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SIOUX FALLS, ..SOUTH D A K O TA We invite the accounts of Banks, Corporations, Merchants and Individuals South Dakota Item s Direct Collections Solicited and Intelligently Handled O FFICE RS c. e. M cK i n n e y • JOHN W. WADDEN M. C. SMITH ■ EUGENE REILEY C. L. NORTON Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • - Chairman - President M Vice-President - Vice-President - .Vice-President W. H. T. FOSTER C. W . THOMPSON J. D. FLECKENSTEIN L. A. GRAY R. L. HARRIS - - Vice-President - Vice-President Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier The Inter State Surety Compan <; ; T When Interested in Surety Bonds, Plater Glass, and Bank Burglary Insurance Redfieid, South Dakota : - .V W rite Us l lia South D akota. INDEX 104 ’ ' to 102° 103° 13 12 11 IO 101° 98° 15’ 14 97° 17 16 COUNTIES. A rm strong. D 8 Aurord........ F 12 éÊm Beadle.........E 13 B en nett___ G 6 B on H om m eH 14 Brookings. .E 16 B row n .........B 13 B ru le........... F 11 B u ffa lo :___ E 11 B u tt e .. . . . .D 2 46 a •Hettinger ¡Lai;;;“ M i vie k„Ludlow ls peoPlatea! a^ j Eiu? ^ ^ fX • k jg lg ° g jg jj v-,.-- C a m p b e ll..B 9 Charles M ix G 12 C la r k ..____D 14 Clay _ _____ H 16 Codington .D 15 C o r s o n __ .B 7 C uster......... F 2 D a v is o n .. . .F D a y ..............C D e u e l..___ D D ew ey........ C D o u g la s .... G ■ ,-.1 » Lodgepole0' Lemmon j C r „ °WhitedeerXff>y ' b IP lerreid Bullhead ;AMP 13 14 16 8 13 Edmunds . .C 11 Fall R iv e r ..G 2 F a u lk.......... C 11 C V Govei H aakon ___ E H a m lin ... .D H an d ...........E H anson ___ F H a r d in g ....B H ughes. . . .E Hutchinson G H y d e .. ___ D D uxbury Mason G ra n t......... C 16 Gregory . . ,G 11 6 15 11 14 2 9’ 14 11 m i n f _i m , _ ‘Staek / v -- • B —utte 1BW£% SS8S Sampont -.TWescott A,Wesoott .'^ermò.nt')-'^*T' ^ \ \ Castle % k , • , > Y^e i i I ' s ééiìSs i . T 1 Jackson___ F 6 Jerauld . . . . E 12 ; Jones............F 8 F Sulp _ ,_j wrun« l tuns Butte jçMg, « Caton I „ »Horse Butte Avance" Lovell, ppalo §§§| ' .» Cooper • .v : ^V \T am a Boy, , -jt< L a k e .______ F 11. Lawrence . .E 2 Lincoln . . . .G 16 L y m a n '. .. .F 9 A D i V o\ ia a „ f i n d e r S PARLE K Clark. C L A R K D Naples Vienna . MEOICIf Carpenter B ill xivis„E Wessington 15 11 14 4 8 14 16 16 Pennington F 3 . P e r k in s .. . .B 4‘ P o t t e r .. . . .CJTO N Hawk ’ H Y D E lOmda / Mafcus „Chalkbutte £ p P eid4 "Eleanor . A, ;■• JT »Clough "White Owl,' ‘Piati Aladd n 4 5° QUI D oland Orienty Rockham*\ F ra n k fo rt Tennis R e lfié ia L o \ oHowell Vo X c r a n d o n oSedgwick_ oNHoudek ^ . Kaspar rpointo I 0Stoneville^^v^ I Rednwl Kedowl Ci C reek Zeal £ | ^ Ashton fp 1 try. Watermanl. c j \cr K ingsbury .E 15 M cC ook . . .F M cPherson B M arsh a ll.. .B M e a d e .. . . .E M ellette . . . F Miner . ; . . . . E M innehaha. F M ood y . . . .E ~j s T u rton N D E ® « a(f) y- 44° 44 R o b e rts .. .'.'B 16 Sanborn . . .F Shannon. . . G -Spink., . . . ,D Stanley . . . . E S u l l y .. ___ D 13 4 13 g 9 ^Reliance U n io n ... > .H 16 x -' " % * * * ? n fcdàrbnttè „ Ko®e” l l o I / W alw orth; .C 6 WashabatughG 6 WashingtonG 5, ^ 4 oIdeal ’>°ìa I )* * ' \ 6 c aA i ^ k o y k L Rumford^ T Ijl 4 -r ** 1 v f e n H lOelrichj Slim 43' D J s / ) h\ a |n / ? A £ m m i BrennanV n 4 ggg j 1 0 U ^ ^ ljunlapc G Dayl Mullen ° ' ^ o Lucas P \Colome o Rosebud ö \ cf >St. Francis ^ A \ W Dakota J(v • jS I \P Shoemaker » "¿J^geppner , o / 0 _ X Academy [Carter v f »JordauAWlnner ^mithwiqk G O ? |Biq ^ lls | Witten Yankton. . .H 15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis n . Red Butie l'L ) a c o i m a ^ ^ ^ > v o ^ a i ^ Wney, H o u s W ^ , ' ~ ü jJoSyivia^AV^T“ vt J Æ . . E \. , £ ^ e \ I . D H l\, U U L *** KimKkmiC.^E ¿Red Lake T o d d . . . . . .G 8 T r ip p ... : . ; g 1C Turner . . . . G 15 Ziebach. . . . D ^ T m E Y Xs A P A Springvie-» H A mm H H SOUTH D A K O « SCALE 0 - S tatute M iles, 33 1 In ch . 10 ' 20 30 40 Rand McNally’s New 11 x 14 Map of South Dakota* Copyright by RandI\IcN%lly & Co* 104° J03° R u sh vllle H E R I. .D A Rl a 102° ROW © 101° il 100“ LO 11 99“ 12 -J§ =o> < ls* Z|oS 13 14 15 97 16 17 -307d i ABERDEEN NATIONAL BANK ABERDEEN; - . SOUTH DAKOTA OFFICERS J. C. BASSETT, President* O ltC l i ISAAC LINCOLN, Vice- President ALEX. HIGHLAND, Vice-President Drafts Promptly and Carefully Handled W. W. BASSETT, Cashier C. H. BOWMAN, Assistant Cashier Capital & Surplus $ 2 2 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 PARTICULAR CARE GIVEN TO ALL REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS OR OTHER INSTRUMENTS OF CONVEYANCE. UijiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiimiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiw § MI TCHELL ! j SOUTH D A KO TA BANKING MATTERS ! I g J iimmiiiiiimiiiiiiiimmmimimiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiifiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii § WATERTOWN South DahotIa ■ ; PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK In t e l l i g e n t l y AND PROMPTLY B Ä N D L E D is favored with the ac counts of many Dakota ‘ banks = '‘iiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiriiiiimiiiiiiiH = | By the | I WESTERN I I NATIONAL BANK | | 'T r y V . Oat"\ because of , ' SERVICE We Invite Correspondence .rüiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiimiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiî Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis )BIIÊtlÊlÊlÊBÊIKÊIBÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊlÊÊÊIÊtRÊÊÊÊtÊÊÊÊIÊÊtBÊÊttÊÊÊtÈÈÊÊÊIÊÎÊÊÊÎÊÊÊÊÉÎÊÊÊÊÎÎÊIÊÎÊÊKÈÊÊÊÊlÊM RMHHflMNMMSBRMSMMSPMHMHNRHRRRHSMBHI ‘ABERDEEN NAT’L BANK 78-12 .. .. i. ‘FIRST NAT’L BK. ■•■■■ sum 129,000 757,000 50,000 84,330 831,280 764,260 6,650 80,000 % u t 100,000 2,617,500 1,677,780 881,370 . 50.000 35,930 1,029,170 578,670 871,110 ] 54,600 N „ Minpls. 50,000 Sec. and Mgr. Guy Wilson___ 15,000 9,000 264,000 203,000 5,000 5,000 '75,000 48,000 10,000 11,300 173,000 125,000 25,000 30,050 880,640 727,200 ' 209,020 st N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., Livi Stock N., andSecur. N., Sioux C.; Secur. N. Sioux F. 30,000 15,000 310,000 260,000 125,000 1st N.. Chi.; 1st N. and Live Stock N.. Slonx C. James Valley, Huron. H. T. WYMAN........... E. T. LINSLEY 25,600 24,260 995,410 693,900 408,680 Oont. ft Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C. W. S . KING — — 80,000 18,970 502.000 460,270 108,820 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux C.; Midlam N., Minpls.: Sioux F. N., Sioux F.; Wester: N., Mitchell. 7,800 285,000 245,000 9,630 332,440 299,190 50,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Secur. N.', Sioux G Mitchell N.,Mitchell; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls 47,680 Oont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Live Stock N., Siou C.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F.; Western N Mitchell. 41,060 Citiz. Com’l Tr. Co., Buffalo; 1st & Secur, N Minpls.; 1st N.,St. P.; Secur. N „ Watertowr 45,000 Midland N., Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. Claude M. Jones — J. E. Schoof______ ( A .I .I F S T A D — J A SWERSRR- Aleester_____ Union G 17 FARM ERS & M ERCK. NAT’ L ana cash item s direct, Pop. 425 J A R K ___ 78-330........... < 9 5 | Send you r colle ctions I f they can be collected wo cell ect and rem it pr om p tly . (F A R M M ORTG AGE LOANS NE GOTIATED. ___ C. A. Abeel_______ I f F. 0. PECKHAM— GEO. RYBURN------- JACOB SCHILTZ— ”< State Bank of Aleester 1< 86 E. E. M cKellips__ G. A. Lindgren___ B. W. Brant A. S. Disbrow * 78-829 1st & Secur.'Ni, Minpls. 28,000 1st N.. Chi, and Aberdeen; No.-West. N. Minpls.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. 6^,000 lo.-West. N.. Minpls.; Gold & Co. State. Big stone City; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. :— --------- sr"? Pop. 100 78-484 K. J. Kundert____ H.C. W alker_____ Akaska___ Walworth 0 0 Akaska State Bank.. $I’I7 K. J. Kundert...— M. Kundert____ Pop. 114 78-498 L. A. Gold________ G. M. Engebretson. Arthur Orman____ Albee State B ank...__ $81900 J . A. Gold. G. K. Clark Pop. 200 78-404 ---------- “ M ercb . N ., St. P .;lit & S e c u r .N ., Minpls. D. H. Lightner----- E. A. Porter--------- D. W .D eV ey, (.Members indicated by a * ) | 7,500 ] 1st N., Aberdéen; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 347,000 ] liberty N., N. Y.; tlnion Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St P 192,230 1Ian. N.. N. Y.; Oont. & Com’IN ., Chi.; Midland N., Minpls.; Sioux Falls Sav., Sioux F. . . . D. C. KMSEL . . . . . . f ♦FIRST STATE SAV. BARK Isaac Lincoln_____ J. L. Browne. — Roswell Bottum__ 78-18 « ir e i T. C. Gage____ — . f (Investment Ban her) C. F. EASTON— ’81 (.FARM AND C l T Y LOANS. Aberdeen Clearing House— 180,000 18,000 1,050,000 R eliable Credit R eports, 25c. TRY- US. OLDEST BANK IN BROWN COUNTY. **'81 P rincipal Correspondents. OPPOSI TE. 50,600 25,000 H. F. Brown. I. M. Johnson D. H. Lightner___ C. R. Cuatt E. P. Kemper R. A. Porter D. W. DeVey Thos. E. Porter F• W Re CARNAI ■ niWIuWlvW— — F M CANNON _____ j . * R esources. . V Lia b il it ie s . m UamA » » GanMA ExP aid - up SUaPLDS D epos c * t n . Bonne, < bmmh,Dvi AUD Capital Profits its fcWMWAI vmmBaku Drafts given Intelligent and prom pt attention. S eal Estate Transactions or oth er Instrum ents o f conveyance receive SEE AD VERTIS EMENT unusual care, »$’89 A ccounts o f banks, corporations and individuals solicited. F. A. Brown______ F. A. Brown, Jr. M iz tm Ca sh ie r . ISAAC LlflGOLN-— W. W.IASSET'T— — CLYDE BOWMAN— $ 100,009 8 113.810 $3212530 $2240610 $1234120 C ALEX. HIGHLAND 1st N „ St. P .; N o.-W est. N .,M in p ls. J. C. BASSETT — ♦Citizens Tr.& Sav. Bk.*iS'06 78-15 ♦Dakota Nat’l Bank — < 0 6 T. F. Marshall____ 78-14 78-11 t rr——--------------- ----------------- -— :------------------ rr. •• A ss Ca sh ie r . V ick-Pse s id sn t . knt . «Alexandria. Hanson F14 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 8 0 < First and oldest established bank, ] Unequaled facl lltles fo r handlin g C ollections at this p oin t, Pop. 955 78-168 (.Personal presen tatlon, q u ick ret urns a t reasonab le rates. SECURITY NATIONAL BANK 78-160 \ W. S. H IL L— ALB ER T R IL L ....... G. S. S M IL E Y - «$’84 ] All Item s and collection s sen t direct on Alexan dria and vicinity given p rom p t ( attention and presented In pers on . Q uick action and reasonable c barges. 16,010 137,410 107,4001 5,000 12,0001 120,0001 90,0001 F alls, . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5.000 ï S E C U R ITY N A TIO N AL BANK, Sioux 12,000 k! : W. M. Lockhart__ W. F. Carsteas ___ E. O. Iverson focklvirt Altamont____ Deuel D 10 Altamont State Bank___ Xi'06 A Pop. 110 78-495 Amherst__ Marshall B 14 Farmers State Bank.__ tS'07 W. B. Harwood___ August Tisher____ Clarence E. Oleson L. A. Oleson....___ 0. E. Witham 78-406 Pon. 200 20,000 •: E. F. Coursey____ Alpena_____ Jerauld E IS Alpena State Bank_____ i f 02 M. A. Maawaring . . O. B. Manwaring— W. J. Smith 78-322 Pop. 417 .. v •• J. E. Shull... __ K. T. Aisenbrey__ A. J. Aisenbrey— John J. Feiok 78-321 ¡o a ---------- SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS— Aberdeen to Amherst_____________ 1205 •• „ P keb» r i î ! ----------_ _______________ -_______ : «Aberdeen__ Brown C 12 Poo. 15,218 —s. N ah e of Ba n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState (Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. H A N D L E S C O L LE C TIO N S D IR E C T O N A L L P O I N T S IN T H E S T A T E L iglò -■ 1 ------------lU nn viOUATZ* «County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 Federal Reserve District. ■■■■■■■■■■H Number ander Name o f Bank ia the New Transit Nnmber gh to each bank in U, S. exdusively by The Band-McNally Banke T own and County. N ame or Ban k . ^County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Entire State in No. 9 tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Fédéral Reserve District ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. P resident . V ice -President . Andover. ____ Day C 13 Citizens State Bank___ < $ ’02 Earl L. Stone____ _ Pop. 500 78-299 “ " ¡ STATE BANK OF ANDOVER 78-300 .. .. GEO, DEBILZAN. CITIZENS STATE BANKO’Ol P. F R0URK “ r .” — “ 78-191 A. N. HEWETT— •« ARMOUR STATE BANK-<$’94 78-161 W. BLANCH___ L. S. MADS0N-. . C. P. SWIFT 5,400 120,000 108,230 32,000 Ù. S, N., Orna.; Citiz. State., Chadron; Stockmans, Hot Springs. 25,000 30,620 455,680 441,310 76,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N „ Chi. and St. P,; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. FL0ETE— - F. 6. FLOETE A. A. Rnyhl C. G. DeBner F. A. Carpenter Wm. Habel 50,000 16.000 375,000 434,000 65,000 N. Park, N. Y.; COnt. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Is1 N ._gt. Paul, Watertown, and Brookings; Minnehaha N., Sioux P .; Midland N., Minpls, B. N. BEAUMONT- E. E PUBES _____ 40,000 4,000 825.000 610,000 252,000 Sioux C.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. Collections hav e the personal att ention of an offic er. If they ean be collecte d l wo collect and remit promptly. Farm mortgage 1 oans negotiated. 1 25,000 2.500 400,000 300,000 159,600 Ist N., Chi.: Secur. N., Sioux C.: Com’l & Sav. Sioux F.; Midland N., Minpls. Farmers & Merchants Bank George Palmer___ Blanche Palmer . . . C. W. Bootjer . . . . . W. H. Palm er___ _ 78-162 < $ ’08 20,000 2,500 165,000 127,300 5,000 12,500 178,000 142,000 41,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Western N., Mitchell Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F.; N. Bk. Com. Sioux C. 41,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; ISt & Secur. N., Minpls t l ’Oi Jacob Bent z . . . . 78-241 < $ ’94 78-297 13,040 428,670 327,460 25,000 126,'600 1st N., Chi.: Secur. N., Sioux C. (Negotiate farm and m ortgage lo ans. Special coll ection facilities. P rom pt persona 1 presen tation. 'S end your Item s on this p oin t d i rect to us for res Ults. P rom pt at tention to all b anking m atters ¡H ■ 7n AU AU A Cont. & Com’l N.,-Chi;; Secur. N., Sioux F. F. W. Bennett____ G. M. Bennett__ _ F. D. Johnson...__ 8.000 400,000 360,000 20,000 /U,U 1st N., Sioux C. R. T. Lee _ . W. H. Francis.___ H. Lam bert___ __ 13,440 10,000 275,000 206,460 87.390 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N. Minpls.; Redfleld N., Redfield. E. W. Chase. W. E. Cole. 10,000 10,550 253,770 169,730 94,330 1st N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Merch., Redfield. J. F. Fries . A. J. Hogie . A. N. Trooien____ 20,000 7.000 332,000 290,000 81,000 Midland N ..’ Minpls.; Bk. of Brookings,,Brook ings; Capital N., St. P. J. D. Prindle 7,500 215,000 156,000 10,000 60,730 Am. NC, Redfieid; Midland N., Minpls. Wm. H. Smith Chas. Gaukel _ AK bat Drov. N., Chi.; Bk. of Brookings, Brookings: 2,000 166,000 10,000 123.000 «DivUJ 1st N „ St. P.; Sioux F. Sav.. Sioux F. 23,000 535,000 460,000 144,000 Ist N., Chi.: Ist N. and Secur. N., Sioux C.; 55,000 ( J . C.GREENFIELD BERNARD BRANDT. F. B. P0PKES____ . « ,E tL -Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. «411900 ] Prompt attentl y on to all Bankln g matters entrust ed to ns. Collecti ons hav e the pe rsonal a tte n tlo Q ( o f an official of the bank. Far m mortgage loan s negotiated. JO H N KlEHLBAUCH BANK OF AVON— . . . <$'02 J.'i'H o iuN G sVo RTH E . J. KIEHLBAU CH - WM. KIEHLBAUCH NETTIE KIEHLBAUCH Badger.. .Kingsbury E 15 Badger State Bank____ < $ ’08 J. H. Quinn_______ C. A. Johnson . . . . . W. A. Burgess____; .T. T». Tinrp’PQQ Pop. 125 Í 78-502 Federal Reserve BankNumber of St. Louis under Name o f w Bank is tir e 10,000 25,000 450,000 350,000 125,000 C 1 ont. & C om ’ l N ., C h i.; Live S tock N., Sioux C .; Secur. N ., Sioux F .; 1st & Secur. N., M inpls. jUnequaled faciliti es for making eolle étions. Prompt per sonal attention. ♦end your items t o us direct for quic k action. Prompt at tention to all bankin g matter s entrust ed to us. Mew Transit Number = g iv e n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R a n d -M c N a lly B a n k e rs' D ire ctory, u n d e r th e a u th o r ity of T h e A m e ric a n B an kers Ags’ n . w x y r SOUTH 1X F a 10,000 13,330 208,290 152,060 46,420 i 1st N., Brookings; 1st & Secur. Ñ., Minpls. l i D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d 3 H 3 ___________ July, 1919 AVON STATE BANK— J. J. Bentz _______ N. S. Schirber. . . . . P. J. Schirber____ o ■ J O . E . ADAMS-------- H. H. W ITZEL ........... T. M. BBISBfNE, JR. S. G. 6ALLIHAN—— ARTESIAN STATE BANK 78-298 1207 2,500 Jessie Nor ton____ _ Security State Bank___ < $ ’03 78-242 Ashton______ Spink D 13 Ashton State Bank «$$’06 78-316 ** Pop. 50Ô At First State Bank _$$’01 78-315 Astoria._____ Deuel D 17 Astoria State Bank t$’05 Pop. 215 78-499 Athol------------Spink D 12 Athol State Bank. < $ ’06 Pop. 200 78-500 ±$’91 Aurora... Brookings E 16 Bank o f Aurora. Pop. 236 78-501 “ . ...» 10,000 Frank Downey___ Citizens State Bank___ < § ’84 D. H. Raben— . __ A. D. M ather...__ R. McKinnon 78-160 t. Avon..Bon Homme H 14 Pop. 600 J. First National B a n k ___ »’84 William P. Allen__ Adam Rovhl . 78-190 Artas--------Campbell B 10 Artas State Bank. Pop. 300 78-498 Artesian . . i.San born F 14 Pop. 583 CHAP. PF P r in c ip a l Co rr e spo n d e n ts . 7,660 S 405,450 $ 294,880 $ 126,000 Cont. & Com’l N., fGhi.; Aberdeea-N., Aber deen: Ist & Secur. N., Minpls.; Secur. Bk. & Tr. Co., Webster. 8,000 125,000 93,000 35,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st & Secur. N.. Minpls.: 1st State, Bristol; 1st N., Webster. | Collections hav e the personal at tentlon o f an offl cer. ( For prompt re turns TKY US. Farm mortgage 1 oans negotiated. j J. 0. ‘ Armour___ Douglas G 13 Pop. 1200 $ 15.000 % 1 ( ^ A s s 't Cashier . C. A. Stone_______ Ardmore. .Fall River G 2 Ardmore State Bank__ <§'06 A. L. Johnson____ H. ... ... Pop. 500 78-497 P. J. Moody Arlington-Kingsbury E 15 Pop. 1000 Cashier . For H olid ays, see opposite page 13 L ia b il it ie s . 1 “^Resources. ] ashk ExP aid- up S ubplus Dkpos- IX)an*k Dig-'!1oC and hanqu,Dui Capital P ropits ITS Skcttkitim fromBanks Patronize a gro wing bank. Col lections have the personal atten( tlon o f an office r. Farm mortgage loans negotiated. < $ ’08 ftaeaed 4 c .**( ÿ W * Tow ns, Law yers, Law s, D irectors, In* fat back of this rolume. For Interest K ates, Grace, SO U T H D A K O T A — Continued 1206________ __________ SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Andover to Badger 1206 3 d £ 3 l - Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Law s, Directors, in dexed. in back oi this volume. Por luteresti Bates, G ra c e ,;'—• e t c ., see page 141 F o r H olidays» see opposite page 13.\C H k s o t i k o f .s . Number under Name o f Bank tlie New Transit Number given 1 O /V 7 - to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T ile B a n d -M c M a lly B an k ers’ 1 « U / D ire ctory, u n d e r th e a u th o r ity of T h e A m e ric a n B an kers A ss’ n . C /~ \ T T ' T ' H A TX n A I f O T 1A _ A ■A c c e s s i b l e Towns, Lawyers, Lewi, .Directors, in dexed in baek of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, i*—» etc.,' see page 14: For Holidays, see opposite page 13.\C P n n + in ilp r l V /U im i i u c u iH PRINCIPAL Co rdr erspo n d e n ts .' R eso u rces. Lia b il it ie s . N ame of B ank . > T own and County, i rplus ANSk DlS- Oasi k Ex *County Seats. \•Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State AsS’T Cashier . PA.ID-TJP S_u AND Dbfos- c■'C Cashier . V ice-P resident . P resident . tb. Bonds, changes,Dux Entire State in No. 9 tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. IT8 Sscuritibb nos Banks >, Capital [Estab. Federal Reserve District. |♦Mem. Fed. Res. * 0. T, Hegnes —----- 3. S. Sandvig-------- $ 10,000 5 17,000 ; 350,000 5 270,000 $ 75.000 C Baltic...-Minnehaha F 16 Dakota State Bank_____ « 0 2 K. E. Jacobson — 1st N., Sioux C. 78-503 Pop. 325 26,070 1 erch. N., St. P.; Bk. o f Bro< — 5,200 126,170 109,140 H. M. Best—__ — H. B. Haas 10,000 Bancroft. Kingsbury E 14 Farmers State Bank____ §15 ings; N. Bk. Com., Sioux C. W. H. Boorman 78-704 Pop. 136 29,006 Ì . City, Chi.’: No.-West, N „ Min 133,000 113,000 7,000 15.000 B arn ard..,.. Brown B 12 First State Bank______ « ’17 C. J. Myers_______ W. A. Strachan— W. A. Yunker____ N!„ Aberdeen; Conde, Conde, W. F. Daulton 78-728 . Pop, 60 108,000 I N. City, Chi.; 1st N „ Sioux C. 4 5 0 .0 0 0 300,000 Chas. McCumsey . . 18.000 25,000 ‘ Bellefourche—Butte D 2 BELLE FOURCHE STATE . Fred S. Harris____ D. W. H ickey------ F. E. Duba_____ — E. O. Olsen Ppp. 1800 BANK -78-97---------- « ’10 Belvidere___ Jackson F 7 Pop. 200 A. H. M arble_____ W. B. Penfold------ R. B. Carpenter — M.^T.Smiley BUTTE COUNTY BARK-*«’91 ♦ 78-95 FIRST NATIONAL BANK< 03 , 78-96 BELVIDERE STATE BANK 78-505 » « ’07 Dakota State Bank___ *$§’18 78-661 , Pop. 100 J. R. Mock L. M.Simons 0 . W. Thompson.. . I». A. Pier— ____ R: D. Johnson------ 58,100 900,000 25,000 66,000 800.000 j] 786,000 149,830 10,000 11.680 196:750 154,890 45,650 45,000 40,000 145,000 143,000 50,000 22,000 1,100,000 850,000 10,000 300,000 5,000 A. J. Lockhart...,. Paul J. Carstens... Rex O. Lindsay,— : 15,250 78-506 Beresford___ Union G 16 Beresford State Bank..» « ’93 Geo. G. A ckley___ J. A. O ntjes______ R. P. Sundstrom__ H. Meidell_____ — ,TI T. Seroggs 78-127 Pop. 1500 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.«*’ 15 J. J. De L a y ...™ O. J . Stene__ Lr___ A. A. Söderström.. L. A. Fennessey.. A. R. Olson » 25,000 SECURITY STATE BANK August Frieberg... A, Hegness .J.Ü —. Edw. M. Linde —— J, A. Larson 100,000 L. A. Gold &L3S&? Geo. K. Clark^t‘JJ5 C.*(F. Schaefer. JLi. E. S. Gold CL A. Crown . i ___ _ W. A. Thwing___ ;. Arthur ISTelson___ : 50,000 10.0G0 522,000 440,000 10,000 3,400 145.000 121,000 10,000 7,500 135,830 96.830 78-683 78-126 « » ’84 Bigstone City. Grant 0 17 Gold & Co. State B a n k .*«’8o J. A. Gold . . . i k — , ,.. , 78-507 ..... . Bijou Hills___ Brule G 11 Bank ofr Bijou Hills'__.-»}§'88 Peter Gunderson.. * 78-508 Pop. 109 ‘ Bison______ Perkins C 5 Bison State B ank______iS’09 J ohn H. Brandi —. 78— 486 Pop. 150 •• h C o ß !Farmers State Bank ..-•iS’lO Adam Hannah____ 78-487 Si L. Anderson___ H rA . H . Brandt. — D. M. Eoster „ 450,000 A. F. Roe hike____ A. E. Henkelman.. E. M. Rowbotham. 10,000 6,000 200,000 Blunt____ , . . Hughes E 0 Dakota State: Bank....... * « ’07 J . F. Gunsalus____ Wm, H. Eckert___ F. S. McDaniel___ B. O; McDaniel PÖp. 280 78-257 D . V. T raver_____ A. V. Wilson Security State Bank____§’17 W. N . F a rm er..... A t m 78-743 M 15,000 10.000 400.000 300,000 Bonesteel—.Gregory G 12 Pop. 800 BONESTEEL STATE BANK *78-259 * « ’01 ( ( * “ Bonilla ^ j 41, ' 78-260 78-509 Bovee ..Charles Mix G12 Bank of Bovee ----------------- « ’17 Geo. W. Cobel__ j . Pop. 25 78-735 Bowdle___ Edmunds G 10 Phil Schamber . . . . Pop. 800 78-210 44 r * h’ ** First State Bank_______« ’07 J . O . Gross________ 78-211 Bradley _ ____ Clark C 14 P e o p le s S t a t e R a n k ..........* « ’06 . Pop. 351 78-366 State Bank of Bradley ..• «’91 78-365 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Sioux F. Sav-, Sitìux F. 130,000 lech. & Metals N.. N.Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr Co., Chi,: 1st N., St. P.; No.- West.N„Minpls 35,000 'ont. & Com’l N., Chi,; Midland Nv. Minpls. N. Bk. Com.. Sioux C: 50,440 ’ont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Merch. Ni; St; P. 50,000 4,000 55,000 25.000 5,000 475,000 E. Doman_____ Veva Leach Louis Schnetzer__ F. B. McKichan__ Mrs.F.B. McKichan 25,000 8,000 475,000 350,000 5,000 5.50C 125,000 72,000 H. QjStevens_____ E. G. Gesterling — Steila D. Peterson. 15,000 3,440 108,300 75,350 Ei’ E. Voll— ___ — Pi;Pi Wosnnk 25,000 10,300 214,110 181,880 H. C. Gross_______ C. C. Gross_______ G. Smithberger___ R. A. Ellwein J. M. Johnston___ J. W. Scott______ 30,000 20,000 675,000 550.000 10,001 15,610 217,950 2Ì6.51C D. D. Richards___ G ,E . S canlan..... 10,000 13,190 ' 235.910 199,46C O ldest and m os t progressive Ban k in Gregory Con nty. Special attentl on given to Farm s and Farm m ort gages. 5% paid on tim e deposits. 1 Beadle D 13 Pop. 75 Live Stock N., Sioux C15.0G0 !ont, & Com’l JN., Chi.; Lumbard, Kimball; 1st Ji-, Sioux C. 28,000 st & Secur. N., Minpls.: Bk. o f Clear Lake, Clehr Lake: 1st N.vS'f. P.: Secur. Üi.; Watertown. 322,000 Cnauth, Nachod & Kühne, N. Y.; 1st N „ Chi, and Sioux C.; Sioux F.Sav., Sioux F.; No. West. N. and 1st N-. Minpls, 100.000 !ont. and Com’l N., Chi.¡ Live Stock N. Sioux G.: :Se.cur; N „ Sioux K. yards N „ So,''St.P.: IstN.. Lemmon; Secur, Bk. & Tr. Co., Webster. 130,000 N. City, Chi.; 1st N., Pierre; N. and lst & Secur. N;, Minpls: ' ' « m a* 45,000 _________ Midland N „ Minpls.; N. Bk, of Huron, Huron; Pierre N „ Pierre. ' 375.000 110,000 1st N.. Spencer: Merch; N§ and Packers N „ Oma.; Live Stock N.;, Sionx C ,! i ' 15.000 B.C. MAYNARD— G. REX HQUN JOHN S. LUNN N., Oma. ; Stock Growers N C heyenne, Wyo.; (M em .F ed. R es.) 1,484,890 1,162,680 ! 318,140 150,000 (B.J. HUIGENS— G. J. CRILLY .— M. A. CRILLY 160,000 î 25,000 15,000 E. B. Lumbard—„ - S. F. Rosencrance | 780,000 *<!„ W. A. L e a c h ....... W. A. Jelinek T. Scanlaii 1 R. 150.000 Cont.& Com’IN.. Chi.; Live Stock N., Oma.: 1st N., Fairfax: Citiz. Com’l Tr. Co., Buffalo. 56,000 Cont. ArCom’l N., Chi.: Redfleld N.. Redfleld; 1st & Secur. N.. Minpls.: la. State Sav., —Sioux C. , 43,800 1st N „ Sioux C. and Brookings. 59,500 IstN .. Chi.r Aberdeen N „ Aberdeen: Midland N „ Minpls.; Secur. N.. Sioux F. r ib l 118,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: No.-West. N. and 1st & Secur. N „ Minpls.; 1st N., Aberdeen. 33,630 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: 1st N „ Lake Preston; 1st & Secur. N.. Minpls. 47,740 Chase N „ N. Y.; No.-West. N „ Minpls.; Secur. N „ Sioux F.; 1st N „ Sioux C.: Peo. Sav., Watertown. T own an d Co u n ty . N ame of Lia b il it ie s . Ba n k . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Entire State in No. 9 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed.Res. [Estab. Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. F or Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. F or Holidays, see opposite page 13 SO U TH D A K O T A -Continued P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’ t Ca s h ie r . P aidhup Surplus AND Cavitai. P rofits R e so u r c e s . D e posits Big. P r in c ip a l Co r r e sp o n d e n t s . L o a n sA C a s hAE x c’T g . B o n d s , c h a n g e «,D u e S e c u r it ie s f r o m B a n k s FIRST NATIONAL BANK.-T6 78-721 $ 10,000 S 11,000 $ 326,000 $ 270,000 $ 72,000 L ivestock Ex.' N., Chi.: Secur. N. and Sioux F. N., Sioux F.: Iówa State Savj, Sioux C. 25,000 3,500 150,000 130,000 35.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; étions direct to t he Progressive Ba nk for prom pt at tentimi and res ultet ; Secur. N., Watertown. [U p -to-d a te ban king m ethods .in all departm ents. r A. H. PETERSON .. JAS. CARTON......... E. A. PETERSON— G. A. IVERSON-----Send your colle State Bank o f Brandt. $81900 O. O. Halverson. 78-511 J. A. Thronson___ W. F. Halverson... A. O. A aby_______ FIRST NATIONAL BANK-‘t S3 T. J. Shanard— 78-178 Bristol____ __ _Day C 14 Pop. 600 :— C. C. McMahon— CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK O. C. Halverson. . . B. A. Adams______ J. H. B rekken...„ G. A. Aasland..— 78-718 »$’16 First State Bank_______$8’02 M. Mener_________ W. W. Knott___ . . . O. B. Knott_______ C. W. K n o t t :...... : » 78-303 ‘ Britton__ Marshall B 14 Farmers & Merchants Bank M. R. Hall_____ 78-727 >'$817 Ppp. 1Q00 FIRST NAT’L BANK 78-176 #$’86 BARK OF BR00KIKGS-*$S ♦ 78-65 C. F. R u h ________ F. A. Stiles---------- A. J. L in d a h l...... /S. A. BELL— — .. J. F. KELLY----:---- W.S. GIVEN W.W. THORP C. E. PRINTUP JOHN M. KELLY— W. H. WARD 265,000 223,000 F. S. Dalquest — 10,000 4,000 100,000 80,000 28,000 500,000 350,000 180,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C.; No.West. N., Minpls. 25,000 28,700 475,000 321,000 25,000 5,000 225,000 160,000 20,000 22,000 4Ì7.940 234,000 50,000 10,000 572,360 413,820 150,000 Han. N-, N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Secur. N. and LiVeStock N., Si0ux C.; 1st & Secur. > N4y Minpls.:’ Secur. N./SiOux F< 60,000 St N., Chi,; No.-Wgst. N „ Minpls.; Citiz. N., Watertown. 210,210 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi,; lst& Secur. N.,Minpls.. Secur. N „ Sioux F.; Live ’Stock N .,' Sioux C. ■ F E BP 127,950 N. City, Chi.; St, Anthony Falls'add No.-West, N., Minpls1.; Merch. NlrSt. p /f i “ ®!® 50,000 20,850 9061930 930,530 110,850 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 80,000 70.000 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; City N., Huron; lst -ft Secur. N., Minpls. 425,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. &Oom’l N.. Chi.; 1st N. St. P. and Duluth: (M em . Fed. Reft.) 5,000 Leon S. Goodell . . . ( T. I. FLITTIE— - - G. F. KNAPPEN----- G. J. FLITTIE— GEO.W. ROSKIE 'M F.P.HERMAH- 66,000 Corn Ex. N.. Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. Citiz. N., Watertown: Bk. of Brookings, Brookings. ,•/* run Jasetwem 25,000 1st N., Chi.; No.-West. N „ Minpls. 25,000 O ldest Nation ài Bank in Marsh all C ounty, Depository for U. S. Postal Savin gs and fo r State Of South D akota. . Collections a specialty an d rem Itted o n day o f pa ym en t. Broadland___ Beadle 1 13 Broadland State Bank...$8’67 John Claymore— 78-512 Pop. 150 ¿Brookings___ Brookings Pop. 4000 E 16 G. B. Punteney..i. E. M. W ipf W. J. Shanard 9,000 150,000 5,000 : 160,000 : 25,000 2,300,000 1,700,000 ] P rom pt and Ca reful A tten tion g iven to aü Collec tlons. (F irs t M ortgage Loans fo r 8ale. CORRESPONDE NCE INVITED. m FARMERS NATIONAL BANK 78-67 Send us you r co Hections direct, »$’02 [T hey will receiv e prom pt and ene rgetlc attention. F IR S T n a t io n a l b a n k 78-66 fW. A. CALDWELL~ 0. J. 0TTERNE8 — - H. F. HAROLDSON— L. A. OTIEBNESS— - *$’82 'AYLMER COLE— Q. Q. OLSQN-— I' G.W. COREL— — A. E. BOYUM■ ll. A. TOWNSEND , OF S E R V IÇ E . ..Send u s you r C o lle c t io n s and C a sh Its 271,710 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. A Com’l N.. Chi.; Merch, N.. St. P.: Midland N., Minpls: 14,000 1,376,030 1,328,710 231,850 Han. N.; N. Y.; N. Bk. Rëp., Ohi.; 1st & Secur, N., Minpls. ~ G. W. Austin___ D. I. Ornodt— ___ Retta Hastings___ 25.000 4,420 264,370 239,840 R. J. Skarloken__ _ L. G.Dokken —__ J. O. Rebue F. E. Richardson— James Erickson__ L. A. Jacobson____ 10,000 7,000 185,000 140.000 25,000 15,190 394,470 370,090 J. E. Schwendener. E. J. Gobble „ — J 25,000 10,000 300,000 205,000 2,000 : 175,000 120,000 L. R. Chiesman__ _• S. H. Olson__!___ W. R. Gardner. 25,000 F. M. Gilbert__.__ , WiMam Fried___ _ Leo Fried.._____ 10,000 35,000 251,000 172,600 J. W. Starbuck — - N. B. Streeter— O. M. Isham___ 15.000 6,000 146,390 114,120, ®eo. K. Brosius.__ W. A. Chaussee..^. D. 1. 10,000 1,760 89,210 57,670 BANK 47,190 1st N., Chi.; 1st N. and Stock Yds. N.. Oma.; Live Stock N.. Sioux C.; Midland N., Minpls. 38:500 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N. and Live Stock N., Sioux G.; Vermilion N., Vermilion. A.ce«a«lb!e T o i ____ ____ the New Transit Number ahran to OMh bank to U. 8 . e x c lu s iv e ly by T h e K a u d -M e N T s U y B a n k e rs * D ir e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r i t y of T h e A m e r ic a n B a n k e r s A g s’ n . 63,260 Live Stock Ex. N., Ohi.; 1st N.. Brookings; Sioflx F. N., Sioux F.: Peo. Sav., Watertown. 42,000 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; No.-West. N.. Minpls.; Bk. of Brookings, Brookings. 56,430 lst*N,, Chi. and St, P.: SiOux _F. Sav. and Sioux F. N., Siouk F.: 1st & Secur. N.. Minpls. 105,000 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Sioux C. 37,300 Stockyards N.,So. St. P. ; State Bk. of Bowman, Bowman, N. D, 114,800 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Live Stock N., Orna. C O T T T M o t -r w a n n A K H T A y n n u a x x Continued TiT A RTT.T’PIICS. dexed in baek of this volume. etc«» a— pagu 1 4 . URSOTTRCKS. Lawi| X>ir«jbìots» m- . „, j _| Fot Holiday», sac opposite pmg » 1 3 .) D w iu rn n a July, 1919 1 1 iS U x NATIONAL Name or Bank 850,560 _________ SECURITY 100,000 12,200 1,011,720 IT H E B A N K Bruce___ Brookings E 16 BANK OF BRUCE-— --$8 02 E. A. Grape_____ _ _..... 78-413 Pop. 350 Farmers State Bank___ •$8’09 S. A. Buck.______ 78-414 Bryant__ ...Ham lin D 15 BRYANT STATE BANK *$815 B. U. Hestad____ Pop. 645 78-705 Merchants State Bank.*$8’88 H. G. Temte—__1 78—220 ‘ Buffalo.___ Harding D 2 First State Bank ......„ $ 8 1 3 H. W. Clarkson__ Pop. 100 78-680 Harding County Bank..«$8‘09 F. W. Wilson—. — 78-518 Buffalo Gap__ Ouster G 2 Buffalo Gap 8tate Bank.$8’06 M. Henne.. ___ _ Pop. 280 78-407 Burbank____ ..Olay H16 Bank o f Burbank__ j___ t ’13 E. C. B a rto n !...._ ______ Pop. 300 78-672 under Federal Reserve BankIVomber of St. Louis 50,000 SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Brandon to Burbank Brentford__ .Spink 013 Farmers State Bank__ •$8’06 A. C. Tilgner - - - - - - B. K. Maxfleld.___ C. E. Smith—. . . — Pop. 145 78-481 Bridgewater___ McCook FARMERS NATIONAL BANK M. Mayer________ A. H. Mayer -_____ T. S. M ayer______ Hugo M a y er...—— Pop. 934 G 15 78-172 $’81 25,000 ______ Brandon-Minnehaka F 17 Brandon Savings Bank.«$8’95 L. D. Eepple__ __ Martin Graff______ Gilman Scoles____ E. J. Pearson___ Fop. 200 78-510 Brandt____ ...D euel D 16 Pop. 300 1208 N um ber under Name o f Bank is the New T ran sit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-M cN ally Bankers’ D irectory, under the authority of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass’n i SECURITY NATIONAL Number under N .m e o f Bank is tbs Mew T m u lt Number «hren 1 onn to each beak in U . 8. exclusively by T b e R »m l-M eN »Ily Bankers' D irectory, under the authority of T he A m erican Bankers Ags'n. T own an d Co u n t y . President . AMERICAN STATE BANK --76-887 V ice-President . F J Hale E. H. Zutz J . G. Schulze » t*’07 dexed In back of this volum e. V o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s » G r a c e , ; __| etc»» see paga 14. F o r H o l i d a y s , see opposite page 13.) p S O U T H Ì D A K O T À — C o n tin u e d Name or Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State ‘ County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 *Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District, ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Burke.........Gregory G 11 Pop. 500 I Sioux O.; Vermilion N ., vermilion. BANK Cashier . As s ' t Cashier . Lia b il it ie s . R esources. S ub p lu s D ip o s - Leans k Bu Gam k Bx- P a id - up C a p it a l P rAND o f its nm care. Bonds, P r in c ip a l C o r r e sp o n d e n t s . obax«bs,Dvs FROMBarri $ 20,000 8 11,780 $ 239,960 8 216,420 S 50,200 Oma. N., Orna.; Norfolk N., Norfolk; Neb. W. A. P. Zutz w 25.000 1 « 1il 1lURincF n FRPIAND _____ F G BR00KIN6S - 9,500r>325,000 275,000 77,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.; 1st N., Spencer and Orna. BURKE STATE BANK — 8105 I A Progressive B ank with a tboro nghly organized Collection Dopar tm ent. Prompt attenti on given cash lett era and aD busine ss entrusted to a s. Farm Mortgage Loans Negotiate d. 78-886 7,000 6,800 125,700 94,150 45,700 Drov. N., Chi.; Bk. of Brookings, Brookings; 15.000 2,270 186,210 144,730 51,560 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; 1st State, Bristol: 25,000 10,000 375,000 300,000 100,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Butte Co., Bellefourche; 15,000 10,000 325,000 238,000 KMKH) 11,000 313,640 282,060 25,000 3,010 421J10 325,180 56,680 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux F. 114,120 1st N., Chi.; Sionx F. Sav. and Sioux F. N., 25,000 1,000 400,230 308,600 101,200 Dakota Tr. & Sav. and Minnehaha N., Sioux E. M. Dean—_____ K. E. Jacobson___ 25,000 25,000 650,000 493,500 T. H. HELGERSON’— ADOLPH ANDERSON 50,000 43,760 787,150 745,920 J. B. Toberty_____ Basimeli—Brookings B 17 Farmers k Merch. State Bank 78-514 f 8105 Pop. 200 Batter—_______Day 0.14 Pod. 200 Gamy Crook.Harding B 2 Pop. 200 STATE BANK OF BUTLER 78-440 J *§’03 LITTLE MISSOURI BARK J ♦ 78-615 James T. Craig___ R. L. Chuning.—— A. R. McDermott— A. C. Fröhlich . J—I FARMERS STATE BANK«*! 01 I\ A. Overseth —— Knud Ulrikson___ J. F. Haas_______ 78-75 FIRST NATIONAL BANK - Î 6. J. MOEN____ J. V. CONKLIN - — H. ANDERSON— 70 k All banking ma tters given prom pt attention. P Send us you r b uslness. LINCOLN COUNTY BANK 78-74 •*§’80 E. M. LEE------------ GIlMAn JOHNSON O ldest Bank In L incoln C ounty. Collections a specialty and rem itted on day o f paym ent. P ro m p t a tten tion to all Banking m atters entrusted to us. Farmers State Bank___ «*§’10 78-443 Carthage..___ Miner E 14 FARMERS STATE BARK**§'67 78-264 Pop. 700 80,000 1st N., Chi.: Sioux F. N., Sionz F. Sioux F.;’ No.-West. N., Minpls. F.: 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Live Stock N. Sionx C. Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Sioux F. Sav.; Sioux F. 184,500 1st N., Sioux C. 168,510 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and Liye e j Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N. and Secur. N. Sioux C.: 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. ! 0. A. RUDOLPH ____ J. H. ROWE------ — - C. F. WHITMORE— 20,000 29,780 718,330 608,610 131,440 1st N., C h i.; Secur. N., Sioux C. and .Sioux 10,000 3,740 71,830 54.260 27,630 Live Stock Ex. N., Cài.; N. Bk. Com., Pierre 5,000 14,400 191,180 159.900 46,120 Cont. k Com'i N.,Chi.; Secur. N., Sionx F.; 1st 10,000 1,000 97,000 73,500 18,000 Secur. N „ Sioux C.: 1st N., Fremont, Neb. T R. Martin 10,000 7,000 95.000 80.000 25,000 Gregory Co. State, Fairfax; Cont. N., Sionx U.S. STRAUP-— — - 0. P. AMSBERRY— 25,000 12,506 340,000 300,000 65,000 Cont. k Com’ i N., Chi.¡ Sioux F. Sav., Sionx F 25,000 8,000 350,000 . 280,000 38.000 Sionx F. N. and Dakota Tr., & Sav» Sioux F.: 10,000 6,660 219.930 172.040 59,400 State Bk. & Tr. Co., Watertown; Midland N., 25,000 16,850 30 ,750 314.740 40,490 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N,, Chi.; No.-West T. S. Hansen Capa_____ ____ Jones E 8 Stockmens State Bank ..* § ’15 78-673 Pop. 100 Sarpenter___ .Clark D 14 State Bank of Garpenter*i§'95 78-519 Pop. 100 Garter______ -T rip p G 9 Garter State Bank____ ..* § ’09 78-442 Pop. 100 Laura M. Hansen.. Tiny Clnx C. A. STONE........ A. KOPPERUD— — EARL L. STONE Colleetionshave the personal atte If they can be collected we colie ■t Farm Mortgage Loans negotiate D. D. Baldwin. FIRST NATIONAL BANK•* 83 H. H. Wfilch L. J. Walker 78-263 F .; N o.-W est. N., M inpls. Sioux Falls N., Sioux Falls. & Secur. N., Minpls. Live Stock N „ Orna.; Gregory Co. State Fairfax. C.; Live Stock N., Oma. n tlon of an office r. et tbem and rem It promptly. d. J. F. Jenkins_____ A. A. Carlson_____ C. E. Vincent •im*-■ Gastlewood—Hamlin D 15 CITIZENS STATE BANK**§'02 A. F. Poulson_____ F. H. Austin______ C. N. Halvorson__ Henry Von Aswege Florence ,L. Rufer 78-237 Pop. 700 First National Bank__ —«*’88 H. H. Curtis—____ J. C. Preston_____ A. L. Curtis______ ; R. O. Anderson___ 78-236 S E C U R ITY ^N A TIO N A L BANK, Sioux Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (M em . Fed. Kes.) ‘ *»’02 Oanastota__ McCook F 15 Citizens State Bank------ *§’09 78-832 Pop. 509 Farmers State Bank . —.*§'93 R. H. Armstrong— J. A. McKinnon— W. J. Armstrong— E. J. Uecker.—__ 78-881 G. L. Edlund.______ Canova______Miner F 15 Farmers & Merch.State Bank 78-889 **§'10 Pop. 400 P. T. W ic k ______ J M. F. Beveridge.— S. H. Butler--------- G. A. R ogers_____ Peoples State Bank— »*§’06 E. A. Welke J. P. Martin 78-388 78-78 Secur. Bk. & Tr. Co., Webster. C. H. Ash- s 8. ni^pir ‘ Canton__ ..Lincoln G 16 Pop. 2500 1st N „ St. P. Falls, Live Stock N » Sioux- 0»; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. . Minpls.; Bk. of "Brookings, Brookings. N.. Minpls. H A N D LES C O L LE C TIO N S D IR E C T O N A L L P O I N T S IN T H E S T A T E N um ber under N am e o f Bank la the New Transit Num ber given i?, ea<’h bank ln U. S. exclusively by The B and-K cN ally Bankers' D irectory, u nder th e authority of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. Cavour___ —.Beadle E 14 First State Bank______ «tS’04 Pop. 200 78— 520 Centerville—Turner G 18 Bank o f Centerville—__*15'83 Pop. »71 78-155 First National Bank _ »11900 78-156 ‘ Chamberlain.Brule F 11 Brule National Bank___ »$’07 Pop. 1275 78-103. Lia b il it ie s . President . V ice-P resident . G. C. Fullinweider. Otto Meyer. Cashier . A8S't Cashier . Fred Gellerman.... Earl Rudy 50.000 W. H. Pratt,:Jr.__ G. F. P ilg e r ....— 50.000 W. E. Mussman . . . A /Í . Gilbert;, j . . — 50.000 !a>a » 0 ft D u - Cash ft K xc*T0. B onds, ch ahom .D uk 8*cumm** prom B anks 2,530 $ 365,560 $ 306,070 $ 69,260 Cont. & Com 'I N., Chi.; N. Bk. of Huron, Huron. 666,780 150.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. and Live Stock Ex. 727,990 N., Chi.: Secur. N., Sioux F. and Sioux C. 45.000 850,000 610,000 188.000 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and Drov. N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C. 13,280 735,050 608,480 247,790 Mech. Metals N., N. Y.; Midland N., Minpls.: 1st N.r Sioux C. 48.000 i¿m 251,460 197,150 A. C. Whitbeck___ N. W. Egleston___ C. A. Whittuck___ A. L/Lawrence—~ 50.000 31,260 222.480 290,820 M. E. W ilson__ 16.000 1,600 84,600 76,500 15.000 5.000 10.000 7.500 220,000 150.000 160,000 Alex Rail________ G. F. Hofmeister.. F. J . Meier_______ C. S. Randall____ A. T. W ard_______ E. O. Hofmeister.. M. Bruns — ___ _ B. W. Schouweiler. C. M. Mortenson__ A. E. R aebel —. Di Tinker—._______ 150.000 4.000 225.000 1.000 175.000 135.000 10,000 4,000 160.0C0 128.000 15.000 10,000 330.000 275.000 25.000 32,003 336.000 318.000 26,000 16,900 360,400 295,000 80,000 Cont. & Com’ l N— ChL; 1st N., Watertown; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls: Dakota Tr. & Sav. Sioux F. f i . S. ELTO N -------- M .L . YEAMANS— - G. C. .25.000 16,000 420,000 325.000 W. M. ARPIN. N egotiate Farm and M ortgage L oans, s f C ollections a specialty eclaltj and r em itted on day o f paym ent. < | ’04 [P rom p t attenti on to all banking m atters entrust ed to us. 105,000 Merch. L n /£ Tr. Co., Chi.: St. Anthony Falls, Minpls.; Citiz. Nr, Watertown. ----- » ’ 02 C. J. W eiser...___ R. Algyer-------------A. T. Hagen_______ C. J. Amundson— H. L . HOPKINS. 78-110 J. E. PLAn - - - - - j. A. McGILUVRAY sàdi'ecb9Î gI$ s ‘ Clear Lake__ Deuel D 16 Bank o f Clear Lake___ »tS'88 A. J. Lockhart. Pop. 1000 78-202 Fred Seeger_____ L. F. Hanly________F. A. Doyle- 78-203 Colman______Moody F 16 Citizens State Bank.!__ < 5 ’06 C. H. Allen . . . . - . ! J. P. Kluge Pop. 362 78-360 25,000 E. E. Walseth____ C. W. F orce______ ’ E. A. Weiseth_____ I. E. L ocké—— First National Bank___»t’99 J. J. Questad..___ C. H. Rawson_____ L. B. Keith_____ — 78-359 V. w . Keith Oblóme______ Tripp G 10 Bi-Metallic Bank f-.—/ »tS’08 John Knecht..____ C. J. Montgomery. L. W. Marley_____ Flora J. McKenzie Pop. 500 78-233 Tripp County State Bank Peter Dek — 78-234 » « ’09 ___ A. C. Flinders.__ ,¡ V . J. Fetzner_____ George, F. Hecht— Vivian Fetzner SECURITY NATIONAL BANK N a m e or B a n k is the N ew T r a n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Hand-M cNally Bankers* A A Directory,, under the authority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. SOUTH 16.490 276,320 261.940 475.000 470.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Live Stock Ex. N „ Chi.: Capi tal N., St. P.; Midland N „ Minpls. 275.000 .190,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux F.; Lake Co. N., Madison, 425.000 300.000 Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux C.; 1st N., Flandreau. 400.000 320.000 Packers N.. Oma.; Live Stoek N., Sibux G.: Bkrs. N „ Minpls. , 350.000 300.000 Ft. Dear. N.. Chi.: Ist N. and Live Stock N., Oma.: Ist N., Sioux C. L A R G E ST D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d 78.130 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 1stN ..S t.P . ö C O M B IN E D ‘CAPITAL, a n d ___________ July, 1919 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < ’92 J. A. Thronson..— J. E. Walseth— 1911 75,000 Cont. & Còm’l N., Chi.:,Midland N.. .Minpls.; Aberdeen N.; Aberdeeii; Winneshiek Co, State, Decorah, lai 61,790 Cont. & Com’ l N., Chi.; No.-West. N. and 1st & Sécur. N.t Minpls. C ollections h ave th e personal attention o f an officer. I f they can be collected we col Ifect th em and re m it prom ptly. First farm m ortgages for sale. WARE & GRIFFIN BANK A 70,000 Merch. N., St. P.; Citiz. Tr. & Sav., Aberdeen: 1st & Secur. N., Minpls., Stock Yds. N., So. St. P , ,, 60,000 Corn Ex. N.. Chi.; Sioux F. Sav,., Sioux F.; 1st N.. Madison. ■"’* 45.000 Dakota Tr. & Sav., Sioux F.; Lake Co. N., Madison^lst &-Secur. N., Minpls. 38.000 Scan. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Liberty State, Minpls.; Citiz. N., Sisseton. 10,000 SECURITY BANK------- « » ’88 u mSt. b e rLouis under Federal Reserve BankN of 58.430 Irving N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Mitchell Ni; Mitchell; Sioux F.-N., Sioux F. 17,800 Stock Yds. N „ So. St. P.; 1st N., Lemmon; State Bk. o f Com., Minpls. 100,000 Drov. N., Chi.; Ex., Lennox. 10,000 (R. J . M ANN-............. E. M. JONES______ A. H. SIEM— ____ ‘ Clark__ _____ Clark D 14 CLARK COUNTY NAT. BANK ; We get o u t and m ake collections, CHAS. CARPENTER R. B. MANN Pop. 1220 78-111 < ’02 ^Largest and co m bined capital a nd surplus o f any bank In Clark. »Conservative Fa rm M ortgage Loa ns negotiated. 78-112 70,300 Ft, Dear. N., Chi.; Ia. State Sav., Sioux C. SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS— Cavour to Cblome 25,000 Chester_______Lake F 16 Chester State Bank— .* tl’05 C. E. Olstad___ . . . W. O. Gienopp— . C. H. Owens.— G. W. Lofswold. Pop. 300 78-524 Farmers State Bank—.«iS’14 H; O. Jensen.;.—:— E. I. Rudd___ __ M. Christensen— Elsie Petsch . . . I . 78-684 Claire City .Roberts B15 Claire City Bank_______tS’13 Henry Helvig_____ J. W. Barrington „ John Gamo_______ R. H. Gunderson — Pop. 100 78-676 Claremont—-Brown B 14 First State Bank— Pop. 350 78-525 20,000 James S. Thomson. Leonard Peterson . W. M. Gardner___ C. C. E lk jer___ Jas. McMurchie James Mee.___ _ Ti 1. Gunderson..— O. H. Mee________ Robt. Peterson___ Chamberlain State Bank.1’ 92 W. L. Montgomery C. H. Jordan......... W. S. McLain_____ A. B. McLain______ 78-102 J. Jurgensen E. K. Hatheway Whitbeck National Bank..’01 78-lOL.., . a ,± t M Chance.. ¿ . . —Perkins C 5 Perkins County 8tate Bk.tS’10 Pop. 35 78-521 r Chancellor.. .Turner G 16 Chancellor State Bank.*lS’04 Pop. 225 78-522 Chelsea__ t___ Faulk C 12 Chelsea State Bank_____ t§'06 Pop. 200 78-523 , P aid - tip Surplus D epos and it s Ca p it a l P r o fits Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. R esources. P rincipal Correspondents . _________ T own and Countt. N ame of Bank . »County Seats. „ •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState Entire State in No. 9 . ¿Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed: R es/ : [Estab. SO U TH D A K O T A — Continued 1210 1 91 n s u r p l u s Accessible T o w n s, L aw yers, L a w s, D irectors, i n * Grace. dexed—in buck of this volume. For In te re st R a te s, s, G ra ce, •—* e t c ., see pace 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13.| mam ■Rvannp f.TT.Q - \m SECU RITY NATION A L BANK Number under Name o f Bank ja the Blew Transit Number given to each bank in' U. S. exclusively by T he Kand-McNally Bankers* D irectory, under the authority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. -1' i o il T own an d N am e Co ü n tt . of SOUTH LARGEST P r e s id e n t . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . A s s ’ t Ca s h ie r . Lia b il it ie s . Surplus D bpob P aid - up and ITS Ca p it a i . P b o p it s Frank J* Schueller Wm. R oh rer...__ :f Wm. J. Berdahl. 25.000 Corona____Roberts C 16 Pop. 200 Corsica___ Douglas G 13 Pop. 286 Cottpnwood. Jackson F 6 Pop. 206. Crandall...____ Day C 14 Ppp. 150 Orandon.— -Spink D 13 State Bank o f Grandon..{'09 78-530 Pop.100 Oresbard____ Faulk C12 Bank o f Cresbard— < § ’07 78-375 Pop. 450 Guaranty State Bank— < § ’I7 78-729 Crocker . . . . . . . . Clark C14 Farmers State Bank___ < {'09 78-471 „ P o p . 150 , s u r p l u s i----------- :-------- SmWm— —-------m — R esou rce s . _L _______ 240,000 210,000 6,440 287,870 129,540 10.000 J. J . R O B E R T S - ^ . J . A. LAW LESS — (J. C- DALY— resentat ion . Columbia— Brown B 13 COLUMBIA STATE B K .-*S 05 \ THE COLLECT ION BANK. Sen d your item s dire ct fo r prom pt, pe rsonal p ( We get results for you or give yo u intelligent reas ons for n on-pay m e n t. 78— 527 Pop. 300 7,860 186,000 143,820 10,000 Farmers & Merch. State Bank W. U. Davenport.. E. Bernet............... J. F. Holdhusen . . . F. J, Gaskin. . . — . 78-653 <111 30.0C0 480,000 430,000 10,000 a . e . McM i l l a n - « iB. L. SMITH— 2 M. E . SMITH J First and oldest established Bank Conde_______Spink C 13 CONDE BANK— . 1 — < { ’99 ¡N egotiate Farm and M ortgage Lo ans. Unequaled facilities fo r mak ing coll ections. 78-239 Pop. 800 ’ P rom pt attenti on to all Banking m atters entraste d to us. Farmers & Merch. B ank<{’06 78-240 Corona State Bank_____ t{'03 78-468 Corsica State Bank..___ *{'05 78-404 Farmers State Bank___ ${'05 78-403 Cottonwood State Bank.$(’07 78-528 Crandall State Bank___ < { ’08 78-529 AND , P r in c ip a l Corre spon den ts . - v ;. Lo a m k Dia- CmH'fc Ex* I c ’ tb. Bond », CHANGE»,DUX from B ank » Bbovbitiw $ 35,000 $ 10,000 $ 400.000 $ 365,000 I C. H. Peterson.. Colton..,.Minnelialia F 16 Colton Savings Bank— .$ {’05 C. N. Peterson____ 78-341 Pop. 700 Colton State Bank_____ < § ’99 C. E. Olstadv 78-340 Ca s h ie r . C A P IT A L Accessible T o w n s, L aw yers, L a w s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For In te re st B a t e s , Cirace, e t c ., see cage 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13.1 tL D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d Ba n k . •Mem. Âm. Bks. Assn. {State ‘ County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Mem. Fed. Res. [Es tab. Federal Reserve District. COMBINED E. R. P lace..__ — A. N. M eloy___ . . . Earl Baertsch____ J. P. W olf.. 10.000 12,000 350,000 285.000 F. B. R oberts...__ P. C. Saunders___ T. A. Belgüm_____ Geo. W. Clark Salomon Wenzlaff. E. G. W enzlaff__ _ L. A. Dice 15,000 2,000 205,000 153,200 25,000 8:850 605,270 441,700 Peter Nieveen— . P. Van der W erp.. F. E. Van Zee__ _ 24,000 3,000 730,000 500,000 John I, Howe__ . . . F. G. Fischer _____ W. S. Koch_______ Anna H ow e.. 16,000 14,000 130,000 120,000 John Scanlan..___ Frank D udley.— -- Frank D u d ley ...... Alma Bartell. 5,000 9,000 170,000 120,000 83.000 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F.; Live Stock N.. Sioux C.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. „ 70,000 1st N., Chi. and Madison; Secur. N.. Sioux F.; Midland N.. MinplSi; 167.10Q: N. Park, N. Y.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. 60,050 No.-West. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Aberdeen. 90.000 Corn Ex. N.. Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls. Redheld N., Redfield. 65,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.;lst & Sècur. N.,Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. 1 , J 64,250 No.-West. N.. Minpls.; 1st N. and Merch. N., M ilb ank; Stockyards N „ So. St. P. 181,560 Cont. & Com’l N. and Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., St. P.: lst & Secur. N., Minpls. 265,000 1st N., Chi.; 'Secur. N. and Live Stock N„ Sioux C, " /'! _.-i 28,000 Cont. & Oom’l N» and Live Stock Ex; N „ Chi.; No.-West. N.,Minpls.; Stock Yds. N.,So. St.P. 80,000 Secur. N. and Peo. Sav., Watertown; No.West. N.. Minpls.: State Bk. of Bradley, Bradley; Stock Yds; N., St. P. Midland N., Minpls.; Merch., Redheld. 50,000 5,000 9,000 150,000 90.000 G. M. S in cla ir..... John F. Sinclair... W .F . Fick — ____ Carrie Sm ith_____ 20,000 8,370 242.150 210,700 John Davies — ___ R. E. Cone________ •À. W. Graham___ M. G. Anderson . . . 15,000 1,500 250,000 180,000 L. J. Nickolson___ T. Scanlan___ _ ___ 10,000 15,000 125,000 95,000 50,000 ChaseN., N.Y.: No.-West. N.,Minpls.; Peo.Sav., Watertown; State Bk. of Bradley, Bradley. A. Loomis________ E. J. Blain..__ ___ W.O. Robinson___ John Scanlan___ _ 55,860 Cont. & Com i N., Chi.; lst& Secur. Ml, Minpls.: Citiz. Tr. & Sav.. Aberdeen: Merch„Redheld. 70,000 James Valley, Huron; Midland N., Minpls. M. J. Crooks_____ A* E. Bowring.__. A. R . Crooks__ Crooks.. Minnehaha F 16 Crooks State Bank____ < {'0 9 W. L. Baker___ 78-657 Pop. 150 ‘ C uster.......C uster F 2 Custer Gounty Bank.__ «${’90 T. W. D elicate..... John Clower__ ___ 0 . B. Perrin— . . . G. B, D elicate..— 78-232 Pop. 450 5,000 9,000 240,000 i5o;ooo 80.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Minnehaha N., Sionx F, 25,000 11,900 290,840 265,060 First National B an k .... . < ’81 E. G. Kneeland.— James Halley.^__ as G. A. Kneeland.— 1G. L. K neeland.... 78-231 State Bank of Cuthbert . { ’15 L. A. Estabrook... N. W in gert.... ___ Harry B. Dowdell. Cuthbert__ Sanborn F 13 - 78-711Pop. 100 25,000 2,500 189,000 196,200 15,000 4,000 100,000 80,000 71,680 Chase N., N.Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Merch, N. and Stock Yds. N.. Oma.; Pennington Co.. Rapid City: 1st N., Deadwood. Han. Ni. N.'Y^ 1st N., Chi., Oma., and Rapid 18,860 City. 1st N., Sioux C.; Com’l Sav*, Sioux F. • 30,000 5,000 231,550 25,000 ERNEST A. JACKSON 6RAYDQN B. JACKSON. LOUIS VISHA____ FR AN K «. JACKSON étions. com m ercial colle We offer th e be st o f facilities f or h an dlin g your LET KJS SERVE YOU. guaran ty fun d ) (6 % Interest pal d on tim e deposl to. (Deposits gua ranteed by state 170,000 Dallas____ .Gregory G 11 BANK OF D A LLA S .— .< 1 0 7 78-98 Pop. 850 DALLAS STATE B A N K -< {’09 Frank Corey . . . . . . a N. H. Ayers . . . . ; 78-99 Farmers State Bank___ ${’17 J. W. Stewart....... Jesse C. McNish. 78-730 Dante.. Charles Mix H 13 Security State B a n k ....< { ’10 Jamés Ä. Wagnèr' F. J. Hakl 78-531 Pop. 180 Davis______ Turner G 16 Bank o f Davis ^__ „...${1900 H. Li Stanley..___ J urgen Rieman. 78-532 Pop. 164 W. S. Ayers..__— J. J. Hoffman.. C .W . Lynn R. M. Parr__ . . . 8. M. Ebernard G. J. Schafer . Clark Elmore. \ ' 12,000 4.000 285,0C0 175,000 25,000 1,580 125,000 88,650 100,000 Oma. N „ Oma. 53,960 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Merch. N „ Oma.; Norfolk N., Norfolk, Neb. A. J. Fillaus . 10.000 4,500 200.000 160,000 70,000 1st N., Sioux C.; Mitchell N., Mitchell. R. T. Stanley. 25,000 ÌÓ.000 375.000 300,000 72,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Live Stock Ex. N., Chi. Sionx F. Sav., Sioux F.; 1st N., Sionx C. 10,000 1,800 23,000 25,000 7,000 Stockyards N., So. St. P.; 1st State. Lem mon. Daviston— .Perkins B 4 First State Bank___ ....${*10 E. F. Hall________ A. D. R eder__ ___ H. B. Scott_______ 78-444 ■ ‘ Strool P . O. Pon. 200 S E C U R ITY N A TIO N A L BANK, Sioux Falls— Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 70,000 Cont. & Com’l N:, Chi.; U. S. N>, Orna.; Ced. R N., Ced. R. South D akotans L eading Bank N um ber ander N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R snd-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers A ss'n. N ahe of d a n k . T own and County . ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Entire State in No. 9 Federal Reserve District. ►Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. PRESIDENT. Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. F or Interest B ates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued V ice-President . Cashier . O LA F SEIM — - J . R. RUSSELL — BURT ROGERS. A s s ’t Cashier , Lia b il it ie s . Surplus paid — up R esources. 1212 12 12 P rincipal Correspondents . Loans k D m - Gash k E x il*t «. Bonds, o ia h « m ,D v i UlOVKmM FROM BANKS and P rofits £ N- McDONOUGH- $ 50,000 $ 18,000 $ 683,670 $ 475,620 $ 236,440 Seab. N „ N. T.: N. City, Chi,; Merch. N „ Oma.; Sioux F. N., Sioux F. —. .. W ELTY »Deadwood.Lawrence E 2 BLACK HILLS T R .& S A V . BK. All co lle ctio n s! n tb e Black Hills and W estern Sou th Dakota. 78-58 » « ’04 IAlso other bus lness will receive p rom pt a t t e n t Ion . Pop. 4000 C o r r e s p o n d ENCE INVITED. 78-57 j . g o ld b er g . —— m. m. w h eeler — K. W. TRIMBLE — A. A. COBURN 150,000 67,410 1,341,140 1,335,820 Dell Rapids__ Minnehaha First National Bank— - - < ’86 B. J. Sweatt. 78-91 Pop. 1536 F 17 Henry Robertson — Olijf H eg g e...____ K J . Elliott, Jr. — L. K. Larson 60,000 34,740 752,730 738,230 Granite City Bank_____$§’89 O. H. Smith_______H. G. Soiem___ 78-92 O. B. Landstad Henry M. Smith__ Glen B. C arroll.... 50,000 16,080 447,130 425,470 fP . S. GORDON— „ KARL FÜLBERG --— L. V. BURKE----------- F. C. BOWLES— 50.000 12,000 S73;000 588,000 25.000 20,000 714.000 442,600 12.000 7,120 358,990 269,850 HOME NATIONAL BANK « fio -< C ollections sent us will receive pr o m p t atten tion if accom panied by fee. Delmont___ Douglas G 13 Pop. 500 / Dempster... Hamlin D 16 Pop. 107 »De Smet.Kingsbury E 14 Pop. 1200 78-94 Delmont State Bank___ t§'01 78-355 Security State Bank___ «$§'03 78-356 Dempster State Bank.—.$ {’07 78-533 American State Bank..*${’99 78-146 DE SMET NAT’ L BANK-«$ 80 78-145 Farmers State Bank__ î§ ’19 78-147 Dimock State Bank------ ${'11 (.First M ortgage Farm Loans a Sp ecialty. A. M. Shaw___ —- Fred lit z ________ L. E. Houlton—— Cora Simmons____ G. Dencker_______ John Lehr..__ —. 5,000 8,000 120.000 97,000 Aylmer Colb— __ L. F. Altflllisch___ B. J. Hasche 50.000 11,000 560.000 465.000 F. M. Andrews___ A. N. W aters_____ O. P. Williams____ Wm. Look__ 50.000 20,220 793,270 776,320 B. J. Shannon____ 25.000 2.500 j . U. Steichen____ W. J. Steichen___ J. R. Hull A . S. Lindsey__ ___ 10.000 7,940 358,280 ^238,110 5,000 5.000 145.000 -73.000 Geo. G ross___ ___ J. H. Levsen — 20,000 14,000 534,560 402,830 20,000 7.000 450.000 300.000 10,000 6.000 220.000 73,400 10.000 8,340 118,540 108,280 10,000 9i000 160,000 127,500 Geo. W. Cobel____ Nora F. Cobel____ Earle L. Cobel____ Eli Cole, J r .___ George A. Sm ith.. Osmer J. H ill____ Wm. W. McKay W. H. Shaw___ __ O. P. Skaggs----- L Dimock.Hutchinson G 14 78-648 Pop. 200 Peter Berens__ ___ Dixon____ Gregory G 11 Peoples Bank_________ ${’07 J. E. Berens___ 78-534 Pop. 100 Doland___ ___ Spink D 13 Security State Bank___ *${’07 J. F. W ood ______ A. J. Levsen— 78-244 Pop. 581 iF . S. BROWN----- F . J . R ILE Y - — 4 I L . BROWN — 1P rom pt, Person al atten tion to al business, )M inim um fee25 c m u st accom pan y all sight drafts for presentation. «${’95 '50c fo r R ating R eports. TRANS FER SERVICE. STATE BANK OF BOLAND. 78-243 J. H. Koehn___ j . H. J. Smith______ S. Jantz. Dolton___ __ Turner G 15 Dolton State Bank_____ $ {’04 T. J. Shanard . . 78-535 Pop. 147 D rap er....____ Jones F 8 Draper State Bank___ . . . { ’06 W. T. McConnell— George Hayes____ _ V. A. Jorgensen__ 78-435 Pop. 211 (ALFR ED z o s k e JFor prompt, ef LIV E STOCK BANK— *${’07 iW e make a spec 78-434 (Also negotiate Egan ___ Moody E 16 Pop. 600 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S E C U R IT Y 1213 10,000 9,460 98,300 77,200 15.000 6,760 166,310 142,990 10.000 10,300 158,400 121,740 10,000 2,000 170.000 100.000 20,000 4,890 482,020 379,900 15.000 4.000 200.000 130.000 25.000 7.500 365.000 300.000 10.000 2.000 140.000 110.000 303,700|Mech..& Metals- N., N. Y .; 1st N. and la. State Sav.. Sioux O. 108,770 Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux O.; Sioux F. N., Sioux F. 32.000 1st N., Brookings. 131.000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Brookings; Secur. N., Sioux F. 112,170 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Coni’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C. Midland N., Minpls.; Dakota Tr. & Sav., Sioux F.; 1st N.. Huron. 132,630 Live Stock Ex. N;, Chi.: 1st N-.'fcioux C.; Hut chinson Co., Parkston, 80.000 Oma. N „ Oma.; 1st N.,-Spencer. 147Ì090 N. City, Chi.: Redfleld N.i Redfleld: 1st and Secur. N., Minpls. . 120.000 Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.; No.-West. Ni,' Minpls.: Western N., Mitchell: N. Bk. Com., Sioux G;; 1st N., Watertown. . ' 58,190 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F.; 1st N.. Bridgewater. 23,650 Western N „ Mitchell; Secnr. N. and N. Bk. Com., Sioux G.; Sioux F. N., Sioux F. 36,750 Stock Yds. N.. So. St. P| Live Stock N. and la. State Sav., Sioux G. 32,820 Stock Yds. N., So. St. P.; No.-West. N. and 1st & Secur. N.. MinDls.; Aberdeen N „ Aberdeen. 43,070 Corn Ex. N.. Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux F.; Pierre N.. Pierre; 1st N., St. P. 52,150 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Citiz. Tr. & Sav., Aberdeen; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 60.000 Citiz. N., Sisseton; Liberty State, Minpls. 128,860 Han. N .,N . Y.; Oma. N „ Oma.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 50.000 Merch. N., Oma. '70,000 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Midland N., Minpls.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. 30.000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux, C.; Sioux F. N., Sioux F. July, 1919 Bagle Butte.. ..Dewey D 7 Pop. 150 Eden_____ Marshall B 14 Pop. 150 Edgemont. Fall River G 1 Pop. 816 laity o f Cattle Fa per. Farm Loans for conservative Inve s tors. Dupree State Bank--------- ( ’10 C. G. Earley___ . . . A. A. Karley — — A. A. K arley_____ H. W. Fenner— 78-447 Farmers State Bank— *$(’10 G. A. McGarraugh. E. N. Anderson__ Daisy Ervington.. ^ r 78-446 S. B. Linstad. M. Lord ~ — — — A. B. Lord__ Citizens State Bank.—.*${'10 G. E. L e a c h 78-347 J. W. Barrington ~ John Zembsch__ _ Eden State Bank_____ —${’14 Henry Helvig— 78-694 Bank o f Edgemont___ *$(1900 Geo. W. Highley__ Geo.T.Paine______ H. H. Thompson__ J. B. Wickstrom__ 78-178 E. R. White Albert Herman___ Fred E. Dale______ L. R. Parkin___ N eilie K.Brenisholz Fall River County Bank 78-179 «${’08 C. T. Volin A. L. Gullickson — FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*$’03 George R ice ______ W. R. Pagel______ A. B. Larson___ 78-536 H. C. Ferestad Security State Batìk___»${*14 E. L. F oote____ George Druschel__ J. W, Branch_____ M. L. H enderson78-695 N. Park, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi,; 1st & Secur. Nv, Minpls.; Secur. N.. Sioux C.; Minnehaha N., Sioux F. State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F,; Live Stock N., Sioux C.5 Citizi Com’l Tr. Co., Buffalo. Han. N ../N .Y .; Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; No.West. N „ Minpls.; Sioux F. N., Sioux F. _______ »Dupree___ Ziebach C 6 Pop. 300 H. J . ZOSKE- — — JOSEPH BEACH— BARBARA Relent service se nd your business direct. REARICK 367,120 Harriman N. and Mecb. & Metals N „ N. Y. Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; Am. N., St. P,; Oma. N., Oma. SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Deadwood to Egan FIRST NAT'L BANK (o. a . Mc Ph e r s o n < A strong bank, safely m anaged, Forty years In bu siness. I A strong direct orate o f successf ul business m en. •$'78 [.Send us your b usiness. N A T I O N A ll -B A N K D irectory, under tbe au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. S O U T H D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in b&ok of this volume. For Interest Rates, (ira te, ' e tc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page til l C 1213 N u m ber under N am e ©r B ank is the new T ran sit N u m ber given to eaoh bank in U. S. exclusively by Tile Kaud-McNally Bankers' Directory, under tbe autborlty of Tlie American Bankers Ass’ n. N ame of B an e . T own and County. ~ •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn, §State »County Seats. ¡Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Entire State in No. 9 [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. P resident . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Hirer-tors, in dexed in back of this volume. Bor Interest Bates, Grace, 1 etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.1 C Principal Correspondents. S O U T H D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d V ICE-PRESIDENT. - Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . M&DlS- Cashk ExDepos cX’t)A P aid- up Surplus b. Borne, ;inuwna,Bui AMS its Securities Capital P rofits TKOMBaus« IvO t—* Ivo ont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Live Stock N, and Wm. F. Bnshnell — Lawrence Authier. W. L. Temple------ $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 435.000 $ 350,000 $ 105,000 C Cont. N., Sioux 0. « Ì)X< - ...... 215,600 £Ian. N.. N. Y.; Oont. & Oom’l N .,0hi.; 1st N., 25.000 650.0Ü0 480,060 25,000 M.E.JOHNSON....... f ir s t National bank ^ - oi 0LUFJOHNSON ....... B. A. ROZELL....... - G. W. FREEMAN — Sioux 0. 78-117 »Elk Point___ Union H 10 Farmers State Bank__ •tS’14 .t . v ’ oiii 78-685 Pop. 1500 n UNION GO. BANK « 78-116 W. A. SCHAETZEL-M. E. SCHAETZEL-GEO. C. KIMMEL— IVER HAYH0ME— O l d e s t B a n k in U n i o n . C o u n t y . t§’82 Y o u r U n i o n C o u n t y b u s i n e s s w i l l n a v e p r o m p t a n d c a r e fu l a tte n tio n . 52,000 f 't. Dear. N .,0hi.; Midland N., Minpls.; Citiz. Com’l Tr. Co., Buffalo; 1st N „ Brookings. 12,000 380,000 300.000 82,000 Clont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Brookings. 3.910 53,670 50,300 4,200 235,000 99,000 O. W. Marshall__ _ P. A. Lynch--------- 20.000 P. E. Clement ___ R. C. G reen _____ _ 15,000 12,000 Lee Brown _______ Jerry Moran______ 30,000 27,220 663.750 520,270 J. W. Krueger____ J. O. Hodges— __ 20,000 L 7,000 300.000 210,000 The». H. M eyerl— Fred C bulson....... 15.000 3,000 Geo. Ostroot_____ C. O. Hauskey__ _ 10,600 16,000 172.000 15Ì.000 Geo. C. Lohr______ A. G. N elson _____ C. B. Heladay_____ Hazel E. McManners 20,600 12,000 ‘j/ 364,620 304,080 3.060 <lont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. ft. Minpls.; Bk. of Brookings, Brookings. L. F. Altflllisch-l— Aylmer Cole_____ 1 A Tt r^lnf 30,000 1,400 367,540 306,190 418,100 JACOB SÇHILTZ— P DBISCOI1 gresslve bank. W e get results, e the personal att ention o f an offl c l a l o f the bank. Loans negotiated. J. D. W elch------ 188,190 C Sècur. N., Sioux F.; Live Stock N,, Sioux Q. 90,000 1st & Secur.N.,Minpls. ;Bk. of Brookings,Bro ings; Sioux F. N., Sioux F. ■ l lidland N., Minpls; 'State Bk. & Tr. Co., Watertown; Sioux.F. Sav,, Sioux,F. 32,000 1 10,000 x 2,380 95,410 101,430 50,000 8,500 545,000 495.000 162.000 ( 50,000 12,500 718,870 588,420 177.330 ] st N., Sioux C. and Spencer, Neb.; U. S. 1 Oma.; No.-West. N., Minpls. Ira Bartholomew — 20,000 12.010 387,410 328,090 H. C. Davis_______ D. R. Miller — . — B. Datin — -------- 25,000 9.970 324,670 F. X. Roach______ J F BöSGnm 25,000 8.500 125,300 15,000 16,210j 324,910 10,000 4,000 15,000 14.440 512,400 C. L. Breekenridge A. J. KVier 10,000 5,000 300,000 240,000 H. J. L iedle___ — A. W. Schumacher 25.000 12,750 539,550 445,230 A, Sprick------- !— 1 50.000 25,000 1,000,000 G. E. Welch — W. H. Shaw. . . — ( F. W. WOODS— 1P rom p t, person Si atien tlon to co 1 Fee In advance m in im u m 15c. R (5 % paid o n tim e deposits. (Dep Fairview___ Lincoln G 17 Fairview State B a n k ....» ’05 G. J. M o e a ______ 78-539 Pop. 200 4$’10 H Ot Fnkfi FaPh------------- Meade 0 5 Farmers State 78-392 a Pop. 500 Stockmens State Bank— •$§ 16•James A. Cameron 78-726 Fanner------- Hanson F 14 Farmers & Merch. State Bank Henry Roth 78-489 »1 1 Pop. 100 Farmingdale. Pennington First State-Bank--------- —§’10 Harry W entzy.. . — 9,800 I Western N., Mitchell; Midland N.; Minpls. ,147.300 1st N., Chi. and Alexandria. 80.600 3I. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; Is N., Brookings. ■ , , 116.730 <lont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N.,Mitchell;Secur N., Sioux C.; lst& Secur. N.. Minpls. 70,000 ] ,ive Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C.; No.-West. N., Minpls., 110,550 <’out. & Com’ l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur.N., Mini DakotaN., Aberdeen; Sioux F. Sav.. SiouxF. 240,000 i ¡täte B k.of Chi., Chi.; lst&Secur. N., M ini' Aberdeen N. and 1st N i Aberdeen. 18,560 ; J J W?B.Ar J. L. Breekenridge Phil. Schamber—— John Doering_____ E. E. Voli 0. Vorlander______ 0 . H. Gerdes F. G>. Schaefer 78-166 Fairburn.— —Custer F 3 Ranchman's State Bank.f§'14 Harry Wentzy M— - H. G. Clason____ i-_ 78-691 Pop. 60 »Fairfax.— Gregory H 12 First National Bank____»t’93 C. A. Johnson .4— John Ni Ellerman. 78-275 Pop. 650 H. D: Brainard — Ethel Pollard_____ U. G. Stevenson... Roy Jackson____ _ D. E , C O FFE Y ------- J R K0STA 750,000 1lections. j : a ; stanek ate M o f 1%. Cr edit R eports 25c. ositors G uaranty fu n d ) Louis Anderson. . . O. L. Greguson — Wm. Hoese__ ____ Matt Volz________ G. J. M cGregor. . . August Peterson... L, L. Smith---------- S E C U R ITY N A TIO N AL BANK, Sioux Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 450,000 . 380l000 25.000 ( F. D. PECKHAM 1 Patronize a pro Emery----- Hanson F 14 EMERY STATE BANK - • » 0 3 | C ollections hav 78-302 Pop. 525 ( Farm M ortgage „ ......... 78-301 Erwin.— Kingsbury E 15 . 78-537 Pop. 300 Peoples State B an k ------§19 H. P. M eyer.-------78-761 H. I. Olston--------Esmond—Kingsbury E 14 Esmond State B a n k ....* » ’06 78-638 Pop. 100 ■•• •••■. ; 23.000 O .F . Salk. Bank o f Elrod__ _______ §17 78-738 Estelline— Hamlin D 16 BANK OF ESTELLINE - * » ’83 • 78-267 Pop. 700 «• Estelline State Bank__ * » ’06 78-268 Ethan......... Davison G 14 Ethan State B an k_____» ’81 Pop. 500 Security State Bank___ * » ’06 78-383 Eureka.. McPherson B 10 Farmers & Merch. 8tate Bank 78-167 « » ’07 Pop. 1100 475,000 C¡hem . I f., N. Y .; 1st N ., C b l.; Secur. N., Sioux C. 48.500 1,250,000 Klkton— .Brookings E 17 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«t’02 E. R. Zalesky_____ 78-105 Pop. 766 n p ps ••1■' p FIRST STATE BANK . . . • » ’93 E. E. Po^derly___ 78-194 Pop. 50 Sto,ODO 2Q.0Q0 Falls; 76,5001 Yds. N., Oma.; Live Stock N.. Sioux 0. 83,950 1 1st N.. Sioux C. . t a - ruk 245.370 - 106.180 lst & Secur. N., Minnls.; Oom’l A Sav.. Mitchell; Stockyards N., So. St. P.; lstN ., Sioux C. 1Ì2.470 35,420 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch. N.. St. P. Mitchell N., Mitchell; Com’l N., Sturgis. 95,390 Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.; Sioux Falls Sav., Sioux 250,000 F.; Com’l & Sav., Mitchell. 29,040 Cont. & Oom’l N., Chi.: 1st N.and Secar. Sav. 58,150 Ranid C._______________ ______________ 1 OF A N Y BA N K I N ISO U T H DA KOTA - N um ber under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Num ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T b e Band-M cN ally Bankers' Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n . President . Y ICE-PRESIDENT. Cashier . «Faulkton . . Faulk D 11 First National Bank____< ’ 15 A. N. Drake_______ Pop. 802 78-709 J. P. Shirk •4 _ ** Merchants Bank < § ’99 S. E. M orris______ P. H. O’Neil______ 78-185 Fedora . Miner F 14 Fedora State Bank $S’04 B. H. Millard_____ Pop. 225 78-541 As s ’t Cashier . Lia b il it ie s . Resources, i LOANSft Du* Cashft Ex Depos- c P aid- up Surplus ’ts. Bonds, changes,Dub AND ITS Capital P rofits Securities fromBanks W. H. George____ $ 25,000 S J. T. Mitchell T. M. Moore Robt. B. Laird — P rincipal Correspondents . 3,000 $ 170,000 $ 112,000 $ 36,000 1st N „ Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 35,000 550,000 420,000 170,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi. 10.000 7,000 250,000 183,000 10,000 11,240 202,200 183,400 10.000 ' 4,000 92,000 71,500 65,000 Live 8 tock E x . N.. Chi.: Secnr. N.. Sioux C. Sioux E. Sav. and Secur. N., Sioux F.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 38,900 Cont.& Com’IN.. Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; 1st N ., Groton. 23,420 Stock Yds. N., SO. St. P.: Aberdeen N.. Aber deen; Met. N., Minpls. jC. S. BRAKKE. . . ALFRED KOHLER- LEO P0TTRATZ— 25,000 7,000 «Flandreau.. Moody E 16 FARMERS STATE BANK<§’11 ¡P atronize a G row ing Bank. Co llectlons have the personal atten tlo n o f an officer. Pop. 2000 78-86 ' Farm M ortgag e Loans N egotl a ted. f£ 442,000 366,000 110,000 N. City, Chi.; Midland N., Minpls.; Sioux F. Sàv., Sioux F.; Pipestone N., Pipestone. Ferney______Brown C 13 First State Bank_______JS’04 Edmund Harry___ Pop. 400 78-542 L. P. N ash____ __ A. Bristol.. Firesteel____ Dewey 0 7 Moreau River State Bank Pop. 50 78-708 » « ’15 “ — — •1 “ •• jjjjjj - 0. J. Wage ____ V . R. Buckmaster. First National Bank..__ < ’01 Thomas K elley___ T. E. Spaulding___ James T. Bigelow— J. R. Coonrod____ 78-85 MOODY COUNTY BANK-<§81 78-84 JESSE A. SMITH- WARREN G. COWLES- B- I. FRANCIS ¡First and oldest established Bank. 'Send us your C ollection s direct. T hey will receive Florence.Codington C 15 First National Bank___ < ’06 J. H. Earee_______ M. F. Heintz — Pop. 350 78-409 ■ - y js «m in i*« ; Guaranty State Bank— 1§’16 78-719 Forestbnrg.Sanborn F 13 Forestburg State Bank.<§’06 Pop. 300 78-543 «Fort Pierre—Stanley E 8 Fort Pierre National Bk.«t’09 Pop. 800 78-188 Stock Growers Bank__ < § ’91 78-186 Frankfort___ Spink D 13 First National B ank___ < ’15 Pop. 45Ò 78-337 JAMES RIVER BANK— 15’83 78-336 Frederick___ Brown B 12 Farmers State Bank____ t§’86 Pop. 500 78-313 C. Huppler___ 40,000 27,000 880,000 600,000 320,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur, N., Minpls. 25,000 20,210 450,920 377,410 98,430 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N,. Chi., Sioux C., and St. P.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. ’ 25,000 10,000 280.000 200,000 80,000 Merch. N „ St. P.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; 1st N.. Watertown. 15,000 1,500 230,000 190,000 52,000 Live Stock Ex, N., Chi.; Secur. N.,Watertown. 5,000 8,000 160,000 90,000 25,000 3,500 200,000 160,000 50,000 10,000 650,000 550,000 36,000 Drov. N „ Chi,: 1st and Secur. N.,Min pis.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F,; la. State Sav.,Sioux C. 40,000 Corn Ex. N „ Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.: 1st N., Pierre. 127,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and Live Stock Ex. N., C hi.; IstN., St.P. and Sioux C . 163,510 1st N.,Chi.: No.-West. N., Minpls.- p rom pt atten tlo lie H. C. Sanwick____ — R. D. Goepfert___ George Blum_____ F. Smith, Jr.......... Y. W. Abeel______ M. S. Van Dyke— J. C. Daniels_____ M. J. Van Dyke Karl Goldsmith___ C. E. C oyn e___ . F: R. Strain 25,000 13,500 497,220 363,480 30,000 18,890 465,060 360,140 Solomon W e s t ___ K. A. Hukari_____ E. G. Cummings__ Oscar Hnkari —, 10,000 10,000 200,000 17Î.000 A. W. Campbell__ J. C. Campbell___ C. W. Goodsell___ M. A. Marttila____ J. A. Fylpaa • John J. W altner... J. J. Tschetter___ Emelia Mensch___ 25,000 34,200 347,170 385,520 25,000 r 10,500 520,000 454,000 John Gross.. 30,000 10,000 580,000 385,000 15,000 4,790 100,170 84,340 14,000 870 206,660 ¿79,500 Lewis Shuster____ R. B. McCandless.. Julius Bertsch____ Maude A. Jahns 25,000 1,000 400,000 318,000 75,600 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Western N., Mitchell.; 1st & Secur N., Minpls. v «Gannvalley—Buffalo F 12 BANK OF B UFFALO COUNTY E. E. Dye _ Arthur G. Hill____ F. E. Swartout— E. O. Dye___ _____ Pop. 100 78-482 < § ’98 L. A. Stroud M;: II FARM ERS SAVINGS BANK W. O. Crockett___ Henry Klindt........ W. W. Sedgwick__ 78-483 < § ’10 15,000 4,000 233,540 188,500 10,000 4,500 120,000 93,000 54,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.: Midland N., Minpls.; Live Stock N.. Sioux C.; Mitchell N., Mitch ell; Sioux F. N., Sioux F. 25,000 Kimball Com’l A Sav., Kimball;--Secur. N., Sioux F.; No-West. N., Minpls. Garden City__ Clark D 14 Garden City State Bank<§’02 L. A. Pope_______ : L. F. Pope — Pop. 450 78-544 F. B. Smith 15,000 12.500 250,000 225,000 " ........ ** First National Bank____ < ’82 78-314 Freeman____Hutchinson First National B an k ___ < ‘02 Pop. 715 G 15 78-228 Merchants State Bank___ §’99 78-227 Fruitdale______ Butte D 2 Fruitdale State Bank__ <§T1 Pop. 150 78-649 Fulton_____Hanson F 14 Farmers State Bank___ <§'09 Pop. 250 78-449 .. M _ First State Rank . < § ’01 78-448 J. M. Wollmann__ J. J. Wollmann Louis Karinen___ Fred. M. Clary___ Fred. M. Clary___ D. L. Roberts_____ H. G. Foraker W. A. Branch Philip Bender........ R. R. Morris N m ber under N am e of* B ank i s t h e New T ra n sit N u m ber g i v e n Federal Reserve Bank ofuSt. Louis to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Banker’ s S E C U R IT Y 'N A T IO N A L B A N K 1215 Directory, under tlie authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. R. .T. MfiLeba „ 1 Sioux F a lls - — SoUTIM D SOU TH 143,530 Cont. & Com'1N., Chi.: Am. N., Redfleld; Wes tern N., Mitchell; 1st '«¡.Secur, N., Minpls. 39,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Citiz. Tr. & Sav., Aberdeen; Live Stock N., Sioux CT.; Bk. of Brookings, Brookings. 54,530 Aberdeen N., Aberdeen: 1st N., St. P. 100,000 1st N., Chi.; Live Stock N. and 1st N., Sionx C.; Secur. N. and Minnehaha N.. Sioux F. 215,000 Corn Ex. N.. Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux C.; Sioux F. N. and Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. 34,300 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Packers N., Orna.; 1st NS Belle Fourche and Rapid C. 36,280 Live Stock Ex.N..-ChiH Oom’I Tr. & Sav, Mitchell; Secur. N., Sioux C. 53,470 A K O T A 'S Bk. of Brookings. Brookings. July, 1919 C. L. Millett______ G. E. Sumner_____ J. D. Cannon_____ Geo. Kienholz____ T. L. Riggs Aithur J. Owens A. B. Robinson___ J. W. Yager______ C. A. Kleppin U. H. Cooke Dorothy Vogelsberg C. J. B ou b_______ W. F .Aldred_____ SÓUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Faulkton to Garden City 25,000 _______ T own and County. Name of Bank . «County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Entire State in No. 9 ¿Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. SOUTH D A K O TA —Continued 1214 1214 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed. in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace,"” etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.\ D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d 1'RTTTTTli'G RirfinTTPCirs « N u m ber under N am e of* B ank i s 1215 th e New T ra n sit N u m ber g i v e n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Banker’ s Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. Name of Bank . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. iState »County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. SOU TH . P resident . V ice -President . Accessible Towns« Lawyers, Laws* Directors» in For Interest Rates» Grace,! dexed. in back of this volume. D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d 2 A s s ’ t Cashier . CASHIER. |TH0S. WANGSNESS E. J. BERDAHL—— H i . GERBER......... A. R. JACOBSON — L ia b il it ie s . n R esources, i , Depos •OAN8 &Dis- Cash & Ex Paid- up Surplus c’T8. Bonds, changes,Due and Capital P rofits its Securities from Banks $ 25,000 $ 6,730 10,000 10,000 % 472.070 $ 340,010 $ 153.700 1 Garretson „..M innehaha FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«’95 < N egotiate Farm and M ortgage Lo ans. 1Special facilities for m aking collec tions a t this p oint and vicinity. 78-212 Fop. 950 F 17 ( Try us fo r quick action. P rom pt returns. <H, C. PETERSONMINNEHAHA STATE BANK* 78-213 tS'02 )O ut o f town bu 'Deposits guaran J. A, THRONSON___ C. 0. BERDAHL-— C.W. PETERSON jj siness carefully h andled. teed by d epositor s guarantee fu n d . | A. J. LOCKHART Gary____ 3 ___Deuel D 17 NATIONAL BANK OF 6ARY Pop. 750 78-281 « f i o < C ollections and i For efficient ser ( FARM M ORTG J. F. CARLSON— R jA N K ^ A cllE Y " Cash Item s receiv e p rom p t and per vice send your bu siness direct to AGE LOANS FO R SALE. First National Bank.._'2,*$'09 J. A. Thronson___ Samuel Lewison... 78-282 Gayville__ Yankton B 15 Security State Bank____ $§’01 John O. Aaseth___ O. N. Junker____ _ Pop. 257 78-1545 n W Pratt Geddes. Charles Mix G 12 Pop. 1000 78-205 J . H. MEYHAUS — 0. V. MEYHAUS-----H. F. WARNER ‘ CHARLES M IX CO. BANK 78-204 t§’06 ¡Send us your c ollections direct. (They will recel ve prom pt and en 21.690 287,370 240,510 62,780 Sécur. N.. Watertown; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P.; 1st N., Mankato. - 27,920 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co.^Chi.; Capital N., St. P.: Midland N., Minpls. 50,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Sioux C. 25,000 29,180 373,290 355.030 25,000 15,000 200,000 170,000 5;ooo 47,950 586,870 428,470 50,000 7.000 750,000 ' 582,000 197,620 State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; Secar. N., Sioux C.and Sioux F.; 1st Ln. & Tr. Co., Yankton. 225,000 Cont.‘ & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st N. and Live Stock N.. Sioux C. ergetic atten tion . »Gettysburg...Potter D 9 First National B ank___»$’99 Adam Richardson. J. F. W eaver_____ R. Richardson____ Maude Schoof-----78-171 Pop. 936 J. F. W hitlock___ M. J. Hughes_____ John Campbell___ Henry Frick______ 78-170 M. J. Van Orman.. A. E. Brorby .............. Glenham__ Walworth B 9 Glenham State Bank— <§'05 Pop. 150 78-546 Goodwin..___ Deuel D 16 First National B ank ____ » t ’15 J. A. Thronson ____ Samuel Lewison . . . Pop. 145 78-547 Karl K. Scbock Green way___ McPherson Greenway State B an k...t§’08 Pop. 50 B10 78-548 Gregory.__Gregory G 11 Commercial State Bank-t§’16 H. E. M cK ee_____ L. H.Nollkamper.. B. M. Kendall____ G. R. Burkholder.. Pop. 1500 78-724 141,080 Cont. & Gom’l N „ Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.: 1st N. and Live Stock N., Sioux C. 191,910 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur, N., Minpls. 58,350 Bk. of Brookings, Brookings: No.-West. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Aberdeen: Live Stock N., Sioux C. . 50,000 Seab. N.v N .Y .; Capital N .,-8t. P.: Midland N „ Minpls.: Citiz. N., Watertown. 30,000 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Ger., Eureka. 25.000 16,430 403,890 318,360 30,000 18,350 767.110 613.750 10,000 6,400 178.460 130,230 25,000 25,000 400,000 360,000| 5.000 3,500 109.40Q 78,600. 25,000 7,500 508,000 402,000 106,000 Merch. N „ Oma.: Gregory Co. State. Fairfax: Live Stock N.. Sioux O.; Packers Nv, Oma. 45,980 D. S. N. and Stock Yds. N., Oma.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 150,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi,; Oma. N., Oma.; No.West. N ., Minpls. A. G. Heckman____ W. H. Riedesel ____ Y . W. Strain ______ N. R. Hamilton M, Rickman _ R. L. Millay________ M. V. Millay 25,000 10,000 256,030 246,090 50,000 14,000 600,000 450,000 A. J. F rom elt -------- 10,000 4,000 180,000 160,000 12,610 25,000 H. E. MUELLER.......... J. J. WARKINTON — E. C. FROMMEL-— n given Bill o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. with each sight dr aft fo r presentatio n a/nd 50c fo r Gre dit Repp rts. 670,580 573,010 384.510 311,549 25,800 899,700 25,000 E . E . KVITRUD— 1 W. B. M ILLER — FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<82 ] First and Oldest Established Ban k. Ail banking m atters given pr om p t a t t e n t lo n. 78-131 777,100 99,360 1st N., Chi.: Sioux F. Sav., 8ioux F.; Citiz. Tr. & Sav.. Aberdeen; Jackson Co. State, Lakefield, Minn. 178,600 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st &Secur.N. and No.-We?t. N „ Mmols.: 1st N. and Aberdeen N., Aberdeen; 1st N., Huron. First National B ank ____ »$’07 78-122 Gregory National Bank. < ’04 H, T, Millay 78-121 Grenville___ ...D a y C 15 First State Bank.:----------< § ’15 H. H. Fromelt,____ Pop. 150 78-702 fR. A. MARTIN_____ ■j Special atten tio Groton______ Brown 0 13 BROWN COUNTY BKG. CO. ♦ 78-132 <5'89 {.Please send 15c Pop, 1200 Farmers State Bank.. •$§’ 10 L. T. Strong______ 78-133 I FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with ( TW ENTY-FIVE CENTS fo r each Grover ...Codington D 15 State Bank o f Grover . . < § ’13 H. P. Andrisen___ fl. O. Frink ........ 78-687 Pop. 35 T. E. Gage...______ H E. Mnhr _ 6 380 20,000 each sight draft fo r presentation, and credit report ins ures prom p t, per sonal at tentlon. H. A.Ernmke Hamill___ i___ Tripp F 10 Roseland State Bank__ < § ’09 B. H. Russell_____ G. M. Hamill_____ A. L. Boyden 78-549 Pop. 65 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 65,000 Sav., Sioux F.; 1st N. Sioux C. R. E. Vnge _ _ H. F. WARNER bp and Merch. N „ St. P.; 1st & Secur. N. andl No.-West. N „ Minpls.. 259,000 25,000 W. H. McMaster__ L. N. Aaseth____ _ ¡to 320,000 E. L. L0HR............ L. A. L0HR . sonal atten tion . us. L. L. Davis_______ E. O. Fredine. __ P rincipal Correspondents . _ ___ E. A. Russell____ 37,000 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Secur. Bk. & Tri Co., Webster. 135,180 Chase N „ N. Y.; Midland N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. and Aberdeen; v(M em . Fed. R es.) 10,000 1,500 126,000 119,000 31,800 N. Bk. Com., Sioux C.; Secur. N., Watertown; Midland N., Minpls. 5,000 ^JL$po 99,500 67,670 34,000 U. S. N., Oma.; Bk. of Dallas. Dallas; Live Stock N, and N,.Bk. Com., Sioux C. F alls, H A N D L E S C O L L E C T IO N S D IR E C T O N A L L P O IN T S . IN T H E S T A T E 1216 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit Num ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally Bankers’ D irectory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers A ss'n. T own and County. N ame op Bank . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire State in No. 9 tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Hammer.__ Roberts B 16 Farmers State Bank...«^§’98 Pop.300 78-87 Harrisburg.. Lincoln G 17 Farmers Security State Bk. Pop. 250 78-741 _ t§’17 “ — < 41 Harrisburg State Bank .j § ’0l 78-550 Harrold____ Hughes D 10 First State Bank...........»tS’06 Pop. 230 78-428 78-754 » i i ’19 Hartford.Minnehaha F 16 Bank o f Hartford_____»$§’88 Pop. 648 78-218 m Savings Bank o f Hartford 78-219 «tS’Ol *Hayti_____ Hamlin D 15 First National Bank____ « ’08 Pop. 300 78-421 Hamlin County State Bank 78-420 »iS’08 Hazel______ Hamlin D 15 First State Bank....... »£§’01 Pop. 229 78-551 Hecla Brown B 13 Pop. 700 ♦ 78-292 •t§’08 “ “ First National B ank___ «t’87 78-291 President . V ICE-PRESIDENT. H. M. Fellbaum.... A. O. Johnson- — Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . H. A. D a h l............ a! f ! Dahl dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 Lia b il it ie s . 1 R esources. , P rincipal Correspondents. oans h Du- Cashk Ex* P aid- up Surplus Dbpos- L c’Tg. Bonds, ohanobs,Dub and Capital P rofits Bsouritiss fromBanks $ 15,000 $ Edgar W ardwell... John E v en son ..... A. M. Richardson^! 7,000 $ 155,000 i 125,000 $ 40,000 Merch. N., St. P.; Secur. Bk. & Tr. Cb. 15.000 2,000 92,000 81,700 W. H. Wasem i i._ . M. A. Wasem__ ¡¿It! 35.000 11,500 344,000 309,480 C. P. Swansons___ F. D. Greene_____ H. O. B ard__ ____ E. C. Grothe.— — M. Christensen C. E. Yermilyea___ S. E..Morris. ... .... 20.000 6,780 300,000 235,000 15,00 1,500 80,300 58,120 I. 0. Kingsbery___ L. A. Kingsbery__ H. C. Kingsbery... Chas. J. Mahl____ 10,000 18,000 345,000 280,000 H. V. Slerhta 25,000 5,500 576,390 387.900 25,000 10,660 194,940 152,640 10,000 12,570 207.630 180.990 25,000 5,000 230,000 183,500 25,000 15,000 350,000 400,000 25,000 25,000 450,000 390,000 25ToOO 15,000 303,000 254,C00 R. L. Atkinson___ A. 0 . Arneson____ Oln Johnson........ . J. A. Brandt Wm. Trumm_____ P. R , Phinney____ Peter Shelsta A. Melham ........ J. O. Peterson____ D. T. L ane___ O. A. Bailey J. J. Stehly.......... R. J. Roby-----------F. V. Zeller . . F. B. Gannon_____ J. H. Kissinger*— C. A. Kiss'inger___ John Yunker Henry__ .Codington D 15 Citizens State Bank___ « t i ’05 D. L. Keyes . . — Pop. 441' 78-308 •• SOUTH D A K O TA —Continued R. E. Hubbard..— L- F. Foss H U H Webster; Midland N., Minpls. 18,400 Han. N,»-N. Y.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F.; Live Stock N.,,Sioux 0* u 70.000 Cont. & OomJ N., Chi.; $ecur. N., Sioux F.; N Bk. Com., Sioux C. - 62.000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., Highmore; N Bk. Com., Pierre. 30,220 Western N.. Mitchell; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. Secur'.'N., Sioux C. 72,500 Chi. City Bk. & Tr. Co., Chi.; L ife Stock N „ Sioux C.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; Minnehaha N., Sioux F.; Western N., Mitchell. 193.150 N: Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. Secur. N., Sioux F.; 1st N „ Sioux G. ; . ; 48.910 1st N.; Watertown; 1st & Secar. N., Minpls. 41,140 N. Bk. Rep., Ohi.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. Citiz. N., Watertown. 78,000 Con.t. & Com’l N.t Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. Live Stock N., Sioux C.: Citiz. N.,Watertown 80,000 Cont. & Com'l N.. Chi. ¡1st & Secur. N., Minpls., Aberdeen N., Aberdeen: (M em . Fed. R es.) 84,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N. Aberdeen; Live Stock N.,Sioux C.; No.-West N., Minpls. 78,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Midland Ni and 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Secur. N., Watertown. 64,000 No.-West. N., Minpls.; Peo. Sav., Watertown Bk. of Brookings, Brookings. 75,000 Chase N., N, Y.; Cont, -& Com’l N „ ,Chi. Merch. N., Orna. 65,000 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Far. & Merch. State Eureka: Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Secur. Webster. 46,570 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls HENRY STATE BANK-t§1900 H. A. Sasse_______ W W Wulf.. 78-307 Hermosa Custer F 3 Hermosa State Bank___ }§ ’08 Peter Duhamel___ Frank Bender____ A. T. Hësnard Pop. 114 78-552 Herreid___ Campbell B 9 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. F. C. Brummund L. H. Damberger . . E. H. Buckenberger Pop. 414 78-324 i l ’10 20,000 4,200 260,000 183,000 12,000 10,000 150,000 85,000 10,000 1,800 92,000 45,000 State Bank of Herreid. *$§’06 S. O. O verby_____ F. W . £>chirber---- M. J. Schirber.___ 78-323 < 10,000 20,000 250,000 175,000 25.000 5,500 320,000 260,900 80,000 Ü. S .N., Orna.; No.-West; N., Minpls,¡Gregory Co. State, Fairfax. a£eav 10,000 8,000 184,000 145,000 25,000 5,000 300,000 250,000 50,000 60,000 700,000 600,000 40,000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., Brookings; Bk. of Lake Preston, Lake Preston. 110,000 Live Stock Ex. N.. Chi.; 1st N..Sioux C.; Secur. N., Sioux F.: Pierre N., Pierre; Batavian N., La Crosse, Wis. 200,000 Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Live Stock N. and Secur. N „ Sioux C. 20,000 6,260 JOHN BÖTTCHER- n C LEW IS p rom p t, personal atten tion to all business, 25e m u st accom p any p lain sight d rafts. 50c for ra ting rep or ts. SERVICE. 186,410 134.610 62.620 Stock Yds. N.. So» St. P.; Minnehaha N., Sioux F.;'Midland N., Minpls. 144,290 125,010 51,920 51,990 33,050 OhaseN.,N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.,Ohi.; IstN . and Live Stock N., Oma.; Pennington Go., Rapid City; Custer Co., Custer; 1st N., Deadwood. 29,960 Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N., Yeblen. 62,710 65,810 13,190 1st & Secur. N.,Minpls.: Ger.. Eureka. | F. W. WOODS . . . 0. E. COFFEY_____ B. J. HUIGENS T. B. SCR0GGS olicit your collec ee in advance. C e deposits. (Dep H errick.... Gregory G 11 BANK OF HERRICK-— iS 06 1 W e especiaUy s Pop. 700 x 78-326 I M in im u m 25c f ( 5% paid o n tim F. H.TERHAAR — JOS. RASTA______ FRED P. SIMONS tions. R ate o f 1% o n all sight d rafts pa id redit reports«25c. osits guaranteed by State Guarant y F upd) Hetland—Kingsbury E 15 Martha M an ch ..... F .T. Wahy Pop. 223 78-553 ‘ Highmore___ Hyde D 11 Bank of Highmore____ »$§’85 Frank Drew______ C. TI. Drnw Pop. 1000 78-143 •• »• First National Rank. _ $’05 F. D. Greene______ W. D. McDonald... C. P. Swanson____ 78-142 ( E. A. SCHENK — 1This ba nk gives HYDE COUNTY STATE BANK 1 M in im u m fee 78-144 » « ’06 (T R Y US FOR „ Hill Oity..Pennington F 2 HILL CITY BANK 78-554 - Pop. 400 « f n i C. E. McEachron.. Patrick Burns— ! . Ward B. Clarke___ D. M. Clarke__ Hillhead-.-Marshall B 14 Liberty State Bank....... »§’18 Geo. P. Anderson-. J. H. Haggerty— Pop. 60 78-749 David Rohoek HillsviewMcPherson B 10 Hillsview State Bank— §T7 G. Vorland nr ' Pop. 50 ’ 78-738 N u m ber under N am e o f B ank is the New T ra n sit N um ber fl^ven 1 9 1 7 Bank to each in U. S. exclusively, by Xlie Rand-McN»lly Bankers Federal Reserve of Louis 5 E C U R IT Y *41/ N A T IO N Ä Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n» TOWN AND COUNTY. I N ame o r B ank . E. J. Rodino........ .. V. H. Alstead____ Edward Schock___ — 10 .0 0 0 3,710 15,000 15,000 2,720 r L A R G E S T. F " a i _ i£ s S O U T H D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d Liabilities . C O M B IN E D C A P IT A L AMD S U R P L U S Accessible T o w n s, l.nwyerK, I a w s , D lre c to n , indexed in back of tins volume. For Interest Kates, Brace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. P, Vd Resources. Principal Correspondents. S E C U R IT Y N A T IO N Ä l i ^ B Ä N K N um ber under N am e o f B ank is the New T ra n sit N u m ber riven 10 17 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The E s n d - M c N s lb BanIters* Ji&l./ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers A»»’ n . T own and County. s—xCounty Seats. Entire State in No. 9 N ame of B ane . •Mem. Am. Bks. AsSn. SState Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. P resident / L A R G E S T. ____ S O U T H V ice-President . ___ D A ________ _ _ . _ _ K O T A . -----C o n t i n x i e d Cashier . A s s 't Cashier . C O M B IN E D 78-710 • ( *315 VN. D. STOVE — - GEO. GASSMAN— C. A. D R E X LE R — F. A. FORMANACK. AND S U R P L U S Surplus D epos LOAMk Dm* Cash k BxPaid- up ANOBS,Dus c*ts. •Bonds, JH AND its Capitai. Profits Bbowbmi fromBanks 1 12.000 $ 14,430 $ 400.220 $ 307,320 $ Hitchcock,___ Beadle D IS Hitchcock State Bank *311900 G. C. Fuilinweider.j James M urphy...— F. M. Jamesp____- J. fv F iliis.._____ } 78-415 Pop. 350 12,000 215.000 185,000 6,000 B. Laverty..__ . . . . R. J. Steffen______ 0 . H. Cotton--------j t v Uni 11 o l A l t DAn IV ,/ 78-416 * « ’06 34,120 28.110 5,000 , 1,610 A. S. Wemmering. Holahird— . . . Hyde D 10 Holahird State Bank_____ S’09 R. L. Nordness__ _ G. C. Nordness— J. E. Howe---------78-555 Pop. 75 63.000 85,000 8.500 5,000 Holmauist______Day 014 State Bank of HoImquist.S’07 0. J. Carlson______ G. B. Knott_______ Edwin Carlson____ 78-556 Pop, 50 235,000 10,000 290,000 15.000 Eugene Herrboldt. Hosmer___ Edmunds B 11 Hosmer State Bank____tS'02 0. Vorländer_____ Wm. K eim _______ D. M. Joachim ___ 78-557 ; Pop, 300 6,550 262,380 225,530 30,000 I. M. Humphrey— G. 0 . Smith___|-------------‘ Hot Springs—Fall River Bank of Hot Springs__ *t§’94 James Halley 78-70 Pop. 3000 G2 7,500 241,000 271,410 25,000 .. Peoples National Bank—*t'08 B. J. Glattly—— . . Geo. W. Brady— — Henry Marty !------- V. A. McLhnans__ 78-72 7,530 482,900 390,720 25,000 0. A. Stewart_____ C. P. Dalbey______ 51 UvIVmAIVd DAHIV-----•*« w * 78r71 12,000 120,000 126.000 10,000 .11_- ___ C. A. Aarnes_____ Hugh Jones---------Houghton___ Brown B 13 Bank of Houghton____ *t§’08 Otto Tunby_______ — 78-558 Pop. 200 5,680 300,000 250,000 10,000 Chris Gentemann.. G. F. O'Brian_____ M. G. DeRouchey 78-438 Pop. 209 713,210 675,290 28,580 50.000 ( W. J. JACOBSEN - C. L. OLESON......... H. M. HANSON....... J. F. PESCHONG — C. A. LAURSON ‘ Howard__...M iner F 15 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*t’S4 | COLLECTIONS presented In pe rsou and rem itte d for promptly. Pop. 1026 78-151 I For quick retur ns and satlsfactor y service TRT US . The Largest Bank 1 n Mine r Coun ty. (W E NEGOTIA TE FIRST CLAS S FARM MORT GAGES. HOW ARD NATIONAL BANK C A P IT A L Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, indexed in back of tins volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, i' etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.1 p. Principal Correspondents. "----- '— _ 25,000 2,500 250,000 220,000 114,160 37,000 V O 1*” * VO N. Bk. of Huron, Huron; 1st & Secur. N.,| Minpls. . _ ■ ont. & Com’l N .t Chi.; Redfleld N., Redfli Midland N., Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux F. 5,450 [tie. State. Minpls.: Bk. of Highmore. Hi more; Far. Home, Lily. 33,000 it & Secur. N., Minpls«; 1st State, Bristol; 1 & Merch. N., Webster. CO o ¡ont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. — Minpls.; ist N. and Aberdeen N.. Aberdeen; C Ger.. Eureka. 74,200 Ian. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Oom’l N., Chi.; C » N., Oma. Ü 33,000 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; Merch. N., Oma. > * 121,560 Chase N., N. Y.; U. S. N.. Oma. 70,000 o 22,000 Cont. & Oom’l N., Oh!.; 1st Secur. N > Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen: Bk of Cd Brookings, Brookings. 85,000 No.-West. N., Minpls.; StockyardsN., So. St.P.; > 1st N., Sioux C. 114,850 Oont. & Oom’l N „ Ohi.; No.-West. N „ Minpls. * CO z \ 8l-W 45.000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., St. P. and Madison, o cr o oo 1The personal se rvlce bank. his vici nlty. j A progressive B ank thoroughly e quipped to handl e your items and collectl ons in t ' t h e n e w b a n K WILL NATUR ALLY GIVE THE MOST EFFICIE NT SE RVICE. pv* r+ O 110,000 Oont. & Com’l N., Ohi.: Sioux F. N.. Sioux F.; « 1st N.. Sioux C.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. c ► n 224,950 N. City and Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk, Com., Sioux C. B. E. Adkins______ J. B. Adkins______ Olaf Stakke______ Leo Schroeder 50,000 29,700 700,000 630,000 Hudson------- Lincoln G 17 FIRST NATIONAL BANK*i’04 James F. Toy— — H. A. Stoltenberg- S. F. Hoffman.—— R. G. Eilers___ ___ 78-343 Pop. 525 .. ^ | / Hudson State Bank.__ *t5’92 J. B. Bradley_____ P. H. HalL.__ Arthur Chambers.! Bessie A sper_____ 78-342 30,000 30,730 679,980 545,750 25,000 18,000 420,000 860,000 100,000 Cont.& Cem’lN .,C hi.; Livestock N. and 1st N., Sioux C.j Secur. N., Sioux Falls. 25,006 11,980 449,880 292,870 20,000 15,000 F E. JOHNSON___ E. J. SWING______ ompt Service. C ollectlons given p rompt and perso nal atte ntlon. W rite us. emitted for on da te of payment. 420,000 275,000 145,620 Live Stock Ex. N., Ohi.: Com’l &' Savs. and Sioux F. N., Sioux F.; Midland N. and Bkrs. N., Minpls. Cont. & Com'l N., Ohi.; Dakota Tr. & Sav. 130,000 and Sioux F. Sav., Sionx F. 25,000 23,000 400,00« 320,001 25,00« 16,04« 608,02« 391,46«)| 252,05« Drov. N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Ohi.; Sionx F N. and Secur. N.. Sionx F.: Secur. N.. Sionx 0. ——— 78-152 H um boldt.... Minnehaha FARMERS BANK.------ -•ti es ,C. V. Sankot — 78-278 Pop. 600 F 16 Ml IIAHCPAP p •• STATE BANK OF HUMBOLDT j 78-277 *tf’01 The Bank o f Pr ( All collections r S. D. Maloney .1 __ p r H. Wheeler — A. S. Tritz.___ _— ft K fiRDTH TCH Al l CM- •>■•••• t 1 Al 1FN L C ALLEN j/ D 1U L1L IrTTCttll J.'C; GILBERT ' " " Hurley______Turner G 16 BANK OF HURLEY — -»iS’92 ) 15c m ust be sen t with all sight c rafts and 78-272 125c with reques ts for credit ratin gs, provided servi ce is desired. T ; v T. . T . “ TURNER COUNTY BANK„io9 F. E. Jackson—— John J. Lease____ E. O. Rondell_____ E. G. Breen ------ 122,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Ohi.; 1st N., Sioux 0 . and St. P.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. S E C U R ITY N A TIO N AL BANK, Sioux Falls— S o u t h D a k o t a ’s L ead in g B a n k Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he K and-M cN aily Bankers’ Directory, under th e au th ority of T he American- Bankers Ass’ n , Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. SOUTH DA KOTA—Continued R esources, Lia b il it ie s . N ame of Bank . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State «County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 *Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPrir. Mem. Fed.; Res. [Estab. Federal Reserve District; P resident . V ick-Pkesident . As s ' t Cashier . Cashier . Su rplu s P a id - u p AND Ca p it a l P r o f it s D epo s it s P rincipal Correspondents . 1218 1218 Loams ft Dis- Gash ft KxBonds, oha iron,Dot Bm v b it is s fxom B anks c’rs. $ 50,000 $ 19,980 $ 900,000 $ 890,000 $ 173,090 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N „ Chi.; No.-West N „ % a- SPRATT-— - SAMUEL BIRKS - — E. B. B L A K E - - - - - Minpls.; Sioux F. N „ Sioux F. «Huron______Beadle E 13 CITY NATIONAL BANK_»*’07 Save tim e and g et service on Coll ection s an d Credi t R eports by send ing B Y US. Reports, 5 0 c . T CE: Plain sight d ra fts, 1 5 c ; Credit [ FEE IN AD V AN Pop r8000 78-41 38,000 Merch Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Secur, N., Sioux C 700 140,000 148,000 50,000 Of Lunschen. Perry S. Dalquest. Farmers & Merchants Bank ; W. L. Mali. J;, H. Elwell g 78-43 +§’18 b W. CAMPBELL— - J . McB- CAM PBELL- J . L. TOMLINSON— T. H. CAMPBELL 1* * i’82 60,000 18,770 1,397,000 1,154,700 303,860 Chase N .,N . Y.: Cònt. & Com’I N „ Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux C.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 50,000 35,000 900,000 800,000 120.0C0 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont.&Oom’l N., Chi.; lst& Secur. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P. and Sioux C.; Secur. N., Sioux F. Atlantic N., N. Y.; James Valley, Huron. 135,950 137,740 23,980 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. P.; Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Secur. Sav., Rapid City. 198,990 Cont. & Com’I N.. Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls. Aberdeen N.. Aberdeen. __> 175,160 Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.: 1st. & Secur. N „ Minpls. Aberdeen N., Aberdeen; Live ,Stock N. Sioux C. . 113.490 Drov. N., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux F.; 1st N. Sioùx C.; Nokomis State, Minpls. .. 61,000 Knauth, Nachod & Kühne, N. Y.; 1st N. and liv e Stock Ex. N., Ohi.; No.-WèstrN.,Minpls.; Secur. N. and Live Stock N.., Sioux C.; Sioux F. N., Sioux F. 101,790 Cont. & Com’I N.. Chi.; Bk. o f Brookings, Brookings; Merch. N., St. P.; Peo. Sav Watertown. C. H. B0NESTEEL- C. C. SMITH B. W. LL0YI- Camden Rayburn. 100,000 Richards TrnsfrCo.7.-----*§’87 R. O. Richards___ G. D. Richards___ W. S. Davis, Sec. and Tr. 78-38 Interior____Jackson F 6 State Bank o f Interior.*${’08 J. C. Rounds— 78-559 Pop. 150 «Ipswich... Edmunds C ll BANK OF IPSWICH— ¿*S*34 M. P. Beebe.— 78-180 Pop. 810 First State Bank.;_____«*{’01 Dean HurlbuiL. rroA 78-181 CITIZENS STATE B K .-**{’05 E. O. Lokken.. 78-412 E. D. Skillman. State Bank o f Irene___ •*§’ 78-411 O. E. Snodgrass__ H. C. Snodgrass__ L. M« Headlee-__ 15.000 11,500 W. K. Beebe--------- D. F. James —— H. E. Beebe C. H. Rebrud------- Q. W. Hutchinson. 25.000 132,770 839,480 733.910 15.000 16,670 505,250 357,190 550,580 460,170 396.000 389,000 671.250 664,550 A. O. Saugstad------ H.G. Galland___ 0 . O. L ok k en ...__ 32.000 Jacob Schaetzel, Jr. Roy J. Skillman. M. E. Skillman Ida Larson.— . — 40.000 ALIC E FLIT T IE — 60,000 6. M. BYSTE C .T .L ID D L E - Iroquois .Kings bury E 14 FARMERS & MERCHANTS Pop. 700 a i BANK— 78-245------ **{*84 3,000 324.000 244,000 15,000 3,510 178,020 146,860 15.000 1,000 135.000 100,000 15.000 2,000 250.000 195.000 15.000 16,000 300.000 188,650 7,500 22,500 180.000 107.000 65.000 Aberdeen N. and Dakota N., Aberdeen; 1st & Secur, N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 128,000 Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.: No.-West. N., Minpls. 1st N.. Aberdeen; Secur. N.. Sioux F. 93.000 Lin. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Sioux C. R. N. Authier____ R. A. Gilmore— 10.000 12,000 280,000 185.000 105,000 Cont. & Com’I N „ Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux C W .M. Sheehan___ J. R. Larson___ 20,000 11,000 85,000 105.000 N. H. Gutteboe. 5,000 8,030 151.610 129,970 19.000 Gregory Co. State, Fairfax; Live Stock N. Sioux C. — 30,470 Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.; Lake Co. N., Madison P. Spiry . . . ------— C. F. Spiry --------- P. H. Spiry.______ F. B. Gannon..___ W. C. Hicks E. T. Kearney___ R. J. Animer.—__ Laurence Authier F. L. McCullough.. John W. Wadden. Thos. A. Wadden. W. R. Melvin_____ F. W. Schultz____ MA l_ B A N K .- New T ra n sit N u m ber give n *1 0 1 ri to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tlie Band-McNally Bankers* l Z i y Directory, under th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. . . . Jacob Helm. SOUTH S.QÜX D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d 35.000 Stockyards N., So. St, P.: 1st N „ Aberdeen. H A N D LES July,^919 th e H. N. Johnson____ P. N. Johnson____ W. H. Blackstone. E. Simmons_____ E. E. Halstead___ 109,000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; .Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Sioux F , Sav., Sioux F.; 1st & Secur. N. Minpls. ? 53,840 StockyardsN.,So.St.E.i Citiz.State, Mohridge 1st &. Secur N., Minpls. • 25,000 E. O. Casperson___ L. F. Altflllisch___ D. F. Wilmarth. Isabel___;____ Dewey C 7 Citizens State Bank. . •*§’09 M. E. W ilson_____ A. L. Blakeley____ S. J. Wandvik____ P. E. Smith—— A. A. Browne . 78-526 PÖP. 400 ; N am e or Baule is 14300 S-.,DFi i TRTR,.VGf0N Special àtten tio n given cash item s and collections, IP rom pt atten ti on given to all slg h t drafts sent us for collection . .F irst Farm M or tgages for conser vative investors. W BITE US. IROQUOIS STATE BK. >*{*04 A. Johnson______ 78-246 S Dewey County Bank.. ...§10 78-350 , Java.— '—Walworth C 10 American State Bank. .•*{’06 78-284 Pop. 473 First State Bank__ ! . . .•*{’03 78-283 Jefferson..__ Union H 17 Bank of Jefferson____ . „ { ’91 . Pop. 500 , FIRST STATE BANK- -* § ’11 78-339 Jordan—l: . — Tripp G 10 Jordan State Bank— d -•*{*10 78-560 Pop. 100 Junius;___— .Lake F 15 State Bank of Junius . ..• {’07 78-561 Por*. 50 for FRASER 1st & Secur. N.f M inp ls.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. C olle ctio n s ha v e th e personal a tten tiou o f a n o fflcer o f this ba n k . Bend us y o u r h usLness. W e rem it o n d a y o f p a y m eh t. G. C. Fullinweider. W. N. Farmer. II. C. Shober National Bank o f Huron.»*'£ . 78-39 n Digitized Federal Reserve BankNof St. Louis um ber under 319,180 N. City, N. Y .; C ont. & C om ’ I N., C hi.; Oldest Bank in Central South Dakota. Collections a Specialty and Remitted on Day of Pay ment. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. R. E. CONE- JAMES VALLEY BANK-«*{’02 78-40 „ Irene___ _- Clay G 15 1 - . Pop. 500 24,130 1,256,200 1,101,390 65,000 BANK 78-37' G. 0. MARTIN SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Huròn to Junius FIRST NATIONAL C O L L E C T IO N S D IR E C T Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back oi this volume. Bor Interest Bates« Grace,!'“ 4 etc*« see page 14. For H olidays; see opposite page 13.\r . PvGfmunFQ *1 0 1 fi 141 y Dïew---Transit Number Number under Name o f Bank — the ,---------— - —---- r-given T, to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-SfcNally Bankers Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erlcun Bankers Ass’ tt.- Name of Ban e . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState «County Seats. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Entire State in No. 9 [Estati. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. P resident . «Kadoka____ Jackson F 6 Farmers State Bank__ < § ’12 J. H. Snyder. 78-579 Pop. 325 " _____ __ “ Jackson County Bank I .J y lr A. G. Hill________ i ft 78 -73 7__ l i t SOUTH V ice -President . Kingsburg— Bon Homme Pop. 60 H 14 Kranzburg___Codington Pop. 150 D 16 I Lake City—Marshall B 14 Pop. 50 Lake Norden.Hamlin D15 Pop. 350 Lake Preston.Kingsbury Pop. 1200 E 15 Langford—Marshall B 14 Pop. 463 Lead. ____ Lawrence E 2 Pop. 9763 Lebanon..___ Potter D 10 Pop. 400 LiiABILITIES P a id - u p Su r p l u s D b p o s and ITS Ca p it a l P r o f it s 5,600 6.500, 180,000 00,000 E. B. Serr—----- . . . W, J. Benn_______i 15,000 25,000 3,000 19,090 275,000 210,003 287,090 collected, redit R eports 25e o n C attle Loans. James Halley. J r.. 10,000 2,600 52,410 45,150 F. A. W right. . . — 20,000 5,000 230,000 205.000 V. F. Honda______ 20,000 10,100 379,000 269,090 P. L . STOCKSTAD — A. F. FREELOVE— 237,810 J. R. McClenahan. Marie E. Haion— 25,000 10,000 565,000 457.000 E. B. Lom bard___ W. F.. Lumbard — C. H. C oxe.. Florence G.Pulse. 25,000 16,160 582.440 449,620 E. J. Dawes._____ Louis Koenig-------- T. C. P ie r .._ Sanford Ratzlaff. . 10,000 5,000 268.000 193.000 10.000 1,890 124,830 100.650 225,930 S. A. Kuhle--------- John Stricherz — S. A. K u hle______ A. B. Turbak — 5.000 13,380 249,610 15.000 450 50,000 25.000 25,000 2,000 400,000 325.000 Chas. T. Kyte------ F. H. Johnson____ G. H. Patrick------- . B. C. Nash.............. 20,000 25,000 351,820 302,750 Geo. F. Anderson.. Aaron Anderson— Ë. J. Rodine-------- . Tollef Brudas-------- 10,000 4,000 75,000 60.000 Á. B. Scott___ _— G. T. Bogstie—— . R. H. Raschke — D. F. S cott__ — E. C. Anderson P. E. B lom . ___ _ . M. L Estensen-----Geo. W. Cobel.—— O. O, Olson— G. A. Tennis M. Langue..-------- . G. J, Dahl R. B. Mills' — J. H. Lloyd . „ . Glenn E. Look T. W. Mills 35,000 31,990 395,050 459,820 H. C. Englund____ Wesley Swenson „ C, C. Smith_____ John J. ExOn A. O. Steensland. Geo. J. Schafer— R. M. Larsen-------— John S. Skvaril ... 0 . L. Steensland . . 48.000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P.; Am. State, Yankton; Live Stock N., Sioux C. Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 1st Tr. & Say,, Sioux 25.000 C.; Secar. Sav.; Rabid City. N. Bk. Rep.. 0b.iì: Live Stòck Jiff Sioux 0 » 1st 45,P00 N., Broókings; Midland Ntf Mftipls. ™ ' Live 8tockN., Sioux C.;Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 57.000 36,840 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y .; Midland N., Minpls.; Minnehaha N., Sioux F. 19.860 N. City, N .Y .; Neb. N.. Orna.; 1st N „ Rapid City. 45.000 Chase N., N. Y.: No.-West. N. and 1st & Secur N., Minpls. ! * 133,010 Han. N ..N . Y.; Drov. State, So. St. P.; Sioux ■F. Sav., Sioux F.-; Com’l Sav., Mitchell Live Stòck N., Sioux C, 60.000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Stock Yds. N.,’ So. St P.: Western N.^ Mitchell. . . 165,950 Irving N.i N. Y ,; Cont. & Gom’l N; Chi.; No. West. N., Minpls.; Mitchell N., Mitchell. 81,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; , Sioux FISav., Sioux F, 30.860 Cont. & Com’ l N., Chi.; Secur. N. and State Bk. & Tr. Co., Watertown; No.-West. N;, Minpls. ; Dakota T r. & Sav., Sioux F.1 34,020 1st N., Milbank; 1st & Secar. IT.. Minpls. . 36.000 Secur. N., Sioux C.; Mitchell N., Mitchell; 1st N „ Yankton. 85.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Secur. N. and Sioux F. N., Sioux F.; 1st N*. Siòux City and Beresförd; 1st Ln. & Tr. Co., Yankton. 63,100 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Secür. N. and Live Stock N., Sioüx C.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. 20.000 Merch. N., St. P.; 1st N., Veblen: N. Bk. Com., Sioux C. 42,210 No.-West. N., Minpls.; Sécur. N., Sioux F. 39,350 1st N., Brookings and Watertown. v 610 183,500 158,570 18,380 552,840 408,960 165,160 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi. 1st N., Brookings; Securi N., Sioux F. 25,000 4,330 177,930 142,490 25,000 18,000 449,000 295.000 15.000 7,530 346,960 250.650 15,000 10,960 160,750 136,470 15,000 5,000 350,000 226.000 20,650 452,860 376,410 25,000 32,00k - 10,200 50,000 23,000i 10,000i 10,000I S EC U R ITY N A TIO N AL BANK, Sioux F a l l s , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Principal Correspondents. Cash k Exchanoes,Dub from Barks £ i H. C. Stevens - - — F. W. Stevens------ B. Lewis--------------- Jacob Johnson . . . 0. A. Alseth------- . A. C. Johnson____ Earl Flanagan ___ First National Bank------<'84 H. I. Olston---------- W. M. Look_____ E. C. Olston____ 78-153 Citizens State Bank____ t§’05 Walter McCurdy— F. McCurdy_____ Henry M. Olson.. . P. G. Smith............ 78-402 E. W. Dow ning... R. C. Greer — — . A. M. Endahr......... Farmers State Bank___ < § ’03 Elbert A. Read 78-401 COMMERCIAL STATE BANK J. C. Bassett______ P. H. Gilbert____ F. R. Harding .... . P. E. Wallman____ 78-289 < § ’88 Langford State Bank—-»$§’03 A. J. Anderson___ S. J. Ogreh—------ G. A. Lindauist—. 1 H. C. Nelson______ 78-290 P. A. Gushurst___ J. W. Freeman__ R. H. Driscoll . . . . J. E. Corcoran____ FIRST NATIONAL BANK R. E. Driscoll, A . i !. Mason Tyler 78-19 <79 Miners & Merch.Sav. Bank W. Bertolero____ _ C. P. Pinsonnault. V. A. Lussier___ . J. A. Bertolero— Chambers Kellar 78-20 < § ’03 1. J. McGinity__ . M. E. McGinity___ Citizens State Bank . . —.•§'10 Daniel Carroll. ___ J. J. Sell 78-352 Lebanon State Bank— î§ ’02 M. J . Hughes_____ J olia Campbell___ R. A. Jackson — . C. R. Jackson__ __ 78-351 FARMERS ) » T I 0 « « l B « U L ane...____ Jerauld E 13 Pop. 350 A s s ’t Cashier . H. W. Hinrichs----- W. B. Dyer— — Labolt_______Grant C 16 First State Bank_______ t§’08 F. B. Roberts------78-565 ■ Pop. 200 Lake Andes.Charles Mix County Seat State Banki§’03 Jas. H. E xon-------‘ : 78-642 Pop. 950 G 12 Lakeside State Bank—.< § ’04 S. O. Steensland— 78-174 Valley State B ank--------t§’04 78-175 First State Bank---------- tS’12 78-665 First National Bank— < ’09 78-588 Security State Bank— «*§’17 78-731 Bank of Lake Preston. »$§‘91 78-154 Cashier . 190.000 Fred H. Sears____ J. E. Broekelsby — E. M. Osburn-------- $ 12,500 $ 10,000 $ 225,000 $ R. E. Milliken 20,000 2,500 124,000 145.000 H. E. Haulman__ r O. E. Stuart______ G. A. Stuart— Kaylor..Hutchinson Q 14 Kaylor 8tate_B ai^-—-< 8 ’10 Emanuel Eberhard. J. M. Stevens___ v 78-362 Pop. 200 Kennebec___ Lyman F 10 Commercial State Bank.ti'10 T. F. McGuigan— V. A. McGuigan__ 78-419 Pop. 475 ( A. L. FR EEL0 V E— F . B. CARTER— — Send us your co Uections. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ^'07 J R ate X o f 1 % - 25c m in im u m i f 115c for presenta tion if unpaid. C 78-418 ( Conservative In vestors, write us Keystone.Pennineton F 2 Keystone B a n k .....----- §1900 James Halley------- J. J. McNamara__ Pop, 500 ! 78-563 Kidder__ ..Marshall B 14¡Kidder 8tate Bank— .„ • § ’05 0. E. Castle— . — John P ow ers-------Pop. 125 78-564 Kimball— ___ Brule F 12 Kimball Com’l & Sav. Bank H. 4-Schoenberger Fred Griswold . . . . Pop. 1000 I 78-198 «tS’18 Kimball State Bank— < § ’92 78-197 Lombard State Bank ..•t§’82 78-196 Bank o f Kingsbure----- 1§’14 78-697 Farmers State Bank-----ÎS’12 78-663 Accessible T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back oi this volume. For Interest Rates« Orace«\*~* etc*« see page 14. For H olidays; see opposite page 13.\p. D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d 382,370 283,900 .2,5001 150,000 120,000 43,440 Midland N.. Minpls.; 1st N „ Madison; Dakota Tr. & Sav., Sioux F.‘ r 94.630 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N.,Miunls. Bk. of Brookings, BrookingS: 1st N ., St. P . , 121,020 Cont, & Com’l N;, Chi.: 1st N., Mitchell; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 42,040 N. Bk. Com., Sioux C.; Ist N., Shenandoah. Ia.; Mitchell Ni, Mitchell. 102,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st & Secar. N., Minpls. Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. 100,550 Chase N .,N . Yi; No.-West. N.. Minpls.; 1st N. Aberdeen: Sioux F. Sav,. Sioux F. 407,000 Columbia Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N „ Chi., and Oma.: 1st & Secur. N.. Minpls. 119.630 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; U. S.N. Oma.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. 30.000 N. City, Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 230.000 162,200 72.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Potter Co., Gettysburg 226,0001 1,983,000 1,852,000 3,100 2,5001 L A R G E S T C O M B IN E D C A P IT A L AND S U R P L U S OF ANY B AN K IN SO U TH D AKO TA. . Name of Bank . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ¿County Seats. Entire State in No, 9 tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. Mem. Fed. Res. P resident . Accessible^ Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued V ICE-PRESIDENT. A s s ’ t Cashier . Cashier . Resources. Liabilities . oans&Dis- Cash&ExPaid-up Surplus Depos- L c’T8. Bonds, Capital Profits ITS Securities TROMBanks Principal correspondents. $ 25.000 $ 24,900 $ 513,780 $ 412,850 $ 154,680 Chase N., N. Y.: N. City, Chi.: 1st & Secur. L Minpls.; Aherdeen-N., Aberdeen. Lemmon____ Perkins B 5 First National Bank___, < ’08 O. D. Smith___ . . . . T. C. Sherman____ A. J. Behrmann . . . 78-106 Pop. 1200. 8,500 342,120 219,840 72,590 Gont.&Com’IN.,Chi.;Stock Yds^N., So. St.P.; Aberdeen N.,Aberdeen;No.-West.N., Minpls. 10,000 4,000 165,000 120,000 35,000 N. City, N. Y.; Dakota N.. Aberdeen: Capital N.. St. P. . Lennox____Lincoln G 16 Exchange B an k...____ < § ’83 A. B. Jacobs...___ Louis Jacobs_____ Henry Jacobs_____ J. H. Bultena 78-192 Pop. 1000 LEN N O X STATE BANK -« '0 3 N. Smith________ W. H. Wumkes___ Simon Smith._____ J. J. Steaner____ 78-193 25,000 7,000 610,000 430,000 213,000 Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F.: No.-West. N „ Minpls.; 1st N., Sionx C. 20,000 15,000 350,000 300,000 75,000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Secur. N „ Sioux C. . T. PARKHURST — L. J . T U R N ER -,— - 25,000 15,000 340,000 200,000 80,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen: Stock Yds. N.. So. St. P. 20,000 10,000 350,000 200,000 115,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; 1st N.. Aberdeen. 30,000 3,000 10,000 17,000 390,000 339,000 30,000 7,500 625,000 460,000 16,760 276,620 301,440 42,430 Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; Mitchell N,, Mitchell. <§'07 W. E. Briggs— — C. A. Bennett..__— R. M. W atson____ Lemmon State Bank—.< § ’08 C. C. Siderius.____ P. C. Lippmann . . . Ilarry Rjis 78-107 »Leola— McPherson B 12 BANK OF LEOLA———-t5'84 78-279 Pop. 600 io n b a : —— u service—the k in d that brings res ults. First State Bank..____ $5'06 J. J. Hepperle____ J. E. Reagan--------- G. J. K eim _______ A. W. G iedt_____ 78-280 LesterviUe.Yankton G 16 Farmers State Bank—. . . § ’19 John P. Weber___ Frank Hlavac . . . . . J. A. Pekas— . 78-755 Pop. 279 Lesterville State Bank.<§'94 78-567 Letcher..__ Sanborn F 13 Citizens Bank—.'_______ t i ’06 78-345 Pop. 500 First National Bank___ *$’02 78-344 Lily__________ Day 0 14 Bank o f Lily_________ « i l ’01 78-568 Pop. 225 J. T. Janda___ _— Jos. Y. W agner__ Thomas J. Wagner Julius F. Zastera— Joseph Dodd__ W. A. Anderson___ O. B. W allace... Wm. E. Ryan-------- 25,000 126,000 1st N-< Chi.; Western N., Mitchell. Oliver Larson-------- 10,000 3,000 190,350 136,350 FARM ERS HOME BANK<5’13 O. A. Fossum_____ R. L. Nordness___ A. 0 . Iverson....... . 10,000 4,000 150,000 125,000 50,000 lst& Secar. N., Minpls.; Bk. of Lake Preston, Lake Preston; 1st N „ St. P.; Citiz. Tr. & Sav.. Aberdeen. 30.000 Met. N.,Minpls.; Secur.Bk. & Tr. Co.,Webster, 28,180 Live Stock Ex. N „ Chi.; Mitchell N., Mitchell. P. H. Larson__ L. Larson. L. L. Nordness 78-667 Loomis____ Davison F 13 Pop. 100 Lowry___Walworth C 10 Pop. 100 Loyalton— Edmunds C 11 Pop. 75 Lucas-____ Gregory G 11 Pop. 35 S. E. M orris._____ W . O. Botkin_____ C. L. Keener — Corn Belt N., Scotland; Dakota N., Yankton; N o . - West: N., Minpls.; N. Bank Com., Sioux C. 78,000 Cont. & Com’i N „ Chi.; Live Stock N „ Sioux C. Loomis State Bank___ —$§’05 ^78-569 Security State Bank__’.$§’ 17 78-570 FirstState Bank______ < § ’16 78-723 Lucas State Bank_____ <§'07 78-572 10,720 139,110 112,310 1,600 80,000 7l00O 25,000 1st N „ Brookings; N, Bk. Cbm., Sioux C. D. B. W ilson____ _ Guy W ilson...____ C. C. Adams_____ - Paul C om bs___ _— 15.000 2,100 100,410 05,870 L. S. Lillibridge__ O. Egeland_______ F, C. |frookmgs__ J. W. Jury --- ----- - 5,000 2,200 67,000 23,050 Cont. & Com j N.,Chi.;lst & Secur. N., Minpls.; Secur. N.. Sioux C. 13,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.; 1st N., Orna. 8,000 4,000 101,220 86,070 50,000 7,500 261,850 238,810 O.O. Olson—. __ _ G. W. C obel-— C. L aw ton.... . . — M. Lawton---------- ^ Lyons.—Minnehaha F 16 Farmers State Bank___ $§’06 R. T. Sundal______ O. J. Stordahl____ Allen Hildahl..___Jj 78-573 Pop. 100 »Madison_____ Lake F 15 Dakota State B an k .... < § ’12 Guy E. Mitchell— K. V. Mitchell— 78-660 Pop. 4500 C. E. O LS TAD -ii— 78-61 < ’91 Sioux C.; Secur. N., . N., N. Y .; 1st N., C h i.; 1st & 97,470 Chem Secur. N. and M idland N., M in p ls.; Live Stock N. and S ecurity N., Sioux C. J. W. WADDEN-------- T. A. WADDEN-------- MARTIN F . BERTHER A. C. LEV EE — H. A. HUXFORD C. J . PORTER 75,000 15,970 817,000 775,000 170,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: 1st & Secar. N., Minpls.; Sioux F. N., Sioux F.: 1st N., Sioux C. W. O . Gienapp___ G. L. Scully — 30,000 1,500 151,000 149,500 32,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Ohi,; Com’l & Sav., Sioux F.; No.-West. N., Minpls. Security State Bank—.< § ’01 C. A. Stensland— 78-60 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 49,580 N. City, OhL; 1st N „ Sioux E. 46,570 1,039,020 1.089,690 E. E. 0LSIAU Send us your business. Prompt service. Reasonable charges. < ’84 LA K E COUNTY NAT’L BANK M. H. C0LGR0YE—— WM. ROHRER . 22,280 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Minnehaha N. and Dakota Tr. & Sav., Sioux E. 60,000 FIRST NAT’L BANK 78-59 W. E. DAN IELS-— H, W. M itc h e ll-.. 46,000 Accessible T ow n s, lA W y e r s , b sw s, __________July, 1919 10,000 15,000 W . M. Smith..__ _ Ö. A. Davison_____ O. B. Wells_______ SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Lemmon to Madison 25,000 First State Bank— 78-105 1220 1220 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of The Am erican Bankers Ass’ ri. . dexed in. back of this volume. For Interest Rates, OT&ce«. etc., see page 14. \ For Holidays, see opposite page ti» « 001 1221 'N om b ern n d er Name o f Bank is the New TrjnsItN um ber fiven to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The B and-M cN ally Bankers Directory, under th e au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass n. 1st N „ Abèrdeen^lst & Secur. N., Minpls, A. Brooks u G. Klyn9 M arcos______Meade D 5 First State Bank o f White Owl_____ 78-576_____ t l ’10 Pop. 20 '. F. R e ic h -iii..— D. R. MuipKiy -.i— N. City, Chi.; Stock Yds. N1 ., SO. St. P.; 1st N., Rapid City.: N. Bk. Com., Pierre.,, . Mansfield___ .Spink C 12 Mansfield State B a n k l4 l'0 3 78-575 Pop. 200 Emil J. Gräber___ 10.000 15,300 315.000 WM. JAMMER, SR. - H. F. KOCK------N.K0CK A. KAUFMAN-------- 15,000 10,000 200.000 15.000 900 Live Stock Ex. N ,Chi.;Live Stock N., Sioux C 24,130 Stock Yds. N .,So.St«P ,; Secur. Bk.& Tr. Co, Webster; Liberty State, Minpls. 32,880 Oont. & ComT N.. Chi.; 1st & 'Secur. N. Minpls.: 1st N.. Lemmon. 40.000 Aberdeen N., Aberdeen; 1st N.. St. P^ Mid landNii Minpls.: Drov. State, So. St. P. 53.000 DakotaN., Aberdeen; 1st&Secur.N.,Minpls. Bk, of Ipswich,. Ipswich; 1st, N., Huron L+. " W. F. JAMMER-— N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Sioux Ó.r Sioux F, Sav./Sioux F.; No.-West, N., Minpls. Live Stock Ex. N „ Chi.: Live Stock N „ Slow G,; Sioux F. N. and Secur. N., Sioux F . J. C. Thomas—___ J. J. Smith . . . . . '• H. C. Cottier — c ~ R. K. Millikeu . . . . ' 6.300 128,170 115.910 25.000 5,940 250,850 273.910 W. J. Carroll— — S. C, Lochrie——— J. W. Anderson — 15.000 LOOP 156,000 ' 115,000 C, G. Le Hew.— .. 10.000 8.300 167.000 123.000 R. R. Hartung.— . 10,000 3.000 160.000 110.000 L N. Bubert-------- 10,000 3,100 95.000 80,000 C. S. Hoekstra----- 10,000 6,020 94,100 91,240 15.000 2.500 17,880 26,090 10.000 12.000 235.000 150.000 450.000 250.000 950.000 700.000 475,01» 335,000 10,000 Martha Jungmann. 35.000 12,000 E. W. Aisenbrey - 25.000 2.500 F. J. Rittershaus 3 R. H. Seydel ------A. Guenthner 25.000 10,000 100.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux O, No.-West. N., Minpls.:Aberdeeh N „ Aberd r 250.000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.: 1st & Secur. N. and No West. N., Minpls.; 1st N„, Sioux C. 300.000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.: Secur. N., Sioux F. an Sioux C.; No.-West. N., Minpls, 27,500 Midland N,, Minpls. 'Ö A. Guenthner------ E. W. Aisenbrey - -'**X A. I. Tollefson___ 18,000 ! Y. M. Carter-------- C George P. Cady— 40.000 Aberdeen N., Aberdeen: Stock Yds. N., Sc St P. 17,800 1st State, Lemmon; No.-West. N., Minpls. Capital N., St. P. „ 18,200 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Sioux O.; Bk. of Dixoi Co., Ponca. fa x „ T . / 4,550 Midland N „ Minpls.; Sechr. N., Watertown. T H. À. Burleson— J McLaughlin State Bank*i§’09 C. H. Hartung------ H. B. Hariungi-ï 78-395 Meadow____ Perkins 0 5 Meadow State Bank------ 1§'08 C. A. Bennett------ L. C. Peck------78-450 Pop. 60 Meckling_____ Olay H 16 Bank o f M eckling...-----tS’08 E. E. Halstead____ H. G. Taylor—_.— 78-578 Pop. 100 Melham____ ..Clark D 14 State Bank o f M élham „t§’18 H. P. Andrisen— Geo. K. B urt_____ 78-745 , Pop. 25 Mellette_____ Spink 0 12 Farmers State Bank—-*$i’05 H. Cady . . . . — — 78-286 Pop. 550 State Bank o f M ellette..«tl’93 R. H. McCaughey— M. M. McCaughey. 78-285 Adolph Frasch------ Albert Jungmann. Menno..Hutchinson G 15 Exchange State Bank..«t§ 78-225 Pop. 1000 First Nationalllank.— —’19 D. M. Kost —......... W. F. Maisch-------* 78-746 Menno State Bank.------tS'01 J. W. Ulmer.— —. J. W. Ulmer, Jr.— 78-226 • 10.000 •r C. H. Matte^oii-ifii S. W. Mattè'son— M. Konstant — K. A. Ramsey T. O. Sherman.___ G. H. Belknapp— E. J. Morris.___ I. II. Snyder — »Martini.__ Bennett G 6 Bennett County B a n k ...§19 „ .78-760 v Pop. 150 Marvin.— — Grant 016 Marvin State Bank..-_.«tS’10 Enoch Lindquist S 78-577 Pop. 150 »McIntosh___ Corson B 7 First National Bank— «t'08 C. D. Smith——— . 78-833 Pop. 600 Security State Bank — -S’16 John F. Sinclair... 78-715 . t McLaughlin..Gorson B 8 First State Bank—.— » t l ’10 . 0 . Van Nice-----78-806 Pop. 500 ' Send us your C ollections direc t. P rom p t and pe rsonal atten tion . T o u r Cash ite m s soUelted. FARM M O R T GAGE LOANS N EGOTIATED. 145.000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Live Stock N.,Sioux C 1st & Secur. N,, Minpls.; Sioux F.N., Sioux I I. . • 56,060 Han. N.. N. Y.; Live Stock Ex. . N „, Chi 249,060 5,970 311,360 25.000 > L. FERGUSON — Sioux F, N., SiouxF.; Live Stock N., Sioux ( ( W. L. P IE R -— — THOS. JONES - - — - H. E. YOUNG—,—. P L Jolleetions. j P rom pt Person al atten tion given Cash Ite m s and 25c for R atings, Midland____ Haakon E 7 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-»PM ] 15c m u sta cco m pany Sight Drafts fo r presentation rd. S ta m fo yes, and eld. Ha Grandfl 78-436 Pop. 210 ( Direct collectlo n facilities on H a n ils , O t t u m w a , 1 eslle, MoenvUle, 34,590 1st N. and 1st Tr. & Sav,.Sioux C.; Secur, N 6,560 186.520 164,680 10.000 Enoch M cK a y -—Theo. WiprudH. G. Taggart-------Sioux F.; 1st N.iRapid C, Midland State Bank. •tl'08 J. F. McGuire— L. A. Munson 78-437 49,180 Aberdeen N., Aberdeen; Secur. N., Sioux F 166,380 194,950 4,740 25,000 Rose M. Scholtes— P. L. Gannon. . . — P eo„ St. P.; Secur. Bk. & Tr. Co., Webste »Milbank_____Grant 0 16 Bank of Commerce------- S’16 J. C. Gannon.------ C. J. Tice___ -,-----L. Schnabel ■ 78-720 Pop. 2200 Oont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; 1st & Secur. N.,Minpls 112,890 857,020 834.520 27,400 50.000 G.C.M1DBLEBR0OK Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Stock Yds. N.. S F . B. ROBERTS St. P .‘ FIRST NATIONAL BANK •* 14 iC ollections and Requests fo r Cred It Reports M UST be accom panied by 78-78 FEE IN ADYAN CE: Plain sight drafts', 15c ; Credit Reports, 50c. 19,470 992,560 827,470 244,560 Seab. N..N.Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St.P.: No.-Wes 50,000 N., Minpls. ( P . C SAUNDERS. N. J . B LES ER --— E . H. BENEDICT— Superior service o n Collections. MERCHANTS NAT’ I.BANKJ82 Oldest bank In Grant C ounty, Send us your b uslness. «2 O E m U H S -: ti S E C U R ITY N A TIO N AL BANK, Sioux Falls— S o u t h D a k o t a Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis s L ead in g B a n k SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Manchester to Milba f r k _____________ *221 M arion.-..-.Turner G IS Farmers Tr. & Sav. Bk..tS'04 M. C. Bardili— — 78-294 Pop. 700 IM R IM S T H g ,M » « J81M# N. Bk. Rep.. Ohi.: 1st N., Brookings: Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. P. E. Bittner------ g ■ Hugo H. Cook-— Manchester__ Kingsbury State Bank o f Manchester Pop. 140 E14 78-574 « t l ’07 ——— P resident . t qt q —• N ame of B ank ?®® TOWN AND O0UNTT. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State »County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Resferve District, •Mem. Fed. Res. [Estai), Name of Bank . T own and County, •Mem. A m . Bks. Assn. (State »County Seats. Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Entire State in No. 9 [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦■Mem. Fed. Res. Cashier . V ick-P residknt . P resident . A ss t Cashier . Resources. 3? L ia b il it ie s . oamk Dm* Cam k ExD epos L Paid- up Surplus c ’ t h . Bonds, nunu,Dn and its Capitai. Profits Bbovritim fromBanks 9. R. Greeves____ 3. M . Carroll______ F. E.Saltmarsb___ H. W. Conner____ i »Miller_______Hand E 11 Pop. 1300 25,000 t 2,000 $ 255,000 $ 200,000 t 78-113 - - « _ —— “ . Mitchell Trnft Do, , | 0fi Wm. M . S m ith.... A. S. Reid, Tr........ M. F. Patton, S ee... !0 78-33 Clyde Dunning___ State Bank &Trust Co—t i ’19 . / 78-36 s. E. m o r r is . . . ____ w. m . McDo n a l d . ...L . s. v ic k e r s . — W ESTER N ' 78-32 < ’04 65,500 350,000 160,000 120,600 160,000 Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C.; 1st & Sècur. N „ Minpls 33,500 st & Secur. N „ Minpls.j, G er„ Eureka: Aber deen N „ Aberdeen. 