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A s s is ta n t C a sh ier s D e s ig n a t e d b y a *
Aabérg O., Echo, M inn.
Aaberg Olaf, St. Hilaire, M inn.
♦Aaby R. G., Ryder, N, D.
♦Aafedt Henry, Fordville, N. D.
♦Aamoth H. C., Valley City, N. D.
Aas M artin, Barlow, N. D.
♦Aas O. G., Ishpem lng, Mich.
Aaseng Severt, Ashley, Minn.
♦Aaseth L. N., GayvÜle, S. D.
A bbett W. G., Georgetown, Ky.
Abbey E. C. Jr., Grover, Colo.
Abbey R. Percy, Gilman, M ont.
Abbot A. B., Fayetteville. W. Va.
♦A bbott¡B. F., Eagle Bend, Minn.
♦Abbott Miss Bess,’ Richardson.
Abbott, O. O., M artinsville, Ind.
♦Abbott Edwin K.,, N ortham pton,
♦Abbott E. L „ Columbus, O. ’
Abbott George A..Muskegon,Mich.
♦Abbot, G. C.. Babylon, N. Y.
♦Abbott, H. E., Elmore, M inn.
A bbott H. F „ Tyndall, S. D.
Abbott, H. S., Ontario, Cal.
Abbott J., WoodsviUe, N. H.
♦Abbott, J. S., Yuma, Ariz.
♦Abbott L. O.. Lansing, Mich.
♦Abbott Orra M .. Ontario, Wis.
Abbott Samuel, La Grange, N. C.
♦Abegg K ate, Blakeburg, la.
Abegg W alter, Blakesburg, la.
Abegg Wm.., Kirkville, la.
Abel A. E ., Roosevelt, M inn.
Abel, A. G., Bangor, Pa.
♦Abel Iva, Larned, Kan.
♦Abell B. K., Leonard town, Md.
♦Abell C. T ., W ichita, Kan.
Abell J. F., Paducah, Ky.
♦Abels B. B., Hickm an, Neb.
♦Abels Louis, Leavenworth, Wash,
♦Abercrombia, Clara, Sulphur
Springs, Ark.
Abercrombie L. L., Tulare, Cal.
♦Aberle Geo., Zeeland, N. D.
♦Aberli F. E., W oodworth, N. D,
♦Abernathy, Geòrgie, Prospecl
Station, Tenn.
♦Abernathy J . A., Bonham, Tex.
♦Abernathy J. H ., M urphy, N. C.
Abernathy W. H „ Paducah, Tex.
Abernathy W. L., Pulaski, Tenn.
♦Abernathy W. L. Jr., Pulaski,
♦Abernethy C. F „ Clrcleville, O.
Abney F. S., Brownwood, Tex.
Abney J. P., Greenwood, S. C.
♦Abraham A. A., Oshkosh, Wis.
Abraham A. L., W atson, 111.
Abrahams Sherman, Campbellsburg, Ind.
Abrahamson Leroy, New Auburn,
Abrahamson R. L., Hill City,
♦Abrahamson W. B„ Loomis, Neb.
♦Abrams Alonzo, Talladega, Ala.
♦Abramson R., H olly Grove. Ark.
♦Abright P. J., McComb, Miss.
♦Abshier A.W., L iberty, Tex.
♦Abshire F. W., Oilton, Okla.
Abshire, T. I., Fayetteville, Ark.
♦Achenbach, F . C., Taylorville.Ill.
♦Acheson I. R., Hood River, Ore.
Acheson R. V., Cambridge, O.
Achten F. P., W etmóre, Kan.
♦Achten Mrs. F. P „ W etm ore,
Acly C. R., M adison, Wis.
Acker John C., Berwyn, Pa.
Acker H. W., P o rt W ashington, O.
Aekerly C. A., Cuba, N. Y.
Ackerman A. F., P leasant Dale,
Ackerman Geo. R., Swanton, O.
♦Ackerman G. M ., Ainsworth, Neb
Ackerman M . L., Elkton, Mich.
Ackerman Wm. A., Mt. Vernon,O.
Ackermann A. F.. New Baden,
Ackerson Cornelius, K eyport.N .J.
Ackerson R. M ., Clarkston, Mich.
Ackley G. G., Beresford, S. D.
♦Ackley H. L., M arble Rock, la .
Ackley P . C.. Ottum wa, la.
Acks Italene, Dahlgren, 111.
Acks W., Dahlgren. 111.
♦Aeree Cecil W., Bum pus Mills,
♦Acritelli Joseph, Brown Station,
N. Y.
Acton N. A., Ponca, Okla.
Acton O. E.. Lovell. Okla.
Acuii J. F., M t. Pleasant, Tenn.
Adair E. T „ D alhart, Tex.
Adair H. H., Dakota, Neb.
♦Adair Jo h n D„ Philadelphia, Pa.
»Adair R. L., Huntsville, Ala.
♦Adair R. W., Toledo, la.
Adam C. J., Guttenberg, la.
♦Adam E. W., Dunlap, Kan.
Adam Henry J., P o rt W ashing­
ton, Wis.
Adam J. S., Dunlap, Kan.
Adam R. R., W hite City, Kan.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Adam Thos. B., Santa Maria, Cal.
Adamietz I. E., Bandera, Tex.
Adams A., M onrovia. Cal.
♦Adams A.. Monrovia, Cal.
Adams A. C., W hitesburg, Ky.
♦Adams Albert E „ Chambers,Neb.
Adams A. G., Lansiord, N. D.
Adams A. J., Wyoming, 111.
Adams Alpha, Oxnard, Cal.
♦Adams B. O., Grenada, Miss.
Adams C. B„ Monroe, N. C
♦Adams C. B., Delta, Colo.
♦Adams C. C.. Carrolltown, Pa.
♦Adams O. C., Laurel, Neb.
♦Adams C. F., Kansas City, Mo.
Adams Charles, Chewelah, Wash.
♦Adams C. R., Yale, Mich.
♦Adams D. A., Hutchinson, Minn.
Adams E. A., Wallace, S. D.
Adams Edward, Chambers. Neb.
♦Adams E. F., Glen Ellyn, 111.
♦Adams E. J., Pleasant Hope, Mo.
Adams Elmer, Farm ers Branch,
♦Adams E . M ., Delavan, Wis.
♦Adams E . R., Sabinal. Tex.
♦Adams E. R., Silverton, Ore.
♦Adams E . W., Tignall, Ga.
♦Adams F. A., Galva, 111.
♦Adams Franklin A., Maplehill,
Adams F. W., Bangor, Me.
♦Adams F. W., Fairview, M ont.
Adams G. A., Franklin, Ga.
Adams Geo. E .' Lebanon, Ind.
Adams Geo. H., Pleasantville.N.J.
Adams G. J., Pender, Neb.
♦Adams Glen, Moweaqua, 111.
♦Adams G. W., Greensburg, Ind.
Adams H., Bronson, la.
♦Adams H. B., Portsm outh, O.
Adams Howard, Linden, Ala.
Adams Howard, Perryopolis, Pa.
♦Adams Isabell, Utica, O.
Adams Jam es, Sterling, Mich.
♦Adams J. A., Taylorville, 111.
Adams J. B„ Eldorado, Kan.
♦Adams J. E „ Cedar Hill, Tenn.
Adams J. F., Ozark, Mo.
♦Adams J. J., Galena, O.
♦Adams J. J., Laurens. S. C.
Adams J. K., P etty, Tex.
Adams J. L., Allen, Okla.
Adams J. M„ Lockwood, Mo.
♦Adams J. M ., Whitesburg, Ky.
♦Adams J. M artin, M artin, Tenn.
Adams J. N„ Altus. Ark.
♦Adams J. P., Hume, Mo.
♦Adams J. P., Monroe, Ga.
♦Adams J. Q., Dalark, Ark.
Adams John Q., Denver, Colo.
♦Adams J. R „ Selmer, Tenn.

Additon H. L., Manchester, N. H.
♦Addier, R. E ., Cropper, Ky.
Addy E. C., Baldwin, 'Ga'.’
♦Adelberg F. J., Guttenberg, N.J.
♦Adelman J. H., Lyndora, Pa.
♦Aden C. B., Paris;, Tenn.
Aden J. F., Paris; Tenn.
Aderhold A. J.,, Kinsley, Kan.
♦Aders J. L., Pell City, Ala.
Adkins B. E ., Howard. S. D
Adkins Eustace, Ceredci, W. Va.
Adkins H. D. L„ Elkhorn, Wis.
Adkins O. H., Stephens, Ga.
Adrian L. E., T rent, Tex.
♦Adrian L. J.. N. Y. City, N . Y.
Aebersold L. E., Nodaway, Mo.
Aeebternacht, H. D., M arshall,
*Aellet C . J ., YoUngsville, L a.
♦Aex Paul B., Rochester, N. Y.
♦Agather A,, Kalispell, Mont.
Agee 0. C., Helena, Ark.
Agee, Jackson, Silver City,.N. M.
♦Agier D. W., Columbus, O.
Agier M. M., Ohio City, O.
Agier W. E., Garrettsvfile, O.
♦Agnew C. L., Rock Springs, Wyo.
Agnew J. P., Crewe, Va.
Agnew S. A., Brunson, S. C.
Ahern M. F., Taunton, Minn.
Ahern T. G., D unn Center. N . D.
Ahl, T. I., Centerville, Ind.
♦Ahlborn M argaret, Sm ith Cen­
ter, Kan.
♦Ahlquist H. W., Beatrice, Neb.
♦Ahman F. H., Brown Valley,
♦Ahmann C. J., Remsen, la.
♦Ahrens J. D., Corning, Mo.
♦Ahrens R. E., St, Louis, Mo.
♦Ahrensfeld H. B., Chicago, 111.
♦Aichele W. F., Shelbyville, 111.
♦Aiken A. M ., New York City,
N. Y.
’ ;
Aiken Chas. E „ Grand Rapids,
Aiken H. K., Laurens, S. C.
Aiken J. O., Onalaska, Wis.
Aiken J. E., New Castle. Pa.
Aiken John A., Slippery Rock, Pa.
♦Aiken T. F., Covington, Ga.
♦Aikin D. M., Saratoga, Ind.
Aikins Jr. D. C., Vassar, Mich.
Aikins Irwin, W est Liberty, la .
♦Aikman A. B., M arion, 111.
♦Aim Sophia, Grafton, la.
♦Ainlay H. L., Gothenburg, Neb.

Alderm an A. H., Greensboro, N.C.
Alderman F. L., Athens, O.
Alderman G. W., Lake B utler,F la.
Alderman M . B., Bradentown,
♦Alderson J. Cary, Acting, Logan,
W. Va,
:. .
, Alderson H. J . A., Summersville
W. Va.
AJderson J. A., Nash, Okla.
♦Alderson M . E .. Nash, Okla.
Aldinger L. T ., Prim ghar, la .
♦Aldrich B. W., Gouverneur, N. Y.
Aldrich C. R., Great Bend, Kan.
Aldrich C. S„ Elmwood, Neb.
Aldrich F rank W., McLean, 111.
Aldrich F. W., Wilcox, Pa.
Aldrich O. D., Rosalie) Neb.
Aldridge Thomas, Beacon, N. Y.
Aid well R. E ., Sonora, Tex.
Ale E . S.. Vineland, N. J.

Alexander A., Jewell, la.
Alexander A. C .. Rhome, Tex,
♦Alexander A. H., K am ear, la,
Alexander A rthur, Hancock, M o.
Alexander B. B., Bedford, Mo.
♦Alexander B. H., Louisville, Ga.
♦Alexander B. W., Queen City, Mo.
♦Alexander C. A., Platteville. Wis.
Alexander C. B., Thompsons Sta.,
T enn,
♦Alexander, C. L .,, Cisco,,Tex.
♦Alexander C. Q., Kam ear, la.
♦Alexander C. V., Bradford, Tenn.
Alexander E. P „ Salinas, Cal.
A lexander F. H „ K am rar, la .
Alexander F.K ., Reynoldsville, P a.
♦Alexander F. L., Kansas C ity,M o.
♦Alexander F .P.,Reynoldsville,Pa.
♦Alexander G. R., St. Louis, M o.
Alexander H. B .f W inchester,
♦Alexander H. L., Concord, N. H.
Alexander J. C., Alma, Ark.
♦Alexander J. F., Mulberry, Ark.
♦Alexander J. F „ A tlanta, Ga.
Alexander J. G., Ju d ith Gap,
M ont.
♦Alexander J. G-„ Winchester, N .H .
Alexander Jr., J. H. Scotland Neck,
♦Alexander J. K., New York, N. Y.
♦Alexander J. p ., Tlptonville.
♦Alexander J. S„ Frankford, Mo.
Alexander John V.,Boonsboro,Md.
Alexander M. C„ M ulberry, Ark.
Ainsworth B., Norway, Kan.
♦Alexander M ead, H artsbufg, M o.
♦Ainsworth C. W., Chandlerville, Alexander O. G., New York City,
♦Ainsworth F rank, Exeter, Neb.
♦Alexander O. V., Nocona, Tex.
Ainsworth W. E., Mason City, 111. Alexander R. D.. Kingman, Ind.
♦Adams J. S., M arion Station, Md. ♦Aisenbrey A. Z., Alpena, S. D.
Alexander R. H „ Coleman, Tex.
Adams J . T., Keller, Tex.
Aisenbrey K. T., Alpena, S. D.
Alexander R. M., Orleans, Minn.
Adams J. W., Pleasant*Hope, Mo. Aisthorpe H. R., Cairo, 111.
Alexander Scott, Charleston, Mo
♦Adams K. R., Alma, Mich.
♦Aitchison B. R., M t. Pulaski, 111. ♦Alexander S. E., Bloomington,
♦Adams L. C., Dardanelle, Ark.
Aitchison R. D., Colfax, la,
Adam s L. H „ L a Grange, G a
Aitchison R. J., Virgil, Kan.
Alexander S. H., Colby, K an.
Adams M. C., Culleoka, Tenn.
A itken M. H., Croswell, Mich.
Alexander T. M ., Fergus Falls,
♦Adams M . S., Aransas Pass, Tex.
♦Ajer E. C., Boyceville, Wis.
♦Adams M. P., Enterprise, Ala.
Ake E. G., Glen Campbell, Pa.
Alexander T . W., La Pryor, Tex.
Adams M. R., Big Falls, Minn.
♦Akenhead W. H., Lyons, N. Y.
Alexander V. J., Nashville, Tenn.
Adams N athan, Dallas, Tex.
♦Akens M . E., H addam , Kan.
Alexander W. B., W aurika, Okla.
Adams Oscar, Dana, Ind.
♦Akers Bascom D., Meadow View, Alexander W. F., Ilifl, Colo.
, ,v
Adams O. W., Logan, Utah.
Alexander W. J., Hutchins, Tex.
Adams Paul, L a Moure, N. D.
♦Akers C. D., Hedley, Tex.
♦Alexander W. R., Promise C ity,la.
♦Adams P. H „ Greenport, N. Y.
♦Akers J. S., Louisville, Ky.
♦Alford F. R., F ort Scott, Kan.
Adams R. Jr., Coffman, Mo.
Akerson O. W., Grand Rapids, Alford Norm an, M cComb, Miss.
M inn.
Adams R. C., Center, Tex.
Alford Roy T., Albia, la.
♦Adams R. C., Franklin, O.
Akey J. N., W indsor, Colo.
Alfsen Carl, Laclune, Mich.
Adams R. C., Manfred, N. D.
♦Akin H. C. R., Sheridan, Ore.
Adams R. E „ Lam ar, Colo.
Akin R. W., Sullivan, I n d .,
Algyer H. M., Tracy, Minn,
♦Adams Roscoe, Tulsa, Okla.
♦Akins Oscar, Ozark, Ala.
♦Algyer R., Spillville, la .
Adams R. W., Ridgeway, S. C.
♦Akre W. H., Thief River Falls, Alig Chas. U., Versailles, Mo.
Adams S. W., Weston, Ga.
Alison A. T.. Tulsa, Okl.
Adams T. E., Sharpsburg, Ky.
♦Albaugh H.' C., M arshall, Mich. ♦Alison Ralston, Campbell, Cal.
♦Adams U. S;:, Spencer, Neb.
♦Albaugh M . J., Woodsboro, Md. ♦Alkire A. R., M t. Sterling, O.
♦Adams V. C., Mannsville, Okla. ♦Albeck S. E „ N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Adams V. N ., E ddy, Tex.
Albers Albert F., Bendena, Kan. ♦Allan A. H.. Walhalla, N. D.
♦♦Adams Winnifred, Jam aica, la. Albers J. B., Cbldwater, O.
Allan E. B„ Sheridan, Wyo.
Adams W. E., Shepherd, Mich.
♦Alberstett M yron, Davis, 111.
♦Allan George, Chicago, 111.
Adams W. H., Gastonia, N. C.
♦Albert Allen K., Woodstock,¡vVa. Allan J. 0 ., F t. Lupton, Colo.
Albert D. C., Ashbum, Ga.
♦Adams Wilbur, Salem, N. J.
Allan John, H arper, la.
♦Adams W. K.. Milwaukee, Wis.
Albert H. B., Ekalaka, Mont.
♦Allard A. J., Buffalo, N. Y.
Adams W. S., Lisbon, N. D.
Albert Joseph H., Salem, Ore.
Allard D. T., St. Anne, 111. ,
A lbert M. F., P ayette, Ida.
Adams W. W., Millersburg, O.
♦Allardt F. A., Oakland, Cal.
Adams W. Y„ Emory, Tex.
♦Albertson E. D., B attle Creek, Allbright F rank, Fredericktown
♦Adamson D. O., Everton, Mo.
Adamson E. B., Talent, Ore.
Albertsop Pearl E., Frem ont, Neb. ♦Allcorn J. B., Comanehee, Tex.
Adamson J. E ., Everton, Mo.
♦Albig J, W., McKeesport, Pa.
Allday D. H „ A tlanta, Tex.
♦Albin L. G., Charlestown, W. Va. Allderdice H. E ., Rocky Ford,
♦Adamson L. W., Teague, Tex.
Adamson Z. Hapeville, Ga.
♦Albinson Wm., Ramsey, N. J.
♦Aday A. O., Leslie, Ark.
♦Albon G. N, Jr., Carhondale, 111. Alldredge H. D., Vallonia, Ihd.
Aday H. I., Cowlington, Okla.
Albright A. E., Cave City, Ark.
Alldrin O. V., Bowbells, N. D.
♦Adcock M aud, Hiwasse, Ark.
Albright A. G., Hoxie, Ark.
Allee J. C., Cambridge Springs.Pa.
Adcock Wm., Greenwood, Ind.
Albright Victor E., Madison, Wis. ♦Allee S. B., Clarksburg, Mo.
♦Addams II. H., Hotchkiss, Colo. Albright W. J., La Grange, Ga.
Allein R. C., Yorkville, S. C.
♦Adderton Jam es. Lexington.N.C. ♦Albritton W. H., Mayfield, Ky. Allely R. M ., Sherrard, 111.
♦Addie Lillian M ., A lta Vista,Kan. ♦Albro C. S., Los Angeles, Cal.
Allen A. B., Greenfield, Mass.
♦Addington M. V., Mt. ‘Morris, Alcock C. H.. Cook. M inn.
Allen A, B., Vinton, la.
Alden Bela, W hitm an, Mass.
♦Allen A. J., Milford, O.
Addison A. H., Peoria, 111.
♦Alden F. A., Chicago, 111.
Allen A. Y., Memphis, Tenn.
Alden F. H ., Red Lodge, Mont.
♦Addison M ina A., Fontanelle,
Allen B„ Terrell, Tex.
Alden Ralph P., Springfield, Mass. ♦Allen B. B., Silverton, Colo.
Addison W. A.. Fontanelle, la.
Alden Roy, Pinckney ville. 111.
Allen B. P., Bluff City, Tenn.
Addison W. M .. Richmond. Va. Aldenhagen H. G., Bedford, Ind. Allen C. E., Harrisonvllle, Mo.

Allen O. E ., Richm ond, Cal.
Allen Charles, Lohrville, la .
♦Allen C. L., St. Louis, M o.
♦Allen C. M., Eminence, Ky.
Allen C. M., Wykoff, Minn.
♦Allen Jr., C. T ., Kenbridge, Ya.
Allen C. W., Canadian, Tex.
♦Allen D., De W itt, Ark.
Allen D. B., Arlington, la .
Allen E.. Providence, R . I.
♦Allen E. R „ F alrbury, Neb.
♦Allen F. C., Brunswick, Ga.
Allen F. D., Long P oint. HI.
Allen F, G., Holyoke,' Mass.
♦Allen G. A., Annandale, M inn.
♦Allen G. M ., Charleston, M o.
Allen, G. P., Powersville, Mo.
Allen H. A., Holyoke, Mass.
Allen H . C., American Falls, Ida.
♦Allen H. C., Forgan, Okla.
♦Allen H. É., Pasadenà, Cal.
♦Allen H. H., Milton. Mass.
Allen H. L., H oney Grove, Tex.
♦Allen H. M., Cassville, Mo.
♦Allen H . R., Holdenville, Okla.
♦Allen H. T ., Princeton, Mo.
♦Allen H , V., Edmonds, Wash.
Allen H. W., Braddock, N. DAllen J. A., Mllaca, Minn.
Allen J. C., Hatfield, Ark.
Allen J. E „ Goree, Tex.
Allen J. G„ Steflenville, Mo.
♦Allen M rs. J. G., Steflenville,M o.
Allen J . G., Indiana H arbor, Ind.
Allen J . H., Kenton, O.
♦Allen J. H „ Edgefield, S. C.
Allen J . L „ Brunswick, Ga.
AlTfen J. M., Humansville, Mo.
Allen J. M ., Wakefield, Va.
♦Allen J . S„ St. Helen, Ore.
♦Allen J . T ., WendeU, N . C.
Allen J. W., Oakdale, 111.
Allen L am ar, Addison, Tex.
♦Allen L. C., Hurley, S. D.
Allen L. R., Adrian, Mo.
♦Allen M . F .:, W ilmington, N. C.
♦Allen N., Repton, Ala.
Allen O. G., Somerville, N. J.
Allen Peter, H urley, S. D.
Allen R. B., Ulster, Pa.
Allen R . C., Parm a, Mo.
Allen R. E ., Berkeley Spgs., W .Va.
♦Allen R. E., Newberry, S. C.
Allen R. E ., Provo, U tah.
♦Allen R. E ., W alla W alla, Wash.
Allen R. L., M arianna, Ark.
Allen R. S. JPeekskill, N . Y.
♦Allen R. W „ Callao, M o.
Allen Sanford, Millersburg, Ky.
Allen S. C„ Sharpsburg, Ky.
Allen S. H., Cumming, Ga.
♦Allen T . D., Chicago, 111.
♦Allen T. J., Sharpsburg, Ky.
Allen T . W., Ham burg, Tenn.
♦Allen T.' W „ Paris, Ky.
Allen W. B., D ayton, Tenn.
♦Allen W. O'., Hearne, Tex.
Allen W. F., Chanute, Kan.
Allen W. H .’, P inetta, Fla.
Allen W. H ., Clinton, Mo.
Allen W. H „ W oonsocket, S. D.
Allen W. P., M cAlester, Okla.
♦Allen W. P., Powersville, Mo.
Allen W. S., Georgetown, Miss.
Allen W. W., Mansfield, Pà.
♦Allen Y. E „ Churdan, la .
♦ AllendoerferC. W. KansasCity, MO.
Allendorf W. L., Sandusky,O.
♦Alleniti T. W., W heatley, Ky.
♦Allensworth J . A., Braddock.
N. D.
♦Allensworth M . R ., Ohillicothe.
Aller P. C.. Drum inond. Mont.
Allersmeyer L. O., Union, Mo.
♦Alley A. T ., M t. P leasant, Tex.
♦Alley D. M ., Licking, Mo.
Alley E . W., LUkeview. Tex.
Allgeier F. N ., Shively, Ky.
Allhands B ernard, Gilmore, GaAllin B. W., H arrodsburg, Ky.
Allin Jo u e tt, Copperas Cove, Tex.
♦Ailing N. D-, N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Ailing R. B., Buffalo, Wis.
Allison Alvah, Good Hope, HI.
Allison C. C.. Pelican, La.
♦Allison Q,: R,, Pennsboro, Mo.
♦Allison E. C., Rushville, Mo. .
Allison E. L;, Philadelphia, Pa.
Allison E. W., Kenwood Park, la .
Allisòh F . M„ Rushville, MO.
Allison G. C., Peterson, la.
Allison G. R.. M inor Hill, Tenn.
♦Allison I., Omaha, Neb.
♦Allison J . B., Gardner, 111.
Allison J. E ., Areola, 111;
Allison J. H., Cochranton, Pa.
♦Allison J. H „ Orrick, Mo.
Allison J. W., Erwin, Tenn.
♦Allison Lewis C., Boulder, Còlo.
Allison Q. O., Chester, W. Va.
♦Allison P. D., Steubenville, O.
Allison Wm., Pennsboro, Mo.
Allison W ade S„ Gardner, 111.
♦Allman J. D., Rensselaer, Ind.
Alloway O. S., Lucien, Okl.
Allred R. W., Buhl, Ida.
Allyn C. G., M t. Ayr, la .
Allyn E. G., New Haven, Conn.
A lnutt B. S., Muscatine, la.
A lln u tt B .F., Cedar Hill, Tenn.
♦Alman-H. G., Town Creek, Ala.
Alm an Jr., J. F., Pacolet, S. C.
Almon A. R ., D ecatur, Ga.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Anderson P. E., Grantsville. U tah
Anderson P. G., Ambrose, N. D.
♦Anderson P. J., C rystal City, Tex.
♦Anderson P . W „ W ashington. Va.
Anderson R. A., Dongola, 111. •
Anderson R . A., Lyle. Minn.
Anderson C. O.. Carpintería. Cal. Anderson R. B., Royal. Ia.
Anderson R. C., Mercer, Mo.
Anderson Earl, Hesperia, Mich.
♦Anderson R. E .. Davenport,
♦Anderson E. D., Moroni, U tah.
♦Anderson Edw.,Bird Island,M inn.
♦Anderson E . G., Luverne, N. D. Anderson R. F.» Sikeston, Mo.
♦Anderson E. H., P ortland, Ore. ♦Anderson R. M ., Carlinville, 111.
♦Anderson R. O., Concordia, Kan.
♦Anderson E. J „ Osceola, Neb.
E. M., Mechanics ville, Anderson R. O. M erkel, Tex.
♦Anderson Robert, A lbert Lea,
♦Anderson E . M ., O ttum w a, Ia.
♦Anderson E . M ., Fergus Falls. Anderson Roland, Milner, Ga.
Anderson R. P., Selma, Ala.
M inn.
♦Anderson E. M ., Douglas, N . D. ♦Anderson &., Storden, Minn.
♦Anderson Em m a, Seattle, Wash. Anderson S. A., Grangeville, Ida.
Anderson E . O., Charlotte, N . O. ♦Anderson S. F., Ridgway, Penn.
Anderson S. G., Woodruff, S. C.
Anderson E. T., Burdick, K an. •
♦Anderson E . V., P arkers Prairie ♦Anderson S. H., Hillsboro, Tex.
Altflllisch L. F.. De Sm et, S*. D.
Anderson Sidney, Seward,Alaska.
M inn.
♦Althouse Floyd M ., T urney, Mo.
Anderson E. W ., Newport, W ash. Anderson S. J., Centerton, Ark.
♦Althouse H. L., Reading, P a.
S. W ., Hector, Minn.
Althouse W. J., Turney, M o.
Anderson T. D., San Antonio, Tex.
A ltm an W. W ., M oncks Corner, Anderson F. A., Westfield, Ia.
*AndersonThomas, Kennedy,Minn.
♦Anderson F. F., Corinth, Miss.
s. c .
Anderson T. J., Wilkeson, Wash.
♦Anderson Finley, Colfax, Ia.
♦Alton John, Los Angeles, Cal.
Anderson T. P ., W estm inster,S. O.
Altringer J. N „ Kansas City, Kan. ♦Anderson F. M.. W ichita. Kan.
Anderson T. W.. Seale, Ala.
Altschul R., San Francisco, Cal.
Anderson W alter, Dresser Junc­
♦Anderson G. A., Brigham, U tah
Alverson C. L., Medford, Wis.
tion, Wis.
Alves Chas. S., Kansas City, Mo. Anderson G. A., Bunnell, Fla.
♦Anderson W. A., Nickerson, Neb.
Anderson G „ C enturia, Wis.
♦Alvey J, C., Galveston, Tex.
♦Anderson, W. A., Letcher, S. D.
♦Alvis Gordon, W innsboro, Tex.
Anderson Wm. A., Lewis, Wis.
♦Anderson G. E ., Gal va, 111.
♦Alvison O. T ., Omaha, Neb.
Anderson W . C., Aumsville, Ore.
Anderson Geo. F., Veblen, S. D.
Alward B. R., Camden, Mich.
Alward H. V., G reat Falls, M ont. ♦Anderson, G. H .t Alm ont, N. D. Anderson W . C.. H arrim an, Tenn.
♦Anderson G. H., M onrovia, Cal. ♦Anderson W. C., Camas, Wash.
Amacker W. K „ Kentwood, La.
W. E., Price, U tah
Am ann E. C., P rairie du Chien, Anderson G. H „ Redondo Beach, ♦Anderson
Anderson W. G.. Baxter, Tenn.
Anderson G. M., Inwood, la .
Amason, J. L. M anchester, Ga.
Anderson W . G., Lincoln, Mich.
Anderson Geo. W „ Kouts, Ind.
♦Amble H. L., Nanson, N. D.
♦Anderson W. G.. Royal, Ia.
Ambrose W. H., Holdenville, Okla. Anderson H., Canton, S. D.
Anderson H. A-. Grantsburg, Wis. Anderson W. L., Midvale, Ida.
A m bruster A. D„ Camden, N. J.
W. P., Republic, Mo.
Amel R. T., Davenport, N. D.
Anderson W. R., Colfax, Wash.
A m em ranF. R., Ooldspring, N. Y. ♦Anderson H. B., Granville, 111.
♦Anderson W. S„ Leesburg, F la .
Anderson H. C., Camilla, Ga.
Amend W. A., P oy Sippi, Wis.
Anderson W. T ., Leslie, Ga.
Anderson H enry, H anska, Minn.
♦Amende A rthur, K rupp, Wash.
♦Anderton R. H .,Chincoteage,V a.
♦Anderson H erbert, Franklin,
♦Amende Elsa, Ruff, Wash.
♦Anding A. A., Opelousas, La.
♦Amende F. R., Ruff, Wash.
Anderson H]alm ar, R ush City, ♦Andler F., Galveston, Tex.
♦Ament A., Ypsilanti, Mich.
♦Andre H. R ., S an ta Ana, Cal.
Amerman A, S., Edgewater, N. J.
Amerman J. E ., S tronghurst, 111. ♦Anderson H. L.. A lbert City, Ia . Andreae C. V., Avoca, Mich.
♦Anderson H. L ., Thief River Andreae H. C., Volga, Ia.
Ames E. F., M aryville, Tenn.
♦Andreas H. M ., El Paso, Tex.
Falls, M inn.
♦Ames G. Q., W aterloo, Wis.
♦Andreas J. L., E l Paso, Tex.
♦Anderson H. L., Ham m ond. Wis.
♦Ames J . D., Hawley, Pa.
Andreasen D. S., K arlstad, Minn.
♦Anderson H. N., Corona, S, D.
♦Ames W. O., Napa. Cal.
Andres R. C.. Sidney, Ark.
♦Anderson H. O., Chicago, 111.
Ames W. H., Berea, O.
Andress O. H ., Jacksonville, Fla.
♦Anderson H. R., Gem, Kan.
♦Ames W; M ., Bruno, M inn.
Andresen B. S., Schleswig, la.
Amick E. E., Bunceton, Mo.
Andres John G., Tinley P ark , 111.
♦Anderson J. A., Bayfield, Wis,
♦Amick E . M ., M artinsburg,
Andrew F. A., Glencoe, 111.
Anderson J. A., Bird C ity, Kan.
W. Va.
A nri ra w K . M ., L aporte, Ind.
♦Anderson J. A., Hallock, M inn.
♦Amick Geo., Scipio, Ind.
Anderson J. A.., Pierpcnt,. S. D. Andrew S. J., Lexington, Mo.
Amis L., Fordyce, Ark.
Thomas W., Philadelphia,
Amlong S. R., Aledo, 111.
Anderson J . C.. W ilton. N. D.
Am m ann Leo, Highland, 111.
♦Andrew V. P., A lburnett, Ia.
Anderson J . E., Dover, Ky.
Ammerm an G., Cynthlana, Ky.
Andrews A. B., M er Rouge, La.
Amm erm an Roy, Roswell, N. M. Anderson J . E „ H ardy, Ia.
Andrews A. C., New York City,
Anderson J . E., Palm yra. Mo.
Amm erm an W. L., Mendon, O.
N. Y.
Anderson J. H., Azusa, Cal.
Amondsen A., Rio, Wis.
Anderson J . H., Brldgewater.S. D. ♦Andrews A. 0 ., Renfrow, Okla.
Amos O. W., W. Lebanon, Ind.
♦Anderson J. H „ Negaunee. Mich. Andrews A rthur, Deal Island, Md.
♦Andrews A. G., W alhalla, N. D.
Anderson J . H., Oneida, 111.
Amos E. G., St. Clairsville, O.
Andrews C. C.. Oakwood, 111.
♦Anderson J. fl., S parta, Tenn.
♦Amos M abel, Scircleville, Ind.
Anderson J . H ., W eatherford, Okl. Andrews C. D ., Colwood, Mich.
A m sbury G. H., Longton, Kan.
♦Anderson J. I., Buhl, Minn.
Amsden G. W., Pewamo, M ich.
♦Andrews D. B., Brownwood, Tex.
Anderson J. L., Beatrice, Neb.
Amsler A. C,, Chicago, 111.
♦Andrews E . A:. Belgrade, Neb.
Anderson J. M., Astoria, Ore.
Amsler L. D., Hem pstead, Tex.
Anderson J. O., Montevideo, Minn. Andrews E. I., St. Paul, Neb.
Am stutz P. A., Pandora. O.
♦Andrews E. J., C hatham , 111.
Amundson A. R., Cambridge, Wis. Anderson John, Crump, Mich.
♦Andrews E. L., Homer, Mich.
Anderson Joseph, Ong, Neb.
Amundson Albert.Rothsay.M lnn.
Andrews E . L., Camp Hill, A la
Amundson C. R., E ast Stanwood, ♦Anderson J. R., Edmore, N. D.
Andrews F. E .. M anchester. N . H.
Andrews F. K., Bishop, Cal.
Anderson J . T „ Corydon, Ky.
♦Amundson P C., Amery, Wis.
♦Anderson J- W. Alamosa, Colo. Andrews Frank, Allegan, Mich.
♦Ander O. A., Kiron. Ia.
Andrews G. F., EUenville. N. Y.
♦Andera C. J., Spillville, Ia.
Anderson J. W ., Centerville, Miss. Andrews G. H.. Raleigh, N. C.
Andersen A. F „ Mediapolis, la .
Andrews H ., Clymer, Pa.
Andersen E . C., Lakefield, M inn.
Andrews H erbert, Kingsville, Tex.
♦Andersen E. G., Westby, M ont. Anderson J. W „ Partridge, Kan.
Anderson J. W., Wyndmere, N . D. ♦Andrews H. L., Orosi, Cal.
♦Andersen E. M ., Ware, Ia.
Anderson J . W. G„ Shelly, Minn. ♦Andrews J. B., Crowell, Tex.
Anderson A. A., Hastings, Mich.
Andrews J . H., Seym our, Ind.
♦Anderson K., E au Claire, Wis.
Anderson A. A., Luverne, M inn.
Andrews Joseph, New York City,
Anderson K. T., Rock Island, III.
Anderson A. B., K nox City. Mo.
N. Y.
♦Anderson L., Slayton, Minn,
Anderson A. B.'. Pinson, Tenn.
Andrews J. W., Pensacola Fla.
♦Anderson A dolph, Mon tague, Michi * And arson L. A., Sparta, Mich.
Karl, Paradise, Tex.
Anderson A. E „ Bishop Hill, 111.. *Anderson L. B., W interhaven, Andrews
Andrews K ..t Colby, Wis.
Anderson A. E., Heaton, N: D.
M. M ., Bay City, Mich.
Anderson A. F., Jr., Elgin, Tex.
♦Andrews O., St. Andrew, Fla.
Anderson L. D„ Medford, Okla.
O. H., Corry, Penn.
Anderson A. G., Fergus Falls,, Anderson L. E., La Grange, Tenn. Andrews
Andrews R. C., Clendenin, W .Va.
♦Anderson L. L., Belpre, Kan.
R. D., Rock Falls, 111.
♦Anderson A. G* F ortuna, N. D.. »Anderson L. M„ H ettinger, N. D. ♦Andrews
♦Andrews R. E., Farm ington. Ky.
Anderson A. H., Noonan, N. D.
Andrews T. C., Seagoville, Tex.
♦Anderson A. L., M idvale, U tah ♦Anderson Lucille Corydon, Ky.
♦Anderson L. Q., Atwater, M inn. Andrews W. A-, M erit, Tex._
Anderson A. M ., Ewen, Mich.
Andrews W. B., Sidney, Mich.
Anderson Anne M ., Roberts, 111.. *Anderson L. S., Luverne, N . D.
♦Andrews W. C., Nephl, Utah.
Anderson M. A., Hope, Kan.
Anderson A. N., Leland. 111.
Andrews W. P., F o rt W orth. Tex.
♦Anderson A. P., Newburg, N. D.
♦Andrews W. S., H artford, Conn.
Anderson A. T ., W indom, M inn.
♦A ndersonM áry, Royal Oak, Mich, Andrews W. V., Orosi, Cal.
Anderson A. W., Princeton, III.
Andrick E. W., W heaton, Kan.
♦Anderson A. W... St. Louis, Mo.i. »Anderson M. E., Glenwood,Minn
Anderson M. W „ KeytesviUe, Mo. ♦Andriano M ax, St. Joseph, Mo.
♦Anderson B. E., Foss, Okl.
♦Andrisen H. G., South Shore,
Anderson B. H. T., Chico Cal.
♦Anderson N. F., Commerce, Mo.
Anderson C., Vermillion, S. D
♦Andrisen A. M ., Starbuck, Mmn.
♦Anderson, N. O. Savage. M ont.
♦Anderson C. A., Boone, Ia.
Andrus Charles A .., Petoskey.
♦Anderson N. S., Barney, Ga.
♦Anderson C. E., Wells, M inn.
, . T
,T v
♦Anderson C. E ., W ellsford, Kan... »Anderson Olaf, Dassel, M inn.
♦Andruss F. E ., New York, N. Y.
Anderson C. F., Pacific Jet., Ia.
Anftnson A., Decorah, Ia.
♦Anderson C. F., Pullm an, Wash.L. Anderson O. F., Moline, 111.
♦Angel R. M Hebron, Tex.
♦Anderson O. J., Fostoria, là .
♦Anderson C. G., Oakdale, Neb.
Angell E. B-, T roy, M ont.
Anderson O. M., McAlèster, Okl.
Anderson C. H., Glennie, Mich.
Arigell R. L., Alhambra, Cal.
Anderson O. O., W allingford, Ia.
Anderson C. !.. Ham ilton. O.
Angeli W . C., Providence, R. IAnderson
Anderson C. L„ Ardmore, Okl.
♦ Angell W. H-. Belding, Mich.
Anderson P. C., Ham m ond, Wis.
♦Anderson C. L., Monette. Ark.
♦Angemendt J. W., St. Louis, Mo.
♦Anderson P. C., Hillsdale, Wis.
♦Anderson C. L.. Shaw, Miss. ’

A lquist A. S. De Sm et, S. D.
♦Alsabrook O., Alamo, Tenn.
♦Alsaker Paul, Benson, M inn.
Alsdorf S. W ., Mt. Vernon, O.
Alseth C. A., Lake P reston, S. D.
♦Alsip Grace, Ogden, 111.
Alsop B. H., New Franklin, M o.
Alsover N. B., C harlotte, Mich.
Alsover W . C., VermontviUe, Mich.
♦Alston J. W., Helena. Ark.
Alsup J. C., G rand Saline, Tex.
♦Alt F. W ., Jr., P ortland, Ore.
♦Alt H. J., Effingham, IU.
A lten W . C., Forest Junction, Wis.
♦Altendorf E. J., P o rt W ashing­
ton, Wis.
A lter C. R . Parnassus, Pa.
♦Alter D. B., New Bloomfield, P a.
A lter I. B„ Rossville, Kan.
A lter I. R. Grand Island, Neb.
Alter, J . T.. New Bloomfield, Pa.


C. M„ P reston, Minn.

*♦Anderson C. M .. W ilm ont, M inn.

Anderson C. N ., French Lake.
M inn.
’♦Anderson C. O., Los Angeles, Cal.

Anglea J. M., Edmond, Okla.
Angst John H., Pine Grove, Pa.
Angus William E., Hannaford.
N. D.
Anheier J. A., Monticello, Ind.
♦Anlcker C. A.. Peoria, 111.
♦Ankeney D. R., Clear Spring,Md
♦Ankeny N., Pendleton, Ore.
Ankerman Fred, Alger, O.
*Ankers P. 0., MU1 Valley, Cal.
♦Ankersheil O., Marston, Mo.
Annan E. L.. Emmltsburg, Md.
Annegers W. C., PrincevUie, 111.
Annin R. A., Myrtle Point, Ore.
Annls J. D„ Colebrook, N. H.
Annis J. W., Osage, la.
Ansell M. L. Salamanca, N. Y.
Ansley, Jr., C. C., SmithvUle, Ga.
♦Ansley Edward, Brownsboro.Tex.
Ansley J. B., Osborne, Ran.
Ansley J. N., Rushsylvania, O.
Anspaugh J. R., Gridley, Kan.
Anstine W. H., D'allastown, Pa.
♦Anthony C. R., Jamestown, Cal.
Anthony E. E., Comanche, Tex.
•“Anthony Geo. R., Jasonville, Ind.
♦Anthony H. E., San Diego, Cal,
♦Anthony H. L., Providence, R.I.
♦Anthony R. A., Jamestown, Cal.
Anthony T. A., Wausa, Neb.
Anthony W. H., Ft. Recovery.
♦Anthony W. O., BlythevIUe.Ark.
♦Anthony, W. P., Princeton, Ind.
♦Anthony Z. L., Ft. Recovery, O.
Antle R. F., Medford, Ore.
♦Antle Winfrey, Orlando, Okl.
Antone F. A., Clarksville, Tex.
Antony J. P„ Goodwin, S. D.
♦Antony M. F., Dunn Center,
N. D.
Antony P. J., Munich. N. D.
Antrim E. R., Polo, 111.
Antrim H. H., Freeport, 111.
♦Apland E. D., Irene, S. D.
App H. W., MontoursviUe, Pa.
Appel C„ Dannebrog, Neb.
♦Appel R. G., Dannebrog, Neb.
Appel W. T., Unityville, S. D.
♦Äpperson C. C., Commerce, Tex.
♦Apple Beaumont, Ellensburg,
♦Apple W. M., Red Oak. Ia.
Appleby A. C., Jefferson, Ga.
♦Appleby O. D., Buffalo, N: Y.
♦Appleby G. A., Concordia, Kan.
♦Appleby G. D, Jefferson, Ga.
Appleby J. D., Mt. Union, Pa.
Appleby S. C., Pulaski, Tenn.
Appleby Stephen, Tacoma, Wash.
Applegate Chas., Dover, N. J.
Applegate C. R., Beverly, O.
Applegate G. W. Jr., Corydon, Ind.
♦Applegate T. L„ Valparaiso, Ind.
♦Applegate Wallace, Keytesville,
Appleyard A. E., Jamestown, N.Y.
♦Appleyard S. J., Saranac Lake.
Apt F. A„ East Pleast Plain, Ia.
Arand O. F., Cincinnati, O.
♦Arbes, A. J'., Hydro, Okla.
Arbuckle J. E.. Glenvllle, W. Va
♦Arbuthnot E. H.. Flora. IU.
♦Arbuthnot M. E., Francisco, Ind.
Archbold D. V., Mackay, Ida.
Archer Alvah, Densmore, Kan.
Arch«: C. E., Antlers, Okla.
Archer George P.. Prestonburg, Ky.
♦Archer H. M.,Minneapolis,Minn.
Archer James, Hanover, Ind.
♦Archer Lloyd T., Archer, Ia.
Archer R. L., Huntington, W. Va.
♦Archer W. E.. Lake Placid, N. Y.
Archibald E. A., Eutaw, Ala.
Archibald J., Morocco, Ind.
♦Archibald J. A., Morocco, Ind.
Archibald O. A., Albany, Ore.
Archibald R.E., Lake George.N.Y.
Archibald S. H„ West Liberty, la
Arcularius O. W., Washington,Mo.
Ardrey J. H., Dallas, Tex.
Arduser O. A.. Adrian. N. D.
Argabright R. M„ Davenport, Okl.
♦Arganbright G. T., Watervllle,
Argenbright J. L., Ionia, Mo.
♦Argo A. A., Trezevant, Tenn.
Argo G. G., Clinton, 111.
Argo H. C., Cotton Plant, Ark.
Ariail D. M., Granltevllle, S. G.
Armentrout A. J., New Market,
Armentrout Clark, Nebo, 111.
♦Armestead Eldridge, Memphis,
♦Armfleld C. G., Elkin, N. C.
Armfleld W. J., Jr., Ashboro.N .0.
♦Armijo D. J., Albuquerque, N.M.
Armington A. P„ Dixon, 111.
♦Armistead R. H., Doon, Ia.
Armltage O. C., GreenevIUe.Tenn.
Arms P. L., Goldenvalley, N. D.
Armsberger Avon, Oxford, Neb.
Armstrong 0. F„ Leechburg, Pa.
♦Armstrong C. O., Sunbury, O.
Armstrong O. V., Johnstown, O.
♦Armstrong C. W., Winters, Cal.
Armstrong D. M.t Memphis, Tenn.
Armstrong D. S., Alba, Tex. ♦Armstrong E. G., Holland, Tex.
Armstrong E. H., Gypsum. Kan.
Armstrong E. J., Ismay, Mont.
Armstrong E. L., Calistoga, Cal.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


*Armstrong F- D., FoUansbee. W. Asal E. P., Augusta, Wis.
AtweU W. J., ZanesvUle, O.
E. C.. TownvUIe, S. C.
♦Atwood A. P., Kooskia, Ida.
Armstrong F. E., Dearborn, Mich. AsbeU
♦Armstrong F. P., Keyport, N. J. ♦Asbury H. G., HIgginsville, Mo. ♦AtwoodD.H.H.,A..Clyde,
Mendocino, Cal.
Armstrong F. W., Trimble, Mo. Asbury V. N.. Newport, Ind.
♦Auberle H. W., Parkersburg, W.
♦Armstrong G. L., Almena, Wls. Asby 0. L., Kingston, Ia.
♦Armstrong I. B., Great Falls. Asch C. H„ Springfield, Minn.
♦Auge C. C.. Ponca. Neb.
E. J.,Park Falls, Wis. ♦Auger A. J.; :White Bear Lake,
Armstrong J. A., Connellsville. Pa. Aschenbrener
L. J., Winter, Wis.
Armstrong J. M., Maxton, N. O. Aschenbrener
♦Ash Bert, Roberts, Wis.
Aughenbaugh J., Kenny, Til.
♦Armstrong J. Q„ Lake City; Ark. ♦Ash
W. F., Richmond, Va.
♦Armstrong L. E., Comfrey, Minn. ♦Ash F. E., Adrian. Mich.
♦Augsbury W. Reid, New York
♦Armstrong L. G., Italy, Tex.
W. H., Roberts, Wis.
City, N. Y.
Armstrong Lee, Elm Creek. Neb. Ash
Ash W. M., Palestine, Tex.
Augustus W. O., Paris, IU.
Armstrong L. W., Columbia. Ala. Ashbaugh
J. F., Murdock. Minn. ♦Augustyn G. W., Milwaukee, Wis.
Armstrong O. B„ Adelphi, O.
O. E., Spartanburg, Ind.
♦Armstrong R. F., Columbus, O. ♦Ashbrook O. E., Fairfax, Okla.
Auld J. W., Red Cloud, Neb.
Armstrong R. I., Farwell, Neb*
W. A., Johnstown, O.
♦Ault F. A., Knoxville, Tenn.
Armstrong R. S., Winnebago, 111. Ashbrook
Ashburn Howard, Moultrie, Ga.
Aull J. OV, Pomaria, S. O.
Armstrong R. W., Sallisaw, Okla. Ashby
S. J., N. Kansas City, Mo. Ault J. C., Cassville, Mo.
Armstrong Scott, Creston, Ia.
Jr. I. R., DonalsonvUIe.
♦Armstrong S., Park City. Utah. ♦Ashcraft J. V., Portland, Ind.
Armstrong W. A., Galesburg. 111. ♦Ashcraft
B., Altheimer, Ark. Aune Geo. D„ Denton, Mont.
Armstrong w . D., Mingo Jet., O. Ashcraft T.R.R..
Altheimer, Ark.
♦Aupperle S. A., Lewis, Kan.
Armstrong, W. H., Lisbon, O.
W. H., Morgantown,
Auracher John, Lisbon, Ia.
Armstrong W.H., Bordentown,N.J. ♦Ashcroft
W. Va.
M. A., Chicago. 111.
Armstrong W. J., Canastota. S. D.
R., KnoxvUle, Tenn.
Aus Jacob, Rutland, S. D.
♦Armstrong W. J., Zion City, IU. ♦Ashe
♦Ashe R. F.. Knoxville, Tenn.
Ausley D. M., StatesvUle. N. C.
ArmstrongW. K.,RogersvUle,Tenn ♦Ashelford Gladys, Esmond, 111.
Auspach W. M., Strausstown, Pa.
ArmstrongW. N„ Colo. City, Colo. Ashelford W. H.. Esmond. IU.
Austen J. W.. Carney, Okl.
Armstrong W. R„ Colorado Spgs.,
♦Austerland A., Cannon Falls.
Armstrong w . W., Park City. ♦Asher E. J., New York, N. Y.
Austin A. W., Ada, Minn.
C. M., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Armstrong William, Wisner, Neb ♦Asher W. L„ ClarksvUle, Ia.
Austin E. E., Fremont, Ia.
ArnaU J. H., Tennille, Ga.
Ashford C. A., Watkinsville, Ga. Austin F. E„ Muntain Home,Ida.
Arnau, A. R., Dublin, Ga.
♦Ashford George W., Homer, Neb. Austin F. N., Ansley, Neb.
Arndt E. F., Winnebago, Minn.
Ashheim A., Brownsvfille, Tex.
♦Austin F. N., Baltimore, Md.
♦Arndt M. W., Newburg, N. D.
♦Ashley F. A., Big Rapids, Mich. ♦Austin George, Red Lodge, Mont.
Arnegard O., HUlsboro.N. D.
H. B., CarroUton, Mo.
♦Amer E. R„ Oakland, Cal.
Ashley I. H., Hinsdale, IU.
Austin L. E. Beach, N. D.
♦Arneson A. P., Hankinson, N. D. Ashley J. W., McKinney, Tex.
N. B., Kremlin, Okl.
Arneson Arthur, Hayti, S. D.
♦Ashley Lee, Valdosta, Ga.
Austin N. S., North Berwick, Me.
Arneson A. S., Baraeveld, Wis.
E., Montour, Ia.
♦Arneson C. B., Brinsmade, N. D. ♦•Ashley R. E„ Laporte City, la.
♦Austin Victor, Idaho Falls, Ida.
Arneson H. A., Riverton, Minn.
♦Ashley R. H., GatesvUle, Wis.
♦Austin W. C.. Portland. Tenn.
Arneson O. G.. Binford, N. D.
♦Ashley W. H., Carbondale. IU.
♦Auten Chas. H., PrincevUie, IU.
Arneson Peter. Waterville, Ia.
Auten E. Jr.. PrincevUie, IU.
Arnett W. E., Morgantown,
Ashlock Roy, Stephens Store, Mo. ♦Auten M. B., Cass City, Mich.
W. Va.
Ashmore J. L., Lushton, Neb.
Authier Lawrence, Elk Point, S.D.
Arnett W. F.. Steelvffle, Mo.
Ashmore Lewis, Hinesville, Ga.
Authler R. N., Jefferson, S. D.
Arney A. A., Clemons, Ia.
♦Avant B. F., Marfa, Tex.
Arney R. H.. Toms River. N. J.
Ashton C. M., PhUadelphia, Pa.
♦Avent G. J., JacksonvUle, Fla.
♦Arnhold F. W., Hays, Kan.
O. B., Pauls VaUey, Okla.
Arnold A. R„ Tracy, Cal.
♦Avera W. W„ Rocky Mount,N.C.
♦Arnold B.. Lewlsburg, Ky.
♦Ashton J. E., Lone Tree.Ia.
Chas. G., PhUipsburg, Pa..
♦Arnold C. B., Livingston, Tenn. ♦Ashton M. W., New Smyrna,Fla. Avery
♦Avery E. B. Clare, St. Louis. Mo.
Arnold C. R., Oxford, Pa.
E. J., Logan, Ia.
Arnold E., Massena, Ia.
Ashton W. E.. Rhinelander. Wls. ♦Avery E. L., Martinsville, Ind.
Arnold E. Jr., Upland. Neb.
B., Molson, Wash.
Arnold E. C., Geneva, Ind.
♦Askegaard E.D.. Moorhead.Minn. ♦Avery Ira S., New London, Conn.
Arnold F. A., Klemme, Ia.
Askegaard Eugene, Comstock, ♦Avery N. H., New London, Conn.
Arnold F. B„ Earlington, Ky.
♦Avey D. M., Mattoon, IU.
♦Arnold F. L., Avoca, N. Y.
♦Askew J. E.. Hogansville, Ga.
Avis Emil, Decatur. Ark.
♦Arnold F. M. Jr.. Clarion. Pa.
Askew Roy, Chipley, Ga.
H. R„ Springfield, Mo.
♦Arnold Geo. C., Pittsburgh, Pa. Askew Roy, Durand, Ga.
♦Awerkamp. B., Quincy, 111.
Arnold G. W., Harbine, Neb.
♦Askey C. M., Premont, Tex.
Axen J. J., Galt, Ia.
Arnold G. W., Romney, W. Va.
Askins O. A., Lakewood, IU.
♦Axley Hal. Nowata, Okl.
Arnold H. A., Albany, N. Y.
♦Aslakson M., MUton, N. D.
♦Axness A. J., Montevideo. Minn.
Arnold H. A., Colfax. IU.
♦Asman F. J., MarysvlUe, O.
♦Axness H. J., Mason, Wis.
Arnold H. L., Keyser, W. Va.
Asper Lewis, Beresford. S.D.
Axness O. M., Mason, Wlis.
Arnold Jackson. Monroe. Ga.
♦AspInwaU Walter. Buffalo. N. Y. Axson C., Rocksprlngs, Tex.
Assmann O. A., Stevens Point, ♦Axtell A. W., Chicago, 111.
Arnold J. C., Plsgah, Ia.
AxteU E. L., Harvard, 111.
♦Arnold J. D.. Centralia, Mo.
♦Astle O. R., Haven, Kan.
♦Axton T. H.. Lake, Ind.
♦Arnold J. H., Clear Lake, Minn. Aston A. W., Meadowviea.
Ayars M. S., Moweaqua, 111.
♦Arnold M. L., New Franklin, Mo. Aston J., FarmersviUe, Tex.
♦Aycock O. O., Hazen, Ark.
♦Arnold Nevins, Trezevant, Tenn. Atcheson L. M., Slidell, Tex.
♦Aycock E. H., Rockingham, N. C.
♦Arnold O. L,, KirksvUle, Ky.
♦Atchley E. E., Willard, Mo.
♦Aycock James, Pinewood, S. C.
♦Arnold Otto, Evanston, Wyo.
Atchly S. L.t SeviervUle, Tenn.
Aycock J. W., Battleboro, N. C.
Arnold R. L„ Westmoreland, Kan. ♦Atheaon F. D„ KremUn, Mont. ♦Aycock L. B., Rocky Mount.N.C.
♦Arnold Roy, Hoxie, Ark.
Atherton D. R., Scranton, Pa.
Aycock R. N.. Smithfleld. N. C.
♦Arnold R. R, Jr., Mexico, Mo.
♦Atherton E. J., Pleasant Plains,
♦Arnold S. G., Saginaw, Mich.
S. T., Bellflower, Mo
Arnold T. M., Rainelle, W. Va.
Atherton F. B., Scranton, Pa.
Aye E. J., San Gabriel, Cal.
♦Arnold T. S., Leon, Ia.
Atkin J. P„ Kalama. Wash.
Ayer C. H., Elberfeld. Ind.
♦Arnold W. D. I., Dubois, Pa.
Atkin William, Vero, Fla.
♦Ayer J. E., Wood River, Neb.
Arnold William F., Plainfield,N.J. ♦Atkins E. H.. Bridgeport, IU.
♦Ayer S. E., Franklin. Neb.
♦Arnot A. G., Malta, Mont.
♦Atkins E. L., Berlin, N. D.
D., Hundred, W. Va.
♦Arnot A. J., Bismarck, N. D.
Atkins H. B., WaynesvUle, N. C. ♦AyersA.
C. B., Warren, Penn.
Arnot Charles, Scribner, Neb.
Atkins O. D., Sumner. IU.
Ayers O. O., Ismay, Mont.
Arnot C. D„ Glasgow, Mont.
♦Ayers C. H„ Detroit, Mich.
Arnquist O. C., PeUcan Rapids, ♦Atkins R. E., ClarksvUle, Tenn. Ayers
F. A., Humboldt, la.
♦Atkins Wade, Waurika, Okla.
J. C., Dexter, N. Y.
♦Arnston A. J., Sheldon, N. D.
♦Atkins Wilmer, Heflin, Ala.
N. I., Horton, Kan.
Arntz N. F., Maytown, Pa.
♦Atkins W. B.. MUlsboro. Del. Ayers W.
S., Dallas. S. D.
Arntzen F. G., Serena. 111.
♦Atkinson A. E., Kosciusko, Miss. Aykens
H. D., George. Ia.
Aron E. J., Crete, Neb.
Atkinson C., Creighton, Neb.
E., Medina, O.
♦Arpln W. M., Clark, S. D.
Atkinson O., Langdon, Ia.
Aylesworth Emil Z., Fredericks­
Arrasmith A. G.t Griswold, Ia.
♦Atkinson O. L., Victoria, Va.
♦ArrindeU O. E., New York City, Atkinson D. W., Jamaica, Ia.
Aylward D. E.. Livingston, Til
N. Y.
Atkinson F. P., Great Falls, Mont. Ayre
J. W., Monticello, IU.
♦Arrington R. C., Aline, Okla.
♦Atkinson H. G., Newton, Ala.
C. H-, Columbus, Miss.
Arrowood J. M., KimbaU, Minn. ♦Atkinson J. C.. Marlette, Mich. Ayres E.
H. Jr., Spring Hill, Tenn.
♦Arterberry H. D., TompkinsviUe, Atkinson J. D„ Astoria. IU.
E. P„ Huntington, Ind.
Atkinson J. P., Dickinson, Tex. ♦Ayres Leake,
GatesvUle, Tex.
♦Arterbum C. E., St. Paul Neb. Atkinson J. P„ League City, Tex. Ayres
L. T., Aransas Pass, Tex.
Arterburn F. H., Lamar, Neb.
Atkinson O. C., Beattyville, Ky. Ayres M
Arterburn F. H., Venango, Neb. Atkinson O. G., Dowagiac, Mich. Ayres Jr. S., Hutchins, Tex.
Arthens A. L., Cambridge, IU.
♦Atkinson, P. L„ El Paso, Tex.
Arthur C. L„ Redkey, Ind.
Atkinson R. L., Hartford, S. D.
♦Ayres W. S.. Camden, N. J.
♦Arthur E. E., CridersviUe, O.
♦Atkinson RusseU, Galveston, Tex. ♦Azeredo
A. J., Sacramento, Cal.
Arthur J. IL, Union, S. C.
Atkinson Thomas, Sterling, Kan. ♦Azavedo J. A., Sacramento, Cal.
♦Arthur J. H.. Pittsburgh,Pa.
♦Atmar J. W., Groveton, Tex.
Ator J. B., Stephenvllle, Tex.
♦Baarman C., Grand Rapids,Mich.
♦Arthur R. D., CridersviUe, O.
Att Tiffin, Wartburg, Tenn.
♦Baas E. D., Beemer, Neb.
Arthur T. R., SheUman, Ga.
♦Atteberry W. H., Fairfield, IU.
L., Pomona, Mo.
♦Artman Ervin, Portland, Ind.
Atterbury J. W, Jr., Madison. Mo. Babb A.
C. L., Xenia, Q.
♦Arts J. O., Carroll, Ia.
♦Attmore G. S.,Jr., Newbern. N.C. Babb E. .E„ Biggers, Ark.
Artus H. E., Bassett. Neb.
Attwood E. T„ New Edinburg, ♦Babb
F. G., Yukon, Oiila.
♦Artz Charles, Upper Sandusky.
F. C., Fredonia, Kan.
♦Artz C. J., Burlington, Ia. .
♦Atwater A. W., WUliams, Minn. ♦Babb
P., Lovejoys Station.Ga.
Arvesen A., Donaldson, Minn.
H„ GirardviUe, Pa.
Arvesen C. B., Wegdahl, Minn.
N. Y.
♦Babb J. M., Orlinda, Tenn.
♦Arveson N. B., Osnabrock, N. D. ♦AtweU C. T., ZanesvUle, O.
Brinkley, Ark.
♦Arvtne J. D., Nappanee, Ind.
Atwell R. B„ Houlka, Miss.
Babbitt C. D., Elwood, Ind.

Babbitt L. A., Northville, Micb.
♦Babcock A.M., Honey Creek.Wis.
♦Babcock F. E., Clifton, 111.
Babcock G.O.,Grand Rapids,Wis.
♦Babcock G. T., La Junta, Colo.
Babcock H. I„ Chappell, Neb,
♦Babcock I. A.. Winnebago. Minn.
♦Babcock O. H., Grand Rapids,
, t roj'
Babcock W. F„ Danforth, 111.
Babcock W. H., Waverly, la.
♦Babcock W. M. Jr., Dayton, Tex.
♦Baber F., Paris. 111.
♦Babington W. M., Bogalusa, La.
Babst Jacob, Crestline,, O.
♦Baby R. C., San Pedro.Cal.
Bach Blase, Bartelso, 111
Bach F. A., Lee, 111.
♦Bach Otis M., Ottawa, 111.
♦Bacharach E. M., Van Buren,
" „
Bachelder Chas L., Saco. Me.
Bachelder J. A., Nome, Alaska,
Bacheller R. C.. Palmetto, Ga.
Bacheller T. T., Seney, Mich.
Bachelor D. E., Bigwells, Tex.
♦Bachman C. W.. State Center. Ia.
Bachman G. C,. Throckmorton,
♦Bachman R. C., Phillipsburg,
N. J.
♦Bachtle C. L.. Easton, Mum.
Backe B. L., Holt, Minn.
Backer John W. Jr., Baltimore,
Backus C. S., Hampshire, 111.
♦Backus H. W., Laporte, Ind.
♦Backus Irving, Madison, Wis.
Bacon A. L., Boston, Mass.
♦Bacon B. H., Schlater, Miss.
Bacon George, Laurel, Miss.
♦Bacon G. W., Trenton, Ky.
♦Bacon H., Sterling, Mich.
Bacon H. N., Racine. Wis.
♦Bacon M. G., Lorimor, Ia.
Bacon N. H., Odum, Ga. .
♦Bacon T. R., Wills Point, Tex.
♦Bada Lena. Silver City, Ia.
♦Badasci A. M. J.,Valley Ford,Cal.
Bade J. S„ Dayton, O.
Badger B. J., Calvin, Okla.
Badger H. H., Amboy. Ill♦Badger M. B.. Fayette. O.
Badgett C. C., Childress, Tex.
♦Badgley F. J.. Portland. Mich.
♦Badgley W. W., Springfield,Mo.
♦Badley W. S., Pendleton, Ore.
Badt J. Selby, Wells, Nev.
Baechtel W. H., Wiliits, Cal.
Baer H. C., Bemidjl, Minn.
Baer W. F„ Ranson, Kan.
Baertsch Lewis, Marion, N. D.
Baetjer W. T„ Paonia, Colo.
♦Baetz H. M., San Antonio. Tex.
♦Baetzer Carl,, Upham,; N. D.
Bagby R. H., Washington, D. C.
Bagby R. N., Washington, D. G
Bage S. E., Holcomb. Mo.
Bager F. C., Wolsey, S. D.
♦Baggett B., Norman, Okla.
♦Baggett J. C., Teague;, Tex.
Bagley H. L., Guemeville, Cal.
Bagley J. H., Melbourne, Ia.
Bagley L. S„ Morris, Okla.
Bagley S.E., San Bernardino,Cal.
Bagley W. G. C., Mason City, Ia
Bagne N. B., Gary, Minn.
♦Bagne S. B., Drake, N. D.
♦Bahde C.A., Frankfort, S. D.
Bahde J. O., Frankfort, S. D.
♦Bahl Miss B. M.. W. Salem, O.
Bahler Ralph, Walnut Creek, O.
Baile Nathan H.,NewWindsor,Md
Bailer C. H., Waseca, Minn.
Bailey A. H., Sheffield, Pa.
Bailey A. N., Spencerville, O.
Bailey C. A., Stoneham, Mass.
♦Bailey 0. FV, Carmel, Ind.
Bailey E. C., Correctionville, La.
♦Bailey E. O., Browning, Mo.
Bailey E. H., Strcator, 111.
Bailey E. J., Raymond, Ga.
Bailey E. L., Redding, Cal.
♦Bailey Ethel, Redfield, Ia.
Bailey Fred, Betbesda, O.
Bailey G. A., Bancroft, Neb.
Bailey G. A., NewUnderwood.S.D
Bailey H. A., Fivepoints. Ala.
♦Bailey H. B„ Boston, Mass.
Bailey H. C., Quitman. Mo.
Bailey J. B., Gary, Ind.
Bailey J. E., Coolville, O.
Bailey J. G., Harper, Kan.
Bailey J. G., Cross Plains, Wis.
Bailey J. M., Decker, Ind,
Bailey J. T„ Rockwall, Tex.
Bailey J. W., Macomb, 111.
Bailey J. W., Stokes, N. C.
Bailey L. D., Scottsburg, Va.
♦Bailey Lizzie, Katy. Tex.
Bailey M. G„ Memphis, Tenn.
Bailey Nelson, Wills River, Vt.
Bailey O. C., Katy, Tex.
Bailey R. C., Browning, Mo.
' Bailey R. D., Naples, S. D.
Bailey R. L., Keystone, W. Va.
Bailey R. M., Kinsale, Va.
Bailey S. E., Kiefer. Okl.
Bailey S. M., Fairbury, Neb.
♦Bailey W. C., Clinton, S. C.
♦Bailey W. H., Algpna. Ia.
♦Bailey W. H., Milburn, Okla.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Ballinger G., Helper, Utah.
Baker W. B.; Baltimore, Md.
Bailey W. J., Clinton. S. C.
Ballinger J. P., Bethel, Ky.
Baker W. C.t Altus, Okl.
♦Bailey W. J., Casper, Wyo.
♦Ballinger Mrs. J. P., Bethel, Ky.
Baker W. E.. Vincennes, Ind.
Bailey W. T., Greenwood, S. C.
Ballinger W. E., West Point, Ky,
♦Bailey W. V., Stewart, Miss.
Ballister F. E., Neenah, Wis.
♦Baker W. H., Altamont. 111.
Baily Egbert, Norristown, Pa.
Baker W. H. P., Elkhom City, Ky. ♦Ballman R. H., St. Louis, Mo.
Bally H. T.f Spiceland, Ind.
Ballou L. E. Jr., Storm Lake, Ia.
♦Baily Joseph, Spokane, Wash.
Ballou R. N., Chicago, 111.
Baker W. L., Monticelio, Ky.
Baily Q. D., Table Grove, 111.
Ballschmider O. D„ Sheboygan
Baily R. L., Carmichaels, Pa.
Falls, Wis.
Bain G. H., McCönnelsville, O. Baker W. S.. Winters, Cal.
Ballstadt R. C., Merrill, Wis.
Bain J. H., Langdon, N. D.
♦Balph G. R., New Castle. Pa.
Bakke B., Twin Valley, Minn.
Bain Joseph J., Arab, Ala.
Balsbaugh U. L., Hummelstown,
Bakken I. O., Whitetail, Mont.
♦Bain W. P., Hillsboro, N. C,
♦Bakken P. C., McClusky, N. D.
Bain W. W., Brandon, Ia.
Balsley T. W., Ludlow, Ky.
Bakula J. G., Wilson, Wis.
Baines G. W. Jr., Alpine, Tex.
♦Balster Harry G., Tallula, 111.
Bair E. M., University Place, Neb. ♦Baland E. W., Newport, Ky.
Baltz A. W., East St. Louis, 111,
Balch S. D., Los Gatos. Cal.
Bair J. H., Louisville, O.
Baltz'G. F., Millstadt, 111.
Balch W. F., Paris, Tenn.
Baird O. A., Agenda, Kan.
J. H., Washington, D. C.
♦Baird C. B., Newland, N. C.
♦Baltzer John M., Kaylor, S. D.
Balcom H. V., Caney, Kan.
Baird C. H., Matawan, N. J.
Baly Henry, San Pedro. Cal.
Bald W. F., Nokomis, 111.
Baird C. O., Jèllico, Tenn.
♦Baly R. O., San Pedro, Cal.
♦Baldauf O. O., Benton, Ark.
♦Baird E. C., Ruskin, Neb.
Balderston E. P., Philadelphia.Pa Bambach G. G.’, Bethel, O.
Baird E. D.. North English, la.
E. F., Mount Vernon;
♦Baird E. T.. Conneautville. Pa. Baldridge F. G., Escondido, Cal. ♦Bamberger
Baird Henry, Wilmington, Del.
♦Bambrick T. T., Chester. W. Va.
♦Baldridge J. Jr., Ennis, Tex.
Baird H. E., Miami, Tex.
♦Bamford R. S., Sandusky, Mich.
Baird H. H., Pataskala, O.
fBanck E. F., Wilmington, N. C.
Baldridge J. S., Laredo, Mo.
Baird J. C., Newcaste, Wyo.
♦Bancker E. A. Jr„ Atlanta, Ga.
Baird J. C„ Washington, Pa.
Baldridge R. M.. McKeesport, Pa. ♦Bandlow A. H., Cleveland, Wis.
♦Baird L. R., Dickinson, N. D.
Bandlow F. A., Theresa, Wis.
Baldridge V. E., Chico, Tex.
♦Baird N. P., De Witt, Ark.
♦Baldwin B. R., Cincinnatus.N.Y Bandon W. J., Lexington, Mo.
Baird Percy, Ruskin, Neb.
♦Bandy Lottie, Irvington, Ky.
♦Baldwin C. A., Mesa, Ariz.
♦Baird R. W., Hamburg, Ark.
Baldwin C. H., N. Y. City, N. Y. Bandy R. W., Gleason, Tenn,
Baird S. C.. Jellico, Tenn.
♦Baldwin O. H., N. Redwood, Bane H. R.. Dunning, Neb.
Baird T. B.. York, Pa.
Bane John H., Northfork, W. Va.
, .L „
Baird Thos. C.. McKeesport, Pa. ♦Baldwin
O. H., Redwood Falls, Bane R. S., Fredericktown, Pa.
♦Baird W..F., Woodlawn, Cal.
♦Bane W. F., Bluefleld, W. Va.
I i
Baird W. J., Lebanon, Tenn.
Baner H. O.. New Boston, 111.
Baldwin D. J.. Hubbell, Neb.
♦Baird Wm. N., Salido, Colo.
Banersfeld K. E., Earleton, Kan.
♦Baldwin D. M., Knox, Ind.
Baird W. O., Lascassas. Tenn.
♦Banfleld H. L., Austin, Minn.
♦Baldwin E. O., Adrian, Mich.
Banfield N. F„ Austin, Minn.
F. A.. Ft. Scott, Kan.
♦Balz A. S., New York City, N. Y. ♦Baldwin
♦Baldwin Frank M.. Torrington ♦Banfleld N. F., Jr., Austin,,Minn.
Baker A. D., Deer Creek, Minn.
Bangert A. F., Corfu, N. Y.
♦Baker B. B„ East Point, Ga.
♦Bangert G. H., Buffalo, N. Y.
Baldwin G. L„ Lena, 111.
Baker B. B., Monticello, Ind.
♦Banister T. S., Anderson, S. C.
♦Baker B. C., Grass Valley, Ore. Baldwin Q. W., Bremen, O.
Banister W. L., Marks, Miss.
Baker B. J., Petersburg, W. Va.
Banker C. A., Glendive, Mont.
♦Baker B. K., Falls City, Neb.
Baker B. S., Amerious, Mo.
Bankhead J. H., Logan, Utah.
Baldwin H. C., Liberty, N. Y.
Baker C. A., Fontanelle, la.
Bankhead J. R., Sulligent, Ala.
Baldwin James, Bad Axe, Mich.
Baker C. D„ Pomona, Cal.
♦Banks C. G., Grace City, N, D.
Baker C. F., Canal Dover, O.
♦Baldwin, J. M., Montgomery,Ala. Banks C. H., Oxford, Kan.
♦Baker C. L., Colville, Wash.
Banks David, Henderson, Ky.
♦Baker C. O., Tilden, Neb.
♦Banks H. W., Humboldt, Tenn.
♦Baldwin L. W., Lena, 111.
♦Baker E. C., Arcadia, Okla.
Banks James, Gravette, Ark.
♦Baldwin P. G., Ruthven, Ia¡.
Baker E. C.. Burlington, Colo.
Banks J. H„ Brazil, Tenn.
♦Baker Miss Edith, Clinton, Tenn. ♦Baldwin R. A.. Burlington, Ia.
♦Banks J. L.,, Superior, Wis.
♦Baker Elerd, Higbee, Mo.
Banks J. N., Gravity, Ia.
♦Baker E. T., New York, N. Y.
♦Banks S. A., Henderson, Ky.
♦Baldwin S. T., Kingman, Kan.
♦Baker E. S., Bramwell, W. Va.
♦Baldwin W. Tharpe, Conyers, ♦Bankson G. M., BlueiMound, 111.
Baker E. S.. Noblesville. Ind.
♦Bankston J. R.. Anguilla, Miss.
Baker E. V., Selbyville, Del.
♦Banner C. C., Inola, Okla.
Baldwin T. M., Prineville, Ore.
*Baker Eva O., Lane, Kan.
H. M., Concord, N. H.
Baker F. O., Bushnell, Neb.
♦Baldwin W. E„ E. Downington, Bannerman J. R., Burgaw, N. C.
♦Baker Frances, Golconda, 111,
Bannerman W. C., Eltopia, Wash.
Baker Fred C., Stillman Valley, 111. ♦Baldwin
Bannon H. O., San Angelo, Tex.
W. H., Madill, Okl.
Baker G., Plymouth, Ind.
Banowetz F. E., Lenapah, Okla.
Baldwin W. L., Stamford, Conn.
♦Bakèr G. A., Wabash, Ind.
Banowetz M. O., Lenapah, Okla.
♦Baker G. E., Michigan City, Ind. ♦Baldwin W. M., Albany, Ga.
♦Bansbach A. H., St. Joseph, Mo.
Bale C. E., Manson, Ia.
Baker G. H„ Urbana, 111,
Banton J. G., Kinston, N. C.
Bale J. H.. Ruthven, Ia.
Baker G. L., Delaware, Ia.
♦Banze W. E., Halstead, Kan.
Baker G. L., Oneida, Ia.
♦Bar W. L., Centralia, Wash.
♦Bales C. L., Ellington, Mo.
Baker G. W., Englewood, O.
Lücy G., Boones Path, Va. ♦Barbe J. M., Harrisville, W. Va.
♦Baker G. O., Grand Junction, la. ♦Bales
Barbee J. H.. San Marcos, Tex.
E. W.. Evans. Colo, .
Baker G. R„ Mt. Washington, Balfour
Barbee J. M., Occoquan, Va.
♦Balfour W. M., Duncan, Ariz.
W. W., El Paso, Tex.
♦Baker G. R.. St. Louis, Mo.
Barber A. D., Surgoinsville, Tenn.
Ball Arthur, Hays, Pa.
Baker G. S., Detroit, Mich.
F„ Charter Oak, la.
Baker G. W., Lockhart, Tex. .
Barber A. G., Lewiston, Utah.
♦Ball O. M., Coloma, Mich.
♦Baker H. E., Urbana, O.
♦Barber C. A., Pittsfield, 111.
Ball C. P.,' De Witt, Ark.
Baker H. F., Loma, N. D.
♦Barber E. C., Livonia, N. Y.
♦Ball C. P., Toluca, 111.
♦Baker H. H., Grantsville, Md.
Barber E. M., San Diego, Cal.
Ball E. G.. Toluca, HI.
♦Baker H. V., Americus, Mo.
Barber F. S., Onida, S. D.
Ball E. M., Kensington, Kan.
♦Baker Inez, New Sharon, Ia.
♦Barber G. C., Prague, Okl.
Ball E. W., Farmersville, 111.
Baker I. H., Bay City, Mich.
♦Barber H. H„ Minneapolis, Minn.
Ball F. D., Crestón, Ia.
Baker J. C., Brownfield, 111.
Barber Hiram, Ames, Kan.
Baker J. H., Bozeman, Mont.
Barber H. J., Cummings, Kan.
♦Ball G. H., Fresno, Gal.
♦Baker J. H., Fort Smith, Ark.
Barber H. W., Concordia, Kan.
♦Ball G. O., Greentown, Ind.
♦Baker J. H., Nunda, N. Y.
Barber J. C., Eagleville, Mo.
♦Ball H. F., Kensington, Kan.
Baker J. M„ Salvisa, Ky.
Barber J. E., Franklin, Mass.
Ball I. S., Gardena, Cal.
Baker J. M., White City, Kan.
♦Barber John, Eagleville, Mo.
Baker John P., White Lake, S. D. ♦Ball J. C., Charleston, S. G.
Barber J.W., Spring Valley.Minn.
Ball J. F., Bronwood, Ga.
Baker Jno. W., Crosbÿton, Tex.
Barber M. J.. Providence, R. I.
Ball James M., Richmond, Va.
♦Baker K. P., Tifton, Ga.
♦Barber N. J.. Metdmora, Mich.
Baker L. A., New Richmond, Wis ♦Ball Jno. B., Church Hill, Tenn. ♦Barber
R. A., Ithaca, Mich.
♦Ball J. M. Jr., Richmond, Va.
Baker L. E., Baker, Mont.
Barber R. H., Keystone, Neb.
Baker Leroy, New London, O.
Barber R. N., Burlington Jet., Mo.
♦Ball R. C.. Craig, Mo.
♦Baker L. G„ Lucas, la.
♦Barber R. S., Weyauwega, Wis.
♦Ball R. E., Windsor, Mo.
♦Baker L. K., East Berlin, Pa.
Barber R. T., Wahpeton, N. D.
Ball S. N., Thomasville, Ga.
Baker L. W., Gibsland, La.
Barber W. F., Lawton, Okl.
Ball W. H„ Goloma, Mich.
♦Baker M. E., Rockford, 111.
Barber W. H., Eaton, Colo.
Baker M. F., Glenwood, Wis.
Barbour A. E., Augusta, Me.
Ball W. T., Emporia, Kan.
Baker M. G., Philadelphia, Pa.
♦Barbour G. T., Maysville, Ky.
W. W., Mapleton, Kan.
♦Baker M .M ., New London, Conn Ball
R.M., N. Branch, Mich.
♦Baker M . M ., Terre Haute, Ind BaUantine T. W., West Branch, Barbour W.
G., Brunswick, Neb.
Baker N. B., Maplewood, Mo.
L. D., Elizabeth, Minn
Baker N. F., Lucas, Ia.
Burchard, Neb.
Ballard C. E,, Grygla, Mmn.
Baker N. R„ Washington, Pa.
B. B., Piedmont, O.
Ballard C. P., Washington Court Barclay
Baker O. E., Brookville, O.
Antonio. Tex.
House, O.
Baker P. J., Atlanta, Ga.
Ballard D. C., Richmond, Va.
♦Baker R. A., Minden, La.
N. Y.
♦Baker Ray, Princeton, Ky.
Bard H. O., Harrold, S. D.
♦Baker Raymond, Dagsboro, Del ♦Ballard Geo., Ashland, Ky.
S. J., Collins, Mo.
♦Ballard H. D., Inverness ,Mont. ♦Bard
♦Baker R. C., Albion, Mich.
♦Barden C. L., Ripley. N. Y.
Baker R. J., Peach Orchard, Ark ♦Ballard J. S., Sevierville, Tenn.
Barden H. E., Galveston, Tex.
Ballard Jas. W.. Fairfax, Va.
Baker R. J., Grass Valley, Ore.
Bardon J. H., Morral, O.
♦Baker R. Q., Coshocton, 0.
Bardwell H. J., Holyoke, Mass.
Ballard W. J., Gadwell, Cal.
Baker R. R., Fort Bidwell. Cal.
♦Bare E. F. Jr., Pierson, Ia.
♦Ballard W. R., Galax, Va.
♦Baker S., Ballinger, Tex.
Bare I. H., Lancaster, Pa.
♦Baile Jr., L. G.. Laurens. S. C.
Bareuther R. A.. Steamboat Sp gs,
♦Ballenger B. L., Tryon, N. C.
Baker S. H., Grants Pass, Ore.
Baker Silas E., Richwoods, Mo, ♦Ballentine A. W., Montclair,N.J. Barfield
Josiah, Lake Geneva. Wis.
♦Baker S. W., Argyle, Mich.
M., Lineville, Ala.
Ballentine W. K., Middlesex, N.C. Barfield
Baker T. A., Paducah, Ky.
♦Barfield W- D., Henning, Tenn.
Baker T. M., Providence, Ky. ♦Bailes E. C., Bellows Falls, Vt.
♦Barfoot A. W. Jr., Lameso, Tex.
Ballew C. T„ Hale, Mo.
♦Baker V. A., Emerson, N. D.



