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70 Number under Marne of Hank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The ftand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Liabilities. Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State •County Seats. In No. 6. Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. ❖Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. B. is Birmingham Br. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. ‘Abbeville___ Henry G 8 First National Bank___ «t'02 M. V. Capps______ L. S. Nichols.......... Robert Newman .. H. W. Parrish, Jr.. 61-191 Pop. 1500 Henry National Bank___ «T7 A. S. Steagall.......... J D. Wood T. J. Bland........... S. L. Wood___ 61-459 Albany_____ Morgan A 4 iA. A. HARDAGE— T. H. MATTOCKS_ _ T. A. BOWLES-....... J. S. WYATT-------D Pop. 7652 JSend us your Albany Business Direct. CENTRAL (Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items given 'Plain sight drafts, 15c; Credit Report s, 25c. TRY US. NATIONAL BANK 61-93 its Securities • from Principal Correspondents. Banks. 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 465,000 $ 540,000 $ 165,020 Han. N.,N. Y.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan.; 1st N.. Dothan. 2,010 25,000 154,670 78,910 .m. Ex. N„ N. Y.: 4th N„ Monte.: Hou. 71,390 Dothan. 200,000 47,500 631,600 185,600 773,680 Nash.; Fifth-Third N„ C; c st N„ Birm. special attentio » Hogan Jackson.. | L. C. Adkins______ C. J. Walker.......... J. A. Hanson..--emittance, intell igent reasons for ents of banking. TRY US. 100,000 42,940 !hase N., N. Y.; 4th Sfe N., Phil.; 4th , 1st N., Nash.; 1st. N., Chattanooga. 304,980 393,330 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 25,000 107,550 473,640 402,700 283,490 102,700 300,000 361,400 96,300 J. L. Willis.......... T. H. Thompson 50,000 85,500 718,010 436,670 384,000 J. A. SOMERVILLE. JR._ S. H. WHITE.......... 40,000 40,000 400,000 400,000 90,000 F. B. Carpenter___ W. S. Kirksey____ E. W. Hood_______ 25,000 13,500 200,000 240,000 30,000 I W. L. Ellison_____ O. S. Hardin_____ Gladys Rickies___ 20,000 2,000 152,540 94,100 82,950 I S.B. MILLIGAN__ R. N. McLEOD____ F H. BUCK______ 100,000 15,000 950,000 E.L. MORE Special Att ention given Bill of Ladi ng drafts. Personal P resentation. Prompt Rep ort. Reason able Exch ange 620,000 376,000 1 I (J.V. PARK_ _ _ _ _ J. M. SUMMERVILLE C. R. HORTON H. Herzfeld ... A. B. Hooper, Jr. L. M. Willis ..___ Am. N„ Nash. All collections entrusted to us r eceive prompt at tentloa. Lowest rates of exchange on Ne w York. Merchants & Farmers Bank I A. S. Murphy.......... 61-241 Js’lO Altoona____ Etowah B 6 First State Bank—........§’09 T. R. Bynum_____ B Pop. 1071 61-251 •Andalusia — Covington C. A. O’NEAL— Pop. 4500 H6 BANK OF ANDALUSIA 904 FIRST NAT’L BANK 606,870 non-pa yment. 55.000 A. B. Hooper____ 61-169 'T. E. HENDERSON. A.G. DARLING_ _ _ W.F. SIMMONS Send us your < ’01: ANNISTON 210,970 25,000 B. C. Bynum... _ . FIRST NATIONAL BAN K<1900i Benjamin Russell. T. C. Russell.......... J. H. Henderson. 61-130 62,330 1,025,610 1,352,410 Superior servic e on collections. First National Bank_____ ’20 M. F. Irvin............. C. F. Smith... 61-500 J.F. Hooper, Banker___ t'02 J. F. Hooper_____ \______________ 61-175 Alexander City___ Talla- Alexander City Bank...J§89 J. C. Maxwell____ i A. L. Harlan.. poosa.Pop. 4000___ E 7 61-168 Aliceville—Pickens 1) 2 ALICEVILLE BANK &TR. CO. B Pop. 1000 61-240 <§'04 200,000 | Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. t ■ p’ C. 0. BEAN_ _ _ _ _ 0. L. O'NEAL_ _ _ Birm. Rate S. 100,000 119,000 1,601,270 1,375,540 N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Lowry N., Atl. 483,340 Seab. S 200.000 167,900 2,123,670 2,686,380 N. and N. Park, N. Y. 406,190 Han. I Andalusia items direct. Lading drafts nt. BEvR---------C‘ D- WOODRUFF- S. L. GALBRAITH - R. F. SMITH....... e.A. euiMH T-E-“ffivBd. NATIONAL BANK SSffiL^wSS S,SX-f&ttLKl and sonal at tention. <’90 l eeadvance is not required on cash and Bill of Lading items and Not 8S. CITY BANK & JRUST C0.§,12jcHouser--------- O. M. Alexander...,Beverly Z. Henry.. (Fred R. Martin. 61-54 COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK C.R. BELL-------- JNO. F. WILLIAMS - L. A. STANLEY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , S. R. THOMPSON SEND US Y OUR ANNIS TON ITEMS DIRECT. 40,000 450,000 525,000 60,000 290.000 360.000 115,000 I 190,000|l I Prompt Att ention given Bill of Ladin g Drafts and 61-56 <’20 tall matters sent us. First National Bank___ <’83 W. H. Weatherly.. W.W. Stringfellow J. T. Gardner, Jr. AV. W Weaver 61-53 H. A. Young I SAVANNAH ATLANTA 150,000 300,000 100,000 493,560 2.554,370 2,940,110 370,040 Chase C N., N. Y. SOUTHERN BANK SOLICITS YOUR AUGUSTA MACON CW CZ* AL AB AM A BA N K S — A bb ev ill e to A nnis to n <’02 I Oldest National Bank in Morgan County. sPpc*al attention given Bill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. Albertville-Marshall B 6 BANK OF ALBERTVILLE<§'05 B Pop. 2500 61-176 61-129 Resources. & Drs- i Cxsn & ExDepos (1 cL’oans ts. Bonds CHANGES, Due <’05 NATIONAL BANK ‘Anniston...Calhoun C 7 B Pop. 17,734 Paid-up ttURPLUS AND Capital Profits R.C.GARDNER MORGAN COUNTY F. A. BLOODWORTH .. W, E. SKEGGS------- ATLEE H. HOFF.......... E. E. GRAVES61-92 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws ALABAMA Ju ly , 1920 41 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ LOWN AND COUNTY. Name of Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this 4* volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. to ALABAMA—Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State ACounty Seats. In No. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.State Bks.Assn.+Priv. [Estab. B is in Birmingham Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up SURPLUS AND Capital Profits Resources. Depos its i Loans & DisIC’ts. Bonds, Securities j Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Dub from Banks. Joseph J. Bain___ Luther S. Thomp- (Branch of Bank of Albe rtviUt, Albert- N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Birm. son villt, Ala.) Edgar W. Carter Ariton________ Dale G 7 Ariton Banking Co------tS'08 J. J. Barnes.........— M. Trawick.............. Y. E. Folsom_____ M. A. McFadden... $ 39,000 $ 19,280 $ 113,360 1 $ 150.670 $ 22,680 Han. N., N. Y.; Tra. N., Birm.: Hou. N., 61-253 Dothan. Pop. 500 Arab............Marshall B5 Bank of Arab—..............<§'09 61-252 B Pop. 250 J. S. Radney____ R.M. Jacobs D. B. Thompson —. 30,000 W. P. Burkett____ A. L. Snell........ — B. A. Bruner 25,000 9,500 134,130 136,380 52.000 Han. N„ N. Y.: Hou. N„ Dothan. 15,000 9,220 160,090 128,720 40,570 Han. N., N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm.; Lowry N., Atl. 75,000 33.770 386,760 407,440 122,040 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Birm.; 4th N., Atl. 12,500 7,220 200,000, 121,850 9,980 Han. N.. N. Y.; Gadsden, N., Gadsden. 30.000 29,180 320,330 275,360 tC. D. GLAZE------ W. J. HOWARD....... J. N. HOWARD_ _ _ _ R. C. MARTIN_ _ _ _ L. C. HIGHTOWER M. L. EASTER 60.000 38,900 1,008,790 617,880 Ashford.__ Houston H 8 Farmers & Merchants Bank W. W. Cook-— .. 61-486 S'20 POfi. 900 At «• First National Bank_____ »’12 J. R. Dawsey------61-386 ‘Ashville...St. Clair C 6 Ashville Savings Bank. »§’O6 J. L. Herrine------- W. A. Beason.. J. A. Embry 61-255 B Pop. 278 J. C. Du Bois, Jr. — Wm. S. Peebles... M. M. Rosenau___ A. B. McWilliams- Wm. D. Jones ‘Athens.. Limestone A 4 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. J. S. Crutcher 61-166 »£S'99 C. L. Williamson B Pop. 4000 FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK •61-167 <§’09 50.000 20,340 368,220 409.380 50,000 27,750 290.890 221,730 Lonnie Greer------- J. M. Northrop. . 69,550 Han. N., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 141,410 Chase N.. N. Y.; Merch. and 1st N., Mobile. 50,000 9,860 196,770 193,720 __ Nell J. Gray______ 50,000 45,000 412,380 368,370 59,260 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Mobile; Am. N., Pen sacola, Fla. 168,460 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm.; Lowry N., Atl. C. R. Shepherd.__ F. W. Cox........ ___ E. G. Norton „. . 25,000 11,130 280,000 173,300 140,650 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga and Birm, W. D. Martin_____ 10.000 8,500 60,000 60,000 11.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Tra. N., Birm. Jas. M. Voltz_____ O. C. Hall............... 50,000 20,000 520,000 365,000 150.000 Chase N., N. Y.: Merch., Mobile. W. R. Sawyer____ W. R. Sawyer____ W. J. Mason______ 15,000 12,610 130,130 219,350 33,650 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Mobile.; City N„ Selma. H. B. Zeitier--------- E. C. Steele_______ B. N. Bibb G.W.Johns -------- G. I. Miller .............. Edna Allsup______ 10,000 6,000 124,240 84,290 15,000 16,430 197,500 175,370 49,110 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm.; Tenn. Valley, Decatur. 48,800 N. Park, N. Y.; IstN.. Birm. W. H. LEWIS_ _ _ _ _ _ G. R. DAVIES_ _ _ _ _ 100.000 C. B. Forman-------- E. G. Lee___ (R.F. SMITH......... W. H. LEWIS_ _ _ _ _ G. E. RUTLEDGE NATIONAL BANK )OnIy NATIONA L bank in Ressem er. Collections a specialty, 'Drafts drawn with Exchange remitted without cost. Reasons gi ven for 80.330 2,191,150 2,062,750 358,310 Han. N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. non-pa yment. <’03 United States Savings Bank W. W. Hollings 61-60 <§’04 worth sr;:;; The citizens J. W. Frost______ C. E. Frost_______ J. D. Curtis ............ E. F. Goldsmith... W. R. Maxwell___ G.B. Hollingsworth W. T. Lathem___ 50,000 8,000 598,000 ; 402,000 201,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. SOUTHERN bank Solicits Youh Business i=ts July, 1920 FIRST 61-58 • 489,810 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. N.. Nash.; 1st N., Birm. < Send us your A thens Business I) irect. I Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. CPlease send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rts. First National Bank____ £’89 W. A. Frost______ 61-165 Atmore...Bscambia H 3 Bank of Atmore . ...........<§’04 J. E. McCoy............ 61-209 Pop. 2500 W. J. Grubbs_____ 61-452 Attalla Rank . <S’0fi T. C. Banks______ 61-256 B Pop. 4000 Merch. & Farmers Bk._ £§’13 61-412 Auburn ...______ Lee E 8 Bank of Auburn........ ..<§'07 S. L. Toomer__ Pop. 1408 61-257 *Bay Minette... Baldwin Baldwin County Bank.<§’01 W. D. Stapleton... 6 N. O.Pop. 749 13 61-258 Beatrice____Monroe Q 4 Peoples Exchange Bank<§'07 T. M. Riley.............. 61-259 B Pop. 400 Belle Mina....Limestone Belle Mina Bank_______£§’13 Clyde Hendrix .... B Pop. 150 A 5 61-422 Berry..............Fayette C 3 Bank of Berry________ •S’ll J. C. Shepherd___ B Pop. 1500 61-382 Bessemer—Jefferson D 4 B Pop. 10,800 71,390 Chase N., N. Y.: 4th & 1st N., Nash. ALA BAM A BA NK S —Ar ab to B es se m er ^Ashland______Clay D 7 Farmers State Bank------ £§’14 F. J. Ingram--------- W. L. Runyan........ M. W. Morgan------ E. F. Ingram____ 61-448 B Pop. 1800 .. First National Bank------ »’O9 C. B. Allen -.......... C. M. Pruet_______ H. L. Wynn---------- H. W. Sims_______ H. L. Wynn G. W. Childs 61-208 N. Park, N. Y.; Dothan N., Dothan. PEOPLES BANK Mobile : Alabama Established 1871 Capital (Earned) - $ 200,000.00 300,000.00 Deposits, over 5,000,000.00 Officers A. L. STAPLES ------ President J. C. BUSH, Jr. - - - - Vice-President S. A. TONSMEIRE - - - Vice-President H. A. PHARR.............................. Cashier A. J. WILDMAN - - - Assistant Cashier J. ROGERS BURGETT Assistant Cashier W.‘ W. BOYLES - - - Assistant Cashier Prompt and careful attention given Collections and all banking matters AO '4 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. TOWN AMD COUNTY. | _ N AME OF BANK. _ , ALABAMA—Continued i Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. ii Resources. Principal Correspondents. 42 Wf^tory^nder the authority^ The? AmeHe'anTX®3A«"n’ ALA RA ftZf A ——f*nr*tit-in Non-Bank flOvod A onnc \ TT°„'Ln.S„ *itJi JSteyest Banking Fob Developed Service for Banks and Bankers OFFICERS G. B. McCORMACK, Chairman of the Board W. W CRAWFORD........................... President H. L. BADHAM.............. , . .Vice-President J. KIRKMAN JACKSON....... Vice-President C. M. WILLIAMSON. . H. H. K. JEFFERSON A. J. DALY................... .......... Cashier Asst. Cashier .Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS in*1 n i» 5’ f5 *H5! ii i$ n h * |U|5! n iil8' i »x«0>I u II H« H« ill o n 11HIIII jHHimun u MiDT8Mn0 11 II nu ii i! ii || B'jn\ ■i Hu B3WJ1 ■ 82 ii 11 Hh II IIHU IB II H H G. B. McCORMACK Chairman of Board of Directors President Pratt Consolidated Coal Co. H. L. BADHAM President Bessemer Coal, Iron & Land Co. J. W. McQUEEN President Sloss-Sheffield Steel & Iron Co M. W. BUSH President Shelby Iron O'ompany LOUIS V. CLARK of Louis V. Clark & ^ompany J. WARNER SHOOK o Shook & Fletcher Supply Company JAMES BOWRON President Gulf States Steel Company GEO. W. CONNORS President Connors-Weyman Steel Co. W. J. DANGAIX Capitalist SYDNEY J. BOWIE President Crawford’s Auto Shop, Inc. H. C. ABBOTT Capitalist WALTER MOORE President Empire Coal Company WM. D. JELKS President Protective Life Insurance Co. F. B. FOWLKES Real ©State J. D. KIRKPATklCK President Kirkpatrick Sand & Cement Co. H. E. McCORMACK General Manager Pratt Consolidated Coal Company F. B. YEILDING of Yeilding Bros. Department Stores LEROY P. PERCY of Percy, Benners & Burr, Attorneys H. K. MILNER President Milner Land Company L. SEVIER President Alabama Manufacturers Ass'n CHARLES F. DeBARDELEBEN Vice-President Alabama Fuel & Iron Co. A. C. RAMSAY Engineer Pratt Consolidated Coal Co. GEORGE JOHNSTON Pres. Johnston Dry Goods Co. J. KIRKMAN JACKSON Vice President W. W. CRAWFORD, President AmericanTrusthSavingsranr Member Federal Reserve System BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA American Trust & Savings Bank Building Number under Name of Bah» r-.... .... Transit; ..amber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 43 Bank Federal Reserve of St. Louis Directory, under the authority of The Amerlean HanLors CAPITAL............................................ $ SURPLUS AND PROFITS - DEPOSITS (over).............................. BIRMINGnAM—Reserve City 500,000.00 400,000.00 10,000,000.00 (jefferson, D 5) County Seat, 43 Number under Name of Banff’!?''TSS!' fransii ±.amber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name of BIRMINGHAM—Reserve City Bank. SState •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. ♦Mem. Fed. Kes. AMERICAN TRUST & SAV. BANK •«'O3 61-12 Vice-President. President. Cashier. •“ — [jeners6n, D 5) County Seat] Population 178,270 £ (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank No. 6) Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Individ Deposits ’ Paid-up Surplus AND ual OP Capital Profits Deposits Banks Dis- Kesources. M ISCEDBonds, Securi- COUNTS TIES, ETC. RESOURCES Principal Correspondents. Cash Resources W. W. CRAWFORQH. I. BADHAM- C. M.WILLIAMSON- H.H.K. JEFFERSON G. B. McCORMACK, J. K. JACKSON A. J. DALY Ch. of Bd. $ 500,000 $ 670,280 $7,932,940 $ 404,590 $ 9,087,230 $ 537.300 $ 497,570 $ 2,762.300 ——— —— ■ »--- - Banking in all its Branches—Your items and collec-l tions on Birmingham especially solicited. Try us. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. City, and N. Park, N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil.; N. Bk.j Com., St. L. SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE. BIRMINGHAM ARTHUR W. SMITH W. H. M MANLY-------- BENSON ____________ CAINM. F. SMITH, C. D. CO COTTON * " Tr. Officer. E. W. FINCH CORRESPONDENCE INVITED WITH REFERENCE TO YOUR ALABAMA BUSINESS IN BULK. TRUST & SAV. CO. ♦ 61-8 TOM 0. SMITH •t5’87 Fed. Reserve Bank of Atlanta (Branch of Atlantia. Ga.) 61-19 »T8 827,170 13,387,860 1,017,660 10,277,510 1,500.000 1,954.020 24,557,800 3,737,110 18,260,020 ‘FIRST NAT’L BANK —— ——— ♦Steiner Brothers______ »tS'88 Leo K. Steiner----- B. Steiner------------- Carl Steiner---------- S. Steiner______ ... 61-11 H. E. Steiner J. M. Levine ‘TRADERS 868,830 750,770 3,854.280 Han. N., N. Y. 6,659,160 501,570 8,033,470 (For com plete information j see page 33) . OSCAR WELLS—- J.K. FLEMING-— F.S.FOSTER.......... W. D. ROBERTSON THOMAS BOWRON J. A. HOLCOMB, W. C. O’FERRALL K. W. BERRY Auditor PAUL ANGELL LANGSTON McCALLEY .x,g4 Largest Bank in Alabama. Designated Depositary of the United States and State * of Alabama. We collect and forward items direct to every banking point in Alabama. Superior service in handling collections. TEST OUR FACILITIES 61-1 500.000 f JOHN H. FRYE —- J. G. FARLEY------- J. L. COOPER_ _ _ _ _ JOHN L. COX........... J Send us your B irmingham item s direct. MONTGOMERY 100,000 151?,000 250,000 88,850 25,000 16,060 ............. — 550,000 ________ 2,716,470 645,800 ■ ———--------------- 425,000 550,000 1,698,960 1,012.780 287,170 2,000 31 040 ’ ■■ Chase N. and Han. N., N. Y.; W Cont. & Com’l N. and 1st N., > Chi.; M. M. 1st N., Balt.: 4thI St. N., Phil.; 1st N., St. L. and £ Wichita. CZ3 115,000 Cent. Union Tr. Co., N. Park, and Columbia, N. Y. 1 183,040 N. City and Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N., N. O.; Far. & Meeh. N., Phil. NATIONAL BANK i Promp attentio n given bill of la ding drafts 61-10 •t’03 I and all items sent us. Woodlawn Savings Bank ..+§’1AA. W. Bell----------- E. A. Carter_______ Miss M. E.Gribbon___________________ ♦ 61-441 H. G. Prickett ( Otto Marx_____ Leo Kayser.................... .................... .................................... MARX & COMPANY —-’mi V.H.Marx (Brown Marx Bldg.) (.(Investment Sicuritics) uiKDn ctcdwc b. on ,n1; I Geo. B. Ward and,M. H, Sterne, __________ .______ ___________________ WAKU, olLKnt a LU.--------- ul; \ (jnvestmenf Securities) Partners. Birmingham Clearing House __ Jno. H. Frye..........J. K. Jackson.......... Ina Shepard, Mgr.____________________ (Members indicated by a *) 294,640 ______ 200,000 2,000 44,530 Meeh. & Metals N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm. ____ !_________ Han. N. and Ladenburg. Thaimann Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. ---------------------- 1st jj. and Birm. Tr. & Sav., Birm. ALABAMA—Continued Town and County. Name op Bank. ^County Seats, •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState in No. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. B is Birmjngham Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Kes. [Estab. Principal Correspondents. President. Vice-President. Boar_______ Marshall B 6 Boaz Bank..................... — 509 W. E. Snead______ S. H. Leeth............ 61-217 B Pop. 2000 Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. SAVANNAH ATLANTA Depos its A Bis- Cash &ExLoans ,c*ts. Bonds, changes.Dub Securities from Banks. 28,300 $ 46,000 $ 626,740 $ 249,810 $ 442,480 10,000 15,000 329,000 L. E. Stephenson.. 25,000 41,040 D. W. James_____ John T. Martin___ 25,000 9,500 R. M. Miller_____ Farmers & Merch. Bank H. Jackson—......... J. H. Fletcher____ D. K. Searcy _____ H. R. Payne______ 61-216 •S04 Brantley.-Crenshaw G 6 First National Bank.. .-•t’06 Fox Henderson___ A. H. Hill. 61-261 Pop. 802 S. W. May Brent__________ Bibb E 4 Brent Banking Co.__ .•tS’12 H. V. Faucett____ 61-396 B Pop. 350 Surplus Paid-up and Capital Profits $ The CITIZENS ". SOUTHERN BANK Am. N„ Nash. 150.000 90,000 N. Park.N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. 175,450 154,890 90,660 |N. Park, N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N., Troy, 180,000 109,500 70,000 AUGUSTA MACON MACON 42 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given bank *5 exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Rankers A««’n Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of T1 Town and County. d^n’ABauH Towns with Nearest Banking PolnM.Ii>, aexen Acees V Lawvprs. *Brewton-.Escambia H 4 BANK OF BREWTON --<§’ 61-145 Pop. 4000 President. O, M, Gordon Vice-President. Cashier. W. Y. Lovelace___ C. B. Sawyer... Ass’t Cashier. J. E. Shofner. <E L.McMILLAN-—- J, T. BOYD_ _ _ _ _ _ _ J.S. CRUM_ _ _ _ _ _ 0. M.COLLEY------- CITIZENS BANK- 61-146 Bridgeport—Jackson A 7 B Pop. 2000 Brundidge_____ Pike G 7 Pop. 1000 Camp Hill-Tallapoosa E 7 B Pop. 800 Carbon Hill—Walker C 3 B Pop. 2500 ‘Carrollton..Pickens D 2 B Pop. 800 Castleberry-Conecuh H 5 Pop. 300 Cedar Bluff .Cherokee B 7 B Pop. 500 ‘Center....Cherokee B 7 B Pop. 600 ‘Centerville___ Bibb E 4 B Pop. 1000 ‘Chatom. W ashingtonH 2 B Pop. 350 Farmers & Merchants Bank 61-390 <§’12 American National Bank—’18 61-468 Brundidge Bkg. Co..—411900 61-228 First National Bank........ t '04 61-229 Choctaw Bank----------- <§’05 61-263 Central State Bank.......... §’16 61-456 Bank of Camden.........§’09 61-239 Camden National Bank.<’06 61-238 Bank of Camp Hill____ J§’06 61-265 Citizens Bank.......... ..... <§’08 61-266 Bank of Carrollton ..<§1900 61-267 Pickens County State Bank ♦ 61-466 §T8 Peoples Bank_________ <§’09 61-268 Cedar Bluff Bank_______ §’09 61-269 Cherokee County Bank<§’06 61-270 Farmers & Merchants Bank 61-462 §17 Bibb County Bkg. & Tr. Co. 61-271 t§’97 Peoples Bank................ <§’14 61-434 Chatom State Bank___ §’09 61-272 it Dis- 50,000 $ 51.270 J 597,170 $ 521,420 $ 160,400 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Mobile and Birm.: N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. 47,200 25,000 J Special attenti on given Bill of Lading drafts, C ash and Time Ite ms. CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight draft for presentation, and (twenty-five CENTS for each credit report ins ures prompt, per sonalat tentio n A. Calvin Smith... Principal Correspondents. Cash & Exchanges.Duk from Banks 343,320 215,850 191,970 N. Park, N.Y.: Citiz. & Peo. N.,Pensacola. Fla.: 1st N„ Mobile: Birm. Tr. & Sav., Birm. 25,000 15,000 350,000 250,000 25,000 12,270 160,420 197,100 J. F. Hightower.. 150,000 157,830 391.630 684,560 140,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Tra. N. and 1st N., Birm.; Merch., Mobile. 22,280 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N„ Nash.; 1st N„ Chattanooga. 64,800 N. Park. N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N., Troy. James T. Ramage. J. D. Murphree.__ W. G. Gilmore... 50,000 75,000 250,000 240,000 104,770 N. City, and Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.;Lowry N.,Atl. W. J. Dansby____ W. D. Whitted.... G. E. Foerster.__ 20,000 8,560 198,230 118,300 C. L. O’Neal_____ B. Turner, Acting. 30,000 3,600 60,000 44,000 80,540 N. Park. N. Y.: Merch.. Mobile; 1st N., Meri dian, Miss. 49,600 1st N., Birm. J. W. Adkisson___ E. S. Liles............ G. O. Harold_____ R. Stephenson___ J. J. Williams___ F. W. Carr........ . M. Lightfoot Gordon DuBose F. C. Rass W. J. Bonner_____ E. R. Bonner_____ J. T. Lawler_____ E. W. Berry______ J. R. Liddell______ J. M. Moore_____ R. H. Liddell___ 30,000 10,000 250,000 240,000 30,000 22,000 246,000 154,910 70,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Selma N., Selma; Merch., Mobile. 133,900 Chase N., N.Y.; City N., Selma; 1st N-, Mobile. E. L. Andrews____ H. T. Mamner____ E. L. Andrews ___ S. V. Henderson. 50,000 34,760 175,830 246,360 Duncan McDonald. H. T. Peters_____ G. A. Kropp_____ E. S. Guthrie___ 15,000 9,520 259,600 171,780 A. H. Dabbs______ J. R. Moore______ W. H. Strother__ W. G. Robertson A. E. Bell________ D. B. Miller.......... L. C. Hudgins G. M. Collins J. W. Thurmond . E. Ferguson____ 25,000 32,130 235,890 301,680 T. L. Lasseten......... J. F. Stone_______ W. R. Westbrook. Otice Stone_____ 16,500 34,000 158,500 178,240 74,500 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ex. N„ Rome, Ga. 25,090 17,090 206.460 214,730 21,820 Chase N., N. Y.; J. L. Brock_____ 18,000 25,000 21,630 163,770 147,060 60,250 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. W. C. Fuller______ N. W. Hunnicutt. S. T. Langston.. 42,000 8,500 138,000 100,000 75,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm, James N. Granade. T. J. Dees.............. T. J. Dees_______ C. V. Williams G. E. Turner___ 15,000 10,000 85,000 97,500 J. L. Savage........ .. 60,000 N. P. Thurmond. Roscoe Smith____ J. H. Savage_____ J. K. Richardson.. W. A. Snead______ J, P. Kennedy____ Edward Kennedy.. J. P. Suttle___ __ -................................ ------------ --------------- J. P. Batson_____ M. C. Crumpton .. Lucy Finn. Han. N-, N. Y.; Merch., Mobile. 34,090 (Branch of Decat ur.Ala.) 28,500 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch., Mobile. N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.; Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou. 25.000 6,150 90,000 79,000 4,460 121,980 119,590 E. E. Upchurch ... G. C. Walker_____ J. C. Page_______ • D. 1. Deramus, Jr. J. R. Downs John A. Thomas .. F. J. Callen W. T. Callen 30,000 3,500 165,000 111,000 15,000 44,680 368,920 258,510 J. L. Houston____ W. H. Robertson . A. J. Bethune------ 50,000 15,000 135,000 189,000 J. E. Parish______ J. T. Floyd, Jr..__ 50,000 73,000 150,000 246,000 W. A. Arnold_____ J. D. Fuquay_____ B. I. Jackson........ C. H. Stephens .. 25,000 28,500 250,000 193,700 J. L. Crawford-— H. C. Riley.............. J. P. Lawson_____ 25,000 15,000 50,000 60,000 CITIZENS % SOUTHERN BANK 1st N., Gadsden. Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Gadsden. 10,000 O. B. Pruett . 29,170 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Tuscaloosa. Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. (.Branch of Ever green, A John A. Hurt_____ J. M, Barclay......... C. D. Hurt---------- G. R. Powell 26,670 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 110,590 Mech.& Metals N..N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 37,000 Chem. N., N.Y.: Tra. N„ Birm,; City N., Syla cauga. 27,370 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Merch., Mobile. 80,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Birm.; 4th N., Montg. 164,540 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. Tr. & Sav., Tra. N.. and 1st N.. Birm.; 1st N..Ex. N., and 4th N.. Montg. 30,000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Bk. of Eufaula, Eufaula. 37,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th N„ Atl. 121,400 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Eufaula, Eufaula. 20,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Dothan N., 1) ot ha n. AUGUSTA MACON Ju ly , 1920 Childersburg.. Talladega First State Bank........... <§’10 61-373 B Pop. 500 D 5 Citronelle___ Mobile II 2 Citronelle State Bank.<§’18 61-467 N.0. Pop. 800 ‘Clanton........ Chilton E 5 First National Bank_____ T9 61-479 B Pop. 3000 Peoples Savings Bank.<§’01 61-195 ‘Clayton——Barbour G 7 Bank of Commerce........ tS’06 61-194 Pop. 1500 Clayton Banking Co____§’87 61-193 Clio—........... Barbour G 8 Clio Banking Co._____ t§’05 61-244 Pop. 1250 Coffee Springs—.Geneva First National Bank___ i'06 61-276 Pop. 503 H 7 $ Resources. Loans c’ts. Bonds, 8«odkitiks -•tS’O2 ^FIFTEEN Cherokee___ Colbert A 2 Tennessee Valley Bank 61-273 i5’92 B Pop. 556 SAVANNAH ATLANTA ABILITIEs. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital Profits its B A N K S — B re w to n to Cof fee S pri ngs ‘Butler____ Choctaw F 2 B Pop. 300 Calera______ Shelby D 5 B Pop. 800 ‘Camden....... Wilcox G 4 B Pop. 1200 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this -&» volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. -h* ALABAMA—Continued Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState *Oounty Seats. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. In No. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. [Estab. B is Birmingham Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. tindevedt in back | > |\ £ Number under Name of Bank m ihe New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. , Name of President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Collinsville..Dekalb B 7 Collinsville Savings Bank §’19 V. M. Brindley___ | H. P. McWhorter . j V. M. Brindley —- ■. S Pop. 1250 61-173 ........ “ _______ “ Cragford Bank______ *t§T6 61-445 First Bank of Crossville -§'13 61-411 Bank of Cuba________ <§’04 61-281 Alabama Bank & Trust Co. ♦ 61-472 <§'18 Leeth National Bank___ <’10 61-149 PARKER BANK & TRUST CO. 61-147 t§'84 61-115 <13 COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK 61-370 <11 ROBERTSON BANKING CO... 61-134 SAVANNAH ATLANTA <§’70 54,410 $ 1 Principal Correspondence. , Cx8n & Ex ' changes, Due from Banks- 68,880 $ 8,770 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Collinsville. 18,000 500,000 350,000 5,600 160,000 150,000 25,000 15,500 95,000 98,000 37,500 N. Park, N. V.: Dothan N„ Dothan. 35,000 2,000 122,000 80,000 39,000 N.Park.N. Y.; 1st N.,Birm.;Selma N„ Selma. 5,000 175,000 105,000 (Branch of Decat nr, Ala.') 150,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga; 1st N., Gadsden and Birm. 45,000 N. Park, N.Y.; 1st N„ Birm. and Chattanooga. 77,000 Han. N„ N. Y. N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.; Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou. J. F. Carter______ G. W. B. Walker.. \ O. O. Mitchell... Lavelle Dean. 25,000 7,0y0 98,000 107,000 S. P. Smith_______ G. W. Justice_____ C. D. King_________ 20,000 7,340 175,000 25,000 W. E. McGowen... A. L. Vaughan........ IT. O. Vaughan____ T. S. Ward C. S. Biggers.......... W. J. Cottingham.. A. W. Burton------- Rene Clark. W. Carothers G. S. Leeth.......... .. T. J. Callahan, Jr..| R. I. Burke---------- C. W. Alley 15,000 13,000 160,000 140,000 50,000 4,360 478,530 305,000 25,000 30,000 300,000 200,000 175,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Hamilton Tr. & Sav., Chattanooga: Tra. N., Birm. 35,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Am.Tr. & Sav., Birm.;Fifth Third N„ Cin.; Citiz. N„ Meridian, Miss. 204,000 Mecli. & Metals N.. N. Y.: Am, Tr. & Sav.. Birm.; Am. N.. Nash. 70,430 Chase N., N. Y.: IstN., Birm. 100,000 16,000 540,000 360,000 150,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. 102,370 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. 'M. L. ROBERTSON- R. E. LEE----------- J. SPITZNAGEL C. A. STIEFELMEYER Special attend on given Bill of Lading draft .Please send 15c w \ ith each sight draft for presentation ivant L. E. Wells_____________________ rC.C. HARRIS...... J. L. HUTTON......... W. B. SHACKELFORD W. E. ROPER J. D. WYKER J. L. BROCK . 20,000 Han. N., N. Y.-, 1st N., Birm. ms. ts. 50,000 6,170 202,960 126,280 50,000 15,000 200,000 181,000 25,000 6,500 81,520 65,000 10,000 130 39,140 37,250 200,000 85,210 51,400 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co. and Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. 50,500 Han. N„ N. Y.: 1st N„ Dothan. 9,760 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch., Mobile. 961,500 1,145,970 240,660 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.: 1st N., Birm. 262,390 4,417,500 4,742,970 522,730 N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y,; 1st N., Birm. and Chattanooga. I Send us your D eeatur business. ^Special attentio 150,000 J. D. NORWOOD-— J. H. SPIGHT.......... THOS. S. EDDINS — E. H. C. BAILEY 100,000 81,370 633.380 806,400 166,090 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Birin.; Selma N., Selma; Merch., Mobile. 125,000 132,500 764,210 822,630 199,130 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. Reports. Superior service and prompt returns. W.S.PROUT_ _ _ L. C.LOWE......... — E. E. TALLICHET — F. G. SPURLING.T. BREITLING J B T A YLOR First and oldest established Bank. Unequaled facilit ies for makin Collections a Sp ecialty and remit ted on day of pay ment. Ilection s. The CITIZENS % SOUTHERN BANK A 50,000 15.000 Tennessee Valley Bank------ Clyde Hendrix------ W. W. Fussell........ J. C. White.......... O. C. Hackworth 61-116 <§’92 Demopolis ..Marengo F 3 B Pop. 3500 4,140 $ Resources. Loans Dis c’ts. Bonds Securities 50,000 M. H. Johnston.__ P. M. Long................ M. H. Johnston____ W. N. Jones.. Daphne......Baldwin I 3 Daphne State Bank........ t§'20 Wm. McIntosh .... G. B. Stapleton___ J. R. Hammet...........R. D. Latady 61-484 6 N. 0. Pop. 500 CITY NAT’L BANK 15,200 $ W. F. Davis______ W. W. Wallace____ W. L. Christian.___ ______________ ‘Dadeville... Tallapoosa Sturdivant Bank.......... _t§’96 61-186 B Pop. 1400 E7 Tallapoosa CountyBankt§’87 61-185 Daleville______ Dale H 7 Bank of Daleville--------- +§'11 G. H. Malone_____ T. B. Wells........... W. W. Morris 61-379 Pop. 500 ‘Decatur___ Morgan A 4 B Pop. 5800 $ O. L. Hall . ...............Irby C. Hall________ J. P. Cox------------- Russell M. Crump. J. T. Siniard W. E. Killian_____ j J. D. Jordan______ E. M. Box------------- !_____________ j J. W. Blackwell W. F. Oakley_____ T. L. Blackwell— L. W. Armstrong..IM. L. Oakley. Courtland .Lawrence A 4 Tennessee Valley Bankt§l900 61-280 Pop. 478 Cragford—........ Clay D 7 B Pop. 200 Crossville___ Dekalb B 6 B Pop. 350 Cuba...............Sumter F 2 B Pop. 800 ‘Cullman ...Cullman B 5 B Pop. 4000 Liabilities. Paid-up SURPLUS 1 Depos AND Capital its Profits SOLICITS YOUR AUGUSTA MACON A L AB AM A BA N K S — Co lli ns ville to D em op ol is First National Bank___ «’04 61-234 j Peoples Bank________ »§tT9 61-477 Columbia...Houston H 81 Bank of Columbia_____ <§’12 Pop. 1122 61-404 ‘Columbiana. Shelby D 5| Columbiana Sav. Bank.«J§’03 B Pop. 1200 61-277 Cordova........ Walker C 4j Cordova Bank________ »:tS’O8 B Pop. 2000 61-278 “ ** Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ALABAMA—Continued Bank. aCounty Seats. »Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. JState In No. 6 Fed. Res. Dist.’tMem. State Bks.Assn.+Priv. B is Birmingham Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. I UUH UUUinuWMAUuri Ju ly , 1920 a ^JULIUII U 42 Afi “O tn?l»^hbhr»?n<lenN?me °,r Bank is the New Transit Number given AT AOAVA ^ Number under Name of Bank;is the New Transit Number given S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. to each bank in U. Town and County. ! Name op p___ *•___ President. Vice President. Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Subplus Depos AND Capital its Profits Ass’t Cashier. $ A. B. Phillips_____ G. May..................... C. I. Jones______ Dora............... Walker C 4 Dora Banking* Trust Co. •tS’O6 61-282 P. P. Crowe B Pop. 916 [ (E. 3. PORTER...... J. J. FLOWERS_ _ _ F. A. FLOWERS...... J, J. WHIODON ‘Dothan___ Houston H 8 ♦DOTHAN BANKS TRUST CO. TTbe smallest B ank hut the mos prompt service. Pop. 10,034 61-84 JSTO (Send us your B 111 of Lading Dra tfts —Sight Drafts 61-80 Principal Correspondents. Cxsn & Ex changes,Dub prom Banks. 60,000 475,000 75,000 N. Park and N. Bk. Com,, N. Y.; 1st N. and Dothan N„ Dothan. 400,000 100,000 1,200.000 1,400,000 300.000 Meeh. & Metals N„ N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 250,000 68.810 1.001,120 1,655,840 245,740 Han. N. and N. Park, N. Y.: Am. N., Pensa! cola, Fla.; 1st N., Phil. 40,000 450,000 C reditRe ports 50 c. \ts ) Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation and (.to insure attentio n. •t'89 "\Save time and g et service on Col lections and Cre »tl900 ‘(FEE IN ADVA NCE: Plain sigh t drafts, J Sc; C epoi Re, eports, SO ♦Houston National Bank»t’O5 J. R. Young______ R. B. Forrester.... K. L. Forrester___ ndlng c. TRY c 150,000 US. 130,000 756,750 181,990 Han. N., N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; N. Bk. of Savan., Savan. (Branch of Decat ur, Ala. P Tennessee Vallej’ Bank.iS'il 61-283 25.000 25,000 First National Bank_____ ’101 A. F. Merrill 277.690 187,480 61-284 10,000 10,750 Bank of Eclectic............ T§’13 B. L. Gaddis______ J. A. Howie______ Lee Hornsby_____ O. P. Edwards____ 27,270 95,390 61-417 75,000 46,350 Elba Bank & Trust Co.-*t§’llj F. P. Rainer______ Y. W. Rainer_____ J. B. Amos_______ 292,410 225,220 61-378 1 492,000 75,000 95,000 First National Bank__ »t’031 L. A. Boyd_______ S. N. Rowe_______ L. C. Powell______ 400,000 61-285 ! (Branch of Athe ns, Ala. )..................... ! Wm. D. Jones. Elkmont—Limestone A 5 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. ..................................... 61-286 *§’07 B Pop. 188 N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.; Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou. 101,410 N. Park, ,N. Y.: Far. & Merch. N., Troy; Lowry N., Atl. 9,190 N. Park and Met. Tr. Co., N. Y. 61-82 John Sanders Dothan Clearing House____ J. R. Young____ (.Members indicated by a *) i 560,000 J. L. Leslie J. L. Crawford, Sec. ‘Double Springs. Winston B Pop. 500 B4 Dozier------ Crenshaw H6 Pop. 288 Eclectic_____ Elmore E6 B Pop. 800 ‘Elba_______ Coffee H 7 Pop. 1079 Ensley........ Jefferson D5 B Pop. 9000 BANK OF ALABAMA 61-151 (R. A. TERRELL— J. W. MINOR_ _ _ _ _ FOSTER HAMILTON- I. D. RUSSELL. I. A. TERRELL, JR. , (Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Enterprise.__ Coffee H 7 Enterprise Banking Co...<’03 J. B. Byrd____ Pop. 3500 61-137 SAVANNAH ATLANTA T, | ! HE 868,500 Chase N.. N. Y.; Tra. N., Birm. 837,130 104,400 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N„ Chi.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. 157,160 3,147,040 2,873,390 542,910 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Bk. Com., and Chem. N., N. Y.; Am. Tr. & Sav. and 1st N., Birm. 101,480 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N. and Dothan N., Dothan; Capital N., Montg. Ite ms. 100,000 _. R. H. Arrington... W. C. Stapleton__ R. B. Martin jH. M. SESSIONS- L. H. SESSIONS — L.H. SESSIONS — ) Collections a sp ecialty and remit ted on day of pay (Prompt attenti on to all banking matters entruste R. F. HARRISON 50.000 65.000 204,350 207,690 100,000 50,000 250,000 325,000 65,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Tra. N„ Birm. 100,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: 1st N„ Dothan. C. A. O’Neal............ L. A. Boyd______ J. L. Warren_____ 100,000 100,000 500,000 650,000 W. J. Willis............ M. W. Cathey_____ 12,600 4,270 61,750 36,640 40.180 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm. ClIT IZ ElN S ‘“» SOUTHERN BANK SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS July, 1920 FARMERS & MERCH. NAT’L BANK........ 61-138--------- 1'07 Pop. 374 14,500 189,950IN. Park and N. Bk. Com., N.Y.: Peo„ Mobile.1 100,000! Han. N. and N. Park, N, Y.; 1st N„ Dothan. •t§’06 Bank of Ensley_______ •JS’Ol Erskine Ramsay... G. B. McCormack. S. C. King_______ (Ramsay & McCormack. Inc.) R. E. Chadwick 61-150 61-136 :. & Tr. 61-287 50,000 ALABAM A BA NK S — Do ra to Ep es |G. H. MALONE - uss........ W. R. WATFORD - FIRST NAT. BANKU 61-81 4 70,610 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co.. Birm. B. P. POYNER. JR. , < Special attentio u given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items., NATIONAL BANK Resources. Loans Disc’tb. Bonds, Securities 10.000 $ 20,860 $ 240,020 $ 200,570 $ Ion. fj. R. FAIRCLOTH- F. M. GAINES......... J. L. CRAWFORD-— W. W. McCARTY— ‘DOTHAN Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this -fa volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.! O' ALABAMA—Continued Bank. .County Seats. |»Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §! In No. 6 Fed. Res. Dist.!tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. B is Birmingham Branch ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. /i„?.®n’Bauk Towns with Nearest Banking Poh' SAVANNAH ATLANTA Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Me». Am. Bks. Assn. §Stat< In No. 6 Fed. Kes. Dis... tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv 8 is Birmingham Branch..1 [Estab ‘County Seats. RANK 4 UHlilx RF Ul FIIF4III LUi nULH ♦ 61-114 President. Cashiee. Vice-President Ass t Cashier. ■ ww Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Liabilities. L*x*h A Pi>- ; Oajb A IxD stos Paib-wp Surplus Ctb. Bows*. (OLAMBByPn AND m Capital i PROFITS Bmitibihjm fW.LAWRENCE WILD R. MAULTHROP-...... H. LAMPLEY, JR..... W. D. FLENELLEN— i$ 250,000 $ 20,000 $ 400,000 $ 915,000 n 1 PflMFR Principal Correspondents. 110,000 ) Personal and P rompt Attention Given Bill of Lad ing Drafts and re mitted for on d ay of pa yment. <§’06 Cl5c with Each S ight Draft; 50c fo r Credit reports nsures prompt at ten tion COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK—-61-113---------- t’95 fJ.P.FOY------- - C. P. ROBERTS_ _ _ C. P. ROBERTS_ _ _ HUMPHREY FOY—- 229,100 560,000 56,000 34.770 ’ 210,850 413,690 43,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl. 100.000 90,000 500,000 630,000 100,000 !oal & Iron N.. N. Y.: 1st N„ Birm.; Whil Cent. N.. N. O. 55.000 51,370 200,730 252,700 53,280 Han. N., N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co.. Birm.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 25.000 23,610 418,990 402,810 89,790 >N. City, N. Y.; Tra. N., Birm. 100,000 125,000 450,000 596,000 75,000 11,170 150,000 ■< Send us your E ufaula Items dire ct. Special atten tion given Bill of Lading (Plain Sight Dra fts 15c; Credit Re ports 50c. f B. B. BARNES-— i0DHWfSLEY- N. W. BARNES........ W. J. BARNES, JR. FIRST NATIONAL BANK *t 84 < We make a Spec ialty of Collectio ns. J Drafts presente d on day received. 61-218 (We always remi t on day of paym ent. Merchants & Farmers Bank J. C. Lucius ... of Greene County...<§1900 61-219 Southern. Savannah; 4th N., Atl. TRY US. .. E. A. Archibald... J. K. Smith_______ *Evergreen.Conecuh H 5 FIRST NATIONAL BANK *t 05 R. F. Croom______ C. R. Taliaferro 61-174 Pop. 2000 112,500 S Drafts. J. D. Wright ___ Peoples Bank_____ ...*t5’01 C. P. Deming_____ 61-173 Byron Tisdale Excel______ Monroe G 4 Bank of Excel____ . -§T9 D. D. Mims_______ J. W. Brown_____ J. L. Kearley_____ 6 B Pop. 500 61-482 20,000 2,680 43,040 50,900 Fairfield___ Jefferson Co First National Bank___ •t'll Robert Jemison, Jr. P. G. Shook______ C. N. Gilley_______ Chris. Marugg____ 61-279 B Pop. 4998 W. S. Brown 50,000 20,530 224,090 206.990 84,670 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm. Fairhope____ Baldwin 1 3 Bank of Fairhope_____<§’17 J. R. Hammet........ Henry Crawford .. Wm. McIntosh-__ 61-461 6 N. 0. Pop. 1200 Falkville____ Morgan B 5 Tennessee Valley Bank_t§'06 B Pop. 335 61-288 10,000 5,000 200,000 185,000 25,000 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch., Mobile. Faunsdale.-Marengo F3j WATKINS BANKING CO. S. R. Bethea_____ G. D. Stollenwerck Siddons Stollenwe rck.............. 61-289 <§'91 B Pop. 353 (Branch ...1 ‘Fayette........ Fayette C 3 Citizens Bank_______ *t§’13 L. M. Dodds B Pop. 2000 61-415 First National Bank...<1900 A. M. Grimsley ... J. C. Grimsley___ M. J. Knight. . .. J. W. Strange______ E.P.Goodwin, V.P. E. M. Grimsley 61-290 R. P. Caine J. L. Smith Fivepoints.ChambersD 8 Bank of Five Points____ §14 R. N. Bowen______ B Pop. 1600 61-449 Flomaton_.Escambia H 4 Bank of Flomaton_____ £§’06 Wm. Townsend ... H. Y. Bryan 61-291 Pop. 800 L. F. Knowles , Pop. 5000 BANK OF FLORALA ,§ 04 61-132 fE. P. RODWELL—— T.J. BRITTON_ _ _ _ _ J. E. WATERS_ _ _ _ W. P. JACOBS _ _ _ SEND US Y OUR FLORA LA ITEMS D IRECT. LPrompt Attention Given Bill of Lading The CITIZENS N. Bk. Com. and N. Park. N. Y.; Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou. .. 244,690 62,460 Sfi9 *>00 snfi R?n 137,930 648,000 515.000 50.000 46,970 208.970 60 000 j 7 5/40 50,000 57.000 f. Park, N. Y.; Selma N„ Selma; 1st N„ Birm. Ian. N., N. Y. 93,000 I. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Birm. 15,000 2,500 42,000 54.200 15,500 15,000 6,000 120,000 74,000 58,000 60.000 21 200 417.440 361.550 108,240 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Birm,;Am. N„ Pensacola. 100,000 40,000 400,000 528,000 100,000 Drafts and all Matt ers sent us. First National Bank_____ t’07 J. T. Hughes_____ W. Le Maistre........ B. H. Meadows ___ Kate Johnson____ 61-133 C. E. Segrest SAVANNAH ATLANTA of Deca tur, Ala .) . N.. Pensacola, Fla. SOUTHERN BANK SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS AUGUSTA MACON AL AB AM A BANKS — E u fa u la to F lo ra la [A. H. MERRILL.A. M. BROWN_____ 100,000 JSpecial attentio n given Bill of La ding Draffs. EAST ALABAMA NATIONAL BANK — 61-112_______t’86 )Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred it Reports by sen ding (FEE IN AD VAN CE: Plain sight drafts, I Sc; Cred it Reports, 50c. T BY US. *Eutaw______ Gre B Pop. 1359 uuuiuuw ALABAMA—Continued Name or Bank. Town and Oountt. Pop. 6500 rilN Dnm\ oUU i n CITIZtlNb Ju ly , 1920 47 THE Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up AND its Capital Profits $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Loans & Dis c’ts. Bonds Sicoimu Cash A KxCBANao,Dci nu)M Banks 27,000 $ 700,000 $ 700,000 $ 150.000 337,410 1,742,640 1,991,440 466,620 ng BY US. .)______ __ jH. B. Brock, Jr.. & SAV. BANK 61-66 120,000 10,000 10,000 200,000 25,000 16,000 185,000 140,000 56,000 22,000 4,000 355,000 , 320,000 54,000 50,000 5,000 378,000 243,220 186,990 200,000 45,000 1,138,980 1,113,410 268,930 100.000 210,330 2,463,150 2,561,380 412,100 100,000 PENTECOST, JR. _ CALDWELL W. H. PORTNER Fastest growth of any bank in Gadsden. Vigorous attention given Collections. <§’11 Quick returns and consistent charges. Reasons given for non-payment. f T. S. KYLE------- B.W. PRUET-....... F. H. PENTECOST < First and oldest established Bank in Gadsden. Collections a sp ecialty and reniitt ed on day of pay mcnt. ~ ' us your g ' * (Send G adsden items. J. W. Hammond... J. S. Paden, Sec. and Tr. .... H. L. RALLS- 125.000 36,000 3,600 44,450 1,055,040 1,013,170 288,580 1 < Save time and get service on Co nding <’07 FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight TRYU S. (.Special attentio n given Bill of La {ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. GADSDEN NATIONAL BANK 61-63 E.T.HOLLINGSWORTH J. L. HERRING _ J. W. HAMMOND 25.000 Gantt--------Covington H 5 Bank of Gantt------------ <§’10 Pollard Gantt_____ W. D. Riley. Pop. 400 61-296 Claude Wright........ Leon Gilchrist — 15,000 7,120 107,900 90,000 Gaylesville-Cherokee B 7 Bank of Gaylesville........ §’07 J. R. Henderson... J. E. Chesnut. 0 Pop. 400 61-297 Webb Chesnut______ _______________ 12,500 24,000 112,590 37,540 D. H. Morris, Sr. .. J. Johnson, Jr.___ ,_________________ 50,000 79,620 365,640 428,710 106,080 I Fred C. Riley_____ ___________ _____ _ 50,000 31,650 183,920 316-010 56,090 h 25,000 22,500 428,540* 270,000 191,880 T D. L. Watson. P. H. Hand Georgiana-----Butler G 5 Butler County Bank...<§'05 Ulay W. Black___ W. R. Boone______ R.C. Fulford_____ E. T. Holloway____ R. B. Smith 1 Pop. 999 61-299 A. -T Nall SAVANNAH ATLANTA 35,110 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Andalusia. 108,650 Coal ( & Iron N., N. Y.: Ex. N„ Rome, Ga. Birm The CITIZENS % SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your Business to^“^,bhe5 ?“<,efTNSme °,f ^an.k i8 the New Transit Number given -U<4s elcZus,Lely by The Kand-McNally Bankers* Federal Reserve Bank ofSwXfnrt St. Louis AT A T-» A > jr Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Kantim, OrtVKlliiMn ATLANTA d quu Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState ‘County Seats. In No. 6 Fed. Ees. Dist. tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. 8 is Birmingham Br, ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. ‘Greensboro___ Hale E 3 FIRST NATIONAL BANK »i’01 61-152 B Pop. 2048 Peoples Bank_________ t§'04 61-153 ‘Greenville... Butler G 5 Bank of Greenville___ «t§’96 61-120 Pop. 3500 First National Bank—*1900 61-121 ‘Grove Hill.—Clarke G 3 Bank of Grove Hill____ 15 06 61-302 B Pop. 400 Guin________ Marion C 3 Commercial Savings Bank B Pop. 1500 61-489 §’20 Marion County Bkg. Co.{§'05 61-303 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier, T. R. Lenoir--------- J. E. McLemore... G. E. Foerster.. First National Bank.__ <’17 61-460 Gurley_____ Madison A 6 Tennessee Valley Bank t§ '02 B Pop. 750 61-304 Hackleburg—Marion B 3 Bank of Hackleburg____ §14 61-305 B Pop. 500 Haleyville— Winston B 3 First National Bank....... t’20 61-485 B Pop. 1800 Tennessee Valley Bank t§'92 61-200 Traders & Farmers Bankt§’06 61-199 ‘Hamilton—Marion B 3 Marion County Bkg. Co.t§’08 B Pop. 700 61-306 Hanceville..Cullman B 5 Merchants Bank_______ §’07 61-307 B Pop. 1000 Hartford____ Geneva H 7 Bank of Hartford____ <§’02 Pop. 1159 61-187 First National Bank.—<’05 61-188 Hartsells___ Morgan B 4 Bank of Hartselle____ t§’03 B Pop. 2500 61-181 Farmers & Merchants Bank ♦ 61-488 £§*20 FIRST NAT. BANK 61-182 SAVANNAH ATLANTA <’05 Paid-up i Sukplus [ Depos- Capitvl ; and | ProFITS 15.000 25,000 H. P. Mullin.... C. L. Mullin_____ r-rs, lit, c’ts. Bomm, l| Securities 750 $ 125,000'$ Principal correspondents. 1 cabhaex- cbanoks.Due from Basks. 75,000 $ 15,000 N. Park, N. Y.; JRerch., Mobile. 12,000 410.000390,000 75,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 40,000 i Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. D. A. Batten------- J. C. Warrick____ W. L. Layton— 10,000 C. H. Gilliland.__ J. S. Gilliland_____ J. D. Fleming.. 30,000 18,000 175,000 , 175,000 25,000! 39,000 337,880 ' 458,030 11,100 6,800 40,410 42,270 10,000 7,780 70.600 80.890 9,380 Meeh. & Metals N„ N. Y.; Merch., Mobile. 100,000 50,000 525,000 I 725,000 130,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: Fifth-Third N.. Cin.; 1st N., Birm. 112,010 N. Park. N. Y.: Am. Tr. & Sav.. Birm.: 4th N„ Ati. 164,820 Han. N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Montg. and Birm. A. H. Dabbs--------- J. R. Moore_______ J. F. Rainer----J. L. Davis J. J. Marsh------------ E. F. Tuttle______ Alto Marsh____ C. P. Bowdon J. W. Egan---------- ,T. C. Chapman. Gertrude King___ | 28,390 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N„ Tuscaloosa, 14,050 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Dothan. J. A. Blunt_______ Chas. Stollenwerck Cadwallader Erwin A. Lawson_______ L. J. Lawson, Jr__ 30,500 15,560 164,690 101,770 G. H. Tatum-------- Thomas W. Peagler Oscar Riley______ 100,000 110,100 588,890 ! 626,020 J. B. Powell, Jr.__ 125.000 155,000 953,000j ! 948,000 285,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N„ Montg. Clayton Foscue... J. S. Chapman___ L. R. Tucker______ A. B. Pugh.............. W. Z. Rodgers R. R. Wright-------- D. M. Sizemore... Lomax Springfield. 20.000 15.000 400,0001 ! 325,000 105,000 N. Park. N.Y.: Merch., Mobile. Wm. J. Hall--------- R. A. Beeland____ Park Smith______ 25,000 800 33,710 31,600 25,000 38,580 327,270 348,380 23,330 N. Park; N. Y.; 1st N., Birm.; Peo. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tupelo, Miss. 91,010 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm.; Bk. of Tupelo, Tupelo, Miss. 25.000 16,620 274,010 233,670 80,890! Han. N.. N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm.;! I 1st N., Chattanooga. 25,000 63.000 700,000 643,000 (Branch of Decal\w,Ala.) 9,700 j 155,000 10,0001 A. L. Wiginton.__ Jas. G. Gann______ 71,000 150,000 Han. N., N, Y.; 1st N„ Chattanooga; 4th &\ 1st N„ Nash. N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; 1st N., Birm. and Chat-! tanooga. 100,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Birm. Tr.&Sav. Co.. Birm. Mack Pearce______ Marvin Pearce........ Herbert Pearce... S. P. Allman______ E. B. Fite iG. B. ZETTLER—-- W. C. RAYBURN-— J. H. WILLIAMS— ‘Guntersville..-Marshall CITIZENS BANK----------<§’09 B Pop. 2000 B6 61-190 Resources. Liabilities. President. (FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wl th each sight dr aft for presentatl on, and 1TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redlt report insur es prompt, perso! nal atte ! ntion. 'Special attentio n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cas h and' Time ‘ Ite Item s. F. B. Albert............ Gordon Gilbreath.. M. F. Irvin --------- Ralph Smith. W. B. Mixon_____ C. T. Lunsford B. H. Drake______ W. E. Howell.......... B. H, Smith______ Guy Drake .............. 25,000 2,600 102,660 John Dodd C. E. Barclay, Mgr. --------------------------- |( Branch of Decat. ur, Ala.) W. W. Haley_____ W. A. Walker. E. L. Haley______ 32,000 20,000 350,000 34,450 200,000 J. B. Hodges_____ Mae Dunn............. | (Branch of Guin, Ala.) W. R. Moore_____ E. Ashwander____ C. H. Gray---------- 10,000’ 11,570 W. F. Clemmons.. F. F. Cordray____ D. S. Folsom_____ B. G. Farmer L. E. Burford____ J. J. Hughes_____ O. E. Hightower.. J. E. Wilkinson. =... J. R. Alford A. Stephenson____ I. V. Griffin_______ Jas. E. PeckM. Pattillo Ward Bracken J. F. Stewart_____ P. W. Barclift____ E?F. Mittwede___ 50,000 13,750 150,000 180.000 30,000 53,000 230,000 230,000 'A. E. JACKSON—. T. R. RYAN-----. ASHFORD TODD B. W. WALDROP...... 119,140 92,220 25,000 28,800 525,000 350,000 50,000 820 151,830 47,240 100,000 28,500 650.630 648,800 Save time and , get service on Co Elections and Cre dit Reports by se | nding FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Cred if Reports, 25c.\ TRY U|S. Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 92,350 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm. N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm. and Chat-j tanooga. 150,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N„ Florence and Birm.;! Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 46,310 jN. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Tra. N., Birm. 42.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Dothan N., Dothan. 95,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Dothan; 4thN-. Atl. ! 252,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash.: 1st N., Birm. 151,620 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash.;l Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. 180,330 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N„ Nash.:: 1st N., Birm. and St. L. SOUTHERN BANK SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS AUGUSTA MACON AL AB AM A BA N K S — G ilber to w n to H art se ll s Gilbertown-Choctaw G1 Peop’es Bank-------------- §’20 61-495 B Pop. 300 Girard______ Russeil F 8 Phoenix-Girard Bank.. »t§’04 61-110 (Phoenix P 0) Pop. 5000 Glenwood.Crenshaw G 6 Bank of Glenwood.......... §’19 61-475 Pop. 400 Good Water.. Coosa D 7 Peoples Trust & Savings Bank 61-233 •t§06 B Pop. 900 Gordo_____ Pickens D 2 Merchants & Far. Bk..«t§’05 61-300 B Pop. 1000 Gordon____Houston H 8 Bank of Gordon........... _t5’12 61-388 Pop. 300 Grand Bay____ Mobile I 2 Grand Bay State Bank-»t§'12 61-402 6 N.O.Pop. 350 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ALABAMA — Continued Directory, under the authority Town and County. i n Ju ly , 1920 49 IHE VI I I 42 5Q Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number riven mreeCtnrvan.^Hj^byThe Band-McNally Bankers’ AT Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U, S. exclusively byThe Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County A Ta A X A President. Nou-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking l’oiut (Hr dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this,' tn volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ° ALABAMA—Continued Name oe Bank. ►County Seats. »Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State In No. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. 8 is Birmingham Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Pol> Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital Profits its Headland------ Henry H 8 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank M. T. C. Scott____ E. Willis__________ L. T. Solomon____ B. P. Riley---------- $ 60.000 $ Pop. 1090 61-203 »t’2O L. T. Solomon ---------“ First National Bank.__ •j’04 Q. H. Malone.......... W. L. Shelley______ J. J. Espy........... ..... T. A. West_______ 130,000 61-204 ‘Heflin____ Cleburne 0 8 Bank of Heflin............... <§'05 J. M. Atkins_____ I W. H. McKleroy.. Fred Osborn_____ I Wilmer Atkins___ 50.000 B Pop. 839 61-309 Hillsboro ..Lawrence A 4 Tennessee Valley Bank.§’11 ........ ................ . .........W. T. Woodell— B Pop. 202 61-310 Hodges----- Franklin B 3! Hodges State Bank_____ §’201V. H. Gary_______ R. A. Smith_______ H. G. Ballard______ i.......................... B Pop. 300 61-490 •t’69 61-75 R. E. SPRAGINS- — J.C. BUTLER........... R. SEMMES, Jr.......... H.C. LANDMANM. B. SPRAGINS Send us your Huntsville Items direct. 292.350 308,370 128,420 Han. N. and N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Dothan. 30,050 262,390 298,070 38,320 Han. N.,N. Y.:Tra. N„ Birm.: Anniston City N.. Anniston. (.Branch, of Decat ur.Ala.) 899.660 56,780 N. Park and Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Dothan. 10,350 2,430 10,000 42,310 760,000 661,670 344.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st. N., Chattanooga; FifthThird N., Cin.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 100,000 116,220 932,340 939,380 285,350 174,220 1,094,040 1,315,660 Huntsville Bk. & Tr. Co. Clarendon Davis... |W. R. Hutton_____ E. II. Ashcroft____ 61-76 »t§’05 R. H. Gilliam____ 150.000 A. L. RISON.......... ............................. H. M. RHETT---------- J. W. MCALLISTER— I. W. WALKER «t§’66 N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N., Chattanooga; Franklin N., Phil. Hail. Special attention given Bill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. 100.000 61-74 18,050 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm. 100,000 J. E. Humphrey... BANKING CO 32,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Dothan N„ Dothan. 26,000 Henderson National Bk.«t’O7 Robt. Murphree— E. W. McLeod____ W. R. Stobaugh ... 61-77 | M. R. Murray W. R. RISON Ex changes,Dub prom Banks. 14,200 $ 165,000 $ 300,800 $ ‘Huntsville-Madison A 5 FARMERSSTATEBANK^tS’lTRNot the Largest Bank—But Prom pt Service given Collections, J ’Bill of Lading Drafts and all Ite ms sent us.—TRY US. B Pop. 8018 ►61-78 FIRST NAT’L BANK Principal Correspondents. «fe Dis- CAsn & Strong — Prompt — Accommodating. day of payment. 100.000 75.000 1.250.000 1000.000 165,820 1,573,030 1,037,580 214.710 N. Park, N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Atl.; Ham ilton N., Chattanooga. 450.000 1st. N„ Nash.; 1st. N., Chattanooga. 803,310 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil.; 1st N., St. L. Intelligent reasons for non-payment. 25.000 15,060 93.230 134,930 25,360 Han. N., N. Y.; Ala. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Montg. Farmers & Merch. Bk. *t§’09 R. M. Hall................ D. P. Lloyd.............. S. B. Williams........ P. M. Hall. Jr.... 61-231 31,400 22,000 115,000 170,000 34,500 Han. N., N. Y.: 3d N., Col.. Ga.; 4tli N., Atl. Jackson_____ Clarke H 3 Jackson Bk. & Tr. Co..t§’ll S. H. Andrews____ A. E. Chunn______ G. G. Warren_____ J. D.Guy________ B Pop. 2000 61-311 29,000 15,000 425,000 365,000 Jacksonville„Calh’n C 7 First National Bank____ t’91 Arthur Wellborn.. ;C. W. Daugette.__ A. C. Currier_____ B Pop. 2500 61-312 25.000 9,000 289,500 313,000 James............. Bullock F 7 James & Midway Bkg. Co. 25.000 10.590 180,880 48.270 25.000 22,280 445,190 508,880 50.000 28,000 700,000 505,000 260,000 Met. Tr. Co,. N. Y.; Cont. ft Com'l N„ Chi.: 1st N„ Birm. 39,040 Meeh, ft Metals N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Birm.; Union & Plan. Bk. ft Tr. Co., Memp. 42,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.» Mobile. Hurtsboro—Russell F8 Bank of Hurtsboro_____ t’03 (T. S. Davis and J. I A. Ellison)________ W. T. Davis........ Pop. 1600 61-230 Pop. 700 61-313 t§’03 H. L. King---------- 1L. E. Cartledge.___ Jas. S. King______ ‘Jasper------- Walker C 4 Central Bank & Tr. Co.«tS’10 T. B. Dilworth ___ J. J. Curtis________ O. F. Cobb.......... . B Pop. 3000 61-128 I A. F. Fite W. S. Childers___ H. Stewart____ First National Bank___ »}’99i J. H. Cranford.__ P. P. Hunter_______ 61-127 H. G. Camp. V.-P. R. H. Palmer A. L. Sherer______ Jasper Trust Co............ »:t5'891 Jas. W. Shepherd. 61-126 A. S. Preston, Tr. J. F. Craig, A. Tr, B. S.Preston, A.Tr 50.000 49,700 280,660 320,000 Jones Mills..Monroe G 4 Peoples Bank__________t§’14 W. M. Newton___ J. F. Busey_______ D. M. Maxwell—. j W. A. Giddens .... B Pop. 442 61-432 15,000 25.450 151,000 160,460 Kennedy_____ Lamar C 3 Bank of Kennedy______ §12 J. O. Kennedy..__ U. T. Propst.......... Pop. 350 61-397 J. L. Kennedy_______________________ 15,000 9,020 171,290 11,350 Kinston--------- Coffee H 6 Farmers & Merchants Bank i K. W. Harrison___ G. W. Clark ... Pop. 200 61-444 t§’15 C. H. Rhoades IL C. Willis_______ |B. C. Medlock......... 10,000 1,760 30.370 30,470 SAVANNAH ATLANTA |g. 100,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Merch., Mobile. 50,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Anniston. 164,270 Han. N., N. Y.: Tra. N., Birm. 85,010 Meeh. A Metals N., N. T.; Am. Tr. ft Sav., Birm. 173,170 Han. N., N. Y.: Birm.Tr. ft Sav. Co., Birm. 10,180 N. Park, N. Y.: Tra. N., Birm. The CITIZENS \ SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your Business Number under Name of Bank Federal Reserve Cl Bank of St. Louisbank in L. S. excliisiwlv to each is the New Transit Number given h-v Thu AUGUSTA MACON AL AB AM A BA N K S — H ead la n d to K in st on (T.T. TERRY------- J. E. McCALEB......... R. L. ADAIR--------- J. L. GRIFFIN-J E. C. BETTS Resources. Loans c’ts. Bonds, Securities E SAVANNAH ATLANTA 51 CITIZENS \ SOUTHERN BANK b Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaliy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name op Bank. •Countv Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState j In No. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. i 8 is Birmingham Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. J •Lafayette—-Chambers BANK OF LAFAYETTE-<S Pop. 2000 E8 Pop. 400 B Pop. 2000 Leighton____ Colbert A 3 B Pop. 540 Lexington_LauderdaleA4 B Pop.40C Lincoln—-Talladega C 6 B Pop. 500 •Linden.__ Marengo F3 8 Pop. 700 Vice-President. •£§’06 First National Bank,. £15 61-455 Leeds State Bank----- -<l'10 61-316 Tennessee Valley BanktS’92 61-317 Bank of Lexington------ «§T7 61-458 ~ First National Bank-----<’12 61-318 Lincoln Bk. & Tr. Co—<815 61-447 First National Bank___ <’04 61-158 Marengo County Bank <5’08 61-159 Citizens National Bank.<’07 61-212 Cashier. D. T. TATUM '87 -j L.S.SCHUESSLER Superior service 61-171 '61-172 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed A.cces.), lawyers, laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see laws. ALABAMA—Continued on collections. Personal prese □tation, prompt remittance, inte Bill of lading drafts a speeialt y. TRY US. No Ass't Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital Profits its Resources. o Manford McRee— L. A. Killough........ W. T. Webster .... J. W. Adkins-------- C. T. Lee___ W. R. Little E. R. Perdue------ Thelma Elliott — A. L. Phillips W. G. Nethery— 500,000 425,000 25,000 18,000 110,000 135,000) 10,000 13,600 220,000 170,000 Thos. Lile-----------15,000 11,200 118,260 74,510 T. J. Watson-------- L. U. Dickinson.— W.L.Hollingsworth 25,000 16,280 136,760 192,710 D.H. H. Shelton. Shelton.------- Sr. e. Bentley J. H. Wilson............ ID. G. L. Schmidt W. E. Rhodes-------! G. J. Lewis— — R. G. Rhodes_ 25,000 8,430 149,000 52,250 25,000 8,780 129,590 114,140 Wm. Ouninghame— B. F. Gilder--------- Irving Adams 200,000 Han.N., N.Y.; 4th N., Atl. 17,500 Han. N„ N. Y.; 4th N„ Montg. 50,000 N. Park and Chem. N..N. Y.; Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. tjO N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N,. Birm. and Chattanooga. 95,850 Han. N.. N. Y.: Am.N., Nash,; Ala.Tr. & Sav., £=« Florence. 16,830 Chem. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Anniston. CO 120,760 Han. N., N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm.; v, 1st N., Anniston. ; JA 63,770 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1stN., Birm.;Peo. Bk. & Tr, 2, Co.. Selma. W 29,460 N. Park, N. Y.; Selma N.,Selma. (/) Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Birm. and I 22,690 Anniston. C* 1 CD 39,100 Han. N.. N. Y.; IstN., Birm. jn 65,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Birm.; Atl. N., Atl. n> ftn> 55,380 55,330 j N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 25.000 5,130 72,630 79,590 60.000 32,730 168,790 283,830 25,000 12,280 136,240 192,950 50.000 30.000 140,000 205.000 30,000 10,860 288,510 361,530 McMillan & ’01 T. M. Tartt----------- J. A. Mitchell------ T. M. Tartt________ B. W. Phillips. 61-224 Louisville__ Barbour G 8 Barbour County Bank—J5’14 M. C. Bell................O. L. Bryan----------- J. H. Blair...... .......... Louise Lee 61-431 Pop. 700 Bank of Louisville------- £§’01 F. B. Pierce--------- I__________________ R. E. Flournoy 61-319 Loxley_____ Baldwin 1 3 Loxley State Bank------- §’20 J. W. Randall........ ,<). F. E. Winberg _ c. L. Schlich. 61-491 6 N. 0. Pop. 70 •Luverne—Crenshaw G 6 Bank of Luverne_____ £§1900 T. W. Shows--------- J. R. Horn...........—_____________ J. T. Ivey-----------61-179 F. B. Bricken Pop. 1800 Farmers Bank-------------- S’ll A. L. Watts----------- J. W. Williams— A. L. Watts______ A. D. Fundaburk— 61-374 First National Bank----- t’05 J. R. Horn------------ F.M.T. Tankersley J. M. Cody_____ — W. B. Pope........ 61-180 Madison-_ Madison A 5 Bank of Madison--------- tS'05 G. W. Wise......... — T. G. Riddle--------- Harry C. Riddledie. 61-320 B Pop. 600 Madrid.........-Houston H 8 Bank of Madrid____ ____ §'12 D. G. Andress------ j_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R. H. Smith. 61-400 Pop. 125 Maplesville.-Chilton E 5 Bank of Maplesville —i§’19 J. W. Foshee......... i H. M. Nix_______ , ; W. W. Brooks____ __________________ 61-480 B Pop. 500 Marbury___ Autauga E 5 Farmers Savings Bank-. S' 13 D. H. Marbury------ i C. R. Russell_____ A. T. Rudder_____ R. G. Mushat______ 61-407 B Pop. 600 ................... D. K. Mason_____ W. P. Nichols........... •Marion—.........Perry E4 Marion Central Bank—<8'72 A. F. Armstrong. ♦ 61-163 B Pop. 2000 Peoples Bank________ •£§'02 J. M. Moore--------------------- T. 1. Moore________ D. K. Barker______ 61-164 I Marion Junction—Dallas MarionJct. State Bank.iS’13 C. L. Gilmer--------- iM.F. Smith_______ Hugh Hopper______ ____________ 61-418 B Pop. 400 F4 McCullough Escambia H 4 Farmers Exchange Bk..i8’17 C. E. Sellers--------- U. W. Black_______ E. D. Espy..............R. C. Reese 1 61-465 A. J. Nall Pop. 400 50,000 25,000 250.000 145,000 15,000 4.C00 104,000 55,000 30,900 25.000 8,250 145,780 102,310 .75,290 50,000 6,000 180,950 129,150 139,000 SAVANNAH ATLANTA Tnr 1 tit to 30.000 $ 350,000 $ 400,000 $ 100,000 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., Atl.; 1st N., Birm. or non- paymen t. Ige eha charges if not c ollected • W. H. Reddoch-----J. M. Barfield--------- R. C. Smith— W. C. Dempsey W. J. Green, J. D. Ayers Ch. of Bd.\ Farmers & Merchants Bank c. E. Smith---------- < C. W. Bell — — W. E. Carpenter— H. L. McCain. 61-406 tS12 J. C. Shaddix Lineville National Bank< 05 J. H. Ingram.......... B. H. Haynes— — J. E. Parsons_____ 61-211 W. D. Haynes, Ch. of Bd. •Livingston„Sumter E 2 Bank of Sumter............<8 05 W. W. Patton------- ---------- ---------------- W. S. Nichols_____ |___________ ___ 61-225 B Pop. 1000 Lineville_______Clay D 7 B Pop. 2000 io $ 100,000 $ 75.000 J. M. TUCKER — G. E. COLLINS-—- J.L. BARROW-— J.J. ROBINSON, Jr. 60,000 J. J. TUCKER FIFTEEN CENT' S sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report ins ures prompt, per sonal at tentton. Special attenti on given Bill of Lading, Cash an d Time Items. L. M. Foster Principal Correspondents. & EX Loans & Dis- Cash c’T8. Bonds, CHANGES,DUE Securities from Banks o 80,000 10,000 25,000 25,000 75,000 30.000 29,000 252,000 ! 200,000 10,000 21,030 163,000 190,000 79,370 Han. N.; N. Y.; Ex. N„ Montg.; Lowry N., Tl. Atl. Han. N., N. Y.; 4th N., Montg,; Tra. N„ Birm, 116,000 N. Park. N. Y.: Capital N. and Ex. N., Montg.: 4th N.. Atl. 25.000 N. Park. N. Y.: Henderson N., Huntsville.; 15.000 10,000 30.000 22,000 11,000 2,200 20,000 33,000 6,500 50,000 120,000 400,000 439,200 176,000 50,000 66,840 264,650 241,900 136,680 25,000 15,460 63,850 103,810 15,930 10,000 3,000 40,000 35,000 14,000 10,000 i N. and Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co.. Birm. L Bk. Com.. N. Y.: 1st N. and Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm.; City N.. Selma. Pensacola. V 11IT tz ErIS \ SOUTHERN BANK SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS “ 42 CO Nmnber under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number Even & —4usl™ly Vy^The Rand-McNally Bankers’ AT Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 9. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. to each bank in U. Town and County. A T"l A > Jr Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Pol’ ALABAMA—Continued Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up and its Capital Profits Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State' In No. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. | B is Birmingham Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. | McKenzie____ Butler G 5 Butler County Bank...<§’ll(__________________ Pop. 250 61-322 Midland City__ Dale H 7 First National Bank____ *’06 G. W. Kelly______ Pop. 750 61-323 Millport_____ Lamar C 2 Millport State Bank....*S’08;H. H. Strickland.. B Pop. 750 61-324 ‘Mobile........... Mobile I 2 ♦Farmers & Mechanics Bank M. J. McDermott.. 6 N. 0. Pop. 60,151 61-33 *§’19 I. A. Black ._ J. E. Stuckey J. E. Dowdle_____ J. E. Dowdle_____ Principal Correspondents, Dus 6,970 18,500, 211,540 231,980 22,220 500,000 380,000 177,000 Bk. & Tr. Co.,’n. O. 300,000 924,870 13610 560 11668080 3.480.600 200,000 357,310 6,626,670 6.086,070 1,250,840 200.000 304,550 5,643,100 5,022,070 1,229.530 Meeh. & Metals N., N. City, and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.; Whitney-Cent. N., Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., and Canal Com’I N.. N. O.; 1st N., St. L. W. J. PARHAM, JR. WM. B. TAJ J. F. McRAE A COMMERCIAL BANK. ♦ 61-29 13,060 $ 108,000 $ 171,580 $ 100,000 D. P. BESTOR, JR.-J. W. WOOLF— -E. H. SHAFFER — M. 0. DISCHER ‘MERCHANTS BANK <§oi 65.000 $ 30,060 Wm. D. Martin.... R. W. Byrne_____ T. P. Langan, Jr... Letcher Melton R. W. Byrne E. F.LAOD------------- 6. A. MICHAEL St Cash Ex changes, trom Banks (Branch of Georg iana, Al a.)_____ $ Oldest National and Honor-roll Bank in Alabama. Our Superior Facilities Guarantee Satisfactory Service TEST THEM. <’65 Resources . Loans & Dibc’ts. Bonds, Sbodritibs Meeh. & Metals N., Am. Ex. N., and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.; Phil. N. and 1st N„ Phil.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. Send us your BILL OF LADING items. We give all collections prompt attention. ‘PEOPLES BANK ♦ 61-27 A. L. STAPLES_____J. C. BUSH JR ..... H. A. PHARR M.L. DAVIS, S. A. TONSMEIRE Ch. of Bd. A. J. WILDMANJ. R. BURGETT W. W. BOYLES <§’71 BILL OF LADING COLLECTIONS OUR SPECIALTY. UNION satisfact ory servi ce. SEE AD V. ON A LABAMA Prompt and careful attention to all matters entrusted to us. 200.000 35.000 INDEX. 1,475,000 1,281,560 343,940 Cent. N., N. O. <§'02 J. T. SCHLEY.... . { STOCKS, BON DS, LOANS......................... COMMERCIAL PAPER HANDL ED. Mobile Clearing House.......... jJ. B. Dortch______ (.Members indicated by a*) Letcher Melton... J. L. Taylor, Sec. and Mgr. Monroe County Bank..<§'14 J. B. Barnett61-325 Montevallo...Shelby D 5 Merchants & Plan Bk..<§’02 !C. L. Meroney.. B Pop. 1000 61-326 25,000 790 54,270 42,260 D. J. Hatter______ D. D. Mims_______ L. L. Hendrix . 60,000 46,000 500.000 500,000 .................................... William Lyman.__ W. H. Lyman. 25,000 15,350 150,410 161,000 36,590 Han. N.. N. Y.: Merch., Mobile. 117,000 I. Park. N. Y.; 1st N.. Mobile; Selma; Am. N., Pensacola, Fla. 38,240 38,240 1N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N.. Birm. The CITIZENS \ SOUTHERN BANK Soucits Your Business Federal Reserve Bank ofNumber St. Louisunder Name of Bank is th« Wu- AUGUSTA MACON Ju ly , 1920 ‘Monroeville,Monroe H 4 Bank of Monroeville ...•§’18 (James K. Kyser... B. H. Stallworth.. K. J. Lazenby____ B Pop. 2000 61-470 SAVANNAH ATLANTA Bk.& Tr. Co., N. O. J. B. DORTCH_____E. J. HIGGINS...........E. C. MEREDITH........ J. R. CROSBY-- COMMERCE BANK ♦ 61-31 j AL AB AM A BA N K S — M cK en zi e to M onte val lo 61-26 Ass't Cashier. E. T. Holloway, Mgr. .. A. 3. Beverett------ HENRY HALL! FIRST NAT’L BK. Cashier. Vice-President. President. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates. Holidays. etc see Laws. lu eCIT ro Number under Name of Bauk is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNaily Bankers’ flirprtnrv- under file Amprjpan Bankers Rankpre Ass Acc’ n Directory, the Allttinrifv authority nf of The The American ’n. Town and County. ‘Montgomery-Montgom ery..Pop. 43,464—F 5 President. & TRUST COMPANY 61-42 •t§’05 NATIONAL BANK 61-40 «t'06 ‘EXCHANGE $ 300,000 $ Dia- Principal Correspondents. & Ex- S ! 40,310 $ 734,170 J 712,710 I 357,110 Meeh. & Metals N., Chem. N., and N. City, N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. M. A. VINCENTELLI —C. A. PETRY J. M. BALDWIN YOU appreciate GOOD SERVICE WE appreciate YOUR business and solicit YOUR MONTGOMERY COLLECTIONS. 200,000 63,800 1,608,020 1,882,320 532,500 N. Park and Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.; N. O. N., N. O. •t’06 300,000 ‘FOURTH C. B. BOYKIN-.*.. W. J. OSBORN H. M. HOBBIE_ _ _ _ R. E. SEIBELS....... R. R. ROSSELL_ _ _ NATIONAL BANK •J’01 MERCHANTS BK. -trio 150,210 1.836,100 1,784,260 781,050 N. Park, N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl.; Phil. N., Phil. Y°u a|}Prec'ate PromP* an<J careful service at a moderate charge, send US your items and collections on Montgomery and vicinity. J. A. Ledbetter___ ♦ 61-43 Resources. Loams A Cash c’tb. Bonds, chang«b,Du« mcutii ' reoM Banks R.E.THORNTON. ♦First National Bank...»t’71 A. M. Baldwin------ A. S. Woolfolk —, H. T. Bartlett.. 61-36 01-37 Liabilities. j Surplus Depos Paid-up ' AND its Capital Profits m,chael C0DY— J- L- GASTON----------JAS. J. CAMPBELL____________ NATIONAL BANK 61-39 Ass’t Cashier. US with your items and collectic amount of all drafts drawn with Exchange. B. P. CRUM ‘CAPITAL Cashier. Vice-President. *AIARAMA RANK J-LHALL...... w.k. pelzer MLnDnltln Dnlm fl general banking business transac Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisr' ALABAMA —Continued Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState. In No. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. B is Birmingham Branch. >Alem. Fed. Res. [EstabJ | UUIl UUUliibVV 1,000,060 500,000 Send us your Alabama items and collections, particularly your Montgomery business for prompt attention and remittance at a moderate oharge. Try us. 498,080 4,290,900 5,021,600 1,395,660 Chase N. and Am. Ex. N.. N. V.; Citiz. , Union N., Lou.; Canal-Com’l N„ N. O. 105,000 5,000.000 3,500,000 1,500,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Girard N. and 4th St. N., Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; 4th N. and Lowry N., Atl.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. SEE AD V. ON AL A. MAP. 8. L. GADDIS, JR.— B. FRANK NOBLE— B. FRANK NOBLE— R. W. VASS_ _ _ _ _ Unsurpassed service in collection department. 100,000 35,000 1.400,000 1,000,000 100,000 103,320 1,311,740 1,270,630 190,000 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. Send your bill-of-lading items to us. ♦Union Bank & Tr. Co.-t§’01 Michael Cody------- J. L. Gaston.......... Grover Key ton, Cash, and Sec. 61-38 Montgomery Clearing House A. S. Woolfolk.... (Members indicated by o *) 164,490 N. Park, N. Y.; Ex. N., Montg. . ......... — W. A, Satfold, Sec. and Mgr. C. G. Judy------------ 28,000 31,570 174,430 220,470 23,930 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash.; 1st N.. Birm. W C. Bragg______ 15,000 12,220 193,920 132,920 88,840 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th & 1st N„ Nash.; City N„ Decatur. 20,600 7,810, 173,200 143,270 58,340 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. Newbern______ Hale E 3 Bank of Newbern_____ £§’06 J. F. Brown--------- ---------- ------ --------- W. E. Swanzy____ 61-329 B Pop. 600 28,200 10,510 45,200 98,330 NewBrockton.Coffee H 7 Bank of New Brockton»tJ'07 Obie Harris---------- J. N. Wallace____ C. J. Rowe_______ J. W. Brock... J. T. Jones 61-330 Pop. 500 50,000 18,500 145,000 180,000 50,000 N. Park, N. Y.:,lst N., Dothan. First National Bank ___ »i’13 H. M. Sessions------ L. H. Sessions____ H. C. Johnson____ G. F. Gunter.. 61-426 Bank of New Hope___ •£§’10' W. E. Butler-------- T. E. McKinney... W. W. Davis--------- W.K. Moon.... New Hope.. Madison A 6 fil-331 R Pod. 411 45,000 17,000 130,000 175,000 34,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N„ Enterprise. 25.000 14,000 190,000 177,000 44,000 Han. N., N. Y.; W. R. Rison Bkg. Co., Hunts ville._ •Moulton..Lawrence B 4 Bank of Moulton_____ »tS’05 -------------------------- A. L. Windham... O. L. J udy_______ 61-327 B Pop. 700 Citizens Bank_________ £§'12 D. H. Bracken------ W, A. Moles______ UR Cropper 61-385 Moundville____ Hale E 3 B Pop. 350 SAVANNAH ATLANTA Bank of Moundville...»tS’O7 R. L. Griffin--------- R. J. Griffin______ L.M. Griffin_____ 61-328 CITIZENS % SOUTHERN BANK 20,720 Han. N., N.Y.: Birm. Tr.&Sav. Co., Birm.;Selma N., Selma; Marion Cent., Marion MACON . - at 42 54 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Oountt. Name of A T"W A 1 < a President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Bank of Newton............ +§’19 61-474 ‘Opelika----------- Lee pop 5300 38,520 54,490 L. S. Brannon------ 25.000 4,000 15,570 36.270 5,610 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Headland, 25,000 5,000 50,050 40,000 6,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Hou. N.. Dothan. L. S. Nichols_____ M. V. Capps_______ J. W. Capps_______ J. C. Dunn______ 61-109 15,000 3,400 67.190, 63.020 A. B. Hope_______W. J. Bridges........... J. M. White_______ 15.000 23.000 250,000' 210.000 J. H. Drakeford—. E. H. Reynolds___ A. C. Dillard_______ 25.000 3,010 59,500 40,830 Murray Gannon___ John T. Rose.............J. D. Conwell______ 10.000 3,580 169,170 147,850 L. Cooke________ J. M. Mize------------ 15,000 4,000 65.000 53,000 A. A. Fendley____ J. H. Lowry______ Birl Brown______ _ Coy Shelton........... F. G. Stephens J. A. Brice------------ E. G. Alldredge — J. C. Nation............ T. S. Edwards____ rr, „ T. W. Hood T. H. Davidson___ j. B. Arnold_______ C. H. Davidson____ Minnie Stewart— 25.000 21,200 220.240 219,200 25.000 26,660 327,060: 271,830 20.000 10,300 70.000 85,070 W. T. Hodges____ W. P. Cooke___ J. L. Hamilton Send Quick us W.T. ANDREWS your co Uections on Opelika. 17.390 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tusca loosa. 95,000 N. Bk. Com. N. Y.; 4th N., Montg.; Tra. N., Birm. 15,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Montg. 43,100 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav., Birm. 30,000 1st N„ Birm.; Anniston N., Anniston. 63.040 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. 102,950 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 28,100 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 300.000 106.000 1,500,000 1,611,370 406,880 Han. N., N. 100.000 360,210 1.191,630 1,609,520 127,760 Han. N. and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Citiz. N., Balt.; N. Shaw mut, Bos.; 1st N., St. L.; ith N., Atl. Person al attention. N.P. RENFRO------------------- ------------ H. L. HALL — Collections sent us will receive prompt attention. Prompt attention to all Banking matters entrusted to us. M. M. McCall_____ i L. M. Trawick.......... C. W. Stewart____ T. E. Henderson .. J. T. Hardage........ J. A. Whaley, Jr... W. L. Woodall____ | A. S. Douglas____ J. J. Fitzgerald.__ fi W. Mizell G. C. Pierce______ W. B. Benton J. E. Dunaway____ ____________ _____ B. E. Dunaway ... J. E. Dunaway, Jr. Com’l N., Chi.; Plill. N., Phil. D. C. Cooper, Jr... C. H. Howie............ 125,000 44,090 470,520 470,030 50,000 13,500 115,500 180,000 100,000 50.000 875,000, 890,000 25,000 132,950 116.490 255.570 25.000 14,000 380,000 350,000 169,570 N. City, N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Atl. 14.800 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y„ 1st N., Andalusia. 150,000 N.Park, N.Y.; Am. N., Pensacola, Fla.; Ex. N„ Montg. 18.870 N. City, N. Y.: City N., Selma. 84,000 N. Park, N.Y.; 1st N., Birm. and Anniston; Atl. N., Atl. J. R. Dowling........ D. G. Munn_______ 35,000 54,000 315,000 300,000 90,000 Meeh. & Metals N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. W. S. Garner_____ B. F. Faust_______ 100,000 60,000 200,000 250,000 70,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Ex. N„ Montg. L. B. Martin____ 125,000 93,000; 430,000 590,000 O. Akins_________ 249,260 N. Park. N. Y. SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your Bosiness AUGUSTA MACON Ju ly , 1920 The CITIZENS 122,970 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Am. Tr. & Sav., and Birm. Tr. & Sav., Birm. returns. B. L. Drafts our specialty. D. C. Cooper_____ T. H. Burton O. \V. Cooper, T. A. Howie Ch. of Bd. ‘Ozark------------Dale G 7 First National Bank___ < 05 G. P. Dowling____ ' J. D. Holman______ Pop. 3000 61-142 3. O. Dowling _______ ” Ozark City Bank______ t$’02 Mrs.WilliamGarnei _________________ 61-140 ---------" Planters & Merch. Bankil'90 J. E. Z. Riley_____i 3. A. Stokes_______ 61-139 1 SAVANNAH ATLANTA 35,740 1,035,980 1,047,150 <’86 National Bank of Opelika 61-107 <’79 AmericanBank & Tr. Co. 61-464 • §’18 First National Bank____ t'05 61-227 Orrville--------- Dallas F4 Orrville Bank & Trust Co. B Pop. 500 61-389 <|’12 Oxford____ Calhoun C 7 First National Bank___ <’03 g Pop. 1200 61-206 Opp------- Covington H Pop. 1500 100,000 17,300 Meeh. & Metals N„ N. Y.; Dothan N., Dothan. •toe FIRST NAT. BANK 61-108 G. C. Bryant______ M. Freeman............ J. S. Moore---------- H. G. Shepherd___ r A n lYi t n o NATIONAL BANK 24,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Huntsville Bk. & Tr. Co., Huntsville 1,500 G. N. HODGE — J.G. PALMER........ J. E. HACKNEY—-------------------------- E8CADMCDQ 13,500 1 140,000 f 175.000 I AL AB AM A BA N K S — N ew M ar ke t to O za rk ‘Oneonta — Blount C 5 BLOUNT COUNTY BflNK«-t§’09 B Pop. 2000 61-243 “ •• i Farmers Savings Bank—§’14 61-376 •• Oneonta Tr. & Bkg. Co..5 04 61-242 Principal Correspondents. Dis- 15,000 North Birmingham.. Jef- No.BirminghamTr.&Sav.Bk. C. B. Rogers_____ G. B. Tarrant—____ R. H. Wharton, Jr. ♦ 61-334 <I’O7 B ferson Pop. 7500 D 5 J. H. Berry Northport___ Tuscaloosa Northport Bank_______ §’13 61-424 8 Pop. 1600 D 3 Notasulga.__ Macon F 7 First Bank of NotasulgaJ§'07 61-335 Pop. 800 Merchants & Farmers Bank 61-403 tl’12 Oakman........ Walker C 4 Bank of Oakman............ t§'05 61-336 B Pop. 1000 Odenville__ St. Clair C 6 Bank of Odenville____ <§’09 61-337 B Pop. 600 20,000 $ Resources. Cash & Ex Loans & c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dub from Banks. Securities S. S. Deese...—.-. O. A. C. Acree___ E. D. King________ Miss Pauline Balkcorn Newville.......... Henry H 8 Farmers State Bank___ |’09 G. H. Malone_____ J. J. Espy—.......... H. C. Price______ 61-248 Pop. 800 First National Bank___ ’ll 61-250 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital Profits its . i New Market-Madison A 6 New Market Bkg. Co.-•*5 05 W. E. Rodgers — W. F. Yarbrough.. R. N. Coleman___ 61-332 B Pop. 500 Newton........... Dale H 7 Pop. 700 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this; tn volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws- -pk ALABAMA—Continued Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState •County Seats. In No. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. JMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. B is^Birmjngham Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Non-Bauk Towns with Nearest Banking Pol- SAVANNAH ATLANTA T»j 111 E CITIZENS SOUTHE.KIN paini\ o Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ 00 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. 8 In No. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. | Mem.State Bks.Assn.t [Estab. B is Birmingham Branch j ►Mem. Fed. Res. President. ^County Seats. Phoenix_______ Lee E 8 (See Girard) Pop. 5500 Piedmont ...Calhoun C 71 Farmers & Merchants Bk.s'15 B Pop. 3000 61-453 •• .............. “ | First National Bank—<’04 61-340 Pinckard______ Dale H 7 Peoples Bank-------- ------ t§'07 Pop. 800 61-341 Pine Apple—Wilcox G 5 ; Bank of Pine Apple—.<§’03 B Pop. 627 ' 61-342 Pine Hill........ Wilcox F 3 Planters State Bank——1§’19 B Pop. 400 I 61-343 Pittsview____ Russell F 8 j Bank of Pittsview-------- tS'10 Pop. 220 61-344 Pollard_ Escambia H 4jBank of Pollard—......... «t§'05 Pop. 599 61-345 $ Floy Cooke_______ 17,880 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 40,080 N, Park, N. Y.: 1st N„ Birm.; Anniston N„ Anniston. 75,000 Chem. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Birm, $ 9,460 109,580 91,040 25,000 13,000 275,000 150.000 15,000 8,730 102,200 107,610 P. M. Wood. 10,100 7,500 115,000 106,000 125,000 130,000 636,290 Mrs. J. W. Pippin.. J. S. Pippin______ 17,960 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Mobile; Selma N„ Selma. 26,600 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N„ Birm. and Florence, Ala. 29,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Anniston N., Anniston. 141,430 N. Park, N. Y. 18,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Dothan N., Dothan J Ala. 42,520 N. Park. N. Y.: Selma N„ Selma. J. B. Borland-__ 40.000 12,000 96,000 105,COO J. T. Adams--------- S. N. Stanford____ L. P. Cone______ 25,000 15,650 178,310 188,770 P. C. Byrne----------- P. E. Godbold____ Edgar Sheffield— 15,000 7,420 119,940 98,430 L. H. Boykin_____ 25,000 8,450 59,130 108,780 25,000 6,720 48.810 64.450 14,460 Han. N„ N. Y.; Citiz. N. and Peo. N.. Pensacola, Fla.; Citiz., Brewton, Ala. 150.000 15,720 557,210 632,410 108,230 N. Park, N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co.. Birm.: 4th N„ Montg. 50.000 21,470 496,660 498,890 108,620 Han. N..N. ¥.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co.. Birm. 2,500 111,080 66,050 54,620 1st N., Birm. 82,010 58,680 51,050 Han. N.. N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. 32,830 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Andalusia, Ala.; Merch., Mobile. 53,790 Han. N„ N. Y.; Tra. N.. Birm, E. R. Burns_____ W. A. Finlay, Jr... H. D. Finlay_____ Fred Curtis____ <§’071 N 14,150 $ 15,000 C. E. THOMAS...... M. A. GRAHAM_ _ _ R. L. FAUGETT. DANIELPRATT i CHAS. BOOTH_ _ _ _ 44,600 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.: City N„ Selma. 20,890 Han. N„ N. Y.: 1st N.. Birm. SEND US YOU R PRATTVILLE ITEMS DIRECT, Prompt attention given bill of lading drafts and all matt ers sent us. ALLEN NORTHING- M. M. SMITH_ _ _ _ iEDWARD NORTHING-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TON TON Collections a sp ecialty and remitted on day of pay ment. Prompt attenti on to all banking matters eutruste ■ d to us. W. J. Graham... G. S. McElwee.. N. O. Hamilton S. T. Rushton. . Thos. Peacock___ ___________________ 15,000 A. A. Mixon______ j..................................... 25,000 L. II. Gofer— Chas. Cashion ... 10.000 4,020 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th N., Montg. C. W. Costen__ A. B. Powell_____ 38,500 8,680 76,170 95,030 J. L. Foshee.__ R. H. Foshee_____ 25,000 2,810 45,1801 10,010 M. I. Harper... J. O. Stapp_______ W. Dillard— H. L. Dorroh 25.000 8,000 250,000 250,000 30,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Tuscaloosa: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. JohnR. Beil.... J. L. Taylor______ E. A. Neel------------ 25.000 8,000 80,000 116,000 20.000 Han. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. 15,000 24,500 120,310 135,470 24,000 12,500 105,370 82,950 125,000 118,320 635,000 i 004,000 200.000 210,000 900,000 ■ 1,000,000 1 Repton____ Conecuh H 4 Merchants & Far. Bank.t§’12 W. M. Newton H. L. Dees----L. C. Gaston______J. E. Nettles. B Pop. 550 61-394 Repton State Bank____ <§’071C. S. Kelly ... E. L. Kelly — N. Allen_______ 61-350 Roanoke —Randolph D 8 Merchants & Far. Bank.J§’08iE. M. MooreM. Schuessler____ j E. M. Moore______ 1W. J. Mann B Pop. 5200 61—156 ROANOKE BANKING CO.<§10 J. C. Wright- ------ |---------------------------- M. R. Buckalew — T. M. Swann 61-157 ClIT 23,720 $ 566,870 Bank of Ragland----tSTl w. T. Brown____ 61-346 Bank of Ramer........ ——§’20 A. D. Cowles____ 61-483 Bank of Red Bay_____ t§'08 A. C. Waldrep___ 61-347 First Bk. of Red Level <§’05 T. E. Henderson . 61-348 Peoples Bank........ . .........«§T4| j. m. Foshee___ 61-439 HE Principal Correspondents. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chattanooga. $ 10,000 STATE BARK OF REFORM || 15,000 J. F. Roberson___ !P.Pearson_ W. N. Maddox D. R. Nettles------ P. S. Jackson_____ Arthur C. Moore... W. C. Evans______ MACON Casii & Ex changes,Due from Banks. (Branch of Decat A. B. Aldridge___ Asa Cranford— M. L. Redfern W. P. Cooke............ Ii. V. Jones___ 32,780 Reform____ Pickens D 2 First National Bank.__ <’18; a H. Dabbs B Pop. 1500 61-471 T, Dis- 50,000 61-144 SAVANNAH ATLANTA Resources. [ Loans , c’ts. Bonds, j Securities 30,000 FIRST NATIONAL BK.-<’08 61-349 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and j Capital Profits its C. N. Thompson- J. H. Barlow............J. F. Morgan_______ Arthur Wellborn „ J. P. Woolf______ I E. C. Harris______ H. C. Sharpe. ^Prattville..Autauga F5 AUTAUGA BANK’G & TR. CO. B Pop. 2222 61-143 <§1900 Ragland........ St. Clair C 6 B Pop. 1500 Ramer—Montgomery F5 Pop. 700 Red Bay—.Franklin B 2 B Pop. 472 Red Level.Covington H 5 Pop. 317 Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. ntOO 32,210 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Mobile. 51,810 N. City, N. Y.; Selma N„ Selma; 1st N., Mobile. 90,000 N. Park and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp.. Atl. 150,000 Han. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cent. Bk, & Tr. Corp., Atl.: 1st N., Birm. ElN S \ SOUTHERN BANK SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS “ AL AB AM A BA N K S —P ain t R oc k to R oan oke Paint Rock-Jackson A 6. Tennessee Valley Bank.t§’92 61-336 8 Pop. 534 Parrish.......... Walker C 4; Bank of Parrish---------- 1§’19 J. C. Shepherd — 61-476 Pop. 100 Pell City—.St. Clair C 6 Pell City Bank & Trust Co. La Fayette Cooke.. B Pop. 530 61-436 <§’14 Cnion State Bank.......... <§’02 McLane Tilton, Jr. I 61-339 ! Peterman___ Monroe G 4 Bank of Peterman......... <§’13 W. J, Nettles-------8 Pop. 250 61-420 Phil Campbell—Franklin Bank of Phil Campbell __§’18j J no. R. Sherman61-469 Pop. 600 B3 Vice-President. D Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, laws (indexed) in back of thi ; volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws ! ALABAMA—Continued Name ok Bank. Town and County. I It Ju ly , 1920 CC mow .n 42 cc tn’S’h1’ “nde* N»me of Bank is the New Transit Number given n«,^LbanL“J\£. exclusively by Ttae Kand-McNally Bankers’ AT Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers . __ > u.*_ _____ xi__ -;x- _x *.vmi.lnon Acc’’nn. Directory, under the authority of The A merican RanVnrc Bankers Ass Town and County. Name of A V* A * jr * President. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital Profits its Cashier. Vice-President. ! Robertsdale ..Baldwin I 3 Robertsdale State Bank »t§’ll Oscar Johnson — Wm. McIntosh.__ 61-375 6 N. 0. Pop. 500 ‘Rockford___ Coosa E 6 Bank of Rockford------ 11900 W. B. McCain........ 61-351 B Pop. 500 John W. Botson... Coosa County Bank----- §14 T, J, 61-450 Rogersville ..Lauderdale Bank of Rogersville..-*t§'06 J. R. Patterson___ J. C. Belew..............1 61-352 B Pop. 1000 A 4 G. A. Strong______ $ 10,000 $ Mrs. W. B. McCain 25.000 Resources. 4 Dis* 17,460 $ 242,100 $ 189,310 $ 6,850 88,110 63,720 25,000 21,190 202,510 184,030 T. H. Roberson... 50,000 5,700 369,310 320,170 (Branch of Dcca tur, Ala. 1 H. H. Davis. First National Bank ....•t'06 W. B. Sellers_____ A. F. Bullard_____ 61-183 68,880 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch., Mobile. 52,360 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. & Plan. N„ Sylacauga, Ala. Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: Far. & Merch., Good Water, Ala. 71,920 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Am. N., Nash. 86,640 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Birm.,Tr. & Sav., Birm. N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.: Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou. 69,000 15,000 151,500 220,000 56,590 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. N., Pensacola. 100,000 29,110 327,610 558,360 35,430 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Am. N., Pensacola,Fla.; 4th N„ Atl. ‘Scottsboro, J ackson A 6 First National Bank..—J’07 W. B. Hunt.............. J. W. Woodall........ 61-214 B Pop. 2000 Joel Wimberly— L. L. Boyd 25.000 35,000 500,000 350.000 235,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. J. C. Jacobs Bkg. Co----- 1'09 J. C. Jacobs______ E. P. Jacobs--------61-215 R. A. Jacobs______ E. Me Anelly 30.000 24,000 467,800 404,270 80,040 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chattanooga. E. M. Anderson___ ‘Seale.............. Russell F 8 First National Bank ....•t’09 F. M. de Graffen61-353 reid Pop. 500 H. C. ARMSTRONG ‘Selma............ Dallas K 4 B Pop. 15,607 CITY NATIONAL BK. 61-47 »t’71 PEOPLES BANK & TRUST CO. (Branch of Dcca tur, Ala. O. D. Kennamer, Mgr, Tennessee Valley Bank4§'92 61-213 Etta Lucas. 400,000 Oldest and largest hank. 224,000 416,260 1,850,460 2,744,830 Send your items direct to us. 28,000 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Col., Col., Ga. 759,510 Chase N. and Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Whitney-Cent. N., N. O. Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts. C. M. HOWARD —- S. A. FOWLKES — H. F. COOPER............... -...........-........ Transact a general banking business. 100.000 30,000 625.000 700,000 65,000 Dan. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.; 4th N., Atl. SEND US your items on Selma; we make quick returns. f J. L. ANDREWS — W. S. HATCH—...... E. W. McLEOD....... J. H. NATHAN, JR... T.C. SANFORD \ Send us yo ur Sheffield (Special att ention given Business 200.000 159,560 1,703,900 1,733,880 100,000 52,020 1,482,320 1,465,840 Bill of Ladi ng 525,210 Chem. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Phil. 77,490 Irving N. and Harriman N., N. Y. 50.000 14,080 281,350 105,700 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Chattanooga and Birm.; Am. N., Nash. 50,000 70,920 1,087,990 1.076,140 347,240 N. Park. N. Y.; Union & Plan Bk. & Tr. Co., Memphis. 322,960 di rect. drafts, C ash 61-104 »t’O3 Slocomb____ Geneva H 8 Bank of Slocomb-------- £§’20 J. R. Young______ G. S. Kelley_______ 'j. F. Holloway_______________________ 61-492 Pop. 1200 Slocomb National Bank..t’O3 C. E. Segrest_____ i B. F. Smith............. P. Z. Smith_______ L. W. Segrest______ 61-222 SAVANNAH ATLANTA 107,000 a nd Ti me 35.000 It ems. 35,490 25,000 30,000 200,000 Han. N., N. Y.; IIou. N., Dothan. 150,000 75,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Dothan N., Dothan: 4thN., Atl. The CITIZENS ■» SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your Business AUGUSTA" MACON Ju ly , 1920 NATIONAL BANK 30,000 ....................... -.......... H. I. SHELLEY.......... 5^ jJJJffgij- 61-48 «t§’02 Selma National Bank...»t'O4 E. C. Melvin______ |R. P. Anderson— : R. P. Anderson.__ J. W. Craig______ J. G. Melvin 61-49 Selma Tr. & Sav. Bk...»t§’07 E. C. Melvin______ R. P. Anderson___ P. O. Thomas_____ R. L. Sommerville. 61-50 Sheffield........ Colbert A 3 Peoples Bank_________»t§'07 J. H. Lester______ J. B. Lagomarsino. W. H. Richeson ... B Pop. 6682 61-106 SHEFFIELD 60.000 N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.; Lon. N. Bkg. Co., Lou. AL AB AM A BANKS — R obert sd ale to Slo co m b O. E. Harvey------C. P. McMaus 25,000 J. B. Pinckard .... J. V. Harrison Principal Correspondents. 4 Loans Cash Ex c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dub Securities from Banks 20,000 Roy_______ Monroe G 4 (See Jones Mills) B Pop. 448 ‘Russellville ...Franklin Citizens Bk. & Sav. Co.t§’06 C. E. Wilson______ W. C. Hurst______ 61-155 B Pop. 2269 B3 First National Bank--------’20 A. II. Dabbs. . .. W. J. Porter______ 61-499 Tennessee Valley Bank.t§’01 61-154 Samson_____ Geneva H 6 Farmers & Merchants Bank T. S. Faulk 61-184 £§’07 Pop. 1350 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this cn volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.!0' ALABAMA—Continued 1 Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State ‘County Seats. In No. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.State Bks.Assn.+Priv. [Estab. Bis BirminghamJBranch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Pol- M SAVANNAH ATLANTA Cn Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of President. Springville—St. Clair C 6 Bank of Springville— .<§’07 T. E. Moody------61-354 B Pop. 600 Vice-President. Asst. Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. & DlSPaid-up jj Surplus Depos j cI.OANB ’ts. Bonds, AND Capital 1 Profits its i Securities 10.000 $ NATIONAL BANK 8,820 51,830 34,380 25,000 SCHULTZ—— G. H. MCMAHAN- — P. G. SCHULTZ------ C. H. WOODALL...... IV. J. TALLY SEND US YOUR STEV ENSON BUS INESS DIRE CT. 28,100 333,210 333,370 Prompt attenti on given Bill of Principal Correspondents. Gadsden N., Gadsden; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co..j Birm. Han. N„ N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co.. Birm.; Roanoke Bkg. Co., Roanoke. Seab. N„ N. Y. Lading Drafts an d all matters sen t us. <’10 F. Mi Sizemore N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.: Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou. 50,000 13,000 240,000 300,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Birm. 20,000 16,920 149,100 147,040 N.Park, N. Y.; City N„ Selma; 1st N„ Mobile". A. J. Sentell--------- S. W. McEwen------ 75,000 22,720 338,820 386.410 Han. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. and! Birm. Tr. and Sav. Co., Birm. First National Bank___ <'04 S. P. McDonald ... W. H. Mitchell.—. F. M. McDonald... J. B. Ford________ 61-178 30,000 20,000 426,000 350 000 N. Park, N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. Merchants & Plan. Nat. Bk. J. W. Brown_____ J. W. Brown, Jr... J. F. Golson_____ 61-177 *’04 50,000 26,000 372,450 328,600 Chase N„ N. Y.: 1st N„ Birm. 100,000 25,970 452,810 442,470 Han. N.. N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm.;| Citiz. & Southern, Atl. 50,000 17«,000 800,000 600,000 150,000 rH. L. McELDERRY. S.B. WILSON...... - W. T. O'HARA_ _ _ _ W. L. DUMAS SEND US YOUR TALL ADEGA BUS INESS DIRE CT. 89,340 801,750 972,770 Chase N„ Imp. & Tra. N., and N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’I N„ Chi.; 1st N., Birm.; 4th &[ 1st N.,Nash. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; IstN., Birm. Sulligent____ Lamar C 2 Bank of Sulligent.......... J§’05 W. W. Ogden61-356 B Pop. 1500 SweetWater-Marengo F 3 Sweet Water State Bank<§’14 G. J. Lewis— 61-429 B Pop. 280 Sylacauga-Talladega D 6 City National Bank61-425 B Pop. 3500 IS. P. Stone______ D. P. Chapman___ A. E. Vow_______ J. E. Vice. .t’16fE. J. Smith_______ E. S. Smith____ •Talladega-Talladega D 6 Bank & Trust Company.§’12 L. G. Jones_______ J. W. Cowen .......... W. C. Dowdell____ A. Abrams. ♦ 61-98 B Pop. 6546 Isbell National Bank.._<’93 W. H. Boynton___ T. D. Boynton........ T. D. Boynton........ J. H. Ivey— 61-96 W. H. Lane TALLADEGA NATIONAL BANK 61-97 .Prompt attenti on given Bill of Lading Drafts an d all items sent us. <’05 Talladega Springs. Talla- Planters Bank—.............. +'07 61-357 dega.-B—Pop. 500—D5 Tallassee------ Elmore E 7 Bank of Tallassee............ t§’15 61-423 B Pop. 4000 First National Bank___ »}’15 61-454 Thomaston.. Marengo F 3 PlantersBank&TrustCo<§’14 600 61-435 B Pop Thomasville —Clarke G 3 Farmers Bk. & Tr. Co..t§'04 61-359 B Pop. 1181 Thorsby------ -Chilton E 5 Bank of Thorsby______ §'19 61-481 B Pop. 600 Town Creek.—Lawrence Tennessee Valley Bank.U’06 61-361 A 4 B Pop. 465 Townly------- .Walker C 3 Bank of Townley_______§’20 61-494 B Pop. 1500 •Troy---------- ....PikeG 7 Farmers & Merch. Nat’l Bk. 61-100 <’82 Pop. 5696 First National Bank—.$1900 61-102 W. B. Folmar & Sons, Bankers<51-101........ -<t’95 Troy Bank & Trust Co.J§’06 61-103 16,200 Han. N., N. Y.; Birm, Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. W. H. Mitchell.... W. H. Mitchell— 12,000 5,250 80,000 78.300 Geo. D. Patterson. J. H. Wilson_____ A£ J. Noble_______ 15,000 6,450 164,410 140,000 S. P. Storrs_______ W. R. Lancaster. W. E.Johnson E. G. Thomas_____ W. B. Harrell____ O. D. Carlton J. W. Tucker_____ E. C. Dozier_____ C. F. Fincher........ . 25,000 ' 7,830 277,220 192,530 33,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; 4th N., Montg.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co.. Birm. 104.330 N. City, N. Y.; 4th N., Montg.; 1st N„ Birm. j C. C. Pritchett____ 15,000 11,690 200,060 113,050 112,200 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Selma N., Selma. 100,000 15,190 779,640 572,990 10,000 730 72,280 46,270 321,840 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Mobile and Birm.; Selma N-. Selma. 34,410 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm. and Clanton. J. G. Cuninghame- Paul Clarke S. M. Pate_______ IO. E. Lucas............. C. R. Foss........ — H. G. Almon_____ Goff Owen. A. M. Grimsley.... J. G. Teaford___ t Fayette Tune F. H. Henderson.. Fred Henderson. i J. C. Henderson J. W. Bowers_____ T. E. Murphree— H. H. Morgan........ N. Bk. Com. and N. Park., N. Y.: Lou. N. Bkg. Co.. Lou.; 1st N-. Birm. N. Park, N. Y.; Is" N., Birm. and Fayette. (Branch of Decat 15,000 27,580 L. E. Bashinsky___ E. L. Boatner— 150,000 240,000 1.500,000 1,370,060 331,660 Han. N. and N.T’ark. N. Y.; N.Shawmut, Bos.; J. D. Murphree___ Ross Rainer... 100.000 183,050 1,107,220 1,017,980 469,130 Han. N., N. Y. W. B. Folmar________________________ Frank P. Folmar.. Emory Folmar Arthur Folmar Charles Henderson J. C. Henderson.„ K. Murphree_____ H. C. Harris__ (Individ, ual Rcsp onsibilit y $400,00 0)______ N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 4th N., Montg. 50,000 33,630 315.610 216,810 94,920 N. Park, N. Y.; Tra. N., Birm.: Ex. N., Montg. |i TI ur Ht VX IT IZ Er4S \ SOUTHERN BANK SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS AL AB AM A BANKS — Spr in gvi lle to T ro y (Branch of Deca tur, Ala .)............ Tennessee Valley Bank.t§’011 61-246 SAVANNAH ATLANTA 16.670 $ 229,930 j? 152,750 15.000 C. E. Hines______ J. I. FIRST 61-247 Cashier. volume. G. L. Byers............. | M. W. Forman___ Margaret Forman.. $ ! Chas. W. Allison Standing Rock—-Cham- Bank of Standing Rock: ?’O9 C. E. Hines_______ J. H. Hines.......... 61-355 bers.-B--Pop. 700..E8 Stevenson..Jackson A 7 B Pop. 1000 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ALABAMA—Continued Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. Tn No. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. j [Estab, i 8 is Birmingham Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. macon Ju ly, 1920 57 IHE CITIZLlNO % OUU I ML.KIN BAIN IV OULIUIIb IUUK BUSINtbS 1 1 42 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number riven delusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Ccunty. Name of m nuu-naiiK Towns with Nearest Banking pCtc,nffvT . F. ALSTON.......... J.T. HORNE~ . F. CLABAUGH E. B. NUZUM CITY NAT’L BANK 61-69 Cashier. Vice-President president. Liabilities. Paid-up Subplus Depos AND Capital its Profits ! Ass’t Cashier. «« 100,000 172,003 1,953,860 1,842,370 474,190 250.000 119,170 1.655,950 1.846,930 338,400 c- B- VERNER......... W. F. FITTS JR.......... GLENN FOSTER—C. F. FLINNSpecial Attention given to Collections by an Officer of this bank. Lowest Rates. Quick Returns. <5’87 Balt. •Tuscumbia..Colbert A 3 (First National Bank .... <’19 W. G. Halsey-------O. B. Clark B Pop. 3855 I 61-123 50,00!) 17,050 343,360 368,750 63,960 Tennessee Valley Bank ±§’92 61-122 N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.: Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou. •Tuskegee___ Macon F 7^ Bank of Tuskegee...........±§’93 John H. Drakeford D. E. Laslie. Pop. 3000 61-125 Geo. T. Hill FARMERS STATE BANK*§ 14 L. C. Johnston___ j F. M. Johnston.... J L. C. Johnston MACON COUNTY J:w,c#TELtl J. C. WRIGHT L. W. WILKERSON 196,000 30,000 20.890 162,610 142,000 50,000 120,0 0 386,780 398,950 50,000 22,500 212,000 245,000 50,000 82,110 693,900 612,540 136,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Montg. 65,000 N. City, N. Y.; Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. 131,080 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp. Atl.; 4th N., Montg. •t!’83 ( F. M. MOSELEY- A. J. MOSELEY. W M CROSSLEY J. F. COGDELL, JR. 'UnionSprings..Bullock AMERICAN BANK......... <§’16 ) Safety and Serv Ice Bank. Pop. 4500 F7 ♦ 61^427 (Quick Returns on A11 Collection 8. Lowry TRY US. THOS. EDWARDS-E. H. COPE________HUGH FOSTER......... G. M. EDWARDS .. j Largest Bank In the County. City, County, and State Depository. <’04 MERCH. & FARMERS BANK 24.600 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ex. N.. Montg.; N.. Atl.; Am. N., Pensacola. f w w Spec’ll •t§’90i I Please 228,600 Southern, Atl. 80,000 ms. ts. 34,000 250,000 331,000 49,000 Ian. N., N. Y.: Birm. Tr. & S Tra. N„ Birm.; 4th N„ Montg. Ihe CITIZENS \ SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your Bosiness “J Ju ly , 1920 FIRST NAT’L BANK SAVANNAH ATLANTA 228,030 , We give all out of town Items car eful attention, ' and remit p romptly at reaso nable rates. BANK 61-118 88,000 Wm. Varner 61-438 61-119 50,000 AL AB AM A BA N K S — T usc alo osa to U nio n S pri ngs FRflNKMM00DYflCCADE C.N. MAX WELL, JR.C.O.HAYSLETTE.H. PHIFER Vigorous attention given collections. •t'71 Quick returns and consistent charges. * Reasons given for non-payment. GIVE US A TRIAL. & TRUST CO. 61-124 Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Dus from Banks. •t 65 DEPOSITORY FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE OF ALABAMA. OLDEST BANK IN ALABAMA. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS. MERCHANTS BANK 61-71 Resources. Loans & Bisc’ts. Bonds, Securities $ $ $ 100,000 $ 140,000 1,445,110 1,416,710 $ 351,850 R. H. COCHRANE- L. S. McGEE.......... FRANK S. DANIEL CIDQT HATH D A All/ lluul NA I L BANK 61-70 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this <£ volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. °° ALABAMA—Continued Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. JState •County Seats. In No. 6 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. IE stab. 8 is Birmingham Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. •Tuscaloosa .Tuscaloosa B Pop. 11,900 1)3 AT A TV A a » * Mumbar under N»me of Bank is ths New Transit Number given to eeeh bask ia U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers* Olreetory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Uniontown ___ Perry F B Pop. 1359 .. President. Vice-President Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Canebrake Loan & Trust Co Val. Taylor_______ W. H. Tayloe_____ J. H. Anderson___ ♦ 61-162 •±§'07 PLANTERS & MERCH BANK W. J. White______ S. T. Whitfield ~~ J. H. Bradford___ 61-160 Vinegar Bend. Wash’ton B Pop. 600 H 2 14,57( $ 65,480 j$ 4 Principal Correspondents. Cash Ex oha moss, fbom Bawhs 98.46C S Dui 25,480 N. Park, N. Y.; Selma N„ Selma; Robertsoi Bkg. Co., Demopolis. 80.00C 100, OOC 350,000 250,000 15,000 18,000 175,000 ! 165,000 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Hamilton N. and 1st N., Chattanooga. 50,000 15,000 N, Park, N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm. 125,000 90.000 100,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Whitney Cent. N.. N. O. ±$’20 II. B. Oliver______ W. H. Strock A. T. Rudder_____ 11. W. Davis______ 15,000 Vina Banking Co____ -.-§’20 .1, W. Rogers 61-497 Fred Massey.......... J. M. Massey, Jr. . N. E. Turner_____ L. V. Rounsaville 25,000 7,500 16,000 35,000 Han.N.,N. Y.: Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. 16,000 10,000 6,240 58,360 39,770 Wadley..-Randolph D 8 Bank of Wadley ___ ..±§’08 J. M. Welch______ H. F. Hodge______ J. M. Hodge............ J. R. Harris______ B Pop. 600 P. B. Smith 61-363 32.500 34,020 173,680 123,850 116,350 Han. N., N. Y.; Birm. Tr. & Sav. Co., Birm.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl. Warrior....Jefferson 0 5 B Pop. 1000 J. B. Huffstutler„ 10,000 4,440 120,800 80,570 99,830 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Birm. Tr. & Sav., Birm. J. L. Cooper.. . . 10,000 5.000 105,000 54,000 55,000 Bk. of America, N. Y.: Ala. Tr. & Sav., Flor ence. W. H. McMurray.. Douglas Smith........ Eva Saxon_______ 40,000 11,590 152 520 214,760 23,060 Han. N„ N.Y.: Anniston N., Anniston. 70,930 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. M. A. O’Dom_____ 33,480 Han. N„ N. Y.; Merch., Mobile. 61-362 ...t’88 (T. M. Davidson).. 61-236 Waterloo____ Lauderdale Farmers and Merch. Rk. $'14 Buck Sharp______ J. L. Cooper__ B Pop. 700 A2 61-437 ‘Wedowee-Randolph D 8 Bank of Wedowee.__ ..±§’06 J. C. Swann______ B Pop. 1000 61-364 West Blocton. .Bibb D 4 West Blocton Sav.Bk .•±§'92 W. R. Young_____ G. W. Randall B Pop. 892 61-365 B. II. Gatlin______ 25,000 29,810 379,790 355,120 ‘Wetumpka. Elmore E 6 Bank of Wetumpka__ -•±§’01 W. L. Lancaster... J. A. Gaddis B Pop. 1103 61-201 .. First National Bank.. -•±’05 AdolplieHohenberg 61-202 W. R. Lancaster 50.000 18,220 380,520 351,300 130,500 N. Park and Met. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Montg.; 1st N., Birm. C. G. McMorris.__ E. J. Cain________ 25.000 83,000 850,000 635,000 250,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Birm, and Montg. Wilsonville...Shelby D 5 B Pop. 1000 H. L. Smith____ 10,000 4,440 76,070 69,380 W. I.. Roberts___ 25,000 J. G. Stalcup___ 15,000 Winfield........ Marion C3 Citizens Bank____ B Pop. SCO 61-493 .. R. G. Weldon------ H. E. Smith 61-433 — §’20 A. M. Grinsley___ M. L. Lucas . . Winfield State Bank.. .•±§’07 R. W. Harris_____ 61-367 J. F. Earnest 19,780 Han. N., N. ¥.; Tra. N., Birm. N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N.. Birm. 30,000 16.000 295,000 4th N„ AL AB AM A BANKS — U n io n to w n to Yo rk Pop. 400 50.00C $ 4 61-487 ‘Vernon______ Lamar C 2 Bank of Vernon____ -±§’11 A. M. Grimsley___ J. C. Milner_____ J. A .Hankins........ J. B. Wheeler B Pop. 700 61-387 B $ Resources. Loams Di« , c’tb. Bonds Skcwbjtim •±§'90 Valley Head.Dekalb A 7 Bank of Valley Head .•±§'14 W. B. Thompson... G. M. D. Lowry___ R. D. Lowry... _ . C. C. Driskill_____ B Pop. 500 61-430 Verbena____ Chilton E 5 B Pop. 250 Liabilities. Surplus Paid-up Depos and its Capital Profits 1920________ Namk of Bank. Town and county. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. 5Stat< ‘County Seats. In No. 6 Fed. Res. Dist tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv [Estab B is Birmingham Branch ♦Mem Fed. Res. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this!1 volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ALABAMA—Continued u ly, 59 140,000 180,000 Woodlawn .Jefferson D 5 (See Birmingham) B Pop. 2848 Wyiam Station.Jefferson' Bank of Ensley.......... -tt’99 ♦ 61-369 B Pop. 3000 D4 York................ Sumter E 2 Bank of York____ B Pop. 1500 1 61-391 H. J. Cummings, Mgr. .•±§•11 G. C. Gowdey_____ J. H. Coleman____ R. L. Adams ____ Branch of Ensle y, Ala.) 20.0001 1 9,500 150,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am. Tr. & Sav., Birm. 155,000 32,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Birm., Mobile, and Meridian, Miss. S”SS The CITIZENS \ SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your Business cn A9 • M Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ IllPontnFv un<ln>i 4-h.* ---Al------- »a_ “ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 58 AT A V* A Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Pol- «k * Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ALABAMA—Continued 1? T7>C! ATTOniPCJ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ cq Ou ..... . Town and County. ^County Seats. Name of . ------ —--------------------------- . ... . . President. Vice-President. Anchorage----------- .E10 Bank of Alaska............ ..•§'16 Pop. 6000 .. ------- .. . .. . Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Bank of Anchoragd___ «§’16 Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. W- Nnlan _ R. N- Moyer Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital Profits its G. K. Betts H. W. Acliison ___ Resources. k Dis- Loans ic’ts. Bonds, Securities 25,000 J Principal Correspondents. k Cash Ex changes,Dub from Banks (.Branch of Shag way, Al a«7co)... Chas. E. Brown ... Sidney Anderson.. Sidney Anderson.. Winfield Erwin.... $ E7 Bank of Alaska_______ »§’17 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this' 2? volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.: ALASKA TERRITORY Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. PDTWPTDiT CnPPWqpnNBRNTS. 1,490 $ 290,230 J 233,340 $ Liberty N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.: Seattle N. and Dexter Horton N„ Seattle. 83,390 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Seattle N„ Seattle; Am. N.. San F. (Branch of Shag way, Al ««/£«)... Liberty N„ N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F.; Seattle N. and N. Bk. Com., Seattle. Pop. 1500 The FIRST BANK OF CORDOVA M. Brock_____ .. M. Rlnm •§’09 Fairbanks________ Pop. 7500 27,000 710,000 588,000 196,000 1st N., N.Y.; Dexter Horton N. and Scan. Am., Seattle: Merch. N., San F. E 10 First Territorial Bk. of Alaska P, R Rradlpy •§’13 John Rock A. E. Gurr_______ 25,000 10,730 241,170 187,630 65,770 N. Park, N. Y.; Crocker N„ San F.; Seattle N., Seattle. C7 First National Bank____ »’O5 R C Wnnd T. f! Hess Geo. Hutchinson. . 50,000 54,940 1,014.630 600,170 555,350 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. and Seattle. Salmon River Banking Co. J. A. Hall .. §'20 Hyder. Iditarod 50,000 Daniel Lindeborg . T. J. Marks . _.D5 Miners & Merchants Bk. »§’10 Chas. Ross.............. C. Baker.. . R. C. Rnttnn 15,000 1st N., Seattle. 15,000 50.000 136,910 80,000 N. Park, N.Y.: Scan. Am..Seattle; Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F. 48,360 1,873,090 1,388,930 632,520 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Anglo & London Paris N., San F.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle. 250,790 N. City, N. Y.; Crocker N„ San F.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 24,940 143,180 Pop. 1000 Juneau___________ .E10 B. M. Behrends Bank...«§’91 B. M. Behrends—. J. R. Willis........... Guy McNaughton.. H. 1. Lucas______ Pop. 6000 J. F. Mullen > First National Bank____ »'98 John Reck______ _ P. R. Bradley____ H. H. Post________ R. H. Stevens____ H. E. Brown • H H Post First Territorial Bank of Alaska_______ _______ .§’16 R. H. Stevens Ketchikan________ F 10 Miners & Merch. Bank..•§'06 J. R. Heckman— . J. R. Beejle______ A. R. Larson.......... E. E. Epperson .... Pop. 3000 Nome____________ ..C 3 Miners & Merch. Bank of Jafet Lindeberg.. J. J. Cole____ ____ J. A. Bachelder___ F. Rockman Pop. 2600 Alaska______________ *§'04 Louis Stevenson 100,000 50,000 66,230 850,000 950,000 (Branc h of Do uglas, A lasha).. 1st N., Juneau. 75,000 25,000 i,016,000 900,000 210,000 Liberty N„ N. Y.: Scan. Am.. Seattle; Crocker N., San F.; B. M. Behrends, Juneau. 100,000 97,840 1,350,430 608,250 937,620 N. Park, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Scan. Am., Seattle and Tacoma. 65,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: State Bk. of Seattle, Seattle; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma; B. M. Behrends, Juneau; State Bk. of Port., Port. 48,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: Scan. Am., Dexter Hoiton N„ and 1st N., Seattle; Crocker N., San F. 25,000 8,000 230,000 191,350 Seward_______ ... „E6 Bank of Seward_______ «§’O5 C. E. Rrown Sidney Anderson „ H. S. Balderston .. J. L. McNally........ Pop. 1000 • Gaston Hardy____ John A. Noble____ Erich Lucas, F. P. L. B. Spencer____ of Alaska.......................•’15 H. B. Wesselman and Cash. 25,000 5,600 233,000 184,000 25,000 5,240 331,460 142,130 200,360 Harriman N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle: Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F.; 1st N., Port. Skagway------ ------ E 10 Bank of Alaska........ ....... »§’16 E. A. Rasmuson... Z. S. Freeman........ H. D. Lynch______ W. A. Pries_______ Pop. 3117 140,000 30,000 860,000 550,000 25.000 10,000 239,680 200,000 300,000 Liberty N.. N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Seattle N., Seattle; B. M. Behrends, Juneau. 90,000 IstN., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Scan. Am., Dexter Horton N., and Seattle N„ Seattle. Liberty N., N.Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Seattle N., Seattle; B. M. Behrends, Juneau. Valdez . .......... ......... ..E 7 The First Bank of Valdez M. Blum_________ Pop. 800 •§’14 M. BrocK________ Wrangell__________ F10 Bank of Alaska----------- »§’16 Pop. 1000 G. W. Upshaw___ MASKK NV up on index J. W. Gilson- (Branch of Shag [ way, Al osTco)... BaxiVks .\dvertis\ny; st'we Vrompt Mtention to CoUections Ju ly , 1920 Petersburg____ ____ F12 Bank of Petersburg____ «§’12 J. W. Stoft........... . Jacob Johnson------ T. S. Elsemore___ C. Clausen________ Pop. 1000 AL AS KA BA N K S — A nch or ag e to W ra n g ell nnnplas Pop. 1300 Thos. S. Scott____ John Muller______ and Correspondence S20 JZlU - □ ANNOUNCEMENT With the desire that this Directory may be of still greater value to sub scribers, the Publishers have at a great expense caused to be bonded by THE AMERICAN SURETY CO. OF NEW YORK certain of the Attorneys whose names appear in the Attorneys’ List published and Indexed in this Directory. Complete information is given at the beginning of the Attorneys’ List (see index “Lawyers”). J Subscribers should familiarize them selves with this important feature of our service and it is hoped that they will avail themselves of the many advantages it offers. ■qS -2 4, <8 aJ5 i=' Is? 2i fcS4 *«■ (Ufa, -J * 00 £»>* gc8 Os >ea-s! l»©-< ol ©J S£c ©OJ , fcuOg o c S°5 ®3= Im 0.0* ? a-g* 3 ?: t z ®2 Sc C7 Some Facts About rand McNally BANKERS’ DIRECTORY and THE BANKERS’ REGISTER (Consolidated) The Bankers’ Blue Book 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Is the Official Numbering Agent for The American Bankers Association. Is honestly revised twice a year and is the most accurate and carefully edited publication of its kind. (Write for our booklet, “Seven Decisions.”) Is always the first Bank Directory on the market and is published nearer to the date of the information it contains than any other similar publication. Is printed in tabulated form, all simi lar items being placed in the same column, for the purpose of quick comparison—impossible if the book is printed in the cheaper way like a novel. Has a paid bank circulation larger than the paid bank circulation of all other Bank Directories combined. Has the largest paid bank circulation of any publication in America, of whatever kind, and this circulation is increasing every year. 7. “A Reliable Book published Responsible House.** by a Do Not be Deceived Others are not “Just as Good” Two Editions each year. January and July Number under Name of Bank is tne New Transit Number given to each bank in U.S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this, volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARIZONA Liabilities. Name of Bank. xCounty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. iMem.State Bks.Assn.+Priv. I LLosA.Br. EElPasoBr. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President. Ajo---------------- Pima E 11 Valley Bank................... •+§’15 11E Pop. 3000 91-98 Benson------ Cochise J 12 Cochise County State Bank 11E Pop. 800 91-63 <§’05 ,,isbnE-F.-;0SiseK,s BANK OF BISBEE 91-17 <§1900 Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. (Branch of Phoc nix, Ar izona).. i (Branch of Tomb stone, A rizona).\ FIRST NAT’L BANK Duncan ...Greenlee M 10 11E Pop. 500 ‘Flagstaff..Coconino G 5 12 L Pop. 3000 'Florence_____ Pinal H 9 12 L Pop. 1500 (adsden_____ Yuma A 10 12 L Pop. 300 lilbert____ Maricopa G 9 12 L Pop. 550 91-28 <’03 Bank of Duncan_____ <§’08 91-64 Arizona Central Bank <§’87 91-51 Citizens Bank________ <§'03 91-52 FIRST NATIONAL BANK <17 91-123 First National Bank___ <’17 91-115 Pinal Bank & Trust Co. <§’12 91-80 Gadsden State Bank...<§T8 91-124 Bank of Gilbert______ <§ 14 91-119 486,000 500,000 Dana T. Milner---- ----------------------- ... 15,000 2,810 128,210 109,960 25,000 5,000 195,000 164,000 C. C. Callaway........ David S. Butler_____ _________________ 25,000 7,760 101,230 133,220 C. Howard Davis.. Stanley S. Smith.. J. C. Campbell__ C. A. Clements J. F. Brown............ G. M. Klauer........ ......... ................ .......... 25,000 6,650 614,510 448,880 25,000 2,500 75,000 19,060 512,530 559,890 50,000 5,000 67,150 71,200 talf. Ar izona) . (Branch H. G. Ehlers, Mgr. 100,000 Irving N.. N. Y.; Crocker N.. San F. 947,000 Meeh.& Metals N„ N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Merch. N„ Los A.I 45,320 N. Park, N. Y.; Southern Ariz. Bk. & Tr. Co.,I Tucson; IstN., El Paso. 62,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Valley and Phoenix N„ Phoenix. 31,740 Seab. N„ N. Y.: Bk. of Arizona, Prescott; Drov.j N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Albuquerque. 187,770 Han. N., N. Y.; Phoenix N„ Phoenix: 1st N„ Los A.; Consol. N., Tucson. N. City, N. Y.; Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Southern Ariz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tucson. 113,520 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Com’I N„ Los A.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 28,020 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Los A.; Phoenix: N., Phoenix. Seab. N., N. Y.; Comw. N„ Kan. C.: 1st N., San F.; Merch. N., Los A.; Phoenix N.,Phoenix. Laidlaw & Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. 540,240 50.000 24,000 298,040 Han. N., N.Y.: Cont. & Com’I N„ Chi.: 1st N. 800,000 and City N., El Paso; Am. N., San F. (Branch of Glob e, Arizo\ na)____ ........ — Han.N., N.Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.,San F.; 1st N., El Paso; Citiz. N., Los A. 50,000 327,600 57,610 Han. N., N. if.; Comw. N., Kan. C.; Border N„ 329,270 5,940 El Paso: Citiz. N„ Los A. Seab.N., N. Y.; Comw. N.,Kan. C.; IstN., San' (Branch toff. Mr F.; Merch. N. and Far. & Merch. N.. Los A. W.H, BROPHY......... F. H. FISHER_____ J. H. CALVERT— H. W. WILLIAMS collections 100,000 100.000 341,590 115,050 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Los A,; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., El Paso; Valley, Phoenix. 192,910 2,353,850 2,071,420 575,340 Chase N. N.Y.; Cont. & Com’I N..ChL; 25,000 323,400 Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., Los A. Special facilltie s for making pro mpt in Arizona and Sonora, Mexico. B. A. PACKARD — T. E. POLLOCK — E. W. GRAVES- S. A. Foster____ PACKARD. ^B. M. ALBERTS 90,000 1,355.000 1,600,000 550,000 Bk. Coni., Kan. C.; 1st N., San F.; Citiz. N., Los A. 3,940 469,950 347,310 3.950 509,340 253,520 25,000j 14,820 509,640 431,850 S. C. Sharon.......... 15,000: 1,580 54,570 78,030 ■John C. Walker.. . John D. Calhoun .. 2o,000' 5,300 110,000’ 128,000 6,000 1st N., Mesa and Los A.; Com’I N., Phoenix. E, V. Romney... J. A. Battle H. H. Watkins _.. M. I. Powers____ J. C. Powers___ C. J. Walters____ M. J. Riordan ... C. J. Babbitt___ IW. Woeber Smith John Zalaha_____ W. L. Lindblom P. H. Nelson_____ C. A. Warren A. F. Grimmell__ B. P. Wootton.__ O. J. Baughn ___ J. P. Brown_____ J. H. Halmhuber. Dugald Stewart... R. B. Arballo___ Dngald Stewart... N. T. Roach_____ T. L. Lane______ H. Brownstetter. C. A. Baldwin.._. . E. R. Wilbur___ 100.000 90,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Border N., El Paso, Tex.: Peo. Bk. & Tr. Co., Clifton. 650,000 Seab.N.. N. Y.; Comw. N., Kan. C.; IstN., San F.; Merch.N.and Far. & Merch.N.,Los A. 464,830 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Crocker N.. San F.. 1st N., Los A. and Albuquerque. 