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Rand McNally List of  BONDED  Attorneys-at -Law July 1921 Edition  Supersedes All Previous Issues Issued Semi-Annually-in March and September  BONDED BY  The American Surety Company of New York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Rand McNally & Company, Publishers Chicago, Illinois, U.S. A. Branch office at New York City. COPYRIGHT,  1921,  BY  RAND MCNALLY &  00,  • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  EXPLANATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS COUPONS MUST BE USED  All business forwarded to attorneys must be accompanied by the coupon provided for that purpose, opposite beginning of the List, and the notification coupon must be properly filled out and forwarded to the Publishers at Chicago within thirty days after the forwarding of the claim to the Attorney. Additional books of coupons furnished upon request, free of charge.  NATURE OF BOND  TIME LIMIT OF BONDS  The Publishers of this Directory have paid for and have in their possession a Surety Bond of The American Surety Company of New York on all Attorneys whose names appear in the following List (excepting those listed under the heading "Foreign Attorneys"), made to them as Trustee for the Forwarders of Business to Bonded Attorneys in the Rand McNally List of Attorneys. A copy of the bond appears immediately hereafter. Every effort has been made to make the bond simple in its phraseology and clear as to its meaning. Neither the Publishers nor The American Surety Company of New York wish to have any misunderstandings as to the nature of this bond. Each attorney whose name is published in this edition of the Directory (excepting those listed under heading "Foreign Attorneys") is bonded until his name shall be eliminated from any subsequent edition (and three months thereafter), and anyone making use of this List after a new edition is published will be doing so on his own responsibility and without any liability on the part of The American Surety Company of New York under the bond, unless the attorney's name appears in such subsequent edition.  CHANGES The next edition of this List will be that of "January, 1922" and it will contain a AND revision of this list. Upon publication of a later edition of this List the forwarder must be REVISION guided by such changes as this later edition may show. The Publishers may disOF LIST continue the name of any attorney at any time upon notice to the subscribers. Every  effort will be made to advise and protect forwarders. Each attorney in this List (excepting those listed under heading "Foreign AttorAMOUNT neys ") is bonded by The American Surety Company of New York for the sum of OF two thousand dollars. Any one having business to forward to any attorney in excess BOND  of the amount of the bond on said attorney. may upon application in writing have said attorney's bond increased without cost to the forwarder.  THE SURETY  The Publishers have caused this bond to be taken out with a Surety Company, because, on account of the nature of its business, it is in a better position than are the Publishers to protect subscribers in case of embezzlement of moneys collected by Attorneys. The American Surety Company of New York (Capita! and Surplus over $6,000.000) has been chosen because of its exceptional strength and its promptness in meeting just claims.  Rand McNally & Company is a corporation under the laws of the State of Illinois This Company is your  THE (capital fully paid $1,000,000), whose head office is in Chicago. TRUSTEE representative and will always act in your interests.  COMPLAINTS  In case of complaints about service, we will endeavor to adjust the difficulties, but when we write to a lawyer about a complaint, he must remember that we have not taken the side of the complainant, but, having heard only one side of the case, ar~ asking for his. 1720  IN CASE OF LOSS  In case of loss, subscribers must forward a statement of their loss, showing items, dates, etc., direct to the Chicago branch of The American Surety Company of New York, Continental and Commercial National Bank Building, Chicago, notifying the Publishers at Chicago at the same time that they have done so and sending copy of the statement to the Surety at 100 Broadway, New York City.  PAYMENT Payment for losses under these bonds will be made by the Surety to the Trustee. FOR The Trustee will immediately forward to the Subscriber the full amount of such payment. LOSSES FEES  In no case does The American Surety Company of New York or the Publishers endeavor to enter into any contract with forwarders to regulate fees, to make any special arrangements with attorneys, or to guarantee against errors in judgment, etc., on the part of attorneys. We have endeavored to give you a high-class list of attorneys, who we have reason to believe will be fair in their charges and above the ordinary ability in caring for any legal business that may be sent to them. When money is once collected by an attorney and it is not properly accounted for, this bond is intended to reimburse the forwarder for moneys lost, according to the terms thereof. We suggest to our lawyers the rates recommended by The Commercial Law League of America as fair and equitable under ordinary conditions. They are as follows: 15 per cent on the first $300; 8 per cent on the excess of $300 to $1,000; 4 per cent on the excess of $1,000: minimurn fee of $5.00; on items of $10.00 or less, 50 per cent: minimum fee for suit, $7.50 in addition to the percentage fee.  When asking for a credit report, subscribers should always enclose at least fifty cents CREDIT REPORTS with such request. Our attorneys do not make free credit reports. BANK TOWNS ONLY  An effort has been made to give a good lawyer at every important County Seat because as a general rule the best lawyers reside at County Seats and are in the best position to handle all business throughout the county. This List covers all towns with banks. Towns having no banks are carried in the "Accessible" list in a separate part of the Bankers Directory.  Lawyers are urged to acknowledge claims promptly and to advise forwarders occaof what is being done with claim or what the chances ;:lr~ for collect:on, because sionally TO OUR LAWYERS the forwarder is far away and being human, likes to keep in t ..,uch with his affairs. Remember he is your client and a reputation among your clients for good, thoughtful service builds up a business. Neglect of correspondence affects vour professional standin~. If you do not reply to letters promptly, your client guesses at the reason, and his guess may not be pleasant. Remember that your business is not the only business that the lawyer has.  Be con-  siderate. He cannot spend all his time writing to you. Don't forget that some collections TO require time and patience and tact on the part of the lawyer. Be explicit in your instrucFORWARDERS tions and remember that the "laborer is worthy of his hire."  OUR AIM  USE THIS LIST  The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory and Bankers Register with List of Attorneys has the largest paid subscription list of any similar publication. I ts subscribers represent more capital than those of all other lists combined. We hope to be able to bring our lawyers, our banks, and our commercial houses together and to build up a big community of interest to the mutual benefit of all. To this end, we earnestly hope all our subscribers will use these bonded lawyers whenever it is possible. Business begets business, and lawyers should co-operate with each other. The number of bonded lawyers will be increased in each edition.  SUGGESSuggestions which will cause an increase in the value of this List to subscribers will be TIONS welcomed by the publishers.  RAND McNALLY & COMPANY NEW YORK  Publishers  40 E. 22d St. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  CHICAGO 536 S. Clark St.  1721 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  COPY OF BOND issued by The American Surety Company of New York to Rand McNally & Company, Trustee for the Forwarders of business to Bonded Lawyers listed in The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory and Bankers Register with List of Attorneys:THE AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York, as Surety, binds itself to pay RAND McNALLY & COMPANY, of the City of Chicago, Illinois, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Illinois, as Trustee for all parties forwarding business to attorneys listed in the CURRENT ISSUE of RAND-McNALL Y BANKERS DIRECTORY AND BANKERS REGISTER with LIST OF ATTORNEYS (hereinafter known as .. THE TRUSTEE"), such sum or sums of money as may be necessary to reimburse all Forwarders of Business (hereinafter known as "FORWARDERS"), to all ATTORNEYS listed in RAND-McNALLY BANKERS DIRECTORY AND BANKERS REGISTER with LIST OF ATTORNEYS as bonded by THE AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY, for each and every pecuniary loss which the said Forwarders, or any of them. may sustain through embezzlement committed by any of the ATTORNEYS named in the current issue of RAND-McNALLY BANKERS DIRECTORY AND BANKERS REGISTER with LIST OF ATTORNEYS, or through fraudulent failure on the part of any such ATTORNEY to account to said FORWARDERS, or any of them, for moneys collected by him on claims forwarded to him by said FORWARDERS in accordance herewith, provided that the total sum cf all such losses for which THE SURETY shall be liable shall not exceed five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) in any one year and shall not exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000) for any ATTORNEY or firm of Attorneys as the case may be, unless THE SURETY has specifically bound itself in individual cases to a larger amount, in which event the limit so fixed is indicated by the figure set opposite the Attorney's name in the List of Attorneys in the current edition of the DIRECTORY. This Suretyship shall begin on the first day of March, 1917, and shall end as to any ATTORNEY when his name shall be eliminated from the list of BONDED ATTORNEYS oublisheci in the DIRECTORY or upon the cancellation of this Suretyship by THE TRUSTEE or by THE SURETY, as hereinafter provided, or upon payment of loss hereunder. · PROVIDED, HOWEVER: First: That the loss be discovered during the continuation of this Suretyship or within three months next after its termination, and that written notice thereof be delivered to THE SURETY at its Branch Office in the City of Chicago within ten days after such discovery and copy of said notice sent by registered mail to THE SURETY at 100 Broadway, New York City. Second: That the statement of loss or losses showing the items and dates of the same be submitted in writing by THE TRUSTEE to THE SURETY at its Branch Office in the City of Chicago within three months after the discovery of such loss and that THE SURETY shall have sixty days after presentation of such statement of loss to it in which to verify the same and to make payment to THE TRUSTEE for said loss or losses, and that no suit, action or proceeding at Law shall be brought against THE SURETY on account of said claim during said sixty days nor after the expiration of twelve months after the delivery of such statement of claim to THE SURETY. Third: This Suretyship may be terminated on any ATTORNEY by THE SURETY upon thirty days' previous notice in writing to THE TRUSTEE or by THE TRUSTEE upon notice in writing to THE SURETY, specifying the date of termination. Thereupon THE SURETY shall refund the unearned premium for such Suretyship, providing no claim has been paid. Fourth: This Suretyship shall not cover losses incurred by FORWARDERS unless THE TRUSTEE shall have received at its office in the City of Chicago, within thirty days of the date on which the collection was forwarded to the ATTORNEY, written notice from the FORWARDER on the coupon provided for that purpose in said DIRECTORY. Fifth: It is expressly understood that this Suretyship protects THE TRUSTEE only against fraudulent failure to account, or embezzlement of moneys by BONDED ATTORNEYS as hereinbefore recited, but not against alleged excessive fees or breach of contract on the part of said BONDED ATTORNEYS. Sixth: That the amount of Suretyship on behalf of any ATTORNEY hereunder may, on written application of THE TRUSTEE, be increased or decreased by THE SURETY without impairing the continuity thereof. Seventh: That this Suretyship does not cover any lawyers listed in the Current Edition of the DIRECTORY as "FOREIGN ATTORNEYS". SIGNED AND SEALED, this .............. day of .............................. A. D. 1917. AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK By ........................... ······ Re.-itlent Vice Pre ·itlent.  Attest ............................. . Re ictent A.· t.  1 7'22  ecretary.  ATTACH TO CLAIM  USE COUPON TO OBTAIN BENEFIT OF SURETY BOND Thi. coupon muet be filled out and mailed to RAND McNALLY ' Ill., within thirty day■ after claim ill ..,t. (See term3 of Bonal NamP and adctr- of atton,ey w whom nlaim  ame and add,..., o-,;;-N'd ·i.o,  -  (to  COMPANY. Chlcaao,  To the Attorney Your name was taken from Rand McNally Bankers' Directory and List of Bonded Attorney!' as an attorney :,..\\1///, bonded by The Amert;,, · can Surety Companyof New York, according -,?;,~'.m~' totermsof your eontract with Rand Mc Nally & Company of Chicago who have been notified that ~~i.i>,l~!LJ" this claim has been senttoyo1L Please acknowledge receipt.  ta _ ,  be ci•l!n ai option of forwarder)  Dftllonption of el&iw-:-;-beU..-r note boa· a<,oouni. moncaire foreoloeun , e\c.  Date aent  ~ w i t .,f nla,m  en  u :I au '-  {=--=-Ill., within thirty  day ■  l\fter claim ;. '"'..nt.  c:  RAND McNALLY & COMPANY, Chic:aso, (See termJ of Bonl>  to  To the Attorney ,  Name and addre•• of">' to whom claim· eent  0  -a  Name and addreN of ,•reditor  (t.o  be l(iven  a\  ;  optfou of fonrardff)  m .a::  ,  ·-c u,  '  '-  ....  ATTACH TO CLAIM  USE COUPON TO OBTAIN BENEFIT OF SURETY BOND Thie coupon mat be filled out and mailed  :I  i__  Amouot of claim  1-  Your name was taken from Rand McNally Bankers' Directory and List of Bonded Attorneys as an attorney ":,..\\1///, bondedby The Amert:--_\., ;,, can Surety Companyof aii New York. according ✓,,.;i7mimi~" totermsof your contract with RandMc Nally & Company of Chicago who have been notified that ~~ili>,aa~~ this claim has been senttoyou. Please acknowledge receipt.  - - - - - - - - - -------Nam• aod add.,.. of forw•rder  a.  :I 0  u  USE COUPON TO OBTAIN BENEFIT OF SURETY BOND  N•m• &.ad add~ c>f o""lltor lt,o  b,i  riven at opt.ion <>I forwatdM  Name and addr.a of debtor  m C  ,,·-·--a..., 0  C  A.m.owa~ of claiw  To the Attorney Your name was taken from Rand McNally Bankers' Directory and List of Bonded Attorneys as an attorney ~'\\\II///, bonded by The Amert• ;,, can Surety Companyof NbW Yorkl according -?r.~ffl'I'~ • totermso your contract with Rand Mc Nally & Company of Chicago who have been notified that ~~rl.>,l~!!J"' this claim has been senttoyo1L Please acknowledge receipt.  Nam 1,od Midr- of "tt<>ro•¥ w whom ~l•iw le eeot  -  ATTACH TO CLAIM  Thie coupon mut be filled out and mailed to RAND McNALLY & COMPANY, Chlc:aco. lll., within thirty day1 afttsr claim ie ■ent. (See term3 oJ Bona)  D•&a ..DI  1_ lUSE COUPON TO OBTAIN BENEFIT OF SURETY BOND T~thinooopon mut be filled out and mal.lN! to RAND McNAI.LY & COMPANY,, III •• ..,, thirty day11 aftJ:,,r claim ia aant. f S8~ ,u-, of &,sd)  - -Nameaodaddrea of creditor (to be d"'9n 11t option of to~-rder)  Name and Mi~ of debt.or D  ripW)u"""ot'oiaim. whether note, book ao<>ounl, monca.e fonolo,nue.  $ AlllOllDt of olaim Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  k.  ATTACH TO CLAIM To the Attorney Your name was taken from Rand McNally Bankers• Directory and List of Bonded Attok"neys as an attorney ~\\\I///, bonded by The Amertz can Surety Companyof New York. accordrng ".?n~:rm~' totermsof your contract with Rand Mc Nally & Company of Chicago who have been notified that ~~~~~ this claim has been senttoyo1L Please acknowledge receipt. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -  ---  ----  ----  I  i USE COUPON TO OBTAIN BENEFIT OF SURETY BOND Thie coupon m1111t be filled out -d mailed to RAND McNALLY & COMPANY, Ill., within thirty dave after c:laim ie 11ent <See term, of Boncl)  Ch.leaao,  Name and addr..._. of ahorney to wllom oialm io IHIDt  Name and add._. of ddOtor  0-ri.i>uoo ol claim : whe&her oote. book acoount. mort.c1111:e foreoloeUN . e1e1.  j  I  To the Attorney  . I  Your name wM taken from Rand McNally Bankers' Directory and List of Bonded Attorneys as an attorney ,:,.\\\1//,,; bonded by  :$:-"  The Amert-  Name and addreM of creditor (to be 1PV1tn llt option of forward•)  i,  ,., _ can Surety  ComPaJ!yof ?: :maa• New York, according ·-'?'f,;j'tfj:rm~' totermsof your contract with Rand Mc Nally & Company of Chicago who have been notified that "11111~~~,,p this claim has been senttoyou. Please acknowledge receipt.  $ Am..unt ol claim  ..,, {__ en  Iii ame and addnea of forwa.rder  u  :I  .  USE COUPON TO OBTAIN BENEFIT OF SURETY BOND  CT  u  Thia coupon mw,t be filled out and mailed to RAND McNALLY & COMPANY, Chieap, Ill., within thirty daya after claim ie eent. (See term, of Boncl)  C 0  Name awd llddr""" of ored.Jtor lW be ipven at option of forwarder )  .c  Name and addr- ot debtor  cu en  ·-.c ....  Amount ol ola,m  :I 0  - - --------  0  Naru8 and a d ~ of forwarder  C 0  a.  u  ai=  Date ,;ent  en :I 0  0  u u  n.oription of claim: whether ootot, book aoooWli,. morta:aae firecloeu ... ew.  :I  . . .....=--  en -a  ATTACH TO CLAIM  Name and addtOlll.9 of attorney i-, whom claim ie eent  -,::,  USE COUPON TO OBTAIN BENEFIT OF SURETY BOND Thia coupon must be filled out ~nd mailed to RAND McNALLy & COMPANY, Chlcaco.. Ill., wi-thin thirty days after claim ie eent. (See term, of Boncl)  ATTACH TO CLAIM  .  .'  Name and addreow of attorney to whom olaim ia nnt  . I  t  I  •  :  •  ·. •  Name and addl'8&8 of onditor (to be given at option ol forwarder)  en  N and add,- of debtor  ~  0 0  a.  m  ftl C  ·-..., 0  ·-  -a -a  Cl  0  O <>SOriPtlOD of olaim: wh"th"r uol.o, book a,;oount, mort&a&e foNOloeure, eto •  •:  ·  ;  .  I In  ·I:"  •  •  I  Date....,,  u C 0  .u .a  { Name and- add"""9 of forwarder  USE COUPON TO OBTAIN BENEFIT OF SURETY BOND Thia coupon mw,t be filled out and mailed to RAND McNALLY & COMPANY, Chlcaso, Ill., within thirty days after claim i9 eent. (See terms of Boncl) Name and a d ~ of aUornev to whom olaim i9 sen\  Name and add.-- of onditor Oo be !riven ai option of forwarder/  0-ripiioa of claim: whether note. book aoooun\, morrcace f-loaure. eto.  $ Amuw., of olaim Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  ;ll  r Ill  ATTACH TO CLAIM  ftl  ATTACH TO CLAIM To the Attorney Your name wM taken from Rand McNally Bankers• Directory and List of Bonded Attorneys as an attorney ;1.\\\\I//,,; bonded by  The Amert- , ~ ,., _ can Surety Companyof ;;:; aa • New York. according , totermsof your contract with RandMc Nally & Company of Chicago who have been notified that "1111~~~/JI this claim has been senttoyou. Please acknowledge receipt.  t  III I ·1'· 11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  LIST OF ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW BONDED by The American Surety Company of New York POPULA· TION.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  POPULA·  N,UIE.  - - ---- - TOWN AND COUNTY.  NA.ME.  TJON.  ------  ALABAMA Alabama ls divided in three Federal Districts; namely Northern, Middle and Southern. The NORTHERN DISTRICT has seven divisions; the Northeastern, with court at Huntnllle, first Tuesday ln April and second Tuesday in October: the Northwestern with court at Florence, second Tuesday ln February and third Tuesday In October; the Southern, with 90urt at Birmingham, the first Mondays in March and September; the Eastern with court at Anniston first Mondays in May and November; the Western, with court at Tuscaloosa, first Tuesday!! In January and June; the Middle, with court at Gadsden, first Tuesdays in February and Au2"ust; and the Jasper with court at Jasper, second Tuesdays in January and June. The MIDDLE DISTJC.ICT has three divisions; the Northern, with court at Mont«omery, first Tuesdays in May and December: the Southern. with court at Dothan, first Mondays In June and DecemhP.r; the Eastern, with court at Opelika, first Mondays in Aprtl and No- 1 vember. The SOUTHERN DISTRICT has two divisions; the Northern, with ' court at Selma, first Mondays in May and November; the Southern, with court at M'.obUe, fourth Mondays of May and November.  838 Olio*•t ___________ Barbour To Clayton. 312 Coffee Sprmes*•t __ Geneva See Geneva. 793 Oollinsvillt>*•r_ ____ Dekalb To Ft. Payne. 860 Columbia*•t ______ Houston To Dothan. 1073 •Columbiana*•t _____ shelby 'ro Clanto!l. Hi22 Oordova*•t ________ Walker To Jasner. 367 Courtland*•t ____ Lawrence To Albany. 200 Cragford*•t _______ Clay To Ashland 300 Crossville* ________ Dekalb T,) Ft. Payne. 719 Ouba*•t ___________ Sumter See Livini:rston. 2167 •Oullman*•L ______ Cullman To New Decatur. 1146 •Dadeville*•L-- Tallapoosa JERE C. DENNIS. 500 Daleville*•t _____ Dale 'J'o Ozark. 500 Daphne*---------Baldwin To Bay Minette. 4752 •Decatur*•t ____ --· _Morfan E. lV. GODBEY. 2779 Demopolis*•L--- Marenfo HENRY McDANIEL. 1117 Dora*•t ---- -· ----· Walker To Jasper. 10034 •Dothan*•t ________ Houston LEE & TOMPKINS. See also at 500 237 555 1681 261 0000 3013 722 4039  REFERENCE KEY  • County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Offlc8. t Tele!;!raph Station. 5 State Capital. 1267 •Abbeville*•t ---- ----Henry 7652 Albany*•t _________ Morgan 1666 Albertville*•t ____ Marshall 2293 Alexander City*•t Talla'sa 944 Aliceville*•------- Pickens 1078 ·Altoona*•t ________ Etowah 4023 •Andalusia*•t ___ Covinl;!ton 17734 •Anniston*•t ______ Calhoun 264 Arab* ____________ Marshall 625 Ariton*•t ------------Dale 754 Ashtord*•t ___ ---·Houston 1655 •Ashland*•t ___________ Clay 349 •Ashville* _________ st. Clair 3323 •Athens*•f-_____ L1mestone 1775 Atmore*•t------ Escambia 3t62 Attalla*•t _________ Etowah 2143 Auburn*•L--- ____ ---- Lee 1092 •Bay Minette*•L--Baldwm 293 Beatrice*•t ---- ____ Monroe 150 Belle Mina*•t __ Limestone 401 Berry"•f-________ Fayette 18674 Bessemcr*•t ____ Jefferson 178806•Birmingham"•t. Jefferson  LEE & TOMPKINS. Dothan.  1350 •Eutaw*•t---------- Greene 1813 •Everereen*•t ____ Conecuh 500 Excel*___________ Monroe 5003 Fairfield* _______ J etferson 853 Fairhope ____ _____ Baldwin 362 Falkville*•t _______ Mori:ran 268 Faunsdale*•t _____ Marenl;!o 1741 •Fayette*•t --------Fayette 835 Fivepoints*•----Chambers 724 Flomaton*•t ____ Escambia 2633 Florala*•t ---- __ covineton 10529 •Florence*•+ ___ Lauderdale 243 Foley"•t __________ Baldwin 8S0 Fort Deposit*•t __ Lowndes 2025 •Fort Payne*• ______ Dekalb 14737 •Gadsden*•L------ Etowah 400 Gantt*•t _______ covini:rton 226 Gaylesville* _____ Cherokee 1581 •Geneva*•L--------Geneva 1 irn~:;tg~;!;c:ffh~~{i~ 494 ,- G'irar d ·----------- I'.~usse 11  See alw at  Decatur. fgToTo i~et:iw:.ille. Carrollton. To Gadsden.  E'. 0. BALDWIN. WILLETT & WfilTESIDE. To Guntersville. To Ozark. See Dothan. ARTHUR L. HARDEGREE. J.P. MONTGOMERY JAS. G. RANKIN. To Brewton. To Gadsden. See Opelika. TCoHMARnlr.. EoeSv ~lleA.LL. 1 • 0 To Athens. See Fayetts. To Birmingham.  f2~  (Phoenix 0. P.)  COLEMAN & COLEMAN & SPAIN, 923 t O 926 Fir t 'at'l Bank Building. (Phare.~ Coleman , Frnnk E. 'Jiain. Chappell ('ory . Jr., .1tu·ell J. Brown.) of Ban kos for State of Alabama.  Attorneys for Sup'/  RITTER & WYNN. 610-11-12-13-14 First National Bank Bide. ( laude D. Ritter, William J. Wynn, <'. L. Phillips, 0. J. 'CJ,;:,chu8ta, A. A. M Dyer.) Represent ., k D' National d List, th  Mercantile Adjuster. erchant·s uan irectory an o er bonded Law Lists. All busines . legal or commercial, litigated or otherwise. referred to th is office will be attended to promptly and efficiently by competent and experienced attorneys and adjusters. Local reference. Traders National Bank and any judge iu this city. Reference in other cities upon reque t. Depositions taken by Wm. Milliken, ~~Yplpleurbsliocr. the Alabama laws ror the Rand-McNallJ Bankers Directory.) •·  1369 Boaz"•t ____ ------Mar".b.all , 702 Bra n ti ey * • t ----.Crenshaw . 386 Brent*•+ ·------------Bibb 2682 •Brewton*•t ----- Escambia 2018 Bridgf;Port*•L ___ Jackson 9.U Brund~dee •t _____ ----Pike 250 AButler t Chocta 852 c 1 * t-------- Sh w 700 .c!!ct~;.;t:::: :_-:_952 Camp Hill*•t ___ Tallapocsa 2500 Carbon Hill*•t ---- Walker 564 •Carrollton* _____ -- Pickens ;313 oastleberry*•t ___ Conecuh 418 Cedar Bluff*•L- Cherokee 600 •Center* _________ Cherokee 793 •Centerville*•f---- ----Bibb 350 •Ohatom*•----- Washineton 524 Oherokee*•L------Colbert 418 Childersburl;! *•tTalladega 932 Citronelle*•L------Mohile 1411 •Olanton*•t ---- ---- Chilton 989 •Clayton*•t ------.::.. Barbour  Wir~~i  To Guntersville. See Luvernt>. 'l'o CentP.rvillP. LEON G. BROOKS. To ~rottsboro. 'l'o 1'ro.v.  T s HOLLIS · ' · '·  ~lvtnJiijRETT JONES. To Dadeville To Jasper. · M. n. CURRY.  To Evergreen. To Genter. C;. B. SIMS.  JEROME T. FULLER. ,GRANA.OE & GRANA.DE.  ro Tuscumbia. To Anniston. To Mohile. ~- G. REYNOLDS. G. W. PEACH.  NOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •Double Sprines* _Winston Dozier*e _______ Crenshaw Eclectic* _____ Elmore •Elba*•t _____________ Coffea Elkmont*•t ____ Limestone Ensley*•t ------- Jefferson • Enterorise*•t ______ Coffee Epes*•t----------- Sumter Eufaula*•t _______ Barbour  .  386 Glenwood*• ____ Crenshaw 020 Good Water*•t ______ Coosa 642 Gordo*•t--------- Pickens 319 Gordon*• ________ Houston 350 Grand Bay*et_ _____ Mobile 1809 •Greensboro*•t_ ______ Hale 3471 •Greenville*•L------Butler 400 G e H'll* Cl k 1 rov ----------------ar e 596 •Guin*•t __ Marion 1909 •Guntersville*•t-- Marshall Gurley*•t ________ Madison 727 376 Hacklebure*•t _____ Marion 1404 Haleyville*•t_ ____ Winston 487 •Hamilton* _________ Marion 441 Hanceville*•t _____ Cullman 1561 Hartfo r tl*•t _______ Geneva 20(,9 Hartsells*•t _______ Morean 1252 Headland*•+ ________ Henry 1026 •Heftin*•t -------- Cleburne 248 Hillsboro*•L ___ J,awrence 279 H d t F kl' o ge~ • ------ · ran m 8018 •Huntsville*•t_ ____ Maclison 8118 Hurtsboro*•t ______ l{ussell 1331 Jackson"•t _________ Clarke 2395 Jacksonville*•L. Calhoun 700 James*• __________ Bullock 324fi •Jasper••t __________ Walker 576 Jones Mills. ______ .Monroe 203 Kennedy*•t --------Lamar 200 Kinston* _____ coffee 1911 •Lafayette*•t_ ___ chambers 400 Laoine*•t . . . Monti:romory I600 Leeds*•t ________ Je!Terson 598 Leighton*•t_ ______ Colbert 400 Lexini:rton* ___ Lauderdale 4118 Lincoln*•L----- Talladega 700 •Linden"•t_ _______ Marenl;!O 1507 Lineville*•t_ _________ Clay 1168 • Livinl;!ston"•t _____ Sumter 50-1 Louisville*•------ Barbour  Abbeville.  To Haleyville. See Luverne. To Tallasee. To Enterprise. To Athens. To Birmini:rham. W. S. HUEY.  See Livineston. To Clayton.  Wm. H. HA WKl~S. E. E. Nft~WTON.  To ~lonroeville. •ro Ilirmini:rhatn. To Bay :Minette. To Decatur. To Linden. M(•NEIL & MONROE.  To Lafayette To Brewton To Andalusia. BRADSHAW & SIMS.  To Ray Minette. To Montgomery.  CHAS. E. WOLFES. INZER, INZl~R & LllSK.  See Andalusia. To Gadsden. To Dothan. To Greenville. To Demopoh:s. See Opelika. To Luverne. To DadPville. To Carrollton. ee Dothan. See Mobile. EVINS & JACK. LANE & LANE. Q. W. TUCKER.  See Russellville. D  ISIIELL  'r~ H~r,tsvill~. See Russellville. J. A. STAGNJ<~R. C. E. l\lITCBELIJ.  To Albany. 1~6 Do th an. To Decatur. To Abbeville. 'l'o Anni ton. To New Decatur. T T o u~cumbia  DAVID A. GRAYSON.  See Opelika. See Grove Hill. To Anniston. See Union Sprillf?S.  BANKHEAD & BANKHEAD.  To Monroeville. See Sullii:rent. To Enterprise. RINES & l'ULLEB.. To Luverne. To Birmingham. To Tuscumbia. 'l'o Florence. To Anni. ton. To Selma. To Ashland.  JAMES A.. MITCHELL  To Clayton.  USE COUPONS a.a instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. 1723  • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  --~--------____;_____;_-~--,--------  1724  ALABAMA, ALASKA  POP"J· LA· TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  TION,  70 11~-1 4ll5 125 376  aoo  Loxley •t ________ Baldwin •Luverne••t _____ Crenshaw M.atlisou••t. ______ Madison Matlrid*•t. ______ .Hou~ton ~laple ville*•t ____ Chilton Marburr"•t ______ Astauea  To Bay ~inctte. IltA B. TH01'1PSON. To Huntsville. See noihan. 1'<' Clanton. To Prattville.  2035 •Marion••t_ __________ Perry W. L. HO(.UE. 400 Marion Juoction*•t _Dallas See Selma. 400 McCullough _____ Esranhia To Brewton. 293 Mc Kt>nzie ~.t _______ Bu tier See Greenville. 665 Midland C1ty"•t- .... Dale See Ozark. 604 Mill port"•t. •• -··- ._Lamar See Columbus, Miss. 60777 •Mohili>"•t .... -····-Mobile R.H. &R. M. SMITH & MIDDLETON, City Bank Bldg. General Counsel A. &. M. Railroad Com any, also r present Vinegar Beod Lumber Com, any, Turner Lumber Company, City of Mobile, City Fruit & Produce C,om11any, U. s. F. & G. Company &c. Rittenhouse M. Smith, · otary. 1017 •:Monroeville"t. ..•. Monroe BARNETT, BUGG & LEE. 850 Monteva!Jo*•t -···- Shelby To Clanton. 4346-t l•MontiromPrY "•L_Mont'y WEIL, STAKELY & YABDAHAN, First National Bank Bldg. Attorneys at, practice in all courts, !:Joth State aud 1/ederal. Specially equipped de• partment for handling commercial mattE'rs undP.r the direct suoervi ion of a membn of the firm. Counsel for H. M. llibbie Grocery Co. and Fourth ational Bank. (Traieling :,19 328 438 467 Sl5 -100 680 547 7i00 1606 610 l083 375 876  Adjuster in Office.) •Moultou• -·-···- Lawrence M.oundvilJP••t •..•.. _.Hale Newl.Jern*•t -·-·-····· Hale New Rroc·kton*t ... -CotT .. e NPw !lope• ...•••. Macl1 on New ~l:irket"•t. .• ~adi,011 Newton •t .•..... - _.Dale Newville* -··--····-11t•u1 y N.Birmin'm*• ... .lt:trer~ou Northport••t .. Tu r:1l00-.a Notasulea••t .....•. Macon Oakman*•t. ....• _. Walker OrlPnville"•t .• -... St. Clair •Olll·onta"•t ......•. Blount  4960 •OPt'lika*•t .... --······ LE'e Hi56 Opp••t.····-··-Covinl!ton 341 Orrville"•t •..•..... Dallas ll08 Oxford*•t.-..••.. Calhoun 251 •Ozark"•t. •.•........• Dale .132 Paint Hock"•t ••.. .lark on 100 Parrish ·•t -··· .... Walker 825 •Pf'II (Jity*•t ·--···St.Clair 250 Pf'tE'rman"•t __ ..•. ~1011roe 418 Phil CampbeW•t Franklin !\432 Phoenix*•······-····· Ler. 2645 Piedmont*•t ..... Calhoun' 9611 Piuckard"•t. •.•...... Dale 464 Pine Apple"····-·· Wilcox :l75 Pine llill*•t .•. - ... Wilc·ox 22:.5 Pitt view••t ...... Rus<;f'JI 631 Pollard"•t •••... _E. cambia 2316 •Prattville"•t •.... -Autaul(a 613 ttagl 111rl"•t ...•.•. St. Clair 700 Ramer••t. .. ~lontgomc:ry 753 Ken Uay"•L ••... l<'ranklin 3 :.5 RE'd Level"•t. •• Co\·ington 1069 Reform*•t. •••..•. Pic'kPns .J22 Repton••+-·····- Concrnh 3841 Roanoke"•t. •.•• Randolph 500 ltobert·dale"•t ... Batllwiu 274 •Rockford" ..•.•..... Coo a 397 Hoeer,;viJlp" .. Lau<lt'rda1e 2269 •Rus E'llville:t .. Franklin 1616 Samsont -·········Geneva  POPIJ· LA TTON.  TOWN AND COUNT\'.  NAME.  4125 •Union Sprines*•LBullock L. M. MOSELEY. 1359 Uoiontown*•t .••.•. Perry fiOO V:illf'Y Hrad*•'kalh 250 Verbena*•t. •..... Chilton 440 •Vernop* •••..•.... 339 Vina ..•+ --···---··Franklin 103-1 Yincc11t *•t ·--···· RJ1el hy n41l Vint'~ar Bend*•t Wa~ll 't ·u 508 Wadley"•t ••••.. Randolph 568 Warrior*•+··-· •. J efTE'rson 415 Waterloo• ...• _La1.derdale 510 •Wedowee* ....• Randolph  To Marion. 1'0 Ft. Pavne. To Clanton. WILSON KELLY. To Tu rumbia. To ('la nton. To Chatom. To Wedowf'e. To Rirmineham. To Florence. H. T. BURN'.  1023 1520 815 753 2848 3000 1651  To Centerville. HOLLEY & l\ULNEIC.. To Clanton. To Hamilton. To Birmingham. To Birmmgham. See Livineston.  West Blocton" ····-· Bibb •Wetumpka"•t ·--·-Elmore Wilsonville*•t •.. -.Shelby Winfleld*•t .......• Marion Woodlawn ....•. .Jefferson Wy!am Sta. ••t.Jefferson York*•t ····-····--Sumter  . To Albany. To Ureensboro. To Ureensboro. 'Po Enterprise. To Huntsville. To Huntsville. To Ozark. l'o Ablleville. To Birmi11gham. See Tuscaloosa. To Tuskegee. See Carbon Hill. To Ashville. JAS. SLOAN.  N. D. DEN ON & ONS. To Andalu ia. • ee Rel ma. To Anniston. J.E. ACKJ~R . Scottsboro. To .Jasper. To Ashville. To Monroeville. To Tu ·cnmbia. ·ce Opelika. To Anniston. To Ozark. To Camdrn. 'ee Camden. re Opelika. ec Brewton. ('. Jt}. ALEXANDER. To Ashvilte. To ::\[ontizomery. To Tuscuwbia. . ee Andalusia. To Carrollton . To Evergr en. CLYDE II. VANN. To Bay .\linett~. 8Pe Good Water. To FlorencP. 1'0 Tuscumbia. 'l'o Dothan.  1417 •Srott boro*•t ••.. Jack on ER EST PARKS. 316 •Seale"•t ---· .•.. -·.Ru ell , ee u peliKa. l:i589 •Selma*•t -··--······Datlas KEITH & WILKINSON. Spe ial attention to commercial, cor,ioration and real estate law. :,ocal Attorney for The Peoples Bank & Trust Company. Refer to any bank or business house in Selma. 6682 ShefflPJd••t ·····-·Colbt·rt To Tuscumbia. 581 Sloromh*•t .•...•• Gt>neva See Dothan. 450 SprmevillE>"•t .... St. Clair To A1.;hville. 698 Standine Rorlc"•tChamb's To f..afayette. 640 StPvPuson*•f ·-···Jack. on 'I'o Scottsboro. 1071 SulligE'nt*•t ···-····Lamar To Vernon. 200 Sweet Water" .••• Mareneo To Selma. 2141 Sylaraue11"•t _•.. Talladega To Anni ·ton. 6546 •TalladE'~a••t .... Tall:i<1rea To Anniston. 257 TalladE-e-a. prines*•tTall'a To Anniston. 2034 Tallas'lf'e"•t. ..•... Elmore To Wetumpka. 372 Thomaston*•t ·-- Marengo To Selma. 1002 'I'homasville"•t .••. Clrtrke ee Grove Hill. 5m Thorsby*•t ·-···· Chilton To Clanton. 105 '!'own CrPPk*•t LawrE'nre To Alhany. 1554 Townly••+·······-· Walker To Jasper.  ALASKA Alaska Is dh-ided Into four div1slons: In the FIRST DIVISION one gE'11cral term of court shall be held each year at Juneau. In the SECOND DIVISION, one general term of court hall be held each year at Nome. In the THJRD DIVISION one general term of court shall be held each year at Valdez. In the FOURTD DIVI ION, one general term of court shall bl held each year at Fairbanks. ·Additional terms In other places In the four districts may be held aa the Attorney General ma.}' direct.  REFERENCE KEY • County Seat. "Money Order Office. • Express Office. t Telegraph tat ion. § State Capital.  H5fi Anchoragd ...•.. --····· S55 Cordova••+ ··-·. -· ··-· •••• 919 Doug la ••t. ...• - •••.•• -·-· 1155 Fairhanks*•t ········-···· 300 Hyder . -············- ···50 lditarod *•t ······- •.•• ··-· 30!-8 SJnnE'au "•+ ········-······· 2-158 Ketrhikan*•t ...• --·· •.•. 852 Nome"•t •......• ··-······ 87!1 652 .JiJ~ -lfifi 821  Petershorg*•t ....••..•..•• Spwar<l*•t ..........• ···Skagway*•+ ........••.••• Valdez••+ ....•.•. -········ Wrangell"•+·····-········  To Juneau. To Valdez. PE' Juneau. JOHN A. CLARK. 'l'o ~labile. Sec Fairbank<;. R. E. ROBlillTSON. 'l'o Juneau. O. D. COCHRAN. Compiltr of the Alaska laws for thi:s pubUcation. To Juneau. To Valdez. To Juneau . T. J. DONAHOE. To Juneau.  5696 •Troy••t ........••... Pike JOHN It. WILKER 'ON. ll996 •Tuscaloosa*•+. Tuscaloosa WRIGHT & BEALLE. 38:-5 •Tuscumbia*•L .... Colbnt JAS. E. DELONG, JR. 2475 •Tuskeeee*•t •...••. Macon ('. A. DE BARDELEBEN.  COUPONS aa instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. NOTE ..,USE-  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) POPU·  LA-  TOWN AND COUNTY.  ARIZONA, ARKANSAS POPU• LATION,  NAME.  _].'ION.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  ARIZONA  REFERENCE KEY • County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. Ajo*t ________________ Pjma Benson*•t ________ Cochise Bisbee*•t ________ Cochise Bowie*•t _________ cochi ·e Buckeye* L. _____ laricopa Camp Venle* _____ Yavapai Casa Grande*•L _____ Pinal 1 Chandler*t ______ Maricopa 700 Chloride*•t-------~1ohavc 2321 Clarkdale*•L---- Yavaoai Cl1 men('rau* .. Yayapai 4163 •CL11 tou~•t -······Grt->enlee 500 Cooley •. _ _ _ \par·Jtc 9916 Dou1?las*•t -··· •... Cochise 800 Duncan*•t ....•.. Grrenlee 3186 •Flagstaff"•t ._ .. Coconino  ~ii  Arkansas ls divided into two Federal Districts; namely, Eastern and  Western  ,  The EASTERN DISTRICT has four divisions; tbl-1 Eastern with l-OUrt at Helena, second Monday ln Marrh and first Monday in OrtobAr; the Western witb •·ourt at Little Rock, fir. t Monday In A11rll and third Monday ln October, the Northern witb court at Bates• ,m.,., fourth Monday In May and second Monday lo December; t11.e Jonesboro with court at Jonesboro, first Monday in May and fourth Monday In November. The WK~TERN DISTRICT has three divisions; the Fort Smith with court at Fort 'mltb, the second Mondays in January and June: the Texarkana with court at Texarkana, second Moudays In May and November: the Harrison with court at Harrison, second Mondays ID April at1d October.  To Tucson. To Dou1?las. To Dougla. To Dou1?las. ee Phamix. To Pre cott. To Florence. See TeIDJ1e. To Kin1?man. See Fial? taff. To PrP'-COti.  REFERENCE KEY • Oounty Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. t Telegraph Station. § State Capital.  STRATTON & LYNCH.  To Fla~statr. DAVID BENSHIMOL.  To Clifton. C. B. WILSON, Comviler of the Arizona laws for this public-al ion.  •Florence*•t ______ .Prnal n. G. RICHARDSON. Ua.lsden __ •. _._ .. ~- Yuma To Yuma GilherL .. ·--·-·· \farirom To Tempe. Glendale*•t •.... Maricopa ee Phrenix. •Glohe*•L·······-····-Gila CHARLES L. RAWLINS. Hayden t ··-----···-··Gila To Gloht->. •Rolbrook*•t .••.•• Navajo THORWALD LARSON. Humbolut••t ·-·· Uavanai To Pres, ott ,IQ)!0 J erorne* ·- ___ : .... Yavapai R,•e Ji,lagsl.atl'. 2500 •Kineman*•t ... - •• Mohave CARI, G. KROOK. -!000 Lowell•+ ···-······Corhise To Dougias. 600 Mayer*•L------·· Yavapai To Pre rott. 30;!6 Mesa*•t --·····-Mariropa , ee Tempe 2500 Metcalf*. -----.. Greenlee To Clifton. 6689 Miami*•t -·-·-········Gila To Globe. 5100 Morenci ••t .... _.Grt'eniee To Clifton. 5199 •Nogales••t •... Santa Cruz A. H. DE RIEMER. 1500 O~tman*t -···-·-·~If)have To Kin!!mao. 282 Parker"•t ·-········Yuma ee Yuma. 500 Patagonia ..•... Santa Cruz To Noxales. ->00 Payson* - - - - .•••. Gila To GlohP. 500 Peoria .....•...•. Maricopa To Phccuix. 29053 §•Phrenix*•t --·--M11rirooa. GUS~ & SMITH. Fleminl? Block. Reference: Commercial National Bank or any other Bank . or Trust Com1 any in Phoenix. ' 515 Pima "•t .. ·-·--·-·Graham 'l'o ."-afford. 5010 •Presrott••t ·--·-·Yavapai 0'1-iULLIVAN & MORGAN, 2500 Ray•t ·······-··-···-Pinal To li'loreuce. 1336 Safford"•t -····-·-Graham W. R. <.:BAMBF.R"-. ~00 San Simnn*•--·--·Corhi~e To T) ,ngla ·. .,~o cot da!l•* ..... )l:iril'opa T<> Tcmt>P. 7a8 nowflake*t .....•• 1,avaJo 1'o Holbrook. 938 . omerton* ·-···-·-·· Yuma To Yuma. 600 Snringerdlle*._ •.. Ana·he To Ilolhrook 1061 •St. Johns" -·······AParhe Sre Holbrcak. 2500 Superior* _____ .Pinal To Florence. 1963 Tempe*•t ....••• Maricopa w. J. KINGSBURY. 8ml Thatrher*•t ..•... Graham Tfl atforct. 1178 •Tombstone*•L·-· Cochise To Do•1u:as. 20292 •Turson"•t •.•••••••• Pima HILL & WlNSETT. 905 W illcox*•t -·····- Cochise To Dong las. 1350 Williams"•t -··-·Coronmo See Flagstaff. 573 Winkelman*•t ...... --Gila To Globe. 3730 Winslow*•t -··--·-Navajo To Holhrook. 4237 •Yuma*•t ·-····-····· Yuma CLE 1ENT II. ('OLEM.\N. 1161 300 865 2737 i0-14 3000 1206 930 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  NAME.  ARKANSAS  One FEDERAL DISTRICT comprises entire state with court at Tucson, first. Mondays In May and November; at Phoenix fil'8t Mondays In April all61 October; at Prescott, first Mondays In Marcil and September; and at Globe, first Mondays in June and December  3000 900 9205 400 1560 400  __  NOTE  1725  297 Alicia*•t ·--·--.. Lawrence To Walnut Ridge. 779 Alma••t .......• Crawford To Fort Smith.  32)! Alruyra•t _•.••• Arkansas To tllttgart. 2~0 Alpena Pa:,;s* -······Boone . er Harrison. 4 o Altheimer••t .••. J et!er,on 'l'o Pine BlutT.  709 Altus*•t ......•• Franklin 6 0 Am1ty*•t ·····--····Clark 3311 .. Arkadelphia"•t ..••• Clark 1482 .. Arkansas City"•t •. _Desha 2052 •Ashdown*•t .• Little River 25li A ·h Flat* ·-------Sharp 1529 Atkins*•t ·-·····-····Pope 1731 •A u1?usta*•t -·-·- Wooctruff !158 Raid Knob*•+ •.••.. White 347 Banks •t ·-·-····· Bradley 4299 .. Ha tesville*•t •. lndep 'ence 311 o Baux1te*•t .•....... Saline 300 Bay - - -... Craighead 61$7 Uearden••t ..•..• Ouachita 9J5 Bn~be*•t ........•.. White 410 Bellev ille*•t ·-·· .. --·· Yell 293ll .. Benton*•t .......... aline 2313 .. Bentonville"•t •..• Benton 1474 .. Bnryville*•t ...... Carroll 44 7 Hil?l?t'rS*•L ..... Ra nclo Iph 310 Bi C'Oe*t •. ··---·-Prairie ll5 Hlack Oak*t __ .. Cra1gh1,atl 835 Black H.ock*•t •. LawrenC'e (iOO Blevins*•···· 6447 • Blytheville*•t .Mississippi 516 Ilonanza*•t ...•. eba~tian 350 Bono •+-----···Craighead 2199 .. HoonPvillP*•t _•.... Loeao 342 Uraufortl •t ·---···· White WO Bratll(•y••t ••..• -Lafayette 3i0 Rra nrh*•t ....... Franklin 271-1 Brinkley*•t ···-···Monroe 326 Brookland*•t ..• Craiehead 477 Cabot·• .... -· .... Lonoke 300 Catldo Gap •t.llontgomery 479 Calico Rock*t ____ ... lzard 3238 .. (Jamden••t ••..•• Ouarn1ta 500 Cauehill* ••.. Washmetoo 602 Carliste••t ...•...• LonokP 532 Cartha~l'*•t ··------Dalla ll!!0 Casa ·-····-·-···-···Perry 243 Cave City" ·····-····Sharp 4il0 Cave nrings*• ...• Benton 212 Centerton*•·····-·Benton n1 •Charleston*•t ••. Franklin 400 Cherry Valley*•t •.. Cross 2 ·o Cllidester*•t ...•• Ouachita 2638 •Clarendon *•t ·--··Monroe 212'1 •Clarksville*•t .. _.Johnson 400 •Clinton* ...•..• Van Bur('O 1057 Coal 11 ill*•t ...... John on 300 Columbus* •. _Hemostead 4564 •Conway*•L ••.•• Faulkner 1564 •Corning*•t ···-·-·····Llay 88-1 Cotter*•t ······-·-·Baxter 1661 Cotton Plant*•t-Woodruff !100 Cove*•···-·····-·····Polk 605 Crawf'dville*•t.Critt'ncl 'n 2707 Crossett*•t --···-·Ashley 264 Dalark*• -···-······Dallas 833 •Danville*•L..• ··--·-.Yell 1835 •Dardanelle"• ····-·--· Yell 242 Datto*•··-··-·-·--··· Clay 424 Decatllr"•t _..•••.• Benton 391 Deli1?b.t*•t ··-········Pika 2517 •DeQueen*•t. ••••.. _Revier 2330 Dermott*•t ••••••.• Chicot 1307 .. Des Arc*•+ ··-·----Prairie ti 5 De Vall Bluff •. *•tPrairiP 14!~ .. De Wit t*•t ·-···-Arkan as 1495 Dierks* ····-······Howard 150 Doddridge •t •..•... Miller R88 Dover* ··-· •..• ···- __ Pone  , ee Ozark. To Arkatlelpnia.  Mcl\11Ll,AN & l\lclUILLA:-C. E. E. IIOPSO~. RI<, VNOLDS & STEEL. 'l'o Walnt..t Wui:e.  Tl) I-tu ·sellville. DUTCHJNS & HUTCHIN~. To Rt>arrv. To Warren. SAl\fUU, M. CA.~EY. To llt•ntou . To J onl'shoro. To Camdt'n. To earry. To Dardanelle. ,J. W. WESTUROOK. To Roi:er. To Eurt>ka Sorinl!s, Ree Poc·ahontas. 'l'o Jlesarc. 'l'o J 01wsboro. To Walnut Ridge. 'l'o Hore. '1 0 Oscr,ola. To Fort C.:mith. To Jone ·buro. 'l'o l<'ort sm1l11. 'l'o _ earl'y. To Lewb1·1lle. To Fort 'mith. To Little l{ock. To Jonesboro. To Little Rock. To ,it. ltla. ·r0 11Plbourne. 'l'o Dt>sarc. To lfayetteville. 1'o Lonoke. To FortlycP. 'l'o Lit tie Rock. To Walnut R1tlee. To Hogpr . To L{oger .. To Fort 'mith To Wynne. To CanalPn. LEJc~ & l\lOORE. l GU BASDAM. To ~L1rsha,,. To Clark ville. To Hone. P... \V. ROBINS. To Paragolllll. , rt• Mountain Uome. To Augu. ta. To Mena. , Pe Mrmphis, Tenn. To Hamburg. To Forayre. To Dardanelle. HJc.:RBERT C. S('OTT. To Para!!OUld. To Ro1?ers. To Murfree boro LAKE & LAKJc,. To Lake Village, 'J'o Enrnwt. 'l'o Emnwt. To tuttgan. To Hope. To Texarkana 1'0 Rnc:c:rilville. 1  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ARKANSAS  1726 POPULA·  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) POPU-  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  T~  1124 609 2091 3i7 3887 73 37 507 357 420 2408 1197  Dumas*•t __________ Desha Dyer*• _________ Crawford Earl*•t ________ Crittenden Elaine •t---------Phillips •El Dorado*•L ______ Union Elkins••------ Washineton Elm Sprinl?s* _Washine-ton El Paso• ____________ White Emerson*•t _____ Columbia Emmet*•t _________ Nevada En2land*•t _______ Lonoke Eudora*•t _________ Chicot  2128 •Eureka Springs*•t Carroll 290 •Evening hade* ____ Sharp 50(1 Everton*•t_ ________ Boone 5362 •Fayetteville*•t. Wash'ton 150 Flippin*•t ____ • ____ Ji!arion 2996 •Fordyce*•t _________ Dallas :moo Foreman"•t __ Little River 3377 •Forrest Oity*•tSt. Francis 28870 •Fort Smith"•t .• Sebastian 319 Fouke*•t ___________ Miller 350 Fountain Hill" -----Ashley 200 Franklin* ___________ Jzard 543 Fulton••t _____ Hempstrad 370 na rla111l*•t _________ .\Ii lier 724 Gentry••t _________ Benton 1155 Gillett"•+ ________ Arkansas 317 Gillham*•t _________ Sevier 891 Glenwood"•t _________ Pike 318 Gould •t. _________ Lincoln 398 Grady"•t _____ Lincoln 400 Grannis"•+ __________ Polk 754 Gravette*•t _______ Renton 868 Green Forest••t ___ Carroll 362 Greenway"•t _________ Clay 1374 •Greenwood"•t .. Sebastian 219 Griffithville*• ______ White 300 Grubbs* __________ Jackson 260 Guion"•+ ___________ Izard 1469 Gurdon••t _________ Clark 398 Hackett••t ______ Sebastian  To Arkansas City. To Van Buren. ee Memphis. Tenn. To Helena. .J. K. MAHONEY. To Fayetteville. To Fayetteville. To Searcy. To Magnolia. To Prescott. To Lonoke. To Lake Village. F. O. BUTT. To Walnut Ridee. To Harrison. J. W. GRABIEL. See Harrison. J. T. RICHARD~O To Ashdown. MANN, BUSSEY & MANN. HILL & FITZHUGH To Texarkana. To Hambure. See Melbourne. 'l'o Ashdown. To 'l'exa rkana. To Rogers. To Stuttgart. To De Queen. To Murfree boro. To Pine Blntf. To Pine Bluff. To Mena. To Roeers. To Eureka prin2s. 'l'o Piggott. To Fort Smith. To Searcy. To Newport. To Melbourne. To Arkadelphia. To Fort mith.  153 •llambure"•L------Asbley G. P. GEORGE. 271 •Hampton" ________ Calhoun To Fordyce. 391l •Bardy*•t ___________ Sharp To Walnut Ridee. 2r,2 Harrell*•t ________ Calhoun To Fordyce. 1315 •Harrisburg••t ____ Poinsett To Jonesboro. 3477 •Harrison••+ ________ Boone CRUMP & CRUMP. 2067 Hartford*•t ____ Sebastian To Fort Smith. 500 Hartman*•f- _____ J ohnson 'fo Rusc;ellvilie. 335 Hatfleld*•t ___________ Polk To Mena. 449 Havana*•L--- ________ Yell To Dardanelle. 300 Hayncs*•t ____________ Lee To Marianna. 783 Hazeu ••t_ _________ Prairie TO DES ARU. 1675 •Heber Sp'2s••t .• Oleburne 0112 •Helena"•L--------Phillips 285 Hermitaee*•t ____ Bradley 400 Hickory Hidge"•f- __ Qross 150 Hindsville* ______ Madi. on 250 Hiwasse••---------Uenton 977 Holly Grove*•+ ___ Monroe 4780 Hope•et_ ______ Hempstead 1038 Horatio*•t _________ Sevier 11695 •Bot Springs*•t ___ Garland 403 Houston"!t ---- ..... Perry 1711 Hoxie*•t _______ Lawrence 51 Huehes••------St. Francis 554 Homphrey"•t ___ Jefferson 1453 Huntmeton"•t _Sebastian 600 •Huntsville" ______ Madi on 1261 Huttig*•t ___________ Union 630 lmboden*•t ____ LawrC'nce 253 •Jasper" ___________ Newton 300 Joiner*• ______ Missi sippi 9384 •Jonesboro*•t ••• Craighead 899 Judsonia"•t ________ White ti53 Junction City*•+ ____ Union 500 Keiser*•------ Missis ippi 480 Kensett••t _________ White  JAS. MITUUELL. MOORE & VINEYARD To Warren. To Wynne. To Fayetteville. To Rogers. To Clarendon. LEMLEY & l,El\lLEY. 'I'o De Queen. SYDNEY . TAYLOR To Little Rock. To Walnut Ridge. To Forrest City. To Pine Bluff'. To Fort mitb. To Roger.. To El Dorado. To Walnut Hidee. Sec Harrison. To Osceola. BASIL BAKJ;R. To earcy. 'I'o El Dorado. To Osceola. To earrv.  ~5~ lTiir:ta,1iF•-;.r::cif1e1f~ :fg ~g~?:c~·Kingston* ________ Madison See Huntsville.  16U 390 230 635 1449 542 400 1000 218  48~ 9~~ 14 1067 534 63142  Knoh,•l*•t ____________ Clay Lafe*• ____________ Greene •Lake City•• .•.. Craighead •Lake Village••t ____ Chicot L1mar•t _________ Johnson Lavaca"•+------- ebastian LeachiHill" ille*• ___·issippi Lead __________ Boone  'l'o Paragould. To Paragould. 'ro Jonesboro. To Ihtmb11r2. To Clarksville. To .Fort Smith. T,c> 01Ya·crtr'o_1,tn. . 1 0 1 150 Leola*•t ____________ Grant ~i~rt~luiJ;ee. LI,eepl~cn"to+• _________ Poic~sectt To Marshall. · 1 • ----------r Y •Lewisville*•t •.•. Lafayette KING & WHATL•;v. Lincoln*•+ ___ Washinl?'ton To Fayetteville. S•Ltttle Rock "•L. Pulaski EMER ON, DONHill & HEPHERD. Specialty: courts. Practice in all Commercial Law. Corporations and Federal Court . RerP.r<mce: outhern Tru t Oo. and Union Trust Co  :fg  <'rim1>iler.- of the Arh'ani;a.- lau>.~ for Uti, pu!Jlication.  NOTE  LJ..TION,  TOWN .AND COUNTY.  794 386 1711 227 1179 772 2158 3864 700 871 823  109:5  Lockesburi:* _______ Sevier London*•-----------Pope •Lonoke"•t ________ LonokC' Lowell*• __________ l.Senton Luxora*•t ____ Mississippi Magazine*•t ________ Loean •Magnolia"•+ _____ Columbia •Malvern*•t ____ not pring Mammoth Sp'g_ *•t Fulton Manila* -------Mississippi Mansfield"•+ ___ ebastian •Marianna"•t __________ Lee •Marion*• ______ Crittenden Marked Tree"•t __ Poinsett )larmaduke*•t ____ Greene •Marshall*•t _______ Searcy Marvell*•t ________ Pliillips Maynard* _______ Randolph McCa kiW• ... Hempstcad McCrory*•t _____ Woodruff McGehee"•t ________ Desha McNeil*•t ______ Columbia McRae*• ___________ White •Melbourne* _________ Izard •Mena*•t _____________ Polk Midland"•+------ ebastian Mineral Sp'gs*• ___ Howard Monette* _______ Craiehead •Monticello •t _______ Drrw Montrose*•L------Asbley Moro*•t --------------Lee •Morrillton"•t _____ Conway •Mountain Home* __ Baxter •Mountain View* ____ tone Mount Holly*______ nion •Mount Ida* __ Mont2omery Mount Pleasant* ____ Izard Mulberry*•t ____ Qrawford  730 2144 888 806 400 3771 297 224 14048 250 482 655 400 350  •!iforfreesboro••------Pike •Nash ville"•t ______ Howard Nettleton*•t ____ Craighead Newark"•t .Independence New Edinburg* _Cleveland •N ewoort"•t ______ Jackson Nimmons* ___________ Clay Norfork *•L-- _____ Baxter North Little Rock.Pula kl Oden* _______ Mont2omcry Okolona*•t ---------Clark Ola*•t ---------------- Yell 0 lvey•·t. _____ ------Boone Omaha* ____________ Boone  N.AME.  191 H.avenden Spgs.*l{andolph Jlj01 Rector*•t Clay ·--- ---- ---h ~~~ ~~ync~;tt -------~1a nd ?1r>d " • ,son • ---- ---- eve an 3318 Roeers*•t ________ B nton 4505 •Russellville*•t.------Pope  To De Queen. To Ru sellville. . W LLS. To Rogers. To Osceola. To Fort mith. l\'ADE KITCHE. ~~. To Arkadelphia. To Salem. To Osceola. To Fort Smith. }'. N. BURKE. ee M~mphis, Tenn. TO JONESBORO. To Paragould. GARLAND KEELING. To Helena. To Walnut Ridge. To Washing•on. See Augusta. To Arkansas City. See Magnolia. To Searcy. E. GOODWIN. W. PRICKETT. To Fort Smith. To Hope. To Jonesboro. To Warren. To Hamburg. To Marianna. W. P. TRAIT. \V. W. l\lcC'ABE. See Marshall. To El Dorado. E. WITT. 'ro Melbourne. To Fort mith. J. '. PIN IX. To Hope. To Jonesboro. To Bate.'ville. To Fordyce. IRA I. MACK. To Piggott. See Mountain Home. 'i'o Little Rock. To Mount Ida. 'I'o Arkadelphia. To Dardanelle. To Harrison. See Harrison. W. J. DRIYER. To Fordyce. To Melhourne. To Hope. To Fort mith. To carcy. R. P. TAYLOR. To Fort mit.h. To Hamburg. 'l'o Wynne. To Paragotlld. To Roger . To Little Hock. To Fayetteyille. W. O. IRBY. IDNEY J. HUNT To Dardanelle. To Morrillton. To Walnnt Ridge. To Piggott. To Walnut Ridge. To Hamburg. To lfosst•llville. To Ji'ayetteville. HAMBY&: HAMBY. re Harrison. To Heber 'prings, To Fort mitn. 'l'o Walnut Ridge. To Pocahonta . To Pi!!gott. To Walnut Ridge. To Fordyce. \\'. W. SIKE~. HA ys & WARD.  1000 •Salem* _____________ Fulton 35 0 Sscotland";-----Van TLluren 400 cranton •--------- ogan 2836 • earcy*•t ___________ White 695 •Sheridan*•+ ---- ____ Grant 350 berrill*•t ______ J C'ITn ·on 349 Shirlry*•t _____ Van :Uuren 200 idney .. -------------• harp 2569 Siloam pring_ ••t .B ntou 300 mitbvillr" _____ T:iwrPn<'l'  P. ('. GOODWJ. 'l'o FMarshal_l.h To ort m1t . J. · RACHEL~. To Pine Blu1L ee Pine Bluff. To ,1ar..:hall. To Walnut Ridge. 'l'o Roger . To Walnut Ridl!'e  507-!  500 1318 861 748 781 210 25 687 2368 448 467 285  3441 787 777 1066 2378 404 265  3010 492 342 500 298  2::iO  175.5 •Osceola*•+ _____ Mi sissippi 200 Ouachita.. ----------Dalla 250 Oxford,. _____________ Jzard 155 Ozan*•t ______ Hempstead 1262 •Ozark*•t ________ Franklin 706 Pane-burn *•L------White 6306 •Paragould*•t ______ Greene 1740 •Paris*•t ___________ .Loean 284 Parkdale"•t ----- --A hley 1378 Parkin*•t __________ .Cross 484 Peach Orchard*•t ____ Clay 300 Pea Ridge" ________ nentou 540 Perry*•t ____________ Perry 500 Pettigrew••t _____ Macli on 2016 •Piegott*•t ____________ CJay 19280 •Prne Bluff*•t ____ Jefferson 890 Plainview*• __________ Yell 702 Plumen·ille*•t ____ Conway 1806 •Porahonta ••+..Randolph 300 Poll:.1d" ______________ Clay 519 Portia"•t _______ Lawrence 618 Portland*•L--- ----Ashlry 275 Pott viJlp* ___________ Popc 861 Prairie Grove*•tWash'ton 2691 •Prescott*•t _______ evada tiO Pyatt"•t __________ )larion  ~~~ 3!)0  iRaveudeu*•L ~ig1~~:-=======~~t~i~~ .. Lawn'nce 1  USE COUPONS a~ instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  ARKANSAS, CALIFORNIA  POPU-  U-  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  TYON,  Sparkman*•···----·Dallas Springdale*•t Washington Stamps*•t •..• -.Lafayette •Star City*• .••..... Lincoln Steohens*•t .••. Ouachita St. Char1es •• -.• -Arkansas St. Francis"•t ·-······Olay St. Joe*•t -----····Searcy St. Paul*• .... _..• Madison Strong*•t ·····-··-·Union •Stuttgart*•t ••.•. Arkansas Success*•t ····-···---Clay 227 Sulphur Rock*•t . . Iuclep. 470 Sulphur Springs*•tBenton 450 Swifton*•·-·· ...• Jackson 275 Taylor*•t ·-····· Columbia 8257 ,.Texarkana*•t ..•... Miller 1312 Thornton*•t _.•.. Calhoun 350 Tillar*•t .... ··-· .... Drew 2598 Trumanni,•t ...•. Poinsett 778 Tuckerman*•t ... Jackson 317 Tupelo*•t ·--·· · --Jack. on 450 Tnonza"•t _•.. _.• Poinsett 5224 .. van Buren*•t... Crawford 400 Vandervoort*•t -··· .. Polk 400 Vanndale*• ··-······Cross fiOOl Viola* ·-------··-··Fulton 400 Wabbaseka*• .•. J efl'erson 85 Walcott* ········-·Greene 704 Waldo*•t ••..... Columhia 918 "Waldron*• .......•.. Scott 2226 .. walnut Ridge*•t. Lawr·ce 2145 •Warren*•t ........ Bradley 556 ..washington*•tHempstead 254 Watson*•L----·····Desha 412 Weiner*•t ___ ..... Poinsett 250 Western Grove* .. Newton :l43 West Fork*•t Washington 4n Wheetley* ·-···St. Francis 27!> Wickes*•t ·-·- ··----· Polk 357 WiJiiford*•t ·····-··Sharp 1034 Wilmar*•t .••.••..•. Drf'w 627 Wilmot*•t ·-·· _... Ashley 500 Wilson*•t .•.. Mississippi 285 Wilton*•t .! ... Little River 217 Winchester *•t ·----·Drew 2~ Winslow*•t -· Washington 2a0 Winthrop••t..Little River 420 Womble*•t •. Montgomery 2933 • Wynne*•t --·· ...• -·_cross 615 ..Yellville*•-·····-··Marion 561 2253 2564 616 i69 200 501 181 284 507 4522 436  'ro Fordyce. To Fayetteville. To Lewisville. To Pine Bluff. To Camden. To De Witt. To Piggott. To Marshall. To Fayetteville. To El Dorado. A.G. MEEHAN. ,  To Paragould. To ::\fntesville. To Rogers. To Newport. To Magnolia. RODGERS & RODGERS.  To Fordyce. To Warren. To Marked Tree. To 'ewoort. To Newport. To Marked Tree. L. H. SOUTHMAYD. To Mena. To Wynne. See Russellville. To Pine Bluff. To Paragould. See Magnolia. To Fort Smith.  POINDEXTER & IRBY. D. A. BRADHAM.  To Hope. To Dumas. To Jonesboro. To Harrison. To Fayetteville. To Forrest City, To Mena To Walnut Ridge. To Warren. To Hamburg. To Osceola. To Ashdown. To Warren. To Fayetteville. To Ashdown. To Mount Ida.  CHAS. E. ROBINSON.  See Harrison.  CALIFORNIA e_ aliforuia is dividr,d into two Federal Di trict ·: mun ly, .Northern and Southern The NORTHERN DISTRICT has three divisions: the 'forth<•rn with court at Sacramento the second Monday in April, the first Monday in October; and at J.;urcka ?D the third Monday in Julr; the Southl'rn with court at San Francisco, on the first Monday m .\larch, sec-ond Monday in July and the flr~t Monday in Tovember.  The SOUTHERN OISTRICT has two divisions, namely; the Northern with court at Fresno, on the first Monday In May and the second Monday In November: the Southern with courts at Los Angeles, on the second Mondays in January and July and at San Diego, on the second Mondays in March and September.  REFERENCE KEY • Oounty Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 28806 Alameda*•t •.••. AlamAda 9096 Alhambra*•t .Los Aneeles 979 .. Alturas*•t ·-·······Modoc 1000 Alvarado*•t ·-····Alame<la 5526 Anaheim*•t ....•.• Oranl!e 1400 A.nderson*•t ·····-·Shasta 941 Aneels Camp*t ._CalaYeras 1936 Antioch*•t .. Contra Costa 600 A.rbuckle*•t -··· .. _Colusa 2239 Arc·auia••t •••. Los Ange'.e, 1486 Arcata*• -······Humboldt lnOO Arlington•t .... Riv1wsirle 760 Arroyo Grande*•tS.L.Ob' 500 Artesia •L .. Los Anl!eles 500 Atwater*•t ·--··--· :Merced 2289 •Auburn*•t •...•.... Placer 586 Avalon"t.._ .. Los Anf;eles 2460 Azusa*•t .••.. Los Aneeles 1863 ... nakersfleld*•t. ..• _.. Kern J;jOO &ldwinPark*•LosAneelc 1810 Banumg*•t _..•• Riverside 250 Bay Point*•tContra Costa 857 Beaumont*•t ... J{ivorside :l500 Bell*------·-·Los An~eles 2000 Bellflower"• .. Los AngeleR 2693 Henecia*•t •..••.... Solano G6036 Berkeley*•t ..... -AJamE'da 674 BeYerly Hills*•.Los Ang. 513 Bieber*t •••.....•• Las,en 683 Biggs*•t ······--····Butte 500 Bigpine*• ··-··--··--·Inyo (Kernan. P. 0 .) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  To Oakland. To Los Angeles. C. S. BALDWIN. To Oakland. To Santa Ana. See Reddine. To Stockton. To llerkeley. 'l'o Colusa. To Los Angeles To Eureka. Ree RivPrside. To San Lui Obi po. To Los Angeles. To Merced. To acramento. To Los Angeles. 'l'o South Pasadena. T. F'. ALLEN.  To Los Angele . See Riverside. 'Po Berkeley. ee Riverside. To Los Angeles. To Los Angele, . To Vallejo. 'l'o Oakland. 'l'o Los Angeles. To usanville. To Oroville. See Visalia.  NOTE  POPULATOWN AND TION.  1304 1622 5389 1037 300 115 2913 4107 200 500 6223 785 850 400 150 1000 1500 300 6C0  1000 637 9339 2132 600 1718 1728 718 1157 500 2934 573 5000 4282 1846 1478 012 1101 1449 4121! 3289 40C 400 500 1999 955  COUNTY.  Biota____________ .. Fresno Bishop*•t ------·-----Inyo Blythe" ·-------Riverside Brawley*•t ______ Imperial Brea•···------·--· Orange Brentwood*•tContraCosta Buena Park*•t ___ .Orange Burbank"•t .-.Los Angeles Burline-ame*•t-.San Mateo Butte CitY*------·--Glenn Byron*·--·-· Contra Costa Oalexico*•t .•.••• Imperial Calipatriat .• --·-- Imperial Calistoe-a*•t ··-·· .. _.Napa Camarillo*•t.·-·· Ventura Cambria* ... San L. Obispo Oampbell*•t ._.Santa Clara Oarpinteria*•t ._S,Barhara Caruthers ••t.. ·--- Fresno Oedarville*t •• --·---Modoc Centerville*• .••.. Alameda Ceres*•t ·-·· •••• Stanislaus Chico*•t ··-··-··---·Butte Chino*•t .. an Bernardino Chowchilla•t •.•.. Madera Chula Vista*•.-.San Diego Claremont*•t.Los Aueeles Cloverdale *•t .... Sonoma Olovis*•t ·--------·Fresno Coachella*•t ._ •. Riverside Coahnea*•t ---·-··Fresno Colfax *•t __________ Placer Colma '•----·-·San Mateo Colton*•t. San Bernardino .. oolusa*•t ····-·-·-·Oolusa Compton*•t .• Los Angeles Concord*•t .. Contra Costa Corcoran*•t -···---·Kings Oornine*•t. -·----Tehama Oorona*•t ·-·----Riverside Coronado*•t •••• Sao Di~o Cottonwoou*•t ...• Shasta Courtlaud*t .. Sacramento Covolo* . .• .... Mendocino Oovina*•t •... Los Angeles •Crescent City*•.Del Norte Crr cent lleights __f,oc:: A. (Los .lngeles P. 0.)  892 400 2300 503 400 3779  Orockett"•t •. Contra Costa Crows Landine-*•t .Stan·us Cucamonga*•t. .S. Ber'd'o Culver Oity• •• Los Angeles Cutler"•t ·--· •..... 'T'ulare 1>aly CUy't-- an :\Iateo  300 939 805 625  Danville*•t -.Contra Costa Davis*•t ··-·····-····Yolo Delano*•t. -········Kern Del Rry*•t ····-·-·Frrsno Denair*•t --·-·Stanislaus Din uba"•L----· .... Tulare Dixon*•t. •. _.... -.• Solano Dorris*•t ··----·· Siskiyou Dos l-'alos* ·-··-·-- Merced Downey"•t •.. Los Angeles Ducor"•t ··-··----·· Tulare Dunsmuir*•t .•.. iskiyou Durham*•+__, •. - ..•. Butte Earlimart*•t .. _... Tularc Ea t Auburn*t ·-···Placcr Ea t San Diego* .San Diego (San Dieon P. 0.) El Cajon*•t .... San Diego .. El Centro*•t .• -•• Imperial Elk Grove"•t .Sacramento Elmhurst•t _____ .Alameda  llO  3400 926 424 400 2000 500 2528 250 100 600 4148 469 5464 500 5000  (Br, of San Fr(11tcisco)  (()alfland, P. O.)  El Monte*t. .. Los Angeles El Segundo*•.Los Angeles ELinorc*•t Emery vii te*t···-·Riverside •...• Alameda Escalon *•t._. an Joaquin Escondido*•t ...San Diego Esp rto*•t. .•_______ Yolo Etna Mills*• ..... Siskiyou 12923 •Eureka*•t ·--·-·Humboldt 1852 Exeter*•t •. ·-······ Tulare 1008 .. Fairfield*t .... .... olauo 1000 Fairoaks*•t ..• Sacramento 5<)0 Fall Brook*•t. •• San Diego 350 Fall River Mill •... Shasta 919 Ferndale*•t ..•. Humboldt 1597 Fillmore*•t .• _____ Ventura 1200 Firebaugh*•L-.--.Fresno 1500 FolsomOity*•tSacramento 1845 Forestville* ··----·Sonoma 400 Fort Bidwell*•t. ... Modoc 2616 Fort Bragf*•t. Mendocino 33l Fort Jone~*• .... -Siskiyou 98u Fortuna*•t ..... Humboldt 1528 Fowler*•t •..•....• Fresno 45086 ..Fresno••t .•.••.••• Fresno 1283 156.'! 33 23~90 500 1789 350 425  5000 4415 1000 1800 500 -100 2862  Fruitvale•t '-•··-Alameda Fullerton*•t ··-····Orange Galt *•t ····-··Sacramento Gardena*• .... Los Angeles Garden Grove*•t •• Orange Geyserville*•t .... Sonoma Gilroy*•t. .. _._Santa Clara  1727  NAME.  To Fresno.-- - - - To Independence. See Riverside. To El Centro. To Santa Ana. To Berkeley. To anta Ana. To Los Angeles. To San Francisco. See Willow. To Berkeley. To El Centro. To El Centro. To Napa. To Ventura. See San Luis Obispo. To San Jose. To San1a Barbara. To Fresno. 'ro Alturas. To Oakland. See Modesto. To Oroville. To an Bernardino. To Fresno. To San Diego. To Los Angeles. See San ta Rosa. To Fresno. See Riverside. To Fresno. To Auburn. To San Francisco. To San Bernardino. BROWN & ALBERG.  To Los Angeles. To Berkeley. See Hanford. To Red Bluff. See Riverside. To San Diego. To Retlcling To Sacramento. To Ukiah. To Los Angeles. G. W. HOWE.  To Los Ang<'le  To Berkeley. See Modesto. To San Bernardino. To Los Angeles. 'I'o Visalia To San Franci~co. To Berkeley. To Sacramento. To Bakersfield. To Fresno. See Modesto. To Visalia. To Vallejo. To Yreka . See Merced. To Los Angele . See Vi alia. To Yreka. See Oroville. To Yisalia. To Auburn. To San Diego. To San Diego. J. S. ROSS.  To Sacramento. To Oakland. To Los Angeles. Tie ~{~,tr~fJ~~s. To Oakland. See tockton. 'T'o San Diego. To Sacramento. To Yreka. J. S. BURNl]LL.  To Visalia. TToo SVaaclrleaJm.oe. nto.  See San Diego, To Redding, To Eureka. To Ventura. To Fr suo. To Sacramento. See anta Rosa. To Altura . To Ukiah. To Yreka. To Eureka. See Fresno. BARNARD & WATTERS. Union Natl. Bk. llldo.  •ro Oakland. To Santa Ana. 'l'o Sacramento. To Lo Angeles. To.Santa Ana. See Santa Rosa. To San Joe.  USE COUPONS as i~structed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  -~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1728  CALIFORNIA  POPU• LA· TOWJ:  AL D  cou  ATTORNEYS.AT.LAW (BONDED) NAME.  'TY.  TION_-· _ _ __  1853G 202 liOO 4006 500 1636 3!i0 656 800 716 1200  Glf'ndale*•t • __ Los Ane-eles Gltmdora••t •• Lo A nerlt· Gonzale ••t.._ .• Monterey Gra!<s \'allry*•t ___ ·evada Grt-1'uvillr*•t._ •. __ p111mas Gridlt>y••t ···- ..•... Butte Grimrs• ······- .... Colu ·a Guadalllpe*•t._ S. Barbara Guerneville*• .... _Sonoma Gust1m-'*•t ••.•••.• Alerc1'<i HalnloonHay*•t 'anMateo  To Los Angele .. To Lo.' Aul!'ele . See ahnas. To .·evada City. To Quincy. To Oroville. See Colusa. See Santa Barbara. See San ta Ro ·a. See MPrced. To San Francisco.  5888 •Hanford*•t ·-·······Kings JOO Hardw1rk*•t •••••.. Kings !Ws7 Hayward "'•t. _____ Alameda 2U2 Ht>ald::.llure*•t -··- onoma 1480 Hemt>t"•t ....••. R1\·erside 2327 Hermosa R ·ach*•.LosAng. li93 Highland*•t an Bernardino ...•.• Hilmar -··-······· Merced  H. S. JA('OJJ. S1•e Hanford. To Oakland. ee Santa Rosa. ee River. ide. To Lo Angele·. To , an Bernardino. To Merced .  2781 25000 1347 550 600 500 1687 4513 600 1885  GEO. W. SEAN. To Los Angeles. To El Centro. See Ukiah. See Ventura. To Modesto. To Santa Ana. To Lo Ang les. To Los Angeles. To El Centro. Set> Fresno. To River icle. To Los Angt'les. To, acramento. To Oakland. To. acramento. To Sacrameuto. Ser Sonora. 'l'o Lakeport. To Itedding. See Frrsno. To Bakersfield.  •Ho!lister*•t ..•• San Benito Hollywood*• .• Los Aneeles Holtville"t ....... Imperial Hopland*•t •.• -Mendocino Huent>me•·-··-··- Ventura Huehson••t .... Stanislaus HuntingtonBeach*•tOrange Huntington Park*•tL. Aug. Hym-'s*•t. .. -· Los Angel s lmperial*•t ••.•• _Imperial 407 •lndependrnce*•t •• -.. Inyo ;i00 l udio • t. .. _... _Ri\·er,icle 3286 lnl!lrwood •t .Lo· AngPlPS 876 Ione*•t ·-·-··-··· Amador 750 Irvington"• .•••.. Alamf'da 500 Isleton•• . .... Sacramento 1601 •Jack.ou*•t -···---Amador 800 J;imrstown*• ___ Tuolumne 500 Kelsey ville* ••••.... _Lake 4li4 Kennett••t. .••••. _.Shasta 400 Kerman*•t .•.••••. Fresno •..•.• Kern* .........••••.• Kern 1048 King City*•t •••. :Monterey 1316 King burg••+ ..... Frrsno 320 Knight~ Lanclingt ...• Yolo <Grafton I'. ().} l;i00 "La Habra•• ..•.•.•• Orange 1100 La Jolla*•t ...•. San Dieeo 1024 •LakePort•• ••.•••••.. Lake :WOO La Manda Pa.rk*•t Lo: Angeles 100-1 La Mesa••t. .... an Dit>go 7~0 Lancaster"•+ .Los AngelP!'! 1800 Lankershim ••t LosAngeles 400 Laton••t •...••.•.. Fresno 1C98 La VernP ••••• Lo Angeles 300 Lr Grand ••t ··-·- Mercr.d ~QQ Lemon Cove~• •.... Tulare fo;J.J Lemoore*•t •.••••.•. Kings 1325 Lincolo*•t •.....••. Placer 2576 Li ndsay••t ........• Tulare 4!<0 Liv (hk ••t ...• - .. utter 1916 Livermore*• t ..• Alameaa 4~;; Living ton••t ....• MPrced fil2 Lockrford*•t. an Joaquin 4 50 Lodi*• L ...... an Joaquin 300 Lo!Pta•• ..•••.•• Humboldt 2:500 Lomita"-··· . . Lo Angele 1876 Lompoc•• t _Santa liarbara  To alinas. To Fre no. To Sacra men to. To Santa Ana To San Diego  C. M. CRA \VFORD. To Los Angele . To San Diego. To Los Angele . To Ln, Angeles. ee ll'resno. To Los A ngelcs. Ser Merced. To Yi alia. To Hanford. To Auburn. To Visalia. ee Colusa. To Oakland. See MPrcPd. See, tockton. 'See Stock ton. .~er. EurPka. To i.os Angeles. To anta Barbara.  55593 Loni Beach••t _ L. Angeles CHARI.ES D. WALLACE. 206 1lforine Bank Bldg. l\00 Loomis*•t ····-·····Placer To Auburn. 300 Los Ahm11s•• t 8. Barbara To Sant,1 Barbara. 1500 Lo' Alto· • -· anta Clara To Han Jo_e. 576673 • Los Angele • •t .L. Angeles  COOPER, COLL1NGS & i-;HREVE. \\ a'-hington fluiltli11g, (.John . C' 10 1H·r, Ll'\l'i D. Colling . Ol'Orge II. ' hren•) Prar•i('I' all , ttt!' and feLlPral rou1"°s, eorporatiou, hank. ing. pr b.L' e, iu,un11c1', com111e1Ti'tl, rriminal law. Rl'l'Prl'll('t•~ any .i Hll!' or hank Lo~ .\ngPIP C'oun y . ommt'rcial l)ppartml'll urnll'l'l'Xl)l'r lffllllg'Clll'll .Dcp:J,ition h•forr V•"i D. ( 'oiling-,, Xotary Pnhli::. al)k .\rldr(• ": "."ODROG."  TURNBULL, HEFFRON & KELLEl· . Washington Bldg. General practice in all courts. Uorporation, banking. probate, insurance, and commercial law. The interest of non• re 'id nts eivt>n per onal, prompt, and efficient attention not only at Los Angeles but thronl!l1uut outhern Cali. fornia. Department for commercial collections under ex pert manaeement. References: Citizens rational Bank, ecurity Trust & aving Ba.nk, and Hibernian avings Bank. R. G. Dun & Co. at any of their offices. References in any city upon request.  POPULA· TOWN AND COUNTY. TION.  1276 2~17 4.J2 113  Los Banos*•t •.•••. Mercf'd To Merced. Los Gato ·*•t..Santa Clara To an Jose. Lov11lton*• ..... ···- ierra To Oownieville. Lynwood+ ... Lo. \.11::: •le To Los Angele (W,tti;P.0.) 34H •Madt>n,••t .... ···-Madera To Fresno. 1286 Mantt>ra·•t ..• San Joaquin S!'e tocktou. 1121 Marirona"•t ·-····-··KE'rn To Bakersfield. 3858 •Martiuez*•L.Contra Costa 'l'o Br.rke!ey. 5461 •Marysville"•t ........ Yuba CHAS. A. WETMORE. 400 Maxwell"•t .....•.. Colu ·a See Colusa.. · 1127 Maytlt'ld"•t ...Santa Clara To San Jose. 2500 McCioud*•t ...... Siskiyou To Yreka. ~00 McFarlaud"•t •...... Kern To llaker field. ~oo Melroset ......... Alameda To Oakland. 1100 Mendocino*• .. Mendocmo See Ukiah. 3974 •Merced*•t. ....••.. MPrCed }'. W. BENDER 'ON. 255-1 Mill Valley*•t ....•. Mario See San Francisco. 550 Miloitas*•t .••• Santa Clara To an Jo e. 9241 •Modesto*•t •.... Stanislaus W. J. BROWN. 500 Moneta*• .•••• Los Angeles To Los Ane-eles. 5480 Monrovia*• t •• Los Angeles To Lo Angeles. 453 Montagup*•t .•••• Siskiyou To Yreka. 3000 Montt>bt>llo*t .Los Angtles To Los Angeles. 5479 Montney*•+ •.•. Monterey To Salinas. 500 Moorpark*•t .•••. Ventura To Ventura. 646 Morgan Hill*•tSanta Clara To San .1 o e. 1888 Mountam View*•.Santa C. To an Jose. 6757 •Napa*•t ············· 'apa ('. i;. TRO\\'ER. 3ll6 National City*•t an Diego To , an Diego. 2807 Needles••tSan Bernardino BENJ. HARRISO 1782 •Nevada City*• t ... Nevada NILON & NILON. ,)Vil Newcastle*•t •.•... Placer To Auburn. 1251 Newmau*•t .... Stanislaus To .\lodesto. 89.J Newport Heach*•t.Orangt> To, anta Ana. 2:50 ilaud••L-...•. lmprrial To El Centro. LlSVO Nllt's*•t. •.......• Ali:llllt'tla To Oakland. 400 Norwalk*•t. .. Los Angeles To Los Angeles. 750 Novato*• t ·--·······Marin Sen Ran Rafael. 1745 Oakdale*•t ..... Stamslaus To Modesto . 21626l•Oakland*•t ·.•...• Alam('da. DUNN, WHITE& AIKEN, (Jesse J. Dunn, Carlos n. White, and Uenj. IL Aiken\,, i.·th Floor Syndicate Building. Corporation, commercial and probatl' practice. General civil practice in all ·tate and federal courts. Thoroughly organized collection de1 artm •ut under se1 arate management. Depo itions be fore Bertha Heck, .·otary, or u. H. Aiken. Attornt>ys for College National Bank. A. T. & anta Fe Hy., Pacific fanifolding Co., Publ:c Administrator, and J. I. Ca ·e Threshing .Machine Co. Refer to any bank. 7:50 Oakley •t.. Contra Co •a To .. Iar•inez. 15000 Uctjiiupark*•t.Los Angeles 'ro Lo Au~eles. 1161 Oceansicte•• t ._.San Diego To an Dieeo. 50/l ()ja.i*• t •........•• Vf'n tura See Ventura. 500 Olive*• .......•.•• Orange To anta Ana. 7280 Ontario*•tSan Bernardino To San Bernardino. 4884 Orange••+ -·· ..•. Orange To Santa Ana. 200 Orange Co·.-e•• t ._.Fre no To Fresno. 4000 Orcutt • t . 'anta Ihrhar,1 To -.;•111ta B trbar,t 1582 Orlaucl*• t ...•...... WPnu ·ro W1llow. 900 Orosi*t . ·····-·····Tulare 'l'o Visalia. 3340 •Orovillr.•• t ......•... Butte W. E. Dl NCAN, JR. :500 Owensmouth*• tL'sAngeles To Lo Angeles. 4417 0 nard*• t .....•. V t>ntura To Ventura. 2974 Pariflc Grove*•t Monterf'Y 'l'o, alinas. 60 Palmdale"• +_Lo · Angele To Los Angele . 2fi0 Palms*• t ..... Los Angl'Je To Lo A nl!eles. 5900 Palo Alto"• t ... anta Clara 'l'o, an Jo·e. 1200 Parlier•t•····-·- Fresno To Fr •sno. 45354 Pasadrna*•t .. Lo Anl?eles  TANNER, ODELL & TAFT, ./.JO Citizena Sa•.  1919 69.J 499 430 6226 967 2:50 4715 300 1000 16">0 991 657 39-1 100 13505 4097 300 1500 750 500 310-1 2962 9571 4913 4020 2447 961 16843 1104 1000 :i00 1500 :i00  (Also at Los Angeles ). Paso Rohles• •• San L. Ob. 'l'o an Lui Obisi::-o. Patterson*• t .... Stanislaus To Modesto. Pnri ·*• t -······Rivrrc;icle , ee Hiv,•r:irle. Pescaclero"t. .. 'an ~Iateo To ",an Francisco. Petaluma••t ···--· onorua F. . ('RO:\ln"F.LL. Pinolr*• t ... Contra Costa To lkrkrley. Firu"• t. ...... Ventura To V1·utura. Pittsburf?"• t.Contra Co:,;ta To Berkl'ley. Pixley•• t ...•...... Tulare To Visalia. Placentia*• t ..•.•.. Orange To Santa Ana. •Placerville*• t..El Dorado t'RED IRWI N. .l-'leasanton*•t ...• Alameda To Oakland. Plymouth *......• Amador To acramento. Point Arena••_Mendorino See kiah. PointR1•ycsStalion*•Marin To an Francisco. Pomona*•t ... Los Angeles To Lo Angeles. Porterville*•t ....• Tu tare To Visalia. Princeton* •.....•.• Colusa See Colusa. Puente••+ .. -.Los An1?eles To Los Angt>IP<:. •Qumcy••t •.••••.. }'lumas J. U. McLAUGHLIN. Ramona* ····-··San Diego 'l'o , an DiPgo. •Red Blutl'*•t ••.••• Tehama McCOY & GAN,. •Redding••+ ·· ······shasta BARRY DONNELLY. Recllands*•t S.Bernardino To an Bernardino. Redon<lo Beach*•t .Lo A. To Lo Angele . •Red wood City*•t.S. Mateo To an Francisco. ReE'Clley*•t ........ 1'o Fr no. Hialto*•t .. San Bernardino To San Bernardino. Hirhmond*•tContra Costa To Berkeley. Rio Vi. ta*• ..•..•.. olano To Vallejo. Ripon*•t. .•. . San Joaquin c•e Stockton. Rivera••t. ••. Los Angeles To Lo Angele . Rivnl!lank*•t ••• Stani laus See Modesto. RiverrlaJe•t. ...... Frrsno Ree Fr sno.  TANNER, ODELL & TAFT. Lo-- \ngell'-., 524 I. .T. Yan ·uy 131dg., Santa )fonica, 203 Du<ll(•y Block., Practice in all ·atP an,l f1•<1nal courts amt lwfore al 1 . tate comrni '. ,ion.. Thir y.ftve ypar-. Pxprriencl'. Att 11rn"Y f 1r th' Title Guarantee & Trust Co., Lo Angele' ; Fir • ·a tional lhnk of OcPan Park. Ocean Park Btnk, and )Ior. chan•s' .Ja ional B:rnk. or S,in a )lonica. I~irlll compo,e<l of R.H. 'l'au11Pr, Fn•<l ll. Taf, . \Y. O<lell, Rohert .\. Odell ancl II. W. 'raft . No1arirs ill hoth oflicpc:;, USE COUPONS aa inetructed to BE PROTECTED by bond.  NOTE  NAME.  See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  Bk. Bldq .  CALIFORNIA, COLORADO  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) POPULATION.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  909 Hirst National Bank Bl<tg.  1400 San Dimas*•+ Lo:s Angeles To Los Ang-eles. 3204 San F~rnando*•t. __ Los A. To South Pasadena. :506676~San Franr1sro*•t ___ Ran F. 5-R.H. cno~s. 638 Mills Building. Cableaddress."Crosslaw." Westrrn Union Code. Gimeral practice in Frderal and State Courts. D~positions attend rd to. Hortense Gardner, Notary. A1tornPy ror tne San Leandro State Hank. Refer enrPc;; Sherman Olay & Co., Harris Automatic Press Co., Atkins Kroll & Co. and any bank in Alameda County or San Francisco. i-IUNRY G. W. DINKELSPIEl,, 412 to 18 Chr miclc Building. able Address "GESDl\'." \Yp 'Prn rnion Colle u"ecl. Ui\'il ·,racficc in all .'·a~I' and FeclPn l Conr c;. DPnositions car ·fully at encl"d ·o. E. C. Conr >Y, •o·ary. h1tPrc,; s of 11,m n•siclenL g n•n 1wrso11 l1 a + ('u•1011 ,n au Franci--co ancl ('Pn' nl C,11 !'or111a. Rl'fPrt•m•e,: Ani?lo <', London. Pari,; • '1tional Il'lllk, l'nion 'I'nt'- Co., B-tnk of J'a ly. all of San Frmcisco. Aho . ·,11 innal C ll!lui and Cable C >., • 1 • Y.; L·rnc:as rrTirP &. Rn h•r o., C ,Jnmbu .. 0., !1111..;on Ilat.\lanufac nringCo., ". Y .. Ho•ssler& lfa<;_ slaclwr Chunic;,l Co., J. • Y. an<l in gc in, an Francisco. Compiler of the law• of the State of California for thi• publication.  501 5703 5895 5979 500 25000 5512 15485 19441 5225 10917 3941> 15252 3967 8758 1200 :'.00 2790 4000 2-1011 1493 300 31;-j8 500 2000 2026 fi-15 550 200 801 1684 7652 4411  mo  1346 40296 500 1050 769 1675 918 920 3317 458 280 500 219  TOWN AND COUNTY.  ~-  19341 •Riverc;idP*•t ____ RivPrc;idP ADAIR & WINDEU., 202 Loring Block. Attorneys for Fir~t National Bank, Citizen· National Bank. The National Bank or River. ide, Glenwood 1'Ii. "ion Inn, Ith erside Water Company and Title lnsuranre Company, all of RiYersHle; Corporation and Probate a specialty; no accounts accepte I under $500.00. 1000 Rodeo .. t _____ contra Costa To Ber1.;e.ey -1-177 Rosev1lle*•t __ ______ Pla<'P.r To Auburn. 6.5908 §•Sacramento *•t 8acram·to MF.RF.DITO, I,ANDIS & CHESTER, Capital National Bank Builcling. c;eneral Counsel for Capital li'ire lnsuranre Co .. Sar-ra•1 ento , 'ort 1ern Ra:iroa·I Com1>anv. Citizens Bank of Sa ran ento et·. He reran e: Any Bank or Hanker in acramento. Corroration. prol •ate and rommercial law. 120 Salida*•t ______ s anislaus To ~1odesto. 4308 •Salinas*•t _______ .Montt'l"t'Y DAVID J. AARON. 2475 San Anselmo*•+ ____ Afarin To San Franc1sro. 18721 •San Rnnar<lino*•t.8:in R. ERNEST C. GRIDLEY. 1562 San Bruno*• ___ San ~I ateo To San Francisco. 74683 •San Diego*•t .. San DiPgo LIGGETT & LIGGETT.  2640 2578 945 200 39642  POPU LA ·  400 18110 2450 100 3339 339-1 2000 2305 2912 1254 21107 100 4000 10385 4342 1005 800 5753 538 !'iUO  800 500 5013 4529  NAME.  -----------~  Tomales*•t _________ Marin Torrance*•t __ Los Angeles Tracy*•t ..... San Joaquin Tranquillity"•t ____ Fre ·no Tulare*•t __________ Tulare Turlock*•t _____ Stanislaus Tustin*•t __________ Orani:e •Ukiah*•t ______ Mendocino Oplanct*•t San Bernardino Vacaville*•t _______ Solano Valle1o*•t _________ Solano Valley Ford*•t ... Sonoma Van uys*•t .Los AngPIC's Venice*•t ____ Los Angeles •Ventura*•t _______ Vent1ua Vernon ______ Los Angeles (Los Angeles P.O.) Victorville*•t San Bernardino • Visalia"•t. _________ Tulare Walnut Creek*•toontra C. Watuutll-rove*•tSarram'to Wasro*•t ____________ KPrn \Ya'c rforcl. _____ ~-ani,las \.\ atsonv1lle"•tSanta Uruz Watts*•t _____ Los Angeles (Los Anoefos P. 0.)  750 .. weaverville*•----- Trinity 40 00 Weed *•t. ________ Siskiyou 300 We~tmorlamL ___ Imperial 4100 Westwood*•+ _____ Lassen 435 Wheatlan!.l*•t-------- Yuba 7097 Whittier*•+ ___ Los Ange!Ps 800 Williams"•L _______ Colu a 1468 Willits*•t ______ .Menctocino 2190 •Willow·*• __________ Glenn uou Wmninl!ton*•t .L . .Anl!eles 903 \VintC'rs"•t ___________ Yolo 2:iO Woodlake*t ________ Tu !are 4147 •Wood lancl"•t. ________ Y010 800 Yorba Linda*•---- Orange 1277 --Yrekc1*•t. ______ Siskiyou 1708 •Yuba City*et_ ______ 8utter  1729  -  To San Francisco. To Los Angeles. To Stoekton. To Fresno. 'l'o V1 ·a11a. To Mode ·to. To Santa Ana. KEITH C. EVER OLE. 'l'o an llerna.rdino. To Vallejo. H. v. GREE 'WOOD. See Santa l{osa. To Lo.' Angeles. To Los Anf!eles. A.H. BLANCHARD. To Los Angeles.  To San Benardino. J. A. CHASE. To Berkeley. To Sacramento. To Bakrrsfield. To ~Ioclcs o. To Santa Cruz. To Los Angeles. Se.e Redding. To Yreka. To El Centro. To su~anville. To '.llarysville. To Los Angeles. See Colu ·a. 'l'o Ukiah. GEO. R. FREEl\lAN. To Lo.· Angeles. 'l'o acrarncnto. 8Pe Vi. ·alia. To S,\Cramento. To Santa Ana. n. K. COLLIER. To Colusa.  San Gabriel*•tLos Angele Sanger*•t _________ Fresno San .larinto*•t __ HiYnside San Joaquin•t ____ .Fresno •San Jose*•t. __ Santa Clara  To Los Angeles. To Fresno. See Riverside. To Fre~no. C. L. WITTEN, General Law Prartice. Depositions taken. Re fers to banks and business house~ grn1>rallv SanJuan _____ San Benito Tc Hollister. (San Juan Bautista P. 0.) San Lean<lro*•t._Alameda To Oakl:rncl. •San Luis Ohispo*•tS.L.Ob. L. A. ENOS. San Mate'o*•t _.8an .Mateo To San Franci co. San Mig11rl*•t. .. 8. L. Ob. See San Luis Obispo. San PPclro*•t.Los Angples See Los Ang-eles. •San Rafapt*•t ______ Marin To San Francisco. •Santa Ana••t_ _____ Orange SCARBOROUGH & FORGY. •Santa Hnrhara••tS. Bar·til!. THOMPSON & ROUERTSON. anta Olara*•tSanta Clara 'I'o San .Jose. •Santa Oruz*•t .Sant.a Cruz C. B. YOUNGJ;R. anta Maria*•t .S. llarbara To Santa Ba.rhara. Santa \loni<'a*•t .Los Ang. TANNER, ODF.LL & TAFT. 203 Dudley Bld(I. (Also at Los Angeles.) Sant.a Pa u la*•t .. Ve.utura To Ventura. • 'ant.a Rosa*•t ____ Sonoma R. l\f. BARRE1'T. Saratol!a*• ____ Santa Clara See ·anta Clara. Satiroy*•t. ______ Vl'ntura S1·e Ventura. Sau.alito*•t ________ Marin Pf San li'rancisco. Sawtl'llt•*•+_ __ Los Ange,rs To Los Angele . cotia*•-------- llumholdt TTo [:nn-'kal{. Seba. ·topoJ*•t ____ .Sonoma o .-.Eanta osa. Seelt>y"• _________ lmill'rial To 11 CPntro. 8Plma*•t __________ FrP s no To Frr ·n,L Shafter" ___________ ~ ern To Bakersfield. ShPrman*•t .. Los AngPIPs To Lo· ,\ngples. Rirrrn \lnclrP"•.l.. Ane:rlf'S 'T'o Lo..; Ant:rlPs. Smi h RVPr*t. !lei 'lor <' To Cre~cent Ui'y. Solet1ad ·•+ ______ Monterey Sr<' Si! linas. Solvang• ... Santa Barbara Sc•e Santa Barhara. Sonoma*•t_ _______ Sonoma Sf'e Santa Ro ·a. •Sonora*•t. _____ Tuolumne CHAS!. II. !•rnGERSTitOM. South Pasac!Pna*•t Los A·s To Los Angele". S. San Fr'sro*•tSan Mateo 'T'o San Francisco. Standish* __________ fo<.;S('n To Susanville. St. HelPna*•t. _______ Napa See N;ioa. .o.Storkton*•t .. San Joaauin GORDON A. STEWART. Stratrord ___________ Kinf!S 'ro Hanford. Strathm11n•"•t _____ Tulare SPP Visalia. Sui.un Citv"•------Sola110 To Vallejo. SunnyvalP*•t. Ranta Clara SPP ~an .I ose. •Susanvillp*•t ______ Lass1•n GROVJ::R C. JULIAN. Sutt-Pr Oi!'ek*•t. •. Amadnr To Saeramt•uto. Taft*•t.. --- ---- ---- .I~rru Tso BlT1kknsfiflPlr1 Teharhapi"•t.. ------ 1\Prn · re ,a <>rs <' 1c1· TemPrula••i .. RivPrsicle 8E'P RivPrside. 'l'Prra Tirlla*•t. Tnlt1rf> 81'1• Vi-.alia. Thermal*•+ ____ Jtin•r,iclP To Rive.r, 'd<'. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  NOTE  COLORADO One Federal District comprises entire state, and district court ls held at Denver, first Tue~days in May and NovembN; at Pueblo, the first TuPe. rla:v In AprU: at Grand .Jnnc-tion, ·ct·o11cl Tuc,day in Ht•ptember; at Montrose, on the third Tu" day i11 •'cptcmber and at Durango, fourth TtH•,!.lay in .' 'Ptember.  REFERENCE KEY • County Seat. * Monry Order Office. • Express Office. t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 1~0 \oate •t Elhert To Limon. ·> • " ----------•ro •rrin·,,•ad. 1236 Aguuar*t _____ La Animas u 1401 •Akron*•t ____ Washing-ton CHALKLEY A. WIL~ON. 3171 •Alamosa*•t ______ Alamosa H7 Alma••t _____________ Park !lO ,\mhnst*•t ______ Phillip,; 946 AntonitO''•L ______ Oonf'.ios 100 Arapahoe ______ Qh(•yenno 334 Arriba"•t _________ Linroln 9J:5 Arvada*•t. ______ Jpfferson 121i3 •Aspen*•t __________ l-'itkins 769 Ault*•t. _____________ We>ld f~~ t~r;\~~1:-c_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~i,~w: 267 Bayf1elcl* _________ La Plata 100 flPnnrtt*•t ________ Adams 852 RPrthoud*•t ______ Larim1-r lllO Bethune• __ : ___ Kit Ear on 380 Hlanra*•t. ________ Co~1illa 250 floone"•t ---------_Pueblo 11006 ,.Houloer"•t _______ :Rouldrr 130 Bovina••t ________ Linroln 200 Rra n!lon* __________ Kiowa 200 Brau on Las ,Animas ' ------ · · 706 •RrP<'kPnric1gP*•t._ 11mm1t ·1110 Rriee-rlal" •• w .. ,n  JOHN T. ADAMS. 'l'o Lt>aclville. To Sterling. SPl1 Alamosa. 'l'o ChPyenne Wells. To Limon. 'I'oGnl<l1~n. To Gle>nwood Springs. To Grt>r.!Py. 1 _lon. • To Durango. To Hrightnn, 'I'n For ill ins. 'l'o H, rl n ton. To .\lamo--a. To Pueblo. RINN & ARCIIIBALD. To A amosa. To Eads. 'I'o Trinillad.  ~g R~W~  ('ARL A. KAI!iiER. T,, !lr1•••!1•,·  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2715 250 100 2103 ··-· 903 991  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  COLORADO  1730 POPU· LA· TION.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  •Brighton••+-----·- Adams Bristol*•t --------Prowers Broomfield*•t ____ Boulder Brush"'•t ··-·-----.Morgan Buckingham* ·------Weld •Buena Vista*•t •... Chaffee •Burlinirton*•t .• Kit Carson  POPULAT10N,  NAME. HARRY BEHM.  To Lamar. 'l'o Boulder, To Fort M.Orfan. To Greeley.  G-. K. HARTENSTEIN.  A. P. 'IONE WILSON, Jr. Reference; First Nat10nal Bank. Burlington, Colo. 2i:; Byers*•t ··-··---Arapahoe To Littleton. Calhan*•t--·------El Paso To Colorado Sprines. :;oo 100 Campo ____ . ____ flaca To Springfield. 4551 •Canon City*•t ... Fremont J. P. THOMAS, JR. 310 Carbondale*•+ .... Gartteld To lllenwood Springs. -Hil •Castle Rock*•t ••• Douglas To Denver. 455 Cedaredge.. -···------Delta To Montrose. 547 Center*-·- ______ Saguache See Monte Vista. 552 •Central City*•t ••... Gilpin Wm. C. MATTHEWS. 186 Oheraw•t ····-------Otero To Le, ,Junta 508 •Cheyenne Wells*•tOhey'n V. H. JOHNSON. 200 Clifton*•t ··--··-----Mesa To Grand Junction. 286 Oollbran* ___________ .Mesa To Grand Junction. 30105 •Colorado Sprinfs*•tEIPaso IllERBAUhR & JACKSON, Attor• noys for thP Coloi·ado Springs Nat'! Bank and the Chicago Rock I la.u<l & Pacific I{. R. Co. 200 Cope• ---·-·-· Wa hington To Akron. 541 •Oortez* _ -···--Montezuma JOUN J. DOWNEY. 1297 •Craig* -----·-·------MoJJat GEO. A.. PUGH.b. 149 Crawford*·--------· Delta To .Montrose. 500 •Creede*•t ·-··-----Mineral To Monte Vista. 1213 Crested Butte*•tGunnison To Gunnison. 2325•Cripple Oreek"•t ••.. Teller ALTER & UPTON. 232 Crook*•t _------··Logan To StP.rling. Crowley To Ordway. 224 Crowley·-···---Dailey" ___________ .Logan To Sterling. 100 292 De Beque*•t ·-----·-·Mesa To Grand Junction. 500 Deertrail*•t. ____ Arapahoe •ro Littleton. 1001 •Del Norte*•t..Rio Grande To Alamosa. 2623 •Delta*•t ____________ Delta To Montrose. 256401 •Denver*•t ••..• -.. Denver. GARWOOD & GARWOOD, E. & 0, Buildinf, General  Practice in State and Federal Courts. Commercial Law Deoartment. Burton A. Smead, Notar:, Public. Reference: First National Bank. Cumpilers of the Colorado laws for this publication.  QUAINTANCE, KING & QUAINTANCE, E. & C. Bldg, (Alvin H. Pickens. Arthur D. Quaintance, Wm. B. King, Cregar B. Quaintance). General practice in State and  Federal Courts. Commercial Dept. (no matters under $100 at C. L. L. rates). Reference: White Automobile Co .. Underwood Typewriter Co .. Bradstreet, Merchants Bank, Denver, Matters given prompt attention.  J'OHN M. CAMPBELL, Cooper Building. Collections and Probate Law a Specialty. Reference; Broadway Bank,  and Capitol HiJl State Bank, Denver.  CARL, ON & F.RICKSON, 317-319 Byrne • Building, George A. Carlson (Former Governor of Colorado.) Arthur X.  Erick:.on. General Business Practise. Collection Dep't. 465 Dolores*•t ___ .Montezuma To Cortez. 4116 ~ouranie-o*•t -·---·La Plata MOLLETTE & CLEMENTS. References: First National and Burns National Banks. G. p, KRATZ. 406 •Eads*•t .. ----·- •... Kiowa To Leadville. ~58 Eagle*•+ -----------·Eiu:-le Brighton, 100 Eastlake*• --------Adams To Greeley. To 1289 _________ Yuma To Wray. Eckley*•t------·-----Weld 332 Eatou*•t To Limon. ,50 Elbert*•t ------·-··-Elbert To Limon. 230 Elizabeth*•t ------· Elbert 4356 Englewooct*t -·· .Arapahoe To Denver. 697 Erie*•t ______ ·---·---Weld To Greeley. 5u:; Estes Park* _____ Larimer To Fort Collin--. 505 Evans*•t ··---·-··-·-Weld To Greeley. 183 •Fair Play*•t ________ .Park To Leadville. 544 Flagler*•t ·---.Kit Oarson To Burlington. 518 Fleming*··-------· .Logan Sre Sterling. 2629 Florence*•t------Fremont To Canon City, 8755 •Fort Collins*•t ._.Larimer THOMAS Y. BRADSHAW. 1014 Fort Lupton*t ·---·--Weld To Greeley, 3818 •Fort Morgan*•t •.• Morgan ALFRED W. DULWERER. 595 Fountain*•t ----•. Et Paso To Colorado Springs. 1062 Fowler*•t ·····------Otero 'l'o La ,Junta 361 Frederick*•t-------- Weld To Greeley 1193 Fruita*•t ·-----·-----Mesa To Grand Junction. 200 Genoa*•+ ------·-·Lincoln 'l'o Limon. 703 •Georgetown*•tClear Creek To nolclen. Greeley. 222 Gllcrest*•t ---·-· --·· WPld l'o 250 Gill*• ··------------·Weld To Greeley. 2073 •Glenwood Sp'gs*•t. Garf'd C. W. DARROW. KING &QUAIN2484 •Golden*•t. _____ .Jefferson QUAINTANCE, TANCE .. 100 Goodrich ·-···--··)Iorgan To Ft. Morgan. 308 Granada"•f-. _____ Prowers To Lamar. 8665 •Grand Junction*•t. __ Mesa McMULLIN & STERNBERG. 228 Grand Valley*•t..Garfleld 'l'o Glenwood Sprines. l01J;j8 •Greeley*•t -···---·-· Weld E.T. SNYDER. _ _ __ _ 195 Grover*•+--·--···--· WPld To Grfleley.  - NO-TE  USE COUPONS  aa  TOWN AND COUNTY.  •Gunnison*•t ____ Gunnison Gypsum "t ----------~le liartman*•t ------Prowers Ha ty* ______________ Bent Haswell*•+ _________ Kiowa Haxtum"•t ________ Phillip!! Hayden" ____ ·-------Routt Hereford* __________ Weld Hillrose*•+ ···-----Morgan Holly*•t __________ Prowers •Holyoke*•t _______ Phillips Hooner*•t __ ..• _.Alamosa 572 Hotchkiss*•t .. _____ .Delta 123 •Hot Sulphur Springs" Gr 'd 322 Hudson*•t.·-··--· ·--Weld 838 • Hugo*•+ ____ ·-----Lincoln 1192 Idaho Sp'gs"•tClear Creek 35G Idalia*···-··-----·-- Yuma 290 Ienacio"•t __ ··---- La Plata 238 Ilifr'•t ·-·· ______ . __ Logan 200 J aroso*•t _--···---Cos ti Ila 100 .for *---····- . .... Yuma 274 Johnstown••-------· Weld 1320 •J ulesburg*•t -·-· Sedgwick 164 Keenesburg ···-··-· Weld 129 Koota*•t ·--··-------Weld 319 Kerscy*•t --·· ....... Weld 100 Kim*_-·-·-··- Las Animas 148 •Kiowa* ·------------Elbert 65 Kirk*·--------- ___ ._ Yuma 350 Kit Carsoo*•t __ Cheyenne 25-1 Krrmmling*•t _____ .Grand 1815 T..a tavette*•t -----· Houldn 200 Laird*•t ·-·-·-·---·-Yuma 521 La Jara*•t --·- •... Conejos 4964 •La Junta"•t-------·-Otero 2512 •Lamar"•+-- ______ Prowers 460 La Salle*•t ------·---Weld 2252 •Las Animas*•t. ______ Bent 737 La Vota*•t ______ Huerfano 4959 •Lead vilJe"•t ·-··. ·---Lake 1047 Limon*•+··-·- __ ._Lincoln 1636 •Littletou*•t ____ .Arapahoe 5848 Lonemont*•t ••• -.Boulder 1799 Louisville*•t. ··-· .Boulder 5279 Loveland*•t ··-· -· Larimer 570 Lyons*•t ·-·· .... Boulder 906 Manassa*.--·· ..•. Conejos 682 ,Mancos*•t .••• Montezuma 1029 Manitou*•+·-·----- ElPaso 562 Manzanola*•+ ----··Otero 175 Marvel --------·-La Plata  1329 164 175 100 250 1118 455 125 300 940 1205 156  (Kline P, 0,)  NA.MK. E. M. NOURSE.  To Leadville. To Lamar. To Lamar To Eads. To Sterling. To Steamboat Sprinfs. To Greeley. To Fort Morgan. To Lamar. To Sterling. To Alamosa. To Montrose. DAVID P. HOWARD.  To Greeley. To Limon. To Georgetown. To Wray To Durango, See Sterling. To Trinidad. To \\'ray. To Grreley.  ROU,~-ION & HENDRICKS.  To Greeley. To Greeley. 'l'o GreeJ,,y. To Trinidad. To Limon. To Wray. To Cheyenne Wells. See" ulphur Springs. To Boulder. 'l'o Wray. See Alamosa. CLYDE T. DAVIS. WEl,LINGTON E. Jt'EE.  To Greeley. To Lamar. See Walsenhurg. HENRY R. PENDERY. C. M. SOMERVILLE.  To Denver. To Boulder. To Boulder. To Jj'or( Collins. To Boulder. See Alamosa. To Cortez. To Colorac'lo Springs. To La .Junta. To Durango.  Mathr~on••t------- Elbert To Limon. Maybell-----·--·Moffat 'l'o Craig McClave*•t ····-·---·Bent To Las Animas. Mead*•--·----·----· Weld To Greeley. •Meeker* ·--··--Rio Blanca JOUN R. CLARK. Merino*•t ·--·-----·Loean To terling. Mesita*• ·-··---··· Costilla To San Acacio. Milliken*•t-···---·--Weld To Greeley. MofTat*•t -·------Saeuach~ See Monte Vista. Monte Vista"•tRio Grande To Alamosa •Montrose*•t. •••. Montrose IOHN L. STIVERS. Attorney for Montro e ational Bank. Five year-- active bauki ng oxprrirnce. Practice in all court . Notary. Depositions. Per~onal r!.' ponsibility o,·c•r 50,000. 102 Monument*•+----· El Paso rro Colorado Springs, 3oo Mt(j;~:n~~ O,J ___ Moffat To Craig. 291 Nederland*+_ _____ Boulder 'l'o Boulder. 447 New Castle*•t ..•• Garfield To Glenwood Sprines. 267 New Raymer*. ___ .. Weld To Greeley. 150 Niwot*•t ·-····-···Boulder To Boulder 365 Nonvood* _•••• San Miie-uel See Telluride. 217 Nucla ---·------·Montrose To Montrose. 148 Nunn*•t ------··----· Weld To Greeley. 967 Oak Oreek*•t ·--·---Routt To Steamboat Springs. 491 Otathe*•t. ______ Montrose To Montrose. 240 Olney Springs*•t Crowley To Ordway. 531 Orchard*•+---·--· Morgan To Fort Morgan. 1186 •Ordway*•t ·------Orowley J, GLENN MILLER. 467 Otis*•t ____ •.. Washington To Akron. 1165 •Ouray*•t ····-··---·(Juray To Montrose. 100 Ovid"•t.·--·---· edgwick To Julesburg. 200 Padroni* ·---··--·--Logan To terlinf?, 1039 •Pagosa Sp'(!s*•t.Archuleta JOHN D. GALBREATH 85.5 Palisades*•t ·--··-··-Mesa To Grand Junction. 150 Paoli*•t ••.. ___ .. Phillip 'l'o Sterling, N2i~,~re~·s.e. 925 Paonia*•t.-··---·····Delta , 200 Parker*•t-·------Douelas 322 Peet:i:*•t._. ·--·-··· Logan To Sterling. 75 Peyton*•L--·-·-· El Pa o To Colorado prings. 327 Pierce*•t ····-···----Weld To Greeley. 100 Platner ______ . Washington To Akron. 479 Platteville*•t ••.••... Weld To Greeley. l 00 Proctor*•t ·- •...•... Logan See Sterling. -!3050 •Pueblo*•L-.•...•.. Pueblo WILLIAM B. VATES. Suite 509 Thatcher Bldg. 150 Ramah*•t. ·-·· .••• El Paso To Colorado Sprines. 347 •.RPdcliff*•+ _·--···--·Eagle 'l'o Leadville. 400 Ridgway*•L·-··--··Ouray To Montrose. 885 Rifle*-t ---·----·-·Garflrld To Glenwood Sprinfs. 3746 Rocky Ford*•t.·-·-·Otero To L • .run'a. 150 Roggen*•t. .. _. ·-·-· Weld To Greeley. mo Rye*--------·-···· Pueblo To Pueblo. 948 •Saguache*··-·-· Saguache PALMER & TRUE. 200 200 200 145 935 263 250 372 300 248-! 3581  :i;g  instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond.  See completP information in preface to Attorney List.  POPULATION,  TOWN .AND COUNTY.  NAME.  ---------  4689 175 800 1:50 ~80 311 155 100 16'.i 1150 387 150 295 1249 6415 100 100 21fi 421 836 465 1618 100 150 10906 93 90 1777 268 260 3'.ili:; 150 439 338  2:;o  565 1290 1538 200 1177  Salida*•r ..•.•....• Chaffee San Acacio~• •••.•• Costilla San Lui ·• ..••.•••• Costilla Sedalia*•t ..•....• Douglas Sedewick*•t .... Sedgwick Seibert*•t •..... Kit Carson Severance*• ......•. \Y eld Sheridan Lake ..•t .Kiowa Silt*•t •••••••.•••• Gartleld •Silvert-0n*•t •••.. San Juan Simla*•t--····· .••. ll:lbert Snyder"•t ••.....• Morgan •Springfield* ....•.... Baca Steamboat Sp'gs*•t .Routt •Sterling*•t •.•...... Logan Stoneham*•t ....•.•• Weld Stonington* ..•••••. Baca Strac;burg*•t ..• Arapahoe Stratton*•t .... Kit Carson 8ugar City*•t •... Crowley Swink*•t ...•........ Otero •Telluride*•+ ••. San Miguel Timpas*•t •••...••.. Oteri Towner*•+ .•••••.•. Kiowa •Trmidad*•t .•• Las Jtnimas Two Buttes* •••••... .Baca Vernon* .......•.... Yuma Victor*•t ....•...•.. Teller Vona*•t. •••••• Kit Carson •Walden*• •....... Jackson •Walsenburg*•t .. Huerfano Weldona* ...•..... Moreau Wellington*•t .... Larimer Westclifl'e*•t ..•.•.• Custer Wiel?ins*•t ....•.•. Morgan Wiley*•t ....•••..• Prowers Windsor*•t •••...•••• Weld • Wray*•t •.•.......•. Yuma Yampa*•t .......••. Routt Yuma*•t ...•........ Yuma  'l'o Buena Vista. To ,\lamosa. To Alamosa. To Denver. See J ulesbure. 'ro Burimgton. To Greeley. To Eads. 'l'o Glenwood Springs. Wm. A. WAY. To Limon. 'l'o Fort ..)lorgan. To Lamar. Wm. C. REILLY. S. E. NAUGLE. To Greeley. To Lamar. To Littleton. To Burlington. To Ordway. To La .Junta. E. B. ADAMS. 'ro La Junta. To Eads. GILBERT SANDERS. To Lamar. To Wray, To Cripple Creek. To Burlington. GEO. J. BAILEY. GEO. ·H. BLICKUAHN. To Fort Morgan. Te Fort ('ollins. ee Canon City. To Fort Morgan. To Lamar. To Greeley. M. M. BULKELEY. To teamboat Springs. To Wray.  POPULA· TOWN AND COUNTY. TION. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  NA.ME.  162537•New Haven*•tNew Haven WM. A. WRIGHT & SON, Second Nat'! Bank Building. Refer to any hank in New Haven, Conn. Compilers of the Connecticut laws for this publication. 25688 •New London*•t.New Lon. PHILIP z. BANKEY. 4781 •New Mi!ford*•t.Litchfleld To Torringon. 2751 Newtown*•t .••.. Fairfield To Bridgeport. 1229 N orfolk*•t ·-····Litchfield To Win ted. 27743 Norwalk*•t ....... Fairfield To Bridgeport. 2968:5 •Norwich*•t..New London 'l'o :;,.;cw London. 7926 Plainfield ••t •••• Windham To Putnam. 4114 Plainville*•t .•••• Hartford To Hartford. 3644 Portland*•+ ..•• Middlesex To Middletown. 8397 •Putnam"•t ...•..Windham ARCHIBALD MC DONALD, ,)R. 2707 Ridfrnfleld*•t ..... Fairfield To Bridgeport. 7726 Rockville*•t --···· Tolland To Hartford. 6781 Seymour*•t ••• New Haven To Waterbury. 2958 Simsbury····-··· Hartford 'l'o Hartford. 8-l-10 Southinl!'ton*•t .. Hartford To Hartford. 18370 So. Manchester*•+ .•• Hart. 'fo Hartford. 27743 So. Norwalk*•t •• Fairfield To l:3ridgeport. 5000 Southport*•t •.... Fairfield To Bridgeport. 5J07 St.afford Sp'gs*•t •• Tolland To Norwich. -10067 ~t.amford*•t •..•. Fairfield J. A. WALSH. 10236 Stonine:ton*•t .• New Lon. To New London. 12347 Stratford*•t ..... Fairfield To Bridgeport. 4070 Suffleld*•t ·--·--·.Hartford To Hartford. 3993 Thomaston*•+ •.. Litchfield To Torrington. 8000 Thompsonvi!Je*•t ··- Rart. To Hartford. 1040 •Tolland* •..••.•..• Tolland To Norwich. 2205::i Torrington*•t .•• Litchfield LANCAS'l'ER & l'OORD. 12010 Walline:ford*•t. New Hav. To New Haven. 91715 • Waterbury*•t .New Haven HERMAN J. WEISMAN, Lilley Building, 6050 Watertown*• .•. Litchfield To Torrington. 12369 West Haven*•t.New Rav. To New Haven. 5114 Westport* -·-·····Fairfleld To Bridgeport. 12300 • Willimantic*•t •• Windham FRANK H. FOSS. 5620 Windsor*•t •....• Hartford To Hartford. 3554 Windsor Locks*•t .• Hart. To Hartford. 8248 • Winsted*•t .•••• Litchfield ROSWELL J. HALLENBECK. 1698 Woodbury* •.... Litchfteld To Torrington.  CONNECTICUT One Federal District comprises entire state with courts at New Raven, on the fourth Tuesdays In February and September and at Hartford on the fourth Tuesday In May and the first Tuesday ln December.  REFERENCE KEY • County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. t Telegraph Station. § St.ate Capital. 17643 Ansonia*•t .•. New Haven 2555 Bethel...•.••••.. Fairfield fi62i Branford*•t •. New Haven 143:;5:;•Bridgeport*•t .•.. Fairfield 20620 llristol*•t ...... _,Hartford 2000 Broad Brook .. • . Lia rtfortl 561 Uauaan~•t ·-···-L1tc.1.Ltield 1675 Chester*•t •. _.. Middlesex 1217 Clinton*•t •..... Middlesex 3:;00 Collinsville*•t •.. Hartford 2454 Cromwell*•t ·-.• Middlesex 2232:; Danbury*•t ••••.. Fairfield 3130 Uanielson*•t .... Windham 4184 Darien*•+ .•.•.•.. Fairfield 2500 Deep River*•t .. Middlesex 11238 Derby *•t ..... New Haven 2312 East Haddam*•.Middlesex 2394 East Hampton*•tMiddlesex 11648 East Harttord*•t Hartford 2815 Essex*t ··-·-··· Middlesex 11475 Fairfield••t ....• Fairfield :jfi0 Falls Village*•t .Litchfield :!8-U Farmington*t •.• Hartford 5592 Glastonburz* •••• Hartford 2? 2,3 Greenwich •t ••.. }!'airfield ! 80 3 Guilford*•t..• New Raven 138036§•Hartford*•t •... Hartford 3196 31!00 1200 3180 :H76-l ~2129 10193 1200 2000 4800 15051 59316 3895  Jewett City*•t. •.New Lon. Kensington*t ..•• Hartford Lakeville*•t ••... Litchfield •Litchfleld*•t •.•. Litchfield Meriden*•t. .• New Haven •Middletown*•t .Middlesex M.ilford*•t. •.. New Haven Moodus* •.•••.. Middlesex Moosup*•t .•. -.• Windham Mystic*•+ .•.. New London Naugatuck*•t.New Haven New Brit.aio*•t..Hartford • t "'a· tteld N C H!~ttirci•;fr1td~fleld  1781 Ni: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  To New Haven. To Bridgeport. To ew Haven. SHAPffiO & SHAPffiO 312-14 Meig Bide. 'fo Hartford. 'Io Hartford. 1'o W1m,Lect. To Middletown. 'ro Middletown. To Hartford. To Middletown. To Bridgeport. To Putnam. To Bridgeport. To Middletown. To ew Haven. To Middletown. To Middletown. To Hartford. To Middletown. To Bridgeport. To Win ·tect. To Hartford. To Ilartford. To llridgeport. To New Haven. BROTT & STONEB., ((JeoroeO. Rrott, GeorgeJ. Stoner) 26 State St. To l\Pw Lon<lou. To Hartford. To Winsted. To Torrington. PATRICK O'BRIEN. LEONARD o. BYAN. To New Haven. To Middletown. See Putnam. To New London. To Waterbury. KLJ<;TT & ALLING. 'l'o u ·d e o t To w·;1n~tP~.r.  No-TE  CUBA REFERENCE KEY • County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. t Telegraph Station. § Capital. 212!!0 Cardenas*····--··········· 1'0 Havana. 30100 Cienfuegos············-··· To Havana. 500000 §Havana*........•.. Havana DR. RICARDO E. VIURRUN, Attorney at Law, 408-412 Quinone Building. Havana, Cuba. Charges 25% in Havana and 30% out of Havana. ''°'pecial arrangements for suit. Claim ' $10.00 and under 50%. Book Claims 50% net. Hefer. ences: N. Gelats & Co,, Banco Libertacl. Compilers of the Cuba laws for thi11 publication. 36009 Matanzas" .•............•. To Havana 10634 Pinar del Rio*··-·····-·-- To Havana 45470 Santiaeo de Cuba* ···-···· 'l'o Havana  DELAWARE One Federal District with court at Wilmington, the second Tuesda11 in March, June, September and December.  REFERENCE KEY &  County Seat.  • Money Order Office.  t Telegraph Station. 945 Bridgeville*•t •.•.• Sussex 531 Camden* ··-·---··-··Kent ~~~ Olayton*•t ········•· Kent Daszsboro*•t .•.•••• Sussex 1064 DelawareO'y*•tNewCastle 780 Delmar*•t ·····--··Sussex 4042 §•Dover*•t.·-·---····Kent 771 Felton*•t. .•••• _•.... Kent 443 Frankford*•t----··Sussex m Frederica*··-·-· .... Kent  • Express  s St.ate Capital. See Geore-etown. To Dover. 'sfeoe~evoerr..;etown. .. See Wilmineton. To Salisbury. Md. ARLEY B. MAGEE. To Dover. To Geor 0 etown To Dove'i-. .  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  omce. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  17J2  DELAWARE, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, FLORIDA  POPU·  LA·  TOWN A! 0 COUNTY.  NAME.  TTON.  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  PUPU-  LA-  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  TION.  1710 •Georgetown*•t ____ Sussex JAMES M. TU ii00 Greenwu(){t••t_ ____ ussex See Geori:etown.  'ELL.  Harrington••t. ••••. -Kent To Dover. 903 Uartl.r*•t ____________ I(ent To Dovpr, 2251 LaureJ••t ---··--·- ussex See Georgetown. 2074 l.Rwe'*•t ----·-··-· usst:>x See Georgetown. 1260 Middlf>town •t New Castle See Wilmington. 2703 Milford*•t. ..•.• ___ us <'X To Georgetown. 432 Millshoro*•t _ -··-·- ussex St>e Gt>orgetown. 898 Milton••t __ ····--· ussex To Georgetown. 2183 Newark'*•t -·-· New Castle See Wilmington. 38i4 New Cast1e*•t .New Castle See Wi lmingt on . 676 NE>wport•• .••. New Castle See Wilmington. 4~5 Odes~• ..••••• New Castle See Wilmington. 2141 Seaford*•t -------··' uss€'x Sf'e Georgetown. 462 Bf'lhyvillf'*•L ••••• _Sussex SPf' Gf'or1?etown. 19:.i3 Smyrn;1••+ -······--- Kf'nt To Dovi>r. 453 Town end.- .. New Castle To Wilmington. 110168•Wilmme1on*•t ·ew Castle TOWNSEND & BAR ~KY, Ford Building, Attorneys at Law. Hi>fer to any bank in Wilmin1?ton. General Prartire in tate and Federal Uourts. Commprrial Adjustments anywhere in Delaware. Ineorporation of Companies under Delaware Law . Art, l-teg-i. tration Agents for Foreign Corporation doing hu:inP · in Delaware. Compilers of the Delaware 1111/lx /'or thix 11ul1Uccition. 661 Wyoming*•t ---····--Kent To Dover. 1617  FLORIDA Florida ls divided Into two Federal Districts; namely Northern and Southern. The NORTHERN DI TRICT with court!I at Tallahassee, the second Monday In January; at Pensacola, the first Mondays lo al'ianna, the first Monday ln April; at May and November; at Galnesnlle, the second Mondays In June and December. The SOUTHERN DISTRICT with courts at Tam-,a, second Monday in February; at Ke:, We t, first Mondays ln May and N'ovember; at Jack onvllle, flrst Monday in December; at Ocala, th1rd Monda ' in January; at l\liaml, fourth Monday in April, and at Fernandina, first Monday in April.  DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA One Federal DM,rlct comprising all the District. District co1.1rt ls held the first Mondays in January and July at Washington.  REFERENCE KEY • Oounty Seat.  REFERENCE KEY • Money Order Office. t Telegraph Station.  • Oounty Seat.  778 Alachua*•t -·-···- Alachua To GainPsville. 3066 •ApaJachicola*•t _.Franklin To Panama City. 798 .Apopka*•t ••••••• _Orani:e See Orlando. 479 •Arcadi:l"•L--·---- DeSoto 420 Archer••t ··-·-·--Alachua 71:5 Auburndale*•t ...... Polk 3890 Avon Park"•-- Ili2hlaml~ 300 .Haker*--·-··-·--Ukaloo a  BB( TT · Pl LLJ;R, 102fi \\'oochuwl Builtlinir. (E1hlin s. 1'ul11 r, latP < !tier. Fon•·gn I·1·rmit ... Olllt1·. st, tP I>t-p:nt. m1 nt: LPcturcr 011 011 t tnt'on:tl arnl 111 1•l'IJ'lt onal Law. \rnt>r ean l 11,v1•r it,·). l'ral't1c·1· IH'for1• all Court an<l a'I Uet> rtnwnt . :--pi• 'I' liziul!' in rlaim ai:ain t n te<l t.itt>s \li,•u l'rn1wrty C11-todi 111: , 111I for il!ll go\ n1111c•111': f111·ome ' l'ax lliu . on; 'Ir a-,ury J)ppartnH'nt: lnt•r tatP ('Olllllll'l'<'!' ('ommi,,ion. . flt'(' al att1·11t ,rn \ ill h .. gi\ Pll t 1 of 11011-r!'sill •nt Bau ·1 r, r11111 \ttoru •y ·. th• llu ·ine I> po t,on ma}· h • ak"u h •t'on• llarry \\". Brinu•r,. ·o uy 1  l  K RT, ,\ttorn1•y  c·a  692 600  till(\ (  3868 •Elradrntown • •t.._ManatPe ('. J'. C RPY. 708 llraoforct••t __ __ uwanuee ·ee Lin• Oak. 7116 •Hn tol* --··-·-·---Lilwrty To Panama City. 300 .. Bronson"•+ ------···-Le1·y Tu Gaine ·ville. lOll•BrooksYillr>*•f' ___ If cr111ndn 100 Buena Vista*·-··-·- D.ide f:82 •Hunnell"•+. __ • ___ . J?Jagler 400 •Buslrnell *•t. •• _._. 'urntPr !\ll Oallahan .. •t ........ :l\assau 277 Carnulwtlton••t _._Jack~t111 t!I~ Ceclar K111 *•L··--·- l.t>\ y 374 O,•utn llill"t•-···-Sumti•r 350 Chicttancl" --···-·····Le1 r  To !\Iiami. SPe ~t. Aul!U ·tinf'. Sc•r. Hrooksviltl'. To Jack onville. To , larianna. To Gaiue ·\'ille. 8e Wilcl\\'f)r,d. 'l'o Uaine,ville.  2427 •Ol!'arwat,•r••t __ . __ Pincll:ts To 'I ampa. 496 Olermont*•t ----···· Lake To 'l':n·are!> .  1445 Coroa*•t ····-··- _T.ln•va rd I flij ('oeo,1 nut UrO\ 1• •+ . Dd!P ti-10 Coll"mau••t ·-···-- ·umtt•r 4:!8 Cot1 ouda IP*• t •• ·- .J ark:,r,n 8:18 Or1>-.1•c,nt Citr* ____ f'u111arn :.iOO CrPst iew ·-··- Uk'iloosa  Gtl. {'. ED\\'AUDS. 'J'o _\liami . S(•e Brook ·ville. To Mariauna. To Palatka. To Milton. To [nverncs ·.  1296 •Dari/Oity••+ ....•. _.Pasro 762 Dania*•t -··· .... Brow,1rd 5-1-l:.i Uaytona*•L··-···- \' olu:ia 8'..!::i Daytona Beach*t __ \'olu ia  •• 'l'o To Tu  94-1 Or, ~tal H.1Yer••t . ___ C:1tt u  .....  NOTE  F. B. COOGLER..  18nH Chipley*•t-... Wa hinl!1on J. N. D. NIEL~.  WAT ONE.COLE"MA ·, Pacific Illdc .• 624 F treet, •. w. Patent and Patent Law. Attorneys having chents who wish to paH•nt inventions are resprrtfully reque ted to write for uartirular · and information. Iliehest references in all parts of the United tates. ('. L. P UKER, ~0'.{.;,o; ~lcCtill Bl<l:.r. K·-Examinr.r "[. S. !'Curet!. nwr can ,,ml f1n·<'ic-11 pa ent PatP11t omc,•. HPpor rr 11clPr1·cl a to patl'n a• 1 ra<k-mark r •:,ri. tl'rl'cl. h l,ty or 1m·P11tiuns and •co1w. ral i<l tr a111I int'r Hf!eUH'n or patl'n s. l'atpnt :.i111I i ra1ll' mark u t c•ornl 11'11•11. H<'JH"1• Pnt 11011 1•p-. <lc•nt n tcirnc•y ht• or<• !'at ·n Oflice. Also ac a, a -.oc· atP co11n Pl 111 1lat1•11 and tracll'·lll:trk ea I'S hl'f'o1·t• th1· l'. , ·. S11pr1•11H' C'onr or anv D trict Court or C n·u t (' J11 rt of ,\ pp1•al s. Sclw<l ill' of charge to at orllf'Y furn ]1°cl on l'l'11ue t.  l\ ATIII.' & WEF,KS. Ho\'lrng Green*•t. 11.m!l'l' St>1• An·acJ1a. Boynlon••t. __ P;1lm llcnd1 'Io We ·t l'· lm Beach.  1230 • Bonifay"•L-···-·· llolmr  oun,Plor a Lan·. 21.3 ( olor'ud I Bu 11] Jl~. PraetiCI'" in (ht• l. • llf)rt'llll Co 11 rt. 1h ( o rt- ol tlw rn ·trict nf C'olumh1a, thP l'ourt of lla m . b' ort' (. 011:,:n• , ·111<1 ;ii! th,· F. <•c·11t \"t' DPpartnwnl . Sm, II I lt po ir ons coll · 111: 1101 t1, sir1•cl. • otar~ 11 olllcl'. nkc·n. H •lnl'11e ,._ it 11(,-;in·d. Long clis; BC!' ttlcpJ10111• in 11tllr1'. ( allll' acl1lr · ,, "B11r.i1i~." WALTl~ll C. E GLISH, ,H!J l). StrPPt. Pah•nt and Trade!\ ar · La ·yt-r. (,P1wnl practi1·1• in :ill C'<Hll' s. l'nc itl' 111 111,wcP l11•rorP all 1111' lkpar mc•n,s-Corpor,1tio11 Hauki1tf!. t' EDEIUCK A. Ffo;N1'1'"1NG, Evans Blrlg .. 1420 ·ew York Ave., , . W. Gcner,11 Pl"<\ttic·e, corporation, commercial and te ·tamentary law. Practicr before Government DeoartlilL'nl . inchHling Patent <Jttice. Collertion in cJ1aree of Charle·,\. K11lley: clcpositi 1m: takl'n before .TO'ephine A. Al(•xatHIPr, . ·otary Public. HeferenC'e: any bank or tru t company in \\'a ·hington: reference. in other part· of U.S. on requp,,t. . I \SO N. IUCH I DSON, \llornPy and ( 011rhellor :,t Law. l'l'tHl,111 Hlclg .. -1 1 2 illlll l) ~t .. ', \\'. U1•n"ral pr·,H·ti1·,· in·1!1Sta e,11ul l 11iteclSt•1t,. l'o 11 rt·. 'l'h11rnuuhlyequip1wd ofli ··for harnllin:.: all hu!-illl!"~ of 11011-rt>-idcn · . ROYAL K nu NI JU. Con•inc11 ;il 1'rnst Huil11i11f;'. Pal rnt pro1· 1n·1l nnd tr;trlP-mark, rPg t•red III the Cuit"d tah· ·11HI on·i::n countr t· ·. Pract cc j,.. li1rnt1 1 <1 to l'.a,,•.., iuvnl\ 11:.: 11 t •nt . r,ul · mal'ks. pr 11 • lah b, a nt copy r .::ht , and a a o<· ati• c·1mn,L'l too her attorn •y 111 sueh 1  A. F. ODLIN. See Gaine ville. To Bartow. See Arcadia. 'l'o. lacclenny.  4'.!03 •Tiartow"•t -·····--·-·Polk To T:1k'ela11rl. 863 •Blount -town*--·- Calhoun •ro Panallla City. 8JU llocagrancle*•L .... - .. Lee ·e • Arrnclia.  l'ulJlic.  .  • Express Office.  § State Oapital.  • Express Office.  437571 .. Washin~ton"•t --·-·-D. 0.  JO·.  • Money Order Office.  t Telegraph Station.  1  2097 •De Funiak  p'es*• tWalt'n  3324 •DP Land*•L .• -·-- Volusia 10::il Delray*•+ •.. -Palm Ilcach 200 DumlPl'•.-- --·-·····-Polk 642 DunPdin*•L .• _•• Pinn!'la 111-::.i Dun nellon••t-••.. -.Marion ::i07 Eau Gallir>"•t .... Urc\,trel 6fj~ El11,uton••t ._. ___ :',lanatee 1193 lfo ·tis*•t -· -···-·--· · La k 333 Fell!imerl'*t.. ___ st. Lul'ie :i,;~~n :i4'.)7 •P'Prn:111rlin •••+  L. At VIL. Fe rt Laud rdale. Dr Larnl. De Land.  w. T. BLUD\\'01 n. 'B & Hl'LL.  TH.  'cc \\'P t P·llm Beach. 'el' Lak •I 11 1d . <'<' OIParwater. Sc>c• Oea la. To Coron. To HratlPntown. •ro Ta, ar<'s 'l'o Fort Pierre. 1'o .Jark~1111vi_ll_e_.~----  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) POPU• LA· TION.  POPUNAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  2065 •Fort Lauderclale*•t Bro'rd MAXWELL BAXTER. 2029 Fort Meade*•+ _______ Polk To Lakeland. 3fi78 •Fort Myers*•+ ________ Lee ALDERMAN & HJt;NDJ.;ttSON. 500 Fort Ogden*•+ ___ De Soto See Arcadia. 2115 •Fort Pinre*et_ __ st. Lurie :EDWIN THOMAS. 360 Fort \\'hite"•t--Columhia To Lake Gity. 1000 Frostproof•• ________ Polk ee Lakelancl.  li860 •Gainesville*•t ____ Alachua J. C. ADU.INS. 840 Graceville*•t _____ Jack on To Marianna. 2093 •Green Cove Sp'gs*•t _ Clay 302 Greensboro"•t ___ Gad den 668 Greenville*•t _____ Madi on 500 Greenwood* ______ J aci-.: on 1000 Grovelall'd*•t ________ Lake 651 Haines City •t _______ Polk 286 Hampton*•+----_ Bradford 761 Hastings*•t _____ St. Johns 448 Havana*•+------- Gadsden 543 Hawthorn••t _____ Alachua 1719 High Spring *•L-Alachua 1307 Homestead*•t _______ Dade  A. H. BELL. To Quincy. See Madison. To Marianna. To Ta,·are:-; See Lakeland. To Ga1 uesv1 Ile. See St. Augustine. To Quincy. See Gainesville. See G,-11nesville. To Miami.  1132 •Inverness*•t------- Citrus M. C. SCOFIELD. 91558 •Jacksonville*•t ____ Duval HALEY & HEINTZ, Florida National Bank Bnilcling. Ueneral Practice in State aml Federal l'o11rh. HeprP:ent United ~tates Fidelity & Guani.uty Company, 'ational Surety Co1npany, ,\mo'lr Fertili1er \\'orks, ancl others. Referenr·es: narnett National Rank, or an.v other hank or IJn.-in('ss house in the city, Compilers of Florida laws  LA· TION.  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  1310 St. Andrew*t _________ Bay 10~3 •Starke*•t ________ Bradford 6192 • t. Augustine*•t St. Johns 2011 St. Clouct•t ________ o reola 14237 St. Petersb'g*•t __ Pinellas 778 Stuart ••t _____ Palm Beach 5637 §•Tallahassee*•f_ _____ Leon 51608 •Tampa*•L __ Hillsborough 2105 Tarpon Sp'e-s*•t __ Pinellas 359 •Tavares*•t __________ Lake 800 Terra Ceia*• _____ .Manatee min •Titusville*•t_ _____ Brevard 400 Trenton••t _______ Alachua 343 Tritby*•t. ___________ Pasco 640 Umatilla*•t _________ Lake 793 Vero*•----------St. Lucie 571 Waldo*•t _________ Alarhua • 10 10 Watertown*•L __ co111mhia 2081 • Waurhula*•t ______ Han1f'e 361 Wt>b ' ter*•t ________ 8umtPr 293 Wellborn*•t ----- uwanee 86:59 •West P;ilm Reach*•LP. B. 8463 Wf'st TampatHillsborongh 9!S4 White Sp'gs*•t __ Hamilton 480 Wildwood*•t ______ sumter 823 Williston*•t _________ Lrvy 1021 Winter Garden*•LOrange J:597 Winterhaven*•t _____ Polk 1078 Winter Park*•t ____ Orange Ybor City•t .Hillsborough --5ff Zephyrhills*•+ _____ Paro 256 Zolfo Springs••t __ Jiarclee  'l'o Panama City. To Gainesville. L. W. NELSON. To Kissimmee. To Clearwa1er. To \Ye. t Palm Beach. G. P. M<'CORD BACKLEFORD & PARK ... Citizens Bank Bid~. To Clearwater. J. W. HUNTER. See Hradentown. To Cocoa. See Gainesville. •ro Dacie ity. To/J'arare. To Fort Pi('rre. , ee Gainesville. To Lake City. To Arcaclia. To Wildwood. To Live Oak. M. D. CARMICHAEL. To Tampa. See Jasper. To Ocala. To GainC'sville. See Orlanclo. 'l'o LakC'laucl. To Orlando. To Tampa. To Dach' City. SC'e Arcadia.  for this publication.  1260 •Jasper*•t _______ Hamilton I. J. McCALL. 628 Jennines*•t _____ Hamilton To Jasper. 100 Kenan ·ville •t ____ Osceola 'l'o Kissimmee. 18749 •Key West*•t_ _____ Monroe CLEVEL. ND It. J•JERCE. 2722 •Kiss,mmee••t ____ Osceola JOHNSON & GAllRETT. 377 Labelle•• _____________ Lre ~PP Fort ~1 pyers. 317 Lake Alfred et_ _____ Polk To Lakelau!l. 7:i6 Lake Butler*•t __ lirallford To <.ia.tne ville. 3341 25 !Ji8 7062 7!16 1106 :590 291 372 1835  •Lake City*•t ____ Columbia Lake llamil ' on* _____ l'olk Lake Helen"•t ____ Volusia Lakeland"•+ _________ Polk Lake W ]PS• ---------Polk Lake Worth*t Palrn Bt>ach Lar1w*•t. _________ Pinellas Laurelhill*•t ____ Okaloo~a La,vtey*•+ _______ nraclford Leesburg*•+--------- Lake  R. T. & W. II. BOOZER. To Lak!'laml. ee DP Lauri. 1'::. E. CALLAW.\Y. See Lakeland. , c:>e Wetit P.ilro Beach. To ClearwatPr. See De Funiak Sprines. To Gainrsville. 'l'o 'l'avare,.  3103 •Live Onk*•t. ____ uwa1we II. l-:. CARTER. 3:;o •.Macclen11y*•L------BakPr To Lake Uity. 19:52 •?tladison*•L ______ Macl1son It. N. ROWE 6:l3 Malorw* ---------~.Jac-J.:son To ~lari:1n11a. 1076 MauatPe • t ______ Manatre •ro Ilradentown. 2499 •Marianna*et_ _____ ,Jarkson :531 •'.\layo*•t ________ Lat'ayl tte ,UO Mel ntosh"•t -------· ta.rion ;;:rn Melbourne*•t ____ Jlrevarcl  PHILLIPS & BRUCE. To 1,ivt:' Oak. Rei· ()(• 'l'o C'cn,a.  2!):\71 •!liami*•L----- ______ Dacie SE. IPI,E & TAYl,Olt. ii46 Micanopy*et_ _____ Alachua 't·e Uainesville. l::i!J.l •Milton"et_ _____ anta Rosa McGEACHY & LJt~WI,'  S. D. ('LAI KK 'l'o Arcadia. To Ta,·arP To Lakc>land.  170-l 623 72::i 14!19 !117 2007 323  •Montirello*•t ___ Jeffr.rson •~loorp llclVl'Il---- - (il:ult:'" ~lount Dnr, *•t ______ Lake .l\Iull•erry"•L ________ l'olk ,',,whPrry*•t _____ A]aehnn •'pw . m:vrna*•t ___ \' olu.-ia 0 klaucl"•t _______ Oraugc  4!ll4 1$30 900 fiOO  •Ocala*•t ___________ 1:mon . • EL •'ERGU, 'O Ocoee~• ___________ Onwgc 'Io Orlam1o. •OkPPr!1ohee* UkPC'C'lH,h1•1• ·ro For1 Pierre. Oldsmar ________ l'iuellas To Clearwater.  0  ('1'  (¾cllllP '\ 1lle.  'l'o De Lanrl. re Orlando.  9282 •Orlaodo"•L- ______ Orange .JOS. E. RICKET.'OX. 452 Oviedo *•+------- 'emiuote Sec· anford.  :il02 •JJalatka*•t ________ Putrwm L. W. NEL.'ON. 2046 l'alml'tto*•i _____ ~anall'c 'l'o Orad er:town . 1722 •Panama City*•t ______ Bay J. l\f. SAPP. 3103'.j •Pensacola*•t ____ Escambia l\f. E. MOltEY. l!l5ij •Perry*•+_ __________ Taylor Wl\f. T. HE 'DRY.  t~~~  J~i~ii:1~t•~\ilt!  1 1 ~~:; ~~); 1  :nl8  •Quinry"•t. _______ Gacts<leu Jl2 Raiford"•t ______ Bradford 1000 River .J1111c.*•L __ Gactsd1•n 5::i 8 •Sanford ~•+ ______ SPminole 2149 ara ·ot.a*•L- ___ . \t •11:, t<>e 812 •.;;ehring•t _____ lli~h aml 492 neacts••+______ Jae ,.;on 277-:, . Jark.-oov1llf'*•t __ l)11v~I  ~~/{~~JJJ\a. GREJt:NE S. JOHNSTONE, Jr. To Garn •sville. To Onincy. G. A. DE ('ONTES. To Bradvntown. See Arca1ha. To larianna. l'n .fa,·k,1111ville. ___  - NOTE  110 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  GEORGIA  So~~!;~~ ls divided into two Federal Districts; namely, Northern and The NORTHERN DISTRJC'r has four divisions; the Northern, with court at tlanta, second Monday in March and llrst Monciav ln Ot'toher; and at Gainesvillt> on the fourth Monda.)s In April ·and November; thtl Western. with court at ('olumbus, 011 the tirst Monday lo May and L>eet>mbPr; the NorthwP:-.tPrn, with coun at Rome, on tbe third Mondays in May and Nov mber; and the Eastern, with court at At- .. ns, on the second Monday of April aod thi, first Monday In November. · The SOUTHERN DI, TRICT has five div!. Ions; the Eastnn with court at Sav_aooah, on the second Tuesdays In February. May, Angu t and . ovember; the We,t,•rn at 1'1at·on. on thr lirst Mondays In ~ay and Octohcr; t~e :;:..;ortheastP:n, with court at Augusta, on the first Mouday In Apnl and tlw tlurd Monday In , ·ove111l>t•r; the !'-onthwestern, ·1th court at Valdosta, on the sorond Mondays In June and Derember; and the Al'1any with court at Albany, on the third Mondays in June and December.  REFERENCE KEY • County Seat.  * Money Order Office.  t Telegraph tation.  