164,010 107,560 61,160 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Bedfield N., Redfleld 440,000 335,000 258,480 195,770 189,000 T. Park, N.' Y.; Cont. & Coin’l N „ Chi.; 1st N. Sioux C. 103,130 lech. & Metals N „ N.Y.; State Bk.of Chi., Chj. Midland N.. Minpls.; Ia. Bn. & Tr. Co.. Des M 317,080 lhase N.. N. Y.: Cont. & Com TN;, Chi.; Live Stock N „ Sioux C.; (M em . Fed. Res.) HlËI 278,600 [an. N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; No.-West. Minpls.: 1st N., Sioux C. 63,770 Com’l Sav., Marion.Vïa.: lai State Sav., Sioux Ç,: 1st N.. Mitchell. 1,387,908 1,133.680 1,125,480 1,094,820 345,440 ■ 311,400 3,000.000 2,500.000 631,940 [ountze Bros.. N. Y .; lsit N „ Chi. and Oma«; lst& Secur. N.. Minpls. 590,630 90,700 Kountze Bros.. N. Y.: Ist N., Chi.; Mitchéli N „ Mitchell. Mech. & Metals Ii., N.' Y.; Live Stock Ex. N.. Chi.; Midland N., Minpls, n r 578,600 50,000 {J: H N GAINES WHITNEY MORRIS 100,000 THF PERSONAL SERVICE BANK. Equipped to render Efficient and Satisfactory Service on your Items and Collections for Central South Dakota. PROMPT RETURNS — REASONABLE CHARGES. N A TIO N A L BANK 100.000 500,000 275.84Q M ech . & M etals, N. Y .; C on t. & C om ’l N., C h i.; N o.-W èst. N., M inpls. 73,790 1,358,560 1,366,060 SEE AD VERTISE MENT 0 N BACK OF SO. • •• Pop. 169 10,000 590,000 475,000 130,000 Midland N., Libdrty State, and Ist & Secur. N „ Minpls.; Dakota N., Aberdeen; Sioux EN., Sioux F.; Secur. Bk. & Tr. Co., Webster FIRST RATIONAL BANK.<’15 W /M . S c o t t ....... Theo. W osnuk___ J. J. Bentz.._____ S. A. Severson___ A. R. Scott 78-118 H. J. Kindred E. A. M oon.. . . . . . . R. F. Moon Melvip L Orms.— 78-584 50,000 25,000 500,000 350,000 15,000 3,000 250.000 157,000 125,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux C.; 1st N., Aberdeen; Live Stock State, No. Port, , 97,600 Live Stock Ex. N „ Chi.; Sioux F- Sav. and Secur. Sav., Sioux F.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. J. D. Burghardt... E. W. Golleran . . . . Lowell L. Eno....... M. G. McMahon 20,000 9,300 397,100 325,140 R. D. Burr.______ Montrose__ McCook F 15 78-305 Pop. 600 • M , M Security State Bank___ < | ’03 I. C. Kingsbery___ 78-306 jF. R. GINTHEN— Morristown.. .Corson B <1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<’10 ) Prompt and efB 78-438 P op, 250 (Send us jou r MORRISTOWN STATE BANK E. J. Craig.. 78-432 21*09 Mound City State Bank<|’0< »Mound City__ Campbel 78-585 Pop. 100 B 1 •• 1 Federal Reserve Bankt of o ” St. » ™ Louis lî r â n k " i n " , U J' JH * " e x c Î i l s î v e l y S E C U R IT Y 1 2 2 3 AKOTA MAP, 25,00(1 OSCAR A. OLSON- W .P .JONES_____ |W. F. MAILAND. Mobridge.. Walworth B 9 CITIZENS STATE BANK<!’10 < Prompt a n d ef flclent service on collections. Send your Item s direct TO US. 78-120 Pop. 2400 ( FARM MORTO AGE LOANS NE GOTIATED. “ 60,000 1 1st N., Chi.; Secnr. N „ Sioux F. 275,000 I [,'Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Cont. & Gom’l N., Chi.; No.-West. N.,, Minpls.; Secur. N „ Sioux C, 1,210,000 1,050,000 Directory, under the authority A. C. Kingsbery__ C. R. Garrett J. R. MADSEN-----b - . s . w n m v T h e 300,000 217,500 7,500 202,460 188,270 10,000 15,000 200,000 10,000 12,00« 23.0,770 - ____ Peter Ferguson... H. W. Batzer__ __ Ralph Pfeiffer____ B a n d -M c N a lly 9,000 d e n t service o n collections, Item s direct. Fa rm Mortgage Loa ns negotiated. F. W. Schirber___ M. I. Larsen______ I. A. N oste______ N A T I O N A L B A N K „ S io u x by o f 12,000 25,000 The American ltenkCT» Assjbu_ S O U T H F aL L S D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d 76,270 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Oont. & Com’l N., Ohi.; Secur. N., Sioux F.;, 1st.&. Secur. N., Minpls.- . , , 66,510 Mid-City Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 1st N., Sioiix C. Minnehaha N „ Sioux F. 71,570 Citiz, Com’l Tr. Co., Buffalo; lst .N., 8t. P.; Dakota N., Aberdeen; Stòck Yds. N., So, St. P, 50,000 1st N., Aberdeen; No.-West. N., Minpls.; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 37,410 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; No.-West. N. and Liberty State, Minpls.: Citiz. Tr. &• Sav. Aberdeen.; 1st N., Mobridsre. - ______ H A N D L E S C O L L E C T IO N S D IR E C T OIM A L L POIN TS i n i ' T H E S T A T E 170,000 190,000 A c c e s s ib le d e x e d in b a c k T ow n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D ir e c t o r s , SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Militer to Mound City ■)?________ July; 1919 55.000 50,000 (F. D. GR E E N E ^ 5. C. FULLINWEIDER A R CAHALAN . . . FIRST NATIONAL BANK < 01 < P r o m p t, person il a tte n tio n give n all b a n k in g m a tie rs. M — ----- “ (.Beal Es ta te T ra nsactlons o r oth e r in stru m e n ts o f conveyance recelv e u n u s u al care. 78-114 10,000 25,000 M . Williams___ W . J. Halbower__ G. E. Richardson.. J. Sand County State B k ,.< l’01 E. F. Waite__ {>«'.<■ j f 2< 78-115 3,000 10,000 C. Vorlander__ .... I. M. Vorländer__ C. C. Conklin.. . . A. G. Conklin____ Pop. 100 78-581 5,000 ; 5,770 Miranda Faulk D 12 Miranda State Bank___ i l ’07 Philip Findeis____ C. M. H e n ry ....¿.. W. E. Zarneke — . Myra L. Tanner 78-582 Pop. 100 10,000 3.000 J. V. Langdon..... O. R. Meeker . . . — Missionhill.Yankton H 15 Mission Hill State Bank.21’05 Jalius Berkley.___ Thomas Inch__ 7^*583 Pop. 200 3.000 50,000 L. M. K jelm yr----»Mitchell__ Davison F IS O. L. Branson & Co., Bankers O. L. Branson____ G. B. Hippie . C. C, McKee 78-35 tS’17 Pop. 8000 100,000 16,270 J. W. Bryant____ E. A . Loomer— . . . ♦ 78-31 < ( ’01 M M 42,960 100,000 J.G . Wood_____ FIRST RATIONAL BANK .< 8 2 78-29 . „ M ’ 4,730 25,000 J. C. W ood— — . E. H. Milled______ First Trust & Sav. Bank..|’09 R. J. Harrison____ 78-34 .. j. » 100,000 135,000 MITCHELL HATIORAL BANK William M . Smith.. M . 7 . Patton__ __ H. D. L ew is______ D. V. Smith--------J. N. Shelby J. J. Lahey 78-30 < ’86 P rincipal Correspondents. 1222 Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, „in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, G race, e tc., see page 14. F or Holidays, see opposite page 13. N um ber an der N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given .. o f t h i s v o l u m e . V o r I n t e r e s t K a te s, O r a c e , ! . ^ . etc., see page 14, For Holidays, see opposite page VdJ . SECURITY NATION AL B A N K „ Sioüx Bankers* N ame of Bank . T own and County. •Hem. Am. Bks. Assn. (State »County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 iMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res.1' [Estab. President . S O U T H V ice -P resident . OIM A L L POIfilTS . C ashier , A s s ’t Cashier . R esou ROES. Li A.BILITIK»3. oamsADis- Caskk Sx* D epos L P aid- tjv Surplus c ’ t s . Bonds, CHANOS*,DUX and its Capital Profits Bhcueitibs troxBabko S E C U R ITY N ATIO N AL BANK, Sioux F a l l s IIM T H E L aw yers, D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d 9 . A. McCornack— R. E. Harris______ J. G. Trotter.-------- $ 50.000 $ 18,640 $ Mt. Vernon.Davison F IS First National Bank___ »t’05 78—229 Pop. 700 15,000 25,000 Stanley E.' Morris— M, E. H eigerson... W. M. McDonald— WESTERN STATE BANK*t*06 78-230 15,000 5,000 n_ g . Lange. •Mordo_______Jones F 8 JO N ES COUNTY STATE BARK David Hughes-----M. L. Parish 78-354 ÎS06 Pop. 600 25,000 R. G. Litzenberg . . Murdo State Bank____«tS’06 E. B. Townsend__ T.. B, Condon_____ G. M. Townsend— 78-353 15,000 5,000 J. A. McGillvary— R. W. Johnston___ Naples_____ „Clark D 14 Clark County Bank— »28 05 78-586 Pop. 200 650 25,000 L. M. Peterson — Newark___ Marshall B 14 Citizens State Bank___ •${’05 78-473 Pop. 150 1,500 15,000 A. G. Johnson...-!.— G. A. R u d -----------New Efflngton__ Roberts Kink o f New Effington*tf’13 78-679 Pop. 300 B 10 1,500 10,000 Peoples State Bank — »tS’13 H. P. Andrisen — A. H. Kolset______; J. G. Myhre........... C. S. Eggen---------78-682 .^,000 15.000 Newell________Botte D 3 First State Bank —i.'„»tlT 0 W. D. Buchholz — James Halley 78-454 Pop. 500 2,500 10,000 C. M. Damon. __ J. D. Franklin------ G. W. Hohenberger Live Stock Exchange Bank n T. Millett 78-453 »tiTO 5,000 Ti T Wnll ¿5,000 B. W. Keating....... RECLAM ATION STATE BANK James T. Craig___ ♦ 78-452 * » ’10 New Uoderweod.. .Peon 16,000 10,000 C. J. Feshusla.— G. A. Bailey—-----FrOd Holcomb____ incton.Pop. 250___E 4 Underwood State Bank»t§’08 Peter Duhamel___ Nisland__ .....B u tte D 2 5.000 10,000 O. H. Juckett. __ FAR M ER S S TATE BANK Pop. 150 78-475 »«T O 9.000 10,000 Geo. W. Malcolm. . IRRIGATORS STATE B A N K James T. Craig I—. 78-474 «ÎS'IO "'15.000 T» n . r miiam------N orris..— -Mellette G 7 10,000 10,000 F. B. Gannonl— Northville___ Spink C 12 Pop. 500 1,730 10,000 E. K. Coshun.. Nowlin__ ....H aakon E7 Pop. 100 3,320 11.000 Nnnda_______ Lake E 16 Pop. 200 5,000 10,000 H. L. Smith______ Louis A. Boyles___ •Oacoma.— Lyman F 11 Pop. 400 4,000 25,000 NV Y. Bennett— ,. B. L.' Bennett_____ R .W . Southard___ E. P. De Moulin—— Oelriehs__ Fall River <13 Pop. 150 380 15.000 David Hughes____ ThomasStroppel — W. C. Hitchcock... Okaton ___ Jones F 8 78-059 Pop. 50 14,000 15,000 O. B. Severson___ J. B. Lorge _____ ite Bank Oldham—Kingsbury B 15 78-364 Pop. 500 6,000 25,000 H. G. JAN S f H. L . H A S K IN S - A K. HOUR efficient service TON AL I { PATRONIZE A PROGRESSIVE BANK. P rom pt, 78-363 ( given all cash letters and collec Hons. Farm m or tgage loans nege tla te d . 2,710 15,000 G. Dewald__ _____ te Bank. •Olivet.Hutchinson G 14 78-714 Pop. 300 5,000 5,710 L. Rasmussen. . . . . Jakob Hoffmann — i Bank.. Onaka.____ „F a u lk C 11 78-592 Pop. 150 19,250 25,000 E . S. PRICER............ f A. R. McCQNHELL- C U F F A. SMITH-— C H CALI <P rom pt Person al atten tion give n Cash ltem s and C ollections. BANK•Onida.— ____Sully D 10 %5c fo r R atings. for presentation, pany S ight Drafts ( 15c m u st accom 78-378 Pop. 310 24.000 25,000 J. H. Gropengieser M. R. Brown______ A. F. Schriever. . . ! Bank.. F. J. Eager 78-377 15,000 E. P. DeMoulin___ E. S. Weldon ___ Bank.. Oral— — Fall River G 3 78-748 Pop. 125 11,870 20,000 Geo. I. Gunnison— ,te Bank Orient—_____ Faulk D 11 78-593 Pop. 520 2,580 15.000 B. fi. Conway — P. J. Dunn.I_____ F. É. Saltmarsh___ August Schaefers— V Bank. 78-740 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H A N D L E S C O L L E C T IO N S F aL L S D IR E C T S ~T A TE La w s , D irecto rs, ia - . )lume. Por Interest Rates, Grace,! Por Holidays, see opposite page 13. Principal correspondents. >nt. & Com’l N.. Chi.: 1st N.. SiouX 0., Mitchell N.» and 1st N., Mitchell. ■„ Union Tr. Co.. Chi.; Western N.. Mitchell; 75,000 N. Bk. Com., Sioux C. 700,950 $ 713,860 % 87,290 360.000 300,000 200,000 175,000 300,000 240,000 40,000 Live Stock Ék. N.» Chi.;. Western N.. Mitchell; Urov. State, So. St. P.; Secur. N., Sioux C. . 55.000 1st N., Sioux C.; No. West. N.. Minpls. > 46,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Ghi.t ist & Secur. N., Minpls.: State Bk. and Tr. Co., Watertown. 43,000 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.rlst N., Britton; Secur. N „ Sioux F. _ T1, 25,000 Cont. and Com’l N.,Chi.; Merch. N .,S t.P .; Bk. of Fairmount, Fairmount. . . .: ‘ T 34,530 1st & Secur. N. and NocWest. N-. Minpls.; N. Bk. Còm., Sioux C,: Secur. N., Watertown. 55,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.: 1st N., Rapid City. 160,000 120,000 131,000 100.500 145,000 141,000 176,300 143,630 250,000 275,000 102,000 81,000 30,000 Live Stock Ex. N .,C hi.; Stock Yds; N,, So, St. P.; Secur. Sav.* Rapid C. 190,000 170,000 225,000 175,000 34,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. V.; Butfe Oo.. Bellefourche (M em . Fed. R es.) 50.000 Cont. & Com’l N'„ Chi.: No.-West. N.. Minpls. Pennington Co., Rapid C.; Merch. N., St. P, 22,600 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Bellefourche Live Stock N., Oma. 29,280 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Butte Co., Bellefourche 98,000 86.000 181,000 169,000 327,000 259,000 51,260 39,000 166,070 110,650 150,000 125,000 164,000 135,510 46,000 44,000 225,000 175,000 310,000 275,000 57,110 58,190 114,310 93,980 298,580 272,120 505.000 409.900 402,230 350,280 127,600 91,920 73,260 1st N., Aberdeen; Midland N., Minpls.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. _ . . ■ -.lì 19,040 1st N. Bk. of Englewood, Chi.; Midland N Minpls.; N. Bk. of Huron, Huron. 55,520 Chase N.. N. Y .; Minnehaha N. and Dakota Tir. & Sav., Sioux F. 60,000 Cont. &Com’lN .. Chi.; Whitbeck N., Chamber lain, S. D.; Mit'chéll N., Mitchell. 34,300 Drexel State. Chi.: Pennington Co., Rapi<| City; Stock Yds. N.. So. St. P.; Merch. N Oma. , !, 11,060 Whitbeck N., Chamberlain; N. Bk, Com. and 1st Tr. & Sav., Sioux C. 65,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: N. Bk. Com., Sioux C Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. 60,000 1st N „ Sioux C.; Midland N „ Minpls,; Minne haha N., Sioux F. 14,710 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; ComT & Sav., Sioux J?„; Secur. N., Sioux C.; Midland N., Minpls. 29,370 Live Stock Ex. N. and N. Bk. Rep.. Chi.; 1st N.,Brookings. 62,380 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Secur. N., Sioux C. 118,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com.. Pierre Stock Yds. N.. So. St. P.; 1st & Secur. N. Minpls. Stock Yds. N., So. St. P.; Pennington Co Rapid C. „ 82,730 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls 42,800 1st N., Chi. and Watertown. H A N D L E S C O L L E C T IO N S D IR E C T A L L P O I N T S IN T H E S T A T E n iu X N um ber under N am * o f Bank is th* New T ransit Num ber given to eaoh bank in U. iB. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory» under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers A ss'n. ' Town and Count*. immmm n A lf A *T A i/A I V V j 1 r i LIABILITIES. PRESIDENT. Vice-President. Cashier . A s s ’t Cashier . State Savings Bank___ « » ’06 S .T i Laséll— G. T. Lasell— — B. B. Conway.____ Oscar From ke. 78-594 F, B. stiles,..,.____ P, R, Potter_____ Guaranty State' Bank— »§’19 G. F. U lrich .— 78— 758 Owanka State Bank___ « » ’08 W. F. Haafkë— — Á. C. H a afk . . E. A. Porter—i —.. I. M. Porter— . ; • 78-595 ‘ Parker___ .Turner G 15 CITIZENS BANK— 78-108 ) Pop. 1500 Accessible Tow ns, Law yer*, Law s, Directora, dexed in back of this volume. For Interest R ates, G race, e tc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. r A n t in u n /1 Name of Bank. •Mem, Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats.. Entire State to No, .9 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District, ♦Mem. Fed. Res,; Ortley.— --Roberts 015 Pop. 300 Osceola—Kingsbury E 14 . Pop. 48 Owanka—Pennington F 4 Pop. 150 o /'Y T T 'T 'T -I O M M ■ ifl -•»'81 Farmers State Bank___î§ ’13 78-671 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«t'79 78-109 Parkston ___ .Hutchinson American State Bank—* » ’98 Pop, 1200 G 14 78-158 FIRST NATIONAL BANK «t 05 78-159 Su rplu s P a id - u p AND Ca p i t a l P r o f i t s $ 10,000 R esources. k k it s 1,200 $ 152,400 $ 110,120 % 44,880 15.QQ0 1,650 35,460 42,750 : 7.450 16,000 200 131,250 92,350 46,130 50,000 12.300 A. J . w e i l a n d — élection s on Pa rke’r a h d vicinity. P r o m p t, personal present a tlo n . W e sollelt your Co! [Q uick returns. Send us your bus Iness direct for s ervice. 475.000 350,000 63,000 i J. A. WEILAND— ¿ A.ÚHRISTOPNER. F. Sav., Sioux F. 15.000 510.000 340,000 25.000 27.000 500.000 470,000 John Schmierer 2— A. N. Hoffman____ John Schmierer, J r. Writ Schmierer__ 20.000 45.000 750,000 C. Rempfer— __ _ John Tiedè, Jr. ..." W. C. Rempfer.___ G. C. Winter______ 25.000 14.000 300,000 F. E. CLARK— — JAMES STEICHEN. 40.000 40.000 900,000 and efficient serv fee In all branches lion s fo r qu ick re turns. Alfred Nelson.— L. W. Nelson— S. K. Frostad Carl J. Rice_____— L. J. R ice------- -— 10,000 3,000 135.100 31,900 1st N „ Milbank; Midland Ni, Minpls. 10,000 3,C00 112.000 E. F. Walden_____ 40,000 10,000 315,000 44.000 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Citiz. N., Sisseton; 1st & Secur. N. and Liberty State, Minpls. 75,000 Live Stock Ex. N. and Coni. & Com i N „ Chi.: N, Bk. Com., Sioux O.; N. Bk. of Huron, Hu ron. 50.000 Live' Stock Ex. N., Chi.: 1st N., Rapid G.: No.West. N „ Minpls.; Valley N „ Des M.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. :i'92 Oldest establish ed bank. P rom pt of banking. Se nd ns y o u r collec Peever— ¿ilRoberts B 16 Farmers Security Bank.iS’lO F. B. Roberts_____ A, W . Pearson.. 78-368 ^ * Pop. 350 First State Bank____ __ » ’03 J, F. Fredricb____ N, E. Çrfieid. 78-367 J. C. Nelson., ‘ Philip „LcüLHaakon E 6 Bank o f P hilip.._____ _» ’07 W ,N . Farmer . . 78-247 Pop. 800 20,000 32,000 315,000 H.J. McMAHON J. E. KURKA--------IRA J. WELCHH. 6. WILLIAMS Send us y ou r c ollectlon s. Rate M o f 1% . 25c m Inlm um If collect jedoli S Send 15c for pr esen tation if unp a id . Item s handled direct o n Powell, Elbon, Ash Creek, MUesvUle, Hardi ngrove a n d H ll la n d . ( J. W. JONES — 25,000 Stock Yds. N., Orna.; Comi N., Sturgis. 1,500 55.000 16.000 11,430 151,470 J. 0 . Bassett— ___ Alex. Highlánd___ J. A. Anderson----- H. Á. Paulson____ 10,000 15,000 Chas. L. Hyde —__ Albert Wheelon__ J, E. Mallory____ _ J» p„ Maüery__ — Pad! S. Dewëll 50,000 5,000 FIRST NATIONAL B ANK> î '83 B. A. Cummins___ O. C. Bennétt____ B. J. Binford_____ L. L. Branch_____ 50.000 21,000 J . C. QUACKENBUSH W. E . WARD— ........... 100.000 13,540 P. F. McClure_____ L. K eh r.— ______ J. R. McKnight__ H. P. Williams___ _ ^ 50.000 13,820 329,570 118.790 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi. W. T. Lathrop..___ A..N,, Lathrop____ C. E. Goodlad__ __ 25.000 12,070 433,950 F. W. Gerhard____ Arthur Harris____ H. T. Gerhard . . 25.000 4.000 180.000 C. W. Pratt_______ C.S. Pratt.— . ^ . C. E. Lien________ F. L. Murray. J. A. lie n H. K. Gioirne F. O. Sm ith..—!.—. W. F. Sm ith_____ F. R. Smith..— — G. E. Cool — . I. E. Keyes 40.000 17,910 604,660 50.000 17.440 ) ' 762,850 203,710 N. City, Chi.; Mitchell N., Mitchell; 1st N , Sioux C. 190,000 Oobt. & Com i N „ Chi.; Western N „ Mitchell.; Secur. N „ Sioux F.; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 205,690 State Bk. o f Chi., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux O.; 1st & Seour. N., Minpls.. 212,680 1st N., Chi.: Live Stock N., Sioux G. 25,000 30,320 A. S). Tillman i A. W. EWERT— - Pierre National Bank__ » t ’89 78-53 ‘ Plankinton .Aurora F 12 Oase & Lathrop, State Bank 78-199 »1900 Ppp. 1000 Farmers & Merch. State Bk ■ • 78-20r » ’10 P la tte ... Charles Mix G 12 Commercial State Bank«»'87 78-128 Pop. 1115 Farthers State Bank___ « » ’97 78-129 PLATTE STATE BANK * » ’06 78-130 1 m b eLouis r under N am e Federal Reserve BankBoff u St. J. C. LL0YD-— — A. C. FLINDERS— H. W. F R E S IN E — C oLectlons hav e the Personal A tt en flon o f an Offlc er o f this Bank. P rom pt audEffl d e n t Service. S END US TOUR BUSINESS. Farm M ortgage Loans negotiated. S E C U R TY N A T I O N A L B AN K. S in V. S. or Bank exclusively 85,970 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N „ Minpls.; 1st N „ Aberdeen. 230,000 Î3§,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st & secur. N., Minpls.; Ab erdeen N „ Aberdeen. 280,000 210,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Go., Chi.: Secur. N., Sioux F.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.: Citiz. Com’l Tr. Co., Buffalo. 787,640 444,040 1st N. and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Live Stock Ex. N „ Cont, & Com’l N „ and 1st N. Chi.; Secur.N., Sioux C.; Merch. N.. St. P. 810,97F ' 266,830 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.:, 1st N.. St. P. by T rsH slt N u m ber riven Tlie Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, un der the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n» SOUTH D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d 825,000 583,810 192,160 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st N, and Live Stock N., Sioux C. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Lawn, Directors» in dexed in back, oi this volume. For Interest Rates» Grace* etc.» see page 14. .......... TÍB’ûftTTWf'FO _______ July, 1919 15.000 m b NAT. BANK OF COMMERCE Send us your C „ 78-54 *1’90 [T hey will recelv e p rom p t and ene rgetic a tte n tio n . each bank 120,000 Han. N „ N. Y.; 1st and Séòur. N., Minpls.; Live Stòck N „ Sioux C.: Com i & Sav. N., Sioux F. 426,500 Mech. & Metals N „ N ; Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Sioux C. F. B. Gannon_____ O. J. Sletten...___ L. L. Nordness___ Agnes M. Nordness 78-52 to 317,000 Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C. m. Ex. N „ N. V.; 1st N., Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Minnehaha N., Sioux F. 260,000 N. Bk,R ep,, Chi.; Secur. N „ Sioux C. 88,000 O. D. FOckier.____ L. D. Gilbreath___ O. L. Rich..'__ ___ Piedmont— — MeadeTï 3 First State Bank¿-¿—5..$S’16 78-725 „„ ,I H; Pop. 200 Pierpont— Day 014 Farmers State Bank—. • » ’05 ' Pop. 814 FIRST STATE BANK-1-» 04 78-380 ‘ Pierre__ ____ Hughes E 9 American Exchange Bank • 78-55 AtS’07 Pop. 3500 o o <r 170,000 20,000 HUTCHINSON COUNTY 78-157 1 Huron. F. E. Frisbee—— r H. B u s e . __ -- - - - T. L, Yopn^çrs . . . . A. B .lou n g ers___ J. R. Gallagher F. S. HHÜiüSÄ—S Rödney H ilf.tu JL K.-Tf Shagér—i —— V .¿ .G o t th e it. —... W. H. SHAW — FIRST STATE BANK - • » ’07 78-248 Principal Correspondents. Loams Dis- Cash Exc’ts. Bonds, ohangbb,Dus Sicuamsg FBOMBaMXI D epo s 1224____________________SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Ortley to Platte 1004 ■L44 t > For Holidays» see opposite page 13.\^ A F C U R I T V N A T I O N A L B AN K. S N ame of Bank . T own and County. Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Entire State in No. 9 [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ►Mem. Fed. Res. P resident . SOUTH F Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Lawn, Directors, in dexed in back, oi this volume. For Interest. Rates» Grace, 1 etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 43. D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d A s s ’ t Cashier . Cashier . Y ICE-PRESIDENT. a l l s R esources. 1 Lia b il it ie s . urplus oamft Du- Cam ft ExD epo s L P aid- up S c’ts. Bonds, ohahqbs.Due _ AND it s Capital Smuriti*» noi Banks 4,100 $ 150,009 $ 136,000 $ 20,000 : Pollock___ .Campbell B 9 First National Bank____ *’18 L. C. Shockey____ Henry Van Beek „ J. J. Brokofsky___ Ben Knudson_____ $ 25,000 $ 78-752 Pop. 400 10,000 15,000 5,000 25,000 12,500 John H. Talich___ Pukwana_____ Brule F 11 farmers State Bank— *«'05 M. A. G lass...____ O. E. Anderson___ W. B. Martin 78-466 Pop. 180 .. . j .T. S. Sanborn — H. R. Sanborn____ A. R. Newman____ W. A. McMillen___ 78-465 20,000 •* Jii 78-596 J. H. Wishek_____ James Pollock____ J. J. Fenelon__ . . . W. C. Peterson___ W. L. Dornbush 410,000 Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. 44,000 1ihase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. St. P.: Stock Yds. So. St. P.; No.-West N., Minpls. 401,000 245,140 , 179,530 57,720 Cont. & Com’ l N.. Chi.: No.-West. N., Minpls. Live Stock N., Sioux C. 290,120 221.200 105.820 Stock Yds. N., So. St. P.: Live Stock N. anc la. State Sav., Sioux C. 2,000 469,000 230,000 250,000 Cont. & Com’l N.( Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C. Western N. and Mitchell N „ Mitchell. 25,000 9.000 425,000 318,060 120,000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.: Secnr. N., Sioux C.: Com’ Tr. & Sav. and Mitchell N., Mitchell. Pukwana State Bank— * « ’11 H. D. Chamberlain A. B. Douglas.:____ John Harty.._____ E. N. Dudacek-___ Paul Kara 78-467 Cora M. Munson... John Edwards Quinn___ Pennington F5 78-597 Pop. 100 Ramona_______Lake E 15 Peoples State Bank— » « ’07 M. F. Berther_____ H. A. Davis_____ _ F. O. Palm er____ _ J. A. Deragisch, Jr. C. H. Thurow 78-385 Pop. 312 10,000 4,000 200.000 140,000 5,000 3.560 133.610 113,230 48,000 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Midland N., Minpls. Live Stock N., Sioux C. 25,350 Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi. 5,000 17.770 293.930 266,470 59,430 Cont. ¿rCom'l N., Chi.¡Live Stock N., Sioux 0. Sioux F. N.. Sioux F.; Lake Co. N.. Madison iRAMONA STATE BK. - • » ’01 John H. Grocfi____ Herman Riedel___ G. E. Funston____ G. F. Seanlon_____ R. J. Felker 78-384 25,000 13,000 300,000 230,000 65,000 1st N „ Chi. and Madison: Sioux F. Sav., Siou: F.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. »Rapid City..Pennington 1CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. Julius E. Linde___ 78-47 *«0 9 Pop. 6500 E3 ■■ r ; ( JAMES HALLEY. .. ... < For P rom pt a send your It 78-44 «*’84 l $450,000.00 in L »• ££& <T •• Pennington County Bank G. F. Schneider.___ 78-45 * « ’88 .. Security Savings B a n k .* «’07 Harry Wentzy____ 78-46 D. J. Smith Ravinia.Charles Mix G 18 78-477 Pop. 200 A. B. Amundson... Jt. L. Hughes......... M. M. Brekke____ 50,000 20.000 430,000 379,500 92,000 Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Sioux F. N.. Sioux F. Pop. 700 *» “ If _______ Samuel Dixson____ R. f!. Dixsnn First State Bank...........* » ’05 78-223 •• . A. O. Ohlson WM' -IPRESH0 STATE BANK-« ’05 W. L. Montgomery. E. M. Sedgwick___ A. C. Sedgwick— 78-222 FIRST N AT! BANK ¿ ¿ M W “ *- A. K. THOMAS.— . A. C. HUNT---------- P. Duhamel B. W. Carll G. H. W hite. E. C. Baken______ J. Geo. Lampert 50,000 George McFarland. G. N. Laws_____ . John E. Fall........... H. L. McLaury H. L; Baldwin____ A. C. L oepp____! - V. A. Tietge—____ 40,000 30,530 599,640 430,920 30,000 1,000 300,000 225,000 (E . WALTON------1 Progressive and Raymond____Clark D 14 FARMERS & CITIZENS BANK { C ollections a 78-652 •*§'11 Pop. 350 Farm M ortga 12,000 JOHN STENNING— H.C. N0MMENSEN K. M. WALTON — G rowing, nd cash letters h ave th e Personal atten tion o f an official. ge Loans negotla ted. 8,000 230.000 190,000 RAYMOND STATE BANK*» 05 W .M. Danforth___ 78-599 J. A. PRITZKAU»Redfleld____ Spink D 12 AMERICAN NAT’L BANK.-^78-64 *t’06 j Personal atten t Pop. 3500 Intelligent reas •« M Merchants Bank______ * » ’97 S. E. Morris______ 78-62 f 44. M Redfleld National Bank—»$’02 Z. A. Crain_______ 78-63 J. H. Cagley......... . P. H^-Sihalier____ FI. H. Firing- 10,000 9,000 210,000 170,000 ( j ( THE INTER STATE SURETY COMPANY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -- N o.-W est. N., M in p ls.; O n u . N., Oma. Live S tock N., Sioux C. WM. SCHONIGER - j |. O’ CONNELL__ 775,930 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N.. Chi. Mereh. N „ Oma.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpxs. Merch. N., St. P. 224,190 N. City, Chi.; Live Stock N., Oma.; 1st N. Sioux C.: Mitchell N.. Mitchell. 75,000 Mech. & Metals N., N .Y .; Secur. N., Sioux 0. Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. 112.900 1,858,120 1,205,090 40,000 : SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON SOUTH DAKOTA MAP. BANK, Sioux F a l l s , 50,000 Secür. N - Minpls, 51.000 No.-West. N., Minpls.; Dakota Tr. & SaV.j Siou: F .:lstN ., Watertown. 250,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi.; Live Stock N. Sioux C.; No.-West. N., Minpls. 50,000 1,500,000 1,250,000 Ion given to col lections. P rom pt rem ittance. ons fo r non-pay m ent. First m or tgages on South Dakota Farm s fo r sale. 50.000 10,500 698,000 LeRoy H. M orris.. jD. C. Brown:______ A. Loomis 50.000 62,820 1,335,520 E. C. R oberts____ ic . M. Henry. |Castle Crain J. D. Fargo H R WOOD, Sec. ___ CHAS. L. NICHOLSON - w f nnuRifiiN C.'D.'STmiHG G eneral B onding and su rety Business. S E C U R ITY N ATIO N 184.860 N. City, N. Y .; C ont. & C om ’ l N., Chi. 74,150 1.481,200 1,668,560 ' 100.000 nd E fficient Servi ce In all branches o f Banking em s on Western South Dakota d Irect. iberty Bonds held by this bank and it8 customers is a record o f Voyait V. ; . 620,500 110,000 934,560 527,990 ________ 1 1. ON A L L No.-West. N., Minpls.: Western N., Mitchell ! .", '1 P O IN T S IN T H E STATE SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Pollock to R Ì d f i e l d _________ 1225 30,000 lift P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . July, 1919 1225 N u m ber under N am e o r Bank is the New T ran sit N u m ber riven each bank in U. S. exclusively b y The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory» under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. to Num ber ander N am e ®f B u lk is the New Transit N um ber siren to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass'n. C / S f T T 'M ^ U U A XT R esources? Lia b il it ie s . T6wn and County. N ame of B an e . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SStatc Entire State in No. 9 tMem. State BkS. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. K P resident . A ss ’ t Cashier . Cashier . V ice-P resident . Su r pl u s P a id - u p AND Ca p it a l P r o f it s C. W. Gardner___ C. V. Gardiner — _ $ Re* Heights__ Hand E 11 Pop. 100 78-60» F. E. Saltmarsh.'... •UARANTY STATE BANK 78-744 «*§’18 Reliance___ .Lyman F 10 Farmers 8tate Bank....... i f ’06 W. L. Montgomery Pop. 300 78-457 Reliance Savings B a n k _ if’09 78-458 A. D. Jones _____ Pop. S32 *■’ 78-371 78-372 Bockham____ Faulk D 12 Farmers State Bank— »{§’07 Pop. 400 78-406 W. S. McLain_____ E. R. McManus___ M. C. Berkley------ 10,600 8,500 190,000 150,000 45,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Lire Stock N. and la. John Donahue____ R. E. Brown. S. K. Knudsen M. A. Jones.__ ___ H. E. Jones______ M. C. Emery 10.000 , 5,000 200,000 150,000 50,000 1st N. and Live Stock N „ Sioux 0.; Sioux F. A .M . Jon es--------- 10,000 13,690 212.200 10,000 13,000 225,000 . 170,000 25,000 8,000 450,000 350,000 100,000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; M erchN., Ced. R.; 1st. & 15,000 6,000 150,000 110,000 . 45,000 N. City, Chi.: No.-West. N., Minpls.; 1st N. 10,000 12,000 166,700 128,000 ^ 54,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen; 10,000 9,590 303,600 222,470 48.800 1st N. and Merch. N., St. P.; Midland N., 15,000 4,000 164,000 141,100 38,000 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.: Bk. of Fairmount. 15.000 11,110 204,670 191.860 34,710 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Citiz. Tr. & Sav., 25,000 1,520 208,000 190,260 34,700 State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F.; 15,000 3,500 90,000 10,000 3,000 167,680 145,170 24,290 1st N.. Madison; Secar. Sav. and Sioux F. Sav., A. Weide . . . I —.— Pop. 1500 Miller. State Sav., Sioux C. Thomas Daylor___ 141,910 N., Sioux F. 85,060 1st & Secar. N., Minpls.; 1st N., Sioux 0.;Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F.; Peo. Sav., Watertown. 70,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls. Secur. N., Minpls.; Bk. of Brookings, Brook ings; Am. N., Redfleld. ]H Aberdeen. Midland N., Minpls.: Sioux- F. N-, Sioux F. J. E. Walker ' Aberdeen; 1st N., Webster; N. Bk. COm., Sioux C. 1st & Secur. N.,Minpls.; Lake Co.N-.Mad'son. 78,000 ..... 22,500 L iyeS tockE x.N „ Chi.; MinnehahaN.,SiouxF. Sioux F.; lst&Secur. N., Minpls.; Livestock N., Sioux C. W. Wies—......... F. R . Kolbeck Chas. G ifford_____ 25,000 8,000 520,000 390,000 115,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Sioux F. Sav. and Secur. 15,000 2,000 " 300,000 250,000 60.000 1st N., Chi.; Dakota Tr. & Sav., Sioux F.; H. L. MERRICK. . . CHAS. WHARTON- 25,000 12,000 523,000 425,000 142,000 Cont. & Com’ l N., Chi.: Sioux F. Sav., Sioux Karl Goldsmith___ E. R. Geiger ___ W. H. Hart. . Chas. Kostboth.__ Minpls Fairmount, N. D.: Merch. N., St. P. E. S. Potter_______ Olstad______ C. J. Johnson_____ Jacob Aus— — . . G. J. K iel. B r Goldsmith..... 65.000 Cont. A Oom’l N., Ohi.; 1st N.. MiUer. 33,320 1st N., St. P.: James Valley, Huron; Citiz. State, Benj. Knowles___.. Commercial-State B ank.lf’93 78-138 6,000 $ 300,000 $ 270,006 $ 122,930 Peter, Anderson E. A. N., Sioux F.; 1st N., St P . " Midland N., Minpls. 78-703 (F. M. ENRIGHT- L. A. TYLER — ---- FIRST NATIONAL BANN*i’0l 78-189 — i ffl) ; F.; Live Stock N., Sioux C.; 1st & Secur. N „ Minpls. Unequalled faci lltles fo r handlln g collections at th Is p oin t. . 1Personal presen tation . Q uick re turns on day o f paym ent at reaso nable r ates. ) 13,600 N. City, Chi.: Secur. Sav., Rapid City. L . T,. Z a v it z 10,000 5,140 73,530 69,930 August Reich. . . . J. F. Stoller.____ 35,000 1.040 528.840 319,780 « •T, R . W i ls o n 25,000 1.500 275,000 200,000 35.000 ee Alex Treiber 20,000 10:660 459,400 376,800 101,700 Scenic__ Pennington F 4 State Bank o f Scenic__.. i f ’ 10 Harry Wentzy____ Pop. 140 78-603 Scotland___ Bon Homme BON HOMME CO.BANK-*t5’85 W. Wenzlaff. ___ E. G. Wenzlaff. Henry Wenzlaff . Pop. 1200 G 15 78-166 iiS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SECURITY J. F. Gutz Joh n Pokas * A. A. Brown______ H. P. Gutz___.____ C. A. P otter______ R . M. Schmidt 30,000 8.000 370,000 330,000 75,000 E. R. H. Davis ___ 30,000 8,770 278.360 ' 318,860 41,710 A. Walter______ A . G . G rot.h .. Leo A. Traver____ T. E. C hester_____ 5.000 4.090 67.910 42,740 10,000 4.500 150,000 130,000 35,000 15,000 9,400 250,009 216,850 39,030 W .M. Denton Adolph Koch.------ A. K. Hansen_____ G. A. Estensen___ O. O. Green O. B. Evenson____ Julius Opheim-----John Evenson____ Ì 5.000 1,400 80,000 79,000 A. P. Thompson__ O. A. Quail_______ H. G. Tommervik. Pearl H oik______ 25,000 1,500 250.000 218,500 G. A. Grant______ N A T IO N A L 244,050 Union Tr. Co. and Live Stock Ex. N.. Chi.; 1st RANK , Sioux F a LLS LARGEST 33,750 20,000 N. and Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Com’l and Sav., Sioux F. N. City-. Chi.; Ia. State Sav., Sioux C.; Midland N., Minpls. Cont. A Com’l N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.: Secur. N., Sioux C. Han. N., N. Y .; Cont. A Com’l N., Chi.; Merch. N., St. P.: Dakota N., Aberdeen. 1st N.. Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. Merch. -Ln. A Tr. Co., Chi.; Merch., Redfleld and Faulkton; 1st and Secur. N., Minpls. 1st N., Sioux C.; Am. N., Redfleld: Midland N.. Minpls. Dakota Tr. & Sav. and Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F.; 1st N., St. P. Han. N., N. Y.; Sioux F. N., Sioux F. 48,000 Cont. A Com’l N.. Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; C O M B IN E D Minnehaha N .. Sioux F.; Bk. of Brookings, _____ Brookings ’_______ - C A P IT A L . A N D S U R P L .U S O F A M Y B A N K I AI -SO LJT~h-4 O A K O ~T~A July, 1919 Corn Belt National Bank.«’17 78-732 STATE BK. OF SCOTLAND-1’07 78-137 ‘ Selby - — -Walworth C 9 FIRST NATIONAL BANK * i’06 78-262 Pop. 800 Walworth County State Bk. 78-261 « i f ’98 Farmers Security Bank •t8’09 Pop. 321 78-374 State Bank o f Seneca..*it‘03 78-373 Sherman.MinnehahaF 17 Farmers Savings Bank_»iS’13 Pop. 300 78-674 Shindler___ Lincoln G16 Shindler State Bank..__ §’18 78-742 Pop. 50 First State B an k...___ »tS’07 78-605 Pop. 175 “ Principal Correspondents . 135,170 Rosholt.___ Roberts B 16 Farmers Security State Bank H. P. Andrisen___ A. H. Kolset______ O. S. Erickson__. .. L . F. Waddington . ' t( Pop. 200 78-681 t§’13 First International Bankif’18 G. E. Ballard_____ E. J. Ghelgren.— . Emil Hostbjor____ H. A. Leavitt_____ 78-670 Rnslyn *......... Bay f! IS Security State Bank___ . t f ’15 L. E. Hammer____ Carl Mel by ............ Rose A . Ruehmer. Pop. 24 78-698 Pop. 150 IT 8 ■ Loans ft Dig. Cash ft Ex c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dvb Ssouaitib* n on Banks 850 O. H. Yetter______ 78-722 Farmers Savings Bank.*if’06 0. 78-602 bfos- 16,000 J. P. Smith State Bank o f Roswell.*il’06 s .78-601 25,000 $ D W. D. Leadbetter . L. W. Meigs______ Emma Van Gorp . . __ Roseoe__ .Edmunds O il Farmers State Bank___ i f ’10 Herman Tschirley. A. M. Drussell...— W. J. S n y d e r...... «225_— __ '___ ~ 78-362 Pop. 500 Chas. W. Christen. W. Christen..____ E . Keller..:__ . . H. A. Warner 78-361 Pop. 200 Bowena.Minnehaha F 17 Pop. 50 Accessible Towns, law yers, Laws« Directors« in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates« Grace, etc.« see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. H A T T H T A ___ P n n t i n i i e ^ i/A I k v f 1 A V /U I lU U U C li 1226______ _________ SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS-^Ree Heights to Sinai 109A 1 ¿¡¿iO F a l l s . Sioux N A T IO N A L B A N K , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Sioux Falls Savings Bank SIO U X FA LLS SO U TH D A K O TA Member o f Federal Reserve Bank Deposits Guaranteed OFFICERS AND SAVINGS BANK SIO U X FALLS, SOUTH Capital $500,000.00 Resources, This and Affiliated Banks $5.000 000.00 MEMBER 'FEDERAL RESERVE ' SYSTEM Li \r- W IL L IA M ONTJES, President. AF HJO H N SO N Vice-Pres. K . B. CRESSEY, Cashier ia u m c a m r r* R RS F R A N K A. FOSDICK. A s s t Cashier T E D H - JOHNSON, Ass’t Cashier RA K H S i 5 I\vyic? ;Pres- L - N * H O STETLER, Auditor D O N B. JOHNSON. Vice-Pres. L. B. HALVERSON. M gr., Farm Loan Dept. Capital in ^ ' SER VICE $300,000 Deposits Guaranteed by State Law Prompt Attention Given to Collections of All Kinds $7,000,000 The Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations, and Individuals Re spectfully Solicited. SOU TH D A K O TA ’S Most Progressive Bank EDGAR G. WENZLAFF, President HARRY W. McEWEN, Cashier O. A. SKYBERG, Asst. Cashier Federal Reserve of St. Louis 1 2 2 7 Bank Directory, under tbê «uthôrïty'of ^Tlie American Bankers Ass*». Name of Bank. We specialize in Bonds, Warrants, Real Estate Mortgages and Cattle Loans. Deposits Largest Bank in South Dakota Town amd Oom rrf. DAKOTA e t c ., Liabilities . see Resources. page 14. V or n ôlld.ys, see o p p o à t e “ p a g T l3 " .\ C P r in c ip a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . 2227 Plre'ctoryT ander the authority^of^The* American Na m TOWM AXD COUKTT. of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State ‘ County Seats. Entire State in No. 0 iMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estate. Federal Reserve District. ►Mem. Fed. Res. 'COMMERCIAL *Sioux Falls. Minnehaha Pop. 16,499 F 16 78-10 JUAJIjLO'l‘-A C o iio m ic d Lia V ice-President. President. A s s 't Cashier . Cashier . EDGAR C. WENZLAFF S. K. GRIGSBY— — H. W. McEWEN...........- 0. A. SKYBERGH .n U B tn lo .^ D bpos- IT * R eso u rces. $ 500,000 % 20,000 $1600 000 $1300000 $ 600,000 N. Bk. C om ., N . T .; 1st N ., C h i.; M idland N ., M in p ls.; (M em . Fed. Res.) H. 0. MONSERUD— TOM COSTELLO Y . H. M ASTERS 0. A . HAYWARD 100,000 11,000 1,100,000 MAX A, KUEHN H. V. HARLAN ( W 1 BAKER N A T IO N A L BANK B. H. REQUA_____ - CURTIS BEECH____ collecti ONS O ar Super! or Facilities Gua rantee W. Z . SHARP------- JOHN BARTON. J.B .LA M B ER TS O N - D. C. LO W E -------o. a . M cC u l l o u g h g e o . b . M cM a h o n 78-4 SOUTH DAK O TA 'S LEADING BANK. 112,490 2,513,230 1,899,510 876,200 C haseN .»N T .; C o n t . & C om ’ l N. and Corn Ex. N., C h i.; 1st & Secur. N., M inpls.; Secur. N ., Sioux C. “ THE BANK O F PERSONAL SE R V I C E .” « t l ’OS ‘SIOUX FALLS NATIONAL BANK » « ’86 IH W i* .. 222,900 5,439,820 4,731.870 1,112,710 100,000 20,000 Accounts of. Coun try Banks given unu sual attention. We par all items sent for credit. .JOHN W. WADDEN— MV‘ C, EUGENE RE ILEY C. E . MCKINNEY. Ch. of Bd C. L. NORTON „ „ W. H .J .fQ S T E R C. W. THOMPSON m o « « * ...... e . h . io - i ;h:w « so" m r r . j C. BRATRUB 150,000 — R. G. Steveüs- Sioux Falls Clearing House W. Z. Sharp--------- W. L. Baker.. (Members indicated by a * ) 400,000 100,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Ia. State Sav., Sioux C. n & ï - y B I p B H i M l 4j 84,070 3,777,050 2,911,020 1,295,090 a • ■ _ N. Bk. C om . and M ech . & M etals N., N. Y .; 1st N. and N. Bk. R ep ., C h i.; 1st N., Sioux C .; M erch. N., St. P .; M idland N., M inpls. R TIS EM ENT ON SOUTH DAKOTA IN D EX. - . « A uditor L .D . MANCHESTER L . B. HALVERSON, D . B. JOHNSON Mgr. Farm, Loom Dept. Accounts of banks and bankers received onfavorable terms. Collections given special attention and remitted for promptly at lowest rates. W. E. Stevens 500,000 J . D. FLECKENSTEIN. L. A. GRAY R. L. HARRIS i m M ech . A M etals N. and N. Bk. C om ., N. Y .; M erch. Ln. A T r. C o. and C ont. & C om ’ l N ., C h i.; 1st & Secur. N., M in p ls.; 1st N., St. P. / Collections intelligently handled. Send us your business. Accounts invited. «t'80 ‘SIOUX FALLS SAVINGS BANK 250,000 SERVI CE. j|||p 3 Kj C. E . OLSTAD--------- E . E . 0LSTAD— — - CHAS. S. ASHTON— FRED W. SCHULTZ Z C. L. NORTON— SAVINGS BANK 78-8 W e collect d irect, all points In this State. C orrespondence Invited. T hrough ou r a ffilia tion with the C itizens In vestm en t C o., we o ffe r fo r Investm ent ch oice first m ortgage F arm Loans. •roo ‘SECURITY 100.000 SATISFA C TORY ‘SECURITY NATIONAL BANK ♦ R. B. Eldridge, Tr. F. H. Klawon, Sec. 300,000 100,000 7,000,000 5.000,000 2,000,000 Han. N .. N. Y .; N .Clty. and C ont. & C om ’l N ., C h i.; N o.-W est. N., M in p ls.; 1st Wls. N ., M il.; (M em . Fed. Res.) S EE A D V ER T ISE MEN T 0PP0 SITE. 100,000 65,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Sioux F.; St. Anthony Falls, Minpls. H. W. McEwen___ Sec. and Mgr. S E C U R ITY N A TIO N A L BANK, Sioux Falls— S o u t h D a k o t a ’s L ea d in g B a n k Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■ 1 A Live Bank wi th a SUCCESSF UL RECORD, •t’85 [O N 78-2 78-1 S , - / ' V ¿ g v 325,000 N. Park, N. ¥. ; F t . Dear. N., C h i.; M id land N., M in p ls.; Neb. N., Orna. «tia ? ‘MINNEHAHA 78-6 Æ î Ì 850,000 & SAVINGS BK. 78-7 ? Ä IW e lF A L CO RRESPONDENTS . Loan« k Dis- Cash k Ex c’tb. Bonds, change«,Dux Securities nuw Bank« SEE OUR ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE. S’16 DAKOTA TRUST b il it ie s Su r p l u s P a id - u p AND C a p it a i. P r o f it s THE BANK OF SUPER-SERVICE. & SAVINGS BANK ♦ £>OU Banker»- Ass’ ñ. j CD 19 0 S Au u O N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Band-BfcNitlly Bankers' Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n . T own and County. N ame of Bank . *County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState Entire State in No. 9 tMém. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. P resident . Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed m back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued V ice -President . Cashier . A s s ’t Cashier . Liabilities. lus P a id - u p S uarnp d D epo s Ca p it a l P r o f it s it s Resources. Loansà Du* Cash&Ex c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dug S*CURITI*8 fromBanks Principal Correspondents. ! HENRY HELVIG-- J .W . BARRINGTON LE0J.LUKANITSCH M . 0. E IK U M --.— . $ 50,000 $ 25,000 $1300000 $1040000 $ 315,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Oont. & Oom'l N. and Live RÓSÈ THOMPSON Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Liberty State and Mid land N., Minpls.; Merch. N „ Cedar R. ‘ Sisaeton__ Roberts B IS CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK < Largest bank in R oberts C ounty. Negotiate farm m ortgage loans. Pop. 1500 78-89 < ’02 FEE IN ADV AN CE: Sight drafts, 15c minimum ; 25c minimum charge i fp a id . ( R eliable Credit R eports, 50c. T R Y U S . J. A. Rickert_____ Henry S. Morris__ 8. K. Olberg______ John Butala______ 75.000 43,660 O. A. T o rv ik ...___ R. E. C one___„ „ N. C. K le in ....— C. R . Jargenson O. T. Axness-___ _ J. A. Robertson. . . A. F. Erstgaard___ W. J. Thomas C. D. Hinds______ F. D. Phillips_____ E. F. Jones_______ 25.000 jjj 2,51)0 25.000 5,000 10.000 6,000 55,000 52,000 H. P. Andrisen... O. G. Frink____ . . . H. G. Andrisen..— C. G. Pederson___ 25,000 4,620 184,220 183,970 8pearfish.„ Lawrence E 1 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Henry Keets______ L. W. Valentine . . . C. W. O t t „ .___ ÉSL' J. M. Ramsay____ Pop. 1600 78-125 < ’06 T. W. Matthews 25,000 32,000 510,000 440,000 120,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y,; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; U. S. N., Oma.; 1st N., Deadwood. 25,000 7,500 300,000 250,000 60,000 1st N., Chi. and Deadwood: Stock Yds. N „ Orna.; Secur. N.. Sioux F. First National Bank.. .«31900 78-88 Guaranty State Bank___ §’19 78-756 Security National Bank .» ’19 78-759 Sor urn______Perkins C 3 First State Bank____ ...3110 Pop. 50 78-607 South Shore__ Codington South ShoreBank____ < § ’18 Pop. 335 016 78-369 BANK OF SPEARFISH —•«*82 78-124 Spencer___ McCook F 15 Pop. 600 j J .F . SUMMERS L . A . BROWN------- GUY McCLUNG — . •I P rom pt attenti on given to all bu siness entrusted (H. C. LUETH. J . A. CALLANT WILLIAM HOESEI G. W. BLACKWOOD ! & MERCH. STATE ( A Progressive B ank. We get res ults. to us. U 861,890 — ------- ■ C ollectlo ns a sp edalty. 150,510 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; 1st N., St. P.: Des M. N., Des M „ Ia. 27,500 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi., James Valley, Huron: Bkrs. N., Minpls. 11,500 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 29,870 Cont. & Oom’l N., Chi.; Midland N., Minpls.; Secur. N., Watertown. 20,000 11,500 567,310 322,600 172,340 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F.; No-West. N., Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux C. 15,000 3,000 200,000 130,000 30,000 1st N.. Chi. and Sioux C.: Com’l Tr. & Sav.. Mitchell; Live Stock N., Sioa*/C. 25,000 10,000 371,880 290,440 102.760 Cont. & Com’ l N., Chi.: Secur. N.. Sioux C.; <73 Minnehaha N., Sioux F. R. C. Brockmann.. L. L. Maser_______ 25,000 5,000 300.000 260,000 L. E. Bachmore— O. E. O'Brien_____ E. P. O’Brien......... Jos. O’Brien J. M. N ew ell...___ W. P. S m i t h - R. H. Goodlad____ 15,000 7.800 300,100 200,000 40,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C.; Secur. N „ Sioux F. 123,000 State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; Mitchell N.. Mitchell; 1st N., Yankton. 133,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C.; Mitchell N., Mitchell. 25,000 Merch. N., Oma.; 1st N., Fairfax.; Citiz., Bonesteel. 49,590 1st N.; Chi.; Citiz. State, Miller. ESE -.78-274_____< § ’06 C ollections hav e t be personal at tentlon o f an ofiB ( FARM M OR TG AGE LOANS A S PECIALTY. State Bank o f Spencer.<§’91 Robt. H. Campbell. J. T. Gurney__ ... E. R. Campbell . . . . H. T. Haynes_____ 78-273 Springfield.. Bon Homme BANK OF SPRINGFIELD *§’84 1 GEO . W. SNOW__ ( A Bank that ge Pop. 900 H 14 78-206 First National Bank____ < ’07 N. J. Brockmann.. 78-207 Stickney____ Aurora F 13 First State Bank_______ 3§’06 J. E. Bachmore__ _ Pop. 350 78-390 STICKNEY STATE BANK*3§'06 W. T. Lathrop____ 78-391 JAS . KIRK, Sr.............. Ç, C. HARLAN VINTA R. KIBBLE— ts o u t and m akes C ollections. 8t. Charles. Gregory H ll St. Charles State Bank..3§’06 C. A. Johnson____ W. A. Leach______ Albert Mason____ _ B. E. Mason_____ _ Pop. 100 78-609 St. Lawrence—Hand E 12 Farmers State Bank___ »§’18 D. Conkey________ J. C. W ilson..___ _ O. V. Breese__::__ Pop. 305 78-750 First State Bank.______ 3§’06 F. D. Greene___ _ F. A. Altenow____ L. T. Jarnluth____ Louis Stechmann.. St. Onge— Lawrence D 2 Pop. 140 Stockholm ....G rant C 16 Pop. 200 Storla______ Aurora F 12 Pop. 30 (Letcher P. O.) Strandburg__ Grant C 16 Pop. 200 Stratford___ Brown C 13 Pop. 300 852,290 78-610 St. Onge State B an k... *3§’06 78-611 Stockholm State Bank ..3§’17 78— 612 Farmers State & m k ..i»3 l’17 78-734 Farmers State Bank___ 3510 78-460 Farmers State B ank... «3§’06 78-398 FIRST STATE BANK— - < § ’06 ♦ 78-397 Harry Wen tzy____ Geo. McFarland__ B. E. Colby___ I___ O. E. Mills____ ___ O. P. Johnson____ C. L. Johnson____ G. L. Johnson W. M. McDonald — Joseph Smith_____ S. F. Schirm er___ 20,000 8,500 475,000 363.000 15,000 3,500 80,000 55,000 15,000 2,600 112,890 72,410 25,000 17,020 505,780 394,380 10,000 5,370 128,600 91,220 5,000 1,500 112,000 96,000 15,000 4,210 124,470 111,230 Thomas Lindahl__ K. J . Twedt —____ N. Forsbcrg . . . ___ Carl G. Forsberg . . 10,000 3,120 125,140 101,880 L. L. Heil_________ Albert Schley....... O. F. Vollmar____ H. R. E. Falk . . . . . 15,000 7,300 340,000 210,000 E. W. Radeke___ . A. P. Robinson___ O. H. Christian.—. Robert Weidenbach 30,000 3,000 450,000 330,000 Strool.______ Perkins C 4 First State Bank_______ »§’08 Geo. P. A llen_____ j W. D. Stevenson.. W. J. Toner--------Pop. 100 78-613 ‘ Sturgis ______ Meade E 2 BEAR BUTTE V A LLEY BANK N. E. Franklin.___ J. T. Craig________ J. A. Poznansky—. C. R. Bare._______ Pop 1200 78-666 < §13 Roscoe Keene Commercial National Bank M. M. B row n_____ Edward Galvin___ John Kelly_______ 78-80 • 3’03 W. H. Johnson 6,000 15,440 25,000 24,820 50,000 63,000 Federal Reserve Bank w of St. Louis TJ. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers* SECURITY Directory, under the authority N A T IO N A L B AN K , of The American Bankers Ass n. SOU TH Sioux 112,510 94,410 438,030 385,190 23,000 Merqh. N., Milbank; No.-West. N., Minpls.; N. Bk. Com., Sioux C. 85,000 1st N., Chi.; Aberdeen N.. Aberdeen: 1st N.. Sioux C.; Midland N., Minpls. 100,000 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi,; lst& Secur. N., Minpls.; 1st N „ Aberdeen; (M em . Fed. R es.) 36,460 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Capital N., St. P.; 1st N., Lemmon. 102,660 Harriman N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Oma. N., Oma^ 1st & Secur. N.. MinDls. 67#;200 627,500 178,000 N. Bk.Com..N.Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.: Stock Yds. N., Orna. H A N D L E S C O L L E C T IO N S D IR E C T Accessible T ow n s, L ow yets, U n is , d ire cto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace,!'—* étc., see page 14. For Holidays, Bee opposite page 13-| p D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d Lia b il it ie s . 146,400 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Miller; N. Bk. Com., Sioux C. 50,940 N. City. Chi.; Secur. Sav., Rapid C.; Black Hills Tr. & Sav., Deadwood. 22,000 1st N.. Milbank; Citiz. N., Watertown; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. 29,860 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Western N., Mitchell. il Resources, i Principal Correspondents. m s. SECURITY 1ooh NATIO N A L B AN K , Sioux to each ban k in TJ.‘ S. exclusively b y Tin; Kand-McNaUy Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'B. N ame of Bank . i T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ¿County Seats. *Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Entire State in No. 9 [Estab. Federal'Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. P resident . $ii uiiii it——— Roberts 0 15 First State Bank______»*§’01 H, A. Sharf 78-266 Pop. 600 m Summit Bank________ »*§’97 78-265 Tabor_.Bon Homme H 14 Farmers Savings Bank—t i ’13 i 78-675 Pop. 500 4t Tabor State Bank___^«*§1900 Joseph V. Wagner. 78-614 _ V,.. Farmers Savings Bank. .*§’05 78-615 Pop. 170 Thomas Hamlin D 15 Farmers State Bank___*§’08 R. W. Griffin______ 78-616 Pop. 100 SOU TH V ice -P resid en t . P A s s ’ t Cashier . C. H. L ie n ..._____ P. O'. L ie n _______ 20,000 Rnht. Vank_ 15,000 25,000 J. A. Wagner_____ - Henry Bruhn_____ E. J. Hoyer___ ___ G. J. Mack------------ J. E. Jones_______ Thunder Hawk.Corson B5 Farmers State Bank —.-*§’11 J 78-650 Pop. 100 15,000 l>lrectors, in ' P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . *< 2,000 $ 140,000 $ 110,000 $ 30,000 Cont. & Com’l N.,Chi.; 1st & Secur. N:, Minpls. 1st N „ Madison.: Secur. Sav., Sioux F. 87,500 N. ~Bk. Rep., Chi.; Liberty State, Minpls.; 1st 6,000 400,000 325,000 N., Milbank. _ 70,600 N.-City, Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; N. Bk. 209,880 269,960 1,970 Com., Sioux C.; Sioux F. Sav.. Sioux F.: 1st N., Sioux C. „ . _. 15,000 600,000 475.000 165,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Secur. N. and Live Stock N „ Sioux C.; No.-West. N., Minpls.: Secur. N. and Sioux F. N., Sioux F. 43,600 Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. 98,600 7,000 110,000 15,000 1,600 140,000 98,000 10,000 4,500 95,000 75,000 15,000 5,360 40.000 Cont.& Com’l N.,Ohi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. Citiz. N., Watertown; Bk. of Brookings, Brookings. 23,000 Merch. N., St.P.; 1st N., Aberdeen. 333,000 271,000 97,240 lst& Secur .N.,Minpls.; Aberdeen N.. Aberdeen la..State Sav., Sioux C.; (M em . F ed. Res.] 25,000 . 5,000 ’ 280,000 210,000 90,000 Stock Yds. N., So. St. Paul; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Com’l & Sav., Sioux F. 25,000 20.610 376,420 329,010 88.090 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Bk. o f Brookings, Brookings. G. T. Tuve________ 25,000 20,000 316,000 355.000 8,000 1st N., Chi.; Capital N., St. P.: Midland N., Minpls. 15,000 1,500 N. E. Loucks_____ Asa Loucks. ------ W. H. L oucks------ 15,000 1,780 203,660 174,580 L. R. K latt__ ____ J. C. Unruh —____ 25,000 9,870 493,740 387,630 N. R. Wenzlaff___ W. Wenzlaff. ----- E. L. Sailer---------R. H. Anderson M. Hinrichsen__ _ E. M. Stanwood . . . Peter Duerst_____ E. D. Hoxsey - 25,000 12,500 600,000 375,000 2,000 35,000 37,000 2,400 100,000 84,000 Oscar Haug_______ J. W. Pearson....... F. J. Galbraith Tolstoy______ Potter C 10 Farmers State Bank— «*§’07 G. G. Wenzlaff — - L Gr Kepple J. B. Gundert 78-617 Pop. 200 O ,N . Johnson Toronto___ _Deuel D 16 FARMERS EXCHANGE BANK 78-320 *§’02 Pop. 500 25.000 . 50,000 O. G. Thompson FIRST NATIONAL BANK «* 82 J. F. Fries-----------O. C. Hauger 78-319 « W. L, Montgomery S. J. Simonson___ Jas. T. Bigelow— Henry Klatt, Jr.__ L. H. Elliott .......... Wilber SnelL:____ 15,000 15,000 10,000 18,150 433,880 373,060 P. M. Hanson ____ F. J. Mahan____ H. L. Smith---- -— 15,000 6,500 175.000 120,000 W. K. MacAllister W. A. Morris Enoch Lindquist.— Albert Linquist—— H. A. Fenner_____ fl. H. Fahel G. Egrmayer 10,000 5,530 208,810 157,720 150,000 100,000 0, M. Henry W. J. Craig_____ W. J. C raig... ------ Jas. P. Paulsen.... 15,000 SFftllRITY wLvUnl 1I RANK DHI1II-«——- **§’89 00 Peter Byrne 78-135 TU ah flarlcATi 11it I1i V JdlloUll Unityville— McCook F 15 Farmers State Bank __ **§’10 V Pnn 1 0 78-622 16,500 la. State Sav., Sioux C.; Aberdeen iN., Aber deen; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. I 44,050 Cont. & Com’l N., Ohi.; 1st N., Flandreau; Minnehaha N.and Secur. N., Sioux F . 135,450 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and Live-Stock N., Sioux C.; Mitchell N.. Mitchell; Sioux F. N. and Secur. N., Sioux, F. 175,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Secur. N. Sioux C.: Com’l & Sav., Sioux F. 10,000 Met. N., Minpls.; Peo*. Sav., Watertown. 25,000 Am. N., Redfield; Midland N., Minpls. 70,090 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: Redfield N., Redfleld; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Mitchell N.,Mitchell. 65,000 Am. N., Redfleld; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 63.470 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Capital N., St. P.; Merch., Redfield; Western N., Mitchell. 20,000 Stock Yd$. N., So. St. P.; 1st N .* Milbank. Il WII 1 H. V IV. C yT 1II ILn ILL----r H. F SRRflTT 40,000 20,000 858,000 518,000 285,000 Chem. N., N. Y.: Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux C. L. F. Chladek____ F. F. Chladek_____ J. F. Weisser ------T. V. Ptak 35,000 52,350 807,600 615,000 270,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Ist N., Chi.; Ist & Secur. N. Minpls.; Ist N. & Secur. N., Sioux C. John Appel______ W. T. A ppel.—___ 10.000 - 7,680 283,160 260,170 51,970 No.-West. N., Minpls.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F ted on day o f pay m en t. ¿Tyndall.BonHommeH 14 FIRST NATIONAL BANK «*’84 < Collections a sp ecialty and rem it swered on day o f receipt. (G en eral bankin g. All letters an 78-184 Pop. 1301 S E C U R ITY ' N A TIO N A L BANK, Sioux F a l l s , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ia « 8 > For Interest Kates, Grace,i*—» For Holidays, see opposite page 13.) 78,440 Live Stock Ex. N.. Chi.: Dakota N.. Aberdeen Stock Yds. N., So. St. P.; Live Stock N. Sioux 0. STOCK GROWERS STATE BK. W. L. Montgomery A. B. Hanken S. J. Simonson ♦ 78-400 *§’10 Trail City___ Dewey C 8 Security State Bank— §’19 Pop. 100 Trent_______Moody F 17 78— 618 Pop. 405 Tripp__ Hutchinson Q 14 Dakota State Bank.___ «*§’01 78-209 Pop. 1000 *• •» 78-208 Troy____ 2____Grant C 16 Farmers State Bank___ *§’17 t8—736 Pop. 60 AlUftrC-—— U XO Citizens State Bank------ «§’18 78-747 Pop 300 State Bank o f Tulare —«*§’06 78-619 Turton ___... .Spink C 13 Farmers State Bank____ §’15 id~1I'd Pop. 300 State Bahk o f Turton__ «§’02 78-620 Twin Brooks—Grant C 16 State Bank o f Twin Brooks 78-621 »*§’03 Pop. 190 see page 14. D IR E C T 283,390 . 219,700 f E. L. MILLIGAN — H. J. KINDRED—- — A. L. ANDERSON.— p. c. kremer ¿Timber Lake.Dewey C 8 FIRST STATE BANK— **§’10 < T he Oldest Ban k in Dewey Coun ty. (A ll Banking m a tiers prom ptly ha ndled. Send us y our business. 78-399 Pop. 450 1 etc., R esources , i L ia b il it ie s . Qa Loans* Bis- Cash&Ex P aid - up Subplus D epos c * t s . Bonds, changes,Dus and its Capital P rofits Sacuriti>s fromBanks P. E. E. L ee........... L. N. Thompson... R. T. K nechtel___ $ 12,500 $ .T. A. Ptak Accessible T ow n s, la w y e r s , dexed in back of tbia volume. D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d Cashier . u rn a. H A N D L E S C O LL E C T IO N S a l l s OF A N Y B A N K IN SO U TH DAKOTA au< j \j N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber gt> to ea°h bank in U. 'S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. T own and county . Name of Bank . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState Entire State in Ño. 9 ÎMem.StateBks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President . V ice -P resident . A s s ’t Cashier . ütica------- Yankton H 15 Utica State Bank_______« ’02 F. A. Wagner_____ T. J. Wagner___ _ A. Walla. Pop. 150 78-623 Valleys prings, Minnehaha Minnehaha County Uk. Pop. 450 F 17 78-625 Vayland--------Hand E 12 BANK OF VAYLAND. Pop. 65 78-626 L. S. Hetland____ i Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued L. C. Hetland.. Lia b il it ie s . R esources . Paid- up Subplus Depos and its Capital Profits Loans A Dis- Cash A Ex* c’ts. Bonds, chamois,Dus Sboubitim from Banks $, 25,000 $ P rincipal Correspondents. 400 $ 4oo;ooo $ 300,000 1 95.000 N. and Dakota Ñ., Yankton. . J. Hetland_____ M. L. Pöttinger.— 25.000 8,000 425,000 350,000 90.000 - w v J.VM a ii ü lU U A i 'i OOV| a u u OC Sioux F.; No.-West. N., Minpls. |W. P. Noble______ I..— . — . ______ ___ 6,000 5.000 135,000 81,000 Veblen------ Marshall B 15 Farmers State Bank.— < § ’13 C. D. Thompson__ A. W. Thompson.. lì. M. Storile—___ ¡C. S. Jacobson____ Pop. 500 j *78-678 O. P. Akre 15,000 6,000 221,860 199,140 36,890 40,000 15,600 333.000 290,900 83.000 10,000 15.800 265>380 239,000 Stock Yards N „ So. St. P. 28.520 st & Secur. N., Minpls.: Al deen; 1st N., Groton. " 50,000 10.930 565,940 350.000 _250.000 091/. T. McOullen____ |W. F. Pautsch— *Vermilion------ Clay H 16 !Citizens Bank & Trust Co. jM. J. Chaney ____j C. E. Prentis_____ jH. A. Bergren.. Pop. 3000 ! 78-693 «dftfH FIRST NAT’LBANK M. D. THOMPSON- E.M . HART____ ¿ W. H. INMAN 1Oldest and Lar , Send us your C High Grade Far < ’75 i W e collect and C. ANDERSON. Sioux C.: Ist & Secur. N., Minpls.’ IT. N. HAYTER. iVermilion National Bank<’87 C. H. Barrett_____ C. Christianson____ G. K. Brosius__ i__ P. R. Miller_______ __ i 78-69 C. M. Jackson Viborg-----..Turner G 16 Bank o f Viborg........— . « ’98 P. N. Aggergaard. S. N. Monk. Martin C. Briggs — Pop. 600 ! 78-328 H. E. Monk First National Bank— . < ’97 George Nelson____P. C. Madsen , 78-327 Joseph Swenson... Obed R. Skola___ Victor........ Roberts B 16¡Bank of Victor________ < § ’15 A. K . Hansen......... C. A. Estensen___ E. V. Estensen___ ¿ Pop. 50 78-686 la Vienna---------- Clark D 141Bank o f V ienn a______ < § ’98 C. E. K eller______ K. E. Seim ..__ ___ S. W. Dixon...___ Pop. 500 78-295 IFirst National Bank. __ < ’05 A. M. Sogn_______ N. L. Brakke. 78-296 J. B. Graslie_____ Otis Spilde — « 0 5 W. T. McConnell.. W. H. Barnes_____ W. H. Mann______ A. H. Mann_____ i / t W. L MONTGOMERY 0. C. DUNLOP_____ H. C. CALLANAN____ N. C. CALLAHAN— Vivian---------- Lyman F l VIVIAN STATE BANK— « 09 ) Special attentio n given to collect ions sent direct. Pop. 300 ! 78-423 ] Farm M ortgag es netting 6% to Investors, ( O ther guarente ed Investm ents n etttng 6% interes Whitbeck, & Holmes, A. O. Whitbeck___ Bankers 78-422._____ .t'06 Volga— Brookings E 16 First National Bank. Pop. 700 78-255 H. B. Holmes__ .•02 Edmund Hillestad. J. O. Lee_________ A. H. Norvold____ C. E. L ee. . " ---------i iFirst State Bank_____ <§1900 J. L. Hall____ ____ K. B. H en ry! 78-254 Volin— •—Yankton H 15 Volin State Bank______ < § ’02 H. B. Bierce______ Ole Pederson. Pop. 340 78-630 1 OQ1 980,000 380,000 i. Park, N. Y.; Ist N. and Live Stock Ex. Chi.; Ist N. and Live Stock N., Sioux C. 203,530 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; Secur. N. and 1st N., Sioux C. 113.990 Cont. & Com’i N., Chi.; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F.; 1st N., Sioux C.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 200.000 Drov. N., Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; Secur. N. and Sioux F. N., Sioux F.; Secur. ¿N.t Sioux C, 7 25,000 No.-West. N., Minpls.; Secur. Bk. & Tr. Co., Webster; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. 70,000 Cont. & Com’IN.. Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.: Secur. N. and 1st N., Watertown; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. 40.000 Secur N. and Sioux F. N., Sioux F.; 1st N., Sioux 0.; 1st & Secar. N., Minpls. 50,000 37,860 826,160 723.460 25,000 10,850 477,590 381,500 40,000 15,000 1,000,000 600.000 10,000 5,000 135,000 100,000 15,000 5,000 350,000 250,000 25,000 12,000 290,000 300.000 68,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Western N., Mitchell; 1st N „ Wessington Springs. 18,960 Secur N., Sioux F.; No.-West. N., Minpls.;Ia. State Sav., Sioux C. 15,000 7,250 194,800 137,900 10,000 2.000 67,500 58,100 5,000 4,600 69,600 55,400 25,000 14,000 325,000 235.000 105,000 Oont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N.and No.' West. N., Minpls.; Far. N., Brookings, 6,000 17,300 Whitbeck N., Chamberlain. Robert Henry____ W. M. Henry_____ 15.000 285,000 165,000 18,000 16,580 » 508.690 382,000 iG. W. WILLIAMSON W. H. F R E I ____ — i b i ! W ARREN-------- JOHN KABERNA........... J . N. WARREN 30,000 15,120 529,510 387,480 85,500 Han. N., N.-Y.; Sioux F. Sav.. Sioux F.; 1st N „ Brookings.; Midland N., Minpls. 155,370 Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; No.-West. N., Minpls.; Secur. N., Sioux C. 179,760 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Secur. N., Sioux C. paying taxes a sp ecialty. NegoUat e farm and m ort gage lo ans» on to all banking m atters entrüste d to us. 50,000 B. V. Morgan_____ F. S. Strohbehn__ [.Emma Peshe 5,000 E. J. Petrik 20,000 F. M. N id er_____ S. L. Gable, Jr. 4,500 902,000 700,000 200,000 203,000 40,000 July, 1919 S E C U R IT Y 40,000 1,308.000 Einer Johnson__ _ O. A. Hart________ Wagner.Charles Mix G 131COMMERCIAL STATE BANK ) C ollections and Pop. 1200 78-164 < § ’02 'P ro m p t attenti ¡First State B a n k . .<§1900 T. F. Long_____. . . 78-163 Wagner State Bank------ « ’09 H. C. Schneider__ 78-165 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50,000 gest Bank In Clay C ounty. ollectlons. m Loans Negotia ted. rem it interest wl th ou t expense to investors. “ Virgil---------- Beadle E 13 Virgil State Bank. Pop. 150 78-629 N., St. P.- SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Utica to Wagner ¡First National Bank___ < ’10 J. H. Movius..____ B. P. Hammerstad.IE. J. R odine..____|Henry R. Oison . . . 78-627 Verdon--------Brown C 18 Farmers&Merch. State Bank ¡Milton M athieu.... R. O. Eimmel_____ E.G. Elliott— _____ B. G. Elliott_______ Pop. 136 ! 78-628 »«0 4 ! 78-68 60,000 60,000jCont. & Com’l N „ Ohi.; 1st N., Miller. ; “ ---------- 1230 1? IH Chi.: 1st N., SiouxC.; Stock yds. N., So. St. P. 65.000 Jhi. Sav. Bk. & Tr Co., Chi.: Live Stock N.J Sioux C. .-Secur. N..and Sioux F. Sav., Sioux FJ N A T IO N A L BAN K. Sioux Falls to eacn DanK in u. o. ciciusiveij- the New T ra n sit N um ber given “ ie au th ority of- T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n . Directory» under the SOU T H ‘ D A K O T A ^— C o n tin u e d Accessible Towns, r o r u n e r e n a a tra , r a w i i - etc., see page 14. For Holiday»» see opposite' page 13-1tL dexed in Back of this volume, choux u.rsecur. S E G O RITY N ATION AL BAN K, SIoux Falls 10*31 1231 Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory« under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers A s s n . T own and County. »County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 - Name op Bank. »Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. a- Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President. __ SOU TH Vice-President. __ V 3D A . K .O T A Cashier. . — . _ D HHS . ..—— Ass ’t Cashier. Surplus Paid- up and Capital Profits S.JACOBSON______ LAURIS JACOBSON- t (M. J. CHANEY-- P A SWP7PY 15c w ith e ach sight draft a nd’ 25c with R equ ests for R atings. Wakonda Clay H 16 BANK OF WAKONDA— < 5 83 <LSend T SERVICE. MEANS PROMT COMPLIANCE 78-631 Pop. 500 mm— Wakonda State Bank— < § ’12 F. C. Danforth----- It. A. Goodwin___ J. A. Danforth 78-664 Pennington F 5 First State Bank_______t§’09 J. A. Cameron------ R. H. Packman— 78-464 Pop. 250 Wall E. A. Adams--------- P. O. Brekke.........| Wallace—Codington 0 15 security oldie DduK-.-.*«« uu 78-633 Pop. 318 Wallace State Bank — .§ ’19 E. T. Hegna--------- G. Peierson — 78-762 E. C. Ustrud_____ L. C, Foreman-----First State Bank--------- < § ’07 T. E. Spaulding... F. J. Ahsenmacher. Chas. Foreman___ 78-684 C. J. Hogeboom— F. E. Barkl_______ C. E. Barkl_______ A. A. Zoinowsky— 78-635 Pop. 250 Walter McDonald . Wasta___ Pennington E 4 Bank of Wasta_______< § ’07 Peter Duhamel.__ 78-636 Pop. 250 E. A. Konantz.___ Watauga_____Corson B 7 Farmers State Bank— _tl’16 78-717 Pop. 200 Pop. 125 aWatertown...Codington Pop. 8485 D 16 C ITIZ E N S j W. D. MORRIS— 1Equipped to effl ] Send us your it <*85 [ CHARGES RE N A TIO N A L BANK 78-24 . ---------- I .. ........ “ ■ .. FIRST NAT’L BANK 78-23 ' PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK SECURITY NATIONAL BANK 78-27 I p g P ^ 78-25 “ . ---- ----- “ < ’80 <515 < ’01 A. MELHAM------- H. M. HANTEN-^— L.T. MORRIS : ciently handle all financial m atters, em s and eollectlo ns in bu lk fo r pro ASONABLE. BERT MORGAN ET0. GIESE large or smaU. m pt service. 30,000 f k o t jn ..ano s i o u x ±i;*«av., t<.> ^ a Accessible Towns, Lasryets, Isw «, Directors,, in- _ dexed in Back of this volume. Tor Interest Rates, Grace, i*—• etc., see page 14. For Holidays», see opposite page 13. jg . Principal Correspondents. RESOU RCES. oamsà Dut- Cashk ExDepos L Hamors,Dux c’tb. Bonds, ¡iO Bmuhrm promBanks its in. x « won, 20,000 SI 048 000 $ 634,000 $ .334,000 1lecn. & meiais Chi.; Live Stock N. and ist N., Sioux 0. 20,000 5,000 275,000 250,000, Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N.. Sioux C. 40,000 1 10,000 11,740 148,740 113,200 j 47,900 ; 20,000 6,000 205,000 228,000 79,000 , Çitiz. N., Watertown. Secur. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Webster. 15,000 1,500 5,000 2,850 71,000 34,500 40,500 lioux F. Sav., Sioux F.; 1st N., Flandreau; N. Bk. Com,, Sioux C.; No.-West. N., Mmpls. 5,000 8,600 199,500 99,510 118,800 )ont. & Òom’l N.. Chi.;'No.-Wést. N „ Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. 15,000 8,000 220,000 200,000 15,000 8,860 107,960 113,260 40,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; No.-West .N., Minpls.; IstN,, Watertown: Pennington Co.,Rapid C, 21,600 Merch. N., St. P .; Secur. N ., Sioux F. 100,000 100,000 j H. D. WALRATH. H. J. FAHNESTOCK F. B. STILES-------1 FEE IN AD VAN CE: Sight drafts. 15c mifiirhum: 25c minimum charge i f paid. Reliable Credit R eports, 50c TR Y US. (A L L BANKING M ATTERS HAN DLED PROMPT L Y. H® 65,240 1,394,600 1,244,760 314,740 leab. N., N. T.; 1st N., Chi. and St. P.: 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 57,600 1,472,870 1,491,000 1 E. J. LINDAHL....... D. F. JOKES--------8,850 G. H. SPIES 60,001 C o n d u c t a g e n e r a l B a n k in g B u s i n e s s . SEE ÄDV. ON P r o m p t a t t e n t io n g iv e n all b u s i n e s s e n t r u s t e d t o u s . ! F arm M o r tg a g e L o a n s N e g o tia te d . |7____ ___ u n d ipp 684,000 SO. 583,310 D AK0TA 236,970 Chase N., N. T.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; No.West. N., Minpls.; Merch. N., St. P. 2,0 I8p| 150,1?0 M ech . & M etals N., N. Y .; M erch. L n .& T r. C o., C h i.; M idland N ., M in p ls.; N. Bk. C om ., Sioux C. MAP. « . . . 60EPFEBT t h o r o u g h ly o r g a n iz e d C o lle c t io n D e p a r tm e n t . P e r s o n a l P r e s e n ta tio n . P r o m p t a tte n tio n a n d r e m it t a n c e o n d a y o f p a y m e n t. ~ W e w ill b e p l e a s e d t o s e r v e y o u . A 100,000 IEd ward Skells------ ! 100,0001 State Bank & Tr. Co.— iS’li 1 F. H. Austin— I— j w . L. Eales.------- . D. W. Steele------78-28 f c l l l SECURITY N ATIO N AL BANK, Sioux Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . C o n tin u e d a 31,910 985,330 1,064,360 11,7101 391,59(11 F alls , 447,90(11 ‘ 191,420 tan. n.» re. »•« v « u » . •» M idla n d N ., M in p ls.; 1st N ., S t. P. 105,840 ave stock M . ¡egg vili*. Brookings; N. Bk. Com., Sioux C.; Com Sav., Sioux F. ON A L L P O IN T S IN T H É STATE N ame of Bank . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ‘ County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. President . Cash ie r . V ice -President . Waubay_______Day C 15 First National B a n k ...„• t’92 John A. Schultz — E. E. Schultz__ ,__ 78-182 Pop. 1000 State Bank o f W aubay.»«'02 C. H. Lien-_______ August H ovland. . Conrad Mogen — 78-183 J. P. Antony--------- M. T. Antony_____ A. T. Cooper--------- W. B. Stevens J___ MARTINNELSON- A. M. BERG- - - - - TS sent to us wit h each sight draft CENTS fo r each credit report insu A s s ’ t Cashier . Lia b il it ie s . R esources . Depos P aid-up Surplus and its Capital Profits Loans k Bis* Cash k Ex c’ts. Bonds, changes,Due SECURITIES fromBanks P rincipal correspondents . L. J. Laxson____ - $ 25,000 $ 22,730 $ 303,870 $ 298,650 $ 59,200 No.-West. N.. Minpls.; 1st N., St. P.; Aber deen N.. Aberdeen. E. R. Sikkink Far. & Merch. N. and Secur. Bk. & Tr. Co., 15,1100 5,000 350,000 250.000 110,500 W. E. Sletten. Wèbster; Midland N.. Minpls.; Summit Bk., Summit. 17,000 Midland N., Minpls.; Citiz. N., Watertown. 65,000 83,000 2,730 10,600 A , M. Antony_____ 920,^80 251,340 Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; 1st & Secnr. N., Minpls.; 22,500 1,100,000 50,000 C. F. Luedke_____ 1st N., Duluth. 250,000 100,000 Midland N.. Minpls.; 1st N., Aberdeen; N. Ex., 350.000 25,000 25,000 H. E. GOULDi- - - - St. P.; Live Stock State, So. St. P. for presentation, a n d res prom p t, perso nal atte n tlon . Security Bank & Trust Co. A. Kopperud_____ Andrew Hedman. . Jacob Boyd_______ H. I. Olston ♦ 78-82 **§’97 E. I.Levang—— . Wecota--------- Faulk C 11 Wecota State Bank____ « ’08 A. M. Sheimo_____ Pop. 150 78-638 E. F. Salscheider. Wentworth___ Lake F 16 State Bank o f Wentworth W. L. Baker. _____ Aug. Abraham— Pop. 329 78-751 « ’18 N^J. V olz______ Wentworth Bank______ « ’01 A. J. Harrington__ R. C. Zimmermann C. N. Fader 78-639 R. G. Leuzingerl__ 60,000 309,550 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .;’ Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N., St. P.: (M em . F ed. R es.) 40,000 1,524,620 1,308,690 5,000 2,500 100,000 50,000 22,000 1st N., Sioux C.; Bkrs. H. A. P otas______ 15,000 900 53.980 36,530 J. P. Harrington „ 15,000 1,590 229,020 171,310 24,470 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Minnehaha N., Sioux F. 1st N., Madison. 70,180 Cont. & Com’l N . , Ohi.; Cont. N., Sioux O .; Lake Co. N.. Madison. Wessington „Beadle E 12 Citizens State Bank___ - « ’14 W. H. Stewart____ E. B. Dinsmore___ L. A. Potter___,— Pop. 1500 78-707 L. J. Manning____ 25,000 3,500 245,000 186,700 69,600 Midland N., Minpls.: N. Bk. of Huron, Huron; Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. ( 6. P. SC0TCHBR00K E. M. HUESTIS------- C. E. SC0TCHBR00K - FRANCES W. SCOTCHBROOK 22,000 9,290 203,870 192,250 40,100 1st N., Sioux C.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Mitchell N., Mitchell; City N ., tturon. C. T. Dike_______ J. H. Mehrent____ Chas. A. Curtiss... R. M. King ,H. A, Peirce 25,000 5,240 400,880 326,870 104,250 Cont. & Com’l N . , Chi.; N., Bk. of Huron, Huron; Live Stock N., Sioux C. 25,000 29,580 509,700 434,700 "117,250 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Sioux C.: 1st & Secur. N., Minpls.; Com’l Tr. &Sav., Mitchell. 50,000 29,000 639,000 636,050 131,000 C ont. & C om ’ l N., C hi.; Bkrs. N .,M in p ls.; Secure N., Sioux C. 25,000 43,000 00,000 500.000 125,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Citiz. Com’l Tr. Co., Buffalo; Live Stock N., Sioux C.: Com’l & Sav., Sioux F. 34,300 Cont. & Com i N., Chi.: Bkrs. N., Minpls.; Aberdeen N., Aberdeen. 29,000 Ist N., Aberdeen: Stock Yds. N „ So. St. P.: N. Bk. Com., Sioux C. FARMERS & MERCH. STATE J P rom p t, person BANK— 78-252_____ * « ’06 ] M in im u m fee I 60c fo r rating l First National Bank_____ i ’06 W. N. Farmer — 78-250 ‘ WessingtonSpg’s.Jera’ld jFARMERS SAVINGS BANK Pop. 1200 E 12 78-651 » » ’l l C. 0. ELLIFF C ollections gl T he New Ban Farm M ortga S. W. WRIGHT— ven personal atte k w ill naturally g ge Loans Negotia F. E. POOL-— n tlon . Ive the m ost effic lent service. ted. E. B. MOLES........ jw . T. M cCo n n e l l W. T. GEORGE - ------ C. F. HOFFMAN— H. A. MILLER R. L. POUND j O u t o f t o w n b u s i n e s s h a n d le d a s d i r e c t e d b y s e n d e r . »t’02 ( S p e e d y a n d i n t e l l i g e n t S e p v i c e . Wessington Springs State Bk. F. G. Vessey--------- H .P . WU1----------- M. M. McDonald— F. V.-Vessey-------- i 78-140 < § ’02 Westport___ Brown B 12 Farmers State Bank___ « ’08 Don W. De VeyPop. 125 78-640 Wetonka.McPherson B 12 First State Bank________§'09 F. B. Gannon..__ Pop. 150 . 78-479 Wetonka State Bank. — « ’07 L. L. Heil____ _ 78-478 Wewela--------- Tripp H 10 Wewela State Bank— ___S’09 M. St. J o h n ___ Pop. 50 78-641 ‘ Whéeler___ Charles Mix (See Lake Andes) Pop. 50 G 12 White___Brookings E 16 First National Bank.. ____’021E. W. Davies______ Pop. 468 78-287 White State Bank__ __« 1 4 B. C. Abben, Jr.. 78-692 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E. C. Isaac___ Ed. Askew ’_______ J. B. Hamilton. Paul Kuechler — J 5,000 6,760 80,000 83,000 25,000 4,000 125,000 125,000 Jos. Lorber---------- J. V. Prezier___ 5,000 9,500 133,350 115,000 W. A. Kenaston__ Charles St. John 5,000 7,-000 85,000 66,200 W. A. Burgess____ R. H. Holden-------- G. F. Griepentrog— 25,000 15,000 375,000 250,000 C. L. Wohlheter— C. A. Raker_______ H. M. Hfflyer 10,000 2,000 165,000 110,000 S EC U RITY NATION AL BANK , Ï Siou x 1233 Minpls. al atten tion to all business. 16c m u st aecom p any all sight dra fts. reports. T R Y (1 S FOR SERVICE. FIRST N ATI BANK 78-141 N ., t’o^each"ban k"in 'u ^ S^ eiciiislT S y by T he K and-M cN ally Killiters* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. SOU TH 37,500 Aberdeen N., Aberdeen; 1st N „ Sioux G.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 25,000 U. S. N., Orna.; Gregory N „ Gregory. 175,000 1st N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. h F LARGEST alls D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d 48,000 Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Secur. Sav., Little Rock, la.; 1st N., Pipestone; State Bk. & Tr. 1 Co., Watertown. C O M B IN E D OF AIV V BUNK C A P IT A L IN S O U TH AND SU R PLU S DA «OT~A __ __ e_i ats)glT brg i_ e Tow n__s , ___.vyers, dexed o f th is v o lu m e . back etc., see page 14. ______ July, 1919 Mildred Wood____ SOUTH DAKOTA BANKS—Waubay to White Waverly—Codington D 16 State Bank o f Waverly. « ’13 J. A. Thronson___ 78-677 Pop. 125 ‘ Webster______ Day C 14 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank David Williams___ 78-81 *t’88 Pop. 1800 fE .W . RADERE’ FIRST NATIONAL B ANK *i’02 FIFTEEN CEN I TWENTY-FIVE 78-83. Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, i SOUTH DAKOTA—Continued 1232 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit Num ber given 1 OOO to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M eN ally Bankers JL¿ « 3 4 . Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass n« W j WW*# D irecto rs, in* . For Interest Rates, Grace,\ For Holidays, Bee opposite page 13.1 tL. SECURITY 1233 N A T IO N A L B A N K , h fcb*each ^bank"in^^^S^excIuslvely by Tlie Band-McNally Banters* DIrectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n> Town and County. Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. Entire State in No. 9 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ■Mem. Fed. Res. President. SOU TH V ice-President. White Lake .Auròra F 12 Aurora County Bank— < t ’83 Ludwig Loevinger78-269 Pop. 600 First National B ank-----< ’06 H. W. Hinrichs___ John Goeres--------78-270 H. A. KISER------ THOMAS HUGHES. »White River.Mellette G 8 MELLETTE CO. STATE BANK Send your coll ectlon s to us, we 78-658 < § ’12 Pop. 350 C ounty and T o wnshlp W arrants White River State Bank < § ’11 F. W, W oods------- C. S. Hight_______ 78-655 White Rock.Roberts B 17 Citizens State Bank— < § ’02 H. P. Andrisen___ 78-358 Pop 500 First National Bank____ < ’02 John L. Caldwell— S. E. Oscarson-----78-357 S Ioux F LARGEST C O M B IN E D John P. Baker-----R0BT. R. JONES— rem it day o f pa and Seal Estate B. A. Olson— . — A. H. Kolset_____,- Ass’t Cashier. AND SURPLUS Accesslb |e Tow ns, I a w TCVS* law s» DllCCtOT®» 1_— m b a c k o f t-lx ia v o l u m e . F o r Interest R a t e s , fil'a c c ,\ etc., see page 14. For Holidays, Bee opposite page 13.' dexed j » D A K O T A — C o n tin u e d Cashier. C A P IT A L O F A N Y B A Al K IfU S O U T H D A K O T A alls Surplus P a id - u p AND Ca p i t a i , P r o f it s D epo s it s ix>AN8St Dm* Cash k Ex Bonds, changes,Dus 1 Securitise from B anks c’ tb. peur. N ., Sioux Ç.; Mitchell $ 25,600 S 23,020 $ 726,040 $ 375,840 $ 332,510 Han. N., N. Y a N., M i t c h e l l : B ■ ont. & Com’l N;,: Chi.; 1st N., Sioux 0.; Mit 367,790 180,940 20,000 500,000 25,000 John P. Gilbertz . . chell N., Mitchell. I . „ 31,630 Stock Yds. N., So, St. P.: Mitchell N., Mitchell; 99,010 12,110 122,970 10,000 G. B. HANNA-------1st Tr. & Sav., Sioux C. ym en t. Loans for sale. 34,980 1st N., Spencer, Neb.: N. Bk. Conor., Sioux C.; 92,600 4,500 122,500 15.000 Don E. Terpin____ Western N., Mitchell, Sw 44,250 Han.N.,N. Y.; 1st & Secur. N., Mmpls. 220,450 13,570 237,890 15,000 L. A. Anderson___ A. W. Powell_____ JosephineCaldwell 25,000 10,000 220,000 10,000 307,000 20,000 Guy Bailey----------- B. A Lockwood— .. Whitewood.Lawrence E 2 White wood Banking Co. < § ’88 Harry Wentzy—— T. O. Mitchell—— 78-645 21,830 287,920 10,000 Pop. 390 C. L. Chase. . . — Willow Lake ..Clark D 14 Farmers &- Merchants Bank D. H. Chase --------- C. H. Chase_____ _ M. C. Howard 78-706 < § ’15 Pop. 500 M. J. LaMont 7,580 433,290 25,000 Louis J. Warken Security State Bank— <§'04 C. J. Ohinburg------ Chas. F isher-------- E. E. Williams____ thien 78-310 Beaula Forbes 12,000 305,000 11,900 M. Howell________ L. S. Hougen-------- A. G. Erickson — Wilmot____ Roberts C 16 Farmers State Bank------ tS’01 0. Christiansen___ -78-318 5 000 Pop. 600 First National Bank------- ’19 John Mnnro--------- S. C. Jones_______ W. F. Jones—-----78-766 7,000 352,000 16,800 R. E. W hite. R. H. Eastman____ C. M. Jensen_____ First State Bank---------- tS'93 Edmund Cook____ 3,000 140,000 10,000 W. S. Hall________ Thomas Westall — Winfred____ ,-Lake F 15 f » » e m £ | » s m n u Geo. Stensland — E. Freet 5,500 320,250 25,000 Pop. 800 E. B. Johnson___ State Bank of W in fred.<§’01 W. G. Williams___ W. H. Thompson— M. A. Chapin_____ L. B. Williams 78-424 10,000 600,000 50,000 Edward Haisch ___ L. Evans ...........— Albert Scheinost— »W innër_____ Tripp G 10 BANK OF WINNER — - < § 00 W. L. Montgomery T. C. Montgomery 78-214 4,500 350,000 30,000 Pop. 2000 T. Sink________ G. W. Mitchell__ J. L. Brown______ R. L. Tindale_____ E. Rhoda Sjoblom on attenti uuipt. 1 1 1 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK~*’08 A thoroughly or ganized eollectio n departm ent. Pr gotlated. to all banking m atters. Farm m ortgage loans ne 78-216 5,650 507,550 40,000 Security Bank------ ------ <§T0 F. J. Kirchman— W. C. Kirchman__ Lloyd Mengel__ G. F. Kares 78-217 3,000 110,000 5,000 Dewey Worcester George Worcester 0 . H. Worcester— Witten________Tripp G Atlas State Bank--------- < § ’09 Fred Worcester— H. E. Hiatt 78-492 Pop. 250 6,000 120,000 15.000 L. Bridgman . Farmers State Bank — 1§’09 B. G. R ahn_______ F. W. R ah n ______ W. H. Rahn — .— Mary Chivers 78-491 272,000 12,000 10,000 John Van Metre — B. T. Van Metre— Wolsey— ___ Beadle E 13 Bank o f Wolsey________t§’90 A. M. Chenoweth— C. A. Carlson 221.530 78-311 8,900 20,000 Pop. 600 fW .B . FRY----------- LOUIS SCHNETZER-- F. C. BAGER----------- R. E. BAGER FIRST STATE BANK— < § ’06 -< C ollections and paying taxes a sp ecfalty. (.Prom pt atten ti on to all banking m atters entrüste d t o us. 78-312 8,COO 110,000 10,000 F. A. McGornack— C. W . K erlin__ — G. L. Watson_____ M. Kaufman . W ood-_. — Mellette G 8 First Slate Bank-------- <§'12 78-654 13,000 555,270 50,000 Pop, 100 K. 0. STAKKE— —N. NOBLE— C ollections hav e the personal at t é n íio ñ oV^anoffl cer. »Woonsocket___Sanborn FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<’01 P rom pt, efflcie n t service In all d epartm ents. 78-149 Farm m ortgage loans negotiated through special d «partaient. Pop. 1300 E13 8.000 540,000 30,000 R. B. Morris----Woonsocket State Bank<§’06 W. H. Williams-— E. M. Smith ______ W. H. A llen--------78-150 21,000 345,750 25,000 Charles Bradshaw.Worthing__ Lincoln G 16 Peoples Security B a n k ...§'04 Henry Bradshaw _ Wm. Bradshaw___ • 78-462 Pop. 390 172,500 15,000 10,000 STATE BANK OF WORTHING Thomas Brady----- Frances B rady----- F. Mv Brady. 78-461 < §0 3 174,000 255,000 292,010 356,240 170,000 258.000 95,000 289,170 500,000 285,000 413,710 80,000 90,000 232,000 218,860 100,000 546.830 430.000 316,200 148,000 60,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: No.-West. N., Minpls.: 1st N., St. P.; Far. & Merch. State, Fergus Falls. . _ „ 59,460 N. City, Chi.; 1st N., Deadwood; Secur. Sav., Rapid C.; Live Stock N.. Orna. 38,300 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.: 1st. N „ Watertown and St. P.; Midland N., Minpls. 100,190 Ft. Dear. N.. Chi.: 1st & Secar. N.. Minpls.: Peo. Sav., Watertown.; Bank of Brookings, Brookings. ' | — M 72,000 1st N.. Chi.; Bkrs. N. and No.-West. N., Minpls.; Citiz. N., Sisseton. Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; 1st N., St. P. 110,600 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st & Secur. N.. Minpls.; Citiz. N., Sisseton. 40,000 lstN..M adison:lst & Secur. N., Minpls.: Sioux F. N., Sioux F. __ „ . 48,290 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: No. West. N., Minpls Sioux F. Sav., Sioux F. • \jiiy» luiu; u icfiu ij vjw. *->«*•*'*■«**».*—» — State Sav.. Sioux C.: Orna. N., Orna... 85.000 Stock Yds.N., So. St. P.; Midland N., Mmpls. lst N., Sioux C. 142.000 92Ï620 1st N., Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux C.: Merch N.. Orna. - „ _ 30,000 1st N., Orna.; Stock. Yds. N., So. St. P.; Greg ory N., Gregory; Gregory Co. State, Fair 40,000 Ls^N. and N. Bk. Com., Sioux C.; Stock Yds. N., So. St. P. and Orna. ■. ■ • , 51,000 Cont. & Oom’l N.,Ghi.; 1st & Secur. N., Mmpls Western N.. Mitchell; N. Bk. Com., SiouxC 26,110 Live Stock Ex. N., Ohi.; Livestock N.. Sioux O Secur. N.. Sioux F.; James Valley. Huron. 23,500 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Sioux C.; ü. S N., Orna. _ „ — j 108.120 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., and Live Stock Ex. N „ Ohi.; 1st & Secur. N., Minpls. 166.000 1st N., Chi.; Live Stock N., Sioux C.; Mitchell N., Mitchell; Secur. N., Sioux F. 70,070 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Sioux F. Sav. and Secur. N., Sioux F.; Secur. N., Sioux C. 54,500 N. Bk. Rep.. Ohi.; 1st N., Sioux C.; Sioux F. N.. Sioux F. S E C U R ITY NATHONAL BANK, Sioux Falls— S o u t h D a k o t a ’s L e a p in g B a n k Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N um ber under Nam e o f Bank is/ihe New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass*n. T own and County . N ame op Bank . *County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Entire State in No. 9 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. P resident . AMERICAN S T A T E BANK 78-49 _ * “ w v „. *’09 « 674.300 50,000 60,000 1,050,000 900,000 25,006 19,000 630,000 410,000 200,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Go., Chi.; Live Stock N., 50,000 40.000 1,400,000 800,000 550,000 Chem. N „ N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. _ R. R. Heaton *$$*09 Arthur Len H. A. Ran fir ; Mrs. H. A. Bauer 5,000 ~—“—;---:--- —~ ------— — Adams...Robertson K10 Bank o f Adams_____ - • « ’02 R. E. Qualls. 6 Pop. 800 87— 313 R. D. Farmer........ C' H. Fort. 8 Pop. 1000 5,000 150,000 35,000 Stock Yds. N., So.'St. P. 100,000 _ — 5; $ 10.000 $ 7,800 $ 125.000 $ 104.000 $ 38,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Nash. Cumberland Valley N. 10,000 J. C. Pugh__ 25,000 3,350 135,010 117,010 T333 4,190 49,070 22,470 10,000 13,720 188.870 127,640 8^950 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.: 1st N. St. L. 9,600 500 30,000 45,000 7,000 Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; 1st N. Jackson. W. Rutland_____ Frank R oy ..^ .____ J* O. Stark— 20.000 0.500 180.000 147.000 42,000 4th &<fst N.. Nash. R. Lester______ Dib Dinges_________ Dinges 30.000 6.500 225,000 161,000 92,000 Cumberland Valley hU-Nash, 7,500 5.000 129,000 66,600 Bank o f Adamsville__ - • « ’04 J. L. Alexander___ H. F. Scott 87-291 H. F. Scott______ Farmers & Merch. Bank..S’09 F. P. Adams______ J. M. Yancey 87-292 / Robert Smith J C. H. F E R R E LL - - - N. B. NANCE.......... C. R. ALS0BR 1 S p ecial attentio n given Bill o f L ading Drafts, Cas h and T im e f t BANK OF ALAM O -— - • « ’02 j 15c m u st be se n t with each Sig h t Draft for pres entatlon 87-314 s. 42,340 Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; 2d N. ,and Peo.'Sav., Jackson.; Am. N. and 4th & 1st N., Nashville. 36,070 4th & 1st N. and Am. N., Nash.; 1st N., Jack son, Tenn. ( and 25c w ith ea ch request for re p ort or rating. City Bank___________ - • « ’14 .T. P. Neal 87-513 Alexandria—Dekalb M 13 Bank o f Alexandria___ - . « ’88 6 Pop. 1000 87-255 Rnh D. W. Dinges Bkg. Co.,. • « ’99 J. 87-256 Algood----- ..PutnamM 15 Bank of Alpend— 6___ Poo. 800 87-315 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SECURITY A. Rov Walker________ _»iS’09 .T. T. Moore R. L. Conyers _____ J. G. E. C. V. Young . Lì. W T h nm ncnn T. J. T . Langford W. R. Nicholas NATIO NAL ____ C. E. Hampton ____ BANK M tq T ip n in n "Rii. lirejjn i l O U X 35,960 Tenn.-Hermitage N., Nash. H A N D L E S C O L L E C T IO N S D IR E C T July, 1919 - Peoples Bank & Trust Co.S’16 J. E. Winters_____ S. P. Alsbrooks___ W. R'. Edwards___ 87-593 Pop. 500 jou r V « . a«vw a ’j&V 250,000 M e d i. & M etals N ., N. Y .; Corn Éx. N., C h i.; 1st N., Sioux C .; 1st & Secur. N ., M inpls. TENNESSEE Fig. under town is Federal Keserve District. 8 240,620 Irving N., N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N.. Chi.; 1st N „ Sioux C.; Secur. N., Sioux F. Sioux C. FIRST NATIONAL BANK •*•72 F. L. Van Tassel — D. M. Finnegan. . . W. E. Heaton_____ E. R. Heaton 78-48 Z e ll.....--------Faulk D 12 First State Bank Pop. 200 78-647 925,000 20.600 ) F. C. DANFORTH— WM. J. FANTLE-- J. A. DANFORTH . . N. A. CALLES0N. . . W. 0. NELSEN First Loan & Trust Co..t8’09 W. K. Hpaton____ 78-51 ___r 50.000 P rincipal Correspondents . 5,810 $ 220,520 $ 174.420 $ 45,340 Secur. N „ Watertown: N. Bk. of Huron and City N., Huron: No.-West. N.,Minpls. $ 10,000 $ M. P. OHLMAN, JR. Resources. Loans k Bib- Cashk Ex* c’ts. Bonds, CH ANGES,DUS Securities fromBanks r handling your c om m erclal busln ess insure satlsfactor y service. SHOW TH AT WE COLLECT 80% Q F ALL COLLECT IONS S ENT ' U S. U. N A TIO N A L BANK M Liabilities . Su rplu s P a id - u p D epo s and Ca p it a l P r o f it s it s » « ’90 DAKOTA 78-50 A s s ’t Cashier . Cashier . / M. P. OHLMAN .. J. M. LLOYD-------- H. E. EDMUNDS— / Our facilities fo \ are such as to ( OUR RECORDS \ Let us serve TO Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, indexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, ______ etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page JL3. flA K T lT A — r n n lin iio /l A A v D llll^ iu c u SOUTH DAKOTA AND TENNESSEE BANKS—Yale to Algood ‘ Yankton..Yankton H 15 Pop. 5500 V ice-President . .T. F_ Sfihnltz Farmers State Bank..__t l ’06 78-846 Pop. soo QOTTTH T & \JU A 1 1 1234 lO O d . < Ihc N a tio n a l C i t y B a n k of Memphis, Tenn. Gives special and intelligent attention 1 U li moi ^; Qoaleiëliiio ! l!1 I! ÀH Memphis territory covered at minimumratésv Officers: w. C. T H O M P S O N , P re sid e n t W . L . H U N T L E Y , J r., V ic e -P r e s id e n t B . A . B O G Y , V ic e -P r e s id e n t SU S T E I N B E R G , V ic e -P r e s id e n t E . M . L E V I , A s s is ta n t C a sh ier O r g a n iz e d E D W . C . T E F F T , C a sh ier C a p it a l m em ber FEDERAL RESERVE. .SYSTEM. 1869 $ 1 ,8 0 0 ,0 0 0 Financial Institutions in all parts of the country are invited to transact their Memphis Business through the U n io n & B a n k & p la n te r s T r u s t C o. TEN N . M E M P H IS T he equipm ent of this bank is com plete for m aking collections, hand ling active or inactive accounts, and acting in all trust capacities F u ll G IL M E R NOLAN D R O B T . S. Jo h n D . in f o r m a t io n W IN S T O N F O N T A IN E PO LK M cD o w e l l Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - c o n c e r n in g o u r s e r v ic e u )ill b e p r o m p tly fu r n is h e d O FFICE R S - President F R A N K F . H IL L E L D R ID G E A R M IS T E A D . . . Vice-President F R A N K S. B R A GG . Vice-President J. R . B E A U C H A M P Vice-President and Cashier W . F. H A R P E R . Vice-President Attorney and Trust Officer SAM HOLLOW AY - o n re q u e s t Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier Auditor PASS BOOKS CHECK COVERS COIN BAGS Tennessee - INDEX TO K E N T U C K Y COUNTIES. Anderson. .M 18 TEN NESSEE B ed ford .. .O 12 Benton........M 7 Bledsoe___ O 15 Blount . . . . 0 1 9 Bradley___ Q 16 Campbell .. L 18 Cannon . . . N 13 Carroll........ N C arter___ M 24 Cheatham .L 10 Chester........ P Claiborne .L 20 C la y ___ •L 14 Cocke. . . . .N 21 Coffee. .. .O 13 Crockett. .. N 4 Cumberland •N 16 Davidson. .M 11 Decatur . . .O 7 Dekalb. . . .N 14 D ick son.. •M 9 D yer........ •M 3 F ayette.. . .P 3 Fentress . .L 16 Franklin. .Q 13 G ibson ... •M 4 Giles . . . . .P 10 Grainger . . M 20 Greene... .M 23 G rundy.. .P 14 Hamblen. M 21 Hamilton .P 15 Hancock. .L 21 Hardeman .. P 4 H ard in........ Q 6 Hawkins. .. L 22 Haywood . . . 0 3 Henderson . . 0 6 Henry.......... L 6 Hickman . . . N 9 Houston___ M 8 Humphreys.M 8 AND SCALE D E 38° F G Jackson .*. .M 14 Jam es........Q 16 Jefferson . .M 20 Johnson . . . L 25 K n o x ........M 19 B a k e.............L 3 Lauderdale . N 2 Lawrence . . . P 9 L ew is.......... 0 8 L in coln ... .Q 11 L oudon .. . .O 17 M cM in n .. .P 17 McNairy . . . Q 5 M acon........L 13 M a d ison ... O 4 Marion. . Marshall. Maury .. Meigs . . . M on roe.. MontgomeryL 9 M oore........ P 12 M orga n .. .M 17 Obion . . . . . . L 4 Overton . . . L 15 Perry . . . . . . 0 7 Pickett___ K 16 Polk........... Q 17 Putnam. . .M 15 Rhea..........O 16 Roane . . . .N 17 Robertson. .L 11 RutherfordjN 12 S c o t t......... L 17 Sequatchie P 15 Sevier...... ,N 20 Shelby........... P 2 Smith........M 13 Stewart......... L 8 Sullivan . . . L 24 Sum ner... ,L 12 Tipton........... 0 2 Trousdale. .L 13 Unicoi . . . .M 24 U n ion ........L 19 V anBuren.O 15 .W arren... .O 14 'Washington ................ L 23 W ayne........... P 8 Weakley. . . . L 5 W hite........ N 15 Williamson N 10 Wilson___ M 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PROGRESS "S e n d us y o u r O rd e rs . Y o u w ill be pleased wli$ervice” S e c u r ity T r u s t B a n k C o m and p a n y MEMPHIS, TENN. Capital $300,000 OFFICERS THEODORE READ, President T. R. BOYLE, ist Vice-President R. P. HABERLING, 2nd Vice-Pres. LOUIS GINOCCHIO, 3rd Vice-Pres/ CLEO P. CREEDLE, Secretary AUBREY SCOTT, Assistant Secretary SIDNEY READ, Cashier J. F. KIMBROUGH, Jr., Ass’t Cashier We make a speciaity and have unequaled facilities for handling Your MEMPHISand SOUTHERN Items and Collections iiiJSSl m f c Bank t o e aof c b St. b a nLouis k in ü . S . c x c l u s l j e l y Federal Reserve 1 ¿ J O Directory, under the authority of The q q N a m e of B a n k . Prompt - Reasonable Test Our PAR Faculties c., see page 14. T E N N E S S E E Li a b i l i t i e s . R e so u r c e s . For Holidays, see opposite page 13.\ P r in c ip a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . T E N N E S S E E »Altamont..Grundy P 14 Cumberland Mountain Bank 87-596 t§’16 6 Pop. 250 Ardmore_____ Giles Q 10 87-610 6 Pop. 300 Arlington___ .Shelby P 2 Arlington Bk.-& Tr. Co.«t§’15 { Pop. 600 87-316 »Ashland City .Cheatham Ashland City Bk.&Tr.Co. t§’01 87-279 6 Pop. 641 M10 Cheatham County Bank.iS’09 87-280 Pop. 4000 87-161 P r e s id e n t . Bellbuckle.. Bedford O 12 6 Pop. 1000 87-319 .T. T . Rrnwn W. H. Birdsong Bells_______Crockett O 4 8 Pop. 900 BANK OF BELL BUCKLE 87-297 116,870 181,830 21,980 1st N., Chi.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 41,580 4th & 1st N., Nash. 12,100 2,540 186,900 131,530 66,630 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 50,000 10,000 ( 6 . F. L0CKMILLER 0. U. OWEN — — - H. S . MOODY < Save tim e ana get service on Col lections and Cred it R eports b y sen ding T R Y US. (FEE IN ADVA NCE: Plain sigh t d ra fts, lS c ; Cre dit R eports, 2 5 c . 340,000 300,000 75,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 229,090 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga; City N., Knoxville. \ 31,480 Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Tipton Co.-Far. Union, Oov. 39,390 Chase N., N. Y.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Merch. State, Humboldt. Am.N., Nash. 65,470 L J . Pardue______ G. W. Fambrough.. J. B. Smith, Jr.__ "75,000 69,800 630,590 610,240 10,000 10,580 78,590 64,590 S. L. Barger 15.000 1,180 77,120 47,900 Miss Gwen MeKnight 12,200 2,450 112,980 50,340 15,000 3,000 94,500 85.000 20,000 Ohase N.,‘ N. Y.; City N., Knoxville. 7,500 2,000 105,000 45,000 65,000 Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; 1st N., Cooke ville. N. City, N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., State Bk. & Tr. Co., and Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 35,500 Cumberland Valley N.. Nash. W. W. Templeton.. R .S .M cD ill..._£_ D. A. Belew______ .T W . Hodge R. L. Richardson.. W . T. Todd_ (Branch o f M urf rcesboro , Tenn.) Otto McGahey____ Josephine Petty.. 7,500 2.900 80,220 52,750 30,000 GEO. TR0XLER— 10,000 (T.H. WOODS-— G. C. BINGHAM— E. B. SH0FFNER— and T im e Item s. 1 Special a tte n d o n given Bill o f La ding Drafts, Cash ] 15c m u st be sen t w ith each Sight D raft for present ation and 25c for eaeb re p ort. ( Directors n et w orth over on e hal f m illion dollars. 200,000 172,000 33,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 14,000 5,000 200,000 150,000 60.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N.. Nash. 25,000 " G. T. LEWIS _ _ _ _ R E. GASEY ______ and Requests fo r Cre d it Reports MUS T be accom panie d by CE: Plain sight dr afts, 15c; Credit Re ports, 25c. 5,000 225,000 200,000 50,000 1st N.. St. L.: Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 2,700 117,000 117,400 19,300 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Memp.; N. Bk. Com. St..L.; 4th & 1st N „ Nash. F. ROBERTSON. J E CASEY (fee in a d v a n jC . C.HENDERSON. P. E. TAYLOR __________ W. E.PITN ER — J. K. DUNLAP — T. H. WILLIAMS — 15,000 i C ollections and Requests fo r Cre dit, R eports MUS T be accom panie d by (FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dr afts, 15c; Credit Re ports, 25c. Walter M. Harrison J . D. Clemmer______ H. R. Mitchell W. McClary___ W . T. Pigott______ Claude Senter____ W. A.T.yles tS’13 W . R. Hall _______ O. L. H ow ell_____ G. A. Lowe ............ O. L. Howell IS’07 J . M. Moses______ D. J. CooDer W . T . Pafford Trene Morris 25,000 7.060 107,940 108,700 12,000 8,700 100,000 76,500 10,000 4,500 65,000 54,000 10,000 2,980 39.580 ' 29,390 7,575 1,600 125,000 88,340 19,360 Merch. N „ N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 51,800 Han. N., N. Y.; 2d N., Jackson; Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 20,000 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 20,880I Am. N., Nash. 32,180 Chase N., N./Y.: Am. N., Nash. Pnn. S 00 CENTRAL-STATE NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Individuals invited. Unsurpassed Collection Service. Union & _________ 1235 fi 87-540 4,220 Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; City Bk. & Tr. Co., McMinnville. 30,130 4th & 1st N., Nash. 98,500 Benton Banking Co._____ »iS’07 87-324 Bethel Springs Bank___ t§’03 87-325 Farmers & Merchants Bank 87-326 *§T0 Rip Reek Rank 40,770 205,130 f J, Warmers Rank 47,400 $ 59,270 12,920 BANK OF CR0CKETT-«t§’88 -< C ollections 87-512 600 17,100 J . C. Chambliss___ & Tr. C o ._ » tl’09 J. T. Stephenson.. R. E. Epps............ .......... 87-298 87-323 2,210 $ 39,400 $ Principal Correspondents . 10,000 .T. S. Walls T. J . Adkisson___ _ Hugh Dozier............ P. P. Pickard. Robt. Robinson----- B. R. McKnight___ Carl Bass W. R. Estes ' BELLS BANKING CO.— «t§’12 »Benton_____ ..P olk Q 17 6 Pop. 600 Bethel Springs..McNairy 8 Pop. 450 P 5 Bethpage___ Sumner L 12 6 Pop. 500 Big Rock___Stewart L 8 6 Pop. 200 Big Sandy___Benton L 7 15,000 irv For Holidays, see opposite pag?\3 * .^ 10,000 H. S. Griffin_______ S. Y. Wilson Farmers & Traders Bk. « t l’12 G. N. Bailey.-------- a .s . noimh 87-534 Baxter Bank & Tr. C o...t$’06 Lawrence Grace. ~ W. T. Anderson__ 87-320 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 87-578 §’14 Bank o f Belfast________t i ’10 J . C. Tate________ W.R.Woodward.Sr. 87-322 Peoples Bk. A s s ’ t Ca s h ie r . Ca s h ie r . J. H. Northcut___ E. C. Shelton_____ W. R. Wood______ Mrs. W. R. W ood.. $ 10,000 $ 87-160 Atoka________ Tipton P 2 87-317 8 Pop. 400 Atwood______ Carroll N 5 Atwood Banking Co.— *i§’05 J. W. Parham___ _ 87-318 8 Pop. 500 Auburn_____ Cannon N 13 ( Woodbury P. O.) 6 Pop. 114 Baileyton___ Greene L 22 6 Pop. 200 Baxter...'— Putnam M 14 6 Pop. 1000 Beechgrove.. -Coffee 0 13 6 Pop. 500 Belfast____ Marshall P 11 6 Pop. 110 V ice -P r e s id e n t . REsbURCES. 1 Loam k Dis- . Cashk Ex Paid- up Surplus D rpos c’tb. Bonds, changes,Dui AND Ca p it a l PROFITS IT Securities fromBanks T E N N E S S E E BA N K S—A ltam ont to Big Sandy 6 CITIZENS NATIONAL B K .» i 07 E-, see page 14. i1 Lia b il it ie s . N a m e of B a n k . ' T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. truly, 1 9 1 9 ___________ 1235 1236 •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State »County Seats, r Figure under town is iMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Blanche____ Lincoln Q 11 6 (Ardmore P.O.) Pop, 850 »Blountville.SullivanK 24 6 Pop. 500 Bluff City__ Sullivan L 24 6 Pop. 700 »Bolivar___ Hardeman P4 8 Pop. 1070 President. Vice-President. Cashier. Liabilities . Depos Paid- up Surplus and its; Capital Profits Ass ’t Cashier. $ 10,000 $ Blanche Banking Co.___t§’06 D. M. Sanders____ C. C. Faukenberry C. B. Brock ______ 87-327 Bradyville Bank„ - t l 'l l • 87-331 Bank of Brazil________ t§’05 87-332 Brighton Savings Bank »$§’10 87—333 Bank of Bristol_______ «§12 87-82 15,000 10,000 340,000 265,000 90,000 10,000 3,550 122,000 195,250 24,710 John L. Mitchell__ G. M. Savage------ 30,000 27,470 380..000 192,360 Jacob Kahn___ ___ D. M. McAnulty___ John V. W right... 30,000 18,810 431,330 361,780 118,350 J. H. Rochelle____ J. N. Alexander__ _ D. H. Patterson___ 30.000 15,000 170,000 95,000 113,790 W. A Crabtree___ W. L. Bryant— — R. P. Yates_______ H. L. Waldrop . . . . 25.000 M. F . C a ffy ______•A. J. Jernigan____ S. M. Patton_____ D. F. W illiam s___ 8,600 4,020 69,380 66,950 12,500 2,930 40,130 28,780 G. T. Ingram__ __ T. K. Happel_____ D. M. Dinwiddie__ J. H. Banks_______ R. F. Miller.._____ J. C. Chisolm_____ M. E. H ill.._______ L. E. Baird H. W. Powers____ J. P. Y ou n g______ R. W. Kelly— ----- R. J. Mottern. J. D. Ingham R. L. Pennington H. W. Spargur.— A. E. Anderson H. M. Bellamy Washington Tr. & Sav. Bank J. D. Mitchell_____ J. A. Mahoney____ D. T. McKee „ — A. P. Moore 87-81 «tS '16 H. E. Jones, H. A. J on es--------- IRWIN AARON — ~ C h .o fB d . ♦ 87-141 Farmers Banking C o ....t§ ’18 87-334 Bank of Buffalo Valley.«iä’12 87-523 Peoples Bank-----——„ *t§’07 87-335 Farmers & Merch.Bank.i§’06 87-336 Burns Bank & Trust Co..§’19 87-633 Johnson County Bank.«t§’06 G. W. LY LE ....... W.-P. Allen_______ D. D. M artin_____ Mrs; D. D. Martin Samuel Denton___ W. W. Jared____ _ W. G. T ravis_____ J. B. Willoughby . . Wm. Knipp____ W. M. Raider W'. B. Pugh— ____ J. W. Robertson__ R. E. Holland_____ A. A. Acres A. L. M. Johnson— W. D. Buttrey------ H. B. Tidwell-.____ W. 1 6 0 / 97,000 800,000 660,000 ________ » m e ______________ o f B an k __ ______ the________ Nev T r a n s it N u m b e r 4,940 4th & 1st N., Nash. 13,000 Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Tipton Co.-Far. Union,, Cov. i w 200,000 Chase N „ N. Y.: Fifth-Third N „ Cin.; N. Ex. Roanoke, Va, 60,000 1,491,570 1,449,590 388,340 Han. N. and Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.: £orn. Ex N.,Phil.; Am. N., Rich.; Fifth-ThirdN., Cin 150,000 104,630 1.888,080 2,194,400 336,330 N. City, N. Y.; ls t li ., R icb.;D rov. & Mech N., Balt.; City N., Knoxville. - 50,000 17,840 528,330 498,120 103,680 Han. N., N. Y.; Dominion N., Bristol, Va. 100,000 25,000 585,000 654,000 ' 99,800 Imp. & Tra. N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi, 1st N., Memp. N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.: 1st N.. St. L.; 4th &1 st N., Nasa. 145,560 N. City, N .Y .; N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; (M em . Fed, R es.) 10,000 3,000 52,560 39,240 18,890 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 5,100 3,100 70,000 59,000 21,000 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 20,000 4,700 207,680 198,130 10,000 7,640 137,420 61,310 10,000 6,160 ' 120,760 85,040 10,000 2,740 133,920 40,140 25,000 1,500 325,000 300,000 10,000 510 37,950 29,660 40,000 Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Am. N. Nâsh.. 17,420 Han. N „ N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash 12,700 5,300 51,000 50,000 16,250 Cumberland Valley N „ Nash. 50,000 38,500 656,000 587,000 35,720 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; City N., Johnson City. 88,970 4th & 1st N. and Am. N., Nash.; Dover Bk. & Tr. Co., Dover; 1st N-, Dickson. ,51,890 Han. N., N. Y.; Dominion N., Bristol, Ya. 97,220 Cumberland Valley ¡N& Nash. 146,560 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. and Com’l N „ Chi.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash. __________ _ fá c ilit íe s fo r h a n d lin g T e n n e s s e e , M is s is s ip p i a n d Accessible Towns, dexed in back, of this volume. g iv e n directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st Nr, St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Gibson County, Trenton. 12,390 Tenn.-Hermitage N., Nash. 150,000 S p e c i a l U. S. exclusively by Tlie Rand-McNally Bankers* ech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Union & & Tr. Co., Memp. 10.000 . Olspaugh . . L. H. Goodwin__ _ L. L. Goodwin____ W. J. Pierce______ R. W. Smythe____ Florence Eller 8 7 -3 3 7 Pickett County Bk. & Tr. Co E .P . Hildreth____ M. W. Smith______ John Lacy________ Everett Hassler—. 87-338 •t§,04 First National Bank__ »¿’07 A. S. Justice______ T. J. Lowry--------- E. L. Dodd__ _— 87-272 Peoples Bank & Tr. Ch,—§’14 L. E. Davis._____ _ G. B. Bane______ _ J. M. Lockhart — 87-563 Campbellsville. Giles P 10 Campbellsville Bank___ i§ ’10 R. N. H ays---------- F. M. Collins______ E. H. C u rry___s— J. A. Morris 87-339 6 (Lvnnville P.O.) Pop. 150 »Carthage___Smith M 13 Smith County Bank___ «t§’92 John A. Fite_____ S. M. Young— .. Julian Fisher-------- F. F. Robinson T. B. Read 87-243 6 Pop. 1500 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 to each bank in 96,000 40,000 200.000 45,760 1,014,340 1,197,760 n and nal atte n tion . W .G .B E R S 0 N -- I H. E. OGLESBY ... .FIFTEEN CENT » sent to us w ith each sight draf [TW ENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redit report insur T. H. N ixon..____ 6,000 79,600 152,990 Han. N. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. July, 1919 Brush Creek—Smith M 13 6 Pop. 50C Buffalo Valley__ Putnam 6 Pop. 150 M 14 Bullsgap—-Hawkins M 22 6 Pop, 800 Bumpus Mills.StewartL 8 6 Pop. 500 Burns______Dickson G 7 6 Pop. 300 Butler..,___ Johnson L 25 6 Pop. 500 »Byrdstown..Pickett L 16 6 Pop. 156 »Camden___ Benton M 7 8 Pop. 1100 R. M. CHAMBLISS **§0 2 10,000 Dominion N., Bristol. rov. & Mech. N., Balt.; 1st N., Bris Tennessee h an dlin g Collect! ons. »Brownsville.—Haywood Brownsville Bank__ . . . < § ’69 J. O. Borner___ . . . D. D. Shaw_______ S. F. Thomas_____ J. H. Bennett. 87-140 8 - Pop. 3500 O3 state b a n k — Principal Correspondents. 5,020 $ 62,660 $ 48,860 $ 28,820 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 1st N., Fayetteville. C. H. Masengill___ C. J. Phillips..—. H. H. Masengill___ J. J. W hite..— J. W. Swadley W. D. Lyon_______ J. B. W olfe_____ — F. L. Lilley — L— Paul C. Henry— H. E. Jones.______ W .H . C ox.............. A. P. Moore — . . . Dominion National Bank J . N. Huntsman 87-80 » t’90 A. P. Moore E. W. KING........ JAS. W. LYNN - ~ W. F. SMITHJOHN H-CALDWELL C.W W ARDEN, V.P. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*i’68 Established 186 8 — Oldest B a n k in Northeastern 87-79 and S ou th w est Virginia—Excelle n t facilities for Fir s t RESOURCES. k k Ex Loams Dis- Cash c’ ts . Bonds, changes,D ub from Ba k u Securities TENNESSEE BANKS— Blanche to Carthage Farmers Bank of Sullivan Co. /87-328 «t§'06 Bluff City Bank—_____ «¿§’05 87-329 Bank of Bolivar_______»$§’87 87-233 Hardeman County SavingsBk. 87-234 ? t l ’03 Bradford____Gibson M 5 Bank o f Bradford______ i t '03 87-330 8 Pop. 800 Farmers Bank__________§’19 87-629 Bradyville— Cannon O 13 6 Pop. 106 Brazil_______ Gibson N 4 8 ( Trenton P. O.) Pop. 139 Brighton____ Tipton O 2 8 Pop. 226 Bristol_____Sullivan K 24 B 6&SPOP.7148 T E N N E S S E E — Continued Name op Bank. - Town and County. Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in¿exed in back of this volume. F or Interest RftteSy Grace* e tc ., see page 14. F or Holidays, see opposite page 13. 1236 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-M cN aUy Bankers' D irectory, under the authority of T h e Am erican Bankers A ss'n. * u» uiwaw»« h etc., see oaee 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 .\ TENNESSEE—Continued Liabilities . R e so u r c e s . ’ " ........ P r in c ip a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . -*< N u m b er «F. F. Robinson IT. B. Read Pon 1500 PCMTP &IS3STATE M&TIOM&I u n d er N a m e o r B an k is th e N e w T ra n sit N u m b e r g iv e n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tlie Rand-McNally Bankers’ 1 2 3 7 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. N ame of Bank . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State «County Seats. $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Figure under town is [Estab. Federal Reserve District. •Mem. Fed. Res. P resident . «Chattanooga__ Hamilton 6 Reserve City. Pop. 60,075 Q 15 Accessible V ice-President . Ca sh ie r . Pauline Simpson. . 10,000 $ W. L. B row n_____ G. W. Stephens___ E. P. Fowler ____ H. H. Kyle — - — 15.000 A. H. Grigsby_____ A. J. Robertson . . . S. Whitson______ E. Russell —--------- 30.000 J. A. McCord-------- S. G. Carothers. . . R. L. P eery--------- E. Russell—-------W. L. Downey J. B. Walker_____ _ R. B. Barnwell___ S. C. Broome_____ S. S. Cunningham.. 30.000 F. H. Ezell________ J. R. Wilhoite,___ S. L. Giles___ ____ O. L. Marshall------ •$’05 «${’89 87-34 Ca m k Kxchanges,Dub raeac Banks 13,000 $ 190,000 I 155,000 $ 58,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; State Bk. & Tr. Co., Tenn.-Hermitage N., and Cumberland Val ley N., Nash. T .. . 9,780 203,560 115,390 112,950 Han. N., N. Y.: Cumberland Talley N., Nash 73,770 Park, N. Y.; Am. N., Nash.; 1st N., St.L 524,770 404.320 13,500 175,000 120,000 M. B. K err.»--------- H. B. Powell—— W. G. Orme__ ___ T. M. H aynes... Gifford ftSpkins W. J. Eldredge.—, R. A. Palmer__ — J. E. Quisenberry— Maude Greenlee— 15.000 2,900 75.000 70,000 40.000 14,840 225,100 190,550 88,600 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. F. H. Hickerson--------------------------- -— 10.000 3,970 137,470 125.740 24,850 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 300,000 164,000 1,550,000 1,775,200 409,500 N. Park, N. Y .; 1st N., Cin. 750,000 311,370 5,315.900 4,734.040 1,618,520 Chase N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N. and 1st N „ Chi.: Lin. N. and FifthThird N., Cin.; (M em . Fed. R es.) W. B. Leech______ A. G. Castleman Carl Gibbs__ S. R. Read____ R. W. Barr T. R. Durham S. C. Brooks__ A. S. Simmons 221,890 Han. N „ N. Y.; 4th & 1st N „ Nash.; 4th N. Atl. 60,000 4th & 1st N. and Am. N-, Nash. 18,000 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. ■ J. P. HOSKINS— W. H. DeWITT----S eab. N . a n d N . C ity, N. Y .s C orn E x . 1,000,000 900,000 16000000 15500000 3,500,000 N. and C on t. & C om ’ l N ., C h i.; N. Bk. HAJM, Active ¿cT: « ,IG i. .......... 1« C om ., St. L .; 1st N., P hil. Z. C. PATTEN... We haveunusual faciTities for handling collections at reasonable charges, guaranteeing prompt service. Designated Depository lor the United States»- City of Chattano oga and State of Tenness ee. CHAS. A. LYERLY- H EM J. B. F. LOWRY.— lE. iB. nSHADDEN, y- 1,000,000 700,000 14 S00000 15500000 3,500,000 H an. N. and M ech . & M etals N ., N. Y . N . C ity, C h i.; I s t i ) , and F ifth-T h ird N., Cin. . . .. .__IGM.__ Every modernfaci lity for making colie étions. Our established p olicy to remit for ite ms on the day we m akecollection. Our ratesare We solicit theacc ounts of Banks, Ban kers, Corporationsa nd Individuals, We havethelarge st Capital and the la rgest Surplus ofany bankin East-Tenne ssee. A uditor - 4 .™ w 250,000 ble. 192,000 2,658,080 2,255,820 448.580 H an. N ., N. Y .; F ifth -T h ird N „ Cin. T r. C o. o f Ga., Atl. Special attention given Bill of Lading Drafts. Our location very accessible to Wholesale District. Loveman B ank..._____ *${’07 B. E. Loveman____ 87—38 St. Elmo Bk. & Tr. Go. *${’13 Z. 0. Patten, Jr. . . 87-37 W. V. Turley_____ Union Bank & Trust Co. 87-35 «${’17 B0WDRE BROWN 00___ - Boonmn 38,940 r - R -P D E S T O .- - 87-33 k Loams Disc’ to. t Bonds, 12.000 t f t » "business to us. 'HAMILTON TRUST Send your Chattanooga & SAVINGS BANK DliectOT», m- 50.000 T. R. PRESTON~ 87-36 !• »»», 192,070 »$’66 'H A M IL TO N NATIONAL BANK Lawyers, 218,540 AMERICAN TRUST 87-30 Town«, exed in b a c k of th is volume. For Interest Rates, G ra ce * t ^ etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see op p osite p a ge 13 -' ji. R esources. Principal Correspondents. 9,300 ♦Chattanooga Savings Bank W. A. Sadd. ♦ 87-31 *${’89 D. B. Loveman___ F. W. P ik e_______ Miss Clara Goodson 10,000 3,850 81,620 42.460 G. H. Patten______ C. N. Woodworth . J. R. Huff D. D. Etheridge — 1. P. Milligan-------- S. C. Heymann___ 20,000 6,530 220,470 198,820 35,000 1,000 90,000 85,000 15,280 1st N.. Chattanooga. 44,680 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. 12,500 Trying N., N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. ’95 ( Brokers) _____ ... Chattanooga Clearing House R. W. Barr — ------ J. B. F. Lowry------ W. A. Sadd, Sec— F. A. Nelson, Mgr, CENTRAL-STATE NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Liabilities . Depos Paid- up Surplus and its Capital Profits ASS’T CASHIER. E. Y. CHAPIN........S. L PROBASCO.AcM). H. GRISWOLD — J. H. McDOWELL M. M. HEDGES ive. J. F. JOHNSTON J , , Besides general banking items» send us matters requiring personal handling by men of broad trust & BANKING CO. and banking experience. - ______ 87-41 «${’12 'F IR S T NATIONAL BANK h an dlin g T e n n e s s e e , M ississip p i and TENNESSEE—Continued Cedar Hill.RobertsonKlO Bank o f Cedar Hill____ »${’04 G. A. Washington— John C. Clark____ W. G. Simpson__ 87-340 6 Pop. 800 «Celina________Clay L 15 Bank o f Celina_______ »${’95 87-341 6 Pop. 467 .C enterville.... Hickman Citizens National Bank.. .$’10 87-230 6 Pop. 1200 0 9 Farmers & Merchants Bank 87-626 t§’19 First National Bank____»$'85 87-229 Chapel Hill.Marshall O il Bank o f Chapel H ill____ ${’05 87-342 ? 6 Pop. 1000 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 87-558 ${’14 Charleston.. Bradley P 17 Hiwassee Bank________•$S’07 87-343 6 Pop, 500 «Charlotte...Dickson M 9 Bank o f Charlotte___ ____ {'05 87-344 6 Pop. 450 S p é c ia l fa c ilitie s f o r BAN Accounts of Banks, Bankers, M anufacturers, M erchants, and Individuals invited. Unsurpassed Collection Service X Num ber under Name o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given to euch bank in Ü. 8. exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally Bankers D irectory, under the authority of T h e A m erican Bankers A s s n -.. T ow n a n d c o u n t y . i- President. STERLING FOBT. ASS’T CASHIER. Cashier. E. T. Smotherman. J. H. R obbins-----H. C. Naylor J. D. Hamilton — - M. J. Morrison —— ______ R. E. Atkins______ •*§’54 F. N. SMITH *il’U its 10,000 3,500 80,000 64.000 10,000 3,800 97,000 74.000 100,000 90,000 650,000 580,000 75,000 139,890 1,488,330 1,410,670 662,620 525,090 108,420 1,134,380 927.260 43,230 P r in c ip a l c o r r e s p o n d e n t s . Loans A Dis- C ash A E x BONDfc, changes,D ue from Banks Securities 17.000 Cumberland Valley N „ Nash, 39.000 Drov. & Mech. • Kingsport. 175,000 Han. N „ N. Y.; Xst N Irtish 357,600 N. City*,’ N. Y.; 1st N „ Nash. 250,290 Am. Ex. N., N. Nash. N.. Balt.: Bk. of Kingsport, „ Citiz.-Union Nt, Lou.; 4th & Citiz.-Union N., Lou.; 4th & s v Y.: 4th & 1st N. and Am. N., ....... H. P. PICKERING........ -0 . E. LAYNE— — — 100,000 415,540 A m . Ex. N., N. ¥ .; 4th & 1st N ., Nash. Fee in advance: 15c with each sight draft; 25c for credit report. Sterling Fort—— Northern Bank Trust Co. 87-73 §’19 Security Trust, Co........... §’12 George Fort—........ Oscar Beach______ mm 87-72 \ — M. L. Cross—— — Southern Trust Co.— <§T0 Weslëy Dràne 87-71 P. B. Mayfield.— J. E. Johnston____ •Cleveland.. .Bradley 1 16 Cleveland Bk. & Tr. Co.**§’06 - 87-93 6 Pop. 7000 CLEVELAND NATIONAL BK. J. E. Johnston____ W'. P. Lang_______ 87-91 **’66 Merchants Bank--------^-*§’02 C. W. H arle______ G. T. Hall— __ ___ 87-92 PEOPLES BANK— ' 100,000 F. T. Hodgson C. O. Brown - _____ Emory Kimbrough W. H. W all............ CE: Sight drafts 15c minimum, 25c minimum charge if Reports 35c T R Y US. R. L. MILLER NORTHERN BANK H E R E IS OURJOHNRHURST E C O R D : Oldest Bank in Tennessee. Through all of the panics and the Civil Wap OF TENNESSEE we have kept on paying out good money. 87-67 and P r o fits D epos J. T. HUFFINE— W. A. LILLARD G. M. MC KNIGHT O. E. Layne. . . . — Northern Bk. o f Tenn., Clarksville. 25.000 Frank Goodlett —- 75.000 24.000 C. W. Bailey______ 25.000 25.000 W. P. Lang...------ F. J. H arle...------Frank J. Harle___ E. S. Petty ;— ... E. F. CAMPBELL — 142,850 100,000 190.000 440.000 2,800 Northern Bk. o f Tenn., Clarksville. 5,000 1st N.. Clarksville. 10.000 Clev. N.i Clev. 75.000 75.000 150,000 162,890 75.000 80.000 270.000 360.000 147,170 SeatfTN., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Fifth Third N., Cin.; 1st N.. Chattanooga. 68,000 N. City, N. Y.: Hamilton N.. Chattanooga. 50.000 14,790 .378 350 355,470 81,750 Chase N „ N. Y.: Hamilton N „ Chattanooga. 880,960 1,196,690 July, 1919 1o o n \ Digitized Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ^ " îe cm OMl ections and Credi t Reports by send Ing Save tim e and g et service R Y US. 87-94 FEE IN AD VAN CE: Plain sight d ra fts, 1 5 c ; Credi t R eports, 2 5 c . T 84,480 Han. N „ N. Y.: Am. N „ Nash.: Union & Plan. 50,000 34.330 188,070 184,130 W. A. Hughes___ _ J. J. Montague___ Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. Clifton_______Wayne P 7 Peoples Bank---------— *§’90 W. H.Newcomb-— W , S. Howard 90,300 N. City, N. Y .; City N.,. Knoxville. 58,030 125,830 87-346 30.000 6 Pop. 711 J. H. Worthington Geo. Taylor — ‘ Clinton... Anderson M 18 Peoples Bank---------— —§’19 J. H. Wallace....... C. N. Rutherford-80,800 Chase N., N. Y.; Holston N., Knoxville. 282,270 87-619 40,360 292,720 6 'P op. 1090 30.000 Ernest T aylor.— Union Bank___._______ **§’94 C. J. Sawyer------ .— S. M. Leath— i ___ W. W. Underwood 87-347 38.000 N. City, N. Y.; City N „ Knoxville. 180,000 190.000 25.000 23,000 M. H. Irwin_______ J. C. Billingsley Coal Creek..__ Anderson First National Bank____ < ’08 E. M. Beasley------- G. P. Norman___ -| 87-348 30.000 4th & 1st N., Nash. 48.000 67.000 6 Pop. 1102 M 18 11,600 10.000 C. P. Rènder.—. — Coldwater ...Lincoln Q 11 Bank of Coldwater_____ t l ’1 T. D. Sugg------------ R. C. Smith_______ 87-349 10.000 4th & 1st N., Nash. 128,500 120,000 6 Pop. 50 15.000 6.500 W. E: Stammer— E. M. Covington— College Grove. Williamson Bank o f College G rove..*§’11 T. H. Ogilvie----- — C. B. Haley---------S. H. Brisby 87-350 33.000 MeJ>. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. 51.000 6 Pop. 200 N 11 70.000 15.000 2.200 J. W. Lynch— — Cö„ Memp.; N- Bk. Com., St. L. Oollierville— Shelby Q 2 First State Bank & Trust Co J. H. Irfey— S------ B. B. Isbell - _____ J. F. Dudney 87-607 *§T7 38.000 Met. Tr. Go., N. Y.; Union & Plani 'Bk. & Tr, 176.000 210.000 8 Pop. 1500 25.000 7,400 Fred Kirk— __5— E. F. Moreland.— J. L. Hutton b -----W. N. Craig--------Co., Memp. Peoples Bank ------------- < § ’08 H. W. Mahn 87-254 N. C.Jeter, M gr.. (Branch o f Bank o f * W ay nesboro Waynes- 4th & 1st N., Nash. Collinwood— Wayne Q 8 Bank of Collinwood— ...§ ’18 boro, T enn.) 87-611 20,380 Am. N. and State Bk. & Tr. Co., Nash. 14,500 21,410 6 Pop. 2000 15,000 Miss J. McWilliams J. Me Williams Wayne County Trust Co..§’18 J. D. Dunn_______ Thomas S. Bailie.. Meeh. & Metals N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 87-614 182,170 512,860 622,960 50.000 28,310 G. E. McKennon.. »Columbia——Maury 0 10 COLUMBIABANK & TR. CO W. B. Greenlaw___ W. E. Martin........ W. H. Wilson 87-87 •*§’09 Han. N „ N. Y. 5,000 50.000 6 Pop. 5754 8,500 25.000 Maury County Trust Co. §’H J. F. Brownlow— W. P. Ridley------- C. A. Parker__ —N. Pàrk and Han. N.. N. Y. 87-89 275.000 1,500,000 1,750,000 100,000 200,000 J. F. Brownlow___ H. B. Cochran___ MauryNatienal B ank... < ’93 C. A. Parker.-----— W. P. R idley----W. M. Chaffin R. L. McKinney N. City. N.Y.; 4t,h & 1st N.. Nash.; Hamilton 87-85 198,770 1,099,990 766,890 141,870 125,000 N., Chattanooga; Lou. N. Bkg. Co., Lou. Phoenix National Bank . < ’05 E. E. McLemore.— W. A. Dale------------ H. O. Fulton Phoenix N., Columbia. 87-86 23,350 144,690 114,010 29,030 25.000 H. O. Fulton Phoenix Savings Bk. & Tr. Co. E. E. McLemore__ W ï A. Dale 87-88 < § ’09 for FRASER l i i t o s f o r h an dlin g T e n n e ss e e , TENNESSEE BANKS— Christiana to Columbia Christiana__ Rutherford Bank of Christiana----- -J*§’09 87-345 6 Pop. 600 , 0 12 Church Hill—~ Hawkins Church Hill Bank--------- *§T2 B. L. Bussell______ 87-546 6 Pop. 300 , L 22 Archer Howell-----*Clarksville.Montgbmery Clarksville National Bank 87-69 < ’82 ' 6 Pop. 8548 L9 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-** 65 Wesley Drane — 87-68 J c .B .L y le _____ FIRST TRUST & SAV. BK. YFEE IN ADVAN 87-70 *»'06 (Reliable Credit Vice-President. R e so u r c e s . Li a b i l i t i e s . Surplus N a m e of B a n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State »County Seats. Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal. Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. . , T E N N E S S E E ----- C o n t i n u e d .-v1'- :, ... •. v.'-, 1 238 1 ooo 1238 nuire Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number g iv e n t o e a c h b a n k in U . S . exclusively b y The Rand-McNally Bainkers under the Aiithnritv o f The American Bankers Assn. TEN N ESSEE-—Continued Accessible Towns, lawyers, Law*, mrectors, ^mdexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace,, ^ etc., see page 14. For Holidays^ see opposite, page >— - ' == ---- : == ■■■ . ~ - = r< «f§»Q9 I „ IN A Ig lM E t oon 1239 Number under Name of Bank is tbe New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n. Name of Bank. TOWN AND COUNTY. Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. . Figure under town is ÎMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. Mem. Fed. Res. Oobqo__ - __ l__Henry M 6 Farmers & Merch. Bank. §T0 0. O. Crawford— TIPTON GOUNTYUNION BANK farm ers 87-131 31,990 28,450 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Com’l, Paris. 221,330 199,170 43,240 Han.' N „ N. Y.; 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 50,000 16.230 554,010 483,020 25,000 20,000 340,000 275.000 9,100 2,760 60,120 33,870 D, O. Kennedy—— Pauline Kennedy— 25,000 2,160 151,720 138,050 S. A. 0 . Austin..— A. F. 8myth--------- 70,000 8.670 125.700 140,580 L. C. Moore______ 60,000 15,000 415.000 456.28'’ 106,130 Chase N., N. Y.; 4 th & lstN ., Nash.; N. Bk, of Ky., Lou.; Com’l. Paris. a, _ 209.490 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Memp.; 1st N., St. L. 200,000 71,420 947,490 998,130 222.790 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont, & Com’l N.. Chi. -V Carl Abern^hy— S. ----------------B. Goodloe—. — — Save tim e and get 6 rvice o n Col Plain sight d ra fts, IS c ; Cred it R ep orts, 2 5 c . •*§’87 ( FEE IN ADVAN CE: , ding T R Y Ü S. i I j 371,470 102.92C N. Pafk, N. Y.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; Tipton Cp. Far. Union, Cov. 2,200 49,000 31,000 15,20t Chase N „ N. Y.; ÔUmberland Valley N., Nash 20,000 8,800 30,000 84,900 18,001 Cumberland Yalley N., Na?h.; Peo., Springfield. 25,000 17,000 215,820 182,700 10,000 3,150 58,310 39,000 10,000 7.010 153,600 155.520 10,000 6,500 110,000 69,600 11.95 Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; N. Bk. o f Ky., Lou. 46,89 4th & 1st N., Nash. 19,00 Chase N.. N. Y.; City N., Knoxville. 50,000 S. J. Roberts------- MissElizabethSloan 10,000 J. H. Richards----- G. H. P ow ell-------J.S . R eed ____ — W. L. Guthrjfi,.— — W. E. Ballanfant. . _ J. W. C ary---------- Myrtle Bailey-------E. Wickham L.Overton. N. P. Nash . Nixon Pickard.— 12.250 w O Hill/ - 29,20 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 65,000 50,000 20,000 240,000 210,000 IT. P. Boren______ 7,50(1 3,250 33,110 53,230 O. V. Whitener— Nancy Wheeler 25,00( 81.800 476.560 613,290 67,82 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. 40,70( 17.160 219,11( 200.28C 68,27 Chatham & Phénix N.. N. Y.; Hamilton 8 $ Chattanooga; 4th N., Cin. 10,00 19,170 156j94( 144,OH 42,11 1st N., Chattanooga. 140,00 138,00() 36,21 1st N., St. L.; 1st N., Jackson. Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. 45,00 Han. N., N. Y.: City N., Knoxville; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 30,28 4th & 1st N., Nash. »*§’94 »Decatur_____ Meigs 017 Meigs County Bank-----«*§’07 J. W. Lillard —___ 87-362 6 Pop. 165 »Decaturville-----Decatur Decatur County Bank—»*§’99 Frank Fisher___ — 87-363 8 POP. 650 0“ Decherd.u. Franklin Q 13 CITIZENS BANKJt TRUST CO. D. M. Powell — ;— 87-519 •*S’12 6 Pop. 1500 First Nat. Bk. o f Franklin Co. W. F. Smith_____ 87-264 ^ A t’04 Ü1 W. J. Abel_____ J. A. England— P. W. Miller J. W. Stout--------- 30.00 1,000 J. L. Haynes — . . T. K. Williams — W. J. Hines Geo. Neal Bass — 20,00 lO.OOf 170,221 126,72 71,74 W. H. Featherst a. R. L. Looney 1----- W. B. Arnold------ 25,000 - 28,00( 350.00 300.00 80,0 C. O. Campbell m _________ 1239 4.000 12.000 . J. T. CRAWFORD - B.L. MORGAN..— DAYTON BANK & TRUST CO. J. M. HAYES — 89,81 Chase N., N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 10,000 . E. A. McSpadden _ . W .B . Allen. . 27,220 Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 44,850 Am. N., Nash. X W. M. Simonton J. W. Clark-----J. G. Hawkins J. M. Covington D. Jon&S A. Elmore------ - 184,980 N. Park. N. Y.; Am. N., Nash.: Hamilton N. Chattanooga. „ „ & 120,000 N. City, N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 410,040 S. C. Shelton--------- B. Gillespie------ Geo. G. Harvey, Jr . B. S. Jamieson — 87-545 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 48,030 8,170 A. P. Smith . Alfred Boyd, J r. Cowan____ Franklin Q 13 Bank of Cowan. . . . — h »*§’06 G. M. Thorogood— 87-355 6 Pop. 1200 Cross Plains__ Robertson Cross Plains B ank..— »*§’07 G. M. Howard-----87-356 6 Pop. 500 L ll »Orossrille ~ Cumberland First National Bank— **1900 J. W. Dorton .;___ 87-357 fi Pop, Ì000 N 16 ... ... . —, „ Culleoka— -M a u ry O Iff Bank of Culleoka.------- *104 John P. Graham— 87-358 6 Pop. 600 Cum berland City .Stewart Citizens Bank&Trust Co.t§’14 M. McFall.........— 87-572 6 Pop. 600 4L~ Climberland City Bank..*§’04 H. H. A lle n -— — 87-359 Camber land Gap.Ol’b’rne Peoples Bank— i— — . § ’05 J. Frank W hite.— 87-360 6 Pop. 347 K 20 » D a n d r ld g e J e ffe r s o n Jefferson County Bank.»*§’07 J, B. Hill 0801!.-:— 87-361 8 Pop. 447 M 21 Darden...Henderson O Bank of D arden :;.------ *§’15 Asa D avis.1;—.— _ 87-562 8 ■ Pop. 175 »Dayton_____ Rhea P 16 American National Bank»t’01 A. P. Haggard „ — 87-179 6 Pop. 2000 tn 5,880 O. E. Cameron------ J. C. Rainey— Principal Correspondents. hanqes,D u* prom B anks 7,500 __ W. R. Carlen.------ H.S. Hargis--------W. L. Whitson____ W. A. Hensley J. W. Gilliam_____ H. L. Stum J. D. Ellis W. M. Allen K. E. Blackburn— Resources. &Dis- Cash k Ex- jOani ’ts . Bonds, Bhooritin 15,000 W. A. Lovelace— PETER FYFE-------J. T. GARNER — W. S. MAYESfc V H H K W. L.SHELTON S, H.JOHNSON W. L. COPLIN f t p RICHARDSON ed . F e e ler HARRIS „ , lections an d Cred it R eports b y sen UNION SAVINGS BANK «*§’13 G. 87-178 t Subplus Depos AND its Capital Profits Paid - up TENNESSEE BANKS— Como\ to Decherd 87-351 8 Pop. 128 »Oookeville.Putnam M 15 Citizens Bank— ------- »*§’14 S. B, Anderson — 87-564 8 Pop. 2500 •«, First National Bank— »*’10 D. C. Wilhite— 87-190 Oopperhill___ Polk Q 18 First Nat. Bk. o f Polk County M. 0. King___. . . 87-96 **’08 6 Pop. 1500 Cordova._____Shelby Q 2 Cordova Bank & Trust Co. Geo. T. Webb . — 87-544 **§’13 8 Pop. 250 Oornersville___ Marshall Farmers Bank . . . . r.— »*§’04 A. Jones..____ _— ft 87-353 6 Pop. 500 P 11 Oottagegrove— Henry L 6 Cottage Grove Bank & Tr. Co J. N. Puryear-----87-854 *§’05 8 Pop. 215 »Covington___ Tipton O 2 First State Bank--------»t§’14 J. H. Flippin — 87-567 8 Pop. 2990 Lia b il it ie s . As s ’t Ca sh ie r . Ca sh ier . V ice-President. President. accessible Towns, lawyers, U w *, DteMtors, mdexed in back oi this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace,, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page TENN ESSEE—Continued Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to eaoh bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State »County Seats. Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. President. Ca sh ie r . V ice -President . Deliróse —»L in coln Q II Bank of Delrose_______$§’14 T. M. Stevenson__ B. L. Jean 87-571 6 Pop. 200 Home B a n k „i*.----------- $§’14 Jno. W. Young___ H. E. SherreU. . „ . 87-575 Diana—;______Giles P 10 Farmers & Merchants Bank T. H. Judia_______, 87-577 $§T4 6 Pop. 300 iW, H. McMURRY 8 . E. HUNT_______ C . M.LOVELL Dickson 1— .Dickson M9 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK ^Collections and Requests fo r CrO 87-187 *$’06 TEE in ADYAN CE: Plain sight d 6 Pop. 1850 First National Bank — »t'03 Pitt Henslee______ 8. G. Holland_____ Wi J. Johnson, J. A.Myatt 87-186 A s s ’t Ca sh ie r . $ Carl E. George___ — ------ ------- — S. M. Young»;____ Weakley County Bank.«$§’87 87-265 Ducktown Banking Co.*$S’04 87-257 Miners State Bank____ »$§10 87-258 Dukedom Bank._______$§’05 87-368 Sequatchie County Bk. .$|’05 87-360 BANK OF DYER-— — «$§’04 87-224 J. R. Thomason___ Ducktown____ Polk Q 18 6 Pop. 1500 Dukedom__ Weakley L 5 8 Pop. 300 Dunlap__ Sequatchie P 15 6 Pop. 1166 Dyer________ Gibson M 4 8 Pop. 1500 »Dyersburg___Dyer M 3 8 Pop. 4140 87-105 •$§'89 FIRST NATIONAl BANK 87-104 «$’89 573,180 478,640 202,200 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Citiz.-Union N., Lou.; 1st N „ St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co. and Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 294.370 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; 1st N., Lou, 20,150 d it R eports MUS T be accom panie d by S. G. Robertson__ H. L. Grigsby_____ 60,000 42,120 980,000 849,590 10,000 9,300 120,000 108,000 7,305 1,000 68,000 42,900 11,410 Am. N..> Nash.; Far. N., Fayetteville. 9,000 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 40,000 4th & 1st N., Nash. • 22,740 Am. N., Nash. 50,000 410 215,690 140,750 W. C. Howell— — Charles Brnton___ Logan McElroy.__ Miss Amanda Walter F, P, AdkinsJ. F. T urner__ A. N. Cathcart J. M. Gamble...___ 15,000 14,080 97,970 90,960 23.560 4th & 1st N., Nash. 12,000 3,500 105,000 70,000 30,000 Chase N., N. Y .; Am. N., Nash. 25,000 6,500 148,000 159,000 37,000 Han. N., N.Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash. J. H. Moran____ _ Polk Alexander___ George 8. Boyd.. 35,000 12,000 300,000 175,000 69,090 Mech. & Metals N., N. T ;f 4th & 1st N „ Nash. Còunty Bank, Covingto n) 25,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 156,460 113,010 76,810 1st N .,8t.L .; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 63,860 Han. N., N. Y.; Clev. N., Clev. 25,000 7,840 175,080 115,980 M. O. K ing..______ C. V. Sknllman___ 15,000 5,250 65,000 63,500 15.000 15,300 190,000 138,000 W. L. Jones______ H. V. Parrish_____ M. H. Rose______ J. T. W a lk er».___ P. B, Smith.___ V. H. Stone ___ 15,000 15,000 150,000 115,000 Jno. M. Jackson... W. E. Baird 25,000 6,000 220,000 198,000 A. J. Thornton___ R. B. M cDaniel.^. 8. A. Bradley-,___ J. W. Owens 40,000 30,160 259,990 271,320 50,000 83,270 J. F. BIGGS_____ R. S. WATKINS!— FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight draf t fo r presentatio n , and (TW EN TY-FIVE CENTS fo r each credit report ins ures p rom p t, per sonal at ten tlon 700,040 883,960 S. B. Wilson. H. D. Hayes___ . . . M. R,. Smith . . IJL N. PARKER— A. E. MENZIES— G. E. SCOTT— . W. B. MAXEY J. G. LATTA . _____ R, H. WATKINS_____ 100,000 118,150 Han. N., NT Y.; Am. N., Nash. 8,360 L. E. Eim sey_____ C. E. Taylor . 110,000 19,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. 90.000 1st N., St. L.; City N., FultonLKy.: 4th & 1st N., Nash. 62,000 1st N.. Chattanooga. 41,000 N. City. N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 56,110 Chase N., N. Y.: Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 177,580 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L. , 720,000 1,000,000 258,260 N .C ity .N .Y .; IstN ., St. L. 114,680 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N „ St. L.: 1st N., Memp. 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 30,850 Am. N. and 4th & 1st N., Nash. Special attentio n given Bill o f La ding Drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. 15c must be sen t w ith each sight draft fo r present atlon, and 25c with ea eh request for re port or rating. W. S. Stephens__ _ 87-370 «$>§’07 Baton___— .Gibson N 4 Bank of Eaton_________$§'10 ( C ¥ . Dodds - ___ 87-371 8 Pop. 300 E dith___ Lauderdale N 2 Bank o f Edith _________ $§’12 W. E. Crihfleld___ Nnhle Bass 87-542 tKRinlcv P.O.)P ot> 200 — 100,000 21,470 462,980 472,760 ___ S. M. Williams____ 8,000 14,180 125,490 105,740 10,000 5,870 93,960 71,100 W. E. P o o l______ 20,000 10,430 195,640 173,470 W_ H. Hoover 10,000 4,000 79,310 43,020 7,830 770 21,340 18,160 4 H Hardy W. L. Brigham .... l!FNTRAt$STATF1 NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS N»rne or Hank in the New Transit M+ tr» ponh hank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the au th ority of The Am erican Bankers Ass n. 36,230 Am. N. and 4th & 1st N., Nash. 52,600 Bk. of America, N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. 40.930 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 1st N., Trenton. 7,940 Far. Union, Ripley; 1st N., Memp. S p e c i a l f a c i li t i e s fo r h a n d li n g T e n n e s s e e , M i s s i s s i p p i a n ti A r k a n s a s It e r n s TENNESSEE—Continued ^ r ô m f>t S e ¥2g a s o r Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Law s, D irectors, in dexed In back of kids rotarne. For Interest B atos, Ornee,, e tc., eee page 14. Fob H olidays, eee opposite page 13. July, Federal Reserve Bank Number of St. Louis under 1241 55,000 ______July, 1919 ? 1 M",10FE*scT™ . « » 74,270 rafts, 15«;; Minima m charge 25c; Credit Reports 25c. N. W. Calcutt . . . . . J. M. Brackin_____ J . C. Doyle . Mercantile Bk. & Tr. Go. I. N. Bunnell 87-106 «¡»507 W. T. L ow e» Bank o f Eaglevilie____ *$§’01 D. H. Hughes_____ Bagleville.Rutherf’rd C. B. Haley 87-305 6 Pop. 400 0 11 R H. Hailpy U. J. Owen_______ Peoples B ank______ ....$ § ’07 W. W. Puckett 87-306 EastOhattanooga,HamTn 6 Pop. 8000 “ Q 15 63,270 2,800 \ 60,000 S. C. Lewis_______ «$§’95 CITIZENS BANK 7,400 12,000 W. C. Dodson____ G. R. L a n n om ___ J. F. Weakley FARMERS & MERCH. BANK O. O. Ewell_______ 87-223 1,700 $ 31,000 $ 19,380 $ 11,300 Cumberland Valley N .„ Nash. 15,000 50,000 W .R .B 0Y TE _____ W. A MEADOW --- Active V. P. B an k____ *§T2 Dixon Spring Smith M 13 Peoples 87-366 6 Pop. 300 Donelson.Davidson M il Donelson Bk. & Tr. Go..$§’12 87-536 6 Pop. 200 »Dover___ — Stewart L 8 Dover Bk. & Trust Co..«$§’03 87-267 6 Pop. 700 Peoples Bank & Trust Co. 87-268 «»'IO Dowell town.Dekalb N 13 Dowelltown Banking Co.$§’16 87-588 6 Pop. 300 D oyle.._____ White N 14 First National Bank_____ $’12 87-367 6 Pop.. 500 §’89 »Dresden__ Weakley L 5 Dresden Bank__ _____ 87-266 8 Pop. 708 Peoples Bank .................. §19 7,500 $ Principal Correspondents. ____________________ TENNESSEE BANKS— Deliróse to Edith L i a b il it ie s . R esources . Loamsk Dit- Caesk Br P aid- up Surplus Dbpos- c ’ts. Bonds, omamos*,Dub and Capital P rofits . ITS Securities fromBanks Name of Bank. T own and County. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace,, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, - see opposite page 13 T E N N E S S E E — Continued 1240 1240 Kram ber OBder Hr»»>e of B « .» “ .menean i*anKers Liabilities . Surplus Depos Paid-up AND its Capital Profits N ame of Ba nk . ASS’T CASHIER. Cashier. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Vice-President. President. »County Seats. Figure under town is ÍMem. State Bks. Assn. +Priy. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. Mem. Fed. Res. L. E. Maloney------ E. A. Watson. W. V ia . Eibridge______Obion M3 Bank of Elbridge — — «ÍS’IO W. T.Call — . . . . . . 87-372 8 Pop. 500 E. C. Alexander . . . W. P. Dungan-----»Elizabethton,Carter L 24 Farmérs Bank------ ------ î§ ’14 Jas. E. Nave 87-565 6 Pop. 3000 „ I RUI ___ H U R I__________ MILLARD — E. H. HOLLY- Town and county. FIRST NAT’L BANK 87-14* Elkton______ Giles Q 10 6 Pop. 450 Englewood—McMinnP 18 6 Pop. 2000 Enville______ChesterP 6 8 Pop. 250 »Erin_______Houston L 8 6 P op -1500 »Erwin______UnicoiM24 6 Pop. 3000 Estill SpringsFranklinP13 6 Pop. 500 Ethridge___ Lawrence P9 6 Pop. 600 Etowah.....McMinn P18 6 Pop. 5000 »Faÿetteville.LincolnQ 11 € Pop. 3439 Finger_____ McNairy P 5 8 Pop. 200 Flatcreek__ Bedford P 12 6 Pop. 150 »Franklin, WilliamsonNIO 6 Pop. 3500 •flO Holston National B an k.«f 17 J. B. Nave. Sr. — E. E. Hathaway— N. T. Perry 87-602 Bank of Elkton_____ ~ t § ’04 J. E. Baugh__ ____ C. O. Wynne--------87-373 Bank o f Englewood— » t l’06 R. H. H ick s -____ D. P. Brendle-----87-374 Bank o f Enville________t l ’05 H. B. O’N e a l-____ L. C. Sm ith..;-----87-375 A. J. Mitchum____ JV. Rauscher________ Bank o f Erin---------------«ÍS’Ol E. 87-241 Erwin National Bank— « f 10 L. H. Phetteplace. L. L. McIntyre— 87-226 First National Bank____» f 10 L. S. T ilson--------- Everett Jones____ 87-225 — R. T. Carroll-------Bank of Estill Springs „ ?§’l l S. R. Tate 87-511 Farmers & Merchants Bank F. M. Lincoln__ . . . J. B. Ussery—____ S. H. Massey 87-376 í i ’10 87-137 Friendsville.Blount O 19 6 Pop. 400 Fruitland— Gibson N4 6 Pop. 75 Gadsden— CrockettN 41 8 Pop. 250 »Gainesboro,Jackson L142 6 Pop,~500 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,500 65,000 55,000 26,500 I 40,000 11.650 470,850 384,660 135,000 1 C. H. Hunter_____ H. C. Hathaway— 25,000 6,000 260,000 205,000 80,000 J. W. Hughey------ 20,000 7,950 58,810 64,400 22,950* T. B. Isbell.______ 25.000 600 118,100 95,000 45,200 T. C. Smith_______ Miss Cora Sew ell- 10,000 7,240 82,560 30,230 67.580 Eric Rauscher____ 25.000 9,000 130,000 115,000 35,000 N. H. Plaster.— R. M. Barry__ Roy Tucker Geo. Mitchell, Jr— C. E. Locke---------- F. M. Lincoln. 25,000 9,500 334,000 269,000 77,000 25,000 3,530 166,000 167,120 22,550 5,500 1,800 45,000 30,000 Í5.000 10,000 1,740 52,350 49,880 14,310 24.650 ’ 429,390 446,650 107,390 50,000 em s. g h t D raft fo r pr esentatlon report or rating. S. J. Parks..___ Principal Correspondents. Co., Memp. Va. N., Nash. Unaka N.. Johnson City. Co., Decherd. Knoxville. 40.140 Met. N., N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga; Fifth-Third N., Cin. — . 170.000 Mech. & Metals N..N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 22,700 1,700 100.240 82,560 Morgan Eslick____ 75,000 90,000 750,000 975,000 J. B. Landess_____ 50,000 32,990 247,810 366,230 43,630 N. Park, N. Y.; Am.N.. Nash. R. E. Feeney _____ J, J. Moyers — C. F. Bagley L. A. Weaver-------- 60,000 48,730 380.980 540,750 8,000 3,670 84,850 25,020 71,360 Irving N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N. and Cumberland Valley N.. Nash. 70,920 Peo. Sav., Jackson. Chas. Butler_____ _ F. J. Hyde___ 10,000 5,290 82,060 84,380 50,000 39,720 877,510 946,840 100,000 66,000 950,000 1,015,000 150,000 73,900 658,300 684.300 165,400 C haseN .,N .Y.; Am.N., Nash.; N. Bk. o f Ky. 224,47Q 161,030 83,030 4th & 1st N „ Nash.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr Co., Memn. „ 30,380 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Bk. o f Trenton, Trenton. N. Cannon, Jr.____ 9,220 Cumberland Valley N. and State Bk.& Tr. Co.. Nash.: Far. N., Shelbyville. & 104,390 Chase N.. N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. N. G. Perkins. W. J. P o lk ______: E. E. Green_______ Miss Zoda f71 Campbell— J. F. Eggleston___ J. B. Briggs---------Robert Hodge V. H. Clark. Bank of Friendship___ »¿5*04 Jno. L. Powell__ _ J. N. Baker__ ____ C. E. Sweatt__ . . . . 87_380 L. F. D'unagan____ J .F . Park-----------Tri-County Bank--------«§19 G. W .W ade— -----87-625 H. S. Jones. Peoples Bank---------------- §’15 A. B. Ritchie— . — R. F. Gregg-------- O. L. De F oe_____ 87-381 Mrs. B. G. Bennett, Bank of Fruitland--------- §’19 Mgr. 87-620 Peoples Exchange Bank«J§’08 S. W. Fullalove— C. W. Richardson— A. B. Humphreys.. 87-382 W. M. Gailbreath.. B. L. Quarles_____ J. A. Williams__ Bank o f Gainesboro.— 87-383 WILLIAMSON CO. RANKING W. W. & TR. CO.87-138_____ f §’89 Friendship—Crockett N 3 8 Pop. 400 15,000 A. N. WALLING-— A. B. BAYLESS— Lading f H. KIMBR0UGH- on Drafts, C given B ill o f I Special attentl FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*f08 ; 15c m u st be se n t w ith each SI 87-196 ( and 25c w ith e ach request for Peoples Bank________ ‘ tS’lO A. M. Shepard— ~ J. F. Gilbert-------87-198 Elk National Bank____« f 87 H. E. Dryden____ S. C. Hipsh______ 87-123 Farmers National B ank.*f 12 E. O„Green______ J. E. Poindexter.. H. M. Sherrell 87-122 First National Bank___ » f 73 F. M. Bledsoe____ W. G. Cowan____ _ 87-121 W. P. Massey.____ Home Banking C o.___ f §*15 J. R. Harris____ H. L. Hodges 87-584 E. L «Ward______ W. C. Enochs..___ Flat Creek Savings Bank 87-378 »iS'09 Harpeth National Bank . * f 06 J. L. Cooke — — - G. A. Lillie — -— 87-139 Resources. a s hk E xiO A M Sk D lS - C C H A N 0 S 8 ,D u S p b o mB a n k s c ’ts. B o n d s , S e c u r it ie s $ 15,000 $ 10,880 $ 91,000 $ 77,780 $ 34,770 4 GÈ&. H. PEPPER, J. M. BARNES ~V-Pres / The Oldest, Strongest an d Largest Banking Institution in Carter County. We do a General Banking Business Prompt, Efficient Service on Collections. NATIONAL BK.0F FRANKLIN L. W. B u ford ... Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers., D irector», in dexed In back of thla volume. Vor Interest B ates, Grace,, e tc., see page 14. Wo» H olidays, see opposite page la . TENNESSEE—Continued 1 . . \ 10,000 12,210 10,000 470 27,020 7,050 7,500 2,500 45,000 36,800 206.000 Han. N ..N . Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 12,000 Union N., Knoxville. MeCh. & Metals, N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. _ (:Branch o fB k . oj Trenton Trenton , Tenn.y L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; 4th 10.000 3,000 112,000 86,000 27,600 15,400 279.940 209,000 & 1st N., Nash. 47,000 Chase N., N- Y.; 1st N.. St. L. 109,220 Trying N.» N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. Accounts of Banks, Bankers, M anufacturers, Merchants, and i n d i v i d u a l s invited. Unsurpassed Collection Service. « D irectory, under th e authority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. Town and County. Name uj? Rank. Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State «County Seats. Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Fédéral Reserve District. Mem. Fed. Resi President. Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. T E N N E S S E E — Continued Vice-President. -Cashier. Ass ’t Cashier. \ Liabilities . , ,, Resources. OANSk Dl8- Cashk Ex Depos L Paid-up Surplus c’ts. Bonds, changes,Due AN D its Capital Profits Bbovritiks promBanks Principal Correspondents. 1242 N um ber linder Name o f Bank is the New Transit Num ber given to each bank in ü. S. exclusively by T he Kand-M cN ally Bankers’ jW. Y. ALLEN — ~ WM. HALL— -— W. H. HITCHCOCK— JOHN B. SWANEY — $ 100,000 $ 35,000 $ 827,460 $ 659,220 $ 250,640 1 N-, Nash. »Gallatin— Sumner L 12 FIRST & PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK— --87-153< ’90 l C ollections and Requests fo r Cred it R eports MUST be accom panied by ‘ 6 Pop. 2B9S [FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight dr aft8, 15c; Credit Rep arts, 25c. W. G. Schamberger E. T. Seay________ Ö. B. Brown _____ - W. F. Brow n------E. L. Anderson J. B. Melton--------- L. L. Melton.-----— J. H. Kidwill_____ J. H. M elton_____ 25,000 15,000 325,000 280,000 12,000 4,550 50,960 16,180 J. R. Conyers------- J. B. Lee — --------- L. L. McDearman— W. D.-Sawyer.. — 12,500 8,620 180,000 142,000 Gitiz. N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 80,000 < 49,500 1 h & lst N., Nash.; Bk. of Alexandria. Alex andria. 77,000 1 ent.-State N., Memp.; 1st N.. St. L. N ..N .Y . 31,000 Chase 1 10,000. 9,000 80,000 70,000 M. E. FANNING - — 20,000 Gleason__ —Weakley M 5 BANK OF GLEASON - — 1§’01 Save tim e and get service on Col lections and Cred It R eports by sen din g Reports, 2 5 c . T CE: Plain sight d ra fts, 1 5 c ; Credit R Y US. I FEE IN ADVAN 87-301 8 Pop 1000 10,000 235,000 171,000 65,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Am. N., Nash.; 1st N. St. L.: Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. Goodlettsville „Davidson 6 Pop. 700 L ll GoriionsvUle.-Smith M 13 6 Pop. 245 »rand Junct— Hardeman 8 Pop; 491 Q3 Granville__ Jackson M 14 6 Pop. 234 Graysville_____Rhea P 16 6 Pop. *00 Greenback—Loudon O 18 6 Pop. 200 Green Brier— Robertson ... 6 Pop. 522 LU «Greenevüle.Greene M 22 6 Pop. 6000 [W. B. BYNUM — - - T .A . JONES— Farmers & Citizens Bk..t§’08 Carl Parks. 87-302 Bank of Goodlettsville „ « § ’89 J. O. Bass 87-387 Bank of Gordonsville— < § ’89 Wm. Gwaltney — 87-388 Hardeman County Sav. Bank 87-389 «§’03 Bank o f Granville____ < § ’05’ F . C. Jackson 87-390 Graysville Bank_______ < § ’06 S.G. Hutcheson.. . 87-391 Bank of Greenback.i’..« § ’12 A. Jones____ __ — 87-515 Bank o f Greenbrier____ «§’05 J. S. Jones---------- 87-392 Citizens Savings Bank „ t § ’l l C. W. Allen 87-499 First National Bank____ < ’88 Geo. W. Doughty~ 87-182 GREENE COUNTY BANK* 87-183 R. N. James______ Mrs. Nell Langford J. T. Warmath___ J. H. Hunt-----— - B. W. BANDY- - - - - - - Chas. H. F e lt s ----- A. M. Dunlap_____ C. H. Felts________ 12.500 2,150 173,820 108,440 W. B. Myers______ S. H. Wilhoite____ J. C. G arrett-------- 30,000 12,400 175.000 156,300 71,190 4th & 1st N., Nash.: N. Stock Yds. N „ N.Stock Yds., 111. 36,570 Han. N., N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 3 0 ,0 0 9 11,800 299,520 287,750 53,570 Chase N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. ' 103,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Union & Plan. Bk, & Tr. Co., Memp. 44,800 Am. N., Cumberland Valley N., State Bk. & Tr. Co., and Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., Nash. 23,000 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. S. J. Thomas_____ J. F. Gwaltney— ----------------------- — {Branch o f Boliv cw", Tenn a L. M. Lee___ B. F. Birdwell------ B. P. Shirley ___ — Ll ___ 15,000 15,590 119.500 O. L. Miller— if. L. M. Grimsley H. A. Griffitts . — . F. L. Kerr H. W. England___ Jnó. R. Kemfer W. O. Waddell------ ,K. F. Johnson 11,000 1,640 87,000 67,000 J. H. Anderson___ F. K. K e rr...___ _ 10,000 f 7,760 129,630 110,080 W. J. Buie . . . . . ___ W. H. Savage_____ 10,000 5,000 130,000 90,000 G. S. Mason_______ 25,000 17,500 370,000 248,000 149,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Hamilton N., Chattanooga. J. E. H acker...__ T. D. Brabson____ L. C. Willis— ____ 50,000 58,440 578.300 562,730 150,260 N. Park, N. Y.: Holston N., Knoxville. 61,700 75,000 0. C. ARMITAGE ading drafts, Cas h and T im e Item p i on and 25c fo r Ore dit Repo rts. [Please send 15c with, each sight dr 539,750 470,520 196,980 Chase N., N. Y.; City N., Knoxville; Hamilton N-, Chattanooga. 225,000 175,000 50,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 4th & 1st N.,Nash.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 143,700 1st N., St. L.; Am. N. and 4th & 1st N., Nash. J. D. Britton_____ (kUMOe W. A . C O ATS ------- J . B. McADAMS j Special °a tten ti on given bill o f 1 ading drafts, c Greenfield__ Weakley M 5 FRUITGROW ERS BANK<§’05 A15 cents m u st b e sent w ith each sight draft for 87-205 8 Pop. 1800 1 and 25 cents w ith each reque st fo r report or h and tim e Item s esentatlon, ting. 12,500 16,000 30,000 19,000 250,890 159,590 35,000 50,000 400,000 350,000 8,000 25,000 P. H. HENDERSON— f or presentation, a nd ■ es prom pt, person al atten tlon . ‘ .«■* 7,500 2,050 Hampshire— Maury O 9 Hampshire Bank---------- i§ ’l l J. T. Akin JL___ ,__ V. A. McClanahan. Jno. P. Stephens87-393 6 Pop. 200 50,000 25,000 . S.H . Roberts........ Harriman___Roane N 17 FIRST NATIONAL B ANK<’90 N. Giles Carter___ M. L. Dame _____ A. F. Littleton G. P. Adams 6 Pop. 5000 75,000 27,460 . C. B. Harvey.— . . S. P. Sparks— ___ J. S. Crinkley____ J, C. Foreman 25,000 25,000 . Manye Hammock.. S. M. Younga _____ «Hartsville.TrousdaleL 12 Bank of Hartsville.____ «§’84 M. L. Wright-__ H. C. Smith 87-259 g Pop. 1000 25,000 11,320 . C. A. Hammond__ W. J. H ale............ Citizens Bank_______ §’05 J .L . Dalton_____ 87-?fin 169,000 Greenfield Bank______ < § ’99 R. L. Goolsby-------- JL F. Hudson_____ W. A. Barton . 87-204 Halls____ Lauderdale N3 BANK OF H A L LS -------- < § ’99 W. H. T ucker..__? W. O. Patton_____ i D. C. WarrenW. T. N unn, Active 87-245 8 Pop. 1000 fC - WILSON--— — W. R. JEFFRIES-— - PEOPLES SAV. BANK & TR. J f i f t e n n c e n TS sent to us with each ! COM PANY- 87-246 - - < § ’05 (.TWENTY-FIVE CENTS fo r each c Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P.FNTRAI -STATE NATIONAL RANK flF MEMPHIS N um ber under N am e o l Bank is the New to each bank in U. S. exclusively by_The_ Band-M cNaHv Bankers 35,290 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Lenoir City: E. Tenn N., Knoxville. ; < 41,000 Citiz. N.. N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 60,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. Han. N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.: N. Stock 148.000 . 72,810 Yds. N.. N .Stock Yds,, 111.; Union & Plan. Bk. &_Tr. Co., Memp. 43,190 38,460 725,000 617,000 440,980 480.230 282,000 235,430 232,180 177,040 13,620 Cumberland Valley N.. Nash.; Columbia Bk. & Tr.Co.,Columbia; F ar.& Mer.,Mt.Pleasant. 159,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y,; Fifth-Third N „ Cin.: 1st N., Chattanooga. 135,820 N.City, N .Y .; Citiz. N., Cin.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 88,200 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y .; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 87,990 Am. N. and State Bk. & Tr. Co., Nash. TENNESSEE BANKS— Gallatin to H a r t s v ille __________ July, 1919 Sumner County Bk. & Tr.Co. 87-155 «§’05 Gassaway__ Cannon N 13 Meltons Bank—__ — «§’13 87-384 6 Pop. 150 Gates___ Lauderdale N 3 Gates Banking & Tr. Co.t§’04 87-385 8 Pop. 202 Gibson— —— Gibson N 4 Bank o f Gibson — 1.— < § ’04 87-386 8 Pop. 250 S p e cia l fa cilitfe s for h an dlin g T en n essee» Arresslble T o w n s, Lawyers» L a w s, D ire cto rs, indexed in back of tbisvolum e. For Interest R ates, Orace, oaa nouo 14. Far Hftlldavs. see opposite page lo. r*. S p e cia l fa cilitfe s for h an dlin g T e n n e ss e e , P-FMTRAl -STATE NATIONAL RANK OF MEMPHIS. 1 OAQ 1243 N um ber under N am e o l Bank is the New T ransit N um ber pvoii to each bank in D. S. exclusively by T h e ttand-M cN aU yltankers D irectory, under the authority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass n. Name of Bank ; Town and County . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState ¿County Seats. $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Figure under town is [Estab. Federal Reserve District. Mem. Fed. Res. V ice -President . P resident . tpppsslble Tow ns« la w y e r s , La w s * D ire cto rs, indexed in back ol this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For H o lidays, see opposite page ld . j T E N N E S S E E — Continued W. H. Thom as..— »Henderson—Chester P 5 Chester County B ank...t§’04 O. L,McCallum— T jr r a r r o i — 87-232 8 Pop. 1200 . W. Stewart-----J. F. O’Neal — — Farmers & Merchants Bank 87-231 *t§’89 G. E. McKinney — J. G. Hardeman----PEOPLESSAVINGSBANKt§’i3 Resources. TÏIABILITIES. Cash &ExSurplus 1 DeposPaid-up ANOKfl,DUB '’ tb. Bonds, H ITS 8kwtiW from Banks Capital Profits ASS’T CASHIER. CASHIER. . T. Harwell— — J. M. Fry------------- $ 12,500 16.200 30,000 I M. Williams___ C. M. Purdy-_____ 26,350 157,220 i 138,050 121,170 162.840 15,000 14,490 B. H. Dunn— ------ T. B, Ellis_____ — Hendersonville „Sumner Bank o f Hendersonville.tS'07 F. E. Mann___— 87-394 W. B. Drake, Jr— 6 Pop. 224 L 11 H. D. Folts, . D. Alston— H. B. M oorer.—— Henning—Lauderdale O 2 Bank o f Henning------- t§’10 Active V.-P.& Cash. W. D¿ Barfield R. B. Lipscomb 87-286 8 Pop. 582 5,000 6,800 93,290 25,000 7,870 264,210 E. L. V A U G H A N .^ , (Branch of Tipto n Count 46.420 1st St. L.; 1st N. and Peo. Sav., Jackson. N. 28,010 N. Bk. Com., St. J,.; 2d N „ Jackson: Union Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 71.320 1st N.. St. I/.: 4th & 1 st N., Nash.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 64,190 33,920 4th‘& 1st N., Nash. 208,450 94,770 Han. N., N. Y.: Bk. o f Com. & Tr.Co., Memp.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Ripley Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ripley. ,— . 1 y-Farme rs Union N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Mtemp. 180,610 118,780 . H. JOHNSON— ^ f E T E R FYFE n d in g Bank , Covingt on) it Reports and get service o n col lections and Cred RYUS. PEOPLES CE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Cred (FEE IN AD VAN 87-594 68,000 35,000 Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 90.000 15,000 ^ 3,500 . H. B roach...—. R. B. Chrisman----- Vester Clark. Henry___ ...iH en ry M 6 Peoples Bk. & Trust Co.»t§’06 T. F. Blanchett— . 88,490 80,620 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 150,670 15,000 14,860 87-395 8 Pop. 500 . W. Nixon— . — — - H. T. Moss----------Hickman__ :..Smith M 13 Bank o f Hickman--------»tS’04 N. S. Ashley.^— — ar,Tenn T. H. Campbell . ) ---— N. Park, N .Y .; Union & Plan. Bk. and Tr. o f Boliv 30,000 (Branth 87-396 6 Pop. 500 Edgar Galloway— Co., Memp.; 1st N „ Jackson. Hickory V alley .Hard 'm’n Hardeman County Sav. Bk. 4th & 1st N., Nash. 184,050 111,650 263,600 9,390 25,000 87-397 tS’l l A. N. Rasbury-----8 Pop. 250 Q4 F. A. Goodman----G. N. Springer-----»Hohenwald—- Lewis O 8 Hohenwald Bk.& Tr.Co.«t§’03 Joe Overhey ------26.270 29,170 4th & 1st N., Nash..; ,Secur. N., Jackson. 48,340 8,650 880 87-398 6 Pop. 900' L. M. Williams___ S. H. Wilson i -----Holladay____ \Benton N 7 Bank of Holladay--------- t§’09 J. R. Holladay___ Am. N., Nash.: 1st N.rCamden. 100,000 42,000 135,000 7,500 3,700 *87-399 8 Pop. 250 F. A. Penick-------- L. A. De Priest----Hollow Rock .Carroll M 6 Bank of Hollow Rock— i§ ’09 L. L. Duncan . . . — 4th & 1st N., Nash. 110.110 39,530 105,530 24,110 .1 20,000 87-400 8 Pop. 500 J. B. Short______ W. P. Ellington— Laura Rumage. Hornbeak____ Obion L 3 Bank o f Hornbeak--------t§’05 H .D . Smith— — Chase N., N. Y.; 219,000 810,000 800.000 100,000 35,000 87-401 8 Pop. 600 A.R. DODSON— fJNO. T. GARNER - BANKi--------<816 ■i Save tim e iC. H. FERRELL. J. R. JARRELL— IA11 business ha ndled p rom p tly. (t h i r t y y e a r S SERVICE. Humboldt___ Gibson N 4 « w x m u u T t u w 8 Pop. 3446 ( Jno. T. Garner. PEOPLES BANK-— 87-601 ‘ Huntingdon—Carroll N 6 8 Pop. 2000 — *§’17 , J. S. Johnson___ - A. W. Dodson — G. W. Parish— -- W. E. Noies Oil— 7,890 162,130 154,010 10,700 100,000 100,000 5,000 132,000 108,000 D. T. Kennedy__ J, GUI.— — -------À. J. Daniel--------- L. J. Gibson. 25,000 J. L. Hollis______ J. M. Forsythe—, D. P. H ollis--------- W. Holland_____ H. W. White G. C. Wilkerson—. R. O. Smith. it t o U! s f i f t e e n c e n t S sent ( t w e n t y - f i v e CENTS fo r each credit report ins Mercantile-Union Tr.Co.«§’18 I. B. Tigrett--------- R. B. Hicks-----— - A. V . Patton, Tr._ 87-64 I- . . 5,000 3,280 65,440 41,710 46,750 37.350 644,010 576,880 200,000 76.640 1,795,441 1,947,880 i, and r sonal al te n tio i 8.050 1,544.991 1,515,130 s. 213,400 100,001 Mech. & Metals N— . Y.; Union & Plan Bk & Tr. Co., Memp.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L. 26,00 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th & 1st N., Nash.: Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 35,00 Han. Ni, N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 24,00 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; FifthThird N., Cin. H ; 28,41 Cumberland Valley N.. Nash. 136,86 N. City, N. Y.: N. City, Chi.: 1st N., St. L / Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.: 4th & 1st N.. Wash. ’ 318,50 N. City, N. Y.; Oont. & Com 1N., Chi.; N. Bk, Com., St. L.: Fifth-Third N., Cin. 248,80 Mech. & Metals N - N. Y .; Standard Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Cnmberlanc Valley N., Nash. BWM _ „ . Guaranty Tr; Co., N.Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Umoi 265,00 &Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.: Am. N „ Nash 200.00C 114,000 1,145,00 1.230.05C „ 100,00« 105,39( 1,083,10 1,126,88( 255,60 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: Merch.-Lac. N. St. L. 100,00( 27.431 1.085,14 1,161,10 231,34 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L. l W e m ake q u ic k retu rn s. !Security National Bank.»t’12 J. 0. Eden ton : ---- 1. B. Tigrett— A. V. Patton, V.-P. W. G. Morgan 87-65 S. D. Waddill ~X X “ V , . . . L. O. Sweatman — P. C. Stovall E. W. Webb Accounts of Banks, Bankers, M anufacturers, M erchants, and Individuals invited. U nsurp assed Collection Service __ _ i l l 3 Carl Williams-------J. W. Vanden— — C. E. Pigford—_ — T. B. Carroll—____ r j THOMAS P O LK — J. L. WISDOM------- W. A. INGRAM-— W. D. NELSON, ness d irect. | S E C O M « » T I ^ « A M r88 j I f y o u w a n t pr om p t retu rn s, se nd ns y ou r busi ■ ' ■ 10,000 John Toomey— . T. I. TAYLOR »— - W. D. McKINNIEW. A. CALDWELL— W. F. NEILL . T. G. „HUGHES us w ith each sight draft 300.000 350,000 J. I. Foster--------- R. S. Fletcher— Covingt on, Ten n.) 50,000 C. M. Banks _____ FIRST NATIONAL BANK «*'73 87-59 K Batik. 25,000 ( J. W. VANDEN - Peoples Savings Bank— 87-61 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co.. ( Branch o f Tipto n Count y-Farme rs Union Memp. i ding Save tim e and et service o n Coll ections and Cred it R eports, 25c, T R Y US FEE IN AD VAN CE* Plain sight d ra fts, 1 5 c; Cred 25,000 NEILL WRIGHT------- GEO. T. McCALL, JR . BANK OF HUNTINGD0N-**§’87 W. M. C A R S O N -— ; G. T . MCCALL— — Farmers State Bank----- §’15 87-586 Huntland—Franklin Q 12 First National Bank— »t’07 87-402 6 Pop. 400 »Huntsville.__ Scott L 17 First National Bank — »t’08 87-403 8 Pop. 400 Iron City—-Lawrence Q 8 Farmers Bank-------------- S’i l 87-404 6 Pop. 350 »Jackson__..Madison O 5 Bank of Commerce— »tS'05 87-63 8 Pop. 17,807 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W. L. Coplin . . . — Peter Fyfe — ------ W. H. Keathley, TENNESSEE BANKS— Henderson to Jackson . A. Ward — —— A. P. Smith——.— 87-550 Principal Correspondents. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and Coünty. Nah e of Ba n e . »County Seats. •Mem. Am /Bks. Assn. IState Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. P resident . Cashier . V ice -President . A s s ’t Cashier . Jefferson City ..Jefferson Citizens Sav. Bank & Tr. Co. N. H. Franklin.... J. H. Douglass..... 87-216 §m 6 Pop. 1900 M 20 f!. T. Rankin . Mossy Creek Bank .$§’90 87-215 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*$’02 Wm. Ellison . UNIONBANK- 87-184 «$§19 < Special attentlq 1 15c m u st be se ( 25c fo r each Cr $ 25,000 $ 10,000 $ 25,000 9,000 175,000 175,000 10,000 3,830 35,760 36,160 40,000 5,000 196,000 210.000 22,690 Han. N., N. Y.; City N., Knoxville; 1st N., Morristown. 28,870 Chase N „ N. Y.; City N., Knoxville; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 25,000 27,190 397,000 377,760 96,430 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. o f K.v„ Lou.; City N., Knoxville. 25.000 6,000 316,340 204,370 25,000 15,000 250,000 197,000 140,140 N. Park, N. Y.; Holston N., Knoxville; CitizUnion N., Lou. 80,700 N. City, N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; City N., Knoxville. 50,000 23,580 1,066,290 831,460 30,000 15,000 300,000 300,000 2? 000 1,500 250,000 175,000 R. H. McKee H. C. Scott .T. T. Moore Jeilico Bank & Trust Co..§12 Jeremiah Sm ith__ J. P. Gorman 87-539 ( Z. D. BAIRD___ ....... C. 0 . BAIRD n given Bill o f La ding D rafts, cash n t w ith each Sig h t D raft fo r pres en tatlon , and edit D eport. rA .B .C R O U C H — } S. C. WILLIAMS, 87-74 Kingsport-.Sullivan L 23 6 Pop. 11,000 A. A. Deakins_ BANK OF KINGSP0RT-*$§’09 AFIFTEEN 87-591 KINGSPORT BANK& TRUST COMPANY 87-604 »$§’17 22,000 Han. N „ N. Y.: 1st N., Chattanooga; 1st N., St. Petersburg, Fla. 25,000 37,820 602,910 487,400 25,000 10,820 261,120 254,460 358,400 N. Park, N. Y.; City N., Knoxville; Merch. N., Rich. 50,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Ex., Roanoke. 30,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Unaka N „ Johnson City. 580,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Dis trict N., Wash., D. O.; City N., Knoxville: N. State & City, Rich. 178,330 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga; Mech. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Knoxville. 58,680 Chase N., N. Y.; City N „ Knoxville and Johnson City. 15,800 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 10,000 3,270 59,780 54,780 T.P . FIN C H .................... R. P. GRAY W.P. JONES 25,000 8,000 180,000 185.000 n to all business Drafts, Cash and w ith each Sight T. L. Marsh_________ CLEVE H0LL0M0N ___ ELBERT BROWN entrusted to us. tim e Item s ou r sp ecialty. D raft fo r present atlon and 25c for cred it r eports. f!. O. Ramer 3,200 E. T. Cantrell___ ,___ 25,000 40,000 4th & 1st N., Nash.: N. Stock Yds. N.. E. St. L.i Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 135,000 112,000 35,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N., Nash.; 1st N., St. L. J. G. PREST0H _____ R. Y. GRANT R A. A. OWEN, J r _____ 50,000 255,000 278,000 56,610 Drov .& Mech. N.,Balt.; City N., Johnson City. B GUNN- 36,000 CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight draf t for presentation , and e n t y - f i v e CENTS for each c redit report Insur es prom pt, perso nal atte n tion . jWM. FIRST KATI0NAL BANK.*$’16 P. M. Fink Frank S. Patton___ Fred McPherson___ M. B. Franklin____ < Special attentio 87-249 Bill o f Lading i Please send 15c Peoples Bank____________ »$§’01 C. R. W ade.— — . 87-250 f DAVID ROLLER — (t w M E. H. Bachman____ J. M. Fink___ FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*$13 87-407 62,000 2,300,000 1,800,000 106,000 e* I Special attentio n given B ill o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. {Please send 15c with each sight dr aft for presentati on amd 25c fo r Cr edit Rep orts. C h .o fB d . »J ones boro—Washington Banking & Trnst Co.___ *$§'86 John D. Cox 6 Pop. 1000 L 23 87-251 First National Bank____$’89 R. M. May _ 87-252 Kelso______ Lincoln Q12 Peoples Bank ______________ t§’l l 6 Pop. 125 87-510 j SOL SHATZ Kenton___ ___ Obion M 4 8 Pop. 1250 IT. *. 10NG 6. T. WOFFORD_ _ _ J. A. SUMMERS 240,000 $ 160,000 $ 50,000 Han. N.. N. T. ><. •- .-,r* W. B. Miller Johnson City-Washington City National Bank____*$’02 H. C. Black W. F. Carter 87-75 6 Pop. 10,925 L 23 J. L. Gilbert Savings Loan & Trust Bank L. H. Shumate___ T . A. Cox________ 87-77 $§’15 TENNESSEE TRUST CO. A. B. Crouch_____ J. E. Brading_____ J. A. Ponder____ — Mary V . Sm ith___ 87-78 »*§16 C. E. Cargille UNAKANATIONAL BANK«$’98 < Principal Correspondents. ( Branch o f Nash ville. Te nn.) Bessie I. Cardwell. Wm. Baird_______ 87-185 Lia b il it ie s . 1 R esources, i Loamk Dis Cashk ExP aid- up Surplus Dbpos- cara. Bonds, oiAma,Dn A.ND IT 8 ÜMVMTIRB from Banks P rofits ROLLER— J . FRED JOHNSON- A . D. BR0CKM AN- W. R. JENNINGS — 50,000 15,250 500,000 455,000 25.000 2,000 135,000 126,330 20,000 198,000 190,000 4,500 108,000 57,000 101,000 Han. N „ N. Y. ) C ollections rem itted on day o f p aym ent. Present ed on day Tecelve d . (We look after th e details and car ry o u t in stru ctlo ns. T R Y US. jW . 0. FULLER —- J. E. RAMEY ---------- C L.BACHMAN J. C. CHILDERS „ lSave tim e and g et service on Coll ectlons and Credi t R eports by send Ing (f e e i n a d v a n CE: Plain êight d ra fts. 1 5 c; Credi t R eports, 2 5 c. T B Y US. O. M. Rose_______ W. T. Gallaher__ J •T. R. Parker ........ 25,000 »Kingston___ Roane N 17 Kingston Bank & Tr. Co. 6 Pop. 1000 87-408 *$§’89 Kingston Springs. Cheat Bank o f Kingston Springs E. M. Pane________ A. L. Pendergrass- I.T?. Robertson___ ham 6 Pop. 250. M 10 87-409 $§’10 CENTRAL-STATE NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N um ber under Nam e o f Bank is the New Transi t f f u m ber given 1 0/1 C to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he K and-M cN ally Bankers 5,000 f Arkansas Iterns P ro m pt 33,490 Chase N., N. Y.; City N., Johnson City. 53,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. 50.900 Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; 1st N., Dickson. So rvice. A ccessible T'T7 TV TTsjTr«:«5"P ¡'.'F r-—r'.ontinned Reasonable U ates. T o w n s, law y ers, Laws, For Interest Rates» Grace, 1 dexed in back of this volume. TENNESSEE BANKS"—Jacksonville to Kingston Springs _______ July, 1919 Jacksonville ..-Davidson Hadley Bend Branch First Drew Rowen, Mgr. Sav. Bk. & Tr. C o .-...»§18 6 M il 87-621 »Jamestown___ Fentress Bank o f Jamestown___ »iS’05 W. L. Wright. G. E. Harrison____ 6 Pop. 500 L 16 87-405 Flossie Rankin »Jasper_Marion Q 14 Marion Trust & Banking Co. S. H. Alexander__ T. G. Garrett. F. A. Kelly . 87-406 »$§’04 6 Pop. 1200 Jeilico___Campbell K 18 6 Pop. 3000 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in For Interest Bates, Grace, dexed in back of this volume. T B N N E S S E E — Continued 1244___________ 1244 1245 Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transi tJS umber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass n._ Name of Bank. Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State »County 8eats. Figure under town is tMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District, •Mem. Fed. Res. -AMERICAN •Knoxville— -Knox N 19 6 Pop. 38,676 PRESIDENT. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace,i . etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page ld-ltl. Principal Correspondents. RESOURCES. Liabilities . Surplus Dbpos- Loams k Dis-1 Cash k ExPaid-up' and c’ ts . Bomds, chamois,Dm ITS Capital Profits T E N N E SSE E -—Continued Ass ’t Cashier. Cashier. Vice-President. R. W. PEERY — DAY. R .S . YOUNG---------- A. n. „ f. PEERY ... W. C. SKAGGS------- H arrim an N., N. Y .; East T en n . N., K nox $ 100,000 $ 25.000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 125,000 ville; Phil. N ., Phil. Bill of Lading Drafts and City of Knoxville Items h a n d le d promptly at reasonable rates. . T r y us. U. S. D EP O S ITO R Y. .... NATIONAL BANK 87-56 » í ’12 W. H. Sterchi____ Chas. K. Vance— - W . C. Baker............ I, L. G. Stooksburg Citizens Bank & Trust Co. J. T. Henderson 87-58 §’18 50,000 W .S.S H IE L D S -....... E D W .H E N E G A R —- FE . HAUNGEJ- L -O G D IK----- 500,000 ‘CITY NAT’L BANK 87-48 •$’88 R. E. MOONEY C. C- RORKHART 87-45 -M. V. B0YIWM. RULE, JR. Designated Depository for the United States, State, County ol Knoxville. W e make a specialty of and have uneqnaled facilities . . . Ill — _ Bast ir aMMAOann ritems and collections for handling your Tennessee Seasonable charges Quick “ ‘ ' Returns. JÉMfltafeM •í’72 J. P. GAUT_____ D. A. ROSENTHAL -- R. W. BROWN----- A. If you appreciate prompt and careful service NATIONAL BANK at a moderate charge send us your Items and collections for Knoxville and vicinity. •$’91 87-50 87-51 W CD CD M 783,280 5,754,450 4,640,690 2.558,860 Im p . & Tra. N. and Chase N „ N. I . ; Fifth- W T hird N ., C in .; Girard N ., Phil. 500,000 50,000 1,140,000 1.070.000 1.200.000 93.050 137,580 2,564,160 2,901,780 8,800 264,330 277.160 100,000 Walter McCoy....... J. A. Wallace------T. A. Wright Jno. E. McMillan.. A. P. Frierson.. 1H. B. Branner, 300.000 71,390 1,340,200 1,154,040 300.000 178,970 1,702,470 1,900.310 200,000 80.630 3,238,500 2,830,450 Acting A ttive H. M. JOHNSTON— W. L. RUSSELL------- W. 0. W H ITTLE— 45,150 Harriman N-, N. Y., City N m Knoxville. Chase N., N. Y .; C o n t.& C oin’l Ny C h i.; 270,690 6,591,850 5,818,220 2,044,320 P hil. N.»_Phil.; F ifth -T h ird N ., Cin. m E. C. Newgent, G. W. Callahan— W. S. MCKINNEY--- Save tim e and get service o n C ollections and Credit R eports by sending FEB IN ADVANCE. Plain Sight D ra fts, 1 5 c ; Credit R ep orts, SOe. T R Y US. •$’95 Knoxville Clearing House— Joseph P. Gaut— K. E . M ooney....... (Members indicated by a ♦) »Lafayette__ Macon L 13 Citizens Bank..-----— ${’09 W. A. Smith.-------- W. C. Gregory-----87-274 6 Pod. 678 Lafollette—Campbell L 19 National Bank of La Follette,W.S. McKamey — S. Smith______ i— 87-146 •i’Q4-| 6 Pop. 4000 H. G. Murray *— Peoples Bank________ •$8’17' W. A. W.Carden.. Wm. Ausmus 87-603 W. P. Cowan-------- E. T. McNamee----La G range...Fayette Q3 La Grange Savings Bank 87-410 »$§’06' g Pop. 308 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 170,980 CO 200,000 ‘HO LSTO N ‘UNION NAT. BANK 400,000 50,000 East Tennessee SavingsBank F. L. Fisher--------- Jno. L. Boyd_____ O. B. Henderson— 87-55 «ÍIIO M. D\ Arnold, Jr., Fidelity Trust Company14 J. Allen Smith------ M. D. A rnold. Secs', and Tr. J. P. Gaut ‘ 87-57 ♦Knox County Bk. & Tr. Co. 87-48 «*§’90 ♦Mechanics Bank & Trust Co. 87-53 »$S’82 ♦Third National Bank „• $ ’87 87-47 176,710 25 25 Send us your itemsand collections for Knoxville and Eastern Tennessee. Prompt and careful attention to every detail. Reasonable charge. EAST TENN. F. L. FISHER____ W. W. W00DRUFF--S. ¥. CARTERNATIONAL BANK 3,800 > 2Î 178,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; E. Tenn. N.. Knox W C/Î ville. 35,000 599,030 N. City, N. Y .; F ifth-T h ird N. and 4th N.J C in .; N. B k .o fK y ., L o u .; Lowry N., A tl. 92,450 Chase N., N. Y.; City N., Knoxville. 315,770 N. Park, N. Y.; Phil. N., Phil.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Com’l N., Wash., D. C. 580.220 1st N., N. Y.; Citiz. Union N „ Lou.; Franklin N., Phil.; M. M. 1st N „ Balt. 760,000 H an. N ., N. Y .; F ifth -T h ird N ., C in. J. R. Garrett,....... . Mgr. Wm. Parker--------- Li C. Parker— __ G. B. Gallaher------ J. J. Dudley_____ 10,000 50.000 8.500 245,000 160,000 35.690 345,520 381,810 123,180 103,460 David Reynolds . . . R. L. Sharp......... 25.000 3.230 159,030 L. E. Anderson----- Lucile Wilburn— 10.000 7.17Ò 139,950 I m — 100,000 Am. N., Nash. 74 820 Han. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.: Hamilton g N., Chattanooga: Holston N., Knoxville. 63,230 Chase N., N. Y.; City N.. Knoxville. 43,920 Chase N., N. Y.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co Memp.: Am. N.. Nash Accounts of Banks, Bankers, M anufacturers, M erchants, and individuals invited. Unsurpassed Collection Service I w 3 O X < Name op Ban k . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState »County Seats. Figure under town is ÎMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Cashier. V ice -President . Pr esid en t . Liabilities . Depos Paid-up Surplus AND its Capital P rofits Ass ’ t Cashier. Lancaster .„.S m ith M 13 Lancaster Banking Co.._*§’04 C. W. Simpson:___ B. Rowland_______ Jack Davis_______ F. B. Rose 87-411 6 Pop. 500 Lascassas Rutherford N12 Lascassas Bank & Trust Co. T. W. Donnell____ Jno. F. Casor_____ W. R.David______ -------- - ;----------— *§14 87-576 6 Pop. 75 $ 15,000 $ è 5,000 $ 125,000 $ 113,000 $ 27,000 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 79,870 58,830 75,000 22,500 575,000 590,000 25,000 2,000 152,000 162,000 50.000 23,610 667,860 669,500 118,580 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; 1st N., Atl. W. A. H ale_______ 80,000 27,230 774,320 890,700 F. C. Stratton. . . i . __________;__ 25,000 1,820 143,530 119,470 215,480 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 48,070 Seab. N., N. Y..; Am. N., Nash. W. J. Baird_______ Geo. R. Bouton___ A. W. McCartney D. A. Gore i______ Morton D abney.... 25,000 6,290 315,620 257,990 10,000 500 48.000 36,500 50,000 11,610 439,130 465,230 J.W. BUSSELL, JR.... Curry O. Dodson.. Edgar L. Martin MRS. A. W. CARROLL MISS JULIA GIBSON Lenoir City.Loudon N 18 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-**04 < 15c m u st be sen t w ith each sight draft for present ation 1 and 25c w ith ea ch request for rep ort or rating. 87-124 6 Pop. 3392 lP R O M P T SERV ICE O CR SFECI ALTY. Peoples Bank_______ . **§ ’10 J. R. Browder____ 87-125 ÍU7 J. C. Adams__ j__ 87-193 D. B. Clayton_____ W. E. Hayes, V. P. 87-192 »Lewisburg.Marshall P 11 6 Pop. 3000 »Lexington ...Henderson Central State Bank „ ...* § ’07 T. Edwards............ 8 Pop. 2000 O6 87-208 Citizens B ank______ ...*§•04 T. A. Lancaster___ H. E. Graper, 87-207 Ch. o f Bd. Liberty____ Dekalb N 13 6 Pop. 800 Limestone... Washington 6 Pop. 350 M 23 »Linden______Perry O 7 6 Pop. 500 Littlelot ...H ickm an N 9 6 -Pop. 600 »Livingston.Overton L 15 6 Pop. 1421 Farmers Loan & Trust Co. 87-618 §18 Liberty Savings Bank ..*§1 8 87-309 Farmers & Merch. Bank.*§’08 87-412 First National Bank.. — $’99 87-413 Peoples Bank — *§19 87-631 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 87-566 *§’14 166,240 616,470 745,190 Thos. L. Cathey__ S. K. Walker____ _ 75,000 33,000 400,000 430,000 1 r -% P J 31,340 Han. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 119,330 Han. N..N. Y.; 4th& 1st N., Cumberland Valley N., and Am. Ñ.. Nash. 63,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N., Nash. 26,500 24,700 375,290 240,360 80,000 11,410 646,390 700.810 85,000 120,000 180.300 Han. N., N. Y.; Ist N., Jackson; Am. N. and 4th & Ist N., Nash. 137,980 Han. N., N .Y . 15,000 50,000 3,460 25,000 3,900 149,570 151,070 26,790 Han. N., N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash. W. P. Smith______ X^Cox______ _____ D. B. Pence... 15,000 9,490 389,420 348,460 65,450 N. Park, N. Y.; City N., Johnson City. G. W. Pearson------ J. C. Savage______ J. D. Pope___ ____ S. F. P o lk _______ 25.000 12,730 192,790 170,060 85,590 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 1st N., St. L.; Atl. N., Atl. S. T. A nderson.... S. M. Jones______ W. T. Barnes__ 10.000 900 20,000 5,000 210,000 165,000 65,000 N. Bk. Corn., N. Y. 25,000 6,000 400,000 250,000 12,500 6,500 110,000 1 70,000 12,000 12,000 145,000 145,000 ___ W H . Officer_____ J. A. Hargrove___ T. B. Copeland . C. B. Arnold______ W. H. ESTES — Lading, Drafts, Cash and T im e ( 15c must be sen t with each Sight Draft for present ation . • H 0 0» O ooÔ 86,440 Mech, & Metals N., N. Vl; Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 12,000 Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; Harpeth N., Franklin. 127,410 N. City, N. Y.; East Tenn. N., Knoxville; Citiz. N., Chattanooga. R. B. Vanatta_____ T. F. W illiam s___ J. M. Bradley____ F. G. Robinson___ H. E. Graper T. C. Edwards____ J. H. Twilla Tr Dep. State Bk. & Tr. Co., Nash. 150,000 N. Bk. Corn., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N „ Nash. Item s. John R. Butler___ Mrs. Jno. R. Butler Wm. Sandschnlte.. W. H. Augustin — W.-C. Caperton— * »t Q. A. Tipton______ J. H. Johnston.__ Q. A. Tipton.! Henry Sandschulte 32,100 30,750 237,550 238.400 P. W. M oore_____ G. W. Priddy_____ C. L. Collie.__ ___ V. A. C ollie........... 7,500 . 1,350 50,720 46,150 Thomas Motlow . . . W. K. Parks_____ F. M. Waggoner__ J. D. M otlow_____ .I . 1£3' Ï v. R. A. L ock e--------- G. F. Waggoner__ 50,000 35.000 400.000 350 000 24,200 6,690 46.440 64,250 52,000 Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 23,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Am. N., Nash. ■ 62,000 Han. N., N. Y.; City N., Knoxville; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 11,960 4th & 1st N., Nash. 75,000 Irving N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N. and Am. N.. Nash. 10,330 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 87-506 .-STATE NATIONAL BANK C X G. H. Maxwell____ G. Bartholomew R. W. H all....... .... J. A. McCall MOORE COUNTY BANK-*§'U1R. A. Parks_______ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 60,000 Han. N., N .Y .:ls t N..St. L.; Cumberland g a l ley N. and Tenn.-Hermitage N., Nash. 22,000 Mech..& Metals N .,N . Y.; Am. N.. Nash. Active E. E. Murrey J. S. Teague______ R. A. Lewisi— ___ G. B. Gibson J. W. Stewart____ John S. Fielder___ R. W. Howard W. T. Watson A. S. Montgomery. R. W. Hall, Sec.. |W. C. MURPHY- J. S. FLEMING — —•*§’05 ] Spécial attentlo n given Bills of ...* § ’06 87-416 Bank o f Loretto____ _ ...*§10 87-417 Bank o f Loudon____ ..•*§’89 87-418 Luray Banking Co....— *§13 87-549 Farmers Bank______.. 87-420 i 192,640 89,650 'X to cacti bank in U U. S ».. exclusively by uy Tlie * ue Kand-McNally « " » * * » » “ *y Banëe D ire cto ry , u n d e r th e a u th o r ity o f T iie A m e ric a n B a n k e rs Assoit S p e c i a l f a c i li t i e s fo r h a n d li n g T e n n e s s e e , M i s s i s s i p p i a n d Arkansas I terns Prom pt S erv ice . R e a s o n a b le * Pares. A ccessible T o w n s , L a w yers, JLaws, DjlvectoM, in dexed in back of this ■ volume. For Interest R a te s , t*tace• etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 18 T E N N E S S E E — C o n tin u e d Liabilities . Resources. Principal Correspondents. July, 1919 Lobelville____ Perry N 8 $ Pop. 500 Loretto___ Lawrence Q 9 9 Pop. 500 »Loudon.__ Loudon O 18 6 Pop. 2000 Lurcfr___ Henderson O 5 8 Pop. 200 »Lynchburg-.Moore P 12 6 Pop. 500 5,150 80,000 R. H. B row der___ E. B. Spraker 31,990 Am. N., Nash. _______ FARMERS BANK-— 25,000 W. D. Fox— ^ ___ J. Lee Moss_______ J. M. Lackey......... S. P. Witt— . E. H. McLean. W. H. Hardison R. A. McCord, Principal Correspondents. Dis- 5,690 A. A. Adams _____ W. D. Ferrell. A. W. Hooker____ J. H. Grissim____ LEBANON NATIONAL BANK I. W. P. Buchanan •t’07 J. L. Weir, V. P. 87-116 R. A. Bass m W. F. McDaniel •*§’18 87-612 Union Bank & Trust Co.iS’10 J. J. A skew ______ J. G. Harris______ J. J. McFarland 87-117' Leipers Fork. Williamson Bank of Leipers Fork ...* § ’13 J. T. Morton _____ P. O. Hassell_____ (Franklin P. 0 .) 87-529 Pop. 500 N 10 r j. F. EASON............ F. A. WEISS________ Resources. Loans k Cash k Exc’T8. Bonds, CHANQX8,Du> Securities from B anks 12,500 »Lawrenceburg Lawr. Q 9 FIRST NATIONAL BANK»* 02 J. H. Stribling____ J. T. Dunn_______ J. E. Spence______ G. A. Dugger_____ 6 Pop. 1687 87-195 Lawrence Bank & Trust Co. J. D. Vaughan____ W. H. Phillips____ J. M. Davis___ a__ A. T. Green............ •*§’89 87-194 »Lebanon___Wilson M 12 ftMFPinàM NATMNAI RANK **’01 87-ÍÍ5 6 Pop. 3969 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. T E N N E S S E E —Continued 1246__________________ TENNESSEE BANKS— Lancaster to Lynchburg Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. A c c e s s ib le 1247 to^ »cb "b aiik*iS ” u fVsr” Mcï«msIv®Iy by T h e B a n d -M c N a U y B a n k e rs’ D ire cto ry , a n d e r th e a u th o r ity of T lie A m e ric a n B a n k e rs A ss’ n. Name of Bank. Town and County. Lynnville____ „G iles PIO Bank o f Lynnville____ *$§’11 87-421 6 Pop. 700 Peoples B a n k ....— . — §’19 87-622 Madison..Davidson M il Madison Bank & Trust Co. 87-530 »$§’13 6 Pop. 500 »Madisonviile___ Monroe Bank o f Madisonviile—»$§’90 87-422 6 Pop. 1000 0 18 President. Vice-President. Ç. T. R eid ------------ C. H. Witt_______ P a id - u p C a p it a l Su r p l u s AND Pr o f it s R. H. Witt— ------ P. E. Hickman ___ $ 30,000 Resources. W. N. Magill____ _ J. F. McConkey— W. H. McCroskeyl J. F. Llewellyn— 17,000 Ì 222,050 $ 179,000 68,170 5,000 4,000 55,540 35,410 50,000 25.000 210,000 235.000 35,000 25,000 50,000 T. H. W illis______ W .P. Hickerson,Jr, M. W. Hickerson.. 25.000 35.000 300,000 175,000 A. M*May.— ------ A. F. Vincent— .. C. BT Farrar 20,000 8,000 140.200 141,700 MILBURN GARDNER- C. D. HASKINS — — 50,000 15,000 190,000 175,000 Martin Bank_________*$§’83 G. E. Bowden------- J. M. Gardner____ H. J. Ramer______ A. W. Freeman— 87-162 85,000 20.000 400.000 330,000 50.000 12,000 355,000 373.000 W. B. G IBBS-...... G. H. PARKER PEOPLES BANK 87-164 T.H. FARMER «ÍS’OS J. M. ADAMS- G. E. FARMER. Collections rem itted on day o f paym ent. Presented on day received. W e look after the details and carry o n t Instructions. 25,000 78,100 n, and sonai a tten tio . JL RUSSELL - M. H. GAMBLE— — , JOHN M. CLARK — - J. E. ROWAN BANK OF BLOUNT COUNTY ■(W <FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wi th each sight dra f t fo r presen 87-157 , »«'9 3 l TW ENTY -FIVE CENTS fo r each cred it report ins ures prompt Bank of Maryville----- •«'81 Joseph Burger..— D. F. Young______ J. A. Cox________ J. C. Tucker“ 87-156 First National, Bank— .-•$’14 Thomas N. Brown. J. H. M itch ell-— E. F. A m es..-------87-570 v Bank o f Mason , ______ • « ’03 C. T. McCraw____ W. E. Frawley—- - W. T. Williamson. Mason__ _____ Tipton 87-423 8 Pop. 891 Mason Hall___Obion M4 Mason Hall Bank_____ ..$§’09 A. T. Thompson— J. H. Smith_______¡W. A. Thompson.. 87-424 8(XentonP.O.)Pop.35 Maury City .Crockett N 3 Planters Bank........— ..$§’11 D. J. Conyers------- ______________ — _|J. D. R iddick..— R. McNatt------ i 87-502 8 Pop. 500 McEwen.Humphreys M 8 McEwen Bank_______ -•$§’03 J . A. Turner______ T. A. Bunnell—. . — J. E. Fanning-------87-42? 6 Pop. 661 J. A. Bradley — .5 W. D. Kihg --------« ’19 J. J. Slonecker Peoples Bank— 87-627 McKenzie___ Carroll M 6 Bank of McKenzie— .•$§’88 R. B. Moore— —— __________________ J. L. Thomason— 87-217 8 Pop. 2000 I. B. MOORE- !. E. THOMAS-— GUY ALEXANUERJSM.WRINKLE , „ , COMMERCIAL BANK— 87-218 We invite the business o f Ban ks, Bankers, and « ’05 I PROM PT and S ATISPACTORY 8 ervice. IBI11 of* Lading D rafts, Cash, and T im e Item s ou r sp McLemoresville.. Carroll Bank o f McLemoresville$§’07 87-427 8 Pop. 350 M5 »McMinnville___ Warren City Bank & Trust Company 87-527 §’12 6 Pop. 2500 014 First National Bank..— $’74 87-158 Peoples National Bank— $’81 87-159 Medina__ — Gibson N 5 Medina Banking Co.— *$§’05 575,000 1 500,000 35,000 625,000 400,000 50,000 19,290 513,360 480.170 130,600 137,260 10,000 28,950 10,050 1,500 10,000 9.500 130,000 97,000 25.000 10,900 125,610 137,850 32,000 350.000 30,000 3 0 ,0 0 0 99,500 - 75,000 L 228,000 1,500 - • ***- Principal Correspondents. \ . \V-tL 40,470 h 1st N., Nash. 50.490 1 Ian. N., N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N. and State Bk. & Tr. Co.. Nash. 28,390 CIhase N., N. Y.; Am. N. and State Bk. & Tr Co., Nash. \ -v . 40,000 I [an. N., N. Y.; Union N., Knoxville*4st N. Chattanooga. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. 60,000 Han. I 112,000 I lan. IN., IN. I . ; 4in « i s i IN. auu u u m u c iia u i - Ì Valley N., Nash.; Hamilton N.. Chattanooga W 32,000 17. Park, N. Y.; Am. N „ Nash. Z Z 50,000 I rving N „ N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; 4th & 1st N. w Nash. Cfl w W Í. Park, N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am 130,000 M N., Nash. U > 70,000 Dhase N., N. Y .; 1st N .. St. L .; 4th & Is Z N .,N a sh . W C0 115,780 Han. N „ N. Y.; City N., Knoxville. Ha 50,000 15 0^0 . D jlie e t o M , 139,000 I 288,000 69,050 250,000 104.000 Am. N., Nash.: Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co Memp.; lst N „ St. L. 48,370 4th & lst N „ Nash.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co Memp. . 31,610 Seab. N., N. Y. 1,600 60,500 35,330 Jesse Walling — . E. W. Walling . . . . . C. D. Walling--*-— H. S W ilson__ _ 50,000 3,110 189,790 151,880 87,630 Han. N., N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N „ Nash. J. N. Walling------- G. M. Smith___ |__ F. S. Clark ----------- 75,000 68.17C 842,680 709,440 55.000 39,14f 470.750 476,61f 10,300 1.93C 117,820 59 20 355,910 N. Bk. Corn.. N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 143,280 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.: Am. N., 4th & 1st N., and Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 70,510 Merch.-Lac. N.. St. L.: 2d N., Jackson. J. H. Bramley____ J. M. Smith______ J. C. McKinney — Butler Smith _____ W. JEL Magness . . . . Thomas Mason — W. O. Graves..— J. H. Mathis_____ J .B . Rowlett— ~ W. R. Rowlett. , c I r << 3 3 Co., Knoxville. 152,330 Ian. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; East S* Tenn. N., Knoxville. r* 19,640 L Park, N.Y.; Com’l Tr. & Sav. and Unio O Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 27,500 st N,, Jackson; N. Stock Yds. N., N. S % Yds.. 111. “ rt 52,500 Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. Û. 19,670 3 " 9> g CFHTRII -S U T E NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . O nly N ational Bank In Weakley iWe g u a r a n t e e p rom p t, efficient attentlon to all CHARGES RE ASONABLE. 87-163 TH E Î 35,140 Chas. F. Hunt____ 6ITY NATIONAL BANK-«t'08 L aw s, — —— Cash k ExD e p o s - } loans k Dis- 7HANG1S,D u* c’ ts . Bonds, IT S Hbcuhitim from Banks - 25,000 E. R. Doolittle___ - I. E. Connors..____ V. I. Witherspoon. »Manchester ..Coffee P 13 First National Bank— »$1906 W. H. Ashley..— 87-237 6 Pop. 963 Peoples Bank & Tr. Co._t§’07 J. P. Adams___ 87-238 »Maryville__ Blount 0 19 6 Pop. 5000 Ass ’t Cashier. E. E. H all----- S—.. W. S. Blackburn & W, R. Sm ith-------- J. F. Compton....... Lee R. Sloan......... Jno. R. Sheets — Monroe Bank & Trust Co. 87-623 §19 Martin_____Weakley L 5 8 Pop. 4000 "Cashier. L aw yers, -------------------------------------------- Li a b i l i t i e s . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State »County Seats. Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. T o w n s, dexed in back of this v olume. F o r I n t e r e s t l i â t e s , C w t a c c . e t c ., see page 1 A. F o r H o lid a ys, see opposite page IS T E N N E S S E E — C o n tin u e d Special facilities for handling Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas Items Prompt Service. Reasonable Rates N um ber under Name o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The R and-M cN ally Bankers’ M E M P H IS— Reserve City Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Bes. [ Estab. P r esid en t . Ca sh ie r . á s s ’t Paid - up Capital Ca sh ie r . F.G. DIXON--------- C. HENOCHSBERG- $ 1,105,670 $ S 50,000 $ 69,790$ 1,961,280 Bill o f Lading lirai ts given personal attention. W e urge paym ent on collection s. BANK & TR. CO. R esources . Li a b i l i t i e s . D ue SUBPLTTS In d iv id D eposits L oans a Bonds, Securi FROM1 Dis AND op uai . P rofits D eposits B anks counts ties , ETC. Banks 292,480 Principal Correspondents Cash and E x changes $ 392,300 Chase N .. N. Y .; 1st N.. St. L .; N. Bk. o f K y ., L o u .; 4th & 1st N ., Nash. »iS-OSj . B. SNOWDEN— L.A. THORNTON— L. PRICE — — J. H. FISHER, ED. RICE *BK. OF COMMERCE T. 0. VINTON-------- RFRED J.R. PIPES, COLLINS tunan See. *Tr. & TRUST CO. •«•05 26-1 'CENTRAL-STATE NATIONAL BAI 26-7 • * 1,500,000 1,697,850 10,783,390$5,378,350 13,761,790 2.776.380S3,849,140 545,870 Collections on Memphis ana Mississippi points given special anennon. Our superior facilities guarantee satisfactory service. 'S : ù .ù . ■ S. E. RAGLAND.— G. R. JAMES-------- R. T. CRENSHAW- S. P. FORTUNE__ S. C. SHEPHERD T. M. SALTER W. H. FELTUS Special facilities for handling Tennessee, Mississippi, and Arkansas items. COMMERCIAL f A. GOODMAN------- D. M. ARMSTRONG- R R P.niINTS 600,000 411,370 4,759,980 1,150,160 4,105,470 1,727,560 1,227,860 350,000 232,000 5,575,000 3.115,000 1,245,000 1,310,000 F.’ F.’ STURM5 430,060 N. City, N. Y .: Corn Ex. N ., C h i.; N . Bk. C om ., St. L .; 1st N., B os.; (M em . Fed. Res.) 1st N. and Han. N ., N. Y .; C ont. & C om ’ l N., C h i.; 1st N. and M ereh .-L ac. N., St. L .; C om ’ l N., N. O .; 1st N ., B os.; P hil. N., Phil. 348,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Mtle. Tr. Co., 8t. L.; (M em . Fed. R es.) TRUST&SAVS. BANK (IMMEDIATE PE RSONAL SERVICE GIVEN COLLECTIO NS. ♦ 26-61 »ts’os Depositors Sav. Bk. & Trust Co. LJ. F. Dickinson___ L. B. Donelson, Jr. J. F. Dickinson----26-69 S’lOj Fed. Beserve Bk. o f St. Louis» (B ranch o f St. L ouis, M o . For co m plete Inform ati 26-3 J. A. OMBERG— —- P. S: SMITHWICK— I* U HRAIR page 500,000 OLDEST »Ann AN THIS l/ltl. Prompt attention given Collections, Your business invited. •$’64! -2,490 N. City, Memp. 63,360 4.870 1,000 30) J. R. CRAIG A. V. SMITH C. F. FARNSWORTH J. A.* DENTON, A . Cash. M. B. TAPP C. Q. HARRIS ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK 26-2 50,000 on see 1,775,070 N. Park, N. Y .; N. C ity, C h i.; 1st N., St. L. 752,860 4,019,440 1,195,280 3,109,260 2,495,700 . JULIAN A YM E TT-— TRANK HAYDEN...... -L .C . HUMES--------- L C. HUMES— C. T. DENTON, Sec. W. P. THOMAS A. S. BUCHANAN. Tr. Officer GUARANTY BANK & TRUST COMPANY rnm iD Turv rr«a fj 1 (M .G . B A IL E Y -— F. L. MONTEVERDE- J. R. BUCHIGNANI T . MORGAN „ JJ.M. WALKER, V -P - J.m m ercial as well as a Savings busi ness. 800.000 1,694,520 304,040 24,870 1,174,510 - jJ. S. Bobinson.___ F. T. Cochran____ E. F. Goldsmith... 100,000 115,000 3,221,960 E. M. LEVI____ S. STEINBERG B. A. BOGY *$’08 !Your M EM P H IS items remitted in New York or other exchange; daily at $1.00 per one thousand, premium; semi-monthly at par. Prompt service guaranteed. 300,000 165,660 1,068,620 216,660 1,919,510 813,480 N., N. Y .; N. C ity, C h i.; 1st N ., St. L .; M arine Bk. & T r .C o .,N .O .; (M em . Fed. R es.) 38,380 Chatham & Phénix N. and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 671,520 Mech. & Metals N. and N. Park, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. C. W . THO M PSO N— W. L. HUNTLEY, JR. E C TEFFT 61,270 2,631,630 M C M P U IC i 270,370 1,698,260 1,144,550 695,290 N. City, N. Y .; U nion Tr. C o., C h i.; 1st N ., St. L. SEE ADVERT ISEMENT ONTENIT. INDEX. S p e cia l faciliti dling: T e n n e s s e e , M ississip p i a n d July, 1919 26-65 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 187,390 254,250 C hem . ' ) Transac ts a Co •S’ 18 (p r o m p t attenti on given to Colle étions. ¡H Morris. 600,000 SEE ADV ERTISEM ENT OPP OSITE. ee. 100,000 " S o «.26-51.-.— - • « ’85[ 'NATIONAL CITY BANK 80,390 1,424,270 C om m ercial—Trust—Titles Guaranteed. jDEPARTMEN TS Savings —Farm Loans —Bonds. Headauarters for information relative to Farm Lands in Mississippi, Arkansas and Wes tTenness 26-66 26-67 500,000 ____________________TENNESSEE BANKS— Memphis HARRYS. COHN... W. B. McLEAN— AMERICAN SAV. 26-57 V ice -President . (S h e lb y , 21) C o u n ty Seat— P o p u la tio n 148,995 (Federal Reserve D istrict No. 8) 1248 1248 EUT S p e c i a l f a c i I it ie’^ P f o r h a n d l i n g T en nessee, M is s is s ip p i a n d -=T ¿St » « T h e C e n t e r o f t h e H e a r t o f t h e M i s s i s s i p p i V a l l e y C o lle c tio n s o n M e m p h is T e n n e s s e e and contiguous territory efficiently handled by the G U A R & A N T Y B A N T R U S T C O . K MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 C A P IT A L C o m p le te B a n k in g S e rv ice Commercial Banking, Trusts, Farm Loans, Savings, Bonds f f if p W e c o r d ia lly in v ite th e A c c o u n ts a n d p o r a tio n s , F ir m s se r v ic e o n L. C. H U M E S J U L IA N A Y M E T T Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • a nd a ll - In d iv id u a ls. m a tters e n tr u ste d C o lle c tio n s O u r to d e sir e ou r is ca re. o f B a n k s, B a n k ers, C or to ren d er T est O FF IC E R S F R A N K H A Y D E N , President W . P. T H O M A S Vice President and Cashier C L Y D E T . DENTON Assistant Cashier A. S. B U C H A N A N , Trust Officer ou r u n su rp a ssed F a c ilitie s - - - - Assistant Cashier Secretary mm *‘S A F E T Y '“ S E R V IC E I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ 1 2 4 9 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ u. M Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦ Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Vice-President. President. Cashier. E M P H I S - — R e s e r v e C i t y ----- C o n t i n u e d Accessible Towns, Lawyers, JLaws, dexed in. back of this voTume. _ W -l_ B*or In te r e s t R ate s* wThce*! etc., see page 14 . For Holidays, see opposite page 13 -' V*. (Federal Deserve District No. 8)___________ ■ Principal Correspondents. r< Resources. Liabilities . Cash Dub S urplus I n d i v id - iD ■ p o s it s Loans a bonds. Ass ’t Cashier. Paid-up and Ex prom Se c u r iDis or UAL and changes Banks Capital ! Profits Deposits B a n k s C O U N T S !T I E S , B T C . ;1.786,2101$ $ 150,000!$ 100,000$3,036,760! 0. H. HURT--------- J. I. CONKERS J. T. WALSH— t m w ----SI N E S S 1 T R A N S A C T S A COMM ER C IA L BU SAVINGS BANK 26-58 « « ’Oill AS W E L L AS A SAVI NGS B U S IN ESS. 50,000 34,540! 912,6201$ 15,000. 917,920! Peoples Say. Bk. & Tr. Co.»t8’99lS. W. Portlock — J. B. Goodbar_____ J. G. Bailey______ T. M. Williams___ TV J. Wellford 26-55 1 THEODORE READ— T. R. BOYLE— --SIDHEY READ-----J. F. KIMBR00GH-R. P. HABERLING CLE0 P. CREEDLE, AUBREY E. SCOTT, LOUIS GINOCCHIO Sec. A . See. 300,000 15,000 600.000 100,000 500,000] We make a specialty and have unequaled facilities for handling your Memphis and Southern Items and Collec tions. Prompt. Reasonable. SEE AD VERTISE MENT OP POSITE P AGE 1235 . 26-52 •$§’86 T E S T OUR PAR F A C IL IT IE S . IA U N IT E D S T A T E S , S T A T E A ND C IT Y D EP O S ITO R Y. 489,0001 50,000! 60,000 1,024,000!. J. V. Montedonico. StateSavings Bank______ $§’87 J. W. Proudflt.-— T. H. Jackson — 26-53 NORTH MEMPHIS 'SECURITY BANK & TRUST GO, 672,050 374,630 68,910 1,380 350,000 138,000 270,000 220,000 154,680Im p . & Tra. N .,N .Y .; N. Clty.Chi. M tle. Tr. C o., St. L .; N. Bk. o f K y., L ou . 147,590Liberty N „ N „ Y.; Cent. N.% St. L. N. Shawmut, Bos. 98,000 Coal & Iron N ., N .Y .; State Bk o f C hi., C h i.; I n t’ l, S t.L .; N. Bk C om ., K an. C., M o. 101.000 Mech. & Metals N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N .Y .; Corn Ex. N „ Chi. F. F. HILL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ -GILMER WINSTON — - R. S. POLK, ELDRIDGE ARMISTEAD NOLAND FONTAINE Cash, and V. Pres. F. S. BRAGG J. D. MCDOWELL SAM HOLLOWAY, J. R. BEAUCHAMP - A tty . and Tr. Officer W. F. HARPER, ■ 1 'UNION PLANTERS! BANK AND TRUST COMPANY •$§'69! 26-8 DM 1 A general banking business transacted. 26-54 1, 800,000 595,030 13,157,270| 9,147,730] 17,786,400! 5,431,390 6,548,660 2,997,030 Special attention given to collections. N. Bk. C om . and G uaranty Tr. C o., N. Y .; C on t. & C om ’! N., C h i.; N. S haw m ut, B os.; (M em Fed. R es.) SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON TENNESSEE INDEXr Union Say. Bk. & Tr. Co. •$§’95j*^- -A. Omberg— COLUMBIA MTGE. Auditor 50,0001 R. E. Lee— --------- F. S. Omberg-------- 1f PETER G. GRANT JOHN W.JRED---— W. G. HENDERSON, 100,000 59,270 1,223.000 50,000 (Investine nt Banki 982,000 ng Only) 283,000 112,270N. City, Chi,; 1st N., Memp. Cent. Union Tr. Co., N. Y. Sec. ' GE 0 .0 ATCHELOR Farm Loans made in West ern Tennesse e and Kentuck & TRUST CO. 1 Northern Mississippi, S outheast Mis souri and Eas tern Arkansa ’ 05| l NATIONAL CITY 00............... ^[(Investm ent Bonds) MiiiTU ft. DCDKIM C E. P. Kimbrough, Mgr. tooj(BoliOW dM J. O. J. Perkins, Mortgage Banker [successors to Cal dwell & Smith.) 5MIII1 « rtn lU llo ----------- S. M. WILLIAMSON & COMPANY, INC.'97 „ R. B. GOODWIN, |S. M. WILLIAMSON M. EUGENE CLARK— P. C. CLARKE, Gen’l Counsel. A sst. Sec. Memphis Clearing House------- j J. Î . Walsh (Members indicated by a*) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 75,000! ^Mortgage Bank ers. C ity and Far m Loans, IInsurance—Fire , M arine, Llabilit y, and Surety Bon ds. L. C. Humes— 60,0001____ — N. City Co., N. Y. City and Corres, pondent Offices, See Adv. in N, Y . C ity. Am. Ex. N „ N. Y.;Union&Plan.Bk & Tr. Co., Memp.; Whitney-Oent N .,N . O. J. P. Morgan & Co;, N .Y .; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co. and Union & Plan Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. J. D. McDowell, Mgr. wm Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Manufacturers, Merchants, and Individuals invited. Unsurpassed Coilection Service 1 OCn N um ber unde* Name o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e B and-M cN ally Bankers’ D irectory, under the authority of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. T own and Cojjnty. Name of Bank . *County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure under town is $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. 1 [Estab. President . V ice-President . Cashier . L ia b il it ie s .. R esources. I/OANS k Dlfl- Cash k ExP aid - up Surplus D epos c’ts . Bonds, C H A N G E » ,D U * and Capital Profits its Ssouvtiss from B anks As s ’t Cashier . M ercer......M adison O 4 Bank of Mercer J____ __ $§’05 T. E. Mercer— — J. C. Lackie__ ___ C. C. Malone. 8 Pop. 188 87-428 Middieton.Hardeman Q 4 Bank o f Middleton_____$$'06 G. T. Webb_______ F. S. Simpson. . . . . T. Y. M oore. 8 Pop. 400 87-429 Milan________Qibson N 5 8 Pop. 1700 FARMERS STATE BANK*$§'07 87-201 MILAM BANKING CO- -*$§'93 rr 87-200 A ccessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in dexed in back of this'volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. F or Holidays, see opposite .page 13 T E N N E S S E E — Continued 3 12,500 $ 1,200 20,000 t Principal Correspondents . 51,000 $ 10,500 $ 37,500 Han. N., N. Y.i 1st N., St. L.; Peo. Sav., Jackson. 25,720 Secur. Bk. & Tr; Co. ancJ N. City, Memp. 112,510 12,390 109,290 30,000 15,000 G. V. ALEXANDER - I. N. McLEAN FIFTEEN CENT 4' s c n W o ' u s w it h each sight draft f or presentation, a nd l:TW ENTY-FIVE CENTS fo r each c redit report lusur es prom pt, person al atten tlon. 270,000 234,000 362,900 194,660 192,580 N. City, N. Y.; Am. N., Nash.; N .B k. Com., St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. rVIMM. FLIPPIN — 25,000 f M. W. WHEELER J. J. FUQUA--------- FRED COLLINS_ _ _ _ J. D. DENNEY_ _ _ _ 'SSave tim e and get service o o Col lections and Cred it R eports by Sen ding Lf EE IN ADV AN CEs Plain fig h t d ra fts, 1 5 c; Cre dit R eports, 2 5 c. T R Y Peoples Bank________ *$$’89 B. D. Mills.— — 3.290 U S 77.000 Cont."& Gom’l N., Chi.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. . W. L. Patrick____ J. R. Harrison__ — C. B. Harrison____ 26,250 5,460 193,630 172,100 Millington .¿....Shelby P 1 Bank of Millington___«$$’04 W. E. P o lk ..______ E. A. H&rrold_____ N .L . F lournoy___ F. J. Clampit____ I 8 Pod. 1000 87-430 Minor H ill.....G iles Q 10 Planters AMerch. Bank..§12 J. F. B lack_______ W. P. H aney_____ G. R. Allison_____ 6 Pop. 300 87-514 Mitchellville.SumnerK’12 Peoples State Bank___ —§’15 J. H. McNeill— - M. J. McCombs__ _ L. N. M oore______ 6 Pop. 200 87-583 15.000 20,000 250,000 165.000 53,230 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 35,000 Bk. o f Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 10,000 1,550 70,000 63.000 16,000 Citiz., Pulaski; Cumberland Valley N., Nash, 7,500 150 29,000 19.150 , 17,000 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. Mohawk—...G reene M 23 Mohawk Bank_________ §17 J. Marcus Rader— A. J. Crosby______ James Myers_____ A. J. Crosby. 6 Pop. 250 ; 87-597 20.000 3,950 101,760 98,930 Monterey.—Putnam M 15 Bank of Monterey— 6 Pop. 1107 87-431 11,000 9,000 179,170 112,790 20,000 2,500 77,000 82,000 150,000 76,590 467,760 789,470 8 7 -1 9 9 •$§’0l W. B. Ray— — 1 J. H. Ray— i—— J. T. Price____ — Morrison__ Warren O 13 Bank o f Morrison______$§’09 G. C. King________ W. W. King____ 6 Pop. 500 —87-432 »Mörristown.. .¿Hamblen 6 Pop. 5000 M21 CITY N A TI BANK 87-108 *$’06 J.N . FIS H E R ------ W .S . M YERS...... - H. W. Brixey_____ E.D . FISHER — — NINA G. TONEY------ 87-107 •$’86 100,000 underlTame Federal Reserve BankNumber of St. Louis 134,370 N. City, N. Y. and Wash., D. O. 191,860 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; City N., Knoxville. v Ä 40,000 17,530 344,440 309,680 86,750 Irving N., N. Y.: City N., Knoxville. 5,700 125,000 110,000 36,000 Union & P la n c k . & Tr. Co., Memp. H. J. Wisecarver „ J. M. M yers.._____ J, P. Boles_______ 15.000 4,750 240,000 127,000 R. E. Donnelly__ _ W. R, S toffeL — 15,000 /UoO 141.000 92,350 25,000 6,840 241,280 170,870 25.000 17,000 340,000 240,000 W. W. Hawkins__ J. K. Walsh______ J. W. Wright_____ E. E. Butler______ I. S. Ram bo..____ R. J. Howard_____ B. R. Brown Miss Lilly Grayson C. A. Brown low— Mumford Smith__ H. G. Kittrell_____ J. F. A cu ff_______ Miss Ethel Warnock D. W. S hofner__ _ J. S. Hill — — — D. W. Cecil_______ Helen Smith_____ F. S. Wheeler J. S. Hatfield____ I Elmer Curd_______ N. B. Nokes E. C. Jackson_____ Clyde Bowers_____ C. G. Cooper— b ll BANK M FM PHLQ 50,000 14,500 262,000 201,000 10,000 990 85,000 47,000 7,500 500 23.000 ; 25,000 to «ach bank in U. S. ex clu sive ly by T h e R a n d -B Ic N a lly B a n k e rs’ of The American Bankers Ass’ n. TENNESSEE—Continued -----*—:— ------ ■ •- ■■—'a*—:................ 120,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Unaka N., Johnson City. ' 59,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bristol. 106,790 Han. N., N. Y.; Dominion N., Bristol; City N., Knoxvillé. 134,000 Han. N., N. Y.iCont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N.Bk. Com., St. L.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 82,000 Han. N., N. Y. v . 46,000 State Bk. & Tr. Co., Nash.; Am. N., Lebanon. 3,650 4th & 1st N., Nash. S p e cia l facil'i.tfeä'Vor h a h d llh g -T b ö n e s s e e , M ississip p i and oT Sank is the New Transit Number given Directory, under, the authority 15,000 1st N., Tullahoma and Chattanooga. 17,000 P.FMTR A l -S TA TE NATI Tirm 1251 141,140 1,132,120 1,245,780 Special attentlo n on B ill o f Ladln g Drafts, Cash an d T im e Item s, |10c should be se n t w ith each Sigh t Draft fo r presen tatlon and J 5 c fo r each rep o rt. HONOB BO LL BANK. Morristown Bk. & Tr. Co. ' E. M. Grant G. j}. Mooney — ________ Miss Annie Turley 87-109 *$*’07 flbscow —___ Fayette Q 3 Moscow Savings Bank .«$§’05 W. B. Franklin___ J. H. Baldwin____ H. M. Boswell - __ MissBertie Wheeler 87-433 8 Pop. 500 Mosheim___Greene M 22 Mosheim Bank Co..........$§’07 8 Pop. 500 87-434 »Mountain City. Johnson Bank o f Mountain City..$§17 6 Pop. 800 L 25 87-284 Merchants & Traders Bk.«§’02 87-283 Mountpleasunt — Maury Farmers & Merch. Bank*$|’09 6 Pop. 2500 O10 87-181 > First National Bank__ ..•t'Od 87-180 Mt. Juliet—.Wilson M12 Bank o f Mt. Juliet____ $§’08 6 Pop. 800 87-435 Mt. Pelia—ú. Weakley L 5 Farmers Union Bank... $§’08 8 Pop. 150 87-436 (Martin P. O.) 82,600 Han. N., N,;Y.; 1st N., St. L. ' C ollections and Bequests fo r Cre dit Reports MUS T be accom panie d b y FEE IN AD VAN CE. Plain sighi drafts, 15c; Credit Reports, 25c. JAS. R. FORGET M. C. McCANLESS. W. D.BUSHONG— H. M. TAYLOR— FIRST NAT. BANK 20,380 N. Park, N. Y.; City N., Johnson City. j dexed in back: of this volume. Foi Interest E a tc S i G ta c c ,i4 e tc ., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. (Martin P. O.) P.FMTRM -STATE NATI TUTTI BANK S p e c ia l fa c ilitie s fo r h a n d lin g T e n n e s s e e , MFMPl Number under Name of Sank is the New Transit Number given 1251 to «ach bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNallr Bankers’ Directory, under, the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. Town and County. Name op Bank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State ¿County Seats. Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. Mem. Fed. Res. President. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws,.Directors, in dexed in bacie of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, l'p4 etc.» see page 14. For Holidays» see opposite page 13.1p . Resources. Liabilities . Principal Correspondents. Du- Cashk ExDepos c*W. :•Bkonds Paid- up Surplus , O HANOU'Drni and its Capital Profits from B a k u Buodutim TENNESSEE—Continued Cashier. Vice-President. Ass ’ t Cashier. $ Mulberry— Lincoln Q 12 Citizens Bank________ .t§’12 E. F. Holland_____ W. H. D error------ Thos. W . Swanner J. T. Allison 87-437 6 Pop. 200 7JÎ10 $ 87,380 $ ^1,710 $ 21,020 Irving N., N.Y.; £th and 1st N., Nash.; Elk N., Fayetteville— Mtle. N., Memp. Munford_____ Tipton t) 2 Citizens Bank & Trust Co.1’17 W. H. Starnes-___ J. M. Crigger_____ I. B. Salmon____ _ G. R. Ellis, Jr........ J. W. Corbitt 87-605 8 Pop. 600 Munford Sav. Bank & Tr.Co. J. B. Witherington J. F. W ooten_____ S. H. Bass________ 87-438 $8'04 114,120 104,480 IstN., St. L.; Union & Planters Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. »Äurfreesboro-Ruth’r f’d Citizens Bk. & T r. Co..»$§’13 J. J. Rucker______ W. C. Bilbro______ W. G. M anson..__ B. B. Kerr 87-556 6 Pop. 6000 N 12 130.000 100,000 N. City, N. Y.; 4th & 1st N. and State Bk. & Tr. Co., Nash. First National Bank_____$'69 Geo. W. Howse___ J. M. Butler______ H. H. Williams—__ 87-98 655,880 812,350 N'. City, N. Y. MURFREESBORO BANK & TRUSTCOMPANY— «$$ 05 A. L. Todd___ — . 835,470 812,150 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N., Nash.: 1st N., St. L. sUN&L&iver bank & G. W. Howse______ Jno. M. Butler____ N. C. Orichlow___ S. A. Mitchell - 660.000 624,000 N. C. Maney______ R. T. Bell, Jr------- 87-100 TRUST CO____87-99...$§’72 50,000 5.300 137,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou. » Nashville. Davidson M 11 Oteseme City) 6 Pop. 117,057 ALL BY _ QUICK, T E N N E S S E E ITE M S B AN K S OF N A S H V IL L E , CAREFUL C O L L E C T E D D IR E C T TEN N ESSEE. S E R V IC E . ♦American National Bk. »$’83 P. D. Houston____ Paul M. Davis___ W. W. Berry, BANK OF TENNESSEE ROGERS CALDWELL Ch.ofBcL. 87-27 ~ E .R . Burr__ - ____ C. H. Wetterau___ M .E. Barr J. W. Darrah 1000 000 J. D. CARTER- 200,000 D. Y. Proctor_____ C. C. Potter. 200,000 562,900 12 494 450 13 440 010 2,757,070 N. Park, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., Phil. N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Citiz. N-., Cin. 150,250 99,270 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Wash.; 1st N., St .L. (M em . Fed. R es.) 200,000 2,300,000 2.700.000 900,000 Mech. & Metals N. and Han. N., N. Y.; Frank lin N., Phil; IstN .. St. L., 50,000 $19 ♦Broadway National Bk.*$’06 A. E. Potter______ J. H. Bradford.. 87-7 CALDWELL & GO. (ROGERSCALDWELL M unicipals, Lo cal stocks a nd Bonds. (General Ba njcing. k Southern 37,550 100,000 Jno. F. Joyner___ A. B. Cummings__ Central Bk. & Tr. C o.„»$§’16 Watkins Crockett. 87-26 210,000 500.000 N. B. Jackson____ ♦Cumberland Valley Nat.Bk. J. T. Howell______ Lt Jonas----- .-------- V. J. Alexander___ E. R. Harrison 87-5 *$10 F. M. Farris 39,970 100.000 F. M. T honi______ Edward Potter, Jr. Henry Neuhoff— A. E. Potter,.____ Farmers & Merchants Bank W. A. Byrn 87-24 *$§’16 159,450 220,000 C. R. Puryear____ Bradley Currey . . . T. D. W ebb_______ J. E. Caldwell,.___ ♦First Sav. Bk. & Tr.Co.»$§'06 J. S. McHenry (6 Branches) 87-11 ~ Randal Curell G. W. P y le ______ 1,100,0001 1,167,150 J. E. Caldwell____ T.D . Webb______ H. L. Williamson ♦Fourth & First National C. H. Litterer J .S . McHenry Bank___ 87-1------------»$’65 Drew Rowen Randal Curell T) M Wrivht. CENTRAL-STATE NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Kidder-Peabody & Co. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Caldwell & Co. and 1st N.. St. L.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 100,000 1,056,800 977,410 214,690 Citiz. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L. 5,300,000 6,050,000 1,150,000 Han. N „ N. Y.: N. City. Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; Phil. N „ Phil.;'Citiz.-Union N., Lou. 4th N; Cin.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co; N. O. ^ Han N.. N. Y.; Broadway N., Nash. 354,600 1,057,400 840,900 3,839,510 4,165,960 132,190 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: 4th & 1st N., Nash. 21190530 36045760 4,132,320 Irving ST, N. City, and N. Bk, Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and 1st N., Chi.; N. Bk, Com., Kan. C.; 1st N. and N. Bk.Com., St I L.: N.'Shawmut,. ños. Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Manufacturers, Merchants, and Individuals invited. Unsurpassed Collection Service. ealh Town and County. (Continued) Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, For Holidays, see opposite page 13. L President. Ass ’t Cashier. Cashier. V ice-President. etc., see page 14. Resources. LI mäp / HENRY S. FRAZER Surplus D epos Paid- up AND its Capital Promts Loan« k Dmc’ t ». Bonds, Bboukitum Principal Correspondents. Cash k Ex traanois,Du* from Banks Walker Bros., N. Y. L ocal Stocks and B onds b ou g h t and sold. Nashville Ballway Bonds and Stocks a specialty. ’09 . (Stdhlman Bldg.) JAKES & COMPANY I t f . Dealers in M io h f i r a d e I n v e s t m e n t Nashville Trust Co..;__»tS’89 William Nelson__ | Percy Warner— J. B. Morgan 87-8 u .,/ THOMAS PLATER R. C. PLATER & COMPANYw ........... 1. B. * State Bank & Trust Co. »tS’04 87-9 v \ p arty, S.H. Orr, Gen. Mgr. M. S. Webb, See... $ 350,000 $ 390,650 $2 600 990 $2 923350 $ 576.930 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. o f 111. Chi.: Girard N., Phil.; Am. N., Rich. A. B. Benedict, A . Gen. Mgr. PALMER._ _ _ _ R. V. 15,000 (Invent ment Se en tities) ----------- Post &•Flagg and U. S. Mtge. & Tr. Co., N.Y. Am. N., Nash. COOK.............. Bankers and B rokers. Chas. F. Lovell___ (i Branch) P otter Brothers & Com N ew York. IC o r r e s p o n d e n t : Bonds. 100,000 29,300 1,603,320 1,251,600 456,450 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; Hamilton N., Chatta nooga. 300.000 78,890 1,624,560 1,508,790 597,560 Han. N. and Chase N..N.Y.; Cont. & Com'l N„ Chi.; Fifth-Third N., Gin.; Citiz. Union N. Lou.; 1st N., St. L. 25,000 307,490 372,940 91,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th & 1st N. and Am. N., Nash. I. F. McLean L. A. Bowers ‘ ♦Tennessee-Hermitage Nat’l E. A. Lindsey____ - M. C. McGannon... John R. Wilson— J. T. Martin______ S. B. Reed F. P. Provost Rank __ 87-6______ » t’15 Guy T. Reid Garrett A. Maxwell » T. W. Wrenne------ TV P. Wrenne Thomas W , Wrenne & Co. 87-16 « « ’98 PFMTPftr 19C O A4 J j July, 1919 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T. J. Broderick___ F. A. S m ith ____ Nashville Clearing House— . J. S. McHenry------ E. A. Lindsey.___ T. G. Garrett, Mgr. J. R. Garrett, A . Mgr. T. G. Garrett, 87-25 C. H . Examiner ( Members indicated by a *) N ew BANK *OP MEMPHIS X r a n s lt N u m b e r to each bank in U. S. exclu sively b y T h e R a n d -M c N t lly B a n k e rs ' T F .N N E S S E E — Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. ______ a .c ,i n c >c < ' ' TENNESSEE BANKS— Nashville— Continued .. ____ Name op Bank. «County Seats. 1Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Figure under town is [Estah. Federal Reserve District. ►Mem. Fed. Res. »Nashville.Davidson M 11 _ TENNESSEE___ — C o n t in u e d T . — --------_ — ^52 the Number under Name of Bank is New Transit Number given 1 0 C 9 to bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNaBy Bankers l Z O Z Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n._______x A c c o u n t s o f B a n k s ,■B a n k e r s , M a n u V a c t u r e r s . M e r c h a n t s .^ a n d C o n tin u e d Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of tbis volume. For Interest Rates, Grace,, etc., see page 14 . For Holidays, see opposite page 13-1 ...........................H (Members indicated by a *) I G, H . Exttïiviil&r AL RAMK flF MEMPHIS IM M E N S I _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N ew bem ...___ Dyer M 3 8 Pop. 2000 TENNESSEE—Continued Name of Bane. •Mem. Am, Bks, Assn. SState - *County Seats. Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve Distiict. •Mem. Fed. Res. A ccessible T o w n s, L a w y e rs, L a w s, D ire cto rs, in- ( dexed in back: of this volume. F o r In te r e s t R a te s , G r a c e ,, etc., see page 14 . For Holidays, see opposite page 13 .| ,nslt Number given to eaoh bank in D. S. exclusively b y The Banil-McIVally Bankers' 1 253 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. Town and County. Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Manufacfurers, Merchants, President . V ice -P resident . Cashier . A s s ’t Cashier . Li ABILITIES. Depos Paid- up Subplus and its Capital P rofits N. J ____ ■ W. F. MILAN------- J. B. CRENSHAW., L.H. LASLEY— -- $ 25,000 FARMERS & MERCK. BANK fj. Save tim e and g et service on Colle étions and Credit Reports by send! ng 87-203 <§1900 IFEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight d ra fts, ISc; Credi t R eports, 25c. T B Y US. N. L. SCOBEY— S.I. BIFFLE — PEOPLES STATE BAHK<§14 87-574 W.S. COLE. C. STEELE— -— NORA NUNN Resources, $ 16,600 I 255,210 $ 244,780 $ 45,130 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., N ash.f 1st N., St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. New Tazewell .Claiborne Citizens Bank_________ t§’12 M. B.Carr_______ A. B. R itchie_____ Lee D. Stone__ 87-538 6 Pop. 600 L 20 Niota--------- McMinn 0 17 Bank of Niota_________» t i l l Jno. I. Forrest— - H. M. Willson.— . . 0. B. Staley____ 87-508 6 Pop. 500 117,000 4th & 1st N., Nash.: 1st N., St. L.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp., N. Stock Yds. N.. N. Stock Yds., 111. 25,000 38,000 285,000 226,000 15,000 14,420 152,700 139,040 40,550 Chase N., N. Y.; City N., Knoxville. H. C. Mantooth___ 50,000 7,500 310,100 240,000 90,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N., Knoxville; Lowry N., Atl. C. B. Mims_____ _ 50.000 84,460 730,370 548,210 316,620 Chase N.. N. Y.; 3d N., Knoxville; Am. N., Nash. Hubert T . Ritchie. 25,000 5,000 70,000 44,000 50,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga Union N., Knoxville. 10.350 4,000 75,000 62,000 26.000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 10,600 2,570 158,580 127,510 10,000 2,560 61,250 42,890 Special attentio n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items, 115c must besen t with each Sight Draft for present atlon, and „25c with each request for Repo rt or Bating. New Market— Jefferson Bank o f New Market..<§'08 G. W. Long__ ____ W. T. Elmore_____ E. A. Lassiter__ 87-439 6 Pop. 1000 M 20 •Newport___ Cocke N 21 First National Bank___ »t’07 J. A. Susong______ W. A. Susong_____ Murray Stokely. 87-175 6 Pop. 2003 Merchants & Planters Bank B. D. Jones.— ___ J. M. Jones . . . ____ Y. J. McMahan. 87-174 »tS’88 Principal Correspondents. Loams ft Dis* Gash ft E x c’ts . Bonds, changes,D us Securities from Banks Nolensville...William son Nolensville Bank______ t§’06 J.-W. Williams___ H. J. Brittain_____ Walter Kimery . 87-440 6 Pop. 150 N 11 27,290 Am. N., Nash, and Lebanon. J. R. Doak_______ J. W. Leeman M. B. Beadle___ Jno. C. New__ ___ S. S. Throneberry. J¿ W. Waite J.C . Alley_____ _ D. P. Goans______ H. E. Prince____ 10,000 5,000 54,500 50,000 17,000 Cumberland Valley N.. Nash. S. N. Oakley____ 10,000 2,200 100,000 50,000 30,000 Hamilton N., Chattanooga. J. N. Olay________ P. D. Henry____ Miss Laura Pierce. 10,000 5,000 75,000 65,000 W. J. Nichols_____ L. G. Moffat___ J. R. M ills..____ H. H. Moultrie.__ 35,000 9,820 179,870 173,740 Commercial Bank_____ < § ’03 R. M. Jackson____ M. J. Brown____ 87-220 L. M. Blackley— Miss Ruth Chiles.. 25,000 4,200 110,000 . 95,000 Oliver Springs___ Roane Bank o f Oliver Springs < § ’13 W. J. Griffith_____ A. B. Day---------Geo. W. Vinsant 87-443 6 Pop. 1000 N 18 E. I. Stanifer___ N. L. Griffith.____ M. E. Deatherage 25,000 6,800 168,940 132.800 E. C. T e r r y ____ 25,000 12,000 Miss Lillie Had dock C. H. Brewer___ 10,000 3,800 23,500 Norene....... Wilson M 12 Peoples Bank__________ §’15 0 . W. Phillips. 87-587 6 Pop. 75 Normandy..Bedford P 12 6 Pop. 300 Oakdale____ Morgan N 17 6 Pop. 2000 Oakland____ Fayette P 3 8 Pop. 400 Obion----------.Obion M 4 8 Pop. 1293 Oneida— __ .Scott L 18 6 Pop. 1000 •Ooltewah— .James 1 16 6 Pop. 600 Orlinda.. Robertson K 11 6 Pop, 500 Palmersvillè—. . Weakley 8 Pop. 130 L5 •Paris________Henry L 8 Pop. 5000 Duck River Bank!______ i§ ‘l l 87-441 Oakdale Bank & Tr.O o.<§’12 87-524 Oakland Deposit Bank..$§’05 87-442 Bank of Obion_________t§’90 87-219 First National Bank___ < ’04 87-444 Bank o f Ooltewah____ <§'07 87-445 Bank of Orlinda______ < § ’04 87-446 Palmersville Bank____ < § ’06 87-447 Bank of Henry________»§’86 87-111 Commercial Bank_____ < § ’77 87-110 Talmon Sexton___ H. F. Cooper_____ B. L. Sadler...__ W. H. Buttram O. G. Hughes_____ U. F. Figgins___ _ Hunter Forches. 87-112 74,000 15,500 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. 5,650 174,310 154,880 48,580 4th & 1st N., Nash. 33,070 4th & 1st N., Nash. C. H. R a w ls..... 7,500 4,140 69,130 45,400 A. B. Lamb_______ O. C. Barton______ A. B. Mitchum__ 60,000 30,450 573,030 376,700 J. F. ADEN. A c tiv e C. B. ADEN-----T. P. JERNIGAM 100,000 125,000 1,000,000 900,000 600,000 485,000 W. C. RAINEY.... 50,000 14,500 H. E. Long . . 10,000 1,000 70,000 49,000 A. L. Jennings — 20.000 3,430 122,540 104,510 270,780 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash.; N. Bk. of Ky. Lou. 290,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; N. Bk o f Ky., Lou. 150,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 4th & 1st N.. Nash.; 1st N. St. L.; Citiz. Union N.. Lou. |Attention given to collections, [ 15c must accom pany Drafts and Time Items. Parsons_____Decatur O 7 Bank of Commerce — < § ’15 J. W. M clllw ain.l W. H. Neely— — J. C. Long______ 87-299 8 Pop. 700 Farmers Bank____ ____ $§'07 J. F. Houston____ M. L. Houston____ J. Jennings___... W. E. Jordan 87-300 CENTRAL-STATE NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 82,100 C. Y. Penticost___ W. T. Rawls_____ JNO.R.RIS0N 59,280 Han. N.. N. Y.; Am. N., Knoxville; 1st N. Harriman. 145,000 Hamilton N., Chattanooga; 1st N., Gin. H. M. Johnson.. J, C. Porter_____ _ W. C. Johnson___ W. F. Balch____ 20,000 Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 49,370 Han. N., N. Y.; Lou. N. Bkg. Co.,Lou.; 4th & 1st N „ Nash.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co. Memp.: 1st N., St. L. 45,000 1st N., St. L.; Am. N., Nash.; Cent.-State N. Memp. J 350,000 ’ 250,000 V. E. Crocker_____ R. L. Porter_____ j FIRST NATIONAL BANK.<-09 C. B. Williams.. J. E. Campbells 40,940 Am. N., Nash. 25,000 4th & 1st N., Nash. 36,770 4th & 1st N. and Am. N., Nash.; N. Bk. Com. St. T«! 1st N.. Jackson. Special facilities for handling Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas Items Prompt Service. Reasonable Rates Town Name and county. of Bank. Petersburg..Lincoln P 11 6 CITIZENS BANK--------- *§13 87-560 Pop. 750 ABÌLÌTÌE s 2 ....... I •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState »County Seats. Figure under town is *Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ! [Estab. Federal Reserve District, ►Mem. Fed. Res. President. E. p. Murry — — i Vice-President. CASHIER. W. S. J o p lin ....— Carl Hasting____ J. E. Luna Ass ’t Cashier. Depos Paid-up Surplus and its Capital Profits J. D. Hanaway___ $ 15,000 First National Bank___ »t’88 F. S. McRady—------ W. H. Marsh__ . . . O. F. Gill------------- A. O. March ft_____ George McAdams | 87-448 Philadelphia.Loudon 018 Bank o f Philadelphia...«§’14 W. P. Sizer— — 87-531 6 Pop. 328 ►Pikeville— Bledsoe 0 15 First National Bank. 87-294 6 Pop. 700 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, I etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. j T E N N E S S E E — Continued W. C. M illigan___ !W. P. .Sizer,—— .•*’14 W. S.' L o y d ...____ J. Brown Lee--------- S. H. Blackburn. W .L.,K elly E. E. ESLICK— !A. L. KING— — S. C. APPLEBY- correspondents. $ 125,000 Î 130,000 $ 25,000 N. City, N. Y.; Am. N., Nash. — 30,000 $ 19.890 261,700 280,570 7,950 1,030 16,270 25.210 30,000 14,230 485,860 432,120 37.320 Seab! N., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash. 1,230 Hamilton N., Chattanooga. s 106,820 Seat). N., N. Y. 7,500 2,790 26,260 28,770 10,800 Peo. Sav., Jackson. 10,000 2,600 75.000 50.000 30,000 Smith Co.. Carthage. 10,000 11,500 112,000 74,ö6o 58.000 Cumberland Valley N.,Nash. 15.000 180,200 124,460 79,110 Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; 1st 1J., St. L. * 104,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash. State Bk. & Tr. Co., Nash. 10,000 15.000 Florence Enders _ j Principal Loans Cash h Ex* c’ ts . Bonds, changes, ub Becuritibs froh Bank * Paul Moore—. 25,000 20.000 230.000 171,000 Mrs. Georgia Abernathy j M. D. Sullivan.— j W.L.Abernathy, Jr. 10,000 11,220 102,590 102,250 19,620 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ni, Nash.; Citiz., Pulaski.! 60,000 41,200 465,000 495.000 75,000 N. Park. N. Y.; 4th & 1st N „ Nash. 60,000 50,000 497,830 558,190 75,000 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.; Cumberland Valley N.; Nash^ 60,000 75,880 650,190 649,050 10,000 5.520 199.160 126,640 175.230 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; N. Bk. o f Ky., Lou. 86,890 4th & 1st N „ Nash. 1,750 50,000 ¿5,000 llOOO Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 3,000 75,000 51,400 25,000 City N-, Knoxville. MABRK EsïfcV Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. ! 15c must be sen t with each Sight Draft for present atlon ; and 25c with ea eh request for Be port or Bating. | Union Bank & Trust Co.»*§’041R. H. Porter . . . . N. A. Crockett____ J. M. Harwood__ ¿ J . M. Harwood, Jr. i Thurman Smith 87-136 ' t* W I 4* 1 Puryear______ Henry L 6 Farmers Bank_________ *§’07!M. G. Crawford — J. M. Bumpass 8 Pop. 500 I 87-448 PEOPLES BANK--------- **§15 V 87-135 10,000 Readyville — — Cannon Bank of Readyville___.*§’11 J. D. Carter . . . . — L. M.'Jetton.— — ¡B. H. Garter--------- --------417-503 ! ' W. E. Youree 6 Pop. ISO N 13 I 12,500 RedboUingSpringsBank§’19 B. W* C h itw ood... H. C. Hesson — — Avery Clark Redboiling Sprs. .Macon 87~628 6 Pop. 600 K 13 10,000 Riceville...McMinn P 17 Riceville Bank______ -•*§’12jC. W. Oliphant— |---------------------------|N.Z. Dewees 6 Pop. 500 87-509 'JNO. T. GARNER L.T. M OORE, Mgr, (Branch o f PETER FYFE — G . F. RICHARDSON ? Reports! by sen ding Bidgely_______ Lake L 3 PEOPLES BANK_______¡»*§’18M Save tim e and get service on col lections and cred It 87-617 (.FEE IN AD VAN CE: Plain sight d ra fts, 1 5 c ; Cred it R eports, 2 5 c . TRY US 8 Pop. 1200 |is : ru p KELLER ►Ripley..Lauderdale O 3 8 Pop. 2011 FARMERS UNION BANK-*§ 08¡ \ Collection Item 87-173 0. PARISS.T. KIRKPATRICK VERNON PETERS- J. Dollars, R. M. PRICHARD I: o: R O G E R ! Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cas 15c must be se nt with each Sig ht Draft for pre sentatton, and 25c with each r eqnest for Report or Bating. First Savings B a n k .....*§’13iS. B. Johns------ — Alonzo Klutts____ H. O. Rogers___ _ 87-532 Ripley Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co.*§’03 W. R. Miller______ J .A . Porter______ G. M. Partee__ »— W. D. Majors___ 87-172 Rives— . ____ Obion L 4 Farmers & Merch. Bank *§’03 B. J. Wade.—2___ j J. B. Candle ill— ! W. P. Shore---------- J. M, F is h e r .'-.— j 1 Í ' Won BOO I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 137,790 237,570 26,660 1st N., Chi. and Memp.; N. Bk. Com., S. L. 5,000 325.000 300,000 40,000 Han.N., N. Y.; Union &Plan, Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Citiz.-Union N., Lou. \8.400 j 374.770 337,130 j 138,280 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N „ Chi. and St. L.; Cent. State N., Memp. 25,000 s. 12,500 5,510 198,710 148,730 , 103,830 1st N., Ripley. 50,000 13,260 706,870 649,940 j 177,440 N, Park N. Y .f 1st N.. St.L.: Cent.- State N. *and Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 90,330 60,900 j 32,750 N. Stock Yds. N „ N. Stock Yds., 111.; 1st N „ 1 St.. L.: Old N.. Union Citv. 15,000 6,410 | 87-455 HFMTRAI-STATE NATIONAL RANK OF ME T ow n a finnNTV. » c e e H lb le T o w n s , U iw ye tu , I a w b , DJre#«or», , of tbis volume. Fot lntCIE 8t xìTItCPj\ . e tc ., eée page 14. F o r H o lld a y s , ano oppoaite page 13.' p . c le x e d in back TE N N E SSE E — Continued 1255 N amf . o f B a n k . :|i.:. - / July, Ì919 87-554 4.500 25,000 s reported on for 15c per H undred (. fee to accom pany Item. i V. P. M0RIARTY I. D. F0LTS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK «*’13 100,000 ______ j Planters Bank......... ...... *§’05 W. R. Algee______ W. N. Wyatt_____ B. F. Hardison___ T. N. Featherston. W. E. Smith 87-289 T ip i on Co r - Farmer s Union N. Park, N. Y.; B k .of Com. &.Tr. Co., Memp.; 1st N., St. L. B K , Covingt on) TENNESSEE BANKS— Petersburg to Rives Pinson_____ Madison O 5 Pinson Savings Bank-----*§’05 W. F. Watlington. 0. F. Parker____ _ A. Lacy Price-------87-451 8 Pop. 400— O. W* Stephens— Pleasant Shade..— Smith Bank of Pleasant Shade~§’19 M. N. Alexander — E. E. Sloan— 87-555 6 Pop. 100 L 13 Phineas Trent___ _ Pleasant View.Gheatham Citizens Bank__________*§’05 W. W. Scott______ M. F. Williams___ 87-452 6 Fop. 350 L 10 M. F. Walker........ Home Bank— ---------— §’19 V. A. Bradley------ Jno. F. Bradley___ 87-624 Portland___ Sumner K 12 Farmers B ank..---------- *§’19 R. D. Moore_____ J J, W. Martin -i.___ |,R. \y. Binders < 87-533 6 Pop. 1200 Portland Bank—---------- *§’03 R. D. M oore..____ J'G. W. Venters____ W. C. Austin | 87-453 - L._— 2.1 ii'ii— . . . . J. F. Woodard____ Prospect 8tation.Giles IProspect Bk. & Tr. Co..»t§’05 I! V. ’BnBy— 6 Pop. 375 Q10 87-454 i — I W. L. Abernathy „ m ....... .......Citizens Bank ______»*§’161H. M. Grigsby-------B. F. McGrew. »Pulaski__ _ ..Giles Q 10 87-134 6 Pop. 2928 RESOURCES. ” , &Dis* ! D j 1254 Number under Name of Bank is the Neu Transit Number given 1 OC/I to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ I ä Dt - Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Liabilities . R esources. Principal Correspondents. t i t . I j. : » » i n Prin SAO HFMTR&I -STATE NATIONAI RANK OF MEt t o Accessible an d Co u n t y . Nam e of Lia b il it ie s . Surplus D epos P aid - up a n d Ca p it a l P r o f it s its Ba n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State »County Seats. Figure under town is $Mem:State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. V ice -P r e s id e n t . P r e s id e n t . Cashier. Ass’T Cashier. 1,210 $ 20,740 32,680 50.000 59,350 1,047,830 935,860 J . D. T A N N ER - — C. 0. STUBBS-------| J . M . C LA C K — . ROCKWQOD BANK & TR U S T < Special attenti ading Drafts, Cas h and T im e Item C O M P A N Y - 87-114— .•»■04 15c m u st be sen t with each Sight D raft for presen tatlon , and 25.000 13,600 243,000 218,400 H. G. Kyle________ J. O. Phillips_____ J. C. Stamps______ T. P. Summers____ 42.000 50.000 613,860 586.290 K. L. W atterson... 30.000 22.000 380.000 308,000 ( T . A . W RIGHT — (2 5 c w ith »Rogersville___ Hawkins Citizens Bank________ »$$’87 87—221 6 Pop. 1400 L 22 Hawkins County Bank..$$’99 87— 222 Rome— ..____ Smith M 13 Bank o f Rome__£______ $$’13 , — 6 Pop. 300 87-552 Rosemark___ Shelby P 2 Rosemark Bk. & Tr. Co«t$’12 87-528 8 (RerrviUe P. O.) , Pop. 300 Rossville—— Fayette Q 8 Peoples Bank_______ — •§’12 87-568 8 Pop. 142 Rossville Savings Bank. .$$’09 87-457 Russellville.Hamblen M21 First National Bank______’14 87-458 6 Pop. 300 Rutherford__ Gibson M4 Home Exchange Bank..$S’Q9 87-262 8 Pop. 766 Rutherford Bank______$$’97 87-261 »Rutledge.Grainger M 20 Peoples Bank_________»$$’06 87-459 8 Pop. 300 each W. K. Armstrong.. R. Armstrong— 6,950 1st N.,Chattanooga. 52,200 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chattanooga. 130,090 Han. N., N. Y.; City N., Knoxville; 1st N., St. L r 80,500 Chase N., N. Y.; City N., Knoxville. 10.000 4,000 6/CoOO 57,950 14,800 Smith Co., Carthage. E. A. Thom pson... E. M. Moore. . —__ R. C. McCalla.___ _ 15.000 11,060 117,980 84,300 54,850 Union & Plan, Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 4,810 Cent.-State N., Memp. 4,025 11,460 11,020 J. W. B o y d ..____ _ 14,525 80,000 65.000 30.000 Union'& Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. C. E. Fuller_______ E. H. M oore___ ___ J. H. Dean ______ _ J. L. McGhee_____ 25.000 60,000 50.000 25,790 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Morristown, Tenn. M. J.Savage_____ G. R. Dickson__ . . . E. Peel__________ J. W. Akin W. D. Hopper W. P. Elrod............ Henry O’Daniel___ Luther Porter____ L H. P erry ...____ 15.000 132,360 111,990 12,500 225,210 164,450 40,260 Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp., N. Stock Yds.JN., N. Stock Yds., 111.; 4th & 1st N.,Nash. 89,560 Chase N.. N. Y. A. M. Nance______ T. M. G odw in____ J. W. Luntsford__ 25.000 308,080 272,110 90,310 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Morristown. R. B. Nebhut-------- W. J. Murphey___ J. F. Nebhut-— F. F. BoydU— — Arthur W arren .... J. B. R ives___ 1— Sardis___ Henderson P 6 Sardis Bank— ___ —— $$’02 H. E. Graper.. 87-462 8 Pop. 435 J. S. Johnson _ . . . . A. S. Montgomery. J. E. Vernon — — M. M. McBride G. H. Parker First National Bank__ ..» $ ’87 E. W. Ross_______ A. M. Patterson— H. M. Williams___ 87-176 Scotts Hill.—.Henderson Farmers State Bank— $$’06 R. L. W ylie— — J. E. Austin_____ J. W. Patterson . . . Jewell W hite..— 87-464 8 Pop. 500 Ó6 -‘ Seltner____ McNairyQ 5 First National Bank..__ »$’07 J. D. A. Coleman— B. L. Browder____ Albert Gillespie__ _ A. H. O live...____ J. C. Houston 87-288 8 Pop. 800 r G . E . S H A R P -- < Personal atten t j when accom p LProm pt returns Sevier County Bank___ »$$’09 J. B. Brabson... . . . 87-276 . Sewanee___ Franklin Q13 Bank of Sewanee______»$$’07 Telfair Hodgson . . . 87-465 6 Pop. 750 Sharon___ ¿.Weakley M 5 Bank of Sharon_______ $|’02 R. H. Jackson____ 87-466 8 Pod. 700 25.000 2,500 105,030 96,880 34,280 Citiz., Lexington, Tenn.; Pèó. Sav., Jackson. 10.000 2,600 66,000 45,400 29,200 Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; Columbia Bk. & Tr. Co., Columbia. 1,420 52,600 20,690 36,490 4th & 1st N.. Nash.; Citiz., Lexington. 34,640 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 97.000 Han. N., N. Y.: 4th & 1st N., Nash.: 1st N.. St. L .; Union & Pain. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 7.500 J Saulsbury..Hardeman Q4 Bank of Saulsbury_____ $$’07 E. T. Durden_____ J. B. Nabers______ C. A. Richards___ _ O. J. Luna 87-463 8 Pop. 199 ‘ Savannah___ Hardin P 6 Citizens Bank..________$$’04 Edgar C herry...— J. R. D odds______ D. A. W elch.____ D. A. Welch, Jr.__ 87-177 8 Pod. 1800 $2*6081 7.500 3.000 74,790 48,480 50.000 j 8.000 216.000 122,000 50.000 15,900 319,250 280.290 10.000 2,810 41,500 35,890 122,160 N. Park. N. ,Y.:‘ 4th & 1st N., Nash.: Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Mçmp. 47,040 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Citiz,, Lexington. 74,650 N. City, N. Y,; 1st N.. St. L.; 2d N.. Jackson; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp.,; Am. N., Nash. Han. N ..N .Y .; 1st N., Jackson. J. R. Adams..—__ (Branch, Mqrch. State B k., Hum boldt, Ttnn.) 50.000 Chase N., N. Y.: City N., Knoxville. 20,000 %550.000 550,000 50.000 jK)HN|jL BORDEN I 30,0001 18,550 237,700 212,220 ion to drafts and credit reports anied by fee o f 15 c for collections a nd 25c for reports on all collections. Send us your it em s. C. M. McMahan . . . S. L. Atchley—___ A. W .M ize.'i— . . A. B. Shields W. B. Nauts....... . D. L. Vaughan------ 30.000 27,330 345,030 397,720 40.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Mech. Bk. & Tr. Co., Knoxville, 10.000 2,900 36,000 40,000 W. E. Thomas—. . . R. S. M oore.._____ R. J. Tansil. 35.000 195,250 145,330 10.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N.. N^,sh.: Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 97,040 N. Bk/Com., N. Y.: 4th & 1st N.. $Tash. FR A N K M U R P H Y - R . 0. M A R S H A LL CENTRAL-STATE NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis In- 269,980 N. Bk. C om ., N. Y .; 1st N., C In.; H am ilton N ., Chattanooga. A. O liver________ J. E. Fisher ___ — G. O. M oore______ E. E. T arbet_____ Robert H in kle___ G. W. Bigham M. M. Cook — — W. T. Holland-__ _ Béss W alker._____ A. H. Forgey ‘ Sevierville. ..Sevier N 5 BANK OF S E V IE R V IL L E . 87-275 6 Pop. 1200 Olre««on, request fo r R epo rt or R ating. Saltillo____ ¿..Hardin P 6 Hardin County Bank___ $$’01 J. H. Craven___ 87-460 8 Pop. 360 8anta Fe_____ Maury 0 10 Bank of Santa Fe______ $$T8 M. F. Walker— 87-461 6 Pop. 200 McNairy County Bank. .$$’91 87-287 Laws, B $ 15,000 D raft for presen tatlon , and 115c m u st be sen Rock wood___ Roane N 17 F IR S T N A TIO N A L BANK I 25c w ith each request fo r R epo rt or R ating. 87-113 »*’89 ( ROLL OF HON OR B A N K -P R O M PT SERVICE O UR SPECIALTY. 6 Pop. 5000 Lawyers, Loans k Dih- Cash k E x *tb. Bonds, changer,D us I Banks mobrim PO LK T A R W A T ER - W M . EN S M IN G ER . Robbms.h____ Scott L 17 Robbins Bank & Tr. Co..»5’07 Jasper Hughett__ p J. F. Hargrove — . Thos. Peacock.;__ _ 87-456 6 Pop. 400 Towns, dexed in back of tbis volume. F o t In te re s t R a te s , f*tac®,i ^ etc«« see p a g e 14. F o r H olida y s» see o p p o s i t e page 13 ------------— — — i— I------" ,v " ...............................................;N t ■ R esou rce s . P r in c ip a l Co r r e spo n d e n ts . T E N N E S S E E — C o n tin u e d 1255 T own ïïh b .. u n i o n u i t v . 12,290 Spécial facilitie s for h a n d lin g Te n n e sse e , M ississippi and • A rk an sa s Item s P ro m p t Service. Reasonable Rates. N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN aily Bankers' Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. tow n an d Co u n ty . N ame of Ban k. »County Seats. 'Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Figure under town is tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. P b e s id e n t . »Shelby ville.Bedford P 12 Citizens Bank— ______ »iS'06 J. E. Shoffner___ 6 Pop. 500087-144 V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . Clarence Snell, Sec. and Tr, Farmers National Bank_<’! 87-143 R. W. Clark. Lia b il it ie s . Sur plu s D epos P aid - up and its Ca p it a l P r o f it s W. A. Frost___ R. Sandusky______ E. B. Maupin. Clarence Snell — 641,570 O. F ogh____ ______ 500.000 James C. Moore. J. C. Foster____ J. B. Moore H. E. Staley______ F. M. L ov e____ tr o uB a k u $ 75,000 N. Park, N .Y .; Am. Ni, Nash.; Hamilton N. Chattanooga. 92,100 N, City, N. Y.; 4th & 1st N „ Nash. 100.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Nash.; Hamilton N. Chattanooga. 61,060 Am. N., Nash. 125.000 Aaron C. Bain.— ( J . W. HR ITTI AN . . . W. V. SMITH--------- J. G. BA TEY---------- J. H. BARNET........ P r in c ip a l Co r r e sp o n d e n t s . C m A E x on,mom,Dui $ 350,000 Slayden _:_- Dickson M 9 Bank of Slayden É__— < § ’11 W. T. Bledsoe____ J. N. Ussery___ J. H. McFall. 87-507 VV. Q. V. Schmittou 6 Pop. 200 »Smithville—Dekalb N 14 Farmers & Traders B k .< §’91 E. J. Evans. 87-235 6 Pop. 1200 Peoples Bank & Trust Co. 87-236 < § ’16 R e sou rce s . I,oaxs k Disc’ ts. Bonds, Securities 13,200 4,000 90.000 75,000 30.000 4th & 1st N., Nash. 30,000 10,000 203,000 255.000 40.000 4th & 1st N „ Nash. 25,000 9,000 210,000 150,000 70.000 1st N., St. L.: Am. N., Nash. 9,410 106,910 103,800 46,880 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Morristown. 98,100 47,500 Hamilton N., Chattanooga. 22.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. Smyrna—Rutherford N il FIR S T N ATION AL BANK < 08 \ FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us w it h each sight draf t fo r presentatio n , and 87-467 6 Pop. 1000 -( TW ENTY-FIVE CENTS fo r each c redit report Insù res prom p t, perso nal atte n tlo n . Smyrna Bank & Trust Co. W. W illiam s87-599 §’17 E. C. Holloway — »Sneed ville-Hancock L 21 Citizens Bank_________ t§'06 A. T. Drinnon____ C. M. CoUins . . . . 87-296 6 Pop. 300 T. G. Lamb. 15.000 H. B. Jarnagin 25.000 10,000 1,000 150.000 50.000 19,000 375.000 10.000 17,500 100.000 68,000 H. A. Griffith___ Irene O. Macrae 50.000 35,000 450,000 400,000 3,160 60,590 61,370 Soddy_____ Hamilton P16 Soddy Banking Co. — < § ’11 S. L. Byrd........ S. W. Hixson_____ W. H. Crow ... 87-517 6 Pop. 2000 »Somerville— Fayette P 3 Fayette County Bank—< § ’88 H. C. Moorman___ W. M. Mayo______ E. A. M addox. 87-211 8 Pop. 1500 Somerville Bank & Trust Co. C. W. Robinson. .. Wyatt Wilkinson— H.S.Shaw----87-212 < § ’10 Hannah E. Roberts So. Pittsburg.Marion Q 14 FIR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K < ’87 T. G. Garrett__ 6 Pop. 2106 So. Pittsburg Sav. Bank-t§'07 A. A. Cook_____ 87-166 W. D. Spears____ J. P. G ille n ....__ A. A. Cook.. W. H. Freas. 10.000 Han. N., N. Y>; 1st N., Memp. 115,000 Han. N.. N. Y. 12,500 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., So. Pitt. 6,250 Northern Bank of Tenn., Clarksville. Southside.. Montgomery Southside Bank____—î§ ’19 G. M. H unter...__ 87-630 6 Pop. 150 L9 »Sparta____ ..W hite N 15 American National Bank..'05 J.M . Potter_____ _ 87-210 6 Pop. 2000 First National Bank_____ $'84 R. Hill___________ 87-209 ~ W. C. Harris_____ A. M. Durrett. 10,000 11,670 14,250 J. R .Tubb_____ — It. E. Tubb__. . . J. E. Matlock J. L. Quarles_____ O. D. Erwin__ T. K. Potter. 50,000 14,010 224,510 235,330 102,190 N. City, N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N „ Nash. 100,000 80,540 937,370 819,560 398,340 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. o f Ky.. Lou. »Spencer. Van Buren O 15 Citizens Bank____ _____ $§’14 J. Frank Kell — * 87-581 6 Pop. 210 Spring City___Rhea O 16 Bank o f Spring City— < § ’90 H. O, Collins._____ 87—470. 6 Pop. 1500 »Springfield__ Robertson Farmers Bank & Tr. Co. $§’13 W. A. Powell_____ 87-551 6 Pop. 5000 L10 J. M. Brady—_____ Jay L. Graham. J. H. Hillis A. D. Paul------------ S. E. Paul_____ H. E. Northcutt__ 7,500 1,200 45,000 45,000 15,000 1st N., McMinnville; State Bk. & Tr. Co., Nash. 55,310 Han. N., N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga. A. A. McClanahan . J. E rPowell__ H. G. Bernard___ 87-168 $§’17 Bill of Lading Drafts» Gash and Time Items our specialty. P-FMTPAI-RTATF MATIflMAI 1 rtcn 140/ Charles E. Bell___ J.S . Brown____ BANK ■ l U A N s r i n n a to each bank in ü . S. exclusively b y The Kand-McNally Banken Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. 102,200 9,040 231,300 200,640 100,000 50,000 625,000 620,000 42,210 Han. N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. 25,000 100,000 165,000 259,580 245,930 950,000 980,000 A cco u n ts o f B an ks. T E N N E S S E E — C on tin u ed 155,000 M ech . & M etals N., N. Y .;ls tN ., St. L .;4th & 1st N. and Cum berland Valley N., N ash.; M tle. N., M em p. TRY US. J. M. Couts______ _ G. H. Browns......... A. M. Pike____!__ _ Federal Reserve Bank Number of St. Louis under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given 13,300 30.000 R . F . LONG - -------- R . J . H OLM AN C ollections and R equests fo r Credit R eports M UST be accom pan ied by FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain sight drafts 15c; Credit Reports 25c. Robertson Co. Bk. & Trust Co J. W. Brown____ _ 87-169 $§’99 Springfield Bank______ $§’72 J. W. Brown.____ 87-167 25.000 81,870 43,540 Merch. N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N. and Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 360,000 N. City, N. Y7; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 1st N. St. It. ■____________ ._________ M a h u /a c tu Accessible Towns, Lawyers, '-Laws, Directors, In- July, 1919 PEOPLES BANK " T »"*™ "'"- i i l l » R. J. Snodgrass. H. C. Smith TENNESSEE BANKS—Shelbyville to Springfield______ Peoples National Bank— $’86 J. D. Hutton. 87-142 A s s ’ t Ca s h ie r . D. D. H i x - _______ J. E. Huffman____ V. S. Parsons____ i G. W. Shearin Farmers Loan & Trust Co.§’16 W. E. Gant_____ _ J. M. T un e___ 8 87-590 P. C. Steele_____ A ccessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13, T E N N E S S E E — Continued 1256 1256 dexed in back of this volume. Bor Interest Bates, Grace,, ^ etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page l a .' ^ IO pilU K U Ü lU1M .U &-------------«b • 1 87-167 PFMTPAl-RTATF MATIflMAI St. L. \ A c co u n ts BANK ö f B an ks» B an k ers, Accessible Towns, Lawyers, ’ Laws, llircctois, Indexed in back of tbis volume. For Interest llalcs, Grace,, ^ etc., see p a g e 14 . For Holidays, see op p osite page la.' ^ Number under Name o f Sonic is the New Transit Number given ó a t a Ih b I v a Iv h w T h p R a n d - M r . N a l l v Rankers’ _______ i________ TT T own an d Co u n ty . N am e of Ba n k . »Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State »County Scats. ;Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPnv. Figure under town is [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Spring Hill— Maury 0 10 6 Pop. 695 E. H. Ayres 87-471 V ice -P r e s id e n t . P r e s id e n t , M a i i u /a c t u r e 'r s i , Ca s h ie r . A s s ’ t Ca s h ie r . Lia b il it ie s . Surplus D epos P aid - o t ’ an d ITS C ap it a l Pr o fits R e sou rce s . P r in c ip a l Co r r e spo n d e n ts . ( $ 27,970 Mech.& Metals N „ N. TÖ Cumberland Valley ___ Allen Cam pbell.... E. H. Ayres, Jr.—. Robt. M cK a y .---.; $ 25,000 :$ 18.430 :$ 156,740 % 189,810 N.,*Nash. rs Union N. Park. N. Y.: Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co,,Memp. y Peter F y fe _____ — Ed. Peeler. M gr... ( B ran dì o f ifipto n Count y-Famne ( Jno. T. Garner „ Tipton Co. Far. Union, Covington. Bank, Covingt on) Stanton___ Haywood 0 3 P EO P LE S BAN K ---------- •tS’16 t R eports b y send ectlon s and Credi lng et service o n Coll | Save tim e an d g 87-595 8 Pop. 500 .jj£EE IN ADVAN CE: P lain s ig h t d ra fts, 1 5 c; Credi t R ep ort», 2 5 c . T R Y U S . « _____ _ “ Stantonville.McNairy Q 6 8 Pop. 100 A. H. Gilchrist — 11,920 112,620 12,500 4,500 40.000 1st N „ Selmer, Tenn.; Peo. Sat., Jackson. 10,000 2,400 90,000 Bk. of Watertown, Watertowi}. 5,500 1.140 100,550 10,475 1,490 53,020 4th & 1st N „ Nash. E. E. Phelan--------- 6,850 1,150 20,270 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. A. T. Bean_______ A. D. Barber__ _— J. F. Fudge 10,000 4.630 85,800 N, Park,N.Y.; UnakaN., Johnson City. 75,000 37,500 400,000 450.000 107,130 89,230 19,190 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.V Chattanooga. 25.000 Bk. of Sweetwater, Sweetwater. S. J. Pounds— J. K. Gibson— ___ — P. P. Platt_____ Lera Dancer. 87-618 Statesville...Wilson N 12 Bank of Statesville— — t l ’10 W. A. Barger-------- W. E. Donnell__... 0. j . Wood____ W. F. Young 87-473 8 Pop. 300 Robt. Clements— C. S. S m it h -.____ Stayton Dickson M 9 Stayton Bank & Tr. Co. . « ’07 B. W. S. Nicks— 87-474 8 Pop. 400 R. L. Bryan. St. Joseph—Lawrence Q 9 American Bank----------- tS’10 J. H. Belew........... B. Hollmann ------- Gentry Gray— — 87-475 6 Pop. 450 Snmmertown —Lawrence Summertown Bkg. Co.—« ’06 Samuel Gardiner— 87-476 6 Pop. 600 P9 Surgoinsville— Hawkins 6 Pop. 200 L 22 87-537 U. S. Beard, J r .. .. G. F. Hicks_______ Sweetwater-Monroe 018 B A N K O F SWEETWATER«« 84 James May, 87-188 6 POP-185° Ch. o f Bd. 'i . . .! 5 i sw N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Bk. o f Ky., Lou.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 15,000 -r: }d0 Stanton Bank________ « « ’03 F. G. Rawlins------- W. J. Coppedge— 87-472 F IR S T N A TIO N A L BANK -« ’18 .87-616 ‘ 540 j 60.000 ELI CLEVELAND;— C. E. Y 0 U H 6 -------S sent to us w ith each slgbt draft fo r presentation, and r sonai at ten d on . ( t w e n t y - f i v e CENTS fo r each credit report Ins 1st N „ Dickson; Cent. Bk. & Tr. Co., Nash. 2,500 70,000 50.000 »Tazewell-Claiborne L 20 Claiborne National Bk.. *t’99 J. T. Hughes_____ W. I. Davis— ----- - W. H. Eppes— . . . . . 87-477 6 Pop. 886 S. A. Bright______ C. P. Latimore____ FrederlckLatimoree Tellico Bk. & Tr. G o ,- .« « ’09 Tellico Plains___ Monroe 87-478 6 Pop. 2500 P 18 25.000 30,000 180,000 100.000 23,000 11,500 150,000 150.000 N. R. Robinson— I C. D. Williams— ~ S. C. Robinson TemperanceHall.DeKalb Bank of Temperance Hall ■ 87-606 . §’17 6 (Liberty P .0 .) N 13 Pop. 250 Thompson’s Station, Will- Thompson's Station Bk.& Tr. T. J.Timmons. —— Jas. H. P o r te r ..... C. B. Alexander... 6 iamson Pop. 200 N10 Company 87-557--------- « ’13 J. J. Gwaltney -™ »Tiptonville____ Lake L 3 Farmers & Merch. Bk. » « ’95 J. T. Burnett ——— L. Donaldson— — 87-247 8 Pop. 1000. B P «« • . Itt J. C. Jackson.— — J. P. Alexander— Peoples Bank —----------« « ’11 87-248 12,000 Toone____Hardeman P ¿. Merchants & Planters Bank J. S. Anderson...— 87-479 « ’05 8 Pop. 245 J. 0 . O v erto n ...;.. T tm t Oltv—Grundv P It First National Bank—— t ’Ot R. B. Roberts____ _ Samuel Werner— H. J. Bowers___ — C. H. Roberts------- - ___ _ •• Trust & Savings Bank— « 1 0 J. F. S e r o n s .— — J. A. H ardin...—. . J. L. Brown— — 87-189 CENTRAL-STATE NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis X {M H / m 25,000 - 90.000 N.JPark, N. Y .; City N.; Knoxville. 120,000 Chase N., N. Y.; City N., Knoxville; FifthThird N., Cin. 30.000 Fifth-Third N „ Cin;; 1st N „ Chattanooga. Am. N „ Nash. 7,425 2,370 62,480 Cumberland Valley Ñ., Nash;-, Harpeth N „ Franklin. 50,000 21,000 158,001 1st N., St. L.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Memp. 50,000 24,010i 290,280 1st N., St. L.; Cent, State N., Memp. j 7,500i 1,7001 100,00( Secar. N., Jackson. 25,0001 16.460i . 308.48: Han. N.. N. Y,; Hamilton N,, Chattanooga. Special facilities for h a n d lin g T e n n e s s e e , M ississippi and A rk an sa s Item s P ro m pt Service. R easonable Rates ]Q H ! N3 cn N a m e of B a n e , -* / a n d Co u n t y . ; •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. iState *County Seats. P r e sid e n t . Figure under town is tMem. State.Bks. Assn. tPriy. Federal Reserve District, ♦Mem-.Ped. Res, ;,a[®gtab: 'i ’ a* vintst? t * T own Towns, Lawyers, Laws, f Directors, inof this volume. For Interest* Ratof» Grace, T E N N E S SE E — Continued >v* Vj-f -V V ICE-PRESIDENT. Ca s h ie r . A s s ’ t C a s h ie r . R esou rces , L ia b il it ie s . rplus L o a n s & l.oa ns&Dis- Cash A ExP aid - up Suand D is c’ts: Bonds, ch aboss,D ub Ca p it a l P r o f it s count* Securities from Banks P r in c ip a l Co r r e sp o n d e n t s . 1258 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally Bankers* $ 375,000 $ 265,000 $ 115,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N „ St. L.; 4th & 1st ‘ T renton____ Gibson N 4 Bank o f Commerce___ » « ’06 R. R. B oone..__ . . . G. W. E v e re tt...... J. G. Faucett___ ... B. F. Lemond . . . . . $ 60,000 $ 35,000 N,. Nash.; N. Stock Yds. N.. E. St. L. 87-i5i •*• t Pop. 3000 „ M Mech. & Metals. N „ N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. St.L.; 564,660 8,070 485,080 162,260 Sylvane F reed.. . - 80,000 G. W. Wade — . . . . W. T. Williams- . W. L. Wade. . Union Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. JnO>T; ®aie,: S r .'' •87-150"" " A. A. Argo: A. S. Jon es.— ___ Trezevant— Carroll M 5 Farmers & Merchants 87-269 » » ’16 9 Pop. 1000 T r im b le —___ __ D y e r M 3 Farmers Bank—______t i l l 8 •• •• V.M «.18 J. R. Moffatt aM*TtA - t . , A IT Pitt« T ; A. Pierce -l T rim b le Banking Co,— « ’91 E. E. P arks.... 87-48^""' Pop. 700 tujff It i t m m n m y J. 0 . Bennett__ . . . R. W. Mahon_____ H. B. Clarke....... ... Carroll P. Wilson W. F. iRoberts____ Thel. Taylor______ David Reeves V- CITIZENS B A N K -.:---« » ’l8 87-618 E. B. Thoma.. Tull&homa— -Coffee P 12 First National Bank— .«t'84 W. H. Magness___ S. S. Blackman, Active 87-129 6 Pop. 4000 J - \«n ' ~ -r.; •» \ Traders National B ank.ft’89 T. L. Huffman.— . H. McCoy. ____ E. 1; Hitt a s - . — - - R. M. S m ith ....— J. M. Ransom 87-130 W. 0. Farris — — B. E. White ‘ Union City— .Obion L 4 Farmers Exchange BanktS’10 87-103 8 Pop. 5000 . •• 459,940 582.180 182,790 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Memp.; 1st N., St. L. 25,000 4th & 1st N „ Nash.; Bk. o f Com. & Tr. Co. and Union &Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., M e m p .; Boat mens, St. L. 18,710 Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., 111.; Secur. N., Jackson. 10,000 6,000 90,000 80,000 15,000 7,110 27,200 28,700 0,300 3.500 100,000 65,000 40,000 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp.; N. Stock Yds. N „ N. Stock Yds.. 111. 10,000 1,000 50,000 45.000 10,000 4th & 1st N „ Nash. 18,420 10,000 175,000 135,000 25.000 ,2.000 85,000 64,000 45,000 Union & Plan. Bk & Tr. Co., Memp.; Far. Ex., Union City. 50,000 39,510 389,070 441,200 86,290 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th A 1st N., Nash.; 1st N., Chattanooga. 50,000 40.130 390.640 391,440 134,540 Han. N., N. Y .; 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 50,000 4.550 255,070 190,510 116,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; 4th & lstN.,Nash.; 1st N., St. L. 75,000 35,790 531.270 540,210 150,450 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N „ St. L.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. Bernice Hargett— 0. E. G arneri...— 32,030 87-500 Pop. 800 87-481 8 J.’S, A lgo__ ___ — W. G. Quinn_____ Peoples B a n k ^ . . . t # ’06 I. g . H u r t .'i....::: 87-270 58,000 W. A.CHESAP—- ___ C . T . A R N O LD o r p r e s e n t a t io n . a n d re s p r o m p t , p e rs o n a l a t t e n t l o n . ( S. W ADDELL —------ j ! s . ROBERTS — ___ A. J. CORUM ___ < Special attentt o n g iv e n t o B i l l o O L D N A T I O N A L B A N K ~ « * ’ 88 15c m u st be sen t w i t h e a c h S i g h t 87-101 /( B e w ith each r e q u e s t f o r r e p o r t .......... « rt jF A L GARTH 0 . V. Jones_______ ____ J. W ALKER K ER R — 75,000 Laidlaw & Co.. N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L. f L a d i n g D r a f t s , Cash and T im e I terns. 00 D r a f t f o r p r e s e n t a tlon ; o r r a tin g . 84,000 36,750 550,000 540,000 135,000 Chase N., N. Y .; 1st N., St. L.; 4th & 1st N., Nash. . N. H. Eubank------ L. J. Browning— i 10,000 2.240 99,960 42,100 68,850 Cumberland Valley N. and State Bk. &Tr. Co., Nasn.; Citiz. N „ Dickson, Tenn. Viola.... ........Warren 0 13 Farmers & Merchants Bank Frank J. W inton... J. R, Stubblefield.. J. B. Bamsey. . . . . . H, s, Ramsey 87-484 « ’05 6 Pop. 200 L. R. Sloan_______ J. R, Birchfiel..— B. D. Coltharp------ Esma Jenkins-----IT B j* 87-485 6 Pop. 250 12,000 12,910 71,310 55,290 29,730 Mech. & Metals N..N.Y.; Peo. N „ McMinnville. 25,000 27,000 150,000 128,000 67,000 Han. Jî., N. Y .; 1st N., Chattanooga; CityN., Knoxville. 7,800 2,500 82,000 49,000 12,090 • 287,470 220,250 .4 4 H. Dietzel 87-102 W. H. Neblette— 6 Pop. 99 W vT. McGee— 87-483 T. A. Morris.™___ W . Z. Shickler___ ‘ Wartburg—Morgan M 17 Citizens Bk. & Trust Go. H. W. Sumner 87-486 » « ’06 8 Pop. 400 25,000 W artrace...Bedford 012 Bedford Connty B a n k .* «’96 J. S. Houston......... W. B. Walker, Sr.. E. L. Blackman— Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given P .F M T R A 1 - S T A T F N A T I O N A L B A N K to each bank in U. S. exclusively b y The Eand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. O F M E M P H IS A c c o u n ts of B anks, 94,490 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Hamilton N., Chattannoira. Bankers, M a n u fa ctu rers, I M> 4S 'w .ia W ■a» fc s inwiteW. T E N N E S S E E — C o n tin u e d 34,000 Hamilton N., Chattanooga. LI n s u r D a s s e d Joly, 1919 T H I R D N A T I O N A L B A R K * i 90 John T. Walker__ D. N. Walker_____ Hunter Elam------- 0 . E. M cCaw-------- *» TENNESSEE BANKS—Trenton to Wartrace it . s pi nm T . KB H A P P E L — ___ eiBSON C O U N T Y B A N K » « 79 ^FIFTEEN CENT S s e n t to u s w i t h each s i g h t d r a f t f 87-149 (t w e n t y - f i v e CENTS fo r each c r e d it ; r e p o r t I n s u M erchants, and C o f le c t io n S e rv i ce - Accessible ’Towns, U «T «n > _I*W8, IM*ee«on, indexed in back of hhîa volume. Bor Interest Rates» Grace, i etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page . 13 \ ...... Ptrannumru P e m r a p ii, fìnsKuspoNnoaTS. -Y < r .F M T R A l - S T A T E N A T I O N A L B A N K « o rn O F M E M P H IS A c c o u n ts of B anks, Bankers, M a n u fa ctu rers, M e rc h a n ts, and le /liw S d M a i« inwi>AH. U n s u r o a « « e c f C o l l e c t i o n S e r vi*--Accessible 'Towns, Lawyers, law s, M reetois, indexcd in back of thia volume. Pot Interest Rates* Giace* etc., see page 1A. For Holidays, see opposite page. 13 Number under Name or Bank is the .New Transit Number give» to each bank in U. S. exclusively b y The Bsnd-HcNsUr Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. T E N N E S S E E — C o n t in u e d P r in c ip a l Corre spo n d en ts . T own an d N am e Co u n ty . of Ba n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State »County Seats, Figure under town is ÎMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. P b e s id e n t . H. NEAl Watertown . Wilson M 13 BANK O F W A T ER T O W N -» 96 87-487 6 Pop. 517 Citizens Bank_________ t§’12 87-541 »Waverly „„H u m ph reys Citizens Bank J — — -;it§’09 87-239 6 Pop. 1100 M8 Farmers & Merch. B k .„ » ’10 87-240 *Wa; p — Y ICE-PRESIDENT. j; ii. s m it h Ass ’t Cashier. Cashier. J;C ; Yeiser— R. A. Haggard...— J. L. Morrow-------J. F. Walker Westmoreland__ Sumner Westmoreland Bank___ »'0 5 J. 0. Harris_______ J.S . Freeman_____ J. M. Hodges—___ Vergil M. Hodges Bascom Simmons 87-489 6 Pop. 540 K 12 Westpoiht-Lawrence Q8 Westpoint Banking Oo__§’06 W . E. K elly -__ — W. B. Lay T. S. Todd 87-490 6 Pop. 370 Whitleyville___ Jackson * Pop. 75 L 14 Whitwell___ Marion Q 14 6 Pop. 3000 W ilder__-^Fentress L 10 6 Pop. 300 Wildersville—Henderson 8 Pop. 350 N 6 Williston__ Fayette Q 3 8 Pop. 400 »Winchester__ Franklin 6 Pop. 1351 Q 13 D epos P r o f it s l/OAMS 4 Du- Cash 4 E x *Bonds, o ixawgxh,D ub noM Ba k u Mbovbitim c’th. ito Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N., St. L. 14.870 $ 326,280 $ 320,550 $ 69.910 C Oldest Bank In Wilson County. Special attention glven Bill o f Ladl ng, Cas h and T Ime Ite m s . FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight draft for presentation, and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Insu res prompt, perso nal atte ntlon. 99,000 97,000 1,000 16,400 Wood— — — J. D. Phillips-------Frank Roy___ — A. A. McNabb — C. C. Davis 50,000 33,330 513,000 350,000 A. P. McMurry— W. B. Ridings___ ^ Mason Sanders— - W. B. Nolan.__ — J. B. Bell 4,000 135,000 110,000 25,000 Jt Fi' Daniel—— — J. D. Luten.——— J. A. Slayden.—— Wayne County Bank— » ’14 J. McWilliams-— 87-573 Farmers & Merch. Bank.»'05 87-491 Bank o f White House— » ’07 87-492 Citizens Bank—_______ »'0 6 87-493 Whites Creek Bk. & Tr. Co. 87-520 » ’12 Whiteville-HardemanP 4 P E O P LE S BAN K— 87-264 8 Pop. 1000 a n d i - - — : T . A . Y O U N G ------------- E . W . W E A T H E R L Y - $ 50.000 $ esboro. Wayne P 8 Bank o f Waynesboro__ » ’04 Harvey Bromley.— J. Youngblood— Russ Yeiser 87-488 Pop. 700 White Bluff s-Dickson M 9 6 Pop. 600 White House—Robertson 6 Pop. 100 L 11 White Pine____ Jefferson 6 Pop. 900 M 21 Whites Oreek—Davidson ft Pop. 98 M10 Su r plu s P a id - u p C a p it a l ------ F. J . Hollis , . . ____ J. H. Heath____ — Joseph Whited— 25,000 7»500 125,000 89,000 53,000 i 15,000 1,120 62,650 45,670 31,660 80,000 4.000 140.000 86.450 50,000 8,000 6,500 - 35,000 39,000 12,000 12,000 2,880 99,440 68,500 44,920 30,000 3,850 86,850 91,030 26,650 - - 7,500 19,000 140,000 136,000 22,000 10,000 6,630 131,550 118,090 25,000 20,000 3,000 164,040 130,390 44,870 23,050 I. Park. N. Y.; Secar. Bk. &Tr. Co., Memo N., Jackson. 41,870 Cumberland Valley N., Nash. M. E. Link..—____ A. P. Connell_____ J. B. White— ., E. A. McCord— R. N. Mullen — — G. T. Webb_______ S. W. Edward___ _ W. 8. Nuckolls— W. M. Sedden J. S. Dudney.*-— W. I. K i t t r e l l - - - S. B. Gaines___ J. J. Dykes_______ D. T. Layne__ ____ J. R. Morgan_____ R. A. Dykes------Jno. F. Meagher A. J. Bagwell — . S. W ?M urphy____ R. T. T od d _______ M. C. R osser-----J. P. Parker H. F. Crawford . . . J. F, Barron.,____ W. J. Crawford... C. P. Rosser.. 25,000 15,720 136,050 152,450 10,000 4,680 85,810 55,960 11,500 108,160 78,690 21,600 k of J amestow » , 12,500 7,500 Jam estown, Morristown. Jackson; N. Stock Yds. N., E. St. L., 111. 48,550 4th & 1st N., Nash. T en u .), Am. N., Nash.; Fifth-Third N „ Cin. 4,200 97,420 47,740 71,380 Oitiz., Lexington. 4,840 A4,380 28,750 25,640 Cent.-State N. and Union & Plan. Bk. & Tr. Co., Memp. 74,620 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; Hamilton N., Chattanooga, T. A. Embrey__I__ D. W. Evans—ILM E. C. MowrÿiLÛ.. 35,000 25,240 348.190 368,800 H. B. Alexander.. 35,000 27,530 340,570 316,470 89,040 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 4th & 1st N., Nash.; 1st N., Chattanooga. 35,000 12,500 250,000 165,000 71,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Cumberland Valley N., Nash. 75,000 15,000 221,950 272,160 87-213 Walter Hancock__ Bradley K. Ham—. J. P. Wood — ___ Hoyte T. Stewart Jesse Davenport ~ Thos. M. Smoot. . . W. D. Preston___ S. Markam J. W. Alexander__ A. E. W heeler.— J. A. Hefley—------ F. B. Brents.... Grace Me Cabe R. D. Roach— . C. Gribble F. E. W yatt.______ H. A, Buie — ------ F. R. Utley_____ F. E. Vaughan____ E. Hester— E. IT. G ooch— —.. J. A. Gooch —— CENTRAL-STATE NATIONAL BANK OF MEMPHIS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 45.000 Buia D. Corder. Baldwin Harle------ J. L. Chilton.j——- P. C. Wakefield__ H OM E BANK - - - - - — « » ’89 S. M. Alexander, Sr. W. E. W alker... »Woodbnry.Oannon N 13 Bank o f W oodbury___ « » ’88 87—281 £ Pop. 1000 First State Bank--------- » « ’08 87-282 Woodland M ills..—Obion Farmers Bank_________» 1 0 87-496 8 Pop. 225 L 4 Yorkville__ ..Gibson M 4 Bank of Yorkville_____ - » ’06 87-497 8 Pop. 300 Yum a_______Carroll N 6 Cotton Growers Bank__ » ’09 240,000 I W. J. Johnson __ Eleanor Price — L. C, Durrett_____ R. H. White____ __ F. H. Corder____ _ — » 1 0 C. F. Sammons___ F. M. Doyle —------ Festus Rhodes— Whiterille Sav. Bank—. » ’01 87-263 Bank o f W hitleyville..- » ’16 87-589 Bank o f Whitwell_____. » ’06 H 87-494 Bank o f Laurel—------- « » ’18 87-609 Bank o f Wildersville__ . » ’09 87-495 Bank o f Williston______ » ’11 87-504 Farmers National Bank.»t'06 87-214 20,000 i 35,300 Irving N., N. Y., 4th & 1st N.. Nash. 15,000 7,500 49.000 57,500 12,000 Cumberland Valley N.,Nash.; 3d N., Union City 7,500 9,900 111,050 " 63,650 10,00« 2,520 I 27,030 25,620 59,620 N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., 111.; Bk. of Trenton, Trenton. 10;57O Cumberland Valley N., Nash.; Citiz., Lexing 1 ton. Spècial fa cilitie s fbir h a n d lin g Te n n e sse e , M ississippi and A rk a n sa s It e m s P ro m p t Service. Reasonable Rates. , « .m y r N ,m e r t BMg ™ S g L B ^ 3 g t S f i S Directory, under the au th ority ol T he A m ericeiiB epIterg A8»*n._ Accessible Towns* Lawyers, Laws* Directors* in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest S ates, Grace, etc.* see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. TEXAS LIABILITIES. T own an d c o u n t y . Nam e of Ban k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState - ; »County Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Disi tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriy. Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. E El Paso Br. H Houston P r e s id e n t . Chas. Harris. Abbott________HillF 18 Guaranty State Bank — ÍST3 88-1568 Pop. 500 Abernathy------- fíale B 10 First State Bank---------- t l ’00 S. R. Merrill. 88-903 Pop. 200 NATIONAL BANK 88-113 *t’02 FARMERS & MERCHANTS N A T IO N A L BAN K 88-112 C. G. Goodman___ N. C. Hix— ! L. A. Harral rplus D epos Paid- up S u and its Capitai, Profits $ 29,000 W. A. R ichter------ 25,000 R esou rce s . Dut*I P r in c ip a l Co r r e sp o n d e n t s . d a m sk C a s hk E x’ts. B o n d «, c h a n c e *,D u e S w n rm rn n f b o mB a n k s 6,500 $ 68,000 $ 64,480 $ 24.140 Coal &Tron N., N. Y.: Live Stock Ex. N.. Cni.; Secur. N., Dallas: 1st State, Hillsboro. 24,800 Drov. N.. Kan. C.; Lubbock State, LubbocK, 4,000 106,000 118,000 [O N — J . F . GARRISON — E . C H AN D LER £ V. W ARREN Collections Given Prompt Personal Attention. Q U IC K R E T U R N S . T R Y U S . 150.0«) 54,830 1,211,360 892,070 569,710 Han. N ., N. Y .: Far. & Itfech. N ., F t. w orth ; 1st N ., St. L. ; Tenlson N., Dallas Please send 15e with each sight draft for presentation and 50c for Credit Reports E . S. H U G H E S ___ H EN R Y JA M E S — W . R . K E E B L E ---------R . L . F A U C E T T — P A U L JO N E S 100.000 100.610 1.433.540 1.204 830 429.320 N. Bk. C om ., N. Y . and Dallas; Cent. N., St. L .; 1st N ., F t. W orth. All C ollections given special atten tion b y an officer o f the bank. »$'90 [O S C A R P A R K E R - FIR S T S T A T E B AN K — -tS'08 88-115 A ss'T CASHIER. T. P. Cowan______ [R. T. Cowan. GEO . L . PAXTO N — C IT IZE N S Cashier . . M . O LD H A M , J R - W. H . F f i E E . . . A . H O D G ES ¿ [se n d us C ollect Ions fo r p rom p t R IL E Y P E T E R S -— M A R G U E R IT E W Y L IE 100,000 38,000 596.000 615.000 119,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Far. & Merch. Worth.: Cent. State, Dallas. N.. Ft. and careful atten tlon . Cent. State, Dallas. Addison_____ Dallas D 19 Addison State Bank------ tS’13 W. O. McKamy----- W . W. Julian_____ Lamar Allen______ 88-1553 Pop. 200 E. B. H edrick____ Callie Sherrod-----Alanreed_______Gray P 6 Bank o f Alanreed______ t l ’10 C. B. H edrick-----88-905 Pop. 200 Alba_________ Wood D 21 Alba National Bank------- $’03 F. N. Hopkins — — L. B. Cranford____ D. S. Armstrong__ W. H. L ow — — 88-410 Pop. 2000 First State Bank.