E. Claeseen.  ITALY Ancona ..•....•........ Ludovico Ferroni. Bologna ............•.. GiUl!eppe Padovani. Cagliari (Sardinia) ....•. Cav. Carlo Carcaasi. Carrara . .............. C. Micheloni. Cuneo ....•.........••• Tancredi Galimberti. Elba. (Island of) ........ Leone Damiani. Firen1e or Florence ..•.• Antonio Sannini & Avv. G. A. Sanninf. Genova or Genoa ...•••• Leader, Plunkett & Leader. Livorno (Leghorn) ••.... Tommaso Chiappe-Sanaoni.  J  FOREIGN ATTORNEYS (NOT BONDED)  EUROPE-(Continued)  EUROPE-(Continued)  ITALY-(Continued)  SPAIN-~ Continued} Granada ••••••.•••.•••• Antonio J. Lopez. Madrid ................ Enrique Fernande■ Ucelay, Atocha. Malaga ...... , ..... , .. . Enrique J . Huelin. Palma (Balearic lslea) ... Geronimo Pou. Oviedo ..••••••• , •••••. Rafael Al tamira. Santander .••••.•••.... Manuel Alipio Lopez. Seville ....••• , .•••••.•• Eduardo Badia. Tarragona . .. , ......... A 8. Ribas. Valencia .•.•.....•..• , . Don Eduardo Llagari a. Villalba ......•.•••.... . Joae Rana, Abogado.  kfcca .....•.••.•.•••. , Umberto Teghini. M ~ (Sicily) •.....•. G. Pirrotta Va!enti. ilan •.•....•••••..•.• H. St. John-Mildmay. Naplee ....... , ....... . Dr. Cav. Guglielmo Keane Avolio, No. 83. Corso Umberto. ~rmo (Sicily) .....•.. Edoardo Lo Monaco. Ra •.••..•••••.••••.•. Guido Palamidel!li.. R venna ... , ••••••••.•. Cav. A. Mascanzoru. &me ......•..••• , .••. Edgar Betts, Via Giovanni Lanza, No. 133 . R!lmO .........••.. Giac~~o Bottini. . S- ar1 .... ..••••..••... Flam1ruo Manca-Leoru. 1e~ ................. • Enrico Falaschi. 8 ~ezia ............••.. . Dentoni Cav. Alberto. T~':.fani . ..... _. ......... Giacomo Laudi_cina .. Udinno or Tunn .•....•. Francesro Armi_ssoglio. e . ........••••.... Giacomo Baschiera. V Venezia or Venice ...•.•. Avv. Comm. Leopoldo Bisio Gradenigo. erona ......•..•••.... C. Altobelli.  sa:i  JUGO-SLA VIA ~aram . ................ Josef Bolski.  elgrade ............... Andra Geogevitch. Cettigne .............. B. Davitcho. Zuara ...... .......... .  LUXEMBURG  o. OD,  Luxemburg ............ E. Steichen.  MALTA Valettll ................ George Alfred Page.  NORWAY ale,  er,  ~hr&en ..•............. Kristen, Faye & Jorgen Faye. D ristianla ............. C. M. Hansen, Heber & Heber. F rammen ... , ... , .• , ••. O. Chr. Orning. Hredrikstad .•...•••••.. G. Bugge. Ka.ug_esund ....•.•..•••. H. Karluf Hansen. L na~1ansund ...••...... Niels Heyerdahl. arvik .. ........... , .. Jorgen Breder. 8 tavanger ..... ...... , .. Erling Aarstad. T rondhjem ............. Odd Klingenberg.  POLAND ~romberg .........•... Dr. Auerbach. Dracow ............•• , • Sigmund l.achs. L abliig ................ Justizrat Bielewio~, Karren wall, 9. ~ n ................. Roman Zaremba. p 1nsk ... ,, •• , .••••.... Jean Jelski. y9 ~n .................. Justizrat Hambur1er. 11na .......••.. Adolf ZIDll.rzynski. W arsaw • .•..•... Hieronim Heyman, Niecala, 1,.  PORTUGAL Lisbon .............•.. Guilherme J.C. Henriques & Sons ,Rua de Magdelena 97. . . Oporto ...........••..