1119 •Abheville .. •t ------ Wilcox 1117 Acworth*•+ _________ Cobb 814 Adairsville*•+ _____ Bartow 17'.!0 •Adel*•t ______________ cook 740 Adrian*•t _______ Emanuel R3:i Ail<'y*•t_ ____ MontgomPry 51i3 •Alamo••+ _________ \Vheelrr ::i03 Alapaha*•t _______ Berrieh 1 ;j'.j'.j •Alhaoy"•t ----- Dougherty 1061 •Alma *•t ---- -------- nacoo 379 •Ah,haretta• ________ Milton ~01, AJ-.;ton*•t ____ MonteomPry :5C0 Ambrose*•t. _______ Cofff'e 9010 •Amrnru-.*•t ______ Snm1Pr 3!18 ,\ pal ache*• ------~Iorean 1000 \reo* ______________ UJynn 331 .\rlin!!ton*•t ____ Calhoun 1255 Arnoldwillc:>*•Ol!lethorpe  • Express Office.  tate Capital. To Corct<'le.  'ro 1lariPtta. To CartPrsville. To 1·a~hvilln. To Wr1~11t:--ville. 'Pt> Mt. V1•ruon. 'I'o ~Ir Hae. Ree ash ville.  H. A. PF.ACOCK. L. I • LUKK  G. B. WALKER  Tn ~1o'l 11 1 v Prnon.  To Douglas. El,US, \VJ<}BB & ELLIS To \1 atli.-nn T.i B ·1m,wi•·k. '(', ~IOrl-!an. To .\tht>11,-.  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1734 POPU• LATJON.  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  GEORGIA TOWN AND COU 'TY.  NAME.  2116 •A ·hburn••t _______ 'rurner .JAS. II. PATK 16H8 •A.thens*•f_ _________ Olarke JULIAN B. McCURRY. 402 Soutlwrnl:lfotual llltll!. 2)0fH6§•Atlanta·•t ________ Fulton ND E 8. ON & SLATE, Citizen & ou hem Building. Practice in tate and Federal Courts. ' perialties: Commercial. Corpor:\tion. Real Estate, Bankruptcy and In~urance. Thoroughly equipped and organized Collection Department under 1,ersonal sunervision. D po:itions taken before 11. E. Davis, No tary Public. Heferenres: 'l.'he Citizens & Southern Uank, A1 lanta. Milling Co., King Ilal'dware Co., Atlanta: The Zurich Heneral Act'iden! and Liability Iusurance Co., Chicago, and ~ a t ional Sure ·y Co., of New York. WALT.JR S. DILLON, li20 62.t Hur t Build inl!, Ge m•ral ofli rP a tHI t r h l pru ct icl'. ' ,mmr rem I a ml Comora ion Law. Pl'<'i:tl° at !Pll ~ion l!h Pn ro (' olll'ct ion ancl : \dju.; ,_ mt' nt ~ in Ut•orgia. I{pfen•uce~ : Cit i1:c•n · & •'uuthern Bank. '.\1. M. HOl,LUWAY. 206208 Trut C'o. of Ga. Builtling. \fnnher (. L. L.A. Ilurtl Hldg. General Pra •' ice in all "'itatt•s anti L "'· ( our , s. Cor[loration. I n!'uranc·P aml Bank111g Law. RANDOLPH & PARKER. 421431Uealt' Yiluil<ling. Corporation and General Law. Divi ion Coun el for Stiaboard Air Line Railway. General Counsel for Federal Reserve Bank or Atlanta. Atlanta Savings Bank, Georgia ::\Ianufact urers' Ass'n and o' her corporations, local and foreign. Department for Real Esia: e Law and Probate Work. Compilers of the Georgia laws for this pubiicati-0n. 300 .Attapulgu ••t ----Decatur To Bainbridge. ~O Auburn"•t ________ Barrow To Winder. 52548 •Angusta••t_ ____ Richrnond C, HENRY & RODNEY S. COHEN, Attorneys for Union avings Bank. Practice in State and Federal Courts Georgia ana outh Carolina. Commercial Corporation Law. Real !£state. and (;leneral Law Practice. Refer to any bank in the city of Au1?usta. 758 AusteW•t ___________ Cobb To Marietta. 258 Avera*•L _______ Jefferson See Louisville. 568 Ilaconton••t ------ Iitcbell To Camilla. 47112 •Bainbridge*•t ____ Decatur JORN R. \VIL ON. 193 Balclwin*•-----Habersham To Cornelia. OH Ball Gronud*•t - Cherokee See Canton. 3059 .. Rarnesville*•t _____ Lamar E. O. DOBBS. 259 Barney*• __________ Brooks To Valdosta. 582 Bartow*• _______ Jefferson To Wrightsville. 422 Rarwick*•t ________ Brooks T" Valdosta. 1142 •Raxlev*•t ________ Applinl? CHA · H. PARKER. -tOO BPnevolence"•LRandolph To Cuthbert. 450 Berlin" __________ Colquitt To .Moultrie. 300 Bishop*• __________ Oconee To Atkins. 1329 •Blackshear*•t ______ Pierce To Waycross. 230 •Blairsville*-------- Union :~~;o~. GARY. 1985 •Blakely"•t ---- ______ Early THOMAS A. BROW · 904 •Blue Ridee"•t _____ Fannin 500 Blythe*•t ______ Richmond See Augusta. ~g~~;:!sville. 1~~ Hg!ti~::t 424 Bostwick* _______ Morgan To Madison. 1047 Bowdon•• _________ Carroll To Carrollton. 390 Bowersville*•t------- Hart To Hartwell. 730 Howmiin*•t ________ Elbert To Elberton. :!:50 Bra,lley*•+ ____ ____ _.Jones To ~Ia. on. 11 Braselton• ________ Jackson To Commerce. 917 Hremen*•t ______ Haralson To Buchanan. 247 Brewton*•L ______ Laurens 'l'o Dublin. HO Brinson*•t _______ Decatur To Bainbridge. 520 Broowooct••t ----- Terrell To Dawson. ~Q06 n n. roo s • _________ aye e TToo SG~tfflesboro. •,) BBrookkl~t•t•--------BFullotcth 696 Broxton*•----------Coffee See Douglas. !J.113 •Brunswick*•t ______ Glynn CONYERS & WILCOX. 491 •Buchanan••+ ____ Haralson J. , ·. EDWARD ·. 451 Buckhead*•-------Morgan To :Madison. 12;!0 •Buena V1Sta*et_ ___ Marion W. B. SHORT. 2500 Buford*•t _______ Gwinnett To Lawrenceville. 332 Bullorhville*•t.Meriwether To .M andie. ter. 758 •Butler"•t __________ Taylor W. E. STEED. 414 Bvromville*•t ______ Dooly To Vienna. 800 Bnon*•t_ ________ Houston To Fort Valley. ~i-l Cadwell*•t _______ Laurens To Dublin. 1908 •Cairo*•t ____________ Grady To Bainbridge. 19;;:; •Oalhou1,*•t _______ Gordon To Rome. 225 Calvary• ____________ Grady 8ee Bainbridee. 2136 •Camilla*•t_ _______ Mitchell B. C. GARDNER. 1132 Oanoo*•t ________ Franklin To Toccoa. ~6i •Canton*•t ______ Cherokee E. \V. COLEMAN. 342 Carlton* _________ Madison To DaniPlsville. 400 •Carnesville* _____ Franklin To Toccoa. 4363 •CarroUton*•t_ _____ carroll R. D. JACKSON & SON. 4350 •Oartersville*•t ____ Bartow PAUL F. AKJN. 250 Ca· ville* _________ Bartow See Cartersville. 738 Cave Spring*e+_ ____ FJoyd See Home. 4053 •Cedartown*•t ________ Polk MUNDY & W TKINS. 2:,:1 Chamblee _________ Dekalb To D catu 200 Charing••----------Taylor ee Butler. 472 •Chatswortll*•t ____ Murray See Dalton. 408 Chaunrey*•t _______ Dodge Sec Eastman. 397 Chestn*•t _________ Dodge To Eastman. 965 Obickamau~a••t ___ Walker , ee La Fayette. 728 Chiptey*•t _________ Harri~ To Hamilton. :542 •Clarkesville ••tHabersh·m ·ro Cornelia. 1265 •Claxton*•+ _________ Evans To tate boro. Rabun To Toccoa. tiii •Clayton*•t 332 Clermont•:_-_-_-:_-_:-_-:___ liall •ro Gainesville. 339 •Olevelanrt*• ________ Whitp To Ci-iiinc>c;villP.  ::::::::.&~~~  NOTE  POPULATION.  TOWN .A.ND COUNTY.  NAME.  345 Climax*•t ---- ____ Decatur To Bainbridi?e, 325 Cobbtown••------ Tattnall See Reidsville. 2021 •Cochran*•t ______ Bleckley ff. F. LAWSON.  342 3622 505 810  Cohutta*•t ---- _Whitfield Colbert_ __________ Madison Colemau*•t _____ Randolph Oollegepark*•t _____ Fulton Collins*•t ________ Tattnall •Co!Quitt*•t _________ Miller  31125 1001 2439 442 1817 485 6538  •Columbus*•t ____ Muscogee Comer*•t ________ Madison Commerce*•t _____ Jack on Concord••t __________ Pike •Conyers••t ______ Rockdale Coolidge*•L------Thomas •Cordele*•t __________ Crisp  400 J2o  1274 Cornelia*•t_ __ Habersham 3303 •Covington*•t _____ Newton 803 Crawford*•t --Ol?lcthorpe ·11 * t T 1· f 78 4 c raw oravi e • a iafe·o 361 ..Culloden*•t _______ Monroe 607 •Oummmg* ---- ____ Forsyth 276 •Cusseta*•t-Chattahoochee 3022 •Outhbert••t ____ Ranctolpb 244 Dacu1a••t _______ Gwinnett 690 •Dahlonega* ______ J,umpkin 1245 •Dallas*•t ---- ---- Paulding 5222 •Dalton*•t _______ Whitfield 355 •Danielsville" _____ Madison 436 Danville*•t ________ Twiggs 823 •Darien*•t _______ McIntosh 653 Davisboro*•t .Washineton 3504 •Dawson*•t ________ Terrell 198 •Dawsonville* _____ Dawson 256 Dearing••t ______ McDuffie 6150 •Decatur*•t_ _______ Dekalb 686 Demorest*•t .. Habersnam 481 Dexter*•t ________ Laurens 919 Doerun*•t ________ ColQnitt 1031 •Donalsonville*•t eminole 3401 •Douglas*•L ________ Coffee 2159 •Don1?1asville*•L __ Douglas 200 Dover*•t--------- creven La D bl' ., t 7707 • u in • -------- urens  "end 25c for each Commercial Re( ,ee ali;o at Hawkinsville)  pmt.  See Dalton. To Daniel:ville. To Cuthbert. ro Atlanta. To Reidsville. PETER D. RICH. LOVE '& FORT. To Danielsville. R. L. J. & S. I. SMITH, Ir. To Uarnesville. To Covington. To Thomai,ville. THOS. A. ~fcNlCHOLAS. HillILTON KINZEY. To ocial Circle. To Athens. HAWES CLOUD • To Macon.  632 340 313 1600 ,19; 952 200 6870  ::_--_-===G\11::"ne:n •Eastman*•+-------- Dodge East Point*•t ____ Fulton •Eatonton*•t ______ Putnam Edison*•t ________ Calhoun •Elberton*•t ----·---Elbert •Ellaville*•t ________ Schley Ellenton*•--------Colouitt Ellenwood*•t _____ Clayton •Ellijay"•t ________ . Gilmer Enigma*•-------- Berrien Eton*•t ___________ Murray •Jfairburn*•t _____ Campbell Fair Mount*•t ____ Gordon •Fayetteville*•t ____ Fayette Finleyson*•t ______ Pulaski •Fitzeerald*•t-----Ben Hill  397 2241 1237 3223 317 6272 416 290 462 225 300 1069 592  J}g;i!~;'1ranch*;·c~~~1 •Folkston*•t ----- Charlton •Forsyth*•+ _____ Monroe ~Fort Gaines*•L------Clay Fort Valley"•t ___ Houston •li'raoklin" __________ Heard . * t •Gainesville • ---- ____ Hall Gartleld*•t_ ______ Emanuel Gay*•t ________ Meriwether •Gibson••t ______ Glasscock Gillsville*•t __________ Hall Girard* ____________ Burke> Glenmil]f, ♦ .f_ ____ 'l'attnall Glenwood*•t _____ Wheeler  To Gainesville. To Columbus. GEO. H. PERRY To Lawrenceville. To GainesviHe. To Cedartown. FRANK K. McCUTCHEN. C. E. ADAMS. To Macon. To Brunswick. To Wri1?htsv1lle. PARKS & PARKS. To Gainesville. To Thom on. To Atlanta. To Cornelia. To Dublin. To Moultrie. To Bainbridge. J. W. QUINCEY. To Carrollton. To Sylvania. M p ,Klv»B • • n JCJD • t~e~~iiccville. ROS('OE PEACOCK. 'l'o Atlanta. R. C. JF..NKlNS. •~- L. ~UTH. TUTT & BROWN. To Americus. To .Moultrie. To Atlanta. See 'pring To Na ·hville. To nriog Place. DICKSON & CA.MP. To Rome. W. B. HOLLINGSWORTH. To llawkinsville . A. J. & J. C. McDONALD. i!~!e~iille. To Waycro · . To Macon. P. C. KING. EMMETT HOU 'ER. 1'o Carrollton. R V J()HN ON • . • • To wain boro. To :\lanthestcr. J.C. NEWSOME. To Gainesville. To Waynesboro. , ec Reidsville. To McRae.  g~J~~t:;t_:===wiN~~!~~ Burke Gough*•+ ----------______ Coweta Grant,·ille*•t •Gray"•L ____________ Jones Graymont*•t ---- Emanuel Grayson*• _______ Gwinnett •Greensboro*•t ____ Greene •Greenvllle*•t _Meriwether •Griffln*•t ________ Spalding Guyton•t_ ______ Efflngbam Hactdock*•t - ---- ____ Jones Hagan"•t --------- -- Evans Hahirii••t ---- ___ Lowndes •Hamilton*•t _______ Harris Hampton*•t -------Henry Hapev1lle*•L-----Fulton Baralson"•------ - -Cowe•a liarlem*•t ______ Columbia Harrison*•t-- Washington •Hartwell*•+ __________ Hart  • To Newnan. ee Macon. To State boro. To Lawrenceville. JOS. P. BROWN. To ~Ianchester. Wm. H. BE 'K. To avannah. To Macon. To Reid ville. To Valdosta. To Columbus. ee McDonough. To Atlanta. To Tewnan To A11eusta. To Wriehtsville. , 'KELLTON & MATHE 'ON.  m~~?]~:::  2707 5241 2519 885 6475 693 350  :wo  m  16:t '00 ➔  1200 559 429 322 2128 760 8240 53!:l 336 356 864 437 927 1631 176 798 345 2323  :fg  ~g  fr~~~·rg~. fg To Waynesboro  USE COUPONS as inatructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete infonnation in preface to Attorney List.  ATTORNEYS AT LAW (BONDED) POPULA·  .!!PN.  GEORGIA I  NAM:E.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  n. F. LAWSON.  Send 25cforeach Commercial Report. (Sre also at Oor,hrrtn}  3070 •Hazlehurst*•t __ Jeff Davis NEWTON GA.SKINS.  176 Helen• _____________ White 'l'o Cleveland. 928 Helena*•t _________ Telfair See McRae.  450 •Hiawassee*-------· Towns To 'l'occoa.  627 377  304 232 49H  379 300 2027 430 386 lti2li 84:t 300 202 1941 1060  323 467  373  Hillsboro"•+ _______ Jasper •Hinesville* --------Liberty Hiram*•t-------- .Paulelmg llogansville*•t _____ Troup •Homer" ____________ flanks H0merville*•t _____ Lanier Hoschton*• ______ Jackson Ideal *•L------- ____ Macon Ila _____________ Seminole Iron C1ty"•t . ___ Seminole •Irwinton" ______ Wilkinson Irwin ville*• ____ ---· _J rwin •Jackson*•t __________ Butts Jakin*•t ____________ Early •Jasper*•+ _________ Pickens •Jefferson*• _______ Jackson •J effersonville*•t __ Twiggs Jenkinsbun~*•t _____ Hutts Jersey*------·---- Walton •Jesup*•t .• _________ Wayne •J onesboro*•t --·- _Clayton Junction City*•L--Talbot Kennesaw*•t ________ Cobb Kestler*t __________ .Early  (Damascus P.O.)  266  596 344 2104 17038 310 1644 2050 465  786 339 400 -HO 469 300 258 657  1269 ii29 711 1040 2~! 237 315 367 978 934 359 323 873 52995 2348  2776 618 6190 1150 344 l50 356 2795  166 1263 1273 229 1111 378 314 908 985 593  4619  To Covington. To •atcshoro. To Dallas. To La Grange. To Cornelia. To };"a:hvillP To Commerce. To Americus. To Danielsville. To Bain bridge. To Milledgeville. To Ocilla. H. M. FLETCHER. See Blakely. ISAAC GRANT. To Commerce. To Macon. To Jack on. To Social Circle. J. H. THOMAS. To Atlanta. BE>e Talbotton. To Atlanta. See Blakely.  To Brunswick. To Cartersville. To Wrig-htsville. ROSSER & SHAW. J. C. SULLIVAN. To Valdosta. 'l'o Toccoa. 0. A. NIX. To Morgan. To Albany. See Nashville. To Moultrie To Americus. To Athens. See Lawrenceville. To Cordele. FRED A. McWHORTER. To Atlanta. See .McDonoug-h, 'l'o Social Circle. 'ro Wrightsv1lle. To Atlanta. To Dublin. To Hinesville. To Gainesville. See McRae. T.T.JAMES. To ~fanchester. To Rome. TBOS. J. PARRISH. GUNN & POWERS, 703 Ga. Casualty Bldg. •Madison*•t __ •...• Morg2n T. M. WOOD. Manc.ilester*•tMeriwethcr W. E. Sl\llTH. Mansfleld*•t-----·Newton To, ocial Circle. •Marietta*•+ -··--··-··Cobb J. GLENN GIJ,E..'il. Marshallville*•t ___ .Macon To Americus. Martm*•···--··- Stephens To Toccoa. Matthews*•t ·-··J etl't'rson See Louisville. Maxeys*•t .•.• Oglethorpe 'fo Athens. Maysville"•+ -··----Banks To Commerce. Mc:Caysville.-··--·Fannin To Blue Ridire. (Copperhill, Tenn .. P. U.) •McDonoue-h*•t--.•. Henry E. J. REA.GAN. •McRae*•+ ·-·----·-TPlfaiJ' LA.MAR L. MURDAUGH. Meansville*•t --·-·--Pike To Barnesville. Meigs*•t ________ ._ Thomas To Thomasville. Menlo*•t -·-··· Chattooga 'ro Rome. Metcalf*•t-------· 'l'homas To Thomasville. •Metter*•t -·-····-.Candler To Statesboro. Midville*•t---·-··· .Burke To Waynesboro. Milan*•t ---------·-Telfair ee McRae. •Milledgeville*•t-. Baldwin SIBLEY & SIBLEY.  Kin1rnland "•L ---· Cam ct en Kingston*•t ---·-··Bartow Kite*• ··-·-·-··--Johnson •La Fayette*•t---·· Walker •Lagrani?e*•t ---····Troup Lake l'ark*•t ·--· Lowndes Lavonia*•t ·--· .. Franklin •Lawrenceville*•tGwinuett Leary*•+ .... ·-··.Calhoun •Leesburg*•t ______ -·--Lee Lenox*•t ·-·------·- Cook Lens!' -·---·-----·Colquitt Leslie*•t -----·--- _Sumter •Lexington*• ... Oglethorpe Lilburn*•t ....•. Gwinnett Lilly*•t .... ·--·_·--·Dooly •Lincolnton* •••••. Lincoln Lithonia*•t •.....• Dekalb Locust <Jrove*•t ... lienry Loganville*• ..... _Walton •Louisville*•. -·--Jetrerson Lovejoys Stat•n*• Clayton Lovett*•t. .... -.. -Laurens •Luoow1ci*•t ----·· Long Lnla*•t ----·----·--· .. Hall I.umber City*•t ... Telfair •Lumolcin*•t -·-···Stewart Luthersville"•r ... Meriw'r Lyerly*•+ ---·-·Chattooga •Lyons*•t ·-····--· 'l'oombs •Macon*•t --····----·-Bibb  860 407 257 411  •Milltown"-------- Lanier Milner*•+ -·--··-···Lamar Mitchell*•t ----.Gla ·scock Molena*•t--·· ··-·-··-Pike  1823 210 e21 341  •Monticello*•t __ .... Jasper I..aurens "'1 t o e*•t 1 ·--·-· · • on r s ~lorrland*•t ·-····Coweta •~!organ* •----·--·Calhoun .Mo1Ten ........•.. Brooks •~loultrie'•t ···-···Colquitt Mt. Airy"•t •. -Habersham •Mt. vernon*•t Montgom'v •Nashville*•t --·--·Herrirn Naylor*•r · ·-·· -- · Lanic•r Newborn*•t ··-·--1'-<ewton N~wington ····--·Screven  409  364  NAME.  - -- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  200 1427 1227 1681 643 537 2695  500 402 83252  Roopville* -··- •.•. Carroll Rossville*•t ·-·- ... Walker Roswell*•t ____ --··_.Cobb Royston*•+ -····-Franklin Rutledge*•t -·-- ••• Morgan Sale City*•---·--- Mitchell •Sandersville*•t. Wash'ton Sardis"•-·--·-·----· Burke Sasser"•t -··- ·--·-·Terrell •Savannah*•t ··--·Chatham  916 824 386 1266 100 1003 501 433 246 1578 136 562  RILL & GIBSO To Cornelia. M. B. CALHOUN. ~- v!iao~ta~ENJ. SMITH. To ocial Circle. 'l'o ..vlvania.  1413 1547 1093 2719 125  •3ylvania*•·---···-Screven •Sylvester*•t -·--- ._Worth •Talbotton••t ---··--Talbot Tallapoosa*•t ____ Haralson Talmo*.... ·-···Tack on  - TE NQ  HALL & JONES. To Camilla. ee Douglas. To Lawrenceville. To .Moultrie. See Swainsboro. See Warrenton. 'I'o Albany. To Thomasville. H. E. OXFORD. See Jesup. To Americus. To Sylvania. See Lumpkin. To Tifton. To Fairburn. To Dawson. To Blackshear. To Thomasville. To Douglas. To Camilla. To Savannah. To Commerce. To Fort Valley. To Vienna. To Springfield. To Cordele. To Cordele. To Americus. To Rome. To Statesboro. See Sylvester. To Marietta. To Americus. To Statesboro. To V,\ldo ta. See Nashville. To Ashburn. To Statesboro. To Statesboro. To Dublin. To Atlanta. To Butler. See Eastman. See Lumpkin. To Dalton. To Atlanta. To Macon. To Cordele. To Dublin. To Cedartown. To Sylvania.  •  13252 •Rome*•+---··-·- .•• _Floyd WILLINGHAM, WRIGHT & COVINGTON.  'fo 1·a hvill<•. To Barnt:' ·ville. Ser Sparta. 'l'o Barnesville. i~i;lc~~cle. To Covington. See Duu1·111 · ;~ ~(~;:~~~To Valdosta.  m~ ·~g~i~:~~a•~·c::1i~~g~ ~g 530  •Newnan*•t -·-·--- Coweta •Newton* ·-···--· .. -Baker Nicholls*•t -··--·--·Coffee Norcross*•t ---·- Gwinnett Norman Park*•t .Colquitt N orristown.,•t. -.Emanuel Norwood*•t -----· Warren Oaktlcld••t ••...•. _Worth Ochlochnee*•t -·._Thomas •Ocilla.*•+._. __ • ______ lrwin Odum*•t----·- ·-·- Wayne •Oglethorpe*•t -·-· ._Macon Oliver*•t -----··-.Screven Omaha*•t ··-· .••• Stewart Omega*•t--·--·-·-·-- Tift 965 Palmetto*•t ___ .. Campbell 1>67 Parrott*•+--·- ..• _. Terrell 357 Patterson*•t -····-·Pierce 990 Pavo*•t .. ·-·----·Thomas 792 •Pearson*•t--··- Atkinson 2640 Pelham*•+---·-·- Mitchell 560 Pembroke*•t ----·-·Bryan 277 Pendergrass*• ___ .Jackson 6i8 •Perry*•t ·-·-·---·Houston 596 Pinehurst*•t ---·-··Dooly 500 Pineora"• ·--·--Effingham 474 Pineview*•t .---··- Wilcox 352 Pitts*•t ··-···----·Wilcox ~611 P!ains*•t -------·---Sumte;91 Pia inville*•t - · .... Gortlon 700 .Portal*•--··---···- Bulloch 586 Poulan*•i ·--- -·-- __ W 01 th 336 Powder Springs*•t .. Cobb 252 •Preston"•t ·-·-··-Webster 2J9 Pulask1*•t ____ ·--·Candler 4393 •Quitman*•t -·--·-- Brooks 850 RaJ City*•t---·--·Berrien 331 Rebecca*•t ··---··-Turner 500 Register*•t ··-·--- Bulloch 553 •Reidsville*•t ---·-Tl\ttnall 219 Rentz*•t ·--·-·-·- Laurens 101 Rex*• ..... -·--··-Clay ton 926 Reynolds*•t --··--·'I'aylor 396 Rhine*•+_-·---··· -.Dodge 1529 Richland *•t ______ Stewart 472 •Ringgold*•t ••.. _.Catoosa 159 Riverdale -··- .... Clayton 404 Roberta*•t -··· .Crawford 1046 Rochelle*•+ ·--·--. Wilcox 229 Rockledge*•t _____ Laurens 1400 Rock Mart*•t---·----Polk 522 Rocu Ford*•t __ .Screven  7037 377 936 993 565 177 366 295 410 2180 309 871 28J 262 329  Scotland*•t····-·- Telfair Scott*•-·-·--···--J ohnson Seuoia"•t --··--···Coweta Seville*•t ••. ·-·· __ Wilcox Shady Dale*• ·--···Jasper Sharon*•t ···--- Taliaferro Sharpsburi.?* -· -·-·Coweta Shellman*•t _._.Randolph Siloam*• ···- ·---··Greene Smitbville*•t -·-·-····Lee Smyrna*•t ··--·····- Cobb Social Circle*•t .. _Walton •Soperton"t --·· __ Treutlen Sparks*•t ··-·· ·--··-Cook •Sparta*•t ·--··---Hancock •81>ringfleld*• ___ Effingham Stapleton*•t ·--· J etrerson •Statesboro*•+. -·--Bulloch Statham••t-·--·-·-l~rrow Stephens*• •••. Oglethorpe Stillmore*•t ·--·-Emanuel •St. Mary's*.·-···-Camden Stockbridge*•t ....• Henry Stone Mount·n*•t. Dekalb Stovall*•t. ·-·-Meriwether •Summerv11le*•t Chattooga Summit*•t_ __ . ___ Emanuel urrency*•L--·-· Appling Suwanee*•t ·--·· Gwinnett •Swainsboro*•t_ __ Emanuel Swortl ·-----·· ·--Morgan Sycamore.. •t ·--···Turner  2405 •Millen*•L-----·-·Jenkins To Waynesboro.  6789 343 722 202:5 302  1735  TION •  30i0 •Hawkinsville*•t ___ Pulaski  315 315 329 1591 291  POPUTOWN AND COUNTY. LA·  310 JOO 906 li2 294 282 170 1074 2-!3 761 791 1781 1033 7!l2 1895  377  410 3807 720  nm  To Carrollton. See La Fayette. To Marietta. To Toccoa. To Madison. To Camilla. To Wrightsville. To Waynesboro. To Dawson. ULMER & BRIGHT, , ayannah Rank · Trust Building. Gc1wral Law Practi<'P. See McRae. To Wrightsville. To Newnan. To Cordele. See Monticello. To Crawfordsville. To NPwnan. To uth bert. To Greensboro. To Albany. To Marietta. J. L. NEWTON. 'l'o Mount Vernon. To ashville. BURWELL & FLEMING. To Savannah. See Louisville. FRED T. LA.NIER. To Winder. See Lexington. To Swainsboro. To Brunswick. See McDonough. To Atlanta. To Manche ter. TToo Isttc.~mtees.boro. ,, See Ifaxley. See Lawrenceville. To Statesboro. To Madison. To Ashburn.  J. S. POWELL. To Albany. J. A. SMITH. To Buchanan. To CcHnmPrC_P_._ _ _ _ _ _ __  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete Information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  GEORGIA, HAWAII, IDAHO  1736  ATTO RNEYS-AT- L AW (BON DED)  PoPu: LATIO.N.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME .  2140 ..Thomson*•t ___ __ .\le Duffie 3005 •Tifton••+ _____________ Tift 653 Tignall*----------- Wilkes 3567 .. Toccoa*•t _______ Stephens 420 Toomst,oro*•t __ \\ iiKmson 1588 Trion*•t _______ Chattooga li5 Tucker •• ________ Dekalh 239 Turin••+ __________ Coweta ______ Tyrone*• ----. ----Faye • t e 403 Ty 1y"•t _____________ Tift 1103 Unad11la*• t ____ _____ Dooly 1126 Union Point*•+ ____ Grernc 240 Uvalda*•t __ llloutgomery •Valclosta*•t. _____ Lowndi>s Vu..Jalia*•t ________ Toombs VidPttr*•t __________ Burke .. Vienna••+ __________ Dooly Villa Hica*•t ____ Carroll Waco"•t ________ Ilaral.:;on \Y adlt'Y*•t ______ J elfersou Walnutgrove* _____ \\'al ton .. warreoton*•t ____ \\'arrt•n Warthen•+• __ Washingl0•1 Warwick*•t ________ Worth  4208 .. \\'a ·hmi?ton••t ____ \\'ilk~· 46~ •Watkins\ 1llr*•t ___ Oconre .too \\'avPrty HaW•+ ___ Harris 18068 • Waycross*•t ________ Ware  3311 .. ,Y:1y11e. horo••t.- ... Burke  208 2138 662 479 366  1211  249 333:; 153  ;;04  Y23 200 356 415 458 148 1074  14i6 400 2lH 629  LA-  TOWN AND COUNTY .  NAME.  TTON.  2i3 Tarrytown* .\lontgomery To "\!t, Vernon. 258 Taytorsv tlle"•t ____ Ha rtow 'ee C:1rtersv11Je. 621 Temple •t. _______ . Carroll To Carrolltou. Ii68 Tennille*•t ___ \\'asbini?ton To Wrightsville. 2::i02 ..Thomaston"• + _____ Upson JAMES R . ])A \'IS. 8196 ..Thomasv1Ile*•t ___ Thoma'-' H. H . MF.RRY.  10783 2860 569 2019 1047 333 1423 143 1407 228 274  PoPu:  WPsto t• _______ \\'ehster West l'oin t"•t ____ Troup \\'highflm*•t _______ Qracly Whiw Plains*•---- <ln•1•ne Wht!t•shurg*•t ____ Carroll • \VillacoocheP*•t _,-\ tkinson Williamson*•+ _______ Pike .. Windt>r*•t ________ Barr1>w Win~ on* t ______ l) J ugla, · Wwterville*•t _____ Cturl<e Woodhurv*•t _MeriwPther Woodcliff*•t ______ creven Wooclland*•t. ______ Talhot Wooclstock*•t ___ Cherokee WoodvillP*•t ______ Grerne Woobpy*•t _______ :B'ayPtte WrPns••t _______ Jpfl'er on •Wnghts\'ill ♦ '*•t __ Johnson Yates1•il1P"•t _______ U p:oo Young Harris____ Town· •Zebu Ion ••t __________ Pikr  ,JORN T. WEST & SON. FULWOOD. & HARGRl,TT. Sep Washmgton. ,JOHN H. DA VIS & SON. Tu lrwinton. To Romp. To Atlanta. 'l'o, 'ewnan. To Fayc ,tevide. To Tilton. To Vienn:i. To Greensboro. To Mt. Vernon. A. T. WOODWARD. 'fu Lyons. To Waynrsboro. WOODWARD & BEDDJNGFIJ<;LD 'l.'o Carrollton. To Buchanan. To Wrightsville. To ocial Circle. To Thomson. To Wrightsville. 'fo Albany. GEO . M. DU BOS.I!:. 1'o Atkins . To Columbus. D. T. HEEN. Jlnn11u . L. L. A., C. N. WALKER. To AmPncu. To LaGrange. To Bainhriclge. To U rPensboro. •ro Carrollton. To Douglas. 'ro Barap · ville. R. B. K IMBA.LL To Carrollton. Tu A1t11•11s To )IanrlH'ster. To Sylvania. SPP Talbotton. Se1~ Canton. To Gret>nsboro. To J.;'ayet teville. To Wrig-ht,ville. A. L. HATCHER. To 'l'IH11na~ton. To Ilia\\'as ee. To R1rn1• l'ille.  1500•Lihue* ______________ Knnai SPP Honolulu. 290 Pahah* ------------Hawaii To Hilo. 3000 Paia* -------------~au1 To Wailuku. 1000 Schofield Barracks* Honolulu To Honolulu. (l/onoliilu P. 0.) ------ \Vaialua _________ Honolulu To Honolulu. 4000 •Wailuku* ------------~Iaui D. H. CA E. 1000 Waimea.* -----------Kauai 8£'e Honolulu. 5000 Waip~u• _______ Honolulu 110 Honolulu.  IDAHO One Federal District comprises enti rn state an<I ha~ four divisions: namely, the !','"orthern with court at Coeur d'Alene, 011 the fourth Monday in May and the third Monday in :,., O\"('lllber; the Curnral w Ith cvurt at Moscow, on the second Monday lu May aud the tu~t Monday In November: the Southern with court at Uobe ('tty, on the secon<I Mondays in February aud :-ieptember: and the 1-:astrrn with court at Pocatello, on the secono ~tonctays in Maren and October.  REFERENCE KEY • County Seat.  * .Monry Order Office.  t Telegraph Station.  • Express Office.  § State Capit:il.  471 Aberdeen*•t _____ Bingham See Blackfoot. 388 Albion* _____________ Cassia Sre Burley. 1547 ...American Falls*•t __ PowPr BIS.'ELL & LOl•'BOl'RROW. 737 •Arco*•t _____________ButtP To Hai ley. 1022 Ashton••+ _______ Frt>mout To ~t. Anthony. 3i-l Bancroft*•+ ______ Bannock 'ee Pocatello. 3~6 Bellev ue* • t ________ Blame To Hailey. 39~7 •Hlackfoot••t ____ • Hmcltam ,JOUN W. JONES. lUO Bliss •t _________ (iooding- To Gooding. 21303 § •Boise .. •t ____________ Alla RICHARDS RAGA. Hefl'r to l111i~e UitY Tational Bank. (,omµilLrs of tlie lc!aho laws for thi.'! p11lilirntion. 123(i •Bonners Ferry*•tBouod'y 'l'o ',tnd Pmnt. 589 Hovill*•t ____________ Lat;, h ~ec· )1 o<:cnw. .iou Bruneau• _________ OwylH••' Tu Twin Falls . 224:i Buhl*•t ________ Twin Falls See Twin Falls. 5408 .. Hurley••t __________ ca: ia EDGAR :\I. WRIGHT.  5106 •Calclwell"•t _______ canyon J. A. ELSTON. 404 Camtmdge*•t Wash111gton !iOO Carey • ____________ Blaine WO •Ca~c;icte· __________ VallPy 200 Cactlefonl~ ___ Twin Fall· 484 •Chall 1 ·" __________ _ Custer  HAWAIIAN ISLANDS District consists of the Islands of Hawaii, 1·atioolawe, Kauai, Lanat. Maul, Molokai, Nlih:rn, Oahu. and a numb"' of 11n10haliltt'd i'llanc1~ Dlstrirt court I:; ht•ld at Honolulu, the SP<'011d Mond:n In \cirll :in,1 October. Spp1•ial tt'rni, may be held at sul'l1 times and places as the Judges may deem expedleut  REFERENCE KEY • County Srat.  • Money Order Office. t 'l'elrg-raph Station .  • Exp r ess Office.  § Oapital.  ---~-----  10431 .. Hilo" ____ ---------- Ilawa ii CARl,SMIT H & R OLPH.  I 2!! Honok'la* . _ ________ . ll:lwaii 'l'o Hilo. 83327 §• Honolulu" ______ Honolulu T HOMPSON, CATTICA RT & LJ'WIS, Campbell Block. ~:iOO ra1~1·1* _____________ J.;:auai 'fo Honolulu. 50/l Keal,tkl'ku.i* _______ llawa11 'l'o Hilu. 5[)0 Kohala* ___________ Hawn ii To Hilo. 1000 L:,hain7t* ___________ Matii SPP W:iilnkn  ---- -- NOTE  Set' We1sn. To Hailey. To Idaho Oily, 'l'o Twin Fall . To 'almon  6JJ7 •Creur d'Alene*•L- Koot'ai EDWARD H. BERG. Re!n~ to R. G. Dun & Co. and any !oral bank ancl J udl!es of the Supreme and Di:trict Courts. 610 Cottonwood*• t ----- Idaho •ro Grangeville. 1188 •Council*• + _________ Acl:tms JAS. A. STIN, ON. 7:50 Craigmont _________ Lewis 'I'.., Nc1.perce. 3!J7' ac••t ____ Nel l't'1 <'1' Tu L1•w1 ton. 316 Ueary*• ____ : _______ j,;1t.1h Sre ~Joscc,w. 7!.0 Declo-------------- C'a: ia ."ec Burley. 100 Donnell:v•L ________ \'all1•y To l<laho City. ee Pocatello. 5~2 Downpy•• t_ ______ R1.111101·k 683 • Driggs• • t ___________ T11to11 , Pe H1•xbur.r. 115 Drummond*• + ___ Fren•ont To Hexh11r;!'. 5!JO •Duhoi~•• f_ __________ Clark To St. Anthony . 200 Eagle" ____ ---- _______ . :\tla See Boise. 359 Rclen*• t. _________ .Jero ,ne 1'o Hunert. 8J7 Elk River••t_ __ CIParwatn To Orofino. 2204 • ~~mm1•tt*• t ___________ nPm To C:1l1lw 11. 280 FairllP!cl*• L-- ____ Cama,, To Hailey. 2;;:; Ferdinand" _________ l1t,dt0 'l'o l:h.ingPville. c•e Twin Falls. 1012 Filer••+. _______ Twin f<'; •lls 200 l<'i r th*•f. ________ Hin!!l1a •n To Bia •kfoot. ee Caldwell. 350 Fruitland*• _______ P:iyette Pe \loscow. tii6 GC'nf'sl.'e*• t _:, _______ L:,tah 754 Gifford• ________ NPz l'Prre 'rn f Pwiston . 124J OlPnn~ Ff'rrv .. • + .. Flmnrf' 'lPf' Mnunt:iin Homr.  USE COUPONS a s- instructed to BE PROTECTED b y bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney Liat.  IDAHO, ILLINOIS  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) POPO LA-  POPU-  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  2!!2  1:;9 150 50 806-1 17:i9 4~7 653 3017 :;22 501 405 366 359  662  500 6::i74 869 2::i98 75 4fi7 :193 10\JO  :i8'.'i  :nx  2:.i3  2984 210  3!l::i6 16H 1320 100 7621 381 141 400 li77 12n  537 rn:33 :i83  ;-m  2413 HJl  ~oo  4:iO 1;;1101  •Goodine*•t ______ Goodine Gratl'" ___________ Bannock Grand View* _____ Owyhee •G-raugev1lle*•------ _Idaho Ha~erman" ______ Gooding •llailey*•t ___________ £Jaine Hansen--•L----Twin Falls Harrison*•t _____ Kootenai Hazel ton*•t _______ Jerome Ueyt)Urn"•t _____ Minidoka Hollister*•t ____ rrwin Falls llomedale*•t . ____ Owyhee Horse Shoe Bend ___ Boi e •Idaho Falls*•t.Bonneville •Jerome*•t ________ Jerome Juliaetta*•t _________ Latah Kamiah* ■ t_ _________ Lewis Kellogg*t _______ Shoshone Kendrick*•t ________ Latah Kimberly*•t ___ T\Yin Falls •Kooskia*•t ________ ldaho Kuna ... t ______________ Ada Lapwai" --------Nez Perce Lava Hot pr 'gs•tBannock Leadore*-----------Lemhi •Lewiston*•+ ____ Nez Perce Mackay*•t _________ ouster •Malad U1ty*•t _____ Oneida .May ____________ Lemhi MrCammon* ■ t_ __ Bannock Menan ______ __. _Jefferson MPridian*•t __ ________ Ada Midcl!eton*•t __ ____ Canyon \I irh·:i IP*•t ___ \\':i ·hinulon )linidoka*• +____ )linilloka Montpt>lier*•t __Bear Lake -~lontour ·•t ___ _____ __ (.frm •Moscow*•t __________ Latah  PADGHAM & PAl>GHAM. See Pocatello. See Twin Falls. H. TAYLOR. To Good1ug. W. A. BRODHlAD. See Twin Fa 11s. See Creur d ·Alene. To H,upt>rt. See l{ uncrt. St>e Twin Falls. 'l'o Twrn Falls. To Boise. {'LENCY S.T. CLAm. To ShoshonP. See Kt'mlrkk. To l\ ezperce. See Wallace. See Mo cow. See Twin Falls. To Grangevil1e. 'f o Boise. To Lewiston. See Pocatello. To 'almon. JAMES E. BABB. To lllackfoot. To Preston. To Salmon. See Pocatello. 'l'o Rigby. See Hoise. Rl-'e Caldwell. S,•e Wriser. To Rupert.  •Mountain Home*•tElmore Mallan*•t _______ Shoshone )lartaugh ______ 'rwin Falls Nampa*•t _________ canyon ·ewdale _________ Fremont New Meadows*•L-Adams New Plymouth*•--Payette •Nezperce*•---------Lewis Uakley*•t ___________ cassia •Orofino*•t _____ Clearwater •Paris••t ________ Bear Lake Parma*•t _________ canyon PauL ____________ :Minicloka • l'ayette*•t ________ Payette l'eck*•t ________ Nez Perce J'i ·alio *•t __________ Blaine Plummer*•t _____ Benewah •l'ocatello*•t _____ Bannock  V. L. TAYLOR. See Wallace. 'I'o Twin Falls.  1  ;;75 Post Falls*•-- ____ Kootenai l'otlatch*• __________ Latah F I 1· ,,23:i •Preston"•L ______ ra.n{ m :;4:; Priest River*•t ____ Bonner :i09 Rathdrum*•t ____ Kootenai 171> Rt>ubens*• __________ Lewis 3:5fi9 •Hexhurg•••t ______ ladison :l33 l{ichtield"•t _______ Lmcoln , I· * t 1(1~9 • {igt,y • ---- ---- J !:'1T erson 1:iOO ~  \ir~ M~r~~;;:;;c====f:let'r~~~  n. GOUGH. 'l'o \\'e ,ser. M. w. GRIFFITH.  A.  VAN DE STEEG & URJ•]"'iHJ<;ARS. 'ro l{exburg. To Council. See Caldwell. G. C. PENNELL. See Burley. 'l'o L<•wi own. 'l'o .Montpelier. ee Caldwell. To Rupert. See Caldwell. 'l'o LPwiston. To llai lev. ee Creur d'Alene. W. n. WITTY. Refers to Bannocll Nat ·1 and First Nat'! Banks. See Cccur d ·Alene. See Moscow. J E HARVEY • ~. • To and Point. See Creur d'Alene. To Nezperre. C. W. POOLE. 'l'o ... hoshone. Wm. p. HEMl\lINHl<'.lt. 'I'o J{ie-h.Y.  To l{ighy. 3-N Hock land* __________ Power To Anwrican Falls. 200 Hoger on*•t ___ '!'win Fall See Twin li'a.lls. 2:m •Rupert*•t _______ Minidoka MAIUON P. BETTY. 1311 ,Xiii 1223 1rn:; 9;;;i !J.10 '.!!J::i7 402  NAM!<: .  TOWN AND COUNTY.  TION.  TION.  18~3 1000 300 J.139 327 1201 278 674 295  LA·  1737  • almon* ___________ Lemhi • anrlpoint*•t_ _____ Bonner Shelley*•L ______ Bine-ham •Shoshone*•t ______ Lincoln .. soda Springs*•t-- Caribou Spirit I,akt>*•t ___ Kootenai .. st. Anthony*•t __ Fremont Star~ _________________ Ada  QUARLF,S & PADGHAl\1. E. W. WIU'ELAN. kf See Blac oot. H. D. HEIST. See Pocatello. St>e Creur d'Alene. 'I'o H.~xburg. See Boise.  ~M ~ttJ~~:~r_-_-_-_-_-_-_iiei~;~g ±g 0 f.aM~~T~~~1962 •St. Maries*•t ____ Benewah li,'O Sagar*•L ---- ---- fadi. on ;;37 Teton" __________ Fremont .JOO Tewuia _____________ TPton 591 Troy"•t _____________ Latah 8:124 ..Twin Falls*•t __ Twin Falls 277 Victor*•L--------- _Teton 2816 •Wallace"•L _____ Shoshone 704 Wardner*•t _____ Shoshone 3154 .. weiser"•t ____ Washineton 664 Wendell*•t ______ Gooding 3;-15 \\'hite Bird* ________ Idaho ~49 Wildrr ____________ Canyon i-!::i Winrhester* ________ Lewis 350 WorlPv* _________ Koot<·uai  .  E. N. I.aVElNE.  See Rexburg. To Rexburg.  ig t~~~~~r,  ASHER B. WILSON. To Rexburg. TIUJRRETT TOWLJ<;s. See Wallace. J<jD. R. COULT.Elt. To G•><><ling. To Orangeville. To Caldwell. To Ne1oerce. SPP Creur d'Alene.  NOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ILLINOIS Illinois is dlvtded into three Federal District!; namely Northern, Southern. and Eastern. The NORTHERN DISTRICT has two divisions; the Eastern with court at Chicago, on the first Monday~ In February, March, April, May, June, July, Set>tember, Uctol>tJr, and November and the third Monday in December; the \Vestern with court at Freeport, on the third Mondays In At>rli and October. The SOUTHERN DISTRICT has two divisions; namE>ly, the Northern with court at rcorla, on the third Mondays in At>rll and October; the Southern with courts at Springfield. on the first Mondays In January and June, and at Quincy, on the first Mondays In March and September. The EASTERN DISTRICT with courts at Danville, first Mon days Ln March and SeI)tember; at Cairo, the first Mondays in April and October; and at East St. Louis, the first Mondays in May and November. REFERENCE KEY • County  " Money Order Office.  t Telegraph Station.  1584 2231 200 8~0 693 354 451 286 371 366 281 131 1352 24682  Abingdon"•t ---- ____ Knox Adair*•t ______ McDonough Adrlison"•t _______ Du page Adrian*•t _______ Hancock Akiu* ____________ Franklin Alhany•t _______ Whiteside Albers"•t _________ Clinton •Albion*•t ________ Edwards •Aledo*•t ___________ Mercer Alexander*•t _____ More-an Alexis*•t _________ Warren Algoaquin*•t ____ McHenry Alhambra*•t _____ Madison Allendale*•t ______ Wabash Allen ville*•t _____ Moultrie Allerton*•L---- Vermilion A1ma*•t __________ Marion A lpha*•L __________ Hf'nry Al~i•y •t. ______ _____ Seo t Altamont*•t ____ Effingham Alton*•t _________ Madison  506 500 386 1944 207 3019 300 429 775 484 1 31 420 479 528 3500 284 2250 368 300 344 908 375 1122 751  Altona*•t ___________ Knox Alto Pass"•L--- ____ Union Alvin*•t ________ Vermilion Amboy"•t..: ____________ Lee Aochor"•t ---- ____ McLean Anna*•t ____________ Union Annapolis* ______ Crawford Annawan*•t ________ Henry Antiocl.J*•t __________ Lake Apple River*•t Jo Daviess Arcola*•t_ ________ Douglas Area* ----------------Lake Arenzville*•t ________ Cass Are-ent.a*•t_________ .Macon Argo*t ----· _________ cook Arliugton*•t ______ Bureau Arlington Hgts.••t __ cook Armington*•t __ _TazewE'll Armstrong*• ___ Vrrmilion Arrow mith*•t ___ McLean Arthur*•t ________ Douglas Ashkum*•t _______ lroquois Ashland*•t ___________ Cass Ashlcy*•t ____ Washington  1852 1340 1241 7i8 1173 8~3 26u0 1085 36397 ______ 626 3815  Assumption*•t __ Chri tian Astoria*•t _________ Fulton Athen "•t _________ Menard Atkin on*•t ________ Henry Atlanta*•t ________ Logan AAtwhood:•tt-____S_____ Piatt u urn • _____ angamon Aueusta*•t ______ Hancock Aurora*•t _______ Kane Austm•t __________ cook Ava*•+ ________ Jackson Averyvillet ________ Peoria <Pe.m' ia P.O.)  2721 300 510 180 ~;,()  ~[Jl 170  ~i~ ±~~~~~:~~~::::_::::~f::  mi~~s~~~+·~~::::::::5!~~~g~  353 352 1743 1490 2-!6 371 lf88  Baldwin*•t_ _____ Randolph Barclolph*•t .. McDonoug-h Barrington*•t _______ cook Barry*•t ____________ Pike Bartelso*•t_ _______ Clinton Rartlett*•t ___________ cook Banmville* ---- - --Peoria  267 4395 273 408 388 7111 300 402 1153  ~~i';,.f.+-------Han~~c~ Batchtown•-==::~calho~n Bath"•t ___________ Mason Baylis*•t ____________ Pike Beardstown*•t _______ C1ss Beason*•t ________ Logan Beaverville*•L ___ lroquois !IPrkrmPvPr*•t ____ r.linton  (Peoria P.O.)  §  • Express Office.  State  See Galesburg. 'l'o Bushnell. To Elgin. To Carthage. See llentou. See Sterling. To Carlyle. P. C. WALTERS. PALL J. GRAHAM. See J acksouv1lle. See Monmouth. See W ooustock. See Edwardsville. To .ML. Carmel. See Sullivan. 'l'o Danville. See alem. To Galva.. To Win cl!Pster. See Effingham. Gll,~ON BROWN. 506-507 Commercial Bldg. See lralelibure. To Anna. To Danville. See Dixon. To Bloomington. A. J. PICKRELL. To liobinson. 'To Galva. See Waukeg-an. See Gal~na. To Tuscola. CE' Libertyville. To Virginia. ee Deratur. To Chicago. ee I'rinel'ton. To Chicago. To 1-'ekin. To Danville. To Bloomington. To Tu cola. See Watsrka. To Virginia. To Nashville. See Mattoon. See Dixon. ee Taylorville. Ree Lewistown . • To P!'tt>r ·bure-. To Uah·a. To Lincoln. See .Monticello. St>e, prineflPld. JOHN A. MEAD. JtA Yl\fOND & NEWHALL. To Chicago. To Murphysboro. To Peoria.  Iie0t!~J\~t>wn. To Sparta. To Du.hnell. To Chicago. To Pitt field . l'T o ~.ha,~1!ncrle •• 0 , . , ,.... 0 To Peoria. See Carthage. To Aurora. See Hardin. To Havana. See Pittsfield. W. H. DU,TJ<.RICH. See Lincoln. See Watseka. ·ro CarlYIP.  USE COUPONS-;.. inatructedto BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  ILLINOIS  1738 POPU·  LA· TION,  609 328 90 78 311 24823 1881 441 464 7804 1663 3316 650 414 7201 200 14150 842 100 200 -l25 192 290 274 230 1002 28725  TOWN AND COUNTY. Beecher*•t ________ \Viii Beecher City*• _Effin1?ham Bellair* -- ---- ·--Crawford Belle Prairie* --.Hamilton Belle Rive*•t ____ Jefferson .. Belleville*•t -·--·-St. Clair Bellewood*-·-··· ._ •• cook Bellflower"•t -·---McLean Bellmont*•t ______ Wabash .. Belvidere*•t ____ --·-Boone Bement••t _______ .Piatt Benld*•---·_ ··--Macoupin Bensenville*•t -·-·Bu page Benson*•t ·--·--Woodford "Beoion*•t ·------Frankhn llerwick"•t ·--! ___ Warren Berwyn*•t -------.Cook Bethany*•t ··-· __ Moultrie Beverly* ··-···-···-Adams B1b1e Gro\·e• ··-···-··c,ay Bil?l?SVillA"•t ·-·Henderson Bingham •t ...... Fayette Birds"•t •.•••• •• Lawrence Bishop Hill*•L .... Henry Bismarck*•t .••. Vermilion BlandinsviUe"•t .McDon 'h •Bloomin1?ton*•t __ .McLean  NAME.  To Joliet. See Efflnl?ham. To Robinson. See McLeansboro. To Mount Vernon. L. N. NICK, PERRIN, ,Jr. To Chical?O, To Bloomington. To Mt. Carmel. ROBERT W. WAUGH. ee Monticello. To taunton. To Elgin. To Eureka. BICKMAN & HICKMAN. ee Monmouth. To Oak Park. See Sullivan. To Quincy. T o Louisville. To :\Ionmouth. 'ro Vandalia. 'l'o Bridgeport. To Galva. To Danville. To Bushnell. COSTIGAN & WOLLRAB. Refere nces: Liberty State Bank. To Chicago. See Decatur. To Winchester. To Mt. Vernon. See Champaign. To Albion. To Mount Vernon. See Carthage. To Morris. To Galva. See Kankakee. To Joliet. To Carlyle. JAMES M. GROFF. To Carlinv1lle. See Peoria. See Champaign. To Paris. 'l'o Chica.go. To Metropolis. ee McLean boro. To Golconda. To Rushville. See Albion. See Vandalia. See Hardin. See Kankakee. See Watseka. See Princeton. See pringfleld. To Rock I land. To Taylorville.  Blue Island"•t ··-·-··Cook Blue Mound••t ••••• Macon BluJTs"•t - - - - -..• Scott Bluford"• ··-····Jefferson Bondville*•t ..• Champaien Bone Gap"•t ..... Edwards 500 Bonnie*•t. •..••. Jefferson 715 Bowen*•t •••...•. Hancock 30 ~ Bracev!lle*•t •••••. Grundy 91., Bradford*•+ ..••.••• Stark 2128 Bradley ••t ..... Kankakee 1297 Braidwood*•t ·-···-·· Will 2399 Breese*•t ......... Clinton 2229 Brideeport*•t -·- f,a wrence 586 Brighton"•t ·-·-·Maroupin 617 Brimfleld"•t ··-· •••• Peoria 384 Broadlands*•t .Champaign 562 Brocton*•t ·····-···Edgar 3589 BrookfleJd••t.-••...• Cook 1098 Rrookport*•t __ .... Massac 506 Broughton*•t ... Hamilton 125 Brownfleld*• .•...... Pope 456 Browning"•t ••••. Schuyler ~88 Browns*•t __ .•. Edwards :518 Brownstown*•t .•. Fayette 280 Brussels* ......... Calhoun 16:5 Buckingham*•t .Kankakee 461 Buckley"•t ····-··IroQuois 796 Buda*•t ··-· •.•.... Bureau 475 BuJTalo"•t •••• _.Saneamon 5() ButraloPrairie Rock Island 470 Bulpitt .......... Christian (Kincaid!'. O.) 280 Buncombe*•t _••. Johnson See Vienna. !Iii Bunker HiU-•t •• Macoupin To tauntou. 100 Buree . • ·-·· ..•••• Mercer 8re Aledo. 209 Burlington"•L .•. . . Kane To Geneva. ee Carthage. 225 Burnsi<.le*•t ..••• Hancock 450 Burnt Prairie" .•...• White To Carmi. & HILLYfc)R LYBARGJ<.R McDonoueh •. Bushnell*•t 27!~ 8;i,> Byron••t.... ____ ... Ogle To Rochelle. 299 Cabcry*•t ··-----·-·Ford See Paxton. 15203 •Cairo"•+ ·-······Ale:rnnder REED GREE!'.. 300 Caledonia"•+ •.•••.. Boone To Belvidere. 230 Calhoun*•t ·-··--Richland ro Olney. 336 Camargo••t •..•... Douglas To Tuscola. 700 Cambria*•t •... Williamson See Marion. 1335 •Cambridge*•t .•••.. Henry To Galva. 250 Camden*·· -····· chuyler To Ru hville. ee .Monmouth. 300 Cameron*•t. ...••. \.'\"arren 300 Campgrove*•t ._.Marshall To Lacon. 994 Camp Point*•t ...•. Adams To Quincy. 228 Campus*•+ ....• Livin~ston To Pontiac. ee Lewistown. 10928 Canton••t. .•.•••••. Fulton 550 Capron*•t ·------··Boone See Belvidere. Murphyshoro. To Jackson •.•• 6267 CarbondaJe*•t 5212 •Carlinville"•t ... Macoupin THOMAS RINA.KER 7:30 Carlock*•+ •...•.•. McLean To llloomini:ton. 2027 •Carlyle*•t ·······-·Clinton HUGH V. MURRAY. 2667 •Carmi*•t ···-······· White .JOE A. Pl~AltCE. 2443 Carriers Mills *•t •. aline I-PP Ilarri<;hurg. '.!02U •Ca.rrollton"•t ••••• Greene JA~. l\l<•N ABB. 3404 Carterville"•t. Williamson See Marion. 2]29 •Carthaee*•t.·-···Hancock MACK & MACK. ,Iii:-! Cary Station*•t .Mrlleury To Woodstock. 21 9 Casey*•+ ·-··········Clark To Marshall. CJ!H Catlin*•t ..••.. _Vermilion To Dan\'ille. 349 Cave in Rock ..... Bardin To Elizaht>thtown. 12491 Centralia*•t ••••••. Marion To Salem. 1003 Cerro Gorclo*•t ....•. Piatt Sre Mon1 iccllo. 582 Chadw1ck"•t ...•.. Carroll To Savanna. ~no Chambersbnre" ...••. l'ike See Pittsfield. 15873 Champ:uen"•t . . Champ·1rn L. F. WINGARD, Probate matters 1?iven attention. Mer• cantile rr.norts furnished. Attorney for First tate Bank• 1 :ioo Chana!-~~~~~.~ ~: ____.Ogle To Rochelle. 909 Chandlerville*•t ...•. Cass To Virginia.  li424 881 1009 300 250 455  6~~g  .g~~l~~-t~n. ;+~===·.~  1 .~~,~~  s~i il~~~~~~me.  --No~TE  POPU• TOWN AND COUNTY. LA· TlON,  Chatham*•t .... Sangamon Chatsworth*• .Livingston Chebanse*•t •...• Iroquois Chenoa*•t ....••.. McLean Cherry*•+ -···-··Bureau Cherry Valley*•t Winn'2'0 .. chester*•t ....•• Randolph Chesterfleld*•t •. Macoupin soo Chestnut*•t •....... Logan 2701212•Chicaeo*•t •._ _ _ cook. 848 1087 5-U 1311 1265 480 2904 363  NAME. ee Springfield. To Pontiac. See Watseka. To Bloomington. To Princeton. See Rockford. To parta. See Carlinville. See Lincoln.  BAKER&BOLDF.R, (,TollnE.Bala rm 1cL L cru11 W.Jfo ltlcr) 834 Fir$t ational Bank Blclg. Gen e ral Practi ce . liaYe Spec ialized in interests or Non Resident clients for twenty year~ ; Department for <:ollections: Notice Depo,,ition,-, before William F. chmidt. Notary Public. Reference : tandard Tru t c , aving~ Bank or Fir t National Bank or Ch irae:o. ALLEN, WARD & "fYER , (Erne t B. Allen, John J. Ward and Samuel M. Myers.) ui te 913, andard Tru~t Bldg., 105 W. Monroe S t . Telephone, Randolph 4120 ; Pri• vate Exchange, all <.lepar1men1s. Ge ne ral Pra c ice in all Courts. Special atlem.ion ro Banking, B:tnkrupt cy and Commercial Litigation. Depositions before Samuel M. Myer-;, Commi 'SlOner. Refe.renees: Fort Dear horn Na• tional Bank. Armour & Comp:my, Franklin MacVeagh & Company, Pillsbury Flour ~1ill Company, Holli., & Duncan. Chicago 'l'ube c Iron Company. ~1e mbe rs of Commercial Law League of America , Chicago A~. ocia• ion of Commerce. E. H. ALLEN ADJl 1 Tl\rnNT COMPANY. Most thoroughly equipped collec ion office in Chicago. Bonded ervice. BACON & CORNWELL (Henry JI. Bacon ancl Willi tt H. Cornu:ell) 1430 First National Bank Building. General Pra<· tice in tatP and Federal Court.·. Probate, orporation. Real E ' tate Law. Prompt personal atte ntion 1?iven Com otice Deposition · before W. II. Corn mrrcial Collection~. well, NotaryP11blic. Long Di. t. Pl1. Hanrlolnh 3426. Reft>r ence : Corn Exch. Nat'! Bank, Fort Dearborn Nat'! Bank Chicago, Other rcferPnce-: furnishrd if de~ired. WM. CCLLEN BURNS, (Former Prohaft· .JurlgP,) 8 S. D1•ar horn St., GPnt•ral Practi<•P; Cornoratiou, lu,;urance, Com· lll('rcial an<l l'rohatt• mat1Prs. "M ORTON T. CULVER, C08.610 City llall Squarl' Bl<l~. 'orpn. <.Pnrral Prac' il'<' iu all ' t:t lt' ·uul FP<.lPra l Courh. ration. Tlls11rance and Banking L'tW". ~JH'<'ial attPntion to Publi<' Utility aucl lntl'rstah' C'ornnw n ·1• mat er~. For. mt•r .\sst. ,\t y. G<•rn•ral of Illinoi . KERR & KERR, ,\t t orneys at La ,,·. A . ol'ia ion Building. OPneral Practice in Law a11<.l Equi t y in tat, • and .Ft•dt>ral Court . CHARLES KRAMER, Attorney and Coun~ellor. 10th Fl. llarri Tru t Bldg. Char/ea Kramer, J. Fay Philbin, A. M. Block. Corporation. Commercial. Heal E tate. Pro • bate Bankruptcy. and General Ci\" ii Pra<"til'e in tale and Federal Court. Loral Attorneyc, for Ogden Avenue State Bank, :Market Tru-.t & a\' ing _ Bank. entral Tru ·t Co. of IlJinoi • CurtL ·- John-on Printing Company, Barne, Hine , · Comi:any, New York and Cbkago. Ilolhrook, Corey<" Com• pany, Allith Prouty Com1 any, Danville ~[alleahle Tron Company, Art Metal Work-;, Newark, N. J. Deno:itary Continental & Commercial National Bank. Harri .· Tm t ,· avings Bank. ancl Ogden Avenue tate Bank. Depo ition, hefore ~- E. Black. Commi.sioorr. McCULLOCH, l\lcCULLOCH & DUNBAR, Room 616, Merchant~ Loan ancl Trn!-t ll!dg. Attorneys for thP :Mer• chants Loan & Tm . t Company, Chicago, ( 'ce al,<o at EPanston.)  MOSS & KING, ui <' 1208.](I "\!onaclnoc:k Blo<'k, 5:! \\'rsr Jacbon BoulPvarcl , t Wnlicr E . .llo.s.<, Bom 1!<80 - Bar 1011 . . tfrxa 11dcr D. Ki,w J r. Born 188i Bar 1919. ) Uornor,1tio11 . ('ommrreial. Htial E'.slaf<'. arnl Prohat" L:nr. •r•n )'f''lf" exptriPnce in tht' hamlling or cliflicult arljustnwn sand in thp 1rial of litiga Pd ma tPr in City, Staw Ull(l FPcleral Uonr· . D1•1)()-.i ion-. tak<·n hrforl' Wm. ,J. Clark . . . ·own l'uhli•·. :,\JemhPr~: C.T,.L..\ .. lllinoi St ·, 1• lJat ,\ . ur•ia ion and Chic, go li:tr A.; ~ocia i m. Rt>f1·rc' m'P~: Primalt l'ro·tuct Co .. lfrliance let' \hebi11c Co.,Ilaggard&~tan-u.;,011C, .. Wyatt Bros. Proclnct Co., l'n<.i<'r akPr, Supply Co., .\ia,011 '!'ire and Rnlllwr Co., :,\lark Clancy Printing Co .. Blt•ot1 :,\lotor Company. Dcpositori" ; C'onti1ll'utal & om1111•,•cial ... ' ational .Rank ,r ·1tir.•1gn, F ir,t ... ·atiou,d Hank of hil'al!O, F. F. & J. V. NORCROSS, 2085 Continental & Commercial Bank Blclg. Attorneys for American Surety Company of New York inre 1893. Corporation, Prohate. Heal E-.tate ancl .'urety Law. (, hil'ago Heference~; Coro Exchan::-e .. ·ational Bank, Fir-.t ·ational Bank. JllinoL Tru~t & , a\'ing Bank, Chicago Trust ( o., Continental & Commereial National Bank. IOHN F. VOIGT, 1110 1112 Edi--on Bldg .. 72 W. Adam-. St. Gener-di Practice in all Courb-Cornoration. Commercial and om Exchange .. ·ational Bank, Probate Law. Reference: Ch icaeo. MILO B. STEVENS & CO., 338 Monadnock Block. Patents and Patent Causes, Trademark·, Copyrights, Labels, etc. \' alidity opinions rendered. Forei!!f1 patent· sf'cured for moderate feel-l. Established 188-t Mam Office, 638 F St., Waahin,rton, D. C. DANIEL S. WENTWORTH, 5fi \\'p,f Han<lolph sfrt'<'I , 0  General Practice in all Courts.  19653 Chicago Heights*•t .• Cook To Chicago. ee Peoria. 1986 Chillicothe*•t •..••• Peoria 1101 Chrisman••t.··-····Edgar To Pari . ee Benton. 1 0 To Oak Park. 4~t~i (Chir,1yo P. 0.  8?[~;b P+~=~~:~.==~~~c~~k tit 8[~;~::+ .·.·.·~.·.·.·.·:.~\vf;~~ ~~\,}gii\~~110_·____ __  USE COUPONS aa instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED POPU·  LA.TIO.N,  TOWN A.ND OOUNTY.  670 186 200 &i8 1038 200 638 5898 1744 815 9-U 945 1387 976 9753 125 1592 1-11 200 283 318 297 271 528 200 200  Cissna Park*•t ___ Iroquoi~ Claremont*•t ____ Richland Clarence*•t __________ Ford Clav City"•t----------Clay Clayton*•t _________ Adams Claytonville*•t __ Iraq uois Clifton*•t ________ Iroauois .. Clinton*•t _________ Dewitt Coal City*•t ______ Grundy Coatsburg*•t ______ Adams Cooden*•t __________ Union Co:treen*•t __ Montgomery Oolchester"•t .McDonough Colfax*•t _________ McLean Oollinsville*•t ____ Madison Collison"•t ____ Vermilion Columbia*•t ______ Monroe Columbu' --------Adam Colusa"•t ________ Haucock Compton*•t ___________ Lee Concord*•t ________ Morgan Cooksville*•t _____ McLean Cordova..•t ___ Rock Island Cornell*•t _____ Livingston Cornland"•---------Log-an Cottonwood ______ Gallatin (Omolla P. O.) Coulterville*•t--Randolph Cowden*•t _________ 'belby Creal Sp·gs*•t-Williamson CrescentCity*•t __ lroquois Creston*•t ___________ Ogle Crete*•t ______________ Will Oropsey*•t _______ McLean Oros ville*• ________ White Cry~tal Lake*t __ McHenry Cuba*•t ____________ Fulton Cullom*•t _____ Livingston Cn1ll'r*•t-----------Pt•rry Oypress*•t _______ Johnson Dahlgren*•------Hamilton Dakota*•+ _____ Stephenson Dallas City*•t ____ Hancock Dalton City*•t ___ Moultrie Dana*•t __________ La Salle Danforth*•t ______ Iroquois Danvers*•t _______ McLean .. Danville*•+ _____ Vermilion Davis*•t ______ Stephenson •Decatur*•t _________ Macon Deer Crerk*•t ___ Tazrwell Det•rfirld'•t --------_Lake De Kalb*•t. ______ ne Kalb DeLand*•t ___________ Piatt Delavan*•t ______ Tazewell Denver*•t _______ Hancock Depue*•t __________ Bureau De Soto*•L-- ____ Jackson DrsPlaines *•t. ______ cook l)ewey*•t _____ Champaign Dewitt*•t ________ De Witt Dieterich*•t ____ Efllngham Divernon••t ____ Sangamon Divide __________ J efl'ersou (Texico P. 0.) Dix*•t __________ Jefferson •Dixon*•t ______________ Lee  1407 711 1002 310 327 945 200 558 2249 1484 631 3(i3  438 693 248 1140 4-16 251 398 616 3377fi  337 43818 344 fl10 7871 542  1191 200 2525 703 8J51 173 263 522 2382 25 229  8191 2076 660 403 410 17H 3543 295 443 4500 300 1393 7285 :>49  22:55 1012 1669 1163 325 8675 456 2214 667(i7  173 438 823 5336 4024 571 lfi:i 5029048  27454 687 1055 457  Dolton*•t ___________ cook Dongola"•+ _________ Union Donnellson*•t Montgo'ery Don ova n*•t ______ Iroquois Dorchester~•t . Macoupin Downers Grove"•t Dunage Downs*•t _________ McLean Dubois* ______ Washington Dundee*•+ ___________ Kane Dun la p*•t __________ Peoria Dupo*•t __________ t. Clair Duq uoin*•t _________ Perry Durand*•t ____ Winnebago Dwight*•t ____ Livinirst-011 Earlville*•+ ______ La alle Ea: t Alton*•t ____ Madison East Dubuque.. •t _Jo Dav. East Lynn*•t ___ Vermilion Ea. t Moline*•t.Rock lsl'<l Easton*•t __________ Ma on East Peoria~+ ____ 'l'azewcll Ea ·t St. Louis*•t _St. Clair  Eddyvlilr* ___________ P ope Edgewood*•t --- Eftlngham Edinburz*•t _____ Christian •Edwardsville*•t __ Madison •Effingham*•L __ Efllngham Elburn*•t ___________ Kane E!Dara*-.. -t---------s~\k: EElldclorda~ot • ---- ---Gr~~~e re • --------Elgin*•t _____________ Kane Elizabeth*•t. __ Jo DaYi<'~'l •Elizabethtown* ____ Haram Elkhart*•+ __________ Loe-irn  NA.MK.  See Watseka. To Olney. See Paxton. To Louisville. To Quincy. To Watseka. See Watseka. L. W. INGHAM. 'l'o Morris. To Quincy. To Anna. To Hi 11sboro. To Bushnell. To Bloomington. To Edwardsville. To Danville. To Waterloo. To Quincy. To Carthage. See Dixon. See Jacksonville. To Bloomiufton. To Rock Island. To Pontiac. To Lincoln. To Shawneetown. To Sparta. To Shelbyville. See Marion. See Watseka. To Rochelle. To Joliet. To Bloomington. To Carmi. To Wood tock. See Lewistown. 'l'o Pontiac. 'l'o Dnqnoin. See Vienna. See .McLeansboro. See Freeport. See Carthage. See Sullivan. To Streator. Sre Watseka. To Bloomington. HOLMJ<,S & TROUP. SPe Freeport. Mc CULLOl.'GH & WIERHAN To Pekin. To Waukpgan. See ycamore. SeP Monticello. JOHN T. CULBERTSON, JR. ee Carthage. See Princeton. To .Murphysboro. To Chicago. See Champaign. See Clinton. See Effingham. See , pringfleld. See .Mount Vernon. To Mt. Vernon. DIXON & DIXON, General Law Practice. Reference: Dixon National Bank. To Chicago. See Anna. To Hill ·boro. see Watseka. To Carlinville. To Elgin. rro Hloomine-ton. 'J'o Nashville. To Elgin. See Peoria. St>e RrllPvillc. HARRIS & CRA STON. See Rockford.  LATION.  990 344 269 244 300 4594 1242 1380 1638 20J 462 175 929 1332 057 60  1559 37 34  575 341 2532 2754 870 572  701 1678 51B 2631 250 160 297 155 248 511 882 747 482 637 745 3558 250 1!14 10768 965 884 150 497 3423 611 589 914 1594 19669  TOWN AND COUNTY.  Elkville*•t _______ Jackson Rlliott••t ____________ Ford Elliserove* _____ Randolph Ellisville*t _________ Fulton Ellsworth*•t _____ McLean Elmhurst*•t ______ Du page Elmwood*•+ _______ Pt>ona Elmwood Park ______ cook (Ri: ver Grove P. 0.) El Paso*•t _ __Woodford Elvaston*•t _____ Hancock Emden••+ ___ _______ Logan Emington*•+ ___ Livingston Enfleld*•t ---------- White Equality••t _______ Gallatin Erie*•t _________ Whiteside Esmond*•t ______ De Kalb •Eureka*•t ______ Woodford Evanston"•t. ________ cook  Evansville*•t ___ rrandolph Ewing* __________ Franklin Fairbury*•+ ___ Livingston •Fairfleld"•t ________ Wayne Fairmount*•t __ Vermilion Fairview*•t _______ Fulton Farina••+ _________ Fayette Farmer City*•t ___ De Witt Farmers,,ille*•t __ Montg'y Farmington*•t ____ Fulton Fay ____________ __ Carroll (Mt. Cnn·ull P. 0.) Fc nton"•t ____ _\\'Jii te. i<lt> Ferris*•t ________ Hancoek Fidelity*•------ ____ J Pl"SPY Fieldon* __________ _Jersey Fillmore*•t __ Montgomery Findlay"•T -------- Shelby Fisber*•t _____ Champaign Fithian*•+ _____ Vermilion Flanai:-an*•t ___ Livingston .Flat Hock*•t ___ Crawford F'lora••t _____________ Clay Foosland*•t ___ Champaign Forest City••t_ ____ Ma on Forest Park*•r ______ cook F'orrest*•t _____ Livingston Forreston*•t _________ Ogle Fowler*•t _______ Adam, Frankfort*•t _________ Will Frankfort H'ts*_Franklin Frankliu*•t ______ Morgan Franklin Grove*•t ____ Lee Franklin Park*•t_ ___ cook Freebure*•L _____ s t. Clair •Freeport*•t __ Stephenson  2445 Fulton*•t ______ Whiteside 863 Galatia*•L--------- Saline 4742 •Galena*•t ______ Jo Daviess 2383-1 •Galesburg*•+------- Knox  2974 Galva*•L __________ Henry 937 Gardner*•+------- Grundy 270 Garrett*•t_ _______ Douglas 274 Gays"•t ________ __Moultrie 3:iO Ge1f" -------------- Wayne 3375 Geneseo"•f ________ Henry 2803 •Geneva*•t ___________ Kane 1228 Genoa••t ________ De Kalb 3061 Geonretown*•t- Vermilion 766 Germantown*•+ ___ Clinton 2234 Gibson City••t_ _____ Ford 500 Gifford*•f- ____ Champaign J063 Gillespie*•f_. ___ Macoupi_n 1448 Gilman*•t _______ Iraq uois 2387 Girard*•f_ ______ Macoupin To Pontiac. 450 Gladstone*•t __ Henderson To L'lSalle. 645 Glasford*•t ________ Peoria !~/J~~~~a. 3381 Glencoe••t ---------- Cook 'Po Danville. 2851 GlenP.llyn*•t ______ DuJag-k S<.'e Moline. 71i0 Gl<>nvil'w"•t. ----- _ ou To Havana. 1242 •Golconcla*•t _________ Pope To Pekin. 654 Golden*•+_ ____ : ___ Adams 265 Go1<1engate*•t _____ Wayne SHERID AN & SHERIDAN, 125 Goodlleld*•t--- Woodford 533-534 Murp~ Bldg. (Main Offtce, 353 Good Hope*•t.McDonough St. Louis, .llfo.) References: Illinois 100 Goodwine*•t _____ [roquois State Bank, East St. Louis, Ill.: 581 GoreviUe*•t . ____ Johnson a.tional Bank of Commerce, S t. 500 Gorham *•t. ______ ,lackson Louis, )lo. 949 Gra!ton*•L _______ Jer ey See Golron<la. 500 Grand Chain*•t_ __ Pulaski SeP Effl ngham. 389 Grand l{idi:rn*•t __ La Salle Pf\ 'l'avlorvillr.. i50 Grand Tower*•+- Jackson TERRY, GUELTIG & POWJ<~LL. 14757 Granite City*•L_ Madi on PARKE.It & BAU};R. 459 Grant Park*•L-Kankakee To Aurora. 1427 Granville*•+------ Putnam l~~ graymont••t __ Livingston To Carroll ton. 1774.9.. Graysl.allkr~t rayv1 e •• __ --------J,ha)rn _______ .. 1te FRANK A, McCARTHY. 1149 Greenfield*•+ ______ Greene ee Galena. 1230 Greenup*•+ __ Cumberland To Golconda. 446 Green Vallry*•t- Tazewell SPA Linroln. __ _ _ _ _ _755 nrrenviPw*•t ____ _Mrnar<l  r.r. J:t~~~kos.  - NQ-TE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ILLINOIS  ~=======-----:========-=====------====POPU-  1739  NAME. To Murphysboro. See Paxton. To Sparta. See Lewiston. To Bloomington. To Elgin. ee Peoria. To Chicago. To Eureka. See Carthage. To Delavan. To Pontiac. To Carmi. To Harrisbure. See Sterling. See Sycamore. EDW. J. REILLY. McCULLOCH, McCULLOCH & DUNBAR. (See also at Chicago) Attorneys for the 'tate Bank of Evanston. To parta. See Benton. To Pontiac. COOPF}R, BURGESS & O'~IUL. To Danville. See Lewistown. ee Vamlalia. See Clinton. 'fo Hillsboro. , re L •wistown. To ~it. Carroll. To Sf<•rling. 8ee Carthage, See Jnseyville. See Jerseyvillr. To Hillsboro. To helhyville. See Champaign. 'l'o Danville. To l'olltiac. '11 0 Robinson. To Louisville. ,__ ee Champaign. To Havana. To Oak Park. To l'ontiac. To Rochelle. To Quincy. To Joliet. 'l'o Benton. See.Jacksonville. S.:-e Dixon. To Chicago. To BellPville. DOUGLAS PATTISON. References: First National B;ink and Know! on State Bank of Freeport. See Stl'rling. ee Ha rrishurg. D. n. BL1<,\\'ETT. CARNEY, CARNEY & NELSON. Collrction: le s than fifty dollars not desired. LA \VltENCE C. JOHNSON. To Morri . To 'l'usco1a. See Sullivan. 'ro FairfiPhl. To Gal\'a, rro Aurora. See Sycamore. To Danville. To Carlyle. ee Paxton. ee Champaign. Tso ~uutin, , ee atse ·a. See Carlinville. 'l'o )1onmonth . See Peoria. To Evan , ton. ;o ['jg-in. o '1ical;'o. B. F. ANDERSON. ro Quincy. 'Jo Fairfield. To Eureka. '11 0 Busnncll. See Wabcka. ee Vienna. To Murphnboro. See Jersryville. To Monud City. To LaSalle. To Murphysboro. ee Ea, t St. Louis. ee Kankakee. HARRY K. WARD. 'l'o Pontiac. TSee Waukeean. o Carmi. 'ro CarrolHon. To •roi(•1lo. To l'ekin. 'T'o PPtrr-;hnre.  USE COUPONS as instructed ~BE PROTECTED bybond-. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1740  ILLINOIS  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  POl'U·  LA-  =  POPU·  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  LA•  TION.  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  TION.  3091 •l,reenville••t ________ Bond no llmlley••t ________ McLean 1N3 Gril!'gsville*•t ________ Pike 80 Grove City* _____ Christian 60 Guthrie*•L __________ Forct 352 Hamburg•-----· Calhoun 16!18 Uam1llon*•t _____ Hantork 459 HammomJ*•t ________ Piatt lil8 Hamp ·hire*•t ·------ Kane 975 Hanna City*ef_ ____ Peoria 737 HanovN*•-----Jo Daviess 6!J4 •Hardin* __________ Calhoun 202 Harmon••t __________ Lee 7125 •Harnsburg••t_ _____ Saline 332 Hartsburl!*•t •• _____ Logan 3294 llarvard*•t ••••. McHenry 351 Harvel*•+ -·--Montgomery 9216 Harvey••t ----·---··· Cook 3614 •Havana•wt_ __ ··--·· Mason 159 Hazel Dell"•t Cumberland 631 Hetlroo••t--··-- .MdJenry 159 l:It>l'ker• _____ .Monroe ----·- Hegewisch•t ••.. ____ Cook 377 •Hennepin* ·-···-·-Putnam 347 Henning*•+---· Vermilion 1637 Henry*•t ·--· -·-· Marshall 601 Herrick*•t ·-·· ..•• Shelby 10986 Herrin*•t •.. _: William ·on 4qg Hersrher*•t -·-· Kankakee W8 Hettick••+··---- Macoupin 851 Heyworth*•+---·· McLean 1!13 Hidal~o••t -·--·-··-Jasper 2902 H11?hlanct••t --··-·!lacli on 6167 Hieh (anrt Park*•t ___ Lake 5074 •Hillsboro••t . .Mont1?omery 41JO liillsdale*•t ·- Hoc:k Island 7177 Hillview••+-·-· -·--Greene ti65 Ilinck1ey••t -· -·· Ue Kalb 463 II inusboro••L---· Douglas -10-12 Hmscta1e*•t ····-··Dupaf!e 300 Hoffman•• ---··---Clinton 150 Holcom b*•t ·-·· ______ Qgle 125 Holcter*•t ·------· McLean !J78 Homer*•t. ·--· Champaign 1389 Homewood*•+·-···-· Cook 5431 Hoooeston*•L. Vermilion 381 HooppolP* ···-····-llenrv 551i Hopedale*•t .. _.. Tazeweil 527 Hoyleton••+-. Washington 309 H ncbon••t ·-·· --·-McLean 648 HuW•L-···--······· PikP 343 JlumtJoklt*•t_ ••• ___ .cole · 61JIJ Hnme*•L--······-· Ectear 195 llunt*• t ·-·-·······-·las1wr 720 Huntley*•L-.• --McHenry 1222 Hurst*·--··-·· Williamson 665 Hutsonville••+._ Crawford 400 Illiana ·--··--·- Vermilion  (State Line. Ind., P. 0.) ~1~ Illiopolis*•t.. __ ·angamon ., 9 J na ••t. ...•. ·--· .J c·tferson 35!1 lndiano1a••t .. _. \'rrmilion Imlustry• ·--· McDonough Ingraham* ·--·-··---·Clay 279 Iola"•·-··---·-····--- Clay 720 Ipava *•t ....... --·· Fulton 276 lroq uoi ·*• L ..•••• lroq uois 519 Irvine*•+-··· Monteomrry Irvington••t. Wash ington lrwi n•• t ·--- -··· Kankii keP 250 Isabel*•t ____ .Edgar il:!~ Ita c1••t ·--·-- ---· Dupagp 4,)., Iuka*•t---·-··--·- 1arion 3!10 Ive dale*•L.-.Chamuail!'n 15713 •J acksonv1lle*•t •.. Morgan  COOK & HEYJ<~R. To Utoomington. See PittstieltJ. See Tay Jorville. l'e l'axton. See Hardin. ee Cartilage. See Monticello. To Elein. See Peoria. See Galena. To J er~cyville . , Pf' Dixon. To Eldorado. See LtlltOln, To Woodstock. To IIill:boro. To Chicago. SCOTT W. LUCAS. To 1'o1edo. To Woodstock. To Waterloo. To Chicago. To Granville. To Danville. To Streator. To helbyville. ee Marion. ee Kankakee. See Carlinville. To Bloomington. See Newton. , ee Edward . ville. To Wat1ke1?an. FRANK M. RAMEY. See Moline. 1'o Carrollton. See 'ycamore. To Tuscola. To Elgin. To Carlyle. To l{oc,,elle. To Bloomington. ee Champaign, To Chicago. To Danville. To Galva. To Delavan. To 'a:ltville. To Bloomington. See l'ittsflelct. 8ee .Mattoon. To Paris. To NPwton. To Woodstock. See Marion . ee Robinson. To Danville.  SPf' Springfield. To Mount Vernon. To Danville. To Ru.'bnel!. To Loui ·ville. 'Po Louisville. See Lewistown. See Watseka. To IIilhboro. To Mount Vernon. Sre Kankakee. To Paris. To Elgin. See Salem. See Champaien. B EL L A T TI, BELL ATTJ MO RIART Y. 100 Jamaira••t-.••. Vermilion To Danville. Toledo. To 150 Jane ville*•L Cumberland 3839 •.Jnseyville*•t.._._ .Jersey ~f:11~PIMdAN & DU RADWAY. 243 J t'Wt'tt*•t ---· Cumberland d> 0 r o. Ia3 Johnsonville*.·--· Wayne To Fairfield. 7137 Jobuston C'y*• tWilliamson See Marion. 38442 •Joliet••t. ....•. ___ .•• Will mGGINS & WALTER. lO!JO •Jonesboro••+-···-- Onion To Anna. 651 Jo1>pa*•t ··-··--·-·Mas,·ac §~/l~~d~olis. 329 J oy"• L··-·--····· 1\lerl'er 321 Junction*• t ··--·- Gallatin To, hawneetown. 428 Kampsville*. ____ . Calhoun See Hardin 473 Kane•• t---·---·-·- Greene '1' 0 carro liton. • 16753 •KankakPr*• t ___ Kankakee H. K . & H. H. W H E E LER. !144 Kan·~•• +-..••••••. _ Edgar To Pari . 350 Keenes*• ·····-···· Wayne To Fairfield. 1148 Keithsbure*• L-.-·Mercer See Aledo. -100 KPll*• L--··---··-· Marion See alem. 2f,li Kt>mpton*• L--···--· Ford See Paxton. 504 Keuney*• L-••.... DeWitt Sec Clinton. 16026 Kewanee•• t .• _.---·Henry To Galva. • 344 Keyesport*• +-·-·- Clinton To Carlyle. 393 Kilbonrne"• f ····--·Mason To Havana. 14353~ ~\ntd'!\idh• ·····-·-Chri tian TToo TP1?tYtlsottrevl1d·1.1e. , ~ nlll er ook ...•••••. Pike l!>O Kines*• +--.. -··-··-··Oele To Rochelle. 2:li) Kingston•• t --.-.De Kalb See Sycamore. 898 Kinmull(tv ••t . _ Marion See Salem. 167 Kinc;man•• t ______ Hrundy To Morris. 59!1 Kirkland*• + ··---De Kalb See Sycamore. 882 Kirkwood*• t.._. Warren See Monmouth. 1708 Knoxville*• t. __ . -·--Knox See Galesburg. 222 La Oler!P*• + ··-·-· FavPt1P Sf>P Vanrlnlia.  E~t  rn~  - TE --NQ  .t:  1464 •Lacon*•L .•••.•• Marshall BARNE', l\lAGOON & BLOCK. Prac ice in all ,ate and Gnited S a e Courts. 2040 Ladct*•t ---········ Bureau See Pnnceton. 258 La .Fayette*•L_ .•.•. Stark To Galva. 6525 LaUranl{~*•L--·--·· Cook To Cnicago. 1323 La Harpe*•L •• _. Hancock Sec Carthage. 100 La Hogue*•L .•.• Iroquois See Wat eka. 250 Lake Oity*•t ___ .Moultrie To ·11livan. 3657 Lake Forest*•t ·-····Lake To Waukegan. 407 Lake Villa*•t ·--·-- •• Lake See Waukt'l!an. 3:iO Lakewood"•·····-- Shelby To heJbyville. 316 Lake Zurich*•··---··Lake To Waukegan. 547 Lamoille*•+---- -·-·Bureau See Prmceton. 12!17 Lanark*•t ·······-· Carroll To Mount Carroll. 200 Lane*•--·-··-···-Dewitt 'ee Clinton. 1409 Lansing"•+---·-·--·· Cook To Chicago. 300 La Place••+ -·-·-·····l'iatt See Monticello. 174 La Prairie*•L ··--·Adams To Quincy. 171 La Uose*•t.·-·-- Marshall To Lacon. 13050 La alle*•t ··-·-·· La Salle To Ottawa. 444 Latham*•L---· ·-·· Logan ee Lmcoln. l!O Laura*•+-·-··-··-·· Peoria See PPoria. 5080 •Lawrenceville*•t .Lawr·ce To Bridgeport. 388 Leaf River*•L--. -··· Ogle To Roe belle. 1883 Lebanon*•t ·····- St. Clair 'l'o Belleville. 289 Lee*•---··----·····--· Lee See Dixon. 588 Leland*•t ---·····La , alle To La alle. 2322 Lemon t*•L--· •..... Cook To Chicago. 1149 Lena*•L ...... Stephenson See fi'reeport. 502 Lenzburg••+ _.• Samt Clair To Brllt>ville. 189 Leonore••+--····- La Salle To treator. 361i Lerna*•t ·--···-· ·-·· Coles ee \lattoon. 16 ·o LeRoy"•+··----··· r,·Lean To Bloomington. 2279 •Lew1stown••t. __ . __ fiulton JESSE HEYLJN. 1301 Lexington*•L-..• .McLean To Bloomington. 300 Liberty*--··-·---·- Adams To Quincy. 2125 Libertyville*•+ •.•• _. Lnke To Waukegan. 213 Lima* ...•••....... Aclams 1'0 Ouincy. 11882 •Lincoln*•t ···-· .... Logan COVEY & WOOD . 6215 Litchfleld*•LMontgomery To 8 taunton. 300 Littleton•---·-·· Srhuyler 'l'o Rushville. 355 Little York*• +--·· Warrrn ee ~lonmouth. 136-5 Livmgston*• ___ .. Madison To ' taunton. ee prinefleld. 462 Loami"•t ···--·-~ angaruon 2884 Lorkport*•L •. -•. ·--· Will To Joliet. f'e Wat eka. 530 Loda*•t-······-·· Iroquois 500 Loiran"•t ····-··· Franklin , 'ep Benton. 211 Lomax*•+·---- HPnrtPr on To \loumoutb. 1331 Lombard*•+ -·--·-·Du page 'ro Elgin. 546 London Mills*•t ... Fulton See Lrwistown. 247 Loni.? Point*•t. Livingston To Pontiac. 27?, Longview*•+.. Champaign See Champaii?n. 150 Loogootre*• t ·-·-· Fayrtte To Vandalia. 527 Loraine*•t ····--···Aciams To Quinry. 911 Lostant*• t ·-··--··La all£' To 1rrator. 797 •Louisville*•t .--····-· Clay H. D. MeCOLLUM. 1479 Lovington*•t .... Moultrie See ullivan. 276 Lowpoint*• t •.. Woodford ee Eureka. 343 Ludlow*•t ·-·· Champaign ee Champaien . 325 Lrndon*•r •. -.. Whitt>side To 'trrlin~. ee McLeansboro. 210 .Macedonia* .. _.. Hamilton 828 Mackinaw*•+---· Tazrwell To Pr kin. 6714 •Macomb ..•t ... McDonough To Bushnell. 788 Macon*• t ·-··-·-··· Maron See Decatur. 4906 Madison*• t. •• __ .. Mac!ii-on See Ea'-'I 8t. Louis. 270 Maeystown* ----· Jon roe To Waterloo. 321 Magnolia*• +---·- l'utnam To Granville. 649 Mahomet••t ... Champaign ee Champaign. 310 Makanda*•L--···Jarkson See Murphysboro. 233 Malclen*• L. ____ • __ Burrau See Prinreton. 391 Malta*• L·······--·Dekalb ee ycamore. 456 Manchester*• t -·-·-· S('ott To Winchester. 525 Manbattan*• t--·- ---· Will To Joliet. 758 Manito*• L···---···Mason Tollavana. 309 Manlius*• +---·---· Burpau , ee 1-'rinceton. 669 Mansfleld*• t --·-·····Piatt , ee Monticello. 1182 Manteno•• +-··· Kankakee c•e Kankakee.  ~~1 ~:~~o~!![~~·--.-:.-:.-:.·.:~~i 1758 Marrngo*• L._ •• McHenry 676 Marine*• +·-··-··· Madison 0582 •Manon*• t •.••• Williamson 1900 Mari sa*• L_ .•••. St. Clair 1193 Maroa*• L·-·-·-··· Maron 3391 Mar cilles*• L--. La Salle 2222 •Marshall*• L._. _____ Clark 1437 Martmsville*• t -··-·-Clark 250 Martinton"• t _. ___ Iroc1uois 2343 Masrout::ih•• L ••. , t. Clair 324 Mason*•t --····-Effingham 1880 Mason City*• t--··· Mason 886 MathervillP*• --···-Mercer 485 M.atteson*• L- •• ···-- Cook 13552 Mattoon*• L-····-·Coles 12072 Maywood"• +---•·--·· Cook 442 Mazon"• +---··-·- Grundy 300 McClure*• t ---· Alexander 200 McConnel*• t .• Stephenson 1146 McHenry*• t ---· McHenry 697 McLean*• t ••.•.. - McLean 1927 •McLeansboro*• t Hamilton 150 McNabb*• t ·---·- Putnam 200 Meadows*• t-·--·- McLean 470 Mechanic bure"• .. ang'n 170 Media*• L·-··· Henderson 483 Medora"• +---··· Mnroupin 188 Meekin*• t·····--·St'1>'Son 7147 Me lrORfl Pnrk*• t. __ .. Cook  ~~:b~1~~\furg. To Woodstock. ee B~dwarctsville. WILL R . KEE. 'l'o Bellrville. ee Drcatur. •ro La Salle. EVERETT CONNELLY. See Marshall. ee Watseka. To Belleville. ee Effingham. To Havana. See Aledo. To Chicago. FRE D A. KINZEL. To Oak Park. To Morris. To Cairo. ee Freeport. To Woodstock. To Bloomington. ,JOUN M. ECKLEY. To Granville. To Bloomington. ee pringfleld. To Monmouth. , ef' Carlinville. See Freeport. To Oak Park.  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  :. POPU-  LA.-  . ..  ILLINOIS NAllE.  TOWN AND COTJNTY.  TION.  -- -540 li45 3934 810 fi 3 :,09  Melvin"•+ ____________ Ford Mendon*•t _________ Ailams :Mendota*•t ------LaSalle Meredosia"•t ______ Morgan :Metamora*•L-- Woodford :Metcalf*•t ________ Edear  See Paxton. To Quinn·. To La Salle. See Jacksonville. See Eureka. To Paris.  5055 746 587 1466 140 746 61 356 907 160 348 308 789 2109 314 280 475 30734  •Metropolis*•t ______ Massac WALTER ROIU<:RTS. Middlegrove*•t ____ Fulton See Lewistown. Middletown*•L---- Logan To Lincoln. Milford*•t ________ Iroquois See Watseka. Millbrook*•L---- Kendall To Plano. Milled£'eville"•L •.• Carroll To Savanna. .Millington*•t __ ___ Kendall To Plano "Mill Shoals*•------- White To Carmi. .Millstadt*•------- St. Clair See East St. Louis. Milmine*•f _________ . Piatt See Monticello. Milton* ____________ Pike See Pittsfield. Mineral••t _________ Jlureau See Princeton. Minier••t ________ Tazeweli To Delavan. Minonk*•t. ____ Woodford To Eureka. Minooka*•t _______ Grundy To Morris. Modesto*•t ----· Macoupin See Carlinville. Mokena"•t ________ _ Will To Joliet. Moline*•t ____ Rock I land KENWORTHY, DIETZ, SHALLBERG, HARPE."R & SINNETT. At'orney for People Savings Bank&. Trust Company and _YJ:echanics and Merchants Savings Dank. (Offices also at Rock Island, Illinois .) 2218 Momence"•t ____ Kankakee See Kankakee. 395 Monee••+ ____________ Will To Joliet.  8116 •Monmouth*•t. ____ Warren 300 Monroe Oenter*•t ____ Ogle 2280 •Monticello*•t_ _______ Piatt 33! Montrose*•+_ __ Efllni::-ham 3694 Morgan Park*•t _____ cook 4505 •Morris*•t. ________ Grundy 3000 •Morrison••t ____ Whiteside 1178 Morrisonville*•t Christian 1179 Morton"•t ------- Tazewell 1079 Morton Grove"•t ____ cook 2756 •Mound City"•+ ____ Pula k i 2661 Mounds*•L _______ Pulaski 492 Mt. Auburo"•t __ Christian 7456 •Mt. Carmel*•f ____ Wabash 1806 •Mt. Carroll*•t _____ Carroll 230 Mount Erie" _______ Wayne 1250 Mt. Morris"•t. _______ Ogle 3503 Mt. Olive*•t---- Macoupin 349 Mt. Prospect"• ______ Cook 1510 Mt. Pulaski"•+----- Logan lll32 •Mt Sterling*•t ____ Brown 9815 •Mt. Vernon*•t..Jetferson 330 Mt. Zion*•t ________ Macon 1591 M.oweaq ua*•t. .•••. Shelby 725 Mulberr:v Grove*•t __ Bond 350 Murdock*•t ______ Douglas 10703 •Murphysboro*•t. Jackson 523 Murrayvil!P*•t ____ Morgan 3830 Naperville*•t _____ Dupaire 2209 •Nashville*•t __ Washington 1000 Nat. Stork Yards*•t St. C. 972 Nauvoo*•t _______ Hancock 549 Nebo*•t ______________ J'ike Jl49 Neoga*•+--· __ Cumherland 476 Neponset*•t _______ Bureau 391 Newark* ________ Kenctall 1406 New Athens"•t __ St. Clair 1550 New Baden*•+ ____ Clinton 270 New BetlforcJ. _____ Bureau 687 New Herlin* ___ Sangamon 714 New Boston"•+---· Mercer 309 New Burn itle .•. Johnson 540 New Oanton"•t ______ Pike 390 New Douglas••t_ Madi on 570 New Haven* ______ Gallatin 457 New Holland"•t ____ Logan 1225 Newman"•+------ Douglas 260 New Salem"•f ______ . Pike 2083 •Newton*•t _________ Jasper =i00 New Windsor••• . MPrr-n 613 Niantic"•t--------- Maron ifiR Niles Center*•t _____ Cook 449 Nilwooct"•+----- Macoupin 250 Niota*t. _________ llancock 580 Nohle*•L------ Wr-hland 3465 Nokom1s*•t •• Montgomer.v 5143 Normal*•f. _______ McLean 1300 Norris City*•t. _____ White 5839 North Chicaeo*•t. ___ Lake ~00 No. Ilenderson*•LMercer 200 Oakdale*•t ___ Washington 351 Oakford*•t _______ Menard 1210 Oakland*•t _______ Coles 39858 Oak Park"•+--------~(?Ok 573 Oakwood*•t ---~ Verm1!Jon 1547 Oblone-*•t ______ Crawford 318 Oconee*•t -------.--:Shelby 1069 Odell"•L------ L1vm1?s~on 1385 Odin*•t __________ ltlano_n 2379 o·Fallon*•t------ St. Cl.air 448 Ogden*•t ______ Champaign 4l35 Oglesby*•t _______ La Salle 874 Ohio"•+------· ___ Bureau 200 Ohlman••t ___ Montgomerv Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  H. D. LEWJS. To Rochelle. F. M. SHONKWJL'ER. See Effingham. To Chicago. W. E. Vl ~Elt. See terling. See Taylorville. To Pekin. To Chicago, MILLER & WALL. To Mound City. See Taylorville. HOWARD P. FRENCH. C. E. STUART. To Fairfield. To Rochelle. To taunton. To Chicago. See Lincoln. J. F. REGAN. ALBERT WAT ON. See Decatur_ To belbyville. To Greenville. To Tuscola. L. It. STEWART. See Jacksonville. To Elein. B. B. HOLSTON, ee East St. Louis. See Carthage. See Pittsfield. To Toledo. See Princeton. To Plano. To Believillt>. To Carlyle. 'l'o Princeton. See Springfield. Ree Aledo. 'l'u Vienna. See Pittsfield. SPe Edwardsville. To hawneetown. See Lincoln. 'T'o 1'usrola. To Pitt field, M. D. YELVINGTON. See AlPrlo. SP.e Decatur. To Chicago. 8Pe Carlinville. To Carthage. 1'0 Olnev To Hill boro. To Bloomington. To Carmi. See Waukeean. To Aledo. To Mt. Vernon. To Prtersburg. See Mattoon. ALEXANDER D. KING, IR. To Danville. To Robinson. To Shelbyville. To Pontiac. See Salem. To IlC'llpville. See CJ1amnaign. 'l'o La Salle. See ~rinceton. 'I'o Hillsboro.  NOTE  POPULATOWN TION.  .AND COUNTY.  1741  NAME.  614 Okawville" ___ Washington To Mt. Vernon.  250 4491 449 1302 563 300 .1.00 888 423 80 2227 613 343 100 676 10816  Olive Branch"•tAlexander •Olney"•t ________ Richland Omaha"•--------- Gallatin Onarga*•+ ________ Jroq uois Oneida*•+ _________ Knox Opdyke"•------- JetTerson Ophiem*•t _________ Henry •Oquawka*•t ___ Henderson Orangeville*•t Stephenson Orchardville* _____ \\7'ayne •Oregon"•t _________ Ogle Orion"•t ___________ Henry Orland*•t------- ____ cook Osco*•+------------ Henry OSW8£'0"•t ________ Kendall •Ottawa"•t ________ La Salle  334 150 1210 1803 312  Owaneco"•+ _____ Christian  100 6122 1281 176  ~  Ozark ___________ ,J ohnsou Palatine*•t _________ Cook Palestine"•t ---- Crawford Palmer*•t _______ Christian Palmna"•t _____ Macoupin Paloma"•f ________ Adams Pana••~ _________ Christian Panama*•t ___ Montgomery Papineau*•t . ____ Iroquois  7985 3:50 3383 508 1200 665 3033 453 669 468 1088 12086 247 76121  •Paris"•t ----------. Ed ear Parkersburg*•t •. Richland Park Ridge*•t _______ cook Patoka*•f. ___ ---·. Marion Pawnee"•------ Sangamon Pawpaw*•t ----------- Lee •Paxton"•+ ________ Ford Payson" _________ Adams Pearl*•t----------- Pike Pearl City"•t. Stephenson Pecatonica*•t- Winnebago •Pekin*•t _________ Tazewell Penflelct*•t ____ Champaign •Peoria*•t ______ Peoria  1090 1280 491 8869 478 2432 544 130 200 2!'i49 715  670 2129 1147 160  245  1473 433 1078 900 830  SeP Cairo. JOHN ('. RITTJ<.R. To 'hawneetown. See Watseka. See Galesburg. To Mt. Vernon. To Galva. To Monmouth. See Freeport. To Fairfield. GEYSTF.R & FEARER. 'I'o Galva. To Chic.i~o. To Galva. To Plano. RECTOR C. HITT. Reference: Any bank in Ottawa, Ill. See 1'aylorville. To YiPnna. To Chicago. To Robinson. See 'T'aylorville. See Carlinville. To Quinry. See Taylorville. To lliLl.;;boro, To Watseka. CHAS. McKNIGHT. To Olney. To Chicago. See Salem. See Springfield. See Dixon. FRANK LINDLEY. To Quincy. See Pittsfield. See Freeport. See Rockford. WM. J. REARDON. See Chamoaign.  ; ;1 I :,  1·  '  <I  :, :! '•1 !! I  HEYL & HEYL, 803 Central Nat'! Bank Bldg. Banking aod Commercial Litigation Specialties. Prompt attention to Collections and taking of depositions. Refer to any Bank in Peoria. Peotone••t _______ Will To Joliet. Percy"•t ________ Randolph To parta. Perry• _____ ,,, ____ Pike See Pittsfield. Peru"•t ------ La Salle To La Salle. Pesotum*•t--- Champaign See Champaign. •Petersburg*et_ ____ Menard T. W. McNEF.LY. Philo"•t _______ Champaign See Champaign. Piasa"•t ________ Macoupin 8ee Carlinvillr. Pierson St.ation*•t ___ l'iatt See Monticello. •Pinckneyville*•t ____ Perry To Duquoin. Piner O1ty"•t ________ Ford See Pax1on. Pittsburg* ____ Williamson 'ro Marion. •Pittsfield*•t ------- Pike WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS. Plainfield*•t ______ Will To Joliet. Plainview"•t ____ Macoupin See Carlinville. Plainville" _________ .\dams To Quincy. Plano*•t ______ Kendall C. A. DARNELL. Pleasant Hill"•+ ______ Pike See Pittsfield. Pleasant l'lains"•--Sang'n Rpp 8prinefteld. PlYmouth"•t _____ Hancock To Carthage. Pocahontas*•f ______ Bonct See Greenville. l'olo*•t ____________ Ogle To Rochelle.  1867 6664 .. Pontiac••t _____ Livingston TUESBURG, WILSON & ARMSTRONG. 3l(i Poplar Grove*•t ____ Boone See Belvidere. 510 Port Hyron"•tRock Island See Moline. 1000 Potomac*•+ ____ Vermilion To Danville. 638 Prairit' Oity*•LMcDon'eh To Bushnell. 535 Prairie du Rocher*•t RandolJ)h To Sparta. 200 Pre('motion*•t ____ Mercer See Aledo. 4126 •Princeton"•+ ______ Bureau WATTS A. JOHNSON & CAREY R. JOHNSON. 1035 Prinreville"•t ______ Peoria See Peoria. ll=il Proohetstown*•t Whites·e See Sterling. 518 Pula, ki*•t-------- Pulaski To Mound City. ______ Pullmant ____________ cooK To Chicago. 35978 •Quincy*•t _______ Adams  !'-  264 772 944 402 1551 250 260 868 1141 23!1 23~ 322  I  I  WILS~N SCHMIEDESKAMP. Attorneys for: Mercant1le 'I rust & Sav. Bank and Broadway Dank, Quincy; Peop)es Bank, Campoint; Clayton Exchdnge Bank, Clayton; Lorarne State Bank, Loraine; Farmers Bank, Liberty; Beverly State Bank, Beverly; Golden State Bank, Golden; P11:Joma Exchange Bank, Paloma; Kinderhook State Bank, Kmderhook; Peoples Bank, Camden. Raleigh*•-------Saline See Harrisburg, Ramsey*•f ________ Fayette See Vanclalia. Rankin*•+ ______ VermllioJJ To Danville. Ransom*•t _______ La Salre To Streator. Rant.9ur•t ---- Champaign See Champai~n. Rardm •t -----------Coles See Mattoon. Raritan" ____ •.. Henderson To Monmouth. Ravmooo••t.Montgomerv •ro llillsboro. Red Bud*•t _____ Randolph To , parta. Reddick*•+ _____ Kankakee See Kankakee. Redmon*•t ________ l£rJgar To Pari~. Reynolds*•+ __ Rork Island Rec Rock Island.  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  l I  IIII 111  I  I  :i  II1: I  I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  l'OPU-  TOWN AND COUNTY.  LA·  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  NAME.  TfO-q,  533 330 51 1102  ::oo  250 300  1166  4358  2532 1916 1368 444  331:i 3310 399 400 159 2927 65651 125 35177  300 99 2928 202 400 952 1522 l:ill 251 200 2043 2275 618 413 284 !l:51  Richmond"•t ___ McHenry Richview*•t •. Washing-ton R1dg-e Farm••t _ Vermilion Rideway••t ______ Gallatin Rinard*•----------- Wayne Ringwood"•L ___ Mclienry Rio*•t -------·------·Knox Riverdale•t -·--···-- Cook River ForPst• ---·-··Cook ( Oak Park P. 0.)  Riverside"•t _____.. Cook Rivertou*•t --·-Sang'amon Roanoke*•t ···-Woodford Roberts*•t -·-·---·-·-Ford .. Robinson*•t ··--Crawford Rochelle"•t ···--····-Oele Rochester"•+ _•• Sanl?'amon Rockbridee*•t -·-··Greene Rock City*•t .Stephenson Rock Fall. *•t ·- Whiteside .. Rockford"•t ·- WinnPl:>al?'o Rock Grove•. tephcnson •Rock Island*•t _Rock l I'd  Rockport*•+--·-- Pike Rockton"•+ . . . Winnebago Roodhouse*•+ ••... Greene Rose Hill*•t ..••••• Ja per Roselle*•L .•.•• _.. Dupaee Roseville"•t -···-- Warren Rosiclare• •.••••... Hardin Rossville*•t ...• Vermilion Round Lake*•t ·- .••• Lake Royal ..•t •••••• _Champaign Royalton* •..••••• Franklin •Rushville"•t ••. -.Schuyler Rutland"•t •••••• La Salle Sadorus*•t ..•. Champaign Sailor Spring-s* ••.••• _Olay Sainte Marie*• •.••. Jasper  ·ro Woodstock. · To Nashville. To Danville. To hawneetown. To Fairfield. To Woodstock. See Galesburg-. 'T'o Chicago. To Oak Park. To Oak Park. See Spr)nl?'fleld. SeP Eureka. See Paxton. WESNER & WESNE&. WIRICK & WIRICK.  See Sprmg-tleld. To Carrollton. '3ee Freeport. Ree, tf>rline.  BRUCE H. GARRETT.  To Freeport. CURTIS  &  SIMONSON,  Attorneys for the Rock Island Tat'l and Central Trust and Saving-s Bank. ee Pittsfield. To Rockford. To Carrollton. ee Newton. To Elgin. To Monmouth. To Elizabethtown To Danville. ee Waukel?'an. See Champaien. See Benton. H. M. BILLINGSL1'~Y.  'l'o Streator. See Champaien. To Louisville. See ewton.  3457 1768 2409 566  KAGY & KAGY.  ;;~~~ ~::; .,.J6 125  Savanna*•t ••••••.. Carroll L. H. GRIOL}~Y. Saybrook*•t -·--·-McLean To Bloomington. Scales Mound"•LJo Dav's ee Galena. Schaumberl? -····-··-Cook To Chicago.  •Salem*•t ·-····-···Marion Sandoval"•t ••••••. Marion Sandwich*•t -···· De Kalb Sao J ose*•t ··-· .•.. Mason aunemin••t ••• Livingston 36()  See Salem. see Sycamore. To Delavan. To Pontiac.  (Palatine P. U.) l!:!5 Sciota*•t •••• _McDonou1?h To Bu hnell.  ~x:; Scottville* ...... Macoupin 297 Seaton*•t ···-·- ••. _Mercer 3~1 SPcor*•t ·······- Woodford 10 0 eneca••t -··-···--La 'alle 125 erena*•L··--···-La ._ 'alle 28_~1 Sesser*•t ...•.... li'ranklin 1 1·"artl*•+ . .. -.\\'inneh·1g-o Seymour*•t .. _Champaig-n Shabbona*•t •..• ·- DPkalb 636 Shannon••t --··-···Carroll 1368 .. shawneetown*•L-Gallatin 996 Shefl:leld*•L •..•••. llureau  ee Carlinville. See Aledo. ee Eureka. 'I'o La alle. To La alle. ee Benton. To Rockford ee Champaign. ee ycamore. To Mt. Carroll.  3568 •Shelbyville*•t -·-··Shelby ll82 Sheldon"•t ·-·---. Iroquois 476 Sheridan"•L-·-···La. alle 554 Shermerville*•t -···-Cook 437 Sherrard*•t ···-····Mercer 3:!3 Shipman••t .••.• Macoupin 269 Shumwa:v••t .• _.Effing-ham 383 Sibley*•L •.•.•.. --···Ford  WHITAKERS, WARD & PUGH.  ee Watseka. To La alle. To Chicago. See Aledo. See Carlmville. ee See l'axton.  mi~~;:!c.·_-_·\~~ S1gel*•t ..•• ---· ···- bclby Simpson*•t .••••• John on Smithflelct*•t ···-·-Fulton mithshire••+ .•. __ Warreu Dnkalb omonauk"•t -····· 'Hand orento*•+---······· South Holland*• .•.. _Cook Sparland*•t •..•. _Marshall  T~eDJ~;;~i.' To helhyville. ee Vienna. See Lewistown. See Monmouth. ee ycamore. 'l'o Greenville. To Chicag-o. 'ro Lacon.  H!  ~i 292  178  ~85  :iOO 540  942 1247 437  8182 253 731 1164 313 150 485 772 289 155 1449 479 1466 396 4611 248 14779 836 262 2532  M. E. LAMBERT.  ee Princeton.  3340 Sparta••t. .••••• Handolph JOHN W. TWEED. 100 SpePr*•t ····-··-·--· tark •ro Galva. pringerton*•----·· White To ·1rmi. 318 591 3 • pringtleld*•t ang-amon ALONZO HOFF, Farmer Tat·1 Bank Bldg. Attorney for the nrin~liekl Marine Hauk ( Olde. t Bank in lllinois. ) Pra,·tir es t efore all tate and Fe leral Courts and before tate Hoard ancl Oe; artmeut . Prompt Attention given all Bu ine · · inC'luding Coilections. print Grove••t McHenry To Woodstock:. 363 6493 Sprinfvalley"•t .- •• Bureau ee P rinceton. ei, Bloomington. 500 Stanford"•t ••.•. _McLean 603f taunton"•L .••. Macoupin PAUL J. LUKER. 1067 St. Anne••t ._ •. Kankakee ee Kankakee. ee Galesburg. 195 St. Aug-ustiue*•t .. _.Knox ~099 St. Charle ••t -··-·--Kane TToo fEll·g,,i_n1<tci11·11. I. L>adcl*•+ ·-·· -- P111to11 11 ·n 702 Steeleville"•t ..• Handolpll 'ro, par ta. W'll To Joliet. • t 2;{0-t St 1337 St~\!1~~--;.T::::::::wa·ypt\e St>f> Vandalia.  - QTE ~-N  Sterline••t ···--Whiteside Steward*•t -···--·· •.•• Lee Stewardson••t ...•• Shelby St.Francisville*•t Lawrence Stillman Yalley••t ..•. Ogle Stillwell*•+-····- Hancock St. Jacob"•t ·-····Mad1son St. Joseph*•L-Champaign St. Libory* .•.... St. Clair Stockland*• -····-Iroquois Stockton••t .... Jo Daviess Stonefort*•t ·-·· ___ .Saline Stonington••t ... Christian St. Peter••t. .•..•. Fayette Strasbure-••t ·····--Shelby Strawn*•t •.•••• Livmgston Streator*•t •.•.••. La Salle Stronghurst*•t Henderson Sublette*•L •.. ···- .... Lee •Sullivan••t •.•••• Moultrie  A. A. WOLFERSPERGER.  See Dixon. To Shelbyville. To Bridgeport. To Rochelle. See Carthage. To East t. Louis. See Champaig-n. To Belleville. bee Watseka. See Galena. See Harrisburg. See Taylorville. See Vandalia. To Shelbyville. To Pontiac.  BOYS, 0 BORN & GRIGGS.  To1Ionmouth. See Dixon.  MILLER & PATTERSON. E. l. MILLER, C. R. PATTER ON. References: Fir t National Bank, Merchant 's & Farmer's tate Bank, Sum.  van, and tho First National Bank, Lovington. Tllinois. Summii"•t •...••..•• Cook To Chicaeo. Sumner*•L .•••• Lawrence To Bridgeport. Swan Creek*•t .•.. Warren See Monmouth. •Sycamore*•t .. _.. De Kalb FLOYD E. BROWER. Table Grove*•t •.. _Fulton ee Lewistown. Tallula*•t --·······Menard To Petersburg-. Tamaroa"•t -········Perry To Duquoin. Tampico*•t ..••• White ide ee terling. Taylor Ridge*•tRock Isl'd To Rock Island. Taylor Spgs."Monteomery To Hillsboro. .. Taylorville*•t •. _Christian JOHN E. HOGAN. Refer■ to First 'ational Bank. 252 Tennessee*•t .McDonough To Macomb. 728 Teutopolis*•t •• Effing-ham See Effingham. 16 Texico*•L-···-· Jefferson To Mount Vernon. 318 Th\\wville*•L ••.. Iroquois See Watseka. 857 Thebes*•t -•..•• Alexander See Cairo. 261 Thomasboro••tChampaig-n See Champaign. 577 Thompsonville*•t Frank'n See Renton. 495 'l'homson*•t ···-···Carroll To Savanna. 767 Thorntou••t ••..••.. Cook To Chicag-o. 1137 Tilden*•t ···-··· Randolph To parta. 267 Timewe,1•• ··-····-Brown To Mt. terline. 493 Tinley Park*•t •••. -.Cook To Chicago. 915 Tiskilwa••t ·-··-···Bureau ee Princeton. 787 ..Toledo*•t •... Cumberland CHAS. M. CONNOR. 693 Tolono••t ••••• Champaif!n ee Champaign . 2503 Toluca••t. ••.•••. Marshall To Lacon. 439 Tonica*•L •••••.•• La alle To La alle. i235 •Toulon*•t-···-·····-Stark To Galva. 404 Towanda*•L ••••• McLean To Blooming-ton. 769 Tower HiW•L •.••. Shelby To helbyville. 976 Tremont*•t ···-_.Tazewell To Pekin. 1200 Trenton*•L •••.•.. Clinton To Carlyle. 275 Trilla*•t ····-······-Coles To Charleston. 1:50 Triumph*•t .•..••. La alle 'l'o La alle. 150 Trivoli"•t .•••••... - PPoria See Peoria. 1312 Troy••t •••..••... Madi on ee Edwardsville. 261 Troy Grove*•t •... La alle 'l'o La allP. 2564 •Tuscola"•t. ••••••. Douelas W. W. REEVE~. 652 Ullin"•t ..••••••••• l'ula ki To Mound City. 399 Union*•t. •..•.•. McHenry To Wood tock. 10244 .. Urbana"•t ••.•• Champaign ee Champaign. 300 Ursa*•t--·-·-·-····Adams To Quincy. 1250 Utica*•L-~······· La alle 'l'o La alle. 876 Valier ······-·--·Franklin To Beirton. 406 Valmeyer*•t. ••••• Monroe 'ro Waterloo. 3316 •Vandalia*•t-·--·-·Fayette FRlm A. l\lEYF.RS. Bureau To Princeton. 150 van Orin ••t ·····359 Varna*•t •••.••• _Marshall To Lacon. 'ee Murphysboro. ~~~ ~:~~fii~~~:tt.:::~~::&~1~~ To Paris. Lewistown. 0 n°•~•:!_-_-_-_-_-_-_·_-:~t1g~ ee ee 'alem. 184 Verona*•t .••••••• Grundy To Morris. Brown To Quincy. 627 Versailles"•t ·····-415 Victoria*···-···--·-·Knox ee Galesburg. 907 .. Vienna"•t ...•••.. Johnson JOUN 0. COWA.N. ... Dougtas 2493 Villa To 'l'u cola. •·• t y· *Grove*•L 668 10 1a • •··········mercer To Alrdo. 4682 Virden*•t. •.•••• Macoupin To Carlinville. 150 Virgil*•t ··---· •••• _.Kane To Elgin. 1501 •Virginia*•t.-•••...•... Ca. s 'T'o Hc>aril ·town. 200 Waddams Grove*• . • eph. To FrP.ep0rt. 307 Waggoner*•t Montgomery To Hill boro. 771 \Va lnut"•t ···- -··-·Bureau ee Princeton. ee Salem. 138 Walnut Hill*•t ••·· farion ee .IcLeansboro. 105 Walpole"-·· ..•.. Hamilton 421 Waltonville*•L- Jefferson To Mt. Vernon. Dewitt "ee Clinton. 528 w ella*•t 1253 w!~ren*•t .:::::fo·baviess eP Galena. 490 Warrensburg-*•+ ... ~1acon Seo Decatur. 2oin Warsaw*•t ...... Hancock ee Cartllag-e. .•.•.Wooclford 830 Washburn••t Tazewell 'l'o Eureka. Washington*•t 1643 .; 59 Wataga*•t ...•...•.• Knox ToeePekin. Gale ·burg. 1930 .. waterloo*•t ..•••• Monroe ROYE. GAUEN. 401 Waterman*•t .•.. De Kalb ee ycamore. 2817 .. watseka*•t ....•• Iroquois CLAUDE N. SAUM. ee Effingham. 316 Watson*•t •...• Effingham Lake ee Waukegan. da• 399 \V aur.on •···-· -··· 19226 •Waukel!'an*•L ..•. __ .Lake CLARENCE W. DIVER, Attorn(•y...!Q!_ Waukegan ·ational Bank. 4019 1029 121 3602 610 761 1115 788 100 1526 5806  l~~~  ~:f.~  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  POPU-  I  LATION.  TOWN AND COU -TY.  1556~01 ' 592 573 288 1203 190 2594 275 1258 250 933 8478 7492  WWaavyenreJyc•~tty* _•_t ____ MWoarganne I. ·--· y Waynesville*•t __ .• Dewitt Weldon*•L-----···Dewitt Wellington*•t ____ lroquois Wenona*•t --··-··Marshall West Brooklyn*•t _____ Lee West Chicago*•t--Dupage West End*• ·--•····Saline Western Springs*•L Cook Westervelt•t ·-·---Shelby Westfield*•t ·-----··Clark W. Frankfort*•t Franklin W. Hammondt ·--·-· Cook  640  350 582 441 g338 ::>580  POPU::LA· TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  TION.  (Hammond, Ind., P.O.)  225 West Liberty---·· Jasper 450 W. McHenry*L_McHenry 303 West Point*•+ __ .Hancock ·----- West Pullman•t ____ .Cook 946 West Salem*•L--Edwards 500 West Union*•-······Clark 4241 Westville*•t __ •• Vermilion 4137 •Wheaton*•t -----· Dupage 214 Wheeler*•t _____ •.. Jasper 2954 White Hall*•+ _____ Greene 180 White Heath*•t _____ .Piatt ~00 Whittington*•L.liranklin 435 Williamsfleld*•L ____ Knox 652 Wi!liamsville*•tSanl!amon 1485 Willisville*•t ______ .Perry 397 Willow liill*•t ___ .. Jaspr-r 7814 Wilmette*•t -------· Cook 1384 Wilmington*•t ______ Will 1540 • Winchester*•f.. ____ Scott 1000 Windsor*•+ ________ f::.helby 110 Wing*•t ---·-· Livingston 495 Winnebago*•t Winnebago 6694 WinnP.tka*•t_ _______ .Cook 371 Winslow*•t-. _Stephenson 24-13 Witt*•t ---·-- Montgomery 700 Woodhull*•t -·-·-··Henry 398 Woodland*•+ _____ Iroquois 309 Woodlawn*• ___ .Jefferson 3476 Woodriver*•t ___ .Madison 231 Woodson*•t ______ Morgan 5523 1252 825 1376  NAME.  • Woodsto!:k*•t •.. McHenry Worden*•t. _____ Madison Wyanet*•t ----·--·Bureau Wyoming*•t ----·- .. Stark Xenia*•t ____________ .Clay Yale*•t --------·-· Jasper Yates C1ty*•t ---·-·-Knox •Yorkville*•t ·----·Kendall Zeigler*•t ..•. --.Franklin Zion*•t ···-··----····Lake  9076 1459 100  Ashley*•t ---· ___ .Steuben Atlanta*•t ---·-·Ham1lton Attica*•t ----··--Fountain .'\.twood*•t ----· Kosciusko •Auburn*•t _______ .Dekalb Aurora*•t ------Dearborn Austin*• ---·------··Scott Avilla*•t ____ . ______ Noble Bainbridge*•t ·--·Putnam Bargersville*•t .. Johnson Batesville*•t ·-----Ripley Battle Ground*•t Tipp'noe •Bedford*•t ·----Lawrence Beech Grove*t ____ Marion Bellr Union ..... . Putnam  150 1537 7635 400 527 1872 470 11595 200 5391 4451 333 190 880 1259 9293 2084 400 219 568 1552  Bentonville*•-·-· Fa:vette Berne*•t __________ Adams Ricknell*•t -···-·--·Knox Bippus*•t ·--- Huntington Birdseye*•t ·····---Dubois •Bloomfleld*•t ·--··Greene Bloomingdale*•t -·- Parke •Bloomington*•t •. Monroe Bloun tsville*•t . -· •. Henry •Blu1Jton*•t -------·-Wells •Boonville*•t -·--· Warrick Borden*•t -· ____ ·--·Clark Boston*• ··--------Wayne Boswell*•t ---· __ .. Benton Bourbon*•t ---·-·Marshall •Brazil*•t --------···-·Clay Bremen*•t ______ .Marshall Brid!!l'PorL . . - . . . 1larion Bridgeton*--·••·-· ·Parke Bristol*•t --· •.• -.Elkhart Broad Ripple*•t __ Marion  975 528 815 2220 1063 1554 120 300 1000 428 242 550 200 920 517 350 1745 450 1963 597 659  Brook*•t . ____ ·-··Newton Brooklyn*•t ---·-·Morgan Brookston*•+ -·-··· White •Brookville*•t -·-·Franklin Brownsburg*•t Hendricks •Brownstown*•t -.Jackson Browns Valley*• Montg':r Brownsville. _______ Union BrucevillP.*•t ·-·----Knox Bryant* ·---·-···-----·Jay Buck Creek*•t Tippecanoe Bunker Hill*•t--... Miami Burket*•t ______ Ko!'cinsko Burlington* -······Carrol: Burnettsville•t ---·- White Burney*•t ·-------Decatur Butler*•t_ ___ ·--··-Dekalb Butlerville*•+ _.. Jennings Cambridl!e City*•t. Wayne Oamden*•t .... ---·Carroll Campbellsbur1?*•tWash't'n •Cannelton*•+ --··-··Perry Carbon*•t --··-····-·Clay Carlisle*•+ • ______ Sullivan Carlos*•t ---·--·Randolph Carmel*•t -··--·Hamilton Carthage*•t ------··-Rush Cates*•t ·---··--·Fountain Cayuga*•+ ..... Vermilion Cedar Grove*•t .Franklin Oenterpoint*•t ______ .Clay Oenterville*•t----· Wayne Ohalmers*•t -·----· White Charlestown"•t _.... Clark Charlottesville*•.Hancock terton*•t --·-··Porter Chrisney*•t ·--·-·Spencer Churubusco*•+ ..• Whitley Cicero*•+----·- .Hamilton Clarksburg* ---·-·Decatur Clark hill*•t .. Tippecanoe Clay C1ty*•L-·-····-·c1ay Claypool*•t ___ .Kosciusko Clayton*•t __ ••. Hendricks Clt>rmout ··-----·-i\Iarion Clinton*•t. ··-· Vermilion Cloverdale*•t ._ .. Putnam Coal Ci1Y.·---·-·· - Owc•n Coate ville*•t •• Hendricks Colfax*•L ---· ___ .Clinton •Columbia City*•t _Whitley •Columbus*•t Bart11ol'mew  618 li78 3392 300 4650 4299 450 537 475 290 2361  8ee Jacksonville. To Fairfield. See Clinton. ee Clinton. See \.Yatseka. To Lacon. See Dixon. To Elgin. See Harrisburg. To Chicago. To Shelbyville. ee Marshall. ee Benton. To Chicago.  4-H  To Newton. To Woodstock. See Carthage. To Chicago. To Albion. See Marshall. To Danville. To Elgin. See Newton. To Carrollton. See Monticello. To Benton. See Galesburg. See Springfield. To Duquoin, See Newton. To Evanston. To Joliet. FUNK & McKEENK  'ro Shelbyville. To Pont.iac. ee Rockford. To Evanston. ee Freeport. To Hillsboro. To Galva. See Watseka. To Mt. Vernon. To Alton. See Jacksonville. WAITE & DONOVAN. See Edwardsville. See Princeton. To Galva. To Louisville. ee Newton. ee Galesburg. To Plano. To BentonSee Waukegan.  2008 572  973 300 598  902 200 933 200 371 917 528 820  INDIANA One Federal District comprises the entire state_ The District Court sits at Indianapolis, on the first Tuesdays in May and No'f'ember; at New Albany, on the first Mondays in January and July; at Enns,me on the first Mondays In April and October; at i'ort Wayne, the second Tuesdays In June and December; and at Hammond, the third Tuesdays in April and Octol>er.  REFERENCE KEY • County Seat. * Money Order. • Express Office. t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 600 417 930 1333 1142 150 4172 459 460 274 29767 1071 2650 1060 :{00  Acton*•t ·--··-·---Marion Advance*•t --··----Boone Akron*•t -·······-·Ji'ulton Albany*•t .... _.Delaware ~Albion*•t ·----··--· Noble Alen•t ······---·-Decatur Alexandria*•t .• -.:Madison Amhia*•t ···-···--·Benton Amboy*•L-·--· . -. Miami Amo*•L·-· ·-·- Hendricks •Anderson*et_ __ .. Madison Andrews*•L.-Huntin1?ton •Angola*•t --····-·Steuben Arcadia*•f_. ____ Hamilton Arcola*•t --------·-·Allen llll Argos*•L-·---··-Marshall 500 Arlington*•t ---··---Rush Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  To Indianapolis. To Lebanon. To Rochester. To Muncie. To Kenclallville. 'ro Green ·burg. To Anderson. :J:g J~;'{/_er. To Danville. CECIL F. WHITEHEAD. See Huntington. BRATTON & BJ}C'KE LIVELY, To Noble ville. See Ft. Wayne. To Plymouth. To Rushville.  NOTE  1  500  1604 495 916 906 43:5 435 1226 356 493 240 1091>2 678 ;j00 522 793 3490 8990  ( Clo tcrdale P. 0.)  (lndian1.tpolis P. 0.)  150 Commi key*•t .. Jennings •Connersville*•L._Fayette Converse*•t ________ Miami Corunna*•t ·-··-··Dekalb Cory••t ·--·----···--·Olay •Corydon*+._.·-·· Harrison Corydon ,Jnnct.•+Ilarri,on  9901 1049 272 200 1785  (Seu• Su/i.qburyP.0.)  To Angola. To Noblesville. To Veedersburl!, To Warsaw. HOFF:\fAN & STUMP.  To Lawrenceburg. To Scottsburg. To Kendallville. To Greencastle. To Franklin. To Versailles. See LaFayette. BROOKS & BROOKS.  To Indiananolis. To Gn•tmca tle.  To Connersville. ee Decatur. To Vincennes. See Huntington. To Jasper. HENDRON & VOSLOH.  To Rockville. IESS B. FIELDS, To Newcastle. SIMMONS & DAILJ".Y. PHILIP LUTZ, JR. To Jeffersonville. To Richmond. To Fowler. To Plymouth. SAMUEL W. LEE. To Plymouth. 'l'o Indiauapoli'-. To Hockvill!'. See Elkhart. To Indianapolis. To Kentland. To Martinsville. To Monticello. M. P. HUBBARD.  To Danville. To Seymour. '['o Crawfordsville. 'fo Liherty. To Vincennes. To Portland. To Lafayette. See Peru. See Warsaw. To Delphi. To :Monticello. To Greensburg. To Auburn. To North Vernon. To Richmond. To Delplli. See Salem. WM. M. WALDSCHMIDT To Brazil. To ullivan. To Ridgeville. To oble ' ville. To H.n hville. To Veeder burg. To ' ewnort. To Brookville. To Brazil. To Hic.bmond. To Monticello. To Jetl'er onville. To Greenfield. To Yalparaiso. To Boonville. See Columbia City. To 'ohlesville. Tu Green:burg. 3e~ La Fayette. 'I'o Brazil. ee \\'ar aw. 'I'o Dr11wille. 'ro lnclianapoli~. To 'l'erre Haute. To Gr<'Cnca ·tie. To -.;p(•ncPr. To Danville: 'I'o Frankfort. E. K. STRONG. R YNEitSON & LONG. (See also North Vernon and Seymour.)  ToJ. ·orth Vernon. G. J:UWIN JOBNSTO . . See Brazil. TIIOS,  s.  ,JONEi-..  To C'oryclon.  1945 •Covington*•L_ •. Ji'ountain To Veerler:burg. 150 Craigville*•L---···- Well 'l'o lllutl'ton. 133 Crandall*•t-- __ IJarri.on To Corydon.  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  POPU· LA· TION,  10139 420 160 1131 3232 1080 -100 :i68 688 7ii0 884  1729 823 -100 4762 650 2087 500 522 250 471 630 500 1679 2532 400 479 542 35967 155 1214 400 2376 1200 473 lll3 313 24277 721 86:5 10790 250 576 357 85264  2000 111 700 215.5 150 l14l 878 884 500 142 350 1441 3qo 4:51) 1339 1213 6549  375 3.'iO 1442 ~1:-; 648 614 11585 4909 739 215 296 900 40v  1l~~  250 361 691 '1796 ,i::i378  2 70 541 879 401  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  •Crawford ville*•t:Monte-·v Cromwell*• •..•.•.•. •oble Cross Pl, ins* ...... Ripley Crother ville*•t •. Jackson •Crown Point*•t •.... Lake Culver*•L ...•... .Mar ball Cumberlaud"•t ... ~larion Cyntb1aua"•t ....... Po<,ey Dale*•t •..•....... Spencer Daleville*•t •.... Delaware Dana*•t ..•..•.. Vermilion  CALDWJ<.LL & ~11\IMS. To Kendall\'ille. ee Ver ·aille ·. TO Pymour. To Gary. To Plymouth. To Indianapolis. To Mt. Vernon. To Boonville. To Muncie. To Newport. E. E. OWENS. To Crawfordsville. Sec La Fayette. MERRYMAN & SUTTON. ee Vincennes. JOHN H. ('ARTWRIGHT. To Reus ·elaer. ee Peru. To Madi on. To Lawrencebure-. To Richmond. ee Jasper. To Sullivan To Portland. To Madi on. See llammon<l. To Fowler. To Gary. ee Vevay. To Muncie. To Richmond. To Franklin. To Vincenne . To Boonville. To Corydon. To Columbu . ARTHUR EDWARD ZIGLER. To filoomiue-ton. •ro Odon. To Anderson. 'l'o Martinsville. '.A.BEALS. See Warsaw.  POPULA· TTON.  324 250 1120 9:i2.i 700 !i00 689 175  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  Glt>nwood"•t ........ R usb Gold,mi t h *•t. •••.. Tipton Goodland*•+ •.•.. Newton •Goshen••t •••••••• Elkhart Gosport*•+ .••••...•• Owen Grabill*•L ····-··-··Allen Grand Virw* ..... 8nPnrer Grasscreek*•·····-Fulton  To Ru.hville. To Tip on To Kentland. To Elkhart. To pencer. See Fort Wayne. Te BoonvillP. To Roche:ster.  3780 •Greencastle*•t •••. Putnam JAMES & ALLEE. 4168 •Greenfleld*•t .... Hancock W. E. BUSSELL. •Danville*•t .... Ilendricks 5545 •Greensburg*•t •.• Decatur Sl<..TTLE & HYLTON. Darline-ton*•t Monte-om 'ry 380 Greens Fork*•t ••• Wayne To Richmond . Dayton*•t ••.•. Tippecanoe 1163 Greentown*•t .... Howard To Kokomo. GrPPnwood*•t ..• Johnson To Franklin. 1907 •Decatur*•t ....•••• .Adams lii>ti Griffith •.•....•• •... Lakl' To llammontl. Decker*•L ••....... Knox !!00 Gwynneville"• ..... ShPl by 1ro Shelbyviile. •Delphi*•t ...••..... Carroll 1238 Bae-erstown*•t .... Wayne 'l'o Richmond. Demotte*•t .••.•... Jasper 223 Hall*.----·· .• Morgan To .\fartin Tille. Denver*•L ..•••...• Miami 387 Hamilton*•L ..... Steuben ·ro Anl!ola. Deputy*•t ...•.• J e1fer on 480 Hamlet"•t ....•.•.. Starke To Knox. Dillsboro*•t •... Dearborn 36004 Hammond*•t .•.•.... Lake CRUMPACKER & CRUMDublin*• •...••..•• Wayne PACKER . .Attorneys for Citizen Dubois*•t .•....•.. Dubois German National Bank. Dugger*•t ...••••• Sullivan Laporte. See Laoorte •••• -··· Hanna*•L 400 Dunkirk*•t ····--· •..• Jay 31jQ Hanover* ••••••• Jefferson To Madison. Dupant*•t ...•••• Jeffer on Washington Hardinsbure-* 253 Salem. See Dyer*•t ..•.•••..•.. Lake 500 Harlan• ·--··········Allen SPe Fort Wayne. Earl Park*•t .•.... Benton East Chicae-o*•t •.•.. Lake 6183 •Hartford City*•t Blackf'd BURNS & SECRI'. T. E.lfoterpri e• Switzerland 284 Hartsville* .Bartholomew To Columbus. Eaton••+ ......•• Delaware 600 Haubstadt*•t ...... Gibson To Princeton. Economy*•t •..••.• Wayne 100 Hazelwood* ·-··llendrick To Danville. Edinburg••+ .••.. Johnson 605 Hazleton*•t ..•••.. Gib.-on To Prinreton . Edwardsport"•t •.•.. Knox 832 Rebron"•t ......... Portrr To Valparai o. Elberfeld"•L •••. Warrick 175 l!Pmlock*•L ...•• llowanl To h.okomo Elizabeth* ......• Harrison 500 Henryville••··-- .... Clark To J effer onville. Elizab thtown••t Barth'w 542 Hie-hland*•t ·······-·Lake "'ee llaIDmond. 250 Hillisbure-••t .....• Clinton To Frankfort. Elkbart*•t ····--··Elkhart 537 Hillsboro*•t ...•. Fountain To Ve <.lcrsburg. Ellettsvil!e*•t •.•• Monroe 2:iO Hoagland*•t ..••.... Allen See Fort Wayne. Elnora*•t •.•...... Daviess 3450 Hobart*•t •.•• ····-··Lake See Gary. Elwood*•t .••..•.• .Maclison ~25 Hobbs*•t ••••...•.. Tipton To Tipton. Eminence* ..••.••. Morgan 400 Holland* ··-··-····Dubois See Jasper. 400 llolton*•t ..•.••.... Ripley To O~goo<l. •Ene-lisb*•t ...... Crawford 11 3 Hope*•t ...• BartholomPw To Columbu Etna Gr en*•t .Kosciu ko !SO0 Howe*•t ........ Lae-rane-e To Fremont. •Evan ville"•t Vanclerhure385 Hudson*t .•...•.. teuhen To Ane-ola. WALKER & WALKER. GPnPral Civil Practice i11 all Courts. ee Fort Wayne. 500 Huntertown*•t ..... Allen Collection Department. Dt>posit1on . AttornPy For Peooles 3261 Huntingbure-*•t .•. Dubois To Ja per. Savin~s Bank. Old tate ational Rank, H. G. Dun & Co .. KENNER & SAPP. .Hunt'gton •Huntine-ton"•t 14000 r ew York CPntral LmP . American urely Co. and Pacific 1599 llymera*•t ••..••. ullivan •ro ulli\'an. Mutual Life Insurance Co. 610 ldaville*•t ····-·-·· White To 1lonticP1lo. 17500 Indiana Harbor*•+ .. Lake To :lary. Ewine;* ..•....•••• Jark on To eymour. (East Chicayn 1'. 0. ) Fairbank ·* .••..•• Sullivan To ullivan. , 314l94§•1ndianapal1s*•t .• Marion. l:t'airland"•t ..•..... Shelby To helbyville. Fairmount*•t. •..... Grant To farion. PICKENS, l\lOORl';.8, DAVIDSON & PICKENS. 11ite Falmouth*•L .•••• Favette To H.ushville. 1300. Fletcher 8av. & Trust Bide-. Refer to any bank Farmersb11re-*•L.Sullivan 'l'o Sullivan. or trust company: Pennsylvania Uailway Lines: Pullman lfarmland*•t ..•• Randolph To Ridgeville. W<istern Union Telee-raph Company: Postal TeleCompany: Ferdinand"t ...•••. Dubois Set> Ja:;per. graph-Cable Co.: American urety Co.: United States Fidel· Fillmore••L...... Putuam To Greenca tlC'. Co.: Ocean Accident & Guarantee CorporaGuaranty & ity Fishers*•t ..••.. Hitmilton To Noble ville. tion, Ltd.: C<>n'ral Union Telt>phone Company. GPneral Flat Rock*•t .•••.. Shelby To Shelbyville. of Jll(liana laws for lhil! pulil1catio11. Gomr>ilcn; practice. Flora"•t. ......••.. Carroll To Delphi. FlorPnce* ..•• witzPrl: ml , f't> Vp,•11y. uite 805, Fletcher avings BERRYHILL & Rli~Y, Foraker ... ....... Elkhart To Elkhar ' . Trust Bldg. General Practice in all Court . Comme~·cial, (<J111d1 e11 P, 0. ) Corporation. In nranre and Probate Law. Refer to Nat10~al Forest••t ......... Clinton To J.i'rankfort. City Hank, Fletcher avine-. & Tru ·t Company and . ecunty Fort Branrh*•t ·-· Gib on To Prinreton. Trust Company. Collection Department under charge of Fortville .. •t •••.. Hancock 'Po Greenfield. comoetent Attorney. •Fort Wayne*•L ••••. Allen HOLTZMAN & COLF.MAN, 115 ~T. Penu treet. Attorneys Block. W. J. V. '57-'78, A. VE, EY & VESEY, 204-9 Ba for Contineatal National Bank. Bankers Trust Company J. V. '60-'821 D . .M. V. '86-'08, D.S. V. '91- '13. Attorneys American Mortgae-e Guarantee Company, , terling Fire Tews. (Petty for Fir ·t National Bank, Tri-State Loan & Trust Co. lnsuranre Compan:v and Indianapolis department. collection Active General Practice. Collection:, not desired.) Fountain City*•t .. Wayne To Richmond. JONES, HAl\lMOND & JONES, 307 Odd Fellow Bldg, Fountain town*• .•• Shelby To Shelbyville. Gen~ral Civil Practil'e. Collection Department. Attorneys •Fowler*•L •.•.•..• Benton E. G. HALI,. for Indiana ' atiomtl Rank, Indiana Banker ' A, ociation Fowlerton•• ..•••.•. Grant To 1Iarion. and Farmer ' Tru t Company. Fraoresville*•t .•• Pula ki To Winamac. MATSON, KANE & ROS , (b'redericl, E. Jlntwm. Ral11h Franc1sco*•t •.••.. Gib!:>On To Princeton. K. Kane . .Jame.~ A. R11.~1<. Ro/Jrrt D. ~le ()I'd, ~trlolph .t. •Frank:fort"•t •••..• Olin ton EARL F. GRUBER. cllrrilJrr) 94i - 955 Lemrke Annex. Attornry for FIPtcherAmeriran National Bank, Boll(! Deoartmrnt: City Tru . t Company. BrePd, Elliott & Harrison, lnvP tmrnt Brokn•. •Franklin*•+ ..•.. Johnson WHITE & OW}~NS. pecial attention to law of inve:;tment . ecurities, and to Frankton*•t .•.•. Madison To Andnson. corooration law e-rnerally. Fredericksbur~ Wa.;;hington To ·tlem 628 Jamestown"•t ...••. Boone 'l'o Lehan on. Freeland Park"•t .Benton To F~wle~·. 4461 Jasonville*•t ····-· Grerne To Bloomfield. Frt-elan<lville* .•...• Knox To Vinccnn, ,. 2530 •Jasoer*•t ····-····-Dubois HORACE M. KEAN. Freetown"•t ...•. Jack on To eymour. 10008 •Je1Tersonv:lle*•t. ... Clark WILMER T. FOX. ireminr•t•·t···sieubPn ~o tngl(!la. ~~~~~n \' ille ll.tIGij!~i ~~~illes. 213 Jonesville*t BartholomPw To Columb'us. Fultou*•t .....•..•• Fulton To Roche ·ter. 408 Kempton*•+ .•...•. Ti1Jton To Tipton. Galvr ton*•L .....••. Cass To L~an port. :-; 273 Kendallville*•t ...•• Noble GLENN E. THRAPP Oarrett*•t .....•.•• Dekalb 'ro Auburn. 541 Kennard "•L·····-·Henry To Newra tie. uary*•t ········--···Lake GAVIT, HALL & SMITH, (Frank 1283 •Kentland*•t •...•• Newton T. Il. CUNNINGHAl\1. N . Garit, John C. Hall and Walter H. Smith.) Attorney 695 Kewanna*•t ••.•.•. Fulton To Rorhe ter. for International Trust & Savings ank, First State Bank 250 Keystone*•L ••....• Well. To Bluffton. or Tole ton Wary P. 0.) Commercial PCurities Company, 300 Kimmell*•+ .•...... , Tohlc 'ro Krnclallville. Gary; First Tational Bank, Bank of Whitinl! and Fir t Kine-man"•L .... Fountain To V,•rdrr burg. 578 Trust & Savings Bank, Whiting. 695 Kirklin*•L··--···-Clinton To Frankfort. Gas City••L ..•..... Grant To Marion. 100 Kirkpatrkk*•t \Jonte-om·y To Crawford viii Ga ton*•t ....••. Delaware To Muncie Knieht~town••t •..• Henry To , PwrastlP 191 ee Decatur. Geneva••+ •••.••••. Adams IG77 •Knox*•L--········8tarkP RORT. D. PETERS. Gf'org-etown*•t ..... Fiord To New Albany.  F~r:id hi~*.~.--~~~. R°t~ri~; Tg V  --- -  NOTE  11~3 }g~~!b~:~::(···  ;g  USE COUPONS as in-;tructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) POPULA· TION.  TOWN AND OOUNTY.  ... Kokomo*•t------- Howard Kouts*•t ____ ..•• ___ Porter Lacrosse*•t .. _____ Laporte Ladoga*•L-- Montgomery .. La F'ayrttr*•t .. Tippecanoe La Fontame*•t ... Wabash .. Lagrange*•t _____ Lagrange Lagro••t _________ Wabash Lake*____________ pencer Laketon ••t _______ Wabash Lakeville*•t ____ st. Joseph 21i!I Lanesville* ______ Harrison 250 Laotto*•t ___________ Noble Lapaz;•t _________ Mars.hall 1 , Lapel •t __________ Madison  30067 800 600 1010 22tR6 601 1610 ;;15 4:50 600 333  ~It  15158 ... Laoorte*•t ________ Laporte 264 Larwill*•t-------- Whitley :il5 Laurel"•t ________ Franklin 900 Lawrence*•t------ Marion ?i46li .. Lawrencebur1?*•t Dearb'n 611 Leavenworth* ___ Crawford 62;;7 ... Lebanon*•t. ________ Boone :l611 Lt>Pshure*•t ____ Kosriusko i5 Ll'iJ>~ic*•. ____ ____ Orange 300 Le1ten Ford* ______ Fulton 225 Letts* ____________ Decatur !60 Lewisville*•t _______ Henry -100 Lexineton*•t ________ Scott 1292 .. Liberty*•t_ _________ Union 330 Liberty Center••t ___ Well :!Q37 Ligonirr*•t _________ Noble ,J'.i:5 Linden••t ____ Montgomery 300 Linngrove*•------- Adams 1i3 Linnsburg*t _ Montgomery :;85fi Lrnton*•t __________ Greene 182 Lizton*•t. ______ Hendricks 21626 2335 300 l~Qi .J~  89 412 ~~~  297  ... Loeansport*•t --------Cass L-Oogootee*•t ______ Martin Losantville*•t ___ Randolph Lowell*•L __________ Lake Lucerne*•t ___________ Cass Lynn*•t ________ Randolph Lynnv1lle*t_ _____ Warrick ~~eene ....  {'ltt•! __________  a~,~!r ~----_-:_-_-_-_-.-:~P;:;s  tiill 1.!ladison·•t ______ Jefferson 4UO Manilla*•t_ __________ Rush 300 Marco*•t. _________ Greene Hi :M.areneo*•t _____ Crawford 2:n47 ... varion"•t __________ Grant ili Mark:le"•t _____ Huntington :;uu Markleville*•t ____ Madison ~~i Marshall*•t _________ Parke 2:J Mar~hfleld*•---- -· Warren Martinsvme••t ____ M.orean M.atthrws*•t ________ Grant P300 Ma:,-s*•L--- _________ Rush -00 Mecca••t. ___ _______ Parke 200 Mechanicsbllrg_ ----Boone ((Lebanon P. 0.) 1i24 Medaryville*•t ____ Pulaski fi:;9 Mectora*•t_ _______ Jackson ~1,2 Mellott"•t _______ Fountain " o Mentone"•t. ____ Kosciusko :iOil Merom*•t ________ Sullivan ;;ss Metamora*•t ____ Franklin ~'.~0 :'.\le z* ______________ S'euhe u" 1 MMfXi~f•t ________ Mjam! 300 1am1 •t ___________ M1am1 rn-1:i; Michigan City*•t __ Laporte 430 Michieantown*•t-- Clinton :;99 Middlebury*•t ____ Elkhart ~ Mi<ldletown*•t _____ Henry 18 Milan*•t ___________ Rioley ~1! Milford*•t _____ Kosciusko .,8;J Millersburg*•t ____ Elkhart lil=i Milltown*•L ____ crawford ~00 hl ilroy*•L--- ________ Rush fiOJ ~lil:011*•+ _______ \\'aynl' 1:;19:5 Mishawaka*•t.. t. Jo~eph 302'.J .Mitchell*•t _____ Lawrence 2aiG Modoc*•t _______ Randolph 12:i Mohawk*• _______ Hancock aoo ~1ongo*•-------- Lagr,rn1rn n:;7 Mouon*•t __________ White 38-l Monroe*•t _________ Adams :j;iO Monro(' City* _______ Knox 864 Monroeville*•t ______ .A.lien :iOO ~lonrovia* ________ Moreau  4~i~ .  tp  1m =ii6  ~g~i~~~l,;t.r_-_-_-_-!J~;~~ Montgomery*•t. .. Daviess  2;;:rn .. hlonticello"•L--- --- White :wo ~IoutmorPn<.'i*•L Tipprca'e 221Ji Montpelier*•L- Blackford 111.1 Mooreland*•t ______ Henry ~85 Moores Hill*•--- Dearborn 1781 Mooresville*•t---- Morean 31 Mor1?antown*•t ___ Morgan 1064 Morocco*•t _______ Newton 658 Morristown*•t _____ Shelby 199 Mount Ayr••t_ ____ Newton 2i4 Mount Summit*•t..Henry  NAME.  JE SUP & GWARTNEY. To Valparaiso. See La Porte. To Crawfordsville. VAUGHAN & VAUGH.\N. See Wabash. Dl FF & DUFF. ee Wabash. 'I'o Boonville. Sre Wabash. See South Bend. To Corydon. 'l'o Kendallville. To Plymouth. To Anderson. FRED R. LIDDJ<...LI,. See Columbia City. To Brookville. To Indianapolis. ESTAL G. BIELBY. See English. JOHN W. HORNADA\·. 8Pe Warsaw. To Paoli. To Hucllester. To Green,l)Urg. To Newcastle. To cottsbure. W. F. BASSl]RT. To U,utTtou. To Keudalh·ille 'l'o Crawfordsville. See Decatur. 'l'o Crawforrtsville. To Bloomfield. To Danville. TOOMAS C. BRADFIELD. To Shoals. 'l'o Ridgeville. To Crown Point. To Logan port. To Ridgeville. To Boonville. To Bloomfield. To Princeton. Se~ Peru. THOS. B. M<'GRJ<,GOK. To Rushville. To Bloomfield. See English. CONDO & DROWNE. See Huntington. 'l'o Anderson. To Rorkville. 'l'o Williamc;port. J.E. ~EDWICK, 'l'o Marion. To Rushville. To Rockville. To Lebanon.  To Winamac. To Seymour. 'ro VPedersburg. See Warsaw. To Sullivan. To Brookville. 'l'o Angola. See Pt>ru. ee Peru. To La Porte. To Frankfort. To Elkhart. To Newcastle. To Osgood. See Warsaw. To Elkhart. 'l'o English. To Rushville. 'ro Hkhmoncl. To S11u1h Hend. To BPdford. To J{,idgeville. To Greenlielcl. To Lal,!ranee. To Monticl'llo. 'ee DPcatur. To Vincennes. See Fort Wayne. To Martinsville. i~eR~~~tW1~~See Washineton. L. n. CARJt~Y. ee LaFayette. To Hartford City. To NPwca tie. See Lawrencebure. To Martinsville. To Martinsville. To Kentland. To helbyville. See Kentland. To N wrastle.  - NOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  INDIANA POPU• LA· TOWN AND COUNTY. TION,  1745  NAME.  5284 ... Mount Vernon*•t ___ Posey IlEX A. TRIMBLE. 1000 .Mulberry*•t _______ Clinton To Frankfort. 36524 ... Muncie*•t. ______ Delaware 1'1cCL.l<;LLA.N, HENSEL a: GllTHIUJi:. RP!t>rences: .Merchants National Bank. Union National Bank. Peoples Trust Co .. and Muncie Trust Company . .ioo Napoleon*t ________ Ripley See Versailles. 2678 Nappanee*•t ______ Elkhart To Elkhart. 323 ... Nashville* _________ Brown R. W. REDJ>ICK. 200 Needham ________ John on To Franklin. 22992 ... New .Albany*•t _____ Floyd STOTSENBERG & WEATHER . ,lOO New Aurusta*•t ___ Marion To lnrt1anapolis. 439 Newbrrry*•t ______ GrPene To Bloomfield. 500 New Bethel•·-----Marion To Indianapolis. I Wanamaker P. 0.) 1295 • ·ewbure••t ______ Warrick To Boonville. 609 New Carlisle*•LSt.J oseph 8PP South ''lend. 14458 ... Newcastle*•t _______ llenrr S('OTTEN & HI SHAW. 1126 New Harmony*•L- _Posey To M.t. Verno . 1237 New Haven*•t ______ .Allen See Fort Wayne. 2i'i0 NE'w Lishon*•L---- HPnry To Newca. 1le. 250 New Marion* ______ Ripley To Y ersailles. 403 ew arket••t..M.out1(t'ry To Crawfordsville. 442 New Palestine*•t _Hancock To Greenfield. 450 New Paris*•t _____ Elkhart To Elkhart. 317 New Pomt*•t. ____ Decatur To Greensburg. 703 ... Newport*•t ____ "ermilion W. BERT CONLEY. (311 New Richmond*•t _ll 'ti:-'y To Crawfordsville. 351 New Ross*•t Monteomery See Crawtordsville. 150 .New alem* --------llush 'T'o Ru hville. 329 Newtown* _______ Fountain To Veeoersburg. 268 ew Washineton* __ Clark To J etrer on ville. 4758 •Nohlesville*•t __ Hamilton ROBT. B. KINNEY. 1189 North Judson*•t_ __ ltarke To Knox. 681 North Liberty*•tSt.J oseph Sre South Bend. 309 orth Madison*•t J effer'n To Madison. 2711 No. llanchester*•tWahash er Waba h. 5115 North Salem*•t- Hendr'ks To Danville. 3084 North Vernon*•tJennines RYNER ON & LONG. (.See also Columl.J'U8 and e11mour) 400 North Webster*Kosciusko To Warsaw. 2270 Oakland Ciiy*•t ___ Gibson To Prine ton. 3Ga Oaklandon*•t _____ Marion To Indianapolis. 779 Oaktown*•t---------Knox To Vincennes. 200 Oakville*•t ______ Delaware To Muncie. 985 Odon*•t __________ Daviess E. T. LAUGHLIN. 628 Oldenbure* ______ .Franklin 'l'o Brookville. 350 Onward*• ------------Cass To Logansport. 322 Orland*•--------- Steube• To Angola. 1408 Orleans*•t _________ oranee To Paoli. AYIIINGJi,R. 1093 OSl!00d "•t __________ Ripley VERNO 724 Ossian*•t----------- Wells To Bluffton. 702 Otterbein"•t _______ Benton To Fowler. 600 Otwell* ________ ---· __ Pike To Petn burg. 1239 Owensville*•t _____ Gibson To Princeton. 950 Oxford*•t _________ Bento a To Fowler. 227 Palmyra* ________ flarrison To Corydon. 1520 ... Paoli*•t ________ -- _ Orange OSCAR RATTS. 4-14 Para1?on*•t _______ Mon:an To Martin ville. 200 Paris Crossin1?*•-Jennin11:s To Nor1h Vernon. 607 Parker*•t _______ Hanllolph To Ridgeville. lii3 Patoka*•t _________ Gibson To Pr111i-eton. 500 Patncksbure*•t. ____ o"en Sl'C Spencrr. 2 9 Patriot* ______ Switzerland l'e Vevay. 400 Pekin*•------ Washini:-ton See Salem. 150 Pence*•t __________ Warren To Williamsoort. 1244 Pendletou*•t _____ Madison To Anderson. 646 PennvillE>"•----------- Jay To Portland. 600 Perrysville*•L- Vermilion See Newport. 325 Pershing* _________ Wayne To Richmond. 12410 .. Peru*•t ____________ Miami ANDRJo;ws & RHODE~. 2367 .. Petersburg*•t ____ ----Pike W. D. CURLL. 100 PetrolPum*•-------- Wells 'L'o Bluffton. 1018 Pierceton*•t ___ Kosciusko t>E' Warsaw. 301 Pin(I Village*•t ___ Warren 'ro Williamsport. 549 Pittsboro*•t ___ Hendricks To Danville . 1373 Plainlleld*•t ___ Hendricks To Danville. 550 Plainville"•t ______ Daviess See Washin1?ton. 600 Pleasant Lake"•t .Steuben To Angola. 4338 .. pJymouth*•t _____ MarshalJ BARRY L. UNGER. 200 Poland* ______________ Clay To Brazil. 270 Poneto*•t ___________ Wells To Rln1Tton. tilllJ Por er•+•---------- Porter 'ro Yalparai<;;o. !i958 ... Portland"•t----------- Jay II. V. TOJtMORLJ,N. 881 Poseyville*•t---- ___ Posey To Mt. Vernon. 350 Preble*•L---------Adams To Decatur. 7t:l2 100 300 13!s6 1044  ... Princeton*•L ______ Gibson l{aub ••t---------- Brnton Ray*•t ___________ teuben Redkey*•r ____________ Jay Remineton*•t ______ Jasper  'l'o To To To  2912 379 500 2li765  .. Rensselaer*•t ______ Jasper Reynolds*•t ________ White Hichland•t _______ Sprncn ... Hichmontl*•t ______ Wayne  'ro ~1on ti cello. 1'n Rnrkport. KELLEY & KELLEY.  DARVl~Y HARMON.  Fowler. Aneola. Portland. Ren selaer.  HANLEY & HANLEY.  1042 Rideevilte*•t ___ Randolph NELSON W. FERGU~ON, Address Winchester, Indiana. 1411 .. Risine Sun* __________ Ohio CHAS. B. MATSON. <i6 Hm1rhrtalP*•t_ ____ Putnam To Grerncastle. _ _ __  USE COUPONS aa inatructedto BE PROTl:.CTED ~bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1746  INDIANA, iOWA  POPU· LA·  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  ATTORNEYS.AT-LAW (BONDED) NAME.  TION,  Roann••t. ..•....• Wabash Roanoke••t ••• Huntington •Rochester••t •••.•• Fulton Rockfl.eld••t . ••••.• Carroll •Rockport••t •••••• Spencer •Rockville••t ••••.••. Parke Rolling Prairie••t Laporte Romney••t .••• Tippecanoe Ro ·edale*•t ••••..