*Bargar G. M., Smithfleld, O.
Barnett V. N.t Pontotoc, Okla.
♦Bartholf C. L., Morrice, Mich.
Barge H. H., Bioskins, Neb.
Bathgate J. B„ Polo, Mo.
♦Barnett W. J., Shawnee. Okla.
C. M., Austin, Tex Batie
*Barge J. H., Weston, ©a.
A. R., Omemee, N. D.
Barnett W.S., Jr., Shawnee, Okla. ♦Bartholomew
♦Bartholomew C. D., Center Hall ♦Batsel
♦Barger L., Eddyville, 111.
M. P., Sacramento, Ky.
♦Barger S. L., Atwood, Tenn.
E. S.. Cairo, W. Va.
G. O., Cleveland, Tex.
Barger W. S., Eddyville, Til.
♦Barney Mrs. W.R., Yeager, Okla. Bartle
Bargeron M. W., Milltown, ©a. Barney
Murphysboro, III.
Chas., Cincinnati, O.
Barham C. L., Emeryville, Cal.
♦Battaglia G., San Francisco, Cal.
Barnhart A. C., Brushton. N. Y. Bartlett
Bartlett E. A., Memphis, Mich.
Bark T. B.f Sutherland, la.
♦Barker B. C., New Virginia, la. Barnhart J. K., Bellefonte, Pa.
P. H., Jarratt, Va.
Bartlett E. S., Atlantic City. N. J, ♦Batte
Barker C. A., Jr.. Plaquemine, La. Barnhart
Battersbee F. J., Croswell, Mich.
J. M., Belle, Mo.
♦Barker Charles, Millburn, N. J.
♦Batts G. W., Doerun, Ga.
Barnhill B. E., Hall, Mont.
♦Bartlett H. G., Osage, Ia.
Barker C. L., Venus, Tex.
E. G., Providence, R. I.
♦Barnhill F. C.. Marshall. Mo.
♦Bartlett H. T„ Montgomery,Ala. Batty
♦Barker D. K., Marion, Ala.
E., Sun Prairie, Wis.
Barker G. W., Butte Palls, Ore.
Prairie, Wis.
J. E.,>,New Martinsville, Batzer H.J.,O.,Sun
Barker H. G., Ridge Farm, 111.
Hazelton. N. D.
Barningham A. L., Vermontville. Bartlett
W. Va.
♦Barker J. D., Girard, Kan.
Bartlett R. W., Ventnor City, N.J. Batzer H. W., Morristown,N.S.D.D.
Barker J. H., Gary, W. Va.
Barnitz J. W., New Oxford, Pa.
♦Bartlette F. R.. Newport News, Baueom C. W., Wingate, N. C.
Barker J. L., Honor, Mich.
♦Barnes E. C., Evergreen, Ala.
Barker Lee J.. Black Mountain,
O., Benicia, Cal.
Bams G. F., Fairmont, W. Va.
N. O.
Bartley N. M. Bloomington, Tex. Baudel
Bauder John F., Philadelphia, Pa.
Barker L. V., Stanwood, Mich.
Ray E.. Taylorville, 111.
Bartley, P. B„ Helena, Mont.
♦Barker T. H., Leaksville, N. C.
Baudin A. N., Houghton, Mich.
Bamum A. A., Albion, Ind.
Bartley W. I.. Pecan Gap, Tex.
♦Barker W. P., Pittsburgh, Pa.
E., Sawyer, Wis.
Barker W. T., Waverly, Ky.
Bamum R. B., Afton, Ia.
♦Barkham J. R., Detroit, Mich.
Underwood, N. D.
Bamum R. E„ Driftwood, Okl.
♦Bartman T. L., Concordia, Mo.
♦Barkhurst G., Bardstown, Ky.
O. F., Underwood, N. D.
Barnwell W. C., Gilmer, Tex.
Barto,, L. R., Thompson Falls, ♦Bauer
Barkl O. E., Warner, S. D.
Arlington, Minn.
♦Barkl F. E., Mina, S. D.
Bauer F. E., Barnum, Minn.
♦Baron S. B.. Pella. Ia.
Barton A. A.. Bowlus. Minn.
Barklage E., St. Louis, Mo.
Elcho, Wis.
Barton C. H., Ogden, Utah.
♦Barkley F. L., Denver, Colo.
Bauer H. A., Zell, S. D.
Barr C. A.. Des Moines, la.
Barton C. H., Roscoe, la.
Barkman A., East Tawas, Mich.
Earth, N. D.
Barkman W.E., Arkadelphia. Ark. *Barr Charles R., Pittsburgh. Pa, Barton Chesley, Milford, Utah.
Bauer J. G., Blissfleid, Mich.
Barton C. L., Crawford, Okla.
♦Barks E. G., Mineral Wells,. Tex. ♦Barr F. A., Crown Point, Ind.
Bauer T. H., Stewardson, 111.
Barksdale T. J., Washington, Ga. ♦Barr G. H., Lexington. Ky.
Bauersmith S. M., Pittsourgh, Pa.
Barton D. A., Denver, Colo.
Barksdale W. H., Flemingsburg. Barr
Baugh F. C., Howell, Ind.
J. A., Greenfield, Ia.
Barton G. A., Bluford. 111.
Baugh W. P., Rogers, Tex.
Barkuloo O. V., Oakfleld, Ga.
Baugher Eugene, Fancy Prairie,111.
♦Barton H. 0., San Leandro, Cal. ♦Baugher
Barley G. E., Washington, Kan.
Roy, Fancy Prairie,111.
Barr Joseph, Newell, S. D.
Barley J. H., Hollenberg, Kan.
♦Barton H. J., Itasca, Tex.
Barlow Arthur, Nettleton, Mo.
H. O., Stanford, Ky.
♦Barton H. M., Oakwood, Tex.
♦Barlow C., Nettleton, Mo.
Baughman L. E.. Coshocton, O.
Barr W. B., Clarksdale. Miss.
Barton John, Sioux Falls, S. D. ♦Baukol
Barlow C. C., New Haven, Conn.
M u Noonan, N. D.
John A., Two Harbors, Baukol A. M.,
♦Barlow C. L.. Monroe, Wis.
Wildrose, N. D
♦Barradell T F.. Prophetstown, Barton
Barlow F. H„ Cleburne, Tex.
♦Baukol F. M., Opheim, Mont.
Barlow G. H., Corry, Pa.
♦Barton J. C., Kilgore, Tex.
♦Barlow, J. E., Ellisville, 111.
Baum S.. Avilla, Ind.
♦Barrett A. O., Sikeston, Mo.
♦Barton J. M., Fairmont, Neb.
♦Barlow J. O., Booneville, Ark.
Barton J. W„ Oakwood, Tex.
Barlow John, Dumont. Ia.
♦Baum W. R., Washington, D. C.
Barton Kirby, Parsons, Kan.
Barlow J. W., Monticello, Wis.
N. C.
Barton N. P„ Mercedes. Tex.
Barlow L. M., Des Moines, Ia.
Bauman C. S„ New Orleans, La.
♦Barrett E. J., Lawrence, Neb.
Barton R. H., Beaver, Utah.
Barlow EL O., Hominy, Okla.
♦Baumann E. W.. Oastana. Ia.
Barlow Robt. A., Sidney, Neb.
Bauman John, Eau Claire, Wis.
♦Barrett E. N., Big Sandy, Mont. Bartos J. A., Wilber, Neb.
♦Barlow S. G., Dumont, Ia.
♦Baumberger M.E..EauClaire,WIs.
♦Barrett E. R., Sedalia, Mo.
Bartow G. E., Hicksville, N. Y .
♦Barlow W. 0., Bethany, Mo.
I. E., Galva, Ia.
♦Bartow H. S., N. Y. City, Y. N ♦Baumgardner W.
Barnard J. N., Daleville, Ind.
K., New Beth­
♦Barrett G. B., Laura, 111.
♦Bartow R. V.. Browning. Mo.
Barnard H. C., Dallas, Tex.
lehem, Pa.
Barnard T. R., Island, Ky.
Farley, Mo.
E. M., Garrison, Ia.
Barnard W. H., Utica, 111.
*Baumgartner F. R., St. Louis,Mo.
♦Barrett J. B., Missouri Valley, Ia. ♦Barz
Barze B. F„ Ontonagon, Mich.
Barner B. B., Amity, Ore.
♦Bam' Joe., Manistee, Mich.
♦Barner W. R., Barboursville, Ky, Barrett J. F., Dunlap, Ia.
Bauserman B. L., Grottoes. Va.
Basham A. A., Cleveland, Va.
♦Baxley F. O., Clanton, Ala.
J. M., Okemah. Okla.
Basham C. E., Vernon. Tex.
♦Barnes A. F., N. Y. City, N. Y Barrett
Baxley P. 3., Tallapoosa, Ga.
Barnes 0; A., Ainsworth, Neb.
Baxter E. C.. Twodot. Mont.
Barrett J. W., Moss Point, Miss Bashor C. C., Kelso, Wash.
Barnes Cyrus W., Elizabeth, Ind Barrett
Baxter Edwin, A c t i n g , Cleveland,
♦Barnes C. E., Union, Ia.
Basinger P. L„ Adamsville, Tenn. Baxter E. F., Eddy, Tex.
♦Barnes E. D., Pontotoc, Okla.
Barrett R. R., Wheeling, W. Va. ♦Basinger
V. C.. Columbiana, O.
Barnes E. F„ Bethesda, O.
Baxter G. P., Melrose, N. M.
Barrett W. E., Des Moines, Ia.
Basore B. B., Galva, Kan.
Barnes E. T„ Wilson, N. C.
Baxter R., Lake Nebagamon,WIs.
Barnes Elmer, Cheneyville, 111.
Baxter L. W., Tulsa, Okla.
Barnes F. L., Syracuse. N. Y.
M. P., Lake Nebagamon,
♦Bass E. E„ Willimantic. Conn.
Barnes G. H., Baltimore, Md.
Barringer J. B., Hillsboro, 111.
Herbert L., LynnviUe, Ind. Baxter Seth H., Pitcairn, Pa.
♦Barnes G. H., Philipsburg, Pa.
♦Barringer W. E„ Streeter, N. D Bass
Otho, Berclair, Tex.
Barrington G., Poneto, Ind.
Bass James R., Caddo Mills, Tex. Baxter
Barnes H., Battle Creek, Neb.
Baxter W. D., Bonners Ferry, Ida.
Barron B. A., Ozan, Ark.
Bass L. A., Yoncalla, Ore.
Barnes H. B., Essex, Conn.
F„ Odebolt, Ia.
S., Keller, Tex.
Barnes H. L., St. Thomas, N. D.
Bayard J. L., Jr., Vincennes.Ind.
♦Barron E. G., Cottage Grove,Wis. ♦Bass
Bass S. H., Munford, Tenn.
Barnes J. E., Fillmore, Mo. Ie
Bayard P. W., Lawrenceville, I1L
♦Barnes J. F., Royston, Ga.
Bayer John A., La Crosse, Wis
Barron G. A., Lexington, Ga.
♦Bassett B„ Brenham, Tex.
Bayer T. T„ Clayton, Mo.
Barnes J. H„ Beaver Dam, Ky.
Barron J. E., Eau Claire, Wis.
♦Bassett B. H., Roswell, N. M.
Bayers A. C., Lavlna, Mont.
Barnes J. H., Cropsey, 111.
Bassett Edwin, Madison, Mo.
Barnes J. L., Colfax, 111.
Bayersdorffer W. J., Shreveport,
♦Barron Julia, Jerseyville, 111.
Bassett H. L., Oberlin, O.
Barnes K. M., Lumberton, N. C.
Bayless H. L., Forest City, Pa.
Barnes L. A., Duluth, Minn.
A. L., Alice, N. D.
Barnes Lyman, Malta, Mont.
•Barron S. B„ Chaffee, N. D.
Bassett W. B., Hartford, Conn.
Bayley E. J., John Day, Ore.
♦Barnes R. C., Strawberry Point, Barron
S. J., Byron, Ga.
Maryville, Tenn.
W. C., Bowling Green.Mo, Bassette M. W., Interlaken, N. Y ♦Beach R. W.,
Jr., Lynn Haven,
♦Barnes R. C., Salt Lake City, Barron
Barron W. F„ Hop Bottom, Pa.
♦Bast E. P.f Laurium, Mich.
Bastar J. F., Colon, Neb.
Beacham Chas., Famhamville, la.
♦Barnes R. L., Norman, Neb.
Beacham O. W., Cleveland, Ga.
Barnes R. M., Memphis, Mo.
♦Barrow T. A., Pelham. Ga.
G. A., Grassrange, Mont. Beacham
R. H., Empire, Ga
♦Barnes R. T., Chaffee, Mo.
♦Barrows G. C., North Easton Bastien
♦Baswell W. P., Panama, Okla.
Barnes R. W., Eutaw, Ala.
♦Beachman O. W., Blairsville, Ga.
Esbon, Kan.
Barnes R. W., Kamas, Utah.
Batcheldei .C. S., Peabody. Mass. Beacom D., Plckford,
Barnes S. A., Eagle Grove, Ia.
Barry C. W., Harriette, Mich.
Batchelder W. W„ Albany, N.Y. ♦Beacon
Pickford, Mich.
Barnes S. L., Wapanucka, Okla.
Batcheler O. B., Bryantburg, Ia.
Barnes T. D., Carrizo Springs, Barry E. C., Chicago, 111.
C. E„ Fingal, N. D.
Beaghler J. L., Savannah, Mo.
Barry E. E., Clifton Heights, Pa. Batcheller
Batchelor J. P., Ringgold, La.
♦Barnes T. G., Natchitoches, La. Barry
♦Batchelor J. B., Walnutgrove.Ga. ♦Beaird R. F.. Claremont,Point,
Barnes U. G., Ellington, Mo.
♦Barry J. B., Beeville, Tex.
Batdorff E. M„ Rudyard, Mich.
Beaird T. E„ Crichton, La,
Barnes Walter, Osawatomie, Kan. Barry
♦Barnes W. J. Jr., Eutaw, Ala.
Barry J. C., LaFayette, La.
♦Bate J. T., Louisville, Ky.
♦Beaird T. E„ Mansfield. La.
Barnes W. K., Alexandria, Minn.
Louise, Bountiful, Utah.
♦Bateman C. S., Charleroi, Pa.
Beal D. E., Port William. O.
♦Barnes W. M. Jr., Estill, S. C. ♦BarryRobert
D., Aliquippa, Pa. Bateman
Beal E. G., Bucyrus. O.
♦Barnes W. P., Washington Court Barry
Barry R. M., Erwin, Tenn.
Bateman H. B., Clarendon, Ark.
♦Beal E. L., Alexis, 111.
House, O.
Beal G. L., Verona, 111.
Barnes W. S., Indian Gap, Tex.
Barry W. T., Kelliher, Minn.
Bates Chas. T., Roodhouse, 111.
♦Beal I. O., Sodus, N. Y..
♦Barnes W. S., Tahlequah, Okla.
Barsby C. M., Savonbury, Kan.
♦Bates Edward, Morley, Ia.
P.. Hudson, Mich.
Barnes W. T.. Scooba. Miss.
Barstow R. W., Cromwell, Minn. ♦Bates
E. D., Bellingham, Wash. ♦Beal L.
M. N., Verona, 111.
♦Barstow S. W., Cromwell, Minn. Bates E.
D., Chetopa. Kan.
♦Beal R. A., Ann Arbor, Mich.
Bamess Oscar, Bagley, Minn.
Beal W. M., Sturges, Mo.
Barnett A. J.. Cuba. Mo.
Bartee W. A., Kellogg, Ida.
R. I.
Beale H, S., Waverly, Neb.
♦Barnett B. F„ Osceola, Mo.
Bartel E. H., Ravenswood, W. Va. Bates F. H., Albany, Ga.
E. B.. Galion. O.
Barnett E. D., Westervelt, 111.
♦Bartell Paul, Neillsville, Wis.
Bates G. E., Maywood, Neb.
Beall J. H., Lenoir, N. C.
Barnett G. M„ Centerville, Ia.
Bartels C. R., St. Marys, Mo.
Bates G. P., Augusta, Ga.
Beall Olln. Frostburg, Md.
Barnett G. M., Wever, Ia.
Bartels G. H., Benton. Ia.
T. N., Talbotton, Ga.
♦Barnett Geo. S., Martinez, Cal.
♦Bates George W., Lebanon, Tenn. ♦Beall
♦Beall W. O., Hamlin, Tex.
♦Barnett J., Palmer, Tex.
♦Bartels O. A., Alta Vista, Ia.
Bates H. D.. Waterville, Me.
D. S., Springfield, Ore.
Barnett Joseph E., Latrobe, Pa.
Bartelt F. W., Sullivan, Wis.
♦Bates J. F., Rising City, Neb.
F. L., Merna, Neb.
Barnett J. E., Thornton, Tex.
♦Bartelt W. F., Himtley, HI.
Joseph, Shannon City, Ia. Beals
♦Beals W. M., Jr., Shedds, Ore.
Barnett J. F., Palacios, Tex.
♦Barter J. H., San Francisco, Cal. Bates.
♦Beam C. L., Spencer, N. C.
♦Barnett J. M.. Smyrna, Tenn.
Barth P. V., Sugar City, Colo.
Arrington, Kan.
♦Beaman R. P., Norfolk, Va.
Barnett Marie A., Wasco, Ore.
♦Barthel P. W., Richardton, N. D. Bates R.,
Richard, Portland, Mich.
W. W., Troy, Pa.
♦Barnett M. L., Willits, Cal.
Bartholet F., No. Yakima, Wash. Bates
A. M., Los Angeles, Cal.
♦Barnett Ruth M., Neosho, Mo.
♦Bartholet J. J., No. Yakima, Bath A . E., Natchitoches, La.
♦Bean C. D„ Andalusia, Ala.
Barnett S. E., Idabel, Okla.
♦Bath M. M„ Oklahoma, Okl.
Bean C. W., Uniontown, Wash.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

♦Bean E. M„ Blanca, Oolo.
Bean L. L., Ft. Meade, Fla.
Bean R. L., Camden, Me.
Bean R. R., Caledonia, Mo.
Bean W. S., Woodlake, Cal.
Bean W. T., Nelsonvllle, O.
♦Bear Alexander, Minneapolis,
♦Bear G. T., Iberia, Mo.
♦Bear W. L., Boise, Ida.
Beard A. L., Morrice, Mieh.
♦Beard C. D., Harrisonburg.. Va.
Beard C. J., N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Beard F. K., Barre, Vt.
♦Beard G. E., Yale, Mich.
Beard J. B., Jr., Frederick, Okla.
Beard J. T„ Cornelius, N. C.
♦Beard M. L., Cornelius, N. C.
Beard Ollie L., Lehigh, Okla.
♦Beard P. R., Shelbyville, Ky.
Beard R. E.. Smiths Grove, Ky.
Beard R. S., Littlefield, Tex.
Beard S., Jr., Willis, Tex.
Beard T. IL, Bowling Green, Ky.
Beard W. H., Portland. Ore.
Beard W. N., Canton, N. Y.
♦Beard W. R., Frankfort. O.
♦Bearden 0 . P.. Okemah, Okl.
♦Beardln H. W., Santa Rosa, Cal.
Beardsley A. F., Buckingham, 111.
♦Beardsley C. H., Algona, la.
Beardsley E. E:. Point Marion, Pa.
Beardsley E. W., New Rockford,
N. D.
Beardsley G. B., Westclifle, Colo.
♦Beardsley I. M., Buckingham, 111.
Beardsley L. P., Bagley, Wis.
Beare I. C., Chester, 111.
Bearer M. D.. Patton, Pa.
♦Bearer P. T., Patton, Pa.
Bearmore W. S., Maquon, 111.
Beasley A. B., Randleman, N. O.
Beasley A. P., Stamps, Ark.
♦Beasley O. B., Cabot, Ark.
♦Beasley E. H., Petersburg, Va.
♦Beasley fi. S., Cochran, Ga.
♦Beasley F. J., Louisburg, N. C.
♦Beasley J. M., Mercury, Tex.
Beasley O. H., Cabot, Ark.
Beasley T. J., Mercury, Tex.
♦Beattie G. W., Copemish, Mich.
Beattie J. T., Elwood, 111.
Beattie Perry, Greenville, S. C.
♦Beattie P. J., New London, la.
Beatty C. C., Davenport, Fla.
Beatty D. L., Massillon. O.
Beatty J. T., Ft. Scott, Kan.
♦Beatty O. M., Walla Walla.Wash.
♦Beatty P. D., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Beatty W. H., Duquesne, Pa.
Beatty W. S., Edgartown, Mass.
Beaty B. F., Union City, Ind.
Beaty Oliver, Hahira, Ga.
♦Beaty R. T., Lancaster, S. C.
♦Beaty W. A., Jr.. Florence, S. C.
Beaty W. C., Manzanola, Colo.
Beauchamp C. T., Jackson, Ga.
♦Beauchamp H. J;, Olga, N. D.
Beauchamp O. H., Pecos, Tex.
Beaulieu L. N., Chinook, Mont.
Beaulieu P. D., Austin, Minn.
Beaumont B. N., Armour, S. D.
Beaumont C. H., Lincoln, Neb.
♦Beaupert J. E., Mason, Nev.
♦Beaver E. S., Hemlock, Mich.
♦Beaver Geo. A., Garland, Tex.
Beaver J. R., Godley. Tex.
Beaver R. B., Hemlock, Mich.
Beavers L. L.. Mount Ida, Ark.
♦Beavers T. Homestead, Fla.
Beavers T; C., Okeechobee, Fla.
Beavers W. B:, Beaver Creek,
Beazell F. R., Apple Creek, O.
Bebb F. C., Hinsdale, 111.
Bebermeyer J.A..Truxton. Mo.
Bebout C. C., Greenwich, O.
♦Bechdolt O. D.. Portland, Ind.
♦Bechtel C. E., Livingston, Mont.
Bechtel G. H., Liberty, Kan.
♦Bechtel H. S., Wakarusa, Ind.
Bechtel W. L., Massillon, O.
♦Bechter L. A., Pierce, Neb.
♦Bechtold C. F,, Indianapolis, Ind.
♦Beck A. R., Union, la.
♦Beek C. A.. Miami. Okl.
♦Beck C. D„ Renville, Minn.
Beck Chas. H., Guthrie Center,
♦ Beck F, L., Guthrie, Okla. "
Beck H. B., Làtonia Station, Ky.
♦Beck H. K., Lancaster, O.
Beck Jas. K., Bloomington, Ind.
Beck J. C., Frost, Tex. ,
Beck J. M., Footville, Wis.
♦Beck L. Allen, Sterling, Colo.
♦Beck Lela. Elkhart, Kan.
♦Beck M.. Jefferson, Wis.
♦Beck M. M„ Bourbon, Ind.
♦Beck M. S„ Maxwell,Ta.
Beok M. T., Cache Junction,Utah.
Beck Paul J., Glen Rock, Pa.
♦Beck Retta, Havana, Kan.
♦Beck T , Ramsey, 111.
♦Becken O. P., Halma, Mum.
Becker A.. Johannesburg, Mich.
♦Becker Aug., Scotland, S. D.
Becker C. F.. Elgin. la.
♦Becker D. A., Columbus, Neb.
♦Becker D. G., Steeltön, Pa.
♦Becker F. Jr., Forest Park, 111.
♦Becker F. F„ Monticello, la.
Becker F. W„ Lincoln, 111.
♦Becker G. I., Hettinger. N. D.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Behrmann A. J., Lemmon, S. D. ♦Bemrick W. J.. Superior, Wis.
Becker J. A., Joplin, Mo.
♦Bena John, Lankin, N. D.
♦Behymer C. S., Rockford, O.
Becker J. F., Elkader, la.
♦Bénard F. E., Hammond, 111.
♦Bein Louis G., Davenport, Ia.
Becker J. R„ CobleskUl, N. Y.
♦Benbennick G. A., Bremerton,
Beinhauser L. L„ Dows, Ia.
Becker L. C., Belen, N. M.
Beiseker C. J., Plentywood, Mont.
♦Becker L. E., Rochester, Michs
♦Benbow A. R., Ft. Madison, Ia.
Beito G. A., McIntosh, Minn.
Becker M. P., Cedarburg, Wis.
Benbrook A. M., Fargo, Okl.
♦Becker 0. T., Merricourt, N. D. Beitzel D. W„ Dillsburg, Pa.
♦Beitzel H. C., Phfladelphla, Pa. ♦Bencher L. O., Postville, Ia.
Becker W. J.. Hamilton, 0.
Bender À. H., Glenvllle, Minn.
♦Belcher E. H., Vernal, Utah,
♦Becker W., Riverdale, Cal.
Bender C. T„ Reno, Nev.
♦Beckerer L. H., Kankakee, 111.
Bender Edward, Herrick, 111.
Beckemeyer A.Jr.,Beckemeyer.Ill. Belcher E. R., Plymouth, Mass.
Bender E. M., Gettysburg, Pa.
Beckett A. P., Tarpon Springs.Fla. Belcher F. J. Jr., San Diego, Cal. Bender
G. H„ Jacksonville, N. C.
Belcher H. T., Claremont, Cal.
Beckett H. M., Olathe, Kan.
W. O., Ocean Park, Cal.
♦Beckjorden Otto, Forest-City, la. ♦Belcher Merton, Eureka, Cal.
Benedict E. E„ Iowa Falls, Ia.
♦Belcher Tolby, Grundy, Va.
Beckler J. D., Sycamore, 111.
Benedict E. H., Milbank, S. D.
Beckley W. S., N. Y. City, N. Y. ♦Belden R. A.. Santa Rosa. Cal.
Benedict E. L.. Pleasanton, Cal.
♦Becklund H. A-., Litchfield, Minn. ♦Belding C. E., Osakis, Minn.
Benedict G. E., Brockport, N. Y.
Becklund L. R., Rockcreek, Minn. ♦Beldo J. J., Negaunee, Mich.
Benedict G. M., Chicago, 111.
♦Becklund R. B., Rockcreek, Minn Belewine C. O.. Simpson. Minn.
Belgrano F. N.. San Francisco.Cal. ♦Benedict G. H.. Newcastle. Neb.
♦Benedict H. W., Cincinnati, O.
♦Beckman C. E., Grand Island, Belgum T. A., Corona, S. D,
♦Benedict L. P., Perry. N. Y
♦Belknap E. L., Urbana, Mo.
♦Benedict R. L , Motley, Minn.
♦Beckman D. A., Rensselaer, Ind. ♦Belknap H. W., Blue Mound. III. Benedict
W. L„ Middletown, N.Y.
Beckman Henry, Morton, Minn.
Benefiel B. F.t Cleveland, Miss.
♦Beckman L. A., Plymouth, Neb. Belknapp C. H.. McIntosh, S. D.
♦Benefield N. H„ Riverdale, Ga
Bell A. C., Claremont, Minn.
Beckman M., Lewiston. Mich.
Emil, Cedar Rapids, Ia.
Beckman W. H., Alhambra, 111. ♦Bell Anna K., Seven Mile, Ohio. Benesh
Benfer E. W. P., McClure. Pa.
Beckmann, W. H. Beaufort, Mo. ♦Bell B. H., Marshall, Tex.
W. J., Harvey, N. D.
Beckman A. C., Germantown, Neb
♦Benford J.W., Mt. Pleasant,Mich.
Beckmanh R. J.. Ferdinand. Ind. ♦Bell C. D., Williamsport, Md.
Bell Charles E., Springfield, Tenn Benge R. W., Wadsworth, Tex.
Beckton J. H., Caro, Mich.
Bengel H. G., Springfield, 111.
♦Beckwith, Athena Delta, Utah ♦Bell C. G., Norwahr, O.
Bengston F. C., Woodward, Ia.
♦Bell C. H., Towner ,N. D.
Beckwith F. B., Davixfia, la.
F. O..Grove City, Minn.
Beckwith Frank, Delta, Utah.
♦Bengtson E. M„ Harvard. Neb.
Bell C. R., Machipongo, Va.
♦Beckwith Q. E., Cairo, 111.
♦Benham B. C.. Muscatine. Ia.
Beckwith Vere, Eau Claire, Mich. ♦Bell C. R., Cheriton, Va.
♦Benham F. N., Jr., Bridgeport,
♦Bell O. W., San Francisco, Cal.
Beckwith W. E., Erie, Pa.
♦Beckwith Wm. H., Cincinnati, O. Bell C. W., Stamford, Conn.
L. L., Rochester, N. Y.
Becwar E. R., Berthold. N. D.
Bell E. C.. Philadelphia, Pa.
Benjamin J. J., Cambridge, Kan.
•Beddow. L. J., Caledonia. Minn. ♦Bell E. E., Paducah, Ky.
Benjamin J.M., WhltePigeon.Mich.
Beddow T. A.,' Caledonia, Minn. ♦Bell E. H., Benton, Ark.
♦Benjamin L. B., Denison, Tex.
♦Bell E. M., Emporia, Kan.
Beddow W. E., Waukon, la.
Benn W. B„ Creighton, Mo.
Bedell A. W., Grandin, Mo.
♦Bennallack R. T., Houghton,
♦Bell F. M., Lindsay, Okl.
•Bedell H. C., Hale, Mo.
Bell F. R.. Pence, Ind.
Bedford J. H., Franklin, Tex.
Benner A. H., McAlisterville. Pa.
♦Bell G. O.. Pell City, Ala.
Bedell L. E., Romeo, Mich.
Benner B. B.. Mays, Ind.
Bedell S., New York City, N. Y.
♦Benner J. A., Boston, Mass.
Bedford A. S., Lake Norden, S. D. ♦Bell G. F., Casper. Wyo.
Benner J. S., San Diego, Cal.
♦Bedford C- D., Rushmore, Minn. Bell G. H„ Nashville, Ark.
Bennett A. A., New Haven, Mich.
Bell George J., Cologne, MinD.
Bedford C, W., Hudson, la.
Bell G, H., Glenwood Springs.Colo. Bennett A. A., Renville, Minn.
Bedford E. W., Fayette, Mo.
♦Bennett À. B., GatesvUle, Tex.
♦Bell Henry, Greenwood, Ark.
Bedford L. D., Corona, Cal.
Bennett A. L„ Hallock, Minn.
Bedingfield I.H., Rogersville.Ala. ♦Bell Henry, Mansfield, Tex.
♦Bennett A. W., Peoria, 111.
Bell Henry A., Freeland. Pa.
Bedle I. W., Spokane, Wash.
Bennett B. A., Greer, S. C.
♦Bell H. M., Whitehouse, Tex.
♦Bednar John, Luther; Okla.
Bennett C. A., Meadow, S. D.
♦Bell I. O., Mt. Hamill, Ia.
Bedon R. D., Greenville. Miss.
Bennett C. F., Baltimore, Md.
Bell J. C.. Wilkes Barre, Pa.
♦Bee 0. W., Winslow, Ind.
E. A., New York City.
Beebe C. S., Wakefield, Neb.
N. Y.
Beil J. E., Rochester, 111.
Beebe Earl, El Reno, Okl.
Bennett E. D., Mound City, Kan.
Bell James E., Seven Mile, O.
Beebe F. R., Havelock, Neb.
Bennett E. K., Plymouth, Mich.
Bell Jesse D., Bellwood, Neb.
Beebe John, Irwin, la.
Bennett E. P., Beaumont, Tex.
Beebe O. C.; Salt Lake City, Utah.
F. P„ La Moure, N. D.
♦Beebe P. S., Springfield, Mass.
Bennett G. M., Artesian, S. D.
Bell J. G., Nanticoke, Pa.
Beeby J. J., Alton, 111.
♦Bell John M., Jacksonville, Fla. Bennett G. B., Owatonna, Minn.
Beech C. F., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Bennett H. C« Pottsboro, Tex.
Bell J. M., Morton, Wash.
♦Beech O. L., Clarinda, la.
♦Bennett H. D., Lansing, Mich.
♦Beech Curtis, Sioux Falls, S. D. ♦Bell J. S., Bellwood, Neb.
♦Bennett H. S.. Bridgeport, Wash.
Bell Joseph M., Columbia. S. C.
♦Bennett J. H., Brownsville,Tenn.
♦Bell J. W., Shellman, Ga.
Beecher C. W., Yorkville, 111.
Bennett J. L., Orooksville, O.
Bell L. B., Lead Hill, Atk.
♦Beede L. W., Tomales, Cal.
Bennett John P . Yazoo City, Miss.
♦Beekley W. S., Sharonville, O.
Bell M. A., Plato, Minn.
Beekman W. F., Jasper, Ind.
♦Bennett J. R. A., Astoria, Ore.
Beekman W. G., Middleburg, N.Y ♦Bell Norman Jr., Norfolk, Va.
Bennett K. D.. Park River. N. D.
Bell N. H.. Pottsville. Ark.'
♦Beeler J. M., Hamilton, O.
♦Bennett L. E.. Clark, S. D.
♦Beeler J. W., Kirhyville, Tex.
♦Bennett Louis V., Bakersfield,
Beeiman J. I., Plymouth, O.
Bell P. H.. Silver Creek, Neb.
Beem M. C., Ft. Jones, Cal.
Benpett M. E., Brookston, Ind.
♦Bell P. T., Kenna, N. Mex.
Beeman A. A., Elida, N. M.
Bennett N. H.. Dos Palos, Cal.
Bell R. B., Lynn Haven, Fla.
Beeman A. M., Randolph, Tex.
N. V., Oelrichs. S. D.
Beeman H. A.. Canandaigua.N.Y ♦Bell Russell B., Mt. Union, Pa. ♦Bennett
Bennett R. B„ Bladen, Neb.
Bell R. H.. Wiota. Ia.
♦Beeman J. H.. Forest, Miss.
Benhett R. C., Alba, Mich.
Beemer Floyd D., Scranton, Pa. ♦Bell R. L.. Gordon, Ga.
♦Bennett R. E., Erick, Okla.
♦Been Walter J.. Kennebec, S. D. ♦Bell R. L., Knightstown, Ind.
Bennett R. E„ St. Vincent, Minn.
♦Beer Bertha A., London Mills. 111. ♦BellR.T.Jr.,Murfreesboro.Tenn.
Bennett R. L., Purvis, Miss.
Bell R. W., Towner, Wash.
R. S., Kansas City, Mo.
Beeres L., Kingston, N. Y.
Bennett T. C.. Wilsoncreek, Wash.
Bell Sue L., Holland, Kan.
Beers B. C., Heber, Cal.
Bennett T. R., Camilla, Ga.
Bell S. 8., Crowell, Tex.
Beers C. A., Aledo, 111.
Bennett W. H., N. Y. City. N. Y.
♦Bell T. E., Iowa Falls, Ia.
Beers C. O., Wimbledon, N.- D.
Bennett W. M., Lisbon, Ia.
♦Beers C. E.. Ticonderoga, N. Y Bell T. H., Trenton, O.
S. C., Oakland, Cal.
♦Beers R, A., Bridgeport, Conn.
R., Walcott, Ia.
♦Beers Walter W., Baltimore, Md. Bell Thomas R., W. Alexander.Pa. ♦Bennewltz
♦Benney J. H„ Breckenridge, Mo.
Bell W. A., Brownfield, Tex.
Beery Edwin, Garwln, la.
Cascade, Mo.
Beery T. P., Harrisonburg, Va.
♦Bennion David, Vemai, Utah.
Bell W. Bates, Orbisonia, Pa.
♦Beery Z. A., Hardin, Mo.
Bennyhoff C. N.. St. Elmo. 111.
Bell W. F.. Beaver Falls, Pa.
Beese H. E„ Drummond, Okl.
♦Bell W. H., Villisca, Ia.
Beesemyer G.H.,Hollywood,Cal,
♦Bensen C. O.. St. Cloud, Minn.
Bell W. L., Lost Nation, Ia.
♦Beeshy I. B., Bluffton, O.
Benson A. V.. Loveland, Colo.
Beesley G. R., Natoma, Kan.
Benson B. A., Charlson, N. D.
Bell W. P., Newport, Ind.
Beesley J. L., Francesville, Ind.
Benson D. B., Sunset, Tex.
Bell W. T., Mt. Union, Pa.
Beesley J. M., Millerton, Okla,
♦Benson F. O., Iola. Kan.
Bell W. V., Horse Cave. Ky
Beeson G. J., Farmington, la.
Benson G. O.. Halstad, Minn.
Beeson H. A., Columbia City, Ind. ♦Bell W. W.. Pittsburgh. Pa.
Benson G. P., Topeka, Kan.
♦Bell Z. D., Grafton, 111.
Beeson J. C., Cle Elum, Wash.
♦Benson G.V., Crested Butte.Colo.
Begemann Aug. Jr., Hermann.Mo. Bellah Walter, Dundee, Tex.
♦Benson H. B., Sioux Falls, S. D.
♦Be Gole W. A., Ann Arbor, Mich. Bellamy B. J., Lockhart, Tex.
♦Benson H. H., Florence, Minn.
♦Bellenger F. M., Ilion, N. Y.
Beggs Chas., Kansas City, Mo.
♦Benson H. J., Buffalo, N. Y.
Bellenger H. B., Altus. Okla.
Begley G,, Springfield, Neb.
♦Benson J. B., Windom, Minn.
Bellenger H. P.. Gadsden. Ala.
Behan J. G.,.Bisbee, N. D.
♦Benson J. H.. Pierson, Ia.
♦Bellenger J. H., Altus, Okla.
Behimer B. F., Kenton, Okl.
♦Benson J. P., Herrin, 111.
Belli C. A., Sonora, Cal.
♦Benson J; R., Wellington, Tex.
Bellinger J. W., Waycross, Ga.
Behles J. J., Garrison, N. D.
Benson LeGrand.Susquehanna.Pa,
Bellman W. S., Boulder, Colo.
Behm C. H., Evans City, Pa.
♦Benson M. F.. Jarrell, Tex.
Bellows, D. G., Zion City, 111.
♦Behm G. F., Roswell, N. Mex.
Benson M. P., Laclede, Mo.
Belman W. C., Hammond, Ind.
♦Behm W. H. J., Dayton, Ohio.
Benson O. M., La Salle, 111.
♦Belnap J. R., Meadville, Pa.
♦Behn F. W., Battle Creek, la.
Benson P. A., Mohall, N. D.
♦Belshe O. H., Richland, Mo.
Behne W. T., Auburn, Wash.
♦Benson Paul, Heron Lake, Minn.
Behnke H. W.. Mt. Clemens,Mich. Belsley B. W., Roanoke, 111.
Benson Pear, Superior, Wis.
Behnke J. A., Dubuque. Ia.
Benson S. F., Pierson. Ia.
♦Behrbaum Wm., New Salem, Belzer G. H-. Steedman, Mo.
Benson T. B., Bartlett, Tex.
N. D.
Bent E. J., Ouray, Colo. :
♦Bemis F. E., Fall River, Mass.
♦Behrens A. P., Petaluma, Cal.
♦Benthal H. B„ Canton, Miss.
Behrens L. P., Redwood City,Cal.. Bemish Cliff, Butlerville, Ind.
Bemish Everett, North Vernon, ♦Bentley D. C., Arcade, N. Y.
Behrens T. G., Chicago, 111.
♦Bentley J. H., Ada, Ohio.
♦Behringer D. J., Ritzville, Wash.

Bentley J . M., Forest Green, Mo.
Bentley R. E ., Cochrane, Ala. '
♦Bentley R. J., Bigstone City.S.D.
Benton C . C., Bristow, Okla.
Benton E. C., Cedartown, Ga.
♦Benton E . O., Fordyce, Ark.
♦Benton E . J., F lat River, Mo.
Benton F. E ., Oberlin, Kan.
♦Benton H. E., Lonoke, Ark.
Benton H. H ., Norcatur, Kan.
♦Benton H. T . Jr., Seale, Ala.
♦Benton J. E .. E l Paso, Tex.
♦Benton John E.,W ashington,D.C.
Benton L. D„ Cassoday, Kan.
Bentson Ellen V., H axtum , Colo.
♦Bentz F., Beme, Ind.
B entz J. J.. Mound City, S. D.
Bentz L. L., Dillsburg, Pa.
Bentzen H., W arrens, WIs.
Benz W. E., Bakersfield, Cal.
♦Beoty O. H., Altoona, Kan.
♦Berbower M . R., Brawley, Oal.
Berdahl C. O., Garretson, S. D.
Berdabl John, Bison, S. D.
♦Berdo B. B., W ashington, la.
Berens J. V.. W ild Rose, Wis.
Berentz J. W .. New Matamoras.O.
Berg A. M . Eureka. 8. D
Berg B. C., Hazel Green, Wis.
♦Berg Christ, W aterville. Wash.
♦Berg Edwin, Brandon, M inn.
Berg E. E., Decorah. Ia.
Berg E v an , Deer P ark, Wash.
♦Berg H. L., G ranton, Wis.
♦Berg I. A., Grand Forks, N. D.
B e rg J. A., Galesville, Wis.
♦Berg J. A., B attle M ountain, Nev.
♦Berg J. E ., Longmont, Colo.
Berg J. F., Lancaster, Minn.
Berg John, Belmond, Ia.
Berg M . J., Galena, 111.
Berg N. H., Barney, N. D.
Berg O. N.. Parshall, N. D.
Berg P. A., Lowell, Ind.
Berg P. C., Hillsboro, O.
♦Berge O. H., Stephen, M inn.
Berge L. A., W alton, Neb.
Bergen F. G., Summerfield, Kan.
♦Bergen W . V., Hillsboro, Ore.
♦Berger C. L., Franklin, 0 .
Berger F. H., Owensvllle, Mo.
Berger F. P „ Carroll, Ia.
Berger H. C., R em brandt, Ia.
Berger H. C., W ausau, Wis.
♦Berger Lowe, M ount Union, Ia.
Berger W. B., Denver, Colo.
♦Berger W. H „ Lincoln, 111.
Bergerson B. C., Starbuck, M inn.
♦Berggren C. F., Swea City, Ia.
Bergh M.- i C ., Richland Center,
Bergh Peter, Dawson, Minn.
Berglin J . O.. Chester, Mont.
Bergling A. L., A lbert City, Ia.
Berglund A. R „ Zimmerman.
♦Berglund O. E., M erriam Park,
M inn.
♦Berglund W. E ., Pennock, M inn.
Bergm an E. J ., Bark River, Mich.
Bergman H . O. Jr., Dennis, Kan.
♦Bergman H. L „ Florence, Ore.
♦Bergman H. L., N orth Bend. Ore.
Bergman J . W.. Florence, Ore.
♦Bergman W. W „ M ohall, N. D.
♦Bergquist A. C.,Harlowton,M ont.
♦Bergs J . P.. St. Louis, Mo.
Bergsm an E., T intah, Minn.
Bergstrom A. M„ A tlanta, Ga.
Bergstrom Leonard, Murdock,
M inn.
♦Bergstrom O. E., Pekin, N . D.
♦Bergstrom W. B „ Eagle Bend,
M um.
Bergthold J. S., Fairview, Okl.
♦Bergthold R., Reedley, Cal.
♦Bergum B. P ., Rio, Wis.
BergundthalW .C.,M artInsFerry,0.
♦Beringer T . H . Jr., Asbury Park,
N. J.
Berkaw B. H., Flem ington, N. J .
Berkeblle H. F„ Rockwood, Pa.
♦Berkley H. F., W arrensburg, Mo.
♦Berlin G. R., Knox, Pa.
Bernard F. H., St. Louis, Mich.
BernardF. P., M aysville, Wis.
Bernard H ., Pettibone, N. D.
♦Bernard L. T ., P o rt Allen, La.
Bernard W. L., P o rt Allen, La.
♦Bernards Henry, Waunakee, Wis.
Berner G. E., ML Carmel, Pa.
♦Bernhardi G. W., Council Bluffs.
♦Berning F. H., Renville, M inn.
Berns H. E ., Jasonville. Ind.
♦Berreth A. O., Herreid, S. D.
Berrey E. C., L uray, Va,
♦Berridge W ., Wausa, Neb.
♦Berrie John N., Spencerville, O.
♦Berry A. H., Hindsville, Ark.
♦Berry A. L., Harrisburg, 111.
♦Berry A. M ,, Fairbury, Neb.
Berry C. B„ Arlington, Tex.
♦Berry C. F., Waterloo, la.
Berry E. F., Rockland, Me.
♦Berry E. L., Lewisville, Tex.
Berry E. L., Sanger, Tex.
Berry E. R., Bentonville, Ark.
♦Berry F. L., Grand Ledge, Mich;
Berry F. L., W est Salem, O.
Berry G. M., Columbia, S. C.
♦Berry G. W., Morris, Okl.
♦Berry J. D., Sapulpa, Okla.
♦Berry J. E .. Mediapolis, la.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Berry J. L., Agency, Mo.
Berry J. M., OU City, Pa.
Berry J. N., Calhoun City, Miss.
Berry Lee, P riest River, Ida.
Berry L. G., Eldorado, Okla.
Berry L. D.. Cushing, Okl.
♦Berry M . D., Oconto, Neb.
Berry M. P., Carthage, ÍU.
♦Berry Phebe, Rosedale, Ind.
♦Berry R , c., Pomeroy, Ia.
Berry R. D., Sardis, Ky.
Berry S. G., Ashley, 111.
♦Berry Stanley G., Ashley. 111.
♦Berry T. R., Barnum , Ia.
Berry W. A., Asbury Park, N. J.
Berry W. C., Bakersville, N; C.
♦Berry W. E., Brighton, Ia.
Berry W. E ., U rbana, O.
♦Berry W. H., Billings, M ont.
Berry W. M., Irving, 111.
Berry W. W.. Rome. Ga.
♦BerryhiU S. N.,, W ater Valley,
♦Berryman W. F „ Blackfoot, Ida.
Berrym an W. J., Scales Mound,

♦Berson W. G„ Brownsville,Tenn.
♦Bert W. G., Beaver Falls, Pa.
♦Bertel N. E., New Orleans, La.
♦Bertelsen A. J., Cushing, Ia.
♦Bertelsen A. N., Holstein, la .
♦Bertelsen N. C., R uthton, Minn.
Berther M. F., Madison, S. D.
Bertholf N., W interset, la.
♦Bertolette W. J.. Shreve, O.
B ertram C. E ., Hardwick, Cal.
♦Bertram N .H ., Cambridge Spgs.,
♦Bertram O. W.. Hardwick, Cal.
♦Bertram Paul, Sweet W ater, Tex.
B ertram R. H., Rutledge, Mo.
♦Bertrand A., Emeryville, Cal.
♦B ertrand A.D., Sleepy Eye,Minn.
♦Bertschi J, W.. Nauvoo. 111.
Berucha L. T., Enola. Neb.
Berwick J. W., Eunice, La.
♦Besel W. A., Windsor, Colo.
♦Besheer R. P.. Haskell, Okl.
Besore G. F., New Holland, Pa.
♦Besse T. S., Pataskala, O.
Bessent C. H., Norman, Okla.
Bessire J. B„ Agar, S. D.
Bessor P. N., A tlantic City, N. J.
Best C. A., Oconto, Wis.
♦Best O. H ., Bogard. Mo.
♦Best E. E., Bald Knob, Ark.
Best H. M „ Bancroft, S. D.
♦Best J. E ., Morocco, Ind.
♦Best R. E., Decatur, 111.
♦Beste George. H artington, Neb.
♦Bestm ann H. F., New Richland,
Bestul R. J., Scandinavia, Wis.
Bethea C. E ., Wilmington, N. C.
♦Bethea E. C., Mt. Olive, N. C.
♦Bethea H. O., L atta, S. C.
♦Bethea Homer, McColl, 8. C.
♦Bethea H. S., CUo, S. O.
♦Bethea W. D., L atta, S. C.
Bethea W. T., Dillon. S. C.
♦Bethell Erwin, Des Arc, Ark.
♦Bethell L. B., Okemah, Okla.
Bethke H. A., S tuttgart, Kan.
B ettencourt M .J.,H alf M oon B ay,
♦Bettencourt M . T ., San F ran­
cisco, Oal.
♦Bettenhausen A W., Frankfort,

Betteridge F. C.. Bunceton, Mo.
♦Betts A. L., Sanford, Fla.
♦Betts G. E., Thompsonville.Mich.
♦Betts G. M .. Avis, Pa.
♦Betz John H., Shippensville, P a.
♦Betzer A. S., Regent, N. D.
Beumenan j A. J., W hittemore,
Beuning B. H „ Albany, M inn.
Bevan O. J., Genoa, 111.
♦Bevans W. P., Menard, Tex.
B everett A. J., Midland City, Ala.
Beverly D. F „ Rockford, Mich.
Bevers A. W., Prairie Grove. Ark.
♦Beverstock J. V., W eston, O.
Bevill J. R., Haynesvillé, La.
Bevington J. L., HIcksville, O.
Bevins V. E., Pikeville, Ky.
Beyer A. A., Guthrie, Okla.
Beyer F . W., Pekin, 111.
Beyer F. W., Riddle, Ore.
♦Beyer J., Arrington, Kan.
♦Beyer Señora, Crescent, Okla.
Beymer A. S., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Beysiegel G. 0 ., Rome, Ga.
♦Bezoier S. H., Minneapolis, Minn.
♦Biaid A. J., Hugo, Okl.
Bibb D. T., Carrabelle, Fla.
♦Bibb F. E ., N orth Pleasureville,
Bibb J . T., Sacram ento. Ky.
Bibb Robt. H., E dith, Tenn.
Bibbins C. A., M organ City, La.
Bible G. A., Rawlins, Wyo.
♦Bibolet R . H., Eagle Pass, Tex.
Bibow P . F.. Anamoose, N. D.
Bice R. V.. Devils Lake. N. D.
Bickal L. M., Dawson, la .
Bickel C. H ., Cook, Neb.
♦Bickel W. J., N ebraska City, Neb.
♦Bickel] A. C., Lindsay, Okl.
Bickell H., Lindsay, Okl.
♦Bickers J. A., Lockport, Ky.

Bickert W. J., W ashburn, N . D.
♦Bicket L. T., Dinsdale, Ia.
Bickford E. H., Greenfield. Ia.
Bickford E. L., Napa, Cal.
Bickford J . H., P o rt Lavaca, Tex.
♦Bicking W. W., Evansville, Ind.
♦Bickley C. W., Elgin, Tex.
Bickley Duncan, Meigs, Ga.
Bicknell J. S., Clare, Mich.
Bicknell R . D., Osborne, Kan.
♦Biddle Carl M ., Carmichaels, Pa.
Biddlecom J. L., Havelock, Neb.
♦Bidlack L. L „ Oakwood, O.
Bidne S. O., Oberon, N. D.
♦Bidwell C. E.,Albion, Ind.
Bieber E . P., Reinbeck, la .
♦Bieber F . A., St. Louis, Mich.
Biecbler C. E ., F rankfort, O.
Bledel W m „ W atertow n, O.
♦Biehl A. H., Sandusky, Ohio.
♦Biehl C. C., Brackenridge, Pa.
Bieker F . M ., Ferdinand, Ida.
♦Bieker J. H., Ferdinand, Ida.
♦Biel C. C., St. Louis, Mo.
Biel W. J., Granite City, 111.
Bielenberg A. C., Toronto, Ia.
Bielfeldt W. G., Thornton, 111.
Bienvenu A., St. Martlnville, La.
♦Beinvenu George, Opelousas, La.
♦Bienz H. F., New Bremen, O.
♦Bier C. F ., Klemme, Ia.
Bierbaum F . A., Alton, 111.
Bierbaum J . H., Marthasville.Mo
Bierkamp A. H., D urant. Ia.
♦Bierkamp W. E., Ladora, Ia.
Bierly W. F., Pleasant City, O.
♦Biermann E. H ., D akota, Neb.
♦Bierschwale M. J., Fredericks­
burg, Tex.
Bierschwale, W., Fredericksburg,
Biersdorf H. C., New Germany,
M inn.
Bierzynski A. J., Chicago, 111.
♦Biewener F. W. Jr., Oak Park,
♦Biewer A. J., Max, N. D.
Bigoee H. L., Bellville, O.
♦Bigbee Miss M. A., Clearwater,
Bigelow A. P., Ogden, U tah.
Bigelow O. A., Ivanhoe, Okla.
Bigelow C. G., Albion, Mich.
Bigelow E. H ., Northboro, Mass.
Bigelow F. L., Havensville.Kans.
Bigelow G. F.. Batavia, N. Y.
Bigelow H. C., Gardner, Kan.
Bigelow J . T.. Flandreau, S. D.
Bigelow M . 0 ., Denver, Colo.
Bigelow R. F., Colfax, Wash.
Biggane J. W., Ely, Nev.
♦Biggane W., Ely, Nev.
Bigge C. A„ Arcadia, Mich.
♦Biggers William, Oarmi, 111.
♦Biggerstaff C.E.,McLeansboro,IU.
Biggs J . C„ Hume, Mo.
♦Biggs J . F., Dyersburg, Tenn.
Biggs J .P. Arrow Rock, Mo.
Biggs T. A., Barnard,K an.
♦Biggs T . J.. E arl. Ark.
Biggs W. E .. Carthage, Tex.
Bigham A. W .,W atauga, S. D.
Bigham Chas., Haynes, N. D.
Bigham H. C., Ramona, Okla.
♦Bigler H. E., Sigel, 111.
Bigler S. S... Sigel, 111.
♦Bigley R. A., Poplar Bluff, Mo.
Bilbrough Geo., RCmus, Mich.
Bilby Alva, E., Falm outh, Ind.
♦Biles A. J., Jackson, Ga.
Biles F. E., Los Angeles, Cal.
Bilharz H. M., AudUbon, la .
♦B illhardt A., Upper Sandusky.
♦Billiar J. J., WUcox, Neb. *
♦Billinghurst J. A., Muskegon,
Billings C. H „ Marshall, Mich.
Billings D., M cFarland, Cal.
Billings G. N., Delphos, Kan.
♦Billings H. D., Delphos, Kan.
♦Billings H. H .. Pine Island, Minn.
♦Billings J. H., Springfield, Mo.
BiUings R. C., Gordon, Ga.
Billings W. G., Davison, Mich.
Billingsley W. H., Belleville, Kan.
Billman C. S., Dayton, O.
BiUman Ellsworth, Kaleva, Mich.
Billman Elmer, Cedar, Mich.
Billman Henry, N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Billmire M . S., Baltimore, M d.
♦Bills Grace, H untland, Tenn.
Bills H. A., Texola, Okla.
Billups W, M ., Pawnee Rock,Kan.
♦Bilodeau’A. G., Rice Lake. Wis.
♦Bilsborough A. J., L ittle Rock, Ia.
Bilsborough H . L., Center Point,.
Biltz Julius, Ludell, Kan.
♦Bindbeutel F. J., Ferguson, Mo.
Binford B. J., Pierre S. D.
Binford N. C., Greenfield, Ind.
♦Bing C. 8., M anchester, Ia.
Bing D. G„ Roslyn, Wash.
Bingay P . L., Black Diamond,
Bingham A. C., Marysville, Cal.
Bingham A. E „ Janesville. Wis.
♦Bingham A.L., New Brighton,Pa.
Bingham D. L., Carrollton, Miss.
Bingham D. L., Indianola, Miss.

♦Bingham J. L., N ew ton, Miss.
Bingham Q. R., Clearlake, Wash
Binkle Carl, Deckerville, Mich.
♦Binkle E. J., H arbor Beach, Mich.
Binkle H., H arbor Beach, Mich.
♦Binkley O. F.. Cotulla, Tex.
Binnle William, Fallon, M ont.
♦Binnicker C. 8., Fernandina, Fla.
Binnlcker R. J., Tam pa, Fla,
♦Binns A. M ., Bayboro, N. C.
Binns B. G.. Donora, Pa.
Binns C. W., New Holland, 111.
Binns David, Minneapolis, Kan.
Binns O. W., Adena, O.
♦Binsacca Jam es, Salinas, Cal.
Binsacca Jam es, Soledad, Cal. ,
Birch D , U., Scottsville, K an. !
♦Birch F. A., St. Paul, M inn.
♦Birch F. A., So. St. Paul, M inn.
♦Birch Gi A., Wyoming, M inn.
♦Birchflel B. W., Vonore, Tenn.
Birchmore J . M., Gay, Ga.
Bird C. A., Ellsworth. Minn.
♦Bird H. E., Crittenden, Ky.
Bird H. T ., Banning, Cal.
Bird H. V., Ryan, Okl.
Bird Ira W., Crittenden, Ky.
Bird J. D., Jacksonville, Fla.
♦Bird P.M.S., Jr., Mt. Jackon. Va.
♦Birdcell F. J., W aynetown Ind.
♦Birdsall C. J., Clarion, Ia.
♦Birdsall L. ,S., Pomona, Cal.
Birdsong A. H., Trenton, Tex.
Birdsong J . W., Greenville, TeX.
Birdsong M. S„ Terry, Miss.
Birdwhistell J. M. B„ Lawrenceburg, Ky.
Birge F. A., S anta Clara, Cal.
♦Birkett J. I., Pallisades, Colo.
Birkmeyer A. J., Chickasaw, O.
♦Birkmeyer N. E,, Coldwater.
Birney F .W ., Denver, Colo.
Bimie G. H., Taneytown, M d.
Birnie Jam es, Greenville, S. C.
Birrel J. S., Portland. Ore.
Bisbee R . O. E ast Jordan. Mich.
Bischel W . H., Aurelia, Ia.
Bischof C. J., Pinckneyville, 111.
Bischof John, Zeeland, N. D.
♦Biscboff Lillian,W ashington,Kan.
♦Bisgood T. F., Sag H arbor.N . Y.
Bish C . W., Weeping W ater, Neb.
♦Bish R. C., Okeehe, Okla.
Bishop Alex, Williamson, W. Va.
♦Bishop Jr. A. F., M ineral Pt.,W is. •
♦Bishop A. F., Mineral Pt.,Wfa.
♦Bishop C. A., Bonham, Tex.
Bishop C. O.. Peculiar, Mo.
Bishop C. W., W alterboro, S. C.
Bishop D. T ., H artville, Ohio.
♦Bishop E. B., Dwight, Kan.
Bishop E. L., Hurdsfield, N. D.
♦Bishop F. A., Tennant, Ia.
Bishop F rank C,, N atick, Mass.
♦Bishop G. J., Kansas City, Mo.
♦Bishop G. J., Kansas City, Kan.
Bishop G. L., B artlett, Neb.
Bishop H. D., W. H am pton Beach,
N. Y.
♦Bishop J. A., Clovis, N. Mex.
♦Bishop Leon, Ronan, M ont.
♦Bishop J. C., G rand Rapids,M ich.
Bishop O. B., Adalrsville, Ga.
Bishop O. O., Dwight, Kan.
Bishop R. L., Lowes, Ky.
♦Bishop R. 8., P leasant Dale, Neb.
♦Bishop 8. C., Anson, Kan.
♦Bishop T. M ., Alexandria, Ohio.
Bishop W. D., Colony, Kan.
♦Bishop W. H., LeRoy, N. Y.
Bishopp A. A.. K entland, Ind.
♦Bispfinghoff Hugh, Bismarck.Mo.
BIssell H. L., Dixon, Cal.
Bissell Howard, Buffalo, N. Y.
Bissinger W. C.. Lompoc, Cal.
Bisson Camille, Henderson, Minn.
♦Bitner C. H., Ligonier, Pa.
Bittenbender H. H., Shippensville,
♦Bitterley Louis J.. Laporte C ity.
B itting N. K .. Summerville. Ga.
B ittm an W. C., Warnego, Kan.
B ittner P eter P „ Munger, Mich.
Bivin W. T., Thermopolis, W yo.
Bivins H. W., Clearwater, Fla.
Bixby C. E., Poultney, Vt.
Bixby L. H., M ontpelier, Vt.
♦Bixby L. L., Liscomb, Ia.
Bixby R. O., Andrews, Ind.
Bixel John, Bluflton, O.
♦Bixler Geo. L., Hartville, O.
Bixler Ingram , Clarence, la .
Bizzell H. G., Hudson, Wyo.
♦ BIzzell J . J., Kingston, N. C.
Bjerke N. E., Butler, S. D.
Bjertness H. P., Flaxton, N. D.
♦BJorenson P. O., Milford, la.
Bjorgaard O. E.. Cyrus. Minn.
♦Bjornstad J. A., Glendive, M ont.
♦Bjorson A., N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Black A. L., San Francisco, Cal.
Black A. P., Blossom, Tex.
♦Black B. R., W est Liberty, O.
Black C. O., Thrall, Tex.
♦Black C. W., Daykin, Neb.
♦Black D. L., B ath, Me.
Black F. W., Lakeside, Neb.
Black H. E ., Anderson, Cal.
Black H. E „ Geyservllle, CM.



Blakem an Clay, Kirksville, Ky.
♦Blakem an H. E ., California, Mo.
Blakeney C. T., Jefferson, S. C.
Blakeney J . C., Cleburne, Tex.
Blakeney P. A., Bernie, Mo.
♦Blakeney T . A., D urant, Okla.
♦Blakeslee Clifford L., Rochester,
N. Y
Black J . H., Boise, Ida.
Blakeslee J . F., Utica, 111.
Black J . N., Mahomet. 111.
Blakesley A. J., W aterbury, Conn.
♦Black J. W., Holly Hill, S. O.
Blakey G. A., Cammer, Ky.
Black L. B., Waco, Tex.
Blakey J, M., Nashua, N. H.
♦Black M. Lillian, Swedeborg,Mo.
Blakey L. M ., Hornbeak. Tenn.
Black N. P., M inburn, la ,
Blakey R. T ., Ennis, Tex.
♦Black P . H., Im perial, Cal.
♦Blalock L. M ., Jonesboro, Ga.
♦Black R . E., Confluence, Pa.
Blalock J . T., V aldosta. Ga.
Black Ross. Coeur d ’Alene. Id a.
♦Blancett John, Falkville, Ala.
♦Black R . R .. T hornton, Tex.
Blanchar E. O., Hood River. Ore.
Black S. F., M arietta, Okl.
Blanchar H . E ., W indsor, Wis.
♦Black T. A., Mercer, Pa.
♦Blanchar J. C., W indsor, Wis.
Black T. H., Higgins, Tex.
Blanchard A. C., Merriman, Neb.
♦Black W. E., Butler, Mo.
Blanchard J. L., Byron. Okla.
Black W. H., Decatur, Tenn.
Blanchard K arl M ., Chillicothe,
♦Black W. J., St. Johns, Mich.
Black W. W., Beatrice', Neb.
Blanchard M. A., Am orlta, Okl.
Blackard C., Muldrow, Okl.
♦B lanchett L. M ., Staples, Minn.
♦Blackard Greek, C rockett, Ya.
♦Bland G. L., W eston, W. Va.
♦Blackburn C. J., Ham m on, Okla.
♦Bland H. A., F orest City, N . G.
♦Blackburn D ., D ry Ridge, Ky.
Bland J . H.. Canton, Mo.
Blackburn D. Ê ., B ritton, Tex.
Blaney H . F ., Coaldale, P a.
B lackburn E. R., Lexington, Ky.
Blank E . J., Ripley, Okla.
B lackburn H. T ., DesMoines, la .
Blank F rank, Council Bluffs, l a
B lackburn Leslie, E v erett, P a.
Blankenship N. W., Sumner, Okla.
Blackburn M . C., Lakem an, Mo.
Blankinship C., B ay Springs, Miss.
B lackburn S. H ., Pikeville, Term.
Blankinship D. F., P atoka, 111.
Blackburn W. T . S., D ry Ridge,
♦Blankenship F . H., Dallas, Tex.
♦Blankenship R. R ., Brock, Neb.
Blackely C. C-, Purdum , Neb.
♦Blankinship G. S., Troup, Tex.
Blacker John H .. Chillicothe, O.
Blanks J . J:, T rezevant, Tenn.
Blacker J. H ., Dallas, Tex.
♦Blackford F. R.. Charleston, 111. Blanks L. B. Jr., Clarksville, Va.
Blanks W. D ., Petersburg, Va.
Blackford P. A., Hillsboro, la .
Blackley L. M ., Hornbeak, Tenn.
Blackm an A. N ., M anhattan, Kan. Blann L. L., Oaktown, Ind.
Blanton E . S., N ew port News, Va.
♦Blackman Claud, Parm a, Mo.
Blackman E. L., W artrace. Tenn, ♦Blanton D. F., Perry, Fla.
B lanton George, Shelby, N. C.
♦Blackman S., D avenport, la .
B lanton J.W ., Fredericktown, Mo.
Blackmon B. W., Kingston, Ga.
Blanton W . B., Bells, Tex.
Blackmore E. A., Ridgefield,Wash
B landy E . C., Osceola Mills, Pa.
Blaokorby C. E., Hansboro, N. D.
Blaney H. F „ Coalville. Pa.
♦Blackshear A . D., Dublin, Ga.
Blackshear R. I,, Pangburn, Ark. Blaster W . W., Jesup, la .
Biasing C. R., Berwick, N. D.
♦Blackston D. H., C anton, Miss.
♦Blasingaine Jr., J., Jersey, Ga.
♦Blackstone B., Bardolph, 111.
Blackwall W. F. C., Düngaxmon, B lattner G., W right City, Mo.
B latter D. V., Albion, Neb.
♦Blauer W. E ., San Jose, Cal.
Blackwell E. W., Cooperstown,
Blauvelt C. R., C ontinental, Ohio.
N. D.
Blackwell F. E., Pennington, N .J. ♦Blaylock Alta, Greenwood, Ark.
Blaylock W . T., W aynesville, N. C.
Blackwell J. A., G rand M arais,
♦Bleaney A rthur J., Towner, Colo.
M inn.
♦Bleck F. W ., Napoleon, N. D .
♦Blackwell J. B., Clay, Ky.
♦Bleckley E . E., W ichita, Kan.
Blackwell J. C„ Parm a, Ida.
Bledsoe George W., St. Elmo, 111.
Blackwell J . C., Troy, Pa.
♦Blackwell W. A., N orth E ast, M d. Bledsoe M .. Long Lane. Mo.
♦Blackwell W . K. Goldfield, la .
Bledsoe W . W., E ast Prairie, Mo.
Blacow J . R., Alvarado, Cal.
♦Bledson W. W., Georgetown,
♦Blacow R. A., Alvarado, Cal.
♦Blades E. G., Pocomoke, City, Md.
Bleecker L . J., Lisbon, N . D.
♦Blades W. O.. St. Michael, Md.
♦Bleger J., Saxman, Kan.
Blain J. D., M athiston, Miss.
♦Bleehue F. L., Kendallville, Ind.
Balir A. E „ Osceola, la.
Blesch G. A., Menominee. Mich.
Blair A. H ., W akeeney, Kan.
Bleeker I. B., Ackley, la.
Blair B. C., Carthage, O.
♦Bleibler. A. R., Dallas, Tex.
Blair Coulson, Turner, Mich.
Blessing W. C., Hellam, Pa.
♦Blair A rthur, Morehéad, Ky.
♦Blevins B. H ., Shelby, Neb.
♦Blair C. G., Ava, Mo.
Blevins J. E ., Linwood, Kan.
Blair D. T., Oakville, Tex.
Blicke W. A., Bucyrus, O.
Blair E. C., Carthage, O.
Blickenstaff L. A.. Lordsburg, Cal.
Blair E . R., P arkin, Ark.
♦Blink O. V., Rhodes, la.
Blair F rank, Belton, Mo.
Blinkenberg R. K., Minneapolis,
Blair F . T., Lawton, Okl.
M inn.
♦Blair fl. D., Butte, Mont.
♦Blinn H. H., M arion, Ind.
Blair I. H., Oakboro. N. C.
♦Bilsh G. H., New York City.N. Y.
♦Blair Jam es, Jr., Scranton, Pa.
♦Bliss Belva L., Lacona, la ;
Blair J . A., Hyndm an, Pa.
Bliss E. E ., Elm Creek, Neb.
Blair J. H., Louisville, Ala.
♦Bliss F . R., Dover, N . H.
♦Blair J. W., Belton, Tex.
Biiss G. A., Cross Timbers, Mo.
♦Blair L. B., Loveland, Colo.
Bliss L. E ., Van Nuys, Cal.
♦Blair R . C., Névada, Ohio
Bliss M. R., Sioux City, la .
♦Blair R. E ., Hotchkiss, Colo.
Blair R. R,, New Providence, la. ♦Bliss P . P., McKenzie, N. D.
Bliss W. H., Dallas City, 111.
♦Blair R. W., Winfield, Mo.
B lair Sm ith, Jacksonburg, W. Va. ♦Blocher H. G., Littlestow n, P a.
Blocher U. O.. Grantsville, M d.
Blair W m.A„W inston-Salem, N.C.,
Blaisam F. F., Leominster, Mass. Blochwitz C. G., Dinsdale. Ia.
♦Block C. E., Bamberg, S. C.
Blaisdell B. D. Boston, Mass.
♦Blaisdell C. T ., Long Branch, Block J. L., Jennings, La.
Block R. A., Indianola, 111.
•N. J.
Blockwell W . D., Bucklln, K an.
Blake A. B., M aud, Okla.
♦Blodgett H. E ., Gaylord, Mich.
♦Blake A. W ., F airm ount, N. D.
♦Bloedorn H. B.. Kenesaw, Neb.
Blake C. A., Calamus, la .
Bloedow E. G., Alfred, N. D.
♦Blake E . B., H uron, S. D.
♦Bloem D., Sheldon, la.
Blake E. F., Quincy, Kan.
♦Bloemker B. J., St. Louis, Mo.
*Blak„ G. W., E ctor Tex
♦Blohm, Jr. J. A.; San Augustine,
Blake H . D ., Camargo, 111.
Blake J. F., St, George, Ga.
♦Bloker R. E ., Lindsey, Ohio
♦Blake J . F. J r,, St. George, Ga,
Blom C. R. C.. Milan. Minn.
♦Blake J. J., M any, La.
Blom P . H „ Orient, Wash.
Blake L. E„ Franklin. Mass.
♦Blomgren E . L., Weston, Ore.
Blake M . E ., S totts City, M o.
Blomgren T. C., Cambridge, Minn.
Blake P . H., Oroflno, Ida.
Blake R. P., W. Frankfort, 111.
♦Blake R . W., W alnut Grove. Blom quist E. V., Minneapolis,
M inn.
♦Blake W. B., B oothbay H arbor, ♦Blomquist F . M ., St. Paul, M inn.
Blomquist W. C„ Belt, Mont.
♦Bloms B. B„ St. Michael, Minn.
Blakeley A. L., Chance, S. D.
Blood C. P „ Douglass, Kan.
♦Blakely Adelaide F., Ogallah,
Blood G. H., Preston, Ida.
♦Blood H. B„ Keokuk, Ia.
♦Blakely A rthur, Dunnihg, Neb.
Bloodworth F.A.,NewDecatur,Ala
♦Blakely C , C., P urdum , Neb.
♦Bloom D. E ., Sunbury, Pa.
Blakely G. H., Enoree, S. C.
Bloom Edw. W ., Frenchtow n.N .J.
Blakely G. W., Saxman, Kan.
Bloom J. V., De W itt, Ia.
♦Blakely I. A., Prescott, Ark.
Bloom M. E., Pine Bluff, Ark.
Blakely R. J., Ogallah, Kan.
Bloom R alph, Axtell, Neb.
Blakely R oy W .f Ogallah, Kan.

* Black H . M.. St. Paris, O.
Black Homer, H urdland, Mo.
♦Black H . S., W ellington, Tex.
Black J., Breckenridge, Tex.
♦Black J. A., W ilmerding, Pa.
♦Black Jam es G., Jeannette, Pa.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

♦Bloomer J . H .. Belton, Tex.
Bloomer L. O., Alden, Mich.
♦Bloomer M . C., Alden, Mich.
Bloomfield A. C., Jackson, Mich.
♦Bloomer T . A., Scottville, Mich.
♦Bloomfield C. C., Shelby, O.
Bloomquist E . V., Minneapolis
M inn.
Blosier A. W ., Independence, Kan.
Bloss R. S., Seattle, Wash.
Blossom C. H., B urt, Ia.
♦Blossom H. L., Friendship, N. Y.
Blossom R. S., Fenton. Ia.
♦Blossom W. R., Belle Plaine, la .
♦Blouch L. T ., Exeter, Neb.
♦Blough C. P ., Wooster, O.
Blough I. W., W aterloo, Ia.
♦Blough W. M ., Hendley, Neb.
♦Blount C. H., Senoia, Ga.
Blount C. H., D ecatur, Ga.
♦Blount C j L., Ahoskie, N. C.
B lount H . W ., W aynesboro, Ga.
Blount W . T ., Plainview, Ark.
♦Blount W. W ., T am pa, Fla.
Bloxham F . W ., Sheldon, la .
Bloyd H. E ., Portland, Ore.
Blue F. L., Fairm ont, N. C.
Blue F rank, Lebo, Kan.
♦Blue F red E ., Amanda, Ohio.
Blue J . Q., Ashton, Kan.
♦Blue J. W., Ingersoll, Okla.
Blue L. M., Gibson, N. C.
♦Bluhm" F. L ., Kendallville, Ind.
Blum A. S., Spokane, Wash.
♦Blum E. L., B urkburnett, Tex.
♦Blrnn Geo. C., Lane, S. D.
♦Blum H. F., Temple, Tex.
♦Blum Julius, Long Beach, Cal.
Blumberg H. J., Seguin, Tex.
♦Blume H. W., Pawnee City, Neb.
♦Blumenstiel A. L„ Rockford, Ia.
B lunt A. B., Randalia. Ia.
♦Blunt Grover O., Chariton, Ia.
B lut F . R., Pierson, Ia.
Bly J . G.. Farm land, Ind.
♦Bly Ralph, Plainfield, Ind.
Blystone F. T ., K em pton, Ind.
Blythe A. M ., Gays, 111.
Blythe H. H., E . Liverpool, O.
Boal A. G., Pittsburg, Pa.
Boal A. G„ W. E lizabeth, Pa.
Boal R. A., Kingman, iBd.
B oard R. B.. Mena. Ark.
♦Board V. H ., Joplin, M o.
Boardm an A. J., Arcadia, Mo.
B oardm an J. H., Lowell, Mass.
♦Boardman J. R., W indsor, Colo.
♦Boat A. C., Sully, Ia.
♦Boaz David, F t. W orth, Tex.
♦Boaz M ., Hope, Ind.
Bobler H. O., Monticello, Wis.
♦Bobbitt T . E ., W ake Forest, N.C.
♦Bobo V. T., Florence, Tex.
♦Boccarado J. H ., San Jose, Cal.
Bock L. H., Steen, Minn.
Bock O. H., P ra tt, Kan.
♦Bock Philip, Cincinnati, Ohio.
♦Bockhaus H. W., Tripoli, Ia.
♦Bookman J. H., Beloit, Kan.
♦Bockwitz Jewel, Radcliif, Ia.
♦Bodde J. R., D etroit, Mich.
♦Bodden F. X ., Milwaukee, Wis.
Bode C. J., Keokuk, Ia.
♦Bode L. W., W aterloo, 111.
♦Bodelson A. H., Dundee, M inn.
♦Bodine L. P., Lam bertvllle.N .J.
♦Bodkin Oscar, Bardwell, Ky.
Bodley H. O., Chanute, Kan.
Bodley H. L., Gallon, 0 .
♦Bodrero P., Los Angeles, Cal.
♦Bodum Louis, George, la.
Bodwell W ., S. Norwalk, Conn.
Boe A., Fergus Falls, M inn.

Boggess O. J., Smithville, Mo.
Boggess S. C., Carthage, Mo.
♦Boggs Charles W ., De W itt, Neb.
Boggs F . H ., Lakeport, Cal.
Boggs Geo. G., Chandler, Okla.
♦Boggs Gertrude, Trum bull, Neb.
♦Boggs H. C., L akeport, Cal.
Boggs P.» Franklin, W. Va.
Boggs W . R., Haddonfleld, N. J .
Boggs W . S„ San Bernardino,Cal.
♦Bogk A. W ., Milwaukee, Wis.
Bogle W. E.', H iddenite, N. O.
♦Bogle W. R., Ballinger, Tex.
Bognlard A. 0., Ashland, O.
♦Bogstie O. T .. Arlington, S. D.
♦Bogue F. E ., Corvallis, Ore.
♦Bohannan K. S., S tanton, Ky.
B ohart Chas., Burkey, S. D.
B ohart D. W., Jay, Okla.
B ohart J . M., Apache, Okla.
♦BohDrink John, Nashville, 111.
Bohecker H. F ., Alliance, O.
♦Bohle G. J., Leola, S. D.
Bohling J. G., F o rt Payne, Ala.
♦Bohlke B., Remsen, Ia.
♦Bohman O. T ., Moline, 111.
♦Bohn Eva, Limeridge, Wis.
Bohn H. J., Fraser, Mich.
Bohn O. L.. Limeridge, Wis.
♦Bohnson A. F., Clinton, Ia.
♦Bohnson J . L., Clinton, Ia.
Bohr J . R., W estphalia, Mich.
Bohrer D. S., N o rth Loup, Neb.
♦Bohrer W., M annhaven, N . D.
Bohri H. E., F ountain City, Wis.
♦Bolce W . B., New York C., N. Y.
Boie W. E ., Appleton, M inn.
♦Boisseree Paul, Spalding, Neb.
Boie F . J., Hancock, Ia.
Boie George W ., Cadott, Wis.
Boie W . E., Lemmon, S. D.
Boland E. J., Springfield, S. C.
♦Boland Wm. F., Redlands, Cal.
Boland W. H., W averly, Minn.
Bolding J. F., Rocky, Okla.
Bolen O tto R., Corvallis, M ont.
♦Bolen W., Macedonia, 111.
♦Bolger H. W., Morrison, M o.
Boiejack E. E., B arada, Neb.
♦Boler Jno., Sturgeon Bay, Wis.
Boles C. F., Jacksonville, Tex.
♦Boles F. J., Glasgow, Ky.
♦Boles J. M., Greenville, Tex.
Boles J . P., Mosheim, Tenn.
♦Boles W. H., Cleveland, Okl.
♦Bolger A., Poteau, Okla.
Bolger J . M., Buckner, Ark.
♦Bolger J . R., Black River Falls,
Bolin. C. E.. Milton. 111.
♦Bolin H. J „ Douglas, Wyo.
♦Bolin C. E. Jr., Milton, 111.
Bolin O tto R., Grand View, Ida.
♦Bolin S. T ., Sullivan, 111.
♦Bolinger C. N., M aysville, Ky.
Bolinger E . W., Orange, Cal.
♦Bolinger E va L.. New Carlisle, O.
♦Bolinger H. V., Caney, Kan.
Bolinger J . C., Frem ont, O.
♦Bolinger J . F., Shelburn, Ind.
Bolken G. H., H atto n , N. D.
♦Boll Phillip M ., Breckenridge,


♦Bollard A. J., Geneva, O.
♦Bollenbach O. L., D e L and, 111.
Bollman H . G., Oolhnsville, Okla.
♦Bollmann H, J., Charleston, S. C.
Bollum A. W., Rhame, N . D.
Bollum K. M ., Long Lake, Minn.

Bollum W. O., Benchland, M ont.
♦Bolon W. D., Bethesda, O.
♦Bolsinger M. D., Chatfield, Minn.
A. F., Atlantic City, N. J.
♦Boebel P . C., Fennimore, Wis.
Bolt R. H., Otterbein, Ind.
Boeckh J., Lansing, Ia.
♦Bolte E. B., Gooding, Ida.
Bbedecker C. F ., Algoma, Wis.
♦Bolton A. C., Belington, W. Va.
Boedeker W . G., M urray, Neb.
Bolton C. D „ Tignall, Ga.
Boege C. A., Anaheim.. Cal.
Bolton C F., S cranton, K an.
♦Boeger H. W .. M orrison. Mo.
♦Boehler E sther, Carroll, Neb,, ! *Bolton F . E., Athens, Ohio.
Bolton F. P „ Alexandria. La.
♦Boehler E sther, McLean, Neb.
Bolton R. L., Booneville, Miss.
Boehler Louis. Meade., Kan.
♦Bolton T. E., Americus, Ga.
Boehmke G., Holland, Minn.
♦Boehner W. C., Chillicothe, Mo. ♦Bolton W. D., Jacksonville, Tex.
♦Bolyn S. P ., Marion, S. C.
♦Boelsche H. H ., Industry, Tex,
♦Boenecke Aug., St. Louis, Mo.
♦Bomberger P . H., Lititz, Pa.
♦Boerger F rank, M ilbank. S. D.
♦Bomberger S., Palm yra, Pa.
♦Boermer M. G.. Kenosha, Wis.
Bond A. J., Russellville, Mo.
♦Boemer F. W., Lubbock, Tek.
♦Bond B. A., Biloxi, Miss.
Boesch F. W., Amboy, Minn.
Bond B. C., Buffalo, Kan.
♦Boesche H. C., Van W ert, O.
♦Bond C. R., Sioux Falls, S. D.
Boesel Adolnh. New Bremen, O.
B oettcher R .’ B., E ast Bernard, Bond J. A., Nickelsville, Va.
Bond J, H ., Acting, Steelton, Pa.
Bond M . L., Branchville, N. J.
♦Boette W. G.,; Parkersburg, W.
♦Bond R.; Roberts, 111.
♦Bond S., Oaktown, Ind.
♦B oettner Geo.W., Rockport,M o.
Bond S. C., Dubois, Pa.
♦Boeye J. A., W ebster City, Ia.
♦Boeyink John, Sioux Center, Ia. Bond S. F., Cross Plains. Tex.
♦Bond T., Cross Plains, Tex.
Bofinger G. H „ Gonzales, Cal.
Bond W. F., Irondale, Mo.
♦Bogan 0 . C., M cLean, Tex.
Bondhus J. O., W estbrook, Minn.
Bogan F. J., Glen Ellyn, 111.
♦Bonds W. H.. Lowndesville, S. C
♦Bogan R. L., Gallon, O.
Bogan W. E ., Granite, Okla.
Bone F. M ., G rand River, la.
♦BoganWright, W. II.. Tiffin. O.
Bone H . M., Crowley, La.
Bogart C. P., New York City, N.Y.
♦Bogart E. M ., Coulee City, Wash. Bonebrake F. M., Topeka, Kan.
♦B onecutter J. L., Lebanon, Kan.
♦Bogart F- C., W arren, Pa.
Bones B. B,, Moline, K an/
♦Bogert F. D.. Paterson. N. J.
♦Bones, C. H., Clay City, 111.
Bogert H.. Closter, N . J.
♦Boggess A. A.; Gainesville, Tex. Bonesteel V. C., H uro n , S. D.
♦Boney T. J., Miami, Tex.
♦Boggess, H . Mv, Carthage, Mo.
Boney W. A., Iola, Tex.
Boggess J. E ., Macon, Miss.
Bonham C., Ellis, Neb.
Boggess J. W., W est. Tex.

Bonham C. L., Ayr, Neb.
♦Bonham Guy F., Ayr, Neb.
♦Bonham L. D., Ellis, Neb.
Bonham L uther, F airbury, Neb."
Bonham B. A., Bow, Okla.
♦Bonifas S. M ., St. Paul, .Kan.
Bonin J. O., Loreauvllle, La.
♦Bonner J . M ., Lewiston, Ida.
Bonner J. N ., Helen, Ga.
Bonner J . W „ Gray, Ga.
Boxmer T. E „ Augusta, Ark.
Bonner T. H., San Antonio, Tex.
Bonner W. V., M acks Creek, M o.
Bonner W. W., Greensburg, Ind.
♦Bonner Z. D., San Antonio, Tex.
Bonnet W . A., Eagle Pass, Tex.
Bonney Edson, Pittsfield, Mass.
Bonney H. F „ L ittleton, N. C.
Bonnin L. P., Gueydan, La.
♦Bonowetz F. E ., Lenapah, Okla.
♦Bonsall S., Lexington, Neo.
Bonsall W. T.. W hat Cheer, la .
Bonstrom B. A.. Buffalo, Minn.
♦Bontadelli William,Pacific Grove,
♦Bonstrom A. E ., Powers Lake,
N. D.
♦Bonynge W. A., Jr., Los Angles,
Boock A. L., New Ulm, M inn.
Boock Jo h n W., Gibbon, Minn.
Boock O. M ., Spencer, Wis.
♦Boody O. H., H art, Mich.
♦Booker D. E., H ardin, Ky.
♦Booker L. H., G reat Falls, M in n
Booker T. F., Texarkana, Ark.
♦Booker W . F.. Apex, N. C.
Bookman J. D.. Richards, Tex.
Bockout J. E ., M urphy, Tex.
♦Boom W. S., Ellendale, N . D.
B oim er W . L., Elm a, W ash.
♦Boone C. A., H untington, W. Ya.
Boone Edwin Reading, Pa.
♦Boone E rnest, Caldwell, Idaho.
Boone Helen, M t. Victory, Ohio.
♦Boone J. H., D e W itt, Ark.
Boone M yrtle G.. H ardy, Okl.
Boone O. B., Oxford, Miss.
♦Boone S. F., M arm aduke, Ark.
♦Boone S. H., Holland, Ya.
Boone Thomas, Tum ersville, Tex.
Boone W. A., Pontotoc, Miss.
Boone W . E „ Benton, N. C.
♦Boone W. H „ M ount Hope, W.Va.
♦Boos A. A., Longtown, Mo.
Boos O. J „ Rosemont, Neb.
Boose H. A., Sunnyside, Wash.
♦Boose H. R., Somerset, Pa.
Booster J. J., Dillsboro, Ind.
♦Booth A. B., Hicksville, Ohio.
♦Booth A. S„ Pueblo, Colo.
Booth B. V., Danville, Va.
Booth C. H „ Gt. Barrington,M ass.
Booth C. L., Danville, Va.
♦Booth C. L., -Marietta, O.
♦Booth H. T .„ B atavia, N. Y.
♦Booth J. M ., Farm eryille, La.
♦Booth J. M ., W ashtucna, Wash.
♦Booth J. R „ La Harpe, 111.
Booth, W . E., Albany, N. Y.
♦Booth W. T ., London, O.
Bootjer C. W., Armour, S. D.
♦Booton S. M ., Welch, Okla.
Bopp E. L., Hawkeye, la.
Bopp L. E ., Strasburg, N. D.
♦Boque R . P ., Vermont, 111.
Borah D. A., Grlnnell, Kan.
♦Borah J . E., Grlnnell. Kan.
Borchers H. O., Lincoln, M o.
♦Borchert A. B„ Mapleton, Minn.
Borchert C. W., M innesota Lake,
♦Borchert Joseph, La Crosse, Wis.
♦Borchert, W. F. Mapleton, Minn.
Borck M ., Rogers, M inn.
Borden E. W „ Fall River, Mass.
Borden W. E., Goldsboro, N. C.
♦Bordenkircher A. J., B url’gton,
♦Border A. W., Boulder, Colo.
Border F. E., W est Bend, la .
Borders J. S., Ludlow, Mo.
♦Borders R. H., Milan, Ind.
♦Bordewich H arald, Olivia, Minn.
Bordewich H attie S., Olivia, Minn.
♦Bordewick J. C., Hancock, M inn.
Bordner G. D., B urr Oak, Mich.
Bordwell F ran k V., Alam eda, Cal.
Bordwell Geo. C., San Francisco,
♦Boren F. P ., San Augustine, Tex.
♦Boren H. P., Darden, Texm.
♦Boren O. M., Tyler, Tex.
Boren W. O., C ynthania, Ind.
Borg H arald, W estby, M ont.
♦Borg G. A., Cokato, M inn.
♦Borg H. W., Boone, la.
Borgel G. R., Sealy, Tex.
♦Borgen T. P., Powers Lake, N. D.
Borgerding Geo., New Albany.Ind.
♦Borgerding A. J., Belgrade, M inn.
Borgerding H. G., Belgrade, M inn.
Borgerding N ., Melrose, M inn.
Borgman E. F., Levasy, Mo.
♦Borgman H. P „ D etroit, Mich.
♦Borgman N athan, W ebster, Wis.
♦Borgstrom A. M ., Upsala, M inn.
♦Boring Grover E ., Verdi, M inn.
Boring J. W., Gibsonville, N. C.
Boring L. J., L am ar, Colo.
Boring Ralph, Elizabethtown,
N. G.
Borland John Jr., Im layCity.Mich.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Borland N. T., Statenville, Ga.
♦Borland W., Im lay City, Mich.
Borlaug A. B., Kenyon, M inn.
Borm an C. O., K alida, O.
♦Born August, Collins, Wis.
♦Born H enry Jr., Kenton, O.
♦Borneman H. B. Jr., Hallock,
M inn.
Borough F rank O. Lawrenceville,
Borough J.W .,N orth Baltimore.O.
♦Borrows L. S., St. Anthony, Ida.
Borset W. F., Forest, O.
♦Bortner H. W., Redkey, Ind.
♦Bortzmeyer Q. C., P ortland, Ore.
Borum C. J., Barron, Wis.
♦Borum G. R., Barron, Wis.
♦Borzych E ., Farwell, Neb.
♦Bos M artin, Grand H aven, Mich.
Boschen F., New York City, N. Y.
♦Boschert Joseph, La Crosse, Wis.
Boss A. A,, Jackson, Mo.
Boss Claude, W hite Plains, Ky.
♦Boss M ay, W hite Plains, Ky.
Bosse W. H., Meadow Grove, Neb.
Bosserman J . R., Clinton, 111.
Bost J. Q., Fillmore, 111.
Bostick A. A., Agency, Mo.
Bostick H. P., Tomales, Cal.
Boston F. W., Holder. 111.
Bostwick H . L., Frankfort, N. Y.
Bostwick J . H., Pine Plains, N. Y.
♦Bostick J. W., Grayville, 111.
♦Boswell O. W., Kingstree, S. O.
Boswell H . M., Moscow, Tenn.
♦Boswell J. F., Lexington, Tenn.
♦Boswell Jr. T . H ., Roswell, N . M .
Boswell S. W., Forsyth, Mo.
♦Bosworth Nell, Elgin, 111.
Bothwell A. H., Reynolds, Neb.
Bothwell E . C., Washington, Neb.
Bothwell E . D., Oakland, Cal.
Botnwexl C. w ., Doncannon, Pa.
Bothwell H., Sedalia, Mo.
♦Botkin E. L., Osborne, Kan.
Botkin W. C., Letcher, S. D.
Botsford I. G., Gainesville, N. Y.
Botsford W. R., Jam estown, N.Y.
Bottenfield F. E., Nelson, Neb.
B ottjer J. H., Potlatch. Idaho.
♦Bottjer M . C-, Potlatch, Ida.
Bottoff J. H., Cameron, Mo.
Bottom S. B., Lebanon, Ky.
Bottomfield M. W„ Oakmont, Pa.
B otts A. R., Commerce, Okla.
♦B otts J. H., Buckner, Mo.
♦Bottsford W. B., Greenfield, Ind.
B ottum R., Aberdeen, S. D.
Boucher G. J., So. Sioux City, Neb.
♦Boucher J. B., Thorne, N. D.
♦Boucher J. L., Driscoll, N. D.
♦Boucher J. M ., South Sioux City,
Bouck Dam on I., Rice, Minn.
Bouden W. W., New Orleans, La.
♦Boudinot F. E.. Escondido, Cal.
♦Boudreau W. A., Ewing, Mo.
Boudreaux A. L., Berwick, La.
*C. A. Bougart, Urbana, 111.
Boughner E. G., Natom a, Kan.
♦Boughton S. W., Wellington, 111.
Bouker J.F ., New York City, N.Y.
Bouley H. N ., Albany, Ore. '
Boulton S. S., Towanda, Jll.
Boulware J . A., Springfield, Ky.
Boulware.S.O.,Campbellsburg, Ky.
Boun John P.. Kahoka, Mo.
♦Bounds M iss B., Fruitland, Md.
Bourgeois L- M „ Covington, La.
Bourke W. J., Syracuse, N. Y.
Bourne D. D, London Mills, 111.
Bourne E. D., Taylorsville. Ky.
Bourne E.W ., NewBedford.Mass.
Bourne G. B., Havre, M ont.
Bourquin A. L., Madrid, Neb.
B ourret C. E., W est Bend, la .
Bousfield W. H ., Auburn, Neb.
Bovard S. G., Dupont, Ind.
Bovo A, L., Byron, Cal.
♦Bowden M. E „ Spartanburg, S.C.
Bowden P . A , Thomson, Ga.
Bowden R. O., Ham pton, S. 0.
♦Bowden T. H., E verett, Wash.
Bowdle J. A., Waynesfleld, Ohio.
Bowen A. W „ Sand Point, Ida.
♦Bowen C. G., Logan, Ohio.
Bowen, F. Meade, Logan, O.
Bowen G, E ., Yates C enter, Kan.
Bowen H. T., Scottsbluff, Neb.
♦Bowen,Miss Ida, Abbeville, Ga.
Bowen J. A., Qneonta, Ala.
Bowen O. H „ Montpelier, O.
Bowen T rum an, W orth, Mo.
♦Bowen V. R,, ¡Glasgow, Mo.
♦Bowen W. S., Orchard, Neb.
Bower E., Bethel Mo.
Bower E arle E., Woodstock, 111.
♦Bower H. A., Delano, Cal.
Bower J. D., W aldo, O.
♦Bower John N., Birdsboro, Pa.
♦Bower N. W., Darlington, Wis.
♦Bower Oliver, N ational City, Cal.
Bower R. A., Jr., Tolono, 111.
Bower W, A., Taneytown, M d.
♦Bowers Albert, Colo, la.
Bowers Chas, A., Wheeling, W.Va.
Bowers C. O., Malcom. Ia.
♦Bowers O. S., E iizabethton, Tenn.
Bowers E . M ., Pryor, Okla.
Bowers E. M., Clarksville, Tex.
♦Bowers E. W., Clarksville, Tex.
Bowers G. C., Big Run, Pa.
Bowers H. J., T racy City, Tenn.
Bowers J- H ., Brunswick, M d.

Bowers, J. M .,H idalgo, 111.
Bowers J . P.. Eiizabethton,Tenn.
Bowers J., Saint Jo, Tex.
♦Bowers Merrill, Le Roy, Minn.
♦Bowers R. A., Childress, Tex.
♦Bowers V. P., Pembroke. Ga.
Bowers W. V., Vamville, S. C.
♦Bowersett L. F „ Marshall, Va.
Bowersox O. L., Carter, S. D.
♦Bowes E verett, Colusa, Cal.
Bowie N. B., Sweet W ater, Tex.
Bowland E . G., Genoa. O.
♦Bowlds O. L., Santé Fe, N. M .
Bowles B. A., W ashington. D. C..
♦Bowles G. M ., San Francisco,Cal.
Bowles Horace G., Harrison, O.
Bowles I. N.,Sum m er Shade, Ky.
Bowles R. E., Foreman, Ark.
Bowles T. A., New D ecatur, Ala.
♦Bowles W. E., Groton, S. D.
♦Bowlin N. W., Hedrick, Ia.
♦Bowling A. L.. Princeton. W. Va.
♦Bowlus G. R., lola, Kan.

♦Boyken W ., T itonka, Ia.
♦Boylan M ary, Calamus, Ia.
♦Boyle G., Granville, 111. •
Boyle J . D., Pine City, Minn.
♦Boyle Louis W., Pacific Junct., Ia.
♦Boyle M„ W hittem ore, Ia.
Boyles C. J „ Overton, Neb.
Boyles D. S., Alvo, Neb.
Boyles F . C., Greensboro, N . C.
♦Boyles T. G., Overton, Neb.
♦Boyles W. C., Saxton, Pa.
Boynton A. A., Ravinia, S. D.
Boynton C. W.. Pe Ell, W ash.
Boys Lewis, Winfield, K an. S
Boysen E ., Brunsville, Ia.
♦Boyson H. N., Cedar Rapids, la.
Boyte W. R., Dickson, Tenn.
Boyum John, Antler, N. D.
Boyum O. C., Slayton, Minn.
♦Bozard A. F., Orangeburg, S. C.
♦Bozeman R. H., Greenville, S. C.

