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~ 1595 CUBA, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, AND PORTO RICO ======================== =============~=======~== ==================19" PROVINCIA DE MATANZAS  PROVINCIA DE HABANA-Continued  CUBA  Capital  $20,350,000  Havana_·-------------ROYAL BAH OF CANADA• { &s . .Funds 20,789,000 (6 Branehel in Harona  PROVINCIA DE HABANA  Cardenas ·------·-··---·NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CITY.  Obrapia U. Capital  " S20,350,000 Cueto ----------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA { Capital · Ru. Fund, 20,789,000  T  ,.. a  ----·-·--------· rn.. o.o  f  $20,350,000  --··-----ROY AL BAH OF CAIIADA.• { Res. Funds 20,789,000  $500,000 ._ • { O&oital, c UUG Reserve & Und. Prof., 1,027,239  0  ________ Gonzalez & Olaechea.  ._H, UIIID&Dn 7 Oia .. .6..marpn. 1.  C ti,  Havana ----------AMERICAN FOREIGN BANKING CORPORATIOI  (Branch of N. Y. Cit11)  "  .-------.Zaldo y Cia., • Cuba 76.  Colon .•....••. -----NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CITY.  ---------------American Tradine Co.  " Cama2ue1 ·-----NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CITY  ------------·-·-·  s2o,s 5o,ooo ~ ROYAL BA K OF CANADA• { Capital, Res, Ftmda, 20,789,000 -  .,,.,,  ·----·-···-·Banoe1, J. A., y Oia., Obisl>O ID.  -----------ROYAL BAllll OF CANADA.• { Capit;al  ---·-------Banco de Fomento Aerario; Galiano 611.  $20,350,000 Res. Fund-a 20,789,000  (2 Branchu in Camaqueu~  ---·----···---··Banco Commercial de Cuba.  -----·NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CITY --···---·ROYAL BANK OF CAIIADA.  " " "  .----·····----BAIIK OF NOVA SCOTIA.  Capital, $9,700,000  ·---··----- ..... CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Cap. $15,000,000  rn::.i~nd-8 S~~:~~i:~~~  Nuevitas ·-----------Gonzalez & Oo .. Sen  i~t~nd-8 $~~:~~i:~i  a.  Z tzJ  > z t,  !fl  Manguito •••• ·--------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. { i:r~!nda  s~i:,~~:~~~ ~  t, ~  ---·-····---·NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CilTY.  ~ ~  O  8~  ----ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.• {  ------····--••NATIOHL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CITY  ~~ruJ ~i:~~~:~~~  _________ .Sobrinos de Bea y Co.  S20,350,000 -------.ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. { Res. Funds20,789,000 Capital  "  --------·---IIATIOIAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK.  Puerto Principe ·----·-Banco Al?ricola de Puerto Principe,  "  -------·-·---~--Pedro Gomez Mena.  . s1·1veira._.  Cuartro Caminos and Galiano Sts.  $20,350,000  2o, 35o,ooo Capital BANK OF CANADA• { Rea. Fundss20,789,000  .----··--Gelats N. y Cia •• • .uuiar 108.  (Sub. branches)  { Capital,  .  Limonar .. ·--·--·----·-ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. Res. Funds, 20,789,000  Matanzas (Capital) __ • .Archavaleta, Ameza(?a & Co. . M aJagua •••• ·--··-----· ROYAL  Moron--·----------ROYAL BANK OF CAIIADI. {  Mercantile Trust Co.  $20,350,000  Cll ~  f Capital $20,350,000 • Flonda .• -----·---·ROYAL BANK OF CAIIADA. . Res. Funds 20,789,000  -···---·--------Dijon Hermanos.  ---·-----------Heilbut & Co,  Capital  ·---··----R Oy AL BANK OF CANADA. { Rea. Funds 20,789,000  Ciego de Avita .. ·--·---Banco Mercantil Americano De Cuba.  -·---·-----Banco Mercantil Americano De Cuba. •Amargura, 23. ------·------Banco Territorial de Cuba.  J ove 11 ano  .,,  = -  PROVINCIA DE CAMAGUEY -------------•• -J, Bacells y Ca.  ?  ---····----·  $20,350,000 Capital ROYAL BA K OF CANADA { Res. Funds 20,789,000 · N  Maximo Gomez. _____ .ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. { i:t~;nda$~~:~i~;~~~  Union de Reyes·--···-·NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CITY.  ..,.  ~  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - -- --------,------- 1<.n -----00 1nd PhiUppm• K.aD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ex.  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondenc~  ~ CUBA, PHILIPPINE ISLANES, AND PORTO RICO 1596 ::=::=::::::::::::::====:::::::===::=::=========================================::::==:========================-1 °' PROVINCIA DE PINAR DEL RIO  PROVINCIA DE ORIENTE 2o, 350 .ooo (', IOYAL BAIi OF CAIADA •• { Ru. · Furulss20,789,000 Antilla________ Capital  PRO VIN CIA DE SANT A CLARA-Continued.  Artemi a_______ NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CITY.  Cumanayagua ________ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. {  i~r,~~nds,$~~j~~:~8g  $20,350,000  Banes - --------------ROYAL BAH OF CAIIADA. { Res. Ft,nds20,780,ooo  $20,350,000 Consolation del Norte-ROYAL BANK OF CANADA_ { Capital Res. Funds 20,780,000  Bayamo..-------------NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CITY.  -------------IOYAL BAH OF CAIADA.• { ~ij?~nds s~g:~~~:~~~  Jatibonico-------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA· { ~~t~nds  $~8j~~:g~g (')  PinardelRio (Capital).NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CITY. Placetas Del Norte ____ NATIONAL CITY BANK OF IEW YORK CITY.  Gibara ____ . __________ Torre & Oo.  " ---IOYAL BAH Of CANADA.  Guantanamo _____ roots 7 01&.  20 •35o,ooo C®ttai { Ru. Fund.,S20,789,000  ~~ruJ~8:m:gg~  Holguin ___________ Rtmblu Garcia a Oo.  Caba1e-uan. ------------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. Capital,  {~~  1-4  Z  s~ua la Grande ________ NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CITY.  trl  ~~~  Res. Funds, 20,789,000  1-4  ~20,350,000 20,789,000  Capital  en  m,350,000 t4 20,789,000 :x>,  -----ROYAL BANK OF CAIIADA.• { &s. Funds  z  Caibarien ____________ NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CITY.  Jiguam ----------------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-{ Capital  $20,350,000 Res. Funds 20,789,000  Johabo ---------------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. {  e; t4  $20,350,000 Capital, { Res, Funds20,789,000  t:'"C:1  PROVINCIA DE SANTA CLARA .  --------------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- } Res. Funds,  '"C:1  Rodas -----------------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.  ------NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CITY. -------IOYAL BAH OF CAIAIA.• {  C tt, _?>  i:t~!nd}~8:~~'.ggg  t, ~r.n  ______ Carlos A.lfert & Co .. S. & C.  ----------IOYAL BANK OF CAIIADA. •  {~i~nas'~8:rs~:88~ sancti Spiritus ________ NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CITY.  Capital,  20,350,000  La E meralda --------- ROYAL BANK OF CANADA { Rea. Funds 20,789,000  __________ Zarnpa 0o.  $20,:S50,00!J Capital, Funds 20,789,000  ------ ------ROYAL BAH Of CAIAIA.• {  i::'.~ndss~g:~~~:ggg  $20,350,000 Capital MJ·randa --------- ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. { Ru. Funda, 20,789,000  Palma oriano --------ROYAL BAIi OF CAIADA.  rn:t~n~l8}~:~88 Capital  $20,350,000  Puerto Padre ______ lQJ AL llll OF CAIAIA.• { Ru. FunCUJ 20. 789,000 Santiaco de Ouba (Capital) Brooks 'f Ola., Cristina .Alta I.  ..  --------ROYAL BAIK OF camajuani ----------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.  ~  $20,350,000 CaPitat CANADA.• { R~s. FunCUJ 20,789,000 ~  $20,350,000 Capital, { Ru. Fund, 20,789,000  0 Santa Clara------------NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CITY.  Cienfuee-os _ _ _ _ outano, Nicolu, Santa I.label fi.  -------------NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CITY. -------ROYAL BAH OF CAIADA. • { Capital (2 Branchu in Cienfuegos) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  n•J. Qf c.AUU.• \ ~J~~nJ\i·,\i·iii  S20,350,ooo Res. FunCUJ 20,789,000  Cruces -----------NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CITY. ftl\V .. ,  ----------'"''  1  na.uv  I\C  " ' - Dftnft VI"  I Capital, c•11•'D• " " " "·\Rea. Funda.  ~  (')  0 "  Capital  $20,350,00U  ------------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. { Res. Funds 20,789,000  Yae-uajay ______________ NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CITY. Ysa.bela ________________ Gomez. 0,  ------llll01lll tll'f Bl\ll Of IIEW 'f ORK C\lY. ______9.Q"{ l\.  t,  '"C:1  LaMaya __________ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. { Ru.  Manzanillo.---NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CITY.  > z  l21',350,000  20,789,000  Zulueta ________________ ftQ'( ll  I Capital  $20,350,000  BlKK OF tltll\Dl. \Res.Funds, 20,789,000,  ~  1--'  lnterisland Steamships at their berth in Pa ig River  Reaching All the Markets of the Philippines In ten of the most important c1t1es ot the Philippines. are located branche ~ of the Phi ippine National Bank, as follows: Albay Aparri  Bacolod Cebu  Corregidor Dagupan  Davao Iloilo  Lucena Vigan  These branches and the contingent territory they cover are supplemented by 36 agencies at other trade points throughout the Islands forming a service of remarkable completeness and offering exceptional facilities for direct banking tran actions with all markets of the Philippines.  PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  HEAD OFFICE: MANILA, P. I. NEW  YORK  AGENCY:  37  BROADWAY  Guba  Cana.  120°  D  F  H  12s•  JI  I  J  I  Cape San-ho Pb1uyea  1/,/nkuoBavS  E  3  JJI A N  .I L  B A 4  y SCALE  l\IA. ILA  Statute MIies, l 6 = t fnoh, lQO 75 60 26 ~ .....,,__ Raod-!\10Xall1'• 11 x H Map of Pblllpplne lala.nda.. Cop1rlgbt ~ Raod•MoN•ll1 & Co, J..)  AN'D  VICINITY Seate  c,f  Statute I\111 ..  1Ja1hi Clt.am1"l  ('>  0 l 2 3 1 6 ~011.TII I,; lllABUDtl  BATAN  5  AKO  BABrY AN  rs.  10  ~,..'( ,-;  t,:!:°  (") BAT.lN ~~ isLAxns ._,. o"" L  ~ 6 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  5  s1 oTA:i r.  zo ao . . o oo oo 10  ',;  0  ~fll~  'l""  "'  ~  .........  IB..u.aTJO o  Scale of Statute l(lle1  o  t.,.  ...  QAUXTA.:SO  C)  ~  .....  ......  6  '"  CAGAYANES A:-.t:1.1'.'fO I.•  ~•,,~~~~~~~- (.  '-'ALt:'U I.'  c.:.c.,a "~ '· Oagaya.nalllo  ISLANDS  • Rurabon  W'ATl:R  IvnaATAIIA  hu.. ~o•,·  u  s  L  u  s  E  A  Xa gl Jura xuua1 18~•  A  B  &  C GAY.\N ULU ISLAND  124°  H  ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  HUNDREDS of letters from bankers throughout the United States prove that the use of ''Small Caps" in black type is the best money-making advertising in the bank field. BANK OF RUSHVILLE Capital Suo,ooo Rushville, Ill., March  II, 1920  Rand McNallr & Co. Chicago, Ill. Gentlemen:Please supply us with about three hundred 300 cards like specimen enclosed, which we have b " en sending out in reply to requests for ratings. It might interest you to know that we have sent the-;e out with our replies in every case where we h <t ve answered requests for ratings and believe th3t without A. single exception we have received proper cr,m:ie n,,ation for our services by stamps S l''l t 111 return. Many of the firms that v. e lnve served have commented favorably <"1 the S\''i lem which we use, and only recently ? C'l nl came back with this notation. •·we e, close .l5C for report and a cosure rnu th t ve are glad to do it. Wish all h mk s wr1uid u .;e the . ame s vstem". We arc M• plt- l ed with t!11:m that we are glad to gin· yuu this information. Yours very truly, J. H. YOU G, As~t. Cashier.  If you are not using a bold type for your name in our list, you should write for terms.  BANKS AND BANKERS IN CUBA, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, AND PORTO RICO-Continued  1597  PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Albay_____ ____________ Philippine National Bank.  PlJILIPPINE ISLA.ND.-r Continued)  Davao _________________ Philippine National Bank. <See al,so Manila)  (See al,so Manila)  Dumaguete ____________ Philippine National Bank. -<.See also Manila)  Appari __________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila)  Iba ____________________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila)  Bacolod ________________ Philippine National Bank. (See Manila)  Illagan _________________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila)  Baguio _________________ Philippine  ational Bank. (See also Manila)  Balanga _______________ Philippine  ational Bank. (See also Manila)  Iloilo ____________ Bank of the Philippine Islands.• (Branch)  ----------CHARTERED BANI OF IIDIA, AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. (Su adv. Of)1)011iu Intiex Foreign)  Basco __________________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila)  ____________ Honrkong & Shanehai Ban.kin£ Corporation.  Batangas ______________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Bayombong ____________ Philippine National Bank. (See alBo Manila)  "  -------------------PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK (See alsoManila>  Bon toe ________________ Philippine  ational Bank. ( ee al8o Manila)  Jolo ___________________ Philippine National Bank. ( ee also Manila)  Butuan ________________ Philippine  ational Bank. (See also Manila)  Laoag __________________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila)  Cabanatuan ____________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Legaspi -----------Philippine National Bank. <See alao Manila) Cagayan _______________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Lingayen _____ _________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Calapan ________________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Lucena ________________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Capiz --------------;-----Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Malolos ________________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Catbalogan ____________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Cavite _________________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila)  Cebu----------CHARTERED BAH OF IIDIA, AUSTRALIA, AND CHIil. (Su adv. OPJ)oriu In1UX Fontan)  Manila----------AMERICAN FOREIGN BANKING CORPORATION. (Branch of New York City)  "  ______________ Asia Banking Co.poration of New York City.  "  ---------IITERIIATIOIAL BlfllUIG COIPORATIOI.  "  ---------BANK OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS.•  "  ------------------PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK. (See also Manila)  11  --------CHARTERED BAIK OF IIDIA, AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA. (See adv. OJJ1)o8it.e Index Foreion)  Corregidor _____________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) " Cotabato _______________ Phil,ppine National Bank. (See also Manila)  __________________ Chine:e American Bank of CommercP (65 Juan Luna.)  Dagnpan ______ Philippine National Bank. (See alao Manila)  "  ________ Ho~kong & 8ha11£hai Banking Corporation.  Dansalan ______________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila)  11  --------------INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION.  I  PHILIPPINE ISLANUS. -<Continued) ! PfffllPPINE NATIONAL SANK.•  0rl!'llD17.Pcl 1916. E. \Y. Wilson, Gen'l .llgr . .a1anueJ 8. Concepcion, .lsst. Gen'l _lfor. Dalmacio Pekson, Asst. },fur. Y. Lerma, Mgr. Fo,eign Dept. Guillermo 1artinez, Secretary S. A. Warner, Chief Accountant autiago Mercado. Cashier M. N. Allarcle, Asst. Cashier  II  -  I.O  Liab iti.ties:  Capital _______________________________ $ 6.108,180.00 1 ( ' ) Re .. ervc for Contingent Liabilitie _ 5.6i5,0J2.3~ ~ 213.181.l.; ~ Re erve for Taxe · and Fidelity Bond · Diyide11<1s Unpaid__________________ _ 287,895.69 to Circulation ___________________________ 15,3-10,4.85.97 )> Exrhang~ Contract_ __________________ t~.bZl,592.3~ • Commercial red1t,-------··---------- 6,-118.930.51 1 Manila-ContiuuecL_ Depo it. ______________________________ 67,171i,9H.30,1 "ti Due to Ba~ik · a11~ other Liabilities__ ~.ao2.~i2,s1 1 tt; Bi I] for Coll ect1ons _____________ ____ 6,128,ilu9.9~ Del erred Lncome ---------------· _____ 909,034.32 11 ~ TotaL ____ ,137,492, 738.46 ~ Iv R~01.1,rc~: Loans and Discounts _______________ $ 78,037,098.86, "ti O. s._aud l'hiliJJ,i.>ine Gov. Bonds___ 4,100,900.00,::::;: 510.6113.29 "4 Furniture and fi1xtures_____________ Exchange tor Future Delivery______ 25,871.592.33 t_:tj Due from Uran<" bes_____________ 2,811,504.30, Due from Bank and Bankers ______ 2,i6!i,009.33 1 3,324,865.721 en <'a~h in Vault c'· with Trea". of I'. I. I r-4 Cu. tomers. Liabilities, Letter· of Crt>dit aml Accl'ptance _______ 6.47 .939.571 )> U63,535.08, O' her As~e !,_. __________________ ____ Bills for Oolll'ction ____________ ____ 6,128,599.98, t:1 TotaL ____ 137,-102,738.46 en Correspondent~: Pbilipprne i\auunal Hk., N. Y.: Anglo& I.on. Pari N. Bk .. San I!'.: BarclaysBaJ?k )> Ltd .. Lon.: Comptoir N. de ll:scompte de Pan . .-, L.t Paris.  z  SEE ADV. ON PHILIPPINE ISLANDS INDEX.  " __________________ Philippine Trust Co.• " _______________Yukohama Specie Bank, Limited. Maylaybalay ___________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Naga __________________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Nueva Ecija ___________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Pasig __________________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Puerto Princesa _______ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) San Fernando _________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila> {La Union) San Farnancto ______ ----Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) (Pampanga) San J ose _______________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Santa Cruz __________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Sorsogon ______________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Surigao ________________ Philippine ational Bank. (See also Manila) Tacloban ______________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Tagbilaran _____________ Philippine National Bank. (See auw Manila) Tarlac _________________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Tuguegarao ____________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Vigan _________________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila> Zamboauga ____________ Bank of the Philippine Islands.• (Branch)  ------------PHILIPPIIE NATIONAL BANI.  0  _  <Sec also Manila) ~ '1  Philippine Map on Index. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Le1al Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers)  1598  j~  BANKS AND BANKERS IN CUBA, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, AND PORTO RICO-Continued.  ==========================:= ============================ =======================oo PARTIDO DE MAYAGUEZ  PARTIDO DE ARECIBO  PORTO RICO Arecibo CCapitaI) .•••• AMERICAII COLONIAL BANK OF PORTO RICO-• San Juan (Oapital) __ AMERICAN COLONIAL BANK OF PORTO RICO.•  (Head Office)  " _ _ _ _ _ _ Banco Comercl&l de Puerto Rico.• (Head Office) " _ _ _ _ _ _ Banco Popular de Economias 1 Prestamos.•  "  _ _ _ _ _ Banco Comercial de Puerto Rico  " --·---~-----------Banco Territorial y Ai:ricola de Puerto Rico.  Mayaglles (Capital) •••• AMERICAN COLONIAL BANK OF PORTO RICO.• "  -----···-·····Banco Comercial de Puerto Rico.  "  --·--······lloral 1 Oia.  8 I~  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Roses & Oo., Sues.  "  " -··-----··ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.• { Ca,pital  $20,350,ooo·-Ru. Funds 20,780,000 "t1  " __________________ Banco Territorial 1 uricola de Puerto Rico.•  " -------BAIK OF NOVA SCOTIA.•  :r:  PARTIDO DE GUAYAMA  Capitat S 0,100,000  :M:anatL••...••••-•.•. Banco Territorial y .Agricola de Puerto Rico.  IF ~ ~  "  "t1  cai:uas·-···-·······-AIIEIICII COLOIIAL BANK OF PORTO RICO.•  _______ Korber & Co., Inc., Oru 1.•  :g  PARTIDO DE PONCE  " ----NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CITY.• _ _ _ _ _ _ J, Ochoa y Hermano, Marina St,  "  Ponce (Capital) •.•••••• Banco Oomercial de Puerto Rico. Cayey ·--·--·-~·-····Banco Comercial de Puerto Rico,  " -···-···-··-······BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.  •• --------------ROYAL BAH OF CAIADA, { Capital  TETUAI ST.•  "  $20,350,000 Ru. Funds 20,1so,ooo  _________ Santisteban Ohavani y Oia., Tetuan St.  "  ~ tz:j  " -·----···-·---Banco Territorial y Ai:ricola de Puerto Rico.  Capital S 9,700,000  " ··--------··CREDITO Y AHORRO PONCENO ~  Guayama (Oapital) __ .Banco Territorial y Ai:ricola de Puerto Rico.  cREonawsnu,NcFNO•  Capital Stock tG00,000,00 Surplus $100,000.00 < Correspondents: I Mech. & Metals Nat. Bank, II  -----·---Bobrinos Ez<1uiaca .Allen, 17 St.  -·--·-··--  " -····-·····--··-··Sucesores de Toma.. oano J Oia.  I Chemical Nat. Bank,  _ __..SQbrinos de Yzquierdo y Ola., St.  New,york  I William Schall & Oo., l Atlantic Nat. Bank,  " ----·-·CREDITO Y AHORRO PONCENO.• _ _ _ _ ___..ucesores de L. Vlllunily Oia., Karina St,  "  " --·-·--llorales y Oia.  _ _ _ _ _ ymar & Oo., Succesor, Marida St.  BayamOD---·----Banco Comercial de Puerto Rico.  PARTIDO DE AGUADILLA A_£aadilla. ______ Banco Comercial de Puerto Rico. Iares--------Compania Mercantil, Alcorer y Comp.  PARTIDO DE HUMACAO  " -··-·············-NATIONAL CITY BANK OF IEW YORK CITY• Fajardo ••..•••.•• •-····BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.  Capital $ 9,700,000  "  _ _ _• _ _ sucesores de Kuol Hermanos & Clo.  "  _ _ _ _ _ _ Ramon OorCadaJ Oia.  " - - - - · · · · · Hijos de Jor&~e Bird J Leon. Humaco (Capi l) ••••• Banco Comercial de Puerto Rico. "  ..  _ _ _ _ _ _ .Sucesor de Jose Rodrilraez,  { Capital  Naguab0.--•-·-1l'uertes y Oia. ••  _ _ _ _ _ _"Vi\eUaHermanos. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  "  _ _ _ _ _ _Garzot e Hijo.  .  Vieq_ues ....•. _ _ _ na.nco Comercial de Puerto Rico.  $20,350,000  ·--····--·ROYAL BlllK OF CAIADA.• Res. Funds 20,780,000  PARTIDO DE SAN GERMAN• San German (.Capital) .Banco de San German.•  n1  ·3 c ~ ~  & r/J 4)  11111  ~ • 0  ~  "';  H  a)  C,  la rfJ  r/J  a)  d  ,0  0  0 0  ~  ~  !1 "'  rtJ  ::::-  ~p  0  rJ  g  ~  rl  @ Q)  C,  ~  rn  $ ~ 0  ~ ~  4>  ~  4  t  0 0  -~  a0 $ii  s ~d.l H  ~  ~ Q)  ~  •~  I  ,cj  -~~  t  0  ~d.l  ~ ~ 0 Q)  0  la  ~  I I I I I I I I  rJ2  ~  ~  ~ ~  g ~  Q)  Q)  t Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ALWAYS use the coupon below in forwarding collections or claims to the Attorneys listed in this Directory. The Attorneys are bonded by the American Surety Coo Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  THE DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO, CANADA NTABLISHEQ 1871  Gapltal Paid Up  Reserve Fund  $6,000,000  $7,000,080  HEAD OFFICE BUILDINQ  BOARD OF DIRECTOR& SIR EDMUND B. OSLER, President SIR AUGUSTUS M. NANTON, Vice President A. W. AUSTIN, Vice President JAMES CARRUTHERS R. J. CHRISTIE SIR JOHN C. EATON E.W. HAMBER H. W. HUTCHINSON  WILMOT L. MATTHEWS R. S. McLAUGHLIN W. W. NEAR A. T. REID H. H. WILLIAMS  CLARENCE A. BOGERT, General Manager, Toronto W. K. PEARCE, Assiatant General Manager, Toronto F. L. PATTON, Aaslatant General Manager, Winnipeig  We have Branche or Agents at ev ry banking point In C nada and make a specialty of business sent u from the United States. Canadian coll ctlon receive prompt attention. s. L. Jones, Manager London, England, Branch 73 Cornhill, E. C. 3. New York Agency  51 Broadway  C. S. Howard, Agent  THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE IF  YOU HA VE INTERESTS IN CANADA and require banking connections we can offer unexcelled facilities and an experienced organization for the transaction of your business.  521 BRANCHES in Canada and Newfoundland. Branches in San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Oregon, Lon-don, England, Mexico City Havana, Cuba, Kingston, Ja· maica, Port of Spain, Trinidad, Bridgetown, Barbad_os, St. · Pierre-Miquelon.  Paid-Up Capital Reserve Fund Total Assets Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .  . . .  . . .  30th Nov., 1920)  .  .  . . . . . . .  $15,000,000 15,000,000 480, 760,625  NEW YORK AGENCY 16 EXCHANGE PLACE AGENTS: F. B. FRANCIS  C. L. FOSTER  C. J. STEPHENSON  We lnf:Jite Correspondence  Cana, M~xtc  for~n Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ESTABLISHED 1873  Paid up Capital, Reserve and Undivided Profits  $8,~60,000.00  180 Branchesthroughout  CANADA  This bank invites accounts and collections of American and other foreign banks, firms, corporations and individuals. Special attention given to foreign transactions designed to facilitate trade With Canada. Address: Manager. Foreign Department  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA, TORONTO. J  H  1  L tiO  2  3  4  6  6  6  M~IIC  forgn 7  7  ~  i0°  4U  SCALE 0 2$ 60  8  tntute ~mes. :?S0=1 Inch. 100  200  8fX)  40()  r,oo  The RaoJ\11 & Co.'• N♦w 11 x H Map oC .Domh1lnnorCan11da Nt>.,t,1uaJlaod, C.ryriahl bJ ll.rNa\17 & Oo.  I  J  174E Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  BANK OF M.ONTREAL Establisbed 1817.  Incorporated by Act of Parliament.  Capital Paid Up Rest and Undivided Profits Total Assets  $ 22,000,000.00  23,531,927.37 507,199,946.'!9  BOARD OF DIRECTORS·  SIR VINCENT MEREDITH, Bart., Prtssden. SIR CHARLES GORDON, G. B. E., Vice-President R. B. ANGUS, Esq. LORD SHAUGHNESSY, K. C. V. 0. C. R. HOSMER, Esq. Wm. McMASTER, Esq. H. R. DRUMMOND, Es-1. D. FORBES ANGUS, Esq. H. W. BEAUCLERK, Esq. LT. COL.H. MOLSON,C.M.G.,M.C. HAROLD KENNEDY, Esq. J. H. ASHDOWN, Esq. G. B. FRASER, Esq. COL. HENRY COCKSHUTT GEN. SIR ARTHUR CURRIE, E. W. BEATTY, Esq., K. C. SIR LOMER GOUIN, K. C. M. G. G. C. M. G., K. C. B.  HEAD OFFICE-MONTREAL SIR FREDERICK WILLIAMS-TAYLOR, General Manager BR A NCHES IN CANADA: ALBERTA BANFF BOW ISLAND CALGARY, 2 Offices CARDSTON EDMONTON HIGH RIVER KILLAM LETHBRIDGE LOUGHEED MACLEOD MAGRATH MEDICINE HAT RAYMOND RED DEER BRITISH COLUMBIA ABBOTSFORD AGASSIZ ARMSTRONG ASHCROFT CHILLIWACK CLINTON CLOVERDALE DUNCAN ENDERBY ESQUIMALT GREENWOOD HEDLEY KAMLOOPS KASLO KELOWNA KERRI SD ALE KIMBERLEY LADNER LANGLEY PRAffiIE LILLOOET MERRITT NANAIMO NARAMATA NELSON NEW DENVER N. WESTMINSTER NORTH VANCOUVER 150-MILE HOUSE PENTICTON PORT ALBERNI PORT HANEY PRINCE GEORGE PRINCE RUPERT PRINCETON ROSSLAND  l  BRITISH COLUMBIA Continued. STEWART SUMMERLAND TERRACE TRAIL VANCOUVER,50ffi1.:es VERNON VICTORIA, 3 Offices WEST SUMMERLAND WILLIAMS LAKE MANITOBA ALEXANDER ALTONA BELMONT BRANDON DARLING FORD DAUPHIN ETHELBERT OAK RIVER PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE RESTON SELKIRK WINNIPEG, 6 Offices NEW BRUNSWICK BATHURST CHATHAM FREDERICTON, 2 Offices GRAND FALLS HARTLAND MARYSVILLE MONC'TON PERTH ST. JOHN, 4 Offices ST. STEPHEN SHEDIAC WOODSTOCK NOVA SCOTIA AMHERST BRIDGEWATER CANSO GLACE BAY HALIFAX, 3 Offices LUNENBURG MAHONE BAY PORT HOOD RIVE RPO RT  NOVA SCOTIA Co11tinued SYDNEY, 2 Offices WOLFVILLE YARMOUTH ONUfllO ALLISTON ALMONTE AURORA BELLEVILLE BLOOMFIELD BOBCAYGEON BOWMANVILLE BRANTFORD BROCKVILLE CAINSVILLE CAMPBELLFORD CHATHAM COLLINGWOOD CORNWALL DESERONTO EGLINTON FENELON FALLS FORT WILLIAM GODERICH GUELPH HALIBURTON HAMILTON, 6 Offices HAMPTON HOLSTEIN INGERSOLL KING CITY KINGSTON, 2 Offices KINGSVILLE KITCHENER LAKESIDE LEAMINGTON LINDSAY LISTOWEL LONDON, 3 Offices MIDLAND MOUNT FOREST NEWMARKET OAKWOOD OSHAWA OTTAWA, 4 Offices PARIS PERTH PETERBORO PICTON PORT ARTHUR  IN NEWFOUNDLAND: FERRYLAND CURLING CARBONEAR ST. JOHN'S GAULTOIS GRAND FALLS GREENSPOND ST. GEORGE'S  IN GREAT BRITAIN: LONDON, RANK OF MONTREAL, 47 Threadneedle Street, E.C.,2. Sub-Agency, 9 Waterloo Plac , Pall Mall, S. W., x. "  IN FRANCE:  PARIS, BANK OF MONTREAL, (France) Place Vendome.  WEST INOIES, BRITISH GUIANA & W. AFRICA  THE COLONIAL BANK, (in which an meres_ s owne<1 by the Bank of Montreal.)  ONTARIO Ccnl111u, PORT HOPE RENFREW ST. CATHARINES ST. MARYS SARNIA SAULT STE. MARIE, 2 Offices SCHREIBER STIRLING STRATFORD SUDBURY TAVISTOCK THORNDALE THOROLD TORONTO, IQ Offices TRENTON TWEED WALKERVILLE, 2 OfficP.s WALLACEBURG WATERFORD WELLAND WESTON WINDSOR PRINCE EDWARD ISL. CHARLOTTETOWN QUEBEC BUCKINGHAM CHICOUTIMI COOKSHIRE DANVILLE GRANBY GRAND MERE HULL, 2 Offices LACHINE LEVIS LONGUEUIL MAGOG MEGANTIC MONTREAL,23 Offices QUEBEC, 5 Offices RIVIERE DU LOUP STE. ANNE DE BELLEVUE ST. HYACINTHE ST. LAMBERT SAWYERVILLE SHERBROOKE  QUEBEC Contin11ed! TEMISKAMING THETFORD MINES THRFE RIVERS SASKATCHEWAN BALCARRES BANGOR BATTLEFORD BROMHEAD CALDER CEYLON DAVIDSON DOMREMY DUCK LAKE ESTEVAN GIRVIN HUBBARD INDIAN HEAD !TUNA KAMSACK KANDAHAR KELLIHER LAMPMAN LESTOCK MIKADO MOOSE JAW MOZART NOR. BATTLEFORD OUTLOOK PRINCE ALBERT PUNNICHY RAYMORE REGINA RHEIN ROSTHERN SALTC OATS SASKATOON SEMANS SPRINGSIDE SWIFT CURRENT TATE VERIGIN WAKAW WALDRON WEYBURN WYNYARD YORKTON  YUKON DAWSON  IN THE UNITED STATES , NEW YORK, AGENCY, 64 Wall Street. CHICAGO, BANK OF MONTREAL, 27-29 South La Salle Street. SAN FRANCISCO- BRITISH AMERICAN BANK (Owned and controlled by Bank of Montreal. ) 264 California St. SPOKANE, WASH .• BANK OF MONTREAL, Riverside Ave. and Stevens Stre et.  IN MEXICO: CITY OF MEXICO, BANK OF MONTREAL, Avenida Cinco de Mayo No . 2.  1599 Po;~P~!~~~/ND  ~  N.vaoi, BANI.  ! JfiJ:~:C:.  O.ll  /lA.AJ:',;.fi. /  HEAD OFFICE.  MEICHAIITS Bl. Of CAIADA J. E. Hamilton ________ Montreal Airdrie _________ m UNION BANK OF CANADA - - J. E. Macadam ________ Wmnipeg Alderson _________ 150 UNION BANK OF CANADA --- o. J. Wood _______ --------- Winnipeg Acme ________________ l48  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-!ix -----·------182 UNION BAH OF CAIADA---Alliance ________ 140 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA Amisk ______________ &o MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-Aldersyde ---------- 40  Ardley --------------- 15  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  (Sub. to Okotoks) -------- Montreal F. B. Stephens ___________ Winnipeg T.Matheson ------ ------------ Montreal C.R. Mc Kay ______ - - - - - - Montreal (Sub. to Delburne) ------------ Montreal  M. H. Smith------- S 15,000,000 Toronto Ashmont --------- 5 Athabaska __________ IQOO Imperial Bank of Qanada _______ L. R. Lloyd ________ - - - - - Toronto  Ila.nff ---------· _____ 937  BANK OF MONTREAL ---------  Baron ------------182  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-- G. B. GorrelL ____ - - - --UIIIOII BANI tf CANADA ----- .A. M. Ram ay ______________ MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-- D. G, B. Stewart _______  "  "  ---- -  Bashaw ______________ 184  "  "  Bassano ---------569  "  ----  "  Bawlf ___________ m Beaumont ___ -------- 50 Beaver Lodge------- 75 Beiseker _________ 200 Bellevue. _________ 453  22,000,000 Montreal Surplus 23,551.927 Imperial Bank of Oanada•----- J. W. Willis ___________ Toronto  UIIIOI BAIIK OF CANADA----- E. R. Oranstoun __ CAIADIAI BL Of COMMERCE .A. F. Maccallum__ 15,000,000 UNIOI BAH OF CAIADA ---- .A. L. Seale ________________ CANADIAI BL Of COMMERCE G. c. Proctor______ 15,000,000 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA----- --- L. P. Lachance ______________ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. ·v. McLean___ __ 15,000,000 ROYAL BAIK OF CAIADA ----- .A.P.Henry -------- 20,350,000 20,789,000 Rl-eerve, Funds UNIOII BAIK OF CANADA------ s. J. Lamey _________________  Winnipeg Wmnipeg Winnipeg Toronto Winnipeg 'l'oronto Montreal  "  Bindloss _______ ____ 10  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------ A.. E. Morrison ---- 20,350,000 Reserut Fund8 20,789,000 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA - W. J. Harryett _______________  Blairmore ________ 1219  UIIIOI BANI OF' CANADA ----UNION BANK OF CANADA-----  Bluesky ______._ ___ 10  ·  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA _____ econd Jaall of thl1 pace.  HEAD OJ'FICE.  Toronto Montreal Montreal Winnipeg  BANK OF MONTREAL.--------UNIOI BANK OF CANADA-----  S 22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927 Surplus H. R. Roach----------------- Winnipe_g Brant ____________ 100 Bank of Hamilton _______ C. E. Beckett _______________ Hamilton Bow Island---------- 320  "  ----  "  Brooks ______________ 290 tBrook-8 Sf-ation P. O.)  Bruce ___________ ___ 182  MERCHANTS Bit OF CANADA  E . .A. Thompson ___ --------- Montreal  UNION BANK OF CANADA---- - D. Macadam _______ ------20,350 000 1;:_~~ -F;nJs ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------ W.  J,Je~  20,789,000  Winnipeg Montreal  INION BANK OF CANADA------ A. z. Weber, Act'g. ----------- Winmpeg 35 BANK OF TORONTO------------ W. N. Bradley __ ---------- Toronto 95 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA-- c. T. McKinnon -- --------- Toronto 20,350,00o jMontreal 5 ROYAL BANK OF CAIADA----- <Su_b. toRPicarFd- d 20,789,000 ville) es, un s Toronto 15,000,000 Ward-------55 CANADIAN BK. OF CDMMERCE R. J.  Bulwark ___________ Burdett _____________ Busby _____________ Cadogan ____________  Calgary ________ 56,302 *Bank of Hamilton _ _ _ _ _ W. Matthew _______ --------- Hamilton  "  ___  "  -SAIK OF MONTREAL•-------(2 Branches in Calgary)  Surp)QS  22,000,000 Montreal 23,631,927  *BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_____ R. M. GemmeL ____  Toronto  J.B. Wilson _______ - - - - - - Winmpeg  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  9,700,000 ·Halifax  (2 Branche, in Calgary)  Toronto Toronto  Toronto (2 Branches in Caloary) *Home Bank of Canada _______ R. B. Burland _________________ Toronto  *imperial Bank of Ganada•---- H. W. Supple------ ____________ Toronto (2 Branche, in Calgar11) •ERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA• C.C.Dunning, A.ct'g. ----------- Montreal (2 Branches in Calgary)  Montreal Toronto  E. Wellman __ ________ Winnipeg  F, G. Hamilton____ Ruerve Funds  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA-- . B. Hayes ________ - - - - - Bonny-ville ___________ 80 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------- J . .A. Duoreun __ ----------Botha _______________ 77 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-- F. R. Stewart, Act•q - - - - - - Bowden __________ 139 UNION BAH OF CANADA----- H. H. Clark ________ ,_ _ _ _ Bon Accord _____ ____ 40  *BAH OF TORONTO•--- c. R. Lat'tD.er_ --- - - - - *CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE .A. Maybee--------- 15,000,000 • H. V. B. Hill, Asst. Mur. (3Branchu in Calqar11) *DOMINION BANK------------- M. s. Burger _______ ----------  Home Bank of Canada ________ Wm. Bird __ ______ _ ------ - ---·- Toronto  Alberta eoatiaued:on  PAID-UP  Canada  *MOLSOIIS BAH------~OYAL BAH OF CANADA-(3 Branchea in Calgar11)  F. Macbeth ________ ---------- Montreal 20,350,000 Montreal J.A. Walker-----J. G. Nickerson, A, Mgr.  20,789,000 RuM"Ve Funds Royal Trust Oo. _______ S. Kidd _________________ Montreal  *STANDARD BANK OF CANADA J.  H. McDowelL-- ,- - - - Toronto Trusts & Guarantee Co., Ltd, ___ H. A. Howard ____________ Toronto  *UNION BANK Of CANADA----- c. A. Chesterton -- - - - -  L. ~- Hart, Asst. Mgr. Galnry Clearin,: House _ _ _ D. Bareham ------- -----------(3 Branches in Calqaryl  Winnipeg  (Members indicaud h1I a*)  THE ROYAL. BANK OF CANADA- NEW YORK: 68 WHliam Street - LONDON: Princes St., E. C Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -  NA.ME OF BA.NK. OA..PIT.A.L, .AGENT, - - - - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - +- - - - 1 - - -- - - - - -110  Winnipeg  Bittern Lake ________ 90 Imperial Bank of Canada ______ (Sub. to Wetaski- ______ Toronto win • .Alta) Black Diamond ______ 25 UNION BANK OF CANADA. _____ (Sub. to OkotoksL __________ Winnipeg Blackie-------------185  MA..N.A.G.D OB  Index  Montreal  UNION BANK OF CANADA --- R. D. Fortner _---- _ _ _ _ Winnipeg " ------- " Big Valley _________ 207 Imperial Bank of Canada ______ A. W. Foran ___________________ Toronto --------  I  POST OFFICE A.ND POPULATION_  on  Bruederheim ________ 150 Montreal  ____________ Toronto Benalto _____________ 14 Imperial Bank of Canada ___ ___ (Sub. to Sylvan Lake) __________ Montreal Cairns-----B. w. Bentley --------- 75 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA--  "  ALBBRTA Map  ALBERTA  -  1-.)  1600  Non-Bank Tunni with Nearest Banking Point (Indtixed Acces.), Lawyers, Lawa (Indexed) 1n back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  Oamrose ....•....... 1692  ALBERT A-Continued  llA.NAGD oa .A.GENT, o:r BANK:,  PilD·tJP O..U-IT.A.L,  HEAD OFFICE.  MERCHANTS 81. Of CANADA. F. W. Anderson .•. ·······-··- Montreal MOLSON$ BAJIK ...._ ___ J. A. Constantine ..••••.••.••.. Montreal ROYAL BAH OF CANADA.-.. R.R. Gilbert.•..•. S 20,350,000 Montreal Ruerue Funds  OF TORONTO ............ J. L. 'l'hompson •..•••••••.••.. Toronto ........ " MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA .. J. O. A. Letourneau - - - · · · Montreal Cardston--··· 1370 BAIK OF MONTREAL ___ - - - - - - 22,000,000 Montreal Gardston Loan Co., Ba;nkers.- J .S. Smith.Cashier Surplus  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .._. W. R. Mackay··-·  Rut,MJeJi'ut~  23,531,927  25,000 Correspondents: Bk. of 18,000 Montreal and rrving N ., N. Y.; Utah Sav. & Tr. Co., Salt Lake City. 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  UNION BANK OF CANADA.-. F. V. Cavers ••.•••• ······--·· Winnipeg Carmaugay _ _ _ .392 Bank of Hamilton •.••••• -  ........  "  Carseland --·-···15 ar tairs ..••••••.... 348  ........  "  Castor •.•••.•..•••••• 755  Cavendi h ....•..••••••.  ••• F. K. Owen •••••••• ·······-···· Hamilton  CANADIAI Bl. OF COMMERCE UNIOJI BANK OF CANADA ..... MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA UNION BANK OF CANADA.-.. MERCHANTS Bl. OF CANADA. ROYAL IANK OF CANADA ..... STANDARD BANK OF CAIADA  W.R. Hender  011..  Clive ..•...........•• 115  15,000,000 Toronto  G. P. Coyle .......• ·······----- Winnipeg A. E. McDonald .•.•••.•••••••. Montreal  1u.NAGER OR AGENT.  N.UU: OF BANK,  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA  L. V. Leitch,  Acting  PAID·OP OAPITAL,  0  HEAD OFFICE.  ............ Montreal  Cluny ....•.........•. !i5  UNION BANK OF CANADA ...... W. Somerville,  · · · - - - Winnipeg  Clyde ...•.....••..... 50  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ..... F. J. Gant.. ...•...  $ 20,350,000 Montreal  Coaldale........•.... 75  STANDARD BANK OF CANA A T. L. Halpin . •••••• .• .......... Toronto  CoalhursL ......... 724  STANDARD BANK OF CAIADA. L. G. Thomas •.••.•.••.•..••... Toronto  Cochrane ............ 284  UNION BANK OF CAIIADI.-. T. o. Patterson •••• ··-····-··· Winnipeg  Cold Lake ..............  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA . ...... (Sub. to Bonny.  Coleman--·-···· 1559  CANADIAN Bl. OF COMMERCE W. L. Rippon ____ •  ,1ctiny  Rese, ve Funds  ville)  20,780,000  · · - - · · · Montreal 15,000,000 Toronto  Colinton ...••...••••. 35 Imperial Bank of Canada ••••• (Sub. toAthabaska) ....••..•••. Toronto Compeer .......•.•.•. 80  BANK OF TORONTO ... - - - F. N. Fallis ........ · - - · · · Toronto  Montreal  Consort ........•..•. 131  UNION BAllll OF CANADA...... P. C. llaymes .....•••••••••••• Winnipeg  20,350,000 Montreal Ruerve Jfuruu 20, 7811.000 (Sub. to Bindloss). · - - - · · Toronto  Coronation .•....••• .456  BANK OF TORONTO ............ J. Hayward ••..••••.....••••.•. Tor.:. nto  J. W. Gillman •.... ··--····- Winnipeg O.  c. Smith •••••••• ··-·· ·-···  R. J. Gre~son.....  MERCHANTS BK. OF CAIIADA. E.G. Pepper •.•..• ····--····· Montreal  Cayley •.•••.....•••• 138 Bank of Hamilton. _ _ _ _ _ M. R. Morrison •••• ·-·--·-·· Ham ii ton  UNION BANK OF CANADA ·-·· J. Jack·-·-··- ·-··-···· Winnipeg Cessford ......••••.••••. BANK OF TORONTO ... - - - G. A. Sheldon .••.• - - - · - · Toronto  Cowley ...••.....•.... 49  Champion ......•- .. 235 Bank of Hamilton _ _ _ _ W. K. Anderson .. · · - - · · - Hamilton  Craigmyle ......•••... 67 Bank of Hamilton.---- G. J. Gibson •••••. · · · · - - · · Hamilton  CANAIIAI Bl. OF COMMERCE J. v. SteeL....... 15,000,000 Toronto Chauvin ••.•••••••••• 160 MERCHANTS Bl. OF CANADA. D. McDonald .•••.. •••••••••••• Montreal UNION BANK OF CANADA ...... Jas. Guthrie .••••••.•••••..•••• Winnipeg  Cros field .....•..•.. 244  Cherhill ...••...••••••• 5 Imperial Bank of ranacla .•. .. (, ub. to angudo) ..••.•.••••.. Toronto  Czar ..••••......•.•. . 100  UNION BANK OF CANADA ..... Chiprnan .••••.•.•..• 13-l MERCHAITS BK. OF CANADA Clairmont •••••..••••. 75 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA UNION BANK OF CANADA ...... Claresholm---·689 CANAOIAI Bl. OF COMMERCE UIIIOI BAil Of CHADA.-..  Daysland ..•......... 384 Imperial Bank of Canada •.... R. Carson.- --·j  CereaL ••..•••••••••• 89  Chinook •••...•••.... ! !J  .,_\'bena eout\nued ou Mcond ha.U ot thl• No_n-:B•Dk Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  W. A. Cruick hank ...•..•••••• Winnipeg ~1. D. Parry ...•••.••••••....•• Montreal  A. Gard, Pro ••••..• ....•....... Montreal F. M. Longair, ..•••••••••. Winnipeg ,1cto. G. Shearer .•••••.. 15,000,000 Toronto A. P. Moore •• - ••..••••...... Winnipeg  l)aCe.  \  -  °0 '  UNION BANK OF CANADA ..... J. J. Gallagher •••.......••.... Winnipeg  20,780,000  Carbon---·····440 BANK  8lll'plua  POST OFFICE AND POPULATION.  ALBE~TA Map on Index Canada  UIIOI BANK OF CANADA ..... B. o. Morrow,  Actino  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ..... E. M. Wegren ..••• Reserve Funds CAIADIAII BK. OF COMMERCE F. I. Batcheller ••••  ••••.•.•.••• Winnipeg  20,350,000 ~ontreal 20,789,0u0 15,000,000 Toronto  Imperial Bank of Canada .•.•. J. F. Percival. •••.• ·······--··· Toronto  "  ........  "  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA .  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA. MERCHANTS Bit OF CANADA. Delia .. ·-············100 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE " ........ " MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA. Didsbury ..•••........ M0 ROYAL BAIK OF CANADA ..... UNION BANK OF CAIIIDA .....  Delburne ..••........ 104  c. G. Dixon •••••••••••••••••••. ............  M.A. Kilpatrick..  Montrel\1 Toronto  . .......... Montreal  A. F. Franklin..... ....••••••.• Iontreal R.  c. Ames........  15,000.000 Toronto  G. w. Richardson .. ··-········ Montreal J. H. Lowrie...... 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789.000 A. E. Ryan ..••....••••••.••••. Winnipeg  Banks 1'.dvert\s\n.~ ~\ve "Prom.~t 1'.t-t..en.t\on. to Co\.\.ection.s and Correspondence Towns with Nearese Hanking Po/ne (1n-  Banks. A..dvey-t\s.\ng: g:\ve PY-om~t.. A..ttent\on to Co\\ect\ons and Correspondence  1601  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this  volume.  ALBERTA-Continued  For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  Po.ST OI:'FICE Ar>D POPULATION.  N A.ltfE OF BA.NI.  lu.NA.GA:li OB .£Q.B:NT.  I  PA.ID-UP  HEAD OFFICE.  OA.PITA.L,  POBT OFFICE ANlJ  ALBERTA Map on Index Canada  N.urE OP'  BA..NK.  .MA.NA.GER OR  P.UD-UP  AGENT.  CAPITAL.  POPULATION.  I  HEAD OFFICE.  DonaJda ____________ 125 Donnelly _____________ 5  MERCHAifTS BK. OF CAIADA A. T. Richardson, - - - - Montreal Acting ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.---- P. J. LeMasarier __ $ 20,350,000 Montreal  Ruer11e Funds 20,789,000 Dorrnlee ______ _________ Imperial Dank of Canana. ____ ( ub. to Ferintosh) ____________ Toronto  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA STANDARD BANK OF CANADADuchess ______________ l5 UNION BANK OF CANADA- --·Drumheller _________ 312  Eckvi1Je ______________ 40  J. H. Eakin________  Empress ____________ -426  15,000.000 Toronto  Edberg _________ go Imperial Bank of Canada. ____ ( Ferinto h) ____________ Toronto Edgerton Station ____ 250  MERCHANTS Bil. OF CANADA-  H. Y. Cam 1,twl I________________ Montreal  Edmonton ________ 60,000  *BANK OF MONTREAL•-------*BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-----•BANK OF TORONTO---*BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-----  -------------------  Surulus G. H. Logie ___ ----  22,000.000 Montreal 23,531,927 0.100,000 Halifax  Etzikom -----------· __ 20 Falher ________________ 10  UNION BANK OF CANADA --- D. s. March ________ ----------- Winnipeg BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA __ --- J. R. Gadoury _______________ Montreal  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- E. W.Otto _____ --  20,350,0CO Toronto Reserve Funds 20,789,000 . . (Strathcona P. 0.) Edson __________ 500 Imperial Bank of Canada _____ W. Y. Goddard ____ --------··-· Wmmpeg Ed wand ______________ JO _______________________________ - - - - - · ------- __________ Toronto  Elk Point._ ____________ 5  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. J. MacMahon ---  Foremost. ___________ 125  UNIOI BANK OF CANADA ____ R. Macdonald __________________ Winnipeg  MERCHANTS BK. OF CAIIADA \\'. F. Suthertand _____________ STANDARD BANK OF CANADA . A.H. Ro1rnrs ------ -----------UNION BANK OF CANADA------ w. D. Clarke __________________ London Ft. mith. -------------- UNION BANK OF CANADA. ____ H. Beyer ______________________ Forestburg ---------130  Montreal  1-t"'ort Saskatchewan __ g93  Toronto Winnipeg \\'innipeg  ( Waterhole) ____________ 'l'oronto 20,350,000 Montreal R. W. StoweJl.____ Reserve Funds 20,i89,000 ______ Montreal R. M. Campbell, Acting 15,ooo,oco Toronto \Y. Cockeram, A.ctu.  L. Cuthbert_______  15,000,000 Toronto  D. Hutcheson ___ _  20,000,000 Montreal 20,000,000  Re,.erve Funds  15,000,000 Toronto A. W. Pentland_ __ Imperial Bank of Canada _____ C. L. Grisdale __________________ Toronto  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA E.T. Hacking. _____________ Montreal ROY AL BAJIK OF CANADA---- F. M. Matheson __ _ 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 Reser11e Funds UNION BANK OF CANADA------ w. Innes __________________ Winnipeg Granum ____________ 292 Bank of Hamilton _____________ John Long ____________________ Hamilton  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. w. West________ 15,000,000 Toronto Greencourt ____________ 5 Imperial Bank of Canada _____ D. Robb, Actg, _____ ____________ Toronto BANQUE D'H9CHELAGA - --.. -- J. A. Boiffert _____ ------------ Montreal MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA rsub. to Wetaski- ------------ Montreal win) Hii.lkirk ----------- -· __ 97 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- A. K. Olive________ 20,350,000 Montreal Gwynn ____ __________ 10  Reserve Funds  Hanna _______________ 711 15,000,000 Toronto  Alberta eontlnued on !lPCond half of this pasre.  THE ROYA[ B-ANK OF CANADA- WEST Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  20,350,000 ~ontreal 20,789,000  Grouard ----- -- - . ___ 268  (Members indicated by a*)  Edmonton So, __________  Boyer______  Reserve Funds  Ferintosh _____________ 93 Imperial Bank of Canada ____ A. S. Itosenroll. ______________ Toronto  F. ): . Lett, .Asst. (2 Branches in Edmonton) Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Royal Trust Co. ________________ S. T. Lawrie.---- _____________ Montreal  (2 Offices)  w.  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-- --- T.  PRUDENTIAL TRUST CO., Ltd .. Crafts,. Lee & Gal- ____________ )Iontreal linger. Agents *ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- J. F. McMillan____ 20,350,000 Montreal  Western Trust co, ______ G. R. Pede~------T·---------- :Montreal Edmonton ClP,aringHouse _____ C. B. Tomlm;:on ___ ____________ Toronto  Toronto  Enchant_ ____________ .45 Bank of Hamilton ___________ G. A. )IitlllIHon _.~ ____________ Hamilton  F. H. Reid. ____________________ Toronto Alex. Lefort__ _____ ,_ _ _ _ ,Montreal Canada Permanem .M.tee. Corp. W. T. Or~hton _______________ Correspondents: Joint Oit, & Midland Friedenstal ____ _IO Imperial Bank of Canada ______ Bk. Ltd., London. Canada Trust Co. ______________ F. A. Beddard ___________ London Gadsby ____________ 158 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ____ "'CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE IL C. Morris_______,ooo Toronto Galahad _______ ________ 12 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA (3 Branches in Edmonton) • *DOMINION BANK------- H. Ransford ________________ 'Toronto Gibbons ___ : __________ JO CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (2 Branches in Edmonton) *Imperial Bank or Canad.a•----- G. R. l!'.Kirkoatrick __________ Toronto \V.)I. Sell ens, ,:lss't Mgr, Gleichen _____________ 597 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (5 Branches in Edmonton) *MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA• F. Pike __ -------- ___________ Montreal (2 Branches in Edmonton) ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.---*MOLSOIIS BANK-------------- M. H. Lister---··-- ___________ Montreal National Trust Co., Ltd. _______ A. E. Scrace _________________ Toronto Grande Prairie ______ 337 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  - ---------w. Proctor CANADA C.R. BANK *STANDARD Winnipeg ___________ Toronto _____ C. E. Wiggins ___________ Co,OF Standara Trusts *ONION BANK OF CANADA----- C.H. Hartney _____ ---------- WinniDeg  $ 15,000.000  Erskine -------------114  R.R. Harper, Act'u ______ Winnipeg  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. W. McIntosh____  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. L. Kenny.-----·  UNION BANK OF CANADA----- 1w. M. Crosbie _______________ Winnipeg  15,000,000 Toronto  W. Prest_ _ _ _ · -···- --···- Montreal P. Billington __________________ Toronto  '°-  -----------,--------1-----1----------1 N Einora ________________ 24 UNION BANK OF CANADA------ J. R. G. Crispo ______________ Wmnipeg  ----1----------11---------  INDIA~ COLLECTIONS  20,789,000  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE And. Laurie------- 15,000.000 Toronto UNION BANK OF CANADA---- w. En~Itsh ________ ------------ !Winnipeg  han~led promptly af lowest rates  1602  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banldug Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed), in back of this  ALBERTA-Contt"nued  ALBERTA Map on Index Canada  POST OFFICE AND POPULATION.  Hardisty ___________ J!57 RRy Lakes _____ lO  NA.ME OF BANK. __________  I  MANAGER OR AGENT.  CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE Robt. Harpur _____ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- T. s. Buckham~  PAID-UP OAP1TAL.  HEAD OFFICE.  $ 15,000,000 Toronto  Kinsella _____________ 20  High River _________ ll82  BAH OF MONTREAL ________ - - - - - - - Surplns  CANADIAN Bit OF COMMERCE W. D. Elliot__ _____ _ DOMINION BANK---- ---ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---UNIOII BANK OF CANADA-----Hillcrest ____________ 275 UNION BANK OF CANADA-----Holden ____________ _150 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ____  :Montreal Montreal Montreal  15,000,000 Toronto  W. M. Hamilton ____________ Toronto  20,789.000  I  BK.OF COMMERCE E. Mason----------  1  15,ooo,ooo Toronto  , Lacombe ___________ 1047  MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA H. G. Mf)rison _________________ Montreal ROY AL BANK OF CANADA ----- 1' E. C. Chapman ----  Reserue .li'unds I  UNION BANK OF CANADA-----Lake Saskatoon ______ 20 CANADIAN Lamont__ _______ _____ 335  20,350,000 :M ontreal 20,789,000  C. H. Duncan______ ___________ Toronto  BK. OF COMMERCE F. W. Yeats_______  15,000,000 Toronto  MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA W. L.Hurst__ ____________ Montreal STANDARD BANK OF CANADA - J.E. Harkin ______ i ___________ Toronto  (Sub. to Bellevue) ______________ Winnipee-  Lanflne _____________ .. 18 BANK La~don _____________ 101  UNION BANK OF CANADA------ A. L. Smart ________ ------------ Winnipeg  Lavoy __________ ,, ____ 91  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ----· D. :\IRackie _________  Leduc ______________ _50lr  MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA J. MacArthur----- ------------ Montreal UNION BANK OF CANADA --- - G. R. Metcalfe ________________ Winnipee-  Lei?aL ___________ 200  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- Jules AudeUe ----- ------------ Montreal MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA V. S. Kay __________ ------------ Montreal  J. W. Robertson__  15,000,000 Toronto  w. Masson ____________________ G.C.Wilton________  Montreal  15,000,000 Toronto  W. Orchard _____________ WinnipeeJ. Primro o ___________________ Montreal  OF TORONTO------------ S. H. Abrams_---- ________ Toronto  eserve Funds  20,350,000 Montreal 20,788,000  Le lieville _____ IO Imperial Bank of Canada _____ (Sub. to ~ocky ______ Toronto M·tam House> Lethbrid£e _________ 9,437 *BANK OF MONTREAL--------- -------------------22,000.000 Montreal Surplus 23,531,927 " ________ " *BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA _____ B. M. Macleod _____ ! 9,700,000 Halifax  "  "  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- (Bub. to Ktnsena)__ 20,350,000 'Montreal Ruene Fund, 20,789,000 Jasper------------------ IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA J.M. Kinnear __________ _______ Toronto Jenner _____ __________ 25 UNION BANK OF CANADA------ W. J. Blankstein, ____________ V innip~ Kelsey __________ _____ 15 MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA (Sub. to Rosalind) _______ Montreal Killat!1 ______________ 200 BANK OF MONTREAL------ _ - - - - - - 22.000,000 Montreal ,. .. Surplus 23,531,827 -------M£RCHANTS BK. OF CANADA c. C. Watson __________________ \Montreal Kingman _____________ 35 MERCIUUtlS BANK Of CANADA (Sub. to 'rofteld> ______________ Montreal Jarrow -- -------------50  *CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE K. W. Reikie______ 15,000,000 Toronto *MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA R. J. Dinning _________________ Montreal *MOLSONS BANK------------- J. F. haw ________ , _ _ _ _ ,Montreal *ROY AL BANK OF CANADA ____ E. E. Mackay ------ 20,350,000 Montreal Re:;:erve Fund3 20,789,000 *ST ANDA RD BANK OF CANADA• R. H. Hoyt ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Toronto (2  I  Branches in Lethb1-idoe)  Standard Trust Co. __ _________ ---------------- ---- ------------ Winnipeg  •UNION BANK OF CANADA----- G. J. Hunter.~----· ----------- Winnipeg Lethbride-e Olearinit House _ (Members indi<lated by a*)  tA.\bel'ta eont\nued on second hall of this page Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  $ 20,350,000 :Montreal  A. J. Cameron ____ 20.350,000 Montreal Reserue .li'unds 20,789,000 c. R.McKay ________________ Montreal  CANADIA BK. OF COMMERCE MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADACANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE UNION BANK OF CANADA-----MERCHA TS BK. OF CANADA  Irvine ____ ----------- 421  HEAD OFFICE.  ________ 1 1  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- J.E. Beaulieu ___________ Montreal  J. H. Hunter______ 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,788,000 W. c. Hammond _______ Winnipeg  Innisrree __ ---· ----- 300  Islay ___________ 117  I  Lac Labiche Station_100  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927  CANADIA BK. OF COMMERCE :r. J. Macoun ______ 15,000,000 Toronto UNION BANK OF CANADA------ D. E. R. Ewer _________________ Wmnipee-  Trricana _______ 124  Kitscoty _____________ 120 CANADIAN  Toronto  InnisraiL -----------838  Irma ------------ .. 80  PAID-UP OAPITAL.  1·  RuerTJe Furnia  Montreal  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADAHussar ---------------16 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA R. :M. Burton __________________ Toronto Huxley _______________92 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- F. Ken _______________________ Montreal Huehenden ________ t50  MANAGER OR AGENT.  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- W. Mann _________  20,350,000 Montrea  HighPrairie __________ 30  Hesketh _________  I  NAME OF BANK.  POST OFFICE AND POPULATION.  1  Funds 20,789,000 MERCHANTS BK. OF CAIADA (Sub. RuerTJe to Clive) ________________ MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA. A. E. Munson ________________ Actino, MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- J. Cnthbertson ________________ Actino MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA (Sub. to Carbon) _______________ CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCED. Milne, Actinq___ 15,000,000  Hayter__ ____________ _30 · 1er ______________ l25 H eis  I\  l---------1,  Ac.tino  Haynes ______________ _30  I::;:  ===============.=============== ======================:-:-=--=- ~  ====vo=lu=m=e.=F=o=r=I=,=n=te=r=e=st=R=a=te=s=,=H=o=J=ld=a=y=s,=et=c=.,=s=ee=L=a=w=s=.  S. C. Robso:c. _______ ------------  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Co\\ections and Correspondence ALBERTA-Continued  ALBERTA Map on Index caoada  Banks A.dvert.ising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence  POST OPPICE A.ND POPULATION.  !  NA.ME  OF BANK,  I  MA.NA.GER OB AGENT,  L omond ___________ 10 Bank of Hamilton ______ David Towers .•.••  ..  -------  ..  Lo urheec:L __________ 239  .. -------  .  ------------  .  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  BANK OF MONTREAL -----·----  Surplus  UNION BANK OF CANADA-----M&£'ta th _____________ 038 BANK OF MONTREAL---------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----· " ---- ---Manville _____________ 241 CANADIAI BK. OF COMMERCE  W. Embury, Acting  .  .  M edicine Hat ______ 9269  . . . . . .  ___,_ __  -------  -----  -------  ..  .. . . .. .  ------------------Surplus J. K. Atkinson ____  Reserve Funds  R. P. Thompson ___  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE• D. T. Munroe, Acting MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- Jas. Clarke, Acting_ MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA L. J. Larue, Acting *BANK OF MONTREAL-------- -------------- ---Surplus *CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE C. H. Niles ________ 11JOMINION BANK-------. -.. W. A. Radclifl' _____ •tURCHANTS BK. OF CANADA . A. Belcher ________ *ROYAL BANK OF CANADA--- o. L. Carey ________ Reserve Funds *UNION BANK OF CANADA----- A. P. Naismith ____  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  Morin ville ___________ 331  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------  J. C. Matheson, Acting A. Boyer __________  22,000.000 Montreal 23,531.927 15,000,000 Toronto Winnipeg  M ilo ____ ---· ________ 25 Bank of Hamilton ____________ M in burn ____ . _______ 55  MERCHlNTSBANKOFCANADA  ---- ----  .  Morrin _____ ---- -----125 Mundare ____________ 283  .  ---- ----  .  Munson __ ----------149  .. ------ . Nanton _____________ 590  .  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 Montreal  Reserve Funds  --------------------- Montreal  J. L. Kini?. Acting, D. A.. Currie _______  ------- ---- Toronto  H. Sutherland _____  Montreal  H. J. Nicholson ___ Reserve Funds A. W. Gill _________  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 Hamilton  -----------  15,000,000 Toronto  15,000,000 Toronto  Nordei?g _____________ 50  Montreal  North Edmonton. ______  ---------- Montreal  Ohaton ___ . ___________ 75  22.000.000 Montreal 23,531,027 15,000,000 Toronto  Okotoks _____ . ------522  ------ Toronto ------------ Montreal 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 Winnipeg  ------------  ------------  Montreal  15,000,000 Toronto  --------- ----  Montreal  . .  --------  . .  Olds---- ____________ 730  ------  Onaway ____________ JiQ  ..  --------  ..  Parkland ____________ 100 Patricia ____________ .. 10 Peace River _________ 742  .. .  -------------  . ..  Penhold ______________ 94  AL BANK OF CANADA.  BRANCHES  20,350,000 Toronto 20,789,000 Toronto  -----------  --------- Toronto ---------- -. Montreal  D. M. Sinclair _____  15,000,000 Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J.M. Bell, Acting __ UNION BANK OF CANADA------- --------- Winnipeg Montreal F. W. B. Anderson, MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA Acting --------____ M. MacGouiran MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA ----------- Montreal A. B. King _________ UNION BANK OF CANADA----------------- Winnipeg R. N. Aylward _____ 15,000,000 Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA R. S. Hinton ______ ------------ Montreal STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- A.. J. Becke ____ ---· ------- Toronto  Oyen __________ 286 Bank of Hamilton _____________ M. J. Stanley ______  (Alberta continued on second hall of this page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  D . .A. McMillan ____ H. Robinson _____ __  ------- . CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. L. Jensen. ______ Nevis _______________ .. 52  Picardville . __________ 20  .  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADAMERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA STANDAR BANK OF CANADA. MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA ROY AL BANk OF CANADA.---Bank ot Hamilton ______________  -----------··Montreal  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927 20,350.000 Montreal 20,789,000 15,000,000 Toronto  --------- Toronto A. Mclver, Acting_ ------------ Hamilton  D. A. Kerr, Acting  ..  OFFICE.  15,000,000 Toronto  ROYAL BANK Of'OANADA ----- (Sub. to Erskine) _ Reserve Funds New Dayton---------125 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. H. M. GoldbY-----New Norway ________ IQQ Imperial Bank of Canada.. ____ C. C. Case _______ N obleford ____________ go MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA J.M. Conway ______  -- -----  HE.\D  Monitor _______ 210  met _______________ 150 Imperial Bank ot Canada ______ J. A. English ______  M  PAID-UP CAPITAL,  Toronto  ,..  A. p. Fiske, Actinq James Still ________  MA.NA.GEBOB AGENT,  F. E. Murray----- $ 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000  Medicine Hat Clea~ing Honse __ W. M. Elliot, Mgr .• (Members indicated. by a*)  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADACANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE•  NAME OF BANK.  ROYAL BANK DF CANADA---  -----M eeting Creek _______ 65 ----. --- ____________ ___ ---- ----- ---- .... -------- ------------ Montreal  M etiskow ___ _______ g M ilk River. _______ 200  ALBERTA Map on Index Canada  I  Mirror __ •• _________ 285  ------- Toronto ------- ----- Winnipel?  -------------  POST OFFICE .4.ND POPUL.4.TION.  Hamilton  - - - - - - - - - - - $ 22,000,000 Montreal Surplus 23,531,927 A. H. Miller _______ 15,000,000 Toronto  C. A.. Mercer _______  Mocheche ____________ 21  HEAD OFFICE.  BANK OF MONTREAL--------  CANADIAN Bit OF COMMERCE  M anyberri es .• ---------6 M ayerthorpe __ . ________  ------  I  R. T. M. Temple ...  L undbreck ----------125 UNION BANK OF CANADA --··· (Sub. to Cowley) __  . .  PA.ID-UP CA.PITAL,  '/  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA.  Lousana. _____________ 48 Imperial Bank of Canada---·· W. P. Graham _____  cleod, __________ 1811  I  ALBERTA-Continued  BANK OF TORONTO CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  W. J, Miller _______  ------------ Hamilton ------------ Toronto  J. H. Wheeler _____  15,000,000 Toronto  R. O. Corbett _____ Reserve Funds K. S. G. J org.ensen.  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 15,000,000 Toronto  Imperial Bank of Canada _____ K. Anderson ----ROYAL BANK OF CANADA --- C. F. Nicholl ______  ----------- Toronto  MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ----  -----------  throu hout  Reserve Funds  C. D. Compton, Acting H.K. Stopford ____ ReserveFunda  ANADA AND  EST  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 ~ontreal  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,ooo,  NDIES  -  °w0 '  1604  Non-Bank Town1 with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), LaW7ers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  N.un: OP'  PosT OFFICE A 'D PoPULATIO '.  B.uiK.  liu.NA.GD OR A.GKNT.  CAUIIAI BK. OF COMMEICE  Pincher Creek ____ 1027  ALBERT A-Continued  I  PAID-UP HEAD OFFICE. Po T OFFICE AND MA.NA.GU OR PAID-UP 0 O~TAL, t---------ll---P_o_P_u_LA_T_1_0N_._ _ _ , _ _ _ _ ___F_B_AN_x:_._ _ _ _ _ _.A._o_EN_T_._~_C_A_Pl_T_A_L_ . 1  F. L. Rhodes ______ S 15,000,000 Toronto  01101 BAH OF CAIADA------  R. II. Par ons _____ ____________ Winnipee  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------Pollockvtlle _________ g BANK OF TORONTO-----Ponoka ______ &04 CAIADIAI BK. OF COMMERCE MERCHANTS BANI OF CANADA Prom. t ____________ 420 CAIADIH BK. OF COMMERCE MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA Radway Centre _________ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Ranfurly _____________ 40 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----Ravmona __________ l025 BAIi OF MOITREAL _____  J. L. Desy ---· .. --- ------------1Montrea1  l'lamonclon -------------  . ·.  T  1>laml  _______ ------------ Toronto  G. E. Clarke-------  Rmnsey ______________ J,8 Ryley _____________ 142  __  "  i St. Paul de Metis ____ 324 BANQUE  D'HOCHELAGA . ......  J.P. Jessop _______ ----------- Montreal  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMER E J.  15,000,000 Toronto  elsou _---- -· __  St. Vincent__ _________ 20  !  Montreal  o. ~Iunn _______ -----------  Montreal  I  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA-  H.  J. A. Hale____ _____  Re en11 li'unds <"110. to c-;ihhon,) I  M. H. Gilmour. Ruer-oeFunds  w.  H. .\Jiau ______ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Seven Persons _______ \75  Toronto Toronto  (Sub. to St. Paul - - - - - - - Montreal des Metis)  H.  I------------ Toronto  R. Jack . _______ ------------  Winnipeg  20,350,000,Montreal 20,7, !l,000 15,000,000 'l'oronto. 20,3:,0,000 Montreal 20,781l,OOO 15,000,000 Toronto  (...:uh. to :'t. l'a.ul --·-·---- --- ~lontrcal nc ~!Pti .) S.O. Eas,on,Pro. - - - - - M~nt~eal  . ,_ a.under ____  15,000,000 Toronto  R. Roberts_____  15,000.000 Toro to  (Sub. to Drumehel- ------------ Toronto lcr) Artinu  ---------- Montreat  J. D. Burpee------  MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA  A. D. Jardine ____________ Montreal  DOMINION BANK _________ (  ul,.  :11  15,000,000 Toronto  .\frrlirincH 1111---- - ____ Toronto  "  ''  UNION BANK OF CANADA ______ \\'. 11. ~lcE\\('n -----OF TORONTO ______ .:. ____ I~.. \ ..Johm;t.011 ___ __________ Lake _________ soo STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- IT. 1. llobll~------ --------· ___  SibbalcJ _____________ lOOIBANK moky  I Spirit River _________ 117  I  UNION BANK OF CANADA----- u. <. ~loore _________________ 75 ,CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 1\\. H. \lartill, .lrt'u 15,000,000 Standard ____________ 200 1UNION BANK OF CANADA----- J, T. Hutton ___________ 8tanmore ____________ 35 BANK OF TORONTO--------(·"· \\'ahon __________________ "  ---- ----  1  Winnipeg Toronto Toronto  Imperial Bank of Canada _____ H. W. Harrison ______________ Toronto  "  Spruce Grove ________  Winnipee Toronto Winnipeg Toronto  Stavely---- __ ----_ 268 Bank of Hamilton _____________ H. B. Robinson ________________ Hamilton  G. T. Gregory ______ ----------- Wmmpee  G.  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  II " ·m;th _____________ 25 MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA R. E. Go•••------- _____ Montml  James Murray _____ ------------ Toronto  1\ow\~y ____________ JI MEl\C\11\"lS Bl"K Of CllllDI\ A. , . Ferguson. ,o,ee.ond b.a\f ot th\s t1age)  10 jUNION BANK OF CANADA _____  'edgewick ____ _____ 363  Montreal  Rocky Mountain House Imperial Bank of Canada ______ H.F. Cox _ _ _ ------------ Toronto 103 Rosalind ______ 10 MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA G. W. McDonald, ---------- Montreal Pro. Rosebud Creek _______ 10 CA11ADIAII BK. OF COMMERCE A. c. cott ________ 15,000,000 Toronto Rosedale _____________15  Sedalia _______________  15,000,000 Toronto  _._______________  20,330,000 20,7 9,000 He<.l Deer ________ 2203 22,000,000 23,531.IJ27 " -- " 15.000,000 Imperial Bank of Oanada ____ H. Willso11 ________ ,___________  ' __ . I  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA -------  N. uosselin ____ _  Sangudo __ - _- _________ 10 Imperial Bank of Canada ______ W . .M. Porter ______  15,000,000 Toronto  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- H. w. Harper__ Reserve Funda BANI OF MONTREAL--------- _______ Surplus CHAJJIAI Bl. OF COMMERCE 11. H. \Ioun,PII  MEICUITS BAH OF CAIIADA ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---· HP<I \\ att>r _____________ tANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE Red Willow __________ IO ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----Retlaw _____________ lOi jCANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Rlchdale ___________ 225 BANK OF TORONTO ___ ·--- ____ lWe __________________ 5 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-----, Rimbey ___________ JO IMERCHANTSBANKOFCAIIADA " _ _ .. UNION BANK OF CANADA-----· Rochfort ______________ 5 CANADIAN BK. Of COMMERCE (Ro11dal1 P.O.) · Roctyforct __________ 25 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  LatonwlL _ -----------Montreal  J. A. Sylvestre ____ ----------- Montreal  20,350,000jMontreal 20,789,0LO 22,000,000 Montreal · Surplus 23.=>:H,!1271 " ------- " STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- J. G. Spafford _____ ------·----- Toronto HeclclifT ___________ 1294 jlmperial Bank of CJanada____ P. C. Routledge ______________ Toronto  "  c.  CL X. Brvau _______ $ 20,350,000 .Montreal Reseiroe l<unds 20,m,.000  15,ooo,ooo!Toronto  mith -------  (Sub. to Lavoy) ___ Reser'll6 Funds  T.  CANADIAII BK. OF COMMERCE  K. G . • ourse _____ _  15.900,000 Toronto  I Stettler ____________ ll68 BANK OF TORONTO------------ F. <. Burn<'tL _______________ Toronto I " -------- " IMERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA c. R. Wickson ---- --------- Montrea.l " ROYAL BANK OF CANADA--- W. J. O'Callaghan_l 20,330,000 Montreal I " Reserve li'und8 20,789,000 Stirling ______________ 294 Bt~y Plain _________~-293  --------  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- 1,r. CANADIAN Bit OF COMMERCE ID. MERCRANTSBANKOF CANADA R.  °' ~  I  _________. 1  D'HOCHELAGA-------  T. H. McLachlin ___ ---------- Montreal A.  MERCHANTS BANKOFCHADA ROYAL BAH OF CANADA_  HEAD OnrcE.  I St. AlberL __________ 655 BANQUE  J. G. La France ____ -------- Montreal D. B.  ,_.  ALBERTA Map on l.ndex Canada  11. Oln•r ______ _____ _________ Toronto A. _stuarL--~--115,000,000 'l'oron,to p1lstecl, Actwo ___________ Mont1ea1  Banks A.dvert.\s\ng g\ve 'Prom.\')t. A.t.t.ent.\on t.o Collections and Correspondence  · Banks A..dvel:'t.\s\ng g\ve Prompt. A..t.t.ent.\on t.o Collect.ions and Cor1~espondence 1Von-Bank Towns with Nearest Bank.Ing Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volg_me. Fer :Inter"" t Rates, Holidays, etc., see L'!_ws. ____  1605  PosT OFFICE AND  N A1l1 ;;  PoPuLATir-N.  ALBERTA-Continued  MA.NA.GER OR AGENT.  OF BANK.  POST OFFICE A.ND HEA.D OFFICE. PA.ID-UP . 1---------11---P_o_P_ULA_T_r_o_N_.- - 1 P _I T_A_L_ c _A_ ,/__  ALBB-R TA M~ on lnde.x Canada  I  PAID-UP CAPITAL. /  MA.i.'\TAGER OR AGENT.  NAME OF BANK.  Strathmore ---------511  UNION BANK OF CANADA ------ J. L. van~hem ___ -------- Wrnnipeg  Veteran---- ---------102  BANK OF TORONTO ------- ____ H. L. Staples ______  ------------! Toro::-  Strome _____________ 2117  MERCHANTS BAH OF CAHDA ,s. Boardman------+--------- MontreaJ  Viking ________ ______ 227  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE IR. Christy _________  $  Sunnynook __ - _______ lfi  UNION BANK OF CANADA----- H.P. Filleu'-------1------------ Winnipeg  1  1  ....  HEAD OFFICE,  I.O _  t,.;)  15,000,000 Toronto  MERCHANTS BAIK OF CANADA jR. Sparling ____________________ Montreal  walweu ____________ 40  UNION BANK OF CANADA-- - w . . 1.  