•• . Parke Ho~ston •. . ..... .... Boone  See Wallash. See Huntini:-ton. MYERS & EMMONS. To Delphi. E. L. BOYD. HOWARD L. HANCOCK. See LaPorte. See La Fayette. To Rockville. To  595 900 5498 463 800 194 2836 530 350 327 167 1609 850 915 318 7348  Rossville*•t •••.•.• Clinton Royal Oenter*•t •••••• Cass •Rushville*•t ••••••.•• Rush Russellville*•t .••. Putnam Russiaville*•t •..•• Howard Salamonia.....•....... Jay •Salem*•t ..••• Washineton Sandborn*•t •..••.•. Knox San Pierre*•t ..•••• Starke Saratoi:-a*•t •••.• Randolph Scipio*• •.••••••• Jennings Scircieville*• ...•.• Clinton •Scottsbure*•t •••.••.. Scott Sedalia*•t ••••••••• Clinton Sellersburi:-*• •••...•• Olark Selma*•··---Delaware Seymour*•t ••..•• Jackson  To Frankfort. To Loeansport. .JOHN Q. THOM.AS. To Greencastle. To Kokomo. To Portland. OSCAR K. HOBBS. To Vincennes, To Knox. To Ridgeville. To North Vernon. To Frankfort. M. J. HAYS. To Frankfort, To Jeffersonville. To Muncie. RYNERSON & LONG.  600 1814 9701 1761 248 1079 1034 223 452 70983  Sharpsville*•t •...•• Tipton Shelburn*•t •.•.•• Sullivan •Shelbyville••t ••••• Shelby Sheridan••t •.••. Hamilton Shipshewana*•t .Lagrange Shirley*•t •.••.•• Hancock •Shoals*•t •.•.•••••• Martin Sidney*•t ••.•.• Kosciusko Silver lake••t ••. Kosciusko •South Benct••t. St. Joseph  450 458 1074 250  South Milford••tLagrane-e Southport••t •••••• Marion South Whitley*•t. Whitley Spartanburl!' •••• Randolph  To Tipton. To Sullivan. HALL, WILLIAMS & PJ<..LL. To Nohlesville. See Lagranee. To Greenfield. To Washineton. See Warsaw. See Warsaw. LOUIS M. HAMMERSCHMIDT. 717-719 J, M. S. Bldg. See Laerange. To Indianapolis. See Columbia City. To Muncie.  2066 310 632 139 500 178 600 400 386 50() 1200 261 850 4489 202 1001 372  •Spencer*•t ...••.•.•• Owen Spencerville*•t ••• Dekalb Spiceland*•t ---·-·· Henry Springport••t. ..••. Henry Star City*•t .•.••.. Pulaski State Line*•L ••.. Warren St. Bernice*t. .. Vermilion Stilesville* •.••. Hendricks St. Joe*•t •...•.•••. Dekalb Stockwell*•t •• Tippecanoe St. Paul*•t .•••..•• Decatur Btrau1.?hn•• ·-·-·-···Henry Stroh••t •.••••.• Laerange •Bullivan*•t ••••••• Sullivan Sulphur Springs••t Henry Summitvme••t _•• Madison Sunman*•t. ..•..••. Ripley Swayzee••t ...•..... Grant Sweetscrs*•t. .••••.. Grant Srracuse*•t ••.• Kosciusko Tab"•t-·--·-······ Warren Tell City*•t ••••••••• Perry Tennyson••t ••••• Warrick •Terre Haute••t ...•.• 'fieo  650  750 1171 150 4086 386 66083 1432 250 4:i07 200 2000  512 700 154  ioo  150 :{4(Jti 2-57 430 1301 800 500 6'.:il8 861 1580 423 413  lli5 17lfi0 '.)~72 300 816 480 1031 111 713  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  TJON,  414 760 3720 300 2581 1968 441 400 741 100  SOO  POPULA·  (Zion .s ville P.O.)  (Lyn n P. 0.)  Thorntown••t •.•... Boone Tippecauoe*•t ••• Marshall •Tipton*•t. •.•..•.•. Tipton Tocsin*•t ...••..•.•• Wells Tolleston*•t ••••.•.•• Lake Topeka*•t ..••.•• Lagrange Trafalear*• ..•••• Johnson Troy••t •...••••••... Perry Twelve M.ile*•t •..•..• Cass 'J'yner•t····-· ·· ·Marshall Union City*•t. •• Handolph Uniondale*•t ••..•... Wells Union Mills .•....• Laporte Upland*•t ..••••.... Grant Urbana*•L .•••... Wabash Vallonia••t. .•.••. Jackson •Valparaiso*•t ...... Porter Vanburen*•t. •..•... Grant Veedersbure*•t •. Fountain •Ve!'non•• ..•.•••. Jennings •Versailles* •.•••.... Ripley •Vevay••·- .•. Switzerland • Vincennes*•t. •.••.. Knox •Wabash*vt .•....• Wabash Wadesville*•L ...••. Posey Wakarusa*•t. ....• Elkhart Waldron*•L •.••••. Shelby Walkerton*•t .. St. Joseph Wallace• .••...•• .,Fountain Walton••t. ••.•••..... Cas!l  (See al..~o Columbus and North Vernon)  HERBERT A. RUNDELL. To Auburn. To Newcastle. To Newcastle. See Winamac. To Williamsport. See Newport. To Danville. To Auburn. See La Fayette. To Greensbure. To Anderson. To Lagrange. HAYS&BAYS. To Newcastle. To Anderson. See Versailles. 'l.'o Marion. To Marion. See Warsaw. To Williamsport. To Cannelton. To Boonville. JOS. P. DUF'.FY, Room 8, Erwin Block. To Lebanon. To Plymouth. SAMUl<}L A. CULVER. 'l'o Bluffton. To Gary. See Lagranee. To Franklin. To Cannelton. To Logansport. 'l'o Plymouth. To Ridgeville. To Bluffton. To Laporte. To Marion. See Wabash. To Seymour. DALY & FREUND, To Marion. NOAH M. TEEGARDEN. To North Vernon. To Osgood. WALLACE J. HALL. CLAUUJ; E. GREGG. S\VITZI<.:lt & BENT. To Mt. Vernon. To Elkhart. To Shelbyville. See South Bend. To Veedersburg. To Logansport. _ __ _ _ __  800 1520 5478 8743 1172 590 130 350 691 832 574 3830 637 400 709 4310 408 382 1000 388 700 10145  324 350 1088 200 1684 4021 801 464 1140 868 666 300 4!i0 1853 200 225 200 200 797 450 350 957  See LaPorte. See Huntington. FRAZER, FRAZER & HEADLEY. MATTINGLY & MEYERS. To Auburn. To Crawfordsville. To Martinsville. To Kendallville. To Crawfordsville. To Paoli. To Noblesville. See La Fayette. To Williamsport. To LaFayette. To Greensburg . To Terre Haute. See Laporte. To Rensselaer. To Vincennes. To Franklin. To Lebanon. GAVIT, HALL & SMITH, (Frank N. Gavit, John C. Hall and Walter H. Smith .) Attorneys for International Trust & Savings Bank, First State Bank of Toleston (Gary P. 0.). Commercial Securities Company, Gary; First Natioual Bank, Bank of Whiting and First Trust & Savings Bank, Whiting. Wilkinson*• •..•• Hancock To Greenfield. Williamsbure••t •.• Wayne To Richmond. • Williamsport*•t .• Warren MEHAFFEY & HAUPT. Willow Branch .. Hancock To Greenfield. •Winamac*•t ••••••• Pulaski JAS. A. DILTS. •Winchester*•+ .• Randolph T'J Ridgeville. WindfaW•t ...•.... Tipton 'l'o Tipton. Wingate*•t •. Montgomery To Crawfordsville. Winslow*•t •..•..•.•. l'ike To Petersburg. Wolcott*•t ••..•••.• White To Monticello. Wolcottville*•t. Lagrange See Lagranee. Woltlake* ....••..... Noble To Albion. Woodburn••t ..•.•.. Allen See Fort Wayne. Worthington*•t •.• Greene To Bloomfield. Wyatt •.......•• St. Jo5eph To South Bend. Yeddo*•t ..•..•.• Fountain To Veedersbure. Yeoman• ....•..... Carroll To Delphi. Yoder•t•.•....•.•••• Allen To Fort Wayne. Yorktown••t ...• Delaware To Muncie. Young America" .••••• Cass To Logam,port. Zanesville• ..•.•. .... Wells To Bl ufl'ton. Zionsville*•t ..•.... Boone To Lebanon. Wanatah••t. ....•• Laporte Warren••t •..• Huntington •Warsaw*•t. •••. Kosciusko •Washington*•t •... Daviess Waterloo"•t ..••..• Dekalb Waveland*•t.Montgomery Waverly···----· Morgan Wawaka••t •...•.••. Noble Waynetown••t M'tgomery West Baden••t ...• Orange WestfieJd••t ••••• Hamilton West Lafayette*• Tipp'noe West Lebanon••t. Warren We tpoi.nt*•t Tippecanoe Westport*•t •••.•• Decatur West Terre Haute•t .. Vieo Westville"•t •••••• LaPorte Wheatfleld••t •...•• Jasper Wheatland"•t .••.... Knox Whitelanct•• .•.••• Johnson Whitestown••t •..•. Boone Whiting*•+ .•..•••.•• Lake  IOWA Iowa 1s divided Into two Federal Districts: Northern and Southern. The NORTHERN DISTRICT has four divisions: the Eastern, with court at Dubuque on the fourth Tuesday :n April and first Tuesday In December, and at Waterloo second Tuesdays In May and September; the Cedar RaJ;>lcts at Cedar Rapids on the first Tuesday in AJ;>ril and the fourth Tuesday In SeJ;>tember; the Western, with court at Sioux City on the fourth Tuesday in May and the third Tuesday in October; the Central with court at Ji'ort Dodge on the second ·ruesdays In June and November. The SOUTHERN DIS'l'RICT has six divisions: the Central with court at Des Moines second Tuesday In May and third Tuesday In November; the Eastern, with court at J{eokuk second Tuesday In A1>rll and third Tuesday In October; the Western with court at Connell Bluffs the second Tuesday In March and the third Tuesday in SeJ;>tember; the Southern with court at Creston on the fourth Tuesday in March and the first Tuesday in November: the DavenJ;>ort with court at Davenport on the fourth Tuesday in AJ;>ril and the first Tuesday in October; and the Ottumwa with court at Ottumwa on the first Monday after fourtb Tuesday in March and first Monday after third Tuesday in October.  .. Cou.nty Seat.  REFERENCE KEY * Money Order Office.  t Telegraph Station. 1529 952 1455 926  Ackley*•t •••••••.• Hardin Adair*•t ...•••....•. Adair •Adel*•t ·····-·······Dallas Afton*•t •........•• Union  §  • Express Office.  State Capital.  F. I. McGBEEVY. To Creston. To Perry. See Creston.  USE COUPONS aa instructedto BE PROTECTED by bon<L° NOTE Se,e complete information in preface to Attorney List.  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDeD) POPULA-  429 301 1324 567 5067 392 201 840 315 3724  Aeency*•t ________ Wapello Ainsworth*•t-Washington Akron••t _______ Plymouth Albert City••t Buena Vista •Albia*•t _______ ____ Monroe Albion*•t ________ Marshall Alburnett••t _________ Linn Alden*•t ____ ______ Hardin Alexander*•t ____ Franklin •Aleona*•t ________ Kossuth  75 50 054 520 75 1200 355 1007 502 359 100 6270 2881 175 289 1236 648 783 508 375 184 200 200 242 156 720 818 478 290 610  Alleman••----------- Polk Allendorf*•t ______ Osceola Allerton*•t ________ Wayne •Allison*•L--- ______ Butler Alpha*.... ____ ____ Fayette A.Jta*•t _______ Buena Vista Alta Vista*•t ___ Chickasaw Alton*•t ____ ________ Sioux Altoona••t ___________ Polk Alvord*•t ___________ Lyon Amber*• ____________ J ones Ames*•t ____________ Story •Anamosa*•t_ _______ Jones Anderson*•L---- Fremont Andrew* ______ Jackson Anita*•L------------ Cass Polk Ankeny*•t ___________  Anthon*•t----- Woodbury Aplington*•t _______ Butler Arcadia*•t ____ . ___ _Carroll A.rcher••t ________ 0 'Brien Aredale*•L--- _____ Butler ArgyJe••t ________ ----_Lee .4.rion*•t ________ Crawford Arispe*•t __________ .Union Arliniton*•t ______ Fayette Armstrong*•t ____ Emmett Arnolds Park*•tDickinson Arth ur*•L----- _______ Ida Ashton*•t _________ Osceola 108 At!Jissa*•t _____ Muscatine 150 Athelstan*• ________ Taylor 202 Atkin&*•t __________ Benton 5329 •Atlantic*•t-- ________ Cass 406 Auburn*et_ ___ ________ Sac 2108 •Audubon*•t _____ Audubon 708 Aurelia*•t _______ Cherokee 284 Aurora*•t ______ Buchanan 75 A.ustinville*•t ______ Butler 1482 Avoca*•f ___ Pottawattamie 361 A.yrshire*•t _____ Palo Alto 244 Badeer*•t-- _____ Webster 505 Bag ley*•L ________ Gu th r ie 232 Baldwin*•t_ ______ Jackson 002 Bancroft*•t ______ Kossuth 473 Barnes City••t ___ Mahaska 137 Barnum*•t _______ Webster 125 Bartlett*•t _______ Fremont 135 Bassett••t ______ Chickasaw 560 Batavia*•t ______ .Jefferson 785 Battle Creek*•t ________ Ida 571 Baxter*•t __________ Jasper 727 Bayard*•t _________ Guthrie 170 Beaconsfleld*•t--Ringiold 214 Beaman••t------- Grundy 132 Beaver*•L--- _______ Boone 2073 •Bedford*•t ________ Taylor 200 Beech•----------- Warren 3887 Belle Plaine*•t---- Benton 1663 Bellevue*•t _______ Jackson 1797 Belmond*•t _______ Wright 362 Bennett*•t __________ Cedar 100 Bentley*•t _Pottawattamie ~-lfi Benton••t _______ Rinl!gold 68 Berkley*•t _________ Boone 105 Bernard*•t ------Dubuque 2178 Bettendorf*•-------- Scott 7t 539 272 540 380 4211 317  524 2061  go,>  a13 656 274 12451 150 187 296 '1 ~ 7v 150  2!9  3,_,. 3, , 4.. 419 100  (D111l'1tpo r t 1'. 0, )  Bevington*•t _____ Madison Birmiugham*•t _VanBuren Blairsburg*•t ___ Hamilton Blairstown"•t _____ Benton Hlakesburg-*•t ____ Wapello Blanchard*_ t ________ Page HJencor*•t __ _____ Monona Blockton"•t ________ Taylor •Bloomfleld*•t _______ Davis Blue Grass*•t _______ Scott Bode*•t ________ Humboldt Bonaparte*•+ __ Van Buren Bondurant*•t_ _______ Polk ..Boone*•t -----------Boone  ~  Booneville*•t-------Dallas Bouton*•t ---------- Dallas Boxholm*•--------- Boone Boyden*•L _________ Sioux Boyer*•L _______ crawford Bradford*•------ Franklin Bradgate*•t---- Humboldt Brandon* _______ Buchanan Brayton*•+------ Audubon Breda*•L _________ Carroll Bremer•t ---- ----- Bremer Brid2ewater••t_ ____ _Acl.iir Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  ~-  IOWA  To Ottumwa. To Washington. To Le Mars. To Storm Lake. Mll,LER & EVERETT.  To Marshalltown. See Cedar Rapids. To Ackley. To Hamoton. BARRINGTON & DIOKINSON.  Attorneys for the First National Bank. To Des Moines. To Sibley. To Corydon. To Clarksville. To Connersville. To Storm Lake. To New Hampton. To Sheldon. To Des Momes. To Rock Rapids. To Monticello. To Nevada. To Monticello. To Shenandoah. To Maquoketa. To Atlantic. To Des Moines. To Sioux City. To Clarksville. To Carroll. To Sheldon. To Clarksville To Fort Madison. To Deni on. See Creston. To West Union. To Estherville. To ririt Lake. To Idagrove. To Sibley. See Muscatine. See Bedford. To Cedar Rapids.  1014 2!19 1610 150 1533 150 111 56 188 91 150 487  WISDOM & KffiKETEG.  To Indianola. To Cedar Rapids. To Maquoketa. To Clarion. To Tipton. To Council Bluffs. See Mount Ayr. To Boone. See Dubuque. To Davenport. To Winterset. See Keosauqua. To Webster City. To Oedar Rapids. To Ottumwa. T~\y~~:i~~%t·. To Bedford. H. C. TAYLOR.  NAME.  To Washington. To Clarksville. To Garner. To Sioux City. To Montezuma. To Corning. To Le Mars. To Independence. See Ackley. To Deni ·on. To Toledo. To Davenport.  8114 Buffalo Cent'r*•t Win'b'go THOMPSON. WTB & LOW•:. 100 Bunch*•t----------- Davi · To Bloomfield. 24057 •Burliniton*•t _ DesMoines SEERLEY & CLA.RK. General Law Practice. Attorney-: for r ational State Bank, Burlington Sav. Bank and We t Burlington Uowa) Sav. Bank. 100 Burnside*•t _____ Webster 'fo Fort Dodge. 200 Burroak* _____ Winneshiek To Decorah. 626 Burt*•L. ________ Kossuth To Algona. 585 Bussey*•t _________ Marion To Knoxville. 2500 Buxton••t ________ Monroe To Albia. 31JO Calamus*•L ______ Clinton To Clinton. 376 Callender*•t _____ Webster To Fort Dodi?e. 1039 Oalmar*•t ____ Winneshiek 'Io Decorah. 266 Calumet*•t _______ O'Brien To Sheldon. 112 Cambria*•L------- Wayne To Corydon. 739 Cam1>ridge*•t _______ Story To Nevada. 440 Cantril*•t_ ____ Van Buren See Keosauqua. 610 Carlisle*•L _______ Warren 'J'o Indianola . 144 Carpenter*•t ______ .Mitchell See Osage. 4254 •Carroll*•t _________ Carroll  w. C. SAUL &  389 6316 45566  W. t. SAUL. Probate matters a pecialtyAbstracts of Carroll County-Attorney for Peoples Trust & avines Bank. Carson*•t-- Pottawattamie To Council Bluffs. Oartersvi Ile*•tCerroGordo To Mason City. Cascade*•t ______ Dubuque See Dubuque. Casey*•t __________ Guthrie To Guthrie Center. Castalia*•t ____ Winneshiek To Decorah. Castana••t ________ Monona To Mapleton. Cedar Falls*•t _Blackhawk See Waterloo. Cedar Rapids*•t _____ Linn  22 773 8486 688 200 5175 7350 464 750 150 557  C. BYERS, American Trust Building. Com. mercial Law. General Practice. Notary in Office. References: Mnchants Nat'! Bank. Cedar Raoidi; Nat'\ Bank, Peoples Savings Rank. and American Trust & Savinis Bank. Center J unction*•t .Jones 'I'o Monticello. Center Point*•t ______ Linn See Cedar Rapids. .. oenterville*L __ Appanoose C. F. BOWELL. Central City*•t ______ Linn ee Cedar Rapids. Chapin*•t _______ Franklin To Hampton. •Chariton*•t ________ Lucas E. A. ANDERSON. •Oharles City*•t _____ Floyd J. B. LLOYD. Oharlotte*•t _______ Clinton To Clinton. Charter Oak*•t- Crawford To Denison. Ohatsworth*•t ______ Sioux To beldon. Chelsea*•t __________ Tama To Toledo.  692 200  1249 908 272  FRANK  SWAN, CLOVIS & SWAN.  To Sac City. To Atlantic. To Cherokee. To Independence. To Clarksville. To Council Bluffs. To Emmetsburi. To Fort Dodge. To Guthrie Center. To Maquoketa. To Algona. To Oskaloosa. To Ft. Dodge. To Shenandoah. To New Hampton. To Fairfield. To ldagrove. To ewton. 1'o Guthrie Center. To Mount Ayr. See Grundy Center. To Boone.  Briihton*•t __ Washington Bristow*•t _________ Butler Britt"•t __________ Hancock Bronson*•t ____ Woodbury Brooklyn••t ___ Poweshiek Brooks*•t _________ Adams Brunsville*•t ___ Plymouth Bryantbur1?•--- Buchanan Buckeye*•t ________ Hardin Buckirove*•t ___ Crawford Buckingham*•t _____ Tama Bnffalo*•t ----------- Scott  5824 •Cherokee*•t ____ Cherokee HERRICK & HERRICK. Attor neys for the Cherokee State Bank. 237 Chester*•t ________ Howard To Cresco. 146 Chillicothe••t ____ Wapello To Ottumwa. 763 Churdan*•t ________ Greeue To Jefferson. 1301 Cincinnati*•t __ Appanoose To Centerville. 259 Clare*•t __________ Webster To Fort Dodie. 693 Olarence*•t _________ Cedar To Tipton. 4511 •Clarinda*•t ____ ------ Pal?e See Shenandoah. 2826 •Clarion*•t _________ Wright G. R. HILL. 1003 Olarksville*•t ______ Butler C. G. BURLING. Prac·ti<'e in all Courts. Collections receive prompt attention. Refers to tate Bank of Alli.on an,1 Butler Co. State Bank. Ctarksrille. 170 Clayton*•t------- Clayton 1'o Elkader. 665 Clearfleld*•t _______ Taylor 1'o Bedford. 2804 Clear Lake*•t-Cerro Gordo To Mason City. 232 Cl~horn*•t _____ Cherokre To Cht>rokee .. 216 Clemons• ________ Marshall To Marshalltown. 681 Clermont*•t ______ Fayette To West Union. 50 Cleves*•L _________ Hardin To Ackley. 130 Climl)ine Hill __ Woodbury To Sioux City, :!4151 .. Clmton••t _________ Clinton GEO. B. PHELPS. 299 Clio*•+------------ Wayne 'ro Corydon. 2!19 Clutier*•t ___________ Tama To Tol •do. 170 Cobure *•t---Monteomery See Shenandoah. 553 Coieon••t ___________ Linn See Cedar Rapids. 603 Coin*•t ______________ Page See Clarind.:.. 3:37 Colesburg• ______ Delaware To Manchester. 2504 Colfax*•t . _________ Jasper To Newton. 495 Colleee Sprines* _____ Page ee 8henandoah. 570 Collins*•L------ ____ tory To •ernda. 507 Colo*•t _____________ tory To l\'evada. 150 Columbia* _________ Marion 'l'o Knoxville. 988 Columbus J unc."•LLouisa To Mu catine. 100 ColwelL _______ ·----Floyd To Charles City. 307 Conerville* _____ Muscatine See Muscatine. 75 Confidence ________ \\'ayue 'fo Corydon.  To Davenport. To Humboldt. See Keosauqua. To Des Moines. F. W. GANOE, Attorney for Boone ational Bank. To Perry. To Perry. To Boone. See heldon. To Denison. To Hampton. (.Melrose P. 0.) To Humboldt. 560 Conrad"•t ________ Grundy To Grundy Center. To Independence. 125 Conroy"•t ___________ Jowa To Marengo. To Atlantic. 253 Conway*•t_______ Taylor Sfe Bedford. To Carroll. 1328 Cc,on Rapids*•L-- Carroll 1'o Carroll. To Waverly. llO Coopn*•t. _______ _ GrrrnP To Je1Ter. on. Srr Crt>ston -USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by h o ~  NOTE.See  1747  complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  IOWA  1748 l'OPU· LA·  AT ORr-:rEYS·AT-LA~ <roNDED)  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NA.ME.  TION,  0 1840 1016 633  Oorley*•------····· 'lwlby •Corninl!*•t ••••.... Atlams Correl·t1oovlllc*•t\\'oodb'y Corwith*•t. . .... llancocK  To Harlan. ro Creston. To ioux City. To Garner.  36162 •Council Bluffs*•t .Pottaw'e FLICKINGER & FLICKINGF..R, 212-214 Hogers Bldg. General Practice in all Courts. References upon request. 1:56 Craig*•t. ....... Plymouth To Le Mars. 337 Crawfordsville*•t-. Wash. To Washington. 3195 •Cresco*•t .••..•.. Howard EDWIN A. CIIURC'H. 034 •Creston*•t ·····-··- Union L. J. CAMP. 1-13 Cromwell*•t •....•• Union See Creston. 191 Cry&tal Lake*•t •. Hancock To Garner. 561 Cumberlaod*•t ••..... Cass To Atlantic. 175 Cumming••t-···-· Warren l'o Indianola. 204 Curlew••t. .. __ ._Palo Alto To Emm("t:,burg. 286 Cushing*•t. __._Woodbury To Sioux City 174 Cylinder*•t ·--·· Palo Alto To Emmetsi,urg. 643 Dallas*····---·-·-· Marion To Knoxville. 64 Dallas Center*•t-... Dallas To Perry. 163 Dana •t ·--·-----·- Ureene To Jefferson. 677 Danbury••+---- Woodbury To ioux City. 289 Dauville*•t. __ De Moines To Burlington. :i6727 •Davenport••t _______ Scott TffiTENEN & THUENEN, 23-24-25 Davenport Savine-s Bank Building. References; American Commercial & Savings  Bank. Davenport Savings Davis C1ty"•L ___ .1Jecatur To Dawson••t --·----·- Dallas To Dayton•• t -·------ Webster To*•--------Appanoo. e To Decatur*•L------ Decatur To  4030 360 487 ~89 194 390  •Decorah*•t ___ Winneshiek Dedham••+-------- Carroll Deep River••t _ Powe hiek Deflance*•t ---· --· Shelb:v D lawar _______ Delaware Delhi*•t _________ Delaware ':'>27 Delmar••t _______ ._Clinton 260 Deloit"•t _______ Crawford 688 Delta*•t ---· ______ Keokuk  3581 •Denison••t ---·- C1rawford 27a Df'nmark* ·········-·· Lee 462 Denver*•.-······· Bremer 334 Derby*•+·-···--·-·· Lucas 12646 §•Des Moines••+ ••.... Polk  Bank. Leon. Perry. Fort Dodge. Centerville. Leon.  HOWARD F. BARTHELL.  To Carroll. To Montezuma. 'ro Harlan. 'l'o ~fanche t r. To Manchester. To Clinton. To D 'ni on. To Sigourney, CONNJ<..'R & POWERS.  To Keokuk. To Waverly. See Chariton.  3-B. J. CAVANAGH, uite6001:i'lemingBuilding. General Prac-  tice in all Courts. Corporation, Probate, Insurance, Real Ktate, Commercial and Bankruptcy Law. Special Collertion D partmeot. Attorney for Maryland Casualty Company of Baltimore. Reference : Iowa Tational Bank, Peoples Saving Bank, Central tate Bank, or any other bank or business in titution in Des foines. Cable address Cavbar. Compiler of thr Iowci laws for tlli.~ publication.  261 De Soto"•t -··· •.... Dallas 18.19 Dewitt••+ •......•• Clinton 71:JO Dexter*•t. ... ··-· ·- Dallas 361:l Diagonal"•t ••..•• Ringgold 337 Dickens"•t ••..••..... Glay 433 Dike"•t ....•.•.•• Grundy 100 Dinsdale"•t ··-···--· 'l'ama l!J7 Dixon*•t .... .•. • •... cott 171 Dolliver"•t ...••.• Emmf't 101 Donahue••t ·-·· .••.• cott -156 Doonellson••t -··· •.•. Lee 576 Doon••t -·····-· .... Lyon 150 Dorchc ter" •••• AllamakeP :r:o Douds".·-······ VanHur'n 200 Dough rty•• t Cerro Oordo -:,72 Dow City••+ .... Crawford 104 Dowoey••t --·· .•... Ct'Clar 1145 Dows••t ·········- Wright 261 Drakesville"•t .•.. .. Davis 311141 60!J 5-:i 442 103 29::i 145:.i 773 1933 95-5 4433 803 321 619 568 250 961 617 349 2091 31 9 150 23-t 623  TOWN AND OOUNTY.  LA·  NAME.  TION,  1867 •Corydon••t .... ·--·Wayne H. B. BRACJ<;wu,L. 100 Cotter••t ...•.•.••. Louisa To Mu ca tine. 277 Coulter*•t ....... Franklin To Hampton.  476 300 836 75 300  POPU-  •Dubuoue••t .. -•. Dubuque Dumont"• t •....... Butler Dunbar"•t .....•. lar:;hall Duncomb<>*•L ••• Webster Dundf'C"• t .•••.. Delaware Dunkerton••+. Blarkhawk Dunlap••t ······- Harrison Durant"• +. .•...•... Cedar Dyer ·v1lleT•r .••• uunuque Dysart••+--·- ....... Tama Eru?lt Grove•• t ••.. Wright Earlh11m••t ··-··· Madison Earline-••t. ...••.•. Shelby Earlville*• t ••••• Delaware Early•• t .•.• ··-· -· ••.. Sac East Pleasant Pla,n••tJetr. Eddyville* • t ··-··· Wapello Edfewood*•t -···· Clayton Elberon"•t -········· 'fama Eldon•• t ••..••.•• Wapf'llo •Eldora*•L.-·····-· Hard111 Eldora•lo* .•. --·-Fayette Eldridge"• t ·-·· •.•. _.Srott El~in"•t ··-··· ••. F:i..-i>ttP  To Perry. To Clinton. To Perry. ee Mount Ayr. See Spencer. See Grundy Center. To Toledo. To Davenport. To Estherville. To Davenport. To KPokuk. ee Hock Hapids. re Waukon. See K<'o auqua. To Mason City. 'ro Deni ·on. To Tipton. To Clarion. To Bloomfield. CUNNINGHAM & t'UNNINGH,UI  To Clarksville. To .Marshalltown. To lt'ort Dodge. To Manchester. See Waterloo. To Logan. To Tipton. To Dubuque. To Toledo. To Clarion. To Winterset. To Harlan . To .Manchester. To ac City. To Fairfield. To Ottumwa. To Elkader. To Toledo. To Ottumwa. To Ackley. To Wet nion Tn Davenport. SPe Wpst TTninn.  N-QTE  1223 •Elkader••+ -····---Clayton WM. C. REIMER.  196 Elkhart"•t .•..•. ·-·· Polk To Des ~1oines. 589 Elk Horn••--·- .... Shelby To Harlan. 202 tlkport••···-· . ••. Clayton To Elkader. 586 Elliott••+•... Monteomery To l:ted Oak. 212 Ellston*•+·-····· l{inggold 'l'o Mount Ayr. 512 :Ellsworth*•t ..•• Hamilton To Web ter City. 874 Elma*•t •...••...• Howard See Crt>SCO. 174 Ely*•t ··-············ Linn See Cedar Rapids. 475 Emerson*•t ..•••...• Mills To Glenwood.  2762 463 727 4699  •Emmetsburg••t. Palo Alto McCAitTV & M<'CARTl'. Epworth"• t ·····- DubuQ ue See Dubuque. Essex"•t •••• ·--····-.Page ee Shenandoah. •Estherville*•t ..... Emmet MORSE & KENNEDY. Attorney for the First National Bank. 480 Everly*•t .........•.. Clay See Spencer. 840 Exira*•t •..••.... Audubon To Atlantic. 755 Exlioe*•t ·-··-· Appanoose To Centerville. 657 Fairbank*•t •... Buchanan To Independence. 225 Fairfax*•t ·-·· ....•. Linn See Cedar Rapids. 5948 •Fairfleld*•t •.... Jefferson THOMA & TIIO.l\U. 651 Farley•• +--··-···DubUQUe See Dubuque. 100 Farlin"• t ····--····Greene To J t'fl'erson. 290 Farmersburg••+ .. Clayton To Elkader. 1086 Farmiugton*• t. VaoHureo To Keosauqua. 380 ll'arohamville*• t. Calhoun To Rorkwell City. 494 Yarragut*•t ___ •.. Fremont To Ilamburg. J:iO Farsou"•t ··-····· Wapello To Ottumwa. 1085 Fayette••+ ...••••. Fayf'tte To West Union. 391 Fen ton••t ..•• ··- Kossuth To Algona. 207 Ferguson"• t ••••• Marshall To Marshalltown. 100 Fernald*• ••.•••••••. tory ToNnada. 223 Fertile• ..•.••••••.. Worth To Ma on City. 130 Fe,tina ····-· Winneshiek To Decorah. 252 Flori:s•t .......•.... Davis To Bloomfield. 308 Floyd"•t .••• ·-·· .••. Floyd To Charles City. 1136 .Fooda*• t .....• Pocahontas To Pocahontas. 869 Fontanelle*•L •• -••• .Adair To Creston. 2145 •Forest City"•+. Winnebago JE : ON & JENSO 315 Et.Atkinson*•t\Vin'eshi'k To Derorah. 19347 •Fort Dodge••t. .. Webster HELSF..LL & B ELSF.U.. .District Attorneys Ill. Crnt. R.R. Co. Reference: Fir t Nat'! Bank. 12066 •Fort Madi~on*• t ••.... Lee JOHN L. BENBOW. 119 Fostoria*•+ ··--······Clay 'er pencer. 100 Frankville .• _Winneshiek To Decorah. (Postvt.Lle P. 0.) 624 Fredericksb'g*•t. Chick'w 'l'o New Uampton. 210 Frederika* ...•...• Bremer To Waverly. 544 Fremon I*•t .. ...• Mahaska To Oskaloosa. 134 Galt*•t ·········"'· Wright To Clarion. 539 Galva*•t .......••••.•• lda To ldagrove. 189 Garber*• t ..... ·-··Clayton To Elkader. 125 Garden City•• ..... Hardin To Ackley. 666 Garden Grove••t. Decatur To Leon 314 Garna\·illo" •. •.••. Clayton To Elkader. 1311 •Garner••t ......• Hancock WICHJ\IAN & HA TINGS. 437 Garri on·•+····-·· llentoa To Cedar Rapids. 587 Garwin*• t .... ····-··Tama To Toledo. 50 Gaza"• L·-···· ••.. O'Brien To heldon. 244 Geneva"•+•...•.. Franklin To Hampton. 7lS8 George*•+ .... -··· ... Lyon To Rock Rapids. 12::i Gibson•• ....•..•• Keokuk To igourney. 221 Gil bf'rtt ··-· .•• . . •• • . tory To Nevada. 212 Gilbertville" ... Blackhawk S1•e Waterloo. 150 Gillett Urove*•L ..... Clay See pencer. 490 Gilman"•t. •..... Marshall To Marshalltown. 919 Gilmore City*•t Pocahon·s See Pocahontas. 961 Gladbrook*•+···-··· Tama To Toledo. 3862 •Glenwood*•t. ..•.... Mills H. M. l,OGAN. 867 GI idden••t ·-·· ..•. Carroll To Carroll. 749 Goldtleld*•t ...•... Wright To Clarion. 2~::i Goodell*• t ·--··· Uanrock To Garner 97 Gooselak:e"•t ••.. _.Clinton To Clinton. 80::i Gowrie*•t •....•.. Webster To Fort Dodge. 779 Graettinger*•t ._ Palo Alto To Emmetsburg. 2!H •Graftoo••t ••..••.. Worth To Ma on City, 1010 Grand Junrtion*• t Greene To J 1•fl'er on. ~63 Grandmound"• t. •. Clmton To Clinton. 42::i Grand River*•t •.• Dec·atur To Leon. 341 Grandview*•t ...... Louisa To Muscatine. 324 G ra neer* • t .••.•.•. • Da Ilas 'fn Prrry 100 Granite '•t ·-···-···-LYOn To Rock Rapid . 2 2 Grant• •...... .Monteomt-ry 'l'o l{ed lJaK. 358 Uranville*•t ·--··-·· ioux To h~ldon. 464 Gravity*•t •.•. •·-·· Taylor ee Beuford. 196 Gray•• t .•. ····- Audubon To Atlantic. 410 0 reeley*•t •...•• Dela ware To Manchester. 1373 Greene•• t ...•....•• Butler Tu Clark ville 1707 •Greenfleld*• t ....• _. Adair To Cre ton. I lfi GreenMonnt'n*•t.MarslrnlJ To Marshalltown. 167 Greenville*• t ....••... Clay ee p ncer. 524 Grime *•t .•. ·-·· ··-· Polk To DPs Moinf's. 5362 Grinnell*• +··-- Poweshiek To Montezuma. 1264 Griswold*• t ···-·-····cass To Atlantic. 1749 •Grundy Center"• t.Grundy WILLOUGHBY, T R ACK & ,')EVERDING, 118 Gruver••+•••••...• Emmet To E therville. ~~h gh~~ftt~·.  &~:1::rJ::!::=~~~.~~~i~ 1g  1727 1666 186 2017  •Guthrie Center*•t Guthrie Guttenbere-*•t. .•• Clayton Halbur"•+--······- Carroll Hamburi?"• t ..••• FrPmnnt  SAYLES & TAYLOR. To Elkader. To Carroll. L. R. FORSYTH.  USE COUPONS aa inatructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. - - · See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  PUPO  NAME.  LA· TOWN AND COUNTY. TION.  100 Hamlin••t. •••••• Audubon To Atlantic. 2992 •Hampton*•t .•... Franklin MOLLORY & LEN ING. 276 llaucock*•t Pottawattamie To Uouncil Ulufis. 202 Hanloutown*•t .... Worth •ro .M:a. 00 City. l63 llansell*•t .•.... Franklin To Hampton. 307 Harcourt*•t ....•• Webstt•r To Fort Doclge. 128 Hardy*•t ..•.•• Humboldt To Humboldt. 2831 •Harlan*ef .••.••.•. Shelby SHI:LBY CULLISON. 247 HarpE:'r*•t ····-··· Keokuk To St!:'uurney. 3~8 ~arpers Fy.*•t.Allamakee ee Waukon. 3:;9 Harris••+ ......... 0s<'eola To ililt>y. 218 Hartford*•·-······ \\-'am,·n To lmlianola. 1306 HartlPy*•t •.....•. O'Hrit·n To . h,•lrlon. 107 Hartw ick*•t ••. Poweshiek To Moutezuma. 422 Harvey*•t ...• -·-- . .Marion To Knoxville 200 Haskins"•+ ..• Washini:ton To Washington. 424 Hastings"•+ ....••.... Mills To GIPnwood. 331 Havelock*•t •. Pocahontas Set> Pocahontas. 150 Haverhill*•+ ....• Marsh ..tll To Marshalltown. 2491 Ha warden*•t. •..... , '1oux To Sheldon. 582 Hawkeye*•+ •••••• Fayette ee \.\' c ·t Union. 124 !Jave ·ville*•t •...• Keokuk To , il!ourney. 200 HayflP-ld*•t .•...• Hancock: To Uarner 517 Hazleton*•t ••.• Iluchanan To lmll'r>endence. !JOI Hedrick*•t ...••.. Keokuk ro il?OUrtH'Y. 232 Henderson*•+·--· •.. Mills To Glenwood. 108 Hepburu*•t •••••••.. Page 'ee henandoah. 200 Herndon*•+ ....••. Guthrie See Guthrie Center 150 Highlandville* Witrne-,hiek To Decorah  (Locusl P.O.)  231 318 263 1486 165 75 1248 98  2!16 570 681 408 7111  Hills*•+······-··- .Johnson Uillshoro*•L •••...• Ht>nry Hinton••t .•...• 1-'lymouth Hitt-man*t ····--· Monroe Holland*•t ....... • U rundy Holmi>~*•t ••.••.•• Wright Holstein*•+ •..••...•... i<la Holy Cross ....•. Dubuqup <North Buenn YistaP. U.) Honey Cref'k·•t Pottawattamie Honkinton*•t. .• Delaware Hornick*•t .••• \Voodhury llospns••t ·-·····-- Siou.1 Hubhard*•t. ••...• Hanlin II uclson*•L._. mackhawk U ull*•L •.••.•••..• _ ioux  2232  Humboldt"•t ••• Humbolctt  100  759  W4 Humeston*•t .••••• Wayne 100 Huntin1?ton••t ··-· EmmPt 366 U uxley••t ••••• -••... Story  To Iowa City. To Mt. P1t•asant. To Le :Mars. See Alhia. SPP I!:ldura. To Ularion, To ldagrove. 'l'o Dubuque. To Oouncil Bluffs. To Manchester. To Sioux City, SPt' ShPlclon. To Ack!Py, St>e Watt'rloo. 'ee ht•ldou. GAhFlELD & GARFIELD. 'l'o Corydon. To Estlwrv1lle. To Nt•vada.  2020 •ldagrove*•t •••.••..•. Ida . NELL HltOS. 268 lmogene*t •••.•• Fremont 1'o. ·1ienancloal1. 3672 •lndeoendence*•tBuchau'n R. J. O'BRIEN. 3628 .. Tudianola*•t ••••• WarrPn BF.J.UtY & RIPPER. 746 280  ll -'>li7 , 3!J54 1~0 730 5.~7 130  luwood*•L ••••.....• Lyon lonia*•L. ·-·· Chicka ·aw * J h .. Iowa City •t ·--- o nson Iowa l!alls*•t ..•••. Hanlin lra••t .....•••.•••• Ja per lrNon*•t ..•••••.•.. Sioux trwin*•t ·····-···- Shelby Jackson Junction*•+  'l'o Rock Rapid . To N(•w Hampton. MESS..,,R, CLEARMAN & OLSEN. ... To Atklt>Y. To N Pwton. To ht•ldou. To Harlan. To Decorah,  295 Jamaica"•t ••. ~~!~ueuB!~1~ To Gutbrit• Center 261 Jauesville*•L ••.•. Bremer 'ro Waverly.  3m•J:~i~i.P."t~:::;\pp~:gg~: ~0~~!1~·~ 1  77 4 10!10 233 300 632 256 651l 61.13 1!12 603 338 183 702  Jflsuo"•L .....•• Bucbanan .Jewellt ..•••.•.• Hamilton Joice*•L •••.•.•..•. Worth Jolli>y*•t •....•.. Calhoun Kalona"•t ••• Washington Kamrar*•t ••.•. Hamilton Kanawba*•t ....• Ilanrock Kellt>rton*•L .••. Ringgold Kellry••t. •••..••••. Story Kf'lloee*•t -·-····· Jasprr KPn ·t•tt"•t •••••... Worth Kt>nt"•t ..•.....•••• Union Kenwood Park*t -••• Linn  1  SA.VF.RS.  nn · d · ludPpPn Pnce. Wl'hst<•r City. Mason City. l{orkwt>ll City. Washington. \\'Phs1n City. T'l Clarnrr et• . !bunt Ayr. To 't•rnda. To 't>wton. To Mason City. Pf' Ore ton. To Ct•dar Rapids.  To To To To To To  14423 .. Keokuk*•t ······-···· Lee BOYD & l\lcKINLEY. 851 .. Keosauqua*•+. Van Buren J.  c.  CALHOUN,  lO~~ ~~~~;:!f.-:.·.·.-.·.---.-.~"fi~~I~•~ :r, Sigo~rn.tit 354 Keswick*•t. .•.• _.KPokuK •r f ar ~\ e 558 Kt>ystone*•t. .••.•. Jlf'nton To cll?IUrltY:d 0  O  125 1!82 1072 100 138 20.J 210 294 468 173 20  3523 502 340 2ll0 1529  K1lldu1T ••t ·····-·-·Ja~per Kimballton*• ••. Au<lnhon Kinesley••t .••• Plymouth Kingston• ..•.. Des Moin<'s Kinro·s*•t •...•.. Keokuk Kirkman*•L...... ht>lhy Kirkville* •.•••••• Want>llo Kiron••t .••••••. Crawford Klemme"•t ••.•• Hancork Kninim*•L •.•••• Calhonn Knoke• ..••.•.•.• Calhoun •Knoxville*•t ··---· Marion Lacona*•t -···-·-·· Warrt'n Ladora*•+··-··--··-· Iowa Lakf' City*•t •.•• Calhoun Lake Mill ·*•t. Winnph;igo  1  '1'1 \; :-;~;io/p1 s.  'o AU r 'I' I ic. T~ ri~r·li;~~1·on. To. i:rnurncy. To Barlau. To Ottumwa. To DPnison. To (.arnf'r 'l'o l{o('kwell City. To Hcwkw1•ll City. HART & UART. To Indianola. To :\larengo. 1'0 lh<'kwPII City. To Ruffalo C nter.  -NOTE  111 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  'W  POPULA· TOWN AND TION.  NAME.  COUNTY.  789 Lake Park*•t .. Dickinson To Estherville. 838 Lake View*•t •... ..... ac To ac City. 5(,Q Lakota••t. ••••••• Kossuth To Ailwna.  1787 Lamoni*•t ··----·-Decatur 1 o Leou.  4!J5 Lamoot*•t ..•••. Buchanan 327 Lamotte*•t .•••••• Jacki;on 282 Lant>shoro*•t •..•.. Carroll JOO Lan~don*•t ·······--·Clay 1447 Lansing*•t ...•• Allamakee ViO Lanyon*•·······- Web ter 103 Laportt·City*•tBJackhawk 441 Larchwood*•t ...... Lyon 206 Larrab e*•t ·--· Cherokee 351l Latimer••t ..••.• Franklin 19:; Laurel*•t ••....•. Marshall 914 Laurens*•t ...• Pocahontas 50 Lavinia"•t ...•••• Calhoun 631 Lawler*•t ....• Chickasaw 243 Lawton••t. ...• Woodbury 72-l Le Clairt>*•L •..•...• Scott 246 Ledyard*•t .•••••. Ko suth 320 Legrand••t. ...•. Mar hall 1090 Lebigh*•L ••• -... Webster 130 Leightoo*•t ..• .• Maha. ka 180 Le1and*•t. .. _ WinnPbago 4683 •Le lar *•L..•. Plymouth 11!17 Lenox"•L ...... ·-·· Taylor 211l3 •Leon*•L·--·····- Decatur 174 Le Hoy••t ··-···- Decatur 2:;o Lester"•t •.••.••.... Lyon 417 Letts••t •....•.••.• Loni a 607 Lewi ·••t ·········-·· Cass 75 Liherty Ceuter*t. Warren 321 Libertyville*•t. Jefferson 163 Lidderdalt>*•t ....• Carroll 59:; Lim<' pring*•t ... Howard JOO Linhy••t ....... Jefferson 146 Linl'OIU •t ·--······ Tama 267 Liudt>n*•t ....••.... Dallas 707 Lineville"•t ......• Waynp 433 LinnGr<,ve••t.BuenaVista 803 Lisl,on*•t ·-···--·-···Linn 347 Li comh*•t ..•... .Marshall um LittlE' Ci>ctar•• ..•. Mitclwll 191 Littll•port*•t ..•..• Clayton 573 Llttlf' Rock*•t ..•... Lyon 436 Li tile ioux" .••• Harrison 6-18 Livermore*•L. Humboldt 230 Lockridge*•L- .. J efferson  1637 •Loean••t ·····-··Harrisou 727 Lohrville*•t .•.••. Calhouu lll3 LoneroC'k"•t .••.. Kossuth 673 Lone Tree••t .•.. John on 1'58 Long Grove*•L..... <'Ott 678 Lorimor••t ···-·-·· Union 537 Lost ·ation*•t .••• Clinton 9:58 Lovilia*•t ••••••• _. .hlonroe 6'.i5 Lowdpn••t ...• :. •..• Ct>dar 277 Low Moor*•t •..•. Clinton 181 Luana*•t ··----···Clayton 614 Lucas*•t .•••••...... L □ ('as 14:; Luther*•t ·····---··"oone 610 Luverne*•t ··-·-·Kossuth 93 Luxemburg ..•.•. Dubuque (New Yienna P. U.)  7  To Independence. To ~1aquoketo. To Carroll. To pencer. To Waukon. To Fort lJodge. Pe Waterloo. To Rock l{apids. To ChProkee. To Hampton. To Mur halltown. 'l'o Pocahontas. To Rockwell Uity. 'l'o New llamvton. •ro Sioux City. To Da\'t>nport. To Algona. To .lar halltown. To Fort Do<iee. • To O'-kalnosa. To Buffalo Ccuter. J<,. T. BI.UELL. To lledf ord. F. M. VARGA. 'l'o Leon. ee Rock Rapids. To MuscatinE:' To Allautic. 'l'o lmliano1a. To Fa1rlkld. To Carroll. To Cre. co. To Fairfield. 'l'o Toledo. To Pt>rry. 1·0 Corydon. 'l'o 8torw Lake. See Ce<lar Hapids. Pf' • tar· halltown. er 0-;al?'t'. To E1ka<ll!r. cc 'ihlpy, To Log-an. To llumboldt. 'l'o Fairfield.  COCHRAN & WOLFE. 'J'o Rockwell City, To Algona. 'l'o lowa City. To Dav1•nport. , eP Cr(•:.ton. To Clinton. ('t' Alh1a. To Tipton. To Clinton. To Elkader. 'I'o Chariton. To Boone. 'l'o Ahrona. See Dyersville.  180 Luzern ••t ·~--··· BPnton To Cedar Ifapids. 461 Lynnville*•t. ••• -•. Jasper 'J'o .'ewton.  ~~~  t:~~;:.\·:::::::::~~~~~~~ fg  C1icn6~fy. 3:;2 Macedonia*•tl-'ottaw't'mie 'l'o Council Bluffs.  lm  ::a~fd1l.~f.:::::.~-~i~~~ Maenolia" ·-··--·llarrison Malcom*•t. •••. Poweshirk M I Alt 1• t ····-· p a_o Ma 11 ar~; ~ Malloy •• ·t····--·RrneMe01111s a vern • ···-··-·-•Manche ter*•L. Delaware Manilla"•t ····--Crawford Manly*•L ••• -..... Worth Manninl?*•L ••••... Carroll 140ll Manson*•L···-·· Calhoun  2!Jll 413 431 12~> 11 9 3111 1142 1476 1863  1367 3626 520 483 l0lll 20~8  Mapleton*•L ••• -- Monona  .. MaQuoketa*•L ..• Jackson Mara1hon*•t .Buena Vi ta Marble Hock"•L ...• Floyd Marcu *•t. ••.•• Cherokee  .. Marenl?'O*•t ·····--···lowa 4138 .. Marion*•t.·······-·- Linn 284 MarnP*•t ··---····--· Cass 1578.lllg •MMaarrsqhuaclltttoew.n·•;+··.M-Cal:syh'aOlnl 156 Martell<:>*•L ..• - •••• Jones 125 Marti>nsdale* ....• Warren 278 Martmsburg••t -· Keokuk 20065 .. Mason City*•t.Cerro G'cto  250 Masonville*•L .• Delaware 500 Massena*•L •.••.••... Cass ll4 Matlock*•t •.•••.•• ·-'Houx 321! Maurice*•t •...••••• _Sioux 811 Maxwell*•L ••••• _ Story 387 Maynard*•t. •••••• Fayette 261 .frCall~hnrl!'*•t •.... Story  ~g  }ioig~~'.set. 'l'o Logan. To Grinnell. To Emmetsburg, et>Ml.Ayr, To Glen,"ood. ' YORAN & YORAN. To Dt•nison. To la. on City. To Carroll. 'l'o Rockwell City, G O A t. CE E • •I I • A. W. SOKOL. To 'torm Lake. 'l'o Cllarlc•s City. To Cht>rokee.  Jnns 1\1. DOWER. ee Cedar l{apids. To Atlantic.  'f:? ~~kt,lc1l'nER.  To 1Tontirello. To Inclianola. To, igourney. HUGH R. SHEPARD, First ational Bank Building. Referenc : ecurity J. ational and City ational Bank .. To Manchester To Atlantic. • Set> Shelrlon. To heldon. To Nt•vada. ee West Union. To NPv11_d..:a_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) PoPULA• TION,  TOWN AND COUNTY.  110 142 l2lS9 514 812 780 481 15!52 450  McCausL'lnd*•t ______ Scott McClellaud*•t _}'ottawat'ie McGre2or*•t ______ Clayton Mclntire••t_ _____ ?tlitchell Mechanicsville*•t ___ Cedar Mediapolis"•t .Des Moines Mel bourne••t ____ Mars hall Melcher *•--------Marion Metrose••t ___ _____ Monroe Meltonville*•t ______ Worth Melvin*•t __ _______ Osceola Menlo*•t _____ :_ ____ Guthrie Meriden••t_ ____ Cherokee MerriW•t ______ l'lymouth Meservey••t _Cerro Gordo Middletown••tDes Moines )1 iles*•t _______ ___ Jackson Mllford*•t ______ Dickin~on Miller*•t ________ Hancock Millersbure"•t _______ Jowa lillerton"•-------Wayne Milo*•t ___________ Warren  150  282 476 218 633 282 112 333 908 150 210 159  560 845 418 381 150 32-1 3985 105 752 381 508 127 200 1049 036 200 1273 80 100 2257 409 540 881 181 837 250 751  NAME.  POPU• LA· ~  Milton*•L----- Van Duren Minburn••t ________ Dallas Mindeu••t. Pottawattlmie Mineola*t. __________ Mills Mingo*•t ___________ Jasper Missouri Valley••tllar's'n Mitchell*•t ------ Mitchell Mitchellville*•t ______ Polk Modale*•t _______ Harri on Mondamin*•t ____ Harrison Monet.a*•--------- O'Brien Monmouth*•t ____ Jackson Monooa*•t ________ Clayton Monroe••t ________ Jasper M.on teith*•t ______ Guthrie •Montezuma*•t _Powi>shiek Mooteomery••t Dickinson Monti __________ Buchanan (.'Umwnville P. O.) MonticeJlo"•L------ Jones Montour*•L-------- Tama Montrose*•t __________ Lee Moorhead"•t _____ Monona Moorland*•L---- Webster Moravia*•+ ____ Appanoose Mortey*•t __________ Jones Morning Sun"•t ____ Louisa Morri on*•L----- Grundy Morton Mills*Monte-omery Moulton*•L--- Appanoose Mount Auburn••t .Benton •Mount Ayr••t ___ Rinl?l?Old  To Davenport. To Council Blutrs. To Elkader. See Osage. To Tipton. To Burlington. To .Marshalltown. To Knoxville. See Albia. To Mason City, To Siblt>y. See Guthrie Center. To Cherokee. To Le ~lars. To Mason Uity, To Burlin1?ton. To Maquoke ta. To Estherville. To Garner. To Mart>nl{O, To Corydon. . To I udia no la. To Keosauqua. To Perry, To Council Bluffs. To Glenwood. 1'o Newton. To Logan. To Osage. To Ind anola. To Logan. To Logan. To heldon. To ~loquoketa. To Elkader. To Newton. To Guthrie Center. CLYDE M<•FARLIN. To EstlH•rville. To Waterloo.  ERVIN E. REED. To Toledo. To Keokuk. To Mapleton. To Fort Do~e. To Centerville. To Monticello. · To ~uscatine. 20i See Grund.v Center. 75 To Red Oak. 1387 To Centerville. 249 To Cedar l{apids. 1738 SPENCE & BEARD, Attorney for Mt. Ayr 8tatf' Hauk and C. B. & Q. R:v Company. 100 Mount Hamill* ________ Lee To Keokuk. 3987 •Mount Pleasant*•t _Henry GALER & GALER. 1711 Mt. Sterline*•L_ V. Buren See Keosauqua. 225 Mount Union••t ____ Henry To Mount Pleasant. 1466 Mount Vernou*•f_ ___ Linn Sf!e Cedar· Rapids. 878 Moville*•t _____ Woodbury To Sioux O1ty. 8-17 Murray*•t _________ Clarke See Osceola. 16068 '•Muscatine••t __ Muscatine D. V. & R. S • .JACKSON. Suite 501 Laurel Biele. 2796 Mystic*•t ______ Appanoose To Centnville. 50 Napier ____________ story To Nevada. (t!mctiP.O.) 1317 Nashua••t _____ Chickasaw To New Hampton. 166 Nemaha*•L---------- ac To Sac City. 896 Nf'ola*•L -· Pottawattamie To Council muffs. 2668 •Nevada"•t ___________ story .,\ R. LARSON. Refers to the , First National Ilank. 115 Nevinville* -------- Adams To Corning. 683 New Albin*•L-Allamakee To Waukon. 150 Newbure*•t_ _______ Jasper To Newton. 809 Newf'll*•L ___ Huena Vista To torm Lake. 293 Newhall*•L _______ Benton To Cedar Rapid . 2539 •New Hampton*•LCh'kasa Jt'RANK J. CONLEY. 454 New Hartford*•f_ __ Dutler To Clarksville. 116 Sew Liberty*•t. ____ scott To Davenport. 11-14 New London••t. ___ Henry To Mount Pleasant, 745 New Markt>t*•t ____ Taylor To Bedford. 255 New Providence* __ Hardin To Ackley. 1084 New Sharon*•t-- Maha~ka To Oskaloosa. 6627 •Newton*•t ---~---- Jasper .J.E. CROSS. 241 New Vienna*• ___ Dubuoue St>e Dnhuque, 424 New Virginia*•L. \Varren To Indianola. 387 Nichols"•t ______ Muscatine See .Muscatine. 340 Nodaway"•L------ Adams To Shenandoah. 10:;5 Nora Sprin1?s*•f_ ___ }('loyd 'l'o Charles City. 228 Northboro*•L------· Pal?e ct> 8ht>nandoah. JH . nucna Vi ·ta•• Clay on To Elkader. D3li Nor1h En1?lish••t ____ Jowa To Marengo. 171 North Liherty•• __ Johnson To Iowa City. 12t N.Washington Chie,ka~aw 'l'o .. Tew Hampton. 1597 •Northwood"•t _____ Wort.ll 'l'o Mason City. 331 Norwa1k*•t _______ Warren To lnclianola. 463 Norway*•t ________ Benton TT o CCeed , ,t·~~.rvlta : peid. s. 602 Numa*•t ______ Appanoose 11 , 11If 0 1188 Oakland*•L-Pottawatta'ie To Council Bluffs. 466 Oakville*•t ________ Louisa To Muscatine. 686 Ocheyedan••t ____ Osceola To ibley. 105 OdeboW•t ------------ ac J-iJH~ion. 74 :i.5 Oelwein*•L _______ Fayette To Boone. 1451 Orden"•t ___________ noone To Mount Pleasant. 186 Olds*•t------------ Henry 718 Olin"•t •____________ Jones To Monticello. ____  fg  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  '.........  385 Ollie*•t ___________ Keokuk 2256 •Onawa••t _________ Monona 127 Oneida*•t _______ Delaware 218 Onslow••t __________ J nues 100 Oran••t __________ Fayette 1632 •Orange City••t ______ Sioux 124 Orchard*•t _______ Mitcht>ll 500 Orii>nt••t ___________ Adair 2878 •Osa1rn*•t _________ Mitchell 2684 •Osceola*•t ____ _____ Clarke 0427 858 300 271 333 231 23003 200 580 807  •Oskaloosa"•t ____ Mahaska Ossian••t_ ____ Winneshiek Otho*• ___________ Wt>hster Otley••t ______ _____ :Marion Oto••t_ ________ Woodbury Ottosen*•L ____ Humboldt •Ottumwa••f_ _____ Wapello Owasa••-----------Hardin Oxford*•L ______ Johnson Oxford J uuction"•t.J ones  iii ir;iif•ju-nciiollet~:~ 294 Parkwood*•t ____ J efTerson  282 224 220 066 1108 325 414 136 987 100 3338 100 150 100 5642 380 568 580 5-54 100 311 84 421 303 272 266 40  To Si~ourney. To \Iapleton. To ManchPster. To )lonticello. Se!' We t Union . To beldon. Si>e OsaeP. See Ore ' ton. G. E. MARSH. T.E MPLE & TEMPLE. I. C. JOHNSON. To Decorah. To Fort Dodge. To Knoxvill e. To Sioux City, To Humboldt. GILLIE & DAUGHERTY. To Ackley. To lowa City. To ~lontirello. To Le Mars. To Glenwood. See Fairfield. St>e Pocahontas. See Ct>dar Rapids . To Harlan. To Guthrie Center. To Clarksville. To ~larengo. To J efl'Prson. To Winter et. To Sht>ldon. To ' igourney. To Knoxville. See Dubuque. To Hamburg. To Knoxville. STANLEY TREVARTHEN, l'n LP!!an. To Win ·erset. St'P Spencer. To Sioux City. To Fort Madison. To Boone. To Humboldt. To Logan. To Waverly. To Centerville. To Leon.  Palmer••t _____ Pocahontas Palo*•f_ _____________ Linn Panama*•t ________ Shethy Panora*•t_ ________ Guthrie Parkersbure••t ____ Butler Parnell*•t ___________ lowa Paton*•t __________ Greene Patterson"•------ .ladison Paullina*•t_ ______ o· Bnen Pekin*•t __________ Keokuk Pella*ef_ __________ Marion PPOsta*•t ________ Dubuque Percival*•t ______ Fremont Percy••t _____ ----'! Marion Perry*•------- Datlas PPrsia*•t ________ Hiirrison Peru" ____________ Madison l'eterson*•L _________ Clay Pierson*•L ____ Woodbury Pilot Grove••t ________ Lt>e Pilot Mound*•t _____ Hoone Pioneer*•t _____ Humt:oldt Pisgah*•t ________ Harrison Plainlleld*•t ______ Bremer Plano••t-_Appanoo e Pleasanton••t ____ Decatur Pleasant Prairie Mu catine To Mu catine. ( toch"tun P. U.)  859 PIPasantville*•t ___ Mar10n St>e Knoxville. 246 Plover*•t ---•- Pocahontas See Pocahontas. 366 Plymouth*•t Cerro Gordo To Mason City. 1302 •Pocahontas••t l'ocabontas HUDSON & HUDSON. 277 Polk*•--------------- Polk To Des .Moines. 874 Pomeroy*•L----- Calhoun To Rockwell City. 204 PopeJoy*•t ______ Franklin To Hampton. 280 Portsmouth*•t _____ Shelby To Harlan. 1030 Postville*•t ____ Allamakee To Waukon. 176 Prairiebur1?"•-------- Linn See Cedar Rapids . 780 Prairie City*et_ ____ Jasper To • ' ewton. 429 Prescott••t_ _______ Adams To Corning. 648 Preston*•t_ ______ Ja<'kson To Maqooka. 972 •Primgbar*•t ______ O'Brien To Sheldon. 414 Princf'ton"•+-------- Scott To Davenport. 267 Promise City*•t. __ Wayne To Corydon, 201 Protivin* _________ Howard SeE' Ore. co. 419 Pulaski"•t ---------- Davis To Rloomfleld. 40 Quann~~~Zst7;_Alfmakee To Waukon. 453 Quasqueton"•---Burhanan To Independence. 363 Quimby*•t. _____ cherokee To ChProkee. i08 Radclitre*•t.. _____ Hardin To Ackley. 254 Rake*•t. ______ Winnebago To Butralo Center. 200 Ralston*•L ________ Carroll To Carroll. 113 Randalia"•L------ Fayl'tte SPe Wi>st Union. 250 Randall"•t ______ Hamilton To Webster City. 404 Randolph*•t ____ FrPmont To Shenandoah. 403 Ueadlyn*•t. _______ Bremer ee Waverly. 226 Rt>asnor*•--------- Jaspn To 1 'ewton. 289 Rroding*•t _____ Rinfgold To Mount Ayr. 770 RE>ilflelll*•t _________ Dallas To Perry. 5578 •Red Oak*•t __ Mout~omPry RALPH PRINGLE. 1415 Roinbeck*•t. _____ Grundy To Grundy Center. 270 Rembranctt••tBm•na Vista To torm Lake. 1144 Remsen*•+----- Plymouth To Le Mat-. 501 Reowick*•t ____ Humholdt To Humboldt. 550 Rhorles"•L------ Marshall ee Marshalltown. 960 Rict>ville"•L----- Mitrhr.11 To Osage. 100 Hichards.•f. _____ Calboun 'l'o Hockwell City. 639 Richland*•f. _____ Keokllk To 'igouruey. 161 Ricketts*•t ----· Crdwford To Deni ·on. 349 Ridgi>way*•t. Winnt'shiek To Decorah. 160 Rinard••t_ _______ Calhoun To Rockwell City. 5!)0 Ringsted*•L------ Emmet To Estherville. 409 Rippey*et_ ________ Greene To Jefferson. 667 Rivers1de*•t __ Washington TT o rv~ !s hi.n1?ton. 100 River Sioux *•t __ Harrison 0 .0 ,. 3 0 568 Riverton*•L _____ Fremont To Hamburg, 85 Rock Falls ___ Cerro uordo To Mason City. 1031 Rocktord"•t _______ Floyd To Charles City. 2172 •Rock Rapid *•t _____ Lyon WARREN H. WHITE. 1347 Rock Valley"•t. ____ ioux To heldon. 800 RockweU-•t. Ci>rro Gordo To Mason City. 2030 _•ltockwPII City*•LOalhou_!l_ l. E. DOUGHERT y .  USE- COUPONS aa instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. cornplete inforrnation in preface to Attorney List. NOTE- See  POPU------=-  LA-  ~~  TOWN AND COUNTY.  158 176 829 1031 168 40 260 100 109  Rodman••t ____ •• Palo Alto Rodney••t •••••••• Monona Roland*•t •••••••••. Story Rolfe*•t •••••• Pocahontas Rome*•t •••••••••• _ Henry Roscoe•• .••••• Des Moines Rose Hill*•t •.••• Mahaska Rossie*•t •••••••••••• Clay Ro ville ·-····Allamakee  302 200 362 150 487 369 633 809 187 39! 865  Rowan*•t ••••••••• Wneht Rowle:r*•t •.•... Buchan ,n Royal*•t •••••..•••••• Clay Rubio*•t •••• Washine-ton Rudd*•t ····-······Floyd Runnells*t •.•..•••••• Polk Russell*•t .••••••••• Lucas Ruthven••t ••••. Palo Alto Rutland*•t .•..• Humboldt R:,an*•L •••••••• Dela ware 8abula*•t••••••..• Jackson •Sac City*•t ·······-····Sac Salem*•t ....••••••• Henry Salix*•L •••••• Woodbury Sanborn*•t ••••••• O'Brien Srarville*•t ••• Winnebago Schaller*•t ..•••••••••• Sac Schleswii*•t •••• Crawford Scranton •t ••••••. Greene Searsboro*•t .• Poweshiek Selma*•t. ••••• Van Buren Sergeant Bluff*t.Woodb'y Sewal*•L •••••••••• Wayne Sexton••t. ••••••• Kossuth Seymour*•t ··-··--Wayne Shambaugh*•t ••••••. Page Shannon Oity*•L •. Union Sharpsbure-*•t. ••.. Taylor Sheffleld*•L ••.•. Franklin Shelby*•t ····-···-·Shr.lby Sheldahl"•t •••••••••• Polk Sh 1 * t B e don • ·····- O ' rien Shellrock*•L •••••. tlut1er Shellsburg*•t ••••• Benton Shenandoah••t •••..• Page Sherrill ••.•.••.• Dubuque ( pecht8 Ferr11 P. 0.) •Sibley*•t Osceola ••••••••• •Sidney*•t··-·····Fremont •Sigourney••t ••••• Keokuk  2630 494 396 1407 140 731 655 843 204 150 548 200 100 1746 2.50 333 188 1106 588 175 !1•88 815 590 525.5 110 1803 1154 2210  TOWN .AND COUNTY.  NAME.  NillK.  -- --------  (WaukonP. U.)  To Emmetsburl?, To )lapleton. To Nevada. To Pocahontas. To Mount Pleasant. To Burlington. To Oskaloosa. See Spencer. To Waukon. To Clarion. To Independence. SeP Sppncer. To Washington. To Charle City. To Des Moines. See Chariton. 'l'o Emmetsburl?. To Humboldt. To Manchester. To Maquoketa. CHAS. D. GOLDSMITH. To Mount Pleasant. ro Sioux City. To Sheldon. To Buffalo Center. To Sac City. To Denison. To J Pffnson. To Montezuma. See Keosauqua. To Sioux City. To Corydon. To Algona. To Corydon. See henandoah. See Creston. To Bedford. To Hampton. To Harlan. To Des Moines.  c  • A. BABCOCK. To Waverly. To Cedar Rapids. DENVER L. WIL ON. To Dubuque. E H KOOPM•,... "' • ......,. To IIamburg. WILLCOCKSON, HAMILTON & liPDl<:U&AFF.  430 Silver City•t. ••••••. Mills To Glenwood. 1389 Sioux Center••t •..• Sioux To Sheldon. 71227 •Sioux Citr•t .. Woodbury MUNGER & MAENNEL• 617 · 621 I owa Bid g. P rac ti ee j n a11 1 1 ~:;go:a~?o:ei:~:. eq~pp~:ier~:1 :~:,~er~fa~ departments. Bank References: First National Bank, Northwestern National Bank. and Farmers Loan & Trust Co. 1080 Sioux Rapids*•t .Buena V. To Storm Lake. 616 Slater*•t. ••.•••• ---· tory To 'evada. 35 Slifer•·-········· Webster To Ft. Dodge. 608 Sloan*•t. ••••• - Woodbury To ionx City. 321 Smithland"•L. Woodbury To ioux City. 281 Soldier*•t •••••• -. Monona To :Mapleton. 471 Solon*•t. .•• _•••• John on To Iowa City. 175 Somcrs*•t •••••••• Calhoun To Rockwell City. 355 South English*•t.Keokuk To Sigourney. 75 Spauldinf!*•t ·-···-· Union See Creston. 4599 •Spencer*•t ··---·-·· Clay B'OCK & KIRKPATRICK. General Practice, E tates, Collections. Associated Clay County Abstract Co. H.e!er to any bank in · county. 65 Sperry*•L ••.• Des :Moines To Burlington. 3l5 Spillville*•··· Winneshiek To Decorah. 1701 •Spirit Lake*•t •• Dirkinson CORY & PRICE. 102 Sprae-ueville* ••••• Jark.·on To Preston. 489 Spring Hill_·-···· Warren To Indianola. 597 Sprin"ville*•t Linn To Marion. 513 Stacy;ille*•t.::::·Mitrhell See Osaee. 400 Stanhope*•t •••• Hamilton To \Vebster City. 163 Stanley*•t •.•••• lfocbanan To Independence. 0 0 n\13;;:;tcNi}~~~H §ie M!~:halltown. 749 Stanton*•L •• Monte-omery ToRedOak. ~ Stanwood*•L •• - •..• Oedar To Tipton. ~t~e~~,~t=:t:=l~ss<;~~g See Mar halltown. 430 St. Oharlcs"•t .•.. Madison 'l'ToO tv~ona. t n mterse · 399 S b team oat Rock*•tHardin 137 St. Lucas* ··-·--··Fayette TsJ.",AWc~lscty{.Ju1·on. <<> ~ 150 St. Marys*•··-··-· Warren To Indianola. 385 Stockport*•t ••• Van Buren See Keosauqua. 128 Storkton*•t .••• Mu ·ca tine To Mu c lt' 149 St. Olaf"•t. •.••••. Cla:,ton To Elka~ me. er. 8658 •Storm Lake*•t..Buena V. BAILIE & ED ON. 1501 Story City"•t. •••••••Story To Nevada. 100 Strahan"• ········--·M1lls To Glenwood. 162 Stout*•t ··-········Grundy See Grundy Center. 694 Stratford••t. •••• Hamilton To Webster City. 1101 Strawberry Point*•t Clayton To Elkader. 129 Struble*•t •••••• Plymouth To Le 1716 S~arr•t ·:.:·······Guthrie To Guthrie Center.  1~~  c3~f1~·  iii ~t 'i  ~io Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  393 Sully*•t ····--······Jasper 100 SulphurSprings*•t .Buena Vista 1511 Sumner*•t ··-·····Bremer 100 Sunbury"•L •••..••• Cedar 200 Superior*•t _.••• Dickinson 876 Sutherland*•t •• -•. O'Brien 200 Swaledale"•t. Cerro Gordo 238 Swan••t ···· ·-·····lfarion 691 Swea City*•t •••.• Kossuth · 200 Sweedesburg-•.•••• Henry 130 wisher*•·--·····John on 1186 Tabor*•t .•••••••• Fremont 100 Taintor*•t ••••••• Mahaska 2601 Tama*•t ···-····-··· Tama 5.5 Teeds Grove*•t ••• Clinton 373 Tempteton*•t ···-··Carroll 79 Tennant*•t ·····-·· helby 440 Terril*•t ••••••• Dickinson 260 Thayer*•t •••••••••• Union 548 Thompson*•t •• Winnebago 285 Thor*•t ....•..• Humboldt 197 Thornburg*•t •.••• Keokuk 317 Thornton*•t .Cerro Gordo 341 Thurman• ..•• -•• FrPmont 200 Ticonic*•t •.••••.. Monona 178 Timn*•t •.•••••••• Johnson 391 Tine-ley*•t •••• -.• Ringgold 2142 •Tipton*•t ••••••••••. Cedar 418 T1tonka•t ••••.•••• Kossuth 75 Toeterville ••••••. Mitchell  To •ewton.  1604 139 300 1329 204 914 200 113 329 158 214 260 660 300 ~7 63g 70 8631 75 524 3.58 463 235 250 802 2111  C. E. WALTERS. To Clinton. To Knoxville. 'Io Toledo. To Council Bluffs. To Waverly. To Marion. To Storm Lake. To Winterset. To Mapleton. To Centerville. To Qouncil Bluffs. To Ackley. To Centerville. fo ~ed~r ta.pids. D:~i:o~~· To Newton. To De Moines. To Mar:halltown. To Cedar Rapids. To Perry. To Leon. To Pocahonta . To Ma ·on City. To Marengo. Tu Red Oak.  •Toledo*•L •••••••••• Tama Toronto"•L ••••••• Clinton Trac:,"•t •••••••.•• Marion Traer*•t .••..••....• Tama: Treynor* ..• Pottawattamie Tripoli*•t •.•••••• Bremer Tro:, Mills* ····-·····Linn Truesdale*•t •• Buena Vista Truro"•t ·····-··- Madison Turin*•t ········-·Monona Odell*•t •••••• Appanoose Underwood*•t.Potta.wat'ie. Union*•t •••••••..• Hardin Unionville*•t .• Appanoose mti:nt ··-······-·:Jenton va?/.t =====:::::cra~g~g Valeria*•t.··-·-···-Jasper Valle:, Junction*•t. •• Polk Vancleve ..••••.. Marshall Van Horn*•t •••••• Benton Van Meter*•t •••••.• Dallas Van Wert *•t ••... Decatur Varina*•t- •••• Pocahontas Ventura*•t .•. Cerro Gordo Victor"•t ·······-·-··Iowa Villisca*•t .•. Montgomery  To Storm Lake. To Waverly. 'l'o 'ripton. To Estherville. To Sheldon. To Mason City. To O. kaloosa. rro Algona. To :m. Pleasant. To Iowa City. To hPnandoah. To Oskaloosa. To Toledo. To Clinton. To Carroll. To Harlan. To Estherville. See Cre ton. To Buffalo Center. To Humboldt. To igourney. To .Ia on City. To Hamburg. To Onawa. To Iowa City. See Mount Ayr. HAMIEL & MATHER. To Algona. To Osage.  Tg  m~t~f!~t:t~·.:::::·.~~.~!~~ :{:g  ¥gf!d~.octee. • Vinton*•t •••.••••• Benton To Cedar Rapids. Votga*•t .••••••••• Clayton To Elkader. Voorhies*•t ••• Blackhawk See Waterloo. War!Pna*•t ••••••• Fayette See West Union. Walcott"•L .•••••••. Scott To Davenport. Walford"• •••••.... Benton To Cedar Rapids, Walker••t. •..••••••• Linn To Cedar Rapids. Walline-ford*• ••••• Emmet To Estherville. Wall Lake*•L ...••••.. ac To ac City. Walnut*•t •• Pottawattamie To Council Bluffs. •Wapello*•t •••.••• _.Louisa To Mn catine. Ware*• •••••••• Pocahontas See Pocahontas. •Washtn11:ton*•t •• Wash'ton BROOKHART BROS. Washta"•t •.••... Oberokee To Cherokee. •Waterloo*•t ..• Blackhawk PICKETT, SWISHER & FARWELL. Leavitt & Johnson Nat'! Bank Bid!?, Attorneys for the Leavitt & Johnson Na. tional Bank of Waterloo. Refer to the Harri Tru t c· av• ing~ Bank, Cbiral!o. General Counsel for the Waterloo. Ceclar Falls & Northern Ry. Co. 183 Waterville*• ••• Allamakee ee Waukon. 150 Watkins "•t.•••••• Benton 'ro Cedar Rapids. 457 Waucoma*•t •••.•• Fayette See West Union. 375 Waukee*•t.···-···· Dallas To Perry. 2359 •Waukon*•t •••• .Allamakee STILWELL & STILWELL. W * . AGE'» & '"-uvET. 3 ~~~ • To M~nt Pl~·;nt. 219 Webb*•L·-·······-··Clay SeeSpencer. 172 Webster*•t ··-··· Keokuk To Sigourney. 5657 •Webster City*•t.IIamilton MARTIN & ALEXANDER. 323 Weldon*•L-•.•.•• Decatur To Leon. 875 Wellman*•t Wash· gto To Wash1'n°ton. 482 Well burg•.r••... G~und~ See Grnndy'"Center. 10 we 11 ston..... w a h'rngton To Wa. biue-ton. 69 Welton"•t •.•.••..• Clinton To Clinton. 444 Wesley"•L ..•••.. Kossuth To Algona. 969 West Hend*•t. ••• Palo Alto To Emmetsbura. 688 West Branch*•t ••... Cedar To Tipton. 1212 West Burlington*•t DesM. To Burlington. 225 West Cbester*•t Wash'ton To Wa hington. 203 Westfleld*•t •••• Plymouth To Le Mars. 255 Westgate*•t •••••• Fayette SPe West Union. 250 West Grove*•t. •.•.• Davis To Bloomfield. 1834 West Liberty*•t:Muscatine See Muscatine. 100 Weston••t. Pottawattamie To Council Illufl's. 591 West Point*•t •••.•••. Lee To Fort Madison. 405 West. ide"•t .... Crawford To DPnison.  S381 415 100 318 384 100 464 197 737 1072 1480 100 4697 508 36230  w:;r:~~.:t:::::_~H~r:;;:  USE COUPONS aa inatructed to BE PROTECTE'C""D~ b-y_b_o_n_d_________ complete information in preface to Attorney Liat.  NOTE See Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1752 POPU-  LA·  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  IOWA, KANSAS TOWN A rD COU1'TY.  ,'AME.  TIO:-,/,'--------------------------1777 200 1626 549 625 4\18 !2.5 495 1251 1178 1027  ... West Onion*•t ___ Fayette Wever••t _____________ Lee What Cheer"•t ____ Keokuk Wht'atlaud"•t ____ Clinton Wh1tiug*•t _______ Monona Wh1ttemore*•t ___ Kossuth Whittrn••t ________ Hardin Williams"•+ ____ Hamilton Williamsbur[!*•t ____ Iowa Wilton Jc.• ____ Muscatine Wiutleld*•t ________ Henry  2906 507 199 188 1463 375  •WintP.rset*•t ____ :Madison Winthrop••+ ____ Buchanan Wiota*•t ____________ Cass WodPn*•t _______ Hancock Woodbine*•t ____ Harrison Wood hu ra*•t ______ Clarke \Voodward"•t ______ Dallas Wool tock*•t _____ Wright Worthineton*•L-Dub'aue \Vright__ _________ Maba~ka Wyman*•t _________ Louisa Wyoming*•t ------- J onps Yale*•t ___________ Guthrie Yarmouth"•t __ Des Moines YettPr"•t ________ Calhoun Yorktown"•+ ________ Page Zeariug*•t __________ Story Zwingle*•t ______ Dubuque  868 294 341 200  80 690 276 100 125 193  471 124  AlNSWOllTH & ANTES. To Fort Madison. To Siuourney. To Cliutou. To ~lapleton. To Algona. ToA r kley. To Web ·ter City. To ,\larenl?O, See Mu ·ca tine. To ~fount Pleasant. W. S. COOPER. To Indept'ndence. To Atlantic. -'l'o Garner. To Logan. To Osceola. To Perry. To Clarion. ef' Dubuque. To O ·kaloosa. To 11uscatine. To 11onticello. 'lo Guthrie Center. To Burlin[!ton. To Rockwell City. ee Shenandoah. To Nevada. To Dubuque.  KANSAS The Federal District comprises the entire state, and hM three d1v1s1ons; the FIRST DIVISION (with court at LeaYenwortb, the s~ond Moncla:y In Octol>or: at Topeka, serond Monday In April: at K.aosa ■ Cit7, second Monday ln January and first Monday In October; and at Salina, ·ocona Monday In May. The SECOND DIVISION with court at Wichita the second Mondays in March and September; and the TlllRD DIVl~ION wlU1 court at Fort (•ott the lirst Monday In ~lay and the second . Monday In November.  REFERENCE KEY • Oounty Seat. • Money Order Office. • Express Office. t Teleeraph Station. § State Capital.  200 Abbyv11le*•f. _______ Reno To Hutchinson. 4895 •Abilene••t ---· Dickinson ROBERT B. SEEDS. 240 Ada*•t ____________ Ottawa 20 Adam * _______ Kingman 205 Aclmire••r ___________ Lyon 239 Agenlla*•t _____ Republic 361 Aera*•t _______ ___ Phillios 250 Albert*•+ __________ l!arton 333 Alden*•t ____________ Rice 200 Alexander*• ________ Rush 125 Aliceville*•' ________ Coffey 295 Allen*•t ____________ Lyon  789 •Alma••+ ______ Wabaunsee 674 A1mena"•t ________ Norton 603 Altamont*•t ______ Labptte 484 Alta Vista*•t __ Wahaun ee 423 Alton"•+ _________ Osborne 1016 Altoona••+ _____ :_ Wilson 403 Americus*•f. ________ Lyon 100 mr *•+---- ________ Cloud 259 Andale"•t ______ Sedewick 150 Andover ___________ Butler 100 Angota••t _________ Labette 85 Anson*•+--------- Sumner 2740 •Anthony*•+_ ______ Harper 117c>- Ar cad·• a ••t ----- Crawford 478 Arl?Onia*•t _______ Sumner 11253 590 2180 235 48  Arkansas City*•t __ Cowley Arlington"•t ________ Rrno Arma••+------- _Crawford Army City ____ Hiley Arnold*•-------- · ____ Nf'ss  To To ro 'l'o  Minneapolis. Kiueman. Emoona. Belleville. 'Po Phillipsburg, See Phillipsburg. To Lyon .. See La Crosse. To flurlington. 'l'o Emooria. C. E. CARROLL. To Norton. To O we[!o. To Alma. To Osborne. To Fredonia. 'l'o Emporia. To Conrordia. To Wichita. To Eldorado. To Par-:on . To Wellington. E. c. WILCOX. To Pittsbura. .. To Wellineton.  C. To To To  L. WARTS. Hutchinson. Pittsburg. Manhattan. SPP NPss Cit:v  NOTE  POPULA· TIO~.  350 100 100 1147 75 234  12630 294 371J 744 019 fi5  4219  200  275 617 2110 100 1137 150 359 395 222 200 110 3608 250 250 26 452 225 65 75 150 839  -~-----------  TOWN A.i.TD cou4TTY. Arrington*•L ___ Atchison Ashervillc*•t _____ Mitchell Ash Grove ________ Lincoln •Asbland*•L _________ Clark Ashton*•t_ _______ Sumner Assaria*•t _________ aline •Atchison*•t ____ Atchison Athol*•t ___________ mith Atlanta*•f. ________ cowley Attica*•f. _________ Harper •Atwood*•t ______ Rawlins Auburn* ____ Shawnee Augusta*•t ________ Uutter Aulne*•L--------- Marion Aurora*•t _________ Oloud Axtell*•t _______ Marshall Raileyville*•t ____ Nn11alla Bala*•t _______ ---- Riley bal<iwin City*•t-- Douglas Bancroft*•t ______ Nemaha Barnard*•t ______ Lincoln Barnes*•t ____ Washington Bartlett••t _______ Labette Basehor*•t _ Leavenworth Bavaria ___________ Saline Baxter Springs*t _Chero·e llazine*• ____________ Ness Be~le*•L--------- Miami Beardsley ________ R:iwlins Beattie*•t ________ Marshall Beaumont•t ________ Butler Beaver ____________ Barton Beeler*•----------- Nes. Bellaire••t _________ mith Belle Plaine*•t ___ Sumner  2254 •Belleville*•t ----- Republic 100 Belmont*•-----"-Kingman 3315 .. Beloit*•L-------- Mitchell 488 Belpre*•t _______ Edwards 109 Belvue*•t ___ }'ottawatomie 150 Bendena*•t ____ Doniphan 275 Benedict*•t ______ Wilson 371 Bennington*•t ___ Ottawa 250 Bentley••t ______ Sedewick 224 Benton"•t _________ flutter 800 Bern"•L _________ Nemaha 50 Berryton" --~--- .Shawnee 344 Beverly"•t ________ Lincoln 150 Biirnlow••--------Mar ·ball 489 Bird City*•t ____ Cheyenne 357 Bison*•t ___________ Ru,h 50 Black Wolf*•t .• Ellsworth 200 Blame*-f ___ Pottawatomie 150 Bloom ••+_ ___________ Ford 88 Bloornington"•t-- Osborne 570 lllue Mound••t ______ Linn 1534 Blue Hapids*•t __ Marshall 272 Blutr City*•t ______ Harper 150 Bo[!ue*•L-------- Graham 1626 Bonner prm[!s"•tWy'nd't 125 Brazilton*•t ____ Crawford 100 Bremen"•+ _______ Marshall 300 flrPwstPr"•t ______ Thomas 100 Bridgeport••+_ _____ a1ine 590 Bronson"•t _____ Bourbon 212 Brookville*•t _______ Saline 60 Brouehton•• ________ Clay 200 Brownell"•+-------- .Ness 835 Bucklin"•f-__________ Ford 150 Bucyrus"• _________ Miami 739 Batl'alo"•+--------- Wilson 486 Bahler*•+---------- .Reno 268 Bunkerhill*•t _____ Russell 441 Burden••+ _________ Cowley 250 Burdett*• ________ Pawnee 130 Burdick"•+ _________ Morris 1330 Burlineame*•t _____ Osage 2231\ •Burlington*•t ---~-- Coffey 622 Burns"•t __________ Marion 638 Burr Oak*•t ________ J rwell 679 Ru rrton*•t ________ Harvey 100 Bu h City* ____ . Ander ·on 180 Bushonl?••t ____ ____ Lyon 326 Bushton*•f. __________ Rire 510 Byers _______________ Pratt 211l1 Caldwell"•t ______ Sumner 233 Camhridge*•t _____ cowlpy 3427 Oaney••t ____ Montgomery 700 Oanton*•t ____ McPherson 385 Carbondale*•t ______ 0 age 250 Carlton••+ ______ Dickinson 125 Cassoday* --------- Butler 150 Ca ·tleton*•t _________ }{eno 788 Oawker City*•t. __ MitrhPII 149 Oedar*•f_ ___________ Smitb 125 Cedar Bluffs*•t __ Decatur mo Cedar Point*•t _____ Chase 1044 Cedar Vale*•+ .Chautauqua 50 Centerview ______ Edward · 300 Centerville*•f_ _______ Linn 619 Ceotralia*• ------ NPmaha 125 Centropolis* _____ Franklin 10286 Chanute*•t ________ Neosho 853 Ohaoman*•t ____ Dickinson 286 Chase••+ ____________ Rice 401 Chautauqua*• Chautauqua 636 Chpnpy••t .. __ SPrtewirk  NA:ME. See Atchison. To Beloit. To Lincoln. H. R. DAIGH. To \\'ellington. To Salina. CHARLES J. CONLON. To Smith Center. To Arkansas City. To An tllony. UEMPSTER SCOTT & SON. To Topeka. To Eldorado. To Marion. To Concordia. To Marysville. To. enera. To Manhattan. To Lawrence. To c•neca. See Lincoln. To \Vashington. To Oswego. To Leavenworth, To Salina. To Galena. See Ness City. To Paola. To Atwood. To ~1arysville. To Eldorado. To Great Bend. To ,'e::;s City. To mith Center. To Wellineton. VANCE & MCTAGGART. To Kingman. C. L. KAGEY To Kinslry. See Wamego. To Troy. To Frt>donia. To Minneapolis. To Wichita. To Eldorado. To . eneca. To Topeka. To Lincoln. 'ro Mary ville. See , t. Francis. eP La Cro se. To Ellsworth. See WamP1rn. To Dod1rn City. To Osborne. To Plea--anton. To Mary ·ville. To Anthony. To Hill City. To Kansa, City. To Pitt,;hurg. To Marysville. To Colby. To Salina. To Fort Scott. To Salina. To Clay CC'nter. See Ness City. To Dodze City. To Paola. To Fredonia. To Hutchinson. See Russell. To Arkansas City. To Larned. To Council Grove. To Lyndon. L. U. HANNEN To ~1arion. To Mankato. To Newton. To Garnett To Emporia. To Lyons. To Pratt. To Wellington. To Arkansa City. To ColTeyville. To McPherson. To Lyndon. To AbilPne. To Eldorado. To HutC'hinson. To Beloit. To Smith Center. To orton. To Cottonwood Fall ■• To Cofl'eyville. To Kin ley. TT o PPlnee~rsaan. ton. 0 To Ottawa. T. F. IUORRI ON. To Abilene. To Lyons. To SPClan. _'l'_o_W_i_ch_i_ta_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  USE COUPONS as inetructed to BE PROTECTE-D by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney Liet.  KANSAS  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) Pot'"'u.°" LA-  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  TION.  Cherokee••t ____ Crawford Cherryvale*•L-Mont1?"ery Chetopa••t _______ Labette aCimarron••t ________ Gray Circleville*•t _____ Jack:on Claflin*•+ __________ Harton Claudell"•-----· ____ mith .. Olay Center••t_ ______ Clay Olayton*•t ______ __ !\orton Clearwater*•L-- t'<lgwkk Cleburne*•t ____ ____ Riley Clement ·••t ________ Cha ·e Oll'veland"• .. _Kingman Clifton*•t ____ Washington Climax••-----Greenwood 3 Clyde*•+ ________ ___ Cloud 383 Coat ·••+ _____________ Pratt l:i0 Codell*•t ___________ Rooks  1091 4698 1510 599 226 648 50 3715 258 647 22:i 1::i0 55 631  1~i5  To Pittsburg. To lnd1•1wndence. To O wefo. WILL N. BE DURE. To Holton . To Gr('at Bend. To mitb CPnter. Wl\f. M. B1',ALL. To Norton. To Wichita. To :\lanhattan. To Cottonwood Falls. To Krngman . 'l'o Belleville. rr,e , 0eCE01n1rceokrad.1.a. To Pratt. To Stockton.  13452 Coffeyyille*•L- Monlg'ery CHAS. D. WELCH. 1114 aColby*et_ _________ Thomas SMITH & SMITH. 1207 aColdwater*•t ___ Comanche 100 Oollyer••t __________ Trt•1w 997 Colony*•t _______ Anderson 3155 aColumbus*•t ____ Cherokee 262 Oolwich*•t ______ Sedgwick 4705 aConcordia*•t _______ Cloud 1120 Conway*•t ____ .Mcl'her:-.on tl~0 Conway Springs*•t umner 150 Copeland• -----------Gray 1:;o Corbm*•t _____ ____ nmner 419 Coming*•+ _______ Nl:'maha 200 Corwiu*•t _______ Harper  1014 2857 411 150 232 150 50  aOottonwood Falls*•tCha e .. Council IJrove*•t __ Morris Courtland*•t ____ llepublic Covert* ____ ---- __ Os home Coyvill e*•--------- Wilson Crestline•• -- -- --Cherokee C.roft•• ______________ Pratt ~~~ Cryst3lsprings ____ llarp~_r ~49 Cul Cu~<;t •t .---- ____ Reoub,1c 1 on •t __________ Pratt 2il4 Oulver*•t __________ Ottawa l~0 Cummings*•-----Atchi ·on 462 Cunningham*•t __ Kingman 250 Damar*• __________ Hooks 2UQ Danville*•t _______ HarrJer 29:) Dearing• _____ Montgomery 284 DeerfMd*•t ______ Kearny 100 Delavan"•t ________ 111 orris 244 Delia*•t _________ Jackson 870 lJelphos"•t _______ Ottawa 240 Denison••t ______ Jackson 100 Denmark _________ Linroln (Vesper 1'.0.) 150 Dennis"•---- _____ Labette lUO Densmore* • _______ Norton 193 Denton*•t •..... Doniphan 300 Derhy*•t ________ 'etlgwick 345 De, oto*•t ________ Johnson 150 Devon*•t ________ Bourhon 497 Dexter*•t ________ Cowley 503 •Dighton*•t __________ Lane 5061 .. Doctge City*•t _______ Ford 299 Dorrance*•t _______ l{u ·sell 1010 Dougla ·s*•t ________ Butler 150 Dover• __________ Shawnee 1508 Downs*•L _______ Osborne 250 Dresden*•t _______ Dt•ratur 100 Dunavant*•t ____ Jeff'er ·on 300 Dunlap*• t _________ 1orris 100 Duquoin*• _________ Ilarper ~8~ Durham*•t _______ Marion 24 Dwight*•t _________ Morris 3lSl Earleton•• -------- Teo ·ho 228 Easton*•t ___ Leavenworth Edgerton*•t_ ____ John.on ~ Edmond*t _________ · orton n00 Edna*•f_ __________ Labeite 203 Edwardsville*• t _ Wy'nd't 6~6 Effln1?ham*•t ____ Atchison 230 Elbing"•t _________ Butler 10995 •El Dorado*• +------ But!Pr 6 ,u 1£lgin*•t ______ Chautauqua 725 Elk City*• t-- Mont"Om"ry .. < 293 Elk Falls*•t ___________ Elk 1160 Elkhart* __________ Morion 1103 Ellinwood"• +------ Barton 1876 Ellis*•+-------------- Ell is 2065 aEllsworth*•t ___ Ellsworth 2! 8 Elmdale"• +--------- Chase fo0 Elmo*•t ------- Dickin"on ., 237 El smore*•t ---------Allen 50 Ely------------ ---Pawnee (Larned P. 0.) 100 Elyria" • ------McPherson 250 Emmett*•t- Pottawatomie 11273 • Emporia*•f_ _________ Lyon 200 Englevale•• t ___ Crawford 466 Englewood••t ______ Clark 200 En ·ie:n* ------------Gray ~~tero':!: e*•t __ I>irkinson  ~ii Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RICH & VON SCHRILTZ. See Wakeeuey. To Garuett. C. A. l\lcNEILL. To Wichita. PULSU'ER, BUNT.., . SHORT. To McPher:::on. To Wellington. To Cimarron. To Wellington. To eneca. To Anthony, CHAS. E. DA VIS. HARRY E. SNYDER. To Belleville. To O~borue. 1'o Fredonia. To Columbus. To Pratt. To Anthony. To Belleville. To Pratt. To Minneapolis. ee Atchbon. To K111gman. To . tockton. To Anthony. To CotfeYVille. To Syracuse. To C011ncil Grove, To Holton. To Minneapolis. To Holton. To Lincoln.  To Parsons. To Norton. 'l'o Troy. 'l'o Wichita. To Olathe. To ll'ort cott. To Arkansa City. ARMSTRONG & MOWERY. CATE & WATKIN , See .l:{ussell. To Eldorado. To Topeka. To O ·borne. To Torton. To O ·kaloosa. 'l'o Council Grove. To Anthony. To ,\larion. To Council Grove. To Chanute. To Leavenworth. To Olathe. To ·orton. To O ·wee-o. To Kan as City. See Atchison. To Eldorado. LEYDIG, GEDDES & GR ANT. To Coffeyville. 'I' 1 d o n epenclence. To Howard. 'ro Johnson. see Great Bend. To Hays. SAI\I UEL E. BARTLETT. To Cottonwood Falls. T o Abilene. To 1ola. To Larned. To MrPher~on. See Wamego. w. w. P ARKER. To Pittsbure-. 'l'o A hla.uct. To Cimarron. To Abilrne.  NOTE  PoPULA· TION,  TOWN AND COUNTY.  1167 375 7:i9 627 2606 403 386 376 100 175 100 151i 206 272 • 374 2000 10693  aErie••t __________ Neosho Esbon*•t ___________ Jewell E kridge*•L-- Wabaunsee Eudora*•+-------- Douglas •l!.:ureka"•t ____ Greenwood Everest*•t ________ Hrown Fairvicw*•t ... . ... Brown Fall H.iver*•t _ Greenwood Falun"•----------- ahne Farlington"•t- _ rawford Fell,hurg• _______ Edward. Florence*•t _______ Marion Fontana*•t ·· ·· ··-- Miami Ford ••t _________ ---· Ford Formo o*•L------- .Tewell Fort Leavenworth*•tLeav. ..Fort rott"•t ____ Bourbon 12:i Fostoria••t .Pottawatomie 400 Fowler*•t _________ Meatlc 1314 Frankfort*•t ____ Marshall 145 Frederick*•t ________ Rice 3954 .. Fredonia*•t __ _____ Wilson 56 Fn•eport*•t _______ Harper 3225 Frontr nac*•t-- - Crawford 411 Fulton*• ________ Bourbon 300 Furley*•t _______ Sede-wirk 300 Galatia* ____________ Barton 4712 Galena*•t ______ Chnoker 20::i Galesbure*•t _____ Neosho 350 Galva*•t ______ McPherson  3848 aGarden City*•t ___ Finney 361 !Jarden Plain*•t Sede-wirk 514 Gardner"•t ______ Johnson 3lilS GarflelcJ*•t ________ Pawnee 250 Garlauct••t ______ Bourbon 2329 •Garnett*•t _____ Ander on 160 Garrison ___ Pottawatomie 3::i6 Gaylorc.i*•L--- ----- Smith 170 Gem*•t __________ Thoma:i 561 Geneseo*•t ____ ------ Rice 50 Gerla.op••---- ______ Barber 75 Germantown __ ----Brown 266 Geuda Sprinl?S*•t _ umner 3161 aGirarct*•t _______ Crawford 250 Glade*•t ________ Phillips 724 Gla co"•t __________ Cloud 25· Glendale ___________ aline (JJmolrl'illr. P. (}.) 6E Glen Elrter*•t ____ Mitchrll 2'>'> Go<ldard*•t _____ Sect~wick 174 Gor . el" ___________ Marion 398 Goff*• t ___________ !\ emaha 2664 aQoo<lland*•t ____ Sherman 175 Gorham*• L------- Russell 132 aGove* _______________ Gove 2110 Grainflelc.i*• t ________ Gove 4460 aQreat Bend*•t ____ Barton 4lJ6 Greeley*•t ______ Anderson l97 Green*•t ------------ Clay 778 Greenleaf*• L Washin!rton 1215 aQreensbure"• t ----- Kiowa 5-li Greno1a•• t ----------- Elk 75 Gr tna*• L------- Phillips 321 C:iridley*• t ________ Coffey 162 Grinnell*•t---------- Gove 75 Grovr. __ ________ Shawnee (Rossrille P. 0) r.o Cirowlancl"•L .\lcPhcr~on 732 Gypsum"•- _________ ::Saline 392 Hactdam*•t __ Wa hington 225 Hallowc,11*• _____ Cherokee l!iCI Halls ummit*•---- CotTe.v 1163 Hal tead*• t_ ______ Harvey 398 Ilamilton*• t ___ Greeuwood 211 Hamlin*• t --------- Brown 9-17 Hanover*• t ___ \Vashington 200 Hanston*• t ---- Hodgeman 3::; Hardtner"• +------- Barbt•r l!iO Harlan*• t ----------- mith 1770 Harper•• t - --- ---- Harprr 125 Harris*•+ ______ Anderson 575 Hartrord"• t _________ Lyon 333 Harveyville*•t Wabaunst•e lOO Ha!kell" ________ Anclerson 318 Havana•• t -- .Montgom('ry 1301 Haven* •t ____________ Heno 333 Havensville*•t _ Potta'mie (i07 Haviland*•t ________ Kiowa  3165 .. Hays*• +-------- ______ Ellis o0 Haysville' • t ___ Sedgwick 281 l-lazelton*•t ------- llarber 20 2°8 HII~~lY.~~et -------------~<;tne cuv1(Salina ---- ------P.O.) a me 75 Heizer*• +---------- Barton 241 Hepler* •t _______ Crawford 4065 Ileriugton*• L __ Dickin on 125 Herkiruer*• t _____ Marshall 411 llerndon*•t_ _____ Rawlins 600 Hes ton*• t ------- Harvey 225 Hewins•• +---- Chautauqua 186 lliattville*• t _____ Bourbon 3222 .. mawatha*• t _______ Rrown '09 Hie:hland"•t ____ Doniphan  1753  NA.ME.  To Cha nu e. To '.llankato. To Alma . To LawrPnce. J. }'RED D. RBY. To lliawallm. To II ia wa tha. e<· Eun•ka. To alma. To Pitt llurg-,  To Kin. lpy,  To Marion.  To I'aola. To Dod1?i> City. 'J'o !\lankato. To Leavenworth. lffDSON & HUDSO1'. S1w Wamego. To \lt•ad1•. To Mary ville, To Lvon s. HUDSON, SHEEDY & STRYKER. 'J'o Anthony. To Pittshlll"I?, 'ro Fort Scott. To Wichita . To Ureat Bend. To Columhu . To Chanu •e. To McPllt'rson. l!OSKINSON & FIELD. To Wichita. To Olathe. See Laruecl. 'I'o Fort Scott. W. 0. KNIGHT. To Wauwgo 'l'o "mith Uenter. To Colhy. To Lyons. To :\lcdirine Lodg-e. 'l'o Hiawatha. To Arkansas City. To Pittsburi,r. To Phillio-,burg. To Concordia. 'ro a.lina. To Belon. To Wichita. To :Marion. To ' t>ncca. GEO. D. FREEZE. Sec l{ussell. JAY II. ,JENSON. Sel' Gove. RUSSELL & RU SELL. To Garnett. 'l'o Clay C<·nter. To \\'ashiugton. BtsSIT'r & BER BBERGER. To llowarcl. Tu Phillipsburg, To Burlington. To Gove. To Topeka. To .\Icl'hPr on. 'l'o 'a1111a. To Wa:hington. 'l'o Columbus 'l'o Burlrng-ton. To ·ewton. ec Eureka.  To Hiawatha. To Wa:-hington. 8('e mith Crnter. ee Jetmore. To. mith Center. To Anthony. To Garnett. To Emporia. 'I'o Alma. , ee Bush City. To Cotfeyville. 'l'o Hutchin on. To We tmoreland. To Greeusbnre:. REA & FLOOD . 'l'o Wic-hita. 1'0 Medicine Lodge, ee Diihton. · To 'aliua. ee Great B nd. To Pitt burg. To .Abilene. 'l'o Mary ·ville. S e Atwood. 'l'o Nrwton. To Coffeyville. To Fort Scott. W. F. MEANS. To Trov.  USE COUPONS as in st ructed to BE PROTECTED by bon d. See complete informa t io n in preface t o Attorney Lis t . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  POPU· LATION,  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  KANSAS  1754  TOWN  .um COUNTY.  732 14:il 250 2395  •Hill City••t •••••• Graham Hillsboro"•t •••••• Marion HillsdaJe••t .••••••• )liami Hoisington*•t ••••• Barton 150 Holcomb •t ••.•••• Finney 55 Holfand •.•••••. Dickinson (Carleton P. U.)  POPU· LA· TION.  NAME.  JAl\lE · 0. Mc\"EY.  To ~Iarion. To Paola. To Great Bend. To Garden City. To Abilene.  150 Hollenbt'rl!"•t Wa hington To Washine-ton. 100 Hollis*•t ••••••••••• Cloud To Concordia. 2703 421 200 100 589 100  •Holton"•t •••••••• Jackson Holyrood*•t •••. Ellsworth Home*•t ···- ••••. Marshall Hom wood*•···- }franklin Hop •t -··· ... Dickinson Hopcwell -·-·-·-l'ratt  4009 1060 616 400 235 644  Horton*•t ••••••••• Brown •Howard"•t. ••••.•••••• Elk •Hoxie*•t. ••••••. Sheridan Hoyt"•t ••.••••••. Jarkson Hudson••+ ••••.•• Stafford •Hugoton*• ..••••• Stevens  15~ 205  (Fmvel I'. U.)  FLOYD W. HOBBS.  To Ellsworth. 'l'o )tary. ville. To Ottawa. To Abilene. To Pratt.  To Hiawatha. G. J. SHARP. W. F. SCHULTHUS.  To Holton. To St. John.  W. E. EDDY.  ~~~nbeo~~P!c=:sii!1~~ ~g l~~iington. Hunter•·······-··11itrbell To Beloit. 188 Huron••t ....••. Atchison See Atchison. 23298 •Hutchmson"•t ••••.. Reno SDllUONS & SJMMONS, Attrirueys for Kansa · Central Indemnity Company. Knorr-Schlandt Who1e~aleCompa.ny. Local Attorrn•ys A. T. & ' , .F. Ry. C..e1,eral and Commercial Practice. Hcference any llu chin,on hank. 140 ldana*•t. •••••...•..• Olay To Olay Center. 11920 •Independence *•t Moute•y BANKS & O'BRIEN. 200 I ct t Cl s OJ C t n ay ee ay en er. 300 lnl!alh,"'•t ----·-····Gray To Cimarron. 482 lnman••t ••.•• McPherson To McPherson. 8513 •lola*•t •••••••••.•.•• Allen GARD & GARD. 215 Ionia* .•.•••••••••.• J ewe II To Mankato. 3-11 Irving*•t •••••••. Marshall To Marysville. 277 Isabel"•t ••••••••.. Barber See Mrdicine Lodl!e, 19\i luka*•t._ ••...•.•••.• Pratt To Pratt. 49;5 Jame·town••t •.•••• Cloud To Concordia. 100 Jarbalo"• •.• Leavenworth To Leavenworth. 150 Jeffer on*• •. Montgomery To Intleremlence. 253 Jennines*•t. ••.•• Decatur To Norton. 559 •Jetmore*• t. ••• Hodeeman W. S. KENYON. 805 Jewrll*•t .••••••.•. Jewell To ~Iankato. 100 •Johnson".···-···· Stanton To Syracuse 7533 •.Junction rnty••t ••.. Geary PLATT & COLEl\,IAN. 120 Kackley"•t ...... He public To Belleville. 100 Kanoua ...•••••... Decatur To ,·orton. 762 Kanopolis*•t •.• Ellsworth To Ellsworth. 300 Kanorado*•t. •••• Sherman See Goodland. 101177•Kansas Oity"•t. Wyand'te KRA UTHOFF, McCLINTOCK & QUA.NT, lJJ. ~1.Km uthoff: W. S. Mc('li11tock: A. L. <Jiwnt: C. ·. Denison,; J11lm L. Kir1rpnlricl,: <J. B. r. J enkins: J. G. Loonn; Jnmcs A. l'rtrson8: fl'. K. Ff'rouson: 210 Portsmoutb. Building. Kansas City, Kansas. S1)ec:ial attention to Banks, In1 f{~~~~~a~~l~~\ft~V{~rear~~~~ ~t;·r1e~~~T;s\gg:" k;~~~~e Tru'l Co.; Gate City Nat'onal Bank: National Hank of Com• merre; Commerce Trust Company: New England National Bank Heferen, es in any citv on request. G"mJ)ilen1 of thl' Kansa.~ laws fur tlti, pttlJlicatiOTl, 100 150 1ea~s.:• t ········sect·Ri!ek 0 t{,~ 0 I 1tan. Kefi i •f········ · , l?Wlf To JC a. 200 59:i K~n;i;gton•;'f··· ii:it~ Tg s~1r~aCenter 200 Kimhal*• .• -:..::::.·Neosho To Chanut e: . 443 Kincaid*•t. ••••• Anderson To Garnett. 407 K * t K. CLARK A W ALL.ACE 2 • rni?man • ••••. rneman • · 150 Kini! down*• t •....•. Ford To Dodge City. 1986 •Kinsley"• t. •••.•. Edwards W. E. BROADIE. 1539 Kiowa••t. •••••••.• Barber To Medicrne Lodl!e, 100 Kipp•• t. •.••••.•..•. aline To Salina. 553 Kirwin*• t. ••.••••• Phillips To Phillir,sbure. 200 Kismet*• t ···-····· eward To Liberal. 207 Labette "• t ••••••• _Labette To Oswego. 1~~~ i~sh P1· R~ 'SELL. 21· La! yg~e ! r·····\y·tn To F ~-an_ on. looal La Honatrap1~*e• t• ···-·· Allsloenn Too Jori·• oma. 250 Lake City*• t :::===:Barber See M;dicine Lodn. 556 Lak'111 • t K TO • • • •••• ····-· earny yncuse. 100 Lamont* •••..• Greenwood See Eureka. 184 Lancaster*• .•••.. Atchison See Atchison. 3·1 La • t F kl' T O Otta .J ne • ····-····· ran Ill wa. 204 Lanedon"•t-·-·-·-·heno To Hutchinson. 800 Lansme*• t.. Leavenworth To Leavenworth. 8139 •Larnect*•L-·-·-·Pawnee •vERNON, VERNON & v:t.'RNON. 334 l.atham*• t. ••••••••• Butler To Ehlora<lo. 125 Latim1•r*• t •••.•••. Morris To CounC'il Grove. 12456 •Lawrence*• t. •••.. Douglas OR D CLINGl\IAN. 200 Lawton • •••.••• Cherokee To Columhu:;. 16912 •Leavenworth*•t.Leaven'h M. N. McNAUGHTON . 822 Lebanon*• t. •.•••••. mith To mith Uenter. febo"• t DCotrry +o rurlington. 370 Le~C?°ti~t~n • ·-·· Jug_ as To :iW_fl\llCe. 472 r.:n~a*: _:==:====J~h~~g~ Tg 520 r~~ora*•t. .•.••••. rorton 'I'o .•nrton.  cMike/icld·P~ ·o:5  11ct~~~f  e1  :f  ·t: grosse:•:········  frn  r  ···,,r· ...  (}l;t~t  - NQ - TE  USE COUPONS  as  TOWN .lND COUNTY.  427 Leon*•t •••••••••.•. Butler 204 Leona••t •••••••• Doni11han ii25 Leonardville*•t •••.•• Rilry 392 •Leoti*•t ••.•••••.. Wichita 815 Le Roy*•t •••.••••.• Coffey 100 Levant*•t ·--····· Thomas 439 Lewis*•t. ••••••• • Edwards 3613 •Liberal*•t ••••••••• Seward 247 Liberty•• •••• Montgomery 500 Liebenthal ••••••••.. Rush 150 Lillis*•t •••••••••• Marshall 1613 •Lincoln*---····· Lincoln 260 Lincolnville*•t •••• Marion 1897 Lindsbore*•t •• McPhersco 282 Linn*•t •••.••• Washington 361 Linwood*•t. Leavenworth 749 Little River*•t •••••. Hice 585 Loean*•t •••.•••... Phillips 175 Lone Elm*• ••.• Anderson 35 Lone tar •••••••• Douglas 155 Loneford*•t ..•.••••• Clay 286 Lone lsland*•t .•.• Phillips 583 Longton*•t ••••••••••• Elk 250 Lorraine*•t ..... Ellsworth 1 ~~,st~~~?r.f~~=:.·. 150 Lovewell*•t •..••••• Jewell 651 Lucas*•t. ••••••••. Russell 150 Ludell*•t ••••.••• Rawlins 475 Luray••t •·•·•••••• Russell 732 •Lyndon*•t- ••••.•••• Ogage z·rn Ly * t 7:5-1 •Ma~t!vill~*;f::::sta#J~~ 795 Madison*•t •••• Greenwood 210 Mahaska*•t .• \\'ashington 169 Maize*•t ....•.•. Sedl!WICk 263 Manchester"•t. Dickmson 7989 •.Manhattan*•t. .•.••• Rilu 1326 •Mankato*•t ••••.•.. Jewell 255 Maplehill*• t ••• Wahaunsee 230 Mapleton"•t •••••. Bourbon liO Marietta*• t ••••.• Marshall 1928 •Marion*•+ •••.•.... .Marion 780 Marquette••t •• McPherson 3048 •Mar:vsville*• t .•• :Marshall 200 Matfield Green* •..•. Chase 309 .Mayetta*•t. •••••. Jackson 200 Mayfleld"•t •••••• ' umner 4lil McCracken*•t •••.••• Hush 591 McCune*•t .•••• Crawford 341 McDonald"•t •••• lCawlins 571'.1 McFarland*•t .Wabaunsee 575 McLouth*•t •••. Jefferson 4595 •.McPherson•• t.Mc.Pherson 838 •Meade*•t 1\1eade •••• ·•••••• 1305 •Medicine Lodee*•t Barber ~~~~~~;::=======·Tts~;~ 100 ~ercier*• ···-··-··Brown 422 Meriden•• t. ••••• Jefferson 400 Merriam •••.....• Johnson 100 Michigan Valley*t.. Osal!e :i:~~;~t.-c.~-:::.~_uiw:~ 250 Milford"• t •.•••.••.. Geary 125 Miller*• t ····--······ Lyon 175 Milton*• t ••••••••. Sumner 821 Miltonvale*• t ••.•••. Cloud 1842 •MinneaJ)Olis"• t ••.• Ottawa 493 Mmneo1a•• t •••••••.. Clark 100 MitcheW•L •••••••.. Rice '!.5 MM00:oc.,··+············ 'i,~lltkt 9,)0 onne • ············-"' 163 Montezuma" ••.•...•. Gray 150 Mont lda"• t .•..• Anderson 150 Montrose"• t •••••••. Jewell 150 Monument*•t •.••• _Logan 676 Moran•• t.·······-···Allen 150 Moreheact•• •••••.• ·eosho 262 Mori?anville*• t ••••••• Clay 296 Morland*• t -······Graham 552 Morrill"• t. ••••••••. llrown  m  To Wichita. To Troy. To Manhattan. To Tribune. To BnrLington. To Colby. To Kinsley. EUGENE W. DA.VIS.  To Coffeyville. To Lacrosse. See Marysville.  JOHN McCURDY.  'l'o 11arion. To ~lrPh erson. To \Va ·hington. To Leavenworth.. 'ro Lyons. 'fo Phillipsbure. To Garnett. To Lawrence. To Concordia. To Phillip ·bure. To Ilowarrt. 'To Ellsworth.  llf1~1 To 1,g ~~a~i~n. ~lankato.  m  m  i~i l!JO  NAME.  ~g~~~~r~~~::~:}~~~tg~  To Ru sell. See Atwood. To Rus ell.  STAVELY & 'TAVELY. L E QUINL T~ John: AN.  i.  See Eureka. To Washington. To Wichita. To Abilene. JOHN CLARKE HESSIN. R. W. TURNER.  To Alma. To Fort cott. To Marysville. STANLJ<. Y W. HOWK Tu McPherson. R. L. HELVERING. To Cottonwood .ll'alls. To Holton. To Wellington. See Lacrosse. To Pittshurg. See Atwood. To Alma. To Oskaloosa. GEO. W. ALLISON. D. LLEWELYN JONES. W. H. l\lcCAGNE. t~f~y~n. To Hiawatha. To Oskaloosa. To Olathe. To Lynuon.  i~  1g }~~~ineton. To Junction City.  To Emporia. To WPl!ington. To Concordia. F. D. BOYCE. Tu To LyoL TTo Silcott S}ty. Too ci·omwaarrr"o·n. To Garnett. To 1Iankato. To Ru ell Sprinl!S, To Iola. To Chanute. To Concoruia. To Hill City. To Hiawatha. rr1!~l~~~gton. To llu 0 oton To Pleasanton. TT o J¥acrPs hne~s. on. 0 0 Tu Wichita. T 1>· o 1tt burg. To Greensburl!, To Wellin°ton. 'I' . "c·t o 1-.ansa ' 1 Y. To Belleville. fl~:{°oan~· To Belleville. To Kingman. To Os home. To Abilene. ~Cer~Ja. e, To Fredonia To Ya1P, Center. To Emporia.  :f~  MO'COW-········- Stevens •Mound City*•t -···-··Lina Moundridi?e"• t Mcl'her on Mound Valley*•t •• Labette Mount Hope*•t. Sedl!wick M lb *t c f d u erry • •··· raw or Mullinville*•t ••••••Kiowa M I *t u vane • ······-'Sumner )1uncie*• t •.•• Wyandotte t}~~~ii;:!t :::::i/~l?u!~~ 427 Muscotah*•t ••.•• Atchison 207 Narka*•t ·-······Repuhlic 200 Nashville*•t ••••• Kingman 518 Natoma•• t ..••. _Osborne 2;;0 Navarre*•t ••... Dickinson 150 Neal*• t. .•...• Greenwood 39~~ ~~~~i::;r=:::::\vUu;~ 628 Neosho Falls*• t. Woodson 267 Neosho Ilapids*• t ••. Lyon 905 •Ness City*•L •.•..... NPss LORIN T. P l',TERS. 720 733 803 513 2697 361 J?3!l - · 200  jf~  ~g  ~?i  instructed ~ BE PROTECTED by bond.  See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) POPULA· TION.  267 223 127 100  TOWN AND COUNTY. Netawaka*•t ••.•• Jackson New Albany*• ...•• Wilson New Cambria*•t . . .. Saline New Salem*• •••••. Cowley  l~f  2j~§ •Oswe1;.o*•t ·····-··Labette  :, Otego •t ••••••••... Jewell GO::i Otis*•t ••.••••••••••• Hush 11218 •Ottawa*•t ••••••. Franklin '.>00 Overhrook"•t-•••••. Osage 500 Overland Park* .• Johnson 748 Oxford*•t •••••••. Sumner :wo Ozawkie*• •••.•• Jeff'erson PaJ?e* •.•••..•.••.•. Logan 1 Palco"•L .••••••••.• Rooks 179 Palmer*•t •••• Washington 3238 •Paola*•t. ••••••••••• Miami 3 0 Paradise*•t •••••••. Russell 350 Park* . ...••••.••.•••• Gove 4~6 Parker*•t •••• ~ ••••••• Lmn 144 l'arkervillc*•t •..•• Morris 16028 Parsons*•+ •••••••. Labette 253 Partridge*•t .•••••••. Heno 428 Pawnee ttock*•t •.. Barton 7ls4 Paxico"•t •..•• Wabaunsee 24=>5 PPahody*•t ••••••.• Marion 100 Perk*•t •.•••••.. edgwick 175 Penalosa*•t •••.• Kin1?man ltiO Penokee .•..•••••• Grallam 181 l'nry" •t •••••.•. J effer ·on zoo Perth"•t ••••••••.. Sumner 570 Peru*•t •.••••. ChautauQua 1310 o.Phillipsbnrg*•t ••. Philltps ~50 Piedmont*•t •. Greenwood lCO Pierceville .....••• Finney lUO Pilsen ··········-·-Marion 100 Piper*• .•.•••• Wyandotte 250 Piuua*•t ••••••.•. Woodson 180:i2 Pittsburg*•t ••.. Crawford 450 Plains*•r •••••••• _••• Jeade 1004 Ptaim·ille*•t ··-····nooks 1291 Pleasanton*•t. •••••.• Linn 202 Plevna*•t .•••••••••. Reno 4!S5 Pomona*•t •••••• Franklin 390 Portis*•t .•••••••• Osborne 200 Potter*•+. ••••••. Atchison U5 l'otwin"•t .••••••••. Butler 247 Pow hattan"•t ···-··Brown 183 Prairie View*•t ••• Phillips  JO  ~~3  .;)O 383 M  ~~!  ,~!  •Pratt*•+ •.••••••••••. Pratt Prescott*• t ····-·····Linn Preston*•+ •••••••..• l'ratt Pretty Prairie*•t .•.. Reno Princeton*•L •••. Franklin Protection"•t •• Comanc-he Purcell*•t ··-···Doninhlln Qu~nen;:o*•t •••••..• 0. age Qumcy • •••••• Greenwood Quinter*•t ··········Gove Radium *·····---·Statrord ~amrua:•/ ········.Marion anc all • ··········Jewell ~a nd01 P.!1.;•t ·······-H)ley + ::::::Frank~r: Raymond*•t -········ Hice Readin~••t. •••••..•• Lyon Hedfleld*•t ••• -•• Hourbon Reece *•L••••• Greenwood Heouhlic* .•••.•.. Rf'onhli<'  ~17 R!~;g::i-...  130 358 269 200 411  NAME.  LA·  1755  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  TION.  9781 •Newton••t ••••••.. Harvey 103 o.New Ulysses*·-·····Grant 1049 Nickerson*•t ··-·····Reno 200 • 'iles*•t ···--······Ottawa 186 Niotaze*•t ..•• Chautauqua 76 orcatur*•t •••••• Decatur ····- . North Topeka• .Shawnee 2186 o.Norton*•t •.•••••.. Norton 61J6 •ortonvillP*•t •• J PITerson 100 Norway*• •••·•••• Republic 430 Norwicb*•t •.... Kingman 3ll0 Oakhill*•+ ·-···-·····Clay 1n1 Oaklanll"• · ··-·· Shawnee ( Topelw, P. 0.) 768 Oakley*•t •••••••••. Lo1?an •Oherlif•t ••••••. pf'catur ;) Otrerle •L ••••••. Edwards t5o O1?al1ah*•t ••••.••• TrPl?O -19 6 OJ?den• .•.•••••..•••• Riley 225 Oketo••t •••••••.. :Marshall 3268 o.Olathe*•t ·-··-···John on ~i~ o0 11m1tz iv~t•:zt········ ... Osage ...••••..• Barton ~35 Olpe*•L •••••••.••••• Lyon 200 O1s burg*•t . Pottawatomie 838 Onal?a"•t ••. Pottawatomie 270 OnPir!a*•t •••••.. Nemaha 300 Opolis*• ....••.. Crawford ,1~,0 Oronoqne*•t. .•..• Norton ~3r6 0 ·al?t' City*•t ••••••. Osal?e 4712 Osawatomie*•t •••.• Miami 1635 o.Osborne"•t.-••••• Osborne 7C0 •O kaloosa*•t ••• _Jefferson  5111 291 401 432 200 1109 IOU  KANSAS POPU· Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  To Holton. To Fredonia. To Salina. To Arkansas City. B. C. BOWMAN. To Johnson. To Hutchin ·on. To ~linncapolis. To Cotfeyville. To Norton. To Topeka. L. H. WILDE&. To O:kaloosa. To Belleville. To Kingman. To Clay Center. To 'l'opeka.  To Ru sell Spring . To •.'orton. To Kinsley. Pe Wakeeney. To Manhattan. To Marysville. W. D. MORRISON. TToo LGyr~adtonB.end. .-To l\:mporia. See Wame1?0, To Wamel?O, To SPIW<',\. 'l'o Pittsburg. To Norton. To Lyndon. To Paola. J. K.1\.fITCHELL. H. N. C.-\ EJUER. STANTON J. ~fATTOX, To 11ankato. See La Crosse. HOMER L. KINT. To Lyndon. To Olathe. To Wellington. To o~kaloosa. To Ru· ·ell prin~!S. To tockton. To Wa:;hington. COUGHLIN & COUGHLIN. See llu ·sell. To Gove. To Pleasanton. To Council Grove. W. D. ATKINSON. To Hutchinson. See Great Bend. To Alma. To Marion. To Wichita. To Kingman. To Hill City. To Oskaloosa To Wellington. See Sedan. W. N. MOORE. See EurPka. 'l'o Ganlen City. To Marion. To Kansa City. To Yates Center. F. B. WHEELER. To ~Ieacle. To St-0ckton. A. M. KENT. To Hutcllin on. To Ottawa. To Osborne. See Atchison. To Wichita. To Ilia watha. l'o Phillipsburg. R. F. CIUCK & L. G. TURNJo}R. To Pleasanton. To Pratt. To Hutchinson. To Ottawa. To Coldwater. To Troy, To Lyll(ion. ee Eureka. To Gove. To t. John. To Marion. To Mankato. To Manlrn.ttan. Tieoiia~?(y. 'l'o Lyon~. To Emporia. To Fort :cott. Sre Eureka. 'l'o RPlh•dllf>.  Re ·erve*•t ·····-··Brown Rexford*•t ·-····· Thomas Richland*•t ••••. Shawnee Richmond••t •• _.Franklin Riley*•t ·············J{ile:v Riverdale*t •.••.• Sumner Robinson*•t ••••••. Brown Rock*•+ •••••..•••. Cowley Rork Creek"•t •• Jefferson Rolla"•········-·-·Morton Rosalia*•t ···-······Butler Ro edaJe••t ••. Wyandotte Hose llill*•L •••••.• Butler Uossville*•t _•... Shawnee 75 Roxbury* ••••• McPherson 200 Rozet•• L .. ·-·····Pawnee 40 Runuyme le*•t •.•. Harper 200 Rushcenter*•L •••.•. H.u h 1700 •Russell"•t ·-·······Russell 115 •Russell Sorines*•-- Lo1?an 2003 Sa betha"•t ••••••• Nemaha 130 Saffordville*•t ••.••• Chase 15085 .. alina*•t •••••••••. Saline 250 atanta • ••.•.•.... Haskell 258 avonburl?"•t ••••••• Allen 263 Sawyer •t ••••••••... Pratt 150 axman*• -···········Rice 1694 Scammon•.,;, •••. Cherokee 547 candia *•L••.•.. Republic 25 Schulte ...•••••• Sedgwick 1112 o.Scott City*•t •••••..• Scott 165 Scottsville"•t ••••. Mitchell 622 Scranton*•t ••••.... Osal!e 18!S5 .. edan*•L ••••. Chautauqua 731 e<lgwick*•t •.•••• Harvey 280 elden*•L .•••.•• heridan 1885 • eneca*•t •.••••• ~. ·emaha 350 Severance*•t ••. Doniphan 551 Severy*•t ••••• Greenwood 100 SPwarcl*•t •••.••.. 'ta trorcl -10 SJiady B nd"•i' ... Lincoln 325 Sharon"•t •.•••••.• Barber 815 .. haron Springs*•t Wallace 125 Shaw*•t · · ·····-··Neo-.ho 450 hawnee* •••••••. Johnson 100 Shielcls*•t ······-····Lane 250 Silverdale*•t ..••.. Cowley 260 Silver Lake*•L •. haw nee 29::i impson*•L ..•••. Mitchell 200 Sitka"•t •••• ----Clark 1567 .. mith Center"•t ••.. Smith 200 Smolan*• t •.....•..• Saline 346 oldier*•t ••••••.• Jackson 1071 Solomon*•t .•.. Dickin ·on 423 outh Haven*•t •• Sumner 100 South Mouncl*•t •• NPosbo 100 Sparks*•t ···-···Doni1>han 629 Spearville*•t •••••... Ford 100 Speed* ..••••..•... Ph ill iPS 226 Spivey*•t ••••••. Kingman 555 Sprme Hill*•L .•• Johnson 1752 taff'ord*•t ••••••. tafford 200 taoley*•t ·-·····Johnson 189 tark*•t •••••••.•• Neosho 2060 Sterhnl?*•t •....•••.•. Rice 733 • t. Francis*•t •• Cheyenne 211 St. Georl?e"•t .Pottawato'e 200 Stilwe11*•t ···•-·-Johoson 1671 o.St. John*•t •••.•.• Stafford 1321 St. Marys••t •• Pottawato·e 100 Stockdale*•t •••••••• IUley 1324 •Stockton*•t ••••••• _Rooks 974 :3t. Paul*•+ --······Neosho 125 Strawn*•t ••••••••• -Coffey 944 Stronl?"•t ···-·······Chase 75 tudley*•i •..•.•• Sheridan 100 l.ut~art"•t••.••.. Phillips 250 ublette" ••.••••••. Ilaskell 539 SumrnerHeld*•t •• Marshall 200 un City*•L •..••.. Barher •••••• usank ••••••. ·-·-·B:l.rton 200 237 250 400 3fi4 100 500 150 200 150 156 7674 150 664  'fo Hiawatha. To Colbv. To Topeka. To Ottawa. To ~Ianhattan. To Wellington. To Hiawatha. To Arkansas City. To o -kaloosa. To ,Johu.-011. To Wichita. To Kansas City. To Wichita. To Topeka. To .!\1cPher on. Pe Larned. •ro Anthony. To La Crosse. GEO. W. BOLLA.ND. W. H. WAGNER. 'l'o Seneca. 'I'o Cottonwood Fall . BURCH, LITOWICH & ROYCE. To Hugoton. To Iola. To Pratt. 'ro Lyons. To Columhm,. To flellt>ville. To Wichita. R. D. ARI\I, TRONG. To Beloit. To Lyndon. To Coffeyville. To 'ewton. To Hoxie. :E,IERY &; EMERY. To Troy. To Eurrka. To St. John. To Linco 1n. Pe ~cdicine Lorll?e, D. R. JJJ•CKSTROl\l. 'I'o Chanute. To Ulathe. 'l'o Dil?hton. 'l'o Arkansas City. To Topeka. To Beloit. To A. hland. llAHIN · l\lAHIS To alina. 'l'o Holton. To Abilene. 'l'o Wellington. To Chanute. To Troy. To Dodge City. To Phillipsburg. 1'o Kin1?man. To Olathe. To St. John. To Olathe. To Chanute. To Lyon:. ee Atwood. ee Wamego. To Olathe. ROBT. GARVIN. See Wamego. To Ma.nhattan. W. B. HAM. To Chanute. To Burlington. To Cottonwood Falls. To Hoxie. To Phillipsbure. To Hugoton. To Marysville. Ree Mrrlicine Lodge. To lloi ington.  (Hoisinoton P. 0.) 450 Sylvan Grove"•t •. Lincoln See Lincoln. 542 Svlvia*•t •••••••.•••• Reno To Hutchinson. 1059 •Syracuse*•t ._ ••. Hamilton II. E. WALTER. 200 Talmage*•t .••. Dickinson To Abilene. 150 Ta1mo*•t •••••••• Republic To Belleville. 262 Tamva*•L ••••.•.•• Marion 'fo ~farion. 377 Tescott*•t •••••.•• Ottawa 'l'o Minneapolis. 528 Thayer••t. •••• -••• Neosho 'l'o Chanute. ]50 Timken"• ··-········Ru h , ee La Cros e. 230 Tipton• .•.•••.... :Mitchell To Beloit. 971 Ton1?anoxie*•tLeavenw'th To Leavenworth. 50022 §o.Ton ka •t ••.... , hawnee lcCLINTOCK, QUANT & LOGAN, Mulvane Bldg, spe. cial attention to Bank, Insurance, Surety Foreclo ure, and Brnkrup cy Litigation. Refer to any bank in Topeka. Efllcien Collec tion Department. Our ad.iusters will adjust your claims anywhere in Kansas. Compilers of the Kansas law., for this 71ublication. ec also Kansas City, Kan. 821J Toronto*•t ••••• Woodson 'ro Yates Center. 718 Towanda*•t •••••••• Butler To Wichita. 200 Traer •t ____ Decatur To ObPrlin. 991 'I'reec-e ····--····Cherokee 'fo CoJ.1mhus. 243 o.Tribune*•t •.•...•• Greeley CLEMENT L. WILSON. 13:5 •rron cfalf> • ..••.. Edward" 1'11 Kin ·Jpy,  USE COUPONS •• instructed to BE PROTECTED b_y_b_o_n_d_._ _ __ _ __  NOTE See  complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1756  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  KANSAS, KENTUCKY  POPUL • TIO.•.  Hll3 •Troy"•T _________ Doniphan 250 Turner••t _____ Wyandotte 631 Turon"•t ____________ Heno 454 Tyro"•t ______ Montgomery 381 UdaW•t ___________ Cowley 300 Uniontown"•t ___ Bourbon 285 Utica"•t -------------Ness 100 Valeda*• _______ Labette 486 Valley Center*•t edgwirk 1218 Valley Fall *•t __ J rtft>rson 50 Varner • ________ Kingman 200 Vassar••t __________ Osage 29-t Vermillion••t ____ Marshall 125 Vernon •L--- -- Wood,on 200 Ve ·per"•t _________ Lincoln 600 Victoria"•t ___________ Ellis 35 Vilas"•------------\Yil-on 100 Vinland __________ Douglas i73 Viola"•t ________ Pdl!wick 175 Virgil"•t ______ Greenwood 175 Vliets"•L ________ Mar ·hall 75 Wakarusa*•t _____ hawne/3 1003 • Wakeeney*•t _______ 'l'rPl;'O 531 Waketteld*•t _________ Clay 246 Waldo"•t __________ Russell 225 Waldron••+ _______ HarJ)er 50 Walker••t ___________ Ellis 75 Wallace"•t ________ Wallace 650 Walnut••t ______ Crawford 228 Walton*•L ________ Harvey  1585 1406 665  645 619 200  200  200 200 19-15  250  A. C. BELL. 'l'o Kansas City. 'l'o Hutchin ·on. To Coffeyville. To Arkansas City. To Fort Scott. See Ness City. To Oswpgo, To Wichita. To Oskaluo ·a.. T o Kingman. To Lyndon. l'o ~1arysville. To Yate, Center. ee Lincoln. ee llay ·. To Fre !onia. 'ro Lawrence. 'l'o Wichita. See Eureka. To 11arysville. To Topeka. HERMAN LONG. To Clay CPntcr. Pe Hm;sell. 'l'o Anthony. To llays. ee liaron prings To Pittsburg. To Newton. Wamefo"•t. Pottawatom,e \V. E. MITH. • Washington*•tWashingt'o FltA K C. BALDWIN. Waterville"•+ ____ Marsnall To Marysville. Wathena*•t _____ Doniphan ·ro Troy. Waverly*•t _______ Coffi>y To Burlington. Wayne •t _______ l{epuhlic To B •lleville. Wayside*•---.hlontgomery To ln<lepemlence. Webber--•t _________ J ewrll To Mankato. Webster ----------Rooks To Stockton. Weir*•t _________ Cherokee To Pittsburg. Welda"•t -------Anderson To Garnett.  7048 •Wellington*•L---  umner  100 Well *• ____________ Ottawa  140 WellsforcJ*•t _______ Kiowa 756 WellsviJle••t ____ Franklin 75 \Ve:;kan••t ________ \\'allare 50 WmitfaJL ________ Lincoln 938 West Mineral*t _Cherokee 386 • Westmoreland* Pott.1 wa 'ie 500 Westphalia*•t __ Ander on 500 Wetmore*•+ ______ Nemaha 250 Wheaton*•t .Pottawatomie 75 Wheeler _______ Cheyenne 652 White City*•t ______ Morris 553 White Cloud*•+- Doniph:rn 556 White Water••t ____ Butler 433 Whiting••t _______ J ack~on 72217 •Wichita*•t _____ rd1nvick  30  134 404  125 197 250 150 337 1020 386 248 7933 100 208 318 200 814 100  A\lE.  TOWN ~\ 'D COl 'TY.  C. E. ELLIOTT. Reference: Farmpr , tate Ilank. Local Attor- . ney for Chicago, R. I. & P. Ry. Co. 'l'o :\linneapolis, To GrrPnsburg. To Ottawa. To Sh:u-on pring ·, To Lin!'Oln. 'Po C'olumhus To Wamego. To Garnett. To SPrH•r·i. Pe Wamrgo, To St. lt'rancis. 'ro Council Grove. To Troy. To Wichita. 'l'o Holton.  AMIDON, BUCKLAND, HART & PORTER ( ', B. A111i<io11, S. A. Buc/,·lct11d. Harry W. Hart, Glenn Porter, Enos E. Hock), uite 610, A, B, C. D. E. ancl F. 'rhweitcr Building. Particular Attrntion to Commercial Bu ·ine :,;, Hders to any Bank or wPll known bu:ine s corporation. Wil hurton *______ .Morton To Syrarn e. Willard*•f. ______ Shawnei> To Topeka. Williamsbure-*•t .Franklin To Ottawa. William ·town••t JefTer!-on To Oskaloo a. Willis*•------------Brown To Hiawatha. Wilmore"•t ____ Coman('he To Coldwater. Wilmot*•t _______ cowlpy To Arkansas City. Wilsey••t __________ Morris To Council Grove. Wilson*•t ______ Ellsworth To Ellsworth. Winchestcr*•t __ JefTcr on To 0. kaloosa. Windom*•t ___ Mcl'her on To McPherson. •Wintlelrl*•t _______ Cowley HACKNEY & MOORE Winifr<'<l*•L---- Marshall To .Marysville. Winona••+ _________ Loi?an See Oakley. Woodbine*•t ___ Dirkinson To AhilPne. Wooclru1f*•t ______ Phillips To Phillipsbnrg. Woodstou*•t _______ 1:(ooks To, tock ton. Wright*•f_ __________ Ford To Dodge 1ty.  2306 •Yates Center*•t _Wood on s. C. HOLI\IES. 5.5 Yo<ler*• ________:_ ____ Reno To llutrhin ·on. 55 Zarah*•t _________ Johnson 188 Zenda*•+-------- Kingman 75 ZE>nith*•t ________ tafford 31 Zook ______________ Pawnee (L£trncd I'. U.) 200 Zurlcb*ot __________ Rooks  To Olathe. To Kingma'l, To t. John. 'l'o Larned. To  tockton.  KENTUCKY Kentucky Is divided Into two Federal Districts: the Eastern and the Western. The EASTERN DI TRICT wi•h court at Frankfort the second Monday in Aarch anti l he four h ~lonuay in ep • emtJer: at Co,iu~ton on the fif 11 MoncJoy in April and he 1 bird ~londay in Octol er: at Richmond on 11,e four h .\lonclay in April and he se ontl :'ilunday in No, ember · at London on I he second ~londay iu .May and he fourlb Monday in No emher: a l ('atlett burg on the four h .\londay in .\lay ancl t he second ~!onday in Deceml er: anu a Jackson on the fir t Monday in .\larch and ihe third .\londay in eptember. Tho WESTl<..'RN DISTRICT with court at Louisville the econd Monday in March and tho second Monday in October: at Paducah the third Mondays In April and ovembcr: at Owemboro first Monday in May and fourth Monday in Kovembcr; at Bowling Green the thira Monctay in Iay anct second Monday in DecembeL  REFERENCE KEY • County Seat.  • Money Order Office.  t Telegraph Station.  778 595 316 216  Adairville*•t _______ Logan •Albany* ___________ Clinton •Ali>xanctria* _____ campli<'ll Allen* ____________ __ Floyd 227 Alknsvi lle.. •t ______ _Todci 668 Arlington*•t __ ___ Carlisle  14729 Ashlaod*•t __________ Boyd 715 Auburn*•t ________ Logan  1820 A ugusta*•L------ Bracken  300 Baedad~• __________ , lwlby 286 llanrlaoa* _________ l'al lard  1877 1717 1120 654  1210 788 240  152 120  7379  •llarbourville*•L---- Knox •Bardstown*•t _____ Nelson •Ilardwell*•t _______ Carli le Barlow*•t _________ Ballard •Beattyville*•t ________ Le<' Beaver llam*•t ______ Ohio •Hedford* _________ Trimhlr Beech Grove* ____ ::\.I rLean Belleview ___________ Boone (Gnmt P. 0.) Bellevue•------- Campbell  <Newport  9638 •Bowline Green*•t _Warren 300 Boyd••----· . ____ Harrison 298 Bi-.i.drordsville" ____ .\!anon 5C3 •Brandenburg* ______ Meade  555 Brodhead*•t ___ Rockca. tie 585 •Brooksvitle*• ____ Bracken •Brownsville* ___ Edmon on Dryantsville* _____ Garrard Bnechel* ________ J elferson Buffalo* ____________ Larue Burgin*•t _______ Mercer  798 •Burkesville* __ Cumberland 198 •Burlington* ________ Boone 10'/8 Burnside"•t _______ Pula ki 406 Butler*•t ______ Pendleton 897 •Cadiz*• ____________ Trigg 743 •Calhoun* _________ MrLe:in 226 Calvert City*• ____ Marshall 350 Campbellsbure*•t __ Henry 1535 •Campbellsville*• ___ Taylor 277 •Camoton• __________ Wolfe  NOTE  • Express Office.  State Capital.  To nu · llville. J. G. SMITH. 'ro · ewport. To Pre t m hurg. To Elkton. 'l'o Ha ntwt•ll. (,"LYDE R. LEVI. To Russellville. 1\1. J. HF..NNESSEY. To hell>yville. To \\'il'kliffe. J. B. CAl\lPB~:I.L. 'l'u DanvillP. BEN,. ADAl\l '. To Bar<lw ,JI. To Hichmoncl. To llarttorcJ. To Carrollton. To Owenshoro. ee Burlington. To Newport.  P. 0.)  897 •Denton••t ____ ----~larshall 1640 n rea*•t ---------~Iadison 532 Berry"•t _________ Harri on 200 Bethel* ---- -------- __ Bath 3:;o Big Clifty*•t ____ .Grayson 200 Bird ville* _____ Li\'ingston 355 Ilirmingbam* ____ .Marshall 269 Til:\!'key ________ Lt•td1er 269 mac key*•t. ______ Le che r 413 Ulackford*•t _____ W t>l>~ter 103 Blaine* _________ LawrPnre 100 Bloomfleld*•L----- t>lson 1000 Bond* ___________ ,J at'kson 243 •Boouevme• _______ OwslPy 80 Boston*• ____ ____ __ el on  294 204 400 350 713  §  To Paducah. To Itichmond. To Cynthiana. To Owing ·ville. To Elizabethtown. To Paducah. To Paducah. To White--hurg. To Hinclman. To l'rov1clencc. To Loui a. To Bardstown. To London. To Beattyville. To Bard town. T. W. &. R. ('. P. THOMAS, To Cynthiana. To Lebanon. l\lOORMAN & WOODWARD. ( S-<e Loui,rnille, Kentucky.) To ~t. Vernon. To Augu ·ta. LOGAN & l\lcCO!\IB '. To Danvill~. To Lc~uisville. To Elizabethtown. To Harrodsburg.  J. O. EWING. , . W. TOLi To 1i11wr ~et. To Falmouth. W. HOOKS. R. LE,. ANDER. To Padt1cah. See New Ca tie. GEORGE W. HA COCK. To=--J_a., "·- - -- - - - - -  USE COUPONS aa instructed to BE PROTECTED~ by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  POPU---  LA· TION.  126 402 156 800  TOWN AND COUNTY. Cane Valley* _______ Adair Caneyville••t •• -.Grayson Can mer* ··-- -·-·-·-·.Hart Cannel City••t •... Morgan  POPU· LA· TION.  NAME. To Danville. To Elizabethtown. To Elizabeth town. To Salyersville.  8l0 •Hardinsburg*•t. Bre'ridl?e A. A. KINCHELOE. 400 Hardyville* _______ .Hart To Elizabethtown. 2647 •Harlan*•t _________ .Harlan FORESTER & ACREE.  1569 •Carlisle*•t ••••••• Nicholas FOSTER & COX. 2281 323 125 4183 (iOO 400 3 43 3108 274 172 413 1378 602 1455 2!10 1509 325 1076 654 3406 2H 300 1019 57121  •Carrollton•• ••••••• Carron Carrsville". _..• Livingston Casey Creek* ·-··--·Adair •Catlettsburg*•t •....• Boyd Cave City*•t • ______ BarrPn Cecilia*•t ·--······Hardin Centertown*• ·--·····Ohio Central City*•tMuhl 'n berg Cerulean*•······-· .. Trigg Chaplin*·--- .•••••. Nelson Clarkson* ·-·---··Grayson Clay*•t ·----··-·· Webster Clay City*•t.···-··Powell •Clinton*•t ·-·---·Hickman Clintonville" ·--··Bourbon Cloveroort"•t .Breck'ridee Cold Sorin!?* .••. Campbell •Columbia" ---·--····Adair Columbus••t ·-··Hirkmau Corbin*•t -··-·--· Whitley Corinth*•t ----··-···Grant Cornishville* _____ Mercer Corvdon••t -·-·Henderson •Covington*•t -....• Kenton  J. A. DONALDSON &  3765 •Harrodsburg*•t ••. Mercer C. E. ltANKIN. 'ONS.  To Padurall. See Columbia. 'l'o Ashland. To Glasgow. To Elizabethtown. To llartfoi;.d. To Greenville. See Cadiz. To Bardstown. To Elizabethtown. 1'0 ProYidence. To Stanton.  (Covinaton P. 0.)  312 502 500 329 !330  Eubank*•t ·-----.. Pulaski ~v3:rts,. --------· ...par l_an Ewm~ •f-_ ••••... F leromg Fairfield* -----··--·Nelson •Falmouth"•t ... Pendleton 488 Fancy l!'arm" _____ .Uraves 150 Farmington* --·· .. 0 raves 400 Fern Creek .•... Jefferson  60 2069 U\62 2(10 268 612 Hi8 246 9805 31::i4 200 477 3  u~ .i  3903 23i 438 300 2559 ao7 308 300 500 175 200 229 300 822 488 910 Ull7 1160 216 436  (Buechel P. 0.)  Finchville"• _____ .Shelby l!'leming*•t. .• --.-Lctcller •Flemingsburg*•t .Fleming Flinpen* ---··· ·-·-'1 on roe Florl'uce* -··----···Boone Fordsville*•t _____ . __ Ohio Foster*•t _______ .Bracken Fountain Run" ._ •• Monroe §•Frankfort*•t .•. Franklin •Franklin"•t ·--·--Simpson Franklinton* ·-·····HPnry Fre<.lonla*•t --···-Oaldwell ~ulton_*•! ----·····-Fulton Gamahel ··-····-· Monroe •Georgetown*•t ·--···Scott Germantown*--·· Braekt•n Ghent"• ------·----Carroll Gilbertsville*• ... :Mar ·hall •GJas1?ow*•+ .•.••.•. Barren Glasgow J uuct·n••tHarren Glencoc••t ---.... Gallatin Glendale*•t. -----.Hardin Glensboro. ·---.Anderson (Lawrenccbttr(l J>. O.) Golden Pond*·-----. Triga Gradyville* -···----·Aclair" --·-··------··Owen Gravel Switch"•-·· Marion •Grayson"•L-·----··Cartrr " t G •Greensburg • ----·· reen •Greenup*•t •·---·Greenup •Greenville"•t.Mul1lenberg Guthrie*•t ·---------'I'odd Han on*• -··---··Jlopkius Hardin••t.·---··-Mar hall Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  960 •Hartford*•t --------Ohio C M. CROWE. 829 4348 415 300 200 1884  •ftawesville*•t ·-· Hancock •Hazard*• ··--------Perry Hazel*•··----· __ Calloway Hazel Green* -----·-Wolfe Hebron*----···--·- Boone Hellier*•-·----·----- Pike  G. D. CHAMBER  'l'o Hyden. To Paducah. 8ee Campton. To Burlington. To Pikeville.  12169 •Henderson••t _Henderson HENSON & TAYLOR.  LE LIE L. HINDMAN.  2633 •Hickman*•t ··----·Fulton S. D. STEMBRIDGE.  To Paris. To Hawesville. ee Nf'wport. To Campbellsville. To Clinton. To \Villiam~burg. See Williamstown. To Harrodsburg. See Henderson.  467 •Hindman• ________ Knott SMITH & COMB '. 181 Hiseville* ·------··-Barren To Glasgow. 1100 •Hodgenville*•L--·· Lat ue To Elizabethtown.  BURCH & PETERS.  313 L53 412 2705 655 623  •Hyden" ·---·-------·Leslie Independence* ____ Kenton •Inez" ------··-·-··Martin •lrvme*•t------·----Estill Irvington*•tBreckenridge lsland*•t -···----·McLean  To Covington. To Louisa. To Richmond. See Hardinsburg. To Owensboro.  1503 223 470 705 133 722 261 178 400 125 880 627 307  •Jackson*•t.·-·-·Breathitt •Jamestown* -·-----Bussell J eff'ersontown"•t J efl'erson Jenkins *•t -·-··--Letcher Jonesville* ·---- ---· 0 wen Junction City*•t. ... Boyle Kevil*•t -·--------Ballard Kirkmansville* ·----· Todd Kirksville* ••••••• Madison Knifiey* -··- -··· -··· Aclair Kuttawa*•t ·-·------Lyon La Ccnter*•t-·----Ballard LaFayette" •••••• Christian  To Danville. To Loui ville. Tc Whitesbure. 8ee Owenton. To Danville. To Wickliffe. To Elkton. To Richmond 'l.'o Camphcll ville. To Patll\Cah. To Wickliffe. To Hopkinsville.  General Law Practice.  493 Orab Orchard*•t .-Lincoln 300 Crestwood*• ______ Oldham 185 Crittenden*•t ·----.. Grant 527 Crofton*•t ·-····Christian 150 Cropper*• --------.Shelby 3857 •Cvnthiana*•t --.• Harrison 5090 •Danville*•t ·-------· Boyle 1762 Dawson prings* .. Hopkins 7646 Dayton*•t ••• -•. Camnbell 716 •Dixon*•t. -----·--Webster 377 Dover*•t ----·-·-··-Mason 1164 Drakesboro*•t Muhl'nberi? 129 Dry Ridge••t -·--·--Grant 200 Dunnville* ---------.Casc~v 3652 Earlinl!ton••t ··-· Hopkms 1000 East Bernstadt*•t •• Laurel 49 Eastview*•L--·--· Hardin 1182 •Ectdyv111e••t -----···Lyon 284 •1£dmonton* ____ •• Metcalfe 2530 •Elizabethtown*•t _.Hardin 821 Elk Horn City•t ___ •. Pike (Praise P. 0.) 1009 •Elkton*•t ------·-··· Todd 1317 Eminence*•t ··----·Henry 711 Erlanl!er*•t ·---··Kenton  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  (See also at Cincinnati, O.)  To Danville. 'l'o La Grange. See Williamstown. To Hopkinsville. To Shelbyville.  A. M. COX. CLAUDE D. MINOR.  'I'o Madi onville. 'fo NewPort.  RA YBU«N & WITHERS.  To Maysville. 'l'o Greenville. See Williamstown. To Danville. To Madisonville. 'l'o London. 'l'o Elizabethtown. To Paducah. To Glase-ow.  9696 •Hopkinsville"•t .Christian HUNTER WOOD. 864 Horse Cave"•t ··--·--Hart 'ro Elizabethtown. 372 llustonville* ___ .•. Lincoln To Danville. M. C. BEGLEY.  ALFRED M. RUSSELL.  1060 •LaGrange*•t _•... Oldham MOORMAN & WOODWARD. (Sec Louistille, Kentucky,)  S. H. BU'H.  'l'o Pikeville.  2166 •Lancaster*•t ...•. Garrard To Danville. 7000 Latonia Station•+ .Kenton To Covington.  W. B. REEVES, Jr.  1811 •Lawrencebur1?*•t And'son J. W. GAINJ<:S.  To New Castle. To Covington. See Somerset. To Harlan. 'l'o It'leming burg. •ro Banlstown. J. B. COLVIN.  To 111ayfield. To Mayfield To Louisville,  To Shelbyville. To Whitesbury. J. H. POWER.  'I'o Tompkinsv11le. See Burlington. To Hartford. To Augu:ta. To Glasgow. THO ' . B. McGREGOR.  (Covington P. 0.)  3239 882 1077 334 572  •Lebanon*•t -·----·Marion Lebanon Junc.••t._Bullitt •Leitchlleld*•t -..• Grayson Lewisburg••t ·-----Logan Lewisport"•t ••.. Hancock  41534 •Lexington*•t ··---Fayette BAILY D. BERRY. Refers to Phoenix & Third National Bank. 368 •Liberty* -··-----·-·Casey To Danville. 1426 Livermore*•L .... McLean To Owensboro. 703 Living"ton*•-· Rockca.-tle To )It. Vl'rnon. 137 Lockport" ···------·Henry See New Castle. 1707 •London*•t ________ Laurel GEO. A. YOUNG 2011 •Louisa"•t ·--···-Lawrence FRED M. VIN ON. 2:S489l•Louisville*•t ---· J ett'crson MOORMAN & WOODWARD, lnter- outhern Bld1,7 .• VlS• trict Attorneys. L. H. & st. L. Hy. Co.; General U>Unsel. E. & R. G. Packet co.; Local Attorneys, L. c' N. R. IL Co ..  Continental In nrance Co .. )1erchant·s Wholesale Grocery  Company. Compilers of the Kentucky Laws for this publication.  G. W.ROARK.  8ee New Castle. To Princeton. To Hickman. To Glasgow. Wm. S. Kl,LLY.  'I'o Maysville. To Carrollton. 'ro Paducah. C. H. HATCHETT.  To Gia gow. See Warsaw.  To Danville. 'l'o hepherdsville. 'l'o .1£ltza.bethtown. To lfosseJville. •ro Hawesville.  300 250 4582 8000 251  Lovelaceville" ·--··Ballard Lowes*-···-------- Graves Ludlow• ---··--·Kentou Lynch Mine' ....•. Harlan Mackville* ... Washmgton  'I'o Harc.lwell. To }layflelct. To Covington.  To London.  'l'u DanvilIP.  5()30 •Madisonville*•t _.Hopkins FOX & GORDON. 110 Magnolia* ·····---·-Larue To Elizabethtown. 600 •Manchester* _________ CJay HALL & CLOYD.  'I'o Elizabethtown.  1718 •1.farion••t ·-·--Crittenden JOHN W. BLUE, Jr. 250 Marrowbone• Cumberland See Burkesville.  Sre Cadiz. See Columbia. See Owenton. To Lebanon.  6583 •Mayfleld*•t .•••.••. Graves STANFIELD & STANFIELD. 366 Mays Lick" -·---··-.Mason To Maysville.  See Lawrenceburg.  J. W. LUSBY.  'l'u C·,trnpbell .,,1·11e. 'l'o A ·t1la11d. ' WALKER & WILKINS.  To Elkton. 'fo .Madisonville. To Paducah.  NOTE  6107 ~~30 "1~7 " 8041 500 1115 282 176  •Maysville*•t ••••••• Mason •MMcKKee* ··;--t·---·JLa_ckson M~dd1lnnbey •• -·-·- icncoln J e urg ---·-··· ase.v Micldlesboro••t. ____ .Bell Middletown* -·--Jefferson Midway••t ·-·-· Woodford Milburn* ····------Carlisle Milford* ________ .Rracken  USE COUPONSas instructed to  FltANK P. O'DONNELL.  To London. To Danville. To Danville. To Pineville. To Louisville. 'ro Lawrenceburg. To Bardwell. To Angnsta.  BE PROTECTED  by bon_d____ _ _ _ __  See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED NAME.  l'OPU· LA·  TION.  1117 Millersburf*•L-- Bourbon 320 Milton• _________ Trimble 273 Monterey* _____ Owen 1514 • onticello* ________ Wayne 250 Moorefield" ______ .Nicholas  815 Smiths Grove••t __ Warren See Bowling Green.  To Paris. 'I'o Carrollton. See Owenton. To omc rset. To Carlisle.  4672 274 328 197 1529 335 1397  9~1 •Morehead"•+ ______ Rowan lV. E. PROCTOR. 350 Moreland*•t ______ Lincoln 'l'o Danville. 59 Morean••-------Pendleton To Falm::mth.  2651 •Mo~anfleld*•t _____ Union ALLEN, HARRI .. Morfantown* ______ Butler Mortons Gao• ____ Hopkins MortonsvilJe• __ Woodford Moscow••t ______ Hickman 3Hl Mt. Eden• ________ ppncer 340 •Mt, Olivet* _____ Robertson  707 1061 200 400  :E. To To To To 'l'o  & ALLEN.  N. MA YRUGH. Madisonvtlle. Lawrenceburf. Clinton. Sht>lhyville. Carlisle.  3995 "Mt. Sterline*•L Iont2·ery W. B. WIDTE.  719 •Mt. Vernon••t Rockcastle C. C. WILLIAM 400 Mt. Washinl!ton• ___ Bullitt 'fo hepherd ville. 75 Mt. Zion• __________ Grant See \\' ill1amstown, (Jt.JUiston P. 0.) 583 "Munfordvt11e••t _____ Hart WATKINS & CARDEN. 2415 •Murray*•t _______ Calloway To Paducah. 265 Tebo"•--------Hopkins To Madisonville.  397 "New Castle"• ______ Henry 468 'ew Haven••t_ ____ el on 207 New Hope*•t ______ Nelson 180 New Liberty• _______ Owen  W. B .l\lOODY. 'fo Danville. To Danville. To Owenton.  29317 •Newp0rt"•t _____ Campbell BURCH .t PETERS. General Law Practice. < ee a/.~o at Cincinnati, O.) 2786 .. icholasville"•t _Jes'mine To Danville. 339 No. Middletown• _Bourbon To Paris. 248 No. Pleasureville __ Henry To New Castle. 252 Oakland*• ________ Warren See Bowlinf Green. 400 Oakton"•t _______ Hickman To Clinton. l39S OliVfl Hi!J*•t _______ cartPr 'I'o Grayson. 400 Oneida -- ---· ________ Clay To 17424 •Owensboro••t ____ Daviess ROWE & ROWE.  971 •Owenton••--------Owen H. W. ALEXANDER. 781 24735 500 1383  .. owlnesvllle*•--------Bath "Paducah*•t ___ M,cCracken Paint Lick*• ______ Garrard •Paintsville*•t ____ Johnson  G. C. EWING. EATON & BOYD. To Danville. To Loui a.  6310 6>15 631 331 649  •Paris"•t -----Bourbon Pembroke"•+ ____ Christian Perryville*_ --------Boyle Petersbure* ________ Boone Pewee Valley••t __ Oldham  CHA . A. McMILLA To Hopkinsville. To Danville. See Burlington. To LaGrange.  2110 "Pilrnville"•+ _____ Pike. R. B. COOPER. 500 Pine Knot*•t ___ McCreary To omerset. 2908 •Pineville"•+ ________ Bell 308 Pleasureville*• • ____ Henry 142 Poole•-----------Webster 152 Port Royal* --------Henry ______ Prestonia•------ Jetfer on (Louistille P. 0,)  E. N. INGRAM. ee New Castle. To Sebree. Sre New Castle. To Loni ·ville.  1667 ..Prestonsbure*•----- Flovd CLAUD}; P. "Princeton••t _____ Caldwell Pro, pect• _______ J etrerson Providence*•t ____ Webster Raywick" _______ Marion  S. D. HODGE. To Loui ville. To DL·on. To Lebanon.  5622 415 650 U2 1756 125  •Richmond*•t ____ Madison Rochester* _________ Butler Rock))Ort*•t _________ Ohio R'k:v Hill St'n*• Edm'ns'n Russell*• ________ Greenup Russell Springs* __ Russell  C. C. WALLA CE. P Morgantown. To Hartlord. To Brown ville. To A bland. To Jam 1 stown.  412 291 400 331  BEN V. SMITH & SON. To Elizabethtown, To Gret>nville. , t•l'War·aw. To Danville. 'l'o Ut>orgelown. To Vanville.  Sll ..stanton••t ________ Powell 1000 Stearns"•t ______ :McCreary 400 Stith ton*• ______ IJardin 150 St. Matthews*•t.Jfo!Tl'r. on 503 Stone*•+. ____________ Pike 1750 SturKis*•t ________ Umon 255 Sulphur*• _________ lll'nry 300 Summer Shade* __ Metcalfe 254 Sunrise• ______ Harrison 673 •Taylorsville"•t ___ Sppncer 51 Tiline* _________ Livi111?ston 250 Tollesboro* _________ Lewis 225 Tolu" _________ Crittenden 721 "Tompkinsville* ___ Monroe 552 Trenton••t __________ Todd 125 Turners Station*• __ Henry 100 Union* ___________ Boone 1094 Oniontown••t ______ Union 369 Upton*•t ·-------Hardin aoo Utica*t _________ Daviess 1100 Vanburen* ------Anderson  JOHN D. ATKINSON & SO ·. To "omerset. To Ehzahethtown. To L,ouis,·ille. To Pike ille. To Murganrtelct. ee New Castle. To Gla·1?ow. 