184,850 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’I N„ Chi.; Am. N., San F.: 1st IN.. Los A.: N. Shawmut, Bos. 309,740 Han. N., N. Yr Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.;| Drov. N.. Kan. C. 117,610 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’I N.. Chi.; Valley, Phoenix: Com’I N.. Los A. 12,120 1st N., Yuma. T. E. Pollock____ USE AND SELL OUR LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS’ CHEQUES'. 5,000 414,000 3,600,000 2,760,000 ARI ZO NA BA NKS — Ajo to G ilber t <§’02 50.000 P.H. Benson_____ H. M. Watson____ Helen Nelson______ Douglas-----Cochise L 13 Bank of Commerce— --<§’19 Robert Rae_______ T. J. Leeson........... A. J. McKinnon... Stanley W. Coon.. lit Pop. 9916 91-29 91-27 N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N., Los A. 50,000 Ernest J. Koch___ C. A. Baldwin____ IF. E. Burridge......... , G. L. Gollands John Andersen.— P. M. James______ |W. N. Johnson___ Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz. N„ Los A.; Valley, Phoenix. Han. N., N. Y.: City N.. El Paso; Cal. Sav. & Com’I, Los A.; Consolidated N„ Tucson.: 50,000 [$ 240.000 $3 000 000 $2750000 $ 750,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.; B. A. Taylor______ O. W. Wolf_______ B. S. Chase, Jr.. E. A. Watkins j J. M. Muheim____ P. M. Buckwalter..: 1. F. Burgess.____ D. O. Saunders, A. Mgr. J. A. McLeay_____ W. J. Riley_______ J. B. Brown... W. E. Munroe GILA VALLEY BK. & TR. CO................... -................ L. T. Payne, Mgr.. 91-39 <§1900 Peoples Bank & Trust Co. j O. J. Cotey............ A. H. Slaughter- E. H. Green............ J. A. Battle. 91-40 <§’18 Antonio Spezia IR.H.H.Luckenbili, Cooley.........Coconino G 5 Arizona Central Bank_<§’19 Mgr. 12 L Pop. 500 91-130 BANK OF DOUGLAS S ~ SsCURITIBS I FROM BANKS K. N. Coplen_____ _________________ $ Principal Correspondents. Loans 4 Dis-' Cash 4 Exc’ts. Bonos, I ohangis,Dus H. B. Thomas,Mgr._________________ W. H. BROPHY— J. S. DOUGLAS — C. S. THOMPSON- J. P. CONNOLLY M. J. CUNNINGHAM hern Arizona. C. T. WASHBURN Oldest and lar gest Bank in Sout Special attenti on given to Cash Items and Collec tions. Citizens Bk.& Trust Co.•: ’06 C. A. McDonald___ 91-19 Miners & Merchants Bank L. C. Shattuck .__ 91-18 <§’02 Bowie.......... Cochise L11 Bank of Bowie............. <§’17 T. J. Riggs 11E Pop. 400 91-117 Buckeye—Maricopa E 9 Buckeye Valley Bank ..<§’11 G. P. Brown.......... 12 L Pop. 1500 ♦ 91-78 Camp Verde.Yavapai G 61 Camp Verde StateBank<§’16 R. W. Wingfield—. 12 L Pop. 400 91-110 Casa Grande..Pinal G 10 > Casa Grande Valley Bk.<§’14 W. P. Clements ... 12 L Pop. 2000 91-96 .............. “ I First National Bank____ «’2O E. G. Lavers_____ I 91-135 Chandler...Maricopa G 9 Bank of Chandler_____ <§’12 A. J. Chandler____ 12 L Pop. 1200 j 91-84 —......... “ I First National Bank___ <’20 John H. Dobson... 91-132 Chloride------ Mohave B 5 Arizona Central Bank<§’16 12 L Pop. 700 91-109 Clarkdale___ Yavapai E 6 Bank of Arizona'______ <§’13 12 L Pop. 3500 91-88 ‘Clifton ...Greenlee M 9 First National Bank....< 01 S. Abraham_______ 91-38 11E Pop. 5500 Resources. Paid-up SU?3oUS! DeposCapital pROFiTa its Ju ly , 1920 ci u* 25,000 J. A. Battle.......... -1C. F. Oare. J. P. Wilson_____ Continental and 250,000' 150,000 50,0001 25,000j 14,000 280,000 240.000 255,000 3,500,000 3,300,000 12,500 1,303,900 999,310 Commercial Banks. Chicago I ’i Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ lUponfnFV 62 un/1/»»i ~ -.-XL — *•* - rw«- AT • Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to eaeh bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Ba A T> A *» *r < Bank. ^County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. j L Los A. Br. E El Paso Br. i ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.! President. Glendale—-Maricopa F 1 First National Bank.... <T6 C. H. Tinker_____ 91-108 12 L Pod. 3000 GLENDALE STATE BANK La Fayette Myers. 91-65 <§'09 •Globe..................Gila I! First National Bank.__ <’01 P. P. Greer .. 91-23 12 L Pop. 10,000 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. J. N. Robinson.... J. T. Brown______ G. C. Simmons___ J. C. Griffin Mgr. Globe Office 100,000 100.000 Resources. ft Cam 6 Xx- Loam* Disc’t*. Bond*, BiouKrrin 584,000 512,200 87,290 1,646,450 1,384,310 _______ ) In forming new c onnections in this •Holbrook...Navajo K 6 HOLBROOK STATE BANK 12 L Pop. 1500 91-59 <§1900 j Depository of all the Oil Companies, vicinity you will ma ke no mistake in do ing your banking for which there are good reasons, (.Prompt attention given to all busines s entrusted to us. Merchants & Stock Growers John R. Hulet____ H. H. Scorse_____ D. J. Thomas_____ B. B. Neel............. ..... Bank........ 91-60........... <§'09 Humboldt—-Yavapai F 7 Prescott State Bank. — <§’18 91-127 12 L Pop. 1500 Jerome........ Yavapai F 6 BANK OF ARIZONA—<§77 91-45 12 L Pop. 6000 91-46 635,090 454,760 (Branch of Pres cott, Ar izona).. (Branch 169,040 Han. N.. N. Y.; Citiz. N.. Los A.; 1st N., El Paso; Bk. of Italy, San P. N. Bk. Com. and Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: IstN., El Paso: Valley, Phoenix. 96,030 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; 1st N., Albuquerque, N.M.; Citiz. N., Los A.; Bk. of Italy, San P. 280,150 N. City, N. Y.: Drov. N„ Kan. C.: 1st N., Albuquerque, N. M.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. N. Park, N. Y.; Prescott State, Prescott. of Pres cott, Ar izona).. Liberty N., N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A„ San F.; Citiz. N.. Los A. 542,510 136,720 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N.,SanF.;Prescott State, Prescott: Citiz. N„ Los A. (Branch of Flag staff.Ar izona).. Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Cal., Los A.: 1st N.. San F.: Comw. N., Kan. C. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Crocker N„ San E.: Citiz. N„ Los A. 84,660 Chase N., N. Y.: City N., El Paso; Drov. N., Kan. C.: Citiz, N., Los A. 109,800 N. City, N. Y.: Drov. N., Chi.; N. Bk. of Ariz., Phoenix. 170,950 Chase N., N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; 1st N., Los A.; Phoenix N., Phoenix. 50.000 30,000 633,000 ' (Resources Ban k of Jerome and affiliated banks. $5,000,000.) Mesa............Maricopa G 9 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 93 91-49 12 L Pop. 1692 Send this bank <§’10 (Branch of Flag staff, Ar izona).. W. F. Cowan_____ _______________ 15,000 11,900 263,530 236,990 R. C. Walters_______________ _____ 25.000 3,600 263.000 165,000 100.000 42,000 1,107,380 1,045,060 your b usiness. lym< J. C. Raymond, Sec. and Tr. F. S. West------------S. L. Doughty— L. E. Holcomb L. E. White............ F. S. West_____ 50,000 340 107,8901 126,500 100.000 77,980 777,520 Xfi3,090 50,000 ----------- 107,370 122,320 E. A. Spriggs_____ ___________________ 15,000 115,000 120,000 S. W. Ellery______ 1C. B. Perrin____ P. W. Persels G. W. Hamilton H. O. Fitzsimmons,________________ Mgr. 25,000 29,000 1,100,000 825,000 3,000 (Branch of Glob e, Arizo na)____ 18,180 Los A. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; 1st N., Mesa. 130,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Los A.; Valley, Phoenix. 15,360 Valley, Phoenix; Salt River Valley, Mesa. 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., El Paso; 1st N„ Clifton. 329,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: 1st N., El Paso and Globe; i Citiz. N., Los A.: Bk. of Italy. San F. .Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N„ El Paso; | Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San P.; Citiz. N., Los A.; Valley, Phoenix. Ju ly , 1920 GILA VALLEY BK. & TR. CO. J. H. Rosenberi irg, Mlgr. C. J. Walters.......... ■ C. A. Warren.. J. T. LESUEUR —- 0. S. STAPLEY-...... L. H. VANSPANCK- R. B. SCHUPPEREN Mesa Savings Bank & Trust J. T. Lesueur........ O. S. Stapley......... L. H. Van SpanckCompany .91-137_____ +§'20 eren W. M. Beach______ Robert Scott --------Salt River Valley Bank<§’08 It. E. Moore 91-50 Sait River Valley Tr. & Sav. Robert Scott-------- R. E. Moore--------W. M. Beach Bank____ 91 133____ <§’20 Metcalf___ Greenlee L 9 State Bank of Metcalf—•§’13 E. J. Rowan........ — W. G. Scott______ 91-90 11E Pop.2500 Miami_________ Gila I 9 Bank of Miami —.......... <§’10 W. D. Fisk---------- W. J. Ellery_____ A. W. Crawford 91-55 2 L Pop. 9000 ARIZONA. Map on Index 53,820 bank. H. W. Lewis, Mgr. ‘ A Progressive B ank thoroughly e quipped to hand! e your business, i Prompt attenti on given to aU C ash Items and C ollectlons on Jet ome. •Kingman —.Mohave C 5 Arizona Central Bank.<§’87 91-67 12 L Pop. 2500 it Citizens Bank_________ <§’03 91-79 Lowell_____ Cochise K 13 Bank of Lowell.............. <§’10 W. H. Brophy____ L. C. Shattuck____ 91-68 11E Pop. 3500 Mayer........ Yavapai F 7 Mayer State Bank......... <§’17 Chas. Batre............. Jno. P. Trebilcock. 91-114 12 L Pop. 600 50,000 with this J.G. Conway, Mgr. (R. N. FREDERICKS— A. L. REESE —-...... P.H. DEMING-........ - H. H. CHRISTENSENBANK OF JEROME—<§ 07 91-56 84,730 Valley, Phoenix; 1st N., Los A.; Inter-State N„ Kan. C. 93,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Phoenix N., Phoenix; U.I S. N.,LosA. 619,510 Han. N.. N. Y.: Am. N., San F.; IstN., Los A. and El Paso. 271,990 4.849,810 3.323,520 1,898,280 Han. N. and Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., El Paso; Citiz. N., Los A. " ! Bank* n . .ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER’S OFFICE CO. Our facilities for handling your Banking and Trust Business throughout Eastern A rizona ar e unsurp assed. EIGHT BRANCHES IN ARIZONA. SEE ADVERT ISEMEN T ON 0 PROSIT E PAGE <§’99 710,130 100,000 113,030 666,140 G. F. Wilson_____ H. V. Snell........ — C. B. Y. Hind_____ W. D. Fisk, Tr.... Old Dominion Com’l CoA. W. Crawford 91-22 <§’96 (Branch of Glob e, Arizo na)____ E. M. Blake, Mgr. Hayden...... ...........Gila I 9 GILA VALLEY BK. & TR. CO. 12 L Pop. 3000 91-81 <§T2 20,000 270 253,770 169,910 fL. M. RAYNOLDS- J. C. PAULSELL...... R. R. TURBEVILLE - SIMS ELY----------- “ mom 34,570 ? 556,400 $ 556,230 $ 7,100 Principal Correspondents. chax«m,Dui A RIZ O N A BA N K S — G le ndal e to M iam i 91-24 50,000 $ 25,000 R. W. Wagoner___ Clayton C. Brooks. A. Gen. Mgr. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital Profits its $ J. W. Rogers_____ C. A. Jemison____ E. MILLS-............ L. D. RICKETTS......... H. S. VAN GORDER— J. D. WICK, JR., T. A. PASCOE J. R. TODD, GILA VALLEY BANK C.R.E.MOORE,Gen.Mpr. & TRUST Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this; cn volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARIZONA—Continued Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence B a n k s A d v e rti sin g g iv e P ro m p t A tte n tio n to C o ll ecti o n s a n d C o rr esp o n d en ce UNDER JOINT CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT The Gila Valley Bank AND Trust Company Surplus $200,000.00 $4,800,000.00 Capital $100,000.00 Deposits - Conducting Branch Banks at Globe, Morenci, Clifton, Miami, Safford, Ray, Hayden and Winkelman, Arizona MANAGING OFFICE, Globe, Arizona OFFICERS C. E. MILLS, President L. D. RICKETTS, Vice President R. E. MOORE, General Manager T. A. PASCOE, Vice President J. R. TODD, Assistant Gen’l Manager H. C. WOOD, Auditor H. S. VAN GORDER, Cashier The Valley Bank PHOENIX. ARIZONA Branch at Ajo, Arizona MEMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Capital Surplus Deposits ---- - $ 500,000.00 -100,000.00 - - 6,000,000.00 OFFICERS Map on index C. L. R. A. E. D. E. T. MILLS, President RICKETTS, Vice President MOORE, Vice President ESGATE, Cashier SIMS ELY, JR., Assistant Cashier S. H. STEWART, Assistant Cashier L. G. GALLAND, Assistant Cashier W. S. BRADFIELD, Assistant Cashier These affiliated banks, representing the strongest financial interests in Arizona, offer unequalled facilities covering every banking service. The Valley Bank at Phoenix, by reason of unusual connections, routes practically every banking point in Arizona direct each day. o N 5 Correspondence relative to handling Arizona items invited. ’’3S gs EL 83 1 o bM wb ®0> 5E U os £2 000 o g tf 2. e» « < o O© . s> B?o. g.B: O’hcJ ip t^c, <©©00 OO c o oo o O' E.55p ® O• hjW > •o g & fl b ©i o o c z ± rn c/> 3 42 tr>rl?^bHr “nde* N“me of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively byThe ltand-McNally Bankers’ AT Non-Bank Towns with Nei A V-» A > * ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ AT PRESCOTT Jerome Clarkdale Bank of Arizona The Phoenix National Bank PHOENIX, ARIZONA Capital, Surplus and Profits - $450,000.00 Resources - - . $6,340,000.00 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY ESTABLISHED 1877 Oldest Bank in the State - OFFI H. J. McCLUNG - - President W. H. THOMSON - - Vice-Pres. T. E. POLLOCK - Vice-President F. L. THOMAS - - - Cashier ERS E. P. HEWITT, Assistant Cashier E. F. BARROWS, Assistant Cashier E. K. FOLTZ - Assistant Cashier J. C. BLAINE - Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS W. A. DRAKE L. L. HARMON WM. S. HUMBERT L. H. CHALMERS JAMES S. DOUGLAS C. D. DORRIS All Banking matters promptly and intelligently handled H. J. McCLUNG T. E. POLLOCK W. H. THOMSON We are Prepared to Give Efficient Attention to Your Arizona Business i Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number girn to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under tbe authority of Tbe American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. I Name of Bank. ^County Seats. «Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. L Los. A. Br. E El Paso Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this) volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.,1 ARIZONA—Continued Vice-President. Morenci....Greenlee L 9 GILA VALLEY BANK & 11E Pop. 7000 TRUST CO.--91-69— •: .<§1900 Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital its Profits (Branch C. E. Hull, Mgr.. $ 91-70 <’03 BRACEY CURTIS-....... 0. H. HEROLD...... —TriEROH RICHARDSON GROVER MARSTELLERFRANK 0. WILKEY „ CHAS. E. WHEELER 100,000 “ .. Citizens State Bank....<§’14 E. S. Wakelin_____ |C. E. De Mund____ L. L. Steward____ W. L. Trimble____ 91-6 W. C. Abercrombie 25,000 Commercial Nat’l Bank..’2O N. A^Lytle_______ F. M. Wilkinson— H. B. Cassidy_____ __________________ 91-8 NAT’L BANK OF ARIZONA Chas. F. Solomon.. Leo Goldman_____ E. W. Clayton____ J. J. Sweeney . 91-1 < " ’81 E. W. Clayton L. H. Rhuart S. C. Ganz Guy Alsap 150,000 PHOENIX NAT’L BK. 91-3 <’92 -F. L. THOMAS____ E. P. HEWITT— J. C. BLAINE, E.F. BARROWS A. Cash. . E. K. FOLTZ Special facilities for making collections in Arizona. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE. H. J. McOLURG W. H. THOMSON T. E. POLLOCK Phoenix Sav. Bank & Tr. Co. H. J. McClung____ W. H. Thomson ... W. C. Foster, C. W. Gibson, 91-5 <§’11 T. E. Pollock Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. C. E. MILLS---------- L. 0. RICKETTS— A. T. ESGATE. R.E. MOORE V Aj ' » bonds, Pima--------- Graham K 10 Bank of Pima................ •§'16 D. H. Weech 11E Pop. 800 91-111 CHICAGO, 2053790 1634170 1 162930 200,000 200,000 740,630 z.)____ z.)........ 1,500 90.000 74,210 1,200 88,200 102.220 1,140 57,830 56,600 ' 3,340 200,830 210,740 iz.)____ 34.410 3,296,480 2,668,550 18,000 850.000 762,950 292,240 Bk. & Tr. Co.. El Paso, Tex. 520,620 I. Park and N. City, N. Y.; Citiz. N., Los A.; Crocker N., San F. Seab. N., N. Y.; Comw. N., Kan. C.; N. Bk. of Cal., Los A. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Crocker N., San F.; Citiz.I N.. Los A. 24,870 im. Ex. N„ N. Y.; Hib. Sav., Los A.; Corn’ll N., Phoenix. 16,740 ma. Ex. N., N. Y.; Secur. Bk. & Tr. Co.,I Tucson; Cent. N., St. L.; 1st N., Nogales. 22,410 Ian. N.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Globe: Valley Bk., Phoenix. 50,960 itlantic N.,N.Y.;Midw. N. Bk.&Tr., Kan. C.: Cent. Phoenix; U. S. N., Los A. Atlantic N., N. Y.; Phoenix N., Phoenix; N.l Reserve. Kan. C.; U. S. N.. Los A. 1,537,150 rving N.. N. Y.; IstN., Chi.and El Paso;U.S.! N. and Guaranty Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Comw. N., Kan. C.; 4th N., Wichita. 190,000 Ihase N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Com’I N., Los A.; Merch. N„ San F. 522,490 152.790 SL Park and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., San F.; 15,000 536,600 .Secur. N., Los A.; Kan. N., Wichita, 275,000 5,461,000 3,620,440 1,950,000 f. Park, N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F.; Merch. N., Los A. 250,000 5,708,000 4,609,810 1,704,970 183,600 183,6901Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.; Phoenix N., Phoenix. 100,000 164,500 2,407,560 2,496,930 600.000 207,780 £ 039.320 4.884.630 1.451.500 ciate dir ect conn ections and prom Pt ust Co. S ystem of Eight Ari zona Ban ks. 100 000 .;--------------------------- I A. E. Weech.. 10,000 S; 470,930 Crocker N., San F.; Merch. N., Los A. stock s, investment s........ . ......... DIRECT ECNOTLELRE CT IO N 716,040 31,030 1,077,730 17,300 Han. N., N. Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N-, San F.; 1st N., El Paso, Tex.; 1st N., Los A. iMHdTOT- „ G. GALLAND FY RANK «+§T4 Member Federal Reserve System W. S. 3RADFIELD ' Unll l\ * Practically every banking point in Arizona is routed direct each day. 91-2 service, send us your Arizona Items. __ _______ ___________ ________________SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON ARIZONA INDEX. R. ALLYN LEWIS_________ 149,380 ARI ZO NA BANKS — M or en ci to P im a —......... 20,500 $ 345,000 $ 249,000 $ 144,000 Han. N., N. Y.: City N., El Paso; Am. N.. San F. Exceptional service offered to bankers and commercial bouses for collectlons on Southern Arizona, and particularly down tbe West Coast of Mexico, by reason of our many correspondents in tbe principal cities of that Bepubll c. . Nogales National Bank .<’13 A. F. Kerr------------IA. M. Gillespie___ R. E. Butler_____ Foster Wright........ 50,000 IE. K. Cumming 1 91-86 Sonora Bank & Trust Co. Epes Randolph___ IL, A. Martinez .... C. Mignardot_____ W. W.C.C.Winegar, Winegar,Sec Sec. 100,000 L. Escobar, A. Sec L. Brauer, Tr. Max Muller , 91-94 «§’14 Oatman ...Mohave B 5 Arizona Central Bank .<§’15 __________________ __________________ W. H. Long, Mgr. JZLPop.1500 91-103 .............. “ ' Citizens Bank____ ____ *§’15___________________ ____________ ______ J. R. Hemphill, __________________ „ , . 91-104 Mgr. Parker ... Yuma B 7 Parker Valley Bank ...•tS’17 M. C. Webb______ J. F. Raney________ G. A. Marsh_______ N. E. Kenyon_____ 15,000 ... »2 LPop. 1000 91-122 Frank Ewing B. B. Marsh 1 atagornaSanta Cruz 112 First State Bank______ *§T8 W. P. Capehart___ C. B. Wilson_______ D. B. Pierce______ V. P. Richards____ 10,000 HE Pop. 500 91-129 ay,°«pT7»-----—-Gila H 7 Payson Commercial & Tr. R. Hubert________ M. McDonald............ G. T. Stevens, __________________ 25,000 IZ LPop. 250 Company...91-99.__ <§’15 Sec. and Tr. 1 -.----Maricopa F 8 Exchange Bank______ <§’15 Chas. Dalton_____ R. L. Odle_______ J. M. Hall_________ L. A. BeclitoL........ 25.000 12 LPop. 500 91-120 ---------“ Glendale State Bank ..<§’171__________ .______ j__________________ T. F. Thurston. __________________ (Branch „ 91-121 I I Mgr. Maricopa F9 CENTRAL BANK----------<515 D. N. Stafford____ P. K. Lewis........ . J. J. Fagan.................J. H. Reid, Jr____ 100,000 12 L Pop. 29,053 91-7 K. G. Freeland Donald Dunbar ------------ .. na) of Glob 30,000 $ 91-82 FIRST NAT. BANK Principal Correspondents. Com’I N., Chi.; IstN., El Paso. STATE BANK OF MORENCI Jno. Kiddie............ C. B. Nonnamaker} J. D. Williams........ F. A. Stewart. ^Nogales-Santa Cruz 113 11E Pop. 5199 Resources. Lo a ns Dis- Cash & Ex c’ts. Bonds, changes, Duh SECURITIES from Banks. Ju ly , 1920 fzo 800 69,330 64,650 N., Chi.; 1st N., Los A.; N., N, Shawmut. Bos.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. E. F. Hutton & Co. and Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; E. F. Hutton & Co.. Los A. and San F.l 19,740 Han.N.,N. Y.; Cent., Phoenix; 4th N., Wichita, o 1 CzJ CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS 42 Non-Bank Towns with N 0Z}. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and county. Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv. [Estab. L Los A. Br. E Ei Paso Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. ‘Prescott...Yavapai F7 12 LPop. 6500 BANK OF ARIZONA 91-32 <§’77 lE. W. WELLS — Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and its Capital Profits Resources. Loans & Disc’ts. Bonds, Securities <§’03 I 71,000 1,040,000 80,000 526,000 N., San F. and Los A. 106,0(0 285,740 2.536,220 2,289,190 632,760 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. 50,000 Yavapai Co. Sav. Bank.<§’06 M. B. Hazeltine__ E. W. Wells_______ D. W. Russell, 91-35 Sec. and. Tr.\ 106,420 1,301,410 1,191,620 266,210 Bk. of Ariz., Prescott GILA VALLEY BK. & TR. CO. (Branch J. F. Houston,Mgr. <§’10 John B. Quinn___ 50,000 J. W. Mattice.—. Wm. McRae Alma V. Tate___ Wm. McRae C. Curtis, A. Cash.iSpencer Kimball J. R. Welker_____ A. H. Ferrin.............R. W. Fisher_____ P. Freudenthal ! I Ray Killian Merchants & Miners Bank T. M. Quebedeaux. W. E. Arnold_____ C. L. Wolfe 91-125 <§’18 II. II. McDonald Safford____ Graham K 10 ArizonaTrust & Savings Bank F. A. Webster-----11E Pop. 2000 91-134 <§’20 Bank of Safford ........ <§’99 D. W. Wickersham ♦ 91-57 GILA VALLEY BK. & TR. CO----------------------- - ------- 91-58 «§’O9 San Simon..Cochise Al 11 San Simon Valley Bank<§’13 j H. S. Chamberlain. 11E Pop. 300 91-87 Snowflake___ Navajo K 6 Bank of Northern Arizona s. F. Smith............ 91-71 <§'08 12 L Pop. 800 Somerton____ Yuma A10 E. G. Caruthers State Bank L. D. Caruthers___ 91-97 «§T7 12 L Pop. 1200 Somerton State Bank—•§’17 iGeo. W. Schutz— 91-113 Springerville.ApacheL 7 Round Valley Bank____ «§’18 Gustav Becker___ 91-126 12 L Pop. 600 *St. Johns ...Apache L 6 St. Johns State Bank...•§’16| J. R. Hulet.............. 91-72 12 Pop. 1600 Stockmen’s State Bank<§T7!F. W. Nelson-------91-116 Superior______ Pinal H 9 Bank of Superior____ <§’16j W. D. Fisk_______ 12 L Pop. 2500 _______________ W. P. Lathrop, Mgr. __________ of Gio be, Ari zona) .. 1,180 233,570 100,000 4,000 314,690 366,820 33,000 52,000 600,000 510,000 (Branch of T. L. Somervelle.. W. P. Dunn______ I A. I. Dunn 10,000 A. Z. Palmer_____ Joseph W. Smith., j___________________ 28,970 R. H. Ramsey — R. H. Ramsey------ Guy McCain--------- 15,000 Gio be, 186,160: Ari zona)... Han. N„ N. Y.: IstN., El Paso. 29,430 Am. Tr. & Sav., El Paso: Midw. N„ Kan. C- 26,440 135,070 I 235.800, 8,000 450,000 295,000 180,000 117,730 j 41,000 N. City, N.Y.; Yuma N.,Yuma: Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A.: Com’l N., Phoenix. 30,380 1st N., Albuquerque: State N„ St. L. 38,060 1st N., Albuquerque; Merch. & Stock Growers, Holbrook; Drov. N., Kan. C. 47,690 Seab. N.. N. Y.: Border N., El Paso; 1st N.. Albuquerque. 86,700 Han. N., N. Y.: Valley, Phoenix: Citiz. N. Los A. 69,830 N. Bk. of Ariz., Phoenix; Citiz. N.. Los A.; Merch. N., San F.; Citiz. Com’l Tr. Co., Buffalo. James Garvin........ T. H. Dick...........— J. F. Mathews___ 25.000 8,000 195,000 30,000 7,350 100,420 D. J. Thomas_____ E. Keaton Bryan — 40,000 8,000 101,200 99,560 F. T. Colter--------- Abel Ortega----------- 40,000 7,350 150,340 150,050 7,500 200,000 105,000 15,660 359,960 343,570' Chas. Woolf............ C. M. Woodward .. T. A. Anderson.___ J. F. Peck H. S. Harelsou ______ ___________ Spencer Kimball, I__________________ 50,000 38,530 808,360 825,320| H. W. Etz________ K. N. Coplen........ . M. W. Smith.......... J. H. Getzweiller . E. B. McAleb Arthur L. Heney First National Bank___ <’02 William Cowan___ W. G. Gilmore___ M. M. Bludworth..;O. G. Bell_________ 91-74 F. S. Bennett 30.000 11,000 325,000 234,000 25,000 14,230 359,460 257,140 Mgr. 33,000 Irving N., N. Y.: 1st N., Albuquerque: Midw. N. Bk. & Tr.. Kan. O.; U. S. N., Los A. 175,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Yuma: Citiz. N., Los A. 84,060 Chase N., N. Y.: Crocker N„ San F.; IstN., Los A.; Phoenix N. and Valley, Phoenix. Han. N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Los A.; Am. Tr. & Sav., El. Paso. 96,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; City N., El Paso; Consol. N. Tucson. 158,450 Han. N., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.: 1st N„ El Paso; Gate City N.. Kan. C. Ju ly , 1920 25,000 40,000 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence ARIZONA Map on Index 1er f,n<,eVrN®me of Bank is the New Federal Reserve Bank,toof*u? St.lbLouis each bank in U. S. exclusively hv Tho 63,410 Chase N„ N. Y.; Citiz. N., Los A.: Comw. N., Kan. C.; Border N., El Paso: Consol. N., Tucson. 114,710 Han. N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Los A.; Am.Tr. & Sav., El Paso. 175,000 N.Park..N Y.: 1st N., Los A. and El Paso; Ariz. N., Tucson. 32,130 -..................—- THORNTON JONES, V. C. KINGSBURYTempe___ .Maricopa G 9 FARMERS KMERCH. BANK JR. 91-53 <§’92 ; ^Collections a sp ecial feature. Pro nipt returns at lowest rates, 12 L Pop. 3000 I . . 'Eight per cent net farm mort gage loans nego tiated. TEMPE NATIONAL BANK C. G. Jones. 91-54 <’01 Thatcher...Graham K 10 Arizona Trust & Savings Bank j--------------------------91-73 <§’10 11E Pop. 1200 ‘Tom bstone-Cochise K12 Cochise County State Bank | A. G. Smith.. ♦ 91-118 <§’17 L. Maier, V.-Pres. 11E Pop. 1500 Meeh. & Metals N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., El Paso: Crocker N., San F. 55,140 Thomas Phelps.... Julius Becker____ P. F. Becker_____ A. W. Crawford... J. A. Small____ Geo. F. Wilson Crocker N., San F.; IstN., Los A. RI ZO NA BA NKS — P re sco tt to T o m b st o n e M. GOLDWATER—L.C. DERRICK........ J. E. McCULLOUGH F. G. BRECHT A. B. FOX CTATP RANK Largest Capital. Surplus and * 1 n ’ *“ Prescott. If you appreciate pr prompt and careful service at a mod 91-33 <§’93 erate charge send US your Arizona items and collections. 9141 535,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st BUSINESS, as well as Commerc ial Banking. PRESCOTT Ray__________ Pinal I 9 12 L Pop. 2500 and Los A.; Bk. of Cal. SEE AD V.ON BA CK OF M AP OF A RIZONA. ' Specially Equip ped for TRUSTS, ESCROWS and M USING TR. & SAV. BANK Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Dux from Banks M.8. HAZELTINE... C. A. PETER.......... F. A. HATHAWAY — $ 50.000 $ 267,580 $2 402,410 $1,932,020 $ 887,970 1st N., N. Y., Chi., N. A., San F. J. N. HALL ^Collections solic ited on Prescott a nd all northern A rizona points. 'Oldest bank in Arizona. .MORRIS GOLDWATER R. N. FREDERICKS_ _ H. COLVIG------------ A. S. BARNES------- COMMERCIAL 91-84 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this) O' volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. * ARIZONA—Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Transit Number given __ , UJ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name • Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState •County Seats. Figure is Fed. Res. Dis. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. 1 Los A. Br. E El Paso Br. ♦Mem. Fed Res. Tucson______ Pima 111 11E Pop. 20,292 ARIZONA NATIONAL BANK 91-12 ______ •• .. <’90 Vice-President. President. (C. F. SOLOMON- P. FREUDENTHAL- F. J. HERMES........ M0SE DRACHMAN JOHN METS F. H. THORPE /AH Items on Ar lzona points col iected promptly 'Special service rendered to visit ors and tourists. VIUCdL drill ladryttOL L->dII9\ III <> <’18 Lon. Paris N., San F. N. City, N. ¥.; 1st N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. 100.000 233,550 3,302.350 2.474,270 1,254.080 1 UL/OUIIa Accounts of Corporations, Firms and individuals solicited. Send your Southern Arizona items to us for direct routing and prompt re turns at lowest r ates. COMPANY-9113........ <§’03 91-15 Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Dub from Banks at most reasona ble rate s. Security Bk. & Tr. Co..<§’18 W. E. Fuller........... S. W. Kenward___ W. P, Capehart— P. J. Celia, Sec.... 91-10 TUCSON NATIONAL BANK Depos Loans «fe DisPaid-up SURPLUS I c*ts. Bonds, AND its Capital Profits j Securities H. H. HOLBERT— $ 100,000 $ 156,000 $2480000 $2370 000 $ 417,000 GEO. D. BEDELL H.A. LOWDERMILK ALBERT STEINFELD EPES RANDOLPH- V.F. PALMER........ J. C. ETCHELLS— H.W. GILL C. E. WALKER Ila ■ ■ i ■"* 1 • -- — R.E. BUTLER SOUTHERN ARIZ. BK. & TR. F, J. Steward___ - .. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. G. H. Sawyer____ K. L. Hart G. H. Sawyer-------- Geo. F. Gray.. 25,000 TENNEY WILLIAMS&CO.lnc. Stocks, Bonds an d Investment Sec urities.___ . .. 147,150 188.570 26,750 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; New Eng. N., Kan. C.; Secur. Tr. &Sav., Los A.: City N., El Paso. 100,000 92,730 2,599,210 1,788,100 1,006,380 N. Park, N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., San F.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 100,000 16,140 A. J. McKelvey W. A. Lamprey-— A. F. Kerr_______ Byrd Brooks______ J. W. Woods. R. W. Ogle W. H. Land 990 529,200 604,580 170,020 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; El Paso Bk. & Tr. Co., El Paso; Am. N„ San F.; Cent. N., St. L.: Gate City N., Kan. C., Mo. Logan & Bryan, N. Y. 25,000 (Brokers') Wickenburg.. Maricopa Central Bank_______ *t§’18 P. K. Lewis.............. S. J. Buckingham. H. C. Sprunger___ Richard K. Baxter 12 L Pop. 600 E8 91-101 Willcox___ Cochise K 11 CENTRAL BANK---------- <§’15 S. B. Brown_____ F, W. Rottman.__ 11E Pop. 1000 91-100 •< W. M. Riggs_____ J. P. Cummings... E. B. McAIeD 91-136 K. N. Coplen «• WILLCOX BANK & TR. CO. 91-75 H. A. Morgan____ H. E. Dunlap_____ H. E. Dunlap.— ,T. G. Lone 25,000 2,910 146,570 133,540 39,370 Irving N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Los A.; Cent., Phoenix. 27,000 2,600 300,000 203,000 88,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., El Paso; Cent., Phoenix; Tucson N., Tucson. 40,000 4,000 90,000 25,000 39,790 430,210 Chase N., N. Y.; City N., El Paso; Merch. N., Los A.; Ariz. N.. Tucson. 350,690 Thos. D. Ward . . 144,290 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. N.. Los A.; State N., El Paso; Valley, Phoenix; Consol. N., Tucson. <§’08 ARI ZO NA BA N K S — T ucso n to Y um a 91-11 “ <’90 CONSOLIDATED NATIONAL BANK »» M Resources. Liabilities. Bank. of Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this' volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARIZONA—Continued Ju ly , 1920 cc Williams... Coconino F 5 Arizona Central Bank. »t§’87 91-76 12 L Pop. 2000 .. Citizens Bank. _______ <§’18 91-128 A. M. Root, Mgr... (Branch of Flag staff)... Seab. N., N. Y.; Merch. N. and Far. & Merch.' N., Los A.: Comw. N„ Kan. C.; 1st N., San F. F. C. Scoville, Mgr. (Branch of Flag staff. Ar iz.)........ N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Crocker N., San F.; 1st N„ Los A. Winkelman_____ Gila 110 GILA VALLEY BK. & TR. CO. 91-77 •JS’IO 12 L Pop. 1500 H. S. Bailey, Mgr.. (Branch of Globe , Ariz.) Meeh. & Metals N„ N. Y.: 1st N., El Paso;' Valley, Phoenix. Winslow_____ Navajo I 6 Arizona State Bank___ •i§’16 T. M. Quebedeaux. 91-47 12 L Pop. 4000 .. Bank of Winslow______<§T0 Wm. H. Dagg____ Geo. H. Keyes, Jr. 91-48 ‘Yuma_______Yuma A 10 First National Bank___ <’05 F. M. Murchison.. T. L. Lane_______ 91-42 12L Pop. 5000 Kenneth H. Myers I. C. Sharp.. . O. J. Faulkner T. G Mnnrne 25,000 T. L. Lane_______ W. D. Riley______ A. W. Hayes, Jennie Polhamus A.Cash. __ Emil G. Eger.......... J. O. Blethen__ Security Trust & Savings E. II. Tobias. Bank—91-131_____ <§’19 Yuma National Bank „ ! J. M. Molina______ J. S. Abbott............ C. H. Robertson... M. H. Baker______ .. M ATUFHngVt*’ CONVENlE^rr^pATES; Continental 40,000 and 100,000 18,000 590,000 465,000 150,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Albuquerque: Citiz. N., Los A.; Comw. N., Kan. C. 28,670 639,020 523,090 169,590 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Albuquerque, N. M.J Los A., and San F.: Valley, Phoenix. 249,980 Seab. N„ N. Y(: 1st N., Chi.; Citiz. N., Los A.; 1st N„ El Paso. 57,790 1,220,580 1,325,840 415,030 50,000 10,710 50,000 76,970 1,017,850 1,147,550 351,860 93,650 93,650 1N. City.N. Y.; 1st N., Los A.; Valley, Phoenix.’ 209,330 f. City, N. Y.: Merch. N. and Far. and Merch. N., Los A.; Am. N., San F. Commercial Banks, Chicago . n 42 asm , NUTbur “nd«* N»me of Bank is the New Transit Number given exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given ' " .............. . " ’ Non-Bank Towns with Nt a ▼ r~r -w T Non-Bank Towns with Nearest B doxed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (.index A Number under name of Bank is the New Transit Number given cc Uv to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. President. Vice President. Cashier. SURPLUS AND Ass't Cashier. Profits ARKANSAS Pop. 2055 STATE 81-218 B6 10,000 5,020 J. D. Byars.............. T. H. Renfroe___ J. C. Alexander___ W. T. Crawford... 35,000 25,000 325,000 J. H. Cole...... ........., IR. L. Liles________ O. B. Ragon______ L, J. Ragon_____ 25,000 9.550 108,920 E. H. Wymore........ i J. S. Dalton______ J. W. Paul_______ Everett Paul______ 10.000 4,800 107,550 L. L. Phillips_____ C. K. Wheeler— Roy Hammond___ 25,000 7,760 25.000 12,800 W. C. Hays............... G. W. Tolleson___ W. H. Olds______ B. W. Fincher____ J. W. Thompson R. W. Huie_______ W. E. Adams_____ W. B. East.............. Howard Abraham.. 25.000 12,500 400,000 50.000 10,000 300,000 J. S. Cargile______ R. B. F. Key.......... W. E. Barkman, II. L. Petty.............. J. J. Hardin Sec. and Tr. A. P. Greene 129,500 46,650 886,650 fO.KOLB------------ A. E. WATERS_ _ _ _ J. L. MARTINJ. M. SUTTON . ALLEN WINHAM-— - A. GOLDSMITH------ R. M.BONE- —......... C. M. SUTTON — N.G. McCRARY J. M. JOHNSON, JR. , The First, and Only National Bank in Little River County. Special Attention given Bill of Lading Drafts. I. J. STACY_ _ _ _ J. F. SUMMERS—. A. H. HAMILTON — T. E. STANLEY i ‘Augusta-Woodruff H 3 BANKOF AUGUSTA & TR.CO. L Pop. 2000 81-205 <§’91 ' 15 CENTS sent to us with each s ight draft for pre sentation, and .35 CENTS for e ach credit report {insures prompt, 81-206 ------- BANK t§1900 495,000 1,083,400 25,000 12,500 245,000 252,800 25,000 32,330 403,020 415,820 228,610 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N„ Chi.: 1st N.. St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 120,000 Mtle. Tr. Co. and 1st N„ St. L.;Bkrs.Tr. Co. and Am. Bk of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R, 181,300 Han. N., N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N„ Chi.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 107,050 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; State N. and Texarkana N., Texarkana; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 47,400 <§’11 5,000 1,200 124,200 42,550 50,000 65,000 652.900 557,060 18,430 343,370 112,620 257,330 38,000 457,170 576,000 261,000 40,000 32,440 350,000 275,000 147,440 Ex. N.. Little R.: 1st N., St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp. 78,500 IstN., St. L.: Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.: 1st N„ Newport. 6,320 Am, Bk. Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 310,000 260,000 10,000 1,000 18,740 27,180 W.P. Jones.............. IH. M. Kennerly___ B. Jernigan.. 50.000 24,000 425,000 400,000 T. W. Leggett........ G. W. Lamar I. N. Barnett--------! Albert Sims______ J. F. Grammer___ J. Q. Wolf E. W. Kerr 5.’h.'ke °nngARD aersd ____ 100.000 50,000 1,350,000 1,270,000 100,000 15,000 1,000,000 M.S.KENNARD ____ KENNARD D. E. WILES Centrally locate d. Collection^ h andled promptly, presented person ally by officers. Best equipped, with all modern conveniences. Strongest bacldn g. Mos t subst antial new I. City, N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.,St. L.: Am. Bk. of Oom. & Tr. Co., Little R. !k. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 10,000 18,250 5S taK &AWA 87,400 1st N. and Jonesboro Tr. Co., Jonesboro. 67,970 lech. & Metals N.. N. Y.: Cent. N., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 50.000 15,000 J. c. HAIL Ex. N., Little R.; Merch. & Plan, and Texarkana N., Texarkana. Kov OIQ IQ 950,000 100,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Little R. 246,000 Mecb. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little R. 150,000 Meeh. & Metals N„ N. Y.: Cont. N., Kan. C.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co. and Cent. N., St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. growth. LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE—UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE Ju ly , 1920 22,000 151,810 R. M. Childs............ ! L. K. Taylor______ J. W. Coombe____ |E. R. Wynn______ (D.D. ADAMS........ UNION BANK & TRUST CO. 81-117 75,000 100,000 28.330 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 75,000 1st N.. St. L.: Merch. N.. Ft. Smith; Am, Bk., of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 15,790 1st N.. Fv Smith; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Ex. N., Little R. 47,550 Bk. of Com., Springfield, Mo.; Far., Harrison; Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. 0.; Bk. of Waynes ville, Waynesville. 43,720 |N. Bk. Oom., St. L.; Simmons N., Pine Bluff: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 125,950 'Han. N., N. Y.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.: lstN.,St. L.;Ark.Va)ley,Ft. Smith. 80,000 Cent.N.,St.L.: Am.Bk.ofCom &Tr.and Union &| Mtle. Tr. Cos., Little R.; State N.,Texarkana. 41,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Texarkana N-, personal attentio n. • SpeclaPatteutio R.T. HARVILLE-- J. C. McDONALD- ROY MITCHELL n given Bill of La ding Drafts and T Ime Items, Please send 15c with each Sight Draft for present ation. And 35c for eac h Report. Bald Knob—White G 3 Bald Knob State Bank <§’04 T. J. Campbell ___ L Pop. 1400 81-289 Banks______ Bradley F 7 Bank of Banks________ T§’20 A. B. Banks______ 81-629 Pop. 345 ‘Batesville Independence Citizens Bank & Trust Co. T. J. Walbert_____ ♦ 81-116 <510 L Pop. 4299 G2 FIRST RATIONAL BANK R. C. Dorr........... .. 81-115 <’92 J. P. Coffin, Ch. of Bd. ♦ 95,500 134,130 Dus * 011 Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. Ash Flat--------- Sharp G 1 Bank of Ash Flat.......... Tl’12 R. E. Semple_______ J. M. Causbie------- W. T. McJunkins - i V. McJunkins____ Pop. 400 81-499 I Atkins............... Pope E 3 Bank of Atkins.............. <§’95 J. M. Barker-------- Ira Darr__________|__________________ J. M. Barker, Jr... L Pop. 1500 81-215 D. L. Barker C. A. Barker Merchants & Far. Bk..<§’03 A. J. McCollum ... W. A. Montgomery O. H. McCollum... 81-216 WOODRUFF COUNTY 1 k Cash Exchanges, prom Banks. 90,430 ? <§’16 j Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. (.Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25 c for Credit Reports. FIRST NAT. BANK 81-217 $ J. N. Adams______ M. Musgrove______ A. B. Banks............ BANK its ARK ANSA S BA N K S — A lic ia to B at es ville Bank of Altheimer——<§’05 81-285 Bank of Altus________ <§'04 81-286 Bank of Amity.............. <§’05 81-287 Citizens National Bank.<’86 81-134 Elk Horn Bk. & Tr. Co.t§’84 81-133 Loans Disc’ts. Bonds, Securities Depos P. H. Schwegman— J. G. Richardson— C. Bush..................... Rolph Bush_______ Merchants & Planters Bank J. G. Clark_______ E. M. Hall------------ J. W. Bunch_____ R. J. Dougan_____ 81-469 <§’11 ‘Arkansas City..-Desha Desha Bank & Tr. Co,. <§’92 H. Thane ____ Joe Demarke.____ W. E. Thompson.. John H. Cotham... L Pop. 2000 H6 ♦ 81-288 Mary Howard L Resources. Liabilities. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Farmers Bank.......... ..... <§’11 Pop. 300 81-486 Alma .......Crawford B 3 Bank of Alma________ t§'02 Pop. 1000 81-271 Commercial Bank______ §’10 81-272 Alpena Pass ..Boone D 1 Bank of Alpena_______ <§'07 Pop. 300 81-284 xCounty Seats. Altheimer.. Jefferson G 5 L Pop. 350 Alt«s_____ Franklin C 3 L Pop. 800 Amity________Clark C 5 L Pop. 1000 *Arkadelphia..Clark D 5 L Pop. 3311 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 0 ARKANSAS 0 LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS Your business in this section is assured the most complete and efficient service if entrusted to the A * Reserve Agent for Arkansas Banks UNION iMercantile , AND „ Member of Federal Reserve System TRUST CO. to > You are cordially invited to use this bank when you have transactions which require personal handling by men of long banking and trust experience. § a i fts Z We have the facilities, the personnel and the determination to render a perfect service. Make us prove it! Accounts of Banks, Corporations Firms and individuals invited Unsurpassed Collection Service Resources over $7,000,000.00 ERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK, Fort Smith, Arkansas LOCATED IN ONE OF THE ■MMMMNM GAS FIELDS IN THE WORLD Arkansas. INDEX E at° TO ^1 COUNTIES Arkansas ..H a Ashley............ G 1 Baxter...........F 1 Benton............ B 1 Boone.......... ..D Bradley . . F Calhoun ... F, Carroll .... C Chicot........ H Clark.......... I) Clay.... Cleburne... F Cleveland.. F Columbia .. D Conway.... R Craighead. 1 Crawford .. B Crittenden. .J Cross.......... .-I Dallas.......... .E Desha_____ H Drew........... G Faulkner _. F Franklin... C Fulton........ G Garland .... D Grant.......... F Greene___ ..I Hempstead .c Hot Spring.E Howard .... c Independence........ G Izard ______ G Jackson .„.H 2 Jefferson __G 5 Johnson ....D 2 Lafayette ..C Lawrence.. H Lee................ I Lincoln .... G Little River. B Logan.......... C Lonoke........ G 7 2 4 6 6 3 4 Madison _...C 1 Marion.......... E 1 Miller..........C 7 Mississippi..J 2 Monroe .... ff, 4 MontgomeryC 4 Nevada........ D 6 Newton .... D 2 Ouachita... E 6 Perry..............E Phillips........ I Pike................ C Poinsett... I Polk................ B Pope............ D Prairie............G Pulaski.......... F .2 4 5 5 2 5 3 4 4 ' Randolph... I 1 Saline.......... E Scott...............B Searcy.......... E Sebastian .. B Sevier.......... B Sharp.......... G St. Francis..I Stone............ F 4 4 2 3 6 1 3 2 Union.......... E 7 Van Buren. _E 2 ARKANSAS Washington B 2 White .....G s Woodruff ..H 3 Yell. SCALE Statute Miles, 29 =1 Inch. D 4 10 20 40 80 Rand McNally Arkansas. McNally ’sB New ll.x.14 Map of Arkai r. ------ v_ Kby an(jRand MoNallv k P.n & Co. Copyright MoNally Longitude Weat from Oreenwloh 93° E G H ... »0° = 1£ 303° h wo ANNOUNCEMENT With the desire that this Directory ■4S'7CO*':: ce •> •I<©•aKJ, •aB <: may be of still greater value to sub scribers, the Publishers have at a great expense caused to be bonded by THE AMERICAN SURETY CO. 4J OF NEW YORK certain of the Attorneys whose names appear in the Attorneys’ List published and Indexed in this Directory, Complete information is given at the beginning of the Attorneys’ List (see index “Lawyers”). 3.-5 s< 3^ SSS 8K .3-°' Subscribers should familiarize them selves with this important feature of our service and it is hoped that they will avail themselves of the many advantages it offers. S 3 S’* ST « S-Bfi S> a«* --js«£ •a-cL 0*3 33S 21® 0) ©H ce3 ««£>, ■2.2-0 3-S = 5« 3a-sl «<u O® £ ci Town and County. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In President. Vice-President. Cashier. Bauxite______ Saline E 4 Bank of Bauxite_____ _<|’07 A. B. Banks______ S. A. Banks............. T. E. Howell 81-291 L Pop. 3000 Bay_______ Craighead I 2 Farmers Bank Pop. 300 81-590 -t§’17| A. B. Womack____ C. J. Perry______ W. H. Lohnes........ Ass’t Cashier. k DlE- Cash k £xDepos c1x3’teAMI Paid-up Surplus . Botob, ora»«ee,Dxjh and Capital Promts SacvRims raoM Barre ( its Ralph Barnes_____ $ ............ (E. H. ABINGTON — J. R. SLOAN.......... . J. W. JARRETT_ _ _ L Velina 15,000 4,760 85,860 101,360 15,510 1st N., St. L.; Bk. of Jonesboro. Jonesboro. 20,000 7,000 390,000 305,000 80,000 State N.. St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.: Sim mons N., Pine Bluff. 10,000 8,000 200.000 155,000 59,000 1st N.. St. L.; Union & Mtle. Tr. Co, and Ex. N.. Little R. 10.000 2,000 90,000 50,000 40,000 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.: 1st N., St. L. 50.000 13,100 380,000 400,000 90,000 Miss. Valley Tr. Co. and 1st N., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Ex. N., and Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 25.000 5,000 275,000 252,000 60.000 N. City, N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Ex. N., Little R. 60.000 53,670 824,590 776,320 219,940 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.: N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.;' Holland Bkg. Co., Springfield, Mo. 50.000 39,000 825,000 506,910 414,140 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. MARIE LINOER-...... J. W.RUCKER Requests for Cre dit Reports MUS T be accompanie d by Ifee in ad van CE: Plain sight dr afts, 15c.; Credit Re ports, 25c. t|05 H. W. Melton_____ F. C. Jones R. A. White______ 81-294 Pop. 600 |E. A. PARKER_ _ _ ttar.............. M. F. SCOTT.......... w. 0. SCOTT_ _ _ _ _ ‘Benton............ Saline E 4 BANK OF BENTON.— -•till HARRY THOMPSON ‘l Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. L Pop. 2933 81-485 'Largest and Str ongest Bank In S aline County. •< <• | A. B. BANKS_ _ _ FARMERS & MERCHANTS V <’18 ‘Bentonville, Benton B 1 BENTON COUNTY NAT’L BK. Pop. 3000 81-170 <'80 .. 81-171 (J.G. McANDREW- C. R. CRAIG-------- First State Bank------ - tl’05 81-172 Ud.S&c; 1 Special attenti on given Bill of W. E. JACKSON .— sh and Time Ite ms. ) Please tend 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. f A. J. BATES____ 5T«S0" 'Oldest Establls hed Bank in Ben ton County. D. W. REEL__ D. R. DICKSON — K.GALBREAITH < Oldest National Bank in Benton County. j Special attentlo n given to Collect ions by an officer of the bank. CPlease tend 15c .. J. H. KELLEY......... W. M. STEED....... - G. P. GOODYEAR — E. J. BUSH MRS. B. B- BELL New, mode rn, progress ive; hustiin g for busine ss. ; We want yo urs. Satisfa ction assure d. \ Special att ention to Bii 1 of Lading D rafts. NATIONAL BANK 81-597 with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rts. E. R. Berry______ 10.000 2,500 150,000 75,000 W. H. MOLLOY — RUTH McQUOWN- 60.000 26,620 517,490 446,780 207,330 Han. N.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Union N-, Springfield. Mo. f J. E. REYNOLDS - C. D. WALL _ _ _ _ _ CARROLL HUDSON-- RAS STAMPS-—-— 25,000 4,250 300,000 234,000 85,000 1st N., St. L.; Holland Bkg. Co.. Springfield, Mo.: Drov. N., Kan. C.; Am. Bk. of Com, & Tr. Co., Little R. 31,160 1st N., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 30,190 1st N., St. L.;, Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Jonesboro Tr. Co.. Jonesboro. Miss. Valiev Tr. Co.. St. L.: Am. Bk. & Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 25,430 Bk. of Jonesboro, Jonesboro; Boatmens, St. L. J. R. Rice_______ ; (D.J. WEST........... B. 0. GEORGE_____ ‘Berryville...Carroll C 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-< 89 : Oldest and Stro ngest. Special A ttention given c oliections. Send Pop. 2000 81-251 i (15c with each si ght draft for prese ntatlon and 25c for each Report. ---------- " PEOPLES BANK —- ...t§’04 ) A modern, pro gresslve, coinmer eial bank, 81-252 Bigelow______ Perry E 4 L Pop. 1800 Biggers ....Randolph 11 Pop. 640 Biscoe---------- Prairie H 4 Pop. 1000 Black Oak .Craighead J 2 Pop. 125 Bigelow State Bank.. —.tl'08 81-296 Bank of Biggers____ -•ti'03 81-297 Bank of Biscoe___ — §’20 81-630 Bank of Black Oak.. —.512 81-516 ) Special attenti on given Bill of L ading drafts, Ca sh and Time Ite ms. Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. S. R. Morgan_____ J. J. Moncrief____ Chas. E. Long____ Miss Lela Sailor.. 10.000 180 96,600 67,250 T. Bigger_________ S. F. Harrison____ E. C. Whittington— Harry Whittington 20.000 8,780 93,760 89,540 57,570 37,590 B. F. Scroggin___ Chas. Betzner____ 10,000 1,000 W. C. Craig______ T. M. Merritt—___ E. Q. Hyde_______ 10.000 2,190 American Bank of Commerce &, Trust Co. of Little Rock, Arkansas 30,000 Southern Tr. Co., Little R.; Cent. N„ St. L. 9,700 $ 160,000 $ 150,000 $ INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. 87,000 N. Bk. Com.. St. L. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED AR KA NS AS BA NKS — B au x it e to B la ck Oak Belleville. SCollections and Principal Correspondents. 10,000 $ W. C. Ribenack... W. O. J. Gatling...) E. S. Rodman____ N. E. ShufBeld — Bearden...Ouachita E 6 Farmers & Merch. Bank Pop. 1500 A. F. Jordan 81-553 <§'13 W. M. Gatling, Jr. Beebe------------White G 3 CITIZENS BANK-........... tS 17 L Pop. 1500 81-588 Resources. Liabilities. Name op Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState In No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. ±Mem State Bks. Assn. tPriv. M isMemp. Br. L, Little Rj ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [ Estab. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. A PJf A JVC A C____S'*virtue*d rlIxlYrIi'IO/lO k^UlAlIUUCU July, 1920 Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under tbe authority of Tbe American Bankers Ass’n. 42 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number riven m.eAcA.^.anh?5 °7.S exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 68 Town and County. Name of AT A T> A *M w President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Black Rock ...Lawrence Bank of Black Rock. --•tl’92 S. R. Morgan_____ B. C. Powell_______ A. H. Proctor_81-298 Pop. 1100 Hl jj. D. Knight __ j Homer L. Jones — 1M. S. Proctor FIRST NATL BANK .. 81-602 •t’19 'L. B. POINDEXTER CLAY SLOAN_ _ _ _ _ J. M. METCALF....... GOLA STARK. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital its Profits $ 1 11,000 $ 25,000 5,900 190,000 75,000 Cent.,Little R.; J onesboro Tr.Co., Jonesboro. '■ 40,000 15,000 3,500 90,000 95,000 100,000 9,970 922,870 921,480 F. E. WARREN 25,000 1st N., St. L.; State N., Texarkana. 275,420 1st N., St L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. Please send 15c (with each sight"dr aft for presentati on and 25c for Ore dit Rep arts. 100,000 10,000 25.000 10,710 372,000 319,840 H. T. Skinner____ J Henri Pernot.__ 5.000 3,800 35,000 36,000 L. B. Golden______ ! F. W. Davis______ | A. B. LaneGeo. A. Lamb... O. M. Bevins_____ J A. T. Barlow ___ L. L. Green________ J J. O. Barlow_____ IC. Manning J. C. Cotner____ Charles X.Williams M. E. Edwards — Mrs. Mattie Edwards Ross Edwards W. H. Helvering H. C. Denson_____ W. S. Coffman____ J. F. Coffman 16,000 3,500 60,000 65,000 15,000 25.000 20,000 250,000 150,000 112,000 25,000 35,000 300,000 550,000 125,000 10,000 1,000 74,540 55,500 25,470 J. B. Burton........... J. W. Meek______ E. H. Randle. Sec- 15,000 1,700 45,000 42,700 1,900 1 IstN., St. L.; Simmons N., Pine Bluff. 1,900 S. P. Gammill_____ j Taylor R. Bishop.. . 11,800 1,000 67,590 53,250 26,590 st N., Ft. Smith; Am. Bk. of Com. & Ti Little R. L. H. BRADLEY, JR.- 25,000 4,340 243,540 146,910 108,300 T. T. BATEMAN — L. K. BROWN....... - J. S. MITCHELL-.— L. W. BROWN_ _ _ _ I CLYDE MITCHELL 50,000 6,760 211,180 247,980 27,700 ’?n Clinton Fraser___ ]G. B. Ricks............... L. N- Mathis -----81-635 .. 81-106 -•t§’lO Clyde Robinson ... F. A. Robinson— J. A. Mott------------ F. P. Mott. A. Gray Bonanza...Sebastian A 3 First State Bank___ --•tt’03 Pop. 500 81-299 Bono.......... Craighead J2 Peoples Bank____ —t§’19 Pop. 3a0 81-613 ‘Booneville...Logan C 3 Bank of Booneville.. —tt’98 Pop. 3000 81-194 -t§’10 81-195 Bradford------- White G 3 Peoples Bank---------- —1§’19 L Pop. 562 81-623 Bradley___ Lafayette C 7 Bank of Bradley... tt'12 Pop. 200 81-513 Branch____ Franklin C 3 t§’09 Pop. 400 81-301 Brinkley —Monroe H 4 BANK OF BRINKLEY- ..<503 L Pop. 2714 81-191 MONROE COUNTY BANK •t5’89 Jno. C. Gardner J. H. Meek_____ J. S. Cotner____ ANDREW FLORA-— JAMES GUNN-....... FRED RUSHER -— Collections and C orrespondence giv en prompt, careful attention. Up-to-date Meth ods and Equipment, -Your banking bus iness cordially invi ted and appreciate d. 85,530 Little R. 6,000 Ark. Valley, Ft, Smith. N., E. St. L. liss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.: Merch. N., Ft. Smith: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Little R. st N.. St. L. and Ft. Smith: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. Com.. St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. Union & Mtle. Tr. Co.. Little R. vice. 81-190 Brookland .Craighead 12 Bank of Brookland........ t§ 09 H. A. Jones______ W. IL Jinks............ II. P. Jones.......... Mary L. McEwen.. 81-302 Pop. 500 Buckner..Lafayette D 7 Lafayette County Bank»t§’10 J. D. Bourland ___ B. C. Burns_______ ’ J. M. Bolger............. C. C. Stokes______ 81-303 Pop. 400 , , GEO. P. MURRELL- 0. H. DAVIS_ _ _ _ _ !C. B. BESSLEY_ _ _ _ HAGAN SHIVE.......... Cabot.............. Lonoke G 4 BANK OF CABOT______<§’03 -x Special attentio n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. 81-304 (Please send 15c with each sight \ draft for presentation and 25c for L Pop 1000 J. C. Birmingham- L. W. Wish. L. M. Burge H. D. Hart J. H. McLean------ I J. I. Rowe.. Caddo Gap-Montgomery Bank of Caddo Gap_____§'19 G. W. Petty.. L Pop. 300 C5 81-624 Calico Rock...Izard F 1 State Bank of Calico Rock W. J. Copp_______ R. H. Wayland .... > E. C. Rodman____ Nancy Matthews .. Pop. 1000 81-305 <§T4 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given toLouis each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 69 of St. Federal Reserve Bank 6,010 127,640 139,040 24,300, 4,520 75,000 47,770 40,120 10,000 250.000 215,000 50,000 30.000 Credit 25,000 N.. St. L. Reports. 3,600 Jonesboro. Jonesboro. 56,000 67,500 17,500 State N., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 14,000 10,000 1,000 35,000 33,500 25,000 11,650 215,000 200,000 Plan. State, Mena, 40,0001 st N„ Batesville; 1st N., 1 Com. & Tr. Co.. Littlo R. Ju ly , 1920 Peoples State Bank_____ §’20 J. L. Powell_____ ♦ 81-626 19,500 10,000 ARK ANSA S BA N K S — B la ck R oc k to Ca lic o Roc k (WILL PYLES—- HERMAN CROSS — H. E.BARNETT- ‘That at Strong B ank.” TRY US. ______________a sp .______ __________ efficient service ^Collections ecialty. Prompt, 175,000 Principal Correspondents. Cash &Ex• changes, Dub ! FROM BANK8. Co., Memp.; Bk. of Jonesboro, Jonesboro. 81-518 Rlytheville.. .Mississippi FARMERS BANK & TRUST Pop. 6447 K 2 CO. -♦-81-105—. -•t§’08 Resources. Loans & Drsc’ts. Bonds, Securities 14,000 $ 225,000 J 175,000 $ New, Up-to-dat e, Progressive, Gr owing. Send us your business. Unexcelled faeil ities. Experience d officers. Efficie nt service. .Prompt attention given Bill of Lading drafts an d Collections. —•t§’13 P. 0. Stephens____ H. M. Stephens.— | J- D. Stephens-------Pop. 500 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed. Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this o> volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.fO0 ARKANSAS—Continued Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State xCounty Seats. In No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.State Bks. Assd tPriv. [Estab. M is Memp. Br. L LittleR. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Non-Bank Towns LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE—UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE we offer A R TC A IMS A SI—C'.nnti Every facility consistent with sound banking Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of dexed Acces.), (In this LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE-UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY Town and County. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State j ‘County Seats. In No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. JMem. State Bks.Assn. +Priv. [Estab. Mis Memp. Br. LLittle R. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this voJume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARKANSAS—Continued itirpctnrv. under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Vice-President. Cashier. Asst. Cashier. Liabilities . Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital its Profits ‘Camden—.Ouachita E 6 Camden National Bank _»±’99 H. L. Berg ............... C. H. Murphy____ M. E. Fahy —.......... C. M. Haynes_____ $ 50.000 $ 81-94 L Pop. 6000 fT. J. WATTS_ _ _ LEO BERG_ _ _ _ _ _ LEONARD POWELLE. HARPER SOUND BANKING Resources. T.OAN8 & Dl8c’ts. Bonds, Securities Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Due from Banks 65,000 $ 375,000 J 380,000 $ 115,000 Chem.N.,N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Southern Tr. Co., Little R. 13,260 295,060 259,520 115,800 N. City, N. Y.: Cent. N., St. L.; Southern Tr. Co.. Little R.; State N., Texarkana. 50.000 68,900 552,600 661,330 97.970 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little It. Oanehill........ Wash’onB2 Bank of Cane Hill...........t§’06 B. Brewster--------- L. H. Yates................ E. C. Glidewell-— C. W. Trewhitt.... Pop. 400 81-306 7,500 1,570 35.610 58,950 Carlisle_____ Lonoke G 4 Bank of Carlisle.............. ±§’07 R. A. Hutson-------- H. I. Buechley .— B. D. Muzzy______ A. H. Bacus_______ L Pop. 1200 81-280 12,500 4,110 162,860 81,780 A. B. CAMERON...... J. L. WOOSLEY....... 15,000 24,120 405,010 256,840 186,380 1st N., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. Carthage....... Dallas E 5 Bank of Carthage........... <§'07 H- Matthews------- J. R. Wallace-------- C. M. Peaster_____ L Pop. 400 81-307 10.000 7,000 114,000 93,000 29,000 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co. .Little R. Casa____ _____ Perry D 3 Farmers Bank___________§’18 A. B. Banks............ J. R. Bostick--------- Geo. W. McConnell L Pop. 250 81-592 15,000 4,600 37,020 45,780 8,660 1st N.. St. L.; Bkrs. Tr.Co., Little R. Cave City....... Sharp G 2 Bank of Cave City______ ±§’06 J- M. Street-------- Jas. M. Simpson .. jTheo. C. Justus................................... Pop. 278 81-310 5,000 2,400 52,000 33,000 20,000 1st N., Batesville; N. Bk. Com., St. L. Cave Springs-Benton BI Bank of Cave Springs.<§’13 J- G. McAndrew .. E. C. Pickens.......... J. W. Hurd---------- W. N. Hurd .. Pop. 500 81-311 7,500 3,000 .135,000 73,900 64,500 Benton Co. N„ Bentonville. 12,500 4,070 209,850 66,020 154,390 Drov. N., Kan. C.; Benton Co. N., Benton ville. 25,000 6,850 238,690 182,990 85,930 1st N., St. L.; Drov. N.. Kan. C.: Ark. Valley, Ft. Smith; Am. Bk.of Com. & Tr.Co.,Little R. 25,000 25,740 316,550 223,600 128,200 N. City.N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: Merch. N. and 1st N., Fort Smith; Drovers N., Kan. C. Cherry Valley..Cross 13 Bank of Cherry Valley.±§’07j J. II. Sifford_____ W. M. Smith............. R. E. Halk.............. J. Kelly Maddox .. M Pop. 400 81-313 5.000 9,760 78,090 61,480 Chidester ..Ouachita E 6 Bank of Chidester........ <§’09 W. A. Purifoy------ J. A. Diffle............. — W. G. Rushing—.. Bruce Purifoy........ Pop. 300 81-314 10,000 3,300 95.000 117,000 26,050 50,000 Special Attenti on given Bill of L ading Drafts, Cas h and Time Item s. ding 12,000 322,000 207,000 114,000 81-96 W. W. BROW N _ _ _ T. J. GAUGHAN_ _ _ _ LOUIS BAUERLEIN GEO. R. GORDON nil A P H IT A Prompt, careful attention to all business. VALLEY BANK 81-95 Send us your collections. Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. +§'90 ( LB. KRSHKA-|C. C. HUMMEL DAIRYMENS BANK t 81-279 P. T. HILDEBRAND <§’04 ) Special attenti on given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. {^Please send lac wi th each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports Oldest and Lar gest Bank—Efllci ent Service Assur ed. Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c wi th each sight draft for presentation and 25c; for Credit Reports. rC. H. HIATT_ _ _ _ L. E. JETTON........ - D. W. BRYAN------- C. J. SCHOUWEILER- ' This modern, pro gressive bank resp ectfully invites you r business. ‘Charleston-FranklinC3 AMERICAN STATE BK. <§'10 , We pay special at tention to Collectio ns. 81-268 Pop. 800 ' Send your items direct to us for qui ck, efficient servic e. iBank of Charleston___ <§’04 Joseph Yunker.__ J. T.Tolleson_____ J. S. Smith________ R. B. Hudson . 81-267 J. P. LEE............. W.L. JEFFERIES- J. E. PINKLEY — F. A. BLANKENSHIP Pop. 2638 Merchants & Planters Bank'Ike Bondi________ P. C. Ewan________ W. H. Brown_____ 1 J. H. Calhoun . 81-164 •IS’gO V. E. Manning 29,660 1st N., St. L.; N. City, Memp. Co. of Little Rock, Arkansas 50,000 mthern Tr. Co., Little R.; M( Camden; N. Bk. Com., St. L. Little R.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp. ' Y US. 81-165 American Bank of 90,280 Ex. N., Little R.: IstN., St. L. «’O2 Centerton.__ Benton B 1 Bank of Centerton—<§’05 J. C. Faris________ A. G. Boyle--------—— W. A. Anderson...; J. R. Gamble_____ Pop. 250 81-312 M 7,290 Ark. N., Fayetteville. 25,000 394,000 349,000 121,000 Tr. Co.. Memp.: N. Bk. Com.. St. L. LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE—UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY CONSISTENT WITH SOUND BANKING AR KA NS AS BA N K S — C am de n to C la re ndon 50.000 MERCH. & PLANTERS BANK July, 1920 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to ea°h bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ >0 Oy CONSISTENT WITH 42 ,„N“?b,Cr “nd« Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given «i2a_‘i.-ban^25.P-x.S- exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Non-Bank Towns 70 ______ ____________ _ _ ___ p to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ‘County Seats, in No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. M i sM emphisBr,,L,LittleR ♦Mem. Fed. Res. ‘Clarksville. Johnson D 3 BANK OF CLARKSVILLE 81-209 <§’89 L Pop. 2127 ‘Conway...Faulkner F 3 L Pop. 4564 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos AND its Capital Profits 25,000 $ $ W.F. COLLIER... J. M. BRYANTM. A. LUCAS.......... M.E. CLARK ialattent' Special attentio n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time 1terns. 650,000 J 550,000 1 150.000 Please send 25c with each request for Report or Rat ing. R. A. Morgan_____ I J, M. Taylor______ W. E. King. F. Q. Poynor A. N. Ragon._..._ W. J. Basham........ R. D. Dunlap_____ J. W. Houston____ King Basham Garner Fraser____ Luther Bradley___ Brad. Fraser______ Porter Maddox-----G. D. Ferguson_______________ 60,000 6,000 85,000 130,000 Bkrs.Tr.Co., Little R.; Ark. Valley, Ft.Smith. 61,000 871,000 868,000 10.000 11,000 216,270 95.300 10.000 4,000 106,000 80,000 64,380 Chase N„ N. Y.: 1st N., St. L Ex. N.. Little R.; Merch. N., Ft. Smith139,500 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R N Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., Ill. 40,000 Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little It. .. A. G. Hill.................. Clarra Hill (Branch of Hope, •tS'OO! ’ ' Please send 15c wi th each sight draft f or presentation and Farmers Slate Bank—.•t§’13 S. G. Smith. 81-523 ; Wiley Mosley. Frank Farris 50.000 500,000 400,000 100,000 Little K.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 30,000 R. H. Maddox____ H. C. Johnston J. E. Lyon E. Vandover______ Ada Burgess.— D. Hopson_______ A. R. Simpson___ S. P. Lindsey_____ O. J. Harold_____ A. Brown W.F. Eatman____ E. H. Hogue______ E. J. Loop............... H. N. Force.......... H. W. White R. R. James_____ R. D. Campbell___ A.M. Carter______ J. R. Meehan, Sec. fH. C. ARGO_ _ _ _ F. P. HILL— A. C. CARTER, 1. W. HILL 30,000 Mtle. Tr. Co.. St. L. 25c for Credit Repor ts. ts FAULKNER COUNTY BANK & B. L. Harton_____ B. T. Deal________ V. D. Hill .. TRUST C0.-81-126—<§’03 F. B. Sprague------ jT. W. Wynn_____ lech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Cent. N., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N„ Ft. Smith. 100.000 lJ. FRAUENTHAL- T. DAVIS________ OPIEHARTJE—- GEO. SHAW 'Oldest bank here with up-to-date svsteni in all depar tments. ISpecial attentio n given Bill of La {ding drafts, Cash and Time II ‘Corning_______Clay 1 1 CORNING BANK & TRUST CO. 81-211 t5’95 L Pop. 2500 First National Bank —<’04 81-212 Cotter_______Baxter E 1 Baxter County Bank. .<§'03 81-318 Pop. 894 Cotton Plant ..Woodruff Bank of Cotton Plant & Trust Company 81-227______ t§’01 M Pop. 1500 H4 J Biounmu Principal Correspondents. ExDus Cash A CHA NOBS, fbom Banks Oldest Bank In the County. BANK OF CONWAY 4 O1 me 81-125 20,000 ReSOURCES. Loans A Dibc’ts. Bonds, F. L. MAXWELL...... W.SPENCER CRAFFORO Ch. of Bd. FIRST NATIONAL BANK<’14 < J Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash, and Time Items. 81-228 Please send 15c w ith each sight draft Jove__________ Polk B 5 Bank of Cove________ <§'07 O. B. Witherspoon D. Barton_________ J. C. Allen________; Homer Terry.__ 81-319 iW. W. Crain L Pop. 500 Jrawfordville.-.Crit’den Crittenden Co. Bank & Tr. Co. H. E. Wilder______ W. M. Crawford. 81-320 <§’10 M Pop. 450 J3 29,860 940,820 880,870 137,190 90,000 38,810 663,840 947,510 79,880 50,000 5.000 250,900 269,000 52,000 50,000 50,000 500,000 515,000 150,000 10,000 6,900 134,510 122,050 50.000 13,070 230,140 127,620 60.000 51,680 544,920 759.560 3,000 110,000 eports. 10.000 Com., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com & Tr. Co., Little R. Com. & Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. St. L. 29.050 St. L.; Bk. of Com.& 163.590 (.City, N. Y.; 1st Tr. Co., Memp.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. CoLittle R. 96.490 N„ Memp. irossett.......... Ashley F 7 Bank of Crossett..........<§'04 E. W. Gates........... A. Trieschmann... G. H. Norman____ Roy Dooley_______ 81-321 Pop. 2500 lalark______ Dallas E 5 Dalark Bank...................<§’10 R.-M. Atchley........ J. F. Wilson______ Jno. R. Williams..'Miss Elsie Evans.. 81-322 L Pop. 225 25,000 37,520 483,310 10,000 1,750 33,560 Danville______ Yell D 3 Citizens Bank____ _____ *§'11 S. Bondi_________ O. L. Clement____ J. H. Howard_____ Hettye Havner_ __ 81-478 L Pop. 1500 Yell County Bank_____ tS'02 J. W. Lewis______ O. J. Harkey_____ J. P. Norman_____ O. I. Moody----------81-323 20,000 5,000 180,000 25,000 Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. — Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little R. 443,830 101,450 & Tr. Co., Little R.; The Citiz., Pine Bluff. 45,980 8,000 N. Stock Yds., Ill.; Elk Horn Bk. & Tr. Co. Arkadelphia. 110,000 45,000 25,000 5,000 237,840 192,620 50.000 21,200 402,770 352,110 25,000 6,000 275,000 225,000 105,500 75.300 fT. A. JOHNSTON W. L. FOWLKES ... W.D.COTTON L.(k ADAMS DACUS 110,000 (Branch of Mario n,Ark.) 125 CENTS for c ach credit report insures prompt, p ersonai attention Il.V. Geoige......... . Albert Rorex_____ FARMERS BANK............. i§ 09 J. F. Stevenson... J. F. Alexander 81-186 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-< 18 81-599 R.H. Cunningham C. C. CONLEE —. A. N. BOHLINGER - C. E. HALL Special attentio n given Bill of La 25,000 MILDRED GEORGE Please send 15c w ith each sight draft f 4,000 70,250 St. L. 108,570 im. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little I mens, St. L.; Merch. N., Ft. Smith. 60,000 Little R.; 1st N.. Ft. Smith. 53,500 Ikrs. Tr., Little R.; N. Bk;C{ N., Ft. Smith. rts. .Onlj National B ank in Yell Count American Bank of Commerce & Trust Co. of Little Rock, Arkansas b®r VndeT -\an,t Bank is the New Transit Number given 71 of St. Federal Reserve Bank Louis . each bank in U. S. exclusively bv The Rand-MrNaliv ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS, CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED Ju ly , 1920 ‘Dardanelle____ Yell D 3 DARDANELLE BK. & TR. CO. < Oldest and Larg est Bank in Dard anelle. ♦ 81-185 <§’88 L Pop. 3000 15 CENTS sent t o us with each sig ht draft for prese ntation, and ARK ANSA S BA N K S — C la rk sv ill e to D ard an ell e Farmers National Bank _t'2O 81-625 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-’t 01 81-2W •Olinton..Van Buren E 2 VanBurenCounty Bank«t§’03 81-315 L Pop. 400 Coal Hill ...Johnson C 3 Citizens Bank ............. ~t§'08 81-316 L Pop. 1200 Oolumhus.HempsteadC 6 Hempstead County Bank5'06 81-317 Pop. 200 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this; ■<» volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ° ARKA NS AS—Continued American Bank of Commerce & Trust Go. of Little Rock, Arkansas Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number riven to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under tbe authority ot Tbe American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Liabilities. Surplus | Depos Paid-up AND its Capital [ Profits Ass’t Cashier. Datto.... E. M. Richardson.. D. P. Day.. ____ T. C. McGuire____ $ Pop. 360 81-324 _____ Ben1 . F. E. Van Citters.. Chas. R. Amos___ M. N Hepner____ Pop. 450 81-325 Delight............... Pike C 6 Bank of Delight_____ •tS'll C. E. Johnson .... . R. W. Stell —.......... W. N. Clingan____ D. C. Humphry ... 81-326 Pop. 364 •De Queen___ Sevier B 5 BANK OF DE Pop. 3500 81-167 Bank. 81-583 ank&T 81-192 •tS’lO 81-193 • Des Arc___ Prairie G 4 Farmers & Merchants Bank A. L. Erwin. L Pop. 2000 81-233 «tS’O2 “ .............. “ First National Bank____ *'18, Geo. A. Gree 81-596 Devails Bluff .Prairie H 4 Peoples Bank................. •t$’12 R. H. Sandei L Pop. 1000 81-527 •De Witt.. Arkansas H 5 First National Bank.__ •{’12 L. A. Black______ 81-246 L Pop. 2000 k............ 81-245 L Pop. 400 81-328 Citizens Bank__________ 81-636 Doddridge------ Miller C 7 Doddridge State Bank.*! Pop. 150 81-593 ■----------- Po aver___ L Pop. 425 81-329 s............. DesL L Pop. 1200 81-330 •tt’09 Dyer.......... Crawford B 3 Bank of Dyer.................. •t§’09 T. J. James........... Pop. 650 81-331 56,950 12,500 9,000 115,000 94,000 34,000 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R ; 1st N- St. L.; State. N- Texarkana. 60.000 41,840 600,080 525,390 234,690 219,530 Chase N., N. Y.: IstN-Kan. C. and St. L.; State N„ Texarkana; Union & Mtle. Tr. CoLittle R. 118.56C N. Bk. Com.. St. L. and Kan. C. State NTexarkana; 1st N., Ft. Smith. 20,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; State N., Texarkana. 25.000 40,000 302,700 27,000 115,000 185,000 ;Roy Williamson... G. A. Franklin___ iE. P. Remley W. D. Trotter........ D. T. Gaines______ Angus McDermott D. Kimpel Norwood McCain W. W. Bethell _ . L. R. Brown______ Hugh E. Erwin___ C. S. Flinn W. I. Booe______ J. F. Hudson_____ W. M. McQueen.. G. W. Sparks J. M. McClintock . J. A. Welty............ Maude Morrill........ 50.000 23,000 466,800 576,000 75,000 25,000 300,000 350,000 50,000 5,980 130,000 130,650 25.000 5,170 75,670 101,770 10.000 7,290 171,590 159,060 42,070 1st N- St. L- Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. CoLittle K. 55,000 Liberty N- N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L- Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 47,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; Ex. N. and Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.: 1st N- St. L, 19,890 N. Bk. Com- St. L.; Bkrs Tr. Co- Little R; Cent. N- Memp. 38,930 N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds- Ill.: Bkrs. Tr. Co„ Little R.; Union & Plan. Bk..& Tr. CoMemp. 100,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk, Com.. St. L.; New Eng. N- Kan. C.: Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little R. 378,230 IrvingN- N. Y- 1st N-St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Simmons N„ Pine Bluff. 162,160 1st N- Kan. C.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. J. H. Boone______ C. E. Condray____ J. W. Shackelford W. H. Norsworthy N. P. Baird---------- J. M. Ennis______ R. D. Rasco M. F. Allen______ J. L. Keener_______ P. C. McCown____ 50,000 75,000 750,000 700,000 50,000 69,210 1,044,340 769,380 25.000 13,140 259,510' 149,560 R. W. Westbrook. J. M. Power-------- G. P. Beane______ 25,000 2,500 18,630 500 10.000 3,220 42,390 51,620 15,000 6,500 125,000- 152,000 24,000 1st N., St. L.: Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little R. 50,000 18,000 275,0001 375.000 10,000 4,000 41,230: 58,960 50,000 N. Bk. Gom- St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co- Little R.: Merch. & Plan- Pine Bluff. 10,560 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Ark. Valley, Ft. Smith. 150.000 50,000 750.000; 900.000 Allen Winham___ |C. H. Bigby------W. M. Simpson.__ L. J. Lemley _. . Lloyd R. Byrne___ Jeff Burnett_______ A. B. Collins_____ S. A. Banks M. T. Rhodes_____ W. D. Patton______ J. O. Selby______ P. A. GOWEN .. 275,000 31,780 1st N- St. L.; State N- Texarkana. 70,010 Merch. & Plan- Texarkana. 150,000 Drov. N- Chi.; 1st N- Memp.; Bkrs. Tr. CoLittle R.; N. Stock Yds. N- N. Stock YdsIII N. Bk. Com- St. L.: Bk. of Com. & Tr. CoMemp.: Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little R. 150,000 {Branch of Mar ion, Ark .) i Repor\ ts, with each sight dr aft for presentatio n and 50c for Cred it 81-92 R. N. GARRETT. i Banks locate d at Earle, Mario n and Crawfor dvlile. I. H. Lee------------- Jas. W. Alston — 15,000 15.000 25,000 15,000 T. H. Norris......... . S. E. Babb............... F. W. Miles______ 50,000 5,500 335,000 155,000 M. W. Hardy------- C. H. Murphy........... L. Wilson. .............. 60,000 113,610 864,260 759,270 50,000 52,500 865.000 582,000 C. P. McHENRY J. A. ROWLAND ...M.G.WADE . - 0. M. YOCUM _ _ _ 35,000 1st N- St. L.; Interstate N- Helena. 200,000 Meeh. & Metals N- N. Y.; 1st N- St. L. and Shreveport, La.; Southern Tr. Co. and Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 308.570 Chem. N.. N. Y-: Cent. N- St. L.: Union & Mtle. Tr. Co- Little R. 310,250 Han. N„ N. Y- 1st N- St L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co- Little R. on given all matt ers entrusted us. n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. h each sight draft for j presentation and 25c i for Credit Reports. American Bank of Commerce & Trust Go. of Little Rock, Arkansas [8.270 $ 92,990 990 $ n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Elaine--------- Phillips I 5 Bank of Elaine__ 81-611 Pop. 600 ‘El Dorado___ Union E 7 Bank of Commerce ... 81-93 L Pop. 3887 •t’OS j 19,860 1st N., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 44.70C 1st N- St. L.; Benton Co. N-Bentonville. 35,280 $ 2,000 50,000 Crittenden Coun ty. 81-91 Principal Correspondents. 10.0W 1 Abe Collins.............. R. P. Mitchell........ , E. L. Presley..___ F. W. REISINGER ... C.B. O'NIEL.......... A. B. RHODES_ _ _ _ ALBERT HORNER DEN CO. BK. & TR. INY-81-203.... •!§'O9 A Ca«h 8xghamqm,I>ui from Baku ties for handling items on entire county. get service on Collections and Credit Reports by sen din g ’ US. CE: Plain sight d rafts, 15c; Credit Reports, 50c. TR T 81-204 FIRST NAT. BANK { Dra BiODRrrfBR H. H. Cooper_____ C. S. Smith________ F. E. Poole______ H. A. MORRISON —. J. C. MOORE_ _ _ _ L. J. MACHEN Earl........... Crittenden J 3 BANK OF COMMERCE-’tS 10 M Pop. 3000 ___ L. D. McCown_____ ................ -................. 10.00C $ Resources. Loami St c’tb. Bonds LARGEST BANK IN THE STATEI—UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY CONSISTENT WITH SOUND BANKING ARK ANSA S BANKS — D at to to El D or ad o L Pop. 3000 M. F. Allen Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Bauking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARKANSAS—Continued Name of Bank. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState' In No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. M is Memp. Br. [.Little R. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab., CORRESPONDENCE INVITED Ju ly , 1920 71 DMNTLno, uvnrunn i i vnu, i imvivj nnu AbbUUN lO Ur .n 42 t Nui?b®r under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given -b.!iT1. J?-L\.S- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 79 ' & Town and County, Name i of T> AW* President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of dexed Acces.), ARKANSAS—Continued Bank. ‘County Seats. J»Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. §State In No. 8 Fed. Res. Dis. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. M is Memphis Br, L.L.R ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Non-Bank Towns Vice-President. Cashier. Liabilities. Surplus Depos Ass’t Cashier. I Paid-up AND Capital Profits Elkins...Washington C 1 Bank of Elkins_______ <§'12 R. D. Stokenbury.. J. Fulbright _____ L. H. Smith______ [c. West_____ $ 10,000 $ Pop. 78 81-506 k 10,000 Elm Springs.Washington {Elm Springs State Bankt§’14 J.G. Webber-------- J W. J. Bradley____ R. F. Mustain_____ {Miss Nannie Hale. Pop. 300 B1 81-538 10,0)0 El Paso______ White F 3 Bank of El Paso......... ..<§’13 i W. P. Davis--------- IH. F. Harvey______ } R. E. Kent L Pop. 507 25,000 51,790 6,690 71,890 57,820 5,680 86,070 175,970 41,510 389,000 240,350 i Citizens Bank & Trust Co. J. E. Hicks_______ H. Galloway_______ H. C. Ehlers_______I Lois Rutherford.~ ♦ 81-492 <§T2 of Eudora............ <§’04 H.W.Graves_____ E. S. Hilliard______ M. Cashion________ !M. G. Lamar_____ 81-334 100,000 27,430 638,400 486,520 25.000 10,500 226,000 247,000 MERCHANTS & PLANTERS W. H. Stephenson. A. Feibelman_____ B. L. Ross________R. B. Wofford_____ j A. A. Fischel, Sec. [Marie Foster JANK—- 81-480____ <§T1 BAf 50,000 25,000 625,000 542,000 H. C. WILLIS-— B. A. TWEEDY —. G. E. BURSON -— W. G. BARKER— Modern, Progr essive. Personal Service. Please send 15c with each Sight Draft and 35c fo r each Report. 10.000 3,000 150,000 95,000 50,000 12,060 469,630 430,290 ‘Eureka Springs.Carroll BANK OF EUREKA SPRINGS Pop. 3228 C1 81-472 <§’12 " 25,000 (B. H. BLOCKSOM R. B. KELLEY-___ L. W. McCRORY— NELL GIBBS FIRST NATIONAL BANK<19OO S E. T. SMITH F. 0. BUTT 81-335 [Collections car efully handled w 1th remittance by first mall. 65,000 33,000 Bk. of Com., Springfield, Mo.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds, 111. 22,410 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr.Co., Little R. 18,940 IstN., St.L.: Am.Bk.of Com.&Tr.Co., Little R.; | Com’l N., Shreveport; State N., Texarkana.) N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L.; Ex. N., Little R. 214,620 Han. N„ N. Y.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Simons N., Pine Bluff. 272,466 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N., St. L 46.00C N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co. and Southern Tr. Co., Little R.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 233,400 1st N„ St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Hib. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Merch. & Plan., Pine Bluff. 35,000 Han. N„ N Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr„ Kan. C.; Cent. State, Wichita. 125,700 St. L. US. ‘Evening Shade...Sharp Bank of Evening Shadt<§’01 M. Stokes_______ J. R. Metcalf............ W. N. Metcalf____ Pod. 300 G1 81-336 J.R. Edwards 10.000 3,750 106,250 100,920 18,080 Everton............ Boone E 1 {Bk. of North Arkansas <§T6 L. C. Gibson______ C. G. Calhoun____ W. E. Cantrell. Pop. 500 81-577 10,000 2,620 94,400 88,490 19,510 30,000 1,000,000 800,000 400,000 ‘Fayetteville...Wash’ton ARKANSAS NATIONAL BANK Pop. 5362 BI 81-88 <’84 (JAY FULBRIGHT- W. H. MORTON_ _ _ T. L. HART--------Old and strong. & Metals N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Jonesboro Tr. Co., Jonesboro. JOHN CLARK.......... | A. E. COWAN R. L. TAYLOR 100,000 Com., St. L.: Drov. N.. Kan. C. PSend 15c with e ach sight draft fo r presentation an d 25c for credit re ports. “ ---------- “ " ----------- " ---------- ” ---------- “ Flippin............ Marion Pop. 150 ‘Fordyce.......... Dallas L Pop. 3000 ---------- “ Citizens Bank....................t§’08 J. C. White________ J ay Fulbright____ , T. I. Abshier_____ |---------------------------10.000 30,000 7,650 100,000 90,000 81-90 FIRST NATIONAL BANK<’04 A. T. Lewis_______ F. P. Earle_______ j Bruce Holcomb___ I A. E. Collier______ 125.000 30,000 1,350,000 725,000 340,000 81-89 K. C. Key First Savings Bank_____ §T2i A. T. Lewis_______ F. P.Earle_______ Bruce Holcomb— {K. C. Key________ 149,760 20,000 1,000 161,650 30,960 81-517 A. E. Collier McIlroy Banking Co____ §’72! E. B. Harrison____ J. H. McIlroy____ H. K. Wade________ J. W. Pinkerton... 50.000 871,590 672,040 159,930 507,860 81-87 E 1 Marion County Bank___ t’13_____________________________________ __________________ IM. G. Stookey......... (Branch of Mine rs & Citi zens Ba nk, Tell-', 81-337 ville, Ark.) F 6 Bank of Fordyce........... <§'92 A. B. Banks_______ I J. G. Patillo_____ L. Amis_________ IE. C. Benton---------100,000 47,000 640,000 500,000 220,000 81-127 First National Bank___ <’09{J. E. Hampton___ W. J. Proctor 81-130 J. A. Abernathy .0. A. COOK Foreman Little River B6 BANK OF FOREMAN~<§ 07 L Pop. 1500 81-220 R. E. BOWLES— F. T. Hunter . FRED GANTT H. C. FREEMAN E. H.CHEEVER 500,000 420,000 175,000 40.000 20,570 433,490 397,390 99,270 Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; N. Bk’ Com., St. L. Tr. Co., Little R.; State N., Texarkana. 15,000 33.720 232,680 290,870 41,530 Texarkana; Ex. N., Little R. d al atten tion. ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS, CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED Ju ly 1920 j FIFTEEN CENT Sspnftn 11s with <» ach &i<rht draft fo r nrtwpntatlnn a American Bank of Commerce & Trust Go, of Little Rock, Arkansas 30,000 ng YUS. E.G. CAMPBELL- R. P.LINDSAY-—1 J. S. MITCHELL—iF. F. BELL CITIZENS BANK ----------<§’03 j Special attentio n given Bill of Lad ing drafts, Cash a ud^ThiiiPlteins. *1“ 100,000 ARK ANSA S BANKS — E lk in s to F o re m an “ Eudora..............Chicot H 7 Bank Pop. 2000 ............. 3,000 63,610 Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Dub from Baku 13,500 $ 175,000 $ 125,000 $ (Branch of Presc ott, Ark .)............ England.......... Lonoke G 4 Bank of England_____ <§’98 O. O. Scroggin —. G. W. Morris_____ [R. L. Buffalo_____ j Mamie McKenzie.. L Pop. 2500 81-213 “ & Dis- 81-545 Emerson...Columbia D 7Farmers Bank_____ <§’05 T. S. Grayson------ [ W. J. Maloch_____ O. I. Warren___ Pop. 600 81-332 Emmet______Nevada D 61 Bank of Prescott............ t§’05 --------------------------- !..................................... C. D. McSwain.. Pop. 270 81-333 “ its Resources. Loans c’tb. Bonds, Securities (In this Olli uinunii _ © vuiiihiuiiui^ uui iiuu i ui Number under Name of Bank ia (be New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Oountt. 1 Pkesidknt. JNO. W.ALDERSON J.T. FONDREN ngest, Safest et service on Coll CE: Plain sight d <l'86 81-148 VALLEY BANK ►81-35 <{'15 E. A. ROLFE_ _ _ S. H. MANN_ _ _ J. 0. BAUGH 81-38 <14 FIRST NAT’L BANK 81-81 <’72 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK 81-32 A. C. BRIDEWELL -- C. L. SIMMONS—— Bank In St. Fran cis County. on given Bill of L ading Drafts. Qu ick service. TRY th each sight draft fo r presentation and 5 He for Credit Report] $ Depos its Loans & Disc’ts. Bonds, Securities 70,290 $1003770 $ 743,3701$ 380,610 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L.; Bk. of L. R. GROBMYER J. T. SANDERS ...... J. M. GILLIAM_ _ _ L. N. MYFRS............ , Am. Bk. of 50.000 61,000 900.000 700 000 207,000 N. City„N. Y.: Cent. N., St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 30,000 11,990 504,930 449,550 126,420 1st N. and Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.: Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr., Co. Little R. 35,830 1,048,090 844,640 338,480 Meeh. & Metals N.. N. ¥.: Comw. N.. Kan. C.:l 1st N., St. L.; Ex. N., LittleR. 100,000 A modern, cons ervatively manag ed Commercial B ank that pays esp ecial attention to the accounts and collections of „ Banks, Busin ess Houses, and 1 ndividuals in its Territory. 150.000 8,600'Ark. Valley, Ft. Smith. 110,000 Sec. and Tr. .H.NAKDIMEN — J. M. SPARKS_ _ _ _ WOOD NETHERLAND-R. H. KAGY R. H. JACKSON OUR MOTTO: “Not the Largest, but the Safest.” We give special attention to collections. F. A. HARDLIR to 200,000 Chi.; Cent. N., St. L.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. -A. S. BOLLOCK—-E. OLDEST AND LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN ARKANSAS United States Depository. Collections and correspondence solicited. 600.N0 * Located in one of the 415,100 6,522,180 5,970,080 1,959,600 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., St. L.; N. Bk. Com. 1st N., Kan. C. W. J. ECHOLS.......... J. B. WILLIAMS-—C. S. SMART........ —R. F. DICKINS...... . 78,230 2,663,240 1,764.390 1,365,190 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.,1 422,820 3,383,790 3,914,810 W' H'MAPES ADVE RTIS EME Largest Natural Gas Fields in the World 925,610 NT O 10,000 8,000 75,500 73,000 19,000 Fountain Hill.Ashley G 7 • Fountain Hill Bank.......... {'13 E. W. Gates_____ Pop. 350 I 81-540 10,000 3,360 25,500 35,630 4,550 G. W. Mears______ John G. Riley.......... American Bank of Commerce & Trust Co, of Little Rock, Arkansas ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS, CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. and N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch.-Lac. N. and 1st N., St. L.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. <'82 Fouke________ Miller C 7 State Bank of Fouke ...t{’14 J. W. Maxwell____ Allen Winham____ R. E. Maxwell...— 81-569 Pop. 300 Principal Correspondents. j Cash & Ex- ' ; chargbs.Dub . from Banks. Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. (Courteous. Eflic lent Service. Sen d us your collecti ons. 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entation, and 50 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, p ersonal attentio ARKANSAS VALLEY TR.CO. John C. Gardner.. 81-571 {’06 CITY NAT’L BANK AND Bank in St. F rancis County. ections and Cred it Reports by sen rafts, 15c; Credit Reports, 50c. TR JNO. C. GARDNER- M. M.HAYES ......... G.H. SEXTON------ ----------------------- ARKANSAS Surplus W. W. CAMPBELL. WALTER ALLEN-. Only National <'02 PLANTERS BANK <rio Resources. Liabilities. Ass t Cashier. ARK ANSA S BA N K S — F o rr est Ci ty to F o u n ta in Hill 81-142 Oashiek. Pbopits EASTERN ARK. FIRST NAT. BANK Vice-President. ! * Forrest City.St.Francis DAkllf flC M Pod. 6000 I< BANK Ur 81-141 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisi volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARKANSAS—Continued Name of Bank. *Oounty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. {State In No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. iMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. M is Memp.Br. L» LittleR. ♦Mem Fed. Res. [Estab. ♦Fort Smith ...Sebastian Pod. 28,811 B J uiiiuu ul y, 1920 70 ' wnnn ui CORRESPONDENCE INVITED Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number riven 74 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Non-Bank Tow'll iwith Nearest Banking Point (In Name Town and County. of Resources. IABILITIES . Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State; *Countv Seats. In No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. | M is Memp. Br. LiLittleR. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab,; President. Vice-President. Cashier. Asst. Cashier. A Dig- Paid-up Surplus AND ! Capital Profits Franklin___ .Izard G 1 Bank of Franklin_______ 105 W. 0. Gaston ......... A. F. Batterton.— E.G. Shell-............ ................................ ... f Pop. 200 81-3S8 Fulton__ Hempstead 0 6 BANK OF FULTON.......... t«’O4 Wm. Temple........................................................ T. J. Carter............. Dan Harkness. L Pop. 647 81-330 1 Gentry __ Benton B 1I Citizens Bank.................. •tl’ll Marion Wasson.... IE. B. Baker.............' J. N. Covey---------- I Sadie Monroe Pop. 668 81-340 (J. T. EDMONDSON-!D.T.ROSEBOROUGH-i UTHER KIHOLEY-...... THOS. CAWOOD........ PHILO RODGERS 10,000 $ 3,150 $ 63,960 $ 66,050 J 2,280 123,260 102,960 2,500 290,550 196,340 50,000 11,620 276,980 334,200 25,000 10,350 92,700 130.110 150,000 25,000 Principal Correspondents. Cabh & Exchangeb,Due from Banks Loans c’tb. Bonm, Sbcuhitim 16,670 Union Bk. & Tr. Co., Batesville. 28,680 Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; State N., Texarkana. 121,450 Meeh. & Metals N.. N. Y.: Drov. N., Kan. O.; Am. Bk of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Benton Co. N., Bentonville. 80,570 1st N.. St. L.: Am, Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 31,450 State N., Texarkana; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; 1st N., Mena. „. , 60,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Southern Tr. Co., Little R.: State N., Texarkana. 15,000 15,000 5,800 200,000 15,000 1,500 60,000 61,000 25,000 2,500 69,580 74,000 10,000 1,020 21.540 37,310 25.000 24.000 226,000 204,000 65.000 1st N. and Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.: Union1 N., Springfield, Mo. 42,370 4,180 Miss, A alley Tr. Co., St. L.; Plan., Mena. « Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send loc . with each sight dr fs. 25.000 15,940 212,380 226,460 51,860 1st N., St. L.; Benton Co. N.. Bentonville. 10,000 3.620 134,510 152,920 31,440 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Drov, N., Kan. C.: Citiz., Harrison; IstN.,Berryville; Ex.N.,LittleR. 25,000 9,000 130,240 160,500 65,910 1st N.. St. L.: Union N., Springfield; Am. Bk, of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Drov. N., Kan. C. O. M. Garrard........ 10,000 2,000 92,190 85,290 ‘Greenwood.Sebast’n B3 FARMERS BANK............<107 G. C. Packard ..... C. R. Owens--------- W. N. Wilkinson— Alice Holland.......... Pop. 2000 81-226 25,000 18.050 288 890 247,910 81,520 1st N., St. L. and Ft. Smith. 25,000 8,000 165,000 130,000 75.000 City N., Ft. Smith. | First National Bank.......... '05 |E, M. Gravett. ___ F. H. Hilboldt_____ James Banks______ ; Eva M. Gravett.._ 81-270 LUM ANDERSON- M. S. COXSEY--— RAY ANDERSON— W. G. COXSEY........ [Special attend on given to collec tlons. ,We remit on da y of payment. Green Forest.Carroll C 1 Pop. 1200 'Please send 15c wjiZ/i each sight draftf or presentation and ’25c for Credit Reports. fj. J. ERWIN....... F. 0. BUTT.............. C. C. O’NEAL......... H. S. SHIRLEY_ _ _ cibct uiTinmi da iiit +.«, ’ “The Bank tha t protects its customers.” MOLLIE BURKETT FIRST RATIONAL BANA--+ 13 < Special attenti on given Bill of L ading drafts, Cas h and Time Item 81-550 ! [Please send l'5c w\ith each sight draft f\or presentation and 25c for Credit Repor Greenway............ Olay J 1 Bank of Greenway____ JS 08 H. G. Shannon___ R.W. Turner______ C. F. Brennecke— Pop. 400 81-346 I.H. NAKDIMEN —. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-t 17 81-584 Your FRANK GUNTHER...... JESS MCCONNELL— W. J. STEWART. busin ess cordially invited. Griffithville ...White G 3 First Bank of Griffithville James A. Neavilie. A. J. Smith.......... .. B. F. Grissom____ ______________ _ ___ L Pop. 218 81-347 i§D5 Grubbs........ Jackson H 2 Bank of Grubbs............ tl'09 H. W. Graham........ J. S. Pennington... Walter McCullars.. j_________________ Pop. 600 81-348 Guion_________Izard G 2 Izard County Bank ....<§’12 J. W. Williamson.. A. Billinesley_____ E. L. Collier______ W. C. Strang........... Pop. 500 81-489 CLARK COUNTY BANK 81-349 <§1900 5,000 1,530 63,930 40,900 10,000 2,650 39,300 35,140 10,000 2,380 65.000 32,700 7,000 235,000 230,000 25,000 F. M. HOLT------------ LOUIS DAVIS......... ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Reports, j1 (B. B. YOUNG....... [Special attentio 29,550 N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., ill,; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 12,870 1st N., St. L.; Ark. Bk. & Tr. Co., Newport. 40.500 Union Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Batesville; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am. Bk. 30,000 of Com. & Tr. Co. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. ) Please send 15c with each sight dra ft for presentation! and 25c for Credit 'Oldest and Stro ngest Bank in Gu rdon. Merch. & Farmers Bank<i’12 W. S. Hearin —. 81-505 Hackett—Sebastian B 3 Hackett City Bank........ t|'O6 L. W. Forbes... 81-350 Pop. 800 11. H. Seller_______ R. A. Stuart_______ j_______________ 17,000 4,920 150,510 114,530 P. Forbes.................. W. P. Forbes_____ E. E. Ware-------- 10,000 7,520 76,740 78,670 American Bank of Commerce & Trust Co. of Little Rock, Arkansas under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Federal Reserve 75 Bank of St. Louisunder the author)tv of The American Rankers Ass’n. DJreetnrv. 55,160 N. City. N. Y.; IstN., St. L.; Ex.N. and South ern Tr. Co., Little R. 15,580 N, Park, N. Y.: 1st N„ Ft. Smith; Cent. N. St. L.; Ex. N., Little R. Ju ly , 1920 Gurdon............ Clark D 6 L Pop. 240(1 67,480 1st N.. St. L.: Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Little R. ARK ANSA S BANKS — F ra nklin to H ack ett Gillett_Arkansas H 5 Bank of Gillett..................<l’05 J. H. Martin............. J.W. A. Norden _ R. R. Koen---------- j.......... ............... .............. L Pop. 1200 81-341 1 Gillham______ Sevier B 5 Bank of Gillham..............<l’O5 B. B. Hendrix____ ! J. L. Flanagin j W. A. Beckett........ : Mrs. M. M. George Pop. 500 81-342 I ; Glenwood........... Pike 0 5 Bank of Glenwood............<I’O8 H. L. Watkins____ W. E. Taylor-------- Me F. Gibbs.......... ..................................... I Pop. 1400 81-343 I Geo. W. Lawless T. W. Gill............ . ...........-........................ Gould_______ Lincoln G 6^ Bank of Gould............ —+§’19 W. E. Massey-------- T. H. Free-----------Pop. 500 81-621 Grady............ Lincoln GSiCitizens Bank________ <1*20 T.S.Lovitt................ B.F. Ineram.......... H. R. Wood.............. ..................................... Pop. 180 81-557 j ( Grannis ___ Polk BoiBank of Grannis—....... +§’19 G. W. Petty............... iAlex. Coyle............. T. J. Wilbanks............. ................................ Pop. 400 81-619 * Gravette—. Benton B 1 BANK OF GRAVETTE~<§ 98 Pop. 1000 I 81-269 dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.; ARKANSAS—Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS, CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In ARKANSAS—Continued dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this/—- vnlnmo Fnr Triforoef. Rotnc TTolirltivc ain T.nxxre C Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name op Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARKANSAS—Continued Liabilities. Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. {State aCounty Seats. In No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. fMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. M is Memp.Br., L. LittleR. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Paid-up ISurplus AND Capital 1 Profits its Loams & Dis* c’ts. Bonds, Securities Principal Correspondents. 1 Cash <fc Ex* 1 j changes,Due from Banks. 50,000 1$ 23,920 $ 310,070 $ 361,500 50.00C 29,200 315,700 303,590 15,000 5,120 261,500 149,420 7,500 11,400 141,000 75,000 15,000 7,000 75,000 62,000 J. G. GANT....... — -G. T. GARVEY.......... THOS. FLOURNOY S. A. LATIMER Collections a specialty and remitted on day of payment. 25,000 Oldest, largest, and strongest bank in Poinsett Co. Prompt attention to all Ban king matters intrusted to US. 47,770 577,300 501.480 198,840 Chase N., N. Y.; 50.000 28,130 400,290 350,260 128,160 Han. N„ N. Y.: 1st N., St. L.; Guaranty Bk. & Tr. Co., Memo.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Little R.; X. Stock Yds. X., N. Stock Yds.. Ill. 50.000 22,010 390,940 590,550 369,550 Irving N., N. Y.: Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.: Drovers N., Kan. C.: Union N„ Springfield, Mo. Farmers Bank ..............<111 l. F. Eoff_________ Riley B. Cecil........... Robt. A. Wilson... 81-470 Wm. Coffman 30,000 2,000 268,160 264,790 37,880 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Holland Bkg. Co.. Springfield, Mo.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. J L.SIMS-.......... jG, C. COFFMAN....... 25 000 17.000 300,000 294,740 66.380 N. City, N. Y.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.: Ex. X., Little R.; Midw. X. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 115,840 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: 1st N.. Ft. Smith; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 104,930 Cent. N„ St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 30,000 Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Mena. $ •Hamburg___ Ashley G 7 Farmers Bank & Trust Co. G. P. George---------- F. N. Pugh------------ C. J. Brown_____ Leslie Serrett... 81-181 <§’11 A. H. Wilson L Pop. 2800 Hamburg Bank_______<l’O2 W. L. Blanks_____ B. O. Jackson____ R. W. Baird_____ Rob't II. Baird .. 81-180 • Hampton —Calhoun E 7 Bank of Hampton.........•}J’O3 W. L. Furlow_____ D. F. Wilson--------- N. N. Wood........ .. Pop. 353 81-351 •Hardy______ Sharp H1 Farmers Bank________ tl’03;S. P. Turner--------- |J. R. Metcalf-------- S. A. Turner_______ F. G. McLean____ Pop. 600 81-352 Harrell......... Calhoun F 7 Calhoun County Bank.<5’07 E. T. Collins_____ B. W. Harrell_____ B. H. Wood_______ 81-353 Pop. 252 HARRISBURG STATE BANK 81-237 <1’99 MERCHANTS & PLANTERS BANK 77,490 ' Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little R.; Simmons N., Pine Bluff. 90,560 1st N„ St. L. 123,890 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N„ St. L.; Citiz., Pine Bluff. 90,000 N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., 111.: Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp. 21,000 1st N.. Fordyce; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. of Com. A Tr. Co., Memp.; Ex. N.. Little B. f Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports- J.E. VANBEBER- S A. BETTIS-------- M. H. FRAYSER... M’S?Mg'HT A Commercial Bank—Acts In All Trust Capacities. Bill of Lading Draffs and Colie ctions given pro nipt attention. Please send 15c wi th each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rts. & TRUST COMPANY 81-238 <805 • Harrison____ Boone D 1 CITIZENS BANK -........ •« 81-196 Pop. 3477 PEOPLES PETTIT_ _ _ _ C. C. ALEXANDER — K. M. COTTON 1 A Modern Prog resslve Bank that is hustling for new business, \ We solicit your s with a guarantiee of satisfactory service. I Special attenti on given Bill of Lading drafts, Ca sh and Time Ite ms. <02 \fPlease send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rts. First National Bank____ +’03 E. B. Jones---------- J. C. Reinhard — Carey Holbrook__ IE, B. Wilbourn. 81-354 Bank of Hartman______ *1’04 A. B. Banks.........— V. M. Howell------- Roland W. Doty__ J. A. Burns_____ 81-355 Bank of Hatfield______<5’10 J. O. Gates. ............ G. H. Johnson------ L. H. Johnson_____ R. B. Holder___ 81-356 Bank of Havana_____ <t’05j (J. E. Mitchell)— I--------------------------- J. E. Mitchell, Jr. .! Zula Walker 81-357 Bank of Haynes______ ii’05 J. J. Hughes, Sr... J. J. Hughes. Jr.._ L. L. Roberts_____ _____________ 81-358 32.500 6,250 .......... Prairie G4 BANK OF GRAND PRAIRIE ( K. C. W. Wilken R. H. Hammond... Hugh B. Wheatley E. J. Stock.... 81-259 <J’96 < Pop. 1000 ('The Oldest and Strongest Bank 1 n Prairie County. lartford ..Sebastian B 3 Pop. 2000 larlman.__ Johnson C 3 L Pop. 500 latfleld................Polk B 5 Pop. 500 lavana_______ Yell C 3 L Pop. 621 laynes--------------- Lee I 4 Pop. 300 lazen L W. S. i Oldest—Large st—Strongest Ba nk in Boone Cou □ty. 'Send 15c with s lght drafts and c red It Inquiries fo r quick service. fW. J. MYERS_ _ _ J. M. WAGLEY NATIONAL BANK 81-197 ij. I. WORTHINGTON ROY W. MILUM....... J. E. ANDREWS .’ F. SIMS-------- I. T. SIMS-.—--- J. M.ZIKE-.......... ESTHER ZIKE_ _ _ _ NEW BANK OF HAZEN-41 ’16 UIpeclal attentlo n given Bill of La, ding drafts. Cash and Time Items. 81-260 It The new Bank will naturally glv e you the most ef flclent service. American Bank of Commerce & Trust Co. of Little Rock, Arkansas 10,360 293,500 217,870 10,000 2,120 161,530 68,720 10,000 5,000 175,000: 140.000 34,000 100,000, 154,COO 15,870 125,870; 103,630 25,000 12,630 275,440 215,630 98,180 Chase N., N. Y.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N.. St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 25.000 16.350 355,540 226,780 136,730 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cent. N., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 5,000 20,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little R. 37,790 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Guaranty Bk. & Tr.Co., Memp. ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS. CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED AR KA NS AS BANKS — H am burg to H az en • Harrisburg- Poinsett I 2 Pop. 1315 Resources. Depos Ju ly , 1920 75 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given I?, eacb bank 111 u- S' delusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ _____ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 74 jz • u Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n, Town and Oountt. Name of ‘Heber Sprines.Cleburne L Pop. 2500 G2 Vice-President. President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. »t’19 81-608 The Rapid, Substantial Growth of this new, progressive bank is due to the Genuine Service it renders its customers and community. Prompt attention given Bill of Lading drafts, and Collections. ! f C. C. AGEE.......... 25.000 J Principal Correspondents. CA8II & Ex- J Changes,Dub from Banks. 5,3001$ 320,000 $ 208.000 $ 130,000 Drov. N., Kan. C.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. ____ 30,000 200,000 ROBT. GORDON, JR. 'FIRST NAT. BANK 285,000 304,000 60,000 247.260 1.717.140 2 115230 299,110 22,000 Co., Little K.; 1st N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill. N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. < Prompt attenti on given all Bank ing Matters entr 1 Personal Servic e on Collections, Test our faciliti ‘i’87 (.Oldest Establis hed Bank in Hel ena. 81-60 . ............ Resources. Loans & Disc’tb. Bonds, Sbcubitiss 50,0001 26,000 00,930 68,340 44,210 Trust Funds (Only In vestmen tand Tr ust Bust ness) E, S. Ready.............. A. N. Tanner____ E. R. Crum, Tr. ... " E. S. READY.......... C. S. FITZPATRICK- T. M. WALLIS.......... H. L. FRANKLINI.— HENRY P. ANDERSON JAS. M. FAULKNER THE INTERSTATE NATIONAL STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL BANK. Collection Department under supervision of one of 260,100 1,515,360 2,472,430 263,120] Chi.; 1st N., Memp. and St. L.; South ern Tr. Co., Little B. efficient service. BANK WE SPECIALIZE ON • t’05 81-62 500,0001 our officers. Personal presentation of your items secures BILL OF LADING COLLECTIONS. ARKANSAS BANKS—Hebe r Spring s to Hele na A. B. BANKS---------- R.H.DICKENHORST D. B. BAILEY........... J. L. MULLENS-— Oldest, largest, and strongest Bank in Cleburne county. COUNTY BANK FIFTEEN CENTS sent to Us with each sight draft for presentation, and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Insures promptattentlon. 81-175 •tl’01 " $ Please sendloc with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. CLEBURNE M Liabilities. Depos Paid-up Subplus AND its Capital Profits W. C. JOHNSON...... T. J. UNDERWOOD— N. B. OE LOACH........ BYRON MASINGILL- ARKANSAS NATIONAL BANK ‘Helena_____ Phillips I 4 Pop. 18,000 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed),in back of this o volume. For Interest Bates. Holidays.'etc., see Laws. ARKANSAS—Continued Bank. ‘County Seats. »Mem, Am. Bks.Assn. SState In No. 8 Fed. Bes. Dist. tMem.State Bks.Assn.TPriv. i M is Memp, Br. Li Little R. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. t Estab.I Non-Bank Town ;with 1 dexed Acces.), Lawyers, La volume. For Interest Kat< ARKANSAS—Continued J BK. & TR. John I. Moore____ 8. A. Wooten______ Gilbert Yaeger COMPANY-81-61-------.JS80 M. E. West SCM”,E............. toiiWoN- l”,s ”lM,M - ♦ 81-63 « C. C. Agee________ . born top twat > Ira Ito. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 77 of to bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Federal Reserve Bank St.each Louis 33,130| 754,820 770,470 176,620 N.,St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk, & Tr. Co., Memp. *■METZ................. Superior service on Collections. Personal presentation, Prompt remittance, Intelligent reasons for non-payment. Modern methods In all departments of banking. TRY US. &TRUST COMPANY 75,000 250,000 75,0001 1,600,000 2,201,000 273,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Guaranty Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. C. S. Fitzpatrick, Sec. w Urn te, (musics July, 1920 SECURITY BANK — LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE—UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY ARK A MS AS—Continued CONSISTENT WITH SOUND BANKING Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this tom ' • bw &, Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. PAID-UP Capital W. B. Reasons — — Guy Stephenson__ Kloice Thornton.. $ R. J. Kibler_ _ _ _ ,E. L. Cooper_____ N. N. Townsend — M. A. Linebarger.. S. G. Parsley.......... A. H. Berry.............. Resources. Surplus Dbposand PROFIT! 20.000 $ ITft 12,500 $ 250,000 $ 115,000 $ 120,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 10,000 4,600 63,680 96,290 10,060 Cent. N„ St. L.; Bk. of Jonesboro, Jonesboro, 10,000 8,150 110,390 99,950 39,500 1st N., Huntsville,; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds.. Ill.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 15,000 IstN., St. L. .. 5,000 5,300 62,000 60,000 P. C. Mayo.............. J. I. Matthews____ E. K. Stratton........ 25,000 11,500 361,870 199,680 G. W. Johnson ___ Cay Hawkins.__ ... E. J. Peterson____ 15.000 5,000 202,000 160,000 189,390iHan. N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Oom., St. L.; Union * Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.: Am. Bk.of Oom. & Tr. Co., Little R. 80,000i Com’l Tr. & Sav., Memp,; 1st N„ St. L.; SouthJ ern Tr. Co. and Ex. N., Little R.; Interstate N„ Helena. R.M. LaGRONE_ _ _ _ R. M. BRIANT........... C. C. SPRAGINS........... ........................ ’’THE BANK THAT SERVICE BUILT” 250.000 72,730 908,790 1,312,160 230,310 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Coni., St. L.; Am, Bk. of Coin. & Tr. Co., Little R. 100.000 44,600 1,057,300 1,218,2101 301,160 N. City, N. Y.: Boatmens, St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co. and Ex. N„ Little R.; State N., Texarkana. 100,000 64,250 1,699,830 J. B, Edwards. Peoples Bank..................•ij'10 Rue Abramson__ CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 81-110 — Maud Adcock.. Special Attention given Bill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. »t’O2 Please send L5c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. j HEMPSTEAD CO. f A. L. BETTS....... D. B. THOMPSON — H. F. GRIGSBY_ _ _ ’ Young,Modern, Progressive. Hust ling for business. We want yours, BANK&TRUST CO. ) SATISFACTIO N ASSUBED. Bi 11 of Lading Bra fts and all Collect 81-108 »tt’86 LIF IT’S SEBVIC E YOU WANT, S END US YOCB B USINESS. J. H. McGOLLUM- S. R. OGLESBY . JESSE N. RILEY— ROY ANDERSON... P. A. THARP Collections and correspondence invited. All inquiries will receive personal attention and replies. »t’O7 HOPE NAT’L BANK 81-109 Principal Correspondents. L«aw» ft Du- Cam ft lzc’n. Bokm, cxAMeM,Dvi 0BOVBITIW IMM BAVU 81-276 Hope........ Hempstead C 6 L Pop. 1790 SOUND BANKING Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARKANSAS—Continued Vice-President. CONSISTENT WITH 1,825,350 391,750 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., St. L. Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports Hope Savings Bk. & Tr. Co. 81-107 •tl’07 Horatio............ Sevier B 6 Bank of Horatio.........»i§1900 L Pop. 1200 81-364 •• .............. " First National Bank —»t’13 81-473 • Hot Springs...Garland Arkansas National Bank»t'82 L Pop. 17,238 D5 81-48 J. H. McCollum.__ S. K. Oglesby_____ Jesse N. Riley,Sec. Roy Anderson .... P. A. Tharp T. M. Cowden------ B.E. Isbell............. ................................... Richard Adams, Jr. A. T. Cowden John Elmer______ F. S. Westcot_____ R. A. Pearce .......... 50,000 38,370 288,840 274,230 25,000 8,050 191,350 147,750 25,000 7,910 120,740 140.080 Charles N. Rix ___ F. C. Stearns_____ Robert Neill............ E. E. Groom______ 100,000 310,000 1,267,260 1,206,680 102,980 Ex. N., Little R.; State N., Texarkana. 50,220 IstN., St. L.: State N.,Texarkana. 22,150 Merch.&Plan., Texarkana; N. Reserve,Kan.C. Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 550,510 Chem. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. W.G. MAURICE. D. BURGAUER. HY.C. COVIRGTON. J. A. STALLCUP Collections a specialty; presented day reoeived, and if 1 390 000 430 000 Han. N. and Irving N., N. Y.;N. City, Chi.;[ 100.000 114,310 1.844.9 __ _____ N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Ex. unpaid reasons fully stated. Items remitted for at N. and Southern Tr. Co., Little B.; 1st lowest rates ae soon as paid. Direct visitors TheB-L Bank of Hot Spr ingt. N., Kan. C. to us. SEND US YOUR TELEGRAMS. ARKANSAS TRUST"1”" COMPANY •tS’07 81-51 G. STRAUSS--------- H. WILLIAMS_ _ _ _ _ CLAUDE E. MARSH -J. 0. LANGLEY —T. J. O'NEILL CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 81-50 Give your patrons coming here a letter to us. Courteous and efficient service guaranteed. Collections given special attention. E. H. Johnson .... Stanley Lee........... (A. Johnson___ w'Htfiminre e,“°- 50,000 15,000 450,000 381,000 126,200 Meeh. & Metals N„ N. Y.; Corn Ex. N„ Chi.; Boatmens, St. L.; Ex. N.» Little R. E. N. Roth............. J. B. Foote........ . A. S. Goodwin. 100,000 79,310 928,080 762,600, 344,780 Meeh. A Metals N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N,, Chi.; Boatmens, St. L. »t§’96 American Bank of Commerce & Trust Co. of Little Rock, Arkansas 251 740 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Kep., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com, & Tr. Co., Lit tle B. •tO5 Como Trust Co_______ «+§T6, E. N. Roth 81-52 81-49 56,700 1.014,150 1 043 000 100.000 ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS, CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED ARKANSAS BANKS—Her mitage to Hot Springs " WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY Liabilities. 81-359 M Pop. 500 t§’17 Hickory Ridge—Cross I 3 ■ Citizens Bank . M Pop. 400 81-587 Hindsville —Madison C 1 Valley Bank..................... ♦! 08 Pop. 100 81-362 Hiwasse_____ Benton B1 Bank of Hiwasse.......... —1'10 Pop. 250 81-363 Holly Grove—Monroe H 4 Bank of Holly Grove.. <8 03 Pop 800 81-275 ---------- LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE—UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE Unit tta, (tasks Bank. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState { In No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. M is Memp.Br.; L,LittleR. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. ** Tw&t (to. m July , 1920 77 EkO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 74 Town and County. *7 0 • ° Name of Bank. and County. Name of ‘County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState; In No. X Fed. Kes. Dist. tMem.State Bks.Assn.TPriv. i [Estab.! Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Paid-up Surplus and Capital Profits $ Joiner——Mississippi J 3 Bank of Joiner............... t5’09 S. Ralph........... Pop. 400 i 81-372 ‘Jonesboro__ Craighead American Trust Co....«tS’06 B. H. Berger. Pop. 9384 12 81-70 BANK OF Depos 10,000 J 2,760 $ 10.000 6,540 its 25,000 2.920 112,710 HODS, EFFICIE NT SER VICE. it Reports by sen ding fee in adva nee: US. 113,600 B. Stillwell___ 30,000 3,000 20,000 3,250 90,000 25,000 7,000 100,000 150,000 10,000 Bequests for Cre dit Reports MUS T be accompanie d by CE: Plain sight dr afts, 15c; Credit Reports, 50c. 10,000 180,000 147.500 J. B. Harris______ J. S. Miller.............. S. Wheeler_______ 25,000 2,000 105,250 83,430 D. W. Anderson \\. C. Cluck C. A. Berry_____ 50.000 15,000 420,000 320.000 25,000 5,500 235,490 181,070 38,670 76,300 Tom Hargis__ ,__ O. W. Basham____ A.G. Stephenson W. J. Wilson.......... J. A. Hill............ 47.950 James Brasel— 10,000 9,650 193.940 134,660 10,000 3,000 65,000 54,000 — J. W. Moore______ S. L. Nance_______ J. B. Wilson............ B. P. Burns______ E. Less__________ 100,000 Alex. Berger_____ 80,000 1.000,000 1,000,000 ..J.w_J,_ BRUCKSHAW ____ __ — FRED * BARNETT . ..... — -0 C. H. H. PEEL, Sec. from Banks. 5,000 Ex. N„ Little R.;lstN.. St. L. 37,260 Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.: Southern Tr. Co.. Little R.; Jonesboro Tr. Co., Jonesboro. 19,960 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Little R.; Guaranty Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. --- j Miss. Valley Tr. Co.. St. L.; Com'! Tr. & Sav. and Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp. st N . St. L.: Merch. & Plan., Pine Bluff. 35,000 30,000 Memp.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr.Co..Little R. 44,000 st N., Ft. Smith and St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little Rock. 37,560 Lm. Bk. of Com. & Tr.Co., Little R.; Ark. N., Fayetteville. st N.. St. L. and Fayetteville. 140,000 93,900 T. City, N. Y.: 1st N.. St. L.; State N., Tex arkana; Citiz. N., El Dorado. 8,1801 75,450 Mo.; Citiz., Harrison; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 25,000' tent. N„ St. L.; Peo. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp. 175.000 i. Park. N. Y.: 1st N., St. L.; Guaranty Bk Tr. Co., Memp.; Eng. N., Little R. 196,150j 2,178.870 2.977.560 353.760 Meeh. A Metals N., N. ¥.: Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Cent. State N.. Memp.: N. Bk. of Com., Kan. C.; Eng. N., Little R. 701.770 Special and personal attention given collections. H. H. McADAMS...... H. M. JOHNSON......... C. W. PITTINGER- FIRST NAT'L BANK 150,000 j Cash & Ex -115,000 100.000 31.580 65P.340 97,200 Meeh. A Metals N.. N. Y.: IstN., St. L.: Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little IL; Cent, state N., Memp. .4. Sec LARGEST TRUST COMPANY IN NORTH ARKANSAS. Your account will be appreciated and deserved. Immediate attention given all collections and correspondence. 100,000 60.000 2.000.000 1,300.000 500,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Union & Plan. Bk. &Tr. Co., Memp.; IstN. and N. Bk. Com., J udsonia..........White G 3 Farmers & Merchants Bank A. W. Henson........ W. H. L. Woody ard T. J. Lowdermilk. P. E. Bauer______ Pop. 1200 81-549 M’13 Flossie Hanson J. S. Eastland 15,000 8.910: 163,030 143,280 30.000 5,000 325,000 240,000 25.000 J unction City Union E 7 MERCHANTS A. FAR. BARK, J P. E. MURPHY — P. F. GULLY---------- J. J. GRAFTON------L Pop. 1500 81-232 <8'06 ] Special attend on given to colie cdona. We remit on day of payme nt. 44,140 405.640 411,510 Little R. 100,000 X. Bk. Com.. St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. and Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st & Secur. N„ Minpls. 63,300 N. Bk. Com. and Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.: Com’l N., Shreveport. 2,800 150,860 154,100 35.520 1st N., St. L.: Bkrs. Tr. Co. and Southern Tr, Co., Little R.: 1st N., Shreveport. 81-68 We invite the business of banks, bankers and others desiring PROMPT AND SATISFACTORY SERVICE. <’96 Bill of Lading Drafts our Specialty. JONESBORO TRUST COMPANY ♦ 81-69 Test our facilities. G.W. PURYEAR----- GORDON MATTHEWS E. J. MASON, W. L. GATZ, Sec.... J. W. ARMSTRONG V. P. and Tr. C. B. BARNETT, <§’01 First National Bank___ <’17' A. B. Banks. 81-231 O. A. Pepper_____ W. A. Taylor------- St. L. 25,000 ‘ tarn to w Gm«t &. Tmi Ga. a? Unit (tax taius Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given toLouis each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Federal Reserve Bank 7Qof St. i»» IIunLnr __ ___ — «... Al 68. ICO 1st N.and Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. and Tr. Co. and Southern Tr.Co., Ju ly , 1920 First National Bank .—.<’02 0. M. Erganbright A. M. Kittler_____ C. F. Long_______ V. L. Jameson. 81-373 00 Principal Correspondents. changes,Due 48,000 $ 151,930 Oldest, largest, and strongest bank In northeast Arkansas. <l'87 •tl’87; c’ts. Bonds, Securities 46,000 $ T.J. ELLIS......... .. J. E. PARR — ...... J. W. GATZ------------ W. P. LIDDELL...... J. E. McKEE JONESBORO Loans St Dl8- 175,150 IL R. Reynolds... C. C. GRAVES — G. R. HOLBROOK- C. P. GREEN........... ‘Huntsville.Madison C 1 Farmers & Merch. Bk. -M'll Pop. 600 81-264 First National Bank—.<’90! J. N. Bunch______ 81-263 Huttie________ Union F 7 First National Bank___ •t’llIF. W. Scott—........... L Pop. 1500 81-477 Imboden-Lawrence H 1 Pop. 600 81-370 ‘Jasper------ Newton D 2 Newton County Bank „JS’03 W. W. Moore. Pop. 242 81-371 Resources. -o ARK ANSA S BA N K S — H o u st o n to Ju n cti o n Ci ty Houston.......... Perry E 4 Bank of Houston_____ M’02: A. B. Banks........... J. A. Lovelace____ D. A. Tucker_____ L Pop. 500 81-365 Hoxie_____ Lawrence 11 Bank of Hoxie..._____ »M’03M. G. Richardson ._ A. G. Richardson.. A. G. Albright.... Pop. 1400 81-366 PAUL Y.GIBSON F. 0. LOVE_ _ _ _ _ W. A. HARP_ _ _ _ _ OLDEST ESTA BLISHED BANK, MODERN MET Save time and g et service on Coll ec tions and Cred I lushes_ BANK OF HUGHES........ —M'19 Plain sight dra fts, 15c; Credit R eports, 50c—TRY Pop. 500 81-605 Prompt person al attention given all Collections. Planters National Bank—1’20 J. O. E. Beck.......... A. L. Waring ___ 81-628 H umphrey. Jefferson G 5 Merchants & Plan. Bk.<5 05 J. G. Mouser_____ A. Fowler________ E. B. Stokes..___ Pop. 800 81-367 Hunter___ Woodruff H 3 Bank of Hunter.......... .-M’13 H. O. Penrose____ C. R. Brinneman — J. L. Garrett_____ M Pop. 650 81-561 Huntington ...Sebastian HUNTINGTON STATE BANK Pop. 2000 B3 81-496 M’12 Priiu Nun-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In Liabilities. President. For Interest Bat Resoubces. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this Yolume._ For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Bank. 81-67 volume. ARKANSAS—Continued M is Memp. Br. L Little R. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. ♦ dexed Acces.), Lawyers. Li Liabilities. .V,-,... In, 01’......... ft, Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town Non-Bank Town :with j ARKANSAS—Continued LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE—UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE V4E OFFER EVERY FACILITY ARKANSAS—Continued CONSISTENT WITH SOUND BANKING Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisi volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. _ Co., Little R.; 1st N., Shreveport. &> Tmi Co. ov Little Rock, kio Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by_The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under tbe authority of Tbe American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ! Name of President. Vice-President. Keiser.... Mississippi J 2 j Bank of Keiser_______ +§’19 L. L. Harwell.......... H. P. Dunavant .. Pop. 500 81-622 Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. L. E. Watson. B. F.PLAGKARD— W. G. WHITE_ _ _ _ _ B. D. EAKER_ _ _ _ _ W. F. Coleman— S. C. Cobb----------- 1C. E. Alexander... E. R. Buster_____ jc. F. Smith............... J. D. Shearer_____ Bessie Johnson... J. N. Bunch--------- |T. Hargis...................AV. L. Bunch............ R. C. Bunch______ A. B. Bunch Joseph Sellmeyer. !R. Whitaker______ iH. C. Sellmeyer... W. J. Brown Fred Watson.......... j Peyton Robb........... I J. A. White, Jr.- — •Lake City.Craighead 12 Bank of Lake City____ tS’10 W. B. Armstrong— P. J. Springer........ iE. M. Stotts.............. J. Q. Armstrong... Pop. 700 81-377 •Lake Village.Chicot H 7 i Chicot Bank & Trust Co. H. Thane____ ____ J. B. Simms_____ C. F. Tompkins ... R. C. Chotard_____ L Pop. 2000 81-229 <§’07 fC. WARFIELD...... N. B. SCOTT_ _ _ _ _ W.H. McLEOD_ _ _ _ T. H. PRYOR , Special attentio FIRST NATIONAL BAMK-<’18 < Save time and g 81-598 FEE IN ADVAN (.Only National -...... 25,000 $ ’* Please send 15c Pop. 400 81-606 Lepanto____Poinsett J 2 Bank of Lepanto_____ <§’11 M Pop. 1000 81-380 “ .............. “ First National Bank____ «’19 81-604 Leslie............... Searcy E 2 [American Exchange Bank Pop. 2500 81-381 ■ <§T5 “ _______ " !Searcy County Bank—..+§'20 81-637 •Lewisville.Lafayette C7 First National Bank........ «’09 L Pop. 1200 81-383 G. 0. NICHOLS_ _ _ 29,710 Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 1.350 120,000 114 300 ’ ’ 4’ CCO Cent. N„ St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., ’ Little R. 16,320 48,000 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: Simmons N., Pine Bluff Ex. N., Little R. 49,820 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: 1st N., Huntsville. 13,5000 15,000 . 30,000 220,000 199,000, 6,660’ 136,530 203,370 7,140' 95,280 76.040 4,420! 29,340 35,200 254,550 95,280 10,000 5.575! 15,0001 20.000 8,980 150,000 i 59,200! 781,850 1,002,990 50,000 20.000 ! 450,000 350,000 20,000 226,000! 227,900 2,850 62,290 98,170 20,000 20,960 1st N.. St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. CoLittle It. 5,520 Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr.i Co.. Little R.: Secur. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Para| gould. 185,450 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.; Bk. of i Jonesboro. Jonesboro. 102,590 N. City, N. Y.: ISt N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.;| ! Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 170,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L.:| Southern Tr. Co.. Little R. 34,000 1st N.. St. L.: Merch. N., Fort Smith; Ex. N. Little R. 5,180:1st N., Ft. Smith: Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 81-475 <§’11 with each sight d raft for presentati on and 25c for Cr edit Rep orts. J. F. Bugg............ ... J. E. Coker_______ Lawrence Wright.. S. E. West.. 15.000 5,090 50,350 62,360 P. M. Nelson______ H. C. Jones.............. J. F. Roderick........ 10,000 5,530 131,140 113,200 T. R. Cantrell........ L. W, Parrish........ Jas. C. Penix_____ H. C. Penix.......... . 10.000 3,540i 79.830 99,570 O. W. Hope........ — R. F. Butler............ R. L. Mann.............. 10,000 1,500 78.000 58,000 J. M. Coppage____ 25,000 15.550 J 238,830 7,970’ 224,530 268,760 5.000 263,950' 206,590 H. S. Portis______ J. H. Weatherly__ 35.000 John H. Harkins.. 298,180 Ed. Mays.... ............ IT. F. Clemons......... A. O. Aday.............. Joe Ledbetter------ I Miss Emma Treece! E. H. Black............j N. G. Sawyer......... S. H. Kunau............ Wm. Ashley...___ | 50,000 H. A. McCants____ R. L. Bradshaw—Id. W. Gladney___ R. L. Searcy 25,000 25,570 258,050 197,550! 30,000 17,000 247,000 160,000 W. D. STEWART. PEOPLES BANK & LOAN CO. BROOKS S.MT¥ N. D. HARREL, Sec. and Tr. AU collections Lowest rates. 15,000' 1.500!.........— 11,1301 Merch. N., Ft. Smith. 32,220 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Jones boro Tr. Co.. Jonesboro. 39,380 Citiz., Harrison. 23,000 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co. and Southern Tr. Co., Little R.; Bk. of Fordyce and 1st N., Fordyce. N. Stock Yds. N., E. St. L.; Bk. of Jonesboro, 58.590 Jonesboro 1st N., St. L.; Com ! Tr. & Sav. Bk„ Memp.; 80.590 Jonesboro Tr. Co., Jonesboro. Han. N., N. Y.; Cent. N.. St. L.; Merch. N., 106.200 Ft. Smith: Am. Bk. Com. & Tr. Co.. Little R. Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Citiz., Harrison. 134,180 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.: State N. and Texarkana N., Texarkana; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 105,000 1st N., St. L.: Com’I N., Shreveport; Merch. & Plan., Texarkana. have tbei persi personal attention of an o fflcer of the bank. i Please send 15c wit ft each sight draft for presentation a' nd 25c fo! r Credit I Reports.^ Lincoln-Washington B 2 Bank of Lincoln........ .<§’03 T. N. English_____ J. A. English______ T. L. McColloch.. Pop. 600 81-384 American Bank of Commerce & Trust Go. of Little Rock, Arkansas 62,330 $ Principal Correspondents. BLUE STONE BANK—<§'10 J Collections car efully made. Pe rsonal attention given same, Prompt, efflcie nt service In all Banking Matter s. 81-278 Lavaca........ Sebastian B 3 Citizens Bank....... .......... <§'10 Pop. 400 81-378 Leachville-Mississippi J 2 Bank of Leachville —<§'17 Pop. 1000 81-586 Lead Hill____ Boone E 1 Bank of Lead Hill _ ____ t§’14 Pop. 580 81-567 Leola________ Grant E 5 State Bank of Leola...<§’19 L 62,950 $ n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items, et service on Coll ections and Credi t Reports by send ing CE: Plain tight drafts. 15c; Cred it Reports, 25c. TRYUS Bank in Southea 1st Arkansas. iG. T. CAZORT— L. I. BARGER....... . CHAS. F. BURDEN— ............. 