♦Bozeman W. E ., Macon, Ga.
♦Bozka J . F., Shiner, Tex.
Bowman B. S„ Dresden, Kan.
♦Brabson, T . D., Greenevile. Tenn.
Bowman C. A., Clyde, Tex.
Brace H. A., Lone Rock, Wis.
♦Bowman C. B., Coon Rapids, la .
♦Brack B. F „ Olmitz, Kan.
Bowman C. D., Bigpine, Cal.
♦Brack G. M., St. Paul, Minn.
♦Bowman C. D., Bishop, Cal.
♦Bracken James, Italy, Tex.
Bowman O. D., Frankln, Va.
Bracken J- M ,, Cumberland, O.
Bowman C. L., Wash., D. C.,
♦Bracken W ard, M oulton, Ala.
♦Bowman Clyde, Aberdeen, S.D. ♦B rackett J., Sharon, Okla.
♦Bowman C. P ., Paducah, Tex.
B rackett W. H., Brattleboro, Vt.
♦Bowman C. R., Greenup, 111.
B rackett W. H., Olympia. W ash.
Bowman E. G., Id a Grove, Ia.
Brackin G. R., Montpelier, Ind.
♦Bowman E . M ., Byars, Okla.
♦B radbum Maude, Nebo, 111.
Bowman E . T ., Vanceburg, Ky.
♦Bradbury C. H., Jr., Comfrey,
Bowman E . W., Palm yra, Pa.
Bowman F. H., M uncie, Ind.
♦Bradbury J. E., H ardy, Ia.
Bowman F. L., Kingston, Mo.
B radbury L. T., Paola, Kan.
♦Bowman F. R., Stockwell, Ind. i B radbury O. E ., Evanston, Wyo.
Bowman G. H ., F ront Royal,Va.
B radbury W. H., Fairbanks, Ind.
♦Bowman George W. .Palmyra, P a. ♦Braddock W. J., D aytona Beach;
♦Bowman H. C., Jerseyville, 111.
♦Bowman H. J., Advance, Mo.
BoWman J . H., Meyersdale, Pa.
Braden L. G., Jefferson, Tex.
Bowman J. J.. Bonne Terre, Mo.
B raden R;, Black Gak, Ark.
Bowman John M „ Lascruces, N. Bradfleld G. E., Bamesville, O.
Bradfield G.L.,W ynne Wood,Okla.
Bowman J. W., Marion, Ia.
Bradfleld J., Daingerfield, Tex.
Bowman R. H., Sawyer, N. D.
♦Bradfleld J.Y ., Daingerfield, T e x .
Bowman R . L., Bellaire, O.
Bradford A., M urray.' U tah.
Bowman S. R. Ames, Okl.
Bradford A. E., Augusta, Wis.
♦Bowman W. O., Cape Girardeau, Bradford A. H.. Licking, Mo.
♦Bradford C. C., Stockland, 111.
Bowne J . F., Belleville, N. J.
Bradford Charles,Monticello,Minn.
♦Bownds M . D.. M arfa, Tex.
Bradford C. L., Bonham, Tex.
♦Bowron T. W., Birmingham, Ala. ♦Bradford C. P., Ittabena, Miss.
Bowyer C. C., P t. Pleasant, W.Va. Bradford C. S., Inverness, M ont,
♦Box E . M ., Childersburg, Ala. ,
♦Bradford D. H „ Rising Sun, Ind.
♦Bradford F. D„ Monticello, Minn.
Boyce J . H., D alhart, Tex.
♦Bradford G. C., Milford. Ky.
Boyce S. N., Gastonia, N. C.
Bradford G. E .. Sweet W ater, Tex.
♦Boyd Bessie, New Bloomfield, Bradford G. V., Sherrard, 111.
Bradford J. B., Albany, O.
Boyd 0 . O., W ayland, Mo.
♦Bradford J. H., Uniontown, Ala.
♦Boyd C. J „ Swan Creek, 111.
Bradford L. O., Tribbey, Okla.
Boyd Clarence, Esmond, S. D.
♦Bradford R. C., W estpoint, Va.
♦Boyd C. L., Middletown, N. Y.
Bradford R. H., Eldorado, Kan.
Boyd C, W., Pamplico, S. C.
Bradford S. A., Guntersville, Ala.
♦Boyd Dixie, Lewisville, Tex,
♦Bradford T. C., Falm outh, Ky.
Boyd D. S., Ouray, Colo.
♦Bradford W. E ., Gimtersville, Ala.
Boyd E. I., Alton, Mo.
Bradham R. A., Sumter, S . C.
Boyd E . J., W arren, O.
♦Boyd E. M ., Y uba City, Cal.
Bradlsh J. H., Hallock, Minn.
Boyd E. M., A uburn, Neb.
Bradley A rthur, Lam ar, ArK.
♦Boyd E. M., Yuba City, Cal.
♦Bradley E. J., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Boyd E . W., A rthur, 111.
Bradley E. P., Mullinville, Kan.
♦Boyd F. A., Fond du Lac, Wis.
Bradley F. M„ Oldfort, N. C.
♦Boyd Frank, Omaha, Néb.
♦Bradley G. C., Toledo, Ohio.
♦Boyd Fred, Dodsonville, Tex.
♦Bradley G. C.. Weiser. Idaho.
♦Boyd Grover W., Donora, Pa.
Bradley G. W., Ireland, Tex.
Boyd G. S., Dresden, Tenn.
♦Bradley H., Hondo, Tex.
Boyd G. T.. Yuba City, Oal.
Bradley J. A., Geneseo, 111.
Boyd H. E ., T erra Ceia, Fla.
Bradley J. A., Kingspprt, Tenn.
♦Boyd I. N ., Colchester, 111.
Bradley Jam es S., Boswell, Ind.
Boyd J . A., Kearney, Neb.
♦Bradley J . E ., McCormick, S. C.
Boyd Jacob, W ebster, S. D.
Bradley Jam es W., R ockport
Boyd J. F., Iowa P ark, Tex.
♦Boyd J. H., Sedley, Va.
♦Bradley J. F., Gallitzin, Pa.
Boyd John, Roslyn, S. D.
Bradley J . M., Liberty, Tenn.
Boyd J . W.. Mt. Carmel, S. C.
♦Bradley J. O., Sedan, Kan.
♦Boyd M. T., Lindale, Tex.
Bradley Jose H., E thel, Mo.
♦Boyd M. V., Knoxville, Tenn.
Bradley J. T., Kansas City, Mo.
Boyd N ora J., Grand River, Ia.
♦Bradley J. W ., Spokane. Wash.
Boyd O. S., Roland, la .
♦Bradley J . W., Troy, S. C.
♦Boyd R. H „ Deland, Fla.
♦Bradley L. D., Muskogee, Okla.
♦Boyd Robert, D othan, Ala.
♦Bradley L. G., San Diego, Cal.
♦Boyd R. Lee, Wheeling, W. Va.
Bradley Oliver B-, Northam pton,
Boyd Jt. W., London, O.
Boyd S. D., Henry, S. D.
Bradley R. H., Winfield, Kan.
Boyd S. O., Dongola, 111.
♦Bradley R. S., New Haven, Conn.
♦Boyd W. A., Syracuse, N. Y,
♦Bradley S. A.; Dyer, Tenn.
♦Boyd W. D., Chriesman, Tex.
Bradley S. E ., Eustace, Tex.
Boyd W. D., Mercersburg, Pa.
♦Bradley Wilson, Bryan, Tex.
Boyd W. F., Saguache, Colo.
♦Bradley W. L., Quanah, Tex.
♦Boyd W. Iy M ontague, Tex.
Bradshaw A. E., Tulsa, Okl.
Boyden A. L., Hamill, S. D.
Bradshaw A. H;, La Belle, Mo.
Boyden O. W ., Sheffield, 111.
Bradshaw Charles, Compton, 111.
♦Boyden IT. H., M arathon, N. Y. ♦Bradshaw Charles,W orthing,S.D.
♦Boye C. L., Chicago, 111.
Bradshaw F. E., Burnside, K y.
Boye E . A.. Sanger, Cal.
Bradshaw Geo. M ., W orthing, S.D.
♦Boyen A. N., San Rafael, Cal.
♦Bradshaw H. J., Deal Island, M d.
Boyer D. W., Walter, Okla.
Bradshaw M. V., Marlin, Tex.
♦Boyer E . L., Brantford, N. D.
♦Bradshaw R. M i, McKee, Ky.
♦Boyer E. W., Muskegon, Mich.
♦Bradshaw Vernon, Waldo, Kan.
♦Boyer H. H., Monrovia, M d.
Bradsher J. S., Oxford, N. C.
Boyer J. F., Finley ville, Pa.
♦Boyer J. P., Rock Springs, W y o . B rady C. A., Youngsville, Pa.
♦Boyer O. J., Lakemp, Okla.
Brady C. G., Akron, Ia.
Boyer R. E., Creston, Ia.
♦Brady C-. L., Cody, Wyo.
Boyer R. M„ Oskaloosa, la .
Brady E. D., Monmouth, 111.
Boyer T. W., Salt Lake C ity, U tah Brady F, M., W orthing, S. D.
♦Boyers Ralph R., Spencer, Ind.
♦Brady Lee, Kosse, Tex.
B oyett E. L., Rockford, Ala.
♦Brady Lemuel R., Saugatuck,
♦Boyington É., Bird City, Kan.

B rady L. S., Syracuse, N. Y.
♦Brady O. L., R ound Rock, Tex.
♦Brady Rosé F., M cD onald, Pa.
B rady W. D., Rice Lake. Wis.
Bragdon A. M., York Village, Me.
Bragdon J. H., P ittsburgh, Pa.
♦Brager O. A., Fosston, Minn.
Bragg A., South Haven. Minn.
♦Bragg D. A., Fitzgerald, Ga.
'B rag g E. L., Upland, Ind.
Bragg H. A., Albion, Okla.
♦Bragg Louisa K., So. Haven,
M inn.
♦Bragg T . G., L ittle Rock, Ark.
♦Bragg W. E ., Lewistown, Mo.
♦Braham H. O., Rudd, la.
♦Braid E . L.. Summerville, S. C.
B rainard D.' E ., Ute, la.
B rain ard H arry D .,;Fairburn, S. D
B rainard K. K.. Durand. Wis.
♦Brainerd A. G., H artford, Conn.
Brainerd C. L., M arquette, Mich.
B rainerd H. P ., W aterm an, 111.
Brainerd L. J., Palm er, Mass.
B raithw ait T. S„ Springranch,
Brakefleld W. E ., Fellsmere, Fla.
B raly H. R., Quitaque, Tex.
♦Bram an C. F.. Mt. Morris, N. Y
Bram ble M. R., Baltim ore. Md.
B ram blet C. R., F lat River, Mo.
♦Bramblet W. K., Center, Mo.
Bramlage B., Covington, Ky.
B ram lett D. L., Simpson ville, S.C.
♦Bramwell G. H.. Belleville. K an
♦Bramwell W. K., Belleville, Kan.
♦Branagan E. N ., Huron, Mich.
B ranan Neill, Green Cove Springs,
B ranch B. L.. Collierville, Tenn.
♦Branch E . F., Buffalo, N. Y.
♦Branch E . J., Agar, S. D.
♦Branch J. W., Egan. S. D.
Branch L. H., Kingston, 111.
♦Branch L. L„ Pierre, S. D.
♦Brand C. W., M ulberry, Ind.
B rand E . O., Hamlin, Tex.
♦Brand Frank, Milwaukee, Wis.
♦Brand F . J.. New Orleans, La,
B rand L. M., Lawrencevllle, Ga.
B rand W. O., Belle Plalne, ia .
B randenburg R.G., Cedar Hill, Tex.
♦Brandes A. C., Clifton, Tex.
♦Brandes J. M„ Moscow Mills, Mo.
Brandes L. G., Troy, Mo.
♦Brandon B. B., Flagstaff, Ariz.
♦Brandon E thyl, Ansonia, Ohio.
♦Brandon J.À ., New Cumberland,
W. Va.
♦Brandon Jam es, Dover. Tenn.
B randon J. E., New Cumberland,
W. Va.
Brandon R. A., Greensburg, Pa.
Brandon T. J., Dover,. Tenn.
B ran d t A. B., Ham pden, N. D.
B ran d t Bernard, Avon. S. D.
♦B randt C. J., Foxhome, M inn.
B ran d t G. I., Greenbush, M inn.
B ran d t Herm an, Forreston, 111.
♦B randt H. L., Austin, M inn.
♦Brandt Jennie H., Grove City,
M inn.
B randt Joseph L., M arietta, Pa.
♦B randt J. Nissley, M arietta, Pa.
♦B randt J. O., Scott, La.
B randt J. J ., W illiamsport, Pa.
B randt L. L., Glenville, Neb.
B ran d t N. J ., Hagerstown, Md.
B ran d t N . J., Glasston, N. D.
♦B randt O. M„ Fosston, Minn.
B ran d t P . K ., Newport, P a.
B randt R. O., Pilger, Neb.
B ran d t T. R., Tombstone, Aria.
♦B randt W. F ., Winona, M inn.
Brannen G. A., F.rayton, Neb.
Brannen Jesse E „ Westwood, N. J.
Branning G. L „ New Smyrna, Fla.
Brannock A. B. Pleasant Hill,Mo.
♦Brannon G. L., M illport, Ala.
B rannon H oyt, Dawsonville, Ga.
B rannon H. R., Glenville, W. Va
B rannon L. G., Georgetown, Ga.
♦Brannon L. S., Newville. Ala.
♦Bràhsfleld M . P ., Chicago, 111.
Branson C. C„ New Sharon, la .
♦Branson G. E ., Burleson, Tex.
Branson I. M., Farm land, Ind.
♦Branson J. A., Sheridan, Ind.
B rant G. S., Lisbon, O.
♦Brant J. W., Valier, M ont.
B rantley J . W ., Troy, Tenn.
Braseltòn J . O.. Braseltoh, Ga.
♦Braselton R. G., Braselton, Ga.
♦Brasfleld G. T ., K ennett, Mo.
♦Brasfield J . E., Garden City, Mo.
Brashear L. F.. H azard, Ky.
♦Brasher W. L., M elcher, la .
Braswell S. J.. Fork, S. C.
♦Brathoode M . N ., Reynolds,N.D.
B ratru d E . O., Roscoe, S. D.
B ra tt C. C., Garwin, Ia.
♦B ratt Chas. P., Benriet, Neb.
B ra tt H. H ., Bennett, Neb.
B ratten W. E „ Snow Hill, Md.
B ratto n H . O., L ittlelot, T enn.
B ratto n H. G., Big Rock, Tenn.
♦Bratvold Harold, Berthold, N .D .
Brauch E . W., Gladbrook, Ia.
B rauch J. G., Lakefleld, M inn.
B raud K. J ., Thibodaux, La.
♦Braud Paul, Donaldson ville, La.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

♦Breuninger F. M., Muskegon,
Brevard H. L., W eatherford, Tex.
♦Brevig N. J ., Fargo, N. D.
Brevig S. B., Baker, N. D.
Brewbaker L. E., Bushnell, 111.
Brewer C. L., Sandersville, Ga.
Brewer E. O., Salt Fork, Okla.
Brewer E. R., L iberty Center, Ia.
Brewer G. P., Ashland, Okla.
Brewer Joseph E ., H andley, Tex.
Brewer J. H., D uncan, Okla.
♦Brewer J. J., Romeo, Mich.
Bray A. B. C., Ronceverte, W . Va. Brewer J. M.. W ake Forest. N. C.
♦Brewer John, Harrodsburg, Ky.
Bray A. B., Stokesdale, N . C.
Brewer Lee, Elmore City, Okla.
B ray C. O., Senath, Mo.
Brewer N . C., Black Hawk, Miss.
Bray H arry, Kimball, S. D.
♦Brewer R. C., Chelsea, Okla.
♦Bray M . C., M endon, 111.
Brewer R . G„ Mamaroneck, N. Y.
♦Bray W. W., Noblesville, Ind.
Brewer R. L., Bronte, Tex.
B rayton J. W., Poland, N. Y.
♦Brewer R. P., Mamaroneck, N.Y
♦Brazeau A. A., Lena, Wis.
Brewer R. P.. McAlester, Okla.
Brazeau O. W., Lena. Wis.
♦Breaux Paul, Church Point, La. ♦Brewer Virgil R.. W estervelt, 111.
Brewer W. L., Morrison, 111.
Breazeale M. T., Mt. Olive, N. C.
Brewer W‘. P., New Albany, Ind.
Brechbill H. E., Chapman, Kan.
♦Brewer W. R., Rockville, Md.
Brechler George, Page, Neb.
♦Brechler L. G., Fennimore, Wis. ♦Brewrink W. L., Idaho Falls. Ida.
Brewster E. O., Onaka, S. D.
♦Breck Sam uel, Oakland, Cal.
Breckenridge C. L., E than, S. D. ♦Brewster F .L .,B axter Sp’gs.Kan.
Breckenridge G. E ., Tim ber Lake, Brewster O. S„ Bay Shore, N. Y
♦Brewster P. P.. M oran, Tex.
S. D.
Brewton J . B„ Claxton, Ga.
Breckenridge P., Eakley, Okla.
♦Breda A. J „ Dillon, M ont.
Bredehoft C. M., Burlington, Okla. Brice D. W.. W heatland, Wyo.
Bricher N. E., Theilman, Minn.
Breed D. F., Caroline, Wis.
♦Breed Geo. S.. Garden City, Mo. Brick O. J., New Pierz, M inn.
Bricker Roy, Marlette, Mich.
♦Breed L. B., Ruston, La.
♦Brickler G. W., Chanute, Kan.
B reed T . J., Gloster, Miss.
♦Brickley C. J., Olin, Ia.
Breed W arren M., Lynn, Mass.
Brlckley J . A.. Uniondale, Ind.
♦Breeden H. R., Dupree, S. D.
Brickley E . M ., Corona, N. M .
Breeding H. E ., Stroud. Okla.
Breeding W. H., Edinburg, Ind. Brickson Edwin, Adrian, Minn.
♦Breedlove Georgia, Rogersville. Bridenbaugh U.G., Coleridge,Neb
Bridge A. F., Charlevoix, Mich.
Breedlove, W. T., Rogersville, Mo. ♦Bridge E. H., Seadrift, Tex.
Breen Alfred E., Dickson C ity, Pa. ♦Bridge E. L., Mt. Vernon, S. D.
Bridge J. W., Helmville, Mont.
Breen E. J., Parkville, Mo.
Bridger A. D., Columbia, La.
♦Breen E. L., Loyalton, Cal.
Bridger A. F., Richland, Ia.
♦Breen H . L., Hoffman, M inn.
Bridger F. S., Frem ont. Ia.
♦Breen J. J., Mineola, Tex.
Bridger H . C. Jr., Bladenboro.N.C.
♦Breese C. M., M anhattan, K an.
♦Breese R .B .,Cottonw ’dFalls,K an. Bridges C. A.. Cumby, Tex.
Bridges O. H., Susanville, Cal.
Breese R. P., W aukesha, Wls.
Bridges F. E., Liberty, N. Y.
Breeze G. T., Yeoman, Ind.
♦Bridges G. H., Vienna, 111.
♦Brefeld Clara, Aviston, III.
♦Bridges H. I., Sandersville, Ga.
Breheny T. P „ A tlantic, Ia.
Bridges Henry, Paradise, Tex.
♦Brehmer Otto, A tlantic, Ia.
Breidenthal M. L„ Kansas City, ♦Bridgewater Lee, Kingston, Mo.
Bridgford M. E.. Joy, 111.
Breidenthal W. J., Kansas City, ♦Bridgforth M iss M. A., Goldthwaite, Tex.
Brelhan W. H., Sylvan Grove. Bridgforth W. A., Alberta, Va.
♦Bridgham C. W., Jr., M t. Vernon,
Breitbach Jacob, Peosta. Ia.
♦Breitenbach G. J., W ashington, Bridgm an C. A., Syracuse, N. Y.
Bridgm an L. H ., F lint, Mich.
Bridwell J . G., Belpre, Kan.
Breitenstein H .. Rawlins, Wyo.
Brldwell M. U., Mediapolis, Ia.
Breitigan J. H „ L ititz, Pa.
♦Breitweiser H. F., Sabetha, Kan. ♦Briebach Geo. A., Missoula,
M ont.
Breitzm an C. J., Fond du Lac,
♦Briedwell L. H., Am ity, Ore.
Brietzke W m., Chicago, 111.
♦ Breker H. J . C., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Brlggle W. H., Breckenridge, Col.
Brelsford J. F., Kinsley, Kan.
Brelsford W . D., Philadelphia, Pa. Briggs E. G., Sutherland, Ia.
♦Bremen R. M ., Grand Rapids, ♦Briggs E . F., Nevada. Ia.
Briggs E. M., Grand Ledge, Mich.
♦Bremer O. A., Aberdeen, S. D.
Briggs F . H .t Raleigh, N. C.
♦Bremer F . W ., Farm ington. Briggs F. W ., Brandon, Vt.
Briggs G. D., E ast Aurora. N. Y.
M inn.
Briggs G. E ., Livermore, Ia.
Brem er G. A., Jerome, Idaho.
Briggs H arry, Beallsville, O.
Brenan J . D „ Brooklyn, M d.
♦Briggs H. L., Danville, Ky.
♦Brenchley F ,, New Orleans, La.
Briggs H. L „ Jam estow n, N. Y.
Brendal J. P.. D alton, Minn.
Brendemuhl F. W ., Emerson, N .D . ♦Briggs H. N.. St. Joseph, Mich.
Briggs J . B., Franklin, Tehn.
♦Briggs J. D., Geneva, Ind.
♦Brenelsa, H . M., Cabery, 111.
Briggs J. H .. M ount Sterling, 111.
Breneisa R. C., Cabery, 111.
Briggs L. H., Houston, M inn.
Brenem an R. M., Saxton. Pa.
Briggs L. R., New Sharon, Ia.
Breneman V. Z., New London,Ta.
♦Briggs Ollie, Oak Grove, La.
Brener F. G„ Shawano, Wis.
Briggs R. A., Deweese, Neb.
♦Brennan J. Jr., Erie, Colo.
♦Briggs William, Suffolk. Va.
♦Brennan J. P., Tam pa, Fla.
Brennan P . J., Denison, Tex.
♦Brigham A. R., W orcester, Mass.
Brennan T.. Fountain City, Ind.
♦Brigham B. C., Kingfisher, Okla.
Brennan W. J., Tom ah, Wis.
Brigham Caleb L., Hudson. Mass.
Brigham C. D„ W ater Proof, La.
Brennecke C. F., Greenway, Ark.
♦Brigham G. M., Hadley. Mich.
Brennem an A., Elida, Ohio.
♦Brenner E. C., T am arack, M inn. Brigham L. M„ Cuba, Kan.
Brigham R. W., M illbury, Mass.
Brenner W. B., G alata, M ont.
♦Brigham W. L.,Dyersburg, Tenn.
♦Brenner J. B., L a Crosse, Wis.
Bright C. L., Jesup, Ia.
Brenner J. P., Tam arack, M inn.
B right J. C., Gonzales, Tex.
B renner W. D., Sm ithsburg. Md.
♦Brenniman W. F.,. Riverton. Wyo. Bright Jesse V., Flora, Ind.
B right M. ML, F o rt W orth, Tex.
B rent C. J „ Dodd City, Tex.
♦Bright Oakley, Boswell, Ind.
Brent H. W., Otego, Kan*.
Bright W. M., Stanford, Ky.
♦Brent M . E ., Otego, Kan.
♦Brightwell R.G., Grandview, Mo.
B rent Paul L., Douglas, Okla.
Brightwell H. P., Charleston, W.
Brenton C. E., Dallas Center, Ia.
♦Brents F. R., W oodbury, Tenn.
Brightwell, G. R., Grandview, Mo.
♦Brenza J. C., Chicago, III.
Brightwell R. L„ Drexel, Mo.
Bressler F. K., Genesee, Ida.
♦Brethauer G. H ., New H aven, Brightwell R. T „ M t.Leonard, Mo.
Brightwell V.. Grandview, Mo.
♦Brightwell W. R., Pam plin, Va.
♦Brethouwer B., Oostburg, Wis.
♦Briley W. L., Ellendale.'N . D.
Brethouwer J., Oostburg, Wls.
Brill S. O.. Lincoln, Mo.
Bretney C. F., W eatheriy, Pa.
Brim O. C., Lesterville, Mo.
Bretney H. J., Lehigh ton. Pa.
♦Brimhall C. W ., Schaller. Ia.
♦B rett Annie E., Carlton, Minn.
Brinckerhoff W. R., N. Y. City,
♦B rett Fred, W iutehall, N . Y.
N. Y.
♦B rett H. I., Boston, Mass.
Brindley E. W .. Mustang, Okla.
B rett M . D., Holcomb, Miss.
♦Bretz P aul V., Carson City, Mich. Brindley V. M ., Cochrane, Ala.
Brink C. W., Granville, Ia.
♦Bretzke D. R., Geronimo, Tex.
♦Brink E. B., Buffalo Okla.
B retzke |§ j Geronimo, Tex.
♦Brink L. L „ Amboy, 111.
Breunig J. H., Rockville, M inn.

♦Braud P . L.. Thibodaux, L a .;
♦Braum C. F., Ann Arbor, Mich.
♦Braun O. E ., Pittsburgh, Pa.
♦Braun A. W., St. Louis, Mo.
♦Braun Hazel L., Salisburg, Mo.
B raun P . C.. Lawrenceburg, Ind.
B raun J. R., Hecker, 111.
♦Braun P. P., Henderson, Neb.
♦Braun W. F., Edgerton. Kan.
♦Braunschweiger W. J., Allegany,
N . Y.
Brawner E. L., Lum pkin, Ga.

♦Brink N etta E., Granville, la .
Brink Robert, Verndale, Minn.
♦Brinkley W. G.,,W arrenton, Ga.
♦Brinkman B. G., St. Louis, Mo.
♦Brinkm an C. L., M arion, S. D.
Brinkm an F. W ., Great Bend,
♦Brinkman H. A., Chicago, 111.
Brinkm an C. H., Ohiowa, Neb.
Brinkm ann H. F., Rosebud, Mo.
Brinkm eyer H. H „ St. Marys, O.
♦Brinsfleld W. C.. Vienna, M d.
♦Brinson Adam, Newhebron, Miss.
Brinson R. A.. Willacoochee, Ga.
Brintnall Edgar, W inthrop, Ia.
♦Brinton Inez, Ellsworth, Ia.
Brion S. W. Jr., Ewing, Neb.
Brisbin H. T., Florence, Neb.
Brisbine T. ML, Jr., Artesian, S. D.
Briscoe E. F., W arren, O.
Brislan J. A., Frankfort. Ky.
Brister H. E ., Bogue Chitto, Miss.
Brlster S. J., Canal Dover, O.
Bristol W. E.. Oakfield, Wls.
♦Bristow C. W .. Conway, N. C.
♦Bristow Darwin, Eugene, Ore.
♦Bristow M attie L.. Union, Ky.
♦Bristow Otto, Abbeville, S. C.
Bristowe J. C., Mullen, Neb.
B rite A. G., Larussel, Mo.
♦Brite E. F., Larussel, Mo.
B rite R. A., Dublin, Tex.
B ritt J. E.. McCormick, S. C.
♦B rittain R. S„ St. Joseph, Mo.
B rittan Chas., Alliance, Neb.
Brittle S. C.. W arrenton, Va.
B ritton O. W-, Sioux City, Ia.
♦Britton F. E., Blue Hill, Neb.
B ritton J. D., Greeneville, Tenn.
♦Britton,Owen, Dayton. Ö.
B ritton W. T.. Seymour, Tex. ♦
B ritts B. F „ Virginia, Minn.
B ritts C. A.. Duluth, Minn.
Briuns H. W., Rupert, W. Va.
♦Brixey H. W., Morrison, Tenn.
Brizendine W. M„ Girard, Kan.
Broach S. O., Cowan, Tqnn.
♦Broad G. R., Golden, Colo
♦Broadaus John W., St.Joseph.Mo.
Broadfoot B. C., Sidney, N. Y.
♦Broadfoot C. H., Sidney, N. Y.
Broadhurst G. W.. Saratoga, Wyo.
♦Broadley E /A ., Beech G rove,K y.
Broadley J. C., Weir, Kan.
B roadt M . S.,E.Downington, Pa.
♦Broadwell W. D., Folkston, Ga.
Brock A. C., Trafalgar, Ind.
Brock A lbert G„ Nantucket.M ass.
Brock A. T.. Clarksburg, Ind.
♦Brock A. W., Norfolk, Va.
Brock C. B., Blanche, Tenn.
♦Brock Clyde, Heppner, Ore.
♦Brock 0. L., Jefferson, Ia.
♦Brock F. W., Clinton, Ky.
♦Brock M . G., Blountstown, Fla.
♦Brock O. B., Jonesville, Ky.
Brock R. A., Moscow, Ky.
♦Brock R. D., Columbia, M iss.
♦Brock R. F., Hutchinson, Kan.
♦Brock S. C.. W aynesburg, Pa.
♦Brock V. C.. Hood River. Ore.
Brock U. M ., Grapeland, Tex.
♦Brockenbrough B., L aF ayette.
B rockett Jennie, Runnells, Ia.
Brockhouse J. F., Meredosia, 111.
Brockman J. E ., Gaffney, S. C.
♦Brockman L. J., Vian, Okla.
Brockway A. T„ Rockville, Ind.
Brockway C. M ., Fishers, Ind.
♦Brod Nellie, Borholm, Ia.
♦Brode L. F., Bay City, Ore.
Brodd F. L., Cambridge, 111. . i
♦Broderick T. J.. Nashville, Tenn.
Broders H. T., H artley, la.
Brodnax J . C.. W alnutgrove, Ga.
♦Brodt M. D., Sibley, Ia.
Broeksmit J. S., Chicago, 111.
Broemmel Casper, L ittleto n . Cdlo.
♦Brog J. A., Kennewick, Wash.
♦Brogger E.. Butterfield, Minn.
Brogmus R. C., Alta, Ia.
♦Brothers J. R.. Kosse, Tex.
Brokaw C. L.v Kansas City, Kan.
Brokaw R. H.. Bound Brook,N.J.
Brokaw V. E ., Centerburg, O
Brokaw W. C., Stanwood, Wash.
♦Brokken T. S.. Harm ony, Mmn.
♦Brokofsky J. J., Linton, N. D.
♦Bromfleld R ., Clearwater, Kan.
Bromley C. C., Boulder, Coio._
♦Bromlies T. L., Houston, Miss.
Bromwich William G., St. Louis,
♦Bronaugh T. H., Crab Orchard,
♦ Bronner M. R., Oakland, Cal.
♦Bronom J. M ., Cumby, Tex.
Bronson F. E., Hom ell, N. Y.
♦Bronson Wm. H., Carbondale.Pa,
Bronstad O. A., Clifton, Tex.
♦Broocks T. A., Richmond, Va.
♦Brooder J. M ., Kane, Pa.
Brooder W. F., Provem ont, Mien.
♦Brook E. E ., Antioch, 111.
Brook J . E., Antioch, 111.
Brook H. J., Goodland, Ind.
Brooke Edward. Deprue, 111.
♦Brooke Samuel, Jr., Annapolis,
Brooker A. E ., St. Louts, Mo.
Brookings F. O., Burke, S. D.
♦Brooks A. D.. Oockeysville, M u .
Brooks B yrd, Tucson, Ariz.
♦Brooks B. S., McAlester, Okla.

Brooks O. A rthur, Monroe, N . Y.
♦Brooks C. E „ Burlington, la .
♦Brooks O. E., Mason City, la .
Brooks C. J., Middletown, O.
Brooks C. V., Mohawk, Ind.
♦Brooks D. S., Roxboro, N. O.
Brooks E . A., Dedham , Mass.
Brooks E . G., Oconoco, M inn.
Brooks E . G., W harton, Tex.
♦Brooks E . T ., E van t, Tex.
Brooks E. W., Midville, Ga.
♦Brooks F. A., Salem, Mass.
Brooks F rank F., Pittsburgh, Pa.
♦Brooks F. S„ Farm er. S. D.
Brooks F. W., E verett, W ash.
Brooks J . C., Griffin, Ga.
Brooks J. E ., Camilla, Ga.
Brooks J. F „ Pierson, la.
Brooks J. N „ Torrington, Conn.
Brooks J. S., Pittsburg, Pa.
Brooks J. W., Burlington, la.
Brooks L. R., Gray Court. S. C.
Brooks Neville, Paris, Tex.
♦Brooks R . L., Hawarden, la .
Brooks R. T., W estport, S. D.
Brooks S. B., Greenville, Tex.
♦Brooks S. C., C nattanooga, Tenn.
Brooks T ., Cabool, Mo.
Brooks T. J., Jacksonville, Fla.
Brooks T. W., Chatsworth, Ga.
♦Brooks W. H., Jam esburg, N. J.
Brooks W. L., Bemidji, Minn.
Brooks W. P., Athens, Ga.
Brooks W. T„ Loganvllle, Ga.
Brooks W. W., Notasulga, Ada.
Brookshier J. D., Chillicothe. Mo.
Brookshire J. D., Diamond, Mo.
♦Brookshire Lois, Diamond, Mo.
♦Broome S. C., Centerville, Tenn.
Broemmel Casper, Littleton, Colo.
Brophy F. J., Carrolltown, Pa.
Brophy J. J., Campus, 111.
♦Brophy John W., N iagara Falls,
N. Y.
Brophy W. A., Mt. Vernon, N. Y.
Brosius G. K., Vermillion, S. D.
Brosius J . Howard, Avondale, Pa.
♦Brosius J. M., Brookville, Pa.
♦Brosnahan John, Chatsworth,111.
B rotherton C. G.. Guthrie, 111.
♦B rotherton R. E„ Guthrie, 111.
Brothwell O.H., Bridgeport.Conn.
♦Brough Barton, Nephi, Tex.
Brough Jo h n M., Biggs, Cal.
♦Broughton A. M„ Sum ter, S. C.
Broughton G. E ., Ronan, M ont.
Brouillard II.E .,W apanucha,O kla.
Broun E. D., Exmore, Ya.
♦Broun Grace W., Cooksville, 111.
Brouse A, H., Riverside, Cal.
Brouse C. E., Riverside, Cal.
♦Broussard Claude, Abbeville, La.
Broussard F. S., Broussard, La.
Broussard J.G .,St.M artinville. La.
Broussard O. A., Abbeville, La.
♦Broussard W. J., E rath , La.
♦Browder C. M., Duncan, Okla.
Browder J. M., J a rra tt, Ya.
Brower B. M„ Liberty, N. C.
Brower C. D.; Kimball, M inn.
♦Brower C. W.. Hackensack. N. J.
Brower Herm an, Ham ilton, Mich.
♦Brower Juliet, Ham ilton, Mich.
♦Brower J. M., Fullerton, Neb.
Brow itt John. Cincinnati. Ia.
Brown Alfred, Cincinnati, O.
♦Brown A. B., Bingham pton, N. Y.
Brown A. G., Dieterich, 111.
♦Brown A. J., Twinsburg, O.
Brown A. J., W apakoneta. O.
♦Brown A. L., Guadaloupe, Cal.
Brown Alexis, Mt. H ealthy, O.
♦Brown A. M ., Hazelton, Kan.
Brown A. M., Mohnton, Pa.
Brown A. M., Eufaula, Ala.
Brown A.R.. Steam boat Sp’gs.Col.
♦Brown A. R., W alnut Grove,Cal.
Brown Argyle, Dale, Ind.
Brown A rth u r M„ K eyport, N. J.
♦Brown B., Oneonta, Ala.
Brown B. A., Pocahontas, Ark.
♦Brown B. B., N orth English, la.
Brown B. F „ Preston, Okla.
Brown B. P ., O ttum wa, Ia.
Brown B. R., Campbell, Tex.
Brown B. W ., Derry, P a
Brown O. B., Gallatin, Tenn.
Brown C. C., Bernards ville, N. J.
♦Brown C. C., D ecatur, Miss.
Brown C. C., M organtown, W.Va.
♦Brown C. O., Cuba, N. Y.
♦Brown C. E., Milroy, Ind.
♦Brown C. 0 3 W ingate, Ind.
♦Brown Cecil, South Jacksonville,
♦Brown C .'F ., Vicksburg, Mich.
♦Brown C. H „ Caney, Okla.
Brown C. H., Martelle, Ia.
♦Brown C. H., Nevada, Mo.
♦Brown C. H., Zanesville, O.
♦Brown Charles, Mt. Kisco, N. Y.
Brown C. T ., Pottsville, Pa.
Brown C. K., H enrietta, Tex.
♦Brown O. J., Ham burg, Ark.
♦Brown C.J. Lesueur Center, Minn.
Brown C. O., Elberton, Ga.
♦Brown C. P i Providence, R. I.
Brown C. R., Como, Miss.
Brown C. R., Springer, N. M.
Brown C. S.. Aurora, Neb.
Brown C. S., Charlotte, Mich.
Brown O. V., Lumberton, N. O.
rown C. W.. Bardwell, Tex.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Brown D. D., P ort H uron, Mich. Brown Paul G., W est Chicago, 111.
Brown D. F., London, Ky.
♦Brown P . L., Doland, S. D.
Brown D. F „ Hillsboro, III.
♦Brown R. A., A rkansas City.Kan
♦Brown E . A., M arquette, Mich. ♦Brown R. D., New York, N. Y.
♦Brown E. A., Sacram ento, Cal.
Brown R. E., Reliance, S. D.
Brown E. A., Roseville, O.
Brown R. E ., Bozeman, Mont.
♦Brown E . A., Sacramento, Cal.
♦Brown R. E., Richm ond. Mo.
Brown E. C., Lakemills, Wis.
Brown R. E., Willisville, 111.
Brown E . D „ Clint, Tex.
♦Brown R. E ., Blowing Rock,
♦Brown E. E., H utto, Tex.
N. C.. ■
Brown E . G., Hillsdale, Wis.
Brown R. H., Augusta,Ga.
Brown Elmer, Caney, Kan.
Brown R obert H., Marshall, 111.
♦Brown E. L., Newport, Vt.
♦Brown Ross, Miller Neb.
Brown E. L., Denver, Colo.
♦Brown Roy, Cissna P ark, 111.
Brown E. L., Red Rock, Okla.
Brown Richard, Clydepark, M o n t’
♦Brown E. L., San Antonio. Tex. ♦Brown R. S., Addison, N. Y.
Brown E. R., Greenwood. Wis.
♦Brown R. S., Bristol, Yt.
Brown R. T., New Matamoras, O.
♦Brown Evelyn A., M artelle, la .
Brown R. W., Bremond, Tex.
♦Brown E. W., Genoa, 111.
Brown R. W., Knoxville, Tenn.
Brown F. A., Muncie, Ind.
Brown S., Denton, M ont.
Brown F D.. Miller, Neb.
Brown S. A., Cissna Park, III.
Brown F. E., Vivian, S. D.
Brown S. B., F ort Valley, Ga.
Brown F. H., W arroad, Minn.
♦Brown S. E ., Tiro, O.
♦Brown F. H., Ubry, Mich.
♦Brown Jr., S. H., Fayette, Mo.
Brown F. L., P atton, Pa.
Brown S. P., Carencro, La.
♦Brown F. M ., Tully, N. Y.
S- W., Auburn, Wash.
Brown F . S., Doland, S. D.
Brown S. W., Laredo, Tex.
Brown F. S„ Goodland, Kan.
Brown S. W.. W est Salem, Wis.
Brown F. S., W hite Castle, La.
♦Brown Thornton, Cripple Creek,
Brown George, Zanesville, O.
Brown G. G., Cadillac, Mich.
Brown T. H „ Owingsville, Ky.
♦Brown G. H., Springfield, Tenn.
♦Brown Jr., T. J., Mounds, Okla.
Brown G. J., Flint, Mich.
♦Brown T. R ., H um boldt, Minn.
♦Brown G. J., Sterling, Kan.
♦Brown V. L., Rocky, Okla,
Brown Guy W., F ayette C lty.Pa.
Brown W. A., Tiro, O,
♦Brown G.W., Williamson, W. Va.
♦Brown H „ Dover, Minn.
Brown W. A., Bedford, Ind.
Brown H. A., Milford, Mass.
♦Brown H. C., Deming, N. Mex. Brown W. A., G reat Falls, Mont.
♦Brown Winifred D., Fayette, Ia.
Brown H. C., Hinton. Ia.
Brown W. E „ Augusta, Kan.
♦Brown H. C., Carrollton, Mo.
Brown W. E., Gorden, Neb.
Brown H. E., Mt. Morris, N. Y.
Brown W. E., Sapulpa, Okla.
Brown Henry, Napa, Cal.
♦Brown Henry, Jr., Jersey City. ♦Brown W. F.. Gallatin, Tenn.
Brown W. G., Inglewood, Cal.
N. J.
♦Brown H. F., Oakes, N. D.
Brown W. G., Bowdon. Ga.
Brown H. G., Richland, Mich.
♦Brown W. G„ Dubois, Pa.
♦Brown H. H., Texarkana, Tex.
Brown W. G., Neenah, Wis.
Brown H. J„ M arinette, Wis.
Brown W. H „ Bloomington,, 111
♦Brown H. J., Snyder, Okla.
♦Brown W. H.. Clarendon, Ark.
Brown H. N„ Decatur, Miss.
Brown W. J., Florence, S. C.
Brown H. P., Conway,N. H.
♦Brown W. J., N. Y. City, N . Y.
Brown H. M„ G arrett, Ind.
Brown W. L., F rankfort, Ind.
Brown H. R., McAlester, Okla.
Brown W. L., Rio Vista, Cal.
♦Brown H. W „ Windfall, Ind.
♦Brown W. M ., Lebanon, Ore.
♦Brown J. A., Keosaugua, Ia.
♦Brown W. R., Wyoming, Del.
Brown J. Ashley, Roselle, N. J.
Brown W. T .. Sherman, Miss.
♦Brown J. A., M artinsville, Va.
Brown W . W., Grangeville. Ida.
♦Brown James, Evanston. Wyo.
♦Brownback E. G., Spring C ity,Pa.
A. R., Alta. Ia.
♦Brown J. B., McRae, Ga.
Browne C. H., Lakiu, Kan.
Brown J. C., Sparta. 111.
Browne D. H., Lakin, Kan.
Brown J. C., Lake Geneva, Wis.
Browne D. O., Anderson, S. C.
♦Brown J. D., Brunswick, Md.
Browne E . A., Crawford, Colo.
Brown J. D., Gail. Tex.
F. P., Bay City, Mich.
Brown J . E., Mackville, Ky.
Browne Garfield, Millport, Ala.
♦Brown J. F., Winchester, Va.
♦Browne H. H., Knoxville, Ia.
Brown J. G., Magnolia. Ark.
Browne J . F „ Prosperity, S.C.
Brown J. G., Odessa, Del.
Browne K. L., Kansas City, Kan.
♦Brown J. H., Urbana, 0.
Browne L. G ., Chattanooga.Tenn.
Brown J. H., Floresvilie, Tex.
Browne V. B., Jr., M ay, Okla.
Brown J. J., Cowpens, S. C.
♦Brown M rs. J. L., Philadelphia, Browne Wm. H., Greenville, Mich.
♦Brownell E. W „ Seattle, Wash.
Brown J. L.. Sweetwater. Tenn. Brownell R. O., Schuyler, Neb.
Brownell S. A., Lowell, Ind.
♦Brown J. M., Ramsey. 111.
Brownfield E.. Hershey, Neb.
♦Brown Jos., New York, N. Y.
Brown J. Ray, W etumka, Okla. Brownfield V., Muldrow, Okla.
♦Browning J. A., Jr., Hopkinsville,
♦Brown J. R., Fayette City, Pa.
♦Brown J. S„ Springfield, Tenn.
J. K., Piggott, Ark.
Brown John S., W alnut Grove.Cal.
Browning J. L., Frazeysburg, O.
♦Brown J . T., Globe, Ariz.
Brown J. W., M organ Mill, Tex. r ♦Browning L. J., Vanleer, Tenn.
Browning O. B., Blanchard, Okla.
Brown J. W., Portland. Ark.
♦Browning V. V., Lam ar, Okla.
Brown J . W., Springfield, Tenn.
Browning W . E., Lam ar, Okla.
Brown J. W., Locust Grove. Ga.
♦Browning Walter, Pecos, Tex.
Brown L. C., M cHenry, Ky.
Browning W. H., Jr., Pecos, Tex.
Brown L. C., Nickerson, Kan.
Browning W. L., Alvin, Tex.
Brown L. D., Akron, O.
Brownlee C. E ., Yerdel, Neb.
Brown Lee, Emery, S. D.
Brown Leman, Santa Ana, Tex.
Brown L. G., Harrisville, Pa.
Brownlee J . E., Bettendorf, Ia.
♦Brown L. H., Oarlock, 111.
Brownlee J . I., Anderson, S. C.
Brown L. J., Bloomingdale. Ind.
♦Brownlee M arie, Richland, Okla,
Brown L. J., Sycamore, Ga.
Brownlee R. C., Fortescue, Mo.
♦Brown L. L., Steamboat Springs, ♦Brownlee R. L., L ittle York, 111.
Brownlee R. S., Brookfield, Mo.
♦Brownlee W. A., Tulsa, Okla.
Brown Leon M.. Bum s. Ore.
♦Brown Louis P., West Baden, Ind. Brownlie H. O., Long Grove, Ia.
Brownlie W. T.. D avenport, Ia.
Brownlow J. F.. Columbia. Tenn.
Brown L. T ., Sale City, Ga.
A. N., Chula, Mo.
♦Brown L. T.. Turlock. Cal.
♦Broyles Jno., Lockney, Tex.
Brown Lyle. Galveston. Ind.
Brozich G. L., Ely, M inn.
Brown M. C., Utica, N, Y.
♦Brubacher I. O., Fonda, Ia. .
Brown M. J ., Whitehall, N. Y.
♦Brubaker A. A., Chicago, 111.
♦Brown M. L., Britton, Mich.
Brubaker A. H., Bigelow, Kan.
Brown M. M., Sturgis, S. D.
B rubaker G. R., Bronaugh, Mo.
♦Brown M. R., Onida, S. D.
Brubaker H. M., Russiaville, Ind.
♦Brown Mrs. J. L., Philadelphia, ♦Brubaker
L. P., Waggoner, 111.
♦Brown M rs. L. Mv. Brodhead, ♦Brubaker N. A., Bigelow, Kan.
Brubaker W. A., Terry, Mont.
Brown N. E ., Akron, N. Y.
♦Bruce B. A., Cleveland. O.
Brown N. J., Church Hill. Md.
Brown O. E „ Kendallville, Ind.
♦Bruce Charles, Booneyille, Ky.
♦Bruce D. M ., Dresden, Tenn.
♦Brown O. E., M arquette, Mich.
♦Brown O. EL. Bradley Beach, Bruce E. B., Portsm outh, Va.
Bruce F. E ., Lynn, Mass.
N. J.
Bruce Jam es, Rolfe, Ia.
Brown O. H ., Evanston, Wyo.
♦Brown O. K., Canton, S. D.
♦Bruce M . J., Ontario, Cal.
Bruce O. C., Wills Point, Tex.
Brown Orrin, Opelika, Ala.
♦Brown O. S., W. F rankfort, 111. Bruce P., Hughesville, Mo.
♦Bruce R. B., Kinde, Mich.
♦Brown Paul, Meridian, Miss.
♦Bruce William, Albany. N. Y.
Brown Perry, Sherwood, N. D.
♦Brown P. G., Sparta, IU,
♦Brucker E. H., Columbia, 111.


. *Brucker W. A., Chicago, 111.
Bruckshaw J. B „ Centerville, la .
Bruckshaw J. J., D u Quoin, 111.
♦Bradas Tollef, Lake City, S. D.
♦Brader A. A., Redford, Mich.
Braen N. J.. Eatonville, Wash.
Bruenn H. A., Conrad, M ont.
♦Brueske R. R.. W imbledon. N .D .
Bruhns H. J., Buckeye, la .
Brum baugh D. E., Claysburg, Pa.
Brum baugh E. E,, Rockford, 111.
Brum baugh M. C., M aitland, Mo.
♦Brum baugh M. W.. Maitland.Mo.
Brummel Henry, Choctaw, Okla.
Brum m er George, Cherokee, Ia.
B rum m erstadt J. L., A ltam ont,
B rum m itt A.R.,New Carlisle, Ind.
♦Brum m itt Gèo.. Gleason. Tenn.
Brundage B. B., Eugene, Ore.
Brandage C. L., Westerville, O.
Brundage G. W., Auburn, Cal.
Brundage J. M., Andover, N. Y.
Brundage M. K... Russell, Kan.
Brandidge E. C., Bowdon, N. D.
B runer G. L., Burns, Kan.
♦Bruner D. D., Industry, 111.
♦Bruner.M innie E ., Conway, Ia.
♦B runett F. J., Renovo, Pa.
B urnett G. T., Vera, T.ex.
♦Brungardt A. O., Victoria, Kan.
B rungardt A. p ., Victoria, Kan.
Bruning A., Fairbanks, Alaska.
♦Braning Fred H., Bruning, Neb.
Bruning Geo. C., Braning, Neb.
Bruning H. A.. Belvidere. Neb.
Brunner J. F., M arkville, M inn.
♦Brunnert E. M ., Argyle, Mo.
♦Bruno G. W., Oakland, Cal.
♦Bruns E., Raymond, Minn.
Bruns F. M., Stryker, O.
Bruns L. A., Sunman. Ind.
♦Bruns W. H. Jr.* Wóòdvillé, O.
Bruns W. H.» El Campo, Tex.
♦Brunschwiler J. I.. Sacramento.
♦Brunsfeld K. E,, Earleton, Kan.
Brunskill B. M., Elgin, Okla.
♦Brunsman E. fl., Greenview, 111.
♦Branson J. P., Parksville. S. C.
Brunson W. W., Blakely, Ga.
B runt B. W., Alcester, S. D.
♦Brunt H. C., Chandler, Okla.
B runt H. C.. Wellston, Okla.
Bras J. J., Davenport, Ia.
♦Bruschwien A. M ., Driscoll, N.D.
Brash Birchard, Osage, Ia.
Brash F. A., S anta Rosa, Cal.
Brush T. H. Hackensack N. J.
♦Brass A. E ., Cedar burg, Wis.
.Brast Wm., Sleepy Eye, Minn.
♦Bruton M ., Woodston, Kan.
Bruton V., Woodston, K an.,
B ryan Jr., A. J., Fiorala, Ala.
Bryan A. L., Winnfield, Mich.
Bryan B„ Marshall. 111.
♦Bryan O. A., Pocatello, Ida.
Bryan C. A., Sulphur, Okla.
Bryan D avid T., Van Buren, A rk.
♦Bryan D. B., Bath, N, Y.
B ryan D. W .,,Charleston, Ark.
Bryan E. R.. Midland, Tex.
Bryan, J. A. Bryceland, La.
Bryan J . B„ Spencer, Ind.
Bryan John E.. Ozark, Ark .
Bryan J. O., Choudrant, La.
Bryan, N. T.. Mechanicsvllle, N. Y
B ryan P. F., Gillsville, Ga.
Bryan R. L., Glen Rose, Tex.
♦Bryan S. G., McAlester, Okl.
Bryan W. C., Los Angeles, Cal.
Bryan W. G., Avery. Tex.
♦Bryant A., Williston, N. D.
B ryant 0 . H., Dés Moines, Ia.
♦Bryant D. R., Chicago, 111.
♦B ryant D. T.. San Jose. Cal.
♦B ryant F. C., Orangeburg, S. C.
B ryant H. A.. Parsons, Kan.
♦B ryant H erbert. Osceola, Ark.
B ryant I. C., Maysville, Okla.
B ryant Jesse T., Hardyville, Ky.
B ryant John C., Red Oak, Ia.
B ryant J. L., Sharpsburg, N. C.
B ryant J. W., M itchell, S. D.
♦Bryant L. J., Caruthersville, Mo.
B ryant L. S., F t. Branch, Ind.
♦Bryant O. E ., Clayton, 111.
B ryant R . F., Orangeburg, S. C.
♦Brydon J. C., Martinsville, 111.
Brydon J. I.. Martinsville. 111.
Bryson J. Y., Rèevesville, S. C, .
Bryson T. A., Liberty Hill, Tex.
Bubb E. M .. M errill,;0re.
♦Bubb U. S., Milton. Pa.
Bubert I. N.. Coal Springs, S. D.
♦Bucek E. J., Yoakum, Tex.
♦Bucek Franm Jr., Sealy, Tex.
Bucek John, Moulton. Tex.
♦Buchan D. W., Palo Alto, Cal.
Buchan E. R., Cerro Gordo, N. C.
Buchanan C. S.. New Haven. Mo.
♦Buchanan C. E ., Sanderson, Tex.
♦Buchanan E . J., Kewanna, Ind.
Buchanan E. W., Leedey, Okla.
Buchanan G. W.. Newport, Va.
Buchanan I. W. P., Lebanon.Tenn
Buchanan L. L., Tam pa, Fla.
♦Buchanan L. M .. W. Alexander,
♦Buchanan M . A., Grapevine, Tex.
♦Buchanan O. L., W. Milton, O.
Buchanan W. E „ Mount Union, Ia.
Buchanan W. J.. Eolia. Mo.

Buchard H. H .. Harlingen, Tex.
Bucher F rank, Bartlesville, Okla.
Bucher I. C„ Bendersville, Pa.
Bucher J . W., Lewisburg, Pa.
♦Bucher P. O., Bartlesville, Okla.
Buchholtz W , M„ B atavia, N. Y.
♦Buchse L. H ., BeUaire, O.
♦Buch w aiter C. F.; Dalton, O.
Buck A. W., Ebensburg, Pa.
Buck C. J., Em bden, N. D.
♦Buck C. R ., A rvada, Colo.
Buck Flora, Genoa, 111.
Buck F. E ., Gifford, Mo.
Buck G. R., Lapeer, Mich.
Buck John C., W oburn, Mass.
«Buck J. F ., Shawnee, Okla.
♦Buck J . H ., Delaware, O.
Buck J. T ., Heyworth, 111.
Buck L. Ja y , Em poria, Kan.
♦Buck Roscoe, Springview, Neb.
Buck R. F., Corning, Mo.
Buck S. H .. Berlin, Neb.
Buck Sanford W ., Gaylord, Micb.
Buck W. L., Rowland, N. C.
Buck W. McG., Mullins, S. C.
Buck Wm, H . Jr.,CockeyviUe, Md.
Buck W. O., Tulsa, Okl.
Buckalew M . R.. L a F ayette, Ala.
♦Buckenberger E . H ., Herreid,
S. D.
«Bucker H. M ., W inthrop, la.
Buckey C. P „ Spencer, la .
♦Buckey C. R., L a Ju n ta , Colo.
♦Buckhan E. R., Rowland. N. C.
♦Buckholder G. R., Gregory, S. D.
♦Bucknell R. E ., Decorah, la.
♦Buckingham Anna, W ashburn,

Buckingham A.S., Steubenville,O.
♦Buckingham C. H ., Blanchardville, W. Va.
♦Buckingham Claude, Paintsville,
Buckingham J . E ., Paintsville,K y.
Buckler C. O., Owings, M d.
♦Buckley A. H „ San Jacinto-, Cal.
Buckley C. H ., St. Paul, M inn.
♦Buckley J. E ., Lam onte, Mo.
Buckley J . R., Prairie City, la .
Buckley W. G., Roseland, La.
♦Bucklin H. F., Brazil, Ind.
Bucklin W, A., Long Pine, Neb.
Buckm an E .E .. Wilkes Barre, P a.
Buckm aster A.D., Linngrove, Ind.
♦Bucknell J. R., Upland, Neb
♦Buckner E . T ., Canadian, Tex.
♦Buckner Ira, L uther, Mich.
Buckner Louis J r„ St. Joseph, La.
Buckner N., L uther, Mich.
♦Buckner R. W ,, Hanford, Cal.
Buckner S. J., Mexico, Mo.
♦Buckson H. M ., Dover, Del.
♦Buckwalter C. P., Pottstow n, P a.
Buck w aiter P . M., Blsbee, Ariz.
♦Buckwalter S.E., Royeraford.Pa.
Budd C. M ., M ontevideo, M inn.
♦Budd W. F., Birch Tree, Mb.
♦Budde J. P., M t. P leasant, la.
Budenz H, J „ Indianapolis, Ind.
Buder E dw ard, St. Louis, Mo.
♦Budish Joseph, W estbrook,M inn.
Bue Sigurd, Crosby, N, D.
♦Buechler A., Freeburg, Mo.
♦Buechler K. H., Bremen, N . D.
♦Buegrig E d a B., Minier, III.
Buehrig Charles, Minier, 111.
Buehrig F. W., M ason City, 111.
Buell H. C., Lone Tree, la .
Buell H. O., B urt, la.
♦Buell H. O., H arrisburg, 111.
Buell O. P., K asota, Minn.
Buelow C h arles.: Lothair, M ont.
Buenem an O. R., Defiance, M o.
♦Buenneke W alter. M aynard, la .
Buerki J . E. Sauk City, WIs.
♦Buerki O. R., SaUk City, Wis.
Buersmeyer C. J., W estphalia, Mo.
Buersineyer M . R., St. Thomas,
BUescher W . F., Freelahdville.Ind.
B u ettn er O. J., Anderson, Ind.
Buffalo R. L., E ngland, Ark.
Bufte O. F. Jacksonville, 111.
♦Buffham F. S., Lohrville, la .
Buffington J. E ., Vinita, Okla.
Buffington S. S,, M uncy, Pa.
♦Buffum F . M ., F lint, Mich.
♦Buford H . P ., Sumner., Miss.
♦Bugbee George, Los Angeles, Cal.
Bugbee Perley R „ Hanover, N. H.
Bugg J. L., Farm vllle, Va.
♦Bugg L. R., Bardwell, Ky.
Bugg T. M., Vanduser, Mo.
Bugge R., Marshfield, Ore.
♦Bugge S. M ., Baglcy, M inn.
Buhler F . S., Victoria, Tex.
♦Buhrm ester C. F., Chester, 111.
♦Buice W. S., Hickory Grove, S. C.
Buie W. J.. Green Brier, Tenn.
♦Bukacek B. J., Thermopolis,
♦Buker A. C., Greenwood, Wis.
B u k e rE . D., Killbuck, O.
Bukey C. A., Parkersburg, W .Va.
Bukey W . S., McPherson, Kan.
Buland G. L., Castlerock, W ash.
Btfiechek R. E ., Hills Iowa.
♦Buley L. J., W averly, N. Y.
Bulger M. G.. Brownsville. Pa.
♦Bulkley W . A „ Philadelphia, Pa.
Bull A rthur F., E vanston. III.
♦Bull Ed. Jr., New London, Conn.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Bull H. A.. W aklta, Okla.
♦Bull L, C., Tonkawas, Okla.
♦Bull M . E ., Keller, Va.
Bull W. J., Zion C ity, 111.
♦Bullard F . M .. Jacksonville, Fla.
♦Bullard Fred, H inton, Okla.
B ullard H. B., Saratoga Springs,
N. Y. .
Bullard W. E ., Jackson, M ich.
Bullene F. S., K ansas City, M o.
♦Bufiis F. M ., Sherburne, N. Y.
♦Bullock A. G., Lake Geneva, Wis.
♦Bullock A. S., F o rt Sm ith, Ark.
Bullock E „ Claxton, Ga.
Bullock F., St. Andrew, Fla.
Bullock F. G., Denbigh, N. D.
♦Bullock G. S., Sacramento, Cal.
♦Bullock J. R., Sherman, Tex.
Bullock W. G., Cheney, Neb.
Bullock W, J., Grimesland, N . C.
Bullwinkel F.,New Holstein, Wis.
♦Bulmer George, Edgeley, N. D.
♦Bulotti Fred, Sonoma, Cal.
♦Buis F. W., Germ antown, Neb.
Bulson J . D.. W orcester, N. Y.
♦Bulsteen I. N., Williamsburg, la.
♦Bultena J. H ., Chancellor, S. D.
♦Buly Hom er, Georgetown, Ind.
Buinann R. O., H artley, la.
♦Bumpass J., Aylesworth, Okla.
Bimce G. W., Crandall, S. D.
Bunce Jam es H ., Mindenmines,
♦Bimce R. L., W ashington, la .
♦Bunch A. B., Kingston, Ark.
Bunch F. B., Statesville, N. C.
Bunch W. L., Kingston, Ark.
Buncher H enry P ., W altham ,

B unday J. E ., Oakes, N . D.
B undlund N., Goodridge, M inn.
Bundridge J. W ., M oberly, Mo.
♦Bundridge V. E ., M oberly, Mo.
♦Bundy O. F., Weils. M inn.
♦Bundy H. T., Drexel, Mo.
B undy O. M., Mechamcsville, la .
Bungenstock H „ Carrollton, Mo.
♦Buning A., Falm outh, Mich.
♦Bunker B. C.. Hudson, Wis.
Bunn F. E., Zebulon, N. C.
Bunn G. F., Byron, 111.
Bunn J . F., Springfield, 111.
Bunn W. O. Sailor Springs, 111.
Bunnell F.B.,New Haven, Conn.
Bunnell J . B., Millburn. N. J .
♦Bunyan E . T., Berthoud, Colo.
Bunyan W m. C., Berthoud, Colo.
B unyard W. C., Wewoka, Okla.
Burbank A. G., Cordova, Neb.
♦B urbridge A. M ., Laurel, Miss.
B urch A. L., Belton, Mo.
Burch J. A., Cadwell, Ga.
♦Burch Kate, Baylis, 111.
Burch M. M., H ayden, Colo.
♦Burch Nellie, Collins, la.
♦Burch T . E.., Wewoka, Okla.
♦Burch W. C„ Carterville, Mo.
♦Burch W. L.. Ellensburg, Wash.
Burchard O. H ., Willow Springs,
M o.
Burchell R . C., Erie, IU.
♦Burchfiel O tha P ., A nthony, Kan.
♦Burchinal H. C., P ittsburgh, Pa.
♦Burchinal Id a M ., Formosa, Kan.
♦Burchinal O. W ., Monroe, la .
Burchinal L. L „ Form osa, Kan.
♦B urckhardt J., N. Y. City. N. Y.
Burd H. O.. Grinnell, la .
Burden C. F., Richmond, Ark.
♦Burden W. E „ Sonora, Cal.
♦B urdett-W . F., Boston, Mass.
B urdette J . L „ Mt. Airy.Md.
♦Burdge L. M ., Silverlake, Ind.
Burdic E. C., H erm an, Neb.
♦Burdip L. D., Herm an, Neb.
♦Burdick B., W atseka, 111.
Burdick C.. B axter, la .
Burdick C. E., Lostwood, N. D
♦Burdick G. R.,San Francisco,Cal.
Burdick L. W ., Gouverneur, N.Y.
Burdick N . A., Acting, Metolius,
♦Burdick W. H., Gainesville, Fla.
♦Burdick W. N., N antucket,M ass.
♦Buren D. L., Brem erton. Wash.
♦Buren Leona, Leland, la.
B urlord H. P ., Cookviile, Tex.
♦Burford J. H ., Cookviile, Tex.
♦Burg Eugene, Glen Jean, W. Va.
♦Burg W., Willamina, Ore.
B urgauer D „ H ot Springs, Ark.
Burge E. S., Chaplin, Ky.
♦Burge S. D., Kewanee, 111.
♦Burgeois D. A.. Ullin, 111.
Burger F . J., Petersburg, Ind.
Burger J . C„ D enver,!Colo.
♦Burger W. M ., Constantine, M ich
♦Burgert G.. Kearney. Neb.
Burges C. W „ Jud, N. D.
Burgess Edw ard L., Plym outh,
Burgess G. E., Medora, N. D.
♦Burgess G. R .f Louisa, K y
♦Burgess, I. F., Bisbee, Ariz.
♦Burgess Jam es, Chicago, 111.
♦Burgess John K., Newcastle, Ind.
Burgess J. E., P o rt Sanilac, Mich.
♦Burgess J . E ., Chinook, M ont.
♦Burgess T. B., De Soto, Mo.
Burgess T. L.. Pevely, Mo.
♦Burgess W. A., Darlington, Ind.
Burgesser L. J., Newark, N. J.
B urgett A. L., Albion, la.

♦Burgett S. R., Newm an, 111.
B um s W. H „ Mansfield, 111.
♦Burgh Barton, Nephi, U tah.
♦Burnside B. W ., W ashington,
Burgher John, Coatsville, Mo.
D. C♦Burgher Lee, Coatsville, Mo.
♦Burnside C. E „ Seattle, W ash.
Buringrud T. S., W aterville, la . Burrsslde H. A., Thomson, Ga.
B urk C. F., Hallam , Neb.
. *Burnside W. E ., Silver City.N .M .
B urk S. J., Harrison, O.
Burpee H. S., Rockford, 111.
♦Burpee J . S. J r„ Oakland, Cal.
Burke A. A., Greenbush, M inn.
B urr E . R., Nashville, Tenn.
♦Burke C. L., Denton, Kan.
♦B urr L „ Temple, Tex.
Burke D. A., Two H arbor, Minn.
B urr W. J., Blue Rapids. Kan.
♦Burke E . C., Gladwin, M ich.
Burrell F. R., Onamia, Minn.
♦Burke Elizabeth, Im perial, Neb. •Burrell G. W „ W atkins, N. Y.
Burke E m m ett C„ Richm ond, Va. Burress F. L.. Minco. Okl.
♦Burke E. N ., Saginaw, M ich.
♦Burrichter H . F., L ost N ation. Ia.
♦Burke George, Stuart, Neb.
♦Burrington C. H., Grand Mead-f
ow, M inn.
Burke Geo., Thorp, Wis.
Burris Jesse, Sonoma, Cal.
Burke Geo. R., B ay City, Tex.
♦Burke H . G., Appom attox, Va.
Burris W . J., Newman, Cal.
♦Burke H. M ., Willits, Cal.
♦Burris W. S., Franklinton, La.
Burke Irvin L., E dgerton, O.
Burrm ann W. C., Davenport, la ,
Burke J. E „ Im perial, Neb.
Burrough W. H., Dyer, Ark.
Burke J. F „ BeeviUe. Tex.
B urke J. F., Grafton, Neb.
Burroughs F.C., New Haven.Conn.
B urke J. F., Sutton, Neb.
♦Burrowes H. S., K eyport, N. J ,
♦Burrows F. W „ Andover, N. Y.
Burke J . V., P ortland, Ore.
Burrows J . W., Ripley, N. Y.
Burke L. V., Dell Rapids, S. D.
♦Burrows Thomas, Quincy, 111.
Burke R . F., A ppom attox, Va.
♦Burrus C. A., Lubbock, Tex.
♦Burke W. A., N . Y. City, N . Y. Burruss F. M., Miami, Mo.
Burke W. J., M issouri Valley, la . Burruss W . L., Ansted, W. Va.
♦Burke W. J., W atertow n, M inn. Bursack E. S„ Clara City, Minn.
Burkee A. B„ Brandon, Minn.
Burson C. J., Hewins, Kan.
Burkee B. E „ St. Hilaire, Minn.
Burson Chas. W ., Gothenburg,
Burkeholder N., Spickard, Mo.
B urket D. L., F t. Cobb; Okla.
♦Burson Chas. W., M orrill, Neb.
♦Burket John G.. Lincoln Neb.
♦Burson G. E., Thomas, Okla.
♦Burket Margaret, FortCobb.Okla. ♦Burson H. T .. Gallup, N. Mex.
♦Burket Reginald, Findlay, O.
♦Burson J., Des Moines, Ia.
B urkett E. R„; Granger, la .
♦Burson J . R., Silverton, Tex.
♦Burkey C. D., H am burg, Pa.
Burson L. A., M orrill, Neb.
♦B urkhalter J. E ., Hereford, Tex.
B urt A. S.. Ulysses, Pa.
B urkhart Carl, Benton, 111.
♦B urt Charles, P alatka, Fla.
♦B urt F. A., Mannington, W. Va.
B urkhart C. L., Oswego, 111.
♦B urt F. J., Capac, Mich.
B urt J. L., Forsyth, Ga.
Burkholder E . U., Smithville, O.
♦B urt J. R., Leavenworth, Kan.
♦Burkland H. C., Lancaster, Mo.
♦Burkland N. E ., Stephenson, B urt F rank, Capac, Mich.
B u rt G. K., South Shore, S. D.
B urkland R. L., Lancaster, Mo.
♦Burton A. B„ Alpine, Tex.
Burks F . M., Chinook, Mont.
B urton A. E.. Panhandle. Tex.
Burks J . B„ Pilot P oint. Tex.
B urton A. W., Dixon Springs,
♦Burks R. E ., Bram an, Okla.
Burks W. H., Wellington, Kan.
B urton B. A., G ranada, M inn.
Burks W . H.. Sullivan, Ind.
♦Burton C. A., Clarendon, Tex.
♦Burks W. H. Jr., Sullivan, Ind.
B urton Jam es F., Ogden, U tah.
Burleson D. D., W arrior, Ala.
♦Burton O. H ., Wilsey, Kan.
Burleson J. C.. M atador, Tex.
♦Burton E. W., Rochester, N. Y.
Burleson R. W., San Saba, Tex.
♦Burton id en S., Eddyville, Ia.
♦Burlet M . J., M oneta, la .
♦Burton J. P.,Queen City, Mo.
Burlet W. A„ Moneta, la.
♦Burton L. M ., Greenville, Miss.
♦Burley B. L., Weiser, Idaho.
♦B urton R. C„ Kellogg, Ia.
Burley F. B„ Luvem e, Minn.
Burton R. F., Marion, N. C.
Burley J. D., Moundsville.W. Va.
Burling John, W hite Plains. N. Y. ♦Burton R. L., Sandborn, Ind.
V. S., Onley, Va.
♦Burling L. f i.. Green Lake. Wis. ♦Burton
B urton W. W., Mitchell, Ind.
Burlingam e C. H „ Iowa Falls, la .
W. N ., New England, N.D
♦Burlingame G., PomerOy, Wash. ♦Burud
Burwash T. C., T ab., Ind.
♦Burlingame H. I., Bellingham,
BurweU C. S., Meadville, Pa.
E . F., Jr., Floyd, Va.
♦Burman G., L atonia Station, Ky. Burwell
Burm eister C. A., Center Ju n c­ Burwell S. L„ Lexington, Miss.
♦Burwell W. E ., Rockford, IU.
tion, la .
♦BurweU W. K., Churubusco, Ind.
Burm eister H. W., G ratiot, Wis.
W alter H ., Roscoe, N. Y.
Burm ester E. A., Glen Ullin, N.D.' ♦Bury
Burm ister R . B., San Francisco, ♦Busbee E. R., Eldorado Spring
♦Busby L. S., Runge, Tex.
♦Burmood H. P., W ood R iver
♦Busby W. F „ Creston, Ia.
♦Busby W. T., Salisbury, N. C.
B urnam Paul, Richmond, Ky.
♦Busch B. W., H artsburg, Mo.
B um am R . R., Richm ond,Ky.
Busch G. J., Schuyler, Neb,
B urnap A. M ., Chatfleld, M inn. Buscher
F rank, MillerviUe, Minn.
♦Burnap J. G., Toledo, O.
Buscher F. J., Hingham , M ont.
Burneid Minnie, Wilmot, Ark.
J., Solon Springs, Wis.
B u rn ett B. F.. Bowman, Ga.
H. J., Solon Green, Wis.
♦B urnett B. F., Poplar Bluff, Mo. Buscher
Breckenridge, M inn.
B urnett C. H., Benjamin, Tex.
Buschow A. A., Rexford, Kan.
♦B urnett C. R „ Richm ond, Va.
♦Busey C. B.. Urbana, 111.
♦B urnett G. N., H arvey, 111.
Busey M. K., Mahomet, 111.
♦B urnett Hal. L., Quincy, 111.
♦Busey M . W. Jr., M ahom et, 111.
♦B urnett J.. Dum as Ark.
♦Bush Asahel N., Salem, Ore.
♦Bush H. P., Caro, Mich.
B urnett J . D., S parta, Ga.
♦Bush Bertha,, Chaplin, Ky.
B urnett J . R., Reagan, Tex.
Bush O., AUcia, Ark.
B urnett J. W., Creal Springs, 111.
♦Bush Clark, Ashland, Ore.
B urnett K. R., Scranton, Pa.
Bush C. E ., L iberty. S. C.
♦B urnett M. B„ Indianola, Miss.
♦Bush E. L., M arion, O.
B urnett R. C.. Raleigh 111.
Bush F. L., Kanawha, Ia.
♦Burnham D. H., Tyrone, Pa.
♦Bush Geo. M ., Peoria, IU.
Burnham J. L., Lincoln, Neb.
Bush Ira E „ Ontonagon. Mich.
B urnham P . J., Mechanicsburg, O. Bush John K., Seattle, Wash.
♦Burnham R. R., D ustin, Okla.
Bush J. G., Sundance, Wyo.
♦Bum heim ef C. W., Breckenridge, Bush J . W., Colquitt, Ga.
♦Bush O. R., GlenviUe, W. Va.
♦Bumop J. W ., M t. Pleasant, la. ♦Bush Richie, Franklinton, Ky.
♦Burns A. E ., M t. Selman, Tex.’
Bush R . L., Horseheads, N. Y.
♦Burns A. L., N. Y. City, N. Y.
Bush R. M„ Cooperstown, N. Y.
B um s A, T., W yandotte, Mich.
Bush R, S„ M arion, N. Y.
Burns C. J., New Cambria, K an.
Bum s E ., F o rth W orth, Tex.
Bush Ula, Wolfe City, Tex.
Burns E . R .. Pittsview, Ala.
Bush W. E., La Hogue, IU.
♦Bush W. H. Jr., McKinney, Tex.
Bush W. L., Columbia, Ga.
Burns F. D., Hillsdale, Okla.
♦Burns M rs. Grace, New Cam bria, B ushart R. L., Hickory Valley,1
Bushong W .D., Morristown,Tenn.
♦Bums L. G., Logan, W. Va.
♦Busick D. L., Green City, Mo.
♦Bum s H . R., D etroit, Mich.
♦Busick E . J., Green City, Mo.
Burns H. R., Springwells, Mich.
Busse C hristian D., M t. Prospect,
Burns J. P ., Sauna, Kan.
B urns J. R., C hautauqua, K an. i
Busscher A. J., Melrose P ark, 111.
♦Bums J . R., H oyt, Kan.
♦Busse H. E „ Alton, 111.
B um s L. C., H oyt, Kan.
♦Busse J. H., Gray, Ga.
Burns L. Si, Suwanee, Ga.
♦Bums R u th . N ara Visa, N. Mex. ♦Busse P . W .. W ashington, IU,
Bussel J. S., Rogerson, Ida.
*Burns R. W., Leonidas, Mich.

Bussell J . W. Jr., Lenoir City,
Busselle L. H ., Chariton, la .
Bussells C. L., Sharps, Va.
*Bussen U. M ., New Pierz, M inn.
Bussey E. H., Longview, Tex.
Bussey J. W., M organ, Ga.
Bussey T . C., Boone Mill, Va.
♦Bussey W., E dgerton, WIs.
♦Bussey W. A., S tuarts D raft, Va.
Buswell A. C., Blue E arth . Minn.
♦Buswell A. R., M eriden, la.
♦Butala John. Sisseton, S. D.
♦Butcher Clyde, Carrollton, Ky.
B u tc h « Forest, Carrollton, Ky.
B utcher W., Scott, La.
B utcher W . V., Spencer, W. Va.
♦Butler A., Lone Tree, la .
B utler Alfred, Bellefontaine, O.
B utler C. F ., Elmwood, Neb.
B utler C. F., Clarinda, la .
♦B utler D. B., Maple Lake, Minn.
B utler D. H., Columbiaville, Mich.
♦Butler Ella, Galatia, 111.
♦Butler E . L., Oskaloosa, la ,
♦Butler F . B., Crothersville, Ind.
♦Butler F. D ., Toledo, O.
♦Butler F . M .. Floydada, Tex.
♦Butler G .H., Salt L ake City, U tah
B utler H. H., Canal Dover, O.
♦B utler H . R., Laram ie, W yo.
♦Butler H ylas M ., G reat Bend,
♦B utler J . C., Buffalo, Mo.
♦B utler J . E., W aitsburg, W ash.
B utler J'. H., Needles, Cal.
B utler J . O., Naples, Tex.
B u tler J . P . Jr., New Orleans, La.
Butler M rs. John R., Lohelville,
♦Butler O. P ., Nashville, Tenn.
B utler R. M ., Ringsted, la.
B u tler S. A.. Longdale, Okla.
♦B utler S. H ., Canova, S. D.
♦B utler T. F., San Anselmo, Cal.
B utler T . J.. Dublin. Ind.
B utler W. A., Franklin, Neb.
B utler W. A., Lutesville, Mo.
♦Butler W. E ., W hittier, Cal. •
♦Butler W. E ., M arshfield, Ore.
B utler W . J., Pontiac, 111.
♦Butler W . M., El Paso, Tex.
vButler W . O. Jr., Chipley, Fla.
. B u tt C. H., Vaiden, Miss.
♦B utt O. W., Charlotte, N . C. '
B u tt H. A., Unadilla, Neb.
B u ttars A. H., PeUston, Mich.
♦Butterfield B. K. G., Fresno,Cal.
♦Butterfield Charles, Jamestown,
♦Butterfield E. M „ Knoxville, la.
Butterfield F. R., H um boldt, Neb.
Butterfield J. J., D erby, Kan.
B u tterly H. J., W ilburton, Okla.
♦Butterwick R. H., Rolla, N. D.
♦B utterw orth ' K ., B utterw orth,
B utterw orth W. E., Mishawka,
♦B uttle J . A., Provo, U tah.
B u tton B. C., Iditarod, Alaska,
B u tto n Bessie, Golden C ity , M o.
B u tto n C‘. A., L a Center Wash.
♦B utton O. A., Uniontown, W ash.
B u tton C. H ., Golden C ity, Mo.
B u tto n E. D., Glasgow, M ont.
B utton M., Cellna, Tex.
B u tts A. F., Enid, Okla.
B u tts F. S„ Protection, Kan.
B u tts Guy M., Wesley, la .
♦B utts J. O., Calexico, Cal.
♦B utts Zelma, Bishop Tex.
♦Butz J. C., Gallipolis, O.
Butzloff F. L., Charlotte, la .
Butzow F. F., Loda, 111.
B uxton C. B., A lexandria, O.
♦Buxton E . O., Forest Grove, Ore.
B uxton G. W ., KeedysvUle, M d .
♦Buxton R. B„ Johnston, o .
Buxton A. E ., Offerle. Kan.
Buzick G. E ., B attle Ground, Ind.
♦Buzick W. A., Sylvan Grove,Kan.
Buzzel A. R.f Lyndon, 111.
Buyea F . L., Erie, Mich.
♦Byam J. G., M inneapolis, M inn.
Bye D. O., Fingal. N. D.
Bye O. L.. Long Siding, M inn.
♦Bye T. P ., Petersburg, N.D.
♦Byerley B. W ., H um boldt K an.
♦Byers J. A., Donora, Pa.
♦Byers J. A., Sloan, la .
♦Byers J . II., Cedar Falls, la .
Byers J. R., M inneapolis, M inn.
♦Byers O. R.. Red Oak, la .
♦Byers R . W., A tlanta, Ga.
♦Bygland O. A., Lankin, N . D.
Byington C. E .. E xeter. N. H.
♦Bylin E ., Tioga, N. D.
Bynum B.C.D., Amarillo, Tex.
B ynum M . T ., Webb, Miss.
Byorum H. E., Minot, N. D.
B yram F . O., Oarmi, 111.
♦Byram T . B., P leasant Hill, Mo.
♦Byrd B. B., Burnsville, N . O.
Byrd C. E., Pocomoke City, Md.
Byrd D. T., Fredonia, Ky.
B yrd J . C., Raiford, Fla.
♦Byrd J. W., Oklahoma, Okla.
♦Byrd N . J., Fredonia, Ky.
♦Byrd R. L., Pine Bluff, Ark.
♦Byrd S. H. W., Bridgewater, Va.
B yrd T. H ., Lucedale, Miss.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

B yrd T . R., Burnsville, N. C.
♦Byrd W. A., Edgefield, S. C.
Byrd W. F., Hiram , Ga.
B yrn M . W., W inchester, Ark.
♦Byrne B. C., Vallejo, Cal.
♦Byrne John, Axtell, Kan.
Byrne Joseph, N. Y. City, N. Y.
Byrne J. P., Republic, Pa.
♦Byrne J. W., Brooksville, Ky.
Byrne L. R,, Dum as, Ark.
♦Byrne R . W., Mobile, Ala.
♦Byrne W. C.. G retna, La.
Byrns R. H „ Potsdam , N. Y.
Byron J, D., Roaring Spgs., Tex.
Byron J . M., Janesville. Minn.
♦Byron W. J., Shawnee, Okla.

♦Cabanne N . L., D etroit, M inn.
♦Cabeen F. E„ Aledo, IU.
Cabell Wm. H., Sm ith Mills, Ky.
; Cable A. H .i M onm outh. 111.
1Cable A. L., T oronto, Kan.
♦Cable B. P.. Alva, Okla.
Cadan Geo. R., Vallejo, Cal.
Cadan G. R., Vallejo. Cal.
Caddell J. L „ Boaz, Ala.
Cade C. M ., Shawnee, Okla.
♦Cade H arry, MurrayvUle, III. ,
Cadenhead M . E., Carthage, Miss.
♦Cadmus H. L., N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Cadmus Ira A., Passaic, N. J.
♦Cadwell C. É ., P rescott, Wis.
Cadwell C. F.. Elliott. la .
♦Cadwell Fred, Lesueur Center
M inn.
♦Cadwell L. R ., Ellsworth, Wis.
♦Cadwell Roy, OciUa.Ga.
C ady George P.. M ellette. S. D.
♦Cady L. D., Utica, Mo.
♦Catìy M .F ., BradyviUe, Term.
Cafkey O. H., Forgan, Okla.
Cage A. H., Clarksdale, Miss.
♦Cage J., Stephenville, Tex.
Cagle J. B., Chester, Ga.
♦Cagle K. R., D e Ridder, La.
♦Cahalan A. B., Miller, S. D.
Cahen E. F., Fortville, Ind.
CahO W. E ., Moscow, Ida.
Cahill A. P.. Dayton, Wash.
♦Cahill D. M., Coffey ville, Kan.
Cahill D. W „ Chicago, 111.
♦Cahill John, Cherry, 111.
Cahill J. E ., Willard, Mo.
Cahill J. J., Imogene, la.
♦Cahill W. E., Dayton, Wash.
♦Cahoon H. A., Lynn, Mass.

Callahan Geo, M ., Beacon, N . Y»
♦CaUahan M . L ., Burkey,, N . D.
♦CaUahan P. H ., FUnt, M ich.
CaUahan W. A., FUnthill, Mo.
♦Callant J. A., Spencer, S. D.
Callaway G. O., StevensvUle, Md.
Callaway W. I., Stigler, Okla.
CaUaway W. 0 ., Cordell, Okla.
♦CaUen. P . P., M oravia, la.
CaUendar M. E., Orting, Wash.
♦CaUihan S. G.. Artesian, S. D.
Callison J. J., Loomis, Cal.
♦CaUison Irw in R., D ew itt, ÏU.
♦Callison J. O., Clarence, Mo.
CaUison J. W., Dewitt, 111.
♦CaUison L. N., Jam esport, Mo.
Callister F. E ., Silverton, Ore.
♦Calvert CYC., Goodland, Kan.
Calvert D. B., Corbin. Ky.
♦Calvert L. L., Stam ping Ground,
Calvin C. W., Qulin, Mo.
♦Calvird A. E., Farm ington. Mo.
Cambèll A. D „ New Y ork City,
N. Y.
♦Cambem F. J., Erie, Kan.
Cam berh F. J., Fredonia, Kan.
Cambern L. S., Erie, Kan.
Camden R. L., Lovingston, Va.
Cameron A. B., Carlisle, Ark.
Cameron A. S., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Cameron B„ Washingtonvllle.N.Y.
Cameron C. E., Elliott, IU.
Cameron E. D., Sibley, IU.
♦Cameron Geo., Evanston, Wyo.
♦Cameron Hector, E astm an, Ga.
Cameron W. A.. Downey, la .
Cameron O. E ., Cookeville, Tenn.
Camp E. G.. Middletown, Conn.
Camp E. L., Reedy, W. Va.
Camp F rank, W est Union, la.
♦Camp H. S., Chicago, IU.
Camp Ira M ., Lacrosse, Wash.
Camp O. C., Tarentum , Pa.
Camp S. H., Saint Jo, Tex.
♦Camp W. H., GreenvIHe, Tex.

Campbell Myron, SouthBend, Ind.
♦Campbell N. B., Oakland, Cal.
CampbeU O. F .. Bloomdale. O.
Campbell P . A., Peebles, O.
Campbell P. F., H atch, N. M.
CampbeU P . L „ Goliad. Tex.
CampbeU P . W., CoUege M ound,’
Campbell R . B., Richmond, Va.
CampbeU R. C., Monaco, Pa.
CampbeU R. H ., Mt. CarroU, 111.
♦CampbeU R. H., Ireton, la .
♦Campbell R. M ., Chicago, IU.
CampbeU R. R., Gibbs, Mo.
♦Campbell R . S., So. Bend. Ind.
Campbell R . T„ Olney. Tex.
♦CampbeU R. Y., Abingdon, 111.
CampbeU S., PhUadelphia, P a.
♦Campbell S. G„ Mulvane, Kan.
Campbell S. J., St. Paul, Ark.
CampbeU S. O., Lexington, Va.
CampbeU T. H., Larue, Tex.
CampbeU T .M .,Jr.,Palestine,Tex.

CampbeU V. B., McLeansboro, 111.
Campbell W. A., Poteau, Okla.
CampbeU W. C., Bucklin, Mo.
♦Campbell W. T., Golden Valley,
N. D.
CampbeU W. H., Elgin, Neb.
CampbeU Wint, Sneedville, Tenn.
CampbeU W .J., Beecher City, 111.
♦Campbell Wm., Jr., H uron, S. D.
CampbeU W. O., DeFuniak Sp’gs,
CampbeU W. P., Fairgrove, Mich.
♦CampbeU W. R., M iddleton, Va.
CampbeU William St. W., Conshohocken. Pa.
CampbeU W. T ., Castor, La.
♦CampbeU W. W., Forrest C ity
Camper H. H., Berkeley, Cal.
♦Campion E, T.. Walowa, Ore.
Canaday C. B., Blythedale, Mo.
♦Canaday M . M ., Newcastle, Ind.
Camp W. h .. Mountain View, Cal.
♦Canaday O. D„ Coalinga, Cal.
Campau C. M„ Alto. Mich.
Canee J. F.. GatesvUle, Wis.
♦Cam pau E. B., Alto, Mich.
Candee W. E ., ForestvUle, N. Y.
Campbell Á. B., Tolono, 111.
Candee Wm. H., H untington Pk.,'
♦CampbeU A. D., Lemoore, Cal.
♦Candler Zeke, BlairsviUe, Ga.
CampbeU A. D., MUan, Mo.
Campbell A. D., H artford. Wash. Candor G. L., Aledo, 111.
♦Campbell A. M.. Hoquiam.W ash. Caneer A. A., Senath, Mo.
♦CampbeU A. R ., K lam ath Falls, ♦Canevaro N . Miss, P ittsburg,
♦Campbell C. A., Leavenworth, ;, Canfield I. N ., Crosby, N . D.
Cannard A. L., Green Bay, Wis.
W ash.
Campbell C. B., Deerfield. Kan.
Canning J. A., Albia, la .
Cain B. C., Pickton, Tex.
♦Campbell C. B„ Jacksonville,Fla, ♦Cannon A rthur, Deerfield, Mich.
♦Cain Benson, Birmingham.Ala.
CampbeU C. J., Carmen, Okla.
Cannon A. B., A nutt, Mo.
♦Cain E. J., W etum pka, Ala.
♦Campbell C. L., Min’polis, Minn. ♦Cannon G., Spartansburg, S. C.
Cain E . j . , Chico, Cal.
♦Campbell C. R., Bloomdale, O.
Cannon Geo. M ., Salt Lake City,
Cain E. M ., Summit, Miss.
♦Campbell C. R., Gibbs, Mo.
Cain J. E., Arbuckle, Cal.
C annon H. D., Dewey, Okla.
CampbeU C. R., Plevna, M o.
Cain J. Fendali, Washington, D.C. Campbell C. W., Norton, Kan.
♦Cannon H. T „ Newberry, S. C.
Cain J . H „ Kosciusko, Miss.
♦Campbell Delle, Plevna, M o. ,
C annon Jas, T-. D ecatur, IU.
♦Cain J . N ., Lake Butler, Fla.
♦Campbell D. P..M cLeansboro,IU. Cannon J . B„ Spartansburg, S. C.
♦Cain L. B„ Springfield, Ky.
♦Cannon J. D., F ort Pierre, S. D.
♦CampbeU E arl, Edinboro, Pa.
♦Cain Ralph H., Bagley, la.
♦CampbeU E. B., R apid City, Cannon J. D., Toronto, Kan.
Cain W . R „ Randolph, Nèh.
♦Cannon J. J., Salt Lake City,
♦Caine R . P., Fayette, Ala.
CampbeU E . F., Cleveland, Tenn.
Caine Wm. C., Cleveland, O.
Cannon J. T., Foristell, Mo.
♦Campbell E . J., Rolla, Mo.
Calais J. H., Savannah, Ga.
♦Campbell E. R., F o rt Dodge,la. Cannon J . W., Cordele,. Ga.
♦C alandrine E . P., M onterey, Cal. CampbeU E. R ., Spencer, S. D.
Cannon J. W.. Macon, Ga.
♦Calaway O. L.Y Waldo, Ark.
♦Cannon J. W., Menomonee Falls,
♦CampbeU E. T ., O’NeiU, Neb.
♦Calbreath E. E „ LineviUe, la .
CampbeU E . W., Seattle, Wash.
Oaldow W. A.. Lodi, Wis.
♦Campbell Frances,
Fem dale, Cannon M. E „ Deerfield, Mich.
.♦Caldwell B. H., New Albany,
Cannon N., Jr., Franklin. Tenn.
♦CampbeU F. B., Canon City,Colo. ♦Cafinon R. Q;¡ Salt ;Lake City,
Caldwell C. A., Alton, 111.
♦CampbeU F. B., Derma. Miss.
♦Caldwell F. M ., Hugo, 'O kla.
♦Cannon R. T ., Athena, Ore.
♦CampbeU F. S., Superior, Wis.
Caldwell E. V., Union City, Tenn.
CampbeU F . W „ Lascruces, N. M Cannon V. S., Huntsville, Ark.
Caldwell H. S.. Lodi, Wis.
♦Cannon W. R ., Elsberry, Mo.
CampbeU G. H „ Joy, IU.
♦Caldwell J. D., Vivian, La.
Canon N ina B., N o rth Powder,
♦CampbeU G. B., San Jose, Cal.
Caldwell J . H., HawkinsviUe, Ga.
CampbeU G. E ., Ireton, Iowa. .
♦Caldwell J. M ., Tecumseh, Okla. CampbeU G. N., Longview, Tex.
♦Caldwell J. S., Chester, S. C.
♦Cansey J. A., Parksley, Va.
Caldwell, L. L., Tishomingo, Okla. Campbell G. R., L iberty Center,O. ♦Canterbury E . L., Clarksville,
Caldwell Milton, Berry, Ky.
CampbeU G. S., McDonald, P a.
♦Caldwell M., Lodi, Wis.
Campbell G. W., JerseyviUe, 111. C anterbury R. H., Fulbright, Tex
♦Caldwell Roy, Lehigh, Okla.
♦CampbeU H. B„ Clay Center, Neb. ♦C anterbury S. L., Bristow, Okla.
Caldwell R. A., Corsicana, Tex.
CampbeU H. F.. HigginsvUle, Mo. Cantley S. L., OwensviUe, Mo.
Caldwell R. E „ Swanton, Neb.
C anton Iver A., H artland, N. D.
CampbeU H. L „ Deport, Tex.
♦Caldwell R. J., Morrisonville.Wis. ♦CampbeU H. R „ Belton. S. C.
CantrUl Cv E., Edinburg, IU.
Caldwell R. S., Tecumseh, Okla,
CampbeU H. T ., St. Joseph, Mich. Capesuis Edward, Livermore, la .
Caldwell W. A., Jackson, Tenn.
CampbeU H. W „ Rosebush, Mioh. ♦Capizola Michal, M ays Landing,
♦Caldwell W . B., Baldwyn, Miss. CampbeU H. W.. Fulton. W. Va.
N. J.
Caldwell W. C., Monango, N. D
CampbeU J. A., A nadarko, Okla. ♦Cappe W. R., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Caldwell W . P., Drakesville, la.
Capper John, Lyndon, Kan.
CampbeU J. A., AshevUle, N. C.
Caldwell W. T., Vivian, La.
♦Capps D. W., Porter, Okla.
CampbeU J. A., Greenup, IU.
Capps J. W., HaskeU, Okl.
CampbeU, J. B. Seattle, Wash.
Capps J . W., NewvUle. Ala.
CampbeU J . 0., Houghton, S. D.
Calef. A. B., Estelline, S. D.
Capron H. S.. Champaign, IU.
♦Campbell J. O., Ordway, Colo.
Calei R . A., Elk River, Minn.
♦CampbeU J. E ., W aupaca, Wis.
Caley J; R., Genoa, Colo.
C arberry P . J., Maribel, Wis.
CampbeU J . F., Manitou. Colo.
Calfee A. E., Princeton, W. Va.
Carbine A. M„ Rexburg, Ida.
CampbeU J. H „ loia, Kan.
Calfee J. S., St. Louis, Mo.
♦Card L. P., F o rt W orth, Tex.
CampbeU J. J., Montgomery, Ala.;
Calhoun S. B., P ittsburgh, Pa.
CampbeU J. L., Nashville, Tenn. Carden C. A., W hittier, Cal.
Calhoun J . A., Browning, Mo.
♦Carden F. B., Claremore, Oklá.
CampbeU J. L., Clay Center, Neb.
♦Calhoun R. M., Browning, Mo.
Carden L. C., E lkton, M inn.
CampbeU J. L., Longstreet, La.
♦Calhoun T. T., Logansport, La.
Carder C. M ., Rocky, Okla.
♦Calkin Alonzo A., MonticeUo,
Campbell John, Gettysburg, S. D. ♦Cardwell Bessie I., Jefferson C ity
N . Y .i i
«*»“<« &
CampbeU Jos. C., Rochester, P a
♦Calkins C. I., Sherwood, Ore.
♦Cardwell E. S., Chowchilla, Cal.
Calkins W alter, Applegate, Mich. CampbeU J . T „ Bradentown, Fla.
Carey Alice H., Capron, Va.
CampbeU J. W., F o rt Dodge, la .
CaU B., Alvin, 111.
♦Carey H. W;, Bristow, Okla.
♦CampbeU J. W „ Larue, 0 .
Call G. W., Richmond, Va.
ICarey H. Z., Galveston, Ind.
♦CampheU J. W.. Preston, la.
Cali W. R., Cascade, M ont.
Carey Jno., Pickens, S. C.
CampbeU J . W., Yuma, Colo.
♦Carey M . D., Fàrmersville, 111.
Campbell J. W., Brunson, S. G.
♦CaUagan L. H., Sheridan, 111.
CampbeU J . W. S., Freehold, N, J. Carey W. B., Salem, O.
Callagan R. J., Sheridan, 111.
♦Carhart E . B., N apa, Cal.
Callaghan P aul A.,Wabasso,Mlnn. ♦Campbell L. C.. Marlon. Ill,
♦Campbell M. F „ Belle Center, O. C arhart E. E ., Panhandle, Tex.
♦CaUahan A. H., D ayton, O,
♦Carhart H. L., Sheffield, la . ■
CampbeU M. S., Collison, IU;
Callahan Charles, Burlington,
C arhart L. B., Sheffield. la .
♦CampbeU Mabel. Oxford, Ind.