'l'o Cynthiana. To helbyville. To Paducah. To Vanceburg. 'l'o Marion . . T0Gla.1?ow. To Elkton. To New Castle. To Burlington. To Morganfield. To Elizabethtown. ee Owenshoro. To Lawrencebure.  1353 •Vanceburg"•+ __ • ____ Lewis 199 Verona*•t _________ Boone 2061 •Versailles*•t ___ Woodford 594 Vine Grove••t_ ____ Hardin 400 Waco* __________ Madison 250 Waddy*•t ______ ShPlby 642 Walton*•t _____ Boone 121 Warfield*---------- Iartin 800 •Warsaw• __________ Gallatin 377 Water Valley*•t ___ Graves 475 Waverly*•t_ ______ Union 1362 Way land*• __ -------- Floyd 350 Waynesburi:*•t ___ Lincoln 1016 Weeksbury _________ Floyd 461 "Wf'st Liberty• _____ Morgan 200 West Louisville* __ Daviess 724 West Point••t _____ Hardm 200 Wheatley• ________ Qwen 315 White Plains*•t __ Hopkins  R. D. WIL ON. See Burlington. To Lawrenceburg. To Elizabethtown. To Richmond. To 'helbyville. To Burlington. To Louisa. R. B.BROWN. To 1layfleld. To Morganfield. To Preston burf. To Danville. To Pr ton burg. To alyPrsville. ee Owensboro. To Elizabethtown. See Owenton. To Madisonville.  706 •Whitesburg*•f ____ Letcher DOUGLAS l. DAY 437 Whitesville"•t ____ Davies~ See Owensboro. 969 .. wicluiff?*•t _______ Ballard To Bardwell.  1767 • Williamsbure••t-- Whitley  TEPHEN  &  8333 439 221 145 315  •Winchester••+ ______ Clark Wingo••t _________ Graves Woodburn*•t _____ Warren Woodbury• ________ Butler Worthville*•t ______ Carroll  RODNEY HAGGARD. To ~layflelu. See Bowling Green. See Morgantown. See carrollton.  S. R. CREWD, ON. To Owensboro. To Georgetown. To Padnrah. To Owing ·ville. To Harrod ·burg.  .. salyersvilh1* _____ Mal!'offln V. M. HIGGIN Sanders"• _______ Carroll See Carrollton. ..sandy Hook* _______ Elliott ee Morehead. ee omerset. Science llill*•t ____ Pulaski  2171 •Scottsville"•t _______ Allen B. '. BUNT l\lAN. 1258 Sebree••t --------Webster To Madisonville. ts63 Sharpsburg* _________ Bath To Owing ·ville. 3760 •Shelbyville••t _____ Shelby •~- B. BEARD. 520 •Shepherdsville*•t _.Bullitt MOORMAN & WOODWARD. (See Loui,tille, Kentucku) 20n Shively•f _______ Jefferson To Loui ville. 11(9 Simpsonville•• ____ helhy To. helbyville.  664 143 559 300  Slaughters• ______ Web ter To Dixou. Smithflelcl*L _______ }lpnry To 'ew Ca. tie. • mithtand* ____ Livingston To PaduC'ah. ee Henein on. Smith Mills* ___ HPndPrson  No-TE -  TEEL Y.  836 •Willtamstown••t.. __ Grant DEJARNETTE & HARRI 0 300 W1llisburf" ___ Washington To Danville. 1157 Wilmore"•t _____ Jessamine To Mcholasville.  TEPHl.'N '.  8689 100 4151 167  3124 .. Russellville*•t _____ Logan 410 Sacramento• _____ McLean 448 Sadieville*•t ________ Scott 252 Salem• _________ Livingston 5I8 Salt Lick*•t -------Bath SOO Salvisa*•t --------Mercer  •SomersPt"•t _______ Pulaski Sonora*•t ________ Hardin SouthCarrolt'n*• .Muh 'b'g Sparta*•t ______ Gallatin •Soringfletd*•t Wasbtngton Stamping Ground*•t Scott .. stanford*•t _______ Lincoln  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See comnlete information in preface to Attorney List.  ----P-OPO·  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NA.ME.  LOUISIANA Louisiana ts divided tnto two Federal Districts: Eastern and Western. The EASTERN DISTRICT has two divisions; the New Orleans dtvtsion with court at New Orleans third Mondays ln February, May, and NovE>mber; the Baton Rouge division with court at Baton Rous• second Mondays n April and November. The WES'fERN DISTRICT has five divisions: the Alexandria division wltll court at AJe1andrla fourth Mondays in January and June; the Monroe division with court at Monroe first Mondays in April and October; the Opelousas division with court at Opelousas first Mondays tn January and June; the Shreveport division with court at Shreveport the third Mondays In February and October; and the Lake Charles division with court at Lake Charles third Monday• in May and December.  REFERENCE KEY .. Oounty Seat. • Money Order Office. • Express omee. t Teleeraph Station. § State Capital. 3461 473 17510 800 1854 230 1500 1240 408 4113 964 5-52  a.Ahheville"•t ___ Vermilion Addis*•LW. Baton Rou~e .. Alexandria*•t ____ Rapides Alto* ____________ Richland .. Amite*•t •••••• Tangipahoa Angie*•t _____ Washington Arabi* ----··--St. Bernard •Arcadia···--- "•tBiendlle Arnaudville"•LSt. Mar in A.rhl~ns*•t ·-··-Claiborne Baldwin*•t ••••••• St.Mary Ha'-'ilP*•t -····-Evau~Pline 654 Baskin*•t. ••••.. Franklin 1216 •Ha.strop*•L ••• -Morehouse 21782 l•Baton Roue-e*•tE. Ba. R, 200 Belcher"•t •••••••• __ Caddo 817 .. HPnton*•t ·--·-Bossier 662 Bernice*•L---·---Union 1691 Berwick*•--·····-St.Mary 478 B1i>nville"•-······Bienville 8'.i0 Bourg* ____ •• Terr-e Bonne 8245 Uogalusa"•t •• Washington 150 HordPlonville*•t Avovt>IIPs 1094 Bossier*t ··-····--·B·os ier 1060 HnyrP*•t ·-···-··-l{ariirtes B5 Branch*•-----·--· Ac:tdia IJ71 Ureauxllridge*•t8t ..Martin 602 Broussard*•t _•• Lafantte 243 BrycPlaud* ···-·-Bienville 1743 Bunkie*•t_ _____ Avoyelles 670 Oampti*•t ••• Natchitoches 830 Oart>ncro*•t -·-· Lafayette 2~0 Oa tor*•t ·•--···-Bienville 1980 Cedar Grove*---·-··Caddo fl00 Oenterville*•-··- St. Mary 250 Ohataignier*•t _Evangeline 186 Ohatham*•---····Jackson 687 Cheneyville*•t ··- Rapides 8113 Ohoudrant*•t ___ •• Lincoln 557 Church Point*•t ___ Acadia 701 •Clinton*•t __ Rast FE>liriirna 250 Cloutierville*Natchitoches 1449 .. Colfax••t ---·-··--··Grant 8117 Colliuston"•t ._Morehouse 434 .. Columbia*•+ •••• _Caldwell 2110 Converse*• --·- ___ .Sabine 720 Cottonport••t ___ Avoyelles 750 Ootton Valley"•t-Webster 962 .. coushatta"•t _•• Red River  Z. B. BROUSSARD. To Baton Rouge. WHITE, HOLLOMAN & WIDTE. To Rayville. CLAY ELLIOTT. To Covington. To New Orleans. RORI.RTL. WILLIAMS. See Opelousas. To Homer To Franklin. To Ville Platte. To Winnsboro. To Monroe. CHAS. A. HOLCOMBE. To Shreveport. To Shreveport. See Farmerville. To Franklin. See A read ia. To Houma. To Covington. 'l'o Ville Platte. To Shreveport. SPe Al!'xandria. To Crowley. 'ro r ew Iberia. See La Fayette. See .Arcadia. To Ville Platte. See Natchitoches. See La Fayette. See Arcadia. To Campton. To Franklin. To Ville Platte. To Jonesboro. See Alexandria. To Arcadia-. To Crowley. To Baton Roul!'e. To Natchitoches. To Alexandria. To nastrop. To Monroe. To Many. To Ville Platte. To Minden.  . M. CAGLE.  2942 .. Oovingtoo*•t •• St.Tam'any A. J. FINNEY. 6108 ..orowlt>v"•t ·-······Acadia 4:in Cut Oti• -······ Cafourl'he 443 Delcambre"•-·· Vermilion 980 Delhi*•t-··-·-·--Richland !il,0 DenhamSp'gs"•Livingston 1823 DeQuincy••t ·-· Calcasieu  MITH & CARMOUCHE, To Thibodaux. 'l'o Ahbev1lle. To Rayville. To Bawn Rouge. See Lake Charles.  3535 .. DeRidder*•f __ fleaurel!"ard 410 Dodson"•t ·-----·-· Winn 3745 .. nonaldsonvilJe••LAsc'n'n 300 Doyle*•-···-··-Livineston 250 Doyline ---WPl.>ster 726 Dubacb"•t ·-··-··-Linroln 19~ J:?uson•• --···---Lafayette 99;, Kltou••t •• J etrerson Davis 713 Erath*•-·-····- Vermilion 8272 Eunice*•t ••••• St. Landry 632 •Farmerville*•t ·--·- Union 1044 Ferriday *•t_ ___ conr·or,lia 200 Florien*•L·-··-----Sahine 200 Forest. ••• _•• West Carroll 3504 •Franklin*•t _••.• _st. Mary  POWELL & LE COMPTE. To Wmnfleld. C. V. T. AMANT. To Baton Houge. To Minden. To Arcadia. To Lafayette. To Jennings. To Abbeville. To Ooelousas. B. E. DAWKINS. 'fo Vidalia To Many. To Rayville.  CAFFF..RY, QUINTERO & BllUMBY. 964•B'rankli.iton••tWashin•ton To Covington. 2412 Fullerton••t -- --·- Vi-1ruon 5eP Lee ·ville. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  NOTE  LA· TYON,  -~  TOWN AND COUNTY.  3500 Garyville"•t St. John the Baptist 798 Gibsland*•t __ •.. _Bienville 442 Gilbert *•t._. ____ Franklin 225 Gilliam_ ---·------Caddo 2298 Glenmora"•t ____ . Rapidp: 700 Gonzales*•t- -- Ascension 378 Orauct Cane*•t ---- De i;oto 337 Grayson"•t ···--·-Caldwell 286 •Greensbur~• _••• St. Helena 7197 •Gretna*•t ••••••J elferson 1233 GuE>ydan••t ____ Vermilion fiG0 •Ilahnville*•t __ st. Charle<, 3855 Hammond*•t _Tangipahoa 3119 •Harrisonburg" •• Catahoufa 903 Haynrsville*t _•• Claiborne 75 Ilelfin *•-·····--·· Webster too Hessmer*•t ____ Avoyelles 3305 •Homer*L-----·· Claiborne 350 Hornbeck*•+····- Vernon 5160 .. Houma••t •• _Terrebonne 500 Ida --·······-·------Caddo 1032 lndependence*•t Tang·hoa 802 Iota*•L·-·------ -- _Acadia 2320 Jackson"t __ East Feliciana 2512 Jeanerette••+ ·--·---Iberia 520 ..Jena••t ···--··-···La 80.llP 3824 837 1029 876 1882 3059 3fJ0 1148 500 7853 1882  •Jennings••t __ JetT'n Davis J onesboro*•t. ••• _J ackson Jonesville" ---·-Catahoula Kaplan••t ····- Vermilion Kenner*•t __ • ___ J etTerson Kentwood*•t _Tanfipaboa Kilbourne••- West Carroll Kindt>r*•t-······-··-Allen Labadieville*•t As'umpt"n .. La Fayette••t ___ Lafayette Lake Arthur"•+ Jefferson Davis 13088 •Lake Oharles••t .Calcasieu 1917 •Lake Providence••tE.Car'I · - Lawtell . ___ • ___ st. Landry 1034 2518 750 803 632 546  (Opelousas P O.)  Lecompte"•t __ ••• -Rapides •Leesville"•L ••••. -Vernon Leroy •••••••••• Vermilion Lockport*•-··- Lafourche Logansport*•t --·-De Soto Long. treet*•t -·--- DeSoto  ·439 ~~~~~ 1T1e•;=~~~~~fi;;;i~ 1  46 Lottie"•t ___ Pointe Coupee 1700 Lntcher*•t._. ___ st. James  1103 649 1130 462 2564 829 633 399  NAME.  To New Orleans. SPe Arcadia. 'l'o \\'innslioro. To Slu·e,·e1,ort. S«'P ,\IC'xandria. To Ihton Rouge. ee Manstlt>ld. To Columbia. W. T. BOLLAND. To 'ew Orleans. To Ahbevillc. To Tew Orlean~. 'I'o Amite. To Vidalia. To Arradia. To Minden. To Ville Platte. To Arcadia. To Leesville. CAILLOUET & CAILLOUET. 'l'o breveport. To Amite. To 11inden. To Baton B.ouge. To NPw lhc>ria. B. W. BETHARD, JR. (addre s lfarrisburg, La.) W. E. GORHAM W. J. BAMMON. To Vidalia. To Abbeville. To New Orleans. To Amite. To Rayville. To Lake Charlt>s. See Napolronville. J. J. FOURNET.  'l'o Jeoninl!s. PLAUCHE & PLAUCHE. R. P. KENNEDY. To Opelousas. ee Alexandria. SIDNEY I. FOSTER. To Abbeville. See Thiboctaux. To Mansfield. To Mausfit>ld. To ne Bidder. To New Iberia. To Baton Roufe. GOUION, LAMBBEMONT & BF.BERT. To Covington. To Ville Platte. To Covington. See Rayville. CRAIG & BOLIN. To Ville Platte. S. D. PONDER. To Plaquemine. See FarmerviJle. To Ville Platte. To Gre·na. Sc'P Natrhi1oches. To Ahbeville. See OP<'lousas. To Bastrop. Sre Lake Charles. CHAS. M, ROBERT . NICHOLL PUGH. To ()olfax. To GrPensburg. Sc•e Shreveport. To Ville Platte. To Franklin. To New Hoa•ls. GEO. '. GUION. J. O. GUNTER. See St. Jos1>ph. BURKE & SMITH.  M:adisonville"St.Tamm'ny Mamou*•t -··--Evangeline Mandevillr"•t St. Tamm 'ny Manrham*•t ... -Richland •M:ansfteld*•t.. ____ De Soto M.ansura*•t ••.. -Avoyelles .. llany"•t ·-·-----·Sabine Maringouin"•t ·--Iberville Sil Marion••t _______ Union 1185 .. Marksville"•t •• _Avoyelles 250 Marrero*•••••••• Jefferson 285 Marthaville*•t_ __ Na1'rbes 300 Maurice•-······ Vermilion 958 Melville*•t. -·--St. Landry 656 Mer Rouire••t .Morrhouse 2963 Merryville* •t .Beauregard 6105 •Minden ••t...... _Webster 12675 •Honroe••L--····Ouachita 224 M.outgomery*•t --··-Grant 60 Montpelier*• •. St. Helrna 992 Mooringsport *•t ___ Caddo 867 Morraovillr••t ._ A.voyt>lle 5429 Morgan City••t __ st. Mary 332 Morganza"•t Point Coupee 1171 •Napoleonville*•t As'mpt'n 3~88 •Natchitoches*•t .Nat'ches 541 Newellton*• t •••••. Tensas 6278 •New lberia*et__ ··--Iberia 387219 .. New Orlrans*•t ___ Orleans DART, KERNAN & DART. (IIemyP. Dart, Benjamin W. Kernan. Ileury P. Dart, Jr .••lohn Dart, Benjamin W. Dart.) Uaual Bank liu11ctme, Banking, Corporationi. Proba e, In ·uranl'e, Artm1ralty arnl lt'ederal prac ire. Attornen ror Canal-Commercial Trus· & aving~ Ilank, Lafay. ette Fire lnsnranr1- Co Leyland Line, Ehler Dempster& Co .. Jahncke Ship Bui lei in:! Co. MF.RRICK, GENSLEJt & SCHWARZ, (Edwin T. Merrick, Ralph J. Schwarz. W. J. Guste. llPrmau L. Barnrtt. Morri B. Redmann), Title Guarantee Iluildine. Attorneys for Loni iaua Ba11k_ers As. ociat1011, New_ Orlean Clearing Hou. e As!:>ociation. Canal Commercial National Bank Canal Commercial Tru, t & 'av ing Bank, Armour & Comoany. Mord & Company. I. Newman & ons, Leon I rapl & Bros.. Clyde lron Work . C'ompilcni of the Lo11i ·/ana law.~ for t/1 is 1mlJiiC'ation.  USE COUPONS a;-inatructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  P0PU·  LA· TOWN AND TION:..;.•;___ _ __  COUNTY.  1294 •New Roads ••t Pointe Coupee 326 NobJe••t ______ Sabine 150 Norwooo••t ___ E.Feliciana 4016 Oakda1e ••t __________ Allen iOO •Oak Grove••t-.W. Carroll 318 Oak Ridge"•t __ Morehouse  NA.ME.  To Baton Rouee. To :Many. To Baton Rouee. ee Oberlin. To Rayville. To Bastroo.  123 •Oberlin"•t •••• ______ Allen PLANCHE & MAYEUX. '1800 Oil Oity ••t _________ Caddo See Shreveport. 266 Olla"•t _______ La Salle See Harrisbure. 4437 550 2538 300 150 655  •Opelousas••f_ __ st. Landry .Paincourtville••t.As'mp'n Patterson"•f _____ st. Mary Pelican"•L---·--·- De oto Pine Prairie*•tEvaugeline Plam Dealine••t ___ Bossier  To Napoleonville. To Franklin. '3ei> Mansfield. To Ville Platte. To Shreveoort.  J632 3;1;; 554 353 955 920 588 700 2720  •Plaquemine*•t -- Iberville Plaucheville* ____ Avoyelles Pleasant Hill"•t ____ Sabine Pollock"•t __________ Grant Ponchatoula"•t. Tangi'hoa •Port Allen*•t. W. Baton R. Port Barre ____ St. Landry Raceland"•-----Lafourche Rayne••t ______ Acadia  To Ville Platte. To Many. To Colfax. To Amite. To Baton Rouge. To Opelousas. See Thibodaux. •ro Minden.  335 495 3389 390 300 324  llOO  734 2465 lil4 433 1316  ibley••t ________ Webster icily ________________ Island*•t _Catahoula Sikes Winn Sim ·boro••t_______ Lincoln Slagle _____________ Vernon Slaughter••t •• E. Feliciana Slidell"•t ____ st. Tammany Springhill"•------ Web ter • t. Francisville West Feliciana Ast. Joseph*•t ______ Tensas •St. Martinville*•tSt.M'rtin ulphur*•f. _____ calcasieu Sunset••t ______ st. Landry •Tallulah"•t ______ Madison  To New Orleans. See Arcadia. See Natchitoches. To Arcadia. See Arcadia. 'l'o linden. See La Fayette.  'fo Minden. To llarrisonhurg. To Winnfield. 'l'o Arcadia. To Leesville. To Baton Houge. To Covington. To Minden. To Ilaton Rouge.  DALE, YOUNG & DALE.  To ew Ibi>ria. ee Lake Charles. , ee Opelousas. To Rayville.  3526 •Thibodaux*•t •• Lafourche F. L. KNOBLOCH. 350 Vacherie ________ st. James To Lutcher. ( ~t. Patricks P. 0.) 1246 • Vidalia*•t ______ Concordia DALE, YOUNG & D.ALF:.  •  1364 1441 1864 10.Jl 340 1456 2240 1566  • Ville Platte••t _Evangeline S. W. GARDINER.  297=l 1176 800 361 524 909  • Winnfleld"•t ________ Winn OGLESBY & PEARCE. • Winn 'boro••t ____ Franklin To Rayville \Vi ner••t. ______ Franklin To Winnsboro.  Vinton"•L ______ Calcasieu Vivian••t ___________ Caddo Washington*•LSt. Landry Water Proof ••t __ •Tensas Welsh"•t .. Jefferson Davis We t Monroe"•LOuachita White Oastle"•t __ Iberville  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  One Federal District comprises the entire state; with court at Portland, on the first Tuesday in April; on the third Tuesday in September, and on the second Tuesday in December; and at BanKor, on the fi.rst Tuesday in June.  REFERENCE KEY  • Oount1 Seat. • Money Order Office. • Express Office. t Teleeraph Station. § State Capital.  ALBERT L. GRACE.  43874 •Shreveport*•t ______ Caddo ARTHUR A. LE ROSEN. 65 AmPr. ·an. Bank Bldg. 300 35 290 • • .~ 21v 2958 7-l 673  LA·  TION, -----------MAINE  E. B. DUBUIS ON.  499 •Ranille*•t ______ Richland W. F. B~ILER. 400 Reserve••t  St. John the Bap. Rinei:old" _______ Bienville Robeline*•t .Natchitoches •Huston••t ____ . ____ Lincoln Saline*•t ________ Bienville arepto*•f _______ Wcbster Scott••t _________ Lafayette  Poiu-  , ee Lake Charles. •ro Shreveport. See Opr,lousas. See St. Joseph. To Jennings. ee :Monroe. To Plaquemine.  Youngsville*• ___ Lafarette See La lt'ayette. Zachary*•t E. Bat·n Rouge To Ba ton Rouge . Zwolle*•t __________ Sabine To Many.  2391 Ashland*•t----- Aroo took To Bonlton. 16985 •Auburn*•t __ Androscogein To Lewi ton.  14114 l•Aui:usta*•t _____ Kennebec BURLEIGH MARTIN. 25978 •Baneor••t ______ Penobscot EDWARD J. CONQUEST. 3ti22 .Bar Harbor••t ___ Hancock To Ellsworth. 14731 •Bath"•t ________ Sagadahoc .JOHN .J. KEEGAN. 5083 •Belfast••t __________ Waldo H. C. BUZZELL. 745 Bethel"•t __________ Oxford To Auburn. 18008 Biddeford*•t -------· York EMERY, WATERHOUSE & PAQUIN. 2025 BoothbayHarbor*•t Linc·n To Bath. 6064 Brewer• ________ Penobscot To Bangor. 1545 Brid1?ton*•t ___ Cumbrrland To Portland. 704 Brook "•t __________ \Yaldo 'fo B \l ra ·t. 5984 Brunswick*•t .Cumberland To Portland. 1157 Buckfleld"•t _______ Oxford To .Auburn. 1906 Bucksport••t _____ Hancock To Ell worth. 6084 Oalais*•t ______ Washington To :Machia. 3403 Oamden*•t __________ Kuox To Rockland. 111118 Car1bou••t _____ Aroostook To Houlton. 1394 Corinna "•t ____ . Penob~cot To Bangor. 849 Damariscotta"•L __ Lincoln To Bath. 1300 Danfor,h"tt •• Wa hington To Covington. 4113 Dexter••t ______ Penobscot To Bangor.  1134 Dixfleld*•f ________ Oxford 1079 ;.Dover"•t ______ .Pi cataquis 4494 Eastport*•t ___ Washington 3058 •Ellsworth"•t _____ Hancock 2747 Fairflelfil*•t ______ omerset 1650 •Farmington"•t __ .Franklin 1075 Freeport••t ___ Cumberland 565 Fryeburg*•t _______ Oxford 1993 Ft. Fairfleld*•LAroostook 4000 Ft. Kent••t _____ Aroostook 5475 Gardiner*•t -----Kennebec 21170 Gorham"•t ___ Cumberland 15-50 Greenville* t ___ Piscataquis 1687 Guil!ord"•t ____ fi cataquis 2764 Hallowell"•t ____ i-:rnnrhe~ 91i7 Harri on _____ cumbcrlaml 6101 •Hou1ton"•t _____ Aroostook 667 Jackman ·t -----· omerset 41>1 Jonesport• ..• Washington 3138 Kennebunk"•t _______ York 1000 Kezar Falls* _________ York 975 Kingfleld"•-------Franklin 4763 Kittery*•t ___________ York  31791 761 1506 1586 2200 1064 3400 2152 2729 1783 1200 1614  4528 2:i56 1709 1652 3208 2473 0956 3133 1498 788 21-16 60272  Lewiston*•t •. Androscog'n Limerick* ___________ York Lime tone ______ J\ roo ·took Lincoln ••t ______ Penobscot Lisbon Falls*•t __ And'c'gn Livermore Falls"•t A'd'gin Lubec*•t _____ \Va hine-ton •Machias"•t ..• Washington Madison••t ______ omer ·et Mars Hill*•f ____ Aroostook McKinley* _______ Hancock Mechanic Falls*•t .And'g'n Millinockett••t _Penob cot Milo"•t ________ l'iscataq uis N ewport"•t ____ Penobscot orth Berwick*•t ••. York Norway*•t ________ Oxford Oakrand"•t _____ Kennebec Oldtown••t-----Penoh rot Orono*•L------Pcnoh cot Patten ________ P,•nnb cot Phillips••t _______ J:fraukhn Pitt fleld*•t _____ , omi>r ·et •Portland*•f. __ cumb<;rland  'I'o Auburn.  EDGAR C. SMITH.  To Machia.  EDMOND J. WAL,'H.  To Augu ta. KENNETH A. ROLLINS.  See Portland. See Auburn. To Houlton. To Houlton. ee Augu ta. To Portland. To DoYer, To Dover. To Aneu ta. To l'ortlanu.  GEORGE A. GORHAM.  To 'kowllegan. To Machias. To llidcleford. To Biddeford. To Farmington. To Biddeford.  PULSIFER & LUDDEN. 'I'o Biddeford.  To Houlton. To Bangor. To Lewi-ton. To L •wi.ston. To Machias.  A. D. McFAUL.  To Augu ·ta. To Iluultou. To Ell;;worth. To Lewi ton, To Bangor. To Dover. To B-tngor. To Biddeford. To Auburn. e AUl?U, ta. To Bangor. To Bane-or. To Bangor. 'l'o Farmington. To Au,rnsta.  SETH L. .A.ND SYDNEY B. LA.RR.A.BEE, 102 Ex-  change t. General Law Practice. Attorneys tor Union Rafe Dep. & Tr. Co.; Mercantile Trust Co .. Portland Nat'l Bank and Ca co and Portland Loan & Building As ociation ·. ComJJilr.ra of tlle Jlaine latt's for this pul1licatitin  3~:52 Presque Isle"•t .Aroostook To Houlton.  lilS2 Rangeley••t _____ Franklin  1724 Richmond*•t __ agadahoc  ee Farmington. ee Bath.  USE COUPONS aa instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond-. - NOTE See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) POPULA·  ~  -  TOWN .lND COUNTY.  NAME.  8109 .. Rockland*•t _____ .•• Knox EDlV ARD B. MacALLI TER. 1774 Rockport*•t ••••••.. Knox To Packland.  7016 6817 106111 1373 5981 21155 1793 3000 1100 2010 1133 916 4594 1!165 2426 1500 1870 13351 9453 861 2:505 1902 1192 3100  Rumford*t ....•••. Oxford Saco*•t ····-··------· York Sanford*•t ·····-----York Searsport*•t ______ . Waldo •Skow hegan*•t .•. Somerset South Berwick*•t ... York •South Paris*•t •... Oxford Sprinirvale*•t. -·---·· York Stockton Sprin1rs*•tWaldo Thomaston*•t-------Knox Union*• ----------·-Knox Unity*•t -----·-···· Waldo Van Buren*•t •• Aroostook Vinal Haven* ·-·-·-·Knox Waldoboro*•L •. -.Lincoln Warren*• ···----····Knox Washburn••t •• Aroostook Waterville*•t ..• Kennebec Westbrook*•t.Cumb'rland West Buxton* .•....• York Wilton*•t -·------Franklin Winthrop*•t _... Kennebec .. Wiscasset••t _____ .Lincoln York Villa1re*t ···---·York  To Auburn. To Biddeford. To Biddeford. To Belfast. To Augu ta. See Biddeford. To Auburn. To Biddeford. To Belfast. To Rockland. To Rockland. To Belfast. To Houlton. To Rockland. To Bath. To Rockland. See Houlton. To Aueu ta. To Portland. To Biddeford. To Farmiu1rton. See Aueusta. To Bath. To Biddeford.  MAINE, MARYLAND POPULATION,  TOWN AND COUNTY.  1761  NAME.  200 Clinton* .. Prince Georges To pper .Iarlboro. ee .Baltimore. 500 Cordova •L---··-· Talbot To Ea ·ton. 4U6 Crisfl.eld*•t •••.•. Somerset To Princess Anne, 800 Cockeysville*•t • .Baltimore  28837 .. cumberland*•t •• Alle1rany WM. M. SOMERVILLE. 205 Darlington* ··-·· lla.rford To Bel Air. 2000 Deal Island*• •••. Somerset To Princess Anne. 1570 •Denton••+ ···----·Caroline FRED ll. OWENS. 100 Detour"• ·-·---·-··C«rroll To Westminster 271 New Market*•t Dorchester See Cambrid1re. 8442 .. Easton*•t ····-----·Talbot JOHN lV. D. JUMP. 2660 &E]k:ton*•t •• --·-·----·Cecil H. L. & w. n. cox 'TABLJ;, 1246 .. Ellicott City*•t •.• Howard JAMES CLARK. 940 Emmitsburg"t ••• Fr'd'rick To Frederick. 1288 Ff'deralsbur1r*•t .. Caroline To Denton. 500 Fore'-t Hill*• •.... Harford See IM Air. 80 Fowblesbur1r*•.Baltimore To Baltimore. 11066 ..Frederick••t .••• Frederick JACOB ROHRBACK. 408 Friendsvme••t _... Garrett To Oakland. 6017 Frostburg*•t ••••• Allegany To Cumberland. 500 Fruitland *•t -··- Wicomico To alisbury. 728 Gaithersbar1r*•t ••. M "tg'ry See Rockville. 298 Galena•··-··--······ .Kent See Chestertown. ...••. Gale ville •• Anne Arundel 'l'o Annapolis . (Galloiraus P. 0.) 478 Girdletrre*•t ••• Worcester To Pocomoke City. 1000 Glenhurnie*•AnnArundel To Annapolis 500 Glyndon*•t •••• Baltimore To I3a.ltimore. 0 U4 Oold:horo*•t ••.•. Caroline Govans*t •.• - . • Baltimore (H,,ltimore P. 0 .)  r,g fil:U~ ore ..  261 Grants, lilt>•t ...... Garrett To Oakland. 661:1 Orn•11~h11r11*•t ... Caroline To Denton. Owv1111 Oak .J 1 ·t. naltmore To Baltimore.  MARYLAND One Federal District comprises the entire state; with courts at Baltimore, the first Tuesdays ln March, June, September, and December; and at Cumberland, the second Monday In May and last Monday 1D Bel)tember.  REFERENCE KEY .. County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. t Tele1rraph Station. · § State Capital. 1067 Aberdeen*•+ ..•••. Harford See Bel Air. 25fi Adamstown;;•t .Frederick To Frederick 11214 S.. Annapolis*•t Anne Ar'd'l JOHNS. STRAHORN. 1000 Arlington*•t •... Baltimore ee Baltimore. ( Baltimore P. 0.)  733826 Baltimore*•t ••. Bal to. City BEN ON, NOCK & ROWE, 1301-03 Fidelity Bldg. Conn ·el for the lercantile flank and We ·triort Bank. Refer to Union Trm,t Co of Md. anti Fidelity & Deposit Co. or Md., Baltimore. Other references on request. T. BOW ARD EMBERT, 200•5 Linthicum Bldg., 20 E.,st Lexington Street. Practice in all. tate ancl Federal Courts. Cor1>orahou, Mercantile and Probate Law. Collections handled. Counsel for Crane Company, O'Neill & Company, Adju tment Corporation. and 'l'he Lord Calvert Theatres Oommier oJ the Jiaruuma law.s Jor tli1~s pul,li-  ~~t%!~~~1y.  765 1091 1366 4751 327  246  1044 677 500 1000 3905  7467 8000 438  1765 303 2537 276 538  Barton*•t .•.•••.. Allegany .. Bel Air*•t Barro d Berlin*•t .::::::worccst~r Bethesda* ..• Montgomery Betterton* ••.••.•.•. Kent Bishopville* .••• Worc1· ter Boonsboro*• •• Washinc-ton Bowie*•t .Prince Georges Brandywine*•t -.Prince Georl!es Brooklyn*t ••.•. Baltimore Hrunswick*•t ••• Frederick .. cambridee*•t..Dorchester Catonsville*•t ••• Baltimore Cecilton* ···----·-·Cecil ~Centerville*•tQueenAnnes Chesapeake City*t ••• Cecil •Ohestertown*•t •••••• Kent Church Hill* _Queen Annes Clear Spring* ... Wash'et'n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  To Cumberlanel. HARRY  s.  CARVER.  To Pocomoke City. To Rockville. To Chestertown. 'l'o Pocomoke City. To HaePrstown. To Upper Marlboro.  To Upper Marlboro. To Annapolis. To Frederick. T. SANGSTON INSLEY. See Baltimore. To b:lkton. H. B. w. MITCHELL. To Elkton. WM. lV. BECK.  To Centerville. To Hagerstown.  NOTE  <Arli11vtm1 P.O.)  •11:•en,tcl\\ n••t. Wash'gt'n llamilton*t ..••. Baltimore II ,mp~tp·•rt•• ..•... Carron I h n•·ork*•t ... Washington 11:ivrP <IP Orace*•tllarford llc>hron"•t .•••.• Wicomico •)I< lliehlanr1" ···-····Howard 2?2 llil1,h11ro"•+ ...... Oaroline 7;;(9 llnnpPr'- I-land• ..• Dor1Fi~l,111g r,,,~1,: P.O.) chester :mo II ngh,,. \'ille*• ••.•. Charles J0ii ll11rlork"•+ .... Dorchester 2tii5 11.v·,tt,,·ille*• .• Prince Geo, 2lJU lnrlhnlwart ••...... Charles 2,5 J·1rrPtt~,·ille* ••.. llarfcird H:i I t>ITc•r ·, n•• .•.. Frederick 39-t KP•·<lyc;ville*•tWashington 874 Kt>rl'-ington"• Montgomery lOH Kitzmiller• ------·Garrett 300 .. La Plata*•t ··-·--·Charles 2239 Laurel*•t .• Prince Georges 557 •Leonardtown"• •. St. Marys 500 Libertrtown" _.. Frederick 2054 Lonaconin1r*•t •.• Allegany 546 Manche ter*. ---·-·Carroll 37S Mardela Sp'1rs*•t Wicomico 500 Manon Sta'n*•t .Somerset 120 • lru ·e.v*•t .•••_____ Kent 600 Mechanicsville*• St. Marys 748 Middletown*•t .. Frederick 910 Midland"•+ ·-·---·Allegany 368 Millin1rton*•t ······-·Kent 70 Monrovia*• ..••. Frederick 754 Mount Airy*•·-·--·Carroll 2462 Mt.Ranier"Prince Georges S000 Mount avage*•t .Allegany 238 Myersville*• ••.• Frederick 600 Nanticoke*• ••.. Wicomico 350 Newark····--· Worcester 512 New Winctsor*• .... Carroll 1112 North East*•t ·-··-··Cecil 1225 .. oakland*•t .• --·-·Garrett 711 Ocean City*•t- Worcestn 1500 Overlea *t -·-··- Baltimore 100 Owme *• ····-·--·Ca1vert 998 Ox fonl*•t •.•••..•••Talbot 500 Parkton*•t --·--·Baltimore 652 Perryville*•t ••..•... Cecil 1500 PikesviJle• ..•.•. Baltimoro 368 P1ttsvilie*•t •...• Wicomico 200 Pleasant Valley .•. Carroll (WestminBter P. 0.) 2444 Pocomoke City*•t Worcester 325 Poole ville* .• Mont1romery 1090 Port Deposit*•t ·--···Cecil 784 Pre ton*•t ·-----·Caroline 157 •Prmce Frederick* Calvert 868 •PrincessAnne*•tl.Som rset  28064 iic,••11 ;i66 97 ~ 4~i7 6;;1  270 1000 809 442 572 1145 7553 100  Queenstown••tQueenAn'es Reisterstown* _.Baltimore Ridge!y"•t ------.Caroline Rising nn*•t ··-----·Cecil Rock llaW• ••.....•• Kent .. Rockville*• •• Montgomery •Salisbury*•t ...• Wicomico Sandy Spring*t.Montg'ery  ROBJ•;RT II. McCAULEY.  To Baltimore. To We tminster. See Ha1rer town. 'l'o Bel Air. To Salisbury. See Ellicott City . To Denton. To Cambridge. See La Plata. To Cambridr:-e. ee Upper Marlboro. To La Plata.. To BPI Air. To Fr derick. To Ilal!er town. 'l'o Rockville. To Oakland. lV ALTER J. MITCHELL.  See Upper Marlboro. J. H. CHING. To Frederick. 'fo Cumberland. To Westminster. To Salisbury. To Prince . Ann To Chestertown. See Leonardtown. To Frrderick. To Cumherland. See Chestertown. To Frederick. To Westminster. To Upper Marlboro, To Cumberland. To Frederick. To Salisbury. •ro \Vorce. ter. •ro We tmin ter. To Elkton.  ERNE 'T RAY JONE  To now Hill. To B'1ltimore . Sel' Leonardtown. To Eastou. See Baltimore. 'l'o l£lkton. To B:tltimore. To alisbury. To Westminster  EWELL & CHILD.  To Rockville. To Elkton. To Denton. See Leonardtown. JOUN R. ROBIN  ( cc Urisfll!ld) To enterville. See Baltimore. To Denton. To Elkton. To Chestertown.  JOHN A. GARRETT. THOS. H. LEWIS, Jr.  To Rockville.  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTEDby bond::-. - - - - - - See complete information in preface to Attorney Liat. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1762  MARYLAND, MASSACHUSETTS  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  POPU-------  NAME.  LA TION.  8000 Seat Pleasant* _Pr. Georges (Waahing!cm D. C. P. 0.) 832 Sharp ·burl!*t---- Wash'ton 713 Sharptown• _____ Wicomico !iOO Silver prinf*•t Mont1rery 686 Smithsburi: •t __ Wash'ton 1684 • 'now Hill*• ____ Worrester 2lS3 Solomons* ________ Calvert 130 Sparks ________ Baltimore 5500 Sparrows Point*•tBaltim. (Baltimore P. U.) 300 Ste-vensville*•tQu'n Annes _____ S t. Helena*t ___ Baltimore (Br,ltimort P. 0.) 1347 St. Mirhaels*•t _____ Talbot 500 Stockton*t _____ Worcester 276 Sudler ville*•t Qu'nAnnes 610 Sykesville*•t ______ Carroll 3168 Takoma Park Montfomery ( Washtngton, D. C., P. 0.) 800 Taoeytown*•t _____ Carroll 1C74 Thurmont•t ____ Frederick 600 Tilghman• _________ Talbot 4000 •Towc;on••t ______ Baltimore 236 Trappe••t _________ Talbot 10lS2 Union Bridl!e*• ____ Carroll 385 Union Mills _______ Carroll /I09 Uniontown ________ Carroll 500 •Upper Marlboro••t Prince Georges 257 Vfenna••t_ ____ Dorchester 696 Walker vilJe••t • .Frederick 81177 Wes tern Port••t .Alleiany 8521 3000 350 375 11115  •Westminster••t-••• Carroll West Port•t ____ Baltimore White Hall*•t .•• Baltimore Whitrhaven*•-· Wicomico WilliamsPort••t _Wash'lon 500 Winirate• ______ norche ter lZS Woodbine•• _______ Carroll !85 Woodsboro••t •• Frederick  See Upper Marlboro. See Ha!!erstown. To Salisbury. To Rockville. To Hafer town. To Pocomoke City. See Leonardtown. 'Po Baltimore. To Baltimore. To Centerville. To Baltimore, To Easton. To Pocomoke City. To Centerville. To Westminster.  19731 46115 SO:i2 3750 3557 107W 2561 900  To Taunton. To Lowell. To Lowell. To Worcester. To Worcester. See Cambridl!e. To Salem To Lawrence.  7411060 l•Bo.,ton••t _______ sutrolk ARTHUR G. FEltDIJ!liAND. Attorney and Counsellorat-Law, Suite 907-910 Srollay Building, 40 Court Street. General practice in all City, State and Federal Courts, Sperial Department or Collection ince 1895. Ref Prence: National Union Bank, others on request. (Su also at Cambridae.>  To Rockville,  PETER GLUNTS, Attorney and Counsellor at Iaw Kimball Bldg., 18 Tremont t Colle ton sreriali ·t· general pra tire in bankruptcy, t rot ate. ror orat on and rea e:-.tate matters. Depositions taken. Notary Puhlir and JI ti e ol tl,e Peare in office. f!o ·ton referente ·: Kingston Mfg. Co.: H. W Ii ull Co.: Federal Waste Co. New York: Johu Wanamaker co.  To Westminster. To Frederick. To Ea.c;ton. See Raltimore, To Easton. To Westminster. To Westminster. To Westminster.  RAYMOND T. PARKE, Attorney dt Lrw, 601-604 Tremont Buildinl!. Member of State and Federal Bars. Consultinlf and trial practice in rivil. inrluding probate. matters. Specialize on claim and C'&ases involving negotiable paper, banking Jaws. bills of lading, sales and shi moots or mer• chandise. Depositions taken as Notary Pablir. Rerers to State qtreet Trost Company. Compiler of the Ma ..achu• .ett• law• for thi• publication. Office lso at 14.I  T. VAN CLAGETT. To Cambridge. To Frederick. To Cumberland. GEO. L. TOCKDALE. To Baltimore. To Baltimore. To Salisbury. To H~erstown. To Cambridl!eTo Westminster. To Frederick.  Attleboro*•t_ ______ Bristol AuburndaJe••t .Middlesex Ayer••t ________ Middlesex Baldwinsville*•t Worc'st·r Barre••t _______ Worcester Belmont••t _____ Middlesex Beverly*•t __________ l!;ssex Beverly Farms•t. •. Essex  Munroe Street, Lynn.  10580 Braintree•t ______ Norfolk To Boston (Boston P. 0.) 8438 Bridl!ewater••t .Plymouth To Brockton. 66254 Brockton••t ____ Plymouth EUGENE F. O'NEILL. 37748 Brookline••t _____ Norfolk To cambridge. 109694•Cambrid2e••t ___ Middlesex AKTBUB G. FEB.DINAN», 61 Garfield Street. Refen to National Union Bank and Charle::. F. Woodman SubTreasury, both of Bo too. BOSTON address, 40 Court Street. (See alllo at Bogtnn.> _____ OambridgePort•tMiddles·x To Cambridl!e. 5945 Canton••t _______ Norfolk See Dedham. _____ Oharlestown•t ---- .Suffolk To Boston. 1737 Cbatham*•t ••• Barnstable 1 10 Falmouth. 43184 Chelsea••t _________ Sutfolk To Malden. 36214 Chicopee*•t _____ Hampden To Holyoke. 10000 Chicopee Falts••tHampd'n To Holyoke. 12979 Clinton*•t ______ Worrester To Worcester. 2639 Cohas et••t ______ Norfolk To Cambrid1?e. 6461 Ooncord••t _____ Middlesex To Cambridge, 961 Oooway••--------Franklin To Greenfield. 3752 Dalton ________ Berkshire To Pittsfield. 11108 Danvers••t _________ E.-;sex To Lawrence. 10792 •Dedham••t _______ Norfolk To Cambridge. 3486 East Bridgewater*•t Ply'th To Brockton. 70028 East Cambridl?P•t .Mid ·sex To Cambridl!e, ( Cambridge P. O.) 11261 Easthampton••t .Hamps're To Northampton. 3000 Ea<:t Pepperell*t •• Mid' ·ex To Lowell. 14998 East Weymouth••t.Norf'k See Dedham. 11110 •Edi?artown••t------ Dukes ee Tisbury. 40120 Everett••t ______ Middlesex To Malden. 7291 Fairhaven*•t ______ Bristol To Fall River. 120485•Fall River*•t-------Bristol BOB DEN, KENTON & BA WES. 57 North .lain S reet. Attorneys for Fa11 Rivn National ana Fall Rivn Fivt Cent Savinl!S Bks. and R. G. Dun & Oo.  MASSACHUSETTS One Federal District comprises entire state; with court., at Bottoa, third Tuesday ln March, fourth Tuesday ln June, second Tuesday ln September, and First Tuesday ln December, and at Sprlnpleld. second Tuesdays 1n May and December.  3500 41029 3000 4136 17033  Falmouth*•t ••• Barnstable •Fitchburg••t ••• Worcester Florenre•t ____ Hamp hire Foxboro••t _______ Norfolk Framinl!ham••t._.Mid'l'x  SUMNER CROSBY. To Woree ter. To Northampton. To Camhriclge. To Marlboro.  6497 161171 2004 229-17 6887 6315 ______  Franklin••+ ______ Norfolk Gardner*•t. ---- Worcester Georgetown••t ••••• Essex Gloucester*•t _______ Es ex Grafton••t _____ \Vorcest r GreatBarrin'n*•t .H'kshire Greendale _____ Worcestcl'  HARRY B. NAYOR. 1'o Worcester. To Lawrence. To Lawrenre. To Worcester. To Pitt field. To Worcester.  ( Worcester P. 0.)  REFERENCE KEY " County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. t Telei?ra1>h Station. § State Capital. '·5787 121167 10036 5550 82fi8 lls665 117112  Abin1?ton"•t ____ Plymouth Adams*•t _______ Berkshire Am&bury••t _______ E. ,ex Amherst"•t ____ llampshire Andover"•t _________ Essex Arliugton••t .•• Middlesex Athol*•+ _______ Worrt>strr  To Brockton. To Pitt field. To Lawrence. 'l'o ortllampton. To Lawrence. To Cambridge. 1'0 \\'nrr.P<ttf'r.  15462 lll46 53lS84 1200 5604 2707  •Greenfleld*•t ____ Franklin Harwich*•t ___ narn table Haverhill*•t ____ .... E.-sex Haydenville*•t __ Hamps're Hioirham*•t ____ Plymouth Holliston"•t ____ Middlesex  CHARLE' N. 'TODDARD. 1'o Falmouth. To L.van. To orthampton. To Bro('kton. To Marlboro.  60203 221S9 7607 1264 ____ 6201  Holyoke*•t _____ Hamoden Hopkrnton••t __ ticllllc ex Hud ·on••t ----- lidclle ·ex Hyannis"•t .••• Barn ·ta hie Hyde Park*•t ---· Suffolk In wirh"•+ .••..•. .•• F. ._,,,:  TBOl\lA J. LYNCH. Tn Framingham. To ~larlboro. To Falmouth, To Garnhrioge. Tn T;iwrPn• r.  -NOTE See USE- COUPONS as instructed to BEPROTECTED by bond. complete information in preface to Attorney Liat.  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) PoPoLA-  TOWN AND OOUNTY.  NAME.  NAMK.  TJON.  TJON,  94270 .. Lawrence••t-------·Essex 4085 Lee*•t ·····---··Bcrkshirt 36:!5 Leirester*t _____ W or<'ester 2691 Lenox*•t --·····Berkshire l9it4 Leominster*•+ • Worrester 6350 Lexinrton*•L-. Miildlesex 112759.. Lowell*•t ..••.• Middlesex  W. C. & E. J. FORD. To Pittsfield. To.Worcester. To Pittsfield. To Worcester. To Gambridl?e,  JAS. E. O'DONNELL, 45 Merrimack ~t. 7470 Lud low••t. ·-···Hampden To Holyoke. 99148 Lynn••+ •••••••••••• Essex RAYMOND T. PARKE, 145 Monroe Street. (See al•o Boaton.  Ma••·>  49103 Malden*•t •••••• Middlesex ARTHUR G. FERDINAND. (See also at Boston), 2466 Mancbester••t •••••• Ks ex To Lynn. 62:i5 Mansfleld*•t ••••••• Bristol To Taunton. 7324 Marblehead*•t. ••• -.Essex To Lynn. 15028 Marlboro••t •••• Middlesex R. H. BEAUDREAU. 1379 Marshfleld••t ••• Plymouth To Brockton. 7086 Maynard*•t •••• Middlesex To Cambridge. 3{1038 Medford•t ••••• Middlesex To Malden. 29~6 Medway*•t ..••••• Norfolk To Cambridge. 18204 Melrose*•t •.••• Middlesex To Malden. 2173 Merrimac••t·-····-·Essex To Lawrence. 15189 Methuen•t ......... Essex To Lawrence. 8453 Middleboro*•t..Plymouth To Brockton. 13471 Millord••t •.••• Worcester To Worcester. 5653 Millbury••t •• _. Worcester To Worci>ster. 931!2 Milton••t •••••••• Norfolk To Cambridge. 4826 Monson••t. ••• _.Hamt>den To Sprinefield. 27117 4 Nantucket*•t •• Nantucket To Tisbnry. 10907 Natick*•t •••••• Middlesex To Marlboro. 7012 NePdham••t .••••• Norfolk See Dedham. 121217•New Bedford*•t ••• Bristol AHUEL E. BENTLEY, Cummings Building. 15618 4 Newburyport••t •••. Essex To Lawrence. 460:i~ Newton••t ._ ••• Middlesex To Cambridl?e. l35C0 Newton Center*•tMid'sex To Cambridge. 55vO Newtonville*t •• MiddleSElX To Cambridge. 22282 North Adams*•t.Berks're To Pittsfield, 21951 •Northamoton••tHamos're MASON & MOR E. 9238 No. Attleboro••t •• Bristol To Taunton. 1783 Northboro••t •• Worcester To Worcester. • 2610 No. Brookfleld*•t Wo'ster To Worcester. 3000 North Easton••t- •• Bristol To Taunton. 1348 NorwelJ••t ••••• Plymouth To Brockton, 12627 Norwood*•t ...... Norfolk To Gambridee. 5393 Oranre*•t ·-·····Franklin To Greenfield, 9896 Palmer••t •••••• Hampden To Springfield. ID:i52 Peabody*•t.···-····Essex To 'Salem. 2953 PeppereJl••t ••• MiddlesPx To Cambridee. 41763 4 Pittsfield*•t .••• Berkshire NORMAN c. HULL. U30~8 •Plymouth*•t ___ Plymouth WM. T. WAY. 42.J6 Provincetown*•t .Barn'ble To Falmouth. 47~76 Quincy••t ________ Norfolk To Cambridge. 4756 Randolph*•t _____ Norfolk To cambridl?e, 7439 Readinl?*•t-----Middlesex To Cam bridl?e, 28!!23 ReverP*•t ---·---- Suffolk To Cambridge. 7;;.t.l Rorkland*•t ____ Plymouth To Brockton. 3878 Rockport••t ________ Essex To Lawrence. 42529 .. salem*•t ----·------Essex ROBERT W. HILL. 2534 Sci . uate*t••• ___ Plymou: h To Plymou•h, 14ti0 ISbelburne Falls"•t .F,d'lin To Greenfield. 930111 Somerville*•t •• Middlesl'x To Camhridge. 9323 South Braintree••t .Nor'k: See Drdham. 1424:i Southbridl?e*•t Worrester To Worcester. 1230 So. Deerfleld*•t .Franklin To Greenfield. 12948 South Framinl?ham•+ Middlesex To Marlboro. 12895 So. Weymouth*•._Norfolk To Cambridge. 590 S. Yarmouth* •• Barnstable To Falmouth. 5!J30 Spencer*•+ ____ Worcester To Worcester. 1296U.. Sprinrfleld*•t • __ Hampden RAYMOND A. BIDWELL. Petty Collections not solicited. Hl33 Storkbridee*•t-Berkshire To Pitt ·Held. 7873 Stonellam*•t ___ Middlesex To Cambridge. 6865 Stouehton*•t- ____ Nor folk To Cambridge. 37137 •Taunton••t .••••••• Bristol WHITE & WHITE. 1275 '1'1suury .• ·······-·· Dukes To Hyannis, ( Vine11ard Haven P. U,) 1575 Townsend*•t -.Middlesex To Cambr1dge. 5115 Turner's Falls*•tl!'rank1m To Greenfield. 53b4 U~bridee••t ••• W orrester •ro Worcester. 1100 VrnPyard Haven••t Dukes ee Tisbury. 13025 \\'akPflPld*•t ••• Middlf' ex 'l'o ~lal<len. 5446 Walpole*•t .••..• Norfolk To Cambridl?e, 30915 Waltham*•t •••. Middlesrx To Cam hridge. 8525 Ware*•t ...•.•• Hamp hire To orthamoton. 4415 WarPham"•t. ••. Plymouth To Urorkton. 3467 Warrrn*•t ..•.• Worrt> ter 1'o Worcester. 21-157 Watertown*•+ .. Midrtlesf'x To ~am hridge. •••••• Waverly•t ······--Sutrolk To Bociton, (Branch P. 0, of Boston.) 132'.58 Webster*•t •••• Worct>ster 'ro Worcester. 6224 Wellesley*•t •.••• Norfolk To Cambridge. 6224 Wellesley Hills*t .Norfolk To Cambridge, 826 Wellf!Pet*•t. ••. Ilarn ·ta hie To l!'almou th. 5789 Westboro*•t ••• Worcester To Worcester. 18603 Westfield*•+ ..•. Jfampdrn To Holyoke. 134:l Westminster*t. Worrester To Worcester. i0lJ0 West Newton••t..Mid'sPx To Cambridee. 13443 \ 'estSpringfield•t Hamp. den To <:;pr1ngfleld.  150!i7 5o00 71-17 3707 5904 10485 15455 16574  Weymouth*•t .-•• Norfolk Whitinsville*•t •. Wor·ster Wh1tman*•t .... Plymouth Williamstown•t .Bnkshire Winchendon*•t Worcester WinchPster*•t .Middlesex Winthroo• -···-···suffolk Wohurn*•t ••••• Middlesex Wollaston •••••• _. Norfolk  See Boston. To Worcester. To Brockton. To Pittsfield. To Worcester. To Cambridge. To Cambridge. To Cambridge. To Dedham.  179754•Worrf>stn••t •• Worcf>stn. HARRISON W. BOWKER, 731 Slater Bldg. Attorne1 and . Coun ellor at Law. General Practice, Special attention to Probate. Corporation, Bankruptcy, Real Estate, and Insurance Litiration. Depositions carefully taken. Collf'ction and Reporting Department. This department fa thoroughly organizro and equipped to handle all classes of business from the smallest collection to the lareest, includi111 Bankn,ptcy litieation. References: Worcester Bank & Trust Co. Any Judfle in Worcester. Other references upon request. Represents all the leading Law Li ts. Member of Worcester and National Crroit MPn's Assoriatioos. 2808 Wrentham••t •••• Norfolk •ro Cambrictre. 1229 Yarmouth Port*tRarns'ble To Falmouth.  MICHIGAN Mtchtran ts divided Into two Federal District.,: The Eastern and the Western. The EASTERN DISTRICT has two divisions: the Northern wttll coun at BaJ Clt1 first Tuesdays lo May and October: al.8o al Port Buron In the discretion of the Judl?e of said court and at aucb time., as be shall appoint therefor. The Southern dlvlslon wttb coart at Detroit first Tuesdays lo March, June an<l ~ovember. The W&~TERN DISTRICT bas two dlvtslons: the Northern dlvlaloa With court at Marquette second Tuesdays lo Aprll and Beotember and at Sault Ste. Marie second Tuesdays to January and July; tbe Southern dJvtston, with court at Grand Rapids first TueadQI ln March, June, October and December,  REFERENCE KEY • Bx1>re11 • Money Order Office. • County Seat. 5 State Capital. t Teleirraph Station.  omce.  450 Ada* ·····-···-·····Kent To Grand Rapids.  416 Addison••t •••••• Lenawee To Adrian.  11678 505 332 600 8354 250 1303  •Adrian••t -··-···-Lenawee Akron••t ····-···· Tuscola Alanson••t.••••••• Emmet Alba*•t ••••••••••• Antrim Albion*•t •••••••• Calhoun Aldt>n*•t ··-··· ••.. Antrim Al1?onac•• .• ··-· ._St. Clair  CHARLES L. ROBERTSON. To !lay City. To Petoskey. To Bc>llaire. To Battle Creek. To Bellaire. To Port Huron.  3637 560 7542 789  .. AIIPl?an••t •••••••• Allegan Allf'n*•t ····-····Hillsdale Alma••t ········-·Gratiot AJmoot••t ••••••••• Lapeer  WILKE & STONE. To ll1llsdale. To lthaca. To Lapeer.  11101 818 300 100  .. Alpena••t ••...•••. Alpena Alpha•t ···--·-·--··-lron Alto••t •••••••.•.•... Kc>nt Amble*• .••••••• Montralm  O'BRIEN & FRANCIS. To lrun Rivn. To Grand Rapids. To tanton.  19516 177 800 2f)0 711 596 553  .. Ann Arbor••t. Washtenaw Aopleeate••t ••.•• _Sanilac Arradia*• •••••••• Manistee Argyle" ······--·· -Sanilac Armada"•t ••••••• Maromb AshlPy*•t . ·--·--··Gratiot Athens"•t •••••••• Calhoun  LEHMAN & LISLE. 'Jlo B;1tl Axe. To Manistee. To Bad Axe. Ta ~fount Olemens. To lthara. To Battle Creek.  .. Atlanta• •••. Montmorency Auburn*• ..••• ....•..• Bay Au Gres*• ·-·······Arenac Aul?u ·t.'.l*•t •.•. Kalamazoo .A.u 'ablp••·····-···· lOSC'O W~cuda P. 0.) 250 .4. vora*•t. ···- •.•• St. Clair 250 Bach*•t. ..••.•....• Huron  500 300 199 6'.il 171  To G:1ylord. To Bay City. To Standish. To Kalamazoo. To Tawas City. To Port Huron • SPe Bad Axe.  2140 •Bad AxP*•t •••••••• Huron CHARLES L. HALL. 150 Bailey"•t. •••••• Mu, kegon To ~1 uske~on. 471 52{1 1243 400 9-12  2·,o  RAY TRUCKS. To Owo o. To Paw Paw. To lthara. To Hourhton. l)plt-. 'l'n F.sra11aha.  .. Bald win*•t ••••..•.•. Lake Banrroft*•t ••. Shiawa SPe Bauror"•L ••• _Van IlnrPn Banni ·wr••t. ••••. Gratiot Raraga••t ......... lfarnga lhrk Hi •pr••+  USE COUPONS aa inatructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. -- - ---NOTE See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1763  MASSACHUSETTS, MICHIGAN POPU• LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MICHIGAN  1764  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  POPU·  -POPU- -  _  TION.  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  LA·  -  TION.  223 Baroda••+ ________ Ill•rrien To St. Joseph. 36.,i Barryton"•t ______ MPcosta To Big l{apids. 400 Bath••+_ __________ Clmton To St. Johns. 36161 Battle Creek*•t .• Calhoun  47554 300 323 5-19  3911  624 626 10:!5 5/Ji) 1223:J 300 54;S 918 5482 500 4:i58 000 3694 50 400 1900 486  250 4284  CYRUS J. GOODRICH (Successor to Pre.scutt &: Goo<lrich ). Attorney for The Old National Bank of Battle Issue commi~sions to Katherine M. Johnston Cret>k. ' ( 'ce a/.•o at Jiar ·1wll. l .i: • otmy Public. •Bay City*•+_ __________ Bay ROBERT n. LANE. Pe Bad Axe. Bay Port*•t ________ Uuron Bear Lake*t _____ )Jani ·t(•e See :'\lani tee. Beanffton"•------Glallwin To Gladwi11. Beldiug••t_ __________ Ionia To Ionia. •lltllaire*•t _·_______ Antrim To TraversP. City. C'e Detroit. Belleville*•t _______ Wayne Bt'II vm•*•t _________ Eaton To Lansin2. Bentley*•-------------Bay To Bay City. Bt>uton Harbor*•+- BerriPn 'ro t. J osrph. Berlin*tt __________ ottawa To Grand llaven. Benzonia* _________ llenzie To Traverse City. Berrien prings*•tBerrien To St.Jo ·eph. •Bessemer•t_ _____ Qogebic \V. s. DA.ffiD. •lleulah*•t _________ Benzie To Traverse City. •Bil? Rapids*•t ____ .\ll·costa JOHN E. DfillON. llireh Run*•L ___ Saginaw To aginaw. Birmingham*•t __ Oakland To Pontiac. BiMey*•t _______ Newano To Big Hapids. Blanchard*•+. ____ Jsabella To Mt. Pleasant. Uli sfleld*•t _____ Lenawee To Adrian. Rloomin~dale*•t- Van Hur. 1'o Paw Paw. Boon*•---------- Wexford To Cadillac. Boyne City••t.Charlevoix BARRIS & RUEGSEGGER.  Peex for collection are 1:111.lJject to lncal liar rules, Boyne F'alls*•LCharlcvoix To Boyne Ci LY. Breckf'nridgP*•t ___ Gratiot To It hara. 118 Bridgewater'•t\Vashtcnaw To Ann Arbor. 450 Bridgman*•t. ____ Herrh>n ToSt.Joseph, 800 Brighton*•t ____ L1vinl!ston To Howell. 406 Brimley••t _____ Chipprwa Sec ault Ste. Marie. 383 Britton*•+ _______ LenawPe To Adrian. 1257 Rronson*•L _______ Hranch To Coldwater. 611 Brooklyn*•t_ _____ .Jacksou To Jackson. 28 Brown City*•t ____ Sanilac To Sandu ky. 3lb7 lluchanan*•L-----R1 1 rrirn l'o st . .To. cph. 3:i2 Buckley••t ______ Wexford To Cadillac. Calhonn To i1arsl1all. 19-1 Burlington 589 Burr 0,1k•f====-i Josenh To Three Rivers. 200 Butternut*•f_ ___ Montcalm To~ fanton. 376 Byron*•t ______ SlliawassPe To Owosso. 500 Byron Center*•f_ ____ Krnt 'l'o Grand Hapids. \\'e f l l'RED C. \Vl~,T.,.IOR... --:f\ Ca 1·11 ••t 1 91 " • x on -----< 1 ac 432 Cah:•d.onia"•t _________ Kent To Gran<l Rapids. 35000 Calumet••t _____ Houghton JOHN D. KERR. 398 Camdpn* ---- ____ IJills<lale •ro lli!IS<.lale. 791 Capac*•+--------- t. Clair To Port Huron. 408 Carlt•ton"•t _______ Monroe To Monroe. 270J •Caro"•t ___________ Tusrola To llay Oity. 973 Carson City*•t __ .Montcalm 'l'o Stan ton. 536 Car ·onville*•L---- anilac To anclusky. 385 Casevillt:*•t ________ Huron To Bad Axe. S~3 Casnovia*•t ____ Muskel!on To l\J uskegon. 1912 Caspian"•------------1ron 11 0 Crys,al Falls. 1228 Cass Uity .. •t ______ Tuscola 'l'o Bay City. 1385 •Ca .·opolis*•t ________ Cass To Dowagiac. 400 Crdar*•t _________ Leelanau To Traver 'e City. 1020 Cc•dar prings*•t ____ Kt-nt See Grand l{apicts. 6ii0 Cement City•tt.Lenawee To Adrian. 5000 Center Li1w ______ :\.lacomb To .Mt. Ulemens. t Warren P. 0.) 701 •Cenwrville*•t._st. Jo eph To Three River:. 6i6 Central LakP*•t ___ Antrim 'J'o Bt>llaire. 2218 •Oharlevoix"•L Charlern1x To Boyne City. 5126 •Charlott!'*•t ________ Eaton To Lan:in:!, 1000 Chassell*•+_ ____ Houghton 8PP Honghlon. 5642 •Clwboygan*•t .Cll('bonan l 'ARD. I. WALL})R. 2070 Chelsea••+ ____ \Vashtl·naw To Ann Arbor. 1:ili7 Ohesaniug-•+ _____ 'aginaw To 'agiuaw . 1462 Clare••t ---· _________ Clare To Harri. on. 419 Clarkston• _______ Qaklancl 'l'o Pontiac. 400 Clarksville"•t _______ Ionia •ro [onia. 30'i Clayton••~-------Lrnawre 1'o Adrian. 327 UlifTord*•t.________ I,apPt)r •'l'o Lapper. 3!l5 Climax••t _____ Kalamazoo To Kalamazoo. 961 Clinton"•t-------Lenaw1•e 'l'o Adrian. 12::i6 Cllo*•t ___________ Genesee To Flint. 100 Cohoctah*•t ___ Livingston To Howell. 6114 •Ooldwater*•t_ _____ Uranch II. C. LOVERIDGE. 76() Coleman*•t _______ Midland 'l'o ~lid land. 663 Coloma*•t ________ Jlrrrien To St .•lo,enh. st. JosP1>h To Three Rivers. 745 Colon .. 1' O r La ·11e* t 6.>-6 Col um b'a ,anrer. • --- perr i vi Colw(cCiotlZl-:-----P----o'I')u ·cola To !lay City. 11 111 To Her.·e.•·. • • " 20 Comins ___________ osrorla To Gran<l f{aplds. 1 'ro Jack QT). 300 Conklin"•t ________ Ottawa To 0-rand Haven. 1 g~gp~~-~tW1~!::t_~·-b~f:~~  2-U 698  =.  •+ _______  °  i~g 2~~~~if-~f~:~:3ac~;b~  m  Copt>mish*•t _____ Manistee Coral*•t ________ Monh'alm •Corunna*•t ___ h1awa ·see Covert*•t ______ Van Buren 1678 Croswell*•t _______ Sanilac 300 Crump* _______________ Bay 400 Crystal* ________ Montcalm  284 400 1571 400  +~ d:~,~g fi~~~r::  Sre Manistee. To tan ton. To Owo~.-o To Paw Paw. To Bad Axe. To Bay City. To Stanton.  NOTE  TOWN AND COUNTY.  LA·  I  339-l •Crystal Falls"•t _____ Iron 200 Cry:stal Valley* ----Oceana 26!J Custt>r"•t __________ Mason tiO Dafter*•t _______ Chippewa 321 Dag~ett*•t ____ lfeuominee 811 Davison*•t _______ Genesee 21i0 Dearborn*•t _______ Wayne 1270 D&·atur"•-----Yan BurPn 200 Decker*•--________ anilac 782 Deckerville*•t ____ anilac 442 Deerfleld*•t _____ Lena wt>c 220 Deford*•t ________ Tu cola 300 Delton"•. ___________ Barry 903678•Detroit*•t _________ \Vayue  NAME. To Iron River. To Hart. To Ludington. To ault Ste. Marie. To Menominee. To Flint. To Detroit. To Paw Paw . To amlusky. To Batt Axe. To Adrian. To Saginaw. To Ha ·tings.  HENRY & F.DWA.HD F. WUNSCH, Moffat Bldg.. Practice in ap Courts. Corporation, Insurance an<I Probate Law. Efflcie~ t _Collecti<~n D1martmen t. Depositions takt>n: i sue Commission to either member. Rt'fer to Dimr Ravines Bank, or any Dt>troit bank. Comvilers of the ,.l-Jichiga11 laws for t1, is pulilication.  fi0-3-4-5-6-7-8 Hammond Ruildinf. GEORGE E. BRAND, Attornevs for American Radiator Co.. Prutlcntial lnsuranc-e. Co .. R(!ference: Fir't & Old Detroit . 'ational Bank. Detro1 t, ~lichigan. Corporation, In:urance, Bankrnptcy and ~Icrcantile Litigation pecialties. FRANK LAWHEAD, 426-430 Dime Bank Bldg. Attornev-atRt>fer to Fir I & Old Detroit National Bank. CorLaw. poration. Commerc-ial ancl General Practice. 'pecial Collection and F, rwar<ling Dppartmen1 ·. Fl 'KELS'ION & LOVJ.JOY, 1007 Ilammo11cl Bid"'. !if10 DP W1ii·• ________ u11111u11 To ~t. JCJllll:,. ,.. 587 lkxter*•t _____ \\'a~lttt•n:,w To Ann Arbor. JHUS, I{., ll,g To o~,-l'ola ________ ton*•+ h l>1g ~ 11 31i0 D11111111dalp*•t. ______ Jl.:;t11111 To L,111-;111g. 3::i0 Uorr*•t ___________ Allrgan Tt1 ,\.lt'!!.in. ~40 Dowaeiac•*•t _________ Cass IIKl~l>IC\:'X & 1\-10 IER. :l:i9 l>ryd1•11••t. ________ f.ap.-pr To l.apt•t>r. 11,Q,~ nundpi•"•+ ________ :\JonrnP To ~I •nr,,e. 26 ! D11raud*•t ---- hi:,was,t'P To Owosso. 2-rni i-:.i:-t Jordan"• .Ch,1rl,•,·11ix To Charlpvoix. lbl:11 Ea,., Lansing __ ----1 ngh,1111 To I an,ing. ~~~~ r~;,st T wa,.••!·+---- !os• O 1'11 T;1wa-. Uity. To La11,ing. 11 ~-----_-j{,:~ 1 To :-t. .l11,1•oh. 293 4:l!-14 E 1 orsp*•+ . ---- ____ \\'a.rne To Detroit. lDP!r,.il P. 0.) 772 E<lmor1•*•t ------~lontrolm To tanton, 3!12 Edwanl,hnrc••t _____ Cas, To D ,wa~iac. 58~ IWll'rla* ___________ ll1•11zw To Tr.1\'t•r t:' City. 684 Elk Haoub*•t. ____ ,\111rim To B,'llaire. 500 Elkton*•t __________ lluro11 S1•1• I! 111 Axe. 350 Ell ·worth*•t ______ Ant nm fn Bt•tla•rp, 500 Elmira*•t __________ o 1~,•gn Tn Gavit rd. 680 Elste*•t ___________ Clint110 To :-.t. .Johns. 250 Elwell"•L _________ Gratiot To Ithaca. 175 Emmett"•t _______ t. Clair To Port lluron. 298 Empire*• ________ Leelanau To TravPr!>'" City. 300 Ent.?adine*•t ____ Mackinac f'e. t. Ignace. 350 Erie*• _____________ Monroe To .Monroe. 13103 •E canaha"•t _________ Della TilOl\lAS J. RILEY. 153li Essexrille"t ------ ---- Bay To Bay City. 1326 Evart*•t __________ Qsct-ola To Big Rapids, 900 Ewen*•t ---- ___ Ontonagon See Ontonagon. 452 Fairgrove••t ______ Tu ·cola To Saginaw. Ct' .Mio. 500 Fairview*--------- 0 coda 300 Falmouth*• ____ Missaukee To Cadillac. Pontiac. To 85!! Farmington"• ____ Oakland 44!) Farwell*•t __________ Clare To Harrison. G47 Fennvillc"•t ______ Allegan To Allegan. 2;:;07 Fenton*•t ________ Gene.~ee To Flint. 350 Fenwick*•----- i1011tral01 1'11 Stanton. 3000 Fer11dalc ________ Oakland To Detroit. (Detroit P. 0.) 215 Fife Lake"•LGrand Trav. To Traverse City. 600 Flat Hock"•t ______ Wayne See Detroit. 01599 •Flint*•t __________ Gene ee NEITilERCUT & NEITilE!tCt;T iO-l Geneseo Co. Btc Dldg. 1169 Flushing*•t ______ Gene ee To Flint. 140 Fore. tville* _______ Sanilac To Bad Axe. 400 Fostoria"•t _______ Tu cola To Caro. 222 Fountain*•f_ _______ .\las1111 To Ludington. 472 Fowler*•-!- _________ Clinton 'fo t. Johns. 10:i7 Fowlervillt•*•t _Living:ton 'J'o Howell. 7:{3 Frankenmuth" ___ aginaw 'J'o aginaw. 124-t lfrankfort*•t ______ B1·nzie To Traver·e City. 247 Fra er••t --------~la comb To Mt. Clemens. 500 Frl'Cleric*•t. ____ Crawforcl To Grayling. 500 Freeland*•t ------ uginaw 'l'o aginaw. 400 Freeport*•t ________ Harry To Ha~tiugs. 210 Free oil"•:1:------- .hla~on 'l'o Lmlmgton. 2180 lfremont "•t. ____ Newaygo To Big Rapids . 350 Fulton*t_ ______ Kalamazoo 'l'o Kalamazoo. 4~0 Gagetown*•+------Tuscola To flay City. 260 Gaines*•t _________ {ienesl'e To Flint. 692 Galesburg••+ __ Kalamazoo To Kalamazoo. 3496~ Galien*•+ _________ nerrien To t. J o,eph, Garden •t_ ___________ l)rlta To E ranaha.  1 lt i:;:::'r.iaVr1!:!'  1701 13 ~ 40. 1225 300 100 491 300  /t/  •Gaylorct••t ---------0~ l'f!O 'ruscola ••t. gpro rd adS tone • --------Delta •Gladwin"•--------Glaclwin Glenn" ____________ J\ll<'l!an Glennie* ___________ Alcona Gobleville* ____ van Buren Goodrlls*•+_ ______ t. Cl11ir  T _____  A. D. ~IARSH..\LI..  :f,g E:~i't ~~a.. 1  JORN C. SHAFFER. To HollancJ. To Harri ·ville. To Paw Paw. To Port Huron.  USE COUPONS as instructed- to- BE PROTECTED by bond-:See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  PoPU:--- - LATION.  -- - NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  -I  ___  300 Goodrich*•-------Genesee To Flint. 400 Grand Blanc*•+ __ Genesee To Flint. 7205 1.Grand Haven*•t ___ Ottawa LILLIE & LILLIE. 3043 Grand Ledl!e*•t ____ Eaton To Lansiue-. 137634•Grand Ra1lids*•t ____ Kent  JOHN. lU. DUNHAM, Attorney a t L"Lw, 316 Grand Rapid National City Bank Building. Gene ral practice in all ~tate and Un ited Sta1P · ('our"· Uorporat;on. Banking an<l In surance Law. and 'I rial of Cau,e .. Refer to City Tn1-t & Saving. Bank. EASTMAN & EASTMAN. Attorneys at Law. 531-534 Michigan Trust Co. Rlcll!, General Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Corporation Law, Bankruptcy Law. Collections, AcljustmPnts. Collection Depart~ent thoro~1ghly organized ancl pquippecl for p_rompt handling of bu. me: " · ReiPi-cnces: City 'l'rust & Savrng:, Bank and Grand Rapids Savings Bank.  799 473 744 250 24:>0 2500 4304 350 2084 2500 300 300 1000 300 48615 7527 350 1928 1600  HILDING & HILDING. 323-4-5 Grand Rapids National City Bank Buildinl!, General practice in all Courts. Collection department under supervision of a member of the firm. Prompt attention to matters in any part of Mirhigan. Depositions to L. N. Atwater, Notary Public. Referenres. Bra<lsireets Agency. Grand Rapids National City Bank. Grandville*•t ________ Kent To Grand Rapids. Gran t*•t ________ Newaygo To Dig Rapids. Grass Lake*•t ____ Jackson To JacKSOn. Grawn*•LGrand Traverse To Traverse City. •Grayling*•t _____ Crawford Glen Smith. G reenland*•t __ Ontonagon See Ontonagon. Greenville*•t ___ Montcalm To Stanton. Gregory*•t ____ Livingston To Howell, Grosse Pointe* ____ Wayne To Detroit. Gwinn*•t ______ Marquette See .Marquette. Hadley* ___________ Lapeer •ro Lapeer. Hale*• ______________ Iosco To Tawas City. Halfway* _________ Macomb 'l'o }It. Clemens. IIamilton*•t ______ Allegan To Allegan. Hamtramck*t _____ \Vayne See Detroit. Hancock*•t ____ Houghton To Houghton. Hanover*•L ______ Jackson To Jack on. Harbor Beach"•t_ __ lJnron To Bad Axe. Harbor Springs*•t Emmet To l'etoskev.  399 .. Harrison*•t _________ Clare JOHN QUINN. 460 .. Harrisville"•L _____ Alcona HERl\lAN DEHNKE. 1590 1.Hart*•t ____________ Oceana EARL C. PUGSLEY. 1361 Hartford*•t ___ Van Buren To Paw Paw. 300 Haslett*•t ________ Ingham See Lansinl!. 5132 300 250 284 439 4641J9 400  1.Hastings*•t _________ Barry Hemlock*•t _____ Saginaw Jleuderson*•t Shiawa-,see 1.IIersey*•L ________ usceo1a Hesperia* _________ Oceana Highland Park*t __ Wayne Hillman*• __ MontmorE!ncy  GOULD & BANCROFT. To Saginaw. To Owosso To Big Rapids. To Hart. See Detroit. To Alpena.  5476 •Hillsdale*•f _____ Hillsdale PAUL W. CHASE. 12166 Holland*•t ________ Ottawa DIEKEMA, KOLLEN & TEN CATE. 1888 Holly*•t _________ Oakland To Pontiac. 300 Holton*•t ______ Muskpgou To Muskegon. 1200 llomer*•t ________ Calhoon To Marshall. 239 Houor*•t __________ Henzie To •rraverse City. 750 Hopkms*•t _______ Allegan To Grand ltaoids. 5000 1.Houghton*•t ____ Houghton STONE & SCHULTE. ll13 Howard City*•t Montcalm 'l'o Stanton. 2051 1.Howell"•t _____ Livrngston 368 Ilubhardston" _______ loma 1004 Hubbt•ll*• ______ Uoughton 2,164 llurlson"•t _______ Lenawee 700 Iludsonville*•t ____ Ottawa 600 Icla*•t ____________ Monroe 1211 Imlay City*•t ______ Lapeer  L. E. HOWLETT. 'ro Ionia. To Calumet. To Adrian. 'l'o Holland. 'I'o Monroe. 'ro Lapeer.  6935 1.lonia*•t _____________ Ionia 8251 •Iron Mountain*•t .Dicki'n i~o:i Iron River*•+ ________ Iron 1"~39 Ironwood*•t ______ Gogebic 10.J00 lshpenuug*•t __ Maronette  R. To To 'l o To  1929 48374 200 500 200 200 328 1274  McCALL BUOTHERS.  •lthaca*•t ----------Gratiot 1.Jackson*•t _______ Jackson Jame town ________ ottawa J asper*•t --------Lena wpe Jeddo*•+_ _______ St. Clair Jerorne*•t ______ Ilillsdale Jone *• ___·___________ Cass J onesville*•t ____ Hillsdale  A. COLWELL. Iron Hirer. I!'loreuce. Wis. Bessemer. Marquette.  conn, BISBEE & WILSON. To llollaml. To Adrian. To Port l111ron. To Hillsdale. 'l'o Dowagiac. To Hillsdale. 48487 ~K:i.lamazoo*•t _Kalamazoo JOUN M. ALEXANDER. McN air Rldg. 200 Kaleva*•+ _______ Manistee See Manistee. 866 150 428 200  •Kalkaska*•t _____ Kalkaska Kawkawlin*• _________ Bay Kent City*•t----- ____ Kent Kilmanagh _________ Huron (~el1cwaing P. U.) 420 Kincte*•t ___________ Huron  WAYNE SIMMONS. To Bay City. •re Grand Rapids. To Bad Axe. To Bad Axe.  NOTE 112 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MICHIGAN  1765  l-'OPU--LATOWN AND COUNTY. NAME. _T_I_ON_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  350 321 500 693 582 2182 1246 886 200 1013 57327  Kin1?sley*•t Grand Trav'se Kin1?ston*•t ______ Tuscola Lacbine*• ---------Alpena Lain1?sburg*•t .Shiawassee .. Lake City*•t ___ Missaukee Lake Linden*•t _Hou1?hton Lake Odessa*•L- ____ Ionia Lakeview*•t ____ Montcalm Lamb*• __________ St. Clair .. L'Anse*•t _________ Bara1?a §Lansinl!*•t. _______ lnl!ham  To Traverse City. To Bay City. To Alpena. To Owosso. To Cadillac. To Calumet. To Ionia. To 'tanton. To Port Huron. To Houghton.  CUMl\lINS & NICHOLS. Tussing Building. Corporation and Insurance Law, the settlement of estates and trial of causes given :mecial attention. Oommercial department under chare-e of comoetent attorney. 4723 6696 664 1073 200 1500 264 2iR 642 1089 400 300 378 178 579 210 716 1730  1.Lapeer*•t _________ Lapeer Laurium*•t _____ Houghton Lawrence*•t ___ Van Buren Lawton*•t _____ Van Buren Lennon*•t ____ Shiawassee Lenox*t __________ Macomb Leonard*•t _______ Oakland Leonidas*•t ____ st. Joseph Le ltoy"•t ________ Osceola Leslie"•t __________ lngham Levering _________ _Emmet Lewiston*•~ Montmorency Lexin1?ton* ________ Sanilac Lincoln*• __________ Alcona Linden*•t ________ Genesee Linwood*•t ___________ Bay Litchfleld*•t _____ Hillsclale Lowell*•t -- - ---- ____ Kent  8810 30ll 396 574 679  1.Ludin1?ton*•t ______ Mason Lum*•t ____________ Laoeer Luther*•L--- ________ Lake Lyons*•t ____________ Jonia Mackinaw*•t __ Cheboygan 1214 Mancelona*•t _____ Antrim 1024 Manchester*•t Washtenaw  G. W. DESJARDINS. To Calumet. To Paw Paw. To Paw Paw. To Owo. so. To Mount Clemens, To Pontiac. To Three Rivers. To Big Rapids. See Lan ing. To Petoskey. See Atlanta. To andusky. See Mio. 'l'o Flint. To Ilay City. To Hillsdale. To Grand Rapids.  C. To To To To To To  F. OLMSTEAD. Laneer. Baldwin. Ionia. Cheboygan. Bellaire. Ann Arbor.  9694 ..Manistee*•t ______ Manistee HOW ARD L. CAMPBELL. 6380 793 466 966 3731 708 969 350  1.Manistique*•t _Schoolcraft .Manton*•t _____ -~Wexford Maple Rapid * ____ Clinton Marcellus*•t _________ Cass Marine City*•t ___ st. Clair .Marion*•t _________ Osceola Marlette*•t ________ Sanilac hlarne*•t---------Ottawa  CAREY W. DUNTON. To Cadillac. To t. John . 'l'o Dowagiac. To Port Huron. To Big Rapids. To andusky.  12718 .. ~1arquette*•t ___ Marquette L. E. GARVIN. 42i0 1.Marshall*•t ---- -- Calhoun CYRUS J. GOODRICH.  (See a/80 at Battle Creek.)  400 9.U 1X79 300 290 6:52 547 .!20 26 250 450 297 l(i9 452 625  Martin*•+ _________ Allegan ~ta rysville*t. ____ st. Clair 1.Mason*•t _________ {ng!Jam )[a tta ,ra n••t __ Vn n BurPu ~laybec••t ________ l\fouroe Mayville*t ________ Tuscola .McBaiu*•t _____ :Missaukee Mcllrirtes"•t ____ Montcalm dcCord. ·*•-----------Kent McGregor"•t ______ Sanilac Mcars*•t __________ Oceana Mecosta*•t _______ Mecosta Melvin*•t _________ Sanilac Memphi *•t ______ Macomb Mend011*•t. ____ st. Joseph  'l'o Kah1ma1.oo. 'l'o Port Huron. St'l' Lansmg To Paw Paw. To .illonroe. To aginaw. To Cadillac. To Stanton . To Grand Rapids. To llad Axt:, 'l'o Hart. To Big l{apicts. To Barl Axe. To Port Huron. To Three Rivers.  8907 636 318 27 i 300 500 833  1.)fenomint>e*•t :Menominee .Mrrrill*•t ________ 8a1?inaw Me ick*•t _______ Wexford Metamora*•t ______ Lapeer )lPtz*•L-----Pre ·que hie Midttleton*•t ______ Gratiot Middleville*•t ______ Barry  Kl~NNETH O. DOYLE. •ro aginaw. To Cadillac. To Lapeer. To Alrwna. To Ithaca. To Hasti nl! ..  5483 95 1557 1088 500  1..Midland*•t _______ Midlanct Mikado~• __________ Alcona Milan*•t ______ Washtenaw Milford*•t _______ Oakland M illburg• _________ Hcrrien (lJenton llarbor P. 0.) l\lillersburg*•t Presque I ·le Millington*•t _____ Tuscola Minden City*•t---- anilac 1..Mio* ______________ o coda Mohawk*•t ____ Keweenaw Moline"•t _________ Allegan  GILB:EltT A. CURRIE. ee \lio. To ,\nn Arbor. To Pontiac. 'l'o llenton Harbor.  243 689 283 200 3500  U5i3  3000 845 354 fi22 1697 336 372  To Rogers. To Saginaw. To Bad Axe. To Grayling. To Calumet. To Grand Rapids.  1.Monroe*•t ________ Monroe 'EDGAR G. GORDON. Montague*•+ __ .Muskegon To .,1 uskegon. Moutgomery*•t __ Hill~lale To Ilillsdale. Montrose*•t ______ Genesee To Flint. .Morenci*•t ______ Lenawee To Adrian. :Morley*•t ________ Mecosta. To Big Rapids. Morrice*•t ____ Shiawassee To Owo · ·o.  9488 •Mt. Clemens*•t __ Macomb WM. T. KELLY. 100 Mountfore t*• ________ Uay 'l'o Bay City.  1174 Mt. Morris••t ____ Genesee 'l'o Flint. 4819 •Mt. Plea ant*•f_ __ lsahella McNAMARA & BURWA H. 363 )iuir*•t _____________ Ionia To Ionia. 290 1ulliken*•t ________ Eaton ro Lan i:c:cn""g"--._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTEDby bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  TOWN A1 'D COU 'TY.  NAME.  _ uneer*•L-----------Bay To Bay City. •Munising*•L----··--Alger DAVIDE. SIMMON • •Mu k('f?On*•t __ .Mu ·kegon CONNINE & CONNINE. Mu ·kegon He1gbts*•t Mu ·kegon To Muskegon. J376 Nashville"•+ ·····--·Barry To Ha tings. 7419 N11?aunt>t>"•t _._Marquette To Marquette. 1160 •Newano"•t. ·---Newaygo To Big ltapids. 974 ·ew Baltimore••-Maromb To Mount Clemens. 2172 .. ewherry"•t ·-·--·--Lure To au! t te. ~arie. 400 New Hostou••L ••. Wayne To Detroit, ew BuffaJo••t .. Berrien To t. Jo·eph. 960 ;50 New ~ra·•t ·-·---·Oee.ana To Hart. 535 New Havt>n"•t ..• Mac.-omb To Mount Clemens. 500 New Lothrop• .Shiawassee To Owosso. C50 Newoort••t ---···-Monroe To \1onroe. 7311 Nile ·*•L·-· -·-· ___ flerr1en BURN & BA.D ELL. 414 North Adams*•t.Hillsdale To Hillsdale. 645 North Braurh*•t .-Lapeer To Lapeer. ·---- North I..ansingt ... lnt?ham See Lansing. (Lansing P. 0.) 507 North Port•• ·--··Leelanau To Traverse Cit:,, 500 North tar••t ··--·-Gratiot To Ithaca. 1738 Northville*•t •••• _. Wayne See Detroit. 4533 Norway*•t •••• Dickinson To lroo Mountain. 200 Nunica••t ·--·---··Ottawl\ To Grand Haven. 201 Oakley ••t .. ---·. at? ina w To Saginaw. 1990 Oakwood .. -·-··--- Wayne To Detroit. (Detroit P. 0.) 500 Olivet•··-·-··- •• -•• Eaton To Lansing. 266 Omer*•t ·-··--- .• -.Arenac To Standish. 2789 Onaway••t ••. Presque Isle To H.oger ·. 252 Onekama"•♦·-·· Manistee See Manistee. 247 Onondaga ·-----··lngham To Lan 'ing, 323 Onsted"•♦··-· •• _. Lenawee To Adrian. H06 •Ontonat?on••t .Ontonagon JOHN JONES. il29 Orion"•t •••••••.. Oakland To Pontiac. 300 Orleans ••t ·-··--·-·· looia To lonia. 44i Ortonv11le"•····-·Oakland To 1-'ontiac. 8tl4 Oscocta••t ········--·•osro To Tawas City. 364 Otisville"•t -··--··Genesee To Flint. 3168 Otst>go••t ···- ···--A llt'1?an To Allegan. :mo Ottawa Lake"•t ••• Monroe To .Monroe. 325 Otter Lake"•t ·-··-Lapeer To Lapeer. 10fi7 Ovid*•♦ ········--·Cliuton To St. Johns. 274 Owendale"•♦ --····-Huron To Bad Axe. 12575 Owosso"• ♦ ___ .Shiawassee WARREN PIERPONT. 1668 Oxford"•+ -···--··oakland •ro Pontiac. 100 Palms••t ·····-·---Sanilal' To Bad Axe. a:io Palo* ..•• ··-····----- Ionia To Ionia. 564 Parma"•♦-- •••••• Jackson To Jarkson. 1556 •Paw Paw••t ••• Van Huren DAYID ANDER ON. 341 Perk:" ··-·······-··Sanilac To Bad Axe. 1115 1-'ellston••t --···-·· Emmet See PPtoskey. 9:i6 Pentwater"•t ··-···Oeeana To Hart. 419 Perrinton••+ -· .• _.Gratiot To Cthaca. 1000 Perry••t .•..• _Shiawasst>e To Owosso. 51' Petersbun?"•t •••• -Monroe To Monroe 5064 •Petoskey"•♦ ···--·-Kmmet WADE B. MITH. 316 Pewamo••t -·-··-····•onia To [ouia. 400 Pirkford"t-•• - •• ChipJ)('wa See Sault Ste • .Marie. 780 Pigt>on"•t ········-·Huron To Bad Axe. 384 1-'in<'knt>y*•t •• _Livingston ro llowt>ll. 769 Pinro,111inl!"•t •••• _._.Hay To Bay City. 500 Pittsfor<l"•t .•.•. Hillsdale ro Hillsdale. 2049 Plamwt>ll"•t ·---·-Allegan TS~eADl~tl?r•o101·t'. ' 2s;;7 Plymouth"•t •··-··· WaynEi "" 300 Poropt>ii"•t ••• --·-- Gratwt To Ithaca. 34273 •Pootiar••t ····-··(Jakland DOTY · CRAM. GC'ncral Law Prartire. Corporation. COmmt'r ial. Prohate aorl Baukruptry Litil!atioo. Title ~:xamioa ,alty. Co·1uty 'eat. Refer to Fit'!:it Commercial ron,- a and Ameriean 'avinin, llauks. 410 Port Au!.-tin"•t ·-·-·Huron To Bad Axe. 353 Port Hope••t ··---·Huron To Bad Axe. 200 5037 6570 11514  ,,w  251144 •Port Huron"•t _._St. Clair FRANK R. SCHELL, Stewart Block. Reference: First National 11:xrhange Bank. 181111 Portland"•+ ··---···- lonia •ro Ionia. 135 Port Sanilac• ·-··--Sanilac To Bad Axe. 190 Po,pn*•t .•.. Prr-que lslP To l{ogers. 330 Pottl•rville •♦ -·---Eaton To Lansing. 249 l'owPrs"•t ____ Meoom1nee To Menominee. ee Wi>st Hranch. 300 1-'resrolt"•t •••.•• Ogt>maw 150 Provt>mout••t. .• Lt>t>lanau ro Traverse City. Uolclwater. To orb Bra ······--Quinry••t 200 lfapitl City••t .•. Kalkaska To Kalkaska. 400 Ravenna••t •• _.Mu~kegon To .Muskegon. 1036 Reading••+ .••••• II illsdale To Ilillsclale. 13811 Redford*• .••••••.. \\'ayne See Detroit. Us03 Reed City••t _____ .Osreola Tn Rig Rapids. 459 Ret>se••t ·-·· •••• -· Tusrola To 8agina w. 500 Remus••t ···-····Mt><'Osta Tn Big Hapids. 2500 l{ppuhlic*•t.._ .Marquette St>e MarQoelte. 47 Rbodes"•·-····--·Gla<lwio To Gladwin. 283 Rirhlanrt•• .• _.Kalamazoo To Kalamazoo. 1303 Rirhmon<l*•t _••• Maromb To Mt. Clemen , 300 Rirhvillt>"•·--····:rusrola To aginaw. 250 Riga••+-·····-·-· l.enawre To Adrian. 300 Rin>rtlale"•t •..••• Gratiot To ltlrnca. 9 22 River Rouer"•+ ··-· Wayne el' Detroit. (Detrn,I P. 0.) 2549 Rorhl' 1er"•t ·-···Oakland To Pontiac. 1143 Horkforcl"•L .•.....• Kent To Urand Hapids. 1000 Rorkland"•t .•• Ontonagon ee Ontonagon. 400 Rorkwooll*•t ·-···- Wayne 8ee Drtroit. _ \lr,.nsla 'J',, Big Hanicl . 500 Rodnr>y  POPU· LA TlON.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  2109 •Rogers• •••••• Presaui> Isle 2102 Romeo••t ····-··-Maromh 250 H.omulus••t -·····-·Wayne 357 •ltosrommon••tRoscom'on ·-·--· Rosebur!? ··-······ anilac (Yale P. 0.) 300 Rosebush"•t •• ···- Isabella 500 Ho e City••··--··Ogemaw 6007 Royal Oak"•t ••••• Oakland 500 Hudyard"•t ___ •• Chipprwa l;',,0 Ruth"•♦ ··-·---···-·IIuron 61903 •Sagmaw••t ·-···-· aginaw  830  366 1228 250 750 526  To Alpena. To Mt. Clemens. See Detroit. H. R. SMITH. To Bad Axe. To Mt. Pleasant. See West Branch. To Pontiac. See Sault Ste. Marie. To Bad Axe.  NA.EGF.LY & PIER. ON, Bearineer Building. Gt>nnal pra,·tite. Attorneys for National urety Company. RefC'r to Peoples aving~ Bank. Saline"•t .. _•• Washtenaw To Ano Arbor Saud Lak:e*•t ···-····Kent To Grand Rapids. ~sandusky"•t ···--·Sanilac To Bad Axe. Saoford"•t ·-····-Midland To Midland. Saranar••t ····--··-·100ia To Ionia. Sauiatuck:"•t ·-·-·Allegan To Holland.  12096 •Sault Ste.Marie"•tChip'wa 731 8choolcraft"•t. Kalamazoo ;l."iO Scotts••t ··-· •• Kalamazoo 1045 Scottville"•t •••••• -Mason 1446 Sebewaioi••t ···--·Huron 150 Shabbona• •••..... Sanilac Wecker P. 0.) 1288 Shelby"•t ···--····oceana 823 Shephera••t -·-·-· Isabella 489 Sheridan••t •• __ Montcalm 250 Sherwood"• ····--·Branrh 200 Sidney"•♦·-·--- Montcalm 200 Si1verwoo<l*•t -··. Tuscola 300 Sixlakes• ·--··-·Montcalm 300 Smiths Creek"•t .St. Clair 300 Snover•··--··. ·-·-Sanilac.700 So. Boardman••tKalkaska 3829 South Haven••tVan Buren 615 Sooth Lyon••t ••• Oakland 1435 South Rangr••t Houghton 316 South Rorkw'd"• .Monroe 1502 Sparta••t -·····-·_._.Kent 1178 Spring Lake"•t •• _.Ottawa 535 Springoort••t ••• _Jarkson 2263 Stambau~h••t ····---·Iron 795 862 273 14,>l 263~ 550 300 243 1852  NAME.  •Standish••t ····-··Arenac •Staoton••t. •• ___ Montcalm Stauwoo<l••t ·--··Mecosta St. Charles••+ __ ._Saginaw St. Clair"•t ..• ·-·· t. Clair Stephenson••t Menominee Sterliog*•t ··--··--Arenac evensville*•t ... Berrien •St. h?Dace••t ___ .Mackinac  E. S. B. SUTTON. To Kalamazoo. To Kalamazoo. To Ludington. To Rad Axe. To Bad Axe. To Hart. To Mt. Pleasant. To Stanton. To Coldwater. To Stanton. To Saginaw. To tanton. To 1-'ort Huron. 'l'o Bad Axe. To Kalkaska. To Paw Paw. To Pontiac. See Houghton. To Monroe. To Grand Rapids. To Grand Haven. To Jarkson. To Iron River.  B. 1. BENDER ON.  L. C. PALM.ER.  To Rig l{apids. To Saginaw. To Port Huron. To Menominee. ro tamlish. To St. Jo,;eph. To Sault Ste. Marie.  3925 •St. Johns*•t ·-·-·-Clinton LYON & SEARL. 7251 •St. Joseph*•♦ --·--Berrien J. C. T. CLA.IB. 3036 St. Louis"•t ···-·-·Gratiot To Ithaca. 699 Storkbri<11rn••t •.•. Ingham ee Lao ing. 511115 Sturgis"•t ·-··-St. Joseph To Three Rivers. 4::i6 SunflehJ"•t ·····--··Eaton To Lansing. 3112 Suttons Hay•• •.• Leelanau To Traverse City. 450 Swartz Creek"•t .Genesee To Flint. 1018 •Tawas Clty••t. •• _••• losco JOHN A. TEW ART. 2432 Terumst>h"•t ___ .Lenawee To A<.lrian. ,69 Tekonsha"•+ -·-··Calhoun To Battle Creek. 30&<·e• •.••• Monroe To Monroe. 410 Tbompsonville*•t ._Ht>nzie To Traverse City. 1362 Three Oaks*•♦ ••• -Berrien To t. Joseph, 5209 Thri>e Hivers••tSt. Joseph ANDREWS & A.NDREWS. l50 Tipton••+ ·---·-·Lenawee 'l'o Adrian t5r Tower••t ···-··Cheboygan To Chebon:an. 101125 •Traverse C1ty••t Grand Traverse. WARD B. CONNINE. 1682 Trrnton••t ····-··· Wayne ee Detroit. 60 '!'rout Creek"•tOntonagon To Ontonagon. 250 Trout Lake*•t •• Cl11ppewa To ault te. Marie. 400 Trufant*•t ··---Moutralm To tanton. 236 Turner••t ····-··-·Arenac To Standish. 281 Tu 'tio"•t ····-·-·-O ceola To Big Rapids. 221 Twining••t ·····---Arenac.- To tandish. 455 Ubly*•t ·····----···IIoroo e Bad Axe. 1258 Onion City•• t ._ .• Branch To Col(lwater. 4!s8 Uniooville"•t .•••• Tu rota To Ray City. 588 Otira••t ··-·····-·Maromb To Mount Clemens. 831 Van<ialia*•t ········-·Cass To Dowagiac. 394 Vauderbilt*•t ____ ._OtsE>1rn To Gaylord. 14:,3 Va sar"•t.._. ·-··· Tu rola To Caro. 585 Vermootville"•t ··-· Eaton To Lan ing. 300 Vf'Staburg*•t .•. Montcalm To tan ton. 1046 Vkksburg"•t •. Kalamazoo 'l'o Kalamazoo. 1.,00 Wakefleto••t ._ ••• GngPbic To RPs't>mer. 457 Waldron••+ .••. __ Hill ·clale To Hillsdale. 2:i2 Walkerville* ••••.. Ocrana To Hart. 326 Warren"•t ··----·Macomb To Mount Clemens. il'.i0 Wa hington••t._.Maromb To Mount Clemens. 1073 WatervliPt"•t _____ Bt>rrieo To t. J O"eph. lf!0 Watrou,ville ••... Tu rota To Bay City. 8:i3 \\ aylancJ"•t ··- __ .• Allt'!Zan To AIIPt?an. 18119 Wayne"•t ···-·-··· Wayne ee Dl'troit. ee Lao ·ing. 465 Wehherville*•t ._.Ingham 500 Weidman••t ·--···l·abella To Mt. Pleasant. •»RI •. CH 4•PIN. o. 1105 •West Brautb"•t..Ogrmaw 0 A n 27!'\ WP tnn"•i ·-···· T.rrrnwi>e To Actrian.  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. complete information in preface to Attorney List. NOTE See  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA  Popu. LA· TJOM,  325 500 618 1230 88i 232 150 1060 100  2li0  413 356  13851  1223 7113 2275  POPU•  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAM&.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  LA·  NAME.  TION__:_  Westphalia* _______ Clinton Wbeeler*•t ____ •••• Uratiot •White Cloull*•t •• Newano Wbitehall*•t ___ _M uskt'l!On White Pigeon*•tSt.Jose11h Wbittemore••t ______ Iosco Williamshurg Grand Traverse Williamstoo*•t ___ Ingham Willis*•t ______ Wa!>btenaw Wino* ____________ Isabella Wol"erine••t __ Chehoygan Woodland*• ________ Barry Wyandotte••t _____ Wayne Yale*•t ___________ st. Clair Ypsilanti*•t __ Washtenaw Zeeland*•t ________ Ottawa  To Saint Johns. To Ithaca. To Big Rapids. To Mw;kegon. To Three Rivers. To Tawas City. To Traverse City. See Laning . To Ann Arbor. T(.'I Mount Pleasant. To Chebonan. To Hastinl!S, See Detroit. To Port Huron. To Ann Arbor. To Holland.  25 2i0 709 400 394 814 J.,o 664 1564 242 400 358 107 628 960 507 217 210 200 487 125  Averill *-···- ___ ______ Clay Avoca*•L--- ______ Murray Avon,.•t __________ Stearns Back us••t ____________ Cass Badgt>r*•t _________ Roseau •R32'ley*•t ______ Clearwater Baker*•t-------- Clay Balaton*•t ___________ Lyon Barnesville*•t ________ Clay Barnum*•t ________ Carlton Barrett*•t __________ Grant Barrows* ____ Crow Wing (Brainerd P. 0 .) Barry*•t ________ Big Stone Battle Lake*•t .Otter Tail Baudette• ________ Beltrami Bearctsley••t .. _Big Stone Beaver Creek*•t _____ Rock Becker*•t ______ Sherburne Bejou*• _______ Mahnomen Belgrade*•t _______ Stearns Bellechester _____ Goodhue <Goodhue P. 0.) Belleplaine*•t _______ Scott Bellinl!'bam*•t _La.c-qu1-l''e Beltrami*•t __________ Polk Belview"•t ______ Redwood  1251 405 219 381 7086 "'Bemidji*•t _______ Beltrami  MINNESOTA One Federal District comprises tbe entire state and Is divided into eh dh1.'llona: the f'lrst dJvt,loo with court at Winona. on tbe tbJrd Tuesdays bin May and :-.;!r, tht' Second division with court a1 Mankato on t u fourth Tuesdays In April and Octobtlr· the TbJrd dhislon wltb coF urt at ~t. Paul on the 11rst Tu"sda)s In iune and DocPmher; the ourtb division with court at Mluueapolls. thu lirst Tuesdays lD April and Uctotltlr: the l<llth division wttb court at Duluth secona 1F'ut!Sdays ln January and july: and the Sixth division with court at f'r,cu11 Fallli, the first Tuesday In May and second Tuesday In N ovember.  REFERENCE KEY •County Seat. • Money Order Office. • Express Office. t Tel~raoh Station. § State Capital. 1411 609 1087 183  •Acta••t ___________ Norman Adams••t_ _________ Mower Adriau*•t -------· _Nobles Afton*•t _____ washiniton  PETER MATSON. To Austin. To Worthington. To Stillwater.  1490 8~ 1124 109  •Aitkin••t • _________ Aitkin Akt'ly*•t _________ Huhhard Albany••t _________ Stearns Alberta*•t ________ Stevens  D. To To To  8056 300 530 150  •Albert Lea*•t ___ Freeborn Albertville''•t _____ Wright Alden*•t ________ Aldrich*•t ________ Wadena  J. O. PETERSON. To Bulfalo. See Albert Lea. To Wadena.  3388 •Alt>xandria••t ____ Douglas 100 Almetund _________ (.)Jusaio (Center City P.O.) 140 Almora• ________ Ottt'r Tail 261 Aloha*• __________ Jaekson 189 Altura•----------· Winona Alvarac1o*•t ______ Marshall Amboy*•t _____ Blue Earth 111 Amiret*•t. __________ Lyon 100 Angus*•t ____________ Polk 64 4 Annandale*•t _____ Wriiht  !~}  A. SCOTT. Ut,millji. St. Cloud. Morris.  GUNDER, ON & LEACH. To Center City.  To Fergus Falls. To Jackson. To Winona. To Warren. To Mankato. To Marshall. To Crookston. To Buffalo.  4287 •Anoka*•t __________ Anoka LF.F..DS D. CUTTER. ..,79 Apoleton*•t. ________ Swift To Benson. 231 9::i6 776 50 388 lliO 242 735 314 lUO  1767  Arco*•t ___________ Linc-oln Argy lt'*•t ________ Mars hall Arlington••t _______ iblt•Y Armstrong ______ Freeborn A!ihby*•t ___ ________ Grant Ashcreek*•L----···· Rock Askov*•--------------Pine Atwater••t _____ Kandiyohi Auduhon*•t _______ Jkrker Augusta. _____ . ____ Carver  See l vanboe. To Warren. To Gaylord. To Albert Lea. To Elbow Lake. To Luverne. 'l'o Pine City. To Willmar. To Di,troit. To }tlinneapolis.  !ChtUka P. 0.) 28011 Aurora••t _______ St. Louis To Virginia.  10118 •Austin*•t __________ Mower SA SE & FRENCH. Au omba •t ______ Carlton To Carl·on  2111 •Benson••t ••••••••••• Swift 150 Beroun•• ____________ Pine 444 Bertha*•t ___________ Todd 265 Bethel*•t __________ Anoka 45 Big Bend ---- ---Chippewa (Milan P. 0.) 223 Bi2elow••t ________ Nobles 36-5 Big Falls*•t •• Koochiching 160 Bigrork* ____________ Itasca 361 Big Lake*•t •••• Sherburne 273 Bingham Lake*•tcot·nw'd 946 Bird lsland*•t----Renville 100 Biscay*•----------McLeod 2024 Biwabik*•t ______ st. Louis 125 Bixby*• ____________ steel~ 788 Blackduck*•t ____ Beltrami 200 Blakeley••t _____ ----Scott 1012 Bloommg Prairie*•t Steele 2568 •Blue Earth*•t--- Farihault 220 Rluff'ton*•t. •••• Otter Tail 100 Bock•----------Mille Lacs 45 Bongards• ________ Carver 150 Borup*•t _________ Norman 1324 Bovey*•t ___________ Itasca 247 Bowlus*•t. ______ Morrison 549 Boyd*•t. ____ Lac-Qui-Parle 200 Boy River*•t ••••••• Cass 511 Braham*•t __________ Isanti 9li91 292 2401 405 564 181 167 150 160  14~8 465 2007 125 212 404 302 1570 325 445 110  •Brainerd*•t ___ crow Wing Brandon*•t. ---- __ Douglas •BrE'ckenridge••t ___ Wilkm Brewster*•t _______ Nobles Bricelyn"•t _____ Faribault Bronson*•t _______ Kittson Brookpark*•t ____ ---- Pine Rrooks*•t _______ Red Lake Brookston*•t--.St. Louis Brooten*•t ________ Stearns Browerville*•t ____ •. Todd Brownsdale*•t. ____ Mower Brownsville*•t ___ Houston Brownton*•t _____ McLeod Brown Valley*•t. Traverse Bruno*•t _____________ Pine Brunswkk* ____ Kaneheck Brush vale*•------- Wilkin Buckman _______ Morrison (Pi.erz P.O.) •Buffalo*•t _________ W rig-ht Buff'alo Lake*•t __ Renville Bubl*•t __________ st. Louis Burr*•--· Yellow Medicine Burtrum••t _________ Todd Butterffeld*•t __ Watonwan Bvron*•t _________ Olmsted •Caledonia*•t _____ Houston Callaway"•t _______ necker Calumet*•t _________ Itasca Cambria ______ Blue Earth  1080 42-1 1754 1315 365 50 208 700 504 2109 60 50 285 543 400 272 129 lll66  •Cambridge*•t -------Isanti Campbell*•t _______ Wilkin Canby*•t Yellow Medicine Cannon Falls*•t. Goodhue Canton*•t ________ Fillmore Carlisle*•------ Otter Tail Carlos*•t _________ Douglas •Carlton*•t ________ Carlton Carver*•t __________ carver Cass Lake*•t. ________ cass Castle Rock*•t ____ Dakota Cedar*•------------ Anoka. •Center City••t ____ Chisago Ceylon••t __________ Martin Champlin*t. ____ llennepin Ohanct1t,r••t _______ Murray Chanhassen ________ carver •Ct1:11;ka*•t _________ carver  649 681 271  338  540 1073 217 25 20 227  To )loorhcad. To Slaywn. To St. Cloud. To Bemidji. To 'l'hief River Falls. To Bemidji. To Moorhead. To Marshall. To Moorhead. To Cloquet. To Elbow Lake. To Brainerd. See Ortonville. To Fergus Falls, To Bemidji. See Ortonville. To Luverne. •ro Elk River. To Detroit. To St. Cloud. To Red Winir. To Shakopee. To Madison. See Crookston. To Redwood Falls. GRA DAM M. TOB.B.A.NCB. Attorney for the Northern Nat'I Bank. C. L. KANE. To Pine City. To Wadena. To Anoka. To Montevideo. To Worthington. To International Falls. To Grand Rapids. To Elk ltiver. To Windom. To Olivia. To Glencoe. To Virginia. To Owatonna. To Bemidji. To Shakopee. To Owatonna. PUTNAM & CARL ON. To Fergus Falls. To Princeton. To Chaska. To Ada. To Grand Rapids. To Brainerd. To Madison. To Bemidji. To Cambridge. GEO. H. GARDNER. To Alexandria. L. E.JONES. To Worthington. To Blue Earth, To Hallock. To Pine City. To Thief River Falls. To Duluth. To Saint Cloud. To Wadena. To Austin. See Caledonia. To Glencoe. See Wheaton. To Pine City. To Mora. To Breckenridge. To Brainerd. ALLEY & ALLEY. To Olivia. To Virginia. To Granite Falls. To Wadena. To St. James. To RochPster. To La Cros e, Wis. To DPtroit. To Grand Rapids. To Mankato. JOHN W. CLOVER. To Breckenridge. To Granite Fa.Us • To Red Wing. To Preston. To Fergus Falls. To Alexandria. To Cloquet. To Cha, ka. To Bemidji. To Hastings. To Anoka. S. B. WENNERBERG. 1'o Fairmont. To Minneapolis. To Slayton. To ~linneapolis. To ?1Ji1111Papolis.  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. NOTE See complete information in pref ace to• Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  MINNESOTA  1768 J>opu.  NAME.  TOWN AND COU TY.  LA•  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  TION,  1382 422 9039 420 750 334 421 724 100 310 275 331 196 269 274 512 178 223  Ohatfleld*•t------ li'illmore Obi ago City*•t ___ Qhisaeo Chisholm*•+-____ t. Louis Chokio*•t ---- ____ tevens Clara City*•t ____ Chippewa Olaremont*•t _______ Dodge Clarissa *•t __________ 'fodd Olarktleld*•t _Yello'Medi'e Clark's Grove*•t Freeborn Clearbrook*•t _Clearwater Clear Lake*•t __ herburne Clear WatPr*•t ____ \Vright Clrmen ts*•t _____ Hed wood Cleveland"•t _____ Lesueur Climax*•t ____________ Polk Olinton*•t _____ _Big tone Clitherall*•t ___ Otter 'l'ail Clontarf*•t _________ Swift  Cloquet*•t ________ Carlton Cloverton*•t ________ J>inc Cobdt>n*•t ________ Brown Coha ·se *•t _________ Itasca Cokato *•t ________ Wrieht Cold pring*•t ____ Steams Coleraine*• t ________ Itasca Oologne*•t _________ carvt>r Comfrey*•t _______ Brown Com tock*•t ________ Clay Coneer*•t ______ Freeborn Cook*•L--------- t. Louis Correll*•t _______ Big tone Cosmo.' ________ ----Meeker (Buffalo Lake P.O.) 813 C11tto11woo<l*•t _____ Lyon 224 Cm1rtlaurl*•t _____ Nicollet 16.1 CromwPll*•t ______ Carlton 6 25 •Crookston••+ ________ Polk 3500 Croslty"•t. ____ <.,row Wing 40-1 Currw*•t __________ Murray 100 ( ·u--hi ng*•t ------~lorrison 417 Cuyuna••+ ____ Crow Wing 312 Cvrus*•t _____________ Pope 30 1 (hkota ••+________ Winona )UO 1>1·h11" ____ __________ !_anti 1:; D.1 le *! ________________ Clay 2U0 1, tlto11 •• _______ Utter Tail 3l0 [) 1 nulw"• L ______ Renville 25 < Uam Prs ••t----------Swift 112 l>arl ur••t_ _____ Watonwan t:12 l).1rw111••t ________ Meeker }04 1,a,, .. 1·•t ________ leeker 151 l l>a w-.on"•t _ Lac qui Parle 2!J9 l>;1y ton •t ______ Hennepin 3111 l>1·1•r C.:reek*•L Otter Tail H 41 l>1't'r Hiver*•L _____ Jta ·ra 532 D,·n \\'ood*•LOrow Wing 246 l>,· Oratr*•L-------- wift lf!4 Dl'lano*•L-------- Wrieht 311! Ul'!avnn"•t ______ Faribault 100 Dt'lft• L ______ Qottonwood 191 Delb1*•t _________ i{ectwood 25 Denham*•t ___________ Pine 218 Dennison*•t _____ Goodhue 275 Dent*•t ________ Otter Tail 5127 300 108 420 1014 705 1300 383 533 173 100 400 133 50  3426 298 882 921 167 354 118 75 50  .. netroit*•t _________ Becker Dexter*•L-------- Mower Dilworth*•t _________ Clay Dodte Center*•+___ Dodge Donaldson*•t _____ Kittson Donnelly*•t ______ Stevrns Doran*•L--- ______ W ilkiu Dor et _________ nnbbard Dotson ____________ Brown  To Preston. To Center City. To Hibbing. To Morri . See Montevideo. 'ro Mantorville. l'o Wadena. ee Granite Falls. To Albert Lea. To Bemidji. •ro Elk River. To Butl'alo. To Redwood Falls. To Mankato. ee Crook ton. To Ortonville. To Fereus Falls. To B•n ·on.  983 102 367 667 904 125 4902 35t 2117 150 60 457 75 150 123  .. Elk River"•t ___ Sherburne Elkton"•t _________ Mower Ellendale*•t _____ Steele Ellsworth*•t ______ Nobles Elmore*•+ _______ Faribault Elrosa•t -----------Stearns EJy*•f______ ____ _ t. Louis Elysian"•t _______ Lei:ueur Emmons*f ______ Freeborn Erdahl*• ____________ Grant Erhard* _________ Otter Tai I ll:rskine*•t ___________ Polk Essig*•t ____________ Brown l'olk ------------Brown Euclid*•t Evan*•f ____________  JOHN A. FE El'-BECK. To Pine City, To New Ulm. To Grauel Hapids. To Buffalo. To St. Cloud. To Grand Rapids. To Cha ka. To Kew Ulm. To Moorhead. To Albert Lea. To Virginia. See Ortonville. To Litchfield.  799 403 1066 300  Excelsior"•t ____ Hennepin Eyota*•t _________ Olmsted Fairfax*•+ _______ Renville Fairhaven ________ tearn  To Mar hall. To Mankato. To Cloquet. J. H. SYLVE TRE. 'l'o Brainerd·. To Slayton. To Litlle Falls. 'l'o Brainerd. To Glenwood. 'J'o Winona. To Cambridge. To .Ioorhead. To Fergu Falls. To Olivia. 'l'o Benson. To t. James. To Litchtield. To Litchfield. To Ma.di on. To linncapoli . To Fereu Falls. 'I'o Grand Rapids. To Brainrrd. To Ben ·on. 'ro ButTalo. To Blue Earth. To Windom. To Red wood Falls. To Pin City. To Red Wine. To .Fergus Falls. FRANK D. UJ<:AULIEN. To Austin. To Moorhead. 'J'o Mantorville. To Hallock. To Morris. To nreckC'nridge. To Pem1dii. To 'ew Ulm.  (Spri1t11/id<l P. 0.)  Dougla *•-------- Olm ted To Rochester. DoTer"•t _________ Olm ted To Rochester. Dovray*•t _________ Murray 'ro layton. Downer------------_ Clay Moorhead. 98917 .. Duluth*•L ______ st. Louis COURTNEY & COURTNEY, First 'at'! Bank Bide. Practico in tateandFederalCourt. We have special facilities for hanclling Commerriat Litigation, Bankruptcy Matters, and oppratP a vigorous CollC'ction Department m connection with our practice·. RefrrencP : Fir ·t • ·ational Bank, tone Ordcan Wells Co. and Marshall Wells Hardware Co., all or Dulutn. Minn. 100 226 65 60  210 Dumont*• ------- Traverse Dundas *•t ---- _______ Rice 215 Dundee*•+--------- Nobll-'S 247 Dunnell*•t _________ Martin 600 Ragle llend*• t _______ Todd 231 Eagle Lake*•Llllue Earth 150 East Chain ________ Martin 37:3  (b~almwnt P.  n.>  2490 326 482 665 657 150  East Grand Fork *•t _Polk Ea ton*• t _______ Faribault Echo*• L-Yellow :Medicine Eden Valley*•t ____ Meeker Ed1rnrton*• t ____ Pipestone Eitzen* _________ llouston  867 150 501 204 109  .,Elbow Lake*• t ______ Grant Eldred*• ------------- Pulk Elein"•t--------- Wabasha Elizabeth*• t ____ otter Tail Elko*•t ____________ Scott  See Wheaton. To Faribault. To \\ orthington. To Fairmont. To Wadena. To Mankato. To Fairmont. To Crook~ton. To Blue Earth. ee Granite Falls. To Litchflelct. 'fo Pipestone. See Caledonia. R . J. TROMME. See Crookston. To Wabasha. To Fergus Falls. To hakopee.  NOTE  C. S. WHEATON.  To Austin. To Owatonna. To Worthington. To Blue Earth. To t. Cloud. To Virginia. To Mankato. To Albert Lea. To B~lbow Lake. To Fergus Falls, ee Crook 'ton. To New Ulm. Sre Crook ton. To New Ulm. 427 Evansville*•t----- Douglas To Alexandria. 7205 Eveleth*•+------- t. Loui 'T'o Viri?ima. Evl' n;n'l'n ___ ------Becker To D'troit. (Fm znec P . ;J . )  To Minneapolis. To Rochester. To Olivia. To t. Cloud.  4630 .,Fairmont"•+------- Martin BALLOU & BALLOU. 11089 1449 l40 313 184  ,Faribault*•L---------Rice Farmington*•t---- Dakota Farwell*•t_ __________ J'ope Fe'leral Dam*• f_ _____ ca s Felton*•t ____________ Clay  CHA . S. BATCHELDER.  To Hasting . To Glenwood. To Walker. To Moorhead.  7581 .t.Fereus Falls*• t Otter Tail HILTON & THOHPS ON. Attor· neys for the First National Bank:. 800 Fertile*•t ------------ Polk To Crook ton. 293 Finlayson*•t ---- _____ Pine To Pine City. 305 Fisher*•+------------ Polk See Crookston. 2 LO Flensburg•--- ___ Morrison To Brainerd. 100 Flom* ___________ Norman To .Ada. 277 Flooctwood*•t ___ st. Louis To Duluth. 176 Florence*• L-------- Lyon To Marshall. 837 ..Foley*•+ __________ Benton To St. Cloud. 92 Forada*• + ________ Douglas To .A.lexandria. 81J0 Forest Lake*• t Wash 'eton To tillwat 'r. 328 Foreston*•+______ Millrlac To Princeton. 125 FortR1pley••t-Crow Wing To Brainerd, 1014 Fosston*•+ ___________ Polk ce Crookston. 346 Fountain*•t -----· Fillmore To Pre ton. 266 Foxhome*•t _______ Wilkin To Breckenridre. 78 Foxlake*•t --------~Iartin To Fairmont. 510 Franklin*•t------ Renville To Olivia. 1400 Frazee*•t __________ Becker To Detroit. 200 Freeborn*• ______ Freeborn To Albert Lea. 200 Freeburg ________ Hou 'ton To La Cro~ 'e, Wis. 525 FreePort*•t _______ tearns To St. Cloud. 50 Frencb Lake ______ \Vright To Minneapoli . 300 252 893 300 176 350 333 50 783 207 158 LOO  136 50 316 583 3510 150 1747 379 2187 382 276 398 231 464 125 75 1022  387 443 570  (A1111cmrlale />. O.)  Frontenac~•t ____ Goodhue Frost*•L ________ Farib:1Ult Fulda*•+ _________ Murray Garden City•• t Blue Earth Garfleld*• f _______ Douglas Garvin*•L---------- Lyon Gary* •t ____ ____ __ orman Gatzke* _____ Marshall Gaylord*• t _________ Sibley Geneva* _______ Freeborn Genola*---- ____ .Morrison Gentilly* _____________ Polk Georgetown*•t _______ Clay Georgeville* ______ 'tearns Ghent*• t ____________ Lyon Gibbon*•t ____ ------ Sibll'Y Gilbert*•t------- St. Louis Gilman* ___________ Benton  To Red Wing. To Blue Earth. To layton. To Mankato. To Alexandria. To Mar hall. To Ada. To Thief Ri\'er Fall . T. O. STREI. SGUTH. To Albert Lea. To Bramerd. To Crook~ton. To To ~aint Cloud. To Marshall. To Gaylord. To Vireinia. To It'oley. ..Glencoe*•L------ McLeod F. R. ALLEN. Glenville*•t _____ Freeborn See Albert Lea. T  ..GJenwood*•L------- l'opfl Glyndon*•t __________ Clay Gonvick*•t ____ Clearwater Goodhue*• t ______ Goodhue Goodric.lge• ,.__ Pennington Good Thunder*•_BlueE'th Gordonsville*•t- FrePborn Graceton ________ Il •ltrami Uraceville*•t ____ Bie tone G,<1.nada"•t ________ :Martin ..Grand arais"t ______ Cook Grand ~Ieadow••t _ Mower  H. T. RO, ·1NG. To Moorhead. 'Io Bemidji. To J{ed \Ying. To Thief Rh·er Falls. To Mankato. To Albrrt Lea. To Crook.-tou. To Ortonville. To Fairmont. To Duluth. To !ustin.  2914 .,Grand Rapids"•t ____ Jtasca ALFRED L. TBWING. 200 Grandy*•t __________ ! ·anti To Cambridge. 150 Grauger_ ________ .Fillmore To Pre ton. 1611 .,Granite Falls*• f_ Yel. Mt><l. 2:lll Grasston*•t_ _____ Kauabec 310 Groenbush*• L---- Ro eau 26i Green lsle*•t _______ Sibtey 100 Green Valley"•t ____ Lyon 153 Greenwald*• ______ Stearns 3911 Grey Eaete*•L ______ Todd 150 Groningen •L ________ Pine 388 Grove Oity*• t-----Meeker 155 Gryela* __________ Marshall 100 Guckeen*•t _____ Faribault 350 Gully"•t --------- ____ Polk 50 Guthrie _________ Ilubbard 200 Hackensack*• t ------- Cas 147 Hadley*• t -------- Murray  OLE HARTWICK. To lora. To Ro rau. To Gaylord. 'J'o Mar ·hall. To t. Cloud. To Wadena. To Mora. To Litchfield. To Thief River Falls. To Blue Earth. SPe Crookston. To Bemidji. To Bemidji. To lav~n.  USE COUPONS aa instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) POPU-  --=-  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY. LA~ 1012 150 528 Ui3 200 226 246 763 326 199 412 217 718 672 229  •Ballock*•t------- Kittson Halma••t _________ Kittson Halstad*•+ ________ Norman Hambure••t ______ .Carver Hamel ____ --·--Hennepin Hammond*•t---- Wabasha Hampton*•t --··-·· Dakota Hancork*•t ·--·-·· Stevens Hanley Faus••t. Yel. Med. Hanover•••••••.... WriJ?ht Hanska*t ·------··· Brown Hardwick*•t-----··· Rock Ilarmony*•t ••.. -Fillmore Harris*•t ···----·· Chisai.w Hartland*•t _...• Freeborn  4571 9~ 12a 939 799 100 50 145 ~30 66 731 354 7 2 630 922 399 15089 028 35  •Hastings••t -··· ••• Dakota Hatfl_eld*• ·--·--fipe~ton~ Haw1ck .• ______ Kand1yoh1 liawley*•t ···-·--·-·- Clay Hayfleld*•L-···-··-Dodge Hayward"•t ·--·· Freeborn Hazel*•-·-·····Pennington Hazel Run••tYellow Med. Hector*•t •.•..... l{enville •Henderson*r··-···· Sibley Bendricks••t •• _•. Lincoln Hendrum .. •t ••..•. Norman Menu_ing•:t ·-···Otter ~ail  gg  418  673 25 204 475 407 600  318  289 150 232  g~  50 778 744 246 198 130 3379  211  MINNESOTA TOWN AND COUNTY.  B. V, BLETHEN. To Hallock. To Ada. To Chaska. To Minneapolis. To Wabasha. To Hastings, To .Morris. See Granite Falls. To Ruffalo. To New Olm. To Luverne. To Preston. To Center City. See Albert Lea.  ~00 216 100 121 200 40 170 150 707 434 1795 863 758 229 100 523 350 2700 5500 307 200 100 80 148  C. S. LOWELL. To Pipestone. To Willmar. To Moorb(>ad. To Mantorville. To Alhert Lea. To Thief River Falls. (>8 Granite Falls. To Olivia. To Gaylord. To Watertown, S. Dak. To Ada. To Fergus Falls,  •Lone Prairie*•+-···· Todd Long Siding ~• .• Mille Lacs Lonsdate*•t ······-··· Rice Lorrtto*•+ •.••• _Hennepin Oil Louisburg*•t Lac Qui Parle 225 Lowry••t •••• ··-· .... Pope 181 T,ucan••t ........ Red wood 139 Luce .. ••····-··otter 'lail 2782 •LuvP-rne*•t ··-·-····· Rock 60 Lydia.·-·········-··· cott (J,mlari P. 0.) 505 Lyle*•t •••.•....... Mower 200 Lynd*•t ·····--·-····Lyon 34 Lyndale• ••.•••• Hennepin 550 Mabel*•t ··-····-· Fillmore 1447 Madelia*•t ·-··· \Vatonwan 1838 •Madison*•L. Lac qui Parle 359 Madison Lake*•tl3lue fi~•th 219 Magnolia*•L·-······ Rock 1076 •:M ahnomen••+. Mahnomen 50 .fahtowa*•t ...•.. Carlton 100 Manchester*• •.. Freeborn 183 Manganese ... Crow Wing 12460 •:\Jaokato••t ..• BJu(> Earth 381 •Mantorville"•t .•.•• Dodge 677 Maple Lake"•t-.. - Wright 2i3 :Maple Plain*•t •• Hennepin 857 laoleton*•t ... Blue Earth 742 Marble*•t .......... Itasca 413 :'lfarietta*•L.Lac Qu1 Parle 361 Marine oo St. Croix* Washington 500 l\larkville"•t ··--· •... Pine Lyon .......• 3092 •Marshall*•L 50 tatawan•• •......• Waseca 55 Mavie.·-·--···Pennington 144 Mayer*•L···-····· Carver 536 Maynard •t __ •.• Chippewa 481 Mazeppa*•L •.••• Wabasha 150 McGrath*•t ·-··-···Aitkin 195 :'lfcGreg-or*•t •...•.. Aitkin 805 Mclntosh*•t ·-·· •.•.. Polk 11 Lt~~le ! ~~~ 185 MeireGrove_ •••... Stearns Ll.felrose P. 0.) t 75 Melby*•-···-····· Douglas 2529 Melro.e*•t. ...•••. Stearns 478 Menahga*•t-..••. Wadena l!J3 ~femlota •-········Dakota 255 Mentor*•t •••.••..... Polk 150 Meriden*•L··-···- Steele 324 Middle River*•t. Marshall 1347 •Milaca*•L..•.. Mille Lacs "'"~0 t]! 1an•~t ••-···· ChDippe\~'a 1., 2 ,u1 11erv1 11 e ..... __ • oug 1as <Bmii<lon P. 0.) i~~ Millville*•L---·· Waba ha M ii roy••t ··•• ··- Rr<iwood 100 Miltona.... -··-···Douelas 380582•:Minneapoli *•t. Hennepin 1346 75 450 100  H!~~:~~~t :==::::::·a~!~i :fg,w~JY!ke.  Heron Lalrn"•L .• Jackson Hewitt*•t.···-·-···· Todd Hibbing••t .•• _.St. Louis Hill City•-····--··- Aitkin IIillman••··-·-··Morri on llills"•L ...• _._ •...• Hock Hinrkley••t. .•••....• Pine llines* ·····--· · -lleltrami H1tterdal"•L ..•.....• Olay Hoffman••t ...•••... Grant Hokah*•L: •••• -. Houston Ho1dingford*•t ••. Stearns Bolland*•t ••••. _:Pipestone Holloway••t •••••.•. Swift Holme· City*-···· Douglas Holt*•t ··-·-··--·Marshall Hope •t.·-·········Steele llopkins"•t •.•.. Hennepin Houston*•L ...•. Houston Howard Lake*•t. WriJ?ht Hueo*•L ..•.. Wa hington Humboldt*•t ...•.. Kittson Huntley*•·-·····Farihault Hutchinsou*•t .... McL<•od Ihlen"•t ··---··· Pipestone  3448 365 1165 411 :~  •lnternational Falls*•tKoo. Lona• ····-·········Murray Ironton*·-···· Crow Wing lsanti*•t .....•••... Isanti Isle*-······ ···· Mille Vies •Ivanhoe*•t ·-·-····Linc:oln 2144 •Jack •on*•L_ ••••. Jackson 1261 Jaue •ville*•L ..•.. Waseca 968 Ja per*•t •••••.. Pipestone 393 J e!Ters*•L .•. Cottonwood 125 Jenkins*• •.••. Orow Wing 100 John ·on*•t _•••• Big Stone 1106 Jordan*•t ·-·· .••••.. c·ott 120 Jud ·on*•L .•• Blue Earth 100 Kanaranzi*•t-•..•.•• Hock 184 Kandiyohi*•L •• Kancliyohi 286 Karlstad*•t ••••.•• Kittson 686 Ka. ot·1*•L •• - •••. Le uellr 1150 Kasson*•t ···-······Dodee lll,9 KPPwatin*•t ·--·····Ita ca 514 Kelliher*•t ·-···· Beltrami 370 Kellogg*•+ •. -•••. Wabasha 31,! Kennrdy*•L ••• __ .Kittson 1• ., Kennetb*•t ..••••... Rock 252 KPnsiniton"•L ••• Douglas !50 Kent••t ....•..•••• Wilkin I ..62 K(>nyon*•t ....••. Gootlhue 568 Kerkltoven*•t ···-·· Swift 200 Kerrirk*•L ....•••••• Pine ·•• ~. • Kettle H.iver~•t ••. Carlton 2u 7 Ki(>stn*•t ....••• Faribault 218 Kilkonny"•t -···· Le Sueur 44'.5 Kimhall*•t ·····-·· StParns 121 KinbraP*•···-·-··· Nohl(>s 150 King:,ton •....••..• Meeker . (Dassel 1'. O.) 1200 I~1111wy• -···--···St. Louis 75 l~loss1ier._ •. _. __ • 'icollet 125 h.ragups*• ··-··· ...• Glay 367 La Ore•. cc>nt"•t ... Houston 4o9 LafayE'tte*•t ..•..• Nicollet 044 Lake Bt>nton*•t ... Lincoln  t!~~ g~r~:l*~t"r1~~;~~~~ m~ 225 LakP Elmo*•L Washington  To Jackson. To Wadena. GANNON & STRIZICH. To Aitkin. To Little Falls. To Luverne. l'o Pin(> City. 'l'o Bt>mid.ii. •ro Moorhead. To Alexandria. See Caledonia. 'J'o St. Cloud. To Pipestone. To Benson. 'l'o Alexandria. To Thief River Falls. To Owatonna. To Minneapolis. To La Crosse, Wis. To Butfalo. •ro Stillwa.ter. To Jiallo<·k. To Blue Earth. 'T'o Glencoe. To Pipestone. J. J. HADLER. To layton. To Bramerd. ·ro Cambridge. To Princeton. To Watertown, S. Dak. F. n. FABER. To wa eca. To Piiwstone. To Windom. To Brainerd. See Ortonville. To . 'hakopee. To )lankato. 'l'o Luverne. , ee Willmar. To Hallock. To Mankato. To \fantorville. To Grand Rapids, 'l'o B<'midji. 'l'o Wahasha. •ro Hallock. To Luverne. To Alexandria. To Breckenridge. To Hed Wing. To Benson. •ro Pine City. To Carlton. Tn Blup Earth. To :ira nkato. To St. Cloud. Tn Worthington. To Litchfield.  Duluth. To St. Peter. 'l'o ~loorliead. To La Crosse, Wis. 'I'o :i1.1nl{ato. To \\'afrrtown. S. Dak.  :r,g itl~)~;J;:  NOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  if!-a1g~~ ~r:~~~.~~  'ro  To Stillwaler. 1346 LaketlE'ld*•t .•••• ,Jack ·on To Jack ·on. 7 19 Lakt> flpnry ·······Stparn 'l'o St. Cloud. <P111mr.~villc 1'. O. > 700 Lake Park*•L •.•.• Bi>cker TQ Detroit. 474 Lakeville*•t ·-····· Dakota 'l'o Ha~t1111?s. 354 Lake Wilson*•L .. .Murray To Slayton. 872 Lamberton*•t .•• R(>dwood 'ro l{edwood F'alls. 3~~ Lanraster*t ..•.•• Kitt on To 11, llork. ~T~nPshoro••t _..• Fillmor(> To Pr,. ·ton._  Lansing*• ---·--·-·Mower Laoorte•• ·----···Hub bard La Salle*•t -··· Watonwan Lastrup ··-·-·-··)Iorrison (Pierz P. 0.) Lawler••t --··----·· Aitkin Lawndale*···-····- Wilkin Lengby*•t ·----· ... _.. Polk Leonard*•t ·--·Clearwater Le Roy••t --· ··----Mower Lester Prairie*•t..MrLeod Le ueur••t --·--· Le Sueur •Lesueur Center••t LPsueur Lewiston*•t ··-··· Winona Lewisville*•t •• Watonwan Linroln*•t -· .••• Morrison 1,tnastrom*•t ···-· Chisaeo Lismore*•L .....•• Nobles •Litchfleld*•t ...... Meeker •Little Falls*•t •.• 1orrison Littlefork*•t.Koochichinl? Little auk*• ....•.•• Todd Lockhart"• ··--··· r orman London*•t--·--· F'reeborn Long Lake*•t ·-·Henueoin  NAME. 'l'o Austin. See Park Raoids. To. 't. James. To Little Falls. '.ro Aitkin. To Breckenridge. To Crookston. 'l'o Bagley. 'ro Austin. To Glencoe. To Mankato. To ::\Iankato. To Winona. To St. James. 'l'o Little Falls. To Center City. To Worthington. B. H. DART. E. P. ADAM. To International Falls. To Wadena. To Ada. To Albert Lea. To Minneapolis. H.B. ,'HERWOOD. To Prince iou. To Faribault. ee Minneapolis. To Madi on. To Glenwood. To RNlwood Falls. To Fergus Falls. M. \V. C'IIUNN. To Shakopee. To Austin. To Marshall. To Minneapolis. 'l'o Preston. To t. James. ARTHUR lV. EWING. To .Mankato. To Luverne. To Dl'troit. To Cloquet. To Albert Lea. To Brainerd. II. L. & J. W. SCHMITT. NORTON & NORTON. To Butfalo. ee 11inneapolis. To Mankatc. To Grand Rapids. 'fo Madison. To Stillwater. 'l'o Pine City. CIIAltLES L. DEB.EU. l'o Waseca. 'l'o Thief River Falls. To Chaska. See :Montevideo. To Waba:ha. To Aitkin. 'l'o Aitkin. To Crook ton. To Duluth. To Owatonna. ·ro St. Cloud. To Alexandria. To t. Cloud. To Wadena. To Ila ·tings. Sre Crookston. To Owatonna . To Warren. To Princ<•ton. . 'ee Montevicleo. 'l'o Alexandria. TToo 1\~;tdh,avoslo1ad.Falls. ,, 'l'o Alexandria.  JOSS and OHMAN, 311 iC'ollet Avenue. General Practic(>, etUcment of E.tate~. Corporation and Commercial L1w. We maintain an efflrient collection department. Hefereure ·: Minnesota Loan & Tru t Company, Western Ele<'tric Company, Hobt>rt A. John 'ton Company, :Milwaukre. Wis., Qo_ntinental Paper Bag Company, 'ew York, N. Y. Dcpos1t1ons hefore W. G. Parker. Notary l'ublic. KOON, WHELAN & HEMP:TEAD, .linn'"Ota Loan & "'"' Pt~~~I:?/ai~ ~Jl ac~u~~~en~ t P~audf ~_i~l.g. tornpyc.; for ·ortll-Westcrn 'ational tlank of Minneapolis. TEVENS & STEVEN • (F. JI. "tevws, 11. H .• 'tetiells IT. A. 't l'crn;). Established 1809. Lewis Buil.iinl? 601 Second Ave .• South. Gt'neral Practir<' in all United• tates aml tate Courts. 'pe~ialize: Commercial, Corporation, Heal Estate Law. Corporation· organiz<•d: depositions taken: all ,~embers 01aricsPubli9 Organized Collection Department. he~ ral Coun~el for )1111neapolis. Anoka & Cuyuna Range Ha1lw~y Company. MinnC'apoli ·. Chica1w i ·ew York and ' - - - ' - - - -- _ _r.~11an_!:_Pf<>r1•11rp~ unon application.  £;~,'  {~.ttfr~,~!~~.;~~-.  0  3  _  USE COUPONS aa instructed to BE PROTECTED by b o n d . - - - - - - See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1770 POPU• LA· TION.  208 894 4~0 212 317 4419 1297 1024 268 5720  571 1006 670 2320 688 709 896 230 893 1546 1319 891 100 127 2414 168 151} 245 412 209 368  246 527 211 325 453 1540 ••••  754  1745 700  404 150 195 742 100 4023 1840  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  Minneiska ••••••• Wabasha Mmneota*•t •••..•.•. Lyon Minnesota Lake*•t F'ri'blt Mizpah"•t ..• Koochiching Monterey*•t .•••..• Martin •Montevideo*•t •• Chippewa  To Wabasha. To Mar hall. To Blue Earth. See IntPrnational Falls. To Fairmont. C. A. FOSNES, Attorney for First National Bank. Monte;omery*•t •. Le Sueur To Mankato. Moutict•llo*•t •••••. Wright 'fo Buffalo. Montrose"•t •••.•.. Wrieht To Bulfalo. •Moorhead*•t ••.•••••• Olay EDGAR E. SHARP. Attorney for the First National Bank. .Moose Lake*•t •••• Carlton To Cloauet. •.Mora*•t .•.••••: •• Kana bee ALMER J. PETERSON. .Morgan"•t •••••• RedwoOd To Hedwoocl Falls. •Morris*•t •••••••.. Stevens T. J. MANGAN. Morristown*•t •••..•. Rice To Faribault. Morton••t ...••••• Renville To Olivia. Moth•y*•t •••..•• Morrison To Brainerd. M.otordale*•t .••.•. Carver To Chaska. Mound*•t ••••••. See Minneapolis. Mountain Iron •• St. Louis To Duluth. Mt'n Lake*•t.. Cottonw'd To Windom. Murdock*•t •••. ...• Swift To Ben on. Myrtle*•t ••••••. Freeborn To Albert Lea. Nashua••+ •••••••• Wilkins To Breckenridl?e, Nashwauk"•t •.•••. Itasca To Grand Rapids. Nassau"•t. .. Lac qui Parle To Madison. Nelson"•t .••••••• Douelas To Alexandria. Nerstrand"•t. ••...•.. R1ce To Faribault. Nevis*•t. ...•..•• Hubbard To Bemidji. New Auburn• •••••. Silbey To Gaylord. New Brighton*t.. Ramsey See St. Paul. Newfolden"•t ••. Marshall To Warren. New London"•t.Kandiyo' See Willmar. Newmarket* ..••••.. Scott 'l'o hakopee. New Munirh*•L .. Stearns To Rt. Cloud. Newport*•t.. Washington 'l'o Stillwater. New Prague*•L.Le ue 1r To Mankato. New Prairie• ..•••••• Pope To Glenwood. New R1chlaud*•t. Waseca To Waseca. •New Ulm*•t. .••..• Brown OLSEN & MUELLER. New York. Mills ••tOtter Tail To Fergus Falls. Nicollet••t •..•••• Nicollet To Mankato. Nielsville*•t •••.••••• Polk See Crookston. Norcross••+ ••.••..• Grant To El bow Lake. North Branch"•t..Chisago To Center City, Northcote .••••••• Kitt on To Hallock. Northtleld*•t. •..•••.. Rice To Faribault. North Mankato ••. Nicollet To Mankato.  1Mankato P. 0.) 270 Northome*•t Koochiching 176 N. Redwoocl*t. •• Redwood 100 orthrop*•t. ••..•. Martin Ul79 North St. Pau1••t. Ram ry 563 Norwood*•i .•..••• Carver 75 Oakland *•t •••.• Freeborn 100 Oak Park*• ••••.•• Renton 271 Odessa*•t •.•••.• Big tone 195 Odin"•t ••••••• Watonwan 238 Ogema••+ .•.•••••.. Becker 436 O11:ilvie*•t ••••.••• Kanabec 200 Okabena*• ••••••. Jackson 861 Oklee*•t •••••••• Red Lake  1488 •Olivia*•t -··· -··· Renville 416 Onamia••t •.••. Mille Lacs 100 Orleans••+ ··-·····K1ttsou 115 Ormsby*•t .•.•• Watonwan 225 Oronoco* •.••... _Olmsted 100 Orr_ ...•.•••••••• t. Louis 1758 •Ortonville*•t ••. Bil? Stone 1480 Osakis*•t •••..•..• Doug las 450 Oslo*• •••••.•.••• Marshall 433 Osseo*•+ ..•..•. Hennepin 206 Ostrander*• ..••• Fillmore 100 Otisco*•t •••••••.•. Wa eca 223 Ottertail*•t ···-··Otter Tail  7252 •Owatonna••+ •••...• Steele 100 Paltsade*• •••.•••••. Aitkin 570 Parkers Prairie*•t Otter Tail 1603 •Park Rap1ds*•t .. Hubbard 106:> Payne ·ville*•t .... Stearns 100 Pease*•-········ Mille1acs 1156 Pelican Raoids*•t Otter Tail 100 Pemberton*• .. Blue Earth 251 Pennock*•t ..•• Kandiyohi 419 Pequot••t. .... Crow Wing 1370 Perham••+ ...•.• Otter Tail 222 Perley*•t ........• Norman 291 l'eterson*•t •.• -•. Fillmore 624 Pierz•t •..••.••. Morrison 354 Pilla.i?Pr*•t .••••••••.. Cass 1303 •Pine City*•t.-•••••.. Piue 60 Pinecreek* .•••••.. Roseau 934 f'me lsland*•t .•• Goodhue 442 Pine River••t. ..... -Cass 100 Pinewood.,•t •••• Beltrami 3325 •Pipestone*•t.- .• Pipestone 1370 Plainview"•+. •.. Wabasha 251 Plato••+ .•.••••... McLeod 252 Plummer*•t .... R1'Cl Lnkr  -  ATTORNEYS.AT.LAW (BONDED)  MINNESOTA  To International Falls. See Redwood Falls. To Fairmont. See St. Paul. 'l'o Chaska. To Albert Lea. To li'oley. See Ortonville. To St. James. To Detroit. To Mora. To Jackson. To Thief River Falls. GEO. F. GAGE.  To Princeton. To llallock. To Fairmont. To Roclrester. To Duluth. CHRISMAN & CHRISM AN.  To Alexandria. To Thief River Falls. To Minneapolis. To Preston. 'l'o Waseca. To Fereus Falls. SAWYER & SPEitRY.  To Aitkm. To Fere-us Falls. To Bemidji To 't. Cloud. 'l'o Princeton. To Fergus Falls. See Mankato. See Willmar. To Brainerd. To Fer1?us Falls. To Ada. To Preston. •ro Brainerd. To Bemidji. To Mora. To Ro-eau. To Red Wini?, To Hrmidji, To Bemidji. GEORGE P. GURLEY.  'ro Waba ha. To Glencoe. To Thief River Falls.  NOTE  POPU· U· TION,  100 257 1227 1685 75  TOWN AND COUNTY.  Ponsford" ·-·- ..•. Becker Porter••+ Yellow Medicine •Preston•t ..•••.. Fillmore Princeton*•t. .. Mille Lacs Prin burg .....• Kandiyohi (Raymond P.O.)  246 Prior Lake••+ -······scott 2778 Proctor*•t ••••••• St. Louis lvU Prosper*•t ••••••• J;'illmorf' 75 Quamba• •••....• Kanabec 200 Racine*• ..•••••.... Mower 100 Radium*•L-•.••. Marshall 30l Randa11*•t ···-·· Morrison 170 Randolph*•t ••••.. Dakota 157 Ranier*•t .~ •• Koochichine 2000 Rapidan"• •.... Blue Earth 200 Ray*•t .....•• Koochiching 416 Raymond*•t ... Kandiyohi 200 Reading*•t ··-···-·Nobles 1549 •Red Lake Falls*•t Red Lake 8637 •Red Wing*•t •... Goodhue 2421 •Redwood Falls*•t.Redw'd 290 Remer*•t •••••••• ··-·Cass 1142 Renville*•t •• -•••• Renville 134 Revere*•+ .••••• RrdwoOd 315 Rice*•t .••..•••••• Benton 651 Richmond*•t ••••• tearns 281 Richville*•t •... Otter Tail /W8 Riverton•+ •••. Crow Wini? 1369 Robbinsdale*•t .Henneom 8722 • Rochester*•t ••.•• 0 lmsted 150 Rockcreek*•+ ·····-·-P10r 324 Rockford*•+ .••.• Wright 172 Rockville*•t ••••.• Stearns 190 Rogers*•t ..••... Hennepin 272 Rollin!? Stone*•+.- Winona 76 Ronneby ...•.••• _Benton 276 Roosevelt*•t •.•••• Ro 182 Roscoe• •••••••.••• Stearns 1012 • Roseau*•t •••••••• -Roseau 208 Rose Creek*•t ••••. .Mower 310 Rosemount••t .•... Dakota 75 Rosewood* •••••• Marshall 398 Hothsay*•t .••••••. Wilk in 345 Round Lake*•t ••.• Nobles 100 Round Prairie*• ..•. Todd 690 Royalton*•t •••. Morrison 971 Rush City••t •...•• Chisago 1142 Rushford*•+ •••• Fillmore 313 Rushmore••t ••.•.• Nobles 375 Russell*•t. ..••••... Lyon •••• Ru'l ad*•t •••••••.•.•• Clay 403 Rutnton"•t ••.•• Pipestone 300 Sabin*•t ···-····· •... Clay 763 Barred Heart*•+ •. Renville 150 SaloL.--···-····· Hoseau 487 Sanborn••t. ••••• Redwood 1200 Sanctstone••t. •...... Pine 100 Santia1?0•-·-····· herburne (Clear Lake P. 0.) 79 Sargeant*•r .••.••.. Mower 2699 Sauk Center*•t ••• Stearns 2349 Sauk U.apids*•t .••• Benton 206 Savage*•t. ••••..•.•. Scott 75 Scandia ••..•• Washington (Copa(, P. 0.)  113 100 585 147 100 1988 ~89 832 184 100  Seaforth*•t ••.•• Redwood Searles*• •.•.••••••. Brown Sebeka*•t ••.•.•.• Wadena Sedan*•t.._ •..•••...• Pope Shafer••t.•.••• -•• Chisago •Shakopee••+ •• ·-· •... Srott SheUy*•t •••••.•• Norman Sherburn*•+ ••.•... Martin Shevlin*•+ ..... Clearwater Shovel Lake*•t. ..•. Aitkin Silver Creek •. _•.•• Wright  4i5 200 100 1045 2449 106 346 1936  Silver Lake*t ••.•• McLeod Simpson*•+ .•••.. Olm<.:tr<I kyberg*•t. ••.•• Goodhue ..sJayton••t •.....•• Murray leepy Eye*•t ···-· Urown olway"•t ...•••. Beltrami South Haven••+ ••• Wright South Stillwater*•+ Washington South St. J•aul*•t •. Dakota Soicer••t •• ···- Kandiyohi Spooner* ····-···lit'ltrami Springfleld*•t ..•... Brown Soring Grove••t.Bou~ton Spring HiJL._ .... Stearns  6860 299 571 1849 753 112  (Hast11 P. O.J  (Melrose P. 0.)  ••.••• Sprmg Lake ..••...• Isanti (North Branch P. 0.) 1871 Spring \' alley*•t. Fillmore 200 Stacy••t ········--Chi ago 200 Stanchfield*• ...••.• Isanti 200 Stanton••+-····· Goodhur. 2570 Stap1es"•t .......•.. Todd 824 Starbuck*•t ...•..... Pope 332 St. Bonitacius••tHennepin 1351 St. Charles*•+ ..•• Winona 260 St. <::lair*•··-·· Rine F,artb  NAME. To Detroit. See Grauite Falls. HOPP & LARSON. E. ff. PETER or,.  To Willmar.  'l'o hakopee. To Duluth. To Preston. To }fora. To Austin. To Thief River Falls. To Brainerd. To Hasting -. To Iulrrnational Falls, To Mankato. To International Falls. See Willmar. 'l'o Worthington. To Thief River Falls. MOHN &MOHN. A. C. DOLLIFF.  To Bemidji, To Olivia. To Red wood Falls. To Foley. •ro St. Cloud. To Ji'er1?us Falls. To Brainerd. To Minneapolis. GEORGE J. ALLEN 'l'o Pine City. To Bulfalo. To St. Cloud. See Minneapolis. To Winona. To St. Cloud. To Roseau. To St. Cloud. R. J. Bl.LL. To Austin. To Hastings. To Warren. To Breckt>nridee. To Worthington. To Wadena. To Brainnct. To Center City. To Preston. To Worthin1?ton. To Marshall. To Moorhead. To Pipe<stone. To Moorhi>ad. To Olivia. To Roseau. To Rrowoocl Falls. To Pint' City, 'fo Elk River. 'l'o Austin. L. L.KELLS. To Folry. To Shakopee. 'l'o St. PauJ. To RPC!wood Falls. To New Ulm, To Wadrna. To Glrnwood. To Center City. J. A. COLLER.  To To To To To  Ada. Fairmont. Bemidji. Aitkin. Minneapolis.  To Glencoe. To RrH'hPster. To Red Wing. OLE SWANJORD.  To 1•w Ulm. To Bemidji. To Buffalo. To Stillwater. To Ha ·ting . Sre Willmar. To Bt'midJi. To N1•w Ulm. Sre Calf·donia. To St. Cloud. To Cambridge. To Preston. To Rush City. To CambrHll?e. To Red Wing, To Wad1ma. To Glrnwood. ee Minne aoolis. To Winona. To ,tankato.  USE COUPONS aa instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond.  See complete information in preface to Attorney Liat.  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  PoPU:- -  MINNESOTA I  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY. LATION, •St. Cloud*•t. ______ Stearns StPen*•t_ _________ ___Hock Stpphpn*•t _______ Marshall Stewart*•t ________ McLPod Stewartville*•t ___ Olmstt>d St. Francis* ________Anoka 346 St. Hilaire"•t _Pennington  15873 250 681 540 9-U 400  2249 4 9 911 2186 292 963 250 785 663 116 11!0 350 185 50 150  7735 •Stlllwater*•t _Washing-ton HUGH B. GILLEN. JamPs*•t ___ Watonwan Joseph*•L ____ Stt>arns Li>o* _Yellow ~frdicine Martin ________ .Stearns tRoscoe P. o.> 406 St. MichaPI" _______ Wril?ht 180 Stockton••f_ _____ W inona 227 Storden••t ___ cottonwood  2673 717 125 177  •St. St. St. St.  ALBERT RUNNING. To St. Cloud. e Granite Falls. To St. Cloud, To nuff'alo. 'ro Winona. To Windom.  thi~ publication.  SANBORN, GRAVE , APPEL & ORDWAY, Endirott Bldg, Bruce W, Sanborn, William G. Grates, Monte ,lppel, Samuel G. Ordway. Corporation and Genet"l I Law Practi e. Trial Lawyers. Practice in all courts. Attorneys for Urane and Ordway Company, Twin City Motor Car Company, Un;on Pacific Hailroad Company and Wabaish llailway Company. Refer to dny bank in St. Paul. 4335 •St. Peter"•t ______ Nicollet To :Mankato. 2~Q Straodquist••t ___ Mar hall To Warren. 12.:, Strathcona"•t ____ Ro eau To Ro, pau. St. teohen ______ s : earns To s · . Cloud.  125 75 400 100 40 100 100 200 15.~ llS3 570  l~i  100 4685 50  240  ~i~  2 200 313 301 }~~  125 676  4~~i/  1~8 2;i 8  f~  !~  5~ 61 99 571 283 0  MURDOCH & LATHROP. 'l'o Hedwood Falls. To Chaska. JOHN B. MARK. 'l'o Prtn<'l't 1111. To , t. Clo11d. To \\' ast>ca. To Bt•midji. 'l'o HPdwood Falls. To Blue Earth. To Austrn. To RPd Wini?. To R<•dwoocl Fall!,;, To Thief Hil pr Falls. To Grand Ha p1ds.  1772 •Warren*•t _______ Marshall JULIUS J. OLSON & RAS~IUS HAGE. Warroad*•t _______ Ro e.;.u To l{o 1•au. •Waseca"•t ________ Waseca FRED.ERICK w. SENN. Watertown* _______ carver To Ulla ·ka. Waterville*•t_ __ _Le Sueur To Mankato. Watkins*•t ______ __MPeker To Litchfleld. Watson••t ______ ChiPP<'wa See Montevideo. Wauhun"•t ____ Mahnomen To De tr01t. Waverl.Y*•f _____ __Wrieht To Bulfalo. Wayzata••t ---- Hennepin St>e M innPapolis. Weaver*•t ------- Waba-;ha To Waha. ha. Webster*•. __________ Rire 'ro Fari hault. Wt>edahl"•t _____ Chippewa See MontP\'idf'O, 50 Wekh••t. _______ Goodhue To Ht•cl \\'ing. 612 Welcome*•t _______ Martin To Fairm~nt. 1894 Wells*•t ________ Faribault To Blut> Earth. 2i0 Wendell*•t ___ ______ Grant To Elbow Lake. 654 We throok"•t Cottonwood To Windom. 150 Westbury*• ______ _Becker To DPtroit. 704 \\ e. t Concord*•t ___ Dodge To '1antorville. 125 Westport *•t_ ________ Pope To Glt>nwood. 169 West Union*•t ______ Todd To Wadena. 142 Whalen*•L ______ Fillrnore To Prf' ton. 1337 •Wheaton*•t _____ Traverse CHARLE.~ E. HOUSTON. 2022 White BearLake*tRamsey See t. Paul. 75 White Rock _____ Qoodhue To Red Wini!, <Cannon Fans P. O.) Ill Wilcler*•t ________ Jack on See Jackson. 300 Williams*•t ______ Beltrami To Bemidji.  MORPHY, BRADFORD & CUMMINS, Capital Rank Rldg-. Prar· ttce in all Courts. State and [i'ederal. Attorneys for: Grand Trunk Hailway System, l'ansas City>rn llailway Company, Ficleli y & D!•po i Com pany of .1arylaud. North Amnic·an Life ,\ urauce Company of Toronto, Canada Life Assurau r·e Compan.v of Toronto. Glohe lndP.muity Companv of New York. Depo itions taken: Addres · Hay E. Cummins or E.G. Donohue. Cable Addres ·:"Morinsford St. Paul."  208 843 • 50 100  • Wabasha"•t _____ Wabasha Wat>asso*•t _____ Uedwood Waconia*•t ________ carver •Wadena"•t ______ _Wadena Wahkon"•t ____ Mille Lacs Waite Park,. _____ _ tearn · Waldorf•• ________ WasPca •Walkn"•t ___________ Cass Walnut Grove*•t __ l{edw'd Walters*•t _____ _Faribault Waltham"•t _______ Mower Wanaminl!O"• ___ Goodhue Wanda*•t ______ RPdwood Wannaska* -------1\oseau Warba*f _________ Itasca  1211 3908 534 1211 454 215 346 418 633 125 150 175  234680§•St. Paul"•t _______ Ramsey PETERSON, MOORE, OPPENHEIMER & 10l5 ~1e rchant I ational Bank BldJ?. Albert R. Moore, William H . Oppe1iheimer, George W. Peterson, Samuel G. Ordway, Frank C. lfod11so1l, General Practit::e in all branches. including- Corporation , Commercial, Insurance. Real Estate, and litigatt-'d work. Attorneys for Northwestern Mutual LifP lnsurance Company, Milwaukee· Pron Mutual Life Insurance Company, Philadrlphia; Westrrn Adj. and Inspection Co., Ch"ica~o and St. Paul and Amercan Nat'! Bank, St. Paul. Oompil1m1 of the ~'1-Iinnesola laws for  fRice P. 0.) Sturgeon Lake*•t ____ Pine t. Vincent*•t ____ Kittc;on Sum er••t_ _______ McrJeod 8uof;urg _______ Kandiyohi (Kerkhoven P.O.) Sunri:c* __________ Uh is:1go Svea*---------- Kandiyo'hi SwanviltP*•t ____ Morri on wa·ara••t ________ Ai kin Swift Ii'alls __________ 'wift (Bemrm P. <J.) yre••t __________ Norman Tabor" ___________ Polk Tamarack*•t ______ Aitkin Taopi*•t ___________ Mower Taunton••t __________ Lyon Taylors Falls*•t __ Chisago Tt>nnt>y*•t _________ Wilkin Ten trike*•L ____ fit'ltrami Tbeilman*•t _____ Wabasha •Thief Kiver Falls*•t Pennington Thorpe _________ Kandiyohi (Bird Island P. 0.) Tintah*•t ________ Traverse Tower*•t ________ st. Louis Tracy*•t ____________ Lyon Trail"• _______________ Polk Triumph*•t ________ Martin Trommald ____ Crow \\'inl? Trosky*•t_ _____ PipPstone Truma n*•t ________ Martin Twin Lakes••t __ Frerhorn Twin Valley*•L __ Norman •Two Harbors*•t _____ Lake Tyler*•t __________ Lincoln Ulen"•t ______________ Clay Undnwood*•t _ Ottrr Tail Unsala __________ Morri. on Urbank ________ Otter Tail (Pnrkere Praine P. 0.)  