—«.— t l ’10 C. D. Dewitt--------- G. E. Howard___ _ T .J . Riley________ Clyde Jord on....... T. F. Jones 88-411 Live Stock State, Kan. C.: Guaranty State, Amarillo; Secur. N., Dallas. Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N „ Dallas. Lumbermans N., Hou.; 1st State, Dallas; Green ville N. Ex., Greenville. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N „ Dallas; Drov. N., Kan. C. _ — »Albany Shackelford D 14 Albany National Bank —«$’01 S. Webb . . . ----------- G. E. Waters-------- W. G. W ebb______ G. C. King_____ — W. H. Green 88-620 Pop. 1200 A. W. Reynolds — T. E. Dodge_______ J. B. Matthews— First National Bank___*$'81 G. T. Reynolds 88-619 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: Ft. Worth N. and 1st N. Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas. M. S. Jones_______ Far. & Mech.N., Ft. Worth. Alexander___ Eratb F 16 Alexander State Bank— tl'09 G. W. Riddle_____ A. M. Maloney — W.B.Warren.V.-P, A. Rodgers 88-907 Pop. 300 Ben, B. McCollum. Seab. N ..N .Y .; 1st State, Dallas: lstN.,W aco, »Alice___ Jim Wells O 16 A L IC E S T A T E B K . & T R , CO. P. A. Presnail------- Wm. Adams______ R. M. Boerum__ _ 88-391 •tl’93 Felix Hobbs, V.-P. T. H. Clark, .Active Pop. 2136 Citizens State Bank____ t l ’09 O. E. Cannon-------- A. Wayne W ood ... F. L. Cannon_____ 88-392 Jas. Garland.——. Jno. M. Thompson J. N. Bush___ _ Allen_______Collin C 19 First National Bank___ »$’’06 S. P. B u sh ...— M. Whisenant 88-908 Pop. 500 W. A. Stockard__ A. E. Wright-------Alma— ____ — Ellis E 19 Alma State Bank— ------ t l ’10 B. B. Munsey-------88-909 Pop. 300 H. W. Ferguson . . W. Van Sickle___ •Alpine___ .Brewster I 7 Alpine State Bank_____ «ÍS’07 B. F. Berkeley----G. C. Miller ♦ 88-468 E Pop. 2500 G. W. Baines, Jr— H. L. Hard_____ H. L. Kokernot----First National Bank------ t ’04 C. A. Brown--------W. B. Hancock 88-467 Jno. H. H urt_____ W. J. Stoner__ I. E. Johnson___ ,— E. Q. R ogers------Alta Dòma Galveston E 22 First State Bank-----------t i ’l l 88-910 H Pop. 300 Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. TEXA A N D 60,000 25.300 316,530 382,680 25.000 21,540 188,620 194,900 10.000 6.500 65,000 50.000 30.000 35,110 248,940 201,270 75.000 31,070 286.420 390,830 10.000 6,230 56.140 38,030 M M ERCia l B 202,300 N. City, N. Y.; Frost N., San Antonio. 59,260 Han. N., N.Y.; Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.: Comw, Bk. &Tr. Co.. San Antonio: IstN., Ft. Worth, 46,220 Irving N., N. Y.; Tenison N., Dallas. 8.000 Coal & Iron N.. N. Y.; Tenison N.. Dallas; Stete N., Corsicana. 109,350 Chase N.. N. Y.; State N., San Antonio: Union N.. Hou.; 1st N., ElT’aso: (M em .F ed .R es. 77,580 N. Park, N. Y .; Frost N., San Antonio. 31,150 Chase N., N .T .; City N., Galv.; So. Tex. Com’! N., Hou. a n k s Accessible , C h i c a g o Towns, Lawyers, dexed in bacie of thia volume. C o n tin u e d Laws, Directors, F o r I n te r e s t R a t e s , G race,' etc., see page 1~ 4 . f o r Holidays, see opposite page 13. Li a b i l i t i e s . R esou rces . P r in c ip a l Co rre spo n d en ts . I July, LET U S C H E C K YOUR C O M M E R C I A L P A P E R . P .n M T IM F N T A L Number under Name or Bank 1» the New TranslfcJVwmber given Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to each bank in U. S. ex clu siv ely b y -T h e R a n d -M c N a lly - B an k ers’ 698,040 __________ July, 1919 Aledo____ . . . Parker D 17 Citizens Bank___ ____ »tt’OS T. J.Overmier____ J. J. Sears.. 88-906 Pop. 300 ______ TEXAS BANKS—Abbott to Alta Loma »Abilene____ Taylor E 14 Pop. 14.238 V ic e -P r e s id e n t . 1260 Mj « 1260 1261 T own AND Continued TEXAS ->Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState .County Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. E El Paso Br. H Houston •Mem. Fed. Res. P r e s id e n t . V ice-President . Ca s h ie r . P a id - up Sur plu s II and Ca p it a l P r o f its Directory, in r e so u r c e s . | it s 100,770 165,000 60,580 2,110 Ex., Hou.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; (Mem* Fed, R es.) 60,000 D Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 13,460 Collin Co. N. and Cont. State, McKinney Secur. N., Dallas. ^ „ 105,000 b[. Park, N. Y.; Far. &. Mech. N „ Ft. Worth City N., Dallas. 102,500 E N., Ft. Worth. 73,180 b r; s 125,000 1 305,500 11,620 l 357,800 10,500 ) 122,090 26,000 A 50.000 1 260,000 50,000 b 14.510 616,370) 409,580 275,840 1 Hou.:lstN..Galv. 1 i 65.000 * 15.0DGT Bk. Com.. St. L. Save tim e and get service o n Col lections and Cred it R eports b y sen ding FEE IN ADV AN CE; Plain sig h t d ra fts ,1 5 c ; Credit R eports, 5 0 c . TR I l f S . 1 B .T . W A R E 4 - — l - t f T . W A R E — C. T . W A R E -------- — F . N. S T IN S O N - R. C . W A R E A . H. W AR E ‘ AM ARILLO NATIONAL BANK 88-95 < ’92 S. D. VAU G H AN A . B. BROWN United States Depository. 100,000 108,000 1,700,000D 1 300,000 y Aw• A.j ». 480,000 I I• K an. C .; 1st N., F t. W orth. Send us your Amarillo items and collections. : 7 P R O M P T A T T E N T IO N A N D R E M IT T A N C E S . 75.000 15,670 10 683,1301 75.000 87,480 i0 824,9201 10.000 2,000 10 25.00C) 10,000 2,280 ?0 43,231) K. E. White— p K . W. T. W alling...— 15.000 11,930 L0 , 84,351) 8,000 )enison Bk. & Tr. Co., Denison; Seen DtilldiS 13,840 lo. Tex'. Com’l N., Hou.; Dallas Tr. & Dallas., HI 91,170 Han. N,,N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. T. P. Buffington— G. B. Kennard..__ Gary Thomas. 25.000 35,000 )0 166.001) 48,000 N. City, N .Y.-.Bo. Tex. Com’l N., Hou, W. V. Gates--------- A. N. Brown------ - 10.000 6,250 J. J. Fietsam I. C. Parma — ----- A. P. Parma. r 1 1 I* ■ !. BONDS; Littlefield Building, Austin r-i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Drov. N.. K; 1«t. State. Dallas: 1st N.. Midland. ■ ; FIDELITY SURETY N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 12Ç1 AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW 212,60b : _ T. E. Durham____ J. fl. Pritchard— . John Wheatley— T. H. Reynolds Chas. Ware, S ec.. . Ray Wheatley, Tr. B. T. W are____ _ E. Fuqua. Afar. J. L. Smith W. C. Brown ——~ B. D. Bibee______ Pauline Sanford... State N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N Ft. Worth. „ _ ' 260,630 : f„ Bk. Com., N. Y.; New Eng. N., Kan. C 1st State, Dallas. >£Ì ♦National Bank o f Commerce W. O’Brien------88-96 < ’03 Amarillo Clearing House ,, W. H. Fuqua — (Members indicated by a * 6 . F. Sanford. . Ambrose__-Grayson B 19 Farmers Guaranty State Bank___ 88-1766--------» « ’16 Pop. 350 Ammannsville Fayette J19 Ammannsville State Bank - Geo. Herder, Jr. 88-1682 » « ’ 14 H-( WeimarP. O. ) Pop. 500 »Anahuac. Chambers J 23 Chambers County State Bank G. F. Mitchell — 88-912 < § ’06 H Pop. 500 »Anderson— Grimes 1 20 First National Bank___< ’04 J. H. Kennard.. 88-913 H Pop. 700 »Andrews— Andrews E Andrews State B an k...< § ’10 J. S. Means— 88-41d E Pop. 350 10 2,915,790 300,000 li ♦Guaranty State B ank.<§’16 B. C. D. Bynum. - 88-100 881,000 1 73,360 C. J. E. Lowndes... H. E. Fuqua.-------- E. Fuquä__ R. C. Daily Ford Brandenburg J. S. Chesnutt C. M. McCullough. Gv P. Elliott_____ L R. A. Jefferies___ - Ï ,’5 ♦First National Bank— < ’90 W. H. Fuqua.__ 88-94 TEXAS BANKS—Alto to Andrews 75.000 C. M . H U M P H R YS R AY W H E A T LE Y A V E R Y TURN ER C. A . FIS K „ I 20,000 P r in c ip a l Co r re spo n d en ts . ; C om m ercial col lections and pro m pt service a spe Alto____ ..Cherokee F 22 A LT O S T A T E BAN K — »$8 09 FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight draf t for presentation , and ♦ 88-704 en tion . fl Pop. 1500 f i f t y CENTS for each credit re port Insures pro m p t, personal att 20,000 G. Rounsaville-----Continental State Bank. « ’09 J. G. Wilkinson___ A. C. Harrison. 88-703 10,000 A. G. W om ble____ W. T. Dunn-------- Etna Vance — — G. W,Jtiddle — Aitoga______ Collin C 19 Aitoga State Bank-------- .813 W. H. Dunn 88-911 25.000 Pop. 200 J . B. Campbell------ C. A. K elley--------- C. Y. Shultz— Alvarado——Johnson E 19 Alvarado State Bank...' « 1 0 Jay Laramore.___ W. B. Norman 88-064 75.000 Pop. 1500 L; E. Hill —^ -----First National Bank— ..t’87 B. M. Sansom_____ J. D. Griffin —------ E.. L. Shelton_____ 88-663 25.000 I. H. Kempner — W. L. Browning... W. E. Steele—-----W. LrBrowning__ «'9 3 Alvin State Bank—----Alvin. ...Brazoria K 22 88-572 25.000 H Pop. 2500 M - C. J o n e s ............... Farmers-State Bank— « 1 7 W. P. Davis_____ _ B. T. Higginbotham J. P. Pfaff— 88-573 40.000 Wm. Covington----- W. M. Flanery ... Wm. Covington.. Alvord— ___.¿Wise C 17 Alvord State Bank— . . « ’09 J . L. Norris---------R. L. Farmer 88-643 Pop. 1023 ‘ Amarillo—- - P o t t e r P 4 « A M A R IL L O B K. & T R . C0 8ÎF97 « « ’06 Pop. 19,124 Laws, In t e r e s t K a te s, G ra ce, Loans & Dis- Cash k E x changes,D u* c’ tb. Bonds, < Bbodrities from B a n k s D e pos $ 25,000 $ 15,000 $ 185,000 $ 105.000 $ 85.000 N - - T . D. M I L L E R ----------- C h i c a g o r ; ------------ r; T . F. F LO R EN C E— J .D . RODG ERS— E . M. D tG K E R A s s ’ t Ca s h ie r . , F o r H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. N am e of B a n k . Co u n t y . a n k s Accessible Towns, Lawyers, dexed in bacie of tibia volume. F o r Li a b i l i t i e s . an d B m m e r c i a l K I M&J-i— •— HOM TINENTAL Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number «iv«“ I T„1v. 1919 LET U S C H E C K YOUR C O M M E R C I A L P A P E R . to each bank in U. S. exclu sively by- T h e E a n d -M c N a lly •B an k ers’ Directory, " " d c r the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. to w n an d County . N am e of Ba n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState «County Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. TEstab. E EI Faso Br. H Houston • M p . Fed. Res. P r e s id e n t . V ice -P r e s id e n t . Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. T E X A S — Continued Ca s k i k b . A s s ’ t Ca s h ie r . Li a b i l i t i e s . Sub plu s D kpos P aid - up an d ITS Ca p it a l P r o fits L . B. THOM PSON - E . W . R U C K S _____ $ 25,000 % iF K IB ER ................ lA ffiP S s r «Angleton—Brazoria L 21 AN GLETO N S T A T E BANK 88-644 < §0 5 ^C ollections and R equests fo r Cr edit R eports M U ST b e accom pan i ed b y H Pop. 1500 (f e e i n a d v a n CE: Plain tight d rafts, 15c: <Credit Re ports, 25c. Brazoria County State Bank J. O. Barrows . — 88-645 t l ‘08 A n n a . . . - . - - . - Collin C 19 Collin County State Bank$S’13 Pop. 700 88-1632 Active Louis J. Wilson D. Rattan ________ J. C. Barger J. G. Jackson__ __ J. B. Jackson ____ 31,090 299,770 214,360 35,000 5.000 135,000 145,000 30,000 Seab. N „ N, Y.; Secur. N.. Dallas. 106,000 125.000 35,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; City N., Dallas. 106,780 94,990 35,000 38.000 225,000 230,000 463.000 304,270 19,850 3,070 42,330 46,130 65,000 97,000 150,000 90.000 115,750 89,820 198,000 200,000 36.000 23.500 225.000 175.000 ’¿47,620 316,940 87,690 90,290 35,000 32,500 49,510 N. Park, N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; City N., Clarksville. 7,500 State N., Texarkana: Am. N., Paris; Red River N., Clarksville. „ , 60,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; Cent. State, Dallas: (M em . Fed. R es.) 290.740 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N* St. L.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 23,780 1st N., Hou.; Com’l Guaranty State, Nacog doches. -4"? 15*660 Gulf State, Hon.; 1st N., Groveton. 15,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Waco: Citiz. N., Hills boro; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth. 85.000 Hah. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., San Antonio; Lumbermans N „ Hou. 66,660 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; State N. and Alamo N., San Antonio. 69,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Wichita Falls; Stock Yds. N., F t. Worth. 33.000 Irving N.", N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Denison Bk. & Tr. Co., Denison. 90.000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; City N. and Secur. N.. Dallas. 76,970 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; N. Bk. Com., Dallas. 30.220 Sea6. N., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; N. Bk. of Com., St. L.; 1st State. Dallas. 31,500 Chase N., N. Y<; Guaranty State, State N., and Cent. Tr. Co., San Antonio; Laredo N., Laredo. 19,270 Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas; 1st N., Gilmer. 10,000 1,610 23,470 24,450 25,000 40,000 120,500 201,000 25,000 53,600 411,850 355,520 100,000 101,140 686,160 842,460 50,000 98,740 464,270 505,620 155,130 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas. 50,000 60,000 300,000 290,000 120,000 Com'1 N., Shreveport; City-N., Dallas: Tex 25,000 6,400 211,400 123,000 75,000 75,000 265,000 225,000 20,000 11,380 94,340 132.190 25,000 7,900 266,370 72,790 44,500 Han. N., N. Y. 188,000 Seab. N.,”NT Y.; Tenison N., Dallas. 98,340 Han. N.. N .Y .; 1st N.. St. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 14,660 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.r Tex. State, Ft. Worth: City N., Dallas. 217,930 Irving N.. N. Y.: Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth Denison Bk.& Tr.Co..Denison :CityN.,Dallas July, 1919 arkana N., Texarkana. . 108,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st State, Dallas; State N,, Texarkana, Ark. 75,000 Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Texarkana N., Texarkana, ( FIN ST N ATIO N AL BANK < ’90 T I M E A N D I N T E R E S T S A V E D BY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 187.220 Han. N., N .Y .: Lumbermans N. and 1st N „ Hon.; City N., Galv. 25,000 \ ( J.W .M U RC H ISO N D .R . MURCHISON. T. F. MURCHISON - A. S. FORD---------C. II. HAWN ^ ; \ C ollections rece lve special atten t Ion and prom pt rem ittance. 88-385 Guaranty State Bank.—i f 10 G. M. Wofford------ V. I. Stirman_____ T. P. Faulk_____ _ W. W. Spencer— Geo.M.Wofford, Jr. 88-387 B. H. Singletary . .. W. A. Powell_____ Chas. A. Singletary Atlanta________ Cass O 23 Atlanta National Bank__ t ’05 r. W Alldar T. J. Swint 88-519 Pop. 3000 R. Howe_________ D. H. Allday Farmers State Bank____ $8*13 C.' W. McClung 88-1554 R. P. Dunklin ____ First National Bank____ t ’92 J. G. K i n g .. ....... J no. J .Ellington,J r. 88-518 .T, IS. Ronar J. H. L anford____ Farmers & Merch. State Bk. W. P. Ratchford ~ D. K. Lyles 88-1561 $8*13 Pop. 800 H. C. Crawford— A. Q. Mustain.___ S. O. Henderson__ T. F. Rogers_____ i First Guaranty State Bank T. L. Phillips 88-924 *48*13 & Tr. Co., Galv. TEXAS BANKS—Angleton to Aubrey , L. Dennis. W .A . Springer P r in c ip a l C o r r e sp o n d e n t s . Bpcurtitbs promBanks 5,000 $ 200,000 $ 140,000 $ 60,000 25,000 30,000 ( I M 8TII FS H W. PIRKEY F. B. PUCKETT Annona.-Red River B 22 FIR S T N A TIO N A L B A N K -t’04 | FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and n tlon . nal atte l TW ENTY-FIVE CENTS fo r each credit report lnsu res p rom p t, perso 88-916 Pop. 750 13,500 25,000 H. S. Whiteman__ B. Dellinger______ L . B. P o o l________ L . R. Browning — 88-1419 15.000 Russell Exchange’17 E. E . Russell-------88-1740 17,000 35.000 E. W. Harrell_____ A. L . Buster.—.'__ A. W . Johnson___ «A n son ______Jones D IS O. G. Rowell ♦ 88-461 Pop. 2500 62,010 50.000 J. J. Steele '______ J. HjjWarren_____ First National Bank------ 402 R . R. Shapord____ 88-460 10,000 Appleby__ .Nacogdoches Auuieuy biäiö t S w T M §. C. B ak er.... R. C. White „ . . . 4 . 88-1838 Pop. 600 M.3 4,180 12,500 W. L. Hutson_____ Apple Springs— Trinity ' G. L. Hart — 88-1789 * H Pop. 600 G 22 9,600 20,000 E. Adam.. Aquilla—_______ Hill F 18 Aquilla State Bank------- tl'05 Geo. Carmichael__ P. F. Rayford 88-917 Pop. 500, 10,000 25.000 Roy Duphorne — L. J. Usher______ L. T. Ayres_____ Aransas Pass—San Patr'o First National Bank.___ < ’12 88-1482 Pop. 2000 N 18 50,000 8,5£0 I irsl oldie 10 C. W. Holm es____ John Sigmund____ A. C. Moore — — 88— 918 30.000 30.000 W. M. Coleman___ L. P. Carrington__ Jno. P. Fleming__ «Archer C ity------ Archer rUWCl BLaic DalllL-----wo 88—919 Pob. 825 B 16 10,000 6,000 W. J. Hamilton___ M. D. Fullingim__ H. O. Wheeler____ Argyle______ Denton C18 88-920 Pop. 400 50,000 15,000 C. B. Berry___ — H. D. Wallace, Arlington__ Tarrant D 18 Arlington State Bank--»t§’04 M. Ditto, Active 88-478 Pop. 3500 40,000 11.210 D. E. Blackburn.. Raymond W eathers First State Bank ___ < § ’15 Frank McKnight— F. A. Capps____ W. C. Weeks 88-1708 20,000 13,720 W. V . Henson____ F. B. Parker W. H. Fredericks— j , R Wilson Arp-----.Smith E 22 Arp Guaranty State Bank 88— 921 i f ll Pop. 350 10,000 3,100 R. H. Lamb— ........ W. H. Dunn______ H. G. Harris--------Asherton— Dimmit M 14 Asherton State Bank___ t i l l W, H. Dunn L. Deilon, Tr. 88-922 Pop. 1500 Ashland__ --Upshur D 23 Guaranty State Bank__ $8*13 M. B. Richards___ M. H. Williams . . . . 88-1629 Pop. i Roy Riddel «Aspermont___ Stonewall First National Bank_____ t ’01 S. B. Pierson 88-923 Pop. 1500 C 13 T. p. Tfl Rue ... «Athens—Henderson E 21 Athens National Bank__ t ’02 B. Sigler 88-386 Pop. 5000 R esou r c e s . iiOANsk Dis- Cash&Ex- 1262 1262 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Tranrit ,Number given to each bank in U. S.-exclusively by T h e R and-M cN ally Bankers Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass n. THE Austin National Bank AUSTIN, TEXAS Depositary for the United States -, Surplus and C a p ita l 11 Undivided Profits $ 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 $ 7 7 2 ,0 0 0 ■ O FFICER S E. P. WILMOT, President JOHN H. CHILES, Vice-President WM. H. FOLTS, Vice-President MORRIS HIRSHFELD, Cashier C. M . BARTHOLOMEW, Asst Cashier. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SEND US Y O U R BU SIN ESS Best Attention at Lowest Rates » F n T A B $ t i O O O , 0 0 0 .0 0 S U R P LU S lar ai IN D E X TO COUNTIES Anderson . .F 2 1 Andrews , . . . E 8 Angelina . . .G 23 Aransas .. .N 19 Archer........C 15 Armstrong . . Q 5 Atascosa .. . L 16 Austin.........J 20 B a ile y ..........A 8 Bandera.. . . J 14 Bastrop . . . . J 18 B aylor.........B 14 B e e ........... M 17 B e l l .. .........H 17 Bexar..........I t 16 B lanco.......... 1 16 Borden . . . .D 11 Bosque . . . .F 17 B o r n e .........C 23 Brazoria .. .K 21 Bravos.. . . . H 20 Brewster . . . . J 7 Briscoe........ A 11 B rooks..........P 16 B r o w n ........ F 15 B u rleson.. .K 19 Burnet........H 16 Caldwell____J 17 C a lh ou n .. .M 19 C allahan .. .E 14 Cameron . . R 18 C am p. ____ D 22 Carson............P 5 Cass ...........C 23 Castro............A 9 C ham bers... J 23 Cherokee__ F 22 Childress A 13 and R 7 C l a y ........... B 16 C o ch ra n ___ B 8 C o k e .i........ F 12 C olem a n .. .F 14 Collin..........C 19 Collings w orth.........P 6 C olorad o.. .K 19 C om al..........J 16 Com an ch e.. F 16 C o n c h o .. . .G 13 C o o k e .........B 18 C o r y e ll.. . .G 17 C o t t le ........ A 13 Crane............. G 9 C rock ett... H 10 Crosby . . . .C 11 Cu lberson.. .G 5 Dallam , . . . N 3 D a lla s ........D 19 D aw son. . . D 10 D eaf S m ith .. Q 3 D elta........... C 21 Denton . . . .C 18 Dewitt . . . .J 18 D ickens. . . . C 12 D im m it .. .M 13 D o n le y .......... Q 6 D u v a l.........O 16 Eastland .. .E 15 E ctor...............F 9 Edwards . . . J 12 Ellis.............E 19 El P a so.. . . . E 2 E r a th ..........E 16 Falls............G 19 Fannin........ C 20 Fayette........J 19 Fisher.........D 12 F l o y d .........A 11 F oa rd..........B 14 Fort Bend .K 20 Franklin . . . C 2 2 Freestone . .F 20 F rio .............. L 15 Gaines...........D 9 Galveston. .K 22 G arza...........G 11 Gillespie. . . . 1 15 Glasscock . .F 10 G oliad........ M 18 Gonzales . .K 18 G r a y ...............P 6 Grayson .. .B 19 G r e g g ......... E 22 Grimes. . . .H 20 Guadalupe .K 17 H a l e ...........B 10 H a ll..............A 12 Ham ilton . .F 16 Hansford . . . N 5 Hardeman .A 14 H ardin......... J 23 Harris..........J 21 H arrison.. .D 23 H artley...........0 3 H a sk ell. . . : C 14 H ays.............J 17 H em phill___ 0 6 Henderson .E 21 H idalgo . . . . Q 16 H ill.............. F 18 H ock ley..........B 9 H o o d .......... E 17 H opkin s... .C 2 l H ouston .. .G 21 H oward . . .E 11 H udspeth. . . F 3 H u n t...........C 20 Hutchinson. .O 5 Irion............ G 11 J a c k ............C 16 Jackson.. . .L 19 J asp er........H 24 Jeff D a v is .. .H 6 Jefferson . . . J 24 Jim H ogg . .P 15 Jim W e lls .. O 17 Johnson___ E 18 Jones.......... D 13 Karnes . . . .L 17 FRASER K aufman. .D 20 Kendall . .. .. J 15 K en t............C 12 K e r r ............ J 14 K im b le ........I 13 K in g ............ B 13 K in n e y ___ K 12 K le b e r g ... .O 17 K nox . . . . . .B 14 Lamar . . . .B 21 L am b.............A 9 Lampasas. .G 16 Lasalle . . . .M 15 Lavaca . . . . K 19 L e e .............. 1 19 L eon ............G 20 Liberty . . . . I 22 Limestone. .G 19 Lipscomb . . . N 6 Live Oak . .N 16 L lan o............1 15 L o v in g .. . . . .F 7 Lubbock . . . B 10 L yn n ............C 10 M cCulloch.. G 14 M cLennan .G 18 M cM ullen .M 16 M adison .. .H 20 M arion . . . . D 23 M artin . . . . E 10 M ason ........ H 14 M atagorda.L 20 M averick .. L 12 M e d in a .. . .L 15 M e n a rd .. . .H 13 M idland . . .F 10 M ilam ........ H 18 M ills........... G 16 M itchell .. .E 12 M ontague. .B 17 M ontgom ery I 21 M o o re ........... O 4 M o r ris ........ C 22 M o t le y ___ A 12 Nacogdoches F 23 N avarro___ F 19 N e w to n ... .H 24 N olan ..........E 12 Nueces . . . .O 17 O chiltree... .N 6 O ld h a m .. . . ,P 3 Orange . . . . . 1 2 4 Palo P in to .D 16 Panola.........E 23 Parker........ D 17 Parm er......... .A 8 P eco s..............H 8 P o lk ............H 22 P o t t e r ___ __ P 4 P residio.........*J 5 R a in s .........D 21 R andall....... Q 4 R e a g a n ___ G 10 Real _ ______ J 13 R ed R iv e r. . B 22 R eeves........... G 7 R efu gio___ M 18 R ob erts......... 0 6 Robertson. .G 20 R o ck w a ll.. .D 19 R u n n e ls .... F 13 R u s k .......... E 22 Sabine.........G 24 San Augus tine .........G 24 San Jacinto I 22 San PatricioN 18 San Saba . . H 15 Schleicher .H 12 S c u r r y ___ D 12 Shackelford D 14 Shelby......... F 24 Sherman. . . . N 4 S m it h .........E 22 Som ervell. .E 17 S ta r r ...........Q 15 Stephen s.. .D 15 Sterling___ F 11 S tonew all. .C.13 S u t t o n ..........1 12 Swisher . . . .A 10 T a r r a n t.... D 18 T a y lo r.........E 13 T e rre ll. . . . . . J 9 T e r r y .. . . . . . C 9 T h rockm or ton .........D 15 T it u s ........ .C 22 T om G reen.G 12 T ravis........... 1 17 T r in it y ___ G 22 T y le r.......... H 23 Upshur . . . .D 22 U pton .............G 9 U valde........K 13 V a lv e rd e .. .J 11 V anZand t .D 20 V icto ria .. . . L 18 W alker........H 21 W a lle r .........J 20 W a rd ............G 8 Washington. 1 19 W e b b .......... O 14 W h a r to n .. .K 2 0 W heeler.........P 6 W ichita . . . .B 15 W ilbarger. .B 14 W illa c y .. . . P 17 W illiamson .1 1 7 WUson . . . . .L 16 W inkler......... F 8 W ise............ C 17 W o o d .........D 21 Y oakum .........C 8 Y ou n g ........ C 15 Zapata........ P 15 Z ava lla.. . . . L 13 Digitized for Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 .0 0 IO 1.2 13, 14 15 10 17 18 19 20„ 21 22 23 24 25 D G H H K v * MI1UMHUIV v i i t A d o j VII u C tlllv OLclIw* M M N N 0 Dumas u hmus q IO O R E 9 . I' aaoDe Walls oî: v 3TCHINSON Plei ons^ pad, ^.Hoover j O LD Tascoea HA M 3 R A Y . ©Lefors Mobeetie I W h e e le r r. lotsr* „Mdors £-<Dlareii(J(]|iwoRTH^ s^WhiJi Q T E lS Q ïmM mm Bank McNally’! H Ta CopyrightbyIj jpCo, Railroads______ El Nines. Steam and EM ii5+f(+++++ 5 10i° IO lfl 12 R 1310 0 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 442c T H E ■K SgsW H m m i M m B in t ü b B M B flH I a ■ <sS S B l ill Q * B 'p lH B p t ¡ ¡ a * m I s s s M ’ ftfS S k A M ER IC A N N A TIO N A L BANK AUSTIN, T E X A S OFFICERS GEO. W. LITTL E FIE LD Chairman of Board H. A. W R O E________________________ President R. C. R O B E R D E A U ___________Vice-President ERN EST N ALLE_______________ Vice-President L. J. S C H N E ID E R ..__________________ Cashier H. PFAEFFLIN _________________ Ass’t Cashier Capital - $300,000.00 Surplus - $700,000.00 We have Unsurpassed Facilities for Collecting on all Banking Points in Texas Will Remit in New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City or New Orleans Exchange when Requested Federal Reserve of°kSt. Louis 1263Bank ~ ea *? tT. .8. exclusively by_The K and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. T E X A S — Continued dexecl in back of this volume. For Interest Rates^*Orace, *—1 etc., see- page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 .i P Lia b il it ie s . R esou rces . Pdtmptbit nnDDiroUAximrMTc 1 op. o 14U J T own to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Rand-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers Ass’ n, an d N am e Co u n ty . of *Austin..____ Travis 1 17 Pop. 34,814 ;< ? i; Vice-President. Ba n e . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState »County Seats. In N o.ll Fed. Kes. DiSt. tMem. Slate Bks. Asín. tPriv. [Estab E El Paso Br. H Houston. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. T E X A S — Continued President. Ass ’t Cashier. Cashier. H. A . W R0E— . — ER N ES T N A L L E — L . J . S C H N E ID E R - N . P F A E F F L IN 'AMERICAN G. W. L IT T L E F IE L D , R . C. ROBER DEAU L . J . SC H N EIB ER C o lle c tio n s a n d C o r r e s p o n d e n c e s o lic ite d . NATIONAL BANK P r o m p t a t t e n t i o n t o a ll I n q u i r ie s . • t ’90 ‘AUSTIN R esou rces . k For Interest Kates, \lracr, '—> For Holidays,- see op p osite page lr3.\ P fHu P r in c ip a l Co rr e spo n d e n ts . k L o a n s DisC a s h E xc 'ts. B o n d s , c iia n g b s ,D c i H s o d r it im from B anks V BANK Ì . W . H . F 0 LT S — M O RR IS H IR S H FELB --C . M . BAR TH O LOM EW J . H . C H ILES U n ite d S ta te s D e p o s i t o r y . Strongest Directory of any Bank here. Personal attention g i v e n Collections and all matters e n t r u s t e d to us. Special Collection Rates to Banks and Merchants. NATIO N AL 88-17 Li a b i l i t i e s . D epo s P aid - up S ubplus AMD its Ca p it a l P bo ittb o i t h ia -v o lu m e . see- page 14. S E E A D V ER T IS EM EN T ON O P PO S ITE P A G E. E . P . W IL M 0 T ... >(' : etc., N . B k . C o m ., C hase N ., an d N. City» N. ¥ . ; Corn Ex. N., C h i.; N. Bk. C om ., St. $ 300,000 $ 825,100 *5 902 980 $9207890 $1419380 L .; N. Bk. C om . and Drov. N.» Kan. C .; 1st N ., F t. W orth ; Canal Bk. & T r. C o., N. O .; M ellon N ., P itt .; 1st N., PhU. Ch. o f Bd. 88-18 tie x e d i n b a c k ■: Ì *$’90 300,000 713,430 5,282,200 4,406,310 2,274,620 N . P a rk and N. City, N . Yv; 1st N . and C ont. * C om ’ l N., C h i.; 1st N ., S t. L . TR Y US S E E A D V ER T IS EM EN T ON T E X A S IN D E X . f f A . W. W ILK ER S O N - E . M C K IN N O N -— — E . M C K IN N O N -— — Á State Bank o ♦ CITIZENS BANK & TRUST C ollections and Company .88-19_____.§06 I FEE IN ADV AN ^Special a tte n d o ♦STATE N ATION AL BANK 88-18 p en d in g under G Bequests for Cred CE: Plain sight dr n given B ill o f La uaranty F und Sy It Reports MUST afts, 15c; Credit B ding drafts, Cash O ' L F O K U H N -------— - 125,000 15.000 1,400,000 806,000 500,000 Irving N., N. Y.: Union N.. Hou.: State N., St. L. 100,000 50,300 1,170,000 1,284,180 206,900 Am. Ex. N.T Chem. N., and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & C om i N., Chi.; 1st N „ St. L. 200,000 28,630 stem . be accom panied b y eports. 50c. and T im e Item s. Walter Bremond__ Pierre B rem ond... J. GT. Palm__ _____ A. F. Lockhart. «*’45 |S. Sparks___ ,___ G. W. Walling, Jr.- H. A. Turner, 57,700 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas. 153,010 305,000 75,000 49.000 76,000 1st N., Hou.; Levi Bk. & Tr. Co., Victoria. 68,430 77,620 20,210 Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Citiz. N., Waxahachie; 1st N., Italy. 25,000 W .F . BURDEN — P . J . M ED FO R D — W . S , LAW S O N — 0 . C . LAW SON 10,760 104,770 T ry us Tor quick returns. W e re m it day paid and present 1 tern soon as recel ved. FIFTEEN C ENTS sent w ith sight dr a ft and TW ENTY-FIVE CENTS fo r credit rating will Insure your business lm m ediate a tten d on . 40,000 89.000 Texarkana N., Texarkana; 1st N., Paris; Drov. N., Ean. C.; (M em . Fed. R es.) 173,000 41.000 seab: N., N. Y.; Ain. Ex. 'NV, Dallas: Texar kana N., Texarkana. T E X A S TR U S T CO............. i * ’12 ) First m ortgage b on d s. 88-21 Sec. and Tr. V endor lien notes bou g h t and sold. (Dealers In Texa s bon ds. Austin Clearing House.__ __ IJ. A. W roe............. W. H. F o lts______ H. A. Turner, Sec. and Mgr. {Members indicated by a * ) Austw e ll.. Refugio. M 19 Austwell State B ank... iS’12 F. P. Marberry___ Martin O’Connor.. W. H. Dunson..___ Sudie Cameron___ 88-1574 H Avalon__ . . . . . . Ellis E 19 First State Bank...............§'13 A. W. Miller______ J. H. Smith.______ B. McGee________ Olin C. Dearing__ {.Italy P. 0 .) Pop. 278 88-1539 Avery ....R e d River B 22 A V E R Y S T A T E B A N K ~ * » 1 4 Pop. 1000 ♦ 88-925 (A. P . DENISON B. N . W ILLIA M S — W . S p lai a atten tten d o n given Bill o f La aing Drat FIR S T N A TIO N A L B A N K -< 1 4 J s p écial 88-1431 f W . H. M U R P H Y— 40,000 17,780 20.000 1FI1FTEEN CENT S sent to us w ith each sight d ra ft f or presentation, a nd (TW EN TY-FIVE CENTS fo r each c redit report insur es p rom p t, person al atten d o n . (TV AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, S Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25.000 15.000 180,000 v BONDS, Littlefield Building, Austin T own N um ber under Name o f Bank is theNew Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally Bankers' D irectory, under the authority ôf T hé -American Bankers A ss'n.j an d c o u n t y . N am e op First State Bank_____ »$§’10 88-026 Guaranty State Bank__ $§’16 88-1712 First National Bank____ $14 88-869 Continental State Bank .$§’09 88-929 President . J. R. McCain_____ F. E. Olsen..—_ V ice -President . T. D. W ilso n ...__ G. H. M oore.—___ V. D. Jones——— |feb McWilliams . O. S. M ILLER^-». N. j. ALLEN T , , et service on Colle CE: Plain s ig h t d E. D. Walker_____ R. R. Russell J. F. Currie / J. Y. P E A R C E -- B. M. BAKER-------- 25,000 3,800 Secur. N., Dallas; 1st N., Stamford. 146,500 y 17,950 1st N., Paris; Secur. N., Dallas. 63,960 25,000 2,500 128,500 80,000 W. S. H inds./—__ Robert Norrell. 50,000 22,000 375,000 330,000 T. Ê. Powell______ F. L. Driskill. E. D. Driskill 50,000 15,000 380,000 170,000 140,000 Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth; N. Bk. Com., Dallas. 60.000 11,870 101,060 170,120 26,990 N. City, N. Y.: Secur. N „ Dallas; (M em . Fed. R es.) étions and Credit R eports by send! Dg ra fts, 1 5c; Credit Reports, 2 5 c . TB Y US. 100,000 J. L. Chastain____ 29,000 300,000 316,090 80,000 N. Bk. Com., N.!Y.; Inter-State N.. Kan. C.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Lumbermans N-. Hou. 57,000 458,000 451,000 115,000 N. City, N. Y.; Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; City N., Dallas. 7.000 60,000 59,000 4,780 118,360 97,980 12,800 4,600 12,060 26,200 Oont. & Com’l N., Chi.: Far. & Merch. N., Ft. Worth. 37,670 Han. N., N. Y.; Alamo N „ N. Bk. Com., and Cent. Tr. Co., San Antonio. 5,340 D. & A. Oppenheimer, San Antonio. 13,420 51,940 66,080 30,000 175,000 205,000 C . S . M IL L E R — R . 0. ER W IN . S . B A K E R -----------------R. J . W H EELER A . J . THO RP J .W . P A T T E RS0N W. R . B O B GU LE 100,000 Henry Tlucek. E. E. Lindemann— 70,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St.L.: Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. W orth. 98,000 Han. N., N. Y.: City N.. Dallas. ts . 20,000, Toyah Valley State Bank §’11 G. M. Honaker___ W. L. Kingston___ J. W. Tarlton____ A. L. Barlow__ __ J 88-1378 S. Mayer L E. Adamietz— 15.000 Mrs.W. E. R u ge... First State Bank_______$§’10 C. H. Mansfield___ J. W. S h o r t.,..—— 88-930 W .J. Davenport,Sr. A. Meadows--------W. J. Davenport, Banker 88-1830 +’18 10,000 First State Bank_______ $§’06 F. E. Strange.___ - A. L. Hall___ — — H. P. Rutherford— C. B. Lovelace___ 88-931 L. P. Guthrie ” 40,000 First National Bank____ $’07 C. F. Chapman___ C. H. Sullivan—. ..I b. C. Roach_______ D. W. Ramsay___ 588-932 10,000 Ross Powers— . . . State Bank of Barksdale$§’07 88-933 , 30,000 Jamies W . Fields .1 J. T." M itchell-— First State Bank_______ $§’09 S. B. llodkiri . 88-871 20,000 Citizens State Bank— ¿.$§’07 Edward Miller__ — W. D. Cowan.—__ C. E. Nichols.——. O. P. Jenson 88-934 I 100,000 Mary A. Bartlett—I J. W*. Jäcksori.—1. T. B. B e n son ...... W. E. C ox _______ P. M. Cox 88-465 88-466 78,580 $ 49,400 $ 46,940 N. Park, N. Y.: Secur. N „ Dallas. 16,000 13,500 J. M. Pike. I Special atten tio n given Bill o f La ding drafts, Cash and tim e Item s. \Please send 15c wi th each sight draft fo r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor B A R T L E T T S T A T E BANK P r in c ip a l Co rr e spo n d e n ts . 13,320 So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Far. & Mech. N.. Ft. “Worth. 40,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 18,500 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. . 8,500 60,000 55,000 20,000 100,000 150,000 14,646 148,780 144,500 40,000 Han. N.. N .Y .; Am. ^ x. N., Dallas; 1st N., Hou.; State N „ Corsicana. 38,060 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 40,000 244,000 460,530 44,430 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. 50,000 15,000 150,000 176,050 16,500 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Cent. N., St. L.: Am. N., Austin. 175,000 Chase N., N. Y.: City ,N.. Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; 1st N.. Waco 129,060 Han. N., N. Y.: Union N.,Hou.; Am. N., Austin; Secur. N., Dallas. 70,000 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N., St. L. •$§ 100,000 60,000 250,000 350,000 J. T. Orysup______ H. J. Kesselus____ 30,000 34,190 298,110 222,690 Chester Erhard__ _ H. G. Griesenbeck. 50,000 57,000 275,000 300,000 A, A. Sterling..—. 10,000 1,200 30,000 65,000 M. W. H00PINGARNER F .W W n O LS EY ---------f J . T . P O O L E - ;- - - — A . J . H A R TY »Bay City. Matagorda L 20 BAY C ITY BANK & T R . CO. atten tio n given BUI o f La ding drafts. Cash and T im e Item s. II Pop. 5000 88-292 «$§’07 LSpecial Please send. 15c ivi th each Sight draft fo r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor t8. 29,560 591,220 510,810 166,120 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Hon. N. Ex., Hou. C. C. Bailey.— 88-464 »Bastrop.,___ Bastrop J18 Citizens State Bank___ «$§’09 Paul D. Page____ Pop. 1707 88-496 First National Bank___ *$’89 W. A. McCord___ 88-495 Batson______ Hardin I 23 R. S. Sterling & C o.._...$ t’03 R. S. Sterling____ 88-935 H Pop. 400 W. R .Janke____ — E. T. J o n e s ....___ R. E. Kirk. J. L. Wilbarger . H. B. Combs W. B. Ransome. H. P. Luckett J. B. McCAIN- 100,000 ÌT60,550 819,330 813,080 217,280 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. A. D. Hensley____ A. Harris.— 55,000 22,870 253,030 232,080 111,380 Bk. o f America, N. Y.; Lumbermans N., Hou.; Secur. N., Dallas; 1st N „ Gaiv. FIR S T N ATIO N AL BANK-«$ 02 M. THOM PSON— — - I D . P . M O O R E -— —— J . C . L E W I S - —— -88-291 First State Bank.._____*$§’10 F. S. Robbins.____ T. H. Lewis.— ... <B. A. Ryman 88-293 in f o r m a t io n o n m a n y s u b j e c t s . Cd r a s k o u r s e r v ic e d e p a r t m e n t : * Federal Reserve Bank ofmSt. Nu b e rLouis u n d er N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n s it N u m b e r given 1 f ) f ;C 1400 to each bank in U. S. ex clu siv ely b y T h e R a n d -M c N a lly Bankers* Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. Seab. N., N. Y.; Lumbermans N., Hou. ________________ July, 1919 Bangs___ ____ BrownF 15 Pop. 1000 Bardwell_____ EllisE 19 Pop. 500 Barksdale__ EdwardsK13 Pop. 250 Barry______ Navarro F 19 Pop. 500 »Barstow_____ Ward G 7 E Pop. 500 Bartlett_______BellH 18 Pop. 3000 $ Sc • O A N g Dl&- C a s hà E x ;’ th. B o n d », c h a n g e s ,D u e S e c u r it ie s 27,500 FIR S T N ATIO N AL BANK>$ 86 \Strongest Bank in Ballinger. Balmorhea...Reeves H 7 E Pop. 200 » Bandera___BanderaK 15 Pop. 800 R esou rce s . Depos Paid- up Surplus AN D its Capital Profits For Interest Bates, Grace, For Holidays, see op p o s ite page 13. TEXAS BANKS—Avinger to Bay City H. w : Ross 88-259.__»iS’05 'Isave tim e and g <FEE Etf AD VAN Farmers & Merch. State Bank 88-260 $§’09 88-258 A s s ’ t Ca s h ie r . J. G. W ilkinson__ J. M. Freeman___ Levi Wilson______ Home National B an k ...»$’02 C. C. Seale 88-492 ♦ Ca s h ie r . J. L. Hartsfleld___ J. R, Hartsfleld___ $ 15,000 $ 7,600 D. R.iCoulter W. W. B row n____ Ji H. Culwell.—__ 10,000 • 1,000 »B a ird ....—’Callahan E14 FIR S T N A TIO N A L BANK-*$85 Pop. 2000 . 88-491 »Ballinger..Runnels F 13 Pop. 5000 e tc., see p a g e 14. Lia b il it ie s . Ba n k . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. StateBks. Assn. tPriv, E E ) Paso Br. H Houston Mefh. Fed. Res. [Estab. Avinger___ ____ CassD 23 Pod. 500 A v oca ..._____ Jones D14 POp. 300 Bagwell__ Red RiverB 22 Pop. 500 B ailey.,.___ Fannin C20 Pop. 400/ d exed in b a ck o f this volume. T E X A S — Continued 1264_________________ 1264 N T f N È N T A L A N D C O M M E RC1AL B A N K S , C H I C A G O T E X A S — C o n tin u ed d ex ed etc., in b a c k o f this volu m e, fo r interest states, urace, see page 14. For Holidays, see op p osite page 13.1 p INFORMATION ON MANY SU B JEC TS. A SK O U R S E R V I C E D E P A R T M E N T ! • 1265 T own C d N T f N Ë N T A L A N D C O M M E RC1AL B A N K S , C H I C A G O N u m b e r u n d er N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers* an d N am e Co u n t y . of Ban k. Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State »County Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Mem. Fed. Res. [Eslab. E Ei Paso Br. H Houston P r e s id e n t . A s s ’ t Ca s h ie b . Ca s h ie r . V ic e ;P r e s id e n t . Beasley__ Fort Bend K 20 Beasley State Bank------ $§’17 C. W. Krause......... Herman A. Krause Henry Oliver__ _ 88-1750 Pop. 250 »Beaumont. Jefferson J 24 H Pop. 27,711 'AM ERICAN Accessible T o w n s , L aw yers, L a w s, Directors« in dexed in back, of this volume. F o r In te re st R a t e s , G race, ^ T E X A S — C o n tin u e d etc., see page 14 . F6r Holidays, see opposite page 13.1 p. Lia b il it ie s . Surplus D epos P aid - up AND its Ca p it a i , P r o fits Albert W endt------ $ 10,000 $ llT T E S. W . PIPKIN C H STRO EC K c ’T8. Bonds, changes,D ue Securities 7,200 $ 75,000 $ 57,000 3 30,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: State Bk. & Tr. Co.. Hou.; Far, N „ Brenham; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galv. 100,000 416,160 3,471,130 2.843,670 1,243,620 400,000 300,000 6.048,290 5,740.500 l,674,84o] i. City, N. Y .; So. Tex. C om ’ I N ., H ou .; 1st N., St. L .; H ibernia Bk. & T r. C o., N. O. position on the d o n o r itoll o f N ational Banks Is: NATIONAL BANK Our 1st in B eaum ont—3d in Texas.—58th in United States, 88-25 P r in c ip a l Co r r e spo n d e n ts . R e sou rce s . I/OANS &Dl8- Cash &E x N. Bk. C om .. St. L. ; New Eng. N. and Inter-State N ., K an. C. »$’01 P . B. D O T Y ________ W. L . P0 N D R 0 M , L . P A U L T U LL 0 S — S. 0 . H A M P IL — — - Activé , ' ). C . P ETK 0 V S EK K Y L E WARD T . ANDRUS E U G E N E E . BIHN F ir s t a n d O ld ë s t E s ta b lis h e d B a n k . U n e q u a le d F a c ilit ie s f o r M a k in g C o lle c t io n s . P r o m p t A tte n tio n to A ll B a n k in g M a t t e r s E n tru s te d to U s. 1 «G U A R A N TY BANK & TRUST c o m p a n y -88-28........... G EO .W .B R O W N i A G E O . W. BR0W N- 88-27 »$§’07 Beaumont Clearing House , . (Members indicated by a,*) Beckville___ Panola E 23 Continental State Bank.iS’09 Pop. 750 88-936 Bedias______Grimes H 20 Citizens Bank ------ ...$ t ’14 ¡j Pop. 500 88-1672 First State Bank______ $§’07 88-937 J, C. Wilson C. E. Walden Ed Paggi Frank Alvey C O M M ER C IA L N A T. BANK 88-278 «$’93 First National B ank..___t ’90 88-277 Bellevue.—. ___ Clay B17 First Guaranty State Bank / 88-1754 $§’ 17 Pop. 1000 First National Bank_____$’06 88-938 Bells— — Grayson B 19 First National B a n k l.... $'05 88-030 Pon. dOfi 100,000 C. B.Megarity. A. K. Asbury 250,000 J. -C. Petkovsek, Frank Alyey —— Mgr. J. G. Wilkinson . . . B. F. Carpente^—- P. R. Nisbett------ i Edna Nisbett— W .R . H a ll-__ B. Harrison___ _— J. T. S‘m?s _______ J, T. Simes R. E. L. Upchurch. W. W. Williamson. W. H. Holzmann-. J . F . BU RKE - ~ - TH O S. W E L D E R .- L . B0RR0UM »Beerille___ „ . B e e M 17 B E E V IL L E B A N K & TR U S T Pop. 5000 COMPANYV88-279 . — $§’06 JN 0 . H . H IG L E Y . . J N O . L . G R IF F IT H — 0 . J . B O U Q U ET- Do a General B unking and Trust business, Superior collec tion facilities. S end us your Bee rille item s direct! fo r qu ick "actio n and prom p t re turns. 238,090 N.‘, Dallas: (M em . F ed. Res.) 101,06 2,925;970 1.977,530 1,330.250 Han. N., N. Y.; Lumbermans Ni,: Hou.:(Mem. Fed. Res.) 20,000 24,000 180,000 122,000 15,000 450 17,010 14,330 25,000 8,000 88,900 93,HO 50,000 32,000 217,980 244,760 67,000 Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Worth; 1st N,, J.ongview; City N. and 1st State. Dallas. 14,360 Drov. N „ Kan. C.; Union N. and So. Tex. Com’I N „ Hou.; Citiz. N.» Navasota. 28.860 Hou. N. Ex.-and So. Tex. Com’I N.. Hou. 37,090 N. City, N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.: Comw, Bk, & Tr. Co., San. Antonio; (M em . Fed. R es.) SPPSP and Ft. Worth; John W. Cook____ I. J, Miller, A ctive R, E. Miller--- ------ Heleh Ransom —. . | 100,000 Geo. W. Freís C. B. Lucas 103,400 308,000 371,000 123,000 N. City, N7Y.; lst N.,'Hou. City N., Dallas. 100,000 115,070 462,820 633,730 92,260 HanÌN., N.Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; Alamoj Ni. Saa Antonio; N- Bk. Com., St. L. g 20,000 tìan. N., N .Y .; lst N., Ft. Worth. J. C. Wood.---------- M. W. B ates...----G. A. Ray R. T. Gowan..— — W, I. Boyd----------E. V. Harbison Sidney W ebb------- . A. W. Meiton_____ W. T. McNeill N. C. Ferguson___ G. D. F. Whiting— J. B. Barry----Gèo. F , Simons..— J. Johnson N .T . Gaines_____ 30,000 ¡5,000» 90,000 L. B. Moore----- 30,000 39,000 176,000 W. B. Blanton. Jos. Hughes. 25.Q00 15,220 157,770 W. 1. Boyd — - AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, S V Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 39,650 1,469,260 1,354,100 M .G U H E R M A N J . 0. B U TLER W. A . P R ID D iE « T E X A S BANK & TRUST CO. J. B. Smyth — —. J. L. Cunningham, H .W . Gardner. ♦ # 85,000 34,600 Chatham & Phenix N., N .Y .; N. Bk Oom„ St. L. 165,240 . 50,050 Chase N „ N.Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Secur. N., 244,830 D a '! BONDS, Littlefield Building, Austin ■ o f B ank is the New T ransit N um ber given Î?, ®*c*h bank *? u -,.s - exclusively by T h e B and-M cN ally Bankers* Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. T own and County. N a m e op B a n k . President. ‘ B e l l v i l l e .... .Austin J 20 Austin County State Bk.*$8’09 M. Bader..__ ____ Pop. 2500 88-369 First National Bank___ «$’90 O. F. Hellmuth__ 88-368 »Belton^.--------Bell H 18 Belton National B an k ...»t’84 J. Z. Miller__ ___ Pop. 7000 88-227 Vice-President. L. A. Machemehl.. W . F . M ach em eh l.. E. T. Vogelpohl . — $ 60,000 $ H. Vogelpohl H. F. Granau_____ J . F . W ondrash . . . A. D. P otts____.__ W. W. Jam es___ « K . S . Hamblen____ G hent Carpenter 10.000 6,000 Ba n k . 40.690 H . W . M iller______ Dora Edwards____ 15,000 7.500 50,000 50,000 55,240 201,020 380.860 J . D. Stringer____ 10,000 10.000 75.000 65,000 51,000 Secur. N., Dallas; Guaranty State, Athens. 30.000 7.630 70.250 25.000 500 30,000 41,000 10,500 N. Park N. Y.; Austin N., Austin; Am. Ex, O tho B a x te r.. « ; ■- \ ..; .i ' R . A . McCann___ _ 58,480 Han. N., N. Y.; Ist N., Ft. Worth. State N., San Antonio; Union N., Hou. A. « . McGill___ . . . N., Dallas. Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Austin; So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou. 20,650 1st State, Dallas; 1st N „ Gilmer; State N., Mt Pleas3.iT4 24,680 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Cent. N., San Angelo and St. L.; Austin N., Austin. D. McIntosh______ B. M. Taylor _ __ 10,000 9,130 64.950 46.720 Taylor Emerson... 30,000 18,000 50,420 83.250 W. L. Perdue_____ Mrs. W. L. Perdue 20,000 18,300 101,500 123,980 Harrv Smith. S. R . La R ue 25.000 3.100 36,000 49.000 A. E. P o o l .. . R, L. P rice . 50.000 145,480 396,020 507,980 132,370 35.000 33,000 345,000 310.000 89,000 520,000 438.000 T .S . C urrie . . __ . F red . S tep h en s« 26,150 Seab. N., N. Y.: Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. Worth; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 10,000 1st State, Dallas. v City N „ Dallas.; Far. & Mech. N. and Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. Worth N., Ft. Worth. Myron A. Pease__ Zelma C. B u t ts « « R. D r is c o ll..«. . . . J. H irsch.._____ J. George D utt___ 275,000 Oomw. N., Kan. O.; 1st N.^Ft. Worth! 10,000 8,500 125,000 80,000 B. E. K inder______ 25,000 15,000 200,000 125.000 75,000 26.500 J. F. Campbell____ J. W. Patterson. L. T. Youngblood.. 25.000 15,350 84,370 95,850 G. W. W all. . . . ___ P. T. Brigham__ Chas. E. C ris t____ 25.000 22,700 115.900 132.000 T. J. Baker_______ W. J. Richmond. S. E. Lacy________ 13.000 3,400 31.000 28.500 J. G. Wilkinson___ A. P. Routh_____ Roy Marcnm 20.000 6,500 35.000 57.000 A. B. Pierce_______ J. W. Spencer__ J. S. Wright 25,000 17,010 120,400 143,890 _______ N. City, N. Y.i 1st N., Waco and Cameron. Alice State^Ëk. & Tr. Co., Alice; Frost N., San Antonio. N. Bk. Com., St. L.: 1st N., Ladonia. .. . Mrs. Roy Marcom. .. ontinental and com m ercial 85.000 N. City, N. Y.; Com’l State, San Antonio. Dallas lech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l HouiVCorpus Christi N., Corpus Christi. 70.460 Chase N., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio. July, 1919 of 37.420 N. B. Com., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. _____ N am e 175.009 C. H . B u rn ett.____ J. B. Strait____ __ S. A. Armstrong. B/Vesper Clark Pease______ C 172,400 N. Bk. Com., N. Y .; Tennison N., Dallas. • {Individ, ual Reap onsibility $75,000) fW. P. ECW’ RDS__ J.J. HAIR--------- J. W. THURMMI___ R0RT. PIKER---------50,000 65,000 Special atten tio n given Bill o f La ding Drafts and T im e Item s, l Pie lease send 15c w ith each sig h t d ra ft fo r présentât ion and 25c fo r er ed it rep orts. Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. I 157,839 10,000 ¿ A S K O U R F O R E I G N D E P A R T M E N T F O R FOREI GN T R A D E AND C R E D I T I NF O R M A T I O N ! the N«tw Transit Mauxbe y T h e R a n d -M c N a lly B i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis florruTY. 263,130 50.000 Bigwells— Dimmit M 14 First State Bank______ »$814 . Pop. 750 88-1687 Bishop--------Nueces 017 Bank o f Bishop____ _____+12 Pop. 1500 88-1502 F I R S T J T A T E B A N K — .$812 88-1447 Blackwell___, Nolan F 12 First State Bank_______$S’07 Pop; 600 88-947 Bianco---------- Blanco J16 Blanco National Bank___ $’06 Pop. 600 88-948 Blanket— ..Brown F 15 Blanket State Bank____ $813 Pop. 600 88-1597 Continental State Bank. $§’09 88-949 Blessing.. Matagorda L 20 Blessing State B an k.... $8’08 H Pop. 400 88-950 61,690 504.199 Thos. Y arrell, J r ... ■88-236- 99,330 N. City. N. Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 894,470 Peoples National Bank__ $'07 Thos. Yarrell__ 88-228 W EST T E X A S N AT’ LB K .»$ 03 359.870 35,010 10.260 H. L. Gunn _____ 82,730 N. Bk. ,Com.p N. Y.: Lumbermans N. and 848,180 50,000 25.000 F . Vaello P uig____ Principal Correspondents. Union N., flou.; City N..Galv. J . W. B lair . . First State Bank---------- $§’09 L. T. Deats______ _ A. C. Walker 88-237 ano 36,230 1 475,710 $ 583,920 $ First State Bank______ v illO C. B. W ade....___ Jesse S. Blair____ 88-229 Benarnold — Milam H 18 Ben Arnold State Bank. $§’09 A. J. Dosett______ _ H Pop. 300 88-940 Benavides.... .Duval 1 7 Merchants Exchange Bank F. Vaello, Jr.__„__ Pop. 1000 88-1846 f'lO Ben Franklin.. Delta C 21 First State Bank____ $§’i i W. E. W eldon____ A. E. Sweeney____ Pop. 500 88-941 ‘ Benjamin— Knox B 14 First National Bank____ »$'05 A. B. Sams______ _ Pop. 800 88-942 G. H. Beavers Ben Wheeler..Van Zandt First State Bank_______ 1 11 H. A. Castleberry. J. T. B eard... , .. Pop- 50® E 21 88-944 Berclair------ Goliad M 18 Berclair State Bank____ $513 O. B. Lucas_______ R. P. Lucas« _ ' Pop. 250 88-1530 . R. L. Webb B ertram .... .Burnet H 17 Farmers State B a n k ....i§ 18 J. T. H utto.__. . . . Claude M cBryde. . Pop. 600 88-1814 D. C. Reed & Co._______ $t’93 D. C. R eed _______ 88—945 Bettie---------Upshur D 22 First State Bank______ .$113 I. Goolsby.— C. W. Waller T , Pop. 400 88-1654 Big Lake.— Reagan G 10 First State B ank__ 3__ $J13 J. M. Shannon.;___ C. G. Sanders. Pop. 400 88-1555 J. W. Young Big Sandy— Upshur D 22 C O N TIN EN T A L I T A T E BANK J. G. Wilkinson___ J. G. Key_____ ___ Pop. 1200 88-946 $6'09 Farmers State Bank___ $813 T. J. Kelly______ _ W. C. M in gs;..— .. 88-1556 X •Big Spring.Howard E 11 First National Bank___ «$’90 J. I. McDowell..— R. O. Sanderson__ Pop. 5000, 88-235 T ow n Lia b il it ie s . R e so u r c e s . A s s ’ t C a s h ie r . - P a id - u p S u rplus 1 Depos LOAHlkDu. Caes 4 lx* c’th. Bonds, cianaio,Doe AMD Ca p it a l P b ò pitb its ftWBflW raen Bank« Ca s h ie r . ________________ .... TEXAS BANKS—-Béllville t¿ Blessing •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. IState ‘ County Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist $Mem. Statp Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. EEl Paso Br. HHouston, ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in dexed in back of this, volume. For Interest Kates, Grace! e tc., .see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 31 T EX AS—Continued 12^6 — _ 1266 8.000 City N „ Dallas. >eab. N., N. Y.; Cont. ! Worth. « 33,890 f. City, N. Y.; 1st N., CI Hou.; 1st N., Bay City. Ban 7,500 ks , C hicago AeehMlblc ___________. _ _ _ _-, _ e x e d 1b b a c k o f t h l a v o l u m t . ____________________ ___________ _ T E X A S — C o n tin u e d etc., eee pac* 14. L ia b il it ie s . R esou rce s . P o r H olidays, «ee opposite pac* 13.1® P P T N C T P A T P.A D PTCUM W TiVM TQ ' W . ¿A SK O U R F O R E I G N D E P A R T M E N T FOR FOREI GN T R A D E AND C R E D I T I NF O R M A T I O N : 1 1 C ontinental and com m ercial n u u l t Manato« f \f~ 7 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R a n d -M cN a lly B an k ers’ / N amr of Bank . Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. (State ¿County Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. iMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. lEstab. E El Paso Br. H Houston. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Bloomburg____ Cass C24 Bloomburg State Bank- t§T6 88-951 Pop. 750 Blooming Grove.Navarro Blooming Grove State Bank . 88-754 *«1 0 Pop. 1000 4F 19 Citizens National Bank. * l’92 88-753 Bloomington___ Victoria gfr-1550 H Pop. 600 ' M 19 Blossom— — Lamar B21 Farmers State Bank........§’19 88-1859 Pop. 1200 ... , m P resident . V ice -President . Cashier . A s s ’t Cashier . etc., aea pac* 14- L ia b il it ie s . R esources. liOAHSk DU- Oam * BxP aid- up Subplus D spos c*ts. Bohn, (nuMM,Doi AMD Capital P rofits Bhovbitim nu» Barbi V. D. Glass_______ J. W. Glass.._____ A. L. Knowles____ __ r P r in c ip a l Corre spo n d en ts . 8.000 $ 200,000 $ 165,000 $ 60,000 State N., Texarkana, Ark.; 1st State, Dallas. $ 20,000 23,500 169.000 117,850 _ R. S. Loyd________ B. F. Hartzell_____ F. H. Simpson____ R. S. H igh.. . T. M. George. Jr. E. K. Stubblefield. R. G. Givens.__ . . . N. M. Bartley____ 50.000 8,750 150,000 185.000 10,000 1,200 41,000 49.550 W. J. C h e ste r..... Wayne Williams— G. H. Montgomery 13.900 Victoria N „ Victoria, Tex.; Hou.N. Ex., Hou.; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas. 30,000 33,000 349,220 645,450 50,050 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; City N., Dallas. 2,500 275,000 197,000 70,000 Bk. o f N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.: Oont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Worth; Secur. N „ Dallas; Greenville N Ex., Greenville. 20.720 1st N.. Ft. Worth. H .M . N O R R IS . — 60.000 85,570 Seab. N., N. Y.: Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; Hou. N, Ex., Hon.; 1st N., Corsicana. 44.000 City N., Dallas. 1Save tim e and get service on co (lections and ere d it reports b y se nding (FEE IN ADVA NCE; Plain Sight Drafts 15c. Cre dit R eports 50c. T R Y C S. Blue Ridge-----Collin C 19 Security Stale Bank— » « ’15 J. G. W ilkinson.... J. S. Stewart. . — J. A. Barnett 88-952 Pop. 750 Bluff Dale____ ErathE17 Bluff Dale State B a n k ..« « ’06 W. H. Frey_______ 88-953 Pop. 450 F A R M ER S S T A T E BANK « 09 W. H. Taylor_____ 88-816 Rop. 500 tt Guaranty State Bank— « ’01 J. A. Taylor______ 88-815 ¿Boerne____ Kendall J 15 Boeme State Bank — »¿§’06 J. W. Lawhon____ 88-954 Pop. 1100 Bogata__ Red River C 22 Bogata National Bank..»$’07 L. W. Lassiter____ 88-955 Pop. 1200 „ First National B ank____ t ’14 B-. C. P eyton ...----> "" 88-1665 E. A . Fancher. — Bomarton___ Baylor C 14 ♦ 88-956 Pop. 600 ¿Bonham___ Fannin B 20 Fannin County Bank— * « ’74 J. W. Russel)------♦ 88-209 Pop. 7000 ii •• First National Bank_____ t ’83 A. B . Scarborough. 88-210 M •• First State Bank_______« 1 4 T. B. Williams,___ ... ♦ 88-211 Bonita___Montague B17 FirstNational Bank--------$12 J. 0. Howard. Pop. 600 88-957 Booker__ Lipscomb C 23 Edwards National Bank.. 19 I. N. Edwards-----(Lakemp Okla. P. O.) 88-1862 POP 500 u First National Bank__ _ .»’19 E. J. Thayer_____ 88-1866 _ « 1 0 W. P. Cannon_____ Boonsville— . Wise D 17 First State Ranlr Pop. 200 88-958 «POS F. I. B ooth............ Booth____ Fort Bend K 21 Rank o f Booth . . 88-959 Pop. 250 0. H. Boedeker___ Bowie____ Montague 017 88-330 Pop. 4000 M T. G. Phillips____ 88-329 “ •* National Bank o f Bow ie.i’06 88-331 R. N. Bulman__ C. T. Carmichael— O. G. Cunningham. 25,000 H. H. Frey ............ 10,000 5,880 49,060 35.540 T. C. Mattox______ Bayard Taylor____ Ellis Taylor. _ 15,000 35,000 130,000 Í50.000 30.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas. U. D. Ezell____ 30,000 6.300 75.000 64,500 44.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. Ni, Dallas. .. R. Spencer_____ — R. Spencer---------- W . E. Janensch—. 25,000 13,010 215,739 169,210 P. W. McCain . . . . J. W. Hovison___ _ 50,000 36.270 200,070 308,450 H. 0. Dodd, Active W. E. M cKnight... 25,000 3,000 106,000 70.000 J. T. McKenzie___ E. W. McGlothlin.. 25,000 • 5,000 100,300 75,660 J. R. Russell_____ J. V. Chapman___ 100,000 63./20 821,460 033,790 Dick Sannders.... R.ny Gass S. Smith T, W. E v a n s _____ Neil Williams., 200,000 140,000 850,000 930.000 200,000 132,350 750.320 1,218,480 M. M. Gilbert-------- I. L. Hicks___ 25,000 15,000 25,000 5,000 C. L. Bradford.___ Active A. B. Kennedy D. W. Sweeney___ Zac. Smith T. R. Caldwell M. C. Spiny 0. McCall________ Adolph Bissantz__ C. E. W inder_____ 25,000 1. Holland 10,000 100,000 85.000 10,000 84.670 828,670 359,980 50,000 70,670 457,650 699,750 50,000 AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, W 300.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 119,370 Han. N., N. Y.; City N „ Dallas; (M em . fe d . R es.) 40,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman. Comw. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Woodward, Okla Fid. Bk. & Tr., Kan. 0 .; Kan. N.. Wichita 33,610 50,000 88-1372 W. J. Patten Continental State B a n k .«’OS W. M. Koonce____ G. A. Arrington___ R. E. Petty__ . . . . . 88-961 Pop. 500 ¿Brackettville___ Kinney First State Bank______ » « ’06 N. P. Petersen____ Jim Clamp _____... 0. E. Reamer_____ 88+962 Pop. 2000 L 12 f! M. Hnnt_ ____ Bradshaw___Taylor F 13 Bank of Bradshaw_____ Jt’Ofi Henry .Tames 88-1421 Pop. 200 48.580 1st N., Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls. Tex.; Drov. N., Kan. C.; (M em . Fed. Res.) 355,990 N. Park. N. Y.: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr. Kan. C.; Am. x. N., Dahas; (M em . Fed. Res.) 12,000 6,100 O. G. Hutchison__ John Turner Cecil Thomas____ _ A . L. T heisen____ M. F. AUen C. F. Douglas, A ctive Z. T. Lowrie J. E. Walthall. ~ F . J. Moss_______ 76,990 Chase N., N. Y.; Alamo N ., San Antonio; 1st N., St. L.; Union N., Hon. 20,890 Seab. N „ N. Y.; 1st N., Paris; Secur. N-. “Dallas 25,000 N. Park,’ N. Y.; City N.. Dallas. 158,000 T. G. Speed.. 11,000 Oont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Worth. N. Park, N. Y.; Hutchings, Sealy & Co.. Galv. 237,080 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Inter State ISL Kan. C.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 115,780 N. City. N iY .; Corn Ex. N., Ohi.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 31,000 130,000 190,000 10,000 5,260 49,640 43.050 17,840 Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 25,000 8,000 70,000 95,000 30,000 40,000 226,000 237,100 31,000 Mech. ft Metals N., N. Y.: Secur. N., Dallas; Oont. Bk. & Tr. Co. & Tex. State. Ft. Worth, 85,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Lockwood N., San Antonio. Pop. 300 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis __ F or Holidays* *** opposite page 13.1 J. H. Whorton_____ J. A. Smith_______ R. L. Harris. . . . . . . { R . V . W O M A C K .. A . P. B L A C K ...— iw g m FIR S T N A TIO N A L B A N K - i ’Ol | Special attentto n given BUI o f L ad ln g Drafts. 88-763 AecM sibl« Tow ns, Lao dexed la b a e k o i thin volum e. T E X A S — C o n tin u e d Directory, under tfae authority of TJhe American Bankers Ass’ n. Banks 6,000 26,000 ^ 53,000 20,000 Seab. N..-N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas. 1 Far. ft Merch. N., Abilene; N. Bk. Com., Dal las. BONDS, Littlefield Building, Austin T own N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given ea°b bank in U. S. exclusively b y T he Stand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of T he Am erican Bankers A ss’ n. an d Co u n ty . N am e of Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13» T E X A S^—Continued R esou r c e s . L ia b il it ie s . Ba n k . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState In No. I t Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. E El Paso Br. R Houston. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. P r e s id e n t . V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . »Brady...McCulloch H 14 C O M M ER C IAL N ATION AL BK. |G . R. W H IT E------ LEW IS BROOK__ Pop. 3500 88-348 < ’07 W . D. C R0THERS Ca s h ie r . Ass’T CASHIBK. Surplus Depos P aid - up AMD Cap it a l P r o f it s W . D .C R O T H E R S - S. S. G R AH AM ------ $ 130,000 $ 130,000 E . A . BAZE W .A .D A V ID S 0 N ,JR . its $ P rincipal Correspondents. 1268 1268 L o a n sftBis- C a s h ,ft EÏc ’ts. B o n d s , o v a n «m,D u i B aom unis numB a n k s 668,000 $ 640,000 $ 253,000 Han. N „ N. Y.: Inter-State N „ Kan. C. Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. ' C ollection s a sp ecialty and rem itted fo r On d ay o f p aym en t. 100,000 45,000 300.000 250,000 Brandon________Hill F 19 Farmers State Bank__ < § ’13 D. A. Giles—____ Pop. 500 88-1604 Brashear...Hopkins C 21 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. C. M. Patton____ Pop. 300 88-964 » « ’II R. E. L. Gunter— R. M. Gaulding___ J. É. Mask— ,___ 20,000 10.000 100,000 115,000 J. C. Bindley— J.B . Mahaffey Milus Robinson— . 10,000 9,160 99,810 68,750 Brazoria___ Brazoria L 21 First Staté Bank______ < § ’09 H Pop. 800 88-965 Brazos___ Palo Pinto D 16 Brazos Bank___ _______ f t ’13 Pop. 300 88-1557" »Brechenridge..Stephens Farmers & Meri hants State Pop. 2500 D 15 Bank— 88-1851..— ..§ ’19 First National Bank____ < ’04 88-966 Guaranty State Bank— < § ’18 88-1811 7,000 144,000 12 0 ,0 0 0 520 112,960 56,340 J. C. McNeill, Sr.. M. E. Weems_____ D. J. Ogburn._____ Lula O. Minton— 20,000 W. S. F a n t...___ W. L. Simmons.. Jas. H. Wharton J. J. Taylor 2___ J. A. Meaders Jack B lack_____ C. E. Martin W. W. Brown___ Ira L. Guffey S. I. S e l f - - - — 10,000 Robt. Douglass___ G. A. Davis. 40,000 J. A. Halley—___ B. S. Walker_____ Jesse R. Smith . . . Glenn Russell....... Eugene Curry — W. K. Heath M. J. Lewis______ J. E. Granberry. John I. Chesley’ 200.000 100.000 67,810 2,038,710 li463,880 , 15,000 1,000,000 400,000 150,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 25,000 Seab. N., N; Y .; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 46,290 Han. N., N. Y.: Am. Ex. N. and 1st State, Dallas; Greenville N. Ex., Greenville. 47,000 N. Park, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N. and 1st N. Hou.; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galv. 1st N., Weatherford." 94,900 Comw. N., Kan. C.; Guaranty State, Ranger,; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth. 872,650 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; 1st N;, Ft. Worth. 400.000 Sdab. N.. N. Y.; Secur. N-. Dallas; 1st N., Wich ita Falls; Austin N., Austin. 50,000 18,516 195,810 102,890 91.280 Seab. N., N. Y.: Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; 1st N., Waco; (M em . F ed. Res.) 100,000 40,000 700,000 520,000 240.Q00 Seab. N., N. Y.;r:Lumbermans N. and State Bk. & Tr. Co., Hou.; City N., Dallas. »Brenham__ Washington F A R M E R S N A TIO N A L BANK “ YOUNGEST BANK IN WASHINGTON COUNTY.” N ote ou r progress since o rganlza tion . 88-1719 < § ’16 “ W e w ant y ou r c ollection s.” W e get results by p rom p t personal persls tent att en tlon . Pop. 7000 J 20 Q uick Progressive B anking M eth ods in all D epartm ents. “ T ry us fo r qu ick a ctio n .” return Bremond.Robertson G 19 First State Bank..._____t§’05 C. W. B row n... H Pop. 1500 ♦ 88-967 C . L . W IL K IN S — — 88-216 E . W . R E IG H A R D T IT. L . L U E D E M A N N 0 . E . B A U M 6 A R T ..........- ~ ............................— T . A. L O W .--------- — - H . F. K0LW ES, A ctive . ALM 0T SCHLENKER— W. M. M ORRISS. H. F . H0HLT J . R. WILLIAMSON 131,200 758.400 995,530 193,370 N. C ity, N . Y .; L um berm ans N., H ou .; A m . Ex. N ., Dallas. Send us your Item s on Brenham and vicinity. Quick returns and m oderate charges. T R Y US. < ’83 <D. c. B id d in g s - D . G. 6 ID D IN 6 S , J R . W . W IL K IN S -—— . . /F irst and oldes t established fia n k . ■ BIDDINGS & G ID D IN G S -it 66 ) C ollections sent us will receive pr om p t atten tion , 88-215 150,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., St. L. B. BASSETT — 'P r o m p t atten ti on to all Banking .m atters entrust e d to us; • Washington County State Bk. F. H. Bosse. 88-217 t§’05 James S. Giddings. H. A. Kelling-------- Bridgeport___ Wise C 17 Bridgeport State Bank. t§’17 Guinn Williams.— Wm. Simpson_____ L. D. Kirkpatrick . Pop. 2000 88-1787 First National Bank_____ í ’ 07 D. M. W illson... 88-412 P. C. Funk.______ W. E. Green H. G. Leonard..—. Frank Turner.. Briggs______ Bnrnet H 17 Briggs State Bank__!__ $§’09 W. Rancier____ Pop. 300 88-968 H. J. McGuire___ B. F. Warden, Jr. Britton._____ ..E llis E 18 Britton State Bank_____i§ ’l l Pop. 500 88-969 Ö. O. Davenport A. P.MaukM._____ C. R. Maynard. C o MTI M F KIT A L t h o u s a n d s o f b a n k s b u y Number under Name ©f Bank is the New Transit Number given Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 12 6 9 to each bank in U.__S. exclusively b y _T Iie Itaml-McPtally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n . AMP 50,000 j 11,510 25.000 4,000 35.000 j 23,710 ÎÏJKkT 6,540 15,0001 11,500 278,590 79,530 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; Union N „ Hou.; Secur. N., Dallas. 70.000 30,000 Seab. N., N. T .; Secur. N.. Dallas, Am. N „ Ft. Worth. 181,6601 144,570 N^Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 65.000 63.000 O O M M ERCIAL T E X À S — C o n tin u e d 253,550.. n 72,000 11,970 N. Park, N. Y.; Austin N., Austin. 17,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas, ....... BANKS. r i t t o n __________ July,. 1919 FIRST NAT. BANK T. A. A v eryt...___ S. M . Peters—i ____ R. W. Brown . E. D. Brazier TEXAS BANKS—Brady to B E. L. Ogden _____ Clarence Snider. Brady National Bank___ i ’05 F. M. Richards___ J. P. Sheridan... 88-349 J. E. Bell C H IC A G O L aw yers, L a w s, D ire ctors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Orace,\*“^* e tc., see page 14 . For Holidays, see opposite^page 13 .\p . A ccessib le T o w n s, ^ v ^— . c .............. t h o u s a n d s 1 OAQ x tiv rx T own of b a n k s buy C o N T IN E N T A I AND C o MM ERCIÀL BANKS, to each bank in TJ. S. exclusively b y Tlie Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, tinder the au th ority 6f T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n . an d C o u n ty . . N am e op T E X À S — C o n tin u e d Li a b i l i t i e s . R e sou rce s . Depos Paid- up Surplus and its Capital Pröpits L o a n s& D l8 - Cash & E x ’ ts. Bonds, changes,D ue Securities from Banks Ba n k . ‘ County Seats. L •Mem. A'm. Bks. Assn. IState In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. ÎMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. EEl Paso Br., HHouston. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Bronson____ Sabine Q 24 Bronson State Bank____ $§’07 H Pop. 1500 88-970 Peoples Bank___________t ’18 88-1828 Bronte _______ Coke F 13 First State Bank.______ *$§’06 gg_Q7j[ Pop. 750 Brookeland__ Sabine G 24 Brookeland State Bank_i§’10 . H Pop. 500 88-972 Brookshire__ Waller J 21 FARM ERS STATE BANK H Pop. 70088-973 R $§’16 Brookston-— Lamar B 21 Brookston State Bank—$§T3 Pop. 400 88-1579 ‘ Brownfield__ Terry C 9 Brownfield State Bank—$§'05 ♦ 88-974 Pod. 800 P r e s id e n t . C a s h ie r . V ic e -P r e s id e n t . A s s ’ t C a s h ie r . CHICAGO A ccessible T o w n s, L aw yers, L a w s, D ire ctors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r Interest Rates, Orace,\' etc., see page 14 . For Holidays, see opposite^page 13 .\p . — -rr—■ --------- ■■ I - - ■ ~1 Number under Name ©f Bank is the New Transit Number given P r in c ip a l C o r r e spo n d e n ts . J .B . ReUly_______ D. E. Prewitt_____ Carrie Glenn___ 25.000 17,660 116,020 J. D. Butler.._____ L. L. Bradshaw___ E. G. Hart____ _ Maude McNeill. 15.000 10.000 150,000 80,000 $ 44,800 Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas; Guaranty Bk. & Tr, Co.. Beaumont. 15.000 Lumbermans N. and Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Beau 15,000 mont. 20,100 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth 131,150 Austin N., Austin. / 40.000 N. Bk. Com., Hou,; Am. N., Beaumont. 125,000 J. B. Enos________ J. H. Jones______ W. D. Mills____ Jno; Stefka B. Temple________ C. R. McClure____ J. C. Hathaway. A. Agopian____ W. H. Dallas______ Jno. S. Powell____ O. T. Halley___ Clyde Lewis. J. A. W atson___ _ W. W. Meador____ E. E. Harris___ Miss Lucy Childers J. W. Meador_____ J. H. Jordan______ W. V. Whitfield. First National Bank.____ '19 H. H. Longbrake.. R. M. K en drick... 88-1870 Brownsboro— Henderson First State B ank.._____ .§’17 J. T, LaRue___ . . . W. J. Stuart_____ Pop. 400 E 21 88-1759 ‘ Brownsville — Cameron First National Bank___ «$’91 R. B. Creager_____ P. M. Lamberton.. Pop. 13,163 R 18 88-64 E. C. Forto A. W. Wood Merchants National Bank John Gregg______ _ M. Fernandez___ _ 88-65 «$’04 J. G. Fernandez, Ch. o f Bd. State Bank & Trust Co. *$§’14 J, B. Scott________ 88-68 $ 10,000 10,000 R.M . Kendrick— Ivy Fulgham_____ $ - 11,000 $ 100.000 I 500 10,410 163,870 100,080 13,220 223,100 172Ì510 25.000 26,770 233,140 206,100 110,820 Comw.N.,Kan. C.: 1st State.Dallas; Austin N Austin; Lubback State, Lubback; (M em . Fed. R es.) Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 825,000 650*820 Han. N .,N . Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; City N., Dallas; Alamo N., San Antonio. 25,000 2.500 2.500 100,000 City N.rDallas. 132,000 1,534,000 1,570,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. Hou.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. E. J. T u ck er_____ R. E. Wagner. A. Ashheim_______ A. H. Fernandez . . 90,520 Union N. and. 1st Ny,‘ Hou.; IstnN.v'St. L,j Am. Ex. N., Dallas. . 78,810 Seab. N., N. Y.: City N., Dallas. 25.000 15.000 — S Ì— 10.000 G. G. W agner...___ 22,000 100,000 438,430 184,720 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Lumbermans N. Hou.; City N., Dallas. F. Yturria— — ._______ $t’48 88-66 ‘ Brown wood.Brown F 15 Pop. 10,000 BR0WNW00D IT . C. Y ARTIS NATIONAL BANK 88-155 *$’92 BROOKE SMITH & COMPANY J . A. W ALK ER — M ILLARDHOM INES WM. B. CROSS — J . C. W EAKLEY C. C. CULBREATH J . T . Y ANTIS, A cti 700,000 794 000 i 106,000 H an. N ., N. Y .: 1st N ., St. L .; S o. Tex, ’ 1 C om ’ l N .. H o n .; A m .E x . N ., Dallas; Far, & M ech. N., F t. W orth. Has the largest w orking capital a nd Is the oldest b ank in Brown Co Send ns your collection s; quick returns, low rate <(B a n k e rs)_____ /P rom p t attenti on given to Items and collections \On Brown wood and all Central Texas points. (s p e c i a l SERV ICE; LOW BATE S. CITIZENS NAT. BK. I R. B. ROGERS— J . A. ABNEY— __ F . S F .S . AB NEY, A ctive CLYDE MclNTOSH- COGGIN NAT’L BK. I C.L.M cCARTNEY W ILL TALB O T— c o y M cIn t o s h 106,000 500.000 679 000 367,000 jMech. & Metals N.. N .Y .; Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Hutchings, Sealy & Oo.. Galv.: InterState N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; IstN ,, Ft. Worth. 580 000i ’ 150,000 N. Bk. C om ., N. Y .; C ity N „ Dallas; 1 s tN ., St. L .; So. Tex. C om ’ l N ., H on. I Vigorous atten n o n given to coll ectlon s by an actl ve officer o f this ; Bank. T R Y US. f Send ns y o u r It em s a n d coU ectl o n s f o r B r o w n w o o d an d v icin ity . P ro m p t atton t io n a n d rem ltta n ee. M o d e ra te c h a r g e . T R Y US. Bruceville.McLennan G 18 Bruceville State Bank__ $§’07 G. E. Kincannon... Joel Kincannon...¡Nolan Taylor____ _________ . . . __ ____ 88-075 Pm. «no AMERICAN SURETY COM PANY OF NEW /YORK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 310.0001 F ID E L IT Y SURETY H an. N., N. Y .; A m . Ex. N ., D allas; Ft. W orth N., F t. W orth .; H utchings Sealy C o., Galv. Citiz. N. and 1st N „ Waco; Hou. N. Ex.* Hou. a* BONDS, Littlefield Building, Austin 1 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber riven to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T b e Band-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of T b e A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. Town ano County. N am e of Ban k . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState Tn No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist tMem. State Bks. Assn.+Priv. E El Paso Br. H lion. Br. ♦Mem Fed Res. [Estab. " P r e s id e n t . FIR ST NATIONAL BANK-«* 86 88-230 FIRST STATE BK. V ic e -P r e s id e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . ) »Bryan_____Brazos H 20 City National Bank——.**’8 E. H. Astin— — 88-231 7 H Pop. 8000 J. K. Parker— — W .H .C ole— — E. W. Crenshaw ( H. 0. BOATWRIGHT— G. M. BRYAN. JR....... L. L MclNNIS < Save tim e and get sen ice on Col FEE IN ADV AN C Ei’ Plain sight d ( This rule does n ot apply to Drafts ED. Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rat$s, Grace, For Holidays,-see opposite page -13. T E X A S —Continued H A L L ........... R.H SEALE_ _ _ _ _ S W. S. HIGGS A • Liabilities . -lx Resources. k Dis- Cash k E x Paid-up Subplus Depos- cLoams ’ts . Bonds, ohanges , D ue ITS Capital Profits 8*0 DEITIES from B anks F. L. Caviti___ !— $ 150,000 $ 122,000 $1300000 $1050 000 $ 585,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. and St. L. 100.000 fi F, JONFS _ _ _ _ 1 l MclNNIS TRAVIS B. BRYAN lections and Cred it Reports by sen ding rafts, 1 5 c; Credi t Repo ts, 5 0 c. T BY US. with Bills o f Ladl ng attach ed, or t 9 Notes. j. H. DULANEY_ _ _ _ G. j. 187,000 630,000 667,GOO 293,700 Mech. & Metals N. and Han. N., N. Y.; Ist N., Chi.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hon.; City N „ Dallas. 33.760 609,350 373.700 249,350 N. Park, N. Y .; U nion N., H ou .; Secnr. N m Dallas. NEDBALEK — - Banks, C orporations, W holesale Houses, M anufacturers, Jobbers and 100.000 Individuals will find our sendee P rom p t and Satisfactory. &TRUST COMPANY Save tim e and get service on C ollections and Credit Reports by sending 88-232 Bryson_______ Jack C 16 Pop. 500 Bnrkholts__ ..Milam H 18 H Pop. »00 Buda___ __ _ „ Hays J 17 Pop. 600 Buenavista—...P e co s H 9 E Pop. 200 Buffalo_____ ___ Leon G 20 H Pop. 1000 Buffalo Gap__ Taylor E 13 Pop. 24» Bullard_____ Smith E21 Pop. 900 Buna_______ Jasper I 24 H Pen. 350 Burkbur n e t t ___Wichita Pop. 10.000 A 16 •*{’09 FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain tight d ra fts, 1 5 c; Credit Reports, 2 5 c, First State Bank_______ *§’06 88-976 Buckholts State Bank..«*§’07 88-977 Farmers State Bank__ **§’10 88-978 Farmers State Bank ...* * § ’14 88-1680 Buffalo State Bank_____ *$’10 88-896 Guaranty Stats Bank___ §’19 88-1831 Buffalo Gap Banking Co.*t’16 88-970 Citizens State Bank____ *§’07 88-980 Buna State Bank______ *§T5 88-1709 American State Bank.**§*19 88-1840 Farmers State Bank___ «*§’12 88-1493 H. O. Shanafelt. E. Hughes..—. . . . . T. T. Stuart____ 10,000 8,870 46,750 42,140 20,120 Seal). N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N.. Ft. Worth. G. T. Graves______ T. F. Criswell____ E. Kolba. 20,000 13.500 80.000 72.000 W. M. Woods__ W. D. Carrington.. F. A., Jamison___ 10,000 22,500 83,500 75,000 J. M. Simmons. J. F. Heagy . . . . . . . . F. A. Stubblefield. 10,000 4,500 29,000 33.000 30,420 N. Park—N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Union N., H o u .^ 35.000 Austin N., Austin; State Bk. & Tr. Co., San Marcos. 10.000 Far. & Merch. N., Ft. Worth. O. H. Phillips... R. L. Phillips.—— V. E. Jowers____ J. D. Larabee____ 35,000 8,700 46,000 105,100 N. Bloom.._____ N. A, Davidson___ G. N1 Campbell— L.Tj. Jeter _____ J. G. Cochran O. K irb y ________ C S .J . McFarland... W. W. Hinds_____ Jas. E. Bass . A. M. Owens J . P. Masterson___ D. E. Gunter. W. P. Bond U. B. F a r ris ....___ H. L. Quiett______W. H. V in cen t____ 20,000 2,000 75,000 67,500 16,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 100,000 115,000 10,000 1,950 52;230 50,000 3,000 500.000 H. C. C ooper__ — F. L. McCoy—___ L . H. i-Q.ires 50.000 W. C. Lasley__ B. F. Chambers. J. I. Mixson___ C. W. Reid____ W. C. Myers___ 10,000 L. D. H arbin./..^ E. J. Thompson__ 10,000 13,000 92,600 M. B. Ghisenhall- G. E. Bransom____ 17.500 3.500 77,000 T. G. Jones_____ J. P. O’Neill______ 15,000 20,000 95,000 80,060 G. T. Lamon____ W. L. Chamberlain. 30,000 26,000 120,000 164,000 6,960 • 134.080 66.97U A. R. Pribble— ■ O, H. Tinsley—— R.S. Langiord L. C. W oods..___ 100.000 28,230 1.252,040 1,016,110 62.300 _J6,000 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.: Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Worth; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 65,000 35.000 Tex. State, Ft. Worth; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. W. C. Galloway__ 20,000 G. W. Weeren__ _ _ H.Niensteadt_____ 20.000 16,000 97,000 97,000 Leo J. Curtis. 25,000 15,500 Í60.000 160,000 L. C. MeCommas.. R. D. W hite______ 25,000 20,000 140.000 135,000 Ray Willingham. H. F. Barham..___ R. LwWalker. Roy Johnson. 25.000 2,500 325.000 242,000 30,000 26,380 109,500 136,000 11,460 13,340 James R. Bass__ _ August Jung. O O N T IN F M T A I T E X A S — C on tin u ed 10,000 A M O 40,000 N.Park, N.Y.; Union N., Hou.; Cent. Tex. Ex. N., Waco. 41,000 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Secur. N.,'Dallas; v So. Tex. Com’l N., Houston; Am. N „ Austin, 29.550 Chase N.. N. Y.; Union N „ Hou.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Austin N. and Am. N.; Austin. 27,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Lumbermans N. and Hou. N. Ex., Hon. 33,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 50.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: City N., Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l Ns, Hou. 83,000 ,1st N. and Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Cent. State. Dallas. 30.230 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Greenville N. Ex.. Greenville. 7.240 Groos N., San Antonio. M F R O /A / July» 1919 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 200,000 250.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cent. State, Dallas; N. Bk. Com., Wichita Falls. 310,240 Me -h. & Metals N.. N. Y.; s t o -k Yds.N.. P t. Worth: 1st N . , Wichita Falls; 1st State. Dallas. 75,C00 2,500,000 1,635,900 1,039,630 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.; N.Bk. Com., St. L.: 1st NT/'Ft. Worth: City N., Wichita Falls. 1,250 31,000 30,000 1st State, Dallas; Newton Co. State, Newton. C. D. A k ers____ W. R. Hill is the New Transit Number given Directory, under tbe authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. 6,000 Far. & Merch. N., Abilene. 25,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Cent. N., St. L.; Secur. N., DaUas 16,180 N. Bk. Com., Hou.; Dallas Tr. & Sav.. Dallas. , ^ 1271 A C E N T E R FOR S A F E - 44.950 9.000 Hon. N. Ex. and So..Tex. Com’l N., Hou.: N. Bk. Com.. Kan. C^; Am. Ex. N „ Dallas. 18,000 SeaD. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas. ______ CH ICA G O . TR Y U S . T. F. Hardy___ First National Bank—— **'07 J. G. Hardin__ _ C. C. Cabin ess, Active 88-778 J. A. Staley E.O. T erry__ . . . _ . Burkeville.-Newton H 24 Newton County Bank__ *t’17 Geo. W. Riddle. H Pop. 410 88-1796 Burleson...Johnson E 18 Continental State Bank.«*§’09 J. G. Wilkinson. __G. W. Bransom ____ 88-981 Pop. 600 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. J. F. D u n n ....... R. N. Warren88-1637 *§’13 O. C. Taylor Burlington__ Milam H 18 Burlington Stave Bank.«*§’67 T. F. H ardy___ T. J. O’Neill— H Pop. 600 88-98? »Burnet—— Bucnet H 16 Barnet National Bank ..* * ’03 A. Howell_____ J. S. Guthrie_____ 8#-737 Pop. »81 First State Bank——_ — *§’08 H. B. Duncan__ H. F. Y oe_____ i__ 88-738 Burton.. Washington J 19 Burton State Bank..:___ *§’06 C. W. Homeyer. Thomas Watson__ H P op. 450 88-983 E. Fischer Byers..______ .Clay 1 20 First National Bank_____ *’07 G. W. Byers___ R. L. Ligon____ 88-984 Pop. 700 Bynum___ ____ Hill E 18 First National Bank____ *’04 JiM . White___ ___ G. L. White_____ Pop. 500 88-985 Caddo------Ptepl ens D 15 First State Bank_______*§’ 18 O. P. Harlan__ J. H. McMeen . —— 88-1 20 Pop. 149 L. W. Wr.ght Caddo M ills... Hunt D 20 Caddo Mills State Bank.*§’05 H . F. Royce__ G. L. Rutherford — Pop. 750 88-986 Cain City.. Gillespie J 15 Cain City State Bank__ *§’17 J. C. Stinson... John Heep _______ Pop. 100 88-1779 Federal Reserve Bank ofNumber St. Louis under Name o f Bank P r in c ip a l Co r r e sp o n d e n t s . 1270________ ______________ TEXAS BANKS’—Bryan to Cain City 1270 R A N fk T .q A ccessible T o w n s , Lawyers» La w s, Directors* in* dexed in back of tbis volume. For Interest Rates» Orace» i*—* etc*» see page 14 . For Holidays» see opposite page IS. €* O O N TIN FM TAI A C E N T E R FOR S A F E - Liabilities . P resident . Y ICE-PRESIDENT. UQAM U* Dis- Uasb k BzAss t Cashier. n Paid- up Surplus Dbpos* c ’te. Bonde, Omaners,Due AND ITS Capital P rofits taooumaE fromBanns Cashier . $ 100,000 $ 49.780 $ 310,210 $ 329,780 $ 99.800 1 «Caldwell__ Burleson 1 19 C A LD W E L L N A TIO N A L BANK W. H. Jenkins___ C. C. N elm s_____ C. E. Cromartie___ B. F. Delamater Mf-obo »1 03 H Pop. 2500 Geo. M. Johnston First State Bank— __ < S ’08 U. H. Womble, Active 88-566 W. M Stone Scott Field, J r ...— Calvert—.Robertson H 19 C A LV E R T S T A T E BANK**S’06 W. O. Anderson__ *8-3oa H Pop. 3000 T. Field - - Union State Bank___ __ }|’72 J. A. Foster __ 88-354 «Cameron^__Milam H 18 C AM ER ON S T A T E B A N K « » ’06 T. F. Hardy_______ T. H. Graves. 88-282 H Pop. 6000 Citizens National Bank »41900 Oxsheer Sm ith___ 88-281 332.990 361.880 85,990 638.340 733,490 126,500 N. : Bk. Com., N. Y .; City N., Dallas. 109,720 : 69,770 376.670 560.640 30,000 10,540 80,530 126.650 21,830 1 J. E. Pine A. M. Butler.. M. Smith 15.000 15,920 73,580 57,730 21,750 : S. Isaacs__ G. L. Addison 52,000 43.840 259,040 371,330 100,000 ~ 35,000 400,000 370,000 ~ H. J. Weatherly__ i T. 7 . M oody._____ n. W. Allen R. C. Jackson____ Ellis Lester K. M. Young Irby Christopher— L. Ij. S ides_______ Miss Tex Lammons W. B. Rodgers____ H. M. McEachern. 40JI90 50,000 250,000 340,000 50.000 40,000 120,000 200,000 E. H. Powell- __ 50,000 39,660 333.646 396,300 1(2,000 2,150 180,960 187.090 15,000 15,000 230,000 200,000 A. .Tt Rrnnlrs^ R.H. W right. Active Grady Oldham. D. A. Park, A ctive W. W. Siddong___ W. L. Spencer. E. R. Trimble R. L. Sham J. E. Gilbert__ Miss R. White. 25,000 6,300 100,000 50,500 W. P. Barnes— — J. L. White............ R Rill 16,000 16,000 100,000 76,000 W. H. Stuermer... H. L. F. D oerr___ A. F. Mp.nko . 16.000 25,900 143,000 132,000 15,000 11,070 152.990 107,540 87,250 : Amarillo: Am. N., Austin. 135,000 : . Bk. Com., N. Y.: M. Bk. Com .,Kan.0. Am. Ex. N/Dallas:*Am. N „ Austin. N. and Cent. State, Dallas. 95,980 City i 25,000 Am. Ex. N. and Cent. State, Dallas. 138.940 N.Park, N.Y.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan.O. 1st N.. Ft. Worth. 47,780 Seab. N.. N. Y.: Stock Yds. N., Kan. C.: 1st N. Amarillo; Secur. N., Dallas; (M em . Fed R es.) 35,000 N. Park, N.Y.; 1st N., Waco; Secur. N., Dallas W. E. B ig g s ._____ 25,000 19,000 260,000 J. W. Wardlow, Jr. 10,000 10,260 40,670 38,500 — M, H, Dittmar. John Strauss George W. Riddle.. G- Thenman 20,000 12.500 190,060 173,000 R. G. Brandenburg 20,000 6,670 129,460 107,420 H. E. Jones___ E. H. Jones 30.000 45,000 225,000 226,000 74.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N.. Dallas. 50,000 40,000 250.000 185,000 30.000 N. Park, N. Y.; City N., Dallas; Greenville h Ex., Greenville. —^ 25,000 8,080 139.950 139.220 20,340 Liberty, N. Y.; Merch. & Plan. N., Shermai 50,000 43,710 300,000 290,000 62,150 N. Park, N. Y.: City N., Dallas; Ft. Worth-N Ft. W o r t h ; Com’l N.~. Sherman. R.P. Ash___ 230,000 . J. 0 . Tidwell___ t7 BONDS, Littlefield Building, Austin 1271 W. J. A. H urst___ M. Button________ L.B. Newsom___ _ D. A. Tay lor .1. C. Onslpy . J. E. Lipscomb___ N. C. Sanford____ J. Edgar Ousley J. F . Lipscomb A < { ’09 R T,. fllaytnn ___ l i ’09 R. F. Smith II W. E. Weldon I .. .. ST“ Charles Dittert Z L. Y. Turner__ ” 85,000 288,720 £ 120.000 22.400 « 283,800 It 12.000 50,000 C. E. Hudson_____ E. W. Broadhurst. D. E. Box. a 30,000 Temple D. Smith — W. G. Ragley_____ J. W. Cooke______ AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, « Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ^6,850 100,000 r 88-809 30.000 97,490 1 an.N., N. Y.; City N., Dallas: 1st N. N. Ex., Hon. 79,850 I . Park, N. Y.; Union N., Hon. r First State Rank 257.180 75,000 Mrs. T. D. Barnes. 88-771 ) Celina State Bank 88-810 264.260 H, M, TTnflay_____ •T. T.- Clinton B. F. Bonds FIR S T N A T IO N A L BAN K 41900 G. B. N orris.——— S. R. Granberry__ S. R . Granberry__ E. T. Fry------------ - Pop. 2000 31,790 r" 88-772 65,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Hou. 106,590 1 T"t “ • Pop. 500 ring . . . .'Aus Pop. 500 Hill___ Dalli Pop. 600 i_______ Hu Pop. 1100 315,000 80,000 Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; Cent. Tex. Ex. N, Waco; Secur. N., Dallas. , 32,000 Coal & Iron N .,N . Y.; Cent. Tex. Ex. N, Waco; Hico N., Hico; 1st N „ Ft. Worth. 43,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Union N. and Hou. N. Ex. Hou.; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galv. 68,910 Chase N., N. Y.: State N. and City N.. Sai Antonio: Lumbermans N.. Hon. 45,000 N. Bk, Com.. N .Y .: N. Bk. Com., 1st State and Secur. N., Dallas. 76,600 Chase N., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hon.; Cit: N., Dallas; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 60.000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Live Stock Ex. N., Chi No. Tex. State; Ft. Worth. 23,290 1st 8tate, Dallas; Greenville N. Ex., Greer ville. 54,000 Chase N.. N .Y .; Lumbermans N., Hon.; Cit N.. Galv.; 1st N., St. L. 41,640 N. Bk. Com., N ..Y .; 1st State. Dallas. J. C. Davis . . 88-414 Guaranty State Bank__ < { ’10 88-415 State Bank o f Cason___.4{’06 88-992 Cat Spring State Bank—4{’12 88-1480 First Guaranty State Bank 88-993 4{’02 345,000 S. W.Cheeves W. W. Gilbert____ 88-989 Guaranty State Bank__ 4{’13 88-1620 88-991 26,590 1 Pop. 700 •mine.__ -Faye H Pop. 4JO trrizo Springs-1 Pop. 1500 ■rollton____Dal Pop. 600 irthage___ Pam Pop. 2000 50,000 L. T. Lewis 4+’04 J. E. Spencer 88-889 Farmers & Merch. State Bank 88-988 < { ’07 397,080 r; Rank of Oarhnn. 88-888 Pop. 1000 . 345,640 ; 88-511 «Canton.Van Zandt E 21 F IR S T N A TIO N A L BAR K -*4’07 M .L.C O X- . . 88-iUa Pop. 1000 Texas State Bank—. ___ 4I’09 E. A. H eard.—.__ \^I}, 88-706 C. D. L ester.. __ FIR S T N A TIO N A L BARK 88-584 <1900 Pop. 2000 F U S T S T A T E BAMK ~ <110 J. M. Black ♦ 88-586 ___ G. T. Graves__ ___ E. P. L ester__ B. J. Matocha 44,750 TEXAS BANKS—Caldwell to Celina FIR S T N A T IO N A L BAN K .4*89 A. N. Green___ ___ 88-3*0 Campbell_____Hunt C 20 Campbell National Exchange J. F. Hackler_____ Bank___88-987............ *4’ 14 Pop. 1000 First State Rank _ _{’ll J. W. McLendon__ 88-1381 «Canadian—Hemphill 0 6 W. C. Isaacs_____ 88-512 i o p . 2500 F. G. Proctor— A. W . Foster Ex.. Hon.; City N „ Dallas. 90,200 l base N., N. Y.; Union N „ Hon.: An Dallas. 100,000 1919 •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State «County Seats. In No. II Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.State |Bks. Assn. +Priv. [Estab. E El Paso Br., HHouston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. f= 3AMK<Z Accessible Towns, Lawyers» Laws, Directors* in* dexed in back of tbis volume. For Interest Rates* Grace, etc** see page 14 . For Holidays* see opposite page 1&. RESOURCES. 1 Principal Correspondents T E X A S — Continued Name of Bank. and County. H O M M I^ R n iA L —S2a— , __. ■■ ■.--------------- ;------------------ ;-------- — Town AM P Tl, i v 1271 Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given to each hank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. T own N um ber under N am e o r Bank Is the New T ransit Num ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Bitnd-M cN ally Bankers' Directory, under thè au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. an d Go o n t t . N am e of Ba n k . ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState In No. 11 Fed. Res. Disi tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv E El Paso Br. HHouston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab P resident . V ice -President . Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in For Interest R ates, Grace, F or Holidays, see opposite page 13. dexed in back of this volume. T E X AS— Continued Cash ie r . A s s ’t Cashier . e tc., see page 14. Lia b il it ie s . R esources. Loajtsk Die- Cask&Ex P aid- up Surplus D epos C’Tg. Bonds, changes,Due and its Capital P rofits Smuritibp fromBanks Principal Correspondents. »Center.!____Shelby E 24 Farmers State Bank ___ t§’15 H Pop, 250Q 88-507 First National B ank___ *t’01 88-506 State Guaranty Bank__ tS’10 88-508 Center Point__..Kerr J 15 Guadalupe Valley Bank.$i’09 Pop. 800 88-994 »Ceatervillei— Leon G 20 Centerville State Bank—till H Pop. 750 88-995 Ohandler.Henderson E 21 Citizens Guaranty State Bank 88-1510 »§’13 Poo. 700 H. N. Runnels__ _ F. C. Powell, Active John Sanders, F.P. J. T. Norris E. S. Carroll— ___ T. E. Jon es., x-— W. D. Ellington H. M. Beauchamp. P. D. Jones_______ M. B. Simon Mai nor Shumard— T. R. Wills............ 20.000 3,700 62,000 54,820 L. T. Gresham____ D. A. Sullivan____ E.T. Holleman— O. Wiley C. R. Yarbrough.. H. L. Spikes........... J. R. Hicks______ W. W. Green 10.000 12,840 91,67(1 55,130 25,000 10,110 264,580 171,610 First State B an k...___ »iS'07 88-996 •Ghahning— .Hartley O 3 First National Bank___ »$10 88-997 Popr 400 Chapel Hill—Washington Farmers State B a n k .... $8*07 88-998 . H Pop. 600 J 20 Charlotte... Atascosa L 16 Charlotte State B a n k - t l 'l S Pop. 500 88-1513 Cherokee.San Saba H 15 First State Bank____'1 5 88-1698 Pop. 500 Chico________ Wise C 17 Chico State Bank— — .i S '09 88-647 Pop. 1200 First Bank o f Chico__ , i t ’94 88-646 »Childress. Childress R 7 City National Bank____ »t’01 ♦ 88-252 Pop. 5000 G. M. W offord.___ W. W. Greens___ _ H. L. Spikes______ 10,000 20,500 i-r 70,000 73,000 E. E. Masterman.. D. Wm. W oolley-— D. Wm. W oolley— James C. Thomp Belle Burns _ son J. S. Sm ith____ . . . J . E. Routt_______ Wi-B. Raysor_____ F. H. Shaver R. C. Roos________ E. J . *Pruitt— — W. 8. Sasser______ 25,000 5,000 104,000 97,400 26,150 1st N,.. AmarillO; Eauri N „ Wichita. . , 12,500 16,820 93,640. 79,270 15.000 9,000 67,990 54,860 26.400 Han. N . N. Y.; Lumbermans N., Hou.; Far. N> and 1st N.^Brenham. , 23,760 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. 0. L. 'Behrns_____ M. M. Moss 15.000 2,220 42,000 40,000 H. E. Norris.— . . . R. S. Sanders : V $ 25.000 £ 15.610 £ 271,860 $ 254,330 £ 55,400 Nt.City, N. Y.¡ Lumbermans N „ Hou.: IstN ., St. L.: 1st N., Shreveport, La. 15,000 250,000 225,000 100,000 N. Bk., Com., N .Y .: Cent. N., St. L.; Union 50,000 N.f Hou.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. R. C. Adams______ T. W. Smith........ . 25,000 40,000 450,000 160,000 200,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Tex. Bk. & TKCo., Galv. J. S. K en nedy... O. L. Witherspoon. Geo. L. Sellers _____ W. P. Jones______ C. C. Badgett__ — F. R. Friend i J. H. CRISTLER. C. E. CREWS_____ R. A. BOWERS-— .1. H.WARD | : . ,-M, J. M. CREWS ,, > B. ¿.SMITH FARM ERS & MECHARICS STATE BANK ---------- * » ’09 ] Send us all yo ur collection s on Childress. (W e need tbe m oney to pay for this Adv. Kates guaranteed. ♦ 88-254 85,000 66,000 100,000 45,000 275.000 350,000 40,000 N. Bk. Com., N .Y .; lst N.; Si. L.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Am. Ex. N., Dallas, .. r , 50,000 43,090 230,550 392,010 132,500 IScab. N., N. Y.; Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N „ Wichita F ; (M em . Fed. Res.) - 1: jC. W. MITCHELL - FIRST S TATE B A N K - -•*5*07 88-253 Òhillicothe___ Hardem’n Bank o f Chillicothe.__ Pop. 2200 „ A 14 88-641 Guaranty State Bank.. 88-1826 Chilton...------ Palls G 18 Chilton Citizens Bank. Pop. 600 - . u . 88-1793 ■, First State Bank — — 8,600 Comw. N., Kan. C.; Austin N;„ Austin. 25,000 Han. N., N .Y .; Ft. Worth N , and tst N ., Ft. 9,440 ■Worth; N. Bk. Cbm.,'St. L. (Individ ualResp om ibilit V, £250,0 00).__ - N. Park, N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth. 15,000 G. F. SPRINGER.___ ROY COFFEY 25,000 20,000 190,000 FIFTEEN CEN TS sen t to us wit h each sight draf t fo r presentatlo n , and 1 T W E N T Y -F IV E CENTS fo r eac h credit report In sures prom p t, pe rsonal a ttentto n. 200,000 30,000 Chase N „ N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth. F. L.-Moffett_____ L. G. Hawkins____ M. R. Allensworth. R. E. Martin___... (.Individ ual Resp om ibilit V, £1,000, 000).— . N.Park, N .Y .; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Wag O. H. Dodson R. E, Wafer goner N.f Vernon, W. it. iergu son . . . H. J. Tabor______ L. J. Nuckles ____ T. D. Daugherty__ 25,000 4,130 128,280 124,130 28,200 Han. N.. N. Y.; Wichita State Bk. & Tr. Co., A. J. Van Cleave Wichita F,; Tex. State.Ft,-Worth, E. F. Baxter........ F.T. deGraffenried Provident N., Waco. 20,000 12,000 60,000 70,000 30,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Waco. E. H. Blount______ H. V. Fall — ......... H. P. Fall_______ 10,000 10,630 92.000 83,350 A. H. Edwards...— W. P. Allen___ — . R,. F,. Games. ___ M. W. Raley G. C, Matejowsky— Jas. Philp, S r . ___ W. D. Boyd. ____ M. M. Eanes.,_____ 15,000 1.4C0 61,290 37,800 26,750 Dallas Tr. & Say..Hallas; Tex. Bk. & Tr., Co., GalV. ' 16,780 1st N. and Am. N., Terrell. 10,000; 2,720 35,450 20,280 24.000 Union N., Hou.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas, F. J. Werner 12,500 5,620 48,000 67,000 fW. E. MORRIS — J.WALTER R A Y - ,- S. C. WILLIS___ ____ R. A. GIBSON______ 100,000 Cisco-----..Eastland E15 AM ERICAN NATIONAL BANK ■i Save tim e and get service.on Col lection s and Cred it R eports by sen ding Pop. 5000 88-1844 . 19 (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight d r a fts, IS c ; Credit R eports, 2 5 c . T R Y CS. 10,000 19.000 So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.: Alamo N-, San An. Ionio; 1st N. and Seguin State Bk. & Tr. Co., 'Segiiih. *" Midw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Kan. C. 330,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 150,000 N. City, N. Y.: City N.. Dallas; 1st Nv. Fort Worth. 105,300 Brinkerhoff-Färis Tr. & Sav. Co., Clinton; 1st N „ Ft. Worth, Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas. 88-1000 Chireno State Bank—_ 88-1412 Farmers State Bank . . . 88-1608 First State B a n k ....__ 88-1662 Cibolo Bank__________ 88-1612 m £ CiscoHanking Go. — ..• t t ’05 R. Q. Lee___ _____ 88-379 IRST GUARANTY STATE C. H. Fee________ BANK ...88-1743....'. < 817 Guaranty State Bank & Trust D. K. Scott_______ Company 88-377— — t§’17 M A N Y P AR P O I N T S IN O U R https://fraser.stlouisfed.orgPAR LIST. S E N D FOR IT! Federal Reserve BankNofu mSt. b eLouis r u n d er N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew 1 9 75 1«/>5 M. C. Fall__ Emil Wiederstein. A. G. Janszen____ H. A. Schnabel___ J. W. Man r ill........ P. C. O’Loughlin. . G. D. Ward J. D. Leslie Guy Dabney -R. L. Poe________ A. Spears.________ A. J. Olson H. L. W inchell___ A. J. Wisdom_____ B .F . Gaither G. C. Lingle 50,000 75,000 800,000 595.000 40.000 ! 12,000 500.000 325.000 50.000 304.000 227,400 4,100 _______________July, 1919 George W. Riddell- Gordon Gaither___ Roy Levy.— —___ C. E. Gaither____ Ghireno.NacogdochesG23 H Pop. 500 Chisholm.Rock wall D 19 Pofj. 200 Chriesman.Burleson 1 19 H Pop. 400 Gibolo__ -Guadalupe K 17 Pop. 300 TEXAS BANKS'—Center to Cisco C. A. Watson_____ S.P'. Britt 20.000 Cent.'Tr. Co. and Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio; City N., Dallas. : 56,460 Mech. & M etalsN ..N .Y.; Hon. N. Ex., Hou.; .Secur. N.. Dallas: Austin N., Austin. 116,140 Hah, N., N. Y.i Secur. N. and Am. Ex. N.. Dal las ;H o u , N. 'J£x., Hou,; Guaranty State, Athens. : , 25,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Secur. N „ Dallas. v A, B. T a ff.............. T .S . McCurdy—— B. O. Wiikerson. . . V^ E. Baldridge___- W.'G. Barksdale... R. L. Morris______ A. L. Morris . 1272 i 979 CONTINENTAL AND C O M M E R C IA L BAMm^rnmimAGO T r a n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. exclusively b y Tbe Band-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. T E X AS-^Continued Accessible T o w n s, L aw yers, Laws» D ire cto rs,, in dexed in b a c k o f th is v o lu m e . For Interest Rates» Grace,>^ etc., see p a ge 14. For Holidays» see op p o s ite p a ge "13.1 P . M A N Y P AR P O I N T S IN O U R PAR L IS T . S E N D FOR IT I 1 « /< 5 T own A ccessible N u m b e r u n d er N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he K and-M eN ally B ankers' Directory, under the au th ority of T h e Am erican Bankers A ss'n. an d Name Co u n t y . op President. 88-85 NATIONAL BANK OF CLEBURNE T. S. Bugbee______ Wesley Knorpp. J . L, McMurtry Homer Glascoe___ J. W. Morrison. F. E. Chamberlain. F. H. Bourland. C. A. Burton Homer Hamm____ ( W. H. P A T R IC K - W . W . T A Y LO R — W HITFIELD 22,680 75,000 26,220 809,240 55,480 50,000 17,120 89,880 140,99Ò 50,000 34,390 302,300 309,730 R . L . M c M ILLA N — 125,000 86,920 280,480 .673,980 C. D. Lennox_____ E. W. Bowers ____ H. C. Bailey— — C. 50,000 240,000 M. L. Sims .1—___ E. L. Canterbury O. E ig h Q. t -_ J. Page____ ___ M . L . KEH N ARD BROWN DOUGLAS « N L W ILLIAM S O N . W ILSON . J R .. W EST ? 124,850 *' 8.310 Coal & Iron N., N. Y .;' Liberty N., Waco: H icoN ., Hieo. , ; «. r. . ,, . 406,310 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 24,060 N City. N. Y.; Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Drov. N „ K a n . C.: Far. & M ech.N., Ft. Worth; Ist N., Amarillo: Am. N;, Austin. Han. N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft.Worth; 1st N „ 149,830 Kan. C. 36,490 \Special a tten tio n given BUI o f La ding drafts. Cash and T im e Item s. 'Please send 15c with each Sight D raft fo r présentât Ion and 25c fo r Cr edit Be ports. B. O avinsl--It.. . . . B. C. W ooldfidge-. D ire cto rs,, S 97,730 Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth. l’ 556,000 475,000 74,990 1,363,420 1,619,640 25,000 29,000 105.000 184,550 75,000 15,000 300,000 320,000 250,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.: ist N.. St. L.: Mèrch. & Piala, N., Sherman. 313,080 Seab. N., N.Y.; N. Bk. Rèp., Chi.; Merch.-Lac, N., St. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 21.710 Haa. N., N .Y .; lst N., Amarillo; Ft. WorthN., Ft. Worth. , i 70,000 Drov. N „ Kan. C.; lst N., Ft. Worth. 300,000 Seab. N ., N . Y .: C on i. & C om ’ l N., Chi. C ity N ., Dallas; ls t N ., St. L. 100,000 75,000 1,200,000 1,075,000 100,000 30,000 150,000 80,000 3.138,960 1,389,870 1,792,690 N. Bk. C om ., N. Y .; N. Bk. C om .. St, L.: S ecar. N., Dallas. C ollections a S peclalty. U. S. D epositor y fo r Postal Savi ngs. R em ittances m ade o n day o f p ay m en t, at lowest rates. [ H .C . G R ES H A M - W . S. W H A LEY J . B. LO R G ------------ Send us your Item s an d eollec tions fo r Clebur n e an d [Q u ick returns. M oderate ehar ge. T R Y US. jS . B. NORW 00D- J . T . FA LK EN B U R Y J . 0. B L A K E N E Y — ) C ollections a Sp eclalty. 'O ldest and larg est bank In city vicinity. L T . JO R D A N — Î . f . GARRISON 800,000 350,000 600,000 N., Dallas: Ft. Worth N.« Ft. Worth. ISsj and cou n ty. «$'89 Traders State Bank____ $S 88-84 S. P. Ramsey_____ O. L. Bishop.__ F. H. Barlow — . . . J. L. L ain ____ —i . | 75,000 50,000 1,080,000 750,000 J. Cochran___... . J. P. Atkinson ___ R. L. Cruse—. 50,000 10,000 300,000 275.000 M. V. Wynne_____ Noble Garvey. 25,000 11.970 144,430 288,290 30,000 74,000 250,000 120,000 20,000 37,200 241,590 266,380 F. B. Henderson__ E. C. Smith : i — T. C. Parks______ R. R. Waldrop:___ O. A. Bronstad . . R. S. Clement. A. C. Brandes E. L. Boston— (J. E. Bowen). ___ S. R uffner..____i 25,000 C. E. Kellogg— . .. Edgar D. Brown. 10,000 3,600 19,500 13,040 C. A. Bowman . . . E. G. Hampton. 25,000 10,000 120,000 145.000 R. C. Olemer— 10,900 1,300 120,000 60.000 T. E. P ow ell...___ Henry James_____ W. H. Shanks . . . AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, 425.000 N.City, N.Y.; Secur. N., Dallas. 85,000 1st N., Hou.; Gijy N.. Galv. 39,030 N. Bk. Corn., N. Y. and Hou. 180,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., St. L.; and Ft Worth. i 58,860 Cent. State, Dallas; 1st N., Houston and Ft, Worth. Rio Grande Valley Bk. & Tr. Oo. and State N. El Paso. 16,450 Seab. N „ N, Y.; IsirN., El Paso. 14,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Dallas. 50,000 Far. & Merch. N., Abilene, Tex.; Ft. Wort! N., Ft. Worth; 1st N.. Baird.____________ BONDS. Littlefield Building. Austin >; '_____ 1273 Cleveland___ Liberty 1 22 Cleveland State Bank___ §’07 88-1003 H Pop. 2000 First National Bank____»$’13 88-1492 Clifton_____ Bosque F 17 Farmers Guaranty State Bk 88-670 «t§’06 it Pop. 1500 First Guaranty State Bank 88-669 *$§’95 Clint— ___ Jffil Paso G 2 Glint Mercantile & Bkg. Co. TTninc.. 88-1466_____« it ’12 E Pop. 600 First State Bank____ ..$§’13 88-1547 Clyde____..Callahan E 14 Clyde National Bank___ »$’07 88-885 Pop. 1200 ) First Guaranty State Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis t: ■ : $ 36,790 $ 52,880 $ lO'OOO 1st N., Ft. Worth. 1,530 h. o f Bd. rvlce. n to bill o f ladin g and com m ercial collections. ey or give reasons. J. M. Siviey —____ A. M. Graves _ _ Laws» _____ 88-82 8,000 10,000 $ j F . F . M AR A B L E - H . S. W H IT E M A H - F . A . A N T O N E—— L aw yers, TEXAS BANKS—Clairemónt to Clyde H OM E N A TIO N A L BANK «*1 8 $ Ellis' S cogin ______ GuyJf). Eakiins—__ First National Bank »$’89 E. M. Bowers____ _ 88-403 Red River National Bk..*$’74 B. A. Dinwiddie__ 88-402 »Claude__ Armstrong P 5 First National Bank___ »t’04 T. S. Gavins______ 88— 827 Pop. 1000 i FIR S T S T A T E BANK — i l ’06 James L o g n e ....... ¡» 88-828 . FARMERS & MERCK. NAT’L BK. ASS’T CASHIER. J. B. Jay...:__ ____ H. W. TA YLO R , C < Security and sc «$1900 Special atten tio We get the m on »Clarksville__ Red River C ITY N A TIO N A L BANK-*$'06 88-404 Pop. 4500 B 22 CASHIER. T. M. Lee_____ . . . . W. P. Barnès —_ F IR S T N A T IO N A L BANK 88-433 Vice-President . T o w n s, dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates# Orace», etc.» see page 14. For Holidays» see opposite page 13.1 Resources. Liabilities . Principal Correspondents. Loans & Dis- Cabh &Ex Paid- up Surplus Depos c’ts. Bonde, changee,B ub AN D Capital Profits its Securities from Banks 1919 »Clairemont__ .Kent C 12 Clairemont Bank ____ $t’05 « 8-1001 Pop. 3000 Clairette...__ Erath F 16 Farmers State Bank— tS’10 88-1002 Pop. 500 »Clarendon..-Donley Q 6 Donley County State Bank 88-434 $§’06 Pop. 3000 Farmers State Bank___ $§’12 88-1450 »Cleburne..Johnson E18 Pop. 12,259 T E X AS-^Continued Ba n k . •Mem. ftin.. Bks. Assn. §State ‘ County Seats. T ii No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bks. ASsn. tPriv. [Estab. E El Paso Br. HHouston. ♦MemrFed. Res. RANKS; j u ly , 1975 CONTINENTAL A N D COM MERCIAI N um ber under Nam e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber n m to each- bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers* 270,220 384,830 200,000 140,000 600,000 1,135,000 100.000 236.000 J. P. MORRIS.— . - R. H. ALEXANDER- H. M. COLLINS-.™ Coleman C ounty. Under sam e ma nage m ent for tw enty-fiv e years. n given B ill o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. Credit Reports. 708,060 1,288,920 227,320 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Inter State N.. Kan. C.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth. 15,000 175.000 15,000 3,500 110,000 90,000 60,000 55,000 260,000 300,000 206,000 N. Park, N.Y.: Denison Bk. & Tr. Co.. Denison. Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Sherman; (M em . Fed. Bes.) 35,000 Am. N. and Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Beaumont; 1st N., Hon.; Secur. N „ Dallas. 70,000 Han. N „ N. Y.; Far. &M ech.N„ Ft. Worth. R.H. LOONEY — F. M. BURNS______ J. M. THOMAS____ C. M. ADAMS s. Superior servl c e on all Bankln get service on Col lections and Cre NCE: Plain tig h t dra fts, 15c; Cre 1 "**- ^trJ_Slrr ** Columbia ..Brazoria L 21 Colümbia State Bank — $§’13 H Pop. 612 6 t, 88-1638 »Columbus.Colorado K 19 Colnihbns State B ank... §T9 Pop. 1900 88-1863 11 First State Rank . _ < § ’13 88-1523 »Comanche ...Comanche Comanche National Bank Pop. 3500 F16 88-340 < ’90 “ jiummmmmm * First National Bank____ < ’86 tQ&tZ ' . , ' ' ' V-"88-339 First State Bank______< § ’10 88-342 Comfort____ Kendall J 15 Comfort State Bank— < § ’07 Pop. 800 88-1008 Commerce____ Hunt C 20 Citizens State Bank.____ §’16 Pop. 4000 ♦ 88-1729 First National Bank____ «$'89 88-335 '"^4 mi n ffsfj Planters&Merch. Nat. Bk. $’02 88-336 ** ~-r-rr -r rState Bk. o f Commerce.tS’09 88-337 . $§’10 Como____ _ Hopkins C 21 finmn State Rank Pop. 1000 88-648 »Conroe.Montgomery 1 21 Conroe State Bank____*$§’14 H Pop. 3000 *• 88-1684 •t 25.000 31,300 88-590 100,000 130,400 245.900 539,270 H. E. GRANTLAND J. H. SMOOT g m atters. dlt R eports by se ndlng d it ffi jun f¥j 50c. T R Y US FO R RES ULTS. B. B. McGuire____ G. B. Slaton J S fs L J, A. Buchanan 4,700 83,720 113,430 15,000 9,030 178.0U0 103,000 50,000 8,010 333,140 314,090 100,000 25,500 258,000 215,000 100,000 30,220 536,880 526,840 65,000 10,000 200,000 . 200,000 __ 25,000 20,820 249,480 207,530 H. D. W ynn______ H. D. W ynn— 1— W. C. Drake W. B. DeJernett__ J. D. Jernigin . . . . . D, N, H argrave.... O. P. Marshall J. T. Jackson A. L. Day E. E. Maloney____ _ F. J. Phillips_____ P. E. Maloney____ C. C. Apperson___ 25,000 5,000 172,000 123.000 T. M. Smith........... E. B. Mayes___ S. Hamburger.___ L. T. Phillips a . TT. Miller John Hastedt_____ O. G. Hoegemeyer. E. G. Miller, Active J. R. Slaughter— H. R. Jones______ F. E. A dam s...___ T. R. Holmsley .1 .. W. M. Durham J. E. Gray. W. T T.M iekow ,.... K. L. Macon........... Geo. Hulsey W. T. Powers A. S. Faltin_______ V. J. McAteer____ W. Wiedenfeld___ Albert Faltin . J. G. A llen ______ 50,000 49,700 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; 1st N „ Ft, Worth; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 13,850 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Austin; Far. & Mefh.N., Ft Worth; 1st State, Abilene; (M em . Fed. Bes.) 88,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Union N.., Hon.; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galv. 75,000 25,000 176,000 182,000 50,000 30,000 170,000 200,000 73,570 Ñ. City, N. Y.: Lumbermans N., Hón.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 105.00C N. City, N. Y.; 1st N „ Ft. WortfirAm. Ex. N „ Dälläs 238,550 Han. N „ N. Y.; Hoff. N. Ex., Hou.: City N., Dallas: Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 75,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Far. A Mech. N. and Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth: Seòur. N., Dallas. 81.830 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co.. San An tonio: Mtle. Ñ., St. L.; So.Tex.Com’l.N.,don. 30.000 Secur.N. and City N., Dallas; Com’l N.,Green ville; (M em . Fed. B es.; 95,'eoo Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., 8t. L.; City N „ Dallas 50,000 Chase N „ N. Y.; City N., Dallas. 25,000 21.980 292,400 131,400 203,400 N. Èk. Com.. St. L.; 1st State, Dallas. L. Carroll________ 0. B. Lynch_______ 35,000 11,130 214,090 221,070 53,200 53.200 Seab. N „ N. Y.; Am. Ex. N „ Dallas. J. Wahrenberger — W. N. Foster . 32.500 14,570 207,240 205,930 20,000 11,810 177,890 157,290 25,000 25,000 75,000 120,000 48,380 Mech. & Metals, Ni', N. Y.: So. Tex: Com’l N., Hou.: 1st N., Waco. 44,520 N.-Bk. Kep., Chi.: Union N., Hou.; Am. Ex, N., Dallas: City N., Galv.; Stock Yds. N., Ft, Worth. 18,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.s Texar. kana N., Texarkana; Guaranty State, Mt. Pleasant. __ A. R. Woodson A. A : Madeley____ S. K. Hailey______ J. M. Griffith_____ W . A. Sargent____ Cookville________ Titus C 22 State Bank o f Cookville.tS’OO E. S. Lilienstern... Pop. 500 \ 88-1009 S. P. Pounders I N V E S T M E N T S FOR B A N K S C o n tin en tal m a t u r i n g a t c o n v e n i e n t d a t e s ; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ' N um ber under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given 1275 177,980 30,000 J. B. Chilton____ u 28.000 Union N. and Hon. N. Ex., Hon.; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Gaivr 53,840 Chase N., N. Y.: Ear. &Mech. N „ Ft. Worth: Hon. N. Ex.. Hou.: Brooke Smith & Co.. Brownwood.: Drov. N „ Kan. C. 153,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Ft. Wortfi Ñ.. Ft. Worth; Tenison N., Dallas. to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B and-M eN ally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. a n d C om m ercial T E X A S— Continued Ba n k s C h ic a g o Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in d exed in b a c k o f this volu m e. For Interest Bates, Grace,i etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see op p osite page 13. TEXAS BANKS—-Coahoma to Gookville ________________ July, 1919 95.000 23,990 Colmesneil___Tyler H 23 Guaranty State Bank__ $§’11 Alex. Thompson__ L. M. Feagin _____ L. M. Feagin.. _ T). P. Mann H Pop. 632 88-1033 »Colorado... Mitchell E 12 City National Bank___ *tl900 C. H. Lasky___ ___ D. N. Arnett— ___ T. W . Stoneroad, j r. S. O. Wulfjen . . . . . Pop. 3000 88-463 T.W.Stoneroad, Jr. J. 0: Pritchett COLORADO NATIONAL BANK < P rom pt return 8#-462 •{ 82 1Save tim e and (F E E IN ADVA First. State Bank . .... »§’17 A. A. D o r n __ ____ ♦ 88-1758 $ 50,000 $ 30,000 1st State, Dallas: West Tex. N.. Big Springs, 55,000 Collinsville.. Grayson B19 Collinsville National Bank:. W.yJ. McGaughy... F. R. deCordova... Pop. 1048 88-1839 ’19 First Guaranty State Bank W. P. Pelphrey.__ J. B. Swindle__ . . . A. E. Ragsdale____ J R ^ h illip s ♦ 88-1007 *«1900 T. F. Rodgers Wm. H. Naylor .. Principal Correspondents. 96,000 j 0. A. PADDLEFORO w. r. McClellan___ LE0H LSHIELD-— K. 1. DAVIS H.R.STARKWtATHER 1 Special colleeti on facilities. COLEMAN NATIONAL BANK U p-to-date, Pro gressive banking. 88-312 < ’82 1Y ou will save tl mte by sending yo ur item s direct. ( Careful attenti on to all banking m atters. Prom p t rem ittance. (L E . COLLINS FIRST NATIONAL BANK— JO idest bank In 88-311 < ’86 ¡Special atten tio 1Please send 25c /or HESOURi eh. .VANSft J)I8- Uaqhft EzBonds, HSCURITIBS FROMBanks c’ts. _____________ " L ia b il it ie s . Paid - up Surplus DisposAND Profits $ 15,000 $ 5,000 $ 61,000 7,000 a LU ce as LU “ S ______ As s ’t Cashier . 20,000 «i ® sc “ N ame ok Bank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState President . Cashier . V ice-P resident . tMem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦M em . Fe1. Res. [Esiab. First Stale Bank..!_____$|T8 A. W. Rowe — — A. H. B ow e rs...... W. K. Hood. 88-1004 San Jacinto State Bank.$$’07 J. S. McCombs . . . . S. M cM urrey--— V. W . McMurrey.. 88-1005 CENTRAL STATE BANK-ÍS16 C. W. HEMPHILL-— J. C. SMITH 88-171« — ñ-A T own and County. »County Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res.Dist. E El Pas i Br. H Houston Coahoma...Howard E 11 Pop. 500 »Coldspring..San Jacinto H Pop. 700 H 22 »Coleman__ Co'eman F 14 Pop. 4500 Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, T È X A S^-C ontinued 1274 1274 INVESTM ENTS maturi ng FOR B A N K S at c o n v e n i e n t C o n tin en tal dates: Co m m ercial N a m e of B a n k . T own an d Co u n ty . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State In No. It Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.+Priv. [Estab. E El Paso Br. H. Houston. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Cooledge. Limestone G 19 Pop. 1000 Pop. 3000 « ( *• Pop. 500 Copperas Cove__ Coryell Pop. 700 G 17 »Corpus Christi. . Nueces Pop. 10,432 0 18 A s s ’ t Ca s h ie r . R esou rces . ix»ans 4 Dis tiara k KxDepos cute Paid- up Surplus . Bonds, «UMM,Dn ▲nd its Capital Profits T. J. Johnson____ S. C. R ose________ $ 75,000 $ 35,000 $ 127,260 $ 227,560 $ 44.890 Seab. N., N. Y.; City N. Dallas; 1st N., Houston and Waco. 40,000 71,270 15,000 95,470 21,620 Seab. N „ N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Union N., A. W. Jowers Hou.; Cent. Tex. Ex. N., Waco. 88-867 50,000 21.470 156,140 225,130 . 24,610 1st N. and City N „ Paris; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. J. F. Henslee_____ J. A. Darwin_____ J. R . Watkins____ Delta National Bank___ $1900 O. Anderson 88-533 50,000 40,000 500,000 450,000 150,000 N. Park and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N „ L. E. S tell________ F. $L Sheely___ Farmers National Bank_«$’09 C. A. Larson______ W. E. Chancellor Dallas J. A. Blackwell 88-534 60,000 96,240 Seab. N „ N. Y.; 1st N „ St. L.; City N., Dallas. 49,270 467,690 559,630 f R . M. W ALK ER — C. C. T A Y L O R — . . . C H A R LES N A Y L O R ... W. W. P IE R C E F I R S T N A T I O N A L BANK-*$’91 -< Save tim e and g e t s e rv ic e o n C o llections and Cre d it R eports by Se ndlng (F1SE i n a d v a n CE: Plain sight d ra fts, I S c; Cre d it R eports 2 5 c. T R Y U S. ♦ 88-532 J. R. Wallace_____ R. T . Bell.. 88-806 Citizens State Bank__ „ $ § ’07 A. C. flurry . 88-1010 J. D. Thweatt____ 88-1011 J. S. C lem ents..... 88-1012 City National Bank____ «$’05 Clark Pease _____ 88-125 ( JO S EP H I I I R S C H ... Ethelyn Nowlin —. 10,000 7,000 34.200 46,600 A. Nix____________ J. W. Harrison___ 10,000 3,000 100.000 50,000 9,680 61.000 82,200 John W. Nowlin . . T. S. Proctor. W. N. Sanders__ E. W. Gentry Jonntt Allin . . 25,000 W. R. N orton____ C; <3. Stone ___ Geo. R . Hallman 100,000 “ E R N E S T J . M I L L E R - G . B 0 T E L L 0 , J R ............. BURTON DUNN 200,000 •• Ch.OfBd. E . HOW ERTON • o C O R P U S C H R IS T I N A T ’ L B K . < 88-124 »$’90 1 Save tim e and get service o n C o llections and Cre d it R eports by Se ndlng (.FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain S ight d ra fts, 7 5 c; Cre dit R ep orts, 2Sc. T R Y U S. .. .. 4 Vincent Bluntzer.. E. R. Kleberg. __ G. R. Clark_______ G. J. Merriman___ A. D. Evans R. Givens C. L. Benton, A. Cash. Citizens State B an k____ §19 Alex Thompson. . . W. G. Pullen . ____ 88-1834 L. Bergman____ — Corrigan State Bank___ $t’07 •T. W. flnhh 88-1013 f J . A. THOMPSON - RICHARD M AYS ____ A . P. FII I O T T _____ R O Y TH O M P S O N ____ J . 0 . JACKSON r LO Y D YOUNG 1003Ò0 P H ILIP HOW ERTON R. J . K LEB ER G , 49,360 ^ 809,420 1,137,990 Pop. 700 110.000 1,017,470 15,000 15,000 200,000 8,000 Seab. N., N. Y .; Secar. N., Dallas; 1st N., Farmersville. 55,000 Secur. N., Dallas. 23,160 1st N., St. L. and Temple; City N „ Galr.; 1st State^Dallas. __ 141,970 N. Park, N. Ï .; Cent. N „ St. L. 173,920 2.274,020 2,944,240 1.122,260 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.; 1st N.. Chi.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. g 889.180 88-126 H Principal Correspondents . 5.500 31,500 18,000 62,000 38.550 259,230 1,568,230 2,676,300 248,760 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., Ho«.; Alamo N.. San Antonio. 22,300 1st N., Hou.; 1st State, Trinity. 70.000 So. Tex. Com'l N. and Union N., Hou. 237,160 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., St. L. N . T . CHAM PION »Corsicana. Navarro F 19 * C 0 N S I C A N A N A T I O N A L B K . C .R . T E R R Y ,,, 88-107 «$’87 j S p e c ia l a t t e n t i on given Bill o f L ading drafts, Cas b and T im e Item s. Pop. 12,000 VPlease send 15c tot th each sight draft fa r presentation and 25 cfor Credit Reports. M •• M M C. L. Knox _______ R .D . Johnson____ C. J. Knox, Sec. and Tr. 88-110 ♦First National Bank ...*$'86 James G aritty..... C. H. Mills_______ R. L. H am ilton.... I. Levy__ . ___ I. N. Cerf W. C. Hilliard 88-106 A. M. Milligan J. N. Garitty ★ F IR S T S T A T E B A N K ~ * i § 07 ♦ 88-109 ♦State National Bank___ $17 88-111 Corsicana Clearing House... (Members indicated by a *) »notniia , , LaSalle M 14 Farmers & Stockmans Bank 88-447 $t'07 *• P od. 2000 « Stockmens National B k .„ '04 88-446 Coupland. Williamson 1 18 Conpland State Bank___ $§’11 88-1014 Pop. 400 First Bank o f Covington $t’94 88-1015 Pop. 400 Crandall__ Kaufman D 19 Citizens National B ank...$'01 88-853 Pop. 1000 First National Bank___»$’01 88-854 Cranfills Gap.Bosque F 17 First Guaranty State Bk.$§’10 88-1016 Pop. 700 jG . E . J E S T E R -r R . A . C A LD W E L L — H p r 0 -jOiir C ollection facilities are seco nd to non e. A pe \Please send 15c tot th each sight draft fa r presentation and 25 B. B. Munsey_____ Geo. E. Jester___ _ L. A. Kerr_____ . T. R. Keck . Wi . 100,000 340,000 1,500,000 1,750,000 525,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.; Tenison N „ Dallas: Ñ. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 611,310 93,090 Chase N., N .Y .; Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.; Union N., Hon.; Secar. N., Dallas; (M em . Fed. R es:) 46,590 rsisient effort rna de o n al 1 Items c for Credit Reports. N. T. Chamion, Tr. L. C. Slorgan. Sec. and Mgr. J. H. Zachry, Mgr. J. H. Gallman, A . Mgr. B. Wildenthal____ C. F. Binkley 782,150 to get r esults. 650,000 740.000 3,250 30,000 40,000 75,000 77,460 178.960 269,400 90,000 73,000 200.000 60,000 25,000 170.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cent. N.» St. L.; Tenison N., Dallas; 1st M., Hou. and Waco. 13,000 Atlantic N. and Alamo N., San Antonio. 54,670 N. Park, N. Y.; Frost N. and N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. 34,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N „ Hon.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 20,000 3,700 S. B. N orwood___ 25,000 5,060 45,330 45,420 W. A. Brooks_____ J. A. Crawford___ F, B. Fowler______ J. R. Crawford___ Geo. N. Gibbs M. Spellman______ W. B.^Murphy____ T. O. Henderson__ Î ' Y W. T. Tergerson . . W. P. Barnes_____ 25,000 75,360 93,720 217,580 30,300 N. Park, N. Y .; Secur. N., Dallas. 50,000 11,710 200.520 219,130 69,100 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.; City N.. Dallas. 10,000 5,500 60,500 C. W. Pfluger_____ A. M. Pfluger_____ I N V E S T M E N T S FOR B A N K S MATURING AT C O N V E N IEN T DATES; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P. D. Williams H . C. JES T ER E . E . HAM ILTO N 50,000 (No ban king p ri vflepes) 300,000 Continental E. F. Marburger__ and 45.000 , 26.950 Seab. N „ N. Y.; N. Bk. of Cleburne,Cleburne. 30,000 Coal & Iron N.. N. Y.; Liberty N., Waco; 1st N., Ft. Worth. Commercial Banks, Chicago TEXAS BANKS—Cooledge to Cranfills Gap______ _____________ 1275 Pop. 400 Lia b il it ie s . Oa s h ie e . C h ic a g o Accessible Towns, lawyers, Laws, Directors, in d exed in b a c k o f this volu m e. For Interest Rates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see op p osite page 13.] T E X A S— Continued V ic e -P r e s id e n t . P r e s id e n t . Ba n k s July, 1919______ Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Thè Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. a n d ' N um ber under N am e o f Bank ia the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ D irectory, under the au th ority of T he-A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. Town and County. Name of Bane. »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist, £Mem. State Bks. Assn. fPriv. E El Paso, Br. H Houston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President. Crawford.McLennanG 18 FA R M ER S S T A T E B A N K t i’13 A. O. Jordan.. __ Pop. 750 8X-1525 FIR S T N ATIO N AL B A N I~ £ ’13 R. J. Smith______ 88-1017 »Crockett..Houston G 21 Crockett State Bank___ £§’07 W. H. Denny_____ H Pop. 3947__ 88-245 First National Bank____ £’ 92 H. F. Moore 88-244 Crosby_______Harris J 22 Crosby State Bank *{§’13 J. A. Clawson__ . . . H Pop. 800 88-1542 ‘ Crosbyton__Crosby B 11 Citizens National Bank.»£’07 L. B. Culwell_____ Pop. 1000 88-1363 First National Bank____ « ’09 S. Smith____ ___ 88-1019 Cross Plains, Callahan F15 Bank o f Gross P la in’l l H. W. Kuteman . . . Pop. 800 88-1387 Farmers National Bank..J’07 Chrls~Parsons__ ™ 88-1020 »Crowell_____ Foard B 14 Bank o f Crowell_____ _£t’06 W, S. B ell______ Pop. 2000 88-609 First State Bank___ «2(1900 ♦ 88-608 Crowley___ Tarrant D 18 Continental State Bank .£ {’09 Pop. 200 88-1021 Crystal City.Zavalla M 13 Zavalla County Bank___ £{’10 S. S. Pegues........... Pop. 1000 88-1022 *Cuero--------- Dewitt L 18 Pop. 4500 BUCHEL NAT’L BK. 88-308 j JOSEPH SHERIDAN.. Vice-President. Cashier. Ass ’t Cashier. A, O, Mcflcllnm „ Liabilities . Resources, Paid- up Subplus Dkpos- LoamsADis- GashAEx* and ITS Capital Profits SSODBITIM /BOMBaku $ 20,000 $ L. E. B ain ~l-— . . 30,000 H. J. Arledge_____ D. O. Kiessling___ j . M. Ellis 50,000 100,000 30,000 P. C. Ulrich N. Y. Bicknell___ _ W. S. McClung___ 40,000 H. E. Sherwood___ G. M. M cK ee_____ Jl A. Parks ... J. E. Spencer_____ V. V. Hart R. P. Odom__ ____ S. F. Bond. 50,000 C. C. Neeh______ 3,000 $ 56,000 1 80,350 $ 11,300 N. Park, N. Y.; Liberty N. and 1st N „ Waco . Secur. N., Dallas. , 59,000 9,630 Seac. N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth 185,300 1st State Bk. & Tr. Co., Waco. 45,000 285,000 345,000 50,000 N. Park. N. Y.; Union N. Hou., 1st N., St. L. Secur. N „ Dallas. 129,760 934,610 924,060 174,140 N.City, N . Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Hou N. Ex., Hou. 3,000 250,000 88.000 175,000 Mech, & Metals N.. N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex. and Gulf StateUdou.; City N., Galv. 80,000 143,380 ' 29,800 Ft, Worth N.. Ft, Worth; Fid. N- Bk. & Tr., 16,750 Kan. C.; 1st N-, Amarillo. 171,230 22,930 111,350 29,160 N. City, N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.. Kan. C.; 1st N. and StockYds. N.t Ft. Worth. N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Waco and Ft. Worth; Austin N., Austin. ; |)3(]»si anutp *■■«<?' 19,090 140,810 20,820 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com,; Dallas. 198,180 ____ 25,000 25.000 34,700 200,000 211,790 41,880 Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Inter-State N., Kan. O. .T W S«1f 30.000 30,000 130.000 200,000 J. W. Hampton.™ W. S Hnrn 10,000 1,780 59,000 38,900 38,500 Han. N „ N .Y .; 1st N „ Ft. Worth; Drov. N-, Kan. C.( (M em . Fed. R es.) 24,150 Seab. N., N. Y.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Worth. J. J. Davidson.;... Bruce H. Jno. D . Ingram___ Holsomback 25,000 9,000 220,000 125,000 50,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Alamo N., San Antonio. 100,000 87,100 571,430 810,640 126,470 N. City, N. Y .; So. Tex. C om ’ l N., H ou .; 1st N., F t. W orth. 100,000 42,000 409,000 475,000 95,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; (M em . Fed. B es.) • W. H. GRAHAM WM. WAGNER i finis sr.HORRF 1Intelligent and p rom pt atten tion to all business se n t us. r F. W. Jaeggli 1 S. C. Lackey, ) A ctive Vi P. 1 Save tim e and B A N K & T R U S T C O . / FEE IN ADVAN ♦ 88-307 «£{’07 v Thls rule does FIRST STATE R em ittance J. J. Sumners_____ W. K. Breeden C. G. Breeden get service on Col CE: Plain sight n ot apply to D raf t____ _________ sam e day collecte d. T B Y US. C. A. G lass___.___ lection s and Cred it Reports by send ing d ra fts, 15cs Cre dtt R eports, 2 5 c . T B Y U S. ts w ith Bills o f La ding attached. Paul Dornbluth___ Atlantic N., N. Y.; ,1st N., St." L.;- So. Tex. 'Com’l N., Hou'. ¡Special attenti on given Bill o f Lading drafts, C ash and tim e l i e m s. •*t’4S' 'Please send 15c with each sight dr a ft fo r presentati on and 25e fo r Cre dit Rep ort8. 88-306 Cumby ~ ...H op k in s C 21 Cumby State Bank____*£{’07 W. F. Hull________ T. C, Mars...._____ J F. W e a v e r ...... Pop. 1500 88-538 Guaranty State Bank.. «£§’01 C. M. P atton ______ R. W. Harris_____ R. A. Greaves___ _ C. D. Ward_____ 88-537 W. E. Connor M. M. Moore J. W. Cariker_____ 15,000 44,430 125,170 143,140 50,000 60,000 115,000 190,OftO 56,460 1st. State and City N., Dallas; IstN., Greenville: Cent. N., St. L. 50,000 Han. N „ N.Y.; 1st N .,St.L.: Am, Ex-. N; and 1st State, Dallas. Jas. B. D orsey..™ F. G. Cariker_____ 10,000 21,000 123,000 114,200 33,000 N. Bk. Com., Hou.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. R. P. Johnson____ J. F. Williamson__ H. H. Russell....... W. B. Russell 4___ 10,000 5,640 75,620 65,150 W. T. Connor, J r . . J. L. Williams....... J. W. Pate___ J. C. Jenkins J. Bradfleld_____ D. J. Jenkins_____ "J.Y. Bradfleld. R. N. Traylor (J. D. Lumpkin). 30,000 27,780 112,030 152,740 50,000 60,000 175,000 280,000 35,440 1st Guaranty State, Jacksonville; City N, and Secur. N., Dallas; Stone Ft. N., Nacogdoches. 37,070 N. Park, N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Com’l N., Shreveport, La. 69,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N.. Shreveport. - W. N. Stone______ W .T . S. Kretz____ E. T. Adair_______ J. A. Childers......... 75,000 35,000 500,000 600,000 Midway Bank & Tr. Co..£{’07 A. M. James__ i . . . J. E. M oore______ W. E. Farwell____ S. E. Brown______ 88-353 J. M. Cole, Sec. 60,000 15,710 480,200 408,750 e v e r y w h e r e is Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis open to our c o r r e s p o n d ie n t s : W. D. Russell____ _ . 138,720 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; N. Bk. Com.., Kan. C. 137,450 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Bk. o f Rep., Chi. Secur. N., Dallas; Inter-State N. and Drov. N., Kan. C. " Co NTI NENTAL AN D C OM M ER Cl AL BANKS. CHICAGO ________ July, 1919 Cushing___ Nacogdoches Cushing State Bank.. . . { ’09 H Pop. 1500 F 22 88-1023 Farmers Guaranty State Bank 88-1764 £§’17 ‘ Daingerfleld.Morris C 23 Citizens National B an k..»i’04 Pop. 1500 88-651 National Bank o f Daingerfield 88-650 ’92 Dalby Springs.Bowie C 3 DalbySprings ExchangeBank • Pop. 186 88-1715 t ’14 ‘ Dalhart_____Dallam N 3 First National Bank ..-.* £ ’02 Pop. 4000 88-351 Principal Correspondents. T. N. Bell________ S. S. Bell................ »£’73 ( M oderate charg es. H. RUNGE & GO. Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors; in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays,^ see opposite page 13. T E X A S —Continued 1276 _________ _______ ______ TEXAS BANKS—Crawford to Dalhart 197M ict/ v Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Send Your Texas Collections Direct to the The TENISON American Exchange N ational National Bank 32-10 32-10 OF D A L L A S Capital Surplus and Profits m $500,000.00 130,000.00 BANK p f tlu l m l UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY i Dallas, Texas C a p ita l, S u rp lu s and Profits $3,400,000.00 O fficers E. O. T E N IS O N , President W . D. FELDER - Vice-President H . S. K E A T IN G - Vice-President J. C . TE N IS O N - Vice-President J. D . G IL L E S P IE r Cashier E. H . TE N IS O N Assistant Cashier E. L. SN O D G R A SS Assistant Cashier L. B. G L ID D E N Auditor UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY DIRECT CONNECTIONS CAREFUL ATTENTION PROMPT SERVICE REASONABLE RATES Officers We shall be pleased to correspond with banks in regard to handling their Texas collections and items. Our effi cient Transit and Collection Departments, together with our large number-of direct connections, insure prompt and dependable service. Reasonable rates Federal Reserve Bank of ber St. Louis N um u n d er N am e o r 1277 B a n k is the New T r a n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. exclusively' by T he Rand-M cN ally Bankers* Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. D A L L A S — R eserve R O Y A L A . F E R R IS , Chairman o f the Board E. M , R E A R D O N , President H E N R Y C . C O K E ................... Vice-President i?4 c?‘ ••-Assistant Cashier E. J. G A N N O N .........................Vice-President o' I; -------Assistant Cashier JO H N N . S IM P S O N ................Vice-President R* Y - Z A N D E R S . .......... Assistant Cashier LOU IS L I P S IT Z ...................... .Vice-President r?r» J R ......... Assistant Cashier C. P O N D R O M ..A ssistant Cashier A . V . L A N E ................................ Vice-President ................... Assistant Cashier N A T H A N A D A M S ................. Vice-President S A M T U R N E R .................Assistant Cashier G . H . P IT T M A N ............... Cashier R EN - R- J O H N S T O N --Assistant Cashier H . H . S M I T H ...................... Assistant Cashier J. J. O ’C O N N E L L .............................. Auditor (Fédéral Reserve C ity N o. l i y : C ity - (Dallas County D 19) County Seat — Pop. 124,5271 JL N u m b e r u n d er N a m e o f B a n k Is the N ew T r a n s it N u m b e r given 1977 ■ 1 .4 // D A L L A S — R eserve to each bank in U. S. exclusively b y T he B a n d -M c N a lly Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. (Fédéral Beserve C ity N o. 11> N a m e of B a n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. AMERICAN EXCHANGE N A TIO N A L BANK P r e s id e n t . V ice -P r e s id e n t . C a s h i e r .. | E. M. REARDON — ROYAL A. FERRIS. HENRY C. COKE...... G. H. PITTMAN,.___ E. J. GANNON ... V P . and Cash. Ch. o f B d . JOHN N. SIMPSON H. H. SMITH........LOU'S LIP» TZ F. H. BLANKENSHIP vf#<J E. S. MCLAUGHLIN H. 0. ARDREY A s s ’t C a s h i e r . (Dallas Govmty D 19) County Seat — Pop. 124,527j f-. _ R e so u r c e s . | Dub I C a sh L oans a Bo n d s . Se c u r i FROM AND ExD is changes I c o u n t s t ie s , e t c . ! B a n k s Li a b i l i t i e s . S ur p lu s I n d iv id D eposits P a id - up ' AND of ual C a p it a l P r o f its D eposits B a n k s B. B. JOHNSTON-— F. C. PONDROM PAUL DANNA SAMTURNER , J. J. O'CONNELL, $ 1,500,000 $ 1,963.550 $19302820 $ 4,647,750 $15374490 $6,895,310 I p* AssH Cashiers Send us your Texas Collections; we havd^good facilit ies, having eorrespondents in all the principal towns and cities and remit promptly on day of payment. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE. - 767,770 H’ ? KEYlilC ‘ CENTRAL STATE BANK-*Χ14 L. L. Henderson — C. B. Gillespie_____ L. Hi Squires ; . — Raymond Campbell 32-17 854,050 (W ifflo vet Bank ing Priv ileges} 6,000 300,000 49,890 2,245,540 2.250,460 459,680 6,860 City N.,¿Dallas. 502,270 ---- - Fred W. G. Kelly W. E. Easterwood ‘CITY NATIONAL BANK . R. H. STEWART— - J. DABNEY DAY -LANG WHARTON. STEWART D.BECKLEY J.B. WILSON, E. W. ROSE RAY NESBITT Ch. o f Bd. Oldest Bank in North Texas. Capital and Surplus 2 1 -2 M ILLIO N DOLLARS. Ask us about your Texas collections. j EDWARD GRAY------- WM. G. OREO----------- E. R. TENNANT—— 0. A. MANGRUM S. A. TEMPLE H. B. JONES ALEX SANGER Accounts of Banks and Bankers Invited on favorable term s. Collections given special attention. Correspondence invited. 570,940 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. CW.