•C arl C. P „ H em et, Oal.
•Carl C. W ., Jeromesvllle. O.
•C arl L. 8., Paton, la.,
Carl M. S., Clara City, Mina.
•Carl R . D „ New H aven, Mich.
Carl W. H., Jeromesvllle, O.
Carlberg J. A., Arapaho, Okla.
•Carlblom F. B.. Cokato, Minn.
Carley J. R., G rand Forks, N . D.
Carley W. W., Geraldine, M ont.
•Carlin O. E., Golden, 111.
Carlin L. E ., N orthbend, W ash.
•Carlisle O. B., Pueblo, Colo.
•Carlisle E. A., K arnes City, Tex.
•Carlisle G. I., Itasca, Tex.
Carlisle H. J., Edwardsburg, Mich.
Carlisle J. L. .Temple, Tex.
•Carlisle J. R., Downs, 111.
Carlsen C. C., Loup City, Neb.
Carlsen H enry M ., Goose Lake, la .
•C arlson A. A., Carthage, 8. D.
Carlson A. B., Cogswell, N . D.
•C arlson A. J., Coal H arbor, N. D.
•Carlson Albert, Stilwell, Okla.
Carlson Albin, Smolan, Kan.
•Carlson A. W,, Arlington, 8. D.
Carlson C. A., F arm ington, Minn.
Carlson C. A., Laurens, la .
•Carlson C. E ., Chicago, 111.
Carlson C. E ., B rantford, N. D.
•Carlson C. F., M adrid. Ia.
Carlson C. H., New London, Ia.
Carlson C. J., Lanyon, la .
Carlson C. J., P atterson, Cal.
•Carlson C. L., Olsburg, Kan.
Carlson C. M ., Phillips, Neb.
Carlson D. E ., Chicago, 111.
•Carlson D. E ., M . Lanyon, Ia.
•Carlson D. L., R upert, Ida.
•Carlson E ., Tempe, Ariz.
Carlson Edwin, Bolm quist, 8. D.
Carlson F. A., Dawson, M inn.
•Carlson G. A., M arquette, Mich.
•Carlson G. C., Madrid, la .
•Carlson G. M ., Lanyon, Ia.
•Carlson Hilda, B ertrand, Neb.
•Carlson Hilm er, Finley, N . D.
Carlson Hugo, Seattle. Wash.
Carlson J. A., P o rt Allegany, Pa.
•Carlson J. A., Sm ethport, Pa.
•Carlson J. E., Boone,
Carlson J. F „ Gary, S. D.
•Carlson J . G. E., Essex,Ia.
Carlson J. M ., Exira, Ia.
•Carlson J. W., M anor, Tex.
•Carlson O.. Tracy, M inn.
•C arlson O. B., Coleraine. M inn.
•Carlson P. A., Sheffield, Pa.
Carlson R obert H., F o rt Wayne,
•Carlson W. E., Germania, Ia.
•C arlton B., E arly, Ia.
Carlton C. 0., Clearfield, Ia.
Carlton C. J., W auchula, Fla.
•C arlton C. 8.. W auchula, Fla.
C arlton J. E., Coulterville, 111.
Carm an G. W., Marine City, Mich.
C arm an I. N., Stoutsville, M o.
•Carm an J. L.. Marine City. M ich.
C arm any F. 8., M yerstown, Pa.
C arm ean P., Le Grand, Cal.
•Oarm ean W. M ., S anta Cruz, C a l.
Carm er B. H., Pleasantville, N .Y ,
Carmichael O. T ., Blue Ridge.Tex.
Carmichael Geo., Rosemary, N .C .
Carmichael J. B., Jackson, G a'.
Carm ichael J. D ., Utica, Miss.
Carm ody John, Perry, Ia.
•Carm ody M. E., Perry, Ia.
Carmody Thos., W hittem ore, Ia.
•C arm ody Thos.. Melrose. Ia.
•C arnahan C. O., Flngal, N . D.
•C arnahan C., Randall, Kan.
•C arnahan Chas. W., Indiana, P a.
Carnahan F . H ., Ravenna. O.
C arnahan R. B., Ravenna, O.
•C arnahan W . E., Marion, Ky.
Carnahan W. E., R andall, Kan.
•C am e O. H ., V entura, Cal.
Cam e E dgar W ., V entura, Cal.
•C arneal M rs. M . F., Dunnegan,
•Carnegie D. 8., D etroit, Mich.
Carnes A rthur, Strang, Okla.
•C arnes G, A., W inthrop, M inn.
Carnes J. C., Rinard, Ia.
Carnes J . E., Acworth, Ga.
Carnes J . N., Charleston, W. Va.
Carnes J. O., Freeport, 0 .
Carney G. A., Greene, Ia.
•Caroline J . F „ Pecos, Tex.
•Carothers R. B., Sulphur Spgs.,
•Carothers V. B., Sylvester, Tex.
C arpenter A. A., Protection, K an.
Carpenter A. J., Elkader, la.
•C arpenter A. R., D unlap, M o.
•C arpenter C. C., Kentwood; La.
•C arpenter C. C., Perrysville, Ind.
•C arpenter C. E., Durbin, W. Va.
C arpenter C. E ., Oklahoma, Okla.
Carpenter C. R „ Racine, Wis.
Carpenter C. W., Maiden Rock,
Carpenter C.W ., N .Attleboro, Mass.
Carpentei Chas., Clark, S. D.
Carpenter D. B „ Hallsville, Mo.
C arpenter E . F., D arby, Pa.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

C arpenter F. A., Azusa, Cal.
•C arpenter F . A., Azusa, Cal.
•C arpenter F. E ., Hugo, M inn.
Carpenter Fred, Lyons, O.
•C arpenter G hent, Belton, Tex.
Carpenter G. B., W hite R iver Je t.,
•C arpenter G. W „ W llliamston,
C arpenter H. C., St. Paul, Kan.
•C arpenter H. MV, Monticello, Ia.
•C arpenter H . M .. Jr., Wyoming,
Carpenter J. E „ W rentham , Mass.
C arpenter J. R., Tivoli, Tex.
C arpenter J. 8., W ynne, Ark.
•C arpenter L. B., Modesto, Gal.
Carpenter R. B., La Salle, Colo.
Carpenter R. J., Angola, Ind.
C arpenter R. R., P rairie Hill, Tex.
•C arpenter V. F., Syracuse, Mo.
C arpenter W. M ., Starkvllle, Miss.
•C arpenter W. E ., Lineville, Ala.
Carpenter W. F., Manning, Ia.
•C arper D. B., Clarksburg, W. Va.
•C arr Ada, Los Angeles, Cal.
•C arr A. C., Howe, Okla.
Carr Charles, W entzville, Mo.
Carr C. S., Greenville, N. C.
•C arr E. G., Morris, 111.
C arr E. M ., W ellington. Kan.
•Carr F. 8., M aysville, Ga.
Carr G. S.. N. Y. City, N. Y.
C arr Idrell, Hobbs, Ind.
•C arr J. H.. Wellington, Kan.
•C arr J., Leesburg, Va.
Carr Jo h n H., N. Y. City, N. Y.
C arr J. O., Jr., F t. Ogden, Fla.
Carr J . O., Mineral, Va.
Carr J. S., St. Louis, Mo.
Carr J . W., W est Chicago, 111.
•Carr L. A., W abash. Ind.
•C arr O. W., El Cajon, Cal.
•C arr V. C., W ellman, Ia.
C arr Vincent, Fairlee, Tex.
Carr W. H.. Cook S tation, Mo.
C arraher L. B., Stam ford, Neb.
C arraw ay John, Harrisville, N. Y.
Carroway I. M cG., Georgetown,
•C arre W. U., E l Paso, Tex.
•Carrel L. B., Greeley, Colo.
Carrell T. B., Greenup, 111.
•Carrico Edna, Fancy Farm , Ky.
C arrier C. D.. Summerville, Pa.
•Carrier E. KV, Im perial. Cal.
Carriere J. G., W ashington, La.
•C arrigan A. N ., Cheraw, 8. C.
Carrlgan L., Custer, S. D.
•Carrill A. H., Baltim ore, Md.
Carrington E. E., Caldwell, Tex.
•C arrington R., M arquez, Tex.
•Garrison Jr. H . G.. Camden. 8. C.
Carrlthers B. H., Climax, Kan.
C arrithers G. T .. M erom, Ind.
Carrol J . S., Brookvllle, Pa.
Carroll B. H., Merryville, La.
•Carroll Effie, Oblong, III.
Carroll G. E ., E m m ett, Mich.
•Carroll H. R.. W. Alexander, Pa.
Carroll John, Indiana H arbor, Ind.
Carroll J. R., Clarksville, Mo.
Carroll T. B., Jackson, Tenn.
•C arroll V. H., H unter, Okla.
Carroll W. J.. G ildford, M ont.
Oarron R obert P ., Bloomsdale.Mo.
•C a rru th F. W., F o rt M organ, Col.
Carruthers Claudia, Columbia. la.
Carscadden R. S., York, Neb.
•Carson Bessie, S parta, N. C.
•Carson Chas. C., Brimfleld, 111.
Carson D. B., Aguilar, Colo.
•Carson D. B., P ittsburgh. Pa.
Carson G. F., Moore, M ont.
Carson G. M., Bellflower, 111.
Carson H. B„ Oklahoma.Okla
Carson H. F., Saltsburg. Pa.
Carson H. M ., G unter, Tex.
Carson I. C., Batesburg, S, C.
Carson J. F., Yellville, Ark.
Carson John M ., M organtown,
•Carson John, Emerson, Ia.
Carson Leonard, M ount Erie.

•C a rter C. W., N ashua, M ont.
C arter D. B., Winside. Neb.
•C arter E. C., W aterville, Wash.
C arter E . D., P erry, Ia.
C arter E dw ard, W arrenton, Va.
Carter E lbert E., Defiance, O.
•C arter E. L., M onte Vista, Colo.
•C arter F. C., Fulton, Kan.
•C arter F. C., Wakefield, Mass.
•C arter F. E., De Leon, Tex.
•C a rter F. W ., Sharon Springs,
C arter George H., Orleans, Ind.
C arter H. B., Austin, Nev.
•C arter H. B., Ram seur, N. C.
•C arter H. F., B ar H arbor, Me.
Carter J. A., Collinsville, Okl.
•C arter J . D., Burlington Je t., Mo.
•C arter J. H ., N. Y. City, N. Y.
C arter J. I., H ardin, Mo.
C arter J. I., Marshall, Tex.
•C arter J. N., Linneus, Mo.
•C a rter J. O., Ahoskie, N. C.
Carter J. T „ Elm Grove, W. Va.
•C arter J. T., Hohenwald, Tenn.
C arter J. W., G ate C ity, Va.
Carter J . W.. Silver City, N. M.
•C arter K. O., D ayton. O.
•C arter L. T.. A tlanta, Ga.
Carter Lucian W., Carroll. Neb.
C arter M. E .. Williamstown, Ky.
•C arter Marie, Tonganoxie, Kan.
C arter N. Giles, H arrim an, Tenn.
•C arter O. E ., Stella, Mo.
•C arter Pearl, No. Loup, Neb.
C arter P. F., H arrisonburg, La.
•C arter Robert, Luling, Tex.
•C arter 8. A., Fairview, U tah.
C arter S. J., P arro tt, Ga.
Carter S. V., Knoxville, Tenn.
•C arter T. B„ Pulaski, T enn.
Carter T. J., Fulton,, Ark.
•C arter W., Monticello, Ark.
•C arter W. B ., Lancaster, Wis.
Carter W. E., Carthage, Mo.
C arter W ard M ., Auburn, Wash.
C arter W. O., Bridgeboro, Ga.
Carter W. T., W eatherford. Tax.
C arter W alter, T ipton, Ind.
C artinil John, Toledo, 111.
C artland C. S„ Dover, N. H.
Oartledge E. V., M ount Dora, Fla.
•C artney C. C., Ong, Neb.
C a rtrette J. Osby, Aynor, 8. C.
•C artw right C. W., Terrell, Tex.
Cartw right F. D., A nacortes,
W ash.
C artw right G. O., Delphi, Ind.
Cartw right J . O., W aynesville, O.
C artw right L. A., Van Alstyne,
•C artw right M inerva, W hitney,
•C artw right O.C.,San Angelo.Tex.
•C artw right Vera A., W hitney,
Carty J. W. L., Frederick, Md.
•C artzdafner H. L., Denbigh.
N. D.
Carvel J. A., Orange Grove, Tex.
•C arver A. E., Fresno, Cal.
Carver A. E „ Fairfax, Minn.
Carver A. E., Montross, Va.
Carver C. B., Elk Rapids, Mich.
•Carver C. J . P., Edm onton. Ky.
Carver O. H ., Rosedale, Kan.
C arver R., Dawson. Ga.
Carver W. D., Hanover, Pa.
Carver W . P., Racine, O.
•Carville John, Parnell, la .
•Cary C. H., Livonia, N. Y.

Cary E. M„ Lynnvllle, Ia.
Cary F . C., Warwick, N. Y.
C ary J. R., Baltimore, M d.
•Cary L. N., Gallup, N. M.
•C ary L. W., Plain City, O.
Cary T. M., Chippewa Falls, Wis.
Casady B. O., Cahtril, Ta.
Casady Jam es N., Norwalk, Ia.
Casady Simon, Jr., Cummings. Ia.
Casbum F. N.. Ferris, 111.
Case C. D., F t. Dodge, Ia.
K y Case C. R., K napp, Wis.
Case C. W., Manchester, Mich.
111. •Case C. W., N. Y. City. N. Y.

Carson R. M„ B athgate, N. D.
•C arson L. F., Jeffersonville, Ga.
Carson T. J., S parta, N. C.
•Carson T. P. P., Clinton, S. C.
Carson V., Heidenheimër, Tex.
•Carson W. A., Donds-Leando, Ia.
Carsten E. P., Elmore, O.
Carstens W. F., A ltam ont, S. D.
•Carstensen, H „ E lkhora, Ia.
•C arter A, B., Ripon, Wis.
C arter A. M ., C otton P lant, Ark.
Carter A. Q., Dexter, Mo.
C arter A. W., Dillwyn, Va.
C arter B. H., Readyville, Tenn.
•C arter B. P., Prestonburg. Ky.
C arter G.. Collinston, La.
•C arter C. A., McLean, 111.
C arter C. B., F o rt Snith, Ark.
C arter C. B., Achille, Okla.
•C arter C. B., Fork, 8. C.
•C arter Cecil L., Friday H arbor,

Case D. B., Vernon, N. Y.
•Case D. Fay, Center, N. D.
Case D. L., Minneapolis, Minn.
Case E. F.. New Wilson, Okla.
•Case E . L., M innesota Lake,
M inn.
•Case H . A.. Rochester, Mich.
•Case H. W., Ansonia, Conn.
Case J. W „ Hastings. Fla.
•Case M ., E lkland, Mo.
•Case R. La Rue, M t. Olivet, Ky
•Case S. R., Bowling Green, 0 .
•Casebier A. L., M cLouth, Kan.
Casebler G. M., McLouth, Kan.
Casey D. E., Chester, Pa.
•Casey F. A., Suffern, N. Y.
•Casey J . E ., Gallon. O.
•Casey J. M ., Oglesby, Tex.
Casey J. R., C entral C ity, Ia.
Casey J. R., Morse, Ia.
•C asey M . J., Seattle. Wash.
Casey M. L., Johnson. Neb.

•Casey M . 8., Williamsburg, Va.
•Casey R. E ., Bells, Tenn.
Casey R. M., Oglesby, Tex.
•Cash Crawford, Oakland, 111.
Cash J . J., Kaycee, Wyo.
Cashel C. L., Grover Hill, O.
•Cashel M . J„ G rafton, N. D.
Cashion E . T ., Swifton, Ark.
Oashion M .; Eudora, Ark.
•C ashm an J. A., Elm a, Ia.
•Caslakxa Lewis, Clutier, Ia.
Caslavka M . A., Clutier, Ia.
Caslow R. E., Herndon, Ia.
•Caslow'R. E „ Yale, Ia.
•Cason D. M ., Garfield, Ga.
•Cason John F., Lascassas, Tenn.
•Cason O. E ., Maywood, Mo.
•C asper A. G., Milwaukee, Wis.
Casper F rank, Jr., G rand Bay.
Casperson E. O., Iroquois, 8. D.
•Casperson O. G., Glassboro, N. J.
•Cass A ltana M ., Holton, Ind.
Cass A. T.. T ilton, N. H.
Cass E dw ard L „ Superior, Wis.
Cass E arl M ., Sumner, Ia.
Cass L. R ., Westville, Ind.
Cassel A. T., Palm yra, Neb.
•Cassel Chas.. Connersville.,Ind.
Cassel J . R.. G rantsburg, Wis.
•Cassidy E. J., O ttaw a, 111.
•Cassidy H. P., Red Lodge.M on.
Cassidy J . L., Arlington, IU.
Gassier A. E ., Hollsopple, Pa.
•Cassler J. E ., Hollsopple, Pa.
Casteel B. L., ThompsonvUle, 111.
•Casteel F ay H.,Ravenwood. Mo.
Casteel G. W., Helena, M ont.
•Casteel L. M ., Rock Island, 111.
Casteel J. S„ Ravenwood. Mo.
•C astetter Roy E., Cicero, Ind.
Castille L. T., Opelousas, La.
Castle B. B., Chicago, 111.
Castle C. E ., H avana, N. D.
•Castle L. H., San Mateo, Cal.
Castle P. D., Chicago, 111.
Castleberry R., Salem. Ark.
•Castledin C. O.., Jeffers, M inn.
Castleman S. J., Riverside, Cal.
•Castles H. P., Starkvllle, Miss.
•Castles S. G., Anson, Tex.
•C astner Daisy, W alnut. 111.
C astner W, P., Holton; Ind.
•C astrop H enry, W estphalia, Mo.
Caswell C. A., F t. Atkinson, Wis.
•Caswell J. H., Cleveland, O.
Caswell L. B . Jr., F t. Atkinson, Wis.
•Caswell W. G., Concord, N. O.
Catchpole L. J., Pagosa Springs,
C ate C. R., Rossie, Ia.
•C ate J . D., Morgan, Tex.
Cate R. G.. Morgan, Tex.
C ater C. G., Silver City,- Ia.
Cater C. W., Clear Lake, Minn.
C ater F. H., L aporte, M inn.
Cater L. F., Perry, Ga.
Cates C. H ., Brewton, Ga.
•Cates R. W ., Independence, Kan.
•C athcart E. C., Columbia, S. C.
•O athcart E . O., Pullm an, Wash.
C athcart J. A., Sldell, 111.
C athcart J . W .. Wlnnsboro. S. C.
C athcart R . E., Sadorus, 111.
Catherwood D. K., Jacksonville,
C athro F . W., B ottineau, N . D.
•C a tlett R. J., W eleetka, Okla.
C atlett R obert L., ScottvlUe, III.
•C a tlett 8. T ., Fairm ount, 111.
Catlin A. O., W arsaw, Ind.
Catlin J . P., Grand Ridge, 111.
•C aton A. J., Reno. Nev.
Caton W. H., Dover, N. C.
Catron J. W., Albany, Ky.
•C atron W. G., Kansas C ity, Mo.
C attell, H. M ., Smithfield, O.
Catterall F. W., Galveston, Tex.
•C attle Robert T., Seward, Neb.
Caudill D. C.. Morehead, Ky.
Caudle O. W., Winfield, Tex.
Caufleld E. G., Oregon City. Ore.
Caukin L. Z., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Causey C. E., M arked Tree, Ark.
C authan P. H., T rinity. Tex.
C authorn P . H., Molino, Mo.
Cavanagh W. W., Parsons, Kan.
Cavanaugh J . H., Dlgbton, Kan.
•Cavanaugh L. E., Hazelton, Kan.
•Cavanaugh M. A., Alta, Ia.
Cavanaugh M. C„ Hazelton, Kan.
ranaugh M. J., New Albin, la .
ranaugh T., Harpers Ferry, Ia.
tvanaugh W . E., Gillespie. 111.
Cave Charles, Harrison, Mien
Cave J. G., Persia, Ia.
Cavenaugh H. B., A tlantic. Ia.
Caverly W. H., Sharon Center,
. r
•C avin A. R.. W est Branch, la.

Cavln O. M.t Columbus Junction.
*Caviness R. W., M orehead City
N. C.
Cawley W m „ Scranton, Pa.
Cawthon H. L .t D e Funiak Spgs..
Cawyer Roscoe, Mercury, Tex.
♦Cawyer W . F., Mercury, Tex.
Cely W. R ., Greenville, S. O.
Cayce M. P., Farm ington, Mo.
♦C ayott W. N., Stewart, M inn.
Oazedessus E „ Baton Rouge, La.
Cazeneuve J.F .,B ay St.Louis.Miss.
Cecil D. W., M ountpleasant. Tenn
Center J . L., W aldron, Ark.
Cepek B ertha, Chicago, 111.
Cessna H. B„ Bedford, Pa.
Chadduck, H. W.. Grafton, W. V a
Chadwick R. E., Ensley, Ala. •
Chadwick R. W., Racine, Minn.
Chafey C.. P oint Pleasant. N. J.
♦Chaffee J. A., Denison, Tex.
Chaffee J. H „ V entura, Cal.
Chaffee J. W., St. Charles, 111.
Chaffee P. S., Beulah, N. D.
Chaffee P. S., Expansion, N. D.
♦Chaffin D avid, M oline. Kan.
Chaffin E. A., Moline, Kan.
Chaffin C. S., Bennettsville, S. C.
Chaffin H . C.. Flora. 111.
♦Chaffin R. E ., Seymour, Mo.
♦Chaffin W. M ., Columbia, Tenn.
♦Challle J. C., Otwell, Ind.
♦Chalfont H. J., Garden C ity, K an
Challgren C. A., Gowrle, la.
Chalm ers Alfred, M inotola, N. J.
Chaloupka J . R.. Carson. Ia.
Chalstrom C. J.. Greenville, Ia.
♦Chamberlain B. F. Jr., Crockett.
C ham berlain C. W., Glendora,
Chamberlain E.M.,Newberry.Mich.
Cham berlain F. E ., Clarendon,
Chamberlain F. S„ New Britain,
Chamberlain G. M„ Phillips, Wts.
Chamberlain H. C., Greenville,
♦Chamberlain H. M ., Salt Lake
City, U tah.
Chamberlain J. H., Monroe City,
♦Chamberlain J ohn, Lexington, Mo.
Cham berlain J. R „ Clarks, Neb.
♦Chamberlain L. A.. Pittsfield, 111.
♦Chamberlain R. F., N orthstar,
Chamberlain T. F.. Brighton, 111.
♦Chamberlain W. L., B urnet, Tex.
Chamberlin C. O., Crescent City,
♦Chamberlin J. C.. E. Palestine, O.
♦Chamberlin J. C., Yale, Ia.
Chamberlin M„ Clarks, Neb.
♦Chamberlin O. I., Blgstone, S.D.
♦Chambers A rthur, Inwood, la.
Chambers C. B., Oelwein, Ia.
Chambers D.A.. New Boston.Tex.
♦Chambers Glen, M oravia, Ia.
♦Chambers J . L ., Ridgeway, Mo.
♦Chambers J. N ., Helper, Kan.
♦Chambers T . H., Danville. Ark.
♦Chambers M . A., Talala, Okla.
Chambers O. C., Madison, W. Va.
Chambers R. C., Milan, Ga.
Chambers R. E ., Austin, Tex.
Chambers R. S., Gonzales, Tex.
Cham bers S. J., Talala, Okla.
♦Chambers T. H ., Danville, Ark.
Chambers W. P., Mt. Moriah. Mo.
Chamblee J. C„ Menlo, Ga.
♦Chambliss J. C., Ashland City.
Chambliss R.M.,Brownsville, Tenn.
♦Chamness J. O., El Reno, Okla.
Champ W . F., Lancaster, Ky.
♦Champine C. E.. Ceylon, Minn
♦Champion C. J., Colfax. N. D.
♦Champion E. W., Riverside,
Champion U. S. Penfield, Ga.
♦Champlin J. T ., Berryville, Ark.
♦Champlin R. A., Sentinel, Okla.
♦C ham skiB . F., E ast Chicago, Ind
♦Chance C. W., Smithville, Ga
Chance E. A., Garfield, Ga.
Chancellor W. R., M idland, Tex.
♦Chancey J. R.. Hondo, Tex.
Chandler A. B., Beaver Dam.Wis.
♦Chandler C. C., Cassvill'e, Mo.
Chandler C. C„ W est Plains, Mo.
♦Chandler C. E.. Dixon, 111.
Chandler C.H., Harrisonburg, Va.
Chandler C. S., Liberty, Neb.
♦Chandler E ., Abilene, Tex.
♦Chandler G. R.. Lowell, Mass.
♦Chandler J. C., Athens, Ga.
Chandler J. M., Parksley, Va.
♦Chandler S. E., Springville, Ala.
♦Chandler W. H., Pennville, Ind.
♦Chandler W. M., St. Louis, Mo.
♦Chandler W . W ., Vacaville, Cal.
Chaney B. J., Rockford, 111.
♦Chaney C. G., Horse Cave, Ky.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

♦Chaney E, D., Rosedale, Miss.
Chaney G. W „ Newell, la.
♦Channon C. F., Rock Island, 111.
C hantland T. O., Grafton, N. D.
Chapin A. R., Brockwayville, Pa.
♦Chapin E. L., Bear Lake. Mich.
♦Chapin E . L., Southbridge, Mass.
♦Chapin F. A., Toledo, O.
Chapin G. C., Milton, Pa.
Chapin G. L., Glaco, Kan.
Chapin J. S., Euclid, Minn
Chapin M . A., Winfred, S. D.
♦Chapin M . W.. H artford. Conn.
♦Chapin O. F., Rogers, Ark.
♦Chapin R. D., Sloan, Ia:
♦Chapman A. G„ Cadillac, Mich.
♦Chapman A. H., M ounds, Okla.
Chapman A. K „ N. Y. City, N Y
Chapman C. E., Randall. Minn.
♦Chapman Mrs. C. E., Randall.
Chapman C. F.. Williston, Fla.
Chapman C. L „ Sheridan, Wyo.
Chapman, E., Fredonia, Kan.
Chapman E. C., Columbus, Miss.
♦Chapman F. A., Chesaning, Mich.
Chapman Geo., Cadillac, Mich.
♦Chapm an G. E., Perrysburg, O.
Chapman G. L., Nyaok, N. Y.
Chapman H. E.. Inm an. S. C.
♦Chapman H. O., Ontario, Cal.

♦Chenowith H. K., Jacksonville,
Cherrill L. C.. Carthage, 111.
♦Cherry J. R., Dublin, Ga.
♦Cherry L. L.. Scotland Neck.N.C.
Cherry W. R., Paris. Ark.
♦Chesbro A. W., Gilroy, Cal.
Cheshire E. F „ O yster B ay, N.Y
Cheshire W. B.. Luverne, N . D.
♦Chesky F. H., Nickerson, Kan.
♦Chesnut H. F., Sm ithland, Ky.
Chess W. A., Monrovia, Cal.
Chesser Evelyn, T ruscott, Tex.
Chesser E. B„ Newark, Ark.
Chessman A. P., Fredonia. N. Y.
♦Chester H. C., M ontgom ery,
Chester I. E ., Seneca, S. D.
Chestnut C. H., Jacksonville, Fla.
♦Chestnut J . S., Amarillo, Tex.
♦Chestnut J.W ., Clay Center. Kan.
♦Chestnut R. L., Clifton, Kan
Chestnut W., Gaylesville, Ala.
♦Chew B„ Pleasanton, la.
Chew F., Herrin, 111.
Chew J . Wesley, Pleasanton, la.
♦Chew M . M ., Pleasanton, Ia.
Cheyne J. S., Miami, Okla.
Chichester F., Irvington, N. Y.
Chichester L.A..Whittemore,Mich;
♦Chick H. F., Vermont, 111.
♦Chidester W. N., Hastings, Mich.
♦Chilberg Jacob, Opheim, 111.
♦ChUcott W. R.. Crafton, Pa.
Child W. C.. Belvue, Kan.
♦Child W. D., Nevada, Ia.

Chapman I. M., Wheeler, 111.
Chapman J . H „ Salem, Va.
Chapman J . L., Farmersville, Tex.
Chapman J. L., Garwood, Tex.
♦Chapman J. V., Bonham, Tex.
♦Chapman J. W., Buffalo, N. D.
Chapman L. J. B., Eureka, Mont.
♦Chapman L. T., Uniontown, Ky.
Chapman L.W.. Poplar Bluff, Mo.
Chapm an O. C., Alluwe, Okla.
♦Chapman Ollie, Alluwe, Okla.
Chapm an R. D., Mounds, 111.
♦Chapman R. E.. Boston, Mass.
♦Chapman R. H., Cellna, O.
♦Chapman S. O., Electra, Tex.

♦Childers C., Newport, Ark.
Childers M . K., Woodward, Ia.
♦Childers Ray, Rautoul, Kan.
♦Childers W. H., Amarillo, Tex.
Childers W. W., T ipton, Okla.
Childress Edgar, Athens, Tenn.
Childress R. E., Marshfield, Mo.
Childs A. F., Cotulla, Tex.
Childs B. O.. Senoia, Ga.
Childs F. A., Lenox, Ia.
Childs H. C., Jenkinsburg, Ga.

C hapm an T. C., Salem, Va.
Chapman T. H., Liberty, Tenn.
Chapman W. G., Newberry, Fla.
Chapman W. H.. Liberty, S. C
Chapman W. R., Trinidad. Colo.
♦Chappell C. C., Morenci, Mich.

Childs L. W., York, Neb.
Childs M. N., Bronwood, Ga.
♦Childs N. M ., Opelousas. La.
Childs R. C.. Gurdon, Ark.
♦Childs W. A., Camilla, Ga.
♦Childs W. E.. Vermillion. O.

Chappell R. B., W ibaux, Mont.
Chappelle L. L., Clarksdale, Mo.
Chappius P. J., Crowley, La.
C hard H. J., D akota, Minn.
Charles J. S., Mexico, Ind.
Charles U. G., Hudson, Kan.
Charles W. W., Lam ed. Kan.

Chiles E. E „ Stephens City, Va.
Chiles H. E., Itasca, Tex.
Chiles H . W., D elta, Colo.
Chiles J. H .. Rome, Ga.
♦Chilla J. J., Whiting, Ind.
China W. T., Lyons, Ga.
Chinn C., Ord, Neb.
Chinn C. R.. Jr., Webb City, Mo.

Charlier J. J., Midway, Pa.
C harlotte J. W., Nashville, Tenn.
♦Charlton R. M ., Christiansburg.
Charter L. R. Jr., W. Union, W.Va.
Charters C. M., Pern, Ind.
Charters H. F „ Eureka, Cal.
♦Charters Mary E.. Ashton, 111.
♦Charters P. W., Ashton, 111.
Charters R. S.. Ashton. 111.
Chase A. B., Covert, Mien.
Chase Edgar, Ferguson, Mo.
♦Chase F. B., New Bedford, Mass.
Chase G. W., Pawling, N. Y.
Chase G. W. Jr., Gaines, Mich.
Chase Lee J., Schuyler Lake, N.Y.
♦Chase R. O., Page, Neb.
Chase W alter B„ Hyannls, Mass.
Chase W. H., N. Y. City, N. Y.
Chase W. L., Tuckahoe, N. Y.
♦Chastian J. L., Ballinger, Tex.
Chastian G. M., M ontezuma, Ga.
Chatburn T„ Custer, Okl.
Chatelain F. G., Glenmora, La.
Chatham A. Jr.. Elkin, N. C.
♦Chatham J. T., Greenville, Ky.
C hatham W. P., K ennett, Mo.
C hatterton H. F., Admire, Kan.
♦Chauncey A. B., Douglass, Kan.
♦Chauvin H. A., Raceland, La.
♦Cheairs R. G., Sterling, Colo.
♦Cheda Geo. A., San Rafael, Cal.
♦Cheek W. H„ Datto, Ark.
♦Cheffey W. H., Smithfleld, O.
Chelf J. T., Comanche, Okla.
♦Chelminiak L. M., South Bend,
Chenault L. E „ Boulder, Colo.
Cheney C. H., Boulder, Colo.
♦Cheney H. H., Ware, Mass.
♦Cheney I. N„ Emerson, Ia.
Cheney J. F., Albany, Ga.
Cheney J. T., F ort Dodge, Ia.
Cheney R. R., Saybrook, 111.
Cheney T. H., Sumner. Neb.
♦Cheney W. J., Corsicana, Tex.
Cheney W. L., Milwaukee, Wis.
Cheney W. M .. Hico, Tex.
Cheney W. N., Jackson, Miss.
Chenoweth A. M., Wolsey, S. D.
♦Chenoweth E „ Spartanburg, Ind
♦Chenoweth G. B., Broken Arrow.
Chenoweth J.W ., McCracken, Kan.
♦Chenoweth S.E.,McCracken.Kan.

Chinn G. B., Lemoore, Cal.
♦Chiodo Raphael, New Kensing­
ton, Pa.
Chipley Wm. M., Sykesville. Md.
♦Chipmah E. L., Lehi, Utah.
Chipman W. S., American Fork,
Chipman W. S., Lehi, U tah.
Chipman W. S., Pleasant Grove,
♦Chipman W. W., Warsaw, Ind.
♦Chipps F., Monroe, Ia.
C hirhart Oliver, Sauk Rapids,
Chisenhall M . B., Burleson, Tex.
♦Chisholm A. D., Spirit Lake, Ia.
Chisholm M. M., Estill, S. C.
♦Chism J. L., Oreal Springs, 111.
♦Chisolm Henry L., Birmingham,
Chittenden E. J., Clatonia, Neb.
♦Chittenden H. W7. Victor, Ia.
Chitwood W. H., Tyler, Tex.
Chivers E . E . Ardmore, Okla.
Chladek F. F., Tyndall. S. D.
♦Chmelka J. C., Thurston, Neb.
Choate John, Tallahassee, Fla.
♦Cholet G. A., Syracuse, N. Y.
Charn J. B., Mansfield, Tex.
Chowning V. K „ Okemah, Okla.
♦Choynski H „ San Francisco, Cal.
♦Chrisman A. B., Kansas City,
Chrisman H. P., Promise City, la.
♦Chrisman M aude, Prom ise City,
Chrisman R.B., Henry, Tenn.
♦Chrismon A rthur, Benton, Mo.
Christ H. J., Georgetown, Colo.
Christ L. E., M aple Plain, M inn.
Christen B ernhardt, Corning, Mo.
Christen C. W., Roscoe. S. D.
♦Christen E. G., Lima, O.
♦Christen P. A., Corning. Mo.
♦Christen W., Roscoe, S. D.
Christensen A. O., Fryburg, N .D .
♦Christensen A. O., H ettinger,
N . D.
♦Christensen A. P., Ray, N. D.
♦Christensen C. P.. Audubon. Ia.
Christensen C. W., Selma, Cad.
Christensen E. A., Summit, S. D.

♦Christensen G „ Arco, M inn.
Christensen G. F., Stevenson,
Christensen H . V.. Menlo. Kan.
Christensen J.P,,Pt.A ngeles, Wash.
Christensen M ., Chester, S. D
Christensen T.. Castle Rock. Colo.
♦Christensen V. H ., Amery, Wis.
♦Christensen W., Buffalo, M ont.
Christenson D. J.. Otho. Ia.
♦Christenson F. C., Necedah, Wis.
♦Christenson N. A., Grove City.
♦Christerson C. E ., Kildeer, N, D
Christeson C. F.. Dixon. Mo.
Christeson E. J„, Osceola, Mo.
Christeson E . J., Delaware, Okla.
♦Christeson W. C., Dixon, Mo.
♦Christian A. E ., Cleveland, O.
♦C hristian O. G., P arro tt, Ga.
Christian E . A., San Marcos, Tex.
C hristian E . L., N ew Bloomfield.
M o.
♦Christian E . M ., Aberdeen, S. D.
Christian G. S„ Noblesville. Ind.
C hristian J . B.. Eldorado, Tex.
♦Christian K. Pi, Forest City, Ia.
*Christian O. H „ Stratford, S. D.
Christian W. G., Mineral Springs,
Christian W. L., Oolumbiana.Ala.
♦C hnstiani A. F., Sarles, N. D.
♦Christians A,, L ittle Rock, Ia.
♦Christians C. H „ Dougherty, la.
Christians E ., Steam boat Rock.
Christians F. L., St. Paul, M inn.
Christians W. J,. Dougherty. Ia.-S
Christiansen C. H „ Ryder, N. D.
Christiansen C.R., Plain view,l^eb.
Christianson E. N., Springfield.
Christianson G. P.. Randall, Ia
♦Christie F. F., Detroit, Mich.
Christie F. J., Danville. Ind.
Christie H. E., El Paso, Tex.
Christie J. A., W hitney, Tex.
Christoffersen L. p ., Hamlin, Ia.
Christopher E . W., Scranton. N .D
Christopher H. G., Bolton, N. C
Christopher Irby, Canton, Tex,
Christopher J. B., Jam estown, O.
Christophersen C. A., Knierim, Ia.
ChristophersonA..Albert L e a. Minn
♦Christy M iss J. June, Bonaparte,
Christy N. A., Towner. Colo.
Chronic B. J., M annford, Okla.
Chronister B.. Rosedale, Kan.
♦Chrystal E . T ., T erra Alta,
W. Va.
♦Chuffing L. P., Baker, M ont.
Chunn P. E:, Auburndale, F la
Chupik J. F., Ellinger, Tex.
Church C. H., Muncie, Ind.
Church C. R „ Downey, Cal.
Church C. R „ W atts, Cal.
Church D. C., Fox Lake, Wis
Church D. W., Pocatello, Ida.
Church E. A., Boston, Mass.
Church E. H., Corsicana, Tex
Church G. J., M artelle, Ia.
Church George L„ Afton, N. Y
♦Church, Ira J.. Clinton, Ind!
Church J . A., Chagrin Falls, O.
♦Church M ae H., M artelle, Ia.
Church R. O., Burbank, Cal.
Church W. F.. Salem, O.
Churchill E. D., Acting, Chenoa,
Churchill E. W., Napa, Cal.
Churchill H. G., Endeavor, Wis
♦Churchill Mamie, Shelby, Mich.
Churchill Otho, Ham burg, N. Y
Churchill W. H.. New Era, Mich.
♦Chuse M. X ., Peoria, III.
♦Cilley J . L„ Hickory, N. C.
Cilley P . J., Ham burg, Iowa.
Cippera J. E., N orth Liberty, Ia.
Cizek Joseph, Osmonds Neb.
♦Claassen C. W., Newton, Kan,
♦Claassen D., Wellsburg, Ia.
Clabuesch E., Pigeon, Mich.
♦Clagett Ewing, Dallas, Tex.
Clagett J. P „ Bainbridge. O.
Clagg W. E ., Sheldon, Ia.
♦Claggett M. A., Hopkins, M inn.
Claghorn John W., Ardmore, Pa.
♦Claiborne E. C., W ichita, Kan.
Clanton H. V„ Summit, Ga.
♦Clapham A. W., Lawler, Ia.
♦Clapham W. R., M utual, Okla.
Clapp A. M„ Glenflora, Tex.
Clapp C. C., Galesburg, Mich.
♦Clapp E. D., Brewster. Wash.
♦Clapp E . G., Fargo, N. D.
Clapp E . S., Council, Ida.
Clapp G. E., Mazon, 111.
Clapp H. C., Carson City, Nev.
♦Clapp H. H., Crookston, M inn.
♦Clapp I. R., Clyde, O.
♦Clapp M . R., Hom er, Neb.
Clapper E. O., Orchard, Ia.
♦Clapper H.G., N ational City, C a l.
♦Clapper M. L., Orchard, Ia.

Clapps W. G., M ountain Park,
C larabut G. G., Rome, N. Y.
Clare E . A.;, lone, Ore.
♦Clare-Avery E . B., St. Louis. Mo.
Clark A. C.. W est Louisville, Ky.
C lark A. D., Colfax, Ind.
Clark A. L., Farm ington, U tah.
♦Clark A. M ., H arlan, Ky.
Claris B. F., Denver, Colo.
♦Clark B ethanla M„ E lkhart, la .
C lark B. L „ Dolliver, la .
Clark B. S., Roper, N. C.
Clark C., Frisco, Tex.
C lark C. A., Galien, M ich.
♦Clark O. A., Poole, Neb.
C lark C. H ., E . Orange, N . J.
♦Clark C. J., Carnegie, Okla.
Clark C. K., Orlskany Falls, N. Y .
Clark C. L., Newellton, La.
♦Clark O. M ., M ontrose, Mo.
♦Clark C. M., Barnes, Kan.
Clark C. M., Dundee, N. Y.
Clark, O. R., Harlem , Ga.
Clark David, Jr., Kenmore, N. D.
Clark D. G., Chadboum , N. C.
C lark D., Greensburg, Pa.
C lark D . S., M arianna, Ark.
♦Clark E . A., Poole, Neb.
♦Clark E. C.. C larkton. N. C.
Clark E. E ., Ham ilton. Mo.
♦Clark E. E., Orrville, O.
♦Clark E . H ., Lakeview, Ore.
♦Clark E . J., Jefferson, S. C.
Clark E. M., Glenns Ferry, Ida.
Clark E. M„ Roosevelt, N. J.
C lark E . R ., M edina, N . Y.
C lark E . W ., M ason C ity, T a.
Clark F., M arathon, Tex.
♦Clark F., N orth Litchfield, Conn.
Clark F . A.. Pulaski, N. Y.
Clark F. B.. Clarksburg, Mo.
♦Clark F. D., H untington P ark,


♦Clark F. F., Erie, Pa.
Clark F . H., Berkeley, Cal.
C lark F . H ., Belleville, Mich.
C lark F. H ., Traer, la.
♦Clark F. ¿ .. Oklahoma, Okla.
C lark F . M ., D erby, Colo.
Clark F. P ., Falling Springs, W.Va
C lark F . P ., Renick, W. Va.
Clark F . S.. McMinnville. T enn.
C lark F rank, Lawson, Mo.
Clark F. W., Barnes, Kan.
♦Clark Geo. J., Springfield, M ass.
Clark George J „ Elroy, Wis.
Clark G. F., Seattle, W ash.
♦Clark G. H ., Reinbeck, la .
C lark G. K., Bigstone City, S. D.
Clark G. R., Corpus Christl, Tex.
Clark G. V., Cortland, N. Y.
♦Clark G. W ., Ashley, Ind.
C lark Geo. W., Corona, S. D.
♦Clark G. W.. New Castle. Pa.
C lark H arry G., Quasqueton, la .
Clark H. B„ Monroe, N. C
♦Clark H. E., Matoaka. W . Va.
C lark H enry El, Blanchard, la . J
C lark H. H., Woodriver, 111.
Clark H. T., Steubenville, O.
♦Clark Isabel A., Petoskey, Mich.
♦Clark Id a M ., Halltown, Mo.
C lark I. P., Heavener, Okla.
Clark J . B., New Martinsville,
W .V a.
♦Clark J . E ., Sturgeon Bay, Wis.
♦Clark J . F., Jackson, Mich.
Clark J . G., Nocona, Tex.
C lark J. H ., F t. Davis, Tex.
♦Clark J. L., Eldorado Springs.Mo.
Clark J . M., Freeport, 111.
Clark J . M., Maryville, Tenn.
C lark John, Fayetteville, Ark.
Clark John C., Lock Haven, Pa.
♦Clark J . W., E verett, W ash.
♦Clark L. F., Clinton, Ky.
♦Clark L. G., St. Helena, Cal.
Clark L. M .. Pike, N . Y.
♦Clark L. M., Silver Springs, N. Y.
♦Clark M arion, St. Jam es, M inn.
Clark M. D., Waldo, Ark.
♦Clark M . E ., Clarksville, Ark.
Clark M. E ., Pensacola, Fla.
Clark M . J., Halltown, Mo.
♦Clark Nelle K., M anchester, la.
C lark N . L., Aline, Okla.
Clark O. J., Blue E arth , M inn.
♦Clark O. M., Chicago, 111.
Clark O. O., Nortonville, Kan.
Clark O. P., Georgetown. 111.
C lark Oscar, Algood, T enn.
Clark O. W., Ogden, la .
C lark O. W.. Reed City, M ich.
Clark Paul, Ocean C ity; M d.
C lark Paul, Victoria, Va.
C lark P . N ., Rogers, Ark.
♦Clark R. A., F o rt Bragg, Cal.
C lark R . B., Tupelo, Miss.
Clark R. J., Philadelphia, Pa.
Clark R. N., S tuart. Va.
♦Clark R . T ., Herrick, 111,
♦Clark R . T ., Lockhart. Tex.
♦Clark R . W ., H um boldt, Neb.
♦Clark Ralph, M arkesan, Wis.
Clark R alph A., E lkhart, la .
Clark R . W ., Shelbyville. Tenn.
Clark S. A., W arren, IU.
♦Clark S. H., L a Grange. Ky.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Clark S. R ., Spalding, Neb.
Clark T. C., M ucatine, laClark Thorne, Fayetteville, N. C.
♦Clark N . L., Fayetteville, N . C.
Clark W. B„ Mahaffey, Pa.
Clark W. B., W aterbury, Vt.
Clark W . B.. W illiamstown. Mass.
C lark W. E ., Durant, Okla.
♦Clark W. H ., Sioux Rapids, la .
C lark W hit H., Monroe, Wash.
Clark W. M., Baldwin, Kan.
Clark W m., N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Clark W. P., W artrace, Tenn.
♦Clark W. S., Deming, N. M.
Clark Z. H.. Moultrie. Ga.

Clem ent N . P ., Buffalo, N. Y.
Clem ent O. L.. Danville, Ark.
Clement S., Thorndale, Tex.
Clem ents C. C., M arengo, Ia.
Clem ents C. L), M illtown, Ga.
♦Clements E „ Stam ford, Tex.
Clements Frederick, Farm ington,
N . H.
♦Clements G. L„ Elmwood, Neb.
♦Clements H . P., Barney, Ga.
Clements J. A., P utnam , Tex.
Clements Jam es, Reserve, La.
Clements M. C., Larue, O.
Clements S. W., Uniontown, Ky.
♦Clemer R. C., Clyde, Tex.

Clarke A. A., M organtow n, W.Va.
♦Clarke Addison A., Sistersville,
W. Va.
Clarke A. E., Lewiston, Ida.
Clarke A. W ., Sault Ste. Marie,
♦Clarke C. R ., Helena, M ont.
Clarke E . B., H averhill, Iowa.
Clarke G. B., Savannah, Ga.
Clarke G. K., M anhattan, M ont.
Clarke George D., Vassar, Mich.
Clarke H. A., Columbus. Neb.
♦Clarke H. L., W heatland, N . D.
Clarke H. W., Earlville, N . Y.
Clarke I. D., Paplllion, Neb.
Clarke J. O., Toston, M ont.
Clarke J . L., Eagle Grove, la .
Clarke J. L., Ennis, Tex.
♦Clarke J. P ., Hem pstead, Tex.
Clarke J.T .,H arbor Springs,Mich.
♦Clarke J. W., B antry, N. D.
Clarke L. J., Eagle Grove, la.
Clarke M. C., M adison, Wis.
Clarke M . B., W est Plains, Mo.
Clarke P . F., A tlanta, Ga.
Clarke S. J., Newell, S. D.
♦Clarke S. M.*, Rockport, Mo.
Clarke T . W. D., Arctic, R. I.
Clarke W. J. J r., H arbor Springs,

♦Clements W. P., Phoenix, Ariz.
Clemmer J . D„ Benton, Tenn.
♦Clemmons J. Roger, Florence.S.O.
♦Clemons E. R., Ashland, 111.
Clendonin W. F., Sparta, 111.
♦Cleophas G. C., K ensett, Ia.
Cleophas E ., K ensett, Ia.
♦Cleary E. P., Momence, 111.
♦Cleary F. J., Grand Island, Neb
♦Cleary T ., Leesville, La.
Cleophas H. R., Forest C ity, Ia.
Cleveland D. M ., Hornick, Ia.
♦Cleveland D. O. C., McGehee,

Clausen E. E., Newville, N. D.
♦Clausen P. W., York, N . D ak.
Clauson Carl, Elko, M inn.
♦Clauss R . W .. Charleston, S. C.
♦Claussen A. D .. Laurens, la .
Ciaussen H. F ., E ttrick , Wis.
♦Clausen Lucile, E ttrick , Wis.
Claussen P . H., R icketts, la .
Clave A. O., Ottosen, la .
Clavin C., M ount Olive, 111.
Clawson C. W „ Alvin, Tex.
Clawson C. W., G alveston, Tex.
♦Clawson J . H., T renton, Mo.
Claxton F. B., F ayette, la.
Clay C. F., M cG rath, M inn.
♦Clay C. L., Sunset. La.
♦Clay Harrison, Quincy, O.
♦Olay R. G., A tlanta, Ga.
Clay S. L., Savannah, Ga.
Clayberg W. H., Avon, 111.
Claymore J ., Broadland, S. D.
Claypool B .E ., M ontgomery.W.Va,
♦Clayton B. G., Roxboro, N. C.
♦Clayton O. B., H am burg, la .
Clayton C. M., Lakeland, Fla.
Clayton E. F., Julesburg, Colo.
C layton E . L., Woodville, Okla.
Clayton E . W ., Safford, Ariz.
Clayton F. A., Lansdale, Pa.
♦Clayton Grace, Roseburg, Ore.
C layton H. E ., Indianapolis. Ind.
Clayton J. E ., Milo. Ia.

Cline C. C., Camden, Mo.
♦Cline Ona L., Monticello, 111.
Cline S. F., Pittsboro, Ind.
♦Cline T . C., Exline, Ia.
♦Cline W . A., Thornton, Ind.
♦Cline W. J., Chicago, 111.
Cling E . E., D ayton, la .
♦Clingan W. N ., Delight, Ark.
♦Clinger F . F., T opeka, Kan.
Olinkunbroomer H . A., N ew York,
N . Y.
D }■b.i
♦Clinton F. S., Prairie du Chien,
♦Clinton R. L., Putnam , Tex.
♦Clippard Leon, Jackson, Mo.
Clisby F. L., Parker, S. D.
Clizbe A. K ., Am sterdam , N. Y.
Cloak C. P ., Youngsville, Pa.
Clock Dow. Sayville, N. Y.
♦Cloninger C. W., H ickory, N . C.
Glonts J. E ., W hite, Ga.
Cloos Frank. T orrington, Wyo.
Oloos H. W ., Lawrenceville. P a.
Clore H. H ., St. Francis, Kan.
♦Close E . J., Phillipsburg, Kan.
♦Close J. F., Greemeaf, Kan.
♦Close W . 1., Shelby, 0
♦Cloud O tto, Macy, Ind.
♦Cloud S. P ., W est Chester, Pa.

C leveland E. L., Arnold, Neb.
Cleveland F . B ., Addison, M ich.
♦Cleveland J . Jr.. H am ilton, Tex.
♦Cleveland J. L:, Jr., Muskogee,
Cleveland O. O., Oakdale, La.
Clevenger R.C., W illiamsburg, Kan.
Cleverley W . K., N. Y. City, N.Y.
Clewer C. A., O yster Bay, N. Y.
♦Cleworth W. W ., Lowell, M ass.
♦Click J. S., Elida, N- Mex.
Cliff Allen, Oak Creek, Colo.
Clifford C. T., Clarksville, Mo.
♦Clifford Daniel P ., Toledo O.
♦Clifford Jerry. Le Sueur, M inn.
♦Clifford S. R., Eldorado, Kan.
♦Clifford M arion L., D am ariscotta
Clarke W . P., Ceres, Cal.
♦Clarkson A. V. D., Milwaukee, Clifford T. J., St. John, N. D.
♦Clifford W. E. C., Champaign',111.
Clarkson J . J., Williamstown, Pa. Clifton D. D., Larue, O.
Clifton M. S., Louisburg, N. C.
Clarkson M. C., Casper, W yo.
Clarkson S. W ., A nn Arbor, Mich. ♦Clifton R. D., Equality, 111.
♦Clarno Ross, Parkers Prairie, ♦Clifton T. C., Newton, N. C.
Clighon S. F., Princeton, W. Va.
M inn.
♦Clinch C. E ., Elmwood 111.
♦Clary Carrie C., Liberty, 111.
Clinckscales P. E., Anderson. S. C.
Clary F. M., Fruitdale, S. D.
♦Cline A. M,. Garrettsville, O.
Clary Ham m ond, Frederick. M d.
Cline C. T ., Tryon, Neb.
♦Clary M . B., Calvin, Okla.
Cline E. L., Lincoln, Neb.
Clary U. N., Prosper, Tex.
♦Cline F . O., W ashington Court
Clash F. H., W ingate. M d.
House. O.
♦Clauden A. M ., Pioneer, O.
Cline G. T„ Mancos, Colo.
C lauden D. H ., Pioneer, O.
Cline Howard, Lake Placid, N. Y.
Claudon A. B., Fairbury, 111.
♦Claudon A. B., Jr., Fairbury, 111. C line J . A., Lincoln, Neb.
♦Cline Jam es A. Jr., Scottsbluff,
Claudon D. N., Meadows, 111.
♦Claudon E ster K ., Meadows, 111.
Cline Joseph, Roachdale, Ind.
♦Claudon J. H., Meadows, 111.
Cline M . H ., Lincolnton, N . O.
♦Claudon N. J., Fairbury, 111.
♦Cline M. O., Doylestown, O.
Claunch W . A., M aypearl, Tex.

♦Clayton R . A., H am burg, la .
Clayton T. H ., Dover, Mo.
Clayton W. E ., Baltim ore, M d.
♦Claywell J.A .Jr.,M organton,N .C.
♦Cleavenger C. C., Spencer, W .Va.
Cleaver H enry,D elaw are City,Del.
♦Cleckler W m. F., H artshom e,
♦Clegg B. A., Social Ceircl, Ga.
♦Cleghom J. S., Summerville, Ga.
♦Cleghorn Percy T., Stockton, Cal.
Cleland C. T „ Middleboro, Ky.
♦Cleland J. H., Frem ont, Neb.
Clemans F. M„ Mechanicsburg, O.
Clemans Perry, Ham ilton, Kan.
♦Clemens G. R., Marcellus. Mich.
Clemens R. A., Neillsville, Wis.
Clemens R. B „ Blue Springs, Neb.
Clemensen H ., Folsom C ity, Cal.
Clem ent B. H., Twin Lakes, M inn.
Clem ent F. H ., Petoskey, Mich.
♦Clement H. C., Jacksonville, 111.

Cloud W . H.. Pequot, Minn.
♦Clough O. W., Holley, N . Y
Clough Joseph, Ellston, la .
♦Clouse A. S., Piqua, O.
♦Clouser D. B., W ilkinsburg, Pa.
♦Clovis O. E .. Himdred, W. Va.
Clow C. W., Backoo, N. D.
Clower J . M., Klondike, Tex.
♦Clowers G.. E.. Okemah, Okla.
Cloyes F . H.. Garden Grove, Cal.
♦Cluny J. B., W indsor, N. C.
Clure A. J., Bremen, N. D.
Clure G. E ., Petersburg, Alaska.
Clute E . F., Ballston Spa, N. Y.
♦Clute J. A., Presho, S. D.
Clute J . S„ Cohoes, N. Y.
Clute William, Dundee, Mich.
Cluxton W. S., St. Francisville.Ill.
C lyatt Vernon, F ort Meade, Fla.
Clyburn H. F., Kershaw, S. C.
Olyburn I. B., Kershaw. S. O.
Clyde T. Edward, Chester, Pa.
Clyde T. E ., Chester, Pa.
♦Clyette Marion, Hillsboro. Tex.
Clyne J . A., Maple P ark, 111.

Clyne John T ., Joliet, 111.
♦Coad J. E arl, Norwood, O.
Coakley L. W., Greensburg, Ky.
Coale W. N ., H avre de Grace, M d.
Coan R. Titus, Albion, 1ST. Y.
Coan W. F., Clinton, la .
Coapman L. N., Kilbourn, Wis.
♦Coarson C. J., Marengo, 111.
Coates John, Vienna, Mo.
Coats C. V., Granville, Mich.
♦Coats E . H., W est Plains, M o.
♦Cobb A. E., Grafton, N. D.
Cobb A. J., C ottondale, Fla.
♦Cobb A. L., Blackstone, Va.
Cobb C. L ., Rockhill, S. C.
Cobb C. W., Milton, Fla.
Cobb G. L., Glade, Kan.
Cobb L. A., Island Pond, Vt.
♦Cobb L. B. Jr., Groesbeck, Tex.
♦Cobb L. L., Seminole, Tex.
♦Cobb M. F., Rockhill, S. C.
Cobb O. B., Alierton, la .
Cobb S. A., Big Cabin, Okla.
Cobb T. H., Birmingham, Mich.
Cobb W. E .. PInetops, N. C.
Cobb W . P., E astm an, Ga.
♦Cobb W. R., Louisville, Ky.
Cobden A. B., Troy, N. Y.
Cobel E arle L., Dem pster, S. D.
Cobel G. W., Brookings, S. D.
Coble C. C., Bessemer C ity, N . C.
Coble Lee, Stilesville, Ind.
Coble S. F „ Paragon, Ind.
Coblentz L. P., L a Harpe, Kan.
Cobler John G.,Ellwoodf City, Pa,
Coburn A. G., Memphis, Mich.
C oburn H. H ., Bogard, Mo.
♦Coburn H. L., Hackensack, N. J.
♦Cochran O. B.. Howard Lake,
M inn.
Cochran Ed., Shepherd, Tex.
Cochran, F . T ., M em phis, Tenn.
♦Cochran H .B .Jr., Columbia,Tenn
Cochran J. W., Elvaston, 111.
♦Cochran L. B., Guernsey, Ia.
♦Cochran M . E ., Seymour. Mo.
Cochran N. S., M atthews, N. C.
Cochran S. H ., Caseville, Mich.
Cochran W., Lorimor, Ia.
Cochran W. B „ M ountGilead.N.C.
Cochran W . S., A tlantic CIty.N.J.
♦Cochrane E. R ., Keokuk, la .
Cochrane G.D., Charleston,W .Va.
♦Cochrane Geo. E ., Woodland,
♦Cochrane H. M ., Indianapolis.
Cochrane Robt.H.,Tuscaloosa,Ala.
♦Cocke C. D., Dawson, Ga.
Cockins J. V., Denver, Colo.
Cockman R ay, Thayer, Mo.
♦Cockran L. L., Lakewood, N. M.
Cockrell H. E ., Jarbalo, Kan.
Cockrum J. B., Johnson, Kan.
♦Cockrum L. B., Ontario, Ore.
Cockrum H. B., Ontario, Ore.
♦Coco E. S„ Mansura, La.
♦Coco Ellis S., Bordelonville, La.
♦Coddington A. M ., Lestershire,
N. Y.
Coddington C. A., W est Orange,
N. J.
Coddington H .H ., Kalamazoo, Mich
Coddington J. H „ Caldwell, N. J.
♦Coddington W., Lind, Wash.
Codington G. E., Auburn, Neb.
♦Cody A. J., Red Oak, Tex.
♦Cody English, Mobile, Ala.
Cody J . M., Luverne, Ala.
♦Cody W. D., Missouri Valley, Ia
♦Coe A. E.. P ra tt, Kan.
Coe C. D., David City, Neb.
Coe C. S., Ivesdale, IU.
♦Coe D orothy, Byrdstown, Tenn.
Coe E.. W., Los Angeles, Cal.
Coe F. E ., Creighton, M o.
Coe F. J., N iagara Falls, N. Y.
♦Coe F. W ., Blossburg, Pa.
Coe G. W., Woodbine, Ia.
♦Coe G. W ., W oodbine, la .
♦Coe J . H.. Prairie Farm , Wis.
♦Coe W. M ., Racine, O.
Coen A. E ., Chicago, 111.
♦Coen C. W., South Bend, Ind.
♦Coenen A., Tucson, Ariz.
Cofer J. I., SmithfleAd, Va.
loflee E. E., Pineville, Mo.
loffel H. H.; PennvUle, Ind.
lofley A. B., Lithonia, Ga.
Coffey O. W., Electra, Tex.
lofley D. E „ Fairfax, S. D.
Coffey E thelM ., New Salem, Kan.
Coffey F rank, Lake City. Mich.
Iofley G. H., New Salem, Kan.
)offey R. N ., Odell, Tex.
Coffey Roy, Childress, Tex.
lofley Wm. L., NashviUe, Ind.
lofley W. R., Dexter, Kan.
loffleld T. R., Newcastle, Tex.
Coffin A. D., Swifton, Ark.
löffln C. H.> Boise, Ida.
Coffin O. J., W ynne, Ark.
löffln E. P., Sewickley, P a.
Coffin H. M ., Los Angeles, Cal.
löffln M. L., Rawson, O.
löffln P. G„ Catskill, N. Y.
löffln R. W., Itasca, Tex.
♦Coffman A. R., Orient, Ia. .
♦Coffman G. C., Altam ont, Kan.
♦Coffman Daniel T., Chehalis,

Coffman J . T „ Beech Grove, Ky.
Coffman L., Josephine, Tex.
Coffman M„ Woodstock, Va.
Coffman S. A., Schertz, Tex.
Coffman T . E ., A ltam ont, Kan.
Coffman W . E., Middletown, Va.
Coffman W. W., Springfield, Mo.
Coffy J . O., Queen City, Mo.
•Coffy M . F., Bradyville, Tenn.
Cogbum B. S., Neeses, S. C.
Cogburn T. Q., Norway, S. C.
•Cogswell J. W.. Louisville. 111.
•Gohn Bruno, Hallettsville, Tex.
Cohen Em anuel, Los Angeles, Cal.
•Cohoon R. S., Norfolk, Va.
Cohrs A. E „ Dovray, Minn.
Coil W . H., Benton, Mo.
•Coiner Homer, Salem, Mo.
Coit Dwight, Beatrice, Neb.
Colt J. C., Denton, Tex.
Colbeck J. R.. Superior. Wis.
•Colberg J. R., Pecatonica, 111.
•Colbert J. G., Barnesville, Ga.
Colburn B. L ., E ureka, 111.
Colburn Byron L., E ureka, 111.
Colburn Clifton, Lynn, Mass.
•Colburn Henry, McCune, Kan.
•Colburn H. J., Pomeroy, la.
Colburn M urray, Springfield, S. D.
•Colby Geo. L., Holland, N . Y.
•Colby J. R., Loyal, Wis.
•Colby R. B., Littleton, N. H.
Ooldough D. K., Sacramento, Cal.
Colcord J. C., Newberg, Ore.
Cole A. M ., Aberdeen, S. D.
•Cole A rthur, Nome, Alaska.
•Cole A. V., Hugo, Colo.
•Cole B ertha J., Sidney, 111.
•Cole B. li„ S traw berry P oint, la.
Cole Clyde A., Shinnston, W. Va.
•Cole C. D.. N orth E ast.'P a.
•Cole C. E . Jr., P rairie Grove, Ark.
Cole C. S., R utland. Vt.
Cole C. W „ Toledo. O.
Cole D. C., Shelby, Neb.
Cole D. E „ Ravenswood, W . Va.
Cole D. S., Walkerville, Mich.
Cole E . G., Garland, Tex.
Cole E. H., Brodhead, Wis.
Cole E . K., Berkeley, Cal.
Cole E. R., Crown P oint. Ind.
•Cole J. A., St. Augustine, Fla.
•Cole F . E ., Granville, N. Y.
Coole F. M., Ashland. Wis.
•Cole Grace G.. Milan, Mo.
Cole G. L., M arion, Ind.
Cole G. L ., San Antonio, Tex.
Cole G. R., Aspen, Colo.
•Cole Grady, Carrollton, Ga.
Cole G. W., C otton Valley, La.
Cole G. W ., B arnard, Mo.
Cole H. C., Carnegie, Okla.
•Cole H. M., Lagrange, Ind.
•Cole H. W.,< Greenup, Ky.
•Cole J. H., Bellingham, W ash.
Cole J . H „ Cuba, 111.
Cole J. H ., Greenboro, N . C.
Cole J. M ., Union, Miss.
Cole J . S., Sterling City, Tex.
•Cole J. W., Baltimore. M d.
Cole Myron E., M artins Ferry, O.
Cole P . B., Roxobel, N . C.
Cole R. E., Greensburg, La.
Cole R. W.. Barbourville, Ky.
Cole T. J., Amory, Miss.
•Cole T . J., Okolona, Miss.
Cole T . R ., Buxton, la.
Cole W. A.. Lam bert, Miss.
•Cole W. B., M onroe, N . C.
•Cole W . D., Paris, IU.
Cole W. E „ Ashton, S. D.
Cole W. H., Bryan, Tex.
Cole W. I., Fond du Lac, Wis.
Cole W, T „ Greenup, Ky.
Coleman D. S., Vian, Okla.
Coleman D. T., K ent, Wash.
Coleman E. T ., Cross Plains, Ind.
•Coleman F. E ., Anoka, M inn.
•Colem an F. M ., Camp Hill,
Coleman F.S.,G rand Rapids,Mioh.
Coleman F. S., W estgate, la.
Coleman J . E „ W axahachie, Tex.
Coleman J. H., Newkirk, Okla.
•Coleman J. W., P hiladelpha, P a.
•Colem an L. E ., Ellendale, N. D.
Coleman L. E ., Clinton, Okla.
•Coleman Leo, W estgate, la.
Coleman Logan, Springfield, 111.
•Colem an Nell, Sturgis, Ky.
Coleman R. N., New Market, Ala.
Coleman T. C., Ridgeway, Va.
Coleman W . A., Denison, Kan.
•Colem an W. D., Bamberg, S. C.
•Colem an W. I., Jacksonville, Fla.
•C olem an W. J., Peoria, 111.
•Coles C. H ., Kilmarmock, Va.
•Coles R. A., Galena, Kan.
Coley A. E., Goldendale, W ash,
•Colgan D. J., Wyoming, 111.
Colgate E. J., Madison, Ind.
Colgrove M. H., Madison, S. D.
Colhoun C. R., Christiansburg, Va.
Oolister P . C., Elwell, Mich.
Colkett E. E ., Raymond, Wash.
Coll C. H ., Princeton, 111.
Coll E. B., P ittsburgh, Pa.
•Oollans Jam es, Chicago, 111.
Colle E. A., Pascagoula, Miss.
•C ollett, C. H ., Raymond, Neb.
Colley B. R., Lincolnton, Ga.
Colley S. J. Jr., Clintwood. Va.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

•Collie W. M ., Gorman, Tex.
•Collier A. E., Fayetteville, Ark.
Collier O. A., Galax, Va.
•Collier C. C., Newcastle, Tex.
Collier C. C., St. Louis, Mo.
Collier E . L., Guion, Ark.
Collier H . W., H artm an, Ark.
•Collier J. H i, Groom, Tex.
Collier J. M ., E llicott C ity, M d.
•Collier M. M., Prairie Grove.Ark.
•Collier Shelley, Bigwells, Tex.
•Collier S. J.. Amory, Miss.
Collier W. L., Seattle, Wash.
•Collin J. F „ Lodi, Wis.
•Collingwood H. I., P ittsburgh,P a.
Colllngwood J . H., Plains, Kan.
Collins A. R., Myrtle, Miss.
•Collins C., Hebron, Neb.
Collins C. C., Chicago, 111.
Collins O. H ., Vinita, Okla.
•Collins C. I., M yrtle, Miss.
•Collins C. M., Potsdam , N. Y.
Collins C. P., Orleans, Ind.
•Collins C. W., Shrewsbury, Pa.
•Collins E. C„ Columbus, Ind.
Collins Ed. E., H artington, Neb.
•Collins E. H., Jew ett, O.
Collins E. H., Linesville, Pa.
•Collins E . M ., Denver, Colo.
•Collins E. T ., Eldon, Mo.
Collins F. A., Groesbeck, Tex.
Collins F. L., Barry, Minn.
Collins Frank, Chicago, 111.
Collins F rank, Sherburn, Minn.
Collins Fred, Milan, Tenn.
•Collins F. W., Chicago, 111.
Collins George H., Jew ett, O.
Collins G. S., Munising, Mich.
•Collins Geo. V., Clare, Mich.
•Collins H. L„ B ethany, Mo.
Collins Homer, Leonard, Tex.
Collins H. S., Wakefield, Neb.
Collins J . C., Knoxville, la.
Collins Jam es F.. Pittsburgh, Pa.
•Collins J. G., Chicago, 111.
•Collins J. N., Lovelady, Tex.
•Collins Jos., New Straitsville, O.
Collins J. S., Dover, Del.
Collins L. C., H unter, N. D.
•Collins L. C., Lathrop, Mo.
•Collins L. R., Acworth, Ga.
Collins M . H., Clare, Iowa.
Collins M. J., Rush Springs, Okla.
Collins P. C., Hillsboro, N. C.
Collins Ralph, Varner, Kans.
•Collins R. A., Unadilla, Ga.
Collins R. F., Bushnell, Fla.
Collins S. H., Aberdeen, S. D.
•Collins T „ Odell, Tex.
Collins T. J., Sturgis, Mich.
Collins V. B., P lan t City, Fla.
Collins W. C., Charming, Tex.
Collins W. H., Lovelady, Tex.
Collins Wilkie, Douglas, Wyo.
•Collins, W. J., Mexico, N. Y.

•Comstock H., Evanston. 111.
Comstock Jr. R. J., Rexburg,
•Com stock R. J., Sylvania, O,
Comstock W. E „ Auburn, la.
•Conable M . E ., M ourovia, Cal.
Conable O. F., Fultonville, N. Y.
Conard H arry, P erth Am boy,N.J.
Conarro C. T., W arren, Pa.
Conaway F. P., Arcadia, O.
•Condell R. G., Spring Valley, Wis.
Condit C. H.. W inchester, 111.
Condit C. T„ Mead, Neb.
•Condit F , M., Beardstown, 111.
Condit T. K., Beardstown, 111.
Condon J. C., Hancock, Mich.
•Condon J. P., Des Moines, la.
•Condon T, B.. New H am pton, la.
•Condon T. M ., Choldo, M inn.
Cone A. W., Maumee, O.
Cone L. P ., Pine Apple, Ala.
•Conely R. L., Salt Lake City,
U tah.
Coney C. L., Unadilla. Ga.
•Coney E . W., Hawkinsville, Ga.
Congdon H. F., Palo Alto, Cal.
•Congdon S. B., Seward, Alaska.
Congdon T. B., Newport, R. 1.
Conger Chas. L., M cIntosh, Minn.
Conger F. L„ Galesburg, 111.
Conger H. W .,'Sacram ento. Cal.
Conger I. Y., T y Ty, Ga.
•Congleton J. B., Stokes, N. C.
•Conie J. M.; St. Francisville, 111.
Conkey W. P.. Pleasanton, Kan.
•Conkin Maggie C., Gainesville,
Conklin A. S., Delaware, O.
Conklin A. W., Newark, N. J.
Conklin F. M .. Brownsdale, M inn.
•Conklin H. A., Rockford, 111.
Conklin J. A., Kilbourne, 111.
•Conklin L. A.. Hubbell, Neb.
•Conlan L. J., Scobey, M ont.
Conley J. S„ Bloomburg, Tex.
Conley M . F., Louisa, Ky.
Conlin J. T., Cascade, la .
Collie C. L., Luray, Tenn.
•Conlon W. L., Portsm outh, N .H .
Conn F. N., Durand, Mich.
•Conn H. O., Colfax, Wash.
Conn O. M„ Milledgeville, Ga.
Conn S. B., Kirbyville, Tex.
•Conn T. H.. Sacramento, Cal.
Conn Verne, Miami, Ind.
•Connally D. L., Rosebud, Tex.
Connard G. S., Decatur, 111,
Oonneley Jas. W., Glencoe, Ky.
Coimell A. B.. Chilton. Wis.

Connell Charles, Shelbyville, Ky.
•Connell E. E., W aterville, Minn.
Coimell J. J., Grand Valley, Colo.
Connell W. T ., BargersviUe, Ind.
Connelly Chas., Ottum wa, la.
Connelly H. T„ Upland, Ind.
Collmann O. C., George, la .
•Connelly J. J., R aton, N. M .
Collner A. B., Clarion, Pa.
•Connelly J. W., Bridgeport, Pa.
Colman W. T ., Callao, Mo.
Connelly R. L„ Moore, Tex.
•Colson Jam es A., Searsport, Me. •Conner A., Assumption. 111.
Colson L. H., Hewitt, Minn.
•Conner Don, Vandalia, 111.
Colter W . A., Wiltshire, O.
•Conner E., Kirksville, Mo.
Coltharp R. D., Vonore, Tenn.
Conner E. E., Algona, la.
•C olthorp O. G., Wheeler, Mich.
Conner G. C., Fontana, Kan.
•C olthorp O. G., Breckenridge,
Conner H. B., Vidalia, La.
•Conner J. R., Ratcliff, Tex.
Colton W. G., M ulberry, Kan.
Conner S. B„ Live Oak, Fla.
Coltrane L. D., Concord. N. C.
•Conner T .J., Prairie du Rocher.Ill.
Colvard R. E.. Gordon. Tex.
Connet, M . R., Seneca, Kan.
•Colvig H., Jerome, Ariz.
C onnett C. H., Seeley, Gal.
•Colvig H., Prescott, Ariz.
Conneway W. L., E dna, Kan.
Colville H. P.. Covington, Ky.
•Conniff M . C., Irvington, Ky.
•Colville J. L., M cMinnville.Tenn. Connine Edwin, Wexford, Mich.
Colvin E. E., Marysville, Wash.
•Connine K. D., Wexford, Mich.
Colvin Henry, Troy, N. Y.
•Connley G. B., N. Y. C ity, N . Y.
•Colvin N. M ., Granbury, Tex.
Connolly C. L., Cherry, 111.
Colvin S. F., Hamburg, N. Ÿ.
•Connolly E. V., New York, N . Y.
•Colville J.L ., McMinnville, Tenn. •Connolly Frank,Com m erce, Okla.
Colyer J. R., Cathin, 111.
•Connolly, J. P . Bisbee, Ariz.
•Com bs A. L., Thomas, Okla.
Connolly T. A., Fayetteville, O.
Combs B. M ., Trinidad, Wash.
Connolly T. E ., Stockton, Cal.
Combs C. F., Ganado, Tex.
Connolly Thos. H., Danvers, Minn.
Combs H. H., Shepherdsville, Ky. Connor A. R., Woodstock, O.
Combs H. R., Clarence. Mo.
Conner Claude, Hym era, Ind.
•Combs H. W., Canon City, Colo.
Connor G. C., Fontana, Kan.
Combs J . E., St. Joseph, Mo.
•Connor J. E ., M orris, 111.
Combs P . L., Farm ersburg, Ind.
•Connor Paul, Darfur, M inn.
Combs W. E., Haskell, Okla.
Connor R. A., Auburndale, Wis
•Com eau A. A., Opelousas. La.
Conoboy P. M., Dunseith, N. D.
•Comegys Claude, Thornton.
Conover H. V., Orion, 111.
Conrad D. E., Lapel, Ind.
Comegys Ralph, Thornton, Wash. •Conrad F., Lam bert, M ont.
Comer J. A., Jarrell, Tex.
Conrad F. N., Daytona, Fla.
Comer J . H .. Prue, Okla.
Conrad Mrs. Geo., Corning, Cal.
Comer J. M ., Carlton, Ga.
•C onrad H arry, Riverside, Cal.
•Com er J. W., Chickasha, Okla.
•Conrad J. A., Chicago, 111.
•Com er M . W., Howard Lake,
M inn.
Conrad W. O., Chicago, 111.
Comer O. P., Howard Lake, Minn.
•Conrad Wm. Y., Philadelphia,Pa.
Com fort K. G., Westville. Okla.
Conrow Fred, Brookville, Kan.
Commons W. E ., Ham m on, Okla. Conrow J. W., E atontow n, N. J.
Comnich Thos. W., Gaylord,Minn. •Conrow M ., Brookville, Kan.
•C om pton A. M ., Van M eter, la . Conroy Dan. W. Portsm outh O.
•C om pton Dora, Crump, Mich.
Conroy R, R., Hammond, N . Y.
Compton Geo. F., New Egypt, N .J. Conser E arl H., Paisley, Ore.
•C om pton H. A., Purdon, Tex.
•Consley R. S., Alton, 111.
•Com pton H, V., Salem, Ore.
•C onstant J. W., Cherokee, Okla.
•Com pton J. F., Lynnville, Tenn. Conte A., Milwaukee, Wis.
•C om pton O. G., Woodward, Okla Contrym an C. L., Wallace, Neb.
Compton Paul, Hardinsburg, Ky.
•Converse A. B., Cresco, la .
Com pton Jr. W. D., Scott, Ga.
•Converse A. V., Sioux City, la .
Comstock A. L., Ansonia, O.
Converse F. J., Chattanooga,Tenn
Comstock F.A.S.,Glens Falls, N.Y. •Converse F. K., Dunnell-, Minn.
•Comstock Gertie. Coopersvllle, •Converse N. N., Pawnee Rock,

•Conw ay Jr., E . A.. Shreveport,
•Conway F. P „ Wadesboro, N. C.
Conway John, Tell City, Ind.
Conway J. W., Gordon, Tex.
Conway W. A., Conway, la.
•Conway W. F., Woodstock, 111.
Conwell O. F., D e Soto, la.
•Conwell W. S.. Brownsville, P a
•Conyers F. D„ Muncie. Ind.
•Conyne C. W., W oodburn. Ore.
Cook A.A..S. P ittsburg, Tenn.
Cook A rthur, Geneseo, 111.
Cook B. A., M arion, S. C.
Cook C. A., Winlock, Wash.
Cook C. C., Booneville, la .
Cook C. F ., Westville, 111.
•Cook C. H ., B ay City, M ich.
Cook Chas., Spencer, Neb.
•Cook C. H., Salem, la .
Cook Chas. B„ Fall River, Mass.
•Cook C. L., Parker, Kan.
Cook C. M„ McGregor, Mich.
Cook C. S., Canton, N. Y.
•Cook C. Z„ Danville, Tnd.
Cook D. W. Jr., Beatrice, Neb.
Cook E. F.. Rochester. Minn.
Cook E. L., Chappells, S. C.
Cook E. L.. Ironton, Mo.
Cook E verett M.. FaU River. Mass.
•Cook E. Si, Pella, la .
Cook E. T., Conway, Mass.
•Cook E. T ., Erick, Okla.
Cook E . W., Lebanon, Mo.
Cook F. O.. Jr., Philadelphia, P a.
Cook F rank J., G rand Rapids.
Cook F. M ., Hillsdale, Mich.
Cook F rank F., Boston, Mass.
*Oook F. W., Cleveland, O.
Cook G. C„ Carrollton, Ga.
•Cook G. G., Exeter, Cal.
Cook G. T„ Clearmont, Wyo.
Cook Guy; Carrington, N . D.
Cook Hugo H „ M arion, S. D.
Cook H. B., Kipton, O.
^Cook H. E ., Bucyrus, O.
•Cook H. N ., Fairfax, Okla.
Cook H. S., Shambaugh, la .
•Cook I. E ., Cisco, Tex.
Cook I. H „ Chamberlain, S. D.
Cook I. L.. Oviedo, Fla.
Cook J. A., Le M ars, la.
Cook J. F." Newcastle, Cal.
Cook J. F., McRae, Ga.
•Cook J . H „ Canajoharie, N. Y.
•Cook J. M ., Veedersburg, Ind.
Cook John S., Globe, Ariz.
Cook J . W „ Lenox, Mo.
•Cook J. W., Shelby, la .
Cook L. A., Madison, 111.
•Cook L. L., Spencer, Neb.
•Cook L. M ., Foreman, Ark.
•Cook Mary, Blair, Neb.
Cook M .R.,W hite House Sta.,N .J.
Cook N. B., Poplar Bluff, Mo.
Cook Ralph A., M arinette, Wis.
•Cook R. E., Wausa, Neb.
Cook R. M .,^Kansas City, Mo.
Cook B. N., Bardstown, Ky.
Cook R. V.. Nashville, Tenn.
Cook S. H „ Pleasanton, Tex.
Cook S. S„ Minneapolis, M inn.
•Cook T . F „ Columbus, Ga.
Cook T. J., F o rt Payne, Ala.
Cook T. M ., Abbeville, Ga.
•Cook T. T., El Centro, Cal.
•Cook W alter M., Portland, Ore.
Cook W. D., Forest, Miss.
•Cook W. H., Baltimore, Md.
Cook Wm. Jones, Pensacola, Okla.
Cook Wm. M., Long Beach, Cal.
Cook W, P., Boyd, Tex.
Cook W. P., F t. Calhoun, Neb.
Cook W. S., Mayfield, Ky.
Cook W. W., Clinton, la.
Cooke Charles B., Philadelphia,Pa.
•Cooke C. L., Kiowa, Kan.
•Cooke D’A. P., St. Louis, Mo.
•Cooke F. O., San Francisco, Cal.
•Cooke F. T ., Timpson, Tex.
•Cooke G. J,, Indianapolis, ind.
Cooke Geo. L., Oklahoma, Okla.
•Cooke G. L., F ranklinton, N. C.
Cooke G. M„ Carlsbad. N. M.
Cooke John R., St. Louis, Mo.
Cooke J , E ., Aulander, N. C.
Cooke J. W., Carthage, Tex.
Cooke N. G., Fulton, Ky.
•Cooke R. B., W hitm an, Mass.
Cooke R. F. E ., Leesburg, Fla.
•Cooke Roy, M arvell, Ark.
Cooke S. K., K ansas City, Mo.
Cooke T. F., Los Angeles, Cal.
Cooke W. P., Odenville, Ala.
•Cooke W- R.. Hazlehurst, Miss.
•Cookley R. C., Savage, M inn.
•Cooksey R. G., Bowling Green,
Cookson I. W., Kansas, O.
Cool J. M., Drain, Ore.
•Coolbaugh C. W., Stockton, K an.
Ooolbaugh M. S„ Stockton, Kan.
•Coolbaugh S. J „ Stockton, Kan.
Cooley C. M ., Knoxville, Tenn.
•Cooley D. W., Houston, Tex.
Cooley M . A., Kennesaw, Ga.
Cooley T. R „ S totts City, Mo.
Cooley W. F., Morris, Minn.
•Cooley W- F . Jr., M orris, M inn.
Cooiidge D. C., Downing, Wis.
Coolidge Doiph, Colfax. Wash.