NAME.  LA· TlO •  CALHOUN & BENNETT. To Luverne. To Warren To Glt>ncoe. To Roche tn. To ~Iinneapulis. To Thief River Falls.  5892 •Willmar••t ____ Kandiyohi R. W. STANFORD. 247 Willow River*•t . ____ Pine To Pine City. 376 Wilmont*•f ________ Nobles To Worthington. 2123 •Wiodom*•t. __ cottonwood N. L. GLOVER. ee Crooki;ton. 2-50 Winger*•t ___________ Polk 1641 Winnebag-o*•t.._Far(bault To Blue Earth.  To Pine City. To Thief River Falls. To Glencoe. See Benson.  19142 •Wmona••t ________ Winona KARL FINKELNBURG. Morgan Block. 434 Winsted• _________ McLrod To Glt>n1·ut>. 1147 W1ntbrop*•t _______ Sibley To Gaylord. 100 Withrow"•t __ Washington To Stillwatn. 170 Wolverton*•t _____ Wilkin To Breckenridge. 447 Woodlake*•t __ Yel'w Med. See GranitP Falls. 277 Woodstock*•t __ Pipestone To Pipestone.  To Center City. See Willmar. To Brainnd. To Ai'kin. To Henson. To Ada. To Crookston. To Aitkin. To Austin. To .Marshall. To Center City. To Breckenridee. To Bemidji. To Wabasha. PEARL W. MABEY.  -  3481 400 200 482 :iO 253 335 220 193 126:i  •Worthine:ton*•t ___ Nobles Wren hall --------Carlton Wrig-ht*•t ________ Carlton Wykoff'*•t _______ Fillmore Wylie*--------- B.ed Lake Wyomine:*•t _____ Chisago Yonne: AmPrica*•LCarver Zimmerman*•- herburne Zumhro Falls*•+ Wabasha Zumhrota••t ____ Goodhue  ---  ---  S. S. Sl\llTH. To Cloquet. To Cloquet. To PrPston. To Thief Wver Falls. To Center City, To Chaska. To Elk River. To Waha.-ha. To Reel Wing.  To Willmar. See Wheaton. To Virginia. 'l'o Marsllall. See Crook. ton. To Fairmont. To Brainerd. To Pipestone. To Fairmont. To Albert Lea. 'T'oMa. To Duluth. To Watertown, S. Dak, To .Moorhead. 'l'o Fergus Falls. To Little Falls. To Fergus Falls.  ~!fi~t~lwn, S. Dak. ==========}jt~1: fg To Fe1e-u Falls.  ~!.i:Ji::~ Vergas••t ______ Ottt•r Tail Vermillion*• ______ Dakota Verndale*•t ______ Waclena VernonCent'r"•tBluPE'rth  'fo Ha tin:! . To Wadt>na. To Mankato.  mir;t~;i;~.-_:-_-_-_-_-_-_·!:~g:~~~~ :{:g ~t~:k~~  Falls. Viking*•t ________ ]rlar~hall 'T'o Warren. 3~8 VVjll~rct:•+ ___________ Popr To Glenwood. 21 mmg- •t ______ otter Tail To Ferg-us Falls.  14022 Vir~inia*•t ______ st. Loui  E. J. LARSEN. Refer~ to First National Bank ancl Farmers & Mprchants tate Rank.  NOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1771  PUPO•  I  USECOUPONS as_i_n-st-'-r_u_c_t_e _d _t_o BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MISSISSIPPI  1772  Poru. L.A.•  TOWN AND OOUNTY.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  NAME.  TION.  943 840 698 207 1188 954 227 317 350 1079 700  MISSISSIPPI Mlsslsslppl ts divided lnto two Federal Districts; Northern and Southern. The NORTHERN DISTRICT bas three divisions: the Eastern w1tb court at Aberdeen, first Mondays In April and October; and Western with court at Oxford first Mondays In June and December; and the Delta division with court at Clarksdale, fourth Mondays In January and July. The OUTIIERN DISTRICT has four divisions: the Jackson dlvtslon wtth court at Jackson (j), first Mondays in May and ovember: the Eastern division with court at Meridian second Mondays in March and September; the Western division wlth court at Vlcksbur1 first Mondays In January and July; and the Southern division with court at Bllox!, third Mondays ln February and August.  Eupora*•t. _______ Webster &Fayette*•t _____ J etrerson Flora*•t. _________ Madi on Florence••t ______ l{ankin •Forest*•f. ___________ cott •Friar Point••t ___ Coahoma ..Fulton" ________ Itawamba Georgetown*•t ____ Copiah Glenn Allan*•Washington Uloster••t __________ Amite Goodman*•t------ Holmes  LATHAM & McKEIGNEY. ee Me.adville. To Jack on. To Jackson. To Jackc;on. ee Clarksdale. To Tupelo. To Hazlehurst. To GrePnville ee LiLerty. To Ko ciusko.  ll560 •Greenville*•t _Washington BELL & WfilTE.  7793 •Greenwood*•t ____ LPflore HILL & WITTY. 2820 ..Grenada*•t _______ Grenada BRUCE D. NEW OM. 8157 •Gulfoort••t ______ Harri on UANUN GARDNER. ee Cleveland. 485 Gunnison*•t-------Bolivar 365 Guntown"•t ___________ Lee To Tupelo. 13270 1762 489 218  •Hattiesbure••t ____ Forrest •Hazlehurst••t ____ Copiah Heidelberg••t ______ Jasper Hermanville*•t .Claiborne  CURRIE & SMITH To .Jackson. To Laurel. To Port Glbson.  786 618 29 205 799  •Hernando*•t------De Soto llickory*•L ______ Newton Hickory Flat*•L-- Denton Holcomb*•t ______ Grenada Hollandale*•t _Washington  TIPTON & WALL. To Umon. To Ashland. To Grenada. 'l'o Greenville.  REFERENCE KEY • Express Office. * Money Order Office. • County Seat. § State Capital. t Teleeraph Station.  2113 •Holly Sprines*•t Marshall LESTER G. FANT. 803 Houlka* ________ Qhickasaw To Houston. 1403 •Houston*•t ____ Qhickasaw R.  4071 1264 2861 361 453 583 190 1200 922 1050 861 3033 459  •Aberdeen*•t ______ Monroe •Ackerman*•t ____ Qhoctaw Amory••t _________ Monroe Anguilla"•t _______ SharkPY Arcola •t-- Wa bington Arte ia*•f _______ Lowndes •Ashland* __________ l:SPnton Avera _____________ Greene Baldwyn*•t __________ Lee •Batesville*•t _______ J'anola •Bay prings*•t. ____ Jasper •Bay t. Louis*•t .Hancock belmont••t--. Ti komineo  •Belzoni*•t ____ Humphrey Benoit*•t __________ Bolivar Beulah"•t _________ fiolivar Ililoxi*•t ________ Harrison 6:;it Blue Mountain*•t. Tippah 615 Hogue Chitto"•t __ Lincoln 484 Bolton"•t ___________ Hinds  2277 443 361! 10937  J.M. CASHIN. ee Clev 'land. SPc Cleveland. To Gulfport. To Hiplry. To Brookhaven. ee Jack .. on.  1485 702 691 237  •Booneville*•t ____ Prentiss Boyle*•t __________ Bolivar •Brandon*•t _______ Hankin llraxton••t-------Simpson  SARA L. BUCHANAN. To CIPveland. To Jack on. To Mendenhall.  4706 854 514 502  •Brookhaven*•t ___ Lincoln Broolcville*•t ___ Noxubee Byhalia"•t ______ Marshall Calhoun City*•t.-Calhoun  A. A. COON. 'l'o Columbus. To Holly prines. To Houston.  32j2 510 G31 755 300  •Canton*•t ________ :Madison •Oarrollton*•t _____ Carroll •Carthaee* __________ LPake Centerville*•t-- Willcinson Chalylwat ________ Tirmah  W. D. &. ROBT. H. POWELL. To Greenwood. To Ko. c1u ·ko. 'eP- Woodville. To llipley.  (W<tl11ut P. 0.)  3007 •Charle ·ton*•t'l'allahatchie  eP umner.  7552 •Clark ·dal "•t_ ___ coahoma M l'NARD & FITZGERALD. 1674 669 411 56 1389 2826 10:i0l 818 4916 ,65 :123 510 488 1395 3Ul 554 317  •Oleveland*•t ______ Bolivar SOI\IMtVILLE & , OllERVILLE. Clinton••t __________ Hinds ee .I ackson. •Oorre ville*•t __ Yalobusha To Watn Valley. Coldwater"•t ________ Tate To enatobia. •Collin ••t ______ covincton •Columbia*•t ______ Marion •Columbus*•t ____ Lowndes Uomo.. •L---------- l'anola •Oorlnth*•t -------- Alrorn Courtland*•f. ______ l'anola Crawford*•t _____ Lowndf'S Orensbaw*•f _______ J'anola Crul!er••t ________ HolmPs Orystal Spriugs*•t _Copial1 •Drcatur"•f. _______ Newton •De Kalb* _________ Krmp .r Derma*•t ________ Calhoun  ~:r t  ;:!+~~~--~~---_- ~~b~e~ Duck Ilill*•t -~1ontgomtlry 10  528 332 lJuncan ____________ Boli\'ar 300 Dundee ____________ runica 1!170 Durant••t _________ Holmes M2 Ecru••t _________ Pontotoc 727 Edward "•t ________ Hinds 1681 •Ellisville*•L------- Jone: 174 Enid*•t ______ Tallahatchie 600 14:thPl"•t ____________ Atalla  -  2112 561 616 16 iO 565 22817  McFARLAND & HOLMES To Eupora. To Abercleen. To Holling Fork. To Green\'! Ile. To Columbus. To. \•w Albany. To Lucedale. Tn Tupelo. To enatobia. To Laurel. To Gulfport. To Corinth.  lV. u. CORLEY. MOUNGER, FORD & l\lOUNGER. LOn G & LOVING. See Batesville. THOS. H. JOHNSTON. To 8('1HI tohia. To Columbus. ee BatPsville. To KoscitL ko. 'l'o llailehur ·t. To Union. 'l'o Z\leri<lian.  ~g 31:!!'.L~\<,1~1.'  'T'o ln<lianola. To I~unora. To Cleveland. To Tunica. To Ko riu,ko. 'fo Pontotoc. , l'P Jark on. 1•p Lan rel. To. umner. 1'0 Kos<'iusko. _ _ _ _  •Indianola*•t ____ unflower Jnvernpss*•t ____ unflower Isola *•t _____ Jlumpbreys lttabena"•t ________ Leflore •Iuka"•t _______ Ti homiugo §•Jackson*•t_ _______ Hinds  n. KNOX.  CHAPI\IAN & JOHNSON. To Indianola. To Belzoni ee Greenwood. 'I'o Corinth.  CH.AMBERS & TRENHOLM, Capital .'at'! Bank Buildinf, Attorney for the Capital .. 'ational Bank. Citizen , avines Bank & Tru ·t Comnanv. Corporation and Commerrial law a riccialty. Com11ilcn; nf the Jli.· ·i · lau· · tor this mthlicnt/011. 469 Jonestown•• ____ Coahoma ee Clarksdale. 395 Kilmichael*•t.Montgoruery To Eupora. 1  2258 455 937 327  •Kosciusko*•t ______ Attala Lake*•t ------------- rntt Laml;lert*•t ______ Qnitman Lauderdale"•t _Lauderdale  'T'o Lexington. To Forest. To ~lark·. To Meridian.  13037 555 2003 2750 515 220 1777 629 344 2192 490 2051 500 730  •Laurel*•t -----------Jones •Leakesville"t ______ GrPene Leland*•+ _____ Washington •Lexineton*•t ______ Holmes •Liberty•• __________ Amite Logtown _________ Jlancock •£ou1sville*•t----- Wmston  W. S. WELCH. cc Lucedale. To Grel'nville. G. H. McMORROUGD. To Brookhaven. To Gulfport To Onion.  •Lucedale*•t ______ George Lula*•t _________ Ooahoma Lumberton*•t ______ Lamar Maben*•f ______ Oktibbeha •Macon••t _______ 'oxubee Madison ta•n*•t _Macll. on Maeee••t _________ 'imp ·on  OSCAR BACK 'TROM. ee Clarksdale. 'l'o Hattie ·burg. l'o Columhus. To Columbus. ePCanton. To ~1endenhall.  2012 •Magnolia*•t _________ Pike JAl\IE ~ . WILT, HIRE. ee Winona. 222 Mantee"•---------\\ b·ter 1020 •Marks*•t _________ Quitman GORE & POGUE, Commercial Collection ·. 463 Mathi ton••t _____ \Veb ·ter To Eupora. 7775 McComb*•t. _________ Pike To ~lagnolia. 517 McOool"•t --------- Attala Pe Ko ciu ko. 500 Mclienry*•t ________ stone To Gulfport. 500 McLam*•t -------~-Greene ec LucetlalP. 30.1 •Meadville*•+ _____ Franklin To Brookhaven. 637 •Mendenhall*•t __ imp ou To Jack ·on. 23399 606 48 332 464 1600 437 3340 803 778 325  •Meridian••t ___ Laut1erclal1:, Merigold*•t _______ Hol1var Michigan City••t.. B(•nton M12e*•t _____________ Smith •llonticello*•t __ Lawn•ncc MoorhPact••t.__ untlower Morton*•t __________ cott Mo.s Point••+_ ___ Jackson Mound Bayou _____ Bolivar Mt. Olive"•L ___ covington Myrtle"•t. __________ Union  KHLLE & STO 'E. ce Cleveland. To New Albany To L:tun•l. To Brookhaven. To Indianola. To Fort> t. 'l'o Gulfport. 'fo ClC\'"land. To Collin_. To New Alhany.  12608 142 633 2531 500 237 1604 363 515 429 188  •Natchez*•L------- Aclams Ne,;bitt'·•t ________ De Soto rettleton*•L--------- Lee •New Albany*•+ ____ Union • ·ew Aueusta*•L--- Perry 1 ewhebron*•t-- Lawrence Newton"•t _______ '<'wlon 'orthcarrollton*L Carroll oxapater*•f. ____ Winston Oakland*•t ____ Yalobu -ha Oak Valp*et_ ____ Lawrenc•p  REED, BRANDON & BOW1'JA.N. To Hernanclo. To Tupelo. G. L. JONE . 'l'o Laure 1. To Brookhaven. 'l'o 'nion. To Carrollton. ee Loui ·ville. To Watrr Yalley. _ To•n.  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED bybond. NQT E See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  --~  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) Popu.- - - - -LATOWN AND COUNTY.  MISSISSIPPI, MISSOURI NAME.  Ocean Springs*•LJackson •Okolona*•t ____ Chickasaw Olive Branch •t ___ D(' oto Osyka*•t ____________ Pike  2150 •Oxford*et_ _____ Lafayette ---- Pace ______________ Bolivar 332 Pachuta*•L ________ Clarkc 6082 •Pascagoula*•t ____ Jackson 23.57 l'ass Christian*•t Harrison 1212 I ehhatchee*•t ____ Rankin 300 Plleba*•t ---------- -- Clay 1669 •Philadelphia*•t __ Neshoba 275 Philipp*•t ____ Tallahatchie 2479 Pirayune*•t ___ Pearl River 457 Pickt>ns*•t ________ Jlolmf's 700 •Pil ,sboro* _______ Calhoun 1274 278 1290 1691 319 140  •l'ontotoc*•t ---- Pontotoc l'opf'*•t ___________ Panola •Poplarville*•t- Pearl River •Port Gibson*•t __ Claiborne Potts Camp*t ----Marshall Prairie *et_ _______ Monroe 468 •Prentiss*•tJetrerson Davis 91!:l •Purvis*•t _________ Lamar  1375 300 500 1362 493 856  •Quitman*•+-------- Clarke •Raleigh• ____________ Smith •l{aymond*•t _______ Hinds Richton*•t __________ J•rrry Rienzi*•L _________ Alcorn •Ripley*•+ __________ Tippah  703 1696 1022 350 440 559 1352 250 7~0 100 360 ll06 498 1375 13~0 41 912 764 252 400 2596 863 500 354 1187 613 1444  •Rolling Fork*•t-- Sharkey •Hosedale*•t _______ Bolivar Ruleville*•+ _____ Sunflower . alli ·*•L ___________ At t ala Salt ii lo*•t ____________ Lee Sandersville*•t _____ .Tones •Sardis*•t __________ Panola SchlatE'r*•t ________ Leflore Scooba*•t _______ KemoE'r e bas•opol*•------- _Scott Semmary*•t ____ covin~ton •Senatohia*•t _________ Tate Shannon.. •+----------- Lee Shaw*•t __________ Bolivar Shelby*•+ _________ Bolivar Sherman*•t_ _____ J'ontotoc Shubuta*•t _________ Clarke Shuqualak*•+ ____ Noxubee Silver Creek*•t _Lawrence SlPd1rn*•L------- Quitman •Slarkville*•t ___ OktibhPha Statr Line*•+------ Waynr Stewart*•t--Montgomr.ry Sturgis*•t _____ Oktibbrha Summit*•+----------- Pike •Sumner*•t ___ Tallahatcllie Sumrall*•t _________ Lamar Sunflower*•+. __ Sunflower Taylorsville*•L ____ rnitlt Tchula*•t _________ Holmes Terry*•+ ____________ Hinds Toccopola*t _____ Pontotoc •Tunica*•t __________ Tunica •Tuoelo*•L ____________ Lee Tutwiler*•L- Tallahatchie •Tylertown*•t ____ Walthall Umon*•t_ ________ Newton Utica*•t ____________ Hinds •Vaiden*•+_ ________ Carroll Vardaman*•t ____ Calhoun Verona*•t ___________ Lee  4!'\0  601 5:i0 392 325 2000 5055 1010  ll16  10\2 445 579 599 500  17931 150 4064 689 553 i20 85 236  ti~~  2220 194  1012 5244 ----  LA-  NA.ME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  TION.  TION.  1732 3852 197 704  1773  POPU-  To Gulfport. 'fo Houston. To Hrrnando. To Magnolia.  MISSOURI Mlssourt is divided Into two Federal Districts; the Eastern and Western.  U. P. SHINAULT. To Cleveland. To Quitman. To Gulfport. To Gulfport. To Jackson. St•e \\' c t l'oint. To Union. See Sumner. To Poplarville. To Kosriusko. 'ro Calhoun City.  Tbe EASTERN DISTRICT has three divisions: the Eastern dh1slon W'ith court at St. Louts, third :-.Iondays In March and September and at Rona the seconrt Mondays In Januar:v and June; the -.;ortll ern division with court at J:lannibal, fourth Mondas 111 May and first :Monday In December; the 'outht•astern dlv!slon with court at Cape Girardeau, second Mondays In Aprll and October  MARSHALL T. ADAMS. To Senatoh1a. · To Hattiesburg. J. N. BRASHEAR. To Holly SDrings. To Aberdeen  The ft'ESTERN DISTRICT has flve divisions; the Western with court at Kansas City, fourth Monday In Aprll and first Monday In November. and at Cblllkothe, on the fonrth Monday In May and first Monday In OecarnlJer, the Routhwestl'fn dlvL<Jiou with court at Joplin, ser,ond Mondays in January and June; the St. Josrph dlv1slon with court at St. Joseph, first Monday in March and third Monday In Septl•mber; tbr l antral division with court at Jeffer,on CltJ, third Mondays In March and October; the Southern division with court at prlni;fleld, first .Mondays In April nnd October.  LIVINGSTON & MILLOY. 'l'o Hattiesburg. J. L. ADAMS. To Laurel. See Jackson. 'l'o ew Augusta. Sec Corinth. SPIGHT & STREET.  R. E. STEl,N. ·ee Cleveland. To Indianola. 'fo Kosciusko. To TuppJo. See Laurel. To Senatobia. See Greenwood. To DH Kalb. To Forest. See Collins. CHAS. H. MOFFAT. 'l'o Tupelo. St'e Cleveland. ee Cleveland. 'l'o Pontotoc. 'I'o Quitman. 'I'o Columbu<:. To Montieello. To Marks. To Columbus. Ser Waynrsboro. 'l'o Winona. To Colnmbr.s. To Magnolia. WARD & WARD. To Battiesbur~. To Indianola. To Laurel. To Kosciusko. Ser Jackson. To Pontotoc. GEOltGE P. RITCHEY. BOGGAN, LEA.KE & BOGGAN. See umner. To Brookhaven. C. E. JOHNSON. See Jackson. To Carrollton. To Houston. To Tupelo. •Vicksburg*•+----- WarrPn BRYSON & KATZENMEYER. Walnut*•t _________ Tippah To Ripley. •Water Valley*•L- Yalob'a H. M. BADDLEY. •Waynesboro*•+ ____ Wayne J.B .. AXON. Wf'llb*•t _____ Tallahatchie See Sumnrr. Weir"•L ________ Choc·aw To Arkerman. Wesson*•t _________ Oopiah To Jack·on. West*•t ___________ Holmes To Kosciusko. •W~st _Point*•t _______ CJay \V. G. ROBERDS. •wW!ggms*•t __________ stonc To Gulfport. • mona••t_ __ Montgomery To Eupora. Woodland*•+-- Chickasaw See Houston. •Woodville*•t ___ Wilkinson BRAMLETTE & BRAMLETTE. • Yazoo Oity••t_ _____ Yazoo CAMPBELL & CAMPBELL. Zama _______________ Attala To Kosciusko.  REFERENCE KEY • County Seat. * Money Order Office. •Express Office. t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 95-5 55l 403 470  Adrian••+----- ______ Bates To Butler. Advance*•t _____ toddard To Bloomfield. Agency* _______ Buchanan ee St. Joseph. Alba*t _____________ Jasper To Carthage.  2016 261 500 153 200 2i0  •Albany••+ _________ Gentry Aldrich*•t ___________ Polk Alexandria*•t _______ Clark Allendale* _________ Worth Allenton*•t _____ St. Louis .Allenville"•t Cape Girardeau 369 Alma*•+ ________ Lafayette 450 Altamont*•t ______ Daviess 313 Altenbnrr!* _________ Perry  CHAS. E. GIUBANY. 'l'o Hohvar, To Kahoka. Sre Grant City. To St. Louis.  484 3ti7 180 174 390 .t88  •Alton* ____________ Oreeon Amazoma*•t _____ Andrew Americus* __._ Montgomery Amity••t __________ Dekalb Amoret*•t __________ Bates Amsterdam*•t ______ nates  E. P. DORRIS. To Savannah. See Bellflower. To May.ville. To Butler. See Butler.  918 200 150 176 365 155 1262 121 3;)0 250 100 2~9 132 616 286 300 1000 317  Ancterson*•t ___ .MrDonald Anglum* _________ st. Louis Anna.cta••t ___________ Pike Annapolis*•t ______ . __ Iron Anniston•• ____ Mississippi Anutt* _______________ DPnt Appleton City*•t _St. Clair Arbela"•+·--- ____ Scotland Arcadia ••t ___________ Jron .\.rchie*•t ____________ Cass Arcola• _____________ Dade Arfyte*•t ________ Osaee Arkoe*•t ________ Nodaway Armstrong••t ____ Howard .Arrow Rock* _______ aline A.sbury*•t ________ Jasper Ash Grove*•t _____ Greene Asl.Jland* ___________ Boone Ashley• ______________ Pike A.therton"•t ______ Jackson Atlanta*•+ _________ Macon Aogusta*•t ____ St. Charles Aullville*•t _____ Lafayette  too  100 650 308 128  To Cape Girardeau. See Lexington. To Gallatm. To Cape Girardeau.  W. R. LIPSCOMB. To 't, Louis. To Bowling Green. To Ironton To Charle ·ton. 'ee alem. To ·evada. See Memphis. 'ep Ironton. See Harrisonville . To Grt•t•nfleld. 'To Linn. To Maryville. To Columbia. See Marshall. To Joplin. 'ro Sprini?"fleld. ee Colcmbia. To Bowling Green. To Kan. as City. To Macon. er t. Charles. See Lexington.  3575 Anrora*•t ______ Lawrence B. H. BLOSS. 484 Auxvasse*•t _____ Callaway To Columbia. 845 400 200 314 300 250 100  •Ava* _____________ Douglal1 Avalon* ________ Livingston Avilla* _____________ ,Jasper Avondale t__ - ________ Clay Bagnell*•+---- ______ .Miller Hakrrslleld" ---- ____ Ozark Ballard _________ ----. Bates (Spruce P. 0.) 248 Baring"•L ____ -- ____ Knox 345 Barnard*•t ______ Nodaway 221 Barnett*•+ ________ Morgan 100 Barnhart..•+ _____ J etfer on 98 Bate City*•t ___ LaJayrtte 100 Battlefield* ________ Greene 50 Bay* _________ Ga conade 100 Braurort*•-------Franklin 200 Bedford* ______ Livingston 250 Belgrade" ____ Washington 400 Bell City*• ______ stoddarcl 43 7 Belle*•t ____________ Maries 200 Belleview* ___________ lron 297 Bellflower*•t Montgomery 899 Belton*•+ ____________ Cass  JOS. V. PlTT Sec Chillicothe. To Carthal{e. To Liller y. To JefTerson City. ee Gainesville. To Butler. To Kirksville. To Maryville. er Ver:,ailles. To De oto. ee Lrxington. To Spring!leld. See Herman. 'l'o Union. Srr. Chillicothe. See Potosi. To Bloomfleld. To Rolla. ee Ironton. To Mextco. To Harri onville.  312 •Benton••t ___________ Scott DUDLEY & LUCAS. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1_3_0_B_e_.n_t_on_Oity*•t ___ Audriim To Columbia. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  NOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1774  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  MISSOURI  PoPu:-- - LA·  POPU :-  TOWN AND COUNTY.  -~N_:_  NAME.  2080 254 100 2200 161 614 452 949 333 478 100 280 4i0 392 100  •Bethany*•+-- •••. Harrison Bt>thel* .•••••.•..•• Shelby Beulah* ··----------Phelps Bevier*•t •••••.•.•• Macon Bigelow*•t. •..••..... Holt Billinl!s*•t ••.••• Christian Birch 'l'ree*•t ...• Shannon Bismarrk"•t .• St Francois Blackburn"•+ ••...•. Saline Blackwater"•t .•.•. Cooper Blackwell*•+ .• St. Francois Blairstown*•t .•.... Henry Bland*•t ....••• Gasconade Blod,zett*•L •.•.•••.. Scott Bloodlanct •• ______ .Pulaski  BARLOWt BARLOW & KAUTZ. '110 Macon. St>e Rolla. To Macon. To Mound City. To Springfield. To Moun tam View. See Farmington. To Marshall. To Boonville. To Farmington. To Windsor. To Hermann. To BPnton. To Crocker.  1094 ~50 551 294 381 300 334  •llloomflelct'•t ••• Stoddard Bloomsdale ..Ste.Genevieve Blue Sorings*•t .• Jackson B!ytbe<lale*•L.•• Harrison Bo,zarct*•t •••••.•.. Carroll Bois D'Arr*•t ••••• Greene Bolckow"•t .•••••• .Andrew  WAMl\fACK & WELBO&N. To Ste. Genevieve. See Independence. To Bethany. Bee Carrollton. See Springfield. To Savannah.  1980 •Bolivar*•t ....•••••.. Polk L. CUNNINGHAM. 3815 Bonne Terre*•tSt. Franc's To Farmington. 200 Bonnots Mill*•t .•••. Osage To Linn, 4665 672 377 100  •Boonville*•L----·- Cooper liosworth"•L .• ____ carroll Bourbon*•+----· Crawford Bower Mills* •••. Lawrence  L. O. SCHAUMBURG. To Carrollton. To Steelville. To Aurora.  1065 50 56 300 402 352  aDowling Green*•t. •. _Pike Uoyntoo*•t _______ Sullivan Bradleyv1lle* ·-·---· Taney Rra,zgadorlo" ---· PPmisrot Bragg Ci'y* ·--·-Pemiscot Hrauusville*•t •• -.HowC'll Bransou"•t.-··-·-··Taney Brashear*•+. ______ •. Adair Rraymn*•t ·-·· _.Caldwrll Braieau" --------.. Perry Hri><'kt"nri<lge*•t .Calclwf'll Bri,zh •on* . ___________ Polk Ar1m,,,on••t. _____ Grundy Bronaugh*•+-- ____ Vernon  R, L. MOTLEY. To Milan. To Forsyth. To Caruthersville. To Caruther!-ville. To We tplains. See Forsyth. To Kirksville. St>e Chillicothe. To Perryville. SeP ChilliMthe. 'fo Bolivar. To Trenton. To Nevada.  40 860 150 171 285  6304 Brookfield"•+ ---·---·Linn 175 Brookline Station"•--·---GrePoe 12 Broseley* -··---·-··Butler 694 Brown111,z*•t ···-·-·-·Lmn 533 Brownmgton••t •.•. Henrv 200 BrumlPy* ··-·-------Miller 1411 Brunswick*•t ·--· Chariton 863 Bucklin*•+ ·--·-··---·Linn 439 Buckner"•t ---· __ Jackson 100 Buell*•t ---· _Monteomery 915 aBuffalo* .... ---· ·-·- Dallas 860 8unceton*•t _______ cooper 626 Bunker• ______ ·- Reynolds 970 Burlin1?tonJct.*•tNo.d'way  BAILEY & HART.  To Springfield. 'l'o Poplar Blutr. See Brookfield. To Winrlsor. To Versailles. To Keytesville.  E. L. JOYCE. See Independence. To Mexico. To L<-'banon. To Boonville. See Centerville. To Maryville.  221 133 603  •Butler*•t ____ ---· ____ Bates Butterfield • ·--· •.•• Barry liynumv111e• ---· .Chariton Cabool*•t ····----·-· TPxas Cainesville*•t ___ .Harrison Cairo•• ·--·_·---Randolph Caledonia" ••• Washington Calhoun"•T ----·----Henry  MILES S. HORN. To ~lonett. •ro Keytrsville. See Houston. To Bethany. To ~1ohcrly. To De Soto. 'ro Windsor.  2218 liOO 534 212 3241i 2025 i77 11)40  •California"•t -·--Monitean Callao*•+ ----------·Macon Oamden "•L----··---·Ray Oamden Point*•t ••• Platte Cameron"•+ ·--·--·Clinton Oamphell*•t ____ •• Dunklin Canalou*•---.Ncw Madrid Canton*•t ·------·-·Lewis  J. B. GALLAGHJm. To Macon. See Richmond. To Kansas City. To Plattsburg, 'I'o Kennett. To N cw Madrid. To Kahoka.  10252 80 1043 1377 75  Cape Girardeau*•t __ c. Gir. Caplinger .Mills. ___ .Cedar Caruwt'll*•t ---·-·Dunb:hn Ciirl Junct1on*•t. ...111sper Carlow *•--·-----·Daviess  OLIVER & OLIVER. To Nevada. To Kennett. To Jot1lin. To Gallatin.  2702 125 76 905  10:51  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  TION.  --  400 Berger*•L--·····Franklin To Union. 1571 Bern1e••+------··Stoddard To Bloomfield. 35.5 Bertrand*•t -~-Mississippi To Charleston.  508 339 1018  LA·  -=----- -  3218 •Carrollton*•t _____ .Carroll ATWOOD & ATWOOD. 2434 Carterville"r _______ Jasper 'ro Webb City. 10068 •Oarthage*•t •• ______ Jasper To .Joplin. 1750 1002 llO 5i5 243 268  •Caruthersville*•t Pemiscot aCassvillP*• ·--· .•.. _.Barry Cata.wissa*•t. ___ .Franklin Oenter"•t---------· __ Ralls Oentertown*•t -···---Cole Centerview*•t __ ._Johnson  J. R. HUTCHIN 'ON. To .Monett. 'ro Union. To Pt•rry. To Jrlferson City. See Warrensburg.  350 2071 400 3035 700 150  •Centerville*·---· Reynolds Centralia*•t ________ Boone Chadwirk*•t . ___ Christian ChalTee*•t. ·-------··Scott Ohamois"•t.·--· __ .. Osage Chaonia*•--·----·· WavnP  R. I. JANUARY & CO. See Columbia. To Snrin,zflcld. To Il(•nton. To f,inn. Tn Ponlar muff.  NOTE  200 3410 125 469 6525  Charity - - -.•. Dallas To Lebanon. •Charleston*•t._Mississippi J. M. HAW. Chesterfleld*•f __ st. Louis To St. Louis. Chilhowee*•t •.. _Johnson See Warrensburg. •Chillicothe*•t __ Livingston W. W. DAVIS, Attorney for First Na'ionaJ Bank, Chillicothe Trust Co., Farmers & ·M archan s Bank Chillico 1 he, Mo., Farmers Na ional Bank. Ludlow, Mo., Peoples Bank, Cal'iow, Mo., Wabash R. }{. O her references if de.sired.  444 1400 315 441 375 729 689 3028 282 169 347 200 400 150 5098 213 140 390 50 8&0 230 265  Chula*•t------- Livingston Clarence*•t ---· ___ .Shelby Clark*•t •••• ·---Randolph Clarksburg*•t •• Clarksdale*•+ ____ .. Dekalb Clarksville*•t ---·----Pike Clarkton*•t -·---·Dunklin •Clayton"•t. •• ___ .St. Loms Clearmont*•t _••. Nodaway Cleveland*•t ·---·---·Cass Clever*•t ·----·-·Christian Clifton City*•t ·-·· Cooper Clifton Hill*•t __ Randolph Climax Springs.. __ Camdrn •Clinton*•+··-··--· .. Henry Clyde*• --··-----Nodaway Coatsville*•t ___ •• Schuyler Cotrey*•t --------· Daviess CotTman*•SainteGcnevie'e Cole Camp*•t _____ .Benton College Mound* •••• Macon Oolllns*•t ---· ___ .st. Clair  •Columbia"•L--···-·Boone Commerce*•t ·--- __ •. Scott Competition*·---- Laclede Conc'1>'n Jct.*•f_Nodaway Concordia*•t -·-·Lafayette Connelsville*•t ·--· _.Adair Conway ..•t _______ Lacled{l Cook Station*•--Crawford Cooter* __________ PE'miscot Corder*•+ _______ Lafayette Corning*•t. __________ Holt Cosby*•+ ·--··----Anrtrcw Cowgill*•+ -·----·Caldwell Cra1g*•t ·--·-·---·---·Holt Crane*•t ·-----·--·-·Stone Creighton*•+. ·-··----Ca,;s 400 Oreve Coeur*•+ Louis  10379 593 50 700 962 243 546 75 200 768 255 163 381 750 822 335  See Chillicothe. To .Macon. To Moberly. To California. To Maysville. To Bowling Green. To Kennett. See St. Louis. To Maryville. See Harrisonville. To Springfield. To Boonville. To Moherly. To Lebanon. To Windsor. To Maryville. To Lancaster. To Gallatin. 8('8 te. Genevieve. 'l'o Warsaw. To Macon. To Osceola.  McBAINE, CLARK & ROLLINS. To Ben ton. To Lebanon. To Maryville. See Lexin,zton. To Kirksville. To Lero.non. See Steelville. To Caruthersville. See Lexington. To .Mound City. To Savannah. See Chillicothe. To Mound City. To Gal('na. To Harrisonville. See St. Louis.  506 Crocker"•+ ---· ____ Pulaski To Waynesville. 500 Cross Timbers" __ Hickory 'l'o Ilerm1tage, To De oto. 2 ~~~ See teelville. 2lS:5 Curryville*•t. •• -- ___ .Pike To Dow line Green. 333 Da·leville• __ .... -----Dade To Green:'eld. 50 J.}ai ·y*•--.Cape Girardeau To Cape Girardeau. 398 Dalton*•t --·· __ •. Chariton To Keytesville. 311 Darlington*•+ ·----·Gentry Tc Albany. 75 Daugherty•t ________ .Cass To Harrisonville.  m2~t!~~t~~:~::!::~:::f  100 350 578 50 1391 12g 200 401 250 167 4000 5003 360 2635 400 lll6 150 810 500 1248 52 454 566 543 2;,7  12eo 500 150 150 200 150 340 898 206  1124 100 558  1438 2636 2212 35 150 452 350 512 175 30g  (Eioht Milt P. 0.) Davis*•t--------· Lincoln Dawn*•+·---·-· Living ton Dearborn"•t ---·--··Platte De<lenrk* ···---·· Vernon Deepwater"•+ ----·-Henry Deerfield _________ Vernon Deflanre*•. ____ st. Charles DeKalb*•+--·· •. Buchanan Denver* ·--··------Worth Des Arc*•L····--·---Iron Deslo,ze*•t. __ st. Francois De Soto"•t ______ Jefferson De Witt*•t ________ Carroll Dexter*•t _______ Stoddard Diamond" ---···--·Newton Diehlstatlt*•t ··----- rott Dig,zins ----·----. Webster Dixon*•t -··--··--·Pulaski Dodson*•t _______ .Jackson  •Don1J1han*•L--··-· Riple:v Dora"·------------··Ozark Dover*•t ·--·----Lafayette Downing*•t ___ •• Schuyler Drexel"•t ·-·-----·-·-Cass Durtlt>y*•t ------.Stoddard Dui>nweg*•t ·--·--·-·Jasner Duncans flridge .. ~lonroc Duulao*•t ___ . ___ .Grundy Dunne,zan*•t ---·---·Polk Durham*•t ________ .Lewis Dutzow*•L-·---·- Warren Eagleville* -··---·Harrison East Lynne*•t ·----··Cass Easton*•t ---··-·Buchanan E. Prairie"•t __ .Mississippi Edgar prings* ____ Phelps Edgerton*•t --·----·Platte •F..dina"•t --··---·---·Knox Eldon*•+ ___ • _______ }filler Eldorado Springs*•.Cf'dar Elk Creek·----·-· Texas Elkland•·--··---· Webster Ellington*--·-·--Reynolds Ellsinore* __________ Carter Elmer*•+ ---·----···Maron Elmira"•L-··-·---·-··Ray Elmo*•+ ---·----·Nodaway  To Bowlin,z Green. See Chillicothe. To Kansas City. To Ne\'ada. To WincLor. To Nevada. 'l'o St. Charles. See St. Joseph. To Grant City. See Ironton. To Farmineton. S. lU. McKAY. See Carrollton. To Bloomfield. See Neo ho. To Benton. To Marshfield. See Crocker. To Independence. JAS. F. FULBRIGHT. To Gainesville. See Lexmgton. To Lanca ter. To Harri ·onville. To Poplar Bluff. 'l'o .lonlin. To liannibal. To 'l'renton. To Bolivar. See Monticello. See Warrenton. To Bethany. See Harrisonville. See St. Joseph. To Charle ton. To Holla. To Kansas City. To Kirksville. 'l'o Versailles. 'l'o Nt>vada. To Houston. To )larshfield. To Centerville. See Van Buren. To Macon. 'l'o Richmond. To Maryville.  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See  complete information in preface to Attorney List.  ----  -  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  ---  PoPC:--  -POPU--  NAME.  LA· TOWN AND COUNTY. TION.  1255 Elsberry*•t ______ Lincoln To Rowling Green. 2500 Elvins*•t---- St. Francois To Farmington. 75 Emden*_____ helby To Macon.  325 •Eminence* _______ Shannon S. A. CUNNING~I. 150 Emma"• ________ Lafayette 100 Enon*•------Moniteau !~3 .Kolia"•t __________ Pike 9 Essex*•t _______ Stoddard flOO Ethel*•t _________ , raron  l~i  f!:tterville*•L----· _J\I ill er Eudora*•i ________ J'olk 184 Eugene"•t ____________ Cole ~i~ Eureka*•t _______ st. Louis Everton"•t __________ Dade 384 Ewine*•t ________ Lewis  ee Lexington. 'l'o California. To Bowling Green. To Hloomfield. To \1acon. To Ver ailles. To Bolivar. To Jetferson City. · See St. Louis. Tn Greentleld. To 11lonticello.  U65 Excelsior Springs..•LC!ay R. T. STEl"HENS.  309 Exeter*•t ________ Barry 0 Fagus* --------· Butler 04 Fairfax*•t _______ Atchison ~~i Fairfleld"----------llenton Fair Grove* _______ Greene 500 Fair Play"•t.. _______ Polk 100 Fairport* ________ Dekalb 378 Fairview*•t ______ Newton 363 Farber"•t ________ Audrain 98 Farley*•t ________ Platte  f  See Cassville. To Poplar. To Tarkio. To War aw. See Springfield. To Boli\'ar. To Maysville. 'J'o Nt•o. ho. To Columbia. See Platte City.  2685 •Farmineton*•t t.Francois J.P. CAYCE. 175 2f82 46 l 874 150 3348 272 466 6.500 40U  150 100 200 ~~  200  ~~~  593  loo  250  1819  Faucett*•- ______ Buchanan •Fayette*•t _______ Howard Fenton* _________ st. Louis Fer~uson*•t _____ t. Louis FerrPlview _________ Platte ( mit1w-W.e P. U.) Festus••t _______ J etTerson Fillmore• _________ Anrtrew Fisk*•t ____________ Bu tier Flat River••tSt. Francois Flnnington••-------- Polk Flinthill* ______ t. Charles Florence ________ Morgan lflorida* ______ Monroe Flori~sant*t _____ Si. Loui~ FFoley•:tt_______ Lin c 01 nt or 1,es • ____ •• 11o1 Ford City••t. ______ Gen1ry Fordland"•t ______ Webster Fore t City*•t _______ Holt Forest Green*•-- Chariton Fori tell"•t. ___ st. Charles Forntelt* __________ scott  See St. Joseph. To Columbia. f:ee St. Louis. , Pl' • t. Loms. To Platte City. To De Soto. 'l'o Savannah. To Poplar Bluff. 'I'o Farmington. To Bolivar. To ~ t. Charles. 'I'o Versailles. 'To Hannibal. ~Pe St. Louis. To Bowling Green. To~lound City. To Alhany. To ~arshfield. To .Mound City. To Keytesville. 'To t. Charles. To Benton.  200 •Forsyth* ________ Taney C. B. SHARP. 153 Fortescue*•t _________ Ilolt :-$.'10 Fortuna*•+------ .Monitpau :;75 Foster*•t ________ Bates 653 Frankford*•t. _______ Pike  To To To To  Mound City. California. Butler. Bowlin~ Green.  3124 •Fredericktown*•tMadison B. B. CAHOO , SR. 202 Freeburg••t_ _______ Osage Freeman••+-------- Cass Frrmont•• _________ Car:tPr Frohna• ____________ Perry •Fulton*•t. _______ Callaway  299 175 2li0 5595  To Linn. See llarrisonville. To Poplar Bluff. 'T'o PPrrvville. To Columbia.  ~56 •Gainesville• ________ Ozark lV. C. BOONE.  390 •Galena*•t _______ Stone To Aurora. '.WOO •Gallatin*•L •••. __ Daviess DUDLEY & BRANDOM.  m  Galt• ______________ Grundy Garden City*•t _______ Cass 217 Gentry*•t _______ Gen try 2246 Gerald"•t ________ Franklin Gerster*•-------- St. Clatr !. 17 Oihhs*•t ________ Ad·tir 1500 Gideon ______ New ladrid 404 Uilham••t __________ :saliup 618 Gilman City*•--- Harrison 1353 Glasgow*•t _______ I toward 172 Glenallen"•t __ I1ollinger 290 Gleuwoot"•t ____ Schuyler 899 Golden City*•t ____ Barton 150 Goldsberry• ________ lacon 500 Goodman"•+ ____ McDonald 150 Gordonville"•tCape U:ir'au 1000 Gorm*•t -------· Scotland too Gosnryville ----------Clay (SmitlwUle P. O.) 419 Gower*•t _______ Clinton 317 Graham*-------- Nodaway 354 Grain Valley*•t-- .Tack::,on 1736 Granby"•+-------- NPwton 505 Grandin*•L ________ cartP.r 200 Grand Pass*•t ______ aline 350 Grandview*•t ____ Jack ·on 189 Granger••t. --- 8rotlancl  ps  - - -  LA·  NAME.  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  TlO~.  ----  To Trenton. To Harri ·onville. To Albany. Tc, Onion. To Osceola. 'T'o Kirksville. To 't·w )ladrid. 'T'o .M 1rsh:tll. To HPthany. To Columbia. To ~larble Hill. To Lancaster. To Lamar. To ~lac.on. To Pineville. To Cape Girardeau. See Memphis. See Liberty. See Plattsburg. To Maryville. See Independence. To Joplin. See Van Buren. See Marshall. ee I ndcpern.lence. SPr ~IPmnhis.  1305 •Grant City"•t ______ Worth DU BOIS & MILLER. 100 Granville _________ Monroe To Hannibal. (Paris P. U.)  250 Gray Summit"•t.Franklin To Onion. 487 Green Ca tle"f ___ Sullivan To .Milan. 905 Green City"•t ____ ullirnn To Milan. 1440 •Greenfleld*•L _______ nacte BEN l\f. NEALE.  382 289 614 500 \OU 273 175  690 100 2::iO 22;5 lfi0 l::iO ltil:i!) 25  100  Green Ridl.!e*•t _____ Pettis Greentop*•t _____ Schuyler •Greenville"-------- Wayne Greenwood*•t ____ Jackson Grovr.·pring• ______ \Vright Guilford*•t _____ Nodaway Gu th ri<•"•t _____ .Callaway 1I;1le*•t.__________ Carroll Hair Way* ___________ Polk llall *•t. _______ Buchanan Hallsville"•--------iloone Halltown" ______ T..awrenr.e Hamhurg*•t ••. St. Charlt> Hamilton"•t _____ Caldwell Hammond*_______ Ozark Hancock*• ________ Pula ki  To Sedalia. To Lancastr.r. To Poplar Bluff. SPe Independence. To Mountain Grove. To Maryvillr.. Tn Columbia. 'To C,1rrollton. To Bolivar. 'l'o t. Joseph. See Columbia. To Aurora. To t. 'harle . S<•e Chillicothe. , ee Gaine. ville. See Wavncsville.  18050 Bannibal"•t------- Marion RJ<;NDLl!.'N & WRITE. 847 Hardin*•+_ ___________ Ray Sefl Rirhmond. :no l:larris*•t _______ Sullivan To 1ilan. 168 Harrisburg* ________ BoonEI See Columbia.  2073 •Harrisonville*•+. ____ Cass WM. S. BYUA:\-f. 211 Hartsburg••t ---· __ Boone •Hartville• _______ Wright Harviell* __________ Butler [farwood"•t _______ Vcrnon Hatfield" _________ Jfarn. on Hawk Point*•t ____ Lincoln llayti*•t-------- Pemiscot 50 Hazt>lgrl'en" ______ Laclede 200 Helt>na*•t _________ Andrt>w lfiO Hemple"•t -··--·-· Clinton 150 llendrickson*•t ___ Butler 127 HPnl •y*• -------------Cole 630 Uenrietta• . __________ l{ay lbOO Herculaneum"•t Jefferson  521 170 215 200 256 1507  ee Columbia. To lllountain Grove. To Poplar Illu1I. 'fo • 'Pvada. To BPthany. To Bowliug Green. To Caruthersville. To pringflpld. To Sarnnnah. 8Pe Plat ts burg. To Poplar lllutr. To Jeffl'r 011 City. ce Richmond. To Desoto.  1701 •llermann*•t ___ Gasconade A. l\U,YER. 2i5 •Hermitage* _______ Hickory- lV. L. PITTS.  50 Hickory" _________ Grundy 1400 H 1gbee*•t _______ Randolph 2724 lligginsville"•t _ Lafayette 25.1 High 'lill"•t _ Mon1gomery 125 Highlandville __ Christian 205 •ll1llsboro* ______ Jefferson t:~5 Hober~•• _______ Lawrence 338 Holcomh"•t----·- Dunklin 2011 Holdeu••t ________ J obnson 530 Holland"•t.. ____ }-> mi ·cot 260 Holliday*•L------ Monroe 309 Holh tor *•t ________ .Taney 398 Uolt*•t _______________ Clay 918 llopkins••t ______ N octaway 647 Hornersville*•t __ Dunklin 79 HouseSprin~s• __ Jefferson 772 •Houston* ___________ Texas  407 230 047 542 359  Houstonia*•+------- Prttis See ooalia.  H ughesville*•t ______ Pettis See SPdalia. H umansville*•t ---- __ Polk To Boli,,ar.  Hume*•t. ___________ Bates Humpbren*•L-- Sullivan MS Hunnewell"•t ______ Sht>lby 6110 Hunter"t __________ Carter 2126 •lluut ·\·ille*•t __ Randolph 325 Hurdland*•f. _______ Knox 350 H urlpy*• ____________ Stone 200 fantha*•t _________ B:!rton 487 Iberia* ___________ Miller 1275 Hlmo"•t ___________ Scott 200 ImnPrial•---- ___ .Jefft'r ·on (.Vimm.·wick P. 0.) 11686 &lndependence*•t _Jackson _____ Inza" ________ Buchanan 132 lonia*•t------- Benton 455 Irondale*t ____ Washington  832 2114 275 :i50 611 264 766  To Trenton. To Moberly. To Lexington. To trxieo. To Springfleld. To De 'oto. 'l'o Aurora. To Kennett. To Warrl'nshurl!. •ro Caruthersville. To Hannibal. To Forsyth. To Liherty. 'ro Maryville. To Kennett. See De oto. BARTON & IMPEY.  •lronton"•t __________ Iron AJa<'kson*•+Caoe Girardeau Jacksonville"•t _ Randolph Jame ·ou••t _______ Da,·iess Jamesport"•t _____ Davir s Jamo ·town" _____ Moniteau Jasper*•t ________ Jasper  14067 §•Jefferson City*•t ____ Cole  To Butler. To .Milan. To Macon. To Van Buren. To ~lob •rlr., To Kirksville. See Galrna. To Lamar. To Versailles. To B1•nlon. 'l'o lli1ll ·boro. JOHN F. TRICE. ee t. Joseph. To Warsaw. To De oto. EDGAR & EDGAR. To Cape (olirar<.leau. 'l'o ~ lnberly. To Gallatin. To Gallatin. To California. To Carthage.  mA n.  LOHl\lA"S.  100 Jenkins• ___________ narry To ca~. ville. 262 Jeriro Spring " _____ Cedar 'l'o Nevada. 473 Jonesbure"•t Montgomery To Mexico.  29002 Joplin*•t. ________ Jasper l\lERCER ARNOLD. 1624 •Kaboka"•t. _________ Clark T. L. MONTGOMERY.  NOTE···usE-C0UP0NS as instructed ~BE PROTECTED by bond. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1776  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  MISSOURI  POI'UTOW~ LA· TYON.  •A.ME.  A~'D COUi:'TY.  City"•t ___ Jackson. OLEY & GILBERT, Rialto Building. General Law Hu 'iness. General Practice in all tate and Fetleral Courts. Commercial Litigation. Attorneys for North-we 'tern lntual Life In 'Urance Co. and AmC'rican Expre ·s Co. Hcfer to any Bank or Trust Company in Kansas City; trong, Sturgis & Co., N. Y.: Walter Hunnewell, 87 Milk t .. Boston . ED\l'AltD , KRAMER & EDWARDS. Snite 345 New York Life Hldg-. General practice in all Courts. Matters suhmitted to us given prom flt and thorou!!"h attention. Prepared to handle Collections and make adjust ments by 1,eronal pre entation in Iis ouri. Kan as . Nehraska. Oklahoma. Bond, !!i\ en in matters or Hecei\·er ·hips, Assi !!' n• meut • Attachments. Heplevin, antl Proci>ed nzs in Probate Court. Depo itions taken. lssne Commissions to Thos. II. F.dw11rd. or Percy A. Shockley. ReferPnce : New En~land National Bank, Stock Yards National Bank, Kansas City, M:o. Others, bank and mercantile, upon request. J. T. JENNINGS, NPW York Lif P Ill<lg., Gener;il practicr.. Corporation an I Prohat<\ Law. Depositions taken. Well organizell Coll di on l)pputmen1. KRAt THOl<'I', McCUNTOCK&QUANT, 'fiJ.A.Krautlwff, W. S. Jirrlint,,,./(, ~1. L. Quant. r. B. J,J, .Tcnliin,~. J. O. L1>g11r1, W. Jl111 r.·, F. K. Ji"crg11.•r;n, 1013-14-15-16-17 Hepuhlic Buil<ling. ·pec·ial attention to Bank. Jn . urance. urcty and Hankruptey litigation. Effirieut rolle<'tion departmenL Referen ce by perm1 ~ion: )lidwe t Re~erve Tru t Co. Gate City ·ational Bank, Commnl'e Tru t Company. 'ew Englaml 'ational Bank. I ererence~ in any r.ity on reque t. ANt'O~D n .. LAD_D. ( ucce ·sor to Gage, Ladd & Small), ... ew \:ork Life Bu1ldrng. Attorney for Trader National Bank, Produce ExchangA Bank, Po ·ta! Telegraph-Cable Company and Board or Education. Compiler of the Missouri Laws for this publication.  324410 Kan A  PIATT & MARKS, Conmwrcc Bldg .. Grneral Praclicr., all c~mrts; W. II. II. Piatt aclmit t<•cl.1807: gracl. Univ<'r ity of K·1nsa<;, A. B 18!J4~ I,. L. B.1896. l'h, Kapp·t Psi: Phi Delta Phi: Pre-.:iclent, C. L. L.A. 1918: As-.; uciat<' City oun elor, l!J0509: Trial LawY<'r. \letropoli tan: reet Rtilw; y o., 1919-101~. Thomas R. )I:Irk ·, tl'lmitted, 1002: grad. Pur-lue l n1vPr 1'y, n.... 1806. l ' uiv. or _\lich. L. L.B. 1901· Commi · i,iner or Pol 'c,·. 190910. :\IPmb·•r.:; of tht' ,\Iri. B- r As n .• )Ii ouri B tr .~ssn., Kausa · City Btr A ·n. ancl Reft-r1•nce,: by Commercial Law LP gm• or \merica. pcrmi sion, thi pul•lic ttion. Commercr. Trn-.;t C >mpauy, ~an a . qity, , Jo., W. . Dickey Clay .Ifg. Comp·rny, han a City, Mo .. E. 1. tlu Pon cl<', ·emours Powder Co. Otlic '. 715 Commerc<~ Buil<liug. Wilm,ng on. Delaware. a hie. Piamar.  62;) 228 3622 150 1000 33·:) 141 lt50 371 214 7213 4422 61i 400  iM 878  649 580 2:iO 1114 125 2255 595 859 2000 728 l73 250 llOil 82 543 2000 300 2848 100 1000 1467 420 2i0 100 61 231 162 200 146 483 4695 1160 30!J7 411 600 986 345 •  K  Parupy"•t_ __________ clay Ke! o"•L ____________ scott .,Kennt'tt*•t _______ Duuklm Keuoma"• _________ narton .. Keyte •ville"• t ___ Chariton c ltl II I{' Id " t a we ic er • -------__ Jefferson Kimm:wirk"•t Kine City*• t _______ Gentry .. Kingston" ________ Caldweil Kinl!:ville*•L ____ John. ou .,Kirksvillt>"•+ ________ Artair Kirkwood"•t ____ t. Lou1 KnoLnostn"•t_ __ John ·on Knox City*•f_ ______ Knox t>b~~,1~.~~r: ::=F~ar;~~;~ I La ll 11 " t I' e • --------- .ewis Laclt'<ie"•L---------- Linn Laddonia*•t ______ Andrain La Due"•L _________ Jfrnry La C-lra11g1•"• t_ ______ Lf'wi Lakenan*•t ________ hPlhy •I,amar*• +---------- Harton Lamonte"•L ________ Pettis •Lancaster*• t _____ chuylrr La Plata"•L ________ Macon f..arecto••t. ________ (frundy Laru .,pl*- --------- Ja per Latham•-------- Moniteau Lathrof•L _______ Clinton Latour • --------- John on l~wson*• t. ___________ Ray Leadwoo<l"•t. t. Francois Leasbure••t ____ Crawford .,Leba uon*•L ______ Larlede Lecoma* _____________ Dent Leecls*•t _________ Jackson Lees ummit"•t _Jackson Leeton"•L _______ J ohn on Putnam r ,mon • Leuox * ______________ Df'nt Lentner"•t ________ Shelhy Leonard* __________ 8helhy Le lie"•t ________ Franklin Lesterville" _____ Reynold Leva ·y*• _________ Jackson Lewi town*•t ______ Lewis •Lexington••t ___ Lafayette LiberaJ*•t _________ Harton •Libc• rty"•t ___________ Clay L1rkin6!* ____________ T P.xas Lic~<·•t- ---- \lonte-omcry L1JLourn*•t __ ew Madrid Lincoln"•t ________ Henton '  ----------  See Librrty. To BPuton. FltED L. BYRKIT. 'l'o I..amar. J I<' JUONTGOMER y • " . ,. heil! 1ctoot.lie. _,~ee _ cc C 0 •0 To Albany. To ChilliC'othr.. To Wam•nshurg. CAMPBFLL & ELLI 'ON HPe St. Loui ,. To Warrensburg, To Kirksville. ~ret~on. o ll!Oll. To Kahoka. ce Brookfield To Columbia. . 'fo Wiutl.·or. To Monticc•llo. To lacon. e. \V. TIMMONOS. e · eclalia. HIGBEE & l\llLL To Macon. To Trenton. To Joplin. 'fo California. To Plattshurg. To Warren hurg" . To EXCl'isior. 'pring ee Farmington. See teelville. PIHL. M. DONNELLY. ee Salem. ee lnclependenre. See Iudopenclence. To warren,hur~. To tJ 111·t,n\•·111e. "'eP a 1em To ~tacon.' To Macon. To Union. 'pe Centerville. ee Independence. To Montir.Pllo. HENRY C. CHILE To Lamar. lfARTI E. LA\VSO St>e Houston. 'l'o ~Icxiro. To • ' ew .Maclrid. To War ·aw. C,  NOTE  l'OP(,LA· TION.  Linden* ________ Clay •Linn*f_ _____________ o age •Linn Creek" ______ Camden •LinnPus*•t __________ Linn Livonia"•t ________ Putnam Lock 8pring*•t ___ Daviess Lockwoocl*•t ________ Dade Lohman*•·- __________ Cole Lonejack" ________ Jackson Lone Lane* ________ Dalla Longtown • _________ Perry Lon~wood *_________ Pettis Loose Creek* _______ o ·age Lou is burg" ________ .Dalla Loui ianii*•t _________ Pike Lowncl£- ·* _________ \\'ayue Lowry City"•t ___ t. Clair Lucen1t·••t _______ Put11am Ludlow"•t. ____ Living, ton Lupus*•t ________ .Moniteau Luray"•t _______ _____ Clark Lutesville"•L- __ Bollinger MabeL. _________ Daviess Macks Creek* ____ Camden •Macon"•t __________ Macon Madi ·on"• t _______ Monroe Magnolia"• _______ J ohnson Maitland"•t __________ Holt Malden"•t ________ Dunklin Malta BPnd"•t ______ aline lanche ter*•t ___ 't. Loui Mane.*-----------· \Vril!'ht Manstleld"•t _______ Wright faplewood* •t ___ t. Louis .. Marhle Hill*•----Bolhnger Marceline"• t _________ Linn Marionville"•t __ Lawren~e Marlin~* _____ Montgomrry Marquand*•t _____ Macli on •MarshaW•t ________ Saline .. Marshfleld*• t ____ W t'h ter Marston*•t __ •ew .Madrid Marthasville*•L-- Warren Martin Uity*• t ___ Jack on lartin burg"• t ___ Audrain Martin ville* ____ Harrison .. Maryville*• t ____ 'o<laway Matthews*•t . 'ew Maclricl Maxville ________ J t•1Terc;on (Kimm.~wicl, P. U.) 1507 .. Maysville*•t _______ Dekalb 406 Mayview*• L ____ Lafayette 250 Maywood"• L _______ Lrwi 100 McOrectie"•t. ____ Callaway 447 McFall*• t _________ Gentry 100 McGirk*• _______ 11oniteau 111 McKittrirk*•t lontgom'ry 616 Meadville*•t _________ Linn 175 Medill"•f_ ___________ clark 159 Melbourne*•t ____ lJ,·1rrison 1941 •Memphis"•t _____ rotland 387 Mendon"•t ______ Chariton 100 Mendota"•t. ______ Putnam -_-_-_-_-_:-_:-_:-_-i;r~~~ Bates 171 1erwin*•t ---- -----~eia:•t---- ---- ___ VOsage 6013 .. M!xic~.. 372 Miami*-------- -- ___ Saline 279 Middletown" Montg-omPry 2395 .,_Milan*•t --------- ullinm 200 Milford _________ Harton 536 Miller"•t _______ Lawrence 182 Mill Grove"• t _____ }.Jrrcer ~~i~~e:~!_-_-_-_---~~;;;~~ 924 Mindenmines" _____ l3ar1on n8 MinPOla* _____ Montgomery 150 Mirabile" ________ CaldwPII 292 Mi<;, ouri City*•+ . ____ Olay 12808 Moberly"•t _____ l{andolph 150 600 600 814 248 225 96i 120 200 250 162 200 125 125 4060 100 509 316 500 148 164 585 50 153 3500 646 70 716 2098 02 700 200 757 7431 332 3760 1167 14 352 5200 1371 438 500 400 510 78 4711 378 110  m:~~!!~=::. ~rn  ;T:.:-.:-.:-:.:-.:-.:-A,~J~~l~)  mtrn~.  115 726 50 4206 1041 1688 244 715 2!'i0 193 19Ul 100 5!19 336 425 50 348 160 1472 240 2212 1058 J74 331  Moctena ___________ MPrcer .Mokane*•t ______ Callaway Molino• __________ Auclriao ,. t M M~~~~~ Oity*;t~=:ii~~~~~ Montgomi>ry City*•tMout. •Monticello" _________ Lewis Montro e"• t _______ Il nry Moody*----------- Howell Mooresville"•+ Livin,:tston 1orehouse*•tNew Mactrid Morgan" __________ La,·lede Morley*•t ---- ---· ---· cott Morri on"• t ___ Gasconade Morrisville*•t ________ Polk )Io by*• t ____________ CJay Moscow Mills"•t __ Lincoln . Moselle"•t _______ Franklin Mound City*•t_ ______ Holt Moundville"•t ____ Vernon MountainGrove*•t Wricht Mountain View*•t.Howell Mount Leonard*•L- aline Mt. loriah" ____ llarrison  To Excelsior Spring. GOVE & DAVIDSON. To Lebanon. See nrookfleld. •ro Unionville. To Uallatin. To Gret>nfield. To J efl'er ·on City. ee Independence. To Lebanon. To Perryville. See 'edalia. To Linn. To Lebanon To Howling Green. 'ru Poplar Bluff. To 0,ceola. To nionville. ee Chillicothe. To California. To Kahoka. To hlarhlc Hill. To Uallatin To Lehanon. J DGE B. R. Wil,LIAl\l, . 'l'o Hannibal. Se(' \Varrf'n ·hure. To ~lound City. To KennAtt. ee Mar hall. • l'<' t. Loui:. To \fountain GroYe. To ~fountain Grove . l'e .' t. Loui . To Cape Girartleau. To Bucklin. To Aurora. To ~lexico. See ll'redericktown. W. n. MESC'IIEDE. SMITH & HELTON. To ,·ew ~laclrid. re Warrenton. re lnderirndl'nce. T() Columbia. 'J'o Urcnany. IRA K. ALDER!\I.\. ·. Tu . Tew 1Iatlrid. To t. Louis. WILLIAMS & ROHINSON. See Lexington. Pl' ~lontirello. To Columbia. To Albany. To California. 1 o !l]Pxico. . rr Brooktlrlcl. To MPmphis. ~f'P HPthany. JOO • I. JAYNE. To Keytesville. To l'ni om·ille. !{,~~:;{~~I.le. m Butler To0 Linn.· , PP Nr,·acla. To Columhia. To . larshall. To ~IPxiM. ARTHUR D. CAlfPBELL. To Lamar To Aurora . To 1'renton. T~eG~i~~d~l.le. 'l'o Lamar. To ~lt'xico. Tn King:-ton. To Liherty. WILLARD P . CAVE.  fg  Pl'tty ('ollectiu 11 • 11ut de. irr.<l.  To TrPnton. To Columbia, To Columbia. JOHN T. BURGE To Hannibal. 1'o Mexico. H s ROU E • • :. To Wind or. ee Mountain View. ee Chillicothr. To. 'ew ~fadrid. To Lebanon. To Benton. ee Hermann. To Bolivar. To Liberty. To Bowline Green. To Union. D. W. PORTER. ee Nevacta . S. B. WARREN. JOHN P. WAl!U. , ee Marshall. 't'E' Bethany.  USE COUPONS as inatructed to BE PROTECTED bybond. See complete information in preface to Attorney Liat.  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) POPU• LATION.  MISSOURI POPU-  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  ~-- - - -  •Mt. Vernon*•t __ Lawrence Mt. Washington*i Jackson Napoleon*•t ____ Lafayette Napton*t ___________ Saline Nashua*•t ___________ Clay Naylor*•t __________ Ripley Nec-k*t _____________ Jasper .t-; eelyville*•t _______ Ruuer Nelson*•t __________ Saline .. Neo ho••t_ _______ Newton Nettleton*•+ _____ Calrtwell ... Nevada"•t ________ Vernon Newark* ____________ Knox New Bloomfleld*•tCallaw' New Boston* ________ Linn Newburg*•+ _______ Phelps New Cambria*•t_ __ Macon New .fi'lorence*•L- Mont·y New Frauklin*•t _Howard New Hamburg* _____ cott New Hampton*•tllarrison New Haven*•t __ Franklin .. New London"•+ _____ Ralls .._New Madrid*•LNew Mad. New Melle* ____ st. Charles Newtowu*•t _____ Sullivan New Truxton*•L- Warren ~~3 Njan;ua*•r _______ W e_bs~er 10 Nua ___________ Christian 150 Noda way*•t ______ AndrPw 500 N oel*•t ________ McDonald 1180 Norborne*•t _______ Carroll 870 rorth Kansas City* __ Clay 50 North Salem* ________ Linn 87 Northview*•----- Wehstrr 500 Norwood*•+ _______ Wrieht ~ov~lty" .,-----------Kno_x 634 o~rn~~~e:~t------~-saAdtl~ 97 Oak Hill* _______ Crawford 274 Oak Ridge*•Cape Girard 'u 800 Oakwood* ____ . ____ Marion 17!!6 Odes a*•t _______ Lafayette 8Y4 O'Fallon*•t ____ st. Charles 150 Old Applettn* Cape Girardeau 317 Old Monroe*•t ____ Ltnroln 169 Olean*•L ___________ Miller 200 Olney*------· _____ Lincoln 1141 Oran*•t _____________ cott 904 •Orefon*• ____________ .Holt 981 Orouo~o*• _________ Jasper 632 Orrick*•t _____________ RaJ 200 Osage City*•f_ _______ cole 1!54 Osborn••+---- _____ Dekalb 1025 .. osceola*•t _______ st. Clair 272 Oseood*•t_ _______ Sullivan 400 Oskaloosa*•f_ _____ narton 482 Otterville*•f. ______ Cooper 1200 Overland* _______ .St. Louis 777 Owensville*•t _.Gasconade l~~~ .. Ozark*•t--------~hris~\~1011 ,,. •Palmyra*•t Paciflc*•t -------• ________ rMananon 191H 1131 •Paris*•+_ __ f ____ --Mi~H~e ~New-Mal:iJ 473 Parnell*•+ _______ Nodaway 75 Pa . aic*•t ·--------- Bates 175 Pa terson* ________ Wayne 150 P att 00 *---------- Bol11·naer .. 1200 Pattonsburg*•t ___ Daviess 2~~ Peculiar••+-----------iass 150 Pennsboro*•--------- ade Perrin*•t ---- ______ Clinton 838 Perry*et_ ____________ Ralls 1763 ..Perryville*•-------- Perry 167 PevolY-•t _______ Jefferson 500 Philadelphia* ______ Marion 248 Phillipsburg*• ____ Laclede 314 Pickerine"•L--- Nodaway 1086 Piedmont*•L ______ Wayne 1476 Pierce City•L---Lawrence 753 Pilot <lrovt>*•t _____ Coover 225 Pine Lawn* _____ t. Loui  1254 4000 156 250 150 681 241 237 639 396!! 150 7139 220 500 100 1235 400 600 848 125 510 805 911 1908 250 408 100  Im  d~ t!~~Vl!~f: __  To Aurora. See [ndependence. Ste Lexine-ton. See Marshall. To Liberty. To Doniphan. To Wcb!J City To Poplar Bluff. PP ~farshall. HUBBERT & HUBBERT. To Chillicothe. CHAS. E. GILBERT To Kirk~ville. To Columbia. See Brookfield. See Rolla. To Macon. To M1•xico. To Columbia. To Benton. 'l'o Bethany. To Union. To Perry, GALLIVAN & FINCH. See St. Charles. To Milan. See Warrenton. 'l'o 11arshfield. To Sprinefleld. 'l'o Savannah. To Pineville. To Carrollton. To Liberty. See Ilrookfleld. To 1lar. hfield. To Mountain Grove. To Kirksville. To Kirksville. See Independence. See teelville. To Cape Girardeau. To Hannibal. To Lexine-ton. To St. Charles. To Cape Girardeau. To Bow ting Green. To Vrr~ailles. To Troy. To BentOn, To Mound City. To Webb City. See Richmond. To Jefferson City. To ~faysville. W. A. DOLLARIDDE. To Milan. To Lamar To Boonville. See t. Louis. To Hermann. 0 ~Pl:ingfleld. Too llnto~b· anm a.1 ~o uannib~\ 1 Tg N~~sahiact To ManYille. To Butler To Greenville. To Marble Hill. 'l'o Gallatin. See Harrisonville. 1,left°geld. ee a s ure. E. L. ALFORD. FRANK K. FENWICK. To De Soto. To Hannibal. To Lebanon. To Maryv1lle. To Greenville. To Aurora. To Boonville. To 8t. Louis,  :f:  rfd.  go  (St . Louis J>. 0.) 500 •Pineville* ______ McDonald To Anderson.  Pittsburg* _______ Hickory Pitt"ville ________ Johnson Plato* ______________ Texas •Platte City*•t ------Platte .. pJattsburg*•t -----Clinton Plea ant Green*•t _cooper Pleasant Hill*•t ------Cass Pleasant Hope" ------Polk 5 Plevna• -------------Knox 156 Pocahont's*•CapcGirard'u 42 Polk* ________________ Polk  100 100 100 558 1719 93 4560  To Hermita~e. To Warrensburg To Hou. ton. A. D. GRESHAM. D. H. FROST. To Boonville. To Harrisonville. To Bolivar. To Kirk ville. T c G' d T~ u'bfi~a;:ar eau. 11 ~;~· ior prings. 300 Pomona*•t ________ liowell See West Plains. 5 2 o Ponce de Leon -----Stone To Aurora. 8042 •Poplar llluff*•t ----Butler ALLEN CURRY. 283 Portaee Des Sioux* St. Charles To t. Charles. 1244 Portageville*•LN. Madrid To 'ew Madrid. 200 Portland*•L- ____ Callaway See Columbia. 084 •Potosi*•t _____ Washington To De Soto. 356 Powersville*•L. __ Putnam To Unionville.  ~5i  li~ ~gj~<?.~r~!_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-gt1~~:n ;i:g fr  LA· TION.  192 255 200 15i6 200 603 35:i 442 877 6!l7 195 500 197 S44 150 llS2 156 157 127 200 500 250 670 10!!7 187 li2 359 175 2261 95.S  TOWN AND COUNTY.  Prairie Hill* _____ Chari tan Prafrir Home* _____ coopP.r Pre. ton• ________ Hickory •l'rinreton*•t ______ Mercer Protem* ____________ Taney Purcell*•t __________ ,Jasper Purdin*•t ____________ Linn Purdy*•t ___________ Barry Puxiro*•t _______ Stoddard Queen City*•t ___ Srhuyler Quitman"•t _____ Nodaway Qulin* ______________ Butler Ravanna* __________ Mercer Ravenwood*•+-- Nodaway Raymond ville* ______ Texas Raymore*•t __________ Cass Raytown• ________ Jackson Rayvil le*•t ___________ Ray Rea*•+ ____________ Andrew Ree{! *•t ___________ Jasper Reeds Sprine"•t ____ stone l{eger*•t. ________ Sullivan Renick"•t ______ Randolph Republlc*•t ________ Greene Revere*•L •. ________ Clark Rhineland*•+ Montgomery Richards*•+ _______ Vernon Rich Fountain* _____ o.aee Rich Hill*•+ _______ .. Bates Richland*•t _______ Pulaski  .. Richmond*•t _________ Ray }{!ell woods* __ Washineton Ridee,"ay••t ____ Harrison RitcheJ *•---· _____ Newton mo Hobert:;villc*•---Franklin 458 Rocneport"•t _______ Boone 50 Rockbridfe* ________ Ozark  4409 250 812 500  NA.ME.  To Keytesville. To Boonville. To Hermitage. To Trenton. ·ee For:;yth. 'ro \\'Phb city. See Brookfield. To :"11onett. To Poplar Blufr. To Lanca~ter. To Maryville. To Popular lllufr. To Trenton. To Maryville. Sre Houston. See Harrisonville. ee lmlc>pPndence. To Richmond. To, avaunah. To Carthage, To Galena. To Milan. To Motwrly. To pringfleld. To Kahoka. To Mexico. See evada. To Linn. To Butler. See Crocker. JOSEPH E. BLACK. To De Soto. See Bethany. See Nrosho. To Union. Ser Columbia. See Gainesville.  1136 486 500 408  .. Hockport*•t _____ Atchison RoC'kville*•t ________ Bates RockyComfort*McDonald Rofersville*•t ___ Webster  JAMES F. GORE. To Butler. To Pi1wville. To .\Iarslifield.  2077 145 250 329 220 146 262 364 383  .. Rolla*•t ___________ Phelps Roscoe* _________ st. Clair Host>hud"•t ____ Gasconade Hosendale*•t _____ Andrew Rothville*•t _____ Chariton Rush Hill*•t _____ Audrain Ru. hville*•t ____ Buchanan Russellville*•t------- Cole Ru tledee*•t ______ Scotland  JONES RU.OTHERS. To O reola. To Hermann. To , avanuah. To KE'Ytesville. To Columbia. See S1. Joseph. To J c,fferson City. See Memphis. LAWRENCE T. McGEE. 'l'o TrPn ton. To Keyt •sville. To Chillicothe. To C;Lliforuia. To llannihal. 'I'o Maysville. To Carthae-e. BOOHER & WILLIAMS. To Nevada.  1771 •Salem••t_ ____________ Dent 70 Saline*• ___________ MerC'er 1757 Salisbury*•+ _____ Chariton 75 ampsel ______ Livingston 97 Saodyhook*•L .• Moniteau 118 Santa l!'e* _________ Monroe 210 Santa Rosa*•t. --- . Dekalb 1023 Sarcoxie*•+ ________ Jasper 1831 .. savannah*•t _____ Andrew 596 Schell CitY*•L---- Vernon 21144 300 1054 1104 754 1809 690 544 418 3613 267 50 628 3797 129 331 782 500 258 7740/l 577 257 100 800 140  39631 75 75 1864 350  .. Sedalia*•t ----. --- __ Pettis Selie-mau*•t ________ Barry Senath*•t ________ Dunklin Seneca••t T-- ____ Newton Seymour;•+------ W ebster Shelbina • -------- 8 helhy .. shelbyville*•------Shelby Sheldon*•+ ________ Vernon Sheridan••+ ________ Worth Sikeston*•L---------Scott Silex*•t ___________ Lincoln Simmons* __________ Texas Skidmore*•t ____ Nodaway Slater*•t -------- ___ Saline leeper*•t --------Laclede Smithton*•t ________ Pettis Smithv1lle*•L--------Clay South Gifford ______ Macon Sout.b Greenflc>ld*•t _Dade So. Bt.J oseph*•tBuchanan 80.-WestCity*•tMcDonald Sparta*•L _______ Christian Speed*• ___________ cooper Spirkard*•t ______ Grundy Sprag-ue*•-----------Bates ..sorinelleld*•t _____ Greene Spring HilL .. Livingston <Chillicothe P. 0,) p, uce ________ Rates St.anberry"•t ______ Gentry Stark City*•t. ____ Newton  LAM.1 .,OHLING & LAMM. To Monett. To Kennett. To Neosho. 1'o Mar hl1eld. To Macon. To 11acon. See Nevada. To Grant City. To Benton. 'l'o Bowling Green. See Houston. To Maryville. To Marshall. To Lebanon. See Sedalia. To Li!Jerty. To MaC'ou. To Greenfield. To t. Joseph. To Pineville. To pringfleld. To Boonville. To Trenton. To Butler. MATTHEW H. GALT. To Chilhcothe.  To Butler. To Albany. See Neosho.  c  8503 Charles*•t. St. Charles WM. F. A H 442 St. Clair*•t ----- .B'ranklrn ~~ gg/~~bia.  o L P H .  ~l:!?e1!1.)n~~--------_-J:~~:c~ To Caruthersville. 767 •Steelville*•+ ____ Crawford WM. R. LAY. 300 Steffenville* ________ Lewis See Monticello. .. ste.Genevieve••t S.Genev. St. Elizabeth* ______ Miller Stella* ------------Newton Stephens* - ______ Callaway Stewartsville*•t ___ Dekalb Si. James*•+ __ _____ PhPlps  C. J. STANTON. To J eft'crson City. To Neo ho. To Columbia, To Maysville. To Holla.  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. complete information in preface to Attorney List. NOTE See Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  EL  7~~  2046 200 300 100 554 1117  1777 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1778  MISSOURI, MONT AN A  i>o~LA· TIOS.  ~-- ~----._____  --  --  NAME.  TOWN AND OOUNTY.  17939 •St. J oseph*•L •• Ruchanan. JNO. C. LANOIS, Jr., 1113-1116 Oorby-Forset'! Bide. Attornty for Burnes National Bank. General Civil Practicfin r,tate and Federal courts wi~.ll. special attention to Corpo ration and Commercial Law. Well equipped collection dt>tiartnwn1 maintained undt>r the mauaeement of Guy C. Barr. ltt>prest'ntinl!' the AmPrican Lawyers· Co .. the United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co .. Clearine House Quarterly . Martlndale's Guide. Russell List. the ME1rcantile Adjuster, and otheu. References: any local bank or jobber, and references furnished in any city upon request. 772897 St. Louis*•t-,;;t. Louis City. ABBOTT, FAUNTLEROY, CULLEN & EDWARDS, ',uite 31:;, Commercial Bldg., 214 N. 6 h St. (Augustus L. Abbott, Thomus T. Frmntlmoy, Put,ick If. Culle11, John B. Edwn.rds, Edwin C. LueddP, Ralph T. Finley, John B. Abbott, Jules R. Field. Cornelius H. Fauntleroy.) General prac•ice in all Sta• e and Federal Cour s in ~Iissouri. Refer to First Ka ional Bank, Boatmens Bank and R. G. Dun & Co. at any of their office,:. ROYLE & PRIEST, Cen+ral .,.'ational Bank Blclg. General practice in Law ancl Equity in · a P and lt'ederal Courts. H. A. & HARRY '. GLElCK, Ilmry ,1. Gleick, Horry S. Gleirk, Victor B. Jones, D~virl Seize,. Practice in all courts. vecialists in B:tnking, Corporation ancl Commercial mat• ter.·. Refer toXat. BtnkofCommerce, Eisenstadt :Mfg.Co., .Jos. T. Ryer ·()n & on t. Louis Branch, Rico tix Dry Good· Co .. Corticclli . ilk Co., St. Louis. GRANT & GRANT, 910 Carleton Building, Attorneys and Counselors at L-1w. Practice in all courts, ' ate and I:t'ederal. Corpora ion Practict•: Coun 'el for ieber Pr >ducts Company and Earl Heal Y UJmpauy. Proba e Practice: C ,unsel for Nat'IB~nevolentA. n.oft.heChri·ianChurch. Valuation and Analysis of lnve ·tm.en's: CuunsP.l for Audit and Doud Company of Atneri 1·a and Giraldin.Fink-Camien, Inc. (Auditors>. Other RefcreocPs: First National Bank in S•. l,ouis; Merehants-Laclcde .National Hrnk; Any Kiwani, Club; Provident Chemical Works. LEWIS & R ICE. Joxeph W. Lewi,~, Charles M. Rice. H. CollinB flay, Edwa1d D. Shea, E. Roby Albin, Suite 1212 Fed,iral ResPrve Uank Building. References: [nter• national Bank. Rice-Stix Dry Goods Co .. Graham Paper Co .• St. Louis Cotton Co., Lesser-Goldman Cotton Co., Smith, Moore & Co., Ft. Smith Compress Co .. Samuiil Cupples Woodeuware Co., Laclede Steel Co .• Adler-Gold · man Com.mission Co. 'TEPHEN C. ROGERS, Rialto Bldg. Practice in all the tate and Federal Conrts. Cornoration and Insurance husines-, a specialty. Collection dcpar,mcnt well eL1uipped. Depo itioPs taken. ... 'otary in office. WILSON & TRUl'BLOOD, Alf,ed C. Wilson, Alva C. ui e 1505 Fedrral Re nve Building, General Trw,blood, Practice in the . ate and Federal Court,. Bank Reference: ::\li::is~iPPi Valley '!'rust Uompany. 722 St.Marys•• t bte.lJenevieve To 'te. lienevieve. 696 •Stockton• ········-··cedar To evada. 141 Stotesbury•• t.._ •• Vernon See 'evada. 354 Stotts City•• t.. Lawrence To Aurora. 300 Stoutland"• t ...•.• Camden To Lehanon. 247 Stoutsville*• t •.... .Monroe 'fo Hannibal. 447 Stover••t •..••.••. .Murean See Versailles. 100 St. Paul"···--· t. Charles To St. Charles. 358 St. Pett>rs*•t •• St. Charles To St. Charles. 200 Strafford*•t ··----·Greene To Sprin1?fleld. 171 Strasburg*•t ••••.••. _Cass S~e Harrisonville. 200 St. Thomas" ..•• ···--Cole To Jefferson City. 728 Stureeon•.. t -··-·-··"oone To Columbia. 75 Sturees"•t ••• _.Livin1?ston See Chillicothe. 300 Sugar Oreek*• t •• Jackson To Independence. 909 Sullivan••t ...•.. Franklin To Union. 50 Summerflelcl*• ··-·· Mitries 'l'o Holla. 286 Summersvillc* ••••.. 'fexas See Houston. 468 Sumner*•t •••••• -Chariton To Keytesville. 200 Swrdebore*• t -···· Pulaski Sre Waynesville. 1177 Sweet Springs••t •• _Saline See Marshall. 288 Syracusr*•L •.••• _Morl!an See Versailles. 1870 Tarkio*•t. •••••. -Atch1son J. A. GERLA H. 50 Taylor•• .••.•••••• Marion To Hilllnihal. 200 Tebbetts*•t ...... Callaway To Columbia. 1738 Thayer*•L--·--···Oregon To Alton. 100 Thom,\.wille .•••. _ On•gon 'I'o Alton. 100 Thc,mp ·on*• t .••• Audrian To Columbia. 57 Tiff City* ...••. -McDonald 'I'o P1n(•ville. 75 Tiffin* · - - -.•. St. Clair To Osceola. 364 Tina•• t ....•..•..• _Carroll See Carrollton. 200 Tindall*•t ······-·-Grundy To Trenton. 1170 Tipton•• t ···-···.Moniteau To California. 60 TrPloar•• t -·····-· Warren See Warrenton. 6951 •Trenton••t ..•.••• -Grundy D. F. WARREN. 118 Trimble"• t •••••••• Clinton See Plattsbure. 3.~7 Triplrtt"•t. ••.•.• Chariton To Keytesville. lll6 •Troy*• L-··-······Lincoln To Rowling Green. 400 Truxton* ··--·····Lincoln 'I'o Bowline Green. 212 Turney*• t. ••••••.. Cliuton See Platt:burg. 256 •Tuscumbia* •••.•...• Miller To Versailles. 120 Ulman• ·--····-···--~fil!er To Vn,aillP<:. 1605 • Union"• t -·-·····Frankhn J . M. OWEN. 434 Union tar*• t •..• _Dekalb 'I'o Mavwillp 176.'5 •Unionville"•t ..... Putnam G. E. McCUTCHEN. 350 Urbana• ............ Dallas To Lebanon . 538 Urich*• t ········-··Henry To Wind. or. 500 Utica"• t •••.•• - Livinl!ston See Ohillicothe. 899 Valley Park*• t •• St. Louis See St. Louis. 500 •Van Buren•t •••.... Carter C. P . T UR LEY. 2158 Vandalia*•t .•.••• Aud rain 'ro Columbia. 326 Vanduser•• t ·-··-···Scott 'I'o Benton. 438 Veroua•• t -.•.•. Lawrence 'I'o Anrora. 1651 •Versailles••t ...... Morean RICHARD H . WOOD .  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW {BONDED) POPU· LA.• TION.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  95 Vichy*····-········ Maries See Rolla.  600 •Vienna"·····-·· .•.• Maries To Rolla.  200 175 368 200 309 100  7!)0 250  4811 800 925 21g 3132 227 810 35-5 293 220 413  7807 9474  Villa Ridl:'e"•t ••. Franklin Vista••t. •••••• Saint Clair Waco.-----·····Ja per Waldron••t •••••••. Platte Walker*•t -······- Vernon Wallace"•t ·-····Buchanan Walnut Grove••t •• Greene Wardell•···--·- Pemiscot • Warrensbure*•t. Johnson • Warrenton••·-··-· Warren •Warsaw••t ••.••••• Benton Washburn *•·····-··.Harry Washinl!ton"•t .• Franklin Watson••t ···-·-·.Atchison Waverly*•t ••••• Lafayette Wayland*•t ·······-·Clark •Waynesville* •••••• Pulaski Weatherby*•t ...•• Dekalb Weaubleau••t •... Hickory Webb City••t .....• Jasper Webster Groves••t •• St.L.  To Union. To Osceola. To Joplrn. To Kansas City, See N evacla. See St. Joseph. 'I'o Spring-fli>ld. To Caruthr.rsville. \V. JJ. SUDDATH. J. W. DELVENTHAL. W. S. JACK ON.  To Cassville. To Union. See Rockport. To Lexiniton. To Kahoka. ELDREGE & BELL. To May ·ville. See Hermital:'e. To Joplin. ee t. Louis.  878 Wellineton••t ••• ~fayette See Lexing-ton.  8000 Wellstont ••. St. Louis City See St. Louis . ( t. Louis P. O.)  1551 267 514 311 135 991 234 3178 500  374  500  166 22f>  284  r,o  70  300 100 254  4-18 85 1441 2034 1218 150 359 350 269 160 201 327 402 659  150  300  100 259  WPlls,·ille*•t .Montgomery Wentworth*•t •••• Tewton Wentzville*•t .St. Charles Westboro*• t ••••• Atchison West Line••t.··-·····Cass Weston••t ·----··--·Platte Westphalia" ····-·-·Osage • Westplains••t- .... Howell Wheatland* •.•.•• Hickory Whcaton ••t •••.•.•. .Harry Wheeline••t .•. Livineston Whiteside"•t •••• -Lincoln Whitesville* •.•••• Andrew Whitewater•• tCapt>G'deau Whitham••t ••••. Chariton Wilcox*t-----···Nodaway Willard"•t. •••••..• Greeue Williamsburg• ... Callaway Williamstown• ..••. Lewis Williamsville *• t ._. Wayne Willmathsville* •••• Adair Willow Springs••t .Bowell Wmdsor"•t •••••••• Henry Winfleld*•t •••••.. Lincoln Winiean• .••.•••• _Sullivan Winona••t ....... Shannon W\nston•• t ••••••• Daviess W1ttenbere*• •••••• _Perry Wooldridge•• t· .... Cooper Worth*•t ······-··· Worth Worthington"•t •• Putnam Wright City••t ••. Warren Wyaconda"•t •.••.. Clark Wyatt•t ··-····Mi sissippi Yarrow"•t ..•... -··· Adair Yaws••t··----·· Randolph Zalma"• t •••••••• Bollineer  To Mexico. To Neosho. To St. Charles. To Tarkio. See Harrisonville. To Kansas City, To Lynn.  J. L. BESS.  To Hermitaee. To Monett. See Chillicothe. To Bowling Green. To Savannah. To Cape Girardeau. See Keyt,•sville. To Maryville. To Spring t>ld. 'I'o Columbia. St>t Mouticello. 'I'o Poplar Bluff. To Kirksville. To Mountain View. W. G. DAVIS.  To Bowling Green. To Milan. To Mountain View. To Gallatin. To Perryville. To Boonville. See Grant City. To Unionville. See Warrenton. To Kahoka. To Charle ·ton. To Kirks\'ille. To .'.\loberly. See Marblehill.  MONTANA One Federal District comprises entire state, and has ftve dJ'ftsfons: First Division w1th court at Helena, first Mondays In April and Nonm• ber; the second division with court at Butte, the first Tuesdays lD February and September; the third division w1th court at Great Falls, llrst Mondays In May and October; the fourth dJv1slon w1th court at Ml11soula, first Mondays In January and June; and the llfth dhisioD with court at BtUJngs, first Mondays in March and August.  REFERENCE KEY • Express Omce. • Money Order Office. • County Seat. § State Capital. t Telegraph Station. 400 Absarokee•t .... Stillwater 11668 •A.naconda"• t ••• Deerlodge 285 Antelope~•t ••..• hericlan 250 Ashland* •.••••••. Rosebud 400 Aueusta• .Lewis and Clark 396 Bainville"• t ••.• Roose\·elt  1067 • Baker•• t. ••.•.••••. Fallon 500 &llantine•• t _Yellowstone 50 Barber" ..•. Uolden \'alley 744 Bearcreek* ••••••. Carbon 250 Belfry•-··- •••..••. Carbon 499 Bt>lgrade*• L-·--··Giillatin 100 Belmont"• t Golden Valley 967 Belt•• t.·····--·-· Cascade 100 Benchland*•tJudith Basin 200 Bi.dork* · ····-···Flat.ll.ead 589 Bii? Sandy*•t •• _.Chouteau  To Columbus. CHARLES E. AVERY.  See Plentywood. To For.yth. See Helena. See Plentywood.  JOSEPH HODGSON.  To Billiogs. To Roundup. To Red Lodge. To Rt>d Lodee. To Bozeman. To Roundup. See Great Falls. See Lewistown. See Kalispel. To Fort Benton.  1282 • Bie-tim.ber"• t Sweet Gra. s CHAS. '\V. CAMPBELL.  USE COUPONS aa instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond.  NOTE See  complete information in preface to Attorney List.  POPU-  ________  LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. __ TION.  NAME.  ,  15100 ..Billings••t ____ Yellowstone  461 600 250 50 6183 250 600 200 191 200 700 250  '16ll 150 200 1100 465 75 402  1217 1043 3UO  352 200 200 611 987 988 250 100  347  125  DILLAVOU & MOORE, 206-208 Electric Bldg. General Prac ice in all Cour s. Special a tt en ion 10 Corpora • ion. Probate and Commercial Pract ice. References: American Nattonal Bank, Billings and First :t\ational Bank. Broad. view, Mont. .. Boulder"•T ______ Jefferson J.E. KELLY. Bowdoin _________ Phillip To .\lalta. Box Elder*•f. ____ ___ .Hill To Havre. Boyd _______ .carbon To Red Lodi!e. .. liozeman••t ______ Gallatin FRANK M. GRAY. Urat1y••· -----·---Pondera To Choteau. Brid1rnr••t ··-· ..... Carbon 1'o lted Lodge. .. Broadus .... Powder lUver To ~liles City. Broadview*•t Yellowstone To Billings. Brockton"•t ___ l{ooscwPlt To Plentywood. Browning"•t .•.. -. Blacier To Cut Bank. Buffalo*•t ••• Judith Basin See Lewistown. •Butte*•t ·--- ..Silver Bow BINNARD & RODGER. Bvnum* ·----·-····· Teton To Choteau. Carlyle* ·-·· ·--- . Wibaux To Baker. Carter••t ·----·- Chouteau To l!'t. Benton. Oascade"•t ......• cascade ee Great Falls. Cbarlo ·-··-······Missoula To Missoula. .. Ohester••t ____ Liberty N. 'l'o Havre. ..Chinook*•t ·----·--·Blaine D. L. BLACK TONE. •Choteau• ·--- ·-···--Teton JAMES ULGROVE, .. Circle* -------••.. McCone See Glendive. Clyctepark*•t •..•.... Park 'l'o Bozeman. Coburg••t ··----·--Blaine To Chinook. ColTe Creek*•t. . .. Fergus To Lewi town. Columbia Falls*•t.Flath'd See Kali · pell. •Columbus*•t ___ Stillwater DEILY & PARCELLS. .. conrad*•t ---··--·Pondera To Choteau. Corvallis* .... --·-· Havalli Sef> Hamilton. Crow Agency*•t B"g Horn To Hardin. Culbert ·on••L. Hoo C\'elt 'ee Plent,vwood. Ouster••t ____ Yellowstone To Billinis.  1181 325 100 3780 431 150  .. cut Bank"•t -·-·-· Glacier Dar by*•t ·- ___ . __ __ Hava Iii Dayton• _________ Flathead .. Deer Lodge••t ____ Powell Denton• ·--------- Fergus Devon*•t _________ .. Toole  2701 500 365 500 3:iO 300 27·5 1500 200 433 lflO 150 300 1082 2l5 513 150 800 1838  .. Dillon*•t. -·---Beaver ht'ad Dixon*•t ---···--.Sanders Dodson••t ---·---- Phillips Doolt•y"•t ·--·-- Sheridan Drummond*•t •... Granite Dunkirk* ___________ Toole Dutton*•---------·· Teton East Helena*•t Lewis & Clark Eclgar"t _____ car hon .. Ekalaka* .. __ --·---·Carter Emigrant"•t ····----·l'ark Knit!* ··------·-··Hirhland En □ i-*t .. _. ______ Madi on Eur1>ka*•t --···· .•. Lincoln Fairfield* ---·--·-·-Teton Fairview•·--·--- Rirbland Fallon*•t ··-----·-·Prairie Flaxville*•t ·---·- .U,rniels .. For yth*•t _____ . . Rosebud  VERNE E. ROBIN 'ON. ee Hamilton. See Kalispell. SCHARNIKOW & BLAI, DELL. ee Lewistown. To Cut Bank. EDMUND J. CALLAWAY. ee l{onan. To Malta. To Plentywood. ee Philip burg. To Cut Bank. To Choteau. To Helena. To Heel Lodge. To Baker. 'l'o Livingston, ·ro Gleucl1ve. See Vireinia City. To Libby. 'l'o Choteau. To Glendive. To Terry. ee Plentywood.  J. J. McINTOSH. MILLER& WILEY. 'l'o Glasgow. 'l'o Havre. 'l'o Plentywood. To Reel Lodge. To Cut Bank. To Livingston. Tu Ft. Benton. To Fort Benton. . ee Great Falls. See Fort Benton. See Helena. JOHN HURLY. HURLEY & O'NEIL. 'l'o G la~gow. ee Lewi town. C. F. BOLT, Ford Bldg. See Philipsburg. EDWARD M. TUCKER. T. H. BURKE. To Chinook. EMMET 0' ULLIVAN. To Virginia City. HENRY S. KLINE. Attorney for the Havre Nat'! Bank. 300 Hedgesville• -· Wheatland See Harlowton.  1065 .. Fort Henton*•t .Cllouteau 250 Frazer•---· ________ Vall PY 25 Fresno ----·---------- Hill 410 Froid"•t -·-···· Roosevf>lt 520 Fromberg*•t __ .. _.Carbon 300 Gala ta•• t ------·--·-Toole 350 Gardiner*•f. ____ •. _.. Park 60 Genou•--·-··---·Chouteau 8:54 Geraldlne ..•t ._ •. ChoutPau 230 Gey er*•L .. Judi th Basin 300 Gild ford *•L ·- ·-----·-II i II 300 Gilman•--Lewis and Clark 2059 ..Glasgow••t..-.. -·-· Valley 3816 ..Glendive••t. .. _. __ Dawson 75 Glentana*t -··----· Valley 262 Grassrange•t ·--···Fergus 24121 .. Gr1>at Falls"•t ___ .Cascadtl 200 Hall*•t ----·----·-Granite 1700 .. Hamilton••t ______ .Ravalli 1~12 .. Hardin"•t .. _____ Bil? Horn 21 Harlem*•t --·---··· Blaine 1~56 .. Harlowton••t-. Wh atland 225 Harri ·on*•f. _____ Madi ·on 5429 .. Havre*•t ---··--- ____ .Hill  12037 S..Helena••t .Lewis & Clark CHARLES E. P EW , Successor to  Wight & Pew. National Bank of Montana Annex. Compiler of the laws of .Montana for this pub·  POPULA· TOWN AND TION.  200 175 150 154 400 400 200 300 ZOO 700 200 100 150 344 440 500 250 522  COUN1'Y.  Helmvu1e• ·---·-·-.Powell Highwood* _____ Chouteau Hilger••··------ ___ Fergus Hingham*• t ---·----· Hill Hinsdale"•t -----·· -Valley Hobson*•f •. Judith Basin Homestead*•L-.Sherictan Hot Springs--··-- anders Buntley*•L-. Yellowstone .. Hysham"•t -- ----'freasure lngomar••t_ _____ RosPbud Intake*•t _________ Dawson Inverness"•t ------·-· Hill Ismay••L---·-----·Custer JoliPt*•+------·---·Carbon Joplin*•t _____ .Liberty N. ..Jordan• -------- .. Garfield Judith Gap*•t __ Wheatland  NAME.  See Deer Lod ee. See Fort Benton. See Lewistown. To Havre. 'l'o Glasgow. To Lewistown. See Plentywood. To Thom, ·on Fall . To Billings. To For yth. To For:yth. To Glendive. To Havre. To Mile City. To Red Lodge. To Havre. See Glendive. To Harlowton.  5147 •Kalispell*•t _.... Flathead DAVID RO 'l-1. 42 Kolin*f. ____ _Jnclith Ba -in To Lewistown. 300 287 100 2239 350 1500  Kremlin* _____________ Hill Lambert••-------Richland Laredo._. _________ ..•. Hill Laurel*•t ____ Yellow tone Lavina*•t __ Golden Valley Lehil?h ______ Judith Basin  To Havre. T.o Glendive. To llavre. To Billings. To Roundup. To Lewistown.  6120 ..Lewistown••t -·-·-Fergus BELDEN & DeKALB. Attorney:, for the Bank of l!'ergus County and Lewistown tate Bank. 1082 ._Libby*•t-------···-Lin<'Oln ROWLAND & GRAY. 476 Lima*•f. _____ Beaverhead To Dillou. 6326 300 50 200 150 250  .. Livin2ston••t ---·----Park Lodge Grass ___ .Big 11nm Lohman.--------·-·Blaine Loma*• . ---··--·Chou tl•au Lothair*•t _____ Liberty N, Madoc*•t _________ Daniels  ELBERT F. ULEN. To Hardin. To Ct1inol,k. To Fort Ben ton, To Havre. To Plentywood.  1427 591 200 100 2112 477 200  .. Malta*•t ---·----- Phillips Manhattan*•t. ___ .Gallatin Martinsdale*•t ___ Meagher McCabe _______ •. Hoosevelt Medicine Lake*•tSheridan Melstone*•t ___ Musselshell Mildred*•t ·------· Prairie  FRED C. GABRIEL. To Bozeman. See White ulphur Sprinn . To Plentywood. To Plentywood. See Roundup. To Terry,  7937 ..Miles City••L-.. --.Custer GEO. W. FABR. Attorney for the Fir. t National Bank and Miles City Tational Bank.  12668 250 81 300 100 355 250 751 749 150 350 300 295 125 300 300 150  ..Missoula*•t ____ ._Missoula Moccasin*•t.Judith Ba in "MolL-·--·-·----· tillwatpr .. Mondak*•t ·---· Roosevelt Montague _______ Ulwuteau Moore*•t ---· ---·-·FPrgus Musselsbell*•t Musselshell Nashua*•t ________ .Valley Neihart••t -----.. -Casrade Ollie* ______ .. _Fallon Opheim*t Valley Oswego*•t·--------_________ Valley Outlook* ______ .Sheridan Ovando* -----------Powell Pablo ..••.·-·-···Mis oula t'ark 0ity••t ._ .. Stillwater Pendroy ____________ Teton  RU ELL, MADEEN & BARRO • See Lewistown. To Col um bu·. To Plentywood. To l<'t. Benton. To Lewistown. See Roundup. To Glasgow. See Great Falls. To Baker. To Glasgow. To Gia. gow. , ee PIPotywood. S e Deer Lodge. To Missoula. To Columbus. To Choteau.  1109 .. phflipsburg••t __ .Granite J. J. McDONALD 452 Plains"•t _________ sanders To Thompson Falls.  388 1~7 1132 113 242 1152  zoo  300 150 120  .. Plentywood*•t __ Sheridan L. J. ON, TAD. Plevna••L--·------Fallon To Baker. Polson•----··--··FJathPad See Kali pell. Pompey Pillar*•t Yellowstone To Billings. Pony••t --·---·-··Mad1son To Virl!'mia City . Poplar••t ______ Uoosevel t See Gla.-gow. Power••t _______ ·-··Teton To Chotpau. Rapelje ···----·Stillwater To Columbus. Raymond-----··' berirlan To Plt•ntywood, Raynesford*•tJudith Basin 'l'o Great Fall ·.  4515 •Red Lod2e*•L--.-·Oarbon 300 Redstone* -·----. Daniel 360 Reedpoint*•L-- tillwater 100 Re ·erve. ________ sheridan 400 Richey····----·-· Daw, on 100 Rm2ling••t ·-----Meaeher 100 Roberts"•t ---· ____ Carbon 600 Honan* --·-·----.Mi sou la 250 Rosebud*•t ---··-Ro ebud  FRANK P. WHICKER. ee Plentywood. To Columhus. To Plentywood. To Gll•nclive. To White Sulphur Sprine-s. To Rrd Lodire. To Missoula. To Forsyth.  2i09 .. Roundup••t __ .Musselshell V. D. DU ENBERY, Citizen tate Bank. 300 Roy* __________ --Fergus See Lewistown. 200 Rudyard*•f--------·-- Hill To Havre. 405 •Ry~ate •t Golden Valley See Roundup, 425 Saco••t_ __________ Phillips To latta. 200 Salesville*•t ______ Gallatin To Bozeman. 1&00 , an<lcoulee"•t --·-Casrade To Great Falls. 300 Savaee*•t ----·---Richland To Glendive. 1110700 .. avohy•~t t·-·--·····n·Blf!,inle T'l'o p'r,ownsend,:.. .. co ey • --·-·--· ame s o cnt:vwoc~,. 200 , hawmnt*•tGolden Valley To llarlo,\ton.  lication. ----- No ·- T E -USE COUPONS-~. fnatructed to BE- PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  to Attorney Liat.  Reter  - -- - ~ -  to Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MONTANA, NEBRASKA  1780 PoPU LA·  TOWN AND COU~TY.  NAME.  110:-..:._  537 •Shelby••t -·····-··-·Toole :iO Shepher<I--·- Yellowstone 538 Shernl:rn*•L •. - __ 1iladison 1400 •Sidney"•t --··---Richland IUO Simms*•-···-·--·-Cascacle 800 Somers*•t _______ FlathPad 1,;o Square Butte .. •+ Chouteau 300 • tanford*1tt . Judith Ilasin 744 St1•vtmsvillt>*•L--- H.avalh 600 St. fgnatius*t.._.Missoula 1200 8to<'kE'tt*•L ____ __Casrade 100 St. Xavier* _____ Big Horn ucnatra*•t ______ Rosebud 1:iO 100 Sunburst. ___________ Toole 450 •Superior*•t_ ___• __ Mineral 300 Sweeterass*•t _______ Toole  '1'0 Cut Bank. To Billings, See Virginia City. T o Gl1rntl1ve. 'I'o Great Falls. Sf't> Kalispell. To Fort Benton. See Lewistown. Ree llamilton, To l\Iissoula. RN• 0-rPat Falls. 'l'o Hardin. 'ro Forsyth. To Uut. Bank. To :\Iissoula 'l' o Cut Bank.  794 •Terry*•f __________ Prairie W. R. FLACHSENHAR. 508 •Thompson Falls•t Sanders A. S. AINSWORTH. 1071 Thrne Forks"•t •• -Gallatin To Hozeman. 2000 Toston*•t _____ Broadwater To Townsend. 807 •Townsend*•L Broadwater 763 Troy"•L __________ Lincoln fJO Turner*-------·--- Blaine 755 Twin Bridees*•t _ Madison 200 Twodot*•t ____ • Wheatland 613 Valin* ___________ Pond1•ra 200 Vanancla*•t _. __ .:_ Rosebud 374 Vi1•tor*•t---·------ Havnlli 50 Vida*· -·-··-······1frCoue 20 Virgt>lle*•-------Chout!'au  FRANK T. HOOKS. See Libby. To Chinook. See Virginia Oity. See llarlowton. To Choteau. To Forsyth. 8re Hamilton. To Glendive. To Ft. Henton.  • Virginia City* ____ Madison \Vt->sthy*•t._ ••••• Slwridan Westmore+•t._. __ .Fallon Wheal Basin .• . Stillwater Whttt•lbh*•t ..• - Flatht•ad Whitt-hall*•t ____ Jt>fl'nrsou •WhiteSulphurSpg,,*•t :MPaghPr 300 Whitetail*•+----- Daniels  L. H. BENNETT. To Plt>ulywood. To nakE'r. 'fo Uolucnhus. See Kali!>pell. To Boulder.  611 i5 300 500 200  :ELMER W. COWEE. 'l'o Uhoteau. To Bozt1man. 1'0 Bozeman. To Lewistown. SP!' Ll'wi~town. To Lrwistown. To Dillon. To Glasgow. To Billill2'S, 'ro Hartl in. To Chinook.  342 253 50 50 28fi7 629 574  262  1:16 230 20H8 20G 100 150  •W1baux*•t. _______ Wibaux Williams _________ Pondera Wrllc,w Creek*•t. Gallatin Wil,all*•t --· · -·-·-·--Park Windhamt•+Judi ' h Basin W1n1t'rt•d*•t.. ____ _ Ft•rgus Wiunt>tt" -··------- FE>rgus Wi,<lnm• _____ BP.avprtwad Wolf Point*•t __ Roo,E>relt Wnrrlen*•t • __ YE>llow,:tonP WyoJ~••t _______ Big Horn Zurich*• ___________ lllaine  C. A. LINN. To Pl<•ntywood.  POPU• LA· TION.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  One frederal District comprises entire State with courts 3t Chadron the second Monday In Rrptemher; at Grand bland, the second Monday In January. at llastlngij, the second Monday In March. at Lincoln, the second Monday In May :ind first Monday In October at McCook, the first Mondas In March: at Norfolk t.Wrd. Monaay ln &•ptt->mber; at North Platte th~ second Monday in June. and at Omaha, the first Monday In i \ p r i l ~ t h Monday in Soptember.  REFERENCE KEY • Express Office. * Money Order Office. • County Seat. § State Capital. t Telegraph Station. 132 Abie*• t_ ___________ Butler To David City. 574 A<lams*• t ____________ Uage 1'0 Ut>atrice. 60 Agnew -··- ·---_Lancaster To Lincoln.  1508 • Ainsworth*• L _____ Brown WM. M. ELY. 1078 200 432 4l!5  •Albion*• t -·-··--·- Boone Alcla*• L-·----···----- Hall Alrxandria*• t _____ Thayer Allf'11*• L---·------- nixon  FRANK D. WILLIAMS. To <Jrand island. To Hebron. 'l'n P()nrn.  NOTE  r; TI  4591 •Alliance*•t _____ Box Butte L. A. HERRY.  1058 245 208 100 259  •Alma*•t ··---·-··--Harlan Altona" ____________ Wayne Alvo*•t ..•••• ________ Cass Ames*•t --····-·---Dodge Amherst*•+_ ______ Buff'alo 75 Aneora••t _________ Morrill  0. E. SHELBURN. 'l'o Wayne. To Plattsmouth. To Fremont. To Kc>arney, To .l::lrideeport.  78 Angus*•t ···---- Nuckolls To Nelson. 129 Anoka*•L ___________ Boyd To Blair. 457 Anselmo*•t ____ -·--Custer See Broken Bow. 775 764 894 745 200 695 933 104 100 1725 397 1300 258  Ansley*•t -----··--- Custer Antioch ---··---Sheridan Arapahoe*•t _______ Furnas Arcad1a*•t ------·-- Valley Archrr"•t ________ Merrick Arlington*•t __ Washington Arnold*•t ·--- ______ Custer •Arthur----·----·-- Arthur Ashby*•t --·---- _ Grant Ashland*•t _____ Saunders Ashton*•t -----·- Sherman Atkinson*•L---·-----Holt Atlanta*•t--------- Phelps  SE'e Broken Bow. To R usbville. To Bt•aver City, To Ord. 'l'o Central City. To Blair. See Broken Bow. To Tryon, dee Hyannis. Wahoo. To Loup City. To O"Neill. To Holdrege.  2863 •Auburn*•t -·---·- Nemaha NEAL & RUTLEDGE.  2962 231 385 164 673 118 258  •Aurora*•t -·--·--Hamilton Avoca*•L----·-------Cass Axtell*•t -----·---Kearney Ayr*•t ----··-·----Adami Bancroft*•f-_. ____ cuming Barada" _______ Richardson Barnston*•t _________ Gage  HAINER, CROFT & EDGERTON. To Plattsmouth. To Minden. To Hastings. To Stanton. To Falls City. To Beatrice.  132 •Bartlett* _________ Wheeler JESSE M. SHREVE. 251 Bartley*•t--·-- Uedwillow See McCook.  664 •Bassett*•t _________ •. Rock 743 Battle Oreek*•t-- Madison 2127 Bayard*•t --------·Morrill Ill Bazile Mills* _____ ___ Knox  T. To To To  F. NOLAN. Norfolk. Bridgeport. Bloomfield.  9664 •Beatrice••t ____ -----· Gaee RINAKER, KIDD & DELEIIANT, Heferenre: First Nat'! Bank. Beatrice National Ilank, Demp!iter Mill Mfg. Co.  Union State Bank. and  ll03 543 228 548 285 493 369 424 313  •Beaver City*•+---· Furnas Beaver Crossine*•tS'w'rd Bee*•t ____________ Seward Beemer*•t --·-·--- Cuming Belden*•t ___________ Cedar Belgradc*•t ________ Nance Bellwood*•t -·---·-- Butler Belvidere*• t ·----·-Thayer Benedict*• t ----··--·-York  R. J. HARPER. To Seward. l'o Seward. To Stanton. To Hartington. To Fullerton. To David City, 'l'o Hebron. To York,  1009 473 314 697 205 1078 100 408 100 445  •Ilenkelman*•t _____ Dundy Bennet*•t _____ .Lancaster Bennington*• t ____ Douglas Bertrand*•t ________ Phelps Berwyn*• t······--- Custer llethany*t ··-··- Lancaster Beverly* --··---llitchrock Bigsprine*• t ·-------Deuel Bingham*• t -·---Sheridan Btaden*•t_. ______ Webster  R. D. DRULINER. To Lincoln. See Omaha. To Holdrege. See Broken Bow. To Lincoln. To McCook. To Chappell. To Rushville. To Red Cloud.  2702 •Blair*• t-··-·- Washinfton O'HANLON, MAHER & O'HANLON. 1431 Bloomfleld*• t • ___ • __ Knox E. B. HEALY.  NEBRASKA  Po  503 726 742 250 150 100 35 391 400 468 100 57  • Bloomineton*• t __ Franklin 1:!lue Hill*• t ______ Webster Blue Sprinfs*• f_ _____ Qage Boelus*•L.--··---Howard Boone*• t --·--------Boone Bostwirk*•t -··--Nuckolls Bradish*• t ·-·-····Boone Bradshaw*• f_. ______ York Brady* ____ -·--·--- Lincoln Brainard*• t-···---- Butler Brayton*• t ···---·-Greeley Breslaut ---·--·---Pierce  GEORGE LOSEY. To Red Cloud. To Beatrice. To St. Paul. To Albion. To Nelson. To Sheridan. To York. See North Platte. To David City. See Greeley. 'l'o Pierce.  100 •Brewster*·-------·- Blaine E. B. RI GGS.  F. NEI GHBORS. Creighton. Bridgeport. Auburn.  1235 255 364 274  •Brideeport*• t ·-·-- Morrill Bristow*• L ___ ·-·- __ llovd Broadwater*• t ·-·--Morrill Brock*• +--------- Nemaha  T. 'ro To To  2567 8:i 463 l 20 326 243 3::i9 263 133 08  •Broken Bow*•L ••-!Coster nrownlee* _---··-·-Cherry Brownville*• L--- Nemaha Ilrule*• f_ ___ ---· ____ KE>ith Ilruning*• t -·---·--Thayer Jlru11o*•L •••• ----·-Butler llrunswick*• t -··-Antelope Jlurchard*• t ---··- Pawnee Burr*•t------·------- Otoe Uurton* ·-·-··--·Keyapaha  EDWIN F. MYERS. To Valentino. To Auburn. To North Platte. To Hebron. To David City. To Neligh. To Pawnee City. To Nebraska City. See Sprin1?view.  1214 •Burwell*• L---·-- Garfield GUY LAVERTY. 321 Bushnell*• t -·-·--Kimball To Kimball.  593 •Butte* _______ ·-····· Boyd JNO. A. DAVIES. 137 Byron*• t ·-·-····--Thayer To Hebron. JOO Cadams*• t ______ Nu~r~k~o:..:..l!::'.ls~T~o:'......::N~e~l~~o:.::n~._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  USE COUPONS aa in structed t o BE PROTECTED by bond . See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  5  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  NEBRASKA  -~-.~-  POPULA·  TION.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  ~~  4 516  rn~  Oairo*•t ______________ Hall ('Allaway*•t ________ Custer Oambridge*•t ______ Furnas Campbell*•t _____ Franklin Carleton*•t ________ Thayer Carroll*•t _________ Wayne Cedar Bluffs*•t __ Saunders Cedar Rapids*•t ____ Boone •Center• ____________ Knox  2410 •Central City*•t  To Grand Island. See Broken Bow. To Beaver City. To Bloomington. To Hebron. To Wayne. To Wahoo. To Albion. To Bloomfield.  Merrick P. S. HEATON.  --398 Ceresco*it ------ Saunders To Wahoo. 4412 •Ohadron*•t ________ Dawes To Crawford. 17_~ 2 1g0 224 1131 1e 1 0 529 540 884 239  Chalco*•t __________ Sarpy 8tamb~rs:----------- Holt Champ101! _________ Ch~se apman •t ______ Mernck •ghappe1l*•t ---- _____ Deuel heney*•t ------ Lancaster Qhesfer*•t ________ Thayer Ularks*•t ---- _____ Merrick Clarkson*•t ________ Colfax Clatonia*•t---------- Gage  To Gretna. To O'Neill. To Imperial To Central City. 'fo Julesburg, Colorado. To Lincoln. To Hebron. To Oen tral City. To Schuyler. To Beatrice.  965 •Olay Center*•t _______ Clay J.E. RAY. Antelope To Neligh. 479 Clearwater*•t  Hi  Clinton ____ ---~- ~Sheridan COdy*•t ___________ Cherry 674 Colerictee*•t ·------- Cedar 2249 Collegeview•t __ Lancaster 146 Colon*•+ ________ Saunders  To Rushville. To Valentine. To Hartington. To Lincoln. To Wahoo.  5410 •Columbus*•t _______ Platte ~g~ Comstock*•t _______ Custer 360 Concord*•t ____ ·----Dixon ,.. gook*•t ---- --~- __ Johnson 20 2 ordova*•t ________ seward 9~ Cornlea*•t __________ Platte 32 Cortland*•t __________ Gage 214 gotesfield*•t ______ Howard owles*•t ________ Webster 220 1293 0 ozad"•t _________ Dawson 278 Crab Orchard*•t _Johnson 418 Craie*•t ______________ Burt  GARLOW & LONG. See Broken Bow. To Ponca. To Tecumseh. To Seward. To Columbus. To Beatrice. To St. Paul. To Red Cloud. To Lexington. To Tecumseh. To Tekamah.  1646 Orawford*•t. ______ Dawrs POltTER & PERCY. 1 Creighton*et_ _______ Knox To Bloomfield. Creston*•L--- ______ Platte 'I u 1;olumbus. 2445 Crete*•t __________ Saline 'i'n Vi ilb('r. 811 Orofton*•t __________ Knox To Bloomfield. 350 Orooks~n*•t ______ Qh('rry To ValPntine. Culber~on*•t-- HitchC'0C'k St><' 'J'rtnton. 1 Curtis*•t _________ Frontier 'fo Stockville. loo Oushing*•t. ______ Howard To SL Paul.  jU  ~i~  ~~~ •Dakota City *•t ____ Dakota Dalton*•t _______ Cheyenne 293 Danbury*•t ____ Redwillow Howard 436 Dannebrog*•t Thayter _-::_L-_ DDavenpotrt*•t er _ ancas avey • ______  °  m 2~16 51 204 657 145 944  144 623 120 41 8 248 241  648  482  522  24 2 332 312 182 289 309 368 227 996 315 276 mo 851  75  •David City*et_ _____ Butler Dawson*•L--- Richardson Daykin*•f_ ______ Je:trerson Decatur* _____________ Burt Denton*•L----- Lancaster Deshler*•t-------- Thayer Deweese*•L--------- Clay De Witt*•t-------- Saline Dickens*•t _______ Lincoln Dilll'r*•t-------- Jefferson Dix*t_ ___________ Kimball Dixon*•t----------- Dixon Dod!!'e*•t ___________ Dodge Domphan*•t _________ Hall Dorchester*•L----- Saline Dougl~s*•t ___________ Otoe Du Bo1s*•t ________ Pawnee Dunbar*•t----------- Otoe Dunc~n*•t __________ Platte DDu~nmg-*•t -------- Blaine Ewight*•t_ _________ Butler Eagle•t _____________ Cass ~ddyville*•t ______ Dawson Eg~a r*:!t---------- ___ Clay 00 --------- Furnas l!~lba•• Eldoratct-o•-.;t_______ nowarct __________ CJay l!'l . * El~;n •L ________ Antelope  GEO. W. LEAMER. To Sidney. See MC'Cook. To St. Paul. TToo 1LI_enbcr onn . 1 01 ROPER & SHAW. To Falls City. To Fairbury. To Tekamah. To Lincoln. To Clay Center. To Olay Center. To Wilber. To rorth Platte. To Fairbury. To Kimball. To Ponca. TToo F r_eamodon st. and. 1 1 01 To Wilber. To Nebraska City. To Pawnee City, 'l'o Nebraska City. To Columbus. To Brrw trr. To David Uity. •ro Plattsmouth. To Ll'xinl?'ton. To Clay Center. To Beaver City. To St. Paul. To Clay Center. To Nelil!h,  ~l~Jiriek•;·c~::~r~~l~'~~~ ~g ·t!~~l~i~h: m 100 Ellis*o•rtn*•t_ ______ Dou,glas See Omaha. ---------- ____ (..-age ffl 600 O flutralo 558 ---------- ~! 201 ElsiP*•t 473 .. Elwooct•".;t____ ---- _PGeorks11>nesr --------HO rJ . yr1a*•t ----------- Valley 27 Rmerald* _______ Lancaster 864 ..:merson*•t_ _______ Dixon 130_ ~,mmet"•t ____________ Holt u71·7> Enders* --- _________ Chase Endicott*•t _____ Jefl'ersou E~ola.. •t _________ Madison 1 ~~ , Encson*•f-______ Wheeler 4-~1 Eustis*•t ________ Fronhn ~wine:•t __________ 7 _ Holt - Exeter et_ _______ F1llmore 54 ;J.t•Fairburv*•t_ ____ Jpffrrson  Ifa~wi~~:;t ______ J  010  TOWN AND COUNTY.  1781  NA)lE.  TlON.  m  1042 561  NAME.  POPULA.  To Beatrice.  :}:g f>1~~~~:outh. See Grant. To Holdrege. See Ord. 'fo Lincoln. 'J'o Ponca. To o·Nrill. To Imuerial. 'l'o Jl'airhury. To Madison. To Ihrtle!t. To Rtnck\"ille. 'l'o O'Neill. 'l'o GPnPva. UJ:NNEY & DJ~NNJ;Y.  - - NOT-E  113 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  784 Fairtleld*•t __________ Clay To Olay Center. 785 Fairmont*•t _____ Fillmore To Geneva. 4930 408 350 169 332 150 309 140 1055  •Falls City*•t-- Richardson Farnam*•t ________ Dawson Farwell*•t ________ Howard Filley*•t _____________ Gage Firth*•+ ________ Lancaster Fordyce*•L ________ Cedar Fort Calhoun*•t Wash 'gt'n Foster*•+ ___________ Pierce Franklin*•t ______ Fr.anklin  F. A. HEBENSTREIT. To Lexinj!ton. To 't. Paul. To Beatrice. 'Io Lincoln. To Hartineton. To Blair. To Pierce. To Bloomington.  9605 •Fremont*..,. ________ Dodge ABBOTT, ROHN & ROBINS. 1263 Friend*•t---------- Saline To Wilber.  1595 147 191 279 138  •Fullerton*•t. _______ Nance Funk*•t ___________ Phelps •Gaudy* _____________ Logan Garland ____ -------Seward Garr1son*•t ________ Butler  G. F. ROBINSON. To Ilolctrei:e. See Broken Bow. To Seward. To David City.  1768 1069 2508 883 155 400 99 100 400 150  •Geneva*•t ______ , Fillmore· Genoa*•t_ __________ Nance •Gering*•t ---- Scotts Bluff Gibbon*•t _________ Buffalo Gilead*•t __________ Thayer Giltner*•t _______ Hamilton Gladstone _______ J etierson Glenrock _____ Nemaha Glenvil*•t ___________ Clay Goehner*•t _______ Seward Goodwin __________ Dakota Gordon*•t _______ Sheridan Gothenburg"•t ___ Dawson Graf*•t ---------- Johnson Grafton*•t _______ Fillmore Grainton _________ Perkins  SLOAN, SLOAN & KEENAN. To Fullerton. To Scotts Bluff. To Kearney. 'l'o Clay Center. To Aurora. To Fair tJllrg. To Auburn. To Clay Oen ter. To Seward. To Dakota City. To Rushville. To Lexington. To Tecumseh. To Geneva. To Grant.  50 1581 175t 100 324 100  13947 •Grand Island*•t ______ Hall B. J. CUNNINGHAM. 585 •Grant*•f_ _________ Perkins HASTINGS & HASTING 919 •Greeley• __________ Greeley J. R. SWAIN. 347 Greenwood*•t--------Cass To Plattsmouth. 492 Gresham*•t--------- York To York:.  Gretna*•t ___________ sarpy Gross* _______________ Boyd Hmde Rock*•t ___ Webster Gurley•-------- Cheyenne Hadar*•t ___________ Pierce Hail?'------ ----Scotts Bluff (Haioville P. 0.) Haie-Jer*•t _________ Dundy Hallam*•t------ Lancaster Hamlet* _________ Hayes Hampton"•t _____ Hamilton Hansen*•t _________ Adams 107 Harbine*•t ______ Jetrerson 445 Hardy*•t ________ Nuckolls 50 •Harrisburg* _______ Banner 491 84 611 291 250 70 450 212 100 457 89  BREMJ;RS & LEE. To Creiehton. To Red Cloud. To Sidney. To Pierce. To cotts Bluff.  To Benkelman. To Lincoln. To Hayes Center. To Aurora. To flastiues. To Fairbury. To el on. See Kimball.  401 •Harrison*•t _________ Sioux J. W. HARTWELL. 1467 •Hartington*•t ______ Cedar B. READY. 991 Harvard*•t ___________ clay To Clay Center. 11647 •Hastines*•t ________ Adams JAMES & DANLY. 3602 llavelock*•t ____ Lancaster •ro Lincoln. 25 Havens ___________ l\lerrick To Central City. 250 20 577 167 140  •Hayes Center* ______ Hayes Hayland•t _________ Adams Hay Sprmgs"•t __ Sheridan Hazard*•t _______ Sherman Heartwell"•t _____ Kearney  C. A. REEDY. To llastine-s. To Rushville. To Loup City. To Minden.  1513 100 708 485 200 129 385 482 380 453 455  •Hebron*•t _________ Thayer Helvey*•t _______ Jefferson Hemineford"•t _Box Butte Henderson*•t _______ York Hend 1£-y"•t ________ Furnas Henry••t _____ Scotts BlutT Herman"•t ___ Washinitton Hershey*•t _______ Lincoln Hirkman*•t ____ Lanraster Hilclreth"•t ______ Franklin Holbrook*•t ______ Furnas  W. E. GOODHUE. To Fairbury, To Alliance. To York. To Beaver City. To cotts Bluff. 'l'o Blair. . See North Platte. 'ro Lincoln. To Bloominl!ton. To Beaver City.  3108 200 227 491 1014 60 191 274 200 904 152 231 1277 835 170 384  •Holdrege*•t _______ Phelps Holmesville*•t ______ Gage Holstein*•t ________ Adams Homcr*•t _________ Dakota Hoooer*•t __________ Dodl!e Horace _________ Greeley Honlville*•t ____ Hamilton Hoskins"•t ________ Wayne Howe*•t _________ Nemaha Howell*•t _________ Colfax Habbar<l*•t _______ Dakota Hubbell*•L _______ Thayer Humholrlt*•t __ Richarclson HumDhrey*et_ ______ Platte Huutlry••t ________ .Harlan •liyaunis"•t _________ Grant  FRANK A. ANDERSON. To tleatrice. To Hastin~s. To Dakota. To Fremont. To Greelry •ro Aurora. 'l'o Wayne. To Auburn. To Schuyler. To Dakota. To Hehron. Tn Fall!, Ciry. To Columbus. Seo Alma. To Mullen.  723 200 H2 100  • lmp8i'ial"•t _________ Chase lnavale"•t ______ __Webster lndianola*•L-- Ueclwillow lnland"•t ____________ Clay  EDMUND D. SHIPLEY. To HPd Cloud. To Mc-Cook. To Clay CPntl'r.  USE COUPONS aa inatructed to -BEPROTECTED by bond.- - - - - - See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  NEBRASKA  1782  POPu-.-  - -- --  TOWN AND COUNTY.  LA·  NAME.  _!!_ON,  To O'Neill. To Omaha. To Wahoo. To Dakota. To I<'airbury. To Auburn. To Ainsworth. To Auburn. To Hastinfs.  255 290 181 329 7702 75 646 363 125 274  •Kearney*•t ________ Buffalo Keene*•L ________ Kearney Kenesaw*•t ________ Aclams Kennard*•t-- Washin1?ton Keystone*•t ________ Keith Kil1?ore"•t _________ Cherry  JOHN A. MILLICK. To Minden. To Hastinl?S. To Blair. To North Platte. To Valentme.  1620 181 300 140 160  •KimbaW•t. ______ Kimball Kramer••t_ _____ Lancaster Lakeside*•t----- Sheridan Lamar* ____________ Chase Lanham*•t __________ Gage (Lmiha.m, Kem. P. O.) Laurel*•t ___________ Cedar Lawrence*•t _____ Nuckolls Lebanon*•+ ____ Red willow Leii.rh*•t----------- Colfax Lemoyne*•t ________ Keith Leshara••+ ______ Saunders Lewellen*•t------- Garden Lewiston"•t-------Pawnee  O. 'l'o To 'l'o To  258  •  830 538 245 516 100 102 400 167  A. TORGER ON, Lincoln. Rushville. Imperial. Beatrice.  To Hartington. 'l'o Nelson. See )lcCook. 'l'o chulyer. To North Platte. 'l'o Wahoo. 'fo Oskosh. To Pawnee City,  2327 ~Lexini.rton*•+ _____ Dawson GEO. C. GILLAN. 370 Liberty*•t ___________ Gal?e To Beatrice. 549481•Lincoln*•t ______ Lancaster  490 297 100 428 451 50 1200 23 ~ 7u 150 102 645  BUBKETT, WILSON, Bil.OWN & WILSON, Attorneys and Oounselors at Law. Suite 802, Fir"t ~at'l Bk. Bldi.r. General Oivil Practice in State and li'ederal Courts. Twenty-ftve Years' Exp. in Nebraska Courts. Oorporatlf>n and Oommercial Law, Adjustments, Bankruptcy, and Probate Matters eiven Special Attention. References Lincoln-Any of the Jud!!'PS or the SupremP Court. the Federal Court or the District Courts in the State of Nebraska. and any Bank or Whol~sale House in the Oity or Lincoln. References furnished in any of thp lar1?er cities upon reauest. Lindsay••t __________ Platte To Columbus. Linwood*•t_ _______ Butler 'I'o David City, Lisco•t ____________ Garden To Oshkosh. Litchfl.eld*•t _____ Sherman To Loup City. Lode-epole"•L-- Cheyenne To Sidney, Loma"•t ___________ Butler To David City. Long Pine"•t ______ Brown •ro Ainsworth. Loomis*•t _________ Phelps 'ro Holdre1?e. Lorenzi ________ Qhe,vrnne To 'idney. Loretto"•t_ _________ Boone To Albion. Lorton*•+_ ___________ Otoe To Creigh ton. Louisville"•t _________ Cass 'l'o Plattsmouth.  1364 •Loup City*•t ____ Sherman 40 Lowell.. _________ Kearney 186 Lushton"•t __________ York ------ Lyman _______ cot1 Bluff  LAMONT L. STEPHENS. To Minden To York. To cotts Bluff.  589 Lynch*•t •• !. _________ Boyd 1025 Lyons*•t _____________ Burt GO 'Macon" __________ Franklin 75 Macy* __________ Thurston 1735 ~Madison*•t _______ .Madison 218 Madrid"•L--- ____ Perkins 153 Magnet*•+_ _________ Cedar 125 Malcolm*•t ____ . Lancaster l!S9 Malmo"•t _______ Saunders 150 Manley"•L ___________ Qass 100 Marion*•t------Redwillow 305 Marquette"•+ ____ Hamilton 165 Marsland"•L _______ Dawes 60 Martel*•t _______ Lancaster 303 Martinsburl?" _____ --Dixon 165 Maskell*•t ____ ·-----Dixon 487 Masoa City*•t ______ ouster 12:'i Max*•t ____________ Duncly 410 M.axwell*•t _______ Lincoln 533 :M.aywood*•t _____ Frontier  To Creighton. 'Po 'Pekamah. To Bloomin1?ton. To Pender. To Norfolk. See Grant. 'l'o Hartington. See Lincoln. To Walioo. •ro Plattsmouth. To McCook. 'l'o Aurora. 'ro Crawford 'ro Lincoln. To Ponca.. 'I'o l'onca. 'l'o Broken Bow. To Bt>nkclman. To. Tortll Platte. To Stockville.  449 129 186 553 346 792 300 223 418 660  •McCook"•t __ __ _l{edwillow McOool Junction*•LYork McGrew*•t ___ $colts Blutr McLean*•L-------- Pierce Mead*•t _________ Saunders lleadow Grove*•tMadison Melbeta "•t--- Scotts Bluff llemphis*•t _____ Saunders Jd.erna*•t ___________ custn Merriman*•t ______ Cherry lliltord*•t ________ Seward .Millard"•t-------- Douglas Miller*•t __________ BulTalo llilligan*•t _______ Fillmore Minatare*•t ___ Scotts Blutr  SCOTT & SCOTT. 'fo York. To ·cotts Bluff. To Pierce. To \Vahoo. To Norfolk. To, cotts BluiT. To Wahoo. See Broken Bow. To Valentine. To SPward. See Omaha. To Kearney. To Geneva. To Gering.  1527 1288 100 309 151 772 216 211  •Minden"•L-----· Kearney llitchell*•t ___ scotts Bluff M:onowi"•t __________ Boyd M:onroe"t ___________ Platte llooreflelrl*•t ____ Frontier M.orrill*•t---- Scotts Bluff Morse Bluff "•t-- Saunders Mount Clare*•t __ Nuckolls  CHAltLES A, CH.APPELL. To Scott· Bluff. To Crei!!'llton. To Colnmbus. See Stockville. 'I'o Scotts Bluff. 'I'o Wahoo. To. 'elson.  430?, 338 128 81 329  NAME.  TIO:S.  lnman*•t ____________ Holt Irving-ton"•t- _____ l)ouglas lthaca*•t ________ Saunders J ackson*•t ________ Dakota Jansen••t _______ JelTerson Johnson*•L ______ Nemaha Johnstown*•t ______ Brown Jnlian"•t--------- Nemaha Juniata*•t _________ Adams  315 250 156 274  --- -------------  - - - - p ~ - ·TOWN AND COUNTY. LA·  No-TE  499 206 30 168 50 199 263  •Mullen*•t --------- Hooker Murdock*•t _________ Cass Murphy _________ IJamilton Murray*•t ___________ Cass Nacora*•t _________ Dakota Naper* ______________ Boyd Naponee"•+ ______ Franklin  P< I T  WM. c. HEELAN. To Plattsmouth. To Aurorn 'l'o Platt<-mouth. 'l'o Dakota City. To Creigh ton. To Bloomineton.  6279 •Nebraska City*•t ____ Otoe WM. H. PITZER. 160 Nehawka*•t __________ Cass 'l'o Plattsmouth. 1724 •Nelii.rh*•t ________ Antelope WILLIAMS & KRYGl',li., 955 351 240 ;500 1260 430 141 736 130 150  •Nelson*•f_ _______ Nuckoll!1 Nemaha*•t _______ NPmaba Nenzel .. •--------- · Cherry Newcastle*• _______ Dixon Newman Grove*•t:Madison Newport*•t _________ Hock Nickerson*•t _______ Dodge Niobrara"•f-________ Knox Nora*•t _________ Nuckolls Norden* ________ Keyapaha  8634 127 1087 637  Norfolk*•t ______ Madison Norman*•t _______ Kearney North Bend*•L ____ Doclge North Louo*•f- ____ Valley  10466 201 707 1356 116 272 ZOO 403 1062 433  •North Platte"•L--Lincol• Oak"•t_ __________ Nuckolls Oakdale"•t ______ Antelope Oakland*•L ______ •••. Burt Obert*•t ____________ Cedar Oconto*•t_ _________ Quster Octavia*•t __________ nutler Odell*•L--- _________ Gage •Oi.rallala*•t __________ Keith Ohiowa"•t _______ Fillmore  THO~IAS W. COLE. To Auburn. To Valentine. To Ponca. To Xorfolk. 'l'o.Ba ·sett. To Fremont. To Bloomfield. To :Kelson. See Sprine:view. MAPES & McFA&LA,.1. To Minden. To Fremont. To Ord.  BEELER & CROSBY, To NeJ on. To Xelifll. To Tekamah. To Hartington. See Broken Bow.To Da,·id City. To Beatrice. To North Platte. To Geneva.  191601•Omaha*•t ________ Doui.rlas :&IONTGOMERY, HALL & YOUNG. Carroll S. Montgomery, '51-'72; Matthew A. Rall, '62-'88; Raymond G. Youn!!', '85-'08; Frederick L. Wolff, '80-'04; Daniel J. Gross, uit e 619-629 Omaha '96-'17; Harvey M. J ohn,en, '95-'19. National Bank Building. Refer to Mar ·hal1 Field & Co., Carson Pirie Scott Co., Chicago; American "urety Company, The Mutual Life Insurance Co., Union Trust Comoany, Chemical ·ational Bank, Globe Indemnity Company, u. s. Rubber Company, New York: The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, Philadelphia; Omaha National Bank, Crane Company, Byrne & Hammer Dry Good~ Company, M. C. Peters Mill Co., Iten Biscuit Company, W. J. Foye fo'1r11i~ ~~1gft~~i~n1:1alla. Compilers of Nebraska Laws  1~  2107 •O'Neill*•t ___________ Holt JULIDS D. CRONIN. 265 Oni.r*•t _______________ Clay To Clay Center. 444 Orchard*•L----- Antelope To ,Teligh. 2143 •Ord"•t _____________ Valley MUNN & NORMAN. 954 Orleans*•t ________ Harlan To Alma. 1209 •Osceola*•t ___________ Polk MILLS, BEEBE & 1\IILLS. •Oshkosh*•t ________ Garden Osmond*•t ________ PiPrce Otoe•t--------------- Otoe Overtou*•t------- Dawson Oxford*•+--------- Furnas PaJ;?e"•L--- __ ---- ---- lloH Palisade*•t----- Hitchcock Palmer*•t ________ Merrick Palmyra*•+ __________ Otoe Panama"•t ______ Lancaster •Papillion*•t _________ sar~y Park~-------------- Dundy 71 Pauline*•+---- _____ Adams  707 642 261 515 739 608 527 5i7 317 210 666 65  HERBERT J. CORTI To Pierce. 'l'o Nebraska City. To LexinJ;?ton. To B1·aver City. To O'Neill. To Trenton. To Central City. To Nebra ka City. To Lincoln. 'i'o Gretna. To Benkelman. To Hastin1?s,  14 2 4 10 3 2 4 8  1 1 2 1  1595 •Pawnee Oity*•t ___ Pawnee BARTON & BARTON. 430 Paxton*•t--------~- Reith To North Platte. 992 783 501 274 UIO  •Pender"•t _______ Thurstou Peru*•+---------- Nemaha Petersburi:*•L----- Boone Phillips*•L. ____ Hamilton Pickrell*•L--- _______ Ga1?e  lUARK J. RYAN. To Auburn. To Albion. To,\ urora. See Wymore.  1105 563 1109 464  •Pierce"•t ___________ Pierce Pi11;?er*•t __________ tanton Plainview*•t _______ Pierce Platte <:Jenter*•t ____ Platte  0. S. SPILLMAN. To Stanton. 'fo Pierce. To Columbus.  4190 221 262 453 561  •Plattsmouth"•L ______ Cass Pleasant Dale*•t __ Seward Pleasanton"•t ___ __ Buffalo Plymouth*•t ____ Jefferson Polk* ________________ Polk  A. L. TIDD. To Seward. To Kearney. To Fairbury. 'l'o O ·ceola.  1014 105 486 353 65 155 100 156 50  •Ponca"•L __________ Dixon Poole*•f_ __________ nutralo Potter"•t _______ Cheyenne Prague*•t _______ ·aunders Prairie llome*•t Lancaster Primrose*•t _______ Boone Princeton"•+ ____ Lancaster Prosser*•t _________ Adams Purdum* ____________ Blaine  W. D, 1UcCAR1'UY. •ro Kearney, To Sidney. To Wahoo. To Lincoln. 'I'o Albion. 'l'o Lincoln. To Ilasting . To Brew. wr_.. _________  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bo.;d. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  16  2 1 1  8  1. 5 2  l  - - - - - - ~ - - = - - --· . ----=-------=--===--====~===  : POPULA· TION.  . ..  TOWN AND OOUNTY.  NAME.  ~~~  Raeville ___________ Boone .R.~an••t __________ Harlan Ralston••t ________ Douglas Randolph*•t ________ Cedar 1703 Ravenna*•t ________ Buffalo 249 Raymond*•t ____ Lancaster  To Albion. See Alma. See Omaha. To Hartington. To Kearney. To Lincoln.  1856 424 208 50 133 460 90 399 133 lOO  FRED MAURER. ee Alma. To Fairbury. To Gretna. To chnyler. To David. City. •ro Kearney. To Bloomington. To Lincoln. 'l'o Beatrice. To Loup City. To i:;chuylcr. 'l'o Auburn. To Pender. To Ha ·tings. To Hed Cloud. To .·e1igl1. To Falls City.  208 128 2 ,~ 3 243 ~i~  744  •Red Oloud*•t ____ Webster Republican City*•t Harlan Reynolds*•t _____ Jetkrson Richfielcl"•t Sarpy Richland* t ---· ---Colfax Risine- Oit;.;·c::~·-Butler Riverdale"•t ______ Bnfl'alo Riverton*•t ------ Franklin R oca*•t _________ Lancaster Rockford*•f- ________ Gage Rockville*•L ____ Sherman Roe-ers*•t __________ Colfax Rohrs____________ ~·cmaha Rosa he •L- _____ 'I h urston Roseland"•t _______ Adams Rosemont*•t _____ Webster Royal*•t ________ Antelope Rulo"•t _______ Richardson  ·i~8~ •Rushyille*•t _____ Sheridan Ruskm*•t _______ Nuckolls 37 Salem*•t ------ Richardson 100 I{n_ox en ____________ Keith 75 1078 Sare-ent"•t _________ Custer 141 Saronville"•+ _________ Clay  ~!~~ee,._____________  JESSE H. EDMUNDS. To Nelson. To Falls City. To Bloomfield. To Ogallala. :::,ee Broken Bow. To Olay Center.  2852 •S!dney*•t ______ Cheyenne 583 Silver Oreek*•L--Merrick ~mithfleld*•t_ _____ Gosper <> nyder*•t _________ Dodge 24 02 South Sioux Oity*•tDakota ~~8 Spalding*•t _______ Greeley 8 Spencer••+-- ________ Boyd 112 Spr~ue Lancaster 413 Spr~nl?'field •]-------Sarpy 100 Sprml?'ranch •t ______ CJay  i~t  "•!- ____  100 267 460 227 292 4112 433 571  •Tryon• ________ McPherson Uehling*•t _________ Doctire Ulysses*•t __________ Butler Unadilla"•+---------- Otoe Union••t ------------ Ca s University Pl." __ Lancaster Upland"•+------- Franklin Utica*•t ___________ Seward  J. A. McGRAW. To Fremoni. To David Oity. To Nebraska Oity. 'Io Platt mouth. To Lincoln. 'fo Bloomin1Zton. To Seward.  1596 764 599 285 162 528  •ValentinA*•t_ ______ Cherry Valley*•t _________ Douglas Valparaiso*•f ____ saunders Venan~o••t ______ Perkins Verdel*•+----------- Knox Verdiire *•t _________ Knox Verdon"•+ ____ Richardson Verona"•t------------Clay Vesta*•t _________ Johnson Vir~inia*•t __________ Galle Wabasb"•f. __________ Cass Waco*•t ____________ York  w. n.  HALEY. See Omana. To Wab.oo. See Grant. To Bloomfield. To Bloomfield. To Falls City. To Clay Center. To Tecumseh. To Beatrice. To Plattsmouth. To York.  •Wahoo*•t _______ Saunders Wakefleld*•t _______ Dixon Wallace"•L ______ Lincoln Walthill*•t ______ Thurston Walton*•------- Lancaster \\'ann*•t -------· aunder · Washinl?'ton*•L Wash'gt'n Waterburz*•t ------Dixon Waterloo •t ______ Douelas Wauueta••t _________ Chase Wausa*•+ ___________ Knox Waverly*•t _____ Lancaster  JESSE l\f. GALLOWAY. To Ponca. See North Platte. To Pender. To Lincoln. To \\"ahoo. To Blair. To Ponca. See Omaha. See Imperial. To Bloomfield. To Lincoln.  75  62 117 190 431 572  688 334  2115 50 1084 150 427  •Wayne*•t---------- Wayne Way ·icle ----------Dawes Weeping Water*•L--Oass Wellfleet*•t ______ Lincoln Western*•t _________ Saline 372 Weston*•t _______ saunders  THOMAS, VAIL & STONER. To O ceola. To Kearney. To Geneva. To Wayne. To Falls City.  Wilber. Wahoo . )le Cook. Olay Center.  KING."BURY & HENDRICK ON To Chadron. To Plattsmouth. See North Platte. To Wilber. To Wahoo.  2002 •Westpoint"•t _____ Cumine P. M. MOODIE. 150 Whitman *•t ________ Grant See Hyannis. 100 Whitney*•t ________ Dawes To Crawford.  PAULL. MARTIN. To Central City. To Holdredee. To Fremont. To Dakota. To Greeley. To Butte. To Lincoln. To Gretna. To Clay Center.  1255 •Wilber*•+_ _________ Saline J. A. VILD. 358 Wilcox••+ ________ Kearney To Minden.  470 648 208 488 154 1210 589 323 820 2592 368  ,~ •Sprin2view• ____ Keyapaha ROSE A.RNSPOKER. Stamford*•t------- Harlan See Alma. 1487 •Stanton••t _______ Stanton 235 Staplehurst*•t ____ Seward 401 Stapleton*•f-_______ Loean 1002 St. Edward"•t ______ Boone 300 Steele City••t_ __ J efferson 21 3 Steinauer*•t ______ Pawnee 44 9 Stella*•L----- Richardson 80,,4 Sterling*•t ______ Johnson 1,)0 Saint Libory"•+ Howard 100 St. Mary" _____ _-_-_-Johnson 239 Stockham*•+ ____ Hamilton 1~~ •Stockville* _______ Frontier toduard __________ ,rhayr.r  To To To To  2338 1114 327 1145  69~2 Scottsbluff'*•t _Scotts Bluff BFACH COLEMAN. 1~~! Scribner*•t ________ Dodee To Framont. Seneca••t _________ Thomas To Thedford. ----------- Polk 7 helton*•t---------BufTalo 396 Shickley"•t ______ Fillmore 50 Sholes••t __________ Wayne 397 Shubert*•t ----Richardson  NAME.  Tobias*•+ ___________ Saline 'l'ouhy*•t _______ Saunders •Trenton*•t _____ Hitchcock Trumbull*•t _________ Clay  150 135 116 150 297  G. W. WERTZ. Scotia*•t __________ Greeley To Greeley.  2~~i •Seward*•t ________ .Seward 8Shelby*•t  T'l'Y.  357 35 592 236  347  2~~ •Schayler*•t ________ Qolfax  10'3')  cou  D. C. CHASE. To eward. To Gandy. To Albion. To Pair bury. To Pawne<.! City. To Falls City. 'l'o Tecumseh. To t. Paul. To Tecumseh. 'l'o ,\nrora. To .1cCook. To Hebron.  Wilsonville*•t ____ Furnas Winnebaeo*•t __ Thurston Winnetoon*•+ _______ Knox Winside*•t ________ Wayne Winslow*•t _________ Doct2e Wisner*•t _________ cumine Wolbach*•+ _______ Greeley Wood Lake"•t _____ cherry Wood River*•t _______ Hall Wymore*•+---------- Gage Wynot*•t ___________ Cedar  To D •ayer City. To P~nder. To Bloomfield To Wayne. To Fremont. To Stanton. See GrePlry. To Valentine. To Grand Island. To Beatrice. To Hartingt0n.  5388 •York*•+------------- York W. I,. KIRKPATRICK. 300 Yutan••+ ________ Saunders To Wahoo.  1612 •St. Paul"•t_ _______ Howard T. T. BELL. 17..i Stranl?'*•t --------Fillmore 509 Stratton••t_ ____ Hitchcock 1361 Stromsburg••t ______ Polk Stuart*•L ___________ Holt ,Hu Sumner*•t -------Dawson 75 Sunol"•+--------Cheyenne 2719 Superior"•L _____ Nuckolls 279 8urprise"•t ---------Butler 661 Sutherland*•t -----Lincoln 1603 Sutton*•! ____________ Clay 276 Swanton •t _________ saline 100 Swedeburg"•L __ Saunders 100 Sweetwater*•t _____ Buffalo 889 Bnacuse*•t _________ Otoe ~~Q TTable Rock*•t ____ Pawnee Tal~e••t_ _________ Otoe 200 amora"•t ---- ____ Seward 128 Tarnov••t __________ Platte  m  To Geneya. See Trenton. To Osceola. To o·Neill. To Lexineton. To idney. To Kel.-on. To David Oity. See North Platte. To Clay Center. To Wilber. To Wahoo. To Kearney. 'l'o Nebraska City. To Pawnee Oity. '110 Nebraska City. To , eward. To Columbus.  251 •Taylor* ______________ Loup A. • 1\IOON.  .1  1688 •Tecumseh"•L ____ Johnson A. N. DAFOE.  lnl  •Tekamah*•t __________ Burt J. A. SINGIIAUS. 8 Thayer"•+ ___________ York To York.  260 •Thedford*•t _____ Thomas JOHN H. IWANS. 204 Thnrston*•t. ____ Thurston To :Pender. llOI Tilden"•t _________ Madison To Norfolk.  NOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1783  TION.  --------  if~ 1  --  NEBRASKA POPU---LATOWN AND  USE COUPONS aa inatructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney Liat.  I b  ~  I  11  11 It  ·.'I' I  1'  ;  I  :  :  I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1784 LA-  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  TIO:.:N:.:_'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  NEVADA This Information will be of value to those Interested to Bankruptc7 matters. One Federal District comprises entire State. District Court sit! at Carson Cit}' the first Mondays in February, May, and October. Counties: Churchlll, Clark, Douglas, Elko, Esmeralda, Eureka, • Humboldt, Lander, Lincoln, Lyon, Mlnoral, Nye, Ormsby, Pershing, Storey, Washoe, White Pln~  REFERENCE KEY • Ooanty Seat. • Money Order Office. • Express Office. t Teleiraph Station.. § State Capital. 500 600 1685 1500 2173  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  NEVADA, NEW HAMPSHIRE, NEW JERSEY  ==:;;_;_;_=====::::-=-=--- - -POPU·  •Austin*•t _________ .Lander Battle Mount'n*•t .Lander l•Carson Oity••t •• Ormsby Ea11t EJy••t ____ White Pine •Elko*•t ______________ Elko  2000 •Ely*•+--------· White Pine 800 •Eureka••---------·Eureka 1753 •B'allon*•t ____ -·--Churchill 1250 Gardnerville"• ___ .Douglas 1558 .OoldAeld*•t ____ Esmeralda 2304 •Las Vegas••t- ______ CJark U64 •Lovelocks*•t --·. Pershing 200 McDermitt* ---· Humboldt SOOO McGiJl*•t ·-··· White Pine 250 .. Minden••+ -····-··Douglas 750 ..Pioche*•+ -··· •••. Lincoln 12016 a.Reno•+··-··-----· Washoe 3238 &parks*•+---··---· Washoe 4144 ..Tonopah*•t ·---····-· Nye 600 WelJs••t ---··-·---·--Elko 3000 .. Winnemucca"•+ •• Hamb'dt 1160 •Yerinirton"•t ·-······ Lyon  }'RANK CURRAN.  To Winnemucca. 'l'o Reno. To Elv. CANTW.lLL & CARVILLE. v. B. VARGAS.  To Carson City. To Reno. To Reno.  ROGER FOLEY. A. A. HINMAN.  POPU• LA·  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  TION.  10897 2500 2819 2616 2288 2308 78384  a.Laconia*•t ··----· Belknap Lakeport•t ______ Belknap •Lancaster••t ··-·· •... Coos Lebanon••t ------.Grafton Lisbon••t ....•..•. Grafton Littleton*•t .•••••. Grafton Manchester*•t Hillsborough 1680 Meredith*•t -·-·· Belknap 3783 Milford*•t-. Ilillsboroug-h 28370 •Nashua••t .. Hillsborough  3181 4100 3500 2615 1914 2353 13569 0673 1701 6688 4800 2014 2553 193:5 226'1 2178 2500  New M:arket••tRock'.ham .. Newport••+ .... -. Sullivan NorthConway*•t..Carroll Peterboro*•t Hillsborough Pittstleld*•t •.• Merrimack Plymouth*•t. •. __ .Grafton Portsmouth*•t. Rock'ham Rochester*•t .••. Strafford Salmon FaJls••t .Strafford Somersworth••t- Strafford Suncook*•L •.. Merrimack Tilton••+ ··-·---· Belknap Walpole*•t ·--·-· Cheshire Whitefleld"•t ··-··-·· Coos Winchester*•t ... Cheshire Wolfeboro••t ·--·. Clarroll a.Woodsville*•t ••.. Grafton  To Franklin. To Laconia. To Berlin. To Littleton. To Littleton. HARRY BINGHAM F. C. LIVINGSTON.  To Laconia. To Nashua. JOHN R. SPRING, Nutt Block, Oompilrr of the New Hampshire laws for lhis pubtication.  To Port ·mouth. To Keene.  ARTHUR A, GREEN.  To 'aslrna. To Concord. To Littleton.  AMOS S. RUNDLETT.  To Dover. To Dover. To Dover. 'ro Concord. To Laconia. To Keene. To Berlin. To Keene.  WM. J. BRITTON.  To Littleton.  