l{eitzel _____ -------- Wmnipeg  Sylvan Lake-- ------155 Imperial Bank of Canada ______ IJ. 0. Horton ________________ Toronto  Villeneuve __ ---------10  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA---·---- IE- Rocque _________ ----------- ' Montreal  Vilna ____ --------  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. Morgan,  15,000,000 Toronto  Actino_  Vulcan ____ ________ -415 Bank of Hamilton _ _ _ _ L.A. \Yrig-ht __________ Hamilton  CAIADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F . .T. Stewart _____ _  lri,000,000 Toronto  'l'a,ber __ --------- 1.'112 Bank of Hamilton _________ IL T. Lam011t ____ ________ Hamilton  I  f  Wainwrig-hL .. _---- 188  MEICHAIITS BAH OF CANADA C.H. Rowe ______________ Montreal UNIOI BAH OF CANADA ------ G. C. Siddall,  --------- Winnipe2  .A.cti110  w. w. Orr________  Warner-- __________ 310  CAIADIAII BK. OF COMMERCE  Waskatenau_-_ _ 100  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA W. C. Patterson ___ ------------ •roronto  15,000,000 Toronto  20,i8fl,000  Three Hills---------"'  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- \ L. tt.  Coles ___ - -- -·  1------------ .Mon trnal  Waterh0Je _____________ 5 Imperial Bank of Canada _____ J. ,\. Black ________ ---------- Toronto  UIIOI BUI OF CAIADA--I E. Nelson - - -1---------- Wmnipeg-  UNION BANK OF CANADA------ L. :\. ~hea rer,  Actino  Tofield ________ Victoria Pon. 455  DOMIIION BANI  ---------10. Smith,  MEICHAITS BAH Of CHUA Travers _____________ 150  \V.  .-lctg. _____ , ______  c. Kini;:--------- !-------  Toronto  ________  "  Wayne ______ _____ 250  f  .I •  :I  I ,  ------------ Winnipeg  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- D.R. MacKay _____ - - - - - - Montreal STANDARD BANK OF CANADA-  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- H. L. Allingham _______________ Toronto  J.  o. Sparling - - -  ------ ------ Toronto  MEICHAITSBHKOfCAIADA lc.w.:llcBride _____ ____ Montreal  West Emondton ________  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------ Suh. to Edmonton_----------· Montreal  Westlock .. W.Edmonton  MERCHANTS BANKOFCllNADA G.D. Travers------------ Montreal  Wataskiwin ________ 2,048  CHADIAN Bl. OF COMMERCE R. N. Shaw _____ _ Imperial Bank of Canada..----  VegrevilJe ________ J,156  11  Montreal  Trochu ___________ 276 Imperial Bank of Canada ______ J. Kehoe _____________ Toronto  "  i , t  . W. ochla n __ - - $15,000,000 Toronto CANADIAN BK. Of COMMERCE IC RIYAL BANI Of CANADA---- J. W. Doran _______ ! 20,350,000 Montreal  II  15,000,000 Toronto  B. W. Wri£ht _ _ _ _ _ ·Toronto  CANADIAN Bit Of COMMERCE ,M. L. Gordon _____' 15,000,000 Toronto MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA E. A. Holbrook ____ - - - Montreal MERCHANTS BAIi OF CAIADA ,)I. H. Johnson _____ - - - - - Montreal  Yermilion ___________ 929  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. Walker--------- 15,000,000 Toronto  w hi tecou,t  ____ ____ ____ Imue,ial Bank of Canada______ J. F. Grnham ___ --- -· --  Youn2stown ______ s05  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------ H. R. Calvert _____ Restlt"Ve 1f11,nds  (ttlberta continued on second half of this page ) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  "  --------  "  BANK OF TORONTO----------- W.  --------1 Tornn to  A. '' tcwart__ _______________ Toronto  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. Black___________  15,000,000 Toronto 1  I  RO AL BANK OF CANADA- WEST  INDIAN COLLECTIONS  andled ram ti at lowest rates  -  --------- ------.  ~  -  --·. --- --- -- . - ---------~~-~~--=-  --  -------  -------- --  . . - ---~-  :  -=---  -  -  --:J •.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  BRITISH COLUMBIA BDJTISH COLUMBIA Map Index l.:at1ada ...,. °' ==========;==:::::::::===::::=:::::========f== ====::::::;:::====:==========.========~=== =======.============= ==== ~ M:All.A.GER OB MANAGER  1606  PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  Abbotts!ord _________ 500  "  --------  "  Agassiz ____________ 300 Alert Bay ______ _____ 350 Alice .Arm _________ soo  N illE OF  P.UD-UP  BANK.  O.A.PITA.L.  AGENT,  HEAD  BAIK OF MONTREAL--------. _____________ . ______ $ 22,000,000 Montreal ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----BANK OF MONTREAL--------MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.---CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  23,531,927 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 ----------------- 22,000,000 Montreal Surolns 23,531,927 J. R. Tate, Actino. ---- -------- Montreal  23,531,927  Surplus  ROY AL BANK OF CANADA --- W. Eadie ---· ______  20,350,000 )fontreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Athalmer____________ l60 Imperial Bank of Canada _____ (Sub. tolnvermere) ______ ·----- Toron :o 20,350,000 I)Ion treal 20,i89,000 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 15,000,000 Toronto Acting Chase _____________ 500 Imperial Bank of Canada _____ <Sub, to KamloopsJ ____________ Toronto  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-____ < ub. toMarpole) __ R eserve Fu nds Burns Lake _______ __200 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- M.Henderson _____ _ Ressroe Funds Campbell River ______ 500 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Sidney Turk, Brighou e -- ------------  BAIIK OF MONTREAL -------22,000,000 23,531,927 Sar1>lus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE K. V. Munro _____ _ 15,000,000 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA• L. W. Smith ______ -----------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- I!'. B. Lyle__________ 20,350,000 Reserue Fund.a 20,789.000 Clinton ______________125 BANK OF MONTREAL-----22,000,000 Ohilliwack _________ 3000  Surplu~  BANK OF MONTREAL_________ ___________________  UNION BANK OF CANADA---- -Cobble mn ____ __ ____ 250 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Oollinirwood, Ea t_ _____ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Coalmont__ _________ ___ _  Courtenay ________ __ 700  Cranbrook ________ 3090 "  "  _______  --------  "  ''  Surplus G. Curwen_________ Reaerve Funds C. R. Malcolm---F. N. Gisborne. Actino W. M. Fraser__ ____  ~mperial Bank or canada ______  Creston _____________ -400  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  Cumberland ________ 2000  Duncan's Sta. _______ 1200  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- G. F. Marsh____ ___  Toronto  20,350,000 :M ontreal 20,78\l,OOO  Reserve Funds \  HEAD OFFICE.  15,000,000 Toronto  CAIIADIAII BK. OF COMMERCE J. Grainger, Actg._  15,000,000 Toronto  ROYAL BANI OF CAIADA--- F. A. McCarthy----  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  BANK OF MONTREAL--- ______________  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927  "  --------  ·•  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE .A. J. Marlow______  East Vancouver City of Vancouver (See Vancouver)  15,000,000 Toronto  Enderby _____________ 700 Bank of Hamilton------~------ J no. Smart ______ __ ------------ Hamilton  "  --------  "  BAIK OF MONTREAL ________  _________________ _  Sur1>lus  Esquimalt ------- - - 4001  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927  BANK OF MONTREAL--- 1-----------------  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531.927  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R. s. Ross_________  15,000,000 Toronto  Surolus  Fairview ________________  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  w. H. James__ _____  15,000.000 Toronto  Fernie. _____________ 5000  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. H. Wvod________  15,000,000 Toronto  •  Home Bank of O&nada ________ A. Watson _________________ Toronto Imperial Bank of Canada ______ A. M. Owen _____ ____________ Toronto Field ________________ 100 Imperial Bank of Canada _____ (Sub. to Golden) __ ----- ------- Toronto  Montreal  15, Toronto  w. R. Grubbe _____ -----------  CAPITAL •  o. G. Bennett__ ____ $  Surplus  Montreal  20,350,000 Montreal 20, 7 9,000 15,000,000 Toronto  Reserve Funds  •  Reserot Funds  Toronto  Montreal  PAID-UP  OR  .AGENT.  Imperial Bank of Canada ______ C. W. Allen _____ ____________ Toronto  Golden _________ 1000  CANADIH BK. OF COMMERCE N. M. Foulkes_____  15,000,000 Toronto  r+  0  Imperial Banlt of Oauad.& _____ H. L. Reid·------ --------- Toronto Grand Forks _______ 2000  .  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Wm. G. Ferris____ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----  15,000,000 Toronto  IT. McQuaid __ __  B'flt\ab Oo\umb\a con t\nued on 11econd half of tb\s "Pace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  NAME OF BANK.  15,000,000 Toronto  R. T. Taylor_______  CANADIAN Bk. OF COMMERCE• J.  Montreal  23,531.9,7 22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927 20,350,000 ~ontreal 20,789,000 · --------- -- Winnipeg  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. c. Brock----  " ------- " IROYAL BANK OF CANADA ____  POST OFFICE AND POPULATION,  M. D. Ross------- Resene Funds J. D. Lewis, Actina  BANK OF MONTREAL - - 22,000,000 Montreal Surplus 23,531,927 Arrowhead __________ 250 MOLSONS BANK-------------- <Sub. to Revel---------·-- Montreal . drok~ A hcroft__ _______ ___ 500 BANK OF MONTREAL--- --------------- 22,000.000 Montreal  IROYAL BAICK OF CANADA----  OFFICE.  Surplus N. Hill____________  20,350,000 Toronto 20,789,000 Anyox _____________ 2,000 15,000,000 Toronto Armstrong _________ 1000 Bank of Hamilton ________ B. Hayes ____ ;. ___________ Hamilton  Clo\'erdale ___________ 200  00  II\.  G. A. Spink_______ ReB,wve Funds  15,000,000 Toronto  .  "'1  B (I)  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  BAIIK OF MONTREAL- ------ ------------------ 22,000,000 Surplus 23,531,927 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. E. Brawders ___ _ 15,000,000 Hatzic __________________ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (Sub. to Mission 15,000,0CO City) Hazelton ________ __200 UIIION BANI OF CANADA------ B. H.Little ________________ Greenwood. _ _ _ 500  ::,  < (I) "'1  (I)  Montreal Toronto Toronto Winnipeg  Hedley ________ aoo  BANK OF MONTREAL--------- ----------------- --Surplus Huntingdon ____________ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA _____ (Sub. to Abbottsford)  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Invermere ________ .. 25 Imperial Bank of Canada _____ W. A. Patterson ______________ Toronto  Banks A.dvert\s\ng g\ve Prom"t)t A.ttent\on to Co\\ect\ons and Correspondence  ......  exe cces. , awyers, ws 1n exe ac o s volume. For mterest Batl>s, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PosT OFFICE AND POPULATIOlf.  NAME OF BANK.  --  I  BRITISH COLUMBIA-Continued  I  MANAGER OR AGENT,  Karrlloops __________ 4000 Bank of Hamilton ____________ Wm. Smith •••• ----  .. .. ..  -----------------  .. ..  ..  . ------- ..  ------------  ________ $  BAH OF MONTIEAL---------Snrplos CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. S. Holt. ________  ----------  ROY AL BANK OF CANADA- --- Jas. Grisdale ______  20,34':iO.OOO 20,789,000 22,000,000 23,531.927 22,000,000 23,531,027 15,000,000  .. .  Reserve Funds  ------Reserve --------Funds -------- ---- ---- ------Suplus  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE N. M. Foulkes ____ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- H. F. Rees--------------Reserve Funds K eremeos __________ . 200 BANk OF MONTREAL--------- R. M. Mansfield ___  ..  .  ---- ---·-  -------  ..  Surplus  CANADIAN Bl. OF COMMERCE E. F. Corbet,  • K errisdale ____________ BANK OF MONTREAL--------imberley ____________ 60 K BANK OF MONTREAL----------  Actvng  I  HEAD OFFICE.  Hamilton  22,000,0uO Montreal 23.531,927 15,000,000 Toronto  Imperial Bank of Canada ______ J. G. Gillespie _____  K aslo _______________ 500 BANK OF MONTREAL-------K elowna _________ 2300 BANK OF MONTREAL --------  ..  PAID-UP CAPITAL.  Montreal Montreal Montreal Toronto  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927 15,000,000 Toronto 22.000.000 Montreal 23,531.927 22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927  -- -----·--------Surplus  W. F. Granger ____  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531.927 15,000,000 Toronto  H. L. Frazer -----Reserve Funds A.G. Verchere ____  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 15,000,000 Toronto  E. J. Johnston ___  Reserve Funds  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  La ngley l!'orL _______ 200 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- (Sub. to Langley Prairie)  20,350,000 Montreal  K itsilano _  -- ----- - - ----  (See Vancouver)  .  --------  ,.  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE -------- " ROYAL BANK OF CANADA --La dysmLh _________ 2000 CANADIAN Bit OF COMMERCE ROYAL BAIK OF CANADA ---------  ..  .  ..  Langley Prairie ______ 300 BANK OF MONTREAL---  ..  ..  Reserve Funds  Surplus  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA --- H. J. de Canonville  Acting  Reae-rue Fu~  L 11Iooet___ • _______ 500 BANK OF MONTREAL--------Funds umby _______________ 150 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- H.J.Reserve Rattray _____ _ L Reserve Funds Marpole ____________ 1000 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE- F. C. 0. Edwards __  ..  ..  Acting  20,789,000 22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 22.000.000 Montreal 23,531,927 20,350,000 Montreal 20,780,000 15,000,000 Toronto  RIYAL BANK OF CANADA----- George P. Thorne _ 20,il50,000 Montreal Reserve Fund:3 20,789,000 15,000,000 Toronto. M atsqui ---------------- CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (Sub. to Mission City)  --------  McKa.y ________________ Dow Fraser Trust Co. ________ A. F. McTavish .•• M erritt. _______ 1000 BAil OF MONTREAL-----Surplus BAH OF TORONTO------- W. H. Innes _______  ..  --- ----  ..  -------  ~~~t  ----- Vancouver 22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927  --------- Toronto (Sub. to Natal) ____ ---------- Toronto  M ichel. ______________ soo Imperial Bank of Canada ______ Ur ltlah ColuJnllla coai lnued on second half of th is page.  POBT OFFICE AND  Milner ______ • ________fi0  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- (Sub. to Langley  Prairie)  Reserve Funds  .  Mission City _______ }000 CAIADIAI BK. OF COMMERCE W. H. Mathewson_  .  --------  .  I  Mt. Pleasant_ ___________ (See Vancouver) Nakusp ___________ 400 CHADIAN Bl. OF COMMERCE Wm. Murray, Nanaimo _________ lQ,000 BANK OF MONTREAL----------  . ..  --------  PAID-UP CAPITAL.  HEAD OFFICE.  $ 20,350,000 Montreal  20,789,000 15,000,000 Toronto  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA F. J. Roche _______ -------- Montreal  ..  Actg.  ---------- - ---------  CHADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. H. Birq ______ MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA A. S. Warremler,  ------ .  Acting  . ----- ..  15,000,000 Toronto 22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927 15,000,000 Toronto  ---- --- --~ .  Montreal  ROY AL BANK OF CANADA ---- F. T. E. Rober! son  20,3h0,000 Montreal 20.789,000  Naramata ______ 100 BANK OF MONTREAL----------------------------Surplus Natal _____________ 1000 Imperial Bank of Canada ______ J. R. L. Fallis. ____  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531.027  Reserve Funds  .  Nelson. _____________ 6000 BAH OF MONTREAL ------------------ --------Surplus  .. . .  ------------  -------  .. . ..  .  ----------- Toronto 22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. C. Whitehouse __  15,000,000 Toronto  Imperial Bank of Canada ·----- J. H. D. Benson ___ ROY Al BAH OF CANADA ---- A. D. McLeod ______ Reserve Funds  ---- ---- ---- Toronto 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  New Denver _________ 250 BAIIK OF MONTREAL --------- ---- --------------Snrplus  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531.927  NewWestminster 16,000 BAH OF MONTREAL--------- ------ ---- --------Surplus  22.000,000 Montreal 23,531,927  . .  " ,.  ..  ----------------. -------  .. . . .  . " --------- . N. Vancouver ____ --- . " ----- " .. . ------M  --------  9,700,000 BANK OF IOVA SCOTIA------- H. L. Dixon, Actg. BANK OF TORONTO------------ John Gracey _______ -----------CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE C. W. Hallamore __ 15,000,000 MEICHAITS BK. OF CANADA F. A. Murray ______ -----------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- F. A. Hanna _____ 20,350,000  .  Halifax Toronto Toronto Montreal  Montreal Reserve Fwnds 20,789,000 Westminster Trust Co., Ltd. __ T. J. Trapp,Pres. __ 446,600 COTTespondent: Bk. of Rest 244,489 Montreal, N. Y. E. A. Riddell, Sec. and Tr. 9000 Bank of Hamilton ______________ F. M. Jones _______ ------------ Hamilton  BANI OF MONTREAL ---------Surplus CAIADIAI BK. OF COMMERCE C. R. Myers, Acting ROY AL BANK OF CANADA ---- W. Dickinson . ____  ··<. THE'-ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - BRANCHES throughout Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MANAGER OB AGENT,  NAME OF BANK.  POPULATION .  Toronto  -------- - -------Surplus ----------Surplus  La dner _______ 1000 BANK OF MONTREAL.--------  I  BRITISH COLUMBIA Map on Index Canada  I  Reserve Funds  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927 15,000,000 Toronto 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  -  O'I 0  '1  CANADA AN_D WEST INDIES  1608  Non-Hank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (index •d) in back of this volumP. For Interest ltates, Hollda~·s. Ptr., ee Laws.  POST OFFICE A:!'<D POPULATION.  !il.ANAGJCR OR AGENT.  NAME OF BANK.  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA L. c. ,\.nthony, Acting CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. D. Rmit11, . l cti.r,g BANK OF MONTREAL_________ ______________ ______  Oak Bay________ _____ ( Victoria P. 0.) Oliver_______________ 150 Mile House _______ 75  Surplus  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROY AL BANK OF CANADA-----  Parksville ______ _____ 200 PPachland ___________ 3QO  I  BRITISH COLUMBIA Map on Index Canada BRITISH COLUMBIA-Continued - - - -·- ----==-=------==-----~=----= - - - - - PAID·U; I 1 NA.MJt ML"i.A.GER OR PAJD-UP POPULATION. CAPITAL. AGENT. CAPITAL, PosT OFFICE AND  HEAD OFFICE .  ____________ Montreal  II  Reserve Funds  22,000.000 Montreal 23.531.927  Revelstoke ________ 3000  MOLSONS BANK---------------  A.  Rolla______________  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  A. J. Duthie__ _____  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA  H.  Rossland ___________ 3000  BANK OF MONTREAL---- ------------------  Surplus  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927  ROYAL RANK OF CANADA----  E. J. Vanderwater_  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Surplus  Thomas Andrews __  22,ooo.000 Montreal 23,531,!l27 1 15,000,000JToron to  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----  F.  20,350,000IMon tr ea I 20,789,0001  ROYAL BANK OF CA.NADA-----  M.  s. Kydd --------  RuerTJe Fund,  20,350,000 Montreal 20.789,000  Port Hammond ______ 250 Bank or Hamilton ______________ E.  s. Hopper _____ __  ------------ Hamilton  Port Haney--------- 200  BANK IF MONTREAL------ ---- --------------- ----  22.000.000IMontreaI 23,531,9~7  Port  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----  20,350,000 Montreal 20,780,000  . Birks _______ _  Reserve F'und8  Surplus  H. Williams ______ _  R eserve Funds Pouce Couoe _ _ _ 50  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  Powell River ______ __  Bank of Hamilton ____________ L. G. Tyler ______________ Hamilton  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  A-J.Duthie _______ _  11. 1Iclllwaine, Acting  --------  "  '  I  I Salmon Arm _______ 600 Bank or Hamilton _____________  L. W. Smith ______ ------------ Montreal  I Sidney _____________ • 500 MERCHAJITSBANKOF CANADA  V. G. Field, Acting------------ Iontreal  Smithers ____________ 400 South Hill___________  UIIIOfll BANK OF CANADA----- c. Reid ____________ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE P. S.Wood_________  Sonth Wellington __ _  MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA (Sub. to Nanaimo)_ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. ,1. Kent. "ictino_ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- L. Caldecott_ _____ _  Stewart ___________ 500  BANK OF MONTREAL-------- ____________________  Rei!erve Funds  20,350,000 Montreal 20, 781J,000  Summerland ________ goo  OF MONTREAL---- -- ---- 1--------------------  22,000.000 .M:ontreal 2,Ui31,927  BANK OF MONTREAL---------DOMINION BANI ____________ (2 Branches in Summerland) ROYAL BANI OF CANADA----BANK OF MONTREAL-----  Reservll Funds  20,330,000 Montreal 20,789,000  ClUD\ll IL OF COMMEl\t.E R.  Sn.r1>lu~  23,531,027  c. B. Lucas_----\ Toronto  \\~\t.\sb. Co\uro.b.\a. cont \nued on second ba.\.t of tb\s 1 l)a.y;e. Non-Bank Tow1,s wltll Nearest Banking Point T nnO ~<!~?'.~- Ac<;.,f/;!}• !'fu!7efs• Laws (indexed) in back of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  15,000,000 Toronto  Bank of Hamilton ______________ A. M. Webb _______ ------------ Hamilton  Sanamish__ _____  15,000,000 Toronto  ------------ Winnipf½!  Sopth Vancouver ___ _ (Cedar Cottage P. U.)  W. L. Hornsby----  Surplu  15,000,000 Toronto  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA  Sardis ________ _______ 250  Telkwa __________ 200  Reserve Funds  ------------ Montreal 15,000,000 Toronto 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927 22.000.000 Montreal Surplus 23,531.927 F. Zimmerman_ ~----------- Toronto Surplus  --------------------  o. o. H. WalL_______  TraiJ _______________ _JQ00  20,3,)0,000 Montreal 20,'i89,000 22,000.000 Montreal Surplus 23,531.927 Bank of Hamilton _____________ F. Price ___________ --------- Hamilton  Union Bay _______ _  BANK OF MONTREAL-------- ---------- ---- -----Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE• W. M. Blackstock __ RO't AL BAlll OF CANADA----- M. H. Thomas -----  Terrace __________ 300  " ------- " \UNION BANK OF CANADA------ A. T. Broderick ___ ------------ Winnipeg Pnncetou ___________ 600 Bllll OF MOIITREll---- ____ ____ ________________ 22.000.000 Montreal "  Campbell ____  ROYAL BANK OF iANADA-----  I  --------  Frank Pearson ________________ Hamilton  Stevesion ___________ 1500  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. M. De Gex ·----ROY lL BANK OF CANADA----- , . J. :\lac Leod ____  "  Reserve Funds  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531.927 15,000,000 Toronto  l'rinre Hup rL. . . __ 7500 1BANK  15,000,000Toronto  c. Bowman ___________ Montreal  CAIIADIAJI BK. OF COMMERCE s. K.  15,000,000)Toron to  15,000,000 Toronto  c. Hogarth _________________ Montreal  OF MONTREAL--- -------------------Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE T. Ogg ____________ _  Prince George ______ lOOO IBANK .  "  15,000,000 Toronto  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 lMontreal i3,531,927  1oody _________ 500  E.G. Sanford _____ _  20,350,00u Montreal 20,789,000  G. L. Harrison. Acto RuerTJe Fund,  Surplus  Port Coauitlam _____ 1000  CAHDIAII BK. OF COMMERCE  $ 15,000,000 Toronto  Imperial Bank of Qanada _______ C. G. T. Harcourt _____________ Toronto  BANK OF MONTREAL---------- ---- ----------------  l'ort AI berni. ___ - __ 1250  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. G. Exshaw, A.ct,g. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- D.R. Kelly--------  15.000,000 Toronto  .  BK. OF COMMERCE  HEAD OFFICE.  H. T. Newmarch ._  BANK OF MONTREAL---------- ------------------j CANADIAN  Quesnel _______ ______ 400  1  $ 15,000,000 'l'oronto  Penliclon. - - - 1500 Bank of HamU!on _____ ---· J. T. Annst,one. __ ____________ Hamil to"  "  OF BANK.  100  Reser'De Fund,  ___________________  Reserue Funds  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531.927 15,000,000 Toronto 20,350,000 M:ontreal 20,789 ,000  Banks A.dvert..\s\n\I. Prom-pt A.ttent\on to Co\\ections and Correspondence (Inthis  BRITISH COLUMBIA Map on Index Canada  Banks A..dvert.\s\n~ ~\ve Prompt A..ttent\on to Co\\ections and Correspondence  1609  Non-Hank Tow11s with Nearest;. BankJng Point;. (111dexed Acces.), Lawrer • Laws (Jndex/Jd) in back of this  volume.  /:lor Interest Bates. Holidays,  MA.:::::. (i J'~~:J:.  NAME OF BANK.  Pop~p~~~~N~ND  BRITISH COLU.MBIA-Continued  etc., see Laws.  OFFICE.  I  Jf. ~' . Jiorton _____ _ ______ _-{Hamilton  Vancouver__ ____ 120,000 1 *.Ban.le of Hamilton _________ ( 4 Branches in Vancouver)  *BANK OF MOlfTREAL•-------- ----------------  (5 Branches in Vancouver)  ?3,531. 927  Branches in Vancouver Y  *BANK Of TORONTO  E. W. LAMPREY -  I  ICANADIAN 8 . OF COMMERCE I  --- ----  Verno11 _______ __ 1200  9,700,000 jHalifax  Victoria - ---_ 40,000  -------!---------  CHADIAN Bl. OF COMMERCE J . I. E. Corbet_ __ _  15,000,000:Toronto  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- W. A. ButcharL.-  20,350.0001Montreal 20,789,000  OF MONTREAL•-------- _____ ___. ---· _____ _ I*BANK Surolus (3 Branchu in Victoria )  22, ooo, ooolMon treal 23,531.927  *BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA -----k W. Corning-----  9,700.000 Halifax  1  Bran ches in V ictoria ) ___ •  . :M.  I Ilylton Morrn, ____ ------------ Toronto  Beiter _______ ,A. R.Reserve Fun ds  *ROYAL BANK OF CANADA• __ _  20,350,000IMonfreal 20,789 ,000 'Roya\ Trust Co. ________________ F . E . Winslow _________________ Montreal (3 Branches in Victoria )  M. Lay ____ --------- Toronto  I Montreal Trust Co. ______ ____ IRobert Bone - - __ - ------ :Montreal Prudential Trust Co. ______ _____ .\ , E . Plumm er_ ___ __________ Montreal  •UIIIOII BAH OF CANADA-----  *ROYAL BANK OF CANADA•--- Thm;. Peacock____  A. E. AMES & CO,------------  B. H . R owley __ ________________ Winnipeg  ( Canadian Gove rnment,  (2 Branches in Vancoui,er)  20 ,350,0001Montreal ,\ , \Y. Came ron, A. Mor. RuerveFunds 20, 7 9,000  !Co rres pondents: Royal Bk. of Canada, in Canada. Equitable Tr. Co. of London. Ltd ., London England. Victoria WesL-------- /ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---A. M. J. English __ - ------ ---- Montreal J.M. Ruther land -- ----------- Toronto J. C. Hutchison , A ss't West Summerland 1200 /BAIIK OF MONTREAL ________ Tho .. K. G1·ay _____ ------------ Winnipeg H. M. Forbes ______________ 1Toronto G. s. Harrison _____ ---- ------- Winnipeg CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. C. Samis 1,347.450 Carrespondents : YorkH. W. Dyson. shire & CanadianTrust. West Va ncou ver _______ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-- --Gen. Mgr. Ltd.,Huddersfleld, EneF. H. Wright.A. G en. Mgr. White Rock_ _____ _____ _ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA --------------- - land. H. Lockwood,  Industrial Se curities.  I  (4 Branches in Vancou11er) York hire & Canadian Tr. Ltd.  VancouverCiearine House _____ <Membe;rs indicated h11 a*)  Su. and Mar. "ancouv er Height s _ ____ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. D. Harris --- -- c V ancou11er P. 0. ) British Volombla t'.ont Inned on second hair or thl • pa,re.  THE ROY AL BANK OF Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Williams Lake __ ___ __ ___  15,000,000 Toronto.  BANK OF MONTREAL -------  CAN AD A· WEST INDIAN -COLLECTIONS  I  (  H.B. Witter ______ _ Reserve Funds  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,(100  ----- - -- ------ ----  22,000,000 Montreal 23,53) ,92i  A. B. 111orki11 ------  15,000,000 Toronto  A. Chilton - -------Reserve Funds G. ~- Grave~------Reserve l!'unds  20,350,000 Toronto 20,789,000 20,000,000 :.Uontreal 20,000,000 22, 000,000 Montreal 23,53Ui2i 15,000,000 Toronto  Surplus  -  I.  .  .  .  !  handled prompt y at lowest rates  ---------  ...,,..._----·-=----=------------- --------------------- --~ ~ - --=~-----· --  ..  ..  - . --:-_~-:_:=.::~=-  •  0  ,r  C  s:tr:l  > tr:l >  z~  CJ)  ~  p.)  :,  ("')  0  c::  < (l  embers Toronto and Montreat Stock Exchanges. In1(_lf1:estment Bankers A ss' n nnd  •  ---  f o;e,~r:s:  :lo1!in ~~~~ a~  ()  A. E. "'1 Correspondent&: Ames & Co.,N. Y.,Uhi., ,.. Montreal, and Toronto. O  Bond Dealers A ss'n of Cn.nada) / Victona Olearine Honse ________ T . H. La11nd7 _______ __________ _ (Members i ndicated b11 a *)  I  •UNION BANK OF CANADA-----  l  CJ)  1  (Belmont House)  {Dealers in Gove rnment, ROYAL SECURITIES Municipal an d CORPORATION, Limited  Standard Trusts Co. _____ Toronto Gi>n e rii l 'l'rn sts Corp, _  15,000,000!Toronto  hort,  *DOMINION BANK----------___ *IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA• A. R. Green - ---------------· Toronto *MERCHANTS Bl. OF CANADA• E.W. McMullen ___ ------------ Montreal  (4 lJranches m Vancou11er)  Royal Trust Oo. ___ _____________  1.,~ :r:  TORONT0------- 1A. P . Bonltbee_ ---- ____________ Toronto  *MOLSONS BAH------------- G. W. Swaisland-_ ------------1Montreal  *STANDARD BANK OF CANADA  I  A. Mgr,  *MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA• A. ~- Fraser _______ I______ ______ ,Montreal  (See M ontreal)  20,350,000 Toronto 20,i89,000,· · 22,000.000 Montreal 23,531,927  BANK OF MONTREAL--------- _________ ___________  (3  104,500 Correspcndenta: Int'l n1r2. Dow Fraser Trust Co.•---- - H. M. Fraser, Pres. Corp., San II'.; Seattle Geo. H. Miller, V.- Pres. N .• Seattle. J .H. Forester. Mgr. *Home Bank of Canada ________ Ji' . F . Lov rf{ r o,·e _ - ------------1Toronto  (15 Branche& in Vancouver)  w. Baud________  *CANADIAN Bl. OF COMMERCE W. H . Hargrave___  A.M(IT.  (3 Branches in Vancouver)  I 15,000,000 Toronto  R eserve Funds  I*BANK OF  /i  •u--------_  Reserve Funds  Toronto Canada PermanenU,it;ee. OOrp._ U. I. Legate *CANADIAN BIL OF COMM El CE G. V. Holt____ ___ _ 15, 000,000 Toronto (1 0 Branches ,n V ancou11 r)• l'. B. F owler .A. Mgr. , on ____ ______ _____ Toronto *DOMINION BANK----------- Dudl er Daw. J. A. tl. lrving,  *IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA• J.  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---- J.  -Is  HEA D OFFICE.  ---- ·-----------Head 011;:;~nto.  DVERTI8El\U:NT IN TORONTO, ONTARIO BANK LIST.  I  G. J. W  1  Surplus  ('ollertioo. made on any point in Canada and promptly remitted for at favorable rate -. SE}; 1:t' \lLL P GE  I  J:~~fi.  MA.ff;::. OR  NA.ME OF BANK.  PoP~P~~~:.ND  V ~derhoof__ __ ---~:-;;;;;  I  $ 22.000,000 Montreal  Surpln.,  *BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA•---- N. W. Berkin!lhaw_ (2  HEAD  OB  BRITISH COLUMBIA Map on Index Canada  - - -_ - -__ -__ ,:-  -a,_-=~-:  . - . ----·· ----_.:---;--.:.=-:. -  '  1  ,  j  l  •  -  I O'I  0 I.O  t  '  1610  Number under Name of Bank is the New Tran It Number given Dto each bank in U.S. exclusively by The Rand-lUcNaUy Bankers' irectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  MANITOBA  MANITOBA Man .,  opposite Winni'peg  ==P=o=sT=O=FF=I=C=E=A=N=D==================~K~A=N=A=G=ll=O ~Jt~~~P~A~ID=-=UP=:============P=o=s=T=O=F=F=1c=E=A=ND====== =======:==M=AN=A=G=ER=O=R==P=AI=D=U=P~=========I PoPuL.~TIOX.  NA1111: OP BANK.  Alex:mder ______ 325  AGENT,  HEAD OFFICE.  BANK OF MONTREAL--- ___________ S 22.000.000 Montreal Surplus  Altamoni _____________ 50  OA.PIT.A.L.  UNION BANK OF CANADA _____ J.E. Bessette,  23,531,927  PoPUI,ATioN:  NA.ME OF' BANK.  BradwardiDe ----·--·155 Bank: of Hamilton_··----·-··-  AGENT.  OAPIT.lL.  c. E. McLaren .•••• ·-·---·· Hamilton  Brandon .. --•·----15,225 *Bank of Hamilton-••------·-·- A. M. TraiL ••••.• --·-·-·-·· Hamilton  .Altona _____ ·----·--'00 Bank of Hamilton •• --·------·- Jas. C. Wri~ht _______ ----·--Hamilton  ._HI OF MONTREAL·-······· ··-···-·--·-···-·-·· $ 22,000,000 Montreal Surplus  Amaranth. __________ -45 .Angusville ___________ 50  .Arden •• ·-····-·-·-· -- 208  22.000,000 Montreal 23,531.927  -CANADIAN BK. OF COMME CE J. c. Riddell ... -·--  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-·-·- (Sub. to Langruth)  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Canadian Guaranty Trust Oo ... A. C. Fraser. Pru. 263,637 Correspondent: Dominion John R. Little. Ma n'o Dir. Bk .. Toronto, Ont., and Rese: ve Funds 42,000 Branches. *DOMINION BANK---··--··--· T. van 8omeren •• __ · - - - -1Toronto ..,.  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ____ o. F. Johnston •• _.  Reserve Funds  .Ashern_···-------···--·60  Baldur ••••• ·--·-· ••.. _400  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA BANQUE D' ROCH ELAGA--····· MERCHANTS II. OF CANADA MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADAUNION BANK OF CANADA-·-···  BalmoraL.----·--·-·1000  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... < ub. to Stonewall)  Austin ••• ·--····---··250 Bagot ··-···-····- -······  Basswood ___ - -··----100 heau,ejour--···--- -847 BelmonL--····-·-250 Benito·-····· ----· -·-·200  "  ······--  "  Reserve F'und8  Bin earth •.. · - ·-·--- - 250  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ....  Birtle ••••.• _. ·- ···-··660 J. O. Dudley--····-·-·· •••• ·--  ~--···  " Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  w. J. Swaisland . . ···-··--· Winnipeg  Brookdale .. ·····--·-125 Sterlinr Bank of Oanada .•-·-·- P. J. Ravey ---·····--·--Toronto Bruxelles···-···--·-----  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA --·---- (Sub. to Winnipe2) 1- - - -1Montreal  Carberry.·----··---· 878 Bank of Hamilton •• --·-·--···-· C. R, Allen---- --·· ···- · · ······ Hamilton  MEICHANTS Ill. OF CIIAIA w. G. Scott-·-···-·-··-··-···- Montreal UIIION BANK OF CANADA ...... s. T. Hopper •••••• Winnipeg Carman . .. -·---- - -- -1266 Bank of Hamilton.·---··-·-···· R. J. McConneJL __ - - - -1Hamilton  CHADIAN Bit OF COMMERCE UNION BANK OF CANADA.--·-carrolJ •••• - - - · · · 100 UNION BANK OF CAIIADA ...... L. G, Bird •••••• ___ •••••.•••••• Toronto Cartwri~ht --· ___._300 BAH OF TOROITO -··-······· G. Drew ___ _·-·-··· 20,350,000?ifontreal Hl' serve Funds 20,789,000 Chorttiz ··---· -··---··50 BANQUE D' HOCHELAGA -···L. G. Fox, Acting_····-·····-- Toronto -··-··-·-·--·--·· 30,000 Correspondent: Northern Clearwater.·-··----100 UNION BANK OF CANADA---·-Crown Bk .. Binscarth. Crandall.---·--·· 150 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA--· C. A. GigoL--- ··--··-····· Winnipeg  \UNION BANK OF CHAil.----· Bo1 sevam·-·-· ____ .Jl18 DOMINION BAIIK --······-·-·-· A.Morton_····--·-·-·······- Toronto " ---- " U11101 BAIK Of ClllDl...... J.M. Windsor __ . __ ·······-··- Winnipe2 Bowsman R\ver -·--·50 MElC\\MllS I~ Of CMllDl o. R. Smith, Actu~i----,Montreal  to  Brandon Olearinr House-·--··- R. J.B. Fullard_ •• _ _ _ _ _ (MMnbers indicated b11 a*)  20,350,000Montreal 20,789,000  BANK OF MONTREAL ---·-·22,000.000 Montreal Surplus 23,531,927 BANK OF TORONTO .. ·-·-····· M. O. ~fanhard ---- --···--··· -- Toronto UNION BANK OF CANADA-- ---- J. A. Doherty-·--- -·····-···-· Winnipef  Birnie -·-·-·--·-·- · ·-·-50 18terlinl:' Bank of Canada···-··  . "  15,000,000 Toronto  >  *UNION HNI OF CANAIA -- ·  CSub.toMacgr~or) ····-··-·-·- Montreal  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. D. Aitken-----ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---·- G. H. Yule_ •.••• ___  *Imperial Bank of Canada---·-· J. Walker······-········--·· Toronto  Reserve Funds  W. A. Young .••••• ···-·-······ Montreal  20,350,000 Montreal 20, 7 0,000  0  .. OY AL BAH OF CANADA .... W. T. Fyfe··-·-·--  (Sub. to st. Agathe) -- --- -- -- - Montreal  E. H. Bally •••••• __ -·····--··· Winnipeg  Hamilton Prov. & Loan Society J. R. St one--·-····----··-· Hamilton  *MERCHANTS IL OF CANADA J. s. Willmott-··-·········-··· Montreal  w. s. Rozen ---···-··-·-··---Toronto  Reserve F'u:nd.8  Bethany -······- -·-··-10 IIome Bank of Oanada -····-- -  ...,  20,350,000 .Montreal 20,789,000  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA J.M. Sanders ____ _ ____________ Montreal  15,000,000 Toronto  t> z  UNION BANK OF CANADA--·--- L. L. Lewis, Actinq --------·--· Winnipeg CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE N. H. Stout---···· 15,ooo,ono Toronto  Arnaud ·-····-···------50  Au bigny ·-·- --···-·······  23,531.927  BANK OF MOITREAL ·--·-·--· --·-··-----·--··--slll'l)lus Reserve Funds  A.rborg ••• ________.100  o  H:mAD OFFICE.  --------- Winnipef:'  Acting  _  ...,,  v. M.  Dunlevie .___  15,000,000 Toronto  w. R. Be!L••••••• · - - - · Winnipeg R. G. Bailey •••••• ····----- Winnipeg J.  s. Weir _______! ·······---- Toronto  (Sub. to St. Pierre)--····-·- Montreal  c. McNeil . . --·····--··--··· Winnipeg Acc't in charge  N. H. Haworth·-· 20,350,000 Montreal R eserve Funds 20,789,000 Crystal City ··- ··--·-500 Home Bank of Canada·-··--··- F. W. Treble _____ _ -·-··-····-Toronto Cyuress River ····---400  UNION BANK OF CANADA ...... A. P. Thomson •.•. -·-· ----·-· Winnipeg UIIIOI BAIK OF CANADA-··-·- W. B. Brant •••••••• _ _ _ _ 1Winnipeg  ~Dar\'lnldord -·-·'l.O'i> -~ll~Of tAQllll\E~l -·--·--·- ---·-·-----·---,\  'l.2,000,000"M.mitrea.l 1  IO  I t-,;)  'Ban.ks. A..d.vert'\.s.'\.~~ <;;?:.'\.ve "Pro~~t A..tte~t'\.o~ t o Co"\."\.ec.t,!;ri~s a.~~ ~~rrespo~de~c.e  \ 1611  \  i  Dar\ininord _____20'5 \ HllU)f MQllll\Ul ---------\----------Sur~\us\ \i.~li~\1<1on.treal \~ ~ a n . k s /!,,..._dve,:-t\.s.\.:o..~ ~\.ve "P,:-o-m.~t /!,,..._t_te-.t\.o-. t o Co\.\.ec.t'ion.s. a..-.d Corres.pon.den.c.e  de!":;n~4". I~~8er'::tia1:,':'c'l:.5e:::IJ'1n"1tf;;~: [fJ; For Interest Bates, HoUdays, etc., see Laws.  MANITOBA -Cont1·nued  volume.  MANITOBA Map opposite W.lnnJpea •  C  ==================:::::::::=====================,=========,===============================I'< ...... PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  N.u,a OF  j  I  MANAGER OR PA.ID-UP HEAD OFFICE. AGXNT, POPULA'l'ION. .AGENT, 0APITA.L, /1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - 1 - - - --l- - - - - - - - - 111- - - - - - - - - I · - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - /  BANJC,  MA.NA.GU OB  Dauphin. __________ .0200 BAIK OF MONTREAL--------- -------------------  / PA.lD-UP 0A.PITil.  HEAD OFFICE.  Franklin ___ • ------ .. 100 Home Bank of Canada·------· G. S. Hill ·-· ··-·--- -----·----- Toronto  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ J.Kennecty________  9,700,000 Halifax  Gilbert Plains_. _____ 542 CAHDIAI BK. OF COMMERCE John D. Sim·-·--·· $ 15,000,000 Toronto  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Chas. Padley______  15,000,000 Toronto  Starlinr Bank of Canada. ______ G. R. Bradley·-- -----·-· Toronto  w. s. Ashley··--··--···----··· Toronto  GimlL ____ -----·----496 lmperial Bank of Canada ______ (Sub. to Riverton) ____________ Toronto  DOM,NION BANK.--·-------  ROYAL BANK OF CA.NADA.--·- .T. o. Spence_______ Reserve Funds  $  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Giroux·-·· -·----·--·---· BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA .-··--- (Sub to Ste Anne ·---------·· Montreal Des Ohenes) Gladstone ..••.••.•.•. 712 Bank of Hamilton _____________ J, H. Ballantyne •. ______ Hamilton  UNION BANK OF CANADA------ T. s. Fulton __ ··-·-· ____________ Winnipeg  MEICHANTS Bl. OF CANADA c. L. Bride-er ______ ·---------·· Montreal  Decker ____ --· -· ------25 Bank of Hamilton-- -·--------- G. A. Hurst---· ____ --------··· Hamilton  Glenboro ·--------···560 ROY AL BANI OF CANADA .. -- A.  Deloraine-----·----·· 808 DOMINION BANK------··------ A. E. Piercy··----· ------------ Toronto  -------·  UNION BANK OF CANADA .. -·-· E. o. Childe-------· ---·-------- Winnipeg  "  NA.ME OF BANK.  22,000,000 Montreal 28,531,!J27  Surplus  "  PosT OFFICE AND  Dominion City ···---.350 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA J.M. Sanders. _____ ---···-·---· Montreal Dropmore_ .. ··-·--···20 UNION BANK OF CANADA·-···  o. Gibson.______  Reserve Funds  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  UNIOI BAIK OF CHAil----- W. G. McNamee_., _ _ _ _ ,Winnipeg Glenella. ---···-··100 Sterling Bank of Canada. _____ R. M. Hammond_ •• ·-··------· Toronto  c. R. Ivey. ··--------·· Winnipeg Acct. in Chge.  Goodlands-------···-100 Home Bank of Gauada _________ E.W. Saddleton.-- ------· Toronto  DufrosL-·--·--·-··---· BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ·------ (Sub to St. Pierre) ---·-···---- ~fon~real  Grande-Clairiere -···--· BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ·--···· Sub. to Winnipeg • -·--··--· --· Montreal  Due-aid .. _.... ·------·50 MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA R. G. CarmichaeL -·-····-·-·· Montreal  Grand View .·--·----.820 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. W. Chambers__  Acting  15,000,000 Toronto  Home Bank of Canada ••------- H. O. Wilson ______ -----·-----· Toronto  Dunrea-------·--·•··200 Bank of Hamilton ___ .---··----- H. R. Lajoie-··---· -------·--·- Hamilton  Gretna·-----·-------·519 Bank of Hamilton---------·--· L. c. Bitzer-·------ ----·----··· Hamilton  Durban-·····-·--····125 BANK OF TORONTO-----·-----· T. R. Menzies·--·-------- ••. Toronto Eden. _______ --·-·-·50 Sterling Bank of Canada _____·_. R.H. Sayers _____ .• ···--------· Toronto  Griswold--·---· ·----·S00MERCHANTS Bit OF CANADA R. c. Naylor·-----· -----------· Montreal  Edrans -----··-----.• 125 MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA (Sub. to Mac·---···----· Montreal Gregor) Elgin --·----------···350 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. H. Lowe---··-·· 15,000,000 Toronto  Ham iota. _________ 555 Bank of Hamilton _________ ---· J. E. IT ood. ·--- ---· ---· ________ Hamilton  Elie·--·---------··--·-75 BANQUE D' HOCHELAGA -···· A. Bherer --··-----··----------Montreal  Harding-·--·-------···· IMP ERIAL BANK OF CANADA A.McKenzie, Actin g ·--· ·------ Toronto Hartney __________ -·· 62-3 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA J. R. Smith-·-·---- , _ _ _ _ ,Montreal  1111101 BAIK OF CANADA----· R. s. Hod:::e ....••• ___________ Winnipeg  Elkhorn-------·---·574 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R. H. Brotherhood 15,000,000 Toronto Elm Creek_._-·-·--·· 250 Bank of Hamilton ______________ J. S. Miller·------- ____________ Hamilton  "  ........  "  UNION BANK OF CANADA-·---· F. J. G. Sutherland, _ _ _ _ ,Winnipeg Hazelride-e .. ________ -40 MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA R, G, CarmichaeL ------··· Montreal  UNION BANK OF CANADA--··· II. R. R. McClun"- --------·-·· Winnipeg  Headingly •••••. __ ... 200 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE D. c. Munro-·-----  15,000,000 Toronto  Elmwood ----····--····· (See Winnipeg) EJphinstone . _______ .50 UNION BANK OF CANADA ...... J. A. McDiarmid ... ·-------···· Winnipeg  High Bluff ...• ·-------50 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA···---· E. L. Piggott. Pro..  Emerson _____ . ____ 104S BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.---·-· R. G. Masterton·--  Holland--------· --.-480 UNION BANK OF CANADA-----  s. W. Hardy. ______  ----------- Winnipeg  Holmfleld---·--·----150 BANK OF TORONTO ... --------  c. o. Heming______  ·-·----- Toronto  D,700,000Halifax  Erickson ···-·---···-50 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ..... T. E. Squire·--··-· 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Eriksdale------··--···80 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. A.H. Watson _____ .-----·--··· Toronto Ethelbert_ .. ____ --·--75 BANK OF MONTREAL ·------Fannystelle--··-··-·-150 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA  c.  9,700,000 Halifax  Isabella.---···-·-·--··50 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.-·-· R. Porter ·-------·  20,350,000 Montreal Reaerve Fund8 20,789,000 Kelwood ....•• ----···100 Sterling Bank of Canada-·---- N. E. Binns-·------ ____________ Toronto Kenton ____ ··------·-105 Bank of Hamilton_. ____________ A. S. Bowes·------ ____________ Hamilton  22,000,000 Montreal Surplua 23,531,027 T. McDonald .•• ----·------- Montreal  Fort Ro~e·--·-········ (See Winnipeg)  Kenville ••... _ _ _ 50 BANK OF TORONTO .. ·-·------ R. s. Booth-·----· ----------- Toronto  Foxwarren·----···. _150 Bank of Hamilton _________.---- J. N. Leckie.------ ----·------· Hamilton  Killarney ____ -·-----1010 Bank of HamiltoD---·-----·---- H. L. Rogers ______ -·-·------· Hamilton  UNION BANK OF CANABA----- T. E. Bailey·------ ------------ Winnipeg  Manitoba continued on second half of this page.  _THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - NEW Yo Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  K:  68 William Street  LONDON:  Princes St. E. C  -  °',_.,_.  1612  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed), in back of this volume. F_:>r Intere t Rates. Holidays. etc., see_L a ~  PO!:!T OFFICE AND POPULATION .  MANITOBA-Continued  MANAGER OR AGENT,  NAME OF BANK,  PAID-UP CAPITAL,  HEAD OFFICE.  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------- (Sub . to St. Anne ____________ Montreal Deschenes) ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- R.E.Emmett,Act'o $ 20,3;:iO.OOO Montreal Resene Fund8 20.78!1,000 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- ---- 'l'. D. Holloway____ 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,i89.000 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- .J. C'. , · rad(•nbur~h 20,350.000 Montreal , Reserue Funds 20,78!1.000 BANQUE D HOCHELAGA-------- ( ub. to t. Nor- _______ Montreal bert) MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA c. E. Platt _____ ___ _____ Montreal STANDARD BANK OF CANADA _ A. s. Vandusen ______________ Toronto  Labroquerie __ _______ 100 Lac du Bonnett_ ___ . 100 Langruth --------- ____ 50 . . La R1v1er ___________ 200 La alle . ______________ 75  Lauder ____________ 200 Laurier --· --- _________ 50  -lj -  I  PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  1  I  )I agnet__ __________ ---. Makmak_------------120  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA -- --- .r. w. McLaughlin_ 20,350,000 Montreal ReserTJe Funds 20,789,000 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA-I A. • Vandusen _______________ Toronto  I  Manitou _____________ G39 Bank of Hamilton ____________ E. J. Mason, Pro, _ __________ Hamilton 1 '_' -~-- ---- .. UNION BA~K OF CANADA---- 1A. W. Seccombe ___ ------------ Winnipeg Manapo1ts ___________ 100 BANQUE D HOCHELAGA------- T. Gauthier _______ _______ Montreal  :\f Plita __________ g50  1------------  Miami ___ ____________ 350 &Ilk or Hamilton ___________  ~f 1niota ___ --------- 300  . .  w. . Cameron _____________  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---- H. M. Mccallum___ Reserve Funds MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA J. c. Pridham.  Hamilton  20,350,ooo j~fontreal 20,i 9,000I __________ Montreal  1mtonas -- - _______ 200 . Acting )(11~.nedosa ------ -.-.1831 Ba.nlc of Hamilt.on _____________ S. Wils~n _____________ m~mil_ton -----0111011 BAIK OF CAIIADA----- . . Kmg __________________ Wmmpeg 1  )linto _______ --· ______ 150 Moorenark -- _________ 50  UIIIOII BAIK OF CAIIADA--- J. H. Mason. _______ _________ \Winni pee MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- J. s. Willmott_ ______________ Montreal ,  Manitoba continued on second half of this l)a11:e. ' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  "  --------  Winnipeg Montreal Montreal  ms CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE la.  L. Wethey____ 15,000,000 lToronto Home Bank of Canada ________ J. B. Lorimer __________________ 'foronto  "  BANK OF MONTREAL---------______________ Surplus MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA J. H. Chaseley ____ CANADIAII BK. OF COMMERCE J. Duncan _________ Otterburne _____ 40 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------- (Sub. to St. Pierre)  Oak River _________ 200  Oakville ____________ 100 (Kawende P. 0.) Ochre River ______ _100  BANK OF TORONTO------ L. J. Bosdet ______ --------- ,Toronto BANK OF CANADA ------ r. . B 'Il ______________ Winnipeg UNION BANK OF CANADA------ J. G. Gerry, Winnipeg Acc't in Charoe UNION BANK OF CANADA----- Oro. ay ________ ____________ Winnipeg ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---- w. II. Keelan______ 20.350,000 Montreal . r-v ~.ierv~J?unds l 20,i89,000 UNION BANK OF CANAIA----- i,,. 11. Flo:nl . . tct iny ___________ Winnlpef  ----10.  - - - Winnipeg  ------------ Montreal ----------- Winnipeg ---------- Winnipeg ------------ Winnipeg --------- Montreal - - - - - - Montreal ------------ Montreal ------------ Winnipeg  I------------ Montreal  Oakne~ ______ . ___ -------1Bank of Hamilton ·-----. ------ ( · u b. to Ham iota). !----,-------- Hamilton  McAuley __________ __ l25 1UNION .!cConn II ------ -----McCreary ___________ 10s  HEAD OFFICE.  Hodgins ..... ------------ :Montreal  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA - 1P. Tod _____________ UNION BANK OF CANAD·A------ c. W.R. Pearson __ j Newdale ________ _____ zoo UNION BANK OF CANADA------ ,W. Craik __________ inira ___ .. ________ __ 300 UNION BANK OF CANADA------ A. E. Mitchell _____ N1vervilJe ____________ 50 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to st. Pierre) Notre Dame de Lourd 'BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------- (Sub. to Winnipeg) 276 Oak Bank ___________ 35 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-- ( ub. to Dugald) __ Oakburn ______________ 50 UNION BANK OF CANADA------ A.D. W.McKnight. Acting Oak Lakr ___ --· ______ 44g MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA - R. c. Naylor ______  .Iarquette ------ _ . 15 Home Bank of Cana<la ____ ___ _ ( ub. to Winnipeg) ------------Toronto Mather---- ----------120  MERCHANTS Bit OF CANADA - L. E.  "  eepawa ----------  ReserveFunds 20,i 9,000 Lyleton _______ ______ l50 Home Bank of Qanada ________ E. H. Whitmarsh __________ Toronto ub. to Portage la __________ Montreal Prairie) :.\Ia~gregor __________ -481 Imperial Bank of Canada _____ H. C. Macdonald ______________ Toronto -------- .. MERCHAIITS BK. OF CANADA W. A. Youn£ _____ - - - - - - - Montreal  PAID-UP CAPITAL,  UNION BANK OF CANAIA B. McNul ty ---- 1-----------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ----( Lundar) __ S 20,350,000 Reserve Funds 20,i8!l,OOO apinka _____________ 326 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- C. E. Platt, Actinc, ----------" __ ----  1  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA - (  I  Mulvihill ___________-47  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------- Ed. omeauJL _________ ___ ___ Montreal BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------- (Sub. to St.Bom- ____________ Montreal face) Lunclar ___________ ___ 50 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA --- c. Finnbogason, 20,350,000 Montreal  :\iacdonald ------·- -· -40  MANAGER oR AGENT,  --- " 101101 BANI OF CANADA--- R • .illeyn _______  Letellier ____________ 350  Acting  NAME OF BANK,  Morden ___ ---------1458 Bank of Hamilto,..__ _ _ _ ~-A.McLean _____ ------------ Hamilton  Morri ______________ 500  Lenore ------- -------160 Hank of Hamilton _____________ C. C. Heard _____ ______ _________ Hamilton  Lorette ______________ :i  MANITOBA Map opposite Winnipeg  Pier  I Pilot  ----------- Montreal  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- J. A. McIntyre-- 20,3:jO,OOO Montreal Re.~erve Fl.tnds 20,7 9,000 1:ound--------458 Bank of Hamilton ______________ D. A. Ptolemy . __ -------- --- Hamilton  011. _____________ 200  1  'I  22,000,000 Montreal I----------23,531,!-!27 :fontreal I 15,000,000 Toronto  BANK OF TORONTO------------ .J. 'I'.('. Holwrt~1H1_ --------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---- E. l\L O'DonnelL_ 20.350.000 Reserve Funds 20.789,000 ______________ 3g7 ROYAL BAIIK OF CANADA----- A G. Baxter._____ 20.350,000  Pipe tone __ _ _ 150 Pluma  Plum Coulee --------380 Bank ~f Hamilton ___________  Toronto 'Montreal Montreal  Reserve Funds 20,7 9,000 1B. Luyendyk ________________ Hamilton  Poplar Point_ __________ Imperial Bank of Canada - ---- , (Sub. to Portage la ____________ Toronto , Prairie) BANK OF MONTREAL --------------------- 22,000.000 :.\Iontreal Surplus 23,531,02i BAIIK OF SCOTIA---- C. :M. Wiggin __ ___ 9,700,000 Halifax BANK OF ROIITO------------ W. I. McCullough _1____________ Toronto CANADIAN Bit OF COMMERCE D. H. D9wnie --- 15,000,000 \ Toronto lm-oenaJ Bank or Canada------ F. L. Graban------ ---------- IToronto MERCHAITS BIL OF CANADA. J. H. Chaseiev -- __ 1___________ l\fontreal \  Portage la Prairie_.5860  f8VA  \  Banks A.dvert\s\ng give Protn\l't Attention t.o Collect.ions and Correspondence  '°  !:::  --~-~-~  •  - - - ... -  . . . . . . . 0:0 . . . .  e. & .. ...,_  ~L'ULLL\.-"•  .l-'L1.1.,i;u1.1.uu 1..u  '""'u11~l.1ons anu  \,.,Orresponaence  Non-Bank Towns wiLh Neare/it Banklng (ln-  1613  dexed .Acces.J, Lawrers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this  volume  MANITOBA -  For 'Interest Bates. HoUdays, etc, see Laws.  PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  /  NAME OF BANK.  I  MA.NA.GER OR  AGENT.  /-  PAID-UP  CA.PITA.L.  PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  HEAD OFFICE.  Rapid City __________ 580 UNION BANK OF CANADA--- L. Woolleombe -  _____ ,Winnipe~  Rath well ____ ---- --- 200 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- T. M. Willet------  $  20,3n0,000 Montreal Reserve Fwnds 20,789,000 Reston ______________ 500 BANK Of MONTREAL----- - - - - - · - - - -1 22.000.000 Montreal Surolus 23,531,927 Ridgeville_--------- __ 50 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to Letellier) -.A..--------- Montreal  Continued  MANITOBA Map opposJto WinnJpeg  I  MA.NA.GER OR AGENT.  NA.ME OF BANK.  PAID·UP  CAPITAL,  H  EAD  Sandy Lake _____ 6Q UNION BANK OF CAIADA------ A. P. Clarke. ______ ------------ Winnipeg  r  Sanford _______ .---· __ 35 UNION BANK OF CANADA------ A. L. Browns- - - - - Winnip~ berger, Acting Selkirk ____ ---- ___ _3399 BANK OF MONTREAL--$ 22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927 Surplus " --- " DOMINION BANK- ______ W. E. Gordon _____ ----------- Toronto  RR~vers ____________ 650 CANA~IAI BK. OF COMMERCE R. M. Tucker ___ ! 15,000,000 Toronto 1verton ________ 200 lmpenal Bank of Canada ______ H • .M. SampsoIJ_ , ________ Toronto  Shoal Lake ______ 591 UNIOII BANK OF CANADA- ---- A. Baird. __________ ----------- Winnipeg  Roblin ____ . _________ 450 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA J. H. Do~----- - - - - - - Montreal  Sidney------ ---- ___ 150 MERCHANTS Bl. OF CANIDA- (Sub. to Carberr:y)_ ------------ Montreal Sifton _____________ .100 CANADIAN 81(.0FCOMMERCE Thos. Winsby __ 15,000,000 Toronto  UNION BANK OF CAIIADA------ c. P. OllL-·---·- · ----------- Winnipel! toland ______________ 500 Bank ot Hamilwn ______________ W. H. R.Sava.2e __ -----------Hamilton  UNION BANK OF CANADA------ W. H. Brown ______ ----------- Winnipeg J'osebank ____________ 75 UNION BANK OF CANADA------ W. H. Neville, Acting -- ------ Winnipeg Roseisle ----·--------105 UNION BANK OF CANADA----- (Sub. to Carman) __ - - - - - - Winnipeg Rosenfeld. __________ 200 Bank of Hamilton ---------T. C. Lu ted,,1ctinu -----·----- Hamilton Ros burn _____ 250 BANK OF TORONTO----------- J. J. Hay-------------------- Toronto Rossendale------· MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA. (Sub. t0Portage.1a. ---·-------- Montreal Prairie) Ro er. _________ 25 Home Bank of Canada-------- (Sub. to Winnipeg) ____ ·-------Toronto RusselL ____________ 562 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- E. Lucas ___________ --------- Montreal  SomerseL__________ 250 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-- -- --------·--··-------  Reserve Funds  ··  t. Olaude ...... _____ .75 Ste. Elizabeth -·-----.25  st. James _____ . _____ sooo .. ________ ·· St. Jean Baptiste_ ... 250  ..  ________  "  t. Lazare_ ---------.100 St. Norbert__ _______ 800  " -------- " St. Pierre ___________ 300 Ste. Rose du Lac ____ 200  ManJtoba continued Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  B NQUE D'HOCHELAGA------ J. H. N. Leveille __ ------------ Montreal DOMINION BANK ------------ .\. Y. Grant__ ______ ---------- Toronto (2 Branches in St. Boniface) ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- E. s. Phillips___ 20,350,000 Montreal . Reserve Funds 20,789,000 UNION BANK OF CANADA----- G. T. Fenwick, 1 - -- -1Winnipeg (2 Branches in St. Boni/au) Temp. BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to WinnipeiO ----------- Montreal MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA. (Sub. to Morris) -- ------------ Montreal BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA----- J. H. Howarth---· 9,700,000 Halifax Home Bank of Canada-------- J. Mclnnes ___ -------- Toronto BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- E. Trudeau_. ______ - - - - - Montreal MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA L. E. Hodinns ____________ Montreal BANQUE D' HOCHELAGA----- <Sub. to Winnipeg) ---------·-- Montreal BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA.-----· E. Desorcy------- - - - - - - Montreal CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE P. L. Drouin ____ ._ 15,ooo,ooo Toronto BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- N. R. Bougard. ____ - - - - - - Montreal ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- J.M. Bernuy _____ . 20,350,000 Montreal on second half of thJs page.  Reseruelfimds  20,789,000  z ~  ➔  0 I ttl  ►  ttl  I► z  BK. OF CAIADA- W. Gibson __ · ------ __ -------- Montreal UNION BANK OF CIIIADA---- G. T. SeweJL _____ ------- Winnipeg  Souris _____________ 1618 MERCHAITS  "  ---  "  A. L.  YOUD£  & Co. __________ (A. L. Youne)_____  Sperline---- -----100 UNION BANK OF CANADA----- L. E. Mackenzie,  Actvnu  125,000 Correspondent: Merch. Bk. of Can., Montreal - - - - - - Winnipeg  Starbuck ___________ 150 MERCHANTS IK. OF CAIADI C. T. McDonald --- ----------- Montreal  __ ---  !►  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  J. MacPhail---20,350,000 Montreal Steinbach -----------600 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Stonewan __________ 1ogo Bank of Hamilton _________ w. c. Boote. _________________ Hamilton  ..  I~  Solsgirth- ___________ 75 UNION BANK OF CANADA ----- F. R.Fleming,.4.ctu. --------·-- Winnipeg  UNION BANK OF CANADA----- R. c. Jamieson ____ --------- Winnipeg  St~-Bonifac-e-_-_-.~~~ii~m BANK OF TORONTO·----------- A. B. Fee.-------------- Toronto  I  Sinclair Station ___ .. 115 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA R. Wells .. - - - ----- ___ Montreal Snowflake __ . ______ . 75 .Bank of Hamilton_____________ W. P. Pugh________ __________ Hamil ton  t. Agathe ______ 75 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- G. N Chenard ____ . ----------- Montreal Ste. Anne des Chenes BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- J. A. Leduc_ . ______ ------·----- Montreal  0 FFICE.  IVJ~ I  '<  Ill  "  --------  TranscoD&--·- ... ... 1'357  -----  D . Prom t attentlOn to  "  15,000,000 Toronto  G. H. Watson......  15,000,000 Toronto  L.  c. Brown,  c.  R. Neely_ .. ----  Actinu  ~.  00  ()  0  ::s  Ill  15,000,000 Toronto  c. W. Ketcheson,  Acting Beaer'De Funda  :  ~  !  20,350,000 Montreal .  20,789,000  "I i  : I I  EST NDIES  .• ----~ - . -:~---- ------.  . -·1>···_:•,· ••·· -  1;1  J. R. Scoby--·----· ____________ Toronto  ANADA AND  --=-=--=---~~ ·__ '_ -_- --~'--- -_- -- ----~~ .  i  ------- Toronto  _-·-:_- ------:-:-==-_ ......  . - -- ~---=---- -  '  ➔  81111 OF TORONTO----- R. C. Waram __________ Toronto CAIIIDIIN Bil OF COMMERCE R. c. Hayward - - 15,000.000 Toronto  OLLECTIONS IN  f  ::s  UNION BAH OF CANADA----· B. B. SnydaL ____ ----------- Winnipeg  "  TiJston ·-----------50 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-·  ..  s. H. Bray___  i-  '"i  SwanRiver ____ go5 BANI OF TORONT0---- 1C. R. Dawson __ .... --·--------·· Toronto  CINADIAI Bl. OF COMMERCE Teulon ----·----175 CANADIAI Bil.OF COMMERCE " ------ " DOMINION IANI------------·· The Pas ----------1600 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE " ---- ____ " DOMINION BANK .. ----·-------  I  s:  Sturgeon Creek-- · ------ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ----- .A. L. Be sey,.1ctin17 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20, 89,000 Sw&nLake _________ 200 Bank of Hamilwn ______ 1W, King _____ . _____ _ _ _ _ Hamilton 1  "  I~  11  I  0. r+ r+ C;  ------  il  ~ Ill 'O  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- T. B. Armstrong__ 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Strathelair __________ 200 UNION BAH OF CANADA---- W. G. Gross ___________ Winnipeg  "  Ii  - •-  ..  ..----_ ~..:~·=-  I  i614  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Inter est Rates, H oUdays, etc., StO Laws.  d · M A NI T OBA -Conttnue  MANITOBA Map opposite  I~  === = ~ ============~======== = ==========::::;:=======~~===== ========;===;;;;;:::;;:::::::::::;=::;:::====~= BANK. N..uu: o PosT HEAD :M..u uon Billt, N.uo: PoP~P~~~:C,;,ND A GENT, POPULATION. I- - - - - l -- - - -- - - - - l l -- - - - -- - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - -- - -- - - - - 1 OJ.I'  A.GENT,  Treherne ____________ 585 Bank of Hamilton ______________ J. F. Gill  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Virden-------· -----1618 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA -------CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE UNION BANK OF CANADA----"  -------  "  Warrenton---------  OR  P A.ID-UP  ----------1------------ Hamilton  R . P. Morrison ____ $ 15,000,000 Toronto R. L. Gut sen______  9,700,000 Halifax  D. M. Kydd _______  15,000,000 Toronto  J.  v. Harrison _________________  Bank of Hamilton _______ W. C.  (2 Branches in Winnipeg) Montreal Trust Co.------------ P. C. hl~Phe rd ___ _ ___ _________ . Iontreal National Trust Oo .. Ltd, _______ D. H. Cooper _________________ Toronto Prudential Tru t Oo. ____ _ H.P. Pennock _____ ____________ Montreal  Winnipeg  *ROYAL IAIK OF CANADA-- • C. F . Pen+Jand ____  oole. _____________ ___ Hamilton  !  UNION BANK OF CANADA-- ____ c. BANI OF CAIIADA------ H. D. Smith ___________________ WinnipeE Wellwooo ___________ 100 UIIION BANI OF CAIIADA----- ,W, o. Sparlini ----- ____________ Winnipeg 20,350,000 :Montreal Whitemouth __________,5 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- A. Bi<>nkinsop.  (4  (11  Branches in Winnipeg)  Royal Trust  Oo.•---------------  (12  Branches in Winnipeg)  *BANK OF TORONTO!·H. MARSH -------  ----  ~  1  >  WILLIAMPRICE,  s  s.000,000 Honora'T"IJ Pruident JOHN GALT, Pres. G. H. THOMSON, Vice-Pres .  22.000.000 Montreal 23,531,0~7 11,100,000 Halifax  STEPHEN HAAS, *UNION BANK W. R. ALLAN, H. B. SHAW, ILTON, F. W. S. CRISPO, OF CANADA F.J. W.W.HAM ASHE AND GEO. WILSON, A s.~t . Vice-Pm. V ice-Pres . Gen. Mor .  Head Office, Toronto  (12  ollectlon m ad on a n point In Canada and p romptly remitted for a t favorable r ate ' . EE FULL P AGE ADVERTI EM E T IN T ORO T O, ONTARIO BANK LI T.  AIANQIE l 'HOCHELAGA----- : .  I  ~ ::  ______ Toronto  Union ,._. 1,000.000 Correspondents: Manlius Bull, Bk:. of Canada, WiBni- O~ P re11. Standard Trusts Co.----------peE: Bk. of Hamilton, W. Harve:r ,Man'o Dir. (3 B ranches ) 600,000 Hamilton, Ont. ReserTie Fund11 to *Sterlin!? Bank of Canada· ---- • 10. A. Harper __________________ Toronto Toronto General Trusts Oorp .• John Paton ____________________ Toronto  Branche, in Winni peg) Branches in Winnipeg)  $ 20,350,000 Montreal E. H Pringl e , A sst. 20,789,000 ReiJerve .li'un& F. S. LODE- _______ _ ___________ Montreal  *STANDARD BAIK OF CANADA J. s. Turner_______  20,7 1),000 Act'g Re11erve Fund11 Wtnkler . _____________ 45 Bank of Hamilton ______________ W. o. Graef er___________ _____ Hamilton Wi nmpe2 ·-------203,255 ALLOWAY & CHAMPION, Ltd. W.F.Alloway.Pr s 1,025,000 QQTreapondents: Ohem.N., ., orthw. .N. Y.; Peter Lowe, Gen. Mor. 201,708 Minneapolis; Canadian Rest Bk. Com., Winnipeg; Barr lays Bk.,Ltd .. Lon. *Bank of Hamilton ____________ F. E. Kilvert ________________ Hamilton  *BAH OF MONTREAL•----- -- ------------------Surplus (6 Branche in Winnip g) * BAIIK OF NOYA SCOTIA -----• F. w. Ro s --------  HEAD OFFICE .  *MOLSON$ BANI-------------- E. F. Kohl ______ _______________ Montreal  Wawanesa. _________ 350 0111011  (5  P.UD-UP CAPITAL,  ____________ :i\Iontreal WinnipeE---------203,255 *MERCHAIITS BK. OF CANADA H. W. Tesbet t , Acting (8 Branches in Winnipeg) (Continued)  G. Webb---- ________________ Winnipe2  Wa Ioda _____ _----- 325  MANAGER OR  OF  OFFICE A  OnicE.  O..t..P ITAL,  Head Office Branches in Winnipea) ·  to  Correspon dents:  > N• Z  Park, N. Y.; Corn ~ Ex. N., Chi; N. C/l Boa.; Shawmut, Bk. of Buffalo, Buffalo; 1st & Old ~  I  Det. N., Det.; 1st ...,  N •• DuJuth; 1st N. ~ and Midland N., :T Mlopli-.: Cap. N ., ~ Gen. Mors. St. P.; Bk. ol caur. ::, R.H. BAIRD, Mor. W innipeg ~ N. A., San F. Main Office ..., • Reserve Fund S 6,000 ,000 Agents and O throu•hout Canada. Branoh•• Cities ~ Important all In Correspondents of Gre at l!lrltaln. th• Continent of Europe <; and the United &ta tea. Corre ■ ~ndence IDYlted. O  SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE.  . L. ForEet ______________ Montreal  ~AIIAD'II Bl. OF COMMERCE• c. G. K. our ·e____ (13 Branches in Winnipeg}  W.  v. Gordon,  15,000,000  A.Mor. Canada Trust Co.----------- Wm. Whyte------- ---- ---- ---208,644 Commercial Loan & Trust Co .• T. D. Robinson, Pre,a. W. M. Bannatyne, Mor. 47,000 Rest *DOMINION BANK - - --- R. K. Beairsto ____ --.--------(1. • Pim. A. Mor . (6 Branches ,n Winniveo) 570,500 Equitable Trust Oo, ______ E. E. Hall, Prt ·-- O. . Clef t ad, Sec. -Tr. 79,529 Rest 525,036 Fidelity Trust Co. ____________ C.M.Simp on.Pres. and .Man'o Dir. 36,000 Re erve *Home Bank of Canada ________ P . M. Wood ________ \__________ * lmperial Bank of anada ___ • A. R. B. Hearn ____ -----------(4 Branches in Wi nnipeo) Maultoba eout\nued •• Meon4 hall of Ua1a -pace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  8,.  §  OAnad& Permanent litre. Oorp. J. H. C. Lawrence _ ____________ Toronto  Union Trust Co .. Ltd. __________ W. A. Rowland ___ ------------ Toronto Royal ,... Western Trust Co. _____________ A. J .Adamson.Pres. S 1,005.000 Corre11pondenu: Toronto 250,000 Bank: of Canada, Mont- .... R e.~erve Fund. Quebec, and rn real, C.A. Adam on, Mu, n' g Dir. branches. ROY AL SECURITIES Royal Correapondenls: London CORPORATION, Limited {Dealers In Gove rnment, d Bank of Canada, In us~u : ~~itcl~~!rttt (500 Electric Railway Chambers) Royal Correapondent: Canada: Equitable Tr. (See ..11-fontreal) Bk. of Can .. Winnipef, Co. of London, Limited. London, En.eland. Wood, & Co. , Ltd. _ _ (Bon da ) __________ __ --------- -- - Coneapondentll : Gundy Wood, Toronto Gundy & Co., Inc. , N. Y.; Wood Gundy & Co., Montreal. Toronto.and London , EDE, ; Wood Correspondent: Bank of Gundy & Co .. Ltd., Sas- "C katoon. Nova Scotia, Halifax. Winnipee Clearing House ______ W. A. Weir, Toronto Mo-r. and Ste. (.Members i'ndicated b11 a*) ~ 9,700,000 Halifax Toronto Winnepegosis ________ 300 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ D. c. Brown_______  I  ~\  Woodlands-----------  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA J. D. WallbridEe,  Acting  ---------- Montreal  Banks A.dvert\s\ng g\ve Attention to Collections and Correspondence  ... ,  ESTABLISHED 1866  UNION BANK OF CANADA  HEAD OFFICE-WINNIPEG CAPITAL AUTHORIZED $15,000,000.00 CAPITAL PAID UP 8,000,000.00 • RESERVE FUND 6,000,000.00 • TOTAL ASSETS NOV. 30, 1920 (Over) 169,000,000.00 sm WILLIAM PRICE, Honorary President JOHN GALT, Esq., President W. R. ALLAN, Vice-President G. H. THOMSON, Esq., Vice-President STEPHEN HAAS, Vice-President D. B. HAW, General Manager J. W. HAMILTON. Asst. General Manager F. W. ASHE, Asst. General Manager F. W. S. CRISPO, Asst. General Manager GEO. WILSON, Asst. General Manager LIST OF BRANCHES  NEW BRUNSWICK Moncton usse St. John  NOVA SCOTIA Halifax  Truro  Kentvllle  PRINCE EDWARD ISL. Charlottetown  QUEBEC Aylmer Dalhousie tatlon  Fassett Kenogaml  Montreal (2 offices) Papineau ville  Quebec (2 offices) t. Polycarpe  ONTARIO  Alexandria Barrie Bellevllle Blenheim Brampton Caledon Campbellford Canboro Canfield Carleton Place Charlton Cookstown Cooksville Crysler Curran  Dundalk Dunnvllle Easton' Corners Edwards Englehart Erin E sex Fenwick Flshervllle Fort William Galt Goderich Guelph Dagersvllle Halley bury  Hamilton (3offi's) Ha tings Hepworth Hlll burg Indian River Islington Kemptvllle Klnburn Kingsville Kitchener Leamington 1'fanotlck 1\-lelbourne Merrickvllle Metcalfe  Mlmlco Mine Ing Mount Brydges Newboro New Dundee New Liskeard North Gower Norwood Orlllia Orton Oagoode Station Oshawa Ottawa (i offices) Owen ound  Altamont Angusville Baldor Benito Rittle Bolssevalo Brandon Carberry Carman Carroll  ClanwUllam Clearwater Crystal City Cypress River Dauphin Deloralne Dropmore Elm Creek Elphlnstone  Glenboro Hamiota Hartney Holland Klllarney McAuley McConnell McCreary Manitou  l\lelita Mlnnedosa Minto Morden :Morris Neepawa Newdale Nlnga Oakburn  Abbey Alida Alsask Arcola Asquith Asslnlbola Bounty Bruno Buchanan BUlyea Cabrl Canora Carlyle Carmel Carruthers Colevllle Cralk Cupar C11t KDlre  Dewar Lake Din more Drake Dummer Ea tend Eaton Ester hazy Estevan Eyebrow Fillmore Govan Gravelbourg Guern ey Gull Lake Hatton Hazen more Herbert Hughton Humboldt  Indian Head Jan en Kelfleld Kerrobert Keystown Klndersley Landis Lang Lanigan La Porte Lawson Leader Lemberg Limerick Loverna Lumsden Luseland Macklin McNutt  Airdrie Alderson  Bowden Bow Island Brooks Bruderhelm Calgary (3 offices) Cardston Carseland Carstalrs Cereal Chauvin Chinook  Clairmont Claresholm Clive Cluny Cochrane Consort Cowley Dldsbury Duche Edmonton (3 orflee ) Elnora  I  Pakenham Pendleton Peterboro Picton Plantagenet Portland Ridge town Rodney Rosen ea th St. Catharlnes Shelburne Smith's Falls Smlthvllle Springbrook  tlrllng Stitt ville Sydenbam Thornton Toledo Toronto(1 loffices) Wark worth Warsaw West Lorne Westport Wheatley Wlarton Winchester Woodlawn  Rapid City Roblin Roland Rosebank Russell Sanford Sandy Lake Shoal Lake Solsglrth  ourls Sperling Strathclalr The Pas Virden \Vaskada Wawanesa Wellwood Winnipeg (H offices)  Plapot Plenty Prince Albert Qu'Appelle Regina Rocanvllle Rose town Ruth Ilda Salvador Saskatoon (2 Offices) Seep tre haunavon Simpson Sin taluta outhey Strassburg Strongfleld  Swift Current Tessler Theodore Togo Tompkins Vanguard Viceroy Vldora Wapella Watrous Wawota Webb Weyburn Wilkie Wlndthont Wolseley Yorkton Zealandla  Irvine Jenner Laeombe Langdon Leduc Leth bridge Lundbreck MacLeod Medicine Hat Okotoks Pincher Creek  Rimbey Sedalia Sexsmlth pirlt River Standard Strathmore unnynook walwell Three HUis Wainwright Waterhole  MANITOBA  SASKATCHEWAN l\lacrorle Mantarlo Maple Creek Maryfleld Melfort Milestone Moose Jaw Moosomln Morse Mossbank Netherhlll Neudod Ogema Outlook Oxbow Palmer Penna t Pense Perdue  ALBERTA Allx  L  Barons Bashaw Bassano Bellevue Bentley Black Diamond Blackie Blalrmore  BRITISH COLUMBIA Coalmont hazelton Prince Rupert  Smithers Vancouver (I offices) Victoria  Empress Etzlkom Foremost Fort Saskatchewan Fort Smith Grande Prairie Hanna High River Hlllcrest lnnlsfall  LONDON.ENGLAND 6 Princes Street. London, E. C. West End Branch: 26 Ilaymarket, S. W.  UNITED STATES Agency: treet, New York  '9 Wall  Agents and Corre!lpondents at all important Centers in Great Britain, the Continent of Europe, and the United Statee  This Bank has Excellent Facllltie for Collecting Throughout the Dominion of Canada Correspondence Invited Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ·,,,.:f", ,. ~  I  ---  C-r,nit,,\J .......W, 1 0..  MANITOBA  G  SCALE te Miles, 30 = 1 Inch. O 2 4 6 8 10  15  20  25  so  8~  40  .:Band M.c~ally'1 New ll i: H Map of Ma.nltobll, • Oop:,-right by lw>d llle:ially ~ Co.  H  J  Meile  farg K Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  f  "'...= " t  • 1 0  -----  Q,  0 Q,  "  ~  .. ___,_..,,.  ~  u  i  II)  -----  2'; ;i ~ ~  $ u:i  .....