• Victorino da Silva, 85 Rua Eliaa Garcia.  ROUMANIA Botosani ............... Stefan Ganea. 8 uc;harest ....•.... , •.• ,Adolphe Stei:n & Michael Stern. grjJova ..•.•••• , , •. , .. Alexandra Gmlea. J a atz ............. , •.. George Caranfil. assy ......•.•••.•••••. Mater Cantacuzino.  1843  K!1  oci':U  roante ...............  SPAIN  Rafael Beltran. Bilroelona ....•......... Charles Danes. . cJt.o, •• , •........••.. Don Julio de Ori0110lo. • • • . • . . • . . . . . . . . . Manuel Orte1a11. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Bia  SWEDEN  1  Boras ••....•..••..••.. Fagerstrom & Spens. Falun ••.•••••• , .•.• , •. L. E. Gezelius. Gefle .........•........ G. A. Rydin. G0teborg or Gothenburg.T. Wolff. Hahn.11tad .. , .•..•••..•. V. Granqvist HelBingborK, ••• , •.•.... N. Ljungman. J0nktling ..•• , .•.•.•... A. M. Fahlstr0m. Karlakrona ...•......... B. de Mare. Krietianstad ........... T. Listander. Landakrona ...•..•..... Martin Schmidt. Lund ....•.•........... Albert Broome. Malmo ......•.•.••..•. G. Strandberg, Norrk0pin1 .•....•..... G. H0kerberg. Stockholm ....•.•....•. John Lod~n. DrottninHatan, 28. Sundsvall ..•••......•.. Arndt Berggren. Upsala ....•..•..•• , ••. John Astrom. Venersborir ............. Knut Hay. Y ■tad ......•......•... H. Hoflund.  SWITZERLAND Aarau .....•... ·.••..... 0. Meyer. Basie or Basel. •••..•... Otto Lutz. Berne ........••..••... Emil Hugli. Biel-Bienne ...•.••..... W . Tenger. Chaux-de-Fonda .... , ... Felix Jt,anneret. Chur (Coire) •••••.•.... H. Moosberger. Frauenfeld .•••••• ,, ..•. Dr. Sandmeyer. Fribourg .••••••• , •.•... E. Girod. Geneva .• , •..• , ....•... Geora:e Fazy. Lall8&nne ...•..•••..... James Vallottom. Lugano ..•.•.•..•...... Adolfo Riva. Lu1ern ...•.•....•...•. J. Zimmerli. Neuchatel. •••...•..•.. Francis Mauler. St. Gall .•.•••.••.•.•.. Thomas Holenstein. Sohaffhauaen. , .•.....•. Eugen Ziegler. Scbwyz ... ,, .......•... Dr. Bueler. Solothurn ...... ,, .. , .. . Max Alter. Vevey .......... : . .•... Ed. Correvon. Wattwill (St. Gall) ••••. V. Villiger. Zug .••.•• , .•••.•....•. Kl. I ten. Zurich ................. A. Meili & H_ans Stockar, Sihlhofstra11se, ~,  TURKEY Adrianople ........•..•. C. A lexiades. Constantinople ...••.•.. Sir Edwin Pears. Jaffa ....•...•......... David Moya.I. JerUBalem (Asiatic Turkey) ..••.••••.....•. Simeon Petasai..11. Smyrna ....•...••...... Wallace H. Turrell. Trebizond .•..•........ Elia Cou.ssia.  RUSSIA frchangel. ............. N. A. Stnrtscf. cttrakhan ......•.. •••. Alexander Sam. G erson (or Kheraon) ... G. P. Bouncelmann. Kr _dno ....•.•.•...•.• Augw,tus Steinberg. 18z ••••••••••••••••• Alphonse Parczewsk;i, ze.n ...•.••.•...••... Theod. Aug. Brokmiller, K Kfrkoff .••.•..•..•... Constanti~ yonst. Maslowski. Kie ce, ••••• , •....•..•. Joseph Durun. Koe;n • , • , .•••..• , •.• , . Hier(?~m Hey~an. . L'b o • • , •..•••••• , ••. Dormruque Boc1aJ'l!ki, L!mau .•••••••. , ••• , ••. C. von Heymowski. L •· .••. , •• , •. ,., ••.. Adolf Neumark . M"mza .•• , ............ Alexander W ondolowsk1. M~~~~ ..•.... ........ .. Paul Br~now~ki. N·. . w . .............. A. A. Wlienlun. Novgorod ........ Pe_ter I van Abram<;>~p 88a ..•••••••••••••• Michael De Antorum. Pietrograd .............. Munton, Morris, King & Co, Pl~!kokow ...... ...... , . M~eczyslaw _Ch~ndzynski. Revel .••••••• , •••..... E!,ienne Baline_k_1. • ................ Wass11ief. . Riga • .•.••••••••••.... Nicholas Baron Ch. Freytalt von Lonnirhoven. 8 amara ..•••.•••••••... Dimitry Mich. Lamba. 8&batov ...•• , • , ••.•. , .. Emanuel Franzovich Jordan. astopol. , •••••. , .... Basile Ga.di. 8 molenak ••••••..• , .•.. G. Gumenski. T !'11;anroa . •• , ••.• , ..... Baesily Michailovitch Mato. Ti1us ..•.• , .•• , , .•• , ... Ros tom I van Karabegoff.  131  NORTH AMERICA BERMUDA Hamilton ........•.•... J. R. Conyers. St. George Town ...••.. F. Eardley Smith.  CENTRAL AMERICA BRITISH HONDURAS Belize ...........••.... Price & Phillips.  COSTA RICA San Jose ..•..•......... Don Carlos Brenes.  GUATEMALA Guatemala ...•..•...... Roberto Lowenthal.  HONDURAS Tegucigalpa ............ Luis K. Purdom,  NICARAGUA Granada ....••. , • . . • • David Osorno. Leon .................. Francisco Paniagua y Prado . Manaeua . ............. Hector Torre■•  Rue Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  FOREIGN ATTORNEYS (NOT BONDED)  1844  NORTH AMERICA-(Continued) SALVADOR San Miguel . ........... Francisco Solorzano. San Salvador .. ......... Ricardo Moreira. Santa Ana. . ............ Manuel Pacas.  MEXICO Cordova . •.••..••..... . To Mexico City. Merida, Yucatan •.•••.. DOMINGO BERNY DIEGO. Mexico City .•...•..•.. KELLOGG, EMERY, BOSTON & CUTHELL. Monterrey, N. L .•.•••.. To Mexico City. Puebla. ................ RAFAEL CAFFETE. Saltillo (Coahoma) ..••.. LICENCIADO RAFAEL FLORES. San Luis Potoai ....•.•. ADOLFO MARGAIN. Tampico . ...•........•. CLAUDE H. BUCKLEY. Vera Cru11 ..••••.•...•. ANDRES BACA AGUIRRE.  WEST INDIES BAHAMAS Nassau ............... . H. G. Malcolm.  BARBADOS Bridgetown ............ Carrington & Sealy.  NORTH AMERICA-(Continued) ST. THOMAS Charlotte Amelia . ...... A. E. Stakemann.  ST. VINCENT Kingston ...•.......... C. Ormond Hazell.  TRINIDAD Port of Spain ...•.•.... J. D. Sellier & Co.  SOUTH AMERICA ARGENTINE REPUBLIC Buenoe Airea .......... . Armstrong & De Marval, 343 Calle B Mitre. La Plata ......•..•...•. Puleston, Boas & Co. Rosario ..•.••••.•••.••• Studdert & Co. (P. 0. Box 108). Santa Fe ..•.•.•..••... Severo Gomez.  BOLIVIA Cochabamba .....••••.. Rafael Canedo. La Paz ................. W. A. Mendez. Oruro ..•••••...••••... Benigno Guzman. Potosi ...•...•..•.•.... Donato N. Dalence. Riberalta ..•...•••••.•. Antonio Perez. Santa Cruz ............ Horacio Rios. Sucre ...•.•••.••.•..•.. Carlos Calvo. Tarija .••...•.••.•••••. Julio Lema. Tupiza .......•....•.. . Samuel Doria Medina. Uyuni ...•.....•...... Simon Michel.  CUBA See United States.  CURACAO Curacao .•.•...•.••.•.• H. H. R. Chapman.  DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Puerto Plata ...