To Winnemucca. To Winnemucca. See Ely, To Reno. A. L. SCOTT. & GARDIN E &, Nixon Bldg, Compilers of the Nevada laws tor this publication.  To Reno. To Goldfield. To Elko. L. G. WILSON. To Reno.  NEW JERSEY This Information wlll be of value to tho e Interested In Bank• ruptcy matters. One Federal District comprises entire state, with district court al Newark, the first Tuesdays In April and November; and at Trenton, the thira Tuesday ln January and second Tuesday ln Sevtember. Counties: Atlantic, Bergen, Burllngton, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Essex, Gloucester, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex. Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Salem, Somerset, Sussex, Union. Warren.  REFERENCE KEY .. County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. t Telefraph Station. § State Capital.  NEW HAMPSHIRE REFERENCE KEY County Seat. • Money Order Office. • Express Office. t Telefraph Station. § State Capital. 1325 Ashland*•+ 16104 1428 1505 9524 1811 22167 3102 5382  Grafton To Littleton.  ·--··-· Berlin*•r·-·--·-----· Ooos Brlstol*•L •• --·---Grafton Oharlestown••t •• _Sullivan Olanimont*•t ••.•. Sullivan Oolebrook*•t ·--···-· Coos l•Ooncord*•t -· Merrimack Oonway••t ·--··-·· Carroll Derry*•t ____•• Rockingham  13020 •Dover••t ..•• -···Strafford 2300 East Jaffrey*•t _.Cheshire 4604 •lxeter*•t •.•• Rockingham 2461 Farminfton*•+ .. Strafford 6318 Franklin*•t ..•. Merrimack 2734 Gorham*•t ---···-····Coos 1346 Greenville"•t Hillsborough 2500 Groveton••+ ··-······Coos 1551 Hanover••t -····· Grafton 2500 HUlsboro••t. Hillsborou~h 11210•Keene*•t-·-·---· Ohrshir~  GEORGE F. RICH. To Littleton. To Keene. To Keene. To Berlin. ))A \'ll) F. DUDLEY. RALPH s. MAR B.  To Portsmouth.  DWIGHT BALL. To Keene. To Port mouth. To Dover. To Concord. To Berlin. 'fo ashua. 1 1~ton. To Nashua.  +~ P.rA  ,JOSl<'P,H MADDEN.  NOTE  702 634 18000 12400 50707  Ab econ"•L-·--··Atlantic Allentown* •..• Monmouth Arliu1?ton*•t ··-·· Hudson A bury Park*•t. Monm'th .AtlanticOity*•t .. Atlantic  1620 4740 60 7675-1 229 15660 1987 1793 366i 2093 2000 2562 750 1361 22019 650 31106 53i2 4371 51J06 2307 588  Atlantic Highl'ds*•t l\lon. Audabon*•t .. _.. Camden Barnee-at*•L ....... Ocean Ba:ronne*•L ..•.. -Huct~ou Beachhaven*•L .••• Ocean Belleville••t ·······- Es:,f'x Belmar••t ····- Monmouth •Belvidere*•L .• --. Warren Bergeufield"•t •• -.Bergen Herlin••t. •.. -.•.. llamclen Bernardsville"•t .Somer.set Beverly*•t ..... Burlington Blackwood*•t ••.. Camden Blairstown"•+···-· WarreQ Bloomflclcl*•t .•..... ESiPX Bloom bury*•+.liunterd'n no~ota•t ·····-··-· Bergen Boonton••t ..•.•.•. Morris Bor<leutown*•t. Bnrling'n Boumlhrook*•t •. omer.se1 Bradley Be,arh" .Monmouth Ilranrh\'illf'*•t. -· ., ussPX  To Atlantic City. To Freehold. To Newark. 'J'o Freehold. HARRY CASSMAN,18-%0Real  E~tate Law Bid!{. To Frt>Phold. To Camden. To roms River. 'I'o .Ter ey C:ity. To Tom River. To Ea t Orange. To Freehold. GEO. 1\1.  BIPl\lAN.  To Hackensack. 'l'o Ca1mlen. 'l'o Oillf'rville. To Mt. Holly, To Camden. To Bclvitl erl', To E. ,t Onnge, To Lamhrrtville. To Ila ·kensack. To ~Iorri ·town. ,JOH, T P. HUTCHIN ON.  To Snmerville. SPe Frerhold, To Xr\l'.;,,.tr.:.;.m.:.;.._ _ __ _ _ _ __  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  ))  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) p~ LATION.  ---  ----  2999 1000 .4472 1905 34111  5709  POPU-  TOWN AND OOUNTY.  14323 •Bridgeton*•t. Cumberland 9049 Burlington*•t _ Burlington 2886 Be.tler*•t __________ Morris 3993 Cald well*•t ________ Es ex 513 Califon*•+ _____ Hunterdon 116509•Camden*•t _______ Camden  NEW JERSEY  -  NAME.  ALllmT s. WOODR( 1FF, 328 ~Iarket Street. J. WILLIAM PENNELL, JJcrnau r of< 'ollcction Departmr11t. Practice in ali Courts. Commercial, Corporation. Probate, Bankruptcy, a.nd Real Estate Law. Modern Collection Methods. Refers to West Jersey Trust Company, or a.ny Bank or Trust Co. in Camden. Cape May*•t ____ Cape May To Cane Mav Court llouse. •Cape MayC.H.*•t .Cape AL CHAS. A. BO NJ<;LL. Carlstadt*•t _______ nergen To Hackensack. Clayton*•t _____ Gloucester To Woodbury. Clemrnton ·----- Camdt>n To Camden. Cliffside Park. ____ Bergen 'Io llackensack. (Cliffside P. 0.)  26470 Clifton ••t ____ . ___ Passaic Clinton*•t _____ Hunterdon 1~~, Closter*•t ________ Bergen 871 .. Collingswood*•t __ Camden 1083 Cranbury*t ____ Middlesex ~986 Cranford*•t _______ Union 803 Dover*•t __________ Morris 2537 Dumont*•t. _______ Bergen 3394 Dunellen*•t ___ Middlesex 3057 East Newark•t. ____ Essex (NewarkP. 0.)  To Paterson. To Lambertville. To Hackensack. To Camden. To Perth Amboy. To Plain field. To Morristown. To Hackensack. To Perth Amboy. See Newark.  50710 East Oranee*•t----- Essex EDWARD R. McGLYNN. Compiler of the New Jer e11 laws for this pulJlication.  See also at  2~82 Eatontown*•t __ Monmouth se1:F~~;:old. 3::>30 Edgewater•t ______ Bergen To Hackensack. 2622 Egg Harbor City••t.Atlan. ee Atla.utic City. 9~i~~ •Elizabeth*•t. _______ Union FRANK A. E GLI H. u Elmer*•t ___________ Salem To alem. 468 Englewood*•t _____ Bergen To Hackensack. 11617 Englishtown*•tMonmouth See Freehold. 641 Farmingdale*•tMonmouth To J!'reeholtl. 2590 •Flemington*•t _Hunterdon To Lambertville. ;~~~ Florence* _____ Burlington To 11t. Holly. 0 rds* ---- -----Middlesex To Perth Amboy. 5761 ort Lee*•t _______ l:krirnn 'l'o Hacken · ck. 4075 F ranklln*•------- Sussex To Newton. 476 •FrPehold*•t ___ Monmouth VREDENBURGH & VREDENBURGH. 1104 Frenchtown*•t Hunterd'n To Lambertville. 10381 Gartleld*t _________ Bergen To Hackensack. 3073 Glassboro*•t. •. Gloucester To Woodbury. 4620 Glen Ridge*•t ______ E sex To Ea t Orange. 121~~ Gloucester City*•tCamden To Camden. 6726 Guttenberg*•+ ___ Hudson To Jer ey City. 17667 •Hackensack*•t ____ Bergen MARINOS CONTANT. 29 ~~ Hackettstown*•t •. Warren To Belvidere. 56""' Haddonlleld*•t ••• Camden To Camden. Haddon H'ghts*•tCamden To Camden. 0 Hamburg*•t ______ Sussex To ewton. 11417 Hammonton*•t ___ Atlantic See Atlantic City. 157 21 Harrison*•t ______ Hurt on To Newark. 289:5 Hasbrouck Ileights*•Bcrgen To Hacken ack. f95 HiR'h Bridge*•t Hunterdon To Lambertville. 674 Hiehtstown*•t ____ MPrcer To 'frenton. 5261 Hill ide ___________ Union To Elizabeth.  J  i~&O  y, J,,  n.  (Elizabeth P. 0.)  414524•N ewark*•t _________ Essex SAMUEL M. HOLLANDER, 906-8 Kinney Bldg. Member Commercial Law League of America. General practice in all Unitecl States Courts, including bankruptcy and probate matters, and perializing in in,urance law. Depositions taken before me per onally, or if my services as attorney are required, make commis ions to David Hollander. Best Equipped Commercial De1 artment in the City. References: Broad and Market National Bank. ·ewark, N. J.; Wallace P. Ha1vcy. Gen'l Oounsel for Fidelity & Deposit Co., Baltimore, Md.; American Casualty Co .• Reading, Pa.: New York Plate Glass Insurance Co., New York City; Hallet and Davis Piano Co. of Boston, .Ma s.; Frantz Premier Co. EDWARD It. McGLYNN, 810 Broad St. Attorney for Union National Bank. Practice in all courts. Compiler of th• Neu, Jersey law3 for thi• publication.  ( ee al.~o al East Orange.) 32779 •New Brunswi'k*•LMid'ex To Perth Amboy. 1000 New Ee-ypt*•t ----- Ocean See Toms Wver. 4125 •Newton••+ _________ Sussex JOHN C. LOSEY. 9421 Nutley••t ---------- Essex To East Orange. 2512 Ocean City*•L_.Cape May To Cape May C. B. 3000 OceanGrove*•t Monmouth See Freehold. 33268 OranrE'*•t __________ Essex To East OrangP, 2633 Palisades Park*•t .Bergen To Hacken ack 3834 Palmyra*•-----Burlingtun To Mount Hally. 63841 Passaic*•t _________ J'assaic To Paterson. 135875~Paterson*•t _______ Passaic FREEMAN & WE: TERHOFI', Colt Building. 4352 Paulsboro*•t ___ Q loucester To Woodbury. Pedricktown*•t ____ Salem To Salem. 600 800 Pemberton*•t. Burlmgton To Mt. Holly. Penniueton*•t _____ Mercer To Trenton. 963 6060 Penns Grove••t _____ Salem To Salem. 41707 Perth Amboy••tMiddlesex JACOB Il. JO EL ON. 16923 Ph1llipsbure-*•t ___ Warren To Belvidere. 3385 Pitman*•t _____ Gloucester To Woodbury. 27700 Plaintleld*•t ________ Union WILL I A 1'f NEW COBN, 220 Park Avenue. Reference: State Trust Co., or any other bankinl!' institution in Plainfleld. 5887 Pleasantville*•+ •• Atlantic See Atlantic Oity. 1575 Point Plea.sant*•t __ Ocean To Toms River. 2008 Pompton Lakes*•t Passaic To Paterson. 1800 PortN orris*•tCumberland To Vineland. 5917 Princeton*•t ______ Mercer To Trenton. 11042 Rahway*•t ________ Union To Elizabeth. 2090 Ramsey*•t ________ Bergen To Hacl{ensack. 4457 Raritan*•t ______ Somerset To Somerville. 0251 Red Bank*•t __ Monmouth To Freehold. 8575 RideAflPld Park*•t. Bergen To Hackensack. 7580 R.idgewood*•t _____ nereen To Hackensack. 1077 Riverside*•+ ___ Burlington Tc Mt. Holly. 2341 Riverton*•t ___ Burlington To Mt. Holly. 2655 Rockaway*•t ______ Morris To Morristown. 3800 Roehling••---- Burling! on 'l'o Mount llally, 11047 Roosevelt ______ Middlesex To Perth Amboy. (Chrome P. 0.)  5737 Ros1111e••t __________ Union To Elizabeth. 5438 Ro elle Parkt ___ ---- Fnion •ro Elizabeth. (Roselle P. 0.)  9197 Ruthertord*•t ---- Bereen 7435 •Salem*•t ____ ---- ____ Salem 856 Sea Bright*•t _ Monmouth 5423 Secaucus••t ______ Hudson 6718 •Somerville*•t ___ Somerset 7897 SouthAmboy*•t Middlesex 7274 South Oranee*•t ____ EssPx 3500 o. Plaintlelcl*•f\liddle~cx 6596 South River*•--Middlese~ 1009 Bprine Lake•LMonmouth  To Tlackrnsark. CHA. MECUM. See Red Bank. To Jersey City. F. A. POPE. See Perth Amboy. 'ro Ea~t Orange. Tu Porth Amhoy, To Perth Am boy. See Freehold.  68166 Hoboken*•t ______ B udson 'l'o We<,t Hoboken. 918 Hope*t ___________ Warren To Belvidere. ro~ewten:\--------MJrcer i~:r~~ange. 2 205l J~~~~b~~e-•~CMiddl~~~; To Perth Amboy, 298103~J ersP.y City*•t ____ Hudson WM. M. GOLDWEBER, 576 Newark Avenue. See Card on margins of New Jersey Bank pages. 321 Keansburg*•t __ Monmouth See Freehold. 415 Keyport"+. ____ Monmouth See ll'reehold. 6110 Lakewood*•t _______ Ocean To Toms River.  10174 1318 1838 5650 2500 20651  ~~i 3310 8175 13521 9515 ·  119289§•Trenton••t ______ Mercer ERWIN E. M..l.B8HA.LL. 306-7 Commonwealth Bide. Reten to Trenton Trust & Safe Deposit Oo See Wildwood. · 1000 Tuckahoe*•t ____ Capp May 1106 Tuckerton*•t _______ ocean See Toms River. 2193 Ventnor Cityt ____ Atlantic See Atlantic Oity.  ~m  al  NAME.  LATION,  CLAUDE 0, HOLLINGER. To Mt. Holly. To Morristown. 'l'o East Orange. To Lambertville.  1785  :fg  Lambertville*•tHunterd'n Ljnden*•L _________ Union Falis*•t ---- Passaic Lon~ L dh * Yn urst •t -----· Bergen (Rutherford P 0) ~~5~ ~adison••t~ _____ :_ Morris <> ManasQuan Monmouth  1910 2460 18111 2749 33~4 6-J6 2!~2 2;.i 13 14 69 1 200 0 28 810 52 00 12i::•8  t~!~  irancl1*•°f.-M~;{~,l~  HORACE G. PRALL. To Elizabeth, To Paterson. TToo Fllraece\eo~fck. To Hackensack.  'l'o Morristown.  :+ 'l'o FrPehold. (Br~~:;ri~i.•~iso~'J;.~~~~) 'ro EaSi Orange.  Ma~wan*•t-- .. Monmouth. To Freehold. •May sLandrne- •LAtlantic See Atlantic City Medford*•t ----Burliueton Merchantville*•t. Camden M~tuch~n*•t --- Middlesex M!lford •t. •..• Hunterclon V!llburn*•t. ________ t;:ssex '1~lltown••t ----Middlc:ex M!llv!lle*•t ___ Qumberland MMmotoll!,*:t ------Atlantic ontcla1r •+---- ____ Essex Moorestown"•t.Hurlinft"n  To Mt Holly · To Camden ' To Perth Ainboy. To Lambertville. To Ea,t Orange. To Perth Amboy. To Vineland. See Atlantic City. To East Orange. To Mt. Holly.  -u  U'j •.m.orristown*•L ____ Morris VREELAND & WILSON. 8000 •Mount Holly"•tBurlingt'n Wm. A. SL UGHTER. 700 Vulhca liill*•t.Glouce ·ter To Woodbury. ~ Neteon1?*•+-------~orri~To Morristown.  NOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ( pMno LakeBeuchP. 0.)  Summit*•t --------- Union Sussex*•t _________ Sussex Swedesboro*•t .Gloucester Tenafly*•t ________ .Bergen •Toms River*•t _____ Ocean Town of Union ___ Hudson ( Weehawken P. 0.)  3039 700 6799 3341 6000  To Plainfield. To Newton. To Woodbury. To Hackensack. DAVID A. VEEDER. To West Hoboken.  (Atlantic Cit11 P. 0.)  Verona"• ___________ E sex Vincentown*•t Ilnrlineton Vineland*•t _ Cumberland Washington*•t ___ Warren W. CoUingswood•tcamden  'l'o Newark. To Mt. Holly. HERBERT C. BARTLETI'. To Belvidere. To Camden.  (Camden P. 0.)  9063 Westtleld••t ------- Union To Plainfield. 4007-1 West Hoboken*•t .Hudson ISADOR HABER, 718 Angelique St 29926 West New Yorkt..Hndson To West IIoboken. (Weehawken P. 0.)  15573 2380 2597 450 2790 3500 13423 5801 1589 1828  West Orange*•t ---- Essex Westville"•t ___ Gloucester Westwood*•L-----Rereen WhitcllouseStation*• IIun Wildwooct••t ___ Capp May Wllliamstown••tGlou· t<•r Woodbridge*•t.Middlesex •Woodbury*•t __ Gloucester Woodstown"•t ______ Salem Wn!!ht•tnn:.~- H11rlington  To East Orange. To Woodbury. To Ha.ckensack. To Lambertville. To Cape May c. H. To Woodbury. To Prrth Amhoy. DAVID 0, WATKIN To Salem. To Mt. Holly,  USE COUPONS aa inatructed to BE PROTECTED by bond~-.- - - - - - See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1786 POPU• LA· TION,  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  NEW MEXICO, NEW YORK NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  7326 1093 2662 1256 915 .... 500 1800 48 381 3117 1096 (000 40 888 875 421  §•Santa Fe*•t _____ Santa Fe •Santa Rosa*•t __ Guadalupe •Silver City*•t _______ Grant •Socorro*•t ________ Socorro Springer*•f-_______ Colfax Sugarite* __________ colfax Taiban"•t ________ De Baca •Taos" ________________ Taos Tatum ________________ Lea Texico*•t ----------Curry •Tucumcari*•t ________ Quav Tularosa*•t _________ Otero Tyrone••t _____ Grant Van Houten• ______ Colfax Vaughn ________ Guadalupe Wae-on Mound••t ____ Mora Willard*•t _______ Torrance  CATRON & C.A.TBON. F. F AIRCLOTil. ALVAN N. WHITE.  To Albuquerque. To Raton . To Raton. To Portales. To San ta Fe. To Roswell. To Clovis.  MYRON B. KEATOR.  See Alamogordo. To Silver City, To Raton. To Santa Rosa. To East Las Vegas. To ant.a .li'e.  NEW MEXICO One Federal District comprises the entire State. District court sttll at Santa Fe, the first Monday in April and the first Monday ln October.  REFERENCE KEY • County Seat. • Money Order Office. • Express Office. t Teleeraph Station. § State Capital. 2363 •Alamogordo*•t----- Otero LEE R. YORK. 15157 Albuquerque*•L_Bernalillo A. B. STROUP. General Law Practice. Compiler of the New 500 1115 489 1306  Anthony*f ______ Dona Ana Artesia"•t __________ Eddy •Aztec*•t-------- San Juan Belen*•t _________ Valencia 25 Brilliant* _________ Colfax 250 Gapitan*§t ________ Lincoln  ~"frxico laws for this publication.  To Las Cruces. To Carlsbad. To Farmington. To Albuquerque. To Raton. To Alamogordo.  2205 •Oarlsbad*•t--------- Eddy l. 1\1. DILLARD. 104 •Oarrizozo*•t _____ Lincoln To Alamoi:ordo. 600 Chama ••t ____ Rio Arriba To Santa Fe. 481 Cimarron••+ ______ Colfax To Raton. 2157 •Olayton*•L. _______ Union THOS. F. SAVAGE. 1000 Cloudcroft*•t.- ----Otero To Alamogordo. 4904 •Olovis"•t __________ CurrY A. W. HOCKENHULL. 2110 Oolumbus"•t ________ Luna To Deming. 250 Oorona*•t--------- Lincoln To Alamogordo. 8500 Dawson"•t ________ Colfax To Raton. 500 Dedman*+----------Union To Elizabeth. 3212 •Deming*•L--------- Luna R. F. HAlllLTON. 600 Des Moines*•t---- __ Union To Clayton. 333 Dexter*•t _________ Chaves To Roswell. 10000 E.Las Vegas*•tSan Mieuel CHAS. W. G. WARD. 300 Elida*•t-------- Roosevelt To Portales. 200 Encino _________ Torrance To Santa Fe. 400 Espanola*•t ___ Rio Arriba To anta Fe. 578 •Estancia*•t _____ Torrance To Santa l!'e. 728 Farmington*•t _ San Juan }'RANK A. BURDICK. 777 •Ft. Sumner*•t ___ De Baca To Santa Rosa. 3920 •Gallup*•t ______ McKinley H. C. DE114NY. 1125 Gardiner*----------Colfax To Raton. 125 Grady* ______________ curry 'l'o Clovi:!, 300 Grenvme••t-------- nion 'l'o Clayton. 476 Hagerman*•t ______ Chaves To Ro well. 500 Hatch*•-------- Dona Ana To Las Cruces. 800 •Hillsboro* __________ Sierra To Deming. 430 Hope* ______________ Eddy To Artesia. 455 Hot pring'* _______ 'ierra To Deming, 100 Kenna*•t. _____ Roo evelt To Roswell. JOO Koehler• __________ Colfax To Raton. 150 Lakewood"•t _______ Eddy See Carlsbad. 3469 •Las Oruces*•t--Dona Ana WADE, TAYLOR & WADJ;. 4304 •Las Vegas*'L San Miguel 'l'o East Las Vef;!as. 320 Logan _______________ Quay To 'l'ucumcair. 1325 •Lordsburg*•f_ ____ Hidalg-o 'ro Silver City, 400 Loving*•t ___________ Eddy To Carl bad. 411 Lovington* ___________ Lea See Carlsbad. 1867 M:agdalena"•t _____ Socorro To Albuquerque. 384 Kaxwell"•t ________ Colfax To Haton. 364 Melrose*•t __ ·- _____ Curry To Clovis. 250 Mills*•t _____________ :\fora. To East La~ Vegas, 1000 •Mora .. _______________ Mora To East Las Vegas. 250 Moriarly*•t ____ Torrance To Santa B'e. 577 Mountainair"•t _Torrance To anta Fe. - ·-- Mount Dora*•t ____ Gnion To Clay tun. 450 Nara Visa*•t _______ Quav 'l'o Tucumcari. 1154 •Portales*•t _____ Roosevelt T. K l\lEARS. 5544 •Raton••t ---- ____:. __ Colfax E. C. CRAMPTON. General Law Practice in State and Federal Courts. pecial attention to Irrig-ation, Corporation and Realty Law. Refers to First at'l Bank. 210 Reserve" __________ Socorro To Albuquerque. 7033 •Roswell*•t-------- Chaves RJ;JD, HERVEY & IDEN 564 R oy.. • t ---------- ____ ,Mora T o Ea st La s vegas. 600 San Antonio*•t ___ Socorro To Albuquerque 200 an .Jon _____________ Quay To Tucumcari. 1200 San Marcial*•t ___ Sororro To Albnqnrrque.  N-QTE  NEW YORK New York ls dh1ded into four federal districts: Northern, Southern,  Eastern, and Western In the NORTHERN DISTRICT, courtslts at Albanr, the second Tuesday In February; at Utica, the first Tuesday In December; at Btnshamtoo, the second Tuesday In June; at A.uburnr first Tuesday ln October; at Srracuse, the first Tuesday In Avrll; anah  ln the dlscreUon of the Judge of the court, one term annually at sue time and t>lace within the counties of Saratoga, Onondaga, St. Lawrence, Clinton, Jetrerson, Osweio, and Franklin, as he may from time to t1ID8 ap1)01Dt. In the SOUTHERN DISTRICT), court sits at New York CltJ, flrst Tuesday in each month. In the EASTERN DISTRIC'r, dlstrlct court sits at BROOKLYN, flrst Wednesday In every month. In the WESTD.N DISTJUCT, court sits at ElmJra, second Tuesday in January; at Buffalo, the second Tuesdays In March and November; at Rochester, second Tuesday ln May; at lamestoWDJ second Tuesday in July; at Lockporti_ second Tuesday In October, an at CanandalllJ,a, second Tuesday In 1:Sevtember.  REFERENCE KEY • County Seat. • Money Order Office. • Express Office, t Telegraph Station. § State Oavital. 15.57 Adams*•t _______ Jefferson To Watertown. 1699 .A.ddison*•t ------- Steuben To Corning. 782 Afton"•t ________ Chenango To Norwich. 1960 Akron*•t ------------ Erie See Butfalo. 113344§•Albany*•t ________ Albany al GEO.BG E J. BATT, 2D, 74 Chapel treet. Gener law practice. Refers to N. Y. State ·ational BanK, Fnll1 equipped collection department. Compiler of the N. Y. laws .L  for thi.8 publication.  4683 755 1649 598 1350 797 1200 3265 33524 1319342 972 1367 1012 1609 419683  i844  •Albion*•t -------- Orleans Alden*•t _____________ Erie Alexandria Bay"•t Jeff'rs'n Alfred*t _________ Allegany Allegany*•t __ Cattaraugus Altamont"•+-------Albany Amenia*•L ______ Dutchess Amityville*•t ______ Sutrolk Amsterdam*•+--- Mont1fy Andes*•t ------Andover"•t ______Delaware Allegany Anf;!elica*•t _____ Allegany Angola*•t ___________ Erie Antwerp*•t _____ Jefferson Arcade*•L------Wyoming Argyle*------ Washington Arkport••t ------- Queens teuben Astoria•t _________ Athens*t __________ Greene  To Medina. To Buffalo. To Watertown. See Belmont. To Olean. To Albany. To Pong-hkeepsie. To llemp lead SPENCER K. WARNICK. TToo Dl',eellmhio. nt. See Belmont. See Buffalo. To Watertown. 'l'o Attica. TToo GColrrnn,•n!.,a.lls. To Brooklyn. To ca~·kill. oprrr1t.•  2015 Attica*•t ________ Wyomine O. H. &...:l:.::V..:.·.=.E::·...:H=-=-=..:.:n_.u.._ _ __  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by b~nd. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  >)  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) POPULATION.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  a  1 8  NAME.  PoPOLA.· TION.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  1787  NAME.  36192 1.Auburn*•L-.•.... Cayuea ELDBICH J. WILLIS, 131 Gen1611 Cuba*•t ·-··-·····Allegany To Olean. 600 Dalton*•t ...... Livineston See Geneseo. essee St. General Practice. Refer4631 Dansville*•t ••. Livmeston To Geneseo. ences: National Bank of Auburn 547 Delcvan"•t ••• Cattaraugus To Olean. aud Wm. H. Seward & Co. 416 Aurora*•t ......•. Cayuga See Auburn. 1669 1.Delhi*•t •.••••••• Delaware JOHN C. STODDART. 2500 Au Sable Forks*t. .. Essex To Ticonderoga. 5850 Depew*•L·--··-·····Erie T.o Buffalo. 1019 Avoca*•t Steube11 To Corning. 1943 Deposit*•t ..•••••• Broome To Bi11ghamton. ···• ···· 519 DeHuyter*•t ..... Madison To Oneida. 22585 Avon*•L ..•... Liv1S·ng.,.tolkn TTg GF~eneepsi~t. ll64 Duter*•L ...•.• Jefl'erson To ·watertown. 523 Babylon*•t ···•··· uuo 1259 Bainbridge*•t. .. Chenango •ro Norwich. 4401 Dob bs F erry * • t • Wes t r. h' r T o Pl easan tv1·11 e. 4000 Baldwin ......... rassau To Freeport. 3448 Dolgeville*• .... Herkimer To Herkimer. 3685 Baldwinsville"•t .Onond ·a To Syracuse. 797 Dover Plains*•t. Dutchess To Poughkeepsie. 4103 1.Ballston Spa*t ..• Saratoga To Saratoga Sprines. 650 Downsville*•t •.. Delaware To Delhi. 431 Barker*•t .....•.. Niagara SeA Lockport. 707 Dryden*•t .....• Tompkins To lthac\ 135 41 1.Bata . * t Genesee J,VEREST A. JUDD. 1143 Dundee*•L .••..•... Yates To Penn an. 479- B thriat • ···---··steuben To Corning. 19336 Dunkirk*•t ••• Chautauaua WARNER & WOODIN. a,. a • 0······•··· 792 Earlville*•t ...... Madison To Oneida . ~l~O~~r;:~d. ~~eleu!~1?ead. 10996 Beacon•t .......• Dutchess To Poughkeepsie. 200 E t I I * S .,. lk T II em stead 1000 Belfast*•t ..•...• Allegany To Belmont. 1 as s 1p ....••... uuo o P • 1800 B Jl Na a To Hempstead. 544 E. Randolph* .Oattarau1?us To Olean. e more·-········ s u 3901 East Roehester*•t Monroe 'ro Roche~tcr. 1021 •Belmont*•L- ..• Allegany REYNOLDS & ACKERMAN. 2200 East. etaucket* . .. uffolk To Hempstead. 576 Bereen*•t ·····-· Genesee To Batavia. · 4106 East Syracu,e"•tOnondaga To 'yracu-,e. 1677 Berlin*•+ .•.•.. Rensselaer To Troy. 800 Edmeston*•t •...•.• Otseeo To Oneonta. 66800 1.Binghamton*•t •.• Broome PAGE & HAYS. 577 Edwards*• •• St. Lawrence To Ogdensburg. 1401 Bia dell'•t ••.•.....•. Eric To Buffalo. 386 Elba*•t ...•....•. Genesee To natavia. too Bliss*•t .......• Wyominl? 'l'o Attica. 4.50 Ellenburg Depot" .Clin1on To Plattsburg. 1146 Bolivar"•t ...... Allee-any To Belmont. 3116 Ellenville*•t .•..•... Ulster ro King 'ton. 1914 Boonville*•t .....•. Oneida To Utica. Q50 Ellicottville*•t •• Catta'gus To Olean. 570 Brasher Falls* St.Law'nce To Ogclensburg. ····-· Elmhurst*t ·--·····Queens 'ro Brooklyn. 859 Brewster*•t .•.•.. Putnam To Carmel. 53 ··-···· Chemung BABCOCK & GR1',GG. 4 93 •Elmira*•t 1800 Brideehampton*•t.Suffolk Tollemp ·tead. Endicott----·-·-· Broome To Binghampton. 95004 Evans 1200 Broadalbin"•t. .... Fulton To Johnstown. Mills*•t..Jefferson To Watertown. 58 2980 Brockport*•t ...... Monroe To Hoch ester, 525 Fairport*•t ••....• Monrofl To Roe bester. 42742 1383 Brocton*•L ... Chautauaua To Dunkirk. Falconer*•L.. Chautauaua 'l'o Dunkirk. 3055 Bronxville*•t Westchester To ·white Plain . 21Kll Farminedale*•t .••. Nassau To llemps:ead. 2018356 Brooklyn*•+ ···-···Kini:s ··---· Far Rockaway*•t .Queens To Brooklyn. EDWARD B. LEVY, Attorney and Coun~ellor at Law, 200 1584 Fayetteville*•t. Onondaga To Syracuse. Fifth Avenue, New York City. 500 ·Fillmore*•t ...... Allegany 'l'o Belmont. 750 Brushton*•t •.... Franklin To Malone. 479 Fishkill*•+ .•...• Dutchess To Pougpkeepsie. *t E · 525 Fleischmanns*t .Delaware 'fo Delhi. 5067 5 7 ,.Buffalo • ····-······· rie 2097 li'loral Park*•t ....• Nassau To llemp3tead. FBED'K O. BISSELL, 110 Pearl St. (Dun .l:lldg.) lOOO Florida*•t •.•.••••• Oranee To Newburgh, Collections. Depositions, Commercial. Probate. and General •..... Flushine*•t ..•.••• Queens To Brooklyn. Practice. Refers to R. G. Dun & Co .. Fidelity Trust Co. 74, 1.Fonda*•t •... Montgomery To Amst~rdam. Manufacturers & Traders • ational Bank. 620 Forestville*•t. Chautauqua To Dunkirk. ll70 Ca!edonia*•t ..• Livingston To Rochester. 836 Ft. Covington*•t Franklin See Malone. 800 Callicoon*•L_ .•.. Sullivan To Monticello. 3871 Fort Edward*•L Wash'ton To Glens Falls. 1551} Cambridge*•t. Washington To Glens Falls. 2747 Fort Plain*•t Montgomery To Amsterdam. 1941 Camden*•L---·····Oneida To Utica. 4198 Frankfort"•L .•• Herkimer To Herkimer. 1850 Campbell*•t .•.... Steuben To Corning. 476 Franklin* ••.•..• Delaware To Delhi. 2415 Canajoharie*•t .•. Moutg•y To Amsterdam. 2015 Franklinville*•t. Cattar'us To Olean. 7356 1.Canandaigua*•t .•. Ontario MYRON D. SHORT. 6051 Fredonia*•t •• Chautauqua To Dunkirk. 6:il Canaseraga"•t •.• Allegany To Belmont. 8599 Freeport*•t ··-···· Nassau HURLEY & SOUTHARD. 3995 Canastota*•t .•... Madison To Oll8ida. 1026 Friendship*•t •.• Allegany 'l'o Belmont. 699 Candor*•t ·····-··-·· Tiofa To Owego. 13043 Fulton*•t ..••..... Oswego To Oswego. 2201 Canisteo*•t. ••.••. Steuben To Corning. 869 Fultonville*•t.Montgom'y To Amsterdam. 2631 •Oanton*•t ... St. Lawrence To Ogdensburg. 341 Gainesville*•t .. Wyoming To Attica. 913 Cape Vincent*•tJefferson To Watertown. 800 Gasport••t ••••...• Niagara To Lockport. 800 •Carmel*•t .--··-···Pntnam To Poughkeepsie. 2157 1.Geneseo"t ..... Livingston LOCKWOOD R. DOTY. 4320 Carthaee*•t •..•• Jefferson To Watertown. 14648 Geneva*•t •••••• -. Ontario To Canandaigua. 1013 Castile*•t .•...•. Wyomine To Attica. 437 Genoa*•t ······-···Cayuga See Aut>urn. 1595 Castleton*•t •.• Rensselaer To Troy. 419 Gilbertsville*t •.•.. Otsel!"o To Oneonta. 404 Cato*•t ···-·-· .•... Cayuga To Auburn• 8664 Glen Cove*•t ..•••• Nassau To Freeport. 4728 1.Catskill*•L........ Greene PERCY W. DECKER. 16638 Glens Falls*•t. •.• Warren JENMKINETZS'NERBAR. KER & 1347 Oattaraugus*•t ..•• Catt'gus To Olean. 1683 Cazenovia*•t ..... Madison To Oneida. 22075 Gloversville*•t ..... Fulton To Johnstown. 2838 Ceuarhur t*•+ ..... • 'a -.;sa u 'l'o Hempstead. 2843 1.Gosh~m••t •..•..... Orange 'l'o Newburgh. 1000 Center Moriches*•tSuffolk To llemp:-tead. U43 Gouverneur*•t. St.Law'ce To Ogdensburg. 448 Central Square*•t .Oswego To Oswego. 2673 Gowanda*•t •• Cattaraugus To Olean. 1000 Central Valley*•t .Oranl{e To Newburgh. 350 Grand Gorge*•L Delaware See Delhi. • 1140 Champlain*•t •••.. Clinton See Plattsburg. 3024 Granville*•t •• Washington To Glens Falls. 1291 Ohateaugay*•L •. Franklin To Malone. 339 Great Neck*t. ...•. Nassau To llemps1 cad. 2710 Chatham*•L.... Columbia To Hndson. 5000 Great Neck Station*• 527 Cherry Creek*•t •. Cha'qua To Dunkirk. Nassau To Mineola. 728 Cherry Valley*•t .. Otsel{o To Ont>onta. 1297 Greene*•t •.•.•. Chenango To Norwich. 1049 Ohester*•t ..•.....• Orauge To Newburgh. 3122 Greenport*•t ...... Su1folk To Ilemp ·tead. 513 Churchville*•t .... Monroe To Rochester. 2384 Greenwich*•t Washington To Glens Falls. 600 Cincinnatus*• .•.. Cortland To Cortland. 1082 Greenwood*• •..•• Steuben To Corning. 700 Clarence*•t...•...... Erie •ro Buffalo. 2235 Groton*•t ...•... Tompkins To Ithaca. 1849 Olayion*•t •.••.. Jefferson To Watertown. 350 Groveland, tation 999 Clayville .......•.. Oneida To Utica. Living. ton To Gene. eo. 1628 Olifton Spnnes*•t Ontario 'l'o Canandaigua. 31S5 Hamburr*•t ....•..... Erie See Butralo. 1270 Olinton*•L........ Oneida To Utica. 1505 Hamilton*•L ..•.. Madison To Oneida. 2528 Clyde*•t ······-·-·· Wayne To Newark. 409 Hammond*•tSt. Lawrence To Ogden bure. 454 Clymer•• ..•.. Chautauqua To Jamestown. 1060 Hammondsport*•t. Steu·n To Corning. 2410 Cobleskill*•+ ..•. Schoharie WM. H. GOLDING. 1826 Hancock*•t •..•• Delaware See Delhi. 843 Oohocton*•t .....• 8teuben To Corning. 430 Ilarpursville*•t .• Broome To Binghamton. 22987 Cohoes*•L .•...... Albany To Albany. 900 Harrisville*•·- · •... Lewis To Lowville. 1433 Cold Sprine*•t ..•. Putnam To Carmel. 600 Hartwick*•·······- Otsego To Oneonta. 6127 College Point*•·-· Qu~ens To Brooklyn, 5526 Hastings upon Hudson*•t 250 Conewango Valley*t Westchester See White Plains. Chautauqua To Olean. 5226 Haverstraw*•L. Rockland To Nyack. - · · Coney 1sland•t •...• Kings To New York City. 6382 Hempstead*•t ..... Nas au 2725 •Oooperstown*•L... Otseeo To Oneonta.. GRIFFITHS & KORNICKER, Counsellol' · at Law, 554 Copenhagen*•··-··· Lewis See Lowville. 53 Main Street. John M. Freet 11, Mgr. Thoroughly or458 Oor!u*•t. ......... Genesee To Batavia. ganizell collection department. (Exclusive Representatives for 2576 Corinth*•t •....•. Saratoea To Saratoea Sprines Nassau and Suffolk Counties.) 15820 Cornine:*•L ..... Steuben JUSTIN V. PURCELL. 10453 1.Herkimer••t. .•• Herkimer EDWARD M. BROWN. 1755 Cornwall*-···-····Orange To Newburgh. 622 Hermon*• ••• St. Lawrence To Ogden ·burg. Z658 Oornwall on H.*•t.Oran2e To Newbureh 459 Heuvelton*•t.St Lawrence To Ogdensburg. Corona ...•..••••.. Queens ToBrook!yn. 3000 Hicksvllle"•t •••••• Nassau Toilcmn •eau. 13294 1.Qortland*•L--.-·Oortla1Jo J. T. & C. n. GARDNEK. 2000 Hiithland*•L •••.... Ulster To Kingston. 2121 Coxsackie*•L ••••• Greene To Catskill. 2588 Hi&?hland Falls*•L Orange To Newburgh. 646 Oroghan*• ---.Lewis To Lowville. 827 Hilton*•t .••.....• Monroe To L{ochester. 2286 Croton-on-Budson*•t 587 Hobart••t-•••••. Delaware See Delhi. Westchester To \Yhit(l Plains. 488 Holcomb*•t •.•.•.• Ontario To Geneva. 1500 Orown Point*•t ..... Essex ee Keeseville 854 Holland*•t ...•...•... Erie See Buffalo. USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond.  .~~~. i:; ~~:t:;!.-.-::_J~~i~~ ~g  d d  NEW YORK  -_-_-_-_-_-_-------- -  NOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  :iii t!l t~~~t~~t~t·.-:siil~l:  See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1788 POPU• LA-  ~  NEW YORK TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -  328 Holland Patenr'•t _ Oneida 1625 liolJey••t_ ________ Orleans 2356 Homer••t ________ Cortland 1107 Honeoye FalJs••t. Monroe 4896 Hoosick li~alls"•t. Rensse'r 15025 Hornell*•t ________ teuben 2078 Horseheads*•t •• Chemung 11745 •Hudson*•t ______ Columbia 5761 •Hudson Fall!,*•t Wa'hi'gt' n 7500 Huntington*•+ .. __ uffolk 5000 Hun tington t' t'n~• utfolk 10169 Ilion*•t------ --- Herkimer 633 Interlaken*•t ______ eneca 2701 lrvington*•t. Westche ter 2200 Islip*•L ___________ Suffolk 17004 •!Ul.aca*•t ------- Tompkins ------•Jamaica*•t ________ Queens 38917 Jamestown*•t.. Chautau'a 400 J etrersonville". __ ullivan 8587 Johnson City*•t-- Broome 10908 •Johnstown*•+ ______ Fulton 1500 Katonah __ ___ Westche ter 1524 Keeseville.*•t _______ Essex 3160 Kenmore*+___________ Erie (Buffalo P. 0.) 600 Ker honkson *•t ____ .Ulster 722 Kinderht>ok*•t •• Columbia 26688 •Km1rston*•t ________ Ulster  Lackawanna*•t ______ Erie Lacona ••t ________ Oswego •Lake Georee*•t ___ Warren Lake Placid*•t ______ Essex Lancaster*•+_ ________ Erie Larchmont*t. Westchester Lawrence*•t _______ Nas au Le Roy*•t-------- Genesee Liberty*•t ________ Sullivan Lima*•t. _______ Livingston Lindenhurst"•t ____ utl'olk Li le*•t ________ Rroome Little Falls*•t. •. Herkimer •Little Valley••t __ cattar'us Livingston Manor*•tS'lv'n Livonia*•t _____ Livingston Locke*•+---------- Cayuga *t · • Lo c k por t • ------ iagara Ps~as~:tc:Q!e~anus 3127 •Low ·ne* t L 1· '271 Lynb:ook:.r_:-_~::-Na~:a ~ 738 Lyndonville*•t ____ Orleans ,253 •f,;ons*•f. _________ Wayne 900 .11.1.adrid*•t..• St. Lawrence 7556 •Malone*•t. ______ Franklin 6571 Mamaroneck*•t. Westc·ter 500 lanhas et*•------'. 'a , au 565 Marathon*•t _____ Cortland 1189 Marcellus•• ____ Onondaga 150 Margaretville*•+ Delaware ------ MarinersHarb'r*tRichm'd 1000 Marion* ___________ Wayne 807 Marlboro*•+-------- Ulster 5993 Massena*•t __ st. LawrPnce 1200 Mattituck*•t _______ Suffolk 1200 :Maybrook*•t ______ orange 1207 •M.ayville*•t ___ Chautauqua 8166 Mechanicsville*•t aratoga 6011 Medina*•t ____ ; ____ Orleans 1336 Mexico"t. _________ Oswf'go 9 6 Middleburg*•--- Schoharie 1416 Middleport*•t _____ Niagara 18420 Mt'ddletown*•t ____ Oranoe .. 17918 461 630 2099 6059 2468 2851 4203 2459 843 2200 294 13029 1253 1600 743 864 21308  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  --=~=- tg~:  To Utica. To Medina. To Cortland. To Rochester. To Troy. To Corning. To Elmira. WJ;NDOVl..R NEEFU  To Glens Falls. To Hemp -~ ead. To llemp tsead. To Herkimer. To eneca Falls. To \\'hi te Plains. To Hempst ead. GEORGE S. TARBELL. To Brooklyn. To Dunkirk. r e Liberty. To Binghampton.  !"OPULA- TOWN AND TION.  COUN'l'Y.  NAME.  1621 New Hartford*•t..On eida To Utica. 1056 New Paltz*•t _______ Ulster To Kingston. 703 Newport••t-----Herkimer To Herkimer. 36213 New Rochelle*•t _Westc·r To White Plain . 5620040 •New York City*•t __ N, Y. IJ>WA.RD B. LEVY. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 200 Fifth Avenue. (See also Brooklyn.)  MELVYN G. LOWENSTEIN,  Ii Ii Liberty Street  NEW YORK CITY. Cable A.ddre s "l\fellow".  Telephone No. Rector 625.  REFERENCE: American Trust Company. Corporation, Commercial, In urance and Probate practice, Specializing In Organization and Reorganization.  HJ;NRY W. THORNE.  RICHARD E. WELDON, Times Bldg,, Broadway & 42d  To Kingston. To Hudson.  YOUNG & HUGHES, (William Wallace Young. James A.  St. General Practice. Modern Collection Department. Litigation pro ·ecuted oromotlv and v1gorou ly. Reference: Lawyers Title & Trust Company and the Greenwich Bank.  To White Plains. To Ticonderoga. See Buffalo.  JAMES A. BETTS. Attorney ror  Kingston Savines Bank and National Ulster County Bank. Gen era! Practice. ee Buffalo. To Oswego. To Glens Falls. To Ticonderoga. See Buffalo. • To \Yhi •e Plains. To Hemp ·1ead. To Batavia. To lonticello. To Gene eo. To II emp t ead To Biugllampton. To Herkimer. To Olean. To .Monticello. To Gene eo. ee Auburn. JUl)"'ON & HOL ,.., ·. LEY. Y~:~1;~~d.  'E¥~ J  BOSHART  To 1iemp-;tead. Sec Medina. To ewark. To Ogden burg.  '  JOHN W. GENAWA.Y.  To White Plains. 'ro llrmp t ead. To Cortland. To yracuse. See Delhi. See New York City, To ewark. To Kingston. To Ogden burg. 1'o llemps•ead. To 1 ·ewburgh. •ro Jame town. To aratoga 8pring-s. HARRY COOPER.  To Oswego. To Coble kill. To Lockport.  WATTS, OAKES & BRIGHT, Attorney for First  Hul?hes. John B. Kelly), Two Rector Street, Attorneys and Coun elor. at Law; Practice in all Court<;; Depositions to Loretta F. Delaney. rotary Public. Refer to E. I. duPont de Nemours Co., Wilmington. Del.; .Mor e Twist Drill & Machine Co., New Bedford. Mas .; Lawyers Title & Trust Co .• 160 Broadway, N. Y.. and Brown Bro . & Co .. Bankers. 59 Wall treet, ' . Y. 50760 Ni~ara Falls*•t-- Niagara ee Lockport. 554 Nichols*•+ __________ Tioga To Owego. 1500 Norfolk*•-- St. Lawrence To Ogden burg. 1158 North Collins••t ______ Erie See Buffalo. 800 North Creek*•t. __ Warren To Glens Falls. 400 North Java••t -- Wyoming To Attica. 1977 Northport••t ---- •. Sutrolk To Freeport. 500 North Rose*•t -----Wayne To ewark. 15482 N. Tonawanda*•t. Niagara See Lockport. 1190 Northville*•+------ Fulton To Johnstown. 8268 •Norwich*•t. ____ Chenaneo HURERT L. BRO\\'N, 1808 N od* t st La ence To o de b " orwo • • · wr g n ur.,. 1152 Nunda*•+------ Livineston To Gene eo. 4444 Nyack*•t ------· Rockland JOHN F. McFARLANE. 1422 Oakfleld*•L--- --- Genesee To Batavia. "66 Odessa*•t Schuyler To '"atk1·ns. 14~09 Oedensbu;;;~t:s"ww·nce TJAO sH"eFr.kA1·rn'{elrN .. 565 Old Forge ______ llerkimer 20506 Olean••t ______ cattaraueus FRANK J. CHAFFER. 10541 Oneida*•t ________ Madison D. C. BURKE. 11582 oneonta••t. _______ Otsego GEORGE L. BOCKE BOOO Onondaea Val·y•t._Onond. To Syracuse. 742 Ontario*•L-------· Wayne To Newark. 1200 Orchard Park*•f_. ___ Erie To Buffalo. 1014 Oriskany Falls*•t..Oneida See Utica. 10739 Ossinmg*•t __ Westchester To Whi'e Plains. 23626 •Oswego*•+-------- Oswego THOMAS L. McKAY, Refer ences: Fir t National and Second National Banks, Oswego. Also R. G. Dun & Company. •Ovid*•t ---- --------Seneca •Oweeo*•t ___________ Tioga Oxford••+------ Chenango Oyster Bay••t ----- ·a sau Ozone Park•t _____ Queens "foiii" Palmyra*•+-------- Wayne 4403716 Parish*•L---- ----Oswego Patchogue*•+------ ufl'olk 500 Pavilion*•t -- ---- Gene, ee 1032 Pawling*•t ------ Dutchess 3000 Pearl River*•t .. Rockland 15868 Peekskill*•t.. Westchester 4517 •Penn Yan*•t. ... ---- Yates 4717 Perry*•+ ________ Wyoming 1200 Phelps*•t _________ Ontario 794 Philadelphia*•t..Jefferson 1919 Philmont*•+----- Columbia 1747 Phcenix*•+-------- Oswego ~!~~ ~fa1!;:!c:n~t~tn:s: 1 10909 •Plattsburg*•t. _____ Clinton 3590 Pleasantville*•tWe tc'ht'r 349 Potand*•t _______ Herkimer 16573 Port Chester*•t W's'ch'ter 2183 Port Henry*•t ______ Essex 2800 Port Jefl'erson*• ___ Suffolk: 10171 Port Jervis*•t _____ orange 735 Portleyden ••t ______ Lewi. _____ Port Richmond*-- Rich'od 6000 Port Washington*•tNas'au 4039 Potsdam*•t..St. Lawrence 35000 •Pollghkeepsie*•t _Dutchess 654 Prattsburg*•L ____ steuben 1895 •Pulaski*•+-------- Oswego 1310 Randolph*•t __ Cattaraugus iagara 1100 Ransomville*•L-*t I 2093 Ravena• _________ A bany 499 Red Creek*•+-----Wayne 827 Re.d Hook"•t ____ Dutch ss 500 Re.dwood"•t. ____ Jeff r on 448 Remsen*•t _______ Ou ida 10 23 Rens elaer• ___ Rensselaer 438 4147 1590 4500  To Seneca Falls. JA . S. TRUMAN.  To Norwich. To Hemp tead. To Broo1Clyn. To Tewark. 'I'Too <I)lse'mvepgsot.ead.  To Batavia. To Poughkeepsie. To • 'vack. To \thite Plain .  ational Ba~k of_ Middletown, N. Y., OJange, County Trust Company. KIMBALL & LOWN. Ene Railroad Company and ew York, Ontario & Western •ro Attica. Railway Company. To Canandaigua. 790 Middleville*•t..Ilerkimer To Herkimer. To Watertown. 505 Milford*•t _________ ot ego To Oneonta. To Hudson. lOQ6 Millbrook*•t ____ Dutchess To Poughkeepsie. To O wego. 829 Millerton*•t _____ Dutchess To Pouehkeepsie. ~~~t~ie~sie. 2000 Milton*•t---------- 1 tcr 'fo Kiuo~•on. 3016 •Mineola*•t. ________ Nassau To Hemp ead. CHAS. J. VERT. 2919 Mohawk*•t _____ Herkimer To Herkimer 'fo Whi e Plains. 1527 Monroe*•t _________ orange To Newburgh. To Herkimer. 1106 Montgomory*•L-- Oranee To NPwburgh. To Pleasantville. 2330 •Monticello*•t _____ Sullivan J{OUAC & TAHL. To Ticond roga. 1560 Montour Falls*•t Schuyler 'l'o Watkins. To Hemp ·lead. 1331 Moravia*•t ________ Cayuga See Auburn. CUDDEBACK & JONES. 420 Morris*t. __________ Otsego To Oneonta. To Low\'ille. 489 Morristown*•tSt.Lawr'nce To OgJen bure. See New York City, 497 Morrisville*•----- Madison To OnPida. To Hempstead. 3944 Mt. Kisco*•t. Westche ter To \Vhit e Plains. To Ogdensburg. 3312 Mt. Morris*•t -- Livingston To Geneseo. JOHN B. BA.LL. 42726 Mt. Vernon*•tWestchester RAPHAEL CARRETTA. To Corning. 1148 Naples••+---· Ontario To Canandaigua. To Oswego. • , To Olean. 6964 Newark •t. _______ Wayne CHARLES ff. HERRICK. Ser Lockport. 821 Newark Valley••+ ___ Tio2a To Owego. T 1070 New Berlin"•t.. ChPnango To Norwich. o Albany. ----- New Ilri1rhton*tR1chmond See New York City. To Poughkeepsie. Tewark. To 30366 Newbur1rh*•t. _____ orange CASSEDY & CA SEUY. Attorneys To Wat rtown. ror the Quassaick National Bank. To Utica. 1000 Tewfane*t -------, Tia.gara To Lockport. To Troy. USE COUPONS aa instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond.- -  :ii  NOTE  ig  See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  D)  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  NEW YORK, NORTH CAROLINA  POPU-  LATION.  !OO  s.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  POPU• LA·  NAME.  1397 Rhinebeck*•t ___ Dutcht>ss To Poughkeepsie. 1388 Richfield Springs*•t O'ego To Oneonta. 116531 Richmond llill*•t .Queens To Brooklyn. 581 RichmondYille*•t __ 'h 'rie To Cobleskill, 599 Ridgewood .. ______ Queens To Brooklyn. 1000 Ripley*•L- ____ Chautauqua 'l'o Dunkirk. 2500 •Riverhead*•t ______ Sntl'olk To Hempstead . lll5750•Rochester*•t _____ Monroe EDWARD L. CLE ARY, 1106-907 Wilder Building. General Practice. Heal E~tate and Corporation Law. , P~cial Attention to Probate Matters and F. tates of Non-resident Heirs. Hert'rs to C'en·ral Bank of Rochester. Other References Furni ·hed upon Request. ------ RockawayBeach•t Queens To Brooklyn. 6262 Rorkville Center*•+ Na. ·u To Hempstead. 26341 Rome*•t __________ Oneida To Utica. 500 Romulus*•t ___ . ____ eneca To Seneca Falls. 800 Roscoe*•L--- ____ s ulli van To Monticello. 3500 Roslyn*•t _________ Nassau To Hempstead. 1000 Roxbury*•t_ ____ Delaware To Delhi. J41 Roshville*•t ________ Yates To Penn Yan. 08 R:re••t _______ Westchester 'fo PleaAAntville. 2993 Sag Harbor*•t ____ Suffolk To Hemp ·tead. 9276 Salamanca*•t __ catt'augu To Olean. 1083 Salem"•t _____ Washington To Glen . Falls. 5174 Saranac Lake*•+ _Franklin To Malone. 13181 Saratoea Sp'gs••tSarato1rn BRACKETT, TODD, wir:~~IT. 4013 554 3000 3506 88723  Saugerties"•+ _______ Ulster To Kingston. Savona*•t ________ steuben To Corning. SaYVille*•t ________ Suffolk See 1lemp tcad. carsdale*•t. We tche ·• er To While Plain._. •Schenectady*•L_Sc'n 't'dy 1 . FRANKLIN K I L HER . 277 tate , treet. General Law Practice. Refer,; to chenectady Trust Co. Fully equipped Collection Department. 526 Schenevus"•t ______ Otsego To Oneonta. 851 •Schoharie*•t ___ Schoharie To Cobleskill. 300 Schuyler Lake*• ___ Otsego To Oneonta. 1825 Schu:,Jerville"•t _saratoea To Saratoga Springs. ------ Seaside+_ __________ Queens To Brooklyn. 6389 Seneca Falls*•t ____ Seneca GEO. W. PONTIUS. 400 Sharon Springs*•LSch'rie To Oobleskill. 1104 Sherburne*•t ___ Chenango To Norwich. 847 Sherman"•+ __ Chautauqua To Dunkirk. 1300 Shortsville*•+ ____ Ontario To Canandaigua. !670 Sidney*•t _______ Delaware To Delhi. ., 260 Silver Oreek*•LCh'ta'qua To Dunkirk. ll55 SilverSprings••tWyomine To Attica. 514 Sinclairville*•t _ch·ta·qua To Dunkirk. 1635 Skaneateles••t __ onond •ga To yr;icu e. To IJemp-;tead. Smithtown Branch*Suffolk Sodus••t __________ Wayne To Newark. 1 7352 olvay __________ Onondaga To SyracUl,e. 2891 Southampton••+ __ Suffolk To Hempstead. 665 South Dayton••+ .Catt'gus To Olean. 5.50 . outh Fallsburg* ullivan To Monticello. 2158 South Glens Falls Saratoga To Saratoga Springs.  1~~  (Glens Falls P. U.)  50t Southold"•t _______ Suffolk SOO South Otselic* __ Qhenaneo 500 Spark:ill*•t------ Rockland 661 Spencer*•t __________ Tioea 926 Spencerport••t ___ Monroe 3818 Sprine Valley*•tRockland 2331 Sprineville*•t ________ Erie 500 oringwater __ Livingston G47 tamford*•t ____ DelawarP ------ Stapleton" ______ Richmond 2536 St. Johnsville*•tMtg•m·r:, &00 Stockton* ____ Qhautauqua 750 Stony Brook*•t ___ Suffolk 1500 St. Reeill Falls*•tFranklin 3154 SutTern••t ______ Rockland 171717•Snacuse*•t ____ ononrlaea  To Hempstead. To Norwich. To Nyack. To Owego. To Rochester. To Nyack. See ButT'IIO. To Gene eo. To Delhi. To New York City. To Am terdam. To Dunkirk. To Ikmpstead. To Malone. To Nyack.  :}:~~~t~~s*w~:~~-Jo~~;~·g  1g l,~~~f;~d.  S~~~ 1uta~ot8*•LWe tcht>ster To White Plains.  u :r • -------Onondaga 2508 Tupper Lake"L-Franklin 2500 Tuxedo• ---· .. - Orange (Tuxedo Park P. 0.) 1157 Unadilla*•t ________ Otsego _33~nion••t ________ Broome  To yracu e. To :Malone. 'l'o Middletown. To Oneonta. Tn Bingham.  NOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  642 Union Sprines*•LCayuga See Auburn. 402 Unionville*•t _____ orange 'l'o Middletown. 9.U56 •Otica*•t __________ Oneida MILLER & HUBBELL. Attorneys for the Utica Trust II Dep. Oo .• Oneida National, Seconci National, and the Savine• Bank of Utica. llOO Yalh'y. ream"•+-~ ·a-.;,au To lll'mp ·tr3ad. 541 Vernon"•t ________ une1rta To Utica. 945 Victor"•t _________ Ontario To Canandaigua. 702 Waddington St. Lawrl'nce To Ogdensburg. 5493 Walden"•t ________ orange To Newburgh. 700 Wallkill"•t-------Ulster To Kingston. 3598 Walton••t ______ Delaware To Delhi. 3235 Wappingers Falls*•tDuc'1 To Poughkeepsie. 2100 Warrensburg*•t __ Warren •ro Glens Falls. 3622 •Warsaw••+ _____ Wyoming To Attica. 2420 Warwick*•t ______ Orange To Newburgh. 631 Washing'nv'lle*•t .Orange To Newburgh. 2637 Waterford _______ saratoga To Saratoga SJ)rings. 3809 • Waterloo••t ______ Seneca To Seneca Falls. 31285 •Watertown*•t __ Jefferson G. S.& H.L. HOOKER 1255 Waterville*•t- _____ Oneida See Utica. 16073 Watervlie\*t ______ Albany To Albany. 2785 •Watkins••t ______ Schuyler E. C. BARKMAN. 5270 Waverly*•t _________ Tioga To Owego. 1790 Wayland*•t ______ Steuben To Coming. 1247 Webster••+ _______ Monroe To Rochester. 1179 Weed1port••t _____ Cayuea See Auburn. 4996 Wellsville*•t ____ Allegany To Belmont. 4000 Westbury••t _______ Nassau To Ilemps1ead. 3413 Westfleld*•t __ Chautauqua To Dunkirk. 1500 W.Hampton B'ch*tSuffolk To Hempstead. ______ W. New Brighton*tRich'd To ew York City. fi69 W estport••t ________ Essex To Ticonderoga. 725 West Winfleld*•t _H'kim'r To Herkimer. 5258 Whiteball*•t Washington To Glens Falls. 21031 •White Plains*•t _W'ch'st'r FR A N C I S A . W I N S I. 0 W , 2 Grand treet. (New York City Office, 111 Broadway.) 3038 Whitesboro _______ Oneida To Utica. 5500 Whitestone•+ _____ Queens To Brooklyn. 500 Whitesville*• ____ A.llegan:r To Belmont. 665 WhitneyPoint••LBroome To Binghamton. 1000 Williamson*•t _____ Wayne 'ro Newark. 1753 William ville*•f-_____ Erie To Buffalo. 631 Wilson*t _________ Niagara See Lockport. 598 Windsor••+ _______ Broome To Bingl!amton. 500 Winthrop••t St.Lawrence To Canton. 1186 Wolcott*•t ________ Wayne To Newark . Woodhavf'n*•t ____ Queens To Brooklyn. --94r Woodridge _______ ullivan 'ro ~Jonticello. 1200 Worcester••t_ _____ Otseeo To Oneonta. 368 Wyoming•t_ ____ \Vyoming To Attica. 100176 Yonkers*•t __ Westchester To White Plains. 500 York* _________ Livingston See Geneseo.  North Carolina Is divided Into two Federal Districts; Eastern and  Western.  WATERS & HODGES, First National Bank Building. General practice in all courts. )1ercantile, In urance and Corporation Law. Refer to Fir t National Dank or any bank in vracuse. 597 Tannersvil\e*•t ___ Greene To Catskill. 5807 Tarrytown*•+. __ Westch'r To 857 Theresa*•t ______ J e1Terson To Pleasantville. Watertown. 2102 Ticonderoea*•t ____ Essex ROY LOCKWOOD. 10068 Tonawanda*•t ______ Erie See Bulfalo. ------ Tottrnville*t---Richmond To Pw York City. 269 Trenton ______ . __ .. Oneida To Utica. [Barneur.ld P.O.] 72013 •Troy••t ------- Rensselaer FREDERICK C CLAE SENS • , , Burclett Buildin!!.  1  NAME.  NORTH CAROLINA  HANCOCK, SPRIGGS, MEL~ . & HANCOCK. . Onondaga Co, ... avings Bank Ru1ldtn!!. Counsel for C1!y Bank of yracu ·e. Collection Dopar•ment.  ~M  TOWN .A.ND COUNTY.  TION.  1789  In the EASTERN DISTRICT, court sits at Elizabeth CltJ, 11eCOnd Mondays In April and October; at Washington, third Monda:,a In April and October; at Newbern, fourth Mondays In April and Octobe_!i at WUmlngton, second Mondays after the fourth Mondays In Apru and October: at Ralet1b, fourtll Mondays after the fourth Monctan In April and October; at LaurJnburi, last Mondays In March and September; and at Wilson, first Mondays In April and October. In the WESTERN DISTRICT, court sits at Asheville, first Mondays In May and November; at Charlotte, first Mondays ln Aprll and October; at Greensboro, first Mondays In June and December; at Sallsbury, rourtb Mondays in April and October; at Statesville, third Mondays lo April and October; and at Wilkesboro, fourth Mondays In May and November.  REFERENCE KEY • County Seat. • Money Order Office. • Express Oflioe. t Telegraph Station. § State Clapital.  1200 Aberdeen•t•t _____H__ Moore To ~~?ftord. 1429 Ahoskie*• ----~- ertford To .. rn on. 8000 •Albemarle*•t ------ tanly W. E. BOGIE. 2 tw;~~lon. 800 Ansonville*•L------Anson 'l'o Wadesboro. 1500 Apex••+ ____________ Wake To Ralrigh. 75 Arapahoe*. ______ Pamlico To N"ewbern. 2500 •Ashboro••t _____ Randolph To High Point. 28504 •Asheville*•t ___ Buncombe LEE A F O a D, Attorne:,s ror ____ B.'\ttery Park Rank.  lii 1~~f:~'!;;~~~~~~--~~r:~::i1 :}:g  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond.- - - - - See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  LA· TION,  TOWN AND COUNTY.  296 80 803 524 500 1673 5000 518  Atkinson••+. ______ Pender Auburn"•+ ________ Wake Aulander*•t--------Bertie Aurora*•t -------Beaufort Avondale ____ _Rutherford -------------Pitt Ayden,.•t ________ Stanly Badin ______ Baile:r••t ____________ Nash  500 162 309 349 2968 1816 2941 190 1123 2127 800 354 725 274 531 459 338 410 178 374 162 206  •Bakersville* _____ Mitchell Banners Elk•------A very Ilattleboro*•t ________ Nash •Bayboro*•t _______ Pamlico •Beaufort*•t ______ Carteret Belhaven*•t -----Beaufort Belmont"•t --------Gaston Bennett* ________ Chatham Benson*•t ______ Johnston Bessemer Oity*•t _Gaston Bethel*•t _____________ Pit1 Beulaville* ________ Duplin Biscoe*•t ----Montgomery Black Creek ______ Wilson Black M't'n*•LBuncombe Bla.denboro*•t _____ BJaden Blowinl? Rock*t _Wataufa Boilinl? Springs*Cleveland Bonlee*•t _______ Chatham •Boone* __________ watauia Boonville* _________ Yadkin Bostic ________ Ruth erford  46338 1884 1027 435 368 1423 366 2500 2110 363 215 300 738 168  NAME.  •Bryson Oity*•t _____ swaiu Buies Creek• _____ Harnett Bunn* ___________ Frank:lrn •Burgaw"•t --------Pender Burliniton*•t __ Alamance•Burnsville" _______ Yance:, Oalypso*•t --------Duolin Cameron"•t ________ Moore Candor*•t ___ lfont~omery Canton"•t ______ Haywood Ca.roleen"•t ____ Rutherford Carrboro* _________ Orange •Carthage*•t ________ Moore Cary*•t _____________ wake Castalia* ------------Nash Catawba*•+------ Catawba Cerro Gordo*•t _Columbus Chadbourn*•t __ Columbus Chapel Hill"•t ____ oran,:-e •Charlotte*•t _Mecklenbure Cherr:,ville*•t _____ Gaston China Grove*•-----Rowan Claremont*•t ____ Catawba Olarkton*•t _______ Bladen Clayton*•t ______ Johnston Cleveland*•t ______ Rowan Cliffside*• ____ Rutherford •Cllnton*•t _______ Sampson Clyde ••t ________ Haywood Colerain* ___________ Bertie Coleridge* ______ Randolph •Columbia*•t _______ Tyrrell Columbus _________ poJk  9903 •Concord*•t ______ Cabarrus 160 Conetoe••t ____ Ediecombe 450 Connellys Springs••t Burke 681 Conover*•---- ____ Catawba 294 Oonway*•t __ Northampton 2000 Cooleemee*•t _______ Davie 1141 Cornelius*•t Mecklenburi 100 Council*•t ---------Bladen 392 Creedmoor*•t ___ Granville 393 Creswell*•t __ Washington 1397 Dallas*•t __________ Gaston ,oo •Danbury* __________ stokes 1156 Davidson••t _Mecklenburg 559 Denton* ________ Davidson 243 Denvflr" __________ Lincoln 368 •Dobson• ____________ Surry 670 Dover••t __________ craven 7UO Draper*•t ___ Rockinfham 2GOO Duke*•t __________ Harnett 2805 Dunn••t __________ Harnett 21719 •Durham*•t _______ Durham  To Wilmington. To Raleigh. To Windsor. To Washington. 'l'o Rutherfordton. ·ro Greenville. To Albemarle. To RockY Mount. McBirn & BERRY. To Newland. See Nashville. To Newbern. To Newbern. To Washington. To Gastonia. To Sanford. 'l'o Smithfield. To Gastonia. To Greenville. To Goldsboro. To Troy. To Wilson. See Asheville. See Elizabethtown. See Boone. To ' helby, To Sanford. JOHN E. BROWN. To Yadkinville. To Rutherfordton. DANIEL L. ENGLISH. To New Berne. To Sanford. JOSEPH J. HOOKER. To Fayetteville. To Louisburg. To Wilmington. To Graham. CHARLES HUTCHINS. To Goldsboro. Carthage, To 'l'roy. 'J'o Waynesville. To Rutherfordton. To Hi 11s boro. To Sanford. To Raleigh. To Rocky :Mount. To llickory. See Whiteville. To Whiteville. 'fo Hill boro. EDGAR W. Pill.RB, 360 Law Bldf!, To Gastonia. To Salisbury, To Hickory. See Elizabethtown. To Smithfield. To alisbury. To Rutherfordton. FITZHUGH WIDTFIELD. To Waynesv1lle. See Windsor. To High Point. A. L. SWAIN. To IIendersonville. MANESS & ARMFIELD. To Rocky Mount.  'l'o Morgan ton. To Hickory. To Jackson. To Mocksville. To Charlotte. To Elizabethtown. To Oxford. To Plymouth. To Gastonia. N. 0. PETREE. To Charlotte. SPe Lexington. To Lincolnton. To Mount Airy, To Newbern. To Reidsville. To Lillington. To Lillington.  ROBERT H. SYKI<~, 410-IJ-12 Geer Building. Represents tile American Lawyers Quarterly. u. s. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. Mercantile Adjuster. C.R. C. Law List. Wilbers. Sharp & Alleman. Clearing House Quarterly. Bonded Attorney. American Ad.iuster Directory. Central Guaranty-Co., and other Jaw lists. Reference: Any bank in Durham. Special Department for Commercial Law and Collections.  Compiler of the North Carolina laws forRand-McNall-,, Bankers' Directory.  508 E t B  d*  y dk.  as en -------- a m 2fii~ i:~1 n;~!~::t_-_-_-_~R~~;.'l~  To '"adk·invi·iie. See Durham. To Sal islrnry.  2777 •Edenton*•L------Chowan H. R. LEARY.  --  POPU· LA·  Pc» TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  TION.  1658 •Brevard*•t __ Transylvania 348 Bridgeton*t _______ craven 250 Broadway* ___________ Lee 882 291 600 1040 5952 1000 405 241 267 2584 H92 1129 962 645 263 250 262 904 1483  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  NORTH CAROLINA  1790 POPU·  500 Efland*•--------Orange To Hillsboro. 8925 •Elizabeth Oit:,*•LPasqu'k W. A.. WOB.TH. 335 1195 452 383 473 725 653 1648 600 200 230 397 1000 477 1780  •Elizabethtown*•t __ Bladen Elkin*•t ____________ Surry Elk Park*t _________ Avery Ellenboro••t •• Rutherford Ellerbe*•t------Richmond Kim Oity*•t _______ Wilson Elon Colleee*•t _Alamance Enfleld*•t _________ Halifax Engelhard" __________ Hyde Eure*•t------------- Gates Everetts*•L _______ Martin Fair Bluff*•t ___ Columbus Fairmont*•t _____ Robeson Faison*•t __________ Duplin Farmville*•t ________ __Pitt  8877 500 2312 243 583 773 1058 800 1294 555 301 376 263 12871  •Fayetteville*•LCumberl'd Fletcher*•t ____ Henderson Forest City«•t Rutherford Fountain*•---- ________ Pitt Four Oak:s*•t ___ Johnston •Franklin*•-· _______ Macon Franklinton*•t __ Franklin Franklinville*•tRandolph Fremont*•t _______ Wayne Fuquay Sprinis"•t _Wake Garland ________ samp ·on Garner*•t----------- Wake Garysburf!*t. Northamp'n •Gastonia*•t ________ Gaston  150 350 132 600 1385 11296 239 2366 1101 466 19861  Gates*•t ------· _____ Gates •Gatesville* __________ Gates Germanton ---- ----Stokes Gibson*•f ________ scotland Gibsonville"•t ___ Guilford •Goldsboro*•t ______ Wayne Goldston*•t _____ Chatham •Graham*•t _____ Alamance Granite Falls*•t _Caldwell Granite Quarry*•t .Rowan •Greensboro*•t ___ Guilford  J. ALDEN LYON. To Mount Airy, To Newland. To Rutherfordton. To Hamlet. To Wilson. To Graham. To Halifax. To Swanquarter. To Gatesville. To:Greenville. See Chadbourn. To Maxt on. To Goldsboro. To Greenville. ROSE & ROSE. To Hendersonville. To Rutherfordton. 'l'o Greenville. To Smithfield. R. D. SISK. To Louisburg, To Ashboro. To Goldsboro. To Raleigh, To Clinton. To Raleigh. To Jackson. R. C. PATRICK. Send 50c with  521 61 41 51 33!  7(  each request for credit report.  To Gatesville. A. P. GODWIN. To Danbury. To Laurin berg. See Greensboro. RAY & LOVELACE. To Sanford. PARKER & LONG. ee Lenoir. To Salisbury. DOUGLAS A DOUGLMI, Attorneys for Greensboro Loan & Trust CJompany. S. J. ~VERETT. To GreenviJle. 'l'o Greenville. See Shelby, To Weldon. To Greenville. NASH & CRATCH. To Statesville. See Winton. To Graham. O. L. ANDERSON. To Sanforu. ANDREW J. HARRIS. G. Il. VALENTINE. JAS. SMALL McNrnER. A. A. WIDTENER. See Taylorsville. YORK & YORK. GRAHAM & GRAHAM. See Gatesville. To Welclon. To Weldon. To Raleigh. See Snow Hill. To :Marshall. To Charlotte. PEEBLES & HARRIS. To Carthage. I. M. BAILEY. See Greenville. J. B. COUNCIL. To Sanford. See Concord. See Windsor. To Warsaw. To Smithfield. To Winston-Salem. To Danbury. See Shelby. ELY J. PERRY. 'l'o Raleigh. To Kinston. To Salisbury. To J e1Terson. To Jackson. To Shelby. To Laurinburg : J. E. CARPENTER. See Reidsville To Tarboro.  •Greenville*•t ________ Pitt Grifton••t ___________ Pitt Grimesland*•t _______ Pitt Grover*•t ______ Cleveland •Halifax*•t ________ Halifax Hamilton• _________ Martin 3659 Hamlet*•t ______ Richmond 100 Harmony* _________ Iredell 131 Harrellsville* ____ Hertford Z000 Haw River*•t ___ Alamance 25/ •Hayesville* ___________ Clay 250 Hemp*•t ___________ Moore 5222 •Henderson*•t ------Vance 3720 •Hendersonville*•+ .Hend 'n 1704 •Hertford*•t __ Perquimans 5076 Hickory"•t ______ Catawba 300 Hiddenite*•----Alexander 14302 High Point••t ___ Guilford 1180 •Hillsboro*•t _______ oranie 200 Hobbsville*•------ __ Gates 336 Hobgood *•t _______ Halifax 400 Hollister __________ Halifax 333 Holly Sprinis*•t ____ Wake 294 Hookerton••t _____ Greene 495 Hot 8pring<>*•t ___ Madison 833 Huntersville*•t _Meckl'b'2' 579 •Jackson* ___ Northampton 200 Jackson Springs*•t .Moore 656 •Jacksonville*•t ___ Onslow 389 Ja.mesville*•t ______ Martin 196 •Jefferson* ____ -------Ashe 886 J onesboro*•t ___ -- _--- Lee 5000 Kannapolis*• ____ Cabarrus 223 Kelford*•t _________ Bertie 302 •Kenansville* ______ Duplin 827 Kenly*•t ________ Johnston 1219 Kernersville*•t ___ Forsyth 300 Kini*•--------- ____ Stokes 2800 Kinis Mountain*•tCJevl'd 9771 •Kinston"•f- ________ Lenoir Wake -----_---- __ Lenoir LaGrange*•t________ 1399 Knightdale 972 Landis*•---------- Rowan 175 Lansing* ____________ J\she 196 Lasker _____ Northampton 262 Lattimore ______ Cleveland 300 Laurel Hill •L-Scotland ___ Scotland 2643 •Laurinburg*•tRockinuham 1606 Leaksville"•t ,. 150 LegfetL _____ _Edgecombe (Tarboro P. 0.) 153 Leicester* _____ Buncombe To AsheviQllume. ES. 3718 •Lenoir*•t ________ Caldwell MARh. ~ 244 Lawiston*•t ________ Bertie See Windsor_. _ _ __ _ _ __ 5772 375 463 206 299 474  L  TIC  NOTE- USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface , to Attorney List.  12  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  POPULA·  TION,  5254 636 440 593 3390 760  NORTH CAROLINA  1791  -=================P==O=P=U=-=====-======== TOWN AND COUNTY.  •Lexine:ton*•t ___ .Davidson Liberty*•+ Randolph Lilesville*•t::·_:·____ Anson •Lilline:ton*•t .• ____ flarnett •Lincolnton*•t _____ Lincoln Littleton*•t _______ Halifax  f~~t touisbure:••t .... Franklin owcll*•t --·······Ga!>ton  NAME. PHILLIPS & BOWER.  To Greensboro. To Wadesboro. To Fayetteville.  HARVEY A. JONAS.  To Weldon.  WHITE & MALONE. To Halifax. 516 Lucama*•t---····-· Wil on To Wilson. 202 LumberBridge"•tRobe on To Maxton. 2691 •Lumberton*•t. •.• Robeson To )1axton.  ilt  Macclesfleld*t Edgecombe -----·-·· Warren 1247 Macon*•t M:adison*•t .. Rockingham 694 Maenolia*•t Duplin 1266 Maiden••t .• _-_-_-_-_-.-Catawba 394 M • anteo*•t -·-·--··--·Dare 1784 •Marion*•t ·-··-·McDowell 748 •Marshall*•t Madison 364 Ma r H"111 • ----·--Ma<11son -----· 828 Marshville*•t •.. --·· Union 310 llatthews*•t llecklenbure: MMaxton*•t ·------Robeson ayodan ..•• Rockingham 536 lda,sville*•t •·------Jones 120 McDonalds *• ... -Robeson 2QO McFarlan*• ··-·····Anson 13;;)1 Mebane*•t Alamance ~~ 3 N~cro*•L.====::Johnston 7 J11.tddlesex"•t •. ______ Nash 1146 •Mocksville*•t Davie 136 Moncure -···====Chatham 4084 •Monroe*•L·-·--····Union 228 llooresbo_ ro*• ..• Cleveland 42958 315 M: ooresville*•t ..... Iredell Morehead City*•t Carteret 2867 •Mor"anton*•t ---·--Durke ...,. .. 631 =Orven*•t ····----·Anson 4752 MountAiry*•t ·-····Surry 075 Mt. Gilead••t Montgomery 1160 Mount Holly*•t .... Gaston 22~7 Mount Olive"•t .... Wayne ?,o Mount Pleasant*.Cabarrus 240 }.Ioyock"•t ..••• Currituck 602 Murfreesboro• •.. Hertford 1314 •Murphy*•t ______ Cherokee 939 •Nashvil1e*•t ·----·--·Nash 12198 •New tlern"•t ______ craven 1~~ •~ewland*·---------Avcry 3021 •N::fg~!;c::::.i!~t;~ 567 Norlina*•t---·--· Warren 2000 North Charlotte*t. Jeck• lenburg 2863 Northwilkesboro*•t N od* t 'Xilkys 1221  m~  'Troo T\larrbroernot.on. ·• See Reidsville. To Goldsboro. To Hickory.  c IS B. G. R P. MORGAN & CHAMBER GUY V. ROBERT . To Marshall. To Monroe. ·ro Charlotte. J. E. CARPENTI.R.  To Reidsville. To Trenton. To Maxton. To Wadesboro. To Graham. To mithfield. To Rocky Mount. EDWIN H. MORRIS.  To Pittsboro. STACK, PARKER & CRAIG.  See Shelby. To 8tatesvi 11e. To 'ewbern.  AVERY & HAffiFIELD.  To Wadesboro. E. c. BIVENS. To Troy. To Ga tonia. To Goldsboro. See Concord. To Elizalieth City. To Winton. E. B. NORVELL.  To Rocky Mount. H.P. WHITEHURST. CHARLES HUGHE ·  T~eBiit~!g~;. To Warrenton. To Charlotte.  ~o fi~kesbo1i°' 282 Al~i:!J1!: 397 Oak CitJ'*•L-•. -... Martin See Greenville. ~~} g1~nenta Fort1:•tt ·--·McpDo'i',ell ~;~i~~n. • ·----·· am ico 3 ~~~ •Oxford*:+ ·------Granville HTICMKaxto~ TEIN · 0 272 ~arktoln :t+··-----Rp1best(?n To Williamston. arme e • -·-··--·~• ar m 232 Peachland*•t ____ .. Anson To Wadesboro. 329 Pembroke"•+ .• -•• Robeson To Maxton. 333 Pikeville*•t ·-··-·· Wayne To Gold ·boro. 707 PU t M ta· * t 8 To ~fount Airy. 500 Pin°ehuis~ t m • To Sanford. 87~ Pine Level=• ====Johnston To Smithfield. 46a Pinetops*•t -.. Edgecombe To Rocky Mount. 412 Pinetown*•t ...• Bmtu.fort To wa hington. 689 Pineville*•t __ l{ecklenburi? To Charlotte. 166 Pink Hill* ____ .Lenoir To Kinston. 400 Pinnacle"•t ••••..• Stokes To Danbury. 584 •Pittsboro*•t .... _Chatham To anford. 1847 •Plymouth*•t __ Washington WILFORD L. WHITLEY. 575 Polkton*•t ····-·---Anson To Wadt>sboro. 339 Polloksville*•t. .•... Jones To Trenton. 300 Poteca.i*•t. Northampton 'I'o Jack on. 157 Powellsville"•···--· Bertie To Windsor. 403 Prlnceton*•t ...• Johnston To Sm1thtleld. 204 Proctorville•t -.. Robeson To . laxton. 1235 •Raeford*•+ .•.•.•..•. Hoke A. D. GORE. 24418 §•Raleigh"•+·--··-·-· Wake ·A.. B. AND~EWS, 237 Fayetteville Street. Counsel for Southern Ra,Jw,,,,. Company. Refers to O1·ti·zens National Bank or any llankin Ralui·aii. " .. J. M. B-';I,OU~HTON, 401-402 CitizensBank Buldine. Corporation, msurance and real estate law. Collection Departxp.ent. Attention given larger busines, matters any where m State. Reference : Merchants National Bank, and Commerciai Tational Bunk, Raleigh, N. c. 1014 Ram.seur*•t. •.•• Randolph To Greensboro. 1967 Randle~an*•t .• Randolph To IIieh Point. 1018 Red Sprmg-s*•t .• Robeson Tu Maxton. 5383 Reidsville*•t .Rockin1?ham IRA R. BUMPIDlEYS. ~!c~pe1~· .. ·---. . Stanly 'l'o .\.ll>t·rmarlc. ~\C an .•...... Onslow 'J'o Jack. on ville. 4/;;) Rich So.uare*•t -N'ampton See Halifax. 8369 RoanokeRapids*t .Halifax To Weldon. 1199 Uobersonv1·11e••t- .. ' ·fart1·n 'l'o Grnen,·1·11e. 2509 •Rockinaham*•t R1"ch"mond 'l'o 11a'm · let. .. 453 Rockwell*•t ..•.... H(2_wan yo Hali. l:>ury,  o~~ti~o .:~=----st:~1: Tg  ¥~  ··-Mg~~~  !i~  NOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  LA·  TION.  12742 Rocky Mount*•t _Edg'mbe 250 Ronda.·------··--- Wilkes 1043 Roper*•t ·---- Washine:ton 749 Roseboro*•t ---·-Sampson 516 Rosehill*•t ________ Duplin 2500 Rosemary•t_ _____ .Halifax 767 Rowland*•+ --···-Robeson 3214 •Roxboro*•t ·------ Person 2207 Roxobel*•t ··--·····Bertie 700 Rural Hall*•t •.... Forsyth 1693 •Rutherfordton*•tRuth'f'd 215 Salemburg ·--···Sampson 13884 •Salisbury*•t .•....• Rowan 549 Saluda*•t Polk -·---··-···· 2977 •Sanford*•+-----···---·Lee 2061 Scotland Neck*•t .Halifax 500 Seaboard*•t.Northampton 200 eagrove*•t ·--·Randolph 1601 Selma*•t ______ .Johnston 284 Severn ____ Northampton 174 Shall otte• ------ Brunsw1c . k: 200 Sharpsbure*•t ·-·-· Wilson 3609 ~shelb,"•t. _____ Cleveland 1253 Siler City*•t ·---.Chatham 1895 •Smithtleld*•L.. -Johnston 700 •Snow H1·11• Greene ·-----·· 743 Southern Pines*•t .Moore 373 South .Mill · •...•• Camden 1664 •Southport*•t -.Brunswick 159 •Spart/I.* ---·--···Alleghany 100 "peed*•f.. ____ Etlgecombe 2510 Spencer*•t ------··Rowan 8500000 Spiml:let ··--·RRutkh.erf~rd pray • ····· ..•.. meNash am 1221 Sprine Hope*•t oc 717 Spruce Pine*•L.Mitchell t fl ld* t tanle -----· an e • ·-·······Gaston --·--· Y 584 Stanley"•t 424 Stantonsbure*•t ··- Wilson 467 Star*•t·----··Montzomery 7895 •Statesville*•t ·-·-··Iredell 245 St~m*•t _______ •. Granville 138 Stokes* ···----------Pitt 179 8tokesdale*•t -··· Guilford 472 Stoneville*•t.Rockin1Zham 148 Stony Point*• .. Alexander 414 Stovall*•t ·-··--·Granville 1180 St. Pauls*• -··-··Robeson  }88 s~:b~~~~;id~~!~·.~~i~it~~  •Swano.uarter*---··-·Hyde •Sylva*•L----····Jackson Tabor* ·----····Columbus •Tarboro*•t. ..• Edgecombe •Taylorsvilte*•t.Alexander Thomasville*•t __ Davidson ~il~8a_ry*•t ··-· ____ Haff~x 206 Tgwn·svilie•::::=va~c~ 488 •Trenton* ·----······Jones 342 Troutmans . . Iredel 1102 •Troy*•t _____ Montgomery 1067 'l'ryon*•t -···-----··Polk 68 Turkey*•------ · amp on 125 Tyner* Chowan 650 Valle c--c-es-;-···watauoa · ru -·-· ., 540 Vanceboro*•t ··---·Craven 400 Varina•+-----·····-Wake 467 Vass*•t-----··--·-· M?ore nd 189 Waco*•····---·· Cleve a 2648 •Wadesboro*•t ...... Anson 174 Wagram*•t·--·-· Scotland 1425 Wake Forest*•t •. -.. Wake 648 Wallace*•t------···Duplin 651 Walnut Cove*•t •.. Stokes 127 Walstonburg" •••• Greene 927 • Warrenton*•L .••• Warren 723 Warsaw*•t ··-·····Duplin 6166 •Washineton*•t -.Beaufort 750 Waxhaw*•t ------·· Union 19-12 •Waynesville*•t .llaywood 606 Weaverville* .•• Buncombe 1861 Weldon*•t ·-----•. Halifax 1339 Wendell*•t · ----- ... Wake 2800 West Asheville. Buncombe 6-•00 u CDL,·hehville _P· ().) l ,ve t nr am .. Dur ,am 462 We t Jeffersont. •... Ashe 723 Whitakers*•t. Edeecombe 1664 •Whiteville"•t .. _Oolumbus 814 •Wilkesboro•t •.. -. Wilkes 1800 •\Villlamston*•t .•• -Martin 33372 •Wilmine:ton••t New Han·r 10612 •Wil on••t ···-·--··Wilson 1210 •Windsor*•··-··-·-··Rertie 470 Wingate*•t ---·--··· Union 48395 • Winston-Salem"•t Forsyth 650 Winterville*•f. .. ____ .Pitt 4 9 •Winton* ··-·-····Ilertford 400 Woodland* .:Korthamvton 445 Yadk" ·11 .,. y dk' • invi e -·---·· a "Ill ii38 •Yanceyville* ·-····Ca well 370 Youngsville"•t _.Franklin 953 Zebulon*•t ···---··· WakE' 184 863 782 4568 1122 5676  2ii  V  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  BUNN & SPRUILL.  'l'o \Vilkesboro. To Plymouth. See Clinton. To Goldsboro. 'l'o Weldon. ToMaxton.  LUTH...:R. M. CA&LTON.  See Windsor. To Winston-Salem.  EDWAIU)S & EDWARDS.  To Clinton.  RJ<;NDLEMAN & RENDLEMAN.  'ro Hendersonv1·11e E. L. GA VIN.  ·  To Weldon. To Jack:;on. To Arhboro. To mithfleld. To Jack on . To Wilmin°ton. .. Seo Nashville.  PEYTON McSW AIN.  To ::Sanford. STEVENS & JOHN ON. J. PAUL FJ•IZZELLE.  ., To Sanford. To Elizabeth City. C. ED. TAYLOR.  GEORGE CHEEK.  To Rocky \fount. To alisbury. ToeeH,Rutel~1<elsrvfo1·111·ed.ton. To Rocky 1ount. To Bak 'l"Vi!le. To Alhemarle. To Gastorua. See Wilson. See Troy.  R. T. WEATHERH.Uf.  To Oxford. To Greenville. See Greensboro. ee Reidsville. See Taylorsville. To Oxford. To Maxton. §~e°o:re~~~fl~~-  SPENCER & PENCEI~. JO . J. H OKER.  See Whiteville. To Rocky Mount.  A. C. PAYNE.  ee Lexine"ton. fo raJifax. S~e  ~A~d~~~on.  J. K. WARREN. TCoHSAt~_teAsv_ iAllRe.MSTRON(".  To Hender on ville. To Clinton. To Edenton. ee Boone. To Newbern. To Raleigh. To anford. R~OSCh~b~ HENRY. See Laurinbure. To Raleigh. To Goldsboro. 'l'o Danbury. To now Hill. FRANK H. GIBBS. D. L. CARLTON. TEWART & BRYAN.  'l'o :llonroc.  J. M. QUEEN.  To Asheville.  H. B. HARRELL, JR.  'l'o Raleigh. To Asheville. To Diir·ha 111 , Tu J ctl'ersun. To Rocky Mount. 1. B. TUCKER. HAYE & JONE'.  To Greenville.  WRIGHT & 'TEVEN. . l'. D. SWINDJ<;LL. GlLLA.I & DAVENPORT.  To Monroe.  SWINK & HUTCHINS.  To Greenville. C. WALL CE JONES.  'l'o ,la<'k. on.  F "'' HAN...,S • n. ,..,, . ivu,;, TitO'l'TER & JOHNSON.  To Loui ·burg. To Raleigh.  USE COUPONS as i11Btructed to BE PROTECTED by bond·.-.- - - - - ---.:.. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1792  PoPULA·  TION.  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  NORTH DAKOTA POPU·  NAME.  TOWN ANDCOUNTY.  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  LA·  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  TION.  643 306 175 787  216  200 100 300 191 100 240 100 Jl3 268  100 150 300 200 250 80 600  132  300  •Bowbells*•+ ••....•• Burke Bowclon"•t •.••..... Wells Bowe mont*•t •.. Pembina •Bowman*•t ....•• Howman Braddock*•t •...• Emmons Brampton* .. . ... Sargent Brantford "•t •••••••• Eddy Bremen*•t ••..•..... Wells Brinsmade*•t -···-Benson Brisbane" ••..•.••.. Grant Brorket*•t ....... Ramsey Buchanan*•t •••• Stutsman Bucyrus"•t ........ Adams Bufl'alo"•t .••.......•. Cass Buffalo Sprines*. Bowman Buford*•t •.••••• Williams Burlineton*•t ••....• Ward Burnstad*•t ........ Logan Burt•• ••........ Hettinger Buttzville*•t ..... Ransom Buxton*•t .......... Traill Calio*•t. •••.•••.• Cavaiier Calvin*•t........ Cavalier  H. A. HAN ON.  To Carriuelon. To Cavalier. •ro Hettinger. To Linton. To Whapeton. To New Rockford. To New Rockford. To Hueby. See :Mandan. To Devils Lake. See Jame town. To Hettineer. See Farl!O, To Hettinger. See Williston. See Minot. To Napoleon. To ~·ew Enl!'land. To Lisbon. To Hillshoro. To Langdon. To Lanedon.  llll •Cando"•t ·-······Towner J. S. MOOTHART. 150 Carbnry*• .•••.. Bottineau To Bottineau. 244 Carp1o*•t ·-········- Ward See Minot.  NORTH DAKOTA One Federal District comprises entire State, and has five divisions; the Southeastern division with court at Fargo, third Tuesday In May; the Southwestern division with court at Bismarck, first Tuesday in March; the Northeastern division with court at Grand Forks, second Tuesday In November; the Northwestern division with court at DeYIIR Lake, the first Tuesday in July; and the Western division with oourt at Minot. second Tuesday In October.  REFERENCE KEY • Express Office. • Money Order Office. County Seat. § State Capital. t Telegraph Station. 266 A.bercrombie*•t _Richland 404 Adams*•t __________ Walsh 300 Alamo __________ Williams 400 Alexander* _____ McKenzie 100 Alfred*•t ··-----La Moure 250 Alice*•t -·-··--·····--Cass 100 Alkabo"•-··- -··-. --Divide 150 Almont"•t -···--·-Morton 250 Alsen*•t ·-··----- Cavalier 389 Ambrose••t -------Divide 300 Amenia "•L ·--·-·-·--Ca s 145 Amidon*······-·--·- lope 111m Anamoose••t •••• McHenry 662 Aneta*•t -···-····· 'elson 36 An elm*•t ··--··-·Ransom 265 Antler*•t ··--···Ilottineau 100 Appam.·--·-····-Williams 153 Ardoch*•t ··-----··· Wal h 200 Arena* --------···Burleigh 200 Areusville"•t -·-·- ____ cass 300 Arn81!'ard" -·-·-- McKenzie 200 Arthur*•t ·-·-··-·--·-Cass 200 Arvilla*•t _.•. Grand Forks  To Wahpeton. To Grafton. To Willi ·ton. To Watforcl City, To La l\Ioure. See Fargo To Crosby. See Mandan. To Langdon. To Crosby. To Fargo. 'l'o Beach. To Rugby. To Lakota. To Li bon. See Bottineau. 'l'o Willi ton. To Grafton. See Bismarck. See Fargo To Watford City, See Fargo. To Grand Forks.  1009 •Ashley••t •••••• McIntosh 160 Aurelia"•t •••••••.•. Ward 200 Ayr*•t ·······-·-·--·-Cass 100 Backoo*•t ••••••• Pembina 160 Baker*•t. ----···Benson 125 Baldwin*•t ••••••• Burleigh 322 Balfour*•t •••..• McHenry 150 Balta•t.····-···-·· Pierce 50 Danks* ••.••••.. McKenzie 250 Bantry*•r •..•••• McHenry 160 Barlow*•t ....•••••• Foster 300 Barney••t ••••••• Richland 98 Bartlett*•t••••••.• Rarnsey 158 Barton*•t •.•••••... Pierce 352 Bathgate*•t ·-····Pembina 100 Battleview*• .•..••. Burke  See Minot. See Fargo. To Grafton. To Rugby. ee Bi -marck. To Rugby. •ro Rugby. To Watford City, To Rugby. To Carrington. To Wahpeton. To Devils Lake. To Hugby. To Cavalier. To Bowl.Jells.  1106 •Beach*•t ••• Golden Valley 526 Belfleld"•t -········-Stark 195 Benedict••t. ••••.. M<'Lean 250 Bentley*•t. ...•• Hettineer 200 Bergen*•t ••••••. McHenry 130 Berlin"•t •..••.. LaMoure 498 Berthold"•t ··-··-··· Ward 250 Berwick*•t •.... McHenry 552 Beulah"•t ---··· Mercer 393 Binford*•t ..••..... Griggs 500 Bisbee••t ••••.•..• Towner  See Dickincon. To Minot. To · cw Eneland. To Rugby. To La .\loure. ee Minot. To Rugby. To Stanton. To Coopentown. To Camlo.  G. M. GANNON.  KEOHANE & JONE .  7122 §•Blsmarck"•t ..•• Burleigh NEWTON, DULLAM & YOUNG.  150 Blabon*•t •....•...• Sterle 150 Blaisdell"•t ..... Mountrail 75 Blanchard*•t •....•. Traill 50 Bonetraill* •.••.. Williams 200 Bordulac*•t •••••... Foster  Attorn '.Y for City 'ational Bank. See Finlry. Ser Stanlt>y. To Ilillshoro. To Willi -ton. To Carrington.  1172 •Bottineau••t ..•• Bottinrau M. R. KEITH, Kenmar • N. D.  1420 277 200 1538 185  •<::arrin1?ton*•t ••.•• -Foster •Carson"•t .•••••.... Grant Cartwright*•t. . .McKenzie Casselton*•t •........ Cass Oathay*•t •..•••••..• Wells  81D 182 150 150 125 100 100 200 353 100 341 175 200 125 445 125 100 100 332 75 148  •Oavalier"•t ••••••Pembina Oayuga"•t ..•.••.. Sargent •Center* ••••••••.••• Oliver Ohafl'ee*• •••••••••.... Cass Oharbonneau"•tMcKenzie Charlson* •••.•• McKenzie Chaseley*•t •.•••... Wells Ohristine*•t ..... Richland Ohurchs Ferry••t Ramsey Olementsville*•t Stutsman Oleveland*•t .... Stutsman Clifford*•t .••.••.... Traill Clyde*•t •••...... Cavalier Coal Harbor* ..... McLean Ooeswell*•t ••.•... Sargent Oolfax"•t •••••.•• Richland Oolean*• ··-········Divide Coleate*•t •..•••••.. Steele Oolumbus••t ....••. Burke Concrete*·-·· ••.. Pembina Conway*•t •........ Walsh  1112 60 150 75 490 307 125 37  •Oooperstown*•t ••.. Griges Corinth .•..• ··-·· William Coteau••t •..••••••• Burke Ooulee*•t ••••••. Mountrail Oourtenay••t ••. Stutsman Orary*•t .•.••.... Ramsey Orete"•t •••••••••• Sargent Crocus• ..•.••••... Towner  1147 338 150 100 100 192 293 293 142 200 300  •Orosby*•t .••••••••. Divide Crystal*•t ••..•.• 1-'embma Oumings*•t ••......• Traill Dahlen •t ·---·-··Nelson Danzi1?• •.•••.••. Mclntosh Davenport*•t ••....•. Cass Dawson*•t •••••... Kidder Dazey••t .••• ··-· .• Barnes Deering*•t -·-···McHenry De Lamere*•t .... Sareent Denbigh*•t •••.• McHenry Denhofl'"•t •••..• Sheridan Derrick*•t •••••.• Ram ey De Sart* •..••••..... lope Deslacs*•t ··-··-···· Ward  300  50 50 300  517  637 150 225 247 374 352 75 175 100  64 803 278 501 100 306 75 429  •Dickinson*•t •••••••. Stark Dodee •••.••••••...• Dunn Do2den*•t •••••••. McLean Douelas*•t ..••••..•. Ward Doyon••t •••••... Ramsey Drake*•t ·····-··McHenry Drayton*•t .....• Pembina Dresden*•t •••••.. Cavalier Driscoll"•t ••••••. Burleigh Dunn Oenter••t ..... Dunn Dunseith*•t ......• Rolette Dwieht*•t -······Richland Easby••t ......... Cavalier East Fairview .. McKenzit; (Fairview Mont. P. 0.J EcJrelson"•t ··-····Rarnes E<'kman*•t ....• Bottineau Edgeley••t. ••••. La Moure Edinburg*•t ••...... Wal b Edmore*•t ···-···Ramsey Edmunds"•t .... Stut!iman Eeeland*•t ....... Towner Eldrirlge•t ....•• Stutsman Elein"•t ...••••.... _Grant  219  7 1  4 5 2 3  C. B. CRAVEN.  See Mandan. To Watford City, To Fargo. To Fessenden. H. B.  PILLER.  To Wahneton. To Mandan. See ~•areo. To Watford City. To Watford City. To Carrington. To Wahpeton. To Devils Lake. See Jamestown. See Jamestown. To Hill 'bOro. To Langdon. To Wa ..-hburn. To Wahpeton. To Wahpeton. To Cro by. See Finley. To Minot. To Cavalier. To Grafton. JOEN 'AD.  To Williston. To Bowbe1:s. See Ros . See Jame town. To Devil Lake. To Wahpeton. To C~ndo. M. R. KEITH, Kenmare, N. D.  To Cavalier. To Hillsboro. To Lakota. See Ashley. See Fareo. To Steele. To Valley City. To Rugby. To Wahpeton. To Rugoy. To Carrin1?ton. To Devil Lake. To Bearh. ee Minot.  5140 •Devils Lake*•t •.• Ramsey FLYNN,TRAYNOR&TRAYNOR. 190 Dickey*•t ....••. LaMoure To La Moure. 4122 172 302 284 200  20 11 20 34 I 7  TOBIA" D. CA EY.  To .tanning. ee Minot. e Minot. To Devil Lake. To Rugby. To Cavalier. To Lane-don. ee Bi. marck. To Di<'kin,on. To Rolla. To Wahpeton. To Langdon. To \-Yatfonl City .  To Valley City. ee Bott111eau. To La !iloure. To Grafton. To Devil - Lake. See Jamestown. To Cando. To JamPctown. See Manda=n:.-._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. NOTE See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  14  D)  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) Popu. LA· TOWN AND TION.  1334 110 35 l!OO llllll  coo~ 'TY.  •Ellendale*•t _______ Dickey Elliott*•t _________ Ransom Embden*•t __________ Cass Emerado*•t __ Grand Forks Enderlin*•t ______ Ransom  200 116 200 343 192 706 15  Enelevate••t _____ Ransom Eppine*•t _______ Williams Erie"•t _______________ Cass Esmond*•t ________ lkuson Fa1rdale*•t _________ Walsh Fairmount*•t ___ Richland Ji'alkirk ___________ 11(- Lean 75 Falsen*• ________ McHenry  NORTH DAKOTA NAME.  l<'RED J. GRAHAM. To Li.-bon. See Fareo. See Grand Forks. To Lisbon. To Li ·boo. To Williston. See Fareo. To Hugby. To Grarton. To Wahpeton. 'l'o Wa llhurn To Hngby.  21961 .. Far1;ro*•t _____________ Cass PIERCE, TENNJ<;soN, crn•LER & STAMBAUGH, Attorneys for Northern '{avings Bank, can.-Arn. Bank. and ~ · orthcrn Trust Co. Compiler· of the North Dalwta for thls publication.  731 .. Fessenden••t _______ Wells 100 Fillmore"•t ________ Benson 400 Fingal"•t ______ Barnes· ~~9 •Finley"•t ___________ Steele / Flasher"•t ________ Morton 3 4 Flaxton••t _________ Burke Flora*•j ----------B~m;on 2 ,~~ Forbes •t _________ Dickey 320 Fordville"•---- _____ Walsh 22 6 Forest River*•t ____ Walsh •Forman*•+ ________ Sar~ent Fort Clark••t ______ Oliver 15 Fort R~n:.;om* ____ Ransom 10 Fort R1cf1• ________ Morton 198 Fortuna•.-,t _________ Divide 300 •Fort Yates" _________ Sioux 200 Foxhol~:•t _________ ward 296 Fredoma •t -------- Logan 100 --------- Billini:s 202 Frybure• Fullerton*•t _______ Dickey 424 Gackle"•j ---------;-Logan 100 Galchutt •L _____ R1chland 3 Galesbure*•t ________ Traill Gardar* __________ Pembina 99 Gardena*•t _____ Bottineau 170 Gardner""+ __________ Cass 714 Garrison*•t ______ McLean 50 Garske"t _ _ _ Ramsey Gascoyne"•t---- _Bowman 1 ~~ Geneseo*•t _______ Sargent 800 Gilby"•t -~---Grand Forks 350 Gladstone"•+ ________ stark 100 Gtasston"•- ______ Pembina 2 Glenburn*•t _____ Renville 1 - Glenfleld*•t ________ Foster 87 -! Glen Ullin*•t _____ M~rton 12 Glover ____________ D1C'key 369 Golden valley* _____ Mercer 30 0 Goiva• _____ Qolden Valley 47 6 <foodrich*•t _____ Sheridan 30 0 Grace City*•------- Foster  4i~ i  ii  5~  JOHN A. LAYNE. To l'ugby To \'alley City. To Sherbrooke. See Mandan. To Bowhells To Hugby. To 1£1Ieudale. To Grafton. To Grafton. To \\'ahneton. 'ro Mam.Ian. To Li ·hon. To Mandan. See Grosby. To Mandan. See Minot. To Napoleon. See Medora. To Ellendale .. To 'apoleon. To Wahpeton. To Hill boro. To Caralier. See Bottineau. See Fargo. To Wa hburn. To Devils Lake. To Hettinger. To Wahpeton. See Grand Forks, See Dickinson. To Cavalier. To Mohall. See Carrineton. See Mandan. To Ellendale. •ro Stanton. To Brach. To Carrington. To N cw Rockford.  2512 .. Gra.fton••t _________ Walsh PHELPS & PHELPS. 14010 •Grand Forks*•tGr'd Fo'ks L. A. CHANCE. Refers to any bank in Grand Forks. 200 Grandin*•+ ___________ Cass See Fargo.  m 394 30 142 358 200 800 SOO  315 289 3 200 59 199 1477  g~  200  431  ~~  150 100 1590 75 165 828  i~:~~·!\a~~~~~~~i:!~f11: Granville*•t ____ Mr.Henry Grassy Butte ___ McKenzie Great Bend"t ----Richland Grenora _________ Williams Guelph*•t _________ Dickey Guthrie *•L _____ McHenry Gwinner*•t------- Sareent Hague*•t ________ Emmons HHallida]*------------Dunn amar •t -----------Eddy Hamberg"•--------- Wells Hamilton••t -----Pembina Hamlet*•-------- Williams Hamt>den*•t ------Ramsey Hankinson"•t ---Richland Hank --------- Williams ffannaford*•t _____ Griei:s Hannah*•t -------Cavalier Hansboro*---- ----Towner Harlow•L---------Benson Hartland*• __________ Ward Harvey"•t ----------Wells arwood ---- ________ Cass uastini:s*•t --------Barnes Hatton*•L __________ Traill Havana:•tt --------Sargent aynes • ---------Adams iazelton"• ------Emmons azen"------------Mercer aeaton*•t __________ Wells H ebron"•t ________ Morton He\l*•d--J•--t--------<t,_ra e1m a • _________ .,e1nt Is Hensel*•t_ _______ Pemhina Hesper ___________ . Benson  m  382 520 150 1374  l~~  100 100  1g ~~ra?1~re. To Rugby. To Watford City. To Wahpeton. To Williston. To Ellendale. To Rugby. To Wahpeton. To Linton. To Dickin on. To Devils Lake. To Devils Lake. To Cavalier. See Williston. To Devils Lake. To Wahpeton. To Willi ton. To Cooper town. To Langdon. To Cando. To Rugby. see 1inot. To l!'es enden. To Fargo. To Valley City. To Hillsboro. To Wahpeton. To Jlettinger. To l,inton. Tc. tanton. To Carrington. See .'.\fandan. To To ~!anlla ew 1p. ~oc kf ord . To Cavalier. To Rugby.  0  817 •B sttineer"•t _______ Adams E. C. WILSON. 150 llickson*•t __________ ca ·s See Fargo. 1183 •Hillsboro*•t --------Traill I. A. ACKER.  POPU· LA· TION.  --250 699 125 124 300 368  TOWN AND COUNTY. Honeyford"•-Grand Fork · Hoople"•t---------Hope••+ ____________Walsh Steele llorace*•t ____________ Cass Hun ter"•t ____________ Cass Hurdsfleld*•t _______ Wells Inkster*•t ___ Grand Forks  NAME. To Grand Forks. To Urafton. To Sherbrooke. See Fargo. See Fargo. To Carrington. See Grand Forks.  6627 •Jamestown*•+ ___ Stutsman OSCAR J. SEILER. Attorney for James River ·ational Bank, 100 J essie*•t ____ -------Griges To Cooperstown. 300 J oliette••t ______ Pcm bina To cavalier. 150 Juanita *•L--------Foster See Garrington. 200 Jud*•t __________ La .Moure To La Moure. 200 Jud on"•t _________ .Morton To .Mandan. 250 Karlsruhe*•t ____ .McHenry To J{ugby. 100 Karnak*•t _________ Griggs To Cooperstown. 289 Kathryn"•t ________ Barnes To Valley City. 150 Kempton"•t _Grand Forks See Grand Forks. 1446 Kenmare*•t _________ Ward See .Minot. 415 Kensal"•t _______ Rtutsman See Jame. town. 307 Kief"•t ______ ___ McHenry To Hugl.Jy. 512 Killdeer"•+ ______ ____ Dunn To Dkkin on. 350 Kinared"•t ___________ (;ass See Fareo. 200 Kintyro"•+-------Emmon To Linton. 150 Kloten*•t __________ Nelson To Lakota. 173 Knox*•t __________ Benson To Rugby. 50 Kong ·hr. rg ______ 11 <· Jle nry 'l'o Hugby. ______ Bottineau See llottmeau. liG Kramer*•t 150 rrern* ___ _________ Mercer To Stanton. 725 Kulm*•+ ________ La ~lonre 'T'o La .'.\Inure. 50 Lake Williams ____ Kidder To Steele. 959 •Lakota••t _________ Nelson ING~IA. SWINLAND. 1014 •La Moure*•t ____ La Moure EUGE E F. COYNE. 150 Landa*•L------ Bottineau See Bottineau. 1228 334 337 1089 114 227 88 704 100 362 158 322 1065 214 60  •Lang-don*•+ ______ Cavalier Lankm*•t---- ______ Walsh Lansford*•t ____ Bottineau Larimore*•t _Grand Forks Larson"•t __________ Burke Lawton"•t- _______ Ram ey Leal*•t ____________ Barnes Leeds••+ __________ Benson Lefor" ______________ tark Lehr*•t ________ McIntosh Leith•t _____________ Grant Leonard"•t __________ Cass Lidgerwood"•t __ Richland Lignite"•t __________ Burke Lincoln Valley* __ Sheridan  E. E. FLETCHER. To Grafton. To Bottineau. Sec Orand Forks. To Bowhells. To Devils Lake. To Valley City. To Rui:by, To Dickinson. See Ashley. See Maudan. See Fargo. To Wahpeton. To BowbPils. See McCluskY,  1011 .. Linton"•L _______ Emmons LYNN & LYNN.  1855 528 100 50 100 200 132  60 225 557 24 300 4336 160 50 25 75 100 205  100 198 294 1318 200 473 147 1218 125 100 646 200 299 100 75 546 415 100 200 150 50 200 70 491 !)0 680 393 564  •Lisbon••t ________ Ransom Litchville.._t_ __ ---- Barnes Loma*•t __________ cavalier Lonetree*•t _________ Ward Lostwood *• _____ Mountrail Lucca"•t __________ Barnes Ludden*•t _________ Dickey Lund ·valley• ___ J.louutrail (.uverne•• __________ Steele Maddock••t--- ____ Benson Maida ____________ cavalier Makoti•t ____________ \Vara  KVELLO & ADAMS. To Valley City, ·ro Langdon. See .Minot. See Stanley. To Valley City. See Ellendale. 'I'o tanley. Sre Hopf\. To Hui?by. To Langdon. See Minot.  •Mandan••t ---- ____ Morton Manfn'<l"•t _________ Wells )lanitou _______ Mountrail Manuhaven" ______ Mercer •Manning• ___________ Dunn Mantador*•t ____ Richland ManTel "•L-Grand Fo, ks 1apes*•t_ _________ ·e1 on Mapleton••t __________ Cass Marion*•t _______ LaMoure Marmarth"•L _______ Slope Martin*•t _______ Sheridan Max*•L __________ McLean Maxba s"•t _____ Bottineau Mayville*•t --------· Traill Maza"• ___________ Towner McCanna"•t _ Grand Forks •McCJusky*•t ____ Sheridan McGre~or*•t ____ Williams McHenry*•+_ ______ Foster McKenzie"•t _____ flurleigh McLeod*•+------ Mc Ville*•t _________ Nels on Medina*•t ______ Stutsman .. Mooora••t ________ Billings Mekinock* __ Grand Forks Melville*•t _________ Foster Menoken* -------Burleigh Mercer••t ________ McLean Merricourt"•L ____ Dickey Michi~n••t _______ Nelson Mil1arton t ______ Stutsman Milnor"•t _________ Sargent Milton"•t _________ cavalier .. Minnewaukan*•L Benson  E. A. RIPLEl . To Fessenden. To Stanlt•.y, To Stanton. To Dickin on. To Wahpeton. See Grand Forks. To Lakota. See Fargo. To La Moure. To Beach. To Fe senden. To Washburn. To Bottineau. To Hill. !Joro. To Cando. SeP Grand Forks. To Carrington. See Williston. To Carrington. See Bismarck. To Li:obon. To Lakota. See Jamestown. To Beach. See Grand Forks. To Carrington. To Bi-.;marck. To Washburn. To Ellendale. To Lakota. See Jamestown. ·ro Wahpeton. To Langdon. To Rugby.  10476 •Minot"•L----------- Ward MeGEE & GOSS. 602 Minto"•t ---- _______ Walsh To Grafton. 100 Moffit*•---------- Burleigh To Bisma_rc_k-=-·---------  USE COUPONS as inatructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. NOTE See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1793 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1794  6~1 231 186 123  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  NORTH DAKOTA  POPU· LA · TION.  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  •Mohall*•t ________ Renville .M.onango••t _______ Dickey Montpelier*•t ___ stutsman Mooreton••+ ____ Richland  416 •Mott••t----- ____ Hettine-er 200 Mountain* _______ Pembina 100 Mowbray" ________ cavalier 248 Munich*•L _______ cavalier 140 Mylo*•t ___________ Rolette 100 Nanson•t--------- Rolette  GEO. RODSATER.  To Ellendale. See Jamestown. To Wahpeton.  V. H. CRANE.  To Cavalier. To Langdon. To Langdon. To Grafton. See Rolla.  554 •Napoleon••t ________ Loean 'WM. A. O'DONNELL. i!I Neche*•t ________ Pembina To Cavalier. 189 Nekoma*•L •• ____ cavalier To Lanedon. 110 Newburi••t---- Bottineau To Bottineau.  613 378 2111 711 6t 297 150 267 376 110 200 935 100 ~D  1637 300 200 60  222 300 150 200 400 193 452 179 lll4 376 197 802 200 218 367  50 142  286 300 345 100  454 123  251 200 150 100 100 563  258 202 262  fsO 389 302  626 258 173 500  New Eniland*t-Hettinger CHAS. SIMON. New Leipz1i*•t ____ Grant See Mandan.  ~New ltockfcrd"•L-- 11:ddY To Devils Lake.  New Sa.Jem••t _____ Morton Newville* ________ 'l'owner Nia~ara••t-- Grand Forks Niobe*•t ___________ Ward Nome*•t __________ Barnes Noonan••t_ ________ Divide Norma"•L _______ Renville Nort~ate"•L------ Burke Northwood*•t Grand F'ks Nortonvillet ____ La Moure Norwich*•t _____ McHenry Oakes*•t __________ Dickey Oberon"•t ________ Benson Olga• ____________ Cavalier Olmstead* ________ Towner Omemee*•t _____ .Bottineau Orlska*•t----------Barnes Orr•t ________ Grand Forks Orrin•t------------ Pierce Osnabrock*•t ____ Cavalier Oyerly*•t _______ Bottineau l:'~e••t ______________ Casi Palermo*•t _____ Moon trail Park River••t ______ Walsh Parshall*•t ____ Mountrail Pekin*•t ___________ Nelson Pembina*•t ______ Pembina Penn"•t __________ Ramsey Perth*•t _________ .Towner Petersburf*•t _____ Nelson Pettibone"•t _______ Kidder Pillsbury•t ________ Barnes Pingree"•t ______ Stutsman Pisek"•t ____________ Walsh Plaza*•t. _______ Mountrail Pleasant Lake*•L-Benson Portal*•t----------- Burke Portland*•t ____ . ____ Traill Powers Lake"•t ____ Burke Prosper •t ________ cass RaleU?h *t __________ Grant Raub _____________ )lcLean Rawson•------- .McKenzie Ray*•t __________ Williams Reeder••t _________ Adams Reean*•t ________ Burleigh Rerent••t. _____ Hettine-er ReYere _____________ Griggs Reynolds*•t _Grand Forks Rhame*•t ________ .Howman Richardton"•t ______ Stark Rocklake" ________ Towner Rogers*•t ________ Barnes Rolette*•t _________ Rolette  409 •Rolla"•t ___________ Rolette 50 Roseglen• ________ Mr Lean 175 Ross*•t ________ Mountrail 75 Roth*• _________ Bottineau 1424 120 119 291 483 391 100 337 348 241 353 153 250 292 362 321 423 500 200 100 58 179 225 75 100 250 93 40  •Rueby*•t __________ Pierce Rnso••t __________ McLean Russell*•t ______ l.!ottineau Rutland*•t ________ RJder*•L--- ________ Ward Sanborn*•t ________ Barnes Sani:-er••t---------- Oliver Sanish*•t ___ :_ __ .Mountrail Barles••t _________ cavalier Sawyer*•t __________ Ward Beran ton *•t ______ Bo1rman Selfridge ___________ Sioux Belz*•t _____________ Pierce Sentinel Bntte"•t Gol. Val. llharon*•t __________ Steele Sheldon ..• _______ Hansom 8htlrwOOJ••t ____ Renville Sheyenne••t ________ Eddy Shields *t ___________ Grant Siln•. ____________ Pierce Simcoe•t _______ .McHenry Solen••------------- Sioux Souris*•t _______ Bottineau 8outham•t ________ Ramsey Sooth Heart*•t _____ Stark Spiritwood*•t ___ Stutsman Spring Brook••t _Williams Stady* _____________ Divide  See Mandan. To Cando. See Grand Forks. To Minot. To Valley Oity. To Crosby. To Mohall. To Bowbells. See Grand Forks. To La. Moure. To Rugby. To Ellendale. To Rugby. 'ro Langdon. To Cando. See Bottineau. To Valley City. See Grand Forks. 'l'o Rugby. To Langdon. See Bottineau. See Fargo. See Stanley. To Grafton. See Stanley. To Lakota. To Cavalier. To Devils Lak:e. To Cando. To Nelson. To Steele. See \' alley Oity. See Jamestown. To Grafton. See Stanley. To Rugby. To Bowbells. To Hillsboro. To Bowbells. See Fargo. See Mandan. 'l'o Washburn. To Watford City. Sec Williston. To Hettinger. See Bismarck. To New England. To Cooperstown. See Grand Forks. To Hettinger. See Dickinson. To Cando. To Valley City. To Rolla.. VERRET & STORlUON.  To Washburn. To Stanley. See Bottineau.  POPULA· TION.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  325 •Stanton*•t-------- Mercer GEO. I. RElllE TAD. 302 ~tarkweather* ____ Ramsey To Devils Lake.  550 •Steele*•+ __________ Kidder 200 Sterlinr*•t _______ Burleieh ZOO Stirum*•t _________ sareent 460 St. J ohn*•t ________ Rolette 653 Strasbnrg*•t _____ Emmons 640 8treeter*•t ______ Stutsman 576 Thomas*•t. __ Pembma 150 8urrey••t ___________ ward 200 Sutton"•t----- _____ Grieis 367 Sykeston*•t ____ ----Wells 133 Taius*•t _______ Mountrail 182 Tappen*•t _________ Kidder 285 Taylor*•t ___________ stark 75 Temple*• ________ Williams 200 Temvik*• _______ Emmons 350 Thompson••t Grand Forks 78 Thoroe*•t ____ • ____ Rolette 175 Timmer*•L-- _____ Morton 320 Tioga••+ _________ \Yilliaros 150 Tokio*•L-------- .Benson 325 Tolley*•t ________ Renville 199 Tolna*•t ___________ Nelson 447 Tower Oitv••t ________ Cass 610 •Towner*•t ______ McHenry 150 Trenton••t ______ Williams 395 Turtle Lake*•t ___ McLean 321 Tuttle*•t _________ Kidder 453 Uncterwood*•t ____ McLean 196 Upham*•+ _______ McHenry 4686 331 836 207  258 250 100 40  ARNE VINJE.  See Bismarck. To Wahpeton. See Rolla. To Linton. See Jamestown. To Cavalier. See Minot. To Cooperstown. To Carrineton. To Stanley. To Steele. See Dickinson. To Williston. To Linton. See Grand Forks. See Rolla. To Mandan. See Williston. To Rughy. To Mohall. To Lakota. See Fargo. To Rugby. To Williston. To Washburn. To Steele. To Bismarck. To Rueby.  • Valley City••t _____ Barnes GREFFENIDS & HOVERSON.  Yan Hook•t. ____ Mountrail Velva*•t ________ McHenrv Venturta••t ____ .Mel ntosh Verona*•t _______ La Moure Voltalre*•t _____ McHenry Voss"•t ____________ Walsh Wabek _________ Mountrail  To Stanley. To Rugby. See Ashley. To La Moure. To Rugby. To Grafton. 'l'o Stanley.  wt 0  Ju  Be ln  20  21  3069 •Wahpeton••+ ____ Richland FORBES, LOUNSBURY F'>RBES. 337 Walcott*•t ______ Richland To Wahpeton. 350 Wales*•t _________ cavalier To Langdon. 634 Walhalla*•t ______ Pembina To Cavalier. 250 Walnm*•t _________ Griggs To Cooperstown. 290 Warwick••t _______ Benson To :Minnewaukan. 538 ~washburn••t _____ McLean WILLIAMS & TELLEF ON.  Watford Cityt --McKenzie Webster" _________ Ramsey Wellsbure•t ________ Wells Werner•t ______ Dunn Westhope*•t ____ Bottineau Wheatland*•t ________ Cass Wheelock*•t ____ Williams White Earth*•t _Mountrail Whitman•t ________ Nelson 449 Wildrose••+ _____ Williams  600 100 100 198 439 350 225 247 100 4178 559 1026 521 75 300 1003  475 297  570  600  70 100 257 323  •Wllllston••t-----Williams Willow Olty*•t __ Bottineau Wllton••t ________ Mr Lean Wimbledon*•L----Barnes Windsor••t-----Stut"man Wfng*•t ______ Burleigh Wishek*•t ______ McIntosh Wolford*•L ________ Pierce Woodworth*•t __ Stutsman Wyndmere••t ___ Richland York*•L _________ Benson Ypsnanti*•t _____ stutsman Zahl* ____________ Williams Zap•t ____________ Mercer Zeelanct••t ______ McIntosh  L. M. BURKEY. To Devils Lake. To Fessenden. To Dickinson. To Bottineau. To Fargo. See Willi ton. See Stanley. To Lakota. See Williston. JOHN J. MURPHY.  To Bottineau. To Washburn. To Valley City. To Jamestown. See Bismarck. To Ashley. To Rugby. See Jamestow11. To Wahpeton. To Rugby. See Jamestown. To Williston. To Stanton. See Ashley.  2 3 26 150 9 93 57 9  HENRY B. SENN.  To Washburn. See Bottineau. To \Val1peton. See Minot. To Valley City. To Center. To Stanley. To Langdon. See Minot. To Hettinger. To Mandan. To Rugby. To Beach. To Sherbrooke. To Lisbon. To Mohall. 'l'o New Rockford. See Mandan. To Ruiby. To Rueby. See Mandan. See Bottineau. To Devils Lake. See Dickinson. See Jamestown. See Williston. See Williston.  57 23: 7: 121  rn  89' Ull 42; 3 104: 171 2.  !i91 •~tanley*•t ______ l,{onntrail GEO. W. OLSO. T .  USE BE PROTECTED by bond. complete information NOTE See pref ace to Attorney List. 1n  POPU•  POPU•  LA· TION,  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  LA· TION.  592 Bnrton•t __________ Geauga To Painesville. 622 Butler••t_ _______ Richland To Mansfield. 2775 Byesvme••t _____ Guernsey To Cambridge,  OHIO Ohio is divided into two Federal Districts: Northern and Southern. The NORTHERN DISTRICT has two divisions: the Eastern wtth court at Cle,-eland first Tuesdays in February, Aprll, and October, The Western with court at Toledo, last Tuesdays tn Avril and October. and at Youngstown on the first Tuesday after the first Monday tn March. The SOUTHERN DISTRICT bas two divisions: the Western wtth court at Clnctnnatl, the first Tuesdays in February, Aorll and October; the Eastern with court at Columbus, first Tuesdays in June and December, and at Steubenville first Tuesdays In March and September. District court ls also held at Dayton the flrst Mondays in May and November (for both dlvtstons).  REFERENCE KEY • Oountr Seat. • Money Order Office. • Express t Telegraph Station. § State Capital.  omce.  2~~ 1 J.da"•t ··-·-··---·-Hardin To Kenton. 9 .Adelphi* --·-·········Ross To Chillicothe . 724 .Adena*•t ______ ._Jefferson To Steubenville. 208!35•..lkron*•t ··-··---·Summit BUB.CH & ADAMS Refer to any Bank: in Akron, Ohio, (65 .Albany*•t ______ .Athens See Athens. 415 .Alexandria*•t --·-Lickinr To Newark:. .Alger*•t --·-···---·Hardio To Kenton. 21 J.lliance••t ··---··-··Stark To Canton. 277 .Alvordton"•t .. _. Williams See Bryan. ~ ~ . ?t*•t ••• ···-cFlairfield To Lancaster. ame1ia •• ·----- ermom To Cincinnati. 273 .Amesville*• ·····-·Athens To Athens. 2485 Amlterst••t -···--··Lorain To Elyria. 1271 .Amsterdam*•t _.Jefferson To Steubenville. 921 .Andover*•t ··-· .Ashtabula To Ashtabula. 463 .Anna*•t --····-··-·Shelby See Greenville. 807 .Aasonia*•t -·····-·-Darke See Greenville. 1096 .tnhrerp••t __ .... Pauldine To Paulding. 382 Apple Oreek*•t ...• Wayne To Wooster. 376 Arcadia*•t --· ._ •• Hancock: To Findlay. 1311 Arcannm*•t ---· ··--Darke To Greenville. 1125 .A.rrhbold"•t ··-··-·Fulton To Wauseon. 666 .Arllnr:ton••t ··-·-Hancock: To Findlay, 11249 •Asbland"•t -···-··Ashlan<1 C, S. BUFJ.t'MAN. 786 Ashle1"•t _______ Delaware To Delaware. 22082 .Ashtabula*•t ••• Ashtabula SHELDON & RINTO. 1000 .!shTille*•t ••..• Pickaway To Circleville. 6418 •Athens••t -·--·-···Athens WOOD & .JOHNSON. 658 .Attica••t ----··--··Seneca To Tiffin. SOO Atwater••+·--· .. _.Portage To Ravenna. 862 Bainbridre*•t -······Uoss See Chillicothe. 406 Baltic••t -·-···Tuscarawas To New Philadelphia, 566 Baltimore••t •• _•• Fairfield To Lancaster. 18811 Barberton*•t -··· .Summit To Akron. 4865 BarnesviUe••t ___ Belmont SMITH & HOW ARD. 200 Bartlett•.·-·-Washin1?ton 'l'o Marietta. 606 Basil*•t ···- ·-----Fairfleid To Lancaster. 1088 •Batavia••t -·-···Clermont 'l'o Cincinnati. 658 Beach City*•t -·-·-·-Stark To Canton. 555 Beallsville*•t ·--··Monroe To Wood ·field. 278 Beaver*•t -·--···----·Pike ee Waverly. 394 Beaverdam"•t -·--··-Allen To Lima. 2677 Bedtord••t ··-·-Cuyahoga To Cleveland. 15061 Bellaire*•t ·--··-·Belmont D. D. DU BOIS. 909 Belle Oenter••t •.•• -Logan To Bellefontaine. 9336 •Belletontame"•t -·-·Logan DOW AIKIN. 5776 Bellevue"•t •..• -·-·Buron To Norwalk. 998 Bellville*•t •.•••• Richland To Mansfield. 680 Belmont"• ···---·Belmont To Barnesville. l69 Belmore••+ -·----·Putnam To Ottawa. 959 Berea*•t ·---··-·Cuyabo2a Tu Cleveland. 1215 Bergholz*•t _•••• J etrerson To Steubenville. 514 Berlin Heights••t. •• __ E'rie To Sandusky. Bethel*-···.···-. Clermont To Cincinnati. Bethes_da:•t •.•.•• Belmont To Barne<;v ille. 451 Bettsville •t ·-··--·Seneca To Tiffin. 566 Beverly*t-.•• Washineton To Marietta. 250 Birprairie"• ·-··-··Holmes To Wooster. 1671 Blanchester*•t •.•. Clinton To Wilmington. ~o Bloomdale"•t -· •..•. Wood To Bowling Green. 55~ Bloomioeburr*•t •• Fayette To Washington, C. H. 6!<> Bloomville"•t .• -·-· Seneca To 'l'iffln. 19,>0 Blnffton••t ·--- •• -•.. Allen To Lima. Boliv:ar:•t -··-Tuscarawas To New Philadelphia. Botkms •t ·-··--·-·Shelby To Greenville. 500 Bowerston *•t -·-· Harrison 'l'o Cadiz. 312 Bowersville*•_ .•.•. Qreene To Xenia. 5788 •Bowling Green*•+ .• Wood EARL D. BLOOM. 2356 Bradford*•t ··-- ·-.. Miami To Troy. 788 Bradner*•t ·······-· Wood To Bowling Green. 1200 Brecksville ·----Cuyahoga To Cleveland. 1134 Bremen*•t -·-····Fairfleld To Lan ca ter. 3977 Bridgeport*•+ __ .. Belmont To Bellaire. t;i00 Brook,Ule*•t Montgomery 'l'o Dayton. 4252 •Bryao*•t ·-···-··Williams CHA . F.:. COTT. 310 Buckeye City•t -···-·Knox 'ro Mt. Vernon. 10425 •Bucyrull*•t ·---·Crawtord SCROGGS & MONNETT. 1700 Buffalo ••t ·---·· Guernsey 'l'o Cambridge. _218 Burkettsvillr* ... -•• Darke ~ee Greenvillr.  i~~  s.  NAMK.  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  2084 1706 492 13104 904 1057 791 806  •Cadiz*•t -·-·····-Harrison •Oaldwell*•t ·····-·-·Noble Caledonia*•t ···---Marion •Cambridee••t ••• Guernsey Camden••t ---·-···Preble Canal Fulton••t ._ ••• Stark: OanalWinchester*•t _Fr'in Cantleid••t ._ ••• Mahonine  HOLLING, WORTH & MOORE. EARL McGINNIS, To Marion. GEORGE D. DUGAN. To Eaton. To Canton. To Columbus, To Younestown.  87091 •Oanton*•t ··-····-··-Stark CL.A.BENCE G. HEB.BRUCK, Attorney for George D. Har• ter Bank, Union Metal, Hoover Suction Sweeper Com• pany, American Mine Door Co., Postal Telegraph, Daily News, Canton Stamping, 1109 Oardineton••t ___ .Morrow To Mt. Gilead. 2488 Carey••t ···-···· Wyandot To Upper andusky. 348 Oarroll••t ·--·---·Fairfield To Lancaster. 2192 •Carrollton••t ·--·-·Carroll J. H. BLYTHE. 600 Castalia*•t -·····-··--Erie To Sandusky. 1028 Oedarville*•t ··-··-Greene To Xenia. 4226 •Celina*•t --····--··Mercer J'OHN KRAMER. 775 Centerborr*•t ···--·Knox 'ro Mt. Vernon. 2237 Ohurin Falls*•t _.Quy'ol!'a To Cleveland. 1566 •Chardon*•t -··-·---Geau2a To Painesville. 300 Ohattanooga._ ...•• Mercer To Celina. (Rockford P. O.) 427 Chesterhill* -·-··--Morgan To McConnelsville. 4108 Oheviot -···-·--·Hamilton See Cincinnati. (Cincinnati P. 0.)  214 Chick:asaw"•t • _____ Mercer To Celina. 15831 •Ohillicothe"•t •... --.. Ross GEORGE B. BITZER. 473 Christiansburg*• Ohamp'n To Urbana. 401247•0incinnati*•t •••• Hamilton BUKCH & PETEB.S, 703•704-705 First National Bank Building. General Practice in all State and Federal Courts of Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. References: First 1 ational Bank, Herrlineer Paper Company, Procter and Gamble Distributing Company. References in other cities on application. Loral and lone distance telephones. (See also at Covington and Newpmt, K11.)  7049 607 420 410  •Oircleville*•t •••• Pickaway Olarin2ton"t ·-·-·-Monroe Olark:sbur2• ··--·-···Ross Olark:svilJe••t •.••• Clinton  UARTON W A.LTJ<;R. To Woodsfield. See Chillicothe. To Wilminiton.  796836~leveland••t -- •• Ouyahoea STEARNS, CBA..MBERLilN & RO YON, 1505-1510 Williamson Bldg. Attorneys for the First ational Bank. The First Savings & Trust Co., and refer to any Rank or Trust Com• any in Cleveland. Compilers of the Ohio laws for thia pulJLicati01i.  ffi~  gi~  !tt  1 3099 1531 348 2114  BARDWELL, HAGENBUCH & BAIUJY, 358-59-60 LeaderNews Bldg. (A. E. Bardwell, Geo. E. Hagenbuch, Ralph L. Bailey.) Corporation. Probate and Commercial Law. Issue depo itions to eth A. Bardwell. Coun el for The Owen Tire · Ruhb r Co .• The Grant Cleveland Co., Wilson & Company, Chicago, Ill. Refer to the ational City Bank and the Guardian Savings & Trust Co., Cleveland. BARTHOLOMEW, LEEPER & McGILL, 536-548 Engineers Bldg. (Robb 0. Bartholomew, Edward W. Leeper,Neil W. McGill.) (Asso ciates: Ira E. Arnold, Ralph T. Hisey, Benj. C. Boer, Wayne E. Miller, Frank H. Pardee, John P. Nally.) Corre<;pondent Bank: 'l'he Union Trust Company, formerly 'I he First National Bank. Corporation and Com. mercial Law, Bankruptcy and Prohate ma ters. Special Collection Department. Refer to The Union Trust Com. pauy, Cleveland, The Guardian :l\'ings and Trust Com. 1>any. Local Counsel for: The Ohio State Mortgage Com• pany, The As ured Mortgage and Im e. tment Company, '£he Vic ory avings and Loan Company, The Bankers 'av. ing and Credit yc:tem Company, The Meads 1otor Com. pany, The Art Ware· Company, The Cleveland Automob1le School Company, The Twin Dry Cell Battery Comoany, The niversal Shoe Plate Company. I sue depositions to Ira E. Arnold. Commercial reports will be furnished to suhscribers upon the receipt of $1.00 accompanying each application. MOTT G. SPAULDING, 211.213 , ociely for Savings Bldg. Corporation, Commercial and General Practice. Reteren. ce : Mutual Drug Company, Cleveland, Ohio; Burrollgh Brothers Manufacturing Company, Cleveland, Ohio; Chicago Whole ale Druf;!Compauy, Chicago, lll., and The Citi1ens Savings & Trust Company, Cleveland, Ohio. SCHULTZ & SCHULTZ, 830 Williamson Dldg. Corporation, Mercantile (li'oreign and Domestic,, and probate law. SQUIRE, SANDERS & DEMP EY, Leader-News Bide. Attorneys for Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Ohio, Bank of Commerce National As oc,ation, the Citizens Sav inrs & Trust Co., the Gaardian Sav. & Trust Co .. thf' Union Commerce National Bank:, and the Peoples Savings Bank Co. 2rrs"!\······H~milto~ 1 Ol~~if.t._==~~=jfand~~ y Coldwater••t ....•. Mercer Coll~e CornP-r*• __ .Butler Columb1ana••t _.co1•  :f:0 X~cinnati. Tg To To 'l'o  Fr~~ont. Celina. Hamilton. East Patel.tine.  as instructed to BE PROTECTED b-y~b-on--=d-.- - - - - - N-Q T £ --USE-COUPONS See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1796  OHIO  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  --:c-~--~--------~--:-:::--------------POPU-  NA.ME.  LA-  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  TTON.  237031§•Colnmbus* • t __ Franklin BENNETT, WESTl<'ALL & BENNETT, 8 East Long Street, mall collections not Attorney and Coun ellor al Law. :.ulicited. References: Any bank in Columbu . MORTON, IRVINE,TURNER & BLA.NCHA&D, 50 East Broad treet. Refer to Huntmeton Nat'I Bank and State avings Bank ancl Trust Oo. WATSON, STOUFFER & DAVIS, 411-420 The New First National Hank Building, Benson G. Watson, Charles 1. Sto11ffrr, Uliver JtJ. Davi.~. Ueneral Law Practice in State and Federal Courts. Collection Department. Thoroueh!y oreanized. 1768 Columbus Grove*•LPut'm To Ottawa. 220 Oom'l Point* ____ Pickaway To Circleville. 9343 Conncaut"•t ____ Ash tabula To A htabula. 1093 Contiuental*•t ____ Pu tuam To Ottawa. 932 Convoy"•t ______ Vau Wert See Van Wert. 457 Coolville*t _________ AtJwns 'ee Athens. 1628 Cornine-"•t __________ Perry 'l'o Zanesville. 750 Cortland*•t _____ Trumlrnll To Warren. 10847 •Coshocton*•t __ Coshocton HARRY S. LYBARGJ<.R. 2000 Covineton*•t _______ Miami To 'l'roy. 4313 Crestlini>"•t _____ Crawford To Bucyrus. 89-1 Creston*•t _________ Wayne 'fo Wooster. 49a Cridersville*•t ___ Auglaize 'l'o Ht. Mary-;. 3311 Crooksville"•t ______ Perry To Zanesville. 500 Croton"•f-________ Lickiug To Newark. 636 Cumherland"•t __ Guernsey To Cambriue-e. 300 Curtice •f- ________ ottawa •ro Port Clinton. 316 Custar••t ___________ \\. ood To Bowling Gretn. 10200 Ouyahoea Falls*•t Summit To Akron. 5 9 Oye-net*•t __________ Wood To Bowling Green. 611 Dalton"•t __________ Wayne To Wooster. 383 Danville"•t _________ Knox To Mt. Vernon. 152559•Dayton"•t __ Monteomery E. H. & W. B. TURNER, Rooms 2 to 7, Beckel Bide. "Attorney· for Third ~ rational Bank. Fourth ational Bank. and East Dayton Savin(?s & Banking Company, Day. ton, Ohio." LEE WARREN .JAMES (L, W, .James. J. B, CooUd,ge, H. A. Estahroolf), 509-5Hi U. B. Blde. Attorney for Winters National and Merchant ational Banks, Dayton, Ohio. 88711 •Deflance"•t ______ Defiance WINN , GOLLER. 932 Degraff*et_ _________ Loean To BellefotJlaine. 8756 •Delaware*•t _____ Delaware AUTHUR J. wmTE. 5745 Delohos*•t----------Allen To Lima. 2000 Delta"•t ___________ Fulton 'l'o Wau eon. 5524 Dennison"•L- Tu~carawas To New Philadelphia. 1514 Deshler"•t _________ Hi>nry To Napoleon. 1643 Dillonvale*•t ____ Jefferson To Steubrnville. 1754 Duver••t----- Tu carawa' To e\V Philadelphia. 1037 Doylestown"•------ Wayne To Wooster. 1434 Dresden"•t ___ Muskineum To Zanesville. 894 Dunkirk"•t ________ Hardin To Kenton. 27292 E. Oleveland"•t _Cuyahoea To Cleveland. 510 East Liberty*•t _____ Loean To Bellefontaine. 21411 East Liverpoot"•t Columbiana BEN L. BENNETT. 5750 East Palestine"•t Columbiana LAFA.YET'rE M. KYES. 11237 East Younr:stown*•t Mahonine To Youngstown. 3210 •Eaton*•t ___________ Preble To Greenville. 987 Edgerton*•t _____ Williams See Bryan. 610 Edon"•t _________ Williams See Bryan. 322 Eldorado"•t ________ Preble To Eaton. 509 Elida*•+ ____________ Allen To Lima. 937 Elmore"•t ________ Ottawa To Port Clinton. 3991 ElmwoodPlace*•tHamilt'n To Cincinnati. 20474 •Elyria"•L----------Lorain F. A. STETSON. 351 Englewood"•-Mon~omery To Dayton. 479 Farmersville"•t _ M'tg'ery To Dayton. 936 Fayette"•t _________ Fulton See Delta. '349 Fayetteville"t ______ Brown See Georgetown. 606 Felicity" ________ Clermont 1'o Cincinnati. 17021 •Jl'indla.y"•t _______ Hancock ('. E. JORDAN. 1026 Flushing"• ______ Belmont To Bella.ire. 1143 Forest"•t __________ Hardin To Kenton. 275 Fort Jennings"•LPutnam 'l'o Ottawa. 489 Fort Loramie"•----Shelby See Sidney. 1092 Fort Recovery"•t __ Mercer To Oelina. 9087 Fostona"•t -- ______ Seneca CHA . A. GUERNSEY. 776 Frank:fort••t ________ Ross ee Chillicothe. 3071 Franklin"•t ______ Warren To Lebanon. 667 Frazeysbure-*• __ Mu k'e-'m To Zanesville. 480 Fredericksbure-"•t. Wayne To Wooster. 1194 Fredericktown"•t ___ Knox To Mt. Vernon. 578 Freeport*•t _____ Harrison To Cadiz. 12468 •Fremont••t ____ Sandusky O'I<'ARR.l<~LL & RIMEL PACH. 347 Gahanna" ______ Franklin To Columbus. 300 Galena*•t _______ Delaware To Drlaware. 7374 Galion"•t _______ Crawford 1'0 Bucvru . 6070 •Galllpolls"•t -- ______ Gallia EDWIN N. CHERRINGTON. 433 Gambier"•t _ _ _ Knox To Newark. 1119 Garrettsville11 •t ___ Porta2"e To Ravenna. 3081 Geneva*•t ______ Ashtabula To Ashtabula. 971 Genoa"•t __________ Ottawa To Port Clinton. 16i0 •Georgetown*f_ _____ Brown RUFO.' L. & ARTHUR . FITE. 1827 Germantown"•L_M'te'ery To Dayton. 375 Gettsybure"•t ______ Darke To Greenville. 1737 Gibsonburi:-"•t __ Sandu ky To Fremont. 23:3 Gilboa"•t _________ Putnam See Ottawa. 65.56 Glrard"•t _______ Trumbull To Warren. 300 Gleorord"•t _________ Perry To Zane, v11IP.  3140 530 450 900 517 14-10 372 278 4344 830 7104 827 903 671 ;;30 837 233 39675 560 240 258 1309 389 600 355 427 240 683 209 2378 353 235 451 4356 1039 262 359 561 400 367 3320 1134 339 1703 14007  Gloustei-••t ________ Amens Gnadenhuten"• _Tusc'was Good Hone*•t ____ .Fayette Grafton _______ Lorain Grand Rapids*•t ____ Wood Granville"•+--- ____ LickineGratis" _____________ Preble Green Camo*•t ____ Marion Greenfl.eld"•t ____ Hil!'hland Greensprine"•t ____ Seneca •Greenville"•t _______ Darke Greenwich"•t ______ Huron Grove City"•t ____ Franklin Groveport*•t ____ Ii'rauklm Grover Hill*•t ___ Paulding Hamden*•t ________ V mton Hamersville" _____ Brown •Hamllton*•t ________ Butler Hamler*•t _________ Henry Harp ter"t ______ Wyandot Harrisbure-* ______ Franklin Harrison*•t. ____ Hamilton Harrod*•t ____ ------Allen Hartville*•t _________ StarlC llarveysburg*t ___ Warren Haskins"•t __________ Wood Haviland"•t _____ Paulding Hebron"•t ________ LickineHelena••t _______ saudusky Hicksvi!Je*•t. ____ Defiance Hieginsport* _______ Brown Hie-bland"•- _____ Hie-hland Hilliards"•-------Franklin •Htllsboro"•t ____ Highland Hole-ate"•t _________ Henry Hollansbure" ______ Darke Holmesville*•t ____ IJolmes Hopedale"•t _____ Harrison Howard"•t ________ Knox Hoytville"•t ________ Wood Hubbard"•t ____ Trmnbull Hudson"•+ ________ summit Huntsville*•f _______ Logan Huron"•L ____________ Erie • Tronton"•L _____ Lawrence  5842 578 1039 1532 790 269 408 852 906 890 583 liOO 12683  ..Jackson*•+------- Jackson Jackson Center*•t-Shelby Jamestown"•t ____ Greene •Jetl'erson "•L ___ Ashtabula Jefl'ersonville*•t __ Fayette J enera"•t ________ lJancock Jeromesville* _____ Ashland J ewett"•L _______ Harrison J ohnstown"•t _____ Licking Junction City*ef_ ___ Perry Kalida"• __________ Putnam Kansas• ____________ Seneca Kenmore*t _______ ummit (Akron P. 0.} Kensington*•t _ Columoi•a Kent"•t. __________ Portae-e •Kenton"•t _________ Hardin KilJbuck"•t- ______ Holmes Kingston*•t-------Ross Kinsman"•------Trumbull Kipton••t __________ Lorain Kirkersville"•-----Lickine Kunkle*•t _______ Wuliams La Fayette"•t _______ Allen Lagrane-e"•t _______ Lorain Lakeview••t _______ Loean Lakt1wood"•t ___ Cuyahoea (Clevelcind P. 0.) •Lancaster"•t _____ Fairfield Larue"•t __________ Marion Laurelville"• ____ Hocking •Lebanon"•t _____ Warren Leesbure"•t ____ Hi1?hland Leetonia*•t ___ Columbiana Leipsic"•t ________ Putnam Lewisbur~••t ______ Preble Lewistown"•t ______ Logan Lewisville*•t ______ Monroe Lexineton"•t ___ Richland Liberty Center••t __ Henry Lilly ChaDel"•t __ Madi on •Lima••t _____________ Allen  400 7070 7690 575 800 900 300 266 450 383 500 549 41732 14706 795 425 3396 849 2688 1788 1103 200 230 634 635 250 41306  4:j6 3113 4007 1240 5493 4080 37295 1887 2008 1557 516  To Athens. To .I.' cw Philadel ohia. To Washington C. H. To Elyria. To Bowling Green. To 'ewark. To Eaton. To Marion. To Ilill horo. To Tiffin. GEOR{,rn F. CRAWFORD. To .1:·orwalk. To Columbus. 'l'o Columfms. To Panl<ling, To .Ic,\rthur. To Georgetown. CY ·us J. F'ITTON. To Na1>oleon. ee Upoer Sandusky. To Columbus. To Cincinnati. To Lima. To Canton. 'l'o Lehanou, To Bowling Green. To Paulding. To Newark. See Fremont. To Defiance. See Geor1?etown. To Greenfield. To Columbus. DONALD S. DURNELL. To ~ Tapoleon. See Greenville. ee Millersbure, To Cadiz. To .Mt. Vernon. 'l'o Bowling Green. To Warren. To Akron. To Bellefontaine. To andusky. P. C. BOOTH. E. E. EUBANK'. To Greenville. To Xenia. 'fo Ashtabula. To \Va ·hington C. H. To Findlay. To Ashland. To Cadiz. To Newark. To Zane ville. To Ottawa. To Tiffin. To Akron. To East Liverpool. To Ravenna. PRICE, PFEIFFER & PRICE To Cosbocton. See Chillicothe. To Warren. To Elyria. To Newark. See Bryan. To Lima. To Elyria. To Bellefontaine. To Cleveland. GEORGE W. VORYS. To Marion. See Logan. ELTZROTH & MAPLE. To Greenfield. To East Palestine. See Ottawa. To Eaton. To Bellefontaine. To Wooct field. To Man fielct. ee apoleon. To London.  CABLE & CABLE, General practice in State and Federal Courts. pecial attention given to Corporation, Commercial and Bankruptcy Matters. Lindsey*•t ______ andu l.:y See Fremont. •Lisbon"•t ____ Columbiana To Ea t Palestine, Lockland"•L----Bamilton To CinC'innati. Lodi*•t ____________ Medina To Medina. JOUN C. PETTIT. •Loean"t ---- _____ Hockine •London"•t _______ Madison A, T. CORDRAY. VAN DEUSEN & CA.LB{)( N. Lorain"•t ---- _____ Loudonville11 •t ___ Ashland To Ashland. Loui ville*•t ---~---- tark To Canton. Loveland"•t_ ____ Qlermont To Cinc_innati. Lowi>ll"•t ___ -Wa. hin1?ton To fariett""a_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. complete information in preface to Attorney List. NOTE See  3 23. 1.  2'  4 I  I 0  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  ==========  Popu-:TOWN AND COUNTY. LA-  NAME.  TION.  2214 138 337 500 8118 3211 8113 8000 605 348 885 1824 27824 764 1048 267  Lowellville*•t __ Mahoninl? Lower Salem* Washington Lucas*•t ________ Richland Luckey*•t __________ Wood Lynchburg*•t ___ Highland Lyons*•t ___________ Fulton Madison*•t __________ Lake Madisonville*•t Hamilton Magnolia*•t _________ stark Malinta*•t _________ Henry Malta*•t __________ Mor1,?an Manchester*• _____ .Adams .. Mansfteld*•t _____ Richland Mantua"•t ________ Portage .Marblehead*•t ____ Ottawa Mareneo*•t _______ :Morrow  To Youngstown. To Marietta. To Mansfield. To Bowling Green. To Greenfield. See Wauseon. To Painesville. To Cincinnati. To Canton. To Napoleon. To McConnelsville. To West Union.  WM. H. GIFFORD. To Ravenna. To Port Clinton. To Mt. Gilead.  •Marietta"•t . __ \Vashin1?ton •Marion*•t _________ Marion Martins .Ferry*•L:Uelmont Martinsville*•t ____ Clinton •Marysville"•L ______ Union Mason*•t _________ Warren Massillon"•t ________ stark Maumee*•t _________ Lucas •McArthur*•t ______ Vinton McOlure*•t ________ Henry McComb*•t_ _____ Ilancock •M.cConnelsville"L Morgan M c t h · ·11 * t C u C envt e \vj:;111do-t 14i0 Mechanicsburg*•t __ Ch'p'n Medina 3430 •Medina* t • --------571 Mendon*•t ________ Mercer 484 Metamora*•f_ ______ Fulton * t M . · 4383 M iamisbari? • - ontg'ery 706 Middlefleld*•t _____ Geauga 670 Middle Point*•t Van Wert 3772 Middleport*•t ______ Meigs 235114 Middletown*•t ____ Butler 653 Milan*•t _____________ Erie 1525 Milford*•t ______ Clermont 671 Milford Center*•t __ Union tt ·11 * t F 217 M'lled -~~~Il~iiie; 2098 370 Millersport*•t ____ Fairfield 2261 Minerva*•t __________ stark 4616 Mingo Junc.*•t _Jefl'erson 1538 Minster*•t _______ .Aul?'laize 751 Mogadore*•t ______ Portage 266 Monroe*•t _________ Butler 1185 Monroeville*•L ____ Huron 3052 Montpf>lier*•t ___ Williams 387 Morral*t __________ Marion 315 Morristown*. ____ Belmont 274 Morrow*•t _______ Warren 803 Moscow* ________ Clermont 427 Mt. Blanchard*•t Hanrock 252 Mt. Cory*• ______ Hancork li7 Mt. Eaton* ________ Wayne 1837 •Mt. Gilead*•t _____ Morrow ~5.5 Mt. Ilealthy*• ___ Hamilton 545 M.t. Orab*•t _______ Brown 635 Mt. Pleasant"+ __ Jefferson 1113 Mt. Sterling••t ___ Madison 11237 •Mt. Vernon*•t ______ Knox 723 Mt. Victory*•t ____ 1200 Mt w h. t *Ha ilton 350 ... • ast mg ..on H. mhla 0 ct mowrys own • -- II? 4132 •Naooleon*•t _______ Henrv 1385 Navarre*•t __________ stark 3000 Neffs*•t __________ Belmont 6440 Nelsonv1·11e*t ____ ._Athens 7113 Nevacta*•t _______ Wyan d ot 26718 •Newark*•L------ Licking1502 New Bremen*•L-.Auglaize lOlll New Carlisle"•L ____ Olark 33811 Newcomerstown*•t Tuscarawas 8811 NewOoncord*•t Musk'g'm 810 New Holland*•t Pickaway 523507 New Knoxville" __ Auelaize New Lebanon*•Montg•ery 3157 •New Lexington"•t __ Perry 1470 New London*•t ____ Huron 608 New Madison"•t ___ Darke 650 New uarshlleld*•t Athens 8116 New Mmatamoras* ___ Wash. 1107 New Paris*•t ______ Preble  CHAS. H. DANFORD. Wl\f. N. HARDER. To Bellaire. To Wilmington. MILO L. MYERSTo Lebanon. To Canton. 