----  ~  HUNDREDS of letters from bankers throughout the United States prove that the use of ''Small Caps" in black type is the best money-making advertising in the bank field. BANK OF RUSHVIl.LE Capital uo,ooo  Rushville, Ill., March II, 19:zo Rand McNally & Co. Chicago, 111. Gentlemen:Plea e upply us with about thr e hundred (3oo)cards like specimen enclosed, which we have been sending out in reply to requests for ratings. It mightinterestyou to know that e have sent these out with our replies in every case where we have answered requests for ratings and believe that without a sing1e exception we have received proper compensation for our services by stamps ent in return. Many of the firms that we have served have commented favorably on the system which we use, and only recently a card came back with this notation. "We enclose 25c for report and assure you that we are glad to do it. Wish all banks would use the same system". We are so pleased with them that we are glad to give you this information. Yours very truly, J. H. YOUNG, sst. Ca hier.  If you are not using a bold type for your name in our list, you should write for terms.  1615  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking ~ >Int (Indexed Acces.), La'W}'ers,, Laws (indexed) in back or this For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  NEW BRUNSWICK  volume.  PosT OFFICE AND  POPULATION.  I  N 01'  B.4NI.  le  JIA.N.4GIR OR AGENT.  I  PA.JD-UP  0.APITA.L.  I  I HEAD OFFICE.  Albert ________ .BOO BANK OF ~OVA SCOTIA-------- R.D. Robinson.Pro. S 9,700,000 Halifax Anderson Sidin ___ .400 La Banque Provincial du Canada------------------ J. H. Michaud. ___ Bath ________________ -400 BANI OF NOVA SCOTIA------- Il. J. C. McIntyre. Pro. Bathurst _____ 2800 BANI OF MONTREAL------------ ---· Surplus --La Banque Provinciale du Can . P. P. Leblanc ______ ROY AL BAIK OF CANADA---- F. H. Eaton ________ Reserve Funds Bayfield _____________ 100 R. V. Ilcgan, Pro._  .  ---  ----  .  .. --------- .  BANK OF NOVA StOllA------  Blackville __________ 500 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- A. B, CraswelL ____ Buctouche _________ goo ROY AL BANK OF CANADA ---- A.L.Fournier, SuL. Campbellton ________ 4300 BANK OF NOYA SCOTIA------- R. B. Ro sborough_  .  ____ ....... Montreal ,..  9,700.000 Halifax 22,000,000 Montreal 23,531.927 Montreal 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax  ---- --------  9,700,000 Halifax 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax  . - ,. CAUIIH BK. OF COMMERCE A. H. Rus ell------ 15,000,000 Toronto . La Banque Provinciale du Can. L. G. Trempe ____ ------ Montreal . -------.. ROYAL BANK OF CAIADA---- J. G. Christie ______ 20,350,000 Montreal ----20,789,000 Reserve S. M.Bailey ________ Canterbury __________ too ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----  Funds  deser1Je Funds  Caraquet_ _________ 2800 La BanqueProvincialeduCan. _ Lorenzo Giroux ___ Oen trevilJ.e _________ 600 BANK OF NOV A SCOTIA------- W. M. Bruce _______ Chatham ___________ 4666 HNI OF MOIITIEAL- - - -  Surplus .. - - . BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- ----- ------------------J. A. Morris _______ Chipman ____________ 350 W. J. Baxter ______  BANK OF NOYA SCOTIA-------  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  -------- ---- :Montreal 9,700,000 Halifax 22,000,000 ~ontreal 23,531,927 9,700,000 Halifax 9,700,000 Halifax  POST OFFICE Al\"D  POPULATIO~.  NBW BR.JNSWICK Map opposite Hallt'a,x N.UU: OF BANI.  ll.ANA.GD e:a 1.GENT.  P.ilD·UP OJ.PITA.I..  Fredericton _____________ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W, T. Gerald ______ $ 15,000,000 (Contin'IUd) ROY AL BANI OF CANADA ---- G. A. Taylor ___ 20,350,000 -----Reser»e Funds 20 ,789,000 Fredericton Junction ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---- J.C. G. Cook, A.ctg. 20,350,000 20 ,789,000 200 Reserve Funds G~etown •• __________ 233 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- J. S. Sutherland __ 9,700,000  .  ..  Grand _________ l280 BAH OF MONTREAL--------  .  ..  ---- -· -- ---- -----Survlus  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA --- R. T. Moseley _____ --Funds Grand Harbor _________ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------· Sub.Reserve to Grand Manan Grand lllan~-------2444 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ W. :M. Steeves, (North. Heaa P.O.) A ct'o Hampton ___________ 2544 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- W. S. Wilkinson __ Hartland ________ _____g44 BANK OF MONTREAL --------------------------Surplus Harvey Station ______ 500 ROY AL BANK OF CANADA------ W.A,Lawlor,Actino R eser1Je Funds  Havelock ____ ______ _---- BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA----· ·- - S. Macdonald, Pro. Hillsborou2h. ________ 911 Bk2. Office of 1. L. Peck _______ (John L. Peck) ____  HEAD  Toronto Montreal .Montreal Halifax  22,000.000 Montreal 23,531,927 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax 9,700,000 Halifax 9.700,000 Halifax 22,000,000 Montreal 23,531 ,927 20,350,000 Montreal 20 ,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax  25,000 Correspondents : Bk.of Nova Scotia, Hillsboroueh, N. B. 9,700,000 Halifax BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- B. W. Gavpy _______ Montreal Inkerman-_:::·_:-~-- -- - La Banque Provinciale du Can. Mme. J. A. Boud- --- ---reau Jacquet River _______ 500 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- D. B. Scott_ ______ 9,700.000 Halifax Lameque ___________ 375 La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. R. Chiasson _____ - -- Montreal Mace's Bay __________ 100 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- W. A. Miller, Pro •. 9,700,000 Halifax  .  ..  ----  --------  Marysville . ________ 1837 BANK OF MONTREAL--------Kc.A.dam ______ 807  ----------------Surplus  22,000.000 Montreal 23.531,927 9,700,000 Halifax  Montreal  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- F. H. Estabrooks __ Milltown ___________ l804 ROY AL BANK OF CANADA ---- w. H. Matthews,  ---------R. Crae-l:-- __ 20,350,000 Montreal ------- ., ROYAL IUK OF CAIIADA---- W. A.Reserve 20,789,000 Fun<Ul Debee ___________ 150  Reserv, Funds Millville---------- __ af>O BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- D. C. Campbell, Pro. Minto _________________ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- W. A. Culton, Pro.  20,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax  ltoncton __________ 15,000  22.000,000 Montreal 23,531.927 9,700,000 Halifax  Olair. _______________ 200 La Banque Provinciale du Canada ____________ Osca. . Levasseur __  .4.ctg,  Dalhousie _____ 2000 La Banque Provinciale du Canada ______________________ C. J. Gaudet. ______  ..  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- G, P. Tapley, Pro._ Deer Island ________ 1600 BANK OF NOVA SC01'A---- Sub. to St.Andrews Devon _________ goo CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E.W. Spurr _______  Doaktown ____________ 170 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- K. F. Gault, Acting Dorchester_. _______ 1200 ROY AL IAH OF CANADA ---- A. V. Smith _______ Re8erve Funds C. P. Furlong ______ East ___ 200 BANK OF NOVA sco1IA- ------ R. East Florenceville St. John __________ G. Blair ________ ROYAL BANK OF CA ADA-----  .  .  Reserve Funds  EJdmundston _____ l821 I.a Banque Provinciale du Can. F. H. Bourgouin ___ ROYAL BANI OF CANADA---- T. J. Scott_________ ------Reserve Funds Fairville ____________ 3200 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- R. Dole ____________ Jl'redericton _________ 7500 BANK OF MONTREAL-------(2 Branches in Fredericton) Surplus BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA----- w. 8. Thomas _____  .. --- .  New Brunswick cont lnued on ■ econd half of tala pace-  :'•  Montreal  9,700,000 Halifax 9,700,000 Halifax  15,000,000 Toronto 9,700,000 Halifax 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 Montreal ---- ---20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax 22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927 ,. 700,00ral ifax  ----  .. ------ .. . .. -------- . .. -------- ..  BANK OF MONTREAL --------Surplus BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- W. J. Jardine _____ CANADIAN BK. OF CIMMERCE W. T. White _______ (2 Branches in M oncton)  20,350,000  9,700,000 Halifax  15,000,000 Toronto  La Banque Provinciale du Can. _ Geo. Campeau _____  -----------ROY AL BANK OF CANADA---- W. c. Hazen ______ 20,350,000 Montreal ---- ---- . (2 20,,89,000 Reserve Funds .. --- ---- . UNION BANK OF CANADA----- J. H. Hurlburt _____ ------ Winnipe2 Newcastle. __________ 2945 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- L. D. Murray ______ 9,700,000 Halifax . ------- . ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- A. G. Putnam ______ 20,350,000 Montreal  .  Branches in Moncton)  Reserve Funds Norton ____________ goo La Banque Provinciale du Can. W. F. Taylor ______ Perth _________-------200 BANK OF MONTREAL---------- ---------- ---------Survlus BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA---- J. F. Palfrey _______  ..  Montreal  ---- ----  ..  20,789,000  ·---------- Montreal 22,000.000 Montreal  --  23,531,927 9,700,000 Halifax  THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-~NEW YORK: 68 William· Street >- .LONDON: Princes ·st., E. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  OFFICE.  0\  0\  _ ...  >.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (ln• dexcd Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) ln back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  1616  -=-=-===:-:=::=·n PosT  OFFICE A. POPULATION.  NEW BRUNSWICK-Continued PA.ID•UP Oil"ITil.  .AGDT.  l'etitcodiac ..• --·····700 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA·------ G .• L  cburma  .• $  HEAD OFFICE.  9,700,000 Halifax  POST OFFICE A 'D POPULATION.  PlasterRock·-----·-·100 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.--. H.F. Henderson •. , Ruerve Fund&  20.350.000Montreal 20,789,000  Port Elgin_ . . . ··-·-1235 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA .. _____ A. R. --····  !l,i00,000 Halifax  I c.·ton ... -----······600 ROYAL BAIIK OF CANADA.- W. F. Dorward .... ! Ruu·ve Fu.1WU  20,350,000 Montreal 20,i 9,000  Hichibu~:o .....•.... 871 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA·-·-- G. O. Lon~-·--·-··· Ruerve Funds  20,350,000 Montreal 20,7811.000  Hi, Pr•icte .• -•.. • ..•. 225 BANK OF NOYA SCOTIA-···--· G. A. Blackie._....  9,700,000 Halifax  ~A.GD OK AGENT.  NA.ME OF BANK.  ackville •••••...... 2080 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA·····- H. H. Johnston ....  I  Royal Trust Oo, __ ·-··-······-- W. J. Ambrose ··-· ········-··· Montreal  *0111011 BAllll OF CAHDA- J. W. Ryan--·················- Winnipeg  J. )(, Robinson &Sons_ .. _._ ·---··-···-·-·-···· -···-······- Corrupond,mts: N. Park,  OJ  ROYALCSECU~ITTIE1:SN Lim"ted I :QRPO A' 0 ,  z  N. Y.:Harris, Forbes& :;t:, C Co., Boa. {Dealer In Government, Correspondenu:Royal Bk. , Municipal and I ndustrlal of Canada in Canada; Securities. Equitable Trust Com- C/l pany of London, Limi-1 ~ ted, London, England. ()  (54 Prine, William Street) (Bee Montreal)  20,789,000  t. Andrews ..•. _••.. 087 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA -·-··-· G. W. Babbitt .. - ..  9,700,000 Halifax  t. G orl!e .••••• ·--··988 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.·-···· ll. 11. Burtou._ ••••  9,700,000 Halifax  ,n  , t. John •••...•. -. 55,000 *BAH OF MOIITREAL•-···-- ···-·-·-----, Surpltu St. John) (4 Branehe,  *BANK OF NOVA SC0TIA•···- 1J. u. 'tc>ven on .••  22,000,000 23,531.92,  ontreal  9,700,000 Halifa  (6 Branche, in St. John)  Canada Permanent  l(qe, Oorp. R. F. Wrh?ht-••••• ·-···--··· Toronto  ~  St. John Olearing Bouse ••••• _. J. W. Ryan, See .•. -······---·-  (Memher• mdieated bl/ a *)  9,700,000 Halifax  ROYAL BAH OF CANADA ..... G. H..,~e~ee~1!:-.:i: I 20,350.000 Montreal ~'6,M.UI  HEAD OFFICE .  Andrew Jack.._··--·----- (Bruker)······-·-·--·······--  La Banque Provinciale do Can. \\·an n L. Gray ... _____ Montreal  V  ,· P.UD-UP Oil'ITAL.  ISTANDARD BANK OF CANADA- W. L. Caldow . ···- · · · - - - 1'oronto  Hoger ville. ··-··-·1000 La Banque Provinriale du Can. F, J. Poirier •••••• ·--···--·-·· Montreal  •  O'I  S 20,350,000Montreal t. John-•.•.•••••.•... 10YAL BAH OF CANADA._. R.E.Smith, 20, 7 9,000 Ream""Ve Fund8 (2 Branche, in St. John) Wcmtmuw)  Petit Rocher · ··-·· •...• La Banque Provmciale du Can. J. 'I'. D' ujou ···-· ·---···----· Montreal  LW><I  ~-  - - O'I  1u1u.auoa OF BANJt.  NEW BRUNSWICK Map opposite Halifax. N. S.  aint Jo eph ..... ·--·- La Banque Provincial du Can. A ..T. Leblanc ••••.. ·-······--·· Montreal  to  ►  St.Leonard Station_ .276 ROYAL BAIi OF CAIADA ..- .\.. L. l<'ournicr ···Iu&erve Fund.a  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789.000  z ,~ en  St. Stepheu. ___ ··-··2536 BAIi OF MONTREAL.---····- -······--·---surplus  22,000.000 Montreal 23,531.027  ~  I  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.----·· H.J. Gordon._ •. _. ROY AL Bl. OF CAIIADA·-····- 1D.  i~!';~~s~naa  Salisbnry •.. ····----·BOOIBAIK OF NOVA SCOTIA -····- D. G. Lin~Jey. Pro,  9,700,000 Halifax 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 O, 700,000 Halifax  Shediac .••...·-·····1"2 BANI OF MONTREAL·-·--··· ---··--·······  22,000,000 Montreal urplus 23.531,027 Montreal •·······-··· ·-· Grace De Eel. J. Oan. du Provinciale Banque La 000 ••.• Shippifan ·-·--··  I  Stanley ·····---·-····275 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  o. J. Loufhlin •••. •  15,000,000 Toronto  c. Roy .• - -  9,700,000 Halifax  Sussex .• ·-····-·····1000 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ....... G,  I  ,~·... ~  10  0.  iii'  ...  ()  0  ~  0  0 0.  ... (J)  0  *CANADIAN Bl. OF COMMERCE W. H. Luesdin Eastern Trost OompanJ •••••••  u. ('. JI. (·FPrl!ll" 1,John E lli.,  ··!---·-  Halifax  A.~·, Jf or  *LaBanqoe Provinciale do Can. D. W. Harper·-··· ·-----··-··- Montreal ~ (3 Branche, in St. John)  *MERCHANTS Bl. OF CANADA Ir. J. Shren.. _ ... ·---··---· Montreal 'Prudent\a.\ Trust Com1)a.ny · - E. li. Chur<"lt •••••• -····-······ Montreal ~ .....  1'n1:na-w\elL eout \uuecl •u Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  lla\l ol  \Illa_.....  ROYAL BAIIK OF CANADA .... W. s. Bay··-·-···· Ruerue Fund.a  15,000,000 Toronto  "  --·-··  "  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  ·--1-······-·-  UNION BANK OF CANADA--- T. H. Hammel, Ad~g  Winnipeg  Tracadie •• -·-··-·-· 2600 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Gu tave Poirin •• . -··········· Montreal  I  Wood tock. ____ ....,.38515 BANK OF IIOITREAL-----· ·--·-······-·-··· Surplua  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,027  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA·-·- ... A.. J. llacauarle __ •  0,700,000 Halifax  I01 ll Blll OF ClllDl---· c. J. Durling -··-·-  20,350,000 Montreal  Ruerut. Funds  20,789.000  ()  :,;-'  ---  ---- \ •--~ - - -.--.....  aau.  01 \ ,au  ......  \\\\  \  ---  \n" •AL Dll.111\ ur ~AIIAUA---- \0, J.Ruer"Ue Durling ------ \ Fund.a  1-  ZU,350,000\Montreal  10  20,789,000\  =---~==-~-- an.ks A.dve.rt\.s\.n.~ ~\.ve 'Pro'"-:pt A.tten.t'\.on. t o Co\."\ec.t'\.on.s a.n.d Correspon.dence 1;:::  1617  0  Non-Bank Ton-n.-. with Nearest: Banldng Point; (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this For Interest Bates. Holidays, etc., se~La~ _  NEWFOUNDLAND  volume.  1 Po:,~P~~~ i:c,:_ND  NAME oF BANK.  M1i~;:,:_ OR  O  f;;~A~~  HEAD  co Avondale _______ soo /BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- !B. N. White. P,o, __ S 9,700,000 Halifax Bay Bulls__ _________ 900 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- ---- P.R. O'Reilly_____ Reserve Funds  Bay Robert _______ 2226 /BANK  OF NOVA SCOTIA------- ,A. T. Bell,  A.ctg. __ _  -----c,-- -=----=== N=B=-W _  PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  OFFICE.  20,350,000Montreal 20,789,000  15,000,000 Toronto  Bell I land _______ __ 1000  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- 1G. A. Mowat, A.ct'g  9,700,000 Halifax  Bonavisla----- ----- 3698  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA----·-- .r . .r.  Young _______ _  9,700,000 Halifax  Bonne Bay _________ 1137  BANI OF NOVA SCOTIA------ - A. W.Amberman_  0,700,000 Halifax  Bur~eo  HEAD  ----l·----1~  Harbor Breton ...... 763  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE P.J.Hallisey,Act'o  Harbor Buffett .. __ ._33  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.---· E. c. Nickerson·-· 1 20,310,000 Mon trral  Harbor Grace .... _5184  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ----- __ J. H. Mace -------·  OFFICE.  $ 22,000.000 Montreal  Surplus  23,531 927  15,000,000 Toronto  Reserve Funds  20,789,000  1  9.700.000 Halifax Newfoundland Savings Bank __ JohnFoley _______________ St.Johns  Hearts Content .... 1000 Newfoundland Savines Bank •• Walter Moore _____ • ____________ St, Johns  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- P. G. Ledingham,  Reserve Funds  BAH OF NOVA SCOTIA.----- W. C. Hawker, Pro, BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- ----u K. M. Batten, Pro._ Little Bay Istands. __ 800 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ G. F. Gardner---Marystown ...• ___ .. 150 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----· A. White ---------Hertnitaee.----- ·-- ----  OF NOVA SCOTIA·------ E. V. Hall, Pro ••••  9,700,000 Hali fax  -·------·----l026 !BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ IF. Davis __________ _  9,700.000 Halifax  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Acting  1  Brie-us __ ----·----- ·1162 1BANK  PAID-UP CAPITAL.  BANK OF MONTREAL - - - ------------------  9,700.000 Halifax  BK. OF COMMERCE IC. M. MacKay Act'g  MA.NAGER OR AGENT.  Greenspond •••.•••• 1358  Newfoundland Savines Bank __ D. G. Fraser ____________ St, Jobns Belleoram ________ - .. 305 1CANADIAN  I  PO ==U=--N - =D=L=A = N=D =----= M=-a =p =----= o=n=-= l n=d :::':e =x = C = a= n=a=d=a-=-====-=-=/;_s  NAME OF BANK.  9.700,000 Halifax  Lama line --·- ______ 725  9,700,000 Halifax 9,700,000 Halifax 20,350,00C Montreal 20,789,000  Reserve Funds  Old Perlican •• _•• . _._900  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ W. Hayward, Pro. _  9,700,000 Halifax  1  BANK 'OF NOVA SCOTIA-------  J. A. Dunbar ____ _  9. 700.000 Halifax  ICANADIAN BK. OF COMMfRCE  E. Holmes ~---·---  15,000,000 Toronto  OF MONTREAL.·-------· - - - - · --------  22,000,000 Montreal 23 ,531.927  Burin-·-----·----- 2719  carbonear ____ . ___ 3703 IBANK  catalina_. ________ .1300 Change I land __ .. 1067 Channel ·--- ·-·· ·-1280 Clarke's Beach ___ ._500 Cnpids __ _··--- -·----5 00 Curlin~ ____ . ______ 1500  Surplus  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA---·-BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.-----· BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-----BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-----BANK OF MONTREAL----  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA --- J. E. Williston.---Rese1-ve Funds BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA·------- A. Lyons, Acto·--·Pouch Cove __ • ___ 1000 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- C.M.Williams,Actg.  Reserve Funds \  9,700,000 Halifax  Rose Blanche_._ •. _.870  E. J. Lutz---------  9.700.000 Halifax  st. George's __ . ____ 1000  L. C. Bulmer, Pro,_  9,700,000 Halifax  D.R.Manzer,Act'g  9,700,000 Halifax  (Sub. to Brigus) ··-  9,700,000 Halifax  (Sub. to Brigus)._  9.700,000 Halifax  --------  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927 22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927 9,700,000 Halifax  Surplus  BANK OF MONTREAL ·----·--· --------·---------Surplus Fogo ·--------·-··-1000 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- c. J, Ohislett. Pro. Fortune ____________ 940 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- \Y ..-L ~IcLaggaft~o. BANK OF MONTREAL-·- ------ ----------·------. Surp1us Grand Bank ___ ._.1200 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- L.R. Crammond--. 1 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE P. H. Hamon-----Gaultois -··------·--200  -urtii~s  OF MONTREAL----------1------------ 8  "  23,531,927 9,700,000 Halifax  15,000,000 Toronto 22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927  • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .  Surplu~ 1  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ G. Glennie ____ __ __ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. M. Stewart__ . . _  I 1  Newfoundland Savines Bank __ Robert Watson, (Head Office)  Cashier,  ROYAL BAH OF CANADA----- C. E. Jubien _______ (2 Branches in St. Johns)  Resen,e Funds  3,030,040  I  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 Montreal  !Royal Trust Co, _ _ _ _ _ _  J. A. Paddon, Agent  Trinity _____ ------· 1459  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------Wesleyville ___ ··----400 BANI OF NOVA SCOTIA------· Western Bay _______ 965 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA .. _---Winterton ________ 1030 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-·--·  E. B. Rankin -- ----  Twillingate._. ___ .3542  c. L. Dunlop------  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 9,700.000 Halifax  E.G. )fosher , Pro.  9,700,000 Halifax  'NK OF CANADA - BRANCHES throu out  ___________ 1  Reserve Funds !  A.. 1Iurphy, Pro, __ .  <Sub. to Hearts Content)  9,700.000 Halifax  I  Reserv!t Funds  I  B  23.531,927  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927 9,700,000 Halifax  15,000,000 Toronto W. J. Church, Ass't Eastern Trust Co, ____________ W. A. Tucker__._ .. -·--------- Halifax  9,700,000 Halifax  22.000,000 Montreal  Surplus  .  st. Johns •.• ----·35,000 BANK OF MONTREAL•------- - - - - - - "  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ·--· 1P. Fowl ow-~-- _--·- I 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 BANK OF MONTREAL·-- ---- --------·--------· / 22,000,000 Montreal  Newfoundland con tin / ued on second half of this p age.  AL  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax  Port au PorL •••••• 240  M.A. Girvan _____ _  Ferryland ----···-··535  Grand Falls ·----- __ soo jBANK  Placentia----·-·--·1315 Newfoundland Savings .Bank •• James Collins ______ ------------St.Johns  ANADA AND  EST  20.350,000 Montreal 20 ,789 ,000  NDIES  '  1618  Non-Bank Towns wtth Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  NOVA SCOTIA  NOV A SCOTIA-Map opposite  -O'I  00  PosT  OFFICE AND POPULATION.  Amherst.. ______ ___ sm  NA.HE OF B.&..NK.  MANAGER OR AGENT.  PAID-UP  CAPITAL,  BANK OF MONTREAL--------- -------------------- ! 22,000.000 Montreal Surplus  POST OFFICE AND POPULATION.  HEAD OFFICE.  23,531,927  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ______ W. c. Sinclair_____  9,700,000 Halifax  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. F. Cross_______  15,000,000 Toronto  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------ H. L. Bentley______  Bridgewater ________ 2775 (Continued)  NA.MR OF BA.NX:.  :MANAGER OR  PAID-UP  AGENT,  CAPITAL,  HEAD OFFICE.  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE C. N. Roop ________ $ 15,000,000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------ E. B. McDaniel....  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Caledonia ___________ 500  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- A. 0. Philip-------  9,700,000 Halifax  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Campo Bello-----------  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA--------  ub. to st. t\.ndrews  ll,700,000 Halifax  BANK' OF NOVA SCOTIA----- L. Robertson------  9,700,000 Halifax  Cannmg ____________ l413  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ H.T.Begg _______ _  9,700,000 Halifax  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- H.J. Armstrong___  20,350,000 Montreal 20 789,000  Canso _______________ 1617  BANK OF MONTREAL----------  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ A. L. Kerr__________  9,700,000 Halifax  Chester ______ ---- ____ 900  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA __ ---- J. H. Strong ______ _  9,700,000 Halifax  0  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. P. Reynolds....  15,000,000 Toronto  Church Point_ _______ 200  ROY AL BANK OF CANADA____ E. :B'. LeBlanc, ____ _  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  >  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------ W. M. Simpson----  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Clarke's Harbour ___ 1000  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- c. L. Stronach_____  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  >  Aricb.J.t__ ____________ soo  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- H. AR. Tuttle_______  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Dartmouth ___ ------ 5058  CANAIIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. G. Shat ford____  15,000,000 Toronto  Armdale _______________  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ C. A. Hodgson, Pro.  9,700,000 Halifax  rr. s. Pethick______  D,700,000 Halifax  Ashby ________________  MERC,HANTS BK. OF CANADA F. J. Cosman, Actg. ------------ Montreal  Reserve Funds  Annapolis RoyaL. __ 1019  Reserve Funds  Antigonish _________ 1787  Reserve Funds eserve Funds  Ayle ford ___________ 350  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ R. Roop.__________  9,700,000 Halifax  Baddeck .. __________ 1650  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- H. GR. Bowes •. -----  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Barrington __________ 700  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. Anderson______  15,000,000 Toronto  Barrington Passage_ 600  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- R. 8. Boeken ------  20,350,000 Montreal 20,780,000  Bass River ___________ 300  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. L, Waugh_______  15,000,000 Toronto  eserve Funds  Reserve Funds  Bear River _________ 1460  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- W. MR. Romans ____ _  Bedford ____________ 525  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ T.  M. Mott, Pro, __ _  Berwick ____________ 1000  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- J.  R/~~~}:Funds  Bridgetown _________ 996  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ R. V. Arnold------:  9,700,000 Halifax  ROYAL BANI OF CANADA---- A. F. Little_______  20,350,000 Montreal 20,781l,OOO  eserve Funds  Reserve Funru>  ~riu~ewater ________ ?.7Th No'W'a  Surplus  Reserve Funds  Sm:1>\us\  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,027  z < > 0  (/J  .,  (')  ta  zX  (/J  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- J. W. Douglas_____  Reserve.Funds  Di~by ______________ ms  9,700,000 Halifax  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- P. c. R. Harris____  Resl'J1"Ve Funds  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Eastern Harbour ... 1000  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- L. J. D'Entremont,  20,350,000 Montreal  Freeport ___________ 1400  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ______ W. E. Allan,  Glace Bay ________ 16,561  BANK OF MONTREAL --------- -------------------- Reserve Funds Actino  I > 3  20.350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ______ H. Green----------  20,789,000  ::r (J  ..,  rn ~  ...  0  0 ~  '< fl)  er  ..,  D, 700,000 Halifax  0  22,000.000 Montreal 23,531,927  IJQ  0  20,350,000 Montreal 20,780,000 9,700,000 Halifa 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Surplus  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ______  M. K. Pugsley ____ _  9,700,000 Halifax  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  w. D. Morton ____ _  15,000,000 Toronto  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- R. J.M. Cullen ___ _  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------ s. G. Merriam_____  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Reserve Funds  Great Village _______ 2000  23 1531 927 ' '  Re.serve Funds  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ______  Reserve Funds  Bl1'"0f M01'lU.ll---------- _________\ 22,000.000 :Montreal  S.cot\a. cont\nu ed on second ha.U ot th\s Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Reserve Funds  Gunborough __ .••..1218 \\  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- C. L. Godfrey, l  Reserve:.=  20,350'.~?0 Montreal 20,789,000  ~  ::r  -"'  . tv  Ban.ks A.dvert\.s\.n.~ ~\.ve Pro1::n."l)t Attention to Collections anr,. Correspondence  .....  Make Your Collection Department an Income Item LOOK at the advertisement of the First National Bank of El Paso, Ill., The First National of Altamont, Ill., The Bank of Rushville, Rushville, Ill., and hundreds of others throughout the state and other states. Note the advertising for collections. That advertising 1s part of the RAND McNALLY BANKERS DIRECTORY  Collection System Thousands of banks all over the country have made the collections of drafts, checks, etc., etc., a lively income pro... ducer instead of an EXPENSE by using this system. The publishers will be pleased to explain this system to bankers free of charge at any time and without obligation. Clip the coupon below and we will answer you promptly.  SEND THIS COUPON TODAY  ~----------------------------, BANKERS DIRECTORY, 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill.  .. . .. . . . ...... . . . ... . . . .. ........ 1921  I I  Gentlemen:Send me information, without obligation to me, regarding your "Fee In Advance System of Collections" as advertised in the BANKERS DIRECTORY.  Bank . . . .. . . .. ... . . ········· · ······ ·· ······· · ··· · ··· ··· · ··· ·· ·· ··· · ··· · ····· Officer ... . ... . .. . ... • • • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • • • • . . .. . .. . .... .  City ... . . . ·..... . . . . . . . ........... . .... State . . ....... . . . .... ... .. . . . .. . . . ... .  L------------------ - -- ------.1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -  -. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  New Brunswick.  B  A  INDEX  M  w  L  N  <18 "  TO  ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. - •· · 15 Albert ....  R  Carleton• · · · ~ Charlotte.·· G 2 Gloucester · ·  F 6 Kent · · · · · · H4  ~•!13!waslia.:B 2 Northumber-F 2 land ..... · Queens•···· F5  Restlgouche D 1  ·i i  St. John.·· Sunbury ....  Victoria.·· .D 2  Wf:~~~_'~.... I  4.  York.·· · ·· .D 5  3  (j  0 C MARITIME CES PROVIN SCALES a  ~ J  B  .s•  C  D  E  e.t•  K  10  25  o 6 10  t>,  26  L  IIS "  M  N  ·~·  9  . M~ 60 7 - I fnch, '5 Statute. 59 = 1 Inch. 100 Kllometres,75  126' l50  a .I/lap of"l!ar!Ume.Proih,~  50  1 Jl&n,!,.HoNall1'• "ft•w ~ \,..4 H0Nall7 & Co. - Cop,rlght 1 -  10 0  p  ei•  0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  INCORPORATED 1832  The Bank of Nova Scotia Capital Paid- Up  Reserve Fund  $9,700,000  $18,000,000  Total Assets Over $230,000,000 General Executive Office: TORONTO, ONT. H. A. RICHARDSON, General Manager  BRANCHES IN CANADA: 47 in Nova Scotia  42 in New Brunswick 11 in Prince Edward Island 34 in Western Provinces 133 in Ontario  21 in Quebec  NEWFOUNDLAND: Bay Roberts Bell Island Bonavista Bonne Bay Brigus Burgeo Burin Carbonear Catalina Change Islands Channel Fogo Fortune Lamaline Grand Bank Harbor Crace Hermitage Little Bay Islands Old Perlican Port au Port St. John's Twillingate Wesleyville Western Bay  Avondale  WEST INDIES: CUBA-Havana. PORTO RICO-San Juan, Ponce, Fajardo. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC-Santo Domingo, San Pedro De Macoris, Santiago De Los Cabelleros, JAMAICA-Black River, Kingston, Linstead, Mandeville, Montego Bay, Morant Bay, Port Antonio, Port Maria, St. Ann's Bay, Savanna-la-Mar, Spanish Town. BOSTON: CHICAGO: NEW YORK:  W. H. DAVIES. Mgr.  H. F. PATTERSON } A gents F. W. MURRAY  LONDON ENGLAND:  W. CALDWELL, Mgr.  55 Old Broad St. E. C. 2; E. C. MacLeod, Mgr.  CORRESPONDENTS: GREAT BRITAIN: London Joint City & Midland Bank. Ltd., Bank of England and Royal Bank of Scotland. FRANCE: Credit Lyonnais. UNITED STATES: Bank of New York, N. B. A., New York; National Bank of Commerce, New York; First National Bank, Chicago; Fourth Street National Bank, Philadelphia; Merchants National Bank, Boston; Citizens National Bank, Baltimore; First National Bank, Minneapolis; American National Bank, San Francisco; First National Bank, Seattle.  Specia facilities for making prompt collections on Canada, Newfoundland and the West Indies  1619 /  Pop~p~::~~~N~ND •  Halifax ___________ 65,000  NAME OF BANK-  f  It~~Yi.f'  NOVA SCOTIA-Continued/  MA:::::. OR  HEAD OFFICE.  1  /,  *BAIIC OF MOffTREAL--------• ____________________ (13 Branches in Halifax)  $ 22,000,000  )(ontreal  23,531,927  Surplus  _________________l ___--:--________ 11  *BANK Of NO VA SC OT I A  1/  Pop~p<;~:~~~N~ND  NOVA  NA.ME OF lJ.Al ,;.  Kennetcook Corner.250  Canada Permanent Mtge. Corp. H. N. M. Stanbury ------------ ,Toronto 15,000,000 H. C. Males, Ass't S.M.Brookfleld, Pres. 600,000 V.-Pres. Eastern Qanda savings & Loan W. A. Black Co. J. A. Clark, Mor. 292,000 Rest 1,000,000 Eastern Trust Oo, ______________ H. Mclnnes, Pres.. B. A. Weston.Gen. Mor. 360,000 Reserve .,.ERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA R. G. Sare. ________ ------------  l  Toronto Bk. f Correspondent&: Nova Scotia, Halifax, and Branches. Correspondents: Bks. of Nova Scoiia, Halifax, Montreal, and Toronto. Montreal  Prudential Trust Co., Ltd, _____ J, W. Rei:an _______ ------------ Montreal (10 Branches in Halifax)  B. L. Mitchell . ----  Reserve Funds  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Royal Trust Company _________ H. B. Stairs ------- ------------ Montreal  *UNION BANK OF CANADA---- 11'. o.  Robertson ___ ----------- Winnipee-  Lunenburg ________ 2681  Mabou ______________ .600  (Members indi-cated b11 a *)  Neva !ieotla continued on NOODd half of tllla pap.  Resene Funds  20.350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 ,  Reserve Funds  Reserve Fund.a  I  15,000.000 Toronto.  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- W. L. £orimer ____ _ Reserve Funds BANK OF MONTREAL-------- -------------------Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R. G. Adams ______ _ ROYAL BAIIK OF CANADA---- R. s. Currie _______ _ Reseroo Funds ROYAL BANK OF C NADA---- J. s. Coffey, Actg, __  BANI OF MONTREAL--------· -------------------Surplus BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- R. J. Smith ____ _ M;iitland _____________ aoo ROYAL BAIIK OF CANADA----- T . .A. Fraser ______ _ M:argaree Harbor ... 1000  moeroyal - - - - - - - -  IH. D. Jack, Acting,  Mahone Bay ________ soo  300,000 Correspondents: Laidl:i.w Meteghan River ____ 400 Rest 50,000 & Oo., N. Y.; Merch. N. Bos. Correspondenta: Royal Bk. Middle Musquodol>oit Government, {Dealers In ROYAL SECURljlES of Canada, in Canada. 1000 Municipal and InCORPOR TION, Limited Equitable Tr. Co. of Middleton _____ 537 dustrlal Secu rltles. (See Montreal) London, Lt<l,, London, Eneland. Halifax Clearing House ________ Fred J. Snow ______ ------~---· Mulgrave ____________ 700  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (Sub. to Windsor) ROYAL BANK OF CANIDA --- __ J. L. Snook________  Reserve Funds  Reserve Funds LowerWoodHarbor_600  James C. Mackintosh & Oo, ____ ------------------  Hantsport__ ______ ... 686  Reserve .Funds  F. G. Palfrey______  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- P. C. Robin 'On - ROYAL BAllll OF CANADA----- J. W. Banfield ____ _ Reserve Funds Lockport ___ --------- 800 ROYAL BAH OF CANADA----- c. K. Ho~g ---- ---R ese:rre Funds 1 Londonderry _______ 1500 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ____ A. F. Macdonald __ _ Reserve Funds Louisburg __________ 1006 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ____ R. A. Dobson _____ _  Montreal Trust Co, ____________ G. E. E. Nichols ___ ------------ Montreal  *ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----  --------------------  LiverpooL____ _: ___ 2109  SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE.  Jt~fxYP  9,700,000 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- F. P. Ray, Pro,____ 9,700,000 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA---- J, Brydon_________ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- A. A. Thomson____ 20,350,000 Reserve Funds 20,789,000 UNION BANK OF CANADA------ 11. D. Eastman, Actg, ----------CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE c. D. Doane, Actina 15,000.000 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. B. Trueman____ 15,000,000  Pres. Charles Archibald, G. S. Campbe•I, Vice-Pres. " -------- " J. Walter Alllson, Vice-Pres. Correapondent&: Bk. of J<,. F. MacnelU, Mgr. N. Y. N. B. A. and '' ----- " • Capital Authorized, 15,000,000 N. Bk. Com., 1'. Y.; 9,700,000 lat N., Chi.; Merch. Capital Paid-up, 18,000,000 N., Bos.; .ih St. N., Kingston ____________ 500 eserve Funds. (Head Oifi,u) PhD.; Cltb. N., Bait.; La Have _____________ 200 5 Branche . tat N., Hlopls.; Am. N., San F.; ls& N. For General Manager's office see Toronto, Seattle; ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-------- ---- " " London loin t Ontario. City & Midland Bk., ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----284 ______ Lawrencetown Ltd. and Royal Bk, of Communications to be addressed to General Scotland, Great BriBANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ....... 300 _____ d'Or Bras Little Manager's Office. tain ;Credit Lyonnals. France.  (4 Branche1S fa Halifax)  MA.It:::. OR  AMapoppo,d<o HEAD OFFICE.  1:  MusQuodoboit Harbour 1151 New Germany ______ 1500  Halifax Halifax :Montreal Winnipei Toronto Toronto  20.350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax 9,700,000 Halifax 20,350,000 20,789,000 20,350,000 20,789,000 20,350,000 20.789,000 20,350,000 20,789,000  Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 22,000,000 Montreal 23,531.927 15,000,000 Toronto 20,350,000 20,789,000 20.1150,000 20,789,000 22,000,000 23,531,927 9,700.000  Montreal Montreal  . Hubley, Pro.  G. K. Hammett ___ _  Reserve Funds  -> ~  tx,  >  z X  en  I  ::x: ~  ~  IX  0  zti ~  20,350,000 .Montreal 20,789,000  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 15,000,000 Toront-0  Reserve Funds  0  0 (D  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- R. c. Fraser ______ _ Reserve Funds CAIIADIAII BK. OF COMMERCE T. W. Magee ..... . ROYAL BANK OF CANA A---- J. H. McDaniel---· Reservr, Funds ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- B. w. Hutchinson_ H.  en  (')  Halifax  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.-----ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----  > I<  Montreal  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- H.B. Hadley _____ _ Reserve Funds ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- W. J. Theriault, Reserve Funds  z  0  r+  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 9. 700,000 Halifax 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  "'1  3ii,  ::,  c,<  -O'I  \0  er -PROVINCE OF CANADA' from Coast to Coast .. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - BRANCHES' in -ev_ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  f!  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - -1~ .Inverness __________ 2719 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- R.H. Ells __________ $ 20,350,000 Montreal Rl''8erve Funds 20,789,000 Halifax 9,700,000 Pro, Hibbard, R. E. SCOTIA------NOVA OF BANK Joggin ______________  Kentville __________ 2304  *CANADIAN BK. OF CIMMERCE G. G. Laird------  I  sc-:;;  !  1620  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volum~. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc ..'.__see l,aw~. _  PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  NOV A SCOTIA-Cont inued PAID-UP 0.u>IT-'.L.  MA.NAGER OK  NAME OF BANK.  AGENT.  rewGbsuow _______ 6383 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- L. D. Payzanf ______ S 9,700,000 Halifax  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ,B. DeVeber ________ 1 15,000,000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ____ IC. E. McLaggan ___ _  Reserve Funds I Xew Watel'ford ____ 5000 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- C. A. Barton _______  !  Joy ---------" -------- " IROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- A.G.Reserve F'wnds Ko. , idney ________ _sus BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------  --------  I  " "  ----1  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- H. :\I. Doull -----Reserve .ll'utl.d8 Port Hawke.bun·-__ 633 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- J.A • .M.clsaac _____ _ Reserve FundM Port Hood ____ ______ _700 BANK OF MONTREAL _____ ---- ---------- ----· ---Surplus Port Morieu______ 548 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ____ A. F. llicAlpine ___ _ Ruerve Funds Port Williams _______ 54s ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ____ H. R. Holding ____ _ Resert:e Ftmd  Pubnico _________ ___ 300 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ______ G. 'I'. Acteson, Pro. Puewash ____________ 700 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ J. T. steeves _____ _ R'.ver HeberL ______ 400 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------- . J,' Man~-----.,--- , River John __ ________ 500 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ .J. 1,.. La11giJlt>, 1 ro. Riverport__ ____ ______ 200 BANK OF MONTREAL ------ ____________ I Surplus ___ _ ' St. Peter's __________ 1000 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ___ W. L. Wright__ Reserve Funds. Palfrey,.1ctg. H. L. Sheet Harbor ___________ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------Shelburne--- ------ ~435 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. L. Claxton ____ I ~herbrooke __________ 50C ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ____ G. L. Gapstick ----Reserve Funds Shubenacadie ______ 1463 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ----iW. D. Bowers _____ _ Reserve F'un<i.8 j Sl>rinehill __________ 5713 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. W. Graham ----  ..  --------  "  ROYll BANK OF CANADA----- R. W. Wrieht -----  Reserve Fu~ S\ell~ton ___________ \\910 81\MK OF MOVl SCOlll------- G. H. Bain _________ \ '::'.tevna.cke ___________ \;,\)\) \\\\'( I\\. "I\\\V.. \\f CI\\\I\UI\----- C. "E. Rb.ind _______ -:\ ~a~-. %ico'\.'\.-. co"U.'\:.'\..-n."U.~d O"- \\~cone!\ b..a.'-'I. o'I: t.'b.\.• ,:, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  9,700,000 Halifax  9,700,000 Halifax  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. P. Stavert__ ____ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- H. W. Jubien _____ _ Ruerve Funds Oxford _____________ 1500 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- W. M. Mccunn Parrsboro __________ 2856 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. R. Harrison---ROY AL BANK OF CANADA ____ 1H. E. Mosher ____ _ .. ---- ---- " ResM"Ve Funds Pictou ______________ s110 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- John Mowai_ _____ _ " "  20,350,000 Montl'ral 20,789,000  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  w. J. Davis-------  Ruerue, Fu:n.d&  POST Ol!FICE AND POPULATION.  HEAD OFFICE.  15,000,000 Toronto 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax 15,G00,000 Toronto 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax  PAIO-UP CAPITAL.  MANAGER OR AGENT.  NAME OF BAN:X:.  HEAD OFFICE .  Sydney ___________ 21.000 BANK OF MONTREAL---------- -------------------- S 22,000,000 Montreal Surplus 23,531.927 (2 Branche1,) :l,700,ooo Halifax BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- W. L. Carson______  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADAROYAL BAH OF CANADA---(2 Brani:hes in Sydney) Sydney Mincs ______ 7464 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA--- ---ROYAL BAIK OF CHAH---- Tatama£ouche _______ 513 BANK OF IOVI SCOTIA-----Thorburn ____________ soo BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA -----ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---" " Tiverton __________ ___ 660 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------Trenton ____________ 1749 BANK OF IOU SCOTIA-- ----Truro ____________ 5993 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BAIK OF CAHDA-----  20,350.000 Montreal 20,789,000 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 22,000,000 Montreal 23,531.927 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 20,350,000 Montreal 20. 789,000 9,700,000 Halifax  Wallace __________ ___ 400 Waterville __________ 291 Wedeevort__ ________ 500 Westport.. _________ 1892 We.tville ____________ 4526  G. 'I'. Purdy _______ 15,000,000 Toronto D. J. O'Connell ____ 1------------ Montreal P. G. Hall_____ Reserve F'und8 H. W. SainthilL__  I  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789.000 9,700,000 Halifax  z 0 < >  W. D. McMullin --Reserue FwndB A, L. Kennedy-----  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax  W. E. MacDonald,  9,700,000 Halifax  (')  20.350,000 Montrea1 20,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax  s;  Pro. E.G. Longley. Act'o. Reaer1Je Funds  (Sub. to Freeport) C. N. McDonald,  9,700.000 Halifax  R. A, Min£'ie ______ _  9,700,000 Halifax  G. L. Waueh ______ _  Ui,000,000 Toronto  Pro,  M. Diclde__________ 20.350,000 L. ~cCoy,'I Reserve Funds 20,789,000 UNION BANK OF CANADA------ H. 'r. S·hort __ ______ -----------BAIIK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ (Sub, to Tatama- 9,700,000 gouche) ROUL BANK OF CANADA ---- w. G. Kenney ____ _ 20,350,000 Reser1Je Funds 20,789,000 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ----- R.R. Horner, Acto. 20,350,000 Reserve Funds 20,789,000 9,700,000 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------- (Sub. to Freeport, Ont.) BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- G. R. Viets _______ _ 9,700,000  CJ'J  0 '"i  to  >  zX  CJ'J  I  Montreal  z (t  Winnipeg  ~  Halifax  C)  Montreal Montreal Halifax  iii' rJ'J (Jq  0 I ~  Halifax  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- R. H. Pethick ____ _ 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Fund& 20,789.000 Weymouth _________ 1444 ROYAL BAH IF CANADA----- L. 11. Potter - ---- 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789.000 Whitney Pier ----------- BANK OF MONTREAL-------- -----------·-- 22,000,000 Montreal Surplus 23,531.927 ROYAL BANK OF CHADA----- E. G. )lac:Mi1m ___ _ 20,350,000 Montre<ll " " Ruerve Funds 20,789,000 Wh.ycocomagh ------ 400 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- W. P. Robertson. __ 20,350,000 :Montreal Reaerve Fund 20 ,789.000 Wtndsor ____________ U98 IANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- w. J. Hunt_ ______ _ 9,700,000 Halifax CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J, A. RusselL ____ _ 15,000,000 Toronto  9,700,000 Halifax  9,700,000 Halifax 9,700,000 Halifax  22,000.000 Montreal 23,531.027 20.350.000 Montreal 20,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax 15,000,000 Toronto 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 20,350,QOO Montreal 20, 78!},000 15,000,000 Toronto 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----Wolf ville -- - ---- ---- 1412 BANK OF MONTREAL---- -- ---ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----.. " Yarmouth __________ Hao BANK OF MONTREAL---------BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------CAUDIH BK. OF COMMERCE  '20,3'50,\\00 M.ont-rea\  ,\  '?.1.),1~\'!.<;\(.)(.)  \\  - - - - --'2'.a."'-ks  NOVA SCOTIA Map opposite Halifax  "  ________  "  ____________ ---- ----  Surplus R. Ore~hton ------Rr,Serve Funds  ____________________  Surplus A. Forsythe _______ H. A. c. Scarth____  tlO'Cl\\.""-"-~OfCl.lll.Ol.- ---- ,F.Shute ___________  ~dv-e-rt,s,"'-'\1!:. ~,v-e P - r o ~ ~ t ~ t t e " t " \ o " t o  ONTARIO  P. ,\. Curry-------Reserve Funds  20,3150.000 20,78!1,000 22.000.ono 23,531,927 20,350,000 20,789,000 22.000.000 23,531,927 9,700.000 15,000,000  Montreal :Montreal Montreal Montreal Halifax Toronto  ._  20,3a0,000 M.ontrea\  Co\.f~~t\~~ a.~J:',)~~T"res-pon .den.ce ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto  ~  <_ \'..... \0 ~  il'l.i'5o,aao M.ontrea\  'i!,te-w\a.cke ___________~l.)l.)~\\\l'U,\. \\I."~ Of Cl.."I..Ul..-----\ c. l\'.. RhimL ______ _ ________  POST OFFICE A:SD POPULATION.  i  A.ME OF  '"""'ii!!:.  MARA.GER OR  i  _ ,J _ _ _H  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA c. D. Kent ________ ·----------Aldershot.._ _________ .. 25 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ____ (Sub. to Hamilton) 20,350,000 20,789,000 Re#erfle Fund& . 9,700,000 .\lexandrta......... 2323 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------ J.H.Mitchell_____ IBANQUE D'HOCHELAGA---- ---- \R.- R. McDonald _______________ UNION BANK OF CANADA ------ J.E. J. Aston _________________  Allenforct. _.. ______ 800 1 MERCHANTS  BK. OF CANADA  J  Toronto Montreat  Montreal  Aurora ________ ····· lDOl  Winnipeg  Avonmore.----·---- ..400  ISterl~ne Bank  of Canada_____ ti. Banwell.....------ ____________ Toronto Al ton __________ ······600 Sterlmg Bank of Canada ______ J . B Thompson, .. . ____________ Toronto Acting  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA MOLSONS BANK---- ---------Ameliasburg ··------250 DOMINION BANK·-------··---Amherstbure •. ---- 2560 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  G. H. a.Norsworthy ____________ Montreal  Alvmston __ --------!!06  H. E. Paull ____________________ Montreal  t ' ub. to Belleville) ____________ Toronto  s. M. Johnston·--· 15,000,000 Toronto Imperial Bank of Canada __ _____ C. A. Cuddy ____ ________________ Toronto  ··------1 I  Montreal Toronto  9,700,000 Halifax  E.W. Richards____  J. A. McKellar ---- -------- --- 1\fontreal E.W. R. Hill. ______ ---- ---· W. E. Hanley _____ _  Reservr- Funds  c. M. Stewart---· ·  -~--1Montreal  20,350.000 Montreal 20,789,000 15,000,000 Toronto  MOLSONS BANK-------------Ayton __________ .... ..450 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA--Baden _____ . --·------800 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE DOMINION BANK ---------.. ________ .. Bailieboro ______ . ____ 300 BANK OF TORONTO ------------  A. D. McIntyre ... -. ·----------- Montreal  Bala·-----·--------· · 150  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ______ Barrie------· -· · . ... 7750 BANK OF NOVA SCOTl4 _______ BANK OF TORONTQ. ___________ ·· -------- " CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE " •• Sterling Bank of Canadal.. ____ UNION BANK OF CANADA-----  __v_e_F_:;-n-:;: L. PorRtee rer  Bancroft..... _________ 625  J. Ross ... --------·  c.  sR~~~1l,~ncts  ~~:~~'.~~~ Montreal  J. H. Smith ·----- 15,000,000 Toronto I. G. Trask .. _____ -----------· Toronto S. R. Nichols ______ ------------ Toronto 8  -  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 9,700,ooo Halifax  u.:s  Halifax Toronto Toronto To!o~to Wmmpeg Correspondent: Hk. of Toronto, Toronto G. J. Noonan.----··----------- Montreal  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA BANK OF CANADA ---·· L. G. Poole· · --•--· · Reserve Funds Barwick ____________ ._50 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (Sub. to Emo) . •. .. Bath _________________ 347 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---- G. w. Cup~e_____ Barry's Bay. _______ .850  I  Bartonville. _________ 150 1' ROYAL  1  20,350.000 1:Montreal 20,789.000 15,000,000 Toronto  20,350,000 :Montreal Rese1·ve Funds 20,789,000 Bayfield ____________ 477 Sterling Hank of Canada _______ G. Gillies _________ ------------ Tornnto  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA J. w. M:cCiymont. ·----------- Montreal Arkona ____ -·--------450 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA J. R. Glassford ________________ Toronto  Beachburg __________ 500  9,700.000 Halifax Ar~_orwr · ----.,4300 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ G. Jarvis____ Home Bank of Canada·-·- ---- KP. Keaney __________________ Toronto .. -------.. !MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA F. o. Mcflveen, -----------· Montreal tari ···---ti-·  Beachville _____ 500 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA H. P. Ferrier·----· ·----------- Mon~real Beamsville.. _______ .1100 Bank of Hamilton ______________ E. M. Paynter. ____ ---·-----·-- Ham1Ito11 I CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ◄ A. D. Hend-erson .. 15,000.l'OO Toronto ··-·---·  Arden ______ __: ______ .. 250  on  ° con  nued on second balf of this pa,:t!.  1  Acting  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------ H. D. MacMillan..  9,700,000 Halifax  -1:JliU)'[!ll:Jil~I-IJ.1[!1~[!11Jifii-htiHQ:iJlhi:\1ljilij;l1l1mQlnli£imi11lii11iilB1E~ilolB1E~i- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  Halifax  9,700,000 A.G. Maclellan .. -H. A. Sims _______ ----·------· H. M. Lay-·------. 15,000,000 .r. II. Wilson . __.•. ---· ---· ---A. Leslie-----------------30,000 T. Beecroft & Co, ______________ ---------------~---  MOLSONS BANK--------------- w. s. FalL ____________________ Montreal Ancaster •. _. ________ .300 Bank of Hamilton ______________ E. R. Colquhoun ______________ Hamilton (Sub, to Alliston) .. ------·---·- Toronto Angus --------··-----300 j Home Bank of Canada Appin ·-------· -------150 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- .\. ;-;, :-.rcLean. _____ . 20,35D,ooo Montreal Reserve Funds 20,i89,000 Apple IlilL -- ------.. 500 BANQUE D' HOCHELAGA·------ orant Catt:rnarh ... ____________ .Montreal  :0  Toronto  BANK OF MONTREAL---------- ------------ifa.rpius ~~:~~t~~~ Montreal Imperial Rank of Canada ______ A.O. Murray ______ ------------ Toronto Sterling Bank of Canada·-·-· · A. M. Kirkwood ._.---· ---·--·· Toronto  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ______ Aylmer---------· .. 2102 MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA MOLSONS BANK-· _____________ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---Ayr _______________ •. 823 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  ----1--------·---____ ____  ·  Montreal  Avening _____ __ ___ __ . 300 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA (Sub. to Creemore) ------·----- .Montreal Avon _____ ·--------.. 150 imperial Hauk of CanarJa. _____ (Sub. to Ingersoll).------ 'roronto  (Sub. to Barrie) --- ------------ Toronto K. L. Fothergill, Pro.---· · ---- Montreal  20,350,000 Montreal Alma ------------· •-. 2oo leoYAL BANK OF CANADA- ---- (Sub. to Elora)---20,780,000 Reserve Funcu N 2600 1BANK OF Al monte 22,000,000 Montreal -------------------MO TREAL --------·· Surplus 23,531.927 .. .. MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA J. R. Carr···------ ____________ Montreal --------  "  W. Atwood ___________ .. 650 Bank or tlamilton ____________ A. M. Robinson. ___ ---------- Hamilton Auburn _____ . ______ 325 Sterlin!? Bank of Canada _______ E. A.Hanley.Acting------------ Toronto Aultsville ______ ·· -- · 500 MOLSONS BANK---------- G. ~f. Whitney ---· ------------ Montreal  Halifax  1  ---- ----  Ji~~~e-Funds $ ~~j~i:~~~  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ----STANDARD BANK OF CANADA W. G. Bedford---------------Ashton --------··· ·-145 BANK Of NOVA SCOTIA.--·--- CSub.toCarletonPI.) 9,700,000 Atheus·-·---······ 800 MERCHAITS BK. OF CANADA w. D. Thomas . - .• ------------STANDARD BANK Of CANADA W. A. Johnston --- --·----··---..-\ tterclirre ........ _... 70 CANADIAN BK. OF .COMMERCE < ub. to Dunnvill e\ l::i,0(10,000  22,000,000 Montreal Alliston. ____ _...... 1400 IBANK OF MONTREAL ______ o[' Surplus 23,531,927 . G aha .. .. m &K01eht_ _____________ C.R. Knieht ___________________ c':f~~~;;:i~eT~~o:i~· j r -------Home .Bank of Canada ____ _____ F. N. H ursL___ ____ ____ ____ ____ Tor on to ---- ----  "  ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto  A.rthur_. _________ ._1035  Alfred _______ ________ 500 1La Banque Provmciale du Can. ,J. E. Leduc ______________ Montreal  Alla(1;~;rieP~ o:)·-··--1BANK OF TORONTO ·----------- Toronto  \\la~"\.  HEAD OFFICE. ' PA.1D· UP / MA.NAGER OR POST OFFICE A.ND _ L_ ._ 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 TA _ . - - i - -C_A_P_I _ _T EN A._G_ · __ ,___ __ _ _x _o_F_ B_ANK _ aM . - - 1- - -N T z_o_N_ _ O_F_F_zc_E_. _ _ ,,'f___P_o_P_u_L_A_ AD E_  1  "  \1A AD A "BK: OF COMMERCE \H. A. c. Scarth____  20,3;;0,000 M..ontrea.1 IUUI-.Qf Cll\tUlD"----- \ F. Shute__________ •• -------20.,~ll.OOO "Reserue Fu-n& .._ ,.---,,. •'t"l.ce :a..rt..d .,,.,.-.. ._-\:..tert..t\.ort.. t o Co\.\.ec.t\.ort..s ...---ro~~'<,;?;.'\.--...;-e  fl  PA.ID-UP  BATIK OF 1101/A SCOTIA-----Jw. K. ___ . s 9,100,000 Halifax MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA /L. B. Shorey ______ ·-----· _____ Montreal -------· 9,700.000 Halifax Airin.court__ ____ ······300 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ /R. 'I. IAm2'-------AilsaCraie.-------· .. 568 / MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA ,D. T. McGuire ________________ Montreal  --------  ---- ----  ONTARIO  _ 1_T_..u._. c_aP _ T_. _ _ , _ A_0_EN /___  A.NK.  Ac~n ________ -----~. 1120  "  "  \\ ?.1.'1.1%\).1.)1.)1.) .._. 5 • ~:a..rt..: k,;;.. ~ d--...;-e-:r'-' ___________  B  N  ..  \  Rue.rue Fu:n.ds  ~"'""" %"-<>~'\..,. "-"'""'-""'-u""d a.u ,...,..,a.nd b.a.U .,.,: '-"'-""' ~•~.,.  0  z  ~  > ~  0 ttJ  >  z~  (/)  I >  0  ..+  0 ::l  1622  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  MANAGER OE _.A.GENT.  NAME OP BA.I«.  ONT ARIO-Continued PAID-UP  Beaverton •• ________ 1015 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA R. A. Pink ________ ---_,.. ______ Sterlinr. Bank of Canada ______ J. A. FleminE _____ --··-------Beeton ____________ 564 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- R. A. O. Hobbes ___ $ 20,350,000 RestrVe Funds 20,789,000 Belgrave ____ _. -- ____ 150 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (Sub. to Wingham) 15,000,000 Belle River _________ 520 Home :Bank of Canada _________ S. Ducharme _______  -------  ..  ..  -------- ----  BelleTille _______ lZ,230  .. -------- .. . .. -----.. -------- .  . .. .  .  -----  -·-----· ------------  . .. . .  BAIK OF MONTREAL---------CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE DOMINION BANK-------------MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA MOLSON$ BANK ------------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----STANDARD BANK OF CANADA UNION BANK OF CANADA----BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------  -------------------Surplus A. Y. Snider _______  ----------N. D. McFadyen -- ---- ---- ---A. Jones ___________ ---- ---- ----  W. A. Parker _____ Reser~e Funih John Elliott_ _______ J. G. Moffatt_ _____  Toronto Toronto  Toronto Montreal  . .  Toronto  --- ----  .. .  15,000,000 Toronto  Bishops Mills---- _150 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- - (Sub.toKemptville) Blaekstock. ________ 200 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA E, A. Preston----Blenheim __________ 1387 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE O. Ji'. Anderson ____  0,700,000 Halifax  ..  ---- -----------  . .  .Blind River ____ ---- 2000 Bloomfield ________ 610  ..  --------  .  Bl uevale -----~ - ______ 158  STANDARD BAIK OF CANADA UNION BANK OF CANADA -----ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---BANK OF MONTREAL ---------STANDARD BANK OF CANADA &ANA DIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  Blyth _________ ---- -_ 704 Hank of Hamilton _____________ M. James 1-lcMurchie _____________  ..  ---- ----  .  Brantford ________ 26,.617 *:Bank or Hamilton _____________ C. L. Laing ________  ---  15,000,000 Toronto  w. Telfer ______ ---- ---- ----  ---------  Bobeaygeon _______ 951 BANK OF MONTREAL -----------Surplus :Bolton ____________ 712 Imperial Bank of Canada _____ J. F. Wa.rbrick ____  .  Toronto  15.000,000 Toronto  ------ ---- ---------- -----------  .  Hamilton CMrespondent:  Mech. & :Metals N., N. Y. 22,000.000 Montreal 23,531,927  ---- ---- ----  Toronto  ROl ll BMIK Of ClUDl----- A. E. Kearney ____ _ 20,350,000 Montreal -------Reser1)e Furu2a 20,789.000 Bono.n.eao.--------~- 2i)O Sll\.l'1:U\.I\D \ll\.1l~ ()f CMII\.DI\. (Sub. to Bra.d!ord) --------- Toronto eou"ti\.n.ued on. iw.eon.d b.a.U. ot ~b.\.g -page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Int (In-  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  9,700,000 Halifax  ---- ---- ----  Toronto  20,31i0,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Toronto -----------____ . Toronto ----Brampton _________ 4000 DOMINION BANK----------- J. G. Hall _ _ _ Toronto . ------- . MERCHAITS BANK OF CANADA C. F. Bate-------- -------Montreal ----------. ----- . UNION BANK OF CANADA------ G.M. Upham.Acting ---------Winnipeg  ----  ( ub. to Wingham)  .  DOMIIIION BANK-------------- Henry Warren ____ ROYAL RANK OF CANADA----- C. s. Hare _________ Reserve, Funds  .  ---- ---- Toronto W. G. Thom on __ _ --------- ... - - Winnipeg D.R. Mills ______ __ 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 22,000,000 Montreal ------------------Surplus 23,631,1:!27 J. H. McClocklin __ ---- ---Toronto  J. L. Ruth erford __  -----------  .  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531.027  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA G. L. Hall----~-- ---------- Toronto  Bradford •••• ________ 046 BAIK OF TOROIITO----------- H. A. Livingstone •• STANDARD BANK OF CANADA T. E. Bell__________  Bin brook ________ 150 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- R. Anderson ______ ------------ Toronto Birch Cliff------ 500 CANADIAN Bit OF COMMERCE A. H. Burland . __ ••  -------- . ------- .  Brace bridge ________ 2863 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- W. KinismilL ____  Montreal  Belmont ____________ 600 T. H. Break ______ 0,700,000 Halifax Bel ton ______ ______ ____ 20 Home Bank of Canada __ ---- (Sub. to Thorn------------ Toronto dale) Bel wood ___ ----- 300 Imperial Bank of Qanada. _____ (Sub. to FerEUS) __ ---Toronto Bethany---- ________ -450 BANK OF TORONTO ----------- M. F. Panton ______ --------- .,. __ Toronto  ..  ------ ------ Montreal ---------- Montreal (Sub. to Ottawa) __ ---------- Quebec  Toronto Toronto  HEAD OFFICE.  Bonfield ___________ 350 BANQUE D' HOCHELAGA ------ (Sub. to SturEeOn Falls) Bothwell __________ 800 MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA J. R, Bea' on _______ Bou.rEet ---- ____ •••• 1800 La Banque Nationale ____  ----------- Winnipeg  ---- --H-----  PAID-UP CAPITAL,  1IA.1UGD OR AGENT,  Bowman ville ••• ____ 4000 BANK OF MONTREAL---------- ---- --------------- $ Surplus ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- R, F. Aitchison ____ Re.serve Funds  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  -------- ----·oF BA.NX.  Montreal  22.000.000 Montreal 23,331,927 15,000,000 Toronto  'Hugh Han _________  PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  HEAD OFFICE ,  ONT A~IO Map opposite Toronto  ~  .. ------ . .. . . ----------- ---- .. . ---- ---- . . ---- ---- .. .. ---- ---- . . ----- . .. " . . ----. . -------------- ,, .. ------- . . ----- . . ----- .  (3 Branches in Brant/Md)  .,._  ---------- Hamilton  22 ,000,000 Montreal *BANK OF MOITIEAL --- ----- ---------- ---------- 23,531,P27 Surplus 9,700,000 Halifax *BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA----- E. J. :Mabon _______ D. McLennan _____ _ 1ANK OF TOROIITO----------------- Toronto  ----  Brantford Trust Co., Ltd. _____ C. B. Heyd, Pres, __ 300,000 A. K. Bunnell, Vice- Pres. W. G. Helliker, Mor. 20,000 Reserve Funds  -CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  H. W.Fitton _______  15,000,000 Toronto  *DOMINION BANK------------- J. M. Ferguson ____ --------- Toronto *Imperial Bank of Canada .. ____ H. T. Watt _________  ------ Toronto  *MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA G. c. Lawrence __ _ ------- -···· Montreal *ROYAL BANK OF CANADA--- P. D. Knowles _____ 20,350,000 Montreal Reserveli'unds Royal Loan & Savin2'S Co, ___ C. Cook, Pres, ___ W. G. Helliker,  20,789,0UO 600,000 Currespondent: Guaranty  Tr. Co., N. Y.  Mor.  Resm-ve Funds 470,000 Toronto *ST AND ARD BANK OF CANADA A. D. Leitch, Acting (2 Branches in Brantford) Trusts A Guarantee Co., Ltd, __ T. H. Miller- ______ ---------- Toronto Bra.nttord Olea.rm: Rouse ______ D. McLennan,  -------  (.MeimbM'silnd:Lca.tro. l)ll a*)  Sec, and Tr,  -----  ONTARIO Map opposfte Toronto  1  0  ONTARIO Map opposJt.e Toronto ONTARIO-Continued ============================ }_=~~!==d=e:=e=''volume etc., see Laws HoUda}'s, Interest Bates, =====f.....:~-,. . 't==J!=~==e-:'=e=d=/==dln:;="=1,=~=c~=ID=o=1=f=fu=n;====================== =tia==1:=~=•= 2j.,.=o=~=n==~=r":1=, <l=A=~=~=-)=,=For PosT OFFICE  AND POPULATION.  /  NAME  OF  /  BANK.  MAlVAGER OR AGENT.  /  PAID-UP  CAPITAL.  1  HEAD OFFICE.  ---------Brechin ••••.• __ .•• _soo STANDARD BANK OF CANADA R. c. Brown ••••• _. ····--·· Toronto Breslau_·······-·-··200 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA (Sub, to Kitchener) ••••..•.•••• Montreal  '  PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  NAME  OF  BANK.  MANAGER OR .AGENT.  PAID-UP  CAPITAL-  1~1-~HEAD OFFICE.  Buri:-essville _________ 200 ROYAL -BANK OF CANADA----- G.D. Lunney--··--$ 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Burks Falls _______ ._976 ROYAL BAH OF CAHDA-· H. B. Sutherland Rueroe Funds  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  I  Bndgeburg···-·--··1775 Richard G. Baxter.·--·-····· ·········-··-·-···· ·······-··· Corrupondents: Roy al Burlington----·- 2500 Bank of Hamilton ....•·--··- A. N. Brodie_ •••••• · - - - - Hamilton Bk. of Can., Toronto.  .  .  ROY AL BANK OF CANADA ..-- M.E. McKenzie -Reserve Fund-a  MOLSONS BANK-·····--····--- E. R. Youngs ••••.• ·-·····--· Montreal ROYAL BANK OF CANAH ... -- J. R. Steele •••• ___ . ,$ 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 Ruerve Funds  BrideeporL __ ·--····500 MOLSONS BANK·--·-········-  o. Geiger .••••• _._  Brieden·-····-····-600 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ......  w. L. Wat on, Acto.  --·········- Montreal 9,700,000 Halifax  Cainsville.·-·····-- 500 HNI OF MONTREAL-·······-  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Surplus  22.000.000 Montreal 23,531,927  Cairo ••• •--··-····-····40 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- (Sub. to Florence)  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Reserve Funds  Calaboeie ••• -••···-'oo MERCHANTS  BrighL ••••...•••• _ 400 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA G. E. Sterlin2' ••••••••••••••••. Toronto  ---·-······- Winnipee Caledon --···--··--·-400 UNION BANK OF CANADA--·- C. K. Overland, Actg,  Brighton- ..••••- . mo CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R. Y. Buglass-.....  Caledon East---··--'00 Imperial Bank of Oanada...-- (Sub. to Bolton) .• _1_ _ _ _ • Toronto  15,000,000 Toronto  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA A. E. R. Jones ···- ···········- Toronto  c. Ross-······-·  ••••.••••••• Montreal  Brockville-.•···---.9372 BAIK OF MONTREAL ....... __ ·-······-···-······ Surplus BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ...... W. G. llcClellan •._  22,000.000 Montreal 23,531,927 9,700,000 Halifax  Brinston  -·······-··60 MOLSONS BANK----·-·-····-·· J.  BANK OF TORONTO.--········ M. A.tltinson •••••.• ·-········-· Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. c. James--·· 15,000,000 Toronto  .  C. E. B. Reed.-••• MOLSONS BAHROYAL BANK OF CANADA--. I. o. McCI~... ReRerve Funds BrOdhagen·-·-···---80 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA c. E. Gies.---· Bronte •••••• ·-·-···.400 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA H. L. Read-·-··· Brooklin •••••• _•• -.500 DOMINION BANK--·---··· E. c. Cross-·······  "  ····-  "  ········-·· Montreal  -·-··  "  ····--  "  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-.. H. c. Bowerman •• nd Reserve Fu s  _ , iI1 :U)'tJ I: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Camden EasL.·--·- 600 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA.-  c. s. Thompson··- · - - -  15,000,000 Toronto  Campbellford ••••• _3051 BANK OF MONTREAL·-·-·-·  0 t'O  z> il  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927  Surplus  STANDARD BANKOFCANADL J. A.. Stewart.. •••• · · - - - Toronto UNION IANK OF CANADA ...... s. II. Neale·-····------- Winnipeg 9,700,000 Halifax Caropbellville •. _••. _ 200 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA·-··· V. D. Stewart, Pro. "  -···-  "  ···········- Montreal ••.••.•..••• Toronto  Qanninrton ----··---HB Home Bank of Oanada.·-····- G, H. Shipman --·· ··-····-··· Toronto STANDARD BANK OF CANADA-. w. c. Livingstone_ • _ _ _ _ 1Toronto  20,350,000 Montreal 20 789 ' '000  ➔  > ~  Toronto  camlachie .••.•.. -- .. 138 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (Sub. to Forest)...  O&nboro ··-···---···100 UNION BANK OF CANADA-··· (Sub. to Canfield>  Bur!ord·--··-··-·· 800 BANK OF TOIONTO .-···-·····- A.. D. Muir...... _._ ····--···· Toronto  z  G. H. Hornibrook & Co,-·-··· (G. H. Hornibrook) ·····-·-·· Correspondents: Bk. of 1 ::,:;: rn Hamilton. Toronto. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA .. A.. W. Parrish.._•• · - - - Toronto  Ganfleld-····-···--150 UNION BANK OF CANADA--·· C. A. PineL •••• _. 1_ _ _ _ 1 Winnipeg  "  Ontario continued on second half of this page.  Caledonia--·-······· 1150 Bank of Hamilton __ ··-········ G. S. Smyth .•••••• ,_ _ _ _ Hamilton  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 -····-···-· Toronto  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA H. H. Loosemore._ ·······-··· Toronto 20,350,000 Montreal Brownsville .•.••..•• 300 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-.... V. P. Heppler-··-20,789,000 Reserve Funds Brucefleld -··········200 MOLSONS BANK-········-···· c. H. Ham_ ..••.••. ·····--····- Montreal 20,350,000 Montreal Bruce Mines-·-··-···728 ROYAL BANK OF CHHA-···· W. F. Clark....... 20,789,000 Reserve Funds 9,700,000 Halifax Brussels •••• ---·-·-902 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ...... E. A. Dixon-······ STANDARD BANK OF CANADA G. H. Samis ••••••• ···-···-··· Toronto " -··-·" ..  0  II. OF CAIAH. (Sub. to RenfrewL - - - · - Montreal  CapreoL·--····-··-200 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Cardinal -·---1111 BANK OF TORONTO-·····-  Reserve Fund.8 Carleton Place_ •.• -4000 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA--·-··- J. G. Craig··--·· __ --·-  ··  ::r-  s·  Winnipee  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G, E. Scrqggie_ •• _  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax 15,000,000 Toronto  UNION BANK OF CANADA-··· D. B. Oliver •••••••• -··········· Winnipee Carlisle-··-·-··-200 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA W. N. Mccutcheon·····-·-···- Toronto 9,700,000 Halifax CarP·--·--·····-500 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ....... _ F. R. Poyser...... "  A 0  s. A. Sexsmith •••• 15,000,000 Toronto s. J. W. Clarke·-·····-···-·· Toronto  Garrill ····--·--····-500 ROYAL BAH OF CANADA .... _ E. A. Dreak--·····  "  w "1  "  J~ ~I ;111 ■tf!J ~ ,~ 1,~ 2 2:1:1:ul~ :1 ~111,■;rrn ,,1,:111~ 1a~ •11■'1!J, f!J 1l!W 1111o■mluttiffl-  .....  ~  w  Non-Bank To wns with tlart•~t Ha11kl11~ J'olrat l l Ud exed Aces.), Lawyers, La\\i. li1n.Lexctl) tu back of tnls volume._£or Interest ltates, Holidays, etc., ee Laws.  1624 Po  ·T OFFICE A POPULATIO ,'.  ·o  N A.M.E OF lU..NK,  1'  ONT A RIO-Continued  .M.AN AGEK Olt  P AID-UP  A GENT,  0 AP ITAL.  HEAD OFFICE.  