2,500 $ by (J. W. HAWKINS — P. F. WINNINGHAM—— I. HAWKINS-......... - DONALD BARGER— I 15.000 Lamar.......... Johnson D 3 BANK OF LAMAR........ -X5 03 JSpeclal attenti on given Bill of Lading Drafts, C ash and Time It ems. A Save time and get service on C!oUections and Cr edit Reports by sending Pop. 1000 81-277 'FEE IN ADVAN CE; Plain sight d raft 15c, Credit Re ports 25c. TRY US. , “ SOUND BANKING 25,000' 330 222,000 201,390 32,460 1st N„ St. L. ACCOUNTS OF BANKS,/BANKERS, CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED AR KA NS AS BANKS — K ei se r to L in co ln Keo—....... ...Lonoke G 4 Bank of Keo..................... §’20 Pop. 175 81-631 Kingsland.Cleveland F 6 Cleveland County Bk..<§'98 L Pop. 600 81-374 Kingston___ Madison C 2 Bank of Kingston_____ <§'11 Pop. 200 81-467 Knobel...... ........... Clay I 1 Bank of Knobel............ <§’04 Pop. 500 81-375 Lafe----------- Greene JllBankof Lafe_____<§’19 Pop. 150 81-600 Resources. Liabilities. Surplus & Dis- Cash & ExDepos- cLoans Paid-up ’T8. Bonds, , changes,Due Capital I Pka0^ts, its Securities ' from Banks ’ $ Kensett............ White G 3 FARMERS & MERCH. BANK s Collections and Requests for Cred it Reports MUST be accompanied L Pop. 1000 81-520 •JS’12 I FEE IN ADVAN' CE: Plain sight dr■ afts, 15c; Credit Rep orts, 25c. CONSISTENT WITH Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this;' volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.! ARKANSAS—Continued Bank. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State In No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. M isMemp.Br.L,Little R. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab, WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY ul y, 1920 yg LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE—UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ *74 Town and County. •County Seats. 80 •Mpiji. Name of Bank, Arp. Bks. A.«sn . Liabilities . tfpj Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given bank in u- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n ™e x Town and County. ‘County Seats. Name op •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Vice-President. President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. [Estab. AMERICAN BANK HERMAN KAHN, Ch. ofBd. OF COMMERCE and TRUST CO. 81-1 <§’75 Send us your LITTLE ’BANKERS T. W. KIRKWOOD—— FRANK GOODMAN R. E. CORNISH R. L. BRADLEY Office, JAMES KEATTS ______ J. F. WALKER, Tr. R. W. RIGHTSELL.Sec. F. J. SCHMUTZ, Tr. G. W. ROGERS W. A. HICKS J. D. COVEY G. A. KNOX L. B. LEIGH AD. HAMBERG J. F. WALKER Prin<4 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Bauklng Point Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of dexed Vnlnmo Liabilities. In No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. JMem.State Bks. Assn. fPriv. •Little Rock..PuIaski E 4 L Pop. 64,997 Resources. ARKANSAS—Continued Bank. M is Memp.Br. L, LittleR. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Non-Bank Town . with • III! > (lexed Acces.), Lawyers, S, La volume. For Interest Rat) ARKANSAS—Continued Directory, under the authority ^>1 The American Bankers Ass’n. ftofpo T?rx»- Resources. Surplus Depos dam A D»Paid-up C*T«. Boww, AND its Capital Promts Baovamw Hnlidavs. Ptr (In this O® Qpa Tnwt Cam 4 IzCHANOB!I,Du1 non Baku . City, N. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; IstN., Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Hibernia Bk. &Tr. Co.,N. O.; Union & Plan. Bk.&Tr. Co. and Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. $ $ $ 750,000 $ 324,340 10 046270 10 434620 $3461550 Prompt service, and ARKANSAS collections. Largest CAPITAL and SURPLU S of any ES- R0DMAN......... R- &. IRVINE— E. E. BEAUMONT, T. L. BOND. Tr. rank. Audlt0T M F- GATES> A- Tr- bank in Arkansa S. H-L MErPiiMLV-p-- r i£C. S. McCAIN, 4 .-P. G. W. DONAGHEY TRUST COMPANY the personal service 300.000 60.000 4.691,000 4,126.000 1,061,000 N„ Chi.; State N„ St. L. 81-21 T „ Joe. Jung , ♦Commercial Trust Co. <$’14 Harry Lasker--------Emmet Morris_____ Henry Lasker, 2Y._ 81-26 R. W. Newell, Sec. | England Loan & Trust Co.$’10 J.E. England, Jr.. (J. H. Bilheimer.__ Lloyd England, 81-18 Sec. ENGLAND NATIONAL BANK 81-2 Our facilities are at your command. Collections and correspondence 16,930 890,220 721,920 279,140 ChaseN,. N.Y.iUnion Tr.Co..Chi.: Miss.Valley 38,290 763,120 787,060 162,890 N. City, N, Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L. 250,000 18,940 300.000 94.040 2,114,560 2,509,110 assured w. B. KENNEDY— tTW-- fillftW Ch.ofBd. B. P. KIDD 100.000 I. . u...... (A. J. MERCER....... - 0. D. HADFIELD, niemeyer, J. H. HAM ITER Sec. V. P. 1 F. LENON [ f w ♦PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK 81-10 <$’02 <I Send your colle ctions and other business direct to this progressive Lbank for prom pt, personal and satisfactory servi | ce. A. 81-14 <$’05 ’UNION & MTLE. ♦ 81-11 B. BANKS.......... J. H. STANLEY_ _ _ _ J. C. CONWAY, Sec.. 5.C. COUCH. Tr— B.C.FjmL R. M. MILF.S, A. Sec. Seal hempStead, .... . ,C. G. PRICE ’ A. Sec. 100.000 82,010 2,327,850 2,067,100 442,770 Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and Ft. Dear. N„ Chi.: 1st N.. St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co. and Ex. N., Little R. i 500,000 109.980 4,711,710 5,222,030 1,133,5101 N. Bk. Com. and 1st N„ St. L. Officered by Arkansas Men who Know and Understand Arkansas Conditions. WE INVITE INQUIRIES. MOORHEAD WRIGHT. C.P. PERRIE------- E. J. BOOMAN, G. 8- ROSE.„ L. J. GIBSON, Tr. Officer Z. B. CURTIS, Real Estate Officer <$’99 *W. B. WORTHEN COMPANY G. N.Peay______ ♦ 81-7 <$'77 Little Rock Clearing House.: C. S. McCain----(Members indicated by a*) A. BRIZZOLARA, JR., V- P- and Sec. A. Sec. I n patty a Sec A. E. CATES V. P. and Cashier TJ,(ec- R. M. BUTTERFIELD ,«■ bL’ ED. McEVOY, Umewckr Bank of Commerce & Trust Go. of Little Rock, Arkwsks ADVAKTCAC 281.430 5.778,150 5,772,280 1.189,840 Auditor SEE AD V. ON G. G. Worthen____ J.T.Hammond, Jr.! J. WI Ramsey____ Beverly Thruston 1R. H. Thompson .. J. T. Hammond, W. E. Lenon, Mgr. Sec. and Tr.\ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Federal Reserve Bank Louisbank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers’ oi of St. to eaoh 400,000 200.000 Chi.; 1st N„ St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. ABKAN SAS IN DEX 292,770 1,758,200 1,799,410 433,320; L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 1 Ju ly , 1920 TRUST COMPANY 300,000 4,867,000 5,500,000 1.201,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. of St. L fW. E. LENON------ ♦ 477.990 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. prompt Federal Reserve Bk. of St. For complete infor matron see page 35 Louis........ 81-13________ »T9 ’SOUTHERN 18,960 18,960 'England N., Little K. attention. ... A. J. REAP BANK We solicit your Arkansas collections, particularly <’82 your Little Rock Items. Correspondence invited. TRUST COMPANY 222,090 Tr. Co.,St. L.; Guaranty Bk. &Tr.Co.,Memp. P. E. RUSS— D. M.BOONE RESERVE ACCOUNTS OF BANKS INVITED. <’08 ’EXCHANGE NATIONAL ........... Ll0™E"GUND- Ch. ofBd. 100,000 100,000 ARKANSA S BA NKS — L ittle R oc k >ii'Fes^es general banking Items and Collections, send us matters requir14 inc Personal handling by men of broad trust and banking experience. ♦Central Bank.............. <$’12 C. C. Kavanaugh _'T. W.Mattingly.Sr. D. B. Renfro___ Perry Simpson.__ 81-25 81-15 O Principal Correspondents. LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE—UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY CONSISTENT WITH SOUND BANKING /'S„ J Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of dexed Acces.), (In this <—< tocm Number under Name of Bank hs the New Transit Number given to eaoh bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Oountt. __ President. Vice-President. Lockeibare__ 8avier B 6 Ban of Lockesburg..-•tl’02 R. A. Gilliam_____ M. L. Norwood81-385 Pop. 900 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARKANSAS—Continued Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ‘County Seats. In No. 8 Fed.Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv Estab. M is Memp. Br. L. Little R. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE—UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY CONSISTENT WITH SOUND BANKING Cashier. Ass't Cashier. . R. S. Hunsucker__ Liabilities. Subplus Depos Paid-up AND Capital Promts its $ 50.000 $ Resources. Loami St Du- Cams t Ex* c’ts. BoMM, I chaion, Dui Swroarnn ' raoM Bamm 31,000 $ 200,000 S 246,000 S W. L. Norwood Principal Correspondents. 47,000 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little IL; State N., Texarkana. 23,150 1st X., Kan. C.; Texarkana X., Texarkana. 35,000 3,740 27,160 35,230 Loudon----------- Pope D 3 Farmers & Merchants Bank L. G. Martin............. ; J. W. Gibson_____ N. S. Booher.......... Mrs. M.D.Booher.. 81-487 tl’ll J. G. Hickey L Pop. 450 15,000 500 44,510 27,570 25,000 , 43,000 580.000 474,500 Lonoke County Bank- .•tS’06 W. W. McCrary.— C. G. Miller.............. W. H. Young-------- H. E. Benton_____ 81-200 J. M. Gates 30.000 45.000 520,000 440.000 155,000 1st N.. St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co , Littie R. Bank of Lowell............ --tl’08 J. T. Howard_____ A. C. Mayes______ W. E. Adams_____ Thelma Mishler—. 81-386 10.000 8.020 63,180 81,810 8,120 Holland Bkg. Co., Springfield. Mo.; Am, N., Rogers. 15.000 8.700 63,000 78.400 9.590 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: Mtle. N.. Memp. 0 S Bank of Magazine----- -•tS’03 A. M. Leftwich... J. A. Newman........ Claude H. Kyle-__ Marv L. Newman. 12,500 13,030 183,260 152,300 53,290 IstN., Ft. Smith and St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. jJ. 0. HUTCHENSON J. G. WEPFER------- J. C. MCNEILL-...... C. C. CAMPBELL,— W. J. HARRINGTON 50.000 22,980 353,900 459,600 91,460 N. Park, N.Y.: N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.;lst N., Shreveport. Lowell_____ Benton B 1 Pop. 200 P. H. Wheat______ W. T. Couch______ E. M. Spencer-----W. Y. Bransford P. H. Wheat, Jr. Luxora__ Mississippi K 2 Luxora Banking Co.— •tS’99 J. C. Spann------------ J. B. Driver______ J. M. Landrum — J. M. Majors------- Pop. 977 MagMine_____ Logan Pop. 700 33,450 Merch. N.. Ft. Smith; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Little R.; Bk. of Russellville, Rus sellville. 140.000 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N., St. L. 81-387 81-235 ‘Magnolia—ColumbiaD 7 COLUMBIA COUNTY BANK ♦ 81-161 •ti’92 L Pop. 2500 (Oldest Bank In Columbia Count y. We give prom pt, careful atten tlon to (Collections a s pecialty. “Wecii arge 25c for Credit Reports." all bus lness se nt us. 50,000 39,600 652,450 907,700 152,770 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. jN. J. GANTT-— J. L. DAVIS.......... T. A. MONROE------50.000 — PEOPLES B^NK-— •tl’02 'i Collections a sp eclalty and remit ted on day of pay ment. 'All collections have the person al attention of an officer of this ba nk. 56,100 629,870 795,790 126,700 Han. N.. N. Y.: IstN., St. L. 50,000 39,660 627,650 521,320 198,130 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. and Union & Mtle. Tr. Cos., Little R. Farmers ft Merchants Bank T. N. Atchison— J. W. Lee................ Geo. B. Cox___ •tl’14 81-559 J. P. Chamberlain 30,000 2,000 270,000 223,000 55,000 Han. N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.: Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. First National Bank.. —•02 E. H. Vance______ E. H. Frisby______ H: L. McDonald — —------ ----------------81-132 25.000 8,000 275,000 200,000 80,000 N.Park. N.Y.; 1st N., St. L. Mammoth Spring. Fulton Citizens Bank...........— •:»’O4 C. W. Dixon______ G. C. Buford_____ J. L. Dixon............ — 81-388 Pop. 817 G 1 25,000 7,390 282.320 250,220 62,300 Bk. of Com., Springfield, Mo. Manila—-Mississippi J 2 Bank of Manila............ •tS’03 81-389 Pop. 592 15,000 9,300 127,000 140,000 21,000 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Jonesboro Tr. Co., Jones boro. H. NAKDIMEN-— W. A. MARTIN_ _ _ _ W. L. YOWELL_ _ _ _ G.F. VEST-- -----25.000 US yo ur COLLECT IONS for Q UICK SERV ICE. 3,500 200,000 125,000 75,000 City N., Ft. Smith; Cent. N-, St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 27,000 400,000 275,000 175,000 Chase N.,N.Y.;lst N.. St. L. and Ft. Smith; Bkrs. Tr.-Co., Little R.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 75,000 55.000 Farmers Bank ft Tr. Co.»tS’06 T. S. Grayson------- W. H. Warnock___ Jas. G. Brown------ J. B. Lee__ .. ♦ 81-163 Jas. G. Brown Mrs. Maude Goode 11. A. Reid ‘Malvern-Hot Spring E5 Bank of Malvern------ •J8’89| W. H. Cooper------- T.R. McHenry-— Robt. Smith, Jr__ W. R. Collie........... 81-131 A. W. Brassier L Pop. 5000 Chas. S. Smith Mansfield— Sebastian B 3 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 81-595 Pop. 1500 H.W. Cowan_____ G. A. Henry........ ... j is 1. Send jW. L. SEAMAN - NAT’L BANK OF MANSFIELD 81-249 *f01 (tint and R. O'. LANDRUM C. C. GRAVES......... CARTER LEWIS— oldest established bank in Mansfield. 'Special attentio n given collection s and prompt re mlttance on day PEOPLES BANK_____ -tl’07 C. C. Graves............ R. Y. Baldwin____ V. H. 8orrels_____ 81-250 American Bank of Commerce & Trust Co. of Little Rock, Arkansas 50.000 AR KA NS AS BANKS — L ock es burg to M an sfield Planters Bank--------- —§’20 A. J. Clingan.......... L. D. McCown........ F. W. Park.............. L. A. Wardlow___ 81-633 D. R. Boone______ Lonoke .......... LonokeG4 BARK OF CENTRAL ARK. 81-108 »tS’08 L Pop. 2000 July, 1920 gi ~a Bank of Commerce &, Trust Co. of Little hock, Arkansas of pay ment. 12.500 6,000 35,000 Ark. Valley. Fort Smith; 1st N.. St. L.; Am. 00 Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co. and Ex. Little R. N., and Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 74 Non-Bank Town ;with hfl dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laj volume. For Interest Bate? ARKANSAS—Continued * 82 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Name ok Bank. Town ano County. AOounty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState President. In No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.StateBks.Assn. TPriv. [Estab. M is Memp.Br. L. Little IL ♦Mem. Fed. Res. ‘Marianna..............Lee I 4 M Pop. 6500 BANK W.0.NEWBERN OF COMMERCE •t’19 81-618 Vice-President. Cashier. D. L. GRIFFIS...... - 0. S. CLARK S. H, CROWE 81-86 $ J. E. Allen_______ W. E. McClintock NATIONAL BANK 46,640 Chase N., N. Y.; Boatmens, St. L.; Com’l Tr. & Sav., Memp.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 75.000 27,680 975,450 786,230 ' 278,680 N. Park, N. Y.j 1st N., St. L.; Southern Tr. Co,, Little R.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr.Co. and Bk. of Com. Tr. Co., Memp. 80,000 50.000 900.000 750,000 265.000 Irving N.» N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little Rock; Union & Plan. Bk. &Tr. Co., Memp. 50,000 1,575,000 1,500,000 400,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Bk, of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little R. 125,000 E. J. White_______ 50,000 J. D.DUBARD_ _ _ S. S. MAJOR-...... . Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. L Please send 15c with each sigh t dr aft for presentatio n and 50c for Cred it Repor 12,500 f B. F. TAYLOR—— S.P. THOMPSON . 526,290 6,310 135,950 70,290 Cent. N., St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 31,070 1st N., St.L.: Paragould Tr. Co., Paragould. 15,000 13,000 100,000 25,000 Cent. N., St.L.; N. Bk. Com., Paragould. 25,000 2,570 21,600 75,480 3,540 Cent. N., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., LittleR.; IstN., Marshall. J. A. Henley______ k. T. Hudspeth__ A. A. Hudspeth__ Troy Ramsey 50.000 11,000 380,000 330,000 125,000 Cent. N.. St. L.; Am, Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. S. L. Cooke............ J. L. Turner______ J. B. Swift_______ Roy Cooke________ 50,000 11,000 391,770 356,650 13,600 2.530 60,590 58,610 87,640 Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 18,110 IstN.. St. L.: Am, Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Little R. W. B. Worthen Co.. Little R.; 1st State, Prescott. 128,000 Cent. N., St. L.: Southern Tr. Co.. Little R. J. R. Loftis. Joe Abbott C. T. Atkins______ J. D. Eley... H. G. McNabb____ McGEHEE VALLEY BANK •tl’Oo Lee Bolin_______ Lehmann Abbott.. W. R. Atkins____ H. W. Jernigan----- J. F. Morgan_____ W. E. McCain .... [R. 81-585 55,000 N„ Bk. ofCom.. St. L.;Bk. of Com.& Tr. Co., Memp,; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 18,340 First National Bank____ »’01 81-392 S. G. Daniel............ CITIZENS STATE BANK«t§ 17 375,000 50,000 G. DANIEL - H. G. TREECE------- HARDY KUYKENDALL ‘Marshall........ Searcy E 2 ARKANSAS NATIONAL BANK kfSAM. New,. Modern, P rogresslve. Hast ling for business, L Pop. 1500 81-574 »t’15 (We want yours. Satisfaction ass ured. Give us a trial. Marvell............ Phillips I 5 Bank of Marvell........... «tl’03 Pop. 1000 81-393 Maynard.—Randolph 11 Bank of Maynard.......... tS'99 Pod. 500 81-394 McCaskill Hempstead C 6 Bank of McCaskill_ _ _ §’20 Pop. 25 81-638 McCrory—Woodruff H 3 Bank of McCrory_____ t5’03 L Pop. 1000 81-261 310,000 15.000 First National Bank___ «t’17 T. J. Sharum_____ M. W. Hazel______ C. E. Causey--------C. C. Sloan . 81-391 Marmaduke...Greene J 1 Bank of Marmaduke___ t§'03 Robt. Cudd_______ J. M. Ramsey____ A. E. Randol_____ S. F. Boone______ . Pop. 1000 81-253 Farmers Bank . ................ $§'11 Eli Meiser________ J. R. Burks______ J. W. Lipscomb__ G. T. Randall........ 81-254 H. WOLFE.— D.R. MORLEY------ D.0.C.CLEVELAND. C. F. MYER_ _ _ _ _ The new bank will naturally gi ve you tbe best [Please send 15c with each sight dra ft for presentation, 1,500 22.000 433,000 356,250 50.000 16,500 264,000 340,000 45,000 Cent. N., St. L.: Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; Simmons N„ Pine Bluff. 20,000 420,000 550.000 60,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Merch. & Plan., Pine Bluff; Ex. N., Little R. and 25c for Credit Reports. 70,000 and 25c for Credit Reports. L. A. Westbrook .. R. L. Westbrook, Jr. R. G. Dickinson__ E. N. Goldman. 15,000 7,700 67,870 81,820 J. D. Birdsong ___ 10,000 4,500 160.000 115.000 E. E. Godwin_____ R. D. Harris______ Lily Linn--------- 15,000 9,740 161,520 151,170 Bark of Commerce & Trust Go. of Little Rock, Arkansas 19*9 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Federal Reserve Bank Louis under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 83 of St. Directory, 24,940 1st N.. St. L.: State N., Texarkana. 55,000 N. Stock Yds. N-. N. Stock-Yds., Ill.; Cent., Little R. 50,480 Union Bk. & Tr. Co., Batesville. Ju ly , 1920 'Please send 15c with each sight dra ft for presentatio n. 15,000 25,000 service. Collectio ns a Sp ecialty. iH. THANE_______ SCOTT McGEHEE- J. W. WILLOUGHBY W. B. BELLAMY — [Oldest establish ed Bank, B. C. TERRY i Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. McNeil........ Columbia D 7 Bank of McNeil.............. $§’06 J. J. Luck... Pop. 482 81-396 McRae---------- White G 3 McRae State Bank____ •H’14 W, F. Bauer. L Pop. 600 81-565 ‘Melbourne__ Izard G 1 Bank of Melbourne____ tl'96 J. B. Baker Pop. 500 81-397 talcAH $ 151,000 $ •t’84 Marked Tree.Poinsett I 2 FARMERS & MERCH. BANK M Pop. 3000 81-497 •tS'll 81-395 10,000 Unexcelled facilities for handling your Marianna items and collections. Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts. Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and Poe for Credit Reports. ‘Marlon—Crittenden J 3 Crittenden County Bk.&Trust Lonis Barton_____ W. B. Rhodes.... M Pop. 500 Company ♦81-390___ »t§’05 F. W.Reisinger McGehee........ Desha H 6 L Pop. 3000 50,000 $ Principal Correspondents. <fr DreSscn&mxs Loans Cash & Ex c’ts. Bonds, changes, Due prom Banks AR KA N SA S BA NKS — M ari an n a to M el bo ur ne CHARLES McKEE—- J. B. GROVE.......... E. C. ROBERTSON— E. BRONSON........ C.E. DAGGETT LEE COUNTY Resources. Paid-up SUBPLUB AND Capital Pkofits Ass’t Cashier. Try this New- B ank for maxiinu in Service at min inium charge, Your collection s and other busl ness assured care ful handling by experie need ba nkers. _Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. BANK OF MAKIANNA -'tl’03 M. D. Miller______ O. L. Williamson.. Hugh Mixon----- 81-85 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisi 00 volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, io ARKAN S AS—Continued LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE—UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY CONSISTENT WITH SOUND BANKING ARKANSAS—Continued Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws? pop. ovu 81-397 I© AmemBankof Gqmmerge & Trust Go, of Little Rook, Arkansas qq Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County, j Name of President. Vice-President. ! 81-88 $ 50,000 $ Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loans & Dis- Cash & Exc’ts. Bonds, { changss,Dui Securities from Banks 16,250 $ 568,360 $ 493,640■$ 142,190 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. and St. L.; Ark. Valley Bk., Ft. Smith. ........ 22,030 T. H.DUKE, JR........ 361,970 387,370 64,840 Kan. O.; 1st N„ Ft. Smith. <1900 ) Please send 15c BANK with each sight dra \ft for presentation and OF PERSONAL ; SERVICE.” Planters State Bank........ I’ll W. W. Townsend— W. E. Watkins___ R. B. Board____ 81-99 50c for Credit Reports. | F. C. Embry. 11,170 353,250 287,140 99,520 Smith; Drov. N., Kan. C. Midland——Sebastian B 3 Midland State Bank........ t§’12 G. C. Packard____ C. C. Graves--------- Jerry Bell........ Pop. 639 81-509 .................................... ! 5,275 2,800 87,000 59,000 Mineral Sp’gs Howard B 6 Bank of Mineral Sp’gs.<l'06 T. J. Dillard______ J.C. Kent............... W. T. Kent......... L Pop. 800 81-399 E. Kent................... Mrs. W. T. Kent 10.000 12,350 206,150 194,180 36.670 Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.: State N., Texarkana; Southern Tr. Co., Little Rock. T. E. Bell------------A. H. Tyndall........... Miss L. B. Dowdle. 25,000 3,470 83,360 109,420 27,560 State N., Texarkana; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. Monette.—Graighead J 2 j Citizens Bank—................tS'10 A. R. Lunsford.__ W. G. Mayers____ jH.S.Bass................... L. II. Roberts........ L Pop. 2000 81-274 Pauline Garrett 25.000 3,080 153.0C0 165,000 27,140 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. of Jonesboro, 1st N., and Jonesboro Tr. Co., Jonesboro. FIRST NATIONAL BANK<’17 Clinton Fraser____ G. D. Hale............... Ned Fraser................ Roy Harrell--------- 50.000 12,500 430,000 210,000 182,000 New Eng. N.. Kan. C.: Jonesboro Tr. Co., Jonesboro. 71,200 270,630 368,960 48.000 488,000 483,420 134,870 125,010 754,490 850,490 174,550 Chase N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. “ .......... — “ First National Bank ——<’17 S. Dillard.......... . 81-591 81-589 81-158 •’ ----------- “ L. IV. DILLARD — JACK CURRY_ _ _ _ _ H. P.CRUCE-------- Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. <§’87 65,870 N. Park, N. . Please send 15c w ith each sight draft f\or presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ts. UNION BANK & TRUST CO. V. 81-156 31,000 1st N„ St. L.; lstN„ Ft. Smith, 31,000) J. TROTTER_ _ _ R.L. HYATT_ _ _ _ _ {J. D. McCLOY......... JAMES JACKSON J. G. WILLIAMSON j Cent. N„ St. L. Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Merch.: & Plan, and Simmons N.. Pine Bluff. Montrose........ Ashley H 7 Bank of Montrose........... J§’10iW. T. Cone_______ John R. Cone____ J. E. Lawrence.___ Pop. 600 81-401 10,000 6,620 68,350 68,000 23,220 Moro___________ Lee I 4 Bank of Moro............. ....... t§’lliD. H. Smith............ A. L. Wilsford........ A. C. Bratcher........... Pop. 400 81-482 10,000 3,200 60,430 46,860 21,000 {Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 90,000 1.062.220 856,000 320,000 50,000 450,000 375.000 200,000 52,680 916,370 742,750 282,330 20,000 350,000 300,000 100,000 ‘Morrillton—Conway E3 L Pop. 4000 / WM. IRVING....... R. A. IRVING_ _ _ _ ILOID RAINWATER— BANK OF MORRILLTON 81-144 <J'8 Oldest and Largest Ban k. Courteou J. H. IRVING s, Efficic I Prompt attenti on given to coilec tions and ail Ban king (.Matters entrus ted to us. Citizens Bank.................. <§’01 E. E. Mitchell_____ 81-145 ________________ W. O. Massey______ R. J. Orrell- SCROGGIN-- E. H. DUNAWAY-— CLIFTON MOOSE — 0. B. WATSON....... - & Plan., Pine Bluff. e. Am. Bk. of Com, & Tr. Co., Little R. FIRST NATIONAL BANK <13 < Unsurpassed co Ilection Service. { / Bill of Lading D rafts receive Carejful Attention. 81-554 C Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo\r presentation aud 25 c for Credit Reports. Rainwater Bank.............. J§'12 Wood Rainwater... C. N. Rainwater___ {Night Rain water 81-494 American Bank of Commerce & Trust Go. of Little Rock, Arkansas M en a to M orr illton {Robert Braden, Zelie Clark A. Cash. ‘Monticello-----Drew G6 Commercial Loan & Trust Co. G. W. Lambert___ R. L. Hardy _____ {J. D. McCloy______ Pop. 3000 81-534 <§’13 J. S. Harris DREW COUNTY BANK <§ 09 AR KA NS AS BA NKS " Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up AND its i Capital Profits < Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. {.“THE ---------- Ass’t Cashier. ‘z’ ~ Unsurpassed fa duties for handl ing B.-L. drafts notes, escrow mat tersand collect! ons. FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight draft for presentation, and .FIFTY CENTS for each credit re port insures prom pt, personal atten{ tion. fJ.T. MAGRUDER MW- FIRST NATIONAL BANK Cashier. <M. A.STRATTON- J. F. HOOD.......... - E. H. SAPP............ CLYDE CUNNINGHAM ‘Mena........ ........... Polk B 5 FARMERS & MERCH. BANK Pop. 3141 81-87 <|’05 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARKANSAS—Continued Bank. ‘County Seats. I •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State In No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. 'tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. M is Memp. Br.L, Little R. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Fstab. ” LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE—UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY CONSISTENT WITH SOUND BANKING Little R. LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE-UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY CONSISTENT WITH SOUND BANKING «' utt»!ttSSS MtSjftT*- *«• 74 Town and County. ARKANSAS—Continued Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState• In No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. I Mis Memp.Br. L,Little ♦Mem. j’ecLRes. rpctou ' 84 Phesident. Vice-President. Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Numh» nirlp0? bank elc,uslrely by The Kand-McNaUy Bankers’ Town and County. Asst. Cashier. Name of Bank. PLANTERS BANK & TRUSTCOMPANY 81-149 Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. FARMERS <08 Resources. Dis- Cash & Ex Loans & c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dub Securities from Banks. 78,380 $ 10,000 $ 2,080 # 25.000 4,300 217.000 166,000 20,000 5,320 215,190 186,900 Alfred McRae........ H. T. Patton............... 15,000 1,500 45,970 36,680 L. C. Acrutnan ___ |O. M. Radford — Harold Watkins... 7.425 3,100 150,000 114,000 35,000 F. M. Seward-------- C. A. Baker...............R. S. Hurst________ L. Jones_________ W. N. Baker J. L. Lancaster 1W. H. Miller___ A. A. Lancaster___ Seddie Lancaster.. J. H. Lewis______ L. T. Evans---------- W. K. McSpadden. A. J. Younger........ W. B. Younger___ j H. A. Beneux------- J. D. Jackson........... M. C. Alexander... H. Wagner_______ J. M. Farmer------ ;E. B. Whitlock____S. B. Hawkins........... J. J. Selby_____ T „ !R.C. Hill J. C. Pinnix............ O. B. Omens............ C.II. Pinnix_______ 'J. N. Hipp T. F. Alford C. C. Ramsey------- J. B. Hill__________ C. W. Baughman.. ;________________ W. H. TOLAND —. J. H. WALLACE_ _ _ G. H. BELL—......... A. H. HUGHES „ ................. A. C. RAMSEY JAY TOLAND 10,000 2,000 35,000 30,000 35,000 225,000 245.000 53,600 1st N.,St. L.: Union Bk. & Tr. Co. and IstN.,I Batesville; Ark. Bk.& Tr. Co., Newport. 15,300 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Southern Tr. Co., Little R.: Bk. of Com., El Dorado. 40,000 IstN., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st State, Prescott. 11,000 Union Bk. and Tr. Co., Batesville; N. Bk, Com., St. L. 50,000 25,000 21,690 210,000 245,000 75,000 25.000 10,770 193.650 152,860 69,140 25,000 2,500 260,000 191,000 67,000 75,000 60,000 640,000 720,000 126,000 10,000 22,000 250,000 235,000 50,000 50.000 2,000 200,000 145,000 50,000 12,500 .18,000 85,000 93,000 E. M. Attwood — C. B. Attwood____ E. T. Attwood. H. G. Attwood ___ Alcorn Ferguson.. John E. Williams . E. E. Best________ St. L.; Ark. Vail. Ft. Smith; Ex. N„ Little R. tate N., Texarkana: 1st N.,St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Little It. lech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L.: State N„ Texarkana; Southern Tr. Co., Little R Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Ain. Bk.of Com. & Tr. Co., Little li. s. ts. Henry Kiech------- F. Shauver_______ ’ W. S. Johnson ...., C. G. Henry... Principal Correspondents. 56,960 $ 36,930 Union Bk. & Tr. Co., Batesville; Merch.-Lac.I N., St.L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr., Little R.; 77,000 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; 1st N., Batesville. C. M. Edwards------ G. M. Fields_______ !w. W. Jernigan .. !T. M. Harrelson WM. N. DUNAWAY .... 0. E. JONES_ _ _ _ _ NATIONAL BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this °° volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ** Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up and its Capital Profits A. A. Wolf---------- j J. H. Wayland..........W. F. Eatman............ T. E. Morris______ $ <§’011 Bank of Nettleton....... ±5’04 81-406 First National Bank._..<’08 81-407 Bank of New Edinburg.t§’04 81-408 Arkansas Bk. & Tr. Co..<§’02 81-112 81-113 President. Resources. 100,000 34,000 1,190,000 1,260,000 50.0001 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. -in. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Littl< Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 227,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., St. L. and Memp. Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. F. J. HARMON...... We get results on collections or give full reasons. Please send 25c with each request for rating. 50,000 451.330 45,540 172,390 1.200.000 1,150,000 250.000 36,370 410.500 of Com. & Tr. Co., LittleR.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. CIDQT NAT’I DAIIV w.a.Billingsley n.c. wolff........ w.t. parish.......f. a.jones.......... rinul nA I L DA UN 81-111 “The bank with the big surplus.” WE COLLECT. 25c should be sent with each request for report. Nimmons........ Clay J 1 Bank of Nimmons____ <§’10 Lawrence V. Huber R. C. Williams____ i C. H. Williams___ „ L Pop. 200 81-409 Norfork......... Baxter FI Citizens Bank________ t§’13 Wm. Hogan______ C. A. Blevins_____ A. H. Matthews .. Pop. 300 81-537 NorthLittleRock.Pulaski TWIN CITY BANK........ .<§ 04 L Pop. 14,048 F4 81-54 I Oden Slate Bank............ ±§’20 81-634 Bank of Okolona____ <§’02 81-410 Bank of Ola_______ ±51900 81-411 Bank of .Olvey----------- ±§’19 81-614 Bank of Omaha_______ §'07 81-412 tarn to Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. . L. ALTHEIMER . 0. TOPF ---- —- R. J. RICE............ ...................... . 5,000 320 15,000 16,000 5,000 940 57,530 23.510 35,000 6.330 483,950 385,100 -ollections and equests for Cre dit Reports MPS T be accompanle d by Plain sight d\ra.fts, 15c; Credit Reports, 50c. FEE IN ADVAN CE 3,000|N. 3,000 1 Bk. Com.,St. L.; Bk. of Piggott. Piggott. 37,710 Union Bk. & Tr. Co., Batesville. 138,220 S. W. Duke_______ A. J. Plemmons.. Carle Robbins___________________ jl. C. Chapman M. M. Orsburn —[Geo. Ethridge____ G. D. Anderson____ G. D. Dickinson..- 10,009 1,000 31,240 14,770 _______ 20,000 11,000 61,000 120,000 O. J. Harkey_____ O. N. Harkey..........i R. L. Harkey........... R. J. Lipsey_______ 30,000 27,440 104,000 130,000 38,000 54,170j j I. F. Keeling_____ : F. W. Greene J. H. Middleton— T. L. Richesin____ ; J. B. Guier_______ Mrs. J. B. Guier__ of Commerce &, Twist M iff Uftii to, Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given or to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ o«-' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Wmisls Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 10,000 2,300 45,000 10,000 1,950 65,470 10,000 Ikrs. Tr. Co.. Little R.; Cent. N., Hope N., Hope. 19,000 ( lent. N., St. L.: Ex. N., Little R. 6,500j] St. L.; 22.250 II INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. Ju ly, 1920 Oden ...Montrcmery C4 , Pop. 250 ' Okolona---------- Clark D 6 „ L Pop. 500 °la_—............... Yell D4 L Pop. 700 Olvey------------ Boone D1 Pop. 400 Omaha........... ..Boone D 1 Pop. 350 50,000 ■•92 Oldest bank in this part of Arkansas. ARK ANSA S BANKS — M ounta in JH om e to O m aha ‘Mountain Home.Baxter Farmers & Merch. Bk <§’19 Pop. 1000 F 1 81-603 Peoples Bank____ ______ §’06 81-402 ‘Mountain View___ Stone Bank of Mountain Viewt§’15 Pop. 500 F2 81-403 Mount Holly...Union D7 Bank of Mount Holly.__t§’19 Pop. 500 81-617 ‘Mount Ida__ Montg. C 4 Montgomery County Bk. Pop. 500 81-404 ±5 04 Mount Pleasant.__ Izard Bank of Barren Fork...J§’13 Pop. 225 G 2 81-560 Mulberry..Crawford B 2 Bank of Mulberry____ <§’02 Pop. 1400 81-257 Farmers & Merch.Bank<§’06 81-258 ‘Murfreesboro..Pike C5 PIKE COUNTY BANK ..<§ 04 L Pop. 2500 81-405 ‘Nashville...Howard C 6 Bank of Nashville____ <§’12 L Pop. 3000 81-503 Nettleton-.Craighead I 2 Pop. 1200 Newark...Independ. H 2 „ L Pop. 1500 New Edinburg ..Clevel’d L Pop. 400 F6 ‘Newport... Jackson H 2 Pop. 5000 Liabilities . Cashier. ARKANSAS—Continued 2 _®lrec‘®ry, under the authority of The American JUnUrVi^n ‘County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState In No. 8 Fed. Kes. Dist. tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Mis Memp. Br. L Little R. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Non-Bank Town ;w dexed Acces.), Lawyers volume._ For Interest CORRESPONDENCE INVITED Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in ARKANSAS—Continued dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this <—< volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws- £, I tom Bkqf Cqmmerce. &, Trust Cq. of Iktie RqOwlmras ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS, CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws-; iber kit qc to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name MisMemphisBr.LLittleR. -Mem. Fed. Res. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State •County Seats. In No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. ‘Osceola-.Mississippi J 2 M Pop. 3000 ARKANSAS—Continued Bank. Town and County of President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. [Estab. BANK OF OSCEOLA 81-182 81-183 $ J. W. RHODES..........R. C. ROSE---------------C. L. MOORE.............HERBERT BRYANT ALBERT BEHRENS All cash items have our careful attention. S. L. GLADISH, Sec. 15c must be sent with each Sight Draft for presentation and <§’02 25o with each request for report or rating. ARKANSAS its Loans & Disc’ts. Bonds, Sbcuritixs i - o Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. 35,110 $ 757,310 $ 780,000 J 152.190 Chem. N„ N. Co., Memp.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little B, 25,000 36.470 101,680 270,530 210,050 1st N., Memp. and St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. J. A. Eason, Sr.__ W. D. Knight.......... 10,000 2.900 34,000 40000 10,000 1,130 35,380 17,180 10,000 5,000 145,000 30.000 137,000 N. Bk. Com,, St. L.: Hope N., Hope, Ark.; Jrt State N„ Texarkana. 1 50,000 21,500 381,820 361,560 83.360 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Corn.. St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.: 1st N., Ft.| Smith. > CZJ 32,000 325,000 265,000 9,000 130,000’ 90,000 53,480 500,000 550,000 D. F. Croom______ W. F. Robins_____ B. A. Barrow____ JOHN E. BRYAN— C. MOORE_____ C. MclLROY Oldest Bank. M odern Equipment . Efficient Perso 1 Service. Collections and Requests for Cre dit Reports MUS T be accompanie _ FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dr afts 15c; Credit Rep orts, 25c. by <§’87 M. B.CONATSER L. L.FORD- PEOPLES BANK............<§’05 81-224 I Cash & Ex, changes,Dos . prom Banks. H. F. Croom.— . E.W.BLACKBURN R. M. ADAMS VALLEY BANK Depos 25.000 $ Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items. <§’91 15c must be sent with each draft for presentation and 25c for each report or rating. Ouachita_____ Dallas E 6 Ouachita Bank__ -<§’14 R. J. Taylor .. L Pop. 200 81-562 Oxford.......... ..Izard G 1 Bank of Oxford................§’19 J. H. Smith — Pop. 200 81-615 Oxan_____ Hempstead 0 6 Bank of Ozan ............<§’03 F. D. Barrow Pop. 129 81-413 81-223 Paid-up Subplus and Capital Profits J. L. WILLIAMS........ H. V. CARTWRIGHT—E. E. DRIVER--------- EMMA COX SMITH — CITIZENS BANK ‘Ozark.......... Franklin C 3 L Pop. 1500 CORRESPONDENCE INVITED — F. E. STOCKTON aSfoWWa......... Collections and Requests for Cre dit Reports MUS T be accompanie FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dra fts, 15c; Credit Repo rts, 25c. 25.000 by 8.000 Southern Tr, Co., Little R. 26,490 Union Bk. &Tr. Co., Batesville. ► 2 > 2 110,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Miss. Valley Tr, Co., St. L.;j K Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; CZJ Merch. N., Ft. Smith. o I’angburn____ White G 3 Bank of Pangburn.......... t§’19 A. B. Banks L Pop.1500 81-607 •Paragould—.Greene 11 First National Bank____ <’89 A. Bertig. Pop. 7000 81-79 Nat’l Bk. of Commerce .<’01 Eli Meiser 81-80 Paragould Trust Co..—<§'05 F. M. Scott-----81-81 E. W. Gardner.. R. W. Meriwether T. L. Payne J. R. Bertie______ J. C. Markham ... J. A. Edwards T. H. Lloyd............ 162,210 1,027,030 1,004.270 640,000 500.000 100.000 48,520 475,270 543,220 Chas. F. Wahl. 50.000 10,850 263,890 246.510 First National Bank___ <’91 L. B. Crenshaw___ Conrad Blsken____ L. C. Sadler_____ T. C. Blair .... 81-207 I. H. Nakdimen W. C. Davis 80,000 30,000 575,000 600,000 80,000 15.000 24,100 87.440 102,250 23,150 50.000 12,500 300,000 350,000 45,000 10.000 800 90,000 85,000 38,000 10,000 8,060 191,860 95,570 113,070 30,000 7,000 125.000 150,000 15,000 <§06 R. J. Haley_______ G. O. Light........... Fred Watson........ . F. H. Ford____ •Paris________ Logan C 3 American Bank&Tr.Co.<§'04 J. J. Smith_______ ♦ 81-208 W. B. Rhyne..—— B. C. Reed_______ Jno. D. Deen ’arkdale____ Ashley G 7 Bank of Parkdale______ t§'10 R. G- Williams.__ E. D. Gregory........ W. W. Morris____ Pop. 400 81-416 ’arkin........ ....... Cross I 3 Parkin Home Bank—.<§'10 I. R. Dye________ S. F. Stallings____ P. J. Phillips.......... 81-417 M Pop. 2000 •each Orchard —Clay 11 Peoples Bank__________t§’02 J. C. Baker______ Pop. 500 81-418 P. L. Roberts_ _ _ W. F. Harris______ B. F. Lewis______ 'ea Ridge .__ Benton B1 Bank of Pea Ridge_____ t§’ll W. T. Patterson__ J. J. Putman.......... J. M. Putman____ 81-468 Pop. 300 ’erry_________ Perry E 3 Perry State Bank____ <§’15 A. B. Banks______ John S. Harris.... W. R. Alcobrook.. G. H. Dolbeel_____ L Pop. 600 81-419 American Bank of Commerce & Trust Co. of Little Rock, Arkansas 50.000 100.000 w 40.000 1st N., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., o ft Little R. 190,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.: o Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 308.750 Meeh. & Metals N.. N. Y.; 1st N., 8t. L.; England N„ Little R.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 160.000 Meeh. & Metals N„ N. Y.; So. Side Tr, Co.. St, L.: Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 31,000 81-82 Pop. 2000 H. 8. Trice.... ......... J. M. Lowe______ S. Bertig J. D. Block_______ H. W. Woosley___ O. H. Virgin__ 10,000 50.000 SECURITY BK. & TR. CO. L V.M. Howell.......... John Q. Adams.—. J. H. Lewis____ 89,160 Chase N., N. Y.; Mtle. Tr. Co. and Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.;Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Com’I Tr. & Sav., Memp. N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N., St. L.; Merch. N„ Ft. 102,550 Smith. City N., Ft. Smith; Ex, N„ Little R. 1. Bk. Com., St. L,; Union Bk. & Tr. Co. Monticello. inion & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp.; 1st N. St. L.: Bkrs. Tr. Co. and Ex. N., Little R. Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N., Corning. & Tr. Co, Little R. LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE—UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY CONSISTENT WITH SOUND BANKING Number ““<>«.Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given eac? bank *5 L\£- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n 74 ' n Town and County. Name ‘County Seats. oc oO of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Liabilities . n Number under Name ef Bank is the New Transit Number gives to eaeh bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Name County. of Non-Bank Town ;witl • dexed Acces.), Lawyers, volume^ For Interest Rl ARKANSAS—Continued Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. President. J. M. TURNER.........E. R. WINTON. L. HUNTER 25.000 1,220 $ 14,900 Smurttim 62,710 $ 260,000 Bonds, 44,400 $ 223,000 Principal Correspondents. changm,Du« ibom aku B 27,830 Ark. N., Fayetteville. 30,000 1st N., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Little R. PZease send 15c w [ith eaeh sight draft .for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. Our prompt ser! vice will please yo u. 200,000 225.000 75,000 25.000 11,000 H. W. MOORE — J. M. MYERS_____ 0, H. PARRISH-- H. S. MOORE—— banking matters entrust Collections a Sp ecialty and Remi tied on day of pa yment. Prompt a ttenti o n to all Reports. Please send 15c w ith eaeh sight draf\t for presentation ' and 25c for Credit )FZ ini OLDEST CHAR TERED BANK IN CLAY COUNTY. • J. B. SPEERS.......... G. L. MADDING.......... H. B. STRANGE......... R. L. BYRD . M. E. BLOOM, V.-P. J. C. BAIN D. MCDONALD A COMMERCIAL BANK. C. A. FULLINWIDER THE ‘Pine Bluff.Jefferson F 5 L Pop. 19,280 ‘CITIZENS BANK o «t5 87 BILL OF LADING 81-40 /E 3C,CE-:z ‘COTTON BELT COLLECTIONS OUR 300,000 232,750 1,909,220 2,513,190 SPECIALTY. R. M. GALBRAITH.— C. H. BOLINGLR. t W.L. ALFORD-........ J, BERNHARDT V.-P. and Cash. R H -HANKINS n HARVEY HOGG HARVEY HOGG, 2r. 100.000 71,510 949,380 1,267,950 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; IstN., St.L.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Fid. N. 605,280 Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Ex. N. and Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little B. 202,340 of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. SAVINGS&TR.CO. A General Banking Business transacted. Send us your Arkansas Items. •tl’95 Wo give personal service and quick returns at low rates. ♦ 81-42 S 0. ALEXANDER -J. W. g-.............. X. 0. FOSTER.............. | P. JORDAN--------- *11 rnm 11MTO Total Resources Over Four Million Dollars. O MtnunAlllO & DI I OLDEST STATE BANK IN ARKANSAS. DAIiIx ANTED? DAklV Safe and successful for LAN I tno 81-39 half a 175,000 272,610 3.041,380 2,798,340 century, this bank confidently believes it can meet every requirement 702,950 Meeh, and Metals N. and Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little R. • «t§ 70 of the most discriminating bankers. PROMPT HANDLING OF COLLECTIONS *National Bank of Arkansas! n w Trinlett lripieii 81-47 ‘PEOPLES SAV. Sec. and Tr. 03 ‘SIMMONS A. Sec. We give special attention to collections and commercial accounts. Remittances mads on day of payment. »t'O3 100,000 234,670 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Memp.: N. Bk. Ky., 200.000 882,990 168,580 N. City, N.Y. and ChL; 1st N., St. L.: Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little R.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 256,920 3,746,330 3,762,350 827,890 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L., and Ran. C. 60,340 844,710 All business intrusted to this bank will receive prompt attention. 81-244 Plumerville-Conway E 3 Bank of Plumerville.--•tl’02 A. D. Malone__ L Pop. 1000 81-422 M. E. Bloom........ — H. B. Strange, Sec., Tr.and Mgr. W. B. Clement.— W. T. Blount_____ D. R. Green. J. S. McCall R. L. Elliott........ .. B. Williams.. 60,000 10,000 290,000 210,000 50,000 5,420 111,630 77,720 A. B. Payne______ A. J. Nesbitt 40,000 22,000 200,000 225,000 w Go. under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Federal Reserve Bank Louis 0*7 oftoSt. each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ W. H. Duff______ 110,000 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N., St. L. 88,130 Ex. N., Little R.: Cent. N., St. L. 130,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Ex. N. and Am. Bk. of Ju ly , 1920 Pine Bluff Clearing House... i J. Nichol............ (Members indicated by a*) Plainview..____ Yell D 4 Bank of Plainview........ «tr07 R. T. Compton.. L Pop. 1500 81-243 Farmers Bank ----------- 1§’20 O. N. Harkey__ □tam te 1,131,410 1,206,030 Lou.: Boatmens, St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little It. Z. ORTO.......................W. N. TRULOCK .. J. NICHOL—................. L. F. HUTT................ J. T. LLOYD CHAS. A. GORDON NATIONAL BANK 81-43 64,840 J. H. MANN______ J. A. CLEMENT.... E. W. HIGHTOWER, J. W. MARTIN, BANK & TR. CO. 81-44 100,000 L. W. Clement ___ W. C. Hudson...........V. D. Webb. H. Bringman ARK ANSA S BANKS — P ett ig re w to Plu m er vi lle 81-221 FA®?010 • 10.000 J Resources. lx>Axa ft Du- Cabb ft £zc’tb. Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. •Piggott...............Olay J 1 BANK OF PIGGOTT —-«tS'05 81-222 Pop. 2500 CLAY COUNTY BANK—«'97 Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up AND its Capital Profits $ ....I’OOiC. E. Crawford.__ J. H. Phipps_______ 'Grace Crawford. Pettigrew__ Madison 0 2 Citizens Bank------81-421 Pop. 500 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this oo volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARK AN S AS—Continued Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State *Connty Seats. In No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. M is Memp.Br.; L.Little E. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Resources. Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. or Unit te, bd iiiQiQ AHoAvS A WANKAQ___ ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS, CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Ranking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this t—< rup. lulu. iuuu tow Cwmow. & Twrv Go. w liw Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given io each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of President. •Pocahontas.— Randolph First National Bank....... t’20 J. O. Sallee______ 81-632 Pop. 2300 HI POCAHONTAS STATE BANK •tl’03 COUNTY BANK 81-201 <l’98 M. M. CARTER Vice-President. Cashier. F. J. Baltz................ J. G. Sallee. L. R,Martin J. W. BROWN. BEN A. BROWN L. R. PICKETT, Pottsville______ Pope E 3 L Pop. 250 Prairie Grove—Wash. B 2 Pop. 1000 ‘Prescott.__ Nevada D 6 L Pop. 3500 Pyatt_______ Marion E 1 Pop. 60 Quitman ...Cleburne F 3 L Pop. 471 Ratcliff_______ Logan C 3 Pop. 350 Edith Martin. KtMOe-- $ 50,000 $ 50,000 5,000 $ Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loans & Dis- Cash & Ex c’tb. Bonds, changes, Due Securities from Banks 35,000 !$ 20,000 65,000 Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 23,000 420.000 410.000 90,000 1st N., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Cora. & Tr. Co., Little R. 11,500 500,000 400,000 100,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr, Co., Little R. i Quick Actio n on Bill of L ading Drafts and Collecti ons. 115 CENTS sent to us with each s ight draft for pre sentation and 25 CENTS for e ach credit report insures prompt, personal attentio n. E. DALTON.......... A. Z.SCHNABAUMT. H. WELLS J. 0. WELLS.......... B. F. MAYS_________ CHAS. K. JONES 55,000 Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send I5c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 2 5c/or Credit Reports OLDEST AND L ARGEST BANK I N RANDOLPH C OUNTY. Portland____ Ashley G 7 Peoples Bank_______ .<§’08 J. C. Bain. Portland Bank______ tl’01 81-247 Citizens Bank............. -t§’13 81-551 Farmers State Bank .. ... 113 81-256 First National Bank— —1’01 81-255 Bank of Prescott........ -<§’05 81-140 First State Bank_____ -<§'16 ♦ 81-138 Bank of Pyatt.......... — —1’12 81-530 Bank of Quitman____ -«’O3 81-424 Bank of Ratcliff_____ .<§’13 81-547 Ass’t Cashier. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. volume. Liabilities. * Depos •' Paid-up Surplus and Capital Profits its i Assf. Cash. Pollard________ Clay J 1 Bank of Pollard___ — _-i§’i9 J. P. Hiller_______ J. W. Housman— J. B. Blakemore.. 81-627 Pop, 300 Portia.____ Lawrence 11 Bank of Portia............ -tl’04 W. J. Robinson___ J. G. Richardson. R. S. Madison____ 81-423 Pop. 532 81-248 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ARKANSAS—Continued E. J. Camak_____ J. M. Hatfleld. J. W. Brown_____ A. J. Gregory. __ J. W. Pugh_______ T. R. Pugh_______ F. P. Harvey-........ A. H. Boggess____ J. B. Sinclair____ N. H. Bell............... Salemma Blake— S. R. Wilson........ ... J. C. Cunningham. R. A. Barnes_____ R. B. Tilley............ 10,000 1,420 38,950 33,850 10.000 5,290 205,480 110,000 75.000 3,000 219,450 392,150j 20,000 67,960 70,350 208,850 15,000 3,000 100,000 95,000 25.000 6.000 150,000 161,000 J. H. Zellner______ E. C.Carl........ ........ S. J. Campbell____ W. R. Pearson____ 25,000 4,000 250,000 200,000 Thomas C. McRae. J. G. Clark______ T. O. McRae. Jr... S. T. White, Jr— Wren8cott,A.Ccudi G. R. Ilambriglit S. J. Hesterly C. A. Smith_______ W. B. Waller........... E. M. Sharp______ 75,000 100,000 985,000 950,000 12,200 1st N.. St. L. 80,000 Jonesboro Tr. Co.. Jonesboro; Union & Plan.’ Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 1st N., St. L.: Citiz., Pine Bluff; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Little R. 16,280 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Little R.; N.Bk. Com., St. L.; Merch. & Plan., Pine Bluff. 16,000,1st N., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., ' Little R. 20,000 Ark. N., Fayetteville. 35.000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N., Fayetteville. 165.000 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N.. St. L. 50,000 6,000 250.000 85,000 Meeh. & Metals N..N.Y.: Miss. Valley Tr.Co., 285,000 St. L. Cent. N., St. L.; 1st N„ Batesville, Ark.; Am. Mary Ledbetter.— (Branch of Aline rs ACiti zens,Yel\ nlle, Ark.) Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 10,000 81,600 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Boatmens, 1,600 40,000 R. L. Kane_______ Beulah Kane______ Paul Martin______ 110,000 St. L. 15.000 59,000 Bk. of Paris, Paris; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 3,000 85,000 R. A. Harkins........ C. O. Parker.......... W. D. Stroud.......... W. F. Stroud.......... 161.000 Ravenden-Lawrence H 1 Bank of Ravenden............ §’06 L. B. Poindexter _ Wm. Bottoms____ N. R. Moore______ 81-425 Pop. 350 10,000 4.890 67,680 50,450 26,230 1st N., Memp. and St. L.; Jqnesboro Tr. Co. Jonesboro. Ravenden Sprgs—Rand. Lone Rock Bank........ ....... §14 H. B. Hull................ S. F. Davis.............. J. B. Duvall______ Pop. 250 Hl 81-566 10,000 2,130 28,165 18,960 19,460 1st N., St. L. 50,090 54.290 363,750 491.590 4,760 155,960, 157,410 2,000 60,000 56,000i 28,250 340,190 326,790! Rector....-------- Clay J 1 Pop. 2500 BANK OF RECTOR 81-173 .............. ** <§’99 (J. C. ROGERS — ELI MEISER............ M. M. CRAVEN— 0. A. HARPER — Little R. The Strongest Bank in Clay Cou nty. FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report ins ures prompt, per sonal at tention. First National Bank ___ <’16 C. W. Wiedemann. O. A. Seely_______ J. L. Purcell_______ R. G. Greathouse81-578 25,000 Reyno_____ Randolph 11 Farmers & Merchants Bank T. L. Wright............ E. L. Dickson_____ Elmo Roe - —______ Pop. 500 81-427 Jill 10,000 •Rison____ Cleveland F 6 Bank of Rison------------ <§’02 N. A. McKinney— I. E. Moore..............Walter Elrod______ Walter Thomasson Walter Elrod L Pop. 1000 81-428 40,000 American Bank of Commerce & Trust Co, of Little Rock, Arkansas AR KA NS AS BANKS — P o cah o n ta s to R is on 81-202 Pop. 823 ItasKS Bank. •Mem. Am.Bks.Assn. SState ‘County Seats. In No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist JMem.State Bks.Assn. fPriv. [Estab M is Memp.Br.; L,Little R. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. RANDOLPH Rook, Jul y. 1920 87 taw Ou ir. vu., uiitit; ±1. ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS. CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND . INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED • Standard Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Cent. N., St. L. 1st N., St. L.; N. Stock Yds. N..N. Stock Yds., Ill. N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; Simmons N„ Pine Bluff; oo Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. ->4 ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS, CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED Non-Bank Town ;witif ARKANSAS-—Continued Liabilities ’ Qo 00 Number under Name of Bank U the New Transit Number give* to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. ! Name of dexed Acces.), Lawyers, j volume. For Interest ftjl labilities. President. Oaseibs. Vice-President. } ~Vv f! Non-Bank Towns wlthlNearest’Banklng Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 00 ARKANSAS—Continued Bank. ‘County Seats. »Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState In No. 8 Fed. Kes. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv M is Memp. Br. L.Little R. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. R F.snUT?PF S Resources. 'Surplus Ass’t Cashier. Principal Correspondents. L«AWg A Du Cam A Exc’t«. Bowda CIAWM.DWI Sktcuttzs TOOK Bato AND Profits [EDWARD SOMERS— J. W. GRIMES.......... J.T. HOWARD.......... MRS. E. R. HOWARD— $ 60,000 $ 12,000 $ 235,000 $ 185,000 $ 106,000 N. City, N. Y.: State N.. St. L.: Union N., Rogers—..... Benton B1 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK I Young and gro wing, modern, pr ogresslve. Pop. 4500 81-572 <’15 1 Up-to-date met hods In all depart ments. Springfield. Mo.; Merch. N., Ft. Smith. (Collections a sp ecialty. TRY US/ FARMERS STATE BANK 81-124 <510 (MORGAN W. E. KEFAUVER—. E.G. SHARP-------- F. E. MILLER......... > MCMICHAEL J.LCHAPIN^Ch.o/Bd 50,000 (Prompt persona 1 attention given aU business sent us. 'Send 15c with e ach Sight Draft f or presentation, which we credit ( GEORGE 0. PARKS. E. F. JACKSON------- W. H. COWAN.......... W. C. FOREMAN..... 30,000 631,160 136,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N., Ft. Smith; Drov. N„ Kan. C. 848,960 586,850 | 388,380 487,140 474,520 141,560 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N.< St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co. and Ex. N„ Little R. 61,250 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little R.; 1st N„ St. Louis. 121,650 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am, Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 688,000 ange ch arges. 50,000 30,680 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 115c must be sent with each Sight D raft for presentati on and 25c for each Report 1.700 Rudy............ Crawford B 3 Bank of Rudy__________ t’13 D. J. Broyles.......... G. W. Fine.............. H. L. Winfrey____ Pop. 93 81-531 ‘Russellville----- PopeD 3 Bank of Russellville...<S’97 T.M. Neal........ ....... J. J. Shoptaw____ W. G. Neal_______ Geo. S. Neal........... W.K. Bringle, L. M Reed R. L. Smith L Pop. 5000 81-119 53,940 1st N., St. L.: Merch. N., Ft. Smith. A.Cash. Farmers State Bank...<§ 19 A. D. Shinn______ W.L. Oates.............. A. N. Falls.............. R. Y. Oates............ 81-616 PEOPLES EXCHANGE BANK 81-118 | R. J. WILSON...... W. J. WHITI H. W. PATR L. B. McCLlL_ M. A. PATRICK....... D. B. HENRY......... . 50,000 9,670 178,740 167,260 100,000 48,630 852,040 889,020 . Oldest and Lar gest Bank in Bus sell ville. CEN TS sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and \ TWENTY - FIV E CENTS for each credit report Ins urea prompt, per sonal at tention. <|’9O / FIFTEEN 3,790 135,270 107,370 4,540 51.000 30,490 8eranton------- Logan C 3 Bank of Scranton______<110 C. E. Hays............... J. E. Nichols.......... C. E. Hays, Sr.___ Mrs. C. E. Hays .. C. E. Hays, Jr. J. D. Baker Pop. 500 81-431 15,500 24,810 270,000 280,000 ‘Searcy-------- White G 3 i Bank of’04 W. M. Watkins.... S. W. Sanford........ T. A. Watkins......... H. K. Wood.......... Otho King L Pop. 4000 81-154 50.000 58,000 550,000 455,000 185,000 1st N„ St. L.: Ex. N.. Little R. 70,000 600,000 600,000 100,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St, L. (Union Bank* Trust Co.<$’10 W. H. Lightle____ Jas. E. Lightle........ J. B. Lightle.......... 81-155 5.000 613,260 349,890 241,900 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., St. L.: Southern Tr. and Union & Mtle. Tr. Cos., Little R. Grant County Bank. —1$’03 J. F. H. Wilson.—. J. D. Knight____ _ Philip Johnson.... J. M. Nall 81-432 16,360 396,050 316,420 W. T. Payne. Sec.. 15,000 100,000 75,000 113,850 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Simmons N. and Citiz., Pine Bluff; Bkrs. Tr. Co. and Southern Tr. Co., Little Rock. 50,000 Simmons N., Pine Bluff; Cent. N., St. L. Bank of Shirley....’07 Edward Stevens... J. H. Towery_____ Albert Couch.......... R. W. Lewis.......... . 81-433 11,680 135,800 107,900 43,500 Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; N% Bk. Com., St. L. 3,180 95,480 29,870 72,930 Union Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N., Batesville. 121,390 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; N. Bk. Com., Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., and Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 190,380 1st N.. Kan. C.: 1st N., Ft. Smith; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. L ---------- " ---------- ” Pop. 1000 Peoples Bank................ <5’94 G. I). Booth............ J. S. Sanford_____ J. H. Deener_____ F. B. Welch. 81-153 Sherrill___ Jefferson G 5 Bank of Sherrill___ ____ §’13 J. F. Quattleban — J. M. Barrett_____ E. L. Pyle_______ L Pop. 350 81-556 L Pop. 700 ______ D. H. Yeoger.......... R. C. Pounders.__ ney..............Sh Pop. 200 Bank of Sidney........ —-VS 12 J. ?. Bone 81-522 ?am Sp'gs. Ben Pop. 4000 First National Bank ..—•t’95 George Tatum____ R. J. Alfrey............ C. Harrington____ Z. W. Ford. 81-146 50,000 34,890 488,190 500,780 |0. P. MAXWELL WM. McCALL_____ 0. P. MAXWELL— osW. D. PALTON STATE BANK OF SILOAM SPRINGS—81-147 . —<§’04 'S Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash ana Time Items. 25,000 13,130 520,190 365,450 3.500 60,000 58,000 44,780 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Bk., of Jonesboro, Jonesboro. 34,830 IstN., St. L. and Morrillton. 53,000 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Ex. N., Little R. Merch. N., Ft. Smith. 'Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. Pop. 300 Citizens Bank.____’Ol J. M. Street______ L. H. Kaiser______ Luke Johnston___ 81-434 Kmah Bmikqf Gomwergf & Trust Go. of Little Rock, Arkansas Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number pven bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNaUy Bankers Federal Reserve Bank oftoSt.each Louis 7,000 17,000 boro. Ju ly , 1920 20,000 10,000 ‘8alem..............Fulton G 1 Bank of Salem.................. tl’08 G. T. Humphries.. G. T. Cunningham. C. W. Pardew____ H. J. Humphries— Pop. 1000 81-430 Scotland..Van Buren E 3 |Bank of Scotland______ tS’13 N. A. Simpson____ Aaron Emmons___ J. H. Lindsey_____ Gladys Lindsey.... Pod. 350 81-539 ARK ANSA S BA N K S — R og er s to Sm ithv ille FIRST NATIONAL BANK <05 I Oldest, Largest, and Strongest Ba nk in Rogers, ) BUI of Lading and Bank Collect Ions a Specialty. 81-123 LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE—UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY CONSISTENT WITH SOUND BANKING ARKANSAS—Continued .vni-n.inn nearest. aMMMuns *«•*>« , Non-Bank Towns dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of tins rnr intorpct Rates. Holidays, etc., see Laws. ri uRHKur uumffltnbt on a uu, Ut unit KUUK, AKKftWStkS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of President. Non-Bank Towns wim ^earo. i>».ihin« . dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this)'—' volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.) C ARKANSAS—Continued Bank. xConnty Seats •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State In No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv M isMemp.Br. L, Little R. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab ur..,rv II, intoimc.—umauKKASbtu COLLECTION SERVICE WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY CONSISTENT WITH SOUND BANKING Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Sparkman........ Dallas E 6 Merchants & Planters Bank J. T. Taylor______ J. T. DeLaughter.. J. N. Stuart______ Miss Iva Sharp... L Pop. 1000 81-581 §’16 Liabilities. Depos Paid-ui Surplus AND its Capitai Profits $ 10,001 $ 4.59C $ 125.98C $ Principal Correspondents. Cabh & Ex changes,Dub from Banks. 65.92C $ 77,250 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R 60,00( 21.68C LEE SANDERS—— CLAIRE FARRAR !e^"S. sdeLEWIS lres _ERT R.D. SANDERS C.A. OWNBEY Special attentio given collectio ns, and prompt r emittance on da y of paj ment. 675,370 589,810 162,740 Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.: Union N. and Bk. of Com., Springfield, Mo.: 1st N„ Fayetteville. 25,120 571,580 550,640 146,060 A. T. LEWIS -— Springdale.. Washington FARMERS & MERCH. BANK Pop. 2700 BI 81-188 <§'94 Resources. LOAN8 & DlS c’ts. Bonds Secubitibs .Please send 15c with each sight dr aft for presentatio n and 25c for Cred it Repot ts. C. G. DODSON...... L. M. RIGGS.......... J. P. DEAVER......... W. A. GRAVES. FIRST NATIONAL BANK<07 81-189 81-436 5,140 122,000 115,000 25.000 C. L. CABE_____ F. E. BAKER............. A. P. BEASLEY— H.B. PIPKIN— Collections and Requests for Cre dit Reports ML'S T be accompanie d by .FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight d rafts, 15c: Credit Reports, 50c. 80.000 390,000 352,560 St. Francis____ Clay J 1 Pop 785 St. Joe--------- Searcy E 1 Pop. 159 St. Paul----- Madison C 2 Pop. 430 Strong_______Union F7 Pop. 1000 Peoples Bank________ <§13 81-543 Bank of St.Francis .... <§'04 81-439 Citizens Bank............... . _tS’13 81-548 Bank of St. Paul_____ ..S’06 81-440 Victoria Bank_______ <§'03 81-441 w > 38,800 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. 5* & Tr. Co., Little R.; State N., Texarkana. Texarkana. 20.000 8,500 234,000 137,000 119,000 2,000 75,000 76,290 10,650 20,000 8,480 210,920 150,960 87,450 20,000 5,100 208,130 120,150 150,330 W. C. Whiteaker .. D. R. Stanley_____ A. D. Lack.............. 7,500 1,500 47,000 57,000 10,000 B. F. Henley_____ B. W. Hensley____ D. Garrison_______ 10,000 4,700 98,000 80,000 27,500 A. J. Johnson____ R. L. Fish............... W. H. Norsworthy. Geo. W. McCann. Wm. Dupslaff J. D. McClurkin__ J. B. Smith______ E. C. Norton Roy Hammond. J. P. Weaver_____ J. M. Smith--------- H. G. McClurkin .. W. G. Wallace.. • - 150,930 15,000 •Star Oity.-.Lincoln G 6 Lincoln County Bank.. •t§'04 B. F. Tarver______ L Pop. 1200 81-437 St. Charles-Arkansas H 5 Bank of St. Charles... •tS’19 C. F. Bauer_______ L Pop. 300 81-601 Stephens__ Ouachita D 7 Bank of Stephens____ •tro3 T. P. Lester______ L Pop. 1000 81-438 Little R. > 30,000 8tamps.__ Lafayette C 7 BANK OF STAMPS..........»'19 W. L. Kitchens..— J. M. Hudgens........ J. D. Moore.............. G. C. Ward. Pop. 2500 81-609 C. A. Kimball BODCAW BANK______ <§'03 50.000 Bill of Lading C ollectlons our Spe cialty. FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft f or presentation, a nd .TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redit report insur es prompt, person al atten tion. St. L. ,m. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. Little R.; Hou . De Witt. 1. Bk. Com., St. L.: Citiz., Pine Bluff, Ark.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.: State; GO N.. Texarkana, 1 5tN.,St.L.;Com’lN.,Shreveport;Union&Mtle.' t) Tr. Co., Little R.; Simmons N., Pine Bluff.l £13 1 ). Bk. Com., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. xCo., Little R. C ent. N„ St, L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., )3 ' 93 Little R.: 1st N., Marshall. □ i Chas. E. Crawford J. H. Phipps______ Wood Barber_____ 10,000 1,080 33,560 35,660 4,240 W. E. Clark______ A. P. Kirby______ W. A. Murphy------ A. L. Chambless 25,000 8,280 193,420 217,380 30,350 A r+ o & Tr. Co., Little R. 03 Stntteart...Arkansas H 5 L Pop. 4522 BK, OF STUTTGART &TRUST COMPANY 81-570 <§'18 L. KRUMPEN....... - W. A. SHAW........ . G. F. WALZ........... W. B. PFEIFFER—J. W. FULTON, Active Young, Growing and Progressive. Modern Methods. Efficient Service. We are hustlers. Send us your Collections for Quick Returns. Special attention given Bill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. Exchange Bank........... <§'15 J. I. Porter______ J. F. Whaley.......... W. B. Wall.............. E. R. Sneed______ 81-135 C. L. Perry First National Bank <’13 S. R. Morgan_____ C. W. Hogan_____ C. W. Hogan_____ Geo. Hayes, Jr..__ 81-558 Success------------- Clay 11 Bank of 8uccess........ ..... <’04 Pop. 600 81-442 State Bank...................... +§'19 81-620 Snlphnr Springs. Benton Bank of Sulphur Springs Pop. 1000 B1 81-443 <§'06 Swifton------ Jackson H 2 Bank of Swifton______ <§’05 Pop. 600 81-444 Taylor____ Columbia D 7 Bank of Taylor .............. <§'12 Pop. 500 81-514 11,000 450,000 540,000 60,000 » . City, N. Y.; 1st N., St. L ; Merch. &, Plan., Pine Bluff; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 100,000 25,000 1,200,000 1,000,900 300,000 H Clara Abercrombie 10,000 1,000 105,000 49,000 Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. _ N., N. Y.; Cent. N„ St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 82,000 N., St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Union & Plan. Bk. &Tr. Co., Memp. 9,500 Isst N„ St. L.: N. Stock Yds. N„ N. Stock Yds., Ill. 47,040 N W. R. Harvey, Jr.. W. E. Jones, Sr.__ R. A. Ivys............ W. D. Morgan____ 10.000 5,000 64,470j 58,970 18,020 Is 12,500 10,120 64,970 97,330 Little R.; 1st N., Newport, 12,060 S tate N„ Texarkana: 1st N.. Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. J. D. Polk . .. W. D. Polk.............. W. M. Powell____ W. Earl Polk- T. L. Wright_____ J. W. Stubblefield. L. E. Bird______ L. M. Stout_______ W. H. Horn L. A. King J. L. Davis American Bank of Commerce & Trust Co. of Little Rock. Arkansas 100,000 50,000 27,170 618,770 10,000 3,340 120,000 24,190 12,000 1,200 20,000 21,700 780,650 88,050 I ACCOUNTS OF BANKS. BANKERS, CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED o—I Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 74 Town and County. Town and County. ‘County Seats. In No. 8 Fed. Res. Bist. M is Memp.Br. I,Little R. ‘Texarkana.__ Hiller 0 7 L Pop. 19,737 (For Banks at Texarkana, Texas, tee Texas Bank List) dexed Acces.), Lawyi volume. For Interest Name or Bank. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. qa Non-Bank Towi ARKANSAS—Continued Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ° ARKANSAS—Continued Liabilities. President. Vice-President. Ass Cashier. t cashier. WINHAM------ WM. A. SMITH_ _ _ _ 'MERCHANTS & Q. 0. TURNER....... ALLEN A COMMERCIAL BANK. PLANTERS RANK Resources. Depos Paid-up Surplus and its Capital Profits $ 200,000 $ Principal Correspondents. 6 Du- Cm ‘ >xohawgm,Dtji Baotnuriai FROM BaIU L«a.jii c*tb. Bondi, 28,000 $1000 000 $ 800,000 $ 325,000 Meeh. & Metals N.,N. Y.; 1st N., St. L. , . Bill of Lading Collections our specialty, We invite the business of those who demand prompt and sa satisfactory service. 81-74 •tS’Ol ♦Miller County Bk. & Tr. Co. jno. R. Dale______ W. E. Carter______ T. F. Booker .— C. C. Cowling-----81-77 J5’14 __________________________________________________________ I J. H. Forbes. See. 33,500 State N.. St. L.: Texarkana N., Texarkana, Tex. 400.000 242.780 3,788,500 4,751,250 928,530 N. Park and N. Bk. Coin., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., St. L.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas: Ex. N„ Little R.; Com’l N., Shreveport. 250,000 569,430 5,67.4.520 4,866,450 1,288.360 30,500 157,000 E. A. FROST------------STUART WILSON—W. B. OGLESBY—-EDW. KUHL----------- ‘STATE A LIVE PROGRESSIVE BANK. NATIONAL RANK QUICK SERVICE ON COLLECTIONS— •t’94 REASONABLE RATES. TEXARKANA W. R.6RIM........... BEN COLLINS......... J. W. WHEELER .. H.H. E.H. McCURRY BR0WN-. H. T. WIEGEL NATIONAL BANK J’87 E. W. FROST, Ch. OfBd. C. M. BLOCKER C.R. JOHNSON NEWTON HARDY UNEXCELLED FACILITIES are offered for the PROMPT AND EFFICIENT HANDLING OF ACCOUNTS of individuals, firms and banks in Southwest Arkansas and Northeast Texas. 81-76 88-101 SECURITY MORTGAGE CO. M21 R. H. M. MCIVER--...... J. L. DODSON.......... T. H. COOPER, Sec-------JNO. M. STAGER C. H. MOORE We act in all TRUST Capacities. 125,000 We make and sell high grade First Farm Mortgages on Improved farms in Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana and Oklahoma. Desirable Investments for banks, bankers, corporations, trustees and private investors. Seab. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; IstN. and N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Mellon N., Pitt.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Whitney Cent. N., N. O.; City N. and Am. Ex. N., Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little State N., Texarkana. 75,000 (No Co ininerei' al Bank ing. N o Collee tions handled.) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED Texarkana Olearine House— W. R. Grim............ (Members indicated by a*) I ... ................ ...... i............ .............. Edward Kuhl, Mgr. Thornton.__ Calhoun E 6 Citizens Bank_________ •:§’14!B. E. Halpin--------- W. C. Ribenack ... J. M. Thompson .. |__________________ Pod. 1000 10,000 1.600 125,000 80,000 75.000 minimum charge if paid. CE: Sight drafts,] 15c minimum; 25c Tillar..................Drew G 6 CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. Reliable Credit Reports, 50c. T RY US. L Pop. 800 81-446 -----We soecialize o n Collections. Wm. Habberton... Trumann.__ Poinsett I 2 Bank of Trumann_____ •tl’ll J. A. Cash------------ Geo. O. Campbell., j Craig Frazier. 81-488 Pod. 2000 Tuckerman .Jackson H 2 Bank of Tuckerman ...•tl'03 J. W. Lindley------- L. T. Slayden_____ E. V. Holt_________ T. G. Dowell_____ i Otis Armstrong 81-448 POD. 1500 ) [NIMROD GRAHAM 9,000 106,070 224,489 25,000 5,000 180,000 155,000 15.000 10,000 400,000 150,000 A. R. JAMES-------- C. E. SMITH_______ iC. C. ATWAY—— 15,000 ’Special attenti on given BUI of L adiug drafts, Cas h and Time Item s. 15 CENTS sent to us with each si ght draft for pres entation, and 25 CENTS for each credit report insures prompt, personal attentio 10,880 225,480 91,750 R.H. WOLFE-------- R.G,PASCHAL......... L. WOLFE------------ CITIZENS BANK............-tl’lS American Bank of Commerce & Trust Co. of Little Rook, Arkansas Federal Reserve Bank of St.Number Louis 10,000 1,500 65,000 45,000 35,000 12,710 160,340 192,710 75.000 45,290 491,750 510,650 56.000 34,060 194,250 244,110 100.000 43,660 822,980 819,260 10.000 2,150 70,680 73,240 50,000 1st N.. St. L.; Bk. of Jonesboro, Jonesboro; England N., Little It. 275,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Cent. N., and Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 159,600 1st N„ Newport and St. L.; Ex. N„ Little R.: Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 25,000 Ark. Bk. & Tr. Co., Newport: Bkrs. Tr .Co., Little R.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. 32,260 1st N., St. L. and Memp. 83,700 Merch.N..N.Y.:N. Bk. Com.,St. L.;Fid.N.Bk. & Tr.,St.L.; Am. Bk. of Com.&Tr. Co. .Little R, 40,200 Chase N.. N.Y.: Merch.-Lac. N.. St. L.; Ex. N., Little R.; Merch. N., Ft. Smith. 194,000 N. Park. N.Y.; 1st N., St. L. and Ft. Smith; Tra. N., Kan. C. 11,640 1st N.. Mena; Tra. N., Kan. C. Ju ly , 1920 81-582 ’upelo_____ Jackson H 3 Bank of Tupelo........ ....... t§’19[ J. H. Snapp----------- Jno. F. Gardner... G. S. Jernigan___ llagle Hill 81-610 Pop. 000 *yronza____ Poinsett J 3 Bank of Tyronza_____ •t5’07! W. W. Warren .— J. A. Emrich.......... ' H. C. Overturf.___ F. M. Bivens_____ 81-440 Pop. 450 Fan Buren.Crawford B3 Citizens Bank & Trust Co.; David T. Bryan----- W. V. Boatright... J. D. Kagy.............. Frank D. Pape____ II. D. Oliver 3i-ioi -tsse Pop. 5400 CRAWFORD COUNTY BANK H. P. King------------ G. L. Kelton.......... S. A. Pernot_______ Johnson Moore— 81-100 «:s’82 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-< 04 P. D. Scott---------- J. H. Butler______ W. A. Steele_______ J. J. Izard________ 81-102 Vandervoort —Polk B 5 Bank of Vandervoort_«:S’08' J. C. Allen---------- B. P. Lichlyter.__ j W. S. Capeheart.. 81-450 L Pop. 400 30,000 1st N., St. L.; Simmons N„ Pine Bluff; Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R. 58,610 1st N„ St. L.; Simmons N., PineBluff; Ex. N., Little R. AR KA NS AS BA N K S — T ex ark an a to V a n d e rv o o rt ___ 234,000 75,000 LARGEST BANK IN THE STATE—UNSURPASSED COLLECTION SERVICE WE OFFER EVERY FACILITY CONSISTENT WITH SOUND BANKING Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point H®*, under Name of Bank is the New Transit.Number■given MftUyUAHMNK UF bOMMERCE & RUST UO OF_ LITTLE KOOK A rkMTCK ArR °offe EST rBANKIN THE state-unsurpassed collection service M_L»JLC IHJuK, RiW Ano An Lwe every facility consistent with sound banking Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by_The Kand-McNally Bankers Directory, under tbe authority of Tbe American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Oountt. I Name of Bank. ‘County Seats, ‘Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. JState In No. 8 Fed. Res, Dist.) tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. M is Memp.Br. L» LittleR. ►Mem. Fed. Res. Vanndale_ _ _ _ Cross 13 M Pop. 400 Viola........ ....... Fulton F1 Pop. 241 Wabbaseka.. Jefferson G5 L Pop. 450 Walcott..............Greene 11 Pop. 400 Waldo......... Columbia D 7 Pop. 1000 Bank of Vanndale_____ $§’03 81-451 Bank of Viola---------------$§’13 81-533 Bank of Wabbaseka........ $§’ 17 81-580 Bank of Walcott______ $§’10 81-452 Bank of Waldo..............<§ 81-265 President T. R. Vann_______ T. D. Hare........ . $ Lee Graham.... L Pop. 6000 MERCHANTS & PLANTERS TRUST & SAVINGS BANK 81-159 <§’90 WARREN BANK............. <§ 02 ♦ 81-160 ‘Washineton.Hempstead Washington State Bank.t§’17 Pop. 399 C6 81-454 Watson_ _ _ Desha H 6 Desha County Bank.__ <§’12 81-508 L Pop. 500 Weiner_ _ _ Poinsett I 2 Bank of Weiner-------------t! 'O9 81-456 Pop. 600 Western Grove-Newton Bank of Western Grove.8’19 81-612 Pop. 600 E1 West Work..Washington Bank of West Fork____ $§’07 81-457 Pop. 350 B2 Wheetley..St.Francis I 4 Rice Growers Bank.__ <§'09 81-458 Pop. 500 Wickes________ Polk B 5 Bank of Wickes------------- §’18 81-594 L Pop. 275 7,625 Resources. LOAN8 & DlSC»T8. BOND8, Securities Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Due from Banks. 3,000 $ 75,000 50,000 $ 2,490 68,930 50,730 31,110 N. Bk. Com., St L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 28,610 Holland Bkg. Co., Springfield. Mo. 10,000 1,000 55,680 52,090 17,070 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Simmons N., Pine Bluff, W. C. Willcockson. Flora Seay............ . 12,500 3,240 64,340 60,940 15,020 Cent. N., St. L.; N. Bk. Com,, Paragould. M. F. Brazell_____ A. B. Banks............... Ivie E. Howell........ Paul Blake........ — 25.000 25,000 210,000 233,000 58,000 1st N., St. L.; State N„ Texarkana. H. A. Fincher------ 25,000 10,600 271,850 230,000 74,320 1st N„ St. L.; Texarkana N., Texarkana, Tex. 60,000 30,000 W. B. PILES---------(J. T. FORRESTER E. M. FULLER —- J. L. CENTER— ) Special attentio \n given Bill of L ading drafts, Cas h and Time Item s. \Please send 15c [with each sight dr aft for presentati on and 25c for Cr edit Rep orts. 600,000 400,000 200,000 N. Park, N, Y.; 1st N„ St. L.: Merch. N., Ft. Smith: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 286,000 230,000 51,000 1st N.. St. L„ Kan. C., and Ft. Smith; Ex. N., Little R. 500,000 250.000 185,000 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.; Union &| Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 40,000 1,259,590!1 1,100,640 245,030 Mecli. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 100,000 71,980 601,990 688,980 154 980: Seab. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.: ’ 1st N., St. L.; Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little R. 75,000 32,000 475,0001: 530,000 95,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N.. St.’L.; Bkrs. Tr, Co., Little R.; Simmons N., Pine Bluff. 19,710 1st N., St. L.; State N., Texarkana; Hope N., Hope. 21,000 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.; Merch. & Plan., Pine Bluff. 48,560 Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Bk. of Jonesboro, Jonesboro. 24,000 W. M. Fincher ___ M. D. Clark........ T. W. Calaway 'Largest Bank fin Scott County. (WM. B. TURMAN [Only National (Save time and (FEE IN ADVA 25,000 E. F. WRIGHT........ M. C. MALONE.... T. R. MARTIN........ Bank In Scott C ounty. get service on C ollections and C redlt Reports by sending NCE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Cr edit Reports, 25 c. TRY ROY TOWNSEND... W.L. BUGG-i-------- 40,000 23.200 US. 20,000 (Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. \ Please send 15c with each sight dra ft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. 85,000 H. L. TURNER......... C. J. MANSFIELD—. CARL HOLLIS.......... KIRBY SMITH-------F.L. PURCELL A. L. GREEN A COMMERCIAL BANK. Bill of Lading Collections our specialty. We invite the business of those who demand prompt and satisfactory service. LOU. EDERINGTON S. B. MEEK........... R. L. DEAL............ C. L. TARLETON...... „„„ — C.W. HANKINS FEE IN ADVAN CE: Sight drafts, Reliable Credit Reports, 25c. 15c minimum; 25c TRY US. miniwiMWi charge if paid. C. N. Trimble. ... W. B. Nelson_____ J. W. Butler............ H. Thane D. E. Dobson_____ Sam Rayder______ 25.000; 7.770 89,490 122,290 17,600 8,400 100,000 108 ,500 L. Hogue........ ......... L. T. McDaniel ___ J. B. Huber______ 10,000 11,550 121,110 90,430 Joe Patton_______ G. W. Hamm_____ T. W. Stacy............ 10,000 1,000 45.000 30,000 R. L. Dameron___ J. L. Bryan........ . ! G. A. Cortis___ G. C. Little. 10,000 2,500 56,000 45,600 H. K. Smith______ G. R. Johnson____ W. B. Frith............ ... ........................ 15,000 13,400 136,580 151.560 A. C. Higginbottom S. M. Curley.......... W. B. Thomas____ I Laura Thomas. 10,000 2,360 60,400 89,240 American Bank of Commerce & Trust Co. of Little Rook, Arkansas 10,000 $ Erby Carroll........ Lawrence County Bank <§’90 J. G. Richardson.. G. E. Henry______ E. L. Moore______ Victor Sloan.......... 81-177 Homer Mays C. W. White ‘Warren......... Bradley F i Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus DeposAND Capital ITS Profits W. H. Townsend— Mrs.L. O’Neal West B. N. Word.__ _ |T. J. SHARUM.— S. E. SPIKES____ •Walnut Ridge.Lawrence FIRST NATIONAL BANK<’05 Pop. 3000 11 81-178 Ass’t Cashier. 21,000 1st N.. Fayetteville. 11,130 Cent. N.. St. L.: Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. ~ 10,660 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Far. & Merch., Mena. ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS, CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND • INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. AR KA NS AS BA N K S — V an n d ale to W ic kes 81-240 Cashier. J. M. Tyner______ j J. M. Hally_______ 81-266 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-’t 01 Vice-President. J. D. Cochran____ C. W. Pardew........ C. W. Pardew.. PEOPLES BANK............<§T0 J. M. Davis. *Waldron............ Scott B 4 BANK OF WALDRON—<§’01 81-239 L Pop. 1500 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this; volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.f ARKANSAS—Continued ul y, 1920 Q2 CORRESPONDENCE INVITED *7 A 1“ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Town : with dexed Acces.), Lawyers, I volume. For Interest Ra ARKANSAS—Continued ihaa i.kAa. 92 Town Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and County. Name of Bank. •County Seats. •Mem. Am.Bks. Assn. §State In No. 8 Fed. Res. Dist. JMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. MisMemp.Br. L,LittleR. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. 1 Estab V ice-President. President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. G. R. Hall____ E. G. Eckel.............. A. B. Dutton_____ 7,500 $ 81-462 GROSS COUNTY BANK 81-151 •H91 Resources. & Dis- Loans c’ts. Bonds, Securities Cash & Ex- from Banks 64,000 $ 62,000 $ 1,900 96,290 91,770 20,000 W. B. de Yam pert. A. M. Keller______ A. M. Keller______ M. H. Keller.......... W. B. Davis J, C. Cullom--------- H. F. Crawford ___ K. P. Cullom........ . Mrs. K. P. Cullom. F. A. Gillette E. C. Cooper_____ Ada Mills Joel Mills. 15,000 7,500 200,000 238,000 25,000 29,890 203,180 251,340 5,000 1,620 59.590 12,810 H. Thane Principal Correspondents. OHANGB8,DUX 3,600 $ A. W. Judd.............. W. S. Anderson.__ W. D. Wilkinson .. 81-450 Wilmot Bank______ 81-451 Bank of Wilson------ Bank of Wilton ___ 81-463 Winchester.__ Drew H 6 Bank of Winchester Pop. 400 81-536 Winslow.Washington B 2 Bank of Winslow_____ ti'07 Pop. 300 81-464 Winthrop,LittleRiver B 6; Winthrop Banking Co. __t’09 Pop. 700 81-465 Womble-Montgomery C 51 Caddo Valley Bank____ 06 81-466 L Pop. 552 •Wynne_______ Cross I 3 M Pop. 2353 $ 81-459 Bank of Wilmar___ Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital its Profits 12,500 Holland Bkg. Co., Springfield, Mo.; Am. Bk, of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R. 9,780 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Unjon Bk. & Tr. Co., Monticello. 43,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Ex. N„ Little R. 19,100 7,000 100,000 139,000 Miss Martha Winn 10,000 2,100 66,600 54,660 45,700 1st N., St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 50,200 Texarkana N., Texarkana, Tex.; Tra. N.. Kan, C. 14,000 IstN., St. L.: Merch. & Plan.. Pine Bluff; Union & Mtle. Tr. Co., Little R. 22,340 Ark. N.,’Fayetteville, Ark. G. C. Hamblin____ Ola Sampson.......... 10,000 14,000 75,000 71,000 13,000 1st N., St. L.: State N., Texarkana. L. C. Acruman___ O. M. Radford .... F. B. Clement____ Anna B. Romell... 10,000 2,800 82,000 70,000 21,000 1st N., St. L.; 1st State, Prescott. 60,000 14,000 547,000 430,000 J. K. Smith____ . M. W. Byrn............ J. A. Winn_______ E. A. Budd_______ G. A. Winn______ W. D. Stephens-— R. BLOCK.............. J. E. HARRIS.......... D. H. HAMILTON .... C. J. COFFIN--------Oldest and Largest Bank in Cross County. Prompt, Efficient, Personal Attention to all bi|sine|s^sent us. 191,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y,; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L. Unsurpassed Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. 25.000 f J, L. HARE ------ C. B. BAILEY-------- W. F. McCORKLE- IhWlPiSdiiii \ Young, modern , progressive. Spe cial Attention glv Drafts. Draft for present a tion 81-573 ( and 25c for eac h report. 25.000 •Yellville........ Marion E 1 BANK OF YELLVILLE-«i5 92 W. E. Layton_____ L.H. Layton_____ T. V. Russell_____ Ernest Layton____ L Pop. 1000 81-281 10,000 340,000 194,000 170,350 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Cent. State N., Memp. 10,900 210,300 208,000 4.040 316,960 191,970 39,000 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Little R.: Drov. N., Kan. C.; Holland Bkg.Co.. Springfield: Union Bk. & Tr. Co., Batesville 149,190 1st N.. Batesville; Am. Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co. Southern Tr. Co., and Bkrs. Tr. Co., Little R, FIRST NATIONAL BANK-»t 15 ) Please send 15c with each Sight Miners & Citizens Bank •JS’02 W. R. Jones--------- T. L. Bond_______: J. F. Carson______ Ebb Carson_______ 81-282 25.000 CALIFORNIA In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. L is Los Angeles Branch. Alameda.__ Alameda 0 8 Alameda National Bank *$'78 J. R. Knowland... Pop. 28.806 90-98 .. Alameda Savings Bank...|’9O J. R. Knowland ... ♦ 90-99 .. Citizens National Bank.«*’12 Thos. G. Hntt____ 90-100 I. L. Borden______ Charles B. Tabor- W. M. McKean___ 3 100,000 $ J. E. Hall, Mgr. W. Merriam 50,800 $1035 300 $1 107 910 3 299,450 1st N., N. Y. and Chi.; Crocker N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 200,000 4,234,180 4,126,470 236,300 _____ Thos. P. McCoy... J. J. Cambridge, Jr. R. Nolthenius P. H. Gohn.............. P. H. Gohn.............. J. J. Cambridge, Jr. Citizens Savings Bank _tJ'06 Thos. Q. Hutt__ Thos. P. McCoy 90-101 R. Nolthenius Alhambra..Los Ang. I 2 Alhambra 8av. & Com’l Bk. G. C. Marshall_____ Wm. J. Bettingen. Myron E. Etienne. V. H. Tucker_____ L Pop. 10.000 90-242 <|'O6 E. E. Bailey 100,000 37,540 135,000 86,730 1,899,500 1,771,270 • 186,430 Liberty N„ N. Y.: 1st N., Chi. and San F.; Inter-State N., Kan. C".; Bk. of Italy, Oak land. 273,710 Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N., 1st Federal Tr. Co., and Bk. of Italy, San F. 100,000 45,000 1,200,000 1,130,000 1 200,000 Irving N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.: Citiz. N., Los A.; 1st N,, San F. 10.000 1,200,000 1,000,000 220,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Merch. N., Los A.; Wells Fargo Nev. N., San F. FIRST NAT’L BANK 90-241 •t'll P. H. Gohn.............. P. H. Gohn f............ ..................... C.E. STRIFLER— - L.D. BEDFORD.— S. A. FORMAN........ x A progressive b ank. H.C. MOUND „ (All banking ma tters bandied pr omptly and efflcl ently. TRY US. A. Hafer __ .... •Alturas.......... Modoc B 5 Alturas State Bank____ »t5T3 W. S. Trumbo____ Pop. 1200 90*812 First National Bank........ *'04 0. A. Estes.............. D. C. Berry........ ..... G. N. Jackson 90-501 50,000 801,770 730,170 757,290 Wells Fargo-Nev, N., Crocker N., and Union Tr. Co.. SanF. 30,000 3.910 285,970 213,450 106,420 1st N., San F.; Far. & Merch. N., Reno, Nev. 85,000 50,940 566,210 606,670 180,470 Chase N.,N. Y.; Am. N. and Crocker N., San F.; Cal. N„ Sacramento. July, 1920 I. L. Borden. ___ Charles B. Tabor— W. M. McKean .... W. Merriam J. E. Hall, Mgr. AR KA NS AS AN D CA LIF O RN IA B AN KS — W ill ifor d to A ltura s Pop. 450 Wilmar..............Drew G 6 Pop. 1034 Wilmot........... Ashley G 7 Pop. 1100 Wilson.__ Mississippi J 2 Pop. 1500 Wilton...Little River B 6 Pop. 294 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this I o volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ARKANSAS—Continued CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Northwest Corner of Fifth and Spring Sts, UNDIVIDED CAPITAL—$1,800,000 SURPLUS ANDPROFITS RESOURCES - - $5 OFFICERS A. J. WATERS President E. T. PETTIGREW Vice-President J. M. RUGG Vice-President W. J. DORAN Vice-President M. J. MONNETTE Vice-President HERBERT D. IVEY Cashier GEO. E. F. DUFFET Assistant Cashier GEORGE BUGBEE Assistant Cashier L. 0. IVEY Assistant Cashier F. R. ALVORD Assistant Cashier FORD E. PRIOR Assistant Cashier SAM S. PARSONS Auditor DIRECTORS Jesse B. Alexander L. J. Christopher M. J. Connell Albert Crutcher J. M. Danziger W. J. Doran Frank A. Garbutt SI nu II Sunni n h iui p... inmini IIIIIIII Ii n h » J. M. Hale Robert Hale W. J. Hole Willis G. Hunt Reese Llewellyn M. J. Monnette Orra E. Monnette E. T. Pettigrew F. X. Pfaffinger Geo. W. Walker A. J. Waters Careful Attention Given to Collections and Remittance Made Promptly in Any Exchange Desired, at Lowest Rates A Consistent and Careful Service Given to the Requests of Customers Interest Paid on Time Deposits Non-Bank Town Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Jtss’n. Kjh^-eS e o® g'og. f, g ! * I * Hi-Mi-S e e 2.® 2.® c » i3?§ f° fcg£.cb <a«4to&o CHm to 03 03 CD CD CD CO CO CD 03 CD 03 tLTfl e sr© o * p p sc m sc m Ss » S° P 3 S p o B C3 cP DOO Sd§i2|?Ss?g; ^S^&««§ . Ps=. g. . oo; S; s-p. EiSo-ibs : c: : • . : 3»- W2i 06! So Es3 5-S. ■ 2.. SS®sr C^shboo^m ^tc“^in'^W Ola ^.CR COSTCO «w ^.--3 <O «© 2 w, O 3 SC 23 ◄ o g OB 22 p {0 222222 ft JO -<•0 Sc go P.' JD • 5 WJ ® BS Sc >1 cooanu PO BO p-2 g —2 ry ® O3! r*8 ® Frt-’ o Cm OH Cm «o ca^. CD ba 0X00 a:B ®&o a'a 0»C» M® a0 mcu bw b«H •OCX CO O-Q CD© a p B o* o s £ 2? g g p o b to b « co a & o b © O © PPe © 5 o © a b UI to .Geyserville o Litton Uplper Kljamath E &./KlamathM j Warner^-- o' 88 S: ,» ©: : aea rfhCOW K MBidwell KdZIaZi 5lJ^Helfon C° W Ft. v Diamond Placetynlle Home I | AMADOR srd£> A11 31 a t tes v o<*a r v * 11 ec£ hcero w vista i Forest Lake K Acampo N O. ‘’•Sa/’O kXf.A a- f/GRio Vied c B\irds Ld> 'voo4bi\i4sy> <?/_j Bouldin Yj> Id. Ca\atle —Hdlk\ali Lake VtvT>o’'4Z'7^ lower Elagleville , ' V'°$ 4 IkaZi Lake Ww > Norton p Sage Hei Madeline ? eber. t r UlUlll. J ^s5^i3Ar,481atnnia~§) -I 3Jogfon ^o*A’<fS Arena* K top ?XCometaS iburonl ■Termo ‘ Le'a "Roc Alorxano^X faqua£- jOlanstoin *5g® Karlo A Susanv' XSwHi oPetr.olia| Mb ■ *" \A\Millerton X>i\Point Reyes .OlrmiSXGarcia M Oro Fitio T, ' . .ZtnaJUilUo <Ea^J ^Or/eant [Somes Bar <>Shwyers\fl^^X— fe&-vW.tjar C... : X,?o\rAy°3esto) =e.\# A o c'-4Hoike?,0oJ HVfA A- J®- i(r W'Wl ^sBcdbluffNX-Jw* lr« TTfifTlP’wm tiffcblli///’ TehaniafloS^^ dd AvVtr-f iwo R"/&n WKed'tr °d <\ \ v^\ ^?\\O'\\Puri83ain®,9 ; 'Vt J11 ircgvrit ZZ?*' Orland, ^re<mwoodj ^jgi^&KCfews Isl&n \ krtino^i (Chit Chat Plumas Jo. £urdys La Honda *• felinora w Morgantf ; Hill C <\ ’Wrights *^trel Carson .Virginia C; jan'Martin^j 'Meehan* Felton OP .kJ5 Rinco^.^ kGUrOy 5^0 _ V0 Hayton' dasal^xakwB*^ dlhlfcerj?h? Si W ace rvIii£<»jffy , [Lake >ElkhornW^» an lolli>te V<-A -t& X^kjhornerg^ it 7Iet«u|l li , Jiosai ijiwthonae^sP. \ NAPA I los-Baiios?*\ YCarnadero'' 'X* Hoplsm 4 ''• ^//^°Ynepr rJLdke ilijnJmutch Fiafe-.3y>/ffi M SSk*, ewmanJf ’Sft Vasoni Loa Gatoi p ^'O.New ^Alma., «• Atoaden^f; ’eacadero , Cleone xiZ^MWrieSPiwmzM x 4£ray8on r' ' pKenny cl KvUsal °«®3oj(!lo’ i'Ai B«b oreiax is*-. [Memtta ?^34adiionS Calistoga xAIaple N'\£A , >jX b Vj|g JgMSlmira Beswick ( >Ager ' Snowdeil/r ° Li tile 9 lonUg^/^ S on2. . : ? I.- GooseM itainatnTiiiqkel, •y\ 6*5* S’ Whit flfr&tfsSafiJfo o'/1' haontOsJ & ,• 8t. Helena rATToifdarep O o/ loscow -. A31—C?^ ©b Zinfaiidel^5fM^|i Henilwor{br<Y?/e7s^, Ti • \Rutherfof4i^l %xLz~^ ata v^a iTteestone,/^ \ lxto^Oakville^^’ Sebastopoli T^<®^Yountville XBodega Hoads I Rich land. ?\OakJ&nolSSS /Valley Ford < tobre Vista^ !»/X? " <jPCan qcd S-’Courtlfuidr y IjirES Summit \ Sonomj anden Juena (Ssp©/Fairfield. rTomafe Petaluma ShellTiUliX 4'ThoS^a "L^-^-Sluisun City <i OHamletVj#. ^eSlSZl<<%oDenVCri°n' m MarahaU'*^^' d/dSEirijez'j o o c Z -H m W PS S © 2® 2 Be 3 »1 ® ◄ .Antelope AV>» . Peakfi||A < “k'3Wt ooo [Mullen \ V_ .QKeU<& ^Healdsburg r Forks of8al$ion ^Ccg&fi^jygg: HH £3 OS • *1 ■ £ aw SP >s® P t3. oq: : et> • ; c• J s° oawbb'a 0> Ol ui to o» jc » ® 7t 2. ex : : ! e '!!!©! m Summer Hake S dexed Acces.), Law; volume. For Inter ARKANSAS—Continued w, Statute Milks, 2S=1 '^ion^O FRESNO terey g a*e Maiella tfpNTE CRISTO ’ ^mountains Lariat- , __ I’art of Cenlral Caliroriiia, ^Canpelaria Mtn. ^Mountain Peak Zebra] ’'Athlone* *A^\tcrnho» ■ Aoerdeeo^^, \ 1'^/,^ r '/!',/AjRlist<|- Xj^gX^Wjl^g^Va^Febaiighpa e n dota t A Owenyo/flu ^fZ4 ^LasCZ ... VLone Pine /Z/ Bad$^’ gsW* /Kvgo^mS Swansea. IKeeler- T/iree,EiiierJk,: Vj ’ YOioens IK ■Laite.) 9 Olancha diiiii<iiiOfimiWiif-i \. Eli^ Tb&TfiF ■ - -1 ^7o3rife5T&7e»nt55S'"«’^.^i irttk grov P /E1Je^y.,eT°^^gyft\Ter h \ at w^(i. °^Vnvz*tis^ Vs*'£cS© \N°L U) PEagleJ < 2^ ^ojZswVerftiield sh rTro'tt»5 Sperry' S^L'AttwBty’n*' fuiacber . 18 ’ b . V^^IAOjIWIA > N S Terfozdvt 4, ^iSSS- intlanc -— > Irvington^ \ B E R N. .^Beina/; 7“?—Broadwell) —-oAs^ BfeBi , / vOttO iwood Fairmont o 3 Ridge View. ? v ^“gtoa ’‘JH rM* B A rATtCt-C^ Q, • t -E. Kilbeck (Randolph ,\ AricaV jieaumon ZBanning\ Box Springs r ;v*“ 4v • Temeecal JA Angelo; < I V E R’ Beacn J * o\Hatold Gr° L O 8, .A IOG |E p r\„i. femi fP'C ‘SJingtooV fTsinore^ flaki HeuietJ /nife^^_^xr^gan V Winchester' Elsinore Jc~. I [Elsinore R ( 3c. I ‘ \&Murpetta g^^lurrietta I lia*Biyibk <\Y Temecula Capfe^noSap^Jan *TPerris p gan EfWildomar | 'T>eJju?h ^sl Fall feook Stn. iof^<. 3>e Luz f mirco. /sanUTsabel , -Nellie k Escondido t° oSan Fasqual <C-«.T>t«™roBilll!114' L< Jfey ^C§S"s»soOi'Valley Center \7a Mes* Ea^e8*^e Descansc j/^Ca^oPat 'ft Ltuiorel KsiSSc ^ceansRi»?*^ S- yZikkiUcldand cVioey»rd ft lo^JvJcy'3 Zs6aS S\>l8conaiaoa4on<mdft S u . ~Lusardi^ imperial | Brawley Holtville Calexico Sutherland QRamona / ^atjonWi! laOipoJaeuinbA J M G«ie’»)raD |o^“|'“!/ Q/Jo CALIFORNIA VirainiaQ 0Stowe J ClSorehtqIV J^b lakeside^^ Lindahl Jjiir Santi&^AjneS'’ 4 £&K5A°’e/^^'JliO°?5<L HStt SCALE >/v'e4%* Statute Mile*. 68 — 1 Inch. Statctb Miles. 34 = 1 Ihch. Sand JIcNallj’B New li X 14 Map of CilifomU Copyright by Rand McNally t Co. We are helping a large number of banks build up productive, smooth-running organizations, by supplying them with the most modern business equipment, lithography and printing. SCHWABACHER-FREY^ STATIONERY COMPANY, 611 Market St., SAN FRANCISCO. -4 o Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. to each bank in U. Non-Bank Tow dexed Acces.), Lav volume. For Inte ARKANSAS—Continued Arguments are unnecessary to convince you of the wide-spread prevalence of embez zlement or of the necessity of bonding your employees. It is probably only a question of selecting the insuring company. This Company has been writing surety bonds for more than thirty-six years and has ample financial strength. tl’Mi; Our services are at your disposal. OF NEW YORK Home Office: 100 Broadway, New York Founded 1884 Company’s Home Office Building OFFICERS COAST Capital $5,000,000 R. R. BROWN, First Vice-President F. W. LAFRENTZ, President PACIFIC ORGANIZATION: SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. DENVER, COL. Mills Building Equitable Building 502-3-4-5 Hoge Building R. D. WELDON; Manager F. E. BRISBINE, Manager S. H. MELROSE, Manager PORTLAND, OREGON LOS ANGELES, CALIF. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 600-1 Yeon Building 312-315 Citizens Bank Building Boston Building WILLIAM J. LYONS, Manager F. L. HEMMING. Manager WILLIAM E. McKELL, Manager FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS 40 Branch Offices at Larger Cities Number under Name of Bank is the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis zxnsiR konbTT S ov/*lncivzxlw F» -r New Transit Number given RanrlpfVallv ttanlfprs’ .— .. . AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY » ’H 5 233; 3 3 3 SEATTLE, WASH. BURGLARY INSURANCE Over 14,500 Local Agents and Attorneys Elsewhere A T TT7r\riKTT A Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of dexed Acces.), (In this|‘ Toww and Countt. I Name op Bank. AOounty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. L Is Los Angeles Branch.! ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. PRESIDENT. August May___ Alvarado...Alameda C 8 Bank of Alameda County Pop. 1000 90-540 tS’O2 Anaheim____ Orange J 7 American Savings Bk..<§’05 W. J. Siemann. L Pop. 5526 90-370 Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Paid-up SUKPLU9 Depos AND Capital Pkofits its Loans & Dis- Cash & Ex’ts. Bonds, changes,Dui a M Banks. $ H. H. Patterson... J. R. Blacow_____ R. A. Blacow_____ $ 160,000 i 40,330 1,622,700 1,571,550 $ 251,470 Chase N., N. City, and Irving N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and 1st N., San F.; Cent. Chas. Evans N., Oakland. 90,000 700,000 700,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Los A. and 50,000 40,000 F. C. Benjamin... E. Zitzmann........ — A. S. Bradford, Tr. Anaheim. Samuel Kraemer 50,000 (WM. A, DOLAN — J. W. DUCKWORTH— A. B. MCCORD_ _ _ R. L. PHEGLEY_ _ _ <T2 < A New Progress! ve Bank, Fully Kq uipped and Mode rn in all Departin ents. ANAHEIM NATIONAL BANK I 90-751 Principal Correspondents. 16,840 641,220 700,940 67,130 Chase N„ N. Y.: Citiz. N., Los A.; Oma, N., Oma. [Prompt attenti on given Cash Le tters and all Ban king Matters Ent rusted t o us. II. II. Benjamin... Chas. A. Boege___ F. A. Muckenthaler 50,000 85,000 1,500,000 1,235,000 Golden State National Bank Adolph Thomas ... Fred Koesei_____ Louis Denni 90-369 <’05 E. E. Smith.......... 75,000 25,130 752,860 766,030 86,450 Han. N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Com’l 75,000 16,840 730,290 647,640 165,790 N. City and Mech.& Metals N„ N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.;Citiz. N. and Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Am. N„ San F. N. Park, N. Y.: Capital N., Sacramento: Anglo. &Lon. Paris N., San F. Southern County Bank.<§’12 J. W. Phelps_____ A. Nagel........ ........... H. A. Hawley_____ R. L. Arnold .. C. Klingerman J. A. Fay 90-763 N., Los A.; 1st N., San F. ( Branc h of Be tiding, Cal.)... Anderson........ Shasta 0 3 First Savings Bank of Shasta Pop. 1400 County ..90-541_____ • ’05 H. E. Black, Mgr. Angels Oamp...Calaveras Calaveras County Bk..$$1900 John Raggio.......... M. H. Manuel___ Pop. 2000 E5 90-542 Antioch ....Contra Costa Antioch Bank of Savings.5’10 J. A. West............. J. G. Prewett........ „ Pop. 3000 B10 90-485 Bank of Antioch......... <§'91 J. R. Baker.............. H. F. Beede.......... C. H. Wood____ 100,000 35,000 700,000 700,000 Herbert A. West... Mary Irwin_____ 25,000 6,580 318,080 330,180 41,020 863,870 872,530 D. Muscio_______ R. V. Davis.............. L. W. Mehaffey. 100,000 Herbert A. West... Mary Irwin.......... 25,000 J. E. Cain.......... 50,000 Thos. Feron.__ Arcata....Humboldt C 1 Arcata Savings Bank___ §’14 W. W. Stone.......... Sylvester Myers . Pop. 2000 90-782 400,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Anglo. & Lon. Paris N., San F.; 1st N., Los A. 90-483 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Com’l & Sav., Stockton; Cal. N., Sacramento. 19,480 Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Amer. N., San F.; 1st N., Antioch. 132,110 Crocker N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 234,950 201,090 31,500 668,000 493,800 25,000 5,800 180,000 182,000 27,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. F. H. Tooby______ W. C. Pritchard —. R. L. Oak 50,000 25,150 711,100 674,250 111,990 Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. Bank of Arcata.............<§’86 W.W. Stone............ Sylvester Myers . 90-544 F. H. Tooby............ W. C. Pritchard... R. L. Oak 100,000 109,580 521.200 518,320 117,020 N. Park, N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Am. N., San F. First National Bank___ <13 G. W. Harpst.......... Frank Graham__ 90-793 Arlington..Riverside J 8 Citizens Bank................<§’07 W. B. Clancy_____ S. H. Herrick____ L Pop. 1500 90-545 J. C. Toal.................. H. A. Sorenson.__ 50,000 7,860 295,190 331,460 27,720 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., San F. J. W. Wells............ 25,900 18,060 264.200 218,100 87,840 N. Park, N. Y.: Citiz. N., Los A. and River Arroyo Grande. San Luis Bank of Arroyo Grande<§'03 M. R. Swall.............. S. A. Dana______ Obispo .. Pop. 1200.H5 90-546 J. B. Gibson J. S. Gibson. 50,000 12,000 570,000 490,000 87,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Anglo Lon. Paris N., San F.; 1st N.,Los A. 25,900 14,100 340,910 318,070 First National Bank........ <’10 J. A. West________ J. G. Prewett........ 90-484 Arbuckle........ Colusa D 3 Bank of Arbuckle........ <§’01 Geo. C. Meckfessel C. B. Morrison — Pop. 7C0 90-543 Arcadia.Los Angeles 110 First National Bank_____ ’18 C. L. Dunham____ W. H. Taylor____ L Pop. 1700 90-877 Artesia.. Los Angeles J 7 First National Bank—.<’06 Geo. R. Frampton. L Pop. 500 90-547 Atwater........ Merced F 5 Merced Security Sav. Bank Pop. 500 90-721 <§’10 aAuburn_____ Placer E 5 Auburn Savings Bank ...§'09 E. T. Robie............. Pop. 3000 90-391 First National Bank—< 08 E. T. Robie............. 90-390 J. B. Gibson______ 5, side; Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F. Jas. E. Walsh. G. W. Brundage__ 50.000 15,000 420,000 450,000 78,250 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: Merch. N., Los A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. N. City, N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Merced. Secur. Sav., Merced. 20,000 1st N., Auburn. W. F. Jacobs.. J. E. Walsh G. W. Brundage — 50,000 15,000 300.000 300,000 50,000 1st N., San F. C. B. Scott.............. A. T. Frampton. C. P. Ralston ’Placer County Bank... <§’87 i Alden Anderson... W. J. Wilson.. 90-389 Geo. McAulay Avalon..Los Angeles I 7 , Los Angeles Tr. & Sav. Bk. L Pop. 850 90-896 t§'19 Azusa—Los Angeles I 8 Azusa Valley Sav. Bankt§’06 W. R. Powell.......... J. B. Stair____ 90-454 L Pop. 2000 W. W. Heth First National Bank........ »’O6 W. R. Powell_____ J. B. Stair____ 90-453 V. M. Greever J. E. Seaton............ II. S. Clegg........ A. F. Ullrich, Mgr. A. F. Sandrock (Branch of Merc ed, Cal.) 100.000 69.140 1,216,870 •1,176,680 (Branch of Los Angeles, Col.)... J. C. Muehe______ D. J. Clark_______ 25.000 29,000 450,000 461,000 J. C. Muehe............. Wm. J. Holden. E. H. Philleo 50,000 59,300 981,700 920,400 WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC 64,820 Han. N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. and Am. N„ San F. 212,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Crocker N., San F. 207,980 N. Park, N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Capital N. and Cal. N., Sacramento. N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Bki of Cal. X, A.. San F. 36,900 Merch. N. and 1st N„ Los A.:lstN., Azusaand' Covina. 159,410 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch. N., Los A. COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS CA LIF O RN IA BANKS — A lv ar ad o to A zu sa FIRST NATIONAL BANK»-t’93 F. C. Benjamin— C. E. Holcomb_ _ Samuel Kraemer 90-368 E. M. Everett. Ju ly, 1920 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNaHy Bankers* “Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. no Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Non-Bank Tow dexed Acces.), La, volume. For Inte ARKANSAS-—Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. —1—--- q/| y , Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and Name County. of Bank. President. e Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. L is Los Angeles Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Paid-up : Capital 7 L. V. Olcese______ J. B. Cauzza______ W. V. Bower_____ H. V. Miller. 90-142 ♦First Bank of Kern__ 80-619 (♦First National Bank.. 90-139 OF BAKERSFIELC 90-141 100.000 W. E. Benz_______ J. S. Henton______ J. S. Henton__ H. F. Hogan, E. W. Spiers i L. C. Pontious A. Cash, f A. C. Dimon 400.000 HALL 1 <T ♦Security Trust Co........<§’l 90-140 Bakersfield Clearing House 90-829 I 7 L Pop. 800 mal Ban Banning-__ Riverside I 4 90-548 L Pop. 1500 mal Bai Bay Point—Contra Costa' 90 915 Pop. 250 B 9i Beaumont—Riverside I 4 Bank of Beaumont. 90-549 L Pop. 1300 11____ Los Ange L Pop. 1000 90 900 il BankIflower.. -Los A> 90-931 117 L Pop. 1500 fc.A. FERGUSON ' J. K. RUSSELL — F. J. GALTES C. H. FRANEY O.R.Kamprath____ _ Curtis Wible--------- j J. A. Hughes, See. S. R. Crim Cash & Ex changes, Due from Banks. 3,160 $1647 210 $1435 400 $ 446,920 Paris N., San F. 124,000 Ian. N., N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., Far. & Merch. N„ Los A. 194,940 6,615,280 6,756,980 1,058,230 28,020 1,017,970 1,029,540 500.000 1 st N., N. Y. and Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., < N., and 1st N., San F.: 1st N„ Los A. 160,020 lech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Com’l ABk.of Cal. N. A., San F. O > T 360,360 , 6,227,080 6,015,360 735,590 Fargo-Nev. N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., o San F.; Far. & Merch. N.„ Los A. 25,000 5,000 25,000 )!A. W. Smith............ L. A. O’Brien------- 25,000 JO 25.000 30,000 240,000 233,000 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Secur.i 2 Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Am. N„ San F. 59,350 Han. N., N. Y.; Crocker N., San F.: IstN.,! Los A. Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Am. N. and IstN.,! CD San F. •E 58,000 T. V. Cassidy........ W. C. Springer -__ Chas. M. Collins... 25,000 5,000 180,000 126,000 54,000 C. S. Thompson... J. E. Randall.......... Curtis Flint______ 25,000 2,500 _____ - 225,000 210,000 37,620 382,140 427,900 5,000 130,000 * 463.000 200,000 lech. & Metals N., N. Y.; IstN., Wells Fai Nev. N., and Am. N., San F. 480,000 10580000 9,500,000 1,441,430 L City, N. Y.; Crocker N., Anglo & L Paris N„ and Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. 100,000 !hase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; Cal. N., Sacramento. 286,610 5,495,810 5,043,870 1,788.550 I. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l 1 Chi.; Crocker N., San F.; Cal. N., Saci mento. 30,000 73 Far. & Merch. N. and Merch. N„ Los A. litiz. N., Los A. j (Branch of Valle jo, Calif. L. R. Coleman F. L. Naylor______ W.E. Woolsey____ E. K. Cole_______ A. H. Sheffield (2 Branches) W. S. Wood G. C. Pettygrove B. F. Lynip.............. J. H. Thies, Jr........ B. G. Ensign............ J. O. Matthias.— Jesse Robinson ! (For complete infor motion see page 40) 90-47 its & Dia- Loans c’ts. Bonds, Sscuiuties clnlty. E. D. Reynolds— K. R. Smoot______ 90-550 Bk.ofSa 90-41 Depos 70,000 1,075,000 1,105,000 W. E. Benz_______ J. S. Henton_____ O. R. Kamprath, )! Sec. and Tr. | (A. S. Crites, Mgr. Asst. Mgr. W. C. Van Antwerp C. H. Van Antwerp G. H. Van Antwerp A. Yarnell J. M. Westerfleld— C. D. Hamilton___ ) S. S. Cutler_____ -- Pop. 2360 ey—Alame Pop. 55,886 100.000 Thoroughly eq ulpped to handle ! Send your lte ms direct to us. (TEST OUR FA CILITIES. L. V. Olcese........ — J A. S. Crites______ H. R. Peacock Pkopits $ 200,000 $ 1 A. S. Crites_______ F. M. Noriega____ E. B. Duncan_____ F. E. Estribou L. V. Olcese (F H ‘NATIONAL BANK SUBPLU8 AND Principal Correspondents. Resources. Liabilities. xOounty Seats. Pop. 25,000 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (.In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed), in back of this! volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.) ■ CALIFORNIA—Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 600,000 550,000 03 xn> ' co ED ft O ♦FIRSTNATIONAL BANK 90-42 i F. L. NAYLOR—- W. E. WOOLSEY — F. H. THATCHER. W. F. MORRISH 92 ) OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK ( Unexcelled faci llties for handlin ♦First Savings Bank___ »§’16 90-46 Branc A) ...... H. G. JOHNSON, Mgr. ) A. Mgr. . R. L. Underwood— ♦West Berkeley Bank—<§’03 90-687 (Members Indicated by a ♦) (Kennan P. O.) (Branch \ J. S. Mills. Mgr... ♦OAKLAND BANK OF SAV (Berkeley INGS-------90-44.............<§T5 Beverly Hills.LosAngeles L Pop. 600 17 Bieber........ — Lassen B5 Pop. 513 Biggs_________ Butte D 4 Pop. 403 Bigplne_______ Inyo F 7 L Pop. 500 Biola________ Fresno G 6 300,000 RICK Ira A. Morris_____ J. S. Mills............ - of Oa klcmd, Cal.) ... kland, Cal.)... (Branch 87,200 29,920 811,630 931,920 30,000 3,000 250,000 200,000 i Chase N. and Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.;| Am. N., San F. Ian. N., N.Y.; N. City, Chi.: Wells Fargo-1 Nev. N„ San F. 111,180, lech. & Metals N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris) N.. San F. F. H. Thatcher, Sec. Kirk B. Johnson .. W. E. Woods.......... ( O. N. Beasley 90-902 Lassen Industrial Bank<§'14 90-827 J. M. Hastings........ A. W. Beed.............. Sacramento Valley Bk. 00-551 . . . ! Inyo County Bank____ 90-552 Fred Nelson______ First National Bank__ 90-924 i (Branch\ B. F. Lucas_____ 80,000 nville, 38,280 878,630 Cal.) ... 863.820 80,000 Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. ) Cal. N., Sacramento: Anglo & Lon. Paris 1 San F.: Lassen Industrial, Susanville. 142.310|N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Cal. 142.310 Sacramento; Am. N., San F. (Branch of Bish op. Cal.) «o to 25,000 o WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC Number nnder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Federal Reserve Bank Louis nC oftoSt. each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers s o' ►—» 03 COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL fit FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS C A LIFORNIA—Continued Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this' volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. WILLIAM K. alAAIa bU., LOS ANGELES-bAN rRANCISCO-rASADENA. Town and County. Name of Bank. xCounty Seats. In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.State Bks.Assn.+Priv. [Estab. L is LosAngeles Branch ♦Mem. Fed. Res. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Ic. A. Eastman____ Bishop................Inyo F 7 L Pop. 2000 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), lawyers, Taws (indexed) in back of thi volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Taws CALIFORNIA—Continued Liabilities. Paid-up Subplus Depos and Capital Profits its $ 100,000 $ Wm. J. George.__ J. S. Eastman.. 90-854 L. M. Klawiter M. Q. Watterson— E .Watterson _____ W. W. Watterson . Inyo County Bank .__ <5 02 Resources. & Dis- Loans c’ts. Bonds, Securities 36,630 1,353,790 1,187,240 90-471 60,000 148,240 198,410 Owens Valley Bank.__ <§’10 M. Q. Watterson .. Geo. Watterson.__ W. W. Watterson— A. Marshall___ 11,120 90-472 114,000 J. B. Neel ____ 50,000 1,200 A. T. Sladler... 112,000 R. C. Stevenson R. H. Ehlers_____ Blythe........ Riverside J 10 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bk. 90-920 <’20 L Pop. 2000 25.000 A. F. Isaacson ........ G. D. Page ------10,130 789,670 428,800 First National Bank___ <’10 A. F. Masterman.. 90-554 (.Branch of Los A ngeles, C aZ.)_ .. E. W. Dent, Mgr. . E. A. Carroll, Heilman Com’l Tr. & Sav. Bk. A. Mgr 90-866 <§’17 Brawley.—Imperial K10 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.<’1O W. T. Dunn______ C. A. Frederick... W. L. Garrett____ A. F. Crowell, Jr., 90-509 L Pop. 5392 A. Cash. W. T. Dunn______ W. H. Best______ F. B. Johnson, A. Cash. ♦ 90-5 OS R. C. Lee____ F. L. Mallory 150,000 90,160 R. R. Stilgenbaur.. H. J. Ingram Fay Barnett 100,000 56,550 1,056,850 967.910 1,251,740 999,280 (Branch of San D iego, Cal. f We will appreci ate your business Jay C. Sexton____ Thos. Davidson... L. A. Sayles.......... Robert Wallace, Jr. F. H. Ludinghouse Lee Durham_____ R. J. Wallace____ 25.000 4,370 280,860 245,180 35,000 7,440 289,000 270,200 (Branch of Ana hcim, Ca I.)_____ James A. Fay, Mgr. 25,000 C. P. Nesselroad... F. A. Halburg____ F. F. Scribner____ Edna M. Crane.... 25,000 H. A. Church_____ A. O. Kendall____ R. O. Church_____ A. E. Dufur____ 25.000 6,000 Geo. A. Pope..„„ H. C. Ross.......... C. S. Crary 246,990 251,690 2,390 175,010 169,530 29,000 540.000 724,13oj 486.880 16,170 3,500 155,000 625,860 190,000 Bigg «, Col.).' N. City. N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Secur. Tr. &Sav. and Citiz. N., Los A. 27,850 Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Am. N., San F. 32,860 N. Park, N. Y.; Com’l N., Los A.: 1st N., San F. 109,000 N. City, N. Y.; Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Am, N San F 126,690 Chase N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Crocker N.. San F. 18,500 N. City, N. Y.; French-Am. Bk. of Sav., San F. N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Cal. N., Sacramento; Canadian Bk. of Com., San F. Am. N.. San F. Trac E. M. Beidleman.. G. W. Wilson 100,000 247,880 1,470,610 1,087,400 308,320 Han. N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., San Diego; Am. N., San F.; 1st N., Los A. C. B. Moore____ J. P. MacDonald 150,000 156,420 2,071.820 1,982,340 360,550 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.’, Chi. and Los A.; Crocker N., San F. — 100,000 N. City. N. Y.; U. S. N.and Merch. N., Las A.; Bk. of Italy, San F. — INTERNATIONAL BANK<§ 16 F. D. Hevener____ D. R. Hevener........ S. E. Rottman____ 50.000 10,000 400,000 350,000 90-846 O. K. Thomas_____ A. D. MacKenzie.. A. J. Erichsen____ C. W. Hinderks... 50,000 7,500 286,000 294,000 58,000 Citiz. N., Los A.; Am. N., San Bernardino. W. B. Coberly........ J. A. Godwin.......... C. T. McKeehan.. 50,000 1,500 284,550 319,450 C. M. Hoover_____ C. S. Piner_______ E. L. Armstrong „ G. M. Brown_____ 25.000 8,000 511,000 437,000 66,700 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N.. Los A.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 55,000 Mtle.N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. J. W. Phelps_____ A. Camarillo_____ P. R. Ruth.............. C. H. Whipple........ R. P. Strathearn J. H. Bradhoff____ John Taylor______ J. F. Stewart_____ 50,000 3,000 200.000 205,000 25,000 41,920 386,740 404,920 3,190 85,160 Ralston Alison R. G. Archibald.,!. (Branch Mgr. Mgr. B. O. Curry............ E. K. Clendening— L. T. Lenox............■...................... .............. 50,000 F. C. Nelson t.).......... 147,400 WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC N. City, Guaranty Tr. Co., and N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Citiz. N. and Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 31.740 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Citiz. N., Los A.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 40,300 Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F. — C. S. Crary______ E. H. Green ___ 75.000 R. C. McArthur, H. E.Jenkins A. Cash. “ .............. “ : Peninsula Bank............ <§T9 W. F. Duffy______ Oscar Boldemann. F. E. Parfitt______ J. R. Whitmore ... 50,000 90-895 (Branch of George Beed, Mgr. Butte City ___ Glenn D 4 Sacramen to Valley Bank <l’10 Pop. 200 ! 90-558 (Branch of — — Elbert C. Abel, Byron. Contra Costa 0 10 Bank of Tracy---- <|'ll Mgr. Pop. 500 90-559 Calipatria ..Imperial J 10 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bk. 90-824 <’18 L Pop. 1500 First National Bank....... <’15 90-830 Calistoga--------Napa A 8 Calistoga National Bank< 09 90-560 Pop. 1100 Camarillo___ Ventura I 6 Farmers Bank________ »§’16 90-841 L Pop. 400 Cambria-San Luis Obispo 90—561 Pop. 150 H4 Campbell,Santa Clara D 9 G ARDEN CITY BK. & TRUST COMPANY-90-562....<§’96 Pop. 1000 (rowers National Bank . t’20 90-916 189,860 Han.N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: 1st N„ Los A.: Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. — H. A. Church.......... Martin Pupka____ R. O. Church_____ A. E. Dufur___ Calexico—ImperialKIO CALEXICO NATIONAL BANK Wm. Guntermann. Fred Gunterman.. J. O. Butts.............. E. L. Carver, L Pop. 6223 90-518 <T0 A. Cash. FIRST RATIONAL BANK < 09 J. M. Edmunds ___ D. A. Leonard____ D. A. Leonard____ 90-519 M. H. Sherman 115,030 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; eont. A Com’l N., Chi., 1st N., Los A.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. - La Habra Valley Bank.<§‘12 90-735 Bank of Brentwood ...<513 90-781 Southern County Bank.. §T7 90-865 Burbank Savings Bank__ 5’H 90-720 Farmers & Merchants Bank 90-791 <513 “ _______ *• First National Bank.__ <’08 90-556 Burlingame...8an Mateo Bank of Burlingame__ <5’07 Pop. 5000 C8 90-557 Brea_________Orange I 2 L Pop. 120 0 Brentwood.Contra Costa Pop. 300 B 10 Buena Park...Orange J 8 L Pop. 115 Burbank.Los Angeles I 7 j, Pop. 3000 50,000 1st N., Los A. and San F.: 1st N., Wichita. 284,510 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Merch. N., Los A. 20,950 Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F.; Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A. 1st N., San F.; Citiz. N. and Secur. Tr. & Sai., Los A. 396,010 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Los A.; Kan. N„ Wichita. — G. H. WILLIAMS, Mg SOUTHERN TR.& COMMERCE j....................... ’s greatest farm! ng district. BANK ...90-820______ •§’14 -(The Imperial V alley Is the world nwM 10.000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 118,000 Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes, Dvb Banks. M Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under tbe authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Ju ly, 1920----------- -—-------------------------- -------- ------CA LIF O RN IA BANKS — B isho p to C am pbe ll m —— -— ---------- --------- ----------------------------- -'Ll btUUKITItS I qC HAUIHU UUASI MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS 34,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Citiz. N„ Los A.; Am. N„ San F. 58.990 N. City, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F.; 1st N„ Los A. N. City, N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San. F. 35,250 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. San F.; Secur. State and 1st N., San Jose. COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ g^ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. President. Vice-President. Carpinteria,San taBarbara Commercial Trust /k Sav. Bk. 90-693 •t§'ll Pop. 1500 I6 Butte County Sav. Bk..«t§’05 90-306 First National Bank___ <’07 90-307 People’s Sav. & Com’l Bank ♦ 90-817 «§T4 Chino.San Bernardino J 8 Chino Savings Bank...... $’12 90-757 L Pop. 4000 First National Bank——<’03 90-566 Chowchilla—-Madera F5 Chowchilla National Bk.<’18 90-868 Pop. 700 First National Bank------ <’13 90-797 OhulaVista.SanDiego K 9 PEOPLES STATE BANK •« 90 L Pop. 2200 . 90-567 ass’t Cashikk. I S. B. Schauer Mgr. i_________________ W. C. Freland- — A. Clevenger.......... W. H. Lemmon — F. E. Bush_______ J. R. Wilson............ H. W. Stephens-- John G. Mattos, Jr. Joseph Dias______ F. T. Dusterberry. H. B. White______ Liabilities. Paid-up Subplus j Depos its Capital pROFrr8 {Branch of Santa Barbara, Calif.) i 25,000 $ 35,000 $ 200,000 $ 160,000 $ 25.000 35,870 354,600 Wm. J. O’Connor - Ed. Harkness........ Ed. Harkness........ S. K. Troxel--------W. F. Mathews D. W. Cooper Guy R. Kennedy— James H. Jones— E. T. Williamson— T. J. Bohling_____ G. P. Morse A. H. Smith______ C. B. Swain---------- E. J. Cain________ T. N. Crew_______ J. Holob, A. Cash. R. W. Seager J. F. Morehead----- J. A. Bennett-------- H. S. Moir...........— E. A. Opsal_______ Lee Richardson Clara Coffman Edwin Rhodes— O. J. Newman____ J. H. Vance--------- B. M. Lederer____ 308,420 33,000 1,340,000 1,161,000 100.000 {Branch of San L eandro, T. O. Leydecker W. R. Service____ Antony Morgan ... E. C. Baird________ J. M. Campbell— Resources. 50,000 13,470 551,230 Cal.) ... 498,830 272,330 2,871,480 3,121,140 250,000 71,310 2,279,930 2,320,360 147,220 Chase N„ N. Y.; Mtle. N„ San F. 368,770 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. N. and Wells Fargo-Nev, N.. San F.; Cal. N., Sacramento. 72,050 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; Am. N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F.: Capital N„ Sacramento. 8,500 Citiz. N., Los A.; 1st N., Chino. 100,000 8,310 735,840 769,070 8.500 60,000 92,000 18.410 230,000 246,000 D. C. Smutz______ R. Barcroft______ 50,000 , 9,000 250.000 250,000 W. D. Cardwell— Frank Ady________ G. L. McKeehan — Harry Ellis-----— — 25,000 1.500 200,000 210,000 Greg. Rogers_____ T. J. H. McKnight. Warner Edmonds - --------- :---------------- 25,000 4,250 282,730 228,750 Martin Abernethy. J. T. Brooks______ H. T. Belcher.........- H. E. Mead—........ J. W. Brooks 50.000 23,000 700,000 604,000 25,000 250,000 15.410 397,890 351,990 C. B. Shaw_______ Geo. Cavalli.............. O. L. Sedgley------- 50,000 J. W. Potter............ S. T. Brown______ B. I. Hesse_______ John Van Natta— 50,000 R. Norrish_______ E. E. Reyburn____ C. T. Reybnrn____ Thos. Howison, Jr. 25,000 15,730 294,540 251.190 J. M. Westerfleld— A. G. Proctor_____ H. A. Westerfleld— J. W. Westerfleld . 25,000 16,350 362,490 278,960 50,000 60,490 1,701.670 1,586,550 Arthur C. Weaver. 25,000 10,272 Claudio Cattori___ 75,000 15,000 L. C. Newcomer... D. G. Thomas........ 50,000 C. W. Curtis______ B. F. Tanner.......... 50,000 D. A. Russell_____ 90-571 Pop. 800 Colma........ San Mateo C 7 Colma State Bank______ §’20 G. Capurro_______ George Lagomar90-930 sino Pop. 3500 Silvio Belli Oliver Granucci OoIton.San Bern’dino J 8 Colton National Bank—-<’07 J. B. Coulston........ D. W. Willets.......... 90-300 L Pop. 4282 First National Bank...-<’86 H. B. Smith............ Jennie E. Davis.— 90-299 fB H BURTON - T. HARRINGTON— W.M.HARRINGTON •Colusa______ Colusa D 4 COLUSA COUNTY BANK<§’70 -( Oldest and Lar gest Bank ln Col usa County. ( Thoroughly equ ipped to handle your collections on this point and 90-443 Pop. 2500 90-444 I 500.000 35,000 Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Am. N., San F.; Growers N., Fresno; Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A. 83,230 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.;, Com’l N., Los A,; Am. N. San F.; Cal. N., Sacramento. Chase N„ N.Y.; Citiz. N., Los A. 90,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 44,290 N. City, N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F.: Cal.N., Sacramento; Union N„ Fresno. 80,700 N.Park, N. Y.: Crocker N., San F.: 1st N., Fresno. 128,500 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Los A.; Crocker N., Sail F. 315,640 Guaranty Tr. Co.,N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and 1st N., San F.; 1st N„ Los A. 279,180 237,060 62,380 N. Park.^Sl. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. Capital N.. Sacramento. East River N., N. Y.; Bk of Italy, San F. 13,000 375,000 345,000 50,000 412,000 386,000 137,000 N. Park. N. Y.; Am. N„ San E.; Merch. N., Los A. 135,000 N.Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Crocker N., San F, 470,000 3,400,000 4,300,000 410,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co.. Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A„ San F. 849,510 995,290 519,920 530,100 137,830 Seab. N., N. Y.: IstN., Chi.; Anglo & Lon.Paris N., San F.; Capital N„ Sacramento. 27,440 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Capital N., Sacramento. vicinit y. 150,000: 43-010 50.000 20,340 WILLIMA R. STMTS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number <ivea to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Federal Reserve Bank ofnirtn'.tnrv. St. Louis iix/Iap th» mithnritv nf The American Bankers Ass’n. 41,200 Irving N.,N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Am. N., San F.; 1st N„ Los A. and Pomona. 61,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; CALIFORNIA—Continued 1920 FIRST NATIONAL BANK <11 U. W. Brown_____ R. E. Blevins ........ H. F. Osgood_____ Everett Bowes -__ 90-704 j First Savings Bank.—<§’12 U. W. Brown_____ R. E. Blevins_____ H. F. Osgood.......... Everett Bowes___ 41 ,500 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Mtle. N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F. 58,290 1,890,990 1,652,540 25,000 Colfax_______ Placer E 4 Colfax Bank.......... .........<107 D. Falconer___ 98,650 N. City, N. Y.; Am. N. andBk. of Cal. N, A., San F.: Cal. N„ Sacramento. 240.000 Chase N. and East River N.. N. T.: Bk. of Italy, San F. 1st N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F.; Cent. N.. Oakland. 108,480 N. City, N. Y.; Weils Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 50.000 25,000 f A. E. WEBB........ G. T. MOUNTFORD 0. D. CANADAY-— JOHN S. POTTS C. BAKER T. K. DAHLE.JR. Coalinga..... Fresno H 5 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-< 09 i Send your Coaii R. nga items to us for quick service. Pop. 4000 90-292 (. WE GET RES ULT8. Irving N., N. V.; Corn Ex. N. and Cont. & Com’l N.