'ro Tolt'clo. To Logan. To ' apoleon. 'l'o Findlay. T. E. McELfilNEY.  10716 1714 2208 1100 704 lllll 438 13 24311 600 15501107 ~ 120 73711 241166 300 1858  EDWARD C. SEIKEL. To Cincinnati. To Zanesville. To Warren. To Wilmington. To Bucyrus. To East Palestine. See Defiance. To Warren. To Bowling Green. To Warren. 'I'o Canton. To Norwalk. To Urbana. J.B.. McKNIGRT. To Cincinnati. To Ashland.. 'l'o Port Clinton.  15140 278111 11634 3117 3635 816 17428 3l!l:5 130i 433 1012 1618 350  •Miller:i;:gi•t  ~i~  •New Phil'd'lp'a*•t 'J"usa's New Richmond"•--Cler'nt New Straitsville*L_Perry Newton Falls*•t ·T rumbull New Vienna*•t. ___ Clinton New Washin'n*•t _craw'd New Waterford*• _col'b'a N~y••t_ __________ Defiance N1les*•t_ ________ Trumbull North Baltimore*•t Wood No. Bloomfield*_ Trumbull North Canton*•t ____ stark North Fairfleld*•--.IIuron North Lewisb'g*•t _Oh'o'n •Norwalk*•+ --------1Huron Norwooct*•t _____ Hamilton Nova*•t __________ Ashland Oakharbor*•t _____ Ottawa  To Upper Sandusky, To Urbana. I<'. N. WOODS. r To Ce ma. See Napoleon. T D t o ay on. To Painesville. See Van Wert. See Pomeroy.  HARRISON L DELL. To Sandusky. To Cincinnati. To Marysville. To Washington C.H. To Coshocton. To Lancaster. To Canton. To Steubenville. To St. Marys. To RavennaTo Hamilton. To Norwalk. To Bryan. To Marion. To Barnesville. To Lebanon. To Cincinnati. To Findlay. To Findlay. TO Wooster. S. C. KINGMAN. 'ro Cincinnati. See Georgetown. To Steubenville. To London. PHILIP L. WILKINS. See Kenton. To Cincinnati. See Hillsboro. GEORGE S. MAY. To Canton. 'l'o Bellaire. To Athens. T o U pper San d usky · FLETCHER S. SCOTT. To St. Marys. See Sprinl?'field. To New Philadelphia. To Zanesville. To Circleville. To St. Marys. To Dayton. To Zanesville. To Norwalk. To Greenville. Se., Athens. To"Mari·etta. To Eaton.  NOTE 114 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  OHIO  1797  POPCJ·  TOWN AND COUNTY. LA.!_IO~  1394 1473 4236 848 130 250 374 222 4107 1200 ..0511 175 391 2167 435 289 2113 2146 6886 669 771 2106 984 1008 1138 520 24211 575 450 348 358 275 664 774 15044 302 1330 781 82  Oak Hill*•t _______ Jackson Oakwood*•t _____ Pauldini? Oberlin*•t ---------Lorain Ohio Oity*•t ---- Van Wert Okeana*• __________ Butler Old Fort*•t ________ senera OlmsteadFalls*•tC'yahoga Orangeville*•t __ Trumbull Orrville*•t -------- \\'ayne Orwell* ________ Ashtabula Osborn*•t _________ Greene Osgood*• ___________ Darke Ostrander*•t ____ Delaware .. ottawa*•t ________ Putuam ()ttovillf'*•t _______ Putnam Otway*•t ___________ Scioto Owensville* _____ Clermont Oxrord*•t --------- Butler •Painesville"•t _______ Lake Pandora*•t _______ Putnam Pataskala*•t ______ Licking •l'aukling*•t_ _____ Pauldinl! Payne••t ________ Paulcting Peebles*•L---- ____ Adams Pemberville"•t __ ___ \Vood Peninsula*•t ______ summit Perrysburg*•t _____ _Wood Perrysville*• _____ Ashland Pettisville*•t ___ ___ Fulton Phillipsburg*_ Montgom'y Pickerington*•t __ Fairfield Piedmont"•t _____ Harrison Piketon•t ____________ Pike Pioneer••t _______ Wiliiams Miami Piqua*•t ----------Pitsburg* ___________ Darke Plain City"•L ____ Mad.ison Pleasant City*•t Guernsey 11· · t ffll* t 1 ~1~!~!~tvilfe*:t :::F°airt1~1fJ 1374 Plymouth*.-t ----Richland 263 Polk ______________ Ashland M " t 4 429 •Pomeroy • -------- eies 408 Portage*•+ __________ wood. 31128 •Port Clinton*•t ____ Ottawa 33000 •Portsmouth*•t _____ Scioto 382 Port Wash 'g'n*•--Tuscar's 2114 Port William*• ____ CJinton 406 Powhatan Point* Belmont 1000 Prairie Depot*•t ____ wooct 11411 Prospect*•t _______ Marion 732 Quaker City*• __ Guernsey 474 Quincy*t ___________ Logan 472 Racine* ____________ Meii?S 7219 .. Ravenna*•+ _______ Portage Hancock 416 Rawson*•t ms Raymond*•f=:::=--- Union 4540 Reading*•t ______ Hamilton (Cincinnati P. O.) 393 Reoublic••t ________ seneca 4111 Revnoldsbure*• .Franklin 1601 Richwood*•t _______ Union 350 Ridgeville Corners* Henry 456 Rid1,?eway*•t ______ Hardin 15211 Ripley*•t __________ Brown 4711 Risinl?'sun*•t _______ wood 2000 liittman"•t ________ Wayne 483 Rock Creek *•t..Ashtabula ______ Mercer 1075 Rockrord.*•t 1861 Rocky River*•t _Cuyal1oea 1349 Roseville*•t __ Muskingum 246 Rossburg*•t ________ Darke Wood 3500 R f d" oss or ---------500 Ruaolph*•t _________ Wood Lol?'an ____ 4711 Rushsylvania*•t 2011 Rushville*•t _____ Fairfield 435 Russellville* _______ Brown 500 Rntland*•t_ _ _ _ Meigs 1504 Sabina*•t _________ Clinton 10305 Salem*•t _____ Columbiana 2700 Saltneville*•t. Columbiana 22897 •Sandusky*•t _________ Erie Brown 561 s ct· · " t -------Monroe 400 268 Savannah*_________Ashland -------Harrison 861 sc·o*•t 342 Sc~tt*•t_________ Van Wert -------553 Seaman*•t _________ Ad.ams 3541 Sebrini*•t ______ Mahoninl?' 500 Sedalia*• _________ Madison 1147 Senf>caville*•t __ Guernsey 3611 Seven Mile*•t ______ Butler 6111 Seville*•t ---------Medina 3084 Shadyside*•------Belmont 250 Sharon Center*•t. Medina 753 Sharonville *•t __ Hamilton 11118 Shawnee*•t ---------Perry 5578 Shelby*•t -------Richland 543 Sherwood"•f_ ____ Deflance 430 Shiloh*•t ________ mchland 1094 Shreve*•t _________ Wayne 85110 •Sidney••t __________ Shelby 620 Smithfleld•t _____ Jefferson 482 Smithville*•t ______ Wayne 1286 Somerset*•t ________ Perry 250 Somerton* _______ Belmont 305 Somerville"•t ______ Butler 1267 South Obar!A ton*•t Clark  b  ~d\~!t  NAMR. To Jackson. To Paulding. To Elyria. See Van Wert. 'ro Hamilton. To Fostoria. To Cleveland. To Warren. To Wooster. To Ashtabula. Tti Xenia. 'l'o Gn·Pnville. To Delaware. BAILJ<;Y & LEASURE. See Ottawa. '110 Portsmouth. •ro Cincinnati. To Hamilton. R. M. OSTR.\NDER. See Ottawa. 'fo Newark. !<RANI{ P. SPRIGGS. To Panlcling. 'l'o West Union. To Bowling Green. 'l'o Akron. To Bowling Green. 'l'o Ashla utl. Ser, Napoleon. To Dayton. To Lancaster. To Cadiz. To Waverly, To Bryan. To Troy. See Greenville. To London. To Cambridge. To 'I'roy, To Lanca. ter. To Mansfield. To Ashland. A. D. RUSSl<~L. 'l'o Bowling Green. S. P. ALEXANDER. J.P. PURDUM. To N l'W Philadelphia. To Wilmington. See Saint Clairsville. To Bowling Green. To Marion. To Barnesville. To Bellefontaine. See Pomeroy. HARJtY L. JJEATTY. To Findlay, To Marysville. To Cincinnati, To Tiffin. To Columbus. To Marysville. To Napoleon. To Kenton. To Geor1,?etown. To Bowling Green. To Wooster. To Ashtabula. TToo CCelelivneata' nd. To Zanesville. See Greenville. To Bow lino Green. .. To Bowling Green. To Bellefontaine. To Lancaster. See Georgetown. See Pomeroy. To Wilmmgton. To East Palestine. To Ea t Liveroool. KRUEGER & ROSINO. To Georgetown. To Wood field. To Ashland. To Cadiz. See Van Wet't. To West Union. To Younl?'stown. To London. To Cambridge, To Hamilton. To Medina. See Si. Clairsville. To Medina. To Cincinnati. To Zanesville. To Mansfield. See Defiance. To Mansfield. To Wooster. To Greenville. To Steubenville. To Wooster. To New Lexington. To Barnesville. To .Hamilton. See Snrml?'field.  USE COUPONS aa instructed to BE PROTECTED by bon-d-=--.------See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  POPULATION.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  ------------------ -----~-  442 ,no 527  South Solon"•t ___ Madison South Vienna"• _____ Clark Bpencer••t ____ ----Medina 1543 Spencervi!Je*•t ______ Allen 341 Springboro• ______ Warren  To London. See Springffeld. To Medina. To Lima. To Lebanon.  60840 •Bpringffeld"•t _______ OJark FWYD A. JOHNSTON. 444 Spring Valley••t __ Greene 'ro Xenia. 6312 St. Bernard* ____ Hamilton To Cincinnati. (Cincinnati P. 0.)  1561 •St. OlairSTille*•t _Belmont To Bellaire. 500 Bterline••t ________ Wayne To Wooster. 28508 561 5670 455 133 235 560 1281  •Steubenv1lle"•t _Jefferson St. Henry*•t ______ Mercer St. Marys*et_ ____ Auglaize Btock9ort*•t ______ Morgan StoneOreek*•tTuscarawas Stony R!dge••t------Wood StoutsvillP."•t ---- Fairfield St. Paris*•t ____ Champail!D Oli Strasburg*•t __ Tuscarawas 5847 Strutb.ers••t ____ Mahoning 1014 Stryker••t-------Williams 618 Suearcreek*•t Tuscarawas 250 Sullivan*•---- ____ Ashland 484 Summerfleld*•+-----Noble 827 Sunbury*•t _____ Delaware 1248 Swanton*•t ________ Fulton 839 Sycamore"•t ____ Wyandot 1222 Sylvania*•t _________ Lucas 270 Tarlton*• _____ Pickaway 451 Thornville*•t _______ Perry 14375 •Tiffln*•t ___________ Seneca 4000 Tiltonsville* ____ J efferson 2426 Tippecanoe City*•t _Miami 283 Tiro*•t _________ Crawford 243109•Toledo*•t ___________ Lucas  JOHN A. HUSTON To Celina. DAVID ARMSTRONG, Jr. To McConnelsville. To N ew Philadelphia, To Bowling Green. To Lancaster. To Urbana. To Dover. To Youngstown. See Bryan. To New Philadelphia. 'ro Ashland To Caldwell. To Delaware. To Wauseon. To Upper Sandusky, To Toledo. To Circleville. To Zanesville. NILES & PETER To Steubenville. To Troy. 'ro Bucyrus.  FRITSCHE, KRUSE & WINCHESTER, 502-503 Pro. duce Exchange Bldg. General Practice. Fully equipped Collection Department. Depositions taken. Notary in Office. Refers to Home ~avings Bank and Commercial Savings Bank & Trust Company. HALL, COTTER & McFI.LLJN, Attorneys-at-Law, 11411148 Nicholas Building. General Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Special attention to Bankruptcy and Commercial matters. Collec tions given prompt attention. Attorneys for the Bradstreer Company. Refer to the Commercial Savings Bank and Trust Company, Home Savings Bank, National Bank of Commerce, and any other bank, wholesale or jobbing house in Toledo. 303 Tontoeany••t _______ Wood See Bowling Green. 4684 Toronte*•t_ _____ J e:ITerson To Steubenville. 618 Trenton*• __________ Butler To Hamilton. 422 Trotwood*•--Monteomery To Dayton. 7260 •Troy*•t ____ ---- ____ Miami BROOMHALL & BROOMHALL. 212 Twinsourg*•t _____ Summit To Akron. 6428 Uhrichsville*•t _Tuscara's To ew Philadelphia. 1534 Union City• ________ Darke Greenville. (Union Cit11, Ind., P. 0.) 3708 •Up.San<1usky*•t- Wyandot R. E. CARTER. 7621 .. urbana"•L ____ Champaign BUROKF,R & ZIMMER. 1658 Utica••+ __________ Licking To Newark. 250 Valley Oity*•t _____ .Medina To Medina. 257 Vandalia*•---M.onteomery To Dayton. 368 Vanlue••t _______ Hancock To Findlay. 8100 ... van Wert*•t ___ Van Wert KERNS WRIGHT. 500 Vauehnsville*•t __ Putnam See Ottawa. 1436 Vermilion*•t ________ Erie To Sandusky. 317 Verona*•-- _______ Preble To Eaton. 1563 Versailles••+ _______ Darke To Greenville. 407 Vinton•t ____________ Gallia To Gallipolis. 4742 Wadsworth••L----Medina To Medina. 800 Wakeman••t _______ Huron To Norwalk. 584 Walbridge*t ________ wood To Bowling Green. 344 Waldo*•t __________ Marion To Marion. 200 Walnut Creek* ___ Holmes 'l'o Millersburg. 5295 .. Wapakoneta*•L--Auglaize To St. Marys. 27050 •Warren*•+_ ______ Trumbull A. E. WONDERS. 700 Warsa w•t ______ Coshocton To Coshocton. 7962 •Washineton C.H.*•LFay'e TROY T. JUNK. 1411! Watertord*•t _Washington To Marietta. 200 Watertown* __ Washington To Marietta. 779 Waterville*•t _______ Lucas To Toledo. 3035 • Wauseou*•t ________ Fulton R. B. DARBY. 1625 • WaverJy*•L- - ---- ____ Pikll LEVI B. MOORE. 978 Waynesburg*•t _____ Stark To Canton. 600 Waynesfleld*•----Aul?'laize To St. 11arys. 668 Waynesville*•t ____ Warren To Lebanon. 2245 Wellin2ton*•t ______ Lorain 'l'o Elyria. 6687 Wellston*•t ______ Jackson To Jackson. 8849 Wellsville*•t __ Columbiana 'ro East Liverpool. 994 West .A.Jexandria*•t __ Preb. To Eaton. 1430 West Carrollton*•t __ Montgomery To Dayton. 2480 Westerville"•+ ___ Franklin To Columbus. 317 WestFarmineton*•t Trum. See Warren. Il70 WestJetrerson*•LMadison To London. 921 W. Lafayette••tCoshocton To Coshocton. 1347 West Liberty*•+ ____ Logan To Bellefontaine. 409 West Manchester••t _Preb. To Eaton. 737 W~t Mansfield*•+ __ Logan To Bellefontaine.  POPULA.• TION.  ~-N-Q-TE  NAME.  1350 West llilton*•t _____ Miami To Troy. 844 Weston••t ---- ____ _Wood To Bowling Green. 8560 West Park*t ____ Cuyahoga To Cleveland. 636 West Salem••t _____ Wayne To Wooster. 2500 West Toledo*•t ____ Lucas To Toledo. 992 ... west Union* _______ Adams C. E. ROBUCK. 906 West Unity••t ____ Williams To Bryan. 149 Wharton••t ______ Wyandot To Upper Sandusky, 513 Whiiehouse••t ______ Lucas To Toledo. 3889 Willard ___________ Huron To Torwalk. 969 Williamsburg*•t _Clermont To Cincinnati. 554 WilliamsPort*•t _ Piakaway To Circleville. 2656 Willouihby*•t -------Lake To Painesville. 546 Willshire*•+ ____ Van Wert To Van Wert. 5037 •Wilmington*•t ____ Clinton HAYES & BARNS. 227 Wilmot• ____________ Stark To Canton. 913 Winchester*•t -----Adams To West Union. 2394 ..o.Woodsfl.eJd••t- ____ Monroe T. J. KREMER. 336 Woodstock:*•+_ Champaign To Urbana. 910 Woodville*•t ____ Sandusky To Freemont. 8204 "Wooster••t ________ Wayne KEAN & ADAIB.. 705 Worthinirton"•t __ Franklin To Columbus. 314 Wren*•t ________ Van Wert See Van Wert. 9110 ... Xenia*•t ___________ Greene J. KENNETH WILLIAMSON. 1264 Yellow Springs••t _Greene To Xenia. 1754 Yorkville _______ Jeffer on To Steubenville. 132358 • Younirstown••t _Mahoning He.KA.IN 4 OBL, Mahoning Bank Bldg. General civil practice. Collection Department. Refers to any bank or wholesale house in Youngstown. or any judge of the district. 29569 •Zanesville*•t _ Muskingum E. F. O'NEAL.  l  1 1  1 2 1  OKLAHOMA  ro  ·  TOWN .A.ND COUNTY.  Oklahoma Is divided into two Federal Districts:  Eastern and Western.  In the E.&.STERN DISTKICT, court Is held at Mwkocee, lirst Monday 1n January; at Vinita, first Monday in March; at Tulsa, ftrst Monday 1n At>ril: at McAlester, fl.rst Monday 1n June; at Ardmore, ftrst Monday In October; and at Chickasha, fl.rst Monday In November. In the WESTERN DISTRICT, court Is held at Guthrie, flD1 Monday In Januaryi at Oklahoma City, first Monday In March; ~t Enid, the first Monaay In JUD!)j at Lawton, first Monday In Set>temoer; and at Woodward, the first Monday 1n May and second Monday in November.  REFERENCE KEY • County Seat. • Money Order Office. • Expcess t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 500 8012 369 500 368 1518 272 301 478 358 1377 500  .Achille*•t. _________ Bryan •.Ada*•t __________ Pontotoc Adair*•t ______ ______ Mayes Adamson••t _____ Pittsburg Addington*•t ____ J efl'erson Afton*•t __________ Ottawa Agra••t ___________ Lincoln Albion••t- ____ Pushmataha Alex*•t _____________ Grady Aline*•t ___________ Alfalfa Allen*•t _________ Pontotoc Alluwe• ___________ Nowata  4498 3912 200 278 196 3116 1842 919 326 500 14181  •Altus*•t __________ Jackson •Alva*•t ____________ Woods Amber"•t ___________ Grady Ames••t ____________ Major Amorita*•t ________ Alfalfa ... .Anadarko*•t _______ Caddo •Antlers••t ____ Pushmataha Apache*•t _________ Caddo •Arapaho*•+ _________ ouster .Arcadia*•t ______ Oklahoma ... Ardmore••t ________ Qarter  omce.  See Durant. B. B. EPPERSON. To Pryor. To McAlester. To Waurika. To Miami. See Chandler. To Antlers. To Chickasha. See Cherokee. See Ada. To Nowata. T. M. ROBINSON. ARTHUR J. STEVENS. See Chickasha. To Fairview. See Cherokee. 'TARKWEATHER & CROY. J. H. ISBELL. To Anadarko. To Clinton. To Oklahoma. , LOl,GH · GIB  USE COUPONS as lns"t;ucted- to BE PROTECTED by bo.;d=-.- -- - - - See complete information in preface to Attorney Liat.  2  2 1 2  10:  =  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) POPU-LATOWN  TION.  404 307 750 2038 500 1071 147 ISO 500 100  AND COUNTY.  .o..£.rnett• _______________ Ellis .Asher••t ___ Pottawatomie .Ashland* ________ Pittsburg .o.Atok:a*•t ____________ Atoka .Atwood*•t ________ Hul!'hes Avant ••t ___________ osa~e Avard*•t _________ Woods Avery*•L- ________ Lincoln Aylesworth*•t ___ Marshall Balko* ____________ Heaver  14417 /20 327 951 198 f35  .o.Bartlesville*•t _Wash'gton .o.Beaver* ____________ Beaver B81?i?S*•t ________ Okmulgee Benninl!'ton••t ______ Bryan Bernice•t _______ Delaware Berwyn*•t _________ carter ~ B~ssie•~t .--------Washi~ 202 Bli Oabm •f_ ________ craig Bigheart*•t _________ Osage i6 Billings*•t __________ Noble 4 2 Binger*•t __________ Oadcto 400 Bison*•t __________ Garfield 1249 Bix by*•t ____________ Tulsa 315 Blackburn* _______ Pawnee 7174 Blackwell*•t _________ Kay 437 Blair*•t __________ Jackson 842 Blanchard*•t _____ McClain Z45 Blanco*•t ______ Pitt burg 00 Bliss*•t _---- --------Noble Bluejacket*•t _______ Craig 0 .o.Boise City* _____ Cimarron 7 Bokchito••t ________ Uryan 8~ Bokoshe*•t _____ Le Flore 11 Boley*•t ---- ____ Okfuskee 1212 Boswell*•t _______ Qhoctaw 1204 Bo:rnton*•t _____ Muskogee Bradley*•+ _________ Grady Br~gs*•t ______ M.usko1?ee 396 Braman*•t ____________ Kay 1~2 Breckinridge"•t __ Gartleld 2 ir!(lgewrr•t ______ Caddo 23 Br!nkm~n •t _______ Greer 8460 1070 2086 Broken .Arrow••t ___ Tulsa Broken Bow* __ )i{cOurtain Bromide*t ______ Johnston 47 •Butrato• ___________ Harper Burbank*•f _________ osa,ee 1 169 Burlington• ________ ,Alfalfa 33 2 Butler*•------------Ouster 629 Byars••t __________ }{cClaiD 2i9 Bnon*•t---------- .\.lfalfa 3 2 Oache*•t _______ Comanche Oaddo••t ___________ J:lryan 1 0 Oalera*•t _________ Bryan 600 Calumet*•t ______ oanadlan 700 Oa.lvin*•t __________ H Ul!'hes 3 00 Oamargo••t ________ Dewey 2 03 Oameron*•t ______ Le Flore 372 Canadian*•t _____ Pittsburl!' 132 Oaney*•t ___________ Atoka 82 Oanton*•t __________ Blaine 250 Oanute*•t ________ Washita 184 Oapron*•t __________ Woods 2640 Cardin __________ Ottawa 792 Carmen*•+----- ____ Alfalfa 1150 Oarneg1e*•t ________ Caddo 367 Oarney••t _________ Lincoln 200 Oarrier*•t ________ Qartl.eld 389 Oarter••t ________ Beckham 195 Cashion*•t _____ Kingtl.sher Oastle*•t ________ Okfuskee 3 Oatoosa*•t _________ Ro1?ers 1098 Oement••t __________ Caddo 50 oentr~o!11a*•t _______ Co!f-1 0 entral1a ___________ Qra11!' 2226 .o.Ohandler*•t _______ Lincoln Ohattanooira"•t .Comanche 2 Checotah*•t ____ .McIntosh 1692 Ohelsea*•t _________ Rol!'ers 2017 .o.Oherok:ee••t _______ Alfalfa 400 •Cheyenne• ____ Roe;er Mills 10179 .o.Ohickasha*•t _______ Grady 199 Choctaw••t. ____ Oklahoma 541 Ohoteau*•t _____ ____ Mayes  s90  e  !!2 62  :gg  !  11~~ J  E~tg:.:l_:-_-_-_:-_-Okla~~~!  jijl  3:1 soi  f~  ~~~ •mar!'more*•t _____ Ro1rnrs antta••t_ ____________ coa1 500 01 ay on•• ____ J>ushmataha 3• Oleo Springs*•f. ____ M:ajor 271 ~ Oleveland*•t ______ Pawnee 2596 er mton••t_ _________ Quster 3009 .o.Ooaleate*•t C I 400 o lb t• t ----------- oa 500 O~l er ! f-- -- -j-fr1an 3801 001f{~;:uie*;f·-- 0 1~~ Oolony* ______ ::::washita 1 2555 gomanche*•t ____ Stephens 105 0 gmmerce; ________ ot~awa 430 Oo~~~;tn-~~-_°Wash~~~~ 18~5 .o.Qordell*•t ________ Washita 2 0 Gorn• __________ Washita 206 Council Hill*•t _Muskogee  i~~  ,r,~  NAME. L. H. CLARK. To Tecumseh. See McAlester. J. G. RALLS. To lloldenvil!e. See Pawhuska. See Alva. See Chandler. To Madill To Beaver P. A. SOMPAYRAC. JOHN A. SPOHN. See Okmu11?ee. To Durant. See Vinita. See Ardmore. See Cordell. See Vinita. See Pawhuska. To Perry. 'l'o Anadarko. To Enid. See Tulsa. To Pawnee. BELLATTI & BROWN. To Altus. To Purcell. To McAie ·ter. To Perry. See Vinita. To Beaver. To Durant. To Poteau. To Okemah. To Hugo. To Musko1?ee. See Chickasha. To Muskogee. See Blackwell, To Enid. To Anadarko. To Mangum. See Sapulpa. To Oklahoma. See Tulsa. To Idabel. See Centrahoma. To Beaver. See Pawhuska. See Cherokee. To Clinton. To PurcelJ. See Cherokee. To Lawton. To Durant. To Durant. To El Reno. To Holdenville. To Clinton. To Poteau. To McAlester. See Atoka. To Watonga. See Cordell. See Alva. To Miami. To Cherokee. To Anadarko. See Chandler. To Enid. To Sayre. See Kine;tl.sher. To Okemah. See Claremore. To Anadarko. To Coalgate. See Vinita. F. A. RITTENHOU E. To Lawton. To Eufaula. See Claremore. lnLL & KIRKENDALL. To Clinton. BAREFOOT A: CARMICHAEL. To Oklahoma. To Pryor.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  ri:t[~r  NAME.  TIO••  1283 1318 408 878 581  Oovine;ton••t _____ Gartl.eld Ooweta*•t _______ Wagoner Coyle*•t ___________ Logan Crescent*•L--------Logan Crowder*•t _____ Pittsburl!'  6326 Oushml!'*•t _________ Payne 671 Custer*•t __________ Custer 386 Cyril*•t ____________ Caddo 265 Dacoma•• __________ Woods 150 Dale*• ______ Pottawatomie 440 Davenwrt••t _____ Lincoln 461 Davidson*•t ______ Tillman 1609 Davis*•t __________ Murray 218 Deer Oreek:*•t ______ Grant 804 Delaware*•+ ______ Nowata 600 Depew*•L-- _______ Creek 2563 Devol*•L-- ________ cotton 1558 Dewar••t _______ Okmull!'ee 2302 Dewey*•f _____ WMhington 304 DilJ*•L----------- Washita 395 Dilworth _____________ I{ay 195 Douglas*•t ________ Garfield 500 Dover*•t _______ Kingfisher 100 Dri!twood*•t ______ Alfalfa 292 Drummond*•t ____ Garfield 6460 Drnmright*t _______ creek 500 Duke*•t __________ Jackson 3463 .o.Dancan••t1.------Stephens 7340 .o.Durant*•t __________ Bryan l 713 Dustin*•f _________ Hughes 200 Eafll'I City••t _______ Blaine 150 Eakly* _____________ Caddo 317 Earlsboro••t Pottawatomie 2452 Edmond*•t _____ Oklahoma 967 Eldorado*•t ______ Jackson 181 ElHin*•t ________ Comanche 2814 Elk Oitv••t ______ Beckham 337 Elmer*•+-------- .Jackson 400 Elmore Oity• ______ Garvin 7737 .o.EJ Reno*•t ______ Canadian 16576 .o.Enid*•t __________ Garfield 971 Erick*•t _________ Beckham  2286 .o.Eufaula*•t------ McIntosh 1342 Fairfax*•+ __________ Osal!'e 818 .ll'airland*•t-------- Ottawa 166 Fairmont*•t----- Gartleld 1751 .o.Fairview*•f_ ________ Major 238 Fallis*•L _______ Lincoln 289 Far~o••+ _____________ Ellis 263 Faxon••t_ ______ comanche 300 Fay*•f _____________ Dewey 200 Fitzhul!'h*•t----- Pontotoc 482 ll'letcher*•t _____ comanrhe 20 Floris* ____________ Beaver 394 Forak:er*•f __________ os~e 582 Fonrnn*• __________ Beaver 546 Fort Cobb*•t _______ Caddo 500 Foss*•t-----------Washita 1352 Ft. Gibson*•t ___ Muskol!'ee 96.S Ft. Towson*•f ___ Choctaw 109 Foyil*•t ___________ Rogers 911 Francis*•+------- Pontotoc 3822 .o.Frederick*•t ______ Tillman 200 Freedom ___________ Woods 804 Gaee*•t-------------- Ellis 295 Gans*•f _________ Sequoyah 1446 Garber*•t ________ .Gartl.eld 292 Garvin*•f ______ McCurtain 304 Gate*•f ____________ Beaver 1167 Geary*•t----------- Blaine 161 Geronimo*•t ___ Comanche 915 Gibbon*•----------- Grant 354 Glencoe*•t __________ Payne 287 Goltry*•t __________ Alfalfa 500 Goodwell*•t-------- Texas 329 Gore*•t --------- Sequoyah 1100 Gotebo*•f __________ Kiowa 400 Gould*•f. ________ Harmon 737 Gowen* _________ Latimer 266 Gracemont••t ______ Caddo 250 Grainola*•f_ ________ Osage 1990 Hrandfleld*•t _____ Tillman 912 Granite"•t __________ Greer 395 Grant*•f. ________ Choctaw 400 Gray• _____________ Beaver 250 Greenfleld*•f _______ BJaine 869 Grove*•f ________ Delaware W. H. BASSMAN. 11757 •Guthrie*•t _________ Loean To Coaleate. 1507 .o.Guymon*•L-------- Texas To Antlers. 2067 liaileyville*•t ___ Pittsburg To Fairview. 279 Hallett*•f. ________ Pawnee To Pawnee. 440 Hammon"•t __ Ro1?er Mills PHILLIPS & MILLS. 460 Hanna*•t --------McIntosh 365 Harrah*•L----- Oklahoma BRUNSON & DUDLEY. ~500 llartshorne••t ___ Pittsburg To Durant. 8000 Haskell*•L _____ Musko1rne S T. h · 0 629 Bastings*•t ---- _Jefferson T~ec1!~e~~!: • 400 Haworth*•L.-McCurtain See Cordell. 200 Hayward*•--------Garfteld ;~ 2m ee Hobart. 1850 Heavener*•t ______ LeFlore To Bartlesville. 615 Helena••t ----------Alfalfa 1310 Hennessey*•L-Kin1?flsher ROBERT L. KNIE. 5889 H~nrye~"•f ___ Okmull!'ee See Cordell. 453 Hickory •t ________ Murray To Muskogee. =-::=c==------=--- 209 Hillsdale"•t ______ Garfield  -- --- --NOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  POPUL.4.-  l :?Jlg~~~!======!-~t\~~  To Enid. See Wagoner. See Guthrie. See Guthrie. To McAlester. HIGGINS & BURTON. To Clinton. To Anadarko, See Alva. To Tecumseh. See Chandler. See Frederick. To Sulphur. To Medford. 'l'o Nowata. See Sapulpa. To Walter. See Henryetta. To Bartlesville. See Cordell. To Blackwell. To Enid. See Kingfisher, See Cherokee. To Enid. To Sapulpa. To Altus. 'To Marlow. ROB"T CROCKE, . . To Holdenville. See Watonga. To Anadarko, To Tecum<;eh. See Oklahoma. To Altus. To Lawton. 'l'o Sayre. To Altus. SeE\ Pauls Valley. lV. M. lV ALLA CE. W. J. OTJEN. To Sayre.  1. W. ROBERTSON. To Pawhuska. To Miami. To Enid. F. L. WELLS. ee Chandler. To Arnett. 'l'o Lawton. To Clinton. See Ada. To Lawton. To Bea vcr. ee Pawhuska. See Beaver. To .Anadarko. See Cordell. To Muskogee. See Hugo. See Claremore. ee Ada. J. 0. COUNTS. To Alva. To Arnett. See Sallisaw. To Enid. To Idabel. See Beaver. To Watonl!'a, To Lawton. To Medford. To Cushing. See Cherokee. To Beaver. To Sallisaw. ee Hobart. To Hollis. To Wilburton. To Anartarko. See Pawhuska. 'I'o Frederick. To Mangum. See ll ugo. To Ilraver. See Watonga. To Vinita. FRED W. GREEN. To Beaver. To McAlester. To Pawnee. To Clinton. ee Holdenville. To Oklahoma. To McAlester. To Muskogee. To Waurika. To Idabel. To Enid. ~~ 1r1~ore. To Poteau. ee Cherokee. 'l'o Kin1?flsher. To Okmulgee. To, ulohur. To Enid.  i  USE COUPONS aa inatructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  1800 OKLAHOMA ---POPULA· TION.  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  744 Hinton*•t __________ Caddo To Anadarko. 281 Bitchcock*•t _______ Blaine See Watonga. 264 Hichita*•t ______ McIntosh To Eufaula. 2036 •Hobart*•t __________ Kiowa TOLBERT & TOLBERT. 1500 Hor.ken ille _______ Ottawa 'ro Miami. 865 Hoffman••t _____ Okmulgee To Eufanla. 2032 •Holdenville*•t ____ Hu!?hes H, H. DIAMOND, 1683 400 200 287:i 946 125 711  •Hollis*•L----·--- Harmon Hollister*•t _______ Tillman Homestead*•t ______ Blaille Hominy*•L--- ______ Osage Hooker*•t __________ 'l'exas Hopeton*•--------- Woods Howe*•t __________ LeFlore  R. D. MILI,ER. See Frellerick. To Watonga. See Pawhuska. To Beaver. 1'o Alva. See Poteau.  6368 400 413 686  •llugo*•t __________ Chortaw Hulbert*•t------ Cherokee Hunter*•t-------- Garfield Hydro*•t ___________ Ca<1do  'ro 'l'ahlequah. To Enid. To Anadarko.  HAMMONDS & HA.1'fMONn~.  3067 •Idabel*•f-______ McCurtain lUcLENDON & McLENDON. 50 Imo ______________ U-arneld 'l'o Enill. (Enid f>. U.)  105 Imliahorua*•t-- Comanche To Lawton. 415 Indianola*•t _____ Pittsburg See McAlester.  218 Ini?ersoll*•t ________ AJ falfa See Cherokee.  408 Inola*•+ ___________ Rogers See Claremore.  125 babella ____________ Major 216 •Jay* _____________ Delaware 322 J e!Terson*•t ________ Grant 1508 Jenks••L----------- Tulsa 010 Jennin!?s*•t _______ Pawnee 370 J et*•t _____________ A!Jalfa 214 J ones*•t ________ Oklahoma 627 Kaw*•t _______________ Kay 600 Kellyville*•t ________ creek 130 Kemp City•t ______ Bryan (Henclrix P.O.)  255 413 300 494 350 300 1663 231  Kendrick*•L--- __ Lincoln Kenetlc"•t __________ Bryan Kenton* ________ Oimarron Keota"•t __________ Haskell Ketchum*t __________ Craie Keystone"•+------ Pawnee Kiefer"•t ___________ Creek Kildare*•t ____________ Kay  2447 767 393 1287 350 806 2078 169 1069 262 500  8030 800 500 1808 434 120 050 1543 500 587 657 308 240 101 300 150 150 601 281 2717 237 3405 335 350 630 387 1077 2276 800 200 637 324 627 300  •Kindsher*•t __ Kin!?flsher Kineston*•t ______ Marshall Kinta*•t __________ Haskell Kiowa"•+ _______ Pittsbure Knowles*•t ________ Beaver Konawa*•+ ______ Seminole Krebs*•t ________ Pittsburg Kremlin*•t _______ Garfield Kusa _______ , ___ Okmulgee Lahoma*•t _______ Garfield Lamar*•t _________ Hughes Lambert*•- ________ Alfalfa Lamont*•t ---------- Grant Laverne••t ________ Harper •Lawton"•+ _____ Comanche Leedey•t __________ Dewey Letl.ore*•---------Le Flore Lehi~h*•t ________ ----Coal Lenapah*•t------- Nowata Lenora* ___________ Dewey Lexington"t ____ Cleveland Lindsay"•t -------- Garvin Loco* ___________ Stephens Locust Grove"t ____ Mayes Lone Wolf*•t ______ Kiowa LOn!?dale*•t ---- ____ Blaine Lookeba*•t _________ Caddo Loveland*•t ------ Tillman Lovell"•+-----------Logan Loyal* _________ Kin!?tlsher Lucien*•t---------- Noble Luther"•t ______ Oklahoma Macomb*•t _Pottawatomie •lladill*•t ________ Marshall M:anchester*•t ______ Grant •Mani?um*•t _________ Greer Manitou"•L------ Tillman Mannford"•L------ Creek Mannsville*•t--- Johnston Maramec"•t ______ Pawnee •Marietta*•t __________ Love Marlow"•t _______ Stephens Marshall*•t _________ Logan Martha*•t ________ Jackson Maud*•t ____ Pottawatomie May••t ____________ Harper Maysville*•t _______ Garvin Maziet• ____________ Maves  12095 1062 651 200 1050 513 92 201  •McAlester*•t ____ Pittsburg McCurtain*•t----- Haskell McLoud*•+_ Pottawatomie Mead*•f ___________ Bryan •Medford*•t _________ Grant Meeker*•t-------- Lincoln Meno*•t ____________ Major lleridian"•L------- Logan  130  586  476  To Fairview.  W. W. MILLER.  To Medford. See Tulsa. 'l'o Pawnee. See Cherokee. See Oklalwma. 'ro Blackwell. See Sapulpa. Sec Durant. See Chandler. To Durant. See Beaver. To Stigler. Seti Pryor. To Pawnee. See Sapulpa. To Blackwell.  PoPO•  6802 •lliami*•L _________ Qttawa H. L. SHANNON 406 200 620 200 606 254 592 1926 353 1078 334 1000 693 385  MINTER & McCLENDON.  To Medford. HARRY D. HENRY.  See Frederick. See Sapulpa. See Tishomin!?o, To Pawnee. J.C. GRAHAM. T. A. MORGAN.  See Guthrie. To Altus. To Tecumseh. To Beaver. To Pauls Valley. 'l'o Prvor. COUNTS BROTHERS.  To Stigler. To Tecumseh. To Durant. C. S. INGERSOLL. To Chandler. To Fairview. See Guthrie.  NOTE  Milburn*•t ______ Johnston Milfay" ____________ .Creek Mill Creek"•t ____ Johnston Millerton*•+ ___ McCurtain Minco*•t ___________ Grady Moore*•+ ______ Cleveland MooreJand*•t-_ Woodward Morris*•t------ Okmuleee Morrison"•+-------- Noble Mounds*•t _________ Creek Mountain Park*•+ __ Kiowa Mountain View"•t- Kiowa Muldrow*•t _____ Sequoyah Mulhall*•L-------- Loe:an  •Musko!?ee••t ___ Muskoeee Mustang*•+ ______ Canadian Mutual* ______ _ Woodward Nardin*•t ____________ Kay Nash*•+_ ___________ Grant Navina*•t __________ Logan Nelagoney*•t _______ osage Newalla*•t _____ Oklahoma •Newkirk*•t __________ Kay 406 Ninnekah*•t------- Grady 497 Noble*•t ________ Cleveland 5004 •Norman"•t _____ Cleveland  30277 175 169 200 439 126 450 125 2533  See Tishomin!?O, To Sapu 1pa. To Ti homingo. To Idabel. To Chickasha. To Oklahoma. To Woodward. See Okmulgee. To Perry. See Sa p11lpa. See Hobart. See Hobart. To Salli:aw. See Guthrie. REYNOLDS & WILLIA".\IS.  To Oklahoma. See Woodward. See Blackwell. To ~ledford. See Gu time. To Pawhn:,;ka. To Oklahoma. To Blackwell. See Chickasha. To Norman. To Oklahoma.  4471 •Nowata*•f_ _______ Nowata GLASS & WEAVER. 224 OaKwood"•t------- Dewey Oilton t _________ ----~reek Okarche"•t ______ Canadian Okay __ ------ ____ Wagoner Okeene*•t __________ BJaine  To Clinton.  419 Ochelata*•t __ Washineton To Bartlesville.  2231 4-19 400 1084  To Sapulpa. To El Reno. 'ro Wagoner. To Watonga.  2162 •Okemah"•t _____ Okfuskee ROWE, PHILLIPS & DOUGLAS. 01258§•Oklahoma*•t ___ Oklahoma Practice in all Courts. Special attention given to Corporation. Insurance, Commercial and Bankruptcy Litigation. Well equipped collection Department. Adjustments made in all parts of tile state. References: American Nat'! Dank, Oklahoma City. Can furnish satisfactory references in any bu iness center of the United States upon reque t. (Reviser of Oklahoma Laws~for the Bankers Directory.)  OLIVER C. BLACK,  HINCH & BRADLEY.  To Madill. To Stigler. To McAlester. See Beaver. To Wewoka. To McAlester. To Enid. 'l'o Okmulgee. To Enid. See Holdenville. See Cherokee. 'I'o Medford. To Beaver. L. M. GENSMAN. To Clinton. To Poteau. To Coalgate. To Nowata. To Clinton. To Purcell. To Pauls Valley. To Marlow. To Pryor. See Hobart. To Watonga. To Anadarko. To Frederick. See Guthrie. See Kingfisher. •ro Perry. To Oklahoma. To Tecumseh.  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY. LA· TION.  17430 •Okmull?'ee*•t ___ Okmuleee JOHN H. ALSOP, 308 Okmulgee Bid!?, 335 Oktaha* ________ Muskoeee To Muskogee.  665 Olustee*•t ________ Jackson To Altus.  180 Omeea*________ Kingfisher To Kingfisher. 277 Oolo!?ah"•t ________ Roeers See Claremore.  200 161 254 757  370  600 363 300  Optima *•t __________ Texas Orlando"•+--------Love ________ . ________Loi.ran Orr* Osa!?e"•t ____________ Osage Owasso••t __________ Tulsa Paden*•t ________ Okfuskee Paoli*•+----------- Garvin Park Hill*•------Cherokee  To Guymon. See Guthrie. To Marietta. See Pawhuska. See Tulsa. To Okemah. See Pauls Valley. To Tahleauah.  3694 •Pauls Valley••t ____ Garvin YERKER E. TAYLOR. 6414 •Pawhuska*•t------ Osage A. M. WIDDOWS. 2418 •Pawnee••t ________ Pawnee FRANK C. SHOEMAKER. 400 Peckham••t_ _________ Kay 200 Pensacola L ________ Mayes 608 Perkins*•---------- Payne 3154 •Perry*•t ____________ Noble 891 Per hing ___________ Osage 9676 Picher _________ ____ Ottawa 213 Piedmoni*•t _____ Qanadian 892 Pittsbur!?"•t _____ Pitts bure 240 Pleasant Valley•• __ Loean 300 Pocasset*•+ _________ Grady 7051 Ponca City*•t ________ Kay 965 Pondcreek*•t ______ Grant 500 Pontotoc* _______ Johnston 597 Porter*•t ________ waeoner 533 Porum*•t _______ M.uskoeee  To Blackwell. To Pryor. To Cushing.  P. W. CRE S. To Pawhu ka, To Miami. El Reno. See McAlester. See Guthrie. See Chickasha. To Blackwell. To Medford. See Tishomin!?o. See Wagoner. To Muskogee.  2670 •Poteau*•L-------Le Flore W. H. HARRISON. 1127 Prague*•t _________ Lincoln See Chandler. 1000 Preston• ________ Okmuleee See Okmuleee. 1767 •Pryor••t ___________ M.ayes R. A. Wil,KERSON. 2038 •Purcell*•t ________ McClain 175 Putnam* __________ Dewey 238 Quapaw*•t ________ Ottawa 2000 Quay*• ___________ Pawnee 310 Quinlan••t ____ Woodward 1557 Quintou"•L-----Pitt~bure 703 Ralston*•t ________ Pawnee 703 Ramona*•t--- Washington 323 Randlett• ----------Cotton 844 Red Fork*•t ________ Tulsa 593 Red Oak*•t_ ______ Latimer 329 Redrock*•t _________ Noble 50 Reeding*•----- Kini,?flsher  . W. TURK. To Clinton. To Miami. 'ro Pawnee. See Woodward. To McAlester. To Pawnee. To BartlesviHe. To Walter. See Tulsa. 'ro Wilburton. To Perry. -=T-=o-=K=1:.:·n::!:g~fi-=sh=-e.::.:r:.:.·_ _ _ _ _ _ __  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  OKLAHOMA, OREGON  ;;P::=OPU=-=====..::=-=-==---==============----c=::::::P o=PU=-=============--::= LATOWN AND COUNTY. NAME. LA· TOWN AND COUNTY. TION.  To Medford. 'l'o 1£ufaula. To El Reno. See Woodward. To Waurika. To Fairview. 'l'o Cushing. See Cordell. s,,e Ada. S0e Hobart. To Purcell. 'l'o Buffalo. See Chickasha. To Waurika. To Pryor.  2~55 00 • 100 " 076  CURTIS & PITCHFORD. 'ro Medford. To Alva. See Tulsa.  U  •Sallisaw*•t ______ seouoyab Saltfork*• _________ Grant Salt Springs _______ narper Sand Springs*• ______ Tulsa  lli3!5 •Sapult>a*•t _________ Creek Sasakwa*•t ______ Seminole  R. K. ROBERTSON. See Wewoka. 600 Savanna*•+_ ___ . Pittsburg To McAlester. 210 awyer*•t ______ Choctaw To Hugo.  1rn3o •Sarr.e*:t-------- B_eckham Sc1~10 ;----- ____ P1 tts bure 323 8 e1hng ____ ---- ____ Dewey 20 0 Selman ___________ Harper (Charleston P. 0.) :54 SemiI1olr•+----- Semin9le 11 6 Sentmel •t. ______ Washita 1409 Shamrock* ________ Creek 50 Sharon*•t-----· Woodwa~d 13 8 hattuck •t __________ Ellis  J  15348 Shawnee*•t .Pottawatomie 268 Skedee*•t ________ Pawnee 1653 Skiatook*•t ________ Tulsa ---- Slick ______________ . Creek 65 'mithville* ___ McCurtain Snyder*•t _________ Kiowa  Soper*•t ---- ____ Choctaw  472 Soarks"•t _________ Lincoln  250 487 1162 265  NAME.  TION.  132 Renfrow*•t _________ Grant 600 Richardville ____ Mclntosll 200 Richland*•t_ ____ canadian 25 Richmond* ____ wooclward 10311 Ringling*t ______ J efl'erson 225 Rinewood*•t------- Major 406 Ripley*•t ___________ payne 2 Rocky*•t _________ Washita 1 8 Roff*•t __________ Pontotoc 362 Roosevelt*•L------ Kiowa ZOO Rosedale*•t ______ MC'Clain 181 Rosston"•t ________ Harper 168 Rush Springs*•t ____ Grady 13711 Ryan*•t _________ Jefferson 411 Salina*t ____________ Mayes  l~~~  1801  Spencer*•t----- Oklahoma Sperry*t -------- ____ Tulsa Spiro"•t _________ Le Flore Sterling* _______ Oomanche  T. R. WISE. See McAlester. 'l'o Clinton. To Beaver.  •Watonea*•t -------- Blaine Watts*f. ___________ Adair Waukomis*•t _____ Garfield •Waurika*•t----- Jefferson Wayne*•t -------- McOlam Waynoka*•t _______ Woods Weatherford*•t ____ ouster Webbers Falls* _Muskogee Welch*•t ____________ Qraig Weleetka*•t ____ OkfuskeP Wellston*•t _______ Lmcoln Westville*•L------- Adair Wetumka*•t------ Hughes •Wewoka*•t. _____ seminole Wheatland*•t __ Oklahoma • Wilburton*•t. ____ Latimer Willow*•t. ______ ____ Greer Wilsont ___________ carter Wirt* ______________ Carter Wister*•L--- ____ Le Flore Woodville*•t---- Marshall •Woodward*•t.. Woodward Wright City ----McCurtain Wyandotte*•t ____ Ottawa Wynne Wood*•t. __ Garvin 2749 Wynona*•+-------- Osage 2601 Yale*•t ____________ Payne 1016 Yukon*•t ________ oanadian  1678 481 463 3204 429 1500 1Q29 480 696 1588 650 956 1422 1520 200 2226 286 2286 1200 586 443 3849 900 274 2200  ALLAN FALKENSTINE. To Stilwell. To Enid. BAYS DILLARD. To Purcell. See Alva. To Clinton. To M.uskoeee. See Vinita. To Okemah. To Chandler. To Stilwell. To Holdenville. c. »ALE WOLFE. To Oklahoma. ffiA C. BAYCOCK . To Mangum. To Ardmore. To Ardmore. See Poteau. To Madill. A. W. ANDERSON. To Idaoel. To Miami. To Pauls Valley. See Pawhuska. To Cushing. To Oklahoma  To Wewoka. See Cordell. To Sapulpa. See Woodward. To Arnett. ABERNATHY & HOWELL. 'ro Pawnee. See Tulsa. To Sapulpa. To Idabel. See Hobart. See Hugo. See Chandler. To Oklahoma. See Tulsa. To Poteau. To Lawton.  ¼774091 •Stieler*•t --------- Haskell G. A. f'llRR y. " •Stillwater*•t _______ Payne To Cushinir. 1155 •Stilwell*•t __________ Adair ~~~ Stonewall*•t ____ Pontotoc Strang*t-,.---------- May~s 1164 8 tr?,tford •+------- Garvm 400 Strmgtown*•t. _____ Atoka  lm  SStrong,. Oity*•-Roeer. Mills  troud •L-------- Lmcoln 800 Stuart*•t __________ Hughes 21 3 Suiden*•t _______ Jefl'erson  SAMUEL WE TON. See Ada. To Pryor. To Valley. See Atoka. To Clinton. See Chandler. To Holdenville. To Waurika.  OREGON One Federal District comprises entire state. District court Is held at Portland, first Monda1s to March, July, and November; at Pendleton, first Tuesdays in April; and at Medford, fl.rst Tuesday tn October.  8667 •Sulphur*•t _______ Murray YOUNG, McKENZIE & BART. 6 Sumnert*•---------Noble To Perry. 23 SupI)ly*•t------Woodward To Woodward.  f  2271 •Tahleauah*•t Cherokee 197 --690 Talala• •t __________ Roeers Talihina*•t ______ Le Flore 365 •Taloga* ___________ Dewey  B. M. VANCE.  14211 •Tecumseh*•LPottawato'ie ~~~ Temple*•t _________ Cotton Terlton*•t ________ }'awnee 50 ~ Terral*•t_ _______ Jefferson 68 Texhoma*•L------- Texas 5118 Texola*•+------- Beckham 1223 :Jfotm~*•t -------- quster 727 P on •t _________ Tillman  LYDICK & LYDICK. To Walter. To Pawnee. To Waurika. To Beaver. To Sayre. To Clinton. See Frederick.  1811 •Tishomingo*•L- Johnston l~~ Tonkawa*•t __________ Kay Tribbey*•t..Pottawatomie 225 Tryon*•t _________ Lincoln 72075 •Tulsa"•t Tulsa 400 Tupelo*•t____ ---- ---- C · 1 248 T ushka*•t------- ----Atoka oa. __________ 600 T uskahoma*•t- •• Push't'a 590 700 Tuttle*•t T ------- ---- Grad Y UYrone*•t. _________ Texas 200 200 u~fo'i':..-;,-t--------------~ay 8011 Valliant*;t------,~Canad1~0 800 v -----ru.rCurtam 12!1 Vanoist*•t _______ Pontotoc 49 Vera • ------ Washington u766 V~r !n*•t __________ Grady V!a~ •t. ________ Sequoyah 800 IC •t ____________ Dewey 5010 v· · " llllta*•t ___________ Craig • 3436 •Waioner*•t ____ Wagoner 338 Wakita*•t __________ Grant 8032 •Walters*•t _________ Cotton ~~i ;anette*•L Pottawatomie ann*•t __________ Nowata 1038 Wapan!lc~a*•L- Johnston 2~~ Wardv1~e •L--,--- Atoka 3 WWarn~r •t...____ Muskog~e 336 ashmgton •+ __ MrClam  See Claremore. To Poteau. To Clinton.  WM. M. LUCAS. To Blarkwell. To 'rerum. eh. See Chandler. E. M. CONNOR. To Coal ate. "' See Atoka. To Antlers. See Oh.1c kas h a. To Beaver. To Blackwell. To El Reno. To Idabel. See Ada. To Bartlesville. To Chickasha. To Ralli. aw. 'I'o Clinton. 0  T. DU BOIS FREAR. c. E. CASTLE. To Medford. R. H. GALYEN. To 'l'ecum eh. To Nowata. To Tishomingo. See Atoka. To Muskogee. To Purrell.  NOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  REFERENCE KEY  •County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office t Tel~raph Statton. § State Capital. 4840 200 522 5211 4283 14027 621 171 220 77211 1440  342 511 580 5415 77 500  763 1022 166 852 3:54  552 100  •Albany*•t ____________ Linn Al ea* _____________ Benton Amity*•---------- Yamhill ArlinL?ton••t. _____ Gilliam Ashland*•+------- Jackson •Astoria*•t -------- Olatsop Athena*•t ________ Umatilla Aumsville*• _______ Marion Aurora••t. ________ Marion •Baker ••t ___________ Baker Bandon*•------------ Coos Banks*•t _____ Washington Bay City*•t _____ Tillamook Beaverton*•t. Washington •Bend*•t --------Deschutes Bonanza* ________ Klamath Brooicings* _________ Curry Brownsville*•t _______ Linn •Burns* _________ ·- Harney Butte Falls*• ______ Jackson Canby*•t ______ Clackamas  HEWITT & SOX. To Corvallis. See McMinnville. To Condon. To Grants Pass. FRANK SPITTLE. See Pendleton. See Salem. To Salem. CLIFFORD & CARRELL. To Coquille. To Hillsboro. See Tillamook. To Hillsboro. To Prineville. To Klamath Falls See Gold Beach. To Albany. CBARLI<.,S W. ELLIS. To Grau ts Pass. To Oregon City. •Oanyon City* _______ Grant G.B.COTTONACK. Carlton*•+-------- Yitmhill Ree MC'Minnville. Carver. ________ CJackamus To Oregon City.  (0reoon City P. 0.) 582 Oentral Point*•L_Jarkson To Grant Pa s.  1384 Olatskanie*•t ___ Columbia To t. Helens .  Cloverdale•---- Tillamook Coburg*•+----------- Lane •Condon*•t _________ Gilliam •Coquille*•------------Coos o 1· * t w h' orne rns • -- as me-ton 5752 •Corvallis*•t. ______ Benton rnrn Cottage Grove*•t. ___ LanP, 399 Cove* ______________ Union 150 270 1127 1642 494  See Tillamook. To Eugene. CHAS. II. BORNER. J. J. STANLEY. I To Iillsboro. McFADDEN & CLARKE. To Eugene. See Lagrande.  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond-. - - - - See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1 802  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  OREGON, PENNSYLVANIA  P=o=P=u=.=-=-- =--======-=====....:..::::=--=============P=oP=u=.======================== LA-  TION,  TOW,.' .AND COUNTY.  NAME.  LA•  TION,  250 Crane _________ Harney To Burns. 273 Oreswell*•t __________ Lane To Eugene. 2527 •Dallas*•t-------------Polk 448 Dayton*•--------- Yamhill 126 Donald*•t-------- Marion 607 Drain*•t __________ Douglas 533 Dufur*•------------ Wasco 128 Eagle Point*• ____ Jackson 501 Echo*t. __________ Umatilla 1043 Elgin••t ___________ Union 1805 •Enterprise*•t ____ Wallowa 483 Estacada*• _____ CJackamas 1-0503 •Eugene*•t. __________ Lane 094 Falls Oity*e __________ Polk 150 Flora* ____________ Wallowa 317 Florence* ____________ Lane 1775 Forest Grove*•t Wash'gt'n 510 •Fossil*--------· -- Wheeler 664 Freewater*•t ____ Umatilla 400 Gardiner*------ Douglas 221 Gaston ••t ____ Washington 268 Gervais*•t. ________ Marion 548 Glendale*•t _______ Dougla~ 300 •Gold Beach* ________ Curry '22 Gold Hill*•t ______ Jackson 3151 •Grants Pass*•t _Josephine 317 Grass Valley*•t __ Sherman 1103 Gresham•• ____ Multnomah 503 Haines*•t ___________ Baker 724 Halfway" __________ Baker 339 Halsey*•t ____________ Linn 225 Harper ~•+ _______ )falheur 573 Harrisburg*•t ______ Linn 290 Helix*•t _________ Umatilla 1324 •Heppner*•t _______ Morrow 655 Hermiston.*•t ____ Umatilla 2468 •Hillsboro*•t _ Washington 3195 •Hood River*•tHood River 500 Hubbard ••t _______ Marion 666 Huntington*•t. _____ Baker 206 lmbler*•t __________ Union 1143 Independence*•+ ____ Polk 439 Ioue*•t __________ Morrow 417 Jefferson*•t ______ Marion 321 John Day* __________ Grant 355 Jordan Valley* ___ Malheur 779 Joseph"•+ ________ Wallowa 687 Junction Oity*•f. ____ Lane 127 Juntura* _________ Malheur 4801 •Klamath Falls"•t Klamath 1000 Knappa ___________ CJatsop 410 Lafayette*•t _____ Yamhill 6913 •La Grande*•t. ______ Union 1130 .t.Lakeview"•t --------- Lake 126 Lapir;ie* ________ Deschutes 1805 Lebanon*•t __________ Linn 264 Lexington*• ______ \'lorrow 244 Lostine*•--------- Wallowa 400 •Madras*•L- ____ J effer on 500 Malin • _________ Klarcath 4034 M.arshfleld*•t ________ Coos 198 Maupin*•t __________ Wasco 2767 •McMinnville"•t ___ Yamhill 5756 Medford*•t _______ Jackson 237 Merrill* ----------Klamath 94 Metolius*•t _____ Jefferson 1250 Mill City __________ Marion 1747 Milton"•t ________ Umatilla 1172 Milwaukie*t ___ OlacK:amas 224 Mitchell ________ Wheeler 406 Molalla•------- Clackamas 150 Monitor ___________ .Marion 582 Monmouth"•t _______ Polle 101 llonroe *•----- ____ Benton 418 •Moro*•t _________ Sherman 250 Mosier••t __________ Wasco 036 Mt. Anre1*•t _______ Marion 385 Myrtle Creek*•t __ Douglas 934 Myrtle Point*•-------Coos 2566 Newberg*•t------ Yamhill 580 Newport*•t------- Lincoln 3268 North Bend*• ________ Coos 250 North Plains•-- Wash'gton ___ North Portland Multnomah 613 North Powder*•t ___ Union 663 Nyssa••t _________ Malheur 516 Oakland*•t _______ Douglas 2030 Ontario*•t _______ M::.lheur 5686 .t.Orel?On Oity"•t-Clackamas 257 Paisley*t ____________ Lake 7287 •Pendleton"•t ____ Umatilla 501 Philomath"•t ______ Benton 361 Pilot Rock*•t ____ Umatilla 258288•Portland*•t ___ Multnomah  E. K. PIASECKI.  See McMinnville. To Salem. To Roseburg. To The Dalles. To Grants Pass. See Pendleton. See La Grande.  J. A. BURLEIGH.  To Oregon City.  L. M. TRAVIS.  To Dallas. To Enterprise. To Eugene. To HilL boro. H.  n.  IIENDRICKS.  See Pendleton. To Roseburg. To Hillsboro. See Salem. To Roseburg.  C.H. BLUFFINGTON.  To Grants Pass.  o. s. BLANCH.A&D.  To Moro. See Portland. See Baker. See Baker. See Albany. Tu Vale. To Albany. Sec- Pendleton.  C. E. WOODSON.  See Pendleton.  THOS. H. TONGUE, JR. C. D. NICKELSON.  See Salem. See Baker. See La Grande. To Dalla . See Heppner. See Salem. See Cauyon City, To Vale. To Enterprise. To Eugene. See Vale.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  1144 •Prineville* __________ crook 1287 Rainier*•t ______ Columbia 51!:i Redmond*•t ___ Deschutes 850 Reedsport ________ Douglas 244 Richland* ___________ Baker 268 Riddle"•t _________ Douglas 4381 •Roseburg"•f ______ Douglas 17679§•Salem"•f. _________ Marion 242 Sandy*________ CJackamas 400 Scappoose*•t--- Columbia 300 Scio*•----------------Lmn 64 Scotts Mills*______ Marion 1802 Seaside*•t ________ Qlatsop 124 '3haniko*•t ________ Wasco 100 Sbedd*•f _______ Linn 979 Sheridan*•+-------Yamhill 600 Sherwood*•t __ Washington 2251 Silverton"•L------ Marion 1855 Springtleid*•t ________ Lane 318 Stanfleld*•L----- Umatilla 649 Stayton*•t _________ Marion 2220 •St. Helens*t _____ Columbia 160 St. Paul* __________ Marion 468 Sutherlin*•t. _____ Douglas 278 Talent*• __________ Jackson 5807 •The Dalles*•f ______ Wasco 500 Tigard 0 t ____ \Va hington 1930 •Tillamook*•t--- Tillamook 678 •Toledo"•+--------- Lincoln 309 Troutdale*•t __ Multnomah 289 Turner••t _________ Marion 1310 Union"•t ___________ Union 93:i • Vale*•L- _________ Malheur 600 Vernonia*------ Columbia 182 Waldport*t ______ Lincoln 894 Wallowa"•t ______ Wallowa 701 Wasco*•+-------- Sherman 595 Weston*•t ________ Umatilla 500 Wheeler*•t _____ Tillamook 247 Willamina*•------Yamhill 200 Wilsonville*•L-Clackamas 1656 Woodburn*•t ______ Marion 366 YamhiW• ________ Yamhill 232 Yoncalla"•t ______ Douglas  NAME. M. R. ELLIOTT. Bee St. Helen.  To Prineville. To Roseburg. See Baker. To Roseburg.  OLIVER P. COSHOW. JOHN BAYNE.  To Oregon City. See St. Helen. See Albany, To Salem. See A toria. See The Dalles. See Albany, To McMinnville. To Hillsboro. To Salem. To Eugene. See Pendleton. To Salem.  H. 1\1. WIDTE.  8ee Salem. To Roseburg. To Grants Pass.  c.  L. PEPPER.  To JI ill boro.  H. T. BOTTS.  C. E. HAWKINS.  To Portland. See Salem. See La Grande.  H. C. EASTHAM.  To St. Ilelens. To Toledo. To Enterprise. To Moro. See Pendleton. See Tillamook. To McMinnville. To Oregon City, To Salem. See McMinnville. To Roseburg.  5  15  3  1 43 78 20  ARTHUR D. HAY.  3  RAMSEY, LANGE & NOTT.  WILL M. PETERSON.  To Corvallis. See Pendleton.  BEACH and SIMON. (J. Y. B eaeh, N. D. "imon.) Attorneys at Law. 710-712 Board of Trade Bldg, CornpilerN of the Oregon law for thi.s pulJlicatlon.  NOTE  PENNSYLVANIA Pennsylvania Is divided Into three Federal Districts: Eastern, Middle,  and Western.  The EASTEKN DISTRICT, with court at Ph1ladelpb1a, the second Mondays ln March and June, third Monday ln Sept.amber, and second Monday in December. The MIDDLE DISTRICT, with court at Scranton, second Monday ln March and third Monday ln October; at Harrisburg, first Mondays 1n May and December; at Sunburrj second Monday 1D 1anuary, and at Williamsport, first Monday ln une. The WFSTERN DISTRieT, with court at Pittsburgh, ftrlt Monday ln May and third Monday in October; and at Erle, third Monday In July and second Monday in January.  REFERENCE KEY • County Seat. • Money Order Office. • Express omce. t Teleeraph Station. § State Capital.  * d 334 Abbottstown ---- - A ams 190 Addison*•t ______ Somerset 723 Akron*•t _______ Lancaster 1540 A.lbion*•t ____________ Erie 440 Alexandria __ Huntingdon 2931 Aliquippa*•- ______ Beaver 73502•A.llentown"•t _______ Lehigh  T G b o ettys urg. To Somerset. To Lancaster. See Erie. To Huntingdon. To Beaver.  M. P. SCHANTZ. Attorney at Law, Rooms 1-2-3-4 Lentz Bldg. 410 Allenwood"•t. ______ nion To LaGrand_e;...._ _ __ _ _ __ USE COUPONS as instructed to BE- PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  1500 Powers*• ___________ Coos To Coquille. 643 Prairie Oitv*•------Grant To Canyon City.  3  329  To Prineville. To Albany. To Heppner. To Enterprise. To Culver. 'ro Klamath Falls. To Ooquille. To The Dalles.  See The Dalles. See Salem. To Ro eburg. To Coquille. To McMinnville. See Toledo. To Coquille. To Hillsboro. To Portl3.nd. See La Grande. To Vale. To Roseburg. To Vale. ARTHUR J. BEATTIE. See Lakeview.  3  36 6 15  10  BERT C. THOMAS.  BRIGIIT & BRYANT.  39 23 10 810 26  121 10 503  To Astoria. 8ee McMinnville. R. J. GREEN.  To Grants Pass. To Klamath Falls. To Culver. To Salem. To Pendleton. To Oregon City. ToFo ii. To Oregon City. To Salem. See Dallas. See Corvallis.  23 7  7 21 20 31 49 208 155 46 30 102 23 32 14 25 7 3 19 27 4 237 7 24 16 5  106 21~ 1864 1091 4 1151 105  13 3 23, 471 202 100 :i2  233  1317 1151 55 5803  PENNSYLVANIA  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) POPU•  LA·  NAME.  TOWN AND OOUNTY.  TION,  60331 Altoona*•t ___________ Blair ISAIAH SCHEELINE. Altoona Trust Bldg. 400 Alum Bank ______ Bedford To Bedford. 3094 .Ambler*•t ___ Montgomery To Norris town. 12730 Ambridge*•t ______ Beaver 'l'o Beaver. 3000 Annville*•t ______ Lebanon To Lebanon. 3227 Apollo*•t ______ Armstrong See Kittanning. 8603 Archbald*•t- Lackawanna To Scranton. 12000 Ardmore*•t __ Monteomer:, To Norristown, 358 Arendtsville* ______ Adams To Gettysbure. 6100 Arnolcl*•t _ Westmoreland 'ro Greensburg. 6666 Ashland*•t _____ Schuylkill To Pottsville. 6520 Ashley*•t-------- Luzerne To Wilkes-Barre. 650 Atglen*•t _________ Ohester To West Chester. 4384 Athens*•t ------ Bradford To Towanda. 977 Auburn*•t _____ Schuylkill To Pottsville. 1556 Austin*•t __________ Potter To Coudersport. 5277 Avalon•t ______ .Allegheny To Pittsbure-h. (Alleuhen11 P. 0.) 3000 Avella*•t-----Washington To Washineton. 1092 Avis*•t ___________ OJinton To Lock Haven. 4950 Avoca*•t _________ Luzerne To Wilkes-Barre. 627 Avondale*•L- ---· Ohester To West Chester. 1242 Avonmore*•t _W'moreland To Greensburg. 800 Bainbridee*•t __ Lancaster To Lancaster. 2500 Bakerton•------.Cambria To Ebensburg. (Elmora P. 0.) 387 Bally* ______________ Berks To Readine. 6402 Bangor*•t __ Northampton To Allentown. 4183 Barnesboro*•t--- Cambria To Johnstown. 1401 Bath*•t----- Northampton To Allentown. 445 Beallsville*·-- Washineton To Washineton. 4135 •Beaver*•t--------- Beaver DANH. STONE. 4000 Beaverdale* ______ cambria To John town. 12802 Beaver Falls*•t----Beaver To Beaver. ,50 Beaver Sprines"•t _Snyder To Middlebure. 2330 •Bedford*•t _______ Bedford D. C. REILEY. 750 Beech Creek"•t ·- Clinton To Lock Haven. 3996 •Bellefonte"•t------ Center GETTIG & BOWER. 2342 Belle Vernon*•----Fayette See Connellsville. 1000 Belleville"•-------- Mifflin To Lewistown. 8198 Bellevue*t _____ Alleeheny To Pittsburgh. 2629 Bellwood*•t _________ Illair See Altoona. 356 Bendersville*t _____ Adams To Gettysbure. 3679 Bentleyville*• Washineton To Washington. 696 Benton"•--------Columbia To Bloomsburg, 1563 Berlin*•t ________ somerset To Somerset. 802 Bernville* __________ Berks To Reading. 12181 Berwick"•t _____ Columbia To Bloomsburg. 1000 Berwyn*•t ________ chester To West Chester. 50358 Bethlehem*•t. Northa'ton To Allentown. 539 Biglerville*•t ______ Adams To Gettysburg. 1023 Big Run*•t ______ Jefferson To Brookville. 3299 Birdsboro*•t------- Berks To Reading. 1500 Black Lick*•t ____ Indiana To Indiana. BIO Blain*• _____________ Perry To New Bloomfield, 100 Blairs Mills*•.Huntington To Huntinedon. 4391 Blairsville*•+ _____ Indiana To Indiana. 7819 .. Bloomsburg*•t •. Columbia RALPH R. JOHN. 2033 Blossbure••t ________ Tioea To Coudersport. 300 Blue Ball* ______ Lancaster To Lancaster. 766 Bolivar*•t- Westmoreland To Greensburg. 2168· Boswell*•------- Soml'lrset To Somerset. 2000 Bowmanstown*•t .Carbon To .M:auch Chunk. 3189 Boyertown*•t ______ Berks To Reading. 4087 Brackenridee *•t Alle'heny To Pittsburgh. 20879 Braddock*•t----Alle1?heny To Pittsburl?h. 15525 Bradford*•+ ____ .• McKean BROWN, SCHOONMAKER & NA.SH. 4680 Bridgeport•t _Montgomery To Norristown. 3092 Brid1?eville"•t __ Allegheny To Pitt burl?h, 10273 Bristol"•t __________ Bucks To Doylestown. 2369 Brockwayville*•t _J e:fl'e.r'n To Brookville. 3272 •Brookville*•t ___ Jefferson CARMA.LT & STRONG. 1489 Brownstown" ___ Lancaster To Lancaster. 2502 Brownsville*•t ____ Fayette See Connellsville. 720 Bruin*•------------ Butler See Butler. 392 Bryn Mawr*•t .Montl?O'ry To Norristown. 1000 Bure-ettstown*•-- Washt'n To Washington. 2765 Burnham __________ Mifflin 'l'o Lewistown. 403 Burn ide*•t ____ Clearfield To Clearfield. 23778 •Butler*•+ ___________ Butler J. W. HUTCHISON. 700 Cairn brook*•--- Somerset To Somerset. 2480 Oalitornia*•t _ Washington To Washington. 1663 Oambridl?e Sp'gs*•t _cra'd To Meadville. 500 Campbelltown._.LelJanon To Lebanon. 10632 Canonsburg *•t ___ Washt'n To Washington. 2154 Oanton*•t • ______ Bradford To Towanda. 18640 Oarbondale*•L Lackaw'na To Scranton. 10016 •Carlisle*•t ____ Cumberland UARRY M. LEIDIGH. ~81 Oarm1chaels * __ ---· Greene 'ro Waynesbure. 11~i6 Oarnee-ie*•t ____ Allegheny To Pittsburgh. 10;) 4 Carrickt ________ AJleebeny To Pittsburgh, (lllt. Oliver P. 0.)  Carrolltown*• ___ Cambria Cassandra~ ______ Cambria Castle Shannon*•t Alleg· ny Catasauciua*•t _____ Lehigh Catawissa*•+ ___ Columbia I~~~ Cecil*•t ______ Washin1?ton  1369 306 2353 4714 2025 2336 13171 W516 555 58030  8:~t~!1!~~t!_-_-oo~~t1~  •Ohambersburg"•t .Fran'in Charlero1"•t _ Washington Cherry Tree*•t ___ Indiana Ohester*•L----- Delaware  1100 085 6264 928 2793 1401 1000 1500 8;;29 3467 329 2867  TOWN AND COUNTY.  Chicora*•f _________ Butler Christiana*•t ___ Lancaster Olairton*•t _____ AJle1?heny Clarendon*•L---. Warren •Olarion*•t _________Clarion ClarksSummit*•tLack'nna Claysbure-*t _________ Blair Claysville*•t __ Washington .. Clearfleld*•t ____ Clearfield Clifton Heights*.Del'w're Olintonville* . .. __ Venango Clymer*• ________ .Indiana Coaldale __________ Bedford (Six Mile Run P. 0.)  1803  NAME. See Butler. To Lancaster. To Pittsbur1Zh, To Warren. TDEO. L. WILSON. To Scranton. See Altoona. To Washington. WM. I. SWOOPE. To Chester. See Franklin. To Indiana. To Bedford.  Coaldale*•t _____ Schuylkill To Pottsville. Coalport*•t _____ Clearfield To Clearfield. Coatesville*•+ _____ Chester To West Chester. Cochranton"•t •• Crawford To Meadville. Oodorus*• ___________ York To York. Collegeville*•t Montgom 'y To Norristown. Columbia*•t ____ Lancaster To Lancaster. Conemaug-h*•t ___ Cambria To Johnstown. Confluence*•t ___ somerset To Somer. et. Connf'.aut Lake*•t _cra'f'd To Meadville. Conneautville*•tCrawford To Meadville. Connellsville*•t ___ Fayette D. G. MAY. Conshohocken*•t __ Mont'y To Norristown. Coopersburg*•t ____ Lehigh To Allentown. Coplay*•t ---- ______ Lehigh To Allentown. Coraopolis*•t __ Allegheny To Pittsburi.rh. Corrv*•t _____________ Erie To Eri<'. •Coudersport*•t _____ Potter JONF,S & LEWIS. Crafton*•+ _____ Allegheny To Pittsburgh. Cresson*•t _______ Cambria w.L.mnns. Cressona*•t ____ Schuylkill To Pottsville. Ourwensville*•t _Clearfield To Clearfield. Dallas*•t _________ Luzerne To Wilkes-Barre. Dallastown*•t _______ York To York. Dalmatia*•t .Northumb'l'd To Sunbury. 80!! Danielsville*•tNo'thamton To Allentown. 6952 •Danville*•t ------Montour CUA!-,. P. GEARHART. 7922 Darby*•+ ____ ----Delaware To Chester. 398 Dauphin•·•t_ _____ Dauphin 'l'o Harrishurg. 280 Davidsville*____ Somer ·et To Somer~et. 956 Dawson *•t ________ Fayette See Connellsville. 1049 Dayton*•t _____ Armstrong See Kittanning. 800 Delmont• __ Westmoreland To Pittsburl,?ll. 858 Delta*•t _____________ York To York. 1125 Denver*•+ ____ •• Lancaster To Lancaster. 2880 Derry*•t ___ Westmoreland To Greensbure. 11040 Dickson*•t ___ Lackawanna To Scrantnn. (" crliuwn P, U.) 024 Dillsbure*•t _________ York To York. 14134 Donora*•+---- Washin1?ton To Washington. 6455 Dormont _______ Allegheny To Pittsburgh, (Plttslmruh P. O.) 535 Dover* ______________ York To York. 3837 •Doylestown*•t _____ Bucks W. II. SATTERTHWAITE, Jr. 2204 Dravosbure*•t .Alle1?heny To Pittsburgh. 250 Dry Run* ________ Franklin To Chambersburg. 13681 Dubois••t _______ Clearfield To Clearfield. 1607 Dunbar*•+ ________ Fayette See Connellsville. 1679 Duncannon*•t ______ Perry To New Bloomfield. 20250 Dunmore"•+- Lackawanna To Scranton. 19011 Duquesne*•t ___ Allegheny To Pittsbure-h. 776 Dushore*•t _______ Sullivan To Laporte. 610 East Berlin *•------Adams To Getty ·burg. 1531 East Brady*•t _____ Clarion See Clarion. 4000 EastDown'gtown*tChest·r To West Chester. 1620 East Greenville*•t Mon'ty To Norristown. 3868 East MauchChunk*tCar'n To Mauch Chunk. 33813 •Easton*•t ... Northampton KIRKPATRICK & MAXWELL. 800 Ea. t Pctersburg-"•t ______ _ ______________ Lancaster To Laaca. trr. 6527 E.Pittsbureh*•t .Al!eeneny To Pittsburgn. 327 East Pro:;pect• ______ York To York. 400 E. Smithfield* ___ Bradford See Sayre. 4855 E.Stroudsburg*•t _ Monroe To Stroudsburg. 307 Eau Clair*_________ Butler 'I'o Butler. 2]79 •Ebensburg*•t ____ Cambria To .Johnstown. 835 Edinboro*• ___________ Erie To Erie. 9027 Edwardsvillet ____ Luzerne To Wilkes-Barre. ( Wilkes-Barre P. O.) 1500 Egypt*____________ Lehigh To Allentown. 261 Elderton* . ____ Armstrong 'l'o Kittanning, 1037 Eldred*•+ _______ McKean 'l'o 1-lradtord. 2703 Elizabeth*•t ____ Allegheny To Pittsburen. 3319 Elizabethtown"•t .Lanca'r To Lancaster 1236 Elizabethville*•-- Dauphin To Harri. burg. 1703 Elkland *•t ----------Tioga To Coudersport. 900 Elk Lick* _______ Somerset To Somerset. 2800 Ellsworth*•t. Washington To Washington. 8958 Ellwood City*•t Lawrence 'ro ew Uastle. 304 Elverson*•+ ______ Ch('ster To West Chester. To Johnstown. 400 Elysburg* ___ North um b' l'd To Sunbury, To John~town. 4370 Emaus*•t __________ Lehigh 1'o Allentown. To Pittsburgh. Emlenton*•t ____ Venaue-o ee Franklin. 1025 To Allentown. 30llli •Emporium*•t ____ Cameron JOHNSON & l\fcNAltNEY. To Bloomsburg. To Wa hington, 3500 Enola*t------Cumberlaud To Gettysburg. 373:5 Ephrata*•t ______ Lancaster 'l'o Lancai;ter. To Bellefonte. To BloomsburE?. 102003•Erie••t _______________ Erie J. JU. SHERWIN & W. 8. J. A. STRITE. CARROLL, 015 State Street, General Law Practice in State and To Washin1?ton . Federal courts. Loniz distance •ro Indiana. telephone. ALEXANDER & GEABL 3000 Essington ______ Delaware To Chester. Rerers to any bank, trust company, Allegheny __________ Etna• 6341 or other institution in Delaware To Pittsbure-h. _ _ __ _ _ _ ( harpsbura Sta. P.O.) County.  N-QTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  POPU· LATION.  6336 1079 14515 647 475 681 10836 10000 1031 347 969 13804 8481 870 2845 6162 7228 2836 5934 2170 1739 2973 581 2124 500  USE COUPONS aa instructed to BE PROTECTED bybond. See complete information in preface to Attorney Liat. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1804  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  PENNSYLVANIA  ~PU----LATIO~.  TOWN A.TD COU."TY.  NA~E.  POPULA-  TOWN AND COU 'TY.  NAME.  TION,  2000 Evans City*•t ______ Butler 1687 Everett*•t _______ Bedford H:i Exchanee*t ______ M 011 tour 2596 Export*•--- Westmoreland 628 Factoryville*•t _Wyoming 2124 ~'airchance*•t-----~'ayctte 431 Fairfleld*•t ________ AcJams 1364 Falls On:ek*•t __ Clearflelcl 400 Fannettsbure-*t __ Franklin 15586 Farrell*•t _________ Mercer 345 Fawn Grove*•------- York 2048 Fayette Ci ty*•t ... Fayette 609 Finleyville*•t. Washinl!ton 1652 lflPetwood*•t _______ HPrks 800 Florin*•t _______ LancastPr 5605 Ford City*•t ___ Arrmnrong 6004 Forest City"•t.Susque'una 1000 Foxburg*•+ _______ Clarion 5590 Frackville*•t.. _sch UY lk iII 9970 •Franklin*•t--···- Venaneo 650 Frectericksburl?'*t Lebanon 2000 Fredericktown*•Wash'ton 422 Fredonia*•+ ···-···Mncer 250 FrePbme-* •.•...... Snyd!'r 34:')2 Freedom*•t ...... _!Seaver 6666 Freeland"•+ ....•. Luzerne 2696 Freeport*•+ ... Armstrong 300 Fryburg* ....•.•... Clarion 2969 Galeton*•t. ···- ...• Pott Pr 3580 Gallitzin *•t. ·-·- .. Cambria 800 Gap"•t .......... LancastPr 859 Garrett*•t ..... _.Somer et 600 Genesee"•+ ...•...•. Potter 4439 •Gettysburg*•t _.•.. Adams 1242 Girard*•t. ........••.. li.:rie 4482 Girardville*•t .. Schuylkill 69:59 Gtassport*•t .... Allegheny 1059 Glen Carupbell*•L l ndia11a 5200 Glenlyon• ······-·J.uzprnp 1232 Glen H.ock*•t -··· ••.. York 2000 G lenside*•t •• Mont1wmery 477 Goldsboro•t ••.•••... Yo1k (Etters P. 0.) 150 Grantham ••t .Cumberland 615 Gratz*······-·-·· Dauphin 2271 Greencastle*•t. .• Franklin 332 Green Lane*•t Montgom ·y 316 Green boro* .•••.. Greene 15033 •Greensburg*•t •• Westmo'd 8101 Greenv1lle*•t ••...• Ml'rcer 4944 Grovo City*•t ....• Mercer 771 Halifax*•t ••.•.•. Dauphin 1261 Hallstead*•t .Susquc>hanna 2764 Hambur1?*t -----•... tierks 8664 Hanover*•t -···-···-· York 350 Harleysvllle* Mont1?omcry 75917 •Harrisburg*•t ... Dauphin 359 Harrisville* ·---·· •• Butler 2292 Hasting *•··-·--·Cambria 1102 Hatboro••+ •• Monie-ornery 1939 Hawley*•t ...••.... Wayne 2231 Hus*•t ···--···Allee-heny 82277 Hazleton*•t ••...• Luzerne 1000 Hee-ins* ····-···SchuyJkill 492 Hellam*•L •• -·-····· York 915 llellcrtown"•t Northampton 2000 Herminie*•t. Westmorel'ct 650 Herndon••t .Northumb'l'd 2000 Hcrshpy*•t -··· .. Dauphin 700 Hickory••+ .•• Washine-ton 2031 High Spire*•t .... Dauphin 4071 •Hollidaysbure-*•t •... Blair 500 Hollsopplp*• _••. Somerset 1802 Homer Clty*•t •••• Indiana 20452 Homestead*•t .. Allee-heny 2756 •Honesclalr*•t .....• Wayne 585 Honey Brook*•t •• Chester 1345 Hoover vilte*•t .Somerset 349 Hop Bottom*t. Susque'b'a 616 Hopewell*• ....•.. Bed ford 1398 Houston*• ...• Washin1?ton 1504 Houtzdale*•+ ..•. Clear~eld 621 Howard*•t •.•...••• Center 1577 Hughpsville*•t. Lyroming 26'.54 Hummplstown*•t .. Da'oi'n 7051 •Hun tingclon*•t .. H unt'don 328 lluntin1?ton Valley*+ )Ion e-om 0 ry 1179 Hyndman*•t ....• Hed!ord 380 Irke. hurg* ·---·· .... Prrry .... Imperial "•t ..... Allegheny 7043 •lndiana*•t ......•. Indiana 500 l ntercour e* .... Lanc:ister 1157 Irvona. . ... Clearlielcl 323:5 lrwin*•t. .• Westmoreland 818 Jamestown*•+ ..... Mrrcpr l0627 Jeannette*•t W'morrland 392 .JetTer on •·:t:.·-···-Greene 8366 Jenkintown*•t .M'tgom•ry 3326 J ermyn*•t .. Lack a wanna 6103 Jersey Shore*•t Lycoming 7500 Jessup*t ..•.• IAckawanua 5400 Johnson bure"•t. ...... Elk 67327 J ohnstowu*•t •... Cambria  See Butler. To Betlford. To DanYille. To Grt'en lmrg. To Tunkhannock. e Connell ville. To Gettysburg, To Oleartield. To Cbambersburl?, To baron. Tn York. Ser Connellsville. To-\Ya ·hington. To Heading. To L:rnca ·ter. Kittanning. "ee '11 0 Montro e. To Clarion. To Pott. ville. GLENN & CU;NN. To LPhanon. To Washington. To Sharvn. 'l'o :ii ul<tleburl!, 'l'o Ur.aver. To Wilkes-Barre. ee Kittanning. , ee Clarion. To Couder. port. To Cres;:on. To Lancaster. To Sornn~et. To C<,11dersport. JOHN D. KEITH. To Erit•. To Pottsville. To Pittsburgh. To Indiana. To Wilkes-Barre. To York. To Norristown. To York. To Carlisle. To llarrL burl?. To Chambersburg, To . · orristown, To \Yayne~hurl?, GEORGE H. McWHERTER. To baron. To haron. To llarrisburi. , Pe ~lontrose. To ftHatling. To York. To Norristown. FRED C. MILLER. See Butler. To Eben ·burg. To • orri town. To Honesdale. To Pitt burl!h. To Wilkes-Harre. To Pott ville. To York. To Eu to n. To Ureensburg. To Sunbury. To Harri ·hurg. 1'0 Washington. To Harri. burg. ee Altoona. To Somerset. To (ndiana. To Pittsburgh. MUNFORD & l\-lUNFORD. To West Chester. To omer et. To Montrose. See Bed ford. To Wasllington. To Clearfield. To Bellefonte. To Williamsport. To Ifarri-;burg, W. P. & R. A. ORBISON. To - Torri town. To Bedford. To NPw Bloomfield. Pitt burgh. To '110 Gn•,•11shurg. To Lanl'lbter. To CIPurflPld. To Pittshttrl!h, To haron. To (:l:re<•nsburg. To \Yayne~hurg, rc~-~~:t~~t'll.  fg  ~g ~~!~ft~~~ort. To Rideway,  RAY PATTON MITH, John town Trust mue ... 'otary Public. United States Commi siouer. ______ ~ J onestown*•t ··-· Lebanon To LPhanon.  NOT E  7660 Juniata* ··········-·-Blair 7283 Kane*•t ·······-··McKean 650 Karthans"•t. _.• Clearfield 23118 KennettSq uare*•t Chester 200 Kent••+·····-···· lntliana 89:52 Kine-ston*•t ••.... Luzerne 7153 •Kittanning*•+ .. Armstrong 240 l{lingerstown*. chnylkill 1000 Knox*•t ·····-··--·CJarion 7201 Knoxville*•t .... ·-··Tioga 180 KoppPl*•t ....... _. B •an'r 4695 Kulpmont* •• Northumb'l 'd 2684 Kutztown*•t ··-····nerks 466 Laceyville*•t ... Wyoming 400 Lake Ariel•t ....... Waync (Ariel P. U.)  53150 185 700 1067 4728 4797 9625 175 9484 327 25 ii08 246-!3 3991 600 6102 157 1939 253 3204 9849 194 1807 2346 450 1015 3500 1552 586 8537 254 400 5998 2880 3000 1500 801 15599 1286 2712 1077 1609 802 5324 1124 1000 1735 500 444 1226 955 1877 1525 1523 3666 702 4674 :!00 600 689 2751 45975 16713 1800 480 14568 4688 4109 1932 1653 608 4000 984 1\920 54:52 886 965 1744 1083 2000 768 2936 802 1800 123~ 5fo 1000 8031 658 1500  •Lancaster*•t .... Lancaster Landis burl?'* ........ Perry Landisville*•t .. Lancaster Lane-horne*•t ...... Bucks Lansdale*•t .. Montgomery Lansdowne*•+ •• DP Ia ware Lans!ord*•t .....•. Carbon •Laporte*• ........ Sullivan Latrobe"•+. WestmorPland Laurel ton ··-··-·-· Uni rn La very* .............. Erie Lawrenceville*•+ .... Tioga •Lebanon••+ ·-····Lehanon Leechbure-*•t .. Armstrou2 LeeSport*•t ··-·-···· Berks Lehigbton*•t .....• Carbon Lemasters* ...... Franklin Lemoyne*•t _.Cumberland Le Raysville* •... Bradford •Lewisbure*•t ••..... Union •Lewistown*•t ..•..• Mifflin Liberty •..•..•..... Tioga Lie-onier*•t. Westmoreland Litly*•t ·--·--···· Cambria Lincoln* ••...... Lancaster Linesville*•t ..•. Crawford Lititz*•t •••..... Lancaster Littlestown*•+ ....• Atlam~ Liverpool* .......... Pnry •Lock Haven*•t •... Clinton Loganton*•··-···· Clinton Loysville*•. -··· •••• Perry Luzerne*•t ··-····Luzerne Lykens*•t ·-·--···Dauphin Lyndora*•t ·····-···BuilPr Madera*•t ...... Clearfield Mahafl'ey*•t .... Cleartlelct Mahanoy City*•tSch'ylkill Malvern••+ .....•. Chester Manheim*•t .... Lancaster Manor*•t •• Westmoreland Manstleld*•t ·-·· .... Tioga Mapleton .... Huntingdon (.Mapleton Depot P. 0., Marcus Hook••t Delaware Marianna .•••. Washington Marienville*•t ..... Forest Marletta••t. ..•. Lancaster Marion*• ••••.••. Franklin Marion Oenter*•t. Indiana Mars*•t ..•......... Butler Martinsburg••+····-· Blair Marysville*•t .•..... Perry Masontown*• ....• FavPtte )Iatamora t -·····--Pike •Mauch Chunk*•t. Carbon  See Altoona. To Bradford. To Clearfield. To W f' ·t cu ester. To Indiana. To WilkPs-BarrP. JOHN S. PORTER. To Pottsville. See Clarion. 'l'o Coudersport. To Beaver. To Sunbury. To Reading. To Tunkhannock. To II one ·dale. GEO. ROSS ESHLEMAN. To, ·ew Bloomflt'ld. 'l'o Lancaster. To Doylestown. To Norristown. To Che ter. To )la11rh Cbunk. F. II. lNGHAl\-1. To Gn•pn,h11re. To Lewisbnrl!, CP Erie. To CourlPr oort. S. T. l\-lEYF..R. l'C Kittanning. To Reading. To Mauch Chunk. To Chambersburg. To Carlisle. SPe Towanda. CURTIS C. LESHER. R. C. ELDER. To Goudt•r.,port. To <JrPenstJurg. To Cre:son. To Lancaster. To Meadville. To Lancaster. To York. To, Tt'w Bloomfield. T. M. 'TE\'EN.'ON. To Lock llaven. To Jlarrisl.)Urg, To Wilke -Barre. To Harrisburg. See Butler. To Clearfield. To Clearfield. To Pott ville. To West Chester. To Lanea. ter. To Greensburg. To Couder port. To Huntingdon.  To Che ter. To Washington. To Tione ta. To Lancaster. To Chambersburg. To Indiana. See Butler. See Altoona. To N cw Bloomfield. Ree Connell ville. To cran!Pn. FREYMAN, THOMA ' & BRANCH. Maytown* ...•.• Lancaster To Lancaster. McAdoo*•+ •.... Schuylkill To Pott ville. McAlisterville* .... Juniata ee Mifflintown. McClure*•t ........ nyder To Middleburg. •McConnellsburg*t Fulton JOHN R. JACK ON. McDonald*•t. Wa hmgton To Wa h111gton. McKeesport*•t. Allegheny To Pittsburgh. McKeesH.ocks*•t .Alleg'ny To Pitt burgh. McSherrystown* •.• Adams To Gettysburl!, ee Lewistown. McVeytown*•+ ..... Mifflin •Meadville*•+.... Crawford CURTI' L. WEBB. Mechanicsburg••t Uum'l'd To Carli~le. .. Media*•t ....•... Delaware To ChP ·ter. •Mercer*•L ........ MPrcPr To baron. Mercer ·burg*•t .. Franklin To Chamber burg. Mesboppen*•t .. Wyoming To Tunkhannock. Meyersdale*•t .•. Somerset 'l'o Somerset. •Middleburg*•t .. -•. Snyrlcr To Sunhury. Middletown*•t ..• Dauphin T0 llarri burg . Midland*•t. ••...•. Beaver To BeavPr. Miclway*•·-·· Washing-ton To Wa. hington. Miffiin*•t. ....•.•. Juniata T0 )liftlintown. Mifflinbure*•t .•.••. Unio!l To Lewishurg, •Mifflintown*•t. .•• Juniata To Lewistown. Mildre.d* .... .. _.. Sullivan To LaportP. •Mil!ord*•t ·····-··-·· Pike GEO. R. BULL. Millersbure-*•t .•• Dauphin To Harri. burg. Millerstown* ........ Perry To ~ ew Bloomfield. Millnsville* •••. Lanca ter To L'lnca ter. MMill Hall:•+ ..•..•• Cclinton TTo r;oc kfllatven. o 1,e11e on e. illheim ·-·· •.•... Pntrr Millsboro~• .•• Washineton To Wa, hington. Millvale*•t. .... Allegheny To Pitt hurgh. Millville*•t ...... Columbia To Bloomsllurl!. Milroy*•t .......... Miffl in'!.....:.:S:c:.e~e_:f::._,P~\\.:..:'i~s.::::t{).:.:\\.:..'n~.:......-------  USE COUPONS as inatructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attor11ey List.  ))  PENNSYLVANIA  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) LA- TOWN AND COUNTY. _TION,  8638 7845 1640 13838 8179 8688 589 1798 1849  Milton*•tNorthumberland Minersville*•L-Schuylkill Mohnton* __________ Berks Monaca*•t _________ Beaver Monessen*•tW'stmorel'nd Monongahela*•t __ Wash'n Mont Alto _______ Franklin Montgomery*•t Lycoming Montoursville*•t Lycom'g  LATOWN AND TION.  NAME.  a-BYRON, LONGBOTTOl\l & PAPE, 620-627 Stephen Girard Building, 21 So. 12th t. Lnw DeP<trlment: RolJert J. Bvron, A.. S. Lonolwttom, G. Lctwrcnce Pape. State and Feder a I Oourt Practice. Trial of Causes. Corporation, Commercial and Probate Law. Bankruptcy Practice. Depositions taken. rssue Commission~ to George T. Schieder, Notary Public. Coll.cctim1 De1mrtmenf established 181ll. G(,oroe T. cllieder, Daricl R. Buron. Promnt report and immediate remittances. Special facilitie for handling commercial matters in Philadelphia and vicinity, Twenty-two year· experience. fully equipped office force, competent investigators, adjusters and collectors, coupled with thoroueh knowledge of local trade ronditions, insure prompt and efficient attention to each individual item. Referenres: Market Street National Bank, Continental-Equitable Title and 'l'rust Oo .. Philadelphia. Others in any line on application.  1661 ..Montrose*•t _Susquehanna G~RITT E. GARDNER. MorrisdaJe*•L- Clcarlield To ClearfieJtJ. Morrisvi!Je*t ______ nucks To Doylestown. Moscow*•t ___ Lackawanna To Scranton. Mt. Oarmel"•tNor'mberl'd To Sunbury. Mt.Hol!ySprings*•tCumb. To Carlisle. Mt. Jewett*•t ____ McKean To Bradford. Mount J oy*•t __ Lancaster To Lancaster. Mt. Morris ________ Greene To Waynesburg. Mt. Pleasant*•t Westm'l'd To Greensburg. Mount Union"•tH'nt'gd'n To Huntingdon. Mt. Wolf*•---------- York To York. Mountville*•L-_Lancaster To Lancaster. Muncy*•t ______ Lycoming To William port. Myerstown*•t--- Lebanon 'l'o Lebanon. Naoticoke*•t _____ Luzerne To Wilkes-Barre. Nanty Glo ________ cambria. To John ·town. Natrona*•t _____ Allegheny To Pittsburgh. Nazareth*•+ Northampton 'l'o Allentown. Nesquehonine*•L_Carbon To Mauch Chunk. New .A.lbany*•t __ Bradford See Towanda. New Alexandria*•t\Vest'd See Greensburg. New Berlin* ________ Union ToLewisburg. Newberry•t ____ Lycomine 'To W111iamsport. New Bethlehem*•tClarion To Clarion. .. New Bloomfleld*• __ Perry To Harrisburg. New Brighton*•t __ Beaver To Beaver.  644 949 2537 1972 671 1703 (00 1482 886 842  •New Castle*•L- Lawrence New Cumberland*•Cumb. New Enternrise• _ Bedford New Florence*•+ W'stm'd New Freedom*•t ____ York New Ho!Jand*•t Lancaster New Ilope"•t ______ Bucks NewKensineton*•t W'tm'd New King town • Cumbcrlan<l New Milford*•LSusq·nna New Ox:ford*•t ____ Adams New Philadelphia. __ chukill. ( 'ilver Creelf P.O.] Newport*•t _________ Perry New Salem*• ______ Fayette Newtown*•t ________ Bucks New Tripoli* ______ Lehigh Newville*•L- Cumberland New Wilmington*•Law'ce Nicholson*•t ___ Wyoming  3-LEVI & MA..NDEL, Nos. 1203 to 1212 orth American Building, N. E. Cor. Broad ancl 'au.-orn treets. Corooration lawyers: bankrupt practitioners. Competent attention given to coilections; frequent reports: prompt remittances. Attorneys for • 'a 'ional Bank of Commerce, Textile 'ational Baok, Peoplec;; Bank and Central '!'rust & Savings Co. References: Fourth Street National Bank. Real Estate Title Insarance and Trust Co., 'l'extile National Bank. Land Title & Trust Oo. 3900 Phlllpsbure*•t _____ Center GEORGE W. Zl<::IGLER. 10484 Pha,nixville*•t ____ Chester To West Chester. 600 Picture Rocks"•Lycoming To William port. 500 Pillow* ----------Dauphin To llarrisl>Urg. 1778 Pine Grove*•t __ Schuylkill To Pott..<·ville. 5738 Pitcairn*•+----- Allegheny To Pittsburgh. 588193•Pittsburih*•t __ Allegheny. 3-MORRIS, WALKER & BOYLE, 1608 Commonwealth Building. Corporation, Commercial, Insurance and Pro, bate Practice. Reference : Proples National Bank and Commonwealth Trust Co., Pittsburgh; National Bank of Commerce, New York; National Bank of the Republic, Chicago. Compilers of tl1e Penn 11lvania laws for this publication. 18497 Pittston••t _______ Luzerne 394 Pleasant Unity*Westmo'ld 702 Pleasantville* ___ Venango 538 Plumville*•t ______ Indiana 16500 Plymouth*•t _____ Luzerne 1607 Point Marion*•t ___ Fayette 4804 Portage*•t _______ Cambria 2356 Port Allegany*•t _McKe'n 690 Portland*•t Northampton 558 Port RoyaJ••t _____ Juniata 17431 Pottstown*•t __ M'tgomery 21876 •Pottsville*•t ____ Schuylkill 10311 Punxsutawney"•t __ J ef's'n 431ll Quakertown*•t _____ Bucks 823 Quarryville*•L-Lancaster 1000 Ralston*•t _____ I.,ycomine 107784•Readinr*•t _________ Berks  I. CLYDE GILFILLAN.  To Carlisle. See Bedford. To Greflnsburg. To York. To Lancaster. To Doylestown. ·ro Greensburg. To Gr.tty burg. See Moutrose. To Getty bure, To Pottsville. To New Bloomfield. See Connellsville. To Doylestown. To Allentown. To Carlisle. To ew Castle. To Tunkhannock.  32319 .. Norristown"•+-- M'tgo'ery  E. L. HALLMAN, Norristown, P.a. Refers to Peoples National Bank, Norristown: also .. National Bank. of Roye!S· ford, Royersford Pa. Commercial and Corporation Practice a specialty. 9349 3481 ,061 2041 1611 4512 21274 12237 600 10236 417 682 217 1985 2512 2500 2093 7168 3646 1138 2543 3817 5638 459 3628 5000 4096 2072 1704 3150 900 691  Northampton••t North 'ton North East*•t ________ 1£rie Northumberland*•t rorth. North Wales*•t--M'ntg'ry Oakdale*•------ Allegheny Oakmont*•----- Allegheny Oil CUy*•t _______ Venango Old lforge*•t _Lackawanna Oley* _______________ Berks Olyphant*•t ___ Lac'wanna Orangeville*• __ Columbia Orbi onia*•t__Huntingdon Orrstown* ______ . Franklin Orwig burg*•t _Schuylkill Osceola*•t __________ Tioga Osceola Mills*•t _Clearfield Oxford*•t ________ Che ter Palmerton*•t ______ Carbon Palmyra*•t ______ Lebanon Parkers L'd'g*•t _Amst•ng Parkesburg*•t ____ Chester Parna sus*•-- We tmorel'd Parsons*•+ _______ Luzerne Patterson _________ Juniata (l\lijfiin P. 0.) Patton*•t ________ Cambria Peckville*•t __ Lackawanna Pen Argyl*•t _N ortbamp'n Penbrook* _______ Dauphin Pennsburg*•t-- Montgo'ry Perkasie*•t _________ Bucks Perryopolis*•t ____ lt'ayette Petersbure*•t _Huntingd 'n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  To Allentown. To Erie. To Sunbury. To orristown. To Pittsburgh. To Pittsburgh. See Franklin. To Scranton. To Reading. To Scranton. To Bloomsburg. To Huntingdon. To Chambersburg. 'ro Pottsville. To Coudersport. To Clearfield. To West Chester. To Mauch Chunk. To Lebanon. ee Kittanning. To West Chester. To Greensbure. To Wilkes-Barre. See Mifflintown. To Johnstown. To Scranton. To Allentown. 'l'o Harrisburg. To orris town. To Doyle town. Sfle Connellsville. To Huntingdon.  NOTE  USE COUPONS  NA.ME.  COUNTY.  1823779.t.Philadelphia*•t ____ Phila.  To Sunbury. To Pottsville. To Readfog. To Beaver. To Greensburg. To Washington. To Chambersburg. To William port. To Williamsport.  1000 200 702 17469 1200 1494 2192 328 5862 4744 688 757 2054 2385 22614 5028 4000 4288 4000 315 587 460 6000 1662 772 9361  441J38 1557 500 730 906 1453 1093 11987 400  1805  ---POPU•  POPU-  820 275 3198 1000 5877 1500 4116 883 230 841  Reamstown* ___ Lancaster Reber burg• ______ center Red Lion*•L--------York Reedsville*•t ______ Mifflin Renovo••t --------Clinton Republic*•-------- Fayette Reynoldsville*•t _J e1Ters'n Rice's Landing*•-- Greene Richfield* _________ Juniata Richland*•t _____ Lebanon  603i 2313 610 1060 785 2379 6957 1362 200 1480 3000 1500 3278 841 3000 659 1022 645 1165 S078 1690  .t.Ridgway*•t ----------- Elk Ridley Pa.rk*•t __ Delaware Riegelsville* --------Bucks Rimersbure*•t ____ OJarion Ringtown*•t ___ Schuylkill Roaring Sprine*•t ___ Blair Rochester*•t ______ Beaver Rockwood*•+ ___ somerset Rome* __________ Bradford Roscoe*•t ____ Washington Ro sit(•r • ---- . Indiana Roulette"•--------- Potter Royersford*•t __ M •gomery Rural Valley* __ Armstrong Russellton*•t-- Allegheny Saegerstown*•t _craw ford Saltsburg*•t ______ Indiana Sandy Lake*•t ____ Mercer Saxton*• _________ Bedford Sayre*•t ________ Bradford Scalp Level* ______ camlJria Windber P. 0. Sc1;1nery Hill* __ Wash'gton SchaPfferstown* _Lebanon Schellburg* ______ Bedford SchuylkillHaven*•t S('h'kl Schwenkville ••t _ Montg'y Scottdale*•t_ __ Westmo'l'd  233 1000 200 5437 337 5768  To Wilkes- Barre. To Greensburg. To Fmnklin. To lndiana. 'l'o Wilke -Barre. See Connellsville. To Johnstown. To Bradford. To Allentown. ee Mifflintown. To Norri ·town. L. :K ENTEllLINE. To Drookville. To DoylPstown. To Lancastrr. To Williamsport. JOHN B. STEVENS, 534 Washington t. Counsel for Readini= ational Bank, First Nati6nal Bank, Berks County Trast Oo .. Reading Hardware Co., etc. To Lancaster. To Belleronte. To York. ee Lewistown. To Lock Haven. Sre Connellsville. To Brookville. To Waynesbure. To Mifflintown. To Lebanon. ELY & ELY. To Che ter. To Doylestown. e Clarion. To Pott ville. See Altoona.. To Beaver. To Somerset. See Towanda. To Washington. 'l.'o Indiana. To Conder ·port. To Norri town. • ee Kittannine. To Pitt burgh. To Meadville. To Indiana. To Grove City. See Bedford To Towanda. To John town. To Wasbineton. 'l'o Lr.banou. To Bedford. To Pottsville. To Norristown. To Greensburg.  137783 .. Scranton*•t __ Lackawanna RUTllERFORD & BURNS, 1001-2 foal'. Bldg. Refer· to Traders rational Bank and Anthracite Tru~t Co. 1937 Selinserove*•L ____ Snyder To Miclcllrhnrg. as instructed t<> BE PROTECTED by1>ond-.- - - - - - - -  See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1806  PENNSYLVANIA, PHILIPPINE IS.  POPU· LA· TION.  1738 384 800 4855 21204 21747 8921 4674 3000 24726 2288 1169 4372 452 5-15  700 568 60 '464 801 826 1568 940 790 1000 180 3000 2000 4600  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  LA·  -  TOWN AND COUNTY.  -------  NAME.  TION,  Sellersville*•t •••••. Bucks Seven Valleys* ..••.. York Seward •t .Westmorelaml Sewickley*•t ••• Allegheny Shamokin*•t .Northumb'd Sharon*•t ••.•..... Mercer Sharpsburg••t ••. Allegh'y Sharpsville*•t ·-··· Mercer Sheffleld*•t ..•.... Warren Shenandoah*•t •• Sch'ylk'l Shtckshinny*•t ..• Luzerne Shin1i?lehouse*•t .••• Potter ShiIJpensbun~*•t ••. Cu'b'd Shippensville*•t .•. Clarion Shiremanstown •+ Cumberland hocmaker'viJle••t. Berk-, Shrewsbury*t ••..... York Sipesville,.. -·---- om!'rs<'t Slatiniton••t ...... Lehiih Sliio*•t ·----······Clarion SliI>Dery Rock* ••.•. Butler •Smethl)ort*•t ..•.. McKean Smithfleld*•t •..••. Fayette Smithton*•tWestmorelancJ Snow S.hoe*•t ...•. Center Somertl.eld*•t .•• Somerset •Somerset*•t ..•.. Somerset Souderton*•t .• Monteom'y South Fork*•t ••• Cambria S. Williamsport.Lycoming ( WllliamsJJOrt.P. <J.)  •  ATTOR.N~YS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  -POPU-.---  3500 Spangler*•t. ••••• Cambria 550 Spartansburg*•t..Cra'fo'd · &H SDringbor0*•t .•. Crawford 2880 Spring City*• •.••. Chester 1999 Sl)ringdale*• .... Allegheny 1400 Spring Grove*•t •.•.. York 600 Spring )Iills*t .•... Cc>nter 300 Sprin~ville.. Susqu1•hanna 1700 State College*•t .... Center 6800 St. Clair*•t. .... Schuylkill 13428 Steeltott*•t ••..•.. Daupllin 700 Stewartstown*• .....• York 7000 St. Mary's*•t. .•...... Elk 1405 Stoneboro*•t...... Mercer 342 Stoyestown*•t •. Somerset 853 Strasburg* •••... Lancaster 350 Strausstown* ...... -.Berks 5278 •Strouusburg*•t. .•• Monroe 500 St. Thomas* ..... Franklin 371 Sugargrove* ....•. Warren 1199 Rummerville*•t..Jrffrrson 5499 Summithill* -••••. Carbon 15721 .Sunbury*•t. .Northumb'l'd 3764 Susquehanna*•t •• Susq'h'a 914 Sutersville* ...• Westm'l'd 2350 Swarthmore*•t..Delaware 400 Swineford* ..••.... Snyder 10908 Swissvale*•t ••.• Allegheny 2507 Sykesvllle*t •.... Jefferson 12363 'l'amaqua*•t •.•. Schuylkill 8925 Tarentum*•t .•. Allegheny 9876 'l'aylor*•t ...• Lackawanna 313 Telford*•t .. Montgomery 840 Terre Hill* ...... Lancaster 306 Thompsontown*• .• Juniata 345 Three Sprines*•Hunt'gd'n 6672 Throop•+ ...• Lackawanna. 1063 Tidioute*•t ------· Warren 400 Timblin*• ...... Jeff er ·on 368 Tioga*•L-----······ T1oea 842 •Tionesta*•t----·····Forest 8432 Titusville*•t ...• Crawford 1147 Topton*•L-.•••..... Berks 4260 •Towanda*•t ...•• Bradford 2324 Tower City••t •• Scb.uylkill 272 Townville* •.•.•. Crawforrt 2859 Tratrord*•t Westmoreland 20 ..5 Tremont*•t ..... Schuylkill 2800 Trevorton*•t •.•• North'l'll 1419 Troy*•t ···-····· Bradford 1800 •Tunkhannock*•t. Wyom·~ 415 Turbotville*•Northumb'l'd 8138 Turtle Creek*•t Allegheny 9084 Tyrone*•t ....••••••• Blair 500 Ulster*•t ······--Bradford 600 Ulysses*• •• ···-·-·-·Potter 3850 Union Oity*•t ••••••.. Erie 15692 •Uniontown*•t •..•• Fayette 311 Unionville"··-·· .Chester 500 Unitv 8tation*•-Alleghenv 196 Uwchland*-···--·Ches1er 1000 Valley View* .. Schuylkill 1183 Vanderbilt* .••... Fayette 9531 Vander:rift*•. Westmor'd '4667 Verona •t •...•• .A.llegheny 185 Volant*•t ·-····Lawrence IP, 882 Wamvum*•t .•.• Lawrence 14256 • W11.rren*•t ····---· Warren 21480 •Washington••t. Washi'1?"n 744 Waterford*t. •.•.•...• Eri~ 2153 Watsontown*•t .North'l'd 5000 Wayne*•t ••••••• Delaware 9720 Waynesboro*•t .• Franklin 3332 •Waynesburg"•t ... Greene 2501 Weatherly*•+ ..... Carbon  To Doylestown. To York, To Grc>en~burg. To Pittsburgh. To Sun,bury. lV. C. LEFFINGWELL. To Pitt ·burgh. To Sharon. 'l'o Warren. EDWARD W, SHOEMAKER. '£0 Wilkes.Barre. To Coudersport. To Carli ·le. See Clarion. To Ge tysburg. To Reading. To York. To omerset. To Allentown. To Clarion. See Butler. To Bradford. See Connellsville. To <Jreensburg, To Bello.fonte. To omerset. P. G. CORER. To Norristown. To Johnstown. To Williamsport. To Johnstown. To Meadville. To .Meadville. To West Chester. To Pittsbureh. To York. To Bellefonte. To ~ontrose. ToUelletonte. To Pot t~ville. To·llarl'isburg. To York. To Ridi:way. Tu Grove City. To omerset. To Lancaster. To Reading. J,;ILENBERGER & OUFFMAN. Tu CL.amhersburr. Tu Warren. To J\rnokville. To 11auch Chunk. KNlGUT & TAGGA&T. 'l'o Montrose. To Chester. To Chester. 'l'o Micl<lleburg, To Pittsburgh. To Brookville. B. J. DUFFY. To Pitt burgh.• To Scranton. To Norristown. To Lanc;tster. See Mittlintown. To Huntingdon. To Srrnnton. To Warren. To Brookville. To Coudersport. M. A. CA.RJtlNGER. To Meadville. To Readiu1a:. RODNEY A. MERCUR. To Pottsville. To Mead vii It:. To Greensburg. To Pottsville. To Sunbury. To 'l'owanda. OGDEN & PIA.TT. To Sunbury. To Pittsbureh. To Altoona. See Towanda. To Oouderspcrt. To Erie. See Connel\sville. 'l'o West Chester . To Pitt'iburgb. To West Chester. To Pottsville. See Connellsville. To Greensburg. To Pittshurgh. To .i: cw Castle. To Green Castle. };. H. BESDLIN. LLOYD 0. DART. ee Erie. To, nnbury. To Chesler. To Cb.ambersburg. KYLE & REINHART. 'l'o Ma~u::.r..:.h:...:C~hu:::n:_.:.:K~-:......._ _ _ _ _ _  NOTE  1303 1152 5854 1349 700 2645 1402 1037 73833  Webster*•t Westmorel'nd Weedville*•t .••.•.•• _Elk Weissport*•t .•.... Carbon •Wellsboro*•t ....••. T1oi:-a Wellsville* ...•..•••. York Wernersville*•t .... Berks Wesleyville* ...••.•. Erie West Alexander*•t. Wash. &West Chester*•t .. Chester W. Conshohocken*•t Mont'y Westfleld*•t .•.•.... Tioga Westgrove*•t ..... ChPster West Hazleton* .• Luzerne West :Middlesex••t Mercer West Milton •t •.. -Union West Newton*•t. West'l'd White Haven*•t .. Luzerne Wilcox*•t ....•.•.••..• Elk • Wilkes-Barre*•t .. Luzerne  24403 1872 36198 2878 6441 3243 2000 9462 1133 1331 246 12495 628 1943 3582 2062 1262 47 499 779 287 1608 2275 2500 1870  Wilkmsburg*•t Allegheny Williamsburg*•t ...•. Blair •Williamsport*•t .Lycom'g Williamstown*• . •Dauohin Wilmerding*•t .Allel!heny Wilson*•t ••••.. Allegheny Winburne*•t .•.. C1earfleld Windber*•t .....Somerset Winugap*•t.Northampton Womelsdorf*t ...... Berks Woodbury* ••..•• Bedford Woodlawn *•t. .... BPa.ver Wrightsville*•t ..... York Wyalusini*•t ••• Wyomme*•t •• -•. Luzerne Wyomissine* •.•••.•. Berks Yardley••t .•.••.•.. Bucks • York*•t ..•.......... York York.haven*•...... York York Sprines•t .... Adams Youngsville*•t ..•• Warren Youngwood*• .. Westm'l'd Yukon*•t .. Westmoreland Zelienople*•t ·- .... Butler  1800 320 683 3-152 358 797 2000 416 11717 2331  To Greensburl,?. 'l'o Rich:way. To Chunk. To Coudersport. To York. To Heading. To Erie. To \'Vru;hington. C. RAYMOND YOUNG. To Norristown. To Coudersport. 'l'o West Chester. •ro Wilkes-Barre. To ha.ran. To Lewisburg. To Greensburg. To Wilkes.Barre. To Ridgway. JENKIN & TURNER, 602 Ooal Exchange Bldg, To Pit~burgh. See Altoona. A. R. JACKSON. To Harrisburg. To Pittsburgh, To Pittsburgh, To Clearfield. To Somer ·et. •ro Easton. To Reading. See Bedford. To Beaver. To York. To Towancla. To Wilkes-Barre. To Rc:lcling. To Norristown. RAY P. SHERWOOD. To York. To Gettyshnrg. To Warren. To Greens bu re. To Greensburg. See Butler.  PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REFERENCE KEY • County Beat. • Money Order Office. • Exvress Office. t Tel~raph Station. . State Capital. 11079 Oebu •••••.••....•.•...•.. See Manila. 10054 Iloilo ........ ··-· ..•. •••• See .Manila. 219928 Manila WOLFSON, WOLFSON & SCHWARZKOPF, Attorneys for International Banking Corporation, Manila: North of England Protecting & Indemnity Association, Newcastle• upon-Tyne, England: United Kingdom Mutual Steamship .Assurance Assn., Ltd., London. Practite in all courts. Corporation and Commercial law a specialty. Collection  lee, 25% of amount collected: one•t hird to the A ttorne)I forwardinsr the claim.  3281 Zamboanea .•• -··· .•.• ..•. See Manila.  ~c_-----::c=--==-=====:-=--;;---;-----;------------  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  :  W) Popu. LA.TION.  ~--~---,-----===-=c:-=--- -------- •·· - . ---------  . ..  . . . . ...  . . NA)IE.  TOWN .AND COUNTY.  .  ----, 1~  -  i  11  .I  POPU• LA-  I  I  •  •  I  I  TION.  PORTO RICO The District comprises Island of Porto Rico (seven Electoral d1strtcta and seven local Judicial districts); court ls held at San Juan, April and October; at Ponce, January; and at Mayaguez, sxiecial term immediately followln2 January term at Ponce.  SOUTH CAROLINA  REFERENCE KEY • County Seat. • Money Order Office. • Express Office, t Telegraph Station. § Capital.  ~i~8  Aeuadilla •• _____ ••••••••.. See San Juan. 1 Arecibo•• •••..••••••..•••. See San Juan. 6571 Fajardo*• ..••••..•..••...• See San Juan. 8924 6183 Guayama*• ••••••.......•• See San Juan. Humaco•• •••••.•••.•••... See San Juan. 2693 Lares* •••••••.....••..••.• See San Juan. 1~~~~ :Mayaeuez*• •.•.•••.••...• B. J. HORTON. Na.guabo*• •..••.••..•.•... See San Juan. '1561 Ponce*• •...•..•.•....•.•• JOSE A. POVENTUD. ~56 Sabana Grande* ••••..•.•. See San Juan. 01 San German*• •••••••.••.. See San Juan. 70707 •Ban Juan*• •••••.••..••.•. FRANCIS E. NEAGLE.  South Carolina ls divided Into two Federal Districts: Eastern and Western. The EASTERN DISTRICT, with court at Charleston, first Tuesdays In June and December; at Columbia, third •ruesday ln January and first Tuesday in November (the latter term to be solely for trial of civil cases); at Alken, first Tuesdays in Avril and October; and at Florence, first Tuesday in March. The WESTERN DISTRICT, with court at Greenville, ftrst Tuesdays In Avril and October; at Rock HUI, second Tuesdays In March and Sevtember; and at Greenwood, the first Tuesdays In February and November.  1  REFERENCE KEY • County Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. t Teleeraph Station. § State Capital. 4570 4103 1893 10570 1068 100 300 276 2210 1903 2848 2831 1780  RHODE ISLAND One Federal District comprises entire State; with court at Providence rourth Tuesday tn May and third Tuesday In November.  REFERENCE KEY * Money Order Office. • Express Office. t Teleeraph Station. § State Capital.  • County Seat.  Artic*t •..••••.••.•.. Kent Ashaway•t .•• Washineton •BristoJ*•t ..•..••••• Bristol •East Greenwich*•t .• Kent Ea ·t Providence• •.. Prov.  To Providence. See Providence. See Providence. To Providence. To Providence.  500 Esmond*•t •.•• Providence 700 Greenville* •.•• Providence 1200 Hope Valley*_ Wa hin2ton 650 •Kinrston* t •.• Washington 993 Narraeansett P'r*•t Wash.  See Providence, See Providence. ee Providence. To Providence. To Providence.  6000 1000 1!375 0290 18U3  ys  ot  Jeip  ts. n  ff)'  (Proridence P. 0.)  30255 •Newport*•t .•.••. Newp0rt 6000 O!neyville*•t •• Providence U25 Pascoa.g*•t ...• Providence 64248 Pawtucket*•t .Providence '150 Pheni.x*•t .•.•..•.... Kent 237595§•Providence~•t Provide'e 1500 Slatersv1lle*t ._Providence aooo Wakeliald*•t _Washineton 7841 Warren*•t ........ _Bristol 11052 Westerly*•t •• Washington 1050 Wickford*•t . Washington  BURDICK & McLEOD. , ee Providence. See Providence. See Providence. Ser Providence. EARLE B. ARNOLD, 504 Industrial Tru t Bldg. See Providence. To Providence. See Providence. To Providence. See Providence.  •Abbeville*•t ••.• Abbeville J. B. MOORE. •Aiken••t •••.•.•.... Aiken D. W. GASTON, JR. •Allendale*•t •••• Allendale To Barnwell. .. Anderson*•t •••. Anderson SULLIV. ' & COOLEY. Andrews*•t •• Georgetown ee Georgetown. Antreville* ••••. ,\1Jheville To Ahlle\'ille. AshtOD--·-·--· Colleton To Challeston. Aynor•·-·-·--·----Horry ee Conway. •Bamberg*•t ..••• Bamberg W. E. FREE. •Barnwell*•t ..•••Barnwell BROWN & BU 'H. Batesbure*•t ... Lexineton 'l'o Columbia, •Beaufort*•L ••... Beaufort W. J. THOMAS. Belton*•t •••.••• Anderson To ~\nderson. 3197 •Bennettsville*•t .Marlboro Mc('OLL & • TEVEN 'ON. 299 Bethune ••t .•••.. Kershaw To Camden. 2090 •Bishopville*•t •••••... Lee C. B. RUJt'FlN. 1512 Blacksbure*•t .. Cherokee To partanbura;. 206 Blackstock*•t .•... OJ.iester To Chester. 142 Blackville*•t ...• Barnwell To Barnwell. 733 Bowman* ••.•• Orangeburg •ro Oraneebure. 1814 Brancllville*•tOrangeburg To Oranirnburg. 699 Brunson*•t --·---Hampton To Hampton. 2500 Buffalo*·······-···· Un ion 'l'o Union. 200 Oades*•t •..• Williamsburg See Kinestree. 450 Calhoun :B'alls*•t Abbe,ille To Ab!)eville. 3030 •Oamden*•t -·-··· Kershaw L. A. lVITTKOW KY. 524 Cameron*•t •••..• Calhoun To t. Matthews. 309 Campobello*•t .Spart'bure To partanburg. 376 Carlisle*•+ ......•... Union To ' partauburg. 50 Centenary*•-···---Marion To .\Jarion. 898 Central*•t •....... Pickens To Picken . 264 Chapin*•t •••.. Lexington To Colum!)ia. 207 Ohappells*•t ••. Newberry See ewberry. 67957 .. Charleston*•t •. Charleston. 3-RUTLEDGE, HYDE & MANN. Attorneys and Counselors. The Peoples Office Bldg., Broad and tate Sts., Suite411-414. General, Civil Practice, Corporation, Commercial, In nranrcand Real E,tate Law, matters in hankruptry and rollertion . Coun , el in , outh Carolina for City Company of Amerira, , ·ew York: Travellers Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn.; Mutual Life Insurance Company, 'ew York: Mutual Ikneflt Life Insurance Oompany, ewark, N. J.: Armour · Company, Chira20. Ill.: Swift & Company, Chicaeo. Ill.: Unite{! Fruit Company, Boston, Mass.: Counsel for: Enterprise Bank, Charleston. S. 0.: Division Counsel of: Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company. Attorney for: outhern Express ComJJany. Refer to: First National Bank, Charleston, . C.; President or Oashier of any Bank in Charle ton, . C. Lone Distance Telephone. Compilers of t1/c S()uth Carolina laws forthis publbcatlnn.  Oheraw*•t ..•. Ohesterfleld ec ChestC'rflcld. Ohesnee*•t .. Spartanburg To partauburg. •Chester••t ···--·- Chester R. L. DOUGLAS. •Ohesterflelcl*• ChP.sterflcld J. ARTHUR KNIGHT. Clemson College••t 48406 Woonsocket*•t Providence P. FRANCIS CA, SIDY. Oconee To \\'alhalla. 4900 Olifton"• •.•• Spartanburg To 8partauburg. 3767 Clinton*•t ......• Laurens To LtUrens. 1009 Clio*•t..•.••..•• Marlboro F- e B nnr.ttsville. 1608 Clover*•t .•..•....... York To Hock Hill. 37524 §.. Columbia*•t __ .. Richland BARRON, McKAY, FRIERSON & MOFFATI'. Attention given to Collections, Heal Estate. Corporation and Oommercial Law. References: The L ational Loan & Exchanee Bank----------,--=,,.---:=-==-==--=:-::-:::=---=-==-=~-=--=-=------=------= ---o....r ___a_ny other bank of Columbia. . 0_._ _ _ _ _ _ __ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  NOTE  3150 600 5557 856 250  USE COUPONS aa instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  I  ~ II fl  I,  'I !1  ii I 1: 1,  !,  I I  ' r  ,,  I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1808  SOUTH CAROLIN A  POPU· LA·  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  TOW ' AND COUNTY.  NAME.  TION.  2000 1000 196ll 266 165  444 176 1284 350 587  Conestee _______ Greenville Converse*•--- Spartanbure •Conway*•t __________ Horry Cope _________ Orangeberl-!' Coronaca*•t ___ Greenwood Cottaeeville* _____ Colleton Coward*•t _______ Floren<'e Cowoens*•t __ Spartanb're Cross Anchor*Spartanb'rg Cross IIill*•t ____ Laurens  4669 1254 50 2205  •Darlington*•t- Darlineton Denmark*•+ ____ Bamberg Denver•• ________ And er,on •Dillon*•t ___________ Dillon  310 702 1072 300 3568 326 1865 495 385 271 925 1500 1393 285 1057 10968 134 134  Donalds*•t ______ Abbeville Due West• _____ Abbeville Dunbarton••t ___ Barnwell Duncan••t ___ Spartanbur,z Easley* •t _________ Pickens Eastover••t ______ Richland •Ed,zefield*•t _____ Edgefield Ehrbardt*•t ____ Bamberg Ellenton*•t ________ Aiken Elliott*•t _____________ I,ee Elloree*•t ____ Orangeburg Enoree*•t ____ Spartanbur,z E5 till*•t _________ Hampton Eutawville*•t _Orangeburg Fairfax••t _____ Allendale ..Florence*•t ______ Florence Fork*•t ____________ Dillon Fork Shoals ___ Greenville  1946 464 1100 200 5065 4579 650 23 3000 312 3500 645 23127 8/03 229~ 215  Fort Mill*•L ________ York Fort Motte*•t ____ Calhoun Fountain Inn*•tGreenv'le Furman"•t ______ Hampton ..Gatrney"•t------ Cherokee •Geor,zetown"•t _Georl? t·n Gilbert ______ ___ Lexington Gramling••- parta.nburg Graniteville*•t ______ Aiken Gray Court"•f ____ Laurens Great Fall _______ chest r Greelyville"•t William b'I? •Greenville"•t ___ Greenville •Greenwood*•t _Greenwood Greer*•t _______ Greenville Hagood "•f ______ sumter •BaD1pton*•t _____ Hampton Harleyville*• __ Dorchester Hartsville*•+ .• Darlington Heath Sprinl?s*•t Lan<'aster Hemineway•Williamsburg Hickory Grove"•t __ York Hodges"•t ____ Greenwood Holly Bill"•t .. Oran,zebur,z Honea Path"•t __ Anderson lnman*•t ____ Spartanburg Iva*•t ___________ Anderson Jefferson"• •• Chesterfield Johnsonville"•William b'g J ohnston"•t ____ Edgefield Jonesville*•+ _______ Union Kershaw"•+ _____ Kershaw .. Kingstree*•t. Williamsb'g Kline"•t. ________ Barnwell Lake City*•+ _____ Florence Lake View••t ______ Dillon Lamar"•t ______ Darlineton •Lancaster*•r ____ Lancaster Landrum"•t. Spartanburg Lane ••t. ... William burg Latta*•t ----------- Dillon •Laurens"•t ______ Laurens Leesville*•+ ____ Lexington •Lexington••t ___ Lexington Liberty*•t ______ l'ickPns Little Mountain"•t.~'b'r:v Little River• ______ Horry Little Rock"•-------Dillon Lockhart ______ Union Lodge *•t _________ Colleton Loris"•t ___________ Horry LowndesvilJe••t Abbeville LugotT"•t ________ Kershaw Lydia• ________ Darlington Lynchburg*•t ________ .Lee •Mannitil?*•t ____ Clarendon •Marion"•t ________ Marion Mayesville*•t .•.. umter McBee*•t _____ Che terfleld McClellanville" Charle ton McColl"•t. _____ Marlboro •McCormick••+ McCormick •MoncksCorner*•tBrrk'ley Monetta ___________ aluda Mountville*•f. ____ f,aurens Mt. Carmel"•+ .McCormick Mt. Croghan"• Chesterflrld Mnllin§*•t --·····-·Marion  1000 353 3624 505 371 301 284 522 1900 761 962 454 271 1101 1209 1151 2074 938 1606 400 784 3032 980 308 1079 4629 1216 894 1703 399 300 197 1500 315 600 271 200 268 506 2022 3892 839 417 1000 2129 1284 309 137 220 500 350 2379  (Fountain Inn P. 0.)  To Greenville. To Spartan burl?, H. H. WOODWARD. 'ro Orangeber1?. To Greenwood. See Walterboro. To Florence. To Spartanburg, To Spartanburg. To Laurens. DARGAN & DARGAN. To B:tmberg, To Anderson. TOWN 'END, ROGER & McLAURIN. To Abbeville. To Abbeville. To Barnwell. To Spartanburg. To Pickens. To Columbia. SHEPI• A.RD BROS. ee Bamberg. To Aiken. To Bishopville. To Oran,zeburg. To Spartanbur,z. To Hampton. To Orangeburg, See Barnwell. C. W. MULDROW. To Dillon. See Greenville. To Rock Hill. To t. Matthews. See Greenville, To Hampton. To Spartanburg, WALTER HAZARD. To Lexineton. To 1>artanburg. To Aiken. To Laurrns. To Che ter. See Manninl?, HENRY H. BARRIS. T. FRANK McCORD.  To Greenville. See Sumter. J. A. MACE. ee St. Geor1?e. To Darlington. To Lancaster. To Kingstree. To Rock Ilill. To Greenwood. To Oran1?ebur1?, To Anderson. To partanburg. To Anderson. ee Chesterfield. To Kinestree. To Edgefield. To partanburg. To Camclen. STOLL & O'BRYAN. See Barnwell. To Florence. ee Dillon. To Darlineton. W. P. ROBINSON. To partanburg, To King tree. ee Dillon. DIAL & TODD.  To Columbia. To Columbia. To Pickens. To Newberry. ~ee Conway. See Dillon. To Union. To Walterboro. See Conway. To Abbeville. 'ro Camden. c re Darlington. To Bi. hopville. •·. OLIVER O'BRYAN. ALBERT F. WOOD . To Sumter. , ee Che terfleld. To Charleston. See Bennettsville. To Abbeville. To Charleston. To Saluda. To Laurens. To Abbeville. ee Chesterfield. 'l'o Marion.  NOTE  PUPU-  LA·  ON,  Navy Yard* ___ Charleston Neeses*•t ____ Oranfeburg •Newberry*•t ___ Newberry New Brookland* Lexing•n Nichols*•t _________ Marion Ninety-Six"•t __ Greenw'd N orris"•t ________ .Pickens North"•t _____ Orangeburg North Aueusta•t ____ Aiken N. Charleston•Charleston Norway"t. •.• Oraneeburg Oates. _________ Darlington (Lamar P.O.) 409 Olanta*•--------Florence 500 Olar"•t ________ • Bamberg-  289 5894 1793 191 773 206 700 1742 695 474 200  288 748 200 418 597 385 429 8809 425 390 1137 400 1203 200 269 294 1460 419 250 566 132  .. oraniteburg*•t .Oran,zeb'I? Owings*•---------Laurens Pacolet*•t ____ Spartanburg Pageland"•--- Chesterfield Pamplico•------- Florence Parksville*•t __ McCormick Parler*e______ orang-eburg Paxville" .• ____ Clarendon Pelion*•t _______ Lexing-ton Pelzer*•t _______ Anderson Pendleton"•t ___ Anderson •Pickens" __________ Pickens Piedmont"•t ___ Greenville Pinewood*•t ___ Clarendon Plum Branch*•t _________ _ McCormick Pomaria*•t----- ewberry Prosperity*•t __ ewberry Reevesville"•t. Dorchester •Ridg-eland*•t _______ Jasper Ridge Spring"•t .•. Saluda Ridgeville*•t __ Dorchester Ridgewa.v*•t _____ Fairfield Rock Hill"•t ____ ··-·York Rowesville*•t Orangeburg Ruby*• ______ Chesterfield Ruffin *•-·····----Colleton Salley••t ___________ Aiken •Saluda*•t _________ Saluda andy Springs*• Anderson cotia ______ _____ Hampton Scranton"•t _•..• Florence Seneca*•t ________ 0<'onee Sharon"•+--------·-· York Shelton"•t _______ Fairfield Simpsonville"•t Greenville Smoaks* __________ Colleton  22638 798 347 1386 i780 500 957 2550 9508 690 176 250 1830 257 200 271 149 315 400 6141 1160 597 2068 1853 234 3000 209 370 1847 328 1955 2322 272 854 103  ..spartanburg*•t Spart'nb'g Sprinefleld*•t Orang-ebnrgStarr"•t ·-··--·- Anderson"•t •• Dorchester •St.Matthews"•t __ Calhoun St. Stephen ____ .Berkeley Summerton"•t. Clarendon Summerville*•t .Dorch'ter •Sumter*•+ _________ umter Swansea*•t ___ Lexineton Tatum*•--------1Tarlboro Taylors* _______ Greenville Tlmmonsville*•t .Florence Townville* _____ Anderson Travelers Rest• .Greenville Trenton••+ ______ Ed1?efleld Trio _______ Williamsourg Troy••t _____ Greenwood Turbeville" _____ Clarendon •Union"•t -·-·····-· Union Varnville*•t _____ Hampton Waizener"•f. _______ Aiken •Walhalla*•t ___ Oconee • Walterboro*•t ___ Colleton Ward"•t __ . ________ alucta Ware Shoals*tGreenwood Waterloo*•t. _____ Laurens Wellford"•t . partanburg Westminster••+ __ Oconee West F nion "• ____ Oconee Whitmire*•t. .. Newberry Williamston*•t. Anderson Willineton••t .McCormick Wilhston*•t ____ Barnwell Windsor*•t _________ Aiken  7290 175 398 521 452 245 165 185 184 6000 1040 895 2500 338 169  AME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  J  ___  To Charle. ton. ·.ro Oranfeburg. B. V. CHAPMAN. To Columbia. See Marion. To Greenwood. To Pickens. To Orangeburg. To Aiken. To Charle ton. To Orangeburg, To Darlington. To Florence. See Bambere. WOU'E & BERRY. To Laurens. To Spartanburg, See Chesterfield. To Florence. To Edgefield. To Orangeburg. To Manning. To Columbia. To Anderson. •ro Anderson. Mc WAIN & CRAIG. To Greenville. To Mannin,z. To Edeefleld. To rewberry. 'l'o ~Tewberry. See St. George. JI. K. PURDY.  See aluda. To Charleston. 'l'o Winnsboro. WM. J. CHERRY. See Orangeburg. See Chesterfield. See Walterboro. To Aiken. C. J. RAMAGE. To Anderson. 'l'o Hampton. To Florence. To Walhalla. To Rock Hill. To Winn~boro. To Greenville. See Waterboro. CORNELIUS OTTS. 'ro Orangeburg. To Ander ·on. To Charle ton. A. W. HOLM N. To Maurks Corner. To Ma.nnmg. To Charleston. LEE& MOISE. To Columbia. To Benne tts,•ille. To Gre nville. To Florence. To Anderson. To Grrenville. To Ecl!!efield. To King ·tree. To Greenwood. To Manning. To partanburi:, To Charle ton. To Aiken. E. L. HERNDON. To Charleston. To aluda. To Greenwood. To Lauren . To 8partanburg. See Walhcilla. To Walhalla To Newberry. To Andrrson. To Abbeville. See Aiken. To Aiken. HORACE TRAYLOR. To partanbure. To Green\'ille.  1822 • Winnsboro*•t ____ Fairfield 2396 Woodruff'*•t. Spartanburg 25 Woodville. ____ Grrenville (Pelzer P. 0 .) 323 Yemassee••t ____ B aufort To B aufort. 2731 • York••+---- _________ York To Che ter.  USE COUPONS aa instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  :D)  SOUTH DAKOTA  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) POPU-  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  LAT'JON,  SOUTH DAKOTA One Federal District comprises entire state and has !our divisions: the NORTHERN with court at Aberdeen, first Tuesday in . lay and second Tuesday in November; the SOUTHERN wttb court at Slou:1 Falls, lirst Tu13gday in April and third Tuesday in Ocoober; the CENTRAL with court at Pierre, second Tue ·day in June and first ruesday In October; and the WESTERN with court at Deadwood, third Tuesday in May and first Tuesday in September.  REFERENCE KEY • .Money Order Office. • Express omce. t Tel~raph Station. § State Capital.  • 0ounty Seat. •  14537•Aberd.een••t ...... Brown W. F. CORRIGAN, pecial attention given to Real Estate and Corporation Law. References: Dakotll National Bank, Aberdeen, So, Dak.: R. G. Dun & Co. Exclusive representatives for Brown, Marshall, Day, Edmonds, McPherson, Walworth and Campbell counties. South Dakota. Well equipped collection department. Can 1iandl.t quicl<lll and effieientl11 all /.eaal Im ·lne,ss for an11 point referred iri thi.8 Diredo1·11 to Aberdeen.  i~~ Aiar••t .••••••••...•. Sully To Pierre. Akaska*•····-·- Walworth See Aberdeen.  ii~  Albee"•t., •. -·-····-· Gr~nt Alcester •t ··---··· Umon 864 •Alexandria"•t •.••• Hanson Alpena••t ··--·····JerauJd Altamont"•t ...••.. Deuel 200 Amherst"•t ··-···Marshall 442 , Andover*•t ..••..•.•.. Day • 20 Ardmore"•t -· Fall River 40 Argonne.·--········Miner  ~rn  See To Verm1hon. To Mitchell. To Wessington Springs. See Watertown. To Aberdeen. To Aberdeen. To Hot prines. To Howard.  (Howard P. 0.) lOll Arlington"•t ••• Kingsbury To De met.  l~i:;~ •Armour"•t ··-·-·· Douglas 372  221 200 246 630 162 287 141 6~ 1  l616 200 100n 151" 64 100  ttas~•t .-····-· Oampbell Artes1a~ •t ••.•.. Sanb9rn A5hto_n:t----······ Spmk A i.torla •t ···-· ...• De.uel thol •t. .••..••••.. Spmk Aurora*•t ·-····Brookings Avon••! .•... Bon. Homme Badger •t ··-·· Kmgsbury Baltic*•t ··-··- Minnehaha Bancroft*•t Kingsbury Barnard .... Brown Beardsley ••••. Hutchinson •Bt>lletourche"•t ••..• Butte t:lv!<lJlre••t -· ._ •• Jackson mis •t •...•••••.• Deuel Berestord*•t .••••• Union Blrstone Oity*•t ..•. Grant Bijou Hills" ·---·····Brule  ::==··.  °  JOHN W. ADDIE. To Aberdeen. 'ro Woonsocket. To Redfield. To Watertown. 'l'o Aberdeen. To Watertown, To Tyndall To De , met. To Si')UX Fall . To De m •t. To Aberdeen. 'ro Yankton. J. M. ARM 'TRONG. To Philip. See Watertown. To Vermilion. To Milbank. To Chamberlain.  ~~~ •Bison•··--··-· •••• Perkins R. F, DREWRY, ·--·--··· Hughes 'ro Pierre. 6-, Rlunt"•t on~steel*•t ••••• Gregory To Burke.  100  Bonilla*•t ••••• ·-·· Beadle See Huron.  75 Bovee ····-··charles .Mix 'l'o Armour 818 Bowdle"•L ••••• Edmunds To Aberdeen. 368 200 299 132  ~i~  iio:! 129 n•, 3 4 297 6,, 1  }t  Bradley••t .•.•••.•.• Clark Brandon••t •.• Minnehaha Brandt••t •••••.•..• Deuel Brentford"•t ••..•. Spink Hridgewater"•t -· McCook Bristol"•t ··-· .••.....• Day .. Britton••+ .....•. Marshall Broadland*•t ....•. Bead le •}tookings"•t ..• Brookings ruce• t .•....• Brookings Bryant"•t .••. ·-·· Hamlin  To Watertown. To ioux Fall . To \Va tertown. To .\berdren . To . alem. To Aberdeen. To Aberdeen. See Huron. To Watertown. To Watertown. To Watertown.  0 •Buffalo" •..••••.• Hardin!? W. M, BENNETT. 0 Bufl'alo Gav"•t ··-· Custer _ Pe Dot pring ·. 150 Hur bank"• •.•.•...... Clay To Vermilion.  6~3 3-J0 156 i63  •Bnrlc:e"•t ··------ .Gregory Bushnell"•t ..• Brookinis Butler••t Day Camp Crook·• ::::Hiirding ·21 Canistota• ....•.. McCook .•••• . . Hughes 338-) Canning"•L Oanova••t. ••.••..•. Miner 2225 •Oanton"•t. ••• •... Lincoln 100 Oava*•L •.•...••.••• Jones rnQ garpenter" ·······-··Clark ~ artrr* .•... .•.•. ••• Trir,p  CH.\S. A. DAVI '. To Wlltertown. See A b,mlcen. ee Rellefourche. 'l'oSalem. 'J'o Pierre. Tu Howard. CLAUDE A. BJ;NNETT.  'l'o , I urclo. Sre Watertown. 'l'o \'J..!m Pr.  NOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  TOWN AND COUNTY.  LA-  NAME.  TION,  667 560 249 1104  68  1809  POPU-  Carthage••t •.•.•••• Miner Castlewood*•t .... Hamlin Cavour••t •....•.•. Beadle Oentervme••t. ..•• Turner  •Chamberlain"•+ ••.. Brule Chance" ....•..•••• Perkins Chancellor"•t •••.. Turner Ohelsea"•-·········· Faulk Chester"•t •••. ····-· Lake Claire Oity ___ •• Roberts Claremont••t .•••• Brown •Clark"•t .••• ·-·· -··· Clark •Olear Lake"•t ---·· Deuel Oolman .. •t •••.••..• Moody Colome"•t ··---· ...• Tripp Colton••t ••.••• Minnehaha Columbla*•t --···· Brown Como •.. · --·--·King bury (Volga P. 0.) 544 Conde••t •..•.••... Spink 200 Corona•• ....•.... Roberts 346 Oorsica*•t ••.•.... Dou11:las 100 Corson~•··-····Minnehaha 121 Oottonwood"•t ••• Jackson 150 Orandall"•t ·····-·····Day 120 Crandon"•t •.••••.• Spipk 349 Cresbard"•t •..•...• Faulk 100 Orocker••t. ••.••...• Clark 150 Orooks"• _ ..•. Minnehaha 595 •Custer"•t ·-·---···· Ouster 100 Cuthberth" ••.••• an horn 705 Dallas"•t ••...... Grei?ory 175 Dante" ••••••. Oharles Mix 245 Davis"•t ••.••..•.. Turner 2403 •Deadwood"•t •. Lawrence 1677 Dell Rapids*•t :Minnehaha 518 Delmoni"•t ---···Douglas 150 DemDster"•t ·-··- Hamlin 1035 •De Smet"•t..•• Kingsbury 200 Dimock" •.••.• Ilutchinson 100 Dixon• ········-··Gregory 667 Doland"•t-----····· Spiuk 147 Dolton"•t •... ·--· Turner 173 Draver••t. •• -----·-·Jones 213 •Dupree"t ••••••.•• Ziebach 210 Eaele Butte"•t •...• Dewey 209 Eden" ·----------·Marshall 1254 Edgemont"•t •. Fall River 569 Egan"•t ........•.• Moody 1470 •Elk: Point"•t. •••... Union 872 Elkton*•t ••••• Brookinirs 50 Ellis •L .•.... Minnehaha 50 Elrod"•r --·········Clark 600 Emery*•t •..•..... Hanson 2:;7 Erwin"•t. •.•.. Kingsbury 145 Esmond"•t .•.•• Kingsbury 6:58 :Kstelline"•t.•..... Hamlin 416 Ethan*•t. .•. ·-··· Davison 1200 Eureka"•t ••••• McPherson 60 Fairburn"•t •• ·---·Custer 530 Fairfax"•L ...•••. Greirory 174 Fairview"•t •••.•• Lincoln 575 Faith"t ··-··--······Meade 250 Farmer"•t ••.••..• Hanson 24 Farminidale"•tPen'ington 709 •Faulkton"•t ·-······Faulk 250 Fedora"• •...•...... Miner 400 Ferney"•t ··-······ Brown 50 Firesteel" ....••.•• Dewey 1929 •Flandreau"•t •••.•. Moody 290 Florence*•t .... Codington 300 Forestburr"•t •.•• Sanborn 805 •Fort Pierre••t •••• Stanley  1303 35 280 110 300 213 290 13!12 835 535 568 608 327 20  To lloward. To Watertown. See Huron. To Parker. E. R. SLIFER. To Bi on.  To Parker. To Redfield. To Madison. To i :eton. To Aberdeen. To Watertown. To Watertown. To Sioux Falls. To Winner. To Sioux !◄'alls. 1'o Aberrleen. To Arlington.  To Aberdeen. To 1sseton. See Armour. To ioux Falls. To Philip. To Abercleen. To Abertieen. 1'o Redfield. To Watertown. 'ro Sioux Falls. To llot Springs. To Woonsocket. To Burke. To Armour. To Parker. JAMK' W. l'OWLER, To ioux Falls. See Armour. To Watertown. Wl\-1. H. W ARRE  To Parker. To Burke. To ,\herdeen. To Parker. To Murdo. To Paith. To Faith. To Aberdeen. To Hot Springs. To ioux Falls. To Vermilion. To Watertown. To ' ioux Falls. 'lo Watertown. To Mitchell. To DP met. To De , met. To Watertown. See Mitchell. To Aberdeen. To Hot prings. To Burkf'. To Canton.  ELl\U:<JR 1\1. SAYLE  To .\Iitcbpll. To H:inid City, To Redfield. To Howard. eP Aberdeen. To Timber Lake. To Sioux Falls. See Watertown. To Woonsocket. PIDLIP & WAGGON.EB.. (.A.ko  sre Philip)  438 424 894 40 214 200 294 715 588 305 695  Frankfort"•t ··-····spink Frederick"•t •.••.•. Brown Freeman"•t ..• Hutchinson Fruitdale"• •••.•..•. Butte Fulton"•t ..•.••••. Hanson •Gann valley" ..••... Buffalo Garden Oity••t .••... Clark Garretson"•t •. Minnehaha Gary"•t ....•....•... Deuel Gayville"•t .••.•.• Yankton Ged.des"•t ..•• Charles Mix  To Aberdeen. To Aberd •en. To Parker. To BPllefourche. To Mitch II. 1'o Mitchell. To Watertown. 'ro Sioux Falls. , ce Watntown. To Yankton. To Armour.  951 59 13!i 157 50 1067 300 1273 75 100 200 193 238 677 203 247 533  •Gettysburg"•t .••.•. Potter Glcncro ·-····-·· .Dewey Ulenham"•t •••• Walworth Goodwin"•t ·-·······Deuel Greenway" .••• McPherson Gregory"•t •....•• Gregory Grenville"···---·-··-- Day Groton"•t ··-······Brown Grover••t. •.••. Codin:tton Hamill*·--·········Tripp Hammer ••...•••• Robert Harrisburg"•t -..• Lincoln Harrold"•t ······-·Hughes Hartforc!*•t •.• Minnehaha •Hayti"•t .......••. Hamlin Hazel"•t •......... Hamlin Hecla"•t •.•.•.••••. Brown Henry"•t ...•.•• Codington Hermosa"•L •.••••. Custer Herreid*•t •.•••• Campbell Herrick*•t ••••••• Greirory HetJanrt••t . •...Kine-c;tmry  D. I. O'KEEFFE. To Tim her LaJ·p, •ro Aberdeen. To Watrrtown. To Aberdeen. To BnrkP. To Aberdeen. To Aherdt•en. ~<'l' Watertown. To Wimwr. 'l'o Si -~(•ton. To antou. Pe Pierre. To, ioux Falls. To\\'atrrtown. •ro WatPrtowu. To AherclMn. See Watertown. See Hot Springs. •ro Aberdeen. Tn Bnrkt•. Ton m..t.  418  74 460 422 248  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bon---:d::.- - - ---See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  SOUTH DAKOTA  1810  ATTORNEYS·AT-LA W (BONDED)  PoPU• LA·  NAME.  TION.  •Hi2hmore"•t ••.•••.• Hyde Hill City"•t . ., Pennin2ton Hillhead ........ Marshall Hill. view ...••1lcPher.on Hitchcock"•t ..•••• Beadle llolabird"•t .•.•..••. Hyde Holmquist"•t .••..... . Day 419 Hosmer"•+ ••.... Edmunds  1022 308 60 50 500 100 100  lU. C. CU 'NINGHAM. To Rapid City. To llritton. To Aberdeen. To Huron. To Highmore. To Aberdeen. To Aberdeen.  1522 •Hot Sprines"•+ .Fall River G. n. DOLLIVER. 1'.iO Rouehton"•t .....• Brown To Aberdeen. 271 lloven"•t ...•..•.•• Potter To Gettysburg. 132::i •Howard"•t .....•... Miner BALDWIN & LYONS. Fir t ·ational Bank Bldl?, 470 Hudson*•t ........ Lincoln To Canton. 445 Humboldt"•t.. Minnehaha To ioux !<alls. 586 Hurley••t .•...•... Turner To Parker. 8302 •Huron••t •...•..... Beadle 300 Interior"•+ •.•.•.. Jack on 40 Iona"····--·-··--· Lyman 900 •lpswich••t ••..•• Edmunds 445 lrene••t .......•... .. Clay 6:il IroQuois"•t ·-·· Kingsbury 240 Isabel"t ..••••••••. Dewey •.••.. Janousek*•...... Yank1on 527 Java••t ......... Walworth 550 Jefferson••t ....••.. Union 100 Junius•• ............. Lake 341 200 341 350 170 993 75 150 142 867 275 408 1008 336 510 123 5013 32;; 1126 1074 637 281 450 187 200 100 125 35 100  •Kadoka"•t •••..•. Jackson Kaylor• .••..•. Hutchinson Kennebec••t ••.... Lyman Keystone*t ... Pennington Kidder••t ••...... Marshall Klmball"•t .....•.•.. Brule King ·bure•t •• Bon Homme Kranzbur2*•t .• Codington Labolt"•t ····-······Grant • Lake Andes"•tOharles Mix Lake City• ....... Marshall Lake Norden*• ... Hamlin Lake Prestoi;i*•t .Kiill?Sb'y Lane•• ..•...•••••. Jerauld Landord"•t ....• Marshall Laplant*•t ··-···-·Dewey Lead"•t ....•.... Lawrence Lebanon"•t ••...... Potter Lemmon"•t ..•... Perkins Lennox"•t ..•.•... Lincoln •Leola"•+ .....• McPherson LestervilJe••t •... Yankton Letcher••t ..••••• Sanborn Lily*•t •...•.......... Day Loomis"• .••..•••. Davison Lowry ••.•....•• Walworth Loyalton*•t •.... Edmt,nds Lucas* ..•.•...•.. Gregory Lyons•• ••.•••• Minnehaha  4144 •Madison••t •....•.... Lake 140 Mancllester••t .Kingsburv 225 Mansfleld••t ••.•••. Brown 20 Marcus• •••••.••.... Meade 53:; \far ion •t .......... Turner 300 •Martin" .••••.•... Bennett 173 Marvin"t ••••...•.•. Graat  NULL & ROYHL. To Philip. •ro Fort Pierre. To Aberdeen. To Yankton To De l'imet. To T1moer Lake. 'l'o Yankton . 