9,700,000 Halifax BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- Lymburner. Ac!i11u Montreal ___________ -------ny<ler • 1. ---BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ---Ca tie ton ___________ 450 ISTANDARD BANK OF CANADA-- ,..\I. II. ~l ul ha II ---- - ---- ------ 1Toro11to ~ yuga _______________ 736 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ' I•.~- h1·nt --------- 15,000.000 Toronto Ced ar Dale __________ 400 DOMINION BANK-------------- .J. .\. \111•11 ________ ------------ Toronto  MOLSONS BANK------------ (Sub ..J. L. Rout- ---------ledee) MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA J. . cott. ___________________  Cey lon _____________ 150 ( halk I in•r  T OFFICE AND POPULATION.  Coatsworth---------  ___ ___ 208 La b:.11111ue ProYineiall' clu  I  I . ........ .  !CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  ~fontreal ohden ______________ ;62  22,000,000 )Iontreal 23,,)31,927 15,000,000 Toronto  Coboure ____________ 5074  "  1  ________  .. 300  (. hute a Blondt•a.u  Ola r emont__ ______ 500  MOLSONS BANK---------- _____ Ii'. E. Pri e ________ ROY AL BANK OF CANADA----- L. ER~~!~e-FundIMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA- c:ub . to Ilawkbu;!!) STANDARD BANK OF CANADA-- c. s. Trueman _____  ________  I  ---- ----  011  lark. town ________ 5110  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA  ____  l  J. Frecllettc _ ___ _!_ ___________ Montreal  ROY AL BANK OF CANADA ---- A. s. Win low ______ 20.350,000 Montreal 7 Reserve Fund8 ____2o,____ ____ Corrupondent: Dominion Clinton _____________ 225<1 hl.cT~1mrt Bro, · - - - - - ______ \ ____________________ , ,.Bk., Tol ronto. BA11v 11s nn------ - ------- - H. R. Sh ar p __ ______________ __ .u ontrea M lS n " ____ ____ "  Oliffo rL . ----------- 595  "  •· Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  0 0 \\0'( ll Bltll Of Clllll'll------  R . E . Mannine:_____ R u erue Funds  s  20,350,000 1ontreal 't0.789.000  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------  9,700,000 Halifax  ------!------------  Toronto  9,700.000 Halifax  R. T. B. Bonnezen_  Toronto Toronto Toronto Halifax  L. P. St. Amour ___ ------------ Montreal  OF TORONTO------------  A. Logan ________________ Toronto --- - - - Toronto - - - - - - Toronto  22,000,000 Montreal 23.331,Y27 Surplus BANK OF TORONTO---------- - C. W. Pangmau --- ------- - - Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. McE. Murray ___ 15,000,000 Toronto  ..  1  --------- , Toronto ·- ---------· Toronto  A. A. Reid _________ ------ ______ Montreal  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- c. A. Bryans _______ Coldwater__ _________ 64ll BANK OF TORONTO------------ G. T. Sullivan _____ Collingwoo<l ________ 7090 BANK OF MONTREAL-------- ____________ "  ---- ---- ----, Iontreal ~~J 5 i:~~~ .Mon tr al  r  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA--  ,\lien--------  lm Bank of Canada _______ L. T. Charlton __ ___ - - - - - - 1Toronto  "  I  ----- ---  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA . . ..,1arkenzie, ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---- A. Welch_---~~:~~~ nd11 erved.vFu_____ . ennr ,500 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA _____ O. FRKe, 1r.:o MERCHANTS BK OF CANADA j( bRrt'erB·rae L<'lFul rry s , o  k ______ 400 La Banque Pio, inciale duaoada G. \: . Fortier _____ ------------ 1ontreal Oow b r ----- ------------------ Correspondents : K na uth, Combe ere Olarksburg ___________ 700 Har t man Co., Banker ------- C. W. Hartman , -------- .J rm Nachod &Kuhne,N. Y.: 1 Pr s. Bk' of Tor onto.Toronto. Conesto1w. __________ 400 __________ ____ 50 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA. c. A Hewett ___ ____ ___________ Iontreal Otark Iaren  A.  olborne __________ 1000 BAIIK  I  ..  c.  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA -------  20, i !l,000 Re11erve Fund, 1 y __ __________ 1 46 Bank of Ilamilton ____________ Jos. tc eel ______ .. __________ Hamilton  Ohippawa ___ --------- 7o7  15,000,000 Toronto  BANK OF TORONTO------------ E. W. Har2ra!t ---- , - - - - - DOMINION BANK ------------- J. W. Soraege _____ --- - STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- H.C. Higginbotham - - - - 9,700,000 ochrane _________ __ 2345 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------- w. w. .MitchelL__  I  ' he t rviJle___ 3  H. G. Ma~hewson__  Cobcconk --- - --- ---- .600 Home Bank or Canada ________ .Joh 11 11Pa r, (  DOMINION BANK ---·----------- \: . Watt _________ ------------,Toronto MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- W. PrmiJe _________ ----------- Montreal ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ------ F. E. Ht•rman______ 20,350.000 Montreal 20,7 9,000 Ruerve 1''und11 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA-- F. fliptte ________________ Toronto ____ ____ ( '. D. Lyon, .. lssl. h'.lt wor t h ________ _ :rn MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- W. Bree ·c _________ - - - - - - - Montreal ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ----- G. C. )lacDonal<L. 20.350,000 IMontreal " ·· _______ 20,789.000 ReserveFunds Uh lmsronl ________ 550 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------- L. Pepin ________ ------------ Montreal Cheltenham _________ 256 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA --- < ub . to Inelewood > 20,a;;o,0001 Montreal  ro ________ ------ - ----- , Montreal 9,700,000 Halifax I<: . L. Bron kill --- ·  1 9,700,000 Halifax  A. 1IcI..atchie___  Imperial Hauk of Canada ______ A. H. Seeuin ______ ------------ Toronto  20,350,00ll . Iontreal ~0.789,000 ____________ 1Winnipee  W. B.  HE-~D OFFICE.  -- --------  laANK OF TORONTO..-·····-·-- T. w. Ca,!yle •••••• ·-···---·--· To,onto  Montreal  Canada Tru t Co. _______ A. A. 1lcLei. h _________________ I London, Ont.  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-I " ____ ____ " IBANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ -  PAID-OP  0APITAL.  \V.11. 1oise ______ ·----------- ~1ontreal  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- J.  Cobalt__ __________ 5638  Cana11a  ROY AL BANK OF CANADA ---- \\'. P. pero _______ Reserve Fund harlton ----------~o UNION BANK OF CANADA----- < ub. to EnglehartJ -------------------'hatham __________ 10,7i0 BANK Of MONTREAL ------Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. Simo n___________ ________ .. "  h  lO0iMOLSONS BANK ---------  (~uh. to l'Pmhroke) ____________ )lontrPal  hapleau ___________ 2000  MANAGER OR AGENT.  N _o tlt 0.1' liANK.  -------11-------------------- ------- -  a .. elman _________ 1000  Centralia ____ -- ---- .250  ONT ARIO Map opposite Toronto  Po  Coniston  •  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------__________ lQ00!CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  _____ _-______ Montreal  20.350,000 Montreal 0 ... t ~0 rea 1 ,., i 0••00°() .ru.on _0,~/ 20.789,000 Mont e3.I r -----------u . j Bay) 9,700,000 Halifax < ub.tost. Jacobs)  °  15, 000,000 jToronto  H. Duncan------ - -  piri:) ------------ Toronto  Connaught tatiq,n _---- Imperial Bank of Canada.---- (S ub. to o. Oonsecon __________ . 600 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA _______ J. D. McKean, Acting  », 700,000  Halifax  1  Oookstown . __________ 600  UNION BANK OF CANADA-----  T. McMillan ___________________ Winnipeg  Cooksville __ ____ ---- - 400  UNION BANK OF CANADA-----  ------------ Winnipeg W. G . Dulmag e , 1 .Acct. in charge \  Banks A.dvert\s\ng g\ve Prompt Attention to Co\\ect.\ons and Correspondence ONTARIO--Co~tinued  ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto  -" · •  1625  Non-Hank dexed Acces.J  volume  0  I  To~ns wft:b Nearese Bank:lng Pol.De (InLawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this  NA.ME oF BA.NK.  U.HUtJOt;;  ONTARIO--Continued  For· Interest Bates, Hollda;rs, etc., see Laws  Po;~/;~=~~~N~r-"D / Copetown  "·"\JV n I I -·inc'h'arae 1------------ I" l'-J Banks A.dvertis\ng g\ve Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence  / MAJ;= OR / 0~~r°if[  /  HEAD  PosT  OFFICE .  I  NAME OP  BANK.  f  MANAGER OB .AGENT.  PAID·UP  CAPITAL.  HEAD OFFICE.  Dresden-·-·········1700 CANADJAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. c. Turner..·-···$ 15.000,000 Toronto  20, 7811,000  Copper Clitr -·-····· 3082 BANK OF TORONTO.---··-· .... R. Gray···-··-- ·-·--·--·- Toronto  ..  --· ·-··  "  DOMINION BANK ....... -....... J.  s. Lord--···- · · · · · - · -  c. K. Currey ....... ···········-  Toronto  Corbetton ···--·-·· 200 Bank of Hamilton ......... ___ <Sub. to Dundalk) .......•.... Hamilton  Drumbo . . _ ... .. .... 500 MOLSONS BANK·-·············  Corinth .. ·-····-·····175 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ... _. (Sub. to Brownsville) 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 22.000,000 Montreal 23,531.927 15,000,uoo Toronto  Dryden .•...•....•. 1000 ROYAL BANI OF CANADA ... _. M. D. Hambly ...·. . 20,350.000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Dublin ··-·······-···35() STANDARD BANK OF CANADA - F. McConnell .••... ···-··--· Toronto  OornwalL _......... 0598 BANK OF MONTREAL.-....... ·······--·--· -·-· Surplus ,. -··· ·--· " CANADIAN BK. Of COMMERCE• A. E. Currie.......  I  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ..... F. B. Brownridge..  Resenie Funds " ···-·-·· " Sterling Bank of Canada .•.. _.. A. J. Ilunt .•..•.••• Corum1a ..•.....•••• _200 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ...... R. J. Lewis, Acting Reserve Funds  Cottam •.• - .••....... 150 Tmnflrial Bank of Canada .....• (Suh. to EsRexL ..• Courtland ........... 300 MOLSONS BANK ........... ·-·· ,·. X. Pre:t ······-·  20,350.000 20,789,000 ··-··-···· 20,000.000 20,000,000 -·········· ·······-· ..  s.  Wilson ·-····  William Lucas & Co ....• .••••.• E.G. Lucas ••• - ••.. ··---·-· Correspondents: Can. Bk. of Com., Toronto  Toronto Montreal  UNION BANK OF CANADA .... N.-F. Fisher ····-· ····-•····-- Winnipeg Dundas.·-·-····-···4298 Bank of Hamilton ...-····--··· F. M. Robinson ... ·--·-··--·· Hamilton  Toronto Montreal  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE .J. ,\. For ·tcr ..... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-....  "  ·-··-·-·  "  Actina  Dunnville .•--···· ... 2854 Bank of Hamilton .•.•. - •• -.··-· A. W. Haun ...•... ·-··-··-···· Hamilton  15,000,000 Toronto  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. E. Parkes.......  !  Duntroon ............ 150 Sterling Bank of Canada ...... D.  Toronto Winnip~g Toronto Montreal Quebec  Dutton ······--··-···!!36 MOLSONS BANK·-··-········--  -·······  "  Earlton ..•.•....... . .. -. BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA......  15,000,000 Toronto  .  Desbarats ····-·······50 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA .  s. H. Barlow, -····-··-·-· A~~ s. L. Lucas, Actinv •••••••• -···  Eastons Corners ..... 200 UNION BANK OF CANADA ...... (Sub. to Merrickvil leL....... Winnipeg  "  -··· ....  "  Surplus  .'\fontreal  15,000,000 Toronto  Drayton._· · -·-···-706 Bank of Hamilton ·-·········· R. R.Telford ·-···· ·-·········· 1Ham1Iton " ........ " ROYAL BANK OF CANADA--·· o. Luckhardt··-·· 20.350,000 Montreal Ontario continued on second half or th111 Paire. Reserve Fu11d8 20,789,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Al BANK OF CANADA.  9,700,000 Halifax  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....... D. B. Philibert ..... ............ Montreal  c. Morris •.. ·-···,ooo Toronto  Eganville ............ 900 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ···-··· J. J. Blanchfield,  "  ~-------  "  22.000,000 Montreal 23,531,927  Douglas .... ·-·-···-··500 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA H. L. Hamilton ••.. - - · · · · Montreal Dover Cen:er ······-·-25 CAffADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (Sub. to Chatham)  ..  Edwards ••.. _ _ _100 UNION BANK OF CANADA· -··· (Sub. to Metcalffl) .•.•......•• Winnipeg 9,7eo,ooo Halifax Actinu Home Bank of Canada ________ J. O. R1eynolds _______________ Toronto  MERCHANTS Bit OF CANADA. T. G. Hodgins .••.. ····-···-· Montreal  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA . c. E. Areue ······- ···--··- Toronto Dorchester.. __ ...... 500 BANK OF TORONTO--···--··· ·· J, B. Sandy··-· .... ·-·--·-- Toronto ..  ····-···  Echo Bay ............ 300 CANADIAN BK. Of COMMERCE H.  Montreal  Desboro .••........ -.. 150 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA. W. Breese.·-···- ····-······· Montreal Deseronto -·····-··· 2500 BANK OF MONTREAL......... ·  Montreal  20,350,000 Montreal Reserve.,lf't1irui.s 20,789,000 Hailf'yhury ...... -· ...... ···- .. Montreal  Eastview Centre .. _.4500 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ....... G. J. Cheley.......  MOLSONS BANK ...... ......... J. s. Harding ..... - ............ Montreal  Delta ·······-········500 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA  s. Howell .•••...- .• · · · - · - ·  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA·-··· T, E. Gage........  Delaware ·····-·····300 Home Bank of Canada ..·-···· J. R. Hammond .•. -···--·-- Toronto DelhL ............••. 825 Bank of Hamilton •... ·······-·· W. L. Sutherland . -- - - · Hamiltan  ..  Actinu  Durham ··········-· t600 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA--··- J. A. Rowland..... 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 " ........ " STANDARD BANK OF CANADA .. John Kelly ........ ····--·-·· Toronto  UNION BANK OF CANADA ...... (Sub. to Plan ta• ............ Winnipeg eenet) Dalkeith •............ 150 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA . ... -.. w. L. Parnell ..... 9,700,000 Halifax Dashwood ........... 600 CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE R. -;. Wilson _......  15,000,000 Toronto  UNION BANK OF CANADA ... -.. A. c. McBride .••.. ···-·····-·· Winnipee l{. s Paterson,·······-··· Toronto  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA .. A. Gillespie······-· -··-··-· Montreal HomP Bank of Oanacla.-··-··· (Sub. to Oanninl?to n) .....•... UNIOI BANK OF CANADA ..... P. w. St. Louis .... -····-···· Imperial Hauk of Canada ..... (Sub. to Ritl1rnway) ............ La Banque Provincial Du Can . w. w. Dunning-·· ..•...•••... La Banque Nationale.·-······· (Sub. to Ottawa) •.............  15,000,000 Toronto  s. Hughes.........  20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Fu,nd..q 20,789,000 Duni?annon •.••..••.. 300 Sterlin!? Bank of Canada .•.•--. K E. Brooks, ··-·-·--·-· Toronto  Oreemore ........ -..• 643 BANK OF TORONTO ............ B. T. Ferguson .... ··-·-···- Toronto Cresswell·-··.... . 2i OrY8ler .•.......•.•.. 109c, Custa! Bracl1 .......... Cumberland ......•.. 309 Curran ·--· ········-·300  Montreal  Dundalk ··-···-····-687 Bank of Hamilton .. _........•.. A. M. Carthew .... · · · - - · · Hamilton  :\iontreal  OourtrigllL ... -·-•··5UO Sterlin!? Bank of canada-•..•.. C, J. Knox ······-· · · · · - · - Toronto Craighurst ······-·-.400 terling Dank of Canada . ··-· T. E. Brett·-···--· ......•..... Toronto Crampton .•.- •.•..... 75 Imperial Bank of Canada ...... (Sub. to lngersolll ........•... Toronto Orecliton _. __ ·-···-··· 600 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R.  ........ t=  '<  Ii- - - - - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - 1 - - - - ~  ·· ·-··-·-·- 200!RoYAL BANK OF CANADA ..... CSub. to Lynden>-.$ 20.350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds  OFFICE AND  POPULATION.  ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto  BANK OF MONTREAL···--····· 22.000.000 Montreal Surplus 23,531,927 El2"in ·············-··300 MERCHANTS Bit OF CANADA. J.C. Clark ..........•......... Montreal  Eglinton· ···--··-·  I  Elmira -····-······-2200 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ....... W. H. Eydt, Acting  •·  ---·····  "  9.700,0tlO Halifax  ROYAL BANI OF CANADA ..... J. u. .Jarrell...... .  20,350,000 Montreal Rese.rv"' Funds 20,789,000 ElmvaJe •. -•.......... 900 BANK OF TORONTO ········-·-· w. A. Anderson ... ·-··-·---· Toronto .. ........ ·· STANDARD BANK OF CANADA .. H. R. McHonll ·-·· ···-······ 'l'oronto  BRANCHES  throu out  ANADA AND ' EST  NDIES  t,,;)  1626  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexrd Ac-res.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For lntere t Rate , Holiday , rte.. er Laws.  Poi-T OFFICE A · D POPULATION .  I  NAME OF' BANK,  MANAGER  ONTARIO-Continued PAID-UP  OR  AGENT.  Elmwood. ___________ 500 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----· A. Winn ___________ $ 20,350,000 Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Elora ____ --------·- 1216 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA - F. J. Ross·--·-·--- ---------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- N. D. HalJ.. _______ 20,350.000 ------Rese:rve Funcls 20,780,000 Embro _____________ • -484 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- G. T. Murdoch ____ -------- ----  .  ..  ..  ..  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- W. J. Hetherington ·--- ---Re 'true Funcls Embrun _____________ 450 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- J. A. Lacombr _____ Re.~ervt Funds Emo._._----------- 300 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. A. Mathe on ____ Englehart_ _____ _____ 732 Imperial Bank of Canada ______ G. S. Thompson ___ " UNION BANK OF CANADA------ P. MacLeod _______  ---- ----  ..  Enterprise __________ 500 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---Erin _________________ 511 UNION BANK OF CANADA-----Espanola ____________ 400 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----1353 Imperial Bank of Canada ______ E ex ______________  .  ..  F. J. Hunter _______ Reiserve Funcli; W. T. Hodgson ____ J.E. NeilL _______ Re11ene Funds  I. K. Johnston _____  HEAD  OAPITAL.  )Jontreal Montreal Montreal Montreal  20.350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 15,000,000 Toronto  ------------  Winnipeg  20.350,000 Montreal 20,7 U,000 Winnipeg  ----------  20.350.000 Montreal 20,780.000 ------------ Toronto  UNION BANK OF CANADA------ V. W. Jones _______ ------ Winnipeg ------Ethel ____________ ---- 250 Bank of Hamilton _____________ D. J. Falconer, ---- Ilamilton Actino ---Everett_ _____________ 200 Home Bank of Canada _________ L.A. Macdou~all, ------------ Toronto .4cti1tg E. cler _____________ 1555 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F .. \. Chapman --15,000,000 Toronto  ----  .  -------- " MOLSONS BANK--------------- T. s. Woods _____ Fairbank ___________ 1500 DOMINION BANK- ------------- W. E. Scott_ _______ Fauquier _____________ 25 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------Fenelon Falls ______ 1053 BANK OF MONTREAL ---------  .  .  ------------ Montreal ------------ Toronto (Sub. to Cochrane) - ----------- Montreal 22.000.000 Montreal ---------- ---------Surplus 23,631,9!7  Sterlin~ Bank of Canada------ W. Kerr------- ____ ----------- ------Fenwick ____________ 500 UNION BANK OF CANADA------ H. H. Westbrooke- -----------Ferfu ____________ 1 00 lmpt•rial Bank of Canada ______ _ F. A. Black ________ -----------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- L. G. Irons ________ 20 ,3-00,000 -------20,780,000 ReilrrvP Funds Fever ham __________ 100 BANK OF TORONTO ---------- R. P. Ile! lamy _____ ----------Field __________________ _ BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- ' urgeon Falls·--_ Finch _______________ -411 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA FingaL ______________ 400 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA Fi hervme ______ 100 UNION BANK OF CANADA-----  -----------G. M. Belfle, Actino -----------W. H, C. Hall, ---- -------Actino J. J. O'Brien. 'ub. ------------  Fitzroy Harbor ______ 150 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- (, ub. to Arnprior) Flesherton ______ ---- 437 \ MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-- J. C. Scott__ _______  ____ ____  ----------  ..  ~u'\.-.:'t'-.a c::.ou.'\.'\.:nu.4e~ on 1627 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  e.coud na'\t ot \.n'\,. '-'a~e..  Winnipeg Toronto Montreal Toronto  R sene.Fundt<  .  HEAD  ---------- Montreal ------ Montreal ---------------- Hamilton  Fo,esL ________ uurANADIAN Bil OF COM ERCE W. J. F. Ross _____  15,000,000 Toronto  . .  _______  -------  D. Weir. Pt·es. _____ East Lambton Farmers Loan & Savings Co. W. N. Ironside,  "  .  ------ . Forester's Falls ____ .. ---- ---- ..  OFFICE.  226,000 C<Yrrespondents: Standard Bk, of Can .. Toronto, Ont., and branches.  V.-Pru. Rest 60,356 D. Whyte, Mgr.  MOLSONS BANI( _______________ J. D. Livin~ston ____ ·--------STANDARD BANK OF CANADA-- J. N. Gordon _______ ----------9,700,000 -400 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- (Sub. to Cobden) __ MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA (Sub. to Cobden) __ ---· --------  Montreal Toronto Halifax  Montreal Formosa ____________ 500 MOLSONS BANK -------------- (Sub. toTeeswater) ------------ Montreal Fort Erie __________ 1147 Sterling Bank or Canada _______ A. G. Clark ________ Toronto Fort Frances _______ 2500 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. F. Turner ______ 15,000,000 Toronto  . .. . ..  . .. -------------- ... -------. ------. -------.. ------. ----------- ---- .. ----·---  .  "  .  . . . .  Montre  1  Frankford ___________ 800  Winnipeg  Frankville __ --· ____ 250 Fraserville _______ l50 Freel ton _____________ 250 Freeman ___________ _100 ,\ Fu\1arton ____________ iio  BANK OF MONTREAL---------BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------BANK OF TORONTO- ----------CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE DOMINION BANK---------------  Surplus D. McCallum _ _  23,531,927 9,700,000 Halifax  -------- Toronto  N. B. Robinson ____  ------------ Toronto  Imperial Bank of Canada _______ W. K. Wickens ____  ---------- Toronto  C, W,Grandy,  Actina  15,000,000 Toronto  ------- Montreal  H. ~- Richards, ___ 20,350,000 Montreal lleaerve Funds 20,789,000 A. J. Sheard,------ ------------ Winnipeg Actino D. L. Couture _____ ------------ :Montreal (Sub. to Belleville)  ------------ Toronto  R. T. DunlOP-----:- ------------ "Montreal w. D. Thomas _____ ------ ------ Montreal (  ub. to Peter------------ Montreal borough) Byers ________ ------------ Toronto  c. H.  (Sub to Burlington)  Reser-ve Funds  (Sub. to Mitchell) __  "R_a:_n._ks A.dve~t\.s\.n.~ ~\.ve 'Pro~~t A.tten.t\.on. to Co\.\.ect.\.ons _____________  ONTARIO-Continued  ---------- Toronto Hamilton -----------22,000,000 Montreal  S. B. Chamberlain_ Geo. E. Ewine _____  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADAROYAL BANK OF CANADA---UNION BANK OF CANADA-----BANQUE D'HOCHELAG A------STANDARD BANK OF CANADAMOLSONS BANK--------------MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA BANK OF TORONTO-----------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ----MERCHI\MTS BK. OF CI\KI\DA  I  ------------  DOMINION BANK--------------- E. c. ·McClelland __ Fort Wffiiam:: ___ 16,498 Bank. or Ham111on ______________ A.G. Bastedo ______  Montreal  '2.0.if>0.00() ~ontreal  PAID-UP OAPITA.L.  MERCHANTS Bk. OF CANADA E. J. Colquhoun ___ ]'ord City _______ 1000 La Banque Provinciale du Canada------------------- ,T. R. Sin.a.rd _______ Fordwich _______ 400 .Bank of Hamilton ______________ Wm. Deans ________  ------  Fournier ___________ 378  ----------- Toronto '2.0,1'69,\)\)\)  .  Foxboro ____________ 300  Montreal  MANAGER OR Ai;EN'r,  NAME OF' BANK,  Foleyet. _____________ 8 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ---- --- J. D. Lauzon------·------- Montreal Fonthi!L __ ----·-··- 600 Imperial Bank or Canada _______ G. H. Secord ______ ------------ Toronto Ford ________________ 2300 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. J. McHugh ____ $ 15,000,000 Toronto  Montreal  9,700,000 Halifax  St MIDlRD HMK OF Cl\lll\DJL George Mitchell ____ 1!'\1:n:ence __ ________ <\1)0 \\01 l\. t\l"I. Qf Cl"l\ll----- C. N. Samey ______ "  Toronto  .  .  POST OFFICE AND POPULATION.  "  Toronto  - -----------  OFFICE.  ONTAl<IO Map opposite Toronto  20.a50,ooo Montreal 20,789,000 Montreal  I  ------------  and Corresoondence  ONTAJ:(10 Map opposite Toronto  -"°  t..;)  t 'c  ¥\c11:euce ________ <\.\'l\'I \\Q'O.\. \\l.llt.. ou~,'"a ~a"D.'t\..n.u.~'3t.. a"U-  Ot=  ,e.c::.a"D..~ ba\.'l o1.. t.'h.\.s  C.  .  NR~~!~;JFiina.s  _ on rea  ~'"' ]\  -.,-..~I" ""  R-ux- .o-u.,, ,u--=<.-..oucu, __ \_______  1  'l.\'l,1i9,\'l\'I\)  1,)8.1',~ ..  \  \;;::;  \  ~a.n.k.s. AdveT't\.s\.n." ~\.ve Pro-m.~t  -  At:t. en.t\.on. to Co\.\.ect\on.s and Correspondence  del::rA~'::f ~:::r:;:r::e:..1::--r~Je:=t-'f% .tta";;~: [IfsO'NTA RI<O-Con tt·n ued ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto Ii:: volUIDe. For Inreres'I: Ba'l:es. Holldars. etc., see Laws. ===::::::::=::::::==========================~=================,========;;=11=======;=========:,:=,=====,== ==;======= ~..Posr OFFICE 0  ?"7 16...::,,,r  NAME OF B.A...VK.  I  '/ PosT OFFICE A.ND / N B MANAGER OR PAID-UP H PonJI,A.TION. AGENT. OA.PITA.L. POPULATION. AME OF' AYK. AGENT. CAPITAL. EA.D 0 FFICE. - - - - - - - - - / J l - - - - - - - - - - - , , - - - - - - - + , - - - - , 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - -I- - - - - I - -- - - - - - - I ~ Galetta ____ ---- ______ 150 Home Bank of Canada ________ (Sub. to Arn prior). ------------ Toronto Hagersville _________ ll06 Bank of Hamilton ______________ J. E. Greer ____________________ Hamilton ,.... AND  Galt__ _____________ 12,ooo  /  BANK OF NOi/A SCOTIA-------  MANAGER OR  A. F. Knighs ______ $  PAID-UP /  HEAD OFFICE.  9,700,000 Halifax  BANK OF TORONTO------------ P. J. Wright _______ ------------ Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE c. E. A. Dowler____ 15,000,000 Toronto Imperial Bank of Canada _______ W. B. Powell_ _________________ Toron"to MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA c. A. Lewis____________________ Montreal  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------ W. Philip__________ 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 UNION BANK OF CANADA------ A. s. Wilkinson ______________ Winnipeg Gananoque ________ .. 3804 BANK OF TORONTO------------ L. s. Barr ________________ Toronto " "  ---------------  " "  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. W. White______ 15,00o,ooo Toronto MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-- F. w. Bell _____________________ :Montreal  Geore-etown ________ 1574 Bank of Hamilton ______________ G. o. Mackay __________________ .. ---- ---- " MERCHANTS BIL OF CANADA-- H. R. Mimms______ ___________ Glaoworth .. _ -------150 MOLSON$ BANK---------- (Sub. to London>.. Gia gow tation _______ Bank of No,·a Scotia _________ (Sub. to A.rnprior) 9,700,000 Glencoe ________ 941 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-- R. M. MacPherson. -----------  "  --------  "  '.' ---- ---- " UNION BANK OF CANADA----- G. A. Bagshaw ____ Ha1leybury ________ 3874 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- J. D.Macdonala. ___ $ ::  ----------------------  '.:  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA. -----ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---UNION BANK OF CANADA---- __ Haliburton-----482 BANK OF MONTREAL_________ .,  .,  ---- ----  --------  ::  Gogama _____________ , ___ Golden Lake---------- 75 Goodwood ___________ 300 Gore Bay ____________ 703  ..  --------  ..  Gormley _____________ 150 Gorrie _______________ 550 Grafron ____________ 400 Grand Valley ________ 775  ..  ________  "  Granton ___________ 300 Gravenhurst_ _______ l724 Grimsby ____ ------ .1669 " '• G uelph _______ [6,735  ., " " :: " ..  ---- ----  -------________ ---- ---____ ____ ________  " .. " :: " ..  Ontario continued on  Sterling Bank of canada _______ G. J. S Loynes ________________ UNION BANK OF CANADA------ F. Woolcombe _________________ BANQUE D'ROCHELAGA------- Foleyet ________________________ 8 erlin~ Bank of Uanada _____ R. C. Cameron ________________ STAND11RD BANK OF CANADA G. J. Storey_______ Hurst & Burk __________________ W. H. Hurst_______ 40,000  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-- w. s. Chisholm ____ -----------LmperiaJ Bank of Canada _____ (Sub. to Aurora) ______________ Bank of Hamilton ______________ H. V. Holmes _________________ STANDARD BANK OF CANADA N. G. Armour _________________ imperial Bank of Canada ...... F. C. Trott ____________________ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---- W. O'C. Ahern---- 20,3!i o, ooo Reserve Funds 20,780,000 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-- C. A. Norsworthy - -----------DOMINION BANK------------- F. A. Boulden----- ____________ Hank ot HamHton ---- -- ---- ---- .J. .A. camp bell ---CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. J. White------- 15,000.000 Bank of Hamilton _____________ J •.M. Campbell----_ BANK OF MONTREAL----------- -------------------- i2, BAIK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------ H. W. Cram------Surplus 23,531,027 9,700.000 CA ADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. Hilborn________ 15,flOO,OOO DOMINION BANK--- ----------- A. E. Gibson ______ -----------MERCHANTS Bl. OF CANADA J. G. Dewar-------- ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------ R. L. Torrance_____ 20.350.000 Reserve Funds 20.789,000 UNION BANK OF CANADA----- s. c. Evans-----------------11eoo11d half of this t>a«e.  (2  ~,~I  in Humilt,m)  (2 Branches in Hamilton)  Col.iections made on any point in Canada and promptly remitted for at fayorable rates. SEE FULL PAGE ADVERTISEMENT IN TORONTO, ONTARIO BANK LIST.  " ,,  M!;~~al Toronto Hamilton Toronto Toronto  ..  " ..  ________ _______ ________ ________ ________  " .,  ,. ,. " ,.  -------11  .. .,  Montreal  Montreal Montreal Winnipeg  Branch~  *BANK OF TORONTO J. STEPHEtL--- ---- -------------Head o.;:~:~to.  .. ,.  Halifax Toronto Toronto  22,000.000 Montreal 23,531,927 4,998,220 Correepondenta: Han. N, and Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com'! N.• 0 Chi.;N.Shawmut, Bos.; ~ N. Bk. Com., St, L.· ~ 4,849,110 Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo; ~ Crocker N •• San F. ::i> 22,000.000 Montreal ~ 23.531,027 ~ 9,700,000 Halifax 0  Reserve Fund-  Toronto Winnipeg Montreal Toronto Toronto Correspondent: Imp. Bk. of Can., Sault S:e.  Montreal Toronto Hamilton Toronto Hamilton Montreal  ____________________  *BANK OF MONTREAL•-------(6 Brancltes in Humilton) Surplus *BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ----- R. T. Wallace_____  20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Glen Morris -- --- . __ 200 Imnerial Rank of Canada ______ (Sub. to Galt)_____ Toronto Glen Robertson _____ 250 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- A. Deguire. Pro,___ 9,700,000 _ Halifax  ::  Montreal 20,350,000 Montreal  Re:serve Funds 20,789,000 G. A. Bag sh ____ ----------- _ Winnipeg  l  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- G. Dickson________  Glen Sandfleld _______ -40 BANQUE D'HOCltLAGA-------- (Sub to Ste.-Anne _______ Montreal De Prescott) Goderich-----------4522 Bank of Hamilton _____________ A. J. McKay_______ Hamilton " -------- " BANK OF MONTREAL--------- ____________________ 22,000,000 Montreal Surplus 23,531,92, CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. Williams________ 15,000,000 Toronto  J. N. Pare_________ A.. G. Kirkpatrick_  Surplus { JohnH~ndrie,Pr. I C. A.. B1r1?e, Hamilton ________ 107,826 *BANK OF HAMILTON ________ < • V.-Pres. (Head Office) ~10 Bramches •T. P. Bell, inHamilton) G.Mgr.  Hamilton Montreal Montreal Halifax Montreal  Winnipeg 9,700,000 Halifax  -------________ ________ --------  .. 11  *CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE D. B. Dewar_______ 15,000,000 Toronto (3 Branche8 in Hamilton) *DOMINION BANK------------ A. M. Bethune _____ ------------ Toronto  z~  UJ  I  0  P> ~  ~  P> rt-  (4 Branches in Hamilton) o *Home Bank of Canada _______ G. W. Brown ______ ------- :i;oronto rr1 *Imperial Bank of Canada _____ F. S. Glasscn______ oronto ~ JCyrusA. Birge,Pr. 500,000 Correspondent: Guaranty p, Mercantile TrustCu.ofCanada, ) s. C. Macdonald, Mgr, Tr. Co., N. Y. M RCHANTS BK OF CANALDtdA. R H A k II Rest 125,000 M tr I 'O * E . . . r e ------- ------------ on ea r1-  !3  •~i[1soNs\A~K~~~!~~~~--J. E. Fidler _______ ------------ Montreal (4 Branches) NADA H t al *ROYAL BANK OF CA  (6 Branches in Hamilton)  ___ R.. H. arvey _____  ~  20 ,350 ,000 - on re  ., ,.  'kA.Lai~ Asst,__ L eserKve nds 20 ,780 ,000 M t Royal Trust BANK Co, ________ ---- E.. s. elly ____________________ ________ ------------ Toronto on rea1 *STANDARD OF CANADA V. Illsey  l l  ..  ________  "  *UNION BANK OF CANADA---- P.D.E. Strickland _____________ Winnipeg  "  ________  "  Hamilton Prov. & Loan Corp.__  "  ________  "  . Landed Bankmg & Loan Co,___  (3 Branches in Hamilton)  Geo. Hope, Pres.  1,200,000 Correspondente: Roy a I Bk. of Can .. Montreal; Bk. of Hamilton, Hamilton, Ont.; Molsons Bk .. Montreal. ____________ Correspondents: Roy a I V.-P. Bk. of Can. Halifax, N, 1,00Q,000 s., Molsons Bk., ~~oReat. 060,000 treal, Que.; Domm10n ____________ Bk., Toronto. Ont.  D. M. Cameron, Gen. Mgr. Reeerve Funde 1.300,000  c. s. Scott, Pres. Robert Hobson. o. W. Cartwright, Man'g Dir. A. c. Rowe,  " ____ ____ " Hamilton Clearing House ______ (Memher~ indicated by a*) .M gr. Sec. and Tr. Hampton ____________ 300 BANK OF MONTREAL----------- ____________________ Surplus  22.000,000 Montreal 23,531,037  _ , ; 11;urt] I:J!l ~ 1,111 llfil Li I :JitUtA: iiiiilfi!l4 ii ij,t111 I: [H 11)1,£,: f!1IJ!i jill iilB 1 Eti■(IIB 1Eti- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  tJj  ::i>  g  1628 Po  Nou-nank Town with Nearest Hankin~ Point ( ln dext>d Acces.), Lawyer ·, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For lot<.>rest Rate • Holtda)· , etc., ec Laws. ____  Hano, cr ---------- - 2342  --------  ..  I  NAME OF BANK.  T OFFICE AND  PoPULATlON.  ..  Harriet tsville ____ -- -100 Harriston _________ __ 1700  JrlANAGER OR .AGENT,  ONT ARIO-Continued HEAD OFFIC!':. ---------I  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- IH. W. Britton_---- ____________ Montreal ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- M. J • .Muter________ $ 20,350,000 Montreal ReaerveFunds 20,7 9,000 1 9. 700.000 Halifax BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ H. R. Ballard, Pro. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- Geo. Murisuu___ ___ 20,350.000 Reserve Funds 2C.789,000 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA D. P . ?11cFarlanc _ ____________ DOMINION BANK --------- F. H. Cole ____ ---- -----------  "  Har~ow mith ____ -- 40~  Imuorial Bank of Canada ______ 8. 8. IcLaufhlin ____ _________ Toronto ________ Rawkeston e _________ 350 terlinf Bank of Canada _____ G. M. Fi zgerald _____ _ _ __ Toronto 9,700,0001Halifax Hawkesvill e _________ 250 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------- (Sub. to St. JacobsJ lle!':rsL ---------· -.-;-- -- BANQ~E O'HOCH~L,AGA-_______ .T. E. eg-uin ___________ ________ Montreal lrn1> nal Bank ot Canada ______ C. S. Cameron ______ -···------- Toronto ________ Ueidelbe rl! --- ·-. ----150  Hen al 1__ ____________ 702 ··  ..  9,700,000 j Halifax BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------- (Sub. to _t. Jacobs) MOLSONS BANK--------------- R. Arnold ______________________ Mon treat ~tcrliul! Bank of Canada ______ G. M. helew. Acta. ___________ _ Toronto  BANK OF CANADA ----- E. M . Good------------------DOMINION BANK ------ -------- W. E. Glenney ----- -----------MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- H. Von Metzke. -----------Actino STANDARD BANK OF CANADA - G. w. Kin,:_______ ----------MOLSONS BANK-------------- H.P. Madden _________________  Hepwor ,h ___________ 500 1UNION  Wionipee  Hespeler ___ • ----- ___ 30 6  Toronto Montreal  _______  ..  ..  Hick. on ____________ 200 Hifhgat ___________ 500  Toronto Montre:il  Blllsburrh __________ 500 1UNIOII BANK OF CANADA----- 1Wrn. Beatty------------------- Winnipe2 Hillsdale ____________ 450  ISTAND_ARD  BANK OF CA(!ADA- G, E.  Nort~wood -- ________  ----1Toronto  JliJfon _____________ _100 Imperial Bank of Canada _____ ( ub. to Richard ____________ Toronto Landing) 1· n! !and Ccut r _____ 115 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA G. . Dinwoodie __ ------------ Toronto 1  BANK OF MONTREAL------ ,----·----- 22.000.000 23,3.'H,!l2i Surplus ·:cocl _______ 1;:;o BANK OF TORONTO------------ J. H. Lawrence------· _________  IJ1l•t<'in _____________ 350 Hones  POPULATION.  Montr"al • To1·onto  Indian River _________ 15 Ingerson ___________ 4763  HumbPrs'.ou • _______ 400 lmpertal Bank of Can~----- (Sub. to Port Col- ____________ Toronto ~ borne) Hunt vi\lc ________ 2350 llOMIK\OM BI\Kl _________ W. A. Fisher __________________ Toronto ••  - - ----  ..  I Q.Oll\.l Ulll..  Of CI\Ulll----- \ R-  '\'\·\rro.e,:-,.. ---------------- Wt\:.\\C\\I\"'\~ l\1...~t= Cl\"I\UI\ __  a-.~~"'""""--'-""""'"""'"'"" ~"""'"'"' 'b.......~ ...,. '-"'""'" " Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ........,_  '20,350,000 Montreal F. Gr?.nt ------'20,781},(l(l() Reserue Fu:nds to 1\'01:\~~) ------------ M.ontre.a.\  (.C\\"\'b.  NAME OF BANK  MANAGER OR AGEi."iT,  '  UNION BANK OF CANADA------ (Sub. toPeterboro) BANK OF MONTREAL - _________ ________________ CANADIAN Bk. OF COMMERCE w. c.  I Imperial Bank of Canada ______ G.  I_ _ _ _  IlEAD OFFICE  PAID-UP  CAPITAL,  .  I,.  Surplns Johnston____  ____________ Winnipeg 22,000,000 :Montreal 23.531.!J27 15, Toronto  $  I  Alexander _______________ Toronto  w. F. 1)rurn ___________________ 1:Montreal ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---- R. w. Green------ 20,3:50,000 l· Montreal 20,i8fl,000  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADl' .  .. -------- " Funds I In~Iewood ____ -- ---- 350 ROY AL BANK OF CANADA ---- A. V.Reserve Kellum______ Inkerman __________ - 300  20,350,000 Montreal 20. i89.000 Reserve Funds 9,700,000 Halifax l in ta Moun o. to. (Sub.  lnnerk:ip ____ ----- --~-300  G. W. Kini? ---- ---- ____________ Toronto  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA -------BANK OF CANADASTANDARD 1 lnwooo ______ ________ 350 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ----  20,3;;0,000 Montreal M. s. Crawforth___ Reserve Fmids 20,i8!:l,OOO Iona Station ________ 100 1Horne Bank of Canada ________ (Sub. to Lawrence ___________ Toronto Station) 15,000.000 Toronto Iroquois _____________ 849 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE .r. F. Gillespie_____  "  "  lroq1.1ois Falls ________ 50 lslini?ton ____________ 500  MOLSONS BANK- -------------- c. H. Joy--------------------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- A. J. Kelly________ 20.350,000 20,1 9,000 Reserve Funds UNION BANK OF CAIIADA----- J. c. Johnston ______________  Jarvis _______________ 510 Hank of Hamilton _____________ Jasper _______________ 170 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------  c. B. L(•wis, Mto.  Kemptville _________ 1192  Winnipeg  9.700,000 Halifax  I  Keewatin __ ---· .. --- 1242  Montreal Montreal  IJ. H. Brown ___________________ Hamilton  Jordan ______________ 170 Imperial Dank of Canada ______ (Suh. to Vineland) ____________ ____________ Jordan Station _______ 200 Sterlini? Bank of Canada _______ A. \V. Dorland, Actg, Kag-awon,g __________ 100 MERCJIANTS BK! OF CANADA - < ub. to.Gore Bay) ____________ Kapu kasmg ____________ lmpenal Bank ol Canada ______ J. Campion ____________________ Kearney------------ 812 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- (Sub. to ~prncedalc) 20,350,000 Reserve lPunds 20,789,000 Keene . __________ ---- 400 BANK OF TORONTO --- ---- ---- E. H. Barnes ______ . ____________  I  Toronto Toronto Montreal Toronto Montreal Toronto  ROY L BANK OF CANADA ---- F. Bruce __ ---- ---- 20,350,000 Montreal 20,780,000 , Reserve Fund 9,700,000 Halifax BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ----·· G. E. Snider______ UNION BANK OF CANADA---- A. CJ Thomson ________________ Winnivel! BANK--------------- 1(~ uh. to .\It. ForrP st) 9,700,000 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------ (Sub. to Ru sellJ__ 8,700,000 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- B. . Saunders ____ DOMINION BANK---------- -- \\' .• -. , lwffiPld _ ------- -----  Kenilworth ___________ .50 1DOMINION  Tor~nto  Kenmore ---·-------- 300  Hallfax  Kenora ____ --------- 6152  .. "  --------  " "  Halifax Toronto lmi,t:naJ .Hank ot ua.uaoa _____ C. G. Royds ______ _ ------------ Toronto  1  l  Horn in:!:; '\lill ______ :{no Home Hank of Cauada ------- _ (, nb. to hclburne) ____________ Toronto  I t  tv' °00  Ilderton ____ ---------200 Home Bank: of Canada _________ J. C. Reeve __________________ Toronto  I  MOLSON$ BANK--------------- F. W. B. Dejean _______________ Montreal 9,700,000 Halifax BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ______ D. C. H~rnilton Ha tmg ----------- - 88u BANK OF TORONTO------------ A. U. Bailey ________ ____ ______ __ 1Toronto UNION BANK OF CANADA----- J. M. Thomson _ --- ____________ IWinuipec " ____ ---- " 20,350,000 Montreal llatchley ______________ 23 ROYAL BA, KOF CANADA ----- (Sub. to o!'wich) 20,789.000 R eserDe Fund~ Hav lock ___________ 1300 ,BANK OF TORONTO- --------- H. F. McNi~hoL- ____________ Toronto 9,700,000 Halifax Hawke. bury ________ 4600 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------ A l\L Pina.rd_______ BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA __ . ____ IR. Sabourin ________ ------------ Montreal " ____ ____ " --------  "  PosT OFFICE AND  Montreal  Toronto " Toronto Ha rrow _____________ iOO lmpenal &ilk of Canada _______ P. T. Clark __________ ________ Toronto " "  -----  ..  I  P.UD- UP  CAPITAL.  -  ONT ARIO Map opposite Toronto  Kent Brid2e __ ---- - --150  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- II. II. Tate------ -- 20,a;;o.000 Reserve li'u.nd11 20,i89,000 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA . A. A. Ed alt__ __________________ BAN~ OF TORONTO------------ , H, A: K~rr ---~ ____  Montreal Montreal  -----------1  Toronto Kerr1!ood ____________ 150 I Keswick _____________ 125 Sterling Bank: of canada _______ ,\. ,\ 1 t k1 n . •-lcil 110 ___ ___________ Toronto \ \ ' Kettleby ____________ go Irnne ri al Bank of Canada _____ (Sub.t0Schomber1?) ____________ Toronto Kil1aloe __ __ _________ 500 MERCHANTS Bl. OF CANADA J. A. Fisher, Actino ____________ Montreal ..  ------ -  ··  ..... C  ,9"  Sterlin!? 1\..'\u\-. of Canada _____ E. Hayes ______________________ Toronto  Ban.ks. A.dve~t\.s.\.n~ ~\.ve Prom~t A.ttention to Co\.\.ec.t\ons. and Correspondence Map op,:,_oslte Toronto  \0 N  Non-Bank Towns w:th Nearest; .Bank.Ing Point; (In-  dexed Acces.J, Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this  1629  volume.  Pop ;">;[~;; 0  0  For Interest Ba~_.__!Io_!!_d~ys, etc., see Laws.  N,UIE OF BANK.  :;"D  Ma_t;::,:_ OR  ONTARIO-Continued  - - - - ---=--=--=---=-=-=-====- -  c3~{?;f£  HEAD OFFICE.  ----1M~nt'.eaJ  Kimberley _________ 150 MERCHANTS BANK  OF CANADA /O. T. Thorne------ - BANK Of CANADA--- D. Dewar__________ ------------ Wmmpeg Kincardine _________ 2343 MERCHANTS BK. Of CANADA. H. G. Wright ______ ---------- ,Montreal " - - .. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---- J. H. Cummings --- $ 20.350 .000 Montreal . . ~ Reserve Funds 20,789,000 K111g City __________ .iOO BANK OF MONTREAL-------- - - - - - - 22,000,000 1Montreal Kmburn ______ 200/UNIOII  SW"plus  Kingston _________ 18.874  23,531.927  22 ,000.000 Montreal 23,531,927'  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ - A. N. Lyster_______ BANK OF TORONTO ----------- c. P. Borland_ ___ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R. T. Brymner ____ (2 Branches in Kingston,) MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA H. A. TofielL _____ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- E. E. Newman_____  9,700,ooolHalifax  Surplus  1  Reser-ue Fund,g  (2 Branche" in Kingston)  -  PosT OFFICE Al'<D POPULATION.  CAPITAL  HEAD OFFICE.  -  \0  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----  G. G. ConnelL ____ $ 20,350,000 Montreal Re..~erve FundJl 20,789,000 St erling Bank of Canada ______ R. W. Douglas _________________ Toron!o  Lakeside _____________ 75  BANK OF MONTREAL _________ __________________  Lambeth------ 500  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ____ MOLSONS BANK-------------. . BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- J. Macdonald._____ 9, ' Halifax ROYAL BA K OF CANADA ____ L. H. Leach_______ 20,350,000 1, Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA F. s. Beattie ______ ------------ Montrea~ STANDARD BANK OF CANADA (Sub. to Tillsonbur I!') --------- !Toronto BANK OF TORONTO __________ H. R. Nettleton ..• ------------ Toronto  Lanark ___________ 800  "  --------  "  Langton ____ -------- 150  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. J. F.  PAID-UP  AGENT.  Lakelleld __________ _ 500  15,000,000 Toronto  1  MANAGER OR  Komoka _______ 250 Home .Bank of Canada ____ F. D. Finlayson _______________ Toronto  Lancastr,r __________ _ 624  20.350,00o lMontreal 20,789,000  NA.ME OF BANK.  ,._ µ  _- -9"  ---------/ N  ------------ ,Toronto  ------------ Montreal  ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto  ~  Lambton Mill _____ _500  BANK OF MONTREAL _________ -----------(2 Branches in Kingston)  -- -  Lansdowne _________ -400  22,000.000 Montreal Surplus 23,531,927 G. H. Hardy,______ 20.350,000 IMontreal Reserve h'und~ 20,78f),000 W. T. Douglas _________________ Montreal  " -------- " MERCHANTS BANKOFCAIIADA R. F. Huni:erford-~ -----------· 'i Montreal Lansmg __ ___________ 100 Sterling Bank of Canada ______ C. F. Prrkin,Acting ____________ Toronto  Rowland _____ ------------ Toronto ____ ____ ________ ___________ Correspondent: Bk. of Lawrence Station ___ 100 Home Bank of Canada. ________ D. D. Crawford ____ ------------ 1Toronto :Montreal. Montreal -------------- 22,000,000 Montrnal Leamington ________ 2652 BANK OF MONTREAL --------- --------· ----------- 22,000.000 Montrral Surplus 23,531.927 Surplus 23,531,927 " ____ ____ " Maxon & Maxon .•• ____________ George M. Maxon __ -----------R. B. Samuel ______ ------------ Montreal  Kent Brothers.________________ _ King ville ____ - . - ___ 1427  IBANK OF MONTREAL---------  ·1  MOLSONS BANK--------------UNION BANK OF CANADA. ____ \w. Brown _________  MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA J. F . Mutrie _______ -----------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- E. M. Sharpe._____ 20,360,000 Reserve Funds ,-;; 20,789.000 UNION BANK OF CANADA----- w. B. Dunn ________ ------------  ------------ Winnipeg  Kinmount. _________ 650JSterling Bank of Canada ----·- A, '.A. Williamson •• ____________ Toronto  1  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----  Kintore ______________ l08  (Si::!J. to Thames20,350.000 1Montreal ford) Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Kirkfield. ____________ 300 Sterlin!? Bank of Canada. ______ J. H. Crocker--··-- ____________ 1Toronto Kirkland Lake ______ 700 Imperial Bank of Canada. _____ s. B. Moore ________ --------· ___ 1Toronto  I 1  MOLSOJIS BANK-------------- ,A, M.  Kirkton ______________ l80  Driver------ ------------ !  Kitchener _________ 19,05!i Bank of Hamilton ----------- J. H. Dobbie ___________ .! Hamilton  --------------JR.  1  -~ulTi,  Ontario continued on second half of this paa-e Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  bridge) Reserve Funds  20, i89,000  DOMINION BANK· ------------- s. r,. Reade. _____ _ -----------Home 1la.nk o1 Qanada _______ T. J. Powrr ______ . ______ ..... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- H. o. Sootheran... 20.350,000 Rese:rve Funds 20,789,000 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- s. Alcorn---------- -----------Linwood ____________ 350 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- F. Hasenflug, Pro. _ 9.700.000 Lions Hcad _______ . ___ 500 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- ___ E. Paterson ____ ---20,350,000 R&Jerve. Funds 20.i89.000 Lisle. ________________ 150 MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA (Sub. to Creemore) -- ----------  Winnipeg  Toronto Toronto Montreal Toronto Halifax .Montreal lifon:real  ListoweJ ______ ____ _2289 Bank of Hanulton. ____________ H.P. Wanzer _________________ Hamilton  BANK OF MONTREAL. .... _____ --------------------  22,000,000 Montreal Surplus 23,531.927 Imperial Bank of Canada _______ M. R. Hay _____________________ Toronto  LittleBritain _________ 250 LittlPCurrPnt __ ____ . 120~  STANDARD BANK OF CANADAMERCHANTSBANKOFCANADA  A. W. McLaughlin ------ ------ Toronto J . R.WallarP ___________________ MontrPi!l  lii._....,~'WH"'il..,Aatll !11 :1 llll:I liiit44'1- - -  1---,1r.,11"T:71l~rl·llal:Jr:T!]~ l;1--,iT.11~@n!11T~nMr;,1Jn!•..,~l"Jlljj"'~,.lll(T]tf~l)l"';■ -Ll'~al:1•,rr,,nRl11l11e•, 11111  Montreal  Lefaivre _____________ 175 La Banque Provinciale du A. Brico: ______ _____ ___________ Montreal Canada Lefroy ____________ 737 Sterling Bank of Canada ______ S. G. )•I odrland, __________ Toronto A.cting Lindsay ____________ 7500 BANK OF MONTREAL--------- ________ 22,000.000 Montreal Surplus 23,531,!:127 .. ---- " CANADIAN BIL OF COMMERCE E. M. Lockie______ 15,000,000 1Toronto  I  BANK OF MONTREAL -------- ----------- -------- 22,000.000 IMontreal Snrplus 23,531,927 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- ------ A. J. Cundick______ 9.700.000 Halifax BANK OF TORONTO ----------- 'G. B. McKay _________________ J Toronto !(2 Branches in Kitchener) ,CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. H. Collins______ 15,ooo,ooo\Toronto !DOMINION BANK D. Boughner---· ___________ _I Toronto MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA D. A. MacMillan ___ ------------ Montreal MOLSONS BANK-------------- J. R. Kirkpatrick _____________ _! Montreal " " ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- F. H. Boehmer.___ 20,350.000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 ·• ________ " IUNION BANK OF CANADA ----- A. c. :.\filne __ ______ ------------1Winnipeg Klein burg __________ .300 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.---- ( Wood20,350,000 Montreal  Montreal  11111  1--'  °' ~  1630  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) ln back of this volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  ONTARIO-Contt"nued  ONTAR.10 Map opposite Toronto  ,~  D-=U=P============;:;==P=o=s=T=O=P'P'=IC=E=A=ND==;:1===========1==:M=A.N=A.=G=ER=O=R==P=AI=D=-U=P=1===== ====; = O=K==;:=P=A=l= =!'i=A=G=ER ll.A! ==P=oB=T=O==FF=I=CE=A=N=D=~==============i=1== HEAD OFFICE. CAPITAL, A.GENT. NAME OF BANK. POPULATION. HEAD OFFICE. O~ITA..L. AGENT. N.uu: OP' BA.NX. POPULATION.  Manotick·-·-···- ._350 \UIIION BANK OF CANADA-.... F. c. Gray_··············-···· Maple ·--···-··400 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. J. B. McLean ...• - . - - - · · · Markdale •••••• -••••. 925 BANK OF TORONTO · - - - - W. L. Youn!;? ..••....•••..•.•.•• MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA H. H. Lucas •••••.. .... .... " .. Markham .••••••••••. 009 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ....... D.R. Platt. ••.•.• _$ 9,700,000  Loiselleville- - - - 5( La Banque Provinciale du Can. Thos. Monforton __ ···- -·· •••. Montreal Londesborough _•.•. 25! MOLSONS BANK ........ -·· .... (Sub. to Brucefleld) ······-··-·· Montreal London ·- _ _ __5~. 11 O ~HK GF MONTREAL•........ . ................... $ 22,000,000 Montreal Surplus 23,531,927 (3 Branrhe& in London) 9,700,000 Halifax *BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ..... G. H. Montgomery " -·--··· "  *BAIK OF TORONTO·--- J. Prin~le•••••••••.•••••••••••• Toronto l,OOO,OOO Corr~•pondenta.· T G ,.. edith n.. (5adBraTrnchest ,n London) = ,r·,ea. Can a US 0 0, •• - - - - · - · • •  U. S. Marmora.·--···--970 DOMINION BANK···--- .... Mortgage & Trust Co., Martintown ••.• _ •• 375 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ...... N, Y. Gen. Mg-:-. Mal'ysville ·-········-40 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA . A. D, M:crfa~e~~ 15,it&:&i~ Toronto Massey .•••••......•• 864 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... E. c. Bowker .•.••. ·-········· Toronto Matheson·--- .. 500 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....-.. W. J. Wright.-··········-·· Toront'l lmperial Bank of Canada-- .••• A. J. Goodall •••. - •••••.••• ·-· Toronto Mattawa-··-·-··-·1524 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-······ 500,000 A. T. Li1 tie, Pres.. 220,000 Rest McGreeor·-····-··· 250 MOLSON'S BANK-······--·--·J.E. M.a2ee--···· ·······-·-·· Montreal Maxville ••. - ••...••. 759 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ....... J. R. Wainwright.. .••••••••••. Montreal  M . ..,,, Grant, Actg, • •••••••••••• Toronto 9,700,000 Halifax W.W. W. Dean...  I  <3 Branc1ie in London)  *DOMINION BANK-··---···· ··-  (2 Branche: in London) •HomP Bank of Canada .•.•.... (2 Branches in London)  *Imperial Bank of Canada..... London & Western Tl'. Oo .. Lt.d.  "'MERCHANTS BK. OF CAIIAIA (3 Branchu in London) -MOLSOJIS BANI---···· (2 Brnnche., in London)  *IOYAL BAH OF CHADA -·· 1V. F. Cronyn...... Reserve Funds (3 Branchu in London)  Winnipeg Toronto Toronto M'lntreal Halifax  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA . A. \Y. Crawforth. .•••••••••••• Toronto " --···· " Mal'lbank·--·········450 Sterling Bank uf Canada.•.... R. S. Bailey···--·· -···-···· Toronto  Hume Cronyn,  (2 Branches in London)  (Sub. toDesoronto) ·-· __ •••• Toronto W. E . Soule •••• --·· 20,350,000 Montreal Re.serve Fun~ 20,789,000 ( Haley bury) ······--· Montreal A. W. Barlow·----···-·-···---- Toronto  H. H. Betts •••• -•••  9,700,000 Halifax  N. A. Pepin .••..•.. ·····-··· Montreal W. E. Sparkham ..  9,700,000 Halifax  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-...... T. W. Munro •••••• · · - - - 1Montreal Meaford .••••• - •••• -2811 BANK OF TORONTO -·- ----·-·-- J. w. Simpson·---··-----····· Toronto  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  *STANDARD BANK OF CANADA II. F. Clark •••...•• ··-· ....••.. Toronto •••••.•••••• London Clearln~ House........ B. N. Sylvester, Ser. (Mrnnbr;r,. i1Ul.i-0ated. hv a +) <. ee Londmi)  "  ·······-  "  "  -·· --  "  w. M.  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA  Telford ·--· •••••••••••• Montreal  MOLSONS BANK............... D. A. Fereuson •••• ·-·····-···· Montreal  London East, <. "" T,rmrirm) London So.. Toronto Long nranch . -•······-· nOMlfflON ROK...... - ...... G.D. Crowth(T... 20,350,000 Iontreal ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... " " 20,7811,000 Rese1oe Fund8 L'Oriiinal - · - _1151 8ANQUE D'HOCHELAGA...... O. Charette •••.•••. - - ····-- Montreal  Melbourne ........• _ 300 Home Bank of Canada .•.••.••• R. E. McAndless __ ·-··-··-··· Toronto  UNION BANK OF CANADA ..... R.  s.  Theaker ..... ·--········· Winnipeg  Lowville··-····-····· 75 STANDAID BANK OF CANADA _ < ub. to Carlisle).··--······· Toronto  Melrose·-···- ·-··50 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA ( ub. to Belleville) ········-··· Montreal STANDARD BK. OF CANADA··- ( ub. to Belleville)·-·········· Toronto ........ " " Merli_n •••_.·-········300 MOLSONS BANK ............... L . .M. MacMillan ~ .••••.•..•••. Montreal  Lucan • ···- ·····-·-. 70! MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA .. R. McBain, Acting. ···-········ Montreal  Mernckville ••.••.••• 991 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-··- ·· L. D. )lurphy ···-·  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA . A. 11. mith ....•.• ····-···· Toronto " .•...... " Lucknow_-···-····· 100( Bank of Hamilton •••.•• -·--·· J. A. Glennie_ .•••• ·······-···· Hamilton  UNION BANK OF CANADA ..... Merritton ..••.•.•.• 1670 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ......  ••  --··  "  I  MOLSONS BANK.--·-··· T, s. Reid _ _ _ ·····-··-·· "Montreal  Lyu ······-·········· 50c MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA D. A. Davis ••.•..•• . ..••••••••. Montreal Lynden·-······- ..•• _50l ROYAL BANK OF CANADA . .... D. I. Hamilton •••• Lyndhul'st ...•..•••. 201 BANI OF TORONTS···-·-···· Maherly _ ···-······-l7f BAHK OF NOVA SC TIA ... -· -\fadawaska-········ ···- MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA \ladoc •••. ____ 1051, CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  "  -······  "  DOMINION BANK·------ ··-···  20,350,000 :Montreal 20,789,000 J.E. CurrY--·-··- · ·····-····- Toronto 9.700,000 Hal fax ( ub. to Perth) ······-··-···- Montreal ( ub. to Barry's Bay) E. Springer_.... 15,000,000!Toronto H. cBaiu_ ...•...•.•••.••• Toronto  1  Ruerve Funds  IA.  iw.  Mallorytown_ ....•. _ 400 ROY AL BANK OF CANADA- .... W. . McCauley...  20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 ...•..•••••• Tore,nto M.:1.nma_·······-····25\ Home Ba.nk ot Canada······- (Sub. to Melbour ...e) B. lfaen·-···- -· .•..•.•... Montre.a\ ~~~~;~~~~•ue4~~  ~!~!l~,,~,'t!f.\~~l\\l.1. Non-.Bank de.zed Acces.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  - - - ' - - - - - - ' - - - - l - - 1 - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - · - - - - l - - 1- - -I  - - - 1 - - -  lrCAIADIAII BK. OF COMMERCE  ...,,  "  ··-·····  "  ReurTJe Fund&  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 Winnipee  c. A. \\right ..•..•...••....••• w. L. Law on ····- 9,700,000 w. s. Seeber-··············-  Metcalfe •••••....•.. 500 UNION BANK OF CANADA ..... ·----- ··---· Middlemiss ······-···lOO Home Bank of Canada •....... (Sub. to Mel• bourne) 9,700,000 Middleville ···-··· ···200 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA·....... <Sub. to Lanark) •• Midland-·······-·6400 liankot Hammon .. _..•••••.•.. P. J. Fasken ··---.. 22,000,000 BANK OF MONTREAL -··-······ .. ····- " Surplus 23,531.927 20,350.000 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA -·-· L. T. Brandon - ........ " " 20,789,000 Funds Reaerve 1 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA . w. s. Benson·---·- ..••••••••••  Halifax Winnipeg Toronto Halifax Hamilton Montreal .Montreal Toronto  c. Welk .••..•..••••••.••••• Montreal l(Sub.  Mildmay_ ••••...... 1000 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA A.  9,700,000 Halifax toMilverton) OF NOVA SCOTIA ....... BANK OF TORONTO --··-··-··· L. R. Atkinson .....••••..•.•.• Toronto  Millbank ........ __ ._400 1BANK  Millbrook ••...••••-.703 Mille Roches ••••.••• 600 Milton ••-·········-·1657 ·-· •••• ·• " " --··" ,\  Sterling Bank of Canada- --. - H. P. Hayes, Acting •••••••••••• Bauir or 1:iaxmlton ... __ ···•···•· c. H. Stuart.-----9,700,000 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA...... W. B. Clements.... 8lllll If l0R0lll0 ··-···-·· H.B. YouelL. ..... 1- - - -  Toronto Hamilton lialifax Toronto  1  Banks Advert\s\ng g\ve Pron,t>t Attent\on to Co\\ect\ons and Correspondence 'l'owna wtth Neareae .Ban.kin, Paine (In• Law,-ers, Laws clndezed} In back of tb/s  ONTARIO-Continued  ONTARIO Map op,,a.l~• Toron~  ,_.  1.0  ~  ~  It..  1  ..  I  1  1;:::.  \  ~anks ~dvert\s\ng g\ve Prompt. A.t.t.ent.i.on t.o Co\\ect.i.ons and Correspondence  PosT OF'I'ICE AND POPULATION.  /  NA.Ja o:r B-'lfI.  /  I  JLANA.s:r:a  A.G1'NT,  o•  I  j  PA.ID·UP /'ITAL.  ONTARIO-Continued 'I POST OFFICE A.ND HE.AD OFFICE.  I  Milverton ••. ·-·····82~ Bank of Hamilton--······-·· N. G. Schafer .......••••••..••. Hamilton  BAH OF NOVA SCOTIA ...... Mimico ····-····-··1373 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA. " --···· " UNION IANK OF CAHIA ..._. Mindemoya ..•..•... 100 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA  J. H. Lewis-··-··$  9,700,000 Halifax  (Sub. to New · - · - - · · Montreal Toronto) B. T. Sparham .•••...•.. ---·-- Winnipeg  (Sub. to Little ............ Montreal Current) Minden ••••••.••••••• 350 Sterling Bank of Canada·-··- H. Goddard ........•.. ·-·--··· Toronto Minesing•••••••••••• 200 UNION BANK OF CANADA ...... J. Fleming, Mgr •.• ·····-··-··· Winnipeg Mitchell .•.•.••. 2000 •... Bank of Hamilton •••••. _  •••• G. 0. Perry •••••••• ···---·--··· Hamilton  MERCHANTS IK. OF CAIAIA E. E. Lewthwaite - •••••••••••• Montreal MoncklandStation ...100 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA (Sub. to Finch) --- --··----···· Montreal Monkton --·-·-······35C Sterlin! Bank or Canada ••••••• E.G. Mathews ••••.••••••••••• •roronto Monteith .•••••••••••... 1mperial Bank or Canada .•••• (Sub. to Matheson)····--·· Toronto Moorefield .•••...••• 400 Bank of Bammon.•-·--·--···· R. J. Scott-······ ··-·······-· Hamilton Moose Creek .•••••• -400 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA·····- M. B. Stewart, Pro.  "  -····  9,700,000 Halifax  "  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-...... J. D. Campbell ••..• -····--··-·· Montreal Morewood ·····-·····350 ROYAL BANk Of CAIIAIA.... W. A. Wilson···-· 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Jiund8  Morrisburg ••••••. ~-1698 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA···-·- B. A. Herring••_.__  "  ····-·- "  Morriston-.·---·--·--250 Mountain.·---·······100 Mountain Grove ..•• _100 Mount AlberL •..•• 501 Mount Brydges •••••• 500 Mount Dennis •••••• 400( Mount El~n .•••••.•• 150 Mount ll'oresL ..•• -2200  Mount Hamilton .•. 1000 Mount Hope ____ 200 Mount PleasanL •• -.200 Muir Kirk •••·-····-·100  MOLSOIIS BANK.·-·····---·· BANK OF TORONTO .. --··-·· BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA··-··MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA DOMINION BANK-···--·-·-··· UNION BANK OF CANADA.-·-· BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ....... ROYAL BAIIK OF CAIIADA·-··· BANK OF MONTREAL ..... -... DOMINION BANK---· .... ROYAL BANK OF CAIIADA-... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---· STANDARD BANK OF CANADA MERCHANTS Bit OF CANADA MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA  20,789.000  9,700.000 Halifax  J. L. Burwell......  Montreal  J.C. Kenned.v ··-· ·······-··-· Toronto R. J. Sherman.Pro.  9,700,000 Halifax  (Sub, to .A.rdenL.- ··········-· Montreal W. T. Russell.. ..•.••••.•••••.• Toronto H. R. Laird-···-·-· .••••••••••• Winnipeg  J. W. Macdonald ••  9,700,000 Halifax  s. n. Gregg·-·····  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 22.000.000 Montreal Survlus 23,531,927 G. L. Allen ·---··· - - - - · - Toronto Re.<JerveFwnd.8  --·-··········-····· R. A. Fowlie......  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 R. A. Wallace_.... 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 W. V. Redditt. ·--···-···· Toronto Resi;.rve Fund8  Acting  (Sub. to Brantford)-··-··-·--· Montreal  w. G. Thompson •• ····-·····-  Montreal  MyrtleStation·-·-····25 Sterling Bank of Canada··-··· W. S. Cook •••••••• - - - · · · Toronto Nanticoke ___ •••••• __ 200 Bank of Hamilton.-······--··- (Sub. to Jarvis) ••• _··········-· Hamilton Napa.nee---········2807 DOMINION BANK ... -·•-··-··-· G. P. Carr·--··--·-···--····-- Toronto Oatarlo colltlaued on Hcoad hall of this pap.  POPULATION.  ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto  I  (Continued)  " ····-··· " ··-·····  " "  ~  ~--=--  PAID·UP  A.GENT.  0.4.PITAL,  HEAD 0Fll'ICE.  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ..... W. J. Wiggins .. -•. $ 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Fund.8 20,789,000 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA R.R. White __ . ____ ·-------· Toronto  Nashville .•·---·--··-·25 Imperial Bank of Canad.a·-·-·- (Sub. to Bolton) ..•.•.••..••••. Toronto Navan ••.•.• ·-··--···300 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA·--- (Sub. to Vars).....  Reserve Fund.s  Nelles Corners .•.• _•• 55 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (Sub. to Cayuga) -·  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789.000 15,0"0o,ooo Toronto  Nestleton Station .•... 40 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA-. E. A. Preston •• - •• -···-·--·-- Toronto Neustadt ···--··-···466 Bank ot Hamilton .. -·-····--··· C. K. Smith.••••... ······----· Hamilton  -  Newboro ••••••••.•• .469 UNION B NK OF CANADA ..... A.C.Hoffman,Act'o, 1- - - - 1Winnipeg Newburzh-·--····-46.5 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ..  s. A. Naylor-·····  NewburY---···377 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA N. R. Hendershott, Newcastle ..•••••••.•665 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA .. J,  Acting  s. Montgomery.  I  Toronto  •  Montreal  "  Toronto  :  l. I.  ri  .l 'I  New Dundee .••••••• 300 UNION BANK OF CANADA ..... F. E. Page···-··-··--···--···· Winnipeg New Ge-r many ••••••129 MOLSONS BANK.·-········-··- (Sub. to Waterloo) ····-······· Mont real New Hamburg .•••• 1484 .l:la.nk: of .Ham1lton .....• --······ G. H. Meyers···-···-·-·--·· Hamilton  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA .. J. s. Doyler ..---•-1---- Toronto Newington--··-··-·300 MERCHANTS Bit OF CANADA G. M. Belfie.-••••• · - - - · · Montreal New Liskeard .. -•.. 2300 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.----··· c. G, Mann, .4..cting 9,700,000 Halifax "  "  "  ........  lmperial bank of Canacta ••••.. J. H. Mccaw -··-- ·-··-··-··· Toronto  "  UNION BANK OF CANADA.~··· G. c. Temple •••••••••••••••••• Winnipeg New Lowell-··----·250 BANK OF TORONTO--·······-· T. B. Chester ••••. ··-···-·-·· Toronto Newmarket.·--·- 2illl6 BANK OF MONTREAL·-···-·· -···-··-···········- 22,000,000 •• .. Surplus 23,531,927 BANK OF TORONTO·-········- F. A. M. Lister •••• ·-··-·--··· -······· " Imperial Bank of Canada--·-·· F. H. Hewson ••.• _.··-·······" Newton Brook •.•.••• 300 Sterling Bank of Canada_··--· E. H. Johns, Act'g. ·-···-··--··  Toronto Toronto Toronto  s. Montgomery _· - · - - -  Toronto  Newtonville _ _ _ 175 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA .. J.  New Toronto ••••• _.1000 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ........ P.R.  .. ::  ·-·-··-·····-·· ·-·· -···  " ::  w.  McMaster  Montreal  9,700,000 Halifax  CANADIAN BK. Of COMMERCE W. D. Lawson·-··- 15,000,000 Toronto DOMINION BANK . -··. --·- .... R. D. Black, Actino --···-·-·-·· Toronto MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA c. W. Conn •••••••• ·---······· Montreal  Niagara Falls •••..• 12700 Bank of Hamilton ..----··-·--·- W. H. Carroll. .•• --········-··· Hamilton  .  CAIIADIAII BK. OF COMMERCE o. Ballard - - - 15,000,000 Toronto DOMINION BANK···-···----·· J.B. O'Neill ••••• _. 1_ ~ - · Toronto Imperial .Hank of Canada• ·--·· J. D. Hood ..•·-········--····· Toronto (2 Branches in Niagara Falls)  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA w. R. Whaley .•_. -···-······ ROY AL BANK OF CANADA-.. c. A. R. Warren... 20,350,000 Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Niuara Falls Centre 1738 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. D. Lilly ..•••••• 15,000,000 " --- " ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... c. W. Goodman.- 20,350,000  Montreal Montreal Toronto  Montreal Resert1e Fund.8 20,789,000 Niaeara Falls South 2967 Bank of Hamilton._ ••.• -····-·· A. R. Land ••• ·-··· ··-········ Hamilton ······" Imperial Bank: of Canada ••.••• J. H. Arkell .••.••• ···-·-·-·-· Toronto "  CANADA .AND ·W[Sl JNDIES  ------------_ -~--- ---.- --=--=-~---  Jl.ANAGEROB  Napanee--··-··-- •••• 2807 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA c. H, Anderson •••. ·-·- ···- •••. Montreal  TH ,E, ROYAL " BANK OF "CANADA - BRANCHES throu hout Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  NAME OF BANK.  -  --~--  ---  J' ,J  1632  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (1 nd dexed Acces.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) in back of thi ______ o _n_to = U= e= =-=-==:_---====----ONT A~ 10 Map Opposite T_o_r _ L=a=w=s=.=====-==----==--========;;;==O= Il=t=l=Il e e-= v~_El:e.:___!or Interest Kates, _Holiday , etc., s_  PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  MANAGER OR AGENT.  NAME OF BANK.  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  iae-araon the Lake-1318  J  PAID-UP CAPITAL.  I  PosT  --,---  O hawa ____________ 8235 (Continued)  F. \ • Wilson ______ $ 15,000.000 Toronto  ------1------------  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------  Noel ville _____________ W  <Sub . to Sudbury>- ____________ Montreal  OF NOVA SCOTIA------1II. Wilso~ ------- -BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA -------- T . . Atkmson_____  :orth Augu,ta ______ 500 , BANK North Bay _______ 10.000 ________  "  Imperial Bank of Canada ------ C.H. Lloyd ____________________ Toronto  "  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----  20.350.000 Montreal 20,789.000 Sterline- Bank of Canada------ lG- E. Manuell _________________ To_ro~to  • T  ~  --------  "  "  Torval ______________ 400  , ror,wood __________  " 70  ~ 7  Ottawa--------- - lli.744  --------  "  Oakwood ____________ 250  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA H. L. Re.act _-------· -----------BANK OF MONTREAL ----____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 22.000.000  I  I  ROY AL BANK OF CANADA ---BANK OF TORONTO-----------Omemee ____________ 505 BANK OF TORONTO------------ A. Oil Sprines __________ 646  ---- ----  " "  ~ERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA (2 Branches in Ottm,i;a) *MOLSONS BANK ------------ -  !*STANDARD BANK OF CANADA \C. T.  IToronto GP,n. Trusts CorJ'.)Oration *UNION BANK OF CANADA ---(4 Branches in OUawa)  I  I  I  ..  ---- ----  ..  G. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Toronto  "1  Ill 0  l ::l  01~::ig:~~~a!~}~fiwa *)-  A. Simpson-------- -----------20,3;10 :000 Montreal A. M. Bryson______ Reserve Fund' 20,789.000 Owen Sound ______ 11,910 Bank of Hamilton ______ ________ C. W. Niblett ______ ------------ Hamilton  Otterville ____________ 750  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ____  15,000,000 Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R. P. Findlay --·· MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-- J. A. Simpson _____ ------------ ~fontreal MOL SONS BANK--------------- W. Wallace __ ______ 1____________ ~f ontreal ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---- c.. !•:. Hril•n _______ - :\fontreal  Re.~erve Fundis 20,789,000 R. B. Towriss ____ ------------ Winnipef!  George S. Kilbourn & Uo. ______ F. H. Kilbourn,  c. . Henry _______ \ ------------  aq Ill  . Orde _ _ _ ------------ Winnipeg  ·----------- Winnipeg  •eeoud b.a\t ot 1;n\• \l-.P•  I  z&;·  James Davey______ ____________ Torou to  Orton:. _______________ 100  \\Q1A\ll\Qll 1All¥.----------- ----  z  ~ VJ  de La Plante +----------- Toronto  UNION BANK OF CANADA-----  "  >  G. B. Patteson - ---- ______ ______ Uontreal  ------------ Toronto  ________  0  W. B. Harshaw---- ____________ :Montreal  Orono ________________ soo STANDARD  ..  > ::0  546,063 Correspondents: Bank of Nova Scotia. Ottawa. 0:, 54,530 C. O. Fe1lowes _______________ Toronto  Prnrtential 'l'ru t Co. ______________________________ ·--· ________ 11:outreal o. A. Hra v ----- ____ 20.33J 000 ,\lontreal *ROY AL BANK OF CANADA (5 Branche~ ill Ottawa) --• G. F. ~la •·Lun',.l,.•I. RP.~,,rue Funds 20,7 !-l,000 Royal Trust Co. __________ ·----- C . •\. Eliot __ _____ _____________ Montreal  ~fontreal 20,7 0,000 J. A. Cuthbert__ ___ -------··---- Winnipef!  Onta.1:\0 eont\nued on  '""1  15,000,000 Toronto  (2 Branc11cs in Uttuwa) *La HanQuP 1-'rovmcialt· d ,1 Can. H. Laperriere ________________ _ ~lontreal 1 '! Bra11che,'{ iri Ottciwn l  Montreal  UNION BANK OF CANADA----- J. c. Morphy, Sub.