> Chi.; 1st N. and City N„ Los A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F, 40,000 Am. N., San F. 150.000 Edwin Rhodes----- O. J. Newman___ J. H. Vance______ B. M. Lederer-----W. P. Coombs____ Principal Correspondents. Loans Si Dl8- Cash & ExC’TB. BOND8, changes,Dub SECURITIES from Banks. C o lu s a ______________ Ju ly , Claremont,LosAngeles 13 First National Bank-----<’06 L Pop. 1500 90-568 Cloverdale__ Sonoma E ” 2" First National Bank—<’84 90-569 Pop. 700 Clovis_______ Fresno G 6 First National Bank—<’12 90-738 Pop. 1250 First State Bank..............J§’04 90-570 Coachella—-Riverside J 9 First National Bank—<’12 90-767 L Pop. 500 Cashier. CA LIF O RN IA BA NKS — C arp in te ri a to Caruthers—-.Fresno G 6 First National Bank........ «T9 90-892 Pop. 200 Cedarville— Modoc B 5 Surprise Valley Bank—•+§’05 ♦90-563 Pop. 500 Centerville—Alameda C 8 First National Bank___ »t’O5 90-564 Pop. 1200 San Leandro State Bank*§’20 90-918 Ceres_____Stanislaus F 5 Bank of Ceres________<§’11 90-565 Pop. 600 Chico________ Butte D 4 Butte County National Bank 90-305 <’73 Pop. 8872 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this , 50 volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. O' CALIFORNIA—Continued Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState •County Seats. In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.State Bks.Assn.+Priv. [ Estab. L is Los Angeles Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Noil-Bank Tow, dexed Acces.), I,a' volume. For Inte ARKANSAS—Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL. & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONOS Non-Rank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this/-f volume. For Interest Rates. Holidays, etc., see Laws. C WILLIAM R. ST AMS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number give* to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ “• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. •Ceunty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. JState In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. L is Los Angeles Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. President. Vice-President. Pop. 1000 Cashier. Ass’t Cashiee. E. E. Elliott______ Liabilities. Paid-up Subplus Deposand Capital Profits J O. K. Reed.............. H. E. Reed R. B. Hedrick____ Resources. Lcans <fe Disc’ts. Bonds, 25.000 $ 16,510 S 134,540 $ 158,310 $ 50,000 14,510 458,150 435.350 50.000 40,100 397,320 450,560 L. L. Herrick_____ 50,000 14,650 490,420 424,880 G. E. Barnett.......... D. L. MacMichael. 50,000 32,580 ' 889,060 881,070 R. R. Cunningham- L. G. Fuller_______ O. H. Lovell C. D. Hill. __ . L. L. Million.......... . 50.000 30,000 559,000 503,000 50,000 4,520 454,590 459,180 Emery A. Shook... 50,000 7,100 422,480 289,300 Geo. E. Snidecor .. Ethelyn Hampton. 25,000 5.00C 130,000 150,000 C. G. Tilton............. Amanda I). Randals 25.WX 8.47C 260,550 216,220 First National Bank ....•{’05 C. A. Harding____ G. E. Snidecor........ F. E. Snidecor____ C. C. Harrington.. P. L. Hudson 90-319 Ooronado..San Diego K 9 Bank of Coronado___ <§’17 J. D. Spreckels___ R. G. Dilworth___ Frank Von Tesmar Harry J. Bruner .. 90-843 L Pop. 4500 75.000 30,000 665,000 650,000 50,000 12,320 499,060 438,700 (Branch of San “ tt E. E. Elliott. E. S. Welch, Mgr,. 90-573 Bank of Cottonwood ..<§’18 90-871 Bank of Courtland........ <§’19 90-891 Bank of Covelo................. §'20 90-927 Covina National Bank ...•'06 90-434 Covina Valley Sav. Bk. <§’01 90-433 •• First National Bank___ <’04 90-432 ‘Crescent City.Del Norte Del Norte County Bk.<§1900 90-481 Pop. 1114 B 1 Cottonwood.. .Shasta C3 Pop. 400 Courtland..-Sacramento Pop. 500 B10 Covelo—-Mendocino D 2 Pop. 500 Oovina.. Los Angeles I 3 L Pop. 2000 •• 1 Cxsn A Ez- j changes,Due Stcusmu I zbom Banks. Diego. Cal.)... • J. E. Smith J. C. Brown... P. R. Merrill.......... 25,000 3,500 150,000 125,000 Chas. E. Hollister L. W. Myers_____ W. P. Clarke.......... 50,000 5,000 270,000 260,000 53,000 44,000 20.000 470,000 500,000 J. S. Rohrbough.. D. T. Johnson__ J. G. Thomas . 25,000 V. O. English____ 50.000 A. P. Kerckhoff.— W. M. Griswold... R. M. Philleo_____ M. Leonhardt M. Leonhardt_____ W. M. Griswold.. R. M. Philleo.......... 25.000 42,700 540,020 521,200 50.000 99,420 1,045,730 965,850 Jacob Marhofler__ J. B. Endert........... Fred Frantz______ E. C. Codra, Tr.... 71,800 41,980 781,440 J. D. Reed_______ Crockett ...Contra Costa Bank of Pinole..............<§’05 90-574 Pop. 892 <( B 8 First National Bank___ <’19 T. J. O’Leary........ 90-889 Crows Landing,Stanislaus Bank of Newman_____ <§'03 90-536 Pop. 400 F4 •• First National Bank____ <’10 J. T. Crow___ .. 90-537 Cucamonga, San Ber’dino First National Bank —<’04 F. A. Lucas............. 90-575 L Pop. 2300 I8 J. H. Coolman___ 787,560 (Branch of Pino le, Cal.) G. W. Likens .. F.W. Hutchinson. 25,000 2,900 175,460 102,470 E. J. Moorehead, (Branch of New man, C al.)____ Hubert Stanley, A. Mgr. Mgr. 8,000 L. McAulay_______ George W. Fink... C. A. Filippini____ 25,000 175,000 200,000 W. C. Crow Chas. Motsinger... H. C. Wentworth.. 25,000 34,370 293,090 352,720 Culver City ..Los Angeles CULVER CITY COM’L & SAV. Eugene Webb, Jr. P. H. Updike_____ Curtis P. Taylor... L Pop. 1500 I 7 BANK........90-828........ <§T4 25,000 90,000 Irving N.. N. Y.: Far. & Merch. N. and Secur.i Tr. & Sav., Los A.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N.,i San F. 105,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: 1st N„ Los A. and San F. 120,110 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N. and Union Tr. Co., Chi.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Citiz. N., Los A.; 1st N., San Diego. N. City. N. Park, and Harriman N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon Paris N., Wells Fargo-Nev. N., and Mtle N. San F.; Citiz. N. and Far. & Merch. N., Los A 40,000 N. Park, N.Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F. Capitol N., Sacramento. 40,000 N. City. N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N.. San F. Capital N., Sacramento. 24,000 CrockeT N., San F.; 1st N., Willets; Corn ! Bk., Ukiah. 70,000 N.Park, N. Y.: Com'l N.. Los A. 86,520 1st N. and Merch. N., Los A. 254,300 Merch. N., Los A.;Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F.| N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N.| 117,600 and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.;Bk. of Eureka and 1st N„ Eureka. Chase N„ N. Y.; Cent. N., Oakland; Anglo-, Cal. Tr. Co., Am. N., and Bk. of Italy .San F. 44,480 Han. N.. N. Y.; Am. N., San F.; 1st N.. Oak land. Chase N„ N. Y.: Am. N., San F. 40,000 1st N., N. Y. and San F. 43,570 Han. N..N. Y.; 1st N.. Los A.; Crocker N., San F. 170,000 40,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N„ San F.; Cont. N., Los A.! First National Bank_____ ’20 Robert Wankowski A. B. Greenewald. H. R. Whitaker 25,000 90-933 97,000 Cutler.............. Tulare G 7 First National Bank____t’18 J. W. Floyd............ George Smith____ II. ,T. Thiessen___ Helen Thiessen___ 2,500 107,000 25,000 90-880 Pop. 400 Danville___ Contra Costa San Ramon Valley Bk..<§'07 __________________ ___ ____________ _ F. A. Marshall, (Branch of Wain ut Creek .Cal.)... 90-576 Pop. 300 Mgr.1 C 9‘ Liberty N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Merch. N„ Los A. 37,500 1st N., Frestfo and San F.; Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A. Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. - 7,500 190,000 17,600 1st N. and Los A. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; 1st N.,. Compton. 87,310 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Com'l N., Los A.; Am. N., San F. 61,640 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.: 1st N., Los A.; Crocker N., San F. 71,050 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. San F. 95,390 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., San F.; Cent. N., Oak-i land. 161,600 Chase N., N. Y.: Crocker N.. San F.: IstN., Los A. and Fresno. 49,930 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N. and Anglo & Lon.I Paris N., San F. 190,270 N. City. N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 10,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N. and Merch. N., Los A. « WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC CALIFORNIA BANKS—Compton to Danville J. J. Harshman----- J. V. Shepard_____ W. IL Craig 90-498 Farmers&Merch’ts Bk.<{'13 W. Simpson______ L. Daetweiler_____ 90-789 ’’ " First National Bank _ <’03 F. L. Walton.......... J. 11. V illiam_____ 90-499 J. F. Bnsey______ M. F. Russi_____ F. W. Blume 90-525 Pop. 1500 First National Bank____ •t’ll H. H. Elworthy.... C. J. Foskett_____ 90-526 J. W, Guiberson .. J. C. Sperry______ IW. I. Nonliof 90-534 Pod. 1200 J. L. Donnovan___ C. I). Hill________ 90-572 Pop. 2000 Jesse A. Brown__ Tehama County Sav. Bk.<§’12 G. G. Morgan 90-755 Corona........ Riverside J 9 Citizens Bank....................t§’90 T. C. Jameson------ T. O. Andrews........ 90-318 L Pop. 4000 •* . ___ •• Corona National Bank..»t'O6 Fred Richardson.. F. F. Thompson... 90-320 L Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued uly, 1920 q7 PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL &. FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONOS COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 74 98 Number under Name ef Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Name op Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. (State Pkksidknt. Vice-President. Cashikk. tMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv Tn No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. [Estab L is Los Angeles Brandi. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Davis_________ Yolo E 4 Bank of Davis................ <§’13 R. W. Wiese--------- G. J. Haussler........ F. P. Wray.............. 90-796 Pop. 1500 Bank of Yolo..................<§'09 90-577 and Countt. ^County Seats. First National Bank.__ <'08 90-578 First National Bank------ *T7 90-864 Commercial Bank........ —§’13 90-726 Dinuba Savings Bank...tS’ll 90-697 First National Bank....<’02 90-494 United States Nat. Bk.-<'08 90-495 Dixon________Solano E 4 Bank of Dixon................. t§’73 90-514 Pop. 827 H. Hawley........ : J. J. Schlitz______ H. A. Bower.. j A. Balock H. J. Hansen_____ A. A. Werner. ASS’T CASSIES. ‘El Centro.Inmerial K 10 FIRST NATIONAL BANK< 08 90-435 L Pop. 5464 25,000 $ Resources. Lee M. Brown____ Ray W. Hawley Sbovutib* 11.500 560,000 598,900 25.000 11,160 414,290 265,810 R. E. L. Morton... C. R. Morton_____ 25,000 9,460 350,280 357,910 W. B. Nichols. Harry Andrews.— F. D. Burwasli ___ C. R. Morton . E. D. Harkness Karl R. Lewis A. S. Mason______ E. S. Friend............ E. C. Schulz E. B. Friend L. P. Hall.............. Chas. E. Clausen... IR. Moss---------------- 50,000 61.760 1,216.360 1,096,740 M. A. Bennett. 25,000 18,500 __ JG. H. Taber, Mjzr.. W. B. Nichols. cbanom,Dvs VKCM Bank* 19,500 $ 469,500 $ 352.500 $ 100,000 H. S. Hulbert.. Principal Correspondents. A Dra- Cash Jk Kz> Loan* c’t*. Bond*, al.)____ 70.0C6 Capital N.. Sacramento: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; 1st N., Woodland. Laidlaw & Co.. N. Y.: 1st N.. Clii.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; N. Bk. of D. O. Mills & Co.. Sacramento. 46,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Los A.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 168,560 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Am. N., San F. Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N.. San F. Arthur L. Darby W. M. Booth.......... C. S. Wilson___ 25 000 5 000 Q. J. Rowley.... D. W. Horst........... W. C. Springer.__ 50,000 23,000 523,190 H. C. Carr.......... J. B. Dennis______ Bert Baxley. 25,000 6,700 160,000 115,000 13,210 Cal.N., Sacramento: Bk. of Cal. N. A., Wells Fargo Nev.N.,andAnglo & Lon.ParisN..San F. 207.040 Han. N., N.Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F.; Secur. Tr.& Sav., Los A.; 1st N„ Fresno. 84,680 Han.N.,N.Y.;IstN,,SanF.: Com’I N„ Los. A.:! Union N., Fresno. 194,040 Guaranty Tr. Co.,N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris hrl N., Crocker N. and Union Tr. Co., San F.: N. Bk. of D. O. Mills &Co., Sacramento. 80,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N., San F.; Ft. Sutter N., Sacramento. 25,000 1st N., Am. N., and 1st Federal Tr. Co., San F.; Ft. Sutter N„ Sacramento. 70,000 Cont.& Com’I N., Chi.: Anglo* Lon. Paris N.,San F.; Ladd & Tilton, Port.; Cal. N., Sacramento.; Meeh. & Metals N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; Merced Secur.Sav..Merced; Bk.&Tr. Co. of Cent. Cal., Fresno, Liberty N„ N. Y.; Am, N„ San F.; Citiz. N.J Los A. 76,170 N. Park, N. Y.; IstN,, Los A.; Weils Fargo-' Nev. N., San F. 27,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., San F. and Los A. A. A. Conger_____ A. C. Leach.............. C. O. Porter............ Ruth J. Day T. H. Mitchell. __ T. J. Troxel_______ j J. A. Williams_____ Ray Franklin____ 40,000 23,940 543.950 425,780 169,460 N. Park, N.Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N.. San F. 25.000 7,500 226,000 183,000 67,000 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chico; Am. N., San F. J. E. Gauge ... 25,000 1,600 220,000 200.000 45,000 Irving N.. N. Y.: Southern Tr. & Com., San Diego; Merch. N., San F. 14,000 310,000 300,000 R. E. L. Stephens.. A. C. Madden.......... D. Rott__________ First National Bank—<’12 E. R. Watson-__ 90-515 R. E. L. Stephens— A. C. Madden_____ D. Rott___________ Northern Solano Sav. Bk. E. R. Watson.__ 90-724 tt'll Dorris.......... Siskiyou B 3 Butte Valley State Bank<§ 08 J. W. Siemens .... John Siemens, Jr. |W. G. Hagelstein— Hazel Hagelstein.. 90-579 Pop. 600 J. E. McClelland, Dos Palos___ Merced G 5 Bank of Los Banos —<§’06 Mgr. Pop. 400 90-580 Downey.Los Angeles J 8 First National Bank_____ '20 L Pop. 2000 90-928 Los Nietos Valley Bank<§’91 ♦ 90-417 Ducor................ Tulare H6 I First National Bank------ <’13 Pop. 508 90-768 Dunsmuir ..Siskiyou B3 I State Bk.of Dunsmuir.<|04 Pop. 3000 90-581 Durham_____ Butte D4 Commercial Bank------- <§’13 90-771 Pop. 250 Earlimart___ Tulare G 7 First National Bank_____ ’20 Pop. 40 90-939 East Auburn. Placer E 4 (See Auburn) Pop. 600 East San Diego.San Diego East San Diego State Bk.t§’13 L Pop. 5000 J 9 90-773 (San Diego P. O.) BI Cajon—San Diego K 5 Cuyamaca State Bank.<§’07 90-583 L Pop. 250 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital Profits its $ St- Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Town Delano_______ Kern H6 Pop. 600 DelRey.......... Fresno G 6 Pop. 350 Denair..-Stanislaus C 11 Pop. 110 Dinuba............ Tulare G 6 Pop. 4000 Non-Bank Tow dexed Acces.), I,a' volume. For Inte ARKANSAS—Continued G. A. Hutaff____ H. Hawley-.........— R. W. Hawley. E. D. Curl G. A. Davidson___ P. V. Morgan............. M. E. Sargent........ F. J. G1AH0LA. HOST IPA L. HOBBY L. B. MUDD R. L. TILTON 564.580 515,400 120,800 1,094,120 1,247,080 350,000 50,000 10,000 360,000 25,000 5,000 240,000 200,000 25,000 15,000 265,000 220,000 Banos, 25,000 G. L. Strobeck .... George Legge........ |H. J. Humphrey... Lillian Ballontyne! (LEROY HOLT-— 225.900 25,000 100,000 Cal.)... 512,470 106,230 2,028,770 1,874,880 48,000 1st N., San F., Los A. and San Diego. 450,750 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. and Los A.: Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. Your COLLECT IONS solicited. P ersonal attention, We make an eff ort to get results and remit promp tly. Modern bankln g methods in all departments. Try us. Secur. Com’I & Sav.Bk.<§'12 J. K. Hermon____ J. S. Ross________ O. G. Horne_______ 90-744 ------------------- -------- 1 J. G. Cask,Mgr.... SOUTHERN TR.& COM. BK. 90-884 §18 A. W. Hyberg... hobt. McGovney C. A. Wynn, A. Mgr. Blk Grove... Sacramento Bank of Elk Grove........ <§’10 G. M. Taverner___ G. M. Colton--------- ;Charles H. Cooper. Pop. 500 A 10 90-584 Blmhnrst... Alameda F 3 (Sec Oakland) Pop. 5000 El Monte-Los Angeles 12 First National Bank....<’03 L. M. Meeker.... C. F. Raab.............. C. L. Hill__________ F, W, Sinclair........ I 90-585 P. F. Cogswell L Pop. 1500 Southern County Bank<§'13 __________________ R. L. Arnold, Mgr. 90-786 D. Murphy_______ j J. D. D. Gladding.. El Segundo.Los AngelesJ7 El Segundo State Bank.<§’12 J. E. Howell____ 90-719 F. R. Kellogg L Pod. 1600 WLIAMR."SLUMS CO., Los under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Federal Reserve Bank oftoSt. Louis tnrv. Iinffpr anf.hnpifv rTht» imArlpnn RonLopc Aoc’n 50,000 35,390 762,360 715,110 (Branch of San Diego, C al.)........ 50,000 6.100 392,006 50,000 20,000 900,000 236,960 700,000 al.)......... 25,000 13.800 Frkhcisco-Pkskoenk 240,000 243,010 164,900 Seab. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.: N., Los A. N. City and N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l. Chi.; Wells Fargo,.-Nev. N.,San F.; Citiz and Merch. N., Los. A. 175,060 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N„ San F.; Ft. Sutter Sacramento. 1st N., N. N., 250,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’I N.. Chi.; Far. /—■ & Merch. N.. Los A.; 1st N., San F. Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Citiz. _ N., Los A. ~ 32,570 N.City, N. Y.: IstN.. Los A.; Crocker N„ San F., PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL &. FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS Noil-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In CALIFORNIA—Cnn tinned dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this) £ 'NvlluxNl R. SIMMS CO., iOS l\MG£l£S-SMl ERKHClSCQ-r ASKOEML Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Countt. 1 Name of ______ •• 90-461 _________ volume. pWMTn»wT> Ass't Cashier. j Paid-up 11 Surplus i AND Cashier. Vice-President. president. Capital j Profits Lynn T. Horton___ S. H. Herrick. __ H. C. Dane........ . $ S. A. Stewart F. J. Stoer________ C. L. Barham_____ W. C. McIntosh ... L. E. Keen.............. Theo. Westphal.... O T, Rarham F. J. Stoer Depos its 4 25,000 10,000 $ 270,000 $ 225,000 J 75,500 N. Park, N. Y.: Citiz. N.. Riverside: 1st X. and Cont. N., Los A.; Am. N.. San F. ! 10,960 | 225,260 101,480 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., San F., and Oakland. 256,060 25,000 $ ... 25,000 28,960 317,520 323,890 50,000 2,500 407,100 273,450 A. W. Wohlford — E. G. Logan______ J. J. Rutherford — L. M. Arndt______ 50,000 39,390 i 387,490 376,330 A. W. Wohlford- G. V. Thomas_____ E. E. Turrentine— 25,000 40,020 415,850 425,090 F. D. Hall............... L. R. Tilghman.... II. M. Hall.......... ..... 50,000 28,000 525,000 450,000 25,000 11,220 182,190 187,760 Home Savings Bank-----tl’09 L. R. Tilghraan___ H. F. Bloom........ .. 90-463 L. R. Tilghman.... H. M. Hall________ 20,610 366,700 Esparto________ Yolo A 9 Bank of Esparto---------- t§’13 M. O. Wyatt______ J. L. Stephens ___ 27,700 393,200 Pop. 350 90-783 W. T. Young, Jfpr. H. A. Green, Etna Mills—Siskiyou B 2 Scott Valley Bank........ <§'02 (Branch of Fort Jones, C 90-588 Pop. 618 A .Mgr. • Eureka..Humboldt 0 1 Bank of Eureka_____ <§’89 C. P. SoulO.......... 144,810 1,293,090 1,182,930 C. H. Palmtag........ C. Deane................. C. F. Edson........ .. 200,000 Pop. 13,212 90-146 , A. E. CONNICK — H. W. SCHWAB....... N. A. MacMILLAN — G. L. ROBERTS_ _ _ G. W. FENWICK E. N.FOKES C. W. CONNICK .. .. First Savings Bank........ t§’16 90-148 Home Savings Bank——»§’89 90-145 Humboldt National Bk..<’73 90-143 •• .. Savings Bk.of Humboldt Co. 90-144 <|’89 Exeter.-.......... Tulare G 7 Farmers & Merchants Bank Pop. 2500 90-899 t§’19 •• •• -_____ _ “ 212,010 1,993,880 2,369,560 395,740 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., Port.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F. 260,360 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. re garding Timber L ands cheerfully f urnished. .. Security Savings Bank ..§'16 90-840 First National Bank____ »’17 90-863 Fairoaks Bank-.......... <§’09 90-590 Citizens Commercial Bank 99-591 <§’10 Lassen Industrial Bank<§’17 90-861 Ferndale Bank________ *§’93 90-504 Russ-Williams Bkg.Co.<l'09 90-505 Fillmore____ Ventura I 7 Farmers & Merchants Bank 90-799 •§’13 L Pop. 2500 •• ______ “ Fillmore State Bank...<§’05 90-592 •Fairfield-—- Solano B9 Pop. 834 Fairoaks ——Sacramento Pop. 1000 All Fall Brook.San Dieeo J 8 L Pop. 500 Fall River Mills__ Shasta Pop. 310 B4 Ferndale—Humboldt O 1 Pop. 1000 •• •• A. E. Connick____ H. W. Schwab........ N. A. MacMillan. 10,930 Myra Stewart-------- 100,000 H. F. Charters____ G. W. Cousins____ H. T. Trollnes........ W. McCann_______ 100,000 H. F. Charters____ H. M. Devoy_____ H. T. Trollnes____ W. McCann_______ 200,000 c. p. souie.............. C. H. Palmtag........ C. Deane 100,000 190,330 2,367,050 2,375,590 35,000 130,000 110,000 _____ T. R. Dinsmore___ H. F. Madsen c. A. Hahn.............. J. C. Lily............. . H. R. Mills............. F. M. Cosart fA. W. QUINN_ _ _ J. F. DUNGAN _ _ _ L. L. WELCH_ _ _ _ ) First and Oldes t Established Ban k in Exeter. FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 09 1 Send your item s direct to us. 90-589 .. 200,000 67,720 Cent. N. and Bk. of Italy, Oakland. 161,400 1st N. and Bk. of Italy, San F.; Far. & Mer.. Stockton. 145,580 Chem. N.. N. Y.: Citiz. N., Los A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 55,730 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Far. & Merch. N.,LosA.; Southern Tr. & Com., San Diego. 155,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and San F.: Merch. N„ Los A. 30,210 1st N.. Los A. and Escondido: Crocker N., San F.: Southern Tr. & Com., San Diego, 34,140 1st N.. San F.; Cal. N., Sacramento: Bk. of Woodland N. A., Woodland. N. Park. N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 01 Special facilities for handling your Collections on Eu reka and all other points i n Hum boldtCo unty. / Intelligent prese ntation, prompt r emlttance on dat e of payment. 90-147 \ Information “ Principal Correspondents. f ) Loa ns Dis- Ca8h& Ex c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dub Securities 1 from Banks. S. J. Irwin.............. W. E. Murlin_____ M. Ira Wolfe.......... H. L. Morgenson.. M. Mapel____ For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Resources. Liabilities. R. S. ROSS........ W.CARR 795.510 805,640 107,970 1 ,308,670 1,210,500 71,370 863,500 1,068,420 50,000 67,740 707,370 861,700 25,000 6,040 214,650 195.180 235,310 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Crocker N., Mtle. N., and Am. N., San F. 197,350 Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Bk. of C'al. X. A., San F. 20,000 Anglo & Lon. Paris X., San F.; Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A. 103,320 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N.. Los A. and San F. 0. (We give them i mmediate attent ion. T. A. Pogue .. _ E. H. Miles ___ L. L. Welch............ R S. Ross II. Goosen_______ A. T. Hodge............ A. VanMaren_____ C. H. Slocum_____ J. A. Bannister..— W. M. Smelser____ C. E. Lamb_______ C.L, Morris -__ . Beula Hendrickson) 25,000 3,300) 135,000 110,360 45,840i IstN.. Chi. and San F.: Capital N.. Sacramento. 25,000 4,000 163,520 148,670 38,820! Ft. Dear. N„ Chi.; 1st N., Los A., Merch. N., San Diego. N. Park, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon.Paris N.', San F. (Branch Of SU8 aninRe, Cal.) — Geo. II. Taylor, Mgr. Edna C. Black, A. Mgr. A. Putnam........ ....... E. P. Nisson............ F. N. Rasmussen.. E. P. Calanchini... 105,000 1,200,000 1,100.000 35,000 ) F. G. Williams........ W. N. Russ______ G. M. Brice 5,500 1st N., Los A., San F.. and Exeter, 25,000 R. S. Feenaty_____ 50,000 17,500[ 412,000 377,500 (Branch of Sant a Paula, Cat.) . G, W. Tighe............ William Shiells— G. W. Harmon son. C. R. Young______ 100,000 j 1 25,000 561,000 569.700 WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC 111,730 Bk. of Italy and Crocker N., San F. 130.500 Crocker N.and Mtle. N.. San F. 240,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A aid Wills Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 192,000 N. City, N.Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; IstN., Sai F.; 1st N. and Humboldt N.. Eureka. Irving N..'N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A.; Am. N.. San F60,100 Han. N..N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Bk.of Italy, San F.: Citiz. N.. Los A.; Am. X.,San. F. COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONOS CA LIF O RN IA BANKS — E ls in ore to F illm ore Elsinore...Riverside J 4 Consolidated Bank___ <§’87 L Pop. 1500 90-586 Emeryville—Alameda C 8 First National Bank___ <’09 Pop. 2613 90-587 First Savings Bank_____ §’14 90-818 Escalon.San Joaquin C 11 Pop. 500 90-743 Eicondido.San Diego K 5 Escondido Nat’l Bank .<’87 90-460 L Pop. 2000 Escondido Savings Bk.„§05 90-462 '• _______ First National Bank ——<’05 •• Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this PAT TT7f"lT? MT A___ f ir-»i i VvaxaN V/UtlIIIIUCQ Bank. AOounty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.State Bks.Assn.+Priv. [ Estab.! L is Los Angeles Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. oc.uuniiic.o Jul y, 19 20 qq HAUIHU UUAO I MUNICIPAL St FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS 74 ‘ ' Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Name Town and County. of (lexed Acces.), La volume. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this; volume. For Interest Rates, HoUdays, etc., see Laws. C A LIFORNI A—Continued President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass t Cashier. Paid-up Capital Profits P. E. Ewald. Mgr. ______ __________ i (Branch of Los Firebaugh___ Fresno G 51 Bank of Los Banos------ £§'05 Pop. 1200 90-838 Folsom City..Sacramento Bank of Folsom..............<§'10 E. T. Wall________ J. L. Patterson___ H. Clemensen____ Pop. 1500 A 11 90-593 Forestville—Sonoma A 6 Analy Savings Bank ____l'07 Thomas Silk------Pop. 1845 90-594 Fort Bidwell—Modoc B6 Bank of Fort Bidwell.<§'07 C. H. Fee_________ R. R. Baker--------- R. R. Baker--------Pop. 400 90-595 <§’89 90-88 <’81 30,000 16,000 370,000 285,000 80,000 N. City. N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A. and 1st N.. San F.: Cal. N. and N- Bk. of D. O. Mills & Co., Sacramento. 29,340 1st N. and Anglo * Lon. Paris N„ San F. 6,270 2 205,590 25,430 8 818,920 ___ H. P. Preston j..__ 50,000 20,000 500,000 400,000 134,370 lrvingN.,N. Y.:Cont.& Com’l N.,Chi.; Anglo A 40 Lon. ParisN.andWellsPargo-Nev.N., San F. 80,000 Han.N., N. Y.: Crocker N.. San F. M. C. Beem_______ O. V. Green______ R. A. Walker_____ A. A, T,ord . Geo. Golden W. H. Dixon 100,000 74,000 8 860,000 112,000 N. Park. N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N.. San F. E. W. Haight_____ I. H. Van Duzer— Fred. P. Newell... G. R. Legg-------- 25,000 28,950 4 368,130 Fred Nelson........... C. V. Peterson —— Arthur L. Harris.. L. J. Harriman 50,000 29,070 1,054,250 114,220 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Bk. of Eureka, Eureka; Am. N.. San F. 428,580 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ San F. and Los A.; Union N„ Fresno. Vice-Chairman 0. J. WOODWARD C. 1. MILLER, -1. Cash, and Tr. Of. ) State wide se rvice in Californ la. 1 Direct your cli ents to us. Quick returns on collections. O. J. Woodward... _______ “ Fresno Savings Bank—<i'10 W. O. Miles.............. “ ... ........... “ (Growers National Bank .*’191 J. Bidegaray---------90-96 , A. D. McKean, V.P. " _______ “ Industrial Bank----------- ‘I’lO B. Okonoei_______ 90-95 (W.0. MILES........ *UNION NATIONAL BANK<07 promptattentlo 90-94 ” dl.)............ Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 65,790 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Bk. of D. O. Mills & Co.. Sacramento; 1st N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San P. N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi. 25,000 “ ----------- Cal A $ 392,330 $ 50,000 ♦Fidelity Trust & Sav. Bank; W. M. Giffen.......... ♦ 90-87 <§’87 W. A. Sutherland, V. P. and Mgr. Henry Avilla, Asst, to Mgr. ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK Banos, Principal correspondents. Cash it Exchangss,Dcs from Baku J. E. Weller............ 1 90-90 its [.©Alta it Disc’ts. Bonds, Sbcuritiii Leonard Barnard— Geo. Golden______ J. E. Weller........ ..... fOAH BROWN, JR., BANK OF ITALY Dbpo, East River N., N.Y.; N. City, Chi. For other correspondents sec H. O.J San F. 9.000.000 3,500,000 __ (Branch of San Francis co) E. ARVEOI F. R.S.hEATON.A.W. 1,000,000 Walter Shoemaker C. E. Hamilton, I S. C. Enos, Sec. & A. Cash. Lesley Einstein Cash. & Tr. J. C. Forkner W. W. Parson, A. R. Jack W. T. Mattinly Mgr. Sav. Dept. H. S. Wilson J. E. Carlson E. L. Sedelmeier M. P. Hall E. A. Walrond........ Roy Pulliam______ T. E. Mellen-------500,000 ! Craig Thorburn iC. A. Peters, Jr, IG. G. Bodeen A. B. Clark.............. W. R. Price .. John Patten--------67,500 C. R. Puckhaber 200,000 Matias Erro______ ( M. L. Wells......... — P. H. Loinaz Fred Nelson T. E. Harris 60,000 H. Kitahama.......... i 8. Miyano-------------- (_____________ ER- W.R. PRICE----------E. L. R. TRIMBLE. ;o ail banking matters, [ We are thoroug bly equipped to handle Items on 740,200 150,000 463,240 11479 370 10 549 370 2,012,400 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 868,700 9,765,970 8,955,910 1,405,360 1st N., Irving N., East River N., and N. Park, N.Y.: 1st N. and Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Crocker N., Anglo & Lon. Paris N., Bk, of Cal. N. A., and Bk. of Italy, San P. 884,450 916,720 100,860 1st N., San F.: Union N. and Far. N„ Fresno: 65,630 Ft. Sutter N.. Sacramento. 302,090 Chem. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Bk. 21,390 1,090,860 1,151,610 of Italy and Am. N., San F. 487,370 21,480 CA LIF O RN IA BA NKS — F ir eb au gh to F u ll ert o n Fort Bragg...Mendocino First Bank of Savings.<§'10 Pop. 3500 D 2 90-381 ” _______ ’’ ) First National Bank------ <’91 90-380 “ *' Ft. Bragg Commercial Bank 90-734 <§’12 Fort Jones. Siskiyou B 3 Scott Valley Bank____ <§’02 Pop. 500 90-538 Fortuna-Humboldt O 1 Bank of Fortuna_____ <§’05 Pop. 1200 90-596 Fowler............ Fresno G 6 First National Bank.__ <’04 Pop. 1200 90-597 ‘Fresno_____ Fresno G 6 * Pop. 44,616 Resources. Liabilities. Bank. ^County Seats. »Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. tJIem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. I is Los Angeles Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. For Inti 100 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 fin t0 each bank in u- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers’ IvU Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank Toy ARKANSAS—Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 192,680 2,671,050 1,511,760 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N„ San F.: Cal. N., Sacramento. 157,300 ail points in the San Joa quin Va Hey. ” Fresno Clearing House_____ G. J. Woodard____ E. E. Manheim ___ W. O. Miles, Sec... (Members indicated by o *) | Fruitvale__ Alameda F 3 (Sec Oakland) _______ Pop. 5000 208,960 Han. N.. N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; Merch. N. and Citiz. N., Los A.; Crocker N„ San F. ' 55,000 i,2 1,100,000 £ 590,000 400,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Los A.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 86,000 1st N. and Heilman Com’l Tr. & Sav., Los A.; 1st N., Fullerton. 52,000 Security Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Am. N.. San F.; Capital N., Sacramento. 25,000 32,870 1,064.510 H. L. Ustick__ H. V. Williams H.V. Williams . H. L. Ustick Emanuel Smith. 50,000 50,000 18,500 90-430 .......... <’04 First National Bank___ <’95 F.C. Krause_____ _ C. E. Holcomb —) H. A. Krause------90-429 (Wm. Besser Fullerton Savings Banklt'08 F. C. Krause____ - B. F. Porter--------- Fred Fuller-----------90-431 Standard Bk. of Orange Co. L. H. Smith.......... . W. A. Smith............ S. W. Smith............ ♦ 90-905 »§’19 WIM R. SUMS CO.. BS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Federal Reserve Bank St. Louis 4 /■» 1 toofeach bank in V. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers’ 50,000 _______ Frahciscq-Pasaoeha PAT TDnDMTA____ 125,000 80,000 PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL &.FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONOS Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this, Ju ly , 1920 746.790 lerton___ Orange 13 FARMERS & MERCHANTS E. K. Benchley.— C. C. Chapman........ Waldo O’Kelly —— T. E. Taylor----Fallerton L Pop. 6000 NATIONAL BANK George Esmay wLlMMl R.M&KVS CO.. iOS ANGELES-SAN mHClSCO-PASAOENA. «U„L 101 glM to eaoh bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Vicb-Prksident. Cashier. yM. E. ETIENNE — THOS. EIGGART-—- J. C. FREDERICKS - B. A. WANN3CHAFFG. C. MARSHALL i Careful and pro mpt attention gi ven collections. Quick returns wi (.Correspondence invited. 'nH State wide serv ice In California, Direct your cli ents to us. Quick returns on collections. BANK&TRUST 90-722.... »J§’20 Glendale.Los Angeles I 2 Bank of Glendale_____ *$('05 E. H. Vesper.__ 90-359 L Pop. 15,000 First National Bank.__ •J’05iC.C. Cooper____ 90-358 Giendale National Bank.»t’)0 Daniel Campbell 90-679 Glendale Savings Bank.•§ 13 E. M. Lee______ 90-794 Glendora.Los Angeles 13 First National Bank.__ «J'O7 A. M. Bernhardt— 90-441 L Pop. 3000 First Savings Bank_____ |'08 A. M. Bernhardt— 90-442 Glendora Bank............... •J|'O2 A. E. Engelhardt.. 90-440 Gonsales...Monterey G 4 Monterey County Bank»t§'94 __________________ Pop. 600 90-601 Grass Valley.Nevada D 5 Nevada County Bank.«JJ1900 G. J. Sector______ Pop. 6000 90-277 Greenville.. ..Plumas C 5 Indian Valley Bank „_«J|’12 J. R. Murray_____ Pop. 500 90-716 Gridley----------- Butte D 4 First National Bank........ «J'O6 J. A. Schafer_____ Pop. 2000 90-493 Rideout Bank____ ____ •JI’Ol |___________________ 90-492 Grimes............ Colusa D 4 Colusa County Bank.__ •J’13-----------------------------Pop. 350 90-810 Guadalupe ....Santa Bar Bank of Santa Maria...»t§'95--------------------------90-602 bara L Pop. 650......... 1 5 Guerneville..Sonoma E 2 Bank of Guerneville...<§’09 R. A. Belden_____ Pop. 100 90-603 Gustine____ Merced F 5 Bank of Gustine______«J|T3 J. L. Nickel............ Pop. 1000 90-807 GERALD HECKER, Afpr. and Tr. Of. SMSatT - V. A. Nyman.__ A. Dana Burkett E. E. Osgood-----H. P. Francy E. U. Emery______ C. D. Lusby_____ W.W. Lee E. E. Gard_______ C. W. “Chamberlain E. E. Gard_______ J. J. West_____ 6,510 J 335,450 J 290,110 $ 25,000 8,520 130,340 150,630 78,150 Irving N., N. V.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. San F.: Capital N., Sacramento. 13,230 Secur. N. and Merch. N., Los A. 50,000 3,570 94,910 87,350 49,140 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Com’l N.. Los A. 42.390 552.880 50,000 th reaso 498,770 159.000 Han. N„ N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.. Secur. N., Los A. nablc ra tes. 25,000 22,500 405,000 375,000 25,000 15,000 250,000 225,000 150,000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., Los A., San F.,and Santa Ana. 50.000 N. Park, N. 1.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. co, Cal.) East R. N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Foi other correspondents see H. O., San F. 9,000,000 3,500,000 (Branch of San 1.) Irving N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Crocker N„ San F. 273,970 Chase N., N.Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr.Co..Chi.; Se cur. Tr. & Sav., Los A.: Merch. N.,San F. 315,510 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.; Merch. N., Los A.; Wells Eargo-Nev. N.» San P. 58,650 N City, N. Y.; Merch. N., Los A.; 1st N., San F. 75,000 9,030 1,239,580 1,050,740 25,000 56,810 1,515,020 1,303,450 25,000 12,000 50,000 7,060 423,370 25,000 15,200 315,000 44,070 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N„ Los A.; Et N„ Glendale. 80,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Los A.: Am. N., San F. 255,260 227,160 25,000 9,800 145,000 144,000 13,500 Far. & Merch. N„ Los A.; 1st N., Glendora. W, F.Boye.............. W. H. Stone............ 42,000 11,000 325,000 280.000 85,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Crocker N.. San F. Chase N„ N. Y.:AngIo & Lon. Paris N„San F. L. Vidoroni______ (Branch of Salin as, Cal.) 150,000 25,000 3,740 246,570 C. E. Serene______ C. W. Talley_____ 40,000 16,730 365,140 L. C. Taylor, Mgr.. J. R. Craig, A. Mgr. (Branch of Marv svillc. C (Branch of Coins a, Cal.) Roy Maxey______ A. L. Brown______ (Branch of Santa Maria, P. S. Hollingsworth D. R.Hollingsworth J. F. Clyne.............. J. C. Austin______ E. J. Goldenberger Bank of Newman_______§’19__________________ 90-898 267,600 Han. N., N.Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F.; Cal. N., Sacramento. 67,360 Chase N„ N. Y.; Am. N„ San F.; N. Bk, of D. 194,630 O. Mills & Co., Sacramento. 85,370 N. City, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; 529,910 Capital N., Sacramento. al.).— _______J.P. Morgan & Co., N. Y.: Mtle. N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. ______ Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. Cal.) ... ______ N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Los A.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F. 34,280 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Italian-Am„ San F.: Sav. 202,250 Bk. of Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa. 114,110 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. 670,900 A. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F.; Cal. N., Sacramento. 51.710 1.817,370 1,751,480 and Tr. F. B. Hosselkus__ H. C. Chamberlain. C. M. Chamberlain. HelfMoonBay.SanMateo Bank of Half Moon Bay«Jt 05 J. M. Francis____ _ Horace Nelson___ M. J. Bettencourt. P. P. Balestracci... 90-605 Pop. 1200 C7 J. L. Dehenedetti Security National Bank of | Horace Nelson___ M. J. Bettencourt.. San Mateo County_____ '19 ________ 90-912______ 25,000 11,430 200,680 100,000 35,110 596.360 (Branch of Newm an. Cal.) 30,000 38,640 606,600 557,750 117,490 N. City, N. Y’.; Bk. of Italy, Portuguese Am., and French-Am. Bk. of Sav., SanF. 25,000 WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC Principal Correspondents. C. W. Chamberlain W. H, Martin_____ A. H. Mooser_____ E. M. Rector, Sec. W. B. Perry F. L. Bratton_ _ _ k Ca*b Ex CHAMOIS, Dva tbom Banks 35,000 (Branch of San E. R. Green, Mgr.. Cecil L. Carlyle, A. Mgr. C. M. Walton_____ Herman Nelson___ D. H. Smith M. P. Harrison___ R. F. Kitterman... W. A. Goss O. S. Richardson.. John A. Logan__ k Loans Dis c’ts. Bonds, Sbcdkitibb COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS CALIFORNIA BANKS—Galt to Half Moon Bay 90-596 »’05, Garden Grove....Orange First National Bank___ •t'OOiJ. M. Woodworth. C. B. Scott, Jr___ F. A. Monroe_____ J. A. Dieckman.__ 90-590 L Pop. 600 J 7 Geyserville..Sonoma E 3 First National Bank____ J’03 O. B. Shaw _ _____ C. F. Beffa............. H. E. Black_______ E. L. Wisec*rver_ 90-600 Pop. 500 Gilroy ...Santa Clara G 4 BANK OF ITALY............•« 90-378 Pop. 2800 Resources. Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital Profits its Ass't Cashier. 1920_______ PRESIDINT. Galt-------- Sacramento E 4 Bank of Galt---------------•JJ’12-J. W. Angrave____ A. Lippi...................... W. C. Anderson— 90-736 Pop. 1000 Gardena-Los Angeles 11 Citizens State Savings BankiM. E. Etienne........ J. M. Dunn------ ... J. C. Fredericks... W. H. Wood. 90-761 §'12 Thos. Biggart I Pop. 1800 Farmers & Merchants Bank W. Simpson R. Robertson_____ ' J. D. Adams......... .. J. N. Blake.. 90-923 §’20 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws CALIFORNIA—Continued Liabilities. Town and Oountt. Namb or Bank. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. L is Los Angeles Branch ♦Mem. Fed. Res. hR™?Jcx^r^ohbo^ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Raud-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 74 Town *nj> ,.v n.xi Coun-. Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. IState ‘County Seats. In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. L is Los Angeles Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Vice-President. President. ‘Hanford_____ Kings G 6 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank 0.M. Cross.......... 90-259 <’90 Pop. 8000 FIRST NAT’L BANK .. 90-261 <’87 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital its* Profits Judd Smith.............. R. J. Downing____ A. L. Newport___ $ 100,000 $ B. Bashburn J. H. Dopkins S. SHANNON______ .H. C. LILLIS_____ NCKERILL ...F. J. STEVENSON .. C. S. WOTEN ROY FREDERICK Oldest. Largest, Strongest. 100.000 Resources. Principal Correspondents, Loans & Dis- Cash & Ex C*Tfi. BONDH, changes,Due Securities from Banks 80,000 J 980,000 $ 805,000 $ 355,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; 1st N„ Los A. 393,690 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.» Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; 1st N., Los A. 297,030 2,855,790 2,976,220 SEND US YOUR BUSINESS. H. K. Wrieht_____ S. E Railsback___ 100,000 79,210 600.870, 546.180 164,100 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N. and Bk. of Cal. N.A.,San F.: 1st N.. Los A. .. Hanford Savings'92 C. M. Cross_______ Judd Smith______ R. J. Downing .... R. W, Buckner.... A. Leoni 90-260 50,000 37.000 343,000 395,000 35.000 Far. AMerch. N„ Hanford; Anglo A Lon. Paris N., San F.; 1st N.. Los A. " ---------- Peoples Savings Bank.-.I'OS W. V. Buckner.— C. A. Kimble------- H. E. Wright_____ ..................................... 00-264 25,0u0 74.220 117.810 216,080 9,250 Am. N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; Hanford N., Hanford. .. The Old Bank...............<02 F. R. Hight.............. P. McRae.................. J. J. Hight______ W. F. Kelley.......... B. E. Schnereger 90-262 100,000 104,580 1,590,4001 1.424,340 370,660 Irving N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N.. San F.; Com'l N„ Los A. Hardwick........ Kings H 6 First National Bank„..<’13 Pop. 500 90-787 Frank Johnson.... J. L. Sharp 10,970 151.000 144.000 W. T. Knightly.... W. W. Haley.......... 50,000 21,000 520,000 500,000 111,260 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., San F.; 1st N. and Cent. N., Oakland, <T1 .1. II. Strobridge... M. C. Peterson___ John A.Park?____ G. II. Park_______ Jas. Hargreaves 100,000 50,400 1,705,300 1,646,720 250,290 East River N., N. Y.; Bk. of Italy, San F.; 1st N., Fresno; Cent. Sav., Oakland. 100,000 20,000 1,072,7 50 1,119,430 80,470 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N-. San F.; 1st and Cent. N., Oakland, Hayward....Alameda F 4 Bank of Haywards...-<l’01 I. B. Parsons------- E. O. Webb______ Pop. 5000 F. C. Winton 90-355 First National Bank 90-694 I. B. Parsons------- E. O. Webb_______ W. T. Knightly.... W. W. Haley.......... Haywards Bank of Savings F. C. Winton 90-357 »tl’06 •• H. A. Linthicum, Mgr. A. A. De Mello San Leandro State Bank.§’18 90-873 A Healdsburg..Sonoma B 3 Farmers Meeh.Sav.Bk.1'12 O. W. Weaver........ S. L. Wattles.......... J. H. Miller........ ..... L. J. Hall____ ____ Pop. 3500 90-730 .. » First National Bank.„.<12 C. W. Weaver........ S. L. Wattles ... J. H. Miller.............. L. J. Hall_________ 90-415 52,000 Am. N., San F. Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F.; Oakland Bk. of Sav., Oakland. (Branc h of San Lcandr o. Cal.) 50,000 100,000 62,350 831,360 82,680 Bk. of Italy, Crocker N., and 1st N„ San F. 861,030 301,380 N.Park.N. Y.: IstN.,Chi.;Bk.of Cal.N. A..Croc ker N., and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 120,590 1,170,330 1.097,670 Healdsburg Nat. Bk___ <12 George H. Warfield Fred W. McConnell J. R. Williams____ W. R. Haley______ 00-416 D. A. Bane 150,000 05,430 Healdsburg Savings Bk...l’12 George H. Warfield Fred W. McConnell J. R. Williams........ W. R. Haley............ 90-752 D. A. Bane 75.000 34,250 478,060 550,470 36,130 Han. N„ N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., Am. N., and Italian-Am., San F. Thos. J. Fletcher.. 50.000 36,000 565,000 517,000 142,000 ChaseN., N. Y.: Far. & Merch. N.. Los A.; N. Bk. of Riverside, Riverside. ... W. N. Bender------ Walter Brant------ - 100,000 50,000 675,000 700,000 120,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Los A.: Crocker N., San F. Hermosa Beach. Los A. J 7 First Bank of Hermosa Beach J. E. Walker............ M. H. Heilman____ G. S. Thatcher------ R. D. Cowley_____ 90-780 •118 R. fi. Matteson L Pop. 678 30,000 7,500 300,000 255,000 36,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Los A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. Highland...San Bernar First Bk. of Highland-.<|’04 G. T. Henslee____ M. M. Randall____ J. M. Spaulding.__ K. M. Pennock___ 90-607 dino L Pop. 1600____ 14 35,000 12,380 295,040 293,470 49,110 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N„ Los A.; Am. N., San F. " M ---------- " H. II. Spaulding... C. B. Covell........ H. C. Wilson John E. King. C. P. Carl WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 A-3 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Federal Reserve Bank St. Louis under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. lUOofDirector?, and Ju ly, 1920 Hemet........ Riverside J 4 Farmers A Merch. Bk..<i’O7 I. B. Gibbel.............. 90-491 L Pop. 2000 H •• First National Bank____ <15 E. J. Cranston .— 90-490 137,370 Han. N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. Italian-Am.. San F. 900,330 1,082,170 H anfo rd to H ig hla nd 25,000 CA LIF O RN IA BA NKS ~~ W. V. Buckner.— 0. A. Kimble_____ Hanford National Bank 90-263 <03 102 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 102 Non-Bank Toy dexed Acces.), La volume. For Int' ARKANSAS—Continued COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONOS CALIFORNIA—Continued Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this _ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, wjULiHm n. JI WHIP UU„ LU a HHfatLtyMH rRANCISCO-rASADENA. PAT Tt?rYDTATT A CAL/lr UKi'IlA Name oe Bank. Town and County. aConnty Seats. In No. 12 Fed. Bes. Dist. L is Los Angeles Branch. Mem. Am. Bks.A Mem.State Bks. A ►Mem. Fed. Res. Hilmar_____ Merced D 11 5 President. \ T. S. HAWKINS — POP. 3000 I 90-392 Hollister Savings Bank.„I’92 Wm. Palm tag_____ C. H. Wagner____ E. E. James.......... F. S. Faria. T. H. Slaven 90-394 R. Shaw 50,000 tWM. T. HOPPER— J. E. RANSFORD .... M. F. PALMER........- R.I. D. OLIVER . B. STORM BO-248 90-247 R. C. LONG, Mgr. A. Mgr. 986.000 71.000 inglo Cal. Tr. Co. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F. 65,000 2,125,960 2,113,270 221,220 !hase N.. N. Y.: Cont. and Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N„ Los A.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.i e.d 35,890 574,180 591,060 38,630 1st N„ Los A.; Cal. N., Sacramento. 5 lech. & Metals N., N, Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. A. Mgr. JODGE, A. Mgr. 1 Courteous atte ntlon given to th e banking requirements of travelers In So uthern Callfornl iWrite for our b ooklet “HOLLY W OOD THE BEAL 1 O. N. 8haw.............. R. W. Hoover........ J. G. Hall_______ S. E. Shaw 50,000 68,370 75,000 722,000 457,200 512,000 57,890 C lont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Citiz. N. and Far. Merch. N.. Los A. & Lon. Paris N.. San F. 14,000 Anglo A 4,000 75,000 104,000 Hneneme....Ventura I 6 Bank of Hueneme........ •Jl’89 E. O. Gerberding.. A.Levy..................... E.O. Green............ JJ. A. Treher. L Pop. 600 90-609 R. Bard 50.000 12,500 110,000 120,000 Hughson.Stanislaos O 11 Bank of Hughson.......... •JI’IO J. W. Holeman ___ F. M. Hudelson___ Bernice Wood........ 1 Pop. 500 90-010 25,000 19,000 HuntingtonBeach.Urnge First National Bank....»t u5 L. A. Copeland.... Kyle Howard L Pop. 3000 J 3i 90-510 50,000 j 18,000 1 &i 40,000 I rving N„ N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Am. N., San F.; 1st N.. Los A. 353,910 364,690 22,900 1Ian. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ San F.: Modesto, Mod esto. 500,000 418,000, 48,600 > 1 WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC Bk. Com,, X. Y , 1st N„ Los A.; Am. N., San F.; Cal. N., Santa Ana. COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL &. FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS 103 25,000 C. E. Layering.......... 125,000 IHan. N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Los A. and San Diego. 670.000 Hopland..Mendocino E 2 Bank of Hopland_____•tl’12 8. E. Brookes_____ J. W. Hiatt.............. J. L. Pelton....... .... Pop. 500 90-008 Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. .t§’19 ! Holtville Bank............... •Ill 90-524 East River N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; For ether correspondents see H. O., San. E. 96.000 (Branch of Los A ngeles, C al.)____ ............ . G. G. GREENWOOD, Holtville—..Imperial J10 FIRST RATIONAL BANK«t’10 Leroy Holt......... ..... M. C. Blanchard... Ernest E. Shacklett L Pop. 2500 90-523 E. E. Harden ♦ 25.000 25.000 so-249 (_______ 1 1 1 < F.)______ (Branch of Los A ngeles) T. M. Perry, Afpr. HOLLYWOOD SAV. BK..»I’O5 Wm. T. Hopper... J. E. Itansford .... M. F. Palmer_____ TRUST & SAV. BK. 951,000 )Your friends an d customers will be 1 well taken ca re of If sent to us. Hibernia Savings Bk.... t§’20 90-252 SECURITY (Branc h of San Chase N„ N. Y.: Wells Fargo Nev. N.. San F. — (Branch of Los A ngeles) N. W. McMillen, Mgr. FIRST RATIONAL BANK.*: 03 i 95,000 i$ 567,000 1 741,000 $ 1 43,500 Principal Correspondents. CA LIF O RN IA BA N K S — H ilm ar to H u n ti n g to n B ea ch 100.000 Resources. Loams <fr Dis- ' Cash ft Exc’ts. Bonds CHANGES, DC! SBCORITfKS from Banks. of Tut loch, Ca n_____ >9 000 000 $3500 000 First National Bank.__ »t’92 Wm. Palm tag_____ C. H. Wagner____ | E. E. James_____ F. S. Faria____ R. Shaw 90-395 T. H. Slaven Bollywood..Los Angeles Citizens Trust & Savings L Pop. 25,000 J 7 Bank....90-251................§’20 f Liabilities. j nEPO8Paid-up ' Surplus AND | Capital Profits ITS (Branch T. W. HAWKINS D. M. PATERSON, State Wide Serv Ice In California. Direct your clle nts to us. Quick returns on collections. ‘Hollister.San Benito Q 4 BANK OF ITALY............. •tt'73 Ass’t Cashikk. jo. H. Olson, Mqr.. ......................•........... tl Bank. 90-869 Cashier. Yick-Prksidknt Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. /''4-4 V^OIl llllUCU Ju ly . 1920 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given ino to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 1UO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 74 Town and dexed Acces.), Li volume. For In ____ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1/iA to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Avv Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town Non-Bank Toi ARKANSAS—Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. County. PAT TUfADhTT A k>2AI_/lr' U/lxlN lrl Non-Bauk Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this! volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws? ® LOnUnUCu Resources. Liabilities. Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. L is Los Angeles Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. * AIU VA" Surplus AND Capital profits Huntington Pk.-.Los An Bank of Huntington Park G. W. Marchand.. J. B. Leonis.......... . Wm.'H. Candee___ F. D. Clark........... . $ geles LPop. 4513....11 90-611 *ti'O5 R. M. Andrews 50,000 X Depos its A Loanb Bibc’tb. Bonds, Securities 1st N.and Merch. N., Los A.: Am. N., San F. A. Adams, Mgr....... al.)........ H. G. Flint.............. 176,320 Imperial—.Imperial K 10 Farmers & Merchants Bank Frank Wilkin____ L. J. Thomas——.. W. D. Smith............ M. B. Wilken L Pop. 2600 90-465 «+§T2 C. W. Waite-.. C. H. Connett N. A. Mackey. •Independence..Inyo G 7 Inyo County Bank.......... «§T0 L Pop. 407 90-883 J. M. Holt............... V. V. Scott IR. L. Boman I A. P. Mairs---------- E. E. Black. Inglewood ..Los Angeles Citizens Savings Bank „•S'10 F. A. Zillgitt__ 90-448 L Pop. 4000 11 L. B. Zillgitt______ i Adolph Leuzinger . A. H. Robbins........ R. L. Hill.............. H. L. Martin J. IL Kew 90-447 Inglewood Savings Bank §’20 W. G. Brown. 90-907 Irvington—Alameda 0 9 Pop. 750 Isleton..Sacramento B 2 Pop. 500 ‘Jackson....Amador E 5 Pop. 3000 J amestown__ Tuolumne Pop. 800 F5 Kelseyville.....Lake D 3 Pop. 500 Kennett_____ Shasta C 3 Pop. 1800 Kerman-------- Fresno G 5 Pop. 400 Kern.................Kern H 7 Keyes_____ Stanislaus F 4 Pop. 30 King City.Monterey G 5 Pop. 1000 Knights Landing, Yolo E 4 (Grafton P. O.) Pop. 320 90-615 115,500 Han. N., N. Y.: IstN., Los A. Secur. N., Los A. A. J. W. Gardiner___ I. P. Gardiner____ E. L. Facer_______ 100,000 278,780 100,580 48,520 1,090,770 970,240 232,050 "4,500 70,790 36,460 Crocker N.,San F. 25,000 7,750 Col.) ... ____ (Branch of Sacr _____ •S’10 ______ I.)-------- (Branch of Alva 50,000 J. Chichizola_____ A. Ginocchio_____ C. L. Culbert_____ T. A. Hedgpeth.—! C. R. Downs W. E. Booker........ G. N. Porter.......... .. J. B. Ryan................ Chas, F. Butterfield 125,000 W. E. Booker_____ G. N. Porter........... J. B. Ryan________ Chas. F. Butterfield: 25,000 226,880 6,460 92,000 1,808,000 1,795,000 25,000 5,300 65,900 92.720 151,610 143,790 (Branch of Lakep ort, Cal, G. R. Smith............ (Branch of Raid ing, Cal. I) H. F. Vergez, W. G. Kerckhoff — R. C. Heims.... 625,000 Mgr. J. A. Johnson____ W. A. Troyer........ . 25,000 20,000 300,000 : 250,000 W. C. Bennett........ H. E. Wetzel. A. E. Reynolds O. E. Lapum.......... 60,000 534,550 11,600 |J. E. Abernethy— (Branch of Salin 650,000 50,000 15,000 750,000 Levi Garrett_____ Alfred Nelson......... A. T. Lindgren ___ IB. C. Nelson____ ' E. A. Fredborg 1,045,020 CO,200 100,000 N. G. Nelson.......... A. T. Carlson — O. E. Peterson........ C. F. Draper_____ ' J. L. Norman i E. E. Peterson W. W. Hopper, (Branch of Wood land) Mgr. La Habra------ Orange J 3 First Bank of La Habra«t§’14 W. L. York............ L Pop. 55 90-816 H. E. Hart................ J. H. Walker_____ |H. O. Price............... 25,000 10,000 194,890 136,000 WILUAMR. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N„ San F. 132,630 Ft.Sutter N. and Capital N., Sacramento: Wells 230,0001 Fargo-Nev. N. and Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co., San F. N. Park, N. Y.: Crocker N. and Mtle. N., Sau 7,1001 F.; Com’l & Sav.. Stockton. Merch. N. and Wells Fargc-Nev. N., San F. 25,990 Han. N., N. Y.: Merch. N. and Wells Fargo Nev. N.. San F.; Far. & Merch., Stockton. Han. N., N. Y.; Bk, of Cal. N. A. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. N. Park, N. Y.; Anglo A Lon. Paris N., San F.: Capital N.. Sacramento. 85,000 N. City. N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Far. & Merch. N„ Los A. ChaseN.,N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi., Los A., and San F.' i________ _ _ ______ ; (Branch of Turlo L. B. Ulrey. Bk.of America, N. Y.: N. City,Chi.: 1st N.,San F.; N. Bk. of D.O. Mills & Co., Sacramento. 88,460 N. City, N. Y.: Am. N. and Merch. N., SanF.; 1st N„ Los A. Han. N.. N. Y.: Anglo A Lon. Paris N., San F. 125,000 Irving N.. N. Y.: 1st N„ Los A.; Am. N..| 223,490 Han. N.', N. Y.: State Bk. of Clii.. Chi.; 1st N„ San F. and Los A. N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N„ Clii.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Cal. N., Sacramento; 1st N., Woodland. 84,900, Merch. N., Los A.; Am. N., San F. Ju ly , 1920 Kingsburg...Fresno G 6 Pop. 1200 R. H. Frost, Mgr... Bank of Alameda County Bank of Isleton............«t§T9 00-890 Bank of Amador Countytl’96 90-616 First Bank of Jamestown 90-801 |T2 Jamestown National Bank 90-765 »t'12 Farmers Savings Bank.f§’20 90-909 First Savings Bank of Shasta County ..90-718............ .{'ll First National Bank.__ •t’OS 90-618 (See Bakersfield) Commercial Bank_______ §’17 90-862 First National Bank—«t'17 90-856 Monterey County Bank»t§'08 90-620 First National Bank—..•t’04 90-532 Kingsburg Bank _______»t§’ll ♦ 90-533 Home Savings Bank.__ *§'16 90-853 160,000 Cont. A Com’l N., Chi.; Citiz. N. and Bk. of Italy, Los A.; Am. N„ San F. J. C. Baird............ H. J. Anderson.... Roy A. Bush------- - Ione............... Amador E 5 Sacramento Valley Bank A Pop. 876 Trust Co..90-614______ {'94 390,000 * .Veils Fargo-Nev. N„ San F.; Merch. N., Los Indio........ . Riverside J 9 First National Bank........ ’20 C. E. French L Pop. 500 90-934 First National Bank.__ •}’05 W. G. Brown.. N. Y. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F,; Los A. Tr. & Sav. Bk., Los A. 49,130 Chase N„ N. Y.; Oitiz. N„ Los A. CA LIF O RN IA BA NKS — H u n ti n g to n Pk . to L a H ab ra Los Angeles Trust & Savings Bank....90-903______ »§’19 FIRST NATIONAL BANK •t’Ol Leroy Holt____ 90-464 Banks 50,000 ...................... ......... J. B. Leonis, Jr... O. L. Coke_____ prom 16,250 $ 767,390 $ 679,410 $ 159,770 First National Bank_____ ’20 T. V. Cassidy— SO-919 Hynes...Los Angeles 12 First National Bank____ •’ll C. 8. ThompsonL Pop. 600 90-612 Principal correspondents. & Ex- Cash changes,Dub COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL &. FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS ■ i. Rankins Point (In- !»■ w i nn iu UU 00 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. N ame of Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this' CALIFORNIA—Continued President. Vice-President. SOUTHERN TRUST & COM MERCE BANK_______§07 Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Surplus Paid-up AND Capital Profits Karl Kenyon, Jfpr. (Branch of San F. A. Greene_____ D. W. Greene. $ 90-621 A. Levy_________ La Manda Park..Los An First National Bank— .<’16 W. W. Flatt........ .. geles L I? 90-850 La Mesa.-San Diego K 8 Bank of La Mesa_____ <§’09 C. C. Park__ L Pop. 1200 90-622 Lancaster... Los Angeles L Pop. 600 18 Lankershim.Los Angeles L Pop. 1800 1 7 txtton—.......... Fresno G 6 Pop. 400 La Verne___ Los Angeles L Pop. 1600 13 Antelope Valley Bank..<§’15 90-756 Bank of Lankershim..._t§’10 90-623 First National Bank ....<’10 90-624 Farmers & Merchants Bank 90-836 t§’16 First National Bank___ <’09 90-496 LeGrand ...Merced D 11 Le Grand Bank_______ t§'13 Pop. 300 90-792 Lemon Cove.. Tulare G 7 First Bank of Lemon Cove Pop. 300 90-908 §’20 Lemoore_____ Kings G 6 Bank of Lemoore_____ <§’91 Pop. 2000 ♦ 90-488 F. IL Boggs______ Geo. H. Voss.......... H. C. Boggs. G. R. Smith FROM BxMXf Diego, C ah)........ N. City.N. Park, and Harriman N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ and Mtle. N., San F.; Citiz. N. and Far. & Merch. N„ Los A. 39,650 $ 325.500 $ 307,470 $ 108,090 Union Tr. Co., San F.; Cal. N., Sacramento. 25,000 3.500 260,000 150,000 25,000 6,350 227,700 210,000 E. L. Roberts........ E. E. Fugitt______ John C. Bradshaw. H. Niemeier... 50,000 4,000 332,000 266,000 Fred. Weddington. C. C. Bowerman... H. D. Myers. J. W. Deupree R. M. Bostwick___ C. A. Smith______ II. L. Ward.......... Vera A. Myers. 50,000 7,310 401,910 364,840 A. E. Hudson.. 25,000 10,000 90,000 90,000 L. C. Klinzman___ J. H. Price............. D. S. Newcomer... 25,000 7,500 255,000 219.C00 E. R. Yundt______ H. J. Vaniman .... L. A. Blickenstaff.. 25,000 6,260 167,910 157,200 25,000 14,500 240,000 225,000 25,000 710 29,320 19,090 E. T. Cunningham. R. C. Burchell____ P. Carmean______ C. E. Goodale_____ E. E. Goodale G. L. Buhrman___ L. S. Carroll. 100,000 29,000 861,000 558.000 62,900 17,650 648,600 558,710 F. C. Crosby______ John Moore______ Guy E. Green.......... 30,000 2,000 225,000 180,000 W. A. Bohland —— G. V. Reed............. G. V. Reed______ 75,000 36,100 1,036,850 914,100 100,000 25,000 75,000 19,170 53,920 Chase N., N. Y.: Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A. Am. N., San F. 25,000 Irving N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi. 66,000 N. City, N. Y.; Citiz. N. and 1st N„ Los A. 1st N„ Pomona; Crocker N„ San F. 66,980 Chase N„ N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Citiz N„ Los A. 40,000 IstN., San F. 33,090 Liberty N..N.Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N.,San F. Heilman Com’l Tr. & Sav., Los A. 305,870 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San EL; 1st N„ Los A. 850,000 746,000 342,240 326,470 69,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Crocker N., San F.; Com’l N„ Los A. 139,300 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F.; Capital N-, Sacramento. 30,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Ft. Sutter N., Sacramento. 216,120 Han. N.. N. Y.; Bk.of Cal. N. A.. SanF.; Citiz. N.« Los A. 192,630 1st N„ Los A. and San F.; Cent. N., Oakland. sutlle, C al.)______ E. H. Cobeen, Mgr. and Tr. Officer. 44,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N.. Los A.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F.: Southern Tr. & Com.. San Diego. 56,000 Citiz. N„ Los A.; Bk. of Italy, San F. 60,540 1,258,400 1,061,130 50,000 A. M. Hostetter... C. S. Rupert C. K. Towt________ King G. Gillette... Chester Dowell-__ E. A. Nelson_____ Mahler E. L. Daniells_____ G. K. Hostetter___ G. V. Reed___ IL E. Wojf_______ 166,910 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Cent. N„ Oakland. <0,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Los A. 556,110 11. A. Hall................ H. C. Park—, 571,190 M. L. SILVA.......... 9,000,000 3,500.000 (Branch 49,070 Am. N., San F.; Citiz. N., Los A.; 1st N„ Lind say. J. P. Morgan & Co., N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi.; Mtle. N., San F. to Lod i East River N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. Lon. Joint City & Mid., London. For other correspondents see H. O., San F of San Francis co) ( Quick returns o n collections. Thos. W. Norris... J. O. McKown____ H. S. Goodell_____ H. J. Callaghan .. 50,000 30.000 600.000 600,000 Thos. W. Norris... J. O. McKown____ H. S. Goodell.......... 75,000 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F. 75,000 35,000 8LO.OOO 850.000 75,000 1st N„ San F. and Livermore. H. P. Spencer____ G. H. Winton_____ D. Caig, Jr............... C. L. Davidson___ F. E. Crowell S. Strobridge__ 50,000 14,180 279 440 J. B. Cory_______ W. IL Thompson.. W. H. Lorenz_____ W. F. Meeske........ Jas. P. Shaw Christ Albright___ Lot Lachenmaier.. John Mettler, Jr.. E. B. Doering____ 100,000 J. B. Cory________ W. H. Thompson.. W. H. Lorenz_____ Jas. P. Shaw_____ Frederic Spoerke H. E. Welch______ J. H. Thompson__ C. M. Ferdun------- A. O. Eddlemon... 100,000 57,670 1,140,300 1,280.850 100,000 90,000 2,146,060 1,853,000 75,000 23 020 796,770 852,760 16,150 667,050 576,760 R. STAATSCO., Los Angeles-San Francisgo-Pasadena 23,360 Chase N„ N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ 324,410 )______ . Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Crocker N., San F. 167,280 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.: Cal. N„ Sacra mento; Sav. & Ln. Society, Stockton. 185,830 Chase N„ N. Y.; Corn Ex. N„ Chi.; 1st N„ 515,000 Han. N.,‘ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.: Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Am. N., San F. 535,000 Imp. &,Tra. N., N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. I N., San F.: Capital N., Sacramento. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL &. FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS. 105 3wcimu F. E. Vanderhoof.. E. Grimes..— A. SMITH, Mgr. Livingston...Merced F 5 Pop. 400 Lockeford..San Joaquin Pop. 612 B 11 Lodi....San Joaquin E 4 Pop. 4850 Cabh Ex change*,Due 52,210 Livermore.-Alameda F4 BANK OF ITALY............ •tS’ll < State wide serv ice in California, 90-409 Pop. 2000 I Direct your die uts to us. First National Bank___ <’08 90-411 Jvermore Val. Sav. Bk..§’05 90-410 First Bk. of Livingston.<§'13 90-806 Union Safe Deposit Bk...§’07 90-626 Central Savings Bank___ §’07 90-362 Farmers & Merchants Bank 90-844 <§’16 First National Bank___ <’05 90-361 Lodi National Bank____ <’88 90-360 its Principal Correspondents. k k .Oifii Dim ;’t«. Bonds, 100,000 II. C. Lillis_______ J. A. McCormick.. N. W. Snrrick____ A. D. Campbell ___ G. W. Hinkle, H. A. Thomsen A. Cash. First National Bank___ <’05 C. H. Bailey______ H. C. Lillis.............. Geo. C. Odale.......... C. D. WHlis............ 90-489 Carl O. Brown Lincoln............ Placer E 4 Bank of Lincoln_____ »+§’02 A. J. Gladding___ B. C. Musser_____ H. Stuckstede____ W. M. Sparks, Jr... Pop. 1800 90-625 Bank of Western Placer..§ 15 90-825 Lindsay........... TulireG 7 First National Bank ___<’05 Pop. 3000 90-423 Lindsay National Bank._<’10 90-424 Lindsay Savings Bank __t#‘ 10 90-425 Live Oak_____ Sutter D 4 Rideout Bank__________ §’12 Pop. 480 90-727 50,070 $ Depos ________ CA LIF O RN IA BA NKS — L a Jo lla C.akeport.......... Lake D 3 Bank of Lake__________ §’74 M. S. Sayre.. Pop. 1000 90-511 Farmers Savings Bank.<§’74 90-510 For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, volume. Resources. Liabilities. Bank. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist JMem. State Bks. Assn. fPriv. L is Los Angeles Branch, ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. La Jolla..San Diego K L Pop. 1100 afirstmoruiage corporation bonds ul y, 1920 ______ i nc 1U J LUO niWCLCa-JftH rKANUIdUrrASADtNA. Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 74 Tows and County. B^nj^, Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. ■j nc to each bank in 1UU Town and County, j Name oe Bank. xCounty Seats. i«Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist.: tMem.State Bks.Assn.TPriv. L is Los Angeles Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President. Vice-President. CASHIER. W. F. Dickson.™ E. E. Hill________ Lomita..Los Angeles I 7iState Bank of Lomita...§'20 J. F. Spencer. L Pop. 2500 90-922 S. F. Spencer .... A. J. Stinton_____ First National Bank___ »t’9O James Sloan____ 90-449 90-118 ‘EXCHANGE •J'07 NAT’L 90-117 90-111 Resources. Txians & Dl8c’ts. Bonds, Securities R. E. Sudden_____ W. C. Bissinger.. F. R. Lewis. Secur. N., Los A. 697,710 | 862,450 99,880 3.015.230 1,981.730 1,042,110 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. and Com’I N., Chi.; Citiz. N., Los A.; Ain. N., San F. iT. W. Williams-__ C. E. Huntington „ H. V. Ketcherside. A. R. Montgomery F. A. Ziegler Veda I. White 350,000 H.R. Maltby. Harry E. Poapst 133,470 East River N., N. Y.; Bk. of Italy, San F. 639,290 Han. N„ N. Y.: Merch. I.n. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F.: Secur. Tr. & Sav,, Los A. 391.020 5,700,160 5,315,420 1,960,060 Han. N..N. Y.;N. City., Chi.; Crocker N.,San F.; Citiz. N„ Los A. 121,620 4,111,780 3,832,700 JUDKINS —-J. W. PETTIJOHN «D.Blf „ H. S. McKEE........ R. D. JUDKINS 200.000 * BURSON, 3UR N. C. 1 C j R RUTHERFORD To those who appreciate adequate banking p ^^STLE 100.000 4,500,790 4,100,000 768,830 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Bx. N„ Chi.; 1st N., San F.; Merch. N., Los A. facilities intelligently administered. 350,000 205,200 1,373,810 1,264,860 ♦Marine Com’l & Sav. Bk. E. J. Wightman ... I. H. Heilman_____ Julius Blum ______ M. R. Wallace........ E. II. Wallace 90-120 •t§’14 300,000 75.000 2,557,830 2,262,110 E. HATCH...... - G. H. BIXBY ...... . W.M.COOK, LLEWELLYN BIXBY NATIONAL BANK P.W.G. BLATT.V. P. J. B. COOK J. E. HATCH-— 150,000 226,710 4,467,840 3,827,080 1,121.130 N. City, N.Y.; Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. Prompt and competent attention is given to ail collections. Personal presentation is always made when possible. Western Savings Bank-.§20 J. W. Tucker.......... !G. L. Craig............... A. L. Parmley-------- G. M. Foote C. C. Auge C. A. Wiley 90-121 100,000 22.500 722,000 654,000 Long Beach Clearing House P. E. Hatch......................................... . ........... R. D. Judkins, Mgr. (Members indicated by a *) _____________ J. J. Callison—__ E. D. Dunton. 70,000 15,330 502,700 512,010 Loomis______ Placer E 4 Bank of Loomis............ •1§’13 J. J. Brennan-----90-784 Pop, 600 (Branch of Sant a Maria , Cal.).. Les AIamos.S.BarbaraI5 Bank of Santa Maria.. »t§’17 90-858 L Pop. 300 25,000 3,200 78,180 67,300 Los Altos.Santa Clara D 9 First National Bank......... T9 R. M. Tooker_____ M. O. Adams........... - W. T. Clements ... W. M. Denhart__ , 90-906 Pop. 1500 WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. is the New Transit Number given by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 678.140 Han. N.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Wells Far go-Ney. N., San F.: Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 418,820 Liberty N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N„ Chi.; Union Tr. Co., San F.; Merch. N. and Heilman Com’I Tr. & Sav., Los A. L. C.POWELL. V.P. Number under Name of Bank Federal Reserve -•Bank Louis n'7 of toSt. each bank in U. S. exclusively Sav. Union Bk. & Tr. Co., San F.: Oom’l, Santa Barbara. 100.000 E. E. Norton_____ N. C. Birchfield___ »J’96 39,690 N. Bk. Com,, N. Y.; Am. N., San F.; 1st N„ Eureka. 96,350 150,000 W. J. Gardiner ♦LONGBEACH SAV. BANK & Llewellyn Bixby „ P. E. Hatch______ TRUST CO.-90-115 -•1102 Wm.M.Cook, F. P. F. C. Yeomans 90-112 Banks. 100,000 ■ \V .T Morrison L. A, Davis ««'O7 OF LONG BEACH from 9,830 $ 171,930 $ 157,350 J . 2,500 Principal Correspondents. Cabii & Ex changer,Due TRY OUR FACILITIES. »ro7 *11900 25,000 $ 25.0&0 Send us your Long Beach business. We give personal service and quick returns at low rates. BANK C. A. Wiley........... FIRST NAT. BANK $ B. F. TUCKER -......... C. E. AKERS_ _ _ _ _ _ NAOMI C. TOMPKINS--R. C. LEWIS-0. H. ADY ‘FARMERS & MERCH. BANK C. J. Walker____ 90-119 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital its Profits Ass’t Cashier. R. A. Lazier, Mgr.. C. B. Way, Mgr. .. (Branch of Santa Barbara, Calif.) . Lompoc__ S. Barbara I 5 Commercial Trust & Sav. Bk. L Pop. 2500 90-151 »§’O5 CITY NAT’L BANK Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisi —> volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, o CALIFORNIA—Continued Loleta____ Humboldt C 1 Bank of Loleta „.............$I'1O R. O. Dickson. Pop. 300 : 90-627 Long Beach-Los Angeles L Pop. 55,593 J 2 Non-Bank To dexed Acces.), I.?< volume. For In,' ARKANSAS—Continued LOS ANGELES 185,000S Ilan. N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.;! Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F, 75,980 Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F.; Cal. N., Sac ramento. N. City, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F.: 48,240| 1st N.. Los A. Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS . , t o . Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Ranking Point (In(Los Angeles, J 7) County Seat jexe(j Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ; /T - ---- .---- _ ____ v , j. ----- w------------ ,i WILLIAM If. Olnnlo UU., LUb HNutLto-OAN rKAnuldUU-r AbAUtNA. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given /t t v'i Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Int los Angeles, j z; county beat ^exed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this t0 eacb bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Bank< Ass’n. (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank District No. 12) Pop. 575,480—Reserve City volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. LOS ANGELES Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. .......................... — R. E. DOBBS______ LEON ESCALLIER, P. BODRERO------- A. Mgr. H. J. PYl! Branch of San Francisco. A. A. MICHEIETTI, Broadway Branch—7th & Broadway; A. Mgr. C. E. ROBINSON R. E. Trengrove, Asst. Mgr. E.AnUDLr8DUvL5i2vK International Branch*—225 No. Spring H. W. PARKER, tS 04 gt>; John Lopizich, Mgr. Mgr. InternaMARCRYANj tionalBus. Dept. Pico Branch*—Pico & El Molino Sts., P. BODRERO, N. M. Fraser, Mgr. BANK OF ITALY 16-66 A. J. WATERS........ E.T.PETTISREW •t'90 10-11 and Profits ual Deposits of Banks Principal Correspondents. Resources. Miscel j Bonds, Cash laneous i SecuriResources COUNTS j ties. Etc. Resources DIS -------------- 1 $9,000,000 $3,500,000 I (Other br anehes at Fresno, Gilroy, H 1 Modesto. Napa.Oa kland.Re dwood Ci \Santa B osa, Sto ckton an d Ventwr State wi de servic e in Call fornia. Quick re turns on Collecti ons. Livermor e, Mader a, Merced ta Clara, East River N., N. V.: Cont. & Com’l N. and Corn Ex. N., Chi. For other correspondents see H. O., San F. Direct y our clienits to us. - GEO. E. F. DOFFET GEORGE BUGBEE L. 0. IVEY F. R. ALVORD F. E. PRIOR S. S. PARSONS, W.J. DORAN M. J. MONNETTE Liabilities. Surplus Individ [Deposits' 1.500.000 1,076,070 $21261 850 $ 4,771,250 Auditor SEE Official attention given to collections ABVERTI SEMENT Liberty N. and Corn Ex., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and N. City, Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Am. N„ 1st N., and Anglo & Lon. Paris $ 3,621,740 $ 4,855,540 $4,614,990 N„ San F.; Phil. N. and Frank lin N., Phil.; Midland N., Minpls. ON CALI FORNIA I NDEX and remittance made promptly in any exchange desired at lowest rates. 0. E. MONNETTE---. G. W. WALKER.......... R. D. DAV(S....... ...... j. E FAUCET.._ H. A. KEHLER E. F. WEAVER F E FORKER Owned by the 750,000 292,000 12,200.000 2,214,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., 7,323,000 1,312,000 7.076,970 _________ 5,309,010 671,550 2,327,000 277,000 165,590 14.000 12,460 19,598,210 5.584.060 602.840 Chi.; Crocker N„ San F. Stockholders of t he Citizens Natio nal'Bank, If placed In our hands, your California business will receive prom pt and efficient attentio n. 'COMMERCIAL W. A. BSNYNGE —JOSEPH BURKHARD-W.A. BONYNGE,JR P R WILLIAMS MALCOLM CROWE I. P. L. E. SHEPHERD nunini,t”’K- r. k. williams. Members ef National Association of Credit Men. We maintain a file of the officials’ signatures ofthe banks of the United States. <’03 NATIONAL BANK 16-17 ‘CONTINENTAL <’14 Patronize the NEW BANK. Progressive and Growing. We Will Serve You Faithfully. Eagle Rock Bank.............. •JJ’07 F. E. Biles----------- ;F. W. Nahouse _ __ Ada Oarr, Cashier Fred E. Biles, 2>.. 16-53 ____ I___ I and Sec.' J. A. GRAVES........ T. E. NEWLIHH.F. STEWART ‘FARMERS & MERCHANTS 300.000 57,000 2,950.000 25,000 7,120 223,090 59,940 1,888,990 Han. N.,N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.}, Crocker N., San F.; State N., St. L. -V. H. ROSSETTI, 155.000 ................ 640,000 Han. N., N. Y,; Cont. & Corn’! N., Chi.; Am. N., San F.; Cont.' N., Kan. C. 63,710 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; 1st N„ Los A.; Am. N„ San F. J. M. HUTCHISON V. P. and Cash.A. E. ELLIOTT G. H. NAEGELE 1,500,000 NAT’L BANK 16-1 192,490 F. H. NICHOLS....... W. 0. HOWARD-—W. 0. HOWARD......... C. 0. ANDERSON R. I. CLINE NATIONAL BANK 16-78 300,000 <’71 This Bank is the OLDEST bank in Southern California 2,184,990 19,865,420 3,776,760 - 6 172 270 N. Park, and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev< N., San F. Your banking account and collection items for the Pacifio Coast. Arizona, and New Mexioo solicited. We have every facility for handling your business. TRY US. (E’er balance of Los Angel es banks, see foliowina page) WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC CA LIF O RN IA B A N K S — Los A ng el es CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK H. D. IVEY J. M. RUGG ] Paid-up i Capital Ju ly , 1920 1 -tv/ MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS 74 Town and County. Name I Nlimhpr nnHA» qe «»__ »_ tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President. Vice-President. Federal Reserve Bank of San {Branch of San Fra ncisco. Francisco, Dist. 12---------- T9 16-16 r fAO A MCVITT FQ___ (Vn ti mi pH____ Rpeorro Pit-re LUb AIN CJlLL^LLo UOniinuea lK.eser V e Lily _______ (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 12)________ Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. 10-0 J. P. BURKE.......... W. T. S. HAMMOND- A. C. WAY_ _ _ J. B. RUTH, Auditor E.' W. COE'" W. W. WOODS Ass’t to Pres . E. S. PAULY J. FORSYTH. Mgr. B. JONES Foreign Dept. W. C. BRYAN A. 0. MARTIN J. S. CRAVENS G. S. GREENE H. B. KING $ 3,000.000 $ 3,288,140 $48800180 See Advert iseme nt on M. N, AVERY.......... W. E. McVAY------W. W. GIBBS, JR. J. Veenhuyzen, Tr. Officer W. R. MOREHOUSE.— R. E. ZIMMERMAN — 0. C. SMITH. Sec. N. C. PETERS E.G. TAYLOR, A. Sec. GEO. CARLISLE 1,500.000 •t5'90 The Highest Type of Banking Service. <§’09 BANK <§’12 482.580 451,690 20,117,370 2,265,180 811,840 5,156,900 Liberty N. and N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Chi.: Union Tr. Co., San F.; 1st N„ St. L. 804,150 584,850 193,400 11,150 143,850 Tmp. & Tra. N„ N. Y.; Secur. N. Los A.; Am. N„ San F. 601.610 30.397,650 16,189.440 9,061,020 2,120,190 5.628.600 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk, Rep., ChL; Am. N., San F.; Guaranty Tr. Co., Lon. 803,190 28,836,940 9,070,000 2,400,340 7,420,180 Bkrs.Tr. Co., N. Y.: Harris Tr. & Sav, and Cent. Tr. Co. of 111., Chi.; Crocker N. and Anglo & Lon, Paris N„ San F.; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Fid. N. Bk.& Tr., Kan. C.: N. Shawmut, Bos. 684,490 25,680,410 $ A. M.GHAFFEY_ _ _ A. E. HUNTINGTONG. A. HANCOCK. V W. C. DURCIN G. A. J. HOWARD. A. M. GIBBS F. P. F. M. DOUGLASS W.E. OLIVER LEO S. CHANDLER H. M. COFFIN. Sec.. B. L. OEIBLER T.Sec L. W.McATEE, T.Sec. M. K. SALMON.T.Sec. L. H. VAN HOOREBEKE, A. See. G. A. PEACHMANAuditor. T. E. IVY. JR. A. A. LAMM H. C. HUNT g. E. JONES R. P. LEHMER E. G. OTIS F. D. LeBOLD 75,000 2.000.000 5.045.140 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 18,110 Finest Safe Deposit Vaults on the Pacific Coast, Seven Branches are established for your yoi convenience. All Banking matters promptly handled. H. M. Robinson.. J. C. Drake, Ch. o] Bd. J. O. Moore, Asst. to Pres. {Five Branches) M. H. Flint______ ! Jay Spence------------ Ralph Day_________ W. R. Hervey H. W. O’Melveny .Jay Spence \V. B. Stringfellow, A. Sec. W. N. Bucklin, Jr., A. Sec. C.S.Machin, A.Sec. All Oepartinen tsof a Modern Tr ust Company. Correspondenc e Invited. 3.000,000 2,006,670 40,860,110 C. F. Seidel H. A. Bell M. Christensen A. H. Lewis W. P. Caldwell {For balance of Bos Angeles banks see followin g page) WHAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS July, 1920 ’LOS ANGELES TRUST A SAVINGS BANK -.<§ 02 ♦ 16-54 18,881,980 11,228,219 E. R. Millar P. W. Wilson, B. F. Cline A. Sec. W. O. Terry D. R. Branham {Branches at 3d A Spring Sts.,* 24th & Hoover Sts. and 10th & Hill Sts.,* Los Angeles) Highland Park Bank........ <§'10 C. M. Church_____ Thos. iMcClement— L. A. Norris, Sec... L. W. Gatch _____ 16-71 C. W. Montgomery HOME«HIBERNIAN 1,409,350 32,678,570 Console ntlous e ffort to s erve well , and to serve qui ckly, has fou nd its re ward In a cllentel e of57,00 0 deposit ors. Send yo ur frlen ds to us BELLMAN COMMERCIAL Marco H HelIman- Irving H. Heilman. Emanuel Cohen ... H. B. Kelley .____ Benj. E. Page C. R. Bell. Sec. H. Schraffenberger TRUST & SAVINGS BANK W. E. Gill, A. Sec. 16-20 Oppos ite Pa ge- 1st N. and N. City. N. V.i Cont. & Com’l N. and Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., Crocker N., 1st N„ and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; N. Bk Com., Seattle. Largest National bank in Southern California. Unexcelled facilities for making Pacific Coast Collections. UHVIIIUU U«lll\ JamesStuarti A. Tr. OjTiccr. 16-65 $37538490 i5,180,390 $2,257,690 $15060 150 <’8C 'GUARANTY TRUST & SAVINGS BANK ■16—52 Principal Correspondents. CALIFORNIA BANKS —Los Angeles —Conti nued NATIONAL BANK Liabilities. Resources. Miscel Surplus Individ Deposits Loans & Bonds, Cash and ual Dis Securi laneous Resources of Profits DBPOS4T8 Banks counts ties, Etc Resources For compl ete information see page 39) H. M. ROBINSON W. H. LUTZ, ‘FIRST Paid-up Capital Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.) Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 108 Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State. ARKANSAS—Continued Bank. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number green mo to each bank in U S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ lUO directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. CO t?*? Dtreco,, , ^*«^^£SSaMK 5NVLUMA R, STMTS CO., LOS ANGELES-SAN rRANCISCO-rASADENA. MUNICIPA^^IRS^ORTGAG^ORPOR^^^DS First National Bank of Los Angeles Capital, Surplus and Profits H. M. ROBINSON . JOHN P.BURKE W. W. WOODS E. S. PAULY AUSTIN O. MARTIN JOHN S. CRAVENS W. T. S. HAMMOND A. C. WAY E. W. COE A. B. JONES W. C. BRYAN G. S. GREENE H. B. KING............... Officen ..i . . . i . i „ - . - $6,222,019.00 Dircctori .................... President ............................... Vice-President ................Vice-President ............................................ Vice-President ........... Vice-President ...................................................Vice-President ................................................................Cashier ............................................Assistant Cashier ............................................Assistant Cashier ............................................Assistant Cashier ............................................Assistant Cashier ............................................Assistant Cashier ............................................Assistant Cashier . M. ELLIOTT. Chairman JOHN P. BURKE Vice-President JOHN S. CRAVENS Vice-President J. C. DRAKE Chairman of Board L. A. Trust & Savings Bank GEORGE E. FARRAND Attorney FRANK P. FLINT Attorney M. H. FLINT Vice-President, Los Angeles Trust & Savings Bank C. W. GATES Capitalist H. JEVNE, H. Jevne Co. ..........................Assistant to the President J. B. RUTH.................. ................................................................Auditor J. FORSYTH ................................ Manager Foreign Dept. W. H. LUTZ................. J. O. KOEPFLI Bishop & Co. DAN MURPHY Capitalist E. J. MARSHALL President, Torrance, Marshall & Co. JOHN B. MILLER President, Southern California Edison Co. LEE A. PHILLIPS Vice-Pres. Packic Mutual Life Ins Co. E. D. ROBERTS Capitalist H. M. ROBINSON President F. Q. STORY, Capitalist STATEMENT OF CONDITION AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS MAY 4, 1920 LIABILITIES RESOURCES Loans and Discounts.................................................................................................... 1536,826,905.54 Bonds, Securities, Etc................................................................................................ 3,930,388.40 U. S. Bonds, to Secure Circulation.............................................................. 1,250,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures............................................. 150,000.00 Beal Estate Owned ... .................................. ....... \ 97,833.66 Customers Liability, under L. of C. and Acceptances . . . 1,729,294.52 Advances—B. L. Drafts ........................................................................................... 711,583.98 Interest Earned—Uncollected............................................................................... 267,107.12 Other Assets................................................................................................................. 13,454.57 Cash and Sight Exchange..................................................................................... 15,066,155.26 TOTAL . . . $60,036,723.05 Capital Stock .................................................................................................................. Surplus and Undivided Profits.............................................................. Circulation ........................................................ ........................................................ Bills Receivable Rediscounted............................ ....................................... - ■ • BilB Payable...................................................................................................... • • Letters of Credit and Acceptances.................................................................... Reserved for Taxes and Interest............................................................................... Unearned Discount Collected................................................................................ Earned Interest ............................................................................................................ Other Liabilities ............................ ......................................................................... Deposits................................................................................................................. ..... • TOTAL . . . S3,000,000.00 3,222,019.02 1,250,000.00 928,000.00 800,000.00 1,894,782.90 48,930.56 66,124.42 267,107.12 26,680.86 48,533,078.17 $60,036,723.05 We offer Unexcelled Facilities for handling Pacific Coast Collections 74 # Town Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given eac.h bank in u- s- exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and ARKANSAS—Continued County. Non-Bank Toi dexed Acces.), IJ volume. For THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Invites LOS ANGELES Business AND OFFERS UNSURPASSED FACILITIES FOR ITS TRANSACTION Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Federal Reserve Banktoofeach St. Louis 1 nn bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ COS ANGELES—Continued—Reserve City Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this .LOS ANGELES—Continued—Reserve City (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 12) Liabilities. Name of Bank. president. •Mem. Am Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Vice-President. Cashier. Paid-up | Capital MtnllHAN A ITILIIUIIHIIIU W.D. WOOLWINE R. I. ROGERS «■ *■McKEE NATIONAL BANK OURPLU8 AND Profits G. W. FISHBURN, Auditor.C.W.PROLLIUS H. H. MARTIN $ 1.500.000 $ C.C. CUMINGS TRY US. SEE AD VERTISE Principal Correspondents. Chase N., Liberty N., and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., 1st N., and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. MENT OP POSITE. G. M. S. HELIMAN M. WALLACE -. H. H. SMOCKl W.D.LONGYEAR J E. SHELTON, Sec. F.W.COWLIN C. H. TOLL W. D. OTIS, A. Sec. C. S. ALBRO W. H. BOOTH HARRY LITTLE, A.M. BEAMON R. B. HARDACRE A. Sec. J- S. FREDERICK 3.150.000 839,790 S. F. ZOMBRO J.T.COOPER.A.Scr. J. H. GRIFFIN J. A. H. KERR „ T. 0. HALL. Tr. Trust officer BANK i.W. halu, L. H. ROSEBERRY, Oldest end Lar L. H. ROSEBERRY •tS'89 Trust D epa rtm G. G. GREENWOOD servioe in all Tr EQUITABLE BRANCH. J. G. Carey, Mgr.; W. M. Cameron, Luke Wood, Streets Ass’t Mgrs. HOLLYWOOD BRANCH, G. G. Greenwood, Mgr.. R. C. Long, 84,028,250 f 1,545,870 gest Sa vings E ent is pr epa red t ust mat ters. E Chase N., Guaranty Tr. Co., and Meeh. & Metals N. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., 1st N., and HI. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 52,364,190 21,673,490 2,520,730 16,010,930 Wells Fargo-Nev. N. Croker N. Our ank in t he Sout hwest. and Anglo & Lon. Paris IN., San o render prompt and effi cient F. quitable Branch First & Spring F, K. Gfalloway and G. R. Dodge, A. Mgrs. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. L. C. Brand----16-72 »§’95 16-74 •t§’93 ‘UNITED STATES 16-18 500,000 0. F. Brant_______ O. P. Clark. W. B. Brown, Sec. and Tr. M. S. Heilman A, Sec. H. W. O’Melveny J. B.Samuel,A.Sec. E. L. Farmer, L. J. Bey non A.C.Stelle, A. Sec. A. Sec. 1,000,000 M. E. Getz_______ P. C. Turman_____ Morris Klein I J. C. Lipman A. L. Lathrop, J. W. Lewis A. Sec. P. E. Neuschaefer Morris Klein, .Sec, ►16-77 KlATIflklAI E. W. Sargent........ D. McPeak _______ A. R. Killgore, A. See. A. F. Morlan, D. McPeak See. and. Tr. RAKlLf •t’05 785,580 421,530 2,023,380 60,938,200 Trust De posits 19,877,280 734,340 9,070 9,151,520 32,503,240 118,040 U. S. Mtge. & Tr. Co. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. 2,443,060 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. 750,000 153,960 5,542,550 150,340 4,339,440 1,744,370 34,380 895,470 N. Bk. Com. and N. City, N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F. 200.000 139,780 2,207.420 403,970 1,750,380 658,870 16,530 776,970 i O.M.SO«DE»..---F.W.SM.TH.j.-...J.E.WOOl«(l«E.. R.E. ANDERSOH. If you appreciate prompt and careful service at a moderate charge, send US your items and collections. T. Inouye, Mgr....S. Takahashi, (Branch of Yokoh ama, J a pan)___ Pro. Mgr. T. Tsunekawa, Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd. 16-75 »§T3 Los Angeles Clearing House A. J. Waters. (Members indicated by a *) Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N.» San F.; Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.; U. S. N., Den.: Girard N., Phil. 1st N. and Far. & Merch. N„ Los A. J. E. Fishburn___ F. W. Smith, Sec. and Mgr. 109 (For balance of Los Angeles banks see followin g page) CA LIF O RN IA BANKS — Los A ng el es — C ontinued 16-10 Banks - 682,000 $20 380 443 $ 5,927,160 $20543650 $2,163,200 $ 1,545,390 $ 9.074.600 'SECURITY TRUST ♦ OF ual Deposits Resources. Miscel Bonds, Cash Securi laneous Resources counts ties, BTC. Resources Loans a Dis K:feSRSEY »t’86 We offer unexcelled facilities for handlingyour Pacific Coast business. J.F. SARTORI- & SAVINGS Individ Deposits - i j. e. fishburn-marcoh. hellmanj. h.ramboz—. o.a. cox......... ‘kirnnuiiiTe 16-5 Ass’t Cashier. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Ju ly, 1920 Plumber under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 flQ to eac^ *5an*£ *n U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ lUV Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL &. FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATIONJJONDS w Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n 74 Town and 110 Selected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS Name. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. 5!Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn. WILLIAM R, STAATS CO. (105 W. 4th St.) •T87 (Branch of Federal Reserve Bank District No. 12) Officers. Correspondents. (Investment Securities)___________ _____ ___ Blair & Co., Inc., N. Y., Chi., Bos., St. L., Det. and Phil. BLANKENHORN-HUNTER- CARRETSON DULIN, DULIN COMPANY E. S. DULIN, F.P. R. E. HUNTER, F P. Pres. G.H.SCHELLEN8ACK,Sec. V.P. C. E. STIMSON, Tr. (Trust and Sav. Bldg.) Mitchell-Hutchins Co., Chi.; Blankenhorn-Hunter-Dulin Co,, ^Pasadena, San Diego, and San F. Capital, $150,000. Surplus and Profits, $120,000. T05 Government, Municipal, District and Cor poratlon Bonds. . T17 O. R. Blyth, Pres,......... D. G. Witter, F. P. G. G. Leib, V. P.______ R. L. Shurtleff, Sec. B. A. Supple, A.Sec. D. T. Babcock, Resident Partner. Municipal and Corporation Bonds. (Bra nch of San Francisco) A. E. LEWIS & CO.—....................... ’15 (501-505 Security Bldg.I THE JOHN M. C. MARBLE COMPANY (Commercial Paper)--------------------------------------Bond & Goodwin, N. Y., Chi. Bos., Phil., Minpls., San F. Port., and Seattle. (Title Insurance Bldg.) Correspondents. rMelvin H. Lewis, C. A. Sheedy, Alvin H. Frank, Partners. I Municipal and Corporation Bonds. Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Los A.; Union Tr. Co., San E. Government, Municipal, Public Utility, Logan & Bryan and Blair & Co., N. Y. and Chi.; Citiz, l Railroad and Industrial Corporation Bonds. Preferred Stocks. Investment N., 1st N. and Los A. Tr. &! O Sav., Los A. Securities. We specialize in Pacific Coast Securities. r (W. CAREY MARBLE, Pres. HENRY 0. WHEELER, F. P. ' E. L. STANTON, Sec. Capital, $177,400 Chem. N., N. Y. N„ Los A. MerchJ . I■ / First Mortgages secured by California Real Estate, insuring prompt ^payment of principal and interest. Correspondence Solicited. (H. W. Heilman Bldg.) (R.H. Moulton. Pres.-Francis Moulton, F. PJSecur. Tr. & Sav.. Los A.; \ Sav. Union Bk. & Tr. Co., San P. R. H. MOULTON & COMPANY-—T14 X V. E. Breeden, F. P. (Title Ins. Bldg.) L Government and Municipal Bonds. * NATIONAL CITY COMPANY........ „T16 (Investment Bonds)______ W. B. HunnewelI<N. City Co., N. Y.and correDistrict Sales Mgr. spondent offices. Seeadv. (507 So. Spring) Page 3. E. H. ROLLINS & SONS__________ V76 BOND & GOODWIN___________ Officers. 'Paid-up Capital, $600,000. Pacific Coast Securities: Surplus and Profits, $600,000. JNO. 0. KNIGHT & CO. .....................TO Government, Municipal, Corporation Securities. Citiz. N., Los A. (411 Van Nuys Bldg.) Municipal and First Mortgage Corporation Bonds. DAVID BLANKENHORN, BLYTH, WITTER & CO................ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this' volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. >— lished T. K. GALLY, A. Sec. Bkrs. Tr. (•„ N. T.; HarFRANK & LEWIS ____________ C'/tairmaw. J.E.COGGESHALL, a.T. Lis 5........... —. ................ '16 c lanmur n SBQ <• ft HO (Citiz. N. Bk. Bldg.) JOHN E. JARDINE, Pres. Pasadena. Government, Municipal, Irrigation, Corporation Bonds and Investment Stocks. (224 I. N. Van Nuys Bldg.) Year Estab iauu ARONSON and COMPANY Blair & Co., Inc.,_____ ....________ (I. N. Van Nuys Bldg.) •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. TiMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. WM. R. STAATS, MARGO H. BELLMAN, Pres.____________________ Chandler Bros, and Logan BEN J. E. PAGE, F. P. & BEyaJ?’ ?’ Y’ City; GEORGE NEWBERGER, V. P. and Mgr. Merch. N., Los A. Paid-up Capital, $100,000 ’12 WELLS MORTON, Sec. and Tr. (Herman W. Heilman Bldg.) dexed Acces.), Li volume. For In - LOS ANGELES—Continued—Reserve City Name. Year Established. Non-Bank To ARKANSAS—Continued County. (203 Security Bldg.) J DONALD O’MELVENY, Resident Partner. ____E. II. Rollins & Sons, N. Y., 1 (Investment Securities) Chi., Bos., Den., and SanF. GEO. H. BURR & CO.-------------------- ’05 (Commercial Paper)------------------------------------- Geo. H. Burr & Co., N. Y., /John L. Knorpp, Pres.. R. A. Knorpp, F. P. N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & ComT IT? TXT Monnv/Tw TF D T.T Hill, U411 ac A.; A ' N„ Chi.; Citiz. M N„ T Los W McCurdy, F. P. . Phon Chas. H. Chi., Bos., Phil,, San F., SOUTHWEST CATTLE LOAN COMPANY IR. Sec.andTr.\ Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San Seattle, Port., St. L., Clev., (915 Citiz. N. Bk. Bldg.) ’13 (CATTLE LOANS. I (Paid-up Capital $200,000. Surplus $70,000. F.; Drov. N., Kan. C. and Hartford. (Citiz. N. Bk. Bldg.) COLLMAN & COMPANY Curtis & Sanger__________ . (Merch. N. Bk. Bldg.) (Commercial Paper). .’85 f R. E. Naftzger, Msr. (Commercial Paper) J. J. DORAN COMPANY (206 Citizens N. Bk. Bldg.) t(E. C. Sterling, James II. Page and T. c.lKountze Bros., N. Y.; 1st N., 2 Los A. Curtis & Sanger, N. Y.; Chi., STEVENS, PAGE AND STERLING--V14 ) Stevens) Bos. and San F. 'MUNICIPAL & CORPORATIO N BONDS. STOCKS. Government, Public Service and Cor- Far. & Merch. N. and Citiz. poration Bonds and Investment Stocks. N„ Los A. ’98 Drake, Riley & Thomas________ *T12 ------------------------------------------------------------- —. Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st (210 W. 7tli St.) N., Los A. TORRANCE, MARSHALL & GO. (Ill W. 4th St.) ELLIOTT & HORNE COMPANY_____ 08 (453 S. Spring St.) * L. L, Elliott, Pres. —Cliff Horne, Sec______ Citiz. N. and Citz. Tr. & Sav., Co&ftal, $95,000. Surplus, $25,000. Los A. California Irrigation, Drainage, and District Bonds. *5’93 E. J. Marshall, Pres____ R. N. Frick, F. P. Kountze Bros, and Bkrs. ' J. R. Martin, F. P. G.B.Ocheltree, Sec. Co., N. Y.; Harris Tr. E. H. Coane, Cash. Sav., Chi. Paid-up Capital. $3,000,000. MUNICIPAL, RAILROAD AN CORPORATION BONDS. Securities within the State of California a specialty. Directors: E. J. Marshall, J. It. Martin, ( R. N. Frick, G. B. Ocheltree, M. M. Marsha II. WILUAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given ■111 bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Federal Reserve Banktoofeach St. Louis COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS r AT TPDPMTA—Confirm Ad Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this)6—1 munnm H, UinniU UV., LUO nnUCLCQ-QHn rKttnUdbU-rJUflUtnft. MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. »Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State In No. 12 Fed. Res.Dist. JMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. Lis Los Angeles Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Vice-President. Bank of Los Banos___ .<§’05 J. L. Nickel______ J. F. Clyne______ 90-521 Pop. 2000 First National Bank.. 80-522 •i’ll J. V. Toscano........ A. H. Salau______ Cashier. Ass't Cashier. J. C. Bray............. R. L. Puccinelli___ I 100, OOC S J. L. Toscano____ Robt, L. A. Thomas Los Banos Portueuese-Ameri- F. S. Garcia, Jr— W. E. Burch_____ Wm. H. High. .. can Bank.90-882___ .<§19 P. R. Curtis Bank of Los Gatos <§’83 J. A. Case____ — F 3 90-628 I. D. Mabie Pop. 600 First National Bank.. ..<’11 C. F. Hamsher___ F. W. Knowles.__ H. L. Roberts........ 90-710 Sierra Valley Bank... .<§06 Kaffaele Dotta____ W. H. Duncan........ 90-629 Ch. of Bd. Pop. 4000 First National Bank... .<’04 90-383 Manteca.San Joaquin F 4 Bank of South San Joaauin Pop. 2000 90-875 <§’18 First National Bank.. <’11 90-712 Maricopa______ Kern H 6 Bank of Maricopa •till Pop. 3000 90-340 ‘Martinez..Contra Costa Pop. 3500 F3 First National Rank 90-341 90-407 F. E. Osterhout__ M. J. Vertin M. L. Le Fevre J. R. Bell_______ H. A. Peterson___ 189,006 167,000 72,490 1,467,950 1 1,389,470 10,OOC 600,OOC 450,000 3.50( 265,OOC 245.00C 9.000,000 3,500,000 (co) (Branch 1 of San I Francis B. T. Bringier____ S. F. Corbin E. J. Randall 25,000 75,290 1,150,000 ; 50,000 19.000 240.000 260,000 50,000 17,500 565,000 533,000 5,500 234,000 | 203,000 25,000 100,000 W. D. Doekstader — 800,000 (Branch of Bake rsficld) 1,. W Beetle 50,000 I. O. Hanegger MA 150,000 lliott c llister J. K. KELLY_ _ _ _ _ _ H. B, P. CARDEN_ _ _ JACKSON WASTE_ _ _ ‘Marysville___ Yuba D 4 utuntN-Jtnti i Bftnn -i FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with ; each sight draft for presentation, and Pop. 5461 •JS OS tention. (FIFTY CENTS 1,400 I . 50,00( R. R. .Tones W. A. Hale - <’07 (E 27,776 1,231,6l( $ 112,081 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N.A. San F.; Cal. N„ Sacramento. 458,596 | 543,12C 58.50C n City. N. Y.; 1st N.,San F.; Bank of Italy, Merced. 35,OOC W. Y. White, Mgr. A. E. Blum______ 80,760 . 1,158,66C 129,180 1,468,500 1,472,510 23,580 825,000 781,000 202,900 N. Park, N. Y.; Mtle. N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 596,000 J. P. Morgan A Co.. N.Y,: IstN., Chi.; Mtle. N.and Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F. 122,070, 2,975,720 3,026,100 250,000 360,000 5,059,000 5,003,000 RIDEOUT. DUNNING RIDEOUT -J W. B. SWAIN ....... E. E. BIGGS ALVIN WEIS_ _ _ _ _ _ J. C. DOOLEY 350.000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi. and Los A.: Crocker N. and Am. N., San F. 30,000 N. City. N. Y.; Far. & Merch., Stockton; Union Tr. Co-, San F. 60,000 Irving N„ N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F.; Bk. of Italy, Stockton. 40,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Far. & Merch. N.. Los A.; Secur. Tr. Co., Bakersfield. 1st N.. N. Y„ Chi., and Los A.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Crocker N., and 1st N., San F. 221,510 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Ch;.; Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Am. N., San F.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. N. Citv, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., Crocker 80,000 N., 1st N.,and Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F. 81,990 N. Park, N. Y.: Mtle. N„ San F.; N. Bk. of D. O. Mills & Co., Sacramento. 170,000, M. East River N.. N. Y.; Union Tr.. Chi. For other correspondents' see 11. O., San F. 596,600 Northern California Bank of Phebe M. Rideout.. HeimanCheim____ S. J. Flanery_____ E. S. C. Farrant... Savings—90-233____ .<§'89 rPHEBE ____ 262,670 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F.; N. Bk. of D. O. Mills & Co., Sacramento. 50,000 90-234 58.50C j Chem. N., N.Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; ! Cal. N., Sacramento; Washoe Co.,Reno,Nev. 79,810 1,455,870 1.103,170 for each credit r eport insures pro mpt, personal at Thomas Mathews.. Dunning Rideout— P. T. Smith_______ W. C. Owen.. ... FIRST NATIONAL BANK <17 48.000 [Guaranty Tr. Co., N- Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. Far,; & Merch. N., .Merced. 248,980 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A. aud Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 50,006 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., San F. T W. H. Coons.i____ Walter Snook____ A. E. Dunkel Principal Correspondents. Cabii & Ex- c’ts. Boxds, changes,Due securities from banks. . Wm. A. Bolstad E. H. L-ampson ... S. H. Sherwood I. W. Schmitz.... H. G. Johnson____ E. M. Edwards___ J. W. O'Donnell H. W. Campbell .. Arbor Barth______ <’15 Resources. Loans&dis- W. A, Hipps Mgr. and 'Tr. O fficer. E. Powers________ C. F. Palm_______ E. A. Majors 90-408 50,000 F. A. Guernsey___ P. L. Wisdom___ _ <§’73 25.00C 100,000 C. F. WENTE, (J. B. HIGH, BANK Oh 11 ALY-------- <§’93 { State Wide Ser vice iu California. 90-382 1 Direct your die nts to us. (Quick returns ou Collections. Liabilities. Paid-up I Surplus ujeposI? a PITAL AND Profits its 18,110 593,090 THE RIDEOUT BANK- <5'61 < Special Facilitie s for handling bu siness in Norther n California. fifteen cent S sent to us with each sight draft for presentation. and 90-232 I FIFTY CENTS for each credit re! port insures pro mpt, personal att ention. Maxwell_____ Colusa D 4 Pop. 400 Mayfield.Santa Clara D 8 Pop. 1300 McCloud___ Siskiyou B 3 Pop. 2500 McFarland____ Kern H 7 Pop. 500 Colusa County Bank... <§’11 90-706 Stanford Bank_______ .<§’04 90-630 McCloud National Bank <’09 J. H. Queal _____ F. H. Lambert____ 90-631 First National Bank „ ..<’13 D. Billings________ H, Hawley_______ 90-795 H. A. Whisler (See Oakland) (P. O. Oakland) Pop.300 Mendocino... Mendocino Mendocino Bk. of Com <§’05 Joshua Grindle___ J. S. Ross_______ Pop. 1100 D 2 W. H. Lovelace C. B, Daveney — Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; N. Bk. of D. O. Mills & Co., Sacramento. Han. N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. (Branch of Colus a, Cal.) Charles Ellet of Palo Alto, C II. C. Bra/len . . 25,000 60,000 675,000 500,000 W. V. McCay 25,000 10,000 300.000 • 169,000 G. A. Lammers___ F. A. Gorman_____ 25,000 9,000 310,000 256,150 WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC 250,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.: 1st N.. Minpls. 90,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.: Merch. N., Los A. 88,000 i Crocker N.and Bk. of Italy, San F.; IstN.,; COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL &. FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS CA LIF O RN IA B A N K S — Los B an o s to M en do ci no Pop. 3500 President. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi; volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws CALIFORNIA—Continued July 192j0__________ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In ' «1V 111 74 Town 112 Number under Name of Bank w the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n and Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-Bank 1 ARKANSAS—Continued County. dexed Acces.), volume. For Ir Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this rolitme. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Liabilities. I Name of Bank. xCounty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist.! tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. L is Los Angeles Branch.)♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Town and County. President. Vice-President. ‘Merced........ Merced F 5 BANK OF ITALY............. »tS’O8 ( State Wide Ser vice in California, 1 Direct your die nts to us. Pop. 4500 j 90-337 Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. E.T. CUNNINGHAM, C. E..WAGNER. Afpr. and Tr. Of. J-ONETO SURPLUS Paid-up AND Capital, Profits RESOURCES Depos its Loans & Disc’ts. Bonds, Sbcuritiks principal Correspondedi;>. Cash & ExCHANGES,Dos from $9 000 000 $3 500 000 (Branch of San Francis co, Cal.) Banks. East R. N.. N. Y.; Cont. and Com’l N., Chi.; For other correspondents see H. O., San F, (Quick returns o u collections. FAR. & MERCH. NAT’L BANK O. W. Lehmer........... H. P. Spencer____ J. B. Hart............ „ C. F. Neumann... 90-779 •t’13 MERCED SECURITY SAV. BK. 90-336 «tS’75 Milpitas—Santa Clara D9 Bank of Milpitas........ .-•tS’12 E. P. Giacomazzi Pop. 550 90-701 ‘Modesto.-Stanislaus F 4 American National Bauk.’20 G. R. Stoddard... Pop. 12,000 90- 936 90-296 300,000 C. H. Huntoon........ F. C. Ankers____ 50,000 32,670 $1,170,000 $1340 000 $ 115,000 Han. N., N.Y.: Am. N. andCr. ckerN., San F.; 1st N., Los A. 523,720 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Wells Fargo-Nev. N., and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 177,000 2,926,460 3,208,550 Largest and old est bank in Merc ed County, Thoroughly eq uipped to handle items on this poi nt and vicinity. Mill Valley.... Marin 0 7 Bank of Mill Valley....•ti’07 F. F. Bostwick.__ C. F. Runyon. H. S. Bridge Pop. 4500 90-634 BANK OF ITALY-..........«t§ 03 100,000 H. B. STODDARD —- 0. A. TURNER_ _ _ K. E. WOOD, A. Cas*. F. B. FANCHER C. P. RALSTON H. M. HAMBLEY F. O. Reed.......... — A. L. Crabb_______ C.D. Swan----J. P. Schafer J. A. Dunn_______ FRED. CAUDLE. Mgr. and Tr. Officer. C. F. WILLAMS F. W. HOSMER, State Wide Ser vice in California, Direct your die nts to us. (Quick returns o n collections. 12,190 432.470 385,360 93,500 N. Park, N Y.; Crocker N., San F. 40.000 13,880 283,260 274,320 83,520 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.: 1st N., San Jose. 150,000 30,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., San F. 9,000,000 3.500.0C0 (Branch ofSanFr ancisco) East R. N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; For other correspondents see H. O,, San F. California National Bank.«’O7 C. R. Gailfus______ H. G. Middaugh.. S. E. Foster 90-857 Chas. L. Thwing— Wm.Falger... C. J. Cressey 100,000 21,020 1,154,300 1,111,230 225,610 Chase N.. N. Y.; Am. N., San F.; Citiz. N., Los A.; Cal. N., Sacramento. Modesto Bank_______ «t5'78 J. R. Broughton— 90-293 Modesto Savings Bank..j§’05 J. R. Broughton— 90-297 Union Savings Bank___ tS’89 T. H. Kewin______ 90-295 D. K. Young_____ W. D. Moorehead. 250,000 117,180 1.208,620 1,453,300 D. K. Young-------- W. D.Moorehead, 150,000 68,480 1,826,190 1,843,880 O. P. Miller_______ 150,000 133,000 1,440,290 1,387,000 236,090 and Crocker N., San F.: City, Stockton. 138,140 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Crocker N., San F. 214,010 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Wells Fargo-Nev, N., San. F. Moneta...Los Angeles I 2 Moneta Commercial Bank 510 Thos. Biggart_____ H. J. Harris______ E. M. Kaufman___ L Pop. 500 90-635 25,000 W. W. Giddings. G. A. Cressey W. W. Giddings. G. A. Cressey E. C. Peck........... 271.050 97,380 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; Citiz. N„ Los A. SO, 250 1,230.080 1,191,770 254,560 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Far. & Merch. N.. Los A.: N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 20,070 321,970 100,000 Granite Savings Bank..»t5’03 C. W. Higgins........ A. I. Mellenthin— R. H. Bush.............. F. Bellinger......... . M. S. Pottenger 99-314 25,000 13,000 318.000 310.000 37,000 1st N. and Citiz. N., Los A.; N. Bk. of Mon rovia, Monrovia. A. J. Everest.Yr... Monrovia Savings Bank»t§'03 John H. Bartle.__ W. A. Chess--------- K. E. Lawrence, Cash, and Sec. M. H, Heilman 90-313 50,000 30 590 910,040 901,410 99,350 Liberty N., N.Y.; Merch. N. and Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A.: 1st N.. Monrovia. Nat’l Bank of Monrovia.*t’03 C. W. Higgins------ A. I. Mellenthin .. R. 11. Bush______ .Mary E. Smith .... M. S. Pottenger 90-315 50,000 20,000 603,100 583,670 79,670 Han. N„ N. Y.:Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N., Los A.; Crocker N., San F.; 1st N., Minpls. Montague-Siskiyou B 3 Montague BankingCo..»t§’06 E. F. Reichman ... Arthur Simon........ Arthur Simon____ W. A. Simon, Sec. Pop. 550 Stella L. Simon 90-636 100,000 23,760 497,810 605.890 76,600 Han. N.. N. Y.; Merch. N., San F.: Ca!. N., Sacramento. Montebello..Los Angeles First National Bank........ t'18 H. A. Church, Jr.. J. F. Atkinson____ Geo. S. Dodge -... L Pop. 400 J7 90-881 25,000 1,000 304,,350 221,480 87,600 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Secur. N., Los A.; Am. N., San F Montebello Savings Bk. »5'12 H. A. Church, Jr.. J. F. AtkinsoD____ Geo. S. Dodge........ 90-747 30,000 3.450 101,080 128,000 5,750 1st. N. and Secur. N., Los A.; Am. N.. San F. WILLIAM R. STAATS C( L os Angeles-SaiU:RAIICIISC:o- Pas,AClEhIA. PACIFIC Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 j q to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers* Federal ReserveABank of St. Louisunder the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. AU Directory, Ju ly , 1920 , JOHN H. BARTLE J. F. SARTORI........ W. A. CHESS-------- G. H. ANDERSONH. S. McKEE 0. L. NICHOLS First and oldest established bank, | Unequalled faci llties for making collections, (Prompt attenti on to all bankin g matters entrus ted to us. Monrovia...Los Ang. 1 8 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-’t 87 L Pop. 5480 90-312 CA LI FO RN IA BA N K S — M er ce d to M on te be llo fL. R. FANCHER-— M. D. WOOD_ _ _ J. H. SIMONSON COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS CALIFORNIA—Continued Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this < WILLIAM K. blAAlb Lu., LOS ANGELES'OflN rRANCISCU"r ASADEN A. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of President. Vice-President. Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up SU?3dUs DeposCapital pROFITS IT8 Ass’t Cashier. _______ " First National Bank.—«t’O4 T. A. Work_______ 90-258 Silas W. Mack____ C. A. Metz............... C. W. Keeley_____ (Mildred A. Riecks [ 50,000 C. D. Henry______ N. Geo. Nielsen____ 75,000 “ _______ “ Monterey Savings Bank<§’ll T. J. Field________ M. M. Gragg______ 90-700 Moorpark— Ventura I 6 Farmers Bank_________t§’16___________________ _________________ L Pop. 500 90-842 Morgan Hill..SantaClara Bank of Morgan Hill ..•t§’05 C. F. Drewry_____ G. R. Lynch_______ Pop. 800 D9 90-637 Mountain View___ Santa Farmers & Merch. Nat’l Bank Wilbur L. Gamp... M. Farrell------------Clara.-Pop. 2500...D 8 90-638 <’05 J. S. Mockbee “ .............. “ First National Bank —<’13 B. W. Holeman— W. P. Wright-------90-778 __________________ C. H. Whipple____ (Branch 4 Pis- prom Banks San F.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 38,000 747,000 632.000 181,000 Ian. N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.; lsl San F.; Citiz. N., Los A. 26,590 763,870 819,510 61,910 ’rocker N., Bk. of Cal. N. A., Anglo & 1 Paris N., and Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co., San F. luaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N., San F.; C N., Los A. 217,890 rving N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Bk. of Italy, Sa of Cam ariUo, C al.) 416,790 587,310 50,000 11,600 O. W. Whaley........ P. C. Whaley_____ 50,0001 65,000 1,210.000 1,026,000 J. J. Taylor______ F. W. Meyer............. 50,000 14.000 A. Cash.and Tr.Off. Principal Correspondents. Cash & Excha.ngis.Duk 42,760 $ 779,100 $ 734,490 $ 158,320 C. R. Nelson_____ D. A. Baird................. !_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J. A. MIGLIAVACCA — S. H. ERRINGTON, »Napa................. Napa E 3 BANK OF ITALY.............. «t§’89 Fop. 6757 90-225 Resources. Loans c’ts. Bonds, Bbcuritixs 562,000 541.900 313,180 rving N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N., San F. 71,780 st N.. San F.; Comw. N., Kan. C.: Gar City Bk. & Tr. Co., San Jose. E. H. AMSTUTZ......... 9,000,000 3.500,000 (Branc h of San F.)........ ! R. E. HENNESEY For other correspondents see H. O.. San. F. State Wide Ser vice ln California. | Direct your cli ents to us. [ Quick returns on collections. Bank of Napa........ .......<§'71 i S. M. Chapman 90-226 Henry Brown------- “ ______ " First National Bank—.»t’04 H. P. Goodman-— D, A. Dunlap_____ E. L. Bickford .— C. A. Kather______ H. S. Davis 90-228 National City.San Diego National City State Bank San Francisco........ I. G. Silver________ J. L. Mathews------ ............ —*-----------Pop. 3000 K 8 90-753 »t5’12 175.000 227,440 1,488,760 1,854,870 221,860 100.000 91,310 2,572,830 2,641,110 208,310 Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Cal. N.. Sacramento. 3,000 125,000 116,000 San F. and Los A. 23,500 !hase N., N. Y.: Am. N., San & Com., San Diego. 25.000 5,000 400,000 300,000 100,000 Ian. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com N., Los A.; Am. N., San F. Needles..San Bernardino BANK OF NEEDLES-—<§’07 T. M. Quebedeaux. o. D. Collins_____ G. M. Klauer------- N. McNeill.............. L Pop. 4500 I 11 90-323 T. F. Brioady 25,000 16.550 476,750 267.910 215,510 Monaghan&MurphyBk.<§‘05 T. J. Murphy.......... |f. B. Gabbert. 90-324 ‘Nevada City.Nevada D 5 Nevada County Bank..<§'01 Pop. 3000 90-367 Newcastle___ Placer E 4 Placer County Bank___ *§’07 Pop. 503 90-640 Newman..Stanislaus D11 Bank of Newman_____ <§’03 S. Wangenheim! J. H. Elfers_____ Pop. 1500 90-506 W. Hawks, Assf. to Pres. Newport Beach ..Orange First National Bank___ <’06 H. Wallace------- C. H. Way________ L Pop. 2500 J 8 90-641 Niland------------ Imperial First National Bank_____ ’20 H. Sherman... J. W. Wehn_____ L Pop. 300 J10 90-925 F. X. Pfaffinger Niles............ AlamedaF 3 Bank of Alameda County«5’08 Pop. 1800 90-642 Norwalk.Los AngelesJ 8 Bank of Norwalk____ <§'06 W. Inman___ — Frank Coulon____ ♦90-644 L Pop. 400 Novato_______ Marin B 7 Novato Bank________ •tS’lJ B. Burdell___ — Hermann Rudolfl.. 90-798 Pop. 750 Oakdale...Stanislaus F 5 Farmers & Merchants Bank 90-750 <§T2 Pop. 2000 First National Bank .—•+’04 A. E. Schadlich.__ L. F. Brichetto____ 90-486 E. Rodden, J. Alban Rydberg Ch. of Bd. Stanislaus Co. Sav. Bank.§'05 A. E. Schadlich—. L. F. Brichetto-__ 90-487 W. L. Rodden, Ch. of Bd. i 25,000 90,000 350,000 215,000 100,730 "■ " ---------- _______ “ “ Peoples National Bank .<’09 E. M. Fly-----George B. Winship 90-639 W. C. Kaiser_____ (Branch of Gras « Valley. Cot.) — _______ 1 (Branch of Aub urn, Ca Z 1 149,560 1,602,380 1,573,530 325,240 132,660 46,490 37.000 Secur. N., Los A. A. B. Joseph_____ F. S. Powell______ H. M. Hetzler 150,000 E. H. Finigan_____ C. M. Sebring_____ 25,000 5,520 J. H.Wehn.............. 25,000 5.000 25.000 10.000 200,000j 150.000 G. D. Morrison ___ 25,000 5,100 252,000 240,000 E. D. Heron, Mgr.- C. E. Wood,A.Afar. (Branch of Stock ton,Cal.) D. E. Lee. — 100.000 __________________ 60,000 65,620 1,062,960. 1,124,660 43,120 451,560 Ian. N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Los A.; Ex. N., Long Beach. Chas. N., N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., San F. (Branc h of Alv arado, C WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. 180.750 D. W. Horst............ P. E. Roberts_____ D. E. Lee. Nev. N.. San F.; 1st N., Albuquerque; Ariz. State, Winslow, Ariz. lhase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Los A.; Crocker N„ San. F. Ian. N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. SanF.; Cal. N.. Sacramento. I. Park, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Capital N., Sacramento. !hase N., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., SanF.; Cent.N., Oakland. 494,030 35,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Crocker N. and Union Tr. Co., San F. Harriman N„ N. Y.; Crocker N. and Union Tr. Co.. San F. 200,500 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N.. San F.; IstN., Los A.; Far. & Merch., Stockton. 58,080 1st N.. Oakdale: 1st Federal Tr. Co., 1st N., Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ and Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F.: Far. & Merch., Stockton. MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS to O ak dal e 25,000 __________ CA LIF O RN IA BA NKS — M onte re y Monterey..Monterey G 4 Bank of Monterey____ »t§’91T. J. Field________ M. M. Gragg______ Charles D. Henry.. N. Geo. Nielsen.— $ 100,000 J Pop. 5479 90-257 " corporation bonds Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Law . CALIFORNIA—Continued Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State! ‘County Seats. Entire State in No. 12 JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab.' Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. & first mortgage Ju l y, 1920 113 municipal Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given eac? bank m u s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 74 • Town 1 1 A ‘ and County. Non-Bank To ARKANSAS—Continued dexed Acces.), If volume. For Ii I^^^NAMiorBAinr. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. to each bank in U. Town and County. I Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. i»Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState In No. 12 Fed. Kes. Dist. tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. L is Los Angeles Branch ♦Mem. Fed. Kes. [Estab. ‘Oakland.—Alameda F3 Banca Popolare Fugazi»tfi’07 (Reserre City) 90-18 Pop. 216,361 ‘BANK OF ITALY 90-7 •« Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Ranking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisr volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.'1 CALIFORNIA—Continued Liabilities. President. Vice-President.' Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. TP I AND Capital i Profits Principal Correspondents. Resources. Depos its (Branch of San Francis co. Cal.) _______ Chase N., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F. J. L. Oliva, Mgr... S. E. Biddle, Mgr.. A. J.Ferroggiaro, Earle H. Russell. L. J. Tesio_______ A. Mgr. Tr. Officer E. M. Farrell J. H. Andrade E. Arvedi College Ave. Br.,* A. Massoni, Mgr.; Fruitvale Br.. »L. R Robertson, Mgr. and Tr. Off.; K. F. Thurston, A. Mgr.; MelroseBr., M. C. Bolts, Mgr. $9000 000 $3500000 ; East River N., N. Y.: Union Tr. Co., Chi. For other correspondents see H. O., San F. i (Branch of San Francis co. Cal.) State-w ide serv ice in C a I iforni Direct y our die rrirevv cue nts to u Quick r eturns o n collec tions. Bank of San Leandro.—§’09 Joseph Dring_____ (Elmhurst Branch ofBk. of San Lea ndro. Sa n Leand ro, Cal.) Am. N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F.; 1st 90-254 N. and Cent. N.. Oakland. 65,000 $ 775,COO $ 870,300 $ 159,350 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ 200.000 Broadway Bank_______ •§’17 B. F. Edwards____ J. F. Peck________ B. F. Edwards, Jr.. M. P. Bray______ 90-21 San. F.: 1st N. and Cent. N.„ Oakland. ‘CENTRAL NATIONAL 90-4 J. F. CARLSTON— A. J. MOUNT-------- A. J. MOUNT----------CLAUD GATCH,V.P. R.M. FITZGERALD H. A. MOSHER BANK Quickest and Best Service Guaranteed on Collections,. »t’O9 Send us your Business direct. G. C. HUMPHRY — E. D. BOTHWELL P. E. OTEY J. F. HASSLER B. R. BREESE I 1.000.000 1,387.800 15 509530 18 909 950 4,236 540 Chase N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ O San F. £ 715,39C 21 ±39 730 20625 520 1.839,600 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and San F.: Cent. Central Savings Bank ..ti’91 J. F. Carlston____ T. A. Crellin_____ H. C. Sagehorn.__ J. E. Smith_______ (One Branch) Claud Gatch E. C. Peterson 90-9 R. M. Fitzgerald 600,000 ♦Farmers & Merch. Sav. Bk. Edson F. Adams__ S. B. McKee______ George S. Meredith F. C. Martens_____ • 90-5 «t»’92 262,800 3,273,790 3,175,220 P. E. Bowles______ O. D. Jacoby_____ S. H. Kitto________ N. B. Campbell S. H. Kitto First Savings Bank. —*H’O8 P. E. Bowles--------- O. D. Jacoby_____ F. D. Moyer______ P. A. Dinsmore 90-15 C. N. Walter______ A. J. Anderson 600,000 7,367,800 6,656,000 1,538,800 Chase N. and N. Park, N. Y.: Corn Ex. N.J Chi.; 4th St. N„ Phil. F. E. Crichton .... J. S. Mills F. N. Kornhaus 600,000 7,620,500 8,719,100 ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK 90-3 «f75 ( W. W. GARTHWAITE-.J. Y. ECGLESTON_ _ _ A. W. MOORE_ _ _ _ _ _ SAMUEL BRECK... I ARCHIBALD BOR LAND-J. A. THOMSON, Sec. F. A. ALLARDT I (3 Branches) F. M. EDWARDS, A. C.A.E.CALDWELL,A. Cash. G W. ELLIS 1 , . J „ R. B. BAKER, A. Sec. F. M. CERIN! OF SAVINGS I Established 1867. Branches at East Oakland, West Oakland and Berkeley. OAKLAND BANK 90-1 •t»’67 ( Fully equipped to transact Commercial, Savings and Trust business. N„ Oakland. 767,700 Chatham & Phenix N. and Chase N.. N. Y.: Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; Am. N„ San F. 1,500.000 1,260,370 41 363870 40 463 600 3,660.640 • (Branch of San Francis co, Cal.) PORTUGUESE-AMERICAN __________________ A. F. Nunes,V.-P. and Mgr. BANK —90-20--------- «§’14 210,500 1,224,170 1,394,230 ♦State Savings Bank....»§’93 R. J. McMullen___ Dudley Kinsell___ P. L. McMullen, 100,000 Cash, and Sec. 90-6 Oakland Clearing House.— W. W. Garthwaite. H. A. Mosher_____ G. E. Sleeper, Mgr. G. S. Meredith.See. (Members indicated by a ♦) Oakley........ Contra Costa Bank of Oakley................§’20 (). M. Champlin ... J. M. Shaw.............. T. A. Anderson.... 25,000 „ „ Hop. 750 B9 90-926 Oak Park----- Sacramento (See Sacramento) Pop. 6000 E4 Ocean park ..Los Angeles ♦FirstNational Bank—«t’05 E. J. Vawter, Jr__ II. R. Gage______ |R. B. Harris--------- Lewis Cox_______ 14,060 756,240 746,660 50,000 ,L Pop. 15,000 J 7 90-335 R. B. Harris 9,000 67,100 480,820 468,470 ♦Marine Bank----------- •♦i’ll H. Michel________ W. Y. Thombury. ' J. W. Lawrence.— Rennet- Hills.... 90-334 26,200 1,754,250 1,529,300 133,700 ♦Ocean Park Bank----- »ti’02 T. H. Dudley_____ P. J. Dudley______ W. O. Bender_____ G. A. Neilson. H. Ilertel. A, Cash.[A.. II. Meng 90-333 (★Members SantaMonica Cl earing House) 20,000 ! Laurie Porteous... EdnaM. Ogg____ 350,000 369.000 40,000 Oceanside.San Diego J 8 First National Bank____ »t’06 B. C. Beers---------- J. E. Jones____ L Pop. 1500 90-528 8,000 70,000 350,000 350.000 Ojai------------Ventura I 6 Ojai State Bank............ •i§’07 Felix W. Ewing... E. L. Wiest_____ J C. O. Anderson.... Mabel R. Isenberg. 90-643 L Pop. 500 WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC 403,500 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Union Tr. Co., San F. N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Anglo & Lon. Paris N., Wells Fargo-Nev. N., and Crocker N., San F.; London Joint City & Midland Ltd., Lon.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 141,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., Am. N.. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F.; Cent. N. and 1st N., Oakland. Meeh. & Metals N. N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev N., San F. 117,080 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Wells FargoNev. N.. San F.; 1st N.. Los A. 88,250 Seab. N., N. Y.: Citiz. N. and Com’l N., Los A.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 307,070! Han. N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Am. N., San F.; Merch. N„ Los A. 50,000 90,000 Diego. lerch.N., N.Y.; Wells FargoFSecur. Tr. & Sav., Los A. COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS WILLIAM R. STAATS CU., LOS ANGELES-SAN FRANCISCO-PASADENA. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS Town and Oountt. I Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. (‘Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. I JMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. L is Los Angeles Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President. Olive________ Orange J 8 First National Bank____ <’16 J. D. Thomas_____ 90-847 L Pop. 500 Ontario..San Bernardino Euclid Savings Bank—<§’92 Oscar Arnold_____ 90-289 L Pop. "280 18 First National Bank------ »’O2 H. E. Swan______ 90-288 Ontario National Bank..<’ll Geo. A. McCrea... 90-290 Orland______ Glenn D 3 Bank of Orland........ ..<§’87 90-512 Pop. 2000 First National Bank —<’13 90-788 Orland Savings Bank........ I’ll 90-513 Orosi________ Tulare G 6 National Bank of Orosi.<’07 90-646 Pop. 800 ‘Oroville____ Butte D 4 Bank of Oroville Savingsl'92 90-303 Pop. 4000 Bank of Rideout.SmithA Oo. 90-769 tl’66 First National Bank-----<’03 90-302 Rideout Smith Nat'l Bk.<’66 90-301 Owensmouth.LosAngeles State Bank of Owensmouth 90-822 <§’14 - L Pop. 600 1 2 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. J. D. Spennetta.