'l'o Aberdeen. To Vermilion. To Madison. A. G. GRANGER. To Parker. To Fort Pierre. To Hapid City. See .Aberdeen. To Chamberlain. To Tyndall. See Watertown. To Watertown. To Armour. To Aberdeen. See Watertown. To De met. To We. ington Sprin2'8, ee Abrrdeen. To Timber Lake. To Deadwood. To Gettysbure. T0 Di on. To Canton. To Aberdeen. To Yankton. 'l'o Woonsocket. See AbPrdeen. See Mitchell. 'l'o Aberdeen. To Aberdeen. To Burke. To Sioux Falls. FAUMER, COLLINS & FARlUER. To De-met. To Aberdeen. To li'aith. To Parker. To Kadoka. To Milbank.  73  •McIntosh *•L ..•.. Corson McLauehlin•t ..... Corson Meadow* ••..••... Perkins Mecklin2"•t ...•.....• Clay :\Jelham ....•...•... Clark Mellette••t ...••..... pink Menno••t ..... Hutchinson Midland"•+ ....•.. Haakon •Milhank"•t ...•..••. Grant Mile Tille"' •..•.... Haakon  C. H. BELK.NAPP. To McIntosh. To Rison. To Vfirmilion. To lark To ,\ I.Jerdeen. To Parker. To Philip. To Watertown. 'fo Philip.  1478 100 100 300 167  •Miller••t ..•.••...... Hand Mioa••t ··-·-····Edmunds Miranda"•t ····-····Faulk )1 i sion• ···--··-····· To<lcl Missionhill"•t .... Yankton  J. n. COLE. See Aberdeen. To R dfield. To :\lurdo. To Yankton.  727 274 60 100  JOO 507 918 300  2215  8478 •Mitchell"•t ....... Davison 3517 Mobridge*•t-... Walworth 217 Monroe*•t ...•.•... Turner l500 Montrose••t ...... MoCook 260 Morristown"•t •..• Corson 150 •Mound City• •... Campbell 661 Mount Vernon*•t Davison 372 150 190 30'>  •Murdo"•t ·······-···Jones Naples"•t •...••.... Clark Newark"• .....•.. Marshal! New Effln2ton*•t .Holierts ~~:~h~-:~wood*Pen~·~~t: Nisland*•t •.•••.•.•• Butte Norris* .....• ___ Mellette Northville"•t ••..••. Spink Nowlin"•t ........ Haakon Nunda•t .•........•.. Lake •Oacoma"•t....•... Lyman Oelrichs••t ..•.• Fall Rivor Okaton"•t ••••••.•.• Jon•s Oldham••t ...•. Kingsbury •Olivet* ••••.•. Hutchin on Onaka"• •••......... Faulk  m 173 l!'iO 372  100 206  224 176 130 364 200 150  F. B. WINSOR. •ro Aberdeen. To Parker. To alem. To McIntosh. To Aberdeen. See Mitchell. DER.MAN L. BODE. T~ei~!;.~~~o:,rn,  i~JMJ~Fg~~che. To Rapid City. To Bellefourche. 'Po \Vllite River. To ,\berdeen. To Philip. To Madison. To Fort Pierre. 'l'o Uot 8prings. 'l'o.lurclo. To De met. To Yankton. To Redfield.  NOTE  PoPULA· TIQH.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  455 •Onida*•t ......•..... Sully To Pierre.  To Hot Springs. To Redfield. To isseton. To De Smet. To Rapid Oity. BOGUE & BOGUE. To Parker. To Sis:eton. PHILIP & WAGGONER.  125 300 187 48 150 12lS8 1230 386 6-17  Oral* ---· ··· · · ·Fall ltiver Orient"•t •••.•...... Faulk Ortley"•t •••.•••.. Roberts Osceola*• ...... King-,bury Owanka"•t ..•. Pennineton •Parker*•+. ..•..... Turner Parkston"•t .. Hutchinson Peever•• •.•••••.•. Roberts •Philip"•t •..•.•••. Haakon  1431 50 305 12.54 637 719 386 206 300 140 200 30  •Sisseton••+ •.•••.• Roberts Sorum• •••••...••• Perkins South Shore*•t .Codington Speartlsh"•t .••. Lawrence Spencer••t ...•... McCook Sprin2fleld"•t Bon llommfl Stickney••t .•.•••.. Aurora St. Charles••t .... Gregory St. Lawreoce*•t ..•.. Hand St. Oo~e••t ....• Lawrence Stockholm"•t ...•... Grant Storla ....•••...... Aurora  169 297 112 12:;o 357 428 165 80  Strandbure"•t ....•. Grant To Watertown. Stratford*•t ...•... Brown ee Aberdeen. Strool" ·······-····Perkins To Bi ·on. •Stureis*•t. ..•...... Meade To Rapid City. Summit"•t ........ Roberts To i ·eton. Tabor*•t ....• Bon Homme To Tyndall. Tea"• ....•..•••.. Lincoln To Canton. Thoma *• ..•...... Hamlin To Watertown. Thunder Hawk"t .. Corsoa To McIntosh. •Timber Lake*t •••.. Dewey GEO. THWING. Tolstoy••t .•.••••... Potter To Gettysbur2. Toronto••t. .•••..... Deuel To Watertown. Trail City*•t. •.•.. Dewey To Timber Lake. Trent*•t. ••••.•..•• Moodv 'l'o ioux Falls. Tripp••+ ..•.•• Hutchinson To Parker. Troy····-···········Grant To ,\IJerdeen. Tulare"•t ....•.••..• Spink 'ro Aherdeen. Turton*•t .•.•.•.•.. pink To Aherdeen. Twin Brooks"•t ..... Grant To Milbank:. •Tyndall"•t ..• Bon Homme C. C. PUCKETT. Unityville"• .••••• McCook To Salem. Utica••t .....•.•• Yankton To Yankton. Valley Springs"•t Mino'ha To Sioux Falls. iab1anr•t •...••• iee}gm~r. v:rdi~•~t········ ~rr~wn S~e Ab~r3:~~ ••••·••·· · •Vermilion "•t ...•.... Olay GUNDERSON & GUNDER ON. Viborg••t ......••• Turner To Parker. Victor• ..•••.•...• H.obert To ~lilbank. Vienna*•t .•..•...••. Clark To Watertown. Vilas"•L •.• _ .•..•. )Iiner To Howard. Vir2il"•t •••....•••. Berulle SeeHuron. Vivian"•t ...•..••• Lyman To Fort Pierre. Volga*•t •...•... Brookings To Watertown. Volin*•t. .......• _Y_a_n_k_to_n__ T_o_"i~·a_n_k·_t-o_n_. - - - ~ - - - - -  (. ilso see Fort Pierre and Rapid Cit11) 250 Piedmont"•t-.••.•. Meade To Rapid C1 cy. 400 Pierpoint"•t ····-····Day To Aberdeen. 3209 §•Pierre*•t .••..••. Huehes SUTHERLAND, PA.YNE & LINSTAD. 803 •Plankinton*•+ ..... Aurora To ~litchell. 1242 Platte*•t .••.• Charles Mix To Armour. 500 Pollock*•t ...•.. Campbell To Aberdeen. 626 Presho*•t ...••.•.• Lyman To };'ort Pierre. 100 Pringle*•t···-····· Custer To Hot priogs. 192 Puk:wana*•t .•..••••. Brule To Chamberlain. 50 Putney*•t--·-···Brown To Aberdeen. 150 Quinn"•t •...• Pennineton To Rapid City. 356 Ramona••+·-·--··- Lake To :Madison. 5777 •Rapid Oity*•t .Penoin2ton PIDLIP & WAGGONER. (See also at Philip) 176 Ravinia"t ...• Charles Mix To Armour. 330 Raymond"•t ...•..•. Clark To Watertown. 2755 •Redl.leld"•+ ____ . Spink To Aberdeen -····· Redowl*·-·---······~1eade To Rapid City. SOO Ree Heights"•t ..••.. Hand ee Miller. 318 Reliance*•t •••••••. Lyman To Fort Pierre. 100 Renner* ••••••• Minnehaha To ioux Fall . 338 Revillo"•t ..••...... Grant ee Watertown. 347 Rockham••+ .••..... Faulk To Redfield. 459 Roscoe••t ..•.••• Edmunds To Aberdeen. 301 Rosholt"•t ..•....• Roberts To Sisseton. 211 Roslyn• .••.••••••.... Day To Ab ·rdeen. 180 Roswell"•t ......•.. Miner To Howard. 65 Rowena•• •...•1Iinnehaha To. ioux Falls. 150 Rutland"•t ...•...... Lake To Madison. 1187 •Salem*•t _ _ _ McCook \VIL ON & McCAY. 140 Scenic"•t •.•.• Pennineton To Rapid City. 1234 Scotland*•t .. Bon llomme To Tyndall. 564 •Selby"•t ..••••.. Walworth To Aberdeen. 264 Seneca"•t ........... Faulk To Redfield. 206 Sherman••t ..• Minnehaha To Simu Falls. 50 Shindler.·-·······Lincoln To Canton. 216 Sinai"•t ••.••... Brookines To Watertown. 25176 •Sioux Falls"•t .Minnehaha BAILEY & VOORHEES. (Charles 0. Bailey, John H. Voorhees, Peter G. Honegger, Theodore M. Bailey, Charles O. Bailey, Jr.) Counsel at Sioux Falls for Sioux Falls Savines Bank, R. G. Dun & Co., W. U. Telegraph Co .. Illinois Central R. R. Co., American Express Co., Wilson & Oo., and the American Surety Co. Special attention paid to business of non-resident clients. Compilen of the South Dakota laws for thi• publication.  too  555 183 380 100 295  970 970 324 243 141 1405 180 141 374  5i8 llO  2590  618 50 477 170 189 300 606 314  (Lr.teller P. 0.)  To Watertown. See Bison. See Watertown. To Deadwood. To alem. To Tyndall. To Mitchell. To Burke. ee Miller. To Deadwood. To Watertown. To ~Iitchell.  M.Ht~i  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  a  C(  &D)  ATTORNEYS-AT- LAW (BONDED) ~---  -  SOUTH DAKOTA,TENNESSEE  ----·--------  1811  POPU-  LA-  _!!_ON.  1ty)  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  1236 Warner*•t ____ Charles Mix ~~} ~a1wnda*•t __________ Clay 'akpala *et_ _____ _Cor ·on 224 Wall*•t _______ Pennington 235 Wallace*•t _____ Codington 118 Ward*•t ___________ Moody 250 Warner*•---------- Brown 140 Wasta••+ ______ Pennington 200 Watauga*•t ________ cor ·on 9400 .. Watertown*•t __ Codineton LOUCKS, RASCHE &  'l'o Armour. To Vermilion. To 11clnto h. 'l'o Rapid City. See Watertown. To Sioux Falls. 'ee .Aberde1m. To Rapid City. To Mclnto h.  FOLEY. ([>o nJ F. Luuch·s, Arthur ll. IIasclle, AIICllJ N. 11'0/ru mH7 D. K. Louclis) Practice in all courts. Sp(•cial attention given to business of nonre ident client.:. ColJection Department in connection, handles all classes collections and adjustment work. Refers to any Jud1w upreme Court, Pierre, or any Circuit Court Judge East of Mi . ouri River. Canhancllc 1111ich·ly and efficie11tl11 all legal lnrnine.~s for a1111 point referred ir~  U~ 1800 75 360 728 1618 125 1~ 594 536 417 *3 ""9  in  828 2 ~~~  5lO  TOWN AND COUNTY.  LA-  NAME.  TION.  this Dil'e,ctoru to JVatcrlown.  Waubay*•t ___________ Day Waverly*•t ____ Codineton •Webster*•t ___________ Day Wecota*•---------- Faulk Wentworth*•t _______ Lake Wcssington••t _____ Beadle ..Wessing'n Sp'gs*•L-Jer'd Westport*•-------- Drown Wetonka*•---- McPherson Wewela" ____________ Tripp White*•t _______ Brookings White Lake*•t ____ .Aurora •White River* ____ Mellette White Rock*•t ••• Roberts Whitewood*•t __ Lawrence Willow Lake*•t _____ Clark ;~mot*:!-------- Roberts !red t---------- Lake .. ~inner*•t. _________ Tripp Witten* _____________ Tripp olsey*•t ____ :_ ____ Beadle Wood* ___________ Mellette  To Aberdeen. PC Watertown. To Aberdeen. To Redt:J.eld. To Madison. To Huron. To Woonsocket. ee Aberdeen. 'l'o Aberdeen. To Winn r. 'ro Watertown. To Mitchell. C. F. MANSOM. To Sisseton. To Deadwood. To Watertown. To is ~tog, To Mad1so . P. A. HOSFORD. To Winner. To Huron. See White River.  200 1~~8 ..Woonsocket*•t ___ Sanborn • A. RAMSEY. BO~ rarthing*•t------ Lincoln To Canton. ale*•t ____________ Beadle See Huron.  ~~i •raHkton*•t ______ Yankton e *•t ---- __________ Faulk  5  HAR&Y A• .&0DINSON. To Redfield.  H.  0.  TENNESSEE Tenn~ee ts divided into three Federal Districts: Eastern, Middle, and Western. The EASTERN DISTRICT has three divisions: the Northern with court at Knoxvllle, fourth Monday in May and first Monday tn December; the Southern with court at Chattanooga, fourth Monday ln Avril and second Monday In November: and the Northeastern with court at Greeneville, first Monday in March and third Monday In September. The MIDDLE DISTRICT has two divisions: the Nashville with court at Nasbrtlle, second Monday In March and fourth Monday in Sevtember; and the Northeast rn with court at Cookeville, third ?donday in April and first Monday in November. The WESTERN DISTRICT has two divisions: the Eastern with court at Jackson, fourth Mondays in April and October; and the WNestern with court at Memphis fourth Mondays in May and ovember.  REFERENCE KEY • County Seat. • Money Order Office. • Express Omce. t Teleeraph Station. § State Capital. --. _________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  A .Agams•~ff ..---- Riperts_on amsvi e ----- ci airy •11amo*•------·-·· C1j-Jc~elt~ Alexandria*------- e a Algood"•t ________ Putnam .. rtamout* ________ Gru~cly A ctmore ________ Gtl('s Arlington*•t _______ Shclby .J.49 •Ashland City••t Cheatham 672 500 720 510 651 114 300 494  T s · fl Id Tg J~~1 2-~n: · To Brown. ville. 'l'o 'mithville. See Cookeville. To Tracy City, •ro Pula~ki. ee Memphis. P. H. DUKE.  NOT-E Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2580 245 350 114 169 1200  .. Athcns*•t ________ .McMinn Atoka*•t ___________ Tipton Atwood •----------Carron Auburntown ______ cauuon Baileyton• _________ Greene BarretviiJe ________ shelhy  271 521 500 123 471 ll20 525  Bartlett. --- ------- helby Baxter*•t ---------Putnam Heechgrove• _______ Coffee Belfast••-------- Mar hall Bellbuckle*•t ____ RE'dford Bells*•t __________ Crockett •Henton*•t ___________ Polk Bethel Springs•_ McNairy Beth page*• _______ surnnt>r Bie Rock" ________ lewart Big l:iandy*•t ______ Beu ton Blanchc ___________ Liucoln Ctn/more P.O.) •Illountville* ______ , nllivan Bluff City*•t _____ ullivan .. Bolivar••t _____ Hardeman Bradford*•t _______ Gibson Bradyville" _______ cannon Bra:ton• _________ Cannon Brazil _____________ Gibson  (.Kerrville P. 0.)  6'.iO  98  197  603 350 700 524 1020 507 115 75 139  ('.l.'renton P. 0.)  265 Brfehton*•---- _____ Tipton I4i76 Bristol*•L------- Sullivan 3062 •Brownsville*•t __ Haywood 500 Brush Creek*•------Smith 150 Buffalo Valley*•t .Putnam 800 Bullsgap*•t ______ Hawkins 500 Bumpus Mills" ____ Stewart 300 Burns*•----------Dickson 587 Butler*•t _________ Johnson 125 •Byrdstown* _______ Pickett  JUNES & DA VIS. To Covington. ee Huntinedon. See Woodbury. Spe Greeneville. 'ro Mt>mphis. To Memphis. 'ee Cookeville. .. ee 11anrhester. To Lewi"hurg. 'eu ht•lbY\'ille. 'ro nrownsvillt\. See Clt·veland. 'Io Jack..,on. To Galla Iin. ::'ee Dover. 'l'o Ca1rnll• n. See Fayetteville.  To Kin~ port. Kini{ port. ALLK JI. PREWITT. See Trenton. 8rf' \Vood bury. To \Voo !bury. See 1'n•nton. '1'11  To Ripl(>y.  ST. JOUN & G0RJ~. J. W. l:. MOORE. See Carthage. ee Cookeville. Sl'e Rogersville. ee Do\'er. 'l u Dick_on. To Iountlin City. CHARLES C. GORE. .\DDRK • LIVIXG ToL· 200 Calhoun •--------M.c::\linn 'ro Atheu . 800 •Camden"•t ________ Benton J. F. ODLE. 150 Campbellsville ______ Giles To Columbia. (J.,1111111,1illc P. 0.) 920 •Oarthage*•t ________ Smith L. A. LIGON. 800 Cedar Hill"•t ___ Robertson To Springfield. 420 •Celina* _______________ Clay JOHN 1. GORE. ______ Centertown ______ Warren To Mc:\Iinoville. (McMinnville P. 0.) 882 •Centerville*•t-- Hickman WM. L. PINKERTON. 1000 Chapa! Hill* _____ Marshall To Lewi burl!, 600 Charleston*•t. ____ Bradley To Athen ·, 200 •Charlotte* ________ Dickson 'l'o Dickson. 57895 ..ohattanoo2a••t- Hamilton CHAS. C. MOORE. Corporafrm, Insurance, Real Estate and Commercial Law. Counsel For: Southern Railway, Dixie Portland Crment Company, Vt:stl Gas Hauge & Mfl!, Company, 'l'ennessee 'tove Work,, ewanee Fuel & Iron Company, Aycock Uo. iery 111ill, Federal Coal Company, 7\larylaud Ca ualty Company. Represent: U. .. F. ,. _G. Compan~. AmerJcan Lawyers Company, .Mercantile AdJustcr, AmPncan AdJu·ter Directory Company, The Bradstreet Company and other commercial a(!encies. Special commercial department. J. 'otarv in oj1ice.  600 150 500 8110 6522 1000  Christiana*•t. Rutherford Churkey •-------- Greene Church Hill*•t __ J:Iawkins .. Clarksville*•t ____ Monte'y •Cleveland•t _______ Bradley Clifton•• __________ Wayne  To :\IurfrePshoro. To Greeneville. ee Roeersville. II. B. STOUT. 'l'o Athens. S e Wayne boro. 1409 .. Clinton*•t ______ Anderson J. H. UNDl'}RWOOD. 1204 Coal Creek"•t ___ Anderson 'l'o Clinton. 600 Cu:i.lmont••. _____ .Grundy To Tracy 1ty. 50 Coldwater* ________ Lincoln SPe Fayeite\·i!Je. 250 Colle:e Grove" Williamson 'ro Franklin. 989 Collierville*•t ______ helby 'er. :\1cmphis. 61l8 Collin\\'ood* ______ Wayne •ro Wayne.-;t1oro. 5526 •Columbia*•t _______ Maury II. T. SHEl,TO • . 12!1 Como* _____________ Henry 'l'o Paris. 2395 •Cookevi!le"•t. ____ Putnam UHARLES C. GORE. ADDHl s LIV! TGSTON 1102 Copperhill"•+ _______ : Polk 'l'o lknton. 300 Cordova*•t ________ Shelby ee, lcmphis. 314 Cornersville• ____ Marshall 'l'o L •wi ·burl?, 210 Cottag,•erove* ______ Henry To Paris. 3410 •Covington*•L----- Tipton W. L. 0\O!N. 1200 Cowan*•t ________ Franklin To WinC'he. !er. 50 Crockett !11ills*•.Crorkett 'ro Browns\'ille. 500 Oro s Plains" __ Robertson To prinirtl Id. 048 .. crossv1ll *•t- Cumberland • N. , 111TH. 600 Culleoka*t --------- .Manry ee Columbia. 400 Cumber I'd City*•t St .wart See Dover. 304 Cumberl'd Gao*•tOiaib'ne To Tawwell. 439 •Dandridee* ----- Jefferson 'l'o Jelfer ·on City. 175 Darden*•t -----IIender. on To Le ington. 1701 •Dayton••t ___________ Rhea McJ{ENZn: e Mcl{ENZIE. 142 •Decatur* ------------Meie-s J. W. LILLARD. 315 •Decaturville*----- Dec,itur To Loxinirton. 815 Decherd*•t ______ Franklin See Winchester. 300 Dellro ·e*•-------- Lincoln To Fayetteyille . 300 Diana*•---------Giles 'J'o Lc;wi ·bur!!.  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1812  TENNESSEE  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  POPU·  LA· TOWN AND COUNTY. NAME. TION. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  2263 400 200 700 400 800 1007 1500 300 1465 1250 6444 400 4720 300 200 500  Dickson*•+ _______ Dickson Dixon Svrine* ______ Smith Donelson*•------Davidson •Dover" ___________ Stewart Dowelltown* ______ Dekalb Doyle*•t ----------- White •Dresden*•t ______ Weakley Ducktown*t _________ Polk Dukedom* _______ Weakley Dunlap*•t _____ Sequatchie Dyer*•t ___________ Gibson •Dyers burg*•t ________ Dyer EagleviHe* ____ Rutherford E. Chattanooea*•t Hamilt'n Eaton* _____________ Gibson Edith ____ ---- __ Lauderdale <Riplev P. 0.) Elbridl?e* ___________ Obion  2740 212 1271 250 855 206-5 500  •Elizabethton"•+ ____ Carter Elkton*---------- ____ Giles En1?lewood*•t ____ McMinn Enville" ___________ Chester •Erin*•t ___________ Houston •Erwin"•t----------- Unicoi Estill Springs*•t _ Franklin «100 Ethridge*•t---r-Lawrence 2516 Etowah*•t ________ McMinn S620 200 150 ____  •Fayetteville*•t ----Lincoln Finger ..•t ________ McNairy Flatcreek* _______ Bedford l!'rankewi ng*• ______ Gi I es  II. C. RICHARDSON.  See Carthage. See Nashville. GEO. T. BRANDON. To Smithville. To Cookeville. To Martin. To Benton. To Martin. STEWART & STEWART. To Trenton. C. C.LEE. To Murfreesboro. To Chattanooga, See Trenl.On. See Ripley, To Union City. MILLER, SEILER & UUNTER. To Pnla~ki. 'l'o Athens. To Jackson. W.W. PATTERSON. To Johnson City. See Winchester. To Columbia. 'l'o A.thens. J. W. BOLMAN. To Jackson. See Shelbyville. To Pula ki, W. W. COURTNEY, JR. To Brownsville. To Maryville. 'Io Trenton. To Brown ville. To Cookeville. W.W. PARDOE. See Woodbury, See Ripley. See Trenton. To Lebanon. To Martin. To Nashville. Sec Carthage. See Bolivar. See Gainesboro. See Dayton. See Loudon. To Springfield, SUSONG & SUSONG. To Martin. To Ripley. Sep Columbia. R. B. CASSELL. To Gallatin. To Jackson. To Gallatin. To Hipley. To Paris. See Bolivar. To Bolivar. Il. T. POORE. To Camden. To Huntingdon. To Union City, To Bolivar. To Trenton. McCALL & BROWNING. To Winchester. To Oneida. See Columbia. 'l'o Jackson.  3123 •Franklin*•t ___ Williamson 487 F'riendship*t _____ Crockett 400 Friendsville*• _____ Blount 75 Fruitland. ________ Gibson 250 Gadsden"•t ______ Crockett 351 •Gainesboro" ______ Jackson 2757 •Gallatin*•t ________ sumuer 150 Gassaway* ____ ---·Cannon 303 Gates*•t _______ Lauderdale 240 Gib1::on*•t _________ Gibson ___ Gladeville _________ Wilson 402 G leason*•t------- Weakley 800 Goodlettsville* __ Davidson 278 Gordonsville*•-- ____ Smith 407 Grand Jct.*•t • Hardeman 2M Granville* ________ Jackson 786 Graysville*•t ________ Rhea 200 Greenback*•------ Loudon 518 Green Brier*•t _Robertson 3775 •Oreeneville*•t _____ Greene 1474 Greenfleld*•t ____ Weakley 1400 Balls*•t-- _____ Lauderdale 100 Hampshire* _______ Murray 4010 Harriman*•t------- Roane 1023 •Hartsville*•L- _ Trousdale 1181 •Henderson*•t _____ Chester 224 Hendersonville*•t Sumner 405 Henning*•t ____ Lauderdale 280 Henry*•------------Henry 300 Hickman*•--------· Smith 250 Hickory Yalley*•tH'rd 'mn 742 •Hohenwald*•t ______ Lewis 177 Holladay* _________ Benton 108 Hollow Rock*•t • __ Carroll 600 Hornbeak* _________ Obion 000 Hornsby ______ Hardeman 3013 Humboldt*•L----- Gibson 1121 •Huntingdon*•t ____ Carroll 223 Huntland*•t _____ Franklin 400 •Huntsville* __________ Scott 850 lron City*•t ____ Lawrence 70 JacKs Creek ______ Chester 18860 •Jackson*•t. ______ Madison CLAIRE B. NEWMAN. General Practice. Special attention given commercial practice. References: Union Ilank & Trust Co. or any wholesale honr;;p of Jarkson. ·----- Jarksonville ____ Davidson 'l'o Nashville. 500 •Jamestown* _____ .B'entress To Oneida. 728 •Jasper*•t. _________ Marion L. R. DARR. 1414 1878 12442 815 125 804 300 5602 516 350  Jefferson Oity*•tJetrerson Jellico*•L _______ Campbell J ohnsonCity*•t. Washing'n •.Tonesboro*•t. Washington KPlso••t __________ Lincoln Kenton*•t -------- __ Obion Kerrville. --- ______ Shel by Kingsport*•L---- Sullivan •Kingston• __________ Roane Kineston SP'l!S*•t Cheat·m  J. CARL I~AMBDIN. ALLEN T. FINE. SELLS & SIMMONDS. To .Johnson City. See Fayetteville. 'l'o Union City, To Memphis.  WALTER R. BURNETT. To Rockwood. To Ashland City,  7781 8 ~Knoxville*• t -------- K nox LUCK y, JONES & ANDREWS, , Attorneys tor Coal Creek Minml! & Manufarturinl? Company: Knoxville Ilrirk co., Poplar Creek Coal & ll'On Co., Ea't Tenn. Coal Co., etc., Southern Extract Company; Peoples Telephone & T1·leeraoh Company. RPfPr to Central 'fru~t Company and Knickerbocker Trust Comoany of N""' York, and Ea t Tennessee Nationnl nnnk of Knoxvill,. 'fPnn  N-Q T E  PoPU· LA.· TOWN AND COUNTY. TION,  NAME.  678 3056 243 500 75  •Lafayette* ________ • Macon To Gallatin. Lafollette••t ____ Campbell To Jellico. LaGrange*•t ______ Fayette To Somerville. Lancaster*•---- _____ Smith see Carthage. Lascassas* .• ___ Rutherford To Murfreesboro. 2461 •Lawrencebure"•t .Lawr·ce McNELY & HELTON. 4084 •Lebanon*•t ________ Wilson ADAMS & ADAMS. · 500 Leipers Fork•. Williamson To Franklin. [Ii'ranlflin P.O.] 4210 Lenoir City*•t ____ Loudon To Loudon. 240 Leoma _________ Lawrence To Lawrenreburg, 2711 •Lewisburg*•t ____ Marshall MARSHALL & COLEMAN. 1702 •Lexineton*•t __ Henderson E SARY & DENISON. 285 Liberty• __________ Dekalb To Smithville. 300 Limestone*•+- Washington To Johnson City. 400 •Linden* _____________ Perry ALBERT MORGAN. 200 Littlelot• _______ Jiickman To Centerville. 1215 •Livingston" _______ Overton CHARLES C. GORE. 500 Lobelville* __________ Perry To Linden. 500 Loretto*•t ______ Lawrence See Columbia. 1881 •Loudon*•t ________ Loudon WRIGHT, JONES & DANNF,L. 200 Luray*•t ______ Henderson See Lexington. 365 •Lynchburg* ________ Moore PARKS & BEAN. 552 Lynnville*•L--- _____ Giles To Pulaski. 500 Madison*•t ______ Davidson See Nashville. 830 •Madisonville*•t ___ Monroe To Athens. 1114 •Manchester*•t _____ Coffee ROBERT KEELE. 2837 M.artin*•t ________ Weakley D. W. HARPER. 3730 •Maryville*•t------- Blount McTEER, KRAMER & QUINN. 387 Mason*•+ __________ Tipton To Ripley. 35 Mason HalL _______ Obion To Union City. (Kenton P. 0.) 452 Maury City• _____ Crockett To Brownsville. 035 McEwen*•t ___ Humphreys To Waverly. 1630 McKenzie*•t ______ Carroll To Huntingdon. a50 McLemoresville* __ Carroll See Huntinedon. 2814 •McMinnville*•t ___ Warren JOHN L. WILLIS. 358 Medina*•L-------- Gibson To Trenton. 162351•Memphis*•t------- Shelby. MARTIN BOYD, 146 E. Court Ave. Commercial Law, Specml attention to Collections anct AdJustments. Refers to the Union & Planters flank & Trust Co. J. DUDLEY CARROLL, Cen•ral Bank Blclg,, General pral't ice in all S a e and l!'ederal Con rt . Thoroughly equipped for handling all of non-residents' business. Corporation, Real Estate, Insurance and Commercial Law. DEAN & HA UN, Falls Bldg, Prompt attention given eac11 item. Can send Travetmg- Adjuster to any part of country immecliately. 188 Mercer*•t ________ Madison See Jackson. 321 Middleton*•t ___ Hardeman See Bolivar. 2057 Milan*•t ___________ Gibson To Trenton. 657 Millington*•L- ____ Shel by See Memphis. 300 Minor Hill* __________ Giles To Pulaski. 161 Mitchellville*•t---Sumner To Galla.tin. 2fi0 Mohawk*•t _______ Greene To Greeneville. 1445 Monterey*•t ______ Putnam To Cookeville. 271 Morrison*•t ______ Warren See McMinnville. 5875 •Morristown*•t ___ Hamblen McCANLES & TAYLOR. 314 Moscow*•t _. ______ Fayette To Somerville. 500 Mosheim*• ________ Greene To Greenville. 724 •Mountain Oit.r*•t Johnson See Elizabethton. 2093 Mountpleasant*•t __ Maury To Columbia. 800 Mt. J uliet••t ______ Wilson To Lebanon. 150 Mt. PeJia _________ Weakley To Martin. (Martin P.O.) 260 Mulberry* ________ Lincoln See Fayetteville. 382 Munford* __________ Tipton To Ripley. 5367 •M.urtreesboro*•t Ruther'd J. G. HANCOCK. 118342§•Nashville*•t __ • Davidson A. J. GR I G BY, Jr., 924-926 tahlman Building. Practice in all Courts, State and Federal. Bankruptcy a specialty. Refer to Cnmherlaud Valley NaL;onal Bank. Compiler of  1767 LOOO  2753  ~i~  150 75 300 1552 400 1376 777 943 700 525 130 4730 420 100 560 ,2M  Tennessee laws for this PubUC(!tion. W .A LT ER STOKES, McGavock Uldg, General Counselfor The Tennessee Central R.R. and The Nashville Terminal Company. H.erer to any bank in Nashville. Civil Practice in all Courts. Newbern*•L--- _____ Dyer To Dyersburg. New Market*•L Jefferson To Jeffer. on City. •Newoort*•L------- Cocke W. 0. 1\111\IS. d ~f'ta!arwell*t Clt~'.ne iee _rum her lau Gap. N~~ens~ilie•~==\1iilli~m~~~ Tg F~~~~~in. NOl'<'ne* ___________ Wilson 'ro LPhanon. Normand:r*•t ____ Brdford To Shelbyville. Oak,jale*•t ________ Mor~an To Wartburg. Oaklanct••t_ ______ Fayette 'ro 8omervilll', Obion*•t ----------- Obion To Union City. Oliver Springs*•t ___ Roane To Rockwood. Oneida*•t ___________ Scott CHAS. B. DAVIS. Ooltewah*•-----Ilamilton To Chattanooga. Orlinda" --- ---· Robertson To Springfield. Palmersville" ____ WPaklcy To ~lartin. •Paris"•t ---------~-Henry FITZHUGH & RYE. Parsons••+ _______ l)pratur To Le. ini::ton. Perryville • ______ Decatur To Lexington. Pt!tnsbure*•t_ ____ Linroln See Fayetteville. PhilarlPlnhia"•t ___ Loudon , t>e Lou'lon.  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond.  See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  TENNESSEE, TEXAS  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  POPO· LA·  NAME.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  ~ - - - - -'-488 400 100 350 869 375 2780 325 150 600 600 1200 2070 495 400 4652 1402 300 300 EL.  ..Pikeville*•t _______ Bledsoe Pinson*•t ________ Madison Pleasant Shade* ____ Smith Pleasant View* _Cheatham Portland*•t ______ Sumner Prospect Station*•t __ Giles ..Pulaski*•t ___________ Giles Puryear*•+- __ ------Henry Readyville* _______ Cannon Redboiling Springs* Macon Riceville*•t ______ McMinn Ride-ely*t ____________ Lake •Ripley*•t ______ Lauderdale Rives*•t ____________ Obion Robbins*•t _________ Scott Rockwood*•t ______ l{oane •Roe-ersville*•t ___ Hawkins Rome* _____________ Smith Rosemarie _______ Shelby  (Kerrville P. 0.) Rossville*•t ______ Fayette Russellville*•t ___ Hamblen Rutherford*•t _____ Gibson ..Rutledge*•t _____ Grainger Saltillo*•-- ________ Hardin Santa Fe* __________ Maury ~9 Sardis* ________ Henderson 1110 Saulsbury*•+ ___ Hardeman 758 ... Savannah*• ________ l:J.ardin ~00 Scotts Hill* ____ Henderson 1 .t.Sel{!'.ler*_•t -; _____ McNatrY •Sevierville • _______ Sevier 7_50 Sewanee*•t ______ Franklin .i06 Sharon*•t _______ Weakley ~---Bedford 2112<>8 •Shelbyyille*•t Slayden*•---· ____ Dickson 687 ... Smithville* ________ Dekalb 463 Smyrna*•t ____ Rutherford ~00 .. Sneedville* ______ Hancock 2 00 Soddy*t _________ Hamilton 1106 ... somerville*•t ____ Fayette 2256 South Pittsburg-*•t Marion Southside* __ Montgome!-'Y _0 ..Sparta*•t ___________ White 2~~0 2<>0 .. Spencer* ______ van Buren 1001 Spring City*•L-- ____ Rhea 3860 ..Sprine-fleld*•t • Robertson :03 Spring Hill* ________ Maury 00 Stanton*•t ______ Haywood Stantonville* ____ McNairy O Statesville* ________ Wilson 40 0 tayton *_________ Dickson 327 St. Joseph*•f- __ Lawrence 250 StrawberryPlains*• __ Jef-  171 300 702 300 ~60  lo  1f~  aw, :rers eral hl.r es .  aw.  ven t of  l~O  200 ~  tice lty. rof  selrmiivil  l~a>0 04 2660 2757 587 r,78 <>16 3479  To Memphis. ee Morristown. See Trenton. To Morristown. See Savannah. To Columbia. •ro Lexington. To Bolivar. HELTON & HERBERT. To Lexington. To Jackson. To Knoxville. 'l'o Winchester. To Martin. lV. P. COOPER ee Dickson. DRAKE & TURNER. To Murfree bOro. A. T. DRINNON. ee Chattanooga, MOORMAN & MOORMAN. J. T. RAUL TON. To Clarksville. To Cookeville. To McMinnville. To Dayton. A. E. & J.E. GARNER. ee Columbia. To Brown ville. To Jackson. To Lebanon. To Dick on. To Columbia.  . gnion qi\Y:•t-----:ir~P~ d ;~ cheli~rr!~ELD. 4tM 180 v~i~nvi,. e ------ D\ks~n To Dick on. 0  183 y· 0~ e_er • -------- Wa en ee McMinnville. 250 v~ n~re•-;f::=====:Mo~~oe To Athens. Morgan MORRI & JK'TE '. 400 .t.Wartbura* .. -------719 Wartrace*•t ______ Bedford See Shelbyyille. 033 Watertown••t _____ Wilson To Lebanon. l054 .. Waverlv*•t ___ liumpilreys FUQUA & CARTER. iQ0 .. Waynesboro* ______ Wayne E. n. TURMAN. .>7 Westmoreland*•LSumner To Gallatin. 312 Westpoint*•t ___ Lawrence See Columbia. 440 White Blufl's*•t __ Dickson To Dickson. 100 White House* __ Robertson To Springfield. 421 White Pine*•L __ J efferson To Jefferson City• 118 Whites Creek* ___ Davidson S e Nashville. 740 Whiteville*•t __ Hardeman To B61ivar. Whitleyville* ____ Jackson To Gainesboro. Marion ______ Fentres Wilder __________ 0 Whitwell*•t :ao O 3fi0 Wildersville*•t Hencterson 'l'o Lexington. 175 Williston•• ________ Fayette To Somerville. 100 Willow Grove ________ Clay To Celina. 2203 .. Winchester••t ___ Franklin AltTHUR CROWNOVER. "ALTER HANCOCK 278 .. Woodbury• _______ cannon \y · • 225 Woodland Mills*•---Obion 'l'o Union City, 3.,Q0 Yorkville __________ Gibson See THren~on.d ~0 Yuma*•L __________ Carroll See untrng on.  115 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  TOWN AND COUNTY  To Gallatin. To Athens. To Dyersburg. J. E. PIER ON. To Union City. 'l'o Oneida. To Harriman. J. A. TROMP 'ON. See Carthage. ee MemphL.  To Jefferson City, To Columbia. See Roirersville. To Athens. To Jefferson City. To .M"orri town. MONTGOMERY, DONALDSON & MONTGOMERY. Telford •t--. Wa ·liineton To John,;;on Cit.Y, Tellico Plains*• ___ Monroe •ro Athens. Temperance Hall.De Kalb To mithville. (Liherty P. 0.) Thompsons Station"• Williamson To Franklin. •Tiptonville*• ________ Lake To Dyersburg. Toone*•t _______ Hardeman See Bolivar. Tracy City•et_ ____ Grundy J. D. FULT · .t.Trenton*•t ________ Gibson JOHN R. WALKMt, JR. Trezevant••t ______ Carroll To Huntingdon. Trimble*•t __________ Dyer See Dyersburg. Troy*• ______________ Obion To Union City. Tullahoma••t ______ Coffee To Mancnester.  aob5  TION,  1813  NAME.  E. E. HENRY. See Jackson. See Carthage. To Ashland City, To Gallatin. To Pulaski. JNO. B. WILKES. To Pans. ee Murfreesboro.  600 Summertown••t Lai~~~~~ ~00 Sure-oinsville*• t _Hawkins 1 b2 Sweetwater*•t ____ Monroe 2 0 Talbott_ ______ .. Jeffer on 175 Tate*ef_ ________ Grainger 424 ..Tazewell*•-- ____ Claiborne  500 1220 250  - POPULA·  ,fg [/;t~~-  NOTE  TEXAS EJfe~~  !tf~~1e~~~ four Federal Districts: the Northern, Southern,  The NORTHERN DISTRICT has sLx divisions: the Dallas division with court at Dallas, second Monday in January and first Monday ln May; the Fort Worth division with court at Fort Worth, second Monday In March and first Monday In November; the Abilene division with court at Abllene1 second Monday ln April and first . Monday in October; the Amarillo division with court at Amarlllo, third Monday in April and fourth Monday in Septemb9r; the San Ane-elo division with court at San Angelo, fonrth Monday In April and third Monday In October; the Wichita Falls division with court at ~-i~~~~i~n~'g!i~ on the fourth 1onday in March and th third .Monday The EASTERN DISTRICT has six divisions. the Tyler division with court at Tyler, fourth Monday in January and fourth Monday In April; the Jefferson division with court at Jeffer on, first Monday in October and third Monday In l1'ebruary; the Beaumont division wtth court at Beaumont, third Monday in November and first Monday in April; the Sherman division with court at bermao, first Monday ln January and third Monday In May; the Paris division with court at Parts, first Monday in March and third Monday In October; and the Texarkana division with court at Texarkana, third Monda:v · ln March and first Monday in November. The SOUTHERN DISTRICT has six divisions: the Galveston with court at Galveston, second Monday in January and first Monday ln June; the Houston division with court at Houston, fourth Mondays in February and September; the Laredo division '\\-1th court at Laredo, third Monday in April and second Monday in November; the Brownsville division with court at Brownsville, second Monday in May and the first Monday ln December; the Victoria division with court at Victoria, fourth Mondav in November and first Monday in May; and the Corpus Christi division with court at Corpus Chrlstt. twice a year, at times fixed by judge. The WESTERN DISTRICT has six divisions: the Austin division with court at Austin, fourth Monday in January and second Monday in June; the Waco division with court at Waco. fourth Monday in February and second Monday in November: the El Paso division with court at El Paso, first Mondays in April and October; the San Antonio division with court at San Antonio, first Monday in May and third Monday in December; the Del Rio division with court at Del Rio, fourth Monday in October and third Monday in March; and the Pecos division with court at Pecos, twice a year at times fixed by Judge. REFERENCE KEY  • Express Office. * Money Order Office. ... Oounty Seat. § State Capital. t Telee-raph Station. Hill 500 Abboti*•t 310 Abernathy-*;t________ Hale -------10 !~~f:o~:·t========='taiil~~ 300 Alamo ____________ IIidall!o 350 Alanreed*•t _________ Gray 2000 Alba*•t _____________ Wood 1500 .t.Albanv••t ____ Shackleford 300 Al ed oi.• t ----------- I' ar k er 300 Alexander••t _______ Erath 3000 •Alice*•t_ _______ Jim Wells 500 Allen*•t ____________ Collin 300 Alma"•t ______________ Ellis 2500 .t.Alpine*•t--------Brewster 300 Alta Loma*•t __ Galveston 1500 A'lto*•t __________ Cherokee 200 Altoira* _____________ Collin 1500 Alvarado*•t. _____ Johnson 2500 Alvin*•t --------·Brazoria 1023 Alvord*•+-------- ____ Wise --------Potter 15494 •Amarillo*•t G A b 350 m rose_________ ray on · 500 Ammannsville ____ Fayette ( Weimar P. 0.) 500 .. Anahuac• _______ chambers 700 .. Anderson*•t _______ Grimes 350 ... Andrews* _______ Andrews  ~ii .  To Waro. To Plainview. CARLOS G. SPECK. ee Dallas. To Edinburg. To Canadian. To Quitman. WEBB & HILL. See Weatherford. See tephenville. BROETER & ELLI.'. To Denison . To Waro. To Fort Stockton. To Galveston. To Jacksonville. To Denison. To Cleburne. To Ane-leton. To Decatur. C. E. GUSTA VOS. To herman. To Laerane-e. To Galveston. 'ro Bryan, To Midland.  1500 .. Anl?lE!ton••t------Brazor!a, LOUI. _B. l'OLLET'r. _ ._ _ _____ _ __ 500 Anna •t ____________ Collm To Dems_on  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete Information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  TEXAS  1814 PoPU· LA.•  TION.  750 5000 600 600 500 2000 689 400 3031 350 1000 50 436  NAME.  TOWN .A.ND COUNTY.  LA-  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  TION,  '  Annona••t -----Red River •Anson••t ······--··Jones Appleby *•t .Nacogdoches Apple Springs •• _•• Trinity Aquilla*•+ ·····---····Hill Aransas Pass*•t S'n Patricio •Archer Oit:v*•t •••• Archer Areyle*•t -····· ---Denton Arlington*•t ··--· Tarrant Arp*•t ···-·-······· Smith Ai,hi>rton •• ·-· -·-·Dimmit Ashland••+--···-· Upshur •Aspermont*•t •• Stonewall  To Clarksville. To Abilene. To Tacogdoches. To Trinity, To Waco. To Sinton. To Wichita Falls. To Denton. See Fort Worth. SPP Tyler. To Carrizo Sprini:s. To Gilmer. To HaskelJ.  3276 •Athens*•+ ··--·Henderson RICHARDSON & WATSON. 1469 Atlanta*•t -·········-·Oass To Texarkana. 800 Aubrey*•t ·-···-·-Denton To Denton. 34876 §•Austin"•t ·-··-···- Travis FISET & SHELLEY, 72fi-730 Littleffeld Bldg. .••••• Austwell"•t ...••.. Reful?iO To Port Lavaca. Ellis See Waxahachie. 300 Avalon ••.••••••...••. (ltaZ11 P. 0.) 1000 Avery"•+ ....... Red River To Clarksville. 400 Avill!ler*•t --·-······Cass See Atlanta. 3uu Avoca••t .••....... - Jones To Anson. 500 Bagwell"•t ._ •.• Red River To Clarksville. 500 Bailey••·-···---··· Fannin To Bonham. 1902 •Baird*•t -·-······Callahan To Abilene. 2676 •Ballineer••t ·- .•• -Runnels 2::iO Balmorhea •.. --··· Reeves 800 •Bandera*····- •••. Banda.a 709 Bangs••t -·-·-·····-Brown 3:,8 Bard well*•t ··-·····-·Ellis 250 B11rk.dalP* •••... -Edwards 400 Barnhart•······ -···· lrion 500 Barry•• t _ -··-···.Navarro 490 •Barstow"•t ----····· Ward 1731 Bartlett••+·-·· ··-··· -Bell 1828 •Bastrop"•t •.•..•• _Bastrop  JAMES W. POWELL.  To Pecos. To San Antonio. To Brownwood. To Waco. See Brackettville. 'J'o ~an Angelo. To Corsicana. To Pecos. To GPorgPtown. To SmilhYille.  3454 •Bay City••t .••• Matagorda W. D. WIL ON. 2f>O Beasley -·······Fort Bend To Richmond. 40422 •Beaumont••t. ••• Jetrerson W. M. CROOK. 750 Beckville*• --·····-Panola To Henderson. 500 Bedias••t.····-····Grimes To Bryan. 3063 782 :585 2500  POPU·  •Beeville*•t ..• -·-····-·Bee Bellevae••t -·········cJay Bells*•t •...••..•• Grayson •Bellville"•t -··---···A us tin  ::i098 •Belton••t-·--··-···-Bell 2'.iO Benarnold"•t .. -··-Milam 1000 Benavides"•t -··----Duval 500 Hen Franklin*•--···-Delta 900 •Benjamin"•+ -··- ._ .. Knox 500 flea Wheeler"-- Vao Zandt 500 Rerclair*•-··· ·-·-··Goliad 600 Bertram••t •••••••• Burnet 400 Big Lake*•L .•.. -.Reagan 6:j8 Big Sandy*•t. ••••• Upshur 4273 •Big Spring*•t ••.• Howard 750 Bii?wells*•t-••••• -Dimmit 1000 Bishop•t ·--- ····-· Nueces 600 BlackweW•t ·-·····Nolan 600 Blanco* -···········lllanco 472 Blanket••t ··-······Brown 400 Blessing••+ -··-Matagorda 436 Rloomburg••t --·····-Cass 898 Blooming Grove••t _Nav'o 600 Bloomington*•+-- Victoria 969 Blossom*•t --·······Lamar 750 Blue Ridi:e* --······Collin 450 Bluff Dale*•t ---·-·-Erath 406 Blum••t ··-·-···-·--··Hill 1153 •Boerne••t --····--Kendall 2000 Bol!ata*• ..••••• Red River 600 Bomarton"•t --·-···Bay !or 6008 •Bonham*•t ·-···-··Fannin 600 Bonita•• t -·····-Monta1?ue 500 Booker --··----Lin ·comb 200 Boonsville" ···-····-· Wise 250 Booth *•t -··--··Fort Bend 3179 Bowie"•t -·-····Montague 300 B01ce"•t •••.. --····--IWis 410 Boyd••t ·--····-·-··- Wise 2000 •Brackettville* •...• Kinn Py 200 Bradsha w••t ···-··_'I ay Jor 2197 •Brady*•L··-···McCulloch 307 Brandon••+ ·-·······--Hill 300 RrashPar*•L •••.. Horkins 800 Brazoria••t ··-·--Brazoria 300 Brazos••t ···-·- Palo Pinto 1846 •Breckenridge• .•• Stephens 1500 Bremond"•+ _..• Hobrrtson ;;066 •Brpnham••t •. Washin1?ton 1872 Bridgeport••+_.: •.•. Wise 300 Briegs -···-·-··-·Burnet 600 Britton*•t ······--·-· Ellis 500 Tiroaddu. ••t~anAugustine 1500 Bronson••+ ··-··-·-8abine 529 Bronte••t -·---····-·Colce 500 Brrokrl:incl *•t -···-~:ihin,..  W. G. GAYLE.  To Wichita Falls. To Sherman. ,JOHNSO , MATTIJAEI & 1'HOMPSO  To Waco . To Brenham. 'l'o Alice. To Cooper. R. D. BELL.  To Canton. See Goliad. See Burnet. See Eldorado. To Gilmer.  MORRISON & MORUISON.  To Carrizo nrings. See Corpus Christi. To Sweetwater. To Johnson City. See Brownwood. To Bay City. ee Atlanta. To Corsicana. To Victoria. 'l'o Paris. To Denison. See Stephenville. To Waco. To San Antonio. To Clarksville. To Wichita Falls.  WILL B. E AN'.  See Montague. To Canadian. ee Dec.atur. To Richmond. To Montague. To \Varo. See Decatur. To l>el Rio. To Abilene.  J. S. SHROP 'HIRE.  To WaC'o. To ulnhur Springs. 'l'o Angleton. To Mineral Wells. W. P. SEBA 'TIAN.  'Po HParne. 'l'o Bryan. To Decatur. See Burnet. To Waro. To Ja ·per. To Ja per. ee an Angelo. 'l'n Jac;nPr.  260 Brookesmith*•--·- Brown To Bro,, nwoocl. 700 Brookshire••+ •..•• Wall er •ro Hempstead. 400 Brookston"•t •••••. Lamar See Paris. 1200 •Brownfleld" ........Terry R. L. GRAVES. 400 Brownsboro••t Henderson To Athen . 11791 •Brownsville"•+ ._Cameron T. A. KINDER. 8223 •Brownwood*•t •••• BrQwn E. J. MILLER. 600 Bruceville"•+ •• :McLennan To Waco. 630i •Bryan••+ •••••••••• Brazos 500 Bryson••+ ···-······-Jack 1100 Buckholts*•t-····-·Milam 600 Buda*•t·-···-·--···- Hays 200 Buenavista* ··-- ···- Pecos 510 Boffalo*•t -··-·······Leon 300 Buffalo Gap••+--••• Taylor 850 Bullard••t -····- .. -.Smith 500 Buna*•L·--··-···- Jasper 5300 Burkburnett••t ··-Wichita 410 Bw·keville ._._·-_Newton 700 Burleson••+ •••••. Johnson 600 Burlington*•t ··-··-Milam 966 •Burnet"•+ ••••..•• _Burnet 500 Burton••t ··--Washington 650 Byers• ·-·-···-·-····c1ay 500 Bynum"•t ·······-···-Hill 2500 Caddo •... -- ---- · Stephens 750 Caado Mills*•t •.•••. Hunt 100 Cain City• •••.. __ Gille ·pie 1689 •Oaldwell*•t .... _. Burleson 2099 Calvert••t._ -··-Robertson 4298 •Cameron••t --·-····Milam 583 Oamobell••t •••....•. Hunt 2187 •Canadian"•t •••• -Hemohill 583 •Canton• ··-···--Van Zandt 1618 •Canyon••+ •.•••••. Randall 741 Carbon••t ··-·--··Eastland 700 Carlton••t ·--···Hamilton 400 Carmine"•+ ···-··-Fayette 9:54 •Carrizo Sprines*•tDimmit 573 Carrollton••t -······Dallas 1366 •Carthai?e"•·-·······Panola 500 Cason*•t.·····-···-Morris 500 Cat Spring••t __ •.•• Austin 600 Cedar Hill"• •.•••••• Dallas 1022 Celeste••t ·······-··-Huot 1126 Celina••t ···-··--··-Collin 1838 •Center••+ ••..•••.. Shelby 800 Center Po1nt*•t •.•... Kerr 750 •Oen terville" --·- . ••.• Leon 700 Ohandler*•t .•. HPnderson 400 •Channing••+ ..•.•. Hartley 600 Chapel Hill*•t Washington 500 Oharlottet --··-··Atascosa fiOO Cherokee•···-·- an aba 600 Chester••t ···- •..• _Tyler 1200 Chico*•t ..•••••••... _Wi e 5003 •Childress••t _·-·-Childress 13.51 Chillicothe*•t •• Hardeman 600 Chilton••t ··-········Falls 500 Chireno" ••.. Naco1?doches 3.50 Chisholm ___ -··-·Rockwall 400 Chriesman••t ·-- Burleson 300 Cibolo*···--··- .Guadalupe 7422 Cisco••t ··-·····-Ea ·tland SOOO •Clairemont* ···-····-Kent 350 Clairette"'• •.. - ••••• Erath 2456 •Clareodon••t •.•.. Donley 3386 •Clarksville"•t ._Red River 770 •Claude*•t•••••• Armstrong 12820 •Cleburne••+-·-- ._J ohnsoo 2000 Clevelanct••t ••... _Liberty 1327 Clifton••+ ··--··-··Bosque 600 Clint*•t. •••.• - ···- El Paso 610 Clyde*•t --·······callahan 300 Coahoma••+ ....• _Howard 500 •Coldspring• _•• San Jacinto 2868 •Coleman"•t •.••• -Coleman 837 6R2 1766 2000 3524 1000 3842 827 1858 500 880 2563 400  400 509 10522  CollinsviIIe"•t •. _.Grayson Colmesneil*•t·····-. Tyler •Cotorado*•t ···-·-Mitchell •Columbus••t ·-··-Colorado •Comanche*•+ •. -Comanche Comfort••t -····-·Kendall Commerce*•t -·•·····Hunt Como••t ••••••••• Hopkins •Conroe"•+ -··-Monteomery Cookville*•t ·····--· Titus Cooledge••t _... Lim stone •CoopPr*•t-··-·---··-Delta Copeville*• -···-···-Collio Coppell"•-··-··--··- Dallas Copperas Cove••t _Coryell •Corpus Christi*•t _. Nueces  OAK McKENZIE.  To Jacksboro. To Brenham. See Sao Marcos. To Fort Stockton. To Brenham. To Abilene. To Tyler. To Jasper. To Wichita Falls . To Jasper. To Cleburne. To Brenham. Dayton Moses. SeP Bryan. To Wichita Falls. To Wa<"o. To Breckenridee. To Greenville. To FrPdcricksbure. To Bryan. To Hearne. To Brenham. See Greenville.  W. A. PALMER. EARL M. GRl+~F,R.  See Amarillo. ee Eastland. To Hamilton. To Ba troo. }'. VANDIJltVOORT.  See Dallas. To Hender on. See Daini:erfleld. 'l'o Brenham. See Dallas. To Greenville. To Deni on. R. B. BANKS.  To an Antonio. To Brenham. To Athens. T. H. COLLINS.  To Bryan. To an Antonio. To . an . aba. To Woodville. See Decatur.  W. B. HOWARD.  To Quanah. To Marlin. See Nacoe-doches. To Dallas. To Bryan. To an Antonio. To Eastland. To nyder. See Stephenville. To Memphis.  JOHN. P. WILSO:\'.  See Amarillo. BAlTl,DWIN & B..\ULIJWI. ·.  To Liberty. To ~eridian. To El Paso. To Abilene. To Big Spring. J. G. ROSS,  SNODGRASS, DIBRELL & SNODGRA .  To herman. See Wood,·ille. To ny~r. To Yoakum.  Y. W. HOLM.ES.  'I'o an Antonio. To Greenville. To ulphur pring ·. W. N. 1''0, 'TER.  See fit. Pleasant. To Me. ia. rewman Phillips. To Deni ·on. See Dallas. See Gatesville. E. P. SCOTT.  No reports made unle - fee of 50c accompanies inquiry. 1000 Corrii:an"•t ....•• -··-Polk See Livinl?~ton. 113:;5 •Corsirana••t --··-Navarro T. W. LOVETT.  USE- COUPONS aa instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. NOTE .See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  TEXAS  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) LA.•  NAME.  TOWN A.ND COUNTY,  TION,  ..ootulla"•t _________ LaSalle Coupland"•t ___ Williamson Covington"•+ _________ Hill Orandall"•L ____ Kaufman 0 ran fill s Gap• •···· Bosque Orawford*•t _•• McLennan Cres on*•t ···- ·--- .• Hood &Crockett*•t •••••• Houston Crosby*•t _____•• Harris &Crosbyton*• _____ •• Crosby Cross Plains"•t •• Callahan &Orowell*•t •••• _____ .Foard Crowley*•t ·-··-·-Tarrant 1500 Crystal Citv"•t ·-·-Zavalla 500 C t I Fa·u * St h s -·· ep ens 3671 rys a 945 ..Oouerbo*:tt__ -·-·····H·Dek"'.itt op ms ·-·----· • Y um · l 000 Oushin2:*•t •. Nacogdoches 15110 &Daingerfield"•+ ·---Morris 186 Dalby Springs •.••• -Bowie 2676 .,Dalhart*•t ·---·-··-Dallam 158976•Dallas*•t ·······-··· Dallas 1058 350 500 1000 500 573 2i9 3061 800 697 700  ~8b  E. A. ATLEE.  To Georgetown. To Waco. To Terrell. s e M 'd;"'n en ,... • e To Waco. To Cleburne. J. W. YOUNG.  To Houston. To Lubbock. To Abilene. §eoe'ir~~~~th. To Batesville. To Breckenridge. To Yoakum. To Sulphur Springs. To Nacogdoches. Henderson & Bolin. To New Boston. BAILEY & RICHARDS.  DAVIS,IOBNSONend HANDLEY. Linz Building. W. B. Handley, J, J. MorQ/1'1,. John Davi,s, H. E. Johnson,  . References: Any bank in Dalla~. Rice, Stix Dg, Co. } Padgitt Bros. co. ~ DI?, Co, S t , Louis Wa/ker Ely Dallas Texas of Co. Fisk Rothch1Ids Hat Co. Texas Paper Co, Epstein & Co. Carson Pirie Scott & Co., Chicago.  Compilei-s of the Texa.q law~ for this pu1Jlication • ~~ Damon••+ ·-··· ·· nrazoria To Bryan.  2 Darrouzett ••... Lip ·comb Dawson••t --·-···Navarro 1 Dayton*•t. .•..•.. _Liberty 150 Deanville* ....•• Burleson 2205 &Decatur*•t .....••..• Wise 9l0 DeKalb*•t. ••....•.• Bowie 3302 DeLeon*•t ._ ••. Comanche 10::i89 .. De1Rio*•t ••••.•. Vaiverde 17065 Denison"•t ...••.. Grayson 7626 &Denton*•t ••••••••• Denton Lamar 821 Deport*• 3008 Desdemona°_·.~:·_-:.-Eastland 200Q Detroit*•L ••••• Red River 99;:i Devine*•t ·-····-··Medina ~26 Dexter* -··-········Cooke ;:i00 D'Ranis*•t ••••••.. )1edina 143 Dialville*•t ·-···-Cherokee 700 Dickinson"•t ••• Galveston 1~00 Dilley••t ..• ········-·Frio 00 Dime Box •••...••.••.. Lee 500 .. Dimmitt* ..••...••.. Castro 180 Dobbin*•t. .. Montgomery J:i'annin 600 Dodd City*•t 800 Dodge*•:l: •••• ::====Walker 500 Doosonville*•t Colli'gs'rth 400 Donie .•...••• _.Freestoue 1072 Donna*•t -··-·····Hidalgo 250 Dorchester"•+ •.•• Grayson 300 Douglas ·ville* .••....• Cass 3229 Dublin"•t ••.•••.••• Erath 300 .. Dnffau• ·········-···Erath 200 Dumas• ····--··-···Moore 300 Duncanville*•-·····Dallas . 300 Dundee*•+ •..•••••• Archer 2017 Ea1?le Lake*•t ..• Colorado '376'.5 ..Eagle Pass*•t ••. Maverick 500 East Bernard*•t.Wharton Eastland 2368 .,Eastland*•t  ~g~  ······  454 360 641 820 1406 ?.00C 1766 800 2000 4744 700 1000 200 480 77543  1815  POPO  Popo.  · F • E ctor •t ····••···•• annm Eddy*•t ••..••• .McLennan Eden*t ·······-····Concho Edl?ewood*•t •• Van Zandt &Edinburg*• ••••••• Hidalgo .,Edna*•t •••.••••. -Jackson El campo*•t ...• Wharton &Eldorado* .••••• Schleicher Electra*•t •••••••. Wichita F,Jgin*•t .•••••.•.• Bastrop y Er ·11 ,. 1t1~tJ;t•:c::=:I,icte~sud~g Ellinger*• ••.••••.. Fayette Elmo••t. ••••••.• Kaufman •EI Paso*•t.···--··El Paso  To Canadian. To Cor 'icana. See Liberty. To Bryan. ·  \V. C. SHULT  To Texarkana. To Comanche. BOGGERS & 'l\fl'rn. N. n. L. l>ECKF,R. s. H. HOSKINS.  See Paris. To Eastland. 'ro Clarksville.. To San Antomo. To Gainesville.. To San .ilntonio. To Jacksonville. To Galveston.. To San Antomo. To Giddings. To Hereford. Tu Conroe. To Bonham. To Hnntsv)lle. To Memplus. •ro Mexia. To Mission. To Denison. To Linden. To Stephenville. To Stephenville. See Channing. See Dallas. To Wichita Falls. To Columbus. SANFORD & WRIGHT.  To Wharton.  SCOTT, BRELSFORD, FF. 'DimBURK & FERRELL.  To Bonham. TSeoe!a~inoelo. ., To Canton.  W. R. l\fONTGOMERY. ROSE & SAMPLE.  To Wharton.  W. F. FORD.  To Wichita Falls. 'l'o Bastrop. To Graham To Palestine: To Bastrop. To Terrell.  I>, Suite 502 Caple~ Iluilcli1_1g. ReferLOOMIS & KIRKLAN dC , IJ enceany local Bank or Co1,1rt O1'1:icials. lJ u Yequippe om.  mercial Department. AdJustments. u. SWEENEY, El Pa ~o na nk Bltl~. see .Marshall 300 EI · F' Id * tH · To Corsicana: 347 EJ;~;~se*~et ••s.:•• 1200 .,Emory••+ ••••.•.•..• Hains To Greenviile. i98 Enloe"•t .• --········ Delta To Cooper. 224 Ennis*•+ ···········-·Ellis To Waco, 210 • Era_·--···-··-······Cooke To Gaine:villc. 394 Estelline*•t ········-·Hall To Memphis. 500 Eustace*• ••••• Henderson To Atheu-;. 400 Evant* -···········Coryell See Gatesville. 500 Everman .•••••.•. Tarrant To Fort Worth. 1000 Faben *•t••••••.. El Paso To El Paso. 1000 .. Fairfield" ••••• Freestone 'l'o Mexia. 241! Fairlie"• :.:••.••..•• Hunt See Greenville. 2500 &Falfnrrias*•L-•••• Brooks To Alice. 350 Falls City"•+ .•••• KarnPs 'l'n Karnes City. JOS.  lJ:!~~~  --NOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  LA· TION.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NA.ME.  205 Farmerii Branch"•.-Dallas See Dallas. 2167 FarmersviJle"•t ---·Collin To Denison. Parmer S. G. BB.ATTON. 1000 .,-...arwell"t -------· -" 299 Fate*•t ····-·-·-Rockwall To Rockwall. 390 Fayetteville*•L •• -Fayette To Bastrop. 500 Fentress-···-··· Caldwell To Lockhart. 15R6 Ferris"•t-·-·-·-·····-Ellis To Waco. 995 Flatonia*•t --·-···Fayette To Bastrop. 700 Florence*··-·· Williamson To Georgetown. 1518 .. Floresville*•t ·--·· Wilson WI 'EMAN BROS. 300 Floyd*•t ••••••••••• - Hunt See Greenville. 1384 ..Floydada"•+--··--·· Floyd To Plainview. Scurry To Snyder. 400 Fluvanna*•t ••••·•· 3oo Flynn *•L-··-··--···Leon To Brenham. 600 Follett_ ••• -•.-.Lin comb To Lip~comb, 123 Forest" ·-·-·----Cherokee To Jack ·on ville. 450 Forestburg* ·---~lontague To lontague. 1345 Forney*•t ···-···Kaufman To Forney. 400 Forreston*•t ···--·-·- Elhs To Waco, 500 .. Ft. Davis• ••••. Jeff Davis See Marra. 1297 .,Fort Stockton"+ •••• Pecos O. W. WILLIAMS. 106482&.lfort Worth*•+ ••• _Tarrant B. C. RAY, Fort Worth National Bank Buildinl?, General Civil Practice. Interests of non.residents given especial attention. References: Fort Worth National Bank; First National Bank': Farmers' & Mechanics' National Bank. 300 Francitas"•t. ••••• Jackson To F.ilna. • ••• FrankelL .•••••. F.astland To Ea tland. 1131 &Franklin*•t •... Robertson To Hearne. 818 Frankston*•t --· Anderson To Palestine. 2000 •Fredericksburg*. Gillespie J. B. WIESim. 1798 FreePort*t ••••••• Brazoria To Angleton. 2:i0 Friona*•t ••••••••• Parmer See Farwell. 733 Frisco •t ••••••••••• Collin To Demson, 913 Frost"•L·····--··Navarro To Corsicana. 500 Fulbrieht •••. Red River To Clark. ville. 500 ..Gail* .•.••...••.•.• Borden To Snyder. 8648 ..Gain~sville*•L •. - .. Cooke GRANVILLE 10 E. . 500 Gallatin*• ...••. Cherokee To Jacksonville. 442:55 ..Galveston"•t •• _.Galveston H. C. IHJGBES, City Xnt'l. Bank Former Di rict Jncl~e. Bldg. ,\dm:ralty anu Corporation Pra('. tice. 716 Ganado"•t. ..••••. Jackson 'l'o Edna. 500 ..Garden City" •.• Glasscock See Midland. 1421 Garland*•L·····-·- Dallas $ee Dallas. 603 Garrison••t..Naco2:doches To Nacogdoche . 500 Garwood*• •.•.•• Colorado To Columbus. 500 Gary*• •••••••••.... Panola To Henderson, 500 Garza"•t.····-···· Denton 'l'o D<rnton. 2499 ..Gatesville*•t ···-·· Coryell 'fo Waco. 500 Gause"•t. •••• __ •••• Milam To Cameron. 2871 &Georgi>town*•t. •. Will'son FRANKLIN n. LOV1'1. 200 &George West.. __ Live Oak To Karnes City, 300 Geronimo* ••••• Guadalupe To an Antonio. Lee 1<;. T. SIMMANG. 1650 &Giddinas*•t •··· ····--· .. · 2268 &Gilmer*•t-•••.•... Upshur M. B. BRIGGS. 60 Girard*•·····--··--·Kent To 'nydor. 800 Gladewater*•t •••.•• Grege To Longview . 300 Glazier*•t ....... Hemphill To Canadian. 500 Glenflora*•t •••.• Wharton To Wharton. 800 &Glen Rose" ·--··Somervell CHAS, D. SPANN. 600 Godley"•t .••••..• Johnson To Cleburne. 750 G'olden"•L ....•.. _. Wood To Quitman . 1214 &Goldthwaite"•t ···-·· Mills To Lampasas. 2500 .,Goliad"•t...••••.••• Goliad J. C. Dl;RNS. 3128 ..Gonzale "•t ...... Gonzales To an Antonio. 200 Goodlett*•+. ..• Hardeman To Quanah. 250 Goodnight*•t. •• A.rmstrong See Panhandle. 1500 GOO'e Creek •.•..• _Harris To Houston. 800 Gordon*•+--· .• Palo Pinto To Mineral Wells. 300 Gordonville* ••.•. Grayson To Denison 614 Goree"•t ··········-- Knox See Uenjamin. E ti d T Ea ti d " t 3, 4200 G T~ ~Iii~c~~l \Veil 0 00 Gorfaa.•\ ···-·-p las/mt 2544 ..G~!h~m•:c::: ••~. Yo~~n~ F. T. AUNOLD. 1364 &Granbury*•f ·-··-··· Hood 'l'o ~tephrnville. 1263 Grand Prairie"•+··- Dallas Sl'l' Dallas. 1528 Grand Saline"•tVan Zandt To C~nton. 1084 Grand View"•t .. _Johnson To Cll'liurne. 1944 Granger"•t ·--· Williamson To Georgetown. 1000 Grapeland*•t ••••• Houston To Crockett. 821 Grat>evine*•L •.• Tarrant Sec Ji'ort Worth. 12384 &Greenville*•t •••...•. Hunt n. F. VAUGHAN. 400 Gregory*•t ••. San Patricio To, in ton. 1522 &Groesbeck*•t. .. Limestone To Waco. 3oo Groom*•t ·-·-•·····Carson See Amarillo. 1103 ..Groveton*•+. .... _. 'l'rinity To 'l'rinity. 575 Gunter*•+ •••.•·.. _ Grayson To Sherman. 800 Gustine*t .•• _••. Comanche To Comanche. 300 Hagerman*t ••••• Grayson •ro Denison. 300 Hale Center*•L·-····Hale To Plainview. 1444 .. Hallettsville*•t •••. Lavaca CHARLE FERTSCII. 600 Hallsville*•t- •••• Harrison To Mar hall. 2018 .,Hamilton"•t ••••• Hamilton RANDEL & ROGEBS. 1633 Hamlin*•+. •••••••.. Jones See Anson. 2000 Handley••t ••••..• Tarrant See Ft. Worth. 500 Happy*•L ....•.. _Swisher To Plainview. 400 Harleton*•L ••••• Harrison See Marshall. 1784 Harlingen*•t ••.. Cameron See Brownsville. 500 Harper"-·--·-···Gillespie To Frederick bure. 1461 llarri. burg -·····-·IIarri To Bou ton. 300 Harrold*•t ••••• Wilbarger See Vernon. 200 Harwood*•+. •••• Gonzales To Yoakum. 2300 &Ha.skell*•L •..•••• Haskell H. R ..JONJ;s. 175 Haslet"•··-·-·--·- 'T'arrant To Fort Worth,  •  USE COUPONS aa instructed to -BE PROTECTED by bond. - -- - - See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  TEXAS  1816 POPU· LATION.  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) - - - - - -POPU-  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  Basse"•t -----·· Comanche To Comanche. Hawkins*•t. ______ Wood ee Quitman. Hawley*•t --·-··--·-Jones ee Anson. Hearne*•t ••• -•• Robert on 1. FELTON LANE. Heath.••••• -•• --Ro,ckwall To Dallas. (Rockwall P. 0.) 1000 •Hebbronville*•t Jim Hogg To Alice. 200 Hebron* ··-····-·-Denton To Denton. 594 Hedley*t ···--····· Donley To Memphis. 249 Heidenheimer*•t -···· Bell To Waco. 1500 •Hemphill* ·----··---Sabine To Jasper. 2500 •Hempstead*•t--··- Waller n. E. TOMPKIN". 2273 •Henderson"•L·--·-- Rusk J. \V . .McJJAVID. 2563 •Henrietta*•t ____ --··- Clay 1'o Wichita Falls. 1696 •Hereford*•L- Deaf-Smith JNO. P. LATON. 800 IIermleigh _--·- •.. _Scurry To. nyder. 163.5 Hico*•t ···- •...• Hamilton To Ham it ton. 688 Hil?gins"•t ••••. - Lipscomb To Canadian. 6259 •Hi lsboro*•t. .• -···-·· Hill To Waco. 500 Hitchcock *•t •• _Galveston To Galveston. 690 Holland*•t. •• _-·····- Bell To Waco. 9000 •Hondo*•t ..•...••• Medina To an Antonio. 2642 Honey Grove*•t._.Fannin To Bonham. 600 Hooks*t ··-····-···-Bowie To Texarkana. 138276 •Houston*•t... _... -Barris A. B.WILSON. ~uitel004rnion Tat'! Bank Bldg. General Civil Practice in all State and Federal Courts. CorPoration Insurance, Land Law. Litigation given careful attention. Refer to First and Union National Banks and South Texas Commercial National Bank, or any other bank in Houston. Attorney for National Surety Company. 583 Howe*•t ···-···-· Grayson 'To Denison. 300 Howland"•+ •··-····Lamar See Paris. 2072 Hubbard*•t •··········Hill To Waco. 831 Hughes Springs*•t... Cass To Linden. 2000 Hull-···--·····--Liberty To Liberty 8000 Humble*•t ...••••• _Harris To Houston. 1000 Huntington*•t ••. Angelina See Lufkin. 4689 •Huntsville*•t ..•.• Walker BEN H. POWELL. 450 Hutchins*•t •••..•.. Dallas See Dallas. 571 Hutto*•t.-···- Williamson To Georgetown. 95 Walou •. ···---··Lubhock To Luhhock. 200 Indian Gap" .•. _.Hamilton To tephenville. 600 Industry* •.••..••.• Austin To Brenham. 300 Inez*•··········-· Victoria To Victoria. 919 Iola*•t .......•• __ . Grimes To Bryan. 2041 Iowa Park*•t ••••. Wichita To Wichita Falls. 800 Iredell*•t ·-·····-· Bosque See Meridian. 300 Ireland*•t ___ •••.. Coryell See Gatesville. 264 Irene*•t ···········-·- Hill To Waco. 357 Irving*•t. ••..... •·-Dallas See Dalla • 1350 Italy*•t-·····-······- Ellis To Waco. 1099 Itasca*•t ···--········ Hill To Waco. 1373 •Jacksboro*•t •••••.•. Jack JOHN D. McCOMB. 3723 Jacksonville*•t..Cherokee NORMAN SHOOK & GIB. ON. 350 Jarrell* ..••.•. William on To Georgetown. 2200 •Jasper*•f •••••.••.. Jasper G. E. RICHARDSON. 1000 Jayton*•t Kent To nycter 450 J * t ··········yo To Q aham. ean • ··-······-·- ung r · 2549 •J efferson*•t •·····- Marion T · D. POWELL. 500 Jermyn*•t ••••....•• _Jack To Jack boro. 460 J ewett*•t ..•.••...... Leon To Brenham. 400 Joauuin*•t. •• -•• ·-· helby See Center. 500 •Johnson City* -·---Blanco v. B. GOAR. 500 Josephine*•t •••..•• Collin To Denison. 800 J oshua*•t •······- Johnson To Cleburne. 682 •J ourdanton*•t ••• Atascosa To an Antonio. 1200 •Junction" •••..•..•• Kimble See Menard. 700 Justin*•t.·····-··- Denton To Denton. ·ty• t K J o FAITH 787 •Karnes C1 • •••• arnes · · · · 400 Katy*•t •••.••...•.. Barris To Houston. 2501 •Kaufman*•t -··-. Kaufman To Terrell. 0 th ~~ TieT~~~~t r ' ·;·r···L T I . ~em~nt\• •••· aKpa as T~ «:ipa aci:t I 2 420 K:~~aid!;·······Ho~~f;~ To Crbg::tt Y• ···••· Aus t· T l:l h · 202 Kenne~*•t ··-······N· m To re~ am. 1343 Kerens • avarro o 0 ors1cana 2353 •Kerrville*;r····Kerr To San Antonio • * t ········-G Longv1ew. · · )250 Kilgore* •t·········1298 Killeen • ••..••••••.• rBeg e1g1 Tee, o .. ,, arn. 500 Kingsbury"•t .. Guadalupe To San Antonio. 4770 •Kingsville*•t ···-· Kleber!? C. II. REESE. 1165 Kirbyville*•t ••••••. Jasper To Ja per. 550 Kirkland*•t ...•. Childress To Childress. 288 Kirvin*•t .••••• Freestone To Mexia. 300 Kleburg*• ····-·····Dallas See Dallas. 400 Klondike*•t ·······- - Delta See Cooper. 698 Knox City*•t ..•.••.• Knox 1'0 Benjamin. 350 KKoppe.,rlt*•t ••••••L.~ Bostque STeeMMer_idian. 872 osse • ······- 1mes one o ex1a. 1000 •Kountze••t. ••.••.. Hardin To Beaumont. 225 Kress*•t ···-······ wisher See Tulia. 600 Krum*•t ••••.••... Denton To Denton. 744 Kyle*•t~············-Rays To an Marcos. 400 Lacoste*•t ..•.•.. -Medina To ian :ntonio. 0 ln am. ·11 1713 Ladonia*•t. ••••••• Fannin 236 La Feria"t. •.••.. Cameron ee rownsv1 e. 1669 •Lagrange*•t ••.•••. Fayette C.D. KRAUSE. 500 Lakeview• ...•••.••... Hall To Memphis. 1188 •Lame a••t ···-···· Dawson V. 0. KEY. 97 Lamkin*•+ .•• -.Comanche To Comanche. 500 400 500 2741 450  1  ~j~  l:~6;"::;········KiJI~:~  r  NOTE  TOWN AND COUNTY.  LATION.  NAME.  2107 1190 889 350  •Lampasas*•t .: __ Lampasas Lancaster••t ···- ••.. Dallas La Porte*•t. ••.••.. Harris La Pryor*•t •••..•. Zavalla  See Dallas. To Houston. See Pearsall.  22710 500 500 150 750 250 500 32 500  •Laredo*•t······-··-· Webb Larue*• ...•...• Henderson Lavernia*•t •••.• __ Wilson Lawn* •..•.......... Taylor League City*•t ._Galveston .. Leakey• -···········-Real Leander*•t ._._ \Vi!Jiamson Leary" ·-·------····Boure Leeray ••••••••.. Stephens  To Athens. To an Antonio. To Abilene. To Galveston. To Uvalde. To Georgetown. To ~Tew Boston. To Breckenridge.  H. F. LEWI  H. G. DICKINSON.  300 Leesburg*•t .•.•...• Camp See Pittsburg. 500 Leggett*•t -··· •.•...• Polk ee Living ton.  19J6 Lelia Lake••t- -··-Donley To Memphis.  300 1383 250 1250 600  Leming*t ....••.. Atascosa Leonard*•t ·····-·- Fannin Leroy*•t ······- McLennan Lewisville*•t ·····- Denton Lexington"•t ...•.•.•.. Lee  1117 •Liberty*•t......•. _Liberty 800 Liberty Hill*•t William on 300 L1llian*•t. .••.. ___ Johnson ti~g~ne::~::::::::::~~~~~ 600 Lingleville*····-···-Erath 750 Lipan" .•••••••..•... Hood 200 •Lipscomb* ...••• Lipscomb 500 L"ttl fl Id" t La b 1 e e • ········ m 928 •Livingston••t ..••... _ Polk 1645 •Llano*•t. .....••.... Llano 3731 •Lockhart*•t ···-· Caldwell 1118 Lockney*•t ·- .. ·--·. Floyd 500 Lohn*-·········McCulloch 995 Lometa*•t ••..•• Lampasas 1017 Lone Oak*•t······-··Hunt 5713 •Loneview*•t. ••.•... Gregg 610 Loraine*•t. •.•.. _.:Uitchell 700 Lorena*•t. .••.. McLPnnan 450 Lorenzo*• .•..••... Crosby 1093 Lott*•t. •••••........ Falls 500 Louise*•+. ...••. _ Wharton 625 Lovelady*•t. •••.• Houston 350 Loving*•t ···-·-···· Young 4051 •Lubbock"•t ·-····Lubbock 700 L ued ers*• t .•..•••.• J ones 4878 •Lufkin*•t ••••••. Angelina 1502 Luling*•t.···-·-· Caldwell 500 Lyford*•t. ••.... Cameron 600 Lyons*•t.•••.••• _Burleson 700 Lytle*•+ -········Atascosa 1500 Mabank"•+ •....•Kaufman 1079 •Madisonville*•t. .. Madison 175 Magnolia ••t .Montgomery 800 Malakoff*•t .... Henderson 488 Malone*•t •••••••..... Hill 827 Manor*•t····--·····Travis 719 Manstleld*•t. •.•.• 'farra.1t 1000 Marathon*•t -··- Brewster 639 Marble Falls.. •t ._ •. Burnet  m.  •ro an Antonio. To Bonham. To Waco. 'l'o Denton. To Giddings. V. T. NORMAN.  To Georgetown. To Cleburne. IgeTI{rinta. ee Stephenville. To Stephenville. To anadian. To Olton.  FEAGIN, GERMAN & FEAGIN. J. H. McLEAN.  To Bastrop. To Plainview. To Brady. To Lampasas. 'l'o Greenville. WILL C. HURST. To nyder. To Waco. To Lubbock. To Marlin. To Wharton. To Crockett. To Graham.  JOHN R. McGEE. T Ab 1 o e ine. E. J. CONN. To Ba trop. See Bron~vi!Ie. To Bryan. To San Antonio. To Terrell. To Brenham. To Conroe. TToo A,,thace n_s. 0 ee Austin. See Ft. Worth. , ee Alpine. To Burnet.  3553 •Marfa*•t··--·---·Presidio C. R. SUTTON. ¼58 i::t~fonn1o. 500 Markham*•t.-. Matagorda To Ilay City. 4310 •Marlin*•t ···········- Falls To Waco. 500 Maruuez*•t ·······--- Leon To Brt>nham. 14271 •Mclrshall*•L ••... Harrison ALVIN G. CARTER. 3105 Mart*•t -··- .... McLennan To Waco. 500 Martindale* •••••• Caldwell To Ba trop. 1500 •Ma~on* -····-·····-.Ma on JOHN T. BANK 692 •Matador*···-···-·· Motley G. E. HAl\llLTON. 1000 Matagorda*•t. .. Matagorda To Ilay City 650 Mathis*•t ..•• San Patricio To inton. · 600 Maud*•t ······-···· Bowie To Texarkana. 300 Maxwell*• Caldwell To Bastrop. ······To Brownwood. 400 May*•·····--···-··Brown 150 Maydelle*• .•.•• -Cherokee To Jack5onville. 417 Maypearl*•t Ellis To Waco. ·········5331 McAllen*•+ •••••• _Hidalgo To Mis ion. 500 McCaulley*•t •••••• Fisher To weet Water. 500 McDade*•t.··-··- Bastrop To Bastrop. 2081 McGregor"•t •.. McLennan To Waco. 6677 •M cKinney*•t •••.•.. Collin To Deni on. 741 McLean*•+ .••••.•..•. Gray To Canadian. 300 MedicineMd. "•tllardeman To Quanah. 500 Megargel*•t ···-·-··Archer To Wichita Falls. 350 Melissa"•t ········-· Collin To Denison. 300 Melvin*• .•.••. -McCulloch To Brady. 2839 •Memphis*•t Hall WILLIAlU J. BRAGG. • •••••.... 1164 •Menard*•t ••••.•• __ Menard To Brady. 3414 Mercedes*•t .••..• Hidalgo To .Mis ion. 300 Mercury*•t ••.. McCulloch To Brady. 1024 •Meridian"•t ••••••• -Bosque To,, aco. 350 Merit*• .•••••••.•••.. Hunt See Greeneville. 1810 Merkel*•L •. --····· Taylor To Abilene. 342 Mertens"•t .••••••••••• Bill To Waco. 500 Mertzon••t .••••..... Irion See Eldorado. 674 Mesauite*•t. ....• _. Dallas See Dallas. 3482 Mexia*•+···-··· Limestone To Waco. 93-5 •Miami*•t-··-····· Roberts To Canadian._ _ _ _ __  ::::i~i::::::::oiiaa.aY~~~ ~g  USE-COUPONS as inst.;;cted to BE PROTECTEDby bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  Popu. LA-  TOWN .AND COUNTY.  1795 1298 400 481  .,Midland*•t _______ Midland Midlothian*•t-------- Ellis Midway* _________ Madison Milano*•t ----------Milam  TION.  ii! ;ui~;dt~·f:_~~------~~~11m  2 728990 g 130800 47 300  illsap*•t--------- Parker Wood Mineola*•t---------Min•a1 Wells*•t Palo Pinto Mingus*•t ______ Palo Pinto Mission*•t ________ Hidalgo Mobeetie*---· ____ Wheeler  300 ..Montagup,* ______ Montague Mount Belview Chambers Montgomery*•t ____ Afontg. Moody*•t------ McLennan Moore*•t _____________ Frio Moran*•+ _____ Shackelford Morgan*•t ------·--Bosque 225 Morgan Mill* _______ Erath 800 Moulton*•t-------- Lavaca 626 Mount Calm*•+------- Hill 750 Mt. Enterprise*•---- Rusk 4099 .,Mt. Pleasant*•L---· Titus 168 Mt. Selman*•L.Cherokee ... t. Vernon*•t Frank11·n 1212 ...111. Muenster*•t-_:::___ Cooke 0 .. MulE?s~oe*•t _______ Bai_ley 558 ggg Mullin ----------·--- M:111s Munday*•+-------·-·Knox 1000 Murchison*•t •• Henderson Murphy*•·-----····-Collin  100 fio 1 6 500 100i 62  lfio f~  N,  Myra*•+-------·----Cooke .. Nacogdoches*•tNa'doches NNaples*•t __________ M:orns Nash*•t ·,;-·-·----·--B~wie Navasota •t . ______ Gnmes Necessity---- ·--.Stephen N:c~e~;j+ 1 -----/~rrsod 01 c 10 Ne ead * ef---·N/ ~: f----·---- -&,war • ·----·--·-- ise 8~ New Boston*•t _____ Bowie Braunfels*•t-- Comal 13590 .. New Newcastle*•t------· Young Hall 500 Newlin*t.··--·-··---600 NN ewport* ---· ··-- ·--·cClay ewsome ··-- ·--- --- amp 1000 .. Newton*•t -·------Newton 400 New Ulm*•t ______ Austin 5 1I 00 New Waverley*•t Walker NNixon*•t ---· ···- Gonzales 14 ocona••t ______ Montague 443 Nordheim*•t ·----·-Dewitt 662 Normangee*•t.·-·--·Leon 364 N. Pleasanfon•t •• Atascosa 400 North Zulch*•t __ Madison 300 Novice*•t _______·_colemau liOQ° Oakland*----·--·Colorado Leon Oakwood*•t 500 O'Brien*•t ----··-i.faskell · ··-··--__ 700 Od eI1*•+-----Wilbarger 500 Odem*t-··---·San Patricio 500 .. Odessa*•t----------· Ector ,,400 O'Donnell*•---------Lyun ~00 Oglesby*•t. _______ Coryell 0 00 Okiaunion*•t Wilbarger Olden ··-··-·----··Eastlaod 4g 2 giney*:+--·-------- You11:g maha •+---------- Morns 1500 140 gnrlaska*•L-------·Pholk 1121 2 ., 0 fam* ;-T------·C~la ~~ lfi0 Oran1?e G• ----*-·J-:1 {*nells rove •- m 500 Ore nge Citf __________ Upsh~u 300 ------·----· Hill •t Osceola 250 500 gt~f!t v O • --··------- Y 52S Overton*•+----·-----Rusk 2 00 Ovilla ___ ·----··------ Ellis l "00 4 (Midlothian P. O.) 1B57 0zona* •---·----- Crockett 467 .,i:!~S!f-···-----Bfs~~~~ 500 ..Paint Ro-ck*;::::=.Concho 1335 Palacios*•t. •• _.Matagorda 11~39 .t.Palestine*•t -·--·.Anderson 8 .---··------ Ellis 54 Palmer••t Pinto* ____ Palo P into 9 ~~ ..ppalo ampa*•+---·-------- 0 ray 638 •Panhandle*•t ______ Carson 500 Paradise*•L--------- Wise 15040 ..Paris"•+-------·----Lamar 200 Park Springs*•t ··--- Wise 75 Pasadena*•t ••••.•. Ilarris 300 Pattonville*•·------Lamar 250 Peacock*•t ••• -- Stonewall · B * t 136 p earland • -···· razori_a 2 Pearsall*•t -------·---Fno Parker 600 Peaster* •-·-------· Pecan Gao*•t •-·---· Delta 1445 ..Pecos*•+------··-· Reeves 600 Pe di t * t Bell 600 Pe~ri;.~~--•-:_:-_:-_-_-_:-Jack --------·---·Falls 214 Perry*•t 1000 Perryton ..• _•.• Orhiltree 3546 838570 5060 500 325 500 578 300  1f-  1tt ~i  rfi~  -------·----Tn~~  }~i .  N.AME. GARRARD & RUSSELL.  To \'\'aco. To Brenham. To Brenham. Ii}t;i:::.~ord. To Quitman. JOHN u,. " BffiDWELL. To MinP.ral Wells. To Edinburg. To Canadian, H. S. CALAWAY. To IIousron. To Conroe. To Waco. To San Antonio. See Albany. See Meridian. See Stephenville. To Yoakum. To Waco. To Henderson. I. N. WILLIAMS. To Jacksonville. G • E,. GOWA"'' -'""•  To G:ii!le ville. Tc, Farwell. To Goldthwaite. To Benjamin. To Athen . To Denison. To Gaine ville. HODGES & GREVE. 'ro ~aingl~rfiteld. To ew ,o on. R::i;enridge. To Palestine. To Richmond. To Deni on. see Decatur.  ;g  To Texarkana. To San Antonio. 'l'o Graham. To Memphis. STeoeWP1!tct!s1 ib~1!~lls. .. To Jasper. To Brenham. See Huntsville. To Yoakum. To Montague. To Yoakum. To Brenham. To San Antonio. To Brenham. See Coleman. To Columbus. To Brenham. See Ha kell. See Vernon. To Sinton. To Midland. To Lubbock. See Gatesville. See Vernon. To Eastland. Teoe 11~~~;tleld.  <t:  ~,~ai~W~~~~ton. To Beaumont. To Alice. To Gilmer.  ~g ;:;i?n. To Abilene. H d :i;g W~~ae::i:ie. N W GRAHAM  •  •  ~g i~;ti,~~-.  •  To San Angelo. To Bay City. B. H. GARDNER. lii;~o;al Wells. To Canadian. See Amarillo. To Decatur. PATRICK J • • · See Decatur. To Ilouston. see Paris. To Aspermont. To A Jeton To s~! Anto.nio. W th f d C ea er or · O ooper. TCLEWM CALHOUN. o aro To Jacksboro. To Iarlin_. To Canadian.  ig  1°  POPULA· TION.  TOWN .AND COUNTY.  NAME.  103 Personville*•---Limestone To Mexia. 200 Petersbur11: ---------Hale To Plainview. 91~ PetroJif•t ---- -----La.Olay To Wichita Falls. Paris. iit1e;vilie*;c===-Tr~1~ See See Austin. To Mission. 1 •ro Sulphur Springs. 1499 Pilot Point*•t _____ Denton To Denton. 500 P1'nehilJ•• ----------- Rusk To Henderson. 2540 .. Pittsburg*•L------- Camp M. M. SMITH. 200 .. Plains*------·---- Yoakum See Brownfield. 3989 .. pJainview*•L--- ____ . Hale M. J. BAffiD. 1715 Plano*•t ____________ Collin To Denison. 300 Plantersville"•f-___ Grimes 'l'o Bryan. 1036 Pleasanton*t-----Atascosa To San Antonio. 1000 Point*•t------------ Rains To Emory. 4338 Polytechnic _____ • Tarrant To Ft. Worth. 150 Ponder*• ____ -·---· Denton 'ro Denton. 175 Poota*•------·-· Cherokee To Jacksonville. 300 Pool ville* ··--------Parker To Weatherford. 22251 Port Arthur*•t __ Jefferson To Beaumont. 182 Portland"•t ._San Patricio To Sinton. 1213 ..Port Lavaca*•+--- Calhoun 'l'o Victoria. 30 Port Neches* ••. Jefferson To Beaumont. 1436 .. Post*•L·----·------ Garza 'ro Lubbock. 800 Poteet*• --------Atascosa 'l'o San Antonio. th*•-·-----··----Wilson 'J'o an .Antonio. 250 ----· Grayson 'ro Denison . Pottsboro*•t 454 Po 300 Powell*•----·---- Navarro To Corsicana. 400 Poynor•+ ·-----Henderson To Athens. 200 Prairie Hill ____ Limestone See Groesbeck. (Mart P. O.) 500 Premont*•t __ •• _Jim Wells To Alice. 75 Priddy*-------------· fills To Goldthwaite. 600 Princeton*•t _______ .Collin To Deni5on. 8bi:ae:che. ~~~ ~~~tgt~~t~*t.-_-_-_-_-co~f~~g~ 343 Prosper*•t ----·--- •• Collin To Denison. 500 Purdon*t•···--·--Navarro To Corsicana. 500 Putnam"•+·---·- Callahan 'ro Abilene. 3691 .. Quanah*•+----- Hardeman M. M. HANKIN 398 Queen City*•t -·-----·Cass ee Texarkana. 580 Quinlan*•t ·-------·- Hunt See Greenville. 250 Quitaque*-·-·------ Brisco See Silverton. 1000 .. Quitman* ___________ Wood To Gilmer. 1000 Ralls* -------···---Crosby 'l'o Lubbock. 400 Randolph*•----·---Fannin To Bonham. 16205 Ranger*•t ·------ Eastland See Eastland. 500 Ratcliff*•L--·----l!ouston To Crockett. 412 Ravennad*•t1•1·,. --t-C- Fannin SToeeBilo1?ohwarm1sv· 1·11e. 500 Raymon vi e • ameron 400 Reagan*•+-----·----- Falls To Marlin. 500 Red Oak*•L--·-·----Ellis To Waco. 300 Red Rock*•L--•• -llastrop To Bastrop. 260 Red water*•t._._ -· __ Bowie To New Boston. 933 .. Refugio*•t ---··-- Refu11:io To Victoria. 200 Reinhardt* ·--------Dallas See Dallas. 25 Reklow'•·-···· Cherokee To Ru-k. 250 Renner*•·----·----- Collin To Denison. 400 Rhome*•L-----·---- \Vi e To Dc·catur. 300 Rhonesboro*•L--- Upshur To Gilmer. 500 Rice*•t __________ .Navarro To Corsicana. 500 Richards*•+·------ Grimes To Bryan. 700 Richardson*•t ______ Dallas ee Dallas. · I1Ian ct* • t ··---- Navarro To Cor ·icana. 750 Ric 750 Richland Spgs.*t-SanSaba To Lampasas. 1273 .. Richmond*•t _._Fort Bend 'l'o Rosenberg. 110 Ridgeway"•------Hopkins To 'ulphur 'prinis. 800 Riese1"•t.·-····McLennan To Waco. 450 Ringgold*•t ·--· Montague To Montague. 3000 .,Riogrande* ---·----··Starr To Mis ion. 300 Riohondo* _______ Cameron See Brownsville. 800 Riovista"•+----·- John on To Cleburne. 906 Rising- Star*•L.Eastland To Eastland. 200 Riverside*•+----··-Walkrr SeeiluntsyNie. e. 300 Riviera*•L--·-··-KDleberg TToo Drngsv1 l'nton. 500 Roanoke.*•t ____ __ _ en ton 1000 Roaring Sprinis*•.Motley ee Matador. 750 .. Robert Lee*--·· _____ Coke To San Angelo. 948 Robstown*•t ·-----N1:1ehces ST'ee CorptuWCht risti. a er. o wee 635 •Roby*--------·---- Fis er 700 Rochelle*•·----McCulloch To Brady. 500 Rochester*L--·-- Haskell See Haskell. 2323 Rockdale*•t ---· ___ .Milam To Brenham. 500 Rock Islaud*•t __ Colorado To Col um bu·. 1545 .. Rockport*•+ ____ ._Aransas E. A. STEVEN . . 800 .. Rocksvrine:s* --· Edwards J. E. FRIESTMAN. 1388 .. Rockwall*•L--- Rockwall H. 1\1. WADE. 200 Rockwood•t ·----Coleman To Coleman. \~v~~t Water. 1256 Rogers*•+·-··--··---- Bell 10i9 Roscoe*•t ---·-·--·· Nolan 'ro Marli·n. 1516 Rosebua*•t ---·------Falls 1279 Rosenberg*•-·-Fort Bend F. B. JOERGER. 200 Rosewood*•t---··· Upshur To Gilmer. 1000 Rotan*•t -------··- Fisher To weet Water . 900 Round Rock*•L\V'l'mson To Georgetown. To Bastrop. F dT * 150 R oun op ---··-- ayette T B 11 o a mger. 400 Rowena*•t.··-··· Runnels 100 Rowlett*•t -----·-··Dallas See Dallas. 1500 Roxtoo*•t ---···--- Lamar See Paris. 1289 Royse City*•t _•• Rockwall To Rockwall. 890 Rule"•t --···---···Haskell To Haskell. 1070 Runge*•t ·--·-·----Karnes To Karnes City, 2348 .. Rusk*•t ·-··-··-·Oherokee To Jacksonville. 14 58 Sabm~I"•t ----N·---- Odvahlde Ssee e NUavcaolgddeo.cbes. 7008 acu 1 • ____ •• acog oc es 0 400 Sadler*•t ·-·· ._ ••. Grayson To Denison. 500 Sagerton*•t._ •• __ .Haskell See Haskell. 985 Saint Jo*•t ·----Montague To Montague.  ~io ~~8 i~w;~t;r:_~---_-_-:/1~%~\~~  ig  :i;g  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. NOTE See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  PoP-;- - ~ LA·  -NAME.  TOWN .lND COUNTY.  TION,  300 Saltillo*•t •••••••• Hopkins To Sulphur Springs. 9392 •San Angelo*•t •• Tom Green BILL & HILL. 161379 •San Antonio*•t. •••• Bexar HERTZBERG, KERCBEVILLE & THOMSON, 605-10 Brady Building. Attorneys-at-Law. Fully equipped commercial department. Reference~: Local Banks or Judges. 1268 •San Augustine••t San Augustine To Jasper. 5070 San Benito*•t • Cameron See Brownsville.  •Sanderson*•t •.••.. Terrell Sandia*•t •••••• Jim Wells •San Diego*•t ••••... Duval Sanger*•t ····--·-· Denton San Juan*•t ••.••. Hidalgo •San Marcos*•t. ••...• Hays .. san Saba*•t .•••• San Saba Santa Anna••t ... Coleman Santo*•t .•••••• Palo Pinto Saratoga*•t .•..•••• Hardin Savoy*•t ..••.•.••. Fannin Srhertz*•t ...• Guadalupe Schulenburg*•t •• Fayette Schwertner* •• Williamson Scotland••-···· ...• Archer Scurry*•t ••••••• Kaufman Seadrift*•t •••••.. Calhoun Seagoville*• ••.•. Dallas Seagraves ..•..••... Gaines (Blythe P. 0.) 2000 Sealy*•t ••••••..... Aus tin 3631 •Seguin*•t. •••.• Gaudalupe 600 •Seminole* ..••••... Gaines 2121 •Seymour*•t •....... Baylor 1227 Rhamrock*•t ••... WhPPler 300 Shannon*.•....•••••• Clay 850 Shepherd .. •t •. San J arinto 15031 .. Sherman*•t ••••• Grayson 1300 Shiner*•t ••..•••••. Lavaca 500 Shiro*•t ...••....•• Grimes 1200 •Sierra Blanca ••• Hudspeth 3000 Silsbee*•t ........ liardin 416 •Silverton ••••••••. Briscoe 1058 •Sinton*•+ •••• San Patricio 300 Sipe Springs*•t .Comanche 1000 Skidmore*•t ...•...•.. Hee 1526 Slaton••t. •••.•.. Lubbock 150 Slidell* •••••••.••..•• Wise 400 Smiley*•t ..•••... Gonzales 250 Smithfield ........ Tarrant 3204 Smithville*•t ••... Bastrop 2179 •Snyon*•t. •••••••• Srurrv 500 Somer/;et*• ••.•.••. nexa r 1870 Somerville*•t •••. Burleson 1000 •Sonora* •••••••••.•. Sutton 3032 SourlakP*•t •••••.. Hardin 60 F-outh Uencl* ..•. Young 175 ~outhland ....•...•. Garza 300 Soutllm,,yd*•t ••. Gray on 600 Spearman .•••..• llansford 500 Sprini?*•t. •••.••••. Harris 700 Springtown* •..•.•• Parker 1100 Spur*•t. ••.•••.•. Dickens 3704 Stamford*•t ·-·· .•.• Jones 1000 •Stanton*•t ••••••••• Martin 200 Star* ••.••••••••••••• Mills 3891 •Stephenville*•t ••... Erath 1000 •Sterling Oity*•t •. Sterling 500 Stockdale*•t ••••.. Wilson 472 •Stratford*•t •.... Sherman 2457 Strawn"•t •••... Palo Pinto 478 Streetman*•t ..• Freestone 2000 Sugar Land*•t .Fort Bend 400 Sulphur Bluff* ••• Hopkins 55'.58 •Sulphur Springs"•t H'pk's 900 Sunset*•t •••••.. Montague 500 Sutherland Springs*•t Wil. 250 Swe.aringen*• ••••••• Cottle 500 Sweeny*• •••.•••• Brazoria 274 Sweet Home*•t .••• Lavaca 4307 •Sweetwater*•t •....• Nolan 80 Swenson" •..•.•• Stonewall 300 Sylvester*•t .....••. Fisher 500 Taft*•+ ••••••• San Patricio 1500 •Tahoka*•t •..•••••.•• Lynn 500 Talco*• .••••••••••..• Titus 800 Talpa*•t •••••.•.• Coleman 600 Tatum*• .•..•••.•.... Rusk 5965 Taylor*•t ..••• Williamson 3306 Teague*•t ...••• Freestone 614 Tehuacana ••••• Limestone 300 Telephone•.····- Ji'anm n 300 Tell* .••••••••••• Childress 11033 Tempie*•t •.•••••••••. Hell 577 Tenaha*•t ••••••••• Shelby 8349 Terrell *•t •••••• Kaufman 11480 Texarkana*•t •••.•. Bowie 2509 Texas Oity*•t •••Galveston 762 Texline*•t. .••••••• Dallam 450 The Grove •..•..•• Coryell 500 Thomas•.••••••••. Upshur . 100~ Thorndale"•L ••..•. Mihim 1500 200 2500 1204 1203 4527 2011 1407 800 1000 378 400 1246 2v0 100 600 321 i50 500  G. J. HENSHAW. To Alice. To Alice. To Denton. See Edinbure. AUNDERS & WHIPPLE. To Lampasas. To Coleman. To Mineral Wells. To Beaumont. To Bonham. To San Antonio. To Bastrop. To Georg<'town. To Wichita Falls. To Terrell. To Port Lavaca. See Dallas. To Seminole.  To Brenham. To San Antonio. A. L. DUFF. To Wichita Falls. 'T'o Canartian. To Henrietta. See Ool<lspring. BRAME & BRAME. To Yoakum. To Bryan. To E1 Paso. To Beaumont. J. E. DANIEL. JONES & CHILDERS. To Comanche. To Beeville. See Lubbock See Decatur. To Yoak1,.m, To Ft. Worth. ARNETT C. SMITH. A. C. WILMETH. 'l'o an Antonio. To Bryan. ALVIS JOHNSON. •ro RPaumont. To Graham. To Post. To Dt>nison. To Perryton. To Houston. To Weatherford. To Dickens. To Abilene. To Midland. To Goldthwaite. JAS. D. DYKES. 'l~oo Ssa~nn AAnngtoenlo1·0·, J. w. ELLIOTT. To Mineral Wells. To Mexia. To Hirhmond. To Sulphur Springs. FRANK E. SCOTT. To Montague. To San Antonio. To Quanah. To Angleton. To Yoakum. J. J. FORD. See Aspermont. To Sweet Water. To Sinton. To Lubbock. See M1. Pleasant. To Coleman. 0 iEINHARDT. To Mt-1xia. Noe;~aa.m. To Chiluress. To Waco. See CPnter. TERRY & BROWN. RODGERS & RODGERS. To Galveston. See Dalhart. To Gatesville. To Gilmer. To Brrnham.  I&r<'>ief: ;J;~  POPU·  - -====---= ==-=-=-  LA· TION.  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  733 272 500 5000  Thornton••t •••• Limestone Thrall* •••••••• Williamson Three Riverst. •• LivP Oak Thrift Branch •••• Wichita  686 1526 777 300 416 250 367 1500 300 400 616 250 1363 1258 500 98 150 1189 400 500 500 12085  •Throckmorton* .Throck'n Timpson *•t ••••••• Shelby Tioga*•t •••••••••• Grayson Tivoli" •••••••••• Refugio Tolar*•t .•••••••••••• Hood Tomball*•t ••••••••• Harris Tom Bean *•t •••• Grayson Toyah*•t ··-·······Reeves Travis*• ..•.......... Falls Trent*•t ........••• Taylor Trenton*•t ••...... Fannin Trinidatl*•t •.. Henderson Trinity*•t ••••••••• Trinity Troup*•t •...••..••• Smith Troy*•t •••..••••••••.. Bell Trumbull*•t. •••••••.. Ellis Truscott*•t ••••..•.• Knox •Tulia*•t •••••••... Swisher Turkey* ••...•.•••..• Hall Turnersville* ....•. Coryell Tuscola*•t ••••••••. Taylor •Tyler*•t ••••••••••• Smith  (Burkbu.-nctt P. 0.)  NA.KE. To Mexia. To Georgetown. To Kenedy. To Wichita Falls. R. B. HUMPHREY. To Center. To Sherman. To Port Lavaca. To Stephenville. To Houston. To Denison. To Pecos. To Marlin. To Abilene. To Bonham. To Athens. G. C, CLEGG. •ro Tyler. To Waco. To Waco. See Benjamin. To Plainview. To Memphis. See Gatesville. To Abilene. SIMPSON. LASSETER SIMPSON. To Beeville, To Pval<le. L. ('. OLD. To Coleman. See Meridian. To Gainesville. To Sherman. RURCH CARSON. See Amarillo. 'l'o Angleton. To Cleburne. See Benjamin. J. E. DORAN. To Dallas. E. L. DUNLAP.  A  Tynan*...•..•........ Bee Ftor>ia* .......•... Uvalcte •Uvalde*•t. •••. - ...• UvalctP. Valera*•t. .•.••• Coleman Valley Mills*•t .... Bosque Valley View*•t •.•.. Cooke Van Alstyne*•t. •• Grayson ., Van Horn*•t ••• Culberson Vega*•t. .•••••.... Oldham Velasco*• •.•••... Brazoria Venus*•t ••..•••.• Johnson Vera* ••••••••....... Knox •Vernon*•t ...•.• Wilbarger Yickery*.•••••..•.•• Dallas •Vicioria*•t ..•••.. Victoria .. Waco*•t ••...•• McLennan BARRY P. JORDAN. Thirtl Floor Fi<kli 'Y Bid!!. GenPral Attorney for Texas Fidellty & 8oudiug Uo. 8pt'-cial Atten. tion tu Hanking, Corporation and Insurance Law, Commer• cial Collections and A<.ljustmrnts made throughout Central Texa~. Reference: All Bradstreet offices and hanks at Waco, Texas. 894 Waelder*•t .....• Gonzales 'l'o Yoakum. 500 Walburg* ••••• Williamson To Georgetown. 500 Waller*•t ....••.... Waller See Hempstead. 1000 Wallis*•t ••••••..... Austin To Brenham. 1449 Walnut Sprin2s*•t .Bosque To Meridian. • 500 Waskom*•t .•••. Harrison To Marshall. 7958 • Waxahachie*•t ...•... Ellis To wa,·o 125 Wayland* ••••••. tephen To Breckenridge. 6203 •Weatherford*•t ••. Parker W.R. VIVRETT. 1117 Weimar*•t •••.•.. Colorado To Columbus. 4,2 Weinert*•t •....... Haskell See Haskell. 300 Weir*t ••..•... Williamson To Georgetown. 242 Welcome* ••••••••• Au-;tin To Brennam. 500 Weldon*•t ••••••• Houston To Crockett. 1968 •Wellington*•t •• Colling'th To Memohis. 500 Wells*•t -·······CbProkeP To Jacksonville. To Edinburg. 1~~~ To Waco. 2000 West Columbia* .Brazoria To Angleton. 500 Westhoff'*•t ••••.... Dewitt To Yoakum. 631 Westminster* •••.•.. Collin To Denison. 350 Weston* ...••••••.•. Collin To Df'nison. 300 Westover*•t ...•.•. Baylor To Wichita Falls. 2346 • Wharton*•t ••.•• Wharton B. S. WRIGHT. 500 •Wheeler* ••.••.•• Wheeler To Canadian. 500 White Deer*•t •.•• Carson To Amarillo. 300 Whitehouse*•t •.... Smith See Tyler. uno Whitesboro*•t .•• Grayson To Denison. 1666 WhitPwright*•t •. Grayson To Sherman. 1011 Whitney*•t •••••••.... Hill To Waco. 400 Whitt.. •.••.•...•. Parker To Weatherford. 40079 •Wichita Falls*•t .. Wichita BONNER & BONNER, Ward Bldg. ( Wm. N. Bonner, W. L. Willie. Jouette .3-I.Bonner, J. R. Ogle, R. J. Nebiett.) General Practice in State and Federal Courts. Enclose $1.00 for commercial reports. Special attention given to business of non-residents. Refer to any Bank or Public Official of Wichita County, 1015000 Wildorado*•t ••••. Oldham See Amarillo. Willis*•t ....• Monteomery To Conroe. 1811 Wills Point*•t •• Van Zandt To Canton. aso Wilmer*•t ·-·······Dallas See Dallas. Wil on*t .•••••••.... Lynn To Lnbbock. Winchester*•t •••• Fayette To Bastrop. 389 Windom*•t ••••••.. Fannin 'l'o Bonham. 1000 WinfleJd*•t ...••••... Titus Rep Mt Vernon. 300 WWingat,r ••••••••. Runnels TTo GBalllinger. o a veston. innie • •••...• Chambers 500 2184 Winnsboro*•t. •...•. Wood To Quitman. 500 Winona*•+ •••.•••... Smith To Tyler. 1509 Winters*• .•..••.• Runnels To Ballinger. 1859 Wolfe Oity*•t .... .. H u ntTo GrPenville. 500 Woodsboro*•t ••.• Refueio To Port Lavaca . 500 Woodson* .Throckmorton See Graham.  •.•• 500 3885 3i.i0 1000 600 1588 1500 600 800 842 500 5142 500 5957 38500  ~:~l~:f_~-:.·.·:.·:i;-d[~;~~  ·,oii  USE COUPONS as instructed toBE- PROTECTED by bond. NOTE- See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  t'OPU~  POPU•  u..  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NillE.  1200 1500 1200 350 7500 ll80 500 _ 600  •Woodville*•L _______ Tyler Wortham*•t ____ Freestone Wylie*•t ____________ Collin Yantis* _____________ Wood Yoakum*•t ________ Lavaca Yorktown*•t ______ Dewitt Zavalla*•t ---·----Angelina Zephyr*•-----------Hrown  THOMAS & WHEAT. To Mexia. To DP.nison. To Quitman. To Halletsville. To Yoakum. To Lufkm. To Brownwood._ _ _~ - - - -  TION.  LA· TION.  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  NA.ME.  32804 •Orden••t __________ Weber DAVID IENSON, 314 Col. Hudson Bldg. 1800 •Panrnttch* _______ Garfield See udaver. 3393 Park Oity*•t ______ summit To Coalville. 1640 •Parowan* ____________ Jron H. C. PARCELLS. 3031 Payson*•t ___________ Utah To Provo. 1682 Pleasant Grove*•t ___ Utah To Provo. 2364 •Price*•t ___________ Carbon F. E. WOOD '. 10303 •Provo*•t------------ Dtah PARKER & ROBINSO 586 •Randolph* ___________ Rich FRED R. MORGAN. 3262 1396 1200 1054 1451  •Richfield*•t ________ Sevier Richmond*•t _______ cache Riverton*•t _____ salt Lake Roosevelt* ______ Duchesne Salina*•t ___________ Sevier  PARLEY MAGLEBY. To Logan. See alt Lake City. To Price. See Richfield.  118110§•Salt Lake Oity*•t _Salt L'e BOOTH, LEE, BADGER & RICH. Refer to National Bank of the Republic, U. '. Fidelity & Guaranty Company, Wilber Mercantile Agency. Nat'l hoe and Leather Exchange, and M!'rcantile Adjuster and Olea.ring House Quarterly. Prompt attention to all Business. Compilers of the utah law; for this publication. CLARENCE W. COLLINS. Kearns Bldg. Civil practice only. Specialties: Real Estate Titles, Foreclosures. Commercial Law and Collections, Depositions. Utah attornPy for Union Central Life Ins. Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Miller & Viele, of Salt Lake City, who are largest farm mortga1rn loan firm in lntermountain region, lo-ining in five States. Also attorney tor Utah Loan and J3uilding As ociation. References on request.  UTAH One Federal District comprises entire State and has two divisions: the NORTHERN with court at Ogden, second Mondays ln March and September; thf' ("F,NTRAL DIVISION, with court at Salt Lake City, second Mondays m April and November.  REFERENCE KEY • Oounty Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. t Telegraph Station. § State Capital. 2763 Americt1-n Jfork*•t ___ Utah 1827 •Beaver* ___________ Beaver 2676 Bingham Canyon*•tS'ltL'e BBland!ng:_______ San Jua:n ountiful __________ Davis 2  To Provo. RUSSELL Ji... PARSONS. See Salt Lake City. To Price. To Farmington.  5282 63 7/5 2 62  WILLIAM J. LOW.E. 'l'o Logan. .To Price. To Parowan. To )Ian i. To Salt Lake City, P, B. NEELEY. To Salt Lake City.  ~it  s~8 1  •Brigham*et_ _____ Boxelder Cache Junction*•t _cache •Castle Dale* _______ Emery Of\dar City* __________ Iron  Of'ntcrfield* ______ anpe  ~  Cleartleld ___________ Davis  771 •Ooalville*•t . ______ summit 2000 Copperfleld. ____ Salt Lake (Bingham Canyon P. 0.) ~39 Delta••t_ __________ Millard •Durhe_sn!'* -··-- Duchesne Ephraim •t________ sanpPte 1200 ~sralal¼te* ______ Garfield 3608" Fl!:urek:a •j ___________ Juab 142" airv1ew •t------ Sanpete 120 •F!lrmineion*•t------~avis 4.,0 •Fillmore _________ Millard 1!69 Fountain Green*•Sanpete h ,oo Garfield*•t_ _____ Salt Lake 999 Garland*•t ______ Boxelder 1231 Grantsville* ________ Tooele 64 5 Greenr1ver*•t ______ Emery 111"5 Gunnison* ________ Sanpete 19"1 .. Heber*•t _________ Wasatch 160 6 Helper*•t _________ Oarbon 021 Hurricane* ___ \Va hington 9600 48 Hyrum;•t __________ Cac~e Kamas __________ summit  zzi~  f  f  1102 •Kanab* ______________ Kane 809 Kaysville*•t ________ Davis 11 00 Lahton*•f_ __________ Davis 30 i~•t -..-----------cUtth 2000 L wISton ---------- ac e oa Wayne 9430 •Loiran"•t ___________ cache 4000 Magna*•-------- Salt Lake  l~i I:  2412 '>624 i 209 308 856 1719 768 995 1 '>355  *--------------  •Manti*•t __________ Sanpete M:arysvale"•t _______ Piut<> Mldvale*•t ______ Salt Lake Miltord*•L--------Beaver •Moab* ______________ Grand Monroe" ___________ Sevier Monticello ______ San Juan •Morgan*•t ________ Mor&:an Moroni*• _________ Sanpete  4M~ :t. Pl~nt*•t --s~t~ekte 479 ¥;t~!?. :__-:::::Dtche n: 2603 •Nephi*•t ____________ Juab  2215 86 12 937 2900 1309 1208 1999  Sand:,*•t ________ salt Lake ee Salt Lake City. Smithfield*•t _______ Cache To Logan. Spanish Fork*•t _____ Utah To Provo. Springvi1le*•t ________ Utah To Provo. •St George* ___ Washington •Tooele*•t __________ Tooele Tremonton*•t ___ Boxelder Trenton*•t _________ cache • Verual*t ___________ Uintah Wellsville*•t _______ Cache Woods Cross*•t _____ Davis  D. H. MORRIS. To Salt Lake City. To Brigham. To Logan. To ·price. To Logan. To Farmiugton.  See Richfield.  Jg t~i~!i.  To Beaver. To Provo. To Manti. To Salt Lake City . See Richfield. To Manti. See Salt Lake City. To Brigham. To Tooele. To Price. To Manti. To Provo. To Price. To St. George. TToo Sr~rltake Oity.  VERMONT One FEDERAL DISTRICT comprises entlre State wlth District courts at Burlington, fourth Tuesday lo February: at Windsor, third Tuesday In May: at Rutland. first Tuesday ln October; at Brattleboro, third Tuesday ln December. In each year one of stated terms of district court may, when adjourned, be adjourned to meet at Newl)Ort and one at Montpelier.  J. F. BROWN. To Farmington. To Farmington.  REFERENCE KEY • Oounty Seat. * Money Order Office. • Express Office. t Telegraph Station. § State Oapital.  ~g 1~~~~-.  To Salt Lake City. E. s. CHAMBERS. To Salt Lake City. LEWIS LAR ON. Tone ,ver. See San Lake City. See Beaver. To Price. See Richfield. To Monticello. To Ogden. See Manti.  'Ji/i~?tiake City. To Price. To Provo. 100 Oasis*et_ __________ Millard "'"" Richflrld.  No.TE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1037 24'10 41136 3010  10008 1187 4860 7230 li82 739 1631  Barre*•t ______ Washington Barton*•t _________ Orleans Bellows Falls*•t __ Wind 'm •Bennington••t Bennington Bethel*•t ________ Windsor Bradford*•t __ • ____ orange Brandon*•t _______ Rutland  To Montpelier. To St. Johnsbury. To Brattleboro. To Rutland. To Brattleboro. To Montpelier. See Rutland.  7324 Brattleboro "•t _Wind.ham HAR VEY, MAURlCE & FITTS. 1251 Bristol*t ---------Addison To Burlington. 22779 •Burlington*•t _Chittenden POWELL & POWELL. 1 1 ~~~: 141l4 Danville*•t -----Caledonia See St. Johnsbury. 6t0 Derby Line*•t ____ Orleans To St. Johnsbury. 1236 EnosburgFalls*•tFranklin 8eP St. Alhans.  ~if ·gt:~i:: :::::::::~~fs~~ ~g fr~rt\~1  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  POPO• LA· TION.  TOWN AND COUN'l'Y.  1410 Essex Junction* ••••• .... Chittenden 2182 Fair Haven*•t .... Rutland 1550 Hardwick*•t ••.• Caledonia 368 •Hyde Park*•t .... Lamoille 1837 Island Pond*•t •.•.. Essex 666 Jamaica*•t ...•• Windham 681 Johnson*•t .•.•.. Lamoille 1732 Ludlow*•t ....... Windsor 1878 Lyndonville*•t..Caledonia 2300 Manchester Cen.* Bennington 1993 •Middlebury*•t ••• Addison  NAME.  See Burlington. See Rutland. To St. Johnsbury. To Montpelier. To St. Johnsbury. To Brattleboro. To Hyde Park, 'I'o Brattleboro. To St. Johnsbury. To Rutland. To Burlington.  7125 §•Montpelier*•t .. Wash'ton THERIAULT & HUNT. 1707 122 4976 818 1916 1072 1358 942 1371 2692 564 1819 1995  Morrisville*•t .••. Lamoille •Newfane*•t ••.. Windham •Newport*•t .••.... Orleans N. Bennington*•t.Ben'g'n Northfleld*•t. Washin1?ton North Troy*•t .... Orleans Orleans*•t ........ Orleans Orwell* ...•...... Addison Poultney*•t ...... Rutland Proctor*•t ........ Rutland Proctorsville*•t .. Windsor Randolph*•t ....••. Orange Richford*•t •.... Franklin  Compilers of the Vermont laws for this publication.  To Montpelier. To Brattleboro. To St. Johnsbury. To Rutland. To Montpelier. To St. Johnsbury. To St. Johnsbury. To Burlington. See Rutland. See Rutland. To Brattleboro. To Montpelier. See St. Albans.  14054 •Rutland*•t. •.•... Rutland LAWRENCE, LAWRENCE & STAFFORD. 5283 Springfield*•t ...• Windsor To Brattleboro. 7588 •St. AJbans*•t .... Franklin C. G. AUSTIN & SONS. 7164 •St. Johnsbury*•tCaled'nia SHIELDS & CONNANT.  Swanton*•t •....• Franklin Vergennes*•t •... Addison Waterbury*•t Washington Wells River*•t .... Orange West Rutland*•t.Rutland White River J c.*•t W'dsor .iii7 Wilmington*•t •. Windham 3061 Windsor*•t •..••. Windsor 4932 Winooski*•t ... Chittenden 1262 • Woodstock*•t. •. Windsor 1311 1609 1515 606 3301  See St. Albans. To Burlington. To Montpelier. To Montpelier. See Rutland. To Brattleboro. To Brattleboro. To Brattleboro. To Burlington. To Brattleboro.  VIRGINIA Vlri:inla is divided into two Federal Districts: Eastern and Western. In the EASTERN DISTRICT, court sits at Richmond. first Mondays in April and October; at Norfolk, first Mondays in May and November; and at Alexandria, first Mondays in January and July. In the WESTERN DISTRICT, court sits at Charlottesville, the second Monday in January and first Monday in July; at Roanoke, third Mondays in February and June; at Lynchburg, on the Tuesdays after the second Mondays in March and September; at Danvllle, on the Tuesdays after the second Mondays in April and November; at Abington, on Tuesdays after the first Mondays in May and October; at Harrisonburg, on the Tuesdays after the first Mondays in June and December; and at Big Stone Gap, fourth Monday in January and second Monday in August.  REFERENCE KEY • Express Office. * Money Order Office. • County Seat. § State Capital. t Telegraph Station. 2532 •Abingdon*•t • Washington L. T. COSBY.  712 •Accomac* •.•.•.. Accomac ELMER W. SOMERS. 250 Alberta*•t. •.•• Brunswick To Lawrenceville. 18060 1206 400 659 2036 1000 500 1290  Alexandria*•t ••• Arlington Altavista*•t ..... Campbell •Amelia C. H. *•t ..• Amelia •Amherst*•t •..•.. Amherst Appalachia*•t ......• Wise •Appomattox*•t Appom'tox Arvonia*• .... Buckingham Ashland*•t •..... Hanover  SMITH & WOOLLS. To Lynchburg. See Chesterfield. To Lynchburg. To Norton. To Lynchburg. To Lynchburg. To Richmond.  - TE No  POPULA· TION.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  2212 Basic*•t.·-·······Augusta To Staunton. 800 Bassetts*•t ...•••... Henry See Martinsville . 400 Beaverdam"•t .•• Hanover To Richmond. 3243 311 1138 475 3000 250 1005 1381  •Bedford*•t •..•.• Bedford Belle Haven*•t .. Accomac •Berryvi!le*•t ....... Clarke Big lsland*•t..••. Bedford Big Stone Gap*•t. ... Wise Birdsnest .. Northampton Blacksburg*•t .Montgo'ry Blackstone*•t .. Nottoway  LANDOU LOlfRY. See Accomac. To Front Royal. To13edford City. To Norton. To Eastville. To Christiansburg. To Crewe.  250 200 300 350 463 307  •Bland* •••••••.•.•... Bland Bloxom*•t •••••.. Accomac Boone Mill*•t •.. Franklin Boons Path* •......... Lee •Bowling Green* .. Caroline Boyce*•t •..•.••.... Clarke  W. S. DUNN. To Accomac. To Rockymount. To Norton. To Fredericksburg. To Front Royal.  457 637 148 014  •Boydton*•t .. Mecklenburg Boykins*•t .. Southampton Branchville*•tS'thampton Bridgewater*•t Rocking'm  ffiBY TURNBULL. To Courtland. See Courtland. To Harrisonbure.  6729 Bristol*•t ...•• Washington HENRY ROBERTS. Relerences: Dominion National Bank, First National Bank, and Bank of Bristol. Also see B1·istol, Tenn. 412 Broadway*•t .Rockingham To Harrisonburg. 235 Brodnax*•t .... Brunswick To Lawrenceville. 583 Brookneal*•t .... Campbell To Lynchburg. 300 Brownsburg". Rockbridge To Lexington. 802 Buchanan*•t .... Botetourt To Covington. 3911 Buena Vista*•t Rockb'dge To Lexington. 514 Burkeville*•t ... Nottowav . See Blackstone. 70 Callao"" .. Northumberland To Heatheville. 662 Cambria* ..•. Montgomery To Christiansburg. 2517 Cape Charles*•t North'ton To Eastville. 150 Capeville*•.Norlhampton To Eastville. 500 Capron*•t ... Southampton See Courtland. 200 Carson*t ···-···Dinw1ddie See Petersburg. 150 Cartersville- .Cumberland See Oumberland. 500 Castlewood*•t •... Russell To Lebanon. 600 •Charlotte Court House* C!harlotte To Farmville. 10688 •Oharlotte:;ville*•t .. Albe'le R. H. & L. w. WOOD, General practice in all tate and Federal Courrs. 1646 Chase City*•t .Mecklenb'ir To Boydton. 1066 •Chatham*•t .. Pittsylvania To Danville. 150 Cheriton*•t .Northampton See Eastville. 1000 Chester*•t ____ Chesterfield To Richmond . 572 Chilhowie*•t ..•.... Smyth To Marion. 1074 Chincoteague Isl.*• Acc'ac See Accomac. 1641 •Christiansburg*t. Montg'y HARLESS & CALHOUN. 250 Churchville* •.••. Augusta See Staunton. 572 Claremont*•t ....•.. Surry ROBERT W. ARNOLD. 726 Clarksville*•t .:Mecklenb'g To Boydton. 220 Cleveland*•t ...... Russell To Lebanon. 6150 Clifton Forge*•t .Allegh'y To Covington. 600 Clinchburg*. Washington To Abington. 226 Clinchoort*•t .•..•... Scott See Gate City. 460 •Clintwood* ..••. Dickenson SKEEN & SKEEN. 400 Clover*•t ••••••.. Halifax To Danville. 884 Coeburn*•t .........• Wise To orton. 1093 Colon'! B'ch* Westmorel'd To Montross. 185 Columbia*•t .•.. li'luvanna See Palmyra. 370 •Courtland*•tSouthampton To Emporia. 5623 •Oovington*•t.•.. Alleghany C. P. JONES, JR. 200 Crabbottom* .•.• Highland To Monterey. 500 Craigsville*•t ••.. Au1?usta To Staunton. 2097 Crewe*•t •.•...• Nottoway HF..NR Y E. LEE. 50 Critz*•t ..•..•••••• Patrick To Stuart. 200 Crockett*•t •....... Wythe To Wytheville. 800 Crozet*•t ••••••. Albemarle To Charlottesville. 1819 •Culpeper*•t ..... Culpeper E. E. JOHNSON. 500 •Cumberland*•t .Cumberl'd A. B . .ARMSTRONG. 1500 Damascus*t .. Washington To Abingdon. 4000 Dante*•t .......... Russell To Lebanon. 21539 Danville*•t ••. Pittsylvama HENRY C. LEIGH. 482 Dayton*• •.•• Rockingham To Harrisonburg. 1795 Dendron* •...•...... Surry To Claremont. 500 Dillwyn*• •.. Buckingham To Lynchburg. 100 •Dinwiddie*•t .. Dinwiddie To Peter burg. 500 Disputanta*•t- Prince Geo. To Hopewell. 70 Doe Hill* •••••••• Highland To Monterey. 200 Doswell *•t •..•••Ilanovcr To )fontro s. 660 Drakes Branch*•t Charl'te To FarruvJlle. 500 Draper•• .......... Pulaski To Pulaski. 100 Drewryville. outhampton To Emporia. 250 Dryden*• •••••.•.•.••. Lee To Norton. 305 Dublin*•t •.••••... Pulaski To Pulaski. 50 Dundas .•••... Lunenburg To Danville. 255 Dungannon*•t ..•.••• Scott See Gate City. 500 Eagle Rock* .... Botetourt See Covington. 5000 E. Radford*•tMontgomery To Christiansburg. 332 •Eastville* ..• Northampton F. 'l'. WILKINS. 568 Edinbur~*•t .. Shenandoah To Woodstock. 115 Eggleston .•••....•.•. Giles To 470 .Elba* ......... Pittsylvania To Danville. (Gretna P. 0.) 160 Elk Creek* •••.•. Grayson To Independence. 00 Elkton*•t .•.. Rockingham To Harrisonburg.  USE COUPONS as instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney List.  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) ~-------LA· TOWN AND TION,  1869 500 180 !00 16 150 4759  VIRGINIA NAME.  al~  ~~~ •Floyd* ---·----------Floyd Ford _____ ···---Dinwidclie 12 () Forest Depot* ... Betlfor<l 106 Fork Union"•-· li'luvanna Jort B_lackmore*•t .. Scott 1 ox Hill ___ . ____ ll;t tzabeth <Hampton P, 0.) 2363 Franklin*•t _Southampton  !~b  E.PEYTON TURNER, See Charlottesville. To Norton. See Nassawadox. To Alexandria, To Lexington. To Alexandria. WATKINS & BROCK. To Rockymount. To Covini?ton, To Culpeper. CROFFIT & WEEKS. 'l'o Dinwiddie. To Bedford. ee Palmyra. To Gate City. To Hampton.  628841 •Gate City*•t·--·---·--Scott G. CLAUDE BOND. Glade Spring*•t ·--Wash'n To Abingdon. 376 Glasgow*•L.- Rockbridge To Lexington. 250 •G!oucester*t' ___ Gloucester &0 Gloucester Pt.* Gloucester 5 4 Gordonsville *•t ._.Orange 150 gore* .....•.•.• Freder;ck 2752 AOO raham*•t ·-···-· Tazewell .. Greenville*•t --··-Augusta 500 Gretna*•t ·-·· Pittsylvania 492 Grottoes*•t __ Rockingham  tt  3  •irundy* ________ Buchanan 1000 •n!r-'r8*-;-t-WeSt moHre1l!lfnd 1 ax • ··------ a 1 ax 350 H anwood*•t _____ Accomac 237 8 amilton*L---·- Loudoun  CHAS. s. SMITH, JR. To Glouce ter. To Orange. To Winchester. To Tazewell. See Staunton. To Danville. To Harrisonburg. FLANNAGAN, BOYD & POBST.  To Danville. Sfle Accomac. To Leesburg.  6138 •Hampton*•tElizab'th City WM. C. L. TALIAFERRO. 63 •Hanover*•L----·Hanover To Montross. 5875 •Harrisonburg*•t _Ro'gh'm JOHN PA.UL. 200 •Heathsville* Northumb'l'd A. S. RICE. 853 Herndon*•t _______ Fairfax To Alexandria.  ~ii •uBillsville* ----·----Carroll olland••t ___ Nansemond  W. D. TOMPKINS, To Suffolk. 755 8 onaker*•t _______ Russell To Lebanon.  l3~b 1000 50  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  Hopewell*• Prince George Horsey*t ·-------Accomac Hot Springs*•t ______ .Bath Huddleston*•L-- Bedford  WM. AMOROSO. To Accomac. To Covington. To Bedford City.  500 •Independence• ___ Grayson J. S. BOURNE. 1000 Irvington*•----·Lancaster 600 Ivanhoe*•t ________ Wythe 443 Ivor*•t ______ Southampton 400 Jarratt*•t _______ ._Sussex J etersville*•t. ____ Amelia 1 •J onesvil1e* ________ ·-·-Lee 200 Keller*•t ________ Accomac 543 Kenbridge*•t _.Lunenburg 493 400 4~0 •Kfng George*King Georgo 2..0 Kmsale* ___ Westmoreland 3~g Lacrosse*•t __ Mecklenburg Laurel Fork*______ carroll  1~~  fa~:~~~:~--::::E:~l~i!~  F. G. NEWBILL To Wytheville. See Courtland. To Waverly. To Chesterfield. To Norton. To Accomac. To Victoria. To Drakes Branch. To Irvington. To Fredericksburg. Sre Warsaw. To Boydton. To Hill 'Ville.  1439 •Lawrenceville*•tBruns'ck GEO. M. RANEY. 469 •Lebanon• ________ .Russell . B. QUILLEN. 1545 •Leesburg*•t _____ Loudoun MARTIN & MARTIN. 2870 •Lexington*•t .Rockbridee FRANK MOORE. 97 Lively*---·--··Lancaster To Gloucester. 289 •Louisa*•t __________ Louisa BIBB & RHODE · 300 •Lovingston" -·----·Nelson . B. WHITEHEAD. 1381 •Lura,y••t. ____________ Page WM. F. KEY ER. 29956 Lynchburg*•t _•. Campbell KIRKPATRICK, HOWARD, BURKS & KIRKPATR~CK. Attorneys N. & w. Ry. Co. References: Peoples National Bank and First National Bank.  107 Machipongo*•tN'thampton See assawadox. 500 •Madison• _________ Madison To Culpeper. ..!!05 •Manassas*•t.Prince Wil'm  n.  THORNTON DA VIE  NOTE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  3253 •Marion*•t __________ Smyth J. P. BUCHANAN. 350 Marshall*•t _____ .Fauouier See Warrenton. 3746 80 360 500 37 300 609 97 200 400 258 354 160 200 408 125  •Martinsville*•t --·-· Henry Massies Mill* ----.. Nelson •Mathews* ________ Mathews Max Mradows*•t .. Wythe McGaheysville* .Ro~kiug . ham McKenney••t _. Dinwiddie Meadowview*•t. \Vash'ton Mechanicsburg* ____ Bland Meherrin*•t ___ Lunenburg Melfa*•t-------Accomac Mendota*•t __ Washington Middletown*•t _.Frederick Milford*•t ------.Caroline Millboro"•t -----·---Bath Mineral*•t ---·----· Louisa Moneta*•t --------Bedfora  WHITTLE & WHITTLE. To Lovingston. See Gloucester. To Wytheville.  To Harrisonburg. See Petersburg. To Abingdon. To Bland. See Houston. To Accomac. To Bristol. To Winchester. To Fredericki::burg. To Covington. To Louisa. To I.Sedford City.  To Courtland.  ~~~~ Fredericksb'g*•t .Spotts·a B. P. WILLIS. Fries*•t -----·---·Grayson To Independence. 1404 •Front Royal*•t _.. Warren A. G. WEA VER. 1250 Galax*•t ________ .Grayson To Independence.  al al  LA.·  TION. ------  •Emporia*•t Greenesville E s~ont*•t------Albemarle -Ewmg*•L ___________ Lee Exmore*•t __ Northampton •Fairfax* __________ Fairfax Fairfield*•·---ROC.Kbridge Falls Church*•t ___ Fairfax  1821  ----=========-:;-=--POPU·  COUNTY.  . 2586 •Farmville*•tPrince Edw'd F~rrum*•t -- ---- Franklin •Fmcastle* ______ Botetourt 300 Flint Hill* Rappahannock  es: st is-  -  313 •Monterey• -----·-Highland EDWIN B. JONES. 400 •Montross*. Westmoreland 153 Montvale*•L--.--Bedford 500 Mt. Jackson*•t.Shenand'h 200 Mount Solon*•t ___ Augusta 1141 Narrows*•L----- ____ Giles 600 Nassawadox*•t Northam'n 702 •Newcastle*t ________ Craig 300 New Church*•t __ Accomac 150 New Hope• ______ Augusta 577 New Market*L Shen'doah 225 Newport* ____________ Giles 35586 250 214 350  C. C. BAKER. To Bedford City. To Woodstock. See Staunton. See Pearisburg. To Eastville. To Covington. To Accomac. See Staunton. To Woodstock. To Pearisbure.  Newport News*•t Warw'lr I. WINSTON READ. Newsoms••t Southampton See Courtland. Nicklesville* ________ Scott ee Gate Oity, Nokesville*•t.Prince Wm. See Manassas.  115777 Norfolk*•t _______ Norfolk FRANK C. MILLER, C. L. L. A. Attorney and Counselor at Law, Board of Trade Building. General practice in all courts. State and Federal. Special attention to Probate. RE>.al Estate. Corporation. Insolvencies and Commercial Litigation. Thoroughly eouioped Collection Department. Deoositions taken. Notaries in office. References: Norfolk National Bank: Citizens' Bank: National Bank of Commerce, or any reputable law list. Compiler of the Virginia laws for this pubLica,tion. See also at Portsmouth. ,93 North Emporia*t Greenesville To Emporia.  1866 231 560 200 1074 500  Norton••t ._.·-------Wise Occoquan••Prlnce William Ocean View*• ____ Norfolk Odd•.--------------· York Onancock* _______ Accomac Onley*•t -----~---Accomac  10~ ROBERTS. See Manassas. To Norfolk. To Newport News. See Accomac. See Accomac.  1078 •Orange••t --------- Orange E. H. DE JARNETTE, JR. 400 Painter*•t------· Accomac See Accomac. 500 •Palmyra••-----·-Fluvanna L. O. BADEN.  39 Pamplin*•t __ ,Appomattox To Appomattox. 601 ParksJey*•t ______ Accomac To Accomac.  537 •Pearisburg•----·---- Giles W. B. NIDOW. 500 Pembroke*•t --··---- Giles See Pearisburg. 940 l'ennington Gap*t ____ Lee To Norton. 31002 300 3043 2591  Petersbur2*•t-- Dinwiddie Phenlx*•t_. _____ Charlottc .Phrebus•t __ Elizaoeth City Pocahontas*•t •• _Tazewell  GEORGE MASON & See Abilene. To Hampton. To Tazewell.  ON.  5438H•Portsmouth*•t __ .Norfolk FRANK C. MILLER, C. L. L.A. Attorney at Law. ( ee Norfolk)  63 •Prince George* _Prince George To Hopewell. 5277 •Pulaskl*•t .... _____ Pulaski 549 Parcellville*•t ___ Loudoun 800 Quantico __ Prince William 250 Raphine*•t ___ Rockbridge 15(1 Rapidan*•t----·· Culpeper 1000 Reedville*• __ N or'berland 267 Remington••t--- Fauquier 1171 Richland *•t ____ Tazewell 171667 §•Richmond*•t ___ Henrico  GILMER & WY OR. See Leesburt?. To Manassas. To Lexington. To Orange. To Heathsville. To Culpeper. To Tazewell.  HAROLD S, BLOOMBERG, 713 Mutual Building, Corporation, Commercial, Banking and Real Estate Law, Col• lections and Examination of Titles. Refers to Mutual Saving and Security Corporation, Virginia Railway & Power Company, Dalton Adding Machine Company, Remington Typewriter Company, Central National Bank. Merchants National Bank, or any bank or trust company.  USE COUPONS aa instructed to BE PROTECTED by bon--=d-. __;__..::..,._ _ __ See complete information in preface to Attorney List. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1822  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED)  VIRGINIA, WASHINGTON  POPU• LATION.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME.  820 Ridireway••t _______ Henry To Martinsville. 300 Riner• _______ Monti?omery To Christiansburg. 50842 Roanoke*•t •••••. Roanoke IOHNSTON & IZARD, Grneral practice, a nu handle collec ions. Local counsel for Swift & Co., National Cash R<'gi ter, Inter na iJnal Harvester Co., and other corpora ,ions. 1076 •Rockymount*•t __ Franklin JOHN P. LEE.  500 ftosslyn* ·-·····Arlington 359 Round Hill*•t ••• Loudoun 463 Rural Retreat*•L •. Wytlle 4159 •Salem••t .•••••••. Roanoke 448 Saltville*•t •••• ••••. myth 300 •Saluda* ·-·····-·Middlesex 250 Scottsburg••t •.••. Halifax 329 Scottsville*•t ••• Albemarle 1000 Seaford*·--·--·· •.•.• York 300 Sebren ______ outhampton 300 Sed!f•y••----Soutbampton 300 Sharps••-----·· Richmond 400 Shawsvme••t Montgomery 1895 ShPnandoah*•t ·--- -· Pagp 130 Simpsons*·--··· •••• ]'loyd  To AIPxandria. To Leesburg. To Wythevllle. To Roanoke. To Marion. To West Point. To Danville. To Charlottsville. To N<'wport News. To Courtland. Set> Courtland. See Warsaw. To Roanoke. To Luray. To Floyd.  1181 Smithfleld*•.lsle of Wight E. H. Wll,LIA~f ·. 4338 South Boston*•+ .• Halifax To Danville. 1074 South Hill*•+. MPrklenb'g To Boydton. 71\91 'outh Norfolk• .•• ·urfolk To Xorfolk.  WASHINGTON Washington Is dlvided Into two Federal Districts: the 11.:astern and the We.,tern. The EA TERN DISTRICT has two divisions: the Northern dlvision, with court at Spokane, the first Tuesdays In AprU and Seotember; the Southern dlvlston, with court at Walla WaJla, on the first Tuesdays in June and December; and at North Yakima, the first Tuesdays in May and October. The WE.STERN DISTRICT has two divisions: the Northern division, with court at Seattle, tlrst Tuesdays In May and November: and at Belllogbam, the ttrst Tuesdays In April and October; and the Southern dlvlsionwith, court at Tacoma, the first Tuesdays in February and July.  REFERENCE KEY  (Norfolk P. 0.)  60 Speedwell*•···-··-- Wythe To Wytheville,  • Oounty Seat.  450 •Stanardsville*·--·- Greene JOHN E. CHAPMAN. 499 St.anl<'y*t ____ ··-- •... Page To Luray. 10617 •Staunton*•t •••• _.Augusta ARMISTEAD C. GORDON. Bank, Real Estate, and Corporation matters. Collections. Refers to any Staunton Bank. li5 78i 345 574 650  f-t. Charle *•t ........ Lee Stephens Oity*•tFredenck Stony Creek*•t-•. - Sussex St. Paul*•t ··--····-·· Wise Strasburg*•t __ Shenandoah  To Gate City. To Wmcht:ster. See Waverly. To Norton. To Woodstock.  401 •Stuart*•t -··-··-·-.Patrick , . A. THOMP ON. 250 Stuarts Draft*•t _.Augusta See Staunton. 10000 •Sutrolk*•t ··-- Nansemond 700 Sugar Grove• ..•.•• Smyth 38 Sulphur Mines ..••. Louisa (MineraiP. O.) 300 •Surry*-·----·---·--Surry 200 ylvatus"• -·-----·Carroll  LEE BRITT.  To Manon. ee Louisa. To WavPrly. To Hillsville.  422 •Tappahannock*•.-.• Essex WM. A. WRIGHT. 1261 •Tazewell*•+ ...•• Tazewell ioo TemperanceviJle• Accomac 275 The Plains* ••..• _Fauquier 277 TimbervilJe••t Rockingh 'm 250 Toano••t ...• ·- James City 340 Toms brook* Shenandoah 250 Towm;end*•.Nortl1ampton 636 Trout Dale"·--··- Grayson 400 Troutville*•t •••• Botetourt 800 Union Level*•.Meck'burg  ~~~  g~g!!ri~i::_::::l?ct'ct1~~:i  1445 800 27i9 350 498 .JO 734 100 110 600 1545  Victoria*•+-••. Lunenburg Vienna ••t --·- ·--.Fairfax Vintou*•t ---· ··-· Hoanoke Virgilina••+ ••..••• Halifax Wachapreague* .Accomac \; ake* -·-···--1Ii<ldlc•sex Wakeflelct••t .•...•• uc;sex Walkerton• .King & Queen Walters*• _.I ·le of Wight •Warm Springs*t ·-·-· Bath •Warrenton*•L-- Fauquier  BARMAN & llAR:\I  et> Accomac. See Warrenton. To Harrisonburg. To Nrwport News. To Woodstock. See Nas:;awadox. To IndepPndence. Se<' Covm1?ton. To Boydton. To Culpeper. To We tpoint. GEO. E. ALLEN.  To Alexandria. To Hoanoke. To Danville. To Accomac. To William burg. To \Vavrrly. To Westpoint. To S m1thfield. To Covini:ton. To Culpeper.  300 •Warsaw•---····Richmond A. N. WELLFORD. 233 •Washington• _Rapp'han'ck To Culpeper. 1306 Waverly*•L···-··· Sussex THO . H. HOWERTON. 1594 Waynesboro••t ..• Augusta To Staunton. .1635 Westwint*•t-. K. William 250 Weyers Oave*t .• _Augusta 500 Whaleyville*t NansPmond 365 Whitestone ·-·-Lancaster 2462 •Williamsburg~t.Ja'e1l C'y 300 Willis* ··-·---·----··Floyd 6883 326 1200 60  •Winchester*•t..Frednick Wmdsor••t _ lsle ot Wight •Wisp* -·--·-·-----···-Wise Wolftown•···---·Madi.on  0. L. COLE.  See Staunton. To Suffolk.  To Newport News. To Floyd. ROBERT T. BARTON.  To Smitbfleld. To Norton. To Culpeper.  1580 •Woodstock*•t- Shenand'h WALTON & WALTON. 2947 •Wythevme••t _____ • Wythe THOMAS & THOMAS. 155 •Yorktown• -------·--York To Nt>w1Jurt News. 250 Zuni*• •.•... Isle or Wight 'fo Norfolk.  NOTE  • Money Order Office.  15337 300 252 450 5284 2028  Aberdeen*•+GraysHarbor Addy* -------·--··Stevens Alb10n" ···-····· Whitman .llmira*•t. ... ..... Lincoln Anacortes*•t·-···-· Skagit Arlineton*•t •• Snohomish  852 •Asotin*·-·····•--·· Asotin 3163 .A.uburn••t ...•....•. _King ...• ·- Ballard Station•+ -··--King ( eattle P. 0.) 300 Battle Ground*•t ••. Clarke  •Bellingham*•t __ Whatcom Bickleton* ••••••. Klickitat Black Diamond*•t __ .Kini? Blaine••t ·-···-· Whatcom Bothell"•L-...••... - King Bremerton••t -····· Kitsap Brewster•····-- Okanogan Bridgeport*-·--· _.Douglas Buckley*•t --····-··l'ierce Burlington*•t ····-- Skagit Buena•t •••••• ·---Yakima Oamas••t ··-· ··-· •• Clarke Camp LPwi ····--··Pierce [Tacoma P. 0.1 1114 Cashmere*•t ·-·· -.. Chelan 829 Oastlerock*•t ....• Cowlitz  255i0 250 2000 2254 613 8918 394 337 1119 1360 800 1843 lOliOO  • Express Office.  S State Capital.  t Telegraph Station.  W. J. MURPHY.  To Colville. St't: Uolfax. To Davenport. To Mt. Vernon. See Everett. FOUT  & APPLEWHITE.  To ·eattle . See Seattle.  See Berr.rville. Wll,L I. GBISWOLD.  See Goldendale. To eattle. To Bellin1?ham. ee Seattle. To Port Orchard. To Oroville. To Waterville. ee Tacoma. To Mt. Vernon. To Yakima. To Vancouver. To Tacoma. See Wenatchee. To Kalama.  450 •Cathlamet•·-- Wahkiakum EMIL M. ORTH. 200 Oenterville*• .••. _Klickitat To Goldendale. 7549 Oentralia*•t •••.•••.. Lewis B. E. GRIMM. 3338 Charleston*•t .•••• _Kitsap To Port Orchard. 4558 •Chehalis*•t-··-·-···Lewis BULL & MURRAY, General law practice. Attorneys for Cott man, Dob on & Co., Bankers. 896 Chelan• -··-···-····ohelan 1252 Oheney••L .• --···Spokane 2:iO Ohesaw• ··-···-·Okanogan 1288 Oht1welah*•t .... _.Stevens 1859 Olarkston• ••..•.... Asotin 100 Clearlake*•t. .••• ___ s~it 2661 Ole Elum*•t.·-····Kittitas  To Wenatchee. To Spokane. To Oroville. To Colville. To Asotin. To Mt. Vernon. To Ellen burl?,  3027 •Colfax*•L ..•••• Whitman CHA . L. CHAMBERLAL ·. 1579 College Place*t Walla Walla To Walla Walli.. 382 Colton••+-··-··· Whitman See Colfax . 1796 270 924 311 200 472  •Colville••+ •••• --·· Stevens OonconuJly• ---· Okanogan Concrete••t--······ Skagit Connell*•t ·-·· -.. Frankiin Conway* -------·-Skagit Coulee Oity*•t -·-· ·- Grant  O. W. NOBLE.  To Oroville. To Mt. Vernon. To Pasco. To Mt. Vernon. To Ephrata.  343 •Coupeville*-·-··-···Island JAME ZYL TRA. 317 Creston••t ···-··-· Lincoln To Davenport. WO Custer••----·----Whatcom To Bellingham. 1112 •Davenwrt••t •• -.• Lincoln FREECE & PETTIIOBN. Z38Q •Dayton••t.-.• -.. Oolumbia L. B. KENWORTHY. 1103 Deer Park*•t ...•. Spokane To Hillyard.  USE COUPONS aa instructed to BE PROTECTED by bond. See complete information in preface to Attorney Liat.  WASHING TON  ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW (BONDED) POPU-  LA.-  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NA.MR.  Dishman•t _______ Spokane Dryden*• _________ Chelan Duvall*•r ____________ .Kini? East Stanwood *Snohomish Eatonville"•t------- Pierce Edison*. ------·--··Ska.git Edmonds*•t ..•Snohomish Edwall*•t ·-----···Lmc•oln F.lhnton*•t ---·· Whitman Elk*•t ---··-····· 'pokaill' •Ellensburg*•t ·-·· _Kittitas Elma*•t ____ Grays Harbor Eltopia*•t ·-·----Frankliv tnd_ic~tt*•t ·---· Wtt1lan E~~~claw*;t====:: __ •EDhrata*•t ---······Grant •Everett*•t ••••• Snohomish  To Spokane. To Wenatchee. See Seattle. To Everett. To Tacoma. To Mt. Vernon. See Everett. To Spokane. See Colfax. To, pokaue. 1A. 1' A. \VfilTFIELD, Se~ Aberdeen. See Pasco. :~~ w~~~1chee. See Seattle. N. W. WASIDNGTO · LOUIS A. MERRICK. General practice throughout the Pacific Northwest. Depositions carefullJ taken. See Bellingham. To Spokane. See Colfax. See Bellingham. To Bellingham. To Colfax. JOHN McEWEN. To Yakima.. To Yakima. See Evnett. To 'pokane. See Mt. Vernon. To Davenport. To Ephrata. See Ritzville. To Spokane. See Aberdeen. See Colville. To South Bend. To Newport. See Seattle. See Colfax. To Pasco.  TION.  500 250 258 300 861 200 036 300 244 100 3810 1253 ~00 2~i 1378 628 27644  500 413 479 Z59 .:>22 776 }274 ~11 12 ~32 :iOO  }t\:~  Everson•• ••..•• Whatcom Fairfield*•+ ...... Spokane Farmington*•t •• Whitman Ferndale*•t •••.• Whatcom •Friday Harbor* •• San Juan Garfleld*•t ...••• Whitman •Goldendalf:1*•t __ .Klickitat Grandview*•t. •••• Yakima Granger*•+------·· Yakima GraniteFalls*•tSnohomish Grec nacres*•t ... Spokane ~~~ Ham1twn*•t ·----·· Skagit liarrmgton*•t •••• Lincoln 28 2 Hartline"•t ··-·-·--·Grant 16 ~ H!ltton•~t ----····-·Adams 394 .,, Hillyard •t -·--··Spokane 988 hoquiam*•t .Grays Harbor 100 Hunte~s• ···-·-·-·Stev~ns 787 •t ···-·-···· Pacific 54} Ilwaco Ione*•t •.•.•. P!'nd Oreille 79 IJssaquah;•t·--·····-:King 190 ohnson • ••••.. Whitman 151 Kahlotus*•t ·---·Franklin 1  i~i~ •Kalall!a*•t ·-··-···Cowl!tz Kelso •t --·- ....•. Cow htz ~~~~ Kennewick*•t -····Benton  Kent*•t .....•... ·---Kinll 276 Kettle Falls* ..•..• Stevens 1354 Kitkland*•t ·-··-·-···King 30 Kittitas*•+-...•..• Kittitas 61 La Genter*·-----··· Olarke 516 La Conner* ·--· ••.. Skagit 1200 Lar.rosse*•t ..... Whitman 600 Lake Stevens .• Snohomi ·h 165 Lamont*•t ...•.. Whitman 400 330 e~~~y*t ···--···s·Iskaod 1791 L~ven•;ortii•;t":..i°Jie~f~ Lind*•t -··----·····Adams Loomis* •• ·-·· •• Okanogan 60 ~ Lyle*•t ···---···· Klickitat 69 LJman*•t ··-·····-·Skagit 1244 Lynden••-·---·· Whatcom 547 Mabton*•t ·-···--·Yakima 1005 Malden••t ···-··· Whitman 478 Mansfleld*•-- -····Douglas 551 Marcus*•t ··-· •••• Stevens 250 Marlin*•t------· .. Grant 1244 Marysvillf1*•t .Snohomish 1254 Medical Lake*•t _Spokane 153 Metaline Falls *•t Pend OrPille -- 35o" Millwood*•t •••••Spokane M.otson••t ··-···Okanofan 1675 M:onroe*•t ._ .•• Snohomish 2158 •Montesano*•t. Grays Harbor 52 2 Morton*•t ·······--· Lewis 3341 •Mt. Vernon••t ••••• Skagit 30 Moxee !Jitr*•···-· Yakjma 25 340 NNache~ •;··---··· YaLku~a apavme •t --·· --·- ew1s 95 . 0 •Newpart*•t .. Pend Oreille i50 :\Took ack"'•t .. Whatcom 87 Northbend*•t -··-···King ~~6 Northport*•t ·--·-Stevens oak akesdale*•t .- .• Whitmadn 33~ 0 Harbor• __ •••.• Islan 3 Oakvillt•t .Grays IJ;arbor 10 •t -······-·Lmroln 1115 • gdkaessa noean• •••.• Okanol!'an 8537 l•OlJ1Dpia*•t Thurston 600 Omak*t •.• :.-_·_-.Okanogan 400 Opportunity*•+ •• Spokane 1013 Oroville*•+ ••••• Okanogan ~2 Ortlng*•t ···-·-----·Pierce 20~ Othello*•t -·--·-·--Adams Yakima Pa