*Coolidge H. E ., L a Grande, Ore.
Coolley W. A., Broadlands, 111.
*Coombe O. B „ Lakemills. Wls.
•Coombs H . Lee, Colum bus,M ont.
•Coon E . D „ Herm itage, Mo.
Coon Elm er, Braggs, Okla.
Coon F . R., Lordsburg, N. M.
Coon H . A„ Charleston, Mo.
•Coon J . H ., Milton. Wls.
•Coon P . P., Princeton, Mo.
•Coon S. W., Lordsburg, N . M .
•Coon W. T ., Longmont, Colo.
•Cooney H . T ., W oodstock, 111.
Cooney J . H ., Conemaugh, Pa.
Cooney W . A.. M ayetta, Kan.
•Coonrod J. C., Winfield, la .
•Coons A. J., Virginia, 111.
•Coons E rm a L., Brandon, Colo.
•Coons J . A., Basin, Wyo.
Coons J . A., Lebanon, Ind.
•Coons W. M .. Goldfield, la .
Coontz W. H .. Fairview, W.Va.
Coop W alter, VaUey City, N. D.
•Coopen W. G., Bethel, M inn.
Cooper Adolph, Middletown, Ind.
Cooper C. C., M ount Pella, Tenn.
Cooper C. E „ Lebanon, N. H.
Cooper C. H ., E lk Grove, Cal.
Cooper C. M., Dodge Center, Minn.
•Cooper D. N ., Youngstown, O.
Cooper D. N.. Canon City. Colo.
•Cooper E . E ., K irkm an, la.
•Cooper E. H., Sharptown, Md.
•Cooper Em m et, Lucas, Kan.
•Cooper E . W ., Lee’s Sum m it, Mo.
•Cooper E. W. Jr., Yazoo City,
Cooper Ezekiel, W ilm ington, Dei.
Cooper F. C., Conway, la .
Cooper F. D., Wyoming, Pa.
Cooper F. H ., Selma, Ala.
•Cooper F. I., Chicago, III.
•Cooper F. V., Ringgold, Ga.
•Cooper G eo.,D avid C ity, Neb.
Cooper G. H., Greenfield, Ind.
•Cooper H. B., Cameron, Mo.
•Cooper H. O., Lelia Lake, T e x .,
•Cooper H. E., Winfield. Kan.
Cooper H. F., Selma, Ala.
Cooper H. J., Aurora, 111.
Cooper H. T., W hitewood, S. D.
Cooper J. C., Bogart. Ga.
Cooper J . E „ Forreston, Tex.
Cooper J. H ., R udy, Ark.
•Cooper J. I., Chicago, 111.
•Cooper Jr. J. A., Clarksdale.Miss.
Cooper J. L., W aterloo, Ala.
Cooper J. M „ Plainfield, Ga.
•Cooper J. R.. Kem pton. Ind.
Cooper Jos. S., Carey, Ida.
•Cooper L. E ., Le M ars. la.
•Cooper N ettie, Odon, Ind.
Cooper O. W.. Oxford. Ala.
Cooper P. C.. Fordsville, Ky.
•Cooper R.A.,RedwoodFalls,MInn.
•Cooper R. G., Union. Miss.
•Cooper S. G., N unda, N. Y.
Cooper T. A., Augusta, Me.
•Cooper T. E., Mayesville. S. C.
Cooper T. J.. Pasco. Wash.
Cooper T. M ., Lewistown, O.
Cooper W. C., Pelham , Ga.
•Cooper W. G., Bethel, M inn.
Cooper W. H., L aurinburg, N. C.
•Cooper W, S., Owosso, Mich.
•Cooper W. Z., Hill City, Kan.
Cooperrider E. C., Thornville, O.
•Coots S. C.. Calhoun, Ky.
Coover F.E.,New Cum berland,Pa.
•Cope C. E., Le Roy, 111.
Copeland C. E „ Lewistown, Mont.
•Copeland F. O., Randolph, Vt.
Copeland G. W., Clinton, S. C.
•Copeland H. O., D exter, Mo.
Copeland John, Marshall, Tex.
Copeland O. B„ Randolph, Vt.
•C opeland R. M ., Vichy, Mo.
Copellar A. J., Omaha, ¡Tex.
Copenhaver W. L., Bristol, Tenn.
Copenhaver W. L., Bristol, Va.
•Copher C. A., Troy, Mo.
Oopithorn George, Ashippin, Wis.
•Copland, E. P., Metropolis, 111.
•Coplen H. L., Rochester, Ind.
•Coplin C. M„ Saginaw, Mich.
Coplin H. R., Kenesaw. Neb.
Copp John L., Rochester, N. H.
•Coppage E. M., Stanton, la.
Coppel C. E „ Havana, 111.
Copper W. B„ Chestertown, Md.
Coppes F. E., Nappanee, Ind.
•Copule J. B., Monroe, N. C.
Copple J. R., Burlington, Kan.
Copsey R. R., York, Neb.
C orbett C. R., Chicago, 111.
•C orbett E. R., P ortland, Ore.
Corbett J . C., Chatsworth, 111,
•C orbett P. D., New Hope, Ky.
•C orbett W. J.. M arinette, Wis.
Corbin R. E., Enterprise, Kan.
•Corbin Court G., New Harm ony,
•Corbin B. B., Liberty, Mo.
•Corbin I. M ., Sandborn, Ind.
•Corbin M . P., Junction City, Ore.
•C orbin M . J., Erlanger, Ky.
Corbin Webb, Dryden, N. Y.
•Corbin f f m , J., Dundee, Mich.
•C orbin Miss Z. W., Eastville, Va.
Corby A. C.. N. Y. City, N. Y.
Corby J. C., Nesquehoning, Pa.
•C orcoran C. L., Cleveland, O.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

•Corcoran J . E „ Lead, S. D.
•Cordell L. D „ W est Toledo, O.
•Corder Aldridge, Kansas City,
Corder F. H., W hite House, Tenn.
Corder J . S.. Phillippi, W. Va.
•Corder V. V., W hite House.Tenn.
Cordes H. H., W aterloo, la.
C ordts A., Overbrook, Kan.
Core D. H ., Ford City, Pa.
•C ore E . E ., Robinson, 111.
Core G. W.. Columbus Grove. O.
•Corey C. E ., Lawrence, Kan.
•Corey E . C., Santa Paula. Cal.
Corey F. B„ Greenport, N. Y„
Corey G. H „ Boston. Mass.
•C orey H. W., Bristow, Okla.
Corfleld T. H., Fennlmore, Wls.
Corklll W. A., Chester, S. C.
Corlew W. C„ F la t Woods, Tenn.
•Corley George, Brookport, 111.
•Oorlis G. R „ Anna, III.
Corliss B. R ., St. Albans, Vt.
Corn J. D ., Smyrna, Ga.
•Corneau Addison, Chicago, 111.
Cornelius A., J r., Englewood,N. J.
•Cornelius C. S., New Efflngton,
S. D.
•Cornelius L. B., M abank, Tex.
Cornelius Percy, M angum , Okla.
Cornell Clair, Leith; N. D.
Cornell C. E., Goshen, Ind.
Cornell George. Central Valley,
N, Y.
Cornell H . C., B a ttle Ground,
•Cornell I. H „ Belleville, N . J.
•Cornell J. J., Savannah, Ga.
Cornell J . W., Albion, N. Y.
•Cornell Lillian M ., W oodbum ,
Cornell W . J., W interset, la .
•C ornett J. D., Jr., Toppenish,
C ornett Roy, Bigheart, Okla.
C ornett R. J „ Galax, Va.
•C ornett S. E ., Speedwell, Va.
Cornish R. P., Weed, Cal.
•C ornm an C. R., Ardmore, P a.
•Cornwall C. E., New H aven,
•Cornwall E dith T ., Downey, la.
Cornwall M. H.. Irvington, Ky.

C ottle J., M oran, Tex.
Cottle J . B., Chicago, 111.
•C ottm an O. P., Douglass, Kan.
•C otton C, C., Meno, Okla.
•C otton C. D., M ontrose, S. D.
•C otton C. H., Hitchcock, S. D.
C otton E ., Miller, Kan.
•C otton F. W „ Bellevue. Pa.
C otton J. M ., Meno, Okla.
Cotton N. L „ Lone Rock, la .
•C otton R. V., M üler, Kan.
C otton R. W., Cameron, Okla.
Cotton W. D„ Dardanelle, Ark.
CottreU D. E ., Maywood, 111.
•Couch A lbert, Clinton, Ark.
Couch A. R., W einert, Tex.
•Couch C. C„ Earlham , la .
Couch E. C„ Knox City, Tex.
Couch Howard, Emden, Mo.
•Couch Mrs. Howard, Emden,
•Couch M . R., A nthony, Kan.
Couch R. C., Haskell, Tex.
•Couch T. S., Avonmore, Pa.
Couch W. T„ Lonoke, Ark.
•Coufal L. R., Howell, Neb.
•Cougdon E lton F., Richmond,
Coughlan D. J., F o rt Dodge, la .
•Coughlin R. T „ K entland, Ind.
•Coughlin S. E ., Noonan, N. D.
•Coughran C. E „ Visalia, Cal.
Couk C. E „ Jonesville. Va.
Coulbourne E. R., M arion Station,
M d.
•Coulehan W. C., Longmont,Colo.
Coulson D. D., Newberg, Ore.
•Coulson E . C., Chapin, 111.
•Coulson W. R.. Kansas City, Mo.
Coulter E. C„ Neosho, Mo.
Coulter L. L.. Geneseo, Kan.

Coulter O. H ., WUdorado, Tex.
Coulter R. L., W ashington, la.
•C oulthard R. A., Benton, Wis.
Coumbe J. R., Blue River, Wls.
Council E . A., Morehead City,
N. O.
Council H. E „ Branch, Ark.
CouncU H. S„ Americus, Ga.
•CouncU K., G rentna, La.
•Counsell F. J., Williams, la .
Cornwell E. A., Forsythe. Mont.
C ountrym an C. L „ WaUace. Neb.
•Cornwell E .K .,Pine Island,M inn. Countrym an R. A., M alta, 111.
Cornwell F. D., Capron. 111.
•Counts J. A„ Prosperity, S. C.
Cornwell G. W., Monticello, Ga.
Counts W .A .,Little Mountain,S.C.
Courson R. E ., Remsen, la .
Cornwell L .L.,Pine Island, Minn.
•C ourtaine W. H ., D etroit, Mich.
Cornwell M . L., Lenoir, N . O.
Courtney J . E., Lansing, Kan.
Cornwell R. M„ Eveleth, Minn.
•C ourtney R. J „ M eservey, la .
Corprew C. M., Dadeville, Ala.
Courtney W. E., Rutherford, Tenn.
•Correll H. G., D etroit, M inn.
C ourtney W. H., W hitesburg, Ky.
•Correll Ira D., H unt, 111.
•Cousins B. F., Lynchburg, Va.
•Correll L. E „ Casselton, N. D.
Cousins Marshall, E au Claire, Wis.
Corrle G. H., St. Franclsville. Ill•Corrie J. M., St. Francisville, 111. •C outurier J. L., New Orleans, La.
Corrigan M. F „ McMinnville. Ore. •Couvillion Foster,M arksville, La.
Coveil C. B., H em et, Cal.
•Gorry E. M., Cedar City, U tah.
Covell G. E„ W hitehall. Mich.
Corse J. L., Wellington, Mo.
Coveil L. E ., New London, M inn.
•Corsen V. I., Orangeville, 111.
Corson Clarence. W ashington.D.C.
•C oventry C. E., Findlay, 111.
Corson C. O.. Westville, N. J.
Cover J. B., W illiamsburg. O.
•Corson M erl, Roosevelt, Okla.
Corson Newton W., Philadelphia, Covey H arry H., R em brandt, la .
Covey J. N., G entry, Ark.
•Cortelyou L uth, Jr.,Parsons,K an. •Covington Miss Bettie, Portland,
Corwin A. W „ St. Cloud, Minn.
•Covington C. A., Frisco. Tex.
•Corwin A. J., Emeryville, Cal.
Covington O. B., Marshville, N.C.
Corwin E. D„ M attltuck, N. Y.
•Covington F. F., Eudora, A rk.
Corwin E. O.. Greenport, N. Y.
•Covington Hy. C., H ot Springs,
Corwin F. W., Sag Harbor, N.Y.
•Corwin M. M ., New York City,
Covington J. R., Hearae, Tex.
N. Y.
•Covington J. W., Rockingham,
Corwine H. D., Frankford, Mo.
N. C.
Cory A. S.. Chehalls, Wash.
Covington L. S„ Rockingham.N.C.
•Cory Epes, Omaha, Neb.
Covington O. D., H avana, 111.
•Cory F. E „ Bellefontaine, O.
Covington R. L., Hazlehurst.Miss.
•Cory Henry, Morristown, N. J.
Covington W „ Alvord, Tex.
Covy Louis W., F la t Rock, Ind.
Coryell B. G., Chesaning, Mich.
•Cowan D. E., Rolla, Mo.
Corzlne A. H „ Assumption, 111.
Cowan E ., Ellen wood, Ga.
Cosgrove J. J., T itonka, la .
•Cowan H. R., Richland, Mo.
Cowan H. W „ Manila, Ark.
Cosgrove P. J.. Millville, Minn.
Cowan M . D., Sylva, N. C.
Cosgrove P . R.. Kinsman, 111.
Cowan W. H „ Rogers, Ark.
Cosgrove W. A., Vanderbilt, Pa.
•Cow ard Rachel, Grifton, N . C.
•Oosner H. M., F rankfort. Ind.
•C ow art O. P., Tam pa, F la.'
Cosslng H. J „ Louisville. 111.
Cowden A. T ., H oratio, Ark.
•C ossitt G. M ., L a Grange, 111.
•Cowden H. S., H oratio, Ark.
Costain A. H.. Moorhead, Minn.
Cowell S. B., W hitesboro, Tex.
Costello C. E., Lindsay, Okla.
Cowen D. T ., Flushing, O.
•Costello J. D., Kellogg, Minn.
Cowen G; H., Lam ont, Okla.
Costello John, Kellogg, Minn,
Cowgill N. W., Noblesville. Ind.
Costello M. L., Raywick, Ky.
•Cowie James, Kanopolis, Kan.
•Costello N., M ay, Okla.
Cowing J. A., Homewood. 111.
Costello T., M ontrose, S. D.
•Cowing M. E., W alsenburg, Colo.
Costello W. M., Elyria, Neb.
Cowles A. O., Derby Line, Vt.
Costen G. C., McKenzie, Tenn.
•Costen M. L., Princess Anne, Md. Cowles F. M ., Wallingford, Conn.
Cowles H. T., Amherst. Mass.
Costin A. H., Atkinson, N. O.
Cowles W. G.; Flandreau. S. D.
Costner J. A.. Mt. Holly, N. C.
Cowles W. T „ Glens Falls N. Y.
•Coston C. H., L ytton, la.
•C ote E. L., M innesota Lake, Cowley G., Spencer, Middletown,
N. Y.
Cowley Miss Lennie, Newport,
Cotham C. C., Grady, Ark.
•C otham J. H., Arkansas City,
•Cowling C. C., Texarkana, Ark.
•Cotherm an A. R., Palerno, N. D. •Cow perthw ait, C. C., M t. Holly,
N. J.
C othran T. J., Lelia Lake. Tex.
•Cox A. B., W apanucka, Okla.
Cotuer F. B„ Lafayette, O.
•C otten C. D„ Birmingham. Ala. •Cox A. P., Eldorado, 111.
•Cox A. S., N. Y. City, N. Y.
•C o tter C. C., Sacramento, Cal.
•Cox C. A.,' L ott. Tex.
•C o tte r C. E., W anette, Okla.
Cox C. B., H arlan, Kan.
•C o tter Grace E ., Grinnell, la .
•C ottingham G. C., Roswell, N.M . Cox C. B., Benton, Ky.

•Cox Carl S., Rockm art, Ga.
Cox C. T „ WintervUle, N. C.
•Cox C. W „ Frem ont. O.
•Cox D. H ., Blue Rapids, K an.
•Cox E. A., TaUassee, Ala.
Cox E. B„ Mena, Ark.
Cox E. E., Cairo, 111.
•Cox E . J., Vacaville, Cal.
•Cox Em m a, Osceola, Ark.
•Cox E. W ., Darlington, Ind.
Cox F. E., S. Otselic, N. Y.
•Cox F. L., Kensington, O.
Cox F. O., Sm ithsburg, Md.
Cox F. W „ A ttalla, Ala.
Cox G. B., M alvern, Ark.
•Cox Geo. P „ Wilmore, Ky.
Cox G. H., Purdum , Neb.
Cox G. P.. Speedwell, Va.
Cox G. W., Xenia. 111.
Cox H. A., Burnside, la.
•Cox H enry L., Hillsboro, 111.
Cox H. M., Arlington, Ore.
Cox H. M„ Mt. Olive, N. C.
Cox H. R „ Bardstown, Ky.
Cox I. E., Anadarko, Okla.
•Cox J. A..Maryville, Tenn.
•Cox J. F., New Orleans, La. ,
Cox J. G., Otterville, Mo.
Cox J. J., Beagle. Kan.
•Cox J. P., Collinsville, Ala.
•Cox J. P., Smithfleld, Va.
Cox John T ., Howe, Neb.
Cox J . W., Madison Station, Miss.
Cox Leland D., Cicero, Ind.
•Cox Lewis, Haskell, Okla.
Cox L. F „ Thebes, 111.
Cox Lowell W., Frankfort, Ind.
•Cox L. P., WadesviUe, Ind.
Cox M. A„ Rock Rapids, la.
Cox M . J., Seneca, Neb.
Cox M. R., Birmingham, Ky.
•Cox M rs. M . R., Birm ingham ,Ky.
•Cox O. A. Los Angeles, Cal.
Cox O. A., K etchum , Okla.
•Cox P. M .. B artlett, Tex.
Cox Roy, Carpenter. S. D.
•Cox R. D., M t. Olive, N. C.
•Cox R. L., Calypso, N. C.
Cox R. L „ Polk, Neb.
Cox R. M„ Am herst. Va.
Cox T., Richland, Tex.
•Cox T. C., Morven, N. C.
•Cox W. A., Ferris, Tex.
Cox W. D., Belton, S. C.
•Cox W. E., B artlett, Tex.
Cox W.-H., Falrm ount, N. D.
•Cox W. J., Chicago, HI.
Cox W. W., Indianola, Miss.
Cox Zella, Sheridan, Ore.
•Coxsey W. G., Green Forest.
•Coxwell T. F., De Soto, Mo.
Coy C. F „ Paxton, Neb.
•Coyle E. P., Newcastle, Wyo.
Coyle E. P., Upton, Wyo.
•Coyle W. J., Sterling. Kan.
•Coyner Orlando, Colfax, Ind.
Cozad J. C., Decatur, la.
Cozad L. E., Malcolm, Neb.
•C ozart L. W., Wewoka, Okla.
Crabb A. L„ Milpitas, Cal.
Crabb Daniel, Delavan, IU.
•Crabb Daniel, Ilopedale, 111.
Crabb John A., Eminence, Ky.
•C rabtree C. W., Lawton, Okla.
C rabtree J. H., Beaver, Okla.
•C racraft W. A., Charleston, W.Va.
Craddock W. M ., Yantis, Tex.
Cradit J. N., Quenemo, Kan.
•C raft G. W., N. Y. City, N. Y.
Craft J. G„ HartweU, Ga.
Craft M. S., Jackson. Miss.
C raft W. E ., Sidney, la.
•Cragoe Claude H., Oakfleld, Wis.
•C ragun H. E ., Glen Ullin, N. D.
Cragun H. E ., Pem berton, M inn.
Craig A. D., Palm erton, Pa.
•Craig C. H., Memphis, Tenn.
•Craig C. H., Spring Lake, N. J.
•Craig C. O., Galena, Mo.
Craig Dale, Fairm ount, 111.
Craig F. B., Corinth, Ky.
•C raig F. M ., Illmo, MO.
Craig H „ Memphis, Mo.
•Craig H. G., W est Liberty, O.
Craig H. O., Gardner, Kan.
•Craig H. W., Brookfield, Mo.
•C raig J. E .. Mansfield, Mo.
Craig J. J., Illmo. Mo.
•C raig J. L., Cheraw, S. C.
Craig J . M., Paris, Mo.
•Craig J. W., Selma, Ala.
Craig L., Sandy Lake, Pa.
•Craig LeRoy, Belvidere, N. J.
Craig L. W., Medora, 111.
Craig M argaret M„ Clearwater,
•Craig M . H., Corinth, Ky.
•Craig M. S-, Pipestone, Minn.
Craig N. I., Mansfield, Mo.
•C raig R. A., M elstone, M ont.
•Craig R. H., Pasco, Wash.
Craig R. R., Corydon, la.
Craig S. J., Laurens, S. C.
Craig V. T., E m m ett, Ida.
•u raig W. A., Carlsbad, N. M.
Craig W. B., Linneus, Mo.
Craig W. H., Clayton. 111.
•Craig W. P., DanviUe, 111.
Craig W. S., Tallulah. La.
Craig W. T., Ingomar, M ont.

♦Crain A. J., Roff, Okl.
Crain, P. R., Vandervoort, Ark,
Crain R. D., W inchendon, Mass.
Crain R. J.. Linton, N. D.
Cralle A. A„ Tappahannock. Va.
C ram blitt F. A., Stockton, Cal.
Cramer C. B., Detroit,*Mich.
Cramer C. L., P ra tt, Kan.
Cram er F. T ., Bloomfield, N. J.
Cramer W. S., Albion, Ind.
♦Grampton E. M ., H artford, Conn.
Crandall A. L., Los Angeles, Cal.
Crandall A. P., L ittle River, Kan.
Crandall C. W., Fullerton, Cal.
♦Crandall D. E., Vancouver,W ash
Crandall F. E ., Red Oak, la .
i Crandall H. B., Salina, U tah.
Crandall H. W., W innetoon, Neb.
♦Crandall L. E ., Chrisney, Ind.
♦Crandall LeRoy, Thayer, la.
Crandall L. K., Clay Center,
♦Crandall W illiam T ., Norwich,
Crane C. S., P ittsto n , Pa.
♦Crane F. H., Elgin, Kan.
Crane F. W „ Quincy, 111.
Crane G. H.. F ayette, O.
Crane O. E „ Springville, la .
♦Crane T. G., Garden City, M inn.
C rane W. C., Franklin, Tex.
Cranford H. W., Jasper, Ala.
♦Crank R. D., Odessa, Mo.'
Cranston E . J., T ustin, Cal.
Cranz O. H.. Gordonsville. Va.
Crary C. J., Richmond, Cal.
C rary C. S., Burlingame, Cal.
♦Crask Stella, Bluford, 111.
Crater T. F., New Comerstown.O.
♦Cratsenberg F. E ., D ecatur, la.
Craumer W. C., Towson, Ma.
♦Crause Lydia, Kingston, O.
Crave F., N. Y. City, N. Y . ..
Craven A. F „ Hollister, Ida.
Craven F. J.. Dallas. Ore.
♦Craven E . L., Excelsior Spgs.,
♦Craven Hugh, Excelsior Springs,
Craven I. F., Ramseur, N. C.
Craven M. H.. Odell, 111.
Craven M . M ., Rector, Ark.
Craven W. B., Ardmore, S. D.
Craven W. G., Huntersville, N . O.
Cravens N. A., Silsbee, Tex.
Crawford A, F., Breckenridge,
♦Crawford A. J.. Darby, Pa
♦Crawford B ert C.,Sheridan,M ich.
Crawford B. G., Grayville, 111.
Crawford Boon, Copperhill. Tenn.
Crawford C. C„ M antorville, Minn.
Crawford C. W., Enfield. 111.
♦Crawford D. W., Rutharfordton,
N. C.
♦Crawford E. B„ Birmingham,Ala.
Crawford E. C., Ducktown, Tenn.
Crawford Edm und, Castle Dale,
U tah.
Crawford E. J., Comstock, Neb.
♦Crawford E . L., Jasper, Mo.
♦Crawford F. E ., Bladen. Neb.
■Crawford M rs. Grace, Pettigrew ,
Crawford G. T., Trenton, Tex.
♦Crawford Ira D., Deckerville,
♦Crawford J. H „ Newbern, N. C.
Crawford J. L., Dothan, Ala.
♦Crawford J. L., Rossville, Tenn.
♦Crawford, J. M ., Superior, Wis.
Crawford Jo h n P., T arentum . Pa.
♦Crawford J. R., Crandall. Tex.
♦Crawford J. T., D ayton, Tenn.
Crawford J. T. Jr.. Pam pa, Tex.
Crawford Jno. W., Brownfield, 111.
♦Crawford K. F., Ovid, Mich.
Crawford Lee, Franklin, N. C.
Crawford Lewis F., Sentinel
B utte, N. D.
♦Crawford L. S., Claflin, Kan.
Crawford Oris, M edford, Ore.
♦Crawford P. W., Chapin, la.
Crawford R. A., Des Moines, la.
Crawford S. G.. Sterling, 111.
Crawford T. B„ Jerm yn, Pa.
Crawford T.
E „, Excelsior
Springs, Mo.
♦Crawford W. B., Lewisburg,
W. Va.
Crawford W. M.,
Grove. O.
Crawford W. M., Leeds, Mo.
Crawford W. N.. Berlin. Wis.
Cray J. B., Lime Spring, la.
♦Cray Winfield, Chester, la.
Cray W. W., Chester, la.
Crays A. C., W indsor, III.
Crays G. E „ Rossville, 111.
♦Grays G. E ., Alvin, III.
♦Grays R. C., Windsor, 111.
♦Creager W .A ., Northfork, W. Va.
Creagh H. A., Pollocksville, N.C.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Creamer J. M., W abash, Neb.
Crear William, Stillwell, 111.
♦Creasy M . A., G retna, Va.
Creath H. D., W ellington, Tex.
Creber W. H „ Chicago, 111.
♦Crebbin E dna, Dundee, Mich.
Crecelius J. L„ St, Louis, Mo.
♦Crecelius O. L., St. Louis, Mo.
Crecelius W. H „ D urant, la.
♦Credicott C. M., Mapleton, Minn.
Cree S. H „ Roaring Spring, Pa.
♦Creeden J. J., La Farge, Wis.
Cregan Thomas, Olga. N. D.
♦Creger S. M ., Truesdale, la.
Cregg C. E., Enloe, Tex.
Crego F. O., DeKalb, 111.



W ashington.

♦Crenshaw E. W., Bryan, Tex.
♦Crenshaw J. B., Newbern. Tenn.
Crenshaw J. S., Cadiz. Ky.
Crenshaw N. H., Guntown, Miss.
Crenshaw R. T., Memphis, Tenn.
♦Creps C. I., Dysart.. Ia.
♦Cresap W alter, Trenton, Tenn.
♦Cress B. V., Cedar Point, Kan.
Cress G. F., Prescott, Ark.
Cresse W adsworth. Pitm an, N. J .
Cressey C. J., Modesto, Cal.
♦Cressey K. B., Sioux Falls, S. D.
Cressler S. O., Lakeview, Ore.
Cressman S. F., Green Lane, Pa.
♦Cresswell R. C., F o rt Collins,
Creswell H., Penelope, Tex.
♦Creswell 8. L., Poison, M ont.
♦Creswell W. A., Stephenville,
♦Cretes W. E.. Spring Valley, O.
♦Crew T. N., Chico, Cal.
♦Crews, C. M ., Spartanburg, S. C.
♦Crews Jam es M., Montrose, 111.
Crews J. K., Dodsonville, Tex.
Crews J. M.t Childress, Tex.
Crews L. H „ El Paso, Tex.
♦Crews 8. R., Houston, Va.
♦Crichlow N. C ., Murfreesboro,
C richton, R. M., Verona, N. D.
♦Crickmer, C. E ., Ronceverte, W. V a.
♦Crider E. P., Chatham , Va.
♦Crider H. J „ M aitland, Mo.
♦Crider J. W., Charleston, W. Va.
Crilly G. J „ Bonesteel, S. D.
Crim C. W.. W- F rankfort, 111.
Crim E. F., Henderson, Tex.
Crim W., C., PInehill, Tex.
♦Crim W. C.. W .Frankfort, 111.
Crimmins A. D., Mesick, Mich.
Crink P. S., Ariba, Colo.
Cripe E thel M ., Urbana, Ind.
♦Cripeer C. W., Dexter, N. Y.
♦Crippen E., Oneonta, N Y.
Crippen E m m ett, Elizabethtown,
♦Crissey Chase, Caro, Mich.
Crissey H. G., Palisades, Colo.
Crissman M. H., Pabnia. Colo.
Crist C. F., Huntsville, Mo.
Crist Chas. E., Blanco, Tex.
♦Crist J. W , Circleville, O.
Crist N. R „ Dayton. Va.
Criswell O. M ., Arion, Iowa.
Criswell T. F., B uckholts, Tex.
Crites Grace, Elida, O.
Crittenden A. M., Milford, N. J.
Crittenden F. H., Burton, O.
♦Crittenden J. A., Greenville,
♦Crittenden L. G., Mangum, Okla.
Critz F. L., Scotts, Mich.
Critz F. L.. Vicksburg, Mich.
Critz L. C.. Riverside. Ia.
Crockett C. V., Shelbyville, Ind.
♦Crockett C. W „ Alexandria. La
Crockett H. E., Logan, Utah.
Crockett R. K „ Graham, Va.
Crockett T. W., Yorktown, Va.
Croft B. E.. Swansea. S. C.
Croley Jas. F., Aliceville, Ala.
♦Cromartie C. E., Caldwell, Tex.
Cromwell J . M., Cynthiana, Ky.
♦Cron F. H., Eldorado, Kan.
♦Cronan H. F., Portageville, Mo.
♦Crone A. E.. Plainfield. N. J.
♦Crone C. I., Beach, N ..D .
Crone D- D., Keota, Ia.
♦Crone F. H., Tipton, Mo.
Cronin J. P., H artford City, Ind.
♦Cronin Nellie, Clare, Ia.
Cronk A. P., Everly, Ia.
♦Cronk G. D., Everly, Ia.
♦Cronk Horace A., Norwalk, Wis.
Cronk W. A., Addison, N. Y.
Cronk, W. L., Townsend, MOnt.
Cronkleton G. G.,. Bayard, Neb.
Cronquist A. F.. ErsMne, M inn.
♦Crook Chas., Derm ott, Ark.
♦Crook J. T., Ratcliff, Tex.
Crook J. H., Champlain, N. Y.
Crooke J. W „ Richmond, Ky.
Crooks A. R., Crooks, S., D.
Crooks C. E „ Goldendale, W ash.
♦Crooks C. L., Unionville. Mo.


♦Crooks M . J., Crooks, S. D.
•♦Crum E. G., G arnett, Kan.
Crookshank C. S., S anta Ana, Cal. Crum J. B., M eta, Mo.
♦Cropp C. L., Richwood, W . Va. ♦Crumb Clyde B., Burlingame,
Cropper L. B.. M oulton. Ala.
Crumb H. D.. H arvard. 111.
♦Crorey F. C., Carsonville, Mich.
Crosby D. C., Elbing, Kan.
Crum b J. B., Burlingame, K an.
Crosby George A., Bangor, Me.
♦Crumbo B. R., Monon, Ind.
♦Crosby H. C., Leland, Miss.
Grumly I. W., Brewster, Kan.
♦Crosby H. D „ Fargo, N . D.
Crump C. C., DeKalb, Tex.
Crosby J. H., Chicago, 111.
♦Crump M.. M t. Pleasant. Tex.
♦Crosby J. N., Heyworth, 111.
Crum p W. T ., W agram, N. C.
Crosby L. L., E verett, Wash.
♦Crumpton M . C., Maplesville,
♦Crosby Paul, Mitchellville, Ia.
Crosby W. R., Sparta, Wis.
♦Crosiand D. F., Bennettsville,
s c
♦Crosiand E. T., Bennettsville,
S. O.
Crosno Dial, Ina, 111.
Gross C. A., Dawson, N. D.
Cross C. E .. Bangor. Mich.
♦Cross F. W., Ellis, Kan.
Cross G. P „ McHenry, N. D.
Cross G. W., Ellis, Kan.
♦Cross W. B.. Brown wood, Tex.
Cross W. F., Clio, S. C.
Crossan A. W., Eldora, Ia.
Crossland Chas., Bowen, 111.
Crossland L. G., H atto n , Wash.
Crossley B. F., Dushore, Pa.
Crossman E . N.,Williamston,MIch.
♦Crossman S. V., Edwardsville,

♦Crosson G. R., Blanchester, O.
♦Crosson J. S., Leesville, S. C.
♦Crosswhite J. 8., Clinton, Okla.
Crosthwalte C.O., David City, Neb.
Croswell O. J., Princess Anne. Md.
Croswhite J. H „-W averly, Mo.
Crothers R. E ., Badger, 8. D.
♦Crothers J. W „ Cincinnati, O.
♦Crothers S. B., Badger, S. D.
♦Crothers 8. B., H ayti, 8. D.
C rothers 8. L., A rthur, N . D.
Crothers W. D., Brady, Tex.
Crouch Frank, Minneola, Kan.
Crouch J. S., Middletown, Del.
Crouch Lee, Elkins, W. Va.
♦Crouch W. A. Saluda, S. C.
♦Crouch W. A., Bellbuckle, Tenn.
Crouch W. E „ Collins, Mo.
Croughwell T. F., Taylor, Neb.
Crouse F. L., Hemple, Mo.
Crouse H. J.. Storm Lake, Ia.
Crouse R. O., B eattie. Kan.
♦Crouthamel T. A., Perkasie. Pa.
♦Crovey Z. D., Milan, Ga.
Crow C. 8., Lockwood, Mo.
♦Crow C. B., Racine, O.
Crow E . B., Raleigh, N. C.
0»ow E. C„ Cimarron. Kan.
♦Crow G. B., Ripley, W. Va.
Crow G. D.. West, Tex.
♦Crow Geo. E., New London, Mo.
♦Crow I. K., Point Marion, Pa.
Crow J. C.. Cobbtown. Ga.
♦Crow J. R., Charleston, Miss.
♦Crow M. B., Gridley, Kan.
♦Crow 8. V., Booneville, Miss.
Crow W. H., Soddy, Tenn.
Crow W. L., Stillmore, Ga.
Crowder J. L., Apex, N. C,
♦Crowder J. R. 8., Chicago, 111.
Crowder R. B., Henderson, N. C.
Crowder W. H., Branson, Mo.
Crowder W. H.. Jr., Sullivan. Ind.
♦Crowdis C. C., Vandalia, Mo.
♦Crowe H. J., Boone, Ia.
♦Crowe J . T.. Meridian, Miss.
Crowe Malcolm, Los Angeles.
♦Crowe W. S., Ham burg, Tenn.
Crowe Wm. S., Manistique, Mich.
Crowell A. H., Newton, N. C.
Crowell D. N ., Ruso, N. D.
Crowell M. K„ Sacramento, Cal.
Crowell N. F „ S tuart, Neb.
♦Crowell N. H., Sioux City, Ia.
♦Crowell T. S., Yarm outhport,
Crowell W. C., Raeford, N. C.
♦Crowell Wm,, Paola, Kan.
Crowley C., Yuma, Colo.
♦Crowley Dan, Tomah, Wis.
Crowley Frank, Kearney, Mo.
Crowley J . A., Randolph, N. Y.
♦Crowley J. A ., Yuma, Colo.
Crowley J. B., W heatland, Mo.
Crownover B. B., Benedict. Neb.
Crowson Clarence, High Point,
N. O.
♦Crowson Jr. W. J., Sumte, S. C.
Crowther Gwynn, Baltimore, M d.
♦Crowther W. H., Seattle, Wash.
Croxton E. M ., L ancaster, 8. C.
Croy H. H „ Hudson. O.
♦Crozer W. E., Newberg, Ore.
Cruce H. P „ Monticello, Ark.
Cruce J. L ., Weir, Tex.
Crudington O. C., Warsaw, Mo.
Crudup. T. H.. Kittrell. N. O.
♦Crull L. E., H untington, Ind.
Crum J. S., Brewton, Ala.
Crum A. J., Kirkwood, Mo.
Crum C. W., Kiowa, Okla.

Cruse J. S., H ardin, Mo.
Cruse J. 8., Pilot Grove, Mo.
♦Crutcher A. V., Lonoke, Ark.
Crutcher G. W., Henderson, Ky.
Crutcher W. E., Vine Grove, Ky.
♦Crutchfield M. R., Trenton, Ky.
Cruttenden C. H „ Inkster, N. D.
♦Cruzen A. L., W alnut Hill, 111.
Cruzen M. J., Oskaloosa, Ia.
♦Cruzen P. G., Roseburg, Ida.
Cruzen W. E., Becker, Minn.
♦Grysler A. B., Mio, Mich.
Crysler A. B., Oscoda, Mich.
Crysup J. T., Bastrop, Tex.
♦Cuaig D. D. M ., Monticello, Ind.
Cubbage B. E „ Wyoming, Del.
♦Cubery V., Vici, Okla.
Cuberg W. F., Vici, Okla.
Cucullu Allen, Lynchburg, Va.
Cuddlhy E. F „ Calumet, Mich.
Cuddy O. H., H edrick, Ia.
♦Cudmore R. T „ D etroit, Mich.
♦Cuerden H. M„ H am ilton, 111.
Cuffney W., Prattsburg, N. Y.
♦Culbertson C.W .,Shelbyville,Ind.
♦Culbertson E. A., Salt Lake City,
U tah.
Culbertson G. Y., W aterloo, 8. C.
Culbertson H. M., Panora, Ia.
Culbertson J. C.. Piper City, 111.
♦Culbertson J. R., Lorain, O.
Culbertson Lloyd G., Long Island,
Culbertson 8. C.. Jefferson. Ia.
♦Culbertson W. R., Greenville, O.
Culbreth W. G., Susanville, Cal.
Cull A. L., Oakland, Neb.
Cullen E . E ., Reliance, 8. D.
Cullen J. S., W hittem ore. Ia.
Cullen R. T„ W est Tampa, Fla.
♦Cullen W. O., San Francisco,Cal.
Culler I. L., Carey, O.
Culler J . W., Orangeburg, S. C.
♦Cullers O. C., Scandia, Kan.
♦Culp E. M., Latham . 111. ,
♦Culp F. C., Henderson, Tex.
♦Culp H. D., Columbus. O.
♦Culp W. P. Jr. Elgin, Tex.
♦Culton C. S., Winters. Cal.
♦Culver A. E., Laurel, Del.
♦Cndver C. E., G reat Barrington,
Culver C.V .. Clayton. Mich.
Culver H. J., Garden Grove, Ia.
♦Culwell W. S„ Henrietta, Tex.
Cumberford E. V., St. Joseph, Mo.
♦Cumming C. M., Sugar Grove,
Cumming T. C.. B ridgeport.Conn.
♦Cumming W. N., Watsonville,
♦Cummings A. B„ Nashville.Tenn;
Cummings C.E., Blue Rapids,K an.
Cummings C. J., Holly, Mich.
Cummings C. L., Effingham, Kan.
Cummings E. G. Frederick. S. D.
Cummings Ira, Carson City, Mich.
♦Cummings J. E „ Blaine, Kan.
♦Cummings R. E.. Colfax. Ia.
Cummings T. j., Towner, N. D.
♦Cummings W. A., Davis City, Ia.
♦Cummins C. G., Sioux City, Ia.
Cummins Guy, Oregon, Mo.
♦Cummins H., Woodsboro, Tex.
Cummins J . C., Sidney, O.
Cummins R. S.. Yorktown, Ind.
♦Cummins J. W „ Buena Vista, Va.
Cummins L. M ., Clearmont, Mo.
Cummins W. N., Eddyville, Ky.
Cummins W. T., Blanchard, N. D.
Cummiskey F. J., Lismore. M in n .
Cundall F .W ., Chesterfield, 111.
♦Cundy J. H., Marshfield, Wis.
Cundy R. G„ Ware, Ia,
♦Cunence R. E ., Asheville, N. C.
Cunnea J. J., Chicago, 111.
Cunningham A.. Evergreen, Ala.
CunninghamA.M.,Arlington. Tenn.
♦Cunningham B. A., Somerset, Pa.
Cunningham C. A., Cresson, Pa.
♦Cunningham Charles, Roxton.
♦Cunningham D. W., Palo Pinto,
Cunningham F. C., Lima, O.
Cunningham Frank, F ort Scott,
Cunningham G. M„ Woodson, 111.
♦Cunningham G. T., Salem, Ark.
Cunningham G. V.. Driscoll, N.D.
Cunningham H., Tarkio, Mo.

•Cunningham H . J., Oskaloosa, la .'
Cunningham H ., F air Play, Mo.
•Cunningham H. S., Hom estead,
Cunningham J., Fairfield, P a.
Cunningham J. B„ Irw in, Pa.
Cunningham J. H., W estm inster,
Cunningham J.M ., Loveland,Colo.
•C unningham J. N ., Ogdensburg,
N . Y.
Cunningham J . R., Apex, N. C.
Cunningham J. W ., Sanford, N . C.
Cunningham J . W., W arren, Ind.
•Cunningham Miss L. J., Kingstree, S. C.
•Cunningham L. O., Arlington,Ga.
Cunningham M. J., Bisbee, Ariz.
Cunningham N.W ., Bluffton, O.
•Cunningham P . V., St. Peters­
burg, Fla.
•Cunningham R., Cadiz, O.
Cunningham R. E., Covington, Va.
Cunningham R. R., Corcoran, Cal.
•C unningham S. S., Centerville,
Cunningham W . J., Comanche, Tex.
Cunningham W. J., Rulo, N eb.
Cunningham W .W ..Lewistown,Pa,
Cunninghame J. G., Thomasville,

Custer M. V, R ., Reading, P a.
•C ustis T. M ., M artinsville, 111.
•C utler Celia K ., Ellis, Kan.
Cutler F . A., Pana, 111.
•C utler H . A., G rand Rapids,
M ich.
•C utler H . O.. W ebster City, la .
•C utler J . A., Nora Springs, la .
Cutler R. L., Sciota, 111.
•C utler R .R ., Ponsford. M inn.
•O utright W. J., Macedonia, 111.
Cutshall Allen, Three Springs, Pa.
•C u tter C. A., Norwich, N. D.
Cutting C. V., Concord, Mich.
•C v erett G. E ., Newton, la .
•C yrier L. E ., Crocus, N . D.
Czaikowski J . S., Chicago, 111.
•Ozyrson A. K., Greenbush, M inn.

Dalton O. T.. W yatt, Mo.
•D alton R. B., Le M ars, Ia.
•D alton Thos., B ethany, III.
•D alton W. B., St. George, K an.
•D aly B. C., Laramie, Wyo.
•D aly Chas. A., Tryon, Neb.
Daly Kerfoot W., Charleroi, P a,
D aly M . J., New Butler, Wis.
D aly T im othy, Cold Spring, K y.

D aly W . E ., Buffalo, Okla.
Dalzell R. C., Wheeling, W. Va.
•Dalziel E. A., M anchester, Kan.
•D alziel W. R., W aukegan, 111.
•D am an A., Napoleon, O.
•D am eron W. L., Huntsville, Mo.
•Dam ewood S. M ., Jr., Bland, Va.
Dammrow A. F., Treynor, Ia.
Damon C. M., F o rt Pierre.S. D.
•D am on K enneth, F o rt Pierre,
S. D.
Daane G. L., Grand Rapids, Mich.
•D am ron W. S., Konawa, Okla.
•D abbs C. H ., Tupelo, Miss.
Damrow Chas., Roca, Neb.
D abbs E . S., Garland, Wyo.
Dana H. C., Kewanee, 111.
•D abbs W. E., Victor, Colo.
•D abelstein C. F ... Rochester,Minn. •D an a H. W ., Cambridge, Ia.
•D anbenbis E „ Santa Cruz, Cal.
•D abrasky J. G.,Baltim ore, M d.
•D anborn Alfred, Stanton, Ia.
•D abney Guy, Cisco, Tex.
•D achroth Jr. George, Nauvoo, 111. D ancy F . L.. T arboro, N. C.
•D acus J. C., Dardanelle, Ark.
•D adism an J. H ., Vanburen, Ky. •D ane H. C., Elsinore, Cal.
Danelz Herm an, Benson. M inn.
naeges M. J., Tem pleton, la .
D anforth B. A.,- Deer Creek, 111.
•D aehler John J., Amboy, 111.
•Cupples S. B., Melrose, N . Mex.
D anforth B. H., Blencoe, Ia.
•Dafler J. P., Brookville, O.
•C upps E . L.,- L am bert, Okla.
•D angherty H . P ., Morehouse,
•C urby R . B., E. Liverpool, O.
N. D.
Curell R andal, Nashville, Tenn.
•D aniel A.G., Hughes Springs,Tex.
C ureton Thos. K., Jacksonville,
•D aniel O. E ., O ttaw a, Kan.
•D ag g ett A rthur C., M inotola,
•D aniel C. G. J r., Vandalia, M o.
N . J.
Curl, F . W ., M eade, K an.
Daniel C. W., Church Hill, Tenn.
•D agnon D; J., Gays Mills, Wis.
Curless J . A., Swayzee, Ind.
Daniel O. W., Russellville, Ind.
•D ahl Albert, Inkster, N. D.
C u m u tte R. H., Snyder. Tex.
Daniel D. O., Southport, N. C.
•C urran J. S., San Francisco. Cal.
Daniel E . B., P arkton, N. C,
D ahl C. F.. Essig, M inn.
Currence R. E ., Asheville, N . O.
Daniel E. B„ Toyah ,Tex.
•D ahl C. O., Baldwin, Wis.
♦C urrent W atson, Rutherford.,
Daniel G. C.. Wesley, Ga.
Dahl C. T., Madelia, Minn.
•D aniel H . H ., Lithonia, Ga.
D abl H. A., Norfolk, Neb.
•C urrey Bradley, Nashville, Tenn.
J. B., Ludowici, Ga.
Currie T. S., Big Spring, Tex.
•D aniel J . M., Bedford City, Va.
D ahl H. G., Carlisle, M inn.
Currie W. F., Montello, Wis.
•D ahl H . G„ Fergus Falls,.M inn. Daniel S. B „ M utual, Okla.
Currier D. S., Colebrook, N . H.
Daniel W., B urkburnett, Tex.
Dahl H. H.. Norm a, N. D.
•Currier E. B., Salix, la .
C urrier E . W ., No. Redwood, •D ahl H . L. J., M ankoti, N . D. Daniel W., Vandalia, M o.
Daniel W. J., M arianna, Fla.
M inn.
•D aniel W. T .. F ranklinton. La.
D ahl J. A., Trail, M inn.
Currier G. E., U niversity Place,
Daniels O. E ., Gage, Okla.
Daniels C. E., Lehigh, Ia.
Currier J . W.. Salix, la .
Daniels C. M ., G rand View, Tex.
•D ahl Oscar, Ryegate, M ont.
•C urrier R. D.. U niversity Place,
J. G., Salina, Kan.
Daniels J . L., Buffalo, N. Y.
D ahl S. E ., Douglas, N . D.
•Currln O., Cumby, Tex.
Daniels J. M ., Greenville, 111.
•D ahl W m , Rolette, N. D.
C urry A. B., Kildeer, N . D.
•D ahle T. X., Jr., New Castle, Cal. Daniels R. W., H arm ony Minn.
C urry A. R., Belcher, La.
•D aniels S. A., Ouyuna, M inn.
Dahleen O tta A., M aynard. Minn.
Curry B. U.* Pelham , Ga.
•Daniels S. H.. San Francisco,Cal.
ahlgren A. B., H ector, M inn.
•C urry B. V., Cheyenne, Wyo.
C urry E . C., W hite Sulphur Dahlgren FrankE.,A lvarado,M lnn. •D aniels W. L.. Page, N . D.
Dahlgren, John, Missoula, Mont.
Springs, W. Va.
. „
•Danielson A. A., Craig, Neb.
Dahlin E „ Selah, Wash.
C urry E . H .. Campbellsville.Tenn.
•D ankers F. J., Madison, Neb.
Dahling F., Reynolds. Ind.
•C urry Eugene, Breckenridge.Tex.
D an n att E. G., W est Side, la .
•C u rry I. T ., Ava, M o.
D ahlquist G., P leasant Lake, N .D . Dannefer, W . E., Lovewell, K an.
C urry J. V., Philipp, Miss.
D ahlquist William, Fairm ount, D annenburg N. B., Chelsea, Okl.
Curry L.
Vernal» XJtan.
D an t F. L.. Lebanon, Ky.
N . D.
_ ,
Curry N. C., Anniston. Mo.
D ante Louis. E ast W orcester.N.Y.
D ahlsten E dw ard B., Carlos,
C urry P erry R., M anatee, Fla.
antzler Jam es P., Cameron. S. C.
Curry W . B., Beason, 111.
D am uth S. R.. T hurm ont, M d.
D ahlstrom C. H., M ilaca, M inn.
•C u rtin M ary E ., Antwerp, N . Y.
D ’Aquin L, J.. New Orleans, La.
•D ahlstrom O. F., Amery, Wis.
C urtis A. C., S tuart, la .
D arborne J .'B ., Oberlin, La.
D ahlstrom O. F. M illtown, Wis.
•C urtis A. E ., San Francisco, Cal.
Darby A. D., M artinsburg, W. Va.
D ahlvang B. J., Opheim, M ont.
•C urtis A. E ., Saratoga Springs,
•D arb y P. W.. Buffalo. N . Y.
N . Y.
D are E . M ., Bonnie, 111.
•D ahm s W. J., Akely, Minn.
•C u rtis A. G., Loda, 111.
D ark G. L., W alter, Okla.
Dahn W. H „ Minneapolis. Minn.
Darknell R. M., W averly, Wash.
•C urtis B enton, Greencastle, Ind.
Darling L. L., Philadelphia, Pa.
Dailey C. E ., M arbleton, Wyo.
•C u rtis B. L., Princeton, Tex,
arling W. H., W heaton, 111.
•C urtis C. A., W adsw orth, O.
•D arlington M .P .,K ennett Square.
Dailey W. P., Em m et, Neb.
Curtis C. H ., Osage City, Kan.
Daily J. W., E m erald, Neb.
•C urtis C. J., Osage City, Kan.
• D arnaby B. M„ Lexington, Ky.
•D aily L. D., Milford. Ia.
Curtis C. W ., Colton, Cal.
•D arnall H., M arlow, Okla.
D aily M . Z., Bovey, M inn.
C urtis Don., Melrose, Mass.
•D am all W. A., Marlow, Okl.
•C urtis E . D., Denton, Tex.
Darnell Raym ond, Akin, 111.
•D air R. I., Gresham, Ore.
Curtis F. W „ D unlap, Iowa.
•D arnieder H. J., St. Cloud, Wis.
•D akin W. J., H annibal, Mo.
Curtis Floyd, Meriden, Conn.
arrow F. W., W olcott, Ind.
Curtis Fred, Pollard, Ala.
•D arsey E . O., Claxton, Ga.
D albey H. E ., Fairfield, Ala.
Curtis G. A.. W est Fork. Ark.
F. W. M ankato, M inn.
•Curtis G. W ., Redfield, la .
D art B. L„ Myton, U tah.
Dale H. C., Rushville, Neb.
C urtis H . L., Hume, Mo.
•D a rt O. A., M yton, U tah.
•D ale Homer, Lebanon, Ind.
C urtis J. M ., W ayne, Okla.
D a rt W. L., Barker, N. Y.
C urtis M iss J. M ., Sum ner, W ash. •D ale Fred, Prentiss, M iss. •D ale John H., Augusta, Ark.
C urtis L. A., Sidney, M ont.
Darwin J. A., Cooper, Tex.
Curtis L. J., Byers, Tex.
Dasenbrock Jennie B., prairie
Dale J . W ., Clearwater, Kan.
Curtis L. K.. Southington,Conn.
Home, Neb.
•D ale M . H., Rushford, M inn.
•C urtis L. M ., W est Fork, Ark.
Dasher M., Moorefleld, W . Va.
Dale O. G.. Madison, Minn.
•C urtis P. E., Los Gatos, Cal.
Dashiell W. H., Baltim ore, Md.
D alen S. S., Perley, M inn.
•C urtis R. A., Muskegon, Mich.
Daskam W . R., Antigo, Wis.
Curtis, R . M., Jasper, Tex.
Daubney J . W., Centralia, W ash.
•D ales M . C., H obart, N . Y.
Curtis T. A., Princeton, Tex.
•D aubney M . W ., Centralia,
Daley E. E ., W rightsville, Ga.
Curtis W. A., Norwalk. Conn.
•C u rtis W. H ., W arrenton, Va.
•D aubney R. W .. Centralia. W ash.
•D aley T . J., Chicago, 111.
Curtis W. L., Ahoskie, N. C.
C. E ., Clarkshill. Ind.
Curtis Z. B., L ittle Rock, Ark.
Dalgliesh J. J., G rundy Center, la . D augherty Ë . H ., Ludlow, Ky.
Curtiss C. A.. Saline, Mich.
D augherty H. S., Highland, Ind.
•C urtiss C. Von A., W essington, Dalglish John H., T aunton, Mass. •D
augherty J. A., Carterville, Mo.
•D ali C. H., B attle Creek, Ia.
S. D.
, „ ,
•D augherty J. C., Greeley, Neb.
D allm an B. J., Trum an, M inn.
•Curtiss H . L., Paonia. Colo.
J. C.,Danville, Ohio.
Curtiss S„ Downers Grove, 111.
Dalrymple F. A., Mont Ida, Kan. Daugherty J . R., Indiana, P a.
•C u rts Clarence, Birmingham, la .
•D augherty Lola, L a P lata, Mo.
D alrym ple I. B., G rand Rapids,
D augherty M.S., W ashington C .5 .,
M ich.
•Cusack H. C., No. Bend, Neb.
Cusack M . C., N o rth Bend, Neb. Dalrym ple M. G., Carthage, N. C.
•D alrym ple R. C., Carthage, N . C. •D aughtridge J. A., B attleboro,
•Cuscaden F. A., Omaha, Neb.
N . C.
•C usenbary J. D., H ydro, Okla.
Dauphinee A. B. Philadelphia, Pa.
•D alton A. M., Jesup, la .
•Cushing C. L., Logan. Kan.
D avant W. M„ Savannah, Ga.
D alton C. A., Onida, S. D.
Cushing E. C., Wellington, O.
•D avenport E . L., Ashland. Ore.
D alton C. F ., Haralson, Ga.
•Cushing H. C., Woodstock, Vt.
•D avenport E . W., N . Y. City,
D alton E . A., Le Mars, la .
CushingS. W ., Groveton, N. H.
N . Y.
D alton G. L., Germ ania, Ia.
•Cusick Clyde, Allendale, 111.
D avenport H. W., Valentine, Neb.
•D alto n H enry, Burns, Ore.
Custck H. B„ Albany, Ore.
avenport J . C., R oanoka. Va.
Cusick J. H., Mooresville, M a
•D alton J.W .,W inston-Salem ,N.C. D avenport J. E . M ., Pineville.N.O.
Cusser W. L., Belding, Mich.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

•D avenport J. M ., Palestine, Tex.
D avenport O. R., Spring, Tex.
D avenport R . J., Sabinal, Tex.
D avenport S. S„ Lester. Ia.
David A. B., Calhoun, Ga.
•D avid A. F., Montfort, Wis.
•D avid C. E., Calhoun. Ga.
•D avid G. t . , Roswell, Ga.
Davidson Charles, E . B ernstadt,
Davidson E . A.. Rear dan. Wash.
Davidson E. R „ New Rockford,
N. D.
•D avidson-G. B., Victoria, Tex.
Davidson Geo., Vineland, N . J.
•D avidson G. S., Graf, Neb.
Davidson G. W., Vineland, N . J.
•D avidson Jean, H ardy, Ark.
•D avidson J , E . Jr., Hem pstead,
N. Y.
•Davidson J. H., Pittsburgh, P a.
•D avidson J. L., W est P oint, Ga.
•D avidson J . M .,Prestonsburg,Ky.
•Davidson J . V., G rant City, Mo.
Davidson N . M ., Graf, Neb.
Davidson N. M., Tecumseh, Neb.
Davidson R. C.. Yeoman. Ind.
Davidson R. V., Gadsden, Ala.
•D avidson W. A., Gibson City, 111.
D avidson W. A., W heaton, Mo.
Davidson W. B., H artford, Conn.
Davidson W, C„ W hite Plains, Ga.
Davidson W. J.. New Virginia, la.
Davidson W. O.. C larkton, M o.
•D avidson W. R., Williford, Ark.
Davidson W . S„ Bozeman, Mont.
Davidson W. S., Williston, N. D.
•D avies A. M„ Silver Creek, Neb.
•D avies O. H ., Pittsburgh, Pa.
•D avies D avid, N ew port, Ky.
Davies Donald, Green, Kan.
Davies Elm er J., Lansford, Pa.
Davies F. W., Granville.N. Y.
•D avies G. R .. Bessemer. Ala.
Davies G. W. Inm an Neb.
Davies H. M., Delphos, O.
Davies J . J., Culpepper, Va.
Davies J. L., Dixon, 111.
Davies W. A.. Lorain, O.
•D avis A. D., Spokane, Wash.
Davis A den Jr.,M arionStation,M d.
Davis A. J., Sewal. Ia.
Davis A. L., Burlington, N. C.
Davis A. M„ Salem.Va.
Davis A nna L„ W orthington, O.
Davis A. R.. Garland. Tex.
•D avis A. R ., LeRoy, N. Y.
D avis A rthur, D rum right, Okla.
Davis A. S.. M endenhall Miss.
•D avis A. T ., M arshalltown, Ia.
Davis A. V,. Ridgefield, Conn.
Davis B. E ., Speer, 111.
•D avis B. E ., Defiance, O.,
•D avis B. G., Beverly, O.
•D avis Brichelle, E l Paso, Ark.
D avis C., Arbela, Mo.
•D avis C. A., Elgin, 111.
Davis O. A., Independence, Mo.
Davis C. B., Am ityville, N. Y.
Davis C. C., Lexington, Tenn.
•D avis O. E., W alnut Cove, N. C.
D avis C. E ., M illarton, N. D.
•D avis C. H., Kennebunk, Maine.
Davis C. J., Rockym ount, Va.
•D avis C. L. San Francisco. Cal.
•D avis C. L., E. St. Louis, 111.
•D avis C. M ., Chatom , Ala.
•D avis C. M., Chillicothe, Mo.
•D avis C. O., Tippecanoe City, O.
Davis C. R., F rankford, Del;
Davis C. S., Brashear, Mo.
•D avis O. W., D oran, M inn.
Davis Charles A.. Thorndale. Tex.
Davis D. E „ Monongahela, Pa.
Davis D. J., Taylor, Pa.

•Davis D. S., Chicago, 111.

I Davis E. A., Blue Jacket, Okla.
Davis E . A., Bethel, Vt.
Davis E . C., Cave City, Ky.
•D avis E ula E ., Graford, Tex.
•D avis E . H., Hendersonville,N.C.
Davis E . H., W oodbury, N. J.
•D avis E . J., M ilton, Ore.
Davis Elias, Camden, N. J.
•D avis E . L., Orawfordsville. Ia.
D avis Elmer, Ravenden Springs,
•D avis E . M ., R ural R etreat, Va.
Davis E. P .. D alton, Ga.
Davis E. P., Duke, N. C.
•D avis E . P., Kansas C ity, Mo.
•D avis E. S., Oak Hill, O.
Davis E. W .. Central City, Colo.
Davis F . B., Manson, la .
Davis F. B.. W alker. Minn.
•D avis F red E ., R intyre, N. D.
•D avis F. H., Aurora, Mo.
Davis F. H., Blue E arth . Minn.
D avis F . H., H obart, Ind.
•D avis M iss F. J., Burns, Kan.
Davis F . J., L ittle Valley, N. Y.
Davis F. L., Burwell, Neb.
•D avis F. L., Abingdon, Va.
Davis F. L., Sugar, Ida.
D avis F . M ., McCliisky, N. D.
Davis F. M ., New H aven, 111.
Davis F. M., Goodrich, N. D.
Davis F . P., Dunkerton, Ia.
D avis F . R ., Bailey, Mich.
Davis F . V ., South W ilmington,
Davis F. W., Keokuk, la .
•Davis F. W., P atoka, 111.

Davis G. B., N. Salem, In d . >
D avis G. D ., Olaremore,' Okla.
Davis G. E .. Alvord. Ia.
Davis G. E ., Green City, Mo.
Davis G. F.. Reger, Mo.
♦Davis G. L., Kokomo, Ind.
D avis Geo. M ., Plainville. 111.
Davis G. R., Keyser, W. Va.
Davis G. R., LaGrange, Mo.
♦Davis Guy. M arrowbone, Ky.
D avis H. A., Meadville, Miss.
♦Davis H ariet. Gasnovia, Mich.
♦Davis H . B.. Plano. 111.
D avis H. C., Donna, Tex.
♦Davis H. O., Morganfield, Ky.
♦Davis H . E .. Oalhoim, Mo.
D avis H . E ., Muskogee, Okla.
♦Davis H. E.. P o rt Jefferson, N . Y.
Davis H. F ., W auseon, O.
D avis H . H.. Rossburg, Ohio.
Davis H . L., Aurora, Mo.
D avis H . L.. Carrsville, Ky.
D avis H. Mi} Jena, La.
♦Davis H. P ., M anassas, Va.
♦Davis H. R., Pem berton. N. J .
♦Davis H. S., Childress, Tex.
Davis H. S., Napa, Cal.
♦Davis H. T .. St. Petersburg, Fla.
♦Davis H . V., Stella, Neb.
D avis H. W.. Sullivan. Ind.
Davis H arry W .,Federalsburg,M d.
Davis Isaac D., Elkton, Md.
Davis I. E., Leesburg, Ò.
Davis J . A., Gracevilie, Fla.
D avis J. A., Waycross, Ga.
♦Davis J. A., Pittsville, M d.
Davis J. B.. Hudson Falls. N. Y.
Davis J . Bruce, Reedsville, Pa.
Davis J . D., Sterling, Okl.
D avis J. D. Jr., M iddletown, Del.
♦Davis J. E ., Frost, Tex.
D avis J. E ., Pesotum , 111.
Davis J . E ., Plevna, Kan.
Davis J. E ., Talapoosa, Ga.
♦Davis J. E .t R otan, Tex.
♦Davis J. F., M arianna, Fla.
Davis J . H., Portland, Me.
Davis J . H „ W ilm ington, N. C.
D avis J.H .,Jr.,L o n g B ranch, N . J.
Davis J . L.. Blossburg, Pa.
Davis J. M. Jr., Forney, Tex.
Davis J. O., Evansville, Ind.
Davis J . O., Geary, Okl.
Davis J . R., FarmviUe. N. C.
Davis J. R ., Quitm an, Ga.
D avis J. R., Campbellsville, Ky.
♦Davis J . S., Greeley, Colo.
Davis J. T ., Kopperl, Tex.
♦Davis J. T., Naponee, Neb.
Davis J . W „ Enunclaw, W ash.
Davis J. W., L ancaster, T enn.
♦Davis K. E ., E . H am pton, N. Y.
♦Davis K. I., Santa Ana Tex.
♦Davis L. A., Sugar, Idaho.
♦Davis L. A. Greenville, Pa.
♦Davis L. B., Sum m erton, S. O.
♦Davis L. E ., C ynl, Okla.
♦Davis L. H „ Samson, Ala.
♦Davis L. H., Beckley, W. Va.
Davis L.H ., Climax Sp’gs, Mo.
Davis L. H., Wellsville. N. Y.
♦Davis L. J., M arlin, Tex.
♦Davis Len J., Geneva, Neb.
Davis L. L.. Geddes. S D. Davis L. N., Ashland, Ky.
♦Davis Logan. Clarksville, Tenn.
♦Davis L. P., Palacios, Tex.
Davis L. P „ Thom aston, Ga.
♦Davis Marne. Peculiar. Mo.
Davis M., Chesterfield, S. C.
♦Davis M. A., E ast Chicago, Ind.
Davis M. A., P ittsville, Md.
♦Davis M ary A., Chestertown,
M d.
♦Davis M. G.. Kalamazoo. Mich.
Davis M . P., Jackson, Ky.
Davis M. T., Aurora, Mo.
Davis M. T., Covington, Tex.
♦Davis O. B., Owosso, Mich.
Davis O. T.. Cairo, Ga.
Davis P., Tiptonville, Tenn.
♦Davis P . A., New Florence, Mo.
♦Davis P . J.. Canadian. Tex.
♦Davis P . L., Alvin, Tex.
Davis R . A., Plano, Tex.
♦Davis R obt. A., N evada, la.
D avis R ay, Newcastle, Ind.
♦Davis R. B., N evada, Tex.
Davis R . B. J r., Rocky Mount, N.C
♦Davis R. H., Richm ond, Va.
D avis R . K., Oskaloosa, la .
Davis R. L .. Mount Vernon. W ash.
♦Davis R. O., Strasbiirg, M o.
D avis R. R., Iro n City, Ga.
Davis R. S.. W ebb. Ia.
♦Davis R. V., Antioch, Cal.
Davis R. W., Fountain Inn, 8. C.
Davis R. W., W eatherford. Tex.
Davis S. H „ D oran, Minn.
♦Davis S. M., Rich Hill, Mo.
Davis Sum ner, Carlisle, la .
Davis T .. Clinton. A rk.
Davis T . A., Esmond, N. D.
Davis T. F., Yazoo City, Miss.
Davis T . G., Greenville. S. C.
Davis T. G., Mansfield, Tex.
♦Davis T. J ., Marion, la .
Davis T. L., Omaha, Neb.
Davis T . L., P ark Springs, Tex.
♦Davis, U . L., W ortham , Tex.
Davis Virgil, Fowler, Colo.
Davis V. W., Fairbank, la.
Davis W. A.. Roberts. Idaho.
Davis W . A., Springville, N. Y.
♦Davis W. A., Ocean Park, Cal.
Davis B., Sylva, N . C.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Davis W. B.. Asheville, N . C.
Davis W. C., Greenwood, Ark.
♦Davis W. C., Jerico Springs, M o.
Davis W. D „ Brookhaven, Miss.
Davis W. E., Naylor. Mo.
Davis W. G„ M arietta, Okl.
Davis W. H., Harrison, Neb.
♦Davis W . H., Reeds, Mo.
Davis W. H., Utica, Ky.
Davis W. J., F ort Deposit, Ala.
Davis W. J., Lansford, Pa.
Davis W . J.. Malden. Mo.
Davis W. J., Portal, Ga.
♦Davis W. L., Smithville, Tenn.
♦Davis W. L.. Stantonville. Tenn.
♦Davis W. O., Omaha, Tex.
♦Davis W. R.. Bluford. 111.
♦Davis W. R., Lam ar, Neb.
♦Davis W . R., Buchanan, Va.
Davis W. R „ Smithfleld, 111.
Davis W . S„ Warsaw, Mo.
Davis W. Scott, Granton, Wis.
Davis W. T., Brigham, Utah.
♦Davis W. T„ Marshall, N. C.
♦Davis W. T., Nixon, Tex
Davis W. W., Manka to M inn.
Davis W. W. M., Chicago H ’ts., 111.
Davis Wm. A., Ambler, Pa.
Davis W m .J„Yarm outhport,M ass.
♦Davison C. A.. Mitchell, S. D.
Davison E . A., Travis, Tex.
Davison E. L., W ichita, Kan.
Davison G. M., Sea Bright, N. J.
Davison R. L., Wapello, Ia.
♦Davison S. E., Hemingford, Neb.
Davison W. S., Minonk, 111.
Davisson B. M.. Janelew. W. Va.
♦Daw H., Rhame, N. D.
♦Daw Ola M ., Roseville, Ohio.
Dawdy R. E., Hoquiam, Wash.
♦Dawe Henry, S anta Barbara, Cal.
Dawes A rthur, Broughton. 111.
♦Dawes R. L., Evansville, Ind.
Dawes T. B., Blairstown, N. J.
Dawes W. R., Chicago, 111.
♦Dawkins E . I., Jackson, Ky.
♦Dawns H. E ,, Baldwin City, Kan.
♦Dawson A. H., Afton, Okla.
♦Dawson B. R., Steubenville, O.
♦Dawson C. L., Berkley Springs,
W. Va.
Dawson C. L., Ponta, Tex.
Dawson D, S., Meeker, Okla.
♦Dawson E. B., Dawson, Tex.
Dawson G. E., Brilllon, Wis.
♦Dawson George E „ Dover, Del.
Dawson G. W., Cllntonville, Ky.
♦Dawson H arry B., Carrizozo,
N. M.
Dawson H. E., Stockett, Mont.
Dawson J. F., G rant City, Mo.
Dawson J. L., Grant City, Mo.
♦Dawson M arguerite, Des Moines,
♦Dawson M ary H., Richmond, Va.
Dawson M . O., Arapaho, Okla.
♦Dawson Roy, Chandler, Okla.
Dawson S. W., Arena, Wis.
♦Dawson W. Jr.. New M adrid. Mo.
Day A. H., New York City, N. Y.
♦Day A. J., Risingsun, O.
D ay D. P., Datto, Ark.
Day E . B., New York City, N. Y.
D ay F. E ., E astland, Tex.
Day H. C„ Auburn, Me.
Day J . Dabney, Dallas, Tex.
♦Day J. T., MUledgeville, Ga.
D ay L. C., Muscatine, Ia.
Day M . F., Sacred H eart, M inn.
♦Day M. J., Owensboro, Ky.
♦Day Ralph, Los Angeles, CaL
Day R. A., Oshkosh, Neb.
Day Rufus, Fillmore^ Utah.
Day S. S., Trenton, Mo.
Day V. J., Schell City, Mo.
♦Day W. A., San Francisco, Cal.
Day W. F., Sellersville, Pa.
♦Day W. L., Fargo, N. D.
♦Day W. M . G., Rockwood, Pa.
Daylor Thomas., Revlllo, S. D.
D ayton A. H., Naugatuck, Conn.
♦D ayton F. E ., Salinas, Cal.
D ayton R. B., P t. Jefferàon, N.Y.
Dazey J. E., Findlay, 111.
Deacon J. R., Bordentown, N. J.
Deacon W. B„ Zanesville, O.
Deacy J. E., Lawson, Mo.
Deaderick J. F., Lexington, N. C„
♦Deakins S. L., Pikeville. Tenn.
♦Deal R. L„ Monticello, Ark.
♦Deal W. D., Taylorsville, N. C.
Deam W. E ., Shellsburg, Ia.
Dean A. S., Sandstone. Minn.
♦Dean B. D., San Francisco, Cal.
Dean D. E „ Falls Village, Conn.
♦Dean D. W., M aben Miss.
Dean E. M.. Canton, S. D.
Dean Geo. C., Gibsonburg, O.
Dean George E., Falm outh, Mass.
♦Dean J. A.. Portland, Ark.
♦Dean J. B.. Mason. Mich.
Dean J. F.. Berea, Ky.
D ean J. H., Russellville, Tenn.
♦Dean John T., Cove, Ore.
Dean J . T., Dayton, Tenn.
♦Dean Lauren, E m m ett, Ida.
Dean M. H., Addison. Pa.
♦Dean M yrtle U., Shellsburg, Ia.
♦Dean Rae L., N orth English, la .
♦Dean Roy M., Palm er, Kan.
♦Dean S. J., Arkadelphia, Ark.
Dean W. E ., Richardson. Tex.
D ean W. G.. B ath. N. Y.
Dean W. H., Rose Creek, Minn.
Dean Wm. W., Adams, Minn.
♦Deane A., M atthew s, Mo.

Deane C., Eureka, Cal.
D eans E . G., Stantonsburg. N . O.
D eans O. F., Alma, Kan.
♦Dear T. S., Novinger, Mo.
Dearing C. W., Taylor, Mo.
♦Dearing F. M „ Northfleld, Vt.
♦Dearing J. F ., Green C ity, M o.
Dearing W. J., A tlanta, Mo.
D eA rm ond R. R., Independence,
D eary W. A., Bloomington, Neb.
♦Deas R. R., Sanford, Fla.
Deas W. M .. Arcadia. La.
Deaton M. A., Sandy, Ore.
♦Deats P. K., Albany, Tex.
♦Deats P. K., Graham , Tex.
Deavenport B. H., Denton, Tex.
♦Deaver J. E.. Paris, Mo.
Deaver J . P „ Springdale, A rk.
♦De B olt C. C., Chanute, Kan.
♦De Bolt E. W.. Utica. 111.
♦De Bord B. W., Princeville, 111.
De Bower E . F., Dane. Wis.
De Broux G. G., Denm ark, Wis.
De Buhr, Amos, L ittle Cedar. la.
De B uhr H. J., Aplington, la .
de Carie John E., Miles City, Mont.
♦December Jr. Joe,N ordheim , Tex
Deck S. M ., Leesport, Pa.
Deckard 0 . D.. Richfield. Pa.
♦Decker C. R., B utler, Ind.
Decker E . J.. Greeley, Colo.
Decker F. E ., Darien, Ga.
♦Decker Floyd, Crocker, Mo.
♦Decker H. I., Clarence, la .
Decker R. E ., Mound City, Mo.
Decker S. A., Johnsonville, 111.
Decker V. A., Hawley, Pa.
♦Decker W. B. Cassopolis, Mich.
Decker W. D., Bristol, Colo.
Dedrich G. A., W aterville, 0 .
Dee Loudon J., College Spgs., la .
♦Deeg Henry, Columbus, O.
♦Deegan F. M., Prior Lake, M inn.
Deegan John, P rior Lake. Minn.
♦Deeke Marie, Beecher, 111.
♦Deel O. H., Okmulgee, Okla.
Deemer L. V., Brookville, Pa.
♦Deen T. W., Ardmore. Okla.
Deener J. H.. Searcy, Ark.
Deeter R. A., Greens Fork, Ind.
Deets C. T., Odessa, Wash.
♦Deever G. B., Abilene, Kan.
Deever R. M ., Abilene, Kan.
De Fever J. W., Glendale, Ariz.
de Figueiredo V. L.. San Fran.Cal.
D e Foe E . M .,N ew Tazewell.Tenn.
♦De Foe H. M.. Wayneville. Mo.
D e Foe O. L., Friendsville, Tenn.
♦Defosset L. J., San Luis Obispo,
♦De France J. G., Richardton, N .
♦Defries C. C., Ontario, Ore.
De Frees J. K.. Troy, O.
De Frehn Geo. H., Pottsville, Pa.
♦De Gabriele M . G., Negaunee,
Degen Charles, Chaska, M inn.
De Geurin M. C., T atum , Tex.
De Graff Wm. T.. D etroit, Mich,
♦de Gravelle W.. Patterson. La.
♦DeGuiscard A.K., N.Y.City,N.Y.
Dehlendorf L. E.. St. Louis, Md.
♦Dehn C. L., Columbia, 111.
Dehn Louis, Columbia, 111.
Dehning C. H., Chicago, 111.
♦De H on R. L., Caney, Kan.
Dehority C. C., Elwood, Ind.
♦Deicken A. F., Springfield, 111.
Delhi J . D„ Wapello. Ia.
♦Deininger R. J., Owatonna.M inn.
Deitrick E. D, W atsontown, Pa.
De K ay C. P., Florida, N. Y.
De K ay O. W., Laramie, Wyo.
♦Dekle L. B., M etter, Ga.
Deklotz Lewis. Newhall. Ia.
Delà H unt B. V., Milwaukee,


D elahoyde Edwin, Exira, Ia.
De Lam ar F. S., Dalark. Ark.
De L and E arl E.. W hite H eath. 111.
♦Delaney D. D., Taloga, Okla.
Delaney D. P ., Sallisaw, Okla.
De Laney E. S., Havelock, N. D.
Delaney F. G., Taloga, Okla.
Delaney G., H urdland, Mo.
♦Delaney V., H urdland, Mo.
D e Lange F. G., M arm arth, N. D.
♦De Lano A. W., Otsego. Mich.
De Lano E . W., Allegan, Mich.
De Lano K. B., Canastota, N. Y.
D e Lap J . O.. Norris City. 111.
♦Delaplain L. M ., E ast Peru, Ia.
de L ashm utt W. R., W ashington,
D. C.
Delatour B. C„ Lewellen, Neb.
♦De Laüne P . P., Thibodaux, La,
De Lay J. J.. Hudson. S. D.
Delcher W. J., Baltimore, M d.
Delhommer E. E., New Iberia,La.
Delk, J. W ., Glennville, Ga.
♦De Lisle L., Portageville, Mo.
Dell August T., Shakopee, Minn.
♦Dell H. L., Shakopee, Minn.
Dell S. C., Alachua, Fla.
♦Delman E tta , Minco, Okla.
♦Delo R. B.. Elm ira. N. Y.
D e Loach J. L., Hagan, Ga.
♦De Loach N. B.,Heber Spgs., Ark.
D e Loach W. R., P u n ta Gorda,
De Long Alton G., Foosland, 111.
De Long E. B., Sadorus, 111.
♦De Long S. H „ Marion, O.
♦De Long S. P., Foosland, 111.

De Longchamps J., Cripple Creek,
Delorme Noel, Red Lake Falls.
M inn.
D e Loy W. R.. Glendale, Ore.
D e Lozier J. E ., Adair, Okla.
♦Delp F . W., Blackville, S. O.
Delph R . W., Louisville, Ky.
Delventhal E . L., Warrenton,
Delzell C. M., Cherokee. Okla.
♦Demann Caroline, Burbank, S. D.
De M arco P., Schenectady, N . Y.
Dem arest R . A .', W alden, N. Y.
♦Dement L. T ., M yrtle P oint, Ore.
Demers W. A., Rice Lake, Wis.
Deming A. B .C., Jr., Hopkinton,
♦Deming J. B., Amenia, N. Y.
♦ In n in g Jr. P. C., Castleberry,
♦Deming W. E ., Taylorville, 111.
♦Demitz H. C., Grand Rapids,
♦Demorest A. J., Harrisburg, Ore.
♦De Moss Geo. W., Edwardsport,
De Moss S. I .1,KdWardsport, Ind.
♦Demple O. A., Sheridan, Wyo.
♦Dempsey J. T., Toledo. O.
Dempster E. J., Geneva, Neb.
♦D em uth F. J., Lebanon, M o
♦Demwoody W. M ., Brunswick,
♦Denard L. F., C harleston, S. C.
Denault A. B., Jam estown, N.D.
DenbOw A. M ., Bamberg, S. C,
Dencker G., Delmont, S. D.
Deneen M arion, Reedley, Cal.
♦De Neene J. E ., M urray, Utah.
Dendy Julian, Granbury, Tex.
♦Denham J. E „ Centralia, Mo.
♦D enhart C. A., Marcus, la .
Den H erder C. J., Zeeland, Mich.
Denholm G. A., Tonganoxie.Kan.
Denio C. C., Lakeview, la.
Denise G. A., Freehold, N. J.
Denison J. C., H artford, Wis.
♦Denison John P „ H artford, Wis.
♦Denison M . H., Buffalo, N . Y.
♦Denison N. N., Boston, Mass.
Denison W. A., Cathay, N. D.
Denison W. F., Alpena, Mich.
Denkmann B. C., Round Lake,
Denkmann H. C., Fullerton, Neb.
♦Denkmann W alter, Round Lake,
Denman F. H., Petalum a, Cal.
Denman F. M., P lttsford, Mich.
♦Denman G. H .,Jr. Irvington, N .J.
Denm an J. S., H ay Springs, Neb.
♦Denman W. C., Auburn, N. Y.
Denmead J. L.. M arshalltown,
Denneson E. W., Kem pton, N. D.
D ennett G. E., Brookville, Ind.
♦D ennett J., Brownsville, Tex.
D ennett W. D., San Francisco,Cal,
Denney F. W., Daykin, Neb,
♦Denney J. D„ Milan, Tenn.
Denney W. G., Mlllerton, N. Y.
Denning O. E., Ligonier, Ind.
♦Denninger F. F., Crofton, Neb.
♦Dennis E. G., Olathe, Colo.
Dennis F. G., Oklahoma, Okla.
♦Dennis Frank, Hagerstown, Ind.
Dennis H. B., Chambersburg, 111.
♦Dennis H. E., Rogersvllle, Mo
♦Dennis J. A., Hartville, Mo.
♦Dennis J. M ., Caddo Mills, Tex.
♦Dennis L., Aspermont, Tex.
♦Dennis Oscar, Chambersburg, 111.
Dennis W. C.; 'N evada, Tex.
♦Dennison G. A., Milan, Mich.
Dennison W. M., Onslow, la.
Denniston C. W., Ardoch, N. D.
Denniston W. K., W aterloo.N.Y.
♦Denny A. J., Belton, Tex.
Denny C. F., Belton, Tex.
♦Denny H. H., Pomona, Cal.
Denny H. W., Hickory, Pa.
Denny J . A., Jr., Armstrong, Mo.
Denny J. M ., Vancouver, Wash.
♦Denny J. W., New Market. Ia.
Denny O. S., M arion, Ky.
Denny S. C., Lancaster, Ky.
♦Denny S. G., H enrietta, Tex.
♦Denny W. C., Wilmington, N. C.
Densel D. F., Moab, Utah.
Densmore F. E., Mason, Mich.
Dent L„ Salem, Mo.
♦Dent T. P., Salem, Mo.
Denton Alfred A., Grenola, Kan.
♦Denton C. C., McEwen. Tenn.
Denton W.B., Grenola, Kan.
Denton Wesley, Butler, Mo.
D enton W. H., Kansas, Okla.
D enton W. M.‘, Seneca, S. D.
Denton W. W., Shelby, Miss.
Denzler C. I., Marengo, Ia.
♦Depew D. A., Corry, Pa.
De Pledge H. G., Colfax, W ash.
♦Deppe C. D., Nem aha, la.
♦Deppe F. W., Meredosia, 111.
De Priest L. A.. Yuma, Tenn.
D e P uy G. L., Milford, Tex.
De P uy P . J., Nunda, N. Y.
Dequaine C onstant,N ew F ranken,
♦Deragisch J.A . Jr.. Ramona, S.D
♦Deramee C . T ., Lockport, La.
♦Derby Carl O., P ortland, Mich.
♦Derby C. W., Riverside, Cal.
Derby L. M., W est Alexandria, O.


*De Reiner T em e iS., Waukesha,’
Derge P. A., Lebanon, Kan.
Derington T. M., Milan, Kan.
D erington W. T., Hunnewell, Kan;
♦Dern A. D., Winnemucca, Nev.
D err Louis, D anbury, Iowa.
Derrick, G. W., E verett, Pa.
D errick John L., M adill, Okla.
D errick L. C., Prescott, Ariz.
♦Derrickson W. B., Selbyville, Del.
D errig F. H., G lentana, M ont.
*Derrig H. W., Egeland, N. D.
D errough O. J., Thomasboro, 111.
Derrough J . H., Indianola, la.
♦Derrough Winnie, Thomasboro,

♦Deselm W. D., Cambridge, O.
♦Desing A. 0.. Elkhorn, Wis.
♦Desloge F. R., St. Louis, M o.
♦Desmond J.O ., Bird Island,M inn.
Desobry Louis, Plaquem ine, La.
♦Despres O. B., Elm a, la .
Despres S. B., Elma, la.
♦Dessel H. A., Oalmar, la.
D e St. Aubin, E ., Griffith, Ind.
♦De T ar H. E ., WeUsville, Kan.
♦Detering C., P ortland, Ore.
De Tienne F . B., Vandalia, Mo.
♦D etjen H ., Manitowoc. Wis.
D etrick Charles, Chicago, 111.
♦D ettm ann H. C., Judson, N . D.
D ettm ering H. A., Steeleville, 111.
Detweiler W. T., Millard, Neb.
DetwUer Horace, Columbia, Pa.
Deubler H. E., Pine Bush, N. Y.
Deuel A rthur, W ayland, Mich.
♦Deuel H. S., M edford, Ore.
Deupree O. O., Indianapolis. Ind.
Deuser J. C. Jr., Raym ond, Neb.
Deussen C.. San Antonio. Tex.
♦D eutm eyer F. H., Dyersville, la.
♦De Vausney L.N.,N.Y.CIty,N.Y.
D’E velyn R.G., Dunseith, N. D.
♦Dever C. S., Winfield, Kan.
Devereux P. K., Purcell, Kan.
♦De Yey D. W ., Aberdeen. S. D.
. Devilbiss Edwin, Walkersville.Md.
♦Devilbiss W. B., O ttaw a, Kan.
Devine D. D., A lbert Lee, Minn.
Devine J. V.. Oconto. Neb.
Devine M„ St. Paul, Kan.
♦D evitt J. O., T oronto, la .
D evlin A. V., Cascade. Ia. jj j
Devoe E. E „ Lebanon, Neb.
Dew E . R., Spring Hope, N. O.
♦Dew F. W., Canastota. N. Y.
Dew W . C., Goldthwaite, Tex.
♦De W ald Harold L., Philm ont,
N. Y.
♦Dewald R., Freem an, S. D.
De W all H. H.. Correll, Minn.
Deweerd R . O., Byron, M ich.
Deweese H. A., Pawnee, 111.
♦Deweese J. C., Golden C ity, Mo.
♦Dewey Ada N ., Harm on, 111.
Dewey Fred G., Kalam azoo, Mich.
Dewey F. P „ Georgetown, Colo.
♦Dewey J. W., No. M anchester,
Dewey M . D „ Toulon, 111.
Dewey R. A., Schoharie. N. Y.
D e Wilde J., Prairie Farm , Wis.
De W itt A. K., Plym outh, Pa.
♦De W itt F. B., Griswold, Ia.
♦De W itt M. E „ Portersville, Cal.
♦De W itt M. H.. Hillsboro, Tex.
♦DeW itt W .H.,Chattanooga,Tenn.
De Wolf H arry, Menasha, Wis.
Dewyer Clyde, Pemberville, O.
♦Dexter, C. R., N ashua, Ia.
♦D exter J. C., Fitchburg, Mass.
D exter R. 0., St. Johns, Mich.
D exter Shelby T., Galva, 111.
D exter W. A,. Toledo, Ia.
♦Dey W alter H., Carlinville, 111.
♦Dey W. I., N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Deymonaz F. J.. Brooks, Minn.
♦Deyo E . M arie, Lyford, Tex.
Deyo R. F., Lyford, Tex.
Deyoe J. B., Schuylerville, N. Y.
Deyoe W. J., Springport, Mich.
De Young D. A., P rairie View.
De Young J. F., Orange C ity, Ia.
De Zavala Aug., Houston, Tex.
Dezelle W . A., Jew ett, Tex.
Dial J . F „ B atavia. O.
Dibblee W. O. H ., San Luis Obispo.


Dibreil A., Leesburg, Va.
Dibrell C. C., Seguin, Tex.
Dibreil R. A., M arion, Tex.
♦Dice H. F ., Veedersburg, Ind.
♦Dice L. A., Arm our, S. D.
Dick C. D., Manawa, Wis.
Dick E . K., Connellsville, P a.
. *Dick F . M ., E dgerton, M o.
♦Dick G. K „ Ham ilton, Mont.
♦Dick G, L., Charleston, S. C.
Dick G. T „ St. M atthews, Ky.
Dick H. J., Boise, Ida.
Dick J. T „ New H olland, O.
Dick Lloyd U., Herminie, Pa.
♦Dick M, L ., Mechanicsburg, P a.
Dick M . R., Richmond, Kan.
♦Dick P. S., Portland; Ore.
♦Dick W. EL, Jr., Byron, Neb.
Dicken W. A., Albany, Ky.
Dickens G. W .. Bellalre, O.
Dickerm an F . R., Bristol,Yt.
Dickerson A. T., Southold, N. Y.
Dickerson F. R ., Riverton, 111.
♦Dickerson H. C., Homerville, Ga,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

♦Dickerson I . R., Atkinson, Neb.
Dickerson L. E ., W. Liberty, 111.
Dickerson W. W., Lynchburg.Va.
♦Dlckes J. P .. Aurora. 111.
Dickey E ., K ensett, Ark.
Dickey J. J., Snyder, Neb.
♦Dickey W. D., Chicago, 111.
Dickey W. E ., Lone Oak, Tex.
♦Dickins R. F „ F ort Sm ith, Ark.
Dickinson B. C., Troup, Tex.
Dickinson C. C., E a st Smithfield, Pa.
Dickinson C. S., Appleton, Wis.
♦Dickinson F. B., E ast Smithfield.
♦Dickinson G. L., Kellerton, Ia.
Dickinson Geo. P., Excelsior,Minn.
♦Dickinson G. R ., G rants Pass,
♦Dickinson J. A., Fulton. Mo.
Dickinson J . F., M em phis, Tenn.
Dickinson J . L., Charleston, W.Va.
Dickinson L. U.. Lincoln, Ala.
Dickinson R. G., Judsonia, Ark.
♦Dickinson T. O., Glasgow, Ky.
♦Dickinson W. A., Camilla, Ga.
Dickinson W. E ., Fullerton, N . D.
♦Dickinson W. H., W oburn, Mass.
Dickinson W . H., Helena, Mont.
♦Dickinson W. S., G rand Forks,
N . D.
♦Dickman F. W ., L ost N ation, Ia,
Dlckman J . H ., M ountain Lake,
Dickmann A. B., F o rt Scott, Kan.
♦Dickson Alma J., Maxwell, Ia.
Dickson B. S., Columbus, O.
♦Dickson C. E ., Collinsville, Okla.
♦Dickson D. R.. Bentonville, Ark.
Dickson H arry, Turin, Ia.
♦Dickson H. H., Union, Ore.
Dickson J . A., M artins Ferry, O.
Dickson J. B„ McDonough, Ga.
♦Dickson M. J., Fulda, M inn.
Dickson N. W.. Maxwell, Ia.
♦Dickson R. J., Somonauk, 111,
♦Dickson T. H ., Columbus, O.
♦Didier Louis H ., Puente, Cal.
♦Didlake W. P., Alton, 111.
Dldra, H. C., Waseca, Minn.
DIebolt A. Jr., PIqua, Kan.
♦Diederich J . A., W alterboro, S.C
♦Diedrich E . J., Holdingford,
M inn.
Diefendorf H., Leonardville, Kan.
♦Dieffenbacher P.D., H avana, 111.
Dleftenderfer C. S., Northiork,
W. Va.
Diehl, D. L.. Tipton, Ia.
♦Diehl F. H., Eldora, Ia.
Diehl J. M ., M arion, Pa.
Diehl John W., P o rt Chester,
N. Y.
Diehm H. H., Akron, Pa.
Dlekelmann H. G., Horicon, Wis.
Dieleman A. A,, M anville, Wyo.
Diercks F . H., Sioux Rapids, Ia.
♦Dierdorff Lee H.,Inverness, M ont.
D ierker Louis, Em m a, Mo.
♦Dierking A. O., Sweet Springs,
Dierking H. F ., Alta Vista. Kan.
♦Dierks H. C., Bloomfield, Neb.
♦Dieis Bernard, Ulysses, Neb.
♦Diers Bert, Sheridan, Wyo.
Diers T. C., Sheridan, Wyo.
♦Diesel C. H., Carlinville. 111.
Diestler H. A., Oxford, Wis.
D iestler H. A., Racine, Wis.
♦Dieter G. H., Savannah, Ga.
♦D ieter Leonard, Vail, Ia.
Dieter V. A., Naperville, 111.
D ietert T. F., Kerrville, Tex.
Diethelm J. A., Victoria, M inn.
Dietrich P. E.. Bremen. Ind.
♦Dietrich T. J . N., Bremen, Ind.
Dietrick F. B., W aterloo, Ia.
Dietz A. V., Lawrenceburg, Ind.
♦Dietz E. D., Hollywood, Cal;
DIetze Jr. F., New Orleans, La.
Dieudonne E ., Janesville, M inn.
Diflendafier A. L., Vandalia, M o.
♦DIflenderffer J . L., Lebanon, Mo.
♦Diflendorfer T. R., Zanesville,
♦Diggle H. E., Gridley, 111.
Diggles Clyde, W autom a, Wis.
Diggs Robt. A., Baltimore, M d.
Dight J. H., D uluth, Minn.
♦Dikeman M rs. A. W., Middlegrove, 111.
Dikeman A. W., Middlegrove,

♦Dilcher C. S., Allentown, Pa.
Dildine W. O., Pawhuska, Okla.
Dill G. W., Eldorado, Neb.
Dill J . C., Buchanan. Va.
♦Dill W. j : : M t. Holly, N. J.
Dillard A. 6., Clio, Ala.
Dillard A. J., Gustine, Tex,
♦Dillard B. A., M arietta, Okla.
♦Dillard J. H ., Nashville, Tenn.
Dillard V. N.. Lockney, Tex.
Dille F. B., M onango, N. D.
Dille L. S., Caldwell. Ida.
Diller H. H., Morrowville, Kan.
♦Diller L., Cleveland, Minn.
♦Dilley C. E ., South Haven, Mich.
♦Dilley H. 0 ., Northfleld, Minn.
Dilling E. W., Fletcher, Okla.
Dilling W .S.,Kings Mountain,N.C.