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; N. Bk. Com. and City N., Kan. C.; Stock Yds. N.. Ft, Worth; (M em . Fed. B es.) 7 1,000,000 2,006,040 12,160,800 6.318.510 10,950,860 6.351,300$3.679910 2.659,550 N. Bk. C om . and M ech . & M etals N ., N. Y .; 1st N., C hi., K an. C., and S t. L .; H ibernia B k. & Tr. C o .,N . O .; P hil. N ., P hil. X " 18,300 100,000 Dallas County State Bank»£§'16 R. L. Thornton— 1A. c is tile s .______ Milton F. B r o w n - Harry Susman____ W. M. Holland Miss LeotaBranum, 32-6P" Sec. L » . .? 1 iVilO H / ‘DALLAS TRUST & SAVING BANK Pr in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . $ 8,916,120 Guaranty Tr. C o., N. Y .; Cont* & C om ’I N., C h i.; N. Bk. Com,» St. L. E. J. GANNON, JR. G. T. Yeal _ ___ C. M. Miller - - ____ R. P. Henderson, Sec'. ♦ C ity 1,000,000 468;6?0 S 17.580 457,160 195,870 4,217,720 400,000 3,756,000 629,980 23,39.0 • ■56,250 N. Bk. ConiV, N. Y.: Oity N ‘. Dallas, 1,370,160 N. Bk. C om . and M ech . & M etals N., N. Y .; M erch. L n . & T r. C o., C h i.; 1st N .; S t. L. Ì T iT ftW B B (See page 32 fo r co mplete information ^Federal Reserve Bank 32-3 »Dist. 11 1 (D a lla s C ontinu ed on n ex t pa& r j 1 AMERICAN SURETY CÖMPANY OF NEW Y0RK, FS V Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■ s ■ ■ BONDS, Littlefield Building. Austin 3 5 N um ber under N am e o f Banki s the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Rand-M cN ally Bankers’ D irectory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. (Federal Reserve C ity No. 11) Nahe of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn. fPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Ees. [Estab. President . V ice -President . As s ’t Ca sh ier . Cashier . P aid - up Capital Resources. In a b il it ie s . Dun Subplus I ndivid D eposits L oan « a Bonds. Securiual 1 D is AND or FROM counts TmS.BTC. Banks Profits Deposits B anks < ’89 j Oak Cliff State Bank & Tr. Co. M. L. Morris______ H. 0. Barnard____ W. N. Fullwood — J. J. Hall 12-68 <§11 L. S. Brotherton I.. H. V. WOLFE— WOLfE — -. . . . . D. E. WAGGONER. . . M ^ -------S. J. MCFARLAND 82-11 e W 141.670 Han. N. and Seab. N ., N. Y .; N. Bk. R ep ., C h i.; M erch .-L ac. N ., S t. L . ' 398,510 ------------- 241,490 38.780 120.760 33,550 Irvin g N., N. Y.; Ft* Dear. N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L .; Secur. N., Dallas. EDWIN HOBBY______ D. D ROGERS____ _ - A. - — V-— J W. ROYALL J. SANDERS, A u d itor FljANK AYRES f r o lr lil m O . GEO. W. RIDDLE ßA.JRAGLAND sär < ’09 7,030 P rincipal Correspondents . 500,000 14,697,240 6.708,030 2,000,000 14.577.510 9,169.050 4,947.550 2,571.450 Chase N. an d Irving N ., N. Y . N. City, C hL ; N. Bk. C om ., S t. L. A Conservative Bank that gives efficient service in every department o f Commercial Banking. R eserve accounts and Collections o f Banks and Bank e r s respectfully solicited. R. T. Stuart & Company .t§190 R. T. Stuart _____ C. H. Boedecker__ 0 . E. Stuart, 32-59 Cash, and See. 73,650 334,920 / 32-60 396,590 - 16,130 Secar. N., Dallas; State N.. Okla. City N., Bowie; J. D. GILLESPIE... E. H. TENISON .... L. B. GLIDDEN, E. L SNODGRASS - Auditor 500,000 W e o ffe r efficient banking service for banks, corporations and individuals. <17 11,270 123.260 1,020,120 1,295.560 1,830 3.512,100 817.680 123,380 M ech . & M etals N ., N . Y .; 1st N., C hi., S t. L . and San F .; New Eng. N.y K an . C .; Corn Ex. N ., PhD .; C om ’l N ., N. O. . POWELL, GARARD & COMPANY STATE, COUNTY, C IT Y, SCHOOL DISTRICT, ROAD DISTRICT, DRAINAGE BONDS AND OTHER MUNICIPAL SECURITIES. u 500.000 ( U n in corpora te (Individ ual Rospo naibility JOSEPH SHWARTS COMPAMY (Investm ent Bank ers. Dallas Clearing House___ i___ (Members indicated by a * ) R. H. Stewart____ A. V. Lane . CHICAGO Federal Reserve Bank N u of m bSt. e r Louis u n d er C on t. & C om ’ l N ., C ent. T r. C o. o f ID.* and Northern T r. C o., Chi. CHICAGO p New YORK - PHILADELPHIA - DALLAS N a m e o f B a n k J. D.Gillespie. Mgr. A C E N T E R FOR DIR E C T c o l l e c t i o n s : is th e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r g iv > each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tbe Hand-McNally Bankei Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. $50,000)- Am. Ex. N., Dallas. Edwin Hobby. Sec. and Tr, if_________ July* 1919 SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE PRECEDING PAGE. ; E. 0. TENISON----- W. D. FELDER.— TE N IS O N H. S. KEATING J. C. TENISON NATIONAL BANK 2,680 > TEXAS BANKS—Dallas Continued ||1P" 'SECURITY. NATIONAL BANK 50,000 I changes J $ 150.000 $ 236.590 $ 2,149.130 $ 118,750 $ 1.334.530 $ 605.430 $ 617,090$ O F COMMERCE Try us for quick service. S2-4 Cash and Ex* ________ J. B. ADOUE - J. B. ADOUEiJR.— GEORGE MILLER— W. P. METCALF. R. E .J.. KNIGHT I.R . STITT All collections w ill receive an officers personal attention, R. B. MADDOX And will be remitted tor on day of payment. ‘NATIONAL BANK Accessible Towns* Lawyers* Laws* Directors* in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates* Grace* etc.* see page 14. For Holidays* see opposite page 13 D A L L A S — Continued 1278 i 1278 C O N T IN E N T A L A N D C O M M E R C IA L B A N K S T E X A S— Continued A ccessible T o w n s , .L a w y e rs, L a w s , D i r e c t o r s * i xxdexed in back of this volume. F or In te r e s t R ates» G r a c e , t e t c . , see page 14. F o r H o li d a y s , see opposite page 13.| C mRE Ä c5EcN o lllcF?,SNS C H IC A G O , to m i N u m b er u n d er N a m e each bank in U. S. o r K a n lc is th e N e w exclusively by C O N T IN E N T A L A N D C O M M E R C IA L B A N K S T b e R a n d -M c N a lly B a n k e rs' Directory, under tbe authority of The American Bankers Ass’n • •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State *County Seats. In No. 11 Fed Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv., [Estab. EEl Paso Br. HHouston. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Pr e s id e n t . Vic e -P r e s id e n t , d e x e d in T E X A S — Continued N a m e op B a n k . T o w n a n d Co u n t y . Accessible T o w n s , Law yers, L a w s, D irectors* i xxback o f t h i s v o l u m e . F o r In te re st R a t e s , G r a c e , « T r a n s i t N u m b e r g iv e n Ca s h i e r . A s s ’t Ca s h i e r . etc,» see page 14. Lia b il it ie s . S u r p lu s D e pos P a id - up AND it s C a p it a l P r o p its J. R. Dunn, A c tiv e . J. F. Smith______ J. W. Richards__- $ 25.000 $ 20,000 $ J. M. Lee ■ » 50,000 50,900 Liberty National Bank—1’07 B. W. D. Hill __ O.O. Weaver. __ E. B. Dawson—__ M. L. Berry 88-776 18.860 25,000 W. T. Jamison . H. H. Marble____v Dayton____ Liberty J 22 Dayton State Bank__ «tl’07 Joe Entzminger__ 88-1024 ft Pop. 1000 10,090 870 " R. R. Zierlein___ Peoples Guaranty State Bank 88-1783 i8’17 C. C. Hays 10,000 1.000 Deanville—Burleson K 4 88-1837 Pop. 150 95,580 50,000 jS . A. LILLARD— W. L. RUSH-------- J. W. LILLARD . P. THURMOND »Decatur_____ wise C17 CITY NATIONAL BANK— t’Ol ‘ ¡Has the Largest W Wise County, of any Bank In Working Capital 88-510 j Pop. 2500 'Prompt attentl on and remlitanc e. Moderate cha rges. TRY US. First National Bank ___—1'15 88-777 Pop. 1600 ^ u First National Bank . „ t ’83 W. T. Waggoner__ Guinn Williams__ E. P. Gibson.- __ N. A. Moore_____ S 88-509 C. E. Martin J. A. Simmons DeKalb Exchange Bk..»tt’87 N. K. Furey_____ 88-707 M POP. 1500 A. G. Crump ... First State Bank______tl’07 F. Mebane__ M. B. McCoy ♦ 88-708 T. P. Weaver Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bk. Guy Patterson.— Evan Barker R.W.Higginbotham DeLeon—Comanche F 16 88-702 < ’05 Z. O. Steakley R. R. Harvey Pop. 2500 First State Bank____ < §’01 T. A. Manning___ H. B, Farrell. Active V. K Garter 88-701 100,000 20,000 R e so ur ces. Loam k Dis- Oaork Ex* C*ts. Bonds. C BAHOBS,Dux Smuritibp fromBanks Principal Correspondents. 142,500 $ 148.900 $ 26,750 State N., Corsicana: Centi Tex. Ex. N „ Waco 180,000 280.000 45.150 City N.„ Dallas, , .. 255.660 268.810 45.150 71,390 , 58.500 28,270 ______ N., Caldwell. 1 418.700 654,430 77,820 Han. N.»N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N. and Live Stock 590,000 779,000 43,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y .ilstN i.^ t. Worth: City N., Ex. N.. Chi.: Ft. Worth N „ Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas. Dallas. lv - 325.000 1st N.. St. L. \ 50,000 25,000 488,560 157,000 51,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas: Texarkana 50,000 68,830 1,117,990 859.120 415.210 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N „ Waco; City N., Dallas. 35,000 25,000 550,000 405,000 165,000 Han. N „ N. Y.: Cent, Tex. Ex. N „ Waco: Cent 75,000 55,000 522,700 445,220 273,100 Han. N., N. Y.: Drov. N.. Kan. C.; Hou. N, 100,000 51,350 577,290 806,950 205,010 Chase N., N. Y.; Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; State 100,410 1,634.700 1.185,820 R. T. HUNNIGUTT — fE.E. SAWYER — - WALTER 61HIS—'~ FIRST NATIONAL BK—<1900 ■<Business on Be publfc of Mexico solicited, e Collec tlons. ercantiT your M 88-135 _ (.Also Bill o f Lad mg and Note Col lections, but plea se do not send ns 699,290 N. Park, N. Y.; Cent. N „ St. L.; Frost N „ San »Del Rio__Valverde K 11 DEL RIO BANK & TRUST CO. W. F. Whitehead— C. P. Scales____ 88-137 » ’10 E Pop. 10.000 . c. DEL RIO NATIONAL BANK 88-136 < ’04 Garland Owens__ C. O. Fokes_____ B. F. Peirce_____ 75,000 Denison___ GraysonB 19 Pop. 14,779 For Holidays, see opposite page 13.' £ DENISON BK. & TRUST COMPANY ♦ 88-37 *hS’05 The NATIONAL BANKOF DENISON 88-36 < ’90 te THE T. F. RODGERS------ Q. R. NICHOLSON— J. C. LOVELACE — J. H. LUCAS.......... J. B. MCDOUGALL, CLARENCF SCOTT 60,620 2,063,450 2,112.930 160.000 C h . o f B d . R. T. ARTHUR T . A . MURPHY, W. B. M U N SO N, JR. sBank. write thi v . Pres. When in need of Banking Service in Denison or Community, Every department in charge of an officer of the Institution. We appreciate your business M & in » J. B. McDongall__ P. J. Brennan— J. R. Haven T.F. FOLEY-------LEO MURPHY L.L.SHACKELFORD 100.000 Collections on Denison and vfelnlty given personal attention by an officer o f the bank. < ’83 Save time and get service on Collections and Credit Beports by sending FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain sight d ra fts, 1 5 a Credit R eports, 2 5 c . TRY US. AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, ™ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 106,490 State, Dallas; Stock Yds. N.. Ft. Worth. Ex., Hon.; Com’l State. San Antonio. N., San Antonio. Antonio. 522.890 Irving N., N. Y .; U nion T r. C o., C h i.; N, Bk. C om .. K an . C .; 1st N., S t. L .; U nion N ., H o u .; Secur. N», D allas; (M em . Fed B es.) S 919,250 1,155,240 , 202,190 Han. N.. N. Y.; Cent. N.. St. L.; N. Reserve, Kan. C.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. G. L. BLACKFORD-- A.F. PLATTER----- W. 8. MEBINNjS— STATE NAT. BANK 88-35 100,000 N. and State N., Texarkana: (M em . Fed. R es.) 158,450 1.808,000 1.745.290 395.990 Seab. N .. N. Y .; C ont. & C om ’ l N ., Cht.t M erch .-L ac. N ., St. L .: New Eng. N., K an . C .; 1st N.« San F. BONDS, Littlefield Building, Austin 1 9 SO X 4 /O U N um ber under Name o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given t0 each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-M cN ally Bankers’ " Directory, un der the authority of The Am erican Bankers Ass’ n.* Town and County. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, TE X A S —Continued I President. V ice-President . Cashier. Exchange National Bank J. R. Christal. . . . . . E.^F.^featfeS— ____ J. C. Cbit— 88-212 «$’81 “ FIRST GUARANTY STATE BK. 88-1474 .. «*§’13 ..... •• L. H. Schweer____ W. F. Woodward.. First State Rank ..... .«$§’09 J, Grant___ £.1_____ 88-781 DesdemOna Eastland F 15 Desdemnna Bank Pop. 3000 88-1822 ™ " ' -~ ■ “ • TI T. Jeff us ____ _ J. S. Furgerson___ S. E. Snodgrass.... T. N„ Prater___ . . . J. D. Steakley....... W . L. Allen First Guaranty State Bank.. J. D. Moorhead___ D. R. Carruth____ R. C. Shbwalter__ 88-1849 §’19 Detroit___ Red River B 21 Detroit State B an k... .£$’07 T. A. Èubank.;—. . W. N* Mullins Pop. 2000 88-540 __1D. A. Chambers__ P. W Flem ing___ j j . L..VAH DYKE— ISAAC GUEST, SR— W. E. HOLLOWAY — RALPHPEARCE g| --------- H 100,000 58,500 528,680 692,870 79,300 Chatham & Phenix N., N.Y.-.N. fik. Rep , Chi.; 1st N „ Kan. 0., Ft.Worth, and St. L. 50,000 15,000 250.000 215,000 : 75.000 N* City. N. Y .: Secar, N., Dallas: Union N. Hoù.; Texas State, Ft. Worth. 50,000 - 60,000 -400*000 325.000 120,000 Han. N.i N . Y.; 1st N., St. L. 50,000 35.000 250,000 200.000 75,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., St. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 50,000 , .20,000 280,000 .252,500 35,500 Han. N., N. Y.: City N., Dallas; 1st N „ Paris. 40.000 5.000 Charges 1-10 of 1per cent. ( Vigorous attent Ion given by an o flicer of the bank. Deport______ Lamar 0 21 First National B an k___ »t’02 J. H. M oore______ J. T. Woodard____ G. H. Montgomery L RJVfnnre Pop. 1200 88-780 I; W. Teague .. $ 50,000 % 48,070 $ 551,180 $•701,750 $141*090 Chase N., N. Y.; Tenison N.. Dallas* |M. L. MARTIN— W, C. 0RR -— ___ W. E. SMOOT — J. M. EVANS < Our service In handling collect! ons on Denton ca nnot be excelled. First National Bank___ « t ’82 88-213 Principal Correspondents . AKSk DlS- Gashk ExP aid- up Surplus Depos cI.O ’ts. Bonds, OHANOM,DUB and Capital Profits its Sbcdrities fromBark* Ass ’t Cashier. »Denton____Denton C 18 Denton County Nat. B k ..t’92 W. B. McCIurkan.. J. F. Raley i ____ M. W. Deavenport Pop. 8000 88-214 R. M. Barns, Active ** Resource's . Liabilities . Name of Bank. »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. E El Paso Br. H. Houston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. 500,000 400,000 380.000 Far. &Mech. N., Ft. Worth; Secnr. N., Dallas. 25,000 Comw. N., Kan. C.; Guaranty State, Rangers 50,000 8,000 150,000 151,550 100,000 105.380 512.130 509.370 T. P. GUEST, A ctive FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«t’92 )Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred It Reports by sen ding 88-539 IFEEIN ADVAN CE: Plain sight drafts , IS ct Cre TRY Ü S. 40,000 N . Bk. Com., N. Ÿ.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 258,140 Sëab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Seçur. N„ 0 Dallas. Ö 1 n Devine_____ Medina L 15 Adams National Bank.. . < ’04 C. M. Thompson__ G. T. Briscoe_____ A. M. Patterson__ F . R. Briscoe_____ Pop. 2000 88-1025 50,000 31,780 140,760 213,100 Dexter______Cooke B 18 First Guaranty State Bank J. F. Marshall.— Pop. 226 88-1694 *§’15 W. Ct Cunningham R. Ö. Hodges__ __ 13,000 1,860 61,610 47.100 26,820 Irving N „ , N. Y,; N- Bk. Com., Kan. C.. Mo.; DènisOn Bk. & Tr. Co. and 1st State. Dehisoh. Augustus C. Rothe 10,000 900 40.000 .36,C00 17,000 Seab. N.,'N. Y.; Lumbermans N., Hou.; Com’l State, San Antonio. Dialville— Cherokee F 22 Dialville State Bank____i§ ’08 W. B. Cowan_____ A. G. A dam s_____ J. D. Harris______ H Pop. 143 88-1026 15,900 3,009 — 57,000 34,950 25,000 ist N.fSt. L*; Secüf. N., Dallas. 30,850 1st N. and City N., Galv. 57,310 I•Xftl At AN• Xi| AN•UAi vUUiif OIn Ai*• Plb San Antonio: So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou. ÖÖ o * D’Hanis. . .Medina K 14 D’Hanis State Bank___ i§ ’16 Ü. Zander. Pop. 600 88-1726 H Pop. 1500 Dickinson State Bank M i l 'l l Hoskins F o ste r.... 88-1414 Dilley _ ...F rio L 15 Dilley State Bank Pop.1200 88-1028 .$§’07 N. Dillard.. . H. E. Billiard___ J . T. R. Bennett____ C H IC A G O T own and C ounty. 960 ..£6,310 35,010 20.000 23,250 ' ’ 75,760 ' 8.5,860 ! A C E N T E R FOR d i r e c t c o l l e c t i o n s ; •} '----15.000 - —J 2.700 66,200 1 52,500 25,000 Ian. N.. N. Y.; Hou,.: N., Caldwell. CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c to r s , in dexed in back of this volume, fo r Interest Rates, Grace, etc*« s e e p a g e 14. F o r H o lid a y s , s e e o p p o s i t e p a g e 13.\ T E X A S — C o n tin u e d N ame of Bank . 25*730 Tex. Com’l N., Hou. Dime B ox ____ ...Lee 1 19 First State Bank______t§’17 C. C. N elm s______ J. L. Kocurek____ L. J. Kocurek____| 88-1744 H Pop. 400 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1281 10,000 Lib b il it ie s . RESOURCES. 1 P rincipal Correspondents . ■ B i !A DIRECT each feank in ü. S.. e x c l u s i v e l y 1281 by T h e ENTER FOR Name of ; CONTl NENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS B an ker -■ T own and County. | c o l l e c t i o n s R a n d -A lc I V a lly —~ ~ -----i-L— T E X A S — Continued Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §Slate »County Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. lMem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. E 11 Paso Br. HHouston. ♦Mem. Fed. Bds. Estati. ‘ Dimmitt_____Castro R 8 First State Bank Pop. 500 88-1029 — 1§’07 President. Vice-President. i Cashier. Ass ’ t Cashier. Bruce M cL ean ..... Bruce M cLean...— J. Hastings Libbilities . RESOURCES; oams &Dig- Cash&Ex Depos L Paid- up Surplus c’ts. Bonds. changes,Due and its Capital Profits Principal Correspondents. U 2,500 $ 105,000 $ 95,000 $ 78,000 Drov. N. and Inter-State N „ Kan. 0.; 1st N „ Amarillo, -— $ 25,000 $ 33,600 Scab. N „ N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 30,000 7,800 103,000 185,670 20,000 4,900 70,000 69,500c Dodge______Walker H 21 Guaranty State Bank - .± § ’16 w . t, . htii W. O. Hopper . . . . . 88-1734 H Pop. 800 1 Dodsonville Gollings- First State Bank ..•±§’10 G. W. Deahl______ worth.Pop, 500__ Q 7 88-1030 T. R. Whisenant 10,000 5,400 41,690 55,940 10,000 4 ,10.000 135,000 80,000 Donna____ Hidalgo B 17 First State Bank____ ..•±§’10 A. F. Hester______ A. T FlVintt 88-1031 Pop. 1000 25,000 23,000 351.000 286,530 67,600 Han. N.. N. Y.: Hou. N. Ex.. Hou.; 1st N.V Brownsville; Corpus Christi N.. Corpus Christi. ' 12,500 4.000 100,000 75,000 160,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N „ Dallas: Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman. Douglassviile.—Cass C 23 First State Bank------ rf. §’18 A. D. Morriss..—.^ R. P. Rutland \ ___ A„<1 Qliyer, Jr. . „ W. G. Granberry .. 88-1802 1’ J^fSEiefcUijB Pop. 800 15,000 L700 39,000 33,000 Dublin_____ Erath F 16 Pop. 4000 50,000 56,310 124,670 248,360 44,890 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Union N.. Hou.; Ist N., Waco. 85,160 N. City, N.Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.;.Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. Dodd City...Fannin B 20 First National Bank. - - ± ’01 TS. D. M cG ee-____ Ji^W. Van Noy— . W. C. M cGee_____ J. T. Herriage__ — Pop. 500 88-900 First State Bank____ __t r io J. F. L ee'J iy ..____ R. E. McClary____ ft. PTTatta 88-901 Dorchester.Grayson B 19 First State B a n k ..... . . . « 1 0 88-1032 Pop. 200 ■ - -y J. H. Graham_____ V. H. Murrell" Citizens National Bank..±'01 J. H. Latham_____ S. H.Prim 88-360 W. R. Young W. T. nor 'V-vrr . 25,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; 1st N-, Paris: 1st State, Bonham. 5,720 Gulf State, Hou.; City N.. Galv. 60,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Live Stock Ft. Worth. x. N., Chi.; IstN., 18.500 Texarkana N., Texarkana; 1st N., Atl. V. 60,000 108,400 306,500 402,300 Joe S. Little 50,000 17,210 251,550 207,170 10,000 3,190 33,740 35,200 11,730 Coal & Iron N., N .Y .: Liberty N., Waco; Hico ' N., Hico,; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth. 15,000 2,910 67,350 JH.410 25,790 Han. N., N. Y.; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas; Stock Yds.N., Kan. C. Duncanville—.Dallas D 18 Farmers Bank-__ . . . . „•±t’07 G. W. Riddle_____ R. G. Brandenburg T A SligAr u 88-1035 Pop. 300 10,000 5,540 42,800 36,510 25,360 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; 1st State, Dallas. Dundee_____ Archer B 15 First State Bank____ ..± § ’09 Alex. Albright....... 88-1036 Pop. 300 H. S. Griffin 25,000 3,750 70,000 55,000 30,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Wichita Falls; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth.; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas,-^- Dublin National Bank __ ±’93 John G. Harris___ F. A W ieser........ E. W. Harris 88-359 B. W. Lafferty Guaranty State Bank -• « '1 2 B. M. Utter back... f!. G. Fonst 88-361 H. M. Wieser f|m& Duffau______ Erath E 17 Far. & Merch. State Bk. ±§’14 W. E. Bussell ____ John Cage_______ 88-1580 Pop. 300 T. M. Elkins ‘ Dumas_____ Moore 0 4 First State B ank.. __ ..« '0 9 88-1034 Pop. 250 Eagle Lake.Colorado K 20 H Pop. 2000 EAGLE LAKE C T IT P d im e . 88-489 T. H. Campbell___ Chester Morgan__ ? . ïtfe - WILLIAM GREEN......... HAYNIE MATTHEWS- F. A. NORMAN-------- W. L. PETERSON— R.S. CHAMBERS n a ail/ D A im •±§’06 Prompt and intelligent service given all business.” Special attention given local items. Bill of Lading drafts and time items our specialty. 75,000 ■w In,---- 107,060 Cent. Tex. Ex. N., Waco; 1st N., Ft. Worth, 404,310 465,300 60,320 Han. N ., N. Y .; G ont. & C om ’ l H f C h i.; N. Bk. C om ., S t. L .; So. Tex. C om ’l N. and 1st N., H ou. 33,270 - 566,950 518,710 153,200 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Union N., Hou,; City N „ Dallas. 46,280 , 'X f ' ■l . .v-r>& | p*«„ \y 1 88-488 ±'05 Frank Stephens... B. Leysaht J. J. Whatley W. W. Trfuihjvrt-.... H. A. Douglass ___ AMÉRIDftfl SUR^Y W lpP^I^W NEW YORK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 75.000 BONm \ .ittlefield Building, Austin t T own and County. N ame op B ank . «County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriy. E El Paso Br. H Hou. Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. P resident . V ick-P rksidknt . «Ragle Pass___ Maverick Bonnet Banking Co. — î t ’18 W. A. Bonnet . — . Pop. 8000 N 12 88-1803 .. ~ V •• “ ' “ r< > ->nii - “ Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Graces etc«, see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. T E X A S —Continued Cashier . /. Lia b il it ie s . R esources. P aid- up Surplus Dkpos- Loansë Su* Cam ë XxCapital P rofits ITS Bnobritim FBOMBaNU A s s ’t Oashier . F. P. V a ld e z ...™ N. Bk. Com«, N. Y«; State N«, Austin. Border National Bank ..«t'OO S. P. Simpson_____ T. G. George______ R. H. Bibolet_____ J. L. Barrera_____ S 100.000 $ 130.000 % 700,000 $ 625,000 $ 300,000 Ehm. N., N. Y.; State N., San Antonio. 88-262 I FIRST NATIONAL BANK-^’OO E. TT. Schmidt -.. - Wm. Hollis.-______ 88-261 ioo,ooo F. N. Garcia 215,000 1,475,000 1,100.000 50,000 50,830 1,169,270 853,250 50,000 6,000 100,000 30,000 30,000 f G. C. WAGGONER i L. A. HIGHTOWER— WALTER GRAY ------«Eastland..Eastland E 15 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK -j Special atten tio n given B ill o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item sl Pop. 8000 88-1819 *’18 l Please send 15c wi th each sight draftf or presentation and 25c for Crédit Repo rts. £510 562,240 280.960 M .. .. CITY NATIONAL BANK-«t’04 T. Harrell 88-767 M H. P. BRELSFORD. FIRST STATE BANK 88-768. _______ ___ M H ill J. H. CHEATHAM S A F E — PR O M PT— ACC f Save tim e and get service on Col •IS'09 \ FEE IN AD VAN CIS: ‘ Plain tig h t / “ P. S. W olfe H. CHEATHAM-— W. B. SMITH-— ^ 100,000 — O M M O D A TI NG. lection s and Cred it R eports b y sen dlng d r a ft* , 1 5 c; Cre dit R eport*, 2 5 c . TRY W. F. Hill J M. Houston____ Eden____ ...C oncho G 13 Eden State Bank___ ■ — •iî'O’h H. G. Maclean...__ Pop. 80(P 88-1039 397,080 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N „ Dallas. 650.000 250.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Cent. State, Dallas. 100,000 1,250,000 700.000 525.000 N. City, N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N. and Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth; Tenison N., Dallas; N. Bk. Com., Kari. C. 308,100 287,070 Han. N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N., Waco. US. ... 560,000 60*000 1 15,000 8,250 64,000 59,000 50,000 32,260 99,540 185,730 27.840 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Waco; Lum bermans N., Hou. 15.000 95.000 130.000 29,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Com’l N., Brady. 35,000 10.000 98,000 120,000 19,000 Am. Ex. N. and 1st State, Dallas; 1st N., Hou.; (Mem. Fed^Res.r 25,000 52,400 159,350 208,230 63,930 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; City N., Dallas; Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth. 1 30,000 21,000 1st N., Bonham; 1st State, Dallas. \ Edgewood___ Van Zandt Farmers & Merch. State Bank Lee Joyner__ ____ J. E. Humphries__ J. A, Lucas. . . . . . W. H. Piekens. __ Pop. 16G0 D 20 ♦ 88-783 i f ’09 -:V First National Bank___* i’09 M. R. Millsaps____ N. L. Cheatham 1__ 88-782 OUR CREDIT INFORMATION ON C O N C E R N S e V C R V W H C R C I S O P E N T O O U R C O R R -------v u St. m o eLouis r u n d e r N a m e o r K anne i umt h e N e w T r aa n n ss iitt; N u m b b ee rr Federal Reserve Bank xof by T h e R a n d -M c N a lly B ai 1283 C G. M. Youngblood. o n t i n e n t a l a m p m vei eac.k hank in U. S. exclusively by_The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. X E X A S — Continued O v _____ July; 1919 Eddy____ McLennan G 18 First National Bank___ »t’01 J. R. K n ight.....__ D. W. HarwellP op. 500 88-755 ...... 6,000 Seob. N., N. Y .; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 850.000 15,000 1 (CLEAVES R H EA ... A. D. RHEA _______ J. A. LITTLETON — MILTON LAWRENCE30,000 5,000 GUARANTY STATE BANK T. W. DUNCAN 88-1818 t§’18 iSave tim e and get service on Col lection s and Cred it R eports b y sen ding ( FEE IN ADVAN CBS Plain sig h t d ra ft*, 1 5 c; Cre dit R eport*, 2 5 c. T R Y US. Ector. ____ Fannin B 20 First State Bank_______tS’05 W. R. Luton__ ___ D. W. Sweeney . . . W- Twyman Pop. 1000 88-1038 O. M. Luton, Active 433,860 N. Park, N. Y.: Alamo N., San Antonio; Secar. N., Dallas; 1st N., Hou. '"'Wl • 50,000 J. 800,000 N. City, N. Y.S Alamo N., San Antonio. TEXAS BANKS'^Eagle Pass to Edgewood State Bank & Trust Co.<$’06 W. J. Niggli__ ___ _ F. F. N ig g li._____ J. D. Beck _______ 86-263 0 . L. Dolch East Bernard__ Wharton Union State Bank._____ t8’07 J. G. Leveridge___ Wm. W iley— ____ R. B. Boettcher.... Henry N ovosad... Pop. 400 K20 88-1037 Clem Boettcher ê» Principal Correspondents . 1282________ ____________ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. 1282 cSm m A c c e s s ib le T o w n s, la w y e r s , d e x e d in b a c k o f th is v o lu m e . For etc»» see page 14. L aw s, D ir e c to r s , in - I n te re st R a te s , G ra ce, *— 1 IPor H o li d a y s , see opposite page 13.\ S*. ^— :— ~ — ■ — -------1— ~ — —•' — •• << N., Ft. Worth. OUR CREDIT INFORMATION ON C O N C E R N S E V E R Y W 2283 C H E R E W u m b er u n d e r JN am e o f B a n k We ©w w Ii s t h e N o n t i n e n t a l . Pbesident. M A. E. Westhoff — 88-541 Pop. 2000 M JACKSON CO. STATE BANK 88-542 o m m Vice-President. Cashier. R. H. Klossner___ G. Egg----------------- A. Schmidt. D. H. Allen— ........ 30.000 35,000 250,000 150,000 240,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch.-Lac. N., StrL.: Union N „ Hon.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 60,000 15.000 340,000 822,000 115,000 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 81*07 86,000 630.000 645,600 ^2,500 in. K. MARSHALL K.E. HIGBEE-------- 0. F. FORESTER— S M a a r l El Campo.. Wharton L 20 CITIZENS STATE BANK-8111 )Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, cash and tim e item s. 88-481 Pop. 8500 *15c must be sent with each sight dra f t fo r presentation and 25c with each request f or repor t or rati ng. ■i-r; 8 "v," i ® f. ■' * 0 . E. Ericson_____ H. F. Klein___ ___ 88-479 ^ 88-1041 H iE. A. DALE........ j 754,030 82,170 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. S. E. H0NAKER — C. W. COFFEY . — 75,000 58,000 163.920 336,680 52,160 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Inter-State N „ Kan. 0.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., 111.; Tenison N-, Dallas. E. M. F riend_____ 25,000 26,430 407.090 362,070 120,550 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth: Secur. N., Dallas. w 25,000 70.000 900,000 600,000 270.000 N. Park, N. Y.: City N., Wichita Falls; IstN ., Ft. Worth. 50,000 115,000 874,670 400,140 112,160 N . City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou. 50,000 23,960 234,150 214,930 73,790 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; City N „ Dallas. 20,000 20,000 ' 126,440 84,580 60,970 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Lumbermans N., Hou.; Robinson Guaranty State Bk. & Tr. Co., Palestine. 66,460 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Hou.; John Schumhcher State, La Grange; City N., Galv. p . _ _ W. P. Culp, Jr___ Merchants & Far. State Bank James Keeble_____ J .V .M o r e ll______ A. F. Anderson, Jr. 0 . F. Salcher-------88-498 *81*06 Elkhart...Anderson F 21 Elkhart Guaranty State Bk. T. M. Campbell, Jr. B .J . P a r k e r _____ 88-1429 81*12 H Pop. 1000 Elbert Kyle Farmers & Merchants Bank Tucker Royall------ W. A. Weatherford C. W . Hanks i 88-1879 +’19 EUinger___ Fayette J 19 H Pop. 488 437,800 ¡Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, cash and tim e item s. 'P lea se send 15« wi th each eight draft f o r presen tation and 25c for Credit R ep or ts. Elgin National Bank . . . *8’00 W. H. Rivers, J r... W. P. Onlp 88-497 Pop. 2000 96,540 111,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. i First National Bank ___ *8*11 Edward Schlaffke. J. B. Ferguson___ , 88-1376 FIRST STATE BANK— « 8 & 100,000 J. F. Kubela •Bldorado.Schleicher H12 First National Bank____ *8’07 J. B. Christian___ J. A. Whitten_____ W. 0. Alexander . . J. E. Hill_____ 88-784 Pop. 800 Pop. 5500 Principal Correspondents. $ 25,000 $ 27,490 8 305,710 $ 292.910 $ 58,520 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. E. D. W hite______ S. D. Scott ■■■■ - - B. L. Faires.. 0. W. Ehlinger— \ 25,000 12,500 1.770 25,370 39,010 10,000 1,800 17,000 32,040 88-1475 State Bk.8S’17 G. W. R iddle_____ L. E. Griffith, J r ... 0 . C. Goodwins____ Miss Jane Lindsey Elmo____ Kaufman D 20 First Guaranty QV_19nr JF,. J. Jobe 3,810 1st State. Dallas and Terrell. AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, FE 7 BONDS, Littlefield Building, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i c a g o etc,» see page 14. ITor Holidays, see opposite page 13.\ C ( | R esources. Loansk Du» Oasbk ExP aid- up Surplus Depos c*n. Bobus, CHaBBSs,Hue AND its Capital Profits IteOBUTtM fromBasks Liabilities . Ass ’t Cashier. C t-i am k s A c e e s s ltite T o w n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D ir e c t o r s , in d ex ed in b a c k o f tin s v o lu m e . F o r I n t e r e s t R a t e s , G r a c e , '— 1 X E X A S — Continued ‘ Edinburg.. Hidalgo R 17 Edinburg State Bank—.» t l ’OO Henry Klossner__ 88-1040 Pop. 50 H C mh t oe ei r g i v e i T rau n s ti t w N w um b y The K a n d -M c N a lly B a ÎP each bank in V. S. exclusively by_The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority' of The American Bankers Ass*n« Name of Bank. T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State *Coanty Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. ¿Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. E El Paso Br. HHouston. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. a m p B Name of Bank. to wn and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState *Countv Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. E El Paso Br. HHouston. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. *E1 Paso El Paso F 2 (Reserve City) E Pop. 63,705 ♦Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas___ 88-1................. ’18 ,,V - «17 CRAWFORD HARVIE— w “ rj - „ — v- . L. ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK .< » . .. j J. F. Williams H. M. Andreas if. Pi JONES— 1— A F KERR L. H. CREW S__ (See C. H. Teague_____ F. M. LYNCH— — B. B. Kimbrough G. C. ROBERTS — - J?ag& 32 fo r c ox>iï>let£ inform ât 300.000 H an. N., N. Y .; Com w . N., K an . C .; Citlz. N., Los A. 300,000 84,670 3,923,180 3,968,680 661,110 Seab. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’ l N., Chi.; IstN., Kan. C.; Crocker N., San F.: U. S. N.. Den. 200,00q 5,000 1,624,460 1,793,290 588,740 N. City, N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi,; New Ene. N.. Kan. C.; Bk. of Italy, San. F.; (M em . Fed. Res.) .) i; W. C. HADEN-----P. F. KNIGHT 800,000 225.970 8,978.690 11853 220 2.801,440 N. Park and N. B k. C om ., N. Y .; 1st N., C h i.; Drov. N. and 1st N ., K an . C. ....................... - T . M. WINGO ................. H. J. j. ORMSBEE V. . WATSON............. -W . E. O'BRIEN .......... SMITH WITHAM S. M. AGUIRRE 500,000 90.000 3.071.960 3,586,260 788,640 N. City, N .Y .; C ont. & C om ’ l N ., C h i.; In ter-S ta teN .,K a n . C .; (M em .Fed.R es.) 200,000 20,640 1,257,650 1,096,250 406.950 Mech. *¿$’05 M. HARVEY— W L GAINES_______ J. H. HENDERSON- I C.C.HENDERSON, C. L. EZELL »tS’17 V, Pres, and Ch.o f Bd. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 1919 ‘SECURITY BANK <Superior C olleetion Se rvice. & TRUST CO. Prompt, Pe rsonal, Persi stent Attenti on. j 8 8 -8 . 900,000 800,000 S E E A D V E R T IS E M E N T ON O P P O S ITE P AG E. f C. n ext pagei) 16.000 Special facilities for handling collections in Arizona. ‘ RIO GRANDE W. COOLEY VALLEY 88-5 200,000 (B ranc h o f Dal las, Tex JAS. 0. McNARY- W. L. TOOLEY- — J. E. BENTON— J. S. RAYNOLBS, J. M. WYATT Ch. o f Bd E. W. KAYSER 88-4 ♦ $ 350,000 $ 106,750 $2810620 $i 753100 $1356710 Seab. N . . N . Y . ; Live Stock Ex. N „ C hi.; Drov. Nay K ao # Oe jYOUR COLLEC TIONS SOLICITE D. W e give prom p t personal atten tion to all item s 'an d rem it at re asonable rates. Test ou r facilities . M odern bankin g m etho ds in all d e p a r t m ents. BANK & TRUST CO. (El Paso continued on Principal Correspondents. ii j T R Y US FO R R E S U L TS . ? > ' 7 0 g n CR.E D JT IN FO R M A T I O N O N C O N C E R N S ÈVE R Y W H E R E IS O PEN T O O Ü R C O R R E S P O N D E Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NTS: C ò ÑTÍN E Ñ T A L A N D C O M M E R C I A L _ __________________ July, , Resources. -OAN8 & DlS- Cash Ex c’ tr. Bonds, changes,Due Securities from Barri SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE. Now Mexico. West Texas, and Old Mexioo. ' Liabilities . Paid- up Surplus AND Depos its Capital Profits T. M. QUEBEDEAUX — SIG. N. SCHWABE- T.E. THORNTON______ J. M. GOGGIN, Ch.Jid. SIG..N. SCHWABE Th is New Bank dives Real Collection Service. u u r Liients w in ne w e n ireaxea. ♦EL PASOBANK&TRUST GO. ♦ 88-3 »«'O l .. Ass'T Cashier . »tS’lg ♦City National Bank____ « i ’05 88-2 — Cashier. .............. 88-12 , V ice-President . W E -D O A G E N E R A L B A N K IN G B U S IN E S S and m ake a s p e c ia lty o f and Have unequaled fa c ilit ie s fo r handling your El P a s o ite m s and c o lle c t io n s . P R O M P T — R E A S O N A B L E . T E S T O U R F A C ILITIE S. ‘BORDER NATIONAL BANK “ Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13, T E X A S — Continued ‘AMERICAN TR. & A. NEWMAN---------L. J. GILCHRIST— JAMES A. BORDERS-W. U. CARRE SAVINGS BANK 88-10 ■W»* President. , 1284_______________________________TEXAS BANKS— El Paso________ N um ber under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Num ber given 10 ea°k bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ 1 Directory, under the a u th o rity 'o f T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n.. 198A BANKS. C H ICAGO O M R C R .E D JT I N F O R M A T I O N O N C O N C E R N S EVERYWHERE IS O P E N TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS: C O ÑTI Ñ E Ñ T A L A N D C O M M E R CI AL m BORDER NOTIONAL BONK BANKS. C H I CA GO m m m m m m rn m EL PASO, TEXAS Send Your Southwestern Collections to T H E NEW BANK / G ive Service M n S t Be Courteous ( Be P ro m p t Rio Grande Valley Bank & Trust Co. RESOURCES OVER $3,000,000.00 WE KNOW IT O FF IC E R S : EL PASO. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W . C O O LEY, President T . M. W IN G O , Vice Pres. J . J . O R M S B EE, V ice Pres. H. V . W A TS O N , Cashier W . E. O’ BR IEN , Asst. Cash. S M ITH W ITH A M , A sst. Cash. S. M. A G U IR R E, Asst. Cash. B UNIONBANK& TRUST CO. l EL PASO, TEXAS Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $200,000 OUR W ID E ACQUAINTANCE AND EXTEN SIVE CONNECTIONS IN OLD M EXICO Enable us to give efficient and prompt attention to collections and payments throughout the Republic of Mexico. jyyilMiiiiiiiiMPijiiilil D IR ECTO R S We specialize in the prompt handling of Bill of Lading Drafts on any point in the Great Southwest O FFIC E R S EDW ARD M O YE, President M AX M O YE, Vice President W . M. B U TL E R , V ice President J . M. P R O C TE R , Cashier CARLOS H ELM U S, C., A sst. Cashier H. W . M O ORE, Se creta ry Federal Reserve BankN uofm St. b e rLouis u n der N a m e o f B a n k la t h e N e w Ti a s lO N u m b e r g lv 1 o QC to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Eand-McNslly Bankers' D irectory, under the a u th ority of T he A m erican Bankers A ss'n. 1 ¿O J EDW ARD M O YE MAX M O Y E JO S . C. Z O ZA YA EDW IN W IS B R U N ED SA N D ER S W . M. B U TL E R H. W . B R O A D D US W . G. ROE J. M. P R O C TER A c c e s s ib le T o w n s. L aw yers, L aw s, ftlr e c to r s , In d e x e d i n b a n k , o i b i n s -v o l n x n e . V o i I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G r a c e , see p a g e se e o p p o s ite p a g e T E X A S - — C o n tin u e d L IA B I L I T IE S . etc., Resources. 14. For Holidays, P rincipal Correspondents. 13. N u m b er u n der N a m e o f B a n k ia t h e N e w A c c e s s ib le T P r » n » l * JiunU ktoe*’ g i v e n Name of Bank . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState »County Seats. In No. II Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. E El Paso Br. HHouston. *El P a s o -__ El Paso F 2 ( Continued) 'STATE N A H BK, 88-6 P resident . 1 C. R. ♦TEXAS BANK & TRUST CO. w . Cashier . 6. P. ASS’T CASHIER. . McAFEE-— FL0RY--------- R. W M* NEBEKER F. MUELLER — . . LEE H. ORNOORFF- F. M. MURCHISON . . . . H. E. CHRISTIE------- H. H. C. DUNRAR Sur p lu s AND P a id - up C a p it a l P r o f it s T ow n s, L aw yers, L a w s , _I> ir e c t> o * s , in - i n b a c k o i this - v o l u m e . F o i I n t e t e s t B a t e s , O r » c e , \ ' ~ 1 see p an e 14. F or H o lid a y s, s e e o p p o s i t e p a g e 13."\ f c . RESOUKCES. P r in c ip a l Co r r e sp o n d e n t s . r< i/OANsftDis Carl ft Ex D e pos c uta. Bonds, changes,Dub it s Securities fromBanks S 110.000 $ 163,640 $3179 900 $2399840 $ 970.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Mèrch.-Lac. N.. St. L.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. M r 200,000 - 770 2,558.980 2,372,750 •t8’12 1 Special Service òn Bill of Lading Collections. ( YOUR SUSINE SS INVITED. E. MOVE- 'UNION BANK * « TRUST GO. 88-7 L ia b il it ie s . V ice -President . m e t c ., n given to collect Ions and all matt ers entrusted to us. *81 1 Special attentio f 88-9 M0REHEAD dexed T E X A S - — C o n tin u e d ■f /> Q e to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers* l ¿ 0 3 D irectory, under the a u th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. »till 453.110 Han. N., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.:Inter-Statej N., Kan.C.: 1st N., St, L. — i -— M. MOTE------ ------ J.M. PROCTOR— C. HELMUS - H. W. MOORE, Sec. W. M.BUTLER Our Superior Facilities for Handling Collections Guarantee Frontpt and Efficient Service, Old Mexico Items our specialty. 150.000 40,260 1.519.280 1,326.420 483,110 Scab. N .,N . Y .: N. City, Chi.; 1st N ., St.L.: Am. Ex., Dallas. SEEABV ERTISE MENTO N0PP0S ITE PAG Smith Witham, R. W . McAfee, El Paso Clearing House-------- F. M. Murchison— T. M. Quebedeaux M g r. Sec. and T r. ( M em bers indicated b y a * ) W. S. McLaurin__ 15,000 14,470 150,000 104.000 42,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N., St. L. H. R. Thomas____ 30,000 15.000 264.350 166,460 25,060 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N.. Dallas; Union N., Hou. E. M. Mason 25,000 35,000 140,000 120,000 60.000 Seab. N., N .Y .; 1st N.. St.L.*; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; Greenville N. Ex.. Greenville. A. C. Motes---------- B. A. Carter--------- Jno. T. H e n ry ___ 20,000 2,500 65,000 70,000 A. R. Byrns___ . . . Enloe—__ .....D e lta 0 21 First National Bank_____ t ’02 C. B. Anderson — B. B. Taylor 88-1046 Pop. 500 F. G. Jackson------- D. W. Russell_____ Guaranty State Bank — « 1 2 J. M. Hagood____ 88-1504 — J. Baldridge, Jr— F. A. Newton_____ J. L. Clarke___ * E nnis..—__ - _Ellis E 19 ♦Citizens National Bank »$'04 J. Baldridge —------ J. W. Weatherford 88-176 — Pop. 8000 25,000 25,000 250/00 150,000 25,000 5.000 100,000 100,000 100,000 63.420 564,080 690.150 100,000 77,510 812.150 1,029.590 225,720 Seab. N. and Mech.'& Metals N., N. Y.; Secur. N.. Dallas; Union N., Hou. nd Indi riduals will fin d our j Banks, Corpora tions, Wholesale to us. V. service promp tand satisfactory . Send your Ite ms on Ennis and Vicinity direct ___ __ , 48.000 475,000 650,000 100,000 R. T. B lakey......... ♦First Gnaranty State Bank J. Oran darter-----F. C. Kallus M. D. Glaspy A Trust Oo.+88-177__ « 1 8 50,000 Peoples State Bank------- §’16 J. H. Henderson. . F. C. Kallus........... ^ ____ 88-178 R. T. Blakey, Ennis Clearing House ------ — F. A. Newton-------- H. Henderson------ Sec.. Tr.. and Mgr. (Members indicated by a *) 114.000 N. Park, N.Y.; City N.. Dallas: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; (M e m -T e d . R es.) N. Bk. Com., N .]Y .; 1st N., Hou., Secur. N. and Tenison N., Dallas. Elysian Fields—Harrison Guaranty State Bank— « ’13 J. M. Furrh— — 88-1576 Pop. 300 E 23 E. S. Fry— — J. B. Furrh— G. G. Owen — - — Alphens Hanks — Emhouse__ Navarro E 20 First State Bank---------- « ’09 J. A. Thompson — C. H. De Lafosse 88-1044 Pop. 600 ‘ Emory____ —Rains D 21 First National Bank— 88-710 Pop. 1000 O. H. Bodes „ — «t’03 F. J. Phillips-------- C. B. Johnson First State Bank_______« ’09 F .R . Fitzgerald— 88-711 ♦ENNIS NATIONAL BANK*t 83 88-174 0. McSHAN -----rE. Kr. ATWOOO— p.B CURD _____ M .B . MOSELEY, J r.. J. L. 0. H0SEK P. C.' MATTHEWS J J . T . CLARK. < V .P r e s . j. P. R0REN , , Houses, Manufac turers, Jobbers a AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S. K. McOallon____ FIDELITY SURETY 15,000 Secur. N.. Dallas; Cent. N., St. L. 150,000 N. Park, N. Y.; City N,, Dallas, 20,000 City N., Dallas; IstN., Paris. 150,430 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. BONDS, Littlefield Buildin M J.4Q U T own and County . * N ame of Bank . •County Seats, f •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. E FI Paso Br. H Houston ♦M em »Fed, Res. [Estab. F.ra PRESIDENT. TTTY AQ -P o n t i r m A /l V /U I H 1 I 1 U C U J V ICE-PRESIDENT. Cash ie r . A s s ’t Cashier . __- Cooke B 18 First Guaranty State Bank L. L. S egraves.-i.i D. W . Brumbaugh. C. T. Ragsdale__ _ Pop. 210 88-1805 *§18 Sustace—Henderson E 20 Pop. 500 ' M. E. Edgar.— ___ G .J .O ook __ _ ___ 88-1049 Evant r... _ . Coryell G 17 Evant State Bank___ ___ |'ll! W. 0. Brooks_____ J. W. Burney.— - - E. T. Brooks.. Pop. 400 88-1487 Everman.—Tarrant D 18 First State Bank __ Pop. 500 88-1824 §’18 P. X . Thom pson... W. B .p wiggins. . . H. A. Lounergan . . 15.000 $ $ 23,420 $ 33,510 $ -MWj ; tfiS£ > }; ■ ; ,^ 5.750 1st N., Ft. Worth and Gainesville; Denison Bk. & Tr. Co., Denison. 9,910 79,020 55,810 45,310 Ft. Worth N., Ft.Worth; 1st N., Wichita Falls and Memphis, Tex. 25,000 10,000 75,000 97,000 16,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas. 15,000 8,000 40,000 58,000 20,000 Drov. N., Kan. 0.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Oitiz. N „ Waco. 10,000 Tex. State, Ft. Worth. 40,000 6,500 202,000 173.600 68,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Hon. N. Ex., Hoo.; City N „ Dallas. 10,000 3,000 60.000 45,000 20,000 Secur. N „ Dallas; Greenville N. Ex., Green ville. •Falfurrias.. Brooks P 16 Falfurrias State Bank—» t l’07 Richard G. Miller-. Robert G. Miller „ J. 0. Thomas_____ N. E. P ow ell__ — Pop. 2500 88-1051 25,000 17,580 212.810 175,680 61,250 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; San Antonio N.a San Antonio. Falls City___ Karnes L l7 Falls City National Bank—‘(¡7 J. G. Schulz ’______ F. B. Moczygemba. Pop. 850 88-1052 25,000 2,170 37,080 30,830 28,040 Han. N „ N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio. Farmers Branch. . .Dallas Riddle Banking Go.— —$t’09 G. W. Riddle Pop. 205 D19 88-1401 10,000 5,800 126,000 47,000 54.000 N., Bk. Com., N. Y .; 1st State. Dallas. Farmersville.. Collin 010 FARMERS & MERCH. NAT’ L [A .L . CARPENTER. J. ASTON-________ J. C. HALE________ J, E. WORDEN J. BUmPASS Pop. 2500 BANK— 88-455______ »$’01 (M a ll us your co J. P. MILLER 2 llections and reee Ive p rom p t atten lion . •5,000 29.190 295,550 352,300 50,000 133,700 J. L. CHAPMAN— . ding Drafts, I : E H h each sight draft fo r presentation, credit report insu res p rom p t, perso nal atte ntion . 601,760 583,610 415,990 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas 5,000 148,000 165,000 64.000 Han. N., N. Y .; Secur. N. and 1st State, Dallas; Greenville N. Ex. and Com’l N., Greenville. 25.000 7,500 200,000 150,000 15.000 4,000 50,000 49,000 40,000 Stock Yds. N. and Comw. N „ Kan. C.; 1st N., Amarillo. 14,000 Secur. N., Dallas; 1st N., Royse City. ^ Fairlia.. .. .V ..Hunt C 20 GitfaensTtank............ Pop. 248 88-1583 | 1 •Farwell $ f’13 G. 0 . Waggoner. . . W. T.. Kinp Vincent Carr (W. S. ASTO N -... J. E. PENDLET0NJS peclal attentio n given Bui o f La FIRST NATIONAL BANK-$'87 1FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit 88-454 (TW ENTY-FIVE CENTS fo r each FIRST STAtE BANK — M 18 88-1816 Texas State B a n k ____ «$§'10 88-1053 First State Rank . .. $§’07 88-1054 Farmers National B ank„$’17 88-1741 Fayetteville State Bank.tS’16 88-1055 Fentress State Bank.__ $§’16 88-1710 _ . F. B. Moczygemba. (A. S.J. AYCOCK-i w. p. HhRpN - i f —y E. L. RALE------------4 Send, us your c ollectlonss^No ch S r f c W E presenti ng drafts. (W ill m ake cred It reports w lthou t charge. C. W. Harrison ___ George Eads—— - Wm, M. F o rd ------T. O. Mnrphy ... J. N. Miller 50,000 0. G. V etter.. — E. S. K ov a r____ _ 25,000 4,670 124,340 96,570 Wm. Hotmann . . . . 30.000 3.000 143,990 136,240 10,000 1,500 35,000 30,000 50,000 28,500 173,280 153,500 •5,000 37,700 402,630 293,280 Flatonia___ Fayette K 18 Flatonia State Bank — »{§'82 Jno. A. Kerr______ E. Studeman -*T— F. A. Nesrsta_____ D. A. Jennings___ ♦ 88-761 H Pop. 1200 40,000 9,360 293,000 195,000 Florence. Williamson H 17 Farmers State Bank .__ $§T7 Claude McBryde__ W. Rancier. . . . . Ohas, Kramer _ Pop. 700 88-1797 41 f- M * Florence State Bank___ $§’07 J. A. Brewster____ W. A. Wilson____ P. A. Wales__ ____ V. T. Bohn 88-1056 25.000 1,840 54,770 82,260 20,000 25,000 150,000 150,000 . Fentress...Caldwell J 17 H Pop. 500 Ferris « ■Vi Stastny Lee Heinsohn____ C. E. Tolhurst____ J. W. Lipscomb . . . _ Ellis E 19 Farmers & Merch. State Bank 0. A. Weatherford. W. D. D u ff_______ W. A. C o x „ . Pop. 1800 ♦ 88-633 $§’06 J. H. Orr .. Ferris National Bank___ $’02 J. A. Carpenter___ T. G. C ole_____ . D. H. M oyers_____ S. S. Hurlbut_____ ^ 88-632 I. Jolesch. Federal Reserve Bank of Louis to each in 1 2 8 7 A. T, Thanheiser— 71,840 Seab. N., N. Y.; City N.. Dallas. 82,440 if. City, N. Y.; Hou. N. E x„ So. Tex. Com’] N., and Union N., Hou. 33.700 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Lumbermans N., Union N.. and 1st N., Hon.; Dallas Tr. & Sav.. Dallas. 16,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Union N.. Hon.; Alamo N., San Antonio; Austin N., Austin. 82,200 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N .;J)allas Tr. & Sav. Bk. and Am. Ex. N., Dallas; (M em . Fed. R es.) 200,440 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; City N „ Dallas; Hon. N. Ex., Hou. 80,000 N. City, N .Y .; 1st N., Hou.; (M em . Fed. R es.) 13,510 Am. N., Austin; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 30,000 Lumbermans N., Hon.; Austin N.. Austin; 1st N., St. L. n n M TIM FN TA L AMD COMMERCIAL B A N K S U. S. exclu sively t>y T h e E a n d -M c N a lly Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass a. TEXAS— Continued Lia b il it ie s . Accessible T o w n s , Law yers, L a w s, D irectors, m F o r l u t c i c s t E a tc s» G race», e t c ., see page 14. F o r H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13. d o x o d i n back of b in s y o l u n x o . R esources. P rincipal Correspondents . ________________ July, 1919 .Parmer A 8 Pop.1000 ___ Rockwall D 10 Pop. 350 Fayetteville_Fayette J 19 K Pop.600 fa te . fllr. N. Sneed........... F. E. Hill, Jr______ L. J. Davis_______ Principal Correspondents > T S X ^ S BANKS— Era to Florence •Fairfield. Freestone F 20 Fairfield State Bank ix .t l’12 T. J. H a lU ^ ^ — Pop. 1000 88-1452 Lia b il it ie s . R esources. IX>AM0k Dib- Oasmk Ex P aid - up Surplus Drpos- c *t*. Bonds, change«,Dui AMD Capital Profits Bmoamsi non Baku $ 10,000 R. A. Eddleman__ S. H. M oore.. Accessible Towns, L a w y tn , Laws, Directors, indexed In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. _ _________ Estelline___ ___ Hall R 6 Estelline State Bank___ $§’05 J. W. M o o r e ....... P. L. Vardy— - Pop. 500 , 88-1048 _________ g ________ 1286___________ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Nutnber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The. Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. 1 ooc C H IC A G O w nOMTIM FN TA L AND COMMERCIAL BANKS N ew A e e e u lM « T r*n e -.rT..- —* ü . S. exclusively by T lie R and-M cN ally Rankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass a. , Name of Bank . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. A sn. §State ^County Seats. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. In'N o. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. [Estab. E. El Paso Br. H Houston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. P resident ^ jW. R. WISEMAN— ‘ Floresville__ Wilson L16 CITY NATIONAL BANK-tlOOO ¡Special attentio 88-587 Pop. 2000 \Please »end 15c te* V i 6e -P resident . W. R. A. WISEMAN— -- \ C. % TEAS,, / n given B ill o f Lad Ih each sight draft Jo etc., Lia b il it ie s . deposPaid- up 'Surplus AND Capital Profits ■ITS $ 50,600 $ HERRINGTON U w y œ , JL ä w s . » t e o e t o r s , m - __ F o r l n t o i e s t R a t e s , G r a c e , ! p. see o p p o s t e p a g e 1 3 . For Holidays, R esou rces. P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . -r < Cash ft S x changes,Dus prom Banks J; I 25,890 $ 180,000 I$ 233.100 $ 19,000 Merch. N „ N. Y.; Comw. Bk. & Tr. Oo„ San Antonio. and T im e Item s. 25c far Credit Repor to. 50,000 ,57,000 424,000 242.000 272,000 N. City, Nr Y.; So. Tex. Oom’l N „ Hou. 7,000 107.000 118.000 21,000 Secur. N., Dallas; Confi N „ Greenville. 45.130 j 246,150 355,880 79,840 N. Park, N. Y .: Drov. N „ Kan. C.; Ft. Worth N„. Ft. Worth. FIRST NATIONAL BANK t ’02 ) Insures p rom p t , personal atten t 88-688 ¿¿c' T his does n o t ap ply to Bills o f Lad —— - ___.Hunt 0 20 Peoples State B ank--------{TO S. A. Smith— -- Ì — W. R. J. Camp 1-—; .H. M. Mathews... 88-1057 Pop, 300 Floyd As s ’t Cashier . Cashier . T ow ns. d e x e d in b a c k o f th is v o lu m e . see p a se 1 4 . TEXAS— Continued 10,000 Bonnie Smith_____ S. E . DUNCAN — adlng Drafts, Cas Floydada .....F lo y d B l l FIRST NATIONAL BANK-T03 ? S p ed a i atten tio n given Bills o f L each sight draft f FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with 88-835 Pop. sooO ( TWENTY-FIVE CENTS fo r each c redlt report lnsur 56,000 (C . SURGI NER — IS . ' : nd i al atten D on. N. City, N. Y,: 1st N „ Ft. Worth; Stock Yds. N „ Kan. 0. 40,000 10.000 250,000 12,500 560 42,000 Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; 1st N „ Snyder. Flynn------------ LeonG 20 Guaranty State Bank— i§ ’17 O. Wiley, Jr. _____ : G. T. Rouse — jgb£ B. F. PayneTJr. — 88-1776 . , H Pop. 400 J. P. Billingsley— B. Y. Rea________ - Walter Gentry-----88-1098 Pop. 800 10,000 3,000 45,000 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.: Tex. State, Ft. Worth. 12,500 10,000 30,000 Seab. N „ N. Y „ 1st N., Ft. Worth; Snyder N„ Snyder. Follett____ Lipscomb N 6 Farmers National Bank¡..*’ 18 Roy Sappington— W. J. llennigh.. — E. L. Cupps_______ 88-1799 Pop. 600 f ||i /- if; f § h y W. E. Stuart--------- H. L. Adkins__ ¿6— A. W. Kincade . — Chas. I. Dunn. 88-1806 25,000 250 47,280 N. City, Kan. C.; Secur. N.. Okla. 20,000 5,920 148,990 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Shattuck N „ Shattuck 4th N „ Wichita. 10.000 4,500 83,250 Secur. N „ Dallas: City N „ Bowie; Far. & Mech. ^ N „ Ft. Worth. 50,000 25,000 250.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N „ Dallas; Am. N „ Terrell. 100,000 26,830 265,780 Seab. N., N. Y.; City N., Dallas; 1st N.. Terrell. 15,000 8,000 100.000 100,000 NdBk. Com., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Union N „ Hou. 20,060 7,530 67,290 81.660 N. Park, N. T.t Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Citiz. N.. Waxahachie. 35,000 26,000 147,000 157.000 Han. N „ N. Y.; State N., E l Paso. 25,000 12,370 159,010 123,550 Chase N., N.YÍ: Far & Mech. N., Ft. Worth. 25.000 40,000 200,000 190.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; N. Stock Yds. N., E. St. L .. ] “ ---------- “ Irvin Bishop. BANK— .* «'0 9 Lee .Montague. . — J. K. Green, Active. N, W?.McCleskey~ | FIRST STATE 88-836 W. A. Johnson___ D. A. Jones---------- J. W. Leftwich— .* Fluvanna____ Scurry D 11 Pop. 400 88-1058 Forestburg MontagueC 17 First State Bank— . . — §17 88-1775 Pop. 400 Forney___ Kaufman D 19 City National Bank.__ ..t'01 88-681 Pop. 2000 . F. Fréèihan— ..* \V. F. L inders:— J\ P. Settle_______ W. H. Yates______ C. C. Jordan______ R. 0 . Gilkey----- MS rK . J . M. DAVIS, JR __ W. A. BROOKS— j TOM LAYDEN— m iENTE FARMERS NATIONAL BANK88-682 *¿’89 1Collections rece lve special attentl on and prompt re mlttance. . p ------ “ Forney State Bank— < §1 5 J. C. Reagin.__ . . . J. W. Pinson_j_. O. W. Keagin------- Geo. Anderson..* 88-1704 i?-----*---- "-v For res ton_____ Ellis E 19 Forreston State Bank— i i ’06 J. H. Hamlin— — J. E. Cooper______ B. C. Henderson.. T ..A . Ferris 88-1060 Pop. 400 . T ffD iri T if Fort Davis State Bank . . t i l l J..W. Espy------ — W. S. M iller__ ___ J. H. Clark______ 88-1406 Pop. 500 ‘ Ft. Stockton_.Pecos H 8 First National Bank____ »T0 J. M. R oon ey..— - F. S. W ilson.— — Jno. M. Odom___ A. W. Dunn . . . . . . 88-787 E Pop. 1700 W. P. Rooney—bZ First State Bank______< § ’07 James Rooney____ H. H. B u tz ___ _ 88-786 w • E ■ AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, W Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ■ ■ ■ ■ BONDS, Littlefield Buildin Lia b il it ie s . N a m e of B a n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState {Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. P resident . V ice -President . Cashier . A s s 't Cashier . J. W. Milner, Sec. and Tr. ♦Continental Bank & Trust Co. J. G. Wilkinson___ 37-13 *{§’03 J. E. Willis . . . W. R. Edrington & Co— _t’17 W. R. Edrington... R. C. Hearne. 37-55 R. C. Smith. ♦Exchange State B an k...»{§’14 V. S. Wardlaw____ T. M. Thannisch. 37-14 L. P. Robertson D. E. Lydick..------- L. P. Card__ J. T. Stanley H. H. Wilkinson. . . H. 0. Wallenberg E. M. Perkins, Auditor Ch.ofBd.'H. •’91 'FIRST N ATI BANK 37-1 •{’77 Active V. P.S. Active V, P. A. -Gash. W. E . CONNELL— T. B. YARBROUGH-W . P. ANDREWS— R. C. MARTIN— — W. H. WALLERICH W. J . DYER 'FORT WORTH NATI RANK 37-5 ♦Fort Worth State Bank.»{§’09 Marcus B righ t:...! 37-17 ./Guaranty State Bank— {§ ’07 R. J. Rhome______ x *37-18 640,000 678,000s Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A. and Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: N. Reserve, Kan, C. 50,000 500,000 618,350 7,067,330 4,266.280 900,000 600,000 $ 6,834,690 2,542,120 4,205,340 Mech. & Send y our T ex a s and O k I a ho m a coll e ction s d ire ct W e ca n sa v e y ou tim e , pattane e. and m oney. R a t e s o f excha nge rea son ab le 1, 000,000 670,000 8 ,000,000 5.200,000 S EE ADVERT ISEM ENT 8,000,000 1,900,000 5,200,000 1 30,000 1,000,000 26.000 0 . F. Macon C. E. Gillham, 100,000 500.000 406.000 250.000 170.000 200.000 232.000 200,000 100.000 2.500,000 40,000 50,000 to us. 700.000 100,000 390.000 12,300 W. L. Smallwood.. W. M. Massie, R. C. Smith, M gr,. See. and Tr. Metals N .,N . Y .; Cont. & Corn*! N.. Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L ,; Comw. N., Kan. C. 800,000 N. City, N. Y .; Cont. & Com*l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. and Kan. C. ON OPP OSITE P AGE. 4,928,530 N. 600,000 1,480,100 9,705,750 3,302,750 8,233,230 2,780,790 100,000 535,000 Seab. N „ N .Y .; N. Bk, Com., St. L.; Far. and Mech. N., Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas. 15,000 City and Irving N „ N. Y .: Corn Ex. N. and Live Stock Ex. N ., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. and Kan. C. 90,00.0 250,000 Seab. N. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; N. Reserve, Kan. C. 39,700 Han. N., N. Y.; Stock Yds. N., ‘ Ft. Worth. 2,200,000 2,160v000 500,000 2,800,000 1,040,000 1,135,000 1,500,000 473,500 N. City, N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.: 1st N., St. L. 443,000 N. City. N.. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N „ Chi.: Inter-State N., Kan. C. 681,050 Am. Ex. N.. N. Y.: State Bk. of Chi., Chi.: 1st N., St. L.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth N., and Tex. State, Ft. W orth. Deals exclusive ly in Bare Coins, Medals, Paper Mo ney, and Bare Po stage St amps of all Coun tries and ages, Our “ Star Coin Encyclopedia," p rice 81.00, listing all rare U. S. Coin s. This b ook is us ed by ne ariy 60% of all Ba nksof th e United States. Fort Worth Clearing House__ G. H. Colvin___ ( Members indicated by a *) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 848,000 9,270 1st N „ Ft. Worth. 3 July, 1919 (Offices, Mehl Bldg.) 100,000 1,800,000 100,000 (B. M AX MEH L ) _ ------- ---------- n N U M ISM ATIC B A N K __ 100,000 H. W. Orgain R. M. Bowe E. W. Hightower H. W. Collier ♦Texas State Bank--------- »{§’09 W. L. Smallwood— B. B. Samuels____ A. L. Baker._____ C. F. Karkaiets___ Jno. E. Owens 37-16 H. L, Purdmore 226,840 • National Bar \ o f Commerce C. J. B enson ...___ 37-19 ’19 J. H. J ackson, V. P. G. A. Lock, V. P. North Texas Trust Company S. Davidson --------37-54 §’12 ♦STOCK YARDS NAT L BANK John N. Sparks... 37-12 «{:03 L. B. Comer Lee Russell L. I. Long aHSHBE. J. C.; R o b e r ts .....! B. C. Rhome Jr. David Boa? C. H. P attison ..... J. E. W illis.___ . . . A. E. Thomas J. E. Willis W .E . Connell— , T. W. Slack F. L. M ille r....—_. Roy C. Yance.___ 420,000 $ 233,560 C a sh and E x changes N. City, N. Y.; Far. &'Mech. N „ Ft. Worth. W e have superior fa c ilitie s fo r handling your T e x a s ite m s and c o lle c tio n s. W e oo lle c t d ireot. P ro m p t. R eason ab le. Y our business, invited. _• K. M . VAN Z A N D T -E L M O S LED D ----- R. W. F E N D E R .— . R . C. G E E -— H. P. SANDIDGE R . E . HARDING E . B. VAN ZANDT W. M. MASSIE T . J . CALDW ELL W e , c o r d ia lly in v ite c o r r e s p o n d e n c e o f B a n k s a n d B a n k e r s d e s ir in g e f f ic ie n t a nd •{’73 s a t i s f a c t o r y s e r v ic e in t h i s t e r r i t o r y . 265,000 $ 1,280,000 ? Loans a Bonds, Due Dis Securi FROM counts ties, etc. Banks TEXAS BANKS— Fort Worth PRICE. JR.. J. W. SPENCER— - H . W. WILLIAMS B .H . MARTIN 'FARMERS & G .H . COLVIN, S m COWDEN R. m EDRINGTON u n i f f i i n COLVIN. A. J. LONG . L. H. NUTT, | MEGH. N ATI BK. G.J. T.H. PEMBERTON. H. MARTIN 509,000 Principal Correspondents . R esou rces. D eposits ! OF B anks $ 306,113 $ 180,790 Oattlemen’s Trust d ò—— .{ » ’12 KI D. Gage____ __ A. H. Kirby . . . 37-53 Geo. C. Clarke 37-7 Individ Paid- up Subplus ual AND Capital Profits Deposits 1288 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given T 7A D T \ A 7n P T U to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers' " X VV V / I v x x x g (Tarrant, 018) 'County Seat Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. (Federal Reserve District No. 11) Pop. 104,562 —Reserve City occ. cimi ± r . {M em bers indicated b y a w) OUR CREDIT INFORMATION ON C O N C E R N S E v e r y w h e r e i s The o p e n t o o u r c o r r e O O N T IN E N TAL s AND H O M M E R C IA I RANKS. C f-/*JCA G Q FIRST NATIONAL BANK FORT WORTH, TEXAS OFFICERS W . E. CONNELL T. B. YARBROUGH W . P. AN DREW S R . C. M ARTIN W . H . WALLERICH W . J. DYER - President - Vice-President - Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier Capital $ 1,000,000 DIRECTORS B. S. W ALKER J. W . M ITCHELL W . C. STONESTREET GEO. T . REYNOLDS JO H N SCHARBAUER M R S . DAN W AG GON ER A. J. DUNCAN E. W . CLARK w. p . A n d r e w s ! Surplus J. W . MITCHELL C. E. N ASH GEO. T . REYNOLDS JOHN SCHARBAUER M R S. DAN W AGGONER $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 A. J. DUNCAN E. W . CLARK W : P . ANDREW S We have superior facilities for handling your Te,xas Items and Collections, i We collect direct Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Prompt. Reasonable. Your business invited Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N u m b e r u n der N a m e or B an k is th e N e w 'T r a n s i t N u m b e r g iv e n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* T S X AS— Continued Directory, under the authority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. Town and county . Name of Bank. «County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.+Priv. (Estab. E El Paso Br. H Houston ♦M em . Fed. Res. First State Bank 88-1418 Pop. 600 President. V ice-President. __ »tS’l l Mary A. Patton___ “ .. .. .. Ass ’t Cashier. Resources. Liabilities . p lu s Paid-up Sur Dspos- -‘OAR*k D». Cm k ExAN D Capital P r o f its 4TB Bmoritim FROMBurn W. B. Patton___ — Eva Mae Shannon $ 10,000 $ Francitas.—Jackson L 20 First State Bank______«tS’l l Wm. F. Schwind__ A. P. Ward 88-1364 H Pop. 306 «Franklin Robertson H 19 First National Bank.l__ i ’05 88-521 Pop. 1200 Cashier . ___ H. Burgdorff___ ... Miss Alys Truett__ Jno. H. Lomax First State Bank____ __ $§’13 J. J. Carter___ ___ ♦ 88-1551 Minnie Tally Mitchell Bros. Bank___ i t ’74 John C. Mitchell.. J. Henry Mitchell. 88-520 Wm, M. Mitchell Henry Herndon Franks ton. Anderson F 21 First State Bank_______$§’09 J. F. Austin__ ___ B. C. O ely..._____ Ray Perry________ 88-1061 H Pop. 1000 «Fredericksburg Gillespie Bank o f Fredericksburg Temple D. Smith.. Adolph Gold 88-370 *$t’87 Pop. 2000 1 15 » .... ... ... 3,500 $ 21,790 $ 23,880 $ Principal Correspondents . 4,790 Guaranty State, San Antonio. 10,000 1,780 40,000 38,000 50,000 30,000 150,000 170,000 40,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N „ Dallas. 30,000 16,000 208,000 190,500 33,000 N. City, N. Y.: Hou. N. Ex., Hou.: Tex. State Ft. Worth; Secur. N., Dallas; (Mem. Fed. Res.) 100,000 117,000 141,280 206,600 61,600 Hah. N., N. Y .; Cent. N „ St.L.: State N „ Aus tin; City N., Dallas. 25,000 25,000 150,000 170,000 30,000 Koyall N., Palestine; City N„ Dallas; So. Tex Com’l N., Hou. Albert Koennecke. 25,000 1st N., Chi.; Union N., Hon.; Am. N., Austin. N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and San Antonio: N. Bk Rep., Chi.; Inter-State N., Kan. C. Citizens Bank________ »tt’05 A. Yander Stucken Oscar Krauskopf.. Wm. Bierschwale.. M. J. Bierschwale. 88-371 30,000 5,000 50,000 20,000 300,000 180.000 200,000 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N. and Hou. N. Ex. Hou. Friona____ _ Parmer R 2 Friona Bank_________ «$t’08 (Geo. G. W right).. 88-1661 Pop. 250 10,000 15,800 238,000 239.000 27,000 1st N „ Kan. C.'; Amarillo N., Amarillo, Tex. Frisco_______Collin C 19 First National Bank___ «$’02 B. R. Smith. ___ : Warren Christie... J. E. Ripple— — . 88-817 Pop. 1000 ¥ .. «. - Frisco Guaranty State Bk. J .H . Taylor, Jr.__ O. A. Covington . . . 88-818 $110 J. H. Gerrish 25.000 8,000 110.000 100,000 30,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Ft. Worth N „ Ft. Worth. 35.000 17,500 325,000 272,500 75.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth: Secur. N. Dallas: Com’l N „ Sherman. Freeport...Brazoria L 22 Freeport National Bank.*$’13 C. A. Jones 88-1548 H Pop. 2500 Pop. 1000 M tt Citizens State Bank____$§’09 J * A t BlSLf____ ♦ 88-814 Z-? First National Bank___ «$’03 G. J. Heflin___ 88-813 _ . R . J. Sanders_____ J. O. Beck. A. H. Strain 25.000 N. Hollingsworth. J. E. Davis ____ _ S. S. Hooser Fulbright____ Red River Guarantee State Bank—»i§’13 J. R. Kerbow _____ J. M. Butcher_____ R. H. Canterbury.. Mrs. R. H. CanterPop. 500 B22 88-1566 bury Borden D 10 Gail Bank__________ r . . $t’08 R. N. Miller___ Esther Pearce ____ 88-1063 Pop. 356 ¡«Gainesville.. Cooke B 18 First National Bank___ »$’83 D. T . L a cy ...___ J. M. Potter____ . . . E. W. Wilkins____ 88-144 Pop. 12,000 J. W. Shod »Gail ** _______ j j . W. D 0 W N A R D - J . F . M O R R IS ______ G. G. F . M O R R IS J R „ Act. " « ” GLAIPDF lO N FS _____ 32,000 125,000 215.000 15,000 5,000 60,000 50,000 11,000 12,500 62,000 71,000 250,000 150,910 1,034,300 1.272,850 50,000 22,000 200,000 165,000 415,000 340,000 53,000 City N „ Dallas. 20,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Red Rivet N „ Clarksville: Am. N., Paris. 15,500 City N., Dallas. 359,160 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; N. Reserve, Kan, C.; Am. Ex. N „ Dallas. 117,000 N. City, N. Y.; Secur. N „ Dallas; 1st N „ Hou. FIRST STATE BANK — -$«’05 ) Special atten tl on given Bill o f L ading drafts, Cas h and T im e Item s. 88-146 r HOLMAN_ 50,000 25.000 Han. N „ N. Y.; City N.. Dallas; “(Mem, Fed.. Res.) ___________ \ P. G Maercky____ W. C. M cLendon.. Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Frost N., Sat "Antonio; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; So. Texas Com’l N „ Hou. Iillyt 1919___________ ______ TEXAS BANKS— Fowlerton to Gallatin 1 OCQ ' « 1Please send 15c w ith each sight draft T R Y US. for presentation. Roy T. Potter____ O. E. Powers. . H, C .Duff _ .. 045,320 1,085,630 154,480 N. City.N. Y.; New Eng. N.,Kan. C.; 1st N. St. L. 10,0^0 AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, = Y BONDS, Littlefield Building, Austin Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1289 Lindsay National Bank. «$’03 S. M. King 88-145 .Gallatin.. Cherokee F 22 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. W .T . Norman. 88-1881 §19 g H Pop. 125 I N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in' TJ. S, exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ D irectory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass?h,: G A LV E STO N ( Fenderai Reserve D istrict N o. 11 ) i- . % _ „ „ as n _____ c „ „ . (G a lv e s to n , K 23) C o u n ty b ea t P o p , 41,863— R e s e r v e G jty • V ice-President . P resident . Cashier . A ss*t Cashier , Capital " JOHN SEALY fj ' .•/ *SEALY HUTCHINGS ? . ° * STEIN : S r» r» . « r •; i 1 1 * |Â|ïat îî»,« o » » l s » 46-54 < 813 UW. L. MOODY, III - A P NORMAN......... ¡A T. BARCLAY_____ IV. H. TOLIVER____ - $ 1Special attenti on given Bill o f L|ading drafts, Cas h and T im e Item s. *GITY NATIONAL BANK W. L. MOODY, JR.1-- W. L. MOODY, III — A. A. HORNE AND JOHN SEALY E S T A B LIS H E D SEALY HUtCHINGS 7,000| $300,0001$ 40,000 $ 445,000 $ .... 200,000 201,260 2.819.020 957,0001 «¡0 6 ; 2,901,460 421,310 264,100 - 537,510 Chase N ., N. Y .; Corn Ex. N .; C h i.; N . Bk. C om ., St. L .; C o r n i N „ N. O. 1,146,820 758,900 268,750 188,240 N. Park, N, Y.: 1st N., Chi, and St.^i,; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. Ö. S i 200,000 250,780 1,593,020 127,950 18541 N. C ity and G uaranty T r. C o., N. Y .; C on t. & C om ’ l N., C h i.; Girard N., P h i).; N. Bk. C oin., St. L .; 1st N., K an . C. We offer efficient ban king service H. 0. STEIN for ban ks, corporati ons and GEORGE SEALY individuals/- 6*&/9- H • J ,1T‘ < t ’54 1st N.rN.Y. and St. L.; Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; Secur. N „ Dallas. S. L. McCarthy___ Principal 46-52 W. Hopkins SECURITY TRUST COMPANY Juo. £ <815 W. S. Keenan 31,fP . McDonough Malcolm Graham, See. and Tr. •South Texas State Bank<8’7( •JTJ. Davis______IT E. R. Cheesborough C. G. Sweet, A ctive ♦ -4 6 -7 : R. L. Kempner___ «TEXAS BANK & TRUST CO. 11. H. Kempner____ J. H. W. Steele 46-4 < § ’7()j ' Galveston Clearing House____ IR. Waverley Smith Sealy Hutchings ™ H. A. Robertson, Mgr. (Members indicated by a *) AN IN T E R N A T I O N AL i B A N Kl MG IN S T IT U T IO N ! um b e Louis r u n d er JName o f B an k ia the Federal Reserve BankNof St. 1291 300.000 103,350 125.000 46,520 1,860,040 ------- ’ i:*.i r JT»8 gpl 200,000 783,340 5,418,750 1,037,610 7.490 139.490 1 1,039,400 530,260 1 4,432,020 304,600 t Y Mew T r a n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n . T E X A S — Continued 111,950 City N., Galv. 'Cj . 111111 582.600 N. City, N. Y»; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle. N.. St. L.; Drov. N., Kan. C.; (M ein. Fed. R es.) 1,473,470 N. Bk. Com., N. Y . ; Oont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Boatmens, St. L.; Whitney-Ceni. N., N. O. _______ July, 1919 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Fid. N. Bk. &Tr. Co.. Kan. C. Bk. of America. N. Y.; 1st N., St. L. *W . L. Moody & Company 46-3 < t ’66 •Peoples B a n k .i.i„ ..j.< t l9 0 ( |W B Wallis 46-8 , McCa r t h y & co. ...< t i c Ed. McCarthy, 46-53 25,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. &Tr. Co., Chi. - n- ' 'H U TC H IN G S SEALY COM PANY $ 900,000 $ - F; W. Catterall..^ F. Andtern- a«,;. .. • . E. Kellner •First National Bank.____ < ’65 R. Waverley Smith 17W. Hill 46-2 ed . 0,W GARY .. L C . MATHER IRA BERRY, JR. With direct connections and wide facilities throughout the State of Texas, we can give you quickest action at a < ’07 minimum cost oh all Texas business. 46-9 46-1 H P ’ JENSEN 50,000 nTEXAS BANKS— Galveston A M ER IC A N BK. & TR U S T CO. T E X A S E S T A B L IS H E D 1854 W e O ffe r E ffic ie n t S e r v ic e fo r Y o u r T e x a s B u s in e s s . H* o® O“ “ go. BANKERS E S T A B L IS H E D 1854 GEO. SEALY (Unincorporated) V» G A L V E S T O N I . & < fS&M Principal Correspondents . Ca sh Subplus I ndivid D eposits L oans a Bonds, I Dub Securi- I PROM a n d Ex* ual AMO '. IC H A N G E S COUNTS tins, BTO.I Banks | Profits Deposits B anks L l ^ ^ d " )l1H1'-1' T ■RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. N ame o r Ba s k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Ties. [Estab. Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in~. tfcXed iji'-back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, ; » page' gift. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. 1290 1290 / A ccessible T o w n s , La w y ers, L a w s, D ire ctors, in dexed in back oi this volume. F o r ln t e r e s t R ates» G ra ce , *—* e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.1 C AN b w rA f s F if g ia a if f liit INT E R N A T IO NAL B ÂISI K. \ T MG IN S T IT U T IO N t N u m b e r u n d er N a m e o f B an k is the N ew 'Tran sit N u m b e r given i OQ-j to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Rand-M eN ally Bankers’ * « “ ■1 Directory, under tbe authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. T own and County. e tc,, see page 14. R esources, Liabilities . i oansA Dis- Cashk Ex Depos L Ass ’t Cashier . Paid- up Surplus c’T8. Bonds, changes,Dux and its 'Capital Pbofits v" 1 Name of Bank. Accessible Tow n s. Lawyers, Laws, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. Fof^ Interest R ates, Grace, T E X A S— Continued •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. *' Vice-President. Cashier. President. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. JMem. Slate Bks. Assn.tPriv. E El Paso Br. HHouston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. i Estab. l m .......... Ganado___ Jackson L 19 Citizens State Bank____ t§’08 T. N. Mauritz___ _ Fred Mauritz_____ 0. F. Combs______ Jennie Mauritz«.— $ 50,000 $ 13,420 $ 321.900 % 333,550. $ Paul J: Suiak A. Bonnot 38-1064 H Pop. 1000 Fred W. Lueck 8o!B0O 74,000 35,000 W. H. Wingart — Farmers :State Bank. . . . . § ’17 John Lingner 88-1798 i .. First National Bank-----Sj’19 B. A. McKinney__ J. W. Rabb............ L. L. Caldwell------ B. L. Maxey r_____ C. M. Brown 88-773 50,000 10.Q00 200,000 290,000 30,000 Drov. N. and N. Reservé, Kan. C.; Secur. N „ Dallas. State National Bank___ » i ’06 John T. Jones____ W. C. Kingsley___ A. R. Davis........... R. D. Murphree___ V. S.Marett J. F. Tucker 88-774 100,000 42,000 525,000 649,000 120,000 N. Bk. Com., N, Y. and St. L.; Am. Ex. N. and N. Bk. Com., Dallas. Belton Latim er.... J. W. Stalling____ D. M. McDuffie 25,000 15,000 ’ 150,000 142,500 Frank Arnold- __ J. L. Chapman------ J. R. Pinchback... Edith Martin H. W. lluvar 25,000 5,370 118,550 129,130 J. E. Oassity—____ M. 0. R u sh in g ___ 10,000 15,000 100,000 50,000 Alma Bowles_____ 5,500 5,000 25,000 8,000 G. W. Royalty____ Leake Ayres_____ F. W. S traw -..— A. R. Williams Byron Leaird ------- J. P. Kendrick___ A. B. Bennett____ 100,000 110.000 350,000 500,000 100,000 40,000 82,3|0 330,480 464,900 56,800 220:110 299,270 34,910 88-1066 E. P. T eele.__ ___ ____ T, .T, Bowles___ 21,000 1st N.v Ft. Worth and Big Springs'! 31,000 1st N.; St. L.: So. Tex. Com’IN ., Hou. W 22,720 1st N., Hou.; Eagle Lake State, Eagle Lake; Tex. X > Bk. & Tr. Co., Galv. CD 75,000 City N., Dallas; Tex. State, Ft. Worth. CO B. McClinton, J r ... I.yP. McCreary___ 50,000 11,990 W: ¿.-Newton— J. H, Thòm as-i.— Georgia M enefee— 20,000 10,000 60,000 93,000 14,000 A. A. BOOTY-......... n given B ill o f La CE: Sight drafts, R eports, 25c. T R 50,000 w I PRICE___ ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. 15c. minimum; 25c minimum charge if p aid.YUS. 64,840 357,130 103,140 , . 418Í830 Æ J . E. COOPER-:— C- s. BELF0RD......... F irst and oldest established Ban FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*i’90 J)Save tim e and g et service o n Coll 88-309 ; (FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight d 100,000 i N. KELLER— — W. 0. WOODLEY, JR. k. E. H. EANES ections and Credi t R eports by. send ing ra fts, IS c ; Credi t R eports, 2 5 c . T R Y U S . 44,860 250.450 453,000 E. E. Bartlett— 30,000 8,160 169,100 131,830 R. Bretzke ............ L. C. IHiiiem 10;000 1,180 40,000 30,000 50,000 36,830 205,460 260,710 185,7^0 210,630 Guaranty State Bank . . . t§’l l Ox sheer Smith___ 88-1382 (E. G. GILLETT - — JS pecial atten tlo »Georgetown.Williamson FARMERS STATE BANK )FEE IN ADVAN Pop. 3500 H 17 88-310 *$§’05 (Reliable Credit G. T._ Tiillis J George West__ Live Oak Pop. 200 N 16 88-1790 Geronimo____ Guadalupe Geronimo State B a n k ....§13 Chas. W e in ert..... Pop. 300 K 17 88-1653 V . Braunholz »Giddings______Lee J 19 Citizens State Bank___ »t§’06 W. A Tfnnr Jj Pop. 2000 t( 88-472 ' *3 W. O. Bowers____ Ì. J. Fariss_______ Paul Nerger E. J. Neitsch E. G. Jaehne......... A, .T Wishqt J. S. Hillsman R. C. Barnwell___ J. H. M. Childress. W. C. Barnwell— H. L. Goodson____ T. R. Croley T. S. Ragland_____ J. sr Barnwell------ H. P. McGaughy... W. A. Marshall W. B. White_____ _ W. W. Sanders. — R. B. Nelson ~ — J, H, Mathis......... N. J. Harrison ) J. B. Jay M. S. Sandell Loyce Phillips____ 0. B. Everett 88-471 »Gilmer__ _ Upshur D 22 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank 1 t( Pop. 3000 88-561 •t’01 First National Bank.. *$1900 88-560 ’ “ *■*- V J Gilmer State Bank.____ t§’10 ♦ 88-562 : t t ’16 Girard_______ Kent C J2 Girard Bank. 88-1730, Pop. 60 Gladewater...Gregg D 22 Everett Banking Co.........t ’l l Pop. 1000 88-1379 Riddle Exchange’05 George W. Riddle. J. Roy K n ox_____ 88-1069 Glazier ./Hemphill O fi Glazier Slate Pank tS’1d S. M. Mnnn W. D PishAv i B M Gill 88-1RS2 Pop. 475 > z X N. Park. N. Y.; So. T ex.'C om 'i N., Hou.; 1st CD N., Waco. / I N. City, N. Y.; City N „ Dallas; 1st N „ Hou.; I N. Bk. Com., St. L. 6 Han. N.. N. Y.: Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.: Secur. S» N.. Dallas: 1st N., Waco; (M em . F ed. Res.) 3 03 Citz . Bk. & Tr. Co., Austin; City N., Cam- Cu eron; 1st State, Dallas. O Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Hou.; Am. N „ Austin. o 16,000 1st State, Dallas. .T. H- Arnold..... Pop. 500 —— 41,000 State Bk. & Tr. Co., Hou.; Levi Bk. & Tr. Co., Victoria; 1st N., Hou. 67,000 ♦ 88-1702 »Gatesville.-Coryell G 17 First National Bank— 1’89 J. R. Raby ............ 88-441 Pop. 4000 Gatesville National Bank»t’02 D.' E. Graves 88-442 ti ** Guaranty State Bank & Trust W. A. Waldrop___ CO... ♦ 88-1628— *t§T4 >> •£ vO 73,940 Levi Bk. & Tr. C(C Victoria; So. T$x. Com’l N „ Hou.; City N., Dallas. 60,000 G. W. Riddle ____ S. T. Lake H vo 12.000 C. R. Langston__ _ G. F. Garrison, Ch. of Bd. Garwood. .Colorado K 19 Garwood State Bank___ JS’10 W. M. Griffitts____ 88-1067 H Pop. 500 •L 1 Z. L Daniel . .. 88-1365 Pop. 500 Garrison — Nacogdoches H Pop. 1200 F 23 Principal Correspondents. 10.000 »Garden City—Glasscock First State Bank______ »i§’07 T. R. Long — - j__ W. F. Calder___ _ 88-1065 Pop. 500 F 10 Pop. 1500 =,,,£■ yg| For Holidays, see opposite page 13. 2 62,540 N. City, N .Y .; So. Tex„Com ’l N., Hou.; City 03* N „ Dallas. N. , ~ ; •t 72,400 Han. N „ N. Y.; State N „ San Antonio. 21,000 Chase N „ N. Y.; State San Antonio; Lumbermans N „ Hou.: Seguin State Bk. & Tr. Co., Seguin; Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co.,Austin. 45,870 Han. N., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’i N., Hou.; Am. N „ Austin; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas. 118,500 Hou. N., Hou. Ex. N., Lumbermans N., itsd Union N.. Hou. 35,§20 Am. N., Austin; Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman: / City N. and 1st State, Dallas. 45,000 So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 60,000 70,020 50,000 37,000 180,000 283,590 100,000 40,000 350,000 370,000 50,000 25,000 120,000 170,000 25.000 35,000 13.240 60,000 54,700 19,240 Citiz. N., Longview; Secur. N., Dallas. 10,000 10,000 150;000 10.000 *■'5,200 52,000 38,000 ^eab. N., N.Y.; 1st State, Dallas; 1st N., Long' view. - / to 18,000 Stock Yds. N., Kan. C,: 1st N „ Amarillo. VO 10,000 10,000 33,000 1st State, Dallas; (M em * Fed. R es.) 2,000 1st N., Ft. Worth; Far. & Merch. N., Abilene. AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY 0F NEW Y0RK, FS 7 BONI)S, LittlelField Building, Austin Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Naur of Bank . T own and Oodntt . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. (State »County Seats. $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. [Estab. E El Paso Br. HHouston ♦Mem. JTed. Res. Y ICE-PRESIDENT. President . L ia b il it ie s . P aid - op Subplus Depos AND Capital P bopits its A s s ’ t Cashier . C a s h ie r . Glenflora... Wharton K 20 Glen Flora State Bank—$(’07 P. G. B rooks_____ G. H. Northington. W. W. Armstrong.. Jewel Cain_______ Sr. 88-1071 Pop. 500 C. A. Milam______ E. A. Milam.. N. J. Otey % W. A. Sandlin_____ . 12,500 $ R esources. •oak* k Disc*m . Bonds, scuriti 8 ■* 30,000 140,000 J. R. Beaver___ ___ 0 . T. Harris______ 25,000 6,tÍ00 100,000 86.000 58,950 Far. & Mech. N „ Ft. Worth. A. L. Dunbar_____ J. T. Butts_______ 10,000 7,400 38,000 50,000 20,500 Secnr. N., Dallas. D. H. Harrison___ M. 75,000 17,020 158,920 209,520 E. B. Anderson___ R. M. Thompson__ W. 0. Dew_____ ~ O. H. Yarborough. W. E. Fairman L. C. Fell_- ____ M. L. Burns______ J. C. Burns— ___ _ 50.000 32,900 507,100 405,229 48.0CO 78,500 P. L . C A M P B E L L - WM. S EID EL--------A. R. FRANKE 50,000 110,520 292,790 349,250 154,050 Han. N.. N. Y.; Union N.. Hou.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. Goliad Bank & Tr. C o...$(’08 R. L. Pettus. »------ Levi Baker —_____ J. H. Pittman_____ L. J. Lutenbacher. W. G. McCampbell 88-653 50,000 36,700 270,000 298,000 58,500 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N. and Hon, N. Ex., Hou,; Alamo N., San Antonio. J. F. Love J. 0. Adrian . . __ J. T. Robinson___ W. E. Miller__ J. H. Randolph ( W. B. CAMPBELL J. TAYLOR........... iR. S. DILWORTH ldest Bank In »Gonzales .Gonzales K 18 DILW0RTH BANK..........$t’66 JO )Do a general Ba 88-294 Pop. 5000 1C ollections sen M (« M M A. Bridgforth .. 40.000 200,000 J. A. Radford . — J. D. Hughes A. V. Pace______ R. L. Young______ J. P. Weickersheimer R. L. Ratnn A, P, Wilhar. R. E. Oolvard___ S. B. Strawn J. W. Conway__ (J. W. Conway)__. J. A. L. W olfe____ B. Oglpishy .. FIRST NATIONAL BARK*$1900 B. F. Read ._ 88-741 __ A, F. J o n e s ____ S. Boyd Street____ P. K. Deats_____ »Graham.— Young C 16 BECKHAM NATIONAL BANK R. K. T.ynch 88-522 *$'90 Pop. 3000 Graham National Bank:__ '01 Chas. Gay----------- W. A. Corbett.___ A. A. Morrison — R. J. Johnson 88-523 B O N D S AND S H O R T TE R M IN V E S TM E N TS https://fraser.stlouisfed.orgM A Y B E B O U G H T F R O M U S B Y B A N K S ! Federal Reserve Bank N u of m bSt. e r Louis u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N e w T r a n s it N u m b e r given 1293 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. 121.330 453,040 690.540 75,000 45.110 526.320 457,760 Mary Miller . . 20,000 6,500 40,000 50,000 15,000 5.060 237,180 180,010 83,110 N. Bk. Com., Hou. 25,000 17,720 121.490 139,540 27,190 N. Park.N . Y.; Far. & Mech. N „ Ft. Worth. 10,000 3,960 70,920 44,220 25,000 17,600 120,000 211,400 20,000 6,000 125,000 75.000 Geo. F. Parker___ 65,000 12,000 625,000 .300,000 62,000 Bk. o f N. Y. N. B. A.. N :Y .; N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Oont. Bk. & Tr. Go.. Ft. Worth. 310.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; IstN., Waco; City N., Dallas. Thos. Haley______ E. Q. McMahan 30,000 dO, 000 918,000 452,000 553,000 N. Park, Ni Y.; 1st N „ Waco and Ft, Worth. Miss Eula E. Davis 50.000 10,000 80,000 112,000 J. H. Buchanan ... C. CrBloodworth Mrs. H. D. Criswell 100.000 50.000 697,470 547.960 50,000 25.000 403,000 250,000 21,000 Inter-State N., Kan. C., Mo.: 1st N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Mineral Wells; Secur. N., Dallas; '(M em . Fed. R es.) 180,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N. and Far. & Mech. N.. Ft. Worth; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 225,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.,Ft. Worth. l Rachel Colvard___ 87,170 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.; Lumbermans N „ Hou.; Alamo N., San Antonio. 115,730 Seab. N „ N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; N. Bk. Com., St, L.: Guaranty State, San Antonio.; (M em . F ed. Res.) 1st Guaranty State, Quanah. 9.000 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Amarillo. 1st N.. Ft. Worth. W. W. Findley — ___ H. W. Kuteman . . . Carl Herrington. _$(*07 J. L. Cunningham. R. P. Lee____ R. H. Pate 50,000 E. Y. Kopecky ___ Ross W oodall. CONTINENTAL and TEXAS— Continued C o m m ercial B 37,520 Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas; Pioneer Tr. Co., Kan. C.: Com'l N „ Sherman; Denison Bk. & Tr. Co„ Denison. 35,000 1st N „ Ft. Worth. a n k s C July, 1919 Graford—Palo Pinto D 16 First State Bank ♦ 88-1076 Pop. 400 52,420 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; City N „ Galv. 178,640 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N „ Dallas; (M em . Fed. R es.) N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N.» Hou. W. A. Smith____ „ F. B. Wrinkle__ L. N. Henry__ ;___ N. M. Berryman__ J. M. Grain_____ First National Bank __ $'06 W. W. Coffman. T. M. Anderson. . . Geo. McMeen___ 88-1075 Pop. 1000 ]J. L. Lary______ Gorman___ Eastland E 15 Continental State Bank.$(’09 J. G. Wilkinson__ J. T. Neill___ 88-742 Pop. 3000 Farmers State Bk. & Tr. Go. F. W. Townsend... E. L. Haile........... W. D. M orrell... 88-1633 «$(*14 ---------- “ 30,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. (Indivi dual Re 8 vonsibü ftp $500, 000)____ N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; So. Tex. Oom’l N „ Hou. CLAUDE F. M E A L . D, E. DILWORTH One of the olde st private banks In Texa s. Gonzales C ounty, nklng and Escha nge business, t us will receive p rompt attention. J. H. Daniel-— J. P. Randle. __ J. S. Douglass, Active 88-296 J. 0. Bright_____ F. M. Fly Gonzales State Bk. & Tr. Go. W. J. Bright ♦ 88-295 *$(’10 Goodlett.. Hardeman A 13 88-1757 Pop. 200 Goodnight.-__Armstrong Goodnight State Bank..$('10 s88-1074 Pop. 250 Q5 Goose Creek—Harris J 22 Guaranty State Bank— $(T7 88-1770 Pop. 1500 Gordon...Palo PintoE 16 88-850 Pop. 750 Gordon Bkg. & Mtle. Co.tl900 88-849 GordonviUe.Grayson C 19 Guaranty State Bank—«iC ll 88-1383 Pop. 300 “ Banks 6.590 $ 126,560 $ 87,590 $ 57,840 So. Tex. Com’l N „ Hon.: 1st N „ St. L. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-Î 91 < All Item s given carefol atten tion , and remitted for on day of payme nt. Save tim e and get service o n Col lections and Cred It Reports by send lng 88-652 T R Y U S. ( FEE IN ADVAN C E : Plain sight drafts, I S c ; Cred it R eport», 2 Sc. . from 25,000 88—788 Godley____ Johnson E 17 Citizens National Bank. .$'05 88—1072 Pop. 600 Golden State Bank____ « t l’lO 88-1073 Pop. 750 »Goldthwaite.. .Mills G 16 Goldthwaite Nat. Bank.»$’02 88-673 Pop. 1120 Trent State Bank______$('08 ♦ 88-674 aftnlisri Onliad M 18 Commercial Bank (Uninc.) 88-1845 i t '19 Pop. 2500 .. Principal Correspondents. Cash k E x changes,D ue >________ f_______ TEXAS BANKS— Glenflora to Graham___________ ▼Glen Rose___ Somervell Pop. 1000 E17 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace* etc», see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13- T E X A S— Continued 1292 _____ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in Us S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers9 h ic a g o L a w yers, L a w s, D irecto rs, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In te r e s t B a te s , G ra ce , *—> e t c ., see page 14. F o r H o lid a ys, see opposite page 13.1 A ccessib le Tow n s, BONDS AND S H O R T TER M MAY BE BOUGHT FROM IN V E S TM E N TS US BY BANKS! CONTINENTAL N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the N e w T r a n s it N u m b e r given each bank in U. S. exclusively b y The R a n d -M c N a lly Bankers' Directory, under the authority o f The American Bankers Ass'n. Name of Ban e . T own and County . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State »County Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. E El Paso Br. HHouston. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. V ice-President . P resident . »Granbury___ Hood E 17 City National Bank_____ $’01 L. G. Waltrip——— 88-017 Pop. 2000 First National Bank____ $’87 D. O. C o g d e ll___ Jess Baker.. F. G. Lewis 88-010 C o m m ercial an d TEXAS— Continued Cash ie r . 88-493 Grapeland—Houston G21 H Pop. 1200 FA R M ER S & M ERCH. S TA TE BA N K ___88-1078_____ « ’07 Guaranty State Bank___ ${’11 88-1392 Grapevine—Tarrant D18 Farmers National Bank—$’06 88-832 Pop. 1500 .. •• Grapevine Home Bank.$tl900 y 88-831 »Greenville___ Hunt C 20 Commercial National Bank 88-120 «$'05 - Pop. 10,099 First National Bank .*$’83 88-118 — a n k s R esources. Lia b il it ie s . i oamsk Dis- Oasr4 Ex P aid- up Surplus Depos L c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dus and Capital P rofits it ® A s s ’t Cashier . C h i c a g o -------------------------------------- ---------------------------- V, Principal Correspondents . ______ “ 106,000 350,000 516,000 108.000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Far. & Mech. N.,Ft.Worth: Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 40,000 28,000 150,000 186,000 27,000 Met. Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Secur. N.. Dallas: Far. & Mech. N.. Ft. Worth: (M em . F&L R es.) &840 59.460 20.210 214,210 190,290 T. D. Hunt_______ 50.000 19.270 330.950 317,290 L. Homer Rigby__ 40,000 46,770 226,620 371,680 L. H. Harrell_____ 0. P. Lane________ O.M.'Harrell__ __ J. W. Oates______ 40,000 74,000 175,000 250,000 J n o .S co tt- ___ '- 1.1. McFadin_____ W. D. Gardner___ H. L. Flow ers____ J. B. Beard F. B. Stefka. D. G. McFadin G. E. Darsey______ T. S. Kent____ ___ W. D. Granberry— Geo. R . Darsey___ 35,000 42,000 200.000 225,000 116.110 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., -L Dallas. '* - ’ - ? 37,710 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N. and 1st N., Ft. i Worth: Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 1 75,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Bar. & Mech. N.. Ft. Worth; * City, N., Dallas. 50,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.. Hou. 35,000 109,710 229,710 225,980 132.120 ist N., Waco; So. Tex. Oom’l N., Hou. 16.360 121.470 118.920 J. R. Pennington— U. M. Brock______ Miss Melba K. Brock J. S. Estill____ - M. A. Buchanan... C. J. Wall J. B. Wood 15,000 8,400 152,810 90,000 60,000 \ 55,500 210.000 371.000 220,000 250,000 0 . L. Wilkirson— C. W. Kennedy— 40,000 ___ W. F. Fowler W. R. H ow ell____ J. E. Andrews------ J. C. Alsup T. B. Meeks___ 25,000 H. P. Reaird B. L. Qill, Jr. — J. E. Persons Chas. E. Ingle------ J T4- Ingle. 15,000 9,800 City N.. Dallas. 82,630 Secur. N., 1st State, and Am. Ex. N«, Dallas. 100,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; City N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N., - Ft. Worth. 322,220 Han. N., N.Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; 1st N.. St. L . , H. C. Yancey A. W. Willhoitc W. A. B easley..... 100,000 65,000 W.H.James, Acting W. H. Camp 150,000 50,660 1,100,000 1,125,090 W. H. Bush . J. L. Lovejoy_____ S. B. Brooks______ J. M. Boles_______ J. M. Spurlock P. A. Norris L. N. Byrd 150,000 105,230 1,667,600 1,286,590 929,340 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Drov. N., Kan. C.: Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; IstN., Ft. Worth. F.J. PHILLIPS— ------ JAMES AHMISTEAU— - J. W. BIRDSONG------- J. A. NORTON---------C. B. J0HES, V.-P. J. B. CLAYTON BENTON S. CLARK I . A.CLARK /I R RiBR A. B. JONES J. 0. B O YIE ____ BARNEY RABB. — GUARANTY S TA TE BANK ZETA GOSSETT 88-121 »${’11 250,000 350,390 2,223,250 2,941,070 344,680 Seab. N., N. Y .; N. Bk. Com., St. L. R. E. Morrow____ B. D. Lipscomb___ Ford Seale - — 25,000 18,000 270.000 220,000 25.000 16,880 75.360 65,710 245,000 81,000 Han. N«, N. Y.; 1st State, Dallas. l FEE IN ADVAN CEt Sight drafts, 15c minimum; 25c mi nimum charge i f pa id. TRY US. (Reliable Credit R eports, 35c. 1 J. F. Green___ ___ E. N. Tutt A. H. Barnett------ 50,000 55,000 225,000 E. O. Thomas_____ 25,000 7,300 48,000 70,000 J. H. Browder, Jr. 25,000 8,200 125,000 42,000 J. H. Collier__ 25,000 12,610 93,030 90,730 J. W. Atmar. L. P.Atmar_______ Hayne N elm s... . R R Rnhh B. A. Platt Wm. H. Hensley — H. J. Mangum____ O. V. Mangum____ 05,000 122,630 540,470 653.310 25,000 8.500 127,000 107.000 J. G. Wilkinson__ n. n . P olk _______ 15,000 15,000 200,000 150,000 R. H. Kelley______ A. A. Kelley______ A. J. Dillard._____ W. B. Conaway___ 20,000 7,000 65,000 85,000 J. A. T,. Wolfe 12,500 2,930 53,620 37,870 J. E. B radley...__ L. B. Cobb, Jr. J. G. Wilkinson__ J. D. Whitcomb___ W. H. .Tones J. Call Sanders — A. F. TherreU_____ G- N. Groves. J. W. K norpp____ John Fraser______ I. C. Unsell___ — ..... S. H_ Koyos H. M. Carson ___ B. E. Sharp.... .. . W. J. Gardiner___ AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis — i 40.280 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; i Secur. N „ Dallas: 78,820 1st N. and Union N., Hou.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.: City N., Dallas. 45,000 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Far. & Mech. N,, Ft. Worth. A. S. Moore— — Gregory.San Patricio N18 First National Bank___ *$’12 88-1079 Pop. 400 »Groesbeck__ Limestone Citizens National Bank —$’02 88-570 Pop. 1800 , G 19 Continental State Bank. ${’09 88-571 4» •* Farmers Guaranty State Bk. 88-1503 ${'13 State Bank o f Groom__ ${’07 88-1080 Pop. 200 »Groveton_L..TrinltyH 22 First National Bank____ *$’02 88-1081 H Pop. 4000 Guaranty State Bank — ${'13 88-1558 Gnnter— Grayson C 19 Continental State Bank.${'09 88-1082 Pop. 1000 Gustine—-Comanche F 16 Farmers & Merch. State Bank 88-1083 ${’06 Pop. 800 Hagerman..Grayson B19 Hagerman State Bank— $ {’12 88-14Q4 Pmv A 100,000 G. A. Jones___ O. B. Chambers 88-119 ** i $ 50,000 % 18.000 $ 158,000 $ 233.000 $ 42,700 Ft. Worth N „ Ft. Worth. M. M. Robinett. J. N. Nutt____ Grand Prairie. Dallas 1) 19 First State Bank_______$1*07 W. G. L iggett___ - J. F. Waggoner___ J. T . Yeager______ Roy F. Preston___ A. N. Smith ♦ 88-780 Pop. 1250 .. B H •• H. G. Martin J. L. Wolfenbarger F. C. Rector Guaranty State Bank— i§ ’18 88-1808 Grand Saline—Van Z&ndt 88-092 Pop. 2000 D 21 M » National Bk. o f Grand Saline 88-691 *$’01 Grand View .Johnson E18 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank 88-700 $04 Pop. 1500 First National Bank_____ $’90 88-699 Granger. Williamson H 18 Farmers State Bank___ ${'08 88-494 Pop. 3000 B A ccessible Tow ns» L a w y e rs, L a w s, Directors« in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In te r e s t D a te s, Grace,\ 54,810 N. City, N. Y.; State N „ San Antonio; So. Tex. Com’i N., Hou. 73,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Union N., Hon.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 11,000 Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Worth; 1st N., St. L.; Secur. N., Dallas. 105,000 Secur. N., Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 38,370 Drov. N., Kan. O.; 1st N., Amarillo. 164.780 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; So. Tex. Com’l N. and Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 38.680 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.; Tex. State, Ft. Worth; 1st N., Hou. 45,000 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Worth. 40.000 City N., Dallas; 1st N., Ft. Worth; 1st State. Dallas. — 19,710 Com’l N., Sherman; Secur. N., Dallas; Denison Bk. & Tr. Co.. Denison. BONBS, 1.ittlefield Builiding, Austin Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given i?, each bank in U. S. exclusively b y The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the author! ty^of The American. Bankers Ass*n. ■ ’ PRESIDENT. Hale Center „ „ H a l é A 10 First State Bank._.._._»tS’07 R. F. Alley . . . . : Pop. 300 88-1084 *Ballettsville. Lavaca K19 H Pop. 2Q0Ó , VICE-PRESIDENT. N. Alley“ “. _____ As s 't Cashier . Ca s h i e r . 88-597 R esources. * Du- Cash k l x GHAvass,Doi Bwummiu from Barrs Principal Correspondents . Lo a m c’ th. Bonds, WVÍ¡. Gròntry.___ $ 20,000 $ 15,000 $ 100,000 $ 70,000 $ 50,000 Drov, Nv Kan. C.; 2d N.,'Plainview. ‘ Claud Gentry.. FIRST NATIONAL BANK.*$'90 Ferd. H illje........... $. H, ¡Simpson..__ J. H. Simpson. Lia b il it ie s ’. P aid-Up Surplus Depos AMD Capital P rofits it » 60,000 . Bruno Cohn— . . . . . 67,000 670,OOP 880,000 120.000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. Hamilton National B ank.i’90 J . T. J a m e s ........ A. H. Williams... 88-528 H a m l i n L . ^ J ones D 13 First National Bank___ *$’07 J. G. Wilkinson__ _ Jno. T, Day ____ Pop. 3000 88-428 W. F. MARTIN FIRST STATE BANK 1 . < § ’07 ♦ 88-430 T.E.HARDIN-1-. GUY McNEAL , E. A. P e r r y .,..- .-. J. Cleveland, J r ... Chas. W. Fuqua Tate M a y . „ , „ __ Lènnie Greenway 50,000 102,060- 250,000 245,000 B. L*Jones____ 40.0Q0 18,000 288,000 303.000 J. W. EZELL------ -- B, E. ANDERSON- - 40,000 17,950 145,750 183,210 Your Collectlo ns on Jones Coun ty. - ' - - ' IIt will be to yo ur interest to sen d them direct to us for prompt att ention, that wil 1 bring results. ..Remittance on day of payment. A trial will convi nee you. . . Handley..__ Tarrant D 18 First State Bank..____ $§’13 J. M. Beaty-------- -j A .B . McGee Beh T. M erritt___ Mts. Beh T. Merritt Pop. 1800', . 88-1526 ‘ Hansford.Hansford N 5 Fjrst National Bank ..„ • J ’07 J. H. Cator__ ."US. P . L. Carson...___ È. J.* T hayer_____ Grace Richardson. Pop. 250 88-1086 B. Y. Andrews O. E. Winder Guaranty State Bank..*i§’17 L. G. Blackmer___ A. H. Sto'rrs.:____ H. E. James ♦ 88-1784 WVA, Trawick, . A ctive H a pp y....__ Swisher Q 4 First State Bank____ __$§’08 J. F, W h ite.:.____ C. È. A. Logan_______j ,G. Inn és... Pop. 500 88-1087 Harleton___Harrison D23 First State Bank ........$§’11 W. L. Barry Miss Hallie Peal _ Lee Ragon.____ Pop. 400 88-1088 10,000 2?5,000 4,320 70,000 92,000 12.500 15,500 150,000 100,000 10,000 18,880 104,980 94,320 20,000 ’ 2,000 225,000 121,000 20,000 5,120 S. AJH0MPS0N -, A. TAMM— — - PEARL B0TTS— i EVACHAUDOINFIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft f or presentation, a nd LTWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report insu res prompt, perso nal attç ntion. 173,710 138,610 28,880 "Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas: 1st N., Brownsville. . f J. R. GRIMES----- H. H. BURCHARD.— R. B. HAMILTON (OLDEST, 88-1390 Haslet____ _ Tarrant D 18 Pop. 175 Basse____ Comanche F 16 Pop. 500 Hawkins_____Wood D 22 Pop. 400 Hawley—____ Jones D 14 Pop. 300 First State Bank__ ____ $§’15 88-1707 American State B an k„.$§’17 88-1791 First State Bank___ ___ $§’14 88-1090 First State Bank__ . . „ . $ § ’14 88-1673 Farmers State B ank___ $§’04 88-375 Haskell National Bank..*$’90 88-374 Haslet State Bank ______ §’19 88-1683 Merchants & Planters Bank 88-1092 t ’09 First National Bank___ «$’11 88-1093 First State B a n k .......$§’13 88-1094 40,000 Drov. N., Kan. C.; Cent. N., St. L.; Amarillo N „ Amarillo. 39,540 Seab. N., N. Y.; City N., Dallas; 1st N., Marshall; Cbm’l N., Shreveport, La. 96,000 Liberty N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Brownsville; , , Secur. N „ Dallas.v LAR GEST, AND STB ONGEST BANK. Chas. Schreiner 10,000 -3,230 26,530 27,310 I. P. Poynor.".____ F. A. Collins______ S. D. Simpson____ C. E. Truelove — 20,000 5,000 237,490 212,930 S. H. Fields._____ Carl Morris_______ D .H . Vaughn, J r P, P. Langford Gwen McCaskill... L. G. D e x t e r ...,.., J, C. Cochran__ Ì2.000 5,000 60,820 63,040 12,500 7,000 89,000 38,000 R.C. Montgomery. H. S. P ost. O. E. Patterson___ Leon Gilliam... 25,000 10,000 100,000 125,000 11,080 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio; Chas. Schreiner. Kertville. Tex. 43,950 Cent. N., St. L.: Hou. N. Ex. and Guaranty State, Hou,; .Com’] N-, Sherman. 18,540 N. City. N. Y.: Far. & Mech; N..' Ft. Worth; City N., Wichita Falls. 67,000 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N „ Hou.; Guaranty State, San Antonio. 2p,000 Chase N.,N. Y.; 1st N .,Ft. Worth. - Mrs. M. S. Pierson. G. R. C ouch..:___ R. C. Couch_____ Ö .B . Norman ! T. E. Ballard L. C. D a y ...,,,-.-,,, D. R, Sullivan,-,-.-.. 60,000 55,000 300,000 300,000 10,000 Han. N.. N. Y .: Ft, Worth N., Ft. Worth. 15,000 27,000 8,000 NrPark, N. Y,; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth. 8,270 29,210 58,220 Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Coman che, Tex. 9,260 Secnr. N., Dallas; 1st N., Mineóla, Tex. 500 45,000 27,000 J. S. W hitewood--, A. B. Barker. J, L. Gammill 20,000 J, C. Hardin_____ , T. L' M asters.,..,. W. P. Long J. L. Hartsfie ld ..., B. H. Toney. M. E. Smart. . , __ J. B. Smith Henry James.____ R. J. Blackwell-*— Carl W, Henslee__ L E T : U S C H E C K Y O U R C O M M E R C I A L PAP E R. T H O U S A N D S O F B A N K S D O . S O : Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 30,000 ñ 10,000 < -•Bvnxi t C o n tin en tal N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given i one to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ I Z 9 .) n n i l a v tho aiithnriiv nf THk Amerieskn Rankers Ass’ n. and 9,000 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Far. & Merch. N., Abilene. _____________ July, v1919 Harper.—..Gillespie 114 Pop. 450 Harrisburg__ Harris J 22 Pop. 3000 Harrold...Wilbarger A 15 Pop. 300 Harwood-.-Gonzales K 18 Pop. 300 •Haskell__ —Haskell C 14 Pop. 3,000 20,390 Seab. N., N. Y.; 'T ex . State, Ft. Worth.; Secur. N., Dallas. 70,490 Mech. & Metals N., N . Y.; Droy. N., Kan. C.; Kan. N., Wichita. 30,000 Com’1 N „ Kan. C.;“ Amarillo N., Amarillo: (Mem. Fed. Res.) 8,390 attentio n given Bill of La ding Drafts. HARLINGEN STATE BK.-*§’10 J1 Special ISc must be sen t with each Sight Draft for presen tatlon and 25c for each re port. 88-1089 PLANTERS STATE BANK$§’12 60,510 196,040 ' 240,520 38,360 Han'. N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Secur. N „ Dallas; New Eng. N., Kan. C.; (Mem. Fed. Res.) ’ 25,000 i Harlingen.. Cameron R 17 Pop. 3000 T 3,220 : 70,030 155,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 72,000 Seab. N., N.= Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. TEXAS BANKS— Hale Center to Hawley FIRST STATE B A N K ...»tl 16 H. J. Strunk______ <ff M. Vesmirovsky Î . Y .H itt::---------- JohhVasicék 50,000 8,800 260,820 265,550 51,750 Seab. N.. N.Y.; Cont/& Cóm’l N., Chi.-, Alamo 88-1732 R. A. Baessler N.. San. Antonio; 1st N., H o u ............. ... . Rosenberg Biros. Bank.«$t’88 OttoVon Rosenberg G. A. Young.._____ H. j . v on Rosen1 (Irnivid ual Res p&nsibil ity $75,0 Oftf Union N., Hou.; Groos N.‘, San Antonio; N. 88-596 berg Bk. Com., St. L. . . ’ Hallsville.-Harrison D 23 First State Bank—. „ „ * $ § ’09 T. P. B la c k „.l” „ . J. W. Holloway___ Ò. F. Haywood____ S. R. Haywood . . . 25,000 7.250 115,210 110.150 37,310 Han. N „ N. Y.; Secur. N.. Dallas; Tex. Bk. & Pop. 416 88-1085 , Tr. Co., Gajv.; Com'l N., Shreveport, La. ‘ HamiltonlHamllton F 16 IMILT0N BANK & TRUST 0. E. H o r t o n ....... R. A. K o o k e u ...... J, M. Williams. 50,000 J. E. M o o r e .,..,.. 53.070 304,770 210,050 193.800 N. City, N. Y.; Secur. N „ Dallas. Pop. 2500 BOM PANT 88-529 ___ *{§’06 J. M. Livingston R. B. Miller ________________ T own and County. N ame of Ban e . ' ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. £ El Paso Br.: HHouston. ♦Mém. Fed. Res. [Estab. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. T E X À S— Continued 1294 10 04 x t|?;T C o m m er c ia l Ban ks, C hicag o T E X A S — Continued Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, xn’; tlexed in back of this volume. For Interest R ates, Gracej i"—• etc., Bee page -'14. For Holidays, ’ see opposite page 13.1C C o ntin ental C E T U S Ç H E C K Y O U R C O M M E R Cl AC P A P E R . TH OUSANDS BANKS DO SO: N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ N am b -of.Bank . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState »County Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. £Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. E El Paso Br. H Houston. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Hearne__ Robertson H 19 First National Bank.___ £’94 88-380 R Pop. 3250 Planters & Merch. State Bk. 88-381 •tS‘07 Heath —- Rockwall D 19 Farmers Guaranty State Bank 88-1888 tS'll (Bockwall P. 0 .) Pop. 300 »Hebbronville.Jim Hogg Hebbronville State Banki§’13 , 88-1601 Pop. ,1000 P 13 Hebron State Bank___ -£§’12 88-1459 , Pop. 200 Hedley -Donley ,Q 6 FIRST STATE BANK-* £ § ’16 88-1095 Pop; 800 « 1 V ice-President . r C o m m er c ia l Ban ks, C hicag o A ccessible A s s ’ t Cashier . Cashier . ' . ’ /i Lia b il it ie s . *t|| R esources . askft Ex Dbpos- Loansft Dis- cC P aid - up Surplus hanges,Due and ; Capital Profits ITS Becurities fromBanks —. —L _____[j W. P. Ferguson___■E.1R oh d e-i;-_____ E. A. Reinhardt__ W. P. Ferguson, J r. j $ 50,000 $ 119,720 $ 356,410 $ 25,000 335,000 W. lu Blackmon. —i 50,000 ----- J . G; Philea H. W. Cumnungs-i J. G. Philen R. O. Ely W. G. Curry 50,900 10,000 9,000 R. B. Payne___ — J, T /L ofland_____ ! L R Fnttreli J M! 1W; T«shell T.> B. Ridgëll 150,000 25,000 37,500 H. C. Yaeger_____ Oscar Thompson — Russell Houston— C. W. H ellen------ -j Henry Edds If* -----j *»10,000 ' 1,020 I ; 18.660 W; G. Furneaux...: 256,520 25,000 30,980 J. C. Doneghy.—— T- R- Moremap—— J. R. Benson_____ P. T. Boston---—— ; Guaranty State Bank—.£§’13 J. G. McDougal----- W. B. Quigley------ J. W. N oel-— -.— Robt. W. Read — 88-1616 T. H. Heard_______ V. C. M arshall-__ Heidenheim er „ Bell H 18 Heidenheimer State Bank 88-1096 £§’10 Pop. 249 *Hemphill..- Sabine G 24 First National Bank—,___ £’07 G. E. Pratt 884097 H Pop. 750 State Guaranty Bank— £§’17 88-1746 W. F. Goodrich___ A. M. Jones______ .. . R. H. Minton_____ W. C. Bell.............. T. O. Taylor--------- J. H. Groce_______ »Hempstead. Waller J 20 CITIZENS STATE BANK«£§’07 L. L. Mahan_____ p W. H. Miekow 88-417 H Pop. 2500 J. C. AMSLER—— g. S. OSBORNE — — M. A. MATHEWS ------ollections m ade p rom p tly and rem itted for on sam e day,;;- ■ FARMERS CFIFTEEN CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and TW ENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report insures p rom p t, personal NATIONAL BA N K a tten tion . . miu e ir r nunu »ri m - 41, .t*fi3 Kangerga.__ W. E. Norvell — ' R . M. W ylie.........»Henderson..-Rusk E 22 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank J. E. Norvell—___ Rade Homer Harris, Jr. E. B. Alford | 88-315 »£’03 Pop. 8000 ( J .E. Hightower. Act. E. F. C rim .;j—> ;— S. L. Oliver.____ J. O. Hickey 88-314 T o w n s, Law yers, L a w s, D irectors, ihV tlexed in back of this volume. For Interest R ates, Graced été., êee page -14. For Holidays, 'see opposite page 13. T E X A S —-Continued 587,510 $ 115,180 90,000 275,000 P rincipal Correspondents . HoUJ eab. N., N. Y<; Tex. State, Ft. Worth.' 22,350 Far.N., Rockwall; Secur. N., Dallas. 42,450 eab. N., N. Y.; Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Sai tonio. >3,230 lollin Co. N., McKinney; City N., Dallas. 62,500 150,000 26450 287,180 33,140 st N.. Ft. Worth: N. Bk. Com., St. L. N., Wichita Falls. 15,000 7,500 60,000 71,000 18,900 i. City, N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas: Inter N., Kan. G.; Citi». State, Memphis. 12,500 7,120 71,220 48,390 37,050 I. Park, N. Y.; City N „ Dallas; Hou. N Hon.; TeiPple State, Temple. 25,000 25,000 150,000 178,000 10,000 2,410 95,530 80,610 25.000 12,00(1 200,000 125.000 •Jj, ' 48,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. Hou. 17,600 N. Bk. Com., Hon.; Am. Èx. N., Dallas. 75,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Lumbermans N., Hon.; Secur N., Dallas; 1st N., Galv. 1. 50,000 4 47,020 300,200 428,720 53,490 N. City, N. Y .; 1st N „ H ou .; A m . Ex. N , D allas,. 25,000 40,000 402,000 350,000 120,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Union N. Hou.; 1st N., St. L. 50.000 50,220 . 325.380 310,510 181,580 N.vPark, N. Y.; So, Tex. Com’IN ., Hou. • _______ 25,000 g 19,650 169,000 135,000 50,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and St. L.; Hou. N. Ex. R. M. Richardson.; R. H. E vans,,-—, ; Hou.; 1st State. Dallas: (M em . Fed. Res. L p.: Windle Am, Ex. N ., Dallas: City N., Wichita Falk 28,770 J. T. Dale —........... L. R. Hamm_____ | 0 . H. M elton------- ».-50,900 r^Ft. Worth'N., F t. W orth., . . (Individ u a lrësp om ibilit V îlTôÏÏô. (fQÖ) . J. L. Huggins 55,000 8,000 250,000 365,000 120,000 B a n . ’N . / N . ‘ Y.; mter-StRte N.. *Kan.' C. j . j . L o r y - - - - - - C, K- Brown.—. , — R. Li. Marberry—Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth: Secur. N., Dallas . 1st N., Wichita Falls. 50,000 ,50,000 1.250.000 895,000 140,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Boatmens, St.L.; Am. Ex. N. T. E, SLAGLE.......... MRS. W.B. WORSHAM W. S. COLWELL — Dallas: 1st N., Ft. Worth. A. J. 0HEIM . to us w ith each s ig h t d ra ft fo r pre sen tat ion , and ach credit report insures p rom p t, p ersonal a tten tion • 50,000 J. C. Ricketts____ 21,000 : 250,000 248,000 I 70,000 Han. N., IÍ. Y.: Stock Yds. N.l Kan. C.; Kan Hereford Deaf Smith Q 3 FIRST NATION AL BANK -¿£’06 Geoi, L. M use_____ E. B. Posey....... — N., Wichita; 1st N.. Amarillo. 88-482 Pop. 3000 ---------- ♦ 88-316 »Henrietta.— -Clay B 16 Dale Bros.& C©., Bankers 1’16 J E Dale 88-1733 Pop. 3500 Merchants & Planters Bank T. H. Marberry — 88-397 »£§’04 .. .. •— tG. M. WORSHAMW. B. WORSHAM & CO.. B ankers.88-396_____ £t’98 Y15 CENTS sent 125 CENTS fo r e |H ■ “ no j HENRY WILKINSON C. B. WILLIAMS-,-, A. HEBBST ----------- J.,A. PITMAN— FRANK ALEXANDER A. HERBST FIRST STATE BK. ---------- 4 .50,000 j 57,410 j 321,830 Y oungest and L argest B ank in th e C ounty. &TRUSTCOMPANY j(FEE 1C ollections and Requests for Cre dit Reports M PS T be accom panie d by IN ' ADVAN CE: Plain sight d rafts, l5c; Credit R eporis, 50c. ' «» Sit I 1•• ♦ 88484 «£§’07 Hermleigh. - Scurry D 12 (See Foch) ________ _________ Roscoe Davidson— Claude Terry_____ Clifford C. Acker f AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, S Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50,000 j 71,550 1' 2.07,190 101,590 Han. N ....N .--Y ,; N. Bk. C om ., K an . C. N. Stock Y ds. N ., N. Stock Y d s., 111. S tock Y ds. N ., F t. W orth ; (M em . Fed Res.), 405,130 ’ 57,470 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Wort! 449,990 Inter-State N., Kan. 0 .; Guaranty Statf p r iT Amarillo. . ........' { ■ — BONDS, Littlefielc1 Buildiing, Austin V 1295 Western National Bank„*£’03 G. A. F. Parker___ 88-483 TEXAS BANKS— Hearne to H e r m le ig h _______ I ■i* [P resident . and j uiy, 1919 1295 OF Town and County. N ame of Bank . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv E El Paso Br. HHouston ♦Mem. Fed. R es." [Estab P resident . Hico_____ Hamilton F 17 First National Bank___ »$'90 G. M. Carlton___ 88-578 Pop. 14S7 __ ___ / ** V ice -P resident . Cashier . Hico National Bank:___«J’0( W. P. Barnes—___ W. M. Cheney____ G. B. Golightly . __ 88-579 First National Bank____ «t’06 A. Bissantz__ ____ 88-712 CITIZLNb Lia b il it ie s . R esources. Depos- Loamsk Dis- Cam 4 ExP aid- up Surplus ▲ND ITS Capital P rofits &EOUB8TKBS rmox Baku —“H£00$ Blanche H y d e____ Oneta Kelley , 55,000 256,000 239,000 54,300 Coal & Iron N., ’ N. Ÿ.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 25,000 26,970 227,470 203,840 84,230 Drov. N „ Kan. C.; 4th N., .Wichita: Am. N., Austin. 25,000 7,000 266,870 235,330 36,390 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kan. G, Mo.; Kan. N „ Wichita; Austin N „ Austin. G. Millhollon GEO.CARMICHAEL A. L. SMITH_____ R. C. WEST — ___ C. S. MORGAN___ T. 6. HAWKINS, 89,&e W. H. ELLINGTON 200.000 M. H. DEWITT \jii. o j u a . E. B. TINKER Largest Bank in the C ounty. *$’93 G ood C om m ercial C ollections given Prom pt» Persistent A ttention. Qui ek R etu rns. B. L. WHITE____ W. M. WILLIAMS- E. WOODALL, 500,000 200,000 G. D. BEAVERS, Sec. and T r; GUY C. WEST A . See. T R U S T COM PANY 88-172 “ ....... 44 . *’12 FARMERS 482,980 1,509.300 204,650 Han. N.,--N. Y .; 1st N ., Bos. and H ou. C ity N., Dallas. 40,660 997,710 47,510 N. Bk. C om ., N . Y .; N. C ity, C h i.; N. Bk 268,950 Trust F und» C om ., S t. L .; C ity N ., Dallas. |B lack-lan d Fir st M ortgage Loa ns fo r Sale. (JOHN WYNNE, Manager Warm M ortgage Depa/rtme nt. W. M. WILLIAMS— TOM HILL---------- W. L EMBREE — MARION CLYETTE. S. H. ANDERSON 100,000 45,000 450,000 u i a e s t n a t i o n a l a a n K in m i l c o u n t y . I l REY DAVIS «t’87 C o l l e c t i o n s . S o l i c i t e d a n d P r o m p t l y R e m i t t e d f o r a t M o d e r a t é 1 R a t a s ï. 735,000 N A T IO N A L B A N K 88-167 Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . FIRST STATE BANK— •«'10 Thos. J. Files___ i_ H. H. Simmons___ Thos. Ivy ♦ 88-170 Hitchcock.Galveston H. L. Roberts & Co.___ «t’11 H Pop. 500 K 22 88-1099 H. L. Roberts____ Holland— ___ Bell H 18 First National Bank____ t ’06 ti.B . Mewhinney.. J. H. Underwood.. Logan Mewhinney. Pop. 778 88-794 E. M. Alexander__ J. Leighton Beavers 150,000 27,640 830,160 150,000 N. Park, N. Y .; N. Bk. C om ., St. L .; F t. W orth N ., F t. W orth; So. Tex. Corn’ l l . , H ou. Han. N., N. Y.; Secnr. N., Dallas; 1st N „ Ft, Worth; (M em . Fed. B es.) N. City, N. Y.; Hutchings, Sealy & Go., Gaiv. % 50,000 33,000 315,000 V. E. H. Reed, Jr.. E. G. Armstrong__ 25,000 11,500 150,000 »Hondo____ Medina K 15 First National Bank—__ «t’01 J. M. Finger.____ _ E. de Montel__ ___ Horace Bradley.—. Charles Finger ___. Pop. 3000 88-317 .. .. HONDO STATE BANK— « 08 E. R. Leinweber... J .N ey ___________ 88-318 50,000 29,000 290,000 200,000 30,000 1 16,850 112,670 105,240 51,560 Han. N., N. Y .; 1st N., Hon.: Alamo N. and City N.,^San Antonio; Austin N., Austin. ** •* . * « ’93 V. E. H. Reed____ Honey G rove.___Fannin First National Bank .«$’88 J. A. Pierce___ __ _ Pop. 3000 B 20 88-382 « ' •• Planters National Bank.«t’89 R. J. Thomas_____ 88-383 ** S-I-TTT II■ #* ’ W. S. Reed 255,000 N. Park, N. Y .; 1st N., HOu. Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; lst N., Waco; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.: City N., Temple. 150,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio. B. O. Walcott—___ J. B. Hembree____ R. H. Galbraith O. H; McCleary 125,000 107,230 336,000 499,800 232,450 N. Park and Seab. N., N. Y .; N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Am. Ex. N „ Dallas. Peyton W heeler... J. C. McKinney___ 0. L. Wood W. B. Vaughan State National Bank___» i ’09 J. A. Underwood „ F. W. Underwood.. G. W. McCleary. . . 88-384 H. L. Allen R. M. McCleary 100,000 38,750 .292,630 391,900 90,400 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Am. Ex, N'„ Dallas. 125,000 122,910 673,390 1.118,410 172,790 Seab. N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk, Com., St; L.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 10,000 7,000 Hooks______ Bowie B 23 Guaranty State Bank___ « ’12 A. G. Crump_____ J. W. Smith______ Pop. 400 88-1476 T I M E A N D I N T E R E S T S A V E D BY USING OUR M ODE R N T R A N S IT S Y S T E M ; Federal Reserve BankNofu mSt.b eLouis r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k Is t h e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r 120,000 50,000 85,000 Secur. N., Dallas: Cent. N., St. L. ; ______________ July, 1919 First State Bank__ 88-795 112,000 BANKS— Hico to Hooks C O LO N IA L r c ip a l 60,000 N A T IO N A L B A N K 88-169 P r in R. A. Dorsey.__ — E. H. Randals____ C. L. Woodward ... $ 50,000 $ 69,330 $ 293,460 $ 351,370 $ 67,170 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N „ Waco: N. Bk. Com., St. L.: City N „ Dallas. Higgins— Lipscomb N 7 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Henry Frass______ H. L. Adkins__ __ 0. H. Hyde 88-713 » ’06 Pop. 1200 »Hillsboro______Hill F 18 Pop. 6116 A s s 't Cashier . _ _________________TEXAS “ A ccessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace' TEXAS—Continued 1296_________ Num ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ D irectory ,'u n d er the au th ority of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. C o n t in e n t a l and C o m m e r c ia l B a n k s . C hicago l O fl’ ’ 1 4 ?/ g iv e n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. H O U S T O N — R e s e rv e City (B ranch Federal Reserve D istrict No. 11) (H a rris, C o u n ty J 21) C ou n ty S eat, P o p . 1 1 2 , 3 0 7 Ç*. T I M E A N D I N T E R E S T S A V E D BY USING OUR M ODE R N T R A N S IT S Y S T E M ; C o n t in e n t a l and C o m m e r c ia l B a n k s . C hicago N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k Is t h e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r g iv e n 1 o n * 7 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he K and-M cN ally Bankers* I 4 7 / Directory, under the authority of The Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. N am e of Bank. B ANKERS Cashier. Vice-President. President. 1 H. JONES. N. E MEADOR.................W. W. MOORE, Pres, and Ch. o f J . M. ROCKiWELL Bd. A. M. L E V Y '1 See. and Tr. íA . C. B E L L — — G. R. TREADWELL— H. A. HEYCK— - — W. H. IR V IN , Federal Reserve Bank-Dist. 11 (See page 32 for co mplete information) 35-4 [ W . c .H o g e .- v i —- J. L. Autry-----i.— E. E. Clark, Tr. E. G. Fleeter F I I E L I T Y TRU S T CO. — •$! No Commercial Collections handl ed. 35-63 J .T . S C O T T . - - - F . M .] A , See. and A .T r . $ 2,000.000 S5 571,24015 fi. 0. CRAIG------ — E. E. Morrison.Sec. B. W. W a /d ^ .S ec 10 0 ,1 0 0 2,870 1 00,000 94,910 2,000,000 A. Cash. „ B b RINGHURST S. R. Bertron, Jr.. H. E. Watkins 35-56 Guardian Trust Company—§’17 Jas. A. Baker_____ C. M. Malone_____ 35-67 E. B. Parker, V.-P. F. A. Heitmann G. M: Bryan H. S. Fox, Jr. Gulf State B an k __ _— —»§’19 Jacob Embry™ — GeO. C. Embry— 35-69 P. B. Timpson.___ R. E. Paine_______ HOUSTON LAND & TR . CO. G. F. Arnold 35-51 *4! GUARANTY STATE BAHK»t§’lff Jno. D. Dyer — $ 70,570ÍF 319,160 $ 1,937,930 !1 1,084,210 64,690 R ep., C h i.; l§ t N., S t. L. Tr. Funds ÿ r W ; 1 175,420 26,470 25.830 87,860 Union N.. Hou.; Cent. N., St. L. 772,880 13,528,240 4.805,610 13,789,880 6,313,060 $2,668,820 2,899,470 Im p . & Tra. N. and N. City, N. Y .; C ont. & C om ’ l N., C h i.; M erch .-L ac. N., St. L. 420,560 191,020 423,410 58,510 20 0 ,0 0 0 128,980 366,710 326,720 Tr. De posits 890,100 84,080 48,240 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co., N. O.; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas. D. D. Krahl______ T. L. Powell. 250,000 7,340 285,950 54,460 A. R. Cline, A . Sec 0 . R. Weyrich, Sec. a/rtd Tr. Aug. J. Heinze, 500,000 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 Raymond Neilson, E.C.Barkley, Sec. and Tr. A . Sec. and A . Tr. 283,190 1,815,300 Houston Trust & Savings Bank Charles L. Johnson John W. Stanford- Parkman Johnson. Jonathan Cox- ----35-65 »§’ 17 1 0 0 , 00 «1 ♦Lumbermans National Bank— 8. F. Carter--------- G.M. Bryan^-Aeiiue M. S. Murray_____ R. F. Nicholson... J. A. Fite H. M. Garwood 35-6 »*’07 H. J. Bernard 600,0001 559,84«1 5,300,46«1 1,716,470 500,00«1 226,70«1 3,356,89«1 o f c o m m er c e $. TAUB 150,00« 20,000 505,350 204,950 Mech. & Metals N .,'N . Y.; N. Bk Com., Kan. C.; City N., Galv. 225,530 N. City, U. S. Mtge. & Tr., and Equitable Trv'Cos., N. Y.; N. Bk, Rep., Chi. 7,114,710 3,283,540 2,397,020 N. City, N. Park, and M ech . & M etals N ., N. Y .; F t. Dear. N. C h i.; N. Bk. C om ., St. L. 142,680 2 0 ,0 0 0 50,000 5,477,3901 2,950,210 30,000 Harriman N „ N. Y.; State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; 1st N.. Hou. 1,685,830 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; N. Bk Com., St. L. I. u. linlrrl IH 7 : 1 '® % . Send us your Texas Collections. They will receive prompt attention and remittances made on day of payment. J . A . B A K ER ------ J . A . P0NDR0M - 35-2 13,6701 350,520 1,741,950 R. M. FARRAR--------- J . W .REYNOLDS— A. 0. SIMPSON— — A. F . FISHER— Peoples State Bank--------+§’19 R. L.Young--------- , J A. Herring — L. Cohn, V.-P. I. L. Freed 35-70 ♦SOUTH TEX A S COMMERCIAL ATIONAL B AN K ---------B@ Z 223,220 N. City, N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 6,710 A. B. Jones---------- E. C. Roberts. H. S. FO X , JR— M. P. GEISELMAN-— WM. S. PATTON— MELVIN ROUFF — J. C. CHIDSEY, Active L . 0. HARMES 800,0001 532,480 6,639,090 2,489,110 M. M.GRAVES, V.-P. WM.'S.PATJON, Active t . m . McDo n a ld We solicit your Texas collections. P. SJILLMAN B A N K Items sent us direct will receive prompt and personal attention from an officer pf this baink. Correspondence invited. ,*2’76 Eastern items given preferential rates and promptest service. ‘ NATIONAL BANK 84,470 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Hon. 137,250 J . W. H AZAR D HOUSTON NAT'L 35-8 Principal Correspondents. H. B. JEWETT, - & l i R E S E L L - - - - G . 6 . T IM M IN S — 0. W . JA C K S O N . J . L . R U S S ELL S EE ADVERTISEM ENT ON T E X A S MAP EXC H AN G E 1 ) Special atten tlo n given B ill o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s ( Please send 15c wi th each sight draft f or presentation and 25c for Credit Repo rts. 35-68 ‘ FIRST NAT’L BANK Cash and E x changes Bonds , Due Surplus I ndivid - .D eposits Loans a Paid - up " AND FROU D is Securi or UAL Ca pit al Profits ]Deposits B anks counts !ties, etc . Banks Ass't Cashier. W .T.G ARTER T . H. BALL \ COM PANY F L HEYNE 35-54 « t l’OO Do a Trust Business.' Loan on Beal Estate, First Mortgage, Sell First Mortgages, Real Estat <i Notes. C IT IZEN S S T A T E BANK- (H.arris, C o u n ty J 21) C ou n ty S eat, P o p . 112,307. R esources. Li ABILITI KS. , •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State «Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. TRU ST H O U S T O N — R e s e rv e City S. M . M cASHAN J . W. H OO PES D A N IEL R IP L E Y J . M . DORRANCE F . A . H EITM A N N 150,001j Eli Marks_______ F. E.Hood______ D. S. Crowley 548.290 2,168,83«1 3,641,8901 1,249,48«1 262,360 Liberty N. and M ech. & M etals N., N. Y .; 1st N ., C h i.; Cent, N .; St. L .; C om w . N „ K an . C. Seab. N. N.Y., Secur. N., Dallas'. 1,197.20«) 10,190,421) 4,433,5301 7,800,18«) 3,711,66«1 5,173,23«1 1,101,840 Seab. N., Am. N.. Chase N., and N P. J . EVER SHADE G EO R G E E L L IS , J City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.+Corn R .H . H ANNA Ex. N., 1st N., and L ivestock Ex JO H N d r e a p e r N „ Chi.; N. Bk. Cbm., and 1st N. St. L. n cl pal po t n ts. Direct Correspon W e re m it fo r the State o f Texas. W rite foir term s. 1. 1 ,000,001 ) ( Houston continued on next pa AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, = Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BONDS, Littlefield Building, Austin y . ..........N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given 1 9 Q R Ì?. eac> bank “ U. S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally Bankers* U f M T Ó ' r m T >JjjiHgjg f fr3g j n v 1 4 V O Directory» Under th fea u th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ h . ----- C o n t i n u e d “ . K e s e r V C N ame of B ank L ia b il it ie s .•Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState D e p o s it s PRESIDENT. Vi c e -P r e s i d e n t . Cashier . ÍMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. A s s ’t Ca s h ie r . P a id - u p S u b p l u s AND op Ca p it a l ♦Mem. Fed. Bës. , [Estab. P r o f it s n U U o l UlN a Accessible Tow ns,, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in-, dexed m .back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace etc.» see ,page ;T4rr For Holidays, see opposite page 13 R esources. P rincipal Correspondents . City B o n d s ,.I S e c u r i t i e s , ETC. B anks S T A T E BANK & TRUST CO. 35-64 'UNION NATI BANK 35-5II m P R A . M . LEV Y ! S » . $ 100,000 $ 50.000 $ 1,500.000 $ 100,000 NEU HAU S & COM PANY - — $'07 (Union Nat’ 1 Bank Bldg.) - ' 1,000,000 735,100 11,340,390 2,448,110 7,202,1)60 5,203,100 ________ j Hugo V. Neuhaus TEXAS—Continued Name of Bank. Vice-President; Cashier. Ass ’t Gassier. P a id -u p Ca p it a l iSurplus t,™_„ and ! Profits ! Howland— ..Lamar B21 Howland State Bank.. - « ’11 D. B. Shelton____ M. S. Bledsoe____ WYR. Ju stiss... __ Nettie W ilson ____ Pop. 300 88-1102 SOO’OOOi IS8'ö8Öi H ubbard....___ .Hill F 19 First National Bank__ --• î’95 W. E. McDaniel — W. B. Barnes . . . . . . J.H . Weatherby__ J; H. Swader..! . . . Pop. 2000 88-456 W. A. Putman Clyde Keitt —— ■—r~ J. E. Waller First State Bank . . ..I S ’09 j . M; Johnson, Jrfl E. Jarvis ____ .! B. L. Sanders____ J. G. Scott.......... , 88-457 J. T. Sanders H U N T S V ILLE S TA TE 88-401 BANK J. G. Ashford ____ J. A. Elkins______ W. C. Jones&____ S. S. Felder 54,790 1 29,620 Secur. N.,Dallas: Mefch. & Plan. N. and Ami Bk. & Tr. Co., Sherman. 20,100 74,320 78,490 j 45,330 :Oity N., Dallas; lst'N,, St. L.; Am. N „ Paris. I 288,190 509,570 820,260 f e 77,500 jScab. N., N. Y .f 1st N., Hou. 103,000 140,000 240,000 40,000 1Han. N „ N. Y,; City N., Dallas., 61,590 321,240 370,680 92,150 ;Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N., St. L. j 105,000 85,000 16,0301 420,080j 271,060 16,000 20,500 j1st N.^Chi.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 210,2001Han. N., N. Y.; Lumbermans N., Hou.; Secur. N-. Dallas. 33,000: Union N., Hon.; City N., Galv. 125,000 85,000 : 22,860 426,220 385,490! 148,400: N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Hou.; Hutchings, Sealy & Co., Galv. 50.000 • 41.850-' 486,780 419,7101 154,440jSeab. N., N. Y.; Union N., Hou.; Am. Ex. ILi v ...... . ... ... | 50.000 10.000 I.OOtf' 60,000 lä.ooo; 4,000 390 10.420 9.600 16,000 ! 1,0001 50,000 - 60,800 45,000jSecuf N. and City N., Dallas. 7,720 1st State. Dallas; ' Citiz. Guaranty Hutchins. 8,000 Secor. N. and Tenison N.. Dallas. July, 1919 INFORMATION ON MANY SU B JE C TS. ASK OUR S E R V IC E D E P A R T M E N T ’ Federal Reserve Bank of N uSt. m bLouis e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k ia the N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r 1299 73,370 L. W . Long ___ a__ J. P. K iser ______ R. F. Butts ____ — J. D. Falk Hutchins—__ Dallas D 19 Bank o f Hutchins . . t ’90 S. Ayres S. Ayres, J r .....L i! RLOC^Ayrés Pop. 450 88-1402 C. H. Bussey & Co.__ __t ’84 C. H. Bussev— W. R. Thompson .. F . B. Bussey 88-1748 C. H. Bussey, Jr. Oitizens Guaranty State Bk. H. H. B en n ett...i. W, H, Rawlins ___ W. J. Alexander—' 88-1559 1518 r * 1 1 1 • — —" Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Gulf N., Beaumont. R. S. Sterling..*— H. F. Bozarth ___ 1 J, W. Fincher ■ . V I J. W. Hall< • I J. J. C ollins.. __ _ R. S. B y r d ___. . . . R. C. A r n e t t ....... R. P. McKewen t* J00*j00i j W .S .G ib b s-^ ____ W . W. Adickes— Gibbs A. Wynne— •t§’07 • '' 3,240 . . . 1’03 W.B. Duncan------- G. H. Morris___ R. M. K asling.. _. T. J, Cook P. W. Göodson - §19 F. H. Carpenter— Roy Hankamer.... A. J. HarteL^Jr.__ Humble— ...H arris J 22 Guaranty State Bank— §’17 H Pop. 8000 88-1756 Humble State Bank— «t§’07 88-1104 Huntington. Angelina G 22 Huntington Guaranty State „ H Pop. 1000 Bank!— 88-1105. ___ ±«’11 »Huntsville.. Walker H 21 Gibbs National Bank! ..• i’79 H Pop. 3000 88-400 Principal Correspondents . $ 17,010 $ 340,160 $ 271,520 :$ 72,420 Han. N „ N. Y.; Am. Ex. N.," Dallas; N. Bk. Com., St. L. Home Guaranty State Bank P. J. W a ld rop -— N. B. Bost .......— . G. W. Stark — 88-1703 t§T6 Hull..---------- Liberty J 23 Hull State Bank H Pop. 1000 . 88-1832 Loans &Dis- Cashk E xSecurities nu>MBanks c*T8mBonds, ¡ohangbs.Ddi D?r.oB1TB 1---------------------------------------------------------- Howe---------Grayson C 19 Farmers NationaLBank..i’01 J. L. Blackburn . . . W. W. Ferguson..! A. F. Thompson __ Pop. 581 88-110Í Hughes SpringsuCass D 23 Fitst National Bank Pop. 1000 88-1103 N. Park, N. Y. ; N. City and Cots Ex. N „ C h i.; N. Bk. C om ., S t L .; H ibernia Bk. <& Tr. Co. and C om ’l T r. & Sav., N -O . ---— ---• --- jIABILITIESi President. 3,840,940 Spencer Trask & Co., Equitable Tr Co., and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y, Union N „ Hou.; Phil. N „ Phil. I IN VESTM EN T SE CURITIES AND FO REIGN EX C H A N G E »County Seàts. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState In: NO. 11 Fed; Resi Dist. íMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. E El Paso Br.; H Hou. Br. ♦ Mem. Fed. Res, a [Estab. 95,000 Scab. N.. N. Y.; State Bk. of Chi. Œii.: 1st N., St. L.; Dròv. N., Kan. O. C. A . DW YER J mHK Houston Clearing House__ ___1 J. A. Pondrom____ F. M. Law —______ ! C. A. Dwyer, (Members indicated by a * ) M gr. and Sec. Town and County. . changes $ 1,100,000 $ 200,000 $ 330,000 $ C .G .P I L L 0 T D .W . C O O LEY ••t'J.O If you appreciate prompt and careful service at a moderate charge, send US your items and collection s for Texa s - partie ularly for H O U S T O N a m • C a sh and E x ¿________________TEXAS BANKS*—Houston to Hutchins J. A. W ilk in s...— [Aiidrew Dow;-_.-.|H. M. Wilkins------ D. T. Wood W. A. WoQd A. HLKing »$§’15 ¡H.iMr Wilkins J. M. Jackson D ue pro m B anks State, ' C o n t in e n t a l and C o m m e r c ia l B a n k s , C hicago given to each bank in U . S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ D irectory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n v T E X A S — Continued A ccessible T o w n s, L aw yers, L a w s, D ire ctors, in dexed in back of this volume; For Interest Rates, Grace, etc., see p a g e - 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. '—> t- imrvjmviH i lu n UIY PflMPIT 5>UtJJtCT5. : : A S K O U R ® E R V IC E D E P A R T M E N T ' N u m ber under N am e 1299 of Bank ia the CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS» CHICAGO N ew T r a n s it N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’nX N ame of B ank . T own and County. Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. iState »County Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. IMem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv: [Estab. E El Paso Br. H Houston Mem. Fed. Res. A ccessible Lia b il it ie s . P resident . V ice-P resident . Cashier , Hutto.— Williamson 1 18 farmers & March. State Bank August Swenson — Wm. Klattenhoff . . Harry Mauritz___ _ Paul N. Nelson I P 88-714 I §’07 Pop. 800 Hutto National Bank------ ¿10 W. H. Farley______ R. B. Hutto_______ A. B. Walling_____ 88-715 Indian Gap.Hamilton E 16 Ger.-Am. State Bank___ ¿§10 O. K. Rea_________ J. M. Boler_____ _ W. W. Martin____ 88-1106 Pop. 200 Industry__ __ Austin J 20 First Guaranty State Bank B. E. Knolle—— — E.Lindemann__ . . . H. L. Schulze__ — A. Breihan 88-1107 ¿§11 H Pop. 600 Inez—______ Victoria L 19 Inez State Bank------ —»¿§14 H. 0. Koontz.i— . i H. W. D odd— — R. D. Hasbrook— 88-164(1 H Pop. 300 Iola—. . _____ Grimes II 20 Iola State Bank — . — . .»¿§’07 R. E. L. Upchurch. A. A. Sanders i . — W. A. B oney..... 88-1108 H Pop. 919 J. T. Overbey . . — J. F. Boyd.— j.'__ _ B i r k - ____ Iowa PArk-i Wichita B 16 First National Bank— «¿1900 C . 88-1109 Pop, 1000 First State Bank— — ¿§’19 L. N. Lockridge— Fred M. Jack___ _ H. R. Denny —— L. C. Denny ; i - 88-1847 Iredell— —__ BosqueF 17 Continental State Bank .¿§’09 J. G. Wilkinson__ 1 H. B. Strong— — Arthur E. Harroun. 88-1110 Pop, 500 Xj Ireland___...Coryell G 17 First State Bank_______¿§12 G. W. Bradley— ~ F. F. Pietzsch------ W. L. R oberts..— 88-1448 Pop. 300 Irene____ ______Hill F 19 First National Bank____ «¿15 J. A. Christie— —. W. R. Mason . . 88-1111 - , r ' A Pop. 400 Irving__ . —..Dallas D 19 Trying state Bank______¿§’08 G. W. Riddle—. . — D. W . Gilbert—— . W. F. Miller— . 