— K. V. Wolff______ J 8,160 J 146,030 J 162,370 J 48.470 O. Arnold............... J. R. Davis---------G. B. Harding W. A. Freemire... E. J. Sandford ___ E. J. Sandford 689,000 691,310 37,770 IrvingN..N.Y.; Am.N., San F.; Citiz.N..Los A 96,160 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N.,Chi.; IstN., Ontario Citiz. N. and Merch. N., Los A. 140,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Coml N.. Chi.; 1st N., Los A.; Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. 75,000 40,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 75.000 45.000 1,248,300 1,186,420 185,630 Chase N., N. Y.; Citiz. N„ Los A. W. D. Granger ___ D. F. Campbell-— E. W. Bolinger___ — 50,000 55.000 D. C. Pixley______ F. L. Ainsworth .. J. R. Porter_____ F. M. Gulick______ N. T. Edwards P. W. Ehlen______ M. O. Ainsworth .. -T R Pnrtfir 100,000 399,350 Han. N., N. Y.: Far. & Merch. N., Los A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 159,480 Irving N„ N.Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Am.N., SanF.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 43,610 N. Bk. of Orange. Orange. 867,930 619,530 104,220 1,002,630 1,037,350 25,000 63,900 734,050 776,280 W. D. Granger___ D. F. Campbell.— F W, Rf>ling«r 50,000 35,000 660,000 620,000 E. M. Sheridan.... O. R. Barber-------- E. S. Bender_____ 25,000 2,500 48,280 15,910 G. A. Barceloux— H. J. Barceloux__ E. M. King_______ 50,000 46,440 673,790 676,880 E. E. Martin______ F. S. Reager______ J. J. Flaherty____ Emerson E. Martin 50,000 12,080 515,980) 565,600 G. A. Barceloux — Jos. Simon........ ..... E. M. King_____ 25,000 16,170 262,290 281,010 50,000 15,000 412,000 372,000 30,000 28,970 426,180 440,750 30,000 23,910 467,740 496,810 62,090 766,480 727,980 50,000 300,000 50,000 65,860 1,111,370 1,221.810 10,000 222,000 225.000 200,000 422,009 1,750,000 2,200,000 250,000 150,000 1.883,000( 1,826,230 378,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Cont.& Com’l N„ Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Far. & Merch. N. and Merch. N„ Los A.: Merch.-Lac. N., St. L. 690,000 Irving N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and Los A.; Merch. N., San F. 25,000 85,500 753,0u0 98.000 IstN., Los A.; Merch. N., San F. 5,020 226,760 249,620 32,170 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 50,000 35,340 774,630 732,180 L. M. Denison____ (Branch o r Lane outer, Ca .).......... E. S. Johnston___ C. D. Henry______ Geo. W. Eckhardt. W. E. Carnahan, (Branch of Sawt ette.Cal.) Aff/r. H. F. Congdon___ R. L. Cody_______ 50.000 2,000,000 1.838,800 180,000 T. A. Greig FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 04 M. A. Buchan........ D. W. Buchan____ C. E. Jordan.......... 90-279 Stanford Bank_______ <§’04 Carl G. Wilson___ A W. Ellet_______ Charles Ellet_____ 90-617 First National Bank.— <’12 C. A. Parlier______ James Hamilton... W. J. Lohman____ 90-713 92,330 1st N.. Orange: Secur. Tr. & Sav.. Los A. 44.850 N. City, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F.; 1st N., Los A.; Bk. & Tr. Co. of Cent. Calif., Fresno. 90,970 Han. N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi,: 1st N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Cal. N., Sacramento. 60,120 N. City, N.Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Am. N., San F. 22,450 Union Tr. Co. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N.,San F.; Cent. N., Oakland, 95,000 N. Park, N.Y.; 1st N., San F.; Union N„ Fresno. 43,400 1st N. Bk. of Italy and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 15,460 Mtle. N., Bk. of Calif. N. A., and Crocker N., San F.; The Rideout, Marysville. 122,030 Han. N„ N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., 1st N. Crocker N„ and Am. N„ San F. 170,800 N. Park. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Mtle. N., SanF.; Cal. N., Sacramento. 40,000 Chase N„ N. Y.: Crocker N„ San F.: 1st N. and Home Sav., Los A. 50,000 L. P. Hopkins... . Eli King B. P. Tronslin........ H.P. Higginbotham J. A. Higginbotham 60,000 55,750 1,602,800 ! 1,504,600 50,000 4,580 374,580 356.760 100,000 42,280 787,440 647,940 WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC Principal Correspondents. G. N. Knox. ____ H. L. DeLong D. R. Leeson_____ N. E. Trautman Palmdale, Los Angeles 18 Antelope Valley Bank..<§'15 90-833 L Pop. 60 Palms___ Los Angeles 11 Citizens State Bank........ +§’12 90-732 L Pop. 250 Palo Alto,Santa Clara D 8 Bank of Palo Alto------ <§’92 P. M. Lansdale___ 96-278 Pop. 8000 Pop. 1000 25,000 $ 50.000 First National Bank___ <’99 Charles Donlon___ Geo. E. Hume........ G. E. Hume______ H. P. Speer_______ 90-371 L. C. Gisler Frank Wasserman Oxnard Savings Bank...104 Charles Donlon___ J ustin Petit______ G. E. Hume______ H. P. Speer______ 90-373 E. O. Smith______ P. H. Smith______ A. O. Gates_____ Pacific Grove .Monterey! Bank of E. Cooke Smith 90-387 <§’89 Pop. 3000 G3 Parlier______ Fresno G 6 Resources. Loans <£- Dis- Cash & Exc’ts. Bonds, changes,Dub from Banks Securities H. E. Swan_______ H. O. Chapman.... R. F. Ware.........— H. J. Mac Kenzie.. O. C. Goodin_____ J. R. Ledbetter___ F. A. Follett_____ W. V. Andrews II. A. Collin W. W. Gingles___ O. W. Putnam____ E. F. Mitchell........ R. G. Stapleton.— R. M. Veaich Phebe M. Rideout. Dunning Rideout__ J. C. Boyle............ F. L. Humphrey... L. L. Green W. W. Gingles......... C. W. Putman____ C. W. Putnam........ E. F. Mitchell____ R. G. Stapleton Phebe M.Rideout— Dunning Rideout— J.C.Boyle__ - - F. L. Humphrey... L. L. Green J. L. Waring______ F. X. Pfaffinger... R. L. Henderson.. M.H.Sherman.F.P. R. E. Whitley M. C. McDougall, V. P. Oxaard_____ Ventura I 6 Bank of A. Levy, Inc..<§'02 A. Levy.......... ......... James Leonard___ Alpha Adams 90-372 L Pop. 4000 BANK OF PACIFIC GROVE Liabilities. Paid-up [Surplus Depos Capital : AND its j Profits 127,820 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.: Crocker N., San F. Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Citiz. N., Los A.: Am. N., San F. Meeh. & Metals N„ N. Y.: Citiz. N., Los A.: 1st N., San F. 246,850 Han. N., N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co.. Chi.: Crocker N. and 1st N„ San F. 164,710 Irving N., N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.; Wells FargoNev. N.. San F. 72,390 Han.N.. N.Y.: Am. N., Bk. of Italy, and Anglo & Lon. Faris N„ San F. 281,220 Han. N„ N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N„ Chi.: 1st N.. Fresno and Los A.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL &. FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS CA LIF O RN IA BA N K S — Ol ive to P arl ie r Orange______ Orange J 8 First National Bank—.•t’06 90-351 L Pop. 6030 National Bankof Orange<’86 90-349 Orange Savings Bank __$5’06 90-350 Security Savings Bank..8’07 90-352 Orange Cove. Fresno G 6 First National Bank....<’20 90-910 Pop. 200 CALIFORNIA—Continued Ju ly , 1920 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 1 r to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ JL10 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. i ? ’ ““de'N»me °,f Ba»,k « the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 Town ano County. I Name of Hank. President. PasadeDa.I os Angeles I ★CENTRAL BANK_____•t§’16 Wm. H. Magee___ L Pop. 45,334 7 90-76 Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up AND its Capital Profits 1. W. Ketchum.— $ 100.000 $ M. P. Green______ iL. M. Jones.... ♦Citizens Savings Bank*tS’12 W. H. Hubbard___ C. W. Durand_____ !M. Vilas Hubbard, H. H. Ferguson... 90-75 H. T. Hazard ! Cash,. Sec. andTr. H. D.Machin, A. Sec. ♦FIRST NATIONAL BANK J. S. Macdonnell .. A. K. McQuilling-. T. W. Smith... J. E. Whitehouse. 90-63 »t’86 W. II. Vedder. G. H. Wynkoop H. C. Hotaling Ch. of Bd. F. E. Stevens ♦First Trust & Savings Bank 5 J. S. Macdonnell . F. E. Stevens.......... H. A. Doty, Tr........ G. H.Wood, A. Tr. 90-67 •tl’01 W.H. Vedder, John McDonald W. D. Lacey, Tr.Off. R. C. Wente. A. Tr. Off. Ch. ofBd. H. C. Hotaling W. D. Lacey NATIONAL BANK & TR. COMPANY «t’O7 90-69 J. B. COULSTON Collections a Specialty. NATIONAL BANK •J12 90-74 UNION NATIONAL BANK 90-73 90-66 20,480 11004 400 $ 857,870 $ 242,330 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N„ Chi.; Citiz. N.. Los A.; Bk, of Cal. N. A,, San F. 300,000 26.000 2,340,000 1,750,000 295,000 N. City, N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; Citiz. N„ Los A. 300,000 129,750 3,785,910 3.551,550 500,000 152,250 3,899,770 4,071,830 769,330 Chase N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N„ Los A.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F.; IstN. Minpls. 439,280 Bkrs. Tr. Co., JN. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.; Merch. N„ Los A.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F. 3M.000 138,610 6,217,160 5,478,230 1,429,100 Han. N., N. T.; 1st N. and III. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 1st N., Bos.; Am. N., San F. • — C. L. WRIGHT 100,000 This young progressive bank offers you every facility In keeping with the best banking practice. We Invite your collections on Southern California points. Energetic and capable service. State Bank of Pasadena t$’07 W. M. Eason____ 90-72 Principal Correspondents. CA8n & Ex changes,Due from Banks. Prompt attention to ail Banking Matters. -tw E. H. MAY- 'SECURITY H. C. HOLT— E. W. SMITH A. B. PALMER E. J. PYLE..............W. R. SCOVILLE ........ POST LEON V. SHAW R. C. DAVIS Resources. Loans a Disc’ts. Bonds, Securities A. E. Dwelle_____ Arthur H. Gage. 25,000 38,000 1,650,000 1.520,000 330.000 N. City and Harriman N., N. Y.; N. City, 388.000 133,000 IstN., N. Y.: Union N.. Pasadena; Hibernian Sav., Los A. 33.000 463,000 Chi.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.; N., San F.; Secur. N., Los A. Crocker H. I. STUART....... JOHN WILLIS BAER- W. A. BARNES.........H. P. THAYER--------- C. J. HALL F. C. BOLT, H. H. LEHMAN Ch. of Bd. Especial facilities for meeting the banking requirements of travelers 100,000 175,530 5,299,390 4,465,590 1,212,200 425,000 291,900 5,154,510 5,398.920 in N. City and Liberty N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Far. & Merch. N. and 1st N., Los A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Merch. N., San F. Southern California. •i'08 C. J. Hall........ ......... W. A. Barnes_____ H. P. Thayer.. •iS'95 Frank C. Bolt, John Willis Baer H. H. Lehman Ch. of Board. BLANKENHORNHUNTER-DULIN CO. V.-P E. S. DULIN _ _ _ _ _ R. E. HUNTER C. E. STIMSON, Tr.. G. E. SHELLENBAGH, unlcipal, Public Service and Corp oration Bonds. 443,950 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Ill. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. • 100,000 35,000 Mitchell-Hutchins Co.. Chi.; Blanken horn-Hunter-Dulin Co., San F., San Diego and Los A. 600,000 600,000 New York Trust Co., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav. Bk., Chi.; William R. Staats Co., San F. and Los A. Sec. tmcnts) (210 E. Colorado St.) V05 WILLIAM R. STAATS CO. J. E. JARDINE-........ FRANK C. MONROE -B. G. McMECHEN, J. S. STAATS, Sec. WM. R. STAATS, LLOYD R. MACY Tr. Ch. of Bd. Pacific Coast Securities Municipal and First Mortgage Corporation Bonds. (65 So. Raymond Av ’.) »T87 Pasadena Clearing House----- W. IL Hubbard__ (Members indicated by a*) (Dealers in Inves tments) W. H. Magee_____ I R. C. Davis, I Sec. and Mgr. WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Federal Reserve117 Bankto of each St. Louis bank in U. S. exclusively bv The Rand-McNally Bankers' ____________________ CALIFORN IA BANKS—Pasad ena __________________ July, 1920 •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist.itMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv.: L is Los Angeles Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.; Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces ), Lawyers, Laws .indexed) in back of this! volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA -Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 116 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 1 A to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The B, ind-McNally Bankers* Non-Bank To dexed Acces.), I, volume. For In ARKANSAS—Continued Town and County. COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS /—'at Tr?/MT\TT a -------- Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this J—" YYILLIfllYl K. dlttflld UU., LDS HNGELES-dAN rHANCISCD-rASADENfl. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. S tate Bks. Assn. tPriv. L is Los Angeles Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Pkesident. Paso Robles___ San Lais Citizens Bank.......... ..... •tS’92f'W. C. Bennett___ Obispo.Pop. 2200—H 5 90-456 Vice-President. qn_q?q NATIONAL BANK 90-178 »i’91 FIRST NAT. BANK 90-177 •t’86 Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and its Capital Profits F. G. Wetzel- Ole Torvend.. Otto Olson Resources. 25.000 58,210 $1 080660 $ 859.220 $ 367,150 Han. N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N.,! San F.; Citiz. N„ Los A. 550,000 35,000 700,000 183,000 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 35,000 10,000 400,000 450,000 6,050 160,000 120,000 87.500 $ 75,000 E. H. Tienken W. W. Stewart — T. L. Lanier--------- W. G. Stewart____ C. R. Stewart, Sec. and Tr. J. C. Williamson .. --------------------------- |M. J. Bettencourt. 25.000 A. J. Bloom______ H. S. Gossage_____ J. H. Gwinn........... Chas. McNally .... 200.000 175,450 2,724,070 j 2,717,370 200.000 84,310 1,441,970 1,656.650 F. H. Denman___ G. P. McNear____ 1 John Lawler. Jr... A. P. Behrens.. . 100.000 120,0C0 1,880,000 1,913,000 Thomas Maclay__ L. R. Filippini____ R. Righetti___ Joseph Bloom Geo. P. McNear.. Frank H. Denman. John Lawler. Jr... F. A. Meyer E. M. Downer____ S. S. MacKinlay ... L. E. Hart_______ J. P. Connors 250.000 125,950 2,505,180 2,601,920 400.000 215,870 1,516,870 2,069.140 T. W. Hutchison__ W. E. Lewis 100,000 74,140 1,426,650 1,139,530 W. E. Creed______ W. J. Buchanan... G. Todaro (Branch of Fillm ore, Cal.) N. Canevaro______ 100,000 70,000 881,100 C. Lepori........ ......... W. B. Abrams____ J. I. Bujan_______ Carlo Lepori_____ 50,000 4,320 198,910 210,570 Chas. E. Denman.. J. R. Orr________ o. Sj>eer_________ E. H. Ramsay A. S. Bradford____ A. Pierotti________ J. E. Scott__ ____ R. M. Wilbur_____ 25,000 2,250 101,360 108,620 Harry B. Logan... 50,000 20,000 450,000 500,000 A. S. Bradford____ A. Pierotti.._____ .T. E. Scott 4,500 90.000 108,000 853,600 Harry B. Logan___ 25,000 George W. Peltier N. Fox__________ G. E. Wentworth.. T. C. Atwood_____ 53,000 88,540 1,184,000 1,089,280 H. P. Mohr........ . 25,000 15,550 T. W. Harris.......... C. H. Schween........ E. L. Benedict____ T H Silver 50,000 35,040 774,140 743,730 H. P. Mohr............ C. A. Case................ Claude Smallwood. J. C. Mendonca ... 25,000 9,220 198,350 226,430 C. A. Case________ Claude Smallwood J. C. Mendonca__ 328,770 362,810 (Branch of Jacks on. Cal.) J. C. Halliday........ C. F. O'Brien_____ P. W. Haggreen... Flora Stornetta.— 25,000 4,780 140,640 90.040 (Branch of Tom ales, Ca I.)_____ C. W. Parkman F.C. ROBINSON-. E. H. CRONK 382,140 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., Mtle N., and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 254,220 N. City, N. Y.: Crocker N., Anglo & Lon. Paris: N„ and Wells Fargo-Nev. N.. San F. 165,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 278,170 Han. N., N.Y.: Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co., Bk. of Italy, and Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F. 266,500 Chase N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N.. Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. 106,590 Chase N.. N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ Crocker N., and Am. N.. San F. Han. N., N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Bk. of Italy, San F.; Bk. of Italy, Los A. 173,200 N. Park, N. Y.:Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.: ItalianAm. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N.. San F. 42.660 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., San F. 17.160 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A„ San F.; Merch. N„ Los A.; Far. N., Fresno. 125.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Citiz. N„ Los A.;1 Merch. N., San F. 7.500 1st N„ Los A. 217,820 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F.; Cal.N., Sacramento. 10.330 1st N., Bk. of Italy, and Am. N„ San F.; Cent. Sav., Oakland. 111,650 Liberty N., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Oakland Bk. of Sav., Oakland. 26,500 Irving N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ San F.: Cent. N., Oakland. Crocker N„ San F. 66,740 Crocker N.. San'F. 1st N., San F. IF.E. GRAHAM — R. M. DAVIS J. P. STORRS - J. F. LOBINGIER < Collections a sp ecialty. | Personal preseh tation. Remitte d on day of paym ent. (Intelligent atte ntion to all bank ing matters entr usted to us. 100,000 50,150 1,297,520 1,114,040 4)8.640 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont.& Com’l N„ Chi.: IstN. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; 1st N. and Citiz. N„ Los A. 1 CHAS. M. STONE— W. L. WRIGHT____ W. A. KENNEDY....... G. A STEADMAN W. S.CAHOON A. H. LAWRENCE Collections sent us will r eceive prompt attention. ( Quick return s at reasonabl e rates. W. L. Wright.......... W. M. Lattin_____ A. B. Endicott........ — 150,000 295,420 2,525.700 2,561,620 559,500 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Crock er N., San F.: 1st N„ Los A. Savings Bank of Pomona 90-179 »t§’04 State Bk. of Pomona...*j§'06 A. C. Abbott............ J. A. Gallup.......... E. R. Yundt______ L. S. Rirdsall 90-180 H. W. Stiles 50,000 100,000 42,820 719,300 749,190 54,000 1,327,200 1,266.500 WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC 55,000 N. City. N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Am. N., San F.: Cal. N„ Sacramento. N. City, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Modesto Bk., Modesto. 70,000 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. N.. Los A. 25,000 J. H. Gwinn______ Charles G. Martin. D. H. Tomasini___ J. B. Bloom. _. . . W. R. Hall____ . F. A. Allenberg W. T. Spridgen ... Principal Correspondents. CA LIF O RN IA BANKS — P as o R ob le s to P om ona AMERICAN Cashier. Alex. Webster____ j A. Pfister________ W. A.Johnson---- $ F. B Pendrey First National Bank____ »T0 R. C. Heaton_____ W. S. Lewis_____ 90-457 Patterson.Stanislaus D 11 Bank of Patterson..........•tS'll C. J. Carlson_____ J. M. Smith........ . Pop. 800 90-696 Commercial Bank_____ §’20 W.W. Cox.............. W. W. Zacharias. Perris.......... Riverside J 8 Bank of Perris________ § 08 L Pop. 500 90-647 Pescadero.San Mateo D 8 First National Bank_____ T9 Pop. 430 90-914 Petaluma___ Sonoma E 3 California Savings Bk..t§’05 Pop. 6226 90-221 Petaluma Nationa!Bank.«’03 90-220 Petaluma Sav. Bank ...«t§’70 90-219 Petaluma-Swiss AmericanBk. 90-222 •:§’10 Sonoma Co. Nat. Bank..»t'66 90-218 Pinole.-Contra Costa B 9 Pop. 2000 90-648 Piru------------ Ventura 1 6 Fillmore State Bank ...t§’19 L Pop. 150 93-888 Pittsburg...Contra Costa Contra Costa County Bank Pop. 7000 B9 90-553 "tS’d First National Bank....•M9 90-893 Pixley______ Tulare H 6 First National Bank___ *t’19 Pop. 300 90-894 Placentia___ Orange I 3 Placentia National Bank»t'll L Pod. 2000 90-702 Placentia Savings Bank«;§’17 90-852 ‘Placerville—El Dorado El Dorado County Bank»t§'02 Pop. 2000 E5 ♦ 90-422 Pleasanton..Alameda C 9 Amador Valley Sav, Bk. +§’13 Pop. 1254 90-790 Bank of Pleasanton.__ »t§’93 90-466 First National Bank___ •t’10 90-467 Plymouth--------- Amador Bank of Amador County.§’16 Pop. 768 E5 90-845 Point Arena..Mendocino Bank of Point Arena... t§’05 Pop. 400 E2 90-649 ‘Point Reyes Sta..„Marin Bank of Tomales______ t§’10 Pop. 100 B7 90-650 Pomona-.Los Angeles 13 L Pop. 13,505 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Ju ly , 1920 ■J "I 7 -*■ ' mortagecorForauon bo7og mo^l 58,970 Cont. & Coyn'l N., Chi.; Citiz. N. and 1st N., Los A.: 1st N., Pomona. _ 175,000 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.: _ Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A.: Am.N., San F. -<i COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given eacJ1 bank in L S. exclusively by The Kaud-McNally Rankers’ Directory, under theauthority of The American Bankers As!’n. / 4 1 own 118 and County. Name of Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number gives to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. President. Vice-President. Porterville...Tulare H 7 First National Bank.__ «t’ Pop. 5000 90-365 Wilko Mentz_____ H. C. Carr_______ Pioneer Bank................. »tS’ Chester Dowell— M. C.Mattinson.. Non-BaiiK^iowns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (.indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up and its Capital Profits Resources. Loans & Disc’T8. Bonds, Securities Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex CHANGES,DUB from Banks F. W. Velie_______ M. E. DeWitt.......... $ 100,000 $ 186.000 $2 315 000 $2 040 000 S 530,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Crocker N., A. G. Basye Chas. Osborn P. Gafvert---------- E. E. Ridgway-----J. M. Ridgway J. W. Fitting, A. Cash. F. M. Porter______ San F.; 1st N., St. P. and Los A. 105,000 50,000 20,000 700,000 595,000 193,560 Irving N.. N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Cent. N., Oakland. 90,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; N Bk. of D. O. Mills & Co., Sacramento: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 50,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; Merch. N., Los A.; 1st X.. L. M. Meeker_____ W. D. Townsend.. A. W. Mueller .... 25,000 2,500 125,000 115,000 25,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Citiz. N-, Los A.; 1st X., San F. L. M. Meeker_____ A. N. Chamness— Louis H. Didier.__ J. R. Paden... 25,000 3.000 175,000 182,000 60,000 12,500 575,000 535,000 15,000 Heilman Com’l Tr. & Sav. and Merch. N., Los A.; 1st N., Puente. 112,630 Bk. of Cal. X. A., San F.; Cal. N„ Sacramento. 4,000 170,000 105,000 90-364 Princeton........ Colusa D 3 Bank of Princeton____ <§’12 T. Harrington___ Pop. 300 90-737 Puente...Los Angeles I 3 First National Bank____ *t’10 L Pop. 1000 90-651 Puente National Bank..•+’19 90-886 Puente Savings Bank.__ §’17 90-855 •Quincy_____ Plumas D 5 Plumas County Bank..»t§’03 Pop. 800 90-652 Ramona....San Diego K 5 State Bank of Ramona..•§’11 L Pop. 500 90-698 ‘Red Bluff...Tehama C 3 Bank of Tehama County Pop. 4000 90-321 <§’74 (lexed Acces.), L? volume. For In California—continued Name of Bank. xCounty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState In No. 12 Fed. Kes. Dist. tMem.State Bks.Assn.TPriv L is Los Angeles Branch ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab Non-Bank To ARKANSAS-Continued Bank. W. A. Yerxa_____ L. M. Meeker_____ A. N. Chamness A. H. Bar................. E. Huskinson___ Louis H. Didier___ J.R. Paden.............. H. H. Bar................ Amelia C. Robert G. A. Davidson ___ S. Rotanzi................ O. B. Wetzell_____ RED BLUFF NATIONAL BANK T. H. Ramsay___ 90-711 ..t'll ‘Redding........ Shasta C 3 First Sav. Bank of Shasta Co A. K. Smith______ Pop. 4950 90-717 §'12 Northern Cal. Nat. Bank<’88 E. C. Frisbie_____ L. L. McCoy______ S. W. Murdock.. Alden Anderson Fred Dersch__ E. L. Bailey____ 60,000 12,000 25,000 300,000 i W. B. Cahoone—. H. C. Swain______ Erie Gans______ L. P. Bronson. R. M. Saeltzer____ E. S. Reynolds.. 34,350 1,121,840 1,067,620 B. L. SMITH_ _ _ _ C. W. LEININGER — E.L. BAILEY— get service on Col lections and Cred it Keports by sen CE: Plain sight d rafts, 15c; Credit Reports, 25c. TR Redding Savings Bank .t§’10 E. C. Frisbie______ W. D. Tillotson___ E. S. Reynolds.... 90-317 375,000 402,000 2,467.000 2,574,000 30,000 Southern Tr. & Com., San Diego. 595,000 Han.N. and Irving N., N.Y.; Merch. Ln.&Tr. Co.. Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. X., San F. 94,150 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 131,510 Capital N„Sacramento; Anglo &Lon. Paris N. San F.: Redding N., Redding. 144,660 N. Bk. Com..N. Y.;Merch. Ln, &Tr. Co., Clii. Crocker N.. San F.; Cal. X., Sacramento. 100,000 30,130 667,770 711,530 75,000 19,760 813,050 790,670 100,000 -46,200 723,230 812,300 100,000 ding Y US. 19,550 894,610 769,620 201,030 N. Park, N. Y.: Cont.& Com’l N., Chi.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Capital N., Sacra mento. 79,100 33,630 890,540 975,230 74,960 Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and 1st N., San F.; Cal. N., Sacramento. 90-316 REDDING NATIONAL BANK 90-703 •'ll 250.000 M. J. SWEENEY — EDW. M.GOPE — JOHN P. FISK AUSTIN T. PARK—- S. R. HEMINGWAY— A. M. SARGENT 175,000 240.750 2,065,760 2,268,180 371,560 Chase N.. N.Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.: 1st N. and Citiz. N., Los A. H.H.FORD -...... M.M.PHINNEY g business, t service. B.W.CAVE.......... G. E. SUCH ER— C. C. HOLLOWAY 150,000 202,490 1.506,110 1,704,050 304,550 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Crocker N., San F.; Merch. N., Los A. 50,000 81,840 1,096,810 1,069,030 140,660 Wells Fargo-Nev. X., San F.; 1st N. and Citiz 75,000 98,950 1,232,030 1,297,110 108,880 Redlands N.. Redlands; Merch. N., Los A. 50,000 19,600 594,550 603,740 105,290 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Marco H. Heilman. J. E. Walker............ C. E. Perkins_____ Ann E. 1’renberth. REDONDO-90-347.—< 06 50,000 17,000 500,000 430,000 85,000 Redondo Savings Bank..§'06 25.000 7,000 325,000 275,000 60,000 Redlands. San Berndino FIRST NATIONAL BANK «f87 L Pop. 9571 19 90-171 REDLANDS NATIONAL 90-170 BANK Unequaled facil ities for making c ollections. .All banking ma tiers promptly ha ndled. General Bankin Prompt, efficien <’87 SAVINGS BK. OF REDLANDS M. J. SWEENEY. 90-172 <§’91 W.L. PYLE JOHN P. FISK M.LOMBARD SILAS WILLIAMS, Sec. Union Savings Bank...<§’04 H.H.Ford________ E. M. Lyon . ............ B. W. Cave_______ T. A. Ogden 90-173 M. M. Phinney Redondo Beach..Los An FARMERS & MERCH. NAT. geles.. L Pop. 4913 .. J 7 BAI ... 90-346............ <’02 90-348 E. E. WEBSTER — J.H.CAVANAH....... E.C. HEATH_ _ _ _ P.S. VENABLE A. E. CAMERON..... Oldest and larg est Bank in Kedon do. Collections a sp ecialty and remit ted on day of pay ment. Prompt attenti on to all banking matters entruste d to us. E. Walker--------|R. D. Smith______ C. E. Perkins_____ Fargo-Nev. N., San F. WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, Federal Reserve119 Bank of St. Louisunder the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. N., Los A.; IstN.. Redlands. lellman Com’l Tr. & Sav. a A.; Union Tr. Co., San F. COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In CALIFORNIA—Continued dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisj'—• volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. C fiiuumm n, uinniu uu., LUO niWELEO vflR IKHnbldbU-r HOAUEriH. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. e r. j. President, Vice-President Ass’t Cashier. ! Cashier. 1 & first mortgage corporation bonds Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this;'—• volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. C CALIFORNIA—Continued 7 JState wide serv ice in California, ' ) Direct your die nts to us. 'Quick returns on collections. Liabilities. Resources. i Surplus Depos j oans & Dis- Cash & Ex Paid-ui i AND j ;’ts. Bonds, changes,Due its Cafitai I Profits Securities from Banks J. P. WELLER, Mgr. F. E. FITZPATRICK .. $9 00000 $3 500 000 i (Branchi, of San Francis ; co, Cal. and Tr. Off. A. ROSSI Principal correspondents. 1st N., N.Y.; Union Tr., Chi. For other cor respondents see II. O., San F. 140,100 $ 970,200 $1001200 $ 228,700 . 200.00( A. D. Walsh........ — F. K. Towne..___ ! E. K. Whitehead.... 100,ooc 70,200 . 100,000 23,600 1,069,250 1,089,290 104,460 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Am. N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. 100,000 39,000 1,225,600 1,255,100 138,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Crocker N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F.; Bk. & Tr. Co. of Cent. Cal., Fresno. 134,920 Han. N., N.Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., SanF.; 1st N„ Los A. L. P. Behrens_____ P. P. Chamberlain. F. K. Towne........ — L. P. Behrens___ municipal Bk. of Montreal. London. J. J. Eymann_____ M. J. Wickstrom.. M. J. Wickstrom .. Marion Deneen___ Andrew Winter.— R. H. Rasmussen.. ( L ... 96,500 N. Bk. Corn.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi. ( 25,000 44,490 468,200 449,440 '. 60,000 11,000 610,000 563,000 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Oakland Bk. of Sav., Oakland. 100,000 33,000 1,553,400 1.400,000 344,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., San F.; Cent. N., Oakland. 200,000 68.700 1,850,000 1.348,940 191,720 Chase N., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Cent. N.. Oakland. E. D. Roberts_____ Kenneth MacRae, E. M. Lash_______ J. C. Boyd Sr. C. S. Downing____ W. S. Lucas______ C. F. Allen 952,200 j 1,110,800 Charles J. Crary... F. E. Beck------------ L. J. Younce.......... L. A. Stevenson L. J. Younce E. M. Downer____ J. F. Carlston____ W. L. Ballenger___ ( E. M. Tilden . 60,000 22,240 756,730 766,020 L. P. Larsen______ Peter Hamilton.__ J. W. Hamilton.__ I 100,000 35,000 752,970 628,410 J. T. Brown______ ! F. J. Trigueiro___ J. F. Cook_______ J, 50.000 28,510 657,630 581,560 H. L. Dickey_____ A. J. Nourse........... A. R. Magruder__ I 25,000 23,790 454,020 407,120 60,760 N. City, N. ¥.: IstN. and 1st Federal Tr. Co.,I San F.; Oakland Bk. of Sav., Oakland. 244,270 ChaseN., N.Y.; Cont. &Com’l N.. Chi.; Anglo& Lon. Paris N.. Wells Fargo-Nev. N., and Am. N.,San F.; Cal. N., Sacramento. 126,660 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., San F.; N. Bk. of D. O. Mills & Co., Sacramento. 84,040 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., San F. and Modesto. 227,000 Irving N„ N.Y.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. Charles J. Crary... Y. A. Fenner_____ L. A. Stevenson...I F. A. Coffman ____ L. W. Houghton.„ F. H. Tieskoetter .. ’. J. M. Ormsby........ R. W. Hobart____ R. L. Evans.__ J. B. Lewis___ —. — . L. E. Gobby______ A. D. McKean____ VWm. Becker. W. B. CLANCY..... —C. VAN ZWALUWENBURG-C. E. BROUSE....... —R. B. HAMPSON_ _ _ _ _ S. H. HERRICK MYRON MILICE C. 0. EVANS T. D. HURD 25,000 10,000 426 000 227,000 25,000 9,000 185,000 105,000 50.000 17,490 352,840 256,900 150,000 286,010 ■ 68,000 Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Anglo & Lon. , Paris N.. Sau F.; Far. & Merch.. Stockton. 81,900 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., San F., Fresno, Hanford, and Los A. 1 2,907,680 1,030,690 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Wells FargoNev. N., San F.; Citia. N. and 1st N., Los A. Send us your items and collections for Riverside and vici nity. TRY | US. Prompt attention and remittance. Moderate charge. (Branch * of Los .4 ! n R. L. Webster, Mgr. C.H. Randall, Asst Mgr, Liberty N. and N. City, N. Y.: Corn Ex. N.,| Chi.; Union Tr. Co., San F.; 1st N., St. L. WM. A. JOHNSON-—H. W. HAMMOND....... R. S. PADGET—...... 0. J. PALMER —— All banking matters given prompt and efficient attention. 100.000 52,550 1,660,000 441.680 Irving N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., San F.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. Send us your business. W. G. Fraser------ iW. B. Clancy_____ AV. T. Dinsmore, C. W. Derby______ S. H. Herrick. C. H. Low F. P, and Cash. f). F. Velzy Ch. of Bd.• F. A. Tetley , Harry Conrad, • Mer.e D. Smith A. Cash ' 200.000 106,180 2 N. Park, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; IstN., Los A.; W$lls Fargo-Nev. N., San F. MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS ------74 i. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County, Name of Bank, Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. to each bank in U. Town and County. Name of Vice-President. 90-657 ♦California Trust & Savings Bank........ 90-39_____ •tS13 Alden Anderson... T. H. Kelsey______ T. II. Boswell....... NATIONAL BANK •fll W. E. HOLMES_ _ _ J.M.HENDERSON, J. H. STEPHENS - G. S. BULLOCK—. H. H. ROBINSON — R. H. MAYHOOD JR. NATIONAL BANK We respectfully solicit your bust ness, offering eff] dent service, absolute safe ty and square tre atment. PLACE US ON YOUR MAILING: LIST OPPOSITE SACRAMENTO. ♦National Bk. of D. O. Mills Chas. F. Dillman.. W. R. Pentz______ & Company...90-30...<’50 F. H. Pierce______ C. C. Cotter____ T. D. Littlefield its 3,000 $ 150,000 $ 165,000 $ 22,000 943,730 Principal Correspondents. Loans & Dia- Cash & Ex c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dub from Banks. Securities 603,060 25,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev, N., San E. 190,620 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Am. N., San F.; Capital N., Sacramento. 376,760 11081 830 12068 0)0 3.204.2E0 N. Park and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 380,500 6,066,690 6,215,790 500,000 202,930 6,894,450 6,043.150 1,572,190 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N-, San F. 12.500 500,560 Mtle. N. and Union Tr. Co., San F.: Cal. N., Sacramento. 391,960 71 910 N. Park, N.Y.; Capital N., Sacramento; Anglo & Lon. Paris N-, San. F. 350,000 150,000 4,250,000 4,000,000 585,000 N. City and N. Park, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co., San F. 200,000 195.270 3,448,000 3,500.000 560,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 1st 402,380 N., Crocker N., and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 500,000 1.052,120 6,791,720 7,602,280 1,203,170 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. S. Nakatani......... Y. Taumra 162.000 S. E. Pope............ C. E. Gruhler 800,000 J.M.Henderson, Jr. G. W. Kramer____ F. H. Conn-........ C. S. Shaw E. J. Rader-------G. J. Bryte.............. F. L. Holland_____ William Skeels, E. L. Southworth Cash, and Sec. J. F. Azevedo G. W. Kramer........ FredL. Martin___ Walton E. Holmes. A. B. Carter, Sec. A/or, 8. E. Pope T. IL Kewin______ M. L. St. Clair........ A. H. Hansen........ 1,600,000 26,000 1st N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. John Berges______ E.W. Palmtag____ F. B. Lauritzen... M. S. Gaboon___ G. o. Pedroni Luther Rodgers.— A. C. Hughes_____ A. C. Hughes_____ R, F. Roberts... J. W. Lopes, J. E. Abernathy C. F. Lacey A. Cash Louis Vedorini SALINAS CITY BANK--<§ 73 Harry Winham___ W. J. Irvine______ E. P. Alexander... R. E. Walsh .— 90-308 P. H. Smith C. J. Fulle Salinas Valley Sav. Bk..J§’05 John Berges______ E. W. Palmtag___ W. F. Menke-------90-311 100,000 139,010 1,860,930 1.663,880 274,000 99,740 2,920,620 3 018,220 413.800 Han. N., N. Y,; Crocker N., San F.: 1st N., Los A. 276,140 Chase N., Han. N., and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 300.000 153,360 2,191,480 2,242,550 323,030 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; IstN. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.;Far.&Merch. N.. Los A. 100,000 53,500 1,280,000 1,313,000 92,700 Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Crocker N., San F.: 1st N., Salinas. Nippon Bank_____ ____ »§'07 M. Matsumoto____ T. Sakata... ............. K. Shimoda—____ 90-40 ♦Peoples Bank________ <§'79 William Beckman. A. G. Folger______ J. E. Huntoon-----90-32 600,000 25,000 734,540 759,840 149,370 Yokohama Specie, Ltd., San F.; Ft. Sutter N., Sacramento. 630,470 Irving N.. N. J7.; Corn Ex. N.. Chi.: Crocker N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 351,810 13 501720 13 354 910 1,653,700 Chase N., N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N„ Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 83,830 2,682,810 2,641.910 680,990 Bk. of America. N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F. 2,500 R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PA CIFIC C OASTS EC UR I Tl ES MUNICIPAL &. FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONOS Ju ly , 1920 ♦Sacramento Bank____ <§’67 90-31 ♦Sacramento Valley Bk. &Tr. Company.. .90-37___ <§'10 Sacramento Clearing House. (Members indicated by a ♦) Salida___ Stanislaus C 11 First National Bank_____ ’20 Pop. 120 90-921 •Salinas...Monterey G 4 First National Bank___ <’97 Pop. 5000 90-310 Monterey Co. Bank ___ <§'90 90-309 26,780 170,060 7,068,900 7,013,428 to S ali nas ‘FORT SUTTER Depos 300,000 50,000 ♦Farmers & Meeh. Sav. Bank R- M. Richardson.. Marshall Diggs........ M. K. Crowell.. P. J. Shields 90-34 <§’90 70,000 < Our superior fa duties | guarantee sat Isfactory service. (SEND US YOU R BUSINESS. ♦Citizens Bank_______ <§'09 H. C. Muddox------ W. T. Foster-------- D. K. Colclough .. 90-645 <’05 25,000 $ 1,080,000 F. L. MARTIN J. I. BRUNSCHWILER A. B. GARTER CHAS. S. KING G. W. Peltier_____ E. A. Brown_____ F. L. Martin--------J. I. Brunschwiler Fred W. Kiesel Chas. S. King, A. Cash A. B. Carter E. L. Southworth G. J. Bryte I ALDEN ANDERSON— F. W. BIEWENER...... W. W. BASSETT— ‘CAPITAL Paid-up &URPLT78 AND Capital Profits Albert Smith_____ Alice S. Slate____ $ $ W. E. GERBER------ G. W. PELTIER_ _ _ _ |E. A. BROWN. FRED W. KIESEL E. L. SOUTHWORTH G. J. BRYTE W. E. Gerber____ Ass’t Cashier. _______ CA LIF O RN IA BA NKS — Rod eo •Sacramento. Sacramento *CALIFORNIA NAT. BANK on Pop. 65,857 E4 90-33 <’82 Cashier. ' Roseville_____ Placer E 4 RosevilleBankine Co. -»tl’O6 J. A. Hill________ 90-36 Resources. Liabilities. President. Rodeo—Contra Costa B 9 First National Bank____ <’18 T. J. O’Leary.— J. D. Smith____ Pop. 1000 90-874 90-38 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Bank. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. L is Los Angeles Branch. ♦Mem. Fed.Res. [Estab Pop. 4000 dexed Acces.), L? volume. For In' 120 ________ 1 on 1AU ) Non-Bank To ARKANSAS-—Continued You Gan Recommend Friends to CGI. Cor t his Bank lei. --“San Diego’s Largest Bank” — with assurance that they will be accorded every courtesy within our power to extend them. And as regards Collections in San Diego and Imperial counties, Cali fornia, we wish to say that our Collection Facilities fully cover this territory. Such business entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. Commercial A DEPARTMENT IZED SERVICE Savings Trust Bond Southern Trust and Commerce Bank Capital $1,000,000 Resources, over $12,000,000 San Diego, California Branches in La Jolla, Coronado, El Centro, Brawley, California The Territory Indicated On This Map— Is Thoroughly Covered by the Facilities San Diego County and Valley Imperial of San Diego’s Largest ‘Bank—the Southern Trust and Commerce Bank SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA G. A. DAVIDSON, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA President t cAsjor tUfAMACl MI. 4Je«KA«>o VFPt-R 0IA**vOlR 5kP &vRBS6ftYG« SWEfTWATER UQWFA OTAV^ ’Mrt <n»»*Kwtoiw; p»F<«2 JB ^U.S.A'RMY \ CA/VTONM£N7/ coi/orc san M* DtEGQ pTY UMfc [’41, o* ’faSo>!* Loww c/rra 3> izasc s? a* tv .2-° S2 «« ow 3S (SCO of DIEGO DISTRICT J/ifwnia * S5 .: Sc w S’ a a-*. s*( o o Map furnished by Southern Trust & Commerce Bank, San Diego, Cal. Town Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and County. Name of Non-Bank To dexed Acces ), IT volume. For In ARKANSAS—Continued Bank. Oldest, Largest and Strongest Commercial Bank in San Diego First National Bank SAN DIEGO, California ESTABLISHED 1883 Please Send Us Your Collections for This Part of California and for Mexico Capital- - - - $1,000,000.00 Resources over - - 13,000,000.00 Officers D. F. GARRETTSON, . . Chairman of the Board F. J. BELCHER, JR........................ . President G. S. PICKRELL . . Vice-President and Cashier W. B. WHITCOMB .... Assistant Cashier E. F. CHASE................................. Vice-President M. C. PFEFFERKORN . . . Assistant Cashier R. H. GUNNIS.............................Assistant Cashier J. O. MILLER...............................Assistant Cashier Directors John D. Spreckels D. F. Garrettson F. J. Belcher, Jr. Wm. Clayton Jerome O’Neill P. H. Goodwin Eugene Daney F. W. Stearns E. Strahlmann Correspondents FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Home of the First National Bank Number under Name of Bank h.nir in IL S. exclusively Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis National Park Bank............................ New York National Bank of the Republic .... Chicago First National Bank............................ Kansas City Anglo & London Paris Nat’l Bank . San Francisco Merchants National Bank is the New Transit Number given by The Rand-McNally Bankers * T TT^/VnKTT A Oz-.-ntimiPf, Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank . Crocker National Bank....................... Bank of Italy........................................ First National Bank....................... . . . . Los Angeles San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco . Los Angeles Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. qnf 74 • “ 121 □5 Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers A*s’n. I Name of Bank. *County Seats. *1160]. Am. Bks. Assn. SState In No. 12 Fed. Res Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. L is Los Angeles Branch. ►Mem. Fed. Res. Town and County. San Anselmo..Marin B 7 First Bk. of San Anselmo 90-658 «tS’09 Pop. 2500 American National Bank »’17 ‘San Bernardino. San Bernardino_______ I 9 90-134 L Pop. 18,721 California State Bank..«t5 01 90-132 Farmers Exch. Nat’l Bank President. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up and its Capital Profits J. C. Raas________ C. Westerfeld____ H. S. Foote______ L. J. Murray--------- $ 50.000 Principal Correspondents. Resources. -OANS & DlS:*T8. Bonos. 8»curitib» Cash t Exchanois,Dui prom Banks 6,680 $ 567,860 J 553,830 J ' 75,470 N. City, N. Y-: Bk. of Cal. N. A., Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N.. San F. 2C4.660 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com ! N., Chi.; Citiz. N.. Los A.; 100.000 28,000 1,119,470 1.137,2601 C. B. Hansen.......... J. M. Oakey--------- 100.000 38,000 W. T. Smith______ J. D. Gentry........... S. E. Bagley_____ F. C. Drew_______ A. G. Kendall, Ch. of Bd. San Bernardino Co.Sav. Bk. E. D. Roberts____ H.E. Harris....— J. H. Wilson.......... J. C. Ralphs, Jr.... 90-133 »t§’03 A. M. Ham 100,000 72,660 1,817,240 1,765,850 170,000 N. City, N. V.; Corn Ex. N„ Chi.: Crocker N„ San F.: Citiz. N.. Los A.; Cal. N.. Sacramento. 315,530 1st N..N.Y. and Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 150,000 198,540 2,733,620 2.776,390 305,770 San Bernardino N., San Bernardino: 1st N. Colton and Los A.; Am.N.,SanF. 100.000 326,010 1,883.330 1,774,990 590,660 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; ——— Crocker N., San F.; 1st N., Los A. 69,000 N. City, N.Y.and Chi.; Union Tr. Co., San F.; Secur. N., Los A. 28,420 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Am. N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 90-129 R. D. McCook____ W. S. Shepardson.. W. O. Harris_____ J. L. Oakey_______ H. H. Ham........... NATIONAL BANK 90-130 »t’87 «tl'89 San Bruno.... San Mateo California Bank of San Mateo C. S. Crary.............. Hardin Hatch____ Hardin Hatch. Pop. 2500 C 8 Co. ♦ 90-904_____ J§T9 P. J. Sullivan CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK 90-56 •tl’04 'FIRST NAT'L BANK 90-49 840.000' For Prompt and Efficient Service Send your items to us. Savings Bk.of SanBernardino N. L. Levering----- W. S. Shepardson. C. L. Cronk90-131 900.000 «t’81 .......... J. S. WOOD-......... - H. H- WEIR--BOGGS R. E. ROBERTS SAN BERNARDINO E. D. ROBERTS-...... H.W.E. S.HARRIS ‘San Diego—San Diego L Pop. 74,683 K8 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in hack of this'*—' volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. P CALIFORNIA—Continued P. B. Lockwood— I. ISAAC IRWIN...... WHEELER J. BAILEY- C. B. WHITTELSEY - - JOHN ZWECKLETTERS OF INTRODUCTION RECEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION. 85,000 9.000 700,000 725,000 25,000 370 106,220 95.110 100,000 46,910 1,331.330 1.157,750 303,120 Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Merch. N., “““ San F. and Los A. F.J. BELCHER, JR.- G. S. PICKRELL- G. S. PICKRELL - R. H. GUNNIS_____ D.F. GARRETTSON, E.F. CHASE J. 0. MILLER, W. B. WHITCOMB Ch. Of Bd. A. Cash. M.C.PFEFFERKORN United States Depository. Oldest Bank in San Diego. 1,000,000 WE HAVE A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR »t’83 TOURISTS AND NEWCOMERS. 262,790 10 381730 10654 880 1,974.050 N. Park, N. Y.;N. Bk. of Rep., Chi.; Crocker N., Wells Fargo-Nev. N.,and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; 1st N., Kan. C.; 1st N. and Merch. N., Los. A. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE. ‘MERCHANTS RALPH GRANGER- A. H. FROST -..........W. R. ROGERS.......... H. E. ANTHONY250,000 NATIONAL BANK 90-53 'SAN DIEGO 813 590 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Los A.; ' in . Crocker N.. San F. BANK IN SAN DIEGO. •t'93 M. T. GILMORE — J.W.SEFTON. JR. C.W. WILSON — C.L. REED 0. N. MILLAN R.L. MUELLER THE OLDEST AND LARGEST SAVINGS E. F. FARNSWORTH BANK IN SAN DIEGC. »t§’89 INTEREST PAID ON ACCOUNTS. SAVINGS BANK 90-52 604,470 3.190,600 3,631,480 -------- —. LARGEST SURPLUS OF ANY nnn nnn 200,000 689,780 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.,j 466.270 6.177,150 6,136 910 i ii i ! ..I. Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Citiz. N., Los A. (San Diego Banks contin ued on next page.) WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS £ w C/3 M □ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 74 I OWN AND COUNTY. Non-Bank To ARKANSAS—Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. dexed Acces.), I] volume. For In A AME OF BANK. -v . ■ Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState *County Seats. In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.+Priv. [Estab. L is Los Angeles Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Vice-President. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in bark of this] volume. For interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital Profits its 1 W.S. DORLAND - J. W. DONOHOE - 0. E. DARNALL—- CARL.C.DORLAND f 150,000 $ P. C. KELLEY If you apprecl ate prompt and c areful service at a moderate charge (. send US you r items and colie ctions. San Diego.San Diego K 8 *SECURITY COM’L & SAV. 1 L (Continued') BANK........ 90-54_____ **§'83 1 PHILIP MORSE_ _ _ E. 0. HODGE Asst. to Pres GEORGE BURNHAM Branches at Brawley, El Centro, La Jolla and Coronado. 90-50 <§’07 San Diego’s Largest Bank F. H. THATCHER_ _ _ -L. G. BRADLEY-....... C. J. HOLLIDAY F. C. SPALDiNG, Tr. Officer P. H. JENNINGS P. U. MCMAHUN, .. n. B. IHUMAS yr. it. ujneer n. r. ntUUA F. R KINNEY. A. Tr. Officer 1,000.000 SE E Du- Bboukitiis ADV ER.TISF. MENT OPP OSITE PAGE 200.000 59,460 1.163,930 1,375,000 | Onion Trust Go______ <§’13 90-62 R. C. Springer.... J. D. Forward, Tr. A. H. Sweet 100,000 17,200 University Avenue Bk.<5’07 Chas. T. Chandler. F. W. Taylor..,__ W. B. Miller_____ 90-58 BLANKENHORN- ) HUNTER-DULINGO. E. S. Dulin........... f DavidBlankenhorn K. E. Hunter Garrettson Dulin C. G. Mitchell____ 75.0U0 G. H. Shellenbach, C. E. Stimson, Tr.. Sec. 150,000 THOM Baxks 360,100 12 791 380 11742100 2,167.300 N. City, Guaranty Tr. Co., and N. Park, N. Rufus Choate____ E. J. Ileimerdinger 100,000 Principal Correspondents. 4 Ki- 40,000 $1555 000 $1474 000 $ 207,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F.; Heilman Com'l Tr. & Sav., Los A. ■ ♦Union National Bank ..»t’13 C. W, Landis 90-61 Geo. S. Gillespie—. A. Reynolds. Jr,... W. A. Wallow____ ♦United States Nat’l Bank Duncan Mac Kinnon 90-60 <’13 Cash CHAMOBS,Dtni 6,810 117,750 Y.;Cont.& Com’l N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San E.; Citiz. N. and Ear. & Merch. N., Los A. ON 167,220 Han. N., N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 1,560 3,640 1,034,120 1,036,670 201,090 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y„ Corn Ex. N., Chi.: Northwestern N„ Port.; Merch. N., San F.; Secur. N., Los A. 717.540 158,890 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N„ Kan. C.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; Merch. N., Los A. 21,190 827,120 Blankenhorn-Hunter-Dulin Co., Los. A., San F., and Pasadena; Mitchell, Hutchins Co., Inc., Chi. (.Government, M unlcipal, Public S ervice, and C'orpo ration Ronds. (1st N. Bk. Bldg.) “ _______ “ R. H. Gunnis, ] San Diego Clearing House— ] Rufus Choate .. — Alexander KeySec. and Tr. nolus, Jr. (Members indicated by a*) 40,000 500,000 525,000 100,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Los A. and Pomona; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 25,000 7,500 220,000 215,000 30,000 1st N., Pomona and San Dimas; Citiz. N. and 1st N., Los A. L. A. C. Waite........ 25.000 13,170 385,900 352,860 71,950 N. Park, N. Y.; IstN., Los A. Ray Timberlake — 25,000 39,320 839,170 716,580 San Fernando Valley Savings J. M. Douglass____ F. M. Douglass___ ' I. II. Malin— ... L. A. C. Waite____ Bank.<..90-859 ____ <§’17 J. H. Jenifer 25,000 5,110 213,140 208,740 i San Dimas Savings Bank J§' 12 W A Johnstone.. J. S. Billheimer__ Q. 0 Platt F. H. Harwood 90-699 San Fernando-Los A. 17 First National Bank —<’09 J. M. Douglass____ F. M. Douglass___ 1. IL Malin______ J. H. Jenifer L Pop. 3000 90-660 F. W.Prince____ F. L. Shimmin San Fernando Nat. Bank<’12 90-758 F. W. Prince 1 WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. 177,170 N. City, N. Y.: Merch. N. and Citiz. N., Los A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F. 29,710 1st N. and Home Sav., Los A. Ju ly, 1920 50,000 San Dimas..Los Angeles First National Bank— .<’04 W. A. Johnstone.. J. S. Billheimer ... G. C. Platt........... — Fay' C. Marchant... F. H. Harwood L Pop. 1400 1 3 90-659 CA LIF O RN IA BA N K S — San Di eg o to San F ern an d o 6 A DAVIDSON ‘SOUTHERN TR. & J. C. THOMPSON. COMMERCE BANK Resources. Loams St c’ts. Bomdb, 122 199 •*■« « ; Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name of Bank. 11-24 'ANGLO & LONDON PARIS NAT’L BK. President. | Profits Deposit! TRUST COMPANY <§’69 Banks HERBERT FLEISHHACKER MORTIMER FLEISHHACKER, V. P. J. FRIEDLANDER_ _ _ W. E. WILCOX_ _ _ _ FRED F. OUER C. F. HUNT j'.'G. ANDERTON. Sec. GEO. A. VAN SMITH and A. Cash. V. KLINKER E. W. WILSON HARRY COE L.J. AUBERT. A.Cash, J. S. CURRAN W. E. WILCOX GEORGE STIMMEL. EUGENE PLUNKETT A. Cash. E. R. ALEXANDER J. W. LILIENTHAL, JR M. FLEISHHACKER - H.FLEISHHACKER - LOUIS SUTTER, F. V. VOLLMER..... Cash. and Sec. C. L. SMITH o , C. F. IeEGE GRANT CORDREY. DARIO RIGHETTI Branches: Fillmore St. Branch, Tr. Officer 0. C. SCHULTE A. L. McRowe, Mgr. WALTER GRAF, H. BLUMENTHAL Potero Branch, R. A. Adam, -4. Tr. Officer K. A. MILLICAN Afffr. F F. ENGLEMAN, Auditor Commercial Trust and Savings. Banca Popolare Fugazi...<§'06 F. N. Belgrano........ Geo. M. Perine .... 11-69 (2 Branches') Ant. Laioio 72.000.00C :$ 5.000.00C 757,611 $11088 53 $ 5.760.740 { 9.399,50C $ 2,939:591) $ 3,427.241 ) $7,201,920 Chase N., Irving N., and N. Park, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N.. Chi.; Cent. N., Phil.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 3.045,431 44.116,911 $27 921590 Our Su perior Satisf actory 39.812,890 20.124.48C 33,613,696 Facilit ies Gu ar an te e Servic e—TR Y US. N. City. Chase N.. Irving N., Meeh. & Metals N., Guaranty Tr. Co., and 1st N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com I N„ Chi.; 1st N. Bos.; 4,527,540 N. Bk. Com., St. L. and Kan. C.; Lazard Bros.& Co., London; Guaranty Tr. Co. of N. Y., Brussels; Far. Ln. & Tr. Co., Paris; AsiaBkg.Corp., Shanghai. i 1 500.000 909,230 21.826.060 3,560,440 16,620,820 7.374.890 1,110 3.798,910 870.000 296,890 12,792,750 15,010 7,768,450 2,582,290 2.152,930 1,141,310 8,500.000 9,062,780 95,423.840 9.000,000 3.500.000 123,389.590 , Equ able Tr. Co., and Chase N.,N.Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.: Lon don Joint City & Midland Bk., Ltd., London. We invite your business. J. H. Barter_____ K. T. Soracco, Sec. Banca Com. Ital., Genoa; London Joint Cit.v & Midland Bk., Ltd., London. C. F. Fury F. B. ANDERSON —. C. K. MclNTOSH...... WM. R. PENTZ_ _ _ _ WM. R.PENTZ J. 0. RUGGLES. Sec. A. L. BLACK STUART F. SMITH ‘BANK OF CALIFORNIA S. H. DANIELS — W. 0. CULLEN F. W. WOLFE H. M. PLATE HENRY L. CLAPP. NATIONAL ASS’N »’64 11-1 ‘BANK OF ITALY 11-36 <»'04 Bank of Montreal_______ §1817 11-82 PROMT AND SATISFACTORY BANKING SERVICE! W. R. WILLIAMS—. A. J. GOCK JOHN ZARO H. R. ERKES, .4ssZ. to Cash. A. GAMBONI Ch. OfBd. J H skinner J. A. BACIGALUPI, V. A. CAGLIERI L. M. GIAHNINI, 4- A- BACIGALUPI Mgr. Tr. Dept. A. KLEINHANS J. L. WILLIAMS F. G. LUNGE, .4, Mgr. F. F. RISSO W. W. DOUGLAS T. S. HAWKINS Int'l Bus. Dept R. L. HEATHCOTE L. M. MCDONALD R. B. TEEFY H. PERLITE J.F.CAVAGNARO, Sec. J. Assls. to Pres. R. E. DOBBS F. KRONENBERG ____ N. A. PELLERANO E. C.ALUWELL, A.Sec. E. S. ZERGA F. A.BIRGE, .4. Sec. C. W. BELL R J. LAGOMARSINO E. C. ABEL, A. Sec. H. H. SCALES Branch afAfarfcet SECONDO GUASTI and Mason Sts. q j WOODWARD L. V. BELDEN, G. 0. BORDWELL ,Aud. Mgr. Bond Dept. J. E. FICKETT, P. C. HALE. V.P... J. A. MIGLIAVACCA Mgr. Credit Dent. J. G. MATTOS. JR. C. B. WEST, Mor. Foreign Ex. Dept. F. W. HEATHCOTEC A. J. GOCK A. G. Fry_______ E. Pitt................ — | A. S. Ireland 16,276,850 HEAD O FFICE. Branches : Fresno, Qilroy.H ollister.L ivermore, Los Angeles, Ma dera, Me reed. Mo desto, Na pa, Oakla nd, Redw ood City, San Jose, San Mat zo, Santa Clara, Sa ntaRosa, Stockton, and Vent ura. State-wi de servic e ln Cali fornla. Direct yo ur client s to us. Quick re turns on Collecti ons. hie/Accou nlant A. G. Fry, Mgr.... E. Pitt, A. Mgr. ... I 20.000,000 22,000,000 Branch o E. Pitt---------------- 3,210,000 83.334,140 33.318.200 _________ 1,000,000 38,010 1,934,870 . Montrea Bk. Com., and Irving N., N. Y.; N.City, Union Tr. Co., Cont. & Com’l N., and Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N. and Phil. N.,Phil.; Cent. N. and 1st N., St. L.; Soc. Gen erate, Paris; Banca Com. Ital., Banca dell ’Italia Meridionale and Credlto Itallano, Genoa; Banca dell ’Italia Meridionale and Credlto Italiano, Naples; Philippine N., Manila and Shanghai; Merc. Bk. of India, Ltd. and Nederlandsch Indische Handelsbank, Hong-Kong; Credit Suisse, Zurich: Deutsche, Berlin; Lon. Joint C. & Mid. Bk. Ltd., Lon. F k. of Montreal, N.Y., Chi., London, Mexico City, and Canada, 102,250 1,953,230 139,300 Tr. WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC 724,890 247,860 F k. of Montreal, N. Y„ Chi., Spok ane, London, Paris, and Canada, COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS j 123 ♦British American Bank .<§'18 A. G. Fry.. 11-3 Co., and J. P. Morgan & Co.,| N. Y.; IstN. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil. Our Pacific Coast connections enable us to offer A. P. GIANHINI...... A. H. GIAHNINI LSC‘TENci ♦ 67,821,050 12.020,540 25,623,120 35,588 920 A.Cash. and A.Sec. CA LIF O RN IA BANKS — San F ra ncis co ANGLO-CALIFORNIA Principal Correspondents. tote.Ch. ofBd. C. H. CROCKER A. Cash. J. M. KNUDSEN Our method of handling PacificCoast Business will satisfy the most exacting patron. Accounts of Banks and Merchants invited. •t’08 11-17 Resources. Bonds, MiscblCash Securi | LANEOUS Resources counts ties. Etc .Resource Individ Dbposih Loans& Ass’t Cashier. i Paid-up . Surplus or Dis UAL AND Capital Cashier. Vice-President. (San Francisco County, C 7) County Seat—Pop. 508,40V 1920__________ ‘AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK •t’02 11-73 Liabilities. i •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState tMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed Kes. [ Bstab. ♦ SAN FRANCISCO—Reserve City u *y. 123 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to eaeh bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 74 Town and Non-Bank Tc ARKANSAS—Continued dexed Acces.), L volume. For In Name of Bank. County. __ 9A ' Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 40 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name of CAM 3Alx A MC'TQC'f'Y___ t? co P IvAL'IdijC'J VOnl Q IxcSerVc (Federal Reserve City, District No. 12} Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Pkksidknt. 1 Vice-President. A. P. Giannini____ P. C. Hale J. A. Bacigalupi A. W. Hendrick CANADIAN BANK OF COM- Mark Thue.. .__ E. F. Sagar, Mgr.. Yee Ling. Sec.......... Y. D. Young, A. Sec., 1 ..... 1I1TIMIAI F. A. Birge, A. Sec.'$ E. C. Aldwell, Sec. and Tr. G. Bacigalupi.......... C. J. Deering_____ W. H. Hartwell. W. J. DeMartini 11-62 NA I IUNAL HANK G. W. EBNER---------B. D. DEAN J. M. MASTEN D. J. MURPHY Auditor A. Mgr. For. Dcpt. F. G. WILLIS 301,250 (Branch 133,630 $ 3,011,930 $ 68,550 to, $ 785,310 269,870 $ 1,677,440 Meeh. & Metals N.. N. Y.: Cosmo 428,930 $ politan Tr. Co., Bos.: Bk. of Canton, Ltd., China. 1,479,190 2.824,940 Meeh. & Metals N. and N. City, N. Y.: Northern Tr. Co. and 1st N„ Chi.: Can. Bk. Com., Toronto, Ont. Onta rio) 11.920 FIRST FEDERAL UBranch at Mar. TRUST COMPANY ketS" FIRST 276,060 Far. & Merch. N., Los Union Tr. Co.andWellsFargo-Nev. N..SanF. Anglo South American, Lon. 2.000.000 5,155,380 22829930 14136 090 28018050 5.707,160 8,457,710; 14363920 —— 650.000 2,428.000 743,000 2.394.000 359.000 1,041.000 617,320 19,738,010 523,760 12,370,930 7,978,910 506,170 2,332,230 28.345,790 —............. 24.767,860 4,394,770 229.000 ♦Federal Reserve Bank •Dist.l2;See page 30 for co mplete informatio n-----------------------11-37 *THE Resources N. Park, Chase N., Bkrs. Tr. Co., and Irving N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and N. City, Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N., Phil. W.D.LUX Our facilities enable us to handle all Pacific Coast items on most favorable terms. ♦Donohoe-Kelly Bkg. Co. <§’64 j, a. Donohoe____ George Whittell... John E. Fitzpatrick J. A. Donohoe. Jr.. J. T. Dispaux 11-7 11-71 Principal Correspondents. Cash James II. Vinter, E. Leuenberger, (Branch of Londo n, Engla nd). Sub. Mgr.\ Mgr. w. »t’83 Resources. Liabilities. MiscelSurplus Individ- Deposits j Loans a | Bonds, and ual Dis- ' SecuriProfits Deposits Banks counts 250,000 130,000 WM. H. CROCKERGREGG .............. W. GREGG-------------JAS.J.FAGAN, F F j b. McCARGAR H.C.8IMPS0N, w w CROCKER Aff/r. For. DAUlf G.FERIS BALDWIN, S. N.SMILEY, 11-21 Paid-up Capital Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In <j dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this' v olume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.) ....... J, G. WORDEN_ _ _ G. H. MCCORMICK, Tr.M.R. R,R. CLARK....HOOPER PARDOW, O.K. CUSHING J. K. MOFFITT, a. Sec. Cash. and Sec. 1.500,000 --------- 256,000’ Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A. and Bk. of the Manhattan Co.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l Tr. & Sav., Chi.: 1st N., St. L.; N. Shawmut. Bos. 1,751,600 E<lu*Table Tr. Co., N. Y. •tf’07> RUDOLPH J. K. MOFFITT........ J. K. MOFFITSPRECKLES C. H. MoCORMICK G. A. KENNEDY 1. R. YATES :. AVEI TNALI R. A. NEWELL 3.000.000 6,252,840 9,090,920 N. Bk. Com. and 1st N., N. Y. ———— 1st N..Chl. and St. L. Ju ly , 1920 The OLDEST National Bank in California. The FIRST Federal Trust Company is owned by the NATIONAL BANK stockholders of the FIRST National Bank of San Francisco and is governed by the OF SAN FRANCISCO same board of directors. ||-8 ’t7° COMBINED RESOURCES $67,114,030 Organized, Equipped and Conducted for Service. YOUR CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. (San Francisco hanks contin ued on next page) WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC CALI FO RNIA BA NKS — San F ra n cis co — C ontinued Lew Hing________ ,-r. Ass’t Cashier. G. W. B. Heathcote, W. J. Coulthard, 15,000,000 $15 000 000 A. Mgr. Mgr. 11-72 PiRdPiKFR UnUUlxLII Cashier. L-’lty 124 1 1 COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL Sc FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS *» c. v u n i i 11o .... MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given k in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ 40 each bank Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 1 25 Name ok Bank. :’K.‘ SuieBBkks. A^fn. fpri£ ♦Mem. Fed. Kes. CAM OAlN T7T? ANTPTQf'd___ Pvatv+M____ V?#»«a/»T-xr#» Pittr Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point v— rlxniNVIOvU v^UIlt U RCbCI VC v-zlly dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of tliiS : (Federal Reserve City, District No. 12)_________________________ volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.) C Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. BANK OF SAVINGS 11-65 SURPLUS i INDIVID- DEPOSITS $ 1,000;000 $ of Banks 537.390 $12125 160 Loans Bonds. Miscel- Hibernia Sav. & Ln. Soc..«t$’64 E. J. Tobin .. 11-53 Atlantic N. and Chase N.. N. Y.; Union Tr. Co. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Am. N., San F.; | Guaranty Tr. Co. and Comptoir N. D’escompte De Paris, Paris. ------ $ 1 470 650 ___ $ 8,351.190 $ 5.251,570 Thos. S. Baker. Agent Alex. D. Keyes___ W. H. Crocker___ H. C. Klevesahl, P. A. Pflueger____ W. A. Frederick Cash, and Sec. V *M. Smith E. H. Monroe W. D. Whittemore, Agent 11-30 2,674,900 R. M. Tobin, Sec. 3,534,880 (Branch of Hong Hong Kong & Shanghai Bkg. Corp.,: N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 382.140 1.000,000 (Branch of CA LIF O RN IA BANKS — San F ra n cis co —C onti nued Hong Kong & Shanghai Bkg. ................ Corporation-11-54_______ $’64 J. O. Tobin. << Principal Correspondents. Cash AND DIS- SECURI- , useous Resources; COUNTS TIBS. Etc.! Resources A Commercial and Savings Bank. Your Correspondence Invited. •JS’60 Humboldt Savings Bank. 11-56 Path ttp C apital and ual uafhal pkofits Deposits [Estab. LEON BOCQUERAZ--J. IN, OUPAS_ _ _ _ _ W. F. DUFFY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ J. IRILARRY A. BOUSQUET, Sec. ♦ Resources. Liabilities. Prksident’ 9,222.060 1.130,080 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.J Chi.; Crocker N., San F.; 1st N.J Los A. 4,881.940 New —............N. City Bk., N. Y. and all Foreign) branches. Andrea 8barboro_. C. H. Crocker____ A. E. Sbarboro___ R.A. Sbarboro---(f Branch') G. J. Panario V. L. Puccinelli 1,000.000 171.630 1,533,060 N. Park, N. Y.; Oom Ex. N„ Chi.: Bk. of Naples, Naples. MERCANTILE TRUST CO. John S. Drum .__ R. B. Burmister__ R. B. Burmister... N. T. Wolfe........... J. D. McKee, R. M. Welch, Sec. Ch. of Bd. Branch; M arket St., at Gra nt Ave. and O’Fa rrell. 4.000.000 4,429,420 10,522,740 N. City and N. Park, ChaseN., Guar-j anty Tr. Co., and Laidlaw & Co.,; N. Y.; 1st N., and Cont. & Com’l: N., Chi.; 1st N„ Bos.; Colo. N.J Den.; Oma. N., Oma.; No.-West. N., Minpls. ’MERCHANTS WM.T. SUMMERS- W. E. JOHNSON — W. W. JONES, GEORGE LONG-— V.-Pres. and Cash. F. W. JUDSON T. W. DIBBLEE li-si •trso NATIONAL BANK 11-34 .’10 ♦ 11-66 Mission Savings Bank... 11-70 WII 1 1AM .IFNlflNS Official attention to all matters entrusted to us. We invite your West Coast business. 340,180 [8,616,330 James Rolph, Jr... Stuart F. Smith__ H. A. Thayer_____ B. G. Mobbs_____ F. R. Anderson 200,000 123,850 James Rolph. Jr... B. W. Hopkins___ De Witt C. Treat.. P. E. Williams........ M. I. Sullivan 460,800 39,000 A. A. Wilson. Mgr. J. J. Hunter, (Branch A. Mgr. Park-Union Foreign Banking Corporation.11-81.......... Portuguese-American Ba 11-68 1.500,030 J. A. Silveira. John Enas_______ V. L. deFigneiredo A. A. Henas A. F. Nunes M. T. Bettencourt M. G. Lewis E. R. Jerome 2,238.640 740,260 6,209,946 3,365,590 1,503,490 2,136,810 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., ChL; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 81,510 1,558,850 639,750; 38,610 333,670 Laidlaw & Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.J 4,221,060 1,590,800 214,216 5,009.240 _______ " nf N Y ) 81,490 John A. Buck___ _ Geo. Tourny______ A. H. R. Schmidt — Wm. Herrmann... j (3 Branches) E. T. Kruse A. H. Muller. Sec. Geo. Schammel A. H. R. Schmidt Wm. D. Newhouse, G. A. Belcher J. M.McCariby. ... R. A. Lauenstein R. J. Tyson . Max Mierson____ A,Sec E.G. Lind___ C. D. de Iongh 1,000,000 2,437,580 500.000 335,960 S. W. Coleman — S. L. Abbot_______ S. L. Abbot, Tr.... E. D. Oakley, Sec. L. W. Jenkins, Ass /. to Pres. on next page.) 500,000 367.520 ---------- Park-Union Bkg. Corp., Yokohama and Shanghai; Union Bk. of Can ada, Lon., England Canada. 630,280 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Bos. 6,947.390 78,480 7,930 3,301,640 1,559,300 WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC 414,160 602,100 Citiz. N. and Irving N., N. Y.;Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Union N„ Phil. 286,010 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Mtle. Nat.! ' and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS 125 500,000 . Oakland Bk. of Sav., Oakland. 603,500 Bk. ol M. Y. N. B. A.. N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. , Nun?b5r under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in US. exclusively by The Band-MeNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n 74 Town County. Name of Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. (Federal Reserve City No. 12; President. Vice-President. Liabilities. Surplus Individ Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. S. Koh ual Deposits 7,390 (Branch of Osaka, CHAS. J. DEERING - E. S. P. A. L.E. •tl’93| H. G. TRUST COMPANY 11-61 and Profits P 300,000 $ 11-79 UNION HELLER--------- IF. J. BRICKWEDEL, SINSHEIMER j Cash. and Tr. GREENE iH. G. LARSH, Sec.... LARSH 1.J. GAY, A. Cash. 1.200,000 W. C. FIFE________ M. NEWMAN CHARLES 0U PARC, A. Cash, and A. Sec. and A. Sec. NATIONAL BANK 11-16 For “ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws Principal Correspondents si Loans & Bonds, Disi COUNTS Japan) Miscel Securi- laneous Ities.etc. Regourchs Cash Resources N, City and Sumitomo, N. Y.; Sumi tomo, Seattle, and London. • $19,394,750 $7,232,600 $ 1,940,560 $ 9,059,000 IV- Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. 2,290,940 $33395560 "■ I K PL I S $3,500,00 0 iven to yo ur Collect ons. n most fa vorablete rms. CAPITA) Special a Invites a 39,750,420 12,544,230 16,219,850 5,848,890 36,249,720 4,039 960 Chi.; Old Colony Tr.Co., Bos. 1st N., St. L. N. Bk. Com., Guaranty Tr. Co., and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Cont. and Com. N. and Corn Ex. N., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N., St. L.; N. Bk. Com., Kan C.; Corn Ex. N. and Phil. N., Phil.; 1st N., Minpls. »t'5i N. Yanagisawa, (Branch of Yokoh ama, Jap an).. Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd K. Kojima, Mgr... K. Takata, A. Mgr Sub. Mgr. 11-58 •J'8( T. P. Burns, San Francisco Clearing House J. J. Fagan.............. F. L. Lipman------- F. H. Colburn, Mgr. A. Mgr. (Members indicated by a *) Yokohama Specie (Ltd.), N. Y., Los A., Seattle, and Honolulu. i 1 Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS Name • Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. ilMern. Inv. Bks. Assn. Name Year Estab- Officers. •llemb.Am, Bk. Assn. tMemb. State Bks. Assn. ifMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Correspondents. lished WILLIAM R. STAATS GO. (477 California) WM. R. STAATS, B. G. McMECHEN, Tr. Chairman}. £. COGGESHALL, J. E. JARDINE Pres. A. Tr. J. W. EDMINSON U P.J. S. STAATS, Sec. F.C. MONROE V.P. T. K. GALLY, A Sec. L. R. MACY, V. P. A. G. BECKER & GO. (First Nat. Bk. Bldg.) A. G. Becker & Co., N. Chi., and St. L. BLANKENHORNHUNTER-DULIN CO.-- [INVESTMENT BONDS. '(Municipal, and Corporation Bonds) Y., BRADFORD WEEDEN & CO................. 20 (Ins. Ex. Bldg.) C. B. Bradford, Pres. Sherman Kimball, V. P. Frank Weeden, V. P. Robert G. Craig, Tr. Capital $50,000. Sav. Union Bk. & Tr. Co., San F. Municipal Government and Corporation Bonds. Preferred Stocks. Blair & Co.. Inc. N. Y.,Chi„ Bos., St. L„ and Det. F,M.BROWN & COMPANY ill. Tr. & Sav. and Mitchell Hutchins & Co., Inc., Chi.; (313-315 1st Nat’l Bk. Bldg.) V15 Blankenhorn-Hunter-Dulin Co., Los A., San Diego, and GEO. H. BURR & CO............Pasadena. . VOS (Kohl Bldg.) 'F. M. Brown, Pres., A. Starr Keeler, Sec.... Anglo & Lon. Paris N, and J. IL Schinneller, Cash. Am. N„ San F. [ Government, Municipal and Corporati on Bonds. (Commercial Paper) (Branch of New York Geo. H. Burr & Co., N. Y. City.N. Y.) and Chi. 1 WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PAC I FI C & Sav., Los A. July, 1920 (Carlos S. Greeley, Mgr. Correspondents. S. N. Bond & Co----------------------------’17 (Co m mercial Paper.)_______________________ S. N. Bond & Co., N. Y. and (Kohl Bldg.) Bos. AV. Prescott Scott and Nion R. Tucker, Bond & Goodwin, N. Y., Chi,, j Resident Partners Boston, Seattle. Minpls., BOND & GOODWIN —................... »V02 j (Commercial Paper) Phil., Atl., Port., and Los (485 California) 'Municipal and Corporation Bonds. A. lt’94 Blair & Co. Inc---------------- ---------------II ( T11 TP 111 P111 (454 California) ( Am. Nat’l Bk. Bldg.) (Merch. Ex. Bldg.) , Coast Securities; Municipal and First Mortgage Bonds. COMMERCIAL PAPER Officers. Wm. R. Staats Co., Los iC. R. Blyth, Pres., D. G. Witter and G. G. Am. N.. Bk. of Cal., Union Tr. Angeles and Pasadena; Co., and Sav. Union Bk. & Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. BLYTH, WITTER & CO................ —If'17 jLeib, V. P., R. L. Shurtleff. Sec.__________ )J. G. Flaherty, A. Sec. Tr. Co., San F.; Los A. Tr. Paid-up Capital. $600,000. •U’87 Surplus and Profits. $600,000. Pacific Year Established CA LIF O RN IA B A N K S-^ San F ra n cis co C ont ’d F. L. LIPMAN............. H. B. AINSWORTH — FRANK B. KING.......... F. 1. RAYMOND.......... W. A. McGAV IN V.-P. and Cash. PARKER L. JACKSON A. 0. OLIVER L.R. GOFER, ROY E. WARNER JULIAN EISENBACH 1 V.-P. and Mgr. w. F. GABRIEL Specialize in C. W. BANTA t Foreign Dept. W. J. BEVAN Foreign Exchange. E. H. SHINE All inquiries given A. H. SILVERNAIL prompt, careful attention. ‘WELLS FARGONEVADA dexed Acces.), ‘ volume. Cont’d—Reserve City SAN FRANCISCO Name of Bank. ‘Jiem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState! tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. j ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Non-Bank Tq ARKANSAS—Continued Bank. 126___________ 126 and CO AST SEC U RITI ES MUNtCtPAA- & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- liiLLlrMu lx. OIHHIO GU„ LUb HNfitlth- O AN v R ANCISCQ- r AS ADEN A. Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS Name. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. ♦Mem. State Bks. Assn. lIMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. SAN FRANCISCO—Cont’d—Reserve City (Federal Reserve City, District No. 12) Name. Year Established. Officers. CORRESPONDENTS. (485 California) 'Vincent Whitney, Resident Mgr......... CARSTENS & EARLES, INC.------------• 91 (909-911 Insurance Ex. Bldg.) Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds. F. S. Moseley & Co.-------------(Kohl Bldg.) Blake Bros. & Co., N. Y. and Bos.; Richards, Roloson & Co., Chi.: Elkins, Morrisi & Co.; Fhii.; Lane, Piper R. H. Moulton & Co........... ........... & Jaffray, Minpls; McClu-! (Am. Nat’l Bk. Bldg.) ney & Co., St. L. F. A. COLLMAN. Pres. ; S. H. SMITH, Tr. COMMERCIAL PAPER. ’19 (IstN. Bk. Bldg.) CONTINENTAL GUARANTY CiORPORATION *’16 Carstens & Earles, Inc., MERRILL, COX & CO.----------Seattle, Port., Los. A., and; (433 California St.) Spokane. fP. M. Hall, Asst. V. P..__.......... Branch of New York City. [(Short Term Commercial Paper) r’16 (Nevada Bk. Bldg.) Duncan Fiske, Coast Mgr________ . (Commercial Paper) ’ MUNICIPAL AND GIRVIN & MILLER--.......... .„-T15 ) CORPORATION BONDS. (Kohl Bldg.) LR. Girvin and C. A. Miller, Partners. (Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N. and; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.J San F.; Secur, Tr. & Sav.,I Los A.: N. Bk.Com..Seattle. 'Goldman, Sachs & C'o., N. Y. 1 Chi., Phil., and Bos, .eland S. Poole, Mgr_____________ GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO. {iCOMMERCIAL PAPER. E. Naumburg & Co___________ <201 Am. N. Bk. Bldg.) CYRUS PEIRCE & COMPANY '9i\(Commercial Paper) H.L, Chase. Mgr.___ — E. Naumburg & Co., N. Y , Chi., Bos., Phil., Pitt., St. L., Los A., Den., and Seattle. Cyrus Peirce, Pres... H. L. Barbash, Cashier A. B. Leach & Co., Inc., N. H. H. Fair. V. P.-R.B.Barr, V.P., E.Achard. Y. and Chi. Sec.; A. M. Jurgensen, A. Sec., SamuelPond, Tr. :T16 (433 California St.) Dealers in Government, Municipal, Rail road, Public Utility, and Miscellaneous Bonds. •*1900 -•+’17 A. H. Holley, Mgr---- HOLBROOK, COREY & CO. — (Commercial Paper) __ Hathaway, Smith, Folds & Co., N. Y., Chi., Bos., Se; attle, and St. L, ’85 Commercial Paper. Holbrook, Corey & Co., N. Y., Clii., Bos., and Phil.: Bayne, Hine & Co., N. Y.: Stedman & Redfield, Hart. (1st Nat’l Bk. Bldg.) (300 Montgomery St.) (405 Montgomery) SCHWABACHER & CO ......................*'19 (433 California) E. F. HUTTON & CO, E. F. Hutton & Co., New York City, San\ Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Francisco, Oakland,, Los Angeles, and Am. N.. San F.; Citiz. N., Pasadena. \ ~Los A.; N. — Bk, of Pasadena, Listed and Unlisted Investment Pasadena. v (465 California St.) Benj. H. Dibhlee, V. Pres_________ (Investment Bonds) . E. H. Rollins & Sons. N. Y., j Chi., Bos., Phil., Den., and ! Los A. /LeRoy T. Ryone, William. HoughtelingJ ’ J. J. Parker. Partners. (Municipal Reclamation, Irrigation 1 and Corporation Bonds. H. Schwahacher, A. E. SchwabacherjAnglo & Lon.Paris N., Union Pearson, Jr.. Partners. Tr. Co., and Anglo-Calif. (ESTMENT SECURITIES. Tr. Co., San F. Securities. S. W. Siraus & Co.............................. .’82 f F; ™eriot’Coast yigr- —................... S. W. Straus & Co., N.Y., Chi., Minpls., Phil., Los A., and ((Mortgage Bonds) Det. t J. R. Mason, W. H. Noble, Thos.DM.adden, Anglo & Lon. Paris N., fW. K. Cole, Pres., Wm. Fries. C. F. Gor Mtle. N. and Wells-Fargo11 Pres. V.-P. Cash. French Am. Bk. for Sav., man, L. L. Robbins, Norris English, G.W. Nev. N., San F. (Specialists in Calif. Reclamation and and Bk. of Italy, San F. WESTERN MORTGAGE & GUARANTY McNear, V. Pres., H.T. Scott. Ch. ofBd., M. : I Irrigation District Bonds. COMPANY_____ 1 10 J.Simon, Sec. and Tr.,B.W.Burleson,A.Scc. Guaranteed First Mortgages. (1st N. Bk.Bldg.) WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC Page 3. ((Investment Bonds) RYONE & CO......................................... ’ ’09 J. R. MASON & COMPANY - — _ Merrill, Cox & Co.,N.Y.,Chi., Clev., Seattle, Oma., Port., 1 and Los A. l (R. H. Moulton, Pres..Francis Moulton, V.-P. Security Tr. & Sav., Los A.: Sav. Union Bk. & Tr. Co., JT4,S V. E. Breeden, V.-P. \ ( (Government and Municipal Bonds) San F. E. H. ROLLINS & SONS-------------- «1P76 (490 California St.) H. A. Schlotzhauer, Jr., Mgr. (Commercial Paper) Curtis & Sanger, N. Y„ Chi., and Bos. (GOVERNMENT, Hathaway, Smith, Folds & Co. (1st N. Bk. Bldg.) '(H. L. Mack and J. E. Gallois, Resident McDonnell & Co., N.Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Bk. of Partners) I Italy, San F. .(Investment Securities) i (G. K. Weeks, Vice-Pres.-, H. S. Boone, Asst. N. City Co., N. Y., and corre NATIONAL CITY COMPANY spondent offices. SeeAdv. OF CALIFORNIA —. -t’16 4 V.P. W. O. Gay & Co....................................17 (Commercial Paper)_______________________ W. O. Gay & Co., N. Y„ Chi., and Bos. (14 Montgomery) Correspondents. Officers. .1900 (Commercial Paper)________________________ F. S. Moseley & Co., N. Y. Chi., and Bos. (424 California) .’18 CURTIS & SANGER-—......... Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS CA LIF O RN IA BANKS — S an F ra n cis co — C ontinued CULLMAN & COMPANY Year Estab lished. Campbell, Heath & Co., N. McDonnell & Co_________________VQ7 (341 .Montgomery St.) Y., Chi.. Phil., Seattle. St. L., Hart.. Bos. and Scranton. • i6K.ll. Kiltourn, Mgr. (Commercial Paper) CAMPBELL, HEATH & CO._ •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. IfMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. OELVUrtl | Ito Ju ly, 1920 127 VZ VZVFMO I MUNICIPAL 8c FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 74 Town 190 140 and NameofR*nk ' Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Vice-President. Ass t Cashier. F. M. Townsend-.. Frank R. Forgey— Liabilities. Resources. Paid-up SURPLUS DeposITS Capital Profits ExLoans Dis- Cash c’ts. Bonds/ changes,Dub Securities from Banks $ *BANK OF SAN JOSE—<§ 66 w. K. Beans... 11,000 J 420,000 $ 370,000 $ 50,000 40,990 561,690 508.310 50,000 50,000 1,250,000 900,000 J. Shaver................ A. H. Buckley____ M. R. Nims............. A. Domenigoni John Shaver......... A. H. Buckley........ Mary V. Davis___ Angelo Domenigoni Herman Janss____ J. \V. Kimball____ W. IL Tuttle____ J. L. Toscano 50,000 55,700 262,970 336.120 25,000 6,130 89,700 104.220 25,000 2,500 74,520 20,540 I.H.BOCCARDO |V. J. La llotte.— A. B. Post___ H. D. Tuttle . . W. H. Lowe_____ J. E. Morrish S. F. Leib.......... ..... Paul Rudolph_____ H. M. Huggins------ 90-78 35,000 s E. A. Boye________ A. B. Olson______ W. E. BLAUER, J. J. MILLER -....... C. J. TRIPP_ _ _ _ _ R. P. SNYDER — . J. F. DUNCAN W. G. ALEXANDER. W. C. BARKULOO 'GARDEN CITY T. S. MONTGOMERY BANK&TRUST BANK&TRUST DrtINrx ot i nuo 1 CO vu SWAINGROWERS BANK s-e'”on... mf”-- F. W. SINCLAIR —. C.J. I.A. 3UJAN ,Prompt efficient service Sec. on all Banking matters. Branches at Campbell, Saratoga, Santa Clara and Gilroy. 9,000,000 3,500,000 (Branc h of San Francis co) 300,000 500,000 600,000 91,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Los A.: Am. N., San F. 131,250 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Bk. & Tr. Co. of Cent. Cal.. Fresno. , 225.000 IrvingN.. N. Y.: Am.N.and Crocker N„ San F.; 1st N., Los A. 56,970 N. Park. N. Y.; Citiz. N.,LosA.: Wells FargoNev. N., San F. 16,610 Citiz. N., Los A. and Riverside: 1st N„ Sam Jacinto. L" 76,790 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Italy, San F.; Merch. N-. Los A.; 1st. N.. Riverdale. H East River N.. N. Y.; Union Tr.. Chi.; For other correspondents see IL O., San F. O 350,000 5,168,520 4,735,610 765,820 Imp. & Tra. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N.J San F. 390,800 7,243,510 6,916,880 1,268,240 IstN., N.Y.; Corn. & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N. and Crocker N., San F. 706,560 7,425,410 7,656,140 787,142 Irving N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Wells FargoNev. N., San F. #s 00 —------------- —--------------------------------------------- —---------------------------------------------- 90-84 +’20: Security Savings Bk—<l’91 W. J. Edwards.— J Chas. M. Richards. G. B. Campbell-__ E. D. Shepherd-__ 90-80 | W. A. Johnston ’SECURITY STATE BK. <1 02 W. J. Edwards___ Chas. M. Richards. G. B. Campbell „„ K. D. Shepherd___ 90-81 W. A. Johnston San Jose Clearing House— W. K. Beans--------- j---------------------------- C. A. Swain, Mgr.. Paul Rudolph. Sec.. (Members indicated by a *) L San Juan-San Benito G4 First National Bank___ <19 T. S. Hawkins.— S. Lavagnmo-------- R. H. Pearce_____ L. J. Lavagnino 90-885 (SanJuanBautistaP.O.) Pop. 550 San Leandro-Alameda C 9 Bank of San Leandro.-.tS'93 A. B. Cary................ F. H. Williams........... Charles H. Hale... 90-325 Pop. 5703 First National Bank____ •TO A. B. Cary------------ F. H. Williams------ Charles H. Hale__ 90—327 ,, . , „ x San Leandro State Bank•tS’ll A. S. Weaver------- Daniel Best------------ A. S. Weaver.......... H. L. Lawrence, 90-705 A. Cash. Commercial Bank .......... <§ ’ 88 J. W. Barneberg — IE. W. Clark --------F. H. Throop. »San Luis Obispo.S.L.Ob 90-236 H. L. Kemper,V.P. R. R. Muscio Pod. 5895 H5 Union National Bank—-<’05j Wm. Sandercock.. John R. Williams— c. L. Smith---------90-238 ; j W. M. Stover L. H. CASTLE, San Mateo.San Mateo C 8 BANK OF ITALY..............<194 90-284 Pop. 5979 ' State Wide Serv ice In California. [ Direct your clie nts to us. Quick returns o n Collections. National Bank of San Mateo Hall C. Ross............ W. C. Chidester 90-285 <’09j iJohn Wisnom San Miguel........ San Luis Citizens Bank_________ §10---------------------------- ------------------------90-770 Obispo-Pop. 500—H 5 Mgr. and Tr. Officer. ID. Wisnom.—. F. B. Fendery. 350,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Bank of Calif. N. A., San F.; Home-J Hibernian, Los A. 70,000 100,000 165,180 2,705,740 2,737,390 100,000 120,030 1,421,360 1,267,270 25,000 105,000 50.000 4,760 46,060 East River N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. £ and Bk. of Italy, San F. 3 263,230 1,225,510 1,292.370 291,700 Am. N., Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Wells Fargo- Bs Nev. N.. 8an F.; 1st N. and Cent. N„ Oakland. C 166,160 Chase N.. N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Am. N., San F.: Cent. N.and 1st N.. Oakland. •— 170,630 Chem N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and, 1st N. San F.; Cent. N., Oakland. 29,210 490,650 447,710 H. O. Barton______ H. A. Linthicum A. A. DeMello L. J. Defosset____ 143,300 58,710 1,264,980 1,271,090 300.000 379,200 4,510,000 4,504,000 J. G. Cann_______ 100.000 F. A. MARIANETTI H. C. MAIER 37,130 1,030,350 989,660 9.000.000 3,500,000 (Branch of San Prcricis co) J. B. Nissen_____ 50,000 242,100 1st N.. Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N..San F. 374,950 Chase N.. N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co.. Chi.:1 ’ Crocker N. and Am. N.. San F. 154,110 171,300 37,630 847,080 J. Haabesland____ (Branch of Paso Robles, 709,800 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Los A.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F. 221,420 N. City. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Bk. of Cal.; N. A. and Merch. N„ San F.; Citiz. N. and Merch. N., Los A. East River N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: For other correspondents see H. O., San. F. 848.450 86,250 Irving N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Mtle. N., San F. _ Cal.). . Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Com’l N„ Los +2 A.: 1st N.. Salinas. o WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC Principal Correspondents. k A W.B. Van Vleet— E. R. Hudson_____ R.E. Giffln............. L. Powers_______ N. A. PELLERANO 90-77 Cashier. Mgr. and Tr. Off. I, H. RUSSELL li. B. KENNEDY ice in California. F. C. MITCHELL, nts to us. A. Mgr. n Collections. ‘San Jose-Santa Clara F4 *BANK OF ITALY -........ <104 Pop. 50,000 90-83 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this •— volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn.JState ‘County Seats. President. In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.Stale Bks. Assn.+Priv. [Estab. L is Los Angeles Branch. Mem. Fed. Res. San Gabriel. Los Angeles Bank of San Gabriel—<§’14 |wm. R. Fee______ 90-826 L Pop. 1600 12 mmercial Bank_____ •t§'12 G. S. Coblentz Sanger______Fresno G 6 90-740 Pop. 3500 st National Bank.... <’04, W. D. Mitchel 90-661 San Jacinto.-Riv’side J 9 st National Bank___ •t’06i\V. B. Clancy. 90-662 L Pop. 1500 First Savings Bank------- I'll W. B. Clancy 90-695 San Joaquin-.Fresno G 6 First National Bank____ *'20 A. D. McKean____ 90-901 ♦ yU~o6 90-82 Non-Bank T« dexed Acces.), L volume. For In ARKANSAS—Continued COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banklns Point („ W w->z-\n KTT A Pzan tinl lPfl ■ nunuLiin ■ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 eflch bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point («. Bank. ‘County Seats, •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState in No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. L is Los Angeles Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. San Pedro.-Los Angeles American Marine National Ray Mitchell.......... E. B. Moores_____ J. O. Mitchell.......... L Pop. 25.000 J7 Bank —.90-213.—.........’20 C. M. Cason 90-207 Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up and its Capital Profits Resources. & Dis- Loans c’ts. Bonds, Securities Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes, Dub from Banks. $ 200,000 ----------- $ 206,870 $ 201,000 $ 147,930 Liberty N., N. Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Am. N., San F.; Citiz. N.. Los A. H. E. SHERER------ G. P. ADAMS-........ . ROBT. C. BALY------ GLADYS E. CORBY R. G. BALY M. L. MAYER DONALD MacLEAN 250 000 ? 84,830 2.250,480 2,159.120 379,750 N., Los A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. Oldest and largest Bank in San Pedro. Send us your collections for prompt attention and quick returns. <§’88 60,190 1,127,620 1,192,090 135,440 Han. N.. N. ¥.: Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.; 1st N..I San F.; Merch. N. and Com’l N., Los A. {Branch of Los A ngcles.C al.)-----D. A. Byers, Mgr. A. G. Sepulveda. A. Mgr. 1st N., Empire Tr. Co., and Guaranty Tr. Co.,! N. Y.; Merch, Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi. EDWARD MAHAR G.ClBEL^——— J. H. BOOGE_____ FIRST NATIONAL BANK-< 04 100,000 L. S. ANDERSON OLDESTandLA RGFST National Bank in San Ped ro. BE SAFE WITH FIRST. 90-208 Guaranty Trust & Savings i____________ Bank—90 212______ «§’18 C. E. VanLanding- Philip M. Gaffey.. ham T. J. Evans State Bk. of San Pedro<§’01 Edward ilahar___ Louis M. Cole_____ Lon T. Johnson__ J. O. 90-209 ‘San Rafael ...Marin F 3 Bank of San Rafael—<§'68 M. T. Freitas_____ C. A. Thayer...............[ w. P. Murray____ T. L. Pop. 7000 90-215 i j M. J. Pedrotti Marin County National Bk. |p. H. Cochrane___ jG. C. Hansen_____ G. A. Cheda. .. R. E. 90-214 <’12 V..I. Cheda Marin County Savings Bank p, H. Cochrane____V. J. B. Cheda .... G. A. Cheda............. R. E. 90-216 <§’99 G. C. Hansen 50,000 Harbor Commercial Savings W. L. Davenport Bank ___ 90-211..____ *§'06 *Santa Ana..-Orange J 8 CALIFORNIA NATIONAL BANK L Pop. 17,000 90-188 •t’10 fr 407,060 378,900 42,050 1,023,810 982,800 45,930 Heinley.. 10,000 Crane, Tr. 100,000 Wilson... 50,000 20,000 Wilson .... 50,000 65,000 1,100,000 1,040,000 100,000 50,000 1,311,000 1,200,000 VINCENT— A. G. FINLEY....... . E. L. CRAWFORD — H. M. SAMMISR. M. DOYLE 83,560 1,669,170 1,498,570 580,000 490,000 47,650 Com’l N., Los A.; 1st N., San Pedro. 242,620 Chase N„ N. Y.; Corn Ex. N„ Chi.; Merch. N„ Los A.; Union Tr. Co.. San F. 328,150 Chase N„ N. Y.; Italian-Am„ Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. and Union Tr. Co., San F. 150,000 Mech.&Metals N..N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 100,000 Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F. 212,000 Irving N.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Los A. Prompt att ention given collections a nd correspo n den ce. Farmers & Merch.SavingsBk. \y. A. Huff..............I A. J. Crookshank.. Alex Brownridge.. E. P. Stafford — 90-186 «’19 J. H. Metzgar 150,000 First National Bank___ <’8 90-183 550,000 A. J. Crookshank.. W. A. Huff_______ M. C. Wilde, V.-P. G. S. Briggs C. S. Crookshank W. B. Williams___ A. F. Zaiser... J. H. Turner, F. M. Robinson A. Cash. W. B. Tedford nn.yrr m t. „ ciu.yrc ' WILLIAM E. OTIS- F. E. FARNSWORTH- E. B. SPRAGUE-— GEO. E. PETERS— ORANGE CO. TR. & SAVINGS A. B. GARDNER BANK* 90-184------- <§’89 /Prompt, effleie nt service. 86,630 2,166,870 2,194.820 150,590 Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Citiz. N. and Far. & Merch. N., Los A.; 1st N.. Santa Ana. 304,220 5,940,450 6,724,010 1,042,050 IstN., N. Y. and Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 124,060 2,310,600 2,004,690 649,970 Han. N..N. Y.: Union Tr. Co.. Chi.; Merch. N. andSecur.N.,LosA.: 1st N., San F. ‘Santa Barbara.S.Barbara Banca Popolare Fugazi.»§’14 _______ (Branch of San Francis co. Cal.) 90-160 - - ------------------------------L Pop. 25,000 I F. Miratti Central Bank................ <§’03 T. W. Dibblee_____ G. M. Williams.... W. B. Metcalf........ H. F. R. Vail______ 839,790 80,000 811,900 5,330 90-159 Frank Smith, Ch. of Bd. \ ________Irving N., N. Y.; Guaranty Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Banca Popolare Fugazi, San F. 108,090 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. COMMERCIAL TR. & SAV. BANK 90-157 <§’87 Ch. of Bd. 632,500 LILLIAN C. MOLl'S; G. E. SAWYER A. Cash. A. N. SMITH NAT. BK. & TR. CO. <’75 861,480 7,800,000 8,379,710 1,101.680 and Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F.; 1st N. and Citiz. N„ Los A. General Bankin g and Trust Busi ness. i Direct your clie nts to us. J. M. WARREN H. H. EDDY_____- A. G. SALSBURY- J. D. CAVALLETTO C. A. EDWARDS, F.A. HOEFER , of Bd. p.Qr prompt ar1{j Efficient Service. COUNTY 90-156 f ALFRED EDWARDS E. F. R. VAIL...... GEO. S. EDWARDS, < 300.000 SEND YOUR ITEMS TO US. We have the Ability and Equipment. M. C. Nelson 250.000 1 1 | 250,000 2,129,430 1,972,410 Merch. N., Los A. 300,000 161,600 3,302,510 3,252,130 1 WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena K - 591.999 N. City, N. Y.; Merch Ln. & Tr Co., Chi.; Anglo Hi Lon. Paris N., San F.; Far. & 552,050 Crocker N. and 1st N., SanF. PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES . MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS 1 s~ 129 First National Bank— <’71 Seth A. Keeney ... j H. P. Lincoln_____ I Jas. D. Lowsley.. 90-155 J. D. Lowsley IT. E. Hodges CA LI FO RN IA BA N K S —-S an Ped ro to S an ta B arb ara OF SAN PEDRO dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Lav CALIFORNIA—Continued ul y, 1920 1 90 lUnilbirAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS | “ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Non-Bank To dexed Acces.), 14 ARKANSAS—Continued volume. Bank. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. |$9 000 000 $3 500 000 (Branch o/ San Fi-ancis co, Cal.) ............. -.............- ROBT. A. FATJO, Santa Clara-Santa Clara BANK OF ITALY............<5 93 90-286 Pop. 5000 F3 GARDEN CITY BANK & TR. COMPANY 90-867 ‘Santa Cruz-Santa Cruz Pop. 15,000 G3 •t«T7 ] Mgr.& Tr. Officer \ State Wide Serv Ice In California, i Direct your Clie j nts to us. Quick returns on Collections. ------------------------------------------------------- H. L. Warburton, J Mgr. C. D. Hinkle............ F. R. Howe P. T. Phillips_____ C. E. Towne C. D. Hinkle.......... F. R. Howe P. T. Phillips.......... C. E. Towne W. T. Sesnon------- (Branch of San $207,720 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 145,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. N., San F. 425,000 400,000 T. G. McCreary..— A. H. Foster______ W. M. Carmean L. F. Hinds_______ H. A. Wright_____ 100,000 131880 844,320 904,670 34,000 665,000 625,000 E. Daubenbis_____ U. M. Thompson .. 125,000 35,000 1,575,000 1,491,000 B. L. Sharpe............ E. Daubenbis......... U. M. Thompson .. 150.000 103,010 1,144,670 1,178,960 400,000 400,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 1,000,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Anglo j & Lon. Paris N., San F.; 1st N., Los A. - 40,000 180,000 Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Union Tr Co., San F. 302,310 1st N„ N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 92,000 823,000 988.000 82,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ San F. and Los A. 25,000 44,000 290.000 330,000 19,170 Laidlaw & Co., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 67,110 2.700,000 1,900,000 444,650! N. Bk.Com., N.Y.; Ill. Tr. & Sav.,Chi.; Crocker N., San F.; Citiz. N. and 1st N., Los A. 10.000 145,000 Chase N„ N. Y.: 1st N., San F.; Merch. N., Los A. Han. N..N. Y.; 1st N.,Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; Secur. Tr. & Sav.', Los A. ; We solicit Collec j tions on Santa Mo | nica and vicinity. I We remit on date of paym | ent. Intelligent atte ntion to all Banki ng matters entru sted to us. I Prompt present | ation. C. D. Francis_____ I Vance C. Kibbe... E. Vejar, Mgr.— '____________ H. J. Engelbrecht, Sec. and Mgr. E. C. Corey.............. F. L. Gay________ R. E. Cowden, R. E. Kuhns A. Cash. A. F. Walden_____ II. G. MacMurray A. F. Walden.......... F. M. Ransdell— (------------------- ------------ --------------- --------— G. E. MURDOCK, ORSON H. REEVE IState-wide serv ice in California, | Mgr. G. W. PALMER (Direct your clie nts to us. J. A. LOMBARDI, [Quick returns o n collections. A. Cash, and T r. Officer. 50,000 250,000 Saratoga-Santa Clara D 8 GARDEN CITY BK. & TR. CO. -................................ —-.......... -.............- J. B. T. Tuthill, 90-808 <§’13 Mgr. Pop. 1200 Saticoy_____ Ventura I 6 Farmers &MerchantsBk.»S'll'--------------------------- '..................................... \ R. E. Kuhns, Mgr. 90-715 L Pop. 500 Sausalito____ Marin F 3 Bank of Sausalito____ <§’07 J. E. Hall------------ IF. A. Fiedler.......... IE. S. Rayburn.......... F. D- Linsley. ♦ 90-663 1 C. M.Gunn ' Pop. 3000 650,000 Cal.)... 60,000 2,030.970 1,636,980j 150,000 113,060 50,000 26,630 916,580 1,374,720 266,690 313,670 9,000.000 3,500,000 (Branch of San Brands co.) 300,000 190,770 Chase 1$L,JL Y.; IstN., Chi., San F., and Los A. 29,390 1st N., Santa Paula. East River N., N.Y.: N. City, Chi. For other correspondents see H. O., San F. 160,050; 2,142,700 2,104,950 321,930 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Anglo& Lon. Paris N., San F. 130,270 2.871,050 2,986.570 314,750 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Bk. of Calif. N. A., Italian-Am., and Mtle N., San F. N. City. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., San F.; Garden City Bk. & Tr. Co., San Jose. Irving N., N. Y.; Am. N., San F. (Branch of San Jose, Ca i (Branch of Santa 50,000 701,390 Irving N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Am. N„ San F.; Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 18,480 Paula, 580,820 563,910 WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los ANgeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC 85,390 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Crocker N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. Ju ly , 1920 d « u I# nr c a ut a t«LR. Ed ward s —. C. Shea---------- .... R. A. Belden_____ ♦SAVINGS BANK BA_____________ OF SANTA commercial an d Savings. ROSA___ 90-196_____ <§’73 Send us your C oliections. 950,000 (Branch of Ocea n Park, 150.000 A. J. Le BARON— L. A. PRESSLEY fF. P. DOYLE........ H.W.Le BARON drafts\, 15c minimum; 25c\minimum charge 1 f paid. ! ♦EXCHANGE BANK—<§’90 4 FEE IN ADVA NCE: Sight dn [Reliable Credit I Reports, 50c. TR Y US. Collection s a Specialty. 90 -198 Federal Reserve Bank of Number St. Louisunder Name 127,030 N. City, N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Crocker N., San F.: Far. & Merch. N., Los A. 80,000 Cont. & Com’l Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Am. N.. San F. 100,000 B.M. POWER ♦Merchants Nat’l Bank.<’07 C. P.Thomas______ G. B. Dickinson____ 90-192 Ocean Park Bank______«§’16__________________ —...................... ........... ♦ 90-193 Santa Monica Clearing House J. W. Lawrence— J. S. Moore_______ (Members indicated by a *)! Santa Paula—Ventura 16 Farmers & Merch. Bk.-<§'05! R. Gr. Edwards____ i Richard Stephens.. 90-400 IJ. M. Sharp, M. N. Shedenhelm L Pop. 3500 Ch. of Bd. First National Bank—..<’89! C. C. Teague--------- A. L. Shively_____ 90-399 Santa Paula Sav. Bank <§’051C. C. Teague______ A. L. Shively_____ 90-401 •Santa Rosa-Sonoma E 3 ♦BANK OF ITALY........... •§’17 90-195 Pop. 8500 120,420 $1,931,750 $1970 460 33,000 140,000 <§’93 Irving N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F. 100.000 ‘BANK OF ♦ 90-191 Jose, C al.)____ 130,000 First National Bank__ <’05 ■ Archibald McNeil. John Honk........ ..... E. H. Gibson........... J. L. Glines — —90-398 R. E. Easton IL T. Kortner, Jr. _____________ Valley Savings Bank __<5’01, W. H. Rice_______ John G. Prell------90-397 SANTA MONICA East River N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi. For other correspondents see H. (J., San F. T. G. McCreary.-.. A. H. Foster______ W. M. Carmean L. P. Hinds.—........ H. A. Wright_____ Santa Maria—S. Barbara Bank of Santa Maria.—*+§’90 P. O. Tietzen_____ J. F. Goodwin____ L. P. Scaroni_____ Wm. T. Rice . S. A. Dana L. C. Palmtag ♦ 90-396 L Pop. 4500 1 5 Santa Monica.L. Angeles L Pop. 15,252 J 7 Principal Correspondents. CA LIF O RN IA BANKS — S a n ta C la ra to S au sa lito F. D. Baldwin........ 90-165 Farmers & Merch. Nat’l Bank W. P. Netherton „ 90-167 <’92 First National Bank___ »t’86 F. D. Baldwin____ 90-164 Peoples Savings Bank „J§’92 W. P. Netherton— 90-166 Santa Cruz Bank of Savings' W. T. Jeter............ & Loans—90-162............ J§’70 Santa Cruz County Nat’l Bk. W. T. Jeter............ 90-163 •T0i Resources. Liabilities. ! Paid-up [Surplus DeposCapital j Profits ITS __ •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. JState •County Seats, ln No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. L is Los Angeles Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Non-ltank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued 130 1 J. OU For In -- COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS of Bank is tbe New Transit'dumber given Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point t A+.pps'i f.awvers. Laws (indexed) m back ol tms vviLLinm n. OlHHia bU.,’ LOS ANGELES-bAN rRANCISCO-rASADENA PACIFIC coast securities ——■— 1 nwnwwr HOHUtnfl. municipal & first mortgage corporation bonds Town Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each hank in U, S. exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and County. Name of Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point Liabilities. Bank. aConnty Seats. *Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.State Bks.Assn.+Priv. L is Los Angeles Branch ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Vice-President. President. Cassies. $ R- F. McClellan----- J. W. Shnell. Resources. Depos its Loans <fr Disc’ts. Bonds, Securities N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Ill. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Crocker N„ San F.; 1st N. and Citiz. N., | Los A. 25,000 $ 750,000 $ 720.000 $ 100,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: Citiz. N., Los A. 31,370 473,930 349,350 E. L. Maddocks.... 22,200 450,000 480,000 W. W. Monroe------ G. P. McNear_____ E. N. Paulson____ G. E. Burch______ 100,000 26,000 650,000 660,000 179,390 N. Park, N. Y.; Crocker N., San F.; 1st N..I Eureka. 28,000 Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Donohoe-Kellyi Bkg. Co., SanF. 90,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: Bk.of Cal. N. A.. San F. A. B. Swain........ — A. F. Cochran___ H. B. Fuller........ — E. L. Maddocks___ 50,000 10,000 430,000 490,000 65,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.J W. W. Monroe____ G. P. McNear_____ E. N. Paulson........ G. E. Burch____ 25,000 30,000 545,000 550,000 45,000 Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. Clem S. Hill______ G. L. Campbell___ A. L.Sisson . __ 25,000 6,020 128,060 171,970 28,360 Han. N„ N. Y.: Century Tr. & Sav. Clii.; Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; 1st N„ San Diego.I C. W. Christensen. Milton Alison_____ 25,000 10,000 250,000 250,000 20,000 1st N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. (M. SIDES----------- M. VINCENT........ - W.C. FREELAND- G. W. GLINES_____ W. J. JOHNSON 100,000 87.00C 941,000 1,138,000 89,000 Irving N„ N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.;I Crocker N. and Am. N„ San F.: 1st N.,l Fresno. f EDWARD POULSON W. H. SAY_ _ _ _ _ _ C. W. CHRISTENSEN. MILTON ALISON .... 50,000 25,000 900,000 700,000 275,000 1st N.. Chi.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.;; Citiz. N. and Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A. 25,000 35,000 558,000 580,000 25,000 5,000 46,000 Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ Anglo-Cal. Tr.Co., and Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. 1st N., N. Y., San. F„ Los A., and Bakersfield. 20,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Citiz. N. ,Los A.; Wells FargoNev. N., San F. 103,330 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Los A.; N. Bk. of Pasadena, Pasadena. N. Park, N.Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Salinas City, Salinas. 76,020 Seab. N„ N. Y.: 1st N„ San F. and Santa Barbara. 67,460 N. Park, N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. ) Oldest bank In Southern Fresno County. 'Send your Item s direct to us for prompt, efficient attention. SELMA NATIONAL BANK -< Organized 1913. Our growth show s our service. «t'13 1 Affiliated with Farmers Savings Bank. M. Vincent —.......... M. Sides_________ Selma Savings Bank ,*t51900 90-428 Shafter_______ Kern H 7! First National Bank_____ ’20 Pop. 500 90-913 Sherman.LosAngeles I 2! First National Bank____ *t’17 90-665 L Pop. 2000 Sierra Madre.-Los A. I 2 First National Bank___ *t'07 90-666 L Pop. 2010 Soledad-----Monterey G4 Salinas City Bank______S'73 90-746 Pop. 550 SoIvang...Santa Barbara Santa Ynez Valley Bankt§']3 90-772 L Pop. 200 15 Sonoma_____ Sonoma E 3 First National Bank....•t’12 90-754 Pop. 957 Sonoma Valley Bank ..«t8’75 90-667 “ W.C. Freeland.__ G. W. Glines........... W. J.Johnson R. II. Witherspoon. J. S. Hentnn W. E. Benz;.__ O. N. Beasley_____ H. A. Johnstone... H. A. Isham_____ L. T. Swall C. S. Kersting____ F. H. Hartman ___ IL E. Allen______ C. W. Yerxa M. F. Seeley__ -__ 25,000 4,500 270,000 250,000 25,000 9,110 350,000 237,800 (Branch of Salin as,Cal.) P. P. Hornsyld .... P. B. Montanaro.— Harald Harkson... Soren Madsen____ 25,000 6,900 203,900 158,790 N. J. Heggie______ IN. J. Heggie______ ___________________ 25,000 10.160 234,980 207,600 Fred Batto F. M. Burris------- F. T. Duhring____ Jesse Burris........... . jGEO.W. JOHNSON J. B. CURTIN. <Sonora.„Tuolumne F 5 FIRST NATIONAL BANK90-414 Pop. 2500 R. E. Perkins_____ — C.H. SEGERSTROM W. E. BURDEN MBIFFI" 50,100 116,940 1.169,680 1,211,510 150,000 69,640 1,891,230 1,739,570 tOldest and Larg est Bank in Tuol umne County, 'Send your busin ess direct to us fo r Efficient Service arid Quick Betur ns. C. H. Segerstrom.. W. E. Burden_____ 26,320 650,390 75,000 614.300 ~ G. A. Griffin IL. H. Bach South Pasadena-Los An- First National Bank-----*t'07 c. M. Church_____ ; W. J. Filley______ A. P. Manning___ j Belle L. Upham ... 633,760 623,040 14.350 50.000 90—266 geles.L Pop.*7648—I 7 So.Pasadena Sav. Bk.._*t§'04 C. M. Church.......... W. M. Eason______ A. P. Manning___ W. W. Cottle. 25,000 12,500 344,870 360,000 90-265 South San Francisco.San Bank of So. San Francisco W. H. Coffinberry. S. Lombardi. H. L. Haaker_____ D. W. Ratto.. 100,000 46,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 90-669 *tl’05 Mateo..Pop. 4000..0 7 Standish..........Lassen C 5 Bank of Lassen County—§T5 W. H. Fulton. Mgr. (Branch of Susa Cal.) ... 90-835 Pop. 130 St. Helena.......... Napa E 3 Bank of St. Helena—*t5’82 W. W. Lyman____ | C. H. Greenfield— Frank Pellet_____ L. G. Clark. 85,000 670,000 686,000 36,000 90-437 Pop. 2000 j First National Bank—..•t'87iF. L. Alexander.. W. H. Smith ----- IP. R. Alexander—.IG.P. Kettlewell—' 50,000 450,280 25,340 437,500 90-438 | First Savings Bank.. 5'92 F. L. Alexander.. W. H. Smith______ P. R. Alexander... G. P. Kettlewell— 770,000 804,000 75,000 34,000 90-439 TUOLUMNE COUNTY BK. S’98 Geo. W. Johnson.. J. B. Curtin______ 90-413 I i ' WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC Principal Correspondents. CAsn & Ex changes,Dub erum Banks. 25,000 A. F. Cochran____ 90-426 . ............ AND Profits 50,000 E. P. McKenzie__ Selma..............FresnoG6 FARMERS SAVINGS BANK Edward Poulson.— W. II. Say_______ 90-774 Pop. 3000 §•13 “ Surplus 50,000 $ i W. E. Carnahan W. M. Nelson_____ H. E. Crawford- FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*t 87 Paid-up Capital CA LIF O RN IA BANKS — S aw te lle to St . H el en a Citizens State Bank ...<$’06 90-403 Scotia____ Humboldt C 1 First National Bank___ *t’10 Pop. 2300 90-664 Sebastopol..-Sonoma E 3 Analy Savings Bank...»t5’04 Pop. 2000 90-468 j First National Bank___ «t’92 90-469 “ ---------" | Sebastopol National Bk. »t’18 90-872 ---------“ Sebastopol Savings Bk.__S’O9 90-470 Seeley------- Imperial K10 i First National Bank___ «t’13 L Pop. 300 I 90-805 Ass't Cashier. (Branch of Sant a Monic C. H. Power, Mgr.. __________________ ■ (.Branch Sawtelle-.Los Angeles 12 Bank of Santa Monica..•S'03; L Pop. 4000 90-402 90-427 dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ' volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CALIFORNIA—Continued uly, 1920 v o-v a«J1 125,200 Han. N„ N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Anglo&\ Lon. Paris N„ San F. 447,500 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N„ Chi.; Wells FargoNev. N„ Anglo & Lon. Paris N., and Crocker! N., San F. 71,920 Crocker N. and Bk. of Italy, San F. 72,960 Chase N„ N. Y,; Citiz. N., Los A. 54,630 Chase N.. N. Y.; Citiz. N. and Cont. N., Los A.;;Union N„ Pasadena. 280,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N..San F. ’ Chem. N.. N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.: Bk. of Cal. NJ A., San F. 88,000 Merch. N„ N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 114,310 73,000 1st N.. St. Helena; 1st Federal Tr. Co., San F.i COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by_The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 74 Name Town and County. Bank ok Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 132 Town and County. [ Name oe President. L. 6. WORDEN, ‘Stockton...San Joaquin BANK OF ITALY-------------’§’17 Pop. 40,296 F 4 90-104 Vice-President. R.B.TEEFY- Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. F.A.FERROGGIARO J. C. KEYS L. J. ROSSI 'ILLY J. S. REILL Vice Ch. of Bd.\ A. Mgr. ______ ________ State Wide serv ice in California. F. W.WURSTER, Direct your clie nts to us. \ A.Mgi .& Tr.Officer .Quick returns o n Collections. (JOHN RAGGI9—— E.F. HARMSG. H. HARRIS F. A. MEYER—...... (This bank offer s exceptional ban king service the San Joa quin Valley. Your business will be oans & Dis-• Cafh & Ex;’ts. Bonds, changes,Due Securities from Banks $9 000 000 $3 500000 (Branch of San Francis co) 184,180 $3 438 210 $3 562 370 $ 460,600 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: N. City. Chi.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.: Com’l N., Los A. 500,000 2595,70 5,799,650 5,481,090! 640.000 285,070 5.680.700 6.607,250 786.040 N. City., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; —■ Crocker N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 200,000 385,150 1,216,840 1,473,350 500.000 626,260 7,732,530 7,487.500 1,372,350 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.: 1st N.. Los A.; Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. J H. Hough............. Louis Gerlach____ F. A. Cramblitt___ W. M. Fowler___ Percy T. Cleghorn ( E. L. WILHOIT— A. W. SIMPSON— T. E. CONNOLLY— T. H. HEFFERNAN H. T. HOLMES ; 1 ; General Bank Ing business tra nsacted. •tS’ol | First and larg est Bank in the San Joaquin Vai ley. ( Collections giv en careful atten tion. Union Safe Deposit Bk._»8’06 E. C. Stewart_____ 90-108 Stockton Clearing House----- George E. Catts... (Members indicated by a*) Stratford------ Kings 11 6 Bank of Lemoore___ *§’19 90-887 Pop. 500 Strathmore—.Tulare G 7 Pioneer Bank________ •4§’13 90-804 Pop. 80 R. D. Robbins, Jr. i sociation.. 90-529------- »t’76 Pop. 641 A. L. Reed_______ First National Bank — 90-530 E. L. Reese_______ 90-531 Sunnyvale—S. Clara D 8 Bank of 8unnyvale—^§’05 C. C. Spalding____ 90-672 Pop. 2000 »8usanville.—Lassen C 5 ! Bank of Lassen County »tS’92 F. E. Humphrey... 90-673 Pop. 2000 J. A. Plummer___ C. E. Stewart.......... H. D. Magnuson. (Branch of Lemo ore, Cal.) J. W. Fitting.Mgr. (Branch of Porte rville, C al.)........ 100,000 E. L. Reese_______ E. D. Holly______ 100,000 19,710 256,940 327,060 A. L. Reed . ......... E. D. Holly_______ 25,000 12,360 269,270 285,710 20.920 P. M. Lansdale___ F. B. Hughes_____ 50,00*0 24,000 623,000 585,000 100.100 100,000 47,680 855,430 826,740 150,000 19,000 1,086,000 816,000 151,980 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; N. Bk. of D. O. Mills & Co., Sacramento. 370,800 N.Park. N.Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Cal. N., Sacramento J. B. Spalding_____ C. H. Bridges_____ N. G. Mathews___ C. B. Clark O. M. Hall C. Gillis 186,720 1,429,080 1.420,810 118,930 , Mtle. N., San F. (Branch of Jack son, Ca J. M.Williams,Mgr IL O. Ward, (Branch of Bake rsfield, A. Mgr. C.Z.Vander Horck, P. D. Smith, (Branch of Bake rsfield. Mgr. A. Mgr. David Hirshfleld — Albert Ancker____ Philip Marx___ _ 39,220 25,000 248,250 T. M. Gronen_____ 404.100 N.City., N. Y.; IstN., Chi.; Croker N., San F.; Citiz. N., Los A. N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F.: Merch. N„ Los A. 71,430 N. Park, N. Y.: Far. & Merch. N., Los A.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.: Secur. Tr. Co., Bakersfield. 46,830 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A. _____ 240,660 25,000 4,830 135,370 103,990 25,000 6,400 158,110 195,090 27,860 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Los A.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC :— N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N. and Wells Fargo-Nev N., San F.; 1st N., Los A. Irving N., N. Y.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N. San F.; Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A. Chase N.. N. Y.: Cal. N., Sacramento; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Mtle. N., San F. Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. Wells Fargo-Nev. N., Bk. of Cal. N. A., and Am. N., San F. Chase N., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.,SanF. F. S. Jones_______ P. E. Mertz.............. C. E. Torp_______ Mahlon Vail______ G. A. Burnham___ Edw. Greenfield... Edith G. Greenfield Hugo Guenther F. C. Rickey Temecula—Riverside J 8 First National Bank 90-819 L Pop. 280 Terra Bella ...Tulare H 7 90-677 Pop. 500 111,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Crocker N., San F. 31,000 1,489,000 1,644,000 Ju ly , 1920 90-676 155,000 446,610 1st N., N. Y. and Chi.; 1st N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. James H. Hough.. W. N. Harrison, Sec. Lassen Industrial Bank»t5’12 R. D. Mayes............ W. G. Culbreth — W. G. Culbreth___ 90-739 Sutter Creek.Amador E 5! Bank of Amador Co—15’09 Pop. 1400 90-674 Taft__________ Kern H 7 First National Bank— „•J’lG Pop. 3317 90-708 “ _______ “ SecurityTrustCompany»*§’18 90-876 764,040;Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. appreciated. ♦STOCKTON SAVINGS & LOAN BANK 90-103 _______ 1st N„ N. Y.: Corn Ex. N„ Chi. For other correspondents see IL O., San F. 400,000 L. C. SCHWARTZ “BANK OF GOOD SERVICE.” Unequalled facilities for handling Collections in the San Joaquin Valley. 90-105 I Surplus DeposPaid-up ITS Capital ; Profits COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS Non-Bank Towns withi Nearest-Banking.Point (In- nf Bank is the New Transit Number given W Principal Correspondents. A. J. BONA FRANK A. GUERNSEY- J. M. PERRY---------- A. J. ZITLAU.......... -C. A. BAKER 'FARMERS & W. E. MORRIS R. W.COLE B. W. BEATTIE E. D. HERON MERCH. BANK 90-107 Resources. CA LIF O RN IA BANKS — S to ck to n to T e rr a Bel la 90-109 Liabilities. THOS. B. GOUGH *City Bank__________ •J5’82 G.E. Catts________ A. D. Rothenbush. W. H. Lyons_____ 90-106 ♦COMMERCIAL & SAV. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this; volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.! CALIFORNIA—Continued Bank. ^County Seats. »Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState! In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv L is Los Angeles Branch[•»Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. [ Pop. 385 Non-Bank T« dexed Acces.), LI volume. For In ARKANSAS—Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers ike Ass’n. Tr'fNOVT A ___ PnntinilPfl FNfl PA.Cbriv COAST SECURITIES tnH‘ MUN|C'PAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. -i on 1OO Town and County. Name of Bane. ‘County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State I" No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. L is Los Angeles Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital its Profits $ 100,000 $ Tomales______ Marin E 2 Bank of TomalestS’75 B. B. Hinshaw___ Edwin Bean...__ Paul G. Sholz_____ H. D. Hnllv 90-678 Pod. 425 25,000 Torrance.Los Angeles 17 First National Bank. —•t’13 James W. Post___ G. W. Neill_______ G. W. Neill......... 90-800 L Pop. 1800 —•tS’10 A. Grunauer............ J. D. VanOrmer— A. R. Arnold 150,000 Tracy__ San Joaquin F 4 'American Bank T. O. Moore.__ 90-459 L. O, Stark Pop. 3000 C. S. Selna “ •• jBank of Tracy_____ -•tS’09 A. B. Arleigh_____ William Schmidt— O. H. Root... ... H. O. Kruschke. 100,000 90-458 E. C. Abel 50,000 Tranquillity..Fresno G6 ■First National Bank. ---•t'19 E. E. Slater_______ J. E. Tuttle_______ A. S. Fuqua______ M. C. Machado___ W. J. Williams Pop. 125 90-897 Tulare..............Tulare G 6 First National Bank. —«t'O2 Pop. 3500 90-354 •• 90-353 •• M Savings Bank of Tulare <S’13 90-813 Turlock-Stanislaus C 11 Commercial Bank___ -•t8'07 90-445 P od. 3000 •‘ »» First National Bank. ___ »’18 90-322 Peoples State Bank — -•t8'07 90-446 Tustin__ -Orange J 8 First National Bank. ___ •'12 90-725 L Pop. 2000 ‘Ukiah. -Mendocino D 2 Commercial Bank___ - «J'O3 90-405 Pop. 3000 • ’74 First National Bank 90-404 *• Sav. Bk. of Mendocino Co. 90-406 •tS'03 H. M. Shreve_____ M. G. Cottle______ W. E. Dunlap____ A. C. Rosenthal.__ O. C. Rush.A.CasA. T. L. Rumley L. L. Abercrombie G. F. Gill—.......... W. P. Williams___ R, C. Odell J. M. Allen L. L. Abercrombie, A. Peterson______ W. P. Williams.— IL C. Odell.............. Howard Whipple „ T. B Whipple........ L. T. Brown_____ W. W. Ferguson... Maud Green Howard Whipple — T. B. Whipple____ L. T. Brown . W. W. Ferguson Maud Green J. E. Weaver . . Edgar Baxter.......... R. E. Weaver____ E. S. White .. . Ray Weaver C. E. Utt_________ John Dunstan____ C. A. Vance Wm. Leinberger Pop. 3500 •• FIRST NAT’L BANK- 90-151 •« •• 982,750 1,073,560 98,980 Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; City, Stockton. 18,500 900,000 875,000 3,500 250,000 275,000 93,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Am. N.. San F. 30,000 Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.: 1st N. and Fidelity Tr. & Sav., Fresno. 50,000 14,000 250.00C 240,000 375,000 Chase N„ N.Y.; Crocker N., San F., Com’lN„ Los A.; Union N., Fresno. 602,960 Irving N.,N. Y.: 1st N., Chi., Fresno and Los A.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N. San F. I 36,690 Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Angio A Lon. Paris N., San Ft 124.440 Chase N„ N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., 1st N.. and Am. N., San F. 349,450 Chase N.. N. Y.: 1st N., San F.; Cent. N., Oakland. 170,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Am.N. and Bk. of Italy, San F.;! Com’l N., Los A. 50,000 Han.N., N. Y.: 1st N„ Los A. 50,000 35,000 360,000 232,000 187,500 Wells Fargo-Nev. N. and Crocker N., San F. 121,850 Chase N.. N. Y., Anglo& Lon. ParisN. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; Cal. N.. Sacramento. | 165,580 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N.. 1st Federal Tr.Co. and Am. N., San F.; N. Bk. of D. O. Mills &; Co., Sacramento. Am. N.. San F.; Heilman Com’l Tr. & Sav., 25,120 Los A. Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: Citiz. 140,700 N., Los A.: Am. N.. San F. Irving N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.:l 150,090 Citiz. N.. Los A.; Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. Irving N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Anglo 137,280 & Lon. Paris N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. Irving N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., 30,130 San F. 1st N., San F.: Capital N., Sacramento. 14,920 100,000 70,000 1,300,000 1,019,000 100,000 89.110 1,536,430 1,167,770 25,000 10,910 234,160 233,390 75,000 35,860 1,021,000 948,280 75,000 35,830 1,537,200 1,246,060 100,000 25,000 1,130,000 935.000 100,000 32,670 886,060 940,660 J. M. Mannon___ J. L. McCracken.. A. L. Tracy_____ Wm. Bromley____ 50,000 25,130 696,080 642,460 25,000 18,940 373,730 390,500 E. B. Harrison ___ Ruth Duncan 50,000 43,160 707,390 673,280 C. D. Du Vail 50,000 24,130 523,700 439,700 100,000 51,500 918,950 928,020 50,000 24.580 257,730 339,S10 25,000 17,130 260,210 287,420 R. C. Norton__ _ H. C. Moore .......... R. C. Norton______ H. C. Moore.. A. P. Harwood Chas. V. Barr_____ Alois Podrasnik—. H. S. Wilson.. . C. M. Hartley____ E. R. Thurber........ E. J. Cox________ Jas. R. McCrory... S. P. Dobbins_____ Geo. A. Arnold___ H. F. Fowler.. .. O. C. Little... S. P. Dobbins_____ Geo. A. Arnold___ H. F. Fowler . O. C. Little___ _ . j(R. W. GRIFFIN -•t’09 < Oldest and Larg jFEE IN ADVAN LfVo advance char First Savings Bank—. . .tS’09 R. W. Griffin......... 90-152 Bank ot Savin2s«i§’89 W. K. Cole_______ 90-150 Commercial Nat’l Bk. W. K. Cole_______ 90-154 •t’18 GEO. R. CADAN C. N. BESSAC J E HAMLEN P.STEFFEN est National Bank in Solano County. 175.000 25.620 1.821,730 1,708,380 295,040 Meeh. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N. and Bk. of Italy, San F. 100,000 49.910 2,088,990 2,192,640 158,900 Chase N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N„ Chi.: Am N San F.: 1st N., Oakland. CE: Sight drafts. 15c minimum; 25c minimum charge i f paid. ge on B-L Drafts and Notes. A. J. Smith G. R. Cadan____ J. L. Kern Phillip Steffen D. Brosnahan_____ B. C. Byrne . 696,340 28,740 Am, N., San F.; 1st Sav. and 1st N„ Oakland. C. F. George_____ 100,000 43,580 1,383,500; 1,336,540 D. Brosnahan____ B. C. Byrne.____ C. F. George_____ 100,000 33,630 1,053,940! 1,061,100 191,060 Oakland Bk. of Sav.. Oakland-Bk.of Cal. N A J and Wells Fargo-Nev. N.. San F. 208,070 Nev. N., San F. 1 1 50,000, 24,640 WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. 180,000 .. f L. G. HARRIER- W. J. TORMEY — T.G.HOLLABAUGH L. R. COLEMAN — R.C. BRYCE «• 200,000 39 500 R. E. Gibson .. E. W. Paul 50,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Los A. 25.000 H. T. Hopper_____ F. C. Albertson___ C. H. Duncan__ _ 18 Principal Correspondents. 16,050 $ 756,180 $ 755,850 $ 106,250 1st N.and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. J.G. Thomas___ Vallejo............ Solano B 8 CENTRAL BANK — -•t§’16 < A new bauk Id entitled with loc al enterprise. (Prompt attenti on to all bankin g matters. Pop. 16,853 90-153 “ Resources. Loans <fr Dis- Cxsn & Ex c*ts. Bonds, changes,Due Securities from Banks. W. P. Thomas____ U. B. Muir........ . ..... H. B. Smith______ W. T. Leeke.. _ 90-386 Commercial National Bank 90-384 •t’98 First National Bank. —•t’06 90-385 Vacaville........ Solano E4 Bank of Vacaville — .•tS’83 90-473 Pop. 1500 •• First National Bank — --•’10 90-474 •• Vacaville Savings Bank tS’10 90-475 L Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this “T* volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.! nAT TTT'fAL? MT A __ C'/-\rt+irni A/LHlllIlLlCU 625,720 74 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Town and County. Town Name of Number under Name of Bank U. S. exclusively County. Name of is the New Transit Number given by The Band-McNally Bankers’ President. ‘Ventura——Ventura 16 BANK OF ITALY — L Pop. 4000 90-342 Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-tjp Surplus Depos and its Capital Profits Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loans* Dis- Cash & Ex c’ts. Bonds, changes, from Banks. Securities Dui .. _______________ C. A. LeBaron, A. M. J. Badashe— $ 100,000 { 66,500 $ 806,600 $ 876,160 $ 96,940 San F. Cash, and Mgr. \ 100,000 140,000 l,200,000| 1,240,000 200,000 Chase N., N.Y.; Crocker N., San F.: IstN., M.H. Sherman, V.P. L. E. Bliss________ PaulF. Shepard... Los A. |C. A. Barker, Jr. Geo. Jess 650,000| 500,000 50,000 15,000 100,000 Liberty N., N. Y.; Merch. N.» Los A. R. A. Phillips_____ E. K. Carrier_____ O. W. Erdlen.——| W. D. Newcomb (Branch of Ocea n Park, Cal.) ... Chase N., N.Y.: Merch. N. and Secur. N., Los A.; Am. N.. San F. 285,000 25,000 15,000 Merch. N., Secur. Tr. & Sav„ and Heilman 5,000 300.000 R. A. Phillips____ C. W. Erdlen........ . E. K. Carrier.......... Com’l Tr. & Sav., Los A. JOHN LAGOMARSINO J.H. CHAFFEE, Mgr. and Tr. Officer1 •§'18 < State Wide serv ice in California. 1 Direct your clie nts to us. (.Quick returns o n Collections. 90-344 ngs Bai 90-345 mal Bai 90-878 90-848 onal Bai 90-860 onal Bar 90-269 Vice-President. Felix W. Ewing... Adolfo Camarillo.. EdgarW. Carne... Andrew W. Olsen.. \i 160,000 79,000 Felix W. Ewing... Adolfo Camarillo.. EdgarW. Carne... '• Chas. H. Carne— 70,000 6.600 286,510 340,360 i J. B. Leonis______ W. .1. Boyle............ 25,000 2,500 326,550 282.860 J. B. Leonis.............. J. J. Doyle.............. 50,000 26,000 475,000 400,000 25,000 5,300 171,000 *+§’16 1st N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi. For other correspondents see H. O., San F. J. A. LAGOMARSINO- 9.000,000 3.500.000 (Branch of San Francis co. Cal.) NEILL BAKER BLISS 814,710 1,187,560 82,930 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Merch,N., Los A.; Am, N., Say F. 125,000 1st N„ San F.: Citiz. N., Los A. . 32,700 Lon. Paris N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.: Far. & Merch. N., Los A. NATIONAL BANK WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC 135 Federal Reserve Bank of St.ftrTctorV, Louis “unde? the Tuthlrit/ ofThe San Bernardino. 479,000 528,130 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Los A.; 1st N. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 125,630 San F. 140,660 IstN. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N„ San F.; N. I of Visalia, Visalia. 40,000 Am. N., Anglo & Lon. Paris N., and 1st 1 San F. 123,590 Guaranty Tr. Co.-, N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F.: 1st N., Oakland. 628,020 N.City.N. Y.; Cal. N., Sacramento: Bk. of Cal. N. A. and Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. N. City, N. Y.; Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 330,680 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; 1st N., Los A. and San F. Han. N., N.Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San. F. 514,230 Irving N. and Guaranty Tr. Co.; N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.:Ang!o ALon.Paris N.,SanF. 140,550 Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co., San F. 134,330 71.820 Nev. N., San F. 65,000 85,700 Chi.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. July, 192 0 194,000 E. E. Richardson .. B. T. Ergenbright. J. C. Turner, V.-P. Henry Koch 300,000 102,540 2,090,010 1,968,260 S. Mitchell........ -__ W. R. Spalding..— \ C. M. Griffith_____ I C. E. Coughrai C. T. Lawless, {H. Mitchell A. Cash. J. R. Barboni 1 C. J. GIDDINGS— J. F. GIBSON-------- L. A. HYDE............ L. LAWRENCE CHAS. T. POOL, JOS. SHERMAN A. Cash. A. A.FLUETSCH The oldest, strongest and largest banking institution i 200,000 214,890 1,929,280 2.021,040 OF VISALIA Tulare County. We do a general banking businest •t’74 90-267 Prompt, efficient service on Collections. •• _______ '* Producers Sav. Bank..^§'05 8. Mitchell_______ i Chas. Togni______ C. M. Griffith____ JC. E. Conghran.___ 150,000 2,850 1,003,400' 977,550 R. Green, A, Cash.\ Jos. R. Barboni 90—270 H. M. Mooney " . ............ “ ; Visalia Savings Bk. & Tr. Co. L. C. Hyde------------------------------------------ C. J. Giddings... 200,000 33,460 1,139.830 1.232,630 90-268 *t§’91 Walnut Creek___ Contra First National Bank____ •J’12jJ. S. Garberson ... C. G. Goold.............. Armand Stow____ 210,000 2,500 25,000 205,000 Costa. Pop. 750 ....B 8 90—760 ......... “ San Ramon Valley Bk..<§’07 N. S. Boone______ Arthur Burton____ F. A. Marshall____ M. A. Ridgway___ 15,940 741,520 75,000 708,590 90-682 IL H. Daley WalnutGrove........ Sacra-'Bank of Alex.Brown.»t§1900j Alex. Brown........... A. A. Brown.......... John S. Brown — A. C. Schumacher. 125,000 54,310 1.681,830 1,208,2x0 mento —Pop. 500 — E 4 90-683 Wasco_________ Kern H 6 j First National Bank—«tT2----------------------------1------------ --------------- J. S. McCain, Mgr. (Branch of Bake rsfieid, Cal.)__ Pop. 1000 I 90-745 Watsonville—Santa Cruz iBank of Watsonville...•t§'74iH. S. Fletcher------ IL. W. Sanborn------- W. R. Radcliff____ 100,000 125,150 753,5401 647,000 Pop. 6000 E 91 90-280 “ _______ “ iFruit Growers Nat. Bk. 4’20'G. S. Easterday ... jM. M. Lettunich... G. M, Hahel............ H. M. Taylor_____ 100,000 10,000 90-917 ! E. W. Me Sherry “ _______ “ Pajaro Valley Nat. Bank*t’885 W. R. Porter-------- C. F. Langley---------- L. H. Lopes______ G. E. Wilson.......... 100,000 178,160 2,031,060 1,694,330 90-282 C. A. Palmtag J. S. Dondero " _______ " Pajaro Valley Savings Bank W. R. Porter_____ C. F. Langley-------- L. II. Lopes______ Geo. E. Wilson___ 50,000 71,760 1,127,450 1,074,400 90-281 «t§’88 C. A . Palmtag J. S. Dondero “ _______ " Watsonville Savings Bank I H. S. Fletcher____ E. S.Bockius______ W. R. Radcliff, Sec. 50,000 60,270 988,360 904,300 90-283 *t§’90 Watts...Los Angeles 11 Farmers & Merchants Bank. C. R. Church_____ J. W. Siler---------- Paul Blythe_______ 342,250 313.770 35,000 8,330 L Pop. 4529 90-684 »t§ 09 175,000 125,000 25,000 10,000 •Weaverville.Trinity C2 Trinity County Bank..*§1900 C. II. Edwards____ Herbert Gray______ M. E. Gray, Sec.... i Pop. 750 90-685 558,000 Weed______ Siskiyou B3 First National Bank—*{’10 J.M. White______ R. P. Clark______ W. J. West_______ B. W. West25,000 47,000 765,000 j Pop. 4000 90-686 W. H. King West Berkeley_________ (See Berkeley) 152,410 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.: Wells FargoNev. N., San F.;Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A. 24 770 Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. CA LIF O RN IA BANKS — V al le y F o rd to W e st B er kel ey J. D. Williams..— 90-680 Pop. 100 R. E. Whitley......... Van Nuys Los Angeles 17 First National Bank 90-728 L Fop. 4000 A. L. Shipley_____ ♦First National Bank...*t’12 nice—Los Ange 90-733 L Pop. 10,385 Ocean Park Bank---------- §12 90-766 Venice Savings Bank—.. §’05 A. L. Shipley_____ 90-681 earing House) f------------------------- nardino-L-Pop. 800—1 5 • Visalia............. Tulare G 6 Pop. 8500 For Ini! Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this, volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.I CALIFORNIA—Continued Bank. •County Seats. »Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State In No. 12 Fed. Kes. Dist. tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. L is Los Angeles Branch.•♦Mem. Fed.Kes. [Estab. (Log Angeles, P. O.) L Pop. 1000 volume. Bank to each bank in and dexed Acces.), It R 134 134 L Non-Bank To ARKANSAS—Continued Directory, under the authority ot The American Bankers Ass’n. COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL & FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS American Bankers Ass’n. CALIFORNIA—-Continued^ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of tins volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc , see Laws. Tviuumui H. uirtrtio uu.. Luo ..IWULI.U nNUtLtd-dAN rRANC SCO-HASAnPNA vnn I nnnuiouu rHOMUCWfl. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ TOWN AND COUNTY. President. F. L. Walker_____ A. G. Graham_____ 90-937 Farmers Bank_______ <§'74 90-688 Community Bank..............§’19 90-911 Price Blackford... Roy Smith____ Willits—Mendocino D 2 Bank of Willits............ <§’04 W. A. S. Foste Pop. 2000 90-690 “ .............. “ FIRST NATIONAL BANK W. T. Saxon... 90-823 <’14 ‘Willows------- Glenn D 3 Bank of Willows...........<§’80 B. H. Burton.. Pop. 4000 90-476 90-477 nty Ban 90-478 tnal Ban 90-691 ank___ 90-503 L Pop. 500 •eka_____ Siskij Pop. 2000 ley.Cal.) $ Los A.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 50,000 J 10,000 38,400 15,000 $ 350,000 $ 370,000 $ 125,000 7,060 330,670 384,400 M. O. Harling, lome Savings Bank__ 90-331 folo County Sav. Bank.»§’91 90-329 first National Bank ___ <’16 90-851 IRST NATIONAL BANK-< 14 90-832 ’irst Savings Bank of Siski-j you Co...90-480--------- *§’09 Mgr. 90,000 150,000 55.000 1,480,000 1,430,000 146,180 ................................... J. M. Stovall_____ B. L. Fonch______ 100,000 50,500 1,066,600 1 790,100 427,000 P. I. Lancaster .... W. H. Baechtel___ H. M. Burke______ Margaret C. Jensen G. A. Smart........ .... H. B. Ramsey........ M. H. Haskett........ 50,000 43.090 596,470 1 547,890 50,000 12,500 400,000 360,000 P. H. Green______ C. R. Wickes------E. M. Garrison G. A. Gutman........ L. I. Reed................. H. R. Lindberg___ 300,000 75,000 IstN., Los A.-. Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 378,000 2,088,000 2,754,000 36,500 650,000 1,000,000 H. J. Barceloux... W. K. Hatch______ W. C. Nichols____ 200,000 45,000 900,000 700,000 G. C. Flint............... D. C. Fohl................ Paul Eubank............ E. W. Clark J. R. Griffin, ........ W. S. Baker______ R. E. Watson_____ 50,000 15,000 600,000 355,000 100,000 15,000 297,670 281,340 11. J. Fitz_______ J. A. Henderson... Lulu B. Wyatt____ 75,000 20,000 221,290 220,300 25,000 10,030 105.630 128,060 2,310 119,910 i 134,890 J. A. Henderson... Lulu B. Wyatt........ W. S. Bean.............. W. B. Millett_____ 25,000 J. I. McConnell ... IL D. Porter______ E. C. Cooper 200,000 87,740 1,041,740 1,275,530 C. L. Richmond... E. B. Hayward___ IL B. Crego 330,000 55,770 1,806,760 1,910,260 E. E. Gaddis............ J. D. Harling........ R. H. Schluer_____ E. A. Bullard P. G. Friday W. M. Apperson D. B. Guile_______ J. D. Harling____ T. D. Cummins C, Q. Nelson______ J. I. McConnell. Sec. C. H. Hamburg___ J. W. Hargrave___ ........ ............................ 125,000 52,310 925,160 914,950 176,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of III.. Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. 100.000 Han. N„ N. Y.; IstN.. Chi.; Bk.of Cal.N. San F.:N. Bk.of D. O. Mills & Co., Sacramento. 150.000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N..San F.; Cent. N., O ' land. 110,000 Irving N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Far. & Merch. Los A.; Seah. N., San F. 126,600 Irving N., N. Y.; Cal. N., Sacramento: An & Lon. Paris N., San F. 29,660 Irving N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Am. N., S F.; Cal. N., Sacramento. 3.810 1st N. and Am. N„ San F. 14,140 Han. N„ N. Y.; Am. N„ San F. 52,550 L Park, N. Y.; 1st N„ San F.; N. Bk. of O. Mills & Co., Sacramento. 209,080 jaidlaw & Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.: Bk. of ( N. A., San F.; N. Bk. of D. O. Mills & Co., Sacramento. 292,450 L City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Cal.__ Sacramento: Anglo & Lon. Paris N„ San F. 71,920 2,069,340 1,970,940 341,770 Wells Fargo-Nev.N„ San F.; 1st N„ Woodland 89,900 2,262,320 2,414.750 132.050 Squitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co. Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 65,610 lerch. N., Los A. 25,000 7,120 223,380 16.000 450,000 254,000 O R H. O. Patterson, J. A. Thomas, Sec. and, Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. 72.000 13,300 732,230 691,670 J.P. Churchill.... H. C. Patterson___ 3. A. Thomas_____ 100,000 136,140 626.480 760,810 B. F. Walton_____ G. T. Boyd...... ......... E. C. Littleton____ E. T. Hughes B. F. Walton.......... G. T. Boyd______ E. C. Littleton____ 50,000 68,190 1,249.363 1,225,700 25,000 55,910 590,900 189,790 606,370 WILLIAM R. STAATS CO., Los Angeles-San Francisco-Pasadena. PACIFIC Lon. Paris N., San F. lech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; N. Bk. of D. O. Mills & Co., Sac ramento. 140,530 . W. Seligman & Co., N. Y.; Anglo & Lon, Paris N., San F.; Bk. of Ukiah, Ukiah. 90,000 175,000 50,000 Gillis. 257,390 200,000 Thos. Jones______ E. V. Harmon ____ 90-479 ‘Yuba City___ Sutter D 4 First National Bank....<’12 C. R. Boyd. 90-692 Pop. 2500 :. of Sut <§’12 90-748 35,000 N. Park, N.Y.: 1st N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.: N. Bk. of D. O. Mills & Co.. Sacramento. 69,360 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Secur. Tr. & Sav. Bk., Los A. 352,040 ChaseN..N.Y.: Cont.&Com’l N.,Chi.;Merch. N. and Citiz. N„ Los A.; 1st N. and Am. N„ San F. 100,690 1,084,840 1,118,190 F. Moody_______ Principal Correspondents. kE Cash x changes, Due from Baku 100,000 *' first National Bank__ 90-332 <fc Dis* A. C. Johnson A. H. Dunlap_____ C. B. Johnson____ H. Demarest______ C. B. Johnson W. II. Crook........... C. A. Carden______ W. E. Frantz_____ 90-502 H. J. Fitz_______ Savings Bank of Winters 90-714 t§’ll C. R. Luton_______ Woodlake..........Tulare G 6 First National Bank_____ '12 Pop. 250 A. P. Ilaury 90-777 ‘Woodland........ Yolo E 4 BANK OF {^ASSOCIATION J. L. Stephens .... C. Q. Nelson_____ Pop. 5500 NATIONAL ... L. II. Stephens 90-328 <’68 R. W. Browning... G. N. Merritt 90-330 ---------- Resources. Loam c’ts. Bonds, Skjukttxm 98,000 rving N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Anglo & Lon Paris N., San F.; Capital N., Sacramento. 125,850 Velis Fargo-Nev. N., 1st N., Anglo & Lon Paris N.. and Crocker N., San F.; Cent. N„ Oakland. 98,420 1. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N. e Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Cal. N., Sacramento, 188,410 st N., San F. 36,980! 36,980 1st Federal Tr. Co., San F. COAST SECURITIES MUNICIPAL &. FIRST MORTGAGE CORPORATION BONDS CA LIF O RN IA BA N K S — W estm o rl an d to Y ub a Ci ty •t’01 90-274 Williams------ Colusa D 3 Bank of Williams_____ •t5'92 H. C. StovallPop. 800 90-689 J 2 1 150,000 55,000 1,523.420 1.412,633 ities for making Collections. We solicit your items on Whit tier and vicinity. nee. Intelligent attention to all Banking matters. Corresp ond enc e invite (1. NATIOI L Pop. 2200 [iters_______Yo Pop. 1000 Liabilities. Paid-up Subplus Depos AND Capital Profits its JOHN CROOK_ _ _ _ H. L. PERRY.......... L. C. WICKER_ _ _ _ *1900 90-275 90-273 . O. H. Barr----------- Fred Pease______ FIRST NATIONAL BANK 90-272 Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. • H. J. Ingram, Mgr. Westmorland... Imperial Imperial Valley Bank..<§’18 L Pop. 300 K10 90-879 Pop. 90 leatland____ Yu Pop. 600 dttier.Los Ange L Pop. 7997 Vice-President. bonds Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of CALIFORNIA—Continued NAME OK BANK. *County Seats. «Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. L is Los Angeles Branch ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. vuast securities & first mortgage corporation Ju ly , 1920 135 municipal - 74 -------- Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit „• nirT'f1 bank *S '■ .£• exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 1),re<'t°ry, under theauthority ofTheAmerican Bankers Ass’n. Name ok Town and County. Name of Agate President. Vice-President. Flhert F, 17 Agate State Bank_____ *£§’18 Alfred A. Storey — C. H. Smith Cashier. 214,000 15.000 16,070 82 000 91.200 30,000 9,300 150.000 121,000 20.000 6,080 78,670 111,620 R. C. Eerrv, Jr.. — Joseph Palmer, Jr. 40,000 66,000 561.000 695,700 Gladys 25,000 27,190 394,670 343,200 101.410 Irving N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Globe N., and U. S. N., Den.; Comw. N.. Kan. C. 50,000 89,010 994,040 880,480 20,000 3,470 160,530 116,740 305,670 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Western N., Pueblo; 1st N., Den.; Far. & Merch., Jaroso. 68,460 Colo. N., Den.; Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 10,000 16,920 103,510 78,110 52,320 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Den. D. O. Stocton_____ A. F. Boehmer 10,000 2.200 52.160 46,060 19.460 1st N„ Oma.: Neb. State, Lin.; Com’l N., Fremont; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. C, M Sutton F. P. Cooley____ Isaac Pelton W. P. Logan, V. P. Newton Koser W. C. Logan ‘Alamosa..Alamosa K 11 ALAMOSA NAT’L BANK A. C. Ellis 82-85 <’07 H. E. Warren, Pop. 4500 Ch. of Bd. •• “ G. F. Trotter American National Bank 82-84 <’05 J ohnSpriestersbach 82-334 <§’15 Alma _____ Park F 10 Bank of Alma_________ t§’82 J. F. Singleton 82-207 Pop. 301 Amherst- ..Phillips A 22 American State Bank__ t§’17 B. F. Hastings 82-373 Pop. 90 Antonito ...Conejos L11 Commercial State Bank<§’ll ILF. Jordan ____ 82-209 Pop. 1500 Arapahoe. Cheyenne G 22 Arapahoe State Bank___ §19 Fred Volpp_______ Pop. 100 82-398 Arriba. Lincoln F 19 Lincoln State Bank___ <§’07 Frank Flindt 82-210 Pop. 300 Ault ________Weld B 15 Pop. 1000 .. 82-171 First National Bank— Aurora_____ Adams D 14 Pop. 1500 82-172 First National Bank. 82-375 H. Emperius____ H. E. Barnhart___ O. A. Hiller............. E. H. Meier............ Thos. J. Everitt__ A. J. West W. W. Platt Carrie F. Singleton J. C. Singleton A. J. Maddux__ _ 50.000 J 13 300 Cent. Sav. Bk, & Tr. Co., Den.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 68,000 Comw. N., Kan. C.; Trinidad N., Trinidad. 22 670 Atlantic N., N. Y,: 1st N., Den. and Oma. 83.001 Chase N., N. Y.; Oma. N., Oma.; U. S. N., Den.; Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 17,340 Merch. N.. Oma.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 93,300 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: Den. N., Den.; 1st N.. Oma. J. De Longchamps. W. J. Nelson 25,000 19,250 333,500 292,300 J. E. Hayes______ Geo. F. Soil______ L. C. Rodgers_____ Fred Keller G. T. Gourley____ J. R. Cannon R. H. Calverley ... E. S. Emerson 15,000 2,100 27,220 18,000 83,960 N. Bk. Com.. Kan. C.; D. S. N., Den.; Am. N., Alamosa. 20,810 Oma. N., Oma.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Den. 25,000 11,000 160,000 140,000 40,000 Hamilton N. and Cent.Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Den. A. II. Barth______ Rov Stalev 25,000 21,000 519,000 373,000 167,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Globe N., Den. 27,230 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 215,480 Chase N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: 1st N„ U. S. N.. Den. N., and Colo. N.. Den. J. W. Farris___ _ O. B. Drake M. P. White E. Apel C. E. Doolittle___ L. A. W. Brown ... Clarence H. Sellers August Molander B. H. Miller Arthur Beck W. W. Brown Albert Nichols C. L, Neisler 20,000 6,440 134,440 132,550 25.000 17,020 762 690 572,820 25,000 36,790 343,780 461,540 41,430 Han. N.. N.Y.; Colo. N., Den.: 1st N., Oma. • •i’06 A. H Marhlo .. ..t’20 D. IL Staley______ F. E. Bonifield____ T. F. Gilligan_____ O. B. Severson___ 25,000 1/S.800 220,000 167,000 25,000 5,000 160,000 190,000 78,500 N. City, N. Y.: Den. N.. Den.; Stock Growers N., Cheyenne, Wyo.; 1st N., Oma. 50,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Globe N. and Cunt. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. /Austin______ _ Delta G 4 State Bank of Austin— •tS’10 J. A. Whiting 82-214 Pop. 100 A. E. Miller______ Edmund Stabler 12,000 9,810 102,080 105,070 16,920 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Den. N., Den. Bayfield____ La Plata L6 Farmers & Merchants Bank., j It. A. Potter 82-215 <§’10 Pop. 500 Fred Catch pole — Roy Potter 15,000 5.500 190,000 157,000 45,500 U. S. N., Den.; Burns N„ Durango. Bennett____ Adams D 16 Bennett State Bank §17 C. It. Campbell __ 82-360 Pop. 100 Berthoud...Larimer C13 Berthoud National Bauk<’92 John Bunyan_____ 82-155 Pop. 1000 “ _______ ** First National Bank___ <06 P. A. Bein________ 82-156 §’18 J. .T. Delanev Bethune-Kit Carson F 22 Bethune State Bank . Pop. 100 82-388 Blanca State Bank ____ •15 09 W. G. Bean Blanca_____ Costilla K 12 82-216 1 Pop. 500 A. W. Hamilton D. Campbell______ 10,000 3,640 95,400 84,600 Thomas Kerley___ Wm. 0. Bunyan ... L. F. Bein________ M. K. Hanna L, II. Fagan______ A. II. Maus______ A. K. Fairbairn.__ 50,000 33,440 -*01.370 468,890 66.660 N. City, N. Y.; Colo. N. and 1st N., Den. 25,000 14 680 156,700 174,140 27,620 Seab. N., N. Y.; U. S. N„ Den. E, M. Delaney 16,000 4.0C0 15.000 25,000 10,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 10,000 3,440 96.930 58,480 50,630 Colo. N., Den.; Am. N., Alamosa. Walter W. Mayes A. M. Weaver_____ J. M. Pinney ._ O. N. Pinney_____ Ju ly , 1920 _ 23,140 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Drov. State, Den. Inkers Twist Compw of Denver, BONDS—NOTES—F ARM LOANS to B la n ca Arvada. ..Jefferson D13 82-211 Pop. 1000 .. First State Bank _ t5’13 J. F. White 82-324 ‘Aspen_______Pitkin F8 Aspen State Bank... ..<§’08 D. K. C. Brown. . Pop. 2000 82-212 Fred Groening____ C. E. Storms N. J. Valle........... 55.000 $ ____ CO LO RA DO BANK S — Aga te 82-168 ___ J. G. Sutton $ ___ C. A. Wilson______ R. A. Shook______ J. B. Fisher L. R. Myers Sbcuutim Principal Correspondents. 4 Ez- Cash cbangm.Dui fhom Bahki 256.00C George Murray £§’19 Bonus, 7 500 82-167 82-406 c’ts. 25,000 ‘Akron. Washington C 19 Pop. 1800 .. 82-358 Resources. IS>AN8 & DlS- 2.500 $ L. M. Valle______ 44 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital Profits its 10.000 $ Aguilar -LasAnimas K 15 First State Bank___ __ '<§’10 W. T. Emberton.. 82-206 Pop. 1500 •* Ass’t Cashier. C. E. Storey______ 82-389 Pop. 100 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. COLORADO Bank. ioMem.Am. Bks. Assn. SState ‘County Seats. Entire State in No. 10 *Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Fed. lies.Dist. Denver Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. dexed Acces.), Lf volume.__ For In; 136 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number > each bank in U. S exclusively by The Rand-McNally Ban Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 136 Non-Bank Toi ARKANSAS Continued Bank The Colorado National Bank Prompt Attention Given WESTERN COLLECTIONS Trust Service We have a fully equipped Trust Department operating under the broad trust powers granted by the Federal Reserve Act and are prepared to represent foreign banks or others in the management and handling of estates, the closing of real estate transactions and in regard to any other financial matter. Colorado INDEX To COUNTIES Adams ....... D 16 Alaim sa__ K 11 Arapahoe ..E 15 Archuleta ..L 7 Baca............ L 21 Bent............ J 18 Boulder....... C 12 Chaffee....... G 10 Cheyenne ..G 21 Clear Creek E 12 Conejos .... L 10 Costilla....... L 12 Crowley___ 1 17 Custer ...... X 12 Delta........... G 5 Denver....... E 13 Dolores .... J 8 Douglas ....F 14 Eagle........... E 8 Elbert......... F 16 El Faso....... G 15 Fremont ...H 12 Garfield....E 4 Gilpin......... D 12 Grand........... C 10 Gunnison ..H 7 Hln8dale...J 6 Huerfano ..K 14 Jackson ....B 9 Jefferson ...E 13 Kiowa ....... H 20 Kit Carson..F 21 Lake........... F 9 La Plata....L 5 Larimer _...B 12 Las Animas. L 17 Lincoln....... G 18 Logan......... A 19 Mesa ........... F 2 Mineral___ K 7 Moffat____ B 4 Montezuma.L Montrose ..H 3 Morgan....... C 17 Otero......... J 18 Ouray........... I 5 Park............. F 11 Phillips ....B 21 Pitkin......... F 7 Prowers ....J 22 Pueblo......... I 15 Rio Blanco.D 4 Rio Grande.K 9 Routt ......... B 7 Saguache... I SanJuan....J San Miguel..I ..A Summit ,...E 9 5 3 21 10 Teller........... G 13 Washington D 19 Weld.............B 16 Yuma........... D 21 * QUESTION Did anyone ever try to sell yDu any other bank directory without telling of “its great superiority” over the Rand McNally Bankers’ Directory, the Original Bankers’ Blue Book? There is an old saying:—“The most clubs are always found under the tree that bears the best apples." They know that the Rand McNally Directory is acknowledged by bankers everywhere as the stand ard and the leader, and that it is purchased by more banks than are all other bankers’ directories combined. Their statements in most instan ces are an insult to your intelli gence and usually catch only the unwary. Note Buy what you know is best. Substitu tion never proves satisfactory. The Best is still the Cheapest in the End. Town and COLORADO—Continued President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. W. L. Russell____ Fredk. W. Haver.. E. L. Brown______ 82-394 Pop. 250 ‘Boulder.__ Bonlder 018 (Boulder National Bank.«t’84 H. Casaday_______ Chas. O. Bromley— F. W. Kohler_____ C. G. Waltoh......... Pop. 13,000 82-21 -.......... M CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK John Armstrong... J. E. DeKalb......... A. W. Border____ 82-23 <T8 Wm. Burke R. F. Phares. PAID-UP I Surplus AND Depos Capital | Profits $ 10,000 $ 1,020 $ its Loans <fc Disc’ts. Bonds, Securities 92,940 $ Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Dub from Banes. 57,250 $ 38,910 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Den.; Drov. N„ Kan. C.; 1st N.. Pueblo. 240,030 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Colo. N„ Den. 50,000 64,400 751,450 638,320 100,000 34,150 494,410 527,490 96,740 Chase N„ N. Y.; Den. N„ Den.; Comw. N., Kan. C. 102,110 1,673,000 1,764,310 221,390 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.: U. S. N„ Colo. N., Den. N„ and 1st N„ Den. 100,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 77 O. H. Cheney_____ John Mclnnes____ L. C. Allison_____ 82-19 50,000 66,490 930,660 841,290 202,800 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Int’l Tr. Co.,U. S. N., and Hamilton N.. Den. E. A. JOHNSON_ _ _ D. R. McNAUGHTON— J 100,000 112,730 941,090 977,250 202,450 Han. N. and Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; U. S. N„ 1st N., and Den. N„ Den. 15,000 . 2,250 75,000 71,000 20,000 Chase N., N.Y.; Colo. Springs N., Colo. Springs; 1st N., Den. Harold Hutchison . H. H. Maxey_____ C. C. Miller............ 10,000 10,000 90,000 78,000 R. E. Blackerby__ Evelyn Green 12,000 5,440 184,590 138,400 George Engle_____ Gertrude Engle.__ W. H. Briggle____ C. W. Burnheimer. 20,000 15,850 314,930 219,790 E. B. Emerson___ Clifford Watkins.. 10,000 13,000 99,240 94,200 P. Ruebel-............. H. A. Van Dusen.. J. R. Haber______ 25,000 5,920 187,400 139,980 32,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Den.; 1st N„ Pueblo; New Eng. N. and Drov. N., Kan. C. 55,210 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.; Midsv. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 130,990 Kountze Bros., N.Y.; 1st N.,Chi. and Pueblo; U. 8. N„ Colo. N., Den. N., and 1st N., Den. 24,540 Colo. N.. Den.; Greeley N. and Northern Bk. & Tr. Co., Greeley. 71,500 U. S. N., Den. L. Allen Beck____ R. H. Sisson______ 30,000 11,060 403,980 367,730 .. F. E. O’Dell______ A. R, Gullette____ 25,000 7,000 1,144,820 714,330 10,000 2,300 82-20 <77 zC. G. BUCKINGHAM FRANK TYLER______ ‘time and MON EY saved by send Ing your Bonlder Items direct to ns Bovina......... Lincoln F 19 {Farmers State Bank__ <§’18 N. D. Beaver-------- J. C. Andersen___ Ralph Gilman____ Lyle T. Lowe_____ 82-397 Pop. 150 Albert Fruhling First State Bank______ <1*10 82-217 Citizens State Bank .„.«§’17 82-371 Engle Bros. Ex. Bank.<§’88 82-218 Briggsdale State Bank .<§’12 32-320 American State Bank <§’19 82-399 Leonard Green___ J. A. Brooks____ H. S. Class . FARMERS STATE BANK Luther M. Beck... 82-148 <§’07 First National Bank ___ <’88 W. D. Bish _____ 82-147 Bristol.......... Prowers I 22 Bristol State Bank.......... t§’09 K. B. Meek. __ Pop. 250 82-219 Broomfield-Boulder C 13 Broomfield State Bank.»§’20 H. Casaday Pop. 100 82-408 (J. M. NEEDHAM. H, J. Schloo_____ G. B. Kinsey — Alice Meek______ II. H. Hunter_____ Louis Herman____ L. N. Roach____ MesTgr°amdyly - ALONZO PETTEYS Brush............ Morgan C 18 FARMERS STATE BANK < The remarkable growth of this b ank Is conclusive Pop. 3000 82-341 <§’16 | confidence whic h the public has in our security t. We give prompt attention to colle ction items. FIRST NATIONAL BANK< 02 C. W. Emerson-__ 82-133 (THEO.FRERICHS STOCKMENS NATIONAL ) We make a spec BANK—.82-134........ .< ) items and coll (We collect at on Buckingham.. Weld B 17 Buckingham State Bank<§’17 82-368 ‘Buena Vista------ Chaffee First National Bank .__ <’07 Pop. 1041 G10 82-220 ‘Burlington „ Kit Carson Burlineton State Bank_<§’08 Pop. 1200 F 22 82-188 “ .............. " ; First National Bank........... ’19 82-420 “ ---------" Stock Growers State Bank _________________ 1 82-187 <§’01 5:W ILESTAD evidence of the 55,000 50,000 20,000 2,000 35,000 37,000 25,000 400,000 345,000 130,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. C ., Den. 57,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Colo. N.. Den.; N. Bk. Com.. Kan. C. 122,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N., Oma.: Den. N., Den. J. M. Nuss____ ... C. H. Mayborn....... j i Lachlan McLean... 25,000 35,000 459,000 467,000 35,000 30,000 439,000 360,000 A. J. Wixon______ H. A. Johnson____ R. A. Nordell.......... 10,00u 1,500 30.000 35,000 J. M. Bonney........ M. V. Brown_____ 25,000 8.120 187,390 174,960 15,000 15,000 350.000 290,000 30,000 3,000 29,000 40,000 12.000 18,000 500.000/ 350.000 .. Emma E. Judy P. H. Guthrie C. A. Wilson.......... P. Godsman ___ C. Rathburn — F. Aten S. P.Shaw________ J. M. Swenson____ Warren Shamburg. Burt Ragan F. D. Mann___ 12,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 15,000 Drov. N., Kan. C.; Colo. N., Den. 50.000 C. B. SIMPSON SiuVeSMs! W. E. SMITH.......... laity and have un for handling your ectlons for this lo cality. ce and remit at o nee. TRY US. R. E. McDonald . 106,310 N. Park, N. Y.; Den. N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. &Tr. Co. Den.; Cent. N.. St. L. 443,990 IstN., Den.; Drov.N.andN.Bk.Com.,Kan.C. 7,500 1st N.. Sterling; Colo. N„ Den.; Union State, Oma. 53,550 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A.. N. Y.: 1st N., Den. and Pueblo. 100,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N., Colo. Springs; Neb. N., Oma.; Drov. State, Den. 12,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kail. C.; U. S. N., Den. 150,000 lsi N., 'Den.; Drov. N., Kan. C.; Far. N., Goodland. Kan. Bankers trust Company or Denver, Banking Facilities—Trusts—MunicipalBonds CO LO RA DO BA NKS — B oo ne to B url in gto n ( W. L. Armstrong C. L. Parsons ___ R. W. Joslyn_____ Gordon C. Kerr ... MERCANTILE BK. & TR. CO. 1 We collect at once and remit at once. 82-22 <§’04 I II not paid, we obtain reasons. Send your bust ness to ns. NAT’L STATE BK. Brandon.......Kiowa H22 Pop. 200 Branson Las Animas L15 Pop. 200 ‘Breckenridge... Summit Pop. 884 E 11 Briggsdale____ Weld B16 Pop. 200 ‘Brighton.__ Adams D14 Pop. 3000 Resources. Liabilities. County. ‘County Seats. Entire State in No. 10 Fed. Res.Dist.Denver Br.; ♦Mem. Fed. Kes. Ju ly , 1920 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Poin (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (.indexed), in back of this) volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.1 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' 137 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. SState Entire State in No.10 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Fed. Res. Dist.DenverBr. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President. Vice-President. Byers------- Arapahoe E16 Byers State Bank______ tS’10 R. W. Burton______ J. V. Cockins. Pop. 600 82-221 L. Minkner Oalhan_____ El Paso G16 Farmers State & Sav.Bk. L. W. Cunningham E. Marriott... Pop. 600 82-390 <§’18 First State Bank_____ <§’07 J. C. Burger______ 82-222 Campo.............. Baca L 21 Campo State Bank____ «t§’19 B. F. Behimer____ Pop. 100 82-384 Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Wm. H. Giese. . Wm. Henderson__ D. O. Moberly.. M. O. Moberly.... C. C. Swem .... i fQ.F. Rockafellow T. B. Coulter_____ D. N. Cooper.......... Leslie Stevenson. s We collect at once and remit <’74 (If not n paid we obtain reasons. •: 82-51 Clifton_______ Mesa F 3 First State Bank.......... <§’14 T. A. Butcher____ Pop. 200 82-329 Collbran...........Mesa F 5 Stockmens Bank..........<§’16 J. J. Long................. 82-227 Pop. 300 •Colorado Sp’gs.. El Paso City National Bank____ <’02 Martin Drake____ 82-8 Pop. 30,105 G14 ♦Colorado Savings Bk..<§’03E. J. Eaton_______ 82-5 ♦Colorado Springs Nat’l Bk. S. D. McCracken .. 82-6 <’07 <§’13 15,000 30,080 381,600 345,060 10,000 3,280 62,450 56,830 29,580 1,498,110 807,450 100,000 at once. 42,550 1,303,490 1,173,830 Send your buslne ss direct to ns. 25,000 60,970 293,270 301,530 2,500 94,500 73,000 W. A. Palmer------- T. Christensen ___ A. V. Cole______ 25,000 25,000 525,000 465,000 W. C. Overhults__ Dora P. Hall____ 25,000 11,110 355,940 188,660 D. S. Jones_______ H. T. Blood. R. E. Lauer-------J. L. Hurt J. T. Nelson.......... C. W. Ickes______ Walker Ellis ___ 30,000 34,000 307,000 349,000 20,000 2,000 59,250 70,360 E. J. Ginter_____ 25,000 12,500 410,000 335.000 Sherman Ball__ I. W. Strickler____ 20,000 11,020 170,640 145,800 Guy E. Reed... Carroll Brown........ 25,000 2,500 67,000 51,000 J. E. Hayes......... 30,000 11,000 348,300 320,090 W. S. Gardner___ D. L. Gardner E. F. Collins____ Fred Keller______ Jennie E. Ross. F. J. Huren L. P. Lenihan W, H. Barr_______ 10,000 6,700 109,500 97,580 W. M. Porter------- Elsie D. Webber... 25,000 13,710 272,830 245,280 J. B. Stephen------ W. N. Armstrong . 50,000 17,090 457,010 434,560 O. H. Shoup_____ F. P. Evans........... T. C. Strachan. 50,000 178,290 2.222,870 1,643,010 W. F. Richards... W. R. Armstrong . O, C. Fingel—. O. E. Hemenway 100,000 119,900 1,744,280 1,690,040 J. C. McShane____ H. H. Lake______ W. M. Hager, V. P. E. P. Shove A. G. Sharp_______ S. J. Giles...........— L. E. Burnett_____ G. H. Pattison____ f T. R. NEWBOLD — VICTOR A. HUNGERF NEWB0LD& COMPANY, Inc. -j Government an d Municipal Bon (Members Colora do Springs Minin Wm. O. Jenkins. 30,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.; IstN., Kan. C. 14,600 Drov. N., Den.; 1st N„ Colo. Springs. 82,110 Colo. Sav. and 1st N..C0I0. Springs; Hamilton N„ Den.: Jefferson, St. L. 16,130 Comw. N., Kan. C. 818,740 N.Park. N.Y.: Cont.& Com’lN..Chi.; IstN. Puebloand Kan.C.; 1st N. and U. S.N., Den. N. Bk. Com., St. L. 272,220 1st N..N.Y,. Chi., and Pueblo; 1st N., Den.N. and Colo. N., Dea. 88,160 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Den, 23.900 Colo. N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 112,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N„ Colo. N„ and U. S.N., Den. 193,390 Harriman N., N. Y.; 1st N., Den. 40,000 Atlantic N.. N. Y.; Hamilton N., Den.; N. Bk. of Com., Kan. C. 10,880 Irving N., N. Y.; Comw. N.. Kan. C.; Alamosa N., Alamosa. 100,000 Chem. N., N. Y.: Den. N., Den. 49.900 Inter-State N., Kan. C.: U. S. N., Den. 38,000 1st N., Lin.; Den. N., Den. 75,950 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.: Drov. N.. Kan. C.; Oma. N„ Oma.; 1st N., Fremont, Neb. 22,960 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 58,890 Han. N..N. Y.; U.S. N. and Stock Yds. N., Den.; Bk. of Grand Junction, Grand Junction. 135,480 Seab. N„ N. Y. 808,140 N. Park, N. Y.: Inter-State N.,Kan. O.; U.S. N. , Den. 360,690 Chase N.. N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N.. Chi.: Comw. N., Kan. C.; Hamilton N., Den. 467,050 Han. N., N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and Colo. N., Den. 248,060 6,062,430 5,417,920 1,242,570 Seab. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N. and Corn Ex. N.. Chi.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. O.; 1st N., Den. N., and Colo. N„ Den. 300,000 W. I. Howbert.— O. L. Godfrey... 571,030 5,828,140 5,371,400 1,677,770 Chem. N.,N. Y.: 1st N. and Cont. & Com’l N., J. Hayes-Davis Chi.: N. Bk. Com. and New Eng. N., Kan. F. R. Smith O. ; U. S. N„ Den. N.. 1st N., and Colo. N., Den. 50,000 97,210 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., 13,480 W. V. Sims_______ 425,170 388,670 Kan. C.; Colo. State & Sav., Den. 0R0 ..................... ORD—.-.-............ M. E. GILL, A. Sec.. 1st N., Colo. Springs; Int’l Tr. Co., Den. ds. Railroad an [ d public utility b onds an d stock 8. g Stock Associatio J. A. Barton, Tr. .. W. R. Waterton, Sec. C. G. Graham_____ W. I. Jones—.......... C. C. Morris Howell Hise--------(Investment H. T. Baldwin, Securities) Mgr. j Colorado Sp’gs Clear’g House J. A. Connell-------- Irving Howbert— J. A. Barton, Sec. and Tr. 1 (Members indicated by a*) OTIS & CO. -................. T92 80,000 50,000 Principal correspondents. 300,000 104,720 1,728,990 1,684,570 300,000 (Branch of Cleve land, O. ,— Otis & Co., Clev., Col., Akron, Youngstown, and Den. July, 1920 82-7 90,000 $ 75,000 10,000 W. D. Hemming E. P. Shove, Ch. of Bd. ESTATE SAVINGS BANK 5,000 s 100,000 $ 4.000 H. A. Senter.......... W. L. Troutfetter. ♦FIRST NATIONAL BK.<’74 Irving Howbert... A. H. Hunt_______ 82-2 15,000 $ 15,000 E. D. Tandy--------- S. B. Mansfield ‘COLORADOTITLE &TR.CO. J. A. Connell_____ H.G. Lunt.............. 82-4 <S’01 ♦Exchange National Bank 82-3 <’88 Resources. Loans & Dibc’tb. Bonds, Sscubitibb to Colorado Spring s Oarbondale. Garfield E 7 First National Bank___ »t’O8 J. E. White_______ Pop. 300 82-223 •Oastle Rock.... Douglas Castle Rock State Bank<§’17 L. W. Cunningham Pop. 500 F 14 82-379 First Nat. Bk. of Douglas Co. W. L. Fales........ ..... 82-224 <’02 Cedaredge------- Delta G 4 First National Bank....<’12 J. B. Ratepin_____ Pop. 450 82-225 Center-----Saguache J 10 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-— J. C. Burger_____ Pop. 800 82-185 <’06 Peoples State Bank....... t§’19 A. G. Ellis................ 82-417 •Central City .Gilpin D 11 First National Bank___ •t'H J. C. Jenkins_____ Pop. 1782 82-116 Cheraw.......... Otero I 18 First State Bank______ <§’10 W. B. Moore______ Pop. 200 82-226 •Cheyenne Wells...Chey Bank of Cheyenne Wells W. H. Wallace.... enne.. Pop. 650 ...G 22 82-414 <§’19 Cheyenne Co. State Bk.<§’07 Paul Wupper_____ 82-202 Liabilities. Surplus Depos Paid-up and its Capital Profits $ Willard Teller. •Dan on Oity___ Fremont FIRST NATIONAL BANK< 88 w. H. Dozier_____ L. G. Carlton_____ A. J. Turner_____ C. E. Turner Pop. 4551 H 12 82-52 FREMONT CO. NAT’L BI . Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, COLORADO—Continued 138_ ________________ COLORADO BANKS —Byers 138 Non-I dexed A volume ARKANSAS-—Continued Bankers Trust Qdmpany of Denver, BONDS—NOTES—FARM LOANS Kinn-RonV Tn«n« mith Noarpst Rankinp Point fTn- Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American BankersAss’n. Town and Countt, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Inf'OT fYT? ATYO___ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this xxrx-j-/yr vuiiLUiucu volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Liabilities. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState ‘County Seats. Entire State in No. 10 tMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Fed.Res.Dist. Denver Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. W. E. Foran, Act’g. Allie Campbell.— $ Principal Correspondents. Resources. 1 Depos Paid-up Subplus and its Capital Pkofits Loans t Dis c’ts. Bonds Securities k Cash Ex changes, from Dui Banks. 10,000 $ 11.580 $ 30.000 40,000 400,000 350.000 100,000 N. Bk. Com..N. Y.; Den. N. 1st and N., Den.; 1st N., Pueblo. R. A. Curtis______ H. M. Leas 25.000 24,100 505,450 469,030 159,130 N. Park, N. Y.; Den. N., Den.; Rawlins N., Rawlins, Wyo. R. W. Finley_____ H. C. Sather______ C. Maxey........ . ....... 25,000 26,000 430,000 420,000 Crawford_____ Delta G 5 Crawford State Bank „<§’10 C. H. Allyn_______ C. F. Revell............ H. L. Wilson_____ C. W. Gregory____ 82-229 Pop. 300 10,000 6,740 82,500 67,000 27,000 Comw. N., Kan. C.; Cent. Sav. Bk. &Tr. Co., Den.; 1st N., Hotchkiss. Wallace I. Leary .. C. A. Webber_____ 10,000 7,000 125,000 80,000 55.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N.. Den. G. V. Benson_____ W. L. Johnson ___ 15,000 18,670 230,410 176,540 78,360 Atlantic N., N. Y.; 1st N., Den., Pueblo, and Gunnison. ‘Cripple Creek.__ Teller Cripple Creek State Bank A. W. Morrell____ H. McGarry .. __ H. D. MacDonald— Pop. 2355 G13 82-48 <§’04 .. First National Bank___ »t’93 L. G. Carlton........ — V. H. Mann______ J.C.DeLongchamps R.G. Carman. .. 82-47 20,000 1,350 201,840 169,730 53,350 Columbia Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Den.; 1st N. and Ex. N., Colo. Springs. 50,000 12,900 1,685,240 1,064,900 769,320 N. Park and Columbia Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cont. and Com’l N.. Chi.; U. S. N. and Den. N., Den. 10,000 17,000 100,000 23,000 Logan Co. N„ Sterling; Stock Yds. N., Oma. Cope.—Washington D 20 Farmers State Bank —t§’18 N. L. Fastenau.__ 82-387 Pop. 200 F. M. Pleasant____ J. J. Toole______ ‘Craig_______ Moffat B 6 Craig National Bank.—.<’91 82-183 Pop. 1500 .. •• First National Bank........ <’04 82-184 H TT, Tomkins 82-230 Crested Butte..Gunnison Bankof CrestedButte-.<§’81 J. W. Rockefeller. C. L. Ross ______ W. H. Whalen Pop. 1250 G7 C. J. Diel, V.-P. 82-231 Crook_____ Logan A 20 First State Bank_____ <§’16 E. M. Gillett______ C. W. Kreager____ H. L. Sanders........ Pop. 250 82-346 Crowley........ Crowley 1 7 Pop. 225 Dailey_______ Logan B 20 Pop. 100 De Beque............ Mesa F 3 Pop. 300 Deertrail—Arapahoe E 17 Pop. 500 J. N. Weaver.. __ D. E. Lower______ J. L. Orr................. 10,000 1,000 40,090 40,090 10,880 Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N., Pueblo. C. J. Claassen____ J. H. Buer........ ....... J. P. Claassen........ 10,000 1,210 74,270 60,240 S. G. McMullin .... J. A. Wilcoxson... H. A. Quigley------ H. J. Elder_______ 10,000 11,000 135,000; 80,000 S. G. Morrow.......... A.M. SniflT................ R. C. Tilton______ R. 4 Rloss Fred A. Beuck F. J. Denison____ Gordon Hollis____ Robt. Macintosh.. Jessie Macintosh— 15,000 49,000 309,000; 225,000 23,280 Oma. N., Oma.; Drov. N., Den.; Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N., Sterling. 40,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Den. N., Den.: Grand Valley N.. Grand Junction. 95.000 U. S. N.,Den.; Inter-State N., Kan. C. 25,000 7.500 120,000 100,000 20,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Drov. N., Den. 20,000 2.500 160,000 126,000 30,000 1st N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.; Am. N„ Alamosa; 1st N., Wichita. (ADAM J. WEISS, MARX LORIG____ W. S. JOHNSON— DAVID HFSS 315,000 202,000 15,000 25,000 RIO GRANDE STATE BK<I’O7 x Send us your coHections. Spe clal attention give n Bill of Lading d rafts, C ash and Time I terns. 82-150 (.Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation a nd 25c for Credit R eports. 153.000 Han.N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Den.; Ex. N., Colo. Springs. Crowley State Bank ...<§’19 82-402 Dailey State Bank___ _ §’19 82-403 Bank of De Beque____ <§’10 82-233 Deertrail State Bank ..-tS’10 82-234 First National Bank___ •t’IS 82-391 ‘Del Norte.—Rio Grande BANK OF DEL NORTE--<§’82 J. P. Russell______ Pop. 1200 K9 82-149 •* •• E. F. Knappenberger ‘Delta................... Delta G 4 Colorado State Bank...<§’09 I. M. Conklin.......... A. E. Miller............ C. E. Parker______ 82-102 Pop. 3000 ” ---------- DELTA RATIONAL BANK 82-100 <’07 (A. H. STOCKHAM 1 A Sank tborou guarantee <1900 1 We and collectlo FIRST NATIONAL BANK 82-101 L. W. Sweitzer___ H. J. Coerver____ H. W. Chiles______ H. H. Wolbert........ W.B. STOCKHAM-, W.G. HILLMAN— C. N. ADAMS_____ ghly familiar wit h Western Colora do conditions. prompt and satis factory service on all cash items ns. 30,000 11,500 300,000 180,000 161,500 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; U. S. N., Den. 50,000 31,000 675,000 556,000 134,000 N. City N. Y.; U. S. N., Den.; Comw. N„ Kan. C. 50,000 31,370 917,740 608,180 440,930 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Den. N„ and Colo. N„ Den.; 1st N., Pueblo. Bankers Trust Company of Denver, Banking Facilities—Trusts—Municipal Bonds 139 .. " 100.000 50,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Colo. N.. 1st N., Den. COLORADO BANKS—Cope to Delta ‘Creede.......... Mineral J 7 Pop. 1000 66,290 J 93,010 $ 12,950 Colo. N„ Den.; Drov. N„ Kan. C. ___ ‘Cortez.. Montezuma L3 Montezuma Valley Nat. Bk. G. O. Harrison.— W. I. Myler............. Chas. B. Reid........ L. W.Wilder______ 82-173 <’05 Pop. 600 July, 1920 1 QQ AJ-' 74 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Non-] ARKANSAS—Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. dexed A volume DENVER—Reserve City (Denver, E. 13) County Seat—Pop. 256,369. (Branch of Federal Reserve District No. 10) Liabilities. Name or Bank. •Item. Am. Bks. Assn. {State tMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. pbkuiwnt president. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Individ Deposits Loanb <5c Bonds, Paid-up SUKPLU8 UAL AND of DisSecuhiCapital Profits Deposits Banks COUNTS TIBS,ETC. CGodfreySchirmer John A. Keefe -__ A. Kunsmiller, E. Schilling, A.Sec. $ Jacob Fillius Sec. and Tr. J. C. Barber, A.Sec. R. H. Field, Tr. Officer John Ver Lee, 500,000 $ 332,650 $ 7,072.560 $ 3,985,280 $ 2,993,350 Miscel laneous Resources Principal Correspondents. Cash Resoubces 689,780 $ 647,250 Harriman N„ N. Y.; Union Tr. Co. Chi. A. Sec. L Collections give n proper attentio n. Charges reaso nable (1-10 of 1% , 15c min imum). A. C. FOSTER, President. JAMES N. WRIGHT, vice President in charge of Securities Division. D A II 1/ C D C HENRY SWAN, vice President in charge of Banking Division. D n 11 K L 11 u CLARK G. MITCHELL, Vice Pres, and Sec’y in charge of New Business Oiv. nniinmu WILLIAM D. DOWNS, Vice President, Advisory. TRUST COMPANY R w CR0SBY’TreasurerIllUUl UUlill Hill J. D. Hitch, Manager Farm, Loan Department. 23—85 §’20 P- O- Dittmar, Auditor. K. A. Kennedy, Manager of Sales Department. A. I. Peck, Manager Municipal Bond Department. 1,000.000 250,000 .. GUARANTY TRUST CO., N. Y.; CHASE NAT’L. BANK, N. Y.; Checking and savings accounts of individuals. Inactive deposits of corporations ILLINOIS TRUST & SAVINGS BANK, CHICAGO. and banks. Complete trust service as trustee, executor, administrator, and guardian ot estates; fiscal and transfer agent and registrar of bonds end stocks Leading banking institutions in the of corporations and municipalities. Purchase and sale of high grade investment securities including municipal and corporation bonds, notes and farm loans. Broadway Bank-------------- •tl’07 John P. Settle____ Gabriel Jones......... E. R. Tibbals_____ C. M. Hamilton-__ 23-58 N. C. Reed 100,000 14,730 Capitol Hill State Bank—tl’12 D. C. Bailey_______ H. Y. Kepner_____ F. W. Birney_____ A. I. Campbell____ 23-76 50,000 31,070 _ _ _ R. F. MARSHALL-— C. M. GOOD SMITH CENTRAL SAVINGS W. M. MARSHALL— J.C.J. M.V.H. COCKINS BORDY BANK & TRUST CO 25—53 »tro2 1,195,450 500,000 J 23-2 111,140 417,290 109,510 2,650 6,786.120 865.840 58,070 •t '84 other principal cities of the United States. 364,770 Han. N., N. Y.; Col. N., 1st. N., and U. S. N., Den.: Int’l.St.L. 121,610 Chi. Tr. Co., Chi.; Den. Stock Yds. N., Den. 1,891.480 5C0.000 400,000 400,000 15,544,920 3,066,620 200,000 1,983,800 25,196.910 350,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Comw. N.. Kas. C. Colo. N., Den. 436,340 j SEE ADVER TISEMEN T ON IN DEX COL ORADO. 50,000 300,000 1.000.000 50,000 600,000 40,000 20,000 15,528,660 5,649,010 1,150,000 800,000 (Trust bu siness oril v) 1,494,060 19,228,980 4,126,260 7,050,380 Atlantic N., N. City, N. Park, Kountze Bros., Han. N., and Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep,, Cont. & Com’l N., and 1st N., ChL; 1st N., N. BkCom., and State N., St. L.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.; 1st N., Oma.; New Eng. N., Drov. N., and Inter-State N., Kan. C.; Girard N. and Phil. N., Phil. 340,000 N.. Den. — I Colo. N. and Met. State, Den. 6,668,570* Conservat ive but pr ogressive ss intrust edtousgi ven more than the neces sary atten tion. Our facilities are at you r disposal Accounts and corre spondenc e solicited ■ SEE OPPOSIT E PARE ETIN OFF ER. Cont. & Com’l N. and Corn Ex. N., ChL; Inter-State N.and 1st N., Kan. C.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., 1st N., and Merch. N., San F.; Merch.-Lac. N. and Cent. N., St. L.; Oma. N. and U. S. N., Oma.; Merch. N., St. P.; Can. Bk. of Com., London, Eng. (Denver banks continued on next page) Bankers Trust Company of Denver, BONDS-NOTES—FARM LOANS N. and July, 1920 'DENVER NATIONAL BANK J. C. MITCHELL- -H. M. PORTER......... W. FAIRCLOTH------ B. F. BATES — H. C. JAMES J. W. HBDSTON, H.S. INGRAM W. B. MORRISON Sec. and Tr. Officer 6. H. KING EDWARD S. IRISH A.G. MANLEY GEO. T. WELLS C. L. GREEN i Tr. Co. of Ill, Chi.; IstN., Kan. C.; State N., St. L. United States Depository. GEORGE KLEIN .♦ 62 Western collections and other business intrusted to this bank will receive prompt attention. Colorado State Bank......... »tr08 B. F. Clark_______ E. C. Heinly______ F. L. Barkley_____ E. M. Clark — 23-60 Continental Trust Co.____ 102 J. W. Springer ___ W. E. Renshaw-__ B. B. Harding, Sec. I_______________ 28-64 23-7 230,320 70,0000 500.000 800,000 120,000 35,000 JW. J. Galligan__ Geo. McLean______ W. E. Daly________ E. M. Parks____ CITY BAUK—................... •«19 Chas. Tunnell 23-62 (Col Collections and all banking matt ers entrusted to u s will receive care fulandp rompt at tention. 'COLORADO NATIONAL BANK 604,060 direct your clients and business TO THIS BANK. GEORGE B. BER6ER-HAR0LD KOURTZE-T. I. FIELD-------- J. H. KOLB_______ HAROLD KOUNTZE, DENNIS SHEEDY F. N. BANCROFT, J. M. WHITMORE Ch. of Bd. WM. ................... ‘1. I. BERBER Tr. officer H. E. BUCHENAU HUGH McLEAN, G. H. ROBERTS A. Tr. Officer'CHA^.M.KIRK 1 4 0 __________ ________ _____ COLORADO BANKS—Denv er 140 Number uuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Member Federal Reserve Bank, District No. 10 ESTABLISHED 1884. DENVER NATIONAL BANK 1 Denver, Colorado. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY CAPITAL $1,000,000 SURPLUS 1,250,000 UNDIVIDED PROFITS (NET) 250,000 OFFICERS HENRY M. PORTER W. B. MORRISON B. F. BATES G- H. KING GEO. T. WELLS - . . . J. C. MITCHELL. President Vioe-President HARRY C. JAMES Vice-President EDW. S IRISH J. W. HUDSTON. Secretary and Trust Officer W. FAIRCLOTH. Cashier Assistant Cashier H. S. INGRAM Assistant Cashier A. G. MANLEY Assistant Cashier C. L. GREEN Vioe-President Vice-President Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier Kindly make application to receive our compli mentary Monthly Bulletin of Agricultural, indus trial, and Mining Conditions in Colorado, Wyoming, and New Mexico :: Regular Reports from over one hundred and fifty well-informed bankers ss Everyone interested in these states will find them very valuable . DIRECTORS . HENRY M. PORTER HENRY GEBHARD JOHN C. MITCHELL HARRY C. JAMES W. B. MORRISON S. N. HICKS EDW. S. IRISH JOHN H. PORTER C. K. BOETTCHER C. S. MOREY C. MacA. WILLCOX MERRITT W. GANO ROBLIN H. DAVIS SAM'L D. NICHOLSON JAS. B. GRANT H. E. COLLBRAN K. C. SCHUYLER NEW YORK CORRESPONDENTS: First National Bank. Chase National Bank. National City 3ank. Harriman National Bank. CHICAGO CORRESPONDENTS: Corn Exchange National Bank, Continental and Commercial National Bank. „ ST. LOUIS CORRESPONDENTS: Merchants-Laclede National Bank, Central National Bank. Correspondents in the principal cities of the Middle States. Arizona. New Mexico. Utah, California. and throughout the Northwest. This Bank has a Savings Department which pays interest at the rate of 4-% per annum, payable semi-annually. Deposits made on or before the 5th of the month draw interest from the 1st. ARKANSAS Continued Non-? dexed J volume First National Bank Of Denver, Colorado OFFICERS A. V. HUNTER, Chairman of the Board • H. J. ALEXANDER, President GERALD HUGHES, Vice-President C. C. PARKS, Vice-President J. C. HOUSTON, Vice-President and Cashier ORLANDO PRESTON, Vice-President C. C. HENDRIE, Assistant Cashier W. F. ROGERS, Assistant Cashier D. E. MILLER, Assistant Cashier H. M. BEATTY, Assistant Cashier P. K. ALEXANDER, Assistant Cashier t A. R. MILKS, Auditor Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits OVER $2,300,000= Correspondence Solicited NEW YORK CORRESPONDENTS First National Bank National Bank of Commerce DIRECTORS H. J. Alexander H. M. Blackmer W. N. W. Blayney John Evans J. C. Gunter C. S. Haughwout A Cass E. Herrington Crawford Hill J. C. Houston Gerald Hughes A. V. Hunter Thomas Keely W. P. McPhee CHICA G O CORRESPONDENT J. W. Morey J. K. Mullen C. C. Parks T. A. Schomburg M. D. Thatcher R. C. C. Thatcher GENERAL Continental & Commercial National Bank SAN FRANCISCO CORRESPONDENT Wells Fargo-Nevada National Bank LONDON CORRESPONDENT Lloyd’s Bank. Limited PARIS CORRESPONDENTS Lloyd's Bank (France)& National Provincial Bank(France)Limited BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Special Attention Given to Collections on All Western Points, at Reasonable Rates Number under Name of Bank to of each Federal Reserve Bank St. bank Louisin U. S. exclusively is the New Transit Number given by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ DENVER—Continued—Reserve City Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this I 141 Number under Name of Bank is tbe New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under tbe authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. (Branch of Federal Reserve District No. 10) Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState {Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Denver State Bank23-83 President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Liabilities. Individ Paid-up Surplus ual AMD Capital Profits Deposits -•{§’19 W. V. Mathews ... C. W. Bigelow ___ Geo. L. Roach_____ H. Molyneux_____ $ L. D. Eykelboom S.J. Sackett, Sec. F. J. DENISON....... GORDON HOLLIS_ _ A. G. HORN_ _ _ _ _ _ E. L. HANSON_ _ _ _ DROVERS NATIONAL BANK 23-82 i Vice-President. SPECIALIZI NG IN Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. DENVER—Continued—Reserve City DENVER STOCK 50,000 5 or 34,000 DisCOUNTS Banks 1 5,000 $ 270,290 200.000 Loans A $ Principal Correspondents. Caww ms, ETC. Resources 168,400 £ 1.063,000 835,000 Resources. Bonds, MiscelSecuri- LANEOU9 65,290 $ 300.000 54,850 $ 47,500 54,230 1st N. and Interstate Tr. Co., Den.; Pioneer State, Oma. 387,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Park, and Meeh. & Metals N„ N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Inter-State N.,Kan. C.; Den. N., Den.; Oma. N., Oina. YARDS BU SINES S. *{’16 Federal Reserve Bank of (Branch of Kansa s City, Mo.)______ _____ Kansas City.23-19_______ «’18 (For complete info rotation see page 37) H. J. ALEXANDER A.V. HUNTER, Ch. of Bd. 'FIRST NAT’L BK. 23-1 •t'65 GERALD HUGHES- J. C. HOUSTON — C.C. PARKS A. R. MILKS, J. C. HOUSTON Auditor ORLANDO PRESTON C. C. HENDRIE —W.F. ROGERS D.E. MILLER H.M. BEATTY P. K. ALEXANDER 1.250.000 1,073,740 21,557,470 7,742,6300 15,200,860 7,102,160 248,410 11,832,410 Prompt attention given to all Western collections. 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & ComT N. and 1st N., ChL; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Lloyds Bk., Ltd., Lon.; Lloyds and N. Provincial Bks., Ltd., Paris. 8EE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE. Globe National Bank---- *+’15 23-79 D. H. Staley_____ Wesley Staley___ August Loehwing— G. C. Gates D. G. Liggitt, Guardian Trust Co...........•{§’12 Denver R. Platt- — H. L. MacWhirter— Chas. W. Jones, Clinton A.Bowman, D. H. Coover A. Sec. Sec. and Tr. 23-72 Ch. of Bd. W. L. Hahn L. G. Olivier, A. Tr. Patrick Crowe____ E. J. Weckbach___ G. T. Atchison __ *HAMILT0N NATIONAL BANK J. C. Burger... W. H. Kistler, J. F. McDonald 23-16 «{'10 August Schmidt Ch. of Bd. W. O. Reynolds—. M. C. Harrington — P. R. Riordan, Tr. Leo P. Floyd, Sec. Hibernia Bank & Trust Co. W. P. Horan 23-65 •{§'10 E. A. Ilanifen HOME SAVINGS & TRUST CO. F. L, Bishop______ M. A. Me Laughlin . W. F. Bishop, S. S. Warner, F. E. Mulvihill A. Sec. 23-66 «{§’10 Sec. and Tr, 23-52 50,110 1,106,320 891,370 81,700 35,000 348,360 Chase N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co,, Chi.; Den. N. and 1st N., Den, 240,000 29,030 930,050 566,660 122,140 233,670 350,000 190,200 4,922,480 3,915,370 755,580 12,920 276,610 Chase N. and Chatham & Phenix N.,' N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N„ Chi.: 1st N.,l St. L.; Com. Tr., Kan. C.; Wellsi Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 1,947,630 Meeh. & Metals N„ N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; U. S. N., Oma.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Fid.N.Bk.&Tr.,Kan.C. 100,000 29,560 1,573,500 515.990 647,140 136,700 200,000 128,960 4,214,640 3,528,620 — 25,990 500,000 804,610 -11,644,240 818,8200 387,220 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Chi. Tr. Co., Chi.; Drov. N„ Kan. C.; 1st N.. St. L. N. Park, N. Y.: Standard Tr. & Sav., 989,000 Chi.; Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C,; Bk. of Italy, San F. T. G. SMITH.......... H. J. ALEXANDER — J. F. VINCENT, Tr... M. E. DUKES, Sec. W. M. BOND, I.R.SELOVER, A.Sec. J. W. MOREY, GERALD HUGHES Ch.ofBd. H. K. HOLLOWAY Tr. Officer H. L. MORGAN, P. E. CLELAN A. M. CULVER, Mgr. A. Sec. INTERNATIONAL TRUST COMPANY ♦ 200,000 Safe Dep. Dept. J. W. HYER, «{§'92 Mgr. Bond Dept. Transacts a general Banking and Trust Business, 7,308,860 2,887,680 320,650 2,635,000 Bankers Tr, Cos., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co.. Chi. Buys and sells high grade Western, Municipal and Corporation Bonds. (Denver banks continued on next Bankers Trust Company of Denver. Banking Facilities—Trusts—Municipal Bonds Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNaUy Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 149 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. President. Vice-President. CASHIER. Asst. Cashier. Italiaa-American Baak ..<$’09 Prospero Frazzini. Cesare Frazzini-__ Felicito Frazzini.. 21-44 I F. L. BARTLETT A. S. DONALDSON — C. R. COTTON------raw™ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this! >-* volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. * (Federal Reserve District No. 10, Denver Branch') INTERSTATE TRUST CO. <$’09 F. N. Briggs______ L. 0. Greenlee____ Wm. L. Bush_____ C. D. Lowry__ 23-57 0. J. Clark G. R. Connelly JOHN Q. ADAMS — dexed Ac volume. DENVER—Continued—Reserve City Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. N'on-B ARKANSAS—Continued raw- Liabilities. Individ Deposits Paid-tjp Surplus ual of AND Capital Profits Deposits Banks $ 200,000 Loans & Dis counts Resources. MISCEL Bonds, Cash Securi LANEOUS Resources ties, etc. Resources J 2,143,700 $ 52,000 $ 3,500.000 370,000 $ 273,000 $ Principal Correspondents. 969,000 Meeh. & Metals N„ N. V.: Peo. Tr. & Sav.. Chi.: Gate City N., Kan. C.; 1st N., San F. 100,000 10,940 390,170 327,660 69,820 17,210 102,980 Atlantic N., N. Y. 125,000 27,190 1,286,490 973,360 47,360 10,000 412,540 Chase N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Hamilton N., Den.; 1st N„ St. L. MERCHANTS BANK........ <112 Ch.of Bd. 23-73 I Send Us your C oUectlons and Ca sh Items direct. They will receive prompt and -Personal attent Ion of an Officer of the Bank. Cor respondence Invl ted. 50,000 Motor Bank__________,..<§’16 A. Friedman_____ A. C. Friedman__ J. C. McCord. 50,000 20,000 25,000 130,000 5,000 North Denver Bank. 23-64 10.000 1,040 156,000 125,000 7,350 75,000 30,000 1,450,000 840,000 400,000 15,000 300,000 3,000 97,000 Corn Ex., N. Y.; State Bk. of Chi. Chi. « 12,000 U. S. N., Den. 23-81 tt’ll J. M. Collins_____ C. H. Smith. 24,500 9,350 Meeh. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. PIONEER STATE BAHR-<$ 12 W. A. Peterson ___ A. C. Monson____ 23-71 Gustav Anderson STOCK YARDS NATIONAL BANK 23-55 E. M. Collins__ C. E. Lundvalk. Sever Daley. F. L. Appell 300,000 N. Park, N. Y.: State Bk, of Chi., j FRANK M. BUTCHER _ HENRY GEBHARO —- PAUL HARDEY...... -N. F. BEACHAM IRA B. CASTEEL W. W. STEWART 250,000 78,950 1,726,740 2,191,470 238,240 100,000 32,000 850,220 641,940 100,080 Chi.; 1st N„ Kan. C. 619,360 jf. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Drov. N'., Chi. ——— and Kan. C.; Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos. <’03 ah stock yards items should be sent to us for quick service. Special facilities for handling live stock proceeds. Union State Bank_______ <$’13 M. Bronstine-------- M. S. Radetsky___ J. M. Greenblatt... D. J. Miller____ Thos.C. Walker, Jr. 23-78 “UNITED STATES W. A. HOVER.......... JAMEt RIHRRLDH.T. ROGERS A. C.FOSTER 400,000 NATIONAL BANK 23-14 U. S. Depository—All collections in this territory and to the Pacific Coast. < 04 other business intrusted to this bank will receive prompt attention. Correspondence invited. 850,000 11,500,000 2,800,000 1,650,000 A. E. Upton_______ W. H. Harrison... R.T. Stender........ Deaver Clearing House----------- W. A. Hover- J. C. Burger. 36,000 7,160 700,740 475,510 151,280 2,700,000 Seab. N., Liberty N. and Pf. City N. T.; Cont. & Com’l N. and Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., and Comw. N.,Kan. 650,000 C.; U. S. N., Corn. Ex. N., and Merch. N., Oma.; Crocker N. and Am. N., San. F.; State N., St.L.; Am. N., St. Jo.; North western N,, Minpls. 143,980 Much. & Metals N..N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Den.N., Den.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F. E. S. Irish, See.__ James Ringold, Tr. (Members indicated by a *) Denvercontinued on next page.) BankersTMistCompany or Denver, BONDS-NOTES—FARM LOANS DENVER—Continued—Reserve City Ju ly , 1920 11,500,000 Also West Side State Bank____ •§’10 Emil Desserich ___ 23-58 235,500 N. City, N. Y.; U. S. N. and 1st N.,i Den.; 1st N., Kan. C. E. C. ELLETT.......... B. B. ALEY.......... J. M. ACHESON A. A. REED, V.-P. and Tr. Officer. CO LO RA DO BA NKS D enver — C ontinued 241.000 Metropolitan State Bank<§'19 J. E. Adamson — A. II. Keeney____ R. H. Groff......... — J. Mignolet 23-84 J. F. Beeler, V.P. s- flu iUkg arts tt DANKE (Federal Reserve District No. 10, Denver Branch) Name. Name. Year Established. JANY— 01 Officers. CORRESPONDENTS. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Year Estab lished (A. E. de Ricqles, Pres...J. F. Griest, Cash... N. Bk. Com. and Chase N. N.Y.;N. City, Chi.; 1st N. M. Taylor. V.-P. A. B. Bell, Sec. and Tr. Capital and Surpius, $1,500,000. Kan. C.; Den. N., Den. T. J. DenisoD, Pres.; Gordon Hollis, V. P. A. G. Horn, Sec. & Tr. DROVERS CATTLE LOAN CO........... 16 (509 1st N. Bk. Bldg.) „ Dealers In Colorado Stocks, Municipal and Corporation Bonds, (47th and Lafayette .Capital $100,000. Surplus and Profits $400 ,000.1 GREGG, WHITEHEAD & CO.......... VOS (IstN. Bldg.) 1st N.. Den. N„ and Inti’ Tr. Co., Den. I Capital, $50,000. (216 First N. Bk. Bldg.) Howard G. Wade, Representative (Commercial Paper) KEELER BROTHERS Frank W. Keeler, Pres.; Geo. E. Keeler,V. P„ N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. Fred Glenn,V.P., H.W. Baldwin, Jr.,Tr., F. F. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N„ Stockwell. Sec., J. B. Metz, Cashier. Colo. N.. Den. N„ and U. Capital, $100,000. S. N.,Den.; Utah State N. Surplus and Profits, $650,000. Salt Lake C.; U. S. N. and 1st N., Port. /John Sandburg, Pres, and Trcas........— IS. M. Wolf, Sec. i High Grade Municipal Bonds and Warrants. Municipal Bonds and Warrants. (718 17th St.) fR. S. Rowell, Pres. Wm. S. Barnette, F. P. Am. Bk. & Tr. Co. and R. J. McClelland & Co., Den. Chas. H. Peterson, Sec. R. S. Rowell, Tr. I Paid Up Capital____________________ $20,000 NEWBOLD & COMPANY, Inc.. i Municipal, Corporation, Public Utility, BENWELL PHILLIPS, ESTE & CO. (Colo. N. Bk. Bldg.) tT08 [ (J. H. Potter__ C. K. Boettcher ...Hume Den. N., 1st N„ Colo. N. and Int’l Tr. Co., Den. BOETTCHER, PORTER & COMPANY*: Lewis, J. Q. Newton, Partneis,. (Investment Bankers. (Gas & Electric Bldg.) BOSWORTH, CHANUTE & (70117th St.) COMPANY H’16 EDWIN M. BOSWORTH & CO-------- VOS (1st N. Bldg.) i Bailroad and public utility bonds and stocks. Members Colorado Springs Mining Stock Association. Raymond Sargeant. Resident Partner. (Investment Securities.) (Branch of Cleveland, Ohio) (O. F. Benwell, Pres________________________ Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Colo. OTIS & COMPANY........................... 5’07 (11 Equitable Bldg.) I Clare N. Phillips, V. P. N„ Den. N„ U. S. N„ and IS. V. N. Este, Sec. and Tr. 1st N„ Den. 'dealers in municipal and school bonds N, City Co., N. Y. and cor respondent offices. See Adv. Page 3. [T. R.Newbold, Pres---------------------------- ----- IstN., Colo. Springs; Int’l Tr. 'Government and municipal bonds. Co., Den. I U. S. Government and Foreign Govern< ment Bonds. (434 Cooper Bldg.) Corporation Bonds and Stocks. A. C. Sudler, Dist. Sales Mgr. (Investment Bonds) NATIONAL CITY COMPANY............. i 16 BARNETTE-ROWELL & CO. Hathaway,Smith,Folds& Co., N.Y., Chi., Bos.,Phil.,St.L., San F., Seattle, and Pitt. Hathaway, Smith, Folds & Co........ ’99 (325 First N. Bk. Bldg.) (First N. Bk. Bldg.) BANKERS SECURITIES COMPANY- CHAS. B. WHITEHEAD, Den. N., Den. _____ r , JOLF> TVESTMENT BANKERS. Dealers In high grade bonds .and dividend paying stocks. I E. H. Rollins & Sons----------------- IJ'80 (Municipal and Public Utility Bonds) (17th and California Sts.) Thomas A. Ryan & Co,___________ ’15 (Investment Stocks and Bonds)........... 'A. H. Bosworth, Pres.; W. O. Chanute. V.P.; Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Den. Paul Loughridge, Tr., J. H. K, McCabe, Sec., N., Colo. N„ 1st N„ and U. SIDLO, SIMONS, FELS & CO............. T9 Specialists in Municipal Bonds and Cor- S. N„ Den. poration Financing. 'Edwin M. Bosworth.Pres.E. M. Bosworth. Tr Atlantic N. and BKrs. Tr. Co. VAN RIPER, DAY & CO________ T20 E. G. Bartels, V. P. N. Y.; Colo. N„ Den. N„ (530 Cooper Bldg.) Capital, Surplus and Profits, $275,000. and Int’l Tr. Co., Den, Shearson Hammill & Co. and Logan & Bryan. N. Y. and Chi. E. H. Rollins & Sons, N. Y„ Chi., Bos., and San F. Int’l Tr. Co. and Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co.. Den. [ Chas. T. Sidlo, Pres.; Burdick Simons, ist N„ Colo. N., Den. N-, V. P. and Tr.; Grover C. Fels, V. P. and U. S. N., Int’l Tr. Co,, and Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. i J j Sec. ’ Municipal and Corporation Bonds. J. C. Van Riper, R. M. Day, Walker Van ist n., Den. N. and Colo. N„ Riper and G. R. Van Riper. pent Corporation Securities, Foreign Govern_ ment Bonds, Municipal Bonds. (BONDS AND STOCKS) (A. E. WILSON G. E.CRANMER)-f Members N.Y.and Stock Exchange', Columbia Tr. Co., Meeh. & Metals N. and E. F. Hutton & Co., N. Y.; Clement, Curtis & Co., Chi.; 1st N., Colo. N„ and Int’l Tr. Co., Den. Bankers Trust Company or Denver, Banking Facilities—Trusts—Municipal Bonds 143 ">ers N.Y rW. A. Snyder, Pres. ... W. C. Danks, Sec... IstN., Colo. N„ Den. N., U. WILSON, CRANMER & COMPANY _1 (Chicago Board of Trade , H. G.Springer, V. P...J. H. Good night. Tr. S. N. and Hamilton N. Den. (First N. Bk. Bldg.) CATTLEMEN’S LOAN & GUARANTY CO. ) Capital $237,150, Suiplus and Profits $15,800. CATTLE AND SHEEP LOANS. (214 Boston Bldg.) T9 (. COLORADO BANKS—Denve r—Con tinued (G. W. Ballantine, Jr„ Mgr. J Stocks and bonds of the better class. I No promotion. Drover N„ Den. CATTLE LOANS H. R.Antonides, Pres...J. F.Raynolds, Tr. Int’l Tr. Co., U. S. N.,Colo, H. F. Christy, Sec. Capital, Surplus and N. and Den. N„ Den. Profits, $245,000. ANTONIDES & COMPANY----- BALLANTINE and COMPANY-— Correspondents. Officers. ! •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. AMERICAN LIVE j DENVER—Continued—Reserve City yJy U i 2 Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS 143 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 1 44 ' ' Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to eack bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Oountt. j Name of Bank. xCounty Seats. ‘Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State! Entire State in No. 10 i tMem.State Bks.Assn.+Priv. Fed.Res.Dist.DenverBr.♦Mem. Fed.Res. [Estab. President. A T-> ir Non-B A WTfS A «~5 dexed A Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital its Profits Dolores..Montezuma K 2 First National Bank_____ *10 H. J. Porter______ W. W. Byers. ___ ; R. Williamson.____ J. D.Williamson... $ Pop. 500 , 82-197 ---------" j J, J. Harris & Co., Bankers^ J. J. Harris_______ A. F. Harris.. .... R. S. S. Fox.......... 82-196 <’86 ‘Durango —LaPlata L 5 Burns National Bank .__ »’10 T. H. Kelley______ J. R. C. Tyler........ Chas. E. Walker „ Pop. 6000 82-57 ! jC. C. Perkins DURANGO TRUST CO.-<109 J. L. McNeil_____ A. P. Camp____ —. G. F. Fritz, Sec.... W. F. Weightman, 82-56 R. Williamson. W. E. Duggan Tr. V. P. (First National Bank.__ <’80 A. P. Gamp_______ J. L. McNeil.......... K. S. Rucker__ ... F. W. Lott.............. 82-55 ‘Bads---------- Kiowa H 21 I First National Bank.___ <’87 J. T. Gough ___ Pop. 400 j 82-235 ..................Eagle E 8jFirstN. Bk. of Eagle Co.<’07 John Welsh___ Pop. 500 82-236 - 50,000 8,840 521,040 319,670 258.860 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; 1st N. and Colo. N. Den.; 1st N., Durango. 100.000 21,450 619,490 668,640 148,500 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Den. and Pueblo. 100,000 49,790 719,100 683,310 168,280 Bkrs.Tr.Co., N.Y.; Den. N. and Stock Yds. N., Den.; Stock Yds. N., Kan. C. 100,000 31,560 1,365,140 1,077,250 509,150 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.: IstN.,Albuquerque; Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st N. and Den. N., Den, 735,940 550,810 347,000 365,000 10,000 2,000 200,000 160,000 25,000 22,840 486,960 432,850 100,000 33,300 701,530 807,120 62,970 Han. N., N. Y.; Den. N. and 1st N., Den. 25,000 6,690 156,550 146,600 39,380 City N., Lin.; U. S. N„ Den. 25.000 3,500 275.000 230,090 73.500 U. S. N..Den. 25,000 2,500 B. U. Jamison____ 10,000 11,080 290,000 252,000 F. C. Vertrees____ 25,000 2,500 61,380 55,060 21.130 1st N. and Den. State, Den.; Drov. N., Kan. C, A. E. Ferguson.__ H. N. Patton........ 25.000 21,090 633,290 552,300 James Brennan, Jr. 15,000 7,000 250.000 156,000 152,440 Meeh. & Metals N.. N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; Den, N. and Globe N., Den. 80,000 Colo. N., Den. Chas. F. Hix______ 25,000 2,500 300,000 153,700 W. I. Black. 48,300 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Den. and Glenwood Springs. 52,00u Live Stock N., Oma.; U. S. N.. Den. 108,200 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Den. N., Den.; Stock Growers N„ Cheyenne, Wyo. 20,050 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Stock Yds. N., Den. 59,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.: D. S. N.. Den. 101,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N.. Den. 45,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. Geo. H. Simpson .. 12,500 4,500 140,000 105,000 A. A. Dollison........ 10,000 11,000 188,000 143,200 94,730 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Den. F. D. Nelson_____ Stella Hall ............ 25,000 5,270 205,020 195,570 W. L. Price.............. A. E. Creighton,. Iva E. Reynolds 25,000 7,800 200,000 170,000 57,300 Hamilton N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. Den. 60,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; U. S. N. and Stock Yds. N„ Den.; 1st N., Colo. Springs. X. A. Lambert____ W. S. Bellman____ J. L. Morris_____ C. L. Lippitt 30,000 6,970 174,110 147,790 46,380 U. S. N.. Den.; Logan Co. N., Sterling; Stock Yds. N., Oma. 20,000 18,030 179,610 254,610 8,090 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.; Far. N., Sterling. J. A. JAMESON......... H. B. BURNS...... - 1 Prompt and co (urteous attention to out of town b usiness. ’Safety, strengt h and service. G. S. Davidson__ 25,000 150 000 100,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK ..< It. S.Gast_________ V. S. Simon______ ' W. L. Morris______ G. W. Palmer-----82-92 1900 50.000 64,160 1,032,470 843,520 Bankers trust Company of Denver, BOP<IDS—NOTES— 284,590 1st N., Kan. C. and Pueblo. 74,470 Florence.—Fremont H13 Arkansas Valley Bank—+§’17 N. M. Davidson ... J. D. Blunt_______ Pop. 3300 J 82-395 ---------- 5,980 $ 190,340 $ 145,330 $ 30,500 (CHAS. A. PATTERSON JOHN H. ACOTT . " 94,200 U. S. N.. Den.; Drov. N., Kan. C. 25,000 $ 50,000 Elizabeth Elbert F 15 ELIZABETH STATE BANK ! Lee Ramsey______ Jas. R. Ringold ... Pop. 250 82-238 +§'06 Englewood-----Arapahoe Englewood State Bank.. §’20(C. W. Bigelow John Simon______ Pop. 4500 E 13 82-424 C. R. Combs, V. P. Theo. Taylor ----------“ First National Bank___ »J’08( John S. Fletcher .. Geo. W. Gates____ 82-239 G. F. Higgins Kr>e....................Weld D 13 Erie Bank------------ ------ <§01 < C. W. Bixler______ I Wm. Whiles _ Pop. 596 82-240 Estes Park-Larimer B12 Estes Park Bank.......... <§’08 J- D. Stead_______ A. D. Lewis_____ Pop. 350 82-241 F. O. Stanley, J. F. Schwartz Ch. of Bd. ®^ans................Weld C15 Farmers AMerch. Bank<5’04 John H. Behrens.. Pop. 500 ! 82-242 ‘FairPlay------ Park Fll Bank of Fairplay.—___ +§’98 J. C. Singleton___ J. F. Singleton___ „ , Pop. 300 82-243 Flagler..Kit Carson F 20 Farmers State Bank __ _ <§’11 H. C.Jones_______ J. A. White.......... Pop. 700 82-201 Flagler State Bank____ <5’08! W. H. Lavington W. L. Price_______ 82-200 82-326 Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Pub from Banks. 25,000 O. M. Baker. Blbert---------- Elbert F 15 ELBERT COUNTY BANKtt 07 J. E. Mayer_______ James Ringold ___ Alice Mayer_____ Pop. 200 82-237 W. D. Reilly First National Bank_____ ’20 R. J. Eisner______ I. B. Casteel_____ A. W, McAuley__ 82-435 FLEMING STATE BANK< & Pis- Frank Doll______ -.......... FIRST RATIONAL BANK.<’02 J. D. Wilson.___ .. W. R. Clark______ C. J. Stockfleth.... J. W. Cobler— _ . , 82-124 Eckley............Yuma C 21 Eckley State Bank_____ +§’15 B. F. Boggs.......... C. P. Schmidt____ Cosby McBeath___ W. II. Phinney. Pop. 400 82-331 ............. Resources. Loans c’ts. Bonds, Securitim George Weisbrod.. F. L. Pyles— Eastlake------ Adams D15 Eastlake State Bank___ +§’14 J. B. Smith____ W. M. Hopkins-__ Geo. O. Corley____ E. D. Corley~ Pop. 100 82-327 D. H. Switzer Baton------------ Weld B15 i Eaton National Bank <’07 W. W. Brown_____ W. H. Barber_____ J. C. Stone Pop. 2000 82-125 Fleming------- Logan B 20 First National Bank ....<17 E. M. Gillett. Pop. 500 82-382 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. COLORADO—Continued 15,000 Colo. Springs N., Colo. Springs; Inter-State N.,, Kan.C. / p 340,200 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Pueblo and Den. 1 LOANS Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- ofBank.» the New Transit i wu bl»j aa u mi «it ji L Town and Name Oountt. of Bane. ^County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State Entire State in No. 10 tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Fed.Res.Dist.Denver Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Eg|ab. *Fort Collins, LarimerB13 Pop. 8734 FARMERS BANK President. A. L. ROHLING & TRUST CO. 82-29 Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. A. C. ABBOTTE.M. GREEN- C. S. ICKES H. K. MITTON Drafts given proper attention. Quick service. Rates reasonable. L. C. Moore______ A. C. Kluver_____ A. J. Whistleman— F. W. Moore A. S. Rogers,V. P. C. W. Zepp S. W. J ohnson____ R. Breniman........ ... G. A. Webb______ R. C. Cresswell.— M. M. St. Clair B. F. Hottel—......... F. P. Stover______ C. H. Sheldon____ Verner U. Wolf—. 50.000 $ 4,500 $ 314,850 $ 281,550 f 150.000 100,000 150,000 107,820 2,262,470 2,290,670 43,000 451,780 466.160 178,230 2,345,820 2,272,720 25,000 15,000 425,000 J. C. Allan............... 10,000 10,150 230,850 195,420 J. H. Bloedorn___ C. H. Smith________ H. B. Bloedorn-— 50,000 12,000 400,000 330,000 35,000 1,100,000 7850,000 M. B. Rhode______ B. F. Twombly___ S. J. Rhode______ W. F. Bolton_____ H. M. Siemann — H. C. Trezise J. P. Curry------- W. H. Clatworthy. H. W. Woodward . E. P. Updegraff... n 100,000 175,000 We collect at o nee and remit at once. If not paid we obtain reason*. Send your bnaln ess direct. <’90 Morgan Co. Nat. Bank..<’89 J. H. Roediger____ W.H. Edwards — L. O. Jacox________ F. W. Carruth.---S. M. Roediger F. W. Doan 82-89 Fountain__ El Paso II15 First National Bank-----<’03 F. E. Torbit______ IW. D. Shaw.............. Herbert R. Tubbs. M. L. Rhinehart Pop. 600 82-245 j A. S. Marshall------ C. T. Bauer________ G. B. Warner Fowler______ Otero I 16 First National Bank-----<’05 A. Waddington Pop. 2500 82-142 FOWLER STATE BANK-O 99 II. W. Fox........... — W. M. Berry--------- Roy Starks.......... — M. M. Maxwell-__ E. P. Barnard 82-141 Chas. A. Miller .... IH. A. Anderson.— J. M. Baker______ M. L. Loft’ss.. Frederick____ Weld C14 First State Bank______ t§'16 j Richard Clark 82-353 Pop. 400 Frnita-............ Mesa F 2 FIRST BANK OF FRUITA Pop. 1500 I 82-145 <§’04 t oenna $ ..... K. F. SHELLY--— W. A. MERRIELL - H.G. McELFRESH tentio n at Reasonable Cost entrusted to us at Fruita or Vicinity to all matters ma ( 0. 0. FELLOWS - 0. W. LYNCH ------ L. A. STEWART! Prompt Service Is our Specialty. and corresponde nee given the ( personal atten tlon of an officer of this bank. LEE WARNER........ 50,000 100,000 800,000 750,000 25,000 14,500 174,000 154,000 25,000 20,000 475,000 370,000 25,000 10,000 220,000 210,000 10,000 3,000 100,000 80,000 25,000 7,800 215,000 205.000 82-146 25,000 9,290 205,000 142,000 10,000 Lincoln f is'Genoa State Bank------- <§’09 W. C. Oaley-----------G.W. Klockenteger J. R. Caley-------1 82-246 James T. Garrett— 50,000 11,220 237,980 205,580 BARK OF GEORGETOWN M. Seifried-McFar- Fred P. Johnson „ J. B. Foley______ 82-138 <§’82 land Gilcrest State Bank____ ‘I’lS W. K. Gilcrest____ P. W. Allen________ R. H. P. Keller.... 82-247 Farmers State Bank........ §’19 E. J. Decker.......... S. O. Nelson.............C. W. Husenetter. 82-410 Citizens National Bank <’03 C. W. Taylor_____ G. H. Bell__________ G. H. Bell________ A. J. Wirth.............. 82-109 First National Bank——<’87 — E.E. Lucas ——___ O. R. McCarthy____ J. F. Gregory-----82-108 J. S. Hunn 30.000 24,590 100,000 130,800 10,000 600 35.000 40,000 •Georgetown-ClearCreek BANK OF CLEAR CREEK 60. J. M. Copeland___ C. J. Nicholas------ F. P. Dewey___ D 11 Gilcrest______ Weld C 14 Pop. 265 Gill__________ Weld B15 Pop. 150 •GlenwoodSp'gs, Garfield Pop. 2500 E7 71,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. and Tr. Co., Den. 597,660 N. City. N. Y.; Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Dea. N. and 1st N., Den. 99,790 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N„ Den. 540,430 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; 1st N.,Chi.; Colo. N., Den. 200,000 Atlantic N.,N. Y.: Colo. N.. Den.; IstN., Oma. 53,850 1st N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 100,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.; Oma. N., Oma. 290,000 Meeh. & Metals N„ N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Den. N. and U. S. N., Den.: Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Oma. 150,000 N.City, N. Y.; Drov. N., Chi.;lst N. and Colo. N., Den.; U. S. N., Oma. 39,080 Colo. Springs N„ Colo. Springs. 110,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Pueblo’ St. L., and Den.: Inter-State N., Kan. C. 60.000 1st N. Pueblo; Merch. N., Lawrence. 20,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Hamilton N. and Colo. N., Den 45,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Den. 105,580 Han. N., N. Y.: Den. N., Den. FIRST RATIONAL BANK-< 07 ) All collections Pop. 200 Pop. 800 Principal Correspondents. 82-137 ’»76 H. M. Rubey_____ G. W. Parfet............ 1H. W. Pratt____ •Golden...Jefferson D 13 RUBEY NATIONAL BANK Pop. 2500 I 82-96 <’93 J. W. Rubey Goodrich___ Morgan C17 1 Goodrich State Bank..<§’17 E. C. Shumaker— John Wyckoff____' R. A. Martinson. Pop. 100 82-381 Granada__ Prowers I 22! American State Bank..<§’15 C. F. Horner---------S. B. Gee__________ E. C. Gee Pop. 359 82-249 Grover Taylor____ H. R. Greene D. S. Hawthorne — 15,000 2,250 26,950 33,230 50.000 61,980 490,840 534,730 110,000 1,125,000 964,000 100,000 50,000 56,500 900,100 889,030 10,000 2,000 65,000 60,000 10,000 6,220 209,100 184,520 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. A Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N., Colo. Springs; Interstate Tri Co., Den. 90,250 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Den. N., Colo. N„ and 1st N., Den. 22,360 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.;lst N., Den. 20,000 Pioneer State, Den. 7,500 Union N., Greeley; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 166,990 N. City, Chi.; Colo. N., Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., and U. S. N.. Den.; Drov. N„ Kan. C. 351,000 Ohem. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Den.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 177,470 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Den. N., Den.; N. Bk. Com., 17,000 U. S. N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 40,800 New Eng. N., Kan. O.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Derr.: Am. State, Wichita. Bankers Trust Company or Denver, Banking Facilities—Trusts—Municipal Bonds ex? COLORADO BANKS—Fo rt Collins to Gra nad a FIRST NATIONAL BANK I Liabilities. Resources. & Dis- Cash & Ex Paid-up Surplus Depos cL’oans Ts. Bonds, changes,Du« and Capital Profits its Securities from Bank8 •tS’16 First National Bank___ <’81 82-26 Fort Collins Nat. Bank.<1900 82-27 Poudre Valley Nat. Bk..<’78 82-25 Fort Lupton ..Weld C 15 Fort Lupton State Bk. t!1900 Pop. 1200 ♦ 82-244 Platte Valley State Banki§’12 82-317 •Fort Morgan___ Morgan Farmers State Bank...<§’15 Pop. 3818 C 17 82-338 82-90 ig i dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) inback of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws COLORADO—Continued uly, 1920 Humber under Heme of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. i^c A “J DU t ?U*CbRr VndetN£me °.f Ba»,k is the New Transit Number given ,«,„)• Konlr in I: S exelusivelv hv The Ranrt.MnN.llv Rankers’ Non-B do red 4 146 Town Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNaily Bankers* Directory, under the authority of TheAmerlcan Bankers Ass’n. and County. Name or Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState Entire State in No. 10 tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Fed.Res.Dist. Denver Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Kes. •County Seats. PRESIDENT. Y ice-President. ‘Grand Junction...Mesa *BANKOF GRAND JUNCTION A. M. Schmidt-----82 41 <§’15 Pop. 8665 P 2 ♦GRAND VALLEY NAT’L BANK 82-39 <’02 ‘UNITED STATES BANK & TR. CO. 82-40 <§’03 Oashixb. A. C. Milne—. Liabilities. Asst Oasbibr. Paid-up SUKPLUB Depos AND Capital PKOPIT8 Mark R. Bunting.. $ Weld County Sav. Bk..<§’94 82-34 Grover..............Weld A 16 Grover State Bank.__ <109 Pop. 500 82-251 ‘Gunnison.Gunnison H 7 First National Bank........ «t'82 Pop. 1600 82-126 Gunnison Bank & Trust Co. 82-127 •tl'10 Gypsum---------- Eagle E 8 Bank of Gypsum........ .....tS’ll Pop. 300 82-252 Hartman ...Prowers 122 Hartman 8tate Bank—.<§'09 Pop. 300 82-253 Hasty—.......... .Bent I 20 Hasty State Bank_____ <§’18 Pop. 100 82-393 Haswell--------Kiowa H 19 Colorado State Bank...<§’09 Pop. 200 82-254 Haxtum.—Phillips B 20 FARMERS STATE BANK<§ 09 Pop. 1300 82-190 k Principal Correspondents. k Cash Ex changes,Due from Banks. 15,500 $ 500.000 $ 385 000 $ 150,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N., Den.; Comw. N„ Kan. C, WM. WEISER—— BEMAN C. FOX—. rganized collect! on department, on to all Banking matters. in a Good Town A.E. BORSCHELL— 100,000 65,000 1,850,000 1,510,000 505,000 Han. N., N.Y.: Cont. A Com’l N., Chi.; U.S.N., 1st N., Den. N., and Colo. N„ Den.; 1st N., Kan. C. ( D. T. STONE— S-.W- G. H. McCURDY-— J. P. FIDEL 125,000 30,350 1,025,640 949,240 271,740 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Pueblo; Hamilton N., Colo. N., and 1st N., Den.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 15,000 140,000 30,000 100,000 185.960 2,084,130 2,012,640 <J. M. B. PETRIKIN R.F.GRAHAM............ J.S. DAVIS................ C.J SEEM---.......... D. B. WYATT blisned Bank . Collections a sp eclalty and remit ted on d ay of pa yment. (First and oldest established 'Prompt attenti on to ail Banking matters entruste d to us. 442,450 E. W.DINWIDDIE. eral Banking and Trust business. *F Larg Largest Capital of any Bank In Western Colored o. Co litectlons and cash letters give n special atten tlon. J. C. Smith_______ Mark R. Bunting, H. G. McElfresh Sec. 25,000 J. J. Connell______ J. E. Sipprelle____ Greeley Loan&TrustCo..§’20 R. A. Hoffman___ C. F. Mason______ Alfred Riley___ — 82-38 Greeley National Bank.<’90 C. H. Wheeler.__ H. D. Parker_____ O. T. Neill________ L. B. Carrel . „ W. G. Hayden 82-35 Northern Bank & Trust Co. N. D. Bartholomew E. L. Carson______ W. R. Patterson.. H. A. Wilson.......... 82-37 <§’18 UNION NATIONAL BANK<’70 82-32 40,000 $ its Resources. Loans Dibc’ts. Bonds, Securities 'W. J. MOYER_____ A thoroughly Prompt attenti .A Good Bank Mesa County Clearing House Beman C. Fox. Association______________ (Members indicated by a *) Grand Yalley.Garfleld E 4 Garfield Co. State Bank <§’08 J. B. Wallace~ Pop. 268 82-250 •Greeley........ Weld B 14 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pop. 12.500 82-33 <’84 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this, volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. COLORADO—Continued 50,000 150.000 50,000 130,000 N„ Oma.; 1st N. and Colo. N., Den. £ 10,000 178,000 1,735,560 1,600,000 10,000 183,660 211,240 tB. F. JOHNSON...... W. H. FARR_ _ _ _ _ _ L. E. WYATT.............. G. A. SPEAR_______ GEO. D.STATLER ) Courteous and intelligent attent ion to all bankin g matters. 'Collections soli cited at reasona ble rates. 100,000 J. 8. Gale.................. R. F. Graham____ A. W. Ferguson__ H. W. McGilp_____ E. L. Gordon C. N. Jackson R. E. Taylor______ H. B. Wilson_____ E. C. Abbey. Jr.... Will Douglas_____ 100,000 65.000 754.990 730,190 10,000 3,500 90,000 67,000 Samuel P. Spencer J. A. Steele_______ J. J. Miller_______ C. F. Spencer.......... 50.000 70,210 725,280 586,000 C. W. Winslow___ H. C. Bartlett_____ W. W. McKee........ A. E. Winslow........ 50,000 29,520 447,520 369,130 H. E. Chatfield___ S. Oleson________ J. P. Oleson______ Springs. Colo.: Stock Yds. N., Den.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C., Mo. 125,000 1,475,000 1,371,000 360,000 Han N NY- Coat A Com') N flhj • V S N. and Den. N., Den. 65.400 Oma. N., Oma.; Cent. Sav. Bk. &Tr. Co., Den. 255,000 and Den. N„ Den. 185,000 Colo. N„ Den.: Stock Growers N„ Cheyenne. 20,000 1st N., Cheyenne. 305,300 N. City, N.Y.: Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N. Den. 154,370 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Colo. N., Den.; 1st N.. Pueblo. 42,000 Den.; Am. N., Leadville. 36,780 Tr. Co., Den.; Am. State. Wichita. 14,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. Dpn • Citiz State Lamar. 67,000 Comw. N.. Kan. O.: 1st N., Den. and Pueblo. 25.000 7,000 130,000 120,000 G. W. Sherman___ C. E. Zink________ J. L. Zink________ Glona Barnes_____ 10,000 5,330 125,170 102,520 J. M. Williams___ D. D. Amis............ . C. W. Steeves____ Edna Steeves____ 10,000 1.200 60,000 48,000 Boon Best______ _. D. L. Beer________ F. P. January........ J. P. Allen________ 10,000 18.000 284,000 213,400 B. S. FAIRBANKS.. 25,000 28,460 444,070 306,840 118,320 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Oma. and Sterling; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. J. M.Delander____ H. W. Hartman.__ E.V. Bentson____ E. G. Eaton Dell Banister N. H. Bentson____ G. W. Gordon........ C. L. Reynolds.... Ira J. Taylor 50,000 16,120 433,240 597.703 40,000 10,000 127,970 132,870 74,840 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Den.; 1st N.. Lin. 39,200 N. Park, N. Y.: U. S. N. and Stock Yds. N., Den,; City N., Lin. D. W. SCOTT-— EMIL LARSON........ JOHN E. RUGG- — J. A. SWEDLUND Prompt attenti on to all banking matters. Send us your b uslness. First National Bank.... <’18 C. C. McCune_____ 82-189 Haxtun State Bank____ t§’19 W. C. Krueger___ 82-419 Bankers TRUST Qompant of Denver, BONDS—NOTES—FARM LOANS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number oven to Louis each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Federal Reserve Bank 147 of St. POT AR ADA—Pnntimi Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this I lMlNIxLlvd 1IMJM vUMrAn 1 ur ULPIVLIV, Number uuder Name ol Bank is tbe New Transit Number seven to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. COLORADO—Continued Resources. Liabilities. Name oe Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ‘County Seats. Entire State in No. 10. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Fed.Res.Dist. Denver Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Hayden............ Routt B 7 First National Bank.__ <’15 Pop. 500 82-199 Yampa Valley Bank—<§’02 82-198 Hereford------ Weld A 16 Hereford State Bank. ..t§’19 Pop. 85 82-418 Hillrose------ Morgan C 18 First State Bank_____ tl’08 Pop. 300 82-255 Holly......... Prowers I 22 First National Bank___ <’05 82-157 Pop. 1200 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Surplus Paid-up AND Capitai Profits J. C. Temple--------- Jas. M. Whetstone Leslie Kimsey_____ A. Anderson______ ; SS A. P. Wood Alva Jones________ G. W. Harris .... M. M. Burch______ Mrs. O. H. Waterhouse Sumner Miller .— H. B. Werder----J. D. McFarland .. E. A. Wiggenhorn, V. R. Towne_____ R. A. Towne_____ Chas. S. Billings... Jr. Geo. B. Dugan.. F. H. Allen............. E. J. Thayer.......... E. A. Northrup----- Holly State Bank_____ <§’07 G. W. Stevens........ J. A. Pierce_____ E. D. Shirley------- ' 82-158 ‘Holyoke__ Phillips B 21 Citizens State Bank ...<§’19 Otto Fulscher........ C. E. Paul............... G. B. Heginbotham Pop. 1500 82-416 First National Bank...<’88 S. S. Worley.......... 82-165 Phillips County State Bank J. H. Painter------82-166 <§'06 C. P. Peterson____ Willa Webermeier F. M. Means----Fred Borland Geo. A. Henderson W. S. Johnson___ J. W. Weiand-----C. W. Sederburg R. L. Johnson F. L. Tilton Depos its ; Ixjans & Dis c’ts. Bonds Sbouritibs prom 25,000 $ 15,960 S 262,120 S 318,07( $ 30.000 18.770 253,170 260,740 15,000 1,500 35,000 20,000 15,000 8,000 90,000 90,000 25.000 7,150 302,470 249.610 Principal correspondents. Cash & Ex- CHAN0B8,DUK Banks 33,670 N. Park, N. Y.: Den. N., Den.; Rawlins N. Rawlins, Wyo.; Craig N,, Craig. 47,230 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Colo. N. and U. S. N., Den. 25,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Stock Growers N., Cheyenne, Wyo. 30,000 Oma. N., Oma.; U. S. N., Den.; Far. & Merch., Ashland, Neb. 99,510 N. City, N. Y.: Kan. N., Wichita: 1st N„ Pueblo. 30,000 9,220 164,330 126,680 50.000 5.000 250,000 197,000 73,430 Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 60,000 )en. N.,Den.; Oma. N., C Lin. 50,000 40,000 500,000 513,000 67,000 336,940 25,000 35,140 832,860 541,100 Hooper___ Alamosa K 12 Hooper State Bank____ t§’12 N. E. Morgan........ W. D. Sisemore... D. E. McIntosh. Pop. 200 82-322 10,000 5,000 110,000 90,000 35,000 Hotchkiss_____ Delta G 5 Bank of North Fork. .<’93 S. B. Hartman____ Pop. 1000 82-170 10,000 700 67,080 41.670 27,840 G. H. Duke_______ Jean Duke LV/IllO Alamosa N„ Alamosa. [. Bk. Oom., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.: 1st N., Den. First National Bank ....<’01 E. E. Wilson-------- R. B. Rupard_____ E. F. Paxson.......... 82-169 *Hot Sulphur Springs, First State Bank of Sulphur Edmund Becker... L. W. Kennedy— L. R. Harrison-----Grand.Pop. 300..CIO Springs..82-299------- <§’09 25,000 7,500 350,000 250,000 10,000 6,440 190,100 155,310 57,820 1 lech. & Metals N., N.Y.; Cent. Sav. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Den. Hudson______ Weld D 15 Hudson State Bank—<§’09 B. E. Timbers------ J. B. Cuykendall .. F. W. Clark----------- Vera M. Taige........ Pop. 250 82-256 15,000 10,000 125,000 125,000 25,000 ( ity N„ Lin.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co,, Den.; Merch. N„ Oma. •Hugo____ Lincoln F 19 FIRST NATIONAL BANK E. I. Thompson__ J. P. Dickinson... H. G. Hayward .... W. D. Owen--------Pop. 1200 82-257 <’03 L. M. Laurie 25,000 57,840 654,920 661,070 N„ N. Y.: U. S. N„ Den.; 1st N„ Kan. C. 99,090 Seab. 5 H. A. Reuschling.. 35,000 15,810 178,590 201,980 N., N.Y.; IstN., Den. 33,920 Chase ( 25,000 9,000 125,000 110,000 30,000 } ech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Interstate Tr. Co. and Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 50,000 15,480 310,230 362,000 60,230 I . City, N. Hugo National Bank.__ <’15 E. H. Wooldridge.. H. E. Tandy--------- Harry E. Tandy.. 82-339 J P. Iseman Idaho Sp'gs—.Clear Cr'k Bank of Idaho Springs.<§’18 D. J. Donnelly___ John Atcheson, Jr. C. I. Spessard .— Pop.1500 E12 82-105 FIRST NAT’L BANK 82-103 Idalia_______ Yuma D 22 Pop. 350 Ignacio____ La Plata L 5 Pop. 300 Iliff ......... Logan A 19 Pop. 400 Jaroso____ Costilla L 12 Pop. 200 Johnstown....Weld C 14 Pop. 500 ‘Julesburg.__ Sedgwick Pop. 1800 A 22 »'8O First State Bank--------- <§’16 82-357 Ignacio State Bank ___ <§’10 82-258 First Bank of Iliff........ <§’07 82-259 Farmers & Merchants Bank 82-409 t§’19 First National Bank....<’04 82-260 Citizens National Bank .< 82-135 First National Bank___ < 82-136 H. E. MACHOL...... V. C. EARLL -....... H. P. MoCLELLANO — J. M. FREEMAN— I. M. REYNOLDS Larg, est National Ban k ln Clear Creek County, Collections hav e the personal att entlon of an offle er of the Bank. . Superior Servlc e. Send ns your business direct. Den. N., 1st N., and Colo. N., Den. M. Finch_______ 10,000 7,500 140,000 75,000 R. M. Shultz.......... Emmet Wirt______ Marrill E. Turner 25,000 5,000 90,000 80,000 C. A. Puderbaugh. T. H. Fox________ 125,000 U. S. N., Den.; Comw. N., Kan. C. 44,000 C N.. Den. 20,000 1 it N., Oma.; U. S. N., Den. J. P. Dillon______ J. M. Cunningham W. F. Alexander.. Sylvia Walker........ 30,000 6,000 125,000 155,000 Co. N., Sterling; Live Stock N., Oma. 27,000 Logan I E. S. Matthews... J. D. Matthews.... G. I. Matthews — 10,000 750 41,000 34,000 T. M. Callahan — 25,000 18,000 414,000 415,000 W. W. Vaught... H. J. Parish______ P. W. Reel______ K. K. Barnard. W. E. Letford Chas. Peterson.__ C. S. Deily-------- 25,000 11,4501 314,370 345,480 12,000 C !olo. Springs N- Colo. Springs.; Okla. Stat Enid. 112,000 I Ian. N., N. Y.; Colo. N.. Den.; N. Bk. Com Kan. C. 57,340 I Ian. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Oma.; 1st N., Den. J. C. McNish........ Jacob Frickel, Jr.. C. F. Schroeder... E. S. Eastlock......... 50,000 10,000 550,000 500,000 100,000 C luaranty Tr. Co., N, Y,; Oma. N., Oma.; U. 1 N., Den.,____________ Bankers Trust Company or Denver, Banking Facilities—Trusts—Municipal Bonds 2? rr? T S & July, 1920______________ COLORADO BANKS—Hay den to Julesburg 1 A7 1 '/ 1W 1 LO — I AI\lvl DV1WO * 148 Town Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. to each bank in and Oountt. Name of Tjr A ATPl Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this! *-* volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see LawsJ£ COLORADO—Continued 00 Liabilities. Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State ‘County Seats. tMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. Entire State in No. 10 [Estab Fed. Res.Dist. Denver Br, ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Non-Bf flexed Ac, President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital its Profits Resources. ! Loans <fr Bisc’ts. Bonds, Securities Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex. changes,Bub from Banks. under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given July, 1920 Bankers Trust Company of Denver, BONDS—NOTES—FARM LOANS Number Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis COLORADO BANKS—Ke ene sbu rg to Litt leto n Keenesburg__ Weld C 15 First National Bank........ t’19 W. D. Bish . ............. Michael Milan____ A. L. Austin.__ 1,420 1st N., Den.; Drov. N., Kan. C. $ 19,000 S 42.580 Mary I. Austin___ $ 25,000 Pop. 131 82-421 15,600 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.; Merch. N.. Keene Valiev Bank____ £§’17 B. E. Timbers____ J. H. Beggs---------- L. E. Timbers.. 10,000 $ 85,000 3,000 80,000 82-380 Oma.: City N., Lin. Keota_______ Weld B 16 Farmers State Bank.__ t§’15 S. D. Markley____ D. G. Olson............. F. S. Markley .. 18.000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr.Co., Den.;lstN.,Cheyenne. 10,000 70,000 4,500 65,000 Pop. 150 82-340 Kersey______ Weld B15 Kersey State Bank........ t§’08 Carle H. Smith.... E. C. Shumaker... V. M. Sheeley____ H. E. Woolsey. 100,000 25.000 Cent. Sav. Bk, & Tr. Co., Den.: Oma. N., 10,000 9.500 85,000 Pod. 350 82-261 Oma. Kim....Las Animas L15 Farmers State Bank___ §’20 A. J. Werner____ 10,000 82-441 30,000 U. S. N.. Den. »Kiowa_____ Elbert F 16 KIOWA STATE BANK-<§ 08 W. D. Reilly______ Jas. Ringold. A. M. Rex_______ : 10,000 6,500 130,000 120.000 Pop. 200 82-262 42.310 Den. N. and Stock Yds. N., Den. Stockgrowers State Bankt§’19 E. R. Mourning___ W. F. Ahi____ ____ F. C. Vickers____ J. J. Kruse. 90,790 15,000 2,500 63,720 82-422 R. H. Denney 24,390 1st N., Den. Kirk________ Yuma E 21 Kirk State Bank______ t§ 17 J. E. Wrape______ G. I. Idler_______ John S. Shaw___ 10,000 106,910 10,000 97,580 Pop. 100 82-365 44,000 1st N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.; 190,000 Kit Carson,Cheyenne G 21 Kit Carson State Bank..t§’09 C. E. Collins—.__ Charles Scott_____ J. G. McComish__ 10,000 20,500 185,000 Pop. 350 82-309 Miriam H. Nye Comw. N., Kan. C. 65,000 1st N., Den.; Am. N., St. Jo. Kremmling...Grand C 9 Bank of Kremmling...<§’05 F. C. Jones_______ Peter Engle_______ H. O. Gray------10,000 165,000 11,000 110,000 Pop. 300 82-263 198,540 68,350 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Den. 25,000 Lafayette.. Boulder D 13 First National Bank___<’07 Al. Schofield_____ Jas. Simpson_____ A. C. Howe_______ 2,940 148,210 Pop. 1700 82-114 101,330 49,490 Han. N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Den.; CityN., Lin. 15.000 7.100 Laird.........Yuma C 22 Laird State Bank............ t§’09 John Brown______ Thomas Ashton___ Buffer Roberts.__ 71,930 Pop. 201 82-264 59,000 36,000 1st N., Den.; Am. N., Alamosa. 25,000 M. J. Martin____ Howard Hinds____ 2,500 47,000 • La Jara------ Conejos L 10 Conejos Countv State Bank C. C. Carlsen____ G. H. Whitman Pop. 600 82-439 §’20 300,000 40,000 20,000 87,500 D. S. N., Den.; Inter-State N., Kan. C. First National Bank___ <’10 J. A. McDaniel___ W. A. Braiden____ I. W. Veasey____ H. C. Hal) ... 296,000 S. Epsteen, V. P. J. W. Shawcroft 82-182 602,180 75,000 34,540 123,600 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Pueblo; U. S. N„ J. L. Gilliland____ Fred A. Sabin . • La Junta.__ Otero J 18 Colorado Sav. & Tr. Co. 736,850 E. G. Woodbridge. A. S. Marshall 82-67 <§’07 Den.; Inter-State N.. Kan, C. Pop. 7000 50,000 101,870 1,098,800 409.450 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Fid. N. Bk. & H, B. Richardson.. D. A. Norton. 862,370 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.<’90 R. Phillips________ Ed. Marshall__ S. S. Stalter 82-65 Tr.. Kan. C.; 1st N.. Den. 468,160 50,000 160,580 N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; Den. N., Den. C. C. Buchanan... 12,650 367,730 La Junta State Bank—<§’93 R. A. Steen_______ A. G. Draper.__ 82-66 695,470 35,000 26,420 577,510 177,940 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: Cent. Sav. Bk.& Tr. ‘Lamar—Prowers I 22 Citizens State Bank....<§’08 J. M. Williams .__ Charles Maxwell .. L. J. Boring______ 82-88 Co.,Den.; Comw. N.,Kan. C. Pop. 4500 675,000 50,000 63,000 450,000 290,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Drov. FIRST NATIONAL BANK<’87 A. N. Parrish_____ J. H. Thatcher___ J. F. Maurer______ 82-86 N., Kan. C.; 1st N. and Western N., Pueblo. 667,000 50,000 45,000 617,000 145,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Inter-State N., LAMAR NAT’L BANK..<1900 C. M. Lee_________ B. T. McClave____ R. E. Adams______ W. W. Cooper___ 82-87 Kan. C.; D. S. N.. Den. 40,000 38,000 25,000 5,000 32,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Stock Yds. N., Den. Valley State Bank_____ §’20 F. H. Kelsey_____ C. R. Strain______ J. V. Sayler______ R. L. Christy____ 82-432 128,110 10,000 10,000 23.450 U. S. N., Oma.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., 120,840 ba Salle______ Weld C 15 La Salle State Bank___ <§’08 J. C. Hubbard____ J. A. Behrens____ T. F. Dobbs______ Herbert H. Dobbs. Den. 82-266 Pop. 500 830,000 30,000 75,000 840,000 140,000 1st N., N. Y. and Pueblo; Inter-State N. and ‘Las Animas...Bent 119 BENT COUNTY BANK- <§’75 P. G. Scott_______ A. S. Booth............ W. J. A. Scott____ N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. Pop. 3000 82-110 215,000 50,000 14,000 212,000 65,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. L. B. Herron_____ Farmers State Bank_____ §10 T. J. Herron______ A. W. Johnston . C.; Colo. N.. Den. 82-112 682,070 V. A. Hagaman __ 50,000 37,980 C. A. Thomas . 841,520 83,460 N. Bk. Com. N. Y.; Drov. N., Kan. C.; Stock John McIntosh. __ Edw. S. Risley ____ FIRST NATIONAL BANK-* 01 T. Huey Yds. N., Den. 82-111 275,000 15,000 10,500 250.000 W. L. Warner ___ La Veta...Huerfano K14 La Veta State Bank___ <§’06 H. M. Stockwell... C. L. Martin .. 75,000 Meeh. & Metals N„ N. Y.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.; Western N., Pueblo. Pop. 1000 82-267 35,280 761,110 H. D. Leonard ____ W. G. Harrington. 100,000 668,920 332,240 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; ‘Leadville____ Lake F 10 American National Bk..<’88 J. F. McDonald... M. A. Nicholson... T. A. Goldner Pop. 4959 Colo. N. and Den. N., Den. 82-44 100,000 31,630 1,504,000 878,680 Kountze Bros, and 1st N., N. Y.; IstN.. Chi. 856,960 CARBONATE NAT’L BANK A. V. Hunter_____ John Harvey _____ C. L. Wilson F. L. Smith and Den.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Western N., 82-43 <’87 Pueblo. 130,000 25,000 2,500 35,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Drov. N., Den.; 1st N., Colo. 130,000 Limon_____ Lincoln F 18 First National Bank___ <’17 G. A. Kennedy___ R. T. Gates_______ A. C. Sinclair_____ C. S. Davis............. Springs. 82-370 J. T. Osborne Pop. 1100 272,110 30,000 32,520 247,870 77,510 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Colo. Springs; St. Jo. Limon National Bank...<’08 F. R. Gill_________ J. D. Kessenger... John C. Kirkner.. Stock Yds., So.St. Jo.; 1st N., Den.; New 82-177 Eng. N., Kan. C. 25,000 743.850 51,810 761,140 74,100 Seab. N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Den. Casper Broemmel— J. C. White_______ ‘Littleton.Arapahoe E 14 First National Bank___ <’05 Sam Frasier______ Abe Howarth__ Pop. 1700 H. F. McArthur 82-119 15,000 7,800 260,000 60.000 Meeh, and Metals N.. N. Y.: Cent. Sav. Bk. 200,000 D. M. Decamp........ Geo. Malcolm........ Littleton State Bank—<§’10 W. N. Ickes______ S. 11. Bourne.—. C. A. Bryant &Tr. Co., 1st N.,and Globe N., Den.; Engle 82-120 wood State, Englewood. Number under Name of Bank is tha New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name or Bank. Tows and County. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState aCounty Seats. Entire State in No. 10 J Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Fed.Res.Dist.Denver Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Vice-President. D. O. Donovan------ T. M. Callahan ___ W. L. McCaslin W. C. Muth______ Wm, Pughe J. H. Jones---------W. L. McCaslin J. R. Forsyth J. W. Denio______ E. L. Montgomery. V. H. Hamilton. CASHIER. Rae H. Kiteley. Ass’t Oashiks. R. K. Pierson. R. L. Hudson Monte Vista.RioGrande FIRST RATIONAL BANK Pop. 3000 K9 82-95 <’04 50,000 W. T. Coon---------- W. C. Coulehan___ 50,000 Charles Kistler.__ 75,000 60,000 $ 400,000 $ 550 000 $ 5,000 63,000 72,000 211,330 1,896,990 2,225,210 Principal Correspondents. 50,000 Atlantic N„ N.Y.: Cont. & Com’IN.,Chi.; Colo. N. and Den. N.. Den. 32,000 Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan, C.; 1st N., Den. L. E. Chenanlt------ J. R. Thirlaway... J. E. Park____ 15.000 4,000 100,000 90,000 233,910 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Den. N., 1st N„ and U. S. N„ Den. 187,620 N.Park, N. Y.: N. City, Chi.; D. S. N. and Colo. N., Den. 30,000 U. S. N., Den.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Boulder. I. J. Henderson— G. A. Hamilton... Adolf Donath 50.000 79,620 755,000 710,000 195,000 Irving N., N. Y.; U. S. N., Den.; 1st N., St. L. 100,000 48,340 700,530 802,350 100,000 54,000 825,000 1,056,000 119,130 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: Cont. A Com’l N.. Chi.; Den. N,, Colo. N., and 1st N., Den. 164,000 N. City, N. Y.; Colo. N.,lst N., and Den. N., Den. 20,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Colo. N.. Den. G. A. Flanders Jno. R. Handy— Wm. M. Ward.. A. V. Benson W. R. Kincaid------ M.W. Turner------- M. W. Turner____ Christen Jensen... Samuel Jackson ... G. A. Van Fradenburg G. T. Cline_______ J. E. Ptoiemy___ W. E. Faris______ J. A. Frink H. O. Palmer. H. M. Ogilbee_____ A. M. Wilson------- J. F. Campbell— W. C. Beaty______ R. R. Beaty.......... . A. A. Tandy____ 55,440 942,800 1,025,610 12.000 2,000 80,000 65,000 10,000 3,000 55,000 50,000 50.000 22,160 540,830 484,870 169,810 N. City, N. Y.; U. S. N„ Den. 125,810 Chase N.. N. Y.; Colo. Sav., Colo. Springs; Drov. N, and N. Bk. Com.. Kan. C. 130,500 Han. N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N., Pueblo and Den.; Inter-State N., Kan. C. 25,400 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.; 1st N„ Wichita. Durango Tr. Co., Durango. 20.000 8,070 448.280 353.490 20.000 11,760 342,000 242,750 18.020 18,630 15,000 West Side State, Den.; Am. N.. Alamosa. J. B. McCarley ___ F. H. McCarley... W. R. Means_____ L. E. Fitzgerald... 20,000 2,000 M. Lester, Jr.......... E. E. Talbot............ E. C. James____ 10,000 1,000 O. M. White______ Fleda Lee Norris.. M. W. Norris_____ 10,000 3,550 99,050 86.180 W. T. Smith....... 10,000 1,280 66,840 56,920 Daniel Carl_______ L. H. Cline.............. C. J. Oliver______ 15,000 1,500 28,000 20,500 A. F. Peters______ W. E. Letford........ J. E. Kitts................ 25.000 6,830 219,730 151,020 20,090 1st N., Den. and Craig; Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 24,500 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.; Comw. N., Kan. C. 100,140 Colo. N., Den.; Far. N., Longmont R. Oldland_______ L. B. Walbridge... J. E. Oldland_____ H. P. Hulett J. N. Neal________ Edmund Pauls____ L.P. Creaghe........ 40,000 /o»3/0 704,650 779,650 108,990 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Colo. N., Den. 30,000 3,000 208,000 170,790 T. K. Propst______ L. V. Propst______ C. R. Johnson____ L. B. Propst. 20,000 8,940 186,470 160.000 H. G. Wetherell— Stella M. Lewis ... Orla A. Garris____ 10.000 10,240 61,010 67,450 C. E. March............ J. M. Shultz............ J. H. Wilson______ 10,000 6,890 96,890 77,770 Thos. Saffell______ G. E. Shearer____ 10,000 2,300 20,000 25,000 25,000 82,000 710,000 646,360 18,040 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.; Am. N„ Ala mosa. 224,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Pueblo; Ham ilton N., Den. 50,000 M.000 198,970 143,060 99,440 Cont. & Com. N., Chi.; Comw. N., Kan. C.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 100,000 23,070 920,520 • 836,130 208,770 Meeh. & Metals N., N.Y.; 1st N., Pueblo; Colo. N. and 1st N., Den.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. J. B. Wills_______ E. G. Hall_______ J. W. SHAFF—- W. F. FARRER — C. W. DORNET — A. 6. HAGADORN- Collections ha ▼e the personal attention of an offlcer of this ba nk. We remit on d ate of payment. Send u> your b uslness direct. Monte Vista Bank& Trust Co. Chas. Trueblood.. Jas. H. Neeley___ J. H. Smith, M. T, Hancock, 82-413 tl’19 Sec. and Tr. A. Sec, J, W. Rawlings, A. Sec. WALLACE 50.000 $ $ Homer A. Handy— LARIMER IOOMTT BANK & J. M. Cunningham A. A. Ferguson.__ L. B. Blair_______ J. W. Jones TRUST CO.—82-69-<l’91 Loveland National Bank <’82 W. O. Vorreiter__ B. R. Bonnell____ H. D. Henry______ D. F. Scott---------- 82-68 Lyons_____ Boulder 0 13 State Bank of Lyons—•tl'04 Pop. 633 82-269 Manassa-__ Conejos L 11 Colonial State Bank.......... |’12 Pop. 1000 82-319 Mancos—Montezuma E 3 First National Bank.— •t’lO Pop. 800 82-176 Manitou ___ El Paso Gt 14 Bank of Manitou--------- <I'O8 Pop. 1500 82-270 Manzanola__ Otero I 17 J. N. Beaty & Co., Bkrs. t§'97 Pop. 750 82-271 Manzanola State Bank—.§’20 82429 Marvel________ La Plata Marvel State Bank.......... §’20 {Kline P. O.) L 5 82-440 Pop. 175 Matheson-----Elbert F 16 Matheson State Bank—»t§’17 Pop. 200 82-361 Maybell_____ Moffat B 4 Bank of Maybell....... —•$§ ’18 Pop. 200 82-401 McClave.......... Bent I 20 McClave State Bank........ §’20 Pop. 200 82-434 Mead________ Weld C 14 First National Bank... <16 Pop. 300 82-347 • Meeker—Rio Blanco C 5 First National Bank___ <’04 Pop. 1200 82-154 First State Bank------- <§’19 82-404 Merino______ Logan B19 Merino State Bank.__ <l'O8 Pop. 450 82-273 Mesita______Costilla L 12 First State Bank________ J’10 Pop. 250 82-274 Milliken-.......... Weld 0 14 First State Bank--------- tl 10 Pop. 400 82-275 Moffat___ Saguache J 10 Bank of Moffat_______ tl’10 Pop. 300 82-276 Liabilities. I Resources. 4 Dis- Cask 4 XxPaid-up Surplus Depos cL’oans and ts. Bonds csawges,Dux Capital Profits its Securities mkxm Baxkx /J.T. WALLACE.—. R. L STITT............. R. J. KAVALEC_ _ _ _ I. F. CASSELL...... (R.G BRECKENRIDGE, WESTEL WALLACE 61,480 Han. N., N.Y.; Comw. N., Kan. C.; U. S. N., Den.; 1st N., Colo. Springs. 50,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.: 1st N., Sterling; Packers N., Oma. 23,970 1st N.. Den.; Am. N., Alamosa; Far. N., Long mont. 34,610 Hamilton N.. Den.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. Bankers Trust Company of Denver, Banking Facilities—Trusts—Municipal Bonds 149 ’ Ch. of Ba. , Largest Capital of any Bank ln Sa n Luis Valley. STATE BANK /FEE IN ADVA NCE: Sight drafts , 15c minimum; 25c minimum charge i f paid. 82-94 <|’86 1 Reliable Credit Reports, 25c. T RY US. 25,210 Live Stock State, Kan. C.; Drov. N„ Den. COLORADO BANKS —Lon gmo nt to Monte Vista Longmont—Boulder C13 American Nat. Bank—»t’71 82-62 Pop. 6000 Colorado Bank & Trust Co. 82-425 §'20 Farmers National Bank.»}’81 82-63 Longmont National Bank»J'05 82-64 Louisville—Boulder D 13 First State Bank--------- <115 82-333 Pop. 1800 Loveland—Larimer B13 First National Bank___ <’05 82-70 Pop. 6000 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. COLORADO—Continued July, 1920 1 AO ■I “ -7 150 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to eaeh bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Tows amd County. Liabilities. Name of Bank. •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. SState •County Seats. Entire State in No. 10 tMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Fed.Res.Dist.Denver Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. President. Vice-President. •Montrose-Montrose H 4 First National Bank------ »’89 T. B. Townsend.— O. B. Akard______ 82-71 Pop. 4000 •• New Raymer,.Weld B 17 Farm. & Merch. State Bank 82-386 $§’18 Pop. 350 State Bank of Raymer.<§’15 82-336 Niwot_____ Boulder C 13 Ni Wot State Bank —1§’09 82—279 Pop. 150 Norwood.San Miguel I 3 Norwood State Bank—.<§’16 82-352 Pop. 600 Nucla_____ Montrose I 3 Nucla State Bank......... $§'18 82-383 Pop. 300 Nnnn Weld B 14 First State Bank-------- •t§’08 82-281 Pop. 175 Oak Creek____ Routt C 7 Routt County Bank-—<§’10 82-282 Pop. 800 J. C. Bell________ CASHIER. Ass't cashier. Resources. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital Profits its T. B. Townsend, Jr. Edna Hunt.............. $ 100.000 $ D. R. Grant E. L. Osborn, Jr. J. S. Hill.................. T E. Clark 60.000 M. J. Seeley R. R. Gowdy_____ 60.000 ixjani c’t«. it DnBonds, Smubihu Principal Correspondents. it Gash Excha»qm,Dvi fmom Bank* 73,700 $1,307,030 $1,061,450 $ 479,880 N. City, N. V.: 1st N„ Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N..‘ Den. 15,000 350,000 375,000 57,870 525,260 466,790 C. B. Taylor______ C. B. Taylor........ . 10,000 2,500 100,000 80,000 L. H. Friend______ J. R. Strong______ 10,000 1,000 14.290 10,330 J. G. Clark_______ H. H. Hoyt -.......... 10,000 1.550 48,000 39,850 J. W. Ritter............ Edward Ewing — 10,000 15,000 150,000 130,000 100,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; U. S. N. and Stock Yds. N., Den. 200,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont, & Com’l N., Chi.; Den. N., Den., Comw. N., Kan. C. 25,000 Drover N., Den.; Colo. Springs N„ Colo. Springs. 12,390 1st N-., Den. and Meeker; 1st N. and Craig N., Craig. 14,000 U. S. N., Den.; Mtle. Bk. & Tr. Co., Boulder. 40,000 Chem. No N. Y.: 1st N.. Den. • E. M, Gillett_____ C. L. Snyder______ Webb D. Martin... 20,000 2,610 40,000 58,000 J. H. Beson ____ C. E. Carlson_____ J. N. Quinn______ 10,000 5,000 69,640 70,500 11,050 U. S. N., Den.; 1st N„ Sterling. 15,500 U. S. N., Den.; Far. N„ Longmont; 1st N., Boulder. 72,890 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Den.; Bk. of Telluride, Telluride. 34,000 U. S. N„ Den.; Home State, Montrose. N. M. Henry.......... A. M. Dodd........ — Guy Dodd................ 10,000 4,860 84.000 80,750 C. D. Waggoner-— E. B. Adams______ Thornton Harmon. •T. R. Baily 25,000 8,000 228,610 181.420 89,500 8,000 Logan Co. N.. Sterling; Stock Yds. N., Oma. C. O. Earnest_____ C. R. Henderson.. Ada Henderson .. 10,000 3,000 110,000 B. F. Clark_______ Amos Entwistle.— 10,000 9,500 69,000 67,000 E. L. Prentiss......... .T. C. Burger Allen Cliff_______ 15,000 3,970 242,510 146,020 180,550 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Hamilton N., Den. 25,000 12,870 284,650 164,470 174,630 U. S. No Den.; Comw. N., Kan. C.; Delta N., Delta. 40,000 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Montrose; Den. N., Den. 33,680 1st N., Pueblo: N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. H. G. Cliff .......... Olathe........ Montrose H 5 FIRST NATIONAL BANK .<’10 H. E. Perkins_____ C. P. Foster______ Jas. E. McWilliams 82-180 Pop. 750 17,000 Oma No Oma.; Colo. State., Den. T. B. Townsend .... C. B. Akard_______ N. J. Darrow_____ Grace Sullivan... T. B. Townsend,Jr. J. H. Cowden_____ H. T. Craig_______ Thos. L. Estes____ J. C. Buell, Jr------ 50,000 2,000 250,000 225,000 25,000 3,190 148,200 141.070 Wm. Butters_____ I. L. Rosenbaum „ 10,000 2,570 103,970 82,690 Martin T. Nelson.. W. O. Walker_____ Everett Nelson,— L. M. Gallavan.... A. R. Widick Peter Kaiser FIRST NATIONAL BANK-* 07 A. F. Enyart_____ A. M. Ward— __ W. M. Thomas___ E. A. Barker............ Mabel C. Vinyard Edd Whitney 82-161 25,000 9,000 250,000 250,000 25,000 40,450 362,370 319,840 114,130 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Pueblo; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. II. J. Ewing.............. 25,000 15,500 342,400 240,000 W. W. Woodward.. B. Surcegood R. E. Kullerstrand. 40,000 30,000 230,000 200,000 15,000 13,500 240,000 210,000 100,000 1st N„ Drov. N. and Den. N„ Den.; Midw. N. Bk. &Tr.,Kan. C. 40,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N. Oma.; U. S. N., Den.; City N., Lin. 75,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: U. S. No Den., 1st N., Montrose. 25,000 11,000 220,000 190,000 Olathe State Bank........ <§’04 82-179 Olney Springs.. Crowley Olney Springs State Bank 82-349 <§'16 Pop. 250 1 17 Orchard-__ Morgan C16 Orchard State Bank.—<§’17 82-367 Pop. 200 •Ordway... Crowley 117 Citizens State Bank —<§’13 82-162 Pop. 1600 H, Gira rd nt Otis.— Washington C 20 Farmers State Bank -.-<§’17 Thos. P. Rehder— Cloyd C. Fisch___ Albert V. Anderson 82-376 Pop. 650 Lon Felkey_______ Geo. N. Hutto-----First National Bank—..<’09 P. S. Hnst.nn 82-283 •Ouray.............. Ouray I 5 Citizens State Bank.__ <§’13 T. A. Mostyn_____ E. E. Wheeler____ D. S. Boyd................ 82-325 Pop. 1600 MINERS & MERCH. BANK 82-284 M. D. Thatcher__ J. H. Thatcher___ C. F. Jordan — 30,840 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. and U. S. N„ Den.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 55,000 Meeh. & Metals N„ N. Y.: Western N., Pueblo: Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. CO LO RA DO BANKS — M ontr ose to P ali sa d es C. O. Earnest_____ 82-74 Montrose National Bk..<’04 Jos. Zick. 82-72 Monument—El Paso F 14 Monument State Bank—«§17 Chas. H. Allis____ 82—372 Pop. 200 Mt. Streeter-Moffat B 4 Mt. Streeter State Bankt§'20 J. S. Collom.......... . 82-427 (Axial P. O.) Pop. 300 Nederland.. Boulder D12 First State Bank------------§’15 W. L. Armstrong— 82-344 Pop. 446 New Castle—Garfield E 5 New Castle State Bank <§’09 C. C. Parks__ _ 82-278 Pop. 500 „ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisj volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. COLORADO—Continued 50,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Den. and Pueblo. <§’78 15,000 3,000 35,950 37,230 10,000 2.510 58,180 51,180 Jay Catchpole........ 50,000 22,850 316,460 309,490 J. Hollowell........ - Paul Hardy_______ Emery D. Hollowell N. R. Roberts____ P. F. Greene Ruth Prvnr G. W. Bowman .__ J. C. Smith _ _____ S, H Brown . 25,000 6,000 105,000 100,000 25,000 9.900 398,000 265,000 Adolf Jankovsky.. R. J. McCullough.. S. A. Richerson__ C. M. Harris______ D. O. Harris-------- Fred Oatchpole.__ J. S. Hatcher_____ R. W. Smith........ .. 12,800 U. S. N., Oma. and Den. 17,670 Far. N„ Stealing. 77,810 Han. N..N. Y.; D. S.N.,Den., 1st N., Durango. 45,000 Stock Yds. Nm Den. 161.600 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.: Stock Yds. N., Den.; Grand Valley N., Grand Junct. ~i 'Hjg'lfBUtf1 'ITiTD TZ.nn wr—Ilf HBMU'lil—WIT Ju ly , 1920 Ovid______ Sedgwick A 21 State Bank of Ovid--------§'19 82-426 Pop. 100 Padroni State Bank—<§’17 82-377 Pop. 100 •Pagosa Springs—Archu 82-286 leta__ Pop. 1100-.— L 8 Stockmens & Merchants Bk. 82-400 •§t’18 Palisades______ Mesa F 3 Palisades National Bank 82-144 <’05 Pop. 900 Comw of DENVER. BONDS—NOTES—FARM LOANS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Federal Reserve Bank Louisbank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ to each 1 Ci of St. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this I ‘ V»^kvksTkv\st Com or Denver. RONDS—NOTES—FARM LOANS ■I C 1 ADA Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tbe Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities. Name or Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire State in N o. 10 tMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. Fed. Res. Dist. Den. Br. ♦Mem. Ped. Res. [Estab. Paoli_______ Phillips B 21 Paoli State Bank______ •J§’16 Pop. 200 82-354 Paonia________ Delta G 0 First National Bank—..•t’OS Pop. 1000 82-129 Emit Ex. State Bank—•tJ'Ol 82-128 Parker......... Douglas E 14 Parker State Bank......... <§’11 82-313 Pod. 200 Peetz________ Logan A19 Farmers State Bank........ §’20 Pop. 400 82-433 Phesident. Vice-Pbesident. Cashier. R. L. Johnson .... S. D. Goddard........ P. A. Johnson____ $ C. C. Hawkins____ W.R. Crook............ M. H. Crissman.__ S. O. Henn________ 2,600 $ 98,600 ,$ 74,500 $ 8,700 263,6tO 31,700 U. S. N., Den.; U..S. N., Oma. 235,020 74,600 Han. N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.: U. S. N„ Den. 71,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Comw. N., Kan. C.; Colo. N. and Stock Yds. N., Den. 50,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Colo. N.and Cent.Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 22,900 U. S. N., Den. and Oma. Weldon Hammond H. L. Curtiss_____ W. Thomas_____ H. H. Addams........ | 30,000 7,500 270,000 226,000 H. A. Senter............ P. B. Hood______ M. L. O ’Brien......... 10,000 5,000 190.000 150,000 F. E. Hoover____ A. J. Wixon--------- C. E. Wood........ . 25,000 2,500 50,000 52,000 24,700 Packers N., Oma. 25,000 5,000 200,000 160,000 10,000 3,410 90.310 83,330 G. W, Gordon____ J. E. Shafer______ L. E. Troxel______ B. A. Shafer. 10,000 1,200 75,000 50.000 30,000 Stock Yds. N., Den. R. E. Haverland— John H. Hay............ M. L. Stephens.__ 10,000 1,000 52,130 43,180 l8,O7o 1st N., Den. A. B. Mitchell____ May J. Sheedy ___ C. F. Strauss------- 10,000 3,000 71,000 60,000 W. A. Thomson.__ J. W. Birkle______ J. P. Gleason____ 25.000 7,300 270,000 170,000 9. A. Henderson... J. D. Bine. Jr......... W. L. Strickland _ lo.oce 6,500 21,000 Hamilton N.and Globe N.. Den.; Citiz. N. Cheyenne. 90,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Colo. N, and U. S. N„ Den. 60,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Oma. and Sterling; Colo. N., Den. 100,000 55,000 17,680 1st. N., Colo. Springs; Drov. N., Den.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. PUEBLO (Federal Reserve District No. 10 Denver Br.)(Pueblo, I 15) County Seat Pop. 75,000—Reserve City Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. *Bank of Pueblo-----42-7 •tS’16 D. A. Kendall— ‘FIRST NAT’L BANK 42-1 President. •t’71 Vice-President. Cashier. F. E. Olin________ H. O. Palmer_____ D. M. Kendall.......... $ $ Joseph Russ M.D. THATCHER- R. C. THATCHER— H. J. SMITH----------C. B. CARLILI R. C. THATCHER, A. S. BOOTH B. A. CARLILI Ch. of Bd. C. M. THOMP! ON Established 1871. i G. F. TROTTER - W. L. GRAHAM — C. E. SAXTON........ H. M. MERTZ........... »t’81 Pueblo Clearing House______ (Members indicated by a,*) and Profits 50,000 $ 500.000 ual Deposits 8,000 $ of Banks 290,000 Loans Bonds, MiscelCash & Dis- i Securi- ; uaneocs Resources ) COUNTS | TIES, ETC. [ Resources $ 985.160 10,085,090 $ 3,155,980 260,000 $ 32,000 $ 5.569.260 5,680,940 30,000 81,830 1,439,550 194,450 3,895,750 2,243,940 793,670 75,000 7,500 100,000 70,000 2,000^ 100.000 80,000 1.580,380 1,035,580 644,000 M. D. Thatcher ...__________________ tW, K. Dudley, Sec. 4,510l 196,040 Principal Correspondents. ___________ Resources. 100,000 attentio n atings. s. NATIONAL BANK 42-2 Liabilities. Surplus Individ Deposits 3,000 $ 50,000 Meeh. & Metals N.. N. Y.: C t. Sav. Bk.and Tr. Co.,Den.;Midw. N. Bk.&Tr., Kan. C. N. B. Com., 1st N., Guaranty 4,364,640 Facilities for any business in the line of banking. Collections a specialty. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON MAP OF COLORADO. *Minnequa Bank................»t§'02 M. D. Thatcher.— R. C. Thatcher..._ H. E. Wheeler____ iGeo. H. Hubbard.. H. E. Wheeler •PUEBL?R§STcN§^AN, Alva Adams--------- M. D. Thatcher____ jW. K. Dudley......... jEdw. McCabe_____ W. C. Smart 42-6 . «tS’O9 SOUTHERN COLORADO BANK A. McGovern, Jr._ Martin Walter, Jr. R. L. Phillips____ D. P. Ducy................. 42-9 §20 'WESTERN , Paid-up Capital 352,900 29,830 5.000 Tr. Co., and N. City, N. Y.; N. City, 1st N., and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com.,J 1st N., Drov.N.,Comw.N., and! Inter-State N., Kan. C.; 1st N.,| St. L.; 1st N., Colo. N., Int’l Tr. Co., and Den. N., Den.; McCord nick & Co., Salt Lake C.; Bk. ofi Cal. N. A.. SanF.; 1st N., Hou., Oma., and St. P. ;MelIon N.,Pitt. 412.090 Chase N„ N. Y.: Corn Ex. N„ Chi.; 1st N., Den. and Pueblo. 1,127,140 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Chi.Tr. Co., I Chi.; Int’l Tr. Co., Den.; 1st N.< Pueblo. 92,500 Mec.h. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cent. N., St. L.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 382.000 1st N.,N.Y.. Chi., St.L., and San F.; U. S. N.and 1st N., Den.; Fid. N. Bk.& Tr., Kan. C. ................. BANKERS TRUST COMPANY OF DENVER, BANKING FACILITIES—TRUSTS—MUNICIPAL BONDS COLORADO BANKS—Paoli to Pueblo Pierce________ Weld B 14 Pierce Exchange Bank.»i8’18 82-323 Pop. 350 Platner.Washington C 18 Farmers State Bank........ §’19 82-415 Pop. 25 Platteville____ Weld 0 14 Fanners State Bank—»t§’17 82-378 Pop. 500 Platteville National Bank$’O3 82-289 Proctor_____ Logan A 20 Proctor State Bank......... i$'O9 82-290 Pop. 100 10,000 $ 25.000 C. B. Ames______ First National Bank—«t’15 T. J. Hansen____ M. A. Shipman___ M. A. Shipman___ 82-342 Peyton........ El Paso G 16 Farmers State Bank—.•t§’16 J. J. Eubank_____ F. M. Townsend... J. W. Howitt_____ A. L. Pieper. Pop. 75 82-856 Principal Correspondents. Resources. & DisPaid-up 1 Surplus Depos ; |CL’oans T8. Bonds, AND its I Capital Profits ' Securities Ass’t Cashier. . A92C Town and County. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisi5—j* volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, ----------------------- COLORADO—Continued Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Ito to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 104 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState *Oounty Seats. Entire State in No. 10 tMem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv. Fed.Res.Dist.Denver Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [ Estab. Vice-President. President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. L. C. Summers —— 10,000 8.710 170,800 139,200 R. E. Israel_______ W. D. Jay................ C. M. Stanwood__ 15,000 2,250 144,920 103.700 Gordon Hollis____ G. M. Howard------ Ward Johnston__ J. B. England 50.000 75,000 450,000 496.000 100,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. C.: 1st N. and U. S. N., Den. 25.000 9,390 220,360 199,420 60,000 42,970 434,970 430,860 30,000 17,280 275,500 237,960 54,130 Meeh. & Metals N.. N.Y.; 1st N. and Colo. N., Den.: Drov. N„ Kan. C. 123,090 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Chi., Pueblo, and Den.; New Eng. N„ Kan. C. 76.530 Western N., Pueblo: Lawrence N., Lawrence, Kan.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. 82-78 •A Porter A. Thomp son Rocky Ford Nat. Bank -•t’08 82-77 Roggen____ Weld C 15 Roggen State Bank__ .<§’16 82-355 Pop. 1500 , S’20 Rye________ Pueblo J 14 82-428 Pop. 150 ‘Saguache-Saguache J10 First National Bank.—•t'll 82-160 Pop. 1000 Saguache County Bank»tl’8O 82-159 j L. N. CALLISON— A.DUDEK--------W.D.PALMER 82-60 J. V. THOMPSON...... F. Y. Hauck. .__ G. P. Randall- F. R. Kelly_______ 50,000 50,690 845,650 602,550 C. L. Waite - ___ B. E. Timbers____ H. F. Timbers____ Floyd Nichols____ 10,000 3,000 69,560 69,280 . H. B. Mendenhall FIRST NATIONAL BANK 50,290 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Den. and Glenwood Springs; 1st N. Bk. of Eagle Co.. Eagle. 44,140 1st N., Den. and Montrose. 368,080 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Colo.N., Den.; Inter-State N., Kan. C.; 1st N„ Pueblo. 5,500 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 15,000 1,500 38,000 35,700 52,000 217.000 294,000 30,000 54,000 283,390 1328,000 — F. N. Cochems___ R. J. Pendergrast. George Lines_____ 50.000 20,130 583.410 498,280 1 52,620 Atlantic N., N. Y.: Colo. N. and 1st N., Den.; 1st N., Pueblo. H. Preston_______ J. G. Hollenbeck „ F. O. Woody--------- Wm. N. Baird-----S. W. Sandusky R. M. English A. A. Salazar_____ C. C. Rockafellow. C. C. Rockafellow . G. E. Barnes........... 100,000 31,760 888,360 855,410 10,000 13,000 150,000 130,000 J. S. Garcia______ H. G. Wetherell-— 15,000 3,000 87,610 94,080 ___ M. C. Knox______ Horace B. Means _ W. T. Ashley_____ W. P. Williams.—. E. G. Gotthelf......... Leopold Mayer .... W. K. Boyd___ ___ W. L. Hammond. Charles Tarbell <’05 10,600 Minnequa, Pueblo.; U. S. N., Denver. 58,000 Lin. N„ N. Y.; U. S. N„ Den. 69.230 Atlantic N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi., Pueblo, and Den.: Inter-State N., Kan. C. 189,500 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Den. and Pueblo. 43,000 Am. N.. Alamosa; Colo. Springs N., Colo. Springs. 23,070 1st N., Den.; Am. N.. Alamosa. J. L. Tannehill— A. W. Hamilton... G. O. Tannehill__ 10,000 1,000 32,500 30,000 F. H. Hendrickson John Kaschke........ B. N. Weinsheim. 15,000 1,500 65,730 42,440 C. B. McKinstry... J. W. Broadhead — Glen B. McKinstry 25,000 13,840 229,430 264,690 40,270 U. S. N., Den.: Live Stock N., Oma. 9,500 Globe N. and Drov. N., Den. 34,660 Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den,; 1st N„ Oma. 10,000 9,060 209.900 148,040 80,420 1st N., Colo. Springs: Drov. N., Kan. C. and Den. Severance —— Weld B 14 Pop. 155 E. C. Shumaker__ C. F. Tornblom... 10,000 2,090 37,520 39,230 8,880 Han. N.. N. Y.; Cent. Sav. Bk. &Tr.Co., Den.; 1st N., Eaton. 10,000 4,000 40,000 38,000 10,000 Hamilton N.. Den.; Drov. N., Kan. C. 10,000 2,500 57,050 52,840 12,570 1st N., Glenwood Springs; U. S. N., Den. 50.000 36,550 523.950 505,480 25,000 5,000 40,000 60,000 10,000 Stock Yds. N.. Den.; Ex. N„ Colo. Springs; Inter-State N., Kan. C. 15,000 7.500 150,000 125,000 50,000 State Sav., Colo. Springs: Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Den, .<§’16 82-351 Sheridan Lake.__ Kiowa Security State Bank- —§’20 O, R. Lamh Pop. 100 H 22 82-431 Silt _ A. Levie_________ II. H. Harlan_____ C. M. Harlan_____ Oarfleld R 6 First State Bank_____ -•tS’ll C. C. Parks_______ C. R. McCarthy... L. H. Hall............. 82-315 Pop. 300 ‘Silverton.. San Juan J 5 FIRST NATIONAL RANK. »’8O Harlan J, Smith.__ J. H. Werkheiser— B. B. Allen______ Pop. 2200 82-106 Simla « •ifl C. S. Steinmetz__ F. M. Butcher____ S. C. Willis.............. ... Flherf F 16 Pop. 500 O. W. Nyberg_____ 82-405 .. State Bank of Simla— .