Dillman F. E ., T raer, Kan.
♦Dillman F. E ., Curtis, Neb.
♦Dillon H arry, Van Buren, Mo.
♦Dillon J. B.. Bassetts, Va.
Dillon D. W.. St. Mary’s, W. Va.
♦Dillon F. E ., W atkins, M inn.
Dillon. J. C., Ruskin, Neb.
♦Dillon O. E ., Selma, Cal.
Dillon O. V., Geary, Okla.
Dillon T. T ., San Antonio, Tex.
♦Dills A. B., Arm ington, 111.
Dilworth E. K., V erm ont, 111.
♦Dlmery T. H „ Beaver Crossing,
♦Dimick W. E., Rosiclare, 111.
Dimmick M. H., Apple River, 111.
♦D im m itt Fred, Ottum w a, Ia.
Dimmock E . J., H iaw atha, K an.
DImond F .J.,F t. Covington, N. Y
♦Dinger C. W „ E au Claire, Wis.
Dinges D., Alexandria, Tenn.
Dingley F. W.. Algona, Ia.
Dinkins Jam es, Gretna, La. .
♦Dinsmoor A. W ., Laconia, N. H.
Dinsmore S. M„ Coral, Mich.
Dinsmore E. B., Wessington, S. D.
♦Dinsmore T. R., Eureka, Cal.
Dinsmore W. T ., Riverside. Cal.
♦Dintelm an C. H., Pinckneyville,

♦Dinwiddle E.W ., Gr. June., Colo.
♦Dinwiddle H. E ., Charlotteville,
Dinwlddie J . M., Cedar Rapids, la .
♦Dinwiddle W. S., Sturgeon, Mo.
♦Dionne E ., Lena, Wis.
♦Dippel Jo h n H.. Evansville, Ind.
♦Dirks Martin, Sterling, Neb.
D irks R. W., Auburn, Neb.
Dirks W., Fordyce, Neb.
♦Disher H. M .. Olmstead, N. D.
♦Disher O. L., M endon, O.
Dismuke E. A., Woodville, Tex.
Disney B.W ., Zumbro Falls, Minn.
♦Dispaux J . T., San Francisco.Cal
Disque B. F., Pow hatan Point.O.
♦Diss W. T., W ray, Colo.
Dissmore Geo. A.. Des Moines, Ia.
Dlssosway W. A., W atervliet.N .Y .
♦D ittert Leo, C at Spring, Tex.
♦Ditgen W. F., Andale, Kan.
D itto Jam es, Arlington, Tex.
Dltz G. A., F ryburg, Pa.
D ivan W aiter, Oxford, Neb.
♦ Diver J. E., St.FrancIsville, 111.
Divers E. J., Blairstown, N. J .
♦Dix H. S., Surrey, N. D.
Dix R. S., Crawfordsville. Ia.
♦Dixon Anna B., Holder, 111.
♦Dixon Arnold, Provo, U tah.
♦Dixon B., Altam ont, Kan.
Dixon B. S., Anadarko, Okl.
♦Dixon O. H., Florence, S. C.
Dixon C. L., Cloquet, Minn.
Dixon C. W., M ammoth Spring,
Dixon C. W., St. Paul, M inn.
Dixon D. H ., Goldsboro, N. O.
Dixon E ., Dalton, Wis.
Dixon Earl, Masontown, W. Va.
Dixon E. M., Thompsonville.MIch.
♦Dixon E. R ., Newman, Cal.
♦Dixon F. G., Memphis, Tenn.
Dixon G. H., Seneca, S. D.
Dixon H., Mecca. Ind.
Dixon H. A., H averstraw , N.Y.
Dixon H. C., W estern P o rt, Md.
Dixon. J. D.. Provo. U tah.
♦Dixon Jr. J. K., Asheville, N. C.
Dixon L. D., F o rt Lee, N. J.
♦Dixon M eade, Rockbridge, 111.
♦Dixon M . J., H annah, N. Dak.
Dixon M. J., Stewartville, Minn.
♦Dixon N. D., M inneapolis, M inn.
Dixon R. J., Richland, Ga.
Dixon R. W., Butler, Pa.
Dixon S. C., Dundee, Mich.
Dixon S. W., Vienna, S. D.
♦Dixon T . L., Clarks, Neb.
♦Dixon U. C., Lindsay, Okla.
Dixon W. A., Union, Okla.
♦Dixon W. C.. Richland. Ga.
Dixson R. C., Presho, S. D.
♦Doan E. H., Coatesville, Pa.
D oan John, Somerton, Ariz.
♦Doan L. V., Bedford, Mo.
Doar Elias, Summerville, S. C.
Dobbins D. E ., Upland, Calif.
Dobbins T. M., Roscoe, Tex,
Dobbs M . E ., M eridian, Miss,
♦Dobie S. L., St. Johns, Ore.
♦Dobson E . M ., Hemingford, Neb.
Dobson J. A., Ulysses, Neb.
Dobyns Leroy, HUliards, O.
Dobyns V. A., Ava, Mo.
Dock J . A., Centralia, Kan.
Docken B., H olt, M inn.
Doctor Chas. D., E lizabeth, N. J.
♦Dodd C. M., Bloodland, Mo.
Dodd H , O., Bogata, Tex.
♦Dodd J. B., Stockbridge, Ga.
♦Dodd J. M ., M arion, 111.
Dodd Lewis K., Bloomfield, N. J.
♦Dodd O. E., Willow Hill, 111.
Dodd Roger, Ringgold, Ga.
♦Dodd T. M ., Orange, Tex.
Dodd W. S., Abingdon, Va.
Dodderidge H. A.. Parkerville,
Doddridge H. G , Lyons, Kan.

Dodds C. V., Calhoun, 111.
♦Dodds C. Y., Mayfield, Ky.
Dodds E . S., Thompson Falls,
M ont.
Dodds F. E., Carriers Mills, 111,
♦Dodds J. A., M ina, S. D.
♦Dodds J. O., Roscoe, Ia.
♦Dodds M . F., Panquitch, U tah.
♦Dodge A. R., Los Angeles, Cal.
Dodge E. L., Angola, Ind.
♦Dodge H. C., Ravenna, O.
Dodge I. E., L ancaster, Cal.
Dodge N A., San Francisco, Cal.
♦Dodge T. E., Albany, Tex.
Dodge Wm. A., W arsaw, 111.
Dodge W . L., Callicoon, N. Y.
Dodson A. R ., Hum boldt. Tenn.
♦Dodson O. N., Jerseyville, 111.
Dodson J . M.. Chiliicothe. Tex.
♦Dodson L. D ., Science Hill, K y.
Dodson L. J., Lorena, Tex.
Dodson M . A., Science Hill, Ky.
Dodson W. E . M ., Rex, Ga.
Doe W. H., Elgin, 111
Doehonde P. E.,Independence. La.
Doepke Paul, W anda, Minn.
♦Doerner F. j „ Graceville, Minn.
D oerr G. W., ID. St. Louis, 111.
♦Doerr, Jr. H. C.. Two Harbors,
M inn.
Doerr H. L. F., Carmine, Tex.
♦Doffing Chas., Hastings, Minn.
D oggett E. E ., Higgins, Tex.
♦Doherr O.. Selby, S. D.
D oherty C. H., Grove, Okla.
♦Doherty J . H „ D etroit, Mich.
D oherty J . J., Dwight, 111.
♦D oherty Jam es, Ridgway, 111.
♦Doherty Jos. T., L athrop, Mo.
♦D onerty R. P.. Kingsville, Tex.
D oherty T. L., El Centro, Cal.
D oherty Jr. W. H., Stilwell, Okla.
Dohogne Leo, Kelso, M o.
Dorl E. C., Cutler, 111.
♦Doize H. O., New Orleans, La.
♦Dokken A., K indred, N- D.
♦Dokken L. G., Hudson, S. D.
D olan J. J „ Prairieburg, Ia.
♦Dolan M . B., Durand, 111.
♦Dolby O. F., Huntington, Ind.
♦Dolen J. L., Randolph, Neb.
♦Dollins G. B., Benton, 111.
Dollison A. A., Fairplay, Colo.
♦Dolph E. W., Scranton, Pa.
♦Dolphin John K., Ryan, Ia.
♦Dolson C. B„ Franklin, Pa.
Dolson E. S„ McCune, Kan.
♦Dolson H. I., McCune, Kan.
♦Domeier H. C., Sleepy Eye, M inn.
Donaghey John, T renton, Tex.
♦Donahoe J. A,, Bedford, Pa.
Donahoe M . H ., Ontario, Wis.
♦Donahue W. H., Soiling, Okla.
Donald A. J., Garrison, Ia.
♦Donald E. C.. Donalds, S. C.
Donald H. L., Rebecca, Ga.
♦Donald W m.. N. Y. City, N. Y.
Donaldson A. L., W hite Bird,
Donaldson C. J., Sheldon, Mo.
Donaldson B. A., Rosebud, Tex.
Donaldson I. B., Hooppole, 111.
♦Donaldson J. H., Floydada. Tex.
Donaldson J. L., Bicknell, Ind.
Donaldson J. W., Moody, Tex.
Donaldson R. F., Statesboro. Ga.
♦Donaldson W. H ., Tulia, Tex.
♦D onant C. L., Brainerd, M inn.
♦D onart J . H „ Stillw ater, Okla.
♦Don Carlos Jr. W. W., Green­
field, Ia.
♦Donelson H. M.,Cedar Vale,Kan.
Donhowe John, Story City, la.
Donkle O. W., F t. Atkinson, Wis.
Donlin C. E ., Hopkins, Mo.
Donlin P. E ., Green Isle, M inn.
Donlin W. C., N. Y. City. N. Y.
Donlin W. J., Castana, Ia.
D onn W. C ., N. Y : C ity, N . Y.
Donnally J. P., Sulphur Mines,Va.
Donnally J, P., Louisa, Va.
Donnan W. C., Le Roy, N. Y.
♦Donnell J . L., Festus, Mo.
Donnell W. R., Festus, Mo.
Donnell W. R. Jr., Hillsboro, Mo.
♦Donnelly H. F., New York, N. Y.
♦Dohnenwirth F. E., Bucyrus, O.
Donoho Clarence, Seaford, Del.
♦Donohue F. H., Artesia, N. Mex.
Donohue J. W., N ational City , Cal.
Donohue R. J., Palm yra, Wis.
♦Donovan C. M., Orrick, Mo.
Donovan C. R., N.Yakim a,W ash.
♦Donovan E. J., Mowbray, N. D.
Donovan G. R., A ltanta, Ga.
♦Donovan H. D., Kirkwood, Mo.
Donovan J . B., Laceyville, Pa.
♦Donovan John, Deshler, O.
♦Doolan Jas. P., Savannah, Ga.
Dooley C. J., Rockville Center,
N. Y.
♦Dooley G- L., Blue River, Wis.
Dooley J. E., Idabel, Okla.
♦Dooley J. H., Leeds, N. D.
Dooley J. H., Stoutsville, Mo.
Dooley J . H „ W yocena, Wis.
♦Dooley J. L., Fredoriia, Kan.
♦Dooley ’ Roy, Crossett, Ark. .
Dooley S. H., Pardeeville, Wis.
Doolin J. E.,M organtown, Ky.
♦Doolin J. O., Paducah, Tex.
D oolittle E. R., M adison, Tenn.

D oolittle B. G., Tekonsha, Mich.
D oolittle J. G., Foster, Mo.
D oolittle L. L., Woolstock, la .
♦Doom L. N., New Carlisle, O.
♦Doorley A. R., Waterloo, la.
Dophelde J . B.. Dedham. Ia.
Doran W. S., Toppenish, Wash.
Dorcas E. V., Lillis, Kan.
♦Dorcas A. G., Monroe, Wash.
Dorchester C. B„ Sherm an, Tex.
D orchester E. D., Velasco, Tex.
Doremus G. R., Ridgefield, N . J.
♦Dorgeloh H. J., N. Y. City, N. Y,
Dorger H. J., Cincinnati, O.
Doris C. A., Dixon, Ky.
♦Doris Carl, Dixon, Ky.
Dorland W. S., San Diego, Cal.
Dorm an A. H., Buffalo, Ia.
Dorm an Ortho, Spokane, Wash.
♦Dorman O. W., Freeport, 111.
Dorm an R. H., Chicago, 111.
Dorminey J. D„ Fitzgerald, Ga.
Dorn A. H., Sanborn, Minn.
♦Dorn August, Stockbridge, Wis.
Dorn George, Sedalia, O.
D om acker L., T uttle, N . D.
D om an H. W., Labaddie. Mo.
D om bluth Paul, Cuero, Tex.
Dornbos J. L.,Grand Haven, Mich.
Dorney J. W., Melbourne, Mo.
Domon R. A. New A lexandria,Pa.
♦D orpat J. C„ Marshfield, Wis.
Dorr J. W., Pensacola, Fla.
Dorrance D. J., Camden, N. Y.
Dorrter W. S., Scottsville. Va.
♦Dorris H ettie, H ayti, Mo.
Dorris W. R., O’Fallon, 111.
D orsett J . K., Spencer, N. C.
D orsett L. W., Sayre, Pa.
Dorsey Jas. B., Cushing, Tex.
♦Dorsey N. G., M t. Airy, M d.
Dorsey W. M ., Taylorsville, Ga.
Dorweiler L. C., Chokio, Minn.
♦Dorwin John, Hudson, Wis.
Dorwin S. C., Springfield, 111.
♦Dosbaugh M. J., Cedar Vale, K an
♦Dosey E. H „ Farm ington, Minn.
♦Dospheide Geo. F., Dedham, Ia.
♦Doss R. E ., Coalgate, Okla.
Dosseth O. C., Plaza, N. D.
Dossett C. F., Keene, Neb.
Dossett M. S.. Madella. Minn.
♦Dossett N. M ., Keene, Neb.
Dostal J. A., P rotivin, Ia.
♦Dostal W. C., P rotivin, Ia.
♦Dosier J. A., Lum ber City, Ga.
♦Doster Paul J., Surrency, Ga.
♦Dotson B. A., St. M arys W. Va.
Doty E zra C.. Mlfflintown. Pa.
D oty G. B., Rochester. M inn.
♦Doty H. D., Cunningham, Kan.
D oty R, E ., Labelle, Fla.
♦Doty R. E., Pullm an, Wash.
♦Doty R oberta, Jam esport, Mo
♦Doty R. W., MIfflntown. Pa.
♦Doub P. B., Goldsboro, N. C.
♦Doubleday Geo. B., Plainview,
Doud A. L„ Douds-Leando, Ia.
Doud M. G., Brawley, Cal.
Douds D. W., Plumville, Pa.
♦Dougan C. E., McConnelsville, O,
Dougan D. O., Ford City. Mo.
♦Dougan R. J., Arkadelphia, Ark.
♦Dougherty Ed., Bettendorf, Ia.
Dougherty E . N., Creston, Ia.
•D ougherty F rank, Bolivar, N. Y.
Dougherty J . D., W ynne Wood,
Dougherty J . L., Liberty, Mo.
Dougherty O. E ., New M arket.Ia.
♦Dougherty T. F., Newcastle, Neb
Dougherty T. L., Cromwell, Ia.
Dougherty W. B., Norfolk, Va.
Dougherty W.F.,Glenwood. Minn.
♦Dougherty W. P., Glenwood,
Doughty Edm und, A urora, N. Y.
Doughty E. E.. Troy, Kan.
Doughty Horace, M artha, Okla.
♦Doughty S. L., Billings, Mont.
Doughty T. W .,Arm strong, Ia.
Douglas C. B., Versailles, O.
Douglas D. F., W. Milton, O.
Douglas E. L., Oblong. 111.
Douglas E . O., Sebring, Fla.
Douglas F., Wilkes Barre, Pa.
Douglas F. E.. Tom Bean, Tex.
♦Douglas G. T ., Berkeley, Cal.
♦Douglas H. E. Catlin, 111.
Douglas J. F., Tutw iler, Miss.
♦Douglas J . P „ Jacksonville, Tex.
♦Douglas W. E ., New York. N . Y.
♦Douglas J. Q., Alma, Ga.
Douglas N. L., Sterling City, Tex.
Douglas Stanley, M arine Mills,
Douglas T. M.. Madison. Ga.
♦Douglas W. F., Van Alstyne, Tex.
Douglass C. C., Chesterfield, S. C.
♦Douglass C. H., Angola, Ind.
Douglass D. H., Chesterfield, S. O.
♦Douglass E. B., T albottom , Ga.
♦Douglass F. W.. Woodsfleld, O.
♦Douglass H . A., Eagle Lake, Tex.
♦Douglass H. L., W hite Salmon,
Douglass H . W., Lam ont, Kan.
Douglass J. K., Neosho. Wis.
Douglass J. S., Gonzales, Tex.
♦Douglass K aytie, College Corner.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

♦Douglass R. W., M arcus, S. D.
Douglass W. J., Halfway, Ore.
D outhat C. A., Quapaw, Okla.
D outhit Eugene, Konawa, Okla.
D outhitt E. H .t Glasgow Junction,
~ Ky.
Dove L. C„ KIngstree, S. C.
Dove S. E., H untley, M ont.
Dovenspike C. A., Latour, Mo.
♦Dovenspike C. A., W orth, M o.
Dover C. E., Sikeston, Mo.
Dovey H. N., Plattsm outh, Neb.

D rayton L. M ., Orchard, Neb.
D rayton R. Li, Royal, Neb.
•Drayton Sam 'l, Jersey City.N. J.
♦Dredla Edward. Crete, Neb.
♦Dreher H. J., Milwaukee, Wis.
Dreher L. S., St. Matthews, S. C.
*Dreier L. H., Goliad, Tex.
Dreilung A. J., Victoria, Kan.

Dressel A. W .t Metaline Falls,
Dressel B. D., Chicago, 111.
Dressell T. L., Cincinnati, O.
Dow A. R., Geneva, 111.
Dressen William, W aupaca, Wis.
Dow C. P., Orlando, Fla.
Dresser R. E ., H arper, Kan.
♦Dow Giles, Stoughton, Wis.
♦Drew A. T ., Seattle, Wash.
♦Dow O. W., Pearl City, 111.
Drew Charles E., Bunker Hill, 111.
Dow Robe, Stoughton, w is.
Drew C. H., Highmore, S. D.
♦Dow Robe Jr., Stoughton, Wis.
Drew D. W., Wainwright, Okla.
♦Dow R. W „ Plym outh, Wis.
♦Drew E. M ., Carson, Ia.
♦Dowd A. S., F ort Smith, Ark.
♦Drew Fred C., San Bernardino,
Dowdell W. O.. Talladega, Ala.
Dowden F. R., Gruver, Ia.
Drew F.. H., Tomah, Wis.
♦Dowden P. H., Ossining, N. Y.
Drew F. M., Ansonia, Conn.
♦Dowdy Fannie, Froutville, Va.
♦Drew H. R „ Joliet, 111.
Dowell B. G., Nowata, Okla.
Drew L. M „ F air Haven, Vt.
Drew W. D „ Midville, Ga.
Dowell Chester, Lindsay, Cal.
♦Drewelow W. A., Wesley, la.
♦Dowell D. C., Tuckerman, Ark.
Drewry J. H., Clifton Forge, Va.
♦Dowell T. G., Tuckerman, Ark.
Drewry W. H.v Ivor, Va.
Dowell W. C., Lone Oak, Tex.
Drews O, A„ Munich, N. D.
♦Dower Lena, Dayton, Ore.
Drews W. F., Hopkins, Minn.
Dowis G. E., Blackwell, Okla.
Drexler C. A., Howard, S. D.
♦Dowis M. A., Rosebud, Tex.
♦Drexler C. A., Junius, S. D.
♦Dowlen L. A., Wolfe City, Tex.
Dreyer A lbert, Aplington, Ia.
♦Dowland W. F., Benton H arbor, Drienhofer J. F., E astland. Tex.
Drlessen J. H., Marlon, Wis.
♦Dowler F. T„ Wheeling, W. Va.
•D riftm yer A. F., Frem ont; O.
Dowling A. L., Leslie, Mich.
Dring A rthur Pawnee Rock, Kan.
♦Dowling J. R., Ozark, Ala.
♦Drlng Joseph, E lm hurst, Cal.
♦Dowling J. S., Larchm ont, N. Y. Drinker F. P „ St. Johns, Ore.
Dowling S. H.. Clayton, Ala.
♦Drinkwalter M aye I., Zumbro
♦Downer Russell C., Actuary,
Falls, Minn.
Brookline, Mass.
Drlpps J. H., Philadelphia. Pa.
♦Downes M. L., Stevensville.Md. ♦Driscoll J. E., Eureka, Utah.
♦Downey E. H .. Chicago, 111.
Driscoll M. C., Yoakum, Tex.
Downey J . F., Arlington, Ind.
Driscoll P., Emery, S. D.
Downey Jno. J., St. Joseph, Mo. Driscoll R. H., Lead, S. D.
Downey T. P., Fulda, Minn.
♦Drlskill F. L.. Baird, Tex.
Downie R. N., M eriden, Kan.
Driver E. E. Osceola, Ark.
Downie W .W .,H arrington, Wash.
Driver Frank, Indianapolis, Ind.
Downing C. E., Carbondale, Pa.
♦Driver J. J.. Benjamin, Tex.
Downing E. B., Cashion, Okla.
Droege H. Fi, H am burg, M inn.
♦Downing E. H., St. Louis, Mo.
Droege H. H., Dunkirk, N. Y.
♦Downing G. S., New York City, ♦Drogseth A. P., Brainerd. Minn.
N . Y.
♦Drolet L. H., Kankakee, 111.
Downing J. A., Scott, O.
♦Drolet R. G- Kankakee, 111.
♦Downing J., Corbin, Ky.
Drone Marion, Ridgway. 111.
Downing J. R., Georgetown, Ky.
♦Drost H. J., Austin, Minn.
♦Downing J . W.. Piketon. O.
Drowatzky C. B., Tomah, Wis.
♦Downing O. G., Cashion, Okla.
♦Druhan R. J., New Orleans, La.
Downing O. G., Reeding, Okla.
Drum H. S., Gridley, 111.
Downing R. J., Hanford, Cal.
DrumheUer F. D., Thurm ond,
Downing R. V., Norman, Okl.
W. Va.
Downing T.W ..E. Downington.Pa. Drum m P. T., Cincinnati, O.
♦Downing V. C., Osborn, Mo.
Drummer A. G., So. D ayton, N. Y.
Downing W. A., Montgomery, Ala. Drummer G. A., Buffalo, N. Y .
♦Downs A. V., Fredericktown, Mo. ♦Drury C. M., Girard, Pa.
Downs Charles, Carl Jet., Mo.
♦Drury J. H., Troy, O.
Downs J. Pi, Edgewood, Tex.
♦Downs, Jr. P. L., Temple, Tex.
Drushel S. G.. E dna, Tex.
Downs R. A., Cedaredge, Colo.
♦Drwenski L., Chicago, 111.
Downs Ross W „ Huntlngton.N.Y. ♦Dry A rthur, Madison, Mo.
♦Downs T. P., Beloit, Kan.
Dryburgh M. L., Fordville, N. D.
♦Downs W. D „ St.Charles, Ia.
♦Dryden H. F., Berkeley, Cal.
Dows Roy A., Osceola, Ia.
Dryden N. N., Eaglevllle, Tenn.
♦Doyle F. A.,' Clear Lake, S. D. Drysdale R. G., Tobias, Neb.
Doyle F rank P., Santa Rosa, Cal. Duba F. E.. Bellfourche. S. D.
♦Doyle G. E., Page, N. D.
♦Dubach G. H „ W athena. Kan.
Doyle G. N„ Tunkhannock, Pa.
Dubach M . R., Simla, Colo.
Doyle J. C., Dyersburg, Tenn.
♦Dubay C. L., Rolette, N. D.
♦Doyle J. C., Royston, Ga.
♦Du Bois A. K .. Liberty, Ind.
♦Doyle M. E., Cuba, Wis.
Dubois C. L.. Highland, N. Y,
Doyle N. M. Minneapolis, Minn. Du Bois Jr.^J. C„ Ashville, Ala.
Doyle S. J., McAlester, Okla.
♦Du Bois J. F., Petersburg, 111.
♦Doyle S. J., G reat Falls, M ont.
Du Bois P. K., Glassboro, N. J.
Doyle W. H., Newark, Tex.
♦Du Bois Smith, Liberty, Ind.
Doyle W. H., PlattevIUe, Wis.
♦Du Bois W. B., Piqua, O.
♦Doyle W. O., Huntsville. Mo.
♦Du Boise E. W., Coldwater.MIss.
Dubord J., Horace, N. D.
♦Dozier L. B., Flovilla, Ga.
Du Bose C. D„ Roseboro. N. C.
♦Dozier L. M ., Mexico, Mo.
Du Bose Gordon, Columbiana, Ala.
Dozier N, B., Nashville, N. C.
Dubrouillet F. V., St. Louis, Mo.
Dozier W. A., Flovilla, Ga.
Dubrouillet T. A., Linn, Mo.
♦Draeger H. E., Sequin, Tex.
♦Du Buisson C. H., M ontclair,
♦Draeger J. E., Red Lake Falls.
N. J.
D uchateau A. H. A., Daggett, ■
♦Draggoo F. C., Parker. In d .
Dragoo N. F „ Fairfax. Mo.
Ducker E. D., Bach, Mich. 1
Drake B. T., Bellingham, Wash.
Duckett O. D., Greenwood, S. C.
D rake Charles B., Redmond, Ore. ♦D uckett P., Cornelia, Ga.
♦Drake C. F., M ankato, Kan.
D uckett T. A., Clayton, Ga.
D rake E . E ., Sm ethport, Pa.
Duckies W. L;, Edwardsville, 111.
♦Drake G. W., Warsaw, Mo.
♦Duckwall Guy, Van Buren, Ind.
Drake H. A., Radcliffe, Ia.
Duckwall J. W .,B unker Hill, Ind.
Drake Jam es, Campton. Ky.
♦Duckworth R. T., Boone. Ia.
♦Drake Joe C., Greenwood, Ind. Duclos A. J., Rayne, La.
Drake J . E., Griffin, Ga.
♦Ducote W arren S., Cottonoort,
D rake J. J., Olive Branch, 111.
D rake J. O., Weldon, N. C.
♦Ducrest M., St. Martinsville, La.
♦Drake M . B., Chestnut, 111.
♦Dudek A., Clarkson. Neb.
♦Drake M. E „ Altam ont. Mo.
♦Dudek, Emil, Clarkson, Neb.
♦Drake R. A., Griffin, Ga.
Dudek F rank Jr., Rogers, Neb.
Drake S. F., W inchester, Tex.
♦Dudley A- H., Roanoke, Va.
Dudley B. F.. Utica, Miss.
♦Drake V. M., La Fayette. Ind.
♦Drake W alter, Henning, Tenn.
Dudley E ., Ozona, Tex.
D rake W. B. Jr., Raleigh. N. C. Dudley Geo. W., W. Salem, Wis.
Dudley H. H „ Concord, N. H.
♦Dräne J. L., Crestwood, Ky.
Dudley W. K „ Pueblo, Colo.
♦D raper A. P., Lebanon, Mo.
♦Dudman W. E ., M acomb, 111.
♦Draper C. C., Lebanon, Mo.
Duea M . C., Hills, M inn.
♦Draper C. F., KIngsburg, Cal.
Draper F. B„ Adams, Neb,
♦Dueber J. F., Reatdan, Wash.
Draper G. A., Ellettsvllle, Ind.
Due Gustav, Sandborn, Ind. .
♦Duelbert E . C. W ellington, Mo.
Drath F. Hi. Herndon. Kan.

Düer P. C„ Charlotte, la .
Duerre M, T., Plainview, Minn.
♦Duerrwaechter B. C., So.German. town, Wis.
Duerrwaechter P. G., So. German­
town, Wis.
♦Duerson B. A., Louisville, Ky.
D ufendachF.H .,H untlngburg,Ind.
Duff A. L„ W indsor, Mo.
♦Duff W. H ., Plumerville, Ark.
♦Duff W. H „ Neosho, Mo.
♦Duffelmeyer H. J., Joplin, Mo.
♦Duffet G. E . F., Los Angeles. Cal.
♦Dufley F. A., Burnettsvllle, Ind.
Duffield H. E., Paxton, 111. .
Duffleid W. H., Lima, O.
♦Duffy E. J., Caledonia, M inn.
Duffy Jas., M angum, Okla.
Duffy J. C., H ighland Park. 111.
♦Duffy J. E ., Redondo Beach, Cal.
Duffy M. J., P atch Grove, Wis.
♦Dufphey J. B., B attle Creek, Neb.
♦Dufty J. R „ Merrill. Mich.
Dufty W. J., Owendale, Mich.
♦Dufur A. E ., Burbank, Cal.
Dufur F. E., Lorimor, Ia.
♦Dufur Oma E. M ., Lorimor, Ia.
Dugan C. A., Decatur. Ind.
Dugan G. B., Dodge City, Kan.
Dugan Henry, Aberdeen, Miss.
Dugan P. B., W est Point, Miss.
D u Gard Tillie M ., Thomson, III.
♦Dugas H. G., Paincourtville, La.
Duggan Jam es T.. Mobile. Ala.
♦Duggon A. H.. Cadwell. Ga.
♦Dugstad C. S., Anamoose, N . D.
Duis J. H., Flanagan, 111.
Duke C. E., Clarendon, Tex.
Duke G. H., Hotchkiss, Colo.
Duke John P., Palouse, Wash.
Duke Lee. C arthage, Tenn.
♦D ukehart Graham, Portland, Ore.
♦Duker J. L., Quincy, 111.
Duker M. E., Victor, Colo.
Dukes A. S., UnionviUe, Ia.
Dukes C. C., Milan, Ga.
♦Dukes C. D., St. George, S. C.
♦Dukes L. B., Moultrie. Ga.
♦Dukes L. B., Victor, Colo.
♦Dukes W. H „ Rockville, Ind.
Dukes W. J „ Ridgeville, S. C.
♦Dukes W. M ., Centerville. Ia.
Dull H. H „ Hooversvllle,.Pa.
♦Du M ars H. E ., Bloomington, III.
♦Du M ars Ralph E ., Trivoli, 111.
♦Du M ars Russell P., Trivoli, 111.
Dumas C. F., Coleman, Tex.
Dumay A. M., W ashington, N. C.
Dumm D. G„ P atton. Pa.
♦D umm ett G. A., Currie, M inn.
Dumn W. I., Green River, W yo.
Dunagan L. F., Friendship.Tenn.
♦Dunahugh R. W., Clyde, Kan.
Dunaway C., Chickamauga, Ga.
Dunaway, J. P., Vale, Ore.
Dimaway L. T., Eldorado Springs,
Dunaway W. W„ Newport, Ark.
♦Dunbar A. E ., Monroe, Mich.
D unbar Alexander. P ittsburgh,
D unbar A. L., Golden, Tex.
D unbar David, Lynn, Mass.
Dunbar J . M„ MeadvUle. Pa.
Dunbar. N. W., Canton, Mass.
Duncan A. C.. Mt. Gilead, O.
Duncan C. C., Areola, Mo.
♦Duncan C. E. R aritan, 111.
Duncan C. E „ Glouster, O.
♦Duncan C. H., Ukiah, Cal.
♦Duncan C. J., Columbus Jet., Ia.
♦Duncan C. W., Scottsville, Ky.
Duncan E. B., Bakersfield, Cal.
♦Duncan E . R., Windsor, 111.
Duncan F. R., Browning, Mo.
Duncan ,G. L., Creston, Wash.
Duncan H. W., Winnemucca, Nev.
Duncan J. F., Campbell, Cal,
♦Duncan J. F., Oliver Spgs., Tenn.
Duncan J. J., Sllex, Mo.
♦Duncan J . T.,. P latte City, Mo.
Duncan L. W., Muskogee, Okla.
Duncan P . F., Duncannnon, Pa.
Duncan R. R., Merna, Neb.
Duncan S tuart, La Salle, 111.
Duncan Susan, Maysvillej Mo.
Duncan W. A.. W est Liberty.
Duncan W. A., Bremen, Ga.
D uncan W., Milroy, M inn.
♦Duncan Wm. F., Asheville, N. C.
Duncan W. H., Loyalton, Cal.
Dunckley W. H., Portland, Ore.
♦Dundas H. F., Fairview >M ont.
Dunegan J. W., Stevens Point.Wis.
♦Dunfrund H. C., Milton, l a ! ,
♦Dungan H. O., H untington, Ind.
Dungan W. P., J r .,-Elizabethton,
♦Dunham C. A., Omaha, Neb.
♦Dunham O. V., Norwood, O.
Dunham E. C., Morrow, O.
Dunham G. A., M anistee, Mich.
♦Dunham G. H., M anchester, Ia.
Dunham G. T., Scranton, Pa.
Dunham W. B., Raytown, Mo.
Dunham W. L., Highland Park.
♦Dunkelberg H. R., Sunnyvale,
Dunker W. J.. Grandmound. Ia.
♦Dunkle W. G., Sioux City, Ia.

D unlap A. C., St; Frances, Ark.
Dunlap A. M., Gleason. Tenn.
Dunlap E . M., Jacksonville, 111.
*Dunlap Geo. I., M ount Vernon,
D unlap H. E ., M cLean, Neb.
D unlap H. E „ Willcox, Ariz.
Dunlap H .W .,H ollandP atent,N . Y.
Dunlap H. W ., Remsen, N. Y. ■
Dunlap Ira B., Rockhill, S. G.
Dunlap J . A;, Eeokuk, la .
D unlap John B:, M uncy, Pa.
D unlap J. V., Cordele, Ga.
♦Dunlap R . C., Macon, Ga.
♦Dunlap Jr. R. D., Clarksville,Ark
♦Dunlap R. P., Bells, Tenn.
Dunlap R . S., Greenville, W. Va.
D unlap S; C. Jr., Gainesville. Ga.
D unlap T. Reed, Alger, O.
♦Dunlap W. E., E. Liverpool, O.
Dunlap W. E., Tulare. Cal.
♦Dunleavy F. J., Ellsworth, Me.
Dunlevy W. T ., Jonesville, Ind.
D unn A. C., Bullochville, Ga.
D unn Alex Jr., Holton, Kan.
♦Dunn A. W., F t. Stockton, Tex.
D unn B. W ., Richm ond, Mo.
♦Dunn Byron, Lincoln, Neb.
♦Dunn C., Ittabena, Miss.
D unn C. G., Yazoo City, Miss.
D unn C. P., Taos. N . M .
D unn Clarence, M ill Hall, Pa.
P utin Clarance, Van M eter, la.
D unn D. A., J r., Sm ithland, K y.
D unn D. C.. Houston, Tex.
♦Dunn D. D., Ravenna. Tex.
D unn E. E „ Myrtle. Minn.
D unn F. I., Bolckow, Mo.
♦Dunn F. L., Tulsa, Okla.
♦Dunn G., Alexander, la.
D unn G. C., Dawson, Tex.
D unn Jr. Geo. F., H oytville, O.
♦Dunn J. A., Modesto, Cal.
♦Dunn J. B. H ., Baltim ore, M d.
D unn J. C., Newvllle, Ala.
♦Dunn J. C., Bellevue, la .
D unn J . C., Lena, 111.
♦Dunn J . M., Chillicothe. Mo.
D unn J. R., Dawson, Tex.
♦Dunn L. B., Onaga, Kan.
♦D unn M . W., E lba, Ala.
D unn N. C., Oxford. Kan.
D unn Neil H ., E lk Creek, Neb.
D unn P. B. Jr., Shelbyville, Mo.
♦Dunn P . J., Adrian, Mich.
♦Dunn T. F., Carthage, 111.
Dunn Thomas, W heatland, Ind.
D unn W . F., Alexander, la.
D unn W. G., Fostoria, Kan.
D unn W. P ., Clarkston, Ga.
D unn W. P., Parker, Ariz.
D unn W. T., Altoga, Tex.
Dunnam S. E ., Quinlan, Tex.
D unnegan J . M„ Bolivar, Mo.
♦Dunning C., Bedford, la .
Dunning John P ., Spalding, Neb.
♦D unphy E. M ., Cass Lake, M inn.
♦Dunscomb G. H., Chicago, 111.
♦Dunson J. E ., Jr., L a Grange, Ga.
Dunson W. H., Austwell, Tex.
♦D unton A. G., Riceville, la.
D unton George C., W ebster, S. D.
D u nton H. C.. Townsend. Va.
♦Dunton L. H., Arcadia, Kan.
D unton L. H., D avid, la.
♦D unton Lynn, Townsend, Va.
Dunton W. S„ Oak Hill, Mo.
Dunwell W. K., Southam pton,
N. Y.
♦Dunwiddie N . E ., Arlington
Heights, 111.
*du P arc Chas., San Francisco,
Duphorne Marcel, H arper, Kan.
Dupleix P . R., Youngsville, La.
Dupre A. L., Opelousas, La.
♦Dupree Charles, Bogata, Tex.
♦Dupree R. B., Waco, Tex.
Du Pree W . L., W oodstock, Ga.
♦D upriest W. E ., Victoria, Va.
D upuy A rthur F., M inden, La.
Dupuy E . L., Brookport, 111.
D urand E. E., Green Ridge, Mo,
D urand F. A .,Junction City, Kan.
D urant A. F., Columbus, O.
♦D urant E . A., Rawlins, W yo.
♦Du R a n t H. A,. Mullins, S. C.
♦Du Val E . T ., Richmond, Va.
D urban G. A., Aiken, S. C.
♦D urbin Florence, M alvern, la .
Durbin Fred, Malvern, la .
D urbin L. Zoe. M cClure. O.
♦Durbon Vassar, Junction City,
Durfee Joseph, Rockport. Mo.
D urham C. M., W hiteland, Ind.
♦D urham G. C., Lockney, Tex.
♦D urham H. S., M obeetie, Tex.
D urham J . E ., Russellville, Ind.
Durham M., Coopersville, Mich.
♦D urham O. E., Okeene, Okla.
♦D urham T . R., C hattanooga,
T enn.
*|S *2
D urham W alters. Raleigh, N. C.
Durham W . A., G alatia, 111.
Durham W . M„ Comanche, Tex.
D urham W. N ., Mobeetie, Tex.
♦D urian Roy, W ellman, la.
Durkes S. A.. F ranklin Grove, 111.
Durland B. C., Chester, N. Y.
Durling S. C., W adsw orth. O.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

E asterlin J r. J.B ., M ontezum a,G a. E ddy Ira, Havensville, Kan.
♦Durnell T., Big Sandy, M ont.
♦Easterling R . D ., Glennville. Ga. Eddy W . H „ Boyden, la .
♦Durnin T. J., Milwaukee, Wis.
Ede C. H ., Peck, Ida.
♦E astham N. L., Mt. Carmel, 111.
Duroe C. R ., Jeffers, Minn.
♦Ede J. H., Peck, Ida.
♦Eastin D. P., Lexington, Ky.
♦D urrett D. W., Richmond, Va.
♦Edel H. M ., Savannah, Ga.
D u rrett J . B., Marysville, Ky.
♦Eastlack F . T ., Philadelphia, Pa. ♦Edelen E. G., Hughesville, Mo.
D urst J , H., Monroe, Wis.
♦Eden B. A., Rowland, N. C.
D urst Louis, Tyler, Tex.
♦Eder L. G., Ham m ond, Ind.
D urston G, C., Skaneateles, N. Y. ♦Eastm an C. S., Cambridge, 111.
♦Edgar C. H ., Jackson, M ich.
♦Eastm an E . E .. Alva, Okla.
♦Durve J. F., N atona, Kan.
E dgar W. A., Ashley, Pa.
E astm an H. O., Mitchell, Neb.
Duryee J. F.. Suffern, N. V .
Edge J . H., Summerville. Ga.
D uryee J . M ., Oak Park, 111.
♦Edgemon S. N .. Green Forest.
E astm an J. H., Barnum , Ia.
D usenberry J „ Ludlow, Mo.
♦E astm an M. G., Crawford, Neb.
♦Dushane F . M., Baltim ore, Md.
Edgerton C. A., Northfleld, Vt.
♦E astm an O. T., Omaha, Neb.
♦Duss L. E ., New Cambria, Mo.
F. E ., Kirkwood, 111.
D usterberry F. T., Centerville,Cal.
♦Edgemon C. L., Englewood, Tenn
♦E aston C. M„ Herscher, 111.
D utch R. E „ Brule, Neb.
E dgington E. W., Spokane, Wash.
♦Easton C. S„ Oxford, N. C.
D u T oit D . W ., Chaska, M inn.
♦Edkins P. J., St. Vincent, Minn.
Eastwold M artin, Malakofl, Tex.
Dutsch R . H ., Covington, La.
Edlefsen J . N., St. Johns, Ore.
E aton A. G., Montpelier, Vt.
D utton F. E., M anchester, la .
♦Edlefson W . F., Boston, Mass.
D utton E. W., N. Y. City, N. Y.
G. L ., Canova, S. D.
E aton Cyrus A., New Berlin, Pa.
D utton F . W .. Pittsfield, Mass.
♦E aton E. C., H erm an, Minn.
♦D utton Gilbert, Knoxville, la.
j., Milnor, N. D.
E aton F. R., Kalamazoo, Mich.
♦D utton H. F., Martinsville. Ind.
E dinisten M . A., Goodman, Mo.
E aton G. A.. Prinoeton, Minn.
F. B., Rich view. 111.
D utton J . S., B utte, Mont.
E dm lston W . A., Brownsville, Pa.
♦Eaton H. R „ Boone, Ia.
D utton O. W „ Grand Je t., Ia.
♦Edmond N., Clarem ont, M inn.
E aton H. R., Ogden, Ia.
♦Duvall B. J., Bentleyville, Pa.
Edm ond W. L., Waco, Tex.
E aton H. S., W ood River, Neb.
♦DuVall C. S., Lindsay, Okla.
Edmonds B. J., N apa, Cal.
E aton J . E „ Arlington, Kan.
Duvall Homer, Butler, Mo.
C. J., Lebanon, Ky.
♦Duvall S. G., Frederick. Md.
Edm onds E . C., Spur, Tex.
E aton T. H., Portland, Me.
Duvell W. H ., M arling, M o.
Edm onds T . M ., N orris C ity, 111.
D vorak Joseph, Bruno, Neb.
Eaves F. M .. E dgar Springs, M o. ' Edm onds W arner, Chula Vista,
D vorak J. R., M antador, N. D.
♦Dvorak F . J., C edar Rapids, Ia. Eaves J . S., Lovington, N. M.
♦Edmonds W arner, N ational City,
E bbs C- J., Marshall, N. C
Dvorak Joseph, Caldwell, Kan.
D vorsky G. W.. Iowa City, Ia.
Edmondson A. C., Marion, O.
Ebeling G. L., Leona, Kan.
♦Dwehus A., Rockville, Neb.
ondson A. T ., W arner, Okla.
♦Ebeling H ., Glencoe, Minn.
Dwehus E., Rockville, Neb.
Edmondson W. F.. Milton, Ia.
Ebeling J . F., Wheeling, W . Va.
♦Dwelle C. H ., Northwood. Ia.
Edmonson Lou, Republic, Mo.
*Dwelle E. A., Enid, Okla.
Edmonson W. P., E ast Lynne, Mo.
D w erlkotte Jos., M arysville, Kan. E berhardt E . G„ Salina, Kan.
C., Savannah, Ga. .
E berhardt E. W ., W est Bend, Wis. ♦Edmonston
Dwier Geo. W ., D arby, Pa.
♦Eberhart Floyd, Gilman City, Edm onston C. W ., Washington,
Dworak E . J., David City, Neb.
D. C.
Dwyer F . R., Bradford, O.
Edm onston T. E ., Guthril, Mo.
E berhardt Fred F ., Salina, Kan.
♦Dwyer R. I., Marseilles, 111.
E berhardt G. E., Lindsborg, Kan. Edmonstone A. F., Dilley, Tex.
Dyal C. D., Lodi, N. J .
♦Edmudson D. V., Woodlawn, Ala.
♦Dye D. P., Kershaw, S. C.
♦Edmund F. S., Thomville, O.
Eberle G. A., Comanche, Okl.
♦Dye E. C.i Gannvalley, S. D.
♦Edm unds C. H ., Knoxvlle, Tenn.
Eberly Chas., Mechanicsburg. Pa.
♦Dye J. A., Hillsboro, N. M .
♦Edmunds G. P.. Ridgeway, S. C.
D ye J. R., Chester, S. C.
Edm unds H. E., Y ankton. S. D.
♦Eberly John, David City, Neb.
♦Dye R. S., Richmond, Kan.
E bernau T. C., F ond du Lac, Wis. E dm unds H. L., Gardiner, Ore.
♦Dye S. G., Ogden, Utah.
♦Eberspacher J. C., Shelbyville, E dm unds J. T., Rushville, Neb.
D ye Samuel W., Oronoco, Mo.
♦Edm unds W. M .. Grand Forks
♦Dyer A. N ., Grangeville, Ida.
N . D.
E b ert E . C., Brenerton, Wash.
D yer E . H ., W ashington, D. O.
E dm undson F. A.. Greeneville,
E b ert T . P., Lovelocks, Nev.
D yer D. A., Culver, Kan,
N. C.
♦E bert W. H ., Lesueur Center, Edm
♦Dyer G. C., Kansas City, Mo.
undson G. W., Dooling, Ga.
M inn.
♦Dyer H . L., Spencer, W . Va.
E dm undson H ., Roosevelt, Okla.
E berts C. H., W arwood, W. Va.
♦Dyer J., Centrahom a, Okla.
Edrington T., Osceola. Tex.
D yer Jno. D., Houston, Tex.
C. S., Goshen, N. Y.
D yer J. H ., Provincetown, M ass. ♦Ebner G. W., San Francisco, Cal. Edsall
♦Edsall E . S., Bozeman, M ont.
♦Ebright H. L., Miffiin, Pa.
♦Dyer J. H., Purcell, Okla.
R.. Nichols, N. Y.
Dyer J . M ., Sumner, Miss.
Edsall T. D., Ham burg, N. J.
♦Eby A. J., H olt, M o.
♦Dyer Louis H., Hoopeston, 111.
F „ E ureka. Cal.
♦Dyer R. E ., Ellensburg, W ash.
E by A. M. Hazleton. Pa.
Dyer S. R., Grimes, Ia.
Edw ards A. H ., Des Moines, Ia.
E by H. W ., Colony, Okla.
♦Dyer T. H ., Albany, Ky.
Edw ards A., Santa B arbara, Cal.
E by J . G., Mülheim, Pa.
Dyer W .. Jonesburg, Mo.
Edwards C . B., Royal Oak, Mich.
♦Eby S. H., Greencastle, Pa.
D yer W. M ., K ansas C ity, Mo.
Edw ards C. B., Lam ar, Mo.
D yer W. O., M illadore, W. Va.
♦Edwards C. C., Jeanerette. La.
M inn.
♦D ykem an D. W., E verett, Wash.
Edwards E. H., W aynetown, Ind.
Eccleston J. Y „ Oakland. Cal.
♦Dykes R. A., Whitwell, Tenn.
Echelbarger Fred, Prairie D epot, Edwards E. I., Jersey City,. N. J.
D yre J. N., Seat Pleasant, M d.
♦Edwards E. L., Ludington, Mich.
Dyreng P . P., Manti, U tah.
Edwards F. L., So. Rockwood,
Echols H ubert, M arlinton, W . Va
♦DyTeng R . P ., M anti, U tah.
Echols D., Brownsboro, Tex.
M ich.
. ' ,
♦Dyrlund C. M ., Portland, Ore.
Echols M . D., Brownsboro, Tenn. E dw ards F . V,, Dos Palos, Cal.
♦D ysart E . C., Bristow, Okla.
Edw ards F. Z., Sherm an, Tex.
Eck C. F., Miamisburg, O.
♦D ysart W . R., Ripon, Wis.
Edwards G. C., South Range,Mich.
E ckart G. R „ MarysvlUe, Gal.
D yste H. N., Stirum , N. D.
E ckart J . P., G uttenberg, Ia.
♦Edwards G. H ., Atchison. Kan.
♦E ckart O. B., Guttenberg, la .
♦Edwards G. M., Union S p’gs, Ala.
Eaches A. D ., Phoenixville, P a.
Ecker H. E ., St. Louis, Mo.
♦Eades H. L., Central City, Ky.
E dw ards G. W ., H arrodsburg, Ky.
♦Eckerle P . F., L anark, 111.
Eadie Benjamin, Hanover, IU.
Eckern A nthon, P ortland, Ore.
♦Edwards H;, Caddo, Okla.
E ads George, Harwell, Tex.
Edw ards H. D., St. Petersburg,
E ckern Edwin, Valdez, Alaska.
Eads J . D., W arrensburg, Mo.
Eckerson J. Lee, Oanby, Ore.
E agan J . R., Darien, Wis.
♦Edwards H. G., Chula Vista, Cal.
Eagle C. R., Benld, 111.
♦Edwards H. L., Santa Barbara,
♦Eckert A. A., Jasper, Ind.
♦Eagle H. B., Quenemo, Kan.
E ckert E . J., D etroit, Mich.
♦Eagle Hilding L., Delano, M inn.
♦Edwards H. M., Amite, La.
Eckes W . F., W ahpeton, N. D.
Eagle W. M ., Quenemo, Kan.
♦Edwards H. M ., Walker, Ia.
♦Eckford C. G., Greenville, Ga.
Eagles H. B., Owensboro, Ky.
♦Eagleston E . G., Smithville, Tex. Eckford Jam es, Chouteau, Mont. E dw ards Homer P., Roosevelt,
U tah.
■ ■,
♦Eaken E. W., Jeffersonville, Ind. E ckhardt A. H., Menomonee.Falls,
Edw ards I. N ., L a Kemp, Okla.
♦Eakins E . R., Sharon, Kan.
Edw ards J. A., Jr., G an tt, Ala.
♦E ckhardt G. W., Auburn, Cal.
E akins G., Duff an, Tex.
Edw ards J . B.. Hiwasse, Ark.
E ck h ard t O tto, Davenport, Ia.
Eakins Guy O., Duffau, Tex.
E dw ards J. C., New H aven, Conn.
E ckhardt R. C., Taylor, Tex.
E aly J . M., Caro, Mich.
Edwards J . C., Morrisville, Mo.
♦Eames E . H., Georgetown, Tex. E ckhart G.W .Jr..W heeling,W .Va.
♦Edwards J . C., Seneca, S. C.
E ck h art L. A., L etts, Ind.
E ardley A. E ., Carrizo Spgs., Tex.
Edwards J . M., Dansville, N. Y.
♦Earl E. H., Sterling, O.
♦Edwards J. M ., Gordon, Tex.
♦Eckler F. R., Elyria, O.
E arl W. L., Larned, Kan.
E dw ards J. P., Rockbridge, Mo.
Eckles A. H., HopkinsvUle, Ky.
E arle Lee, Orion, Mich.
Eckley W. L., W indham, M ont. ♦Edwards J. R.. Centralia, Mo.
E arle L. M.. Cashton, Wis.
♦Edwards J.S., Santa Barbara.Cai.
Eckloff Jo h n C., W ashington.D.C.
♦Earlewine C. J., Bellair, 111.
♦Edwards J. W.. Hiseville. Ky.
E arls W - F., S alt Lake City. U tah. E cklund E. O., Conrad, Ia.
Edw ards J. W., Vaughnsville, U.
♦Eckman C. H., Coyle, Okla.
♦Early A. E ., Centralia, Mo.
E ckm an
K nute,
Minneapolis, Edwards L. A., Seneca, S. C.
♦Early C. B „ Welch. W. Va.
Edwards Lewis, Norm an Park, Ga.
M inn.
E arly Geo. W .. Marcellne, Mo.
E ckm ann A. M., Hendrum , Minn. ♦Edwards M rs. M attie, Boonevilie
E arly H. A., Cambridge, Ia.
♦Eckstein Alex., Jasper, Ind.
♦Edwards M. A., Peru, Ind.
♦Eckstein W ., Home, Kan.
E arnest C. O., No. Loup, Neb.
♦Ecroyd E . T ., Pierce City, M o. ♦Edwards M aud, M anes, Mo.
E am shaw . F. W., Okeana, O.
♦Edwards M. C.. Roachdale, Ina.
♦Eddelmon A. O.. Lodi, Cal.
Easley E arnest. Denver, Tenn.
♦Edwards M . J., Roosevelt, Utah.
♦Eddie J., H anover, 111.
♦Easley H. L., Auburn. 111.
♦Edwards O. P., Leipsic, O.
Easley J. D„ Greensburg. La.
Edwards R. E „ Douglasville, Ga.
Easley J. D., Montpelier, La.
♦Eddington Gladys F., M onte­ ♦Edwards Ralph, Eufaula, Okla.
Easley J. R., New Canton, 111.
zuma, Kan.
Easley M. T., F air Play, Mo.
Edwards R . S., Russellville, Ky.
♦Eddings G. P., Moberly, Mo.
♦Easley T. O., So. Boston, Va.
♦Edwards R. Z., M cC urtain, Okia.
♦Eddins T. J.. Slidell. La.
Easley W. A., Sebree, Ky♦Eddlem an R. A., Estelline, Tex. ♦Edwards S. A.. E astm an. Ga.
♦Eason O. E;, Robstown, Tex.
Edw ards T . J., H am ilton, Mont.
♦East J. M ., South Boston. Va.
E dw ards W . A., W eston, W. va.
E ddy A. E ., Brookpark, M inn.
E ast T. J., Bridgeport, Wash.
Edw ards W aldo, Bevier, Mo.
E ddy C. J ., BiUings, Mont. .
E asterday C. FI, Vandalia, 111.
♦Edwards W alter, Calumet. Mich.
E asterday H. A., Lincoln, Neb.
E dw ards W. C., Kewaunee, wis.
E ddy I . J., Mikado, Mich.
E asterday O. R ., P ortland, Ind.

Edwards W. J., San Jose, Cal.
♦Edwards W . L „ Cleburne, Tex
Edwards W. M., Portage, Wls ’
Effertz F. J „ W aconia, Minn ’
Effertz J . S.. Belle Plaine, mitvti
Effing E. H., Parkesburg, Pa.
Efflnger J. C., N. St. Paul, Minn.
Efird H. P„ Oakboro, N. O.
♦Egan D. B., New London, Wis.
Egan M. A „ Beach, N. D.
Egerer E . L „ Denver. Colo.
Egerton C. B„ Ironton, O.
Egerton J . F „ Milwaukee, Wis.
♦Egertson Sever T., Estherville, la
♦Egge A. L.. Hibbing, Minn.
♦Egge D. J., Hibbing, M inn.
♦Eggen G. J „ Florence, S. D.
Eggen N. G., Prosper, N. D.
Eggen P. F „ Sedan, Kan.
♦Egerman J.. Calio, N. D.
♦Eggers E. S., P ittsburgh, Pa.
Eggers E . H., Appleton, Mo.
♦Eggerichs F. A., Roswell, S. D.
Eggerss H. G„ Lawrence, Neb,
♦Eggert Alfred, H um boldt, S. D
♦Eggert F. S., Ackley, la .
♦Eggleston Charles, Toledo, 111.
♦Egley G. B„ La Hoque, 111.
♦Egley G. B., Onarga, 111.
Egley, W. H., Onarga, 111.
♦Eglin Annie, Ocean Spgs., Miss
Eglin B „ Northville, N. Y.
♦Eglin B. L., G ranada, M inn.
Egly Albert, Grabill, Ind.
♦Egnell O. J., P axton. 111.
♦Ego R. W., Christine, N. D.
Egstad Ingral, Cameron, Wis.
Ehinger E. Decatur, Ind.
Ehlerding C. H ., Cincinnati, O.
♦Ehlers Edwin, St. Paul, Minn.
Ehlers F G., Plym outh, la.
Ehlers H. H., Memphis, Neb.
♦Ehlers H. J „ Plym outh, la .
Ehlers H. W., Decker, Mich.
♦Ehlers M . J., Shabbona, Mich.
♦Ehlers O. W., Yorktown. Tex.
Ehlers W. F „ Shabbona, Mich.
Ehred F . W., Hope, N. D.
Ehrhardt, Carl, Beecher, 111.
♦Ehrhardt J. B., E hrhardt, S. C.
Ehrich G. H., Kankakee, 111.
♦Eichelman G .C ., Rochester, N. Y
Eicher E. J.. W ayland, la.
♦Eicher F. W., Schellburg, Pa.
♦Eichenberger H „ Caddo, Okla.
Eichenlaub F., Vancouver, Wash.
♦Eichmeyer, J. F „ Treloar, Mo.
Eichmiller G. S., Hector, Minn.
♦Eichner F.. South Bend, Wash.
Eick J. H., Tioga, Pa.
♦Eicken E arl, Olney, III.
♦Eickman M.. Gregory, S. D.
♦Eidson, C. W.. Eaton, O.
♦Eidemiller H. E ., Tippecanoe
City, Ohio.
♦Eidmann H. W., Chicago, 111.
♦Eielson Edwin O., H atton, N. D.
♦Eilber Roland, Applegate, Mich.
Eilbert Louis, W inona, Wash.
♦Eilerman F. W., Oroville, Cal.
Ellers H erm an, Oshkosh, Wis.
Einfeldt William, Oak Park, 111.
♦Eilerman F. W.. Oroville, Cal.
♦Einspanjer E. T., F t. M adison,la.
Eisenbach H. O., Butler, O.
Eisenhart A. C.. Culbertson, Neb.
♦Eisenhart E . R „ Culbertson, Neb.
Eisenmayer C. W., Trenton, 111.
Elsenmayer H .C ., Lebanon, 111.
r4?,er v;
Nebraska City, Neb.
♦Ekeroth J . A., Essex, la.
♦Eklund C. J ., Grasston, M inn.
Ekman K nute, Minneapolis, M inn
Ekstan J. E ., M arathon, la.
♦Ekstedt C. E ., Altona, 111.
Ekstrand C. T ., Virginia, M inn.
Elam H unter, Union City, Tenn.
Elbe! H arriett E.,South B end,Ind.
Elbln H arry, Cameron, W. Va.
♦Elbin J . I., Cameron, W. Va.
* !$ er i- K., Salem, Ky.
♦Elder Jo h n Jr., New Castle. Pa.
*Eldred O. H ., Carrollton, Ind.
Eidred J . L., Carrollton 111.
♦Eldred John H ., Carrollton. 111.
Eldredge C. G., WUdwood, N. J.
♦Ejdridge Carleton, Middletown,
Eldridge H. D., Princeton, N. J.
„Eldrjdge W. E ., Fulton, Mich,
Eldridge W. F „ Morristown, S. D.
Eldridge Jr. W. T., Sugar Land,
♦Elertson H.. R iver Falls, Wis.
H ubert L., Oourtland, Va.
♦Elfstrom O. E ., Roger, N. D.
anas on A. O., Montevideo, Minn.
Elkms D. O., Stringtown, Okla.
E to n s O. C., Stringtown, Okla.
Elkins S. J., Nixon, Tex.
S.uuus Willard. Sweetser, Ind.
f ™ s ° n D. R., Gillette Grove, la.
Ellefson Joel, W aterville, la.
Elleman E. z .. W est Milton, o.
EUeraas A., Gary, M inn
t ®Eerbrock F. W., Omemee. N. D.
Ellerton H . H., D etroit, Mich.
Ellertson E ., M illbrook, 111.
Ellery S. W., Miami, Ariz.
Ellery w. J., Miami. Ariz.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Ellet Charles, Mayfield, Cal.
E llett A. M., Chillicothe, Mo.
♦Ellett E. C., Denver, Colo.
Elliam A. P., Dickinson, N. D.
♦Elhng H. O., Pony, M ont.
♦EUing Karl, Ennis, M ont.
Elling Karl, Virginia City, Mont.
Ellinger A. E., Noble, Okla.
Elhnghouse O., San Francisco,
EUingson A. S., Northwood, N. D.
*EUingson N. E., Rugby, N. D.
♦Ellington E arl, M endota, Va.
♦Ellington Jas., Moorefleld, Ky.
♦Ellington Jos. F „ Hazlehurst, Gsa
Ellington R. D., Portageville, Md.'
E lhott A. Hayes, Auburn. W. Va.
E lliott A. G., Corsicana, Tex.
Elliott A. J., Webster, Tex.
Elliott A. W., Twinsburg, O.
Elliott B., Edgerton, Mo.
E lliott B.. Odessa, Mo.
♦Elliott B. G., Verdon, S. D.
♦Elliott C. B., Owensboro, Ky.
Elliott C. F., Winnsboro, S. C.
♦Elliott C. H., Massena, N. Y.
♦Elliott C. P „ Amarillo, Tex.
E lliott E. C„ Sunrise, Ky.
E lliott E. E „ Compton, Cal.

♦Elliston Milton, Jr., Mortonsville, Ky.
♦Ellithorpe, L. M ., W estby, M ont.
♦Ellsberry L. K., Geneseo, 111.
Eilston J. C., Exeter, Mo.
Ellsworth F. H , Rigby, Ida.
Ellsworth F. W., Vesper, Wis.
♦Ellsworth G. L., Vesper, Wis.
♦Ellsworth W. D., Eveleth, M inn.

Engelbrecht H. J., S anta Monica,
♦Engelbrecht O tto, Henley, M o.
Engeldinger E . J., Arlington, la .
EngelhornM .,ChurchsPerry,N.D.
♦Engelke A. G., San Antonio, Tex.
Engelke Carl, Milwaukee, Wis.
♦Engelkenjohann E .. St. Peter, 111.
Engelking H . C., Prem ont, Tex.
Engelking M. C., Northom e, Minn.
♦Engelstad C. R ., Minot, N. D.
♦Engelstad E., Shelly, Minn.
Engemoen O. A., Steele, N. D.
♦Engesather E. O., Brocket, N. D.
Engesather J. O., Petersburg,N .D .
Engh Erland, Dallas, Wis.
♦Engh G. L. E ., Kerkhoven.M inn.
♦Engh J. H., Gonvick, M inn.
Engh P . P „ M cCanna, N . D.

Ellsworth W. H., Ellisville, Miss.
♦Ellweln F. H., New Salem. N. D
Elm elund W. C.. Valparaiso, Neb.
♦Elmer D. N ., Richmond, Ind.
♦Elmore C. A., Hoisington, Kan.
Elmore C. M ., Kirwin, Tex.
Elmore F. P., Topeka, Kan.
♦Elmore G., P ilot Point, Tex.
♦Elmore H. C.. Carson. Va.
♦Elmore J. O., M cCracken, K an
Elmore J. W „ Lancaster, Ky.
♦Elmore W. C.. Brownsville, Ore
♦England A. L., Tooele, U tah
♦Elmore W. W., Berry. Ky.
♦England C. S., Axtell, Neb.
Elom A. G., Perry, Mo.
♦England H. M., Lam berton,M inn.
Elrod Chas. C., Lenapah, Okla.
England, J. D., Axtell, Neb.
Elrod L. C., Olanta, S. C. t
England J . E .,Jr.,L ittle Rock,Ark.
Elrod W alter, Rison, Ark.
England J. R ., E ngland, Ark.
Elsberry G., Egeland, N. D.
England J. S., Decaturville, Tenn.
♦Elsea F. J ., Findlay, Ohio.
♦England L. B., Commerce, Tex.
E lseuraat F. H., W alnut, Kan.
♦England Lloyd, L ittle Rock, Ark.
Eisner A. J., Ram ah, Colo.
C. L., E l Reno. Okla.
♦Elliott E. G., Beaman, la .
Elson F. O.. Uhionville, Mo.
♦Engle F. S., Ashland, Ore.
E lliott E. G., Verdon, S. D.
D., Ochelata, Okla.
E lliott E. H., Sublette, Kan.
♦Elston B. E., Spartansburg, P a
Engle W. E .. Johnstown, Pa.
E lliott E. M., Spooner, Wls.
♦Eltz M . J.. Orleans, Neb.
Engle W. J., H arbor Beach. Mich.
♦Elliott Felix, Kingwood. W. Va. Elvington B. B., Nichols, S. C.
Englebert J . A., Bronson, Minn.
♦Elwell G. D., Atchison, Kan.
♦Engleby T. L„ Roanoke, Va.
E lliott H. F., A tlanta, Mich.
Elwell .1. L.. Egan, N. D.
♦Elliott H. J., Georgetown, 111.
Elwell J . LeRoy, B alta, N. D.
♦Engleman G. A., Litchfield, Neb.
♦Elliott H .W ., Jr., Sulphur. Ky.
♦Ely F. C., Florence, Mass.
♦Englet A. O., Lavina, Mont.
♦Elliott H. W., Cuba, Mo.
♦Ely J. B.. Pewaukee, Wis.
Englin Theodore, D urfur, Minn.
E lliott J. A., Laura, 111.
♦Ely Lulu, Anthon, la.
♦English B. C., Danville. 111.
E lliott J . A., Des Moines, la .
♦Elzea M . L., Vandalia, M o.
E. B.,i W athena, Kan.
E lliott Jesse D., Bolivar, O.
♦Elzey Clyde, Preston, Md.
♦English F, M ., Macksville, Kan.
E m bert C. S., Queenstown, Md.
English G. C., Robeline, La.
E lliott J. E ., Decatur, Neb.
Embree W. L„ Hillsboro, Tex.
English G. F., W athena, Kan.
E lliott Jam es H., Hallowell, Kan. ♦Em bry F. C., M ena, Ark.
English J.. C., Kansas City, Mo.
E lliott J. W., Jacksonville, 111.
E m bry Jacob, T rinity, Tex.
V. O., Covina, Cal.
♦Elliott L. F.. Watson, 111.
♦Embry R. T., Lancaster, Ky.
W alter, Columbus, O.
♦Elliott L. M., Ekalaka, M ont.
♦Embury C. W.. Holyoke, Mass. ♦English W., Conesville, la.
E lliott M. B., Albà, Mo.
H. M ., Wessington
♦Elliott Susan, A tlanta, Mich.
Springs, S. D.
♦Emerine, Andrew Jr., Fostoria.O,
E lliott S, B., Salem, Ore.
M ., Holloway, M inn.
E lliott S. J., Kansas City, Kan
♦Engquist J. E ., Shell Lake, Wis.
Emerson C. L., San Jacinto, Cal'.
E lliott T „ Castle, Okla.
E ngquist O. T „ H arcourt, la .
Emerson C. N., Owensville, Ind.
♦Elliott T. H., Newcastle, Neb.
Enloe E. E.. Morehead, Kan.
Emerson C. W.. Brush, Colo.
E lliott W. G., Aurora, la.
Emerson E. B., Briggsdale, Colo. Enloe E . E ., FerrelView, Mo.
♦Elliott W. J., Cedar Rapids, la .
E lliott W. J., Matoaka, W. Va.
Enlow C. B., Evansville, Ind.
Emerson J. D., Methuen, Mass.
E lliott Wm. P., Copland, Kan.
♦Ennest Harley, Posen, Mich.
♦Emerson J. L.. Gainesville. Fla.
♦Elliott W. W „ Belton, Tex.
nnest W. H., Posen. Mich.
Ellis Alonzo, W hitehall, 111.
Ennis John, Sioux City, la.
Ellis A. C., Dodson, Mo.
Ennis J. R., Jonesville, Ky.
Ellis A. N., Syracuse, N. Y.
Emerson Robert. S., W hitley, Ind. E nnis J. W.. Pocomoke City, M d.
♦Ellis A. W , Delmar, Del.
Ennor E. E .. Elko, Nev.
Emerson S. R.. Redding, la.
Ellis B., Hartvllle, Mo.
♦Eno M rs. Eva., M t. Vernon, la .
Emery C. A., Honesdale, Pa.
Ellis B. F-, Okolona, Miss.
G. B.. D unbar, la.
Em ery E. M„ Millsboro. Pa.
♦Ellis B. J., Springfield, Mo.
♦Enrich D. J., Baltim ore, M d.
Emery G. F., Chicago, 111.
Ellis B. J., Lamont, Wash.
♦Enright C. M ., Bushneil, S. D.
Ellis C. F., Marshfield, Mo.
Enright F. M ., Bushneil, S. D.
♦Emery P. A., Belgrade, Neb.
Ellis C. H., Sturgis, Ky. ■
♦Enright P . J., E den Valley, Minn.
♦Emery Pearle, Heber, Cal.
A. W., Hailey, Ida.
♦Emick J. Ö., M ilton vale, Kan.
Ellis C, O., Douglas, Ariz.
Ensign R. AÜ Hudson, 111.
Emler C. F., W alcott, la.
♦Ellis C. W., Springville, N. Y.
E . G., M orrison, la .
♦Ellis D. H., Greene, la.
♦Ensminger Wm., Rockwood,
♦Emley W. G., Ogden, Utah.
Ellis D. R .t Covington, Va.
Ellis E. B., W aurika, Okla.
♦Ensor Ida F., M illersport, O.
Emmerson Lena, Edmond, Okla.
Ellis E . H., Columbus, Kan.
Ensworth A. C., W aterford, Pa.
♦Emmert A.. Dallas Center, la .
♦Ellis E. I:, Tekamah, Neb.
Ensworth G. B., W arren, Pa.
♦Ellis F. B., Pleasanton, Kan.
F. K., McPherson, Kan.
Em m ert S. E., Dallas Center, la .
Ellis G., Frem ont. Mo.
m m ett R. F., Arapahoe, Neb. Entw istle Amos, Nunn, Colo.
♦Ellis George, Jr., Houston, Tex. E
E m m ett W. G., Belle Heaven, Va. ♦E nyart R etta, Agency, la.
E nyart W. N „ Agency, la.
Em m inga J. J., Goiden, III.
♦Enyeart Alice, M arsland, Neb.
Ellis Grover, M cCaulley, Tex.
Emmons J . S., Pennville, Ind.
Ellis H. A., Waverly, N. Y.
♦Emmons Aaron M ., Scotland,
Enz Gottlieb. Guymon, Okla.
♦Ellis H. B., Greenwood, S. C.
Eofl A. E., Findlay, O.
Ellis H. P ., Stuart, Okla.
♦Emmons O. J., Springville, la .
Eoff L. F., Harrison, Ark.
♦Ellis H. R., Hazlehurst, Miss.
♦Emory J. C.. N. V. City, N. Y.
Epler G. C., Dooley, M ont.
Ellis Howard, New Florence, Mo. ♦Emory J. M ., Creedmoor, N. C
G. H., Blackstone, Va.
♦Ellis I. L., Silex, Mo.
Empey G. W., Hinckley, Minn.
♦Epley J. H., M idland, Tex.
Ellis I. N., Hazlehurst. Miss.
♦Empson C. M., Oshkosh, Neb.
♦Eppelsheimer D., Griswold, la .
Ellis J. C., Millsboro, Del.
Emswiler, C. H., Kirkersville, O.
Ellis Jam es F., Exchange, Pa.
♦Emswiler H. D., Kirkersville, O. Eppen F. J., Goodhue, M inn.
Epperson F. M., Eddyville, la .
Ellis J. F., Davis, Okla.
Enderle E ., W atkins, M inn.
Ellis J. G., W arrenton, N. C.
Enderle H enry J., Plummer,M inn. Epperson H, C., Advance, Ind.
♦Epperson O. W., Neosho, Mo.
Ellis J . L. B., Kiowa, Kan.
♦Enderuel Em il, Fowler, Colo.
♦Epperson Roy, Aspen, Colo.
Ellis J . M., Cropper, Ky.
♦Endicott A. B., Anaheim, Cal.
♦Eppes Eston, Athens, Ga.
Ellis J. P., High Hill, Mo.
♦Endom B. W., Delhi, La.
Eppes M. M., Lineville, Ala.
Ellis L. J., Glencoe, Ky.
♦Endres A. A., Ellendale, M inn.
Eppes T. D., Goodwater, Ala.
Ellis L. J., M ountain Grove, Mo.
♦Enebo P. K., Portland,’ Ore.
Eppes W. H., Tazewell, Tenn.
♦Ellis M. A.. WhitehaU, 111.
E nestvedt C. C., Belview, M inn.
Epps E. C., Kingstree, S. C.
♦Engberg A. G., Cambridge, Minn
Eng berg John, Stanchfield. M inn. Epps O. N., Crawford, Ga.
♦Ellis M . M ., Manassas, Va.
♦Eppstein Jos., Cincinnati, O.
Engberg P . J., Braham , Minn.
♦Ellis M . S., Glencoe, Ky.
Epstein M. H., San Diego, Cal. i
Engdahl A. G„ Kenm are, N. D.
Ellis M . W., Brandsville, Mo.
♦Engebretson A. P., Fallon, M ont. Erazim A. E., Ravenna, Neb.
Ellis M. W., Charles City, la.
Engebretson A. I., Deering, N. D. E rb E. E., E. Greenville, Fa.
♦Ellis O. J., Idaho Falls, Ida.
♦Erbaugh L. O., W alton, Ind.
Engebretson G. M., Albee. S. D.
♦Ellis Samuel, Buffalo, N. Y.
♦Erbe F . W., Castle Shannon, P a.
Engebretson II. A., Clearbrook,
♦Ellis S. M., Delmar, Del.
J. M ., Monanga, N. D.
Ellis S. T., Napoleon, Mo.
♦Erbes F., Centralia, 111.
♦Ellis T. B.. Hendersonville, Tenn. ♦Engebretson H. F „ G uthrie, N .D E
rck Konrad, Hague, N. D.
Engebretson I. M„ Lowry, Minn.
♦Ellis T. M i, Wynne. Ark.
♦Erdahl Andrew, Dickinson, N. D .
Engebretson J., K enneth, Minn.
♦Ellis W. D., Ogden, Utah.
♦Erdahl Carl, F rost, M inn.
Ellis W. T., Turners Falls, Mass.
F. Van, Breda, la.
♦Ellis W. E ., Glasgow Junction, Engebretson Ole. Voltaire, N. D.
Engel A. W., Esmond, N. D.
♦Erdle R. N., Silver Creek, N. Y.
Ellis W. P., Furm an, S. C.
♦Engel J. H., Mohall, N. D.
Erdlen C. W., Salida, Colo.
♦Ellison B. H., Augusta, Ga.
♦Engel J. F., Chandler, M inn.
♦Erdman Susie, P ark Falls, Wis.
♦Ellison E. Li, Cadiz, O.
♦Engelbach Fred, Arenzville, 111.
A. G., W hite Rock.S.D.
Ellison George, Hinton, la.
Engelbach Geo., Arenzville, 111.
♦Eresch C. P., Beloit, 'Kan.
♦Ellison L. A., Ada, Okla.
♦Engelbert C. L., Bronson, M inn. E rhard Chester, Bastrop, Tex.
Ellison L. E., Layton, Utah.
Engelbert J. A., Bronson, Minn.
E rh ard t B., Pierson Station, 111.
♦Ellison M. H., Layton. Utah.
♦Engelbert W. E ., New Ulm, E rh ärt F . J „ ; Niotaze, Kan.
♦Ellison S. E ., Oakville, Ind.
Erichsen H . R ., Green Bay, Wls.
♦Elliston C. F., Willlamstown, Ky. Engelbrecht E ., Bay, Mo.
♦Ericksen A., Cedar Falls, la.

Erickson A. F., Racine, Wis.
♦Erickson A. H., Pem berton,M inn.
Erickson O. E ., Green Valley,


♦Erickson O. I., M cKeesport, Pa.
Erickson C. M.; Willow River,
Erickson Elmer, Dalbo, M inn.
♦Erickson E. N „ Clarissa, Minn.
Erickson F. W., N. Branch, M inn.
Erickson H. M„ Upham , N. D.
Erickson H. S., D etroit. Minn.
♦Erickson Id a A., Nelson, M inn.
Erickson J. A., Clerm ont, la.
Erickson Jam es, B ryant, S. D.
♦Erickson J. E ., New Auburn,
Erickson J . H., Clinton, Minn.
Erickson John, Rockland, Wis.
♦Erickson M. L., Lake City, M inn.
Erickson O. H., Reeder. N. D.
Erickson O. S., Rosholt, S. D.
Erickson, P . C„ Brewster, Neb.
Erickson O tto, Franklin, Minn.
Erickson R . E., Browntown, Wis.
♦Erickson S. A., Crookston, Minn.
♦EricKson S. B„
M inneota,
Erickson Wm., Plentywood, M ont.
♦Ericson A. W ., Cambridge, Minn.
♦Ericson C. E ., El Campo, Tex.
♦Ericson C. F., Chicago, ill.
Ericson G. M., Rush City, Minn.
♦Ericson H. C., W ales, N. D.
Ericson W. S.. Red Lake Falls,
M inn.
Erikson Vera F., N aper, Neb.
♦Erkenbrack W. M ., Republic,
♦Erlander J. C., Anoka. M inn.
♦Erling O. O., Minneapolis, M inn.
♦Ernst C. H., Ohatfleld, M inn.
E rn st M . F ., St. Paul, M inn.
E rnster H. J., Deer Wood. Minn.
♦ E rra tt I. H., Cheboygan, Mich.
Erskine C. B„ Cimarron, Kan.
♦Erskine M . E „ Racine, Wis.
E rsted C. C., Donnell, M inn.
♦E rtsgaard A. F., Peever. S. D.
E rvin A. C., Starkville, Miss.
♦Ervin C. V., Greenwood, Miss.
E rvin J. H ., W est P oint, Miss.
E rvin M . W., Crawford, Miss.
♦Ervin Jr. N. B., Gibsonburg, O.
E rv in W. D., Sharon Springs,
E rvin W. S., Loogootee, 111.
Erving H. W., H artford, Conn.
♦Erwin C. D., Sparta, Tann.
■Erwin C. W., W orland, Wyo.
♦Erwin E . G., Stilwell, Okla.
♦Erwin H erm an, Estill Springs,
Erwin J. A., Clarkesville, O.
Erwin R. F., Scranton, la .
Erwin R. G., Ballinger,, Tex.
♦Erwin W. A., Villa Grove, 111.
♦Erwin W ayne, Cambridge, la.
Erwin W. H., Urich, Mo.
Erw in W. R., Fairfax, Mo.
♦Esbensen G„ Mondovi, Wis.
Eschen H erm ann, Dubuque, la.
♦Escobar C., Richm ond, Cal.
Escude Jules, Mansura, La.
Esdohr F. H ., Chicago, 111.
♦Esenstad Oscar, K napp, Wis.
♦Esgate A. T ., Phoenix, Ariz.
Eshelm an J. H .,E lizabethtow n,Pa.
Eshelm an S. C., Persia, la.
♦Eskridge Forrest, Shelby, N. C.
♦Eslick M ark, Pulaski, Tenn.
♦Eslick M organ,Fayetteville.Tenn.
♦Esm ay George, Fullerton, Cal.
♦Espenson William, Frazee, Minn.
Espeseth A., McClusky, N. D.
Espey E. D ., Georgiana, Ala.
♦Espy E . D., McKenzie, Ala.
Espy J. J., H eadland, Ala.
Esser H. H.. H artford, Wis.
♦Esser J . L„ Aurora. 111.
Essig Chas., N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Esslinger A.-, Cincinnati, O.
Esslinger L. J., Vollmer, Ida.
Essm an J. H ., Bourbon, Mo.
Estabrook H. A., San Francisco.
Estelow J . C., Oxford, N. Y.
♦Esterdahl H. A., W hitehall, M ich.
♦Estes A. H ., Dallas, Tex.
♦Estes C. E „ Chicago, 111.
Estes C. E ., F airp o rt, Mb.
Estes E . L „ Mendon, Mich.
Estes F. E., Athens, Mich.
♦Estes G. L., St. Augustine, Fla.
Estes G. W .. Clever. Mo.
♦Estes Id a S., Clever, Mo.
Estes J . M., Kennedale, Tex.
♦Estes Milton, Sidney, la.
Estes W. H., Livingston, Tenn.
Estes W. P., Opdyke, 111.
Estill J. S., Grape Vine. Tex.
Estill T . B., Bridgeport, Neb.
♦Etchells J. Cfe Tucson, Ariz.
Etchells J. E „ Biddeford, Me.
E theridge R . B., Manteo, N. C.
E thington J. W ., F orest Grove,
E tn e r L. S.. Orbisonia. Pa.
E tte r H enry, Southm ayd, Tex.
E tz C. W., Hom ell, N. Y.
♦Etzel G. A., Clear Lake. Ia.
♦E ubank B .P.. Bowling Green.Ky.
E ubank N. H.. Vanleer, Tenn.
E ubank P . H ., Richmond, Va.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Everingham G. E ., Sebewaing, ♦Fallett Elmer. Fairchild. Wis.
F allgatter T. A., W ilm ont, M inn.
Fallon B., Lenora, Kan.
E verltt C. A.. Slidell. La.
Falls A. N ., Dardanelle, Ark.
E v eritt G. W., Gilbert, M inn.
♦Everm an Nell, Burlington, Ind. ♦Falls 0. F., Rising Star, Tex.
Falls G.- S., M iddleton, Tenn.
♦Evers L. J., Rigby, Ida.
♦Eversale H. P., D rakes C r e e k ,1 Falls J . R „ Central. S. C.
A T**k*
Falor T. L., Richwood, W. Va.
♦Evershade P . J.. Houston, Tex. ♦Falter Joseph, Ironton, O.
♦Faltin Albert, Comfort, Tex.
Eversm an H enry, Effingham, III.
♦Eversm eyer W. H ., G ranite C ity,
Falvey M . D., Knox, Ind.
♦Fambro H. P., Rockm art, Ga.
Eversole Charles, Booneville, Ky.
E vans A. H „ W illiamsburg, Ia.
♦Fancher F. B., M erced Cal.
Eversole M. A., Goodland, Kan.
E vans A. M ., Alvord, Ia.
♦Fannin H. G., Apalachicola, Fla.
♦Eversole R. C., London, Ky.
♦Evans A. W., Ebensburg, Pa.
♦Fanning G. F., Carllnville, 111.
Eversole W. S., Hyden, Ky.
Evans A. W., Mt. Olive, Miss.
♦ F anning M. E „ Gleason, Tenn.
fEVerson E. J., Stoughton, Wis.
E vans C., Niles, Cal.
Everson A. T.. Bowesmont. N. D. ♦Fannon L. A.. M t; Savage, M d.
Evans C. D., Ottum w a, la .
♦Fant G.. W eatherford. Tex.
♦Everson G. B., W illston, N . D.
♦Evans C. F., Gay, Ia.
F an t W. V., Newton, M iss.
E vans Clyde J., C hapel Hill, Everson L. E.. Fall River, Wis.
♦Färber Earl, Hoxie. Kan.
Everson W., Alma, Neb.
Fardal E. G., Stanhope, Ia.
E verts J. M.. Baileyville, Kan.
Evans C. N., Johnson, Minn.
Fargo H. B., Deerfield, Wis.
E verts J. L., Melby, M inn.
Evans C. R., Baltim ore. Md.
♦Faria F. S., Hollister, Cal.
E verts 0. W., Virden, 111.
E vans Clarence, Paris, Mo.
Farias G. P „ Laredo, Tex.
Eves C. M., Millville, Pa.
Evans D. J., Granville, N. Y.
Evans D. J., Jr., Millington, Mich. ♦Eveslage A. J., Dresden, N . D. Faris J. W.. Buhl, Ida.
♦Faris W. E., M ancos, Colo.
Evans D. L., Delavan, Minn.
Evje L. L., Ross, N. D.
Fariss I. J.. Giddings, Tex.
♦Ewald A. C., M arion, Wis.
Evans D. R., Bellefourche, S. D.
Ewald A. C., Calum et H arbor,
E vans Á. M ., Alvord, Ia.
Farland R. A., Clarksburg, W. Va.
Evans E. A., Olive Hill, Ky.
♦Evans E . H ., F o rt M yers, Fla. ♦Ewald G. F., N. Y. City, N. Y. ♦Farley E. S„ Farley. Mo.
Farley J. W., Farley, Mo.
E w art L. R., Cody, Wyo.
Evans E . J., Kingston, Pa.
♦Farley O. G., Eureka, Ark.
E w art R. H „ Manderson. Wyo.
♦Evans Elm er, E arly, Ia.
♦Ewell A lbert R., Brockton, Mass. Farlow B. B,, Ellerbe, N . O.
Evans E . M ., Amelia O. H ., Ya.
Farlow W., Star, N. C.
♦Ewell John; Abbeville, La.
♦Evans E . R .. Lebo. Kan.
Farm er E ., Alma, Ga.
♦Evans E . R. W. F rankford, 111. ♦Ewen E. L., Milford, Ia.
Farm er G. E., M artin, Tenn.
Ewer M. H „ N. Y. City, N. Y.
Farm er G. S., W aukegan, 111.
Ewin G. W.. Villa Grove, III
Evans F. G., B attle Creek, Mich.
♦Farm er H. L., Sioux RaDids, Ia.
Evans F. J., Fergus Falls, Minn.
Farm er J . M., Linn Creek. Mo.
E vans F. P.. Colorado Spgs., Colo. ♦Ewing A. B.. Eldorado. Kan.
Ewing A. B., Sulphur Spgs., Tex. Farm er L. R., Louisville, Ga.
♦Evans F . R., Covington, Ky.
♦Farmer M. B., Flaxton, N. D.
♦Ewing E . P., Findlay, O.
E vans F. S., Florence, Wis.
♦Farm er R. L., Alvord, Tex.
Ewing E. W.. Yampa, Colo.
♦Evans G. M ., Garland, Utah.
Farm er R. D., Adams, Tenn.
♦Ewing H. 0-, T urton, S. D.
Evans G. W., Lohrvllle. la.
Farm er W. M., Wilson, N. C.
Ewing J. B., Smyrna, Tenn.
Evans G. W„ Selma. N. C.
Ewing J. C„ M anhattan, Kan.
♦Evans H., P ittsburgh, Pa.
Farnham E. A. Jr., Butler, Ind.
Ewing J. L., Weston, O.
Evans H. D ., Bonne Terre, M o.
♦Fam ham W. B., Rochester, N. Y
♦Ewing J. R., Abbeville. Ga.
E vans H. J „ Delta, Pa.
♦Farnicorn J. J., MeadvlUd, Pa.
Ewing W. L., Fulton. Mich.
♦Evans H. H „ Ottum w a, Ia.
♦Farnsworth A. A., Cresco, Ia.
Ewing W. L„ Leonidas, Mich.
E vans I. E ., Brush Creek, Tenn.
Farnsw orth C.E.,Anaconda,M ont.
Ewing W. L., Vicksburg, Mich.
Evans I. W., Bonham. Tex.
Farnsw orth C. E., Cleveland, O.
Ewing W. W., Buckner, Mo.
E vans J. C., W arrenton, Ga.
♦Farnsworth E. D., Newark, N. J.
Evans J. E „ Cedar Falls, Ia.
Farnsw orth F. J., Buckhannon,
♦Ewins G. B., Salem, S. D.
♦Evans J . E „ Farlington, Ky.
W. Va.
Ewins G. E ., Carlock, 111.
E vans J. E., G anado, Tex.
Farnsw orth R.L.,New H artford,
♦Exner F. G., Spiritwood, N . D.
Evans J. F., Indianapolis, Ind.
Exon John J., Wheeler, S. D.
Evans J . F.. Potosi, Mo.
F am um F. E., W oonsocket, R. I.
Eyer Wilson, Dickinson, N. D.
♦Evans J. H ., Wamego, Kan.
Farnum J . E., Hayward, Cal.
Eynon A. B.. Scranton, Pa.
E ysenbachS. W. .Tunkhannock, P a . F aroute G. L., Niles, Mich.
E vans J . M„ Berlin, N. J.
F arquhar A. E ., Saratoga, Ind.
Ezell C. L., Snyder, Tex.
Evans J . M., Shubert. Neb.
F arquhar R. B., Orient, Ia.
♦Evans J. N., Liberal, Kan.
Faaborg S. C., Medicine Lake, Farquharson F. P., Savannah. O.
♦Evans J. O., F airburg, Neb.
♦Farr E. P., Pierre, S. D.
♦Evans J. S.. W atseka, 111.
♦Farr R. E., Bolton, Miss.
♦Evans L. L., American Falls, ♦Faas C. E., Coldwater, Mich.
F arr Thos. B., Smithfield, Utah.
Faber Gilbert, Mendota, 111.
F arr W. A., Robblnsdale, Minn.
E vans Jennie E ., A ddington, Okla. ♦Fabra Hilm ar, Boerne, Tex.
F arrand F . H., Griggsville, 111.
Face W. H ., H am pton, Va.
Evans John A., Bel Air, Md.
♦Evans Joshua Jr., W ashington, Facinelli V. J.. Rock Springs, Wyo.
Fagan F rank F., Rocky M ount, ♦Farrar Claire, Springdale, Ark.
D. C.
♦F arrar D. I., B raym er, Mo.
N. C. .
Evans L. A., Leasburg. Mo.
♦Farrar Geo. B., Edm ond, Okla.
♦Fagan G., Larch wood, Ia.
Evans L. D., Winner, S. D.
F arrar Glenn, Kensal, N. D.
♦Fagan J. J., Phoenix, Ariz.
♦Evans L. K.. El Paso. 111.
F arrar G. R., Abington, Mass.
Fagerlle I. F.. Clarkfleld. Minn.
♦Evans Lois, Republic, Kan.
Fagerstrom A. W., W orthington, F arrar J. B., Chadwick, Mo.
E vans L. S.. Adairville, Ky.
F arrar R. P., Menfro, Mo.
Evans M. D., Garland, U tah.
Fagerstrom O. W., N orth Branch, F arrar S. F., Braym er, Mo.
Evans M. H., Oakland, Ia.
F arrar W. H., Fredericktown, Mo.
Evans O. O., Jackson, O.
F arrar Xerxes, London. O.
Fagg R. L., Blacksburg,. Va.
Evans Oliver, Iron Mt., Mich.
♦Farrell E. M ., Oakland, Cal.
♦Fagin Olin, Amelia, O.
♦Evans P. C., Marion, S. C.
Fagley E. J., Reading, O.
♦Farrell E. M ., Joliet, M ont.
Evans P . H „ Owatonna, Minn.
♦Farrell J.. S tu art, Ia.
Fahnestock G. C., Cincinnati, O.
E vans R. M ., Lexington, Okla.
Fahnestock H . J., W atertow n.S.D . F arren C. C., R ural Valley, Pa.
Evans ROy, Tem ple, Okla.
F arrer J . T., Provo, U tah.
♦Fahrner A. F., Chelsea, Mich.
Evans R. R., Proctor, Tex.
♦Farrier J . W „ H illm an. Mich.
Fahy F . J., Bandon, Ore.
♦Evans Rush, C am pton, Ky,
♦Farris C. H ., Decherd, Tenn.
♦Fahy M. E„ Camden, Ark.
♦ Evans R. W.. Bradford. Pa.
Farris F rank, Conway, Ark.
E vans T. C., Smithfield, N. C.
Fair A. P., Hudson, Wyo.
♦Evans T. G.. Scranton, Pa.
♦Farris Frank, Hailowell, Kan.
♦Fair A. W.. G ettysburg, O.
Farris N. I., Norwich. Kan.
Fair J. H „ Alden. Kan.
Evans T. L., Beaman, Ia.
♦Farry J. A., A lbert Lea, Minn.
F air Jam es H „ H ardy, Neb.
Evans U. G., So. Solon, O.
F arthing L. M ., Valle Cruces.N.C.
♦Evans Viola, Culbertson, M ont. F air N. M„ M ankato, Kan.
♦Fair Solome, W alnut Cove, N. C.
Evans Virgil. Stoutland, Mo.
F arthing W. H „ Odin. III.
Fair W. T ., Wray, Colo.
♦Evans W., Alma, Wis.
Farwell H. L., Montpelier, Vt.
F airbairn, C. E. Bellevue, Wash.
♦Evans W., Reserve, Kan.
♦Fairbank Bert, Forest City, Mo. Farwell L. C., Du Bois, Neb.
E vans W. E ., Lehi, Utah.
♦Farwell W. E ., D alhart, Tex.
Fairbanks F. L., Fillmore, Cal.
♦Evans W. E.. Steelville, Mo.
♦Fase D. S., Papillion. Neb.
Fairbanks S. C., Onsted, Mich.
Evans W. H., Mt. Pleasant, la .
♦Fairchild C E ., Elgin, 111.
♦Fast J. M ., Hazen, N. D.
♦Evans W. H ., Vinton, O.
Fairchild E . I., Long Pine, Neb.
♦Faster E. H ., Strasburg, 111.
♦Evans W. J.. Cando, N. D.
F aster Henry, Jr., Strasburg, 111.
♦Evans Wm. O., Lascruces, N. ♦Faircloth W., Denver, Colo.
♦Fatjo Louis G.. Santa Clara, Cal.
Fairey F. W., KIngstree, S. C.
♦Faubian G. F., Llano, Tex.
♦E vans W. T ., Cuyahoga, -Falls, Fairfield C.- S., Gardena, N. D.
Fauhion J . W.. Anthony, Kan.
Fairhead Jam es, Syracuse, Neb.
♦Fairlamb F.. Philadelphia, P a. ♦Faucett H. R., B rent, Ala.
Evans W. L., Verdón, Neo.
F aucett J . E. Merkel, Tex.
Evans W. M.. Centerville, Ia.
♦F aucett J. G„ T renton, Tenn.
Fairm an E. S., Monticello, Miss.
E vans W. M.. Huntsville. Mo.
F aught Clyde, Ravia, Okla.
Fairm an J. D., Westfall; Ore.
Evans W. R., Malad City, Ida.
♦Fairm an W. E ., Goldthwaite,Tex. Faulk C. R., Danville, Ga.
E varts G. S., R uthton. M inn.
♦Faulk J. H., Ohipley, Fla.
♦Fait J. C.. Illiopolls, 111.
Falconer Allen, M agdalena, N .M . Faulk T. P.. Athens. Tex.
Eveland A. J,, Fostoria, Mich.
♦Faulkenberry T . F., Lonejack,
♦Eveland M . C., M ayville, Mich. ♦Falck S. J., Unity, Wis.
Faier A. L., L atah, Wash.
M o.
Eveleth N . P., K ennebunk, Me.
Faulkner C. H.. Anita, Ia.
♦Falger W., Devils Lake, N. D.
Evens H. E., Bismarck, Mo.
♦Fauikner Geo. B., Thurmond.
Falk F . C., Braham , M inn.
Evens H. D., Bonne Terre, M o.
W. Va.
Falk G. L., Iowa City, Ia.
♦Evenson F. N.. K loten, N. D.
Faulkner H. R., A shtabula, O.
♦Falk H. R. E., Stratford, S. D.
Evenson J., Ihlen, M inn.
♦Falk John A., W hite River, S. D. Faulkner J. K.. Plum Beach, S, C.
Evenson T . A., Ham berg, N . D.
F aust C. W .. Trafford. Pa.
♦Evenson T . O., Charbonneau, ♦Falk W. I., Langford, S. D.
Falkenbury A. H., Susquehanna, ♦Faust E . B., D ecatur, Ia.
N. D.
♦Faust Hanno.New Braunfels,Tex.
E verett C., Nashville, Ga.
♦Faust R . J . J r., New York City,
♦Falker M . E ., Chicago, 111.
♦E verett D. J „ Longview, Tex.
♦Falkner J. M ., Mineola, Tex.
N . Y.
♦E verett E ., Farm erviile, La.
F au st W alter, New Braunfels.Tex.
Fall H. P., Chlreno, Tex.
♦ E v erett I. W „ El Monte, Cal.
F aust W . R., Penbrook. Pa.
Fall Jam es H., Greenville, Va.
E verett J . B „ Newsoms, Va.
♦Fauteck F. W., Downey, Ga.
♦E verett N. W., W inchester. Kan. Fall W. R., North Vernon. Ind.