88-1112 Pop. 500 Italy— — -¡— Ellis E 19 Farmers State B an k...»¿§’07 Whit George.——UL. ¡Ward—— . — — Sam McCord-----88-666 Pop. 2000 K. G. Stroud.__ — Jas. Bracken..—. . First National Bank..___ ¿ ’01! S. M. Dunlap— J. C. Couch 88-665 J. M.. Coffin_______ p . E. Hooks__ . — . Itasca-------------- Hill E 18 First National B ank___ «¿’90 F. M. Files------J, R. Griffin 88-602 Pop. 1356 As s ’t CASHIER. P a jd - u p S u r p l u s C a p i t a l ! ' AND P r o f it s A. W. Swenson___ $ 80,000 $ E. E. Brown.. J .P . Johnson H. H. Boelsche____ W. E. Boney T. Corridon, J r ..;. T o w n s, L aw yers, L a w s, D ire ctors, in> F o r I n te re s t R a te s , G ra ce, ,dexed in back of this volume. T E X AS— Continued R eso u r ce s. D epo s it s P rincipal Correspondents . Loams & Dis> Cash & E x c’ ts . B onds, changes,D ue Securities from B anks 9,000 $ 70,000 $ 75,000 $ 12,500 Ain’.'N,; Austin; Union N., Hou.; 1st N-, St. L,; 25,000 18,420 118,520 93,900 10,000 1,500 30,000 31,000 20,000 8,470 120,370 77,280 71,560 Han. N.. N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 28,770 Union N., Hou.; Victoria N. and Levi Bk. &; Tr. Co., Victoria; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas.! 11,200 So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou-. 12,000 .2,400 75,000 ’ 70,000 10,000 13,000 90,000 76.500 50,860 1,009,310 661,840 63,470 55,270 100,000 25,000 55,490 N. Park, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 9,000 Am. Ex. N.. Dallas; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth, j 523.340 Han. N., N.Y.; Am. N., Ft. Worth. N. Bk. Com,, Wichita Falls; 1st State, Dallas.! 20,000; 8,000 20,000 7,500 55,000 65,000 25,000 8,000 .160,000 60,000 23,970 Seab. N., N / Y.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft.| Worth: 1st N., Waco. 17,500 Citiz. N., Waco: 1st N.. Ft. Worth; City N.,i Galv.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 102,000 Han.N., N .Y .; Secur.N., Dallas. J. Miller 20,000 4,000 100,000 90,000 114,000 N. Bk. Com.; N.Y.; 1st State, Dallas. Emil Hamlett— , P. E. Wood. Sec. L . E. Eagan— — 5D.000 25,000 225,000 165,000 50,000 83,850 326,000 424,000 II. J. Barton,. . . . 50,000 98,270 286,930 526,300 86,920 Seab. N., N. Y.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L< 68,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. &Mech. N., Ft. Worth;! Union N., Hou. 96,380 Mech. & Metals N .,N . Y.; N. Bk. Com.. St.L.; Drov. N.. Kan. C.: Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 25,540 N. Bk.Com.. N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; City N., IJailas; Ex. N., Tulsa. 100,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; City N. and Tenison N., Dallas;! (M em . Fed. Res.) 73,550 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. :J N. S. Rees-l!--------- H. E. Chiles --------- W . B. Rees — 30,000 42,000 173,000 289,500 E. R. Worthington. O. A. Worthington. H. T. Daugherty T. F. Mullens___9 Ed. L. Merriman... Kirk StewartJ. R. Lilly 150,000 61,770 426,930 792,320 50.000 17,520 181,620 212,890 50,000 20,000 250,000 300,000 40,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Dallas: (M em . Fed. R es.) First Guaranty State Bk.i§’l l A. G. Adams— — Frank Devereux__ Frank Devereux.. J .P . Douglas— —J I . Smith ♦ 88-328 50,000 27,170 403,070 410,750 95,230 Mech.&Metals N., N. Y.; Seeur. N., Dallas;! (M em . F ed. R es.) FIR S T N ATIO N AL BANK-< 90 M. C. Parrish.------- Wesley Love . 1— O. F. Boles_______ Gus S. Blankinship 88-327 Jarrell—Williamson H 17 First State Bank...... — ¿§’11 E. M. Wilson__ . . . J . A. Comer______ J. A. Comer______ . Miss Cora G. Sexton 88-1404 Pop. 400 75,000 154,050 620,800 891,800 20,000 11,000 65,000 96,350 261,790 Seab. N., N. Y.; Union N., Hou.; Am. Ex. N.,l Dallas 18,450 Seab. N., N. Y .; 1st N., Hou.; Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Austin; 1st N., Bartlett. W. P. Cook..___ ___ J. H. Seale— -— W. E. Seale— — A. N. Stone W .P . Smith— — R. M. Curtis. . _ — N. M. Hart Thos.Fowler^i ¿I— R. A. Jay, A ctive. M. S. Sandell — 25,000 11,780 171,510 207,890 - 27,050 1st N., Hou.; Gulf N., Beaumont. 40,000 40,000 690,000 650,000 40.000 38,560 84,830 200,826 150,000 N; Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & 'Com’l N., Chi.;: Am. Ex. N., Dallas.; N. Bk. Com.‘„Hou. 31,760 1st N., Ft. Worth; N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Drov., N., Kan. C. 30,000 12,680 162,400 128,600 72.306 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; N. Bk. Com., St, L. 25,000 12,350 204,240 181,476 53,600 Seab. N.; N. Y.; 1st State* Dallas: Cent. N.« St. L. 186,980 . 55,95,0 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L. ITASC A N ATIO N AL BANK 88-603 «t’01 »Jacksboro— - Jack C 16 First National Bank___ »¿’90 James W. K n ox — 7 88-563 Pop. 2500 Jacksboro National Bank ¿ ’05 W. A. Shown . . . . — % 88-564 Jacksonville__ Cherokee FA R M ER S GU ARANTY ST A T E John Howard H Pop. 5000 ... F 22 d ANK ♦.88-1520— — ¿§’13 »Jasper.—— Jasper H 24 C ITIZEN S N A TIO N A L B K .^ ’14 W . J. B. Adams . . . 88-1655 H Pop. 3000 Jasper State Bank— ~ ¿§’11 H. S. Filson — 88-893 Jay to n .._____Kent C 12 First National B ank..—. . ’07 J.L . J a y ...----------88-1113 Pop. 700 T. S. Hatton______ B, C. Shattuck___r„ »Jefferson— Marion D 23 C O M M ER C IAL N AT’ L BANK J. B. Hussey___ :... W . P. Schluter— W. T. Neilon— — 88-363 ¿ ’07 W. J. Sedberry t Pop. 2800 R. B. Gregg -— J. WHELAN— — P. E. HUSSEY — — - t . G. BRADEN— - —— H. B. MEISENHEIMER.. F. MEISENHEIMER GU ARAN TY S T A T E B K .-^ § 11 ) C ollections a sp eclalty and rem it ted fo r o n day o f paym ent, 88-364 'P ro m p t attentl on given to all m alters entrusted t o us. T ry us for Rogers National Bank— »¿’04 H. A. Spellings — T. W. Shackelford. J. W. Badgett____ 88-362 John H. T u ck e r... Jennyn__ ¡___ Jack C 16 Oliver Loving & Co., Bankers Oliver Loving____ _ J. W. Loving__ 88-1114 ¿ t’13 Pop. 500 AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, FK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / City N., qulek r eturns. 25,000 . 42,670 176,130 h 10,000 11,500 106,520 58,030 ;! 68,280 Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth;! vo Boatmens. St. L. ¡1vo BONDS, Littlefield Building, Austin Town AND OOUNTT. Namk of Bank. *Oounty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State In No. 11 Fed. Kes. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv E El Paso. Br. HHouston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab Liabilities . P resident , ▼ICE-PRESIDENT. Jewett____ ___ Leon G 20 Jewett State Bank____ $51900 O. WUey, J r .~ H Pop. 1000 88-1115 Ca s h er . J. T. Adkisson. E. Jones__ _ A. G. Rushing. Hugh Jones___ ¿Johnson City .Blancol 16 Johnson City StateBank.${’06 Charles Klett__ Pop. 500 88-1117 A. R. G ro te .... Richard Klappen bach Josephine------ Collin D 19 Pop. 500 Joshua__...Johnson E 18 Pop. 800 •Jourdanton... Atascosa Pop. 1200 L 16 •Junction___Kimble 114 Pop. 1000 ♦ 88-1121 c’Ti. Resources. k Dia- Ca m * Ix- B ord», h o n fflM 10,040 83,000 63,000 35,000 Tex. State, Ft. Worth; Am. N.. Shreveport, La.: Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 25,000 3,570 68,020 90,970 14,480 Han. N „ N. Y.; Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Austin; Alamo N.. San Antonio. 14,000 22,500 250,000 110,000 75,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Greenville N. Ex.. Greenville; 1st N., Farmersville. 1st N., St. L.; Far. & Mech. N.,,Ft. Worth. 103,090 N. Park, N. Y.; Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Union N., Hou.; Guaranty State, San Antonio. 117,570 Comw. N., Kan. C.; State N., San Antonio. J. A. Waltom___ Jourdan Campbell. J. K. L a w h on ...... A. W. Hethcock.. 50,000 21,170 278,740 241,350 E. A. Loeffler___ O. C. Reid, Active. R. M. Heyman. M. M. Moss A. C. Schreiner___ W. P. Riley___ B. B. Boit Jas. A. M iller.™ 25,000 18,380 260,320 183,820 W. Ragsdale_____ 50,000 73,250 356,890 417,670 C. O. West__ J. H. A llen _____ + J. E. Mothershead. J. A. McQuerry. A. B. Faught S. A. Hickok___ J. W. Ruckman_ H. W. Isensee . . O. C. Bailey___ _. W. R. Gilpin___ Jas. A. Cooley, Jr.. W. T. NASH, Active. . J . A. NASH----------- i E . E. ROBINSON-----GEO. G. SHAW, S. F. KRAUSS (First and Oldes t Established Ban k. C ollections a Specialty. < 'Please send 15c FEE IN AD VANC E w ith sight draf W. A. Taylor..___ W .H . T urney.___ W. Arthur Reid___ C. B. Turney_____ W. Arthur Reid W. M. Chaney____ T. B. W h ite______ S. Bass__________| G. W. Riddle _____ J. F. Collins___ 1 . . C. M. Galey, Active J. B. Moore______ Houston Hayuie__ 0. J. Fogleman Wm. Rancier_____ B. F. Seals_______ W. R. Whitis E. P. Ruhmann... Clem R easou er.... J. B. Cannon J. M. Nichols____ A. F. Kauffmann _ J. W. Nichols T. M. Sherm an.... R. L. Barclay_____ a u m ^ D ra fromB i n » 10.000 F. P. West_____ W. P. R iley ____ 35,000 13,500 100,000 140,000 50,000 55,230 200,500 285,500 100,210 68,660 7,500 104,790 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio; Inter-State N.. Kan. C., Mo.; Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Austin; Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth; (M em . Fed. Res.)'« 11,000 Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; City N. and Secur. N., Dallas. 56,700 N. City, N. Y.; So. Texas Com’l N., Hou. 40,300 1st N., Hou.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 75,000 36,650 191,250 286,670 100,000 110.800 292.480 398,930 229,360 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Cent. State, and Secar. N „ Dallas. al Bank s, 25c. 53,070 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; City N., Dallas. ta g. 100.000 95,000 200,000 375,000 20,000 3,600 96,000 80,000 50,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N. and Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth. 47,000 Ft. Worth N. and 1st N.. Ft. Worth. 119,010 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N. and 1st State, Dallas. S.Shaw---------------- B. F. Fogleman___ 35,000 14,210 283,960 244,150 H. W. Haynie— 75,000 36,500 200,000 190,000 90,000 E. A. Lange 10,000 200 18,000 14.000 10,000 W. E. Ruckman™. L. L. Reasoner . . . . 50,000 50,000 300,000 218,220 '"29,380 H. W. McGoldrick. 60,000 80,000 350,000 357,000 D. P. Craddock___, J. D. Kamas___ Alamo N ..San Antonio.;Lnmbermans N.,Hou. 90,000 lech. & Metals N., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l J Hou.; State N.. San Antonio. 24,700 10,000 6,000 59,750 47,360 10,000 9,270 84,430 67,420 36,390 50,000 70,000 190,000 • 301,000 87,000 jß Q j A. B. Williamson. 30,000 10,000 135,000 110,000 L. P. Griffin. F. D. Oberthier__ 25,000 12,500 J 105,000 100,000 Fed. K es.) San Antonio; 1st N., St. L. 34,000 f. City, N. Y.; City N., Sah . Ex., Hou. 30,000 C o n t in en t a l and C o m m e r c ia l B a n k s . C hicago Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U S. exclusively by_The R and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. T E X A S — Continued A c c e s s i b l e T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D i r e c t o r s » in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates» G race,j'r' etc.» see page 14. For Holidays» see opposite page 13.\p. 1919 A S K O U R F O R E I G N D E P A R T M E N T F O R FOREIGN TRADE AND CREDIT INFORMATION Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. B. Burton Brenham. July, G. M. Westbrook.. W. L. Bain________ Lather Westbrook. E. M. Westbrook.. 50,000 44.000 184.000 347,000 192,000 B. B. Coates G. W. Speed Kerens National Bank.. .19 J. C. Walker__ E4 E. Nettles_____ 80,000 88-1864 ‘ Kerrville_____ Kerr J 15 CHARLES SCHREIHER BANK L. A. Schreiner. E. H. Prescott.___ Jt. H. Brooks. (Individ wat Res ponsibil tty $800, 000)....... Pop. 3000 88-458 »$t’ö9 F. F. Nyc First State Bank______»${’07 E. Galbraith___ 88-459 Kilgore______ Gregg E22 Kilgore State Bank.*.. *${’06 F. D. Oberthier. -Pop. 800 88-1126 sab. N., N. Y.: City N., Am. Ex. N., and Ti ison N., Dallas. i________ W. A. Matthaei___ E. H. Sonsel__ ___ Chas. Ebert W. T. Stockton__ _r W. S. Price Earl Seale___ . . . . . R. P; Walker___ _ Principal Correspondents. 27,220 $ 252,430 $ 179,070 $ 109,860 N. Bk. Com.. Ñ. Y.: Tex. State. Ft. Worth: Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Austin G. B. Yeatts______ A. H. Eubanks____ Chas. C. Coleman.. J . J.G ÍB B S -------- First State Bank__ ____ ${’10 88-432 Keller_____Tarrant D 18 First State Bank_____ *${’06 Pop. 300 88-1124 Kem p..„ .K a u fman E20 Farmers Guaranty State Bank Pop. 1500 88-544 »${’10 First National Bank_____$ 01 88-543 Kempner.Lampasas H 16 Kempner State B a n k ...$ {’17 Pop. 250 88-1767/ Kenedy____ Karnes M 17 Farmers & Merchants State Pop. 2000 Bank.™ .88-667_____ »$ {’12 First State Bank & Trust Co. 88-668 «${’06 Kennard__ Houston G 22 Farmers Guaranty State Bk. H Pop. 420 88-1611 ${’13 Kenney______Austin J 20 Kenney State B ank_____ { ’12 H Pop. 202 88-1467 Kerens—*. ..Navarro E 20 First National Bank___ *$’05 Pop. 1800 88-745 First State Bank__ ____ ${’09 ♦ 88-746 $ 15,000 § D bposITS L. Coffman____ ‘ Kaufman.Kaufman E20 FARMERS * M ERCK. NAT’L Wood Nash_______Nestor Morrow Pop. 8000 B A N K ... 88-1696---------- $15 88-431 S urplus P a id - u p and Ca p it a l P r o f it s Angus McMillan. Justin______Denton C18 Justin State Bank______ $ {’07 W. N. Shofner__ Pop. 700 88-1122 •Karnes City. Karnes L 17 Karnes County Nat. Bk.«$’01 J. L. Browne___ Pop. lDOO 88-1128 K a t y H a r r i s J 21 Katy Bank___I t____»$114 O. F. Bailey__ _ H Pop. 400 88-1663 FIRST NATIONAL BANK -$'88 Ass ’t Cashier. R. B. Adams____ _ Joaquin_____ Shelby F 24 First State Bank_______${10 G. H. Stephens H Pop. 184 88-1116 Josephine State Bank__ ${’05 88-1118 Citizens Banking C o .....$ t’04 88-1119 Atascosa County State Bank 88-1120 *${109 First National Bank___ «$’16 88-1720 Junction State Bank.. .» $ {’08 A ccessible' Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, TEXAS—Continued 1300 ________________ __________TEXAS BANKS— Jewett to Kilgore________ N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given j OH O to each bank in Ü. S. exclusively by T he K and-M cN ally Bankers’ x Directory, under the authority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’n . A S K O U R F O R E I G N D E P A R T M E N T FOR FOREIGN T R A D E AND CR E D IT INFORMATION'. Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers' Town and County. Name of Bank. - ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. ¿Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. E El Paso Br.; H Hou. Br. ♦M em . Fed. Res. [Estab. Killeen________ Bell H 17 ' Pop. 1800 / President. Vice-President. A c c e s s i b l e T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D i r e c t o r s » in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates» Grace,' etc«, see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. T E X A S — Continued Casbieb. Ass’t Cashier. Resources, i Liabilities. h 1/Oans k Dis- Cashk ExPaid-up Surplus Depos c’T t. Bonds, auMM,Doi and its Capital Profits Smvkitim fromBanks Principal Correspondents. L. L. Burney_____ $ 50,000 $ 10,000 $ 150,000 $ 300,000 $ 50,000 1i. Park. N.Y.: 1st N., St. L.; Lumberr Hou.; City N., Galv. Robt. Bigham 88-627 8,000 , 150,000 154,000 80,000 1rving N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas: Com., St. L.; (M em . Fed. Res.) 25,000 6,000 75,000 55,000 40,000 IIan. N., N. Y.; City N., San Antonio; J mans N., Hou. 20,000 II III ISON' Cl F R1RRFTT H INI1RFWS W C. KING. *Kingsville..Kleberg 017 FIRST STATE BANK— *«'09 -<Special atten tio n given B ill o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. rts. 25c for Credit Repo or presentation and (. Please send 15c wi th each sight draft f 88-265 Pop. 5000 10,000 230.000 130,000 150,000 ]N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Hou. N. Ex., Hon. 50,000 50,000 Q. P. HOUSE-— — n. n. KUDu l l UNI t fo r presentatio n , and res p rom p t, perso nal atte ntion. 550,000 550,000 : I. Bk. Com., San Antonio; So. Tex. C Hon. 130.000 1 Kingsbnry GuadalupeK 17 Pop. 500 W. Sutton, — ------- M. P. Dalton 88-1483 |R. J. KLEBERG— C. H. FLAT0, JR.— E. W. HOUSE — — ROBERT J. KLEBERG & CO. ) FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight draf 88-264 » it ’05 ( t w e n t y - f i v e CENTS fo r each credit report insu Kirbyville___ Jasper H 24 g H Pop. 3000 fi, w , Fnrr 88-1127 C. M. Elmore 88-1495 D. W. Harris, Active 88-1868 88-1449 H Pop. 1000 Kress_______Swisher R Pop. 225 Krum__ ....D e n to n C 1 Pop. 600 Kyle__________ Hays J 1 Pop. 742 Lacoste__ _ Medina K 1 Pop. 400 14,000 310,000 180,000 20,000 10,180 104.000 99,720 W. W. Williamson. 25,000 15,000 107,500 120,000 W. A. Richardson. 10,000 5,000 80,000 11,000 28,000 Cent. N., St. L .f 1st N., Ft. Worth; Am. N. Austin; (M em . Fed. Res.) 40,000 75,700 90,110 28.020 ! M. A. W in ton____ 88-373 ♦ 30,000 S. B. Conn_____ — R. B. R itch ey..__ - 88-372 Kirkland__ Childress R 7 Pop. 550 Kirvin— Freestone F 20 Pop. 750 Pop. 400 ke____Deli Pop. 400 ]ity— Kno Pop. 1500 •1____ Bosq Pop. 350 __ Limestor Pop. 1000 Ira Sw ope------------ 88-628 t ’l l -T. J. Hunt 25,000 C. T. Stark 20,000 J. M. Glower_____ Marvin Holcomb__ 25,000 7,420 R. L. Mullins_____ 25,000 20,000 110,000 170,000 Basil Bryant__ _— 10,000 6,610 126,790 24,040 50,000 15,740 176,130 299,220 23,000 22,000 200,000 75,000 88-1128 First National Bank_____i ’05 E. G. C ouch______ C. A. Benedict____ E. O. Jamison____ 88-621 Guaranty State B ank__ i§ ’12 James H. Burnett— P. H. W hitw orth.. S. A. Caruthers___ 88-1436 Lee Brady ___ 88-802 A, .T, B.ich A. J. Jennings.— 88-1823 T,, T, Gibbs . ... (Gibbs, Wilson & Co.)— 88-801 »¿t’90 a . W. Ttiilrile J. O. Fountain____ : Hardin County State Bank 88-1130 »*§’08 J.W . Skipworth,Jr. 88-1131 J. G. Wilkinson___ B. F. Wilson______ 88-1132 ¿§’10 Kyle State Bank_______¿§’94 William G roos___ C. F. Heidenreich. Gaston J. G roos... 88-1133 Lacoste National Bank— ¿12 Jos. Conrand_____ W. H. Hawkes....... H. C. Heilig______ 88-1451 — N. Bk. Com., Dallas. G. S. Markham__ _ 17.000 J. R. Brothers____ 30,000 W. F. Tohill______ 20,000 1,000 10,000 10,500 52,000 45,000 30,000 15,000 175,000 125,000 38,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth Drov. N „ Kan. C.; Austin N., Austin. 94,670 Tra. State, Cleburpe.; Tex. State, Ft. Worth Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas. 29,300 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Waco 10,000 1st N., St. L.; 1st State, Dallas. - Bk. of America^ N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas. 138,940 Seab. N., N. Y.; Union N., Hou.: Gulf N. Beaumont; 1st State. Dallas. 22,000 1st N.. Amarillo; Stock Yds. N., Kan. C.; Ceni | m l. 85,000 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; Cont. Bk. & Ti Co., Ft. Worth. 41,500 Han. N.,-N. Y.; Austin N., Austin. John J. Groos____ 30,000 5,000 140,000 110,000 J. F Dilworth____ 25,000 24,000 194,500 168,000 A. E . Sweeney------ J. D. Richardson.. J. D. Nunn 125,000 76,500 606,000 872,500 188,000 N. Park. N. Y.; City N., Dallas. 128,530 Seab. N., N. Y.: Secnr. N., Dallas; Am. N Paris; (M em . Fed. R es.) 20,000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., Brownsville. R H. Dunlap Tf. F t Fnller H. O. Cooper J. B. Holloway___ E . Mattingly. Ten Frede Harry Derting 20,000 16,000 350,000 238,960 20,000 1,500 60,000 45,000 00,000 69,660 437,000 452,030 100,000 28,210 450,200 428,660 68,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio; 1st N. Hou. 174,630 N. City, N. Y.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.; So. Tei Com’l N „ Hou. 122,590 1st N., Chi.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Union N., Hoi AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, FK V BONDS, Littlefield Buildin Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1301 Ladonia_____ Fannin C 2 FIRST RATIONAL BANK<’91 W. E. Weldon____ C. H. Weldon_____ Pop. 2000 88-623 H. L. Graves A. E. Sweeney FIRST STATE BANK-__ «¿§’07 ♦ 88-624 C. E. Fuller ' Cameron County Bank__ §13 P. B. Branch______ B. H. Dunlap, A ct. Pop. 500 88-1516 ■ C. C. Fraser 4. WarnlrAn nge— Faye 1 First National Bank___ «¿’88 A. Haidusek Pop. 2000 88-453 John Schuhmacher State Bk. H. C. Schuhmacher C. J. von Rosenberg 88-45? •tt’OQ H. Ainhere 25,830 ______________ TfeXAS BANKS— Killeen to Lagrange____________ 25,000 H. C. Smith______ ♦ July, 1919 1301 C o n t in en t a l and C o m m e r c ia l B a n k s . C hicago N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank, in U. S. exclusively by T he R ahd-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority o f T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. T own and County. N ame of Ba n e . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §Stata tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. E El Paso Br.; H Hou. Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res, [Estab. First State Back ; 88-1134 Pop. 400 P resident . V ice -President . Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, 'Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, T E X A S — Continued Ca sh ier . A s s ’t Cashier . Lia b il it ie s . ” R esources. Surplus Depos Loans&Dis- CaskA ExP aid - up c’ts. Bonds, oranges , D ue and its Capital . P rofits S ecurities fromBanks tS’10 D. H. Davenport.. B. F. Cope.........—. Thos. E. N oeLi___ G. M, Duren....... . $ J. W. Burleson___ W. P. Ralston.____ J. E. Barron______ 10,000 $ 11,400 $ 38,360 $ 78,160 $ 25,000 15,500 103,220 ' 127,000 A .W . Barfoot, Jr. .30,000 22,040 ♦ 88-873 Lamkin— Comanche F 16 First State Bank......... . . { § ’16 W. T. Hayes......... M. D. Carmacheal. D, L. Truett........... R. R. Campbell_____ 88-1742 Pop, 197 278,730 246,360 10,000 1,270 40,640 32,060 50,000 77,470 415,010 ‘ Lamesa___ Dawson D 10 Pop, 2000 : 88-872 9 . C. Roger ______ W. V. P. Baker___ Ira Smith________ 1 ( H N KEY W. B. McGFF ________ DAN CULVER •• » tflftOO 88-1874 R. P. Henry & Sons, Bankers 88-679 »*+'89 ** wmm HK •* W hite*C o., Bankers__ t t ’98 88-680 La P orte____ Harris J 22 Brenton & McKay,Bkrs.-tt ’01 88-1135 H Pop. 678 La P ry or..— Zavalla L13 La Pryor State Bank__ »$§14 88-1647 Pop. 350 ‘ Laredo______ Webb 0 14 First State Bk. & Tr. C o.<§’07 Pop. 15,749 88-32 Mrs. N. D. Henry. R. P. Henry, Jr— L. F. White______ 100,000 Ft. Worth.; City N., Dallas. — j\ 262,320 280,970 111,490 St.L.; City N ., Dali as; TTnionN., Hou. Hou.; Secur. N., Dallas. 10,000 (Individ ual Res ponsibil ity. $1,00 0,000) . . . P. W. H en ry ____. . . Dallas Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. (Individ wtl Res ponsibil ity, $1,00 0,000) . . . Seab. N „ N. Y.: 1st N.. St. L.; Am. Ex. N. and Tenison N., Dallas. __ —__ ~~rr~ H. E. W hite______ K, L. W h ite ..____ B. E. White J. M. W illiams..__ I. T. P ry o r______ 98,710 (Individ u al Res ponsibil ity, $150, 000) ______ W. T. Munger ______ F. M. Hammond... Pop. 1115 19,630 Seab, N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 118,660 Lm. Ex. N.. Dallas: CO'mw. N.. Kan. C.: (M Fed. B es.) 27,540 1 475,730 : 50,000 35,880 / j p WHITE_____ J. C. RAMSEY — E. HOOKER....................... R J. PAINE.................... W. H. BROWNING PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK 1Save tim e and get service on Co Uections an d Cre dit R eports by se ndlng 88“895 K 05 ( FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sig h t d r a fts , I S c; Cre dit R eports, 2 5 c. T R Y VS. Stokes Brothers _ 88-394 7,180 1st N „ Ft. Worth and Memp. T. W. Alexander . . R. K. Mims_______ Y. Benavides___... 15,000 3,000 26,500 31,000 100,000 ’ 47.810 378,360 377,090 200,000 233,720 2,912,950 2,028,830 1,473,900 8,200 Comw. N., Kan. C. 147,2^0 ■hase N., N. Y.Ogl N.. St. Antonio; Hou. "Ex., Hou.i J. R.BERETTA......... B. M.ALEXANDER- SAM W. BROWN....... M.W. BRENNAN — A- L . VIDAURRI LA R ED O N A T IO N A L B A N K 88-31 < ’95 S p e c i a l A t t e n t i o n g iv e n t o C o l l e c t i o n s j . R. FASNACHT P ro m p t, P e r s o n a l, P e r s is te n t E ffo r t s , U n i t e d S t a t e s G o v e r n m e n t D e p o s i t o r y . JeiHbvomfof* b ïçso San A ntonio. 125,000 VILLEGAS— — S. E . GARCIA— ___ M. M. GARCIA — 1. 0. PALACIOS— M ERCH ANTS S T A T E BANK & <f LC ollections and Bequests fo r Cre dlt R eports MVS T be aceom panie d by TRUST 00.88-33--------< §17 (.FEE IN ADYAN CE; Plain sight dr afts, 15c; Credit Re ports, 25c. u'' ■ 1 s \. ■ M ILM O G .P FARIAS— i — i' fM . T. C 0GLEY — - A- M. RRUNI l S. i f „ J A. Cash. I N A T . B A N K i First and oldest Established Bank . V nequaled facil 88-30 305,000 72,000 Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 199,570 2,140,380 1,806,320 816,230 Bk. C om . and Inter-S tate N ., Kan. C. N. Bk. C om ., St. L. Ries fo r m aking c ollectlo ns. < ’80 (.P rom pt atten ti on to all banking m atters entruste d to us. Citizens State Rank. _ t§’12 • 88-1411 La Vernia State Bank— 1§’09 Hugo Kott________ 88-1136 First'-Statp. Bank _____ t§’1f> S. W. Sibley 88-1693 D. L. Burford____ 38-1723 Citizens State Bank____t§’06 Sealy Hutchings__ 88-1188 A S K O U R F O R E I G N D E P A R T M E N T F OR F O R E I G N T R A D E A N D C R E D IT I N F O R M A T I O N Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N um ber under N am e o f Bank;f 150,000 220,000 thé New 10,000 Mrs, Tucker Glenn 8,000 70,000 40,000 82,000 20,000 4,950 72,290 81,400 20,730 10,000 2,070 40,300 33,720 16,270 5,500 1,750 16,000 56,000 15,000 2,400 63,980 60,520 3,000 Antonio. 19.000 lo. Tex. State, Hutchings, Sealy & Co., City N., Galv.: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. y&'sÇw* W. M, Wiseman... J. V. Wiseman W. A . Stevens____ C. C. Y ost________ B. M. Holland____ Mary Patterson. . . Q. C. Couch G.W. Butler______ E. D. Singeltary— C. E. SmithSDn___ C ontinental and mer c i al B a n k s , C h icag o A c c e s s i b le T ow n s, L a w yers, ta w s , m re cto rs, m F o r I n t e r e s t K a t e s , G r a c e ,, rlfiiced in back of this volume. T T T Y A fir m e d July, 1919 Larue___ Henderson F 21 Pop. 500 Lavernia___ Wilson K 16 Pop. 500 Lavon_______Collin C 19 Pop. 300 L aw n ...___ .Taylor E 44 Pop. 150 1\ League City___ Galveston H Pop. 750 K 22 P W. BUTTR0N A. J. N0TZ0N L . E. BRUNI 22,000 TEXAS BANKS— Lakeview to League City____________ ‘ Lampasas.LampasasH 16 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < ’84 ............... 1 Save tim e and get service on Co Uections an d Cre dit R eports by se ndlng 88-393 Pop. 3500 T R Y US. ( FEE IN ADYAN CE: Plain sig h t d ra fts, I S c; Cre dit R eports, 2 5 c. P rincipal Correspondents . 1302 _____ ______ 1302 N ame of B ank . T own and County. ( •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. In No. 11 Fed. Res, Dist. [Estafe. E El Paso Br. HHouston. Mem. Fed. Res. President. Vice-President. T E X A S— Continued RESOURCES. Lia b il it ie s . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t C a s h ie r . Su r p l u s P a id - u p and Ca p it a i. P r o f it s D bpos- ITS Dis- Loans & c*ts . B ond *, Beoubitim P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . Cabh Si E x- onAnaUfDoi from B anks jM .M . LLAN O NATIONAL BANK m o s s :. 01 or presentation, a nd es p rom p t, perso nal atte n tio n . 100,000 62,100 499,220 682,660 218,380 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Hou. 1 Ex., Hou.: Lockwood N., San AntODio. Albert Seèliger— . 100,000 136,000 420,000 580,000 125,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; So. Tex, Com N „ Hou,; Alamo N „ San Antonio. A. J. Storey--------- R. T. Clark---------LOCKHART STATE BANK ift C. E. Jones --------- B.J. Bellamy, W. B. Chapman Active 88-323 < §1 0 60,000 45,770 ! Z: • 457,120 513,540 105,9501Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; 1st N ' Hou.; Guaranty State, San Antonio. - F. Alves AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i BONIDS, BONDS, Littlefield Building, Austin 13Q3 E. B. Jolley— G B. Mohle ^ sight draft f ■{f i f t e e n c e n t S sent to us with each ITWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redit report lnsur M. W . Schulz_____ •Lockhar i—üaldwell J 17 FIRST NATIONAL BANK < ’87 E. B. Coopwood . . . J. T. Connolly-.— W. B. Swearingen, H Pop, 2945 Active LOCKHART NATIONAL BANK: John T. Storey — G. W. Baker______ J. S. Smith..--------G. W.. Walton 88-322 <1900 88-503 T EXAS BANKS— Lean der to Lockhart 10,000 N. City, N. Y .; 1st N., Hon 20,000 $ 25,000 10,000 C. R. Mayfield —— \ First State B ank..»—-----§’18 A.» S. Mason——— J. Branch—. . —- — 88-1815 CL M, Blocker-----Guaranty State Bank.....§ ’19 Ed. Trigg————— 1st N., Shreveport, La.; Secur. N., Dallas. X 21,000 51,000 45.000 9.500 12.500 88-1867 A. C. Richardson— First Guaranty State Bk.t§’12 J. B. Florence.— I, C. Townsend___ ¡M i N., Beaumont; N. Bk. Com., Hou.; Is1 32,500 74,400 94.000 5,300 10,000 88-1410 Jas. P. Mann— . . . - Jno. F. Davis. , State, Trinity. Farmers State Bank .t § ’13 A. Thompson------- J. W. Cruse------ — Alamo N,, San Antonio. (.Individ ual Re sp onsibilit V, $50,00 88-1577 K. T. C ook ...... — Farmers Bank..------------ 1’13 W. Staunsh.______ 63,090 Seab. N.. N.,Y.; Am. Ex. N „ Dallas; Green 400.020 24,840 357.970 75.000 88-1645 R. A. Nesbitt-----ville N. Ex., Greenville.' I m 1‘ AT Al.H. Birdsong— First National B an k ...— 1’98 D. J. A ttebery___ 1A. P. Grider.—— 46,500 Seab. N „ N. Y.; City N „ DMlas; Greenvilje N R. H. Crabb 14.000 400.000 420.000 50.000 88-732 Ex.. Greenville: (M em . F ed. R es.) W rN . Miller . . . . . . H..S» Melton ------B. B. Braly-----------O.S. Ferguson.— First State Bank.— — < § ’12 76.230 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N „ Waco. Homer Collins, A ct ive 98.530 4.000 150.000 10.000 ♦ 88-1469 D. T. Janes___ — Ci N. Mitchell*___ Leroy___ McLennan G 18 Leroy Bank--------------- »tt’O? R. O. W est..— ----21,920 N. Park, N .Y .; Far. &Mech. N „ Ft. Worth 45.000 157,310 21Í.260 25.000 88-1139 Pop. 250 City N.. Dallas. „ , „ — E. L. Berry—------ - C. G. Thomas.— : . M. H. Milliken Lewisville.—Benton C18 First National Bank.—, _ < ’04 B. L. Spencer. ____ J. H. Donald Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex, N. and Secur. N. 38.470 24,120 184,100 199,600 25.000 88-716 Pop. 1250 4i A. Hayes — . i — . Dixie Boyd — — Dallas F. C. Davis J. W. Degan___ — ■ 1 Lewisville State Bank—<§T0 R. L. Donald 41,680 N. Park, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 263,340 259,440 22,530 25.000 88-717 D. F, Wpde— — J. P. Ephrain-----G. P. Dickson— Lexington__ .„ .L e e 118 Lee County State Bank—t l ’05 A. A. Wheatley__| Han. N., N. Y : ; ‘Lumbermans N „ and 1st N. .50,420 159,140 135,770 41,910 20.000 88-1140 H Pop. 1500 Hon.; Am. N..Beaumont, X W. S. Partlow— - A. W. Abshier— .. •Liberty____ Liberty J 22 First State Bank..------ < § ’06 H. O. A g e r :...____ Wirt Davis Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Union NT, Hou. 100,000 200.000 5.000 .250,000 25.000 88-740 Pop. 1500 W. J. Zickefioose . . R. G. Riviere — ... Valry Brown. C. A. Brown LIB ERTY STATE BANK * » ’13 E. W . Pickett 27,020 N, City, N. Y,; 1st N., Hou. ^ 49.530 66,590 840 12.500 88-1605 C. R. Mayfield — — T. Ai B r y s o /------Liberty Hill—Williamson First State Bank-------- —1§’13 J. B. R a t liff........ So. Tex. Com’l N „ Hou.; Austin N „ Austin. 88-1496 Pop. 800 H 17 J. W. Connell— — T. A. Bryson--------- C. F. Hickman . — Potts, Connell &Reed— $t’07 D. O. Reed— __— J. W. Potts 32,260 lst.N., Ft. Worth; Secur. N., Dallas, 45.000 56.000 ; 6,200 10.000 88-1141 W. C. Thompson . . O. Withers M .C. C ah ill.... Lillian.....Johnson E 18 First State Bank-----------$§’05 P. K. Thompson—. 41.000 Am. Ex. N., Dallas: 1st N „ St, L, and Shreve 18.000 143.000 140.000 25.000 88-1142 Pop. 300 , port. La. R. G. Marchman . W. R. W ard_____ - M. % Boyd......... Lindale______Smith E 21 Citizens Guaranty State Bank T. J. M orris..—!__ 2^,000 Secur. N„,Dallas. 210.000 25,000 170.000 35.000 9L 88-837 •tS*12 Pop. 1500 Geo. H. Harper . I. E. Lanier_______ L. L, Harper — — •Linden_______Cass C' 23 Cass County State Bank.ti’08 J. E. Harris— __ A. B. BentíTO 278.000 City N., Dallas. 9.000 450.000 282,000 35.000 88-1143 D. O. Blizzard... Pop. 1000 W. B. Duncan.— , S. H. V an ce__ First National Bank — —t ’14 S. E. George.__ —- J. P. Fànt----------29,130 Cent. Tex. Ex. N., Waco. 40.000 53.000 5,250 15.000 88-1658 J . F. Duncan . —l . J. Harrison Morris Lingièville___ Erath E 16 First State Bank--------—1§’13 J. M. Jones— C. E. Durham ,20,000 1st N., Weatherford; Ist N., Ft. Worth. 70.000 50.000 6.500 25.000 88-1540 Pop. 400 P. A to r ..—--------- W. H. Roach__ ___ Lipan— — Hood E 17 First National Bank__ — ’14 W. S. Fant—___ D. O. Carter 10.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Stock Yds. N., Ft. Wortl 97.000 59.000 8.500 25.000 88-875 Pop. 500 W. J. A ik en ..----- W. R. Martin_____ J. E. Branson . . . . Lipan State Bank —— $§’06 D. C. Oogdell— . 77.000 Comw, M.. Kap. C.; Kap. N.,Wichita, Kan. 95.000 90.000 21.000 12.000 88-874 Florence Cornelius G. W. Long___ •Lipscomb.Lipscomb N 6 Bank o f Lipscomb-----—$§’08 Ella W. Long___ t 75,000 - 40,000 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 100,000 6,000 ,20.000 . 88-1144 Pop. 200 R. S. Beard_______ M. L. Beard — A. Childers. Littlefield_____Lamb B 9 Littlefield State Bank _«t§’l5 H. S. Swearingen.. 37,850 410,260 281,020 231,100 N. Bk. Com., St. L,: 1st N., Hou. 50,000 88-1692 . Pop. 500 Eì A. Carter.— ; J. E .P eters::—— •Livingston___ Polk H 22 First National Lank.— -$’02 J. W. Cochran.—.» J . C. Feagin 33,760 City N „ Dallas;', Lumbermans N. and So. Te: 30,130 164,500 189,540 25,000 88-545 H Pop. 1500 Com’l N., Hou. I _ _ R. B. Love., j------- J, L, Muller . . . . . . . Guaranty State Bank__ $§’10 L. F. G erlach.... . . 90,000 450,000 500,000 125.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kan. O. 60,000 88-546 Grady. Faubion___ W. Vander Stucken C. E. Shults—— — W. B. Haynie •Llano_______Llano H 15 Home National B ank:.. < ’04 W. F ; Gray— . . . . . A. Vander Stucken 82.000 Liberty N .;’ N. Y.r' Comw. N „ Kan, C - An 450,000 25,000 375,000 88-504 50,000 N „ Austin: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. Pop. 3000 F . K. LANGE — — J . C. STRIB LING — 0 . G. G A LLO W A Y Leander.Williamson 1 17 Pop. 500 Leary_______.Bowie M 1 Pop. 32 Lees bars_____ Camp D 22 Pop. 400 Leggett „ _____ Polk H 22 H Pop. 500 Leming___ Atascosa L 16 Pop. 300 Leonard____ Fannin C 20 Pop. 1500 July, 1919 SB m 1303 Directory, an der the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. A c c e s s ib le I 'o w i i s , t a w y e i s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s ^ . in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace,, etc., see page U . For Holidays, see Opposite page >3.j Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number g iv e n to-each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Rand-M cN ally Bankers' ’Directory, under the authority of T he American Bankers Ass’ n * Town and County. Name of Bank . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab Pop. 2000 88-1145 . —•$’08 France Baker.. LO C K N EY S T A T E BANK-$S 12 W. N. Brown Vice-President Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. P a id - u p Ca p it a l {Su r p l u s P and r o f it s Resources. D epos it s C. Broyles_______ Floyd Huff— $ 25,000 T. A. Neaves____ T. S. Stevenson.. Virtis Lowe. 25.000 15.000 M. F. Kirby —__ j; N. J. Crain . . . ___ 25.000 11.000 125.000 173.000 A. L. Horne___ 1. J« T. McCarson___ 40.000 9,660 122,220 128,080 D. B. Corley— W. E. Dickey___ _ R. D. Trimble.— . R. P. Etter V. B. Couch W. C. Dowell,Active J. E, Rabb----------- 30.000 28.500 175.000 185.000 163,750 20.000 $ 247,500 $ 293,500 $ 80,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Drov. N „ Kan. C ., Ft. Wort! 260.000 220.000 50.000 20,970 181,090 50.000 65.000 300.000 245.000 60.000 20,G00 440.000 448,450 F. T. Rembert___ J, S. R ea — . D. W. Gans Edwin Lacy.—.__ H. A. Williams___ 50.000 13,100 356,150 200,100 75.000 •10,000 271.000 237.000 T. J. CofTe___ ___ 30.000 20.000 100.000 150.000 30.000 17.500 212,270 191,690 John Cofife__— A.B. Stanford— .', L. J , Dodson_____!. Principal Correspondents. -o i h i A D is - Cash ft Ex;*ts . Bonds, obax « u ,D o i Securities from B anks Carl McAdams.— J. K. Bivins...____ P. M, Bramlett__ D. J. Everett. J. M. Finch J , H. Hurst____:_ J. R. Sparkman... For Interest Rates, Grace For Holidays, see opposite page 13 N., Ft. Worth. 80,000 1st N;, Ft. Worth and Amarillo; (M em . Fed Res.) 20,000 N. City, N.Y.; City N., Dallas; 1st N., Temple 71,670 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Drov. N., Kan. C. 1st N., Ft. Worth; Union N., Hou. 55.000 N.Bk. Com.. N .Y .: City N., Dallas; Greenvilh N. Ex., Greenville. 23,080 Seab. N.. N. Y. Secur. N. and 1st State Dallas; Greenville N. Ex.. Greenville. 115.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas. 107,440 N. Park and Met. Tr. Co., N.Y.; City N „ Dallas Com’l N., Shreveport. La. 214.9C N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Secur. N.. Dallas; Hou N. Ex., Hou., Com’l N., Shreveport. 114,570 Han. N.. N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Union N. Hou.: Texas State, Ft. Worth. 25.000 Secur. N.. Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth (M em . Fed. R es.) 65,480 Mech. & Metals N., N, Y.; 1st N., Waco. Peeler Williams—J. Fred Stewart — 15.000 4,650 112.460 38,940 J . E. McLaughlin., F. Mr McLaughlin. O. B. Simpson___ 25.000 6,110 144,160 64JPL H. A. Patton »Active Henry Lott___ ___ E. J. P. Patton__ C. L. Trice J. H. Cox— H. W. Stuart _____ C. A. Cox________ H. W. Stuart W. G. Davis___ J. W. Good— _ .. .. A. Peterson L. L. Raybon.—. . . 50.000 61,300 192,020 275,970 87,360 Provident N. and 1st State Bk. & Tr. Co., Waco Hou. N. Ex;i Hou.: City N., Temple. 93,430 Drov. N., Kan. C.: 1st N., Amarillo; (Mem, Fed. R es.) 69,46<) Chase N., N. Y.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 25.000 20,000 80,000 100.000 19,000. 1st N., Hou.; Centj,Tex. Ex. N., Waco. 20.000 12,460 60.460 77,840 19,050 Lumbermans N., Hon. 25.000 16,360 41,120 75,760 W. H. Collins_____ 25.000 16.000 150.000 148,500 9.260 City N., Gaiv.; Union N., Hou.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 68,250 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; City N., Galv. .L t ■ J. Young__ t____ W. E. Elkins _____ W. A. Atkinson 25.000 2.510 82,761 76,770 H. G. Millican . . 12,500 6.000 50.000 47,200 10.000 Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; Jacksboro N „ URA EMBRY— ........... C. A. BURRUS__ LENA SPENCER C. C. PEARSON 100,000 35,680 281,040 491,540 101,620 Cha?ek N?.rN. Y,: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. M. H. Steadham__ D. F. Ford_______ G. C. W0LFFABTH. W. A. CARLISLE— URA EMBRY j First and 33,510 Union N.. Hou.; 1st N., St. L.: Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Galv.: 1st N.,'Crockett. S T H O U S A N D S O F B A N K S BUY C O M M E R C IA L PAPER O N OUR C H E C K IN G ’ o Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name o f Bank is the New Transit Number given C 1305 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ . Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass'n. ntinental TEXAS and C om m ercial B anks Continued July, 1919 Oldes Established Ban Exceptional f acuities for hand ling coll on L n bb ock and a d join ! ng territory. ! Send 15c o n SIg h t Drafts and 25c on Credit R eport s and receive real bankin ections T ry u gservtce Farmers National Bank. »$’17 Wm. M. Peck____ _ i. T. Martin . . . ___ Ruth P. N oone___ 50,000 3,510 56.000 50,000 42,910 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth; j 88-1768 Inter-State N., Kan. C. Lubbock State Bank__ *${’08 O. L. Slaton______ H. B. R eed _______ W. S. Posey___ *__ A. B. Ellis 100,000 491,270 46,940 453,850 160,810 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Inter-State ,N., Kan. O.. ♦ 88-437 W. K. Dickinson, J. M. Denman IstN ., Ft. Worth and Amarillo; (M em . Sr. E. B. Jrosey Fed. Res.) ( C .E . MAEDGEN — 0. JOKES -................ L. C. E L L IS ___ 100,000 159,060 .12,710 251,620 28,910 N. Park, N. Y.; City N.,'Dallas; Cent. Tex. SECURITY STATE BK. & TR. Ex. N -W a c o ; Guaranty State, Amarillo: CO.— ♦ - 88-1772...__ $§’17 ISave tim e and get service on coll ectlon s and Credi t Reports by send ing (M em . Fed. R es.) 'FEE IN ADV AN C E : Plain sight drafts, ISc: Cre d it Reports, 25c. TRY US. Lueders____ .Jones D 14 Lueders State Bank——.$§’0* C. H. King _______ W. W. B r o w n .___ . H. Busby__ 10,000 1,000 28.000 29,000 4,000 Secur. N .„ Dallas: 1st N., Wichita Falls and Pop. 700 88-1149 Stamford. »L ufkin... Angelina G 22 Citizens Guaranty State Bk. J. O. Crumpler... . . R. Thompson .. ’. C. White_____ 25.01)0 4,820 200,910 172,420 55,890 H Pop. 6000 88-1841 §19 STATE BK.& TR. R. J. Behannotf__ W. R. McMullen—. N. R. Miller_____ Geo. J. Ivy. 75.000 34,250 602,450 534,840 170,730 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and St. L.; Hou. N. Ex.. If..88-345 ___ $§’10 Hou. fE - J- MANTOOTH H. KURTH-------— .J. W. KURTH______ J. H. GIBSON_____ 75.000 25.000 775,000 749,790 199,740 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N „ St. L.; Union N. Special atten ti on given B ill o f L adlng drafts, Cas h and Tune Item LUFKIN NATIONAL BANK and Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 88-343 »$’01 [ Please send 15c w ith each sight draft f or presentation and 25e for Credit Repor ________TEXAS BANKS— Lockney to Lufkin______ _____ ♦ 88-1366 Lometa...Lampasas G 16 First National Bank____ $’13 e r A. Swaim ... Pop. 1500 88-1531 Lometa State Bank__ ..*$$‘05 I . Jolesch— __ 88-1146 Lone Oak____ Hunt D 20 Farmers National Bank—i ’05 W . J. Schenck___ Pop. 1000 . 88-804 GU ARAN TY S T A T E BANK«*03 O. G. Barnes_____ 88-803 »Longview..-. Gregg E 23 Citizens National Bank.. $’02 L. J. Everett..___ Pop. 8000 88-188 First National Bank _i__»$’79 C. W. Foster— — 88-188 Guaranty State Bank...*$|’12 E. H. BiisSey____ 88-191 Security State Bank & Trust J. C. Lacy_______ Oo.......... 88-1549_____ $5’18 Loraine.'__Mitchell E 12 First State B a n k .....___ §’08 S. E. Brown ___: Pop. 633 ♦ 88-842 ; / Lorena.. McLennan G 18 First National Bank..___ $’07 T. F. M iles-_____ Pop. 700 88-719 Lorena State B ank.i.__ $5’09 H. J. Hudson____ 88-718 Lorenzo . — Crosby B 11 First State Bank ÌLi...*$§’14 W. E. McLaughlin. Pop. 450 ♦ 88-1688 Lott------------- Falls G 18 First National B ank.... .»$’98 A. L. Patton?— Pop. 1021 88-697 .. Lott State Banker._____ $|’09 W. R. Peters__ 88-6$ Louise.------Wharton L 20 Louise State Bank___ — +§’09 C. A. Ward__ _ H Pop. 500 88-8# ' Peoples Bank...H _____ $f03 H. P. Stockton.. 88-876 . , Lovelady —Houston G 21 First National Banfcj_l^..$’07 Jacob Embry_____ j 88-791 H Pop. 1000 Lovelady State Bank— $H7 K. D. Lawrence__I 88-790 Loving— .I.Töung C 10 Loving State Bank— . . . $S’10 W. W. Gregg_____ Pop. 350 88-1148 »Lubbock..Lubbock B 10 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Pop. 5000 88-436 «$’06 etc., see page 14. Liabilities . Pkesidènt. E El Faso Br. H Houston. Lockney . . . . . . Floyd A 11 First National Bank Accessible Towns, Lawyers, U ns, Directors, : in dexed in back of this volume. T E X A S — Continued 1304-_______ ■ 1 < JfJ4 C h ic a g o A c c e s s i b l e T o w n s , L a w y e r s , La w s , D i r e c t o r s , in dexed in back o f this volu m e. For Interest Rates, Grace,;»—< etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. C T H O U S A N D S O F B A N K S BUY C O M M E R C IA L PAPER ON OUR CHECKING' to each bank in U.’!8. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ . Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass'n. P r e s id e n t . A s s ’t C a s h i e r . LiDSComb Bk. & Tr. Co._tST0 S. J. Francis j Lyford....... CameronR 18 Pop. 250 Lyons_____Burleson 1 19 If Pop. 600 Lytle______ AtascosaL15 Pop. 700 Mabank— .Kaufman E 20 Pop. 1200 ‘ Madisonville ...Madison H Pop. 2000 H 20 Malakoff..HendersonE20 Pop. 500 44 * Malone________Hill F 19 Pop. 600 “ Manor_______ Travis 118 Pop. 1200 $ 25,000 $ G. C. Walker Albert Taylor____ 75,000 66,000 260,000 281,450 58,450 Ö. G. Schlecht____ R W Huff 10,000 7,270 43,100 50,380 15,550 30,000 10,500 150,000 135,000 45,000 15,000 3,850 106.970 68.000 51.370 25,000 7,650 125,950 74,990 Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co.. San Antonio. 67,640 Han. N., N. ¥ .; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 30,720 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y .; Secur. N., Dallas. A. 6,840 $ 145,130 1 51,170 $ 123,250 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. Hou.: N. Bk. Com.. San Antonio. 88-1477 First State Bank..____ •«TO 88-1150 •«TO Lytle State Bank 88-1151 Farmers & Merchants State ' Bank___88-1380____ • « ’ l l First National Bank__ -•*’03 88-1152 Farmers State Bank.. . • « ’07 88-548 First National Bank__ •$’03 88-547 First National Bank. .. _ .t’13 88-1587 First State Bank . . « ’09 88-1153 First State Rank . . « ’11 88-1367 Malone Rank .$+ ’04 88-1154 N., San Antonio. J. F. Lyon . _ ... O. F. Lyon Mrs. J. W. Wood R. B. Touchstone.. .T. A. Wells J, J . F. Foster . T. Pate R,. P. Wofford O. F . Olson..... Walter Tynes, Jr.-. Miss Dovie Gray N., Dallas; 1st N., St. L. 25,000 61,990 166,490 262,750 25,000 30,000 295,000 195,000 96,000 City N., Gaiv.:Hou. N. E x„ and Union N. Hou. 50,000 10,180 197,420 228,410 38,050 Seab. N., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hon. J . W. Murchison__ S. J. Riddlesperger W. E. Phillips____ 25,000 20,400 97,300 115,420 31,040 1st N., Athens; City N., Dallas. H. f J Flagg 10,000 26,920 50,980 87,290 10,610 Coal & lron N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas. 15,000 2,500 165,000 29,000 80,000 Han. NT, N. Y.; 1st N.. Waco. 11,500 flan. N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Hillsboro. J. L. Cleere g ___ .T. N. Heath J. E. Viser. O. Patton T. R. Viser Miss D. Strait W. W. Underwood. M. G. Lee W. C. Smith .... A. S. Tanner_ Geo. Carmichael. Shirley Gregg____ 12,080 76,380 97,270 25,900 6,570 80,320 85,450 Mary Ballerstedt.. 40,000 34.610 142,440 189,770 52,280 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N „ Hou.: Austin N., Austin. 25,000 20,000 180,400 163,100 R. D. Gaulden.___ 35,000 19,050 159,270 136,520 22,500 5,660 122,190 60,850 48,7'90 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech N., Ft. WorthCity N., Dallas. 68,950 N.. St^L.; Citiz. N., Waxahachie. 86,620 Chase N., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio. 20,000 6,000 65,000 84,000 22,000 D. E. Fowler Herbert Tate 95,000 70,000 36,560 544,630 ' 508,630 50,000 41,000 325,000 C. F. Hord 30,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Hou. N. Ex.. Hou.- Am. N., 354,000 202,050 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; State N., El Paso. 60,000 N. City, N. Y.; Lumbermans N.. Hou.; Am. N., Austin; 1st N., El Paso. 20,000 11,900 97.660 81,890 38,850 15,000 8,600 130,000 94,400 47,000 100,000 222,000 406,000 719,000 146,000 St. L.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. N., Hou.; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Gajv. L.: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hbu.: City N.. Dallas. F. A. Flowers W. F. McKinley AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW Y O R If Ä 100,000 106.000 380,000 375,000 154,000 Mech. & Metals N,, N.Y.: Union N,» Hou.: Am. N., Austin; 1st N., Galv. 100,000 150,000 700,&00 700.000 200,000 N. City, N. Y.: IstN.. Hou.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas. BONDS; Uttlefield Building Austin 1305 G. W . Glass .. 105,000 20,000 Marion..Guadalupe K 16 Marion State Bank____ . » ’06 O. E. Tips - . 0. A , Krueger____ Pop. 400 88-1157 M&rkham.Matagorda L 20 Markham State Bank.. •$§’05 W . A. Furber _ F. Cornelius. . W. .T. Luder . . _ H Pop. 500 88-1158 ‘ Marlin______ Falls G19 First National Bank___ -•$’92 B. J. Linthicum___ Pqp. 7000 88-249 T. A. Cheeves “ •• First State Rank ... _. ${’09 T. E. Rattle J. A. Dunk urn____ M. V. Bradshaw__ 88-251 A. W Flinn___ 12,600 Hou. Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N., Austin.:Austin: N. Bk- Com., St. L. Moiris Co, N., Naples. 88-474 . Marlin National Bank. •$1900 R. A. Reed 88-250 30,000 15,160 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Austin. _______________ H. M. Fennell 10,000 Geo. H. Templin . . MARFA STATE B ARK.. •»TO T. M. W ilson_____ T. C. MitcJjell- __ Karl H. W o rd ____ Ben. S. A vant____ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P r in c i p a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s , Ridont __S’12 ‘ Marfa------- Presidio I 6 Marfa National Bank.. .•$’07 E Pop. 2500 88-473 ..... R esou rces. lA>AN8ft DlS- Cash ft fix c’ts. Bonds, enanob«,Dub Securities from Banks L. 88—1609 »T 3 H. W. Steger Farmers National Bank_«i’04 W . G . Luedecke___ Ci Victor Anderson 88-1155 Mansfield ..Tarrant D 18 First National, Bank__ ..$ ’04 E . R. H olland____ J . F. Bradford____ Pop. 1000 88-846 •T. H. Wrighl J. T. Stephens____ T. G. Davis_______ 88-845 Marathon.. Brewster J7 Marathon State Bank.. •${’09 L. L. Hess , E Pop. 1000 88-1156 V. McIntyre Marble Falls.-Burnet 116 Citizens State Bank___ - « ’06 W . D. Yett_______ A. F. Hicks__ . Carl Francis . Pop. 750 88-694 44 Ebeling Banking C o.... .$t’14 Rudolph Ebeling _. 0. L. Hundley ____ 88-1371 •• 44 •T. R. Yett First National Bahk. . . - $’90 T. M. Yett_ ____ R. L. Phillips 88-693 H. E. Faubion Marietta----------Cass M 1 Marietta Bank ___+T9 Pop. 120 88-1848 J. J. Shaddix Marietta State Bank__ ..§T9 L. R. Porter.. 88-1857 " Lia b il it ie s . Su r p l u s P a id - u p D epo s AND it s C a p it a l P r o f it s _______ ________ TE X A S BANKS— Luling to Marlin .. j Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in b a c k o f this volu m e. For Interest Kates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see op p osite page 13. R. P. Rector ....... 88-1648 88-581 " Ca s h i e r . V ic e -P r e s i d e n t . Calriwell.T17 Citizens State Bank__ . « 1 4 T. T. Brown H POP, 2000 SB n •• § - Continued N a m e of Ba n k . T ow n a n d Co u n t y . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ^County Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. E El Paso Br. H Houston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Baling... TEXAS C h ic a g o July, 1919 i one lOUO C ontinental and C o m m er cia l B anks Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given A N um ber under Nam e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. Name of Ban k . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State «County Seats. In Nò. 11: Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. E El Paso Br. H Houston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. L ia b il it ie s . V ice -P resident . P resident . Cash ie r . A s s ’ t Cashier . P a id - u p S u r p l u s C a p i t a l P rAND o f it s D epo s its »- J. L Carter__ ____ W , A. Murphy__ _ 25,000 20 ,0 0 0 E. Key— ............... E. J. F r y _______ E. S. Fry Frank Davis........... H. O. Wilson____ W. R. Motley, Sr. W. L. Barry--------- B. H. Bell________ F. M. Armstrong R. J. M iller......... . W. R. Motley, J r ... 2 0 0.000 1 1 0 ,0 0 0 75,000 '26,920 600.010 416.140 jW. L. MARTIN------ M. M. RAINS--------- - W .C. PIERCE, JR .— W. D. R A I N S --,- - 1 0 0,000 1 2 0 ,0 0 0 900,000 850,000 v 270,000 Mech. & Metals N., .N. Y .;,Merch.-Lac. N., St. I,.; City N., Dallas. 50,000 95,000 425,000 450,000 T. f i . Wilson _____ J. R. Gillam______ H. F. fidyer______ J. M. Wayland___ - , J. H. Punchard R. H. Swaim.—___ R, W. Bass______ i J. C. Rogers______ 50,000 53,000 300,000 175,000 30,000 23,000 225,000 175,000 J. B. Martindale__ R. N. Martindale__i F. P. Johnson____ F . W. Slaughter — 25,000 2,2 2 0 60.410 194,680 Mrs. Anna Martin— t . L. Martini.____ Max Martin______ 60,000 30,000 25,000 30,000 185.000 232.000 30,00tt 6.700 * 68,570 86,410 '25,000 16 ,0 8 0 167,000 158,000 85,000 50,000 $ 2 0,000 $ 15,000 $ 80,000 $ 90,000 $ 249,000 1,603,000 1,560,000 W. M. Martin D. F. Lehmberg John'Lemburg, Sr. F . W. Lemburg___ E. A. Loeffler____ i J. W. White______ R. P. M oore______ T /T . Bouldin_____ E.* Sanford_____— A. B. Echols ____ I. E, Martin.—— Elmer C. Stearns — J, C. Burleson____ F. C. Barnland:__ A. W. McNabb___ Goodwin Sterne___ N. Bk. Com,, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com ’l N., Hou.; ’ lst:N., Waco; City N„, Dallas. N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; Am. Ex. N., Dal40,000 las; Citiz. N.; Waco. 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 160,000 Seab. N -,' N. Y.; 1st N., WaciS; Secur. N.. Dallas. 27.870 N. City, N. Y.; Austin N., Austin; Alanio N., San Antonio. , Seab. N„ N. Y.; Austin N... Austin; 1st N., St. D.;'stock Yds. N,, Ft. Worth. . 50,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and St. L.: Am. N., Austin; , Far. & Mech, N., Ft, Worth. 19.240 Stock Yds. N., Kan. C.': Far. & Mech. N.. Ft, Worth. 58,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. I ’ *f60' Chase N., N. Y.; Union N., Hou. Lumbermans N „ Hou. __1'-ffr_______ 1 0 ,0 0 0 ' 1 ,0 0 0 30,000 15,000 20 ,0 0 0 R. A. Catn________ J. E. Beall._______ C.*F. Miller—. ____ S. M. Dobie—/I____ • 30,000 15,000 1 1 0 ,0 0 0 95,430 25,000 7,500 85,000 10 0 ,0 0 0 25,000 25.150 105.410 10 2 ,1 0 0 . 50,490 42,000 49,000 N. City, N. Y.; Alamo N.. San Antonio; Union N.. Hou; Corpus Christi N., Corpus Christi, 18,000 City N., Dallas; State N., Texarkana, Ark.; 1st N., Mt. Pleasant. Lockhart N., Lockhart; City N.. Dallas; Austin N., Austin; Alamo N., San Antonio. 47,750 1st N., St. L.; Far. & Mech. N „ Fort Worth; BrownwoodN-and Brooke Smith & Co., Brownwood. 19.460 Union N. and Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; 1st N., Rusk: ' City N., Dallas. ,30,090 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 27.000 Far. & Mech. a * Ft. Worth; Waxahachie N., Jno. S. W aghön... B. F. Smith_______ M;rL. Paden._____ M. A. White______ W . Ii. Eubank— Chas. Dupree..— (Mrs. C. T. Schawe) L. A. Laas.............. A. L. Eckhardt — W. S. Gray .._____ | G.-W. Plummer___ E. A. Robason.— J , F. McGee — S. L. Snider_______ Maydelle—Cherokee F 22 Farmers and Merchants State W. H. Shook— - - J. S. Sherman____ J. F- Watson .... Bank ___ 88-1533___ — §’13 H Pop. 150 Maypearl— — Ellis E 19 Citizens State Bank _ ___ $§’03 S. G. Harrell..____ S. M. Dunlap___ —- Sam CorM«-—- ___ ‘ 88-878 f Pop, 500 Earmets & Merch. State Bank J. P. Claunch_____ C. R. Tirey____¿- W. A. Claunch— . . C. H. W ilem on___ 88-879 $§’10 A. Ledbetter___ i R. E. Doss___ _ — McAllen__ .Hidalgo R 16 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-* 18 P. A /R ogers-____- W. N. MIcGee 88-1809 Pop. 2500 McGregor McLennan G 18 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-«$’89 S. Amsler. 88-448 Pop. 1864 First State Bank--------- «$§’17 L. É. Bain_______ 88-449 . J. F. Caviti_______ W. V. Hanover___ S. Hanover______ J. F. Winkler J. H. Lockw ood. . A C E N T E R FOR SA FE K E E P I N G O F S E C U R ~ " Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Nume o f Bank is the New Transit Number given CHICAGO to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n . H. T. Grantham —. T. C. Vahrenkamp. CO M TIM FN TA1 T E X A S — Continued 10 ,0 0 0 500 -25,000 22,480 25,000 19,000 11 0 ,0 0 0 12 1 .0 0 0 50,000 1 5,000 135;630 107,060 53.320 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., San Antonio; Merch. N „ Brownsville. 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 7,500 579,480 6 88,220 -82,900 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; 1st State, Dallas. 10 ,0 0 0 600 25,000 3 0 ,0 0 0 1 2 ,^ 0 0 4,690 81,720 78,640 ‘ 7,000 Stock Yds. N.. Ft. Worth; Far. & Merch. N,, Abilene; Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 20,270 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; Am. N., Austin. 50,000 80,100 226,950 678.910 27,430 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N., Hon. and Waco; Union N., Hoù. 50,000 2.7Q0 187,020 164,540 112,800 Seab.N., N.Y.; Lumbermans N., Hou.; Secur. N., Dallas. A ND 86,430 "126,320 Waxahaehie. C O M M E R C IA L July, 1919 First State Bank & Trust Cô. D. W . Glasscock... F.,G. Crow______ - G. E. Langford___ J. R. Glasscock___ ! R. E. Horn 88-1168 »$§’09 McCaulley__ Fisher D 13 First Guaranty State Bank D. A, Maberry...¿..| J. W. Ezell——-¿¿- :S . N. H ardy____ 88-1169 $§’18 Pop. .500 McDade—__ Bastrop 1 18 McDade Guaranty State Bank D. R. LeMaster__ I R. L. Williams____ M. F. Benson_____ W. H. Harvey-----88-1478 «$§’13 H Pop. 500 1 qh7 « OU/ Heu. N. Ex., Hpu.; Am. N., Austin; City N., ' Galv.; T ex, Stàte, Ft. Worth, v 95,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., Hou. 400,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas: N. Bk. 1 Com., St. L. 237,800 Chase N., N. Y.: Secur. N., Dallas; State N., St. L. I 2 0 ,0 0 0 (by FEE IN ADV ANCE: Plain sigh f drafts, 15c; Credit Repprts, 25c., Mart_____ McLennanG 19 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*$’01 A. P. Smyth___ __ L. B. Smyth--------- Earl B. Smyth------ M. D. Wolverton „ 88-324 Pop. 2939 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bafik 88-325 •$’04 First State Bank_____ .•t§’09 88-326 Martindale .Caldwell J 17 Merchants & Planters Bank Pop. 500 88-1160 . t t ’18 «Mason......... Mason H 14 Commercial Bank— — «tt’Ol Pop. 1500 88-549 Mason National Bank___ $’04 88-550 «Matador—— Motley A 12 First National Bank_____ ’17 88-1773 Pop. 1000 First State Bank A___ _«t§’07 88-1162 MatagordaMatagorda M21 Bank o f Matagorda____ i f ’03 H Pop. 1000 88-1163 mm Mathis.San Patricio N 17 Bank o f Matins_______ _it’l 6 Pop. 050 88-1717 ' First State Bank_______ $§’11 88-1164 Maud____i — Bowie B 23 Maud National Bank____ $12 88-1165 Pop. 600 3 Maxwell——Caldwell J 17 O. T. Schawe__ ________ Jf’07 88-1166 H Pop. 300 May.—__ ¿¿..Brown F 15 First National Bank____ l i ’06 88-1167 Pop. 400 190,000 _____ TEXAS BANKS— Marquez to McGregor W, E. Flynn______ ________- — — J. F, W om ack..__ ,J. I. Carter______ H.D.AECHTERNACHT «$’89 P rincipal Correspondents . D. W, Carrington.. J. G. P h ilen ..— - MARSHALL NATIONAL BANK 1C ollections and Requests for Cre dit R eports MTJS T be accom panied 88-46 R esources. 8 8 Loans cDis Cash cE x B onds, changes ,D ue S ecurities from B anks ci’ ts. __________ T Marquez-.-¿— Leon G 20 First State Bank— ——$§’06 88-1159 V H Pop. 500 «Marshall— Harrison I) 23 Citizens State Bank -¿ „ _ t § ’09 Pop. 13,712 88-48 Fir$t National Bank____ «$’83 88-45 Guaranty State & Sav. Bank iHBnj 88-49 «$§’14 Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, etc,, see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. T E X A S —Continued 1306 1306 BANKS Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, ’ ‘ etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.1 ^ P .O N T I NIFNTAI AMD C O M M E R C I A L B A N K S 1 q h 7 to each bank in Ü. S. 1OU/ exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ‘ County Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv. [Estab. E El Paso Br. H Houston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. COLLIN COUNTY N A T I O N Al R A N K I i n i i u n n k ° rt,i rx 88-219 *$’71 Pbesident. la Vice-President. Cashier. s e n --- l i m p ” ! Ass’t Cashier. FIRST NATI BANK j J . L . LO VE J O Y .. C. G. C 0 M EG Y S — - HOW ELL E . SMITH I. G. FITZHUGH L h . SMITH k In CoHln Conn ty.!nick R eturns? T hen send us your collections. Geoi W. Sitter____ G. L. Cooke — —1" Ross Biggers... Erwin Rice Clay Thompson---- C. C. Bogan.... W. E. Ballard— J. M. Noel H. O. Young..____ W. O. W rig h t..^ .. T. L; Dalton___ ] T he oldest Ban 88-218 »$’69 ( D o y o u want Q McLean-.______Gray P 6 American National Bankcjros D. B. Veatch dfSjSH 88-844 Pop. 1000 C IT IZEN S S T A T E BANK*$4’07 J. S. Morse ¿¿I—. . . 88-843 88-1172 /. 276,410 170,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Tenison N., Dallas: Çont. Bk, 1 & Tr, Coi; Ft. Worth. attèn ti 100,000 25.000 25.000 115,800 2,003,440 1,373,270 10,000 200,000 110,000 10,000 145,600 130,000 585,410 N. Bk. Com., N. YÏ 84.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Kan.S[., Wichita: 1st N „ Amab ilio. \ ’ 55.000 Drov, N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Amarillo; Am. NAustin. 18.440 1st N., Wichita Falls; Drov. N., Kan. C. 72.650 25.009 222,680 15.000 1,950 16,000 25,000 75.000 50,730 284,730 362,380 W. C. M ILAM .............. 55.000 119,000 285,000 415,350 sight draft fo r p resentatlon, and insures prom pt, personal atten ti J. H, Read___ G. A- S till---,-- n.50.000 39,140 331,190 275,060 100,000 25.000 R. M. Heyman 25.000 10.000 194,770 N .City. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N „ Dallas; N. Bk. Com. Kan. C.: Far, & Mech. N.. Ft. Worth. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Live Stock Ex. N „ Chi. Inter-StateN. and N. Bk. Com., Kan.C. N. P. Barton______ 25.000 15,000 260,000 210.000 N. Park, N, Y.; Cent. N., St.L.; Lockwood N. San Antonio; Hoiu N. Ex., HOu.; Merch. N. BrowiisvilleV , f i,810 1st N., Ft. Worth; Brooke Smith & Co., Brown wood. 3,320 Secur. N., Dallas; Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth Citiz. N., Brownwood. 12.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas. Geo. C. Stengel— W. A. Cannon . - H. Lineman______ J. E. Haynes_____ I. H. Riley— J. R. Beasley 2JL.IJ T. J. Beasley— J. M. Beasley. Lona Cawyer_____ Geo. C. Parker___ Ida Parker— 25.000 10.000 780 22,880 23,860 10,000 5.100 16,350 28,140 R. V. Ferguson___ C. J. Lewis_______ 25.000 2.500 5,500 75.000 V. M. Stitphen,^ ' J. T. McConnell— W. V. O die..____ Active S. P. Gibson.___ _ J. D. Leatherwood W. A. Andrews__ 50.&00 16,000 230.000 240.000 25.000 19.000 131.000 145.000 G. F. W est_______ Thos. Johnson___ B. Warren.........~ DeVerle Johnson H. James John Sears____!__ R. O. Anderson__l T. Y. Gaither------ 25.000 40.000 300.000 265.000 35.000 33.000 250.000 273.000 J. N. Goodman___ W *R. Stockard— . 20.000 4,000 75.000 82.000 D. E. Hughes_____ O. A. Carr . . . . 25.000 38,270 195,480 183,120 Bedford Galloway . R. S. Kimbrough.. J. H. Rugel__ 50.000 6.500 208.000 250.000 E. F. Vanston____ O. W. Reagin_____ J. W. Hanby... 15.000 11.000 50,000 60,000 AMERICANSURETY C O M P A Q W NEW YORK. ^ 1^ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 560,000 102,720 N. Bk. Com.v N. Y.: City N .l Dallas: 1st N and Collin Co. N.. McKinney. 86,510' N. City, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N’., Dallas. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N „ Ft. Worth: Inter State N., Kan. C.: Secur. N.. Dallas.; (Mem, Fed. B es.) 106.440 Han. N ..N . Y.; 1st N. and Ft. Worth M„ Ft Worth. , nV 50.000 Chase N..-N. Y.; 1st N;, Waco; Ft. Worth N. Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas. 30.000 Chase N „ N. Y.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Cit N „ Dallas. 80.000 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; 1st State and Citiz. N. Abilene; 1st N., Wichita F. 25,500 Seab N., N. Y.; Secur. N,, Dallas; Citiz. N. Hillsboro: Union N., Hou. 80,280 N.Park.N. Y.; Drov.N.,Kan.C,; Far.&Mech N.. Ft. Worth: Lumbermans N., Hou. 50.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; City N., Dallas. 12.000 Secur. N., Dallas; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 0NDS,Üttlefieltl Building, ____________ ^_________ 1307 88-830 8,000 08,410 jD . BROWDER - - - - - S .S . MONTGOMERY, D. L , C. KINARD — j . C. MONTGOMERY Mercedes Bank ò f Commerce D. A. Blackwell— • 88-1871 §19 Mercury.. McCulloch G 15 Bank o f Mercnry___ ___ $t’04 S.-E. C o x ____ — , 88-890 Pop. 800 Cawyer____... Mercury State B ank___ t§’07 J. 88-891 ‘ Meridian___ Bosque P 17 Farmers Guaranty State Bank W. E. Sheppard__ 88-812 Jl’l l Pop. 1500 First National Bank__ .¿«$'87 0. W. Tidw ell____ 88-811 Merit_______..H untC 20 First National Bank____ $’04 K. M. M oore.....__ 88-1176 Pop. 350 Merkel___ _ -Taylor E 13 Farmers & Merch.Nat.Bk.î’04 J. T. W arren_____ 88-409 Pop. 3000 Farmèrs State Bank___ $§12 J . S. Swann_______ 88-808 R. F. Shaw - - - - — Mertens._______Hill F 18 First Guaranty State Bank 88-1177 $§10 Pop. 1000 Mertzon___. . . Irion G 11 First National Bank____ *10 Fayette Tankersley 88-1178 Pop. 500 Mesquite___ Dallas D 19 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*$02 J. C. Rugel_______ 88—829 Pop^-1000 Guaranty State Bank__ $$10 I. N. Range______ 75,000 1st N. 173,770 88-440 115 CENTS sent to uS w ith each (25 CENTS fo r e à c b credit report Hall County National Bank H. E. Deaver__ . . . P. O. Young____ _ 88-439 *$’06 ‘ Ifenard— Menard H 14 Be vans National B ank..«t’03 William Bevans___ W. J. Callan-------Pop. 1200 88-1174 Menard National Bank--- T9 J. R. Smart C. A. M artin...___ 88-1861 Mercedes ..¿.Hidalgo R 17 Hidalgo County Bank._»$S’07 Walter A. M cNeill’ N. P. Barton______ Pop. 2000 88-1175 & P. Sily.e.r $ 200,000 $ 80,000 $1450000 $1250000 $ 480,000 N. C ity and N. B k. C om ., N. V . C h i.; C ity N ., Dallas. 6,680 First State Bank—........<§16 TjiC/Ward . . . __ H Oscar Sellers . . . — O.N. Mason J ...__ 88-1713 J. D. McCaughan C IT IZEN S ST A T E B A N K -*! 07 J. A. Bradford . . . . C. A. Crozier ___ __ W. B. Quigley____ R. L. Madden. 88-438 P rincipal Correspondents . 25,690 88-1173 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.*$’0l it s Loans k Dis- Cash k E x’ tb. Bonds, CHANG*g,Dui Securities from B anks 16.000 Melissa National Bank . . . $'06 J. E. Gibson2___.1 J. M. Graves— . . . . H. S. Wysong__ . . . ♦ D epo s _______ TEXÀS BANKS—-McKinney to Mesquite CONTINENTAL STATE BANK < A m odern prog ressive bank doin g com m ercial bu siness. 88-220 ÎS'Oü Bills o f Lading, Cash Letters, and C ollections have p rom p t, efficient (S e n d us your M cK inney Item s for qu ick return First State Bank______$$10 Su r p l u s P a id - u p AND Ca p it a i. P r o f it s U ® « " “- Special atten tion given to b ill o f lading and com m ercial collections. R em ittan ce m ade prom ptly. w ill m ake credit reports fo r 25c each. j J . G. WILKINSON J . » . F I E L D ------- E . H. WINTON------- W. F . CONGER- -J . H. FERGUSON Megargel____Archer C 15 Pop. 400 Melissa_____ Collin C 19 Pop. 350 Melvin..-McCulloch H 14 Pop. 300 ‘ Memphis ¿„¿....H all Q 6 Pop. 3500 R esources. Lia b il it ie s . Name of Bane. Town and County. ‘ McKinney..-Collin C 19 Pop. 10,000 T E X A S — Continued July. 1919^ Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. Bor Interest Rates, Grace, etc., see page 14. Bor Holidays, see opposite page 13. Number under Nume o f Bank is the New Transit Number given J , C am ber under Name o f Bank i8 the New Transit Num ber given »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. *Mem, State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. E El Paso Br. H Houston. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Accessible Towns, dexed Re so u r ce s. President. Vicb-President. Cashier. Su r p l u s AND P r o f it s Ass ’t Cashier. Mexia____LimestoneF 19 F A R M ER S S T A T E B A N K * « ’ 14 J. H. Sweatt Roy B. Bass____ W. D. Hight___ Jas. H. Collins___ Pop. 4000 88-1660 Julius Nussbaum Pr.endergast, Smith & Co. J. Womack_______ Mrs. J . L. Smith__ J. S. Smith—____ B. S. Smith_______ 88-346 « ’82 IT . M. CUNNINGHAM »Miami______Roberts 16 BÀNK O F M IA M I— Pop. 1200 88r757 H. RUSSELL --------— T. J.B0NEY— ___ »Midland___ Midland F 9 E Pop. 2500 FIRST NATI BANK 88-388 j W. H. C 0 W D EN - !M % ÏF L W .R.CHANCELLOR M. C. U LM E R ----J . HOMER E P L E Y | Oldest and larg nd C ounty, >$'90 ( P rom p t and car eful atten tion gl ven all business D epo s it s à ><o a m Disc ’ t *. Bonds, &BCUEITIBS à Ex- P r in c ip a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . Gash changes,D ub from B anks $ 20.630 $ 584,920 $ 482,740 $ 296,370 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and St.L.; Secar. N „ Dal las; 1st N. Hou. 14,160 344,580 363,160 95,590 Seab. N.. N. Y.: City N „ Dallas.; So. l ’e x .Com’ N „ Hou.; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth. 10,000 175,000 IstN., Kan. C.; 4th N „ Wichita; N. Bk. Com. Amarillo. J.B .S A U L— — i - * t ’0l ] Special atten ti on given Bill o f L ading drafts, Cas h and T im e ite m ( Please send 15c with each sight dr a ft fo r presentatio nrand 50c fo r Cred First State B a n k „ - .„ .« t | ’07 B. F. Talley W. L. M athers^ r. H. E. Baird___ ,___ H. A. Talley.__ 88-758 W. 1. Whitsel Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in For Interest Rates, (¡race. mbackofthisvolume. T E X A S — Continued t8. 25,000 25,300 268.000 226,000 115,490 Inter-State N., Kan. C.; 1st N. Amarillo. 100,000 111.040 581,650 601,930 205,760 N. C ity and Seab. N ., N. V .: Fid. N. Bk. & T r „ K an. C .; Far. & M ech. N.. Ft. W orth. 75.0C0 80.000 280.000 480,000 79,000 N. Park, N. Y .; 1st N., Ft. W orth; Drov. N., K an. C .; Secur. N., Bullas. . 12,5(10 132,130 111,420 41.700 Secur. N., Dallas; 1st N., Midlothian. 44.000 456,000 425,000 35,000 Seab.N„ N. Y.: Am. Ex.N., Dallas.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. Union N., Hou. entrusted to us. T H E /B . W . BRUNSON J . R. DUBLIN------- B. C. GIRDLEY- MIDLAND \ “ HONOR ROL L BANK.** j FEE IN ADVA NCE: Sight D ra f 88-389 *t’03 \ Credit R eports, 25c. Midlothian Ellis E 18 Farmers Guaranty State Bk. T. M. Dees_______ T. C. Perry____ Pop. 1500 88-1562 STS First National Bank___ «t'97 J . P. Anderson . . . . J. H. Darby———.. 88-765 Midway___ Madison H 21 Midway State Bank..___ §19 W.-M. Forrest____ S. J. Martin J. H. Young— H Pop. 400 88-1875 Milano______ Milam H 19 First State Bank_______« 1 2 J. O. Newton_____ W. R. W ebb._____ H Pop. 481 88-1455 Miles------ .Bunnells G13 Miles National Bank— . « i ’OS H. W. Robinson__ H. T. Rogers — Pop. 1000 88-1180 Milford— ........Ellis F 19 Bank o f Milford____ — t t ’95 (W . R. and J. K. M cDaniel) _______ _ Pop. 766 88-797 N A T IO N A L B A N K C ITIZEN S B AN K ____ - *t’07 88-798 Millsap_____Parker D 17 First State Bank « ’07 Pop. 600 88-1181 Mineóla— Wood D 21 FA R M ER S S T A T E B A N K « 14 Pop. 3000 88-1646 First National Bank. .—•*’98 88-499 Mineóla State Bank.. - • « ’10 88-500 Mineral Wells-Palo Pinto Bank o f Mineral W ells.«it’90 Pop. 6000 D 16 88-241 Cfolfi Flair 8- Y* HYATT — R. M . BARRON ts, 15c m inimum; 25c minimum chair ge i f pad d. Royal Stiles______ J. H. D arby. J. G. Oliver__ ____ 60,000 J. Wakefield —. . . . 15.000 W. O. Newton____ L. Newton. 10.000 5,000 48,780 42,580 A. H. Lewin.____ _ 50.000 12,950 147.510 403,490 11,650 Han. N., N.Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 50.000 10,000 150,000 155.000 55,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 0 . L . BE PUT— — 10.000 10.240 101.720 it equests fo r Cre dit R eports M VS T be accom panie d by FE E IN AD VANCE 15c; Credit Reports’’, 25c. 102,610 19,640 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; City N., Dallas; Waxahachie N.. Waxahachie; Far. N.. Hillsboro. 16,500 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Am.Ex. N.. Dallas: 1st N „ Ft. Worth; Citiz. N., Weatherford. 40,000 Mech. & Metals N..N.Y.; Secur. N..Dallas; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 50,000 Seab. N..N.Y.; Secur. N „ Dallas. J . W . B0SS0M— G. A. Holland— '__ J. M. Littlefield__ J. C. Roy J. C. Shields___ W. C. Head..-— . W. P. Jones R. J. Gaston______ G. C. Sister L4&0H M. H. Landers J. G. Chappell — . . A. P. Buchanan—. . M. D. Plumlee.___ 15.000 6,500 75,000 80,000 J. M. Falkner____ J. D. Phillips____ 30.000 8,500 110,000 121,000 50.000 100,000 275,000 375,000 50.000 24,000 225,000 145,800 J. D. Harris______ W. B. Singletary.. E. J. Courreges H. W. Meredith. J. A. Hughes —___ John I. N. W y n n „ _ _ W. H. P e n ix ....¿ i. A. J. Thomas__ . . . C. M. Breen Smith . . . ___ M. M. Wylie f Gl'INN W ILLIAM S- J. L. CUNNINGHAM— G. A. S I M S - — — W. E . BRALY.................. F IR S T N ATION AL BANK*tl900 < Special attenti o n given B ill o f L ading drafts,Cash and l i m e Item s. 88-242 (. Please send 15c wi th each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. FÌR S T S T A T E BK. JL T R . CO. H. N. Frost. __ D. P. Rankin Sll__gi W. I. Smith_______ D. L. H ill_____ — 88-243 » « ’06 E. B. Ritchie, V. P. W -1. Smith 60.000 104,380 N. City, N. Y.; City N., Dallas. 1,250,000 30,000 647,000 Mech. .& Metals N., N .Y .; Far. & Mech. N.. Ft. Worth. 580.000 155,OJO Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth; Secur. N., 188,500. Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 100,000 9,550 722,010 633,660 15.000 20,000 180,000 131,000 55,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st State, Dallas; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth. 25.000 8,730 247,170 263,980 51,790 Seab. N., N. Y. ’Personal presen tation m ade on a 11 C ollections. A fee o f 15c m ust a ccom pa ny all d rafts. First State B ank...___ » « ’09 Marvin E v a n s __ Heathe May______F. L. Flynn_____ — R. J. Rome______ 25,000 5.000 300,000 88-1183 223,000 80.000 Mingus—.Palo Pinto E 16 First State Bank_____ « ’07 Pop. 1000 88-1182 S. B, Str&wn____ _ F. P. Boles— A. D. Lidia.——. Owen Sheid ______ |D . G. W O O D --__ M. F . ARMSTRONG - J . 0. POWELL— —— Mission------ Hidalgo R 16 F IR S T NATION AL B A N K -** 11 GEO. W. WALTON, A ctive, )O u r C ollection Departm ent is a special feature o f this Bank, Pop. 4000 88-1393 M A N Y P A R P O I N T S IN O U R PAR LIST. S E N Q F O R IT: u mSt. b e Louis r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is th e Federal Reserve BankNof 1309 74.000 16,300 City N., Dallas; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. Ü 3ÎI5 GO N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass*n. 1308_____ ____________ _________ TEXAS BANKS— Mexia to Mission _________ __________July, 1919 1308 i? . *** bank'i* U..S- e*cj«slyely byT he R and-M cN ally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. T E X A S— Continued A c c e s s i b l e T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D i r e c t o r s , In d ex ed in b a c k o f th is v olu m e. F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G r a c e , I*—• etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see op p osite page 13.1 C to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T b e R and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. " ..... Town and County Name of B ank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ¿County Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. £Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. E El Paso Br. HHouston. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. T E X A S— Continued P resident . V ice -P resident . ..... ..... ..... A s s ’t Cashier . Cashier . Lia b il it ie s . ,, R esources, i Loamsk Dw- Cashk Ex D epos c P aid- up Subplus ’ts. Bonds, changes,Dus AND Capital P rofits its Securities fromBanks P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . T. L. Wilcox— __ Mary E. Simonton. 20,000 $ 11,250 $ 82,010 $ 90,480 $ 30,180 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com.. Amarillo; Am. N., Austin. 50,900 32,770 Han. N „ N. ¥.: Secur. N „ Dallas; Stock Yds. 70,000 10.000 9,270 N., Ft. Worth. 46,000 65,000 City N., Galv.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 10,000 , 11,000 100,000 R .Y . Mitchell____ Mrs. R. V. Mitchell 30,000 8,840 59,320 76,660 20,250 Secur. N., Dallas; Cent. Tex. Ex. N., Waco: N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: Austin N., Austin. FfRST NATIONAL BANK.*£’01 J. C. Reynolds____ T. J. Buckner____ J. W. Donaldson__ Z. S. Teague______ C. H. Howard 88-734 50,000 52,960 139,840 262,300 30,490 N. Park, N. Y.; City N., Dallas; 1st N., Waco. R. L. Connelly____ L. D. Johnson ____ 50.000 12,500 65,000 99,800 21,000 City N., San Antonio. 25,000 4,200 137,000 83,000 70,000 Chase N „ N. Y.; Stock Yds. N.. Ft. Worth. 20,000 9,290 183,480 141,810 35,000 7,860 97,580 122,620 Mark Huselby____ J. J. Long ...... Mobeetie___ Wheeler P 6 88-1184 Pop. 300 J. R. Church-_____ ¿Montague.Montague B17 Citizens State Bank____ £$'06 88-1185 Pop. 300 Ewing Norwood. MontgomeryMontgomery First State Bank__ . — •${'07 88-1186 H Pop. 400 I 21 Moody__ McLennan G 18 Farmers State Bank___ £$17 S. J. McFarland__ 88-736 Pop. 083 Moore_________ Frio L 15 Moore National Bank___ £’07 H. E. Johnson___ , 88-1187 Pop. 500 Moran _ Shackelford E 15 First National Bank____ £16 T. E. Powell______ 88-1722 . Pop. 700 M. D. Bray___ ~ 88-1188 M organ____ Bosque F 17 First National Bank___ «£’02 S. M. Martin______ Pop. 881 88-1189 Morgan Mill.. Erath E 16 Farmers & Merchants Bank W S Want Pop. 225 88-1588 £t’13 William G re en ..... Moplton____ Lavaca K 18 H Pop. 700 88-1190 Mt. Calm______ Hill F 19 Pop. 575 88-720 W. W. Woodson__ ♦ 88-721 Mt. Enterprise____ Rusk Merchants & Planters State Pop. 750 F 23 Bank___88-1191. __ £$’08 ¿Mt. Pleasant. Titus C 22 Pop. 4000 FIRST NAT’L BANK 88-29^ H. S. Durham____ Ruby A nderson... { R. D. Rugeley, Jr.. Waiter Chism____ Y. M. Formby___ G. H. Hayward___ J. A. Hayward Dodd P rice_______ Morris Cottle___ — C. B. Snyder J. T. Cole..,_______ R. G. Cate •______ J. D. Cate________ T. C. Rogers W. H. B rooks____ J. W. B row n_____ L. R. Raquemore.. J. B. Jordan E. Studeman___ __ John Bucefc.--------- E. C. Fehrenkamp. Frank J. Wagner B. Hillyer____ — J. W. Oates______ 10,000 8,000 40,000 41,800 50,000 28,000 300,000 285,000 50,000 22,840 80,090 141,730 25,000 10,500 60,000 151,000 20.000 5,000 75,000 70,000 75.000 43.540 435,000 375,000 275,460 N. Bk. C om ., N. Y .; F t. W orth N., Ft. W orth. R. F. LINDSAY_____ _ MISS W, CLEMENT — 60,000 26,000 350,000 330,000 110,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.: 1st N.. St. L.: City N., Dallas; (M em . Fed. Res.) f receipt. ollection s. H. C. H u ckeba.... L. P. R utledge.—. J. H„ Harp 75.000 21,000 300,OOj) 265,000 130,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Secur. N., Dallas. S. J. Callaway____ R. J. Moore....... .... H. J. B aker______ D. Langston i t s R. McLEAN. . . F. L. KENNEDY — __ J. R. HART_______ J. B. ROWLAND— *£’82 AUG FTrKHOFF J. M.BURF0RD Bank. m itted o n date o ion given to all e W. H. Seay_______ J. F. Montgomery G. W. Gibson Mt. Selman___Cherokee Farmers & Merchants State $’17 H Pop. 168 E 22 Rank- 88-1780 ¿Mt. Vernon___ Franklin First National B an k...«£1900 J. M. Fleming____ J. L. Rutherford— A. J. Patton______ D. D.Long-----------J . G. Stringer M. L. Edwards 88-419 Pop. 2500 C 22 Merchants & Plan. Nat. Bank 88-420 £’05 n r . Hill N. H. Long German-American Bank..t’96 88-1408 Blackwater Valley State Bank G. P. Kuykendall— C. W. Harrison___ 88-1679 £§’14 First State Bank_______£$’06 88-1193 First National Bank____»£’04 W. A. Baker______ F. U. McCutchen, Active 88-743 C. A. Eiland J. R. Reeves______ First Bank $§*17 F, Ruv&l 88-1774 t$*12 J.$T. LaRue______ T. P. Luker.. —,.<=i Murchison___ Henderson pirit Statfi Rank 88-1490 Pop. 1090 E 21 F. B. McKinny___ Murphy_____Collin C 19 Guaranty State Bank___ §13 S W Sihlnv W. E. Eden 88-1606 10,000 710 13,540 21,600 4,770 1st N., Jacksonville and Rusk; Union N.. Hou, 50,000 50,000 239.000 250,000 23,180 243.000 303,000 G. L, Hinnant__ J. Long__________ W. B. Petty 50,000 F, -T. Sc.hnftch _ Susie Bernauer— . 10,000 H. jE. R ogers-------- 15,000 5,000 120,000 108,000 35,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N.. St. L.; 1st N.. Ft, Worth; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Greenville N Ex., Greenville. 30,000 N.Park.N. Y.;Oent. N.. St. L.: City N., Dallas Austin N., Austin: Greenville N. Ex., Green ville. N..City, N. Y.: Lindsay N „ Gainesville; Secur N „ Dallas. 33,000 Comw. N.. Kan. C.; 1st N.. Amarillo and Clovis W. W. Tippen____ W. O. Kemp______ 20,000 8,250 102,680 85,000 51,790 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N „ Hou.; Drov. N., Kan. C Edwin Hdald------- 6 . D. Orsburn........ 40,000 35,000 150,000 285,000 25,000 N. Park. N. Y-.: Ft. Worth N „ Ft. Worth; Is N-, Wichita Falls. F. N. Warren.___ 25,000 - 2,500 51,600 75,009 M. A. Asher______ C. B. Norris______ 2 0 ,0 0 0 6,800 70,500 76,450 20,000 Han. N „ N. Y.; Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Ft Worth. 22,000 City N. and Tenison N., Dallas. J. E. Bookout___ _ Alena Itookout, 15,000 40,000 32,000 E. C. Eubanks.— O. H. McEntee — W i AMERICAN SURETY COIMPAIm IF I m ' Y 01V I V , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 43,000 |i. City, N. Y,: Union N., 1st N „ and So. Tex. Com’.i N., Hou.; Alamo N., San Antonio. 22,210 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Waco: So. Tex. Com’] N., Hou. 10,000 1st N., Waco: N. Bk. Com., St. L.: (M em .Fed. R es.) 30,000 1st N., Hou. and St. L. ^Oldest and larg est bank in Titus C ou n ty. 'P ro m p t and car e f n l atten tion giv en all business en trusted to us. YE. S. LILIENSTERNGUARANTY STATE BANK Fund ♦ 88-1532 »£*13 <j Guaranty Cash Item s re (.Personal attent State National Bank____ £’02 T. M. Fleming____ 88-298 Mnenster____Cooke B 18 Pop. 1200 Muleshoe_____Bailey A 8 Pop. 100 Mallin_______ Mills G16 Pop. 750 Mnnday_____ KnoxB 14 Pop. 1500 67,640 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Albany N., Albany; Provident N., Waco. 14,440 N. Bk. Com .,'N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth and Waco; Secur. N., Dallas. 16,000 1st N., Weatherford; Far. N., Stephenville. F lffE L fT T ^ n f SURETY D l 100,000 18,500 1st State, Wylie; Cent. State and Secur. N. __________* Dallas. ! INDS, LIttilefiielId Buiilding, A ustin July« 1919______________ -______ TEXAS BANKS— Mobeetie to Murphy_________ _____________ 1309 A c c e s s i b l e Towns, L a w y e r s , L a w s , D i r e c t o r s , in dexed in back of this volume. F o r I n t e r e s t K a t e s , G r a c e , etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o t B a n k i s t h e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r g iv e n 1309 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given 1 *21 f t to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers > 1 0 i U Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. Town and County. Name of Bank. Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState ¿County Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bks. Assa.tPriv. Mem. Fed. Res. ..[Estab. E El Paso Br. H Houston Accessible Tow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, ■ e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. T E X A S— Continued VICE-PRESIDENT. , Cashier. Ora By Pryor. M yra______..C ooke B 18 First Guaranty State B k .i§ ’10 Chas. Graham__ G. T. Andress 88-1194 Pop. 400 John Schmidt____ F. H. Tucker . »Nacogdoches.. Nacogd’s Com’l Guar. State Bank.tS’10 E. H. Blount X, E. Baker ♦ 88-271 H Pop. 5000 F 23 V. E. Simpson I. L . STURDEVANT F. B. SUBLETT............. L . B. MAST — »- A s s 't Cashier. Lela Green____•_ Frank Sharp, Jr. JNO. THOM AS------GEO. H. DAVIDSON Liabilities. Paid-up Surplus Depos and its Capital Profits Resources. k Dib- Cabh k E x Loams c ’ tb. B onds, Securities f io o o FIR S T N ATIO N AL BARK *$’90 88-275 - 50.000 J. H. Mathews___ . A. B. Gallaway__ ; ; W. W. R obison .... H. H. Hines. J. A. Moore C. B. Hargis____ B. S. Hargis______ J. L. Earnest__ 7o,000 600,000 500,000 26,630 385,470 491,750 55,340 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 78,570 261,700 396,890 18,000 175,000 245,000 69,190 Han. N., N. Y.1 1st N., Hou.; Drov. N., Kan. : C.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth, rj nfe , 1 48,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 125,000 Han. N., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; City N., Dallas. : 10.000 •S&'i.arttoo 100,000 W. S. Craig____ . . . G. S. W o o d ...____ W. T. Taliaferro__ Jno. A. McKay . . . . J. T. Evans------- 'From B anks $ 15.600 $ - 18,000 $ 95,000 $ 80,000 $ 48,500 Irving N „ N. Y.; N. Reserve, Kan. C.: Denison Bk. & Tr. Co., Denison: Secur. N., Dallas. 100,000 40,920 821,840 1,028,000 108.830 N. Park, N .Y .: N. Bk. Com.. St. L.; (M em . Fed. R es.) - FEE IN AD VAN CE: Sight drafts, 15e minimum; 25c minimum charge i f palei'. STONE FORT NATION AL BK. 88-269 $’03 IR eliable C redit R eports, 50c, T it ¥ US. * -, - ^Rem ittance m a de day collected, Naples__ .::.M orris C 23 Morris County Nat. Bank X’04 88-661 Pop. 1178 N a s h . - B o w i e B 23 Nash Exchange Bank— i t ’14 88-1669 . Pop. 350 Navasota— _Grimes 1 20 Citizens National Bank ..$ ’99 88-276 H Pop. 5000 ■ Farmers State Guaranty Bk. i 88-1507 $§’13 50,000 R. L. R en ick ...___ 100,000 [ T. M. OWEN-— — EWING NORWOOD, C. E. H EN RYii,™ — . fos - Active E. H. TERRELL, nelly paid in (50,0 IEarnings $50,0 i $ ! o o } * J 0 0 ’ 0 0 0 - 0 0 Surplus and un divided Profits Ea rned, $ 2 60,000 Principal Correspondents. changes,D ue Guaranty State; Texarkana, Ark. 260,000 1,147,520 1,141,040 220;350 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and So. Tex. Com’] N;j Hou.: Am. Ex. N „ Dallas. 24,000 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Dallàs Tr. & Sav., Dallas; * Royall N., Palestine. 80,000 Han. N., N. Y.; State Bk. & Tr. Co., Hou. C ollections m a de p rom p tly and rem itted fo r on day Off paym ent, 15,000 7,500 60,000 60,000 20,000 3,000 150,000 150.000 J. M. Smitli-v-:____ Geo. H» Jones X— . Olga Evans.——--- 25.000 26,feo 145,000 115,000 15.000 155,000 Am .Ex.N ., Dallas; Greenville N. Ex.., Green ville; Coliin Co. N.. McKinney. G. G. Evans___ 10.000 6,560 49,000 48,000 30,000 28,000 260,000 225,000 14,000 Mech, & Metals N., N.Y.; Tex. State and Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Worth. 86,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Cent. N., St. L,; City N., Dallas. 225.000 175,000 30,000 35,000 240.000 260,000 50.000 Secur. N’., Dallas; 1st N., St. L.; Guaranty State, Texarkana. & 45,000 Han. N „ N. Y.; Texarkana N., Texarkana; City N., Dallas; 1st N.V P^ris, Neches...Anderson F. 21 Guaranty State Bank___ $§’12 :Ar. L. Bowers------- |J. W. Valentine__ M. A. Edgeworth. , . -, i 88-1445 ................................ . H P op. 325 Needville.Fort Bend K 21 First State B ank______ $§T8 W , J , Otto,—,— t— » -5 H Pop. 300 . L iU C 1 88-1801 film Nevada..____ Collin D 19 First National Bank____$’01 M. J. Dennis . I . . . . 88-1195 Pop. 900 First State Bank— . . — .§’19 J.: E. Davis--- -----88-1833 Newark_______Wise C 18 First State Bank -------- $§’13 R. A. Hudson_____ 88-1534 Pop. 300 J. W. ^ e e k s _____ E. LoLehm ann... Frank KOstelnik .. R. Charmicael-. G. W. T)uke_______ W /H . Doyle. JA S . HUBQARD . . . T .P . T R I M B L E - M .E .T A Y L O R . TOBE M O RRIS I New Boston—Bowie B 23 FIR S T N A TIO N A L BANK A 88-421 »$1900 tSpecial atten tio n given Bill o f La ding Drafts, Pop. 1500 'Save tim e and get service on Cóli lection s. T R Y US. C. B. P A R R O T T - New Boston Exchange Bank W. W. W hitë-1—. J. W. Haralsòri.::: O. H. Proctor !*..'- J! B, Gulley: 88-1794 î t ’17 NEW BOSTON IÍA TI0 N A L BK. 88-422 [JA S . H. SIMMS c .p . h e l m s . : : : : : . W . A . LO W ER Y M. A . HART -t $’07 ^FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us w ith each sight draft for presentation, and ; nal atte ntion. (t w e n t y - f i v e CENTS for each credit report Insu »New Braunfels...Comal FIR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K -4 90 Joseph F aust...__ H. G. Henne— Pop. 4500 K 16 John Marbach 88-289 Walter Faust . . . . . Hanno Faust. B. W. Nuhn Í F. G. BLUMBERG » J . R. FUCHS — — R. E . KL0EPPER — A. R.LUDWIGWM. F .Z IP P NEW B R A U N FELS S T A T E BK. < Send your Coll ection s on New B raunfels and vici . 88-290 $§'08 I FIFTEEN CEN TS s e n t to us wl th each sight dra , TW ENTY-FIVE CENTS fo r each credit report Ins Newcastle___ Young C 15 First National Bank . . — i ’14 R. J. Johnson.__. . . 88-1651 Pop. 1500 First State Bank— __ «$§’09 J, J. Perkins . . . . . . 88-1196 Newlin__ ___ — Hall R 6 Farmers State B ank..___ §’11 G. W. H elm ...... 88-1197 Pop. 300 Newport____—Clay B 17 First Guaranty State Bk.$l’13 O. H. Boedeker___ 88-1527 Pop. 500 Newsome___Camp D 22 First National Bank— —»$’14 M, F. Corn 88-1491 I i Pop. 600 W. C. Harrell t,— H. H. Joiner T. O. Phillips--.... C. B. Daniels Peter Ballard . . . . . W. M. Bransford. J. N. Craig B. F. Fleming-.'— I N V E S T M E N T S FOR B A N K S o MATURING AT CON VEN IEN T DATES; .Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given Federal Reserve Bank of Louis to each in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers' C 1311 D irectory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. 100,000 133,330 432,310 513,650 201,290 N.Park,N. Y.; Austin N., Austin; N. Bk. Com., St. L. f« ® « ' 50,000 36.260 342,720 330,710 88,510 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., .Chi. IstN ., St. L. 27,500 Han.N.,N. Y.; Ft. WorthN., Ft. Worth; Drov. N., Kan. G ; Union N., Hou. 45,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 17,790 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; IstN . and Hall Co. N., Memphis. 10,300 Han. NÏ, N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; City N., Bowie. 13,000 Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Winnsboro, n, and sonai a ttentio n. R . A. Choat . . . . 25,000 8,500 125,000 110,000 T. R. Coffield—. 25,000 39,720 232,000 219,000 22,900 43,660 Chas. Drake.__ 10,000 3,090 O. D. W ilkes...___ 10.000 10,000 Clem F. Corley___ 25,000 8,000 ntinental Chas. Whitacre— . and 61,000 ~ 70,700 50,000 55,000 C o m m e r c ia l B a n k s , C hicago A c c e s s ib le T E X A S— Continued T ,fd T lT T .lT 'T ÍÍ< S T ow n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D ir e c t o r s , in . dexed in back of this volume. T o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , O r a c e , »— , etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. £ ■R.TrsnnUmfS. I N V E S T M E N T S FOR B A N K S MATURING AT C O N VEN IEN T DATES; NTINENTAL Number under .Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1311 Town to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers' D irectory, under th e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. and county. Name op Accessible Towns, President. ; Vice-President. Cashier. •Newton___Newton H 24 Newton County State Bank G. W. R iddle_____ E. O. Terry!__ ____ J. Roy Lawson*__ H Pop. 1800 88-1198 ¿§’07 New (Jim____Austin J 20 New Ulm State Bank__ ¿§’06 Robert y o jg t ___ _ L. Tillotson—_____ Robert V o ig t..— W. A. Mhîthàei H Pop. 400 88-1199 New Waverly.WalkerI21 New Waverly State Bk.»t§’07 W. L, Hill - - - - - ___ R ,W . Miller....... - J. W. Keeiand— N-M. Traylor 88-1200 Pop. 800 Nixon____ -Gonzales K 17 First National Bank — ¿ ’15 F. M. Caraway____ Byron Caraway.__ Eugene Wilson — 88-1691 % Pop. 1500 D. N. N. Campbell----Campbell___ W. H. Patton— - . - S, J.Klkins—„___ Nixon State Bank—,___»¿§’06 D. 88-1201 Hugh Carson..__ McCall--------— A. D. Lunn Nocona___ Montague B 17 Farmers & Mercb. Natl. Bk. C. McCall________ 88-614 ¿ ’05 1 * 7 J. A. Fooshee Pop. 133» Nocona National Bank—«¿^90 J, A. Addison,--------C. E, Quiilini—. —. J. G. Clark___ __ 88-613 T‘ V ! D. S. Päinc Nolanville_____ Bell H 17 Farmers Bank.________ t’16 Wm. R ancier.._______ _______ _____ — E. Layne ———— 88-1736 Pop. 138 F. O. A. Ladner__ Nordheim___ Dewitt L 17 Nordbeim State Bank__ ¿§’10 H. J. Strunk--------- August Teiwes— 88^899 Cbas. Burow, Sr. h Pop. 545 Osterloh & Neutzler___ ¿ t’061(Wm. Osterloh and ____ f _r-r___ t__ IL. C. Neutzler— 88-898 IL. 0. Neutzler) I , Normangee___ Leon H 20 First National Bank — *¿’12 T. W. B r o w n ------ T.‘ A. Cozart______ O. Youngblood__ 88-1488 W. T. Hollis, Active H Pop. 1000 First State Bank— —«¿§’06 J. A. Heath---------- s R. Donabo._____ j$ . B. Langford— ♦ 88-1202 •J, L. Nash North Pleasanton—Atas First State Bank-.-........¿§’14 A. H. Beadle------ - K. J. Lauderdale__ C. Hollingsworth. 88-1631 cosa—-Pop. 1000...L 16 North Zulch.Madison L 3 W. J. M cBride___ A. L. Lipscomb . . . 88-1203 •*§’11! H Pop. 400 Novice.__ -Coleman F 14 Ñovice State Bank— ..¿§’10 R. L. Bates----------- C. A. Parker—— .^ J. G. Bush——___ 88-1204 Pop, 300 J. W. Thompson „ - í t ’16 A. C. Ford________ Oakhurst___ San Jacinto 88-1724 H Pop. 500 H 22 -»Iti Oakwood______Leon G20 First State Bank.____ .•¿§’10 J. W. Barton_____ S, Ra Burroughs__ J. Walston._______ 88-750 H Pop. 1500 Oakwood State Bank.. ¿§1900 R. L. Wiley_______ Ó. Wiley, J r .___ _ N. Ri Wiley --------88-749 ¿§’13 E, Cl. Couch..,.v-. 88-1206 20,000 $ 149,500 135,840 44,070 E.-L. Bramlette— 25,000 -10,800 200,000 169,300 52,000 A. B. Holme?— 5Q,000{ 2,750 59,750 111,750 Mrs. E. Weber . . . 50,000 20,230 152,700 165,630 W. F. Leonard — 50 ,000 36,040 353,090 454,820 50,000 25,000 410,000 . 600,000 Individ ualResp on8ibilit y, $100,00 0) E. M enn.. . . . . . . . . . 25,000 A. M .Z ed ler_____ 30,000 £§’14 88-1667 Pop. 500 ¿Odessa_______Ector F ! Citizens National Bank - • ¿ ’06 88-1208 E Pop. 500 ¿t’06 Oglesby_____ Coryell G I 88-1209 Pop. 500 Oklaanion. Wilbarger All First Guaranty State Bank 88-1210 §T4 Pop. 300 Olney____ ...Y oun g C 1! W. T. Campbell, Banker ¿ t ’08 88-688' Pop. 2000 First National Bank... —•¿’07 88-686 . State Bank o f Omaha...¿ § ’07 88-1212 W, E, BateSi J. W. Baylor_____ F. M. Wells R. N. Henderson . 5,600 97,000 96,090 150,000 25,000 16,640 25,000 26,540 N., Galv. 25,750 Ian. N., N. Y.: Frbst N., San Antonio. - 39,4<!0 i. City, N. Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; t anty State, San Antonio, 113.380 leab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., DaUas: M & Plan. N „ Sherman. _ 75,000 i. City, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth TSJ tSoIIoq lent. N.! St. L.; 1st N., Killeen. 27,000 Itate N. and Guaranty Slate, San Antoni< Tex. Com’] N. and Hou. N. Ex., Hou. tlamo N., San Antonio; Union N., Hou. 170,730 207,820 39,150 City N., Dallas; 1st Nr, Hou. 79,040 109,>40 50,000 72,000 -Î w X > CO !ca Verb Buck_______ 30,000 5,000 Miss Ruby Keefer.. 10,000 13,000 98,000 72,680 14,400 Han. N., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; (M em . Fed. R es.) !> 13,000 State N., and Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co., San An m tonio. w 84,770 Union N., Hou.: 1st N., Waco. Carl H oth a n ...;__. 20,000 : 1,360 25,700 39,750 25,000 1st N. and Coleman N., Coleman. E. H. Brown______ SCO 1st N., Hou.; Gibbs N., Huntsville. Mr». J. W. Barton. 50,000 1,800 210,000 210,000 25,000 20,230 135,000 135.000 12,500 1,040 33,800 46,570 25,000 2,500 150,000 100,000 38,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hon.; City N., Dallas. 71,910 Lumbermans N., Hou.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galy.; Citiz. Bk. &~Tr. Co., Austin. 11,850 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. >■ t a o s r+ o 3 r"C o O 3 70,000 N.City.N. Y ,; Ñ.vBk. Com., Kan. C.; Secur. to cr N.. Dallas and Okla.; Union Nv, Wichita. to Wi P. Starr__ 85,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Drov. N. and Fid. N. 3> Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N., Amarillo. iu ^.C arlson____ 30,000 20,000 225,000 175.000 Leslie Robeson.__ 6,000 8,000 35,000 54,000 15,000 7,500 90,000 75,000 40,000 1st N., Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls. 25,000 ^770 31,850 54,220 50,000 15,700 140,600 144,300 8,810 State N., San Antonio; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; 1st! State, Corpus Christi. 84,300 Seab. N., N . Y.; Far. & Mech. N., FtWVorth. | M. ' p* tome; H. D. Edwards____ W. R. C o r e tt-* ;- R. M. Casey____ .__ J. M. Casey______ C. A. Allingham... J. W. Rainwater;; Roscoe Rainwater. J. T, Gossett — W. T. Campbell___ R.T< Campbell —— W. H. Kennedy.'. E. W. Hunt.... ........ H. L. Leberman.. J. K. Thomas Mrs.'L. H.Farrier. H. J. G ile s -.-___ H. M. Farrier Wright McClatchy. A. T. Gray___ |j__ ., i. AMERICAN SURETYCOM PANY OF NEW YORK, Ä Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ! va 1l-¿ , ivo 3,19b 1 220,370 $ 163,670 $ 73,880 10,420 „ ¿ § ’14 J. A. Jones..... 88-1686 Loamsk Dis- Carr & Ex c’tíí Bonds, changes,Buz Securities fromBanks 20,000 A. M. Wilbanks,-Jr. J. N. Stump...____ J..D, Wvmap ... Odell____ Wilbarger A 14 Bank of Odell________ „ ¿t’09 W. T. Collins__ — L. G. Hawkins;... 88-1207 J. M. White Pop. 700 Liabilities '. Su r p l u s AID-UP D epo s AND APITAL P r o f i t s it s etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. £ R esources. Principal Correspondents. M. C. K och______ JvPicbrell^T_:____ T^ E. R obbins___ (R oy Sappington; H. F. Hall__ — — ¿Ochiltree—Ochiltree Ñ 6 FARM ERS & STOCKMENS Pop. 750 STATE BK.-88— 1760—.•¿§’17 [S en d Y our Coll ectlons to us. First National Bank— „•*07 i t 88-805 Ass ’t Cashier. Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in F o r I n t e r e s t R a t e s , G r a c e , i_ , dexed in back of this volume. T E X A S— Continued Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ¿County Seats. ' IuN o. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPtiv. [Estât». E El Paso Br. H Houston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. O’ Brien--- .Haskell C 13 Pop. 300 AND 9,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Waggoner N.. Vernon. 5,000 5,000 125,000 95,000 35,000 N. Park, N. Y.; City N., Dallas. 10,000 7,000 125,000 67.000 70,000 1st N., Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls/ 50,000 12,500 275,560 200,130 25,000 30,280 130,600 226,160 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; City Ns, Wichita Falls.! 87,000 N. Bk. Com.,N.Y.; Far.&M ech.N., Ft.Worth;; Aim Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N.. Wichita Falls. oo >-*■ 26,830 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas. N um ber under Nam e o f Bank Is the New Transit N um ber given to Mch bank in U. S. exclusively by T h e R an d-M cN ally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. Town and County. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Liabilities. Name of Bank. ¿County Seats. •Menu Am. Bks, Assn. {State In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. ¿Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. E El Paso Br. H Houston. ♦M em . Fed. Res. [Estab. President . V ice-President . Cashier . As s ’ t Cashier . Paid- up Surplus DeposAND Capital P rofits O nalaska...» Polk H 22 Onalaska Exchange Bank t ’08 J. M. West_______ C. B. Granbury___ L. R. F ife _______ S 10,000 $ H Pop. 1500 88-1213 Oplin_____ -Callahan E 14 First State Bank_____ -§T7 T. Windham , ____ B. A llen_________ Q, J. Johnson . . — 10,000 Pop. 140 88-1739 W. S. Hinds ¿Orange_____ Orange I 24 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<89 W. H. Stark — 88-179 H Pop. 10,000 «« “ Orange National Bank »-»$’01 G. W. Bancroft 88-180 J. O. Sims, Active„ E. E. McFarland— r, Wall L. Miller W. A. Sims • • •• i A. M. H. STARK— J. A. SN0DDY........... HERSCHEL EHLERTORANGE STATE BANK-*t$’13 jT h ls Bank End eavors to give P rom p t and Inte lligent A ttention 88-181 ' to C ollections and All O ther B usiness E ntruste d to Us. Orange Grove.Jim Wells State Bank of Orange Grove Pop. 150 N 17 88-1564 t§T6 Ore City___ Upshur D 22 Guarantee State Bank__ tS'12 Pop. 500 88-1430 Osceola.... ......... Hill E 18 Guaranty State Bank___ ${T0 Pop. 300 . 88-1214 Otto................. Falls G 19 First State Bank_______${’10 Pop. 250 88-1215 Ovaio - ____ Taylor E 13 First State Bank— __ *$§’09 Pop. 500 88-1216 Overton ___ Rusk E 22 First Guaranty State Bank Pop. 800 88-1434 $ {’12 Ovilla . Ellis F 19 Guaranty State Bank___ §’ 19 (Midlothia/n P. O.) 88-1842 Pop. 200 ¿Ozona____Crockett 1 11 Ozona National Bank— *$’05 Pop. 1300 88-1218 100,000 Resources. OAN8&Dm- Cashft Bx8bobritim nu>mBanks 2,500 Lumbermans N., Hou.: N. Bk. Com., St. L. 1,240 $ 27.980 1 39,050 S 170,000 1.762.190 1,586,700 50,000 96.790 25.000 6.000 924.260 1,093.090 125.200 153.300 Philip Welhausen.. Wm. Ehlers_____ _ J. December 10,000 1,300 35,000 35,500 J. W. Williamson, 15.000 9.970 39,540 42.790 15,000 10.000 50,000 70,000 20.000 7.470 79.930 82.840 W. S. Childress___ E. M. Berry H. H. Simmons__ _ W. H. Burt J . D. Cowan W. W. Woodson__ G. A. Bletsch . . . __ T. A. Miertschin . . Henry James_____ 12,500 12.500 97,000 90,820 R. A. Motley______ W. L. Smallwood— E. B. S. Florey R. S. Payne 20,000 16,500 155.000 145.000 10,000 310 100,000 117,450 311,130 579,080 P. L. Childress S. E. Couch......... . W. E, West Susie L. Payne . . . Elam Dudley ^ ___ Principal Correspondents. 14,870 * 18.6C0 9,360 1st N.. Baird; Far. & Merch. N „ Abilene: Stock Yds. N.. Ft. Worth; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 502,930 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L.; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 120,850 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N., Hou.; 1st N., Galv. 19.100 State Bk. & Tr.Co., Hou.; Secur. N.. Dallas. 16,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Shiner; Alamo N., San Antonio. 18,910 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.: 1st N., Longview City N., Dallas. 10,000 Coal & Iron N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Ft, Worth; 1st State, Hillsboro. 21,630 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.: 1st N., Waco. 20,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Far. & Merch. N „ Abilene. 26.5C0 Tex. State. Ft. Worth; Hou. N. Ex.. Hou. 6,030 Seab. N., N. Y.; Guaranty State Bk.& Tr. Co., Waxaiiachie; Tenison N.. Dallas. 108,470 Seab. N., N. Y.; Stock Yds. N.. Ft. Worth: N. Stock Yds. N., E. St. L.; Inter-State N., Kan. C. 85,000 N.Bk.Com .. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. -*• T. 0. Phillips__ __ 50,000 77.000 225.000 325.000 C. A. Craven_____ M. O. Hooker_____ H. C. Gilley ______ C. B. B ob y _______ 50,000 70,000 300.000 425,000 Chas. Kuhn_______ 10,000 4.000 64,000 42,700 25,000 19,940 127.580 125,170 63,680 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Stock Yds. N „ Ft. Worth. Palacios. .Matagorda L 20 Palacios State Bank — *${'06 88-592 H Pop. 1450 ¿Palestine.Anderson F 21 Campbell State Bank ..$§’19 H«a Pop. 11.854 •• 88-76 *First National Bank__ *$'87 88-71 ♦Guaranty State Bank..${'11 88-74 “ mmmm m ** ♦Robinson Guaranty State Bk.& Trust Co.-88-70«$8'81 __ ,___ 44 ♦Royall National Bank..«$'98 88-73 “ jj-A - . “ Palestine Clearing Honse— (Members indicated by a * ) Palmer _ Ellis F. 19 POP. 1000 88-851 H. B. Farwell M. Lipscomb______ J. F. Barnett .*___ M. H. Elder C. B. Hansen T. M. Campbell, Jr. O. B. R ogers_____ D. S. W om m ack... 50,000 30.000 357,000 284.000 115,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Union N. and Lumbermans N.. Hou. Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 135,260 Mech.& Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N..St. L. and Hou.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 101,890 Han. N.. N. Y.: Secur. N.. Dallas; Union N., Hou,: 1st N.. St. L. . 101,300 Chase N., N .Y .: Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.: City N.. Galv.; Lumbermans N „ Hou. 408.520 N. Bk. Com.,N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; City N.. Dallas, N. Park, N. Y,; Am. Ex. N „ Dallas. •• ____ “ R. T. T ra il- ___ W. O. Shultz_____ J. M. P atton____ J. D. McCollom Lucius Gooch_____ G. E. Dilley. F. Huf smith W. B. Flanagan___ D. M. Hodges Z. L. Robinson___ G. 8. Robinson___ T. B. Greenwood Tucker Royall____ J. W. Wright__ — P. H. Hughes Tucker Royall____ ' J. E. Angly ___ ... - C. L. Hufsmith___ Chas. Thresto__ _ 75,000 79,730 381,500 468.250 C. E. Williams____ N.C.W oolverton... 100,000 80,920 473,930 542,770 37,700 283.990 240,370 50.000 C. W. Hanks_____ Jno.Carson, A.Cash. Eugene R. Fish C. O. Miller, Jr., Mgr. L. B. Griffith_____ B. L. Freem an___ J. A. Cox________ Jos. B. Griffith J. F. Reddell_____ J. W. Stacks. FIRST GBARANTY STATE BANK-♦-88-852------- •${ 10 ¿Palo Pinto-Palo Pinto Banking House o f Cunning- J. L. Cunningham Pop. 800 D 16 ham Bros.,88-1221____$t’88 •<* • ( AND S E L L - OUR- L E T T E R S O F C R E D I T A N D T R A V E L E R S ' C H E Q U E S : N u mof b eSt. r u Louis n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is t h e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r g iv e n Federal Reserve Bank 1 q 1 Q to each bank in U. S. exclusively by. T he B and-M cN ally Bankers’ 1 J l J Directory, under the an th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. 100,000 100,006 225,140 1.298,760 1.143.370 34,000 51.320 234,660 199,570 H. F. Huffaker___ 25,000 17,500 120.000 112,000 P. M. Fanlkner 20^P0 . 125,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; (M em . Fed. Be. ) 7,200 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Dallas,Tr. & Sav., Dallas. N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 43.000 Secur. N., Dallas; (M em . Fed. B es.) Inter-State N., Kan. O.- 1st N., Ft. Worth. Gontinental and C o m m er c ia l B a n k s. T E X A S — Continued A c c e s s i b l e T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D i r e c t o r s , in dexed in back of this volume.- F o r I n t e r e s t R a t e s , G r a c e , , ” 4 e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.| F. i Kd July, 1919 ¿Paducah . . . . .Cottle A 13 First National Bank____ *$'09 Pop. 2000 88-605 -------- First State Bank.... ........${'06 ♦ 88-604 Paige___ »»B a stro p 1 18 Guaranty State Bank— ${T2 H Pop. 467 88-1440 ¿Paint R ock. Concho G 13 Guaranty State Bank___ ${10 Pop. 500 88-1220 TEXAS BANKS— Onalaska tò Palo Pinto *• 3383 V F. W. Husmyre G. M. Sells. Active Directors, In dexed in back of this volume For interest B ates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13, T E X A S — Continued 1312 1312 ( AND S E L L - OUR- L E T T E R S OF C R E D I T A N D T R A V E L E R S ' C H E Q U E S : C on ti n entail an d C o m m e r c i a l b a n k s . C h i c a g o 1 o 1 Q to each bank in U. S. exclusively by. The Rand-McNally Bankers’ I J I O Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’ n. T E X A S — Continued Name of Bank. Town and County. Mem. Âm. Bks. Assn. SState »County Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv. [ Estât). E El Paso Br. HHouston Mem. Fed. Res. Pbksident. Cashier. Vice-President. A ss ’ t Cashier . R esources. Lia b il it ie s . Loamk Du- Cambk ZxP aid- up Surplus D epos cVa. Boro«, OIAMM,Dtn and its Capital P rofits SacmuTW numBahki Principal Correspondents. N A T IO N A L B A N K C ITY NATION AL B À N K „ < ’90 88-52 f T . J . RECORD— A. P. PARK - — — N EV ILLE BROOKS— M. HARDY— T. G. HENLEY yActive — i C. H . N O Y E S — J . D . M c M ILLA N — E . H. McGLASSON <: Largest State B a n k in th e C o u n t y. 300,000 160,000 2,000.000 2,000,000 a 150,000 123.8« 1,261,190 1,136,610 150,000 47,530 1,122,560 1.394,660 L. V. KJtnllT------- Kan. C. and St. L. 400,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N „ St. L.; Am. Ex. N. Dallas. 398,430 M ech . & M etals N „ N . Y .; M tle. T r. Co. St. L .; S ecur. N ., Dallas; (M em . Fed R es.) < § ’06 ( O utside Collecti ons given person al atten tion . G. F. Simmons___ Morris Fleming — Roscoe Floyd------R. H. Young A. Brown________ O. E. Brown . . . . __ L. 0 . Edwards.. A. W. Perryman— R. L. Young J. M. Jackson-----W. C. McMasters S. W. M onk______ Ed. H. McCuistion P. C. Nichols_____ 10,000 220,890 N. City. N. Y.; Secur. N „ Dallas; Fed* lies*) (M em 1,500 30,000 24,000 . 2,400 Secur. N., Dallas; N. Bk. o f Bowie, Bowie, Tex 3,760 35,280 45,650 8,380 1st N., Paris: Secur. N., Dallas. 78,790 56,120 176,790 1st N., Ft. Worth and Aspermont, Tex.; Fai & Merch. N.. Abilene. 80,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Frost N., San Antonio; N. Bk Com., St. L. 72,560 N. City. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Guaranty State San Antonio; So. Tex. Com’l. N., Hou. Cent. N., St. L.; Citiz, N., Weatherford. C. E. Truelove.. 10,000 Aubrey R. C r u s e .. 10,000 F. R. Crain_______ A. I. Merritt______ 15,000 W. H. McKinzie__ H. T. Fillinginn— 15,000 1------------ State Bk. & Tr. Co., Hou. Berry M iller..__ _ W. E. Long--------100.000 55,000 225,000 310.300 M. Taylor, J r .-----Edw. S. Maney 50,000 20,870 203,440 201,750 10,000 5,500 28,000 30,000 A. E. Sweeney-___ W .I . Bartley____ S. D. Miller James Rooney------ T. H. Beauchamp.. J. F. Caroline_____ 30,000 10,000 50,000 57,050 277*920 370,310 J. G. Love------------ W. H. Browning,Jr. Walter Browning.. G. N. Hefner 110,000 35,770 494,530 599,980 Pendleton_____ Bell G 18 First State Bank______ -t§ ’09 B. J. Carpenter___ S. G. Garth---------- W. M. McHorse - •- Miss N. Lusk------88-1225 _______ Pop. 500 16,000 2,550 41.000 57.000 George H. Beever G. W. Sanders E. A. Lilly J. L. Pranglin____ I. J. Hudson___ _ W, F. Thompson J. N. McCarty------ J. A. Wiggins___ L. F. Merl AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, FS N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N „ Ladonia; N. Bk. Com St. L.; 1st N., Paris. 132,930 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kan. C Far. & Mech. N „ Ft. Worth. 155,890 Citiz. N „ N.'Y.: 1st N „ Ft. Worth; Am. Ex. N Dallas; Fid. N. B k.& Tr.. Kan. C.; (Mem Fed. R es.) 40,000 Secur. N „ Dallas; 1st N., Waco; Temple State Temple. Tex.__________________________ BONDS, Littlefield Building, Austin 1313 H. L. Baker______ Lamar State Bk. & Tr. Co. 88-53 <§'11 Park Springs---Wise C17 First State Bank------------ §’13 J. B. Hunt________ 88-1517 Pop. 200 Pasadena____ Harris J 21 Guaranty State Bank— §T9 W. H. Dickerson.. 88-1872 H Pop. 75 Pasadena State Bank___§19 R. E. Parks_______ 88-1873 Pattonville.. - Lamar B 21 First State Bank_______t§’l l John A. Monroe__ 88-1389 Pop. S00 Peacock-..Stonewall C 13 Peacock Bank____ _____ 1’15 D. R. Conch____ _ 88-1689 Pop. 250 Pearland „Brazoria K 21 Pearland Bank -------- -— +’19 W. E. Long---------88-1880 Pop. 136 »Pearsall_______Frio L 15 Pearsall National B an k .< ’03 G. F. Hindes______ 88-475 Pop. 2500 P E O P L E S S T A T E BANK«*S’07 Mason Maney . . . . . . 88-476 Peaster_____Parker D 17 Farmers B an k...-----------1'06 O. W. McCarty__ _ 88-1223 Pop. 300 Pecan G a p ___ Delta 0 21 Pecan Gap State Bank .< § ’11 W. E. Weldon___ 88-1224 Pop. 600 »Pecos____ ..Reeves G 7 First National Bank— < ’07 J. T. McElroy____ 88-451 E Pop. 2500 PECOS T A L L E Y S T A T E BANK F. W. Johnson___ ♦ 88-450 < § 91 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 324,000 P a m p a t o P e n d l e t o n _______________________ 88-54 190.100 1,558,720 1,556,570 (.Send us yo ur Pans bus iness. We g ive prompt servi ce an d qui ck re turns W. E. McMURRY-— J. A. SMITH— D. MALLORYiR. F . SCOTT--------- F . R. J. MURPHY w , FIR S T N ATIO N AL BANK-<’87 j First and oldest established Send us your C ollection s direct. bank, > 88-61 'T h e y w ill recelv e p ro m p t and pe vsonal atten tion . FIRST STATE BK. 200,000 TEXAS BANKS — AMERICAN V Pampa___ —___ Gray P 5 First National Bank___ < ’08 T. D. Hobart:_____ J. R. H enry--------- B. E. Finley______ DeLea Vicars_____ $ 25,000 $ 50,000 I 300.000 $ 250.000 $ 60,000 N., Wichita: Austin N., Austin; 1st N., Ama 88-819 Pop. 1200 rillo. 41,350 !om. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Stock Yds. N., Ft, 95.920 146.770 5,160 25,000 C. B. Barnard____ A. C. Rippy-_____ . F. F. Paschall-----GR AY COUNTY S T A T E BANK C. L. Thomas__ Worth; Amarillo N., Amarillo; (M em . Fed. Nora Ford ♦ 88-820 < § ’11 Res.) Itock Yds. N „ Kan. G.: N. Bk. Com., 18,000 113,680 8,000 124.500 25,000 J. R orex ________ C. Purvines__ ___ First State Bank— ____tS’09 Geo. L. Simms.___ Amarillo. C. E. Deahl 88-861 Ian. N.. N . Y.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. 50,000 W Psteppen E. E. Carhart_____ J. H. Paul________ F. A. Paul___ ____ Panhandle Bank______ <t*’88 Gii Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 88-860 51,000 4 17,000 10,000 '12,500 52,000 Walter Johnson— H. T. B ridges..«— O. L. Hartsell___ ... Paradise State Bank___ i§ ’14 Guinn Williams___ 88-1581 52,000 16,000 Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth. 50,000 10,000 4,000 H. D. Read_______ Peoples Bank___________t’16 T. B. P e e k ..._____ L. W. Clark____ 88-1737 187,500 1,421,080 1,518,980 285,970 150,000 jJ.F.M cR EYN O LD S W. R . WOOD--------- W .T . R ID LEY— — S. L. BEDFORD — C ity N ., Dallas. i Special C ollect! o n facilities, ] P rom p t person al p r e s e n ta tio n brings results, I We rem it on -day o f p a ym e n t and give reason sf or non -p ay m en t. 88-65 < ’07 ( T ry us w ith y o u r Paris item s fo r qu ick service, Iuly,j1919_____________ A c c e s s i b l e T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D i r e c t o r s , in dexed in baek of this volume.* F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G r a c e , | etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is t h e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r g iv e n N um ber under Nam e o f Bank is the New T ra n sit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he K and-M cN cNaally ‘ | iBankers’ f ' Mm Directory, under the au th ority of T hè Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. T own and, County. Name op B an e . »County. Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bks. Assn,,tPriv. E El Paso Br. H Houston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. c [Es tab. Perrin——— ___ JackGlO Pop. 600 P e r r y . . F a l l s G 19 Pop. 214 Personville Limestone G 20 Pop. 103 1Peters'burgJiiLHaleBlO •x I Pop. 300 Petrolla— ii-i^-OlayB 16 Pop. 1500 First State Bank____ - —$§’13 88-1639 Farmers State Bank.__ $§'12 88-1473 Guaranty State Bank—-$§’12 88-1524 Citizens Bank.————--$t’17 38-1762 Continental State Bank.$§’09 88-864 R esources. k Cash k Ex- L ia b il it ie s . President . V ice-President . Cashier . ! A s s ’t Cashier . P a id - u p Su b p l u s and C a p i t a l P r o f it s H. Creswell______ ,•10 J. A. Sullivan— . „ ¡ C. AlexanderJ. A. Drozd Penelope™— .- Hill (F19 F IR S T S T A T E B A N K -: -88— 1226 Pop. 467 Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. T E X A S — Continued D epo s it s Loans Disc’ ts . Bonds, ecobities B Principal Correspondents. ohanos*, D oe B anks non H, V. Smaystrla..- $ 35,600 $ 18,300 $,128,000 $ 81,570 $, 43,600 Chase Æ N. Y.; City N., Dallas; 1st N., Ft. J. V.DrOzd——___ I Worth and Waco. A. N. Grant____ C. F. Lee T. W. Hander. . G. jC. Miller . . . —— E. N. Miller 25.000 12J>00 140.000 105.000 F. Fedra~______ A. E. H ander..ii— Bruno Meisch—; — 15.000 ■ 4,540 69,100 59,550 10,290 M tie.T r/Co., St. L.; Cent. tfex. Ex. N., Waco. A. B. Crider™ — B. H. Marks. A. G. Easterling™ M, L. Marks „ 10.000 4,690 20,480 9,610 20,360 City N., Dallas: Prendergast, Smith & Co., Mexia. 7.910 Drov. N „ Kan. C.; 1st State, Abernathy, H. W. Kuteman . . Fred Wiese -- - - - - - 10.000 730 32,970 38.360 J. A. Burrus—— W. W . Einville H. W. Perkins____ Miss Mary Reedy— 15,000 12,500 140.000 108.000 Petty_________LamarB21 Citizens National Bank—_$’13 J. H. Mann____ 88-1541 Pop. 600 Pflugerville.—Travis 1 17 Farmers State Hank__ *$§’06 William Pfluger. Pop. 500 88— 1228 Pharr ______ HidalgoR 16 First National Bank___ »$’12 J. A. Cook_____ 88-1438 Pop. 1500 H. G. Maness— L.W. Law J. A. Pfluger__ A. W. Pfluger E. J. K elso.___ Roscoe Frazier J. K. Adams__ ___ Pickton™ .-Hopkins I>21 Farmers & Merchants Bank, A. F. Payne — Pop. 600 ~ 88-1810 t ’18 First State Bank_____ __ §’10 G. A. Brown—— 88-1229 T .S ..G ibson.__ J. M. Nickols J. II. Pogue —— B. F. Campbell C. G. Goodman — J. G. Wilkinson— 57.000 N. Park,,N.;Y.;flst N., Ft. Worth. .... 55.000 Bk. Of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. Worth. 37.000 19,000 225,000 295,000 75,000 Seab. N., N.Y.: City N., Dallas; 1st N.. Paris. 15.000 26,280 132,530 118,430 J. W. Couch........... iioloOO 32,630 237,240 386,160 A. T. A llison—.zi S. Mi,Gibson - 10,000 B. B. Cain —______ B. C. Bridges. 20,000 Pilot Point__ Denton C 18 FA R M ER S & M ER C H . BANK G. E. Light____—. D. W. Light_____ J. B. Burks. Pop. 1500 88-601 $t’96 Gordon Elmore___ 50,000 First State Bank...........»t§T2 J. M. Jones—— -— 88-1464 Pilot Point National Bk._*$’81 A. H. Gee— — 188-600 Pinehill_________ Rusk E22First State Bank_______$§’10 W. M. Osborne.™ Pop. 500 88-1230 »Pittsburg____ Camp D 22 Camp County Bank_____ t ’92 C. H. Morris———. Pop. 3000 88-448 S. R. Greer . ¿ „ ___ First Guaranty State Bank 88-1368 $§’11 First National Bank— .$ ’93 W. G. Hargrove.— 88-444 Pittsburg National Bank*$'04 L. R. H a ll-______ 88-445 »Plains...__ Yoakum C 8 First State Bank_______$S’09 S. J. Dixon______ 88-1231 Pop. 150 »Plainview_____ HaleA 10 Citizens National Bank.*$'08 E. B. Hughes___ _ Pop. 5000 88-333 F IR S T NATION AL BANK 88-332 «$1900 18,530 25,000 100,000 107,000 50,000 Greenville N. Ex., Greenville; 1st State, Dallas. .28^70 423.990 191.410, .311.150 N. Pgrk, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Am. Ex. N., Dallas: Merch. & Plan. N.. Sherman. 60,000 N. City, N. Y.; Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth; 146,000 Tenison N., Dallas. 197,990 33,810 N< Bk. Com.. N. Y. and St. L.; Inter-State N., Kan. G.; City N „ Dallas, 2o,'670 lumbermans N., Hon.;1 1st N.. Henderson, 48,'ÍIO Tex.; 1st State, Dallas. Boatmens, St. L.; Com’l N.,Greenville. 21,000 174,000 36,460 173,090 J. O'. D uran______ W. 0 ‘.‘ brim_______ 11,140 54.470 Ross Hess:—i i . l — R. A. Swaiin,’ , Active G. C. Hopkins-ua— C. L. Turner,.—..__ Ernest Lamb . F. E. Prince E.-R. Greer, Active H. C. Shamburger. À. À! Hall -™ 75.000 32,350 228,530 254,700 50.000 93,000 520.000 315,000 50.000 22,800 196,710 244,110 P. M cHugh......... . R. M. Kendrick___ E. B. F ree___ 20.000 1,500 75,000 81.270 it. C.hyvabe.... ........ R . A. tfndërwood— II. r/H u giies- 100.000 39,500 450.000 •400,000 100,000 J. ft. SLATON— . GUY ¡ H A. B. DE LOACH — First and oldest established bank, C ollections given special atten tion , Save tim e and g et service on Col lection s and Cred it R eports b y sen ding.— FEE I N ADVA NCE:, Plain sight drafts, l Sc; Credi t Reports, 2Sc. T KY ,CS. 114,500 '904,080 871,370 276,210 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; New Eng. N „ Kan. C.; Ft. Worth Ni, Ft. Worth: City N „ ; Dallas.'.' ¡few i 100,000 59.000 : 615,000 .784,000 •72.000 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth: Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Amarillo. 50,000 40.000 250,000 275,000 130,000 62>030. 847,420. 390,530 F. A. Wright j — — . ,H. G.iCampbell, — R. Â. Morris,ÜJ?.. W. A. Donaldson. R. W. O’Keefe T. S tock ton ....___ W i Stockton__ ___ A, Weatherford___ R. A, D a v is ™ ___ C. W. Fouche.. P LA N O N A T IO N A L BANK«t 87 G. W. Bowman.— J .H ; Bowman. C. M. Jasper_____ R. Ct Hays J. W. Shepard 88-629 Plantersville.Grimes I 21 First State Bank__» J — §18 C. E. Williams.__ - G. A. Ston e..— 88-1807 H Pop. 300 Pleasanton—AtascosaL16 First National Bank,____$’06 H. F. Smith.______ F. B. Ricks___ 88-1232 Pop. 1800 A CENTER FOR DIR EOT COL LE O TIO N S’ 90,550 Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.; Secur. N. and City N., Dallas. 54,830 Eid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.: Ist N., Ft. Worth; Lubbock State, Lubbock, Tex. 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cent. N., St. t .; 1st N.. Amarillo. 100,000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; Am, Ex. N „ Dallas. 95,200 N. City. N. Y.; City N „ Dallas;N. Bk Com. St. L.: Lumbermans N „ flou. J. J. Bletsch. 10;000 2,390 40,520 46,250 9,960 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; 1st N., Waco and Navasota. F. Hawkins.. 50,000 19,520 109,540 149,910 20,540 Han. N., N. Y.: Alamo N. and Lockwood N., San Antonio. nONTINFNTAI ANIC COMMERCIAL BANKS A c c e s s ib le N a m e o f B a n k is t h e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r g iv e n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. 07,460 Secure N., Dallas; 1st N., St. L.: Greenville N. Ex., Greenville. 208,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N. and City N., Dal- T E X A S— Continued * July, 1919 35.000 60.000 Plano—- — — .Collin D19 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank Olüey D avis.™ . 88-630 *$’1900 Pop. 2000 1315 22,680 R. L. Porter_____ _ 88-334 C H IG A G O Gèo. C. tíreeding. 52,200 Mech. & Metals N .,'N . Y.; Austin N. and Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Austin. 16,950 Han. N.. N. Y.; Live Stock Ex. N. and Chi. Sav. Bk. &Tr, Go., Chi,; IstN .. Hon. and .San Juan. 7,940 Sëcür N „ Dallas; IstN .. Sulphur Springs.... A, P. Crosgrove !__ J. A. L. McFarland ÿ . e ! Selz————. Í THIRD N A TIO N A L BANK « il o L. A. Knight— Federal Reserve Bank .. N u of m bSt. e r Louis under W. Dowlën. Emmitt Fuchs___ 1 3 1 4 ____________ TEXAS BANKS— Penelope to Pleasanton ______________ , 1314 T ow n s, L aw yers, L aw s, D ir e c t o r s , in-, dexed in hack o f this volume. F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G r a c e , ! ’— ' e t c ., fee page = ' ......... = 14. F o r H o lid a y s ,' see ............................. ■ opposite page 13.| --------- ----- - V! A CENTER FOR DIRECT COLLECTIONS' nnMTIMFMTAI AND COMMERCIAL BANKS A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in d e x e d in b a c k o f t h is v o lu m e . F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G r a c e , ] '—* e t c . , fee page H r F o r Holidays,' s e e opposite page 13.] . N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is t h e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r g iv e n m m to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally Bankers' Directory, under tb e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers AsS'n. T own and County. N ame of B an« . *County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State In No. 11 Fed. Res. Di§t. $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. E El Paso Br. H Houston. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President . FIRST NAT’L BANK i; si;; ASS’T CASHIER. Cashier . V ice -President . Point------------- Rains D 20 First State Bank.... ........$§’09 S. S. Bowers___ — D. S. Peoples— __ A. J.R abb Pop. 700 88-1233 Ponder_____ Denton C 18 Ponder State Bank_____ i§10 H. F. Wakefield__ C.N* Skaggs--------Pop. 150 88-1234 W. T. Norman____ Ponta____Cherokee F 22 H Pop. 175 88-1528 T.. W. Ford ... Poolville___Parker D 17 Pop. 400 • 88-1235 CR. H. WOODWORTH JAN VAN TYEN — D. P. SHEEKS, Active Port Arthur-Jefferson J24 J. S. PARK. Acitjpe H Pop. 15,000 ] Special a tten tlo n given BUI o f La 88-140 »$1900 (.Please sendYsc tot th each sight draftfo “ ■'] , T E X A S— Continued F. 0. Montgomery.1F. M. Dunn______ $ 25,000 $ 12,500 I 10',000 TT, f! Jack Holland ■■ __ L. H olland_______ la.000 * . C. REICHLE.— - W. D. SUTTER— — 100.000 CG. M. CRAIG-------- G. T. CRAIGi Acitue. E. P. TUCKER-— J. W. TRYON , STATE BANK 1 H. WHELESS W. H. SMITH d ing drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. } Spécial atte n tlo f r j & f c u {.Please send 15c m th each sight draft fo r presentationand 25 c for Credit. Reports. W , F. Baldwin m m 10,000 60,000 79,910 236,080 2.402.810 1,954.330 9,800 N. Bk. Com.. St. L.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 878,260 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; 1st N., Hou. 100,000 50,000 1,200,000 920,000 302,000 Han.N., N. Y .: Mellon N., Pitt. 250,440 245.800 4,460 : 256,830 231.130 64.110 H an«N ..N .Y .; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N., Hou. t fiM >. / • 59.2Í0 Chase N.. N.Y.: Lumbermans^.. Hou.: 1st N., S t.L .; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas; Lockwood N.. San Antonio. 131,140 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N „ F t. Worth. 10,000 — G-OL.-McConnico ~ 25,000 j . B. M oore. . Blancliè E. Bastian 30,000 C. D. Morrei ____ 50,000 128.460 562.550 25,000 1,640 60,000 69,000 30,000 19,000 ; ! ÌÓ.Ò00 ^ rost N., San Antonio. . J , T« Herd___ i____ First National Bank-----*$’09 : 88-1236 First State Bank— ........$§’18 W. O. Stevens. — N. ,N, Rodgers.—— J. P. Williams____ ♦ 88-1706 J A Petty •Pop. 800 88-1596 J. M. R ogers_____ J. H. Mangum____ D. E. Williams___ 88-1425 R. J. Woellert____ Poth—t— Wilson L 16 First National Bank ¿...• t’13 Richard V o g e s___ Pop. 300 88-1535 g Pottsboro__ Grayson B 19 Farmers State Bank ____$§’18 Wm. F reem an ..... J.-H. Gibson_______ W. St Reeves Pop. 400 88-1821 Pottsboro Guaranty State Bk. S. P. Bennett———! G . O. Leary_______ H. C. Bennett — . 88-1237, ’02 W. W. Garter______ Lloyd Wilson ____-3 Powell State Bank_____•fi’iq 88-1238 Pop. 500 Pruce O’Keefe ■___ Poynor „Henderson F 21 Poynor State;Bank___ :i § ’17 J . J . TTnyno ■•«• î ' ! «. 88-1626 ,Pop. 500 Wieland K. Bower. ^Wieland E. Bower. PrairieHill LimestoneF19 Guaranty State Bank— $§’10 ’88-1239 (M art P . O.) Pop. 200 G. M. Laughlin ____ Premont—Jim Wells 0 16 Premont State Bank___ $§’13 88-1599 •Pop. 300 Farmers & Merchants Bank 88-1804 f ’18 Pop. 115 T . A. Curtis____ ___ Princeton Collin G 19 Citizens State Rank_____ $§’07 J. W. Chappell 88-1240 Pop. 1000 F. A. Kluttz—____ Arthur Truett....... Arthur Truett, A c t iv e 88*1461 J. K. Mitchell’- — Dan White' . _____ — Pritchett——Upshur D 22 «8-1460 Pop. 600 Proctor..iComanche F 16 State Bank o f Proctor ..$ §’07 R. W. Gray__ _____ 88-1241 Pop. 300 Continental State Bank «$§’03 J. G. W ilkinson__ W. R. Mathers_____ ü . N . C l a r y ..______ R. L. Horn 88-1242 Pop. 500 Purdon__ .Navarro F 19 First National Bank____ $’1(1 E. L. D upu y...___ F. N. Matthews.__ Jas. D. Lee — -----88-1701 Pop. 500 First State Bank--------- •$§’1Q W. O. Francis _.___ Theo. Matthews™ D. W. Palmer_____ 88-1244 Putnam ..„Callahan E 14 Farmers State Bank__ .$§’07 C. T. Hutchison__ Y. A. Orr_________ R. L. Clinton-------- r 6,000 $ 124.360 $ 58,580 $ 15,900 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.: 1st State, Dallas: Green ville N. Ex., Greenville. 77,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Ear. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; ! 59,000 55,000 Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 19,980 1st N., Rusk; Secur. N., Dallas. ' 1,190 ‘ 49,540 ‘ 43,660 9,400 W /O . N oble— — Pop. 1750 SOn 30,000 10.000 834,060 19,870 1st N., Ft. Worth.; (M em . F ed .B es.) 10,000 2,400 60,000 38,000 24,000 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. W. H. W oellert..— 25,000 9.380 50.000 46.000 H .L . Brewster."... 39(000 1,320 81(870 ' - 44,880 12,500 27,600 N. City, N. Y.; Sc. Tex. Com’l N „ Hou.; Groos N« San Antonio, j * i f e d ;s— 6,580 Am. Bk. & ¿pra Co«, Sherman; Denison ¡Bk, & Tr. Co.; Denison; City N., Dallas. 4,930 1st N ., Ft. Worth. Earl Scroggins — 3,190 59,430 89,540 20,000 io.tfoo 73,300 73.000 J0.Q00 4,030 38,940 47,570 10,000 6.450 60.560 46.450 2,230 s 21,600 22,950 8,000 115.000 75,000 1Q0.1Q0 J0.0Q0 1,750 J. B. Hooten—. — 16,000 H. D. W ilson -— Verna Strother 25,000 5,000 60,000 10,000 4.100 42,000 40.000 A. W. Jamison — . 15.000 ¡7.5W 60,000 50,000 20.000 11,000 130,000 129,850 155,000 , C. P . Norton— — 25,000 1 12.000 112,000 W. M. Anderson- — ^.000 '.1,000 100,140 80,000 W.W. Williams . . . . 15.000 9,25b 125,000 90.000 Ì6.500 SeaJj, N., N, Y.; Secur. N.v Dallas; 1st State. Corsiéana. , 8,810 1st N., Jacksonville: City N., Dallas. 28.270 Secur. N., Dallas; Citiz.N. anà Cent. Tex. Ex. N., Waco; Far. & Merch. N., Mart. 9,300 So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; Alice State Bk. & Tr, Co., Alice.; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas. Goldthwaite N., Goldthwaité. 40,000 Seab. N., N.. Y.; City N., Dallas. tr. '. •' ^ 12,760 Chase N., N, Y,; Greenville N. Ex., Green ville: Secur. N.. Dallas. ; 10.800 Mech, & Metals N „ N» Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. Dallas Tr. & Sav.* Dallas. 25,000 1st N., Ft. Worth: City N „ Dallas. : 22.000 Bk. o f N. Y. N, B. A., N. Y,; Cont. Bk, & Tr Co., Ft. Worth« , , 30,000 1st N.. Waco; Cent. N., St. L.; State N., Cor sicana. '15,000 Corsicana^N., Corsicana; Cent. Tex. Ex. N, Waco. 60,000 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 88-1245 AMERICAN SUII E T Y C 0NIPANY OF NEW YO RK, S Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -V* «$§’09 Portland.San Patricio J 7 AUI tlclllLl OtUL . . . {I Uu Pop. 182 88-1865 ‘ PortLavaca.CalhounM19 First National'Bank..» »$1900 Willett Wiison__ _ A. Roomer.. . . . 1 88-501 Ht Pop. 1699 First State B ank______$§’09 0. T. Traylor_____ 8iifkCi 88-502 Prm Principal Correspondents . ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. r ■presentation and 25 c for Credit Reports. MERCHANTS 88-141 -------------- ,— -----: ■Surplus Depos Loamr k Bis- Cash k E xP aid- up HANGB8,DlXB c’ts. Bonds, C and its Capital P rofits from B anks BO*IDS, Littliifield Bui N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. Queen City__ —Cass C 23 Pop. 388 Quinlan___:___ Hunt D 20 Pop. 800 Ralls__ _____ Crosby B 11 Pop. 1000 Cashier . P resident . V ice -P resident . A s s ’t Cashier . 1\'—^ ^ E. B. Caskey_____ D. T. Haden___ .__ J. D. Hughes_____ S. N- Mitchell _ R. E. Sullivan C. T. Watkins____ A. P. Pierce— ___ W. L. Bradley____ T. C. Phillips J. fl. Strawn ..... W. W. Sherwin-— J. G. Wilkinson___ N. Higdon. L. B. Huntley____ A. F. Parks L. E. Graham .7TF. Jargo___ Willis Phelps. Lia b il it ie s . R esources. Ixunbà Dis- Cash&ExP aid- up Surplus Depos- c and ’ tb. Bonds. changxb,Due Capital P rofits Scovritiss fromBanks $ 100,000 $ 60,000 $ 585,000 $ 555.000 $ 190,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth: N. Stock Yds. N „ E. St. L.; (M em . Fed. R es.) 50,000 20,000 303,000 200,000 180.000 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Drov. N., Kan. C. 15,000 6,000 05,000 60,000 112.980 Am. Ex. N. Dallas: Union N., Hou.; Com’IN., Shreveport; 1st N., St. L. 20,000 75,000 110,890 Bk. o f N. Y. N. B. A.. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. 12,600 180,000 St. L.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Worth. 10,000 9,800 2,000 75,000 58,500 Secur. N., Dallas; Com’l N., Greenville. ~ W- W. Angpl G. W. Lipscomb— T. L. Harris. . . . . . . R. W. Low . K. fl. Harris........ 27,500 33,160 15,000 160,000 140.000 30,000 Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas. 37,110 Secur. N., Dallas. G. A. M cCreight... J. M. Lloyd............ 50,000 45,060 201,950 223,750 0. E. Dean _ John Haney______ 25,000 4,390 31,660 64,690 60,000 5,610 159,370 169,560 10,000 10,180 61,420 60,210 W. E. McLaughlin. Jno. R. Ralls.___ _ J. Edd McLaughlin F. M. McLaughlin P. B. Ralls. V.-P. Carl D. Lewis J. C. Queener____ N. S. Jones. 7,440 1st N.. FtrWorth and Amarillo. 