••...... Emilio Prud 'homme. Ban D:>mingo ....•.••••• Enrique Henriquez & Castro. Santiago ..........•.•.. J.M. Cabral y Baez. San Pedro~" 1\4acoris ... Antonio F. Soler.  GRENADA St. George . ............ Arthur Wellesley Lewis.  GUADELOUPE  BRAZIL ...... __ ..•.... Gumersindo de Aranjo Bessa. Bahia .......•••••.••.. Thomas Guerreiro de Castro. Manaos .......•.•.•.•. Berardino Paiva. Para .......•••••••.... Theodosio Lacerda Chermont. Porto Alegre .....•••.•. Plinio AJvim. Rio de Janeiro .......... J. L. Starr Hunt, Rua do Rosario, No. 112. Sao Paulo .............. Renaldo Porchat. Santos ..........•...... Heitor de  BRITISH GUIANA Georgetown (Demerara) .Joseph A. King.  CHILE Antofagasta ........... Alfredo Vicuna. lqui9ue .....•..•••••... Antonio Vierra Gallo. Santiago ...•...•....... Enrique Mciver. Ta.Joa .•...•...•.•.•... B. J. Espinosa. Valparaiso ...•.••...... Alejo Palma, Calle Prat, No. 88.  (French West Indies)  Baaae Terre ....••....•. Marc Biandin. Marie Galante .•.••...•. M. Rousseau. Pointe A Pitre ..•.•.•.•. Lucien Petit. St. Barthelmy ...•..••.• M. Duprat. St. Martin (Marigot) .... M. Artsen.  HAYTI Cape Hayti ..••......•• M. Noicy. Aux Cayea ....••..•.... Antoine Telemaque. Port de Paix ..•........ N ccker Lanoix. Port au Prince ......... Lespinasse & EtMart.  JAMAICA Brown'• Town .......... Allwood & Dickenson. Kingston .••.••.•...•.. Milholland, Ashenheim & Stone.  LEEWARD ISLANDS Antigua .•••••••••.•••• McDonald & Doualas, 43 Church St. Dominica ..••••••••••.. C. E. A. Rawle. Montserrat .••......... Geo. J. Mendes. St. Kitts ...••.•••....•. Ernest C. Watley.  MARTINIQUE (French West Indies) Fort de France .••...... G. Deleuze.  PORTO RICO See United States.  ST. CROIX Christian.sted ••..•••••.. A. E. Stakemann r  COLOMBIA Barichara ....•.......•. Francisco Rueda-Gomes. Barranquilla .•.....•... Rogelio Garcia. Bogota .......•........ Adolphe Leon.Gomes. Calle 16, No. 144 A. Fresno .•..••......•... Emiliano Bonilla. Honda ..•.•...•••••.••. Pedro Saravia. Il>aque .•..•.....•..•.. Frederico Melo. lpiales ....•••...•..... Heliodora Ayala. Medellin ..••..••••.•• _Fernando Vele.1. Pasto ....•••.•.•...•• ,Justo Guerra. .....•.•.••••.. Jose Felix Ariz ala. Tuquerres •..•....•.... Carlos Benavides.  ECUADOR Ambato .•.••••.••••.•• Pablo Alberto Vasconea. Cuenca ..••••.••••••... Remigio Crespo Tora.I. Guayaquil ..••.•..••••. A. B. Serrano, Quito .......•••.•...• . J. A. Coloma.  FRENCH GUIANA Cayenne .•..••••••••••. M. E. Devez.  PANAMA Colon ..•..•.....•..... W. H. Carrington. Panama ...•.•.••..•... Daniel Ballen.  PARAGUAY Asuncion ..••.....•.... Facundo Gonzalez.  PERU Callao ...•.••....•.•... R. Goyburn. Lima., •..••.••••••.•.. M. Nemesio Varga.a.  SURINAM (Dutch Guiana) Paramaribo .••......... R. D. Simons.  URUGUAY Montevideo ..••..•••... Wm. Wilson. Paysandu ..•••...••••.. Conrado N. Larrauri.  VENEZUELA ST. LUCIA  Castries . .............. C. A. S. Brice.  Caracas . .............. B. Lopez de Ceballoe. Ciudad Bolivar ......... J.B. Rendon. Maracaibo .•.••...••... J. V. Matos.