♦Eubank S C., Kilm arnock, Va.
E ubank W. C.. Mill Creek. Okl.
E ubanks C. E ., Elko, Ga.
E ubanks E. O., Benedict, Kan.
E ubanks G. G., Ashland, Ore.
E ubanks W. M .. Yemassee. S. O.
♦Eudey Frank, Jackson, Cal.
Eudey Frederick, Jackson, Cal.
Eulass C. C., Lebanon, O.
♦Eulenstein A., Huntingburg, Ind.
♦Eustace E.. Wakefield, Kan.

F au th G. A., Aurora, 111.
Fisher A, M ax., Spencer, N. Y.
Favell P . F., Chippewa Falls, Wls. Ferguson R. W.. Russellville. Ark
♦Finch Ü. B., Sayre, Okla.
Fisher Blanding, Devils Lake,N.D.
F aw cett E. A., Nevada, la .
Ferguson R . W „ Bonner Springs, Finch Miss Delle, ByromVille, Ga.. Fisher
C, A., Gotebo, Okla.
F aw cett T. G., M ount Airy, N. C.
K an.
♦Finch E. W., Birmingham, Ala.
F aw cett W. A., Atkins, la.
C. E ., C harlotte, Mich.
Ferguson R. W., M eridian, Tex.
Finch F, E., F ayette, la.
Fisher C, V., Blackfoot, Ida.
Faw ner C. C., Seligman. Mo.
Fisher D. H., New Paris, Ind.
♦Fay E . A., Cohoctah, Mich.
♦Finch J. L., Cheyenne, Okla.
F ay E . M„ Elm ira, N. Y.
Fisher, E. A., Boonton, N. J.
♦Ferguson W. B., Nebo, Ky.
♦Finch H. B., Houston, Tex.
♦Fisher, E. B.‘, Morristown, Tenn.
♦Fay H . E . , Langdon, N. D.
♦Ferguson W. D.. Colby, Kan.
Finch J . W., Francisco, Ind.
E. ¡ O., Nauvoo, 111.
♦Fayle W. J., M uscatine, la.
Ferguson W. L.. S.Greenfleld.Mo.
♦Finch M., W ray, Colo.
Fisher-, Edward, Vacaville, Cal.
Fead E. F., Yale, Mich.
♦Ferguson W. P „ Jr., Hearne, Tex. Finch Wm. F., Radium , M inn.
Fisher, E. P „ BardweU, Kÿ.
Feagin L. M ., Colmesneil, Tex.
♦Fincher B. H ., F o rt Valley. Ga.
F ear J . T., Dunmore. Pa.
♦Fisher, E. P „ E ast Downington,
Fering Otto, Barton, N. D.
♦Fincher B. W,, Amity, Ark.
♦Fearnley Gordon, Detroit, Mich.
Ferm an K. C., Cèdar Rapids, la.
Fincher F. W., Pentw ater. Mich.
♦Fisher F. F., H artford, Conn.
♦Fearnside G. W., Bowling Green, ♦Fernald,
Chas., Chicago, 111.
Fincher J . W ., Hum ble. Tex.
F. H., Douglas, Ariz. Fernsell J. A l., Strasburg, 0 .
♦Fisher F . M ., Lewisville, O.
Fears J . H., Campbellton. Fla.
Fisher G. H., Hillsboro, III.
Fearson H. D., Oneida, N. Y.
Feron Thomas, Sherman, Cal.
Ffeher H. A., Menasha, Wis.
F easter C. M., Carthage, Ark.
Findlay R. E.. M acon, Ga.
Ferrel O. W., H inton W. Va.
♦Fisher H. C., Bowersville, O.
♦Feaster S. J ., Palm yra, Mo.
♦Findley R. E., Akron, O.
Ferrell F. L., BosweU, Pa.
Fisher H. W., Emporia, Kan.
F eather M . C., Parsons, W. Pa.
Findley J. R., Maxeys, Ga.
♦Featherm an H. A., Philipsburg. Ferrell N. E., Winifred, M ont.
♦Findley W. W., Gordonville, Tex. Fisher Id a E., Hebron, Ind.
♦Fisher Irwin, Philadelphia, Pa.
Fine J. E., Wallace, Ind.
♦Ferrell N. M., M ontvale, Va.
F eathers W. C., Troy, N. Y.
Finegan Chas., Hyannis, Neb.
FeatherstonW . H.. Decherd. Tenn. Ferrey R. R„ Columbia City, Ind.
♦Finerty Florence E ., Twining,
♦Fisher J . H., Tarrytown, N .Y
Fecht H. J., Highland, Wls.
Fisher J . H., Waco, Neb.
♦Fem e John F., Monticello, N. Y. F inerty J. J., Twining, Mich.
♦Fecht M ae, Highland, Wis.
Fisher J. M ., Cincinnati, O.
Ferrill C. H., Laurel, Miss.
Feddersen H. C., Luton, la .
C. C., Colorado Springs, Fisher J. T., Laurium , Mich.
*Fee J. D ., New Richmond, O.
Fisher Julian, Carthage, Tenn.
♦Finger Charles, Hondo, Tex.
*Fee J, S., Wheeling, W. Va.
♦Fisher J. W. H., Balfour, N. D .
♦Ferrin A. H., Safford. Ariz.
♦Feebaek A. L., Lntour, Mo.
Finger J . M., Hondo, Tex.
Fisher J. W., Brunswick, Me.
Ferrin A. W., M ontpelier, Vt.
Feedan O. E „ Garden City, la .
Finigan E . H., Syracuse, Neb.
♦Fisher L. E ., Lisbon, O.
*Feeley Jam es J., Ham ilton, N.Y. ♦Ferrin F. H „ M antorville, M inn. Fink E dw ard, New Palestine, Ind. Fisher L. H „ Cleveland, O.
George W., Crows Landing, ♦Fisher O. L., Enid, Okla.
*Feeley Jr. J. L., Kenyon. Minn.
♦Ferrin H. E .. Forest Grove. Ore. Fink
♦Fehrenbach F „ T erre Haute. Ind. F
♦Fisher O. O., Millersburg, O.
e m n L. A., Meriden, la.
H erbert E., Greenfield, Ind. Fisher O. M ., Cullm an, Ala. '
Feely O. W., M odesto, 111.
Ferring F. S., Farley, la.
F ink J . M., Jonesboro, Tenn.
F eenaty R . S., Fem dale, Cal,
♦Fisher R. E., Ryan, Okla.
♦Fink L. C.. Newport, Neb.
Feeney R. E.'. Fayetteville, Tenn.
♦Fisher S, G., K ennett. Mo.
A. H.. Princeton, 111.
♦Fink L. R., active, New Ulin, Tex. ♦Fisher S. G., Cedar P oint, Kan.
♦Feerick H erbert, Milwaukee,Wis. Ferris
♦Ferris A. R. Sturgis. Mich.
*Fehlm an A. E ., Orion, 111.
S. T., Princeton, Ind.
♦Fehrenbach F rank, Terre H aute, ♦Ferris Bessie Dufur, D iagonal,la. ♦Finkbiner R. R „ Medicine Bow, Fisher T. H., E. Liverpool, O.
♦Fisher, W. F., Houston, Tex.
Finkel H. O., W ashington, D. C.
Fehrenbacher, H. C. OIney, 111.
*Fisher W. G.. Grand Rapids.W is.
D. V., Diagonal, la.
Finkhousen C. C., W ren, O.
♦Fehrenkam p E. O., M oulton, Tex. Ferris
Fisher W. H., Roseburg, Ore.
♦Ferris Jeanette, Oneida, la.
♦Feick H. W.. Avalon, Pa.
W. M„ H ardin. 111.
♦Ferris J. W., Waxahachie, Tex. ♦Finks W. A., Mena, Ark.
♦Feidler F. G., Holyoke, Colo.
♦Fishinger C. W „ Hilliards, O.
Finks W. L.. Calhoun, Mo.
Feig H. C., Raymond, M inn.
Fisk C. A., Amarillo, Tex.
♦Finlayson Donald, Sault Ste. ♦Fisk E., Winfield, Tex.
Feik B. J., Mendota, 111.
Ferris S. H., Carthage, 111.
Marie, Mich,
♦Feir A. E ., Bemidji, M inn.
Fisk F. F., Malone, N. Y.
♦Ferroggiaro F . A., San Francisco, Finlayson W. J., Payson, U tah.
♦Felder E. E., St. George, S. C.
♦Fisk J. T., Plainview, M inn.
♦Feldhake Jos. A., Effingham. 111. ♦Ferroggiaro A. J., San Francisco, Finlayson W. R., Villisca, Ia.
Fisk Louis, Meriden, Conn.
♦Feldmann H. O., Carrington,
Fisk V. W.. Curlew, Ia.
N. D.
C. W., Almira, Wash.
F erry E. L., Olivia, Minn.
Feldott E. A.. Chicago. 111.
♦Fiske F. É., Richland Center.
F erry F. N., Pauline, Neb.
♦Finley E. G., N. Wilkesboro.N.C.
Felix A. G., Philadelphia, Pa.
Finley E. P.. Byesville, O.
Felix W. L.. Bigfork, M ont.
Fiss W. A., Fairfax, Minn.
♦Ferry Jr., R. C., Akron, Colo.
♦Finley G. U., H obart, Okla.
Fell L. C., Goliad, Tex.
Fisséll W. C., New Carlisle, 0 .
♦Ferry R. K.. Hope, Ind.
Finley H. M., Malta. O.
Fella J. C., Chrlsney, Ind.
H. A., Kutztown, P a
♦Fessel O. W., Muscoda, Wis.
Finley J . R „ Ottawa, Kan.
*Fellay C hester E., Madison, Kan. ♦Fessenden
Fitch A. A., Royalton, M inn.
E. B., Providence, R .I. ♦Finley Roy, Tipton, Mo.
Fellay E. F., Madison, Kan.
♦Fitch A. E ., Boston, Mass.
♦Finley S. A., McConnelsville. O F itch C. B., Gilmore City, Ia.
♦Fellenbaum R., M t. Joy. Pa.
F ette Fred, Meriden, Minn.
♦Finley T hos., Holly Springs, Miss. ♦Fitch C. B., Brewton, Ala.
Feller J . L., Woodstock, va.
F etters F. K„ Alliance, O
Finn C. N .. Bradford. Ark.
Fellows F . O.. Lyman, Wash.
♦Fitch E. V., Andrews, Ind.
Fetzner J., Colome, S. D„
F inn J. W., Devon, Kan.
♦Fellows L. M ., Albion, Pa.
♦Fitch John C., Hill City, Kan.
Finnegan F. F „ Denhoff, N. D.
♦Felmlee C. B., Thompsontown, ♦Feulner, J. H., Chicago, 111.
♦Fitch J. P., Oshkosh, Wis.
Finnell T ., Blair, Neb.
♦Fitch R. G., Laramie, Wyo.
Feutz E. A., Rush Hill, Mo.
♦Finney C has H., Eastm an, Wis.
♦Felmley J. S.. Griggsville. 111.
♦Feutz W. F., Rush Hill, Mo.
Finney C. W., Eldon, Ia.
Fite B. B., Blairsville, Ga.
Felty Guy B., Wolfe City, Tex.
♦Fewer W. H., Bird Island, Minn. ♦Finney K. C., Eldon. Ia.
Felt C. A., M endon, Mo.
♦Fite J. A., Houston, Tex.
Ficenec O. J., Wahoo, Neb.
Finney W. S., W est Newton, Pa.
F elt F. E., Hennessey, Okla.
Fite W. M., S tatham , Ga.
♦Finnie T. M ., Hinckley, 111.
Felt F. E., Jam estown, N. Y.
F itting F. H., Dexter, Ia.
♦Fichthorn Fern, Milledgeville. O. Finseth O. H., Hayfleld, Minn.
♦Felton J . H ., Doyle, Tenn.
♦Fitton D. W., Ham ilton, O.
Fich H. J., Rich Fountain, Mo.
Finseth K. A., N erstrand, Minn.
Felton R. M ., H ydro, Okla.
H. B., Mt. Vernon, Ind.
♦Fick W. F., Cresbard, S. D.
Finseth M. B., Driscoll, N. D.
♦Fitts C. O., Belmond, Ia.
Felts B. R.. Arcadia. La.
Felts Loren. Harrisburg. 111.
F itts, H. R ., L uthersville,-G a.
♦Finstrom Samuel, Murdock,
Feltz George, Lima, O.
♦Fitts J. H., Jr., Tuscaloosa. AJa.
♦Ficken R. C., Benson, 111.
M inn.
♦Fitz C. G., Lamb, .Mich.
Fender I. O., Inverness, Fla.
Theo., Benson, 111.
Fitz F. W „ Lamb, Mich.
♦Fender R. W., F o rt W orth, Tex. ♦Ficken
Fickinger W. J.. Indianapolis, Ind. Fippin J . E ., Columbus, O.
Fitz M . A. H „ St. Petersburg, Fla.
♦Fendersoh L. B., Saco, Me.
♦Flcklen B. Jr., Washington, Ga.
♦Fiquet O. R., Honey Grove, Tex. ♦Fitz R. F., M anson, Ia.
Fendley A. A „ Oneonta, Ala.
♦FIrebaugh C. C., Windsor, 111.'
Elizabeth, Clear Lake,
Fendorf W. A., Tuscumbia, Mo.
♦Fichler A. H „ Endora, Kan.
Firebaugh W. C., Lexington, Va.
Fenegan, H. F., Cades, S, C.
♦Field D. F., Phillips, Me.
Firestone J. B., Spencer, O.
Fitz Gerald D. J., B utte, M ont.
Fenelon John J., Pollock, S. D.
Firestone S. V., W akarusa, Kan.
♦Fitzgerald D. J., Livingston,
Fenlon T. J., B utte, M ont.
♦Field G . A., Mackinaw, 111,
Firstenberger B. G., Seneca, Kan.
Field G. C., Dam ar, Kan.
F irth H. S., Chicago, 111.
D. O., Taft, Tex.
♦Fenn H. W.. Malden, Mass.
Field H. H „ Phillips, Me.
G., Sweet W ater, Tex.
Fennell H. M., Marfa, Tex.
♦Field J. B„ Zap, N. D.
Fisbeck F. C., Terre Haute, Ind.
♦Fitzgerald H. M ., Selma, N. C.
Fennell J . M.. Gainesville, Fla.
Field P. E „ Gower, Mo.
W., St. Johns, Mich.
Fenner H. W., W akpala, S. D.
Field R. B., Leavenworth, Wash.
Fitzgerald L .f Jr. Brown Station,
Fenno F . W., Gardner, Mass.
♦Field S. Jr., Calvert, Tex.
Fischer A. E ., M t. Olive, 111.
♦Fensterm aker J.W .,B altIm ore,0
♦Field T. R., Denver, Colo.
Fischer A. G., Elm hurst. 111.
♦Fitzgerald L. R., M arion, la.
Fenton C. L., W inchester, O.
♦Field W. A., Augusta, Ky.
♦Fischer A. H., Onslow, la.
Fitzgerald Paul, Louisville, Neb.
♦Fenton F. L„ Croswell, Mich.
♦Fielder A. B., Plain City, O.
♦Fisher Earl, H iawatha, Kan.
Fitzgerald R. L., Fisk, Mo.
Fenton E. L„ Durbin, W. Va.
Fielder O. W., Bottineau, N. D.
Fischer E. E., Nauvoo, 111.
Fitzgerald W. A., Richland, Ga.
Fentress G. W., S. Carrollton, Ky.
Fielder E. M ., Sparkill, N. Y.
Fischer E. W „ Addison, 111.
D. G., Ewing, 111.
Fielder Frank, Dansvllle, N. Y.
♦Fischer Genevieve, Kinross, Ia. Fitzpatrick C. H., Basin, Wyo.
Ferch C. F., Odessa, Minn.
Fielder J. S„ Lexington, Tenn.
Fischer G. G., Milwaukee, Wis.
Fitzpatrick C. R., W arrenton. Ga.
♦Ferebee M. C„ Norfolk. Va.
Fielder S. O., Villa Rica. Ga.
♦Fischer George H., L om bard, 111. F itzpatrick O. S., Helena, Ark.
Ferguson A. E.. Englewood, Colo
Fields A. W., Portageville, Mo.
♦Fischer H. A., W ashburn, N. D. ♦Fitzpatrick F. E „ Redwood City,
♦Ferguson A. W., Greeley, Colo.
Fields C. P., Sadievfile, Ky.
♦Ferguson C. H „ Butler, N. J.
Fields E. B., Edison, Ga.
Fischer H. B.. Pittsfield, N. H. F itzpatrick Jno., Falmlouth, Mich.
Ferguson C. N.. Nebo, Ky.
Fields G. C., Anguilla, Miss.
♦Fischer J. C., Geneseo, 111.
J. E „ San Francisco,
Fields H. R., La Clede, III.
♦Fischer J. C., Glen Ullin, N. D.
Ferguson E. A., Halls, Tenn.
Fields Jam es W., Barry, Tex.
♦Fischer J. J., Quincy, 111.
♦Fitzpatrick J. P., Glen Campbell,
♦Ferguson E. B., Ham ilton, O.
♦Fields M yrtie B., Hamilton, Mo. ♦Fischer L. M ., Kewanee, 111.
*?Ferguson E. C„ Salisbury, Mo.
Fiene P. F., Charter Oak, Ia.
Fischer O. H., Dwight, N. D.
♦Fitzpatrick M., Benld, 111.
♦Ferguson E. G„ Beaver Falls, Pa.
Fierce J. E ., Beaconsfield, Ia.
Fischer P. A., Wibaux, M ont.
Fitzpatrick W.A., Bedford City, Va.
♦Ferguson Emory, Cambridge, O. ♦Fieweger R. J., Menasha, Wis.
♦Fish C. W., Porter, Okla.
♦Fitzsimmons H. 0 ., Casper, Wyo.
Ferguson E. N., Springfield, Mo.
Fife L. R.. Omalaska, Tex.
Fish, Daniel, Zalma, Mo.
Fitzsimmons Roy, Conception
Ferguson F. M., Aliceville, Kan.
♦Fife Matthew, Palestine, 111.
Fish Edwin A., Minneapolis
Junction, Mo.
Ferguson G. A., PeekSkill, N. Y.
♦Fife W C., San Francisco, Cal.
Wm. F., New York
Ferguson H. B., Langdon, Kan.
♦Fifer F. M ., Staunton, Va.
Fish F. S., Farrell, Pa.
City, N. Y.
Ferguson H. H., Lankershim, Cal. ♦Fifer P . T ., Staunton, Va.
Fish J. L., Moundsville, W. Va.
Goff, Kan.
♦Ferguson H attie M ., Langdon, ♦Fifer T. A., Medford. Ore.
Fish M . R., W hitewater, Wis.
Fix J. M ., Burlington, N. C.
♦Figard Silas, Seward, Neb.
♦Fish R. L., Garden C ity, Kan.
Fjosee N. E ., Edmunds, N. D.
Ferguson H. W., Alpine, Tex.
Figenskau J. C.. Oslo, Minn.
Fish R. L., S tar City, Ark.
F laa A. J., Boyd, Minn.
Ferguson H. W.. M t. Selman, Tex. FiggC J. C,, St. Louis, Mo.
♦Fish S. C., W hitewater. Wis.
Flachsenhar Wm. J., T erry, M ont.
♦Ferguson I. S., Savannah, Ga.
♦Fighter C. F., Mansfield, O.
♦Fishback V. D., Brookings. S. D.
B. A., Enterprise, Kan.
Ferguson J. B., New Orleans, La,
Figi J. J., New Glarus, Wis.
FIshbaugh E. C., Shenandoah,. Ia. Flack L. W., Linden, Ia.
Ferguson J. C.,- Clearwater. Neb
♦Filek A., Chicago, 111.
♦Fishburn W. P San Diego, Cal. Flack W. F., Union Mills, N. O.
♦Ferguson Jessie L. .Aliceville. Kan.
♦Filer H. H., Miami, Fla.
Fishbum e I. M„ W alterboro, S. C. ♦Flagg F. W., Anadarko, Okla.
♦Ferguson J. H ., Haynesville. La. Files Thos. J., Hillsboro, Tex.
FIshel Simon, Granby, Mo.
♦Flagg Göuld B., Burwell, Neb.
Ferguson K. J., Gloucester, Mass.
FiliD Frank, Cedar Rapids, Ia.
Fishel W. E., Dow City, Ia.
Flagler G. S., Westfield, N. Y.
Ferguson M iss Lillie, .Gibson, Ga. ♦Fillis J. S., Hitchcock, S. D.
Daniel, Maple Lake. M inn,
Ferguson M . J., H untington, W. Fillman S., Reidsville, N. C.
Fisher A. C., T revorton, Pa.
Flaherty J. J., Orland, Cal.
♦Filo Peter, Buffalo Center, Ia.
Fisher A. L„ Bowersville, O.
F laherty R. J., Dixon, Neb.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

F lanagan E. H ., Drakesboro, Ky.
Flanagan F.A., F o rt Benton,M ont.
Flanagan J., Cincinnati, O.
»Flanagan J.F.,Oconomowoc,W ls.
»Flanagan R. J., Linn, Mo.
Flanders F . B., Noble, 111.
Flanders L. J., Rockledge, Ga.
»Flanders L eta. S., Sum m it, Ga.
Flanders S. J., Sum m it, Ga.
Flandreaux G.F., New Rochelle,
N. Y.
»Flandry L. A., J r., Labadleville,
La. ’
Flanelly Edw ard, L udington, Mich.
»Flanery S. J., M arysville. Cal.
»Flanery W. M ., Alvord, Tex.
»Flannigan J. C„ S tu art, Neb.
Flannigan J . M., S tuart, Neb.
Flannigan J . M., Walpole, 111.
»Flatberg O. E .. Jasper, M inn.
F lath er H. H .,W ashington, D.C.
F latland, J. S., M inot, N , D.
Flatley A. H ., Stockbridge, Wis.
Flatley J. B., Greenleaf, Wis.
F la tt F . P., Stantonville, Tenn.
»Flaugher J. B., Sullivan,. Mo.
»Flaven D. L., Maplewood, Mo.
»Flaxbeard J . D., Sm ith Centre.
»Fleckenstein J. D., Sioux Falls,
S. D.
•Fleece J . B., N. Salem, Ind.
Fleenor N. J., M endota, Ya.
»Fleetwood 0 . B., Blenheim, S. C.
Fleetwood H., W averly, Va.
Fleetwood J.W ., Boykins, Va.
Fleetwood R.G.,Thomasville,Ga.
Fleetwood W.. Terrell, Tex.
Fleischer F. J., P rescott, Wash.
Fleishm an J. G., Jr., Arcadia,Okla.
Fleming A. E ., Bowdon, Ga.
Fleming A llan M., Logan, U tah.
Flem ing B u rt, W . Lebanon, Ind.
Flem ing C. E ., B urnt Prairie, 111.
»Fleming E . T ., Enid. Okla.
»Fleming F. F., D etroit, M ich.
»Fleming G. B „ K ittanning, P a.
»Fleming G. M ., W arren, Ind.
»Fleming G. W ., Edgewood, la .
Flem ing H., W est P oint, Ga.
•Flem ing H . E ., Nickerson, Kan.
»Fleming H. V., Emerald, Wis.
Flem ing J. C., P erry, Okla.
Flem ing J . D., A tlanta, Mo.
Flem ing J . L., Spartanburg, S. C.
»Fleming J . P.,: Childress, Tex.
Flem ing J . W ., P ittsburg, Pa.
Fleming M orris, Paris, Tex.
Flem ing O. Ja y , Grafton, W . Va.
»Fleming R. J., Cedar Bluffs, Neb.
Flem ing R. M., Bement, 111.
Flem ing T. F ., Cartersville, la .
»Fleming Thomas, Findlay, 111.
»Fleming T. S., Columbus, Ga.
»Fleming W. F., Salisbury, N. C.
Fleming W. S., Em erald, Wis.
»Fleming W. P ., Burlington, la .
»Flemmig C. F., H um boldt. Ia.

Florance C. N., Herndon, Va.
Florance Edw., H um boldt, Minn.
Florance S. R., Red Cloud. Neb.
»Florin A., Billings, M ont.
Flory G. D., El Paso, Tex.
Flory W. F., St. Edward, Nebr.
»Flory W. H ., M t. Clemens, Mich.
*Fogh O., Shelbyville, Tenn.
Floto E. R ., Connellsville, Pa.
»Flotree R. F., Albion, Neb.
Flounders M. E ., Rising Sun, Md.
Flournoy, J. F ., Jr., Canton, Miss.
Flournoy N. L., Millington, Tenn.
Flournoy R . E., Louisville, Ala.
Flournoy T . D., Dill, Okla.
Flournoy Thos., Harrisburg, Ark.
Flowerree W. E., Center, Mo,
Flowers Dale S., A lbany, Mo.
»Flowers E. A., M arlin, Tex.
Flowers F rank, Cleveland, M inn.
»Flowers H. L. Granger, Tex.
Flowers H. P., Hillsboro, Md.
Flowers J . W „ Columbia, Ky.
»Flowers R. C., Chadwick, 111.
»Flowers W. C., Buckner, Ark.
Floyd C. B., E udora, Kan.
»Floyd C. F., Naples, Tex.
»Floyd C. W., Vergennes, 111.
Floyd J r. J . T.. Clayton, Ala.
»Floyd J . V., L inn Creek, Mo.
Floyd O. E ., Vergennes, 111.
Fluetsch J. A., Coalinga, Cal.
»Fly Mable, P urdy, Mo.

Ford E. C., New Harm ony, Ind.
»Ford E . C., Gam er, Ia.
»Ford E . E ., Alliance, Neb.
»Ford Elm er E.. D etroit, Mich.
Ford E. R., Akron, N. Y.
»Ford Frank, Alham bra, Cal.
F ord Guy, Sayre, Okla.
Ford H. C„ Pavo, Ga.
»Ford H . C., E lk City, Okla.
Ford J. E ,, Sundance, Wyo.
»Ford Leland, Uliopolis, 111.
»Ford L. S., Brashear, Mo.
F ord M . J., W heatland, N . D.
F ord M. M„ Galva, 111.
Ford P . R ., Tiffin, Ia.
Ford T. A., Taylorsville, Miss.
Ford W. J., Fredericksburg, Va.
Ford W . J., M onroe, Ore.
»Ford W. R., Williamstown. Mo.
»Ford W. T ., Charlotte, Tex.
»Ford Z. W., Siloam Springs, Ark.
»Fordham B. B. Dublin, Ga.
Fordham J . B., Alamo, Ga.
Fore S. J., Roxobel, N. C.
Forehand C. H., Vermilion, S. D.
»Forem an A. M., Pattonsburg.M o.
Forem an C„ W ard, S. D.
Forem an C. M., Freeport, N. Y.
»Foreman J. F., W ard, S. D.
»Foreman H . E ., Chicago, 111.
F orest S. E ., M inneapolis, M inn.
»Forester C. F., Bowman, N. D.
»Forester E. W., Wonewoc, Wis.
»Forester O. F „ Devine, Tex.
Forester W alter J., Duquoin. 111.
Forgy H. S„ New Carlisle, O.
»Foristeli P . O., Foristell, Mo. !.
Forkenhrock F . C., Adrian, M inn.
»Form an A. B., Burnsville, W. Va.
Form an M . W., Springville, Ala.
»Form an S. A., Alham bra, Cal.
»Form anack F . A., Goward, S. D.
»Fom berg E bba, Lindsborg, Kan.

Flynn D. M., Princeton, N. J .
»Flynn F. J., Potosi, Mo.
Flynn J . E ., P ark Rapids, Minn.
»Flynn J. J.. Louisville, Ky.
Flynn John B,, W ashington, D. C.
Flynn P. T., Duncombe, Ia.
Flynn T. G.. Buhl, Minn.
Fiynn W . E., Marquez. Tex.
F lythe L. W., Conway, N . O.
»Foard A. G., Lenoir, N. C.
F orrest F . C., Pullm an, Wash.
»Fobes H. J., Kinsm an, O.
Forrest Jno., Lincoln, Neb.
Fockele F red F., W averly, Kan.
»Forrester H. G., Dothan, Ala.
Fodnes O. L „ Nekoma, N. D.
Forrester K. L., D othan, Ala.
Foeste Otto, Sheboygan, Wis.
»Forrester T „ H urtsboro, Ala.
F oft E . C., W oodward, Ia.
Forsalth S. L.. Brunswick. Me.
F oft S. F., W aukee, Ia.
Forsbèrg N., S trandburg, S. D.
Fogle H. N., Downing, Mo.
»Forsburg P aul G., Strandburg,
»Fogle R ay P ., Lancaster. Mo.
S. D.
»Fogler H. R ., St. Elmo, IU.
Forsee G. W ., Owenton, Ky.
F ohl D. C., W ilm ington, Cal.
»Forsee W. T ., Owenton, Ky.
F oight P . R., E xport, Pa.
»Forshay D. R., A nita, Ia.
»Foil L. J., Mt. P leasant. N. C.
Forslind M artin, Greenland, Mich.
Fokes C. O., Del Rio, Tex.
»Forster B. D., N. Y. City, N. Y.
»Fokes E . N ., E ureka, Cal.
»Forsyth F. D ., Athens, O.
»Folda Albin, Howell, Neo.
»Forsyth G. M., Madison, Mo.
»Folda B ertha, Schuyler, Neb.
F orsyth J. E ., Cairo, Ga.
Folda Em il, Clarkson, Neb.
»Forsyth John B.,N.Y.Clty,N.Y.
Folda Jaroslav, Schuyler, Neb.
»Foley Andrew, Rock Lake, N. D. »Forsyth M. R., Dixon. III.
»Forsythe E . L.. Minneapolis,
Foley D., Syracuse, Kan.
M inn.
»Foley E rnest, New York, N . Y.
»Fort A. T ., J r., Lum pkin, Ga.
Foley J. B., Georgetown, Colo.
»Fort I. H ., Dublin, Ga.
»Foley J . D., Hope, N. D.
F ortenberry J. D „ Smithville, Ark.
FortesCue Horace, Phila., Pa.
Foley J. D., Luverne, N . D.
F ortin Herm an, Salix, Ia.
»Foley R. F „ Chapman, Kan.
»Fleniken Laura,'M ansfield, La.
F ortner C. A., Wells, Tex.
Flenniken H. W., Olin, la .
»Fortner F . E ., M òro, Ore.
»Fleshman E thel F., Jefferson, »Foley R. P., Glendive, M ont.
F ortner F . R .. Wasco, Ore.
»Foiey T. F., Denison, Tex.
N. 0:v\
F ortner J. H ., M arfa, Tex.
»Fogler Lynn, Taopi, M inn.
»Fleshinan G. A., G alt, Mo.
F ortner L. J., W hitesville. N. Y.
»Fletcher B ertha, Wells, M inn.
»Fortney Tillm an, Bowdon, N. D.
Folk J. Francis, Holly Hill, S. C.
Fletcher F . L., Morganville, Kan.
»Fortson C. L., Eldorado, Tex.
Folken H., Kesley, Ia.
»Fletcher H. E ., Sault Ste. Marie,
»Follansbee C. L., Eufaula, Qkla. F rotson F. S., Tignali, Gà.
F ortune A. H .. Bloomfield, la .
Follet F . F., W aterproof, N. Y.
F letcher J . L., Chelsea, Mich.
F orw ard I. F., Gladstone, 111.
F ollett Darwin, Coloma, Wis.
»Fletcher J. W .. Greenfield, Ind.
Forw ard J . W., Edgewood, la .
»Fletcher L. M., Hope, N. M.
Foscue F. W ., T renton, N. C.
F ollett L. C., Sabin, M inn.
»Fletcher P . M ., Freedom , P a.
»FosheeE. Leon, Gladewater, Tex.
»Follin M . V., M endora, N. D.
»Fletcher R . M ., Indianapolis,Ind.
J. L., Red Level, Ala.
F letcher S. H., Lebanon, Va.
Foshee R. H ., Red Level, Ala.
F letcher W. P., J r., Lonoke, Ark. Folm ar F rank P., Troy, Ala.
E., Linneus, Mo.
»Fleury H. R., M organ C ity, La.
F oskett B. A., Lorain, O.
Folsom D. S., H artford, Ala.
»Flick B. L „ Salem, O.
»Folsom R. C., Cedar Rapids, l a .' ■ »Foskett O. J., Cóneord, Cal.
»Flick E. H., Springfield, O.
F oskett L. D., Crookston, Minn.
Folsom W . E ., Algonac, Mich.
»Flickinger W. Hi, Latrobe, Pa.
»Fosnaugh Austin, Lane, 111.
»Folsom Y. E ., Anton, Ala.
F lieth H. G., W ausau, Wis.
Fosnaugh L„ Lane, 111.
Flinders A. O., P latte, S. D.
»Foss C. E., Lake P ark, Minn.
Foltz P . E ., H obart, Okla.
»Flink M ., D eer River, M inn.
»Foss H. F . M issoury T allep, Ia.
Folz, J. W ., Newburgh, Ind.
Flinn A. W., Cogswell, N. D.
»Foss I. E., Lyle, Wash.
Fon F. J., Wheeling, W. Va.
»Fllnn J. W „ Ravenswood, W. Va.
»Foss J. R ., M agdaleca, N. M .
Fonda A. M., Guernsey, Wyo.
F linn T. P., Hernando, Miss.
Foss L. E ., Henry, S. D.
F onda J . W ., Luray, Mo.
F onda W. C., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Foss O. T., Cottonwood Lake, N. D.
»Flint C. R., Leedey, Okla.
Fondren J . T.. F orrest City, Ark.
F lin t C. W „ Denm ark, la .
»Fosse H. A., Rugby. N. D.
Fones W. H ., Fowlkes, Tenn.
»Flint C. W., Oswego, M ont,
Fontaine, E. L., Brandenburg.K y. »Fossen Theo., Carlisle, M inn.
F lin t E . P., Dickens. la.
Fosshage I., M ount Horeb, Wis.
F lin t H. W ., Cozad, Neb.
»Fossum A. E ., Herreld. S. D.
»Fonville W alter, Bernie, Mo.
F lin t H . W. Kewanee, 111.
Fooborg S. C., M edicine Lake, »Fossum C. J., G rantsburg, Wis
F lin t H enry, Richm ond, Minn.
»Fossum E v a Y.. Box Elder. M ont.
M ont.
»Flint H . G., Hynes, Cal.
»Fossum G. A., W alcott, N. D.
»Flint H. W ., New H aven, Conn. Foote A., Sum rall, Miss.
»Fossum O tto R..Albert Lea,M inn.
F lin t I. C., New Berlin, N . Y.
Fossum T. A., Lily, S. D.
Foote H . S., San Anselmo, Cal.
F lin t J. P ., Farm ihgton, Me.
Foster A. D., Pine Bluff, Ark.
Foote J . B., H ot Springs, Ark.
F lin t L. R ., Rosston, Okla.
F oster A. E ., Cato, N. Y.
»Flint R . F „ L am ar, Colo.
»Foster A . E ., F o rt Cobb, Okla.
F oote R. A., Jackson, Ala.
»Forbes Chas. M ., Lebanon, Ind. »Foster A . H .. Santa Cruz. Cal.
»Fllppen L. B„ Carthage, Tenn.
»Foster A. M ., Monticello, 111.
Forbes F. J., Greenville, N. C.
Flippin J. F., Claremore, Okla.
»Foster, A. W., M ount Vernon,
F litcraft W. Z., W oodstown, N .J. »Forbes, Ja y , Frem ont, Ia.
F little G. J., Brookings, S. D.
Foster B. H ., Bloomfield, Ky.
Forbes T. B., Carrollton, Ky.
F littie T. I., Iroquois, S. D.
Byron J., Hudson, Mich.
Floberg A. P., Rockford, 111.
Foster C. B., Hope, Ark.
Forbes W. L., Salado, Tex.
»Floberg A. R ., Rockford, 111.
F oster C. C.. Roswell, Ga.
»Floersch C. E ., M an h attan , Kan. Forbes W . P ., H ackett, Ark.
Foster C. H., Concord, N . H.
Forbush C. H., Springfield, Vt.
Flohr A. J., Bellevue, Ky.
Foster O. W., Sharpsville, Pa.
Flom G. A., Kenyon, Minn.
Foster E. G., Tower Hill. 111.
»Florn Gehard, G randin, N . D.
Foster E . H., Strasburg, 111.
»Flommersfeld, F. W., Verona, Ford A., R usk, Tex.
F. A., Bartlesville, Okla.
Foster F. F., Riverside, Tex.
Ford D. F., Loving, Tex.
»Flood F. R., P ittsburg, Pa.
Foster F. H., Claremont, N. H.
Ford E. A., W aldo, Kan.
»Flood G. W ., H ighland Falls, N Y
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

»Foster F. M ., D rum right, Okla.
»Foster F . S., Birmingham, Ala.
Foster G. A., Pollock, La.
»Foster G. L., Lowell, Ind.
Foster Glen, Tuscaloosa, Ala.
»Foster H . G., Owego. N. Y.
»Foster Hoskins, Galveston, Tex.
Foster Howard, Peck, Mich.
Foster Hugh, Union Springs, Ala.
»Foster H. W., Francesville, Ind.
Foster Ira D„ Ladoga, Ind.
Foster J. A.. Danville. 111.
»Foster J. D. Jr., Charleston, W.Va.
Foster J . X ., Boston, Mass.
»Foster J. L„ Baldwinsville, N. Y.
F oster John, Cushing, Okla.
Foster J. W., Ridge Farm , 111.
»Foster L. C., Pennsboro, W . Va.
Foster L. C., Fulton, N. Y.
»Foster Mack, W aynetown, Ind.
»Foster P. H., Christiansburg, Va.
Foster P. J.. Booneville. Miss.
»Foster Ray, Peck, Mich.
Foster R. E ., Springfield, Ky.
Foster S. J.. Cedar City, U tah.
»Foster Staten, Harwood, M o.
Foster W . J., Olympia, W ash.
Foster W. L. P ittston , Pa.
Foster W. M., PJano, 111.
Foster W. P., Jonesville, La.
Foster W. T., Gorham, Kan.
»Fostum A. T ., Viroqua, Wis.
Fotheringham W. S., B ay City,
_ .
»Fouch B. L., Williams, Cal.
»Fouche C. W ., Plano. Tex.
»Fougerousse F. N ., New Albany,
»Fouke Wm. H ., B ryant, S. D.
Foulkrod W. W.. Jr., Phila.. Pa.
Foulks E. L., Deming, N. M .
Foulon Charles, Ghent, Minn.
»Foulon Helen, G hent, Minn.
»Founds W . G., New M artinsville.
W . Va.
Fountain J . C., Marlin, Tex.
Fountain J. O., Kountze, Tex.
Fountain R. F.. South River, N. J.
Fountain V. H .. Brownstown, Ind.
F ouquette D. J., Pease, M inn.
F out W. G.. Klrksville. Mo.
Fouts O. B., Dillonvale. O.
Fouts C. H.. Stockport, O.
Fouts E. L. Bocagrande, Fla.
Fouts J. L., M ulberry, Fla.
Fouts M. O., Independence, la .
Fowler A. G., Peshtlgo, Wis.
Fowler C. C„ Roswell, Ga.
Fowler C. G., L a F ayette, Ind.
Fowler D. A., D uncan, Okla.
»Fowler D. E „ Marble Falls, Tex.
»Fowler D. L., P aton, Ia.
Fowler E . M ., Smyrna, Del.
Fowler F . J., Munfordvllle, Ky.
Fowler H. F., Vacaville, Cal.
Fowler J. J., Livonia, M o.
Fowler J. T., Arcadia, K an.
Fowler L. D., Woodruff, S. C.
Fowler L. R., Beverly, W. Va.
»Fowler R. F ., Graham , Tex.
»Fowler R. F., W arrenton, Ga.
Fowler T. H ., No. Bend, Neb.
»Fowler W alter, Glazier, Tex.
Fowler Wm. F., St. Clair Heights,
»Fowler W . M ., Stockton, Cal.
»Fowlkes L. C., Keystone, W. Va.
»Fox A. C., Coupeville, Wash.
Fox Alfred J., Lexington, S. C.
»Fox Beman C., G rand Junction,
Fox C. S. W .. Catawlssa. Pa.
»Fox F. E . S., W hitely, Ind.
F oxF . L., Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y
Fox G. R., Anthony, Kan.
Fox H . B., Elverson, Pa.
»Fox Hester, Ackerman Miss.
Fox H arry J., D etroit, Mich.
»Fox H. C., Eckelson, N. D.
Fox Henry, Bridgeport, O.
Fox H. R., M arquette, Mich.
Fox Jam es, Albion, Neb.
»Fox J . C., Philadelphia, Pa.
Fox J . E., Rockwood, Tenn.
»Fox John, Concord, N. C.
Fox L. T ., H ouston, Miss.
»Fox L. W., Batesburg, S. C.
Fox R. L., Brandon, Miss.
Fox R . S. S., Dolores, Colo.
Fox W . D., Lewisburg, Tenn.
»Fox W. T., Atchison, Kan.
»Foxcroft F . O.. N. Y. City, N. Y.
Foxw orthy J. E., F t. Myers, Fla.
*Foy H um phrey, Eufaula, Ala.
Foy J . E., Lexington, N. C.
*Foy M . J., Springfield, Minn.
Foy W . L., Ashland, Va.
F raas J. E., Crown Point, Ind.
»Frahm E ., Miles, Ia.
»Frahm R obert, Snyder, Neb.
»Frahm W. C., Blue Hill, Neb.
Frain H. E., Fulton, Ind.
Fraizer D. C., Billings, Okla.
»Fraker, W. H., Delta. O.
»Fraley G. A., Oakland. Md.
»Framblay-Oliver, H ., Chicago, IllFram e C. D., Gassaway, W. Va.
Fram e George, Newm an, 111.
»Fram e Omer, Gassaway, W. Va.
Fram e W. R., W aukesha, Wis.
F ram pton A. T ., Artesia, Cal.

♦Fram pton G., D enton, Neb.
F ram pton J. M ., Charleston, S. C
♦Frana F. J.. Tabor. S. D.
♦France A. H ., Alva, Okla.
France E. L., Elm a, W ash.
France H. A.. Rawlins, Wyo.
♦France H enry L., Fryburg, N. D
♦France O. J., Gackle, N. D.
France W. H.. Montesano, Wash
Francis Carl, Marble Falls, Tex.
F rancis C. D„ S an ta Monica, Cal
Francis E . J., Elvins, Mo.
Francis E. M.. Eldorado, Okla.
♦Francis F . H ., Pittsfield, Miss.
♦Francis H. A., Brocton, N. Y.
♦Francis P . T., Davis, Okla.
Francis Richard, H erculaneum
M o.
Francis T. L., T alihina, Okla.
Francis W. C., P urdon, Tex.
♦Francis W. N ., Sallisaw, Okla,
Francisco G. S.. Dexter, Mich.
Francisco H. C.. Marshall, Mo.
Franck E. C., L anark, 111.
♦Francke A. E ., Milwaukee, Wis.
Franckenberg A., W est Bend,W is
♦Francy H. E ., Glendale, Cal.
F raney T. M., Perrysburg, O.
♦Frang E . L., Bigtim ber, M ont.
F rank A. C„ Lindsey, O.
♦Frank E. A., Union C ityvlnd.
F rank G. C., Llgonier, P a.
♦F rank G. H., Newport, Pa.
F rank H. S., Okamville, 111.
F rank N. M ., Petersburg, Ind.
F ran k W. C., Woodlake, M inn.
♦Frank W arren E., L uray, Va.
F rank W. K., Arcade, N. Y.
F rank W. M„ Le Roy, Minn.
♦Franke A., Goliad, Tex.
♦Franke T. F., E yota, M inn.
♦Frankenburger B, E „ Rio, 111.
Frankenburger C. E., Rio, 111.
♦Frankenfeld E. W .,Hudson, Wyo.
♦Frankland J. C.. Philadelphia,
F ranklin B. G., Ham burg, la .
♦Franklin E ., Floresville, Tex.
♦Franklin E. M., O yster Bay, N.Y.
F ranklin G. A., D erm ott, Ark.
♦Franklin Jesse, Byrdstown.Tenn.
Franklin L. D., Pocatello, Idaho.
Franklin L. H.. Mansfield, Ga
♦Franklin W. C., W inters, Tex.
Franklin W. E., Sutersville, Pa.
Franklyn E „ Em erado, N. D.
♦Franks O. L., Stevensville, M ont.
♦Franks G. L., M ontour, la.
♦Franks G. W., Hiawassie, Ga.
♦Franks G. W., Pioche, Nev.
Franques Lloyd, Church Point,La.
F ran tz A. E., N azareth, P a.
F rantz A. H „ Friend, Neb.
♦Frantz A. W., Kenosha, Wis.
F ran tz Fred, Crescent C ity , Cal.
F ran tz L. N., Mullens, W. Va.
♦Frantz S. D.. Mullens, W. Va.
♦Frantz W. E., W hittier, Cal.
F ranz C. F „ Richville. Minn.
Franzen A. W.. Bensenville, 111.
Franzen H. H., Roselle, 111.
♦Franzen H. H., Union, 111.
Franzen L. A., Funk, Neb.
♦Frasa J. I., Virginia, M inn.
♦Frasch G. J., Bremen. O.
Fräse P . M., Clinton, O.
Fraser Clinton, Ham lin, Tex.
Fraser Donald, Johnstow n, N. Y.
Fraser D. E „ Olanta, S. C.
Fraser H . W., Georgetown, S. C.
Fraser John D., P ittsburgh, P a.
Fraser N ., P ortia, Ark.
Fraser R. L.. W aterboro. S. C.
Fraser R obert, Rolla, N. D.
Frasier C. A., Carson, la .
♦Frasier J. P „ St. Olairsville, O.
♦Frawley W. E „ Mason, Tenn.
Frayser M. H .. H arrisburg, Ark.
♦Frazee Charles E ., Jersey City,
N. J.
Frazee G. B„ Somerfleld. Pa.
♦Franzen Elm er, Roselle, 111.
♦Frazer E. L., Mt. P leasant, Mich.
Frazer H . S., Mahnomen, Minn.
♦Frazer W. E ., M iddlesboro, Ky.
♦Frazier A rthur, Meridian, Ida.
♦Frazier C. F., Des Moines, la .
Frazier Craig, T rum an, Ark.
Frazier E. H.. Verndale, Minn.
Frazier H. N„ Magnolia, la.
Frazier J. L., Union, Ky.
Frazier J. W., Hillsboro, Ind.
Frazier O. L., Davis City, la .
♦Frazier T. C., M ilton, Ore.
Frazier W. C:, Gilmer, Tex.
♦Frazier W. H ., Saco, M ont.
Frazza J . G., Garfield, N. J.
Frazzini F., Denver, Colo.
Freas B. D., Berwick, Pa.
Freas W. H., So. P ittsburg, Tenn.
♦Freeh A. E., Columbus, O.
♦Frede H erbert A., Ellinger, Tex.
Frede Leo, Lagrange, Tex.
♦Fredeking W. T., H inton, W. Va.
♦Fredell O. G., A rthur, la .
Frederichs J . F „ N. Y. City, N. Y
♦Frederick Q. E ., Upper Sandusky,
♦Frederick C. M . Callaway, Neb.
♦Frederick E d., Callaway, Neb.
Frederick F rank, Riverside, 111.
Frederick G rant, Odern, Tex.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Frederick John, Jr., Callaway, Neb
Frederick J. B „ Leetonla. O.
Frederick J. R., M cCurtain. Okl.
Frederick Otto, H anna. Wyo.
♦Frederick S. H ., Lock H aven P a
r reaerickson S„ Okabena, Minn.
♦Fredlne E. C.. Geddes. S. D.
♦Fredine H . W., P latte, S. D.
♦Frederick O. W., Dunkirk, O.
Fredrick R. V., R lttm an. O.
Fredricks O., Crookston, Minn.
♦Fredrickson A., Tioga, N. D
♦Fredrickson C. W., Essex, la .
♦Free A. H ., Bainbridge, O.
Free R. L . Doerun, Ga.
Free W .H., Abilene, Tex.
Freeberg, F. O., Mercer, N. D.
Freeberg V., Montevideo, Minn.
Freeborn M., San Antonio, Tex
Freeburn C. C„ K inbrae, Minn.
Freed H. M„ W akarusa. Ind.
♦Freed O. F ., Hillsdale, Mich.
♦Freed Sylvane, Trenton, Texm.
Freed W. H „ New Freedom, Pa.
Freeland H. W., Kingman, Kan.
Freeland W. O., Selma, Cal.
♦FTeeman A. B., Briggsdale, Colo.
♦Freeman A. W., Portales, N. M .


Frey F. F., M cLeansboro,' 111.
Fuglie O. D., D um ont, M inn. ,
Frey H. H., Bluff Dale, Tex.
F uhrm an E. F., Roundup, M ont.
Frey J. W., Stephenville, Tex.
♦Fulford G. E ., Wrightsville, Ga.
Frey O. J., Ocheyedan, la .
F ulk M. A., A tlanta, N e b .,
Freym an I. I., Portage, O.
Fulkerson C. E., Hollansburg, O.
Freym ann P ., Holy Cross, la .
♦Fulkerson E . W ., Brimson, Mo.
F reytag G. H.. Elgin, N . D.
Fulkerson F. M., Augusta, Ky.
♦Freytag W. E.. Graham, Mo.
♦Fulkerson G. E ., Halliday, N. D.
♦Frick A. E .f W ayzata, M inn.
Fulks C. L.. Dunkirk, O.
Frick A. W., Durham , Kan.
♦Fulks H. C., Beardstown, 111.
Frick E. S., Marshall, Minn.
Fullbrlght C. S. Hendersonville,
♦Frick Henry, G ettysburg, S. D • : N. C.
Fnok J. J.. York. Pa.
Frfilenwider J . E., Mechanicsburg,
♦Frick John, Durham, Kan.
♦Fuller A. D., Canisteo, N. Y.
Frick S. C., Oak Grove, Mo.
Fuller A. L., R ainier, Ore.
♦Fricke Miss Carrie, Gretna, La.
♦Fuller A. W., Oronogo, Mo.
Fricke C. A., Gretna, La.
Fuller O. H ., Oxford, Mich.
♦Fricke C. G„ P lattsm outh, Neb
Fuller C. M ., M ountville, S. C.
Fricke E., Madison, Neb.
Fricke G. F., R ound Top, Tex.
Fuller D. E., Clyde, O.
Fricke L. E., Evansville, Ind.
Fuller D. L„ Farm er City, 111.
♦Frickel Jacob, Wisner. Neb.
Fuller E. H., Stanton, Ky.
Fridley A. Wl, Anna, O.
♦Fuller G. G., Phoenix, Ariz.
♦Fried Leo, Buffalo, S. D.
♦Fuller H. B., Sebastopal, Cal.
♦Fried William, Buffalo, S. D.
Fuller H. D., W inchester, Va.
♦Friedeboch J. K.. Plainview. Neb. ♦Fuller H. E ., Ladonia, Tex.
Friedel Jos. C., H am tranick, Mich Fuller H. F., Boston. Mass.
♦Friedley C. J., Bellevue, O.
♦Fuller I. L., Early, Ia.
Friedley G. W., Bellevue, O.
Fuller J. B., Winslow, 111.
Freem an B. F., Logan. la .
Friedman S. O., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Fuller J . F., H anna City, 111.
Freem an C. E „ Sabinal, Tex.
Friedrichsen E. G., Tenino.Wash. ♦Fuller L. G., Corcoran, Cal.
♦Freeman C. Y.. Lexington, Ky.
Chas. L., P unta Gorda, Fla.
Fuller Louis W.,WhiteCloud,Mlch.
♦Freeman Elliott, Dickinson, N D Fries
F. W., New Athens, 111.
♦Fuller M. A., Snyder, Tex.
♦Freeman E, W., Jackson, Miss, i Fries
L. A., Toronto, S. D.
Fuller N. P., N orth E ast, Fa.
Freem an F. A., Portland, Ore.
♦Friesen P. F., Hillsboro, Kan.
♦Fuller R. C., Beach, N. D.
Freem an F. F ., Dighton, F m ,
Friesen P. L., Henderson, Neb.
Fuller V. H., Sunflower, Miss.
♦Freeman F. P.. Union Mills, N. C. Friesz
A. L., Brufiswick, Mo.
♦Fuller W .P.K.,Cooperstown,N.Y.
Freem an G. A., Cylinder, la.
♦Frimodig C. H...Houghton, Mich. Fuller Y. S„ Bernice. La;
Freem an G. B., Mansfield, Mo.
Frink S. G., Tipton. Ia.
♦Fullerton Harvey, Fairfax, M inn.
♦Freem an G. O.. Mansfield, Mo,
Fullerton L. W„ Medicine Lodge,
♦Freeman G. D., Canton, S. D.
Freem an G. W., Bennettsville,S.C. ♦FrisbeeH.H.F.,HHancock,
Fullington F.G.,Milford Centre,O.
Freem an G. W„ Elk Point, S. D.
H. A., Center, Colo.
Freem an H. A., Spencerport.N. Y.
E. C., Redding, Cal.
♦Fullwood W. N., Dallas, Tex.
Freem an H. R „ F ort Wayne, Ind. Frisbie
Frisbie F. B., New Haven, Conn. Fulm er G. T ., Athens, Wis.
♦Freeman J. A., W, Union, W. Va ♦Frisch
H. J., Johnson, Minn.
♦Fuliper P. J., Allendale, S. O.
♦Freeman J. E., Decatur, 111.
♦Frisch H. L., Stover, Mo.
♦Fulmor M. A., Anaconda, Mont.
♦Freeman J. E „ Dublin, Ga.
Frisvold J. A., Rushford, M inn.
Fulp G. V., Kemersville, N. C.
Freem an J . N., Prospect, O.
J. D., Miami, Mo.
F ulton Anna J., Talmage, Kan.
♦Freem an J. W., Harlowton.Mont. ♦Fristoe
Friswold Seval, Cooperstown, N. D. ♦Fulton B. H., Formoso, Kan.
♦Freeman L. M., Logan, la.
Glenn F., Buhl, Ida.
Fulton C. B., Murray, Ky.
♦Freeman N. K., Rowena, Tex.
♦Fulton C. L„ Burlington. Ia.
♦Freeman R. F., Shelby, la.
Fritz A. J., Calvary, Wis.
Fulton D. E ., Ada, M inn.
Freem an R. W., Senoia, Ga.
Fritz Carl, Vandalia Mich.
♦Fulton E C., Salisbury, M d.
Freem an W „ Maxbass, N. D.
Fulton H. O., Columbia. Tenn.
Freem an W. A., Conway, S. C.
F ritz M. J., Ann Arbor, Mich.
F ulton H . S.. Stewartstown. Pa.
♦Freeman W. H., Jr., M t. Juliet ♦Fritz
Ralph, Sioux City, Ia.
♦Fulton H. W., A tlantic, Ia.
♦Fritzson Fritz, Sioux City, la.
Freem an W. L., Oil City, Pa.
♦Freeman W. S., Spokane, Wash. Frizzell J. E ., W averly Hall, Ga. Fulton J. H., W alnut Cove, N. C.
F ulton J . R., W aukegan, 111.
Freer G. R., Ashland, O.
♦Froehlick A. B., Jackson,W is.
Fulton J. W., Amity, Ark.
Freerks E. M., George, la.
Froehlich D. E., Shawneetown, 111. Fulton J. W., D e W itt, Ark.
♦Freerks E. W., Balfour, N. D.
Froehlich F.L.A., H arrisburg, Pa.
Fulton R. I., Clearfield, Pa.
♦Freese B., Ogden, 111.
Froehlich W. H., Jackson, Wis.
♦Fulton Robert O., P ittsburgh,P a.
Freese J. H., Monee, 111.
♦Froelick O. Marie, Saybrook, 111. Fulton W. B., Union City, Pa.
Freese Leo. Ogden, 111.
♦Fulton W. T ., Philadelphia, Miss.
F reethy F . O.. Yonkers, N. Y.
Frome August, Jr., H o w a r d s
♦Friant A., San Francisco, Cal.
Grove, Wis.
Fultz Roy R., P’etrolia, Tex.
♦Freiberg A. H.. New Albin, la .
elt H. H., Grenville, S. D
♦Fultz W. J., Bushnell, 111.
♦Freiberger F. L., F t. Wayne, Ind. From
Fromke H. A., Grover, S. D.
♦Funck, Joseph, Kenosha, Wis.
Freiden B. W., Sioux City, la.
unda G., London. Minn.
Freikinson F. B.. Duenweg, Mo.
Frank Melvin. Iola. Kan.
Fundm an Paul, Willamina, Ore.
Freise H. W.. Schaumburg, 111.
♦Frost B. S., Mill Creek, Okla.
♦Funk B ertha, Ransom, Kan.
Frels O. G., Welcome, Tex.
Frost C. E., Athens, Ala.
F unk B. M ., Francetas, Tex.
♦French A. D., Glenwood, la.
♦Frost Ira, Trenton, N. J
Funk Brown, Jennings, La.
♦Frost R., Dozier, Ala.
F unk C. D., Fredonia, N. D,
French B. F., Honey Creek, la.
Frost R. G.. Birch Run, Mich.
Funk C. E., Carver, Minn.
French C. E ., St. Louis, Mo.
Frost W. A., Hackleburg, Ala.
F unk C. J., Sterling, Colo.
French C. W., Stanton, Mich.
♦Frostrom E dyth, Brostow, N eb
♦Funk E. B., Piper City, 111.
♦French C. W., Utica, O.
F unk E. B„ Warsaw, Ind.
French D. O., W est L afayette,Ind Fruechte F. H., Eitzen, Minn.
F unk E arl V;, Birmingham, Ia.
French Earl, Competition, Mo.
♦Fruge S., Basile, La.
♦Funk G. E., Doniphan, Neb.
French E . A., Keokuk, la.
F ruin M . E., Coyle, Okla.
Funk H. E.. Doniphan, Neb.
♦French Fred. Tonkawa. Okl.
John B., Milltown, Ind.
French F red C.. Hutchinson. Kan. Fry A. E., Zearing, Ia.
♦Funk L. E., Bakersfield, CaL
French G., Jr., Tonkawa, Okl.
F ry E „ Shiner, Tex.
♦Funk L. R., Anaconda, Mont.
French G. H., Littlefork, Minn.
F ry F. B., Corydon, la.
♦Funk R. O., Carver, M inn.
French G. M ., Hewitt, Tex.
F ry H. H „ Hollow Rock, Tenn.
Funk R. W., O ttum wa, Ia.
French H. A., Glenwood, la.
F ry I. Oliver. Bainbridge, Pa.
Funke L. P., St. Leo., M inn.
French H. P „ Martinsburg, Mo.
J. A., Lovell, Okla.
♦Funke S. C., St. Leo, M inn.
♦French J. A., Freelandvflle, Ind. ♦Fry
F ry J. G., Clifton Forge. Va.
Funkey W. J. Jr., E ast Chicago,
French Leslie, Escanaba. Mich.
F ry J. H „ Turkey, Tex.
♦French M a ttie M ., Honey Creek, ♦Fry J. M ., Henderson, Tenn.
♦Funkhouser C. E., Creston, Wash.
E .P., Columbiana.O.
French R. D., Kenmore, N. Y.
♦Fry J. T., G rants Pass, Ore.
Funkhouser G. A., Jr„ D ayton, O.
♦French R. M., Beckley, W. Va.
♦Fry L. E., Ladonia, Tox.
♦Funneil W. S., H untington.N .Y .
French T. J., Camden, Me.
♦Fry L. L-, Wapello, Ia.
♦Fuqua A. S., Clovis. N: Mi
French T. N.. W anette, Okl.
F ry R. D., Gorman, Tex.
♦Fuqua V. S., Clarksville, Tenn.
♦French W. S., Stanton, Mich.
uquay K. M„ Idabel, Okl.
F rentz T. R ., Oshkosh, Wis.
Fry T. M., Princeton, W. Va.
♦Fuquay L. G., Evansville, Ind.
Frentzel O tto A.. Altona. Neb.
C., New York City, Fürbee C. W., Clarksburg; W.Va.
Frenzel J.P ., Jr., Indianapolis, Ind. F ryN.Thomas
Furbee G. S., Mannington.W .Va.
Frere Wm. C., Franklin, La.
Furber R. C., Hopkins, Mich.
♦Frerichs A. H., Brush, Colo.
♦Fry W. R., Conemaugh, Pa.
Furches H unter, Coltewah, Tenn.
♦Frerichs F. B., Sterling, 111.
Fryberger J . E., Philipsburg, Pa.
♦Furey N. K., De Kalb, Tex.
♦Frerichs H. J., Wellsburg, la.
Frye A. L., W est Bend, Ia.
♦Furgerson J. S., Deport, Tex.
Frerichs H. W., Lotron, Neb.
Frye B. L., M ason, O.
♦Furley W. J., Ewing, Neb.
Frerichs R. F., Sterling. Neb.
♦Frye C., Newark, O.
♦Furlong W. S., Bokchito, Okla.
Frerichs Theo., Talmage, Neb.
Frye C. E., W addy, Ky.
♦Frerichs T . S., Talmage, Neb.
Frye C. J., Rodman, Ia.
Furm an B., Marsland, Neb.
♦Frese C. A.. Toledo. O.
Frye D. H., Richwood, W. Va.
Furm an F. H., Springville, N. Y.
♦Frye Vera K „ Cowden, 111.
♦Furman Winifred, M arsland,Neb.
♦Fresen E. A., Edwardsvllle, 111.
Fryer O. F., ‘Fairfield, Ia.
♦Furness G. B., M urphysboro, 111.
♦Freshwater Allie, Cisne, 111.
♦Fuchs E., Livermore, Cal.
Furnish A. L., Golden Pond, Ky.
Freshw ater T. L.. Cisne. 111.
♦Fuchs E m m itt, Pflugerville, Tex. F urr A. R., Stockham, Neb.
Fuchs F. P., Evansville, Ind.
Fretwell W. F., New Hope, Va.
Furrer E. D.t Easton, 111.
Fuchs Henry, Douglas, M inn.
Freund Chas., Seymour, Wis.
♦Furrèr E . V., Easton, 111.
Freund Geo. U., Cole Camp, Mo. ♦Fudge W.-'C.. Colfax, Wash.
Furrow E. H., Cedar Rapids, la.
♦Fuessle R. B., Chicago, 111.
♦Freund J. D., Cole Camp, Mo.
F ürst M. C., Adair, Ia.
♦Frevert W arner, Lima, N. Y.
Fugate M. L., Adairville, Ky.
F ürst Paul, San Jose, Cal.
♦Frevert W. C., Holyrood, Kan. Fugate P. A., Aberdeen, Ida.
Furtw ängler L. E., Greensburg, Pa.
♦Frew D. E., Grove City, Pa.
♦Fuglaar 0 . J., Powers Lake, N . D. •Fuseller T., Eunice, La.
♦Frew W. H., Winona, Kan.
♦Fuglie A. O., Plaza, N. D.
Fussell D. C.. Tabor, N. C.
Frey A. W „ Mingo, la.
Fuglie C. A., Coal Harbor, N. D.
Fussell R „ Media, Pa.
F rey E. W., Gowen, Okla.
♦Fuglie M. R., T urtle Lake, N. D. Fussell W. W., Ariton, Ala. ’

F u tch A. A., H am pton, Fla.
F u tra l W . J., Glenwood. Ga.
F utrell W . B., Clyo, Ga.
♦Fuzzard F. W ., Miami, Fla.
♦Fye T ., Louisville, Ky.
♦Fyfe J. C., Council Grove, Kan.
•F yfe P eter, Covington, Tenn.
F y fle O. A., Sumner, 111.
Gaarder L. H., New Albin, la.
* Gaare J., Perley, Minn.
G abbert W . H., Dearborn, Mo.
Gabel W. A., Frem ont, O.
Gable C. H., Mountville, Pa.
•Gable F. A., Shamokin, Pa.
Gable S. L. Jr., W agner, S. D.
Gabriel C. E ., Payson, 111.
•Gabriel Fred, Ostrander, O.
•Gabrielson A., Galesburg, 111.
G adberry E . L., W aynesburg, Ky
♦Gaddie W. H ., Pineville, Ky.
Gaddis B. L , Jr., W etum pka, Ala
♦Gaddis C. B., Three Rivers, Tex
Gaddis C. N ., Stites, Ida.
Gaddis J, A., W etum pka, Ala.
G addis J . W., Fairview, 111.
♦Gaddo Jam es L., Lehigh, Obla.
Gaddy W. M ., Pages Mills, S. C.
Gadson F. P ., Ocala, Fla.
♦Gaebler I. F .. Winside, Neb.
G alley Philip M ., San Pedro, Cal.
♦Gaffield A., Sixlakes, M ich.
Gaffney J. J., C rystal Falls,M ich.
♦Gaffney R. M„ Bingham ton,
N. Y.
Gafford R. C., Minneapolis, Kan.
♦Gafvert P., Portersville, Cal.
♦Gage C. H., Janesville, Wis.
Gage E . C., Pauls Valley, Okla.
♦Gage E . S., Nashua, N. H.
Gage Geo C.. Frem ont, Neb.
Gage H. M„ Hope, N. M. ■
Gage J . O., Ree Heights, S. D.
Gage R obert, Chester, S. C.
Gage T. E .. G roton, S. D . '
♦Gagg K. A., Durango, Colo.
Gahm G. L., Johnston City, 111.
♦Gahm J. J., Johnston City, 111.
G aida N . A., Holdingford, M inn.
G ailbreath W. M ., Gainesboro,
Gailey John R., Kaysville, U tah.
♦Gainer Chas. D., W hiting, Ind.
Gaines C. L., Erlanger, Ky.
♦Gaines Della, Joiner, Ark.
♦Gaines D. T ., D erm ott, Ark.
♦Gaines H . N ., Mitchell, S. D.
Gaines L. T ., Iuka, Miss.
♦Gaines R. G., Central, S. C.
♦Gaines S. S., Louisville, Ky.
Gaines T. C., Middletown, Ky,
♦Gains V. M ., Irvine, Ky.
♦G aither B. F., M ontrose, M o.
♦G aither Clyde, Chilton, Tex.
G aither W. G. Jr., E lizabeth City
N. C.
Gake L.G., Beaver Crossing, Neb.
G alarneault J. B.. Aitkin, Minn.
Galaway W. O., Banks, Ore.
G albraith A. E ., Charleston,W ash.
♦G ailbraith C. B., Charleston
♦G albraith H. H ., Clarkfield.Minn.
♦G albraith S. L., Anniston, Ala.
G albraith W. D., Hebron, Neb."
Galby A. T., Chetek, Wis.
♦Gale A. E., G rand Ledge, Mich.
Gale C. M., Oregon, 111.
Gale Charles W., Norwich, Conn.
♦Gale F. R., Moorewood, Okla.
♦Gale G. W „ Cincinnati, O.
Gale J. H., Farm ingdale, S. D.
Gale J. M., Bushnell, 111.
♦Gale J . M., E aton, O.
♦Gale Ada, Oregon, 111.
♦Gale W. B.. Fowlerville. Mich.
Gale W . B., Groton, N. Y.
Gale William. Cum berland, Ind.
Galener S. C., Eldorado, 111.
Galey C. M., Kemp, Tex.
Galitz W. J.. Niles Center, 111.
♦Gall C. E., St. Paul, M inn.
Gall C. H.. W essington Springs,
S. D.
Gall E . A., M enno, S. D.
Gallagher E. K„ Somerset, Pa.
Gallagher J. A., Cheboygan, Mich.
Gallagher J. F „ O’Neill, Neb.
G allagher J . F ., San Antonio, Tex.
Gallagher V. B„ Wylie. Tex.
Gallagher W. F., Owosso, Mich.
♦Gallahger W. J., Sterling, 111.
Galiaher G. B., Lafollette, Tenn.
GaUaher W. B.. Sabina, O.
♦Gallaway J. B., Towson, M d.
Galleher W. B., Delaware, O.
♦Gallemore J. R., F ayette, Mo.
Gallemore L. L., Wrens, Ga.
Gallemore N. C., Fairland, Okla.
Gallia E . L., Sealy, Tex.
Galligan J . H „ Cairo, 111.
Galloway A: F., Clarinda, la .
Galloway C. A., Holdrege, Neb.
♦Galloway C. B., Clio, S. C. _
Galloway Frank, Macedonia. la .
Galloway H. A., Bentley, N . D.
Galloway J. A., Plainville, Ga.
Galloway J . R., Norwood, Colo.
♦Galloway L. D., Sentinel, Okla.
♦Galloway R. O., Galax, Va.
♦Galloway R.W .,W est Plains, Mo.
Galloway W. C., B ufnet, Tex.
Galloway W. E., Ellendale, Minn.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Galloway W. F „ Murfreesboro,
Gallup F . L„ Y psllanti, Mich.
♦Galphin J. B., Cameron, S. C.
♦G alt M . H ., Newberg, Ore.
G alt William, Canton. Ga.
♦Galtes F. J., Bakersfield, Cal.
•G alvin Eugene, N. Y. City, N. Y.
Galway C. M„ Pocahontas, Va.
Galway W. H ., E ast Radford. Va.
♦Galyean Allan, W est Lebanon,
♦Galyon A. P., Faxon, Okla.
Gamble A. W ., F airm ont, Minn.
Gam ble E . A., Alfred, N. Y.
♦Gamble E thel J«, Oriska, N. D.
♦Gamble J . R ., Centerton, Ark.
♦Gamble R. O., Coin, la .
Gam brell J. C., W are Shoals, S. G.
Gambs L. S., Sm ithland, la .
♦Game E rnest O., Cohoes, N . Y.
Gamm F . W ., W atertow n, Wis.
Gammill Ben. D., H aslet, Tex.
♦Gammon C. O., Jesup, Ga.
G andy F. J., Churubusco, Ind.
G andy W. S., S tate Line, Miss.
♦Ganguer Russell R., W eatherly,
♦Gangware E . B., Sandusky, O.
Ganigan Peter, Alpha, Mich.
♦Gannon F . H.. Aberdeen, S. D.
♦Gannon M. A., W hite Cloud,
Gannon R . W.. W hite Cloud, Mich.
Ganoe G. W., Houtzdale, Pa.
Gans Erie, Red Bluff, Cal.
♦Gans F. N., P oint Marion, Pa.
♦Ganson N., Oak Park, 111.
♦Ganssle C. S.. St. Thomas. N. D.
G ant J. R., Jr., Sugar Creek, Mo.
♦G antt Fred, Forem an, Ark.
♦Gantz F . A., Stewartsville, Mo.
♦Gantz J. S., Houston, Pa.
♦Ganz S. C., Phoenix, Ariz.
♦Ganzel C. A., Berlin, Neb.
Garard J. C.. W aynesburg, Pa.
♦Garbade H . B., Ridgeland, S. O.
Garber A. C., Birm ingham , Ala.
♦Garber C. E ., Strasburg, O.
G arber D. B ., M arkle, Ind.
G arber Geo. D ., No. M anchester,
♦Garber H. B., Quaker City, O.
G arber J . A., TImberville, Va,
Garber L. M., Bellville. O.
♦Garberson, L. D., Sibley, la .
Garborg A., Conway, Wash.
♦Garceau H. H., Crosby, Minn.
♦Garceau Theo., Ironton, M inn.
♦Gard E. Leroy. M illersburg,
Gard W .W ., Newark, O.
Gardanler B. L., Ellsworth. Kan.
♦G ardiner C. B., Brookville, O.
Gardiner C. B., Norwalk, O.
Gardiner C. V., Vayland, S. D.
G ardiner J. B., W ichita, Kan.
G ardiner J. R., Bouton, la.
Gardiner S. L.. Valley Center, Kan.
Gardiner S. L., Viola, Kan.
Gardiner W. J., Hagerm an, Tex.
Gardiner W. J., Longbeach, Cal.
Gardlng John, Struble, la .
Gardner A. R., Sandy, U tah.
Gardner A. S., Scottsville, Ky.
♦Gardner Edna, Orleans, Neb.
Gardner E. J., Valparaiso, Ind.
♦G ardner E . W .. Paragould, Ark.
Gardner F. M., Eagle, Ida.
Gardner F . M„ E . Liverpool, O.
Gardner Frank. Leitchfleld. Ky.
G ardner G. T ., Grifton, N . C.
♦Gardner H . C.. Fulton, N. Y.

Gam er W. S.. Ozark. Ala.
Gam es A. L., Regan. N. D.
♦G arnett Jr. H. T ., Tappahannock, Va.
G arn ett M . R., N ow ata, Okla.
G arnett R . B., Hill City, Kan.
G arnett W. H., H inton, W. Va.
♦Garretson J., Bushnell, 111.
G arratt T. I., Preston, Minn.
G arrett A. W ., Dublin, Ga.
♦G arrett B. L., Bowling Green, Va.
G arrett Geo. W ., Orwigsburg, Pa.
G arrett H. C., Erick, Okla.
G arrett I. W., Taylors, S. C.
♦G arrett J. T., Georgetown, Colo.
G arrett J. T ., H urricane, W. Va.
G arre tt Jr., C. W ., Desloge, Mo.
G arrett M . O., W aukomis, Okla.
G arrett R. E ., Salem, Mo. .
G arrett R. G„ Frackville, Pa.
♦G arrettson J ., Bushnell, 111.
G arrettson R. F., M ichigan City,
G arrick A. T ., Norway, S. C.
G arrigan P eter, Alpha, Mich.
♦Garrigan Stew art, Alpha, Mich.
G arriott T . L., Sulphur, Ky.
Garrison D ., St. Joe, Ark.
♦Garrison E.W ., Shickshinny, Pa.
♦Garrison C. H .,Cottonwood Falls,
K an.
♦Garrison Gregg, Belle Prairie,
Garrison H ., Hollis, Okla.
Garrison J. F., Abilene, Tex.
Garrison N.W., Three Rivers.Mlch.
♦Garrison T . L., Hollis, Okla.
Garst F. L., Stanford, 111.
♦ Garst Mrs. M. K.. Stanford. 111.
♦G arth A. L., Union City, Tenn.
G arth G. E. J r., T renton, Ky.
♦G artland D., Bijou, M inn.
♦G artley L. E ., Cuba, Mo.
Garver W. C.. Denver, Colo.
Garvey F. R., Ferryville, Wis.
♦Garvin B. W ., Erie, Kan.
Garvin F. H ., Om aha, Neb.
♦Garvin R . D., E . St. Louis, 111.

♦GauthierA. C., St. M artin ville, La.
♦Gavere H., Grand Forks, N. D.
♦Gavic Edw ., Glenwood C ity, Wis.
Gavin Foster, Russellville, Ala.
Gavin W. H., Valley Junction, la.
G avitt S. B., Lyons, N , Y.
Gay A. E., Camp P oint, 111.
♦Gay A. H ., Scottsboro, Ala.
♦Gay C. E., Starkvllle, Miss.
G ay C. W., Ithaca, N. Y.
Gay F. B., Conesville, la
♦Gay F. N., Galesburg, 111.
Gay J . L., Berea, Ky.
Gay J. W., Scottsboro, Ala.
Gay R. L.. Zwolle, La.
Gayer D. E., Monmouth, 111.
Gayler W. A.. Ousseta, Ga.
Gayley J. S.. Jenkintow n, Pa.
♦Gaylord Bess, W inthrop, la.
Gaylord C. W ., Sodus, N. Y.
♦Gaymon O. P., Sarles, N. D.
♦Geach H. L., G ratiot, Wis.
Gean H ., Argenta, Ark.
G earhart R. E., Glenwood, Wash.
♦G earhart R. Y.. Danville. Pa.
♦Gearhiser H. S., Waldo. O.
Geary E . C., New M arket, Va.

Geary E. H., Burlingame, Cal.
♦Geary F. L., Seneca, Kan.
Geary G. R., Mt. Jackson, Va.
♦Geary J. R., Cleveland, O.
Geatley, M. P ., Catawissa, Mo.
Gebbie E. J., B ryant S. D.
Gebelin J. J., Garyville, La.
♦G ebhardt C. E .. Bucyrus, O.
G ebhardt F. W ., Juneau, Wis.
♦G ebhart C. L., Ham ilton, O.
♦Geddes J. J., Chicago, 111.
Geddy J. M., Toano. Va.
Gedge L. H ., Frostproof, Fla.
Gee H. H., Shreveport, La.
Gee Knox, W altonville, 111.
♦Gee L. G.. Lawrenceville, ill.
Gee Lewin, Newsome. Tex.
♦Gee R. C., F o rt W orth, Tex.
♦Gee R. H ., Savaimah, M o.
i=Garvin R. D., National Stock Yds, Geer H. R ., Free Soil, Mich.
Geesaman J . E „ Shippensburg, Pa.
Geeseman E . E ., Buda, 111.
3ary B. F., Sparks, Ga.
♦Geever W. O., Bland, Va.
''Gary C. W „ Galveston, Tex.
Gehm H. A., M anchester, 8. D.
•“Gary G. G., Winfleld, Kan.
♦G ehant H. W., W. Brooklyn, 111.
Gary H. L., Poulan, Ga.
G ehant O. L„ W. Brooklyn, 111.
♦Gary Lewis E ., Chicago, 111.
Gehlbach E . H., Cleveland, Ohio.
♦Gary R. C., Henderson, N. C.
Gehner Fred, Garrison, N . D.
Gary T. W., BartoW, Fla.
Gehner H . H ., Bowler, Wis.
Gary W. E., W heaton, 111.
G ehr G. R., W estm inster, Md.
Gary W. R., W oodland, Ga.
♦Gehr S. W „ Conneaut Lake, Pa.
Gasche F. W ., Dresden, O.
Gehres F . W., Badger, M inn.
♦Gasche K. W.. Dresden, O.
♦Gehrig B., Dubuque, la.
Gaskill D. B., W hitakers, N . C.
♦Gehrig D. A., Alham bra, 111.
♦Gaskill I. E ., Kansas City, Mo.
♦Gaskill John, W. Huntsville, Ark. ♦Gehrig H. A., Dyersville, la.
Geib F . W „ Marysville, P a.
Gaskin H . B., Blounstown, Fla.
♦Geiger A. O., R uthven, la.
♦Gaskin Richard, Cim arron,N .M
Geiger D. A., W arren. O.
Gaspard C. C., Marksville, La.
Geiger E . R., Salem, S. D.
Gass C. L., Ringgold, Tex.
Geiger R. B., St.Matthews.S.C.
Gass Philip, Belleville, 111.
♦Geil A. L., G reat Bend, Kan.
Gassaway L. D., Annapolis, Md.
♦Gels F rank, Jr., Brookville, Ind.
Gasser W. W.. Gladstone, Mich.
♦Gaster Edwin S., Orbisonia, Pa. ♦Geise H. O.. Clark, S. D.
♦Geise R obert, B axter, la .
G astineau O. R., F am am , Neb.
♦ Geise R. W., Oakland CIty.Ind.
♦Gaston E . L ., M eridian, Miss.
♦Geiselman C. C., Houston, Tex.
♦Gaston I. L., Columbus, Miss.
Geiselman D. W ., G rand Island,
Gaston J. M ., Beech Grove, Ind.
♦Gaston L. B., Janelew, W. Va.
♦Geismar A.. W oodward. Okla.
Gaston L. C., Repton, Ala.
♦Geissing C. H ., Farm ington, Mo.
Gaston R. J., Mineóla. Tex.
Geist E. T .r Joliet, 111.
Gaston S. C., Sims, 111.
Geist H enry, M alinta, O.
♦G atch L. W., Los Angeles, Cal.
♦Geist. J. C„ T lonesta, Pa.
Gelbach W, H ., W aynesboro, Pa.
Gates Alvin, Riley, Kan.
Gellerman F „ Cavour, S. D.
♦ Gates A. O., Pacific Grove, Cal.
Gelwicks C, C.. St. Thomas, Pa.
♦G ardner C. W., Ree Heights. S.D. Gates E. M., L a P lata, Mo.
H. B., A urora, Mo.
Gates G. O., Burlington, Colo.
♦Gardner H. M„ Chicago, 111.
♦Gemmel J. M ., Independence, la.
♦Gardner Holmes, Leitchfleld, Ky. Gates G. W., Loogootee, Ind.
B road Ripple, Ind.
G ardner H. C., New ark, N. J.
♦Gates H. C., Canton, Pa.
Gardner H. P., Scottsville, Ky.
Gendron A. N ., Berlin, N . H.
♦Gardner H. W., Beaum ont, Tex. Gates H. C., Ladora, la .
Gendron J . E.. Somerville, Mass.
♦Gardner J . A., Elizabethtown, Ky. ♦Gates H. P.. Chicago, 111.
♦Gendron W. B., Berlin, N . H.
Gates J . N., Davis City, la .
G ardner J. F., Belfleld, N . D.
E . J., Cuyahoga Falls,
♦G ardner J . T. Jr., Anniston, Ala.
G ates P . D., W auwatosa, Wis.
Gardner J . W , Draper, Va.
Gates W .H.,M ilton Junction, Wis. ♦Genesen Samuel. Chicago, In.
♦Gardner L. B., Waco, Tex.♦Gensley G. E ., D avenport, la.
Gates W. P . K „ Wakefield, Kan.
♦Gardner L. L., H annah, N. D.
G entem ann F . H ., O’Fallon, Mo.
♦Gates W. W., Chicago, 111.
Gardner N. A., Orient. S. D.
W m „ W estpoint, Neb.
Gardner R . D., Homer, Mich.
Gentry A. S., W ann, Okla.
G atley A. S., W ashington. D . O.
♦Gardner T. L„ Augusta, Ark.
Gentry Cooper. W heatley. Ky.
Gardner T. W ., Neosho Falls, Kan. ♦Gatlin B. H ., W est Blocton, Ala. G
entry C„ Hale Center, Tex.
Gatling W, M. Bearden, Ark.
Gardner W. D., Granger, Tex.
G atton L. A.. Crane. Mo.
Gardner W. J., Newark, N. J.
entry E . M ., Clementsville.N.D.
♦ Gardner W. M.. Centerville. S. D.
♦Gatz W. J., Belle Plaine, M inn. G entry M . C., New Liberty, Ky.
♦G ardner W. P., Erlanger, Ky.
♦G entry R. E ., Sonora, Ky.
♦Gardner W . W ., Scottsville, Ky. Gaugh J. L., Wilmore, Ky.
♦G entry R. S., New L iberty, Ky.
G ardner W. W. W ichita Falls, Tex. Gaukel E . A., Red Oak, la.
Gentry R. T., Sonora, Ky.
Gaulding R. M ., Brandon, Tex.
♦Garibaldi F., Merced, Cal.
George A. W., Elkin, N. C.
Garison O. R., Palestine, Ark.
George B. H ., Kildare, Okla.
♦G arity K atharine, Sullivan, Wis. ♦G ault H. D., Le Claire, la .
George B. O., Berryville, Ark.
G ault J. O., Shinglehouse, Pa.
♦Garland R. L., Opelousas, La.
George Carl E ., Dellrose, Texm.
Gault J. L., Burns, Ore.
♦Garling Alice, Superior, la .
George C. F., E sparto, Cal.
Gault J . M., Jonesville, S. C.
George Earl, Tucumcari, N. M.
G ault Z. S., St. Peter. Minn.
Garlinghouse C. C.,- Vera, Okla.
George Ernest, Kokomo, Ind.
♦Garlinghouse M ary, Vera, Okla. Gaumer C. H.. Gypsum. Kan.
♦George Fred, Humansville. Mo.
♦Gaumer W . F., Lisco, Neb.
Garlock H. J., Maxwell, la.
George H. V., Ola, Ark.
G aunt C. M., Mound City, 111.
Garlough J . H., Jeffersonville, O.
George H. W., Mantee, Miss.
G auntlett H. W., Gold Beach,
Garm J. E.- Joplin, Mo.
J. A., Lenox, la.
G arm any W . P ., M arlboro, N . Y.
George John A., L a Feria, Tex.
♦Gaupp R . C., Buffalo, N. Y.
Garmen C. J., Elm a, la .
Gause Chas. I., M ound C ity, Kan. ♦George J. F.. Ashley, N. D.
♦Garner A. F., Moody, Tex.
George J. H., Alderson, W. Va.
Gause E. N., M ound C ity, Kan.
♦G am er J . W ., Astoria, Ore.
George W. B„ Lee’s Summit, Mo.
♦Gausman A. E ., H am pton, Neb.
George W. F., Elm er, Okla.
Gam er N. T., Ham m ond, Mo.
G ausm ann Chas. F., Dillsboro, George W. J., Newkirk, Okla.
♦Gam er R . E., Pardeeville, Wis.
George W. S., W atkins, N. Y.
♦Gamer R. W., Yuma, Ariz.