8,320 1st N „ Ft. Worth: Lubbock State. Lubbock N. Bk. Com., Amarillo; (M em . Fed. Res.) 68,600 ISt N., Amarillo: Drov. N., Kan. C., Mo.; Am N.. Austin; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas; (M em . Fed. R es.) 15,500 Seab. N ./'N . Y.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Worth: Com’l ~N>, Sherman. H an. N., N. Y .; C om ’ l T r. C o., K a n . C.r S tock Y d s. N ., F t. W orth . 25,000 / C. C. MOORMAN— JN0.-M. 6H0LS0N — R. L. H U N T .. ____ — M. K. C O L L IE J . A. CHAFFE, T . H. ANDREW J. B. ALEXANDER, ) Active V .-P . Active FARM ERS & MERCH. STATE ) T h e largest Ba nk in Eastland C oun ty. BANK— 88-1426 ------ »iS’ll ( Send us y ou r R anger business. \ W e give qu ick s ervice and prom p t returns. 100,000 58,640 2,265,300 1,386.730 1,018,420 Irving -M].,"N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas. 100,000 39,090 1,912,420 1,583,780 THOS. E . ROWLAND- C H BUTLER 500,000 OF RANGER 88-1812 *t’18 (F .W . MELVIN ------ J. F . DRIENHOFER - R. GRAY POWELL — T. E . P A R K S -____ T i b . DEFFEBACH J . C . WHITE FIRST NATIONAL B A N K .< ’06 J 88-1251 GUARANTY S TATE BANK 88-1829 *t§’19 Texas Bank & Tr. C o .__ §T9 98-1854 First State Bank____ __ i l ’lG 88-1252 Ravenna State Bank__ t l ’08 88-1253 Raymondville State Bk.»tl'07 88-1254 Raymondville Trust Co. .§ ’16 88-1738 First State Bank______» t i’08 ♦ 88-1255 Red Oak______ Ellis E 19 First State Bank_____ . { ’03 Pop. 500 88-1256 L. F. White & Sons, Bankers 88-1622 tt'13 Red Rode__ Bastrop J 18 First State Bank______ «§'07 H Pop. 300 88-1257 Redwater____ Bowie C 23 Citizens Guaranty State Bank Pop. 260 88-1470 *§’16 ‘ B efugio....R efugio M 18 Bank o f Refugio_______i f ’04 Pop. 500 88-1258 Reinhardt— Dallas D 19 Guaranty State Bank__ JS’12 Pop. 87 88-1468 * ) SPECIAL ATTE NTION TO OIL I NTEREST. W RI TE US. 1Please send 15 c ents with all draf ts for presentatio n . R. A. Hodges_____ C. L. Dittman____ A. H. Bowers_____ T. S. Walker T. Harreli—______ C. G. Chenoweth . . A. M. Beeman.— A. M. Beeman G .B . Thompson__ W. P. C onn er..'«— J. R. Conner.. 50,000 O. F. Davenport__ 5,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Comw. N., Kan. C.: 1st State, Dallas. 100,000 20,000 8,000 100,000 100,000 J. F. Anthony— . J. W. Palmore____ J. W est. ______ J. R. Rainey C. H. Pease_______ A. A. Lindahl_____ C. B. Tomme. 15,000 13,040 71,440 68,520 20,000 7,390 103,250 126,490 C. H. Pease__ ____ A. A. Lindahl_____ C. B. Tomme, S ec.. 50,000 3,610 2,810 66,790 J. G, Barganier... W. P. Winzer. __ A. W. Flinn 25,000 17,600 64,500 125,210 20,000 7,460 144,040 D. W . Sweeney— T. A. Ferris - _____ W. S. Hazard. (Branch o f W hitt <fc Co., L W. J. Smith — . C. C. Watterson__ E. T. Page________ R. W.Hanks. B. Smith __ OUR CREDIT INFORMATION ON C O N C E R N S E V E R Y W H E R E I S OPEN TO OUR C O R R E S P O N D E N T S : C Federal Reserve BankNumber of St. Louis under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number g iv e n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Rand-M eN ally Bankers* D irectory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. 10,000 15,870 100,520 17.000 Î.150 63,680 15.000 1,000 100.000 V, V. Bailey........... Geo. W. Riddle___ E. C. H a rt..._____ Geo. A. Beaver A. W. Z^cha O N TIN E N TA L a n d 567.140 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st NTT Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas. 35,000 City N., Galv.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 26,750 Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas; IsfrN., Bonham. 18,730 Guaranty State, San Antonio; Cent. N., St. L, Raymondville State, Raymondville. 16.040 1st N „ Waco; Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth: Hou. N. Ex., Hou.: Marlin N., Marlin, Tex.; (Mem. Fed. Res.) 60,800 85,710 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Italy; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas; Citiz. N., Waxahachie. emeaxter , T e x .)_ 1st N.,St.L.; Am.Ex. N..Dallas; Waxahachie N., Waxahachie: White & Co., Bkrs., Lancaster. 76,700 47,540 N . Park, N. Y.; Union N., Hou.; Am. N „ Aus tin. 26,830 1st N., St. L.; State N., Texarkana: City N., 62,010 Dallas Han. N., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Vic toria N „ Victoria. 40,000 59,000 O o m m e r ^ ial B a n k s . C h i c a g o L a w y e r s , L a w s , D i r e c t o r s , in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace,I ^ etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. |»L A c c e s s ib le T E X A S — Continued ____________ July, 1919 Reagan_____ __ Falls G 18 Pop*, 400 690 20,000 HARVEY A. C A R E Y - W 3 RI4KIFY Ranger....... Eastland E 16 Pop. 6000 BANK Ratcliff....... Houston G 22 H Pop. 950 Ravenna____ Fannin B 20 Pop. 450 Raymondville__ Cameron Pop. 500 Q17 13,000 W. M. Lloyd______ R. Tj. Bn tier Randolph___ Fannin C 20 Continental State Bank .t$'09 J. G. Wilkinson___ 88-1250 Pop. 400 Principal Correspondents . :_____ TEXAS BANKS— Quanah to Reinhardt Quitaqne____ Briscoe R 5 Pop. 250 ‘ Quitman....... Wood D 21 Pop. 1000 N ame of Ba n e . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mein. Fed. Res. . [Estab. First Guaranty State Bank ♦ 88-300 tS’07 Security State Bank__ «t§’17 88-301 Guaranty State Bank___ t l ’l l 88-1246 Continental State Bank ,t§ ’09 88-1247 Quinlan State Bank____ t8’13 88-1615 Farmers State Bank___ t§’18 88-1248 Farmers & Merchants State Bank___ 88-1634____ *:t§’13 First National Bank___ » t ’14 88-1249 First State Bank_______t§’17 ♦ 88-1747 Guaranty State Bank & Trust Co.^88-1457.__ t§’12 ______ Town and County. »County Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. E El Paso Br. HHouston ‘ Quanah.Hardeman A 14 Pop. 4500 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest R ates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. T E X AS—-Cofitinued 1316 1316 T ow n s* EVERYW H ERE OPEN TO* OUR C O R R E SPO N dI nts: C O N TIN E N TA L N ame of Bank . Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State ‘ County Seats.' In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. E El Pa& Br. HHouston. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Guaranty State Bank__ .$ {’13 88-1544 First National Bank_____ $14 88 1250 First State Bank_______ ${13 88-1567 Farmers State Bank___ ${12 ♦ 88-1498 First State Bank_______ ${12 88-1260 Richards .....C rim es I 21 Richards State Bank___ ${11 88-1427 H Pod. 500 Renner____ ..Collin D 19 Pod. 250 Rhom e_______Wise 1) 18 Poo. 400 Rhonesboro.UDshur D 22 P od- 300 Rice____ __ Navarro E 19 Pod. 500 Ringgold..Montague B 17 Pod. 450 ‘ Riogrande___ Starr R 15 P od. 3000 Riohondo„Oameron R 17 Pod. 400 Riovista___ Johnson E 18 Pod. 300 Rising Star. Eastland F 15 Pop. 1500 V ice-President . Cashier . BANK -$’05 Robstown ...N ueces O 17 FIR S T S T A T E B AN K — «$§’10 88-1271 Pop. 2500 88-1590 ${’13 R esources. epos it s 2,000 $ 40.000 38.000 W. T. Waggoner__ Z. B. Bobo________ A. C. Alexander__ L. R. Douglas_____ 25.000 60,000 100,000 M. C. Florence___ J. T. Branan_____ A. A. Allen.--- ------ 15.000 9,840 35,740 52,280 96,710 169.570 W. P. Yarbrough . . Principal Correspondents. Loams k Die- Ca m k E x cept. Bonds, cba nobs,D vr S bovw ti bs n o s Bab b s 8,000 10,000 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.: 1st State and City N., Dallas; Plano N., Plano. 18,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 12,840 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st State, Dallas. 18,460 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; City N., Dallas; (M em . Fed. R es.) 65.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas. J. W. Tolleson__ _ D. M. Loop___ J. B. Bradley. V.-P. P. F. Halbert Jno. T. Fortson___ J. M. Bartlett.. J. B. Fortson M. A. Hamilton__ _ R. C. Grissom. W. M. Ingram____ C. L. Gregory____ 40.000 16.320 A. C. Hervey___ _ S. B. South---------- 40.000 17,5011 140.000 110.000 J. D. Bookman — Mrs. J. D. Book man 12.500 5.000 75.000 80.000 15.000 Lumbermans N., Hou.; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas. S. J. McFarland... C. C. Huffhines— F. E. Headricks— F. H. McMurray... 35.000 3.500 150.000 130.0G0 J. A. Thompson__ R. M. Thompson . . C. A, Gordon._____ C. C. Grayson____ 25.000 21.500 94.000 143,600 W. H. Gibbons___ A. D. Nelson_____ J. B. Miller.— ___ 30.000 3.790 120,540 133.570 55.000 Irving N., N. Y.: N. Bk.Com., St. L.: Secur. N., Dallas; (M em . Fed. R es.) 7.500 Seab. N „ N. Y.; Corsicana N., Corsicana: Secur. N., Dallas. 31,030 Comw. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. J. W. E. Stephen.. A. E. Myers ___ ,__ 50.000 27.500 225.000 300.000 L. O. Holze_______ O. A. Barton___ — 40.000 11,910 138,890 211,640 Claud L. G ass____ R. D. Hamilton___ 15.000 5,190 82,220 74.520 16,570 237,430 154,080 J. H. P. D avis__ _ T. A. Wessendorff. R.E. L. Wessendorff Seab. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Union N., Hou.; Hatchings. Sealy & Co., Galv. 75.000 N. City. N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Hou. 1st N., St. L. 20,830 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; Am. Ex. N., Dal las; Cent. Tex. Ex. N. and 1st N., Waco. 36.400 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N ., Ft. Worth. 113,830 Han. N., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio 1st N., Brownsville. F. D. Guerra_____ 20.000 F. T. Kirkham ___ M. V. Gilmore____ 10,000 2.000 57.000 48,000 L. D. S m ith...____ 15.000 24,240 55,100 64,590 W. E. Tyler— ____ A. T. Shults. 20.000 10,000 90,550 103,400 23,860 Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Worth; Am. Ex. N. Dallas. 25.000 20,000 150.000 145.000 45.000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N „ Waco and Ft^Worth 9.300 37.000 54.000 10,000 1.500 28.000 20.000 10,000 12,150 100,000 86,000 Corpus Christi. 24.000 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; Cont. Bk. & Tr Co.,•'Ft. Worth. __ , Ist N., Ft. Worth. 9,200 108,000 84,000 46.000 Han. N „ N. Y.: Lumbermans N., Hou.; Sai Angelo N., San Angelo; Am. N., Austin. 8,650 150.000 25.000 CARRIE E . EASON. JOSEPH HIRSCH— VINCENT BLUNTZER A. A. THOMPSON. H. E. GOUGER, Active FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight draft fo r presentation, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redit report insur es p rom p t, TE B SONAL ATTEN TION. 144,000 19,650 Corpus Christi N., Corpus Christi; Union N. Hou. 250.000 190,000 130,000 Mech. &Meta!s N .,N . Y.; 1st N., Hou.;Corpu Christi N., Corpus Christi. F . V. TUNNELL—-— 9.500 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.: Hou. N. Ex., Hou.'' 31,550 Seab. N „ N. Y.: 1st ft., Ft. Worth. Special httentl on given Bill o f Lading D rafts an d Cash Item s. Save tim e and get service o n Co Ilections and Cred 11 Reports by send lng FEE IN ADV AN CE; Plain eight draft», 1 Sc; Cre d it Report», SOc. T B Y U S. 20,000 H. B. Yelverton__ Roger Robbins___ John Yelverton H. O. Bundle___ — Theodore F. Kock. R. R. Sullivan.. J. G. W ilkinson__ B. T. Hambright.— W. O. B eall___ Geo. W. K ik e r___ I. E. Martin______ J. W. Chalk___ J. D. Byrom ___ 25.000 W. J. Adams_____ Fred R oe________ John Saul B. E. Hamilton . 25.000 J . L . JA C O B Y ----- W . H . DAIMW 00D R U A R A N TY S T A T E BANK D W .H . DAIM W 00D- H A ZELU 6 0 N 10.000 27,000 8,490 City N., Galv.; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas; Hou ft. Ex.. Hou. 10.000 Mech. & Metals ft., N. Y.: Corpus Christi N. C O LLEC TIO N S H A V E T H E PERSON A L ATTEN TIO N OF AN O F F IC E R . W E R E M IT ON D A Y O F P A Y M EN T . SEND US Y0 UR BUSINESS. AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, "Sim BONDS, Littlefield Building, Austin Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ^__________ 1317 Riverside State Bank__ ${’13 88-1589 Riviera State Bank_____ $ (’09 88-1268 Continental State^Bank. ${’09 88-1269 First State Bank________{13 88-1674 ‘ Robert Lee...C oke F 12 First National Bank_____ $’07 88-1270 Pop. 750 Riverside— Walker H 21 H Pop. 400 Riviera.— -Kleburg P 17 Pop. 300 Roanoke___ Denton D 18 Pop. 500 Roaring Springs-Motley_ Su r p l u s P a id - u p and Ca p it a l P boptts 12.500 l F. W. Jackson___ j H.W , KUTEMAN, Jr. D. F . F A L L S --------- - H. R. FRITZ-------1-830 As s ’ t Cashier . B a n k s . C hicago A c c e s s i b l e T o w n s , L a w y e r s , La w s , D i r e c t o r s , i n d e x e d in b a c k o f t h is v o lu m e . Bor I n t e r e s t R a t e s , G r a c e , e t c . , se e p a g e 14. For Holidays, se e o p p o s i t e p a g e 13. T E X A S — Continued Lia b il it ie s . P r e s id e n t . J. R. Fanner___ _ A. M. Holmes__ _ E. M. Huggins Otto Rau i___-____ F. H. Miller.Actiwe E. W. Pun^hard Wm. Mitscher Ringgold State B an k ....${’05 E. E. Carlton_____ J. A. Addison_____ C. E. Quillin 88-1265 E. Owen Scott, First State Bank___ __ »tS’10 H. P. Guerra Active 88-1266 C. Solis J. A. Hickm an___ First State Bank______ *${12 88-1417 Farmers & Traders Bank.t’06 S. B. Norwood____ 88-1267 Continental State Bank .${’09 J. G. Wilkinson___ R. A. Horton___ _ 88-840 FIR S T C o m m er cial TEXAS BANKS— Renner to Robstown Citizens State Bank___ *${’06 ♦ 88-1261 First State Bank______ *${’09 88-1262 First State Bank______ »$§’09 88-1543 J . H. F . DAVIS & CO___•$+’92 88-1264 First National Bank:__ *$13 88-1552 Riesel-----McLennan G 19 First State Bank_______${’06 88-894 Pod. 800 Richardson...Dallas D 19 Pod. 600 Richland__ Navarro F 19 Pod. 750 Richland Spr’es-San Saba Pod. 750 H 15 ‘ Richmond.Ft. BendK 21 H Pod. 1371 AND July, 1919 1 Q1 7 U l / IS N um ber under N am e o f B onk i s t h e New T r a n s i t N um ber g i v e n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he Rand-M cN ally Bankers* D irectory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. N um ber under N am e o f Bank is thé New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The; R and-M cN ally Bankers* Directory, under th e authorityyoi T h è Am erican Bankers  ss'n. Town and County. Accessible T ow ns. Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in- T E X A S— Continued Name of Bank; ''L ià' b il ìt ie s . ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. E El Paso Br. H Houston ♦Mem, Fed. Res. [Estab. P resident . V ice -Peesident , W. W. Barron;__ J. G! Hilhhn— — P. H, SimhioiÄ ;.LJ GiL. Paxtòni RLL, Lbvètt O. E. R ice_______ Sf1H. Gainer.— W. M. K oonce___ G. m Principal CoRRESPONDENTsr changes , Dus from B arrs L. FordAit-A” - —— Elmer'L. Newman. $* 40,000 $ 13,000 $ 67,990 $ 117,320 $ 42,960 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N.,Ft. Worth: Austin N „ Austin: Far. & Merch. N „ Abilene. S, ,E ,!Andersoh— - ’ 7 20,000 3,000 70,000 80,000 15,000 Drov. N.. Kan. C.; Citiz. N „ Abilene: Cent. State, Dallas. 20,000 T. Sellman.. 4,260 .32,750 53,910 5,650 Seab. N., N. Y.; Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Am. N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N., St. L, 20,000 6,000 50,000 35,000 O. E. R ic e _______ 40,000 1st N,, Ft. Worth,. 30,000 9,000 145,000 105,000 07,500 Seab. N.. N.Y.; 1st N „ St. L.; Secur. N,, Dallas: Hou. N. Jffx., Hou.; Citiz. Bk. & Tr.Co., Austin. FIRST NATIONAL BANK»i’90 J. F. Coffield____ _ R. L. Hale— — C. R. Isaacs —____ L. W. Sledge____, 75,000 10,000 273,810 241,670 119,920 Chase N., N. Y.I Su. Tex! Com’l N., Hou.: Secur. N., Dallas; 1st N.. St. L. ROCKDALE STATE BK. -i§ ’07 H. H. Camp______ Gust. Backhaus. Fred H. Graves— Henry Brodnax. . . 50.000 19,150 236,890 217,650 75,370 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N „ Dallas: Hou. N. E x„ Hou.; Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Austin. ,'15.000 ' 13,110 94,000 83,000 Ira Perry J. S. Jacob - 88-657 r tm Rosenberg State Bank.»$§’09 88-658 First State Bank_______ $§’13 88-1607 First National Bank____ *$’07 88-675 Rotan State Bank...........$§’15 88-1697 John A. Nelson & Co...$fl900 88-4276 Round Top State Bank—$§’12 88-1489 First State Bank___ __ «$§’08 88-1277 Citizens B an k______ ___ t ’09 88-1278 Guaranty State Bank— §'19 88-1852 CHICAGO L.E . Gordy.— J^C l Young....___ Majii{te.,^ums^0ih, E. R. Zadiry;^.-r— 25,000 40,000 300,000 165.000 L. M. Bracht___ H. M. Barton_____ JeweL Sparks_____ 15,000 3,500 101,000 100,000 C! Axson________ 50,000 39,580 204,020 213,120 30.000 22,100 332,380 219,240 6308? Chas, (.wdolmsoiij. Roy Jackson____ L. 1 . Schreiner_________ I?. R. Smart..— H. W.ChandÎër__ M. H. M cK a y -. H. A, Peck Chas. J. Waiker— H. B, Lotland— A. L. Atkins «ä< B. B. Fowler E. B .N ew som .. j . Al tVaifixe_____ G. M. Adams___ I*.H.,Chisholm fi. Snead - _____ H. B. Lofland— Ê f f it 8,930 930,700 Geo. O.Green—— 10,000 10,000 30,000 47,000 J. H. W ear-t--__ W, B, Thomas.. 50,p 35«000 ' 250,000 175,000 T. Thomas A. M. V. Baugh_____ W .H . Madeley- W. P. Baugh______ R. E. Guess_______ 50,000 16,000 140,000 150,000 R. K. McAdams.. W .D. Haney»- -- T. M. Dobbins____l 30.0ÔO 14,040 8?,il0 113,400 350,000 H. D. Ôrosby____ E. L. T aylor.— M. A. t)owis______ 56,000 8Ó.0Ò0 300,000 J. T. Davis— ___ J. A. Tarver.__ E. A. Donaldson— J. J. Lorigmoor.__ N 50,000 50,000 200,000 260,000 À. N. Grèén_____ E. E. Green:____ 0 . W . Straus______ F. B. Cable______ 25,000 20,000 100,000 100,000 E. Foerster__ — Charles Lea.____¡is D. W. Schuefch . F. L. Tiller S. P. W illiam s.. E. L. Tiller____ . . . A. C. Meyer— ____ 31,300 12,580 198,200 204,830 J. W. Petty——___ 12,500 12,400 44,100 44,900 J. M. Smith— J. Y, Heliums Mark C ave____ J. E. Knox—______ J. E. Davis___ J. Y. Gray A. M. Swann__ _ Jack Kennedy. 50,000 40,000 252,000 469,000 25,000 6,000 75,000 135,000 C, A. Nelson_____ _ O. L. Brady__ 75,000 55,Ì50 115,590 257,320 F. W. McKay____ J: P. Carter______ W. W; B arron.... j . F. Dennis— __ j . A. Nèlson_____ L. H. Krause____ Henry Weyand. Fred' Fricke______ E. L. Fricke__ 12,500 3,500 45,000 22,000 G. Schuhmann__ L. J. S tru be___ N. K. Freeman___ 25,000 12,250 60,000 85,000 T. N. Hickman__ L. R. Guthrie_____ 10,000 W. A. Maupin____ ! J. W. K irby’ L. R. Guthrie____ Mrs. L. R. Guthrie. 15,000 A C E N T E R FOR INTERNATIONAL BANKING! C O N TIN F N TA I M a m e o f B a n k is t h e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers Directory, under the au th ority of T he AmerlCau Bankers Ass’ n. T E X A S — C o n tin u e d ^ 34,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Lumbermans N., Hou. 100,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; State N., San Antonio. 25,000 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Alamo N., San Antonio. 86,310 N. Bk. Com. and Lockwood N., Shn Antonio; Cent. N., St. L. 100,550 Seab. N., N.Y.; Am. Ex.N., Secur. N., and Teni; son N., Dallas; Greenville N. Ex., Greenville. 311,440 Secbr. N. arid Tenison N., Dallas; (M em . Fed. B es.) j .7,720 Coleman N., Coleman; Ft.WorthN.,Ft.Worth; Brooke, Smith & Co., Bkrs., Brownwood, 125,000 N. Park, N. J . ; City N., Dallas; 1st N., Hou. 40,000 N. City, N. Y .; Secur. N., Dallas; Hou. N. Ex., Hou, 40,500 Sari. N., N. Y . : Par, & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; . Secur. N., Dallas. . , 75,0^ N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; 1st N., Waco. 100,000 Chein. N., N. Y.; Union N., Hou. 99,000 N. City, N. Y.: Cent. Tex. Ex. N., Waco; Lumbermans N., Hou. Hon.; Hutchings. Sealy & Co., Galv. 34,360 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and So. Tex. Com’ l N., Hou. 20,320 1st N., Shreveport, La.: Far. & Merch. N., Gilmer; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas. 37,500 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Waco. 15,600 Han. N.. N. Y.; Ear. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth: City N., Dallas. 38,420 Seab. N., N. Y.; Cent. N.. St. L.; Austin N.. Austin. 26,000 Hou. N, Ex. and So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 12,000 N. City, N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas: San Angelo N., San Angelo. Secur. N., Dallas; N. Reserve, Kan. C. TEXAS BANK&— Roby to R o w l e t t _________ _______ July, 1919 A. E. Perry—____ _ W T . Ramsel,___, Federal Reserve BankN of u mSt. b e iLouis s under i o i y c ’ts . Bonds, Sm u r it i 20,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. W orth.. Rosenberg ....Fort Bend J . H. P. DAVIS & CO____it 02 J. H. P. Davis— 1 o 1n epos it s 103,000 ¿Rockport—Aransas N 18 FIRST NATIONAL BANK. *$’90 H Pop. 1800 88-594 State Bank.,__ —______ $§’10 88-595 ¿Rocksprings__ Edwards First State Bank— —.$§’07 Pop. 800 . J 13 . , 88-1275. r a p r -. « ¿Rockwall..___ Rockwall Farmers National Bank_«$’06 Pop. 2000 D 19 >, 88-672 Guaranty State B ank...«34*13 ♦ 88-1570 Rockwood.GOleman G 14 Rôckwood State Bank-.$§’15 ¡Pop. 200 88-1705 Rogers.— . . . . . . Bell H 18 First National B ank..¿..•$'91 Pop. 1500 88-625 Rogers State Bank____ $§’07 88-626 Koscoe....... ..Nolan E 12 Roseo« S ta # Bank____$§’06 Pop . 911 88-748 Rosebud .¿.Falls H 18 First National Bank__ *$1900 4 p v 88-567* > Pop. 2000 Plahtèrs'NationaÌ Bank—$’06 88-568 • Rosebud State Bank...«$§'10 88-569 Round Rock-Williamson „Trr^-Pop. 900 no 117 Round Top—Fayette J 19 H Pop. 250 Rowena____ Runnels F 13 Pop. 400 Rowlett*____ Dallas D 19 Pop. 100 D 60,000 Rock Island___ Colorado Rock IslandjState Bank. $§’08 R. E.Ràtcliff— 88-1274.. H Pop, 600 K 19 Rosewood__ Upshur D 22 Pop. 300 Rotan___ ___ Fisher I) 12 Pop. 3000 Su bplus AND P bofits 5,000 88-399 E 21 P a id - u p Ca p it a i. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. 25,000 88-398 Pop. 2000 Ass'T Cashier. see. page 14. R esources! Loans à Du- Ca » à E x 'R. 'C ou ch W..... B. t e e '- — -__ G. F. P riest___ . . . Rockdale___ ..Milam 118 CITIZENS STATE JANK «$§12 H. C. M eyer_____ 88-148Î K H Pop. 3000 H Cashier. “ ' 7 _________ ¿Roby___ ï___Fisher D 12 First National B ank___ «$’01 Pop. 1000 88-1272 First State Bank_____ $§’16 •¡a « . S 88-1714 Rochelle.McCulloch G 11 BankrctFRochelle? ___ —1’08 88-821 Pop. 700 Rochelle State Bank___ i§ ’10 88-822 Rochester__ Haskéll C là First State Bank.— — $§’07 88-1273 Pop. 500 etc 1318 1010 A N D C O M M E R C IA L B A N K S L a w s , D i r e c t o r s , in d e x e d m b a ck ot tuia v o lu m e , p v f i n t e r e s t B a t e s , Grace,! etc., see page 1 4 . For Holidays, see o p p os ite p a g e 13. £L A C E N T E R FOR INTERNATIONAL BANKING! n lu ly N u m b e i s u n d e r M a m e o f B a n k i s t h e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r g iv e n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN aliy Bankers Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass*n. A N D C O M M E R C IA L B A N K S A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , B l r e c t o r a , ni d exed in b a c k o f tb is v o lu m e . F o r I n t e r e s t R a t e s , G r a c e , e t c ; , see p a g e . 1 4 . F o r H o l i d a y s , see op p osite p a ge l a . T E 5ÊA. S— Continued, Lia b il it ie s . President . ic e -P r e s id e n t . s s ’t Ca sh ie r . Su b p l u s P a id - u p and C a p it a l P b o p it s P r in c ip a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s . D epos its Loams k D u- Ca m k Exc’ t*. Bonds, ch anom ,D uf Bk d u t i b from B a k u 30.000 67.000 310.670 426.930 $ 101.740 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N. and City N., Dallas; Cent. N., St. L, Whiter. Bywaters— P. E. Hawkins.1— É. J. Hunter— 25.000 29,650 324,270 219,460 J. N. Miller--*— - , J. T .M urph y.i—Li J. D. Miller___ _— M. M. McKee. 50.000 46,670 537,300 174,840 Roxton State Bank—— ${'09 M. H. Maness____ : 88-793 .■■■'■ Frank Nusom------ L; L. Nusom*— — ’§. J. Holchak, J r .. J.;B . KERR — E. B.MUSIGK— — 150.000 8,000 92.000 84,030 30.000 17,120 130,690 214,160 35.000 7,300 249.000 228,000 50.000 15,260 293,230 291,120 25.000 , 24,500 285.000 231.000 »Rusk— Ì—Cherokee F 22 F A R M E R S & M E R C H . S T A T E Reports by sen B A N K -♦-88-527 -------< {'(& , \Save tim e and get service on Col lections and Cred it H: Pop. 2500 (f e e i n a d v a n CE: Plain sight drafts, IS c; Cred it Reports,- 5 0 c. d:'/ ! « ■ ' E. R . Gregg — - — FIR S T N ATIO N AL BANK < ’90 W. H. S hook-------- J. L. Summers.— . A .F ord________ 88-526 Sabinal_____ Uvalde E 14 First State Bank--------- < { ’07 W . A. Kelley------♦ 88-517 Pop. 2500 Pop. 500 Saltillo_____ Hopkins C 21 Pop. 300 32,520 203,720 10.000 L500 40.000 D. Spalding--------- - G. D. T e rri—------- C. L. Spalding------ 15.000 11,300 J. O; D avis--------— Martie McCain— . 10.000 8,000 52.000 50.000 25.000 11,000 125.000 125.000 300.000 300.000 S. M. King__ Joe Bowers..—— . C. J. Meek____ — C. J. Parchman— Edna H. Parchman 10,000 F. J. Phillips .. T. B. Caldwell N A T IO N A L B A N K C o lle c t io n s a spec i al t y. ; P ro m p t a t te n tio n t o all bankins m a tt a r s . W a w a n t y ou r bu sin ess. C o r re sp o n d e n ce Invited. IGEO. RICHARDSON— C. W. HOBBS— — G. C. KIRKPATRICK, J. C. CUNNINGHAM, 24,600 135300 33.000 '‘” 41,610 52.000 60.000 3(270 1st State, Dallas: Far. Guaranty State and ls Guaranty State. Jacksonville. 41,630 Denison Bk. & Tr. Co., Denison; 1st Stati Dallas 8,000 Bk. o f N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; Cont. Bk. & Ti Co., Ft. Worth; Cont. State,-Sweetwater. 36,550 City N., Dallas; 1st N., Gainesville. N. City, N. Y,: Àm. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N., Hou, Stock Yds.’ N., Ft. Worth. Mech. & Metals N „ N. Y.: 1st N., Waco; Citj N:, Temple. Greenville N. Ex., Greenville. > Seab. N . and N. C ity, N. Y .; 1st N ., CM. Drov. N., K an ; C. ; So. Tex. C om ’ lN ., Hon San Angelo N., San Angelo. A . Se First National Bank------ < ’82 George E. Webb__ Wm. S. Kelly__ — Q. H. Powell— -•— * N. S. Rivés'.!*!— Ö. R. Hallmark J. .^.„UilJ 88-87 S' Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Gònfi N., Chi.; 1st N Ft. Worth; N. Bk. Com., St, L.; Am. Ex. N Dallas N. City, N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N. and Live Stoc Ex. N., Chi.: 1st N., St. L. N. Park, N. Y.; 1st. N., St. L.; Fid. N. Bk. Tr., Kan. C.; 1319 San Angelo National B k._< ’84 M. L. Mertz______ C. W. H ob b s-____ H. O’Bannon____ _ A, A. Dé Berry— R. A., Hall 88-88 Western National Bank_<’03 J. W. Johnson____ R. H. Harris____ — À. B. Sherwood—— W. H. West— L. L. Farr 88-80 “ T T - ¿i See, and Tr. J.C.LANDON . C0MPANY-88-81-— - { ’10 S First M ortgage Loans for sale, : I secured by st ock-fa rm s and ra nches. CONCHO V A L L E Y L N . & T R . 5,000 Eva Stevens — — - C. C . W ALS H _____ J . D. SUGG___- ___ C .C . KIR K PATR IC K -0 . C. C ARTW RIGHT J . M . SHANNON < ’07 45,000 “ T800 Geo." A. Proctoy L-J Ti G. Harkey.----- C EN T R A L ■ 88-90 30.000 10.000 , o 1 37 04 ! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 50.000 M ech r*1,Metals N., N. Y.; Live Stock Ex. N. Chi.; N. Bk. Corn« San Antonio: So. Tex. Com’l N.. Hou.; (M em . Fed. Res.) N. City, N. Y.; Alamo N „ San Antonio. TJ «San Angelo..Tom Green Pop, 15,000 G 12 260,620 Hubert G , Peters — Vera Jones---------R. J. Davenport, I Active R. M. Pace — — ! R, $ . Bufk Ewin Johnson.___ S. C. Roach — ,— £5,020 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth Secar. N.,Dallas;N. Bk. Com., Wichita Falls 31,400 N. Bk. Corn., N .Y.; Alamo N. and State N., Sai Antonio; So. Téx. Com’í N.. Hou. 92,350 N. Park, N Æ ; 1st N „ Hou.; N. Bk. Corn*, Sai Antonio. . - „ . — §5,000 Corn Ex. N.. Chi.: Hou. N. Ex., Hou.: City N. Dallas: (M em . Fed. R es.) Union N.. Hou.; City N., Dallas. 0. E. Freeman.. — B. W Æ illis__ ____ s •: - l' , Sacul—Nacoedcches F 22 H Pop. 600 . Sadler— *—Grayson B19 Pop. 400 8agerton— __Haskell D 18 Pop. 500 Saint Jo___ Montague B 17 Pop. 1200 Sabinal National Bank—< ’05 R. R. Kennedy- — 88-510 f Sacul Guaranty State Bk—1’13 J. T, (jregory— ^ 88-1536 First Guaranty State Bk < § ’11 H. B. McMahan___ 88-1281 Continental State Bank.t§’09 J. G. Wilkinson—— 88-1282 Citizens National B a n k ~ < ’07 J. R . W iIey-i-I.iL. i C 88-770 First National Bank — < ’92 H. D. Field_______ 88-769 First State Bank — — ${’11 W. T. F oster__ O 88-1397 First State Bank______ i i ’l l W ,D . Bryce______ 88-1416 C. P. Wood— — O. L. McCauley , 27,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Çom., St. L. Am. Ex. N.. Dallas: (M em . Fed. Res.) 32,290 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Ft. Worth. —------- :------------ +e ' -t iW .T , NORMAN— - J. L. SUMMERS — 23.000 69,040 Am. iÈË. N., Dallas: Cent. N „ St.L. TEXAS BANKS-^-Roxton to San Angelo It. W. C o le---------- H. G. Weaver— - J. A. Jones — ----- A. porton—. . . — Nora Hudspeth V . F. Bucek___ Wm. Heberer . i — P. W. Tom —-------- 182,000 35.000 15.000 127,840 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N.v Dallas: N. Bk, Com., St. L. ! ; ¡ - ris— = W. H. Adafos— —- A. W^W einert ~ — 1. M. P aulk...—— J. W. Hall___ L & J. H. Parker R. M. Smith— W. H. Wilson— — S.-M. Davis——*— ----- •:-------- ! R, S. Bywaters.J— Gibbpns Pgteet ; — jQ. L. Cunningham W. M‘. Bludworth.: T. W. Watson Roxton— __ Lamar B 21 First National Bank____ < ’01 0. R. Caldwell— 88-792 Pop. 1500 Royse City. Rockwall D 19 First National Bank—C—< !Q3 , mJf 88-638 Pop.| 1210 I First StateBank--------- < § ’09 jf<* 88-639 Rule________Haskell C18 Farmers State Bank— $§’17 88-1752 Pop. 1500 First National Bank——. < ’06 88-1280 Runge___ ___ Karnes L 17 First State Bank--------- < { ’11 88-1415 v Pop. 1500 Range National Bank.- - < ’02 88-552 V A C a s h ie r . 1Q1Q N ah e of Ba n k . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State »County Seats, In No. ll.F ed . Res.Dist. $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. E El Paso Br. H Houston •Mem.,Fed. Res. i [Estab. t„ i v 1 Qi C O N TIN F N TA I President. J . N. BROWN Vice-President. (Federal Reserve D istrict N o. 11) Cashier . Ass ’t Cashier. ERNEST S T EV ES E„ . ■ L . IBROWN5TT0 M EER S C H EID T. Active E. L . BROWN. Active ‘ALAMO NATI BK. C O L L E C T IO N S 30-2 S O L IC IT E D . Oup suparlor facilities guapantee satiafactopy service. T E S T T H E M . •*’91 American Savings Bank__ * t ’16 Chas. Gildemeister. Carl Gildemeister-. Army Bank o f Ft. Sam Houston E. A. K elly_______ G. E. Harris. Jr.__ M. A. Przybylowicz 30-63 30-60 » i t ’15 ‘ CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY ¡Si 30-54 ‘CITY NAT’L BANK A sst, to Pres. mm™ Lia b il it ie s . S u b p l u s I n d i v i d D e p o s it s and P r o f it s o r B anks $ 500.000 $ 368,460 $ 6,503,540 1.000,000 150,000 3,600,000 100.000 150 000 L oans a D is counts R esources . B on d s, Due Se c u r i from t ie s , e t c . Banks 11,000 ‘ COMMERCIAL CHANGES 1,000 5,000 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. Han. N „ N. Y.; Army N „ Ft. Leav. N. Reserve, Kan. G.; Guaranty State, San Antonio. N. City, C h i.; 600,000 S eab. N., N. N. B k. C om ., S t. L . 3,600,000 800,000 101.260 1,608.050 073.860 441,950 536,880 N. City, N. Y .; Live S tock Ex. N., C h i.; N. Bk. C om ., S t. L .; W ells Fargo-Nev. N., San F . ; 4th St. N „ Phil. 30,000 1,066,000 810,000 115.000 333,000 11,790 985,320 29,890 1,232,470 378,420 45,000 9,000 10.000 5,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. 713,990 581,050 N. Park, N. Y.; Drov. N., Ohi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 400.000 515.000 Han. N., N -Y .; Corn Ex. N., Chi.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Canal Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O. 250.000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Union Tr. Co.. Chi.; 1st N.. St. L.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., and Drov. N., Kan. C. 400,000 100,000 S e c . HRUp Transacts a gen eral B anking bus iness. Send us your co llectlons. ! FREDERICK TERRELL J.H . HAILE....................... A. H. PIPER_____ — H. M. HART____ W. R. KING R .G .B A R B EC K G .B . TALIAFERRO— Z . D. BONNER— - — H. M. BAETZ----------ALFRED MARSCHALL- STATE BANK **:S’13 W E O F F E R E V E R Y M ODERN F A C IL ITY FOR CA R IN G FOR YOUR B U S IN E S S Commercial Loan & Tr. Co. G .B . Taliaferro__ L. J. Hart_______ C. D Hall. G. T. Charlton,__ §’10 J. B. Herff Sec. and Tr. A . Sec. and A . Tr. C O M M O N W EALTH BANK & T R . Harry Landa_____ W. R. Wiseman . . . T. N. Smith_______ T. H. Dennis______ C OM P AN Y 30-16_____ •*§ 16 Thos. H. Jarrell 100,000 ( W ith o u t b a n k in g Privileg es) 300,000 52.260 1,351,920 25,000 50,000 V. Pancoast.500.000 John Frost G. J. Pancoast J. T. Woodhull L. L. Lentz ♦Groos National Bank___ «*'54 F. C. Groos_______ A. W. Guenther___: Chas. Deussen___ A. Groos — ___ 250.000 30-8 549,420 4,021,330 601,710 3,481,330 1,606.000 1.183.000 143.000 1,057:000 206,000 30,000 1.300.000 300.000 1,200,000 10,000 First State Bank of South San E. E. Hammond__ F. A. Carlson. Antonio__30-64________ *§’17 C. S. Fowler J. T. Stewart. H. Stewart B. L. Smith ■ ♦FROST N ATIO N AL BANK .**'6 8 T. O. F rost__ ____ J. H. Frost________ N. McIIhenny____ F . 30-9 GU ARAN TY S T A T E B A N K **§ ’16 Lee Joseph____ . . . G. D. Campbell___ Geo. D. Campbell-. A. P. Villar et. 30-15 B. R. Webb W. T . Smith R. A. AMILIEN LACAUD JULES LACAUD...........H. M. COMPTON--___-_____ ____ — § i A. L. C. MAGRUDER, & TRU ST COM PANY AGENTS:—M exico City, Veracruz, T am p ico, Torrean, M onterey. CORRESPONDENTS: T hrou gh ou t M exico. Special facilities fo r handling correspondents. _______________ P rom p t returns telegraphic transfers. «*§’95 405,900 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi. St. L.; Lumbermans N., Hou. 1Tourists’ CHICAGO A CENTER BÀNK FOR INVESTMENTS: E. W. Richardson. T. V. Muller 100,009 200,000 and N. Park and Equitable T r. Co., N. Y .; W hitney C ent. N., N. O .; Crocker, N ., San. F. Acting 1Joseph Muir____ A. S.Gage________ M. Freeborn.. J. D. Houston and vl si tors’ accou n ts t oHelted. I CONVENIENT T O HOTELS. Merchants & Mechanics Bank L. B. Kandall_____ 30-56 «tt'12 xt vage. J. W. Spencer____ K. B. RandallSan Antonio continued on ne Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 101,750 Com'l State, San Antonio. 336,000 1,933,000 165.000 1,495,000 493,000 590.000 185,000 Chem. N „ N. Y .: Cont. & Com’l N. Chi.; 1st N., St. L.: Franklin N. Phil. Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. C O N T IN E N T A L A N D C O M M E R C IA L B A N K S J u ly , 4 9 1 9 ♦LOCKWOOD N A TIO N A L BANK 30-7 » * ’65 150.000 112,000 135,290 N. C ity and Seab. N., N. Y .; M erch. L n. & T r. C o., C h i.; Girard N. P h il.; Cent. N., St. L .; C ity N ., Dallas. (v LACAUD STATE BK. 30-62 P rincipal Correspondents . Ca sh an d Ex $2,452,330 B k . o f N . Y . N. B . A . and N. Bk. C om .,N . Y .;ls t N „ C b l.;M erch . Lac. N .,S t .L . $3,889,710 $2,835,410 12.000 5,000 P. G. V ILLA R E T -— D .A .S A FFA R R A N S , D ual e p o s it s I Correspondence invited o n an y m atter. Efficient organi ration ro m p t tten tion . »*’99 , Satisfaction gu aran te»-p d . T R Y LS. 30-1 30-13 1 . 0. T E R R E L L . . JU ES T C.C0UCH, P a id -u p C a p it a l A c ce s s ib le T o w n s , L aw y ers, L a w s, D ir e cto r s, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r Interest B a te s, G ra ce , e t c ., see page 14. F o r H o lid a y s , see opposite page 13. (B ex ar, K 16) C ounty Seat P o p . 123,831— R e s e r v e C ity ___ _________________________TEXAS BANKS— San Antonio N m « r Bank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState *Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab, S A N A N T O N IO 1320 N um ber under Nam e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given 1 to ea°h bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ x% jciU D irectory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers A ss'n. CHICAGO, C O N TIN E N TA L AND COMMERCIAL BANKS (Organized October 25, 1915) m STATE NATIONAL BANK SA” '° CAPITAL SURPLUS (Earned) $ 500, 000.00 $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 O FF IC E R S R. R. RUSSELL, President W . W . COLLIER, Vice-President N. H. BROWNE, Vice-President THOS. E. MATHIS, Cashier A. G. ENGELKE, Assistant Cashier J. E. YOUNG, Assistant Cashier A c c o u n t s a n d C o lle c tio n s o f B a n k s, B a n k e r s , F irm s and In d iv id u a ls C o r d ia lly In v ite d D IR E C T O R S R. R. RUSSELL J. M . DOBIE W . W . COLLIER CYRUS B. LUCAS N. H. BROWNE THOS. E. MATHIS PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE ASSURED PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO THE BUSINESS OF TOURISTS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Federal Reserve DlstàÉtPl|a^W^»^W|WWÎ ‘NATIONAL BANK V ice -President . Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . J. K. BERETTA---- R. D. BARCLAY— -S. A. BARCLAY.— A. ¥. CAMPBELL— R. L. BALL, Ch. o f Bd. Youp banking business invited. S u b p l u s I I n d iv id - D eposits L o a n s ft B o n d s , S e c u bi D is or AND UAL O A P IT A L P r ofits D eposits c o u n t s TIES, ETC. B anks P a id - u p D ue C ash an d E x c h a n c es FBOM B anks $ 600.000 $ 225,000 2,300,000 $ 800,000 $ 2,250,000 1,000,000 $1,175,000 N. Bk. Com ., N. Y .t 1st N .,8*. L . 678,000 425,000 N. Oity, N. Y.; San Antonio N„ San 1,141,900 1,505,760 1,267,300 N. Oity, N. Y.; 1st N. Ohi., and Horn, N. Bk. Com., St. L. Bkrs, Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., «t’OÎ R. S. Springall, Sec. and Tr. 100,000 200,000 ♦San Antonio National Bank F. Herff._______ à 80-61 **’66 T. D. Anderson—— G. M. Harcourt__ 500,000 239,960 2,705,470 W. A. Ramsey James Anderson, Standard Trust Go------------ 1*12 J. M. Bennett_____ E. B.Oarruth_____ 30-56 J. M. Bennett, Jr. Sec. and Tr. W. W. COLLIER-----TH0S. E. MATHIS. j,| ,^ L E K E . ‘STATE NATIONAL R. R. RUSSELL N. H. BR0WRE S E N D U S YOUR C O L L E C T IO N S . BANK *1 S A T IS F A C T O R Y S E R V IC E A S S U R ED . Antonio. Tr. Fund ( Farm, Mortgage 500,000 2,825,000 3,800,000 San Antonio Loan & Trust Go. W. L. Herff____ _ 30-52 » « ’92 B a n k in a) San Antonio. 600,000 105,000 3,200.000 3,400,000 600,000 124,000 1,124.000 N. City, N. Y .; Live Stock Ex. N. Chi.; 1st N ., St. L. SEE ABV ERTISEM ERT OFF OSITE P REVI0US PACE SCF-12 *D. & A. Oppenheimer__»Jt’65 (Louisa, Henry, Je sse D. and Adelaide Oppenheimer) — 80-10 N. Oity, N. Y.; GOnt. ft Com’l N. Chi.; N. Bk.Oom.. St. L. *D. Sullivan ft Go._____ »tt^S W. 0. Sullivan___ D. I. Sullivan.___ D. I. Sullivan.----80-5 Imp. ft Tra. N. and N. City. N. Y.: (226 W. Commerce) San Antonio! {Members i : House__ W. W. Collier— d b g a *) Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Boatmens St. L.; N. O. N„ N. O. J. O. Terrell_!---- T. G. Leighton, Sec. and Mgr. TEX A S—Continued Lia b il it ie s . Sur p lu s D epos And' it » P r o f its N ame of Bank . Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. SState In.No, 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. E El PàSo Br„ HHouston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. ¿County Seats. - P resident . YICE-PRESIDENT. ¿San Augustine.San Aug. Oom'lGuaranty StateBk..S’12 W. K. Knight___ 88-1458 H Pop. 2000 G 24 FIRST RATIONAL BANK *2 02 88-1283 ) S p ecia l a tt e n t io n given Bill of Lad 'P lea se sen d As s 't Ga s s ie r . p ¿jd - ü p Ca p it a l J. W. Jennings___ W. H. Garrett___ $ 25,000 S 65,600 G. F. S M I T H - ____ tag Drafts, Cash and Time Items. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ 150,000 $ 58,000 $ 115,000 Mech. ft Metals N., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 48,540 Han. N..N. Y.; Lumbermans N., Hou. 20,000 370,000 476,920 15cw ith each sight dra f t fo r presentatio h and 50c fo r Cred it Êèÿot- ts. 1’ 32,000 s 9,780 W. W. Jones____ AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, FIDELITY SURETY P rincipal Correspondents . 3.050 FARMERS STATE GUARANTY J.T. Lomax____ BANK__ 88-320____ ¿tl’ll San Benito Bank & Tr. Co. J. L. Landrum___ McMurry Richey— Guy Trent__ ____ B. H. Frazier 88-319 »iS'lÖ Charles Downie—U T. R. Kuykendall.. JÎ-A. Rogers, Jr. _ Joe Kerr___ S B _ Sanderson State Bank .*$$’07 ¿8anderson__ Terrell J 9 L. H. Lemons 88-1284 E Pop. 1500 W. T. Mumme__ - Mrs. W. T. Mumme Sandia....Jim Wells N 17 W. T. Mumme, Banker -tt’19 W, T. Mumme— . 88-1485 Pop. 125 H. F. Flowers___ Sandia State Bank— .2-iS’12 J. H. Gallagher;— 88-1472, r'■ 'Æ z T : Reso u r ces, Loamsk Dxb- Cashk Exc’ts. Bombs, cham«m,Dus SS Bmovbitims FBOMBaM 580,030 434,710 183,120 202.330 50,000 7,210 476,120 331,000 25,000 27,880 189,240 143,580 lOiOOO •3;500 17,650 -28,000 Bk. of America,N.Y.; N. Bk.Com., St. L.: Lum bermans N„ Hou.; •Alamo N., San Antonio N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Live Stock Ex. N., Chi. Lumbermans N., Hou, 84,950 Han. N., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio; Tex Bk. & Tr. Co., El Paso. Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co. and Com’l State, Sai Antonio; Com'l N., Beeville; Union N., Hou. Alice State Bk. & Tr. Co., Alice. 6,000 1st N., Hou.; Guaranty State, San Antonio. BONDS, Littlefield Building, Austin _____________1321 San Benito.Cameron R 17 Pop. 4200 (T. B. SAUNDERS - Ca s h ie r . ____________ TEXAS BANKS— San Antonio to Sandia w O F COMMERCE President . P rincipal Correspondents . R esources. L ia b il it ie s . N ame of Bank . •Mem.Am. Bks. Assn. SState JMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. 80-11 . Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest R ates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page 13. SAN ANTONIO—Continued July, 1919 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. T own and county . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc,, see page. 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. TEXAS—Continued Lia b il it ie s . N ame op Bank . ‘ County Seats. Mem. Am, Bks.Assn. §State In No. ll*Fedv Res. pist. ÍMem. State. Bks. Assn. tPriv. E El Paso Br. H Houston. •llÿem. Fed. R*es. [Esfab. P resident . V ice-President . A s s ’ t Cashier . N. A. HOFFMAN. «San Diego—. Duval 016 SAN DIEGO STATE BANK CA W. W. McCAMPBELL Pop. 2500 88-268 «*§’07 1T he on ly In cor pora ted bank in Duval County, ( Special a tten ti on given c ollect! ons at moderate rates. Sc b p l u s P a id - o t AND Ca p it a l PmoriTs R esources. D e pos it s $ 35,000 S 25,150 $ 253,660 $ 132,770 t 173,530 Han. N., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hon.; Alamo N., San Antonio; Corpus Christi N., Corpus Christi. Croft & Co.. 88-266 ______ ___ Sanger...... Denton C18 First National Bank__ Pop. 1500 88-553 J. T. Chambers__ B. L. Spencer__ J. H. Hughes Sanger National Bank. 88r554 San Juan__Hidalgo R 17 First National Bank— Pop. 750 88-1827 San Juan State Bank... 88-1399 «SanMarcos... Hays J 17 Fitst National Bank..-.., 88-233 Pop. 6000 State Bank &Trust Co. • 88-234 30.000 41,110 139,240 199,900 J. H- Hughes..__ O. M. Gentle__ _ G. O. Hughes—__ ’ D. R. Sullivan.—. 30,000 14,990 92,110 163,780 P. J. Williams-__ H. D. Henderson.. O. Williams____ _ 25.000 12,500 59,000 67.000 50.000 •0,000 15,000 33,000 500,000 400,000 325,000 345.000 50,000 40.620 429,240 354,290 75,000 N. Park. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Hou. N. Ex.. Hou.; Frost N.> San Antonio. 150,920 Han. N.l N.Y.; IstN., Hou.; Austin N., Austin; Alamo N» San Antonio. 23,494 314,330 475,130 116,170 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 68,940 «0,000 25.000 32,840 DVANC E. , T 186,100 179,150 411,000 222,850 43,610 N. Park, N. ¥.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Inter-State N.. Kan. G.- !i, 117,330 N- Bk. Com., N. N.; Comw. N., Kan. C.; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Wortb. 40,000 13.300 208,110 187,130 Kate Phillips____ 35,000 17,000 135,000 165,000 101,210 Han. N., N. Yi; Sectfr. N„ Dallas; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Far. &Mech. N., Ft. Worth. 26,000 1st N. and Live Stock Ex. N„ Chi.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; (Mem. Fed. Res.) Harriet Lee ..,___ 10.0Q0 25,000 [ T . A . MURRAY — A ctive T . C. H E N R Y - .............. R. W. BURLESON Special attenti on glvenBIll of L ading drafts, Cas h and Time Item send 15c w ith each sight draft f or presentation and 25cfo r Credit Repor [ Please First National Bank__ «{'05 J. F. Campbell — J. M. Kuykendall— U. M. Sanderson— 88-424 SAN SABA NATIONAL BANK fR . C. SLOAN — . . . J . W. GIBBONS— — R .R . LO W — — W. C. D 0 F F L E M Y E R C ollections and Credit Reports M VST be accompa nied by FEE IN A 88-425 • t i l [ Plain sight drafts, 15c; Credit Reports, 25c. SantaAnna.Coleman F14 FirSt National Bank.__> t’Ö6 E. V. Stockàrd.—_. V. L. Grady... Burgess Weaver__ C. W. Woodruff ... Pop. 2000 88-574 * » ’07 Leman Brown__ wj INVESTM ENTS B. B. Coffman. 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 4.500 „ 70.000 14,090 3,500 100,400 100,000 9,500 250.000 10,090 Ü50.000 30,500 135,680 670 15,000 4,000 50,000 56.500 ... 20,500 1st N.„ Weatherford. 22,350 1st N., Ft. Worth. 75,000 35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Beau mont; Lumbermans N., Hou. 130,000 160,000 Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Merch. & Plan. N., Sher man; (Mem. Fed. Res.) 125,000 75,000 Seat). N., N. Y.; Com’l State and Alamo N., San Antonio. 125,450 42,330 Han. N., N. Y.; City N„ Galv.: 1st N.. Hou.: N. Bk. Com., St. L„ Bk. of N. Y; N; B. A., N. ¥.; So. Tex. Com'l N.,Hou. 90,000 20,000 N; Park, N. Y.: Austin N., Austin,-Tex. 48,000 Tex. State, Ft. Worth; City N., Wichita Falls. 149,860 R. S. Poirot. 10,000 Mrs. Nona Morgan 12,500 16,000 15.010 78.430 67,330 10,000 7.060 123,680 52,640 10,000 — .— 2,000 40,000 29,960 71,000 . 32,510 04,000 8,430 1st State, Dallas and, Terrell; Far. & Merch. N:, Kaufman. 19,120 So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou. 31,980 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Secur. N., Dallas. 86,290 1st NlTFt. Worth; West Tex. N., Big Spring; Comw. N., Kan. G. . July, 1919 BONDS AND SH O R T TER M M AY BE B O U G H T FR O M U S BY B A N K S ; Federal Reserve BankNofu mSt. b eLouis r u n d er N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n s it N u m b e r t9r 12,500 W. T. T h w ea tt. 20,000 Am. Ex. N.. N. Y.; 1st N“ Hou.; Merch. N.. Brownsville. 46.860 Merch. N., Brownsvßle; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. % 100.000 Luta French.. S. A. Bibby— C. A. Vogt__üü 42,660 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech, N. Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas. 18,390 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth. I______ S. H. Phillips____ P. P. Bond___ Miles Wofford Santo__ Palo Pinto E16 Farmers & Merchants'Bank' W. S. Fant—~ —„ W. S. Lanham.—.1 C. Hatchett___ ... :» Pop. 800 . » 88-1735 i f ’16 Wm. Lee First National Bank____ j ’06 J. L. Cunningham.. J. D. Brannon___ Paul Bryan_.__ 88-1285 Saratoga___Hardin 123 Saratoga State Bank__ $§'08 R. S. Sterling____ C. G. Hooks_____ P. H. Sterling____ H Pop. 1000 88-1286 Savoy--------Fannin B19 First State Bank_____ tS’09 A.B. Scarborough. H. H. Arterberry— D. W. Sweeney, Jr. - Pop. 328 ♦ 88-1287 Schertz—Guadalupe K 16 Schertz State Bank___ J§’i3 J' B. Holt______ Julian Stapper__ _ S. A. Coffman__ -~ Pop. 400 88-1610 8chulenburg.Fayette K19 First National Bank—..' •t’06 R. A. Wolters__LI. E. B. Kessler _____ Gus Russek_____ H Pop. 1200 88-690 Ignaz Russek State Bank §'82 Mrs. Rosa Russek. Ernst Russek___ Henry Russek___ 88-689 ........ 'Chas. Sengelmann Schwertner—Williamson First National Bank__ *212 A. Schwertner.—— T. B. Benson____ Earl Strauss_____ Pop. 300 H17 88-1481 Scotland__ Archer B16 Bank of Scotland_____ t’ll H. J, Weinzapfel— Frank Hoffman ... P. J. Hays_____ __ U Pop. 100 88-1288 Scurry—.. Kaufman E 20 First State Bank-------- §’18 G. W. Riddle™__ H. L. Scales_____ H. L. Gamble_ Pop. 600 88-1591 Shadrift— Calhoun M19 Seadrift State -B an k.»il’13 E. H. Roemer__... F. V. StiernbergL.f . H. Bridge_____ Pop. 1000 88-1602 Seagoville.—.Dallas D19 First State Bank..____ t§’06 S. J. McFarland... L. Bowers__ £{__ T. O. Andrews.— »t Pop. 600 88-1289 H. Randerson Seagraves— Gaines D 9 First-State Bank__v.—1§'17 B. B. Curry...___ W.H. Steele____ J. L. Brabham___ (Blythe P. O.) Pop. 500 88-1786 FIRST STATE BANK— ♦ 88-575 Irving N., N. Y.; Frost N., SanAntonio. E. L. Berry_____ A. J. Nicholson__ Albert Ewers____ R. L. Savage____ F. O. Platt-_____ L. M. Platt____ A. L. B lair......_ I. B. Rylander.,__ H. J. Williamson_ WsrE. Kellerman. E. J. L. Green W. G. Barber____ J. M. Oap§______ C. C. Wade_____ E. L. Thomas Charles Rndorf, «San Saba. .San Saba G15 CITY NATIONAL BANK~*t’83 Pop, 2000 88-423 P rincipal Correspondents . k L o a m s D is- C a s h& E x c ’t b . B o n d s , c h a n g e s ,D d e S ic u r it ie b f r o m B a n k s _________________ TEXAS BANKS— San Diego to Seagraves CHAS. H O F F M A N .... N. A. HOFFMAN— — Cashier . 1322 1322 C o n t in e n t a l a n d C o m m er c ia l Ba n k s , C h ic a g o given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by Tbe Itand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. T EX AS—Continued Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest R ates, Grace, t—< etc., see page 14, For Holidays, see opposite page (13. C N u m b e r a n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is ,the N ew T r a n s it N u m b e r given Town and County. , N ame of Bank . •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist £Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv E El Paso Br. HHouston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estait) Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in* dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, i T EX AS-r—Continued P resident . V ice-President . Cashier . A s s ’t Cashier . L ia b il it ie s . PAID-tTP Surplus and Capital PROFIT8 ,i R esources. Loamsk Dig- Cashk Ex* | D epos c ’ts. Bonds, chamois,Dmij its Principal Correspondents . Sbcotutibs fromBanks FIRST NATIONAL BANK** G. S. Plants____ .. 88-405 Shamrock__Wheeler P 7 Farmers &March.State Bank S. W. Norwood__ Pop. 1200 ♦ 88-656 »£§’09 First National Bank..__•£’04 O. P. Jones_____ 88-655 Shepherd SanJacinto! 22 Shepherd State Bank__£§’11 W. S. Dixon ....... H Pop. 278 88-1291 »Sherman—Grayson B19 ♦American Bank &Trust Co. Will Leslie 1_.__ Pop. 13,667 88-43 « till ♦CENTRAL STATE BANK— 88-44 «£§18 J. S. Shultz...___ George Plants___ C. T. Porter E. H. Small..____ O. T. Nicholson__ H. E. Pendleton__ W. S. Pendleton__ J. Cochran__ ___ Ed. Cochran_____ R. C. Plants......... B. F. Holmes...__ 75,000 50,000 89,200 60,000 400,640 250,000 513,150 250,000 Earl L. Koger ____ 25,000 32,000 257,000 L. J. Johnson___ 20,000 50,000 275,000 68,230 200,000 3,000 29,240 50,000 4,730 D. S. Thompson__ K. S. L ov in g _____ Lee Simmons BARLOW ROBERTS ER0 AUSTIN_____ J . A. A B ER N ATH Y AL0 A . ROBERTS Special a tten ti on given Bill of Lading drafts, C ash and Time Ite Please send 1 5 c w ith each sight draft fo r presentation and 25cfor 748,780 335,920 866.680 280,750 ms. Credit Repo rts. 200,000 204,900 2,500,000 1,490,000 500,000 Chase N,, N. Y.: 1st N., St. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. MERCHANTS & PLANTERS 600,000 203,020 2,867,160 3,550,150 783,740 N. Park, N. ¥.; N. Bk., Com., St. L.; Whitney-Cent. N., N. O. C.B.DORCHESTER- W.C. EUBANK-------P. R. MARKHAM T. D. JOINER, F. C. DILLARD Ch. o f Bd. R. A. CHAPMAN, Jr. Our facilities for handling collections are unsurpassed. Our returns are quick and rates low. ______We reach all north Texas and south Oklahoma points. Sherman Clearing House-_ C. B. Dorchester.. W. R. Brents. ( Members indicated by a,*) »Sherwood__.Irion G12 First Bank of Sherwood T. Rutledge ....... Pop. 380 88-1509 £t’12 Shiner____ Lavaca E 18 Farmers State Bank.... £§’07 88-685 First National Bank__ £1900 O. B. Welhausen.. E. F. Wolters. *’ ' 88-68A Wm. Green Wolters Bros. Bank__£tl900 88-684 Barlow Roberts, TV. K. S. Loving, Sec. W. M. Toison____ E. Bunk_!_____ 30,000 50,000 22,000 64,360 . ' 1st N., San Angelo; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 2.500 Peck Welhausen__ Philip Welhausen M. E. Wolters___ Edwin Wolters__ AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, W Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S 119,600 117,330 712,860 577,570 45,460 1st N., Hou.: Secur. N., Dallas; Am. N., Austin; Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio. 279,150 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N., Hou.; Alamo N., San Antonio. Hutchings, Sealy & Co., Galv.; So. Tex. Com’l N .. H o n .: PrnQ t 1ST.. S a n A n t o n io . BONDS, Littlefield Building, Austin __________________________ 1323 ♦COMMERCIAL NATI BANK W. R. Brents____ Silas Hare--------- F. It. Edwards.—.. B. B. Wilbanks .... 88-42 *£’01 A. E. Jamison H Pop. 1500 112,300 N. Park, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth. 85,000 N. City, N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk., & Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N., Amarillo; (Mem. Fed. Bes.) 122,00 1st N. Kan. C. and Ft. Worth. 32,320 Seab. N.. N. Y.; 1st if* Hou. 247,090 Seab. N., N. Y.; City N., and Cent. State Dallas.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 91,700 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; New Eng. N-i Kan. C. _____________ TEXAS BANKS— Sealy to Shiner Sealy______ Austin JïO CITIZENSSTATE BÄNK~£§’07 R. A. Engelking__ 1. W. Josey_*__ G. R. Borget_____ $ 50,000 $ 5.000 $ 275,000 % 205,000 $ 95,000 Seab. N„ N. Y:; Lumbermans N. and So. Tex. H Pop. 2000 88-427 Com’l N., Hou.; Am. Ex. N,. Dallas. Farmers National Bank.«£'l3 L. O. Thanheiser.. H.X. Hillebrand.. A. J. Laâs—LI».!.... Lou Ella Gens.__ 25,000 3,500 65,000 80,000 10,000 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Hou. N. Ex. and Union N., 88-1573 , Hou. 25,000 21,500 175.000 îèâ.ooo LEONARD T ILL0 T - H. SCHUMACHER— C. t S A N D E R S ----- C. H . SANDERS — 35,000 Han. NT, N. Y.; 1st N„ St. L. and Hou,; City SEALY NATIONAL BANK«£ 02 s & SON N-. Galv. Save time and get service on co Ilections and Cre dlt Reports by sending 88-426 FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight d ra fts, 1 5 c ; Cre dit R ep orts, 2 5 c . TUTUS ■t ’ ‘ 8eguin..GuadaIupe E 18 CITIZENS STATE BANK-£§ 17 Geo.Hagn__ ..... Wm» Steinmeyer.. H. E. Draeger— Eugene Kelpp——. 3,750 105.000 104,000 39,750 N. Park, N. Y.: Secur.N.. Dallas; Hou. N., Ex., 35.000 88-1755 Pop. 6000 m Hou.; Groos N., San Antonio. Farmers State Bank__ £§’17 Geo. Hagn>— __ Max Starcke-—— Max Starcke— .-. Dan Feising— .... 25.000 1,400 75,000 50,000 30,000 Seab. N„ N. Y.; ;Sp. Tex. Com’l N., Hon.; 88-1771 N. A. Poth City N., San Antonio; Secur. N., Dallas. First National Bank.__>£’97 C-F- Tips.______ R. L. Wupperman. Walter Fey— ..... H. F. Theis—..... 50,000 46,000 480,000 215,000 200.000 Han. N., N. Y.;. 1st N., St. L.; N. Bk. 88-804 Chag, R. Tips Com., San Antonio. Eugene C. Tips Guaranty Loan &Trust Co. Wm. Timmermann Wm. Bauer__..... C. H. Donegan__ H. H. Weinert-___ 60,000 7,000 95,000 102,000 40,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co., San Antonio. 88-1443 §12 Otto Koehler E. Nolte & Sons.:__ ___ it’80 Walter Nolte____ 100,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N„ Hou. 88-303 Séguin State Bk. &Trust Co Wnof. A. Harborth.. Hy. Koéhler_____ H. J. Blumberg__ O. Rosénbush. 50,000 34,260 585,960 441,450 222,550 Chase N ./n . Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth'. 88-305 »§’0( H. H. Weinert, A ct ive Seminole__ Gaines D 9’ First State Bank..'.___ £§'07 C. M. Armstrong.. J. J. Williams____ B. B. Curry_____ C. E. Slaton... 40,000 27,000 139,000 156,000 42,000 Seab» N.,» N- Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Comw. Pop. 400 88-883 N., Kan, C, . . . r- .., »Seymour__ Baylor B 14 Farmers National Bank >£’06 E. A. Fancher ..... W. H. Portwood__ W. T. Britton-__ F. H. Bunkley__ 50,000 61,760 476,540 698,960 201,120 N. City, N. Y.; Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Ft. Pop. 3000 88-406 Worth. R. E. Baskin 35,000 3,200 65,000 60,000 24,500 Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas; i J . E . M URRIE___ W. W. WOOD,A c tiv e W. W. WOOD, S e c ... FIRST GUARANTY STATE BK. (Mem. Fed. Bes.) > B. F . RUPE ♦ 88-407 £§’10 |Send us your Co Oeetions direct. They will have pr ompt and energet lc atten Mon. July, 1919 to each bank in U. S. exclu slvely by Tbe Itan d -M cN alJ y Bankers* Directory, under the autbority of The American Bankers Ass’n. SP Number under Name of Bank is the New Tr&nsit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Birectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Town and County, Name of Bank . *County Seats. •Hem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tUem, State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. E £1 Paso Br. H Houston ♦Mem. Fed. Kes. Cashier . A s s ’t Cashier . J. G. Davis__ Í__ P. B. Parten_____ G. D. Hoke__ Jas. M. Daugherty. W. L. Amonett__- L. R. Hazzard. W. S. Amonett O. A. Ernest_____ N. A. Cravens----J. A. Bain. Frank P. Bain__ J. R. Burson. Su b p lu s P a id - up AND C a p it a l P r o f its D e pos it s Saomunw 25,000 200,000 175,000 45,000 Alatoo N., San Antonio: Corpus Christi N., Cor*, pus Christi; (Mem. Fed. Res.) 41,170 350,000 340,000 62,000 1st N» Chi.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N. and Union N.. Hou. 57,750 Secür. N., Dallas; IstN., Waco. 18,000 Sipe Springs__Comanche State Bank of Sipe Springs J. Doss Miller— 88-1295 SI’IO Pop. 300 F 15 Skidmore------- Bee N 17 First State Bank_____ Si’06 J. B. Hunter— 88-1296 Pop. 1000 Slaton.___ Lubbock C10 First State Bank______Si’ll J. S. Edwards__ 88-1370 Pop. 1500 Slaton State Bank— _t§’12 A. L. Robertson . 88-1433 Slidell.___ _ ...Wise C18 First State Bank_____ Sl’10 T. S. Atcheson__ 88-1297 Pop. 150 Smiley___ Gonzales L 17 Smiley State Bank ____»SS’12 A. S. Billings__ 88-1499 Pop. 500 Smithville_Bastrop J 18 First State Bank—__ •tS’OS Emil Bueseher__ 88— 287 H Pop. 4000 First National Bank—..»S’03 Roger Byrne__— 88— 288 »Snyder____ Scurry D12 First National Bank__»S1000 W. A. Johnson.. 88-365 Pop. 4500 FIRST STATE BK.&TR. CO. P. Brady. E. Shopbell_____ j . H. Brewer — C. C. Hoffman Carl Rippy_____ Carl Rippy___ J. P. Turner_____ Chas.E. Peery.. S. H. Gillett——__ John Billings__ O. R. Culpepper W. D. C. Jones__ M. L. Tansey__ E. H. Eagleston__ A. T. WOkes—. . J. E. Holbrook__ J. A. Matthews 50,000 Alma-A-Cker. 15.000 2,940 133,680 83,610 25.000 25.000 14.000 68,000 9,000 75,000 145.000 40.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio. 90.000 Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Amarillo; Lubbock State. Lubbock; Am. N., Austin. 30.000 New Eng. N., Kan. C.; Guar. State, Amarillo. 10.000 Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth. 70.000 90.000 Ray Stephenson... 25.000 4,130 100.000 F. D. Glass.._____ 10.000 36,500 45.000 Georgia Patteson.. 30.000 50*000 8,200 4,750 74,080 85,780 40.000 252,240 253,310 33,990 318.000 Harvey Shuler —— 60.D0Ö 62.000 125.000 367,110 265,000 Dixie Smith__ Clyde Funk .. 50,000 34,480 157,780 180,680 70,010 N. City, N.Y.; Far. & Mech. N„ Ft. Worth; Hugh Boren.. 100,000 59,380 347,640 562,920 25,000 100,000 50.000 117,530 Seab. N.. N. Y.; City N., Dallas; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 55.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Lumbermans N., Hou. 312,290 544,880 J. H. Hain.— — 100,600 50.000 ,25,000 565,000 332,980 455.000 J. O. Stinson! W. A. Fuller___ - P. L. Fuller— A. D. Erwin.. O. P. Thrane . 88-366 »S’06 J. D. Giddings___ Morriss Mills. 8omerville..Burleson 119 Bank of Somerville__ »Sl’05 W. C. Page----88-1299 H Pop. 3000 E. F. Vander »Sonora__ ...Sutton 112 First National Bank__»S1900 W. L. Aldwell__ Stucken 88-1300 Pop. 1147 M. F, Yount____ s M. E. Connolly._ Sourlake.___Hardin 123 Citizens National Bank.»S’17 W. E. Lee____ 88-1778 H Pop. 6000(( Sour Lake State Bank—»Si’09 F. H. Carpenter. T. F. Cruse._____ G. D. Hodgson.—. 88-1301 Roy Stevens.__ Southland__ Garza C 11 Southland Bank______ t’17 88-1781 Pop. 175 Southmayd___ Grayson First Guaranty State Bank T. F. Rodgers.. J. O. Woodruff .... E. M, Brewtòn!— 88-1619 »§’13 Pop. 300 B19 H. E. Townsend__ O. R. Davenport— Spring_____ Harris J 21 Spring State Bank___..Sl’10 J. O. Sellers___ 88— 1303 H Pop. 500 Springtown—Parker D 17 First State Bank______ 112 G. B. Moody— W. S. Fant____ — J. D. Hutcheson__ 88-825 Pop. 700 O. Malone______ J. B. Hill . ______ Guaranty State Bank__ Si’12 W. 0. Turner— 88-1444 J. D. Harkey____ E. C. Edmonds__ Spur___ ...Dickens C12 City National Bank____ S’10 G. H. Connell__ 88-550 . Pop. 1500 M. H. Lee__ — M. H. Lee...___ Spur National Bank___ »S’09 C. A. Jones___ 88-557 AN INTERNATIONAL B A N K IN G IN S T IT U T IO N ! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given SNYDER NATIONAL BANK W. Z. Trotti__ LBrjxnc 254,730 100,780 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Drov. N., Kan. C. 172.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Hon. and Beau mont; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 136,530 Bk. of America. N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Gulf N„ Beaumont. N. Bk., Post, Te X.) ' ‘10,000 60,000 34,080 12,500 87,290 60,000 *75»,290 95,700 70.000 15.000 M. B. Denney___ H. A. Thomason__ è 25,000 40.000 D. J. Harkey____ 165,100 124,790 319,690 W. T. Andrews??)r. 227,190 560,460 100,000 ,(Mem. Fed. Res.) 19,790 Denison Bk. & Tr. Co., Denison. 24,960 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Union N., Hou, 18.000 Han. N., N. Y.; lstN..Ft;/WorUi. 20,010 Far. &Mech. N. and Ex. State, Ft. Worth. 40,320 N. Bk.Com.. N.Y.: 1st N..Ft.Worth: Am.Ex.N., Dallas; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., 111. 46.390 N. City, N.Y.; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; InterState N., Kan. C. t" _____________ July, 1919 25.000 W. D. Sims..——. R. H.Curnutte. R. L. Johnson 35,060 Alamo N. and Guaranty State, San Antonio; 1st N., Hou. 80,590 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L. and Hou.; City N., Dallas. 52,420 N. Park, N. Y.; Union N., Hou. 50,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.,Ft. Worth. G. W. Kunath, Jr.. Jno. J. Stalmach W. O. Miller____ ____________TEXAS BANKS— Shiro to Spur $ 25,000 $ 17,570 $ 123,560 $ 106,970 $ 53,700 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 30.000 7,340 103,520 128,340 22,870 N. City, N. Y.; Am. Tr. & Sav., El Paso; 1st State, Dallas, 25.000 26,420 257,950 164,410 138,590 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Hou. ^ 30.000 76,300 125,000 303,500 35,000 1st N., Ft. Worthand Amarillo; Inter-State N.. Kan. C.; Austin N., Austin. ( J. F. Green_____ J. F. Odern— R. B. McGioin C. B. Humphries... J. B. Pool____ J. M. Corrigan----- Y. E. Kessler— Principal Correspondents . L o a m sk D u - Gin4 E x h a n g e s ,D u s c ’ts. B o n d s , c f r o mB a n k s Save time and g et service on Coll ectlons and Credi t Reports by send Ing*! FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain tight d ra fts, 1 5 c ; Çre dit R eports, 2 5 c . ’n i n j S .“ 88-555 »Si'07 V ice-President . ;B . M ER R ILL— — W. C. SPARKS— — C. W. ZIMMERMAN?-! BERTHA M ER R ILL— C. C. SMITH „ SINT0N STATE BANK-.»Sl’06 D. Odern__ ♦ 88-367 R esources. L ia b il it ie s . P resident . Shiro__ ___ Grimes 121 Farmers State Bank__ »Si'll C. F. Rea___ 88-1385 H Pop. 500 »Sierra Blanca.Hudspeth Sierra Blanca State Bank__ T. D. Love_ 88-1765 »S§’17 E Pop. 1200 G4 80sbee____ Hardin I 24 Silsbee State Bank.»__Sl'06 J. N. Collier.. 88-1293 H Pop. 3000 *8ilverton__Briscoe R 5 First National Bank___ »S’07 JohnBurson.. 88-823 Pop. 800 »Sinton.Sa* Patricio N18 BANKOF COMMERCE—»SI09 ♦ 88-556 Pop. 2000 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page ' For Holidays, see opposite page 13. TÉX A S—Continufed 1324 1324 (CONTINENTAL AND COM M ERCIAL BANKS. CHICAGO 1325 bank in U.,_S. exclusively by_The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. - - m oh TEX AS—Continued A ccessible T ow n s« L a w y ers, L a w s, D ire ctors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace,I*—1 e t c ., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.1 p . AN INTERNATIONAL B A N K IN G IN S TITU TIO N : C O N TJN EN TA L AND COMMERCIAL BANKS, CHICAGO N ame of Bank . Town and County . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. E El Paso Br. H Houston. Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President . Vice-President. Accessible Towns« Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace,1 etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. TEX AS—Continued Cashier. Ass *t Cashier. R esources. Lia b il it ie s . Loamsk Dis* Casbk Bx* Depos c P aid - up Surplus ’ ts. Bonds, auMM,Dn and its Capitai, Profits Bboübtms rmoMBanks Principal Correspondents. 25,000 11,760 86,820 102,220 38,610 N. Park, N. Y. 7,230 Han. N„ N. Y.: 1st N.. Ft. Worth; N. Bk, Com., Dallas; Austin N., Austin. 16,500 Far. &Mech. N., Ft. Worth; Drov. N., Kan. C, 25,000 12,500 18,750 44,620 10,000 41.100 41,000 34.500 75,000 12,500 r M R S .J A N IE C A G E- JN0. C AG E— -------- W. S. W ATSON ------- L . W. P H IL L IP S - — < Do a general Ba nking and Beal E state business ‘ StephenvillelBrath E 16 CAGE « CROW. B a n k e r s 88-357 JtlOOO j and can serv e you In every de partment In bank Ing in a satlsfacto ry m an ner. ' Pop. 3000 LTotal responsib lllty one-half mil lion dollars. 500,000 500,000 125,000 Am. Ex. N., Dallas: Far. & Mech. N.. Ft, Worth; So, Tex. Com’l N., Hon.; 1st N. Waco. 54,360 413,830 480,540 90,150 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., St. Louis and Ft Worth. 60,750 364,390 467,540 56,010 10.300 146,260 102,000 40.800 29,000 174,000 1,100 95,000 185,000 25,090 254,170 119,300 195,000 17,500 862,960 455,900 20,570 25,000 830,220 100,600 598,330 145,000 103,410 Han. N.. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., 8t. L. 63,100 Han. N„ N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. and Ft. Worth. 33,000 Han.^N., N. Y.; San Angelo N., San Angelo Stock Yds. N.; Ft. Worth. 20,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. 84,800 N. City, N. Y.; Drov. N., Kan. C.; Kan. N. Wichita; 1st N., Amarillo. 19,810 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Amarillo; Kan. N. Wichita. 486,850 N.-City, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Oita N„ Dallas. 1st N., Ft. Worth; 1st State. Dallas. 300,970 jW. H. F R E Y - ------- D. S. LIVINGSTON— J . W. F R EY MISS GLADYCE FUL-r 56,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., -Dallas; Union;N. Hou.; Corsicana N., Corsicana. 110,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.\ Cent. N.. St, L. Tex. Bk; & Tr. Co., Galv;; 1st N„ Hou. 34,490 Secur. N., Dallas. 65,000 400,000 300,000 12,160 88,860 83,570 295,000 680,630 550,970 651,270 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.: 1st Stab Dallas. 100,000 98,220 699,790 100,000 45,000 319,590 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; City N.. Dallas Boatmens, St. L. 215,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas. 75,000 10,500 575,000 202,000 677,930 400,000 iM fe r ‘ Sulphnr Springs ...Hop CITY NATIONAL BANK-*3’89 < The Largest co mbtned Capital a nd Surplus of any Bank In the City. I Special attentio n given B ill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. 88-194 kins ..Pop. 8500... C 21 \.Please send 15c w ith each sight draft far presentation. M. B. Sherwood__ J. C. Mitchell____ First National Bank ....•3’ P. II. Foscue 88-193 B. A. King____ __ First State Bank_____ 3S’09 B. F. Ashcroft.__ 88-195 Guaran# State Bank & Trust D. Thornton___ J. H. Holloway__ Onmr>anv88-1 PR______±S’14 Theo Wester 24,240 188,000 75,000 Seab. N„ N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas, .... AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, I f BONDS, Littlefield Building, Austin Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ________ _________ 1325- 50,000 88-358 t’Ô7 TSave time and get service on Col lections and Cred It Beports by sen ding (FEE IN ADVAN CE. Plain sight d rafts, 15c; credit reports, 25c. TBY US. 75,000 Thad Ator______ First National Bank...__«’88 H. H. Hardin..—. J . J . Bennett J.B .‘Ator 88-356 «0,000 First National Bank__.„310 W. L. Foster____ J. S. Johnston___ J. S. Cole________ S. A. Mahaffey — ‘ Sterling City.Sterling 88-725 Pop. 1000 F 11 J. T. Davis 40,000 First State Bank___ __ »S’05 Emette Westbrook. N. L. Douglas----- N. L. Douglas____ 88-724 40,000 Lucius Wheeler.__ Stockdale... Wilson K 17 First State Bank_____ tl’08 J. H. Bain______ 88-1305 L. R. Wheeler Pop. 800 Mildred Jackson — 25,000 J . R. Noland ‘ Stratford—Sherman N 3 First State Bank_____•*«,06 L. M. Price......... 88-863 Pop. 520 25,000 Sherman County National W. T. Martin.___ Harry Ingham----- Arthur Ross____ Bank ...88-1813..____ Î18 50,000 First National Bank_ _ *312 S. J. Stuart__ —. Strawn..Palo Pinto E 16 88-1456 E. S. Britton, J. S. Groueh Pop. 45Ö0 Ch. o f Bd. First StateqBank_____ »3§’04 R. 0. Hinkson..__ L. P, Strawn___.... H. P. Simmons.-— I, C. Watson ™_-. C50.000 <Li 9/yt 20,000 Streetman.Frees tone First State Bank____ ..3*'07 J. A. Thompson... F. T. Lindsey___ ft, Vi, f.nlA 88-1307 Pop. 1000 F 20 Imperial Bk. &Tr. Co..*3t’09 W. T. Eldridge, Jr, G. D. Dlrich___ _ Miss V. C. Teague. Miss R. S. Phipps— 100,000 Sugar Land.Pt. Bend E. O. Guenther. H Pop. 2000 E 21 20,000 SulphurBluff.Hopkins First Statè Bank-— *«’07 J. M. Fleming___ O. E. Mahaffey.___ O. H. Mahaffey___ ----—------ --------88-1309 Pop. 300 C 21 100,000 R . B. C A R O T H E R S . J . G . M C D O N A LD — rw.o. WOMACK. FARMERS NATIONAL BANK TEXAS BANKS— Stamford to Sulphur Springs S, (J, Ponytnn ‘ Stanton__..Martin F 10 First National Bank__—1’06 A. L. Houston---- i J. E. M illhoUon___ 88-722 E Pop. 1000 Home National Bank__..$’08 J. R. Vance— . Star________ Mills G 16 Star State & n k.L ...__tl,10 Frank Soules____ T. E. Hamilton__ B. H. Patterson___ Miss Hattie Barr .. 88-1304 Pop. 300 _________ 0 . E. Morrow____ $ 50,000 $ 8,500 $ 215,000 $ 160,000 $ 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. &Mech. N., Ft. Worth. Stamford.....Jones D 13 Citizens National Bank.»t’05 J. S. Morrow____ F. E. Morrow— 88-247 Pop. 5000 N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Ft. Worth FIRST RATIONAL BANK*»900 R. V. Colbert— ._ J. O. Bryant_____ J. D. Shackelford. R. R. Robertson.. 100,000 81,120 450,000 404,300 218,420 N.N.Park, and 1st NUFt. Worth. . 88-24« A . J. Swenson 23,760 380,350 362,460 84.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Stock Yds. N., Ft. 55,000 C. B. G R A Y -------i j . R . P B A T T --------- O .P .H A R L A N .A c M v c 0. P . HARLAN — Worth; Seeur. N., Dallas; (Mem.Fed. Bes.) J . R. PRATT, Jr. FIRST STATE BANK— *»08 jSend us your co llectlons direct, ♦ 88-248 (They will reeelv e prompt and ene rgetic attention. Tulÿ, 1919 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given i o o c to each bank in C. S. exclusively by The Band>McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. XQ 4J Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given b y The Rand-McNaUy Bankers* Tb« i Abi».« ilJ •M » ? u - s- exclusively HlrAi>riirv. nnrl*»r cHa unihAvUtr Î?. e a c b b a n k T own and County. N ame of Bank . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. I In No. Il Fed. Res. Dîst iMem. State Bks. Assn.' E El Paso Br. H Houston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [1 Sunset__ Montague C17 Pop. 900 88-1374 ,88-1310 BBank_ 88-1311 State Ban 88-1313 e Bank .. 88-1853 ros;, Banl 88-1592 ite Bank.. Sutherland Spgs..Wilson Pop. 500 K 17 Swearingen...Cottle A 13 Pop. 250 SweenyBrazoria K 21 „ Pop. 500 ! Sweet Home.Lavaca K18 H Pop. 274 »Sweetwater. Nolan E12 Pop. 5000 Swenson..Stonewall 013 88-1572 . . •pop. 80 Sylvester-----Fisher D13 Pop. 300 88-1314 Taft— San Patricio N 18 Taft Bank______ Pop. 500 88-1315 »Tahoka—_—„Lynn c 10 Pop. 1500 88-726 88-1711 Talco— - -----Titus 0 22 Talco State Bank__ _ , Pop. 300 88-1479 Taipa—... Coleman F 14 _ . Pop. 800 8 8-1816" Tatum.. .... r US]£ R 23 ! Bank_ *S*® Pop. 600 88-1317 •Wor— Williamson 118 ual Bank Pop. 8000 88-185 f j. President, Vice-President. Ca s h i e r . Principal Correspondents . „ YJi G. WILKINSON— N, B. BOWIE—— E . C. BRAND— — A. J . H A LL———— 50,000 l i Save time and g et service on Colie étions and Credit by send! ns 3 (FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sig h t d ra fts, ÏS c ; Credi tReports R eports, 2 5 c . T BY US. ) R. K. McAdams J. D. Dulaney____ Clyde B. Payne__ GtTFitzgerald 80,000 12,000 157,740 130,000 56,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Cont. Bk. ft Tr. Co., Ft* Worth Tenison N.. Dallas. 5,790 343,010 40M10 4 E. Douthit.__ . 100,000 86,890 312,480 242.720 83,070 Han. N*, N. Y.: N. Bk. Com.. Kan. c.; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; Am. Ex, N,, Dallas. 243,650 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.| 1st N.,Ft. Worth 22,000 4,930 65,300 Ili,580 50,000 25,000 260,000 162,960 186,710 W. O. Wells_____ 50.000 20,000 225,000 ‘225,000 35,000 3,500 65,000 72,280 Mrs. E. V. Broadstreet 12,000 6,600 42,000 52,000 20,000 10,000 20,000 ; 7,500 125,000 90,000 60,000 55,000 100,000 75,000 275,000 450,000 17,840 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N.. Stamford. Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 58,440 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; State N., San Antonio; Corpus Christi N.. Corpus Christi. 85.000 Han; N;. N. Y.: Drov. N.. Kan. O.; ls't N., Ft, Worth; Okla. Stock Yds. N., Okla. 21,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth; Cent. N., St. L. 10,090 Am. N., Paris; Secur. N., Dallas; Guaranty State, Mt. Pleasant. 85,000 1st N., Ballinger; Am. N.. Austin. 34,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Secar. N., Dallas. 75,000 Seab. N., N. Y . ; 1st N., Hou. 150,000 68,330 465,830 666,410 142,820 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; So. Tex. Oom’l N., Hou. 150,000 18,380 371,100 536.150 143,870 Chase N., N. Y .; Am. N ., Austin; Hon. N. 632.310 244,160 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Gom’l N., Hou. 150,000 E. Bradford_____ George Willis___ J. Butler ■ J. Dulaney Wm. Jordon__, ; J. Q. Ward ______ Luther Thornton. W,. W. Barron.— . Vicy Bonner_____ JJ. F. Green ... H. B. Reed A. L. Lockwood___ W. D. Nevels____ A‘. D. Shook ’ J. A. Brashear. E. B. Lilienstern__ D. Warner J. A. Norris. Charles Price..,__ A. O. Menefee S. J. McFarland— James Shaw____ . James Shaw_____ H. A.. Lettermann. J. H. Griffith.. A. F. Voss. A. E. Ake 150,000 A ctiv e C -Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ on tin en tal 't 'T i 'V A O and C 12$,990 77,000 527,200 375,000 25.000 23,480 543,650 300,000 397,180 10.000 10,000 2.590 35.650 17,000 1,000. 20,000 25,000 om m ercial Tialioo 171,790 eab. N., N. Y.; Union N., Hou.; Dallas; Corsicana N., Corsicana. 11,760 Mexia. 9,710 ir. & Mech. State, Ghjldress: Au Austin; Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth. Ban ks , C J* J. D. Maupin John H. Sweatt__ O. D. Hallum__ „ E. S. Bronaogh T. A. Ross______ Fred Boyd.______ 50,000 'J Tehuacana-Limestone First State Bank___...t§ ’17 W. M. Moody.. _ Pop. 500 F 19 88-1753 Tell—^ —..Childress R 6 First State Bank_____ tS’17 S. B. Crain__ PûB. 200 88-1782 L E T U S C H E C K Y O U R C O M M E R C I A L PAPER. y,.. T H O U S A N D S o f B A N K S DO S O ' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S. G. Yakey . ”___ T. E, Burns W. M. Peck_____ R. F. Riley____ R. M. Thompson, A. J. McKinney. Ex., Hou.; City N ., Dallas. h ic a g o Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in For Interest Rates. Grace, i* dexed in back of this volume. July 1919 88-273 Collections given prompt attention by an officer of the bank. We will appreciate your ,business. — •«•13 Taylor National Bank— «£’88 G. M. Booth— — yj«H l i 88-184 -0 V iurn Teague— Freestone F 20 First National Bank___ $’06 John Riley_____ Pop. 5000 88-272 First State Bank.i._*«*07 J. A. Thompson 1 - O.E. ROBERTS----- R. C. ECKHARDT... E. L. WOMACK — - ■■■■ 88-186 .. BANK & TRUST CO. E. M. GRIMES, JR. (Mem. Fed. Bes.) . J Prompt and ca refui attention g 1 (Oldest National Bank in the Cou i FIRST STATE 1 oo*7 Liabilities. R e so u r c e s . Loajuk Du Cashk ExPaid-up Surplus D epo s C * t b . Bonds CIAEOM,I)DX and its CAPITAL Pbopitê 8aouRmju from1Baku As s t Cashier . 1 C. H. Boedeker__ 0. T. Bryson_____ I. R. Hollingsworth W. Boone______ $ 10,000 $ 9,001 $ 75,000 $ 62,000 $ 26,000 1st N., Ft. Worth; City N., Bowie, Tex. 5 T; 0. Phillips H_ O. W. Harvey— . M.■F. ■DarseyS ïïi 10,000 9.21C 125,280 91,290 47,780 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth; 1st N.. Bowie, Tex, Austin N., Austin. ® W, C. Duncker _ Wm. Herrmann__ Edw. F. Reuss__ Albert A.Tampke, 10.000 1.00C 40,000 30,000 12,500 Chase N.. N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio; Hou N, Ex..Hou;: t/ 0 A. Y. Norman.— S. É. Mayo_____ G. M. Yowell____ E. L. Mayo_____ 12.500 80,000 46.000 8,500 15,000 1st N„ Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls; N. Bk Com., Kan. C. 9 D. H. chenault_.. Jno. E. Arrington. M. W. Hoopingar10,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Ba' . ner City Bk. & Tr. Co., Bay.City. > 8 I. E. Valenta . J. M. Valenta__ Union N., Hou.; Yoakum State, Yoakum, if. H. WELCH__ H. V. WELCH .— 88-183 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, In« dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grac< etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 1! TEXAS—Continued *326___________________________ TEXAS BANKS— Sunset ta Tell I 2 l ì »? AS •• -— ....... 1326 Ausim; öiuck xus. LET U S C tìE C K YOUR COM M ERCIAL PAPER. .....T H O U S A N D S OF BA N KS C o n t i n e n t a l DO S O ' Lia b il it ie s . ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState In No. 11 Fed. lies, Dist. ÎMem, State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. E El Paso Br. H Houston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. P resident . Y ice-Fresident , CITY NATIONAL BANK-*4 02 Chas. M. Campbell. W. S. Rowland FARMERS STATE BANK A. L. Flint— 88-60 88-61 «¿no FIRST NAT’L BANK 88-58 Temple State Bank— 88-60 >*’84 A. Cheeves . -P. L GOWNS-* J. G. CHILDERS Oldest Bank in Temple. L arn st Bank in Bell Conn Handles 80 per cent of collections sent to this section. Satisfactory service guaranteed. ■. FIRST NAT’L BANK *$’88 88-152 AT0N_RF_ OWNS, JR. A . Sec. N A T IO N A L BANK t*!87 R esources. D epo sit s k Dis- P rincipal Correspondents. k Ex* L o a n s C a s h c ’t b . B o n d s , c h a n g e s ,D u e S e c u r it ie s f r o m B a n k s 125.000 200,C00 122,990 1,086,180 1,051,760 293,670 Mech. & Metals N ., N. Y .} N. Bk. Rep., . Chi.; Merch.-Lac. N ., St. L. 42.000 700,000 450,000 ÎSO'i 125,050 372,150 215.000 N. Park. N.Y.; City N., Dallas; Union N., Hou. Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 48,250 Han. N., N. Y.; City N., Temple. 134,000 161.000 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Tex. State, Ft. Worth; 1st 186,130 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; CityN., 200,000 235,590 100,000 81,480 642,840 915,080 164.490 N. Park, N. Y.; Secur. N—Dallas; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; (Mem. Fed. Res.) ) Save time and g et service on Coll ections and Cred it Reports by sen ding Lebe in a d v a n CE; Plain sight d r a fts , 1 5 c; Cre dit R eports, 2 5 c . TBY u s.... y 17,000 50,000 N. A. ‘Shaw —'____ J. P. McShane___ E. D. Trigg_____ V. A. Ghio— __— 400,000 300,000 115,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas: Cent. . 20,000 30.000 225,000 N., Shreveport. Dallas, w q < M. W. RALEY— — SIDNEY BASS___ E.F.M0RR0W - — M. 11. d h! c!our Collections Sollolted. Our superior facilities guarantee satisfactory service. .TRY US. 0. E . NICHOLSON 0 . F . WALTON IRVING G. MORRIS— X W. FU LLER PAUL M. HELMS t'04 TEXARKANA h ic a g o 233,970 1,480,520 1,882,100 B. Allen W. B. Rider :1*. C. E. States Jno. H. Corley. Jr.. O. W. Cartwright Stuart Wilson ___ Edw. kuhl—____ i * If •( n fg j----- Seth Hastings ♦STATE SAVINGS 8 TR. CO.. E.A.Frost__S L J (L M. Blocker____ C. M."Ölocker, Tr. Tony DeGrazier, Jr. Sec. C. R. Johnson H. L. Johnson, 81-76 •i§’04 ■ M U R » r A . T r . D. C. Lane, A . Sec. 88-101 100,000 H. F. Blum L. P. Heard Miss A. M. Peters. Texarkana.— Bowie B 24 GUARANTY STATE BANK,, Jj hoSn r 88-102 ¡*Sk »tS’16 Pop, 12.640 ♦State national bank E. A. Frost —___ _ , 81-75 C 200.000 f LE. GRIFFIflUR. W. H. N E E L Y — — FIRST STATE BANK-^-i«06 . $ 200,000 $ 44,940 $ 862,910 $1148360 $ 239,700 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Liberty N., Waco; So. Tex. Com’l N... Hou. 50,000 19,650 302,030 326;970 33,750 N. Park, N. Y.: So. Tex. Oom’l N., Hon. tl 06 Jas. E. Ferguson .. W. W. Lynch,Active W. W. Lynch“__ _ J. H. Davis, J r . : Terrell— Kaufman D 20 American National Bank*$’05 W .P. Allen-:____ 88-151 Oscar Price Pop. 8000 ♦ P a id - u p C a p i t a l p BOFrrs W. E. Moore____ G. W.Rowland G. F. Peck H.Stéphens, A. Cash. Fred W. Day Patti Casimir .. O. D.Seybold A. J. Jarrell Temple Trust Co._____ §’12 H. C. Glenn_____ Chas. M. Campbell. W. ¿.'Rowland, 88-62 Sec. arid Tr. J. M. Woodson T. B. Duggan Tenaha____ Shelby F 23 First Slate Bank— 2110 D. Du Bose —— — J. M. Parker . Luke Motley*__ __ W. ABouland H Pop. 730 88-1318 88-150 As s ’t Cashier . C. B. HUTCHISON ks W. R. GRIM--------- BEN. COLLINS--------J. W. WHEELER— H. H. BROWNEstablished in 1887. H.F. GRIGSBY O L D E S T AND L A R G E S T B AN K IN TE X A R K A N A . A R K .-TE X A S . Prompt service and 'reasonable chargés. 200,000 200,000 1 , 110,000 1,805,750 251,580 Scab. N., N. Y .; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L. 121,300 1.751,700 1,740,220 89,310 1,443,580 1,568,130 N„ St. L. . 643,250 See Texarkana, Arkansas. 328,350 N. Park, N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Ft. Dear. N„ Chi.; 1st N., Cent. N., and Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L.; Bkrs. Tr. Co„ Little R.; New Eng. N., Kan. C. 1 Seab. N„, N. Y.? Cont. & Com’l N ., Chi.; 1st N, and N. Bk. Com.. St. L .; Mellon 531,370 3.950.610 3,506,740 1,340.010 N., P itt.; So. Tex. Com’l N ., Hou.; 1st __________ TEXAS BANKS-—Temple to The Grove F. F. DOWNS - T. Cashier , Ban Accessible T ow ns, la w y ers, Laws, Directors, In dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. F or Holidays, see opposite page 13. TEXAS—Continued N ame op Bank . T own and county . Tem ple.:..—__ Bell H 18 Pop. 13,504 om m ercial July, 1919 -Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in Ü. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory*» under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. C a n d JBi. worin. N., and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C .; Whitney* Cent. N., N. O .; City N. and Am. Ex. N., Dallas. (* Members o f Texarkana, A r k „ Clearing Hou (F o r Banks at Texark ana, A rk.i see Arkansas Ba nk list ) iCARL N ES SLER — I. H , K EM P N ER ------- G EO . L .H . K O ELH LER S. J . MINGS, Jr. — remit ted on day of pay ^Collections a sp 'Prompt attenti on to all Banking matters entruste DALLAM COUNTY BANK»t’17 H.JTHammond — H. J. Hammond. Jr. E. L. McCullough.. 88-1777 W. W.Rixey ____ Irving II. Clark .... First State Bank.-__—»tS’15 T. H. Rixey _____ 88-1695 The drove.. Coryell G 18 Planters State Bank.— i§’l7 W. Rancier_____ W. J. Dube_____ J. M. Shows_____ Texline—___Dallam N 2 Pop. 500 Pod. 250 88-1785 AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, = Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N„ Clayton, N. Mex.; Amarillo N., Amarillo. 1st N., Ft. Worth and Amarillo; Gate CityN., Kan. C.; State Bk. Com.. Clayton, N. Mex. N. Park, N„ Y,; lst N„ Killeen; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas. ____ ■___ ‘______ 1327 TEXAS CITY NATIONAL BK. 88-204 «til 30,000 N. City, N. Y.; City N., Galv.; 1st N„ St. L. and Hou. A” ^ ' xi-se* M," jio « s .• 79,870 N.City,N.Y.; CityN., Dallas; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. N Texas Oity.GalvestonK22 First National Bank___ «¿’ll Geo. E. Whitney — D. H. Wilson____ A. B, Phillips - ~ — Edw. Mills H Pop. 2500 88-205 BONDS; Littlefield Building, Austin Number under Name of Bank is the Nejv Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively* bv The Band-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority o fx lie American Bankers Ass’n. T own and County. L ia b il it ie s . President . V ice-President . Yhorndale__ Milam H18 First National Bank__ *$’01 H.Y. Allen_____ C. A. Nelson.. ... H Pop. 1000 88-728 Thorndale State Bank.. ${’07 J.-B. Wills 88-729 J. W. Garner Thornton.Limestone G19 Farmers Guaranty State Bk. P. K. McKinzie__ E. D. Dickey____ Pop. 1000 88-834 « ’10 ----“ First National Bank____ $’07 B. B. Barron_____ W. W. Barnett _ 88-833 Thrall__ Williamson 118 Farmers State Bank__ ${’13 J. O. Stiles_____ C. D. Johnson._ _ Pop. 300 88-1565 « v.; Three Rivers__Live Oak Live Oak County State Bank M. A. Arnett_____ James Murray___ Pop. 500 N 10 88-1670 tfU «Throckmorton. Thr’m’n First National Bank.__«$’01 D. B. Thomas .» . . A, C. Daws___ » . 88-1320 Pop. 1000 C15 Timpson-----Shelby F 23 Cotton Belt 'State Bank_${’89 G. W. Trammell.» Stroud Kelley.»._ H Pop. 3500 88-530 T. C. Whiteside ...___ “ Guaranty State Bank__${’02 W.D. Wade___ _ T. S. Garrison___ 88-531 R. T. Blair Tioga------- Grayson C18 First Guaranty State Bank E. E. Ledbetter__ L. F. Brown.._... Pop. 1000 ♦ 88-1321 *»11 A. H. Leftwich Tivoli------ Refugio M 19 Bank of Tivoli__.. .. ..if’12 J.B. McCampbell— L. R. Jeter_____ H Pop. 300 88-1630 Tolar-----------Hood E 17 Continental State Bank. ${’09 J. G. Wilkinson»» R. P. Campbell.»» Pop. 1000. 88-1322 Tomball------ Harris J 21 First State Bank . .${’10 Wm. Holderrjeth.. H Pop. 150 88-1323 R, M. Huffington Tom Bean..Grayson B19 First National Bank___ .$’06 W. Jackson ____ F. P. Thompson ._ . Pop. 500 88-1324 Toyah-------- Reeves G 6 Citizens State Bank__ «${’09 F. W. Johnson.__ W. D. Cowan ____ E Pop. 1500 88-696 J. B. Young Travis____ .Falls G18 Travis State Bank____ ${10 J. D. Ratliff -_ --». Pop. 300 88-1325 Trent. ----- Taylor E 13 First State Bank»»__ $(’08 J. T. Warren™.» Pop. 400 88-807 Trenton-----Fannin C 20 First National Bank___ $’01 J. B. Robinson.»» Y. B. Reed„ __ Pop. 800 88-858 ___ „ “ Guaranty State Bank__${’13 Clarence Woosley» S. W. Brown ... ♦ 88-1578 W. R. Johns Trinity».— Trinity H 21 First State Bank_____*$(’05 Alex. Thompson .. W. H. Bradley__ H Pop. 2000 88-1326 “ ____ __ “ Trinity National Bank„«$’ll J. B. Peyton___ _ J. B. Gibson.. __ 88-1386 Geo. R. Barnes Troup-------- Smith E 22 First National Bank__ *$’02 T. L. Tipton. S. Jarvis. M Pop. 2000 88-677 __ M Guaranty State Bank «${10 J. F. Lowry. ♦ 88-678 Troy------- ----- Bell G18 Citizens Exchange Bk..«$t’04 C. E. Maedgen. Pop. 500 88-1327 J O dimClSi D\ H 1 CD el1 1 K . A if B. B. Munsey.™» Pop. 08 88-1850 G. C. Dunn Truscott__ »Knox B14 First Bank of Trnscott__t’10 Louis Chesser..__ Fop. 150 88-1320 •Tulia.........Swisher R 4 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*$’02 T. W. Tomlinson__ S. F. Flores_____ Pop. 2000 88-636 j* l . oancren Tulia Bank & Trust Go.«$f10 W WWal« Wm. W ard ..»».. 88-637 Turkey-----------Hall R 5 First National Bank.». »$’18 John Sharp....__ A. B. Crump_____ Pod. 400 88-1800 S. P. Lacy ____ Turkey State Bank...... .${’10 R. F. Meacham__ J. L. Balton_____ 88-1330 Turnersville.Coryell G17 First State Bank_____ ${’10 E. S. Wallace____ G. F. Boone. Pop. 500 88-1331 Fred Foote, Sr. Tuscola------ Taylor E 14 First State Bank____ ${’12 -Pop. 250 88-1501 j T I M E A N D I N T E R E S T S A V E D BY USING OUR MODERN T R A N S IT SYSTEM ! N u m b e r u n d er N a m e o f B a n k is the N ew T r a n s it X u m b e r given Federal Reserve Bank Louis to of each in U. S. exclusively by The Band-BfcNally Bankers’ Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . . R esources. Paid-up Surplus Depos- Loansk Dis- Cashà ExITS Capital Profits Securities raoMBanks Principal Correspondents. $ 50,000 $ 28,950 $ 117,900 $-146,650 $ 40,500 Han. N., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N„ Hou. 30,000 10,000 130,000 100,000 47,990 Seab. N., N. Y.; Union N., Hon.: Am. N., Austin. 15,000 16,250 70,000 87,000 25,000 Han. N., N.Y.; Union N., Hou.; Secur. N., Dal las; 1st N., Ft. Worth. J. E. Barnett...__ R. R. 50,000 76,150 180,960 282,120 45,420 N. City. N. Y.: So. Tex. Oom’l N., Hotf.; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. Craig O. Black.»» D. L. Thomsen__ 15,000 2,000 40,000 49,000 12,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Union N., Hou.: City N., Taylor. W. A. Hill 25,000 4,420 91,080 109,990 28,080 Han. N., N.Y.: N. Bk. Com., San Antonio: Hou. N. Ex., Hou. W. K. Crawley Geo. Parrott_____ 75,000 38,230 •: 225,680 197,890 121,090 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. N.¿ Kan. C.: 1st N.. Ft. Worth: Am. N.. Austin. F. T. Cooke__:___ J. C. Block 40,000 23,000 220,000 130,000 150,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y,; Hou. N. Ex.f Hou. 25,000 12,600 188,740 150,230 68,770 1st N., St. L,: Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 30,000 15,000 130,000 145,000 30,000 Denison Bk. & Tr. Co., Denison; Merch. & Z.L. Wright___ _ C. S. Cannaday__ Plan. N. and Com’l N., Sherman: City N., Dallas; (Mem. Fed. Res.) Victoria N., Victoria: State N., San Antonio. J. R. Carpenter__ .. J. H. Brock_____ Loyd J. Landers... 20,000 9,000 79,500 85,000 17,000 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co.. Ft. Worth. 16,000 3.500 140,000 106,000 40,000 Irvine N., N. Y.; Union N., Hou. Miss Rosa Nichel.. Ghas. A. Davis. S. Clement _ .._ ..» (SHI •••.... ----E. L. M oss.»»»-. *25,000 E. B. Daniel_____ M. McAlpine___ _ 40,000 10,000 10.000 40,000 John Donaghey__ E. A. McMahon__ 1 25,000 J. W. Wilson.___ R. H. Taylor__ » . 50,000 P. H. Oauthan----30,000 J. W pace N. 1?, White 25,000 S. V. Roddy 25,000 W. L. Maedgen 12,000 (*. W. Joingnam__ Evelyn jOhenmr. _. ....... W. H. Donaldson » J. D. Cleveland..-. 17,100 9,880 2,000 211,000 283,700 241,390 63,190 20,000 88,410 20,000 51210 65,000 252,680 6.580 11,140 92,050 303,630 118,350 59,000 264,580 164,780 29,500 187,000 222,000 58,800 232,000 532,710 25,000 215,000 220,000 5,510 146,830 142,040 25.000 —d — 30,0UU 17,000 10,000 ...5,000 30,000 53,000 109,410 Secur. N., Dallas; IstN., St. L. 24,660 Far. &Mech. N., Ft. Worth; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., 111. 6,000 Cent. Tex. Ex. N., Waco: Secur. N„ Dallas. 30,000 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 50.260 Seab. N.. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman. 20,290 Seab. N., N. Y.; City N.. Dallas; Greenville N. Ex.. Greenville: (Mem. Fed. Res.) 103,160 N. City, N. Y.: City N., Galv.; 1st N., Hou.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas. -> 33,600 Han. N.. N.Y>; Union N., Hou.: City N., Dallas. 56,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Hon. N. Ex., Hou. 30,000 Seab. N.. N. Y.: So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.: Secur. N. and 1st State. Dallas.; (Mem. Fed. Res.) -22,300 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; City N., Dallas; Union N., Hou. 35,000 State N., Corsicana; Tenison N., Dallas. 11.000 IstN., Ft. Worth and Benjamin. 50,000 65,000 250,000 350,000 65,000 Han. N., N. Y.; New Eng,N., Kan. 0.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Kan. Ñ., Wichita. 111,350 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Amarillo; Inter-State N., Kan. C.: Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Austin. 14.500 Citiz. State, Memp., Tex.; Inter-State N., Kan. C. 15,000 Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth: IstN., WichitaFalls. 50,000 36,010 252,590 252,570 J. E. Kelly____... J. H. Fry__ ____ Pearl Weatherhee. Dan Stok««:. . .. 25,000 12,500 3,800 88,000 70.000 15,000 5,500 50,000 50,000 50,000 Walter J. Taylor .. A. M. Cunningham 12,500 9,500 90.000 60,000 4,500 60,000 12,000 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Waco and Gatesville: 1st Guaranty State, Clifton. 41,000 N. Bk. Com., N.. Y.; Far, & Merch.. N., Abi lene. - ____________________ TEXAS BANKS^Thorndale to T m s c o l a ____________ July, 1919 ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. E El Paso Br. HHouston. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume.; For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13 TEXAS—Continued 1328 1328 C o n t in e n t a l an d C o m m er c ia l Ba n k s , C h ic a g o Directory, under the authority o f /The American Bankers Ass’n« T EX AS—Continued Accessible T o w n s, Lawyers» L a w s, D ire ctors, In dexed in back of this,volume. F o r I n te r e s t R a t e s , G r a c e , t*—* etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.1C T I M E A N D I N T E R E S T S A V E D BY USING OUR MODERN T R A N S IT SYSTEM ! T own and County. Accessible T o w n s, Law yersf L a w s, D ire cto rs, In dexed in back of thia volume. For Interest R ates, Grace, etc., see page> 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. T EX AS—Continued R esources. L ia b il it ie s . N ame of Bank . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estai». E El Faso Br. H Houston. ♦Mem. Fed, Res. President . V ice -President . Cashier . A s s ' t Cashier . r p lu s P a id - up SuAND Ca p it a l P r o f its D e pos it s Principal Correspondents . Loams k D im- Oa m k E x’ tc. Bombs, changes,D ue Becchiti e» n o n B anks July, 1919 1 OOQ C o n t in e n t a l an d C o m m er c ia l Ba n k s , C h ic a g o N u m b e r u n d er N a m e o f B a n k is tEe N ew T r a n s it N u m b e r given to each bank ih U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. $ 150,000 $ 291,570 $1265050 $1118820 $ 498,720 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; N. R .B E R G F E L D ---------- CLAY H IG H T------ — H. M. B E L L . rG . F . T A Y L O R — Bk. Com., St. L.; City N., Dallas. H . B. MARSH »Tyler__i.£ j Smith E21 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Colleetions sent ns mpt attention, will receive pro Pop. 11,865 88-78 *»900 IPersonal presen tatlon. We obtal n reasons for non -payment and re mit pro mptly. J3ave time and s end your items di rect. Try us for g ood service. Guaranty State Bank__ il'10 J. W. Fitzgerald .. Jesse F. Odom__ Jesse F. Odom.... W. A. Pounds, Jr.. ♦ 88-79 H. E. Byrne, F.-P. W.D. Swann Jas. R. Harrell A. F. Sledge GUARANTY STATE OSCAR MCFARLAND M. M .JO Y N E R — — C. J . BROGAN------ . . . J , M. STEPHENS-___ EDGAR H. VAUGHN W. J . STEPHENS 200,000 104,130 100,000 40,000 and Time Items, liable Credit Bepo rts, 25 c ents. First National Bank___ *$'05 Olay Newton..__ G. W. Dayton..__ H. K. Jones, Jr.... 88-1333 VanAlstyne.Grayson C19 Continental State Bank ..{'00 J. G. Wilkinson__ L. A. Cartwright.. E. P. Williams— Pop. 1441 88-577 FIRST RATIONAL BANK*$90 J. Umphress—__ R. M. Cannon___ P. P. Henderson .. 88-576 L. Umphress, A ct ive »Van Horn.CulbersonH 4 Van Horn State Bank..»${’09 R. Durrill ___ W. D. Garren___ _ J. C. Hunter_____ E -Pop. 1500 88-1334 Vega.__ ___ Oldham P 3 First State Bank_____*${'08 P. H. Landergin__ J. N. Ivy___ __ _ T. B. Jones._____ 88-1335 Pop. 600 Ford Brandenburg Velasco___ Brazoria L 22 Velasco State Bank___ $§’07 S. H, Hudgins___ Chas. Skinner___ P. F. Combs.__... H Pop. 800 88-1336 Venus., Johnson E 18 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank B. O. Kelly..____ W. M. Shytles HLk C. L. Barker_____ Pop. 800 88-887 $’05 First National Bank__*$1900 Brooks Thompson. L. E. Eskridge___ G. C. Barton.—__ 88-886 A. J.Neece Vera_______ -Knox B14 First State Bank...___ ${’13 W. H. Bratcher__ G. T. Burnett...__ 88-1594 Pop. 500 »Vernon.. Wilbareer A 14 Farmers State Bank...*${'10 H. H. Rhoads ... F. L.Massie__ ___ Emory Rhoads .... 88-285 . !£op. 5500. t A. M. Bourland First GuarantyState Bank J. P. King____— D.L. Green__ ___ A. H. Murchison... 88-286 ${’11 J. H. Pendleton W. F. Morgan___ 100,000 110,000 30,000 15,000 620,000 704.500 600,000 230.000 700.000 155.000 90,000 ' 60,000 T. M. Griffis, Jr. .. L.E Walker..__ 10,000 7.000 30.000 4.000 M. H. Richards__ Roy S. Pool Geo. Hudspeth__ 30.000 16,000 116.000 451,420 25.000 13.000 125.000 202,970 130.000 Miss Della Walker. 25.000 12,500 160.000 130.000 25.000 13,680 50.000 53,610 16.000 „11,000 312.000 383,250 188,790 240,200 Spencer Taylor 112.000 176.000 150.000 290 15.000 48,070 150.000 25,110 103.000 5,000 1,400 95.000 54.000 140.000 30,000 30.000 50.000 W. O. Hudgins__ 10.000 D. Shytles . — — Earl Harrington... 25.000 25.000 R. B. Gibson 15.000 40.000 24.590 50.000 35.000 75.000 121,620 C. V. King. A. J. Cody f C - T . H ER R IN G — l . K . JOHNSON— — 6 .C . MORRIS--------- J . B . ANDREWSj L J . i l A S S j E V .P r es. W .D . B ER R Y 80,000 395,630 194,130 , 217,880 315.000 195.000 71 564,220 915.330 HERRING NATIONAL BK. *$ 03 < Unequaled facll Itles for making c ollectlons. l Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time items, (.Please send flfte en cents with each sight draft for pre sentatlon and twe nty-flve cents fo r credit reports. 88-284 WAGGONER NATIONAL BANK 88-283 |ROB’T ROUSSELS L. G. HAWKINS- L. E. PIPER— I W.0. ANDERSON. ML'HUGGINS AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, F= 200,000 50.000 500,000 68,850 544,330 180.000 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. 73.000 Chatham & Phénix N„ N. Y.: Alamo N., San Antonio; Union N., Hou.; Dallas Tr. &Sav., DilUâiS 30.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. N., Kan. C. 70.000 N. City, N. Y.: Cent. Tex. Ex. N., Waco: Ft Worth N., Ft. Worth; Secur. N., Dallas. 251,990 Chase N.. N. Y.; 1st N.. Waco; Far. & Mech, N., Ft. Worth. 30.000 Irving N., N. Y.; Denison Bk. & Tr. Co., Den ison; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; (Mem. Fed. Res.) 60.000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N. and Far. & Merch. N., Ft. Worthy Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N., Gaines ville. 98.000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Com’l N., Sherman. 109,680 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas; Merch. & Pian. N., Sherman. 50,200 Han. N., N. Y.; State N., El Paso: Far. Mech. N., Ft. Worth. 47.000 N. City, N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kan. O.; 1st N. Amarillo..... /.„i. -, , , g ,, , 17,560 Liberty N., N. Y.; Hon. N. Ex. and Unioh N. Hou. 50.000 City N., Dallas. 12.000 Secur. N., Dallas. 25,000 Han. N., N. Y.’; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 40,170 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Secur. N.. Dallas Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Wichita Falls. 162,000 Atlantic N.. N.Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 1st N. Ft. Worth; Secur. N., Dallas. 86,710 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. St. L.: Stock Yds. N. Ft. Worth. 604,370 "" 171,9 200,670 1,838.520 1,494,070 5,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Lumbermans N., Hou(; Ft Worth N., Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas.' 745,120 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou 275.GOO 2,060,000 1,685,560 1 , 000,000 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N.. Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St L.; 1st N., Hon.-; Whitney-Cent. N..N..O. BONDS, Littlefield Building, Austin 1329 »Victoria__Victoria L 18 LEVIBANK «TRUST C0.*»’l0 J. V. Vandenberge. Thos. O’Connor__ P. A. Murray____ G. B. Davidson 88-257 J. M. Rosborough H Pop. 8000 Peoples National Bank— 19 E. E. Pickering__ John H. Clegg..... Herman Fischer... J. T. Logan.... 88-1825 C. C. Zirjacks. F. S. Buhler__I Victoria National Bank.*$'67 J.F. Welder____ 88-255 E. Siitene Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - 50,000 Colleetions a sp eclalty and remit ted for on date of payment. *$99 < Save time and g et service on Colie ctlons and Credit Reports by sendl ng ( FEE IN ADVAN CEi' Plain sight d ra fts , 15c; Credit R eports, 25c. TR YUS. 165.860 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., St. L.: Lumbermans N. Hou.; N. Bk Com., Kan. C.; (Mem. Fed. Res.) 141.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.: 1st State, Dallas; (Mem. Fed. Res.) TEXAS BANKS— Tÿlër to Victoria___________ _______ Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash Prompt reports made on paid and unpaid items. Be »Uvalde__.^.Uvalde L13 COMMERCIAL RATIONAL N. B. Pulliam___ W. P. Dermody__ J. W.Vanham___ BANK__ 88-239___—.•$’03 Pop. 5000 FIRST STATE BANK— «$5 07 T. H. McNelly—__ I. L. Martin ....... Geo. E. Brashear.. 88-240 Valera____Coleman F14 First State Bank__ .— $515 H. H. Mitchell— H. A. Byrom •__ — E. O. Harvey____ Pop. 225 , 88-1700 Geo. Pauley Valley Mills~BosqueF18 Citizens State Bank___ ${'13 J. ÎJ. Jarrett-.-i-J.i;. F. M. Goodall____ W. S. Turner____ | Pop. 1000 88-1522 First National Bank__ *$’08 W. T. McNeill..__ J. S. Pool__ ..___ C. E. Dansby____ 88— 1332 Valley View—Cooke C 18 First Guaranty State Bk»${’14 E. Williams..___ _ W. C. Wright.___ L. C. Sebastian__ Pop. 600 ♦ 88-1675 ». 8«-77___ _ »$§’13 706,650 1,023,210 " ' Number under Name of Bank Is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ W ACO iK j'jyj Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. (Federal Reserve District N o .ll) N ah e of B a n e . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ¿Mem. State Bks. AsSn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. 48-5 L ia b il it ie s . President . w. h . McCu l l o u g h V ice-President . Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . . b . s p e n c e r —* ~ a . j . p e t e r s o n : — ^ - j ; t . w i l l i s C. L. JoimSOH W i Ci F . EUBANK ir P a id - u p C a p it a l R esources. D ub . S u r p l u s I n d iv id- D eposits L o a n s a Bo n d s , AND UAL of D is Se c u r i P r o f its |D e p o sits B a n k s co u n ts t ie s , BTC. FROM Ba n k s - R .C . DUPREE If you appreciate prompt and careful senrlce ai s moderate charge, •t’12 send us your Items and collections for Texas,. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. $ 500,000 $ .161,910 $2,362,700 $2,077,190 $ 831,380 W. 0. LACY— ... G. K. Mc LEND0N 250,00.0 /. 174,810 1.342,460 — --- — E. G. LILLY— “ THE BANK O T 's iy ^ L ” ' ' Ç. B. SCHULER < ’84 Collections Glv en Prompt Atten tion, and Remit ted for ojq Day of Payinen .... 1,182,460 $ 818,460 N. City and Irv. N ., N. Y .; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 596,120 — i----- UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. 48-1 E. R0TAH— ---------- W. B. BRAZELT0H— K. H. SHERMAN — — BERT P ER R Y ______ R. F. GRIB B LE, A c tiv e « R. W. JABL0N0WSKI, W.W. WOODSON, . Auditor i: - Active ': ; .• 1 L. E. Bain_______ Ç. W.Cahoon Theo. Ray _____ T. P. Priddie, Jr. 807,540 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y .; 1st N., Chi.; Merch.-Lac. N .. St, L ,; Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N O. ; Com. Tr: Co., Kan. C. 200,000 35,000 1,000,000 150,000 850,000 119,200 200,000 100,000 N. City, N. Y., 1st N., St. L.; Secur, N., Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l. N. Hou. 300,000 85,000 800,000 150,000 1,100,000 660,000 230,000 115,000 [. Park, N. Y .; Tenison N., Dallas; 1st N., Hou.; Ft. Worth N ., Ft. Worth. 100,000 46,010 403,460 0 2,430 272,520 288,470 72,950 118,690 1.772,370 100,950 864,120 <19 National City Bank____ $1900 JohnD. Mayfield.. E. M. Ewing ...I— I. J. Mayfield. «PROVIDENT NATIONAL BANK Dan Morris, Jr__ J . K . ROSE— —— W. T . W ATT— — — E . A. STURGIS— - - J0 N EY C. SM ITH—— E i A . STURGIS ^ 300,000 ' 210,000 2.Í4L640 H. B. WAITE < ’90 Accounts of Ba nks, Bankers and Corporations soli cited on favorable terms. 6,660 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. 162,240 Chi.; 1st N., St. L. Send us your T exas Collections d Irect for prompt and personal atte ntion. Waco Savings Bank_____.§’90 G. M. Seley----— Mrs.JamesB.Baker J, C. Dillard, Sec. -__________ 48-51 25,000 and T r. tt’77 C. M. S E L E Y — Joney 0. Smith, T I M E A N D I N T E R E S T S A V E D BY USING OUR MODERN T R A N S IT S Y S TEM ' 42,870 40,000 57,510 {sl — H . M. RIC H EY---------- M. A . S U LLIV AN — - 1. W. S E L E Y - Speclal attention given and quick returns made at low rates on all Texas Collections with reasons for non-payment. Correspondence will receive prompt attention. Waco Clearing House_______ J. K. Rose_____— (M em bersindicated by a * ) 101,890 P 100,000 400,000 Co., Chi.; State N., St. L.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. / T2tj ir M gr. 'îv iâ ..j.,..— - yL July, 1919 ‘WACO STATE BANK 1,000 ____________ 48-52 48-2 2,499,400 1,981,000 $ 609,280 '■>10 Send your Central Texas Items to Waco—the leading city—and to the J. F. WRIGHT..... J. B. EARLE-—— -C. F. DUMAS-------J. S. DUMAS MRS. î . P. ADAMS P. A. GORMAN LIBER TY Official attention Riven bill of lading drafts. NATIONAL BANK A modernC Acommercial SH A N D T IM E ITE M S . bank built for service« 48-4 213,150 3,166,750 $ 826,220 < ’74 First National Bank—the leading bank. We give satisfactory service. «First State Bk. &Tr. Co.<§’10 48-6 48-9 600,000 505,650 Séab. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; South Tex. Com’l N„ Hou. TEXAS BANKS— W aco ‘FIRST NATIONAL BANK Principal Correspondents . C a sh and Ex ch a n g e s c. n. NASH' «CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 48-3 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in* For Interest Bates, Grace, For Holidays, see opposite page 13 dexed in back of this volum e. etc., see page 14. _________ ‘CENTRAL TEXAS EXCH. NATI BK. (McLennan, G 18) County Seat Pop. 33,385— Reserve City 1330 1 oqn C o n t in e n t a l an d C o m m er c ia l Ba n k s . C h ic a g o N u m ber u n der N am e o f B an k is the New T ra n sit N u m ber given Federal Reserve of Louis l o o iBank to each in V. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority o f The American Bankers Ass’n. TI£X AS—Continued A ccessible T o w n s, L aw yers, L a w s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volum e. F o r In te r e st K a te s , G r a c e ,i’—• e t c ., see page 14. F or H o lid a y s, see opposite page 13.1 C N u m ber an d er N am e o f B an k in the New T ra n sit N u m ber given to each bank in IT. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. T own and County. Name of Bank . »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. fPriv. E El Paso Br. H Hou.Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estate. P resident . V ice -President , C ITIZ E N S »Waxahachie.. -Ellis E 10 Pop. 8000 0. E . DUNLAP— N A T IO N A L B A N K 88-162 As s ’ t Cashier . B ANK & T R . CO. LYNN „L U S S W E L L - W ILL McPHERSON — J . C. P A Y N EP . A . C H A .. . . . . C. W. SIMPSON 45,420 1.803,810 1,677,180 358,780 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., and Tehlsoh N., Dallas; Lumbermans N., Hon.; Midw. N. Bk. & Tr. Co., Kan. C. . 200,000 FIRST NATIONAL B A N K -< ’80 W. S. Fant______ R. W. Davis, Active Geo. Faut_______ 88-198 100,000 121,730 FIRST STATE BAHR — » 06 H. W. Kuteman— G. W. Fritz—— 125,000 A. N. Grant W.T. Carter...__ J. S. Campbell. E. H. Martin____ H. L. Brevard__ E. F. Shortt—____ Ed. Rateel__ ..... Frank Verunac J. C. Hubbard___ H. J. Laas______ Chas. Herder A. R. Couch_____ J. L» Cruce_____ Carl Liese — W. C. Thielemann. O. G. Frels______ F. W. Garlin W. D. James____ W. H. Mangum__ Fred Smith_____ Neal Butler W. P.Ammann__ Jno. Knuetka F. F. Anders___ A. R. Hluchanek G. R. Couch, Jr_ 1,650,000 2,350,000 435.380 521,890 435,000 N. City, N. Y .; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L. City N., Dallas. 87.960 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worths 848,900 1,129,250 191,390 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; City N„ Dallas. 52,890 704,940 762,320 210,320 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N„ Ft. Worth: (Mem. Fed. Bes.) 295,000 50.000 17,000 75,000 25,000 300,000 550,000 530,000 50,000 15.000 23,000 12,000 350,000 40,000 367,000 65.000 85,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cent. N., St. L.: Secur. N., Dallas: Far. &Mech. N.. Ft. Worth. 60,000 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Lumbermans N„ Hou.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Alamo NY, San Antonio, 56,000 Imp. &Tra. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; City N., Galv.; Frost N., San Antonio. 16.000 1st N., Ft. Worth; City N., Wichita Falls. 15,000 2,000 45,000 40,000 120,000 Seab. N., N.Y.: Austin N., Austin; 1st N., Hou, 20,000 2,620 10,000 8,200 95,860 63,000 93,580 63.000 22,670 Cent. Tr. Co.. San Antonio; Seab. N., N. Yv State Bk. & Tr. Co., Hou. 20,000 State Bk. & Tr. Co., Hou.; 1st State, Trinity. AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, » B O i IDS, Littlefield Building, Austin Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _________ ___________ 1331 52,280 D. S. Wright, F.-P. • Merchants & Far. State Bank J. H. Doss______ 88-200 »1900 Weimar— Colorado K19 First State Bank..——. . » ’08 W. F. Miller— — 88-752 H Pop. 1500 T. A. Hill State Bank__ » ’12 George Herder, Jr,. 88-751 Weinert___ Haskell C ! Weinërt State Bank___ » ’09 G. R. Conch_____ 88-1341 Pop. 300 Weir---- Williamson I ; Weir State Bank:_____ » ’06 J. B. Salyer.—___ 88-1342 Pop. 300 Welcome— -Austin J ! First State Bank_____ »14 John Reichle____ 88-1664 H Pop. 242 Weldon__.Houston H ! First Guaranty State Bank Alex Thompson_ 88-1400 »11 H Pop. 500 ____ f 290,350 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’I N., Chi.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; N. Bk. Com., St. L. 150,000 ♦ 88-201 P r in c ip a l Co r r e sp o n d e n t s . 190,000 1,145,000 1,455,780 210,000 »Weatherford__ Parker Citizens Nat’l Bank____t’82 G. A. Holland____ O. O. Barthold___ J. O. Tucker_____ J. P. Owens. 88-199 G. S. White Pop. 6000 D17 V 200,000 300,000 88-163 | J . N. LA N G S FO R D -- J . R. P H ILLIP S ___R J. M AYFIELD FIFTEEN CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report insures prompt, personal < ’90 attention. LARGEST BANK IN ELLIS COUNTY. N A TIO N A L BANK R e sou rces. Dig- L o a n s4 C a s h4 £zct s . B o n d s , o h a n o m ,D u b a n k s S a O U R R T M nonB $ 35.000 $ 20,700 $ 143,460 $ 162,650 $ 31.180 .Chase N., N. Y.; Sdf Tex. Gom’l N., Hou.; Guaranty State, San Antonio. 4 15,000 6,800 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Am. N., Austin. 6,500 30,000 "” 56,300 12,500 12,500 125,000 120,000 30,000 Han. ¡83 N. Y.; 1st N.. Hou. A. W. Umland.._ Geo. O. Crump__ J. F. Eèterak—— Mrs. E. M. Esterak 30.000 1,200 46,000 53,640 13,130 Seab. N., N. Y.; City N.. Galv.; N. Bk. Com., Hou.; 'Austin Co. State. Bellville. O. R. Prouty ___ J. C. Matejka— — 30,000 17,540 116,680 Î 133,640 31,580 Han. N., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex. and 1st N., Hou.; 1st Nfi St. L. L. R. Whiteley___ J. H. Brotherton — 45.000 22.500 275,000 218,000 ' 87,640 Coal & iron N., N. Y.; 1st N., Waco and Ft. Worth. B. Wilkes 9,610 21,490 Seab. NvN. Y.; 1st N., Shreveport, La., and 10,000 240 .23,210 J. A. McClaran__ Marshall; City N., Dallas. W. K. WARD— — R. J . C O L E M A N --: ERLING H ELLA N D - C. M . H A L L --------J . E . COLEM AN, F .C . ROGERS VERNE ROBERTS A ctive V. P. G. W. COLEM AN J . E . BATCHLER T. J . M cBAOE, V. P. . J , H. M ILLER — — 1 Ì’ S. H. Vaughan— The youngest bank In Waxahachle. Prompt service assured. < f’05 Beady and willing to serve you, as a modern up-to-date bank should. please send 15cwith each sight draft fo r presentation and 25cfo r Credit Report . WAXAHACHIE Lia b il it ie s . P a id - u p S u r p l u s D e p o s and it s Ca p it a l P r o p it s H. C. Doering—__ Theo. Walther__ FIFTEEN CENTS sent to us With each sight draft for presentation, and < ’68 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Insures prompt attention. GUARANTY STATE 88-165 — T. A. FERRIS— — R. W. GETZENDANER J N LANGSFORD Cashier . _______________ TEXAS BANKS— Waelder to Weldon Waelder...Gonzales K 18 Farmers State Bank__ < l’07 G. O. E. Vaughan— R. D. Miller— Pop. 1100 88-1337 Walburg—Williamson 118 Walburg State Bank— » ’13 J. Leschber— . Eno Cassens_S3 Pop. 500 88-1623 Waller_____ Waller j 20 Guaranty State Bank__<§’15 G. H. Umland—— W. P. Castle-— _ H Pop. 500 88-1690 R. C. Mathews Wallis —-——Austin R 20 Guaranty State Bank—ti’18 Chas. Kaechelë—_ B. Stern.i—___ H Pop. 1000 88-1817 L. Pustejovsky Wallis State Bank___ <§’06 R. A. Irvin——.— F. D. Brandt____ 88— 1339 Frank Pazderny Walnut Springs—Bosque First Guaranty State Bk.»'10 J. P. Head______ W. J. Glenn ____ _ Pop. 1340 F 17 88-611 Waskom—Harrison D 23 Guaranty State Bank__ §’19 E. S. ,ry i._____ W. M. Waterman.. Pop. 500 82-1836 A ccessible T o w n s, L aw yers, L a w s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F or In te r e st K a te s , G ra ce , TEX AS—Continued Tuly, 1919 1331 Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given tp each bank in Ü. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. Townand County. x Name of Bane. »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState In No. li Fed. Res. Dist tMem. State Bks.Assn. fPriv E El Paso Br. HHouston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors,, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace etc., see nave 14. JEor Holidavs. sop nnnnait» m*A TEX A S—Continued Lia b il it ie s . President, YICE-PRESIDENT. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. P a id - u p C a p it a l S ur p lu s R esources. D epos it s Loans k Dig c ’ tb. B onds, Securities Principal Correspondents. Cash k E x changes, from B anks Dus West-----McLennan F 18 First State Bank. _lf’0a C. W. Holloway__ W. R. Denton Pop. 2500 88-515 “ __ ___ 44 National Bank of West _.t’06 W. R. Glasgow— B. B. Ingraham__ 88-514 “ _____ •• West Bank ...... »tt’93 J. A. West___ ___ Mrs. C. H. Read__ 88-513 Mrs. G. W. Choate West Columbia.Brazoria First National Bank____’19 C. B. Gaddis_____ R. B. Loggins____ Pop. 2000 L5 88-1843 R. R. Farmer * ** “ Guaranty State Bank__ §’19 R. L. Young_____ E. C. Parker_____ 88-1860 Westhoff— Dewitt L18 First State Bank_____«tS’08 Philip Welhansen.. Wm. Green_____ Pop. 500 88-1344 Robert Miller Westminster-Collin C 19 First State Bank_.i_— ,t|’09 W. H. Moats_ J.H. Caldwell... Pop. 600 88-1345 J. M. Kirby Weston-------- Collin C19 WestonGuaranty State Bank J.G.Gross __ I. L. Smith______ Pop. 300 88-1340 tS’ll ‘ Wh&rton-Wharton K 20 Security Bank & Trust Co. A. A. Mullins. ... E. Hawns Pop. 2500 ♦ 88-535 «JUS G. H. Northington, Sr. » B. O. Roberts__' P. G. Brooks..:__ • Wm. R. Gerlich__ 25.000 17,590 162,710 169,360 W. P. Cook ____ Robt. Cervenka... 50.000 20.000 175.000 220,000 50.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; City N., Dallas. J. E. Farmer- 25.000 40.000 30.000 T. H. Robb____ 10.000 23,240 760 L. A. Walker Gus. Metz, Jr.. 25.000 13,100 220.000 182,000 J. M. Kirby_____ W. H. Hinton___ 12.500 5.000 180,000 59.000 J. N. Wilson ..... 12.500 2,950 145,960 107,870 50.000 9,910 382,130 437,700 L. F. Worthing.,.. J. O. Garrett 33,980 Chase N„ N. Y.; City N., Dallas; Cent. Tex Exi N., Waco. 45.000 Seab. N., N.Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Citiz. N. Waco. 30.000 Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 28,580 N. Bk. Com., Peo. State, and Lumbermans N., Hou. 65.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio; Union N., Hou. 13,200 Han. N., N. Y.: Secur. N., Dallas; Merch. & Plan. N.f Sherman; 1st N., Me Kinney. 48,470 Irving N., N. Y.: Denison Bk. & Tr. Co., Den. ison; 1st N., McKinney. 117,840 N. Park, N.Y.; Union N., Lumbermans N., and 1st N., Hou.; City N., Galv.; (Mem. Fed. Res.) H S W !® 50.000 G. H. Sampson__ W. F. Hartzog___ 7,660 173,730 109,260 25.000 2.000 120,000 146.000 10.000 5.000 50.000 50.000 50.000 10,000 300.000 250.000 50.000 15,080 118,300 206.000 533,700 50.000 50.000 49.860 36.000 24.000 230,710 280,000 250,000 10.000 1.000 24,500 100,000 100,000 103.000 Kan. N., Wichita; Ft. Worth N.. Ft. Worth. 70.000 Guaranty State, Amarillo: New Eng. N„ Kan C.; Secur. N., Dallas; .(Mem. Fra. Res.) 15.000 N. City, N. Y.; City N., Dallas. 60.000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.i City N., Dallas; Com’l N. Sherman. 256,820 82,220 Seab. N.. N. Y.; New Eng. N„ Kan. C. 576.000 176.000 Seab. N., N.Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Merch. &Plan. N., Sherman. 301,850 ■58,420 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N..NDallas; Merch & Plan. N., Sherman. 211.000 130.000 City N., Dallas; Cent. Tex. Ex. N., Waco. 275,000 40,000 Han. N., N. Y.; lst N„ Waco; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 41,390 5,140 1st N., Weatherford; Bk. of Mineral Wells, Mineral Wells. C o n t i n e n t a l a n d C o m m e r c ia l Ba n k s , C h ic a g o Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. TEXAS—Continued A ccessible T o w n s , L a w y ers, L a w s, D ire cto rs, in dexed in back of this volum e. F o r In te r e st B a t e s , G ra ce, etc«, see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. C July, 1919 W. T. Simmons__ TVJ. Lilley ClaudeR. Truett ._ ELG. Webster W. S. Treat _. __ 10.000 468.090 Seab. N.. N. Y.; So. Texas Com’l N.t Hou. 1st N., St. L. ___________ ‘ Wheeler__ Wheeler p 7 Citizens State Bank—.__ 108 E- * Unit J. M. Porter. _ n. R. Holt _ Pop. 50 88-1847 White Deer__Carson P 5 First State Bank _ ±§’lfi E. H. Grimes____ C. B. Hedrick__._ Pop. 250 ♦ 88-1721 e-Whitehonse__Smith E 22 Guaranty State Bank__tf 13 J. P. Hagan__ ... C. H. Willingham— A. S. Langford__ Pop. 300 88-1635 Whitesboro.Grayson B19 City National Bank___ *$’86 C. D. Anderson.. J. R. Robinett___ T. A. Key . Pop. 2500 88-634 B. Bennett * First National Bank___ «t’01 J. M. Buchanan. J. H. Feidt ____ S. B. Cowell 88-635 Whitewright__ Grayson First National Bank.___ t'02 0. B. Bryant— __ W. H. King.......... Pod. 1800 B 19 88-524 Planters National Bank »t'03 W. N. Stone.. __ 88-525 T. H. Sears Whitney_____ Hill F 18 Citizens National Bank—.3*05 W. L. Sanderson__ R. C.Feagin _____ J. N. Collier. M Pop. 1200 88-799 First National Bank___ «t’05 Cleaves Rhea____ M. V. Anglin . 88-800 A. D. Rhea Whitt.____ Parker D 17 Citizens Bank__ ^_____f’17 W. S.Fant_____ D. W. Thomas.. . Pop. 378 88-1795 T. R. Fondren INFORM ATION ON MANY S U B JE C TS . ASK O U R^SERVICE DEPARTMENT! N uof m St. b e rLouis u n d e r N a m e of* B a n k is the N ew X r a n s it N u m b e r given Federal Reserve Bank to each bank in U. S! exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ 120,150 1,410,210 1,111,030 -________TEXAS BANKS—Wellington tò Whitt ‘ Wellington,Collingsw’th City State Bank__ ,^.«i8’10 J. O. Doneghy.__ S. A. Street_____ H. D. Creath_____ E. C. Freeman___ $ 50,000 $ 137,870 ! 355,000 ; 490.000 $ 49,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am. Ex Pop. 3000 Q7 88-857 J. A. Leach N., Dallas; City N„ Wichita Palls. “ ^ •• First National Bank___ »t’06 0. J. Glenn. ... M. F. Hnnter____ H. S. Riggs_____ 25.000 31.000 250.000 230.000 54,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. anc 88-856 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N.. Ft. Worth Wellington State Bank.«$$’06 A. W. Blain.__ H.O. W ellsH. A. Holcomb__ 50.000 42,300 406,270 220.000 242.000 1st N., Chi.f Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth: Is ♦ 88-855 E. A. Wells . N., Wichita Falls;Drov. N„ Kan. C.; (Mem Fed. Res.) Wells— Cherokee G 22 Guaranty State Bank__t8’13 W. H. Shook...___ J. T. Simpson___ J. F. Smith.uaii__ 20.000 37,500 77,670 2.460 Union N., Hou.; Secur. N., Dallas. H Pop. 500 88-154& ___________ and P r o f its 1332 1 x INFORMATION ON MANY SUBJECTS. A SK OUR S ERVICE D E P A R T M E N T ! C o n t i n e n t a l a n d C o m m e r c ia l Ba n k s . C h ic a g o N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is the JNTew T r a n s it N u m b e r given 1 0 0 0 XJOJ to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-MelVally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. T own and County. N ame of Bank . Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ¿County Seats In No. 11Fed. Kes. Dist. tMem. State Bks.Assn. tFriv. EEl PasoBr. HHouston Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. ¿Wichita Falls__Wichita Pop. 12,124 B 16 AM ERICAN NATIONAL BANK 88-134 P résident . V ice -President . iR. S. NIXON............ u A ccessible T ow n s» L aw yers, Law s» t>irectors» in dexed in back of this volume; F o r In te r e st R ates» G ra ce, etc«, see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. TEXAS—Continued Cashier . A s s ’ t Ca s h ie r . H. G. B U R LEW .— E Z . B R .. . . . tSpecial attentio n"given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. \Please 8end 15c wi th each sight draft, f or presentation and i Lia b il it ie s . I1 R esources , &Dis- Cash &E x P aid - up Surplus D epos- cL’oans ts . Bonds, changes,D ub and IT8__ Capital Profits S ecurities from B anks Mech. & Metals N., N. V.; City N., Dallas; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. $ 100.000 $ 10.000 $1572130 1 R. 25cfor Credit Bepor ts. ' P rincipal Correspondents . ' •t’19 $ 400,000 700,00012,000,000 10,500.000 $3,000,000 N. City and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., St. L.; N. P .P . LANGFORD Bk. Coin.. Kan. C.;Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth. C .H . CLARK „ CITY NATIONAL BANK_«t'90 City N., Dallas. f l .p . H AR VEY ■ 88-180 i Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred It Reports by sen ding l FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sig h t d ra fts, I S c ; Credi t R eports, 2 Sc. T R Y US. [i. FIRST NAT’L BANK 88-120 A. KEMP------- C. W. SN ID ER-— _ W. L . ROBERTSON— R. E . SHEPHERD — N. M. CLIFFORD 0 A . JONES ( R, E . H U F F -— - W. M. MCGREGOR.. L . R. BUCHANAN— ‘ etxve W .D . C LIN E , V.-P. C. E . McCUTCHHN. A dive I \ Oldest Bank In WS&TU. 500,000 791,440 9,238,290 5,969,180 4,603,150 Han. N. andSeab. N.,N. Y.; Live Stock Ex.N., Chi.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth: Secur. N.. Dallas; New Eng. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., St. L. W E HUFF CÀRTER MCGREGOR Prompt and car eful attention glv en to all business entrusted to us. < ’84 IFIFTEEN CBN TS sent to us wit h each sight draft for presentation, and [TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redlt report insur es prompt, perso nal atte ntlon. National Bank of Commerce C. W. Reid_____E J. L. McMahon__ W. M. Frank____ 88-133 <14 F. 0. Barron, L. F. Stripling 200,000 A ctive V.-P. WICHITA STATE BANK & TR COMPANY 88-182 tMW Wildorado__Oldham P 3 Wildorado State Bank. tr o o 88-1349 Pop. 150 Willis__Montgomery 121 Guaranty State Bank _ «16 J88-1350 H Pop. 1000 Wills Point.__Tan Zandt First National Bank_ _Í’95 88-589 Pop. 2500 D 20 FIRST STATE BANK— -«•09 88-691 Yan Zandt County Nat, ' 88-590 Wllmer_____Balias 1) 10 White Banking Co.__ 88-1351 Pop. 350 Winchester.Fayetto J 18 Winchester State Bank. H Pop. 400 88-1352 Wlndom___ Fannin B 20 First State Bank____ 88-1354 è Pop. 400 Winfield____ Titus C 22 Pop. 1000 FIRST NAT’L BANK 88-1657 rW. R. FERGUSON— M. J. GARDNERLES TER JO N ES -------I R. M. WAGGONER, W. W. GARDNER V.-P. G. C. WOOD „ \Prompt attenti on to all Banking matters entrust ..FEE IN ADVAN CE: : Sight drafts, 15c minimum. Bell ed to us. able Credit Bepor ts. F. T. Mitchell .... G. B. Combs_____ W. E. O’Neal___ - Mrs. W. E. O’Neal L. C. Cooper____ R. G. Camp—__ W. R. Howell____ Spencer Starnes — O. C. Brace______ O. V. Thompson... M. F. Mayfield T. R. Bacon_____ H. M. Peace—— R. W. Curtis K. L. White____ H. E. White__ __ Carl Tigertt_____ A. Ramsey_____ H. H. Leeman___ W. A. Giles_____ S. F. Drake_____ J. F. Mohler A. N. Wheeler__ F. J. Underwood__ J. D. Richardson „ 0. W. C AUDLE------ W. L.N ELS O N - f J . A . LO K EY — <14 ( We guaran Wingate__Runnels F 13 Security Bank_______ i f 17 J. W. Dixon™ Pop. 275 88-1763 Winnie— Chambers J 23 Farmers &Merch. State Bank C. C. Rush ..... H_ Pon. 500 88-1356 «tllO TB Y US. 10,000 50,000 6,090 30,960 5,900 100,000 63,300 311,680 50,000 60,000 500,000 402,810 510,000 50,000 30,000 245,000 272,260 10.000 44,310 92,600 15,000 7,850 71,930 80,780 50,000 38,910 194,900 300,890 60,000 20,000 175,000 310,000 7,380 Amarillo N., Amarillo; Drov. N„ Kan. C. 15,500 N. Bk. Com., Hou.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 44,820 Seab. N., N. Y.: City N„ Dallas. 100,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Tenison N. and Cent. State, Dallas. 90,000 Cent. State and City N., Dallas. 1st N., St. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 16,560 Chase N.. N. Y.; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hou.; Dallas Tr. & Sav.. Dallas. 26.210 Seab. N., N. Y.; Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman; Am. Ex. N.. Dallas. 45,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and St. L. G. B. SCOGGINS tee prompt atten tion to all Item s James Barron...... C. G. Mendenhall— AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, S Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 250,000 120,000 2,350,000 1,850,000 850,000 Han. N.. N. Y.; Tex. State. Ft. Worth. W. L . STEW ART— I. W. KARRENBR0CK J. A. Elkins____ M. E. Paddock___ John E. Owens__ J.C.Lybrand, Active W. E. Easterwood B, W. Brnoe____ R. W. Garrett___ H.T. Fry______ H. Gilchrist____ 55,000 1,200,000 1,475,000 326,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Kan. G. and Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas- 2,500 10,000 430 12,000 15,000 3,140 69,360 47.410 5,100 Winters State, Winters. 32,120 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st State, Dallas: City N., Galv.: Gnlf N.. Beaumont. BONDS, Littlefield Building, Austin Nameof Bank . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState »County Seats. ¿Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. In No. 11 Fed. Res. DisL ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. town and county. President. Vice-President. G. D. Hurdle Winnsboro__ .Wood D21 FIRST NATIj)NAJ.BANK-«t 01 T. J. Gibson, B, F. Campbell Pop. 3000 Ch. o f B d . R. E. Skeen . J. F. Turner, % tv' 243,530 25,000 3.000 17.000 27,000 20.000 16.850 85.280 101,260 25,000 11.000 80,000 90,000 46,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N„ Ft. Worth: Far. & Merch. N., Abilene. 50,000 50,000 200,000 225,000 75,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Am. 50.000 35.000 400,000 TS sent to us wit h each sight draf t for presentatio n, and CENTS for «ach credit report ins ares prompt, per sonai a ttentlo n. 381,800 103,000 N. Park. N. Y.; N. Bk, Com., St. L.; Secur. N., Dallas; (Mem. Fed. Res.) 397,440 412.200 183.130 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 75,000 60,000 So. Tex. Com’l N., Hon.; Victoria N., Victoria. T. F. Shelton...... n *' Woodsboro.Refugio N18 , Pop. 500 H. Rodgers___ D . M . Hillyard___ Addie Meadows_ jW.D. MEADOWS- 0. B. DIGGS, A ctive J . Q . M C A D A M S — T. W. MURRAY ( t r y U S w i TH YOU R WI N T E R ’S ITE M S FOR QUI C K S E R VI C E . 25,080 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N„ Dallas. »tl'06 Wolfe City „„Hunt C 20 FIRST STATE BANK ..< § ’06 (F . W. UNDERWOOD ♦ 88-1625 Pop. 2500 1FIFTEEN CEN (TWENTY-FIVE '* P. McOlnnc___ W. F . F ELT Y - _____ GUY E . F E LT Y — _ G. M. MOORE — 1 F . WHITLE? jH . G TITTSW 0RTH W. CANTRELL - ULA BUSH------------~ J . 0 . J O N F S .................... M. F . RUNNION WOLFE CITY NATIONAL BK. )First and oldest established Bank . Send us your C olle c tlo n s d ire c t. 88-582 *$’89 (They will receiv e prompt and per sonai attention. 88-1471 Branch Smith___ n. IT. H e a r d _ _ 100,000 97,890 25,000 75,400 42.900 43.900 Stock Yards N., Ft. Worth: 1st State, Dallas. »Woodville__ Tyler H 23 Tyler County State Bk.~t§’03 George W. Riddle.. 8. H. Reid........... E. A. Dismuke. K. C. Minter 88-1359 H Pop. 1000 M* «• Woodville State Bank.„ § ’19 R. A. Cruse, Sr. — F,_ W. Tnhh 88-1878 Wortham.Freestone F 20 First National Bank.:.__ t’03 J . J. Stubbs_____ J.K. P. Poindexter T. B. Poindexter... R. G. Poindexter „ 88-759 Pop. 1100 r; 60.000 15,000 300.000 405,000 51.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st State, Dallas; Gulf N„ Beaumont. 30,000 30,000 150,000 150,000 50.000 City N., Dallas; So. Tex. Com’l N., Hon. PiVst State Bank . ±5’07 J. L. Bays__ ___.. W. J. Bryant A. W. Holton...... U. L. Davis. ___ 88-760 Collin TV1QFirst National Bank .... J1900 G. C. Kreymer..__ G. W. Honsewright V. B. Gallagher__ Gas Neilon_____ 88-847 Pop. 10P0 15,000 20,360 93,780 100,710 29.690 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N., Hou.; Am. Ex. N. and Secur. N., Dallas. 25,000 20,000 120,000 140,000 40,000 Seab.N.,N. Y.; City N., Dallas. 50,000 25,000 350,000 378,000 70,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Secur. N. and Am. Ex. N., Dallas; (Mem. Fed. Res.) M Wylie as L. V. Harcourt__ First State Bank_____»tl’07 S. W. Sibley . ♦ 88-848 A S K ' O U R F O R E I G N D E P A R T M E N T F OR CÓNTI NENTAL - - - Ü ä -----------------------1MCftRMATlON Number under Name of Bank ia t h e New Transit Number given Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. AND 30,000 COMMERCIAL TEXAS—Continued BANKS July, 1919 5,850 R. D. Daws___ __ Garland Eubank... _______ 10,000 Woodson_Throckmorton Woodson State Bank__ tS’07 88-1358 Pop. 500 D15 TEXAS BANKS-— Winnsboro to W ylie W. J. i; ¿¿c'oiyvor!- TIONAL BARK‘ t’15 88-1627 8S-#» 196,980 N. Bk. Com. and Irving N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N; Chi.; Far. & M ech. N; Ft. Worth.. Greenville N. Ex; Greenville. N. Bk. Com.; St. L.; Secur. N„ Dallas; (Mem. Fed. Res.) N. Bk. Com., Dallas and St. L.; Com’l N„ Greeneville. 386,260 Winters— Runnels F13 FIRST Pop. 2000 STATE BANK $ 100,000 $ 179,350 $ 580,240 Î 673,180 $ 292,970 Seab. N., N. Y.\ City N. and Am. Ex, N„ Dallas. Y O. W. Craddock__ J. S. Newman T. G. Carlock, Jr. Ch. o f B d . W IN TE R S Principal Correspondents. c th 37.090 M. Starnes. - . •• Liabilities. Resources. Loaxek Du- Garbk Sx* D epos Ass’t Cashier. Paid-up Surplus ’ . B ond«, chamois,Dui AND Capital Profits its Securities fromBarks 30.000 T. S. Steed —.1_ W. C. Anderson Winona____ Smith E 22 Winona State Bank _—*£§’10 88-1357 Pop. 500 ...___ Cashier. À. Morris_______ R. W. Daniel C. C. Chapman Thomas P. Shelton-.—*t’09 T. F. Shelton „ . t . 88-487 •• i Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in For Interest Bates, Grace, dexed in back of this volume. TEXAS—Continued 1334 Number under Name of Bank is theNew TransItNumber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The ^ “ ^“McNaUy Bankers CHICA A ccessible T o w n s , L a w y ers, L a w s, D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. F o r In te r e st B a t e s , G ra ce ,;'—« etc», see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13.1 C P fqattdpfc ASK' O U R FOREIGN D E P A R T M E N T F OR C ' — -------— -------------niT INFORMATION Number under Name of Bank istheNew Transit Number given and P resident . D 21 88-1360 Yoakum.