<§’14 W. H Wells______ L. E. Burnett_____ M. R. Dubach___ 82-832 119,800 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N„ Pueblo. __ Ju ly 1920 Warren Shamburg S. W. Abbott_____ Carrie Abbott_____ ________ Seibert-Kit Carson F 20 Seibert State Bank— <§’08 A. V. .lessee 82-296 Pop. 375 S im la _ 82-59 •i’SO San Acacio—Costilla L12 Costilla County Bank —•ti’JO 82-294 Pop. 175 §*2A San Luis___ Costilla L 12 Ran T.nis Statfi Bank 82-423 Pop. 1000 Sedalia----- Douglas E 14 Sedalia State Bank.__ -tS’19 82-411 Pop. 200 Sedgwick-Sedgwick A 21 -§’20 Pop. 200 82-436 .< •< .<’06 82-295 24,500 Cont. and Com’l N. Chi.; 1st N., Den. and Colo. Springs. 60,000 R, B. Crozier_____ P. G. Little- Chaffee FT 11 COMMERCIAL NAT’L RANK D. P. Cook ___ Pop. 4689 ______ Lynn Kennedy ___ G. B. Helm_______ Boon Best________ John Richert_____ 94,000 $ •t§'08 (B-L and Col lection Bank of Rocky Fo rd •• Salida Eph Prefontaine .. Bert Ellis. $ CO LO RA DO BANKS — R am ah to PEOPLES HOME BANK Principal Correspondents. 5,000 $ 106,000 $ ‘Redcliff------- Eagle E 9 Red Cliff State Bank „ •{§’15 fl, C Parks .. 82-337 Pop. 1000 — Liabilities. Resources. Loami k Ba- Cam * lxPajd-up Subplus Dxpob- C*TO. BoMM, 0MAM«Myl>VB and Capital Pbopitb ITS Bsoimnuo mom Baku 10,000 $ Ramah____ El Paso G 16 State Bank of Ramah. ... 108 Lemuel Gammon— Mate Gammon........ A. J. Eisner 82-291 Pop. 150 Ridgway............ Ouray 15 Bank of Ridgway........ •t§’92 82-292 Pop. 376 Rifle______ Garfield E5 First National Bank— ..•t'02 82-163 Pop. 1000 M Union State Bank------ -tl’10 82-164 Rocky Ford—Otero J 17 First National Bank — ..•t'04 82-76 Pop. 5500 dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this tn volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.! to COLORADO—Continued Bankers Trust Qdmpany of Denver, BONDS-NOTES—FARM LOANS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Federal Reserve Bank oftoSt. Louis bAnlr in TT S AYolllfillTAlv Kv Tba PanJ-lfnVollv Donbnao) Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point ftn. Bankers Trust Company or Denver, BONDS—NOTLS—rAKM LO/MN^ Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tbe Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState aCounty Seats. Entire State in No. 10. tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Fed.Res.Dist.Denver Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Vice-President. President. 82-364 Pop.JOO 82-369 Ass'T Cashier. Cashier. P. V. Barth.... Pop. 150 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this!' volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. COLORADO—Continued Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital its Profits .. C. O, Sandall_____ $ Resources. a Loans Dibc’ts. Bonds Secubitim 46,800 $ Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes, from Banks. Dui 1,150 $ 8,290 217,870 194,380 43,850 Comw. N„ Kan. C.: Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.: Citiz, State. Lamar. 150,060 1st N,. Wichita, Kan,; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.; 1st N„ Lamar: Ft. Scott State, Ft. Scott.; Com’l N.. Kan. C., Kan. 108,000 1st N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.;! Oma. N., Oma. 46,400 $ 14,000 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. Charles Maxwell—. N. K. Bickford.... Anna E. Alexander 15,000 W. 4. Thompson. J. A. Spikes______ 25,000 D. P, Young______ Lloyd Cole_______ Hannah Herbert 25,000 16,760 430,850 317,030 Carrie A. Stone___ 25.00C 3.50C 275,000 175,000 — A. H. Poppen_____ A. R. Brown-........ L. L. Brown______ 25,000 46,340 826,780 761,060 ‘Sterling Logan B 19 Commercial Savings Bank J. N. Sanders_____ E. T. Conquest.... J, N. Sanders_____ Ethel M. Shadowen Fop. 6415 82-385 <§’18 25,000 13,090 171,040 153,780 51,580 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Globe N., Den.; 1st N„ Sterling. 50,000 1,160,000 1,035,000 205,000 N. Park, N. Y.; U. S. N., Den.; Live Stock 1Y • 9 Ivlitlvv® JjI• JoK• cL f&illlt 82-437 .. C. G. Eckles. 82-330 B7 Pop. 2000 .. 82-122 <§,98 Chas. S. Stone___ R. B. Stone______ L, S. Davis______ J. M. Stone First National Bank„..»t'O2 Richard Jones. 82-123 J. P. BURNEY-....... J. H. KING.-.-._ _ _ _ G.S, SIMONS......... L. D. PERKINS------ FARMERS .... —- .. .. 100,000 W. C. PROPST NATIONAL BANK 82-83 Laura Holt. Sam Holt 186,970 Chase N.. N. Y.; Colo, N. and 1st N.. Den. DIRECT YO UR CLIENTS AND BUSIN ESS TO THI S BA NK. We make si ncere effort s to please. »t’09 First National Bank ..<1900 E. M. Kelsey_____ A. L. Johnson........ F. DAVeidenhamer C. H. Woodard...... J. G. Hammond 82-82 Daniel Regan 100,000 125,000 1,900,000 1,800,000 325,000 Atlantic N- N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and U. S. N„ Oma.; Colo. N., Den. . L. C. Foreman ___ 150,000 100,000 900,000 1.200,000 180,540 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Den.: Stock Yds. N., Oma. 10,000 3,200 Logan County National Bank E. M. Gillett_____ J. F. Lntin............. P. M. Fouts.__ 82-81 <’93 O. M. Thomas Stoneham____ Weld B 18 Stoneham State Bank..«t§’16 J. O. Peterson____ R. K. Niederjohn. R. K. Niederjohn— Frank W. Peterson 82-363 Pop. 100 48,000 55,000 8,000 Comw. N.. Kan. C.; Far. N., Sterling; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. • 10,000 4.190 114,890 74,270 53,230 Com’l N„ Kan. C.; Kan. N., Wichita; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 25,000 4,010 126,330 137,630 20,260 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Drov. N., Den.: Ia. State, Osceola, Ia. 25,000 7,500 SSM'.vu J. G. FORD...... —ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Stratton.Kit Carson F 21 FIRST NATIONAL BANK <18 {.Please send 15e 82-392 n and 50c for Cred it Repor ts. with each sight dr aft for presentatio Pop. 400 150,000 150,500 35,000 1st N., Colo. Springs. Colorado State Rank R. B. Holt________ J.K, McKinnis___ Maude Holt First National Bank....»t’17 Gordon Hollis_____ F. J. Denison____ G. E. Totten____ 82-366 Pop. 200 •» §’1fi C. G. Eckles..... Sam Holt________ 82-359 Pop. 65 •» Sugar Citv.Crowlev 118 Pop. 1000 Swink............. Otero .T 18 Pop. 800 ‘Telluride___ San Miguel Pop. 2000 J 5 •• •• Stratton State Bank.... <(’09 82-298 State Bank of Sugar City t§'10 82-152 First State Bank ____ »§'12 82-300 Bank of Telluride_____ <l’89 82-117 First National Bank___ <’90 82-118 ■T. F,_ Holty W. R. King.............. J, T,, Pages 25,000 10,000 800,000 275,000 60,000 Cont. t Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Colo. Springs. E. S. Howard_____ 30,000 12,750 163,790 171,050 C. A. Reynolds .. R. R. Beaty______ O, W. Bundy_____ 20,000 7,030 123,000 100,000 C. D. Waggoner... E. B. Adams... .. W. J. Scanlan_____ Vernon Koontz.... 50,000 57,660 684,440 675,540 Bulkeley Wells.__ L. W. Allen______ Aylmer Reeves, Jr. Edw, Hendrickson. 75,000 33,570 653,350 531,770 15,000 30,600 250,000 225,000 10,000 1.000 30,000 30,000 52,990 Union Exchange N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Pueblo; Hamilton N., Den. 112,520 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Den. N., Den.; 1st N., Pueblo and La Junta. 217,910 Meeh. & Metals N.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Salt Lake C.; Den. N. and 1st N., Den. 241,170 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Colo. N., Den.: Drov. N„ Kan. C.: McCornick & Co.. Bkrs.. Salt Lake C.; 1st N„ Montrose and Durango. 60,000 Bk. of America, N. Y.: U. S. N. and Colo. State & Sav., Den.: Drov. N-, Kan, C. 10,000 1st N., Rocky Ford; New Eng. N.. Kan. C. 10,000 5,160 76,000 49,000 F. S. Howard O. H. Holtz_____ __ J. M. Cravens____ E. W. Thayer .. . 82-301 H. G. Springer Timpas State Bank___ <§’19 D. W. Wills............ W. G. Ramsey____ W. Lucas Woodall. 82-412 Pop. 100 Towner. __ Kiowa H 23 Peoples State Bank___ tl’08 R. B. Christy_____ Arthur J. Heaney. Arthur J. Heaney. C.E. Heaney. __ 82-302 Pod. 150 Timnath___ Larimer B 14 Farmers Bank_______ <S'06 J. M. Edwards____ H. H, Thayer___ Pop. 150 33,000 N. Bk.'Com. and Drov. N., Kan. O.; IstN., Scott City. Kan. Bankers Trust Company of Denver, Banking Facilities—Trusts—Municipal Bonds COLORADO BANKS—Snyd er to Tow ner 10,000 $ J. A. Stinson.—.. .. uly,J920 __________ icq iJJ 154 _________ ___ giv to each bank in D. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, undertbeautborlty of Tbe American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Nam® op Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState ‘County Seats. Entire State in No. 10 tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Fed. Res.Dist.Denver Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Pkksidknt. Vick-Pkksidknt. ‘Trinidad.__ Las Animas Commercial Sav. Bank.<5’05 F. R. Wood_______ O. C. Samuel 82-15 Pop. 10,906 L 15 Ass't Oashikb. OASHin. R. S. Gregory........ NATIONAL <’86 200,000 G.T. HINE—......... ROY COX.......... —- C. R. RAPP . .......... F.B. STONE-.......... GEO.HAUSMAN, V.P. E. D. WIGHT Vernon State Bank——<§’17 J. II. Dickson_____ W. D. McGinnis... E. W. Stevens____ 82-374 G. B. Ward Victor............. Teller H13 BANK OF VICTOR 82-79 Pop. 3500 A Principal Correspondents. & Ex- 45,000 $1620 000 $1 300 000 $ 315,000 N. City and 1st N., N- Y.; 1st N., Pueblo and Den. 130,900 3,258,310 2,946,350 100,000 40,000 1,091,000 100,000 75,000 1,215,000 1,063,230 913,000 878,150 1st N.. N. Y., Chi., Kan. C., Pueblo, and Den. 304,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.:U. S. N„ Den. 311,910 N. City, N. Y.; U. S. N., Heu.; Comw. N. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. OUT OF TOWN BUSINESS CAREFULLY HANDLED. Two Buttes—Baca K 22 Bankof Baca County.. _t§’12 Charles Maxwell... J.M. Williams........ N. G. Jones _____ Ruby Mathews -__ 82-318 Pop. 150 Vernon_____ Yuma D 22 Pop. 90 50,000 $ Resources. LoaN8 Dl8- Cash c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dub Securities from Banks. —<»’97 A. E. Carlton_____ J. N. Simmons___ Gretchen DelaL. B. Dukes______ hoyde M. W. Kessey 15.000 5,500 118,400 89,610 44,710 Comw. N., Kan. C.; Cent. Sav. Bk. &■ Tr. Co., Den.; Citiz. State, Lamar. 10,000 4,450 60,750 59,030 19,070 N. Bk. of Wray, Wray. 30,006 9.350 1,434,060 1,205,040 268,360 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; 1st N., Den. N„ U. S. N„ and Colo. N., Den. 14,980 Colo. Springs N., Colo. Springs; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den.: N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 22,470 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Stock Growers N„ Cheyenne, Wyo.; Den. N., Den. 32,810 Chatham & Phenix N.. N. Y.; U. S. N., Den.; 1st N., Laramie, Wyo.; Live Stock N., Oma. 335,000 1st N., N. Y., Chi., and Pueblo; Trinidad N., Trinidad; Den. N., 1st N„ and Colo. N., Den.; Minnequa, Pueblo. 108,060 Meeh. & Metals N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; U. S. N.. Den.: Western N., Pueblo. 40.000 U. S. N. and Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. Vona___ Kit Carson F 21 Vona State Bank_____ »t§’15 82-343 Pop. 300 ‘Walden.__ Jackson A 10 First National Bank —..<’16 82-362 Pop. 350 North Park Bank.......... *t5’93 82-304 ‘Walsenburg — Huerfano First National Bank........ »'O3 Pop. 3500 K 15 82-98 J. J. Hall.................. G. R. Hall................ W. R. Thomas____ W. H. Miller______ 10,000 12,730 88,970 102,180 A. H. Marble_____ W. H. Slee_______ J. E. Milner. 25,000 4,360 103.420 110,300 K. J. MacCallum.. Owen S. Case_____ W. E. Viner 30,000 37,400 292,200 355,540 Fred O. Roof.......... James B. Dick------ R. L. Snodgrass... M. E. Cowing_____ 60,000 90,000 1,300,000 612,000 Guaranty State Bank—<§’09 82-99 Weldona-__ Morgan B 17 Weldon Valley StateBk.<§ ’08 Pop. 150 82-305 Wellington-Larimer B13 First National Bank——<’05 Pop. 600 82-306 Wellington State Bank _t§’19 82-407 Westcliffe........ Ouster 112 Henry H. Tomkins & Co., Pop. 400 Bankers- 82-307....... <t’90 Ralph Stanley........ T. M. Hudson____ A. P. Atencio_____ 30.000 8,560 453,040 379,790 E. C. Shumaker... 10.000 2,500 150,000 120,000 W. L. Tanner_____ W. L. Hauptli.__ .. G. A. Etter_______ L. M. Wilson_____ 25.000 13,170 200,650 235,780 A. J. Piatt________ H. B. Persons____ H. B. Persons........ B. E. Johnson____ 15,000 3,150 60,000 50,000 (H. H. and L. H. ..................................... G. B. Beardsley— Floyd A. Thompson Tomkins and G. B. Beardsley) First State Bank____ <§’09 G. L. Shaw.............. G. L. Cobb............. 82-308 State Bank of Wiley—.<§’07 J. B. Esgar_______ Harry Cline__ _ E. H. Tempel_____ Gale A. Lee__ 82-310 A. F. Esgar 10,000 42,910 313,220 194,780 10,000 3,330 121,020 101,280 31,700 Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co,, Den. 25.000 16,260 265,300 231,230 70,370 Drov. N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. O.; Cent. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. 43,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Hamilton N., Den.; Drov. N., Kan. C. 103,960 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Den. N., and U. S. N., Den.: N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 60,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Colo. N., Den.; City N., Lin. Wiggins___ Morgan C 16 Pop. 300 Wiley_____ Prowers I 21 Pop. 560 82-430 John Wyckoff____ 15.000 6,000 182,000 162,200 Harrison Teller.__ R. E. Hanna. _ . W. E. Hickman___ E. P. Hickman____ E. C. Hickman W. II. Rice M. B. Holland____ P. J. Sullivan____ J. J. Bryan.............. E. F. Hilbert. ... L. L. Evans W. D. McGinnis... T. B. Groves _____ W. T. Diss________ W. C. Grigsby W T. Fair Lena L. Buchanan John Whyte______ G. E. Hizer 40,000 30.180 496,260 472,480 Arnold Powell____ Chas. J. Wheeler.. M. S. Wheeler... J. M. Allam............. -T. S. Cable G.A. Dodd W II Gprrlts J. F. Heiserman W. A. Sheedy____ H. O. Hnch - J. N. Akey____ — .T. H. Conner Roy Shepherd____ T. T.. Rising . G. 11. Smith............ F. II. Harris______ E. W. Stevens____ J. G. Lane................ H. S. Beardsley___ 30.000 40,000 300,000 300,000 30.000 20,000 350,000 304,000 15,000 32,530 247,900 139,010 15,000 15,700 183,020 144,140 25,000 47,580 438,860 380,870 40,000 34,010 560,000 560,000 50,000 10,000 53,320 65,570 67,740 1st N., Den. and Ft. Collins. 25,000 1st N., Den. 170,160 1st N.. Chi., Pueblo, and Den. 87,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N. and Den. N., Den,; Neb. N„ Oma. 148,550 U. S. N.. Den.: New Eng. N., Kan. C. 69,570 Den. N. and Colo. N., Den. 121,610 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: Stock Yds. N., Den.; 1st N. and Stock Yds. N., Oma. 100.000 1st N. and Colo. N., Den.; City N., Lin.; N. Bk. Com.. Kan. C. 40.690 1st N., Den.; Neb. N., Oma. Bankers Trust Company of Denver, BONDS—NOTES—fARM LOANS July, 1920 Windsor______ Weld B14 Farmers State Bank...<§’08 Pop. 2000 82-140 First National Bank.__ <’06 82-139 ‘Wray_______ Yuma C 22 First National Bank-—•t’07 82-131 Pop 2000 National Bank of Wray .<’87 82-130 Peoples State Bank___ tS’ll 82-132 Yampa________ Routt O 7 Bank of Yampa-----------•tS’OS Pop. 400 82-194 Yuma________ Yuma O 21 Farmers State Bank___ •I’ll 82-314 Pop. 1500 First National Bank ....<’11 82-192 Union State Bank---------- §’20 . . COLORADO BANKS—Tri nid ad to Yuma 82-14 bank Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus DeposCapital ) Profits ITS $ First National Bank.-.-»t’75 J. C. Hudelson ___ J. H. Thatcher___ Eli Jeff ryes______ W. S. Keeney. F. G. Bloom 82-13 G. P. Prager S. A. Morse John Aiello_______ A. W. McHendrie.. W. G. Plested......... R. T. Fuller.. International State Bank 82-16 •iSll TRINIDAD Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this >-* volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. COLORADO —Continued UANIVC, LK IRUOl WFirAPU Ur LFLIHU\, Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name Town and County. op CONNECTICUT President. Ass't Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. Chas. F. Brooker— F. M. Drew_______ R. E. Chambers__ H. W. Case______ W. H. Joy Fred’kT. Rolfe.Tr. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital its Pkofits CITY NATIONAL BANK-»t'54 51-29 City 8avings Bank____ «t5’59 51-30 Commercial Bank & Tr. Co. 51-41 §’19 W. R. Foote. A. Tr. Charles F. Bradley- Lester J. Nichols„ W. H. Foote, Sec. and Tr. 25,000 Wallace H. Foote, A. Sec. Sec. and Tr. A. W. Tremain___ II. Kutscher, Jr— G. H. Williams, 100,000 H. H. Poole, Tr— |E. L. Sullivan Sec. | R. J. Mackenzie C .R. Klofkorn, A. Tr. A. W. Burritt____ ! E. W. Bassick____ S. M. Hawley, Tr.. J. S. Pullman C. B. Seeley______ Egbert Marsh_____ E. H. Judson. Tr.. H. L. Morehouse, 1,000,000 R. E. McEldowney, |E. H. Judson Sec. R. D. Goddard, Ass’f. to Pres. Horace B. Merwin A. Tr. Charles E. Hough.. L. S. Catlin........ . H. B. Terrill______ C. N. Gardner 500.000 Frank Miller, II. S. Hawkins Ch. of Bd.\ Benjamin Fletcher S. W. Hubbell____ Richard W. Cogs E. W. Button well, Sec. and Tr. A. W. Tremain.__ R. J. Mac Kenzie. A. J. Endean, 150,000 Sec. & Tr. L. B. POWE_ _ _ _ _ SIMPSON, CONNECTICUT SUMNER NATIONAL BANK H. A. BISHOP------E.H. HAVENS R. A. BEERS_ _ _ _ _ M. S. SISTRAND- Ch. of Bd. Special attention given collections In Bridgeport and vicinity. PROMPT SERVICE HAS BUILT UP OUR BUSINESS. 51-26 Principal Correspondents. Ca8H&£z* changes,Due from Banks. 664,200 9,800 412,630 370,490 94,080 1,050,180 1,103,780 24,100 258,350 240.730 93,620 4.351,810 3,758,130 50,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; AnsoniaN., Ansonia; 1st N., Bos. 95,880 Nassau N., Brooklyn. 39,250 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Branford Tr. Co.. Branford. 55,200 N. City, N. Y.; Union & New Haven Tr. Co.. New Haven. 703,460 Equitable Tr. Co. and Am. Ex. N., N. Y. 757,690 13 218 840 13640850 335.680 N. City Chem. N. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; lst-Bridgeport N., Bridgeport. 498,460 8,944,730 9,394,740 1,995,550 Liberty N., N. City, and N. Bk. Com., N. Y. 733,710 9,091,210 8.272,910 2,087,010 N. Park and Irving N., N. Y.: GirardN., Phil.;! N. Shawmut, Bos. 899,550 13806 430 14 424 730 37,500 563,100 448,160 281,250 IstN., N. Y.: lst-Bridgeport N., City N„ and Conn. N., Bridgeport. 207,330 Am. Ex. N„ N. Y. 476,900 5,560,630 5,145,120 1,868,610 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Phil.; N. Shawmut. Bos. »t’31 Ist-BRIDGEPORT NATIONAL BANK 51-32 & DisSECURITIES •t’64 Mechanics & Farm. Sav. Bk. 51-34 •JS'71 Newfield Bank and Trust Co. 51-40 »§'19 North End Bank & Trust Co. 51-42 »§’19 Peoples Savings Bank.»tJ'6O 51-31 West Side Bank______ »i§’18 51-39 James Staples & Co.__ •tt’74 51-35 T. L. Watson & Co____«tt’66 51-33 Bristol—Hartford E 10 American Trust Co____ T§’19 51-156 1 Pop. 20,620 Bristol National Bank..»f75 51-154 Bristol Savings Bank... §’70 51-153 E. S. WOLFE_ _ _ _ P.W.WREN_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0. H. BROTHWELL—— H. C. WOODWORTH— 1,000,000 1,354,000 11300000 14126 470 2,704,300 Chem. N., N. Y.; IstN., Bos.; Phil. N., Phil. F. N BENHAM. JR. C. 6. SANFORD, W. B. LASHAR Ch. of Bd. 5.-MU Collections a sp eclalty. Personal atten tlon given. Prompt remltt ance and reason able charges. T BY US. J. L. Wessels_____ J. W. Knowlton... L. S. Catlin, Tr. „ J. M. Otis, A. Tr.. R. T. Whiting Arthur F. Connor. W. I. Nichols------- George Hugo, Sec. and Tr. Rob’t N. Blakeslee W. F. Severn-------- H. C. Godfrey........ H. L. O’Brien, A. J. Noel, A. Tr.. Sec. and Tr. Henry Atwater— M. B. Beardsley.__ W. H.Lyon, Tr.... Prank Hubbard, J. A. Rusling Sec. W. P. Kirk_______ T. J. Pardy..... ......... Geo. L. Moore____ John Dezso, V. P. C. E. Bilton 632,000 10 500 000, 10800 000 100,000 100,000 25,000 475,000 318.510 25,000 380.000 280,000 662,920 8,616,390 9,230,190 100,000 37,200 1,275,000 1,235,000 100,000 54,980 326,000 Met. Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y.; City N., Bridgeport. 61,850 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Conn. N., Bridge port. 60,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; lst-Bridgeport N., Bridge port. 234,620 Meeh. & Metals N.. N. Y.; lst-Bridgeport N-, and Conn. N., Bridgeport. 160,000 Meeh. & Metals N.. N. Y.; lst-Bridgeport N., Bridgeport. 1st N. and Winslow, Lanier & Co., N. Y, CONNECTICUT BANKS—Anso nia to Cana an Bridgeport Savings Bk.»t5'42 51-27 Bridgeport Trust Company ♦ 51-36 »t5’86 Resources. Loans c’ts. Bonds, 115,000 4,922,820 5,116,060 25,000 Branford Trust Co--------- S’ll Richard Bradley.— Henry F.Jourdan— W. R. Foote, 51-292 ▼Bridgeport____ Fairfield American Bank & Trust Co. 51-38 •tS’ll 2 Pop.143,152 L 6 VV/11TKJ $ 200,000 $ 242,630 $2 303 600 $2286 990 $ 598,790 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N.< Bos. Wm. A. Nelson__ Samuel G. Redshaw I. F. Terry_______ H. L. Shepard____ W. A. Mortimer... I 71l\n Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Savings Banks do not handle collections) Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState •County Seats. Figure under town is tMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Ansonia—New Haven I 8 Ansonia National Bank.*t'61 51-149 1 Pop. 17.643 Savings Bk. of Ansonia»t5’62 51-150 Bethel______Fairfield I 4 Bethel National Bank—»J'12 51-298 2 Pop. 2555 Branford.NewHavenJ 11 Branford Savings Bank»+§'87 51-267 1 Pop. 6047 11V 1 LJ July, 1920 155 UVIWJ Chase N., Seab. N., and Atlantic N., N. Y. Chas. T. Treadway Wm. J. Tracy........ Earle E. Edwards, M. L. Tiffany, Sec. Tr. W. P. Calder, V. P. Alexander Harper C. T. Treadway__ W. A. Ingraham... M. L. Tiffany_____ W. P. Calder H. A. Warner____ W. A. Ingraham—. Miles L. Peck. Tr.. E. M. Peck, A. Tr. (W.E. SESSIONS- C. L. WOODING— G.S. BEACH, C.N.GORDON, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. 100,000 100,000 600,050 733,730 21,310 Han. N„ N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 456.200 5,479,330 5,408,910 614,230 Chem. N. and Han. N., N. Y.; 4th 8t. N., Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 70,420 Hart.-Aetna N. and State & Bk.Tr. Co., Hart. 159,780 5,497,430' 5,385,310 1 396,320 Bk. of Manhattan Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Girard N„ Phil. 173,520 1.947,150 1,688,630 BRISTOL TRUST CO. —•« 07 < Bills of lading drafts a speclalt y. Cash and time items. 15c must be se nt with each sig ht draft for pres entation and ( 25c with each request for repor t or rating. SEN ISTOL ITEMS. Canaan National Bank..«t’07 G. S. Fuller----------!A. C. Lockwood___ W. S. Smart______ 50,000 38,920 51-266 Canaan Savings Bank__ tl'72 G. S. Fuller----------Allyn Fuller_______ J. B. Reed, Tr____ F. R. Collins, Sec. 37,420 51-265 J. S. Reed, A. Tr. 51-155 Canaan..—Litchfield A J Pop. 2300 4 CONNECTICUT Map opposite New Haven 292.4801 771,700} 340,010 60,270 N. City, N. Y.; N. Y. State N„ Alb. 757,280 43,310 Cent.Union Tr. Co., N. Y.; Canaan N„ Canaan. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1 CA 130 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. CONNECTICUT—Continued ( Liabilities. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState! ‘County Seats. President, j Vice-President. Figure under town is tMem.State Bks.Assn.+Priv. Fed. Res. [Estab.: -------------------------Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. ------------------------------------------ Cashier. J Ass’t Cashier. Resources. 1 A Loans Disc’ts. Bonds, Securities 13,520 146,630 155,290 27,230 N. City, N. V.; Riverside Tr. Co., Hart. 75.000 42,000 450,000 395,000 45,000 65,000 T. W. Beaumont, 545,000 Sec, 545,000 315,520 N. Park and Harriman N., N. Y. 218,000 276,440 2,488,500 2,817,220 780,370 Imp. & Tra. N. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi.; N. Y. State N., Alb.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 146.220 N. Park and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Danbury N., Danbury. 232,000 N. Park, N.Y.: Danbury N., Danbury. 225,000 3,940,000 3,725,000 231,680 3,228,200 3,367,210 100,000 45,000 500,000 460,000 25,000 10.570 56,390 91,650 50,000 75,000 1,818,000 1,642,000 M. L. Carpenter, 75,000 65,280 922,320 881,550 111,500 350,000 430,000 146,250 2.514.490 2,562,500 78,120 N. Park, N. Y.; Deep River N., Deep River.! 300,000 423,270 2,209,180 2,944,660 631,490 IstN.. Irving N., and N. Bk.Com., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 145,530 Met. Tr.Co., N. Y.: Birm. N., Derby: Ansonia| N., Ansonia. 39,480 307,000 7,009,020 6,468,350 50,000 41,600 859,350 849,070 50,000 27,890 201,290 218,160 25,000 17,370 413,500 416,930 Sec. F. E. Fuller, Sec.. 50,000 R. D. Olmsted, A. Tr. *25,000 56.740 1,605,850 1,650,460 11,950 235,000 305,000 98,230 1.116,600 1,179,440 D. S. Huntington A. Tr. J.L. Ensign, Sec. and A. Tr. W. R. Hubbell- 100,000 100,000 26,360 228,080 265,390 48,660 558,170 591,680 33,420 184,590 301,490 751.570 5,266,730 5,795,120 W. E. Gates, Sec._ O.R.Morgan, A. Sec. A. F. Rippel______ A. W. W. Marshall Sec. A. B. Stanton, Sec A. R. Griswold, A. Sec. and A. Tr. A. R. Griswold, A. Sec. and A. Tr. 92,670 IstN., N. Y.: Merch. N., Bos.; Danielson Tr.j Co., Danielson. 112,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N. and 1st N., Bos.;! Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 320 N. Shawmut, Bos.: Windham Co. N., Daniel-j son. 335,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.: 1st N., Phil. 150,000 J. E. Pratt, A. Tr.. C. A. Post_______ B. W. Wheeler P. M. Kennedy, A. Tr. 0. N. Downs. Tr. 18,000 Middletown N. and Cent. N., Middletown. 142,170 2,197,980 2,565,650 G. F. Lyon. A. Tr. B.M. Ballard, A. Tr. Shawmut, Bos. 99,410 State Bk. & Tr. Co. and Hart.-Aetna N., Hart. 250,000 631.550 6.568.490 6,779,000 F. J. G. Bailey.. 38,070 Phoenix N. and Colonial N., Hart. 25,000 220,730 1,344,660 1,465,980 W. H. Redfield ___ Principal Correspondents. Cash & ExCHANGB8,Du> from Banks 50,000 13.500 200,000 130,030 1.8 400,000 389,000 5,286.690 6,070,990 100,000 81,790 1,798,780 1,718,190 25,000 2,228,280 73,270 890,460 953,170 18.740 216,210 205,130 114,070 Met. Tr., Lin. Tr., and Fidelity Tr. Cos., I N. Y.; 1st Stamford N., Stamford. 145,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos. 91,740 Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.;N. Shawmut, Bos.: N. Com’l, Alb. 35,510 Liberty N., N.Y.: Hart.-Aetna N., Hart.; Cent N., Middletown. 62,140 Columbia Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; City Bk. & Tr. Co., Hart. 26,950 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Bos. 30,220 Han. N., N. Y.; Hart. Conn. Tr. Co., Hart. 89,040 Liberty N. & N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Bridgeport Tr. Co., Bridgeport. 15,140 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Iron, Falls Village. 64,300 N. Park, N.Y.: N.Y. State N., Alb. 223,180 Cent. Union Tr. Co., N. Y.: State Bk. & Tr. Co.. Hart. N. City, N.Y.; Merch. N., Bos.; Hart.-Aetna N. and Hart.-Conn. Tr. Co., Hart. 225,030 Liberty N., N, Y., N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co,, Alb. 336,120 Atlantic N., Liberty N., and Bkrs. Tr Co., N. Y.: Liberty, Buffalo. 183,460 Guaranty Tr.Co., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb.; Liberty, Buffalo; Phil. N., Phil. 10,360 Guilford Tr. Co., Guilford. 53,800 chase N., N.Y.; Merch. N., New Haven. July, 1920 Federal Reserve Bank of St.Number Louis Capital I Depos- 75,310 $ 713,560 $ 742,270 $ t§ 2 Surplus CONNEC TICUT BANKS—Cheste r to Guilford Chester—Middlesex I 15 Chester Savings Bank •ti’71 H. C. Brooks------ J. S. Deuse_______ J. C. Edwards, Tr. 51-269 1 Pop. 2000 Chester Trust Co.____ <§T4 H. C. Brooks------ C. J. Bates________ J. C. Edwards, Tr. 51-300 Clinton...Middlesex J 14 Clinton National Bank..»t’56 H. C. Hull----------- 18. G. Redfield____ S. B. Reed-----------51-270 1 Pop. 1274 Collinsville........ Hartford Collinsville Sav.Society<§’54 0. A. Farnham----- M. H. Upson_____ H. L.Sanborn, W. M. Reed Sec. and Tr. 51-257 1 Pop. 3000 D10 Cromwell.Middlesex F 13 Cromwell Dime Savings Bk.jE. S. Coe------------- T. W. Beaumont- R. S. Griswold, Tr. 51-271 ’71 1 Pop. 2188 M. H. Grilling........ ‘Danbury....Fairfield I 3 City National Bank------ <’54 A. N. Wildman.— 51-127 2 Pop. 18,889 DANBURY NATIONAL BANK T. 0. Millard ..... John McCarthy.__ F. C. Brown______ 51-125 <’24 SavingsBk. of Danbury<§’49jG. M. Bundle------- H. H. Woodman„ H. T. Hoyt, F.E. Hartwell Sec. and Tr. 51-126 Union Savings Bank—<§'66 jG. B. Fairehild.— S. H. Fanton_____ L. L. Hubbell. Sec. and Tr. 51-128 Danielson.Windham D 22 Brooklyn Savings Bank<§’72 J. A. Atwood_____ Wm. H. Burnham. C. A. Potter, Sec. and Tr. 51-268 1 Pop. 3130 Danielson Trust Co.__ <§’14 J. A. Atwood-------- F. A. Jacobs............ C. Starkweather, Tr. 51-303 Killingly Trust Co.------ ’14 W. A. Gaston-------- T. E. Hopkins____ N. D. Prince, Sec. and Tr. 51-301 Windham Co. Nat. Bank<’22 T. E. Hopkins------ N. D. Prince-------- F. E. Storer______ 51-253 Darien____ Fairfield M 3 Home Bk. & Tr. Co....<§’12 H, S. Neilson-------- Mark W. Norman. G. F. Bearse, Alfred Morehouse Sec. and Tr. 2 Pop. 4184 51-294 Deep River—Middlesex Deep River Nat. Bank—<’49 H. J. Brooks------- W. A. Brothwell—. R. L. Selden............ 1 Pop. 2500 1 15' 51-259 “ _______ “ Deep River Sav. Bank.<1'51 i R. U. Tyler----------- A. W. Comstock... H. J. Brooks. Sec. and Tr. 51-260 Derby ...New Haven J 7 BIRMINGHAM NAT’L BANK, C. H. Nettleton— H. F. Wanning___ F. M. Clark_______ <’48 51-183 1 Pop. 11,238 I Derby Savings Bank <§'461 George E. Barber.. C. H. Nettleton___ H. S. Birdseye, Tr. 51-182 *• ---------“ i Home Trust Co.—......... •§'93 0. N. Downs_____ H. F. Wanning___ D. B. Giddings, See. and A. Tr. 51-184 East Haddam—Middlesex National Bk. of New England A. E. Purple______ A. H. Dayton_____ E. N. Peck---------1 Pop. 2482 H16 51-272 <05 East Hampton.Middlesex! East Hampton Bank & Trust T. S. Brown______ F. H. Dunham------ C. W. Burnham, Tr. .<§'15 1 Pod. 2300 G 14 Co............ 51-304. East Hartford ..Hartford I East Hartford Trust Co.»+§’16 E. E. King________ E. S. Goodwin____ Charles A. Renner, Tr. 1 Pop. 12,000 D12 51-305 Essex.......... Middlesex 116 Essex National Bank__ <’07 C. G. Cheney_____ C. J. Bates------------ H. B. Barnes_____ 51-256 1 Pop. 2850 Essex Savings Bank.........§'51 N.H. Williams____ W. H. Parmelee ... E. A. Bailey, Sec. and Tr. I 61-255 Fairfield...Fairfield L 6 Fairfield Trust Co.------ »§’20 Oliver G. Jennings DeVer H. Warner. E. Ellis Dillistin, Sec. and Tr. H. B. Merwin 2 Pop. 16,000 51-310 Falls Village—.Litchfield Falls Village Sav. Bank<§'54 H. Goodwin______ J. 8. Tracy_______ H. O. Gaylord, Tr. 1 Pop. 800 B 5 51-264 D. E. Dean_______ ‘ __ <’471H. C. Gaylord-----_______ National Iron Bank 51-263 H. K. Smith--------- E. H. Deming T. H. Root. Farmington —..Hartford Farmington Savings Bank G. G. Williams Sec. and Tr 51-273 t§'51 E 11 1 Pop. 3478 Glastonbury ... Hartford j Glastonbury Bank & Trust L. W. Howe............. H. H. Hunt.............. B. F. Turner. Tr... W.G. Phelps, A. Tr. )._____ 51 309.............. §’20 1 Pop. 6500 Ell Co. Greenwich—Fairfield M 1 Greenwich Nat. Bank...<’0C James E. Quan.— R. M. Wilcox_____ j R. M. Wilcox_____ 51-146 Pop. 18,000 Greenwich Trust Co....<§’87 II. S. Tenney____ A. W. W. Marshall E. R. Mulcock, Tr. E. R. Mulcock 51-145 “ _______ “ j Putnam Trust Co.------ <§'14 R. L. Chamberlain. John D. Chapman. W. H, Brettman, Tr. 51-147 Guilford.New Haven J 13 Guilford Savings Bank.t§’75|E. H. Butler--------- Edward Eliot__ ___ Charles Griswold, Sec. and Tr. 1 Pop. 3091 | 51-251 ** _______ " (Guilford Trust Co.—.•*§’14jC. Stowe Spencer— S. G. Redfield____ (Chas, Griswold, I 51-252 I Sec. and Tr. CONNECTICUT Map opposite New Haven Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Savings Banks do not handle collections) Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Co lections and Correspondence under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given TT CJ ArnliiDlvnlTT K,, WHa I? <» nd 11V RnnLoPc’ HARTFORD (Hartford, D 12) County Seat PoDUlation 138.036 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.L Lawyers. Laws CindATRfll ill hank nf this *—< CONNECTICUT Map opposite New Haven 3-0/ (Hartford, D 12) County Seat Population 138,036 (Federal Reserve District No. 1)__ (Savings Banks do not handle collections) tt a DTrnDB Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name of tlAK 1 r Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President. American Industrial Bk. & Tr. 3. H. King.— Company .51-69_______ <§’13 ‘CITY BANK Asst Cashier. Cashier. <§’51 Resources. Liabilities. onds, I Miscel- j Paid-up Subplus Individ Deposits Loans a SB Cash ecuri- laneous Resources and D is or ual Capital Profits counts TIES, ETC. Rbsoubces Deposits Banks George Ulrich ... . G. W. King, Tr........Wm. L. Montague. $ A. I. Balch, A. Tr. A. Tr. F. P. HOLT............. E. S. GOODRICH-— A. W. JAGOBS....... . C. C. CHASE— H “The^Bank to be With” H. B. SKINNER & TRUST COMPANY 51-50 Vice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. ForJInterest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 200,000 $ 162,450 $3,557,290 600,000 350.890 9,490,000 641,000 7,182,000 500,000 198,320 2,280,160 15,050 2,880,660 150,000 559,820 2,750,570 66,620 2,227,240 252,300 5,370,960 3,096,350 2,342,100 55,530 $ 1,541,800 $ 254,960 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; 2d N., Bos. 938.500 268.900 IrvingN., N. Y.; Cent. N., Phil.; 4th Atl. N., Bos. 773,290 231,960 832,840 — 171,750 N. Park, N.Y.: Corn Ex. N„ Chi.; 2d N„ Bos.; Phil. N„ Phil. 536,930 Am. Ex. N.. N. Y.: Tradesmens N., Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. 129,280 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y. 2.288,000 Collections a specialty. Prompt service, reasonable rates. We remit on day oi payment. Send us your Hartford items. ♦Colonial National Bank...•’15 Lucius A. Barbour. J. N. H. Campbell. J. N. H. Campbell JF. S. Flagg . W. J. Reid 51-71 ♦Connecticut River Bkg. Co. C. L. Spencer_____ Martin Welles-------- F. F. Fisher______ H. J. Maercklein.. <§’25 H. W. Erving 51-47 Dime Savings Bank_____<§’70 R. W. Huntington. E. B. Hatch______ R. W. Dwyer. Sec. and Tr. 51-58 ' J.O. Enders 200,000 199,280 2,556,310 2,330 2,027,990 521.530 287,930 •FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<’64 James H. Knight.. W. W. Jacobs ..... E. F. Harrington ._ H. W. White_____ 1,150,000 1,218,950 8,217,050 222,490 7,527,830 1,555,530 329,970 2.000,000 2,800.000 14.600.000 950,000 11.400.000 3.460.000 650.000 174,130 15,233,140 1,197,940 6,915,360 4,156,420 15,060 638,270 68.840 317,970 , JR.--F.J’. FURLONGH.T. HOLT ‘HARTFORD-AETNA W MATinklAI NA I IUNAL R. A. Boardman S. G. Pierce E. C. Johnson H. M. Sperry DAMIS DANrx 51-44 ‘HARTFORD-CONNECTICUT TRUST COMPANY........ <§ 51-57 51-55 ♦Mutual Bank & Trust Co.»§ 51-72 Pallotti Andretta & Co......... t 51-73 A. G. BRAINERD.—W.S. AN D. W.HUBBARD Ch. of Bd. _E. M. CRAMPTON _ Oldest and Strongest Bank ln Hartford and ln Connecticut. We want your New England Items and collections—particularly your Hartford business. Try us. l F.C. SUMNER— N. 0. PRINCE_ _ _ _ H. P. REDFIELD,Yr WARREN T. BART 1,250,000 2,021,410 16,725,760 A. H. NEWTON, A. Tr LETT, Sec. M. H.WHAPLES, H. H. PEASE 1 Ch. of Bd. ARTHUR P. DAY C.A. HUNTER,-4. Yr A. T. DEWEY, A. Sec. T. J. ROGERS, A. Sec. R.G.BLYDENBURGH, A. Sec. 11 matters entrus ted to us. ss. We solicit yo ur Hartford busl ness. W. W. Jacobs, Tr. W. A. Willard. Sec. W.S.Buckley,A.Tr. J. Wm. Neal, 300,000 Sec. and Tr. Antonio Andretta. E. M. Buck.............. M. Zimmerman___ 1 Thoroughly equ (Transacts a gen J. M. Holcombe__ J. H. Knight, V. P. Arthur H. Cooley- ipped to handle a eral trust buslne J. B. Moore______ F. C. Sumner Jos. P. Tuttle........ Park Street Trust Co.__ +§ 100,000 'PHOENIX NATIONAL BANK 1,000,000 51-45 Dominick F. Burns Fred P. Holt.......... R. M. O’Brien, Tr. ------------- ......— F. C. Loeser L. P. Broadhurst.. W. B. Bassett_____ A. D. Johnson____ H. H. Walkley .... <1814 F. R. Lawrence ‘'Riverside Trust Co____ 51-65 ►Security Trust Company 51-59 Society for Savings .—•: 51-46 ►State Bank A Trust Co.. 51-49 Albert P. Day........ R. C. Glazier, Tr... — Atwood Collins.__ Chas. E. Prior........ Chas. E. Prior, Jr., Sec. and Tr. Francis Parsons C.E. Gross_______ Theo. Lyman_____ S. W. Crofut. Sec. and A. Tr. Atwood Collins George H. Burt— C. A. Lillie_______ A. C. Mason______ C. A. Goodwin___ 51-54 L. F. Butler______ Travelers Bank & Trust Co. 51-70 i«’13 ♦United States Bank ___ J. O. Enders............ 51-61 ks see following E. E. Dimon,4.Sec. Geo. F. Kane, A.Tr. F. I. Prentice. A. Tr. 11. T. Nearing____ Henry Roberts— W. H. Champlin. G.H.Stoughton, Tr. Sec. C. L. Spencer------- Martin Welles, ---------- ---------------Sec. and Tr. S. G. Dunham......... W. H. Rowley____ R. D. Chapin_____ R. R. Healey pope) CONNECTICUT Map opposite New Haven. 147,470 N. Y. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Phil. N.. Phil.; Merch. N., Bos.; Hart.-Conn. Tr. Co.. Hart. 2,303.310 N. City and Han. N„ N. Y.: 1st N., Chi. and Bos.: 4th St. N., Phil. 949.130 10,178,140 76,100 707,080 25,000 416,570 5.000 297,550 1,448.990 18,292,900 15,173,1 121,460 85,380 280,000 19,420 242,510 2,113,460 148,840 2,140,210 129,590 300,000 450,390 3,136,620 307,270 2,940,090 465,720 14,412,900 29,717,310 2,205,090 43,953,270 400,000 771 ;680 5,110,980 6,439,980 1,528,870 10,000 574.130 7,849,570 4,848,060 3,489,020 93,940 2,683,130 1,082,500 1,717,600 100,000 421,840 3,231,060 2,431,060 1.080,210 120,210 75,000 711,500 100,000 N. Park, ChaseN., Bk. of the Manhattan Co.. Irving N., and IstN.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Bep.,ChL; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Franklin N., Phil. 3,740,220 Han. N., Chem. N., N. Bk. of Com. and J. P. Morgan & Co., N. Y.; Ft. Dear.N..Chi.: N. Shawmut, IstN., and Merch. N., Bos.; Girard N. andi 1st N.. Phil. 3,003,000 150,000 4.651,400 C O N N EC TIC U T BA N K S — H art fo rd ♦Fidelity Trust Company<§’85 F. L. Wilcox_____ R. B. Newell--------- R. B. Newell, Tr...|T. A. Shannon,Sec 51-62 51-56 Principal Correspondents. 314,120 ,$ 68.300 $ Ju ly, 1920 1 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 286,220 Meeh. & Metals N„ N. Y.: 1st N. and Hart.-Conn. Tr. Co.. Hart. 98,300 1st N., N. Y. and Bos.; Hart.-Aetnaj N„ Hart. 37,180 Irving N., N. Y.; City Bk. & Tr. Co., Hart. 3,285,250 N. City, Meeh. & Metals N.,and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N., Bos.: Girard N., Phil. 385,450 N. Bk. Com. and N. City, N. Y.: Franklin N.,Phil.: 1st N., Bos. 788,480 1st N., N. ¥.; 2d N., Bos.; HartAetna N., Hart. 1,953,150 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A.. N. Y.; Merch. N., Bos. 294,330 Meeh. & Metals N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Girard N., Phil.; Merch. N.. Bos. 76,620 Am. Ex.:N„ N. Y. 89,510 Am. Ex. N„ N. Y.: Conn. River Bkg. Co., Hart; 1st N.. Bos. 387 180 ChaseN. and IstN., N.Y.; 1st N.and N. Shawmut, Bos.; Phil. N., Phil. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (Sm Ma ti Lavpn) 158 Number under Name of Bank ia tbe New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name or Bank. •Hem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState Pkksidknt. tHem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. George H. Burr & Co.---------- (Investment Securi (and Commercial P 18 Asylum St. FRANCIS R. COOLEY &C0.-«'91 (Investment Securi Vice-President. ties .. aper. ties) . HARTFORD—Continued Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- >-• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this tn volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 00 (Federal Reserve District No. 1) Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Miscel Paid-up Surplus Individ Pepobits Loans a Bonds, laneous Cash ual AND OF DisSecuriResources Capitai. Profits Deposits Bankb COUNTS TEES, BTC. Resources Ass't Cashier. Raymond H. Piper, “•’•LE,fflpyfeiNC........... (Investment Securiti es) NATIONAL CITY COMPANY. 1« (Investment Bond S)------ Conn. Mutual Bldg. E. Naumburg & Co.------------ '94 (Commercial Pape r)____ 18 Asylum St. Rhoades A Co----------- ------- — ’10 (Investment Secur ities) . (36 Pearl St.) RICHTER A COMPANY—*05 (Brokers)________ G. S. Stevenson, Mgr. K. G. Herold, Dist. Sales Mgr. L. A.Partridge, Mgr (Branch J.T. Roberts, Mgr. (Branch of N. T. of Bosto n, Mass.) City. N. T.) ___ H. P. Spafford- STEDMAN Jt REDFIELD-<88 (Commercial Paper -— .— Post & Flagg and Potter, Choate & Prentice, N. Y.: Curtis & Sanger, Bos. N. Bk. Com., Meeh. & Metals N., N. Park, and Chase N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N„ Chi.: Hart.-Aetna N. and Phoenix N., Hart. ------- ... 18 Asylum St. H. M. Sperry, Sec. Hartford Clearing House.......... M. H. Whaples. (Members indicated, by a*) 1 CONNECTICUT—Continued (Savings Banks do not handle Collections) Town and County. Name of Liabilities. Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState ACounty Seats. Figure under town is tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Jewett City.N.Lond.F 21 Jewett City Sav. Bk. ..<§'73 51-275 1 Pop. 3023 KensingtonHartford F11 Berlin Savings Bank----- 15’73 51-276 1 Pop. 3600 Lakeville..Litchfield B 3 Robbins, Burrall Tr.Co.«t5’74 51-262 1 Pop. 1200 Salisbury Sav. Society— <'48 51-261 •Litchfield-Litchfield E 6 First National Bank----- »t'64 51-250 1 Pop. 3005 Litchfield Sav. Society .<§’50 51-249 Meriden.NewHaven Gil City Savings Bank------ •tl’74 51-101 1 Pop. 29,842 ” ---------- ” ---------- ---------- HOME Resources. Depos Paid-up Surplus and Capital Profits its Dis- Loans St c’tb. Bonds, Securities E. M. Anthony-__ J. C. Hawkins____ F. E. Robinson, — — J 121,360 $1618 390 $1701740 $ D. L. Phillips Sec. and Tr. William Bulkeley— E. W. Mildrum___ Francis Deming, — 137,400 2,984,500 3.045,100 J. J. Fitzsimons, Tr. A. Tr. Robert Scoville ___ H. F. Landon_____ W. W. Norton, Tr. H.B.Oallender, Sec. $ 30,000 15,500 184,600 172,000 William Kane------ C. H. Bissell______ W. W. Norton, H. F. Landon Sec. and Tr. G. M. Woodruff.— Charles H. Coit___ Philip P. Hubbard- — 45,000 1,030.000 1.050,000 100.000 31,140 51-97 .. 76,800 Conn. Tr. & Safe Dep. Co.. Hart. 56,100 Chase N.. N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.: N. Y. State N„ Alb. 25,000 Chase N., N. Y. 271,420 2,018,030 2,245,590 92,460 Han. N. and Imp. & Tra. N.. N.Y.; IstN., Bos. and New Haven. 43,870 1st N.. Litchfield: Colonial Tr. Co., Waterbury. 110,000 4.773,530 4,883,020 40,890 1st N., Meriden. — 200.000 320,610 1,508,600 1,447,680 247,720 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.: 4th St. N., Phil.: Merch. N., Bos. E. J. DOOLITTLE- ARTHUR S. LANE- C. S. PERKINS........ GEO. J. SOKEL — 400,000 233,990 1,577,190 1,708,220 - 502,960 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi, and Bos. Herman Hess_____ Harris S. Bartlett- Harris S. Bartlett- J. E. Raven______ 200,000 128,000 140,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Phil.: 2d N., Bos. Floyd Curtis 486,240 524,920 557,000 982,000 «f33 Map opposite page 138 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number 47,710 1st N„ Bos.: Thames N., Norwich. G. M. Woodruff— J. P. Woodruff___ C. H. Coit. — — Sec. and Tr. C. L. Rockwell----- Geo. H. Wilcox— H. L. Wheatley, --- ...... --------- ——— C. L. Upham, V.P. Floyd Curtis Sec. and Tr. C. F. Linsley, V.P. J. H. White J. G. Nagel. A. Tr. — Meriden Savings Bank .•tt'51 Eugene A. Hall.__ E. J. Doolittle____ W. H. Catlin, Sec. and Tr. 51-98 H. Wales Lines 50.000 Meriden Tr. & Safe Dep. Co. C. L. Rockwell____ C. F. Linsley_____ H. H. Smith. Tr. „ Wm. B. Church, 51-102 <§'89 Sec. 54,300 A.M. Williams, Tr. PURITAN TRUST CO._«tS 12 C. E. Schunack----51-103 ** Principal Correspondents. Cabii St Ex changes,Dub from Banks. <'55 MERIDEN NATIOHAL BANK Connecticut Ass't Cashier. 359,360 9,335,940 9,628,250 82,000 32,000 23,520 923,690 880,920 112,900 Han. N., N, Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 2,110 143,090 Irving N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Shaw mut, Bos. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given /^r\KTKTT3'/~»nr'Tr'TT’T‘ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point ITn- ______ July, 1J20 ” Cashier. 51-100 51-99 ---------- Vice-President. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-< 64 C. L. Rockwell “ NATIONAL BANK “ PBESIDXNT. CONNEC TICUT BANKS—Ha rtfo rd to Meride n George H. Burr & Co., N. Y., Chi., Bos., and San F. Parkinson & Burr, N. Y.; Parkinson & Burr, Bos. A. B. Leach & Co.,Inc., N.Y., Chi. and principal cities. (See Adv. Page 5). Lee. Higginson & Co., N. Y., Chi., and Bos. N. City Co., N. Y. and correspondent offices. (See Adv. Page 3) E. Naumburg & Co., N. Y„ Chi., Bos.,Phil.,Pitt.,San F.,and Seattle. Rhoades & Co., N. Y. Mot. E. A. Matthews —. lK-"lTIW-T“ (Bonds)__________ Principal Correspondents. Number under Name of Bankisthe New Transit Number given to eaob bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American ^Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. k/Ui'ii'illiv A T'T' A Name ok Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState ‘County Seats. Figure under town is tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisj volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.’ VsOHI.lllU.CU (Savings Banks do not handle collections) Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. i Resources. 4 Dis- Cash & Ex Paid-up SURPLUS Depos cL’oans ts. Bonds, changes,Dub AND Capital its Securities from Banks. Profits Principal Correspondents. July, 1920 | cJq ^Middletown.. Middlesex Central National Bank.. t’51 R. O. Markham___ Frank A. Coles.... H. H. Warner____ E. F. Slavin______ $ 150.000 $ 100,600 $2,225,840 $2,328,320 $ 287,620 Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.: N. Y. State N., T. M. Russell 51-165 1 Pop. 20,000 G12 Alb.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. „ •» .. City Savings Bank............ I’OS William E. Stroud. P. J. Stueck______ Walter C. Jones, 51-169 Sec. and Tr. •• FIRST NATIONAL BANK <64 Earle O. Butler___ C. H. Leach_______ Edward G. Camp _ 51-167 _______ MIDDLETOWN •• F. A. BEACH----------- W. W. WILCOX.... GEORGE A. CRAIG. B J. HALE________ A.W. HOLMES L. B. MARKHAM NATIONAL BANK 51-162 »tl801 •• A. R. Tuttle. A. Tr. Middletown Trust Co....510 R. C. Markham.— F. A. Coles.............. H. H. Warner, Sec. and Tr. 51-170 200,000 369.300 50.000 Mllford-.New Haven K8 Milford Savings Bank __«S'72 George M. Gunn .. G. H. Furman____ H. C. Peck, Sec. and Tr. 51-277 1 Pop. 10,000 » .. 51-203 A. B. Clark---------- E. L. Cornwall____ W. G. Bissell, Sec. and Tr. 25,000 Moodus.. Middlesex H16 Moodus Savings Bank .»tl’70 Albert E. Purple .. A. W. Chaffee____ E. W. Chaffee, Sec. and Tr. 1 Pop. 1200 51-278 Moosup...Windham B 22 E. E. Salisbury's Banking House—.51-279........ •tlOOO 1 Pop. 2000 E. A. Salisbury___ E. E. Salisbury, Jr. Mystic.-New London 122 Groton Savings Bank...t5'54 H. B. Noyes........ .. 51-232 1 Pop. 4800 I. O. Noyes Mystic River Nat. Bank <51 E, D. Evans.. 51-231 ___ H. B. Noyes______ Naugatuck.N. Haven H 8 Naugatuck Nat. Bank__ <83 F. W. Toiles______ A. H. Dayton.......... G. M. Rumney____ B. N. Wilmot_____ 51-159 1 Pop. 15,051 H. B. Tuttle “ -.........- Naugatuck Sav. Bank .*15*70 L. 8. Beardsley.... E. E. Hotchkiss... H. A. Dalby, Tr.... A. H. Dayton, Sec. 51-158 W. T. Rodenbach “ Connecticut Map opposite New Haven 194,360 288,800 5,260,000 5,765,000 Middletown Sav. Bank.«t5’25 F. B. Weeks______ H. C. Whittlesey - Arthur L. Allin.Tr. O. H. Coles. Sec... E. C. Butler 51-163 • •• 201,270 90,490 618,340 758,550 19,720 Cent. N., Middletown. 166,230 N. Park, N. Y. * 249,180 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos., Phil.,' and Hart. 267,800 2,481,500 3,115.000 428,250 Irving N., N. V.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Com’l, Alb. 1,026,780 10834450 11500 000 361.230 N. Park., Imp. & Tra. N., and Liberty N.. N. Y.ilstN., Bos. 28,000 103,000 12,000 Cent. N., Middletown. 96,720 834,210 908,060 22,860 N.Park., N. Y.; N. Tradesmens, New Haven. 39,600 967,000 993,000 98,000 Irving N., N. Y.: lst-Bridgeport N„ Bridge port, 65,900 778,500 809,440 29,980 1st N., Bos.; N. Bk. of New Eng., E. Haddam. 1st N., Plainfield. 173,250 1.783,680 1,882,200 74,720 Mystic River N., Mystic. 100,000 199,520 582,690 174,000 Chase N. and Cent. Union Tr. Co., N. Y.: Merch. N.. Bos.: Phil. N.. Phil. 100,000 260,000 1,650,000 1,625,000 450,000 1st N. and N. City, N. Y ; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Phil. N., Phil. 328,000 235,000 4,460*000 4,605,000 CONNEC TICUT BANKS—Midd letow n to Nau gatu ck Farmers & Meeh. Sav. Bank James K. Guy____ Joseph Merriam__ C. H. Leach, Tr.... August Schaub, Sec. 51-166 •ti'58 «• ... 12,820 90,000 For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) 1 co HARTFORD—Continued Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to eack bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under tbe authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. CONNECTICUT—Continued Town and County. Name of President. Vice-President. NewBritain Hartford F12 Burritt Savings Bank—.•§’89 J. E. Cooper_____ W. L. Damon. 1 Pop. 59,316 51-92 Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. W. E. Attwood, Tr. F. G. Vibberts, Sec. — $ Walter Meyer, A. Tr. John C. Loomis, Tr. Morey Borlen, Sec. $ 200,000 and A. Tr. New Britain Nat’l Bank.<’60 A. J. Sloper______ E. N. Stanley_____ F. S. Chamberlain. A. S. Parsons.......... 51-89 W. H. Judd F. S. Chamberlain C. L. Sheldon 310,000 New Hartford.Litchfield 1 Pop. 2144 C8 ________ E. H. Davison____ C. F. Smith______ E. N. Stanley, Tr.. C. B. Oldershaw. Sec. and A. Tr. Noah Lucas, A. Tr. 100,000 G. F. Lockwood— T. C. Rockwell___ Gardner Heath.__ 51-9 George W.Bancroft F. M. Chapin____ F. B. Jones | tSoMAsWoKER; fc'.'F. BURGESS' Ch.ofBd. E.P. ROOT I Collections a sp eclalty. <’63 i Remitted for on day of payment. ♦Mechanics Bank____ <§’24 F. B. Frisbie.. 51-2 ’MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK 51-5 748,860 N. Park, N. Y.: Girard N., Phil. 11.680 688,450 665,830 564,550 11 958 780 12 488120 32,230 Com’l Tr. Co., New Britain. 292,800 N. Y. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 364,960 426,440 — 56,360 759,510 755,560 Sec. and Tr. O. E. Jones, Tr.... — — 10,390 242,120 242,720 9,790 Bkrs. Tr. Co. and N. City, N. Y,; Hurlbut N., Winsted; 1st N.. Bos. 75,000 35.900 1,464,250 1,468,280 114,880 Irving N., N.Y.: Merch. N., New Haven; Hart.Conn. Tr. Co., Hart. 150,000 77,520 2,676,890 2,590,850 342,530 Irving N„ N. Y.; Hart. Tr. Co., Hart. Frank B. Nichols, H. W. O’Brien, A.Tr. Sec. and Tr. Wm.Treloar, A.Tr. Wm. M. Parsons, Sec. and Tr. S. F. Strong, Tr.... William R. White, — 2,319,300 21429 900 23 333 600 A. E. Hunt, A. Tr. See. 142,900 Atlantic N., N.Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co,, Alb. 60,310 Atlantic N., N. Y. 415,600 Bk. of America. N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. N., Han. N., N. City, Guaranty Tr. Co., F. L. TROWBRIDGE-- R. S. BRADLEY -— 1.000.000 1,143,710 9,717,830 11419 570 1,655,820 1stand N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. Chi.; D. L. CHAMBERLAIN, G.S. STIRLING Merch. N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.; Phil. V.-P. WA^RE^M. CRAWFORD N., Phil. F. A. BUNNELL Harry C. Usher___ R. E. Herman......... G. H. Brethauer W. E. Frisbie H. B. Mathewson H. V. WHIPPLE— H. C. WARREN - J. F. STANNARD — R. S. SHEPARD — L. H. ENGLISH R. L. HOLBROOK, D.C.TEXIDO Send us your collections. A. Cash. A. F. VAN TASSEL Quick returns. Reasonable rates. Prompt attention. Send us your BILL OF LADING drafts direct. 300,000 710,000 8,387,290 7,958,240 1,276,480 Irving N., N. Y.: 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.; Liberty, Buffalo; Market St. N., Phil. 500,000 598,700 6,796,300 6,802,570 1,339,520 N. City, Seab. N., and Liberty BI., N. Y. SEE ADVERT ISEMEN T ON 0 PPOSITE PAGE. 156,620 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N. and New Haven Bk. N. B. A., New Haven; 1st N„ Bos. ♦NAT. TRADESMENS BANK G. M. Gunn_______ Geo. T. Bradley. 628,000 2,500,000 3,257,370 597,020 N. Park and N. City, N. Y.: 4th St. N., Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos, 51-1 <’55 F. C. Burroughs... Jno. E. Coburn— M. M. Pratt E. G. Stoddard___ W. G. Redfield .... W.G. Redfield........ C. E. Cornwall___ E. E. Mix J. W. Woodworth, C. H. Raymond A. Cath Abel Holbrook <1792 500,000 1,200,000 1,701,450 6,791,680 9,125,130 2,154,310 Irving N. and Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Corn Ex. N. and Girard N„ Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos. July, 1920 365,880 4,823,290 5,032,550 CONNECTICUT Map opposite 177,160 Chase N.and Guaranty Tr. Co.,N. Y.: Merch. N.. Bos.; City Bk. & Tr. Co., Hart.; 1st N., Phil. 811,450 Chem. N., N. City, and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 1st N„ Chi. and Bos.; Phil. N., Phil. J. P. Kimberly, National Savings Bank<§’66 J. B. Carrington__ J. T. Manson_____ F. G. Hotchkiss, — F. C. Earle Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. 51-13 51-8 (New Haven banks con tinued on next -page) <’51 35,290 N. Park, N. Y.; New Britain Tr. Oo., New Britain. 55,440 0. W. Hodges____ J. H. Behre______ G. F. Lockwood, *New Haven.New Haven American Bank & Trust Co. Myron R. Durham. Jno. H. Shaw____ 51-17 <§'14 1 Pop. 162,390 J 9 G. C. Foote G. Emanuelson Broadway Bk.&’Tr.Co.<§’13 John B. Kennedy— R. C. Lightbourn. 51-16 Chas. G. Morris II. P. Sage Connecticut Sav. Bank<§’57 Burton Mansfield— H. F. English____ 51-12 FIRST NAT. BANK 491,560 4,165,220 4,155,320 F. W. MACOMBER, Peoples Savings Bank..»§’07 A. S. Andrulewicz. B. F. Gaffney_____ Leo Bojnowski, Tr. W.Samorajczyk, — 51-93 Sec. J. C. Loomis Paul Nurczyk, Adam Grecki A. Tr. New Canaan.... Fairfield 2 Pop. 4000 L3 83,860 $2 927 280 $3 004 290 1 77,990 2,542,700 1,333,680 Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Dub from Banks. See. •t|’87 Savings Bank of NewBritain 51-90 <§’62 First National Bank___ <’65 51-240 New Canaan Sav. Bank —§’59 51-239 New Hartford Sav. Bk.»|1900 51-280 Resources. Loans & Disc’tb. Bonds, Securities 400,000 374,530 3,745,870 3,863,680 A. Tr. C. J. LAW, A. Tr. We are eqnlpp ed to handle Co nnectlcut busin ess promptly at lowest rates. W. E. ATTWOOD. F. 6. VIBBERTS ... F.G. VIBBERTS, NEW BRITAIN TRUST CO. 51-91 Liabilities. Depos Paid-up Surplus and its Capital Profits ___ CONNEC TICUT BANKS—New Bri tain to New Hav en Commercial Trust Co._<§’15 J. M. Curtin______ E. E. Linke. 51-94 Fred Beloin ♦ Noii-Bauk Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Savings Banks do not handle collections) Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState ‘County Seats. tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. Figure under town is [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. de 160 1 API 1 DU Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to eaoh bank in U. S. exclusively by Tbe Band-MeNally Bankers* Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 11nuea on next page) 1 51—1 <17921 CONNECTICUT Map opposite Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collection^ and tfo^spo^ence ^MIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllHlllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllinilllUJIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllUIIIIIIIIIimilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM ■r ss merchants National Bank New Haven, Connecticut ! A COMMERCIAL 1 BANK ESTABLISHED 1851 OFFICERS H. C. WARREN, Vice-President R. S. SHEPARD, Ass’t Cashier H. L. D. R. V. H. C. L. WHIPPLE, President ENGLISH, Vice-President TEXIDO, Ass’t Cashier HOLBROOK, Ass’t Cashier J. F. STANNARD, Cashier A. F. VAN TASSEL, Ass’t Cashier Capital Resources Surplus and Profits $500,000 $8,000,000 $600,000 Years of experience make us the safest and best place to send your collections We invite your cash items, B/L Drafts on New Haven and vicinity PROMPT PRESENTATION We make a specialty of collections of all kinds and guarantee prompt service and satisfaction Quick and effective collection service IMMEDIATE RETURNS LOWEST RATES Connecticut, INDEX TO COUNTIES. Fairfield...K 5 Hartford ...D 12 Litchfield ..D 6 Middlesex. H 14 ew Haven .1 10 NewLondonG 19 Tolland....... C 17 Windham...C 21 The Second National Bank NEW HAVEN, CONN. CAPITAL SURPLUS and PROFITS OVER $750,000 $950,000 MODERN BANK under conservative management. DIRECTORS A Samuel Hemingway Alfred E. Hammer James S. Hemingway Winston J. Trowbridge Frederick F. Brewster Richard G. Davis James A. Hamilton Leonard M. Daggett Eugene G. Allyn David S. Walton, Jr. Thomas B. Osborne Archer J. Smith John L. Gilson Herbert Barnes Henry A. L. Hall The Savings and Trust Departments recently added enable us to offer as complete and broad a service as any bank in the country. 11 is a pleasure to us to serve our out of town friends. FOUNDED 1855 Special Equipment for Collections Number Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Prompt Returns Lowest Rates Try Us | F'OM1\.TT5'F''T'TC'T TT*___ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. I Name of (Savings Banks do not handle collections) Liabilities. Surplus DeposPaid-up J Capital ProfiT8 its Bank. ‘County Seats. »Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CONNECTICUT—Continued Vice-President. CASHIER. Ass’t Cashier. Resources. Principal Correspondents. Loams A Jhs-' Cash A J5xc’ts. • Bombs, chamois, Du> BaovHnns non Banes Ju ly , 1920 161 S $ ‘New Haven-New Haven iNew Haven Sav. Bank<8'38 L. H. English_____ E. G. Stoddard____ J. S. Hemingway, W. J. Trowbridge, ------------ 1,598,880 23343 640 24363 790 $ 578,730 N. Park and 1st N„ N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos. (Continued) J9 51-11 | G. T. Bradley. V.P. Walter B. Law Tr. A. Tr. Samuel Hemingway “----------- ” *PEOPLES BANK&TR.CO. J. E. Hubiager. 196,000 Chase N. and Bkrs, Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N„ Bos.; 187,840 4,950,270 5,488,510 N. S. Lippitt______ N. S. Lippitt, Tr... T. W. Ryley, Sec.. $ 300,000 51-14 <8'05 Phil. N.. Phil. F. B. Holt, A. Tr. C. M. Wellman, A. Sec. ■ 1 'SECOND SAMUEL HEMINGWAY. J. S. HEMINGWAY._ _ EUGENE G. ALLYN_ _ _ L.L.HEMINGWAY........ EUGENE G. ALLYN 0. H. HEMINGWAY 51-7 <’55 750,000 Send us your business for Connecticut. We have the facilities to handle it to your satisfaction. TEST ♦Union & New Haven Tr. Co. W. P. Curtiss_____ ♦ 51-10 <8’41 Eli Whitney, Ch. of Bd. Adler, Salzman & Adler *t’20 (J. Adler, II. Salzm 51-19 H. M. Bvllesb.v & Co......... '20 (Public Utility Inve (2d N. Bk. Bldg.) THEM. 970.000 4,750,000 6,000,000 1.449,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., ------------ i— Chi.; Phil. N., Phil.; 1st N., Bos. ADVERT ISEMEN T ON 0 PROSIT E PAGE. SEE 650,000 Thomas Hooker___ D. B. Lyman, Tr... Osborne A. Day, Henry L. Hotchkiss F. E. Tester, Sec. A. Tr. Henry L. Galpin an and I. M. Adler) 775,370 4,081,550 4,725,020 31,000 Irving N.’and Knauth, Nachod &Kuhne,!N.Y.; Meeh., New Haven. H. M. Byllesby & Co., N. V, and Chi. 27,0001(Investment Se curities) W. T. Fields, Tr... T. Irving Boynton, T. D. Brown, A.Tr. Sec. W.B. Goodrich, Tr. G. A. Perrin, \ (Investment Se curities) Sec. and A. Tr. Lomas & Nettleton Co..» ’94 Edw. L. Nettleton. John E. Lomas___ R. E. Lomas, Tr... K.E. Nettleton,Sec. 150,000 (Investment Brolt ers) (175 Orange St.) iPaul Russo____________ +’82 51-18 H.C. WARREN & CO.—tt’68 (Investtnent Secur ities) N. L. Carpenter & Co,, N. Y.: Peo. Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st N„ New Haven. 1st N., New Haven. 130,000 NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE 51-135 Special attention given Bill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. 51-131 <81792 300,000 425,000 1,600,000 1,800,000 575.000 Chem. N., N. Y.; 2d N., Bos.; 4th St. N., ■ Phil. 150,000 510,000 482,000 1,200,000i 89,450In. Park. N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Com’] I Bk, & Tr. Co., Alb. 440,740 Han. N„ N. Y.: 1st N„ Bos. Prompt service. We get results. S. H. Miner............ H. G. Pond_______ ..................................... I H. L. Crandall........ J. R. Latham_____ Ira S. Avery______ j 150,000 W. H. Rowe Alfred Coit_______ C. E. White, Tr. .. Alfred Coit, Sec.— —------Horace C. Learned G. Whittlesey. Belton A, Copp A. Tr. WM. B. COIT —C. H. KLINCK-------- CARLOS BARRY— EDWARD BULL, JR. Collections a S pecialty. asonable charges. J0S' MANNERS Prompt and effl clent service. Be SEND US YOU B NEW LONDO N ITEMS. ‘New Milford—Litchfield First National Bank—.*’52 J. E. Bates-----------1 Pop. 5000 G4 51-223 •• _______ “ New Milford Sav. Bk—«8’58 Turney Soule____ 51-224 Newtown....Fairfield I 5 Newtown Savings Bk. <8’55 David O. Peck____ 2 Pop. 3012 51-281 CONNECTICUT Map opposite 311,100 Bk. of N. Y. N, B. A„ N. Y.: 1st N„ Bos. Please send 15c with each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. <’53 “""’"“"MsTCMP.I.Y F. B, Keech & Co., N. Y.: Am. Tr. Co,, Bos. 269,020 5,993,810 5,966 0601 P. LeRoyHarwood. H. H. Smith. A.Tr. . Tr. B. A. ARMSTRONG - W.H. REEVES------ G. B. PREST-------- M. M. BAKER — GEORGE B. PREST [National Whaling Bank.t'33 B. A. Oopp_______ 51-134 New London City N. Bank William Belcher__ 51-132 <1807 Sav.Bk.of New London<§’27 Wm. Belcher_____ 51-133 " N. Park, N. Y.; Hart.-Aetna N„ Hart,: New Haven Bk. N. B, A.. New Haven, Banca Commerciale Italiana. Naples. Italy. G. S. Stirling......... New Haven Clearing House S. Hemingway____ (Members indicated bv a*) ‘New London.N. London Mariners Savings Bank<8'67 J. P. Johnston___ 51-136 Pop. 25,688 1 19 1 ......... Merch. N„ Bos. 176,000 60,000 slments)_________ W. T. FIELDS CO., THE—07 W. T, Fields--......... (152 Temple St.) !Goodrich & Co., Inc---------’10 W. B. Goodrich___ " 785,650 N. Park and 1st N„ N. Y.: C. W. Hodge_____ R. E. Murphy____ W. B. Bull_______ 300,000 200,000 90,810 1,300,190 1,202,690 1,531,790 14 462 370 15 618 340 375,830 Am. Ex. N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Bos. 250,270’ 1,735,730 2,022,630 267,870 N. City, Am. Ex. N., and Meeh. & Metals N„ ! N. Y.: 1st N„ Bos.; Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 910,000 170,900 i Irving N.,N. Y.; IstN., Bos.; N. Y. State N„ Alb. 114,000 1st N.. N. Y. 61,000 850,000 C. M. Beach............ E. J. Emmons, Tr. 191,800 3,160,000 3 237,800 Cornelius B. Taylor i A, T. Nettleton, John B. Wheeler Sec. and Tr. T. E. Platt 143,630 1,482,460 1,594,340 C O N N EC TIC U T BANKS — N ew H av en to N ew to w n NATIONAL BANK 43,080 Cent. Union Tr, Co., N. Y.; lst-Bridgeport N., Bridgeport. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) ^■■■iTiTMMigiwiBiii umrii iw.. Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tbe Kand>McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. Town and Countt. Name of CONNECTICUT—Continued Liabilities. Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState ▲County Seats. Figure under town is tMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. (Savings Banks do not handle collections) President. VICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER. Ass't Casmier. Paid-up Subplus and Capital Pkofits Norfolk.—Litchfield B6 Norfolk Savings Bank.«tl'6O Horace A. Stanard. Wm. O'Connor___ M. N. Clark. 51-282 Sec. and, Tr. 1 Pop. 1541 $ Norwalk...Fairfield L 4 Central Trust Co.—»t§’78 J. T. Prowitt_____ S. J. Keeler______ G. S. Raymond, 51-208 Sec. and Tr. 2 Pop. 27,557 $ 100,000 Fairfield County Nat’l Bank E. O. Keeler______ C. F. Tristram ___ S. L. Weed_______ 51-204 »’24 200,000 57,010 $ 436,020 $ 469,720 $ 19,210 652,310 Principal Correspondents. 702,860 23,910 Bk. of tbe Manhattan Co Winsted and Bos. N V - 1st N 195,820 263,050 128,000 1,910,000 1,998,000 71,000 240,000 Norwalk Sav. Society •tl’49 H. F. Coleburn—— Lester Hyatt--------- F. A. Ells. Tr, 51-205 103,830 793,440 1,192,830 397,430 4,747,000 5,093,420 169,090 Atlantic N„ N. ¥.: 1st N„ Alb. 51,020 N. Park, N. Y. Frank Hempstead, James Dana Coit, A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. 702,440 10 011590 10 625 330 148,090 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Thames N. and Uncas N., Norwich. F. L. Woodard,Tr. J. H. Perkins. Sec. and A. Tr. 141,090 3,752,090 3,679,930 163,290 Imp. & Tra. N.. N.Y.: Thames N., Norwich.; N. Shawmut, Bos. Chas. H. Phelps__ A. E. Story---------- 100,000 N. A. Gibbs— L. P. Church, A. Cash. Uncas National Bank...»f52 W. H. Allen............. C. H. Frisbie_____ H. L. Frisbie. 554.560 517,120 1,308,990 19107 940 19956 550 Norwich Sav. Society..*tl'24 A. H. Brewer-------- Lucius Brown___ Costello Lippitt, C. R. Butts, Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. 51-115 C. D. Noyes Thames National Bank .•t'JS Arthur H. Brewer. Oliver L. Johnson 51-116 50,730 William T. Crandall 1,000,000 W. M. Buckingham H. L. Bennett 100.000 C. D. Greenman—. 630,390 3,386,180 4,537,700 123,760 Imp. & Tra. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 460,390 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y. 700,720 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.:lst N., Bos. 40,000 671,800 711,290 50,000 25,290 571,440 480,560 50,000 28,000 700,000 650,000 100,000 Han. N., N.Y.; Com Ex. N., Phil.; 1st N., Bos. 100,000 78,920 267.390 346.580 108.250 Meeh. & Metals N„ N. Y.: 1st N., Phil. 45.000 850,990 873.430 147,180 N. Park, N. Y.: Merch. N., Bos. 51-UI Plainfield—Windham E 22 First National Bank______ T2 Everett A. Qreene. Walter Kingsley.. S. T. Butterwirth 51-296 1 Pop. 6719 B. F. Dawson__ Plainville— Hartford F11 Plainville Trust Co___ •t8'09 J. H. Trumbull.__ A. H. Condell_____ A. A MacLeod, Sec. and ' 51-213 1 Pop. 4000 Portland—Middlesex G18 First National Bank___ «t'65 51-244 1 Pop. 8426 Freestone Savings Bk..«tl'65 51-243 ‘Putnam..Windham B 22 First National Bank__ «t'64 51-212 1 Pop. 6637 Putnam Savings Bank.. .•|’62 51-211 Ridgefield—.Fairfield J 2 First National Bank & Tr.Co. 51-246 •31900 2 Pop. 3118 Ridgefield Savings Bank |’71 51-245 Rockville..—Tolland C15 First National Bank—*$'64 51-194 1 Pop. 8000 R. H. Pascall_____ G. F. Cramer..i... A. N. Shepard------ S. S. Hall-................ J. II. Sage, 150,000 Charles H. Brown Lebbeus E. Smith- Ernest B. Kent.__ Daniel J. Byrne, Sec. and Tr. Geo. G. Shelton... C. P. Dixon______ A. V. Davis.............. A. G. Seymour-----Michael Connery Samuel Keeler____ E. A. Hoyt_______ Geo. E. Benedict, Sec. and Tr. R. W. Osborn J. G. Talcott.......... J. E. Fisk................ E. S. Henry. Tr.__ S. A. Milliard, Sec.. Rockville National Bk..«f 64 F. T. Maxwell------ Chas. Phelps____ 51-193 Savings Bk. of Rockville 158 Wm. Maxwell_____ P. B. Leonard.... 51-192 F. H. Holt................ A. T. Bissell. Sec and Tr___________ E. G. Butler, A. Tr. 50,000 200,000 145,000 1,300,000 1,565,000 105,210 2,095,390 2.143,210 280,800 350,500 35,500 93,860 1,205,430 1,329.080 25,300 AtlanticN..N.Y.: N.Bk.of Norwalk,Norwalk. 654,990 208,250 N. Park, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; 1st N„ Bos. 92,900 532,510 178,980 1,855,840 1,988,570 200,000 25,510 303,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N., Bos.; 4th St. N., Phil. 57,390 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.: Merch. N., Bos.: 1st N., Putnam. 75,200 Atlantic N., N. Y.: 1st N., Phil. 126,000 694,000 772,000 270,000 6.290,570 6,471,130 40,500 251,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 89,440 Hart.-Conn. Tr. Co.. Hart. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence July, 1920 People's Savings Bank__ |’7B J. E. Fisk________ F. A. Randall-----51-195 CONNECTICUT Map opposite New Haven J. H. Sage-......... F. T. Wheeler, A. Tr. 59,690 Chase N., N.Y.: Old Colony Tr. Co.,Bos. CONNEC TICUT BANKS —Norfolk to Rockville 827,400 1,089,140 87.870 Norwalk. National Bk. of Norwalk »t'57 J. P. Treadwell___ G. L. Woodward... H. P. Price_______ C. W. Gager-------51-206 Dime Savings Bank___ •tl'69 F. J. Leavens------- Gardiner Greene. 51-121 R. S. Bartlett N. D. Sevin Merchants National Bk. •t'SS Costello Lippitt___ F. L. Woodard —. 51-117 its Loans & Die- Cash A Ex c’ts. Bomds, changes ,Dus Sbcumtixs fbom Banks Shawmut, Bos, Fairfield County Savings Bk. Asa B. Woodward. James G. Gregory. Seymour Curtis. 51-207 «JI'74 Sec. and Tr, ▲Norwich__ New London Chelsea Savings Bank..<{'58 Chas. E. Chandler. Henry G. Peck__ 51-119 O. L. Johnson 1 Pop. 22,304 Q 19 Resources. Depos 162 1 AO AV 4 . .. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence CONNECTICUT Map opposite New Haven —--- .......... iber nv to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNaUy Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town AND COUNTT. Name of (Savings Banks do not handle collections) Resources. Liabilities. Pbksidknt. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashikk. Carrier. - Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) ln back of this'1 volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CONNECTICUT—Continued Bank. AOoooty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. {State Figure under town is tMem. State Bks.Assn.rPriv. Federal Reserve District, ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. '................................................................ Paid-up Surplus DeposaNIi Capital ITS Profits Loans a Disc’ts. Bonds, Securities Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Due from Banks Seymour. New Haven I 7 Seymour Trust Oo------<{’05 G. E. Matthies____ W. L. Ward______ C. S. Boies, C. C. Cornforth, S 100,000 $ 1 Pop. 6500 A. Tr. 51-284 Sec. and Tr. 83,650 $2112 580 $1940 090 $ 420,330 Han. N. and Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; N. 8hawmut, Bos. 8helton-------- Fairfield J 7 Shelton Bank & Trust Co. W. W. Radcliffe__ S. T. Palmer______ E. W. Kneen, C. S. Burdge, A. Tr. 2 Pop. 9000 M. A. Durrschmidt 51-291 •tS’ll Sec. and Tr. 100,000 52 640 2,200,390 2,244,490 Simsbury.. Hartford C 11 Simsbury Bank & Trust Co. W. W. Chandler... S. T. Welden_____ Geo. E. Pattison, H. E. Ellsworth, 1 Pop. 2537 Sec. 51-308 <§’17 Tr. Wm. P. Lamb, A. Tr. Southington—Hartford Southington Bk. & Trust Co. C. H. Clark.............. E. G. Lewis— O. B. Kilbourn, Chas. E. Smith, A. Tr. 1 Pop. 8500 F11 Wm. Hutton 51-216 <{’16 Sec. and Tr. 25,000 L. B. Neal. Tr.. A. M. Newcomer, Sec. and Tr. 50,000 Manchester Trust Co..<|’04 R. La Motte Russell J. T. Robertson__ H. C. Alvord, ♦ 51-220 W. C. Cheney Sec. and Tr. 200,000 8. Manchester ..Hartford Home Bank & Trust Co. .§’20 H. A. Allen.............. 1 Pop. 15,000 D 14 51-221 Savings Bk. of Manchester Frank Cheney. Jr.. W. J. McGurk____ R. LaM. Russell, 51-219 <105 Tr. South Norwalk. Fairfield City National Bank___ <’82 51-188 2 Pop. 26,000 M4 Henry S.Lockwood John H. Knapp.... C. O. Fitch.............. F. H. Rowan Peo.Tr.Co. of Norwalk <|’14 Charles F. Mills__ M. M. Lee_______ 51-190 South Norwalk Sav. Bk.<|’60 Alden Solmans—— 51-187 South Norwalk Tr. Co. <|’01 Richard H. Golden 51-189 Southport-Fairfield L 6 Southport Savings Bk. .<{'54 John H. Perry .__ 2 Pop. 5000 51-227 100,000 50,000 LeroyMontgomery, Sec. and Tr. John H. Knapp.... G. L. Woodward, Tr. Edwin O. Keeler .. Chas. B. Hoyt, Sec. and Tr. W. H. Burr.... Chas. B. Jennings, S. C. Bradley Sec. and Tr. J. W. Perry C. B. Jennings R. G. Demarest,Tr. 200,000 27,990 149,170 126,790 21,050 Irving N., N. Y.; City Bk. & Tr. Co., Hart. 116,790 1,911,910 1,777,350 451,340 Meeh. & Metals N.,N. Y.; 1st N.. Bos.; Statei Bk. & Tr. Co.. Hart. 119,210 3,192,160 3,167,770 143,600 Manchester Tr. Co., So. Manchester: 1st N., Bos. 176,860 Hanover N.. N. Y.; N. Com’l Bk. & Tr. Co. j Alb. Guaranty Tr. and Met. Tr. Co’s., N. Y.: Corn' 73,970 Ex. N.. Phil. 120,030 1,144.060 1,295,810 14,310 599,720 594,310 154,000 3,500,000 3,676,000 54,700 Far.Ln.&Tr. Co., N. Y.;CityN.,So.Norwalk. 169,140 3,351,460 3,449,850 303,620 Merch. N. and Irving N., N. Y.: 1st N.,Phil.: 25,000 19,420 179,260 156,040 99,760 708,770 597,120 114,000 1,576,440 1,649,290 379,990 5,879,280 5,860,010 15,780 66,840 Chase N.. N. Y. 307,660 1st N.. N. Y.: 4th Atlantic N., Bos. 41,150 Springfield Safe Dep. & Tr. Co., Springfield;’ Hart.-Aetna N., Hart.; 1st N., Stafford Springs. 278,770 Liberty N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; lst-| Stamford N., Stamford. 287,410 N. Park and Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb.; Corn Ex. N„ Phil. 400.000 433,500 4,215,000 4,144,000 969,400 Meeh. & Metals N. and Atlantic N., N. ¥.: 4th St. N., Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos. — 473,460 7,048,040 7,210,260 219,720 Chase N. and Bk. of the Manhattan Co., N. Y.; lst-Stamford N., Stamford. Walton Ferguson.. W. D. Daskam___ Clinton R. Fisher, 300,000 244,730 5,340,890 5,272,110 619,610 Bk, of the Manhattan Co.t N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Phil. N„ Phil. Charles P. Williams M. A. Pendleton... E. N. Pendleton__ H. A. Pendleton__ 100,000 57,570 147,790 277,870 E. W. Peck_______ S. W. Hubbell____ Walter E. Goddard, B. C. Warner Sec. and Tr. G. 8. Fuller___ ___ Charles L. Spencer . N. Reid_______ C. L. Spencer, Jr., 100,000 38,170 971,030 974,400 100,000 182,650 712,680 696,780 75,810 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Phil. N..Phil.: Merch. N., Bos. 100,670 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; lst-Bridgeport N. and Bridgeport Tr. Co., Bridgeport. 402,270 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Hart.-Aetna N., Hart. 96,620 913,090 992,810 16.890 1st N., Suffleld; Hart.-Aetna N. and Hart. Tr. C. R. Petty, B. N. Fast. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr, C. W. Bell_______ A. D. Mead Wm. W. Skiddy J. H. Bogardus. Sec, and Tr. Tr. S. R. Spencer_____ D. S. Fuller______ W. J. Wilson, W. S. Fuller Sec. and Tr CONNECTICUT Map opposite New Haven 88,320 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Com. Tr. and Safe Dep. Co., Hart. _______ S u f f ie ld _________ 163 Stonington.New London First National Bank_____ ’51 51-286 1 Pop. 9539 J 22 Stratford__ Fairfield L 6 Stratford Trust Co..__ <§'15 51-306 2 Pop. 9000 Suffleld ....Hartford B 13 First National Bank ___ <’64 51-235 X Pop. MSI Suffleld Savings Bank—<|'69 51-236 181.720 2,090,270 2,001,950 120,300 2,240,040 2,172,930 Stamford Savings Bank<{'51 0. H. Lounsbury.. 51-107 <('89 170,990 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Phoenix N„ Hart.; 1st N., Bos. 100.000 Louis J. Curtis___ J. J. Cloonan___ W. E. Houghton FIRST-STAMFORD HAT’L Schuyler Merritt— C. W. Bell_______ Harry Bell BANK—.51-108........ ..<’63 51-110 70,690 1,263,320 1,243,100 50.000 Stamford—Fairfield M 2 Citizens Savings Bank <|'69 C. D. Lockwood... Hezekiah Weed ... W. E. Houghton, 51-109 2 Pop. 35,086 Sec. and Tr. STAMFORD TRUST 60. 533,680 74,480 1,007,710 1,066,410 Southport Trust Oo. ..<(’03 51-228 Stafford Springs .Tolland First National Bank....<’88 Christopher Allen. F. F. Patten............ F. G. Sanford____ H. R. Wightman... 1 Pop. 5000 B16 51-247 C. F. Chandler, Stafford Savings Bank..«{'05 Christopher Allen. C. B. Pinney_____ C. F. Harwood, J. H. Reed A. Tr. 51-248 Sec. and Tr. Fidelity Title & Trust Co. 51-111 <|02 567,490 108,540 N. Park Equitable Tr. Co., Guaranty Tr. Co and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N„ Bos. and New Haven. 65,760 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Hart.-Aetna N. and Secur. Tr. Co.. Hart. CONNECT ICUT BANKS—Seym our to Southington Savings’80 M. H. Holcomb—— J. H. Pratt.______ 51-215 100,000 18,120 uly. 1920_________ 163 ' Co., Hart. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index b Ltvjen) ' Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to oacb bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. aCountt Seats. Figure under town is Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President. (Savings Banks do not handle collections) Vice-President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. Thomaston .Litchfield F 7 ThomastonNational Bk.»i’88 F. I. Roberts_____ S. K. Plume______ M. C. Guernsey. 1 Pop. 3538 51-242 1 N. Brooks_____ C. L. McNeil_____ J.M.Wadhams, Sec. and Tr J. Wylie............ H. A. Pease-----F. M. Baldwin, Tr.. C. F. Cooper, Sec.. F. L. Braman B. Yale................ C. D. Morris.... G. D. Munson W. J. Lum. First National Bank___ »t’82 51-179 A. Wallace_____ C. H. Tibbits... F. M. Cowles.......... Wm. R. Dunn. E. 0. GOSS. NATIONAL BANK 51-76 E. S. HUNT from 51,950 J 207,900 $ 229,440 $ Banks 94.400 IstN., N. Y. 54,000 974.870 1 075,370 37,240 Chase N., N. Y.: Colonial Tr. Co., Waterbury. 70,050 563.820 44,200 Citiz. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 615,440 94,050 1,058,010 1 1 ?3 780 28,280 City Bk. & Tr. Co.. Hart. 100,000 125,650 1,249,330 958,950 605,940 Han. N..N.Y.: 1st N., Chi.; N. Shawmut. Bos,; 4th St. N.. Phil. 200.000 170,110 3,956,870 3,582,340 627,040 Chase N.. N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos.: Phil. N„ Phil. 103,060 Union Tr. Co.. N. Y. 127,820 2,8.0,913 2,734.320 100,000 34,000 820,000 730,000 141,760 1,805.780 1.884,220 H.A. HOADLEY. 150.000 50,000 R. W. HURLBUTE. R. HUDSON A thoroughly organized collection department. We remit on day of payment. Send us your Waterbury items. •t’53 Principal Correspondents. Cash k ExrHANGES,DUB 85.000 Irving N„ N. Y.;4th-Atlantic N., Bos. 63,310 Far. Ln. & Tr. Co., N. Y. Sec. and Tr. Wallingford Trust Co..»t§’16 L. M. Phelps______ J. A. Martin.............. P. N. Prior, Tr. 51-180 ’CITIZENS RESOURCES. Loans & Disc’ts. Bonds, Securities 300.000 89,790 1,002,800 1,007,670 12,500 670,000 502,710 252,500 3,690,000 4,683,500 234,920 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N.. Bos.: 1st N., Phil. 82,330 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 704,900 Irving N.,N. Corn Ex. N., Phil.; 1st N., Bos. W. P. Bryan. H. W. Tripp, A. Tr. 400.000 Sec. and Tr. L.S. Andrew. A.Tr J. B. Ells. A. Sec. R. Preusser, A. Tr. — Dime Savings Bank....<§’70 John P. Elton____ A. O. Shepardson. E. C. Northrop, M. L. Sperry Sec. cwici Tr. 51-77 755,150 6,646,940 6,903,930 1,071,770 Meeh. & Metals N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Bos.: Girard N„ Phil. ♦Manufacturers National Bk. Chas. F. Mitchell- W. E. Fulton____ B. L. Coe 51-78 <’80 L. S. Reed ♦Merchants Trust Co...<810 Henry Weyand----- J. S. Neagle______ M. E. Keeley 51-83 ♦Colonial Trust Co. ..-•tS’99 Harris Whittemore G. M. Woodruff _. J. P. Elton ♦ 51-80 329,630 8,748,370 8,999,760 155,600 Lincoln N. and Meeh. & Metals N. and Guar anty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Waterbury N. and Colo nial Tr., Waterbury. N. Park and N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Bos. 973,980 R. H. Leach______ C. D. Tyack______ 200,000 251,650 5,499,320 4,951,660 E. F. Moran, A. Tr. 100.000 163,420 3,009,750 2,794,590 ♦Waterbury National Bk. «’48 Irving H. Chase... A. J. Blakesley... F. W. Judson........ A. S. Backus............ 51-74 A. B. Dayton, Waterbury Savings Bk.<8’50 G. E. Terry.............. R. F. Griggs........... E. S. Hunt. A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. 51-75 W S. Brakenridge, A. Sec. 500,000 500.000 3,585,460 3,459.690 1,148,550 Meeh. & Metals N., N. T.: 2d N., Bos.; Phil. N.. Phil. 769,980 12 615 720 13 127 680 258,010 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A.. N. Y. T. H. HEWITT------- W.M.BASSFORD.Tr. H. S. SEELEY, Sec.. E.L.TUTTLE, A.Sec H.S.SEELEY 200,000 130,200 3,527,360 8,602,660 — West Side Savings Bk..<§’89 J. R. Smith_______ Benjamin L. Goe .. G. E. Judd. Tr........ R. G. Hannegan, Sec. N. R. Bronson 51-79 H. A. Iloadley, Waterbury Clearing House.. A. J. Blakesley.— Sec. and Tr. (Members indicated by a *) 281,180 3.626,450 3,847,750 ’WATERBURY TRUST COMPANY •§’07 CONNECTICUT Map opposite New Haven C. L. HOLMES 479,780 N. City, N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N., Bos.; 4th St, N. and 1st N., Phil. 205,590 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.,Bos.: N. Y. State N.. Alb. Send us your C ollections direct. Special attenti ion to Collections for Grain, Produce, Lumber and Met al Trades, We remit promptly and guarant ee satisfaction. 60,180 N. City, N. Y.; Waterbury N., Waterbury Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Federal Reserve Bank of St. _. . Louis « ■ x■. • a.— _ r A nail <» w BL o w Iz* GC" Tl a Sec. and Tr. July, 1920 51-82 , J. E. Bulger. CONNE CTICUT BANKS—Thom aston to Wate rbu ry F. Fuessenich.. Chas. G. Agard ... J. H. Seaton............ F. Earle Joyce.— Wallingford-New Haven Dime Savings Bank___ •tS’?! 1 Pop. 9917 H 10 51-178 ‘Waterbury.New Haven 1 Pop. 91,410 G 7 50,000 $ 25,000 L. Lathrop_____ E. S. Agard_______ I. Tilden Jewett, O. A. Leonard Tr. N. Brooks--------- C. L. McNeil . ......... H. E. Munson, Tr.. Ella A. Blakeslee.. A. F. Austin,A.Tr. Torrington National Bank 51-140 <’99 Torrington Savings Bk.»tS’68 51-139 Torrington Trust Co....»§’16 51-142 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus DeposAND Capital Profits ITS $ C. Stoughton__ L. D. Kenea______ H. E. Stoughton, Sec. and Tr. A. Upson______ Tudor Gowdy____ Willis Gowdy, Sec. Thomaston Savings Bk.»5’74 51-241 Thompsonv’le-H’rt’d B14 Thompsonville Tr. Co..<J’71 Pop. 4000 51-288 *Tolland.__ Tolland 0 16 Savings Bank of TollandtS'41 1 Pop. 1126 51-289 Torriigton-Litchfleld D 7 Brooks Bank & Trust Co. 1 Pop. 20,623 51-141 <§’72 Nou-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. CONNECTICUT—Continued 164 t * CONNECTICUT—Continued (Savings Banks do not handle collections) Non-Bank Towns' wtTB Nearest Banking PornT un- dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of tnis volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws* CONNECTICUT Map opposite New Haven Town Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and county. ! Liabilities. Name oe Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ‘County Seats. Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Watertown Litchfield F 7 1 Pop. 6000 Non-Bank Towns witTi Nearest Banking Point a in dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. PH'N'T'M'ti'PTTr'T T'T'___ J CUiN iN 1 Iky U 1 vOlinnUcQ (Savings Banks do not handle collections) President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Merritt Heminway C. W. Jackson____ Wm. H. Whay. Sec. and Tr. 51-297 $ Principal Correspondents. 25,000 i 14.750 J 528,050 $ 500,200 $ 25,000 30,000 1,020,000 56,480 bury; Bridgeport Tr. Co., Bridgeport. 100,000 C. P. Harris, Tr. 800,000 165,000 Irving N„ N. Y.; Meeh,, New Haven. 97,520 1,265,610 1,282,990 76,780 Meeh. & Metals N„ N. Y.; Phil. N„ Phil. 68,530 1,051,120 1,057,270 62,380 Han N and Bk of N Y N. B A , N Y.Windham N., Willimantic. 75,000 52,000 1,295,160 1,259,190 109,600 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Girard N., Phil. H. D, Pollard_____ A. W. Buchanan. J r« J. E. Ransom.......... Edward T. Garvin, R. D. Warner, Sec. and Tr. A. Tr. 100,000 222,890 1,356,910 1,182,910 50,000 42,580 997,370 1,059,090 55,070 Irving N..N. Y.; IstN., Bos.: Phoenix N.and Hart.-Aetna N.. Hart. Windsor Locks.Hartford Windsor Locks Trust & Safe J. M. Morse______ F. Phelps___ V. L. Mather, Tr.. Deposit Oo.____ ____ »§’O8 1 Pop. 3800 B12 51-238 F. D. Hallett ‘Winsted__ Litchfield C 8 L. M. Blake . J. A. Norton.. Charles P. Hallett 51-201 1 Pop. 8248 Wm. F. Peetz •• Hurlbut National Bank.<’54 W. H. Phelps____ L. W. Tiffany.. .. G. L. Smith______ 51-198 .. Mechanics Savings Bk.<§’75 G. W. Utton............ L. M. Blake............ L. B. Hurlbut, 51-200 Sec. and Tr. .. Winsted Savings Bank.<§’60 D. L. Vaill.............. S. Landon Alvord.. J. A. Smith, Tr... H. N. Goodwin, 51-199 C. M. Harvey_____ A. Tr. Woodbury.Litchfield G 6 Woodbury Savings Bankt§’72 W. G. Ward............ F. F. Hitchcock S. C. Tomlinson. 1 Pop. 1800 | 51-290 Tr. 25,000 49,220 785,160 800,530 52,230 N. City, N. Y.; Riverside Tr. Co.. Hart. 100,000 43,840 260,000 281,870 97,930 205,000 246,500 736,000 927,500 214,500 Imp. & Tra. N. and N. City, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 298,300 2,029,980 2,290,040 40,430 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Beacon Tr. Co., Bos.; 1st N., Winsted. 407,590 2,761,000 3,110,260 58,330 Bkrs.Tr.Co., N. Y.; Hurlbut N., Winsted; 1st N., Bos. 32,830 Mnfrs. N., Waterbury; 1st N„ Bos. ‘Willimantic__ Windham Willimantic Sav. Institute Frank Larrabee ... 1 Pop. 12,330 E19 51-174 <§’42 .. Willimantic Trust Co...<§’11 F. D. Jordan_____ 51-175 .. .. WINDHAM; NATIONAL BANK Guilford Smith___ 51-173 •t’32 Windsor...Hartford C12 Windsor Tr. & Safe Deposit G. R. Ford______ Company.51-299____ <§’14 1 Pop. 5000 H. R. Chappell........ N. D. Webster. Sec. and, Tr. W.H. Hall............... H. W. Huber, Tr... K. W. Reynolds, Sec. E. F. Bugbee H. C. Lathrop____ E. E. Bass_______ 417,670 Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Bos. Phil.; Merch. N., Bos. 21,990 519,980 506,420 CONNECTICUT Map opposite New Haven DELAWARE Entire State in No. 3 Federal Reserve District Bridgeville__ Sussex 124 Baltimore Trust Co___ «J§’04 Pop. 1000 Camden----------Kent F 24 Pop. 553 Clayton---------- Kent D 23 Pop. 1000 Dagsboro——Sussex J 27 Pop. 300 DelawareCity.Newcastle Pop. 1132 B 24 Delmar_____Sussex K 24 Pop. 789 62-51 Baltimore Trust Co____ t§’03 62-52 Clayton Bank________ <§’13 62-65 First National Bank_____ ’07 62-53 Delaware City Nat.Bank.«’65 62-54 Bank of Delmar______ <§’97 62-47 First National Bank.__ < 04 62-48 ‘Dover________ Kent E 25 Delaware Tr. Co____ <§’09 Pop. 4042 62-28 Farmers Bank............ *§1807 62-27 First National Bank ....<’65 62-26 DELAWARE Map on Index to Maryland C. H. Rawlins____ (Branch of Selby viUc, Del .)........................... Corn Ex. N.. Phil. E. L. Stubbs______ (Branch of Selby ville, Del Corn Ex. N., Phil. 25,000 $ 18,800 J 202,700 $ 231,130 J D. B. Hazzard------ James Williams___ H. W. Bunting___ 25,000 17.160 223,760 182,020 84,420 Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Secur. Tr. & Safe Dep. Co., ' Wil. 77,440 4th St. N., Phil.; Selbyville N., Selbyville.j C. Earl Baum........... 60,000 59.160 427,780 000,500' 43,850 [Bk. of No. America, Phil. J. W. Freeny_____ I J. Q. W. Perdue___ S. M. Ellis________ W, W. Anderson is. K. Siemens____ A. W. Ellis............... 25,000 40,000 306,000 343,000 23,000 4th N., Phil.; Drov. & Meeh. N., Balt. 30,000 11,600 236,900 247,600, 35,980 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Ex., Balt. Abel Sevil_____ R. Y. Wallen _____ H. C, Jones______ A. Gooding.............. $ R. D. Lingo____ Henry Cleaver.. F. E. Lynch.__ S. N. Culver.... Henry Ridgely . John Hunn____ H. M. Buckson, (Branch, of Wilm ington, Del.) ... W. H. Ellis, A. Mgr. Mgr. Walter Morris____ Geo. E. Dawson__ 500,000 756,140 7,250,200 7,783,900 G. M. Jones______ J. S. Collins. E. P. Horsey.......... 100,000 177,500 744,450 1,105,840 C O N N EC TIC U T AN D D E L A W A R E BANKS —-W ate rt o w n to D ov er W. S. Woodruff ... Lucien Sanderson. Paul M. Smith, Tr. H. G. Griswold.__ West Haven..New Haven Orange Bank & Trust Co. Geo. L. Peck 1 Pop. 12,369 J10 51-295 <§’12 D. B. Bradley_____ W. H. Saxton Westport.. Fairfield L 5 Westport Bank & Tr. Co. 51-233 <§T3 F. M. Salmon 2 Pop. 5000 Resources. & Dis ! Cash & ExPaid-up 1 Subplus • Depos !IcLoans ’ts. Bonds, 1 changes, Dub AND Capital Profits its 1 Securities ! from Banks cashier. ul y, 1920 let IDO Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence ______ Columbia Tr. Co., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Del. Tr. Co., Wil.; N. Union Bk. of Md„ Balt. 722,440 Han. N., N. Y.: Cent. N„ Phil. 116,120 Han. N„ N. Y.: Corn Ex. N„ Phil. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index io Lawyers) ! Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number gives ........................... " ' “ Bankers* ake * to each baak ia U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n, Town and County. Hartly________Kent E 23 Pop. 172 Laurel_____ Sussex J 25 Pop. 2253 Lewes______ Sussex H 28 Pop. 2500 Felton Bank---------------<§’17 62-55 First National Bank----- <’07 62-56 First National Bank....*1900 62-57 Delaware Trust Co.—-<§’18 62-42 Farmers Bank---------- <51807 62-41 Greenwood Trust Co. ..<§’11 62-64 First National Bank—..<’88 62-43 Peoples Bank____ _____ *5 05 62 44 West Dover Trust Co. ..•§’17 62-67 Delaware Trust Co..__ <§’16 62-66 Peoples National Bank .<’03 62-32 SUSSEX TRUST CO........ <1'99 62-31 Delaware Trust Co........ <§’15 62-34 PBXSIDKNT. Vick-Prksidknt. Oashikb. Ass’t Oashikb. Principal 25.000 25,000 20,920 234,790 255,080 25,630 Corn Ex. N., Phil. 25.000 44,670 466,290 486,020 50,130 4th St. N., Phil. 8,200 $ 284,64b J 436,200 S G. Roland Messick, F. L. Joseph, (.Branch of Wilm ington, Del.) . Afpr. A. Mgr. R. G. Paynter____ Joseph L. Cahall — W. W. Rawlins.__ Wm. D. Adams.__ 500,000 856,830 9,398,530 10 111 800 W. 8. Lord________ R. O. Mai________ cobbespondknts. Cash A Bxchangm.Duh »bom Banks. F. L. Hardesty —— John Heyd_______ C. M. Simpler____ L. P. Keller............ $ 28,000 Corn Ex. N., Phil. Columbia Tr. Co., N. Y.; Com Ex. N., Phil.; N. Union Bk. of Md., Balt. 692,010 Han. N., N. Y.: Cent. N., Phil. 16,000 13,820 214,400 233,180 11,040 4th St. N., Phil. J. W. Powell_____ John P.Masten ___ D. B. Tharp______ 50,000 31,220 408,000 358,970 65,000 4th St. N., Phil. O. C. Sapp________ Jas. Townsend .__ F. L. Masten_____ W. F. Turner_____ 20,000 32,660 412,690 432,620 Henry Williams__ E. C. Daly________ Harry D. Jones.__ 20,000 3,100 69,540 94,290 30,980 Drov. & Meeh. N., Balt.: Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Wil. Tr. Co.. Wil. 6,380 Cent. N., Phil.; Secur. Tr. and Safe Dep. Co.. Wil.; Far., Dover. Columbia Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Union Bk. of Md., Balt.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 58,300 1st N. and Girard N.. Phil.; Citiz. N„ Balt. J. W. Todd . ............. W. H. Cook. Mgr.. Milton Cannon, (Bra n c h of Wil mington , Del.) — A. Mgr. Daniel Short _____ H. O. Lewis______ E. E. Wootten____ A. E. Culver______ 50,000 520,710 70,500 696,600 G. S. Windsor W. P. Orr, Jr_____ W. T. Records___ P. E. Wootten____ R. E. Quillin_____ 65,000 623,380 31,990 629,250 Chas. F. Lacey Jos. L. Cahall, Sec. Robert Arnell, Tr, (Branch of Wilmi ngton, D el.) (See La urel) .... C. F. Lacey_______ T. R. Ingram.......... W. T. Records A. W. Porter, Mgr. W.G. Lockwood, (Branc h of Wil mington , Del.) A, Mgr. L.L. Maloney_____ W. K. Betts______ F. R. Pool________ 80,000 378,670 41,490 602,020 J. B. Smith_______ 121,600 S. J. Abbott______ G. T. Reed_______ W. G. Sammons ... 50,000 W. L. Parker, Mgr. W. H. Ellis, Asst. Mgr. Millsboro Trust & Safe H. A. Houston____ W. J. P. White.... J. O. Ellis________ H. P. Quattlander. John Lingo, Sec. Theo. Burton Deposit Co._______ <§’08 62-58 T. H. Douglas, Mgr, Milton Cannon, Milton______ Sussex H 26 Delaware Trust Co............’20 A. Mgr. 62-70 Pop. 1038 306,180 1.410,850 1,871,400 89,870 699,170 951,160 (Branc h of Wil mington , Del.) 29,900 43,110 288,910 321,810 53,900 Phil. N., Phil.: M. M. 1st N„ Balt.;Wil. Tr. Co., Wil. Columbia Tr. Co., Chem. N., and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Cent. N., Phil.; Union N., Balt. Phil. N., Phil. Columbia Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; N. Union Bk. of Md., Balt. 57,170 N. City, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.; Secur. Tr. & Safe Dep. Co.,Wil. 118,480 Han. N., N. Y.: Phil. N., Phil. 72,880 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. Corn Ex. and Columbia Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Cent. N., Phil.; N. Union Bk. of Md., Balt. 37,120 Com Ex. N., Phil.: Far., Georgetown. (Branch of Wilmi ngton, D el.) Columbia Tr, Co., Chem. N., and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Cent. N., Phil.; N. Union Bk. of Md., Balt. Phil. N., Phil. Wm. P. Orr, Jr— C. F. Lacey—......... Jos. M. Lank_____ J. L. Black, Jr........ (See La urel) . F. H. Long, John E. Taylor— F. de H. Janvier .. John F. Cloud, A. Sec.and A. Tr, Sec. and Tr. J. P. Groome____ John A. Cranston . Joseph C. Slack... 50,000 29,360 409,750 461,050 75,000 35,870 158,290 177,38b 53,810 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Equitable Tr. Co., Wil. 89,000 Com Ex. N. and 1st N„ Phil.; Wil. Tr.Co. and Secur. Tr. & Safe Dep. Co., Wil. 54,130 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Phil.: Wil. Tr. Co. and Far., Wil. 25,870 Union N., Phil. Daniel W. Corbit— M. N. Willits_____ J. G. Brown_____ 75,000 61,470 151,180 231,420 34,840 Phil. N.. Phil. A. A. Curtis______ E. B. Frazer______ J. E. Dougherty,. Tr. C. B. Evans______ H. G. M. Kollock— W. A. Singles, Tr.. David C. Rose, Sec. 50,000 83,930 937,200 1,001,310 ' 50,000 90,000 811,000 862.000 (Branch of Wilm ington. Martin Lee, Mgr... Glen M. Huston, A. Mgr. First National Bank.__ <’65 P. L. Cannon____ H. W. Baker_____ Madison Willin.__ C. J. West................ 62-35 Selbyville...Sussex K 27 Baltimore Trust Co.____ »5’03 J. G. Townsend, Jr. I. W. Long_______ I. L. Long________ 62-49 Pop. 500 Selbyville Bank______ <§’0 W. R. McCabe......... D. W. Campbell.__ E. V. Baker........... W. B. Derrickson 62-50 DELAWARE Map on Index to Maryland & Dis- Loans c’ts. Bonds, Skcubitiis Everett Hickman.. Robert Wilgus____ O. R. Davis.______ T. M. Heath............ J. H. Long T. V. Cahall______ W. F. Hoey_______ J. E. McBride____ Sussex Trust Co---------<§’98 W P. Orr, Jr_____ 62-33 Middletown..New Castle DELAWARE TRUST C0.<§ 63 62-45 Pop. 2000 C 22 Peoples National Bank .<’83 J. F. Eliason_____ 62-46 Milford_____ Sussex Q 25 First National Bank___ <’76 R. H. Williams___ 62-29 Pop. 3000 Milford Trust Co.____ <§’01 G. H. Hall................ ♦ 62-30 Millsboro—Sussex J 26 Delaware Trust Co.____ »§’18 62-68 Pop. 500 Sussex Trust Co_____ tl’95 62-59 Newark-New Castle A 22 Farmers Trust Co.------ <§’56 62-37 Pop. 3500 Newark Tr. & Safe Dep. Co 62-38 <105 New Castle-New 0. A 24 New Castle Trust Co.—<§’08 62-60 Pop. 3854 Newport-New Cas. A 24 Newport National Bank <’60 62-61 Pop. 722 Odessa..New Castle C 23 New Castle County N.Bk. 62-62 <’65 Pop. 585 Seaford____ Sussex I 24 Delaware Trust Co..—<§’87 62-36 Pop. 2108 Resources. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital its Profits Del.) 50,000 183,000 855,000 863,000 92,600 82,250 919,370 805,050 50,000 35,000 450.000 546,000 DEL AWA RE BANKS—Fel ton to Selbyville Greenwood-Sussex H 24 Pop. 362 Harrington... Kent G 24 Pop. 1500 Liabilities. Name ok Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState aCoonty Seats. TMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. Entire State in No. 3 [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Felton................Kent F 24 Pop. 500 Frankford...Sussex J 27 Pop. 500 Frederica........ Kent F 24 Pop. 670 •Georgetown Sussex 1 25 Pop. 1609 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisi volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. DELAWARE 166 166 Corn Ex. and Columbia Tr. Co., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N. and Cent. N., Phil.; N. Union Bk. of Md., Balt. 225.000 N. City. N. Y.: Phil. N.. Phil.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. 289,180 Corn Ex. N.. Phil.; Far., Georgetown, Del. 55,100 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given Federal Reserve Bank of St._____ Louis v tt a PanH-.Mn'Vnllv Rankprs’ v-av^t AiirAnT? Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of thisi‘ DELAWARE Map on Index to Maryland Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given t° each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Entire State in No. 3 [Estab. Federal Reserve District ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Pkesidknt. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. DELAWARE—Continued Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital its Pbofits $ Resources. Loans a Disc’ts. Bonds, Securities 50.000 $ 130,140 $ 677,610 $ 905,580 $ Smyrna______ KentD 24 Fruit Growers Nat. Bk.«t’76 W. O. Hoffecker... 62-39 Pop. 1843 E. M. Fowler_____ National Bk.of Smyrna <’78 Eugene Davis____ 62-40 0. J. Sudler............ 100,000 94.550 642,170 866.020 Levi Lattomus____ W. C. Moneg. Sec. 25,000 5.550 64,820 81.310 Townsend.. .New Castle Townsend Trust Co. .—•§’19 Thomas Lattomus. L. L. Maloney. Pop 494 C 23 62-69 Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Dus from Banks 51.870 Phil. N., Phil. 102,760 Girard N.. Phil.; M. M. 1st N.. Balt. 4,560 289,110 Cent. N.. Phil. 210,000 162,180 1,718,660 2,289,020 295,730 Han. N., N. V.; Corn Ex. N., Phil. 862,900 354,800 5,267.280 7,613.340 761,420 Columbia Tr. Co., Chem. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Cent. N., Phll.;N. Union Bk. ofMd., Balt. 500.000 800,000 4,143,480 4,787,630 704,350 Chase N. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Brown Bros. & Co.. Phil. 500,000 756,140 7,250,200 7,783,900 722,440 N. City and Atlantic N., N. Y.: Cent. N., Phil.; M. M. 1st N„ Balt. ♦Nat. Bk. of Delaware <1795 John Richardson, Frederic Pyle____ John Hare. Jr........ H. W. Hargodine.. E. W. Smith 62-1 Jr. 110,000 183,860 1,474,090 1,528,490 118,110 Imp. & Tra. N.. N. Y.; Bk. of No. America, Phil.; N. Ex,, Balt. L. L. MALONEY. Tr. H. J. ELLISON. Sec.. C. P. BUCK. A. Tr. A.Q.MOWBRAY.A Tr S.T.SCOn. A Tr 600,000 886,890 5.649,780 6,546,470 865,210 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Irving N.,N. Y.; Drexel & Co., Phil.; Union Tr. Co. of Md„ Balt. ♦Central National Bank <’85 Robt. P. Robinson. P. J. Carpenter... Geo. F. Baird_____ 62-6 zWILLIAM dll PONT .. CHAS. C. DICKSON.... H. N. JEFFERSON. S. S, BAKER, Sec.... Tr. T. C. COOPER, ALFRED I. du PONT ROBL PENWGTON v.-p. A. Sec. and A. Tr. HARRY R.DOBLER TRUST COMPANY W. G.TAYLOR,V.-P. S. S.BAKEfl ‘DELAWARE 62-13 •tl'99 'Collections sollc I ted and prompt ly remitted on da y of payment. *EQUITABLE TR. CO. -<«’89 OthoNowland......... Richard Reese____ H. T. Springer, Tr. D. M. Hillegas, ♦ N. 0. Lackland. 62-7 A. Tr. E. D. Prince, A. Sec. Ezekiel Cooper.__ W. N. Ralston-----T. B, Donahoe ♦Farmers Bank.......... *11813 C. R. Miller_____ 62-4 /J. S. fiOSSELL........ *sec»ritjpTOsK6y 62-8 Sec. .Special attentlo n given Bin' ofV; La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. »§’85 (Please send 15c w ith each sight draf t for presentation and 50c for Credit (Prompt Service on all Items. J.Chester Gibson. Augustus E. J efferis ♦Union National Bank...»’39 John H. Danby-— 62-3 Reports. 203,175 1,920,760 14 235510 15761840 S. J. Horn, Wilmington Sav. Fund Soc. Frederick E. Stone F. Bringhurst____ Wm. Bush, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A, Tr. 62 10 <§’32 G. S. ‘WILMINGTON JP TRUST CO. IT...... — D. C. ASPRIL Tr------ HENRY BUSH, Sec. .„ ______ OSCAR 0. GrfUERT, H, R. CRAIG. A. Sec. M. SHEWARD A. Tr. W. S. TOWNSEND, W.W. LAIRD H.B.MEARNS, A.Tr. A. Sec. T. JOHNSTON E. L. HOBBS, A. Tr. 833,990 4,691,570 4,776,580 1,049,750 1st N.. N. Y.; 4th St. N.. Phil. 394,430 N. City. N. ¥.: Phil. N., Phil. DEL AWA RE BANKS —Sm yrn a to Wy oming 506,690 4,646,890 4,864,480 •Wilmington.New Castle Artisans'Savings Bank <§’61 Robert D. Kemp. Edgar L. Haynes .. J. W. Boyer, Tr... 62-11 Pop. 110,168 A 24 A. D. Poole July, 1920 _______ 1 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence ° CAPELlVER...... C.'^KORJ Ch. of Bd. c. 1,000,000 1.023,370 14857120 12965900 4,547,400 U. S. Aftge. &Tr. Co., Chase N., and Chat ham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. General banking business transacted. ♦ 62-9 Liberal terms extended to Banks and Ba nkars. Collect ions on <l'03 (Branches at 10th and Market Sts., 2d and Market Sts.) this City and State ramitt ed for p romptl yatlow est rat LAIRD & CO. ■» (INVESTMENT BANKERS) (DuPont Bldg.), Wilmington Clearing House. J. H. Danby______ j Otho Nowland _ __ Ezekiel Cooper, (.Members indicated bg a *) Sec. <fc Mgr, Wyoming____ Kent F 24 i First National Bank------< 09 C. E. Wetzel______ F. O. Bancroft____ B. E. Oubbage____ W. R. Brown. Pop. 700 I 62-63 I I oblawarb Map on index to Maryland 50,000 25,000 250,000 265,000 29.500 1st N.. Phil, and Dover. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS ($w Index to Lawywi) ♦ ia TT G uvalnclwolw V— ORB. m B--JI «-XT_H_ u»--- Number under Name of Bank is tho New Transit Number given 40 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Namx of xxz A t**vttat/-' rr'/"vwt W AoMirM Li 1 L/lN (Federal Reserve District No. 5) Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState President, Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv Capital ♦Mem. Ped. Res. [Estab ♦American National Bank.»'O3 W. T. Galliher____ C. H. Livingstone- W. J. Waller_____ S. L. Mitchell____ $ 600,000 15-8 William Selby J. W. Williams H. H. Shackleford CHAS. J. BELL , Sec........ 3,400,000 CORCORAN THOM — C. E. HOWE. Tr..... J.F. I _ REESIDE -JSIDE H. S. W. W. KECK. A. Tr. M, R. B. F. SAUL er" J. L.FUGITT.A. ~ - SECURITY & TRUST (3 Branches) HOWARD MORAN state Office tor. COMPANY Auditor. R. E. HARRIS, A. Tr. j. e . BENTON. A ss t 15-55 »1’89 P. C. BRADY, A. Tr. A. c. FLATHER.W , New Bus H. P. WHITE, A. Tr. D. N. HOUSTON, A. Tr, Officer Officer, We pay special attention to the Accounts,Trust and other K. V^BROOKS,’ Z t. r. . Officer business of out-of-town patrons. Correspondence invited. J- E. MORAN, A. Tr Officer AMERICAN Anacostia Bank--------------- <110 Maurice Otterback R. A. Pyles_______ Raymond E. Huntt NATIONAL BANK 15-10 •t’04 328,350 $ 4,445,440 $ Resources 455,000 $1,57^210 Meeh. & Metals N. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch.-Lac. N., Sf. L. 2,119.260 5,237,000 Chase N., Liberty N., and N. City, N. Y.; Citiz. N., Balt.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos. iness Dept 57,480 L. E. BREUNINGER W. D.WEST---------- FERNAND PETIT, R. M WOLFE -R. L. NEUHAUSER Cash, & Sec. W. S. PHILLIPS 191,700 41,120 250,000 328,950 780,620 62,730 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. Tr. Co., Wash. D. C. 367,320 386,970 13,800 1,172,710 — I 705,290 263,610 180,300 637,170 5,250 526.020 148,210 149,410 J 83,590 N. City, N. Y.; District N. and 2d N., Wash., D. C. 2,532,000 349,430 1,915,570 864,010 80,000 844,400 1st N.. N. Y. and Chi.; 4th St. N.. Phil.; M. M. 1st N„ Balt.; N. Shaw mut, Bos. 496,300 10,328,940 1,768,080 7,786,870 4,140,180 1,366,330 3,168,150 Chase N. and Chatham & Phenix 217,430 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. Washington, D. C. _ E. BOLLING - J. A. CAHILL_ _ _ _ JAS. H. BADEN------- F. E. GH SELL — G. DONALDSON, W. J. HARRISON, r H. V. HUNT „ Ch. of lid. A. Cash. ROBERT A. C SSEL J. FENDALL CAIN Organized, Equipped 6,407,110 Principal Correspondents. Cash r. 100,000 “Bank of t he People.” 599,110 $ 2?779?240 $ 1,767,920 $ 2,404,320 14,951,100 10,528,000 17,842,890 Frank Owings ♦Columbia National Bank.<’87 Albert P. Fox____ Charles B. Bailey— Clarence Corson.— A. N. Mitchell B. W. Guy 15-1 ‘COMMERCIAL S 25,210 Bank of Commerce & Savines M. D. Rosenberg.. W.A.Bennett_____ J. M. Riordon___ Irvin Owings 15-58 <|’07 Joseph Sanders, J.H. Milans. Sec. V. P. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. LIABILITIES. Resources. Surplus Individ Deposits Loans 4 Bonds, Miscel and ual of Securi laneous Dis Profits Deposits Banks counts ties,etc. Resources 25,000 15-71 (Anacostia P. O.) CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK»§’10 15-63 (District of Columbia, E 6) Population 437,571—Reserve City and Conducted 1.000,000 ■rw N., N. Y.; Cont.&Com’IN., Chi.; Franklin N., Phil. for Service. Continental Trust Co.-—*§’12 G. T. Scott -...........0. W. Warden.......... M. J. Winfree, Sec. |R. W. Winfree, ♦ 15-75 N.B. Scott, Bates Warren A. Sec E. L. Norris. A. Tr Ch. of Bd. J. H. Baden 1,000,000 245,990 3,802,130 2,540,530 2,161,850 748,100 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N„ Chi. ROB’T N. HARPER-—W. S. HOGE.......... H. L. OFFUTT, JR........ T. S. MASON W. P. LIPSCOMB WILLIAM C. LOOKER - HOLMES GOCKELER NATIONAL BANK 550.000 401,410 7,869.400 5,135,910 1,972,940 666,180 2,388,420 Bkrs. Tr.Co. and Meeh. & Metals ‘DISTRICT 15-12 • ’09 15-87 •t’16 WASHINGTON CITY Map opposite 200,000 42,180 1,614,050 22,480 1,042,440 637,220 159,690 446,800 Guaranty Tr. Co.,N. Y. SE E AD1ER TISEMEN T OPPOS ITE Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence July, 1920 NATIONAL BANK —L. A. SLAUGHTER, JR. -L. E. SCHREINER— W. G. BADEN——. LOUIS HEKTLE Personal and efficient attention paid to your business. Special attention to the Purchase and Sale of Foreign Exchange. N., N. Y.; Ft. Hear. N., Chi.; 4th St. N., Phil. U nusual collec tion fa cilities INVI TED. CO RRES PON D ENCE Try US for quick service at a reasonable charge, W. W. SPAID. ‘DUPONT 168_______________DIST RICT OF COLUMBI A BA NKS—Wa shi ngt on 1 AS ~77. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number eiv«a DUPONT SERVICE” THE DUPONT National Bank Dupont Circle at Connecticut Avenue WASHINGTON, D. C. .... $ 200,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits 50,000 Deposits .... 1,600,000 Capital SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN COLLECTION ITEMS FOREIGN EXCHANGE DUPONT SERVICE” Franklin National Bank The Great Pennsylvania Avenue Bank LOCATED —PENN. AVENUE AT TENTH STREET, N. W. In the Heart of the Wholesale District COLLECTIONS-all kinds SOLICITED I Charges 1/10 of 1%. ■ Minimum 25c MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BUSINESS HOME DIRECT YOUR CLIENTS TO US JOHN B. COCHRAN President THOS. P. HICKMAN Vice-President and Cashier 5, AGENTS AND ATTORNEYS FOR OVER 4500 NATIONAL BANKS PUBLISHERS OF PRATTS DIGEST OF FEDERAL BANKING LAW A. S. PRATT & SONS, Inc. WASHD,NcGT0N See our larger advertisement on page opposite Index to Lawyers in this book Why The Bankers Monthly Sells Out Every Issue Helps You to Look Ahead Deals with Practical Problems Shows Better Ways to Advertise Management is constantly improving. Planning for to-day and looking ahead is the banker's biggest Job. Through THE BANKERS' MONTHLY you get the best ideas on management from many of the ablest bankers. They are worth reading. Effective bank management depends on sys tematic planning. The above chart shows how one bank met its problem of Judging credits. THE BANKERS' MONTHLY shows many Interesting ways to use charts to get better control of business. Does it pay to advertise? Here is a window display that made good in the biggest kind of way. Every issue of THE BANKERS’ MONTHLY gives you new suggestions on how to make all advertising more effective. Yes. advertising pays but it must be done right. You Can Use These Plans Stop and Figure it Out Every month we have letters from bankers asking whether we can supply copies of previous issues of THE BANKERS’ MONTHLY. And almost invariably our answer is “No, we are sold out.” Why is it that the few extra copies of each issue of THE BANKERS’ MONTHLY sell out so quickly? Only the banker who knows this magazine can give the right answer. It is because THE BANKERS’ MONTHLY is not a magazine merely. It is a genuine bank service, a practical and profitable aid to better banking. It is not mere news, or personals, or entertaining stories. What bankers get in this magazine— and what YOU can get—is new banking ideas, new plans and policies, improved bank methods that have been tried out and PROVED in many banks and that you can apply or adapt in your own. Why not try these plans? You will find in every issue of THE BANKERS’ MONTHLY something worth much more than its trifling cost. Stop a moment and figure it out for yourself. There are approximately 30,000 banks in the United States. In control and direction of these banks there are nearly 200,000 officers and directors, working, planning, trying out new ideas and methods. Some of these methods prove to be failures; some are no better than the methods used before; but others result in definite improvements and scores of banks, large and small, by adapting and applying these methods have attained remarkable success. Our editors are constantly in touch with these banks. They are continually collecting the facts, studying them, analyzing them, and in every issue of THE BANKERS’ MONTHLY they tell you clearly, painstakingly, and without frills or technicalities just what these banks do step by step to attain their remarkable success and you by studying these ideas and plans will be able to increase the efficiency and profits of your own bank. What About Ten Years from Now Probably one of the greatest if not the greatest factor in success is looking ahead. The vast majority of business failures when carefully analyzed show that the men in charge were depending entirely too much on their own limited point of view. They failed to look broadly and to look ahead. The successful banker, more than any other man, needs to focus a searchlight on the future. Not that failure is a danger. That isn’t the point. The vital thing is that looking ahead means better banking, more business, more profits, and vastly better service to the community. Stop any subscriber to THE BANKERS' MONTHLY and ask him why he reads the magazine. In ninety-nine cases out of every hundred the answer will be, “Because it shows me what other progressive bankers are thinking and doing; it gives me a keener mental attitude toward my work, and helps me therefore constantly to improve my banking business.” Every Issue Gives Something New In every issue THE BANKERS’ MONTHLY brings to your desk the latest and best banking information, new ideas on the problems you have to solve, how other banks and bankers have faced and solved already the very diffi culties that confront you, and how they are building busi ness and winning greater profits. Many of the most successful banks in the country are contributors to THE BANKERS’ MONTHLY through one or more of their members. Every article and report therefore is reliable and in every case is based on years of successful banking experience. It is this down-to-bed-rock policy of the magazine that gives it its unique value, that makes it an actual HELP to bankers and leads many of them to con sider it a bank necessity. We are sure you also will agree with this point of view when you have had a chance to examine the magazine. Let us send you the current issue on trial. No money is asked for unless you are satisfied. The cost is only $5.00 a year—twelve issues — THE BANKERS’ MONTHLY 536 So. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. Helps to Simplify Day’s Work Shows How to Cut Costs THE BANKERS’ MONTHLY will help you to keep your Angers on the day’s work, show you the best ways to keep records, to simplify routine, to chart results, and to know with certainty at any time just where your bank stands and what your costs are. Unwatched costs creep up. THE BANKERS' MONTHLY will help you to watch costs, give you scores of ideas for reducing expenses and improving your bank showing. All ele ments that enter into the finding and con trolling of costs are treated with particular care. Helps to Meet Competition Every bank has its problem of meeting competition, in city or country. Service is one way to solve competition and to-day bank service is taking on a new meaning. Let THE BANKERS' MONTHLY help you meet competition. Ju ly , 1920 D IS TR IC T OF CO LU M BI A BANKS — W ash in g to n — C ontinued 169 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given i each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ' —"—si~ ~r — *------ "—’’—" ------- —------------------ Name of xxr A CUT NTf^'T'OM Pi P - Prvnfit-inorl VV /YOMllNLl 1 kJIN, U. L. (Federal Reserve District No. 5)—Reserve City —---------- -------------- Bank. ‘Mem, Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn. *Priv. ♦ Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President. V ice-President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Continued Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Individ- [Deposits Loans & Bonds, Miscel Paid-up Surplus Cash and UAL OF D is S ecuri laneous Resources Capital j Deposits; Banks counts ties, etc. Resources ♦National Bank of Washington C. F. Norment—— Daniel Fraser____ A. B. Raff.............. . W. W. Nairn _. .. $ 1,050,000 G. L. Starkey J. Frank White 15-7 <1809 Geo. P. Sacks 200,000 George W. White— O. H. P.Johnson— C. F. Jacobsen .— 0. E. Bright............ ♦NATIONAL METROPOLITAN A. H. Bedford BANK-— 15-2............. <1814 C. L. Eckloff 800,000 NATIONAL SAVINGS & TRUST W. D. Hoover........ Woodbury Blair... C. C. Lamborn, Tr. E.P. Wilson, Sec... F.R.Ullmer, A.Tr. F. W. Stone COMPANY-15-52.......... <|’67 1,000,000 Theodore Michael. V. C. Dickey_____ E, S. Burgess, Sec.. E. B. Auldridge___ North Capitol Savings Bank B. L. Grove 15-78 »§’12 George Clagett 0. R. Talbert........... W. R. Lewis ... . L. P. Steuart -------Northeast Savings Bank.<§’16 Geo. F. Hoover 15-89 90,000 Principal Correspondents. 150,000 $ 2,169,630 Am. Ex. N„ N. City, and Chase N„ N. Y.;Ft. Dear. N.,Chi.; Citiz.N., Balt.; Girard N.. Phil.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 857,910 820,930 66,880 536,620 N. Bk. Oom., N.Y.:M.M. IstN., Balt.; Fifth-Third N„ Cin.;Phil. N.,Phil. 5,179,640 2,486.850 1,047,150 4.369,340 N.Park and Guaranty Tr.Co., N.Y.; 1st N.. Ohi. and Bos.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Citiz. N., Balt. 10,673,630 ____ ____ 8,336,700 1,894,440 1,314,420 1,841,400 Chase N.. Cent. Tr., Guaranty Tr. Co.! and Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y. 12,910 916,960 _________ 459,220 458,620 38,800 113,230 Meeh. & Metals N„ N.Y.: District N., Wash., D. C. 50,000 12,000 350,000 ___ 80,000 275,000 55,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. N„ Wash., D. C. Northwest Savings Bank-<§’15 Francis M. Savage. Jas. M. Beall_____ H. T. Plaster.......... Sidney Thompson. Frank S. Bright 15-86 50,000 10,000 465,000 170,000 250,000 15,000 Chase N„ N. Y.; Com’l N„ Wash., D. C. Park Savings Bank______ *§'09 Thomas Somerville L. E. Breuninger— R. S. Stunz_______ B. McNeil W. B. Todd, Sec. W. H. Klopfer 15-70 G. E. Walker F. W. Bolgiano 50,000 64,410 1,721,810 „ 1,249,200 335,590 99,230 152,210 N. Park, N.Y.; Am. N., Wash., D. C. 100,000 72,690 2.477,140 .................. 1,615,970 688.260 138,660 306,930 Bkrs. Tr. Co.. N. Y.; N. Met., Wash., D. 0.; 1st N., Alexandria, Va. 16,095 000 7,540,000 542,000 5,073,000 N. City and Bk. of America, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.: N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N. and Phil. N., Phil. 2,565,100 1,160,690 243,500 925,880 IstN., N.Y. and San F.: Girard N„ Phil.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 2,688,440 914,070 19,770 427,470 N. Park and Seab. N„ N. Y.; Riggs N„ Wash., D. C.: Fidelity Tr. Co., Balt. 672,980 378,640 47,890 287,360 Chase N. and Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Drov. & Meeh. N„ Balt. 222,070 43,330 915,340 531,970 328,000 4,898,070 1,808,190 1,211,750 ♦NATIONAL CAPITAL BANK <’89 15-5 1 G. W. OFFUTT — A. M. BAER............ - 6:V.W,-iv. E. H. BOGLEY, Sec. < We have the loc atlon, facilities a nd equipment to handle your busi ness pro I Personal attent Ion given collecti ons of Bill of Lad ing Drafts, Notes, etc. ( GIVE US A TRI AL. 15-60 ♦RIGGS NATIONAL BANK-* 96 Chas. C. Glover.... M. E. Ailes_______ R. V, Fleming........ A. M. Nevius_____ W. J. Flather Joshua Evans. Jr. 15-3 SECURITY SAVINGS & COM’L BANK____ 15-80______ <§’13 W. W. MARLOW........ J. I. Peyser_______ F. G. Addison, Jr,. S. R. Baulsir.......... Latrobe Owen____ J. L. Shipley Fred McKee S. R. Waters............ A. II. Plugge______ J. D. Howard_____ Seventh Street Savings Bank Harry Kaufman 15-77 •t«’12 Standard Savings Bank—§’20 A. S. Gardiner........ J. R. Biggs---------- D. S. Venables.... John Carraway___ E. D. Williams 15-98 19,160,000 1,000,000 4,576,900 E. J. Stellwagen... G.E. Hamilton------ E. L. Hillyer, Sec.. Edson B. Olds, Tr. W. F. D. Herron, Irving Zirpel. G. E. Fleming A. Tr. A. Sec. W. S. Harban R. Rutherford, A. (Washington Banks continue d on next page) <§1900 3,219,930 500,000 200,000 90,930 50,000 33,430 153,490 22,950 163,260 200,000 55,000 1,653,630 2,000,000 596,210 346,770 1,300,440_________ 36,090j 35,580 N. Park and Meeh. & Metals N,, N. Y.; District N., Wash., D. C. 161,560 Han. N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N.Y.: N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Wil. 1,087,840 N. City and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. Tr. Dep. Ju ly , 1920 A, R,. Holden UNION TRUST COMPANY WASHINGTON CITY Map opposite nd satisf actorlly. • V. P. and Cash. talnlng prompt rc ports and returns )We have super! 1 for your Items and collections fo r Washlugton. Union Savings Bank.......... »§’91 Wade H. Cooper.„ H. B. Denham 15-56 55,000 G. O. Vass |C. H. RUDOLPH— 8. J. PBESCOTJ....... V. B. DEYBER, ♦SECOND NATlOfAL BK. -<’72 15-58 9,458,850' 1,022,680; D IS T R IC T OF CO LU M BI A BA N K S — W a sh in g to n —-C ontinued H. H. McKee.......... Albert Carry_____ H. C. Stewart........ D. D. Walker_____ S. H. Walker $ 5.016..250 $ 3,494,420 $ 170 170 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Federal Reserve Bank 171of St.toLouis WASHINGTON, D. C—Continued Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this; _ ------ Wotnc Hsxlislovc OtP CPP Laws *-• Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence WASHINGTON CITY Map opposite Name oe Bank. President. Vice-President. United States Savings Bk.»§'06j Wade H. Cooper... W. D. Barry.......... 15-B4 W. H. Zepp uuhii Ass’t Cashier. W. R. De Lashmutt John F. Cook..........'$ Send your Washington collections to us. | flccounjs accepted on favorable terms and interest paid thereon. •»§ 89 ( ExecUtes trusts of every description. Washington Meeh. Sav. Bank 15-66 •t«’06 100,000 $ ’ I Washington Clearing House... (C. H. Rudolph, (Members indicated by a*) Chairman ’ i,gU,n«, 9 169,560 nu.ouu 983,560 $ 1,820 150 26,670 1,080,000 244,540 260,000 MW........ J. D. LEONARD, Tr. R. L. EARNSHAW, 68,200 14,300 432,990 173,520 242,980 - 88,260 $ 889,280 Principal Correspondents, 333,960 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Dis trict N., Wash., D. C.: N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.; Am. Bk.&Tr.Co.,Wil. 2,477,710 Chase N., N. Y.: Marine Tr. Co., ........... .1 Buffalo; Ith St. N., Phil.; 1st N., St. L. 75,000|ChaseN. and Irving N„ N.Y. 66,490 52,340 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Met. and Com’l N., Wash., D. C. H. G. REAGAN, A. Tr. ' 1 H. H. McKee, Sec. C. E. Bright, Mgr.. Selected List—INVESTMENT DEALERS UMem. Inv. Bks. Assn. f Investment '83 15-73 Securities. L MEMBERS WA SHINGTON STO CK EXCHANGE. Seab. N. and Liberty N., N. Y. r J. L. Edwards ... A. P. Madeira Hornblower & Weeks and Harris, Winthrop & Co., N. Y. JOHN L. EDWARDS & CO.—12 J Investment Securities, 1426 N. Y. Ave., Northwest (Members N ew York and W.ThompsonBurch: Washington S took Exchang es (W. E. Fowler— J. B. Thomas.......... .......... ........................... $ Co mmercial Paper. Collateral Loans. ‘ '17 [We buy and sel 11st and 2nd Mor tgages on Washta gton Real Estate. WM. E. FOWLER & COMPANY 4 BANKERS. FRAZIER & COMPANY927-15th St.. N. W. W. B. HIBBS & CO............... 100.000 (Investment Ba nkers. T. A. Scot t Thropp, Represe ntative. (Municipals, Rai Iroads, Industrial s, Public Utllitie 1(W.B, HIBBS and W. W. SPAID)-------- 1 Members New Y ork and Washlngt on Stock Exchan ges. (Investment Bond s). R. W. Hynson, Dist. Sales Mgr. \ I E. D.’Rheem, John N. Swartzell, J. J, Darlington, WWHL‘._v JfGeo.W. F.Swartzell V. P. and Tr. Sec. Counsel L. A. Swartzell 727-15th St., N. W. (.First Mortgage Notes. ’"WLOTF™ WASHINGTON CITY Map on Index to D. C. $1,013,710 $ 50,000 A. Tr. 819 15th Street 84,680:$ 2,234,820 J. C. Pyles................ R. H. Bagby.......... J. P. Casbarion ___ S. J. VENABLE CRANE, PARRIS & Resources. Liabilities. Surplus ( Individ- Deposits Loans & I Bonds, | MiscelCash | of DisSecuri- ; lanbous Resources: AND UAL pBOfits ‘Deposits Banks COUNTS TIES, ETC.(Resources J. B. LARNER...... ANDREW PARKER— H.G. MEEM,Tr..... BOYD TAYLOR.A.Tr. (I Branch) H. G. MEEM C. R. GRANT, A. Tr. C. H. DOING, JR., ,. THOMAS BRADLEY A.Tr. j QOO 000 1 611 740 11 604 600 $ 140,360 B i nujl uu. 15-54 Paid-up I Capital i $ 48,000 $ 18,500 $ 21,000 $ 12,500 Com’l N. and Munsey Tr. Co.. Wash., D, C. CORRESPONDENT: Co., Phila. Frazier & Other offices. N. Y. and Balt. D IS T R IC T OF CO LU M BI A BANKS — W ash in g to n — C ontinued WASHINGTON , LOAN & TRUST CO Cashier. Ju ly , 1920 —Continued m •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banning Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. \jtr a CUTATfiTriNT KY K' *V /YOXxllNvJ' 1 kJIN, U. V/.‘ (Federal Reserve District No. 5)- Reserve City Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. — S. B. Chapin & Co,, N. Y.; Logan & Bryan, Chi,; Bright, Sears & Co., Bos. .. N. City Co.,N.Y., and correspondent offices. See Adv. page 3. — Federal National, Wash., D. C. For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) ■ 172 Town Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number ^ven to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and Countv. xCounty Seats. Fed. Res. Dist. No. 6 Jacksonville Branch. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Alachua____ Alachua K 3 Bank of Alachua..........~t§’04 63-138 Pop. 900 First National Bank — <’08 63-139 •Apalachicola. .Franklin American Exchange Bank 63-93 tS’ll Pop. 3500 E3 ApalachicolaStateBank<5’07 63-92 Apopka_____ Orange L 5 State Bank of Apopka...812 Pod. 410 63-223 •Arcadia____ DeSoto L 8 De Soto National Bank.<’07 63-115 Pop. 3479 President. Vice-Presidknt. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisi volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. FLORIDA Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. F. B. Godfrey------- J. L. Matthews___ Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depo»and Capital ITS Profits Resources. 25,000 $ 1,000 $ 150,000 $ 80,000 90,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Atlantic N.. Jacksonville W. H. Trailer------- C. A, Williams____ S. C. Dell_________ 25.000 7,000 190,000 82,000 J. P. Coombs r------ B, D. Morris____ — F. B. Wakefield— . 50,000 15.000 100,000 140,000 85,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Barnett N. and Fla. N„ Jack sonville. 40,000 N. City, N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. N. R. Hays---------- H. L. Oliver______ H. G. Fannin. J. M. Fowler W. R. O’Neal-------- A. C. 8tarbird-------- W. G. Talton_____ 25,000 10.600 535.100 418,330 15,000 10,630 219,090 163,940 81,140 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. W. G. Welles-------- B. F. Welles______ H. L. Carlton_____ L. Holtzendorff----- 75.000 51,390 971.800 762,640 332,200 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Tampa; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 73,200 1,053.080 830.850 462,530 Chase N„ N. Y.: M. M. 1st N„ Balt.; Fla. N„ Jacksonville; Ex. N„ Tampa. 110.280 Chase N„ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Arcadia; Atlantic N„ Jacksonville. 13.300 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Fla. N„ Jackson ville. 142,770 Han. N.. N. Y.; Citiz. Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tampa 1st N.. Lakeland. 33,540 N. City, N. Y.: M. M. 1st N„ Balt.; Atlantic N. Jacksonville: Ex. N..Tampa. 35,270 M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Citiz.-Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tampa. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Barnett N., Jacksonville: Ex. N., Tampa. 15,000 Atlantic N„ Jacksonville: Bkg. Sav. & Tr Co., Pensacola. 497,660 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Ex. N., Tampa. S S. E. Teague------ J. G.KING........ — R.O.TURNER.......... E. K. BUTLER 100.000 STATE BANK OF BARTOW 63-97 Robert T. Hughes.. T. B. King________ J. S. Floyd_______ L. H. Treadwell... 50,000 8.940 251,030 191.620 Paul C. Smith.......... S. T. Fleming_____ R. P. Perkins_____ W. H. Powell John L. Fouts____ Samuel Jackson... P. E. Braddock___ 15,000 640 34.570 35.200 15,000 6,230 294,180 171,440 C. A. Skipper_____ C. E. Lanier______ J. V. Chapman___ M. T. Whidden___ 25,000 12.560 229,580 260.680 133,000 120,650 63,000 60.000 S. P. Durrance ___ 15,000 J. W. Baggett. Jr.. W. E. Moore.. B. Robison .............. C. C. Eiland. Jr.- T. L. Wilson______ J. M. Oglesby ___ J. N. Hooker E. L. Wirt________ Geo. Seymour, J J. B. Pylant, Jr. John L. Fouts____ J. J. Swearingen .. T. W. Gary_______ 15.000 100.000 1.000 55,340 1,186.720 1,309,490 50,000 12,510 536,730 362,910 174,470 N. Park, N.Y.: 1st N. and Citiz.-Am. Bk. & Tr Co., Tampa. 140.050 N. Bk. of Com., N. Y.: Atlantic N„ Jackson ville: Peo., Marianna. 50,930 M. M. 1st N„ Balt.: De Soto N„ Arcadia; At lantic N., Jacksonville. 30.000 Bk. of America, N. Y.: Am. N., Pensacola. «:i’07 H. B. Gaskin_____ D. F. Stanfill____ 30,000 17,110 389,120 295,830 J(hn R. Jack_____ J. E. Skipper____ C. E. Lanier W. O. Butler, Jr... C. A. Prim________ 15.000 1, £00 100.390 60.890 15.000 10. 