------------ Winnipeg Oshawa _____________ 8235 BANK OF MONTREAL ---------\------------------ 22,000,000 \Montreal Surplus 23,531,!l27 \CAMADIAM BK. OF COMMERCE R. E . Tylor________ 15,000,000 Toronto -------- " "  lo z  *La 8a11Qut- Nat1unale __________ N. Lavoie.Jr. _____ ----------· _ Quebec  Montreal Montreal  ose-oode Station _____ 3.50  Montreal  *I mpt>rial Hank of Canarta _____ R. 8. Houston ________________ __ Toronto  Reserve Fund.ii  UNION BANK OF CANADA-----BANK OF CANADA - W. A. WaddelL ___ UNION BANK OF CANADA----- R. K. Runnel - _____  tevenson___  Halifax Toronto  Surplu1< a.nd Profiti<  Toronto \\'innipeg  ----1 John Scott_-------- _____ :._ ______ IToronto  It:git~~~ Montreal  (il  :Montreal  MERCHANTS Btt OF CANADA F. C. Smyth _______ -----------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---- G.Rapley __________ 20,350.000  " "  Surpl~ '  •DOMINION BANK------ - - ----  15, 'foronto T. . Little________ Sterlmg J:Sa.nk of Canada ________ E. StiJL ___________ -- --------- Toronto  DOMIN ION BANK __________  ------ ------------ Winnipeg  Halifax  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Orlllla ________________ 7300  F. "'· I.rid,  Wmmpeg  Orane-eville _________ 2259 Bank of Hamilton ______________ , C. A. Lamon _______ ------ ------ Hamilton  I',)  HEAD OFFICE.  -  ~ 20.330.000 Montreal 20,789.000 ReMrve Funds llo<lgin, ----· _______ _____ Toronto  Bra11cltt:is irl Otlawa) Capital Tru ·t Corporat1011. Ltu M. J. O'Bnen.Pres. H lr.Couuully . .Mgr.  Weaver _________ ------------ Toronto  ~  c.  *CANADIAN BK.Of COMMERCE P. c ..  23,531,927 Surplus 20,350,000 Montreal W. " · Holm's.____ Re erue Ftmds 20,789,000 D. E. Plewes ______ ------------ , Toronto  Odessa ______ --------- 700  E.  PAID-UP *BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ c. s. Smith________ (1-1 Branches in Ottawa) *BANK OF TORONTO ------ - -- Geo. C. Gardner --- ____________ *BANQUE D' HOCHELAGA ------ D. Larochelle __________________  II  Oak\·i!Je __________ __ 23i2 Rank of Hamilton _____________ W. 8. Davis _______ ------------ , Hamilton 20.isi'i0,000 ~1on trral I. . ' . Tomnki n __ ROY AL BANK OF CANADA ---- ---- " ,. 20,780.000 R eseri·e F1uufa BANK OF TORONTO ----------- J. B. L. Grout__ ____ ------------ Toronto " " ---- ----  "  I CAPITAL.  -- ---B. c. Lander ______  *B~NJ,.~f,c~e.e,J'b~t~~:,-----·  ---------.---1Montreal  Norwich __________ __ 1600  ________  Reserve lt'und11  UNION BANK OF CANADA ---- J. F. Wurtele ______ --- ----··---BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ L. F. Greenwood __ 9. 700.000 MOLSOIIIS BANK--------------- R. Elliot__ _________ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA -- R. F.Montgomery_ 20,330,000 Reserve Funds 20. i 89, 000 terling Bank of Canada------ l'r . ll. Bartle ____ ________ _______ UNION BANK OF CANADA ----- D. B. Cutcliffe _____ ------------  orth Gower ________ 260  "  D. H. Mori on_____  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----STANDARD BANK OF CANADA . UN ION BANK OF CANADA -----  9,700,000 Hal~fax 9.700,000 jHahfax.  ---(2 Hra11rhe., i11 Osha1m)  II  MANAGER OK AGENT.  NAME OF BANK.  OF:ncE AND POPULATION.  HEAD OFFICE.  IToronto Imperial Bank of Canada ______ R. IL Brown " ____ ____ " .Nobleton ____________ 200 Imperial Bank or Cana<la _____ (Sub. to Bolton) ______________ Toronto  ·  C  QNTA RIO  "ec. and Tr.  Morch. 1 1.000,000 Correspondents: Rk. or Oan., N. Y. 9,700,000 Halifax  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- <Sub.toKemptville) ' 15,000,000 Toronto Paincourt ___ _________ 100 !CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE -I J. imon . STANDARD BK. OF CANADA --- R. P. Govett ------ ------------ 'l'oronto " ____ ____ " \ Pai ley ______________ 775 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-- F . A. Gibson _______ ------------ :Montreal RO'fAL BANK OF CANADA ____ 'l'. R. McLennan___ 20.350,00() :Montreal " ________ "  OxfordMills ____ .,.. ___ 500  --------1  Reserue Fu.nd11  20,789 .000  Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collect.ions and Correspondence ,c.....  ',  :: , .  1633  ;  I  ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto  ONTARIO-C ontinued  I,•  1  I  I  PAID-UP  MANA.GER OB  OA.PITA.L. HEAD OPFICE, AGENT. 1 NA.ME OF BANK. PosT OFFICE AND HEAD OFFICE. PA.ID-UP llA.NA.GER OB NA.MB.OP BANK.. PosT OFFICE AND - - - - - - -1- - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - i t o _ •. /---------11--- P_o_PU_L_A _T_IO_N_._ _ - - - - - - - - - - - 1 _ IT_A.L O_A.P A_G_Jl:NT_._ _i _ PoPULATION.~•_ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ ~ Peterboro _________ 22,ooo BANI( OF TORONTO------------ E. J. H. Vanston - ------------ Toronto Pakenham ___________ 500 UNION BANK OF CANADA----- L. 0. G. Poole _____ ----------- Winnipeg .. (Continued) .. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. H. Dunsford -- $ 15,000,000 Toronto Palermo _____________ l50 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- (Sub. to Bronte --- ------------ Montreal Central Can. Loan & Sav. Co._ ---------------·- -·- ____________ Toronto Palgrai•e __________ 180 Imperial Bank of Canada ______ (Sub. to Bolton) ___ ------------ Toronto DOMINION BANK--------------- John Crane ________ -----------· Toronto Palmerston _________ 1700 Bank of Hamilton _____________ Leonard Matthews----- ----- Hamilton MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA. c. s. Cummer----- --------- Montreal Sterline Bank of Canada _______ W.W. Love ___________________ Toronto 'iii.::;;;-d_ _ 20,350,000 Montreal ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ____ V. EasRD~2.?<1e 20,789,000 .I! ·u,1• 8 <,av, V Parham ______________ 62 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA J. W. McCiymont- --------- Montreal UNION BANK OF CANADA----- G. A. CampbelL __ - - - - - - Winnipee p ari _____________ -4500 Bank of Hamilton_____________ J. L. Thompson _______ ---- ---- Hamil ton  .. ..  --------  ________  .. ..  Parkdale _____________ 17  .. ..  ________ ________  " "  Park HilL_________ l289  .. ..  --- ----  ______  .. "  Parry Sound ________ 3429  .. "  _______ ________  .. ..  Pefferlaw ___________ 157 P ele e I sland ---- ---- -650 Pembroke _________ b080 ..  ________  "  ..  _______  .. ..  -------  150 t P en dl eon___________ P enetanguishene .. -4107  •·  ____  "  Perth.. _____________ 3480  .. .. "  _______ ______  ---- ----  Peterboro ________  ..  ---  .. "  Montreal --- S 22,000.09.0 BANK Of MONTREAL --------- ----------------• 23,531,0t7 Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE s. N. Moffat_______ 15,000,000 Toronto Surplus 22.000,000 Montreal BANK OF MONTREAL --------23,531.927 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE B. Stage_---------- 15,000,000 Toronto Montreal MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-- F. A. Parker _______ --- -4 CANADIAN BK. Of COMMERCE D. I. Forbes______ 15,000,000 Toronto  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----" 22,000 IBANK OF MONTREAL-------BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-----..  =  Surplus  11,1uu,ooo  9,700,000 Halifax  Vaug hn & Fa . ._,,_,r  Am. Ex. Correspondent: N. Bk,, N.Y.  BANK OF TORONTO-- ---- F. G. A. Parsons ___ -----------· STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- W. F. Law __ __. ---· ____________  Toronto  Pickerini!------- -----900 Picton ______________ 3700  BANK OF MONTREAL----------  --------  "  Porcupine ___________ 100  iruc:ua..__________ I · Greenizen ------ -----------  Surplus  22.000,000 Montre,ll 23,531,927  9,700,000 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ______ W.R. Adams-----STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- s. B. Gearine------ ____________ UNION BANK OF CANADA----- c. B. Beamish----- ____________ UNION BANK OF CANADA----- J. E;. Carriere__________________ STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- G. E. Sterling _______________ STANDARD BANK OF CANADA - (Sub. to Bellville) _____________  .ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. BANK OF TORONTO - - - - -  Toronto  Halifax Toronto Winnipeg Winnipeg Toronto Toronto  ~ij~~:i~i  Montreal Reserve Funds (Sub. to Orono) --- __________ Toronto F. W. D. Wilkins_. ____________ Toronto  r+  ,, 0  ..,  0  r+  > .., r+  ~  ..,s::  Porquis Junction _______ Impefial Bank of Canada _____ (Sub. to Matheson) ____________ Toronto Port Arthur _____ __ll,216 Bank of Hamilton ___________ M. E. Sowden ____ ------------ Hamilton  Toronto  BANK OF MONTREAL _________ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ______ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  Halifax Montreal  2 35 o, o,ooo Montreal 20,789,000 ~t~~ti~~ Montreal  J. W. Fraser-----  Geo. Hay--------- ____________ Toronto  Point Edward _______ g72 Pontypcol __________ 250  ~tii~:i~~ Montreal  -~· .  BANK OF TORONTO --------·  Point Anne ____________ _  W. G. Walker ______ ---------- Toronto  E. M.RDD~~-e-F--u-n-:;:  F. H. Gilroy_______  Plattsville. __________ 700  20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 net) ------------ Winnipeg (Sub. to Plantage-  Surplus BANK OF MONJREAL--------- 9,700.000 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------· R. M. Hope________ MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- F. A. Robertson .• _------------  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA -----  Plantagenet _________ 550  R. L. McCormick:__  w. B. West ________ ------------  Petrolia. ____________ 3518  Phclpston ___________ 100  La Banque Provinciale du Can. J.M. Ron{;}Y------- ------------ Montreal MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA. s. R. Finlayson ____ ---------- Montreal  ROYAL BANI OF CANADA _____ UNION BANK OF CANADA----BANK OF TORONTO------- ---STANDARD BANK OF CANADA-  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- L.A.  "  ------------ Montreal MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-- H. B. MacPhers~m. Acting STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- W. J. Stuart _______ --------- Toronto BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- G. L. Ziegler_______ 9,700,000 Halifax BANK OF TORONTO------------ W. A. Bourne ______ ------------ Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. H. Dent_________ 15,000,000 Toronto STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- P. F. Benn _________ ----------- Toronto MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- (Sub. to Leamington) ------------ Montreal 9,700,000 Halifax Walker_____ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA----···· H. s.  Gignac--····--- --------- Montreal  Petite Cote _____ ___ 300  .. ..  ---- ---_______  ..  Halifax  ..  15,000,000 Toronto A. W. Robarts_____ Imperial Bank of Canada• ____ A. H. Weaver _____ ------------ Toronto MOLSONS BANK--------------- E. F. Carre ____________________ Montreal  ..  ROYAL BANK OF CAIIADA _____  "  --------  outa.rlo contlnued on second half of this pace.  22,000.000 Montreal 23,531.927 9,700,000 Halifax  Surplus A. L. Woodrow ___  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  J, A. Macarthur____  Reserve Funds  ~ w W  _,,I1;11rt11:a~1;t1Jltf!J~J!lllAdiili:Uiti:iB1H•!Qit 1 l$liMit 1 IGl! ■ 1 1t 1 liiOill l\lt 11l4ilEH4,IIIIII Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  1  _-c----_ _ _  -----~-~--·-~·-·· -···  ·_-  -  -.  ---  -  .. --------  -- ----·---  ------------- --·----__ ..... _  ----  -=------  -·  -=. - - ~  -  -----~- - - -----·--- - - -~-- ~· ··_- --~- - - - - - ·_  1634  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this _'!O~~e. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  Po~T OFFICE AND POPULATION.  Port Burwell _________ 700  NAME 011' BANK,  terlinf Bank of Canada------·  ONT ARIO-Continued  __  MANAGER OR AGENT.  --_-::....-::....---=------=---==-  PAID•UP  CAPITAL,  HEAD OFFICE.  . Sutton·--·--· ________ Toronto  Port arling ..••••••.. 378 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ........ E.G. McIntyre, ... $ Pro.  9,700,000 Halifax  Port Oolborne •••... 2001 Bank of Hamilton •... ---·----- W. G. Scott ••••... ·----·------ Hamilton CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. H. Paeet.. ____ • 15,000,000 Toronto Imnerial Bank of Canada-·---· John H. Rolph __ ·-· ·······----· Toronto Port Oredit--···-···1200 Sterline Bank or Ganada ••• -.•. C. Urquhart. ____ .·······-···· Toronto  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ..... c. Y. 1facGilboray, 20,350,000 :\fontreal 20,789,000 Reserve Furul.s Port Dalhousie •.... 1170 Sterlinl? Bank of Canada ... _ .. J. L. M.eek----·· --·--·-· Toronto Port Dover ••..•.•.• 113R ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ... ·•  ..  o. P. Freeman·--·  20,350,000 :Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Sterling Bank of Canada····-· J. H. Jackson. ___ ·----------- Toronto  Port Elfin --·······12S5 Bank of Hamilton •••• -·------· R. J. Ranney·-·····-·---- Hamilton 9,700.000 Halifax BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- A. L. Wyant__ ___ • Port Hope _______ •• 5092 BANK OF MONTREAL--···-·-- ·--·-----··--·---· 22,000.000 Montreal Surolus 23,531,927 BANK OF TORONTO.-·-·--·-·· J. R. Buntinr •.. _•• -·------· Toronto " " ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.-.. W. H. Roper. ____. 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Port Lambton ···-···350 MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA (Sub. to Wallace- -----·· --- Montreal bure) Portland---··-- ···300 UNION BANK OF CANADA ...... G. H. Heald·-·-·-···----· Winnipeg Port McNicoll •••••.• 500 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA . -· L. W. Martin...... Reserve Funds  20,350,000 Montreal 20, 789,0iO  Port PerrT ••••.••••. 1148 CANADIAN 81(. OF COMMERCE E. B. Walker.....  15,000,000 Toronto  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. IT. G. Hutche on .. ·-------·--- Toronto 50,000 Correspondents: Standard Bk. of Can., Toronto. Port Robinson ..•.•• 500 Imperial Bank of Canada .•..• (Sub. to "elland) ·-·-----··-- Toronto  David J. & Dot12las A.dams .• _..  POST OFFICE AND POPULATION.  -=-----  MANAGER OR AGENT,  NAME OF BANK,  Priceville ••••.•••••. 300 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA  I CAPITAL,-I PAID-UP  Powassan .••.·------·750 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA·-··-· B. F. Chilton ___ •• Prescott_________  9,700,000 Halifax  2801 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA .. H.P. Bineham ••••• ·······-···- Montreal  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA·-- T. H. Prin2le .• ___ • 20,350,000 Montreal Rese,rve Funds 20,789,000 Preston •. -------·· 41123 BANK OF TORONTO---····----· A. N. B. Rogers .•. ·----·--··-- Toronto lm-peria.l Bank of Gana.da •• ___ Blain Cherry ••.••. ------··---- Toronto Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ME\\C\\ltllS BK.. Of CAllADA .. R. Sneyd - - - ------·----· Montreal  ~ ---- _i ..i:a, -  HEAD OFFICE.  (Sub. to Durham>---·--·------ Toronto  Prlnceton._ .•_ .. ___ 400 Bank of Hamilton.-·---·------ F.  s. Sturt _ _ _  -------·---- Hamilton  Proton.·--------·····--· Bank of Hamilton ______ .••••.. (Sub. to DundalkL ·-------··· Hamilton Providence Bay •••••125 MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA (Sub. to Little Cur.... --------· Montreal rentJ Putnam_. __________ .150 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA··--· (Sub. to lLgersoll) 20,350.000 :Montreal R eserve Funds 20,78P,OOO Queenston •• _______ .132 Imperial Bank of Canada .•-. (Sub. to St.Davids) ----·------ Toronto Sterling Bank of Canada _____ . W. B. Lett, Acting. ··--··-·-··· 1Toronto  .  Rainy River •••.•--.1689 ·cAIIADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. Brown·-------·  15,000,000 Toronto  ···-·--· ~··· Montreal Ra.more··-------·------ BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....... (Sub. to Haileybury) Rednersville •••••.•.. 200 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. (Sub. to Belleville)·-----·----· Toronto Renfrew ······-··--·6581 BANK OF MONTREAL ···-·-·-- ·----··--·--·---·- ..  "  "  22.000.000 Montreal  Sttrplus 23,531,927 9,700,000 IHalifax BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.--•--- E. L. Rowan-Legg. MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA •. W. o. Nicol.·---·- ____________ Montreal  9,700,000 Halifax Ricevme ••....•...... 117 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ....... (Sub. to St. Isidore de Prescott) Richard's Landing .•. 300 Imperial Bank of Canada .•••• F. T. Kyle ______ -----·-·---- Toronto Richmond ••• _______ -402 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA .......  w. H. Cairns......  9,700,000 Halifax  Richmond Hill ••••. 1000 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. J. R. Herrington .. -----·-----· Toronto  •  Sterling Bank of Canada·-···· H.W.Morden,Acto. ·--------··· Toronto Ridgetown ..••••.... 1954 MOLSOIIS BANK-····---·------ II. H. Stevenson . .. -·-··--····· Montreal  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA·---· A. Pow·----------· 20,350,000 IMontreal Reserve Funds 20,789.000 UNION BANK OF CANADA ..... H. G. Small·------·--·------- Winnipeg  Ridgeway ••••.. _____ 800 Imperial Bank of Oanada .• ----- W. H. Collard. _____ -·-·-·-·---· Port Rowan --·-··--·725 Bank of Hamilton ••• ---·---· ...\. .•'\. Lamonby --·· ·---------- Hamilton MOLSOIIS BANK·-------······- W. T. Wilkins •••...•. -------· o. s. Killmaster & Son---·· O. S. Killmaster, · - - - - Correspondents: Molsons ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.---- W. o. Jackson..... 20,350.000 --·-·--··-·····s5o Ripley I Montreal. .• Bk Cash.I Reserue Funds 20,789,000 Roblin -----·-····----· DOMINION BANK·-----·-··---· (Sub to Napanee) ..• -------· terling Bank of Canada. _____ G. M. Phemister •.. ·------··· Toronto  Port Stanley·-······891 Sterlin!? Bank of Ganada ·------ H. W. Nixon .•• ____ -----------· Toronto  -  ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto  Rockland ___ ········3397 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA--··--· E. lw'chand __··-··  Toronto Montreal Montreal Toronto  9,700,000 Halifax  La BanQue Provinciale du Oan. J. F. Simard ••••••. -·-··-··--·· Montreal Rocklyn ··---····100 MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA A. A. Mcllhargey. ·-------··· Montreal Acting  --------··· Montreal Rockport ·------•• 300 MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA (Sub. to LansdowneJ Rockwood -·----':!-.600 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ..... G. R. Martin ·----· 20,350.000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 100,000 Correspondents: :Molsons Rodney ----·-········676 S. B. Morris & Co.--···--·----- S. B. Morris, Mgr,. Bk., St. Thomas. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA·---· G. E. Hessenauer . 20,350,000 Montreal Re,Mrvt Funds 20,789,000 UMIOK BAMK. OF CABADA.-· .J. )L Wylie·-·--·-·----------- Winnipeg  Banks A.dvert\s\ng g\ve 'Prompt Attent\on to Collections and Correspondence i-A  T  ...,...,....,.,..  ,_ i::  '< • ...,.  10 t,.)  Banks A.dvert\s\n~ ~\ve 'Pro~pt Attention to Collections and Correspondence  PosT  OFFICE AND POPULATION.  I  I  NAME OF BANK.  I  MANAGER OR ..AGENT.  ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto,~  ONTARIO-Continued  I  PAID-UP / 0APITAL,  HEAD OFFICE.  1 /  POST  OFFICE AND POPULATION,  NAME OF  Seely 'sBay___________ 350  Rosemont ___________ 200 Home Bank of Canada ________ (Sub. to Alliston) ______________ Toronto  Selby------------ 225  Ro seau _______ Russell ____________ 800  UNION BANK OF CANADA------ J. F. Freure _____________ DOMINION BAHK------------ P. C. Marsh____________________ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- c. H. Stewart__ ____ $ 9,700,000 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- E. J. McEwen----- ____________  22.000,000 BANK OF MONTREAL---- __ ---Surplus 23,531,927 9,700,000 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ c. M. C. Brunton __ BANK OF TORONTO------------ R.H. Cardy------- ____________ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. L. Buchan_______ 15,000,000  Halifax  Shannonville ________ 300 Sharbot Lake _______ -450  Montreal  (2 Branches in Sault Ste Marie)  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (2 Branches in Sault Ste Marie)•  D. G. Kennedy----  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927 15,000,000 Toronto  Imperial Bank of Canada _______ W. Bourke ____________________ Toronto ( 3 Branches in Sault Ste Marie)  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----(3 Branches in Sault Ste Marie)  A.G. Knowles_____  Reserve Funds  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Schomberg __________ 300 Imperial Bank of Canada _____ H. H. Coffey ___________________ Toronto  --------  "  Schreiber-----1194 Schumacher _________ soo Scotland ____________ 400 Seaforth ____________ 19g3  "  -------  "  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----BANK OF MONTREAL--CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----  H, J, Young.______  Reserve lt"un<Us  S-urplu.-, J.P. Taillon_______ E. H. Wood______  Reserve Funds  20,350.000 Montreal 20,789,000 22.000,000 Montreal 23,!531,927 15,000,000 Toronto 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. G. Mullen_______ 1s,ooo,ooo DOMINION BANK--------------- R. M. Jones ____________________  ____________ Toronto  BANK OF TORONTO------------  0  z ~  >  W. E. Sharpe __________________ Toronto  ~  0  Home Bank of Canada _______ E. A. Ferguson ________________ Toronto  Toronto  L. J. McClarty ____________ ---- Montreal  Surplus  .  ____________ Toronto  1-4  Halifax  20,350,000 Montreal W. G. Turnbull____ _ Reserve Fund~ 20,789,000 (2 Branches in Sarnia) A. L. Ward ____________________ -------------------- ____________ Correspondent· Bk., London. A. Leduc. ______________________ Montreal Sarsfield ______________ 50 La Banque Provinciale Du Canada ____________________ _  BANK OF MONTREAL----------  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA E. w. Platt-------STANDARD BANK OF CANADA (Sub. to Belleville) BANK OF NOVA SOOTIA------- E. Brownscombe,  0,700,000 Halifax Actg. Shedden _____________ 350 Sterling Bank of Canada _______ G. B. Clarke __________________ Toronto Shelburne _________ l113  t,tj  Chas. Mason & Co. ____________ -------------------- ------------  >  z  UNION BANK OF CANADA------ H. L. Lee------- ____________ Winnipeg N. Bk. Simcoe ________ 3227 Bank of Hamilton ______________ H. L. Selby __________________ Hamilton  ~ Ul  I  " "  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE MOLSONS BANK _______________  R. H. s tinson _____  M. M. Smith. __ ________________ Montreal  0  ROY AL BANK OF CANADA-----Singhampton ________  zoo MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA  20.S50,000 Montreal T. Muir __ --------20,789,000 Reserve Fund11 W. E. Fowler, Actu. __________ Montreal  (')  " "  ---------------  15,000.000 Toronto  ::<:l rn  ('p  0  '-I  :,  Molsons Sioux Lookout ______ 350 Imperial Bank of Canada ______ J. A. Hodder--·--- -------- Toronto Smith's Falls _______ 6370  " " "  ----------------------  " " "  Smithville ___________ 600  ('p  '-I  9,700,000 Halifax BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------- c. B. Houston_____ Toronto 15,000,000 tson___ Robe. H. J. COMMERCE OF CANADIAN BK. MOLSONS BANK--------------- H.B. Wilson ___________________ Montreal UNION BANK OF CANADA------ D.S. Noad -------- ____________ Winnipeg ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------ G. F. Mercer______ 20,350.000 Montreal  .... 0 Ul 0  ....i::  ::r  ~  20,789,000 Reserve Funds H. G. Parrott_ _____ ------------ Winnipeg Smooth Rock Falls.-300 Imperial Bank of Canada _____ R. c. Vaughan ________________ Toronto  --------  "  UNION BANK OF CANADA------  0 0  0.  rn  ('p  Som bra _____________ -400 Sterling Bank of Canada. ______ H, S. Calder ___________________ Toronto  B  Southampton _______ 1685 Bank of Hamilton ______________ J. B. Clark ____________________ Hamilton L. Bellefeuille. ________________ Montreal South Indian ________ 350 La Banque Provinciale Du Canada _____________________ _ south Mountain _____ 400  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA -------  E. A. St. German, Pro.  9,700,000 Halifax  Toronto  SouthPorcupine ____ 2500 Imperial Bank of Canada ______ S. R. Way ________________ Toronto  Toronto  South River _________ 503  Sebringville _________ 500 Sterling Bank of Canada _______ L, Renwick, Acting ____________ Toronto  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- A. Finlayson______ 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 Reserve lf'uncts South Woodslee ____ .400 Imperial Bank of Canada _______ H. M. McKenzie _______________ Toronto  Ontario continued on second half of this page.  .  THE ·ROYAL BANK Of CANADA- WEST NDIAN. COLLECTIONS handled. promptly at lowest rates Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  C  .t-.:)  A.H. Votier. ______ $ 20,350,000Montreal 20,789,000 Reserve Funds (Sub. to Napanee) __________ Toronto  Montreal  Home Bank of Canada ________ J. J. Grozelle _____________ Toronto  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---STANDARD BANK OF CANADA  Shakespeare ________ 450  •  "  HEAD OFFICE.  Selkirk _________ .400 Bank of Hamilton ______________ Geo. Irwin-------- ____________ Hamilton  Toronto Thomas H. Cook & Co, _________________________________________ Correspondent: Com .. N. Y. DOMINION BANK -------------- H. F. Smith. A.ctg, _____________ Toronto  Sault Ste. Marie .. 15,000  CAPITAL,  Toronto  Imperial Bank of Canada _____ E. B. Heynolds _____________ Toronto  ,---- ----  ..AGENT,  '-°  ~  Winnipeg  Sandwich ___________ 2302 Home Bank of Canada _________ F. J, Byrnes ____________ Toronto  Sarnia ____ ---------15,000  PAID-UP  I  Ro,,e Corner _______ L:lBanque Provinciale Ducan .• Henry Brisebois _______________ Montreal  Roseneath. _______ 110  BA.NK.  .MANAGER OR  I  f'  .  1636  •  Non-Bank Towns '\\ith Nearest Banking Polnt (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rat""s• Holidays. etc., see Laws.  PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  MANAGER OR AGENT.  NAME OP' BL"iK.  par ta ______________ 301 Cmperial Bank of Canada------  H.  W. Y. Baldwin.  ONT ARIO-Continued PAID-UP CAPITAL.  POBT OFFICE AND POPU'LA.TION.  HEAD OFFICE.  Springfield __________ 454 H umvhrey Johnson ____________  ------------  . ----- . ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- G. Stewart________ 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 SJ;Jrucedale _________ 200 DOMINION BANK--------------- P. C. Marsh _______ ------------ Toronto . -------- . " ROY AL BANK OF CANADA---- D.B Currie ____ 20,3:iO,OOO Montreal Reserve Funds  St Agatha ----------105 St. Albert ____________ 20  MOLSON$ BANK----------- (Sub. to Waterloo) BANQUE D'HOCHELAGL----- ( Casselman)  Ste. Anne De Prescott BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- A. W. Cousineau __ . , 1500 t. Armour _____________ BANQUE D HOCHELAGA------- Sub. to Fourmer __ J.B. Dyon _________ t. BernadindeRouthier l La.Banque Provinciale du Canada 100 St. Catharines ____ 10,0,11 BANK OF MONTREAL----- - - - - - - - Surt>lus 1 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- V. D. Macleod----" -------- " BANK OF TORONTO------------ F. C. Field _________  . .  --------  --------  .. ---- ---.  ..  .  ---- ----------,..  . . . .  ..  . .  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. A. Fox __________ (2 Branche.  in "t.Catharines)  DOMINION BANK-------------- B. B. Manning _____ • Imperial Bank of Canada _______ J. A.. Forster _______ U:l Hranches in St.Catharinel!)  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- D. Muir ___________  (2 B ranclms in t . Cathar·i11es) Reserve Funds Sterling &nk. or Canada _______ C. L. Jackson _____  ------------  Montreal  -----------  Toronto  15,000,000 Toronto  _ Toronto  ------------  Toronto  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 Toronto  ---------- Montreal ------------ Toronto F. R. Wilson ______ ------------ Toronto A. Saddler _____ --- -------- :Montreal R. E. Lawrason ____ ------ ·----- Montreal  St. David's ________ __ 200 Imperial Bank of Canada _______  st. Euiene ________ 500 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-  .. ..  .  .. .. "  I  -----------------.. ---R. II. Killaly ______ ------------ Winnipeg CANADA-----OF BANK UNION ---St. Charles __________ 100  BANK D'HOCHELAGA--------- (Sub. to Verner) __ St. Olements _______ __350 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- A. Baird _____  !  Montreal  22,000.000 Montreal 23,531.927 9,700,000 Halifax  HEAD OFFICE.  A. V. D. Ball ___ ___  Molsons  20,781:1,000  Montreal  PAID-UP CAPITAL.  ..  ----------- Montreal -------- ---- Montreal -----------------------  MANAGER OK AGENT.  -----------. -------- .. . ---- ---- .. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- J. Pool ____________ 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 St. Thomas ____ . __ 17.000 Canada Trust Co, ________ London . ---- ---- .. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMER E W. G. White ide __ -----------15,000,000 Toronto  Winnipeg  ---- ---- ---- -------- ---- ------- Correspondent: Bk., Montreal.  NAME OP' BANK  St. Marys __________ 33gg BANK OF MONTREAL------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- $ 22.000.000 Montreal Surplus 23,531,927 " :Montreal MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-- F. C. Stone ________ ------ -MOLSONS BANK--------------- R. Barnhart_ ______ ------------ Montreal  ----------- Toronto  J;Jencerville. _______ 401 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- W. J. Nicholson ___ S 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Springbrook ________ .150 UNION BANK OF CANADA------ (Sub. to Stirlini) __  ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto  I  --------------- ------------- ---------- -  .. .. ..  .. .. ..  DOMINION BANK------------ A. E. Colson _____  (2 Branches in St, Thomas) Home &nk of Canada _________ H. T. Go~h _______  ----- Toronto  (3  Branch e..~ in St. Thomas)  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADAMOLSONS BANK--------------(2 Branches in St. Thomaa)  ______ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- J. A. RElliott_ eserve Funds  ---- ---- ----  Staff-a __ ------ ______ 100 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA (Sub. to Dublin) ___ Stamford ___________ 306 Imperial Bank of Canada ______ W. T. Carthew---Stayner ___ ---------1039 BANK OF TORONTO----------- 0. G. Bernhardt ___  ------------  Toronto  ---- ---- --------------MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA H. Clarke, Acting_ -----------Sterling Bank of Canada ______ W. A. Young, A.ct(]. ------------  Toronto  ---- ------- ----  .. ..  Stella ·---- ---- ______ 200 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- tSub. to Bath) ____ R eserve Funds Stevensville _________ 300 Sterline Bank of Canada _______ W. A. Hay, Acting_  ---- ----  -  0  a,  >  zX  C/l  I  C/l  Toronto Montreal  'O I»  Toronto  I»  ....... ....  0  ------------  22,000.000 Surplus 23,531,9~7 UNION BANK OF CANADA------ W. S. Martin _______ Stittsville _ _ _ _ 200 UNION BANK OF CANADA------ W. A. L. BurchilL -----------Stony Oreek _________ 500 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- C. D. Wells ________ 20,350,000 Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Stony Point_ ________ lOO La Banque Provinciale du Can. 8. J. Rocheleau ___ ------------  .  > ~  20,350,000 Toronto 20,789,000 Toronto  8tirlin2 ---· _____ 950 BANK OF MONTREAL----------  .  z  '"i  20,350.000 Montreal 20,789,000 Toronto  St. Williams ________ 200 Sterling Bank of Canada ______ R.E. Nevison _____  .. ..  0  ------------ Toronto ------------ Toronto F. B. Holt by _______ ------------ Montreal H. W. Lake ________ ------------ ?lfontreal  Imperial Bank of Canada _______ H. W. Scarff ______  ------------  ....  Ul  Montreal  ""1  -  I»  ,+  Winnipeg  ...0. 0  Winnipeg Montreal Montreal  Stouffville __________ 1034 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------- M. G. Bruce __ ---9,700,000 Halifax __ Burkholder C. .A. Toronto CANADA. OF STANDARD BANK i" -----------  .  -------  .  Straff'ordville---- ___300 Sterling Bank of Canada ______ F. E. Atkinson,  Acting  -------- ----  Montrea 1  .  BAIIK OF MONTREAL------- -------------------Surplus BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- R. J. Moffatt ______ Halifax 9,700,000 Duhamel, A. X. F. SCOTIA------NOVA OF St. Isidore de Pre. cott BANK Pro, BANK OF TORONTO---- G. L. McHattie ____ ------------ Toronto 225 9,700,000 St. Jacobs ___________ 500 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- D. J. H. Reynolds_ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. W. Harrison ___ 15,000,000 Toronto Sylvest,e..___ .... •••• •••• Montteal t. J oach\m . :· ......150 La Jlanque P<ov'.nciale dn Can .. MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- R. L. Whitman ___ _ ------------ Montreal Mlle. R. A. Cb.arb- ------------ Montreal <;t. Jose'tlb. d 01:\eans._.\La'BanQ.ue l'rnvmclale du 1\01 ll BltlK OF ClltlDl----- E. A.. "Batcheller __ 20,350,000 Montreal ---- ---,\ ouneau Uu"na cau"uuoed au •~~and b.11>o\.t at. '-h1a ~~~ 20,789,000 Reaerue Funds Banks A.dveTt..\s\n~ ~\ve 'PTot:nlc)t. A.t..t..ent..\on t..o Collections and Correspondence  St. George _______ __ 950 \MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  r  Stratford ______ _ __ 12,946  . . .. .  ..  . . --------- ... --------------  22 ,000,000 Montreal 23,531.927 9,7000.000 Halifax  ..  ,c..-  "  --------  "  l01l[ BlllK OF ClllADA----- E . .A. "Batcheller _J  ~  20,350,000\Montreal  Reserve Functs\ 20.789,000 • t A. "'-· p · Ranks Advert\ \ s ng rom~ -'--tent1.on to Co\\ect.\ons and Correspondence  1637  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest; Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Law;vers, Laws cindexed) in back of this volumf'. For Interest B~te , H_olldays, etc'.!_ se~s._  PosT OFFICE A.VD POPULATION.  / _  i  N aME OF  BA "K.  M..LVAGER OR AGENT.  ONTARIO-Continued  :llansons Banking Office _______ M. Rapley _________ -----------Hu1?hes_______  Reserve Funds  ·  POST OFFICE AND POPULATION.  Thamesford. ________ 500 Thamesville _________ 807  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. IL ~Iunro ___ ------ ------------ Toronto E. Rowland & Co, ______________ ------------86.000 Correspondent: tratton ---------------Streetsville __________ 543 Stroud ___ ;.. __________ 200 Sturreon Falls _____ _3199  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  River)  Royal Thecliord ____________ 559 Bk. of Can .• Strathroy. 15,000,000 Toronto  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA _______ E. E. King_________ 9,700,000 STANDARI! BANK OF CANADA G. E. cudamore __ -----------BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------- J. 11. Rema rd ________________ ROY AL BANK OF CANADA ----  Sudbury ____________ 8000  < uh. to Rainy  Halifax  Montreal  20,350,0C0 ~rontreal :w, 789,000  BANK OF MONTREAL---------- ------ ___ --siirjiiiis  22.000.000 Montreal 23,531.927  9,700,000 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA -------IC. J. Walkrr ______ BANK OF TORONTO------------ A. c. Edward ______ ----------BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------ J. H. Prevost__ ____ -----------CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. Duncan________ 15,000,000 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---- L. H. Hillary _____ _ 20,350,000 20,789,000  Halifax Toronto  Sutton West_ ______ 753 Sydenham _________ 6Q0 Tamworth . - ________ 8/J0  T'.'lronto Montreal  Toronto  9,700,000 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA _______ R. G. Norman_____ UNION BANK OF CANADA----- s. W. Alexander ___ -----------MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA S. D. Whaley ,A.ctino ---- ---- ____  Halifax  Tavistock ___________ noo  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- R. E. Garvie ____ :.. __ -----------BANK OF MONTREAL--------- -------------- 22,000.000 23,531.927 Surplus STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- H. H. Reid-------- --------;----  BANK OF TORONTO ----------- W. G.  "  --------  "  Thorndale __________ -400 "  "  Montreal  Toronto  Tecumseh ___________ 350 Home Bank of Canada _________ E. L. Dube _________ ------------ Toronto  Teeterville _ _ _ _ 3Q0  Ontario contlnuf'd on ,second half Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  of  tbla Pa«'fl.  Centre)  ------------ Toronto  ---------MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA. IO. T. Thorne, A.cling BANK OF MONTREAL--------- _____________ 22,000,000 Home .Bank or Canada________  Montreal  Montreal Surplus 23,531,927 . G. Davis ________ ----------- Toronto  Surplus  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE s. H. Falkner _____ _  Winnipeg .Montreal  W.  c. Mitchell.  Tillsonburf _________ 3000  Ttmmins ___________ 3000  " "  ______  lsTANDARD BANK OF CANADA- \Y. L. Gardner ____ CAJIADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. P. Taillon_______  ---------- Montreal  20,789,000  Montreal Toronto Montreal  ---------- Toronto 15, Toronto  ----------1 W. J. Dundas _____ ------------ Tor!)nto  DOMINION BANK ____  "  Imperial Bank or Canada ______ D. Sutherland _________________ Toronto  Toledo---------- ____ 460  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA_., E. B. Nelles-----------------9,700,000 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- R. G. 1IcKibbon , Acto. UNION BANK OF CANADA----- I< uh. to Smith' - ----------Falls)  ~  0 tel  z>::ii:;  !... ,.,.  SU ,.,.  :,a  "  Todmorden _________ l700  > ~  0  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- T. L. Patton-----.-----------CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. R. Blackwood__ 15,000,000 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- /c. E. Parlow______ 20,350,000 Reserve Funds  .,z  23,531,927  Acting 20,350,000 Montreal Geo. H. Shaw_____ 20,789,000 Reserve Funds Tilbury _____________ 1654 La Banque Provinciale du Can. M. R. Caron ______________ Montreal  _____  O  15,000,000 Toronto  Imperial Bank of Canada.. _____ G. R. ~ ·e11 es ____ ______________ Toronto  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------  Tiverton, _____________ 342 ------------ Yontreal  Whately ____ ------------ Toronto  UNION BANK OF CANADA----- H.J. Thompson __ -----------BANK OF MONTREAL------ _________________ 22,000,000  Montreal Montreal  9,700,000 Halifax  bridge)  Thornton ____________ 200  Winnipeg Montreal  < ub. to Wood-  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- V. D. Olliver______ 20,3f>0,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Sterlin!.? Bank of Canada _______ A. M. Rice ____________________ Toronto  1'horold _____________ 4500  tv  15,000,000 Toronto  Thornhill------ -- ____ 850  Teeswater ___________ 854 Bank of Hamilton ______________ G. C. Webster _____ ---- _______ Hamilton  MOLSONS BANK--------------- s. E. Robinc,on ____ STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- (Sub. to Windham  M. E. Harrington _  -  MOL SONS BANK------- J.  Thornbury _________ _ 793  Sterlinf .Hank of Canada _______ V. E . .Appel _______ ------------ Toronto Tara ________________ 551  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------  Montreal  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- L. F. Faed _________ -----------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- ------------------- 20,350,000  20,780,000  Montreal  Toronto Acto. Merch. Mayhew & Harmer _____________ J. N. Harmer ________________ Correspondent: Bank of Can., Chatham, Ont. MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- A. A. EdsaJL ______ ------------ Montreal  'l'hbletown ____ ______ l50  Sunderland---- _____ 600 Home Bank of Canada _________ R. A. Purvis ___________________ Toronto  Ruerve Ji'und.1  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA --- J. o .Otterbein ____ $ 20,350,000 20,789,000 Reserve li'unds DOMINION BANK ______________ R. W. M. Thomson,------------  G. Montgomery_ ------------ Montreal Thessa.lon __________ J945 A. A. Burk% Co. ______________ A. A. Burk ______________ Carrespondents: Bank of the Manhattanco .. N.Y. Imperial Bank or Canada ______ W. McGuire ________ ----------- Toronto  Sterlin~ Bank of Canada _______ T. A. Gale _____________________ Toronto  Sundrid~e __________ 420  NAME OF BANK.  Toronto  L. J. Gilleland_____ Reserve Fun<Ul  R&ierve Fund~  ~  -=-= ~  HEAD OFFICE. PAID-UP MANAGER OR CAPITAL. AGENT. CAPITAL. 1- - - - - - - - - H - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - 1 · - - - - - - - - - I IO  HEAD OFFICE.  PAID-UP  ,,------------1-------j Strathroy _________ 2823 CANAD I AN BK. Of COMMERCE J. G. Mills ______ $ 15,000,000 Toronto  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- ____ F. P.  c......  ONTARIO MRp opposite Toronto  Toronto Halifax Winnipef  THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA./BRANCHES in ·ever PROVINCE OF CANADA from Coast to Coast  ...  t<:  ....0  ., 0  ti'  0. ~  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyeri;, Laws (indexed) in back of thls =::::::::==:v=o=lu=m=e.=F=or=l=n=t=er=e==s==t=R=a=te=s~•=H=o~li~d~a~y~s~,~e~tc~·~•~s~ee~L~a~w~s·~========:::::;:;~~~~~~~=~~~~;;;~~~===== =============O=N=T=A=~~•=O=M=a~p=o;p~p=o=s=i=t=e =====:I  1638  ONTARIO-Cont1·nued  PosT OFFICE AND PoPULATION.  NAME  oF  MANAGER OR AGENT.  BANK.  p o~f-r~f  Toronto __________ 512.000 *BANK OF HAMIL TON ________ G: H. Hodgetts ___ _ (4 Branches in Taranto)  *B(A,~KB OF MONTREAL ·-----• ____________________ 1"  ranches m Turonto)  *BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA·  Surplus  HJ:,U) OFFICE.  Hamilton  PosT OFFICE AND PoPuLATioN.  Toronto _________ 512,000 (Continued)  s  22.000·.ooo Montreal 23,531,927  1.A.McLeod,.Asst.GeneralManager. H. D. Burns, Mgr. Toronto Branch.  (General Mgrs. Office)  (23 Branches in Toronto)  Capital Authorized, ,15,000,000 Capital Paid-up, 9,700,000 Reserve Fund, 18,000,000  SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA.  oF BA.NK.  *CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE· Head Office (26 Branches in Toronto)  I  PAID-UP CAPITAL.  I  CN.ef. N~ii~:A.. !!d ;~ 0  Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Merch. N., Bos.; 4:th St. N., Phil.; Cltlz. N.,Balt.; Am. N .• San F.; 1st N., MlnpJs. and Seattle; London Joint City& Midland Bk., Ltd., and Bk. of Lonclon, England and Royal Bk. of Scotland, GreatBrltaln; Credit Lyonnals, Paris.  § 00  HEAD OFFICE.  Edmund Walker ,S 15,000,000 Carrespondents: Ch N President N., Am. Ex. N., and Resene11 16,'783,979 Irving N., N. Y.; John Aird, N. City and 1st N •• Vice Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Chi.; N. Shawmut Thomas White, Vir,e Pres . and 2d N ., !Jos. i GirH. V .F. Jones, A. Gen. Mor. ard N •• Phil.; Manfrs. S. B. Logan, and Tra. N., Buffalo; Supervisor of /l'oreign Union Tr. Co., Clev.; Dept. 1st & Old Det. N., D. A. Cameron, Mgr. } Det. E. P. Gower, .A. Mor. Toronto ojftee. A.G. Campbell, A. Mor.  l  (Collection Business should be addressed to .. The Manager.") A General Bankl ng business- transact received and cur rent rates of Interest mercial Credits and Travele rs' Lett issued for use in all parts of the wor attention given to the collection of Paper throughout the Domin Ion.  Head Office Halifax H. A. Richardson, General Mamager.  NAME  MANAGER OR AGENT.  ed. Deposits allowed. Comers of Credit Id. Special Commercial  O  Z  _ _ _S_EE_ A_DV_E_R_TI_SE_M _E_-_ NT_ ON_ IN_D_ EX_ CA_N_ A _D_A_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 t-i Capital Trust Corporation _____ 'I'homas Costello ___ ---------- Ottawa  ~  O  E. R. Wood, Pres. S 1,750,000 Carrespondents: Canadian Central Canada Loan & Sav. Co. { H.C. Cox. Vice Pres. Bk. of Com., Toronto, Geo. A. Morrow, V. Pr. Ont .• and brancnes:Bk. i-.,c of Scotland. Lon. w W. A. Charlton, 479,937 Chartered Trust&ExecutorCo. { Pres. Z ( 46 King St., West) J .J. Gibson, Mgr.  > ~  Carrespondents: N. Bk. S 5,000.000 Com., and Bkrs. Tr. 6.986,000 Co., N. Y.; 1st& Old m, "Pr. Det. N., Det.; Mnfrs. P. & Tra. N., Buffalo; N. Mor. Bk.Com.,St.L.;Lon. Gen. 1gr. JolntC1t1& &fldland ief lnspr. Bk., Ltd., Lon .• Eng.  'BANK OFTORONT0-1 (13 Branches in Toronto)  E. B. Osler, Pres._ A. W. Austin, Augustus M.V.-P. Nanton, V.-P. C. A. Bogert, Head Office Gen. M(JT. (30 Branche& in Toronto) W. K. Pearce and F. L.Patton. Asst. Gen. M(JTs. A. H. Balllle, Sec. E. A. Begg, Supt. of Branchu. W. C. MacAgy, Chief I nBpector B. L. Johnston, Supervisor, Foreign SEE ADV. OPPOSITE INDEX TO CAN Collections attended to 1n all parts ef the and prompt remittance made at lowest  Reserves W.G. Gooderha J. Henderson. 1,-. T.F.How,Gen. J. R. Lamb, .A. D. C. Gr,mt. Oh J. A. Woods, Jl' estern "up e1·intendent. J. S. keaff, .Mor., Kino aind  *DOMINION BANK•  Ba11 Sts .. Main Offl,ce.  Collections made In all parts of the Do minion and returns promptly made at fav ora ble rates.  SEE ADVERTISEM ENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE.  *HOME BANK OF CANADA• .. Head Office (11 Branches in Toronto)  Canada Permanent Morteage Corporation  W. G.Gooderham. S  l  Pr.  R. S. Hud on and John Massey. G. Mgrs.  Canada 'rrust Co. ____________ J. M. McWhi.nney ~o-.:onto cont\nued on second ba.\f of tb.\s uage. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  6,000,000 Carrespondents: London Rest Joint City & Midland 6,000,000 Bk .. Ltd .. London, Ene.  ____________ London  S 6,000.000 Corresp_ondents: N. City, Res. Fund  7,000,000  I  Cf.I  N. Park, Han. N ., GuarantyT.r.Co.,and t-i Cent. Union Tr .• N. o Y.;Cont.&Com'IN .• '"1 Clil.; Girard N. and 0 Cent.N.,PhU.;N.Bk. ::S Com.,St.L.;N.Shawmutand lstN •• Bos.; Bk. of England and N.Bk.Scotland,Ltd., Gr ea t B rIt a In ; Comptolr N. d'Escompte de Parls,and Credit L f o n n al s , France; Banca Commerclale It a I I an a and Credito Italiano, Italy; N. Bk. of So. Af lea, Ltd., Africa.  g-  Dept. ADA. Dominion rates.  H. J. Daly, Pres. $ 1.959,500 Correspondents: N. Park R.P.Gough,Vice- Pres. Rest and N. Bk. of Com .. J. a.Mason, 550,000 N. Y.: N. Shawmut Gen. Mor. and 1st N., Bos.  i  I Pelei Howland,P r. 7,000,000 ~ Wm. Hamilton C :Merritt, V.P. Correspondents:Bk. of the *>0rial Bank of Canada----• < W. Moffat. Gen. Mgr. Manhattan_ Co., N. Y.; _ Head Office A. E. Phipps. 1st N .. Chi.; N. ShawA. Gen. Mor. (See foUowing page for (23 Branches in Toronto) mut, Bos. tv Reserve Fund 7,500,000 balance of Toronto  I  l  Bam.ks)  Banks A.dvert\s\ng g\ve Prom{)t A.ttent\on to Co\\ections and Correspondence  9"  '°  ttention to Collections and Correspondence,-,-  THE BANK OF TORONTO Head Office  TORONTO, CANADA  THOS. F. HOW JOHN R. LAMB  General Managl:!r - Asst. General Manager  D. C. Grant F. H. MARSH  Banking Correspondents  Chief Inspector Western Supt.  Canadian Collections from Banks and business houses in the United States and foreign countries are given careful attention.  NEW YORK- National Bank of Commerce CHICAGO- First National Bank ST. LOUIS-National Bank of Commerce DETROIT-First & Old Detroit National Bank BUFFALO-Manufacturers & Traders National Bank  Numerous Branches, and connections with other important Banks, covering all important points in Canada, enable us to make collections promptly and at moderate rates.  LONDON, ENG.-London Joint City & Midland Bank, Limited  We offer the services of an organization complete with all modern banking facilities and with Sixty-Five years' experience of Canadian Banking. Interest allowed on deposits. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Incorporated 1855  Correspondence Solicited HEAD OFFiCE. TORONTO. CANADA  Paid-up Capital $5,000,000  Reserves $6,986,354 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ontarto.  INDEX  83"  TO  ELECTORAL DISTRICTS.  Algoma .... B 1 and P 8 Brant ...... G 7 Bruce ••..•. E 5  2  Carleton .•• P 3 DuJ\'erln ... G 5 4  6  Flgln ...... E 8 Essex ...•.. A 9  '  3  Glengarry .. R 3 Grenville ... P 4 Grey ....... F 5 Haldlmand.H 8 Hallburton.K 3 Halton .... H 7  Ha.otfngs, .• L  Huron ..••. E  4  6  Kenora .... L 8 Kent .•....• C 9 Lambton ... C Lanark ..... 0  Leeds ...... 0  4  8  3  d,  Lennox and AddfngtonM 4 Lincoln ..... I 7  Manltoulln.C 2 Middlesex .. E 8 Muskoka .. H d,  5  Nlplsslng .. H 1 and R 9 Norfolk .... F 8 Northumbrr!And .. . .. K 5 Ontario ..... I 5 Oxford .• , •. F 7 P aITY Sound H Patricia .. K Peel. ...... H Perth ...... E Peterbor-  Pr~fttt ·.: :I  78°  N  0  £~]£  ton)  Frontenac .• N  K  .A 2,;LY  Addfngton.1,f 4, (Seo Lrnno,c an<IAddlng-  B~i?a.~:::.'1  B  2 8 6  6  7  t  Prince Edward ... •M 6  R ainy River K 8 Renfrew ... L 2 Russell .... Q 3  7  Ellmcoe .... H Stormont .. R Sudbury .. D and P  43•  5 3 1  9  T hunder r.av .... . M 8  Tir:nlskam.1ng Q 8  Victoria, • • •J 6  8  Waterloo .. . F 7 Welland .... I 8  ~~t~~:~ ~ !iork ... .. .J 6 9  76°  p  Q  76'  R Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  July,  ESTABLISHED  1864  THE MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA $10,500,000 $154 9 911 9 487  HEAD OFFICE:  MONTREA:L  Capital Paid Up  Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits  Total Deposits  Total Assets  (30th April, 1921)  (30th April, 1921 )  $9 9 743 9 375  $190,367,409  BOARD OF DIRECTORS SIR H. MONTAGU ALLAN, C. V. 0., President SIR F. ORR ORR-LEWIS, Bart. GEO. L. CAINS BON. C. C. BALLANTYNE ALFRED B. EVANS FARQUHAR ROBERTSON THOS. AHEARN  F. HOWARD WILSO~, Vice-President LT.-COL. J. R. lUOODIE JOHN BAILLIE BON. LORNE C. WEBSTER NORI\IAS J. DAWES ~·o1IoN:~~i.~gREGOR ROSS H. l\lc:\IAS.TER  D. C. MACilOW, General Manager T. E. MERRETT, Supt. or Branches and Chief Inspector GEO. MUNRO, Western Superintendent J. N. KENNEDY, Alberta Superintendent A. C. FRASER, Britl ·b Columbia uperintendent A dlto • { VIVIAN HARCOURT, New York, N. Y.} or Deloitte, Plender, Griffiths & Co. u rs. GORDON TANSLEY, Montreal, P. Q. Chartered Accountants  The Foreign Department of this Bank Canadian Collections Having 400 branches and agencies ln Canada, thia Bank's facil= ities for maka i~g collections throughout the Dominion are very complete,  is at the command of any American Bank  or Trust Company for information or other Service as well as for  Business  Correspond• ents Great 'Britain The London Joint City and Midland Bank, Limited. The Royal Bank of S otland.  United State.sThe American Exchange Na• tlonal Bank, New Yori\. Internatlon al Ac• ceptance Ban , Inc., New Yorll The Fort Dear• born National Bank, Chicago. Merchants N • tlonal Bani\, Bo.ston. Liberty\ of Buffalo, Buffalo. First National Ba.nk, St. Paul. People's Sta.te Bank, Detroit. Anglo aod London Paris National Bani\, San Francisco.  New York Agency, 38 Wall Street W. M. RAMSAY and C. J. CROOKALL, Agents  London, England, Office, 53 Cornhill J. B. DONNELLY. D.S.O., Manager  Non-Bank Towns 1<Jth Nearese Banking Polne (In-  a=i=e~=La=f=!=li;9=·====:=====;===0=N==T='.A=R==I.,==O-==;;==C=o=n=tt=·=n=u=ed================;======O=N=T=A=R=-=IO==M=•=P=O="=po==.s=•:::re=====l''c  = 1=6=3=9==i=i=~=em=d=eA=·=cc=F1es=o=J=:·r.=:=te=':-=-~-et_rs_k-=a=~--===-:.'----s-B_(~-~=1=:=:=;d=S:=%1=tc=:=.b=· PosT OFFICE A.ND  I  f  //  9"  I  PAID-UP Posx 0FF:rcE A.ND l l..UU.Gll OB PAID-UP CAPITAL. HEA.D OFFICE. POPULATION. NAJO: 01' B.illI. A.GENT. O.u>IT.A.L. HEA.D OFFICE. - - - - - - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - l / · - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - -1--- - -- 1 - - - - - - - - - - ~  N.uuc OF BA.NK.  POPULATION.  Toronto __________ 512,000 Imperial Trusts Oo. of Canada_ (Continued)  JtlA.NA.Glffl OB  /  ~G.ENT.  ( J. H. Mitchell,  $  Pru. 1. J . .A. Withrow,M ur.  216,000  Toronto _________ 512,000  Reserve  ,  -  Winnipeir  C.H. Pennefather,'t Mgr.  Union TrnstOo., Ltd,_-'.'____ •  (8 Branches in Toronto)  (5 Branches in Toronto)  (11 Branches in Toronto)  .  *MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA• A. B. Patterson ____ ----------- Montreal  ""MOLSONS BANK------------- P. w. D.  *UIIOI BAH OF CAIIDl----- D. M. Neave-----  (Contmued)  64,000  {H.F.Gooder.ham, $ 1,000,000 Correspondents: Guaranty Pr. Tr, 0o,, N. Y. James K. Pickett, Gen. Mar. Rest 450,000 D. Burns _________ _  •{H.  Brodrick_ - - - Montreal  Toronto Olearin2 House_____ Chairman Montreal Trust Co. ____________ J. F. Hobkirk. _____ - - - - - Montreal (Memben imd:icatt.d l>u a,*) C. D. Gordon, Vice Chairman 8 2,000,000 Correspondents: Canadianll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___:___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __!__:::..::A::...·::...=--=· ::... H.:.: ar ::...k:::.:e:.:r:.:. . -= M==-g.'.:.r:.:.• _ _ _ J. W. Flavelle, Rest Bk. of Com., Toronto. "!IMem. Inv. National Trust Co., Limited____ W. E. Rundle, Pr. Selected List of INVESTMENT HOUSES 2,000,000 Bkrs.Assn.  ____!._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  i  Gen.Mar.  Prudential Trust Co. _________ E. v. Barthe. __________________ Montreal \ D C ltea 20,350,000 Montreal .. OYAL BAIK OF CANADA---• ~ B.' Gre-en~---(24 Branehe,g ·in Tornnto) A. Mor. 20,789,000  R;::~:  M:  l  Royal Trnst Co, ________________ B. L. Smith _______ _ --  - - -  THE  Head Office  J.  --  .. ---------- ----  ..  .. .. ..  *Sterlin&: Bank of Canada-----• Head Office (7 Branches in Toronto) Toronto General Trusts Corp, __ Head Office  s. Loldon,Mgr. A. Gen. Mgr.  H. T. McMIiian, Mgr. Toronto Office  ON MAP OF  SEE ADVERTISEMENT  {G..A.H.T. Somers, Pr. Walker,  l  Gen. Mgr.  W. :S:.George,  l  Montreal  _ _ _ _ _ __!.___ _ _ _~ - - - - - - - -  Welllngton Francis, Pres. H. Langlois, V.-P. C. H. Easson,  *STANDARD BANK OF CANADA • (General Manager's Office) (16 Branches in Toronto)  -  Authorized Correspondents: Imp. & 5,000,000 Tra. N .• Irving N ., Paid u n Liberty N •• American 3,500,000 Foreign Bkg. Co poratlon, and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Reserve Ft. Dear. N. and 1st Fund 4,860,540 N ., Chi.; lnt'l Tr. Co. and N. Shawmut, Bos.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N., BulJalo; N. Bk. Com., Det.: Midland N ., Min pis.: Ceo t. N .• Phlla.; Anglo & London-Paris N •• San F.; Seattle N., Seattle; 1st N ., St. L.; CANADA. Lincoln· N ., Rochester; N. Bk. of Scotland, Ltd. and Barclays Bk., Ltd., Lon.; Soclete Generale, Paris. 1,232,200 Correspondents: N. Park Reserve and Metropolitan,N.Y.; Union Tr. Co ..Chi.;Peo., 537,560 Buffalo; International Tr. Co., Bos. 1,500,000  · V.-P. Fealh"stoo Osler,Pru. J.M. Gibson, V.- Pru. Hamilton Cassels, V.-Pres. .A. D. Lanl!'muir, Gen. Mw. Reserve 2,000,000  'l'rusts & Guarantee Co., Ltd, __ { J. J. Warren, Pr . 2,000,000 Correspondents: u. s. E. B. Stockdale, Gen. Mgr. Mt2"e, & 'l'r. Co. and Rest 491.563 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. 0 ntarlo continued on second half of this page.  ------  I I  Toronto. ______________ (Continued)  A. E. AMES & C0.-----------1 Union Bank Bldg. (Established 1889)  >  St.  1  (Established 1901) W. S. Hodgeni;, V.-Pr es . (Member Canadian Bond < J. A. Fra~er Dealers Association, and Jn-1 T. H.And1~on vestment Bankers Association A. F • Wb It~ of America) C. W. Flemmg  0  ii:.~ tfcf'ch{.r or!l~: ~ ion Securities Corpora- >w  tion. Ltd., 2 .Austen Friars. London, Eng. Z and Canada Life Bldg. ~ Montreal. ,,,,.  R. W. Steele, Montreal GoYernment. Municipal. { A. L. Fullorton,L ondon, Eng. and Corpora&lo:a. Bonds Bou g b t and Sold. (H.B. Housser, J. W. Wood,) H0USSER, WOOD & CO.----- { Dealers In Cana dlan Gove rnment and l\lunlclpal Bonds. Amelius Jarvis, Pres. Correspondents: Jenks, . Amelius Jarvis. Jr .. V. P. Gwynne & Co .. N, _Y. AME ILius JARVIS & Co •Ltd 91 H. G. Pepall. Gen 'l Mur. . and Montreal; Amelrns (Jarvis Bldg.) Jarvis Co., 3'5 Capthall { D. F. M. Svkes. S ec.-Treas. Canadian Bonds. Ave.,E.C. ,London,Eng. W. A. Mackenzie. Pres. Correspondents: Bank of W. A. MACKENZIE & CO.------ { A.G. :Mackenzie, V ,-Pres, NovaScotiaandMerch. H. G. Coouer, S e c,-Tr. Bk. of Can .. Toronto. CANADIAN GOVERNMENT, PROVINCIAL, AND MUNICIPAL BONDS. CORPORATION SECURITIES. (Members Bond Dealers Ass'n of Canada) (A.G. Mackenzie, Member Tor onto Stock Exchange)  v~  j  ...J  ...., 0  d  ::,  r+  O  I  C1  0  ::S 9', oJ  ~ c,  0.  NATIONAL CITY CO.---- H.W.Murray,Mqr. ----------- Correspondents: N , City (10  Kine St., East)  {  Dealers In Government, Municipal and Industrial Securltle s.  Co., N. Y. City, and Correspondent offices. See Adv. Page 3. Correspondents: Royal Bk. of Canada in Canada: Equitable Tr. Co., of London, Limited, London, England.  G. A. STIMSON & CO., LTD.- (Investment Securities) _________ Standard Bk. of Can., (Union Bk Bldg ) (Established 1888)  1  WOOD, GUNDY & CO. --------"'11  THE ROYAL BANK OF _CANADA- NEW YORK: 68 William Street Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Canadian Government, Correspondents: A • .i. 0 Municipal & Corporatlo n Ames & Co., N. Y., Chi. Z Bonds and Stocks. Montreal.and Victoria '"-3 (Members Toronto Stock Exch., B. C. ' Montreal Stock Ex change and ...,. Bond Dealers Assn .of Can•da,) r,,, f E.R. Wood.Pres. Correspondents: Dillon,  ,,i,,ITIES tng 1JJ~~· Ltd.1 ! l i. ~f~~:ii. ~: ~~::  DOMINION (26  ~  I  l  LONDON:  Toronto.  (G. H. Wood, J. H. Gundy, Correspondents: Wood, W. N. Menwrait h, Gordon T. Gundy & Co., Inc .. N. Finch, A. W. Scripture, W. Y.; Wood,Gundy&Co., E. Wilder) Montreal and London, Canadian Government En2"land; Wood, Gundy ~ and Munlclp al Bonds. & Co., Ltd. , Winnipeg, w  Man.& Saskatoon Sask. .o  Princes St., E. C  · .-  1640  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) ln bark of this volume. For lntC'rest Hatl's, Holiday~. rtr., <;Pe Laws.  PosT OFFICE AND PoPULAT10-:-.·.  Tottenham __________ 517 Trenton ------------8000  Trout Creek---------400 Tupperville _____ 157 Tweed ________ 135g  "  --------  "  ONT ARIO-Continued  MANAGER OR AGENT.  NAME OF' BANK.  PAID-UP  M  CAPITAL.  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- H. Ryckman _______ S 20.3.'iO,OOO .ttuerve li'unds 20.7811,000 BANK OF MONTREAL__________ 22.ouo.nuo Surolns 23.531,927 DOMINI ON BANK------------- s. H. Jones, Acting ____________ MOLSONS BANK--------------- C. K. Temple, Acl'u ____________ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---· w. L. Simp,,on_____ 20,350,000 Reserl'e Funds 20,789,000 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- J. K. Fraser _______ -----------BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- ( ub. to .Powa san) , 9,700.000 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- A. G. Laur!hrey __ -----------BANK OF MONTREAL---------22,000,000  Montreal  Toronto Montreal Montreal Toronto Halifax Montreal Montreal  G. B. Brow:_~~~~~ Montreal Re..~erve Fund.q 20,7ci!-l,OOO Udora ------------- 150 (Sub. to PPffPrlaw l ------------ Toronto n~erwood ___ ------1~0 Bank ~•f Hamilton _____________ i, Port Elgin) __________ Hamilton Umon _______________ 300 lmpenal Bank of Canada______ (, ub. to varta) ____________ •roronto  IR.  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA E. Smith, Acting-----------1 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA" ---- ---- " s. )!. Hutcheson ___ -----------DxRridge---------,}435 ~OM INION BANK ;·------------ D. 'l'. Heoburn _____ -----------Uni nville ___________ 400  _______  :::nerJrng .1:iauk 01  Val Gae-ne ______________ Vanessa ____________ 100 Vankleek HilL ____ 1700  "  --------  "  I  Toronto  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---- A. A.  Ilutchi:a~~,~~ 20.3SO.Oll0 Montreal Reserve Fwndg 20.78U,000 Perrt1ult ------------ Montreal \lrKPrrhPr----= -----------· )1ontreal .1. \V, MrCl.vmonL ____________ ~1ontreat H. N. Hunter _____ J ____________ Toronto F. c. Car>reoL _________________ Toronto \Sub. to Niagara on ____________ Montreal tht> LakP) Yittoria ______ __ ______ 260 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (, nb. to imcoeL _ 15,000,000 Toronto Waldemar _________ 200 imperial H,rnk 01 Uauatla ----- ( ' ub. to Grand Val ------------·· Toronto ley) Wal ______________ 400 MOLSONS BANK--------------- c. w. Ft1rran __________ ---- ---- Montreal Walkers ______________ 20 llome Bank of Canacla ------- ( Melbourne) ____________ Toronto Walkerton __________ 3300 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. G. Crozier---- ·· 15.000,000 Toronto .. -------- " MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA - W. A. Burrows :\tontreal Walkerville _ _ _ 3302 BANK OF ONTREAL _________ ____________________ 22.000.000 Moutr,,al urplu. 23 531,927 " -------- " CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE• H. B. Parsons______,uoo Toronto (2 R•·rmrhPJ< in W11lkertille) :·, ___ ____ :: DOMINION BANK _____________ r. w ..TonPs ___________________ Toronto ________ HomP I-t ank ot C:1nat1a _________ C B. ::\Iar 1:ind _________________ 'l'oron•o " ________ " lmoerial Bank of Canada llowarct _________________ Toronto 1 ·:. ________ :: La Ranqne Pro\"inrialerlu Can. Rianzo French ________________ 11ontreal ____ ____ MERCHANTS BK. OF CANAD A-- w. E. Jones ___________________ \Montreal (2 RrnnrhPR in WnlkPrr;/1e) \ " -------" ROlll Blttl Of CMUUll ----- R. G. R. Travers . 20,350,000 Montreal nda 1 20 789 Outa.1'\o cont\-n.ued on \ •econd ba.U ot thla 1>ace. Re,.~nie Fu ' '000  ------in.B.  •  "  --- ---  ..  "  --------  "  .,  ·  1  I I Federal Reserve Bank lh of St. Louis  ----1-~--- -----  j  ----- 1B. ~:.  c.  H.  _______  "  CAPITAL.  HEAD OFFICE.  22,000.000 Montreal Surplus 23,531,927 Cavill ___________________ Toronto  A. G. Loughrey---- ____________ Montreal  J. N. Sco tt----·· ··  20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Fund8 20,789,000 James BelL _______ ------------ .Montreal  J. M. \IcMilla.n.  15,000,000 Toronto  Actino  G. A.Love___  20,350,000 Montreal  Rl'~<ierve Funds 20,789,000 J. F. Freure _______ ------------ Winnipe2 (Sub. to Verner>  ------------ Montreal  (Sub. to Norwood) ------------ Winnipe2 W. H. Torrance___ Reserve Funds  20,350.000 Montreal 20,789,000 22,000,000 Montreal Surplus 23,531.92i V. Mills. Acting_ ------------ Montreal  ___________________  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA c. Waterloo __________ 50Ql BANK OF TORONTO------------ R. J. Tobey------CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R.H. Edmonds____ " ____ ____ " MOLSOIS BANK--------------· W. H. Pratt. ______ " ____ ____ " ROY AL BANK OF CANADA ---- H. G. Mistele______ Reserve Funds Watford ____________ 1300 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA F. A. MacLean ---"  " ____ "  ------------ Toronto,ooo Toronto ------------ Montreal  __________ 657 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA --- J.E. Neill--------Resen-ve Funds I Webbwood Wella.nd ____________ 5311 BANK OF MONTREAL- - -  20,350,000 20,7811,000 22,000,oco Surplus 23,531.027 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- F. G. Burr_________ 9.7ou.ouo BANK OF TORONTO----------- J. J. McGraiL ____ -----------DOMINION BANK-------------- W. D. s. Fraser --- -----------Imperial Bank of Canada.. _____ G. C. Brown __________________  Halifax 'l'oronto Toronto Toronto  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----  Montreal  H.B. H. Mar1?owan 20.000.000 Re.~erve, Funds 20.000,0CO Welland Port _______ 253 Sterline- Bank of Ganada _______ N . C. Bucknam, -----------Acting Wrlland outh __ _______ TmnPrin.l Rank of Canarla ______ C. .A. Hamilton ________________ Wellesley __________ 700 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- W. c. CampbelL __ -----------  I Welhn~ton. _____ 785 BANK OF NOVA "  --------  "  SCOTIA------ W. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- w.  0  z  i-i  >  ~  0  a,  >  z  ;ii.: C/J  I ....  i-i 0  r+  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 -- - - - Montreal  Sterline- Bank of Canada.. ______ C. O. Monroe ______ ------------ Toronto  Verner ________ 1500 BANl(UE D'HOCHELAGA Vernou ___________ 250 BA QUt. D'HOt;HfLAGA -----i~ron~-------------250 MER CHANTS Bit OF CANADA 1rtor1a Harbor_ ___ J4Rll STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Vineland _ _ _ _ 200 Imperial 11a11k ot 'ana11,1_ _____ VirgiL _______________ lQO Imperial Bank of Ca11ada ____  I  BANK OF MONTREAL---------BANK OF TORONTO-----------MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA--  I  Toronto Oauacta _______ W G. Gilfillan ____ ------------ ,Toronto  BAt.lQUE D'HOCHELAGA-- ----- (Sub. to Hailey bury).---------- ~lontreal ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- - < ub . to Scotland) 20.350,000 1 Montreal Reserve f,'und8 20,789,000 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------ J. T. Brock _______ _ 9, 701.1,1,00 Halifax BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------- n. MclnnPs _____ ___ ------------ Montreal  ..  PAID-UP  MANAGER OR AGENT.  NAME OF BANK.  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---Walters Falls _______ 150 MOLSONS BANK -------------Walton ______________ l25 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Wardsville ___________ 260 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---I Warkworth _________ soo UNION BANK OF CANADA-----Warren _____________ 500 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------Warsaw _______ ______ 150 UNION BANK OF CANADA----1 Waterdown __________ 750 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---Waterford _________ 1083 BANK OF MONTREAL---------  "Montreal  Varna _________ IQO Ster1w~ ..banK 01 uauc1Ui:to _______ ~I. A. )JcLaughlin, ____________ Toronto Vars _________________ 400  Wallacebure- ________ 3437 I  Montreal  ~~J~t~66  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---STANDARD BANK OF CANADA-  Po1:1T OFFICE AND POPULATION,  HEAD OFFICE.  ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto  A. Smith ______ lJ  Montreal  n  ::, ::,Po>  3  ....0  ~  Montreal  n  ....rn  .  ~ 0  "1  ::,  n  Toronto Toronto 'l'oronto  9,700,000 Halifax  F. Rolph _______ ------------ Toronto Wendover----~----225 La tlanoue Provinciale du cau. A. Fortier. Sub. __ _ ____________ Montreal Westboro ______ 250  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ROYAL BANk OF CANADA ---West H i1L ___________ l50ISTANDARD BK. OF CANADA---  W. G. Beddoe_____  We t Port William _____  H. E. Girvan-----20,350,000 Mon treal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 A. J. Cormack. Acti ng. _________ Toronto  '.C:.<  West Lorne ________ 740\MERCHANTS BK.  W. G. Thompson.  '°  "  --------  "  OF CANADA--  9,700,000 Halifax ~  ----------- Montreal  Ull\011 Bllll Of CllllDl------ W. B. Bole---~~~~: ----------- Winnineiz  .,_. t,,,;i  Banks A.dvert\sing give Proml)t Attention to Collections and Correspondence ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto  s ngg1ve  ..  1641 POST OFFICE A.XV POPUL.-1.TION .  I I  ·•  ..  ONTARIO-Continued MA.NA.GER OR AGENT.  NA.ME OF lJ.A.NK.  I  Westmeath _________ 250 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- .A. E. Smith, Pro. __ $ Weston ______ _______ 2200 BANK OF MONTREAL---- ·--·  Surplus ______ Mellish E. A. SCOTIA----NOVA OF BANK ____ Millar---B. C. COMMERCE OF BK. CANADIAN ---- ---Westport ____________ 803 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- F. D. Baylay ______  .. .. .. ---- ---- ..  ..  .  -----  UNION BANK OF CANADA-----  West Toronto __ ____ 6091 &nk of Hamilton ______________  .. .. ..  .. ---- ---.. ---- ----  ..  I  1 HEA.D 0FF1CJ1J.  9,700,000 Halifax 22,000.000 Montreal 23,531.927 9,700,000 Halifax 15,000,000 Toronto  Montreal Winnipeg Hamilton  22.000.000 Montreal 23,531,927  ..  J. B. Mc01l&i2------  R. W.R. Brough __  ------------  ..  Jno. McRae, Actg,  ----------·  Montreal  H.P. D. Evan ---J. Hanna _______  ----------  Montreal  D. :M. McGregor ___  ----------  ..  ..  PAID-UP 0A.PITA.L,  -----------A. I. Culp, Acting __ -----------· F. M. Haines ____ __ ------------  BANK OF MONTREAL-------- ·------------------Surplus  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE DOMINION BANK-------------MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA -------MOlSONS BANK--------------------Whea, ley ______ __ ____600 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-UNION BANK OF CANADA--------- ---Whit by ________ __ ___2500 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE DOMINION BANK----------- ---BK. OF CANADA---STANDARD -------  -------  ..  ..  .. ..  ..  ..  C. C. Parsons ______  15,000,000 Toronto  1.'oronto  Montreal Winnipeg  15,000,000 Toronto  G. P, Lynd _______  -- ---------  Toronto  C. A . .McClellan ____  ---------  Toronto  Whitney ____________ 247  terling Bank of Canada ______ J. II. Robinson , Toronto Acting -----------Wiarton _________ ___ 2000 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. E. Jackson _____ 15,000,000 Toronto Winnipeg UNION BANK OF CANADL--- J. F. Stewart_ _____ --------  ..  ..  Williams bur~- _______ 300 MOLSONS BANK------------  ---------R. H. Seaman _____ ... -------- - -- Montreal G. N. Dinwoodie __ ----------- Toronto E. C. Gourlay ______ ----------- Montreal  Willliamsford -------~00 STANDARD BK. OF CANADA-Williamstown _______ 600 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-Willowdale ___________ 50 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- V. B. Olliver ______ Reser1'e Funds iJno _ _______________ 50 Sterling Bank of Canada _____ G. C. Garvin.Acting  w w inchester __ ______ 1500 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA--------  .  ..  ------  J. D. Stewari _____  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 Toronto  -----------  9,700,000 Ilalifax  UNION BANK OF CANADA------ J. W. Flett ---- ____ ----------- Winnipeg 250 ____ Centre indham w STANDARD BK. OF CANADA-- C.R. Rnmohr___ ------ Toronto \lVindsor __________ 25,000 Bank of Hamilton ___________ W. N. McKay _____  .. .. .. ..  .. ..  ---- ------- ----  . .  ----------- ----  ~  BANK OF MONTREAL--  -------Surplus  Canada Trust Co. ________ E. V.Smith _______  -----------  Hamilton  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531.927 London  ------------  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. G. Lynch ______  15,000,000 Toronto  DOMINION BANK--------------- A. M. Cowie _______  ------------ Toronto  (2 Branches in Windsor)  ention t:o Co\\ections and Correspondence  •  POST OFFICE AND POPULATION.  ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto  I  NAME OF BANK,  .AGENT.  Windsor ________ -25,000 Home Bank of Canada _ _ _ John Bain ________ (Continued)  PA.ID-UP 0APITAL.  MAN.A.GER OR  HEAD OFFICE.  ----- ----- ·- Toronto ----------- Toronto  .. LaBanoueProvincialeduCanada E. L. Gauthier _____ ------ Montreal (2 Branches in Windsor) ------- .. . BK. OF CANADA-- F. M. Scarff _______ ------------ Montreal MERCHANTS ------.. ------- .. MOLSONS BANK------------- H. E. Bieber ------ --------- Montreal (2 . ------- . ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- C. W. Moris __ ____ _ 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 . -------- . STANDARD BK. OF CANADA---- E. A.Reaerve Holmes ______ ------------ Toronto Wingham _____ __ ___ 2238 &nk of Hamilton ____ _________ C. P. Smith __ ___ __ Hamilton . ------ . CHADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R. S. Williams __ -----------15,000,000 Toronto . ----- . DOMINION BANK- ------------- R. D. Blomfleld ____ ------------ Toronto  . .  Imperial Bank of Canada• _____ G. J. Lackner _____  -----  Branches in Windsor)  $  Fu.nd.8  Winona _____ _________goo ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- (Sub. to Stony Creek) Reserve Funds Winterbourne _____ ___ 80 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ (Sub. to St. Jacobs) Wolfe Island __ ____ __600 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- W. P. MacDonald __  20,350,000 Montreal 20.i89,000 9,700.000 Halifax  20,350,000 Reserve Fu.wh 20,789,000 Woodbridge _________ 607 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- J . G. Rolph ________ 9,700,000 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---- J. G. Hallett__ _____ 20,350,000 ---- ---Re,1,1erve Funds 20,789,000 Woodlawn ___________ 50 UNION BANK OF CANADA------- (Sub. to Kmburn)_ ----------  ..  ..  Woodstock __ _______ 9321 Canada Permanent Mtge. Corp. Malcolm Douglas __ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. A. Holland _____ ---Imperial Bank of Canada _______ M. Morris ______ ____  .. . . . .  ----  -----  -----------  . .. ,. . .  ---- ---Reserve Fund.8 Woodville ____ __ _____ 450 R. Edwards & Co, ______________ C. E. Weeks ______  Halifax Montreal Winnipeg  --------- Toronto 15,000,000 Toronto  ---------Edw. Lee------- -----------C. W. Yarker ____ __ ---- ---- ----  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-MOLSOIS BANK--------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- W. J. Kirkpatrick_  Montreal  Toronto Montreal Montreal  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 25,000 Correspondent: Standard Bk. of Can., Cannington, Ont. Toronto  .. ----- .. STANDARD BK. OF CANADA-- - J. A. Harrington _ --------Wooler ____ ________ 300  ------------ Toronto ------------ Hamilton H. E. Lambert _____ ------------ Toronto  STANDARD BK. OF CANADA---- (Sub. to Trenton)_ Wroxeter ___________ 345 Bank of Hamilton _____________ W. F. Conner _____  Wyoming ___________ 669  BAIIK OFTORONTO ------------  Yarker _____________ 500 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-- J. W. McClymont_ ------------ Montreal Zephyr ______________ 200 Sterling Bank of Canada ______ s. c. Mccrackin, ------------ Toronto Acti ng Zurich _______________ 600 _ Montreal MOLSONS BANK------------ w. B. Colles __ ____ .  THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - BRANCHES in every PROVINCE OF CANADA from Coast to Coast Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -  O'I  .;,.  1642  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws tindexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  POST OFFICE AND POPULATION.  MANAGER OR AGENT.  NAME OF BANK.  PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND PAID UP CAPITAL  I  HEAD OFFICE.  ---------  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- J. R. Baird--------$ 9,700,000 Halifax CANADIAN Bl. OF COMMERCE w. c. Lawson_____ 15,000,000 Toronto 9. 700,000 Halifax .Albany----------------- BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- (Sub. to Borden) __ _ Bedeque _____________ 300 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- ,J. E. Phillips.Pro._ 9,700,000 Halifax Alberton ____________ 698  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- H. M. Carty, Pro·-Breadalbane ____________ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA _---- < ub. to Hunter's Ilorden ----------  River)  Reserve Funds  Cardi~an ___________ 500  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------ M. G. Nickerson •.  Charlottetown ____ 12.oso  BAH OF MONTREAL---------- 1-------------------Surplus BANK OF IOVA SCOTIA- -- ---- J. H. Malcom - --· CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE c. Lomer Miles ___ _  "  ---------"------  Reserve Funds  "  9,700,000 Halifax 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 20.350,000 Montreal 20,7119,000 ~ontreal 23,531.927 9,700,000 Halifax 15,000.000 Toronto  Eastern Trust Co. ________ C.H. B.Longworth, ____________ Halifax .-lctino  La n :rnoue Provinriale du Can. C. G Scott ____________________ Montreal ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- . . G. Jardine______ ~ll.360.uuu Montreal Re~erve l!'un<UI 20,78!J,OOO UNION BANK OF CANADA---- .T. R. Dier_ ________ ------------ Wi11nipeg  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- F. E. Manson _____ _ 20.35fl.OOO :Montreal Reserve Funds 20.7 9,000 Georgetown ________ 1010 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A.G. MacGregor, 11>,000.000 Toronto .-lctino Hunter's River ______ 250 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ----- J. K. McKenzie---- 20,300,000 :.\1ontreal 20,789,000 Kensin~ton _________ 350 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- w. McLean _______ _ 9,700,000 Halifax CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R. . P. Jardine, 15,000,000 Toronto  POST OFFICE AND POPULATION.  Iontaaue __________ 1200  Acta. . Perry--------- ____________ Montreal  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------ G. B. Clarkson ___ _  Prince Edward Island continued on second half of this page.  9,700.000 Halifax  I  1402 lcANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE .A. L. Dessert__ ___ S 15,000,000 Toronto  •• ------ - ILa Banque Nationale_ -------Adamsville ___ ________  371 \BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------  (Sub. to ___________ Quebec St. Hyacinthe) < ub. to Farnham) ------------ Montreal ______________ La Banque Provinciale du Can. F. X. Parizeault. _______________ \Montreal Amos ____________ . _950\ BANQUE D'HOCHEUGA-------- J. V. Rivard _______ ---- --:--- Montreal " ________ " \La Banque Nationale---------- G. E. St. Pierre ________________ Quubec Quebee eonttnued on  PAID UP CAPITAL  HEAD OFFICE.  CANADIAII BK. OF COMMERCE L. H. Comn ------- S 15,000,000 Toronto  Morell _______________ 177  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA . ----  (Continued)  Mount Stewart ______ 534 Murray Harbor _____ .200 Murray River ______ .150 O'Leary Station _____ l25 Rn tico _________________  D. A. Sandilands, Acting  S. M. DanieL __ _  Reserue Funds  F. c. Bennett. Actu. L.  w. ResertJe Dickie-----Funds  G. L. Black--------  ( ub. to Hunter  River)  Reserve Fimds J. J. Gray, Actg, __ _  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. I. Tanner ______ _ St. Peters ___________ 185 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- R. II. Dewar, Pro._ Souris--------------1089  (St. Peters Bay P. 0.)  Summerside ________ 2678  15,000,000 Toronto 20,3.>0,000 Montreal 20,789.000 15.000.000 Toronto 20,350.000 Montreal 20.789,000 9,700,000 Halifax Montreal 20,S50,000 20,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax 15,000,000 Toronto 9,700,000 Halifax  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- W. H. Mackie _____ _  9,700,000 Halifax  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE c. Hensley--------  15,000,000 Toronto  La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. J. Morris ____________ Montreal  Tignish _____________ -431  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------ R. B. Richardson __ Reserve Funds ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- P. Noonan---------  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 20.350.000 Montreal 20,789,000  Tyne Valley ________ 200  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- W. C. Pridham ----  20.350.000 Montreal 20,789,000  Reserve 1.1~und.s  Reserve Funds  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. A. Burton, Acto. BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- J.B . McIntosh.Pro. Wellington _________ 50 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- D. M. Mclsaac ----  Vernon Bridge _____ 150 Victoria ____________ 400  Reserve Fund~  15,000,000 Toronto 9,700,000 Halifax 20.350.000 Montreal 20,789,000  -----~----~---- - - - - -  QUEBEC Acton Vale ________  MANAGER OR AGENT.  TAME OF BANK.  Montague _________ 1200  Eldon. ________________  Kinkora ________________ La Banque Provinciale du Can. J.  PR.INCE EDW AR.D ISLAND Map opposite page 1446  QUEBEC Map opposite Montreal  Amqui __________ 1010 La BanQue Nationale ___________ L. A. Pedneau}t _______________ Quebec Gardien de Ronville ______ ______ '"S __ 390  MOLSONS BANK---------- G. E. Wurtele __________ Montreal BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------- (Sub. to Farnham).----------- Montreal  Anger ______ ___________ La Banque Provincialc :Mme. Emma mith ____________ ::\1ontreal du Canada Armagh ____________ 2194 La :Banque Nationale ____·_ S. Leiendre ___________________ Quebec  second ha.U of th\s l)a1te. !Vo11-Baak Federal Reserve Bank of St.dexed LouisAccP-..),  Banks Advert\s\ng g\ve Prompt A..:t.tention to Co\\ect.ions and Correspondence Town.'< with Nearest; Banking Point; (InLawyers, 111dexed 111 back of this  Banks A.dvert\s\ng g\ve Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence  1643  -'Von-Bank Towns wJth Nearest: Banking Point: (Indexed Acces.). LawFers, Laws (Jndexed} in back of this  QUEBEC  For Interest Bates. Holidays. etc. see Laws.  volume  QUEBEC Map opposite Montreal I  1  H PAID-UP MANAGER OR N•"'E OF B•"'K. PosT OFFICE AND HEAD OFFICE. ( PA.ID-UP MA.NA.GER OR NA.ME OF B•"K. / PosT OFFICE A.ND EAD 0 FFJCE. CAPIT.1L. AGENT. ,iJ.T "-"' POPULATION. CA.PIT.AL. AGENT. ,.__,., POPULA.TION. - - - - - - - - - Jl - - - - - - - - - - - f- - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - - j ,f - - - - - - - - - / - - - - - - - - - - - f - -- - - - - 1 - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - ~ ~  A.rthabaska ______ 689 MOLSONS BANK---------- J. A. Spenard ______ - - - - - - Montreal Arundel------------627  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- J.A.N.Desjai·dins. ----------- Montreal  A besto ___________ 2600  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. P. Bi hop------- $ 15,000.000 Toronto BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------- Rene Cloutier _________________ Montreal  Berthierville _______ 1335  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE . J. L. Rousseau ____  Acting  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-- (Sub. to Huntingdo n) --------- Montreal 15,000,000 Toronto Ayers Cliff _________ 316 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. A.. Johnston____  BANQUE O'HOCHELAGA-------- P. Mathieu ____________________ Montreal $ 15,000,ooo T01onta  Bic ________________ 2037 La. Banaue NationaJe __________ (Sub. to Rimouski) _____ ,Quebec Bienville __________ 100,;1 La Banque Na.tionale _______ J. Picard_______ ____________ Quebec  Athelstan ___________ 200  Bishops Crossing _600  1:AIADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. H. Moe_________  15,000,000 Toronto  Black Lake _________ 3256  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- E. P. Weary-------  20,35:J,OOO Montreal 20,789,000  Aylmcr:.. ___ _________ 3205 La Banque Provinciale du Can. V. Benoit-------- ____________ Montreal  UNION BANK OF CANADA------ J.M. Church ______ ----------- Winnipeg Bagotville __________ 1600 La .Banque Nationa.Je ___________ Ed. Levesque _____________ Quebec Baie St. PauL------ 2305 La Banaue Nationa.le ---------- E. Ra.cine---------- ____________ Quebec La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to Gaspe) ________________ Quebec Bara.chois de Malbaie, 1000  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------- (Rub to AmfJs)_ ____ ----------- _\fontrea! Bastican ____________ l280 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------- (Sub. to Three Riv ers) _______ Montreal  Reserve Funds  BoischateL _________ 151 La Banque Nation.ale __________ (Sub. to St. Anoe ____________ Quebec de Beaupre) Bordeaux _______________  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to Cartiervill e>---------- Montreal  Boucherville _______ l01l7 La Banque Provinciale du Can. M. Sicotte __________________ Montreal  Barraute -----------  Bearn _______________ 104 La Banque  Beaucevil~e _________ 500 La. Banque Nationa.le _________ C. Lavoie ___________________ Quebec Beauharnois ________ 2015  "  __ --  "  BANQUED'HOCHELAGA-------- J. H. Roy--------- ____________ Montreal MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- L. Z. Loouc... _________________ :Montreal  "Beaumont __________ 746 La Banque Nation.ale __________ (Sub. to Lauzon) ________ Quebec Beauport ________ 3546 La .Banque Provinciale du Can ,_ H. Delaee ___________________ :Montreal Beaupre __________ 300 La Banque Nationale_ ------- ( St. Anne ____________ Quebec de BP.aupre) Becancour ___________ 375 La Banque Nationale ------ (Sub. to Nicolet) ______________ Quebec Bedford _____________ l432  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. S. Mccaw ------  MOLSONS BANK-------------- A. E. Hickey------ ------------ Montreal 15,000,000 Toronto Beebe _______________ sos CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. G. Kirwin_______ _______  Brea.keyyille _________ g79 La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. B. Lacha.nceSub. ____________ Montreal BristoL______________ 1so  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA E. R. Hayes------- ___________ Montreal  Brome ____ __ __________ 555  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Sub. to Knowlton -  Brownsburg _________ 517  BeloeiL---------- 1501  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA--------  J. R. A. :Menard ___ ------------ Montreal  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. Leo Bien,  Acting  15,000,000 Toronto  Bersimis _____________ 721 La. Banque Nationale - - - (Sub. to Rimouski) -------- Quebec Berthier (en Bsa}_ __ 928 La Banque Provincia.le du Can. E. Charbonneau _________ Montreal Quebec continued on second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ______  J. A.. Beausejour, Pro.  9,700,000 Halifax  La Banque Provinciale du Can .. J. W. Lepine __________________ Montreal Buckingham _______ -4000  BANK OF MONTREAL---------- _________  Surplus  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------  ..  Belanger ______ _____ 2600 La Banque Provinciale du Can. E. Demer _________ ------------ Montreal  15,000,000 Toronto  ____________ Quebec Bromptonville ______ l239 La. Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to Sherbrooke),ooo Toronto  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- Farnham---------- ------------ Montreal La Banque :Ka. tional e _________ F. Parent_ ______ __ _ ------------ Quebec "  Bouchette ---------1000 La Banque Na.tionale __________ ( ub. to Gracefield) _______ Quebec  ationale__________ (Sub. to Guiges)_ ______________ Quebec  "  ____ ___  "  w. H.  Lamb_______  22,000,000 Montreal 23,53Ul27 9,700,000 Halifax.  La Banque Nationale __________ Ludger Trottier _____________ Quebec  I Buckland _________ lll9 LaBanqueNationale __________ (Sub. to Armagh) ____________ Quebec '~ Bury _________________ 200  CJ\NADIAN Bit OF COMMERCE E. A. Bailey_______  15.000,000 Toronto  MERCHANTSBANKOFCANADA w. E. Spackman -- - - - - - BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA---- ____ L. P. Sirois_______ - - - - Cacouna _____________ 653 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------- (Sub. to Riviere Du-----------Loup Station) 9,700,000 Calumet__ __________ 3oo l BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ (Sub. to Grenville)  Cabana---- ---------250  Montreal Montreal Montreal Halifax  -  1644  Non-Bank 'rowns with Nearest Banking Point (lnthis (indexed) in Lawis Holidays, Lawyers,Rates, dexed Acces.), Laws. see of etc.,back For Interest volume.  QUEBEC-Cont1·n·ued  QUEBEC Map opposite Montreal  -  O'I  =====================I :t =========================== =====-==---=-----=-========--========== PosT PosT MANAGER OR PAID-UP MA.NAGER OR PAID-UP OFFICE AND  NAME OF BANK.  POPULATION .  Campbell's Bay----- 800  "  --------  "  AGENT.  CAPITAL.  HEAD OFFICE.  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- D. L. Doyle, Acting$ 9,700,000 Halifax ___________ Montreal MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA w. E. Hoare. Acting  Cap-Aux-Meules. Iles-de La Banque Nationale __________ J. A. Bourget_ ________________ Quebec la-Madeleine Cap-Chat. ----------1800 La Banque NationaJe __________ Ma tane ________________________ Quebec Cap de la Madeleine.2101  "  --------  "  BANK OF TORONTO---------- J.E. Long _______________ Toronto ______ Montreal BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------- (Sub. to Three  OFFICE AND  (2  Branches in Cap de la Madel einc)  Cap-Santa _____ 989 La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to Donnacon a)  _________  Cap St. Martin. --··----- La Banque Provinciale du Can. H. Dagenai ___________________ Montreal _______ Quebec Carleton Centre ______ 50 La l:iaoque .NatwnaJe __________ tl:-lub. to New Carlisle) Cartierville _________ oo5 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- J.E. Grothe ___________ Montreal· Cazaville ___________ 100 La Banque Provinciale du Can. F. X. Latreille _____________ :Montreal Mde. Cedars _________ 344 La Banque Nationale ________ (Sub. to Vaudreuil ___________ Quebec Station) flhambly ________ goo CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. P. Bourgoing___ 15,000,000 Toronto  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. M. Thomas ----- 15,000.000 Toronto La RanQue Nationale ___________ J. A. Vezina __________________ Quebec  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- G. A. Sanford---- 20,350,000 Montreal Reaerve Funds 20,789,000 Coleraine Station ____ 200 La Banque Nationale-- -- (Sub. to Lac-Noir) _________ Quebec Compton _____________ 382 Contrecoeur _________ 624  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. M. Thomas_____ 15,000.000 Toronto BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------- (Sub. to Varrenne s) ---- ------ Montreal La BanQue Nationale__________ (Sub. to Sorel) ---- ____________ Quebec  Cookshire ________ 996  BANK OF MONTREAL---------- - - - - - - - -  22,000.000 Montreal 23,531,927  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. E. Kerridge ----  15,000,000 Toronto  Surplus  Coteau du Lac ________ 428 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Ernest Leroux:Sub. ____________ Montreal Coteau Station ______ 643 La Banque Provinciale du ()&n,_ Michel Roy-------- __________ Montreal Cote de Neiges ____ 2444  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------- J. J.E. Iluberdeaul t__ _________ Montreal MOLSONS DANK--------------- P. L. Letourneau _____________ Mont.real  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- C. t. Jean ____________________ Montreal  Cote St. PauLHochelaga (See Montreal)  Chambly Canion ____ 857  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------- (Sub. to Chambly - - - - - • Montreal Bassin) CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (Sub. to Chambly) 15,000,000 Toronto  Cowansville ________ 1030  ''  HEAD OFFICE.  Coaticook __________ 3165  ChamblyBassm ______ 900  "  CAPITAL,  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. L. Nunns__ _____ S 15,000.000 Toronto  Quebec  Cap St. I~nace _____ 3648 La Banque Nationale ___________ H. Michon _____________________ Quebec  AGENT.  Clarenceville _______ -450  Rivers) La Ranque Nationale - - - - G. Catellier _________________ Quebec  __________ Quebec Cape Cove __________ 2510 La Banque Nationale ________ \Sub. to Grande Riviere) Cap Rouge ___________ 500 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA---- (Sub. to Beledeve) _______ Montreal  NAME OP' BANK.  POPULATION.  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. H. Doak________  15,000,000 Toronto  MOLSOIIS BANK -------------- G.S. Walsh ____________________ Montreal  Cnambord ----------1300 La Banque Nationale _ _ _ _ (Sub. to Roberva1) __________ Quebec Daaquam ____________ 100  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------ J. c. Lacerte ____ -- ---------- Montreal  MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA s. R. Finlayson ______________ Montreal  Dalhousie Station ____ 450  La Banque Nationale ________ (Sub. to Lac-Fron- ___________ Quebec tiere) UNION BANK OF CANADA- ---- H. R. Lalonde----- ----------- Winnipeg  Charlemagne __________ La Hantiue Provinciale du an. ~loi Laurin. ___________________ Montreal  Danville ____________ 1331  BANK OF MONTREAL---------- ----Surplus  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. P. Bishop_______  15,000,000 Toronto  8hamplair;, __________ 1680 La Banque Provinciale du Can._ Auguste La Rue _____________ Montreal :Jhandler ___________ 1200 Chapee.u _____________ 277  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA _______ G.D. Ilofl'mau,  9,700,000 Halifax "Pro. La Banque Nationale ____ I. Gagnon ______________________ Quebec  Charlesbourf _______ 2121 La Banque Natio;:iale __________ (Sub. to Quebec) _____________ Quebec 'hart ierville____ _ ____ La Ilauc1 uc Pro\'i nciale du Can. J. C. Blanchette _______________ Montreal  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA _______ (Sub. to Beauhar- ____________ Montreal nois) Chateauguay Basin __ 400 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA J. Richard, Actinc,. ____________ Montreal  Chateauguay _________ l76  Chateau Richer _____ l773 La Banque Nationale ___________ (Sub. to St. Anne- ___________ dP Beaupre) Chemaiuus --------- CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE C ub. to Duncan)__ 15,000,000 22.001.1,000 Oh1coutimi _________ 5880 BANK OF MONTREAL-------- _____________ Surplus 23,531,927 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------- .T. A. Turcot _____________ La b.l11uut1 r-.a.uuu11.1tL __________ "B, Lefebvre ________________ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  DaveluyvilJe ________ 294 La Banque Nationale---------- (Sub. to Des Chai!------------- Quebec Ions)  Quebec  Delisle ___________ 75 La Banque Nationale _______ (Sub. to Hebert- ------------ Quebec ville Station)  Toronto J\1ontreal  Delson ______________ 250  Montreal Quebec  (2 Branches in Chicoutimi)  MOlSOllS \\l"~--------------- J. A.. Gu\lmet ______ ------------ Montreal  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------- (Sub. to Laprairie)--------- Montreal  Deschaillons ________ 1169 La Banque Nationale ___________ Jos. Dufresne. ___ . ----------- Que be:: Deschambault_ _____ 1493 La Banque Nationale ___________ (Sub. to Portneuf) ----------- Quebec ,\ D'lsraeli ________ 2300 La Banque Provinc)ale du Can .. Gilbert Gilbert ____ ----------- Montreal 1  Banks A.dve't't\s\ng g\ve Prom.~t A.ttent\on to Co\\ect\ons and Correspondence  Banks A.dvert\s\ng g\ve Prom.l)t A.ttent\on to Collections and Correspond ence -  1645 de!"~n~;t ~";1,;~/:,Jtia!':~'f:~e::if'f:i"ti~k~; [{:]; = ~~o~n~t~i~n~u~ed~~~===========;=~Q:l/~B~B~E~C~M~a:p~o~p~po~sJ~t~e~M:o~n!tr~e:•:!:'====1'':<s ~ -C ; ;B;;E;;;;;C , =e=tc~··::::::::::se~e~La~w:!s~:==~~~:=1==Q~~U;;E =d=a=y.=s= ===tes~, :H~o~H =-a re=s~t~B :;e~-~ F,~o=r=;.1ln t=e= ==;.;:~"';o:Jum PP~P~~~~N~ND  NAME OF  BANK.  P. / PIDT-AUL CPAAI  MAf!iNE~. OR  H EAD OFFICE.  ------ ---,,----------- -------1----  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  (Sub. to Coaticook) $ 15,000,000 Toronto  Dominion Park _______  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA--------  (Sub. to Lachine ) __ j ____________ Montreal  +-----------  Quebec  Dorval ________ 1005 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------- (Sub to Lachine )_ - - - - - Montreal Dosquet ____________ 500 La Banque National __________ (Sub. to St. Romu- ____________ Quebec D~~mmondville ••. - 6000 11  Dunham .. ____________ 295 Dupuy _______________ 10 East Angus ________ l400 ..  --------  u  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. R. Tanner_~:~~~ 1 La Banque Provinciale du can .. D. Courchesne ________________  Toronto Montreal  MOLSONS BANK------------ J. O. R. :Marchand ------------ Montreal ROYALBANK OF CANADA ----- J.E. Forget_______ 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 Reserve Funds CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE D. Carleton._______ 15.000,000 Toronto BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------- (Sub, to Macamic) ------------ Montreal CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE D. H. Parmelee____ 15,000,000 Toronto La Banque Nationale __________ J. A. P. Caron _____ ------------ Quebec  Ea t Broughton Sta\io La Banque Na.tionale _ _ _ _ (Sub. to ThetJ'.ord ____________ Quebec  East H atl ey ---------Eastman _____________ 607 East Templeton._..:.. ____ Est court _____________ 100  Fabre ________________ 200 Farnham ----------3560  "  ------  ..  Mmes)  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ( ub. toAyer'sCJitrl) 15,000,000 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. A. c. Scarth____ 15,000 .ooo Melle F. Campeau_ ------ ----LA BANQUE PROVINCIALE BANQUE D'HOCHEla~:~-~~~! (Sub. to Ste.Claire) ----------------------BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to Ville-  Toronto. Toronto Montreal  -------  "  Montreal  BANKUE D'HOCHELAGA------- H. Ch.oquett::~~!=~ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Arthur Guay ____ l a BANQUE HATIONAL E ------ ( ub. to Wakefield)  ------------ Montreal  UNION BANK OF CANADA ----- <Sub. to Papin eauv BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ______ _ (Sub. to Mont  ille) _______ Winnipef  15,000,000 Toronto  ______ Montreal Ferme Neuve ______ 1000 Lauri er) . .. .. ______ Quebec La Banque Nationale ______ (Sub. to Mont -------Fitch Bay ___________ 500  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----  Fort Coulon2'e ______ 811  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------· MOLSONS BANK--------------  Foster _________ 200 Fr!!,!11Pton ---------;-:1937 Franklin Centre ____ -40  (Sub . to R~~er) lsland) Reserve Funds A.O. Gervais______  ti  BANK OF TORONTO -------  PAID-UP CAPITAL.  --  -  / HEAD OFFICE.  ..  --------  La BanQue NatioDAle_________ J. A. Cloutier ________________ Quebec  "  Ge11tilly _________ -43u  "  --------  R.H. Gould _________________ Toronto  BANQUE D' HOCHELAGA------  Nicolet _________________ ?<fontreal  Georgeville ---258 La Banque Nationale _______ (Sub. to Magog) ____________ Quebec Gracefield _____ 390 La Banque NationaJe __________ C. R. Quirion ___________ 1 Quebec Granby _____________ 4750  ..  ..  BANK OF MONTR EAL--------- ------------------ 22,000,000 23,ti31,927 Surplus BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA . ------ J. A. :Montflls ---_____ ------CANADIAN Bil. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----  A. O. Smith_______  :Montreal Montreal  15,000,000 Toronto  20,350,000 Montreal P. G. Jack________ 20.789,000 Reaerve Fund, Grand __ cascapedia_-450 La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to New Car- __________ Quebec lisle) . Grande Ba1e ________ 1355 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------- (Sub.toChicoutimU ______ Montreal ..  .,  -- --  La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to BagotvilleJ ____________ Quebec  Grande Riviere _____ l711 La BanQueNationaJe _________ (Sub. to Chandler) _____ Quebec __________ Quebec Grandes-Piles _______ 700 La Banque Nationale __________ <Sub, to Grand Mere) 22,000,000 Montreal BAIK OF MONTREAL-------3 531 92 La BanQae Nationale _________ C. E. PaQuer_~~~~ ---~ ' _ ' ~ Quebec -------- " "  1--------  Grand Mere _______ -4783  MERCHANTS BANK OFCANADA J. Greenfield Park _____ soo  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA_____  Grenvme ____ _.______ 1383  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------LA BANQUE PROVI NCIAL E du CANADA  "  --------  "  A. Favreau_ _______________ Montreal  (Sub. to St. Lambert> Reser"D~ Funds E. M. Hoben______  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax  M. Poulin _________ ------------ llontreal  Grondines --------1100 La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to Portneuf) _________ Quebec Guigues ____________ 100 La Banque Nationale---------- A. Dupuis _____________________ Quebec Ha17~~icic-FoT_200 La Banque Provinciale du Can. J.W. Desloges Sub.----------- Montreal  20,789,000 9,700.000 Halifax  Hemingford ________ 313  Montreal (Sub. t o Ste.Claire) .n que P r ovmc1ale du Can. M. G. Perre.a.ult., S ub, _______ Montreal ·-----------  15,000,000 Toronto Frelighsburg ________ 282 Garn(lau _____________ l200 La Banque l\at!ona1e __________ (Sub. to Armai?hL . ___________ Quebec Garthby Stat10n _____ 800 La.Hanque Nat10nale ____ (Sub.t o Ea.stAn2"us) _________ Quebec Quebec eonttnued on second half of this pan.  N  La Banque Provinciale du Can. D. H. Rheault ________________ Montreal  "  Havre-Aubert, Iles-de- La Banque Nationale __________ Cap Aux Neules _____________ Quebec la-Madeline Hebertville Station __ 737 La Banque Nationale __________ C. E. P. Lavoie ________________ Quebec  (Sub. to K nowlton) ___________ Montreal  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ISub. to Ormstown_ CANADIAN -BK. OF COMMERCE M. R. Whitcom b__  Gaspe _____________ 1072  .HANA.GER OR .AGENT.  20,350,000 Montreal  BANQUE D'HOCQEL_AGA -------  La  NAIUCOFBA.N][.  Montreal  ------------ Quebec Farrellton ___________ Fassett- ____________ 1000 La Banque Provmc1a1e ctu Can._ 1. .Montreuil, Sub. __ ------------ Montreal  "  P o sT O F FICE A.ND P OPULATION.  10  Dixville----- ______ 404  Donnacona __________ 50 La Banque Nationale __________ G. Bernier________  I  "  --------  "  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA _______  R.  v. Belle-Isle ______________  Montreal  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE P.H. M. Somerville  15,000,000 Toronto Henryville _________ 1000 La BanQue Nationale ________ : (Sub. to St. Jean) ____________ Quebec Hochelaga ________ 56.919  BANI OF MONTREAL---- -------------------  Howick _____________ 230  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A.  22,000.000 Montreal 23,531,927 Surplus Home Bank of Canada _______ J. F. Durand _________________ Toronto B. Astle _______ _  15,000,000 Toronto.  ____________ Quebec Howick Station -------- La Banque Nationale _________ (Sub. to Valleyfield)  -  °'t;_  -liJliJll~1~I:J!J~ltllJllf!J~~J1J! 29Ufilw 1mu■!i11••!~flll,~~ffiliTilvit1 1 11 1 101!W-Wf-,1.--1,,r.ti:t11ffl- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1646  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point {Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  NillE OF BANK.  MANA.GER OR AGENT.  QUEBEC-Continued PAID-UP CAPITAL.  POST OFFICE AND POPULATION .  HEAD OFFICE.  QUEBEC Map opposite Montreal NAME OF BANK.  MANAGER OR AGENT.  PAID-UP  CAPITAL.  Hud on ____________ 621 La Banque Nationale _________ (Sub. to Vaudreuil- - - - - - - Quebec Station) llulL___________ 25.422 BAH OF MONTREAL------- - - - - - - - $ 22.000.000 Montreal (2 Branche~ in Hull) Surplus 23,531,927 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- D. Robertson______ 9,700,000 Halifax  Lac-a-la-Croix ••• -·-·-·- La Banque Nationale·-·-··-··· Sub. to 11etabetch- · - - · - · ouan Lac-aux-Sables .• _ _1088 ILa Banque Nationalfl ·-···-··-- (Sub. to St. Tite>._ · · · · - - - · L ac-Bouchette- tat ion. BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ..... ·- lSub. toChicoutimiJ -·····-····· " ··-- -··· " La Banque ·a1 ionale ....•• -..• ( ub. to Robervale) ·--·-·------  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA .. ______ L. G. Lafreniere __ ,_ _ _ _ Montreal  Lac Frontieve- •• --.1100 ,BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ·-----· J. L. .Mackay, Pro.·-·······--· " --.. La 1-Sanque ationale._ ••..•. J.P. Ray···--· -··· Lachine ______ ._ 10,5g9 BANK OF MONTREAL····---- ·-·-·-·--··-- ·-·· i 22.ouo,000 Surp}us 23,531,927 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA --·- ·- J. D. Berard.·-·-·-···--··-···La&nquehovmcweauoau._ J.C. ArseneaulL- .. -··-·----  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. R. Boivin_______  15,000,000 Toronto La &Dqui, .Na.tionate------·-- R. Deziel --------- ___________ Quebec  (3 Branches in Hull) La Banque Provinciale du Can._ H. A. Champazne ___________ Montreal  Huntingdon ______ .. 1265 CANADIAI BK. OF COMMERCE•  o. w. Thomas____ N. w. Sparrow ____  MERCHANTSBANKOFCANADA herville :. _____ •. __ 190::; CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ( ub. to  15,000.000 Toronto  t. Johns) 15,000,000 Toronto LaBanqueNationale __________ (Suh. to St. Jean) ______ ,Quebec  -- --·-  "  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. E. Temple-··--·  "  ·····--  "  Ladysmith ........•.. 75 MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA (Sub. to Shawville) --··--·· -··· Montreal Lake Meeantic ·---·2399 BANK OF MONTREAL.---··-··-  22,000.000 :Montreal 23,531,927,ooo Toronto 23,531,027 Lac , te }farie ·--·---· 52 La Banque Proviuciale du Rev. J. O. Levac, -····----··- .Montreal Canad.a Ptrc. LaMalbaie·-···--3034 La Banq_ue Nationale • _ _ _ A. U. Dorais .•••... ·-·-····--· Quebec  Montreal  La Banque Provinciale du Can. G.D. Hebert·---·· ---···-···- Montreal  15,000,000 Toronto  Kazubazua.-·--·--·-·300 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Mrs. H. Waldorf •. ··--··---·-· Montreal Kenoeami ·-- ···-····143 La Banque Nationale _____ T. Boutin ____ -·-··-·----· Quebec  UNION BANK OF CANADA --·· A. •. Gill. Actino.- ····--··-·- Winn peg Kildare--···----·-·-181U La Banque •ationale --······· (Sub. to Joliette)_. ·-·----···· Quebec Kingsey Falls.-·--·- 306 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA -··---· (Sub. to Victoria- ·------·· Montreal ville) Knowlton. ________ .• 865 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. A. Morgan...... 15,000,000 Toronto  MOLSONS BANl-··-···-----· K. Erskine······-·-·-----·-··· Montreal La' .• ·----·--· 2200 BM,QUE D'KOCKEll\&l\ ---···· (Sub. to Nicolet>.. ··-··----·-- Montreal  Surplus  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. M. Thompson __  :Montreal Quebec  Katevale·-·-····-··--176 La Banque Nationale- .....•.•• (Sub. to Magog)_ .. ·-·-··-----· Quebec Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  "  Quebec  Kamoura ka--·-···-·519 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Geo. Drapeau, Sub.-··--··-·- Montreal  Quebec cont\nued on Sl'cond ba.U of this l)age.  ---·--··  Quebec  La Banqut• , ·ationale -----·-- J. U. Girard·---··-·-·-·-·-·· Quebec  "  "  Montreal  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA --·· D. A. Bi son _·····- 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve F'Und8 20,789,000 Jon<1uiere •. ---4200 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA -··-·-· J. D. Lessard-·····---··- Montreal  ------  .Montreal Montreal  MOLSONS BANK··--·-·-·· W. A. Houston ___ --·---··-- Montreal Lac Megantic .·-·--··-·- La Banque Provinciale du Can. Leon Laroque-··-· --·-···-···- Montreal Lac Noir.-.- -·--··· La Banque Nationale .. ·-·····- A. Blouin···-······ ----·-···--- Quebec Lacolle .••••••--··--1000 CANADIAII BK. OF COMMERCE E. A. Chadsey····- 15,000.000 Toronto  Montreal  Lambton_·······- 1993 LaBanque Nationale_·---·-- (Sub. to St. Evaris- - - - - · Quebec te Sta.) L'Ange Gardien .••. 1447 La Banque Nationale-·-·-·--- (Sub. to Ste-Anne- ···- ·-··--- Quebec de-Beaupre) L' Annonciation ..... 1400 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA -······ E. Chartier··-···- ·--· ··- •••. Montreal  La Banque Nationale •• _____ A. A. Dionne·---·---·--·-·---· Quebec  "  .Montreal Quebec Montreal  LaBanqueProvinci&leduOan,_ Ant. Gauvin--·--···-·-··-- Montreal  Montreal  Joliette __ ·---··-- 6346 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-·--··· J.E. Casavant .• ___ · - - - Montreal  ..  Quehec Quebec Montreal Quebec  MERCHAITS BIL OF CANADA G. M. Wilson_····- · · - - · - Montreal MOLSONS BANK---···---······· II. A. '1'1.ompson ___ ···-···-·--- .Montreal Lachute·--·--·· 2407 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA··--·-- J. R. Parris-·····9,100,000 Halifax  ---------- Montreal  nvernes --------··· 19-i ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- W. H. Rothera_____ 20,350,000 Reserve Ftind.s 20,789,00C slo Bizard _________ soo BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------- (Sub. to Ste. Gene•----------· vieve de P.) le PerroL--··- .. __ 360 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA.----- (Sub. to ·--··---·· Beauharnois) La Banque Nationale------···- (Sub. to Vandreuil- ·-··-·--·Station) Isle Verte _____ .2169 La Banque Nation&le----·--· (Sub. to Riviere-du•·---Loup) I oudun.·--·---·--·1448 La Banque Provinciale du Can. E. Leclerc, Sub._·-·--··-···--Jacques Cartier·---- La Caisse d 'Economie d'Notre E. Petitclerc ···-·· ·-·----··· Damt1 de Onflhe<' .Johnvi lie-·····--······ MERCHHTS BK. OF CANADA ISub. to herbrooke -· ·-·-·-  HEAD OFFICE.  Lanoraie·-··------·-·600 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ·----·- (Sub. to Berthicr• · - · · - - ville) La Banque Nationale-···--···· Chicoutimi... ______ -·-------·-· La Banque ationale .•·-····-- J. H. Lefflbvre •••. ----····· La Banque Nationale.·-···-·-- (Sub. to Baie St. ··----·--· Paul) La Banque Provinciale du (Sub. to Adrien Canad.a Gauthier····- -·--·Laprairie .. •-·····-·2388 BAMQUE D'HOCHELAGA ...... - C. Beauvais_.•-··-··----·-·· LaPrrsentationSt.Hya. La lianque Nationale.-·-----·- (Sub. to St. Hya- 1.-------·-· cinthe_····-·--300 cintheJ , La Reine --·----25 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA -····-· J. R. Blais _______ -------··  I  I  L'Anse St. Jean- .. -1000 LaPatrie .••• _______ 850 La Petite Riviere St. Francois-·--··--· 2a88 La Plaine __ ·-·-·-···-131  Montreal Quebec Quebec Quebec Montreal Montreal Quebec Montreal  I La Sarre---·-···40 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ·····-- Jules Lavume --··· -···-------· Montreal L'Assomption ... _•• 1747 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ···-·· H. V.Jarry·-···· · - - - - · - Montreal Laterriere.·-·-··--··936 La Banque Nationale--·-·-- (Sub. to Chicou- ····---··-· Quebec timi) La Tuque.--•------3500 La Banque Natiouale_ •..•• _._ J.E. Dion·-···--·· Quebec .. .. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA·-·· R. Babineau·-··-·- 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Laurentides._ •...• _1128 La. Ra.nquP, P-rovinciale du Can._ Donat Perreault __ ·---····-·-- Montreal .. ···---·· MERC\llttlS BK. OF CllllDl- J. M. Desjardins .. ··-·--·-·-·· Montreal  Banks A..dvert.\.s\.ng give Prom-pt. At.tent.ion t.o Collect.ions and Correspondence lte Montreal  POST OFFICE AND POPULATION.  I  NA.ME OF BANK.  I  MANA.GER OR AGENT,  QUEBEC-Continued  I  PA.ID-UP CAPITA.L.  I  POST OFFICE AND POPULATION  HEAD OFFICE.  - - - - - -------,-----,--Laurierville _________ 399 La Banque Nationale --------· (Sub. to.Plessisville >---·· Quebec  I " -··---·- "  Ma2oe ·--····-·-·····4200 BANK OF MONTREAL---· _______ ·--··---·· Surplu~  .••• ---· •... Montreal  CANADIAN Bit OF COMMERCE H. A. c. Scarth....  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... R. G. Ward·--·-···  Reserve Funds  20,769,000  i5,000,000 Toronto  Les Eboulements ... 2138 La Banque Nationale ... ·--·--· (Sub. to Baie St.Pa Les Escoumains ••.. 1500 La Banque Nationale ·--·-----· ( La:Malbaie) Pascal)  Levis ··-··---·······7448 BANK OF MONTREAL----···-· La Banque Nationale __ ··--·-··  La BanqueProvincialedu Can .. J. Albert Lefebvre·---··-·· Montreal  (  ul)·-·····-· Quebec •••• -··· --·· Quebec 22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927  E. F. Boisseau ...•. ·--·--·----· Quebec La Caisse d'Economie de Notre Dame de Quebec J, M, Blanchet ·-·· ····-··-·-· Quebec Levis) (2 Branches in  L'lslet ···-----·· .. -.2411 La Banque Nationale ...------·· Ed. Leblanc ••.. ___ .·--·--····-- Quebec Little Metis .•....•••. 500 MOLSONS BANK---··-·-· (Sub. to Mont-JoliJ ·-----··--·· Montreal Loniueuil.·-·--····3g72 BANK OF MONTREAL..........  --·----··-  " "  22,000,000 Montreal Surplus 23,531.927 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ........ L. M. Lamarre.-•• ·--·-··---·· Montreal  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---· J. o. Barnes.·-···-  20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,780,000 Loretteville ..••...•. 1588 La Banque Nationale_••••••... P. Tessier _____ - - - · •• Quebec LaBanqueProvincialeduCan,. Cyrille Renaud .... ··--·---···· Montreal Lorrainville ·-·······300 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA- -·---· Arthur Falardeau- ···-····--·· Montreal Lotbiniere .....•... 1501) La Banque Provinciale du Can. S. Bernard Sub, ••• ·-··-··---- Montreal Quebec continued on second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  15,000.000 Toronto  s, Blais.·-·-··----·  9,700,000 Halifax  La Banque Provinciale du Can. J.P. Lemieux ...•. ···---·--· Montreal Manseau---··--·~·····900 La Banque Nationale •••....... (Sub. to Deschaillo nh) ·---~-- Quebec Mansonville ..•....•••• 428 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA .....--. Farnham---··· ·-- ·····- -···-- Montreal  "----·-···---··-" CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE• . Maclou~hlin._._ Marbleton·-······-· •. 681 ~ANADIAII BK. OF COMMERCE W.E. Hetherington  15,000.000 Toronto 15,000,000 Toronto  Marieville- ...•••••.•. 1587 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ........ M. Mathieu.·-·--·· ------·---· Montreal  Limoilou ·-----·900 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-···--· Geo. Paquet___ .... ·----·--·--· Montreal  " "  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (Sub. to Compton) Maniwak:i ····-·······1451 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA····--·  ·-·--·····-· Quebec  15,000,000 Toronto  BANK OF TORONTO..----·----- E. F. McNichoJ.._ ··---····--- Toronto  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  L'Epiphanie ······-·1675 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ... ----· L. Jarry··-····--·· ··---····---· Montreal LaBanqueProvincialeduCan ..• J. A. Brisebois •••• " •...•..• " ····-····--· Montreal Les Ced res.............. ( See Cedars)  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927  La Banque Nationale.--- J. A. Bussieres •• -. ·----·--··-- Quebec 22.000.000 Montreal Maisonneuve·-···· ·36,670 BANK OF MONTREAL ..... ___ . Surplus 23,53UJ27  Reserve Funds$ 20,350,000 Montreal  Lennoxville ..•.•.••• 1211 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J.M. O'Hanoran ..  •u St.  La BanQue Nationale -··--- (Sub.toPlessisville>, - - - -· Quebec  e) •• •••• •••• Montreal  Leeds Village .••.•..• 817 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA····- (Sub. to Inverness)  Les.Etroi1.s -··--·····300 La Banque Nationale·--·-····· (Sub.  15,000,000 Toronto  Macamic ______ 1000 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-·-··-· Alfred Roy __ ·-······-··-·--··· Montreal  Lawrenceville •• _•• _.226 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA- ---···· (Sub. to Waterloo)  ..  $  Lyster····-···-·······--· BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA.·-··-·· Victoriaville --·-· --··-······· Montreal  venir---·-·-··• La Banque Provincial8a~:da J.E. Grandmont__·--··-·-- .Montreal  ····--  HEAD OFFICE. CAPITAL. ,PA.ID UP ' - - - - - - - - - / ~:::-  Luceville ·····-··-···1696 La Banque Nationale·--·-·· (Sub. to Rimouski) ·------· Quebec  Lavaltrie ....•.••..•. 908 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-··-···- (Sub. to L'Assomp tion>-·----· Montreal  ..  ;:=  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. Dumoulin. ______  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA F. L. MacGachen __ .•••••.••••• Montreal  Laverlochere ·-·-····500 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA- ---·-· (Sub. to Vill~Mari  c  :MA.NA.GER OR .AGENT.  Lcnrlseville ...• -•••••. 1675 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA... .... J.E. TUl'l[eon ______ .••••••.•.•• Montreal  Lauzon ·-··-·-····-·3978 La Banque Nationale .... --···- T. Lavergne ______ ·--------- Quebec  L  NA.ME OF BANK,  QUEBEC Map opposite Mont~'al  "  -·-·--··  "  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. P. Bourgoing •••  "  ···- ·-··  "  MOLSONS BANK.·--····  c.  15,000.000 Toronto  Hudon--····-·-----·--- Montreal  Martinville ••••• _..... --- La Banque Nationale ·····-·.:- ( Sherbrooke>-----·----- Quebec :Mascouche •..••• ___ .2250 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Basile Allard Sub •. ______ - - · Montreal  1  Masson .• ·-·········-1034 La Banque Provinciale du Can. L. A. Lariviere •.•. ·-------- Montreal Matane •••••.•.••..•. 2056 La Banque Nationale. _ _ _ H. Tessie.r •• ·-···-· ····-···· Quebec  MOLSONS BANK·----·--- C. S. Lesperance.-.-----·----· Montreal Meiantic.-............... (See Lake Meaantw> Metabetchouan •.•••. 1467 La Banque Nationale_··--···-· J. H. Bergeron .... -··--··---·· Quebec ···-·-·--··· Montrea.. Mont Cerf. ......... _____ La Banque l'rovinciale du Mme. Antoine Dains Canada  -  1648  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Bolldays, etc., see Laws.  PosT  OFFICE AND POPULATION.  QUEBEC-Continued  MANA.GER OR AGENT.  NA.HE OF BANK.  I  PAID-UP  GAPITA..L.  QUEBEC Map opposite  PosT  OFFICE AND POPULATION.  HEAD OFFICE.  ,~  ===~======~1=============1 ~ NillE OF BANK.  M.Aft":::. OR  Jl~f~Yi'..  HEAD O:mc11:.  -----1-----------.r--11i---------,  Montebello _________ g54 La Ban<1ue Nationale ___ _  Montreal _______ .850,000 (Continuro)  (Sub. to Bucking- ___________ Quebec. ham}  ·BANQUE O'HOCHELAGA  Mont Joli ----------2300 La Ban<1ue Nationale _________ D. O. McKinnon __ --------- Quebec.  MOLSONS BANK--------  A.  z.  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------- Geo. Dupui  Mont Laurier _______ 1200  1La  Head Office (45 Offices in Montreal)  Reid ________ ------------ Montreal.  General Manager.  Yvon L marre,  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ____ L. Tetu ____________  $ 20,350,000  Reserve Funds  20,789,000  lrvlngN.,andN.Clty., N. Y.; Ill. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.; fth St. N. and Phlla. N., Phi .;Marine N.,Buffalo.  F. G. Leduc,  Manager Montreal Office.  Banque~ ationale ____ J. Girouard·------- _______ Quebec.  Collections are made at the most favorable rates at all points In the Do minion or Canada. Capital, $10,000,000 Rese11,e Fund, 8,000,000  .Montreal.  SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON MARGIN QUEBEC MAP.  / (2 Branches in Ham.:.:i.:.:lt:..::on:..::)~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____:.:...__ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  *BANK OF MONTREAL·  Surplull  - - - - - - - -'-23 - '531 - - '927 Vincent Meredith. Pru.  (Head Office) (24 Branches in Montreal) F. 3. Cockburn. AR, t. Gen'lMgr. and upt. Quebec Maritime, J. n,,rmmdland and .lfexico Branc11cs, G. C. Cassels, .ds ·t. Gen'l 1gr. and :Jfgr. London Branches. D. R. Clarke, Asst. Gen'l Mgr. and upt. Ontario Branches. E. P. Wln ■ low. upt. Western Brancliu. \V. B. Bogg, up/. B1itish Columbia Branches.  I  Accounts and corre11pondence 110Uclted. Collections at all potnt11 lD the Domtnlon of Canada and the United States undertaken at mo11t favorable rate ■•  SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE PAGE 1599 *BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA----• IH· W. Binninf-----1 (3  Branche in Montreal)  Mercb. N.,Bos.; BritI h Am. and Bk. or Montreal, an }'.;,th t. N., Phil.; Bk. of Montreal, Lon. Co. Westminster & Parrs Bk., Ltd., N.Prov. & Union Bk. of Eng., Ltd., Bk. of Eng., Barclay's Bk., and Lloyds Bk. Ltd., London, Eng.; Bk. of Liverpool &. Martins, Ltd., Liverpool.  (6 Branchl'B in M01'1treal) I, Cor .•'t;JcGill I.,  .1-Iain Office.  9,700,000 IJalifax.  Mur.. Head Off-ce, Toronto t, Mor. Board of Trade, E. F. Mr N CHOL. l\laiso1111eure, G ST. JOHN. \/gr,, t, Catheri.r1e and Guy Sts, W. E. fl MING. l'ltgr,, Atwater Ave, and St. Antoine. S. G. LEONARll, Mor., 516 t. Lawrence Blvd,  ollectlon made on any point to Canada and promptly remitted for at favorable rate . E_E FULL PA.GE ADVERTI EMENT IN TORONTO, ONTARIO BANK LI T. QuelMe eou\lnued ou aeeoud half ot thh l,)&ce.  c:: t?l  tc  t?l  n  tc  Canada Trust Co. _____________ -----·------ ____________ London,  *CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE  z~  enI  H. B. Walker ______ $ 15,000,000 • W. Hastie, Asst. Mor. Crown Trust Co, _________ Wm, I. Gear. Pres. 500,000 Correspondents: N. Y. Tr. 0 Irvin~ P. Rexford. Gen'l l'J:for. Co., N. Y.; Toronto ::s (6 Branches in Montreal)  a=  General Tr. Corporation. Toronto.  *DOMINIOII 81111 ____ ,M, s. Bo~ert_ ______ ------------ Toronto.  (4 Branches ,n Montreal) E. C. Lind ay, Asst. Jr.a.stern Trust Qo, _____________ W. H. KnowleMur. ________________ Halifax. General Trust of Canada _____ F. L. BeiQue, Pres. 30,000 Geo. Gonthier, Ma n'o. Dir. *Homf' Bank of Canada _______ V. W. Scott ____________________ Toronto. (3  Branches  r+ g.  ~  0 r+  0  ,n Montreal)  *IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA• J. A. Richardson ___ ----------- Toronto. E. J. Kay,  Asst. Mor.  *La Banque NationaJe _________ L. DeGuise _________ ------·----- Quebec. (5 Branchu in Montreal)  *BANK OF TORONTO• W.H. BH.HENWOOD. SCOCK. t. Jams  11  $22,000.000 Correspondents: Agency Bk. of ~fontreal, N. City. and Ban. N., N. Charles Gordon, Vice-Pres. Y.; Bk. of Montreal, F. WWJama-Taylor, 1st N •• and Mercb. G~n•iMor. Loan &Tr. Co .• Chi.;  tO  ,---------------,---------,------1------- ---1 >  *BANK OF HAMILTON --------- R. L. Ellis---------1------------ Hamilton: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  B eau d ry L eman.,  Correspondents: N.Park,  Chief I mpectm.  La Ba.nqueProvmciale Du Can. G. R. Peru se ________________ Montreal  1  President.  -------1----- Montreal.  Montma~ny _________ 5306 La Ban<1ue Natiooale _________ P. Vallee _____ - - - - - - Quebec.  1  J. A. Vaillancourt,  •u BAIIQUE PRov,1cdni:x (15 Branchu  in Montreal)  *MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA· Head Office (10 Branchu in Montreal) Account■  and corre11ponde at all points In the Do taken at most favora.blP  SEE ADVERTISEMENT  (Su foU.owi.11.gpage for bal0/11.ce of Montreat Banks)  H. Laporte, Pru. 3,000,000 Correspondents: N. Bk. ReserTJe Fund 1,400,000 Com., N. City. Chem. T.Bienvenu.Gen'l Mor. N .• and Met., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N .. Chi. H. M..A.llan,Prllll. 10,500,000 Correspondl"IWI: Am.Bx. Reserves N., Liberty N., and F.Boward Wilson, o 743 375 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Vice Pru . ' ' Y.; Ft. Dear. N. and D. c. Macarow, ~gr!:b~!rclrN. ~~d Gen. Mgr. N. Shawmut, Bos.; T · E • M errett, B ff J P upt, of Branches and Chief Lib er ,..., ...,., u a o; eo. inspector. State. Det.; Union«N., Seattle; Londoo ~ .JolntClty&Mldland ,!;;' nee soliclted. C ollecttona Bk. Ltd. and Royal ~....., minion of Canad a underBk. or Scotland, raU-ll Ltd., London, Eng. ~ OPPOSITE TORO NTO.  1  Banks A.dvert\s\n~ ~\ve Pro~pt A.ttent\on to Co\\ect\ons and Correspondence  ~  ------THE----- --~t~ -  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869  Capital Authorized Capital Pa·d Up Reserve Fund Total Assets HEAD OFFICE  $ 25,000,000  -  20,350,000 20,240,000 530,000,000 MONTREAL  BOARD OF DIRECTORS SIR HERBERT S. HOLT, President E. L. PEASE, Vice-President and Managing Director Jas. Redmond C. S. Wilcox R. MacD. Paterson G. R. Crowe A. E. Dyment W. H. McWilliama D. K. Elliott C. E. Neill Capt. Wm. Robinson Hon. W. H. Thorne Sir Mortimer B. Davis A. McTavish Campbell Hugh Paton G. H. Duggan Robert Adair A. J. Brown, K. C. C. C. Blackadar T. Sherman Rogers, W. J. Sheppard John T. Ross K. C.  OFFICERS E. L. PEASE, Managing Director C. E. NEILL, General Manager M. W. WILSON, Superintendent of Branches  619 BRANCHES IN CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND 260 in Ontario and Quebec 110 in Maritime Provinces 184 in Central West 55 in British Columbia 10 Branches in Newfoundland  103 BRANCHES IN WEST INDIES, CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA 54 3 6 2 3  in in in in in  Cuba Porto Rico Dominican Republic Haiti Venezuela  NEW YORK OFFICE 68 William St.  2 in 1 in 2 in 3 in 1 in  Guadeloupe Martiniq e Argentine Brazil Uruguay  20 3 1 1 1  in in in in in  British West Indies British Guiana British Honduras Costa Rica Colombia  BARCELONA, SPAIN  LONDON OFFICE  Plaza de Cataluna 6  Princes St., E. C.  FRENCH AUXILIARY:  THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA (FRANCE) PARIS. 28 Rue du Quatre-Septembre  COLLECTIONS on points in Canada, Cuba, West Indies, Central and South America, etc., handled promptly and on I avorable terms  Travelers' Letters ol Credit Issued available in all parts of the World-Dralls, Money Orders, and Travelers' Cheques Sold-Savings Department al all Branches Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Quebec.  INDEX  7 '  2  3  5  11 •  76°  6  75°  8  11•  13  18  72°  19  21  69 °  G~•  22  TO  PROVINCIAL ELECTORAL DISTRICTS.  A  Abltlbi (Territory) oArgenteu!l .. I g Artha.bnska . I 14 Ashuap!nl . (Territory)  ::::i rn i::~~e: Beauharnois J 10  Bellechasse.G 16 Berthler ... G g Bona.venture Brome ....  .t'il'  -  ~ 1~  ChamblY ... I Cbamplaln F Charlevoix . E ChateauguayJ Cbicouttml. C Compton . . J  B  B  C  11 12 16 10 15 15  Dorche,stcr. H 16 Drummond I 13  D  D Frontenac .. I 16 Gaspe ..... C 6 Hochelaga .. I 10 Huntingdon J 9 !bervllie .... J 11  £  E  Jacques Car-  1afi!rta·:::.-l 1g Cl  KamouraskaF 18  t~~~1!,t "ioh·nD 12· ·  f  Laprairie ... J 10 L' Assomp-  L;t~?_-_- ::::~ ½8  m:A~i·. ·. ·. ·. ·.?, f~  47•  Masklnongc F 9 Masonneuve Matane .... C 4  G  Lotblnlere . H 14  Mesttntio . H 14 Misslsquol. .J 12  Mlsiassln! (Territory) Montcalm . G 8 MontmagnyG 17 Montmorenc; 15 Montreal.. .. I 10  l N G  Kaplervllle .J IO Nicolet ... :u 13  H  H Ottawa .... II  Pontiac .... H 3 Portneur ... G 13  46'  Q1.1ebec .... E 13  :J u  mg~~\~id .Rirnouski. . D 20 Rouville .... J 11 Ha1:1.1~nay .. C Sbefforrl .... J Sherbrooke .J Soula.ages .. J St. Hyacinthe I St. Johns •. J St. r-.raurlcc F Stanstead . . J  M~llC  7  19 12  I:l 9  11  11 11 13  Temlscouata  J  B Hl  Terrebonne l 9 Tlmlskamlng II 19 Two :Mounta.Ins ...•. I 9 Vaudreuil .. J 9 Vcrclleres .. . 1 11 \Vcstmout.. . . Wolfe •.•.•. I 15 Yama.uca •• H 12  I  0  Ik  l  5 10  . ~o  u·  Statute Miles, 39 30  -IO  50  K1lom.,trcs, 62,.. 1 Inch.  Ir  ro  4'l  50  70  61)  80  00  l'lO  ,&u,dM,Sa?iy"•'-••l•:s:!4 !Jt 1>C•.;~.  ·~  ~o  go HO  19'  OoP7r>J~t ► Rud )1"N"lly It(.'!•  2  3  71°  4  5  ''hio  6  --------  ---  ·----  19  69'  20  21 3241>  f□rgn, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -  Jul  The Molsons Bank INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT, 1855  CAPITAL PAID  UP  RESERVE FUND $5,000,000  $4, 00,000  BOARD OF DIRECTORS_ WM. MOLSON MACPHERSON, President F. W. MOLSON J.M. McINTYRE W. A. BLACK EDWARD C. PRATT, Gen'l Manager H. A. HARRIES, Superintendent of Branches  THOS. CARLISLE, Chief Inspector E. HABERER, Inspector  BRANCHES  ALBERTA Edmonton Calgary Leth bridge Camrose BRITISH COLUMBIA VancouverEast End Branch MANITOBA WinnipegPortage Ave. Branch ONTARIO London Alvinston Market Amherstburg Lucknow Aultsville McGregor Aylmer Meaford Ayr Merlin Belleville Morpeth burg Bridge Morris burg Bridge41ort Norwich Brinston Ottawa Brockville Owen Sound Brucefield Port Arthur Centralia Ridgetowo Chesterville Ridgeway Clinton Simcoe Coatsworth Smiths Falls Courtland St. Agatha Delhi St. Marys Drumbo St. Thomas Dutton St. Thomas E:reter Eai;t -End Br. Forest Teeswater Formosa Thedford Frankford Toronto Gian worth Queen St. W. HamiltonSt. Clair Ave. Barton St. E. West Toronto James .&I Yonge &Bloor Barton Sts. Market Br. Trenton Wales Harrow Walters Falls Hensall Waterloo Highgate Williamsburg iroquois Windsor Kingsville London St. Kirkton Woodstoc.k Kitchener Lambton Mills Zurich Londesborough  S. R, EWING, Vice-President WM. M. BIRKS JOHN W. ROSS  BRANCHES  200  St. Jrunes Street, Montreal  QUEBEC Aroqui Arthabaska Bedford Chicoutimi Cowansville Drummond ville Foster Knowlton Lachute Little Metis Matane Mont-Joli Montreal Cote des Neiges Cote St. Paul Hochelaga Lachine Maisonneuve Market and Harbour Mt. Royal and Bordeaux Montreal West Park&BernardAve. Br. St. Catherine St. West St. Cath. & Wolfe St. St. Denis St. St. Henri St. I awrence Boulevard Verdun Verdun Wellington St. Ville St. Pierre Pierreville Quebec Upper Town St. Roch St. Sauveur Richmond Riviere du Loup Roberval Sorel Sutton St. Cesaire St. Ours Ste. Therese Three Rivers Trois Pistoles Victoriaville Waterloo  Head Office, MONTREAL, CANAl)A AGENTS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORK-Mechanics & Metals Nat'! Bank. PHILADELPHIA-Fourth Street National Bank• National City Bank. Philadelphia National Bank. Hanover National Bank. Corn Exchange National Bank. Gnaranty Trust Company. First National Bank. BOSTON-Merchants National Bank. DETROIT-People's State Barut. National Shawmut Bank. BUFFALO-Manufacturen; & Traders liaC'l Bank- · CIDCAGO First National Bank of Chicago. MINNEAPOLIS - First .l'iauonal .tiank. SEATTLE-Seattle National Bank.  Collections made in all parts of the Dominion and returns prompUy remitted al lowest rates of exchange.  Non-Bank Towns  with  Nearest Ban.Jdng Point  1649 ~gfJfii/:7of'1{::es;~:[skaZ:':,s J~1!;!~<1J.  ~c-~as~~  (In-  <fa!~  QUEBEC- Continued  a  OiJBBBC Map opposite  ~ =======,====::;:::==== ==,c==========r,======== ================,=; 1 P,UD-UP lfAN.A.Gim oa N.AJIJ 0 .,. BANK. f PoRT OFFICE AND HEAD OFFICE. P.u.D-UP OR j Jiu.NA.GER NAllfE OF BANK. PosT OFFICE AND .,_. OFFICE. O..6..PIT.A.L, AG.ENT. O.A.PIT.A.L. AG.ENT, J  HEAD  POPULATION.  POPULATION.  ------ - - ------------,1--------1-----1----------Jf----------l------------l--------l-----l----------l ~  MontreaL _________ 850,000 (Continued)  *MOLSONS BANK  Wm. Molson Ma cpherso11, Correspondents: Mech. Montreal --------850,000 (Continued) Pres.$ 4,000.000 A M.eiau N .. N. Y. .. .. City; Guaranty Tr. Rest --6.000,000 Co. and Dan. N., N. Head Office. .. .. Y.; 1a, N., Chi.; tth (18 Branches in Montreal) --St. N., Pbll.N.,lstN., Gen. Mar. aodCornEx.N.,Pbll.; lI. A. Harries. Mereh. N. and N. Supt. of Branche$ Shawmut., Bos.: Peo. Thos. Carlisle, State. Det.; Mnfrs. & Chief Inspector Collection.a made ID all par ts of the Domlnl on and re- Traders N •• Buffalo; turDa promptly remitted at lowest rates of exehaap. 1st N.• MI n PI s.; Seattle N., Seattle. SEE ADVERTISEMENT O N OPPOSITE PAGE. ,rMem. Inv. Bkrs. Assn. S. B. Ewing, V. Pru. Edward C. Pratt,  *Montreal City & Dist. Sav. Bk. ( R. Dandurand, Pre,a, (16 Branrhesin Mqntreal) A. P. Le.<1uerance, 176 St. James St. Gen. Mgr.  1  Montreal Trust 00 ·------------  1,498,570 Correspondents: Bank o1 .Montreal and .N City MontreaLMontreal I 10 Re.c:t Pop. 850,000 · · 1,350,000 N. Y.  i  Royal Herbert S. Holt,P res,l,000,000 Correspondents: Bk. of Can., Montreal Rest F. G. Donaldson, 1,000,000 and branches. Gen. Mgr.  National Trust Co .. Ltd, ________ John McDonald ______________ Toronto.  Prudential Trust Co., Ltd. _____ B. Hal Brown, Pres.and Gen.Mgr. Head Office.  C  Co~-------  Vincent Meredith. $ 1,000,000 HA>st Pres. 2,000,000 A. 11:. Holt. Mgr. *STANDARD BANK OF CANADA E. c. GreP.n _______________ 1.1oronto D. A. Mc Leod 1tf!terlin£ Bank of Oanad&-___ H. W . .Bodman ________________ Toronto  Roya.I Trust  *UIIOI BAH OF CAIADA --- K. F. Gilmour _ _ _ _ _ _ Winnipeg ( 2 Branches) Montreal Ole&rinr House _____ G. a. Hart, Mar, __ __________ _ (Mtmlt>M'B indicaUd bt1 a*)  Selected List of INVESTMENT HOUSES A. E. AMES & CO. --------- 'II Transportation Bldg. (Established 1889)  f  *ROYAL BANK OF .CANADA· Head Office. (26 Branches in Montreal)  Collections on all polnta throughout Canada and Cuba handled at lowest rates and remitted for on date of payment. Correaponde11ce aollcltecl.  SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE PREVIOUS PAGE.  DOMINION SECURITIES CORPORATION "II  R. W. Steele------  Chase .:0,350,000 Correspondents: .N •• Am. Ex. N., Chem. N., and Bk. of the Funds 20,789,000 Manhattan Co.,N.Y.; B. L. Pease. Cont.&Com••N.,Cbi.; V. P, and Man aaina Dir. N.Sbawmut and 1st C. E. Nelll, Gen. Mgr. N-,Bos.;Pbll.N.Phil.; M.. W. Wilson, lstN., Sao F.; 1st N., Supt. of Braneha. Mio pis. ;Mnfrs.&Tra. S. D. Boak, Sec. N., Buffalo; N. Bk. G. W. MaeKlm mte, Com.,Seattle; CanalS. R. Noble, an d Com'ITr.&Sav.,N.O. s. G. Dobson,  Reserue  Generai Inspectors.  L. P. Snyder, Su per'llisor of C. W. Frazee.Su peri,iaor of F. I. Beatty, Su pervuorof F. St. C. Harris, Acting Su  CD  >  z  Correapondents: Dillon, ~ Read & Co.. N. Y ., en Chi .. Ba;;., and Phil.  I  a: a 0  Bank Premises,  Branches in Briti&h Coi. Bramcha in Ouba. pe-n,iaor of Marit~ Province Brancha. s. Stratb7. Sup e.,rvuor of Ontorw Bra,nchu. B. B.Stevenson, Superoi8or of Quebec Branches. W. A• .ltlcKlnlay, Supervisn r of Branches in Porto Rico and  A. H.B. Mackenz A, Kin2man, Jr., Dealers In Cana ernment, Munl otber conservat mentBoads.  NATIONAL CITY CO. LTD. ____ 74 Notre Dame St.. West.  1  ie __________ Correspondents: Can. Bk. of Com.. MontrnaJ; Partners. Spencer Trask & Co., dlan GovN. y, clpal and Ive Invest-  ~ ~~  ..,  -, (j  §  ----------- Correspondents: N. C2ty (Investment Co., N. Y. City and r+ Bonds)  5·  Correspondent Offices. See Adv. Page 3. Dea Iers •ID Ca~a.d'I an Govern- Correspondents: Ganadian ~ Bk. of Com. and Royal [ ment. and '9l!unic11> al Bonds. NESBITT, THOMSON & CO. Montreal. Can., of Bk. Limited Pubhc Utility anif llydro-ElecBranch Offices: Toronto, Irie Issues a Spec ialty. . Hamilton & London, Ont. Royal Correspondents: {Dealers In Gove rnment, ROY AL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED--1 Munklpal and Industrial Bank of Canada; Equitable Tr. Co., of Lon., · (Head Office, 164 St. James St,) Securities. Ltd., Lon., Eng.  ~  Venezueia_  Sup'v.Man itoba ancSaskatchewan Br. K. Campbell, I. R. Bruce, Su pen;isor· G MMat SoutMm Busim-visor r,f R outh American Bra:~t!: E. Percival. Su1, ervisor of Br i.tish & French W, Indies Branches, I ( S. L. CORK, Act ing Supirvis or o Alberta Branches. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  (Su  Toronto)  610,086  c. C. Pineo, Sup  • uebec continued on second half of this  n  Banque Credit-Canada --------'01 (Bonds)--------- ---------- Correspondent: d'Hochelaga, Montreal.  (10 St. John St.)  Pru.  tO  A. E. C: Correspondents: Ames & Co., N. Y., Chi., t%J Toronto, Victoria, B. C. "'4 (MP,mberR Toran w Srock E uhanal', Montreal Stock w t%J Exchange and B and Dealers Association of Canada,  Canadian Gover nment, Munlclpal & Co rpoi:at1on Bonds and Stoc ks.  MACKENZIE & KINGMAN-----HeroertS.Holt,  ...,.  WOOD, GUNDY & CO. ________ ,r { Canadian Gove r nm en t (See Toronto)  Wood, Correspondent.,: Gundy & Co •• Inc., N. Y.; Wood,Gundy &Co., Toronto and Lonr'lon Rn1?lanrl; Wood, Gundy & Co. L+d., Winnipeg \0 and Saskatoon.  i  page.  F CANADA . Prom t attention to  and Municipal Bonds.  COLLECTIONS ·IN  EST · NDIES .. ··,.  1650  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Inof this dexed Acces.), Lawyers. Laws (indexed) in back volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  QUEBEC-Cont1·nued  QUEBEC M ap oppos i te M ontreal  I~...,,  --=====--~===========;==========- -=~========:=;===--=--============ ====-===========---===-=1~ PAID-UP MANA.GER OR NA.ME OF BANK.  PosT OFFICFJ 1...:•m POPULATIO ••  Montreal North ______ 500  MA.NA.GER OK AGENT.  PAID-UP OAPIT.4.L.  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to St. Vin- _________ Montreal  cent De Paul) ___________ La Ban<Jue Provinciale du Can. J.C. Lacombe, Su.b. llontreal South _____ 1500 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA--- ----- (Sub. to t. Lam- ______ bert) •• MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- (Sut>. to St. Lam- ____________ -----bert) Montreal West_ ___ l356 ROYAL BAH OFCAHIA-- A. W. Allan ______ S 20.350,000 Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Mt. Johnson. ______ 1200  HEAD OFFICE.  Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------- (Sub. to Marieville) ________ Montreal  ------------ Montreal MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA ( t1b. to t. Jerome) Napierville __________ 69J MERCHANTS BANK OF CAIADA C. Barette _________ --------- Montreal  PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  Notre Dame des Victories Notre Dame Du Bon Conseil  N.4..llE  OP' BANK.  CAPITAL.  .AGENT.  HEAD OFFICE.  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------ (Sub. to Tetrault- ___________ Montreal ville) BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to Victoria- ____________ Montreal ville)  Notre Dame du Lac_l868 La Banque Nationale _ _ _ _ (Sub. to Riviere du ____________ Quebec Loup Sta.) Notre Dame-du Rosa~ii La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to Armagh)_ _____________ Quebec Oka ______________ 5g4 La Banque Provinciale du Can. R. Charest.Sub, _____________ Montreal Orrnstown __________ 782  CHADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE N. H. Slack ________  $ 15,000,000 Toronto  )Iorin Heights-------- -  _________ Quebec Neuville ____________ lH'i La :&tlQne Nationa.le ________ (Sub. to Donnacona) 9,700,000 Halifax New Carli le ______ lt04 BANK OF NOYA SCOTIA----- J. R. Hughe -----T.a ~none NattonalP ________ H . .A.. Bedard------------ . . -- Quebec " ___ F. X. Landry, fil _ ------------ Montreal Xew Gla;gow __________ La Banque Provinciale du Canada 9,700,000 Halifax ew Richmond _____ 27 9 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- T. Wilson____  'icolet. ___________ 2593  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- R. Dandurand _____ -------- Montreal La Banque Nation&le ________ Jos. Daillaire _____________ Quebec  Nominingue ________ 2000  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------ (Sub. to L'Annonci- ------------ Montreal ation) BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA _______ (Sub. to Hailey- ------------ Montreal  Nord Temiscaminbury, Ont.) gue .. 200 Normandin _________ 1528 La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to St. Feli- ----------- Quebec cien> North Hatley ________ 498 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA A. L. Windsor - ---- ------------ Montreal  MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA D. G. Scott _________ ------------ Montreal 20.350,000 1Iontreal ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ----Reserve Fu.nds  20,789,000  Papineauville ____ 1200 LaBanque Pro\'inciale du Can. Silvio Laroche ______________ Montreal  UNION BANK OF CANADA-- L. Cadieux-------·----------- Winnipeg Parent_ _________________ La Banque 'ationale __________ ( ub. to La 'l'uque) ____________ Qnebec ____________ Quebec Pari ville ______________ La Banque 'ationale __________ ( ub. to Deschaillons) 9,700,000 Halifax Pa 1>ebiac __________ 1994 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- J. t\. Seale, Pro.___ Philipsburg _________ 347  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (, ub. to Bedford) -  15,000,000 Toronto  z0  ...  La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to Bedford) _____________ Quebec  '"1  Pierreville _________ 1362 La BanQue Provinciale du Can. R. Desmarais ______ - - - - - 1M.ontreal  ::r 0  15,000,000 Toronto  MOLSOIIS BAIK------------ E. ~ace _________ Montreal  ai,bridge ______ La Banque. ·ationale__________ ( ub. to Bedford) __ - ----------- Quebec  Zen. Bouffard ___ ______________ Montreal Piopolis ---------------· La Banque Provinciale du , Canada P1essisville _______ l559 BANQUE D'HOCHELA6A----- L. Dion ______________________ Montreal  _______ ·ortlt  Outremont ________ .4820 (2 Branches)  CAIIADIAI BK. OF COMMERCE A. R. Virgin_______  ..  North Timiskaming_ 800 La Banque Nationale __________ ( 11b. to Guigues) __ - - - - - - Quebec 'otrcDamede Charny (C11autlierr  La BanQue Provinciale dn <Jan. Ed. Boura. a _____________ Montreal  La Banque Nation&Je _________ P. E. Lacombe ______________ Quebec  668  u.rve P. U.)  22,000.000 Montreal otre Dame De Grace. BANK OF MONTREAL---------Surplus 23,531.027 Notre Dame de Ham_617 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA - --- (Sub. to Victoria------------ Montreal ville) La Banque Provinciale du Can. H. Goulet. Su.b. ____ ___________ Montreal .. __ ___ otre Dame-de-Ia-Sa- La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to Buckingham) _______ Quebec Iette_ 900 Montreal Notre Dame DeLourdes BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- ( ub. to Plessisville) La Banque .'ationale__________ ( ub. to Rimou 'ki) ____________ Queber • ·otre Dame tleRimou •ki ------------ Montreal Hermenegilde La BanQt~e Pro,•incialc clu ::-; otre Dame de Fontaine Canada Pierreville BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to F~rnham> ---------- Montreal Notre Dame de tanbridge __ 761S Notre Dame des Anies La Banque Nationale_ ------ (Sub. to St. Casi- ------------ Quebec mi.r) 1177 Notfe Dame des Boi.s ___ La Banque .·auonale______ ____ ( ub. to La-Patrie) ____________ Quebec La BanQtrn Provincia.le du " ________ Canada P. Gaudreau _______ \------------ Montreal Quebec cont\nued on second haU ot th\s 1>ace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  \  Gerant La 11albaie- ____________ :Montreal Pointe au Pie _______ . ___ La Banque Provinciale du anada BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- J. R. Prud'ltommo ____________ Montreal Pointe aux Trembles. 1263  CAIIADIH BK. OF COMMERCE s. A. Forbes-----,ooo Toronto  Pointe Claire ________ 793  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------- J. A. Gauthier _________________ Montreal  Pointe Fortune ______ 311  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------- I. Rouleau_-------- ____________ Montreal  Pointe Gatineau ___ .J950 La Banque Nationale _____ (Sub. to Hull) ______________ Quebec Pont de Maskinonge_ooo  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to Louiseville ) ___________ Montreal  Pont Rou2e _________ l608  ROYAL BANK IF CANADA----- D. H. Lamarche __ _ Reserve Fwnds  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Banks A.dvert\s\ng g\ve Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence  ~-  _,  ~  .. 0  ::s  .JVoo-.Baak Towns  1651  wfth .JVea.rese .Bazik"lng (In  dexed Acces.J, Law;rers, Laws (indexed} in back of tllJ.'l voiuIDe. For Inwrest: Ba-s, Ho.f.fda;rs, etc.. see Law-s.  PosT OFFICE .d.ND POPULATION.  -  N A;J-fE OF BANK,  I  .MANAGER OR AGENT.  I  PAID-UP OAPITA.L.  I  QUEBEC-Continued HEAD  ~  OFFICE.  I  Pont St. Mauri<'P, ____ 900 La Banqu e Nationale -------- (Sub. to Cap. de Ja Madeleine)  9,700,000 Halifax  Portneuf _________ 1767 La Banque Nationale _________ L V. Pettigrew ____ Price _______________ 109~ La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to Mont-Joli)  Quebec  Princeville _________ 2300 La Banque Nationale ____  Quebec  ----------------------J.M. Dufresne ____ ------  ..  Quebec  (5 Branches in Quebec)  ·------Surplus  *BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA----- o. J. Sewell _______  .  (2 Branc hes in Quebec)  "  l I  1  Rest  (4 Bran  Quebec)  20,350,000 Montreal 20,78U,000  ------------ Montreal F. W. Smith.. ____ *UNION BANK OF CANADA------- -- ---- Winnipeg (2 Branches in Quebec) Quebec Cl ea~g House ________ { J o s. Macloni:hli n, Ghairma n ·teated b11 a •) C. P. Liebicb 8e c., Tr., and Mw. Quebec continued on second haIf of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  (MembCtrs i  ---- ----  ..  HEAD OFFICE.  --------  .  -  15,000,000 Toronto  ---- --------  ..  ..  ---- ----  ..  Montreal  ------------  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. Cloutier_ _______  15,000,000 Toronto  ..  Quebec Montreal Montreal  ------------ Quebec  -------  Montreal  -------  I  Riviere des Prairies.~-- La Banque Provinciale du Can. Elz. Desjardins ____ Montreal Riviere du Loup ____ ---- La Banque Nationale _________ J. E. Cote------ ------------ Quebec (2 Branches in Riviere Du Loup)  .. ..  ----·- ---- ----  . ..  La Banque Provinciale du Can. Jos. Pratte ________  -------  Montreal  MOLSONS BANK--------- T. T. Lawlor ______ ----------- Montreal Riviere du Loup Station BANK OF MONTREAL---------- ---- ---- ---- - - ... - ---- 22,000.000 Montreal 6730 Surplus 23.531.927 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGL------ C. A. Rousseau ____ ------ Montreal ------  I ..  .. ..  ..  ---- ------- ----  ..  La Banque Nationale ___________ R. B. Panet ________  ------------ Quebec La Banque Provinciale du Can. Jos. Pratte _______ ------- Montreal Riviere Ouelle _____ 1608 La Banque Nationale _______ (Sub. to Ste. Anne Quebec rte la Pocatiere) -----------Robertsonville _______ 603 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------- A. 'l'aschereau _____ ------------ Montreal  .  -  10  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- E. A. Beauchemin_ $ 20,350,000 Montreal  MOLSONS BANK--------------- W. D. Clarke ______  I  t..:>  --  Riviere Bleue _____ J200 La Banque PrOvil\ciale du Can. J. B. Berube, Sub,_  I  *ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- A. J. Welch ________ (6 Bran ches in Quebec) Reserve Funds Royal Trust Co, ________________ G. L. Dean ________  CAPITAL.  Riviere-au-Renard ----- La Banque Nationale-------- (Sub. to Gaspe). __ ---- ---- ---Rivierie Beaudette._ 368 La Banque Provinciale du Can. L. C. Dumesnill, -------- ---Sub. Riviere Bell. ________ 300 BANQUE D' HOC HELAGA. ------ (Sub. to Amos) ____ -----------Riviere Blanche ______ 50 La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub to Matane) ___  900,000  *MERCHA NTS BK. OF CANAD-A• F. L. MacGachen __ ----------- Montreal *MOLSON S BANK ------------- A. C. Sutherland ___ ------------ Montreal ches in  AGENT.  La Banque Nationale ___________ R. 0. Gilbert ______ ---- -------------- Quebec Riviere-a-Pierre _____ 848 LaBanque Nationale ________ (Sub. to St. Raymo nd) ---- ---- Quebec Riviere-au-Dore ________ La Banque Nationale _____ ·---- (Sub. to St. Felicie n) _ -------- Quebec  *Imperial Bank of Canadae ___ G. F. C. Love ______ ------------ Toronto 2,000,000 Correspona.ents: 1st N., R. Audette, Pres. Liberty N ., Irvini: N .. J. B.Laliberte, V. Pres. and Harriman N.,N. Y.; Mar. *La Banqo e Nationale _________ N. L.voie, Gm. 2,400,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Rest H ead Office Jos. S. Blais.Supt. of Branches 1st N .. Bos.; Phil. N., (7 Bra,n,ches in Quebec) Phil.: Marine Tr. Co., Buffalo. St. Geo. Morency , Chief Insp ector J. A. Fu~ere ______ *La 13anq ue Provinciale do Montreal ----------(2 Bran ches in Queb-ec) Oan. LaCaisseD 'Economie de Notre 1,000,000 Correspondent: LaBanque P. P. Sirois, Pres. Dame de Quebec. Natiouale, Quebec. L. C. Marcoux, G en. Mar. (7 Offices in Quebec)  PAID-UP  ..  9,700,000 Halifax  15,000,000 Toronto  NAME OF' BANK.  MAN.AGER OR  Rigaud ______________ 856 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA J. 0. Michand _____ ------------ :Montreal La Banque Xationale __________ J. F. Dionne _______ " Quebec ---- ---,. ----------RimouskL ________ 3202 BArtQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- J. A. Brillant_ _____ Montreal  22,000.000 Montreal 23,531.1:127  (6 Bran ches in Quebec)  I  Richmond __________ 2175 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. S. Raimbach ____  *BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------ H. Collette _________ ------------ Montreal *CANADIA NBK.OF COMMERCE J. MacLough\in ____  -  --  Reserve Funds 20,780,000 Richelieu ____________ 389 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to Chambly B ass in) _____ Montreal  ROYAL BA NK OF CANADA----- J. A. Frechette_ - - 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve, Funds 20,780,000 Privat _______ 600 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- fSub. to Macamic) ------ ------ Montreal Quebec _____ 103,246 *BANK OF MONTREAL•-------  QUEBBC Map opposite Montreal  - -  Qnyon ______________ 806 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA J. A. Swift. Acting ---------- -- Montreal Racine __________________ BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------- Waterloo __________ ------------ Montreal Rapides Laval. _________ BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to Cartier---- ---- ---- Montreal ville) Rawdon ____________ 1411 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- L. A.. Asselin ______ -------- -- Montreal  - ----- ----·- Quebec  Portage dn Fort__ ___ 400 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- H.A.Mclnnes,Pro. $ 0,700,000 Halifax Port Alfred ________ 700 La Banque Nationale __________ ( Bag.otville) ------------ Quebec Port DanieL ______ 180u BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- H. N. Smith, Pro.  PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  ,  1652  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., SE'e Laws.  PosT  0Fll'ICE AND POPULATION.  MANAGER OR AGENT.  AME OF BANK.  PAID-UP  OAPITAL.  HEAD OFFICE.  Robertsonville .(Con'd) La Banque Nationale ---------- (Sub. to Thetford ____________ Quebec Mines) RobervaL ___ ---·---1737 La Banque Nationale ___________ L. Oonet. _____________________ Quebec  MOLSONS BANK--------------- J. L. E. Cote ___________________ Montreal Rockburn _________ 100 MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA (Sub. to Ormstown) __________ Montreal Rock Island ________ 861 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE• W. E. Learned ____ S 15,000,000 Toronto  ROY AL BAIK OF CANADA---- A. o. McPhee______ 20,350.000 Montreal 20,789.000 Rtaerve Fund~ 22,oc,0,000 Montreal BANK OF MONTREAL---------· Rosemount_________ __ 23,531,9,7 Surplus Rougemont Station •• 300 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA--- -- (Sub. to Mariaville) ------- _ Montreal 15,000,000 Quebec  La Banque Nationale _ _ _ (Sub. to St. Hya.cinthe) Roxton Falls ________ 873 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. M. Brodeur_____  15,000,000 Toronto  La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to St. Hyacint he) ______ Quebec  Roxton Pond ________ 500 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA- - - (Sub. to Granby) -- ·----------- Montreal Ste. Adele __________ 2050 La Banque Nationale _____ (Sub. to Ste. The- _ _ _ _ Quebec rese) Ste. Adelphe-de-Cham- La Banque Nationale _____ (Sub. to St. Tite) .. ________ Quebec plain ______ .1437 St.~apit _ _ _ ·-U09 La Banque Nationale _________ (Sub. toPlessisville ) _________ Quebec La Banque Provincialedu Can. OscarBoureault,Su b .•• ________ Montreal de Lotbin• Ste. 996 La BanQue Provinciale du Can. L, A. Dumont, Sub. -----------· Montreal _______________ iereA.eathe Ste. A~the des Monts. La Banque Provinciale du Can. J.E. Poulin------- ----·--·· :Montreal 8000  MERCHANTS BAIIK OF CANADA H. D. Jack, Actinu.  · · - · - · - - :Montreal  t. Aime ____ • ___ 770 La Banque Nationale.--··----· H. Lincourt--·-· - - - - - Quebec St. Alban .. ---·--1451 La BanQue Nation&le. __ ··•-··-- (Sub. to St. Gasimi r>--·-·--- Quebec t.Alexandrt>d'lberville La Banque Nationale----··--· (Sub. to St. Jean) - ---··--··--- Quebec 1500 to Riviere Du ---··--·---· Montreal t .AiexandredeKamou. BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-··---- (Sub. Loup ,a tion) ra ka _________ 2011 La Banque Nationale ·-···----· (Sub. to St. Pascal) -··-···- ··· Quebec  PosT  OFFICE AND POPULATION.  La Banque Nationale.·-----·-- (Sub. to Joliette)_ -····---···- Quebec  ·--·····-·- :Montreal St. Alexis de Monts ... BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA.-- (Sub. to Louiseville) 1156 Quebec ( ub. to Chicoutim i) La Banque ·ationale t. Ambroise de Chicoutimi St. Ambroisede Kildare BlMQUE D'KOCHELAGA .------ (Sub. to Joliette) . --·-----·--- Montreal St. A.nacleL------··1518 La Banctue Nationale - - - (Sub. to Rimouski) - - - · · · Quebec  •=~---  !!.t. Ano:re A.r~enteu.\\. .. La Ba.nq_u.e Na.tiona.\e. _ _ _ (Su.o. to Ste. There se) ------·- Qu.eoec 0  •  - • • '-"'  o< ' " " '  9-•·  \  NAME OF BANK.  MANAGER OR AGENT.  PAID-UP  OAPITAL.  I  HEAD OFFICE.  St. A.ndre Avellin.-.l3500 La .BanQne Provinciale du Can. J. L. Valois--·--·- ·--·-·-·· Montreal La Banque Nationale·-···--··· (Sub. to St. Pascal) -··-·-···- Quebec St. Andre de Kamou• raska ··-·-·--····1316 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Mlle. Elmira Roy . -······· ____ Montreal St. Andrews-··-··----- BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA .......  ,E. c. C"lder, Pro.. S  9,700,000 Halifax  St. Aneele de Laval. 900 La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. E. Coulombe, Su b. --·--·-··· Montreal  «O C: t%J  St. Anfele de Merci_._ La BanQue Nationale ____ (Sub. to Mont Joli) -·--·-··- Quebec  tx, t%J  Ste . .Angele de Monnotr, BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-·---- (Sub. toMarieville) --···-···-- Montreal 1350  (')  St. .4.niceL·---···-- 200 La Banque Nationale---··- (Sub. to Valleyfleld L •• ·-·····- Quebec  >  tx,  2! ~  Ste. Anne de Beaupre 2381  La BanQue Nationale •••• -----·- J. G. Hod~son -·--- --·--··--·- Quebec  Ste. Anne de Bellevue 2000  La Banque Nationale -········- (Sub. to Vaudreuil Station) __ Quebec  ~  Ste. Anne de Chicoutimi La Banque Nationale-·-·--···- J. H. Gaudreault ... - - - · · Quebec  er  ..,  >·--·-·- Quebec  VJ  (/l  0  Ste. Annfl de la Perade La Banque Nationale.---·- (Sub. to St. Casimir 2800  ~  ~  0  ::,  1. A.. Rousseau, Banker--···- --···---··-···-·--· ·-···--··--· Correspondents Royal Bk. !:. ofCan.,ThreeRiv's,Que. ~  Ste.Anne delaPocatiere La BanQue Nationale·-·····-·- H. Gosselin--·-·-·- --·--··- Quebec llSilO Ste. Anne des Monts 2847  La BanQue Nationale----·-- (Sub. to Matane) __ -·---·-·--- Quebec  Ste . .Anne des Plaines 1320  La BanQue Provinciale du Can. Jos. Valiquette_. ·-·-·---- Montreal  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA. (Sub. to Laurentid es>-·-···- .Montreal St. i.nselme ••••• __ • 2080 BANQUE D' HOCHELAGA ....... A. Roy ---· -·- ···- --·····-··-- Montreal  St. Alexis de Montcalm, BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA·--·· (Sub. to Jacques L'ach) ·-··· Montreal 150  <>=•~« Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  QUEBEC Map OP1)oslte Montreal  QUEBEC-Continued  IA BanQue Provinciale du Clan. L. Guertin·-··--· -··-·---· Montreal  St. Antoine·-···---- 1600 La BanQue Nationale-·-··- (Sub. to Sorel) __ --··---- Quebec St. Antoine de Tilly .il.325 La Banque Provinciale du Can. A. Lauriault, Sub. ···-···--·- Montreal St. Antoine Sur Riche- BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA--·- M.A. Beauregard_ -·-·----·-· Montreal  ~  ~  l~ St. A:oollinaire ----.1755 La Banque Nationale---···· (Sub. to Deschaillo ns) - - · - Quebec  ="••u••"•=i•c"-'•d•C•n.'3.  E. Rou~=•• Su•·---·-----· Mout,ea> ,\ •• ··---- •• 'Ra..-.ks'\.s'\.-.~ ~'\.ve 'Pro-m.-ot\.o-n to Co\\.o-ns a-nd Correspondence  \  \\  ••  ------  ..  \~  \La "Ba.nq_ue "Prov\nciale du Gan.\J-. E. Rou.ssea.u, Su\b. _________ _\Montreal  Ra.~ks. ~d-ve11:t'\.s'\.n..~ ~'i..-ve 'Prot"n.-ot ~tte~t'i..on.. to Col.l.ect'i..o-ns a..n.d Correspon.denc.e Non-Llank ToPVna wfU1 Neareae Llanklng .PoLDe an• 4  1653 :~~~e: °Jr8%lr:-te~tka1:::sEf::JtJ:;::; :f'c.~~~! z.:v~ QUEBEC-Continued QUEBBC Map opposite Montreal ~ =====================:;::::::::==================.,==========-=======1======:======;========!9" POST OFFICE AND POPULATION.  I  NAME OF BA.NK,  MANA.GER OR AGENT.  PAID-UP OA.PITA.L  HEAD OFFICE.  I  POST OFFICE A.ND POPULATION.  NAME OF BA.NK.  MA.NA.GER OR AGENT.  I  PAID-UP  G-u>ITAL  fuA.D  OFFICE.  -  -  - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - -- - - - -1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - , \0 I  St. Armand Sta ion_ 350 CANA!J!AN BK.  Of COMMERCE (Sub. to Bedford)  $  15,000,000 Toronto  La Banque Nat ionale ...--·---· (Sub. to Bedford) _____ .... --·- Quebec St. Arsene·-------1015 La Banque Na.tionale ____ (Sub. to Riviere du-------· Quebec  Loup)  St. Celestin ---·--·1900 La BanQue Provinciale du Can. L. Gagnon, Sub,- •• __________ Montreal  St. Charles de Belle. IA BanQue Nationale._. ______ L.B. Fournier---· - - - · - Quebec chasse .-•. ·-------·1800  St. Augustin·-······1384 La Banque NationaJe. _ _ _ ( Donnacona J ·--·---- Quebec  St.Charles de Mandeville BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA.--···· (Sub. to St. Gabriel ·-------·- Montreal de Brandon)  ·-·· ·--· Montreal  Ste. Barbe·-------···150 La. Banque Provinciale du Can. O . .Marchand, Sub. - - - · · · Montreal  St. Charles River Rich- La Banque Nationale · - - - · (Sub. to St. Hya- ····-·-- Quebec elie11 •• ·---··-·900 cinthe)  St. Barnabe Nord •• 2100 La Banque Provmcia.Je du Can. Alf. BournivaL--·· -----·---· Montreal  St. Chrysostome •••• 600 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  St. Barnabe Sud ... __ 980 La Banque Nationale. _ _ _ (Sub. to St. Hyacin the) ---·--· Quebec  c. W. Hawley··---$  15,000,000 Toronto  La Banque Provincialedu Can. Pierre Cholette.-•• ------····--Montreal  St. BartheJemi ..... _1595 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ... __ . __ (Sub. to Louisevill e) ·-···- •. Montreal L& Banque Provinciale du Can. Victor Drainville- ,- - - - - · Montreal  Ste. Olaire------·-·1899 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....... J. G. Forest·---··-•1----1Montreal  St. Bazile de Portneu La Banque Nationale · - - - (Sub. to St. Raymo nd) -··---- Quebec 3200 t. Ba~ile-le-Grand ____ _ La Banque Provinciale du Can. G. A. R. Lambert._ ,_____ 1.Montreal  La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. O.Gagnon, Sub,. ---···----- Montreal  St. Beatrice_·-···---1890 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA---- (Sub. to Joliette) ..• ____ Montreal St. Benoit ···-----··l400 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA .•-··-· St. Eustache .••••. --·------·- Montreal La. Banque Nationale _________ • (Sub. to Ste.-Ther- ----·----·-· Quebec ese) St. Bernard de Dorches- La Banque Nationale •. -··--- (Sul'. to St. Marie B eauce). __ Quebec ter •• ·---·--·--·-1505  St. Clement·-···--· l20ll La Banque Nationale. _ _ _ (Sub. to Trois Pisto les) - - · - Quebec St. Olet ··-·-------·479 La Banque Provinciale du Can. W. Poirier._. _____ ---·---··--- Montreal Ste.Clothilde De Horton BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....... (Sub, to Victoriavi lie)··-····· Montreal 375  St. Come de Beauce •... La Banque Nationale _ _ _ • (Sub. to Beaucevill  e, ___ Quebec  st. Constant. _____ _1100 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....... <Sub. to Laprairie) ····----- Montreal  .....  L;l Banque Provinciale du Can. Isidore Patenaude ··----·---- Montreal  en .....  0  La Banque Pr-ovinciale du Can. F. E. Moore, Sub._ ··-·-·---· Montreal  St. Boniface. _____ 1250 La BanqueProvinciale du Can. O. Pichette, Sub, __ · · · - - - Montreal  Ste. Croix·-·---·--- 1819 La Banque Provinciale du oan. D. Jacob.---·- ·-·-------·- Montreal  Ste. :B;-igie d'Iberville BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA .. _____ (Sub. to Farnham) ,_ _ _ _ 1Montreal 1630 St. Bruno _____ 195 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ... ____ (Sub. to St. Lambert)_•••••••.• :Montreal  St. Cuthbert -··--3151 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....... (Sub. to Berthiervi lie) •••••••• Montreal  St. Calixte do Kilkenny La Banque Provinciale du Can. Mederic Duval •••• ·· - -- - Montreal  St. Cyrille de Wendo;n La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. A. La Rue, Sub ...  St.CamilledeBellechasse BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA.----·-- A. W. Rousseau -- -i- - - - · Montreal 790  St. Damase _______ 2000 La Banque Nationale ·····-·--· (Sub. to St.Hyacinthe) ··---- Quebec  St. Casimir----·-·2640 La Banque Nationale.---·-~ J.E. Poitras·---·· ·-·------ Quebec Ste.Catherine, Portneuf La Banque Nationale •.. --·-- (Sub. to St. Raymond)  Quebec  Ste. Cecile de Bic...• __ • BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ___ .... (Sub. to Rimousk:i) 1- - - -1Montrea1 Ste. Cecile-De-Levrard. La Banqne Nationale.--•----- (Sub. to Deschaill ons)  Quebec  Ste. Cecile de .MiltonlOO BANQUE O'HOCHELAGA---····· (Sub. to Granby)._--·--·-····· Montreal Ste. Cecil de Whitte .. __ . La Banque Provin~iale du Can. J. G. Beaudoin •••• ------· Montreal Quebec continued on second half of this page.  ·  St. Cyrille de L'lsle 1642 La. Banque Nationale •• _. ______ (Sub. to L'lslet) •••  ·-·-········ Quebec ···-· -·· ---· Montreal  St.Damien -·-·--··-160 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA .....__ . ( St.Gabriel---·-·· Montreal (Berthier Dist.) de Brandon) St. Damien •••••.•.. 1446 La. Banque Nationale ________ (Sub. to •• 1-- - - -1Quebec (Bel!echasse Dist.) St. David.·--··--···738 La Banque Nationale •• --······ (Sub. to St. Romua ld) ••• _._ Quebec St.Davidd'Yamaska1800 La. Banque Provinciale du Can. Jos. Dauphine,Sub. ·-------·· Montreal St. Denis Sur Richelieu BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------· (Sub. t0St.An•oine, _ _ _ _ 1Montreal "  ·---····  ·•  m  Sfilru~  La Banque Provinciale du Can. W. Dr12on ·--·-·----·-·-·--··Montreal  ·. THE . ROY.Al 'PANK OF CANADA - NEW YORK: 68 William Street- LONDON: Princes t., E. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -  St. Cesaire.·-···---· 941 MOLSONS BANI----- J. V. Raboin_. ____ -------· Montreal  St. Aubert.·-·----··1324 La. Banque Provinciale du Can. Alfred Blais, Sub,. --------· Montreal St. Augustin ..___ • ___ 215 La. Banque Provinciale du Can. M. St.Jacques. Sub. _  ~  1654  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (ludexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest tlates, Holidays. etc., see Laws.  QUEBEC-Conti·nued  .....  QUEBEC Map opposite Montreal  O'I  ==========;======;::: ::::1===========;;:========= ==============,~ PAID-UP MANAGER OR PosT OFFICE AND HEAD OFFICE. CAPITAL, AGENT. NAME OF BANK. PoPULATIO:S. HEAD OFFICE. ---------11----------1------------1---------1-----1----------  PAID-UP J MANAGER OR CAPITAL. AGENT. -------  NAME OF BANK.  PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  St. DominiQue de Bagot . Ia Banque Natioaale ___________ (Sub. to St. Hyacin the) _______ Quebec  1856 t. Donat_ ___ ---- ____ 922 La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to Rimouski) /------------ , Quebec  t.Evariste Station 1,000 La. Banque Nationale .. ________ . L. Doyon .. -.-· ____ ·----·---·-- \.luebec  St. Fabien_·--······1981 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ··---·· ub. to RimouskL --··--·--- Montreal La Banque Nationale .•• ----·--· (Sub. to Rimousk:i) -···-··-···· Quebec  Ste. Dorothee _______ 850 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA _______ (Sub. to St. Martin ) ___________ Montreal La Banque Provinciale du Can. G. Corbeil, Sub. ___ , ___________ Montreal t. Edouard _____________ La Banque NationaJe __________ (Sub. to Deschaillo ns) ________ Quebec La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. Olivier. Sub. ________________ Montreal I  St. Edouard de Napier- BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA _______ ( ub. to St. Remi)_ , ___________ ,Montreal ville _______________ 300  -------·--·- Montreal St. Fabien de Pan et •.•. La Banque Provinciale du Can. Mmf'. Maria C. Perreault, Sub. Ste. Famille ·-···--·-618 La Banque Nationale. _ _ _ (Sub. to Le Palais) -··--·--·· Quebec St. Felicien.··-· •••• 1346 La Banque Nationale ··------ J. Gauthier----··-- ·-····-· ·--· Quebec St. Felix de Valois .. 2200 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....... 1.i'. Fontaine····--· ·-··-····--· Montreal  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. A. ParenL.---· $ 15,000,000 Toronto  Ste. Edwidge _______ lOOO La Banque Nationale ____ (Sub. to Coaticook) ---------- Quebec St. Ele.uthere._. ___ . 1200 La Banque' Nationale ___· __ (Su_b. to St. Pascal)  i--··-·· ·----1Quebec  s~. Elisabeth ·-··---490 BANQUE D HOCHELAGA ·----- J ohette _________ ._. ------------ ~Iontreal ____ ·---  "  La Banque  "  ationale __________ (Sub. to Joliette) ••  I-----·-----·  Quebec  St. Elzear de Beauce-200 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------· (Sub. to Ste. Marie de Heauce) Montreal (Lescard P. O.) La Banque Nationale-·-------· ( ub. to te. Marie Beauce>---., Quebec " -·----.. St. Elzear de LavaL500 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-···--· L. Maior ---·-----· ·----------- Montreal Ste. Emilie de L'enerf!ie BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA -··--·· 1665  . K Bellemarre  --1 ·--·-······· Montreal  t.Emulie de Lotbiniere Ia Banque Nationale.·---·----· (Sub. toDeschaillon s) ·-··------ Quebec 300 St. ERhrem de Trini:3000 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....... L. Cloutier  ·-···-·-1·-···--····· Montreal  ationale.---·----· (Sub. to Riviere du·----·---· Montreal Loup tation) St. E priL _____ •••• 1960 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ·---·-· ub. to t Jacque ···- .... ·--· Montreal L'Ach , La BanQue Nationale .. --··-·-·· (Sub. to Joliette)_. ·--------·-· Quebec t.Epiphane-·-·---·1511 La Banque  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA. (Sub. to Lauren.  tides)  - - - · - .Montreal  t. Etienne •• ·-··---·100 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ····-·· (Sub. to Beauharnois) _______ Montreal  " -·-····· "  I.La  Banque ationale ···------ ( ub. to St. Romau ld)·-·-··-··1Qucbec I t.Eugene de Grantham La Banque Nationale·----·---- (Sub. to St. Hya- ·--········· Quebec cinthe) uoo t. Eugene de Guigues_ La Banque Nationale.·-------· Guigues. ____ ·-------···· Quebec 100 te. Eulalie.·-······ 800 La Banque Nationale ------·---\<Sub. to Nicolet).._ ·----------· ~Quebec St. Eustache_··-··-· llllli BANQUE D'HOCHEUGA ....... J. A. Rousseau .••.. ··---------· Montreal ..  ·--··-··  ..  La "Banque Prov''i.a.le  du  Ca.u. J. A.. Lama:rche .... -----------· 1II.ontrea.\  Que'b~ continued on 1s'!c.ond baU ot tb\s l}aft,e. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  St. Ferdinand --·-·-2200 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. E. Ward.·-·-··-·  15,000,000 Toronto  Plessis---··--·---- Quebec ville) Anne·---- Quebec Ste. to (Sub. --------· Nalionale Banque La 1,200 •••••••.. Fereol St. de Beaupre) t. Fidel -···-·--·----·· La Banque Provinciale du Can. Raoul Dallaire -··· ·-·---·-·-·· 1Iontreal Ia Banque Nationale.--·----· (Sub.  to  St. Flavien ·-···--··1500 Ia Banque Provinciale du Can. D. U. Bernard _____ .---···--·- Montreal Ste. Flore ·-··--·--··350 La Banque Nationale -···-··-·· (Sub. to Grand Me re) ---··--· Quebec St. Fortunat.--··--· .... La Banque P rovinciale du Can. Y. Bedard.···-·-·· ····-·-·-··· Montreal  Ste. Foye ..•••• ____ 1210 BANK D'HOCHELAGA ... ______ (Sub. to Rue St.··----·- Montreal Jean Quebec) St. Francois du Lac.2200 La Banque Provinciale du Can. G. Leveille, Sub .•• .• -·--·-·-- Montreal St.Francois Montmagny La Banque Nationale .• _ _ _ (Sub. to Montmagn y)_···--··-· Quebec 1570  ii2 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....... J. A. Coutu .•••.• __ ··--------- Montreal  St. Gabriel de Brand 1  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Cy. Couet --··-·-· 15,000,000 Toronto , t. Gabriel de Rimou--ki BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA . . .... (, ub. to Rimou ki) ····-------· ~Iontreal 65  St. Gedeon .•..... -.1415 La Banque Nationale---··---·· _(Sub. to Hebertvil e Station). Quebec Ste. Genevieve de Batis- BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ---·--·- R. Villandre .. _____ ·------·-·-can ••• ---·--·- ..•• 1847 , OCH L NQU . E AGA ..... A. C. Pare .. ·---·-·------·-· ··· E DH BA te. Genevieve DePierrefond ...... 293 St. Georges .••. --·· 26112 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. A. Roy·-------· 15,000,000 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA·---· J. L. Gauthier. ••• - 20,350,000 St. Georges East Reserve Fund~ 20,789,000 \ Beauce ·-····-···-40001 St. Georges De Beauce . BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ··-··-· Elzear Cote····-··--·---···-··  Montreal ::'\fontreal Toronto Montreal Montreal  S\.~~main de Gra.n3110 La Banque Nationale ·------·-· (Sub. to St. tlyacin the~···---- Quebec  Ste. Germa.'me .• ___ ;',93 La nauQ.ue Provmda.\e d.u ca.n. L.A.LevesQ.ue. Sub.·---····-··· Moutrea\  Banks A...dvert\s\n.~ ~\.ve 'Prompt A.-t.:t..en.t\on. to CoU.ect\on.s a.n.d Correspondence Montreal  •  e . •erma\ne _____ ;:, i  •  a Ban(lue Provmc\ale clu Can. L.A.Levesque. Sub. ____________ Montreal  Ban.ks Advert'l.s.1.n.g 'Prom~t. Att.en.t.'\on to Co\\ect.'\ons and Correspondence ..Noa-Bank Toff'11S  R-·ft.h ./Veares~ Baoklng Po.l~e {In-  1655 1~~~eAcJfJ/-r:1c':t'st"kaI;:;"sli::;1J;i'f,'JJ J1'c.~~~~ 'l!aiFh/9  QUEBEC-Continued  QUEBEC Map opposite Montreal  /g  ======== :< =======~~~~~==::::::::::::::::==::::======~~=============;==,r======1=---=======.=== PAID-UP MANAGER OR NAME OF BANK.  I  PosT OFFICE A.,VD POPULATION.  NAME OF BANK  '  I  I  MA. NA.GER OR AGENT.  PA.ID-UP (: CAPITAL,  PosT OFFICE A.:SD  HE..t.D OFFICE.  AGENT.  POPULATION.  OA.PITAL.  HEAD OFFICE.  -  ---------lf----------1-----------,-------,---- ---------11.0  St. Hyacinthe ______ 9797 BANK OF MONTREAL---------- ____________________ $ 22.000,000 Montreal Surplus 23.531.!)27  te. Gertrude ______ J891 La Ban(Iue Provinciale du Can./Eloi Desilets ______ ---- .. -- ---- Montreal  St. Gervais _________ 2011  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA -------- (Su!:>. to St. Ansel me) ________ Montreal  "  ________  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA -------- A.  ..  c. Crepeau-----------------  Montreal  St. Giles------------900 La Banque Provinciale du Can. A.G. Montminy, Sub, _________ Montreal  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J.Laframbois______  St. Gregoire _______ 1800 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------- (Sub. to Nicolet) __ ------------ Montreal  La Banque Nationale ___________ P.A. Laoo.die ___________________ Quebec  La Banque NationaJe _______ (Sub. to Nicolet) ___________ Qeubec  te. llelene de Kamou- La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to St. Pascal) ____________ Quebec ra ka _____________ l:!70 La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. A. Ouellette. Sub, __________ .Montreal  St. Irenee __________ 1290 La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to La Malbaie ) __________ Quebec 1  "  ________  La Banque Provinciale du Can. Rev. J, 0. Perron _____________ Montreal  ••  I St. Isidore. _________ 1774 La Banque Nationale ____ (Sub. to Ste. :Marie Beauce) __ Quebec St. Isidore Laorairie 1900 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------ (Sub. to Laprairie) -------- ---- Montreal La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. C. Lanctot _________________ Montreal  Ste. Henedine------1113 La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to Ste. Marie Beauce) ___ Quebec La Banque Provinciale du Can. C. Rouleau, Sub, _____________ Montreal  St. Jacques L' Achigan BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------2589  St. Henri de Levis _ 2200 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA -------- <Sub. to St. Anselm e) ________ Montreal LaBanqueNationale __________ (Sub. to Levis) ____ -·····------ Quebec  St. Henri de Montreal BANK OF MONTREAL ---------- -------------------- $ 22.000.oo'l Montreal Surplus  21,192  ____ __ __  "  23,531,927  15,000,000 Toronto  St. Ignace de Loyola. 257 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA--- ---- (Sub. to Berthier- ____________ Montreal ville)  t. Guillaume ct' Upton La Banque Provinriale du Can. Arthur Gervais _____________ Montreal 905 . ........... Montreal St. Ilelene _________ 1000 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------- (Sub. to St. Hyacinthe)  c.  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J.  Le ' sard ________________ Montreal  c. R. Marchand.  15,000,000 Tor1)llto  St. Jaques-le Minear La Banque Nationale _______ (Sub. to St. Jean)_----·------- Quebec 1200 St. Janvier ---------1125 La Banque Nationale ____ (Sub. to Ste. There se) ________ Quebec  MOLSONS BANK ____ ------. --- H. P. Low - ---- ---- ------------ Montreal  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------- (Sub to Mariaville) ____________ Montreal St. Jean Baptiste de Ro uville- _________ l5i)O  1Iontreal City District Savings J. 11. Lebrun __________________ :\Iontreal Bank _______________________ _  t. Jean Chrysostome La B:inqueProvincialedu Can. Ed. Bourassa __ --- ____________ ~Iontreal 1757  St. Hermas __________ 61l La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to Ste. Therese) ________ Quebec  St. Jean de Dieu ____ l080 La Banque Nationale ________ (Sub. to Trois Pisto Jes) ________ Quebec  s+. Hilaire _________ l650 I.a Banque Nationale ________ (Sub. to St. Hyacin the) _______ Quebec  St. Jean de Matha __ .2700 La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to Joliette) _____________ Quebec  t. Hippolyte ________ 900 BANQUE ll'HOC~ELAGA-~----- St. Jerome ________ ------------ Montreal I  St. Jean, Isle de Orleans La Banque Nationale _____ (Sub. to Le Palais) __________ Quebec 940  St. Honore de Shenley, La Banque Nationale _______ (Sub. to St. Evarist e Station)__ Quebec 2032  St. Jean Port Joli ___ 2213 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Jos. Fournier _________________ Montreal  St. Hubert_ _______ noo La Banque Provinciale du Can. Geo. ApriL _______ ------------ Montreal  St. Jerome __________ 3479 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA . ...... A.  .. ------- .. IBANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------Quf'bec continued on  Isecon<t  . THE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  half of thf  ROYAL  R. Deschambault___ La Caisse d'Economie des Rest Cantons du Nord  Quebec  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA- J.  r,al!e.  BANK OF  CANADA. Prompt  c. Hebert _____ ------· _____  Montreal  La Banque Nationale _________ J. A. Theriault_ ______________ Quebec  (Sub. to St. Lambe rt) _________ :Montreal  St. Hufues __________ -470 La Banque NationaJe __________ _ (Sub. to St.Hyacinthe) ______  ~  attention to  Merrh. _ 60,000 Correspondent: 16.300 Bk. of Can .• :Montreal.  . Lorrain __________________ Montreal  COLLECTIONS IN: CANADA AND WEST INDIES  °'  (./1 (./1  1656  Non-Bani. 1'o\\ ns with Nearest Hank.Ing Point tlndexed Acces.), La\\ycrs, Laws (indexPd) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  QUEBEC- C onttnue · d  °'  QUEBEC MAP opposite Montreal  =-====---=;=~==========;======; ============;=;========:====== ====:=======;:===:======1~ Poi~p~~:~I~}N~ND . N.uu: OF BANK. ~!~~-OR l."';~.IT. HEAD Pop~p~~~1;I~N~ND N.uu: OP BANK. 1u1:~~-0& ~!:Pi,i,~. HEAD OFFICE.  St. Joachim ••......• 853 La Banque  ationale .•.. ·--··  (Sub. to Ste. Anne de Beaupr6) Quebec  St. John ···-·· •.•.. 7035 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G.  c.  BorifhL•• _ $ 15,000.000 Toronto  La Banque Nationale ..••.••• --. A. Oamaraire •• _. ___ ·---··--···· Quebec  OFFICE.  I  t. Laurent.. ...•.. 1860 BANQUE D'HOCH ELAGA ...... L. Trottier·-······ •.....••..•• Montreal St. Laurent d'Orleans, La Banque Nationale·-·--····· (Sub. to Le PalaisJ ·---··-·- Quebec 702 St, Lazare ···--···-·1360 La Banque Nationale.·-·---- (Sub. to St.Charles,·-·---··--·- Quebec Bellechasse) La Banque Provinciale du Can. N- Giraldeau, Sub, ·----··---- ){ontreal  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA. J. A. Prezeau·--·-· --······-- Montreal ROYAL BANK OF CANADA--·· L. J. Lobichaucl ...  Reserve B'und  20,350,000 ~ontreal 20,789,000  St. Joseph d'Alma .lfi12 La Banque Nationale.·-·--·--· (Sub. to Hebert-·----······· Quebec ville Station) St. Jo eph de Beauce CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE V. E. Deseve •. -... 1832  15,000,000 Toronto  La Banque Nationale ..•. ·--·· L.A. Gobeil··--····--·-··----· Quebec  St. Leon de Maskinonge BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA .......- (Sub. to Louisevill (Ohar,0ra P.O.) 1625  e>.·-·----· Montreal  St. Leon de Stand on, BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA.·-----· (Sub. to Ste. Claire) - - - · · · Montreal 1625  t. Louis de Champlain La Banque Nationale ..••••.... (Cane-de•la-Madele ine) ·-····· Quebec  . te. Julie de Vercheres La Hanaue Nationale.--- (Sub. to St.Hyacinthe)····-·· Quebec 1359 Ste.Julienne •.•••.• 1089 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA .... .... ( ub. to St. Jacques L' Ach) .•• Montreal La Banque Provinciale du Can. G. A. Archambault. ·--····--·· Montreal Sub. St. Justin ... ••....• 1663 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ...--·-· (Sub. to Louisevill e) •••..••• _. Montreal Ste. Justine de Newton, BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ........ E. Duµras .•.. . .... ·······-···· Montreal (2 branchc in -.;te. Jus. tine) 497  t. Lambert ..••••.. 3344 La Banque Provincialedu an. I.. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  . Couture .••.. -··········· Montreal  BANK OF MONTREAL ·-----··· ----·---·---·Surplus  22.000,000 Montreal 23,531,9l7  BANK OF TORDNTO.-···-······ A.H. WaLh. ___ •.. - -· ---· Toronto BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....... J. H. Brn eau .•.• ·····-······ M0ntrea1 MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA J.  c. Terrill. A.ct'o. · - - · · ·  \\Ol Al Blll\{ OF CAlll\ll ..... W. E. Moore ..... .  Ruerue Fu1nd8  .Montreal  20,350,000 Montreal 20,78\l,OOO  t%J  (') I  tlJ  >  z  St. Liboire ...•..••••• 550 La Banque Nationale •.·---····· (Sub. to St.Hyacinthe)·--- Quebec  t. Jovit c 'tat ion . 1200 Imperial Bank of Canada ....•• A. Brault. _ _ _ ·······-···· Toronto  ·--···-··-· Quebec  t%J  tD  St. Leon.Ja.Grand ... 500 La Banque Nationale •..••.• . •. (Sub. to Amqui) . ..••.••••••••• Quebec  St. Lifuori.. .•.•.... 1125 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA.---··· (Sub. to St. Jacques L'Ach) ••• Montreal  t. Jude •• •-···-·· •. 600 La Banque Nationale ·······-·· (Sub. to St. Aime)  C:  St. Leonardd'Aston.1783 La Banque Provinciale du Can. O. A. Vincent.Sub,····-····· Montreal  St.Jo ephduLac ... -450 La Banque Provinciale du Can. E. Lacroix. Sub .••• ··-·---···· :Montreal  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA. P.A. Barrette··-·· - - - · · Montreal  0  St. Louis de Courville La Banque Nationale.--·-·· (Sub. to Le Palais) . ·····--- Quebec 1717  I~  rn  I I'!"'rn  I<-4 0 p.) C")  ::,"'  ..a  st. Louis de Gonzaque. BANQUE D'HOCHELIGA.--- (Sub. to Valleyfleld ) ..•-••••••• Montreal 700 La Banque Nationale · - - - (Sub. to Valleytl.eld ). _______ Quebec  St. Louis de Ha! Ha!  1409  0  en r+ !'  La Banque Nationale --··-···· (Sub. to Riviere-du .Loup Sta.) Quebec  Ste. Louise •....•.• -1120 La.Banque Provinciale du Can. Mlle. Ernestine · · - - - - - Montreal Ga2ne, Sub. . te. Luce ... . .•...••••.. BHQUE D'HDCHELAGA--····· <Rimouski) ..••..•• -·····-····· Montreal St. Ludger ..••...•.• 1383 La Banque Nationale · - - - ( St.Evariste Station) ••. Quebec  E: SU  ..,  OQ  Ste. Madeleine .••.. 1050 La Banque Nationale •• ·-·----· (Sub. to, t. Hyacinthe) . ••••.• Quebec St. Malachie •.•.••.. 1442 La Banque Provinciale du Can .• Geo. Lafontaine •. - · · · - - - .Montreal Ste. Malachie Station 100 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ... -·-- (Sub. to Ste. Claire) ·-··-··--· Montreal St. Malo d' Auckland •••• La Banque Nation~le ·-·---· (Sub. to Ooaticook) · · · - - - Quebec St. Marc·-··········g50 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA .... _. (Sub. to St. Beloeil ·---······· .'dontreal St . .Marc des Carriere . La Banque Nationale ··--····· (Sub. to St. Casimir>-·----· Quebec 1224 St. MarceL-····--··502 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA.·-···-· (Sub. to St. Pamvh He>·----··- Montreal Ste. Marguerite .•..1083 La Banque Nationale ••••. -----· (Sub. to Ste. Marie Beauce>--. Quebec La Banque Provinciale du Can. G. E. Dussault, Sub.·····-···-· Montreal  Banks A.dvert.\.s\.ng_ g_\.ve "Pro~~t A.ttent\.on. to Co\\ect\on.s and Correspondence al  ~  ~  :!. r+  "  \  ~,...,'b,.., co111.'-'\,..ue"1 on ...,.,_o,u'l b.a'\t .NOL1-Tla.11k Toff'DS  ot '-h\.•  -----.--------,----~-----n-- -~ =--- - - - ,,,.,..,,.-u,cr.uqu~ :--u :u:cni.--i:e-u-u Ban.ks A..dvert..\.s\n.~ ~\ve l?rom.t_>t A..ttent\on t.o Co\\ect'ions and Correspondence  -o-...•.  ff--1£h .N"e.are.!!>·1" .Har.zki»K Po.I.De  1657 ftiJ{/,;;,._Aa;g;.)ln~!':'/'se[~as;:;:sLf{:;1:,;"!;'f;_  (.Ln-  trc.~:.,c;.t ~;..11:  QUEBEC  QUEBEC-Continued  Map opposite Montreal  ~:=::::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==== ===~~===~=~~========--=-==--==== ====--================== POBT OFFICE AI•W PoPULATIOS.  NA.ME OF BANK,  MA.YAGER OR AGE:NT.  PA.ID-UP CAPITAL,  PosT OFFICE AND  HEAD OFFICE.  NA.ME OF BANK,  POPULATION.  MA.NA.GER OR AGENT.  PA.ID-UP CAPITAL.  HEAD OFFICE.  -----1----------1 St. Ours _____________ 622 MOLSONS SANK--------------- A. W. Ling ____ ---- ______ Montreal  Ste. Marie BeaucP .• 2555 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------- J. 11. Bergeron ________________ Mon treaJ La Banque NationaJe __________ J.P. Plante ___________________ Quebec  St. Pacome _________ 2300 La Ranoue NationaJe ___________ H. Fort ier. ____________________ Quebec  Ste. Marie de Blandford La Banque Provinciale du Can. Euclide Poisson _______________ Montreal  St. Pamphile _______ 2257 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- J. A. P. Jean _________________ ~fontreal  476  Ste. Marie Salomee .• 580 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA----- (Sub. to St. Jacque -~---------- Montreal l'Acbigan) St. Marthe _________ 1315 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Mlle. E.Lalonde ____________ Montreal St. Martin __________ 446 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- P.  Sub .  c. Gratton _________________  St. Pascal __________ 2357 La Banque Nationale ___________ Jos. Mort1ncy __________________ Quebec La Banque Provinciale du Can .• Eug.  .Montreal  La Banque Nationale ______ (Sub.toSt.Evariste ____________ Quebec Sta.) Ste. Martine ________ 1100 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- J.E. R. Boura sa - ___________ Montreal La Banque 'a.tionale __________ (Sub. to Valleyfleld ) ___________ Quebec  St. Paul d'Abbotsford __ BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------- (Sub. to St. Pie de ____________ Montreal Bagot) St. Paul de Chester . 2000 La BanQue Provinciale du Can .. G. Rouleau, Sub, ___ ________ Montreal St. Paul de Joliette---- BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to Joliette) ___________ Montreal  ---- ---- ---- .:Montreal St. Maurice ______ .• 2482 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. Three Rivers) ____________ Quebec La Hanqu .-ationalc _________ ( ub. to Troi:" " Riviere , ) , te. Melanie ______ _1000 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- < ub. to Joliette>-- ------------ .:Montreal  St. Paul du Buton .. _1460 La Banque Natiouale ____ (Sub. to Armagh) _____________ Quebec t. Paulin __________ 1875 BANQUE D'HOCHELAG~------- < ub. to Louiseville ) _________ Montreal  St. Methode D'Ad tock BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- Robert. onville ____ ----------- Montreal 663 La Banque Nationale ___________ (Sub. to, t. Charle . ------------ Quebec St.::\[ichel Bellechasse Bellechasse> 1454  La Banque Nationale ____ (Sub. to Shawin~a n Falls) ___ Quebec  de NapierMichel St.ville 1700 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to St. Remi)_ ------------ Montreal _____________  St. Paul l'Ermite. ____ 200 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to L'Assomp tion). ______ Montreal te. Peysetne __________ La Banquf' Provinciale du Can. Lucien Yeilleux . .. ____________ Mont real  St.Michel des aints.850 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------ .\. Carbonneau ---- ------------ Montreal t. Moise 'tation ___ _100 La Banque Nationale ____ ---- __ (Sub. to Mont Joli) ---- ---- ---- Quebec  St. Philemon. _______ 1416 La Banque Nationale _____ (Sub. to Armae-h) _____________ Quebec  t. Philippe  La Banoue Provinciale du Can. Jean.Morin, Sub, __ ------------ Montreal  d' Argenteuil. __ .124 La Banque Pro,·inciale dn Can . .\. L1marche __________________ llontreal  Ste. Monique de Nicolet BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------ ( ub. t~ Nicolet) __ ------------ Montreal "  "  1900  St.Philippe de LapraiMi BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to Laprairie) ____________ Montreal  La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to Nicolet) __ ----------- Quebec  St. Philippe de Neri.969 La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to St. Pascal) ____________ Quebec  Ste. Monique des Deux La Banque Nationale ____ (Sub. to Sle. The- ------------ Que~ec reseJ Montae-nes LavaL .. 571  La Banque Provinciale du Can. Arthur Dumais, Su b, __________ Montreal  St. Narcisse .. ______ 2500 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to Notre Da me Three Montreal Rivers) azaire -------1000 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------- (Sub. to St. Hyacin the) ------- Montreal  St.  St. Neree ___________ lOOO La Banque Provinc1ale du Can. A. Roy, Sub, _______ ------------ Montreal St. Nicholas ________ J543 La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to St. Romua Id)·-------- Quebec St. Norbert._ ________ 275 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA. ______ (Sub. to Victoriavi Ile) -------- .Montreal (Arthaba ka Di t.) La Banque Provincialedu Can._ P. Dumas, Sub. ___ _________ Montreal orbert _________ 375 La Ba.nqueNationale__________ (Berthier Disr.)  ub. to Joliette). _____________ Quebec  St. Octave __________ l550 La Banque Nationale. ______  ub. to Mont Joli) ------------ Quebec  St.  St. Odilon _________ 1541 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA---- --- (Sub. to Ste.Claire) ------------ Montreal ub. to e-Anne- ____________ Quebec t. One. ime ________ . 583 L1 Banque :Satiouale . ____ ____ de-la-Poca , iere ) Qu:!bec continued on second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  irois ____________________ Montreal  1  Ste. Philomene _____ 250 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to Ste. Marti ne) ________ Montreal St. Pie _____________ 768 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- L.A. Nadeau ______________ Montreal La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to St. Hyacin the) _______ Quebec  st. Pierre Baptiste ..• 830 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to Plessisvill  e>----  Montreal  ationale--- (Sub. to Thetford ______ Quebec Mines) te. Pierre le Berc1uet La Banc1ue Provincialc du Can. ~I. Tou ignant ______________ __ Montreal 1847 St. Pierre Montmagny La Banque Na.tionale __________ (Sub. to Montm~n y) _________ Quebec 1220 St. Pierre de Broughton La Banque  La Banquf' Provinciale du Can. A. Letourneau.Sub • ___________ Montreal  g~ ...,.  IO ~  .....  1658  Non-Bank Town with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Intere t Rate , Holidays, etc., see Laws_. _ _ _  QUEBEC-Continued  I  QUEBEC Map opposite Montreal  Po T OFFICE A D ... •AuE OF' B. "'K. MAN AGER OR PAID UP HE.~ OFFICE. POST OFFICE AND PoPULATrn.·. ,.,,_ ,,__, A<'.iENT CAPITAL. POPULATION. AME OF BANK. - - -- - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - '--"_ ____ · - - - - -- - 1- - - - -- - - -1 - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - -  st. Polycarpe·-····· 467 st. Prime •••••.. ...1500  0111011 BANK OF CANADA-.. -  A.A,  c. E. Fortier-··--·· ·-····-······  ·-·-·-  •·  1  St. Raphael. •.••.•. 2118 La BanQue Provinciale du Can. J, O. A. Giroux ••.  I  +·-········· r····-······  St. Raymond •••..... 2526 IA BanQue Nationale .•.•••.•• _ Ant. Marcotte····· t. Redempteur. .••. ~65  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-··· .... te. Ju . tine De  Nrwton  t. RemL ••••.•.. . . 1021 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA -- ......  "  ······-  "  I St. Severin..••.•••. 1363 La Banque  ationale .•.•••••• (Sub. to Ste. Marie de Beauce) Quebec  1---- Quebec  St. Simeon •••••••••. 723 La Banoue Nationale •••••• - . ( La Malbaie)  Quebec  St. Bimon ••.••.••..• 1169 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....... (Sub. to St. Pie de Bagot) ••••• Montreal  t. Simon •••••...•••• 766 La BanQue Nationale .•.••.••.. (Sub. to Trois  Pistoles)  IG. A. Charbonneau •••••••••••• Montreal  St. Robert. •.•.•.... 1400 La Banque Nationale. _ _ _ (Sub. to Sorel) ••••• ·-·-······ Quebec  _ _ _ _ Quebec  Ste. Sophie de Halifax BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....... (Sub. to Plessisvill e) •.••..•.. Montreal  I  Ste. , ophie de Levrard 1150 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Albert Demer ..•..••.••...••• Montreal 1450 St. Stanisla de Cham• La Banque Nationale __ _ _ (Sub. to St. TiteL 1----· Quebec plain •.••.•••••••.• 2303  I  St. Stanislas de Kostkibo La Banque Nationale •• ·-·-·-·· (Sub. to Valleytleld  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,027  IL.Drouin .•.•• . .•. ··-········· Quebec  >----·  Quebec  St. S:,lvestre •..•...• 1255 La Banoae Provinciale du Can. J. A. Payeur .. - .. ····-······· Montreal Ste. Thecle •...••••• 2492 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....... J . .A. La.Fontaine .. ··-···· ····· Montreal  La O&iaso d 'Econom1e de Notre F. A. Hardy··---- ······-·-·- Quebec  1  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... ,A.G. Russell......  I Ste. Therese.... _•.. 2120 La Banaue Nationale.----···· H. Beliveau.••--·- ·······-···· Quebec  Dame de Quebec  20,350,000 Montreal R eserve Funds 20,789,000 St. Roch des Aulnaics La Banque Nationale ···-····· (Sub. to Ste. Anne ····-·-···· Quebec 1290 de la Pocatiere) 1 t. Roch l' chigan . 2375 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA...... (Sub. to L'Epiphani e) ••••.•.••• Montreal  MOLSON$ BANI .............. M. Baril .••••••.... ······--- .Montreal St. Thomas de Joliette  250  La Banque Provinciale du Can. S. Pleau .• ·- ·--···· .. ..... .•.•. Montreal  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ...... .;;t, .\ntoine .._ ur •••••••••••. 1ontreal Richt>lieu t. Homauld tl'Etchemin La Banoue Nationale._._ J. Alp. Roy_ ••.•••• ·········-·· Quebec 3993 " ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... A. A. Cantin....... 20,350,000 Montreal R serve .b"'l.tnd8 20,789,000  Ste. Rosalie ....• . . .. 1500 La. Banque Nationale · - - - · - (Sub. to St. Hya. ·-····-·· QuebPC cinthe) Ste. Rose •.....•• _.• 1868 La. Banaue Provinciale du Can. Eug. Arpin •..••.•• ··-··----· Montreal te. Ro e du Degele . 1325 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ........  C  ub. to Cabano) .. ·-········· :Montreal  r., auveur de Quebec .. La BanQne Provinciale du Can. J.B. Lalumiere .....•••••••••.. Montreal  I  St. Timothee ••••••. 450 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....... (Sub. to Valley. ····-······ Montreal Held)  I  La Banoae Provinciale du Can .• H. Maher, Sub, •••• ··-··-·--·· Montreal  I  St. Tite ••••••••••.•• 1438 LaBuqae Natlon&le.-··--··· J.B. Le Brun _ _ ·-····-····· Quebec St. Tite Des Caps ••. ll92 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....... (Sub.toste.Sauveu r) •. ••• ----· Montreal St. Ubalde ••••••.•. mo BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....... (Suo. to Ste. · · · - - - Montreal Thecle) St. Urbain_ •••.•••. 1228 La Banque Nationale.·--···- (Sub. to Baie St. ····-······- Quebec (Charlei:oix Dist,) Paul) St. Urbain •.••....... 300 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....... (Sub. to Ste. Mar• ······-···-· Montreal (Chateauguay Dist.) tine)  MERClll\llS B". Of ClllDA.. ;r. I'. Lemieux._... ·-····-·-- Montreal t\C>l l\l ~lll¥. Of Cl\lll\t\l\ ..... J.E. r. 'Racine_... 20,350,000 Montreal Re e1"'1.le Funds ,  I  '20,7'69,0llO  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....... (Sub. to Joliette) •• - - · - - · · :Montreal  t. Thuribe •.•. .. •... 80 La Banque rationale . •• •-····· ( ub. to t.Ca imir) -······· ··-· Quebec  ' t. Hoch :ur Hich<'li cn. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  HEAD OFFICE . I _ __ __ _ _ __I  Montreal  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA .. D. Pelletier. Actino ••••••••••.• Montreal  La BanQue rationale..... .••••  I  St. Sebastien de Beauce BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....... (Sub. to St. Ephre m DeTring) Montreal 1042  ••••...••.•• Montreal  1 t. R och de Quebec •... BANK OF MONTREAL ...... ... II. de · Rivieres. . .. Surplus 1  PAID UP C PI  Ste. Scholastioue ..•• 757 La BanQue Provinciale du Can. J. A. Les ard ..•••• ··-····---· :Montreal  La BanQue Nationale ____ (Sub. to St. Tite) •• ·-------·--- Quebec  St. Prosper de Dorches- La Banque Nationale .....•...• (Sub. to Beaucevill e) -------·· Quebec tor ••.••••••..•.•.. 1528  MANA.GER OR AGENT.  _ _ _ _ __ _ _ , __ A_T_A_L_.  St. Sauveur des MonLa Banque Nationale ••••.••••• (Sub. to St.Jerome · - · · - - - Quebec tagnes -·····--····1560 Terrebonne)  Winnipeg  La Banque Tationale_ .••....•. ( ub. to Roberval) ·········--· Quebec  St. Prosper -··-·····1316 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ........ (Sub. to 3te. Gene--····---··· Montreal vi eve de B) "  .....  °'  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - = - - -- = - = - = - - - - _ - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ~  I  La BanQ.ue Na.tiona.le ..•.....•. (Sub. to Valleyfi.eld ) .•.•••...•. Quebec  Ban.ks A.dvert\s\n.~ ~\ve Prom~t A.tten.t\.on. to Col.l.ect\on.s and Correspondence  t;;  ~  -\  \I  I-  -\--  - --  ----------1·-----------I.  •~  Banks A.dver\:.\_s'\.n.\t, \t,'\.ve Pron1~t A.tten.t'\.on. to Co\.\.ect\ons and Corresoondence . Z V o . a - ~ 7lo-.r71a  w.f&b ..lVearese ..Ba.u.kli1& PoLa#" (ID  1659 fo%~e.Ac5re,:_;! 1 ;t;,';';so/"8aa.T;:;:sif{,'jfJff;';; /,1k,_~8:'e-1{, 'J!.;,,,1:/.s-  I  I  I  I  ........,  QUE.BEC--Continued  a  QUEBEC Map oppCHtlte Montreal  ===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=======~~~;;:;~=:::;,=~~~~~~=============:============;==========/~ I PosT OFFICE AND  NAME OF BANK.  MANAGER OR  PA.JD-UP  1  HEAD OFFICE.  II  PosT OFFICE AND  NA.ME OF BANK,  /  MA.NA.GEE OR  PAID-UP  HEAD  , ___________ , ___ A_G_E_N_T_,_ _ ,_OA_P_l_T_A_L_. l - - - - - - - - - - u '_ _ _P_o_P_U_L_AT_I_O_N_.- - r - - - - - - - - - - - · r - - - A . _ G _ E N _ T _ ._ _ ,_ C_A.P_I_T_A.L_, - - --  POPULATION.  1  Ste. Ursule ________ 201sfLa Banque Provinciale du Can. Phil. Baril_ _________ ---·-------- Montreal  St. Valentin _______ /WO La Banctue Nationale __________ (Sub. to St. Jean). __________ Quebec  .:Sheenborough ________ 58 La Banque Providentiale du Lawrenc3 Keon _______________ Montreal Canada Sherbrooke ______ 22,000 BAIK OF MONTREAL-------- - - - - - - - - $ 22,000.000 Montreal Surplus 23,531,927  St. Valere de Bulstrode. La Banque Provinciale du Can. C. Richard, Sub. _______________ Montreal 97 St. Valerien. --------150  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA--  A. L. Windsor _____  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----  J.M. Phelan ______  J. A. Letourneau __ ------------ Montreal  Sherrington _________ 450  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA -------  (Sub. to St. Remi) ----------- Montreal  La Banque Provinciale du Can. LaurierHogue,Sub ·----------- Montreal  Sillery _____________ l960  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA _______  Sorel _______________ 8419  BANQUE l'HOCHELAGA-------- (Sub. to Rue St. Jean, Quebec) BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA _______ ll. J. A. Girou____  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA _______  (Sub. to St. Hyacinthe) _______ Montreal  La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to St. Hyacinthe) _______ Quebec  St. Vallier Sta.tion ___ 600 La Banque Provinciale du Can. G. S. Valier.Sub. ___ --------· Montteal Ste. Victoire ______ __l400 La Banuue Nationale _ _ _ _ (Sub. to Sorel) _________________ Quebec Ste. Victor de Trin~. La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub. to St. Evarist e Station) 2561  St. Wenceslas ______ 1685  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA _______  . Zacharie ______ _. 1066 La Banriue St. Zenon ____________ 510  Quebec  (Sub. to Victoriavi l!e)__ ______ Montreal  BANQUE O'HOCHELAGA-------Sacre Coeur _________ goo BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA--- ---Sacre Coeur de Marie __ BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-------St. Zephirin ________ l760  St. lVIichel Des Saints ________ Montreal (Sub. to Nicolet) __ --------- Montreal (Sub. to Rimouski) ------------ Montreal (Sub. to Robertson ville) ______ Montreal  1352  South Durham ______ ll50 StanbridgeE, ________ 600 Stanstead ________ g37 Stoke Center _______ 2400  Sandy Bay _________ 3500 La Banque Rationale _ _ ___  (Sub. to Mont-Joli) ______ Quebec  Branches in  Sherbrooke) • W.P. Rapley,  15,000,000 Toronto  Asst.Mgr.  La Banque Nati.oD&le ___________ A.. E. Couet ________ ________ .., ___ Quebec (3 Branches in Sherbrooke)  (3  Branches in  Sherbrooke)  ------------  Montreal  20,350,000 Montreal  Reserve Funds . 20,789,000  --------- Montreal Montreal  La Banque NationaJe _________ J. R. Broosseau ____ ,_____ Quebec  a tionale - ··--- ____ (Sub. to Beaucevill e) _________ Quebec  BANQUE b'HOCHELAGA _______  CAIIADllll BK. OF COMMERCE E. w. Farweu ____ (3  MOLSOIS BAIi -------------- E. Barnard ________ -----------BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------- F. G. Wadleigh ____ -----------CAIIADIAI BL Of COMMERCE G.D. Harvey_____ 15,000,000 CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE (Sub. to Rock Island) 15,000,000 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to Sh,erbrook e) ----------  Montreal :Montreal Toronto Toronto Montreal  Stornoway ____________ 56 La Banque Nationale _________ (Sub. to St. Evaris te Station) Que bec  Sault an Recollets .1311 La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. S. Robichaud _______________ Montreal  Sully ______________100 La Banque Nationale __________ (Sub to St. Pascal)------------ Quebec  Sawyerville _________ m  Sutton _____________ 1186  BANK OF MONTREAL---------- - - - - - - - - $  22,000,000 Montreal Surplus 23,531.027 Sayabec ____________ 3100 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Nap. Hudon ___________________ Montreal Scotstown ______ 933  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  K. R. Turner------  15,000,000 Toronto  Scott_ ______________ llOl La Banque NationaJe __________ (Sub. to Ste. Marie ___________ Quebec Beauce) Shawinigan Falls ... 9500 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ______ Leonce Beaudry ___ ------------ Montreal  "  ·--------  "  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE D.R. Wilson______ 15,000,000 Toronto La Banque NationaJe __________ J. R. Du~al __________________ Quebec (2 Branches in Shawinigan Falls) ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- o. c. (2 Branches in Shawinigan Fall&.)  Shawvi lle _____________ 715  "  --------  "  Weary_______  Reserve Funds  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------- J. H. Stewart, 9,700,000 A_ct'g Mgr. MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-- E. R. Bayes ________ ------------  Quebec continued on second half of this page.  Halifax Montreal  .  CHADIAI 11. OF COMMEIIE MOLSOIIS BANK-------  T. W. Judd-------  15,000,000 Toronto  V. Barry ____________________ Montreal  Tadoussac ___________ 794 La BanQue Nationale __________ ( La Malbaie) ____________ Quebec Temiskaming ---------Terrasse Vinet. ________ Terrebonne ________ 19110  Thetford Mines ____ 7212  IANK OF MONTREAL ____ __ ------------------ 22,000,000 Surplus 23,531,927 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub.toLongPoint) -----------BANK OF TORONTO _________ B. P. Widdowson __ ----------La Banque ProYinciale du oan. Paul Desjardins _______________ BAH OF ■OITIEAL-------CIIAIIAII 81. OF COMMEICE  Surplus H. E. Green ______ _  Montreal Montreal Toronto Montreal  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,g27 15,000,000 Toronto  La Banque Nationale __________ J. A. Trottier ______ ------------ Quebec  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-- F. w. Clarke-----------------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- J. A. McKendy -··· 20,350,000  THE ROYAL BANK_OF .CANADA- NEW YORK: 68 William Street Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  !::  M.A. Laine ________ ------------ Montreal  . -. -- . .. - - . . ------- .  St. Vallier ----------1278 La Banque Ptovinciale du Can. J. H. Fiset ____________________ :Montreal  St. Vincent de PauU498  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA -------  .  OFFICE. -----I~  Re1-.ierve  Funds  20,789,000  Montreal Montreal  LONDON: Princes St., E. C  -  O'I  Ul  \0  1660  Non-Bank Towns with Near~st Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holtdars, etc, see Laws.  QUEBEC-Continuµd '\,,,  QUEBEC M ap oppos t e M on t rea 1  ,= I ==P=os=-T=O=F=Fl=C=E=A=N=.D===;====N=A!=M=E=O=F=B=ANK==.===;==M=A=~A=G=E=R=O=R==;:=P=A=l=D=-U=P=~========::;;:==P=o=s=T=O=FF=I=CE=..1=.N=D===:============;:=M=A=N=A=G=E=R=OR=::;:==P=A=ID=-=U=P::: :;:======== HF.AD OFFICB. CAPITAL. AGE:-JT, NA.ME 0l" BANK, POPULATION. HEAD OFFICE. CAPITAL. AGENT. POPULA'l'IO"<.  Thetford lliD~ West 2000  CANADIAN BK. OF IOMMERCE  . A. Yaudry,  Acting  $  Vaudreuil Station ___ 300 La BanQue Nationale- •••.•.•• E.A. Caron ___.····-··-· Quebec  15,000,000 Toronto  Yerchcre ··-······ 715  La Banqur. XationaJP __________ ( ub. to ThetfordlJ!ine·). ____ Quebec Thr e River ···- 18,000  BAIIKOF MONTREAL-··-··· ·------·--· Surplus  (2  V rdun.·-·--·--·-11,629  BANK OF MONTREAL-.. ·-···-· - - - - - · · S 22.000.000 Montrrol  VictoriaviUe .. --··· 3028  MOLSONS BANK·- -···-···--··· .J. A. D. DeGrandpr e .......... .\Iontreal BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ........ H. BuU ··--·-•--1----· Montreal  in 'l'hrce Riv~rs>  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E.W. ~1organ -···Brcmches in Three Ri~crs)  15,000,000 Toronto  La BanQuP Nationale.--···-· l ub. to Letourneau) •. ••·-···- Quebec (2 Branches in Three Rivers)  MOLSOAS BANI .. ------· -'-· :Harchand •• ___ 1----1Montreal  MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA W. P. LeMesurier. · · · - - - Montreal MOLSONS BANK-·······--· P. B. Panneton •.. _ -··········· ~fontreal ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-···· G. S. F. Robitaille. 20.3:iO,OGO Montreal  Villa1rn •• ---············· La Banque Nationale ____ (Sub. to Le Palais) · - - · - - Quebec Ville Marie -········850 Ville. t. Pierre .• ___ 850  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ........ ( ub. to Victoria- ·-··-···-·-· Montreal ville)  Warwick- .•••••. _928 La &nque Provinci.a!o du Can. Edl?ar Laliberte __ .·······----· Montreal  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA-··-· CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE MOLSOIS BANK.·-·--···--· Watervillt> ...••••. _ 1052 CAIIADIH BK. OF COMMERCE " "  Troi.-Pi tole -··--·1245 La BanQoe Natlonale .. _ _ _. A. Lechasseur.---i----- Quebec  MOLSONS BANK.---·······- E. L.A. B ·i~hemin · - - - - - · Montreal  ValcourL.-····-·- 1600  CHADIAI BK. OF COMMERCE J. M. Rene de  Cotret  \al Jalberl .-••.••.. _169 La Ram1ur .·a ionah-' --·-····-- ("'nh. to Robena!) \' lll'yficl<l .••.••• _. 9'47  I  15,000,000 Toronto  (BtaticeJuncUonP. 0.)  Qut•l1cc  Windsor·--···-·····22s3 "  in m tmount)  Reserve Funds  CANADIAN BIL OF COMMERCE J.  T. Thomas--···-  15,000,000 Toronto 22,000,000 Montreal 23.531.927 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789.000 15,000,000 Toronto  ·-··-···  •·  CAIADIAI BK. OF COMMERCE J.I. McCabe.--•···  15,000.000 Toronto  La Banque Provinciale du Can. Ernest Godbout._t_._. ___ Montreal  \ ottonvillP •... ···- .... La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. A. Baril. ... _···- ···- ···- -··· Montreal  ationale.-·--····· {Sub. to Ste. Marie---··· Quebec B auce)  Yamachiche .....••. 2950 La BanQue Provinciale da  can.  D.  r,. Desaulniers._·----  Montreal  Yamaska :East-·_ •.•• 69" La BauQae Natlona.le ..... -·-·- (Sub, to Sorel) •••• -·-······-·· Quebec  La 1\anque Provmc1a\ du Can. i\1me Langlms .•• - ···---·----· :Montreal  Va.u<i"i:eu\l ...•...... _.\4A lAt.\\t\\l\,l\'tS.~l\•I.Oftl•lUI\ C. A. Gascon, Acto. ···-···-··· ~onti:ea.\ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  15,000,000 Toronto  \\'oburn .... -··· -··- -··- La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. A. Pfclrinet · ····- ····-·-· Montreal  . A. Marleau_ .•.•. ·-·-··-· Montreal  Ya~~nne -·········::820 BANQUE D'IIOCll~l~GI\ ....... - J. _A. Gagnon~·-···\·-········· Montreal -·-·····  o. A. Tucker··---·  ationale-----····· ( ub. to herbrook e) __ ·-······ Montreal  (2 BrancheH  helforL .••. 363  15,000.000 Toronto  H. H. Ktddleton · - ·--·· ____ Montreal  :Vickham We•, t ·-·· .•.. La Banque Provinciale du Can. Napoleon Girard .• ···········- Montreal  La Banque Nationale·------··· Alb. Desrochers··-·---···----· Queb Valley Junctton .. _._1300 La Banque  R.R. Bachand-·-···----·-·-·- Montreat J.E. Thompson...  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. Lemay. _ __ We tmounL ....• 14,579 BANK OF MONTREAL-....... __ Surplus ROYAL BAIK OF CANADA ..... Geo. Kydd _ _ _ .. - - - " We t  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ........ B. Fortier---·-~-··-·····-· Montreal La BanQue Provinciale d• Clan.  " "  Weedon .........••• 2000  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA .. ---·· (. ub. to .Mont Laur ier) •••• - •• ~fontreal ationale ..•..••..• ( ub. to Mont Laur ier)_ .•..... Quebec  ···-···· --  La Banque  Uoton •---···-··746 La Banque Natiouale.---·---· (Sub. to St. ElYAcin tbe) _ .••.•• Quebec La Banque  BAMQUE D'HOCHELAGA -··--·· A. P. Donai · -····· ···--······ Montrral,  \ aterloo ••..•.•••.• 1881  Trine Junction .•.••• _50 La Banque Nationale ...• ·-···· (Sub. to Ste. Marie. _______ Quebec Beauce)  \'al Brillant •---_.Jg04 La Banque Provinciale u Can. 'l'lH•o. Lavallee···-····--··-· ~Iontreal  J, H. Geotrror---· ·----1Montreal  Wakefield •••.•••••.. 350 La Banque Nationale •••• -····· Ed. Blain .. ···--·-- · - - - - Quebec  Tourville •..••..•••• __ 50 La Banque Nationale-..•...•. C- ub. to Armagh) - - - - · · - Quebec  Val Barrette ••••.••••• 25  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA .... _  Ville 8t. Leonard ..•.••. La Bauque Nationale -··•····· (Sub. to Mont Roy al)_ ..••••.. Montreal  20,78!1,000  Thurso -··-·- ...•.•. 601 La Banque Provinciale du Can. E. Patry·······-·-·-··-···-··· Montreal TinE'wick •. _ ·-·-····2150  1'.urplus 23,531.927 Home Bank of Canada _ _ _ 0. M. Chapelle_ ••• ·---··-·· ·roronto  La Banque Provinciale du can._ J. E. Trottier ••••.. 1----1Montreal  , La Banque Prorincla.le du Can. Nap. Alarie •••••••• ·····-··- lfontreal  Reserve F'uncfa  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ........ (Sub. to \'arenncs) · - · - - - Montreal La Banoue ProYinciale du Can. P. Pigeon.·-··--··· _____ 1Montreal  22.000 oco Montreal ~3.531.!J27  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA .......- F. M. Marcotte .... -··----· Montreal (2 Branches  """"  O'I  g  I  11  You,i\le._····-···--···- BANQUE D'HOCHElAGA --··- Yill ray··········-···········- Montreal " .. La Banw Proyincia\e>,lt1 Can. D. H. Fortier ...... ·····-······ Montreal -·-·1  """" \0 ~  Banks A.dvert\s\ng g\ve Prom-pt Attention to Co\\ect\ons and Correspondence J';::'  \Sanks A.dvert\s\ng g\ve Prom\)t A.ttent\on to Co\lect\ons and Correspondence Noa-Bank Tawna with Nearest Bazddng (Ia-  166] :gfu8ffie~cc;i/'1ft':l:f8ka~:.8J1:/f3!~~  f:tc.~aJ! 'fa:V'::='  !  I I  ST. PIERRE ET MIQUELON  c'  1  ===================================================================================I« g1,fTfi. POBT OFFICE.  NA.ME OF BANK.  (,  MA.NA.GER OR A.GENT.  Saint Pierre (Pop . .'>!129) .Banaue des Iles, St. Pierre et Miquelon ________ ·-----·-·- Prosper Ozorn. General Mur. ____  "  -----  "  SASKATCHEWAN POST OFFICE AND POPULATION.  HEAD OFFICE.  ··--·--- $ 125,000 Corre~pondents: Laz:1rd lfreres, and Guaranty Tr. Co .• N. Y.; Rest 337,700 Bk:. of Montreal, Quebec. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE-···--------·-·-·-------- R. B. Sturgeon--·-···-·-·-·-----·------·----··----···------ 15,000,000 Toronto ·  PilD-UP CAPITAL.  llANAGltR OR  NA)[Jt 01' BANJr.  AGENT.  HEAD OFFICE.  AbbeY---·-·--------200 UNION BANK OF CANADA - - A. E. Mi campbell · · - - - - Winnipeg Aberdeen--·-··-·· 300 Bank of Hamilto11-••••••·----·· H. Sutherland __ ---·-·-·-· Hamilton Abernethy··--··-- 252 Bank of Hamilton-··--····-··· A. w. Brereton_ ••• -----··--· Hamilton  PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  SASKATCH BW AN Map on Index ·canada NAME OP BANK.  Aylesbury.:.·---·---- 100 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA -  KA.NAGER OK AGENT.  P.H. Playfair,  Reserve Fund.'-1  Balcarros._.-·---· 348 BANK OF MONTREAL ..--·-· ----·--·-·--Surplus  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ..... R. W. Bohren  Reserve Funds  PAID-UP CAPITAL.  HEAD OFFICE.  $ 20.350,000 Montreal  20,789,000  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531.927 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Admiral.. .•••••••• -. 100 CAN ADI All BK. OF COMMERCE J. F. BerrY -··-·-·- S 15,000,000 Toronto  Ba!goniC-.---···- 368 Imperial Bank of Ganada __ ··-·- J. Currie •• ·-·-···-···---- Toronto  Alameda-----···-·-·2S3 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.·-·- N. Tamblyn ··--·--  Banior ---··--···---·105 BANK OF MONTREAL--···-··- --·-----···-·--·--·· 22,000.000 Montreal Surplus 23,531,927 Bateman·-··-·-------··5 BANK Of TORONTO --·---·-·- A. J. Maheu----···-----·-· Toronto  Reserve Funds  20,3.:i0,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Alida_··----·-··-··---50 UNION BANK OF CANADA·-·- J. W.Fra er....... A.llan_·-·--··-------139 ROYAL BANK Of CANADA-···· R.  w. Hicks----·  Reserve Funds  Winnipeg 20.350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Alsask_··········---·600 UNION BANK OF CANADA----- W.W. Hunter ••••• --···--·-· Wmnipeg Amulet.-····---···-·· 50 Home Bank of Canada _ _ _ (Sub. to Khedive). - - - · · · Toronto Aneroid .·--·--··--··150 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- A. W. Gunn·-·--  Reserve Funds  20.350.000 Montreal 20,789,000  Antler ---·-------·-150 MERCHANTS Bit OF CANADA. R. Wells·····-·····-·----·- Montreal Arcola----··-···---·794 MERCHANTS Bit OF CANADA - G. C. Burbidge--·--·-··---··- Montreal  UNION BANK OF CANADA ......  o. D. Walker---·-··-··---··  Winnipeg  Ardath---·---·-·-·-·100 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-..- F. Wood·--·-·---Ardill •••• ·---··-·-·-·  20,350,000 Montreal Re.~erveFunds 20.789,000 Weyburn Security Bank---·--· M. J. Mongeon---··----------- Weyburn  Arran ---···-······· 150 BAIK Of TORONTO. - - - W. :M:arshalL--···· --·-·-·- Toronto Asquith..------·····-·300 UNION BANI OF CANADA ...-- G. B. Mc Oormick - - - - - · · - Winnipeg Assiniboia ----···--1039 BANK OF TORONTO ·--··----·· V. D.  ..  -·----  "  UNION BAIK OF CANADA-·--·  w. E.  s. Teney -  - ····-·-···-- Toronto  Atwater.··----·------ 57 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----· R. H,_f:;~;:!'.F!~  Saskatchewan eonUa ued on second half of tbls page.  .  BANK OF MONTREAL--··-·-- ·---·----·- -· 22,000,000 Montreal Surplus 23,531,927 Battrnm -------·-··--50 Home Bank of Canada-·-·-·-· (Sub. to Gabri)_. __ --····--·-·· Toronto Beatty ··-·-··-· ···-·--25 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. T. Beattie ·····-  Bethune .•••• ·-·-···125 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-··-- C. Crawforu ····---  "  ----  "  Reserve Fim<UI  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000,ooo Toronto  Reserve Funds  20.350.000 Montreal 20,789,000  s. H. Curran·----·ROYAL BANK Of CANADA·-·- c. H. L. Smith.....  Biggar·-·-··---·-·---830 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  Birch Bills.Prince Albert CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. H. Munroe •••• __ 350  15,000,000 Toronto  Birsay ---·--·-------.25 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA--···- D. A. NicoL •••• -. Ruerve Funds  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Bladworth •••• _______ 200 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-·--· James Gavin·--·-·  20.350,000 .Montreat 20,789,000  Reserve Funds  Blaine Lake ________ ._225 CANADIAN Bl. OF COMMERCE  c. Mackenzie, Act'u  m  hop,  Acting  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax  Borden ···-------·--·150 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA--··- L. M. Watson_····-  Resen;e Funds  15,000,000 Toronto 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Bounty ··--------.. 100 UNION BANK OF CANADA--·- A. B.Morden,Act'o --···----· Winnipeg Bredenbury_. __ ·----150 BANK OF TORONT0---- 1W, V. Galbraith ___ - · - · - - Toronto  THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - BRANCHES in ever Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  15,000.000 Toronto  Bengough---·-·-·---aoo CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Wm. Rowland, 15,000,000 Toronto 12-507 Acting Benson ·-··-···-·-···-60 Weyburn Security Bank·--·-- J. 0. Robertson·-··········-- Weyburn  Bowen.__ --·---·· Winnipeg  Weyburn Security Bank--···- J.E. Johnson .•_._-···-··-·-· Weyburn Avonlea--·--------·· 350 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA--···-- R.H.  Battleford __ ·-·--·-·1436 Bank of Hamilton_······-·-···· R. M. Ecclestone __ - · · - - - - Hamilton  PROVINCE OF  CANADA from Coast to Coast  -~  1662  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volu me. For Interest Rates, Holidays ~ Laws.  P osT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  NAME OF B ANK.  SASKATCHEWAN-Continued  }I.AN.AGER OR AGENT.  PAID-UP OAPITAL,  liEAD OFFICE.  SASKATCHEWAN Map on Index Canada  P o sT OFFICE AND  NAME OF BANK.  POPULATION.  ,-----------  MANAGER OR .A.GENT.  15.000.000 Toronto  Chur chbridge _________ 90 BANK OF TORONTO----------  c. C. Eddy _________  Broadview ----------702 Imperial Bank or Canada _______ V. J. Mann ____________________ Toronto  Coderre ______________ 27 Bank of Hamilton _____________  w. J.  Briercrest ________ 225 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. R . Cromarty ___ _  Brock _______________ 275 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ----- w. A. Rowat__ ___ _ Ile erve lt'lmds Broderick __________ ISO CANADIAN BC OF COMMERCE F. P. Boyce ______ _  20,350,000 Montreal 20,78ll,o00 15,000,000 Toronto  MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA L. II. Livesley,Pro. ____________ Montr eal _ _ _ _ Winnipeg  Buchanan ________ 325 UNION BANK OF CANADA ____ R. L. Sisson ____________________ Winnipeg Bulyea _______________ l53 UNION BANK OF CANADA ----- L. Tosh, Acting ____ ___________ Winnipeg Burstan ________________ STA DARO BANK OF CANADA. J, P. Duguid. ______ ------------ Toronto CabrL ______________ 500 Home Bank of Canada _________ J , H. "Morrison ___________ Toronto  UNION BANK OF CANADA ----- E. V. Wahn---------------Oadillac - _________ 125 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ________ J. N. Lalande _____ -------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- J. L. McNabb ______ 20,350,000 Reserve Funds 20,789,000 22,000.000 Calder ________________ 76 BANK OF MONTREAL--------Surplus  PAID-UP _C_A_P_I_TAL_._  HEAD OFFICE. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1  ------------ Toronto  Wilton ________________ Hamilton  Coleville ____________ 52 UNION BANK OF CANADA ------ J.E. P. Gibb, ActQ. _ ____________ Winnipeg  Bromhead ___________ 190 BANK OF MONTREAL--------- --------------- 22,000,000 Montreal Sur plus 23,531,927 I Brownlee ____________ l71 Bank or Hamilton ___________ Wm. Milroy __________________ Hamilton Bruno _____________ 125 UNION BANK OF CANADA- --- F . W. Schramm.  