—¿Lavaca K 19 Farmers &(Merchants State in -T TTnth Bank__ 88-1792____ *§’17 H Pop. 8000 . 1•t, - >j d _r- _t u .w iJN O .M . BENNETT V ice -President . Cashier . As s ’t Cash ie r . R. J. Poth J. A. Halley R esources. Loamsk Dis- Cashk Ex c Paid-up Surplus *ts. Bonds, chamois,Dus AND Depos its Capital Profits Bmoubitibs fromBanks J. A. Halley— JrT. Cook_____ John Machac 50,000 E . A . P A LM ER — H. RITTNER— — ~ 100.000 E . J . BUCEK —-----PHILIP W ELHAUSEN- M. C . DRISCOLL | E . F . W 0LTERSB. H. FREYB IG WM. GREEN A . HAGENS •, i ‘V' . YOAKUM STATE B A N K -«» 06 1Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time items. 88-221 (.Plain sight draf ts 15c, Credit Rep orts 25c. Fee in Advance. . C h ic a 100,000 50,000 0. W. EH LER S ...... R, P. KORTH -----f t S S a ; et service on Coll ec^ons^anf Ciredl t Beports by send ing Yorktown__ Dewitt L,18 FIRST NATIONAL B ANK-*t’68 (FEE IN ADVAN CE. Plain sight d rafts, 1 5 c ; Credit Reports, 2 5 c . T BY US. 88-659 Pop. 1180 (Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts. P r in c ip a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . 8,000 $ 50,000 $ 48,000 $ 30.000 Ist State, Dallas. 2,000 128,030 135,980 39,380 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Guaranty State, San An tonio; Comw. N., Kan. C. ' 77,000 920,000 (Collections sent ns will receive pr ompt attention and remitted on day of p ayment YOAKUM NATIONAL BANK 88-222 »$’07 (Prompt attentl on given all Bank ing matters entru sted to ns. asiöte— 1Ä ks Accessible T o w n s , Lawyers, L a w s, D irectors, in dexed in back oi this volume. F o r In te r e st B a t e s , G race, etc,, see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. $ 20,000 $ G. D. Clayton...... W. M. Craddock... Ban 853,970 148,950 Han. N., N. Y.; Coût. & Com’l N., Chi.; So, Tex. Com'l N., Hou.;N. Bk. Com., St. L. 45,000 1,298,000 1,018,000 425,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Alamc Nt, San Antonio; Union N., Hou.; 1st N., St. L. 44,320 445,500 430,200 87,250 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio: Union N., Hou. 35,000 25,000 ,F KRAEGE W.C. M E T Z -— - - B. E . THOEM w a s u s FIRST STATE BANK— • «’0 7 vision of an officer of the Bank. r the direct super department unde (Our Collection ; , “ ki 88-660 - * 350,000 235,000 40.,000 Seat). N., N. Y.: Guaranty State, San Antonio 1st N„ Hou. and Ft. Worth. 12,000 50,000 50,000 39,200 Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; Union N., Hou (We offer promp t attention and p rompt returns. Zephyr.— ..-Brown F 15 First State Bank_____ » ’07 Wm. Skipping___ J. M. Beaird —— W, L. Johnston.... Mae Johnston ___ 88-1361 Pop. 600 TEXAS» Map on Index In No. 12 Fed. Bes. Dist. UTAH Salt Lake Branch 10,000 $ 50,000 $ American Fork.Utah F 4 Bank of American Fork»»’91 James Chipman ... Jas. Chiplnan, Jr- W. S. Chipman .— 97-55 Pop. 8000 25.000 W. H. Chipman.... Clifford E. Young . Peoples State Bank__»*§’13 97-102 25,000 ¿Beaver___ .Beaver I) 8 FirstNational Bank___ *$’08 J. F. Jones_. . .. . F. T. Gunn_____ G. Ti. Skinner___ Elizabeth Wilson.. 97-48 Pop. 2500 29,000 State Bank of Beaver County S.O. White, Jr__ - Jos. F. McGregor.. C. E. Murdock__ Emma T. Mathews 97-47 »tS’05 50,000 Ringham Canyon.„..Salt Bingham State Bank ...« » ’03 L. B. McCornick.. C. E. Adderley — H. E. Hemingway R. Unander ' 97-36 Lake. Pop. 5000 £3 50,000 Central Bank of Bingham Wm. B. Wallace -I StephenL.Richards R. T. Dahlquist.. - D. O. Coakley___ 97-125 »§’19 25,000 L. B. Redd™.___ Anna Redd.......... Blandíng__SanJuan J 9 San Juan State Bank.—» ’13 L. H. Redd _____ _ ; 97-104 Pop. 800 80,000 Bountiful____ Davis F 3 Bountiful State Bank--»»’06 J. A. Eldredge .— R. Stringham----- Chas. R. Mabey ... David Mabey — . 97-56 Pop. 4000 50,000 Ernest M. Madsen97-106 83,000 5 725,000 1 540,000 S 189,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Utah State N„ Salt Lake 0 4,000 160,000 150,000 40,000 Köuntze Bros., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Deseret N. Salt Lake C. 13,000 154,000 147,000 26,000 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Desei'et N„ Salt Lake C. Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 6,000 200,000 185,000 45,000 Utah State N., Salt Lake G. T,. A. Snow_____ JohnD. Peters__ N. A. Macdonald... »Brigham—Boxelder £ 2 FIRST NATIONAL BANK «fOl H 97-29 - ” »IM Pop. 5000 Kirke Martin Security Savings Bank.» » ’12 J. E. Halverson__ J. M. Dalton ♦ 97-99 STATE BANK OF BRIGHAM ClTY— -97-28— — .»0 7 <M.S. BROWNING W. T. DAVIS— R. A. MADSON— Ji IbF O M - (W e collect at o nee and remit at once* (if n ot paid, we obtain reasons. Send your busln ess direct. 20,000 210,000 240,000 40,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.-; McCornick & Co. Bkrs., Salt Lake C. 20.000 201,170 254,340 29,000 100,000 161,000 25,000 - 415,080 4.400 114,000 135,000 38.750 N. iök. Com., if. Y.; N. City Bk. of Chi, Chi. Utah State N., Salt Lake C. 38,000 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Deseret N. Salt Lake C.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 91,380 Utah State N. and Deseret N., Salt Lake C, 1st N., Ogden. 14,950 Knauth, Nachod & Kühne, N. Y.; N. Copper Salt lake O. _ ^ - 30,000 70,000 910,000 855,000 50,000 25,900 555,000 504,430 40,000 60,000 925,000 568,000 423,160 155,000 N. City. N. Y.; Utah State N., Salt Lake C, Pingree N„ Ogden; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. San F. 74,550 Chase N.t N. Y.: Ogden State and Com’l N. Ogden: McCornick & Co. Bkrs., Salt Lak< C.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; (Mem Fed. Bes.) 430,000 Irving N., N.Y.; 1st N. and Ogden State, Ogden Deseret N., Salt Lake G. W R IG H T-S W A N & CO., D e n v e r — Preferred Stocks ~~COR PO RATIO N Bonds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis lu iy , 1919________________ T E X A S A & D ' U T A H B A N K S — Yantis to Brigham_____________________ 1335 •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. StateBks. Assn. tPriv. [Estab. E El Paso Br. RHouston ♦Mem, Fed. Bes. m ercial Lia b il it ie s . N ame of Bank . T own and Oodntt. »County Seats. Yantis.— . — Wood NUpi Pop. 500 Com TEXAS—Continued ontinental ... each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers* Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass*n. I T own and County. 1 - ■? »Name of Bane. •Mem. Am, Bks. Assn. {State I *County 8eats. In No. 12 Fed. Res. Bist. tMemtStateBks. Assn.tPrly.- ^ P resident, ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [EstentSalt Lake Branch. Vice-President. r CASHIER. A s s ’t Ca s h i e r . CacheJnnction.Cache F1 Farmers Banking Co..— §’10 0 .0. Rigby...____ J. E. Griffin— — M. T. Beck — _... *97-57 Pop. 63 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in For Interest Bates, Grace, For Holidays, see opposite page: 13. dexed in back of this volume. UTAH—Continued -etc., see page 14. , Lia b il it ie s . i1 R e so u r c e s , Su b p lu s « k Dig- Cash k E xP a id - up D e p o s cLoan ’ t *. Bonds, C H A N G U ' D U V and Ca p it a i , P r o f its its Securities noxB anks i S 14,000 $ 1,120 ‘ Castle Dale__Emery H l Emery County Bank _— •§’06 Samuel Singleton __ J. B. Crawford__ Edmund Crawford. F. W. Reid_____ : 97-58 Pop. MS Cedar City__ . . . Iron CI Bank of Southern Utah •IS’04 U. T. Jones_____ David Bulloch___ S. J. Foster__ ___ E. M. Corry__ ___ ♦ 97-59 . Pop. 2000 Sadie Buckwalter.. Eureka.— . . — Juab E 5 Eureka Banking Co...•t§1900 W. S. McCornick— John Dern______ 97-52 Pop. 4000 3 42,150 1 41,260 $ 13,250 25,000 17,530 249,210 75,000 70,000 50,000 2.000 500,000 15Q.000 179,440 25,000 25,000 30,670 25,000 30.Q00 7,000 390,300 125,000 240,850 90,000 7,280 188,850 146,790 210,000 200,000 53,420 Merch. N.. N. Y.: N. City, Salt Lake C.; Pingree N., Ogden. 20,040 Irving N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N. Chi., Utah State N., Salt Lake G. N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; McCornick & Co.. Bkrs , 40,000 Salt Lake 0.; (Mem. Fed. Bes.) McCornick & Co., Bkrs., Salt Lake C.; Knight 94,390 Tr. & Sav.. Provo. N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; Utah State 100,000 N., Salt Lake C. 140,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; 1st N., San F.; McCornick & Co., Bkrs., Salt Lake C. 74,000 Kountze Bros., N .Y.: Deseret N., Salt Lake 0. 52,000 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Deseret N., Salt Lake C. 200,740- N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; McCornick & Co.. Bkrs., and Deseret N., Salt Lake Q. 67,000 1st N., N. Y. and Nephi, Utah; N. Copper, Salt Lake C. 65,440 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.,Ohi.; Crocker N., San F.: McCornick & Co., Bkrs., Salt Lake C. 60,000 Mech. &Metals N., N. Y.; IstN., Ogden; Deseret 80,420 55,670 32,210 Chase N.,-N. Y.i Far. & Stockgrowers, Salt 46,900 Cont.A Com’l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Rep., Salt Lake C.; Ü. S. N.. Den. 70,000 N. City, N. Y. and Salt Lake O. 100,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Utah State N., Salt Lake O.; Knight Tr. and Sav., Provo. 132,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Utah Slate N., Salt Lake C.; R. T. Carruth____ 25,000 26,400 538,150 630,070 B. L. Smith ____ 30,000 7,400 71,170 88,800 TTyBaab, .Tr. . 25,000 10,000 -250,000 230,000 3,330 O. L. Hansen____ 25,000 50,000 25,000 2J4.670 450,000 177,680 350,000 Tlios.A.McCormick 30,000 5,000 502,000 350,000 Fairview.... Sanpete G 5 Fairview State Bank....•§’14 Andrew Lasson— A. R, Anderson__ P. Sundwall—____ P. Sundwall, Jr—. 97-109 Pop. 1500 ‘ Farmington__Davis F Davis County Bank ._-•1§’92 J. S. Clark______ James A. Eldredge. A. L . Clark_____ G. S. Clark___ ... 97-53 Pop. 1231 »Fillmore____Millard E 7 State Bank of Millard County JosephT. Finlinson Parker Robison__ Rufus Day__ f . __ 97-54 •tt’07 Pop, 1500 Fountain Green Sanpete Bankof Fountain Green »§’16 G. M. Whitmore— A. J. Aagard...__ J. T. Oldroyd Pop. 875 F5 97-114 Garfield___Salt Lake E 3 Garfield Banking Go..-• {§ ’07 W. S. McCornick __ D. 0. Jackline__ - Gilbert Palmer — John M. Hayes, 25,000 25,000 7,750 5<U)00 205,00C 162,000 332,000 - 341,000 97-51 Pop. 2296 97-55 Pop. 1500 Garland___Boxelder E 1 Pop. 1000 Orantsville___Tooele E 3 Pop. 1164 Grayson___San Juan J 9 Greenriver-----Emery 1 7 Pop. 600 Gunnison___ Sanpete F 6 Pop. 950 ‘ Heber__...Wasatch G 4 Pop. 2500 Helper_____ Carbon H 5 Pop. 2000 dP.JD. Kimball____ Sec. and Treas. Bank of Garland___ -• i§ ’07 R, T,. Rnsh G. M . Evans.__ _ 97-66 E. T. Woolley___ Leo Johnson — — P. E. Anderson — Grantsville Deseret Bank 97-57 •t§’10 TTattin TTesa (See Blanding) —_____ B. J. Silliman. __ W. C. Gillispie.__ Commercial & Savings Bank Geo. E. Thurman— ...... 97-58 i •t§’08 Gunnison Valley Bank.»WOO 0. B. Berglund .... John 0. Mellor ...i J. W . Jones____ — R. G. Collette. Jr.. 97-59 F. A. Beck Bank of Heber City—..«ÎS'02 J. R. Murdock___ J. W. Clyde——Ä .. Emer W. Murdock. Elmer Strong....... 97-72 Pop. 1833 K«nws_____ Summit < Kamas State Bank__ p|p09 97-73 Pop. 600 ‘ Kanab_____ Kane D 10 State Bank of Kane—-• »T 4 97-105 Pop. 1000 Barnes Banking Co...-• i§ ’91 ♦ 97-74 Pop. 1500 First National Bank . .„•i'05 Layton. _____ Dai 97-75 Pop. 1100 . 97-35 . W R IG H T-S W A N & CO., Denver— Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given each bank in U.—S. exclusively by The Band-McNaUy Bankers’ ■— *-■' “* - ES— ■— — lr n v e A c c ’ n 6,000 1,370 25.000 134,070 280,000 117,960 240,000 100,000 2,850 8,500 10,000 450,000 430,000 50,000 30,000 344.670 284,570 20,000 6,690 55,510 5,500 -250,000 64,550 160,000 250,000 195,110 115,000 25,000 T. A. Dannenberg. Moses W. Taylor.. Moses C. Taylor_ John R. Findlay__ W. è. Little.____ A. R. Paxman ..... D. F. Beddo ___1 _ John R. Barnes__ J. G. M. Barnes — John B. Gailey__ Bruce Major __ James Pingree___ E. P. Ellison__ . L. E. Ellison_____ R. Adams Lehi— ___Utah F 4 PEOPLES BARK— -•t§’17 I. D. Wines_____ L. B. McCornick... Herbert Taylor___ 97-100 Thomas Webb POP. 2964 StàteBank of Lehi...— *§’11 James Chipman.—J. H. Gardner___ W . S. Chipman — E. L. Chipman__ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25,000 10,000 25,000 97-70 Helper State Bank__..•tS’10 Jos. Barboglio___ F. R. Slopanskey . Glen Ballinger.— Jas. A. Pland ♦ 97-71 0. B. Petty .. .. ..— flland HirscTii . Hurricane__Washington State Bank of Hurricanet§’17|David Hirschi 97-120 Pop. 1500 C 10 R . W Oakes .. Hyrum_______ CacheF 1 Hyrum State Bank__ —•t§'08 M. S. Fr.r.les ....... Rnht. Baxter 66,790 Deseret N.. Salt Lake C. 77,500 1st N., Chi.: Deseret N.. Salt Lake G.: WellsFargo-Nev. N., San F.; (Mem. Fed. Bes.) 32,610 Fair. & Stockgrowers, SaltLake Q.;(Mem. Fed. Bes.) y 225,710 570,000 - 1 20,000 8,000 20.000 6,000 50,000 25,000 75,000 16,060 390,000 450,000 334,990 266,020 25,000 8,000 185,000 115,000 25,000 9,500 248,470 171,050 R EFER EN CE: ANY NATIONAL. BANK IN DENVER UTAH—Continued 220,000 1 N., Salt Lake O. Lake O. (Mem. Fed. Bes.) 28,870 N. Park, N. Y.; Far. & Merch., Provo. 93,000 Irving N., N. Y.: 1st N., Ogden; Thatcher Bros. Bkg. Co., Logan. 55,000 N. Bk. Rep., Salt Lake C. 30,000 Han. N., N. Y.: N. City, Salt Lake C. 65,000 Deseret N., Salt Lake C.; (Mem. Fed. Bes) 101,750 Han. N., N. Y.; Pingree N., Ogden; N. City, Salt Lake C. 60,000 N. City, N. Y.; McCornick & Co. Bkrs., Salt Lake C. 86,220 Han. N., N. Y.; Utah State N., Salt Lake C. — BONDS P R EFER R ED S T O C K S A ccessible T o w n s, la w y e r s , l a w s , D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, ©race, UTAH BANKS— Cache Junction to Lehi__________________ July, 1919 Iron Commercial & Sav. Bk. J. W. Imlay___ — H. W. Lunt__ — W. R. Palmer. __ •*§'17 ♦ 97-418 a. F. Holt W. W. Steed, Jr. t. Davis E 2 Clearfield State Bank—•§’17 E. P. Ellison... 97-117 ‘ Goalville....Snmmit G 2 First National Bank—__»t'05 Alfred Blonanist__ David Rees____ — Frank Pibgree— 97-50 Axcil Blonquist Pop. 976 Copperfield Salt Lake E3 Copperfield State Bank—§’19 Wm. R. Wallace__ S. L. Richards___ C. W. Buckholz__ J. D. Shilling Jr. 97— 126 Pop. 2000 (.Bingham Canyon P . O.) J. A. Melville____ • » ’13 Delta State Bank____J. H. Jehkins.___ A. S. Rogers Delhi_______ Millard D 6 ♦ 97-101 Pop. 600 W. L. Dean_____ —•§’15 R. S. Lusty —__— Glen C. Gray-----‘ Duchesne.Duchesne I 4 Bank of Dnchesne__ 97-112 ’ Pop. 600 A. N. Bjerregaard. C. Willardsen____ 7. H. Rasmuson__ — •§’06 Bank of Ephraim ; __ Ephraim..__Sanpete F 6 Clearfield— P rincipal Correspondents . 1336 number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ ' Directory» .ander the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. W R IG H T .SWAN & CO., Denver— Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 00*7 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers* 1 Ö Ö / Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. 00 Cn N ame of Bank . T own and County . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State »County Seats. In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. ¿Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Salt Lake Branch. President . V ice-President . — BONDS R EFER EN CE: ANY NATIONAL. BANK IN DENVER Cashier . P a id - u p Ca p it a l p r o f it s D epos it » R esources. ft Dis- 30,000 $ 10,400 $ 276,460 287,580 $ 30.320 1st N., N-. Y. and Ogden; Cache Talley Bkg Co., Logan; 3d N., Rockford, 111. 881,970 649,250 1st N.. N. Y.; McCornick & Co. Bkrs., Salt Taira G.; Ogden State, Ogden; Stock Yds. N., Oma., 3d N., Rockford 111.; (Mem. Fed. Bes.) 413,470 45,930 Irving N., N. Y,:N. City, Salt Lake C.;Com’l N., Ogden: (Mem. Fed. Bes.) 100,000 26,690 1,341,330 L. D. NAISBITT— — 100,000 25,000 100,000 39,460 1.175,920 1,030,380 150,000 66,430 1,793,990 1,446,170 u s ♦ 97-24 FIRST NAT'L BANK 97-22 •t’92 r . W. LLOYD— E. TAFT BENSON - PRirciPAL Correspondents . Cash ft ExLoams ’ t ». B ombs, omam« xs,D vx non Banks Bbootutims Lewiston...__ Cache F 1 Lewiston State Bank—.«¿{'OS Martin Pond_____ Hyrum Hayball---- S. B. Rogers.------- P. W. Pond___ — 97-76 Pop. 1600 W. O. Darley.___ •Logan______ Cache F 1 Cache V&lley Bkg. Co..«iS'03 G. H. Champ------- A. H. Thompson__ J. E. Shepard____ N. W. Haws Hyrum Hayball ♦ 97-28 Pop. 10,000 WM. M. HOWELL- S T O C K S A ccessible T o w n s, la w y e r s , La w s , D irectors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, ©race, e tc., see page 14.- "F or Holidays, see opposite page Id. UTAH—Continued ASS’T CASHIER. P R EFER R ED 277,770 JOSEPH CAMPBELL Do a general ha nking and comm erclal business, Unequaled fact titles for the pro mpt handling of your Items, service. The New Bank naturally gives t he most H. E. CROCKETT— A. SONNE. JOHN H.ANDERS0N 285,000 Chase N.. N. Y.: Utah State N., Salt Lake C.; Ogden State, Ogden. Collections and cash Items solid ted. Our superior fa dlltles guarantee satisfactory servt ce. TBY US. Thatcher Bros. Banking Co. H. B. Hatch_____ M. S. Eccles------♦ 97-21 » « ’83 First National Bank .— .-•’18 J. E. Cosgriff—— J. H. Grut— — Magna—— Salt Lake F 4 97-122 Pop. 2500 Magna Banking Co-—«Î816 C. W. Whitley— J. M. Hayes__ ♦ 97-113 Lewis Anderson.. J. C.Mellor___ •Manti____ Sanpete F 6 Manti City Savings Bank #7-77 »tl’90 Pop. 2500 Midvale..__ Salt Lake F 3 Midvale State Bank— «¿{’09 James Chipman .. Wm. A. Marshall _. O. W. Adams____ H. J. Hatch__ 568,030 Irving N„ N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr.Co., Chi. 1st N„ Los A.: Am. N., San F. ;(Mem. Fed. Bes.) N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. N., Salt Lake C. 156.000 52.000 N. City. N.Y.; Cont. &Com’l N., Chi.; Crocker N., San F.; McCornick & Co. Bkrs., Salt Lake O.; (Mem. Fed. Bes.) 450.000 125.000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: Wells Fargo Nev. N., San F.: Deseret N„ Salt Lake G. Geo. E. Marks.— M. H. Kirk —...... J. M. Bidwell, -Sec. and Tr, 25.000 25.000 3.000 180,000 R. P. Dyreng------- J. J. Jensen____ 50.000 50.000 450.000 Leon L. Olson----- A. L. Anderson.. R. H. Pitchforth . W. J. Burns..------ C. A. Arrington— D. N. Hickman . 97-78 Pop. 2000 A. Robertson... V. P. Martin_...1. W. R. McConkie. •Moab__ ....Grand K7 First National Bank.-----*’16 D. L. Goudelock— O. H. G. Green 97-116 Pop. 1000 R. Lee Kirk_____ H. W. Balsley — C. S. Thomson .. J. P. Miller____ _ Moab State Bank____«¿{’IS D. O. Larson 97-111 35.000 9.000 8.000 395.000 287.000 371.000 228.000 41,100 N. Park, N.Y.: Utah State N., Salt Lake C. 249.360 50.000 9.300 15.000 114,770 134,090 356.070 25.000 11.000 125.000 25.000 25.000 2,500 2,600 140.000 34.310 36,190 N. Copper, Salt LakeC. 37,790 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. City, Salt LakeC. Grand Valley N., Grand Jet., Colo.; Midw. - N. Bk. &Tr.i Kan. C. 45.000 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Deseret N., Salt Lake C 50.310 51,120 25.000 5.000 190.000 135.000 16,640 180,630 112,870 50.000 70,000 490.000 535.000 •7-49 Pop. 1760 Milford_____ Beaver C 8 Milford State Bank — Monroe_____ 8evier E 7 Monroe State Bank-------110 J. H. Low»-------07-70 Pop. 1450 T. R. Cutler.— — Heber Swindle------ O. Larson.. F,B. Hammond, Jr Monticello.San Juan K 9 First National Bank — .«’19 J. F. Barton------- Daniel 0. R. Christensen 97-124 Pop. 1000 Monticello State Bank—»§’18 Geo. A. Adams— Julius Bailey— — J. B. Decker.-;..» Hanson Bayles . ♦ 97-123 Charles Heiner .— B. W. Heiner— H. B. Crouch D. Heiner__ . _ ___ •Morgan___ Morgan F 2 First National Bank _ « i ’03 97-80 Pop. 3000 E. D. Anderson__ E. L, Faux____ T. D. Reese.,-------Andrew Anderson. Moroni------ Sanpete F 6 Bank of Moroni______ »il’05 97-81 Pop. 1400 E. W. Wall--------- I. E. Jorgensen. 7. G. Jensen_____ N. S. Neilson— ----Mt. Pleasant.Sanpete G 5 Mt. Pleasant Com’l &Sav.Bk. 97-45 *¿{’92 Pop. 2280 North Sanpete Bank— ¿{’06 W. D. Candland__ A. J. Aagard_____ H. C. Beaumann_ A. L. Peterson.. 07-46 D. A. McMillan__ Murray__ _ Salt Lake F 3 First National Bank------«¿'03 Richard Howe------ Melvin M. Miller .. 97-26 Pop; 5000 Murray State Bank------¿{’02 J. E. Cosgriff----- J. P. Cohoon____ J. E. De Neene— 97-27 E. R. Winstrom— Myton___ Duchesne 14 Myton State Bank------*¿{'02 B. L. Dart —_ — W. G. Gentry..— Chas. D. Kicher— 97-82 Pop. 800 W. O. Andrews — S. McCornick .. G. M. Whitmore— •Nephi. ____Jnab F 5 First National Bank _—*2 W. W. Armstrong . W. L. A. Whitmore J. W. Whitmore 97-38 Pop. 2759 Nephi National Bank — •¿'07 J. S. Ostler_,— T. A. Foote_____ J. W. Boud____ Ralph Brough —... 97-^39 _ of Oasis. —.»¿§’08 Henry Haff.----— J. C. Hawley__— C. O. W. Pierson . Oasis..—-__ Millard D 6 Slate Bank -07-83 Pon 1on 25.000 50.000 25.000 43,350 68,970 N. Park, N. Y.; Utah State N., Salt Lake C. 18,700 Han. N., N. Y.; N City, Salt Lake C.; Drov State, Den., Cblo. 23,830 Kountze Bros.. N.Y: 1st N., Chi.; Wells FargoNeV. N.,San~F.; Deseret N., Salt Lake C.; (Mem. Fed. Bes.) 72.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Utah State N.,Salt Lake C. 1st N., Ogden. . „ 106.180 N. Park, N. Y.: Utah State N., Salt Lake C. 50.000 47.300 287300 274,500 66.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi. McCornick &Co., Bkrs., Salt Lake G.: 1st N., San F. 105,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Utah State N., Salt Lake O. 100,000 40,610 15.000 17,450 547,560 155,070 690,720 126,970 97,470 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Deseret N.; Salt LakeC. 58,940 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. N., Salt Lake C. 50.000 5.000 59,750 240.000 210.000 50.000 709,320 685,340 50.000 25.000 250.000 265.000 15.000 10.000 150.000 100.000 70.000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Salt Lake C. 269,820 N. Bk. Com. and 1st N., N. Y.; Cont. & Oom’l N., Chi.; McCornick & Co. Bkrs. and N. Copper, Salt Lake C.: 1st N.. Los A. 90.000 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Wells FargoNev. Nv, San F. 75.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Utah State N., Salt Lake C. W R IG H T-S W A N & CO., D e n v e r -— Preferred Stocks--" corporation Bondé Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. T own and County. Name of Bank , «i »County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State In No. 12 Féd. Res. Dist. iMem. State Bks. ASsn.tPriv. Salt Lake Branch Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. President . Vige-President . Cashier . A s s 't Cashier . •Ogden__ ,__ Weber F 2 ♦Commercial Nat. Bank.*i’83 Patrick Heály, jr ‘. J. S. Houtz . . . . J . . . R. A. Moyes .1 .._W. G. Emley. Pòp. 31.404 . . , 0,7-4“. ..... , F. , Adam. Patterson (Reserve City) *; M. S. BROWNING J01INWATSQN . . — JAM ES F . BURTON-SUMNER P. NELSON FIRST NAT. BANK •t'81 07-2 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see 'opposite page 13. U T A H — C o n tin u e d ‘* We make a specially of Collection business. We present promptly and insist upon payment or definite reason for non-payment. __________ Prompt returns at lowest rates. ♦Ogden Savings Bank..*t§’9 M. S. Browning...’. L. R. EcCles______ C. H. Barton___ S. T. Jeppesen.... ♦ 07-6 John Watson Lia b il it ie s . S ur p lu s P a id - up D bpos and IT S C a p it a i . P r o f it s $ 100,000 R esources. P rincipal Correspondents. L oans &Dis- C ashA tEx* i. Bonds, chanobs.D us 8 »curiti xb nos Banns $ 225,000 11750000 $1469820 3 500,000 Liberty N., N. V.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., SanE.; 1st N., Den. 150,000 203,230 2,786.820 2,773,620 936,000 Irving N., N. Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. 150,000 161,880 1,459,790 1,574,540 ‘OGDEN STATE BK. Wefor,make a. specialty of, and have unequaled facilities handling your items and collections for Utah 07-5 100,000 251,000 3,940,000 3,084,700 1,208,100 Chase N., K. Y .; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi. ♦Pingree National Bank.«t’04 James Pingree—:. 07-1 J. W. Abbott, V.-P. ♦Security State Bank„**l’10 F. J. Kiesel_____ ■,— 07-»7 175.000 150.000 42,420 93,650 2,990,010 3,702,420 833,640 771,300 755,630 Mech. & Metels N. and Han. N.. N. V.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Merch. N., Oma. 266,760 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Drov. N.. Chi.; Ist N., San F.i Stock Yds. N., Oma.; Cal. N.,SaCramento 150,000 75,730 1,945.920 1,618,770 798,470 N. Park, N.Y.; 1st N.: Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev, N., San F. H. C. BIGELOW — - J . M. BROWNING— A. P . BIGELOW . . . E . 1 . VAN M ETER 0. E . DAVIS /JE S S E KN IG HT.. J. H. Riley__ F. J. Vicks__ S. G.-Dye______ _ A. V. McIntosh.... Wm. H. Loos. R. A. Moyes, See. ami Tr. Clemet Tebbs ___ M. E. Dodds__ W. W. Armstrong . Jerome Paxton. N. P. Nielson, Jr.. 50.000 55,000 350.000 325.000 50.000 6,500 595.000 495.000 130.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Utah State N., Salt LakeC. 168.000 1st N., N. Y.; N. Copper, Salt Lake C. 100.000 J. G. Mitchell—... 25.000 50.000 4,850 30.000 91,000 91,940 40,000 Deseret N., Salt Lake C. 13,650 N. Park, N. Y.; Utah Stete N., Salt Lake C. 512,500 50.000 12,920 210,000 20.000 11,410 284,010 180.000 10.000 50.000 50.000 70,000 700,000 600,000 62,040 684,050 640,570 100,000 103,000 808,550 647,470 269,540 Am. Ex. N.. N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Wells Fargo Ney. N„ San F.; Deseret N„ Salt Lake C. 25,000 17,000 350,000 255,000 80,000 N. City,\ N. Y.; Utah State N., Salt Lake O. Pingree N„ Ogden. J. G. Ellsworth.... H. R. Tietjan. H. Douglass Lee R. Taylor___ W. S. Chipman__ S. L. Swenson .. E. L. Butterworthl L. E. Whitmore__ C. R. Marcusen__ W. E. Anderson ... 25.000 J. D. Dixon u Arnold Dixon__ 100,000 R .E . A LLE N F . 6. W ARNICK. 300,000 1Conservative b ut Progressive, i Business entra sted to us given more than just the necessary attention. »*§’13 ( Collections and Casb letters on this point esped ally solicited. 79,660 493.000 135,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Utah State N., Salt LakeO. (Mem. Fed. Kes.) 205.000 47,540 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.; lstN.. Nephi; N. Copper Salt Lake C. 261,220 52,380 Han. N., N. Y.; Utah State N., Salt Lake C.; 1st N., Ogden. 190,000 N. City, N. Y.; Utah State N., Salt Lake a 186,010 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: McCornick&Co., Bkrs., Salt Lake C.: 1st N., San F.; (Mem. Fed. Res.) 8,790 686,070 672,520 124,760 N. Park, N. Y.: Walker Bros., Bkrs.. Salt Lake C.; Utah N., Ogden; (Mem. Fed. Res.) 50,000 1,250,000 1,320,000 280,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.t Chi.; 1st N., San F.; Utah State N.,< Salt Lake C.; (Mem. Fed. Res.) & SAVINGS BANK ♦ 07-19 REEDS M 0 0TPROVO C O M I & SAV. BANK * ' - 97-16 *$§’90 0. E . LO O S E-— — J . T . FAR RER — — J . A . BUTTLE__ F , G. RICHMOND General bankin g. Send ns your Utah Collections direct and they will receive p rompt attention. State Bank of Provo .—*§’02 W. H. Brereton__ John Ronndy. 97-17 Alva Nelson_____ J, F. Greer_ W R IG H T-S W A N & CO., Denver Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given I' i n n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-MCNally Bankers . R EFER EN CE: “ " " A N Y N A TIO>NAL N A L BANK IN D E N V E R “ ““ tvT i A U BONDS— ™ ™ “ " _______________ July, 1919 KNIGHT TRUST Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Ü. S.N. Den. and Port. and Southern Idaho. Moderate charge. Try us. B. G. Blackman—. E. P. Ellison W. H. Shearman .. F. J. Stevens Jos. Williams ♦Utah National Bank__»*’83 DavidG. Eccles:— W. L. Wattis — — C. E. Kaiser 07-3 \ M. S. Browning—. James Pingree__ Ogden Clearing House... (Members indicated by a*) •Pang uitch.. .Garfield D State Bank of Garfield ..*$’06 I. W. Hatch— . — Wm. H. Tebbs— 07-84 Pop. 1800 Park City.._Summit G First National Bank__¿»*’91 James Farrell----- Eugene Giles____ Pop. 3430 97-85 State Bank of Park City .§’17 John C. Cutler__ G. W. Lambourne . W 07-115 •Parowan__ „„Iron D Bank of Iron County ....§ ’08 L. N. Marsden.—. William Adams .... 07-86 Pop. 1156 Payson___ __ Utah F Payson Exchange Sav. Bank Henry T. McEwan L. N. Ellsworth__ Pop. 3500 ♦ 07-87 «*§’90 State Bank of Payson„.»§’17 W. W. Armstrong. G. M. Whitmore_ mmm 07-110 Pleaisant Grove. Utah F Bank of Pleasant Grove.tS’05 Jas. Chipman____ J. R. Ilalliday___ Pop. 3000 07-88 •Price__ „„Carbon H Carbon County Bank__ §19 Wi A. Lowry ——- R. M. Magraw.__ Pop. 1021 tt LTfJv I 97rl27 FirstNational Banki^..»î'01 J. M. Whitmore — A. W. Horsley.:_ 97-51 Price Commercial &Sav. Bk N. S. Neilson------ W. F. Olson. ...... ♦ 97-52 **§’10 J •Provo______ Utah F Farmers &Merchants Bank T. N. Taylor— — J. F. Bennett...... Pop. 10,645 Í -, yiZM 97-18 «*§‘07 196,670 Guaranty Tr. COm^N. Y.; 1st N., Ogden; Des eret N., Salt Lake C.; Crocker N., San F.; (Mem. Fed. Bes.) UTAH BANKS— Ogden to Provo •*§’89 1338 1338 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Grace, i*“ * etc., see case 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. W RIGH T-S W A N & CO., Denver— 1339 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers . Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. Name of Bank. Town and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState ¿County Seats. In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. :Mem.StateBks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Salt Lake Branch Vice-President. President. ¿Randolph ...R ichG l Bank of Randolph-----«tS’06 John Kennedy----97-8# Pop. 533 ¿Richfield .....Sevier E 7 James M.Peterson Bank«ti’83 James M. Peterson ♦ 97-42 — Pop. 3000 M „ Richfield Com’l & Sav. Bank Hans Tuft__ j*__ 97-43 • «’99 State Bank of Sevier..*tS’06 John Christensen. ♦ .07-44.;; U u w fim w r w i y Richmond .—..Cache F 1 StateBankof Richmond«tS’08 J. W. Funk_____ 97-90 Pop. 1800 Riverton__Salt Lake F 4 Jordan Valley Bank.__«+§’05 A. T. Butterfield__ 97-91 Pop. 1200 Roosevelt—Duchesne 14 Roosevelt Banking Co. *i:§’13 Owen Bennion__ 97-107 Pop. 1200 ANY N A TIO N A L BANK IN D EN V ER L ia b il it ie s . Subplus D epos P aid - up AND its Capital P rofits $ 25,000 $ Joseph Weston .... Chas. W. Walton .. Geo. H. Ogden.— F. E. Havens.—— 50,000 Arthur Whittaker. Guy Lewis__ ___ Jonathan Lloyd... 50,000 R. D. Young___ — D. P. Jensen ------- 45,000 Resources. Dm- Cash k E x Loams k c ’ ts . Bonds, Sm u r it i i s P rincipal Correspondents . changes ,D ue from B anks Bros., N. Y.; Deseret N., Salt Lake C. I 9,550 $ 99,250 I 102,520 $ 47,140 Kountze 90,000 I an. N., N. Y.; McOornick & Co., Bkrs., Sail Lake C.; (Mem. Fed. Bes.) 550,000 500,000 100,000 1,000,000 900,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Salt Lake C.‘ 250,000 1 555,000 570,000 124,500 I(¿Park, N. Y.: Utah State NTSalt Lake C 53,000 1rving N., N. Y.: 1st N., Ogden; Thatchei Bros. Bkg, Co., Logan. 28,390 Countze Bros., N. Y.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N. San F. 50,000 rving N., -N. Y.: Uintah State, ’ Vernal; N, City, Salt Lake C.: U. ,S. N. Den. Grand Valley N., Grand Jet., Colo. 48,000 55,000 (Mem. Fed. Bes.) M S. Eccles ----- G. G. Hendricks__ 25,000 9,000 195,000 189,000 I. E. Freeman..... Seth Pixton_____ 15,000 3,330 125,740 114,380 E. H. Burgess----- David Bennion..., M. J. Edwards.— 25,000 7,000 150.000 135,000 25,000 17,000 80,000 10,000 6,100 172,250 90,000 141,750 20,000 N. Copper, Salt Lake 0. 44,060 tlantic N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Deseret N. Salt Lake C.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., SanF. G. E. Miles_____ 25,000 15,000 315,000 310,000 45,000 an. N., N. Y.; N. City, Salt Lake C.; Pingre N.. Ogden. Bessie Gardner__ 25,000 5,000 182,900 191,200 42,000 25,000 20,000 450,000 366,000 120,000 35,000 7,000 165,000 148,000 27,900 Han. N., N. Y.; N. City and McCorniek & Co., Bkrs., Salt Lake C.; 1st N„ San F. LEV I PH ILLIPS — G .R . MAYCOCK (H. T. REYN0LDS- M. 0. PACKARD . . . on this point, ctlons sent direct SPRINGVILLE BARKING CO. J Items and colle pleton on. e prompt attenti will recelv 97-32 «tS’91 ^Thistle and Ma 75,000 33,120 327,790 360,180 75,730 Irving N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; MeCornick & Co.; Bkrs., Salt Lake C. C. F. Foster. __ Arthur F. Miles W. W. McArthur.. 30,000 15,300 354,500 217,000 182,800 N. Park, N. Y.; Utah State N„ Salt Lake C. Wm. S. Marks. — E. M. Orme____ A. L. England —__ 30,000 58,680 568,700 555,780 101,260 Utah State N., Salt Lake 0. A. N. Fishburn__ Charles McClnre. Fred. j . Kiesel • K. H. Fridal M. S. Eccles____ Geo. Y. Smith. — B. Y. Benson Harden Bennion— N. J. Meagher... 60,000 14,180 480,990 330,760 25,000 98,570 76,190 60,Q0( 880 27,000 405,000 407,000 218,760 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Walker Bros., Bkrs., Salt Lake 0.'; Secur. State Ogden. 44,400 Irving N., N. Y.; Thatcher Bros. Bkg. Co. Logan. ■ ~ _— 85,000 Imp. &Tra. N„ N. Y.: Colo. N., Den.: Walker Bros., Bkrs., Salt Lake G.; (Mem. Fed. BeS.) E. D. Samuels___ L. W. Curry----T. A. Kerr.-------- R. A. Leishman. PhiianderHatch_ J. R. Parrish _JL. 50,000 14,500 20,000 3,110 33,000 519,000 175JJ0C 126,720 380,000 380,000 97-92 Pop. 950 Sandy___ Salt Lake F 3 Pop. 1037 J. Farrell -_____ H. S. Gates-------- B. B. Crandall----H. A. Smith_____ A. R. Gardner----- 97-93 H. Woolford Thos. B. Farr..__ Smithfield___ Cache F 1 CommercialNat’l Bank.»t’12 James Pingree-__ Thos. Job Pingree ». > ■I 97-94 Pop. 2100 Spanish Fork .. Utah F 4 Commercial Bank____ «t§’05 Henry Gardner__ Jos. Hanson— ---- P. P. Thomas____ 97-31 Pop. 4000 .. P. S N E L L ------(JOHN JONES .... J M . CREER J Personal servlc e given all busln ess entrusted to FIRST NATI0RAL BANK--« 08 )Our facilities fo r handling your cash Items and —----97-30 (are unsurpasse d. TRY US. 8pringville __ Utah F 4 Mendenhall BankingCo.«t§’08 T. L. Mendenhall— H. S. Clyde— - G. W. Mendenhall 97-33 Pop; 3356 ^ .. A s s ’ t Cash ie r . STOCKS Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. Tor Interest Bates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. U T A H — C o n tin u e d Cashier . m m m mB O N D S — us. collections J. F. Mendenhall — (Quick action a nd Reasonable C barges. ¿St. Georgei.*Washington Bank of St. George —-•t§’0i 97-95 Pop. 2000 BIO Tooele County State Bk.»tS’08 ¿Tooele. Tooele E 3 97-40 Pop. 3300 Tremonton..Boxelder E1 State Bank of Tremonton P. M. Hansen..— 97-96 •t8’12 »corn pop. 750 Trenton____ Cache F 1 West Cache State Bank.»§’17 97-121 Pop. 2900 J. H. Reader____ ¿Vernal__ ...Uinta K 4 ♦ 97-53 Pop. 1200 “ J | Uintah State Bank___ »tS’ldI Enos Bennion___ 97-54 E. Wilson, Wellsville__ _ Cache E 1 Wellsville State Bank„«tl’lC1Joseph Jr, 97-97 Pop. 1500 Woods Cross —Davis F 31Farmers 8tate Bank...«tS’0fii William Moss-----97-98 Pop. 1999 Lizzie Hatch____ 50,000 434,000 W R IG H T - SWAN & C O M D e n v e r — Preferred Stocks— Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 103,000 N. Park, NvY.: Utah State N., Salt Lake 0. 22,000 Cont; & Com’l N.. Chi.; Pingree N., Ogden; Thatcher Bros. Bkg. Co., Logan. 96,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Deseret N. and Far. &Stockgrowers. Sail Lake C.: 1st N., Ogden,____ corporation ISPl Bòndè O 0 4 ^ Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. NAMEDF BANK. ft •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. VICE-PRESIDENT. President . O A T ,T' t a ir t ? o r m \ r ■»-*_ «• , ö A L 1 L A iV lL , 1 Y ~ K e s e t v e C/ltV (Branch Federal Reserve District No.12) Cashier . As s ’t Cashier . L ia b il it ie s . 1 R esources. I ndivid D eposits L oans a Bonds, D ue P aid - up SURPLUS ual AND of D is Securi from Capital Profit » Deposits B anks counts ties , ETC. Banks Bankers Trust Company.< {’13W. W. Armstrong . John Dern__ __ K. F. Murdock, Tr. Otto P. Hoebel,Sec. $ 31-59 J. K. Hardy 100,000 ♦COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY C. S. Barton_____ G. E. Bowerman 250,000 31-60 <§’15 F. B. Cook L. Archibald, A . See, and A . Tr. "CONTINENTAL R. W. Burton $ 27,900 N. Copper, Salt Lake C. 33,000 S 903,000 $ 80,000 $ 786,000 $ 285,000 $ 330,000 $ 53,000 Chase N.. N.Y.; Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; 1st N., San F. and Bos. J. E. COSGRIFF-— T. W. BOYER-., JL H BRUT ____ iitor. We make a specialty of colle ction business We present BANK prom puy, in sist upon payment or permits reason top < ’09 non-payment. Prompt returns at lowest rates. 116,070 2,981,980$1,288,640 2,651,280 1,352,280 ♦Deseret National Bank _ < ’69John O. Cutler___ W. W. Riter____ H. S. Young------ B. S. Hills. 31-1 R. C. Barnes 500,000 677,740 5,629,560 Deseret Savings Bank_< {’89 W. W. Riter. 500,000 480,660 4,219,600 31-4 ♦ 31-52 . George Romney . Elias A. Smith. 529,950 N. Bk. Com. and Harriman N., 768,430 N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Hamilton N. and 1st N., Den.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L. 2,539,760 3.488,240 1,882,580 Am. Ex. N. and N. City, N.Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 2,343,760 2,463,390 493,110 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; (Mem. ¡j 100,000 . - - - - Fed, Res.) ♦Federal Reserve Bank of San {S alt L ake City B ranch. Federal Re serve Bank o f San Francisco, C al.).. Francisco______________• {For complete in form ation see pag e33) 31-31 "McCORNICK & CO. BANKERS 31-3 ♦ W. S. McCORNICK- L B. McCORNICK - M. H. SOWLES— R. L CONELYC. W. WHITLEY S. G. SAVILLE M. H. SOWLES 600,000 Largest Bank between Denver and Pacifie Coast. E. A. CULBERTSON DE Win KNOX— W.F. EARLS____ 0. G. KNOX Accounts of Bsnks. Bankers, and others solicited. T H E REPU BLIC Promet attention to all Bankina Matters antruoteH * n SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE. 31-« < ’90 ♦National City Bank__ < ’13 James Pingree__ E. P. Ellison____ Frank Pingree — - W. G. Goodart___ 31-57 D. L. Evans J. W. Knignt J. P. Gardner H. J. Wallace G. W. Lambourne (Salt Lake City continued on next page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis W R IG H T-S W A N & CO., Denver— -----------300,000 250,000 372,820 6,276,030 889,730 5,159,040 2,479,960 59,320 4,118,770 N. City and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 400,000 Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; (Mem. Fed. Res.) ----------- 840,060 682,040 324,560 1,935,140 2,117,530 I.532.O6O Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; 1st N. and U. S. N., Den. 98,910 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com’l N.. Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N.. San F. ^ 1: ANY N A TIO N A L BANK MU D EN V ER “ “ - BONDS— P R " E " " ED _______________ July, 1919 "NATIONAL BANK OF 260,000 7,100,000 ■2 ,000,000 7,500,000 1,500,000 2,300,000 UTAH BANKS— Salt Lake City 250,000 N A TIO N A L Principal Correspondents . Cash and E x changes 1340 ______________________ I W. F. EA R LS . Cashier G E O R G E G. KNOX. Ass’t Cashier E. A. C U L B E R TS O N . President D E W IT T KNOX. Vice-President National Bank of the Republic Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SALT LAKE CITY Capital = Deposits = Surplus (Earned) $ 300,000.00 6,988,405.00 = 300,000.00 UNITED S T A T E S DEPOSITARY A Business Bank Conducted by Business Men, on the. “ Principle of Aggressive Enterprise Combined with a Conservatism that at all times Ensures Financial Sound» ness. Our Resources, Equipment, and Wide Connections Enable us to Render the best possible Banking Service in this Inter=Mountain country. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS Cache.., Carbon. Beaver.. Boxelder Daggett Davis .. Duchesn R ich.... Piute... Millard. Morgan. Kane... Juab.... Iron.. . . Garfield. Grand.. Emery.. k 'o H o b O' b o ,’ÌfeÌ •aco H COO) H» Tooele.. w^aococo to00Oif. Uinta.. Utah.... Salt Lak San Juai Sanpete. Sevier... Sununlt. « 00 ©• * 0 b At . : . r® »ajL, • •• »£ O*•* \ Wasatch Washing Wayne.. Weber.. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S 3s to wb 1000 m M I^toco ClM oe e WILLIAM H. CHILD & COMPANY S A L T LAKE CITY W IRE O R D E R S CO NSULT US ABOUT P R O M P TLY EX EC U TED U T A H MINING S T O C K S IN AND ; A L L M A R K E TS IN V E S T M E N T S R EFER S T O ANY BANK IN UTAH OLDEST BROKERAGE O VER T W E N T Y -O N E Y E A R S HOUSE IN U T A H U N D ER SAM E M A N A G E M E N T Federal Reserve BankNof umSt. berLouis under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given o a t T T A tT .iR ' P T T Y ----- P . n n t ’ r l ----- R e s e r v e C i t v each bank 4n U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers’ O A i-r 1 1 -rÄ lV Ü A X R e s e r v e ^ lt y - •the - authority - •• of- The — American - (Branch Federal Reserve District No. 18) 1341 Directory, under Bankets Ass’n, 1341 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given o a t *T* T A IT.TT P T T V ---- P n n t ’ H ---- R p < ; p r v e C i t v > each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers’ 3 A L 1 L ,1 1 I ^ ™ Y j* R e s e r v e ^ lty tironinrv. nndAr fh n »ntlMiritv of T h e Am erican Bankers A ss’ ii . (Branch Federal Reserve D istrict No* 12) Name of Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Bes. [Estate. V P r e s id e n t . ic e -P r e s i d e n t . ♦National Copper Bank — » t ’10 W. W. Armstrong.. Eugene Giles 31-56 . Ca sh ie r A s s ’t C a s h . ie r . W. S. McCornick ♦Utah Savings & Trust Co. ♦ 31-7 ftS’86 ♦Utah State National Bank»i'90 31-5 e p o s it s ot B anks L oans a D is counts R eso u rces. Due B on d s, S e c u r i from Banks t i e s , BTC. Principal Correspondents. Cash and Ex changes • YY XV. t r it iliVm e» Tr. N. C. Ellis, Sec.— . 218,900 7,650 235,000 150.000 16,000 80,000 20,000 129,540 203,860 3,164,320 193,930 21,830 20-.480 N. Park. N. Y.; 202,500 1,998,440 858,980 101,750 51,860 Equitable A. H. Land ___ Geo. A. Smith D. E. Judd, F. M. Michelsen, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A . Tr. 300,000 67,580 1,170,790 C. W. Ñibiey ___ W. R . Wallace H .T . McEwan H. T. McEwan___ c. Strom:-------- 600,000 170,680 4,174,650 3.000,350 4,689,940 2,614,930 2,500,860 A. Chi.; Am Com’l N. Kan. C. N. Park. N.Y.; Utah State N., Salt Lake C. (M em . Fed. B es.) Tr. Co., N. Y.: Merch. Ln & Tr. Co., Chi.; State Bk. of Oma. Oma.; Union Tr.Co., San F.; (Mem, Fed. Bes.) C 190,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep.. Chi. Wells-Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; 1st > N., Den. X L. H.FARNSWORTH-E. 0. HOWARD-- H.M.CHAMBERLAIN-L. C. VANV00RHIS J. H. WALKEK 234.820 8,119.340 500,000 ; f $ 487,460 6,346,160 2.744,650 1,753,820 The oldest Bank In this Inter-mountain Region. Send us your Utah Business. Im p . & Tra. N., Chase N ., Harrim an N., and Irving N., N. Y .; N ity and 1st N ., C m .; Wells Far306,980 C go-N ev. N. and Bk. o f Cal. N. A., San F -; Den. N. and C olo. N. D en .; N. B k. C om ., S t. L .; 1st N. P h il.; (M em . Fed. Res.) •tf’59 Zion’S SAV. BK. * TR. CO. 31-51 .. D ual e p o s it s Sherman Arm strong 20,000 Tracy Loan & Trust Co.. »t§’84 R. L. Tracy _____ J. W. C o llin s...— ♦ 31-611 31-2 P and r o f it s N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Eugene Giles _—. J. A. Malia --------- $ 300,000$ 115,070$3,458,080$1,079,260 $2,604,990$2,718.270$ 537,410$ 151,040 1stN., San F.; 1st N., Orna.: Sugar Banking Company.*$$’09 31-55 •WALKER BROTHERS BANKERS L ia b il it ie s . S u r p l u s I n d iv id D P a id - u p Ca p it a l « » ’73 G. S. Spencer_____ H. J. Grant______ An thon H. Land__ A. W. Ivins 383,570 9,047,590 500,000 74,090 6,902,740 2,319,750 Willard R. Smith Salt la k e City Clearing House W. S. McCornick. . John C. C utler___ Edw. A: James, See. and Mgr. (Member» indicated by a * ) Edw. A. James,, Examiner 1 1 m m 561,190 -j-. Cd > X w w I C/J SB r+ 221,570 N .B k.C om .,N .Y.; Cont. & Com’l N., r Chi.; 1st N., Los A. and Den. to tr <T> 9 r-h* ■ I o o Selected List— INVESTM ENT DEALERS 3 5 Name of Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn, Name Year Established. Officers. W.H. CHILD & COMPANY *98 (.SEE ADV. ON OPPOSITE PAGE. c Year Estab lished. ln ( Successors Salt Lake City Branch, L ogan & B ryan) Direct private wires, East and West. All Utah Industrial and High Grade M in in g and Investm ent Securities. Special ists- in Utah Id ah o Sugar and Utah Power & L igh t. ■> (N ot incorporated) 169 Main St„ Salt Lake City. (Eccles Bldg., Ogden, Utah.) TH E HAROLD R. SM OOT COMPANY JA M ES N. W RIGHT & CO., Denver Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Correspondents. Officers. JAS. A. HOGLE________________________ - __Lo g a n & B ry a n , N . Y . and S. M. SCOTT, JR ., Mgr. Ogden Office. C h i.; W alker Bros, and J. A. H OGLE & CO. .. .^ bank Banker. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMem. State Bks. Assn. IMem. Inv. Bks. Assn.v CORRESPONDENTS. f Oldest Brokerage Concern in Satt Lake City. B efer to any U tah. < Utah M in in g Stocks and Investm ents ou r specialty. of 19 'HAROLD R. SMOOT---------------------------------CLARENCE BAMBERGER, Vice Pres, and Tr. JO E LN IB LE Y , S ec.— S i t »tfru ilr6 “ e®u ’>uc’ s a l* — Irving N . an d E . F . H u tton & C o., N . Y .; W alker B ros., Salt Lake C. Investment Securities, Stocks and Bonds. R EFER ENCE. ANY N A T IO N A L B AN K IN D EN V ER BO N D S PREFERRED ^S T O C K S " a> Cu 15dO and Cou n ty. Name of (CLINTON F. MILLAR. J Special atten tio j Please send 15c w < § ’93 'Send us your B Granite Sav. Bk. & Trust Co. 58-26 < § ’85 PEOPLES NAT.'BK. ¿Bennington .Bennington Pop. 9114 ' 0 9 Bethel_____ Windsor E 5 Pop. 2500 Bradford.— .Orange G 5 Pop. 1400 Brandon.___ Rutland C 5 Pop. 2712 Brattleboro ....W indham Pop. 8000 E9 Ca s h ie r . F. F. Have , Chas. H. Wishart, ' Sec, ami Tr. F . D . L A D D — . _ W . C . J O H N S O N ,J R . p ecia lty . Keaso nable rutes, and vicinity. »*’04 (O N L Y NATION AL BANK IN BA B S E . (J. 6. 75,000 FRANK K. BEARD A. P . Abbott______ C. M . Willey, See. and Tr. F. W . Baldwin.___ 0 . S . Webster, T r . . A. G. Owen, A . Tr. A . T. Bnllps 111,800 Empiré Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 100,000 17,150 1,280,570 1,285,540 50,000 97,440 1,560,510 1,555,770 90,120 Empire Tr. Co., N .Y .; N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 170,580 N. City, N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N., Bos. 190,000 2,200,000 2,304,000, 50,000 E . S . Leonard. __ W. H. T in k e r..... . E. C. Bolles. Ti. A . L . F . Abbott G ra ves 54,980 1,161,820 1,135,000 100,000 J. R . Judson______ C. H. Dewey, Sec. and Tr. A . J . C o o p e r . ____ ¡Homer H. Webster 61,000 450.000 637,000 364,390 3,095,000 3,369,200 100,000 A. J. Colgan___ W. S. Boynton H. P. Perkins__ 50,000 700,000 800,000 110,000 135,000 1,005,000 1,283.000 50,000 91,440 1,055,080 1,197,740 Leroy Á. Neal____ 25,000 50,000 570,000 560.000 D. D. Burditt_____ W. F. Scott_______ J. R. Leonard_____ 100,000 ¿4,080 304,540 466.360 75,000 61,590 185,000 260,760 G. A. Chedel______ E. A. W : T,. d r a f t s JL.i A.- Severy D a v is F. W. Briggs ' E. L. 'H ildreth.'.... Ó. A. Harris, Tr, _. J. C. DeWitt, A .Tr, ____ M. J. Moran ._ C. A. Boyden, Sec. G. Jones, A . T r.... and Tr. C.E.Merrill, A . Tr, ESTEY.— H. P. WELLMAN— J. «.RYDER........ H. P. W ebster..__ F. L. Hunt F. G; Adams, Tr. Ralph S. Brown___ H . P artch 247,520 2,291,280 2,447,150 28,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 99,640 Han. N,, N. Y.; Merch. N., Bos. 388.780 Chase N., N. Y,; Cont. & Com’l N., Chi.; Merch. N. and 1st N., Bos. 200.000 690.000 1,200.000 2,260,000 i g m atte rs entra sied to us. C. F. Bingham, 230,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 515,000 jr.4,674,400 5,135,830 122,390 Han. N., N. Ÿ.; N. Shawmut and Merch. N., Bos. 234,840 V, 68,740 Nr Park, N. Y.; IsiN ., Bos. 50,000 257,880 3,673,940 4,204,710 50,000 110,000 - 2,900,000 2,600,000 50,000 48,520 1.21L670 1,240,040 I'jHUi'liYLOtOTl bfljflkn CÀÌTlt/i 71,1i,p/f nn np/r,t nn.Qp.'i T he SOUTHWESTERN FARM MORTGAGE CO., Emiporia, g iv e n 82,540 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 246,050 1,440,910 1,587,920 C. P. Smith .. F. W . P e r r y ...___ E. S. I sham, T r ,... C. E. Beach„Á. Tr. L. P. Smith, V. P. F. W. Ward H. L. Ward____ __ E. C. Mower. F. L. RobertSj, TrC T ra n sit N u m b e r 101,000 N. City, N. Ï .; 4th-Atlantic N., Bos. 100,000 25,000 is tlie N e w 166,000 Chase N., N. Y.;> N. Shawmut and 1st N., Bos.; N. Com’l, Alb. 115,110 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Shawmuf, Bosr- 222,070 Chase N., N, Y.; N. Shawmut find 1st N., Bos. ! 1 o v il t o e a c h b a n k i n U . S . exclusively b y The K a n d - M c N a U y B a n k e r s ’ 1 J Y d Directory, under the authority o f The American Bankers Ass’n. 90,190 1st N. and Co. N., Bennington; 1st N.. No. Bennington. 145,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Mnfrs. N., Troy, N. Y. 89.560 2,265,910 2,316,100 d coUec tlon de p’ t. m s. f J. M.TYLER — . A. A. D U N K L E E — - C. G. STAPLES— R .C . CLAR K ... < ’ 21 l First and oldest established bank . P rom p t atten t ion to all ban F. R. Dickerman... W. : 86,000 1st N., Bos. 101.210 N. City and Irving N., N. Y.; Merch. N. and Nr-Shawmut, Bos. 106,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N.. Bos. 100,000 IE. J. Booth J. J. F lynn___ . . . . E. D. Worthen, Tr. H. V. Hall, A . Tr. 58-6 <§'06 City Trust Co.________ ¿§'11 F. R. B u r g e s s . ...... Elias Lyman______ H. T. Rutter, T r... H. S. Weed, A . Tr. 58-7 Home Savings B ank___ $§’95 C. W. Brownell™ . E. B. Taft__ _____ _ C. S. Brownell, Tr. F. O. Beaupre, 58-5 A . Tr. or B o n k P r i n c i p a l Co r r e s p o n d e n t s . 138,680 Harriman N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. CHITTENDEN CO. TRUST CO. N a m e 40.000 1,950.000 1,953.000 A. P . Williams, Tr. VERMONT NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve BankNofu mSt. Louis b er u n d er it s P f R esou rces. Txianbk Dis- Cashk Ex c’t». Bonds, changes,Due 8KÜRITM non Banks 100,000 ' 48.830 1,289,080 1,400,490 C. E . Howard_____ A. H. Chandler, Tr. (G rain, F lour an d Produce drafts a specialty. A tho (P rom pt service. S easonable cha rges. Send us yo <75 Vermont Savings Bank.« i §’46 58-49 Bristol ..».-.A d dison C 4 First National B ank____ « ’02 Pop. 1180 58-99 ¿Burlington ..Chittenden Burlington Savings Bank*S’47 Pop. 21,617 C3 58-1 Burlington Trust Co.__ <§'82 58-4 D epo s 1 Send us y ou r 1 terns fo r Barre PEOPLE’S NATIONAL BANK 58-48 Su rplu s P a id - u p AND Ca p i t a i . P r o f it s A s s 't C a s x i e b . M. E . HOW LAND-— F . G. HOW LAND. Tr. M. J. WRIGHT, See. . $ 50,000 1 65,310 Í 1 765710 SI 940 760 $ 91.640 N.City, N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Bos. n given BUI o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Items. ith each sight draft fo r presentation a nd 50c fo r Credit Reports. arre Item s. Joh n T row Quarry Sav. Bank & Tr. Co. B. A. Eastman____ 58-25 < § ,13 Barton Sav. Bank & Trust Co. H. R . Cutler____ 58-96 < § ’09 Bellows Falls Sav. Institution G . R . W a le s _ 58-61 tl'47 Bellows Falls Trust Co. < § ’02 E . L . Walker______ 58-62 National Bk. o f Bellows Falls J. H. Williams____ 58-60 < ’32 Bennington County Sav. Bk. I . E. Gibson______ 58-32 *§’78 County National Bank . . < ’78 A . J . H o l d e n . 58-33 First National Bank........< ’63 George F. Graves.. 58-31 Nat’l White River Bank. »’65 W. B. C. Stickney.. 58-97 Bradford National Bank_<’04 R. O. C a r r 1 ........ 58-98 Brandon National Bank . < ’64 E. J. Ormsbee____ 58-76 First National B an k___ < ’64 G. H. Young____ 58-77 Brattleboro Savings Bank 5*70 F. K. B arrow s..... 58-50 Brattleboro Trust O o ...< § ’07 A. B. Clapp______ 58-52 * 58-51 V i c e -P r e s i d e n t . 17,990 235,870 1,451,350 16125910 16 722 260 17,760 225,390 231,030 855,000 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Park, and Chase N., N. Y.; 2d N., Bos. 195.060 1st N., N.Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Com’l, Alb. 387.000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fidelity Tr. Co., Bos.; N. Y. State N., Alb. % 77,840 Howard N., Burlington. 12,120 Alb. Tr. Co., Alb.: Howard N., Burlington. ■’ » ! "1 VERMONT BANKS— Barre to Burlington______ ___________ July, 1919 58-28 Barton___ .„O rleans G 2 Pop. 1350 Bellows Falls ..Windham Pop. 7000 F8 P r e s id e n t . BARRE SAV. BANK &TR. CO. 58-27 d e x e d i n b a c k o f t h is v o lu m e . T ® * ■' LIABILITIES Ba n k . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ¿County Seats. Entire State in No. 1 tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Barre— Washington E 4 Pop. 12,169 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in For Interest Bates, Grace, VERM ONT (Savings Banks do not handle collections) 1342_______ ______ T ow n Number under Name ef Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally -Bankers’ Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’nr l / o o - Kansas Farm Loans for Conservative Investors ■W O. V E R M O N T — C o n tin u e d (Savings Banks do not handle collections) jg ^ j WRITE FOR LIST A c c e s s i b l e T o w n s , LawyCTS, L a w s , D i r e c t o r s in dexed in b a c k o f th is v o lu m e , l o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G r a c e , > e t c . , see u s e e 14. F o r H o l i d a y s , se e o p p o s i t e p a g e 1 3 . \ i ne u u u i h vTLoi L im rnnifi m u m u M U L u u., tmuurid, r\ctb. 1 0 /1 0 1JTJ J E fn m b e r u n d e r N a m e or B o n k is th e N e w T r a n s it N u m b e r g iv e n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN aily Bankers* Directory, under the au th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n . WRITE FOR LIST A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , h t w y n s , l a w s , . d e x e d i n b a c k o f t h is v o lu m e . B o r I n t e r e s t S t a t e s , G r a c e , l " — > etc., se e p a g e 14. For Holidays, se e o p p o s it e p a g e ^ V E R M O N T — C o n t in u e d (Savings Banks d o n ot handle collections) P T ow n and County. N a m e of Ba n k . S ur p lu s r in c ip a l Co rrespo n d en ts. LOANS & DlB- Cash k Ex D e p o s c’ts. Bonds, changes,Due P a id - up A s s ’T C A S H IE R . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Ca s h ie r . V ic e -P r e s i d e n t . »County Seats. and „ P r e s id e n t . it s Seouritisb from Banks Ca p it a i , P r o f it s $Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Entire State in No. l [Estab. Federal Reserve District ►Mem. Fed. Res. 495,570 Chase N „ N. Y. 357,640 $1428940 $2 843760 300.000 H. S. W eed_____ , H. T, Rutter.——— Elias Lyman— — Burlington ...Chittenden HOWARD NATIONAL BANK F. E. Burgess_____ F. W. Whitcomb F. W. Elliott -172,780 Mech. & Metals N „ N. V.; 1st N „ Bos, 58-3 *$'70 816,970 • ( Continued) 150.000 196,470 493,280 A. W. H ill---------Merchants National Bank.’49 L. E. Woodhouse — Robert Roberts . , . W. C. Isham.------ 45.000 Franklin N., Phil.; 1st N., Bos. 58-2 27,500 585.000 690.500 50.000 H. N. Mattison — . »Chelsea_____ Orange F 5 National Bank o f Orange Co. W. P. Townsend— H. N. Mattison..^— 93,310 Guaranty Tr; Co., N. Y,: 1st N. and 4th Atlan58-100 «$’93 Pop. 1070 109,330 914,250 933,620 O. 0 . Fullam, T r ... —tic N., Bos. Chester.___ Windsor E 7 Chester Savings Bank— «§’92 0. H. Waterman— H. M. Guild- . . . — . 39.000 N. Y. State N.. Alb. 58-91 105.000 90.000 Pop. 666 29.000 25.000 P. E. Heald.— — . National Bank of Chestert’90 B. A. P a rk ...-------58-90 144,920 Int’l Tr. Co.’,1Bos. 57,820 840,540 1,008,690 100,000 Asa Wesson sil-4—: Danville__ Caledonia 0 3 Caledonia National Bank..'25 Peter Wesson___ _ F. B. Stocker_____ 147,420 Bk. of Montreal and Canadian Bk. of Com., 58-101 Pop. 828 150.000 HI,770 467,120 718,320 A. C. Cowles, — — Montreal: 1st N.. Bos.; Phil. N.. Phil. Derby Line.-Orleans G 1 National Bank o f Derby Line D. W. Davis____ — John G. Foster— 86,070 Chase N., N. Y.; Boston Safe Dep. & Tr.-Co. 58-102 «P Ü Pop. 450 885,250 53,700 : 879,480 50.000 E. J. Tyler, Tr. — .. and 1st N „ Bos. Ehosbarg Falls .Franklin Enosburg Falls Savings Bank Olin Merrill —,------ H. F. Brigham—— 50,006 N. City, N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N., Bos. Pop. 1153 D 1 & Trust Co___58-88_.*$§’99 11.000 390.000 350.000 25.000 A. J. O’ Heare——— Mildred L. Croft I First National Bank . __ .$’ 05 W. V. Phelps— — H. 0. Comings — 58-89 37,340 Met. Tr. Co. and Chase N., N. Y.; Howard N. 26,270 461,390 489,120 50.000 Earl W. Reed, T r Burlington. Essex Junction—Ohitten Essex Trust Co._______ $513 S. A. Brownell------ Bâvid Marvin i.—t , 121,760 Chase N „ N. Y.; N. Com’l, Alb. 58-128 ¿ ¡¿ f d en .. Pop. 2714___C2 23,900 600.000 456,730 50.000 Arthur C. Hughes— Fair Haven.. Rutland B 6 Allen National Bank ....* $ ’79 G. H. V. Allen— - A. V. Allen — — 28.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 58-75 Pop. 3095 60,000 120.000 265.000 100.000 H. Stannard. . — — L. M. Drew— — N. Y. State N., Alb. First National Bank____ «$’64 z. h. Eiiis____ 40,040 Han. N „ N. Y,: N. Y. State N., Alb.: Old Colony 58-74 321,770 8,150 293,430 50.000 Frank T. Taylor— G. H. McLeod, T r.. Tr. Co., Bos. „ c j. CO Hardwick—Caledonia F Ì Granite Trust Co._____»$§’13 H. R. Kimball— 80.000 N. City, N. Y j N. Shawmut, Bos.: N. Y. State 58-126 Pop. 2500 73.000 1,044,000 1,066,000 50.000 O. F. Davis — . — . L. B. Tims, T r .___ f n Alb. Hardwick Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. G. A. M orse.— 60,400 N. City, N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb.: Merch. N. 58-103 -$S’93 17.000 245,460 420,550 50.000 R. S. P a g e ------ — H. A. Noyes— . — Bos. »Hyde Park.Lamoille E 2 Lamoille County Nat. Bank'65 C. S. Page 60,890 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.: Merjch. N., Bos. 58-94 Pop. 400 200,000 2,810,010 3,008,090 50.000 M. Culver, . Lamoille Co. N., Hyde Park. Lamoille Co. Sav.Bk.&Tr.Co C. S. Page . . . , - — Russell S. Page — F. c y x f See.arfd Tr. U. W. Hulburd 58-95 »$8’89 47,320 Com’l N., Bos.; N. Com’l, Alb., N. Y. 75.000 41,450 632,040 752,800 . J. S. Sweeney. — D. A. Elliott___ — Island Pond__ Essex H 1 Island Pond Nat. Bank...$'90 L. A. Cobh.— 24.720 Vt. N. and Brattleboro Tr. Co., Brattleboro. 58-104 Pop. 2000 64,360 465,640 505,270 J. S. Robinson, Jamaica__ Windham D 8 Jamaica Savings Bank — §’73 J. A. M uzzy_____ Geo. W. Briggs— Sec. and Tr. 21,680 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Concord, N. H. 58-105 Pop. 716 224,150 246,750 9,280 25.000 B. A. Thomas, Tr. Johnson___ Lamoille E 2 Sterling Trust Co.------ «$§’16 C. N. Farrington ., H. C. Parker —___ 84,380 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. 58-129 991,240 Pop. 800 50.000 69,380 956,230 Daniel Edwards. Ludlow__ ..W indsor E 7 Ludlow Sav. Bk. & Tr. Go. W. W. Stickney — J. C. Coolidge____ Tr. f X 75.000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 58-106 *$l’93 Pop. 2200 79.000 331.000 500,200 75.000 W. E. Riley______ Lyndonville-Caledonia H 2 Lyndonville National Bk.$’84 T. N. V a il______ - H. E. Foisom------50.000 Lyndonville N., Lyndonville. 58-86 Pop. 1573 112,000 .1,142,000 1 , 200,000 Lyndon Savings Bank—$5*85 G. M. Campbell — ,E. A. Darling------ i. 8. Pearl, T r..— 55.000 N. City, N. Y.1 N. Com’l, Alb. 58-87 296.000 361.000 75.000 ' 54,500 W. H. Roberts____ J. H. Whipple . — ManchesterCenter-Bent'n Factory Point Nat. Bank»$’83 E. L. Wyman------- W. H. Roberts— Chem N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; N. Bk. of Mid 58-107 Pop. 2000 C8 5.000 50.000 ■K-atharine A. John E. Weeks — F. W. T u ttle_____ dtebury, Middlebury. »Middlebury. Addison C 4 Addison County Trust Co. Nichols. A. Tr. Allan Calhoun 58-130 Inc, §19 957,580 146,310 N. Park and Chem. N „ N. Y.: N. Com’l, Alb Pop. 2848 200,000 124,970 601,920 R. F. Pinney . ____ Nat’l Bk. of Middlebury . . ’32 C. E. Pinney.— !— 1st N.. Bos. Allan Calhoun 58-108 100,000 168,420 2,310,540 2,264,100 204,220 Mech. & Metals N.. N.Y.; Comw. Tr. Co., Bos G. L. Blanchard — Albert Johonnott— Frank N. Smith, N. Y. State N., Alb. »Hontpelier .Washington Capital Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. j Sec. and Tr, Edward H. Deavitt 58-45 $§’91 Pop. 8000 E3 60,070 1,295,610 1,346,400 286,360 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Bos. 100.000 F. A. D w in ell____ À. G. Eaton.._____ R. R. Edson___ First National Bank.— »$'65 F. M. Carry Chase and Sherman N., N. Y.; Cont, & Com 58-43 Henry L. Farwell— 150.000 150,640 1,547,680 1,821,020 165,860 N „ Chi.: 1st N., Bos. L. H. Bixby——. Montpelier National Bank«’24 Albert Tattle------100.000 262,110 4,093,010 4,291,240 200,690 Han. N.. N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N.i Bos.; N. Y A. W. Ferrin------- Chas. F. Lowe------ O. F. Lowe, T r .__ Wm. S. Smith, State, Alb. A . Tr, W m .W . Brock H. G. Woodruff, A Tr. ' Chase N., N. Y.; IntT Tr. Co., Bos.; N. Com’l, 58-44 74,100 1,710,000 1,500,59t 119,510 51.000 W. M. Sargent, T r Alb. Morrisville..Lamoille E 2 Union Sav.Bk. & Tr. Co.«$§’91 C. H. Stearns_____H. A. Slayton--------58-110 23,170 Vt. N., Brattleboro, Vt. Pop. 2000 24,730 393,430 394,980 F. A. DeWitt, T r... A. G.Warren,A,.Tr. P. H. Rutter— ___ G, B. Williams.— »Newfane.. Windham E 8 Windham Connty Sav. Bank 58-111 5’54 Pop. 136 60.000 .1,035,000 1,059,080 100,000 Irving N., N. Y.: 4th-Atlantic N. and 1st N., 100,000 C. F. Bigelow ____ H. G. Cleveland— . J. E. McOarten— E- L. Brown--------Bos.: N. Y. State N., Alb. »Newport__ Orleans G 1 National Bank o f Newport 58-67 *’75 73,880 N. City, N. Y.; Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos. Pop. 3684 b 81,240 1,380,740 1,485,160 50.000 Orleans Trust Gompany»$5’91 C. A. P rou ty.i.---------------------------------- F. S. Tinkbam, Tr, 58-68 150,000 125,310 452,880 826,150 101,040 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; N. Y. State N., R. A^ Jones— ------ 1—— — — — — Alb. N.Bennington.Benn. B 9 First National Bank------ *$'64 F. B. Jennings.— H. P. McCullough— i M I n The SOUTHWESTERN FARM MORTGAGE CO.. Emporia. Kas. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Suitable fòrvlrm óru Savings Banks in s u ra n c e Cos. N um ber under N am e o f Bank, is the New T ransit N um ber given to each hank in U. S. exclusively by T he R an d-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory* under the „authority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. N ame of Ba n e . a n d Co u n t y . «County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. {State Entire State in No. 1 tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦M em . Fed. Res. [Estab. T ow n RUTLANBCOUNTY NAT’L BK. C. A. Edgerton V ice -President . — C. A. Plumley____ Sec. and Tr. H. H. Lew is______ H. R. Cutler______ F. H. Dana, IV. . J. G. Turnbull____ C. D. French_____ R. A. Bean, H. A. Sears, A . Tr. Sec. and Tr. W. B. French. E. E. Young______ D.T,. Wells Sw an ton _F ran klin C 1 Pop. 3800 Vergennes__ Addison C 4 Pon. 1483 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P r in c ip a l Co r r e s po n d e n t s. % 50,000 $ 23,190 $ 251,500 $ 355,910 $ 52,600 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; N. Com’l, Alb. 146,220 1,231.370 1,323,050 51,060 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Bos.; Northfield N „ Northfield. 24,280 1st N., Bos.; N. Y. State N., Alb. 50,000 4,000 313,500 317,000 25,000 13,940 268.500 265.300 42,140 4th-Atlantic N „ Bos. 25,000 73,150 941,960 967,110 59,690 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Concord, N. H. 50,000 21,140 142,570 176,930 30,480 Chem. N., N.Y. 50,000 17,000 412,620 502,560 36,000 600,000 620.000 50,580 Irving N., N. Y.: N. Com’l, Alb.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Mnfrs. N., Troy. 48,000 Han. N „ N. Y.; Mnfrs. N „ Troy, N. Y. Redfield Proctor . . G. H. B oyce______ Benj. Williams, E. A. Boyce, A. Tr. Sec. M. Fischer, A . Tr. D. Q. Pollard___ ... O. H. Howard__ __ C. W. Whitcomb.. 50.000 50,000 50,000 157,090 1,516,990 1,684,400 19,790 183,320 221,400 570.000 532,000 J. W. Rowell_____ O, B. Copeland----- O. B. Copeland___ F. O. Copeland___ 75,000 46,200 H. O. Comings____ H. A. Pond . . . ____ S. Carl Carpenter. 50,000 88,000 1,436,910 1,201,270 J. A. Mead ______ W. R. Kinsman___ F. Cl. Spencer 10 0 ,0 0 0 W. C. Clement____ H. G. Sm ith______ C. H. Harrison____ Robt. Clement E. P. Gilson. . . ___ S. M. W illson____ G. K. Montgomery. A. Stew art_______ 10 0 ,0 0 0 190,000 2,250,000 1,850,000 1 0 0.000 103,840 80,160 J. N. Woodfln. . . Chas. E. Ross___ L. H. Baldwin, Tr. E. S. Wright, 266,140 A . Tr. 100,000 81,660 i HENRY F.FIELD- E. MclNTYRE....... CARL S, COLE < Oldest National Bank in ftu tla n d . Established 1864. ( Special attentt on to collection s In city and cou n try. P rom pt ser vice and reason H. O. Carpenter__ F. H. Farrington__ O. A. Simpson, Tr. L. E . Campbell, 849)230 A . Tr. G. T. Chaffee_____ W .D , Hulett. __ G. K. Montgomery, N. K. Chaffee. Sec. 50,000 . 210,310 Tr. P. W. Clement. — W. C. Clement. — O. H. Harrison 26,000 25.000 E. J. F ullam __ G. A. Waite______ 1 00,000 88,430 360,490 336,520 478,210 307.540 2,833,060 3,147.110 1,102,340 1,057,950 able eh arges. .7,361,960 7,725,400 2,143,130 2,259,960 50.000 807,350 1,201*060 Russell S. Herrick. Wm. Smith, IV— M.E. Stearns, A . Tr. 282,260 2,650,500 2,801,150 NELSON GOODSPEED AARON WESSON, Tr. S. E . THORP, A . Tr. 111,280 1,757.710 1,661,230 50,000 bn given Bill o f La ding drafts, Cash and T im e Item s. “ HONO R ROL L with each sight dr aft fo r presentatio n and 25c fo r Gred it Bepor ts. _ John Branch ' .. John Branch, J r„ C. D. Watson, Sec.. Tr. (J. GREGORY SMITH. E. A. CHITTENDEN... R. It. CORLISS. o n given Bill o f L with each sight dra bas bu ilt u p ou r H. N. Stevens_____ - 93,620 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.: N. Y. State N., Alb. 80,080 Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.; Rutland Co. N., Rut land. 264,640 Imp. & Tra. N., N.Y.; N. Y. State N.. Alb.; 1st N., Bos. 510,360 N. Park. N.Y.; 1st N., Bos. 95.140 Killington N.,'Rutland. 1,000 Clement N., Rutland. 132,620 1st N. and Merch. N., Bos. 61,690 N. Shawmut and Merch. N.. Bos. 252.000 Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; Franklin N „ Phil.; N. Com’l, Alb. BAN K .” 156.860 1,113,810 1,206,740 82,490 1,568,400 1,846,000 154,450 Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bog.; N. Y. State N.. Alb. 230.000 4,033,630 4,267,000 156,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N., Concord, N. H. 128,990 N. Shawmut, Bos. 2 00,000 Harry Blodgett___ Chas. W . Ruiter. 150,000 9 G. H. Strong_____ _ K- W. Graves 158,650 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.;N. Y. State N „ Alb. 275,000 Harriman N., N. Y.: 4th-Atlantic N., Bos. 50,000 Charles H. Stevens Homer K. Smith__ W. H. Dean . 84,000 1st N., Bos.; N. Com’l, Alb. 56,230 4th-.Atlantic N., Bos. 10 0 ,0 0 0 adlng drafts, Ca sh and T im e Ite m s. f t fo r presentation and 25c fo r Credit Reports. business. J. T . Ritchie, IV— G. E. Woods, A .Tr. 20 0 ,0 0 0 A. B. N oy es______ R. C. Baker, Sec. and Tr. M. W. Barney____ F. W. French, IV ... 113,740 Irving Tr. Co., N. Y.: Rutland Co. N „ Rutland; Merch, N „ Bos. 51.700 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 59,060 298,570 735,470 99,710 Sherman N.. N. Y.; Ist N., Bos. 104,490 1,277,990 1,372.100 120,820 N. City, N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 425,320 3,226,410 3,547,820 50,000 47,800 767,480 770,180 103.910 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., and N. Shawmut, Bos., 1st N., St. Johnsbury. 97,530 N.Oity.N. Y.;Merch. N ., Bos. 150,000 87,350 286,390 520,040 101,650 N. City, N. Y.; N. Com’l, Alb. The SOUTHWESTERN FARM MORTGAGE CO.. Emporia. Kas Kansas Farm Loans for Conservative Investors W B IT F FO R L IS T ___________July, 1919 «S t. J ohnsbury .Caledonia Pop. 8781 G3 Lia b il it ie s . R esources. Loans&Dis- Caskk ExD epos- c P aid - up Surplus ’ t s . Bonds, CHARMS,Dub AND Securities non Banks P hofitb T. D. Southworth. E. R. Norton____ Geo. H. Ripley Henry Spallholz__ R, N> Goodspeed__ L. R. Rankle . . . __ J. F. Holmes J Special atten tl < ’86 i Please send 15c (P rom pt service Citizens Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. A. L. Bailey...____ 58-39 < { ’87 First National Bank. . < ’64 .T. ("!. Clark 58-37 Merchants National Bank Elmore T. Ide____ 58-3* « ’75 Passumpslc Savings B k .< {’52 W. P. Smith______ 58-36 Swanton Sav. Bk. & Tr; Co. C. E. Allen. _ 58-119 * {’04 Nat. Bk. o f V ergennes..<’26 O. H. Sherman____ 58-120 58-55 John L. Moseiy, Sec. A. E. Denny______ W. B. Mayo _ . . { ’87 E. C. Smith___ WELDEN NATIONAL BANK As s ’ t Cashier . Frank Plumley___ J. L. Moseley_____ H. C. Cady, Tr. 58-16 < ’64 Rutland Savings B a n k .< {’50 58-15 Rutland Trust Co— __ t l ’83 58-21 State Trust Co.___ . . . . { ’81 58-18 Springfield..Windsor F 7 FIRST NATIONAL BANK< ’63 F. G. Field___ 58-64 Pop. 6000 Springfield Savings Bank$I’53 Albert C. Bowman. 58-63 j C. E . SC H OFF-— «St. Albans.Franklin C 1 FRANKLIN CO. SAV. BANK & [S p ecia l atten tl Pop. 8000 TR. CO. —58-57___ ${’99 {Please send 15c • ./ ' Peoples Trust Co.___ 58-56 Cashier . ___________ VERMONT BANKS—Northfield to Vergennes Northfield__ Washington Northfield National Bank.t’66 58—72 Pop. 3530 E4 Northfield Savings Bk. -•$§’67 58-71 Northfield Trust Co.___ JS’09 58-73 North Troy_Orleans F 1 Valley Sav. Bank & Trust Co. Pop. 771 58-127 * {’13 Orleans___ Orleans G 1 Central Sav.Bk.&Tr.Co.<{’05 Pop. 1131 58-113 Orwell____ Addison B 5 First National Rank. . .$ ’63 Pop. 1150 58-114 Poultney....Rutland C 6 Citizens National Bank.»t TO 58-70. Pop. 3044 First National Bank___ < ’81 58-69 P roctor..___ Rutland C 6 Proctor Trust Company«tS’91 Pop. 3000 58-115 Proctorsville.... Windsor Nat. Black River Bank__ *’45 Pop. 1250 E7 58-116 Randolph___ Orange E 5 Randolph National Bank<’75 58-117 • Pop. 3000 R ich ford ... Franklin E 1 Richford Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. Pop. 2907 . 58-118 < { ’75 «Rutland___ Rutland D 6 BAXTER NATIONAL BANK Pop. 14,831 58-17 < ’70 Clement National B an k.< ’83 58-20 EillingtonNational B ank<’83 58-22 Marble Savings Bank_.*t§’83 58-19 President . Accessible Towns* Lawyers, Laws* Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Ràtes, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. V E R M O N T— Continued (Savings Banks d o n o t handle collections) 1344 1344 pllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!llllllllllllll!ll!IIIllll[||lll!IIIIIIIIlllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimilUHIIIIII| | NA TIONAL STA TE | | ~ A N D ... ........ J I CITY BANK I | R IC H M O N D , I 1 “ The G a te w a y o f th e ■ ■I VIRG IN IA ■ Send us you r Item s on the Fifth Federal R eserve District. J ■■ m ' ■ W e have direct connections with every hanking point in the Carolinas and Virginia. ■ ■ ~mt■ Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits , Resources ■ $ 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 - 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 2 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 O F F IC E R S W M . H . P A L M E R , President J U L IE N H . H IL L , Vice-President J. W . S IN T O N , Vice-President R . E . C U N N IN G H A M , Vice-President Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | South** W M . S. R Y L A N D , Vice-President S. P . R Y L A N D , Vice-Pres.-Cashier JESSE F . W O O D , Assistant Cashier B . F . D E W , Auditor SM 9 sôa 99 o O)00CO Cl M IO b , to (> a h bb b b £o COCO 00 O. 71° 30' H . B w 1-1 Longiti^deN^Vest from Greenwich .E L o o Æ /M e m p h r < o f A v e r Ï Ï Î |  î Canaan« T Pd W allispond g \ ° Lak,. Jreens Corners/ C L I N T b\N ^''Ñuthegoin'^y^ I*| ' —«»»«S^vï’lattBbursrV, E 0®ot Fai S S Bloomfield'^gfrN. Stratfo rd Je. 0. • E X ^ orC<Asp c o o s W.M/ilton /W estfordr L JIË i v ^ Sif Sable Forks Sta. N H ig h ^ r e s tle W 0N. W alden , . Si i — - .rrs. Johnsburyh Plainfield e-Œ . s»- . .___ rmc ¿Fairmont Vlo"“ 1 , ffe ^Sosfer® “ [ Pond^Vpicker Mills ! / V« 0ods S W M. ethlehem0 Bethlehem Jc? or Pierce Bridg P. 0. ¿^~\Ryegate G roton ^ . ° ÄE.Ryegate S. Rsffiate Boltonvilh^ Profile House * A * I Bridport 0 E. Mi^lebury /„Litton I __ Ul Ä l r f f i rGiànville0=^f M oBread=l^È wft.ChafJgjl 2 /y Tit^pldo/ Vs^GaysviUo «, i *e -f r Holden I U/ Albertson.VyKX # ^ ^ ^ fgffiershire IE , \ Pidrmont] -J ° oRand<ÀbiB§Cenfer / M if I Forest Dall ^Brandor P f Œ ^ G ° R | Ä E. Randolph7^11 W S Squam ' L ake. *£v>Kiverside aUw*E. ^ '% M llg Wkv% •Barnard’" » “°herburne — - 3g I <Tor f^ L land^ lp M iJliV i/ton PR. , W. , <■ WIN* Ita s c o n M Itaftsville Fair “ jfe ^ ^ /^ t lito ^ ^ ^ T V A S h r e w s b u r y — WóodstocU. '^ß>m /R u i C A nN ' f c ^ s . a s i ft * (-Whitehall * \ i r ~ ^ u .ia. Poultney pPoultney “ t ì l?Ä W f e H I u N D £ & f l O Hartland i R ja r t la n d B '■ V " ‘E f o a tC o ls - i t * L I m IN A P 7Laconia 7 " Tyson H jP & S Íg Felchville ° A scutne /Franklinx Belmont N Franklin Jc.P ake Geòrge I Claremont^ :ingfield|^|S U L L m I V A N M oringfifl yBupfejl I ^ setA* ~Ti8l 9. ■ orsetj£pf; °Peril ®/ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T 5 a rto n sv ille \ i^ E R “ Contoocook; £ d> Henniker Jc^ . . S S W S f i E a g* C O N C O R »^ Bow Jc. ■Equinox Greenwich Jc. > R i -< s «TQrejenwicfi r o cc _ 5fcC/Arlington 1 -4 ® / s s . B i c e / E.^L ' Arlington m % llCeene nmerston Sta. C ^Hoosick FalláJjAntl^l É K. E Si) H\ I R E VERM ONT Petersburg Jcv SC A L E S t a t u t e M ile s , 1 4 = 1 I n c h . 20 'RENSSELAER. ' >■ * ff Troy F &• Vemqn R 73° 30’ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Rand McNally’s New 11 x 14 Map of Vermont* Copyright by Rand McNally & Co. |l K 72 ° 3 0 ’ N Railroads B G H Electric Lines71° 3 0 ' The Southwestern Farm Mortgage Co. First Mortgages on Improved Kansas Farms EDW ARD J . C O N K LIN . Pres., Loans Never Exceed 45 % of Land Value Emporia, Kansas Excellent Investment for Tru st and Savings Funds W E W IL L C H E E R F U L L Y AND P R O M P TLY S U B M IT O U R L IS T IN G UPON A P P LIC A TIO N m ml I CO II <o P r i r i Barnet] mer S. Peac-ham Summit Rvhet'^jPkijnet ¿V Welle River Pond * Mclndoe » ... Mclndoe Falls P. 0Ü LU GlLaucaster ¿ c o rd )Lunenburg CNA L E D O _ C D D I M ffreensboro Bend Lyndon Center o Lyndon P. 0 . « Or n lliU r ILLU, ILL. v T Morrisvîllon Mu n ic ip a l b o n d s a n d f a r m m o r t g a g e s Holland M athenv , Dixon, Cole & C ompany 72° 30’ Wa {OUI H We Specialize in First Mortgage Farm Loans in Illinois 73° 3o' P à m m ■ " /fë c E S T A B L IS H E D 1870 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK ¡¡sÉrs ® RICHMOND, VIRGINIA ' <H/n r/Asr Mttuotur UNITED STATES, STATE, and CITY DEPOSITORY Capital - - - - - $ 400,000.00 O F F IC E R S JOHN KERR BRANCH - Surplus and Profits 1,700,000.00 Pres. THOS. B. McADAM S Vice-Pres. JOHN A. BRANCH - Vice-Pres. H. S. ROSSELL - - Vice-Pres. W. F. AUGUSTINE - Vice-Pres. RANKS FIRST AMONG THE NATIONAL BANKS OF THE STATE OF VIRGINIA U N E X C E L L E D F A C ILITIE S FO R A C C O U N T S O F B A N K ING IN S T IT U T IO N S , C O R P O R A T IO N S A N D IN D IV ID U ALS G. JETER JONES - Vice-Pres. H. W. CHADDUCK - Vice-Pres. M . C. BRANCH - - Vice-Pres. JOHN C. W HITE L. B. THOMAS - - Cashier - Asst. Cash. OLIVER C. W HITE Asst. Cash. Send Us Your C ollections HAS DIRECT CONNECTIONS WITH EVERY BANKING POINT IN VIRGINIA, WEST VIRGINIA, NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA Ivumber un^ler IVame nanK is trie Mew Transit Number given Federal Reserve 1 3 4 5 Bank f ? e a cof h bSt. a n kLouis in Ü . S . e x c l u s i v e l y b y _ T b e S a n d - M c I T a l l j B a n k e r s ’ A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , >nd e x e d i n b a c k o f b in s v o l u m e . F o r i n t e r e s t K a t e s , G r a c e , e t c ., see p a g e 14. F o r H o l i d a y s , se e o p p o s it e p a g e 1 3 . o j t Directory, un der th e a u th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. Tnwxr awn P-nmirv U a w v ir a R a xn r HARRY P. GILLESPIE - - - - - - A «st. Cash. ROGER S. WARREN Asst Cash. V E R M O N T — Continued Lia b il it ie s . R esou rces. P r in c ip a l Co r r e spo n d e n ts; J 245 A c c e s s ib le Number un4er n um uer u n a e r x v a m e o i » a n a is t h e M e w x r a n s l t N u m b e r g iv e r to each bank in IU. S. e x c l u s i v e l y b y _ T h e B a n d - M c N a l l r B a n k e r s ' Directory, un der th e a u th ority of T he A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. Name of Bank . T own and County. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. (State ¿County Seats. Entire State in No. 1 tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPrivi [Estab. Federal Reserve District. Mem. Fed. Res. Waterbary.. Washington Waterbary Sav.Bk. & Tr. Co. 58-124 *»'54 Pop. 3273 E 3 Wells River ..Orange G 4 Nat. Bank o f Newbury_»i'32 58-92 Pop. 800 Wells River Savings Bk.«$§’92 58-93 West Rutland__ Rutland West Rutland Trust Co..«S’05 58-122 Pop. 3427 06 White River J c t .. W ’dsor Pop. 2500 F6 Wilmington___ Windham Pop. 430 D9 Windsor___ Windsor F 7 Pop. 2500 Winooski. Chittenden C 3 Pop. 4520 . ¿Woodstock. Windsor E 6 Pop. 3500 P resident . V ice-President . As s ’ t C ashier . Cashier . Lia b il it ie s . R esources. Su r p l u s . D e p o s P a id - u p and it s Ca p it a l P r o f it s Loam« k Dw- Gashk Ex c’tb. Bonds, onANO»,Due SaomoTiM fsomBanks W. P. Dillingham.. C. C. Graves__ !__ i W . B. Clark, !¥ .— E. E. Joslyn, A . Tr. 56.000 „ Nelson Bailey-------- S. W. M ann_____ _ 300.000 E. Betram Pike— S, E. Clark — E. W. Sm ith..____ J. F. George______ Samnel Hutchins, Tr. G. G. Robinson___ R. L. Richmond__ Jno. E . Learned, i Tr. FIRST NATIONAL BANK» $ ’88 58-80 fL. D. W H E ELER - A. G. WHITHAM . . . . . C . VERMONT Map opposite L.LE BOURVEAU- 188,580 1,074,150 104,340 1.067,590 25.000 27,520 571,100 100.000 60,000 1,250,000 Jno. D. Bacon, See. and A . Tr. L. D. Wheeler____ Chas. L. Le Bourve au,-------- - — -------Sec. and Tr. P. J. Fitch, A . Tr. T. D. Goodell__ — D. O. Butterfield. Tr. W. J. Saxie___ — F. S. Hale_______ 50.000 660 847,810 25.000 23,100 933,060 149,930 1,252,530 20,000 600,000 H. C. Daniels_____ H. P. McOlary, Jr., Tr, W. C. Rossiter C. C. G a te s ------- H. P. McOlary, Tr, A. G. Taylor Henry Oonlih— . . . M. D.McMahon,Tr. M. F. McGettrick, A . Tr. Robt. J. W hite__ H. E. Gray, T r.___ 25.000 Jas. F. Dewey — O. F. Chapman, Sec. and Tr. W. S. Dewey_____IHelen H. Saul. 50.000 , 25,000 ¿Abingdon ..Washington First National Bank- . —•$’98 J. W. Bell________ O.Bolee____ „ . . . — 68-208 Pop. 4000 B4 Samuel G. Brent. J. L. Perry 938,090 ) 1,183,930 20,000 420,000 320,200 9 3,177,780 150,000 82,660 0 2,565,500 0 474,440 N. T. Shumate - — FIRST NATIONAL BANK*$64 68-107 P rincipal Correspondents* 65,520 Am. Ex. N., N. Y .; lst N „ Bos. 133,510 lst N „ Bos. 17,740 N. City, N. Y.; Rutland Co. N., Rutland; lst N., Bos. . . . 239,000 Irving N., N. Y.: N. Shawmutand IstN ., Bos.' N. Com’l, Alb. 180,950 Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Shawmut and lst N. Bos. 130,530 lst N., White River Jet. 92,220 Han. N., N. Y .; Peo. N., Brattieboro; Merch NE Bos. ■T „ „ 200,000 Liberty N., N. Y.; lst N., Bos.; N. Y. State N. Alb. _ „ 65,230 Am. Tr. Co., Bos.; lst N., Concord. N. H. 66,410 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y. 33,500 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. N., Bos.; Howard N. Burlington. _ . . 137,000 N. Park, N. Y,; Howard N „ Burlington; N Shawmut, Bos.; N. Com’l.* Alb. 239,510 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Old Colony Tr.Oo.. Bos 29.450 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; lst N., Bos. 50,000 17,980 471,010 547,360 56,360 District N.. Wash., D. 0.1 Nl Ex.. Roanoke. Q* C >-» »< 9,000 Chase N „ N. Y .; N. Bk. of Petersburg, Peters ri burg; N. State & City, Rich. O N. City, N. Y.; M. M. 1st N „ Balt.. T. P.Winborne, Jr. L. H. Dudley------ - A. C. Moss. E. L. DAIHGERFIELD- CARROLL PIERCE-— R. M. GREER— ------ M. L DINWIODIE - — C IT IZE N S Prompt and careful service Under personal direction of officers. NATIONAL BANK •$’70 20,000 6,250 107,000 104,000 100,000 9,000 763,070 904,600 151,070 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt.: Riggs > N. and Am. N., Wash., D. C. S* X Bk. o f America. N. Y.? M. M. 1st N., BaIt.; fi) Riggs N., Washington, D. C.; Drexel & Co.. fi Phil. Cu ►1 200,000 228,300 1,688,690 2,174,880 247,520 H an. N. and N. City, N. Y .; 1st N „ Phil. N ., and Girard N ., Phil. 200,000 313,710 2,399,270 2,428,240 582,250 Irving N ..N .Y .; M. M. 1st N.. Balt.; Penn. N „ Phil.; Riggs N. and Com’l N., Wash., D. C, (Please send 25c with each request for Report or Baling) G. L. Boothe—____ M. B. Harlow. George E. Warfield. A. K. Warfield— AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, B S T BONDS, Southern Building, Washington, D. C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis D ir e c t o r s , $ 100,000 $ 44,260 $ 858,750 $1114480 $ 127,580 Scab. N.,*N. Yi? Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Lynchburg N., Lynchburg. Burke & Herbert______»tt’52 (JET. R . Burke, Tay lor Burke and A . H erbert, J r.)—_____ 68-106 68-108 L aw s, Entire State in No. 5 “Federal Reserve District. Peoples National Bank__ t ’07 J. E. Legard______W. T. McConnell— F. B. McConnell— F. L. Davis. 68-210 ¿Accomac.Accomac E 12 Thomas W. Blackstone«tt'99 68-303 Pop. 712 Alberta__ Brunswick G 8 Bank o f Alberta — — «t§T3 M. S. Barrow_____ J. L. Jones____ — 68-489 Pop. 250 46,700 128,020 300,680 W- S. Hewitt____ VIRGINIA- Alexandria ...Alexandria Alexandria Nat’l Bank—«$'04 O. E. Nicol_______ 68-109 Pop. 17.846 09 L aw yers, 32,260 $ 912,020 $ 893,990 $ 100.290 N. City, N. T.s lst N „ Bos.: N. Y. State N., Alb. ; C ollections »ns a ssp eclalty and rem it ted on day o f pay m en t, P rom pt atten ti o n to all banking m atters entrust» d to us. Hartford Sav. Bank & Tr. Co F. L. Davis... . . . . 58-82 **§14 Inter-State Trust C o ...* il’12 Howard J. M iller.. 58-125 Wilmington Savings B k > ti’53 F. J. Corbett..—. . 58-123 State National Bank____ *’05 George O. Gridley 58-84 Windsor County Tr. Co.tS’07 S. N ,Gage____ ___ 58-85 Windsor Savings Bank..»$’48 C. H. F i t c h ....... 58-83 Champlain Trust Co....< §'0 7 P. E. McSweeney.. 58-66 Winooski Savings Bk. .«}5 ’69 Emory C. M ower.. 58-65 Ottauquechee Savings Bank F. S. Mackenzie__ 58-78 »tS’47 Woodstock National Bk.. .• '65 F. W. Wilder 58-79 T ow n s, V E R M O N T — Continued N um ber under Nam e o f Bank is .the New /tra n sit/N u m ber given to each bank in 17. S. exclusively by T he Rand-M cN ally Bankers’ Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. T own and County. ¿County Seats. Entire State in No. a Federal Reserve District. Altavista.. Campbell F 5 Pop. 1500 P resident . C. W. Lane__ Arvonia.Buckingham E7 Pop. 500 Ashland___ Hanover E 8 Pop. 1324 Basic_______Augusta D 5 Pop. 2200 Bassetts__ ___ Henry G 3 Beaverdam.Hanover E8 Pop. 300 ¿B ed ford ...____ Bedford Pop. 3500 FA “ “ . “ 1 G. E. Vaughan.___ R esources. $ 121.600 $ 19,200 Han. N., N. Y.; Peo. N „ Lynchburg, Va.; Am. N., Roanoke, > 43,000 IstN . vLynchb urg ; N. State & City, Rich; 18,000 ; 277,000 ; 342,000 16,000 5,390 173,430 167.220 R. A. Marshall . T. R. Hardaway__ R. D. Hardy______ 30,000 19,000 265,000 287,000 J. E. Bowman. W. K. Allen_______ 10,800 25,120 274,580 -220,500 W. E. Sandidge___ O. F. Blanton 18,200 228,000 209,200 72,990 757,500 655,460 10.000 9,000 190,000 132,000 ¿ind T im e Item s. and 50c fo r Credit Reports. 20,000 77,000 Fifth-Third N., din.; Ñ. State & City, Rich.; 1st ■N., Bristol, Tenn. 28.000 W. L. MAIN0US___ Witt. C. Hubbard. . V. N. Vaughan — 50.000 238,000 245,000 • 37,150 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N „ Rich, and Lynchburg 120,000 127,000 73,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich. United Ln, & Tr. Go,, Lynchburg. 14,000 Han. Ñ.?N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 15,000 6,500 ,75,000 81,500 10,000 10,000 299,560 286,620 28,000 27,541 15,000 110,000 125,000 22,670 712,190 654,120 . 11,800 1 15,000 28.380 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N „ Rich. 5,070 N. City, N. Y.; Staunton N., Staunton. 13,700 1st N., Rich.; Peo. N., Martinsville. 10,000 50,000 J, C. P arker... — / L. R. GILLS--— W. A. FITZPATRICK W. A.FITZPATRICK J. M. DANIEL— . Am. N-, Rich. 142,340 593.090 679,930 (Branch o f B yn chburg, Fa.) 100,000 70,000 J. T. B. Hyslop___ P Sydney Kellam.. W. G. Emmett— . Miss LottieV.Willis 17,300 W iH . Hyslop Miss Emily L. Hum phreys A. Moore, Jr._____ 40,000 12,500 200,820 156,820 82,000 410,000 500,000 411,340 640,000 600,000 } C a r e fu l and p ro m p t a tte n t io n t o c o l l e c t ! o n e . N A T IO N A L B A N K ) L O W E S T R A T E S . 88-189 t ’01 \ S e n d u s y o u r b u s i n e s s . 129,350 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Rich.; Peo. N., Lynch burg. 90,600 Chatham k Phenix N., N. Y.; Merch. N. Rich.; Lynchburg N., Lynchburg. 60,000 4th St. N., Phil. ; N. S tate & City, R ich . 1st N., L ynchbu rg. 70,150 N. Ex., Balt.: Ñ. Bk. Com., Norfolk. . 32,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N. -Balt.: 1st Ni, Rich, •, , 41.770 Han. N-^Ji. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt, and N. Ex. Balt.; Merch. N., Rich. 13,930 Peo. N., Lynchburg. 25,000 34,230 810 10,000 4,370 102,370 102,650 50,000 6,300 224,380 205,690 R. F. Powell_____ |A. J. Nottingham. W. R. Ackworth— 10,000 81,620 Bk. of Am.; N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Oin.; N. Ex., Roanoke, i Alex. Black______ Jas. E . Henderson J. W. Bland____ —- ina H. Linkons—. . 16,000 17.ÖC0 "234.000 209,550 100,000 : 58,000 500,000 .631,000 '31.500 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: N. State A City and'lst . N., Rich.;N. Ex., Roanoke; Bk. of Christians burg, Christiansburg. 45,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. anji Plan. N., Rich. Petersburg Sav. &T r . Co., Petersburg. 60,000 41,130 ¿69,310 661,860 < 5 73 J. M. H arris_____ H. H. Seay____;___ J» A, Booker....... W. G. Epes J. M. Hurt FIRST NATIONAL BANK-*i’08 Henry Stokes____. S. L. Barrow____ % S. L. Barrow______ | ... 68-224 , asp J. A. Sydnor W, A, Crinkley.__ R. B. Bagley C. P;, Justis > ; A . L. C ob b _____,_i B. T. White ¿Bland_______ Bland F 1 Bank o f Bland County.«$§’93 Fulton Kegley____ J. D. Honaker._____ Pop. 250 68-313 Bloxom___ Accomac E 12 Accomack Banking Co. Inc. -------------------------- ----------j------------- •- H. A. Littleton__ _ H. A. Hearne K8-31i tS’Ofi 88,180 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: 1st N., Rich.; N. Bk. of Petersburg; Petersburg; M. M. 1st N., Balt. 25,000 7,350 166*270 139,970' ÍÚ 58,050 1st N., Rich.; N. Ex., Roanoke. '„ „ ... .... . . . U . (Branch o f Park siey, Fa. L J J ïü S ISH------ M. M. 1st N., Balt.; N. Bk. Com.; Norfolk. B a n k s A d v e r t is in g : {jiv e P r o m p t N u m b e r u n d e r N a m e o f B a n k is t h e N e w T r a n s i t N u m b e r A i v e n 1 QA*7 to each bank in ,U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers. I n “ / Directory, under the au th ority of The. A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. A t t e n t io n -to C o H a c -tio n s A c c e s s ib le VIRGINIA— Continued July, 1919 H. W. Baker______ G. E. Vaughan___ E. L. Marshall..__ F. L. Mattox______ C .W . BakerG S. Carter______ R. T. Irvine__ ___ Blacks tone____ Notto way CITIZENS BANK— — Pop. 2000 F8 68-223 •VIRGINIA’Map opposite Norfolk Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 27,880 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. o f Com. & Tr. and Am. N., Rich. 89,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Drov. & Merch. N., Balt.: N. State & City, Rich. 45,100 N. Bk. Com.. N. Y.: Am. N., Rich.; 1st N., Lynchburg. 216,570 N. Ex., Roanoke.; 1stN.,Cin. 15,000 ; Belle Haven... . Accomac Belle Haven Bank, Inc. . . « ’06 Pop. 206 E12 68-310 ¿Berryville... . Clarke B 7 BANK OF CLARKE COUNTY 68-251 <§'81 Pop. 1000 •• 4« First National B a n k ....< ’04 68-252 Big Island—.Bedford F 4 Bank o f Big Island, Inc. $§’13 Pop. 350 68-482 Big Stone Gap..W ise B 2 Interstate Finance & Tr. Co. Pop. 2590 68-311 « ’02 Birdsnest. Northampton Farmers Bank—________§19 Pop 250 F 12 68-553 Blacksburg. Montgomery Bank of Blacksburg___ < § ’91 Pop. 1800 F2 68-312 33,900 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich. 50,000 G. J. Dearborn___ R.,M, Ppx Geó. .Jenkins C. E. R0BINETT— - E. C. MAIN0US — P r in c ip a l Co r r e spo n d e n ts . IX)AM8&Dig Cashk Exc’tb. Bonds, chanqi«,Düe Securities fromBaku J. G. Jefferson, Jr. Edward Eggleston. ■J. G. Dickerson__ M. l’i. Burke-......... j Special attentio n given Bill o f La ding drafts, Cash ’ Please send 15c. with each sight dr a ft for.vresentatwn Bank of Appomattox . . < § ’01 H. D. Flood_______ R. F. Burke______ R. L. Burke_______ 68-306 Farmers National Bank— ’18 C. W. Hancock — D. p . Robertson . . ,A. R - Harwood ___ 68-552 State Bank o f Arvonia, Inc. A. J. Terrell______ Perkins Glover___ 68-307 « ’06 Hanover Rank . < § ’03 S. J. Doswell_____ 68-308 Basic City Bank . _ §'16 C. A. Van L ear... .1. W. Smith „ 88-512 Bank o f Bassett, I n c .___ §’07 J. D. Bassett______ C. B. Eesee__ . . . B. d. Philpotf_____ 68-309 Beaverdam Bank_______t§’19 W. L. F ox_______- C. B. Hall .............. V. Q. Clements___ 68-559 R. Q. Lowry LL1 Citizens National Bank,< ’14 S. S. Lambeth, Jr.. J. A. Clark— __ 68-500 R. E. White LYNCHBURG TIT. & SAV. BK. D. A. Payne______ R. T. Watts;,______ J. J. S cott.. ____ 68-188 <§'90 p e o p l e s 50,000 R. Robbins______ «1 0 »* L ia b il it ie s . P aid - up Surplus Depos AND Capital P rofits its $ 15,000 $ 570 $ 133,000 A s s ’t Cashier . VIRGINIA BANKS—‘Altavista to Bloxom 6W US . ¿Appomattox. Appomat’x Pop. 800 F6 Cashier . W. O. Smith______ <S. D. GREEN — PEOPLES BANK______ 68—246 Vice -President . Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, etc.", see page” 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13, ; S ame of B a'iM . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState iMein. State Bks. Assn.tPriv ♦Mem. Fed! Reis. [Esfab. Farmers: & Merchants Bank 38-543 *t§’l7 First National Bank——< ’08 - 68-304 ¿Amelia C .H ,. Amelia F8 Amelia! County Bank—< § ’16 Pod. 400 68-520 Farmers & Merchants Bank 68-305 **§'05 ¿Amherst—.Amherst E5 Bank o f Amherst_____< § ’83 Pop. 800 68-263 pt W. ■' ■ •• Farmers Bank .. . < § ’10 68-264 Appalachia———Wise A2 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-<’09 Pop. 3000! 68-245 - VIRGINIA —Continüed 1346 ì___________ >r 1 A 'i f . a t >j i 3 T ow n s, L aw yers, L aw s. m rectors. in - dexed m i n buuua ack w o í tm hax iso vwium o l u m*«. e . F o r I-----------. n t e r e s -t-----—» B a t e s , G r 1o a c e r> aexea e tc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite p a g e jj ^ fa Pop. 20P 68-314 !4 .4 «A J Ik « vvUlt) A lV iiV X IV « ÍS W VIRGINIA'Map opposite Norfolk Ranks ÁdvértiklnfiT jrìve P rom pt A tten tion to N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber -given 1 QA*7 to each bank in .Ü. S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally Bankers. I >3 i / Directory, under the au th ority of The. A m erican Bankers Ass’ n. T own and N a ììe Co u n t y . of L ia P resident . Farmers &Merch.Bk. —i§ ’12 L. A. Bowman j . __ J . M. Emswiler___ J. L. Sink 68-471 First State B a n k .....__ t§’06 M. O. Combs-------- I. S. Anderson____ J. D. Morgan 68-315 Caroline County Bank.«t§’02 J. T. Richards___ G. P. Lyon________ 68-316 Boyce State Bank__ . „ < § ’08 R. P. Page___ ____ K. N. Gilpin______ P. P. Whiting 68-317 Farmers B a n k ....____ ;_t§’18 F. C. B edin ger...— J, W. Edmonson j_ 1L J 68-548 Williams & G oode.... . . < t ’93 (Thomas F. Goode) 68-318 Boykins.;__ Southampton Meherrin Valley Bank. < § ’02 . L. Barham____ R. H. Powell_____ 68-273 Pop. 700 G9 Boone Mill..Franklin F 3 Pop. 300 Boons Path_____Lee B 2 Pop. 350 •Bowling Green.Caroline Pop. 433 D9 Boyce_______ Clarke B 7 Pop. 300 •Boydton...Mecklenburg i Pop. 421 G7 Branchville.-So'hampton Bank o f Branchville__ «tS’lO . W. Smith____... 68-310 Pop. 300 G9 Bridgewater,Rockingham Planters Bank__. . . . . . . . t5’98 John W. Cline____ 68-320 Pop. 1000 D6 Bristol__ Washington B 4 Dominion National Bank— H. E. Jones..___ _ 87-80 < ’90 6 & 5 Pop. 18,000 Cashier . V ice -President . A ss ’ t Cashier . T. A. Flora— . —i. Miss Pearle Kinsey P a id - u p C a p it a l $■ and Pb o f i t s R . D epos it s Principal correspondents . esou rces. jOANS k DlS*ra. Bonds, Securities Cash k Exiharobs,Due rxoM Bakes 4,880 1 176,680 ¡>127,620 63,130 1 16,000 11,920 149,500 101,080 69,190 h L. E. Martin______ B. L. Garrett_____ 30,000 19,600 714,460 589,880 172.100 1 C. VanDeventer — 15,000 7,000 75,000 100,000 17,501t h C. 25,000 75,720 „„8 1 .3 0 0 34,200 1 C. Strohecker.Jr. R. F. M arks...___ James R. Shipman S. H. W . Byrd — . A: P. M oore______ 16,600 33,008 261,430 ; 231,630 25,000 12,500 185,010 158,660 10,000 11.000 87,000 89,000 20,000 18,400 220,000 207,000 30,500 I 150,000 60,000 1,491,570 1,449,590 388,340 1 150,000 104,630 50,000 17,840 25,000 15,000 25,000 79,450 I 59,450 I ImiPnm’ N^Y.’; 17,000 Norfolk N., Norfolk; Far. 1 of Nansemond, Suffolk; Vaughan & Co., Bkrs., Franklin. L . „ . 1 lech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Citiz., Norfc Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Suffolk. A. E. Anderson H. M. Bellamy E. W. King___ ___ James W. Lynn— W. F. Smith___.— J. H. Caldwell C. W. Warden Washington Tr. & Sav. Bk._. J. D. Mitchell_____ J. A. Mahoney____ D. T. McKee _ — A. P. Moore • 87-81 < §1 6 H. E. Jones C h. o f B d , J. J. Pennybacker. M, O. M iller— ;—. Broadway._.Rockingham First National Bank__ -.< '03 D. H. Zigler— ___ J. E. Beard L L . ._ . 68-321 Pop. 416 0 6 F. M. Newsom, Jr. J. J. W, Dugger J. Rt Temple üt££K Bank o f Brodnax___ 1 __.t$’14 Brodnax..Brunswick G8 B. D, Pennington 68-322 Pop. 475 E. T. Yeaman— . . E. T. Yeaman____ N. I. W althall......' First National B ank__ < ’04 BrookneaL.Oampbelt F 6 68-323 Pop. 700 H. S. Wade ~ L — J. R. Brown R. L. Patterson.— Bank o f Brownsbnrg, Inc Brownsburg. Rockbridge 68-481 !§ ’13 Pop. 300 E5 J. C. Dill________ ,E. J. McCulloch__ O. B. Johnson.— _ Bank o f Buchanan____ < § ’99 Buchanan.-Botetourt E 4 68-255 U Pop. 1000 Baehanan National B k ..4 ’09 . L. Heck-_iLL— L. P. Dillon— ,— . U. H. Hyde— i — - Rodney Stinnett.. Geo. Alphin 68-256 Buena Yista.Rockbridge First National Bank.___ . . ’95 B. E. Vaughan.— . W . T. Paxton_____ V. T.Strickler__ _ 68-173 Pop. 3500 E5 W. E. Glass.— — F. F. Sterrett.___ _ Peoples Bank------ — ■ — §’06 J. H. Mapp____ 68-174 J. E. B osw ell..__ - W. H. Sheffield___ A. L. R edford—— ’ R. S. Beville__ Farmers & Merch. Bank<§’05 Burkeville.Nottoway F 68-324 Pop. 600 A. G. Bntterworth. Chas. Ls Knott —_. A. M. Orgain . . . . . . ----$§’17 Farmers Bank------Bntterworth. . Dinwiddie 68-325 Pop. 300 F W. J. Courtney__- W. E. Headley—S. E, W eym outh... Callao State Bank-----. . . § ’19 Callao. .Northumberland 68-568 Pop. 70 E 11 J; W. Mitchell....,? M. M. McCoy.iiliiJ H. B. McDonald— Cambria Bank---------...t§’08 Cambria^Montgomery F 0. A. Orumpacker ♦ 68-326 Pop. 525 C. P. King________ R. V, Nottingham,. S. E. Tudor, R. D. L. Eletcher_ Cape CharlesBk, Inc..<§1900 Cape Charles.North’pton V .-P . and Cash. 2 Sr. 68-198 Pop. 2500 F12 G. E. Coulbourne . Upshur Wilson.— O. L. Hallett— Farmers & Merch. Bank<§'07 W . B. Wilson.— A. J. Downes 68-199 C. U. S m ith-----— V. S. Pittman____ E. W. Crichton___ Oapron. Southampton G 9 Bank o f Oapron, Inc. . . < § ’08 J. T. Barham------68-327 Pop. 500 _ R ives.. . . H. 0. Elmore —— Carson — .Dinwiddie F 9 Bank o f Carson, Inc.— < l ’l l P. B. Halligan..— . Timothy N. P. Peebles 68-464 Pop. 200 _ A. F. Moon, Jr.___ Oartersville. Cumberland Oartersville Bank------. rt§’03 : 68-328 ; Pop. 150 E7 G. C. Gosel‘ 1 ?------Oastlewood...Russell B 4 Merchants & Farmers Bank R. A. Fletcher------ J. M. Porter. . . — 68-329 t§’l l Pop. 500 _ W. G. Williams, •Charlotte Court HouSe State Bank o f Charlotte FIRST NATIONAL BANK-< 10,000 b il it ie s Su b p l u s Henry Smith—— — Robert Saylor — — J. D. Woodard.__ _ W. H. R n sh L -iL — W. H .Sipe.—. . . G. Ed, Miller W. H. COx.— — J. N. Huntsman A. P. Moore and Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, .U w s , . P lrectorg^ m dexed in back of this volume. For Interest R ates, Grace, e tc., see page 14. For H olidays, see opposite page Id. VIRGINIA— Continued Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState •County Seats. _ Entire State in No. 5 tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. C olt*& cz±l<c»r*£z N.", Phil.; Am. *N.. Rich.; Fifth-Third N. Cin. p B i. Ciiy, N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.; Drov. & Mech N., Balt.; City N., Knoxville. Kft 1,888,080 : 2,194,400 336.330 528,330 498,120 103.680 Han. N., N. Y.; Dominion N., Bristol. 14,000 212,000 175.000 54,000 Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt.: 1st N., Rich. 9,000 115,000 126,300 13,800 8,630 512,320 447,580 120,070 12,000 6,020 J 5 4 .4 7 0 149,510 28,660 604)00 70,000 423,000 400,000 175,000 87-79 erch.' N., Rich.; N. Bk. of Petersburg, Peter; burg. „ N.. Rich. Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Rich. 60,000 52,000 298,030 459,220 29,410 Am. N., Rich. 50,000 27,000 409,000 404,830 74,000 25,000 11,160 245,100 229,990 49,350 20,000 7,500 145,000 143,000 22,000 Seab. MV, N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; IstN., Rich. _. . |. Han. N „ N. Y .; Drov. A Mech. N., Balt.; Merch, N., Rich.: Peo. N., Lexington. Am. N., Rich. 10,000 15,000 84,470 122,510 11,180 1st N., Rich.; Petersburg Sav, & Tr. Co.,Peters burg. 10 000 28,000 7,830 219,350 209,700 42,950 N. Ex., Roanoke: (M em . Fed. R es.) 60,000 66.740 353.330 488,100 66,340 Irving N., N. Y .; M. M. 1st N „ Balt.; Norfolk N., Norfolk.» 25,000 55,000 750,000 650,000 125,000 10,000 22.00C 135,OOC 136.98C 22,500 1st N., Phil.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.: Merch. N., Rich.; N. Bk. Com.x Norfolk. Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com.. Norfolk. 10,000 16.37C 182,52( 173,261 33,820 Plan. N., Rich. B ardt o f Q o lu p il 75,00( 65,00 (B ra n c h lu t ili 20,001 (B r a n o o f S ta le i à , V a .) 9,00 H o f B r i ; kes B ra fa, CPr 30.000 n eh. V a . ) .— . . .. Am. N., Rich. 1st N., Roanoke. N. Park and Mech." & Metals N., N. Y.; Am. ! N „ Rich. AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, S r BONDS, Southern Building, Washington, D. C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Iy j N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given *o each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he K and-M cN ally Bankers* D irectory, under the a u th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n. Town and County. Name of Bane. ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Entire State in No. 5 ÎMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦M em . Fed. Res. [Estab ‘ Charlottesville. Albem ’le Pop. 10.000 E 7 Ca s h ie r A ss ’ T . R. T. Minor . . . __ T. P. Peyton R. T. W. Duke, Jr 1 68-127 ‘ t ’75 GE0.R.B.MICH E R. A.WATSON V .-P , »$’05 Liabilities. Resources. P a id - u p S ur p lu s D b POS~ Loans* Du- Gash * Sxc'ts. Bonds, obanoes,Due AND Ca p it a i , P r o f it s ITS Snobbi« — n on Banns H. A. DINWIDDIE _ C. W. WATTS 370,000 228,240 3,394,790 3,934,250 T. E. POWERS W.W. WADDELL, A T. E. ROBERTS 332,120 N.Park.N .Y.. M. M. 1st N „ Balt.; 4th St. N., Phil.- 1st N., Rich. A. H. ROBERTSON. 73,650 106,470 454.290 625,470 56,810 Han. N.. N. Y.; Plan. N., Rich. Ralph Jessup__ — T. A. Broocks - ■ H. H. Ferrell ____ W . A. Broocks J. Thos. Goode—. . R. H. Goode—1___ 32,000 23,410 315,980 336,540 32,410 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. H. G. Allen__ ____ Frank Marshall___ F. L. M oses.. 100,006 13,740 196,560 224,610 25,000 125,000 975.000 880.000 G. W. Gammon__ _ J. W. Collie ____ — E. J. Parrish . 25,000 6,560 230,050 237.840 J. H. Hargrave___ O. S. B. Yeatts . . . . C. I. Anderson— Claude J. Deboe 26,000 48,110 960,390 838.730 T. W. Jones T. Wallace Jones.. 15,000 14,500 136,000 144,070 T. E . Sands..__ W. C. Trueheart__ 10,000 10,000 180,000 178,000 66,540 Am. N „ Rich.; Corn Ex. N „ Phil.; (M em . F ed. B es.) 200.000 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich. 51,480 Han. N ..N . Y. 195,160 N. Park, N. Y.; Danville. , c* Am. N., Rich.; 1st N., 14,500 Drov. & Mech. N., Norfolk. 25,000 Am. N., Rich. Balt.; N. L. M. Cole_____ W. E. Umbarger__ 25,000 7,970 69,000 80,000 J. L. Anderton. Daniel Jeffries____ Verona Paradise . . 20,000 14,000 235,000 255,000 W. C. Mitchell- Chas. F. Matthews. 20,000 • 67,280 47,810 C. I. Wade__ !_ B. M. Hagan_____ _ R. M. Charlton___ 34,000 C. W. Surface____ Paul Foster ___ . . . H. Frank Peery__ G. R. Colhoun R. O. Baylor______ E. Y. Stoutamyer.. R. A.skelton H. Sherman ;____ _ Jos. J. White— - 50,000 25,000 370,000 10,000 .5,680 81,090 59,210 34,940 Staunton N., Staunton. 25,000 230 71,130 78,810 11,580 N. Bk. o f Petersburg, Petersburg. 158,890 1,161,000 1,221,290 313,000 S. W. Sharp______ _ F. D. Sharp.__ — 15,000 7,480 94,760 107,600 R. R. Turner_____ L. B. Blanks, J r .. . 20,000 6,690 318,070 215,300 . R. Combs_____ _ A. A. Basham____ 10,000 $- < -4,200 150,000 120,000 100,000 4R.000 1,100,000 1,600,000 J . H .D R EW R Y-__ E .W . GRICEW. w.Mr _____IMMERMAN JE D WILSON— Careful and Pro m p t A tten tion to Collections. - . W. E . CHAMBERS, Bk. Com., 14,460 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; N. Ex., Roanoke. 15,000 Corn Ex. N., Phil. 37,120 Selbyville, Selbyville, Del.; Girard N., Phil. 144,480 Imp. & Tra. N „ N. Y.; M. M. 1st N.. Balt.; N. State & City, Rich.; (M em . Fed. R es.) 80.000 N. Ex., Roanoke; Merch. N., Rich. 21,430 N. City, N. Y.; Bk. of Waverly, Waverly. 116.070 Chase N., N. Y.; N. State & City and Am. N., Rich. 40,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. State & City, Rich.; N. Ex., Roanoke. . 125,000 C hatham & Phenlx N ., N.’ ’ y .; 1st N., B leb . L o west Bates. Send us your b u slness. I J.C . CARPENTER, JR. B. F. DONOVAN__ __ J. R. PAYNE, JR _____ R. 0. ARTZ — ---------- 100,000 70,000 1,350,000 1.550,000 E . A. SNEAD 68-142 Ï Special atten tio n to all collection s. R em ittan ce m ade o n day o f pa ym en t a tr e a so nable r a tes. Clinchburg. .Washington Bank o f Clinchburg . . . —§’19 H. T. Ballah______ W. F. Henderson, Bascom D. Akers . 12,500 40.000 35.000 Pop. 600 B5 68-557 J. D. Kelly Jr. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-» $ ’02 Clinchport_____ Scott B 3 Farmers & Merch. Bank $§’07 J. L. Q. M oore..— Pop. 252 68-336 ‘ Clintwood__ Dickenson Dickenson County Bank, Inc. J. W. Flannagan, Pop. 342 A 31 68-337 »$§’06 Jr. VIRGINIA Map opposite Norfolk Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Principal Correspondents. O. H. Gobble. R. C. Kilgore J. C. Smith . . . E. L. Phipps 200.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich. N. Ex., Roanoke; Peo. N., Abingdon. E. B. Moore . _____ 10,000 7,000 170.000 143.000 32,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bristol, Tenn. W . W. Pressley___ 75,000 10,000 350,000 272,000 50,000 N. Ex..Roanoke. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to C o lle c tio n s and C o rresp o n d en ce N um ber under N am e o f Bank la the New T r a n s i t N um ber g iv e n 1 0 / 1 0 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he R and-M cN ally Bankers 1 1 , i.. dn. fh a an fhn riiv rtf T he A m erican Bankers Ass n. V I R G I N I A — C o n tin u e d _________ July, 1919 68-143 . VIRGINIA BANKS— Charlottesville to Clintwood FIRST NATIONAL BANK <*5 N. H. WILLIAMS N A TIO N A L BANK ie r etive ! Special atten tio n given all collect ions, ( R em itted fo r on day o f p aym en t a t reasonable char ge. 68-214 First State Bank, Inc!. »$§’05 R. D. Patterson___ 68-215 Peoples Bank & Trust Co. C. M.'Boswell . . . . . ♦ 68-529 §’17 ‘ Chatham__ Pittsylvania CHATHAM SAVINGS BANK E. S. Reid___ _____ Pop. 1200 G5 68-243 »$§’72 First National B ank___ •J’16 W. P. Parrish 68-511 Planters Savings Bank.»J§ *78 J. L. Tredway___ 68-244 Check------ -----Floyd G 3 (See Copper HiU) (C opperH ill P. O.) Cheriton__ Northampton Cheriton Banking Co.__»$S’06 R .F. P o w e ll....... Pop. 150 F 11 68-330 Chester..Chesterfield F 9 Chesterfield County Bank P. V. Cogbiil_____ _ Pop. 800 68-331 $§’06 Ohilhowie___ Smyth- B 5 National Bank o f Ohilhowie W. H. Copenhaver. Pop. 400 68-332 ’07 Ohincoteague island Bank o f Chincoteague, Inc, D. J. Wheal ton— Pop. 3500 Acco’c E 13 68-333 $§’09 Marine Bank________ t. §’18 Henry W. Conant.. 68-555 ‘ Christiansburg. Montg’y Bank o f Christiansburg»$§’88 R. T. Mosby______ Pop. 1600 F3 ♦ 68-221 FIRST NATIONAL BANK- $’06 M. H. Tompkins__ 68-222 Ohurchville, Augusta D 5 Augusta County Bk., Inc.1’12 M. P. Jon es____ _ Pop. 150 68-468 City Point-Prince George Bank o f City P o in t....»$§’15 T. F. Heath...____ Pop. 400 F9 68-505 Claremont___ Surry F 9 Peoples State Bank____ $§’08 P. Fleetwood_____ Pop. 750 68-334 Clarksville. Mecklenburg Planters Bank________ »$§’92 C. S. W ood _____ _ Pop. 794 G6 68-253 Cleveland— Russell B 4 Peoples Bank_________ »$§’07 T. L. Bundy______ Pop. 250 68-335 CLIFTON FORGE Ca sh W. H. Robertson.. $ 400,000 $ 160,000 $1400000 $2149000 $ 187,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Merch. N./Rich.; Com’l N „ Wash., D. C. 68-131 PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK Clifton Forge..Alleghany Pop. 6000 E4 Vice-President. Hollis Rinehart.__ NATIONAL BANK OF CHARLOTTESVILLE-, »$’14 1 Chase City.Mecklenburg Pop. 1662 G6 President. Accessible Towns» Lawyers» Laws» Directors» in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Kates» Grace» VIRGINIA— Continued 1348 ______________ 1 “i A f i JTO A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in d e x e d i n b a c k o f t h is v o lu m e . F or In te re st B a te s, G ra ce, e tc., se e p a g e 1 4 . F o r H o l i d a y s , se e o p p o s i t e p a g e 1 3 . ^ Bânks Advertising give Prompt Attention to C o lle c tio n s and C o rresp o n d en ce VIRGINIA Map opposite Norfolk N um ber under N am e o f Bank la t h e New Transit N um ber p v e n to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he B and-M cN ally Bankers Directory, under the au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass n« 1 0 /1 0 1349 A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D ir e c t o r s , in um e. ^ F * o r Jubuuct recrseisi t h am d e x e d i n b a c k o f t h isI v o llu J^ t e»s»^ w G raavc ue ,i .( c F o r H o l i d a y s , see o p p o s i t e : p a g e ' la -q VIRGINIA-—Continued R L ia b il it ie s T ow n and N Cou n ty. a m e ov ■c Bank. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState ¿County Seats. Entire State in No. 5 tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ■Mem, Fed. Res. P r e s id e n t . Clover— __ Halifax G 6 Bank o f Clover---------- *tS’05 C. A. Gregory . . 68-338 Pop. 400 Ooeburn__ .____ Wise B 3 First National Bank___ «t'03 J. W . B ell_____ 68-339 Pod. 1000 W. W. L a y ____ 1 r Î e ? Î n C .— *5*12 V ic e -P r e s i d e n t . Ca s h ie r . A s s ’t ,Ca s h ie r P a id - u p C a p it a l . Su r p l u s AND Pr o f it s »Oourtland.Southampton Pop. 500 G9 ‘ . _____ __ i 'frWfUS . ” ~ I“ £ iE . M. HETTLETON 68-160 440,000 426,000 87,000 1 G. W. Tompkins.— 0 . O. Bamsny____ 'k A. W. Addington .. M. C. Matthews 25,000 14,500 200,000 190,000 35,000 N. Ex., Roanoke. W. F. Renshaw— 15,000 10,000 375,000 241,000 180,470 N. Ex., Balt.; Merch. N., Rich. 10,350 332,7ŸÔ 258,400 8,830 lech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Rich. . 18,260 f. Ex., Roanoke; 1st N., Rich. ---------- “ _____ <#'07 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-»103 10,000 G. P. Hodgson____ P. W. Cowherd. 16,000 1,680 82,240 81,940 20.Q00 ing ' Y US., 8. 6,000 140,000 147,000 25,000 13,610 184,790 207,690 D. S. Lucas 60,000 C. 0. Brinkley- W. H. McConihay W. H. McConihay. WM. McD. McALLlS- D. E . MOUNTCASTLE P. C. DRISCOLL— 100,000 C U LP EP ER ; • « --- ' -y™ T. W. Hankins__ Jas. W. Wright— . J. B. Tuttle T. J. Codings------- J. P. Agnew--------- F. W. Sheffield. ■96,610 85,000 31,000 825,000 830,000 r S.E . M oore— . 25,000 10,000 350,000 355.000 r 100,000 . T . i i L r r fF i i o 38,000 Chase N., N .Y .; Merch. N., Rich.; Char.N.. < Char. n n 85.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Staunton N., Staunton; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 37,390 Seab.N., N.Y.; Clifton Forge N.. Clifton Forge; Staunton N..Staunton; N. State & City, Rich. 133,000 Chase N.. N. Y.; Am. N.. Rich.; Petersburg Sav. & Tr. Co., Petersburg. _ 40,000 Mech. & Metals N ..N .Y .; 1st N., Rich. NJ State & City, Rich.; ComT , Danville. *16,900 ‘ 185,980 “ 174,110 40,180 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich. 191,000 25,250 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.; Peo. N., Charlottesville. 61,950 1,163,280 1,363,490 136,920 Han. N ., N. Y .; M .M . 1st N ., B alt.; IstN ., P hil. 3,500 208,900 C ollection Items. J. L. F ray__ _____ R. 0. Lewis------------ J. J. Roberts — E. O. Willis TM 163,000 129,490 \Careful and pro m p t atten tion . (Lowest Bates. «41900 \SEND US YOUB BUSINESS. mmm 439,000 215,000 /CHAS. FORBES - J. i. DAVIES — — R. W. WATERS— C. W. SILVEY. «41900 li;280 ' 433,000 2.040 Donald McRae-----¿Cumberland—Cumbrl’nc Cumberland Bank--------«45*06 Wm. M. Smith____ E. R. Davis -------68-344 Pop. 500 # E 7 S. L.M ock________R. F. Fortune-------- J. H. Meade — Damascus__ Washington Bank o f Damascus, lnc..4§'05 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 41.770 lan .N .. N .Y .; N orfolk N., Norfolk: Va.N., tu Petersburg; Vaughan & Co., Bkrs., Franklin. > 2 W '100,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. in 600,000 5,000 I. W. Nicholas.— H. E. Lee--------- — J. M. K id d ______ir J. M .Jones.— SECOND NATIONAL BANKa 68-207 600.000 10,000 N A T IO N A L BANK 68-206 40,000 2 h-4 > 147,000 10PÖ0 1,296,000 1,417,530 25,000 H. L. Simmons —- 68-205 . MMM J. K, Fulton,.-—- , Bank o f Critz__ - _______ §19 W. Kim: V ia -------- B. F . Martin_____ 68-562 . 10,000 Pop. 50 A. B. Hounshell — G. ;W . Rla,ckard — j . s . Dix______ y Crockett. __ Wythe G 1 Bank of Crockett, Inc— tl'10 J. M. Miller---------68-342 15.000 Pop. 200 Walter Whately... T. W* Woollen-----Orozet___ Albemarle D 6 Bank o f Crozet, Inc.— »^§’06 0 . A. Haden |_____ 68-343 Pop. 600 ¿Culpeper.. Culpeper D 7 Pop. 2500 19,000 Ian. N., N. Y .; N. Bk. Com..N( o f Suffolk. Suffolk. < HH SdQ oI—• 40,000 R. C. Stokes ------- C. R. Karnes-------A. L. Noell Crabbottom-Highland D 4 Crabbottom Valley Bank,Inc. 68-509 §15 . Pop. 200 Craigsville— Augusta D 5 Bank o f Craigsville, Inc.i§’16 68-52LPop. 500 Crewe____ Nottoway F 7 Bank of Crewe_______ « t l’88 68-204 Pop. 3000 " H. W. B. Williams. D. R. W a rren .- JOHIj W. BELL rom p t attention. (Send us your col lections direct. T hey will receive p « t ’91 COVINGTON SAVINGS BANK 68-162 4.900 r 108.000 S 104,000 S 18,000 I 29,000 P. D. Camp.--------- Geo. W. Reese— COVINGTONNATIONAL BANK Correspo n d en ts. 50,000 Arthur Walton — N. P. Snead Jasper Light— Peoples Bank, Inc.____ «t§’04 68-289 ¿Covington___ Alleghany Citizens National Bank«{1900 68-161 Pop. 6000 E3 c ip a l H. Hardaway------- W . S. Dodd— N. T. Shumate (Save tim e and g vFEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain sight d rafts, IS c f Credit 'Special attentio n given Bill o f La ding Drafts, Cas 68-532 P r in _ Miss P. Gregory— $ 10,000 L . W . M c G R ATH —[H. B. McLEMORE et service on Coll BANKOFSOUTHAMPTON§17 11» esou rces. LOAIi Bk Dl8- Cash k Exc’ ts. Bonds, hanq»b,Duk SSODRITI>8 from Banks R. H. Fuller______W. M. Myers 68-470 Colonial BeachrWestmTd Bank o f Westmoreland, Inc. C 68-340 iirO * Pop. 1000 D 10 I Columbia__ Fluvanna E 7 State Bank o f Columbia 68-341 «411900 Pop. 250 Copper Hill___ Floyd F 3 State Bank o f Check——.§ ’18 C 68-545 Pop. 130 D bpos- : 75.00C 63.501 835,000 764,00( rJ 9,000 2,30( 100,000 65,001 195.000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: District N., Wash., D. C.: Drov. & Mech. N., Baltd Am. N., Rich. 46,300 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. J 10,000 18,421 173,000 143,001 54,000 Lynchburg N., Lynchburg; IstN ., Abingdon. iîïlilll Tìii Th ì B * TOWN AnD ,C o u n t y . P resident . V ice -P re sid e n t Dante__ -..-R u s s e ll A 4 Dickenson County Bank, Tnc. Pop. 5000 68-560 t§19 Danville.Pittsylvania G 5 Pop. 20,021 L ia b il it ie s . R esources . LOANgft Dl8- Cashft Ex P aid - up Surplus Depos c’T AND gy Bonds, changes,Dub Capital P rofits its SWiuRITIEB fromBanks ••.; ; NAME of BANK.«-’ î f x * ' *Connty Seat. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire State in Np. 5 t Mem. State Bks .Assn. tPriv. Federal Resèrve District. Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. . Cash ie r . A s s ’t Cash ie r , K-’c J* AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK H. O, Kerns L i —I. 68-102 *t’09 Frank Talbott____ J. D. Harrison.. . . . E. P. C rider;.____ $ 150,000 $ 70,000 $1425000 $1475000 $ 300,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Plan. N., Rich. J. F. Rison_______ R. W. Peatross ___ C. L. Booth_______ W. S. Rendleman.. FIRST NATIONAL J. 1. PRITCHETT — .68-99- H P r in c ip a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t s , N. Ex., Roanoke; Merch. N., Rich. COMMERCIAL BANK— * « ’84 3 Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in dexed in back of this volume. For Interest B ates, Grace, etc., see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. VIRGINIA— Continued 100,000 123,950 1,1)47,560 1,698,880 177,870 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Balt. 275,000 662.930 5,874,700 7,035,920 701.710 Han. N. and N. City, N. Y .; M . M . 1st N. B alt.; 1st N., R ich . < D. A. OVERBEY— _ B. V. BOOTH---------- H.C. PATTON____ B.V. BOOTH / T.Q. GOERRANT _ •i’?2 31 -Hv E. T. Pritchett___ J. T.. Page ...... ' P. H. Doswell E. C. Ralston_____ J. M. Kagey______ N. R. Crist ___ 10,000 25,000 7,320 W. W. Seward—__ H. W. Spratley___ L. E. Johnson____ 12.000 17,000 E. M. Richardson.. CBranch W. Thompson J. L. Anderson___ C .F . Davidson . . . . A. W. Carter_____ J. Austin Carter... 14,000 J. R. Reek_______ J. W. Galeeska — 118,790 33,660 Ist N., Harris bürg. 245,000 50,000 N. State & City, Rieh. o f Wcik efield, F a j 12,000 125,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rieh. 100,000 15,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Ist N., Rieh. H. H. Galeeska___ 10,000 340 51,940 55,170 15,000 12,880 160,680 180,200 25,000 37,770 749,190 639,590 15,000 7,550 75,390 88,970 Jas. A. Grizzard — F. E. Pope 10,000 3,500 81,000 79,000 10,400 Han. N., N. Y.; Greensville, Emporia. E. M. G ilb e r t -___ James B. C o x ____ M. E. Flanary____ 10,000 4,110 39,810 39,210 12.510 Fifth-Third N.. Gin. E. D. W ithrpw___ G. A. Vermillion... G. 0. Moomaw____ C. R. St. Clair G. A- Malone_____ J. B. Edmonds — D. M. Turner 40,000 23,500 185,000 155,000 10,000 680 60,140 37,120 G, J g Bevins______ B. T, Culbertson .. W. F. C. Blackwell W. H. Loudy ’ J. B. Buhrman____ N. P. Gatling_____ M. R. M organ____ W. W. Cash J . P. M cConnell-.- R. A. Brown—. . . . . W. H. Galway -— - - — 10,000 5,000 122,490 97,000 15,000 19,860 268,900 258,010 — F. Harvey ... _ F. Harvey________ 35,000 10,000 220,000 210,000 50,000 48,000 600,000 540,000 1,860 Ni State & City, Rich.: N. Bk. of Petersburg, Petersburg, va. 21,140 Va. N. and N. Bk. of Petersburg, Petersburg; N. State & City, Rieh. 170,280 N. Park, N. I .; Merch. N., .Rich.; Va. N., Petersburg, 16,130 N. E x„ Roanoke. - « ’15 T. M. Calhoun.___ S. H. M itchell..__ J.W .M cL ea n ____ Fred M. McLean _. Farmers Bank — — ' 68-508 Bank o f Elkton____ — « ’N C. G. Harnsberger. J. T. Heard_______ W. H. McVeigh__ . 68-353 1 A j .. • < w-k 10,000 25,000 . A 13.000 185,000 204,000 4.610 83,470 77,500 23,800 275,000 ■5 296,500 - 200;ÖÖO N. Park, N. Y. (Branch o f Cap e Charte #, F a .).. 10,000 om 52,750 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Lynchburg N., Lynchburg. 40,410 Plan. N., Rich.: N. Bk. of Petersburg, Peters burg. 35,000 Chase N., N. Y.: B k .of Bristol, Bristol. Tenn.; Sav. Ln. & Tr., Johnson City. Tenn. 53,340 Chatham & Phénix N., N. Y.; N. State & City, Rich. 20,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich. Irving N., N. Y.: Am. N., Rich. 31,000 N. City, N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.; Merch. N „ Rich. 19,230 N . Ex., Roanoke. 10,220 + 1t r * 7; , *« v u o a w R u n u i ^ u a in a u u u u fK i 1st N., Shenandoah; Merch. N „ Rich. Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and C o rresp o n d en c e is th e N e w Accessible Towns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors» in d e x e d i n b a c k o f t h is v o l u m e . F o r I n t e r e s t d a t e s » G r a c e , ! ^ e t c . , se e p a g e 1 4 . F o r H o l i d a y s , see o p p o s i t e p a g e 1 3 . \5 * T r a n s i t N u m b e r g iv e n by_ T h e R a n d -M c N a lly B an kers' D ir e c to r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r ity o f T h e A m e r ic a n B a n k e r s A ss’ n . July, 1919 68-151 Cape Charles Bank, I n c ..« ’03 Harold Guy_______ 68-351 Farmers Bank „ — ___ « ’05 B. B. B ow m an..... J. B, Rhinehart___ J. C. Hutcheson . . . B. S. Rau— ___ _ 68-352 ( See Gretna) Map opposite Norfolk Digitized for VIRGINIA FRASER N uSt. m b Louis er u n der N a m e o f B an k Federal Reserve Bank of J; ^ ^ 2 to each ban t in U. S. exclusively 280,000 John F. Kolar____ C. Lee W olfe_____ Leonard D. Hatch. J. D. Webb C. W. Tucker_____ R. W. P ayne_____ W. H. Pettus W. E. Hailey S. P. Conduff_____ J. H. Pratt________ .T. W. Gardner..... William Ingles. •Eastville—Northampton Pop. 400 F 11 Edinburg___ Shenandoah Pop. 574 06 Elba____ Pittsylvania G 5 Pop. 330 Elk Creek__ Grayson G 1 Pop. 160 Elkton—Rockingham D 6 Pop. 1000 5,000 ___________ Savings Bank of Danville §,19 68-104 Dayton. Rockingham D 6 Bank o f Dayton, Inc. —»t§’06 68-346 Pop. 700 Dendron—___ Surry F 10 Bank of Dendron, In c ...« ’07 68-216 ' Pop. 2000 ” Bank o f Sussex & Surry .§ ’07 68-217 Dillwyn.Buckingham F 6 Merchants & Planters Bank, I n C .- - —68-469.I-U-.*t§’12 Pop. 500 •Dinwiddie —-Dinwiddie Planters Bank__________§’16 Pop. 125 F8 68-516 Disputanta-Prince George Bank o f Disputanta.___•ti’10 Pop. 500 F “9 68-347 Drakes Branch.Oharlotte State Bank of Charlotte Co. 68-348 •t§’97 * Pop. 703 G6 Draper._____ Pulaski F 2 Bank o f Draper, Inc.— « 1 1 68-461 Pop. 500 .Drewryville—South’pton Bank,-of D r e w r y v ille ...« ! r Pop. 35 G9 68-542Dryden________ Lee B 2 Peoples Bank, Inc. — . „ § ’16 Pop. 300 /68-531 Dublin... Pulaski F 2 Bank o f Dublin. Inc.___ §1900 68-349 Pop. 500 Dundas__ Lunenburg G 7 Bank of Dundas..— §’17 Pop. 50 68-537 ‘ . Dungannon ....S c o tt B 3 Bank o f Dungannon,Infc.«’13 K. 68-479 Pop. 500 Eagle Rock.Botetourt E 4 Eagle Rock Bank, I n c ..» « ’05 68-350 , Pop. 500 Bast Radford.Montg’m’y Farmers & Merch. B a n k »«’05 Pop. 5000 F2 68-152 VIRGINIA BANKS— Dante to Elkton O u r c o lle c t io n d e p a r tm e n t is u p t a d a t e a n d u n d e r p e r s o n a l s u p e r v is io n o f c a s h ie r . Q u ic lc a n d e f f e c t i v e s e r v i c e g u a r a n t e e d » s 68-98 1350 N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New Traiisft Num ber given 1 3 *Jn Sg ea1l1 bank “ u - R exclusively by T he Hand-M cN ally Bankers* HWHHHmBmMBhBbI n»' t in d e r t h e au th ority of T he Am erican Bankers Ass’ n . V I R G I N I A — Continued inTT iT T W a PvdAnppira VIRGINIA Map opposite Norfolk A c c e s s ib le T o w n s , L a w y e r s , L a w s , D i r e c t o r s , In d e x e d i n b a c k o f t h is v o lu m e . F o r I n t e r e s t B a t e s , G r a c e , e t c . , se e p a g e 1 4 . F o r H o l i d a y s , se e o p p o s i t e p a g e 13 Num ber under Nam e o f Bank is the New Transit N um ber given t o e a c h b a n t in U . S . e x c l u s i v e l y b y T h e R a n d - M c N a l l y B a n k e r s * : D ir e c t o r y , u n d e r t h e a u t h o r it y o f T h e A m e r ic a n B a n k e r s A s s’ n . ¿Emporia. GreensviileG 8 Pop. 350G FIRST NATIONAL BANK¿t o; 68-196 P resident . V ice -P resident, Cashier . As s 't Cashier . $ W R CAT0,x - ....... J. D. PEEBLES-------- W. M. LAND - f t - GREENSVILLE BANK--¿$§'97 B W WYCHE W. T. HARDING— R esources, i Lia b il it ie s . i ans k Dis- Cm k Ex P aid - up Surplus Dbpos-. cLo ’tb. Bonds, changes,Dub and ITS Capital P rofits Securities fromBanks T. HARDING— B. W. WYCHE, JR.. P r in c ip a l co rrespo n d en ts. 1919 T own and County. N ame of Bank . ¿County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire State in No. 5 $Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed; Res. TEstab. V I R G I N I A — Continued 75,000 $ 43,000 $ 423,000 $ 525,000 $ 100,000 Hah. N., N. Y.: Am. N., Itfch,: N. Bk. Com., ! N orfolk. 70,740 500,890 480,440 H, W. Hal) 50,000 57,000 455,440 385,950 Edw. W. Scott, Jr. 25,000 10,000 65,000 70,000 M. W .W e s t. 15.400 5,020 167,010 152,620 C. V. Ford M. E. Church Edgar Littleton___ 75.000 32,560 396.390 416,120 112,830 Chase N., N .Y .: Drov. &,Mech. N .,tBalt.; Is1 N., Rich.; Am. N., Wash., D. C. Fairfield.Róckbridge E 5 Bank o f Fairfield-— — -§ ’19 £ o p . .150 68 505'.: . . Falls -Church.Fairfax C 9 Falls Church Bank, Inc.-$§’06 G. B. Fadeley____ •T. B. Gould P o fy .im 68-357. M. E. Church Paul Lindsay_____ 15,000 G. W. Hawxhurst. 25,000 16;040 255,320 269.060 35,630 Chase N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.; Is N., Rich.; District N., Wash., D. C. J. W. Wilson, Jr— 75,000 53.850 632,470 742,080 94,240 Seab. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., R ich." ; W. R. B atcher___ 50,000 17,000 410,000 373,000 90,300 Mech. & Metals N., N .Y.; 1st N., Rich. 50,000 87,600 724.800 760,360 ___ 12,500 1.300 79.000 70,000 i R. B. Jarratt_____ H; W. Person_____ 0 , ...... ^ ;u j r . .. Citizens Bank of F lof d Co.Inc. J. E. Burwell_____ W. J. R obertson... L. A. H ylton... . . Effie V. Slusher . . . 68^547. < § ’18 10,600 4,500 200.000 140,000 25.000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 25.000 3,000 118,000 117,000 41.200 N. Exm Koanokè; 1st N „ Rich. Floyd County Bank,Inc.¿$§’04 B. S. Pedigo______ A. L. Cannaday___ E. F. Sowers___ __ J. A. Sowers À ___ 68-284 20,000 30.000 220.000 200.000 75.000 Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.; Merch. N., Rich.; N Ex., Roanoke. Peoples Bank o f Floyd County P, GtTifistar 68-283 $§’99 35,000 28,150 170,790 196,770 36,860 Han. N., N. Y.; N. State & City, Rich.; Is N „ Roanoke; Lynchburg N., Lynchburg. 5,000 2,010 56,900 48,020 20,000 4,500 137,780 208,160 15,790 N. Park, N. Y .i Seab. N ., N orfolk; Plan N., R ic h .; A m erican, Suffolk, Ya. 41,000 60,000 350.000 390,000 21,750 Han. N., N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk. 20,000 80,000 « » 68-194 MERCHANTS & FARMERS BANK ♦ 68-195_____ *$>02 Pop. -500 68-354 Exmorei— Northampton Pop; 300’ F 12 68-355 E, D. Rrnwn ¿Fairfax — Fairfax C 0 National Bk, o f Fairfax .»{'02 Pop. 413 68-356 ¿Farm vilie-PrinceEdw. Fir st National Bank ___£•$’ io N. B. Davidson___ F,. 8. Martin . . 68-178 E. S. Taylor Pop. 300P F7 W. .. W. B. Morris Peoples National Bank_.»$’08 G. M. Robeson____ E. T. Bondurant__ . T;. , 68-179 PLANTERS BANK 68-177 Ferrum.— Franklin,G 3 Bop. 250 ¿Fincastle..Botetourt F 3 Pop. 479 Pop. 369 » « ’67 N. A. STOKES_____ H. C. CRUTE---------- E. S. SHIELDS— B. M. B eckham .... J. K. H urt..— W. B. Thompson . . M. O. Lemon 68-526 Turner McDowell.. S. B. Smith___ James Godwin 68-358. V. Mi Sowder R. B. Morgan_____ K. P. Morgan. F. W. Cabaniss ___ J. h . Duane 68-556 Pop. 160 E. P. Burgess Fork Union___ Fluvanna Fluvanna County Bank .$§’07 B. A. Burgess_____ A. L. Seay POp.'106 ,,E 7 MVlHblVf 68-359 0t Franklin ...Southampton - Pop. 3500 G9 J. B. OVERTON— O n e o f V ir g in ia ’ s O ld e s t an d S t r o n g e s t B a n k s . ' C o l l e c t i o n s h a n d le d w it h d i s p a t c h and at lo w e s t r a t e s . FARMERS BANK 68-517 »$§‘ 16 1’ Lelie Mae Smad - . E. L. BEALE-------- W. L. BEALE------ E. C. BEALE_____ W. C. BEAMAN— Special atten tion given B -L Drafts and Cash Item s, w hich have personal service. W e Invite your Business, and guarantee, p rom pt Service o n all BANKING M ATTERS. Moderate Charges, i T R Y US. 16.000 Am. N., Roanoke; 1st N „ Rich;; Peo. N. Lynchburg. 10,000 13,600 1st N., Rich; Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Norfolk N. Norfolk; N. State & City, R ich .. . AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, SSSn BONDS, Southern Building, Washington, D. C.” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1351 Merchants & Farmers Bank E. F, Story____ ___ L. J. Bain------------ 1[W .H. Norfleet____ E.Jj, Story 68-193 *$§’03 C. C. Vaughan, Jr—j[S. P. Vaughan____ VAUGHAN & CO., BANKERS C. C. Vaughan, Sr.. 68-192 «tt'Se 107,440 Han. N., N. n ; 1st N ., R ich . VIRGINIA BANKS— Emporia to Franklin 144,580 Ban. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Of Petersburg, Peters burg; Merck. N. and 1st N., Rich.; (Mem. Fed. R es.) 131,550 Chase N., N., Y.; Petersburg Sav. & Tr. Co. Petersburg, Ya.: N. State & City. Rich. Seab. N., Norfolk. (M em . F ed. Res.) 20,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Merch. N. ‘Rich.; 0om ’l ST.; Wash., D. C.: Peo. N. Lynchburg. 33,910 Corn Ex., Phil.; M. M. 1st N., Balt.; N. Bk Com., Norfolk. 50.000 , ♦ J u ly , 4 0 C| banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and C o rresp o n d en ce 1352 .....V Town and County. N ame of Bank . ‘ County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState Entire State in No. 5 iMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. dexed in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Grace, e tc., , see page 14. For Holidays, see opposite page 13. VIRGINIA^—Continued President. Vice-President. Cashier. A ss ’t Cashier. * ~ Su r p l u s P a id - u p and Ca p it a i. P r o f it s ' ' ---- ■i D spos- ItB Principal Correspondents. 1352 1 Accessible T ow ns, Lawyers, Laws, Directors, in N um ber under N am e o f Bank is the New T ransit N um ber given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by T he K and-M cN ally Bankers* Directory, under the au th ority of T h e A m erican Bankers Ass*n. Loam« k Du* Cashk Ex c’ts. Bonds, changes,Dus Securities non Banks Fredericksburg .Spotsyl Commercial State Bank, Inc. E. M. Young — ___ G. B. Wallace_____ G. W. Shepherd . . . W. Mayo Smith.__ $ 50,000 $ 56,700 $ 902,000 $ 805,400 $ 221,300 Mech. ft Metals N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.: 1st N,,_Rich.: Citiz. N „ Balt. G. W. Perry 68-136 • till vania__ Pop. 6000__ D 8 OfriflOO 1,450,000 1,447.000 285,000 N. State & City, Rich.; M. M. 1st N.. Balt, H. D. Scott 50,000 82,080 708,840 785.290 100,520 N. City, N. Y.; Tradesmens N „ Phil.; M. M. : 1st N.v Balt.; N. Met., Wash., D. C. Paal Karsten, Jr. H. B. Lane 75,000 28,890 460,000 313,061? ■*Tl7,270 N. City, N. Y. Mrs. J. A. Bays___ k CwT o 16,990 Ì3M20 138,540 29,370 N. Ex., Roanoke: Plan. N., Rich.; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. E. S. West E. H. Jackson____ W. G. Olmstead — G. H. Bowman. ‘ Front Royal___ Warren R. B. Holbrook 68-241 Pop. 1500 07 fv | Front Royal Nat. Bank..«$'83 A. L. Warthen Geo. W. Forsyth. —j W. 0. Dem ming... F. L. Evans 68-242 60,000 13,750 223,000 245,800 50,000 Chase N.7 N. Y.; M. M. 1st N.. Balt. 50,000 45,000 537,450 505,450 70,000 Han. N „ N. Y.; Dist. N., Wash., D. C. .. b A. W. Wallace------ H. L. W allace____ J. A. Taylor . 68-133 it »$’65 Planters National Bank.«t'13 68-136 Allen Smith.. M. B. Rowe W. J. Ford_______ Fries_______Grayson G 2 Washington Bkg. ft Tr. Co. T. 0. Vaughan____ J. W. McLean____ M. M. Vaughan— 68-360 «$§’02 Pop. 2000 j . P. Canco 0 . A. Collier______ j W. R. Ballard____ First National Bank— —$'07 T. L. Felts 68-260 Harvey M. Todd— J. H. Rhudy_____ B. D. Beamer——— R. C. Gallaway___ Peoples State Bank, Inc. 68-250 » t l’03 Pop. 2000 .. .. 100,000 N. Ex., Roanoke. 176,870 57,440 N. Ex., Roanoke. 14,000 450,500 373,500 149,700 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N „ Rich. Peoples National-Bank— $’04 I. G. C o x ________ D. O. Sloan — ------ J. H. Peters J. M. Harris 68-270 O, C. Johnson, Jr.. 8 0?<E»A0r 25.000 10,000 425,«Q0 257,500 210,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Dominion N., Bristol: Plan. N., Rich, 50,000 50,000 275,000 295,000 10,000 7,120 108:610 110,530 75,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Ex., Balt.; Lynchburg N., Lynchburg. 10.049 1st N., Lexington. 30,000 13,180 476.660 416,970 93,300 Drov. ft Mech. N.. Balt.; 1st N.. Rich. 35.000 ,4,000 150,000 110,000 28,100 M. M. 1st N., Balt.; Norfolk N., Norfolk; Merch. N., Hampton. 1st N., Rich. Western Frederick Bank 68-558 §19 Graham___ Tazewell F 1 BANK OF GRAHAM------ *$§'00 C. M. Graham____ 68-200 Pop. 1917 .. «. First National B ank___ «$’05 W. J. Cole 68-201 Greenville__ Augusta D 5 Bank o f Riverheads.Inc. $§’09 68-365 Pop. 400 Gretna ..Pittsylvania G 5 Peoples Bank o f Elba, Inc. O. L. Ramsey_____ 68-285 «$§11 Pop. 500 Grottoes —I. Rockingham Bank o f Grottoes, Inc.—$§'08 I. L. Cosby _______ 68-366 Pop. 500 D6 ‘ Grundy— Buchanan A 4 Bank o f Grundy, In c ...»$§’04 68-367 Pop. 500 Hallwood.lAccomac E 12 Hailwood National Bank.$’05 E. H. Conquest___ Pop. 350 68-368 Hamilton . . . Loudoun B 8 Farmers ft Merchants Nat. Wm. Brown______ VIRGINIA Map opposite Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis qCo 300,000 208.600 28.500 •Gloucester iiiGloucester BANK OF GLOUCESTER, INC. Pop. 250 F 10 68-362 •$|'02 .V t. C S Z. T. Gray_____ . 68-502 Gloucester Point.Glo’ster Bank o f Gloucester, Inc..l'06 Pop. 50 F 11 68-363 Gordonsviile-Orange D 7 National Bank o f Gordonsville L. W. Graves------68-473 »12 Pop. 564 1 350,000 W. S. Pendleton__ Glade Spring__ Wash’ton Bank o f Glade Sprmg_*$S’05 T. B. Porterfield__ J. R. Robinson----Pop. 1000 B4 68-361 Glasgow .Rockbridge E 5 Bank o f Glasgow, Inc. — J’13 B. E. Vaughan------ B. G. Baldwin ___ 68-487 Pop. 407 Pop. 60 22,000 14,660 J. W. Carter First National Bank____ «$’89 N. M. Horton_____ J. M. Dougherty 68-269 Pop. 1000 25,000 21,000 fcfr-agsi W. E. C orr___ J. R. Newcomb James Craig. F. R. Haynes___ F. F.