00 150.000 135.000 M. M. Owens_____ W. B. Hammond.. 15.000 11.700 404,000 248.000 J. H. Durrance.... W. R. Minor_____ H. 11. Bryan. 20.000 14.910 353,120 280,800 C. W. Pierce_____ Chas. Petrie______ D. S. Hudson........ L. A. Bize________ A. T. Cornwell.... M. B. Alderman... J. B. Gregg T. C. Taliaferro... Jno. F. Vanderipe. J. T. Campbell___ J. T. Campbell S. M. Martin______ J. J. Dempsey____ F. D. Phillips_____ 15.000 3,500 88,890 70,930 M. K. Herrin_____ H. D. Horney R. B. Balis_______ 50,000 15,550 777,470 668,280 18,270 N. Park, N. Y.; Peo.. Jacksonville; Palm Beach Bk. & Tr. Co., West Palm Beach. 169,740 Seab. N., N. Y.: Ex. N„ Tampa. 40,000 70,850 1,087,540 938,090 29-4,730 Atlantic N..N.Y.: 1st N., Tampa. W. J. Dempsey__ 15,000 4,500 125,950 63,680 22,000 Chatham & Phenix N„ N. Y. 20,000 7,440 78.710 72.490 39.310 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N„ Jacksonville. 19,900 Atlantic N., Jacksonville: 1st N„ Gainesville, R. H. Tuten______ E. O. Herndon____ T. E. Shuler____ W. J. Epperson.__ J. R. Willis-............ E. A. Turnipseed Chas. M. Price____ P. L. Weeks______ C. A. Lock W. M. McKethan.. S. F. Jennings____ R. O. Hice____ The CITIZENS 198.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N.. Jackson ville; 1st N., Andalusia. 105,880 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N.. Balt.; Ex. N., Tampa; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 17,000 14,310 132,910 141.300 B. II. Robison........ 50,000 17.460 333,190 351,100 74.560 Chase N., N. Y.; Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tampa. S. R. Collins_____ 15,000 16,620 291.300 245.300 78,540 N. Park. N. Y.: Ex. N., Tampa; Barnett N.l and Fla. N., Jacksonville. SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your Business AUGUSTA MACON Ju ly , 1920 Boynton. Palm Beach O 9 Bank of Boynton______ ’S'lS Pop. 600 63-303 •Bradentown ....Manatee Braden town Bk.& Trust Co. Pop. 3500 K8 63-109 <5'13 First National Bank„.<1900 63-108 Branford ...Suwanee J 3 Branford State Bank...<511 Pop. 350 63-145 •Bristol_____ Liberty F 2 Bristol 8tate Bank_____ t5’07 Pop. 796 63-146 • Bronson.............. Levy J 4 Bank of Levy County...£511 Pop. 300 63-147 • Brooksville...Hernando First National Bank___ <10 Pop. 1500 K5 63-135 Hernando State Bank..<5’05 63-134 50 000 B. F. West____ •Blountstown... Calhoun BANK OF BLOUNTSTOWN A. Pick Higgins ... Pop. 546 E 2 63-141 <8 07 Bocagrande_____ Lee K 9 State Bank of Boca Grande Ira Rigdon .............. Pop. 800 63-142 <815 •Bonifay____ Holmes D 1 Bank of Bonifay_____ <§'06 A. Sessoms_______ 63-143 Pop. 1200 HOLMES CO. BANK—<811 D. L. Green.............. 63-219 Bowling Green-.De 8oto State Bk. of Bowling Green G. H.Gill.................. 63-144 <110 Pop. 800 L7 SAVANNAH ATLANTA R. I. Harris______ II. M. Wiggins . A. V. Anderson 152,360 Han. N.. N. Y.: Atlantic N„ Jacksonville. FL O RID A BA NKS — A la ch ua to B ro oksv ille j T. 6. KING FIRST NATIONAL BANK<lflOO < Special attentlo □ given Bill of La ding Drafts and Cash Items, | Send 15c with each plain Sight Draft for presen tation and 63-114 ( 25c with each request for Repor t or Rating. Hughes Trust & Banking Co 63-318 <817 Archer.......... Alachua K 4 Bank of Archer_________ 513 Pop. 468 63-278 Auburndale........ Polk L 6 State Bk. of Auburndale<§’12 Pop. 1000 63-257 Avon Park_.De Soto L 7 First National Bank ___ <’11 Pop. 2000 63-212 First Trust & Savings Co.tS’lC 63-213 B. F. West & Co______ <t’96 63-140 Baker--------- Okaloosa B 1 Bank of Baker....................§16 Pop. 300 63-309 •Bartow................. Polk L 7 Polk Co. National Bank <’91 Pop. 4203 63-96 Principal Correspondents. Cass & Ex changes, Dub from Banks. THE First National Bank MIAMI, FLORIDA OFFICERS E. C. ROMFH - - G. B. ROMFH - - W. H. SPITZER - - Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President W. W. CULBERTSON - - Cashier T. F. McAULIFFE - - - Asst. Cashier MAY 4, 1920 (Comptroller’s Call) RESOURCES Loans and Discounts................................................. §2,088,452.98 Overdrafts...................................... 2,623.88 Banking House.......................................................... 112,841.25 United States Bonds (2’s par)................................. 151,000.00 Liberty and Victory Bonds (Market)...................... 235,886.00 Other Marketable Bonds......................................... 371,708.44 U. S. Treasury Certificates..................................... 514,000.00 Notes Secured by U. S. Bonds................................ 179,611.05 Commercial Paper and Acceptances purchased..... 976,405.08 CASH RESERVE.................................................... 1,251,484.90 85,884,013.58 LIABILITIES Capital Stock............................................................ 8 150,000.00 Surplus and Profits................................................... 161,474.19 National Currency Issued....................................... 150,000.00 Bills Payable.... r......................................................... 100,000.00 DEPOSITS................................................................ 5,322,539.39 85,884,013.58 DEPOSITORY United States Postal Savings Dade County State of Florida City of Miami THE SERVICE BANK OF MIAMI When your friends visit MIAMI give them a letter to us Every courtesy shown them TAMPA, FLORIDA A progressive bank in a progressive town. We furnish painstaking, personal service. Bill of Lading Drafts especially desired. BANK OF COMMERCE Florida lank of St. Petersburg FLORIDA The Tourist Capital NAT. B. BROPHY President WILLIAM CRAWFORD Cashier ROBERT S. FORBES Vice President Collections Handled. Prompt Remittance. Information about St. Petersburg on Request Florida. INDEX TO ' Laurel .'iiil,' S Alachua... -E 3 Raker___ K Bay........... 1) Bradford. K Brevard... N Broward.. ..F and N I(3reenwi< Geneva COUNTIES. 2 2 3 6 7 10 (Oarden< ° Chumuckla'. , HrO L M, Ochlocj a ® GreeAwoodyvnUe < C K S\O NE2> ? y Cottondale ** •oBarkejs^g ^iScnlon' Bearbead W estville, • /to! pJClarkson I Folk slot' 7?\Paront o IL S fA'SHINGTON] i fo Round Luke j^L Brute < fftTi: '’Millers I Ferry /Greenhead/ L Cifl /o {Dennett fcil'a ^8pra?A M UountstQ'wjre rank n ljKCav n wHtl Gadsden... .F 1 I ijekst Hogan II •J Baldwin Lakt , W A K/J 'Crawford-© I ville A-’ CT^faMllb / |${ > rO’Briei Butler\<V lriton^ \Athei i Green Cove's}* alrke SprsA fuj^Augustine^^^^i^ plonC L A Y’\ yotd c»y Iv’iA1' ■\\_est_jroGoij iK.jRacey <7 yilX; Torres) I8LAXDJ sXPoint^StS'Joseph^ Salem' 2 5 7 1 jcteinhalchee <ZTa'-ox Point ' ( -< ' - \ ° s, Harlei < Dinni’o °> 4?e Fletcher m Wannet*^’ 4^. , T o’"' V Jackson ... E 1 Jefferson.. .H 2 /AlacbuS ~ 'Fairbanks ixington 'KomokoV^ X eberry \ Kanapahf Bonnerv/illt I^^Putnam H&ll/ 3/^ ielrose^^/Teasdale s’, Carraway^’T \ C£ 3 5 10 2 4 2 Madison... . I Manatee... K Marion ... K Monroe.. . .E 2 8 4 8 —Haw the n -n-f-iV Pomonpk 1 r S'\zzV Lennon j St. John .. -M St. Lucie.. .N Santa Rosa .A Seminole .. .M Sumt r. ... K Suwanee.. ..1 3 8 1 5 5 2 i FavorettiM irnond T„mo J LwA’w *V Fllzey^pfOtter Creek 9 •r%Tc— Z7«LX ' -'“'-'oBilver Spring v~J>A-"‘^s^'J5iLveS SPring Jo IE/tli'la< wc/t t'cJ^Gufo ^^^Waaiter Summerfield y*| V \ Vl \W \W \ ', A L« X^ELICA? k£Barbervllle^ayton^^®Rcubr o\v o l u s I a FL A„t 1’ t *U)e Leon Springs . Ll»>F&; P Glen-* ABOftSS l )°rZvL,e,r/shad’WK^vMWeir °'i,biuff Sj£±n»ZnV*Belleview\ V (Summit^ 1 8 6 7 10 6 7 7 3 ■cnt £\Espanola " a«A( Bunnell Vistal i^bS^A>Eagl Palm Beach.O Pasco......... K Pinellas.... J Polk........... _L Putnam ... .L V jSCitra A Eiirekal^liunp^ >L 5° J *MarshviUe'^ X/Yi illlstom Pittman De Land . JAltoona r/Umatillav''Eustis I Nassau.... -L 1 Okaloosa... -B Okeechobee N Orange___ M Osceola.... M <7 Elkton $ ederal Point ‘'Hastings Mateo Jc.^ xalnes\il e 3 U T N A lorseshoe Lafayette..L 1 Lake____ 1 Lee_______ M Leon......... G Levy......... J Liberty___ .F > 7| Orange Park 1^.3 ^Highland j Peuria/^>zVjr awtey <4f* Jc^j 1 RusselPo^ Raiford, TJ-R AD °7Columl Beach ^ackaonfc Maxnlle U WA N E ELel .ex / I ® 1 ■^gWilmarth Estl IL.Soychoypy/.tf Ashmor^/V^J o X Dalkeil \ \V\CR00KEDTsbAi tP Baxtd .Tay lor o illaville V ereen’ \S^>vvS$'Cpe Flagler...... M 4 Franklin....F 3 % idrtak Sirman- Waco Old BotmtstowmJ T>inIt0=iPo/SC ChatoW&, V Madison7>£t£2_ I'M A D 1 is O<N Holland^ Escambia...A 1 Hamilton.. J Hernando K Hillsb’gh. K h dines___ D fUFJ-Faw Han„rt i S°° I >• ^|a,. /Gretna^x? ^Greensboro Elmira tVatu' -/ . Skinner0 CdlWR"*1** a _ mi njwi.i ■ \ChipOla Jo « U113O 1 \Selman CarrozV<J> of ountain Leona^dsty. Durham's® S ^Boulogne VAndrews' A / \ ideas <?\Hilllard^ (Fargfo CH A^LT 0 M- Statenville . Sta. TV^. < "^'‘simavilRf Millspri ?sa Dade........... .F 8 De Soto ... M 8 Dural......... .L 2 AMDEN THOMAS * N.sJMarlaiu Boggj * pf< Redbay J rPortland"Po<f __ .. Calhoun... F, 2 Citrus....... K S Clay......... . L 3 Columbia....J a AvilJe 3iU8o TcB*800™ /Potolo c Funiak’VfC»> springs Knjwj ;’OKALO< llomerville Racepondj .(0^ Darlington® Sterling® ?(.,D GateBvf.ood Muscogee) Longitude W.esti it^fCmoundV ■Tangerl “’•For EtDB°,_ FCit W.ER?CANAl ci> /fXChufl enter HillVV t—oAVeb erW. Apopka* p8t.Cathe ne iloutrer larcon»x ^cf Ocoee., ooke;Mike•%£ /LWinter Pa\i WOrland! UA N G Mfeok!Miiv^cit ,. ferl — 7T--T jcssamine^C, Dade City < .c/ O M’SS^5" gle Creek^ J ern on T Zephyrhills tj Odessa * Godwin nten iDayjenpp: Zg, "Loughman. c™» Fit. Tayloio n Pe«''Monlin\il WinJ 1 ^LJJ ° VHolopai a. ^<L. Gentry i \ j ,ye , Wi^pbh J. Aldna® ; ^prc8«D» 1 )las7u fton[ C1 Hlahaw\<^ ®i nier i I Taylor___ .H 2 »• J,' ) F»o« lK« AW ■gty yea'/watcr Volusia ... M 4 Wakulla... G 2 Walton__ .0 1 WashlngtonD 1 rHxskell—^EloiseU /-j'LiiuOna /pralii isboro Rich) f/J.KeysvilAe Jc.V 5> “oy«‘UKM«> ' BROWARD \r Everglade J^3 feoloskee \\\^? - Chatmef C'/iama l.,. Chokoloskee hokoi.oskef. Key^T. . ~r CrookcimL. J I JW.FuMeaS^of rort Meade " k ib ' sBareah « ; oFredonia, Baird :n<l Torrey^ Wauchula, nra\ Or,a': Mlainf Mlauiv Fort Harrell y j A M Cocoanut Grove/ D C Larkins p KeSdallZ/ Rockdale/ Peters/ Black Peinl/ ISCXXl-S 1HLKXDS Naranjx/' Homestead x< Z<Law8one Runl'ofJH ^ZLawsona RunJ’yfjx > <,, s Key3I\L aughuxIx^ 3I\ L.\e\;nu*\Jf Rogers Point ^ogera l’uint f / ■ / ?- i \ \ '&«rh>6fa®e Sar'a'sot a\K ey\5 .V ’ MAN7VTEE J £ SBee Ridge L i Osprey tZacZrsonl SJapfcaW |i xNalacaw. n» «/ i L, Arbuc&e ' I / i . PlnWaland 11 \ &Zoifo ( 8ebrine^h ' I o/ L.Jackaon^\ . I Myffi tt o Crewsville 0 Sweetwater 'Istol ^ooLi\iy V C>lZ.£fc!«r | Gardyneft jBiinkery/Crownville ) llilolof issenger f£( G ifford\ ud Mb\\ iT . v.AW -A- Oslo 61» (NV i'in0“ Vikin\W Lucio I St. I.uofel AV. h t. Pierce^ I- _ EMrtidV WhfteCity'H Iliobee l .Ankoqa Jensei .gwearinger (Indian Mound Manak* to ‘Adrian"^A W/Va' f Cleveland v JPunta Gorda K. Acline Tv-Lcster J •t^flilchrle EZE/W jargo JARGO' k Pabn4ale_7 K\ipup \\5d Jupiterl Ohpiter Sta.V Hal! Large MoundWEdge ' beBo £ turners FLORIDA c\\j K /'v5f?GARi»E.N. GARI»E.N. : Bun, Key' AocgerhEai>$)> X Marqui ,0.1 ,7 -> [C W ti^ •Boot:Key^ Fort" Myers SCALE Punta Rassa Estero- Statute Miles, 39 = 1 Inch. \Sa>ibei<Islaxi J "K Key West est Rand McNally's NewTl-x14 Map of Florida. eopj-Tiglit by Band McNally & Co. XittfcJiicJatry J Rivcrial , L M west, J^Palm Beach’ = JPalnt. Bibeach CANA^l Lake W orillj ■jHypolux° i .Boynton A Delray I Lake. Iraffoi& amato j, Bfoagatonej) 0 'Bonita Springs Dua kaSoe hiiver\ ‘Arcadia Morthftest Cape^M \ ) i Cane Caoe Sal ECHOBEjE Z»«T“loas\Wii Pinelevi berEt.'1 Araep'u berLt. Araepik ^Flaming F®rt limmee 0 Osowaw riejlidgc71 Ft. Drum^; Avon^Parkz iScotts ( Police de Leoft Poilce Leoit )Vhitea\itei" Lakci Grant V .,,Miec<>' Little M Hl ^4, Arch Cre dneha, A.* iA EVERGLADES K \ DeerfelS West Pompano0/ <ow/jRDCo,:sd •frV Fork Laii do i* d ale O r Jui: tB iJMbAJhJbA^MMbiMlbiMiAMMftAAAAAJb 5% <l> .H.S ® ssa =* FLORIDA NATIONAL BANK OF JACKSONVILLE Sf’-S © ? 08 , £ s? SR 1 A 0) £ __ O 32 2 a >»© >h ■eg’ a, c ■a > IlilllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllltllllllllltlllilllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllV R esources over $15,000,000 iiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii OFFICERS ARTHUR F. PERRY, President GILES L. WILSON, Vice-Pres. CHAS. B. CAMPBELL, Cashier W. A. REDDING, Vice-Pres. JOHN A. NEWSOM, Ass’t Cashier N. A. WAKEFIELD, Ass’t Cashier GEO. J. AVENT, Vice-Pres. B. S. WEATHERS, Ass’t Cashier F. W. BEIDLEMAN, Ass’t Cashier ’O <u a c o O < Q O U Collects All Florida Direct at Lowest Rates fe ' C* §£c .> © a 3M a Your Items are treated as we would wish you to treat ours ss : S fcsc «E O’. g’oi 6c S’ s« jsMc ^JS a O&’.E •S • CORRESPONDENCE INVITED a gj uX i a 2 < . sj ©7* C © , « 4) < a % ( S-* 3 L. c 5 • S cl □ o ; fc o: Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaily Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name of Bank. Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. •County Seats. Fed. Res. Dist. No. 6 Jacksonville Branch. President. <1 • Clearwater.-Pinellas J 7 Bank of Clearwater.—<$’06 A. C. Clewis-------63-153 Pop. 5000 H. W. Bivins-----Guaranty Title & Trust Co. 63-328 <$’19 PEOPLES BANK Vice President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. Liabilities. . Paid-up Surplus Depos and its I Capital Profits J. H. Hughes-----C. G. Varn-------- $ W. B. Joiner_____ T W. A. Collins----M. Marsh L. L. Owens--------- E. L. Jones. J. H. Fears----- J. H. Fears_______ I________________ i 15,000 $ 5,910 15,000 8.800 I 15.00C 4,800 15,000 3,000 15,000 2,450 15,00b 5,250 M. M. Clyatt-------- C. J. Huber______ j_____________ 16.000 S. A. Alford______ 25,000 | S. A. Alford-------- 50,000 j'k,"bsb“»'JiMWker (L. B. SKINNER— J. W. MATCHETT <$’11 I Prompt remitts nee for all collectl ons at lowest ra tea. Principal Correspondents. Securities prom Banks 15,600 R. B. Kirchhain... i____________ D. A. Andrews . A. P. Schlemmer H. F. Harkness— W. J. Hooten---------A. E. Crocker____ J. J. Eldridge___ H. W. Bivins_____ L. E. Johnson. H. W. Bivins A. W. Gage_______ F. L. Hendrix------ L. T. Gregory, Sec. and, Tr. Resources. LOANS ft Dl8- Cash ft Ex* c’T8. Bonds, ch amoks, Due 1 671,150 $ 504,420 $ 138,590 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fla. N. and Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 185,330 166,-,60 39,740 Han. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N„ Jacksonville: Bk. of Com.. Tampa. 97,000 92,000 15.000 U. S. Mtge. & Tr. Co., N. Y.: Fla. N., Jacksonville. 41,000 69,000 39,000 Han. N„ N. Y. 90,330 58,410 134,130 64,890 ! i . .. j 41,470 33,000 8.800i i 24.330 215,000 223,300 353,630 451,480 45,770 Atlantic N., Jacksonville: Fla. N., Gainesville. 84,520 N. Bk. Com., N Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Cont. Tr. Co.. Balt. 22,450 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fla. N., Jacksonville. 42,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Am. N.. Pensacola; Atlantic N.. Jacksonville. 63,130 N. City, N. Y.; Am. N., Pensacola. 60.000 1,200,000 800,000 75,0v0 18,020 38,096 102,440 29.320 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Peo. and Bk. of Clearwater, Clearwater. 60,000 35,300 847,520 702,230 240,590 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Tampa; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Phil. N., Phil. 100,000 400,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: Ex. N., Tampa. 63-209 Clermont______ Lake L Pop. 500 Cocoa............ Brevard N Pop. 2000 First State Bank..............t$’13 O. O. Roe_________ C. H. Wilson____ 63-256 Bank of Cocoa........ ....<$’12 L. S. Andrews------ W. G. Paterson__ 0. W. Roe_______ : F. B. Roe_________ 15,000 7,460 161,860 115,460 68,850 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Peo., Sanford. J. C. McLeod_____ ______________ 25,000 6,420 381,700 318,660 76.980 N. Park, N.Y.; Peo. and Atlantic N„ Jacksonville. 25,000 12.060 900,000 720,000 250,000 Irving N., N. Y.: Peo. and Barnett N., Jacksonville: Citiz. & Southern, Atl. 63-248 BREVARD CO. STATE BANK (J. R. ANTHONY, JR. R. B. HOLMES------ ALBERT L. McGLAllN-!H. M.JERNIGAN...... I 63-154 <$'89 ■i Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts and c ash Items, (Send 15 Cents f or each plain dra ft for presentatio n. Coleman........ Sumter K Pop. 500 Coleman Banking Co....... $T0 D. W. Swicord------ F. L. Rutland_____ J. G. Fleming......... 1_____________ 63-155 15,000 7,500 124,480 72,350 69,460 N Rk. Com., N. ¥.: Atlantic N.. Jacksonville; Citiz. Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tampa. Cottondale-Jackson E Pop. 700 Planters Bank------------- *$T6 J. W. Hinson.......... H. W. Mercer........ H. E. Williams___ 63-310 15,000 2,460 £0,200 74,760 35,350 Han. N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Peo. N., Pensacola: Citiz. State, Marianna. Crescent City .PutnamL 4 Bank of Crescent City ..3$'O9 K. Borson________ K. M. White______ W. A. Warner........ 63-157 Pop. 1000 15,000 19,000 205,000 175,000 46,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Fla. N., Jacksonville. 15.000 3,500 110,000, 100,000 30,000 Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co., N. O. 15,000 5,000 75.000 65,000 25.000 2.5C0 298,000 210,000 55,000 N. Rk. Com., N. Y.; Peo. and Barnett N., 50,000 21,000 501,800 403,000 173,200h N. Park. N. Y.: Atlantic N.. Jacksonville: Citiz. Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tampa. i5,ooo' 10,470 350.000 142,000 172,500 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; 1st N. Crestview-Oskaloosa C Pop. 1000 Bank of Crestview.......... <’19 C. G. Rives, Jr.... C. B. Ferdon_____ H. E. Williams— 1C. B. Ferdon, Jr— 63-322 Crystal River— Citrus J 5 Bank of Crystal River..t§’05 O. E. Allen______ 63-158 Pop. 1500 •Dade City___ Pasco K Pop. 2200 J. R. ANTHONY, JR.- S. F. HUCKABAY — T. CLINTON BEAVERS - GLADYS E. BEAVERS Special attend on given to colie ettons. The only bank In Pasco County carrying Insurance on their depositors’ money. BANK OF DADE CITY 63-308 Dania______ Broward F i Pon. 750 SAVANNAH ATLANTA John Raymond___ A. F. Price---------- Laura S. Porter ... Bank of Dania......... ...»$T2 M. C. Hardee_____ M. C. Frost_______ I. T. Parker.......... W. S. Parker. 63-226 21,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.: Fla. N.. Jacksonville. >’16 Tank of Pasco County.<$’89 L. A. Bize -______ 63-159 C. A. Miller_______ C. A. Miller_______[ W. C. Miller. J. T. Rawls 1 The CITIZENS % SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your Business 2? AUGUSTA MACON FL O RID A BANKS — B uena V is ta to D an ia Buena Vista___ DadeF 7 Bank of Buena Vista..„t’2O R. I. Higgins. 63-344 Pop. 100 •Bunnell____ Flagler M 4 Bunnell State Bank.__ <$’11 J. F. Lambert____ 63-148 Pop. 500 Bushnell........ Sumter J 4 Citizens Bank------------- <106 J. M. Harvey----63-149 Pod. 939 '10 P. A. Wilson-----Callahan____ Nassau LI Callahan State Bank... 63-150 Pop. 500 Campbellton.Jackson El Central State Bank----- <$’07 J. W. White-----63-151 Pod. 300 Cedar Keys------ Levy I 4 Cedar Key State Bank—.t$’12 J. W. Turner_____ 63-247 Pop. 864 Center Hill__ Sumter L 3 Bank of Center Hill....<§’11 D. C. Smith____ 63-217 Pop. 800 Chiefland . .........Levy J 4 Bank of Chiefland.......... t§’20 O. N. Harper------63^333 Pop. 350 Chipley-Washington DI Chipley State Bank—..<$’06 O. B. Dunn______ 63-126 Pop. 2000 First National Bank----- <’05 E. N. Dekle........... 63-127 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. FLORIDA—Continued Ju ly , 1920__________ 173 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. •County Seats. Fed. Kes. Dist. No. 6 Jacksonville Branch. Name of Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital Profits its Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President. I Vice-President. Cashier. J 'W. M. HANKINS— J, W. PRUITT____ R. H. DANIEL----------------------Daytona____ Volusia M 4 Pop. 5445 FIRST NAT’L BANK 63-91 <17 F. J. NIVER -------- Delray..Palm Beach O 10 Pop. 1200 Dundee................ p0lk L 7 Pop. 200 Dunedin........ Pinellas J 7 Pop. 700 Dunnellon ...Marion K 4 „ Pop. 1200 Eau Gallie—Brevard N6 Pop. 700 G. B. CAMPBELL - H. THORNBER_ _ _ 100.000 W. 0. CAMPBELL— .... D. B. TUTEN............ A. B. PRATHER — Volusia County Bank..<§’89 S. A. Wood-----------; F. N.Conrad_____ i ♦ 63-94 A. D. McBride, F. R. Osborne Ch.ofBd. Bank of Delray________ «§’12 J. L. Love------------ ! J. J. Schabinger... 63-231 State Bank of Dundee _t§’15 E. E. Skipper_____ G. B. Skipper____ 63-270 Bank of Dunedin_____ <§’13 H. W. Bivins_____ J. M. McClung____ 63-265 Bank of Dunnellon —<§'04 J. G. Baskin.............)Geo. J. Boswell ... 63-160 Citizens Bank......................§’20 R. L. Bryan---------- j J. M. Fennell.......... B. J, Benson 63-335 State Bank of Eau Gallie»§’16 W. H. H. Gleason.. J. M. Law................ 63-301 CITIZENS BANK........... <§T2 63-239 R. H. Boyd.............. i E. L. Mickle. 25,000 9,270 500,090 382,940 148,000 25.000 16,060 388,840 310,200 35,000 25,000 375,000 340,000 Merch., Daytona; Citiz. & Southern, Atl. 117,580 Ian. N„ N.Y.: Citiz. & Peo. N.and Am. Pensacola; Florida N., Jacksonville. 100,006 50.000 12,500 625.000 557,120 135,000 135,970 1,791,380 1,682,820 VULU,, ■ • awin, , x., Atiauuv 11., •/dU&.cVJLl Vi AN. x., ri». AN • 344,540 Am. Ex. N„ N. Y.; Atlantic N. and Fla. N., Jacksonville. 4,000 15,000 3,000 65,000 52,000 L. C. Ray________ 20,000 5,670 128,620 119,820 G. W. Neville.......... P. H. Brinson. 30,000 4,580 499,440 270,590 V. S. Phillips.......... 30,000 6,000 R. H. Wall.............. 15,000 90,000 85,000 Grady Smith........... 15,000 4,800 65,000 91,000 25,000 12,500 312,600 254,000 25,000 45,000 871,140 550,000 330,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Fla. N. and Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 1.600 110,000 102,000 79,400 1,045,240 1,198,390 25,000 N. City, N. Y.; Atlantic N. and Fla. N., Jacksonville. 150,240 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.: Cent. N., Phil. 15,250 Charles Isted.......... H. E. Morse — 25,000 100,000 25,000 25,000 SEND US YOU R ITEMS DIREC T. L Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time I terns receive pro nipt att ention. 50,000 20.000 100,000 80,000 20,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Peo., Jacksonville. 28,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Polk Co. N., Bartow; At lantic N., Jacksonville. 23,710 Han. N., N. Y.; Ex. N., Tampa; Bk. of Clearj water, Clearwater. 249,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. ! N. Bk. Com., N. Y. Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Fla. N., Gainesville. 20,000 Han. N..N.Y.: Peo., Jacksonville. 28,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Citiz. Am. Bk. & Tr. Co. Tampa. 84,440 893,360 547,790 363,280 175,000 50.000 150,000 800,000 700,000 100,000 x>xx.. VUUJ,, ay • X rttiauuc AN, dUU IcU.| Jacksonville; Ex. N., Tampa. nett N., Peo..and Atlantic N.. Jacksonville; Bk. of Bay Biscayne and 1st N., Miami. 1. City. N. Y.; Fla. N., Jacksonville; IstN., Miami, Tampa. The CITIZENS \ SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your Business Ju ly , 1920 J. S. HINTON......... W. L. DILLARD...... . Fort Meade........ Polk K 7 FIRST STATE BANK—<§’07 L. A. Bize................ S. IL Brown______ L. L. Bean_________ S. G. Turnley... Pop. 2500 Vernon Clyatt ! B. L. Keen Number Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis <A1IU Jacksonville; Pbil. N., Phil. 15,000 Fellsmere~St. Lucie N 7 State Bank of Fellsmere C. H. Piffard............ | R. A. Conkling — B. D. Atkisson .... Pop. 1000 1B. D. Atkisson 63-269 <§’13 •Fernandina-Nassau LI First National Bank___ <’91 Everett Mizell____ Chas. J. Davis......... C. S. Binnicker.... Pop. 3482 F. W. Hoyt, 63-162 Ch. of Bd. • Ft. Lauderdale, Broward Ft. Lauderdale State Bank W. C. Kyle_______ F. Stranahan_____ C. J. Joiner.. J. N Cain Pop. 3500 0 10 63-164 <§’10 SECURITY STATE BK. .*§’20 63-334 100,000 ’• W. B. Joiner_____ 63-161 I C. J. HECTOR-— D.T. HART_ _ _ _ _ _ VV1U., AN. A., 181 N., Chi.; Atlantic N., Florida N., and Barnett N., Jacksonville; Citiz. & Southern, Atlanta. R. E. Waterman .. G. F. Kletzin_____ j M. V. Simpson — IL. J. Taylor______ J. M. Young............ E. A. Gregory........ I E. S. Burleigh FIRST STATE BANK—<§’96 W. S. McClelland.. E. L. Ferran. SAVANNAH ATLANTA 726,090 i The oldest and largest National Bank in Volusia county. <’10 . Careful attenti on given to every department of ba nking. Ellenton .—Manatee K 8S ELLENTON STATE BANK S. L. Tyler.............. D. F. Richards. Pop. 800 63-295 <§’15 Fastis.................. Lake L 5 Pop. 1500 91 820 2,440,640 1,906,360 to SEND YOUR I TEMS DIRECT. Prompt person al attention give n Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and . time Items, a nd remitted for p romptly on day of payment. FIRST NATL BANK 63-95 5,000 $ 550,000 $ 450,000 $ 150,000 FL O RID A BA N K S — D ayto na to F o rt M ea de *De Land—Volusia M 4 Pop. 4000 Banks sonrllle. Daytona Beach.. Volusia East Coast State Bank..<|'12 F. N. Conrad.......... F. J. Niver.............. C. A. Randall______ 63-259 Pop. 3000 N4 •DeFuniak Spgs.. Walton Cawthon State Bank__ «t§’03 W. L. Cawthon ___ H. L. Cawthon_____ A. L. Hill_________ 63-104 C. H. Gordon Pop. 3000 C1 63-105 from Principal Correspondents. Courteous atte ntlon to visitors. .Collections rem itted promptly on date paid. < Tourists accou nts solicited. Col lection Departme nt equipped handle items promptly. Bern itted for on day of payment. •tl’96 , ( Every courtesy to visitors. FIRST NATIONAL BANK<’04 50.000 $ Resources. Loans St Dis- Cash k Ex changes,Dux c’ts. Bonds, Biouritiis Only National B ank between^St. Augustine and P aim Beach. MERCHANTS BANK 63-90 dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this I volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, i FLORIDA—Continued 174 174 AUGUSTA MACON Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Inunder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t—n A ATLANTA Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. *County Seats. Fed. Res. Dist. No. 6 Jacksonville Branch. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. FLORIDA—Continued Vice-President. CASHIER. Ass't Cashier. Liabilities. |Surplus Paid-up DeposITS Capital ! Profits ‘Fort Myers--------LeeL 9 Bank of Fort Myers...<§’01 H. E. Heitman____ J. E. Foxworthy .. J. E. Foxworthy— R. H. Prine_____ . $ 100,OOC $ Pop. 5000 63-100 FIRST NATIONAL BANK <’07 W. G. Langford... Geo. Kingston........ C. C. Pursley.......... C. Gonzalez______ . 63-101 A. L. White______ Amos Bolick.......... J. W. Blanding.— G. A. Arndt J. Henry Johnson. W. A. Johnson ___ J. Henry Johnson. 100.000 50,000 15,000 7,000 863,390 100,000 846,640 283,530 Han. N., N. Y.; Ex. N., Tampa. _______ .Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; U. S. Tr. Co., Jackson ville; 1st N., Tampa. 65,000 Chase N„ N. Y.: De Soto N, and 1st N„ Area dia; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 670,000 360,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fla. N. and Peo.. Jack sonville. 217,200 65,050 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N.. Jackson ville; 1st N., Miami. 50,000 43,000 67,000 1,000,000 11,320 250,000 T. C. Banks____ — R. W. Al Duncan.. A. O. Mathews -__ L. Maxey 25,000 1,590 61,500 41,900 6,900 176,400 132,000 15,000 25,000 100,000 134,710 1,257,060 1,359,110 200,000 57,530 1.430,960 1,909,970 41,590 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Citiz.-Am. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Tampa; Lowry N., Atl.; Barnett N., Jack sonville. 80,900 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.;.Polk Co. N.. Bartow; Atlantic N.. Jacksonville. 227,080 N. Park, N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.; Drov. & Meeh. N., Balt.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 246,610 Meeh. & Metals N. and N. City, N. Y.: Fla. N., Jacksonville; Phil N„ Phil.: N. Bk, Com., St. L. 95,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 50,000 15.000 330,000 285,000 35,000 13,500 107,000 120,000 30,000 Han. N„ N. Y.; Am. N., Pensacola. 25,000 7.710 242,770 197,170 68,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 15.000 5,000 65,000 70,000 16,000 9,000 110,000 80,000 40,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jack sonville. 26,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 15,000 7,500 200,000 125,000 30,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 15.000 9,850 286,130 220,650 78,220 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Citiz.-Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tampa. 211,630 30,000 f J. T. MILLER_ _ _ LISLE W. SMITH...... C. C. YOUNG.......... J. C. MILLER....... . 25,000 7,650 315,000 W. G. Seals_______ A. A. Futch ............ 15,000 740 28.200 25.410 246,400 231,280 STATE BK. OF HAINES CITY < Send us your C oliections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time 63-263 <§’12 (Items and rec eive prompt and personal attenti on. SAVANNAH ATLANTA 115,930 35,000 E. L. Wirt................. E. E. Skipper.___ C. E. Reed, Jr........ F. L. Holland T. L. Wilson H. E. Taylor............ E. Baird_________ Lee Graham______ W. W. Hampton J. J. Haymans------ J.M. Fennell,Active J. M. Fennell_____ C. S. Niblo............ J. H. Hodges. T. J. Cone R. C. Bowers Ch. of Bd. ♦Phifer State Bank____ t§’07 W. B. Phifer______ J. A. Phifer............ H. L. Phifer............ 63-48 W. M. Johnson Gainesville Clearing House. H. E. Taylor______ J. M. Fennell, Sec. (Members indicated by a *) First National Bank___ <’04 A. D. Campbell-__ J. B. Kelly—........... A. D. Campbell, Jr. J. W. Prim.. 63-165 Bank of Green Cove Springs M. W. Griffis______ G. W. Geiger____ M. L. Rosenbush... J. O. Hall . ........... 63-166 <§’04 Bank of Greensboro.__ »§’14 O. W. Gardner .... J. W. Green............ R. L. Green .. 63-284 Bank of Greenville____ .§’05 C. Bush___________ C. L. Leggett — J. Vickers............... 63-167 Z. M. McLeod Bank of Greenwood..,<§’08 R. A. Willis_______ Louis B. Smith.. Louis B. Smith ___ 63-224 Bank of Groveland........ <§’12 E. E. Edge_______ J. R. Arnold_____ A. W. Newett.......... Miss E. Etha Hart 63-258 A. W. Newett ley Hampton State Bank___ §’07 63-168 Bank of Hastings____ <§’09 63-169 Havana State Bank____ t§’07 63-170 Hawthorne State Bank.<§’ll 63-171 High Springs Bank____ $$’03 63-172 Bank of Homestead.__ <§'12 63-245 Citizens Bank_________ §’20 63-343 ‘Inverness—..Citrus K 5 Citizens Bank........... „..+§T2 Pop. 1500 63-244 Citrus County Bank....t§T6 63-173 100,000 F. G. McMullen... Edgar Lewis______ Edgar Lewis______ G. S. Tucker M. P. Moyer_____ J. M. Sikes............ R. F. Persons........ Haines City........ Polk L 6 Growers Commercial Bank T. H. Atkinson .... M. Sample________ R. H. Prine........ . Pop. 1000 63-349 §’20 Hampton.. Bradford K 3 Pop. 265 Hastings—St. Johns L 3 Pop. 399 Havana____ Gad sen G 1 Pop. 1000 Hawthorne...Alachua K3 Pop. 824 High Springs—..Alachua Pop. 1800 J3 Homestead------ Dade E 8 Pop. 1500 85,000 $1125 000 i 822,700 $ 481,000 N. Bk. of Com., N. Y.; Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co. Tampa; Fla. N., Jacksonville. C. M. Horton_____ E. D. Anthony .... E. L. Price.............. T. C. Nicholson ... Frostproof State Bank*t§’15 63-232 ‘Gainesville........ Alachua ♦First National Bank... Pop. 10,000 K 3 63-46 ♦Florida National Bank<’10 63-49 Graceville..-Jackson E 1 Pop. 1200 ‘Green Cove Springs, Clay..Pop. 2600____ L 3 Greensboro.-Gadsden F 2 Pop. 175 Greenville—Madison H 2 Pop. 751 Greenwood-Jackson El Pop. 500 Groveland........ Lake L5 Pop. 600 Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes, Due from Banks 128,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Peo., Jacksonville. 12,740 Atlantic N., Jacksonville. J. B. Hughes_____ A. S. Maltby______ J. W. Case________ C. R. Phillips. F. L. Knight E. H. Slappey........ E. B. Shelfer_____ F. D. Miller______ 15,000 150,000 132.500 F. J. Hammond___ P. O’ Brien.............. W. O. Mahin______ Lottie E. Mahin.__ 15.000 8,750 97,820 114,620 33,940 N. Park, N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville; 1st N., St. Augustine. 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Bainbridge State, Bainbridge, Ga. 28,790 N. Park, N.'Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. J. A. Stephens___ H. McL. Grady___ G. W. McCall.......... E. P. Ellis...........— C. G. Nisi W. D. Horne_____ C.T. Fuchs, Sr.... W. M. Bradley .... Geo. L. Reynolds— 15,000 5,480 245,430 197,190 68,730 Atl. N., Jacksonville. 15,000! 5,210 257,110 202,370 41,970 Han. N.. N. Y.: Miami Bk. & Tr. Co., Miami; Atlantic N.. Jacksonville. 7,000 160,000 128,000 146,770 116,680 50,520 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N„ Jacksonville; Ex. N., Tampa. 50,270 Bk. of Com., Tampa; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; UniomTr. Co. of Md.,Balt. A. C. Graw_______ Wm. J. Carter___ O. E. Allen________ G. H. Scofield_____ I. O. Fender______ J. M. Harvey_____ H. A. Reaves_____ G. I. Singleton___ E. W. Carter_____ 20,000; 3,820 42,450 25,000 25,000 15,000 5,180 TheCITIZENS \ SOUTHERN BANK SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS AUGUSTA MACON FL O RID A BANKS — F o rt M ye rs to In v ern ess Lee County Bank.Title & Tr. Company.. 63-329____«§'19 Fort Ogden..De Soto L 8 Security State Bank ’S’lS Pop. 500 63-277 ‘Fort Pierce..-St. Lucie Bank of Fort Pierce.—<§’93 Pop. 1500 C8 63-120 St. Lucie County Bank—»§’O8 63-121 Fort White.Columbia J 3 Fort White Bank.............. §’20 Pop. 300 63-331 Frostproof_____ Polk K 6 Citizens Bank____ _____ §’20 Pop. 1000 63-340 Resources. Loans <fe Disc’ts. Bonds, Securities Ju ly , 1920_________ 1 <7 C % southern BANK Solicits Your Business “£ nit vi1 176 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. ^County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. JState Fed. Res. Dist. No. 6 tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Jacksonville Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. ‘Jacksonville____ Duval Pop. 91.543 L 2 (Reserve City) President. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this!1 volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. FLORIDA—Continued i Vice-President. Oashisr. Ass't Cashier. Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital Profits its Resources. Loans & Disc’th. Bonds, Securities j j ■| Cash & Ex changes,Dux from Barks Principal Correspondents. 1 F. W. HOYT_ _ _ _ _ _ ARCHERS. HUBBARD- R. W. HOYT, Tr..... A. T. WILLIAMS,Sec. J. H. POWELL $ 200,000 $ 35.000 $ 700.000 $ 750,000 $ 150,000 W. 0. BOOZER We want your JACKSONVILLE COLLECTIONS. TRUST COMPANY ♦ 63-18 <5’13 Try our service once and we will get them regularly. ‘AMERICAN ♦Atlantic National Bank <'03 E. W. Lane-----------T. P. Denham........... W. I. Coleman — J. M. Quincy_____ 63-2 D. K. Catherwood, !F. W. Hoyt 1C. W. Wandell V.-P. D. D. Upchurch ! C. O. Little (1. E. Therry NATIONAL BANK 63-4 <'77 B. H. BARNETT...... COURTS P. KENDALL C. S. L’ENGLE_ _ _ _ D. M. BARNETT— W. R.McQUAlD G. A. KIRK. JR., F. H.FARWELL A. G. CUMMER A-Cash- A HILL , IR Ch. of B(l. C. H. Mann, 63-5 <05 50.000 F. Q. Yerkes.......... j W. H. Johnson.___ A. A. Tooke P. B. Wood ♦Federal Reserve Bank of (Branch of Atlant a. Ga.) Atlanta..-63-19_________ • ‘FLORIDA NAT’L BANK -C. B. CAMPBELL-- J. A. NEWSOM ..... N. A.WAKEFIELD HEATHERS B. S. WEATL — F. W. BEIDELMAN Jacksonville is the clearing point for your Florida and Southeastern Georgia Items and Collections — Bill of Lading drafts our specialty. REMIT DAILY — We invite you to try our superior facilities. <505 ‘PEOPLES BANK 63-11 <5'06 53.050 1,290.630 1,237,560 Com’l N., Chi.; Franklin N., Phil.; 1st N., Bos. 150,120 500,000 Canal Com’i Tr. &Sav., N. 6. 372,330 14435260 12365630 3,754,200 N.. Chi. SEE A DV. OPP OSITE P AGE 172 A. R. MERRILL_ _ _ J. E. MADIGAN_ _ _ _ T. W. BISHOP, Sec... 100 000 Ch.ofBd. 63-9 662,120 13030 850 12 470 430 2.821.81" (For comI plete information,: see page 33). A. F. PERRY---------- G. L. WILSON— W. A. REDDING GEO. J. AVENT BOSTWICK JR. ‘GUARANTY TRUST W.R. E.M. WHEELER, & SAVINGS BANK 750.000 Phil.; M. M. 1st N.. Balt. Send us your Collections direct. L. A. rtnKIRo, Jn. The best facilities for handling bill of lading drafts on Jacksonville. ♦CITIZENS BANK.—<5'05 C. H. Chesnut 63-10 350,000 1,050,230 20 239 220 16680 120 5,889,330 , “SEND US YOUR JACKSONVILLE ITEMS DIRECT.” 34.310 1,455,610 1.299 810 290.110 30.000 2.250.0000 1.450.000 550.000 t Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items receive prompt and careful attention and remitted for on day of payment. Meeh. & Metals N.and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N.Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill. and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. A.P. ANTHONY—- THURSTON ROBERTS - L. P. McCORO-....... C. C. EDMUNDSONAn Officer of this Bank has the Collection Department under his personal Direct Connections witt^aff Banking Points in the State. A. Tr.\ 100.000 Phil.; M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Lowry N., Atl. 50,000 15,780 1,094.0800 989.380 218,480 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. F. P. SAVANNAH ATLANTA AV. R. McQuaid — W. O. Boozer, Mgr. Sec. and Tr. [■nm The CITIZENS A% SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your Business NnmbM uiulvi Name of Bank ia tbe Nen Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Federal Reserve Bank 177of St. Louis Ju ly, 1920 W. M. Ball.............. F. W. Rivers, Tr... ! Kay Dixon, A elite ♦United States Trust Co. 63-17 IS'12 Jacksonville Clearing House (enihe/wt indicated hu a FLORIDA BANKS—Ja ck so nv ille ___________ ‘BARNETT . Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jackson-! ville. AUGUSTA MACON Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- FLORIDA—Continued dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back id this, ATLANTA Numbei under Name ot Bank is tke New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In Town and Codntt. Name of Bank. »County Seats. Fed. Res. Dist. No. 6 Jacksonville Branch. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab Jennings—Hamil Pop. 400 Kenansville..Osce Pop. 100 ‘Key West.-Monri Pop. 25.000 VICE-PRESIDENT. Cashier. Asst Cashieb. Commercial Bank_____ "+§’14 W. B. Lewis______ J. IL Peeples_____ L. S. Leach........ — R. M. Sweet. 63-297 First National Bank____ t '05 W. H. Green______ P. D. Sandlin_____ S. M. Perkins___ 63-116 $ Sbooutimi 10.000 7,070 225,000 170.000 15,000 84,550 71,190 A. L. Hunt______ 15,000 11.480 9,020 G. B. Patterson___ R. H. Kemp--------- J. F. Uhrbach.__ _ Wm. R. Porter T. K. Warren 100,000 25,860 1,855,720 1,540,840 <T. M. RIVERS......... L.H. HEDGE--------- 0. J. ROUNTREE—— 25,000 BANK OF OSCEOLA COUNTY 63-103 «:S'O9 B. F. Roe-------- ) Collections rece ive personal atte ntion of an offlc er of this bank, 'Send your Item s direct. Corresp ondence invited from prospective 179,350 J. R. Doty------------ G. Bekemeyer------ 15,000 3,040 66,550 57,860 25,000 1,250 43,030 60,630 25,000 6,000 190,000 151,300 D. G. McCormick . F. W. Hall_______ 29,080 N, Bk. Com., N. Y.; Barnett N„ Jacksonville. 50,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 24,360 Irving N„ N. Y.; Citiz. and 1st N., Valdosta, Ga.; Barnett N., Jacksonville. 2,960 Barnett N„ Jacksonville; Bk. of Orange, Or lando. 540,740 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. 189,600 Chatham & Phenix N„ N. Y.; Peo. and Fla. N., Jacksonville; Citiz.-Am. Bk.& Tr.Co.,Tampa. ers. J. M. Critchlow.— G. IL Hollister___ F. L. Froemke____ John Morley J. W. Townsend... W. H. Lee................ G. W. Alderman — Wm. Johnson_____ Hugh Register Seeber King--------- M. A. Dukes______ J. T. Smith_______ D. T. McGill______ j 27,355 M. M. 1st N„ Balt. 8,640 Liberty N., N. Y.; Atlantic N„ Jacksonville. 63,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N„ Jacksonville. 15.000 6,470 136,460 117,100 34,210 Bk. of America, N.Y.; Barnett N. and Peo,, F. P. Cone------------ S. D. Summers .— L. C. Green.............. 50.000 7,480 245,000 219,930 86,550 N. Park, N. Y.: Atlantic N„ Barnett N„ and Fla. N„ Jacksonville. 75,300 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.: AtlanticN., Jacksonville, i J. C. Sheffield------ H. W. Markham— Earl Haltiwanger.. j 50,000 39,570 505,320 560,370 J. R. Perry_______ F. H. Ives_______ 50,000 19.000 350.000 287,000 Chas. B. Anderson, F. A. Holmes_____ 25,000 2,500 G. W. Buttorff------ ------ T. W. Byrd—........... 15,000 8,050 133,050 89,610 H. H. Dwiggins---- (JOHN L. FOUTS- MORRIS 6. MUNN W. B. SEWELL........ i J.W. BRYANT. Ch, of Bd. FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 05 ( :lted. Larg est Bank In Polk County. | Your collection i 63-82 (Remittances m i a day of pa yment. E. C. Stuart........ — C 1 Orrin Randolph... \ 100,000 B. H. Alexander__ J. S. Whitehurst..) 25,000 15,000 J. W. Means______ 1 E. J. Reed----------- R. E. Conn___ E. L, Sampson A. H. Thomas____ E. C. Davis_______ 1 C. N. Smith______ A. L. Hills________ 15,000 J. S. Taylor_______ 29,000 52,920 1,348.290 1,262,000 319,210 Han. N., N. Y,; N. City and Citiz.-Am. Bk. &i Tr. Co., Tampa. 26,000 1,455,000 945,000 575,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville: Ex. N., Tampa. 224,210 Am. Ex. N„ N. Y.; Polk Co. N„ Bartow; At lantic N., Jacksonville. 65,000 Han. N..N.Y.; Peo., Jacksonville. 15,660 495,260^ 311,700 11,000 446,000 333,000 2,900 — — — 25,000 7,630 194,270 168,900 Miles Warren____ S. A, Steele 20,000 6,650 106,8201 86,000 W. F. Godwin____ L. H. Hill.. J. W. Barber.......... 15,000 640 47,390; 33,190 ; A. Walsingham . J. S. McMullen___ 103,000 N. Park. N. Y.: Barnett N., Jacksonville; 4th N.. Atl. Irving N., N. Y.; Fla. N., Jacksonville; Ex. N., Tampa. 66,480 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Peo., Jacksonville. Irving N., N. Y.: Fla. N., and Peo,, Jackson-I ville. Daniel Campbell... • Inplrxnnvillp 100,000 100,000 lA. H. DE VANE— A. / E. SLOAN--------- W. W. CHASE-------- W.F. REID................ STATE BANK OF LAKELAND K.T. HAYNES _ 63-81 <5’90 ^Tourists’ accou i 1 attention by an officer of this ba nk. 'Special attenti c ions. Lake Wales____ Polk L 7 Lake Wales State Bank.t§’15 63-306 Pop. 1000 Lake Worth-Palm Beach Bank of Lake Worth _<§'13 63-280 Pop. 1500 O9 First National Bank_____ ’20 63-348 Peoples Bank__________ §’20 63-338 Largo_______ Pinellas J 7 Pinellas County Bank. <§’18 63-176 Pop. 600 Laurel hill—Okaloosa BI Bank of Laurel Hill___ i§'07 63-177 Pop. 400 Lawtey..__ Bradford L 2 Lawtey State Bank____ §’12 63-229___________ Pod. 800 392,000 Principal Correspondents. Cam k Ezckav«u,Dvi r*on Baku 2,300 $ 236,180 $ 193,860 # 15,000 f 30,000 J. L. McDaniel___ S. E. Hewitt---------- J. A. Zipperer____ I Lakeland_______ Polk L 6 Central State Bank_____ §’20 A. F. Pickard........ Pop. 7062 63-347 Loam 4 Ihs- c'n. Bomds, BANK OF JENNINGS—<I’O7 S. E. Hewitt______ 63-174 i First State Bank________§T5 63-304 j First National Bank.__ <’91 George W. Allen__ 63-41 Labelle_________ Lee M 9 Bank of La Belle______ «tT3 63-273 Pop. 375 Lake Alfred___ Polk L 7 Lake Alfred State Bank»§’20 63-337 Pop. 100 Lake Butler. BradfordK3 Farmers & Dealers Bank»§Tl 63-236 Pop. 1200 LAKE BUTLER BANK ..<§’13 63-175 ‘Lake City, Columbia J 2 Columbia County Bank.t§'12 63-64 Pop. 3341 First National Bank-----<’05 63-63 State Exchange Bank-<S’O4 63-62 Lake Hamilton-Polk L 7 First National Bank------- '20 63-342 Lake Helen_Volusia M 5 Bank of Lake Helen —»§’12 63-253 Pop. 800 SAVANNAH ATLANTA Resources. SUBPLU8 Depos Paid-up AND Capital Profits its N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Atlantic N„ Jacksonville; Far. Bk. & Tr. Co., W. Palm Beach. 77,510 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Atlantic N„ Jacksonville.) 24,400 Han. N„ N. Y.; Am. N„ Pensacola; Atlantic N. and Fla, N., Jacksonville. 16,680 The citizens \ SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your Business AUGUSTA MACON FL O RID A BANKS — Ja sp er to L aw te y Pop. 4500 Liabilities. President. - Pop. 2500 dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. FLORIDA—Continued Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Ju l y * 1920 177 SOUTHERN BANK SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS “ IHE CITIZENS % ° Town Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to ea°b bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and County. ‘County Seats. Fed. Res. Dist. No. 6 Jacksonville Branch. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed, Res. [Estab. 63-57 <§’96 63-312 <§T6 21,340 701,550 J. R. Anthony........ W. R. Dorman .__ H. L. Donald-------- W. T. Adams-------- 50,000 8,000 350,000 300,000 Cary A. Hardee.__ W. J. Hillman____ S B. Conner______ E. S. Conner............ P. V. Summers J. C. Sheffield........ T. M. Dorman........ E. M. Goodbread .. J. C. Thompson.— T. R. Henderson A. Livingston____ C. L. Morrow-------- C. D. Tomlinson... A. L. Rowe—......... 50,000 71,000 700,000 635,000 30.000 10,000 250,000 200.000 192,300 Bk. of the Manhattan Co.,N. Y.: Barnett N., Jacksonville. 65,000 N. Park. N. Y.: Peo. and Barnett N., Jack sonville; Citiz. & Sou., Atl. 160,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N. and Fla. N„ Jack sonville. 90,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 50,000 50,000 480,000 460,000 132,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Atlantic N„ Jacksonville. L. A. Fraleigh____ 75,000 27,640 450,340 618,620 74,370 N. City, N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 25,000 2,500 169,690 138,670 29,760 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N„ Dothan, Ala. Jno. T. Campbell.. 16,500 2,090 130,000 120,000 D. A. McKinnon... J. C. Folsom______ J. A. Ormond_____ A. I. Nearing.......... 30,000 11,580 351,810 323,740 28,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.; 1st N., Tampa and Bradentown. 56,710 Han. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. M. L. DEKLE......... - F. M. GOLSON-— 50,000 12,500 580,000 382,000 121,300 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz. and Peo. N., Pensacola; Barnett N., Jacksonville. J. W. Russ_______ W. J. Daniel______ J. F. Davis.............. 35,000 10,500 286,920 212,700 Theo. Williams 30,000 10,810 319,980 257,890 70,680 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com! N., Chi.; Fla. N., Jacksonville; Am. N„ Pensacola. 101,740 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. W. M. Gist................ L. W. Traxler........ C. C. Burry ....----- 15,000 12,300 225,000 151,000 _____ ...______ 20,000 4,000 215,000 155,000 T. E. JAMES-------- E. P. DUNCAN......... M. W. HALLAM 100,000 E. L. Marbury____ 63-58 R. E. Cowart-------D. G. Smith <’02 560,580 SEND CS YOUB ITEMS DIRECT. al attention given Bill of Lading D rafts, Cash and d remitted for pr omptly on day of payment. JAS. M.JACKSON, . Ch.ofBd. , R. O Kelly.............. F. L. Bills................ Mary E. Marsh----Ed.Shannon F. W. FUZZARD_ _ _ E. B. DOUGLAS s. A. BELCHER _ Oldest Bank in Miami. Send us all your Southern Florida Collections. Prompt remittance. Careful and prompt attention given to collections in this vicinity. Four per cent interest paid on Savings and Time deposits. A fully equipped Commercial Bank. Send us your Collections. Total resources over $3,000,000.00. EDWARD C. ROMFH G. B. ROMFH_____ W. W. CULBERTSON F. McAULIFFE ... W. H. SPITZER. E. A. WADDELL Give your patrons coming here a letter to us. Courteous attention. First Trust & Savings Bank W. H. Spitzer_____ T. G. Houser.------ C. M. Terrell, Tr... C. E. Oak, A. Tr... 63-59 <§'10 E. C. Romfh, Ch. of Bd. 86,100 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 80,000 N. Bk. Com,, N. Y.: Barnett N., Jacksonville Fulton N„ Atl. 75,000 Peo. Tr. & Sav., Chi.: Fla. N., Jacksonville. 186,460 5,755.770 4,848,340 1.013.900 Chase N., N. T.; Cont. ft Com’l N., Chi. Phil. N., Phil.; Fla. N., Jacksonville Lowry N., Atl. SEE ADV. O PPOSIT E PAG E 179. 150,000 93,930 2,714,010 2,460,900 SEE ADV. 0 N OPP OSITE 150,000 161,470 5,322,540 3,656,120 1,251,480 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. SEE AD V. OPP OSITE 75,000 614,040 U. S. Mtge. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Com., N, Y.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.;Atlantic N., Jack sonville. PAGE. 11,400 856,350 FLORI DA IND EX. 755,650 188,600 N. Bk. Com. and N. City, N. Y,; Atlantic N. Jacksonville. (Miami continued on next page) SAVANNAH ATLANTA The CITIZENS \ SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your Business AUGUSTA MACON July, 1920 FIRST NAT’L BANK Principal Correspondents. kE Casii x changes,Due zbom Basks. ____ BANK & TRUST CO. Resources. Loans & Dis ci’ts. Bonds, Securities 15,310 $ 428,410 $ 419,660 $ L. T. HIGHLEYMAN- C. M. BUSCH.......... R. W. MCLENDON—- A. H. THOMPSON, , E.G. SEWELL Sec. and 2Y, FIDELITY Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital its Profits 25,000 $ Peoples Bank__ _...___<§’12 63-262 ‘Mayo.......... Lafayette 13 Citizens Bank............... <§'05 „ t Pop. 1200 63-181 McIntosh .... Marion K 4 First State Bank______ <§’10 H. L. Dickson____ Pop. 325 63-182 Melbourne..Brevard N 6 Melbourne State Bank. <§'15 H. L. Ewing______ Pop. 1000 63-290 BAY BISCAYNE Ass't Cashier. 30,000 63-106 OF Cashier. G. G. Ware........ J. F. Stunkel.......... J. F. Stunkel_____ Miss Christine Mac- $ Kenzie R. F. E. Cooke.... F. P.Webster........ G. W. Webster .— E. S. MacKenzie FIRST NATIONAL BANK<’02 ‘Miami .... Dade F7 BANK Pop. 29,549 iwniin Vice-President. FLORIDA BANKS—Leesb urg to Miami Leesburg___ ...Lake L 5 First National Bank ....<’06 Pop. 2000 63-133 Leesburg State Bank..<§ ♦ 63-132 ‘Live Oak-.Suwanee I 2 Commercial Bank.......... »t§ Pop. 6000 63-315 First National Bank___ < 63-86 ‘Macclenny__ Baker K 2 Baker County State Bk,<§ Pop. 350 63-179 ‘Madison___ Madison I 2 Citizens Bank................ <§ Pop. 2000 63-119 First National Bank....»t 63-118 Malone------- Jackson E 1 Bank of Malone..............<§ Pop. 633 63-233 Manatee....Manatee K 8 Citizens Bank------- ___.t§ Pop. 1500 63-324 ‘Marianna__ Jackson E 1 Citizens State Bank___ <§ Pop. 3500 63-107 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. FLORIDA—Continued 178 178 Solicits Your Business S O U TH E R N BA NK \ The C IT IZ E N S c< MIAMI, FLORIDA FIDELITY BANK & TRUST CO. MIAMI, FLORIDA Capital Paid In Surplus and Profits Resources over - - - $ 150,000 93,000 3,000,000 OFFICERS L. T. HIGHLEYMAN........................... President CLARENCE M. BUSCH - - - - Vice-President E. G. SEWELL - -- -- -- - Vice-President R. W. McLENDON...................................... Cashier A. H. THOMPSON _ _ - _ _ Sec. and Treas. OurTransit Department is equipped and organized to handle your Collections promptly and efficiently We make a specialty of Collections on MIAMI and vicinity Every Consideration Accorded Tourists BANK OF BAY BISCAYNE MIAMI, FLORIDA Oldest Bank in Miami RESOURCES LIABILITIES Capital Stock, Loans and Discounts, $3,275,967.17 Bills Purchased and Loans Secured by Liberty Bonds, $ 922,135.85 Overdrafts, $ 2,012.57 County and City Warrants, $ 3,839.47 U. S. Liberty Bonds and Treasury Certificates, $ 392,100.00 Other Bonds $ 252,287.20 Banking House and Fixtures, $ 100,000.00 Other Real Estate, $ 80,000.00 CASH RESERVE, $1,013,899.94 TOTAL - $6,042,242.20 $ 100,000.00 Surplus and Undi vided Profits, $ 186,464.29 Customers Letters of Credit, $ 5,000.00 DEPOSITS, $5,750,777.91 Total $6,042,242.20 OFFICERS DIRECTORS JAS. H. GILMAN, President T. E. JAMES .... Cashier E. B. DOUGLAS - Vice President E. P. DUNCAN S. A. BELCHER - Vice President Asst. Cashier F. W. FUZZARD - Vice President M. W. HALLAM - Asst. Cashier JAS. M. JACKSON, Chairman of the Board JAS. H. GILMAN E. B. DOUGLAS S. A. BELCHER F. W. FUZZARD F. L. CHURCH JNO. B. REILLY WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO MAKE USE OF OUR FACILITIES AND SERVICE COLLECTIONS WILL RECEIVE OUR CAREFUL ATTENTION New ’Transit Nlimber Numhet vvnAvr Name Bawb is to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers tin' anthnritv of The American Bankers Ass n. Federal Reserve 17Q Bank of St. Louis FLORIDA—Continued Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ' Town TsuyyiYk-t undvr Name oi Rank the Sew Transit Number (juen to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American^Bankers Ass’n. and County, ‘County Seats. Fed. Res. Dist. No. 6 Jacksonville Branch. Miami_________ Dade F 7 (Continued') j Name of Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (InDT fN-pTTN A___ Cnntindexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (.indexed) in back bf this VUlilhlUCU volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Bank. •Mem.Am Bks.Assn. §State +Mem.StateBks.Assn. +Priv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President. Vice-Presi dent. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier, MIAMI BANK & TRUST 63-61 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and Capital Profits its C. D. LEFFLER —— R. M. PRICE—......... H. STANLEY BULLOCK- VINCENT R. BRICE- $ J. C.GIFFORD 1 Trust matters and collections CO. given immediate and efficient attention. «tS’12 H. C. Thompson... G. L. Browning.... Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes,Due from Banks 50,000 $ 26,990 $ 951,770 $ 848,100 $ 182,010 Am. Ex. N., N. ¥.; 1st N., Phil.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 50,000 12,500 50,000 75,000 35,000 Peo., Jacksonville; 1st N., Miami. - SOUTHERN BANK J. E. LUMMUS — F. S. MORSE-------- & TRUST CO. ♦ 63 60 aena us your H. H. FILER____ i»i ihmi M. L. SPALDING -. J. N. LUMMUS, Jr. Business. 100.000 1,698,140 1,499,150 310,940 N. Park, N. Y.; Fla. N., Jacksonville. You will find us liberal and prompt. •512 Micanopy—-Alachua K 4 Micanopy Banking Co..»5’06 J. J. Barr_________ J. D. Watkins........ J. D. Watkins___ _ 63-184 Pop. 700 C. W. Cobb... ... ‘Milton—Santa Rosa B 1 First National Bank —..»t'03 63-136 Pop. 2000 15,000 12,960 116,380 36,400 25,000 13,050 780,810 669,810 90,190 N. Park, N. Y.; Fla. N., Jacksonville. 179,860 N. City, N.Y.; Am, N„ Pensacola. 15,000 Am. N., Pensacola; Comw. N., Kan. C. Molino........ Escambia A 1 Molino State Bank........ »t§'12 W. F. Earnest........ J. A. Jacobi______ M. Semple_______ T. G. Britton 63-249 Pop. 800 15,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Bkg. Sav. & Tr. Co., Pen sacola. R. C. Simpson........ C. E. Dean ... __ 25,000 7,250 175,000 122,000 F. J. Sattler______ J. G. Anderson.__ R. J. Carroll 25.000 20,000 500,000 405,000 125,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. Moore Haven.De Soto L 8 First Bank of Moore Haven Marian N. O’Brien D. W. Stevenson.. J. O. Carr, Jr.......... 63-316 -tSlT Pop. 800 15.000 10,000 470,950 242,490 239,570 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atlantic N„ Jacksonville: Ex. N., Tampa. State Bank of Milton___ §'20 J. B. Turner............ J. II. Harvel!.......... N. C. Elder.............. C. W. Uhl................ W. A. McLeod 63-336 • ‘Mon ticello. Jeff ersonH 1 Bank of Monticello___ *+§’15 H. K. Miller 63-305 Pop. 2500 •* »• Farmers & Merch. Bank 63-111 •t§’07 Mount Dora—Lake L5 Bank of Mt. Dora............ »§’13 63-279 Pop. 1000 63,000 Irving N„ N. Y.: Peo., Jacksonville. E. V. Cartledge.__ Mary M. True........ (Branch of Citiz ens Ban k of Eus tis, Fla.) N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Citiz., Eustis. 50,000 30,000 346,000 342,000 70,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Citiz.-Am. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Ex. N., Tampa. Newberry.— Alachua J 3 Bank of Newberry..._»$S’06 H. A. Pickett.......... W. H. Tucker........ W. G. Chapman__ 63-186 Pop. 1000 15,000 5,730 132,150 112,370 40,510 N. Park. N. Y.; Barnett N.. Jacksonville. New Smyrna.Volusia N 4 FIDELITY BANK........... <5 12 T. L. Howell--------- D. P. Smith E. M. Webster 63-222 Pop. 2007 E. M. Webster........ N. R. Berry______ Gladys V. Smith 25,000 3,500 366.C0) 333,910 60,590 Chase N., N. Y.; Fla. N„ Jacksonville. (J. T. HAMMOND— W.P. WILKINSON- — M. W. ASHTON____ N. S. COLEE............ STATE BK. OF NEW SMYRNA -! SEN D US YOU R NEW SMYRN A BUSINESS DI RECT. 15,000 16.000 4C0.00C, 320,000 70,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atlantic N. and Barnett N„ Jacksonville. •• 63-187 •t5’06 (.Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items given prompt attentio n and r emitted for on d, ay of pa yment. The CITIZENS \ SOUTHERN bank Solicits Your Business 22?; 179 Mulberry______ Polk L 7 Bank of Mulberry____ «tr07 L. N. Pipkin______ Lyle O. Pierce.__ A. D. Denham____ 63-185 Pop. 1800 •• FL O RID A BA N K S — M ia m i to N ew S m y rn a Miami Exchange Bank ..§'20 63-339 Resources. Loans & Disc’tb. Bonds, Securities Ju ly 1920 1 >7n 1/y Town Number under Name of Bank is tbs New Transit Number given to each bank in (J. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and County. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Intt>t npTT'1 a____P/Antdexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (.indexed) in back of thisi v^UIlLllxUCU____________________ ______ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. r LrUIvlL/n. Liabilities. Name of Bank. ‘County Seals. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Fed. Res. Dist. X o. 6 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Jacksonville Branch. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. $ Oakland_____ Orange L 6 Bank of Oakland_____ <§’12 J. H. Sadler______ 63-261 Pop. 211 ‘Ocala____ - Marion K 4 Pop. 7500 COMMERCIAL 50,000 63-72 Metropolitan Savings Bank F. P. Gadson_____ R. R. Williams .— A.St. Geo. Richard J. S. La Roche— 63-285 »§’14 L. R. Hampton son 25,000 — —— 'MUNROE & CHAMBLISS •• 'OCALA NAT’L BK. • .. 63-73 400.000 /T. T. MUNROE-— J. M. THOMAS_ _ _ DE WITT GRIFFIN - 50.000 1,420 94,730 106,320 50.000 1.200,000 1,100,000 1 f J. L. EDWARDS_ _ _ CHARLES S. CULLEN.. H. 0. STOKES_ _ _ _ _ Ocoee_______Orange M 0 Bank of Ocoee________ *§T9 F. H. Maguire. — Pop. 830 ♦ 63-327 14,830 N. Park, N. Y.; Fla. N., Jacksonville. 250,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Barnett N., ville; Fulton N., Atl. Jackson- ♦ 75,000 32,090 914.920 956,200 J Careful atta ntion given to collections an d remittances made in e very case tin NEW YO <T1 RK EXCHAN GE on day of payment. Ocala Clearing House.. __ Z. C. Chambliss___ (Members indicated by a*) 140,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jack sonville. (First and old est establishe d bank. 'Prompt atten tion to all bank ing matters en trusted to us. NATIONAL BANK 63-71 <’97 .. 547,000 •>’ii 138,226 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt., Bait.;' Atlantic N., Jacksonville. • D. C. Stiles, J r.,Sec. 40,050 Bk. of Orange & Tr. Co., Orlando. 25,000 3,360 81,930 54.630 ‘OkeechobeeOkeechobee Bank of Okeechobee...•XS’lS D. E. Austin______ L. M. Raulerson... W. R. Gary.............. Pop. 3000 N 8 63-300 G. E. Phelps 25,000 10,000 700,000 550,000 250,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Peo. and Fla. N., Jacksonville. Oldsmar — Pinellas J 7 Oldsmar State Bank.—<§’19 R. E. Olds.............. John L. Fouts____ Irving Trask_____ Pop. 350 63-323 Ona DeSntoT, 8 (See Wauchula) Pop. 200 ‘Orlando.— Orange M 5 BANK OF ORANGE & TR. CO. J. F. Ange.............— C. D. Christ_____ John H. Baas_____ R. A. Gates.............. Pop. 9257 ♦ 63-313 <§T6 G. E. Currier, V. P. W. E. Martin 15.000 270 69,040 48,120 38,560 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz.-Am. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Tampa. 21,500 1,100,000 700,000 400,000 N. Bk. Cora., N.Y.; Citiz. Com’l Tr. Co., Buffalo; Atlantic N.. Jacksonville. 13,590 610,470 225,950 Han. N. and Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; FIRST 1 /THOMAS HOPKINS B. E. Ewing______ N.N. Jensen____ W. PHILLIPS_ _ _ _ LEROY B. GILES 1. E. G. HAUSELT....... , 1. L.COOK- —...... MISS M. E. FOX 100.000 50,000 826,600 FL O RID A BA N K S — O ak la nd to O vi ed o •• E. A. OSBORNE Principal Correspondents. 6,570 $ 250,000 f 125,000 1 100,000 N. Bk. Com., N, Y.: Peo., Jacksonville; Orlando Bk. & Tr. Co., Orlando. 15.000 S ROGER DODD...... - ROGER DODD........ R. A. SCARBORO—- BANK Resources. k DlS- Cash A ExPaid-up Surplus Depos ct-OAMB ’tb. Bombs, CHAHGBB.Dui and its Capital Profits SKoirnw r*OM Baku 180 1 on ±OU Barnett N., Jacksonville; Ex. N., Tampa; Corn Ex. N., Phil. NATIONAL BANK 63-215 .. <T1 \ THE OLDEST NATIONAL BAN K IN ORANGE COUNTY. Orlando Bk. & Tr. Oo..<|’06 H. L. Beeman.. 63-78 Geo. E. Nolan, V.P. R. L. Hyer •» ORLANDO&TR.CO. 63-77 Oviedo-----Seminole M 5 Pop. 500 L. C. MASSEY........ T. P.WARL0W—. S. W. HOWE........... S. A. NEWELL- — T A.LANGFORD The laraest bank in the interior of the State. Located in the Orange section. Makes a specialty of Florida collections. 64,060 2,001,830 1,383,300 782,710 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Fla. N., Jacksonville: Citiz. & Southern and Atl. N., Atl. 50.000 68.500 2,800,000 2,050,000 700,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Girard N., Phil. »t§’93 Bank of Oviedo............ .»§’12 B. G. Smith_______ T. W. Lawton_____ T. L. Lingo_______ 63-237 15,000 11,000 181,000 164,000 34,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Peo. and Atlantic N., Jacksonville: Peo., Sanford. Ju ly , 1920 STATE BANK of 100.000 ss;: The CITIZENS \ SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your Business “ Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 181of St.Directory, Federal Reserve Bank Louis FLORIDA—Continued Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces./, Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. I HE Cl I IZ E. IN 5 ' SOUTHERN BANK SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Liabilities. Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State| | tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv.| ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab/ President •Palatka____ Putnam L 8 East Florida Sav. & Tr. Co. R. F. Adams. Pop. 5102 63-79 <l’89 PUTNAM NATIONAL BANK,, Vice-President. Cashier. .. J. A. Crosby______ !E. P. Ross_______ J. F. Tenney Ass’t Cashier. W.8. Burdette.Sec. S fG. E. WELCH....... F. H. WILSON....... - P. W. WILKINS) _ _,,iJ.. C.WHasT McCROCKLIN ,JS _yo . 1 Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital Profits its Resources. Principal Correspondents. Ixjakb Jt Dm- l Cam It Xxc*M. Bomm, I ciawow, Dm SoCVMfTIM , r*OM Bawxi 50,000 $ 13,110If 578.0210 $ 552,860 $ 50,000 90,000 1,020,001 940,000 J 1920 •County Seats. Fed. Res. Dist. No. 6 3 acksonville Branch Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces./, Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. C FLORIDA—Continued 88,280 Imp. ft Tra. N.. N. Y.; Barnett N.. Jacksonville; 4th St. N„ Phil. 249,000 Chase N„ N. Y.: IstN.; Phil.; M. M. 1st N.. Balt.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. Bill of Lading] Drafts, Cash an d Time Items Rec eive prompt and J persona 1 attent ion. _______ “ E. R. MALONE »Pensacola-Escambia A 2 *AMERICAN NATIONAL BK. 68-36 Pop. 31,035 <1900 MORRIS BEAR-— C. W. LAMAR...... - J. W. ANDREWS J. W. MALONE J. S. LEONARD J.F.OUINA 30,000 10.130 620,74( 580.580 16,000 67,680 390,12( 332,370 18.000 2,500 380,00< 137,380 125.000 75,000 975,00( 950,000 500,000 J. W. MALONE —JR.I G. C.' ROBINSON. > E. R. MALONE-— iJllVER JERNAGAN, 'Sec. and Tr “^NKINGSAllNsS&TRUST < OnlyTrustCom pany In West Flo rida. COMPANY-—63-40—•S’14j I Special attentio n given collection s. (.Prompt service, and prompt remi ttance. 100,000 ♦Citizens & Peoples Nat. Bk. J. S. Reese---------- 1R. M. Cary------------- J. W. Dorr.............. M. Moreno_______ T. C. Finch 68-35 <’04 S. M. Shackleford J. W. Dorr, Mgr.. “ ---------I Pensacola Clearing House...!--------------------------I (Members indicated by a *) I •Perry--------- Taylor H 2 First National Bank....<’03 3- H. Peacock, Sr.. J. H. Loughridge— W. L. Weaver.. D. F Blanton____ Pop. 3000 63-130 E. F. Strickland 200,000 ! Perry Banking Co____ <8 ’07 D. G. Malloy-------- J. H. Scales — — IL. G. Blue. G. W. Harmony... 63-131 S. J. Faircloth Plant City.Hillsborough Bank of Plant City .<|'06|Wm. Schneider— E. W. Wiggins____ W. J. McDonald... R. M. Morgan_____ Pop. 400C K6 83-99 100,1 63-98 <§’02, 350,000 Mech.& Metals N., N.Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Atl.; Dothan N.. Dothan, Ala.: Am. N., Pensacola;N. City. Tampa: Atlantic N„ Jacksonville 155,500 4.341.94C 4,412,020 1,078,310 N. City and Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Ghi. B. L. and other mercantile drafts handled byexper ienced collection depart ment, u nder su pervisio n of an officer of the Bank. .Our direct conn ectlons in South Alabama and We st Florida insure prompt and effl cient se rvice. l*namrine eauiMce btdiict HILLSBORO STATE BANK 99,290 Han. N„ N. Y.: Peo.. Jacksonville. 93,720 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N.. Tampa; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 247,190 Chase N„ N. Y.; Ex. N., Tampa. J. L. YOUNG............ S. E. MAYS_ _ _ _ E. T. ROUX M. E. MOODY...... -IT. E. MOODYV. B. COLLINS Punta Gorda.De Soto L 9j Fidelity Trust Co_______ §’20lF. M. Cooper-------- IH. R. Driggors.... C. E. Lanier_____ J. E. Skipper 63-341 [Ira Rydon Pop. 1295 fE.W. _ SMITH------- jD. N.MCQUEEN_ _ _ L. T. FARMER........ C.F. CURRY-......... FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 12 <SEN SEND YOUB ITEMS DIRECT, 63-227 (Bill of Lading D rafts, Cash and T ime Items receive | prompt personal 50.000 23,000 604.000 490,000 232,730 Meeh. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Am. N., 1 ensacola: Citiz. & Sou., Atl. 127,440 3,108,420 2.562,260 1,008,870 Han. N., Seab. N., and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. Chi.; 4th St. N.. Phil. N„ Girard N.,and 1st N.. Phil.; Canal Com’l Tr. & Sav., N. O. 42,000 660,000 590,000 150,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jackson ville. 25.000 600,000 500,000 60,000 38,000 1,100,000 677,000 180,000 N. City, N. Y,; M. M. 1st N„ Balt.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville 315,000 N. City, N. Y.; Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Tampa; Barnett N. and Fla. N., Jacksonville. 50,000 90,500 1,250,000 790,000 350,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ex. N.. Tampa; Atlantic N„ Jacksonville. M. M. 1st N., Balt. 50,000 25,000 8,290 attenti on and 261,950 197,860 52,890 N. City, N. Y.: M. M. 1st N.. Balt,; Atlantic N„ Jacksonville; Ex. N., Tampa. payment. remitte d for on day of PUNTA 60RDA STATE BANK W. L. Koon.............. Mrs. M. A. McAdow W. R. DeLoach.__ (MissGraceLaubach 15,000 500 187,230 141,810 51,270 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.:Peo.. Jacksonville; Citiz.Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tampa. •Quincy—Gadsden G 2 FIRST NATIONAL IANK-<’04 S. E. Key------------- C. R. Shaw________ J. C. Scarborough. i C. F. Gunter_____ I Pop. 5000 63-89 100,000 35,000 590,000 690,000 100,000 Irving N„ N. Y.: Fulton N., Atl.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. “ ----------- “ 63-191 <|’17 QUINCY STATE BANK-<« 89 63-88 (MARK W. MUNROE WM.. M. CORRY------ N.B. JORDAN....... - W. H.CURTIS—- 376,360 Seab. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N. and Barnett N., 138,640 1,272,760 1,141,120 100,000 SEND YOUB 1TE Jacksonville; Citiz. & Southern,Saran. ITEMS DIRECT. (Prompt person al aattention give in Bill of Lading Drafts. Cash and Time It eins, an Id remit ted for prompt Iy on day of payment. Raiford----- Bradford K 2 Citizens Bank.................... S’10 T. B. Handley........ O. B. Gordon______ Geo. O. Jacobs_______________ Pop. 500 63-192 Blver Junction..Gadsden Gadsden Co. State Bk..<§'07 E. H. Boykin_____ M. Morgan________ J. H. McDonald Pod. 1000 F1 63-193 15,000 15,000 4,2501 9,470 82,500 53,000 175,220 127,390 50,250 Atlantic N.. Jacksonville. 68,040 Chase N., N. Y.: Fla. N. and Atlantic N., Jacksonville: Am. N., Pensacola. “a The CITIZENS \ SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your Business “ § FL O RID A BANKS — P ala tk a to R iv er Ju n cti o n State Bank of Palatka.<§’12 J. A. Gladney------ J. H. Millican--------- iF.E. Mobley_____ jL.B.Bush------68-243 J. R. Anthony W. H. Crowell Palmetto___ Manatee K 8 Manatee Co. State Bank<§'99 T. C. Taliaferro.— A. M. Lamb--------- T. A. Howze--------- !---------------------Pop. 1875 68-188 “ _______ “ Palmetto State Bank—<§'12 1. E. Springstead— D. M. Courtney..- P. J. Hackney____ JO. C. McLean.. 63—251 j iP. J. Hackney • Panama City.—Bay D 21 First National Bank.—<’13 i A. S. Hill------------- W. C. Sherman—!A. A. Payne —........... IT. C. Payne ... Pop. 2500 I 63-266 I A. A. Payne " ion 104 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. xCounty Seats. Fed. Res. Dist. No. 6 Jacksonville Branch. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn.SState tMem.State Bks.Assn.tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President. Vice-President. •Sanford__ Seminole M 5 First National Bank —<’87 F. P. Forster_____ L. A. Brumley. T. J. Miller 63-83 Pop. 5588 PEOPLES BANK 63-84 <§’06 COUNTY BANK <§’13 Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital its Profits B. F. Whitner------ ! A. L. Betts------------- $ Sneads............ Jackson FI Pop. 600 South Jacksonville.Duval Pop. 5000 L2 81. Andrew____ Bay D 2 Pop. 1500 •Starke..—Bradford K 3 Pop. 2500 Highlands Bk. & Trust Co. 63-330 <§’19 Merchants & Planters Bank 63-346 §'20 Bank of So.Jacksonville<§’12 63-235 Bank of St. Andrews..<§’07 63-195 Bank of Starke................ •S'OB 63-125 67,520 $1080 630 $ 976,970 $ 229,930 N. Park, N. Y.; Fla. N. and Barnett N., Jacksonville: Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. 155,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Peo., Jacksonville. 50,000 20.000 1,100,000 650,000 250,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Atlantic N„ Jacksonville. 25,000 25,000 600,000 500,000 150,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Tampa. 25,000 1,500 225,000 165.000 63,300 Han. N., N, Y.; Ex. N.. Tampa. H.O. SEBRING........ E.0.DOUGLAS....... P. J. RIPPBERGER- 25,000 24,160 251,600 215,700 55,050 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atlantic N.. Jacksonville; Ex. N., Tampa; Polk Co. N., Bartow. Geo. E. Sebring ... Ira Rigdon ___ John H. Garst J. N. Wilson............ T. II. Hudgens. Florence H. Meliza 50,000 2.050 164,930 144,140 R. R. Carpenter... 15,000 53,530 N. City, N. Y.; Atlantic N.. Jacksonville; Polk Co. N.. Bartow. II. B. Philips_____ R. O. Moore ______ L. A. Usina J. H. Drummond—IF. Bullock- L. A. Usina.............. R. C. Brown.......... 25,000 3,700 388,460 350,840 F. Bullock________ A. M. Douglas.— 25,000 14,080 297,030 163,610 15,000 5,000 101,000 100,800 66.400 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; Peo. and Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 160,930 Chase N.. N. Y.; Am. N., Pensacola; Atlantic N.. Jacksonville. 22,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 25,000 21,610 442,160 353,900 124,730 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Barnett N., Jacksonville. 30,000 5,080 512,420 439,170 97,330 N. Park, N. Y.; Atlantic N„ Jacksonville. G.' W. SPENCER A.R. KEY............... R.W. DEANE Send us your Sanford Collectl They will rccel ve prompt atten tion by an officer of tbe bank. Special attentlo n given to Collec tlons. Prompt R emittance. Intelligent reas ons given for non -payment. TRY US. A. L. Joiner______ I Alice R. Howard. E. S. Matthews..—: A. M. Darby--------- Geo. C. White........ BRADFORD CO. BANK-<§ 89 N. T. Ritch.............. W. T. Weeks_____ J. H. Ritch_______ S. L. Peek 63-124 *St. Aueustine.St. Johns Pop. 6192 M 3 COMMERCIAL BANK 63-54 W. C. M DDLETON A. E. BAYA-E.N. CALHOUN C. GILBERT.......... - A. J. SOLANA........ ITEMS DIREC T. SEND US YOU R -----------Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items rece ive prompt and careful attent ion and remitted for on day of payment. <|'O9 FIRST NAT. BANK fJ.T. DISMUKES— IJ. 0. PULLER------ - REGINALD WHITE-. 63-52 ROBT. B. MESERVE-. ST. AUGUSTINE 146,000 1,785,280 1,562,080 628,900 Chase N.. N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil. 25.000 43,540 812,820 806,410 50,000 15,660 700,110 667,590 W. 11. Tunnecliffe C. D. Dyal................ J. C. McLeod. 15,000 1,500 120,000 81,000 47,770 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo., Jacksonville. Levi Shambo______ H. J. Hillebrandt.. W. R. Godwin 25,000 5,000 128,400 87,300 53,900 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. G. B. LAMAR...... - GEO. L. ESTES_ _ _ _ GEO. L. ESTES_ _ _ F. F. HARROLD. |C. W. HAWKINS Direct your frie nds to us when t hey visit Florida. They will receiv e every courtesy. SPECIALIZED SERVICE IN HA NDLING B-L DR AFTS. 74,950 1st N., St. Augustine. 132,830 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Lowry N., Atl. <'19 St. Cloud.—Osceola M 6 Bank of St. Cloud____ <§’18 J. K. Conn______ Pop. 2500 63-321 Peoples Bank ........... <§'19 F. F. H. Pope___ 63-325 The CITIZENS \ SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your Business Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4-^ TT G nvnlneivnlv kir Tho -TVTnTVtillv RiinVore’ T-5-T Z'\T“ITT'\ A _____ ___ 1 July, 1920 NATIONAL BANK SAVANNAH ATLANTA 130,000 ) The Oldest Nat ional Bank in th e State of Florida . <’86 {.SEND US YOU R ITEMS ON ST . AUGUSTINE. Peoples Bank for Savings J. T. Dismukes__ W. J. Sanchez______ J. D. Puller______ Ray L. Hendricks 63-53 <§'04 Jas. A. Colee 63-55 Principal Correspondents. 4E Cash x changes,Dub from Banks. 580,000 First National Bank........ »’13 C. B. Wilson______ T. A. Albritton.... 63-208 Sebring........ De Soto M 8 BANK OF SEBRING —.<§14 Pop. 2500 63-272 & Dxs- 750.00L T.C.TALIAFERRO J. T. CAMPBELL— C.E. HITCHIN8S— IRON ROSS............ Sarasota___ Manatee K 8 BANK OF SARASOTA-<§’11 Pop. 2000 63-194 50,000 $ Resources. Loans c’ts. Bonds, Securities FLORIDA BANKS —Sanfo rd to St. Cloud 63-282 Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. 30,900 16.000 H. R.STEVENS — C. M. HAND........... R. R.DEAS—...... C. D. COUCHSEND US YOU R SANFORD ITE MS DIRECT. of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time It ems receive prom pt atten Collections, Bill tion. TOURISTS AC COUNTS SOLICI TED. FORRESTLAKE- SEMINOLE Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisi*volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws, do FLORIDA—Continued AUGUSTA MACON Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (InLawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisjT? dexed Acces. OHVHPIPIHn ATLANTA Town Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. and County. ‘County Seats. Fed. Kes. Dist. No. 6 Jacksonville Branch. St. Petersburg.. Pinellas Pop. 14,237 J 1 AMERICAN BANK & TRUST COMP’Y 63-76 •tS'10 Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Paid-up |Surplus | Depos AND Capital its Profits Loans & Dis Cash & Ex ci’ts. Bonds, changes,Due Securities from Banks • A. P. AVERY............ W. G. KING________D. E. BEACH.......... - 0. G. HIESTAND — 0. G. HIESTAND ! $ 200,000 $ Transient Tourist Accounts welcomed and given the personal attention of an officer of this bank. We make a specialty of collections, and remit on date of payment. KW,5”" - "s 87,000: $1500 000 073 000 $ 520,0001 Seab. N„ N. T.; Corn Ex. N., ChL; Prank1 lin N., Phil.; 1st N., Tampa. ......... HJfc 100.000 89.450 2,500.000 2,271.990 Ch. of Bd. ♦ FIRST NAT'L BANK Collections handled and remittances made promptly. Tourists accounts receive special attention. Information about St. Petersburg on request. •t’OS 200.000 75.000 2.500,000 2.150.000 SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON FLORIDA INDEX. CAPITAL CITY .. 153,790 81,140 50.000 10,000 500,000 340.000 50.000 1,500 80,000 100,000 50,000 10,000 405,000 253,000 59,340 N. Park, N. Y.; Peo., Jacksonville. 120.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. Exchange Bank........ ...<813 C. L. Mizell---------- jE. H. Alford_____ John Choate______ ♦ 63-70 J. W. Collins i Charles Munroe I J. W. Collins. Jr... LEWIS STATE BK, JeE0RGELEWIS U-.blfeGElEWIS-... OLDEST BANK IN FLOR p.b. •18*56 I 25,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N„ Jacksonville. 160,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo., Atlantic N., and Barnett N., Jacksonville. McDougall 100,000 da. 1.594.860 1,318,770 387,970 N. City. N. T.j Phil. N.. Phil.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Citiz. & Sou., Savan.; Atl. N., Atl. [n The CITIZENS'S SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your CXJ 2? AUGUSTA MACON 183 SAVANNAH ATLANTA 2,590 •tJ’65 Citizens Bank..................•♦813 J. F. Dorman_____ W. C. Hodges........ Carl Mitchell_____ 63-60 63-66 15,000 Our Collection Department Under Personal Supervision of an Officer of This Bank. We Actually Remit Day We Collect. BANK 63-68 D. M. LOWRY 650.000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., ChL; Citiz. Am J Bk. & Tr.Co., Tampa; Fla. N„ Jackson ville. • Stuart—.Palm Beach 0 8 Bank of Stuart............... •t§’12 E. A. Fuge------------ 1 Stanley Kitchings. | R. C. Sligh . Pop. 600 63-241 •Tallahassee___ Leon G 2 Pop. 5637 500.000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., ChL; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Phil. N., Phil. LARGEST BANK IN THE COUNTY. 63-75 63-74 Principal Correspondents. FLO R ID A BANKS — St. P ete rs b u rg to T all ah assee CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK •t’05 President. MACON Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.;, Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this; volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. FLORIDA—Continued Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn.S State tMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Kes. [Estab. AUGUSTA ul y, 1920 1OO XOu IHE CITIZENS % SOUTHERN BANK SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to ea<Jh bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In Liabilities. Name of Bank. ‘County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Fed. Reserve Dist. No. 6 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Jacksonville Branch ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. ‘Tampa—-Hillsborough Pop. 51,252 J 7 BANK OF COMMERCE 63-30 dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Law’s (indexed) in back of thisi volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. FLORIDA—Continued President. Vice-President. Ass't Cashier. Cashier. D. F. OWEN-------------P. T LEWIS —__________ ____________ E. F. BLAKE BILL OF LADING1 DRAFTS ESPECIALLY DESIRED. Resources. » A DisPaid-up Surplus Depos C1xian ’Tg. BOKD8, and its Capital Profits Bboukittm $ 100.000 $ 20,000 $ 750,000 $ 450,000 $ 150,000 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Fulton N., S ERTISE MENT 0 N FLORI DA INDE X «’O6 BANK & TRUST CO. Send us your South Florida collections. 63-28 SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BILL OF LADING ITEMS. •tl'95 ’EXCHANGE A. C. CLEWIS______ J. J. A. A. GRIFFIN GRIFFIN_____.JOHN E. SWANSONF. 0. ANDERSON ktar JOHN 0.PERRY 100,000 133,120 1,608,730 1,338,530 1,000,000 449,140 9,549.400 8.568,600 2,500,890 N. City and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Fla. N. 250.000 427,780 5,358,270 4,955,990 1,475,570 1st N., N. T.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Girard N. 400,000 750,000 7,250,000 7,030,000 1,676,530 Am. Ex. N., N. T.; Cont. & Com’I N. and and Atlantic N., Jacksonville. and Phil. N., Phil.; 1st N., St. L. NATIONAL BANK All Tampa Collections receive our prompt attention and •t'Oi will be remitted for on day of payment at lowest rates. T. C. TALIAFERRO ’FIRST NAT’L BK. R. J. BINNICKER-R. J. McMASTER — MT'" 63-26 *First Savings & Tr. Co.t§'14 A. C. Clewis............ L. L. Spafford_____ C. H. Clewis. Tr... R. M. Clewis, Sec.. 63-32 .. SAVANNAH ATLANTA «t A. Fernandez, Jr... ♦National City Bank___ «tT7 C. A. Faircloth ___ Jaime Pendas_____ 63-33 D. C. Lee E. It. Malone Tampa Clearing House . (Members indicated by a*) Chas. A. Faircloth W. W. Trice 1st N., Chi.: 4th St. N. and Phil. N., Phil.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville.; Com’I N., Wash., D. C. OLDEST and |.AR GESTBA Cf w utli Flori da. ADING d rafts. Special a ttention given BI 500,000 50,000 C. B. Dekle____ C. B. Galloway G. B. Wheeler, Afffr.l 500,000 63,640 1,192,090 1,564,700 128,220 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Ex. N., Tampa. 334 660 135,590 Met. Tr. Co.. N.Y.; Union Tr. Co., Balt.: Tr. Co. of Cuba, Havana. 114,240 1,656,270 2,485,340 393,500 N. City, Chem. N., and Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N„ Corn Ex., Tradesmens N., and Phil. N„ Phil.; Fla. N., Jacksonville: Am. N.. Pensacola. 10,520 416,850 Sec. and Tr. The CITIZENS "d SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your Business ... .. — Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Federal Reserve Bank ■< oofc-St. Louis t.n PftftH bonV in TT ft pypIhsiypIv hv Thp K.ft v Kankors* /witty a J u ly , 19 20 •* ♦Latin-American Bank .t§'13 J. M. Harvey_____ Geo. E. Simpson... 63-271 508,470 N. Park and N. City, N. Y.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. F L O R ID A B A N K S - T a m p a W. TRICE_ _ _ _ _ _ D. H. LANEY......... - W. W. BLOUNT’CITIZENS-AMER. L. A. BI2E............. W.L.ISAAC MAAS EUGENE KNIGHT L. BUCHANAN .. Principal Correspondents. A £z- cvakqm,Dui from Barks Atl.; Fla. N., Jacksonville. Personal service by an officer of the bank, SEND US ALL ITEMS ON TAMPA, WEST TAMPA, AND YBOR CITY. *Bank of Ybor City....<§'05 L. A. Bize________ P. F. Licata_______ Hunter Henderson N. L. Crowder. 63-206 63-27 Cash 18 4 < QZL 1OT AUGUSTA MACON Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indpvod ApppcI I.nwvDPc. T aut ZindPYPd'f in hark of this! THE Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. W ^County Seats. Fed. Res. Dist. No. 6 Jacksonville Branch. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Tarpon Springs—Pinellas Pop. 3500 J6 BANK OF COMMERCE of Bank. 63-216 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Paid-up Surplus Depos AND Capital Profits its Ass’t Cashier. ( N.A.VAN WINKLE B. C. MAYO -........ W. D. FLETCHER______________________ $ I E. M. BACKUS 35,000 $ 12.000 $ 270.000 Loam A Dimc*ts. Bonds, Principal Correspondents. Cash A Kx ohanobs.Dvi non Banks j 232.000 $ 68.000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi; Jacksonville. p Tourist accoun ts welcomed and given thee persona 1 attention of an officer. We give special attention to code etions and remit on day of payme nt in New York f unds at lowest ra tes of exchange. •t5’12 j“Ml0WE......... S. A: A?mTEtL j All Collections ( 30.000 R. W. PINHOLSTER H. W. CRAIG 17.150 441.810 381,500 presented in pers on 120,470 Chase N., N. Bk. Com., and Han. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Ex. and Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Tampa. N. and remlttan ces made prompt ]y. •tro6 ‘Tavares............ Lake L 5 Bank of Tavares............ <§'13__________ Pop. 400 63-276 ------------------------ I W. J. Rogers........... j Nellie Gardner. (.Branch of Citizc ns Bank , Eustis, Fla.').— N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.- Atlantic N., Jacksonville: Ex. N., Tampa; Citiz., Eustis. Terra Ceia_ Manatee J 7 Bank of Terra Ceia_____ 5T1 J. M. Harvey ....— [ R. R. Beville_____ H. E. Boyd ................ ................................. Pop. 800 63-221 15,000 18,020 75,300 71,650 16,330 Atlantic N., Jacksonville. Bk. ol Com., Tampa; Union Tr. Co. of Md., Balt. ‘Titusville..Brevard N 5 Bank of Titusville........ <§’12 Geo. W. Scobie — Pop. 1500 63-250 J. C. Spell.......... . W. H. Nobles------- Miss Lillian Swink) 15,000 14,000 250.000 215.000 60.000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Barnett N.. Jacksonville; 1st N„ St. Augustine. Indian River State Bk.<§’89 James Pritchard. 63-198 Frank T. Budge. P. H. Odom______ __________________ 25.000 5,500 191,000 138,500 65,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atlantic N.. Jacksonville. C. A. Faircloth_ R. 0. Lang_______ !C. T. oohnson_____ R. C. Lang, Jr. 15,000 11,080 260,540 135,420 110,450 Meeh. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Fla. N., Gainesville and Jacksonville; N. City, Tampa. 18.330 Trenton.....Alachua J 3 Farmers & Merchants Bank O. S. Clyatt........... Pop. 800 63-220 •tS’ll J. B. Stockman Trilby________ Pasco K 6 Trilby State Bank_____ t§’14 W. G. DeVane.— Pop. 600 63-293 W. A. Croft______ L. D. Crum. W. H. Edwards 15,000 — 19,960 Umatilla . .............Lake L 5 Bank of Umatilla______ »§T2 G. V. DeVault— Pop. 1000 63-252 Vero______ St. Lucie O 7 Farmers Bank_________ *§’14 J. E. Andrews___ Pop. 2500 63-294 First National Bank____ »T8 D. H. Snoke_____ F. L. Owens____ J. B. Neal............................................... .. 15,000 4,830 292.640 41.250 Louis Harris____ Wm. Atkin__________________________ 20,000 3,870 338,150 192.730 O. O. Helseth___ G. W. Milling J. L. Winter........ Ralph W. Snoke___ Hazel G. Swartwout) 25.000 4,850 167.000 158 510 J. C. Weimer, Jr...!__________________ 15,000 3,450 149.200 61,250 71,000 Peo., Jacksonville. L. B. Lee_____ .... Hugh B. Summers. 15,000 4.500 -65.000 61,6)0 26.000 Seab.N., N.Y.: Atlantic N„ Jacksonville; State Ex., Lake City. 30.000 21,870 568.C60 329,530 245.430 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; 1st N., Tampa. 50,000 13,660 505,260 404,160 161.750 Chase N., N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Fla. N., Jacksonville. 70,000 18,500 188.000 105,000 60,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N.. Jacksonville; Munroe & Chambliss, Ocala. 108,000 N.Bk. Com., N.Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 63-320 Waldo-------- Alachua K 3 Bank of Waldo.......... ...<§'13 E. W. Millican..— Pop. 540 63-274 Watertown____ Columbia Watertown Bank_____ <§’14 R. T. Boozer____ Pop. 1000 J 2 63-291 • Wauchula...De Soto L 8 Bank of Wauchula........ <§'07 A. G. Smith......... Pop. 1099 63-129 D. O. Ratliff.......... J. G. McEwen .... NATIONAL BANK ') Send your Hill of Lading Drafts Cash and Time I terns Direct to us f Remittance ma de on day of pay ment. ATLANTA 77,700 N. Park, N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville. 169.400 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Barnett N., Jacksonville. 38,400 N. Bk. Com,, N. Y.: Atlantic N.. Jacksonville. for pro mpt ser vice. <’04 Webster ..— .Sumter K 5 Sumter County State Bank J. C. Getzen--------- J. W. Fussell_______ C. J. Huber.... m Pop. 1000 63-199 <§’12 Wellborn ...Suwanee J 2 wellborn Bank................i§’10 A. W. McLeran— J. E. Pennington.. ;E. H. Pichard . Pop. 350 63-200 E. B. McLeran SAVANNAH W. W. Gillette — Miss Edith Wilson ALBERT CARLTON- C. J. CARLTON...... . C. J. CARLTON....... 'C. S. CARLTON....... J. W. EARNEST W. D. MclNNIS GABLTON 63-128 John J. Paul — M. Stein 9,800 Atlantic N., Jacksonville. Nellie Bouters........ 15.000 15,000 10,160 CITIZENS \ SOUTHERN BANK SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS ?rs AUGUSTA MACON B A N K S — T a r p o n S p ri n g s to W e llb o r n SPONGE EXCHANGE BANK 63-197 Resources. Liabilities, >-* Name Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this" volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. FLORIDA—Continued u ly , 19 20 _________ F L O R ID A 185 CITIZENS "□ SOUTHERN BANK SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS^™ loO Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number riven to each bank in u- s- exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and county. ‘County Seats. Fed. Res. Dist. No. 6 Jacksonville Branch. *West Palm Beach-Palm Beach.. Pop 8659 — 0 0 Name op Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. FARMERS BANK & TRUST CO. 63-264 <|’13 President. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. t?t fALPTT') A___ rnntinnp<i v. Oil I ill UCU " Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Cashier. (T. T. REESE — H. G. GEER.............. F. A. GUTELIUS. Cash, and Tr. M.E.GRUBER T. J. CAMPBELL 1 Largest bank in this county, j Special attentlo n and prompt re mittances on aU (TOURIST ACC OUNTS INVITED ___________________ volume. Liabilities. Resources. ft DlS- Caih ft £zPaid-up Surplus Depos cLOAMI ’ti. Bonds, CHANOB8,DUI and its Capital Profits BbOBKITIKB from Banks Principal correspondents. $ 100,000 $ 103,420 $2 190 560 $1966 400 $ 379,660 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.; Corn Ex. N., Phil.; Atlantic N., JacksonviUe. collections. 100 000 31,130 1,814,100 1,066,720 797,470 N. Park, N. Y.; Fla. N. and Barnett N.. Jack sonville. fj. R. ANTHONY-- J. C. STOWERS....... L. 0. HUGHES_ _ _ _ D. L. WILLIAMS..... ORRIN RANDOLPH 50,000 40,000 1,810,400 1,380,260 352,000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Barnett N.. Jacksonville; 4th N., Atl.; M. M. 1st N., Balt. W. Tampa. Hillsborough Bank of West Tampa—-106 A. O. Clewis............ P. O. Knight______ R. T. Cullen______ Pop. 8463 J7 63-201 40,000 27,940 409,900 321,620 White 8prines-Hamiiton Suwannee River Bank <|’O3 W. G. Cate.............. T. A. Edwards Pop. 1000 J 2 63-202 G. L. Edwards 15,000 12,000 140,000 111,000 Wildwood——Sumter L 5 Bank of Wildwood........ tS’08 J. Rutland...... ......... H. O. Collier Pop. 500 63-203 Johnson Powell.__ 15,000 3,000 92,760 68,220 Williston............ Levy J 4 Bank of Williston........ <|’0« E. A. Osborne_____ Pop. 650 63-204 W. M. Barton .. >■ Citizens Bank________ <§’14 R. Lee Waff........ .. 63-289 J. A. Harvey_____ 25,000 10,000 258,000 208,500 57,850 Han. N., N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville. G. J. Blitch______ 18,000 4,700 280,940 149,180 154,470 Chem. N., N. Y.; Fla. N., Jacksonville and Gainesville. Winter Garden—Orange Bank of Winter Garden<|’08 B. T. Boyd_______ L. F. Tilden G. T. Smith______ Pop. 1000 L 6 63-205 .. .. First National Bank____ *T9 J. D. McMillan.__ H. E. Bumby_____ R. B. Had Jon 63 326 25,000 12,930 542,360 393,410 181,760 N. Bk. Com.. N.Y.; Atlantic N.> Jacksonville. 25,000 5.200 210,000 184.000 67,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atlantic, N., Jacksonville Winterhaven—Polk L 6 First State Bank. <§’11 Jno. L. Fouts_____ W. M Hampton... W. F. Hutchinson . Pop. 3000 63-225 JamesHansen •• •• Snell National Bank ....<’09 U. W. Snell.............. J. H, Ross________ L. B. Anderson___ W. M.Sensabaugh. 63-211 35,000 18,870 959,470 754,760 •> FIRST NAT. BANK 63-112 i Ch. of Bd. ) “ONLY NATIO 1NAL BANK IN P ALM BEACH CO UNTY.” <’93 I Send us your Bi 11 of Lading draft s. (.Tourist Accoun ts Receive Specia 1 Attention. PALM BEACH BANK & TRUST CO. 63-113 <§’09 < SEND US YOUR WEST PALM BE ACH ITEMS DIR ECT. ) Collections, Bil 1 of Lading draft s, receive prompt attention. (.TOURIST ACC OUNTS SOLICIT ED. Winter Park- OrangeM5 BANK OF WINTER PARK J. K. List... Pop. 1200 63-214 <1*11 UNION STATE BANK— <§17 ♦ 63-319 ____ E. W. Packard H, A. Ward R. D. Barze______ | R. 0. MACDONALD A. SCHULTZ--------- E. F. KEEZELHENRY KART — A C PETER.......... 100,000 59,290 1,612,610 40,000 10,440 351,490 30,000 6,000 375,000 135,670 Chase N., N. Y. 56,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Atlantic N„ Jacksonville. 33,170 Han. N., N. Y.; Ocala. Munroe & Chambliss N., 180,000 Han. N., N.Y.; 1st N., Tampa; ville. Peo., Jackson 675,330 1,106,470 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Ex. N. and Citiz. Am. Bk. dt Tr. Co., Tampa. 215,100 186,860 N. Park, N. Y.; Barnett N., Jacksonville; State Bk. of Orlando & Tr. Co., Orlando. 280 000 110.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atlantic N„ Jacksonville; Bk. of Orange & Tr. Co., Orlando; 1st N„ Tampa. Zolfo Springs.De Soto L8 State Bank of Zolfo...<§’07 Ira Rigdon_______ H. G. Murphy_____ Florence II. Meliza 63-207 Pop. 500 15,000 5,280 156.090 129,140 38,320 Atlantic N„ Jacksonville; Bk. of Com., Tampa; Cont. Tr. Co., Balt. 30,000 8,000 102,000 112,000 31,000 N. City, N. Y.; Atlantic N., Jacksonville; Polk Co. N., Bartow. Ju ly , 1920 ) Collections and Cash letters remi tted for prompt] y. (.Tourists Accou nts given special attention. This Bank is a Memb er of th e Feder al Reser ve Syste in. Ybor City..Hillsborough (See Tampa) J 7 Zephyrhills___ Pasco K 6 American State Bank..*§’15 J. M. Harvey_____ J. L. Geiger______ L. D. Stapleton.__ G. S. Stapleton .... Pop. 1500 63-302 FL O RID A BANKS — W e st P alm B each to Zo lfo S pri ngs fGEO. W. JONAS — B. A. MAXFIELD — W. C. CRITTENDEN- E. C. RUMSEY_ _ _ GEO. W. POTTER, GEO. W. LAINHAHT .. 186 1 QA "" The CITIZENS \ SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your Business ISS Number Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given t A Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this! c IHEUIII^EINS % SOUTHERN BANK SOLICITS Your BUSINESS ATLANTA Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to eacl1 bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In-. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi: volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. GEORGIA Liabilities Paid-up Surplus Depos and its Capital Profits Name oe Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ‘County Seats. tMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. I Entire State in No. 6 [Estab.! Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Vice-President. President. Ass’t Cashier. CASHIER. ‘Abbeville ...Wilcox F 8 Bank of Abbeville........ <§’04 \y. C. Oliver______ T. M. Cook, Active. Fred Ewing______ 64-872 Pop. 1590 Farmers Bank..................t§’19 64-986 Acworth.............. Cobb C 3 Bank of Acworth...........<§’05 64-395 Pop. 1150 S. Lemon Banking Co...<§'53 64-394 Adairsville...Bartow C 3 Bank of Adairsville ...<§’99 64-523 Pop. 1000 ‘Adel..................... CookF 9 Bank of Adel.................. <§’01 64-285 Pop. 2000 16,000 J. w. McMillan . C. C. Adams_____ L. M. Awtrey____ Orlando Awtrey ... 30,000 E. D. Veach______ O. B. Bishop______ M. A. Perry_____ 25,000 Lewis............... M.T. Shaw . ............ W. M. Tyson_____ W. J. McCranie.. W. B. Wilkes j. p. Bowdoin j. f. ‘Albany..Dougherty D 8 Pop. 11,555 ALBANY 330,780 154,300 188,670 N. Park, N. Y.; Atl. N., Atl.; 4th N„ Macon. 172,000 198,600 48,000 370,000 390,000 25,000 40,000 405,000 377,000 21,700 Han. N.. N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl.: 1st N., Chat tanooga. 38,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Atl. N.. Atl.: 1st N., Chatta nooga. 50,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz., Valdosta: Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan.: Lowry N., Atl. 50,000 20,000 484.000 500,000 25,000 5,000 231,000 181,000 2,000 12,000 110,OOC 57,000 15,000 25,000 14,500 M. J. McMillan ... F. T. Tiller............ 15,000 18.500 75.000 90.000 35.000 Am. Ex. N„ N. Y.; Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan. 50.000 82,840 602,760 557,630 223,640 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 40,000 426,760 Han. N. and Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; (Branch of Glen wood, G a.) — W. M. Pope.............. H. E. DAVIS......... 64-93 <1900 Albany Trust Co. of Ga...§’05 jTs. Davis...............18. B. Brown.. 64-94 IP. W. Jones IR. H. Warren. 100,000 ...... P. W. JONE! SHEMWELL, A. P. VASON *CITIZENS-FIRST KTTSTERNE J. S. DAVIS J. E. FOY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ P. L. HILSMANJ. VENTULETT 150,000 170,770 1,701,250 1.722,770 W. C. Scovili_____ 57,200 725,000 524,220 Farkas Trust Company _.§’17 L. Farkas................ M. Farkas................ B. W. Simon, Sec.. 64-964 100,000 11.000 152,930 100,000 558,860 516,190 64-91 •• 15,360 22.500 J. A. Hinson------- D. W. Watson........ W. J. Peterson___ J. H. Peterson-__ Personal attention given collections. Prompt remittance. Progressive banking methods in all departments. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. Ch.ofBd. NATIONAL BANK •• 73,000 45,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 4th N. Macon.; Cent. Bk & Tr. Corp., Atl.;lst N.,Valdosta. 78,000 Meeh. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan.; Atl. N., Atl.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 63,000 N.Park.N.Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; 4th N., Macon. Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; 4th N., Macon; Fulton N., Atl. 25,500 ILL. Parrish_____ |J. E. Pitts________ C. Sutton________ S. A. Parrish G. E. Youmans .... S. H. Lynch............ R. G. Hutcheson .. S. B, BROWN---------A. W. MUSE- NATIONAL BANK *Exchange Bank............ <§’93 S.B. Brown.............. A. W. Muse______ 64-92 GEORGIA BANK & TRUST CO. 64-98 Sec. and Tr. \ We want your Collections. Send them to us direct, saving time and money. Try us for quick service. <’88 70,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th N„ Macon: Citiz. & South ern, Atlanta: Merch., Valdosta. 16,000 Han. N., N.Y.; 4th N., Atl. 45,500 25,000 IF. F. PUTNEY .... J. S. FARNUM........ W. F. JEFFERSON. I.C.GORTATOWSKY E. B. YOUNG Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl.; Southern, Savan. 357,980 Bk. of America, N. Savan. Citiz. & Y.: Citiz. & Southern, 13,300 Ga. N. and Citiz.-1st N., Alb. 254,860 N. City., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Atl.; Hiber nia Bk., Savan. <§16 j Send us your It ems for prompt s ervice. Remlttan ces made on day ( Special attentio n given Bill of of recei Pt. Lading drafts, C ash and Time Ite ms. I Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation a nd 50c for Credit R eports. •• IF. F. PUTNEY — E. B. YOUNG............ 'GEORGIA NATIONAL BANK 64-95 •• SAVANNAH ATLANTA E. B. YOUNG......... j W. M. BALDWIN— 200,000 155,000 1,300,000 1,350,000 410,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Atl. ' Prompt attenti on given to colie ctions. <10 (Prompt remitt ance, Intelligent reasons for non- payment. TRY US. Albany Clearing House Edwin Sterne____ E. B. Young______ W. C. Scovili, Sec.. F. H. Bates, Mgr.. (Members indicated by a*) The CITIZENS SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your Business / w- —rexa ex> O • i 03 AUGUSTA MACON G EO RG IA BANKS — A bb ev ill e to A lb an y FIRST BANK OF COOK CO. c. C. Giddens.—. 64-286 •tS’10 Adrian____ Emanuel Q 6 Bank of Adrian---------- <§’11 L. O. Benton . 64-811 Pop. 800 Montgomery County Bk.<’08^. A Peterson Ailey...Montgomery G 7 64-525 Pop. 250 ‘Alamo____ Wheeler G 7 Farmers Bank________ *§’06 64-877 I..................................... Pop. 249 Union Banking Co.......... §’19 L. O. Benton............ 64-996 Alapaha------ Berrien F 9 Bank of Alapaha.......... <§’05 Geo. A. Paulk 64-527 -------Pop. 532 Principal Correspondents. & £x Cash CHANGE8,DUE from Banes 34,000 $ 300,000 $ 240,000 J 15,000 J Oscar Cannon......... O. F. Paxson_____ B. C. Smith______ W. S. Cannon......... R. P. Brown H. M. Williams . . R. L. McMillan.... J. E. Carnes............ J. H. Harrison- Resources. Loans St Disc’ts. Bonds Securities Ju ly , 1920 v Q*7 1°' AUGUSTA MACON loo Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County. Name of Bank. Vice-President. President. ‘Alma................Bacon H 8 Alma State Bank.............. §’18 ^E. S. Strickland— C. L. Sibley. 64-969 Pop. 1000 Bank of Alma.............. ___tS’O6 ------ ------------------ Cashier. Ass't Cashier. .J J. Q. Douglas.. .. Arnoldsville--Oglethorpe Pop. 255 F4 ‘Ashburn....Turner E 8 Pop. 2500 ....§’19 R. W. Wallace —. R. R. Shockley.... 15,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atlantic N„ Jacksonville;! Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan. lev, Go.) N. Park, N. V.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan : N. Bk. of Brunswick, Brunswick; 4th N.. Atl. 48,820 23,060 Han. N„ N. ¥.; Atl. N., Atl.; Citiz., Gaines ville. 325.000 40,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Fulton N„ Atl.; 4th N„, Macon; Citiz., Gainesville. 75,000 45,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 15,000 4,310 54,650 16,000 19,000 340,000 15,000 500 100,000 15,000 780 46,590 60.580 123,050 1,216,320 861,300 65.000 50,000 50,000 10,000 292,880 210,570 250,000 1,500,000 1,400,000 25,000 80,000 51,410 185.000 226,500 30,000 9.460 78,870 99,390 §T9 L. C. White_______ E. W. Martin_____ Chas. S. Smith.... 15,000 .<§1900 W. A. Shingler ___ G. B. Gorday______ Principal Correspondents. changes,Dub $ 47,500 55,000 52,000 39.470 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. and Atl. 533.070 N. Oily and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Savan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Savan.; Atl. N., Atl. 137,670 Coal & Iron N. and Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: 4th N., Atl.: Citiz. & Southern. Savan. 400,000 Ilan. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 4th St. N.,Phil. 55,480 Lowry N.» Atl.; Ga. N., Athens. 60,670 N. Park, Meeh. & Metals N., and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan. and Atl. 25,380 Meeh. & Metals N., N.Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan. 13,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ga. N„ Athens. 65.500 Meeh. & Metals N.. N. Y.; 4th N., Macon and Atl.; Citiz. and Southern. Savan. 75,000 Han. N.. N.Y.; 4th N„ Atl. and Macon: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; Atlantic N., Jackson ville. 30,640 Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Atl. 50,000 50.000 275,000 350,000 25.000 35,000 190,000 175,000 25,000 26.000 250,000 200.000 100,000 54,000 836,640 781,720 208,920 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 4th N.. Atl.: Franklin N. Phil. (M. STERN............ M. 6. MICHAEL— 6. A, MELL--------------------- ----------------------50,000 ATHENS SAVINGS BANK .... -< Bank and Merc antUe Collections receive prompt a nd careful attent ion. < ’ 92 (WI , Where payment Is refused reason s are given. Try us. 64-67 <i 293,090 877,900 992,080 228,580 Han. N..N.Y.: Atl. N.. Atl. 100,000 50,000 700,000 550,000 200,000 N. City, N. Y.; Lowry N., Atl.; 1st N., Rich. 64-257 Citizens Bank........ 64-258 W. G. Shingler___ ..<§’05 D. H. Davis.............. W. A. Murray____ ‘Athens.......... Clarke F4 AMERICAN STATE BANK INK C. F. Shingler ___ R. R. Shingler . G. C. McKinzie 64-68 JNO. J. WILKINS.. R. W. SIZER. •tf’ll I Commercial Bank........ <§'93 H. H. Gordon, Jr... A.O. Erwin----------- J.E. Patman...........— J.G, Hancock......... ♦ 64-70 C. D. Flanigen C. M. Eyler JOHN J. WILKINS GEBRBIANAT’L BANK-<’03 64-69 . C. McCLAIN I Wo respectful! y invite your bn sin ess. iiv t'66 INS JOHN W. MORTON —~W. F. BRADSHAW..... A. S. PARKER.......... G. F. STEPHENSON C. H. PHINIZY attention. 400,000 580,050 2,715,250 3,703,990 1,023,660 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th N.. AO.: 1st N„ Phil, M. M. 1st N„ Balt. to colie colle CtlOUB. 8peelai attention given to All collections entrusted to our care will receive prompt OF ATHENS 64-66 W. P.BROOKS EN SMITH 250.000 596.880 1.532.180 2.567,050 — 674.810 Meeh. * Metals N„ N. Y. Remittances mads at lowest rates. __ Peoples Bank..................<§'12 S. Bernstein............. J. H. Dozier............... J. H. Hubert--------- H. L. Cook.................. 64-72 _________________________________________________________ 100,000 73,990 449,710 628,330' 26,610 Coal & Iron N. and Han. N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern. Atl. The CITIZENS % SOUTHERN BANK-Solicits Your Business AUGUSTA MACON Ju ly , 1920 NATIONAL BANK 98,000 47,500 <§’12 SAVANNAH ATLANTA 2,390 $ . <§’01 W. E. Bostwick___ R. H. Bostwiek— G. W. Harrison .......... '06 W. E. Saunders... G. M. Sparks______ L. O. Cunningham. 64-840 Pop. 16,748 3:6.M (Your bankin S business re 15.000 $ (.Branc h of Bax ley Bkg. . Bonds, G EO RG IA BA N K S — A lm a to A th en s C. M. CBINCIL— T. -<§’91 64-99 Paid-up Surplus DeposAND Capital ITS Profits $ G. M. Swain. 64-528 H. O. Robinson ‘Alpharetta...Milton D 3 Alpharetta Bank.............. t§’18 I. O. Teasley-------- R. C. Nesbit--------- IF. L. Williams Pop. 400 I 64-507 Milton County Bank...<§’105 G. D. Rucker-------- I. O. Teasley--------- R.D. Manning____ jGlenn Francis. 64-508 |_ C. E. Maddox E. S. Martin______ I Alfred Renaldi___ Alston..Montgomery G 7 Citizens Bank................... t§’ll |E. S. Martin______ jH. G. Martin____ 64-804 Pop. 300 Ambrose_____ Coffee G 8 Ambrose Enigma Banking Co. Wm. Carver______ ;E. D. McMillan— O. L. Harper 64-956 <§’15 Pop. 350 ‘Americus.-.Sumter D 7 Bank of Commerce___ <§'91 J. W. Sheffield......... Frank Sheffield.— Lee Hudson.. 64-100 Pop. 9010 Sami. Harrison-__ Commercial City Bank.«t§’08 Craw ford Wheatley ------------------------ — E. T. Murray64-103 ipalachet 64-991 irlington 64-357 ional Bai 64-358 Irnoldsv 64-993 Resources. Liabilities. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ‘County Seats. Entire State in No. 6 tMem. State Bks.Assn. fPriv.) [Estab. Federal Reserve District, ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Apalachee...Morgan F5 Pop. 481 Arlington...Calhoun 0 9 Pop. 2000 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. GEORGIA—Continued 188 loo Business our ESTABLISHED 1861 LOWRY NATIONAL BANK Atlanta, Georgia The C IT IZ E N S S O U TH E R N B A N K S oucits Y P' on Send us your items on the Sixth Federal District. We have direct collection facilities every banking point in the states of GEORGIA, FLORIDA, ALABAMA, LOUISIANA, MISSISSIPPI and TENNESSEE Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Total Resources over .... $2,500,000.00 $24,000,000.00 Your Business Solicited OFFICERS JOHN E. MURPHY................................... President HENRY W. DAVIS......................Vice-President H. WARNER MARTIN...............Vice-President J. H. NUNNALLY........................ Vice-President E. A. BANCKER, Jr..................... Cashier ERNEST W. RAMSPECK. . Assistant Cashier O. C. BRADFORD, Jr...........Assistant Cashier HARRY H. JOHNSON........ Assistant Cashier ERNEST A. FOWLER........ Assistant Cashier R. C. HENDERSON............. Assistant Cashier CHARLES H. EVERETT. , .Mgr. Svgs. Dept. C. E. ALLEN.................................Mgr. Credit Dept. 3 The Atlanta National Bank ATLANTA, GA. We cordially invite the accounts and correspondence of Banks and Bankers with assurance of prompt service OFFICERS ROBT. F. MADDOX FRANK E. BLOCK JAS. S. FLOYD GEO. R. DONOVAN THOS. J. PEEPLES J. S. KENNEDY President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President - Cashier JAS. D. LEITNER D. B. DeSAUSSURE B. B. CUNNINGHAM J. F. ALEXANDER LEO STILLMAN A. N. ANDERSON Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier Auditor Capital and Surplus $ 2,481,195.27 Deposits, Dec. 3i, 1919 - 30,716,732.09 N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is th e N ew T r a n s it N u m b e r giv en to each bank in U. S. exclusiv ely bv Th e Ra nd -M cN all y Ba nk ers ’ A 'T 'T A K T T A ___ 1 C 'l tv r Nn — 54 years of GOOD SERVICE to Banks and Bankers throughout the country. — We collect direct on all points in the Sixth Federal Reserve District. C o u n ty S eat, P o p u la ti o n 20 0, o lo 1919 4) The Oldest National Bank in the Cotton States n fF u lt o n C o. , D 1865 c 0 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Name of Bank. President. Vice-President. American Savings Bank...§’87 J, G. St. Amand 64-8 Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. F. S. ETHERIDGE— SNOWDERN McGAUGHY 175,000 ... 1 $ 533,780 $ 144,370 ......... 165,000 32,200 45,000 Atlantic N„ N. Y.; Citiz. & South., Atl. 1,815,100 20,232,370 $5,161,930 20,610,430 ADVERT ISEMENT 1,500 $ 2,211,310 800,000 772,800 162,390 7,494,360 OPPOSIT E Meeh. & Metals N., N. Park, and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 4tb St. N., Phil.; 1st N.. St. L.; N.Shawmut,Bos.;CanalCom’l N., N. O. 1,000,000 176.360 25,000 4 300 1.803,000 421.890 2,226,250 499,270 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y Unsurpassed Facilities for Collections. All branches of Banking and Trust Company business. •tS’13 ASA G. CANBLER...... JOHN S. OWENS_ _ _ _ CARL H. LEWIS_ _ _ _ _ A. J. STITT—........ A. P. COLES L. H. PARRIS, FONVILLE MCWHORTER WALTER T. CANDLER Auditor THOS. I. MILLER H. C. HEINZ, 1,000,000 325,000 — 554,000 10,038,470 230,000 _______ 2,904,490 10,614,420 2,726,150 34,531,880 11,512,520 35,637,450 109,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Lowry N„ Atl. 1,450,920 ............... 3,453,940 MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. TRADE-ACCEPTANCES BOUGHT AND SOLD. Bk. of Am., Guaranty Tr. Co., and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.;Merch. Ln. & Tr.Co., Chi.; 1st N., Bos.; Phil. N., Phil.; N. State & City, Rich. B-L DRAFTS A SPECIALTY. SEND US YOUR COLLECTIONS FOR PROMPT REMITTANCE AT LOWEST RATES. •tS’06 »t§’96 MILLS B. LANE-------- T. C. ERWIN _ _ _ _ W. V. CROWLEY....... H. S. COHEN_ _ _ _ 8: BBT ?; ISs. "■ j: 1 EW*LEA“L FRANK H.WKLS,'" "1-™"6 * S-S™EBS 2,000.000 Ch. of Bd. SEND US YOUR BUSINESS — also — (Branch SEE AD VERTIS EMENT ON GEO KGIA—A 3,830,700 762,370 15,653,510 N. City and N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chl.j N. Shawmut, Bos.; Phil. N., Phil. ah, Ga.) [ A — FLO RIDA M ARGINS SAVANNAH—AUGUSTA—MACON The CITIZENS *•„ SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your Business 189 Atlanta cont. on next page) 10,000 SEE A. Tr. 'CITIZENS & SOUTHERN BANK SAVANNAH ATLANTA 364,280 Member Federal Reserve System. •CENTRAL BANK & TRUST CORPORATION 64-5 1,000,000 39.07C $ Principal Correspondents. Cash Resources LE ROY GREGORY, Tr. J. B. WHEAT, P.H. WINTER,A.Tr. Sec. and Tr. Officer T. M. ARMISTEAD.JR. Bank of West End--------- •*§’15 Stuart Witham____ R. I. Barge________ H. T. Kilpatrick.. 64-20 64-6 50,000 Depository of the United States, State of Georgia, and City of Atlanta. Tour banking account and Atlanta, also Georgia, Items and •t’65 collections invited. We collect direct at a moderate charge. 'ATLANTA TRUST COMPANY ♦ 64-17 J. D. LEITNER. D. B.De SAUSSURE R.B. CUNNINGHAM J. F. ALEXANDER LEO STILLMAN 200,00C J MlSCEL- j LANEOUS ; Resources1 GEORGIA BANKS—Atl anta 64-1 ROBT. F. MADDOX J. S. FLOYD______ J. S. KENNEDY. GEO. R. DONOVAN T. J. PEEPLES onds. Paid-up Surplus Individ Deposits Loans & SB ecuri and op ual DisCapital Profits COUNTS ties, BTC. Deposits Banks $ R. M. Clayton____ Peter P. Clarke____ ■ Atlanta Commercial Bank—§’16 w. B. Chandler— H. B. Davis_______ ' Howard Parrish-.. I W. A. Cook. 64-30 Howard Parrish IL M. Pearman ‘ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK Resources Liabilities. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState tMem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.' July, 1920 ATLANTA—Federal Reserve City No. 6. ( co., d o county seat, Population 200,aie 189 AUGUSTA MACON Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. (Federal Reserve City No. 6) Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. JMem. State Bks.Assn. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. §Sta,te tPriv. President. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. [Estab. Coker Banking Company „t'95..................................... 64-11 Colonial Trust Company.*+§’12 J. s. Slicer---------- J. C. Williams......... R. A. Sm.vthe 64-24 J. H. Williams Continental Trust Co.... »t§’13 Joel Hurt_________ A. B. Simms______ 64-26 East Atlanta Bank..............t§’10 L. L. Marbut........... 64-19 Empire Trust Company .<§'17 W. B. Stovall.......... Westervelt Terhune 64-946 Liabilities. Resources. Miscel Surplus Individ Deposits Loans a Bonds, Cash Paid-up AND Dis ual of Securi laneous Resources Capital Profits Deposits Banks counts ties, etc. Resources $ T. J. Norman, Sec. and Tr. 146,400 $ 342,370 7,960 $ $ J. R. Neal. J. B. Lenhardt, A. Tr. Sec. and Tr. 100,000 20,000 Farmers & Traders Bank W. D. Manley........ J. R. Smith_______ L. T. Carter............ W. 0. Suttles_____ 64-13 <§1900 P. J. Baker 25,000 15,000 100,000 145,150 14,310 JOHN K. OTTLEY_ _ _ CHARLES I. RYAN-—STEWART McGINTY— F.M. BERRf — JAMES W. ENGLISH, J. D. ROBINSON JULIAN CLAYTON ‘FOURTH w. T. PERKERSON, T. W. TOWNSEND E. H. DALY ......... ........ H.B. LONGINO NATIONAL BANK S. J. FULLER_ _ _ V. Pres, and Tr. Officer 25,000 220,820 5,960 Trust Fu nds. 5,500 165,000 530,170 $ 325,390 100,000 2,500 60,000 40,000 300.000 53,770 287,150 117,710 2,318,170 15,919,410 $5,289,150 16,729,310 1,297,740 45,040 20,600| 80.000 10.000 15,000 Atl. 1,200,000 SEE Particular attention given to Collections on all points in this and adjoining States._________ 480,000 ADVERTI SEMENT 140,230 N. Park and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Atl. N„ Atl. 9,200 .................. Atl. N., Atl. 664,740 6,618,730 City, N. Y. ON OPP OSITE P AGE. <’96___________ 64-3 ♦Fulton National Bank. .<’10 W. J. Blalock........ A. B. B. H. 64-7 H. B. Georgia Savings Bk. & Tr. Co. George M. Brown. J. W. ♦ 64-12 *§’99 *LOWRY NATIONAL BANK <’61 64-2 Simms_____ R. G. Clay-------------Jones |G. C. Evans, Kennedy A. Cash. Grant______ Jos. E. Boston, ! Sec. and Tr. J. M. Selman........... F.W. Blalock J. H. Ewing, Jr. C. P. Hunter.A.Sec. JOHN E. MURPHY — HENR HENRY W. DAVIS-— E. A. BANCKER, JR. . E. W. RAMSPECK—H.W. MARTIN C.H. EVERETT, 0. C. BRADFORD, JR J. H. NUNNALLY Mgr. Sav. Dept. H^- H.JOHNSON — JOHN __ ’ C. E. ALLEN, Mgr. Credit Dept .' C.' HENDERSON 750,000 200,000 1,000.000 Atlanta and Georgia cash items collected and remitted on a daily, weekly or semi monthly plan. Bill of Lading drafts a specialty. WRITE US FOR TERMS. Security State Bank-------- §’11 J. S. Slicer______ 64-22 E. Woodruff Trust Company of Georgia ♦ 64-10 <§’91 J. H. Williams ... G. R. Houghton W. C. Wardlaw.. J. E. Murphy J. N. Goddard J. H. Nunnally 332,400 150,000 4,955,430 6,203,540 8,429,300 1,037,160 1,500,000 951,000 792,000 189.000 1,481,110 15,415,550 13,310,870 2,530,180 422,380 5,528,780 1st N., Chase N., Guaranty Tr. Co., and Han. N„ N.T.;lstN. and Phil. N., Phil. SEE A DVERT ISEMEN T ON G EORGIA INDEX. T. J. Norman_________________________ 60,000 11,700 G. B. Pe ndleton, A. Pritchard, Tr., A. Sec. andA. Tr. W. L. Pomeroy, A. Sec. 1,000,000 1,645,510 12,050 12,050 Merch. N., Rich.: Fulton N., Atl. 77,700 2,268,430 116,560 3,111,200 771,810 835,050 312,430 Chase N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Mtle. Tr. & Dep. Co., Balt.: Lowry N„ Atl. .’05 (CommercialPaper) ; Geo. H. Burr & Co----(Healy Bldg.) Geo. H. Burr & Co., N. Y.. Chi., Phil., Bos., St L., Clev., Hart., San F., Seattle, Port., Pitt., Det., Scranton, and Los A. | Darwin G. Jones--------------- «’81 (Investment Securi ties) J. H. HILSMAN & CO.--— 02 J. H. Hilsman------ J. D. Lowndes____ J. F. Settle---------- Henry Wyatt, Jr... Stocks and Bonds bought and sold. (601-606 Empire Bldg.) NATIONAL CITY COMPANY ip (Commercial Paper) (Bonds, Short Ter m Notes, Accept- Wm. Niller, an ces) t’16 W. F. Broadwell.. J. W. Speas, A. Dist. Sales Al Chas, D. Orme, offices. See adv. Page 3. dlayden, Stone & Co., N. Y. 500,000 J. C. Wheatley • Local Stocks and Bonds. Atlanta Clearing House............ G. R. Donovan — H. W. Davis— (Members indicated by a*) SAVANNAH KT VKUVK 100,000 E. B. Smith & Co., N. Y.iAtl.N.,, Citiz. & Southern, 4th N„ Fulton^ N., and Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Alt. I _|S. B. Lewis & Co., N.Y., Phil., Pitt.,I Scranton and Bos. E. Naumburg & Co.,N. Y.,Chi., Bos., Phil., Pitt., San F., and Seattle, : N. Citv Co.. N. Y.and correspondent! 100,000 (Commercial Paper) SECURITIES SALES CO-tt’M Berry H. Collins.-.: J esse Draper — (Grant Bldg.) 100,000 Darwin G. Jones, H. B. Kennedy,Tt Mar. a/nd Sec. »■■■ a« ■■■■ tvs.CVTKZE.HS A% SOUTHERN B/LNK SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS AUGUSTA MACON July, 1920 S. B. Lewis & Co-------------- '17 (4th Nat’l Bk. Bldg.) E. Naumburg & Co.-........... ’94 (Third National Bk. Bldg.) N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Phil. N., Phil. 20,000 \ Equitable Tr. Co. and N. Park, N. Y. GEORGIA BANKS—Atl ant a —Conti nued ♦Federal Reserve Bank, Dist.6.» (For complete inf ormdtion see page 33). 64-14 . J. S. Kennedy, First Trust & Savings Corpora- R. F. Maddox_____ Jas. S. Floyd Sec. and Tr. tion ____ 64-23_______ *§’18 (140 Peachtree Ave.) Principal Correspondents Atl. 500,000 of Bd. $ 75,610 22,730 $ D. T. MacKinnon, Harry J. Crider. Tr. Sec. R. C. Billings____ ;. ClI Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this! volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws? ATLANTA—Continued 190 190 SAVANNAH MCkHIK T\W ury_ Fourth National Bank ATLANTA Quick, accurate and skilful h and- ling of all busi ness is merely tbe basis of our widely-known Good Service. We make our OFFICERS JAMES W. ENGLISH JOHN K. OTTLEY CHARLES I. RYAN JAMES D. ROBINSON HATTON B. ROGERS WM. T. PERKERSON STEWART McGINTY FRANK M. BERRY JULIAN CLAYTON T. W. TOWNSEND EDWARD H. DALY HENRY B. LONGINO SAMUEL J. FULLER Chairman President - Vice President - Vice President - Vice President - V. P. 6? Trust Off. Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier CAPITA1 $1,200,000.00 SURPLUS s Goo d ervice better by add ing extra touch es of personal • attention to each corres pondent s.spe cial needs. $1,800,000.00 Tbe FOURTH NATIONAL Can Be Useful to You at tbe ATLANTA End of tbe Line ■7 MACON, GA. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK IN THE HEART OF GEORGIA Offers Unusual Facilities for Hand ling Georgia and Southeastern Collections. Has the Accounts of 31 per cent of all Georgia Banks. Is Prepared to Clear Direct the Entire State, thus Avoiding Cir cuitous Routing. Specializes in Bill of Lading Drafts. OFFICERS CHAS. B. LEWIS JOS. N. NEEL G. E. PATTERSON W. R. ROGERS. Jr. JAS. K. HOGAN FF 'RANK BRANAN Our Future Home President Vice-Pres. Vice-Pres. Vice-Pres. Cashier Asst. Cash. PAUL G. HOGAN Asst. Cash. H. A. KRIEBEL Asst. Cash. G. F. GILLELAND Asst. Cash. Asst. Cash. £ T. HOGAN PRESTON BROOKS Assistant to the President Resources over $19,000,000 Each Dot Represents a Bank Having an Active Account with the Fourth National r— At rtrw-mnaia—"li Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Federal Reserve 191 Bank of to St.each Louisbank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ GEORGIA—Continued Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this Town and County, j Name of Bank. President. Cashier. Vice-President. Ass’t Cashier. Attapulgus-Decatur C10 Bank of Attapulgus_____ +’16 P. P. Perkins_____ Miss Cornelia Pop. 300 64-939 Lester Auburn.......... Barrow E 3 Flanigan Banking Co.—tt’07T. C. Flanigan........ J. E. Anderson.—. John A. Pool_____ Pop. 217 64-530 •Augusta-Richmond H 5 "Augusta Savings Bank<§’79 P. E. May________ T. R. Wright.......... J. G. Weigle.—... L. W. Lyeth. Pop. 52,548 64-34 64-31 64-38 Atlanta—Savannah—Macon <’71 1,200 $ 3,000 J 15,000 400 12,000 F 10,000 66,100 16,260 37,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 100,000 P. E. MAY-------- E. A. PENDLETON- W. T. WIGGINS_ _ _ PAUL MUSTIN The Only National Ba nk ---------" Augusta Clearing House........ P. E. May_________ i A. S. Hatch............... ! (Members indicated by a ♦) Austell.............. Cobb C 4 Austell Bank.............. .........§ 02 iC. F. Benson_____ | J. D. Perkerson Pop. 755 64-531 Avera--------Jefferson G5!Citizens Bank_________ §’10 Pop. 350 64-532 Baconton... Mitchell D 9 Bank of Baconton........ <§'07 R. P. Jackson____ J. D. Frozier______ Pop. 1000 64-533 R. M. Tiller ——A(I.> and Macon, 1,000,000 459,920 8,567,290 7,880,160 2,147,050 Am. Ex. N..N. Park, N. Bk. Com., Guar anty Tr. Co., and Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.. in 200,000 320,000 2.650,000 2.630.000 540,000 N. City, N. Y.; 4th N., Atl. 400,000 342,450 2,606,070 2,873,490 811,070 Han. N., N. V.: 4th N., Atl.; Franklin N., Phil. 50,000 300,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 200,000 N. Park, N.Y.; 1st N„ Rich. 100,000 63,000 1,800,000 1,600,000 Augus ta. Rufus H. Brown, Mgr. B. H. Veal.......... . C. E. Mathis............ E. A. McCollum.__ 2,180 15,000 14,610 {Branch of Bk. of Louisvill 26,290 75,000 •Bainbridge........ Decatur Bainbridge State Bank.<§’91 E. J. Perry----------- J. W. Callahan — J. J. Walters_____ C. F. Crosby. Pop. 4792 010 64-180 100,000 93,700 588,000 700,390 CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO H.B. Ehrlich......... H.L. Gans------------ E. F. Vickers_____ E. E. Mayes. 100,000 40,000 375,000 500,000 64-825 “ “ Max Kwilecki Decatur County Bank—.§'06 M. E. Nussbaum— R. F. Wheat............ F. S. Jones.......... . 64-182 i ---------.............. t§’ll, " - FIRST NATIONAL BANK -’01 64-181 (M. E. NUSSBAUM-- R. F. WHEAT-......... F.S. JONES........... , SEND CSYOCR BUSINESS. | I Prompt persona 1 attention given Bill of Lading Dr 25,000 18,000 200,000 175,000 125,000 65,880 629,170 763,510 me Ite ms. 15,000 6,000 30,000 42,000 Ball Ground ...Cherokee Ball Ground Bank.......... t§’06 R.M. Thompson... I.......... ....... . ................ T. W. Price.............. Miss Georgia PratherI Pon. 1200 D3 04-535 15,000 6,000 150,000 135,000 8,270 N. Park, N. Y.: Atlanta N., Atlanta. 103,300 Han. N., N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; Southern Bk. & Tr. Co., Valdosta; Lowry N., Atl. 75,000 Meeh. & Metals N.. N. Y.: Citiz. & Southern, Atl.; Hibernia, Savan, 45,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y. 161,540 N. Parkand N. Bk. Com..N. Y.:4thN..Macon; Citiz. & Southern, Savan.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp., Atl. 10,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th N., Atl. 28,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Atl. The CITIZENS'”. SOUTHERN BANK Solicits Your Business -"A '.Bf AUGUSTA MACON 191 Baldwin—Habersham F 2 Baldwin State Bank____ § 07 W. A. Shore______ H. E. Hamlin_____ E. C. Addy_______ Pop. 280 64-534 SAVANNAH ATLANTA 134,000 N, City. N. V.; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Corp.. Atl.: Palmetto N., Columbia, S. C.; Chatham Bk. & Tr. Co., Savan. Louisv ille, Ga.) N. Park, N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Augusta;! Bk. of Lou., Lou., Ga. 50,000 10.000 Han. N.. N. Y.: Ga. N., Alb., Ga.; Citiz. & Southern, Atl. 4,000 ’• 115,000 Han. N.. N. V. 2,000,000 2,726,150 46 044 040 40230 520 15653510 N. City, N. Y.; Citiz. & Southern, Savan., 15,000 ------------ 5,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bainbridge. 61,760 Atl. N., Atl.; No. Ga. Tr. & Bkg. Co., Winder. {Branch of Sava nnah, G a.) ALBERT S. HATCH— W. H. BARRETT...... B. H. ELLISON------- W. H. SHERMAN........ E.E.ROSBOROUGH ♦Planters Ln.&Sav. Bk.<§’70 L. C. Hayne--------- G. P. Bates................ G. P. Bates.............. H. H. Hill................ 64-32 ♦Union Savings Bank— <§’92 Wm. Schweigert„ A. S. Morris______ T.S. Gray_______ 64-36 " Principal Correspondents. Cash & Ex changes, Dub from Banks. See advertisement on Georgia—Alabama—Florida Margins. JACOB PHINIZY— W. A. LATIMER —SAMUEL MARTIN- H. H. SAXON R. H. BROWN General Banking Business Transacted. Send us your Items and Collections for Augusta and Violnity. Prompt Attention and Remittance. Reasonable Charge. Give us a Trial. <§’04 *NATIONAL EXCH. BANK 64-33 ALSO We Invite the business of Banks. Bankers, and Merchants desiring prompt, efficient and satisfactory service. Test Our Facilities. <§’92! MERCHANTS BANK SEND US YOUR BUSINESS •§’65 ‘GEORGIA RAILROAD BANK 64-35 M. B. LANE----------- I. S. FERGUSON — T. G. TARVER............................. W. T. LANE, Jr., Asst. to V. P. $ Resources. Ioans a Disc’ts. Bonds, Securities G EO RG IA BANKS — A ttapulg us to B al l G ro und CITIZENS & SOUTHERN BANK Liabilities. Paid-up Subplus DeposCapital Profits ITS 1920____________ ^County Seats. !«Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §Statei Entire State in No. 6 tMem.State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.| Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thii volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws GEORGIA—Continued Ju ly , Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 Q1 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ * ____Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. $ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-MeNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority af The American Bankers Ass’n. aTown and County. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState | County Seats. JMern.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Entire State in No. 6 [ Estab. Feder