I  Col2'ate ______________ 150 Weyburn Security Bank _______ II. W. )farsh ______ Oolonsay _____________ 125 BANK OF TORONTO------ M.  1------------ Weyburn  s. Hargreaves __  ------------ Toronto  20,350,000 .Montreal ConQuest__ __ ------- 225 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ----- R. Jard:ne_________ 20,i89,000 Reserre 1''unds Corniield --------------- MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA------------------ __ J. G. RappelL ____ ------·------ Montreal 20,350,000 Montreal C. A. neath-----Craik ________________ 530 ROYAL BAIIK Of CANADA-20,780,000 Reserve Funds  UNION BANK OF CANADA------ R. Callard________ ----------- Winnipeg Craven --------------- 74 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA T. F. Brundage--.. ------------ Toronto Creelman ___________ l 50 Weyburn Security Bank. ____ J. D.. I. )[cLean _______________ Weyburn  Winnipeg Montreal :.\Iontreal Montreal  23,531,927  CJando _______________ 40 lmperial Bank of Canada _____ T. :.\1. Benn tt. ____ - - - - - - Toronto Canor:1 _______ 1200 CANADIAII BK. OF COMMERCE D. s. Dunn ________ 15,000,000 Toronto DOMINION BANK --. ___________ J. F. Luck, Pro ________________ Toronto  Cudworth __ --------- 240 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. Marshall •. -----  15,000,000 Toronto  Cupar -------------- 300 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ----- A. )lc,\llcn________ Reserve B'unds  20,350,1,00 Montreal ?O,i89,000  UNION BANK OF CANADA ---- __ s. G. Renouf ______ ------ ---- Winnipeg Cut Knife ___________ 125 UNION BANK OF CANADA ------ H. c. Brankin ----- --------- Winnipeg Dafoe _____________ 35 Imperial Bank of Canada ______ H.J. Morgan ______ ----------- Toronto  UNION BANK OF CANADA------ \. E. Ivey------- -- ------------ Winnipeg Canwood ____________ 60 lmpnial Bank of Canada ____ P.R. Carter ______ ------------ Toronto  Darmody _______ 50 Weyburn Security Bank ______ P. M. Husby _______ ------------ Weyburn  Carievale ___________ 1 8 Bank or Hamilton ______________ A. T. Taylor ______ ------------ Hamilton Carlton _________________ rmperial Bank of anada. ____ ( ub. to Laird) ________________ Toronto  Davidson ____________ 400 BANK OF MONTREAL ----------  Oarlyle _____________ 35s UNION BANK OF CANADA------ H. A. Keown ______ ----------- Winnipeg armil'hal'I ____________ ftn11Prial Bank of  ana<la____  (Sub. to Tompkin.)------------ Toronto  Carndutr ___________ -469 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA _ L J. ichol. Actg. ------------ Montreal Caron _______________ 300 Bank of Hamilton______________ . D. Gillam _______ ------ ______ Hamilton Carruthers __________ 25 UNION BANK OF CANADA------ R. L. Leach------------------- Winnipeg Central Butte ________ l50 CANADIAN BK. Of COMMERCE R. J. Forbe _______ 15,000,000 Toronto Ceylon _____________ 150 BAIK OF MONTREAL ----------  Snrolus  22.000,000 Montreal 23,531,927  Chamberlain ____ __ __ 100 RO'( l\l Bl\lll OF Cl\111\DI\ ____ H.W .wnson,Act,no 20,350,000 Montreal R eserue Fttndls 20,789,000 Chati\in __ _ _________ iso BH" Of lOt\OlllO-- ---- ----- . F."D rager _______ \_________ Toronto Sa. ka.tcb.e-wa.n cont\u ued on second b.a.\t ot t.b.\.s Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  l)a.~e  ·  urpl11.~  22,000.000 Montreal 23,531.92i  ROYAL BUK OF CANADA ---- R. ll. Lockward---  20,350,000 Montreal 20,7 !J,000 Reserve 1:l'unds D bden _______________ 125 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA _______ A. Lapointe _______ - - - - - - .Montreat  Delisle --------------450 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. A. Stuart_______  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA _____ Jas. F. McMillan__  Reserve Funds  lo,000,000 Toronto 20,350,000 Montreal 20,i89,000  Denholm ____________ 55 Imperial Bank of Canada ______ R. P. Schurman ____ ------------ Toronto DenziL ______ -------- 90 ROY AL BANK Of CANADA ---- R. H. A. Lacey---Reserve Fund  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  'Banks A.dvert\s\.n.~ ~\ve Prom-pt A.1:.1:.en.1:.ion. 1:.o Co\.\.ection.s  {~  Ban.ks A.dvert\s\tig g\.ve Pro~~t. A.t.t.ent.'i.on '-o '-  \ \ \§ Co\.l.ect.ions and Correspondence  Non-Bank Towns wfth Nearest; Banking Point; (In-  1663  :~~8ffie--:1"c'jJ;},r:te-;:S't'J1a~:,sJ~jfJ;;:; %/:c.~~~t <fa:;11:  SASKATCHE'W"AN-Continued  SASKATCHEWAN Map on Index Canada  c  = P=o=s=T=O=F=F=1.=cE= .AN= D =1: =;===N = AME ==O=F=B=ANK========1:;===M=AN=A.=G=ER=O=R=::::;/=P=A.I=D=-u=P={:;:==H=E=A.D=O=FF=rc=E===,/==P=o=sT=O=F=F=rc=E=A=N=D==;=,===N=A.=ME==OF=B=A.N=K=.===;==M=A.N=A.G=ER==O=B=1:;:=P=A.=ID=-=U=P==::::;:==H=E=A.D==O=FF=I=cE=.==lgPoPuLA.TION. • AGENT. OA.PITA.L. • POPULATION. .AGENT. CAPITAL. -  1 - - - - - - - - -1 1 · ~ - - - - - - -  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- T. G. Harper----··---·-------Dinsmore·-··-···-·· 120 UNION BANK Of CANADA ..... G. R. Metcalfe·-·--··-------·· Dodsland·-·--·-----·52 ROYAL BANK Of CANADA.---- I. A. Joudrey·-·--· $ 20,350,000 Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Dollard----··-----····75 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ....... John Moreau •••••• --·--··----.. ---·--- " MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA E. J. '1atte, Actino ·----- -- ---Domremy -·-------- 75 BANK OF MONTREAL ......-- __ ----··-·-- 22,000,000 Surplu~ 23,531,927 Donavon----·-·-····· 10 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA·- (Sub. to Delisle) .. _ 20,350,0GO Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Drake •. ··-- ·····---·-66 UNION BANK OF CANADA·--·. L. J. Walley -·-··· -···--·-·--· Drinkwater·--·-·-· •• 225 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. G. Maynard._.. Dubuc······----···· 184 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... J. L. Mackee_···-· 20,350.000 Rese1-ve Fun as 20,789,000 Duck Lake ---·--·-- 768 BANK OF MONTREAL--·····-·- ____ ·---·-···· 22,000,000 Surplus 23,531,927 Duff -·-··-·-···------30 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA .A. s. J. Galloway .. ·-··--·----Dummer••• ·--··-·····85 UNION BAIIK OF CANADA.--- B. T • .Anderson--······--·----· Dunblane--···· -•..• -40 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... H.F. Clark, Acting 20,350,000 Dilke--------··-·---100  ----1--------  Toronto  Estevan--····-···--2140 Bank of Hamilton ••.·-········· L. J. Robb·-·---··-···--·--· Hamilton  Winnipeg  Montreal  BANK OF MONTREAL·--·--UNION BANI OF CANADA ..-.. EstliD----···· --····· .25 DOMINION BANK----··-· Eston·-··--···--·-·--75 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. Estuary·-···-··_---· 400 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA.  Montreal  Expanse.·-··-·--·-.400 Weyburn Security Bank-····· M. J. Monfeon ·--· ··-·-··--·-- Weyburn  Winnipeg  Eyebrow ...•·--·---· 250  Toronto  Fenwood___ ... ··----· 75  Montreal l\1ontreal Montreal  ··-··-·--·--·····-· $ 22,000,000 Montreal  Surplus 23,531.927 A. E. F. Maclean·--··--- Winnipeg  (Sub. to Regina)·--·--·-··-·-· Toronto H.  w. Herner--·····-·-·-··-·-  Toronto  W. E. Reid···-··-··----··---· Toronto  011101 BANK OF CANADA.·-··· John Wilson····-···-·------· Winnipeg MERCHANTS.SK. OF CANADA (Sub. to GoodeveL ·-----·--·-- Montreal  .Montreal  Fielding·-···---···--·g8 Imperial Bank of Canada •.•-. J. D. McGillivray .. ····-··-···- Toronto  Montreal  Jr'lllmore •••• ·--····· 217  E. B. Ramsay ••• -•. ·····-·-·-- Winnipeg  Montreal  Fiske .•. ---· •. ·---·--100  H • .A. Johnston···-  UNION BAIK Of CANADA.·-·-CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE. Flaxcombe •• ·-··--·· 125 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA B'lemin£. ··-···----·267 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA -···  Winnipeg  15,000,000 Toronto  R. F. Gray, Acting ·-·---·-···· Montreal  Montreal Re-~erve Fu,nas 20. 789,000 Dundurn •• --·-·--· 239 Bank of Hamilton ••••••. -····-· H . .A. IlarveY--···· -··--···-··- Hamilton  c. H. Wilson....... 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Foam Lake.-·--·-··300 Imperial :&.nk of Canada·-··-- F. L . .Appleton ••_.. -----·-···- Toronto  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA·-·· H. c. Kent_ _____ .. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ..-. T. Reserve Funds Dysart----······120 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... L. w. Lyons_····-· Reserve ltund.s Earl Grey _····-···-··245 ROYAL BANK Of CAIADA·---· E. I. Vickers--···-  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 Fort Qu'Appelle .. _. 285 Imperial Bank of Oanada ••·--· N. E. Rose ••... ____ ·-·-··-··-·· Toronto  "  ---·-  "  20,350,000 Montreal  l:f::;gf/:~~-~~ ~~'.~~f~~i Montreal 20,789,000  Duval-······-·-·-··· 75  R~serve JJ'unds  Forget··-·---······ .267  20,350.000 Montreal 20,789.000 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  ·-····--  "  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA -·-· .A. Cumming .••.. -. Reserve Funds ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.-- s. Ferguson-·-···-  Francis.·---··· .•.• 263 Bank of Hamilton .• -··--·-··-·· R. F. Heuser ·--··· -··-··--·-· Hamilton B'robisher --·-·· _-··- 150  East End--------·--· 400 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA. J. Houston, Acting----···-····- Montreal  ..  \0  ~  MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA A.H. O'Brien ··-·· --··--·--- Montreal  Froude •••• ·--·--····-50 Weyburn Security Bank·····- H. R. AlmquisL.-•••••••••••.• Weyburn  UNION BANK OF CANADA·--·· P. G.Wood, Actmg _ _ _ .., •• Winnipeg  MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA J. McDonald.Acting·-----······ Montreal BANK OF MONTREAL-·--··-· ·---··----· 22,000.000 Montreal Surplus 23,531.927 Glenavon.·-·-·····-·200 BANK OF TOROIITO .--·····--·· F. c. Millard•• __ •• ··-····-·-·· Toronto  Gainsb8ro02h........ 247  Eaton._.-·-··----·--·  UNION BANK OF CANADA----· R. o. J. ?11:acKnight ---·-·····- Winnipeg  Edam -----··-·-----·118  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE .A.R. Graham_·-··  Edenwold·-··-···--· 30 Imperial Bank of Canada •• __ •• Elbow ••••.•• -·-···-- 300  15,000,000 Toronto  .r. W. Thompson_ .. ··---··-·-·  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. L. Waters __ ··-·  Toronto  Glenside •• -··-····-·- 100 Universal Securities Corpora- L.A. Mann ..•••-.• ···-----···· Outlook tion Glidden.--··-··----··40 BANK OF TORONTO-.. - - - c. Thomson .••••.. -···--·-···· 'l'oronto  15,000,000 Toronto  Goodeve .••. _••••• ·--· 75  B. N, Mead.·-·-----·--····-·- B. N. Mead.-.-··· -··---··--· Correspondent: Minpls. Elfros --··-·····--··-207 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. B. Dalton ___ •·•· 15,000,000 Toronto  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA·-·· R. s. Macdonald ••• Reserve Funds Elstow -······-···-·· 114 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE w. T. Hamilton_. __ Elrose_ --·-·-·····  Girvin •••••••••.•.... 100  20,350.000 Montreal 20,789,000 15,000,000 Toronto  Eskbank •••• __ -·-··-25 Bank of Hamilton--·-·---··-· E. A. Warnock--····------··-- Hamilton Kster.11azr---········ 258  MER CHANTS BK. OF CANADA  E . .Aquil on, Act-ing. - - - · . . Montreal  1st N., Goodwater·-·-·---·-· 75 Weyburn Security Bank·-·-··· R. J. Hunt-·-·-···----·····-· Weyburn  UNION BANK OF CANADA-···· F. D. McKenzie ___ .··--··---··· Winnipeg  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ..... UNION BANK OF CANADA ... _._ Gravelbourr ••••••• 1000 BANK OF TORONTO·-··---·· " ·-····· " BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ........ UNION BANK OF CANADA·--··-  Govan·-··-·-·····--· 500  H. H. lnfram .. -...  20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Fund.s 20,789,000 A.G. Mc.Alpine_•.. ····--···--- Winnipeg  M. L. Mafee .• ____ . ···-·-·-··-· Toronto P. st . .Arnaud. ___ ··--·-·-· Montreal  -  E.G. Parsons -···· -·---···-·-· Winnipeg  0,  Saakatchewan contln ued on second half of tWs pase. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  O'I  w  K OF CANADA -Prom t attention to  ---·~· ----=  • =--  --  ·-----  .  -  ---  -  -----  EST-- NDIES  ----· -  - -~ -  -  -~  -  CoLLECTIONS IN. ANA~A -AND  -  -- -  -------- - . . . . . . - . - - - · - .-  ---c..._-_;:_  -·  - -  Non-Ba nk Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In•  1664  ~~f~!/<:%}·.~~=::rsn!'te':. ii1gi~~~1i. ~~('~a~:e ~~ 8  SASKATCHEWAN- Continued  SASK ATCHEWAN on Index Canada  PosT OFFIC"E "'" -:-1_:__---==N =--"'-= M=E=o=J/'= B = AN = x: =.= = ~ = = M=AN = A=o=ma = o=B= ~cP=~=1= I>T=l;!' ==;=j= = H==== = == rr11==P=o=sT=O=F=F=IC=E=AN =n===;:====N== .M =E= o= - =B=.=..,_====;==M=A=N=A.=o=E=n=o=R= =P=A=1=0-=u=p= ==::::::;;===== =I PoPULATIO!';. A GlilNT. ~1 EAD 0 FFICE. PoPUL.~TION. AGENT. CAPITAL HEAD OFFICE. ft  A.  ,,  -·-·  - - -- - - - - -  Gray. ___ __ --·· .... . .. 45 Grayson ••.••••.•.... 197  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA A. F. Allin . _____. - - - · · · Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. - w. B. McIntosh.  Acting  Re11erve F'unas  $ 20,360,000 Montreal  20,789,000  BANK OF TORONTO-.. - - - H. L. Knight ...•.• - - · · · Toronto GrenfelL--······ · ·920 DOMINION BANK-----······ A. V. Miller •• _____ ·-·-·--- Toronto MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA E.W. Alexander •• - - - · · Montreal  Graytown ..••..••...•.•.  Griffin._-··· ..•... 109 Weyburn Security Bank . _____ • W. J . Reid _  UNIOII BANK OF CANADA ..... MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA UNIOR BANK OF CANADA ·---Ha:trord ••...••••.••. . 150 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Guernsey ..•.••....•• 12ii  Gull Lake ..•..••... . 000  Hyas ------··-····-·-"O  I Indian Head •••••••• 1595 BAH OF MOITIEAL .. - ----"  J. D. M.  treet, - - ------- Winnipeg .4.ctg. D. B. White . __ .. 1- - - - 1Montreal  H:1.lbrii:?hL .•• . ..•• .. 239 We:rburn Security Bank _ _ _ A.. G . .bmstronr _ --·-·-- Wey burn  I  20,350,000 lfontreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 1Sterlinl? Bank of Canada.·-··· G. A. Patter on --· ··------·-· Toronto  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA·-··· Hatton ..•••.•.•••••• 200 UNION BANK OF CANADA -----Hawarde n . •••••. • - . . 200 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Hazenmore ••..••.• •. 250 UNION BANK OF CANADA ......  Harri.---···· ..•. 250  W.J. Laurie -···--· 20.350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,780,000 H. w. Clark···-··· ----·-·-·· Winnipeg Wm. Bullock··---- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Kelfteld --· _ _ _ 120  1  U"\Qll t!.~llt.. Qf C~ll~U~ ·--- L. G. Calder ____ ····-·-·---· Wmn\iie ~  20.350,000 Montreal 20,789.000 22,000.000 Montreal 23,531.927  1i1roy __________________ Winnipeg  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA . c. L. Bridger-····-·-···· ·--··· Montreal 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 22,000.000 Montreal 23,531,927 15,ooo.uoo Toronto ··-··-··--· Winnipeg  22,000,000 Montreal .!3,531,027 15,00o,ooo Toronto  UNIOII BANK OF CANADA ...... .T. D. Pat on .. .... .. ------·---- Winnipeg  II Kelvinfton ••••••••••• 20 CAtfADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A.H. Weltin,Surplus Actu.  22.000.000 Montreal 23,531.927 15,000,000 Toronto  Sterlinf Bank of Canada _____ • ll. P. Lyne .. •••••• - - - · · · Toronto  ROYAL BAIIK OF CAIIADA .. -.. BANK OF TOROIITO ·--·--·----Kerrobert •••.....••• 571 CA!IADIAI BK. OF COMMERCE UNION BANK OF CANADA -·--·· Keystown ••.••...•.•• 25 ONION BANK OF CANADA ..... Kenaston •••••••••.. 100  I  Kennedy •••••••••.•• 100  He rb rL •••• . .• _._1014  Mt\\Cll"1'lS 8Mll Of Cl1'lDl A. M. McG\ashan . . ------- -· 11ontreal  $ 15.000,000 Toronto  22.000,000 Montreal Surplus 23,531,1127 Keeler ••••••••••.•••• 75 Bank of Hamilton ... --·-···· c. A. Stuart · -----··-··--·-·· Hamilton  15,000,000 Toronto  CANADIAII BK. OF COMMERCE J.B. Smith........ 15,000,000 Toronto UNIOII BANK OF CAIIADA ---- A. A. May, Actino•• ·--·-- ·--· Winnipeg Horse he 1_. ·--· _. . .. 80 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ..... -········· ·····----· 20,350,000 Montreal Re,,jerve Funds 20,780,000 Hoclgeville . ••....•••. 40 BANK OF TORONTO ····-····· W. IL MacDonald ..... .. .• •.. • Toronto Iloey ••. -··-· ..••••••• 25 BANQUE O'HOCHELAGA ........ J. G. Duchesneau •. - - - - · Montreal lloldfa ·t.. .......... 204 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ..... D. F. Duke........ 20,350,000 :Montreal Reserve Fi.mds 20,789,000 llowelL .•- •••... •• 122 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ·--·--· Emile Beaudry •••• • · - - - Mon real Hubbard ..••••••••... 75 BANK OF MONTREAL-.. •----- ·-····-····----·-·· 22,000,0001Montreal Surplus 23,531,lm H~hton- ••..••.••• 120 UNION BANK OF CAIIADA ..-. A. E. Holme • Acto. ·--·---- 1Winmpeg Humboldt.·--····-· 2300~ANQUE 'HOCHEUGA.------ E. J. Brodeur...•.. -------·· \Montreal CUADIH BK. OF COMMERCE A. F. Mcconkey. . . 15,000,000 Toront o  UNIOI BAIi OF CAIIDI - ___ J.  I Kelliher---·-- --·····283 BANK OF MONTREAL- .·-·-·  H.  . Richard on. -----·----- Winnipeg A ctino Hepburn-···-··· · - •• 75 Imperial Bank of Canada___ ·-· J. L. Zacharias .... - - - · - · Toronto  Surplus  ROY AL BANK OF CANADA --·· H. S. F. Cunningham Ruerve Fund& BANK OF MONTREAL _ _ - - - - - - Surplus •• - · " CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. T. Rand........ Jansen •••••••.••••.• 100 UNION BANK OF CANADA ..... A. Griffin, Actino Kamsack---······· 1200 BANK OF MONTREAL......... .. .. Surplus ........ CAIIADllll BX. OF COMMERCE J. D. Andras. -..... Kandahar --········97 BANK OF MONTREAL . ........  15,000,000 Toronto  ROYAL BANK OF CANAnA .. .. _ J. A. Wilton . ......  1j;~!~ncis  !tuna ••• ---· ••.•••••• 94  J.M. MacLean . ...• ·-----·----- Winnipeg  Handel.. ••...... . •••• 23 Imperial Bank ot Canada ....• J. F. MacKay •.•... - - - · · · Toronto  "  R.  Inver may_ ·-·····--75  1  Ilafue •••• · - · · · ·· - 30-1 lmt>eri&l Bank of Canada·----· G. S. BempeL _ _ -----·-- Toronto  Hanley •..• --·-···· · ···-  ---  Inst ow·····--··········  _ _ ·-·----- Weyburn  c. Hess.·-···--···  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE M. D. Smith.•.•...  I Imperial ~---·····375 ROYALBANK OF CANADA .....  I  E. Austman........ 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 J. D. Murray •.•••. ·--·--·-·· Toronto A. E. Kuhn·· - ··-··  15,000.000 Toronto  M. W. Gordon.-•• ·------· Winnipeg (Sub. to Pense) ••• - - - · · · Winnipeg  Khedive ·--····· . .. 30 Home Bank of Canada •.•••••• H. I. haw · -·-··----···Toronto  I Kincaid •••••. .•••••. 250 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Andrew Smith..... Kindersley ·----··-· 1139  "  -----  "  I Kinistino -------····166 I Kinle:r ••••••.••• __ •.•. 75 Kiplinr •• -••. .••.••.• 237  CHADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE UIIIOI BANK OF CANADA ... -· BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ....... MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ..... BANK OF TORONTO------·---·· MERCHANTS BANK OF CAHDA  G. H. Winstanley· ~ J,  15,000,000 Toronto 15,000,000 Toronto  C. Hunter-···-· ······----·· Winnipeg  O. Wel sh ....... ...  9,700,000 Halifax  c. Mcintosh,Actinc, · · · - - - liontreal S. A. Maddocks_... 20,350,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 C. E. saarujP--·-·- ··-··--··-·· Toronto  Kisbey ·-···-- --· · ····395 W. H . Bruce.- •••• ·---·-··--·· !11:ontreal \ \ Kronau···-- · · ··· -···90 StlMDlRD Bl11K Of Cl11lDl. J . S. McNabb ...• •. - ----· ----- Toronto \  ;  i  ,_. 0  POST OFFICE A.ND PoPULA.TIO'S.  MANAGER OR •  NAME OF BANK.  Krydor ______________ 75 Imperial Bank of Cirnada _____ J. A. )IcDonaJd  BANK OF TORONTO----------- c.  L1fleche _____________ 200  !BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA -------  1  P,1.ID-UP  CAPITAL  AGENT.  ~  ---1----: ______  PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  HEAD OFFICE.  4  UIIIOII BAH OF CANADA------ R. E. Mundell _____ Leney _______________ 96  C. E. LaFlamme ___ ----------- Montreal  BANK OF CANADA W. D.  Le lie ---- ___________ 126  Toronto  Rutherford, \- - - - - - Montreal Actino  Lancer--------··-- ____ 150 1ROYAL (Caesar1'ille P. 0.)  BANK OF CANADA ----- J.E.  Landi. _______________ 103 I UNION Lang _________ ___ 301  ''  ---- -  "  Langen burg ________ 220 La.n~ham ____________ 386  Tanner_______  Rei;eroe Funds  BANK OF CANADA ------ P. R. PRUDENTIAL EX. CO., LTD, .. _I I. H.  Uren _____ _  Re8erve Funds  Lanigan ______________ 3g2 Laporte ______________ 10 Lashbnrn------------235 Laura ____ ----------- 100 Lawson _____________ 125  20.350.000 Montreal 20,7 9,000  UNION BANK OF CANADA------ c. Turnour UNION BANK OF CANADA ----  I  l  "  D. Mitchell, Actino ------------ Montreal E. H. D. Parker ___ !____________ Winnipe2  Rueroe 1.i'und8  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Lloydmin ter _______ 788  CAIIADIAN Bl. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ____  s. Bruce, _____ _  15,000,000 Toronto  Winnioeg Toronto  H.  20.350,000 Montreal 20.7, 9,0LO 20,~5 0,L 0o Montreal RPxerve F'und1:< 20, , 89. 000 Lore burn ___________ 135 Bank of Hamilton _____________ E. A. Morrison ____ ------------ Hamilton  Toronto  Lockwood __________ 101  20.350.000 Montreal 20,789,0t,O  BANK OF TORONTO------· ___ UNION BANK OF CANADA-----Lucky Lake __________ 15 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Lumsden ____________ 695 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----UNION BANK OF CANADA _____ Luseland ------····-131 UNION BANK OF CANADA----Loverna. _________ 144  15,000,000 Toronto  ____________ Winnipeg W. H. Walker. Acting  20.350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  ____________ BK. OF CANADA-- ' J. :.\I. Delany, Acting STANDARD BK. OF CANADA.-- ' A. E. Bahm _________________ " . UNION BANK OF CANADA------ 1T. L. Ferguson ________________ 20.350.000 Leask _______________ 75 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- D. E. Laflamme  Montreal Toronto  Montreal  J  -r;r1 a1Jt!JJlffil-,i~1rn;1. ., 1..■...,ffn!1n-~u@r.17...:-!•■..,~"'j,..ji"'w..,il....,\r-.,0"'9...  Re8erve Fundi<  W. B. ~Boan______  A.G. Mam.eL ____ ------------ Toronto IVm. :.\Iichie. ____ _. ------------ Winnipeg D. Munro__________  20,25 0.0 00 ~1ontreal 20, , ls 9,000 R. Gordon _____ --- ------------ Winnipeg  Reserve Fun&  J. H. Stewart_ _____ ------------ Winnipeg  w. v. Jones _______ ------------  MacNutt _____________ 75  UNION BANK OF CANADA ... .  ------------ Winnipeg Jas. :Mitchell, Actinu  Macoun _____________ t8i  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----  H. WPsternanJ___ _  M.acrorie ___________ 200  UNION BINK OF CANADA---- BANK OF TORONTO-------  J. J. Ness _________ ------------ Winnipeg  Maidstone ___________ J52  Regeroe Fund,,  - __  .. ---------  1: \  20,350.000 Montreal 20.78!1,0LO  .....  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA  A. E. Hiller ________ ------------ Toronto  i....o•tr.:'B1"1~u..i"Q~it1"'1..rn•J..,..:••ttJ :t,1 1tMJ :UI~ EST  - -- . -----------  Winnipe2  E. J. Lee _______ ------------ Tol'onto  iirfrlif"',j"'i  -  15,000,000 Toronto  M. M. Barrett_____ _  UNION BANK OF CANADA-----  Madison ______________ lC (Noremar P. U.)  Qu'Appelle)  J. D. Hamilton____  Macklin _____ ------- 250  Wmnipe2  Hexerve lf'und~ 20,789,000 __________ Toronto Lebret ________________ 75 Imperial Bank of Canada _____ (Sub. to Ft. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  --------  ..  20,350,000 Montreal 20, 789,000  A. Leiner _________ _  UNION BANK OF CANADA------  ~a ·k at<"hellao con tin ued on second half of this 1' age.  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA!UNION BANK OF CANADA-----  Reserve Fnnds  ROYAL BAH OFCAIADA--  H. Hatfield, Acting.  Leader ______________ 275 I MERCHANTS  Limerick ____________ 250  N. V. Coombes_____  20,350,000 .Montreal 20,789,000  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----  Hei;erve Funds  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----  22,000.000 ~Iontreal 23,531,927 Sun,1us C. 0. Christensen.------------ Weyburn  H • .Markenzie______ • /:(,e11erve J<"umu  ____________________ Winnipeg  McDonald____  Liber y _______ ___ ,. ___ 12s  $ 15,000,000 Toronto  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----  J. H. Burford,Actu. ____________ Winnipeg  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE \J. A.  .Montreal  50,000 Correspondents: 1st N,, 1 Lintlaw -------------100 Dubuque,la.:Dommion Bk.., Winoipe~: Bk. of! Hamilton, ~loose Jaw. Llpton _______ ______ 273 268,015 Sask.  ----------UNION BANK OF CANADA------ ,L. D. G. Strutt, Acting BANK OF TORONTO _________ .\. G. Thorkelson .. ____________ CANADIAn Bl. OF COMMERCE R. Geddes _______ 15,000,000  IROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- IJ, S.  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE P. s. Cobb _____ ____ BANK OF MONTREAL ________ -· .... _____ _________  23,53l,9c 7  Wilkinson .•• ------------ Winnipe2  Zempel. Prl'.s. G.11.8chlatter, V. P. \. L. Steidl, G. i\-f(lr. and Sec. and Proji ts,  -  ---------- Winnioee  -----------MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA G. H. Miller, Acting ----------MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA P. c. Weishar,  I Lewvan ----------- ---60 Weyburn Security Bank ______  Lampm:\n ___________ 120 BANK OF MONTREAL--------- 1------------------1$ 22.000.000 Montreal Surplus  HEAD OFFICE.  PAID-UP  .,_. CAPITAL, , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \0  Montreal Actino LeRoy---- -- -- ____ ------ '3' andard Bank of Canada _____ T. R. \""\Tatso11 ____ __ ------------ Toronto  Lenora Lake ________ 100  Lestock -- __________ __ 60 Lake Valley ___________ 51MERCHANTS  Index c-ada  h:)  D. )Ic)Iillan ____ ------------ Toronto  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- A. P. Morris ________ ------------  MA.NAGER OR A.GENT.  ·.u!E OF RiSK.  Oft  Lember2'------ ------ 303 Bank of Hamilton ____________ E. S. Campbell. _________ _______ Hamilton  Toronto  Laird ________________ 350 Imperial Bank of Canada ______ J. A.G. Clokie _________________ Toronto Lajorct ________________ 85  SASKAT~BW"AN MAP  SASKA TCHEVV-AN~Continued  --- ____ --==-==:c..::::::::::::::::::::=.~-------  _-_ -·-:=:;:;;: ----:~--.1. ·-- ___-___ ---  °' °'  (.J'\  NDIES  I  .I I j  ''I  Non-Bank Towns wtth Nearest Banking Point (In-  ~~fi!/cr;~]•1:;::!!t it!'t!~ Jl!1il~1J, ~~/a~:e 1atv~ SASKATCHEWAN-Continued SASKATCHBWAN Map on laclex Canada I~ ========;========--=====;=========================;::::;:=====================~==================-I~ NAllE Bux I ox I N • ...,,. Billt. lilAiu.Gn oJt l O.LPITAL, O.LPITAL, 8  1666  8  OF  PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  PAID-UP  AGENT.  '  HEAD OFFICE.  PosT OFFICE AND POPULATION.  _  --~------14---------  _..  oF  .AGENT,  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA·-··· W. H. Ba~ot--····· $ 20,350,000 Montreal  Mantario ·····-·····-·10  UNION BANK OF CANADA·-·-- A. E. Wooler ····-· ·······-···- Winnipeg  Haple Creek .••• ____ 1600  MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA II. A. Doak-····-·· -·····-····- Montreal  Montmartre.--· ••• _300  UNION BANK OF CANADA ..... w. R. hanks ..... -·-···--···· Winnipeg  Moose Jaw --·-·--·30,000 *Bank or Hamilton······---· F.  Marcelin •.. _--··-··· 200  20,789,009  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. L. Watson.....  Milestone.-·•--···· 436  HEAD OFFICE.  ---------1  Manor.---······---- 2811  Reserve Funds  P.un-uP  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J.E. Grasett -····- $ 15,000,ooo lToronto UNION BANK OF CANADA-·-·· \\'.A.Tripp··-·-··········-··· Winnipeg  15,000,000 Toronto  BANK OF TORONTO-··--·····-! D.  F. Joy cc·-···-·· -·····-····· Toronto  c. Grant ......•. ···········-  1r8ANK OF MONTREAL-··-· --········--······ Snrplas  Hamilton  C/l>  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927  r.Jl  Marengo ••• -··---:. 150  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.-.  A. J. Trueb·-····Rc.'er-vr: Pimds  20,350.000 Montreal 20,789,000  *BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-····  w. B. Johnston...  9,700,000 Halifax  Margo--···-· -··-···-100  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-···  )I.  Andrew, Acting  20,350,000 Montreal 20,, '9,000  *CANADIAN Bil. OF COMMERCE J. Cameron .. __ •• _.  15,000,000 Toronto  ~  M. c. Fraser-······--········- Toronto  ::C  Ruerve Funds  *DOMINION BANK ·-··········  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... II. c. Alli.on··-··- 20,350,000 Montreal Hc.·erve F'unds 20,789,000 DOMINION BANK----··-· F. E. Hurd··--··-· -······-··•- 1Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... _ G. B. Hooker...... 20,350,000 1Montreal Re8erve Funds 20,789,000 Mar halL ••. ·---·····81 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. G. T. Mann..... 15,000,ooo 1Toronto Karyfteld -···- ..•.•. _209 UNION BANK OF CANADA-···· J. N. Pugh.---·-·-· -···-·· ··--- Winnipef.! Markinch ••••... ·--· 100  Hitchcock & McCulloch ..• -•.• (Arthur Hitchcock) 80,000 Correspondent: Union ~ 100,000 Bk.of Can., Moose Jaw. <; *Home Bank or Canada.- .• J. F. Mccallum __ ··--·-···· Toronto  Marquis ----·--···-··500  >  *Imperial Bank of CaBada •• __ F. W. Scrimes_. ___ ··-···-···· Toronto  *MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA c. s. Smith----··-·-··-··-····· Montreal (2 Branches in MoosE Jaw) *ROYAL BANK OF CAIIADA .... F. M. Hughes····- 20,350,000 :Montreal Reserve Funds 20,789,000 *UNION BANI Of CANADA ... J. G. Vicq ___ ·····- ---··· ·-···- Winnipeg  I  Ma er ••.. --·-··-- •••• 75 Bank or Hamilton - - - · · · · J. L. Grant-·--··-- ---········· Hamilton V.aymont. •..•• ---·-·127 Mazenod -··- ----··--125  ROY AL BANK OF CANADA -··- B. . Griffin....... 20,350.000 Montreal Re.~crvr li'u.nds 20,769,000 BAIK OF TORONTO ·-··-·--·- O. E. BurkelL-••• -······--··- Toronto  cLean ---·-···--··-100 Imperial Bank or Canada_. ____ (Sub. to Balgouie)_ •·-··-··-- Toronto  McTae-211.rL •... ·--· 134 WeyburnSecnrityBank.--··-·· F. L. Wilkinson ••.•..••....... Weyburn Meacham.--·-···---50  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA A.G. lla.11. ....•.•• ·--·····-·-•?fontrcal  Melrort. ______ ·--· 1522 Bank or Hamilton_. __ -·-·······  ..  --·· ·--·  ''  • 1  11. Elliott---·-·-  -·---·--·--I Hamilton  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ..... -- J. H. Quinlan, Act'o CANADIAN Bit OF COMMERCE 'u. L. ·a. ·h ____ -·-·  9,700,000 Halifax  \Yinnipee Toronto ~1ontreal Montreal  Reserve Funds 20,789,000 eota •••••.• ____ -·-·165 Bank or Hamilton_···--·····- T. 0. ewell --·-· --·····-···- Hamilton  emn -·-·--·····-·-·55 Meyronne_··-··--·--150  STANDARD BA11K OF CANADA . H. A. Smi h ···---· ·---··------ Toronto BHK OF TOROllTO . - - - - F. F. O"·born ·-····-···-~--··-·\Toronto  llida\e ____ ··-- -·. __ •• 300 Wey burn. Security Bank_ •.. -·-- F . .\. Sa\strom_._. -····--·--·- Wey burn M.\\cado.---···· ·---·- 'lo \U,"~ Of 1"0"l\\ElL.....-.. --·-- - - - Sur1>\us "lA.\\cl.en ·-·-·- ·--· --·-'-?.'<> 9.Q't t..\. 1',t..~1.. -~ ~t..~t..,t.. ··-· L.A.. Ca.1:\e-y ··---·- Federal Reserve Bank ofNoa•BaD.k St. Louis  %-..."5.:a.'-c'b.41e"""'-."'" ~"'-"-'-n."U.~  o'9. -.~eo'-'!Ld 'b.•'-'- ~, '-"-"-• ">a.w.~-  ~owns wlth N  Re..Sf>.Jr'\}e F-u..T\ds  "  -- "  22,1)()0,000 ~ontrea\ 2\\,'i>il,\\21  20,M,l:I 000 ilontrea\ ~11.11!.\"l,00()  l:Moose Jaw Clearine- Bouse_ ••• (Members indicated b11 a *)  F.  w. Blackwell •.. -··········-  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE B. L. Brown--·- 15,000,000 Toronto UNIOII BANk OF CANADA--. A. T. Kenward ___ ·----1Winnipeg Morse_·---·--·-· ___ . 650 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE c. L. Whitby-··-· 15,000,000 Toronto UNION BANK OF CANADA-·-·-- w. R. Edward -·-· --····-··· Winnipeg Moo omin-·-···-·-1143  fort lach .... -·-- -·--550 Bank or Hamilton-··-·······- E.G. Wrie-ht · - · · -···--····- Hamilton  15,000,000 Toronto  UNION BANK OF CANADA-··--- 1R. II. Pnok ---- ---· -····--····· Melville •• _.-·-·---· 3020 CANADIAN Bit OF COMMERCE c. n. arraway -·· 15,000,000 MERCHAIITS BK. OF CANADA-- A. . J. Galloway._ -··········ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... G. H. Patmore ••• -. 20,350,000  ~  I>  ossbank ·--··--·--·325 "  ·-····-·  "  BANK OF TORONTO-·········-- E. J. Waldie ••.·--·-····--····- Toronto UNION BANK OF CANADA-··-- P.A. Allan····-··· ----········ Winnipeg Weyburn Security Bank_··-··-,G. T. mith·--·-··- -·--·--··-· Weyburn  Mozart -····-- -·-· ____ 40, BANK 1u_enster .• ·-·····----52 a1cam ··--·--··--·----.._retherhilL-----·--·125 Neudorr ·-···-·----··326 Ne,-ille ··---·--·--·-·200  OF MONTREAL---···-·- i----·-··-···- 22,000,000 Surplus 23,331,927 BANQUE D' HOCHELAGA .... -- A. Andrews··-··-··-·-········ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. D. Gun··------· 15.000,000 UNION BANK OF CANADA ... W. G. Criehion. ·-········-Acting UNION BANK OF CANADA- .... H.B. Fairbairn, - - - · Acting ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... _ H. W. Henderson_ 20,350,000  Montreal Montreal Toronto Winnipeg IWinnipeg  . Reserve Fund i1>awiu .• ·--···--·--·-5 CHllHlll BJ.. Of C01"MERCE H. W. Mahler,Act'o  Montreal 20,789.000 15,000,000 Toronto  c. McLean ..  ln,000.000 Toronto  No'..01:n\s ________ ·----""'- Cl\."I\.U\I\." ""-· 6f COIAIA\:.\\C\:. M.. St.  ~--~"'--s.'-S.'-"~ -.r."-ve -Pro~"\;>t A.tte"t"\.o" t o C.o"\."\.ec.t"\.o"s. a..n.d"c.e  Z  11\_\\ll.en ------ ---- ----U'i> \ \\Q't ~\. %~,"-.1al.'-c"b.4b~~'-'- ~  1667  0  ---- \L-A..~!~~·;':_:F=: u=.-rn.=a-~s~~~~~omnZ\itrree.aa\r-- - - -,-T<ol¥ik:Oomm.uisL-~__::_:"'__.::_::__:--:_::__ ~~~~lT''R:~~~[W[ffl:~M.M..sstt.'.ccl7'."biMl"ccI'.L:e'.ea.a: in:t":_: 1_!"""'1.~r,~.oioiooO:,oocoiool'Tr<orrrrnun~t:Oo- - - - -,  Y.~'"'  "'--~"-n."'~ ~~ 1!.-a~'D.~ b.-.."\..t  ~ ~  '.':1_  0  '  ~b'-'So  A...tte'-'.t'\.o"-'.. tc. Co"'\.'\.o~s.  "'a.'-e:-  Non-Bank Towns wftb Nearest Banli:lng Point (lnLawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this For Interest Bates, Holldays, etc., see Laws.  dexed Acces.),  volume.  SASKATCHEWAN-Continued  a..~d C..orres.o<>-.:,,  SASKATCHBWAN Map on Index Canada  ..... ~  ,--=======~=,========1=--=---======== ;:-:==========:::::;::========I~  -  PosT OFFICE AND M..LVAGER OR PAID-UP MANAGER OR NAME OF BANK. PosT OFFICE AND HEAD OFFICE. I PAID-UP HEAD OFFICE. NAME OF BAi.VK. Ponn..t.TION. CAPITAL. AGENT. POPULATION. AGENT. 0.APITAL. - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - • - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1• - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 ~ Plato ________________ 150 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- D. CampbelL ____ $ 20,350,000 Montreal Norquay ____________ 75 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. E. Lewi ------ $ 15,000,000 Toronto 20,789,000 Reserve Funds  North Battleford __ 3145  BANK OF MONTREAL------- - - - - - - - - -  22,000.000 Montreal 23,531.927  Pleasantdale _________ IO Bank of Hamilton------------· N, Broughton ___________ Hamilton  CANADIAN BK. OF C MMERCE A. Hamilton_______  15,000,000 Toronto  Plent:, _______________ 85  UNION BANK OF CANADA----- A. E. Mayers ______ ----------·- Winnipeg  Imperial Bank of Canada ------ F. R. Muir _______________ Toronto  Plumbridge _______  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA R. C. Abraham _______________ Toronto  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- E. Bradish.______  Plunkett__ ___________ 60  Surplus  Reserve Funds  c. Baillie____  Nutana ______________ 500  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. B.  Odessa _____________ 175  BANK OF TORONTO---------- G. Ueinrich _______ ---·---··--· Toronto  Oiema _______________ 400  UNION BANK OF CANAIA----- ,\.  15,000,000 I Montreal  BANK OF MON'flEAL---  Portreeve ___ : ________ 50  R. Dargavel ____ ------------ Winnipeg  ----  Surplus  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- T. Adamson ______ _  20,3"50,000 Montreal 20,789,000  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ---- G. G. inclair _____ _  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000  Rese1-ve Funds  Osa1rn _________ ----- _lOC Wey burn Security Bank _______ E. . Wilson ___________________ Wey burn Outlook _________ 1200  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----·· H.J. Stephen_____  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 Resert>e Funds Ponteix _____________ -460 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA- ------ C. A. Rous eau ________________ Montreal  20,350,000 Toronto 20,789,000  Reserve JPunds  Preeceville __________ 207 BANI  22,000,000 Montreal 23,531,927  Prelate --------- ··---150  OF TORINTO----------- G. A. Hetherington ____________ Toronto  MERCHANTS IK. IF CANAH- A.W.Murat, Acting  ____________ :Montreal  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- R. Bellinger------- 20,350,000 20,789,000 Reserve Funds . 26,000 Correspondents: Am. N., Primate ________________ Imperial Bank of Canada _____ G.D. Hamilton ________________ Universal Securities Corpora- E. E. Taylor, Pres. Surplus and St. P.; Dominion Bk., tion. Ltd. Ja . P. Kennedy 22,000,000 Prince AiberL _____ 7000 BANK OF MONTREAL----P'f'ts 18,878 Moose Jaw Surplus 23,531,927 Oxbow ______________ 630 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA - A. H. O'Brien _____ ---------- -· Montreal 9,700.000 BAIIK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- J. G. Penney-----" __ " UNION BANK OF CANADA----- A.H. O'Keefe _____ ---------- Winnipeg  " "  UNION BAIIK OF CANADA----- K. s. MacLeoct ____ ------------ Winnipeg ------------ Winnipeg Palmer __________ 50 UNION BANK OF CANADA------ D. s. Wadleigh, Acting Pangman ___________ 150 We:,burn Security BanJc ______ F. :B. Porteous ________________ Weyburn Parkside _____________ 70 Pathlow ___________ 30 Paynton _____________ l42 Pell:, ________________ ]J17 Pennant_ ______ 200 Pense _______________ 236 Penzance ___________ 75 Perdue _______________ 4.50  9,700,000 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- M. G. Trainor, Pro. CHADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. W. Tewsom ____ 15,000,000 STANDARD BANK OF CANADP. F. W. BilL _______ --··-- --·--BAIK OF TORONTO---- las.M \ll ·l,.e ___ -----------UNIOI BANK OF CANAIA---- _ G. F. Eiliott, Acta.I-----------UNION BANK OF CANADA----- s. :ll. Simons------1-----------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- --- D. M.MacPherson. 20,350,000 20,7 9,000 Ruer-oe Funds MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA G. H. Miller.Acting-----------UNION BANK OF CANADA---- G. K. Stone _______ -----------  --------  ''  Toronto  Western Trust Co, ____________ E. D. Wright_ _________________ Winnipeg  Toronto  BANK OF MONTREAL---------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---UNION BANK OF CANADA-----" " ______ Quill Lake __________ l63 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---Radisson ____________525 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Radville ____________ 625 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  PuBniehy ___________ 135  Toronto  Qu'Appelle ----------850  Winnipeg Winnipeg Montreal Montreal  UNION BANK OF CANADA----- R. B. Robinson ____ ---------- Winnipeg  Saskatchewan contlnu ed on second half or this page.  ~ ~ OF CANADAT E- HU·YAL . HANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Halifax  BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ------- J. E. Arpin --- ---- ____________ Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. J. Reynolds---- 15,000,000 Toronto ROYAL BAH OF CANADA - - F. Taylor_________ 20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 Reserve, FundS INION BANK OF CANADA------ A.H. Logan _______ ------------ Winnipeg  Halifax  22,000,000 Montreal Surplus 23,531,927 20,350,000 Montreal E. F. Dyer_________ Funds 20, 789,000 Pidcock __________________ Winnipeg c. s.Reserve  o. F. Springer ____ _ Reserve Funds L. M. Perkins ____ _  20,350,000 Montreal 20,789,000 15,000,000 Toronto  J. D. McKenzie __ _  15,000,000 Toronto  Weyburn Wey burn Secut.ity Bank _______ McGray Wilkinson " ____ ____ " 22,000,000 Montreal Raymore ___________ 200 BANK OF MONTREAL--------Surplus 23,531.927 Readlyn _____________100 Weyburn Security Bank _______ C. A. Blad ____________________ Weyburn  Piapot.--------------150 Imperial Bank of Canada----- C. C. Fawcett ___ -------·---- Toronto  "  " "  Montreal  Imverial Bank of Canada_____ E. J. Case _ _ _ --~--------- Toronto  Winnipeg Phippen __________ Imperial Bank of Canada _____ (Sub. to Wilkie) ______________ Toronto  ·  ______ ______  Montreal Toronto  I  ____________ Hamilton Redvers ___________ 200 Bank of Hamilton ______________ S. C. Crawford, Act. Mgr,  BRANCHES  throu hout  CANADA 'AND WESl ': INDlES .  'I  f  I !  I  :! •  , I \  I  ;  Non-Bank Townl!I wlth Nearest Hankin,: Point (In .. -x r-nada SASKATCHEWAN Map on ln ~ (indexed) In b ack of this dexed Accos.), La wyers, Law s Holidays, O'I titl'., St'l:l Laws. volume For lutt-res t Rat es, ~ ===== = == = P= = U = A=I=D= P ::;;J..=D=-U=P~~==H=E=A=D=O=FF=I=c=E.====P=o==is=T==O=F==F=1=cE=A==N=D== = = = = = = = = = = = ==M.A.=N=A=H=ll=O=&=== =A = =:==P =.<\=X=D= ====N=A=M.=E=O=F=B=A.N=K=.=========M=A=.N=A=u=EH=O=R -=f:::::'F=1=cE - ==P'--'o,,'-·T..:...0 HEAD OFFicz:. OA.PIT.U.. AGENT. N.uuc OP BA..Nir. PoPoLAT10N. CA PITAL. AGENT. PoPULATION.  SA SKATCHEWAN- Cont1·nued  1668  Refin:l---------- •. 40. 000 * Bank of Hamilton __________ H.B. Adams _______ ------------ Hamilton  •BANK OF MONTREAL• ·---- -· -------------------- $ 22 nnn.non 23,531.927 Sn rnlus 9,7vu.oeio •BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------ D. A. Y. Merrick.__  D. H. Gor<lon ____ ..  •DOMINION BANK -------------  John  m ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---  Montreal  Rush Lake. ------  Halifa...~  UNION BANKOF CANADA-----St. Brieux_ ___________ 50 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA -----CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE " .... ---- " st. Gregor -··-------- · 50 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA-St. Walburg .--------·25 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE altcoats _____________ m BANK OF MONTR EAL--------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA--•• ___ " Salvador- -- --------· 121! UNION BANK OF CANADA------  caoada Permanent Mort£~e B. S. Lawrence ____ ---------- Toronto Corporation Canada Tru t Co, ______________ H. W. Giving _______________ London  -CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE  RuddelL .•• -------·84 Imperial Bank of Canada _____ J. D. Smith •. ____________ Toronto  15,000,000 Toronto  now -------- ·----------- Toronto • Imperial Hank of canada • -··· W. H. Thom ·on··- ___________ Toronto  •MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA  J. J . Galloway. ___ • ·--------· ~lontrral 1'at1on.. 1 Tru:;t Co .. Ltd .• _____ _ '.V. G. tyles ___________________ Toronto  Rathilua ___________ 100  F. Kennett -------· IJ 20.350.000 :11ontreal 20.788.0u0 He,w-rue Fund~ <Sub. to KellleldL ____________ Winnipeg J. A. N. Fournier .• ----------· _ .Montreal  c. J. Moreau______  15,000,000 Toronto  A. lf. McOla shan •. ____________ Montreal C. K. McRorie.____  15.000,000 Toronto  -----------------  22,000.00, , ~ontreal Surplus 23.531.IJ27 20 350.000 :11ontrea1 T. H. Van \Vy, k_ __ 2G,7is!I.000 R ei<eroe L<' undi< ------------ Winnipeg c. A. Jolinson, Act1ng  ,;askatoon _______ • • 21,054 *Bank of Hamilton ______ • ____ . W. G. Ilylan<l ----· ·----------- Hamilton Prudential Trust Co. __________ G.  . Gamble------ -----·------ ~ontreal  •ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ----  W. G. Yule •• _____  • STANDARD BANK OF CANADA  W. G. Ilaig ·· ------------Toronto  (i! Brunches in Rt:g,na)  Reserve Funds  •BANK OF MONTREAL•-------- ------------------Surplus *BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ---- o. L. Ferriss-----(i: l:Jrunclte."' Su.<1ku.ttJun) *CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. J. Savage______ •DOMINION BANK------·---- J. L. Hunt--------  20 .350.0C0 Montreal 20,781),000  • terlinl? Bank or canada ___ II. R. Warren .... _________ Toronto  •UNION BANK OF CANADA.---- o. II'. W  Seeber _______ ------------ Winnipeg  --------------.i5 BANK OF MONTREAL --------·  Ric · on·---------•. 60 Richard --·---------· _;w Hichlra . -----·--------50  22.noo.oon :11ontreal 23,531.927  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA T. P. Godden ______ -----1Toronto 15,000,000 Toronto CANADIAN Bit OF COMMERCE J.C • .Macpherson. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. J. D. Campbell ____ ------------ Toronto  Hidl!edalc ------ -· ------ flank or Hamilton. ____________ L. De Roo -·· ------ ------------ namilton Riverhurst.. ____ _____ 200 Rocanvillc __________ 32;; Rockbaven ---··------70 Ro etown ___ ________ 731  CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE I . G. 1acLellan . . _ 15,000.000 UNION BANK OF CANADA ------ II. N. Clement , ----------· Acting 20,350 00 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ·-· R. FawrPtL----- · Rrxene Fund.~ 20,i89.000 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----· A. c. Thompson . • 20.3511.1.,0:1  Toronto Winnipeg :lfontrPal  :\1ontreal 20,789,0t.O E. K. mith . . ------ ----------- Winnipeg Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Scflntre ---------- •.• 17? Scot guard--------··-·7:J Scott --------------·--116  Rf'i<f'rl'e 1'"  Sedler - -·· · ----·---221  UNION BANK OF CANADA-----· BANK OF MONTREAL .-------· --------------------  Semans -------· ------ 32~  22.noo oon .\ lontreal 23,531,927 Surplu~ Imperial Bank of Ganada ___ .. N. D!),vidson ____ -------· Toronto R ouleau.----- ---··· 550 Bank of Hamilton.. _ ______ J . W . Paul. _____ ___________ Ham ilton  Ros thern · -------- •• 1500  \l,100,000 Halifax  A. s. Maxwell •••• • ·--··---- · · · J. D. Gunn _. -----20 350.000 It. ~1. Han on . ---20.7811.000 /.''urnt,, \ i! Hran. clte.:i ,,. 8£Ukatu,m) Standard Tru:.t.... Oo. ----------· B . . ~1cJi_ece ,Mur . --------· · · · ToronlO General Trusts Oor ll . U. Lewin ·----- -- -·--· - --·111ircnion •UNION BANK OF CANADA.---· H. C. McLean·---·-----------• (2 Offices) ,r f Cana1i~n Go11er-n ment and WOOD GUNDY & CO ltd tMunic,pal Bond11 •-·• ,  •MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA Jl,a11nna1 l'ru.,.1 (1n .. Ltd -----• ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----  Mr;r.  t:iurplus  > I  t rn Trust Co, _______ R. S. Rideout_ _____ ------------ Winnipeg  I  Rhein  a,  15,000,000 Toronto  Toronto 103,691 Correspondents: Merch. Z Henle-Drennan Co •• __________ J.C. Hettle ----- ·· 8,5b0 Bk. of Can., Saskatoon; ~ Surplm (JJ Ft. Dear. N •• Chi. *Imperial Bank of Ganad.t. _____ A. D. Duncan ______ ---· - -·--· - - Toronto  W. A. Caswell & Co ,, Ltd .•••. . W.A.Caswell,Prea. ------···· Correspondent: Molson's Bank, Winnipeg ltei?ina O1Parlne: Hou e. ________ F. A. lac Collom . -------------  <Mem11eni 1n<iicale<l bu •)  22,lloo.000 .Montreal 23.531.IJ:!7 0,100,000 Halifax  H,.~.-r,,,.  ~  Montreal Toronto ~1outreal  <,  IJQ  ....  ::3  Winnipeg Toronto  Ill  Winnipeg  o  ,...  Wood, Correspondents: Co,. N. Y.; Gundy Wood, Gundy & Co., Toronto. Montreal. and Lo1•don, Eng.; \\. ood, Gandy & Co., Ltd., Winnipeg.  Saskatoon Olearine- House ----· R. ll. Iron - --· __ _____________ _ ( Member11 indicated bu a•) UNION BANK OF CANADA ----- Geo. Uran ton . ---·---;;---· Winnipeg ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ._. J. J. Bia K.-•··--- 20 3.,0.000 Montreal 2u 789 uu0 Re.~erve Fund.~ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ----- K. V. 81.-'thel ------ 2t 360 00 1 Montreal R egerve Furu:ti< 2t 789 000 2l 3;,eiooo ~1ontreal ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .- A. D. Ll:' s l1e.----· 2( 781J 000 R eserve Fimdi< 22.G00 111 •1 ~Iontreal BANK OF MONTREAL- --.... 23.531 .1127 Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Hee 'd w. Wintield . lr>,000.,100 Toronto  8t>nlac ·------·----25 MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA II. c. s •o1ee -----·- -------· Montreal Toronto E. W. Gingrich---· Howtl l~uk ot cauada Sha ckleton ___________ 15,000,000 Toronto Sha.una.von _____ ______soo CAN ADI Al BK. OF COMMERCE w,11,am K ,,tct______ Montreal MEI\ClllMTS 8K Of CIUIADA C. L. Bridger ·- -- -- 1- - - -------- •· .. Ull\011 BIIIK Of CAIIADA-----· R . J. Cuthbertson - ,------------ 1Winnit>eg .. ----" \ 1  (JJ  :r" Ill ~  ::3  Ill ~  ::3  ~  ,o  Ban.ks A..dvert.\.s\.n.~ ~\ve Pro-n'l..~t A.ttent\on to Co\.\.ec..t\ons and Corresoondence  C ~ _ ...,.  ~  • J. Cuthbertson - ----------- Winnipeg  Ban.ks. A.dvel:'t'\s.'\n.~ ~'\ve Protn~t A.tten.tion. to Co\.\ec.tion.s and Correspondence  1 69  Non-Bank Towns with Near-t Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawrera Laws (lndexed) In back: of this  t  d  C  SASKATCHE-W-AN-Continued  SASKATCHBWAN Map on Index  I~  -  ana a  = =~=::=:=:~~/~~~~f======:~:===r~ ~6~~jv;~o~Jugm~ei-~F1~otriL~n~te~r~es~t~B~a~te~s~•~B~,o~H~d~a~y~s,~e~tc~.,~s~ee~La~w:~s~-===r= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;,;~;;;F======== 1 ( MA.NA.GER OFFICE. PA.ID-UP I N•~oFB•NI I /1 POST p AID-UP I \0 I OA.PITAL. A.GENT. OB ....,...,,. POPULATION. HEAD ...,._NA.GBB OB N ~ OP BANK AND POST ~  I .  OFFICE  POPULATION.  Sh eh  0-------------- 107 ROYAL.  U'o  BANK OF CANADA ---  OFFICE AND  OFFICE.  A  __  0A.PITA.L.  A.GENT.  •  E.  Wakelin ____ $ v.Reserve Funds  20,350.000 Montreal 20,789,000  Summerberry ________ 79  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA.  E. W. Alexander __ ------------ Montreal (Sub~~~~~d $ ~~:~~i:~~~ Montreal  CAIADIAI Bl. OF COMMERCE  H.K. Baird_______  15,000,000Toronto  Sutherland _________ 500  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----  Silton _______________ 100  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA  <Sub. to Craven) __ ------------ Toronto  Swift Current ______ 6050  BANK OF MONTREAL---  impson ___________ 150  UNION BAIK OF CANADA------  J. E. Buck _________ ------------ Winnipeg  R. Jf. tewart, Actu,  ___________  "  20,350.000 Montreal 20,789.000 15,uuu.uue Toronto  22,000.000 )1ontreal 23,'531.9~ 7 Spring Valley _______ -40 8,700,000 Halifax Springwater. _________ 50 Imperial Bank or Canada ______ L. R. Ander,;on _______________ Toronto  Springside ___________ l!!i  Spruce Lake ____________ Spy(HEi~llmaville P.O.) 71 -------------50 Stalwart •• ·--- ·--- --- · Star City ____________ 200  ..  ________  "  stenen ______________ 130  STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----  H. E. Mercer------ ____________ Toronto F.G.Griffiths, Acto. ResertJe Funds E. E. Hoare, Artino Reserve Funds D. A. McMillan____  20.350.000 Montreal 20,780,000 20,350.000 ~fontreal 20 ,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- ---BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------15,000.000 Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. F. Fraser BANK OF TOROIITO---- s. c. Ilouston __________________ Toronto  -------1  150 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- W. H.B. Alexander 20,350,000 Montreal Stockholm 20,7~ll.OOO Reserve fl'unds ------- -StonyBeach. ___ ______ 30 Bank of Hamilton _____.______ B. S. Gunn-------- ____________ Hamilton Stol,noway  ------------  75 40  Storth8 aks  -· ----- ---Stoughton _____ _____ .400 ________  "  811 . ssburg St ra -- ---- ----  "  _______  "  strongfleld ___________ 75 Sturgis ______________ 100 success _ ____________ 100 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA --ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- ------  D. E. Patterson____  Rellerve FundR (Sub. to Tilston) __ Reserve Funds R. P. Eastman_____  Weyburn Security Bank------ O.  ROYAL BANI OF CANADA----UNION BANK OF CANADA- --UNION BANK OF CANADA----BANK OF TORONTO ----------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----  20.3fi0,000 Montreal 20,789,000 20,250,000 Montreal 20,789,000 9,700,000 Halifax  c. Marks--- - ------------- Weyburn  20,350.000 Montreal 20,789,000 G. T. Harding ______ ----------- Winnipeg F. L. Screech______  A. D. McNeill ______ ------------ Winnipeg H.  s. Chamber  W.  ~e~!J;;~nds iijti:~~~ Montreal  --- ------------ Toronto  9,700,000 Halifax 15,090,000 Toronto  Monti·eal  Winnipeg ------Tan talion---· _______ 111 Home Bank of Canada _____ R. IT. Wilson ______ - __________ Toronto  BANK OF TORONTO---------- R. . Hutcheon ____ ------------ Toronto • UNION BANK OF CANADA------ A. Bacon -- ---- ---- ---------- Winnipeg ROY AL BANK OF CANADA---- F. G. Beauchamp__ Res,•rve, l''nnds CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE w. N. Maynard___ s·----- · BANK OF MONTREAL--------- ---urp1us BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------- R. Skinner, Pro, __  22,000.000 Montreal 23,531,927  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- M. E. Gray---·---- 20.350.000 Reserue l.i'unds 20,789,000 UNION BANK OF CANADA----- W. J. Boyton-Coffey ------------  "  ' outhey ____________ 400 Sovereign ___________ 200 Prudential Exchange Co., Ltd. Lawrence Alber _______________ Lang ----Speers _______________ 130  8 urp1us  Canadian G:iaranty Tr. Co, ____ J.E. Hemenway __ ------------ Brandon  Winnipeg  1  "  8  BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA--- w. P. Osborne ____ _ CANADIAN BIL OF COMMERCE R. M. Mccaul _____ _  intaluta ____________ 391 Home Bank of Canada _________ E.G. Bourne ------ '- - - - - -!Toronto  miley _______________ 33  _________  1  Shell Brook _________ 160  'UNION BANK OF CANADA------  HEAD  •  'l'ate _________________ .4g Te sier _____________ 150  I Theodore ___________ 193  BANK OF MONTREAL---- - - - Surplus ~t~~ti~~ UNION BANK OF CANADA----- D. A. SmalL ______ - - - - - UNION BAIIK OF CANADA--- K. M. Lewis _______ ----------·-  Winnipeg  s. Ryan--------1----  Hamilton  Ti dalc __ ____________ 250 Bank of Hamilton _____________ W.  I, ·• ______ __ " I .. ____ "  Togo ________________ 125 1  Tompkins ___________ 150  I " ________ " I Tramping Lake __ _____ 75  9,700,000 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- G. Strachan________ ---------Hogan'.Acting J. P. CANADA OF BANK MERCHANTS UNION BANK OF CANADA---- A. F. Fairman _____ ----------UNIOI BAIIK OF CANADA----- H. c. Roberts---------------IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA- John Thomson ____ -----------CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE C- E. D. Kennedy, 15,000,000  Montreal Winnipeg  Halifax Montreal Winnipeg Winnipeg Toronto Toronto  Traynor ______________ 30 Imperial Bank of Canada _____ (Sub. to Wilkie) ... ----------- Toronto Tribune ___________ 200 Weyburn Security Bank ______ H. M. Harvey ____ ,_ _ _ _ Weyburn Truax _______________ 125 Bank of Hamilton ________ L. E. Brown _______ ------- Hamilton Tugaske _____________ 300 Turtleford __________ 228  CANADIAN Bl. OF COMMERCE CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE  L. V. Ray---------  15,000,000 Toronto  C. Bossoms ---··----  15,000,000 Toronto  Tuxford ___________ __ l21 Bank of Hamilton _____________ J. A. Jackson---------------- Hamilton  MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA_ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----Valparaiso ___________ 20 MERCHANTSBANKOFCANADA Vanguard ____________ soo BANK OF TORONTO ___________ Unity _______________ .457  ..  "  "  _ ----  "  Vanscoy _____________ 120  R. L. Spencer---------- Montreal  20.350.000 Montreal c. W. Mccallum___ Reserve Funds 20,789,000 P.J. Ho2"an -------------Montreal G. R. Tucker ______ - · - - - Toronto  UNION BANK OF CANADA----- J. Dingwall·------MERCHANTS BK. OF CANADA A. S. Md.xwelL ____  --------- Winnipeg --------- Montreal  Vantage ______________ 70 Weyburn Security Bank ______ J.M. Bri2:ht ______ ------------ Weyburn Venn  ----------·--  58  ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ____ J.  H. Allen-------. cL  20,350,000 Montreal 20.789-,000  1  -  Non-Bank Towns Wlth Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers,Rates, Laws Holidays, (indexed) in thls volume. For Interest etc.,back see of Laws.  1670  SASKATCHEWAN--Cont1·nued  SASK ATC H EWA N Map on In d ex  c anada  -  =P==o=T=O==F=F=IC'=E=A=N=D============~~u-=.= .... ~GER ~=O=R==p=,=I=D=-U~P=~~~~~;;;;~~~;p~=o~;;;;;;;;;~;;;==~==== ====u-=.~,=====,=p~==========.:== ~o 0 PoPuLA.TION. oF BAX][. -A~T. OmTAL. HEAD OFFICE. j,~p:i:~:ON~ND Nill1: oF BANK. A!iN~. oR 0 ~f-r~£. HEAn OFFicF. 1  Verigin ____________ 75 BANK OF MONTREAL--- ____________________ $ 22,000.ooCl "'"ontreal . Surplus 23.531,927 Verwood _____ ------- 225 Weyburn Security Bank _______ J. Garrison __ ·- · _____________ Weyburn \'ibank _____________ 130  BANK OF TOROIITO----------  Viceroy --------------300  UNION BAIK OF CAIIADA---- D. R. McDoufald-- ___________ UNION BANK OF CANADA----- - K. R. Bone ____________________ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ____ R. o. Forrest______ 20,1,50,000  Vidora ________________ 75 Viscount _____________ 200  •  Vonda __ ------------270 Wadena_: ___________ 763 "  --------  "  H. R.  Wakaw ----------- ___ 120 Waldeck ______________ 75  Reserve Funds  IANK OF MONTREAL-------ROYAL BANK Of CANADA ____  Wilcox _____________ 262  hapin _________________ Toronto  CANADIAII BK. Of COMMERCE R. B. Mackay______ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE . Dunbar________ Sterlin~ Bank of Canada _______ A. T.  Whitewood __________ 447  "  Winnipeg Winnipeg Montreal I  15.ooe,ooo Toronto  myth, Aetq ____________ Toronto 22.000,000 Montreal  urplus 23,531.927 c. Macdonald__ 20,350,000 J. ?.f~~~:r~~-~~ ---~~!~~~~~~  Waldhelm __________ 150 Imperial Bank of canada ______  "  Montreal Toronto  UIIH BANI OF CANADI----- F. N. Mundell _____ Willmar ______________ 30 MEICHANTS BK. OF CANA A- G. U. Burbridge ___ Willow Brook ______ __ 60 CANAIIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. R. Riches_______ Willow Bunch _______ 100 CAIAIIAII IK. IF CHIMEICE F. G. Matkin_____ Windthorst__ ________ 208 UNIOI Blll IF CANADA----- W. L. Heddesheimer Wiseton ____________ 60 CAIADIAI 81. OF COIIMEICE W.R. Davies---Wolseley ____________ 961 BAK If TIIIITO ____________ A. N. McDonald - -"  BANK OF MONTREAL--22.000,000 Montreal Wanella _____________ 485 UNION BANK OF------- --- ____ o. o. oartetu_~~~~~ Winnipeg Wa eca ______________ 79 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- J. R. Helm ____________________ Toronto Watrous ___________ 1200 CANADIAN BIL OF COMMERCE A.H. Marcon ___ _ 15,000,000 Toronto .. -------- .. UNION BANK OF CINAIA---- A. c. ~icLean _________________ WinnipeL! Wat on _______ ------2~ CANADIAN Bl.~OF COMME11CE J. w. Oliver_______ 15,000,000 Toronto Wawota. ______________ 200 UNION BAH OF CANADA ___ w. Thompson __ ________________ Winnipeg Webb _______________ 200 IUIIOII BAH OF CAIADA---- \Y. G. cott __________________ Winnipeg Waldron ______ -----.114  ---~~~!!~~=~  -------  "  Woodrow ____________ 100 \Vynyard ____________ 800 "  ________  "  Yellow Grass ________ 500  Yorkton ____________ 4500  ..  ________  ..  9,700,000 Halifax  $  15,000.000 Toronto  I  ------------ Winnipeg -------- Mo11treal 15,000.000 Toronto 15.000,ooo Toronto --------·--- Winnipeg  22,000.000 Montreal Su-plus 23,531,927 II. J. eale_______ 1s,ooo,ooo Toronto Home .Hank or QaJWia _________ J. I. Griffin ____________________ Toronto  ,  McTR6:s1!;.t'f  I I  -----  "  Clllllll ll. OF COMMEICE n. o. Thomson__  OFFICE.  ---·-------- Winnipeg ------------ Toronto  E.G. Ogilvie _____.__  15,000,000 Toronto  ~  z ttl  > z ~  en  I  <  BANK OF MOITIEAL-------~- ------··-. ___ ___ ____  22,000.000 Montreal Surplus 23,531,927 M. Du•cau--------- ----------- Toronto  ritj'  W. G. Hamilton ---  0  15,000,000 Toronto  ~  '"1  s· r+  ~  e: r+  Montreal  (')  ::i:  ..,  0  Cl)  "  YUKON Map on Index Canada  PoP~P~~7;;1~:,ND  NAME OF BANK.  White Horse ________ 800  CAIIADIAI Bl. OF COMMEICE  ~!iN~. OR  J~~~-  IJ. c. N ewmarch ___ $  HEAD OFFICE.  15,000,000 Toronto  15,000,000 Toronto  ~  ~ _ o  t-.:>  Y1lkoa eoatblued on . . . . .4 half of tbls page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  WeYblU'Jl SecaritJ' Bank: _______ E. G, Browen ______ ------------ Weyburn  YUKON  Pop~~1.;~N~ND \ NillE OP BANK. KA.f;0~. OR \ J~f;~. \ HEAD awsou __________ zooo BANK OF MONTREAL-------- E. o. Finlai on---- $ 22,000,000 Montreal .. urplu 23,531,927  z~ 0  20.350,000 Montreal Winnipeg 20,789,000 T. R. Grifllths _________________ "W innipeg Young ____ __ _________ 250 Montreal Weyburn ~ecurity Bank------• Alex.Simoson.Pres. 524.560 Correspondents: Am. Ex. (Head Office) Joseph Mergens N y. 1st N Zealandia ____________ 242 Montreal st • P. v.'P. 11Iiopls: an<i' .• •• -----.. Winnipeg H. 0. Powell. Gen. Mur. H' ~nd 225,000 Zelma _______________ 60 Montreal 8aakatchewan contla •e• •• ■ecoad half of thls-=-p_a-=g:.. .e_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......:..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _R_es_e_rv_c_F_i_m_d_s_·_2_ 0_,7_89_,o_o_o ,___ _ _ _ _ __  Rellr.rve l<'unds  >  ---------- Toronto  ROY AL BAIK OF CANADA------ o. II. McIntosh____ 20,350.000 Reserve Funds 20,789,000 UNIH IANI IF CANADA----- W.W. Barry------ -----------ROYAL BAH OF CAIADA ____ J. Borrow man____ 20,350,000 Reserve Funds 20 ,789,000 ROYAL BlNk Of CANADA---- A. Kennett________ 20,350,000 UNION BAH Of CANADA----- V. le.ch7i1:n~s~~~ ---~~·?~~~~~~ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- (Sub. to Young) ___ ' 20,350,000  F. J. A. PooL____  ~  C:  22,000.000 :.\lontreal Surplus 23,531,927 Imperial Haak of Oanada _____ G. M. Darling ______ ------------ Toronto  CAIIAIIAII Bl. If C8MMERCE  cn > cn  15,000,000 Toronto  H. Cameron, Aao. ----------- Toronto Imperial Bank of Canada ______ W. L. Gilliland ____ A. __________ Toronto  BAH OF MONTREAL---------CANADIAN BK. OF COIIMERCI:.  ROYAL BANK OF CAIIADA ----UNION BANK OF CANADA-----  DIIOI IHI Of CANADA ---- H. Dunsford _______ BANK Of TORONTO----------- H. J. CarmichaeL BAH OF MOITIEAL _____ __________  BAIi iF TOROIITI-----------CAIAIIAN BK. If COMMERCE DOMINION BANK--------------  We ldon ______________ -40 Bank of Hamilton _____________ O. Olaf.-on ____________________ Hamilton W e1wyn _________ ____ 13g Home Bank ot Oanada ________ R. II. \Vil on, ,leto. ________ 'l'oronto Weyburn -----------3054 .. _____ ..  ------· ----- Montreal  Prudential Exchan~ Co., Ltd,_ John A. Fey------- ------------ Lang Wilkie _______________ 815 Imperial Bank: of canada ______ C. C. Annf<tL _____ . ____ ---- ---- Toronto  20,789,000 15,000,000 Toronto  H.  --------  MERCHANTS Bl. OF CANADA - R. A. Buchan ______ BANK Of NOVA SCOTIA-------- H. L. Fowler. Pro. CAIADIAN 81. OF COMMERCE H. R. Main ________  Banks Advertising give Prom.t>t Attention to Collections and Correspondence  -  .' ., Ii:  . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  I I I  1.  _N:WAYS use the above coupon in forwarding collections or claims to the Attorneys listed in this Directory. The Attorneys are bonded by the American Surety Co.  ;  ii') Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MEXICO States and TerrltorlH Aguaacalt• entes .... . .. E 4 Campeche ... H 5 Chlapa1 ...... G5 Chihuahua ..D 2 Coabulla .... ES Collma .. . .... E5 Durango .. . DS Federal Dis• t rtct ....... C 5 Guanajuato . E 4 Guerrero ... Fa Hidalgo ..... , F 5 Jalieco ....... E 5 Lower Call• fornla ...... B S Mexlco ......• F 5 Mlchoacan ... E 5 Morelos ..... F5 Nayartt ..... D4 Nuevo Leon.F S Oaxaca ...... l" 5 Pnebla ....... F 5 Queretaro ... F 4 Quintana Roo Terr!torv .. I 5 San Luis Potosi. .... E 4 Slnaloa ....... DS l;lonora ....... C 2 Tabasco ..... 05 Tamaul!pae . . F 4 Teplc Ter .... D 4 Tlaxcala ..... F 5 VeraCrnz .... F 5 Yucatan .... IC zacatecas .... E 4  2  o tendra didos de libros talonarios. guos, y otros servir especialmente a los La . buena calid d de paises. 1,nto a guran y el servicio bancos en , .''!'ii . han ·!A' · muchos afios.  3  ( h c:ago 1;11cago,  SCALES  BAY  C A  N  .l. Lo ug-it ude W est fro_m Greenwich  F  G  0 F  lllmo1s  3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  July,  TTTTTTTTT T  r MAP-TACK SYSTE  T T T T T T T Don't Theorize-Visualize T T in Your Transit Department T T Use the Rand McNally Map-Tack T T Cabinet System by which you can T see at a glance the location of your T collecting points. T They can be so marked by the use T our Tack System that by a T ofglance at any State you can get T T any information that you find T necessary in routing items. T T T T T  -  Let us tell you all about this valuable labor-saving method of using our ma1>3  MANAGER SALES SYSTEMS DEP'T RAND McNALL Y & CO. • 536 South Clark Street, Chicago  TTTTTTTTT TTTTT  -  1671  .ax1co  MEXICO  l's:  Map on ladex Mexico  ==========1:=============1========.=====1= ==p=,=DJN=C=J=p=,.=T===,,;:==========,====== ======,==================.•===hu=-===== .":<: -ooRi~g::;,~rs. O.4.PIT..6.L. MANA.GER ox •.uni: OP B.iliX. ToWJr ..6.JfD arA.T:S. I OoRRESPONDENTS. · O.4.PIT..6.L. JIU.NA.GJal OR NA.JO oP B,011e, 'I'oYnl A.llD BTA.n. (*Head Offi,ce)  .AGENT. (*Head Office) AGENT. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / - - - - - - - - · l - - - - - l -- - ' - - _ _ _ ; , _ _ : : _ : : : : . _ : ; . c . . a . _ _ - J l - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - / - - - - - - - -  Acatlan ___________ Puebla Romano y Cia ____________________________ _ Alamos ________ _Sonora T.Robinson Bonrse y Iermanos __ .________ ____________ Bk. of Oal. N ..L San II'.; Ban Go Nacioaal de MexApetatitlan _____ Tlaxcala Manuel Concha ___________________________________ _ ico, Mexico.  Mexico Oity _ _ _ D. F. (Continued)  MEXICO CITY BANKING CORP •• S. A.  Autlan ___________ Jalisco .Adela Blake vda. de Barraean- __________________________ _ Ciudad de Mexico ___ n, F. (See Memco Gitt/) Ciudad Porfirio D~uila 1st Nat. Bk. (~le Pass, Tex.) _____________________ __________ _ Guadalajara _______ A. R. Downs & Son _____________________________ _  Morteage & Loan Banking Co.• WalterB.Hull,Prea. Fernando Duran,  Guaymas -------------- John Davidson __________________________________________ _  Cashier Res.  Ixtlan, Terrltono de Tepic Loner2an & Standhope _________________________________ _ Juarez ________ Chihuahua Juarez Banking & Investment R. S. Garcia. Pru. Company ________________ §'19 M. S. Rascon.Cash.  $  Monterrey _N uevo Leon 50,000 Mech. &Metals N., N. Y.; " " ecur. Bk. & Tr. Co .• El Nuevo Laredo, TamauliPaso, Tex.; Juarez Bkg. pas & Tr. Co., Mexico City and Torreon, Mexico. Orizaba _____ Veracruz  La Paz.La Baja California Antonio Ruffo _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - ----------Matamoros ___ 'J'amaulipas J. S. and H. Cross. Suer, ________________________ _  l!'raneisco Armendaiz _________________________ _ Meri,<;Ia _____ yu~tan Arturo Peirce_ ____________________________________ *London, Eng. Banque Franca17 e DuMex1que ________________________________ *Mexico City, Mexico City _____ __ n, F. Anglo South American Bank. _____________________________ _ Limited ,____________________ _ Banca Asturiana ___________  -----1----------1 ~  Eman L. Beck, Pr es. Kountze Brothers and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Herbert P. Lewis, Vice-Pres. CAPITAL: Cent. Tr. Co. of 111., F. J. Dunkerley, ,$ 1,000,000 Chi.; 1st N., Bos.; Vice-Pres. Undivided Com. Tr. Co., Kan. Profits C.; Hib.-rnian Bk. & John Clausen, 100,915 Tr.Co., ,.i.O.; Crocker Vice-Pres. . N. and Wells FargoU-wynne Pool, As s't Cashier Nev.N.,San F.;tstN., Ave. Francisco I. Madero No. Antonio Ochoa, A ud itor. EI Paso, Tex.; London Lic.EduardoBaz, Sec. U Apartado No. 3-Bis, Joint City & Midland Federico Kladt, MEXICO, D. F. Bk., Ltd., London, Mgr.Foreign Dep t. Eng. ~ I.100,000 Han. J. • and N. City, Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.: ;;::.. Pesos t:z:j 1st N., El Paso. 4.  Jose Fernandez _______________________________ ------------  JUAN C. GUTIERREZ•------Collections a specialty. { Correspondents all over Progreso ______ Yucatan AeeDcia Comercial de Ferrocarriles Unidos de Yucatan Puebla-------------- Cia Comercial dePuebbla, S.A. R. de la Garza y Herman011 ____ Salinas Victoria,  ------------ -----------Mexico. __________________ _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Equitable Tr. Co.,  J. •  Y.  to  z X  (Jl  )l Q8TO de Leon  Sues.----- -----------& Co., Purcell Saltillo----------------_________________________ Sharpton A. S. San Luis Potosi _______ G. BanqueFrancaiseDuMexique• __________________ " -------" Cia :M:inera "ltl Boleo" ____________________ Santa Rosalia, La Baja O&lifornia Sierra :M:ojada __ Qoahuila Oia Minera "La Constancia" _____________________ _  n 0 ~ ~  ______________ ----------__________ - - - - - -------------------------------- *Mexico City. ------------  I > (")  0,)  .....  ~  Sl.>  ::,  22,000.000 * Montreal, Que. BANK OF MONTREAL ---------• H. Weldon________ 23,531,927 Surplus ___________ iBANQUE FRANCAISE DU . . MEXIQUE•----- Branches: Monterrey, Torre on, _______________________________ N. Park, Irving N., and Tampico ____ Tamauhpas BANQUE FRANCAISE DU Veracruz. City, Mexico Equitable Tr. Co., N. MEXIQUE-----•Estab. 1895. All banking op rations. C ollectlons aspecl altJ. Y.; Texas State Bk. Branches: Veracruz, Tam pico, Monterrey, Torreon. & Tr. Co., San AnAll banking operations. co llectlona. Stocki -Bondi. 600,000 PetroleumBankine&TrnstCo.• R. Thomas, Pres,_ tonio. Pesos G H Rihl V. P. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE T. s. Leitch _____ _ 15,000,000 *Toronto, Ont. A: J.' Schutz, Cash . 300,000 Tampico Bankine Co., S. A.•-- B. w. Fouts, Pres. Pesos Gmo. Brockman, 350,000 Equitable Trust Co. and A. D. Putnam, Mgr. Surplus&: Maitland Coppell & Co., · · M ex1cana_ · Ba ncana ca mpama Adolphe Lue,Pres • Profits N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. { Mgr. 275,000 Paris N., San F. Cia General de Credito _________________________ _ 30,000 Tampico Loan & Trost Oo. __ F. R. Byrons. Pres. " ------I Adrian Jean. 5,000,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk:. Puoa Com., St. L. Pres. Torreon --------Coahuila Juarez Banking & Investment (Branch of Juarez)_ Compafl.ia Bancaria de Paris Company ________________ §'19 .. .. Augustin RodriY Mexico, S . .A. Banque Francaise Du Mexioue ________________________ -------V T guez, uxpam ------ eracrnz Banque Francaise Du :Mexique• ________________________________ Gen. Mgr. 7,500,000 .Res. ____________ BAN0UE FRANCAISE DU Peaoa Descuento .Kspafl.oL______ Rafael Rodriguez __________ _ M[XIQUE•-----Branches: Monterrey, Torre on, Veracruz ______ Veracruz Tampico. City, Mexico Bedrifiana R. P. Jsnnings, Bankers ___________________________ _ i All baJlldncoperatlons. C olleetlons a speei alt)'. Juarez Banking & Investment _____________________________ Mech.&MetalsN.,N. Y.; Secur. Bk. & Tr. Co .. El Company _______________ §'10 Vaiy Hermanos, Suers,------ ______________ _ " _____ " Eulalio Roman•------------ __________________ - - - .. ________ " Paso, Tex.; Juarez Bkg. Zacatecas ___________ Lejeune, Flores & Co. _______________ & Tr. Co., Juarez. Me.xic• centla•ed en Nce•li haU of tll19 ••~•·  l  ><  Banque Francaise Du Mexique• ___________________ 100,000Puoa *Mexico City. Patricio e Hijos•------- ______________ ----------  ~  0 N. Park, Irving N., and Equitable Tr. Oo., N. N Y.; Texas State Bk. Sl.> & Tr. Co., San An~ tonlo, Tex. Ko-qntze Bros. and N. ~ City, N. 1'.; So. Tex. (") Sl.> Com'l N., Hquston. Bk. of N. Y. . .B.A., _N. fll Y.: lstN., Hou.; Mexico C!ty Bkg.Corp.,Mexico City.  £  ------------I Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. *:Mexico City. *M:exico City. N. Park, Irving N., and Equitable TSrta.Co.B,Nk. • te Y.; Texas &. Tr. Co., San Antonio, Tex.  For SAFETY and SERVICE, Senti Your Lepl Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See ladu ta lnyn)