George W. T., W essington Spgs.,


♦Gibson W arren. L ittle Falls,M inn Gillies H. C., P o rt Austin. M ich. Gleissner P . N., AbUene, Ia.
W. P., Leesburg, Va.
♦Gillies R. D., Cando, N. D.
♦Geotz Clinton, Ambroze, N. D Gibson
♦Glemmestad B. H ., Tyler, Tvrinn
Gibson W. Preston, Leesburg,Va Gilley O. L.. P y a tt, Ark.
G ephart C. T., Valley Falls, Kan.'
Glemmestad M ., Tyler, M inn.
Giddings C. J., Visalia, Cal.
♦Gillilan C. E ., Pomeroy, O.
♦Glendening F. D., Blythedale.M o
Gilliland C. C., Sherwood, N. D.
Gerard Sidney N., Patchogue.N Y
♦Giendening R. E ., Geneva, Ind.
biddings R. C., Missoula, M ont Gilliland J. L., La Ju n ta , Colo.
Gerber H . C., Baltic, o
♦Gerber H. L., Welcome, M inn.
Glenn C. J., W ellington, Tex.
*Gide°n W. H „ Baltimore, Md.
♦Gillis C., S utter Creek, Cal.
♦Gerberick F. L., Vinton, la
♦Glenn C. V., Ong, Neb.
GIdley A. J., Lytle. Tex.
GUlis D., Brewton, Ala.
*G erbrand H. B., Bubler, K an
Glenn George G.. E. Jordan. Mich.
Gillis E. J., Beaumont, Cal.
Gerdes I. A., Wesley, la .
♦Glenn G. J., OvUla, Tex.
Glebel E. Nelson, Wis.
GUlis F . M ., Wishek, N. D.
♦Gerdes J. H., Wilmington, N. C ♦Giedt
♦Glenn H. G., HarnsonvUle, Mo.
I. E., Lehr, N. D.
♦Gerding F. A., Ottawa, IU.
Hugh, Leoti, Kan.
♦Giedt J. J., Ashley, N . D.
Gillman B. W .,A uburn, Mich.
Gerding W. J„ Portal, N. D
Glenn J . O., BardweU, Ky.
Giedt J. J „ Lehr, N. D.
GUlman G. J., Kansas City, Kan.
Gere F. J., New Milford, Pa.
*Glenn_L. L., Champaign, IU.
♦Gillooly R. B., Charleston, Mo. Glenn R .E .Jr., Kirkm ansviile, Ky.
♦Gere Jam es E ., Syracuse, N Y
Gherke W. F. A., W agon Mound, GUlstrap C., Crystal Lake. Ia.
G eren W. A., W etum ka, Okla
♦Glenn R. I., Olin, Ia.
N. M.
♦GUlstrap M ., Crystal Lake, Ia.
♦G erety D . R., Effingham, Kan.
Glenn Tucker, Socul, Tex.
♦Giesch C. A., Kansas City, Kan.
Gillum C. E., Jackson, La.
*Gergen A. N ., Hastings, Minn.
Gierum G. A., E vart, Mich.
Gergen M. N „ P erth, N. D
♦Glessing D orothea M ., Hudson,
Gergen N. B„ Hastings, Minn
Gieser G, B., Percy, 111.
Gilman D. C., Portland, Mo.
*Gergen R. N ., T urtle Lake, N. D
♦Glessing E m m ha R „ El Paso, IU.
C. L., Ham m on, Okla.
Gilman J. H., Miami. Fla.
G erhard F. W „ Plankinton, S, d ' ♦Giffin
H . T Cheboygan, Mich.
Otto, St. Clairsville, O.
♦Gerhard H. T ., Plankinton, S. D. ♦Giffln
♦GUdden C. W., Susquehanna, P a
♦G erhart H., M arshalltown, la .
♦Glines G. W,, Selma, Cal.
♦Gilmartin Thos. A., Wilmerding, ♦GUnes J. L., S anta Maria, Cal.
Gerlach G. L., Harrison, Neb.
Gifford E. L., Littleport, Ia.
Gerlach J. D„ Doniphan, Mo.
^GSdinsIrl Jno. L., Stevens Point,
Gifford F. J., Saranac, Mich.
Gilmer H. G„ Norton, Va.
♦Gerlach J. W., Waggoner, 111.
♦Gilmer T. A., Lebanon, Va.
Gennain W. S., New York City,
♦Glore Allen O., Chillicothe, M o.
Gifford j . H „ Salem, Mass.
Gilmet T . P „ Garden, Mich.
Glos E . H ., B artlett, IU.
♦Gilmore H arry, Hysham , M ont. Glos G. W., Elgin, IU.
German H. S., Carleton, Mich.
Gilbert A. B., Newton, Kan,
♦Gilmore R. A., Jefferson, S. D.
♦Germert S. G., Taylor, Tex.
♦Glotfelty W. A., LibertyvUle, Ia.
Gilbert C., Jasper. Fla.
Gilmore W .B.,W est Alexander,Pa. Gloudemans P . A., L ittle Chute.
Gerowe W. L., Roxbury, N. Y.
Gilmore W.-G., Brundidge, Ala.
♦Gerry B. P „ Conway, N. H
♦Gerry E va M ., Upland, Cal.
Glover A. M.. Richmond, Va.
♦GUbert Emma, Eleva, Wis.
Gilpin Austin, Neoga, IU.
Gerteis Louis, Argonia, Kan.
J . J., RussellvUle, Mo.
Gilbert E. O., Gans, Okla.
♦Gilroy Hazel, Quincy, Kan.
♦Gerwig G. H .f Pittsburgh. Pa.
Glover J . T.. K irkland, Tex.
Gilbert F rank S., P leasant Lake, GUson C. A., Frederick, Md.
♦Glover L. N., BerryviUe, Va.
♦Gesellchen C., Spencerville, O.
♦Gilson J . W., Valdez, Alaska.
♦Geslin M . G., Grandy, M inn.
Glover R . Lee, Hurlock, Md.
Gilbert G. O., Montrose, Colo.
♦GUtner A. J r „ Wamego. Kan.
♦Glover Wm. H ., Giltner, Neb.
♦Gesterling E. G., Bellingham, Gilbert H .F ., Lenora, Okla.
♦GUtner A. T ., Hurdsfleld, N. D.
M um.
Gilbert H. R., Liberal, Mo.
♦GUtner F. P., JopUn, Mo.
Getchel E. C., Rib Lake, Wis
Gilbert J. A., Roff, Okla.
♦Gimmestad Oscar, Belview.Minn. Gluesenkamp W .F.,St.Peter,IU .
Getchell C. P., Wales, N. D.
GUbert J. E „ Carbon, Tex.
Glndorff N. C., Dubuque, la.
Glynn E. W., Saginaw, Mioh.
♦Gettle W . S., S tu ttg art, Ark.
Gilbert J . H., DUlon, Mont.
Ginette M. M., Florence, K an
♦Gnagey S. O., W est M ilton, O.
Getty H. T., New Wilmington, Pa. Gilbert J. L., Dundee, Ia.
Gingles W. W.. OrovUle, Cal.
Goble A. L.. Riley, Kan.
G etty J . O., Grantsville, Md.
♦Goble E. S., Anaheim, Cal.
G etty F. R „ Omaha, Neb.
W. Va.
♦Gingrich Catharine, LaporteCity, Goble M. J., Cincinnati, O.
G ettys F. M„ Louisville, Ky.
♦Gilbert J. S., Maywood, Neb
♦Getz J . O., Newton, Kan.
Goblirsch A, J., Cobden, M inn
Gilbert L. W., Glencoe, Minn.
Gingrich M. H „ Middletown, P a
♦Gock A. J., San Francisco, Cal.
Getz L. N.. E llicott City, Md.
GUbert M. M., Bonita, Tex.
♦Gingrich J . B., Reed City. Mich. Godbee L. B., Vidalia, Ga.
Getzendaner R. W „ W axahachie
♦Ginter Grace, DUlsboro. Ind.
Godbey C. F.. Claremore. Okl.
♦GUbert R. L., Ridgefield, Conn. Ginter John S., Tyrone. Pa.
Goddard D avid L ., Pocahontas,
Geyer A. R., Middletown, Pa.
GUbert S. W., Curtis, Neb.
Gipson A. W „ Cambridge, Ida.
Gfeller W. T ., Alleman, la.
Gilbert W alter A., Christiana, Pa.
Goddard H. P „ McKenzie, N. D
Ghio J. B., Wellston, Mo.
♦GUbert W. J., WaltonvUle, IU.
Girard M., San Francisco, Cal.
Goddard H. P., Moffit, N. D
♦Ghiselli F. E ., W ashington, D. C. Gilbertson A. H., Belmont, M ont. ♦Giraud
L. B., New Orleans, La.
Goddard H. P., Sterling, N. D
♦Granola F. J., E l Centro, Cal.
♦GUbertson C. M ., Bantry, N. D. Girdley B. C., M idland, Tex.
Goddard H. P.. Wing, N. D
♦Gibb J. W., Key West, Fla.
GUbertson E. H„ Finley, N. D.
Glrdner Charies, CainesvUle. Mo.
W. C., Grace City, N. D.
Gibb R. J., Cottonwood, Minn.
♦Gilbertson Henry, B ryant, S. D. Girdner W. L., Marble, Colo.
Goddard Wm., Sardis, O.
♦Gibbes W . M. J r., Columbia, S.C.
♦Gilbertson P. H., Sharon, N. D.
♦Godding C. A., Bum s, Kan.
Gibbons F. A., Miller, Mo.
♦GUbreath H., Y ankton, S. D.
Gish J . N., E. Stroudsburg, Pa.
Godfrey C., S taunton, IU.
♦Gibbons J. L., St. John, N. D.
Gilbreath J. E., Alba, Tex.
Gish W. H., Slatington, Pa.
Godfrey C. L., Taunton, Mass.
♦Gibbons John, Amesbury, Mass
GUchrist C. F., Florence, S. C.
♦Gish W. M ., Peoria, 111.
D. E.. PhUo. IU.
Gibbons T. A.. P ittsto n , Pa.
♦GUchrist G., Randolph, Ia.
Gist J. B., Los Angeles, Cal.
Godfrey F. L., Lahoma, Okl.
♦GUohrlst L. J., E l Paso, Tex.
♦Gist Reavis, H um boldt, Neb.
Godfrey H. J.. Sidney, N. Y.
Gibbs A. A., Hancock. Wis.
Gist Miss Sadie, Carlisle, S. C.
Godfrey J. L., Cherokee, Okla.
♦Gibbs A. T„ Montclair, N. J.
♦Gist W. C., Caledonia, O.
♦Godfrey O. L., Colo. Springs,Colo.
♦Gibbs C., Chattanooga, Tenn.
♦Gile A. D .', Lake Benton, Minn.
♦Githens C. W., Coffey, Mo.
♦Godfrey P . E „ Ortonville, Mixm.
♦Gibbs Count, Farley. Ia.
♦Giles D. A., Avalon, Tex.
♦Gittinger L. B., Chariton, Ia.
R. I., Ortonville, Minn.
♦Gibbs D. I., Stewartstown, Pa.
Giles Eugene.SaltLake City, U tah. Giudice J. S., SchleisingervUle, ♦Godfrey
Godfrey S. G., Cheraw, S. C.
♦Gibbs E arl, Tahlequah, Okla.
♦GUes J., Richland, Ga.
A. M., Grand Rapids.
♦Gibbs F. D., Monroe, La.
GUes S. L., Chapel HU1, Tenn.
♦GuiU D. M ., Milwaukee, Wis.
Gibbs G. A., Homerville.' Ga.
Giles W. I., Hollis, Okl.
Giveen C. I., Brunswick, Me.
Godwin C.H., WiUlamston, N.C.
Gibbs G. A., Farley, Ia.
Gilham R. W-. Renton, Wash.
Given W. S., B ritton. S. D.
Godwin Jam es, Fincastle, Va.
Gibbs George, Green Bay, Wis
Gilkeson E. M., Parkersburg,
Givens C. E., F ayette, Mo.
Godwin W. A.. Norfolk. Va.
Gibbs G. N., Crandall, Tex.
W. Va.
Givens Henry, Providence, Ky.
♦Gibbs Jas. A., Holtville, Cal.
♦Gilkey F. D „ Cedar FaUs, Ia.
♦Givens T. M ., F t. Scott, Kan.
♦Goebel A. F., Kansas City, Kan.
♦Gibbs J. B., Miami, Okl.
Gllkey II. L., Grants Pass. Ore.
Givler W. M.. Napervttle, IU.
Goebel J. S., M arietta, O.
Gibbs J . E., Clay City, 111.
GUkey J. C., Campobello, S. C.
♦Gjerdingen W. H., Silva, N. D.
W. G., JaoksonviUe, 111.
♦Gibbs J. W., HancevUle. Ala.
Gilkison R. C.. Bellmont, IU.
Gjolme H. K., P latte. S. D.
♦Goehing Theo., T rohna, Mo.
Gibbs L. T., Kosse, Tex.
♦Gilkison J. M., N orth Powder,
Goehner, H. F., Seward, Neb.
Gibbs M. D., Alton, Ia.
Gladden G. E ., Lucas, O.
Goehnng L. R., Albuquerque,
♦Gibbs N. A., Norwich. Conn.
♦Gill B. F., Jr., AUensvUle, Ky.
Gladden H. R., Baraga, Mich.
N. Mex.
♦Gibbs R. I., ClarkesviUe, Ga.
Gill E. F., Laverne, Okla.
Gladney D. W., LewisvUle, Ark,
L. R „ Albuquerque,
Gibbs U. S., Peru. Kan.
♦Gill H. W., Huntington, Ind.
♦Gibbs W. W. Jr., Los Angeles, GUI J., H untland, Tenn.
Gladwin A. E „ Boston, Mass.
R., Gallup, N. Mex.
♦Gill L. M., Perry, Mo.
Gladwin O. C., Lam ont. Ia.
♦Goelz Herm an, Hoboken, N. J.
Glbeaut H. E.. Mechanics ville, la.
Gill N. T., Reedsburg, Wis.
Glancey E. J., Harrisburg, Ra.
♦Goeppert R. D., W atertown, S.D.
Gibson A. E., Dawn, Mo.
Gill O. F „ Petersburg, Tenn.
Glann M. H., Butler, N. J.
Goeppinger C. H., Boone, la .
Gibson A. K.. Mason, 111.
GlanviUe F. J., Lancaster, Wis.
Goering C. H., Mound ridge, Kan.
Gibson C. E „ Clinton ville, Wis.
GUI S. C., Perry, Mo.
♦Glarum M. L., Plaza, N. D.
♦Goering D. J.. Moundridge, Kan.
Gibson C. E„ Birds, 111.
GUI T. J., Laurinburg, N. C.
Glascock E. R., Ocean Springs, ♦Goerke E. O., Omaha, Neb.
♦Gibson C. S., Mitchell, Ga.
GUI T. W., TiUar, Ark.
♦Goerke V- H. Burr, Neb.
♦Gibson E. A., Girard, 111.
Gill W. K., Stockton, Cal.
Glascock U. G., St. Joseph, IU.
♦Goeson J. L., N o rth wood, N. D.
Gilson, E . C., Illiana. 111.
Gillaham W. W., GilbertsviUe, Ky. Glaser A. F „ Lucas, S. D.
Phillip, M arblehead, O.
Gibson E . H., S an ta Maria, Cal.
GUlam M. B„ Windsor, N. C.
♦Glaser K. B., Blissfleld, Mich.
♦Goettsch R. M ., Renwick, Ia.
Gibson E. P., Decatur, Tex.
Gtllam W. B., Lewistown. 111.
♦Glaser L. C., Lucas, S. D,
♦Goetz A. F ., Canton, Mo.
♦Gibson F., D u ran t, Okla.
♦GiUeland W. L., Wheeling, W.Va. •Glasgow A .N ., BarnesvUle,Minn. ♦Goetz Fred, Cadott, Wis.
Gibson F. W., M aquoketa, Ia.
♦Gillen J. J., Phoenix, Ariz.
•Glasgow W. C.. Alvarado, Tex,
Goetzman C. A., Minneapolis.
Gibson G. 8 „ Clover, Va.
♦Gilles O. N ., Clayton, Mo,
♦Glashagen P. C., Chicago, IU.
M inn.
Gibson G. D., Zurich, Kan,
♦Gilles W. F., Montgomery, Minn. Glashen E., Mercer. Mo,
♦Goetzman L.B..Shawneetown.IU.
Gibson G. H „ L ittle Sioux. Ia.
GUlespie Albert, Selmer, Tenn.
G, A., Salt Lake City, U tah.
♦Gibson Geo. R „ Caldwell, O.
GiUespie A. M., Hillsboro. N.M . ♦Glaskin W. H., Jr., M anzanola, Goff George, W alnut, Kan.
♦Gibson H., Lindsborg, Kan.
GUlespie C. R., Stephen, Minn.
Goff J. R., Columbus. Wis.
♦Gibson H. E ., Jonesville, Va.
GiUespie D. W., Lagro, Ind.
♦Glass B. H., CampbeUsport, Wis.
Goff J. T., Arkoe, Mo.
Gibson H. E „ Knox. Pa.
♦GiUespie E ., Bradford, Ohio.
♦Glass C. A., Emory, Tex.
♦Goff L. R., Hum eston Ia.
Gibson H. J.. New Lisbon. Wis.
♦GUlespie E. H., SudlersvUle, Md. ♦Glass F. A., Bagley, Wis.
Goforth W. A., Garvin, Okla.
Gibson J., American Falls, Ida.
♦GiUespie E arl T., Plainville, Kan. Glass G. W., Marlin, Tex.
Goggin N. M ., Dunsmuir, CaJ.
Gibson J. B., Blair, Neb.
GiUespie J. A., Carlton, Minn.
Glass P. T., YeUvIUe, Ark.
♦Gogstetter W. A., Donnybrook,
Gibson John, Clarion, Pa.
♦GiUespie J. D., DaUas, Tex.
Glass W. J., Inkster. N. D.
Gibson J . C., W ilmington, Del.
♦GiUespie J. E ., StiUwater, Minn. Glassburn V. L., Tampico, IU.
C. M ., H untington, W.Va.
♦Gibson J. E., Greer. S. C.
GiUespie O. W., McConnelsviUe, ♦Glasscock Cordelia, HoUiday, Mo. Gohen
Gohl W. H., Kewanee, Ind.
Gibson J. H.; Somerset,. Ky.
Glassen B. A., Salisbury, Mo.
S., Alton, Miss.
♦Gibson J. H ., Blair, Neb.
♦Gillespie W. L., Albany, N. Y.
♦Glasser N orm an E ., Gaylord, ♦Gohn P. H., Alameda, Cal.
Gibson J . K., Stanton, Tenn.
GiUespie W. T„ Tazewell, Va.
A.,,Chicago, IU.
Gibson J. S., Arroyo Grande, Cal. ♦G illett G. W., Fond du Lac, Wis. ♦Glaves J. F „ Fredericktown,Mo. Gold E. J. A.,
Chicago, 111.
Gibson J. T.. Flovilla. Ga.
♦Gillett J. E „ Union City, Pa.
♦Glazebrook, O. A., Jr. New York. ♦Gold E, S., Bigstone City, S. D.
*Gibson J. W ., M t. Vernon, 111.
♦GiUett R. A., Whitewright, Tex.
N. Y.
M erton, Wis.
Gibson J . W., Ridgely, Md.
♦Gillette H. A., Courtland, Va.
Glazier M . H., D elray, Fla.
Golden H. M., Mohawk, N. Y.
♦Gibson M aude, Ridgely, M d.
♦Gillette L. B., Towanda, Pa.
♦Gleason E. H., Boston, Mass.
Athens. O.
Gibson R. B.. Crowell, Tex.
♦Gillette W. W., W auchula, Fla.
Gleason J . E., Norton, Kan.
♦Goldfinch A. K., Southport, N .C.
♦GUlfiUan A., Brinsmade, N. D.
♦Gleason J. S., Chicago, IU.
Golding Charles, Frederika, Ia.
Gibson R. H ., Goldsberry, Mo.
♦GiUiam J. M ., Forrest City, Ark. ♦Gleason Nellie, Pulaski, Ia.
♦Golding H. A., N. Y. City, N. Y .
♦Gibson R. S., Mansfield, O.
♦Gilham Leon, HaskeU, Tex.
♦Gleason Wm. F., Chicago, 111.
♦Goldsby L. E., Ardmore, Okla.
Gibson S. M., Calvert, Tex.
GiUiam R. A., M ontvale. Va.
Greaves C. W., WythevIUe, Va.
♦Goldsmith C. H., W estminster,
Gibson U. G., New H am pton, Mo.
GiUian W. A., KendaUvUle, Ind.
Gleim Charles, WiUiamsport, Pa.
s. c..
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Goldsmith E. F., Atm ore, Ala.
Goldsmith John J., H arlan, Ind.
Goldsmith L. B., F o rt P ierre, S. D.
*Goldsmith L. H „ SkowheganjMe.
♦Goldstein S., M arianna, Ark.
♦Goldthwaite F. W., M arengo, la.
Goldtrap A. C„ Regent» N. D.
Golightly G. B., Clairette, Tex.
♦Gollegher H . E ., Taylorville, Ind.
Golson F . M., M arianna, F la.
Golson J .t Sylacauga, Ala.
*Gomes F . P. Jr.. Newman, Cal.
Gondolf L. H ., Ransom, 111.
Gondolf O. J., Chicago, 111.
Goniea D. J., River Rouge, M ich.
Gonser A. W .. Ashley, Ind.
Gonsoulin G., P atterson, La.
Gonzalves F. Hi, Pacific Grove,

♦Gooch A. G.. Bellflower. 111.
Gooch C. L., Lodge, S. C.
Gooch D. R., Jr., Bellflower, 111.
*Gooch J. A., Yum a, Tenn.
Gooch J. T .. Weldon, N. C.
Gooch R. L., M ontgom ery C ity,
Good A. H., Jenera. O.
Good E . E ., Stillwater, Okla.
♦Good H. D ., Farm land, Ind.
♦Good I. I., Norwalk, la .
Good J. C., Pine Knot, Ky.
♦Good M . E ., Jenera, O.
Good J . B., Lowry City, Mo.
Good O. M., Peru, Neb.
Good Josiah, Marion, Kan.
♦Goodale B. B., Angola, Ind.
Goodbar C.L.,Crawiordsville,Ind.
Goodbread E.M.,Maccleimy, Fla.
Goodding R. E., L a P lata, Mo.
Goode H. L ., Riohondo, Tex.
♦Goode J . N „ Milo, la .
Goode J. T ., Jr., Chase C ity, Va.
Goode T., Poteau, Okl.
♦Goode W. H ., Caseycreek, Ky.
Goodell D. E., T am a, la .
Goodell H. S., Livermore, Cal.
Goodenough C. F., Jr., Alice, Tex.
Goodenow O. P., Berlin, Mich.
♦Goodfellow S. M ., South Range,
Goodhue W. S., Vinton, la .
♦Goodin F. E ., Benton, 111.
Goodin J. T., Lovelocks, Nev.
♦Goodjohn H. L., Delmar, la.
Goodjohn F. P., Delmar, la .
Goodknight J. H., M onte Vista,
♦Goodlad C. E „ P lanklnton, S. D.
♦Goödlad R. H., Stickney. S. D.
Goodlett R obert, Glensboro, Ky.
G oodlett E . S., Goodlett, Tex.
Goodloe S. B., Cordova, Tenn.
Goodm an C. G„ A bernathy, Tex.
Goodman F. A., Hohenwald, Tenn.
♦Goodman F . G., W anette, Okla.
Goodman J . A., Memphis, T enn.
Goodman J. N., Mertens, Tex.
♦Goodman J. W., Leonard, N . D.
Goodman R. H., Louisiana, Mo.
♦Goodman S. W., Poseyville, Ind.
♦Goodman W. R.. Greenfield. la .
G oodnight E . G., Panam a, Okla.
Goodnight L. E», M ichigantown,
♦Goodrich C. L., Luther, la .
Goodrich C. S., Gofl, Kan.
Goodrich L. G., Valley Falls, K an.
Goodrich L. J., Toppenish, W ash.
♦Goodrich Louis, Kilgore, Neb.
Goodrich Luke, Eugene, Ore.
♦Goodrich Ray, Eugene, Ore.
Goodridge John, M ontross, Va.
♦Goodrum A. B., Lonoke, Ark.
♦Goodrum 0 . E ., Sm ithland, Ky.
Goodrum 0. G., Gladwin, Mich.
Goodrum Charles, T urner Mich.
Goodrum T. M., Newnan, Ga.
Goodsell O. W.. Garretson, S. D.
♦Goodson H. L., Gilmer, Tex.
Goodwill H., R uston, La.
Goodwin A. Ry Biddeford, Me.
♦Goodwin G. H ., Gypsum, Kan.
♦Goodwin H . F., L aporte City, la.
♦Goodwin M iss M ., Butler, Tenn.
Goodwin M . B., Spiro, Okla.
Goodwin P . E . W ., Richm ond, Va.
Goodwin R . A., T abor, S. D.
♦Goodwin R. L., Forest. Miss.
♦Goodwin R. L., Thornton, Tex.
Goodwin T . A., Verona, Miss.
Goodwin W. M-< Valdez, Alaska.
♦Goodwin W. W., W inchendon
Goodwine A. F „ Scott, Kan.
Goodwine D. E., Arm strong, III.
♦Goodwine U. S., Potom ac. 111.
♦Goodwyn G, N ., A tlanta, Tex.
♦Googe L. W., Allendale, S. C.
Gookln E . L., Chariton, la .
Goosen A. J., Selz, N. D.
Gorby Jno. W., Chicago. 111.
♦Gorder M . J., Heim dal, N . D.
♦Gorder O. M ., Thomas, S. D.
♦Gordham er E . W ., R ham e, N . D.
♦Gordon C. H., Richm ond, Va.
Gordon G., Thompson, la .
Gordon F. M ., Wasco, Cal.
♦Gordon H arper, Des Moines, l a .
Gordon H. J., Custer, Mich.
Gordon I.M ., P ilot M ountain,N .O
Gordon J. F., New M adrid, M o.
♦Gordon J. W., Columbus, O.
♦Gordon L. G., H axtum , Colo.
♦Gordon O. O., Colum bus, K an.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

♦Gordon R . L., Richm ond, Va.
♦Gordon R. Jr., Helena, Ark.
♦Gordon S. S., Astoria, Ore.
♦Gordon T. T „ O’FaUon, 111.
Gordon W. C., Marshall, Mo.
♦Gordon W. D ., Charleston, S. O.
♦Gordon W. T ., Eugene, Ore.
Gordy W. S., Jr., Salisbury, Md.
♦Gore R. R ., Idabel, Okla.
♦Goree R . &., Inm an, N eb.
♦Gores F . H., W adena, M inn.
♦Gores M . H., H arvey, N. D.
Gorey W. F., South Deerfield,
Gorgas W. L „ H arrisburg, Pa.
Gorham D. E ., W arroad, M inn,
Gorham N. J., Woodville, Ga.
Gorman B. D.. Genoa, Neb.
Gorman H. P., Forrest City, Ark.
♦Gorman S. M ., Arvilla, N. D.
♦Gorman P . A. Jr., Waco, Tex.
♦Gormican J. L., F ond d u Lac,
Gorslime John P ., Kewanna, Ind.
♦Gorsuch L. E ., Leoti, Kan.
Gosch A. L., Flora, Ore.
Gosch G., P leasant Hill. Mo.
♦Gose C. L., Pleasantville, la .
Goshorn E rnest O., Clay C ity, In d
Goslee Ethel, Flora, Ind.
Goslee J . G., Carrollton, Ky.
Gosler N., Matfleld Green, Kan.
♦Gospodar S. F., Stanley, Wis.

Graham J . A., Bismarck, N. D.
G raham J. B., T ennant, Ia.
Graham J . F., W oodbury, N. J.
♦Graham J . G., Tarkio, Mo.
G raham J. H ., Dorchester, Tex.
♦G raham J. L., Gentley, M ich.
G raham J. L., Lancaster, Ohio.
♦Graham J . P ., R uston, La.
♦Graham L., Gainesville. Fla.
G raham L. O., Gobleville, Mich.
G raham L. T ., Hillsboro, Ky.
♦G raham M alcolm, Bamberg, S.C.
G raham M . J., E lk City, Okla.
Grabam M. J „ M atawan, Minn.
Graham M. W., Freeport, 111.
Graham N. S., San Antonio, Tex.
G raham J. H ., Dorchester, Tex.
Graham O. K „ W intervllle, Ga.
Graham O. P., Union Grove, Wis.
G raham P. R.» Spencer, la.
G raham R. D., Greeley, Ia.
Graham S., Buckhannon, W . Va.
G raham S. A., P o rt Huron, Mich.
Graham S. A., Salisbury, Md.
♦G raham Sam uel,Jr.,Philadelphia,

Graham S. L., Williamsburg, Va.
♦Graham S. S., Brady, Tex.
G raham W. A., Clarion, Pa.
Graham W. A., Sidney, O.
G raham W alter A., Regan, N .D .
♦G raham W. F., M inatare, Neb.
Graham W. L., Hensel, N. D.
Goss C. C.. Dover, N. H.
Graham W . L., Masontown, Pa.
Goss C. W., Leavenworth, Kan.
G raham W . R., Fountain, N . C.
Goss G. W ., Lewiston, Me.
♦G raham W. R., Seattle, Wash.
♦Goss W. A „ Dover, N. H.
Graham W. T., Laurel, Neb.
Gossett J . D., Topeka, Kan.
Grainger C. S„ W ilmington, N. C.
♦Gossett Zeta, Josephine, Tex.
♦Gram C. W., Menominee. Mich.
♦Gosslee C. R., M enahga, M inn.
G ram ann H enry, Adams, Neb.
♦GossleeH. A., M enahga, M inn.
♦Grambau G. W., Rogers, Mich.
Gossling J . E., Philadelphia, P a.
Gramelspacher G., Jasper, Ind.
Gossom J. H ., Oakwood, Okla.
♦Gramley S. W., Millheim, Pa.
♦Gossrau O. J., St. Louis, Mo.
Gramlich H. W., K enton, O.
♦Gost F. W., St. Joseph, Mich.
Gram m er F . L., Pleasanton, Neb.
♦Gothm ann, F. R., St. Bonifacius, Gram m er S., Baylis, 111.
M inn.
♦Gramzow Lillian L., Reeseville,
♦G ott E . R., W arsaw, N. Y.
♦G ottschalk M inne, Quincy, M ich Granberry W. D., Grapeland, Tex.
Gouger H. E ., Robstown, Tex.
Granby Jam es W.. Naples. N. Y.
♦Gough A. L., Baltim ore, Md.
Grangaard M. O., Roger, N. D.
Gough A ttie, WUliamstown, Ky.
Grandson I. J., Flora, N. D.
Gough Newell, Missoula, M ont.
♦Grange W. F., Lisbon, N. D.
Gould G. L., Glenbum, N. D.
♦Granger A. J ., Sallx, la.
Gould N. J., Helena, Mont.
Granger C. M., Crystal, Mich.
Gould L. A., E ureka, Kan.
♦Granger William, Gracemont,
Gould W . E., Kewanee, 111.
♦Gould W . H., W oonsocket, R . 1. G ranner C. E ., Warwick, N . D.
G rant Carl A., McPherson, Kan.
Goulding C. E., Lowell, Mass.
♦Gouldman D. G., Fredericksburg, G rant C. F., Highland Park, 111.
G rant C. L.. Jackson. Mo.
Gouldman J . F .,J r ., Fredericksburg, ♦G rant David, Chicago, 111.
G rant D avid C., New York City,
♦Gouze F rank, Chisholm, M inn.
N. Y. a
♦G rant D. R., M ontrose, Colo.
Gove A., Linn, Mo.
G rant Fred, M attoon, 111.
Gove D. H .. Hooper, Colo.
G rant F. P ., San Fernando, Cal.
♦Gove S. G., Linn, Mo.
♦Gover C. W., New D ecatur, Ala.
♦G rant G. E „ Marshall, Mich.
Gover W. B., Fairfield, Mo.
G rant H. H., Jackson, N. C.
Gow H. S., Carlock, S. D.
♦G rant H. R., Louisville, Ky.
♦Gowdey R. R., T arkio, Mo.
Gowdy G. H ., Campbellsville, Ky G rant J., D eport. Tex.
♦Gowdy G. L., Campbellsville, Ky. G rant J. A., Pioneer, O.
♦G rant J . H „ Coudersport, Pa.
♦G oyette D. R., Elsmore, Kan.
G rant M. J., L ittleton, N. C.
Goyette Nannie, Elsmore, Kan.
♦G rant R. D., Clayton, N. Y.
G raalm an O. G., Okeene, Okla.
G rant R. P., Clayton, N. Y.
Grabill R ay, Bailey, Mich.
♦G rant Rufus, M t. Vernon, 111.
G rant T . H., Fulton, Mo.
♦Grabow E . P., Morgan, Minn.
♦G rant W . C., S anta Rosa, Cal.
Grace C. H ., N ephi, U tah.
♦G rant W. C., Selma, N. C.
Grace Clarence, Superior, Wis.
♦Grace G. B.,M ount Vernon,W ash. G rant W. S., Chana, 111.
G rantham Carl, Pine Hill, Ala.
Grace W . H ., Osyka, Miss.
G rantham E. G., Larkins ville, Ala.
G tacey G. M., Holstein. Ia.
G rantham A. E., Lexington, Neb.
Gracey J . S., Newville, Pa.
♦Gracey W. M., Covington, Tenn. ♦G rantland H . E ., Colorado, Tex.
G raddy H. O., A tlanta, Ga.
♦Graden N . J.; Farm ington, M inn. Granville P . N., Galesburg, 111.
Granzow H. W., Edmond, Okl.
Gradert, Gustav, Lyons, Ia.
♦G rady E . G., F ayetteville, N . C. ♦Grape A. J., Baltim ore, M d.
Graper H. G., F o rt Branch, Ind.
Graeber G. C., Sham okin, Pa.
G rashuis D ., C lara City, M inn.
Graening W illiam, Denver, Ia.
♦Grashuis W. D., Clara City,
Graeter W. A., Dillon, Mont.
M inn.
G raf B., G anastota, S. D.
Graslie J . B., Vienna, S. D.
♦Graf G. E ., Alliance, Ohio.
Graslie J. H., Spring Valley, Wis.
♦G raf R. C., Lahom a, Okl.
♦Grasmon H . E.» Fairfax. Minn.
Graff Charles, Crescent, Okla.
♦Grass H . W. Jr., L a Crosse, Kan.
Graff Geo. W ., Laurel, M ont.
♦Grass T. J.. Griffithsville, W. Va.
Graff H. C„ Granville, Ia.
G rau M . J., Chicago, 111.
Graff W. P „ Blalrsville. Pa.
♦Graupner W . F., Des Plaines, 111.
G raft F . B., Rolling Fork, Miss.
G ravatt C. C., Terril, la .
Gragg E verett, Lucerne, Ind.
♦Gragg W. M ., N ara Visa, N . M . G ravatt O. H .. Hardwick, Minn.
Gravenor J . T., Albany, Wis.
♦Gragory J. F., Rifle, Colo.
Gragg O. O., N ara Visa, N . M .
♦Graves A. E., Stromsburg, Neb.
Graham A.A..Blue Mountain.Miss. Graves A. M., Clarksville, Tex.
♦Graves C. A., Killeen, Tex.
Graham A. B., Henderson, Tex.
Graves C. C., Mansfield, Ark.
Graham A. D., Baltim ore, Md.
♦Graves C. M. Jr., Norfolk, Va.
♦Graham A. G., Fairoaks, Cal.
♦Graves E . F., Albany, Wis.
G raham C. A., Remer, Minn.
Graves E . N., Ashton, S. D.
G raham Chas., M yra, Tex.
G raham C. H., Douds-Leando, Ia. Graves E. W., Douglas, Ariz.
♦Graves E . W ., Vergennes, Vt.
G raham D. F., Ju n tu ra, Ore.
Graves F . H „ Madrid, Ia.
Graham D. W ., Bolton, Miss.
Graham Douglas, Pem broke. Ky. Graves F . H ., Rockdale, Tex.
G raham E . A., Stone M ountain, Graves G. T ., Cameron, Tex.
Graves H. B., Pachuta, Miss.
♦Graves H. K „ W olcott, N. Y.
G raham E . C., Clayton, Del.
G raves H. W., Peabody, Kan.
Graham F. B., Florence, Kan.
Graves L. A., Bennington, Vt.
♦Graham Frank, Richwood, O.
♦Graham G. W. Jr., W alter, Okla. Graves R. E „ H untington Beach.
♦G raham 'H. K ;, Las Cruces. TL M.
Graves R. I., Celeste, Tex.
G raham I. P., Proctorvllle, N . C.
♦Graves W . A., Springdale, Ark.
♦Graham Jam es, Chula, Mo.

Graveson Anton, Askov, M inn.
♦G ravett W arren S., Piqua, O..
♦G ravette E va M ., G ravette, Ark.
♦Gray A. A., W eatherford, Okla.
Gray C. B., Casey, Ia.
♦Gray C. H ., Dixon, 111.
♦Gray C. L., R otan, Tex.
♦Gray Chas. W., Greene, N. Y.
Gray O. M „ Canton, Kan.
Gray C .M ., St. Petersburg, Fla.
Gray C. V., Hollister. Mo.
♦Gray D. B., Newtown, Ind.
Gray D. N „ Maroa, 111.
Gray Doy, Beaverton, Ore.
♦Gray D. W., Louisville, Ky.
♦Gray F. H., F riar P oint, Miss.
G ray F . P., Broughton, Kan.
Gray Gentry, St. Joseph, Tenn.
Gray H. B.,Rock Lake, N. D.
Gray H. B., Glenm ont, O.
G ray H erbert, W eaverville, Cal.
G ray H. L., Spring Green, Wis.
G ray H. O., Parnell, Mo.
Gray I. C., Mansfield. Mass.
G ray I. R.. Castlewood. Va.
♦Gray John H., Lima, N . Y.
♦Gray J. I., Turner, Ore.
♦Gray J. L., Beaverton, Ore.
♦Gray J. M., California, Mo.
Gray K. C., Madison, Me.
Gray O. E., Platteville, Wis.
♦Gray P . R., Evansville, Wis.
♦Gray R. B., K enton, Tenn.
Gray R. M„ Otwell, Ind.
Gray S. P.. Covington, Ind.
Gray T. S., Augusta, Ga.
G ray W. E ., Neches. Tex.
Gray W. R., Campbell, Tex.
Gray W. W.. Plkeville. Ky.
Graybeal M . L., M illboro, Va.
♦Graybill Em m a G.. T ipton, Ia.
Graybill J . G., Manheim, Pa.
♦Greamba F. R., W ashtucna,
Greason A. W., Newark., N. J.
Greaves C. L., Preston, Ida.
♦Greaves G. H., St. Paul, M inn.
♦Grebe E. E., Winner, S. D.
Greco C. V., New Y ork City,
N. Y.
♦Greden G- C., Poplarville, Miss.
♦Greear I. J., Riner, Va.
Greear J . F., T rout Dale, Va.
♦Greek F., Kunkle, O.
Greeley G. E ., M arlboro, Mass.
Green A. B., Rochester, Ind.
Green Arden D., G arrett, Ind.
Green A. E,, Florence, Minn.
Green Alah, McDonald, Kan.
♦Green Miss B ettie, Ellenboro,
N . C.
Green B. F., Central City, Ky
♦Green B. O., Simpsonville, S. C.
♦Green C. E., Hebron, Neb.
♦Green Cora, Perryville, Ky.
Green C. R .. Cavalier, N. D.
Green C. Wilmer, Surry, Va.
♦Green D avid O., Yates, Mo.
Green E . E ., Franklin, T enn.
Green E . J., M ountain Grove.Mo.
♦Green E . O., W orthington, Mo.
Green E . P., Helena, Okla.
Green E . R „ Gilroy, Cal.
♦Green G. C., Astoria, 111.
♦Green George, Fenton, Mich.
Green Guy E ., Lincoln, Cal.
Green G. G., L ittle River, Kan.
♦Green G. O., Albion. 111.
♦Green H. A., E tn a Mills, Cal.
♦Green I. J., Rock Island, 111.
♦Green J. A., P ow hatan P oint, O.
Green Jam es A., Manes, Mo.
Green J. A., M ountain Grove, Mo.
♦Green J. J., A lexandria, Va.
Green J . K., Corydon, Ia.
Green J . K., Floydada, Tex.
♦Green J. M. W., Fredericksburg
♦Green J. P ., Danville, Va.
Green J. R., Midfields, Tex.
Green J . W ., Wauneta, Neb.
Green L. E., Vernon, 111.
Green L. L., Oroville, Cal.
Green L. L., Booneville, Ark.
Green L. L., Oroville, Cal.
♦Green Louis W., Waukomis,
♦Green M . F., Nassawadox, Va.
♦Green N. L., Gadsden, Ala.
♦Green N. Y., B attle Creek. Mich.
♦Green Ora. L., Enid, Okl.
Green P . H., Willow, Cal.
Green R. A., McCook, Neb.
Green R. C., W alton, Ky.
Green R. J., Trenton, Mo.
Green R. L., Greensboro, Fla.
Green R . M., A lexandria, Va.
Green R . R ., P lato. Mo.
Green R. W., Seattle, Wash.
Green T. F „ Leshara, Neb.
Green T . L., Pawnee City, Neb.
♦Green T. P „ Belton, Mo.
Green Vance, Byers, Kan.
Green W. B., F airb u m , Ga.
Green W. L ., Wall, S. D. _ „
Green W. H., Ogdensburg, N. r .
♦Green W. 1., Mena, Ark.
♦Green W. M ., B urr Oak, Kan.
Green W. P., W hitehall, Mont.
Green W. W., Oarsonville, Mich.
♦Greene C. E., Tallula, 111-

♦Greene O. L., Vernon, Tex.
♦Greene D. W„ Lakeport. Cal.
♦Greene E. B., Sheldon. N. D.
♦Greene E. G., Alfred, N. Y.
Greene E. S., Beloit, Wis.
Greene F. A., Lakeport, Cal,
♦Greene F. A. Providence. R. I.
Greene F. D., Miller, S. D.
♦Greene Fred R.,!Harrison, Ark.
Greene F. T., Wapella, 111.
Greene H. K., Laurel, Del.
Greene H. L.. Rutland, N. D.
♦Greene H. R„ Bozeman, Mont.
Greene J. B., Opelika, Ala.
Greene J. I., Pueblo, Colo.
Greene J. O., Mt. Sterling, Ky.
Greene L. S., Belmont, Miss.
Greene N. H„ Moline. 111.
Greene R. W., Kane, 111.
♦Greene T. E„ Wapella, 111.
Greene W. E. Jr., Junction City,
♦Greenebaum John, Chicago, 111.
Greenebaum M. H., Pontiac, 111.
Greenebaum W. J., Chicago, 111.
♦Greenebaum W.W.. Pontiac. 111.
Greenfelder F. A .Chesaning.Mich.
Greenfield J. A., Jr., So.St.Joseph,
Greenfield J. A. Jr., St. Joseph,
♦Greenhalgh R., Cowles, Neb.
Greenhalgh W. F., Cazenovia
♦Greenholz W m., W alnut Grove,
Greening C. W., Melstone, Mont.
Greening E. F., Grand Meadow,
♦Greening E. J., Grand Meadow,
Greening W. C., Parsons, Kan.
♦Greenland N. E.. Binford, N. D.
Greenland Oscar, Binford, IN. D.
♦Greenlander John, Belmond, la.
Greenleaf D. W., Tekamah, Neb.
Greenleaf H. C., Centerville, la.
Greenleaf J. T., Seattle, Wash.
♦Greenlee C. A., Stanberry, Mo.
♦Greenlee W. G., Belvidere, 111.
Greeno E. E., Staples, Minn.
♦Greenough F. W., Marshall, 111.
♦Greens R. E., Staples, Minn.
Greenwald L. J. Anoka, Minn.
Greenwald, W. A., Falls City.Neb.
Greenwaldt A. F., Coon Rapids, la.
Greenwaldt W., Welcome, Minn.
Greenway H. L, Mineralbluff,Ga.
Greenwood A. E. Johnson, Creek,
Greenwood G. E.. Lakemills, Wis.
♦Greenwood G. H., Spokane,Wash.
Greenwood J. L., Columbus, N.M.
♦Greenwood J. T.. Genesco, 111.
Greer J. C„ Martinsville, Va.
♦Greer L. M., Bloomington, Wis.
Greer Walter E., Belton, S. C.
Greer W. N., Harleton, Tex.
Greer W. R„ Charleston, S. C.
♦Greer W. R., Magnolia, O.
Greever W. O., Bland, Va.
Gregerson E. S., Elk Mound, Wis.
♦Gregerson Harold. Stanley, Wis.
Gregg A. A., West Jefferson, O.
Gregg C. H., Senecaville, O.
Gregg Clifton, De Kalb, Mo.
♦Gregg E. H., Kansas City, Mo.
Gregg E. M., Napoleon, O.
♦Greeg E. R., Rusk, Tex.
Gregg John, Brownsville, Tex.
♦Gregg John S., Medicine Lake,
♦Greer J. F., Provo, Utah.
♦Gregg J. R., California, Pa.
♦Gregg J. W., Waverly, O.
♦Gregg O.A., Middlebourne.W.Va.
♦Gregg R. B., Jefferson, Tex.
Gregg Roy, Eldorado, 111.
.Gregg Saunders, Brownsville, Tex.
Gregg S. E., Independence, Mo.
♦Gregg T. Y., Harrisburg, 111.
Gregg W. Jr., San Francisco, Cal.
Gregg W. M., Harrisburg, 111.
Gregory A. W., Morristown, N. J.
Gregory C. B., Lincoln, Neb.
♦Gregory C. L., Rice Tex.
Gregory Edgie, Tiline, Ky.
Gregory E. C., Edwards, N. Y.
Gregory F. H„ Halifax, N. C.
Gregory H. J., Fountain, Mich.
Gregory H. R., Moweaqua, 111.
Gregory J. C.. Poplar, Mont.
♦Gregory J. F., Durant, OMa.
Gregory John M., Tonopah, Nev.
Gregory M. L., Millen, Ga.
♦Gregory R. A., Scranton, Pa.
Gregory Robert, Perry, 111.
♦Gregory R. C., Puyallup, Wash.
♦Grenfell W. J., Nevada City, Col.
♦Gregory W., Brighton, Colo.
Gregory, W. J., Manistee, Mich.
♦Greguson Oliver, Fairview, S. D.
♦Greider Elza L., St. Elmo, 111.
Greig G. p„ Delcambre, La.
♦Greiner A. J., Theresa, Wis.
♦Greiner W. S., Hart, Mich.
♦Greinke A. J., St. James, Mo.
♦Griess H. C., Sutton, Neb.
♦Grenfell W. J., Nevada City,
Grenier H. C., New Orleans, La.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Gresham W. O., Waynesboro, Ga. ♦G-rimstad O. O., Brewster, Minn Grut H. N., Chicago, 111.
Gresham W. S., Washington, Ga.
H. S., Sheyenne, N. D.
♦Grut J. H., Salt Lake City, Utah.
Gress C. W., Cannon Falls. Minn. ♦Grinde
Grine John, Pittsburgh, Pa.
C. A., Onaga, Kan.
Gresser C. E., Rossvifle, Kan.
C. W., Columbus, N. D Gratzmacher
Graver B. C., Clermont. Ia.
Gresser E. S.. Topeka, Kan.
♦Grinnell C. W., Claremont, S. D. Gruver W. E., Clayton, Ia.
Grassier F. J., Hubbard, la.
♦Grlnnon L. J., N. Y . City, N. Y
Gruweil E. T.. Wilsall, Mont.
♦Grest J. J., Valley City, N. D
♦Grinslade W. E., Achille, Okla.
♦Gruwell H. C., Wilsall, Mont.
Greteman N., St. Lucas. Ia.
O. P., Fortuna, N. D.
♦Grave H. A., Beardstown, 111.
♦Gripman R. B„ Coldwater, Mich. ♦Guay J. E.,
Whitehall, N. Y.
Greves J. H., North Bend, Ore.
♦Grisham Loree, Columbus, Kan. Guddall John, Sedr Woolley.
♦Grey J. M., Connellsville. Pa.
♦Griss J. L., Toledo, O.
Grice E. P., Charleston, S. C.
Gude W. G., La Fayette, Ind.
♦Grider A. P.. Leonard. Tex.
♦Grissmer W. A., Brookston, Ind. ♦Gudger
Miss Estelle, Bakersville,
♦Gnder, E. S. Brownsville, Tex.
Grissom B. F„ GrifflthviUe, Ark.
N. O.
♦Grjdley G. C., Libertyvllle, 111.
Griswold C. J., Hamilton, N. Y.
♦Guedemann A., Oxnard, Cal.
Gridley J. S., Libertyvllle, 111.
Griswold D. H., Chattanooga. ♦Guemner A. R., Tea, S. D.
♦Guendel A. J., Grand Island, Neb.
♦Gridley Lillian M., Lodi, O.
D. P., Gordon, Neb.
♦Griepentrog G. F., White, S. D. Griswold Earl,
Cerro Gordo, 111.
♦Gueno G. J., Houma, La.
Grier B. W., Hartwick, Ia.
♦Griswold F. A., Calipatria, Cal. ♦Guenther E., Wheatland, Ia.
Grier G. E., Iowa City, Ia.
E. W„ Detroit, Mich.
Griesemer P. M„ Klemme, la.
H. H., Whitehall, 111. ♦Guerin J. H.,
Hinckley, Minn.
♦Griesinger c. T., Wilsoncreek. ♦Griswold
♦Griswold H. T., Chicago. 111.
M., Charlestown,Ind.
Gnswold R. J.. Albion, Pa.
Guernsey B. W., Wellesley, Mass.
Griess N. F., Sutton, Neb.
♦Guernsey H. V.,Clear Lake, Wash.
♦Griffen W. G„ Sheridan. Wyo.
Grizzel J. C., Niangua, Mo.
♦Guernsey M. C., Thomaston,
Griffey O. A.. Cowgill, Mo.
Grlzzell J. W., Salisbury, Mo.
Groadhaus Gr0o.^ Elm Grove,
O. A., Riogrande, Tex.
♦Griffin A. George, Sonora. Cal,
F. D., Riogrande, Tex.
♦Griffin B. F., Saginaw, Mich.
Grab John A., Deepwater, Mo.
A. J., Centralia, 111.
Griffin C. A., Summertown, Ga. ♦Grochow
R. C., Berwick, N. D. ♦Guess R. E.,
Rogers, Tex.
Griffin C. B.. Chapel Hill. N. C. ♦Groe T. O.,
Northwood, Ia.
Rochelle, 111.
Griffin O. H., Woodland, N. O.
O. G. Stambaugh, Mich. Guest T. P., Detroit,
priffln D. B„ New Augusta, Miss Groeschel
Groff, H. C., Victor, Mont.
♦Griffin E. A., Maxbass, N. D.
♦Groff R. H., Haxtum, Colo.
Griffin E. A., Newberry, S. C.
♦Grogan B., Murray. Ky.
♦Guggenheim S. E., Philadelphia.
♦Griffin E. E., Edmond, Okl.
Groh Frank, Sherwood, Wis.
♦Griffin E. H., Griffin, Ga.
W. C., St. Nazianz, Wis.
Guggenmos. F. A., Dannebro,
♦Griffin E. H., Oyster Bay, N. Y Groh
Grohosky S. T.. Sootia, Neb.
Griffin E. L., Morehouse, Mo.
Gronen T. M., Terra Bella, Cal.
Gugisberg W. H., Gibbon, Minn.
♦Griffin E. L„ Watonga, Okl.
J. W., Plattsburg, N. Y.
Griffin E. P., Gosneyville, Mo.
Gronna J. D., Lakota, N. D.
♦Gxiibord P. A., Plattsburg, N. Y.
♦Griffin F. S., Masonville, Ia.
♦Gronstal B. A., Estherville, Ia.
Guidroz J. E., New Roads, La..
♦Griffin Geo. A., Sonora, Cal.
♦Guier Mrs. J. B., Omaha, Arx.
Griffin G. C., Clark. S. D.
Groo Richard, Montpelier, Ida.
Guier J. B„ Omaha. Ark.
♦Griffin G. G.. Rosalie, Neb.
Guild C. H„ Medaryvffie, Ind.
Griffin G. S., Hayesville, Ia.
Grooms H. L., Fountain Run,K y.
Guild E. B., Walton, N. Y.
Griffin H. F., Riverside, la.
Guild G. A„ Topeka, Kan.
♦Griffin I. V., Hartsells, Ala.
Groover B. H., Reidsville, Ga.
Guild H. L., Bern, Kan.
Griffin J. A., Tampa, Fla.
Groover S. C.. Statesboro. Ga.
♦Griffin J. C.. La Fayette, Ala.
S. E., Statesboro, Ga
Guiles F. A., Green Castle, Mo.
Griffin J. I., Murfreesboro, N. O. ♦Groover
F. J., Onida, S. D. Guilfoil E. J., Rensselaer, N. Y.
♦Griffin J. R., Blooming Grove, ♦Gropengieser
♦Groos Ferdinand, San Antonio, Gullett C. A., Carbondale, 111.
♦Gulliksen John, Chicago, 111.
Griffin Linwood, Meridian, Miss, ♦Gros A. L., Fort Plain, N. Y.
♦Grinin L. D., Clarksburg, W.Va. ♦Groschen
F. L., Mound, Minn. Guilliams, O. C.. St. Charles, Ia.
Griffin L. M., Moundville, Ala.
J. T., Fayetteville, W. Va. ♦Guillory L„ Mansura, La.
♦Griffin M. M.. Harrisburg, Ark. Grose
Guillott Leo, Napoleonville, La.
Griffin M. R.. Elizabeth City, C N. ♦Groseclose J. A., Marion, Va.
A. H., Monterey, Va.
Griffin Norman, Grant Park, 111.
♦Gross A. S., Pawnee Rock, Kan. ♦Guin
Guin C. L.. Mt. Cory, O.
♦Griffin P. E., Columbia, S. C.
J. K., Hughes Springs, Tex.
Griffin S. A., Queen City, Tex.
♦Gross G. H., Pacific, Mo.
♦Guinn R. K., Hughes Springs,
Griffin Thos. D., Hardy, Neb.
Gross George Jr., Doland S. D
♦Griffin Victoria, Riverside, la.
Gross H. O , Manilla, Ind.
♦Guinn S. L., Hedley, Tex.
Griffin W. O., Viola, Wis.
Gross L. M., Elwood, Ind.
Gulzlo B. F., Macksville, Kan.
Griffin W. W., Newbefn, N. O.
♦Gross T. A., Atwood, 111.
G. G., Red Bud, 111.
Griffin W. P., Carnegie, Okl.
Gulbranson C. E., Albert City, Ia.
Grilling M. H„ Danbury, Conn.
♦Grosscup A. J., Nampa, Ida.
♦Gulker W. E., Kingfisher, Okla.
Griffith A. H.i Downsville, N.Y. Grosser F. A., Chicago, 111.
Gulbro, O. L., Minneapolis, Minn.
Griffith C. A., Brownstown, 111.
Grosser W. F., Forest Park, III.
F. M., Orange, Cal.
Griffith C. M., Visalia, Cal.
Grosshams Andrew, Stockham, ♦Gulick
J. N-v’New Augusta, Ind.
♦Griffith C. O., Meyersdale, Pa.
W. F., Deer Lodge, Mont.
♦Griffith D. C., Plumville, Pa.
♦Grosshans Ida M., Stockham,
♦Gullickson G. C„ Spring Valley,
Griffith E. C.. Hoopeston, 111.
Griffith E. C., Parkers Landing, ♦Grassland G. M., Harvey, 111.
♦Gullickson J. G., Egan, S. D.
♦Grossman Mary, Argos, Ind.
Goodman, Miss.
Griffith Frank, Columbus, Ind.
♦Grosvenor R. L.. Walthill. Neb. GulliksonD.G.K.,
L., Watford, N. D.
Griffith George P., Jefferson, Ore. ♦Grosz, G. L., Expansion, N. D.
♦Griffith H., Perth. N. D.
Groth Henry, Manitowoc, Wis.
Giun G. W., Keyesport, 111.
♦Griffith H. A., S. Pittsburg, Tenn. Groth
K. S., Mayville, N. D.
♦Gumbart L. F„ Macomb, 111.
Griffith H. N., Shannon, 111.
♦Groth L. J., Elgin, 111.
♦Gumble A. J., Flat Rock, 111.
Griffith H. P.. Lone Wolf, Okl.
♦Grothe E. C., Harrold, S. D.
Qumo John, Claire City, S. D.
♦Griffith I. L., Maypearl, Tex.
♦Grotte C. J., Scobey, Mont.
Gump A. F., Trotwood, O.
♦Griffith J. E., Cashmere, Wash. ♦Ground Carl J., Prosser. Neb.
♦Gump Bertha M., Trotwood, O.
Griffith J. L., Cumberland, Md.
♦Groustad J. M., Dolliver, Ia.
Guncbel W. H„ Toledo, Ohio.
Griffith J. M., Conroe, Tex.
Grout A. H., Wausau, Wis.
♦Gund M. C., Marcus-, la.
♦Griffith L., Delphi, Ind.
W. L., Marcus, Ia.
Griffith L. B„ Palmer, Tex.
♦Grove E. H„ Pataskala, O.
Griffith M. F.. Crawfordsville.Ga. ♦Grove Ray, Republic, Mo.
H. E.. Hazelton, Ida.
♦Griffith R. C., Danielsville, Ga. Grave W. H., New Castle, Pa.
♦Gunder C. T„ Coolville, O.
♦Griffith T. C., Bogalusa, La.
♦Graven H. B., Badger, Minn.
Gunderson E. L., Ray, N. D.
Griffith W., Williamsburg, Ind.
Grover G. O., Ottawa, III.
Gunderson G., Hitterdal, Minn.
Griffith W. S., N. Y. City, N. Y. Grover H. S., Lisbon, N. D.
Gunderson G. C., Alexander, N. D.
♦Griffith W. Y., Lawson, Mo.
♦Grover R. F., Hot Springs, Ark. Gunderson
G. L., Iola, Wis.
Griffith Z., Thomasville, N. C.
♦Groves D. A., Crawfordsville, Gunderson H. 0., Madelia, Minn:
H. P., Hawley, Minn.
Grigg W. C. Navarre, Kan.
Groves G. N.. Groesbeck. Tex.
♦Gunderson J. E., Rugby, N. D.
Griggs H. E., Netcong, N. J.
Groves C. E„ Firth, Neb.
G ., Aneta, N. D.
♦Griggs I. O., Ingraham, 111.
♦Groves H. O., Elkhart, 111.
♦Gunderson J. P., Eureka, Mont.
Griggs W. E., Ingraham, 111.
Groves H. C., Williamsville, 111.
Aneta, N. D.
Grigsby B. W., Granville, Mo.
Groves H. K., East Chicago, Ind. ♦Gunderson M. A.,
G., Silverton, Or.
♦Grigsby H. L., Dickson, Tenn.
♦Groves J. Q„ Dubois, Pa.
City, Ia.
Grigsley Earl, Pittsfield, 111.
♦Groves Mabel, Paloma, 111.
♦Gunderson P. O., Elkworth, Ia.
Groves S. S., Loraine, 111.
Grim C. F., Overton, Neb.
Groves W. M„ Corder, Mo.
S. D.
♦Grim C. W., Orange, Va.
Groves W. M., Petersburg, 111.
Gundert J. B., Tolstoy, S. D.
Grim L. R., Winchester, Va.
♦Gundling V. G., Wheeling,W.Va.
Grimes E„ Pondcreek, Okl.
Grubb A. J., Brunson, Mo.
Gundry A. D„ Grand Blanc, Mich.
♦Grimes E. E.. Snyder, Tex.
Grubb Lewis, Athens, 111.
Gunkel J. L., Casselton, N. D.
Grimes Jr.. E. M., Elysian, Tex. ♦Grubbs C. O., Holton, Kan.
J. H., Otterville, Mo.
Grimes J. Frank, Oakland, Ky.
♦Grubbs F. H., North Muskogee ♦Gunn R. B., Pulaski, Va.
♦Grimes Mrs. J. H., Tolu, Ky.
Harold, Evanston, Wyo.
Grimes J. H., Tolu, Kyi
Grubbs H. N., Argyle, Wis.
♦Gunnis R. H„ San Diego, Cal.
♦Grimes'J. R., Colesburg, Ia.
♦Grube B. A., Muenster, Tex.
♦Gunnison Geo. I., Orient, S. D.
♦Grimes J.W.,Hendersonville,N.C. ♦Grube H. G., Watertown, Wis.
Gunsaules W., Stroudsburg, Pa.
♦Grimes Lacy, Achille, Okla.
♦Gruber G. W., Okabena, Minn
Grimes L. L., Steubenville, O.
♦Gruber G. C., Clayton, 111.
Gunster C. W., Scranton, Pa.
♦Grimes R. L., Ollie, Ia.
♦Gruber J. H., Astoria. 111.
♦Gunstrom G. R., Granville^ N.D.
♦Grimes S. E., Ashland, Kan.
♦Gruebbel H. W., Treloar, Mo.
Gunter H. F., Teague, Tex.
Grimes Taylor, Mount Ayr, Ia.
Gruen F. W., Dayton, O.
R. E. L., Brandon, Tex.
♦Grimley I. C.. Kutztown, Pa.
♦Gruenhagen E. H., Gibbon.Minn. Guntermann W., Calexico, Gal.
Grimley O. P., Kutztown. Pa.
C. V., New York, N. Y.
Grimm Geo. J., Lamberton.Minn. ♦Gruett A., Merrill, Wis.
Gunz L. A., Oshkosh, Wis.
Grundy E. J., Highland Park, 111. Gunzenhauser C.. Rowley, Ia.
Grimmett R. H., Stroud, Okl.
♦Grunenald Armin, Milwaukee,
Grimshaw H. A., Sarles, N. D.
Gurley E. C., Marietta, Ga.


Gurley G. H., Pipestone. Minn.
♦Gurney A. J.. West Union, la.
Gurr A. E., Douglas, Alaska.
♦Gurtner Beatric6H.,Brownstown,
Guse F. J.. Spokane, Wash.
*Guse I. G., Spokane, Wash.
♦Gustafson W. S., Clitherall.Minn.
♦Gustavus Andy, Ballinger, Tex.
Gustus A. W., St. Cloud, Fla.
♦Gustus A. W., Kissimmee, Fla.
*Gutel E. I„- Odell, 111.
Gutheinz Alfred, Scranton, Pa.
Guthmann H. A., Murdock, Neb.
Guthrie E. E., Norwalk, la.
♦Guthrie E. E., Wheeler, Mich.
♦Guthrie G. C., West Point, 111.
♦Guthrie G. E., Jasper, Ala.
♦Guthrie G. F., Medicine Lodge,
♦Guthrie, H. F., Topeka, Kan.
♦Guthrie J. M., New Castle, Ky.
♦Guthrie Lelia, Nebo, 111.
♦Guthrie L. P., Brooklyn, Ind.
Guthrie L. R.. Rowlett, Tex.
♦Guthrie Martin, Prescott, Ark.
♦Guthrie Maude C„ Corunna, Ind.
♦Guthrie P. C„ Smiths Grove, Ky.
♦Guthrie W. L., Crossville, Tenn.
Gütig Charles, Louisville, Ky.
Gutmann W. G., Monroe, Mich.
Gutting J. G., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Gutz H. P., Selby, S. D.
Gutz J. F., Pomeroy, la.
Gutz Walter T., Camas, Mont.
Guy E. C., Newland, N. C.
♦Guy E. F., Jasper, Ala.
Guy F. A., Munden, Kan.
Guy F. L., Oak Grove, Mo.
Guy J. W., Statesville, N. C.
Guyer H. M., New Enterprise, Pa.
Guyer J. J., Buffalo Center, la.
♦Guyer, L. L., Arlington, Kan.
♦Guyer W. F., Fairfield, la.
♦Guyler S. H., Wallis,Tex.
♦Gwaltney H. C., GqrdonsvUle,
Gwaltney J. F., Gordonsville,
Gwaltney J. H., Poseyville, Ind.
Gwaltney J. J., Tiptonville, Tenn.
♦Gwdhaus G., Elm Grove, W. Va.
Gwinn j. H., Petaluma, Cal.
Gwyn C. R., Zebulon, Ga.
Gwyn L. S'., Memphis, Tenn.
Gwyn R. W., N. Wilkesboro, N. C.
Gwynn P. H., Leaksville, N. C.
♦Haabesland J., San Miguel, Cal.
♦Haabesland J., Paso Robles, Cal.
Haaker H. L„ So. San Fran­
cisco, Cal.
Haarer J. W., Lansing, Mich.
Haas C. C., Woodbine, la.
Haas G. F., Minatare, Neb.
Haas G. J., Detroit, Minn.
♦Haas G. R., Oregon, 111.
Haas J. L., Fort Yates, N. D.
♦Haas L. H., Independence, Mo.
♦Haase F. F., Emerson, Neb.
Haase Geo. H., Emerson, Neb.
♦Habel G. M., Berkeley, Cal.
♦Haberer J. A., Rippey, la.
♦Habermann M. H., Oassville.Wis.
Habberstad O. M.,Lanesboro,Minn.
Hack M. H., Milan, Mich.
Hackbarth Richard, Richfield,
. Wis.
- , .
♦Hackel P. G., Marmarth, N. D.
Hacker J. E., Greeneville, Tenn.
Hackett E. F., Passaic, N. J.
Hackett G. B., Vicksburg, Miss.
♦Hackett Jas. A., Omaha, Neb.
♦Hackett J. D., New York City.
♦Hackett N.. Owenton, Ky.
♦Hackett R. K., Grants Pass, Ore.
Hackl P. J., Marmarth, N. D.
♦Hackler G. W., Mansfield, Tex.
Hackler Joy M., Gregory, S. D.
Hackman A. J., Oldenburg, Ind.
Hackmann E. F., Chesterfield,Mo.
Hackney J. E., Opelika, Ala.
Hackney P. J., Palmetto. Fla.
♦Hackwitz E., Farmingdale.N. Y.
♦Hackworth S. V., Vaillant, Okl.
Hadderton H. J., Roby, Tex. j
Haddon A. M., Cornelia, Ga.
Hadelich R. G., BoonvUle, Mo,
Haden T. G., Cairo, Mo.
♦Hadfield D. N., Durham, Mo.
Hadley B.. Cambridge, 111.
♦Hadley C. E., Peru, Neb,
♦Hadley E. F., Mooresville, Ind.
♦Hadley F. B., Cambridge, 111.
♦Hadley L. S., Glen Elder, Kan.
♦Hadley S. H., Sharon, Pa.
Hadley W. F., Mooresville, Ind.
♦Haeberle Oscar, Ottawa, 111.
♦Haèhnle C., Cincinnati, O.
♦Haeman D. A-, Bomarton, Tex.
♦Haertel H., Stevens Point, Wis.
Haesemeyer C. H.. Stanwood, la.
Hafdahl T. O., Beltrami, Minn.
Hafer A., Alturas, Cal.
♦Haflle Norman, Cannelton, Ind.
Hafner J. W., Tontogany, O.
Hagaman G. P., Boone, N. C.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Hagan B. M., Christiansburg,Va.
♦Hagan G. A., Anniston, Ala.
♦Hagan Geo. L., St. Augustine, 111.
Hagan M. C., Madison, Wis.
Hagans O. B., Ipava, 111.
Hagar W. B., Harrison. Ida.
♦Hagberg E. G., St. Cloud, Minn.
Hage Emil G., New Ulm, Minn.
Hage G. O., Brookston, Minn.
♦Hage J. O., Deer Wood, Minn.
Hagedorn H. C., New York City,
N. Y.
Hageman A. B., Elgin, N. D.
Hageman A. C., N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Hagen A. T., Chester, S. D.
♦Hagen C. L., Appleton, Minn.
♦Hagen H. E., Chaseburg, Wis.
♦Hagen H. W., San Mateo, Cal.
Hagen L, J,, Ray, N. D.
Hagen Oluf, Lawton, N. D.
Hagen T. J., Sharon, N. D.
♦Hagen W. G., Johnstown, Pa.
♦Hagene Olaf, Black Earth, Wis.
♦Hagenstein P. C.,Sherwood,N. D.
Hager F. F., Paris, 111.
Hager L. S., Madison, Ala.
♦Hager Mrs. L. S., Madison, Ala.
Hagerman C., Ludington, Mich.
Hagerman fi. L., Superior, Wis.
♦Hagerman J. C., Bartlesville,Okl.
♦Hagerman J. F., Stanford, Mont.
Hagerman M. A., Bessemer, Mich.
♦Hagestad J. G., Ellsworth, Wis.
Haggard Jerre, Albuquerque, N.M.
♦Haggart F. R., St. Paul, Neb.
Haggart H. S., Janesville, Wis.
♦Haggblade E. T., Bronson, la.
♦Hagge D., Jr., Arcadia, la.
Haage H. D., Beaver, la.
Haggerty H. J., Bradford, Pa.
Haggreen P. W., Point Arena, Cal.
♦Hagler Robert, Alto Pass, Ida.
Hagman B. C., Rockham. S. D.
Hagood F. S., La Grange, Mo.
Hagood H. C., Easley, S. C.
Hague T., Taylor, Tex.
Hahn C. J., Twin Falls, Ida.
♦Hahn E. A., Lyons, N. Y.
♦Hahn E. R., Osborne, Kan.
Hahn F. C., St. Louis, Mo.
♦Hahn John E., Louisville, Ky.
Hahn J. G., Meshoppen, Pa.
♦Hahn J. W., Muscatine, la.
♦Hahn O. E., Ortonville, Minn.
Hahn R. M., Watertown, Wis.
Hahn W. C., No. Freedom, Wis.
♦Hahn W. H., Reedsburg, Wis.
Hahne Samuel, Schaller, la.
♦Haid D. W., Berger, Mo.
Haig A. D., Bloomfield,, Ind.
♦Haight J F., Pawling, N. Y.
Haight W. F., Millbrook, N. Y.
Haigier G. H., Hayesvflle, N. C.
♦Hail E. O., Adairville, Ky.
♦Hailey, Mrs. C. E., WhitevUle,
♦Haill H., St. Louis, Mo.
♦Hainer F. C., Columbus, Kan.
Haines A. C., New Market, N. H.
♦Haines C. A., Narka, Kan.
Haines D. S., Edwardsville, Kan.
♦Haines E. R., Decoräh, la.
♦Haines E. T., Blackwell, Okla.
♦Haines Guild, Swayzee, Ind.
Haines H. B. Tamaroa, 111.
♦Haines H. J., BrunsviUe, la.
Haines H. L., Mullica Hill, N. J.
Haines I. S., Burlington,N. J.
♦Haines Miss Dana Dee, Ed­
wardsville, Kan.
♦Haines J. C., Seymour, 111.
♦Haines R. A., Augusta, Kan.
Haines W. A., Staunton, Va. _
♦Haines W. M., N. Y. City. N. Y.
Hainline G. W., Eldorado Springs,
Hair D. C., Ambrose, N. D.
♦Hairston. J. F., Timpson, Tex.
Haisch Edward, Winner, S. D.
Haislip F. L., Hamilton, N. C.
♦Hajlcek Rudolph F., Chicago, 111.
Hakes B. IJ., Williamsburg, la.
Halbe George, Dorrance, Kan.
Halbert E. C., Licking, Mo.
♦Haldeman J. E., Middleburg, Pa.
♦Haldeman Mark P., Pine Grove,
♦Haldeman W. S., Akron, Ind.
Halderman J. F., Wymore. Neb.
♦Hale A. T., Richmond, Ind.
Hale B. F., Rome, Ga.
♦Hale B. J„ Middletown, Conn.
Hale C, A., Yates Center, Kan.
Hale Chas. H„ San Leandro, Cal.
♦Hale C. R., Bluffs, 111.
Hale D. M., Trail, Okl.
♦Hale Frank, Cooperstown, N. Y.
♦Hale G. W., Inez. Ky.
♦Hale Harvey M., Parkton, Md.
Hale H. R., Winnetka, 111.
Hale, N. A„ Mayfield, Ky.
♦Hale T. E,, Little Rock, Ark.
Hale W. A., Martinez, Cal
♦Hale W. A., Lebanon, Tenn.
♦Hale W. J., Meredosia, 111.
Hale W. M., Inez, Ky.
Hales Fred W., Sturgeon Lake,
Haley C. H., Huddleston, Va.
♦Haley J. H., Haleyvilie, Ala.
♦Haley N. J., Devils Lake. N. D.
Haley P. E., Flora, Miss.
♦Haley W. B., Louisiana, Mo.

Haley W. H., Rifle, Colo.
Halferty C. D., Jr., Cashmere,
♦Halfield L. Bertha, Russell
Springs, Ky.
♦Halfman Henry, Faulkton, S. D.
♦Halgren Ross M., Oxford, Ind.
Halk Jr. R. E., Cherry Valley,
♦Hall A., Flemington, Mo.
♦Hall A. F., Ridgewood, N. J.
Hall A. J., Mason, Mich.
♦Hall A. J., Sweet Water, Tex.
Hall Amos C., Virginia City, Mont.
♦Hall Annie, Clever, Mo.
♦Hall Miss Harriet, Red Creek,
N. Y.
Hall C. A., Renovo, Pa.
Hall C. A., Virginia. Neb.
Hall O. B., DuvalL Wash.
♦Hall C. G., Cleveland, Tex.
♦Hall C. H., Red Oak, la.
Hall Chas, A., Nashville, Kan.
♦Hall C. J., Fremont, Ind.
Hall C. L., Tabor, la.
♦Hall O. M., Waxahachie, Tex.
Hall O. R., Fairmont, W. Va.
♦Hall C. S., Auburn, Wash.
Hall C. S., Scottdale. Pa.
♦Hall C. T., Mound City, Mo.
Hall E„ Flemington, Mo.
Hall E., Roseland, Neb.
Hall E. B., Orwell. O.
Hall E. D., Wetumka, Okl.
Hall F. A., Pullman, W. Va.
Hall F. B.. Murphysboro. 111.
♦Hall F. C.. Chickasha, Okl.
Hall F. D., Nyssa, Ore.
Hall F. D., Escondido, Cal.
♦Hall F. P., Fayetteville, Ark.
Hall Frank L., Crawford, Neb.
Hall F. S., Baxter Springs, Kan.
HaU F. W., Malta, Mont.
♦Hall G. B., Alliance, O.
Hall G. C., Burgin, Ky.
HaU G. C., Mt. Holly Springs, Pa.
♦Hall G. C., N. Y. City, N. Y.
Hall G. D., Fowler, Kan.
♦HaU G. F„ Quincy, Mass.
♦HaU G. H., DaUas Center, la.
HaU G. H„ CampbeU, Mo.
♦HaU G. Q., Cleveland, O.
HaU G. S., Ashland, Mo.
HaU Grace, Irene, S. D.
HaU H., Wallkill, N. Y.
♦HaU H. A., Northumberland, Pa.
♦Hall Harley, Hartford City, Ind.
♦Hall Hawley, LewisvUle, Ind.
♦HaU H. B., Beaver City, Neb.
HaU H. C., La Jara, Colo.
HaU H. J., Lander, Wyo.
♦Hall I. F., Roseland, Neb.
♦Hall I. H., Jr., Soperton, Ga.
♦HaU I. T., Hettinger, N. D.
♦HaU I. V., DuvaU. Wash.
♦HaU J. A.. Evart, Mich.
Hall J. C., Fairmont, W. Va.
HaU J. C.. Rocheport, Mo.
♦HaU J. C., Kansas City, Mo.
HaU J. D., Sylvester, Ga.
♦HaU J. E., San Francisco, Cal.
HaU J. E., Soperton, Ga.
Hall John E., Meredosia, 111.
Hall J. F., Vincennes, Ind.
Hall J. H., Newton, Ga.
HaU J. M., Ithaca, Neb.
HaU J. M., San Simon, Ariz,
♦Hall J. M., Durant, Okla.
♦Hall J. W., Royse City, Tex.
Hall L. C„ MUledgevllle. Ga.
♦HaU L. EUa, PuUman, W. Va.
HaU L. F., Lambert, Okl.
♦HaU L. J., Healdsburg, Cal.
♦HaU Minnie, Worthington, Ohio.
HaU M. O., Clever, Mo.
HaU N. C., OUn, la.
HaU Orran, Cypress, 111.
Hall O. C., BayMinette, Ala.
HaU O. D.. CardweU, Mo.
HaU P. L.. Farmingdale.N. Y.
♦HaU P. M., Susanville, Cal.
HaU Ralph. Neola, la.
♦HaU R. A., Port Henry, N. Y.
Hall R. G., Lema. IU.
Hall R. H., Lumber City, Ga.
♦Hall R. S„ Newton, Ga.
Hall Ralph, Edgeley, N. D.
HaU S. E., CUtherall, Minn.
♦HaU S. M., Hollis, Kan.
HaU S. M., Bladen, Neb.
♦Hall T. R., Buckhannon, W. Va.
♦HaU T. Q., Los Angeles, Cal.
♦HaU V. A., Bladen, Neb.
HaU W. A., YadkinvUle, N. C.
♦Hall W. C... Columbus Junction,
Hall W. B., El Cajon, Cal.
Hall W. H., Beaver Dam, Wis.
HaU WUliam, GaUatin, Tenn.
♦HaU W. R.. Petaluma, Cal.
♦Hall W. R., Bedias, Tex.
HaU W. S., Fairchance, Pa.
HaU W. S., Freeport, N. Y.
♦Halladay E. H., Farina, IU.
♦HaUan O. E., Spring Grove, Minn
♦HaUberg A. A„ Maple Plain,
Hallbom G., Chicago, IU.
HaUenbeck F. S., Hudson, N. Y.
Hallenberg H„ Carson, N. D.
♦Haller Anthony, Mt. Clemens,

♦HaUer W. K.. NashviUe, Ark.
HaUes H. R., Seaboard, N. C.
HaUett C. L., Cape Charles. Va.
♦HaUett C. P., Wlnsted, Conn.
HaUett F. D„ Winsted, Conn.
♦Halley A. S., RapidjCity. S.D.
♦Halley J. A., Big Springs, Tex.
Halley Jr., James, Keystone, S.D.
HaUey O. I., Coahoma, Tex.
Halley R. Harvey. La Plata, Md.
Halliday C. F., Parker, Ind.
♦HaUiday H. B., Columbus, O.
♦Halliday J. H., Point Arena, Cal.
Halligan T. H., Starke, Fla.
HaUin A. B„ Cambrige, Minn.
HaUiweU G. W., Bethlehem, Pa.
♦HalhweU T. H., Mobile, Ala.
Hallman G. R., Rosenberg, Tex.
Hallman K. E., Glenwood. Ark.
♦Hallstein H. A., Zelienople, Pa.
♦Hallstrom J. E., Murray, Neb.
♦Halstead T. H., Sioux City, la.
Halmhuber G., Frankfort, Ky.
Halmhuber John H., Frankfort,
Halpin Francis, N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Halpin Peter P.,Lewistown,Mont.
Halsey G. M., New York City,
Halsey T. M., N. Y. City, N. Y.
Halsted E, Z., Paterson, N. J.
Halsten E. H., Brown Valley,
♦Halstrom H. A., Council HU1,
Haltiwanger J. D., Pellon S. C.
♦Halverson A. E., Roseau, Minn.
Halverson H. F., Marion, N. D.
Halverson H. G., Milton, N. D.
♦Halverson J. B., Stanley, Wis.
♦Halverson L.B. Flandreau, S. D.
♦Halverson W. F., Brandt, S. D.
♦Halvorsen Nils, Crosby, N. D.
♦Halvorson Albert, St. Ansgar, la.
Halvorson C. N., Bruce, S. D.
♦Halvorson C. O., Beach, N. D.
♦Halvorson Herman, Thief River
Falls, Minn.
Halvorsen J. A., Hartland, Minn.
Halvorson M., Wanamingo, Minn.
Ham E. H., BueU, Mo.
Ham M. L., Morven, N, C.
Hamachek A. W., Algoma, Wis.
Hamann W. O., Keystone, la.
♦Hamber J. A., Summerfield, Kan.
♦Hamblen K. S. Belton, Tex.
♦Hambleton S., Easton, Md.
♦Hambrlck G.T., Georgetown, Ky.
Hambrlght H. G., Marshfield,Wis.
Hambrlght J. E., Perry, la. ,
Hamby D. A., Fair Play, Mo.
♦Hamby M. E., Hugoton, Kan.
♦Hamby W. A., Canon, Ga.
♦Hamerlik F. J., Pisek, N. D.
Hamery G. T., Gonvick, Mixm.
♦Hames C. W.. Gaffney, S. C.
HamUl R. G., Trenton, N. J.
HamlU E. J., KitzmUler. Md.
HamUl M. F., Parkesburg, Pa.
HamUton A. C., ParkvUle, Mo.
♦HamUton A. H., Augusta, Ark.
HamUton A. S., Galesburg, IU.
Hamilton A. W., Leonard, Mo.
Hamilton C. A., Humphreys, Mo.
♦Hamilton C. E., Aberdeen, Miss.
♦Hamilton C. E., Fresno. Cal.
HamUton Claud. Gore. Okla.
Hamilton C. W., Westboro, Wis.
HamUton D. H., Wynne, Ark.
♦HamUton F. D., Liberty, Mo.
HamUton F.G., Wenatchee, Wash.
Hamilton Foster, Ensley, Ala.
Hamilton F. P., Omaha, Neb.
HamUton F. S., Abbeville, Ga.
HamUton G. L., New Brighton.Pa.
HamUton Guy, Whitewright, Tex.
Hamilton H., Remington, Va.
♦Hamilton H. M., Pauls VaUey,
♦Hamilton I. S., HUlsboro, Ind.
HamUton J. A., Marissa, 111.
Hamilton J. B., Vienna, Ga.
Hamilton J. B.. Wetonka, S. D.
♦Hamilton J. C.. Townsend. Mont.
♦ H a m ilto n J. C., Dublin, Tex.
♦Hamilton J. R., TerreU, Tex.
♦HamUton Juliett, Decatui, Neb.
HamUton J. W., Rio Vista, Cal.
HamUton M. H., Normal., 111.
HamUton O. C., Willow Hill, IU.
HamUton P. R., Sweet Water,
♦Hamilton R. B., Bishop, Tex.
♦Hamilton R. D., Ringgold, Tex.
HamUton R. R., Amoret, Mo.
HamUton R. T., Sand Lake, Mich.
♦Hamilton T., Anatone, Wash.
Hamilton T., Colbert. Okla.
HamUton T. M., Chester, Pa.
HamUton Thos. R., Dalton, Mo.
Hamilton V. H., East Liberty, O.
HamUton W., Clinton, Mass.
♦HamUton W.C..Birmingham,Ala.
HamUton W. K., Guthrie Center,
HamUton WUliam, Clinton, Mass.
HamUton W. P.. TownsvUle. NL.
♦Hamlen J. E., Vallejo, Cal.



♦Hamler J. A., Summerfleld, Kan. Haney O. W., Oartersville, Ga.
♦Hanson Holger, Grayling, Mich. Hargleroad W. B., Holstein, Neb.
Hamley A. J., Dunellen, N. J.
Haney V. V,, Asher, Okla.
♦Hanson H. W., Boyne City,
♦Hargleroad W. B., Jr., Holstein.
Hamlin A. B., Gorham, IST. H.
Hanford E. T., Middletown, N. Y
Hamlin F. H., Holcomb, N. Y.
Hanford H. W., Oakesdale, Wash Hanson J. M., Davey, Neb.
Hargove J. N., Vienna, Ga.
♦Hamlin F. N.. Gardiner, Me.
♦Hanson J. O., Centerville, S. D. ♦Hargrave A. H., Suffolk, Va.
Hamlin J. E., Vallejo. Cal.
Hanger S. O., Yankton, S. D.
♦Hanson L., Buxton, N. D.
♦Hargrave C. E., Suffolk, Va.
Hamlin J. S., Eaton Rapids,Mich. ♦Hanisch
Oscar, Waupun, Wis.
Hanson Marius, Grayling, Mich. ♦Hargrove Ruby, Fairland, Okla.
Hamm E. S., Pecatonica, 111.
A. B., Timber Lake, S.D ♦Hanson Melvin, Barnesville,
Frank, Ridgeville, Ind.
Hammack H. E., Mill Shoals, 111. ♦Hanken
Hankerson F. H., La Crosse, Wis.
♦Harker Vida, Osawatomie, Kan.
♦Hammack H. E., Springerton, Hankey
W. L„ Wilmerding, Pa. ♦Hanson Melvin, Cooperstown,
Harold, Solvang, Cal.
E. E., Fairport, Mo.
N. D.
Harkinson R., Antioch, Cal.
Hammack J. E., Springerton, 111. ♦Hankins
Hankins E. H., Rayville, Mo.
♦Hanson M. H., Leith, N. D.
Harkless D. J., Paulding, O.
♦Hammack M. B.. Jr., Sturgis, Ky. Hankins
Hanson Oscar, Wahoo, Neb.
Harkness A. S., Quarryville, Pa.
♦Hammel O. A., Clay Center, Kan. ♦Hankins H. C., Rayville, Mo.
♦Hanson O. D., Republican City, Harkness Edward, Chico, Cal.
♦Hammel P. D.. Onaga, Kan.
♦Hankins R. H., Warren, Ark.
R. M., Green Cove
Hamman Z. M., Madrid, la.
Hankins W. E., Wellington, Colo, ♦Hanson O. E„ Minnewaukan,
Springs, Fla.
Hammer A. B., Bison, Old.
N. D.
♦Harlan C. C. Springfield, S. D.
Hammer Ed., Hillsboro, Wis.
Hanks A., Emhouse, Tex.
Hanson Oscar, Trenton, N. D.
Harlan C. W., Cleves, O.
Hammer E. 0., Litchfield, Minn.
Hanks C. W., Palestine, Tex.
♦Hanson P. A., Towner, N. D.
Harlan H. E., Stamford, Tex.
' Hammer G. E., Allendale, Mo.
Hanks R. W.„Redwater, Tex.
♦Hanson R. J., Priest River, Ida. Harlan H. V., Dell Rapids, S. D.
Hammer J. G., .Jenkins, Minn.
Hanson R. L„ McLeod, N. D.
W. M., Stamford, Tex.
♦Hammer O. R.,- Coweta, Okla.
♦Hanley M. J.,Bowling Green, Ky. ♦Hanson R. M.,. Chicago, 111.
Hammer R. P., Pemberton, Minn. ♦Hanley
W. F., Logansport, Ind. ♦Hanson T. B., N. Y. City, N. Y. Harland S. P., Palmyra, Va.
♦Hammer W. A.., Decatur, 111.
Hanlon Frank, Adams,’ Mass.
Hanson T. B., N. Y. City, N. Y. Harle F. J., Cleveland, Tenn.
Hammerschmidt À. E„ Sycamore, ♦Hanlon
H. E„ Galesburg, 111.
Hanson T. S.. Northwood, la.
♦Harle F. J., Cleveland, Tenn.
Hanly F. E., Billings, Mont.
♦Hanson W. L., Ambrose, N. D. ♦Harley B. T., Elwood, 111.
♦Hammes E. A., Madison, Minn.
Hanly L. F„ Clear Lake, S. D.
Hanssen Henry, Kansas City,Mo. ♦Harley Chas,, Grand Gorge, N.Y.
♦Hammock Manye, Hartsville, ♦Hann Charles, Baltimore, Md.
Dudley, Martinsburg,
Charles K., Pikerville, Md. Hanten H. M., Kranzburg, S. D. Harley
W. Va.
♦Hammon F. Edith, Atlanta, Neb. Hann
Hann C. I., Burlington Jet., Mo. Hanten H. M., Watertown, S. D. Harlin
J. C., Galnsville, Mo.
Hammond A. H., Orr, N. D.
Hanna B. S., Raymore, Mo.
Hanzel Francis J., Montgomery, Harlin W. T.. West Plains, Mb.
♦Hammond O., Basehor, Kan.
♦Hanna C. B„ Epworth, la.
Harnng v. B., Sedgwick, Kan.
Hammond C. A.. Stockton, 111.
♦Hanna Earl, Wood Lake, Neb.
♦Happel T. K.. Trenton, Tenn.
Harling J. D., Woodland, Cal.
♦Hammond C. A., Table Grove,111. Hanna
G. W., Clay Center, Kan. ♦Haralson H. H.. Bonita. Tex.
L. W.. Sedgwick, Kan.
♦Hanna H. C., Superior, Neb.
♦Harbaugh G. E.,Wellington,Kan; Harling W. H., Edgefield, S. C.
♦Hammond C.*C., Eugene, Ore.
Hanna J. B., Collins, Miss.
♦Harber W. E., Seminole, Okl.
Rison. Ark.
♦Hammond C. C., Pittsburgh, Pa.
♦Hanna J. W., Tarkio, Mo.
♦Harbert E. J., Benedict. Neb.
Harmer Roy, Plum City, Wis.
Hammond C. E., Hickory, Miss.
Margaret,Roachdale.Ind. Harbert R. P., Dinuba, Cal.
Dodge Center,
♦Hammond 0. J. Jr., Alameda.Cal. ♦Hanna
Hanna P. S., Sanborn, N. D.
Harbeson B., Augusta, Ky.
Hammond E. J., La Plata, Md.
Hannaford R.G..Mt.Vernon.Wash. Harbin L. D., Burleson, Tex.
♦Harmon A. C., Knoxville, Tenn.
Hammond F. E„ Muskegon, Mich. Hannah
J. W., Apache, Okla.
♦Harmon C. C., Redfield, S. D,
Hammond Frank, Hammond, Ind. Hannahs H. W„ Adams, N. Y.
Harbison C. H., Masontown, Pa; Harmon C. E., Wyman. Ia.
♦Hammond F. L.. Lehr. N. D.
Hannah F. O., Berlin, N. H.
Harbison F. L., Greenville, Miss. Harmon F. C., Shellrock, Ia.
♦Hammond H.J.,Jr.,Clayton,N.M. ♦Hannahs R. G., Watertown, N. Y ♦Hardacre
R. B., Los Angeles, Cal. ♦Harmon H. N., Marshall. Minn.
Hammond H. J., Jr., Clayton, Hannan Henry, Chicago, 111.
Hardaway Jr. J. S.,'Newman, Ga. ♦Harmon J. M., Neosho, Mo.
‘ N. M.
♦Hannan J., Madill, Okl.
Hardaway J. W., Shepherdsville, ♦Harmon J. T., Allen, Okl..
Hammond J. T. Jr., Lake Village, Hannay J. K„ Edison, Wash.
Harmon M. A., Chicago, 111.
♦Hanneman Elma, Amherst, Neb. ♦Hardaway M. J., Holyoke, Colo. ♦Harmon
Myrtie B., Belleville,
Hammond L. G., Reed City, Mich. Hanneman R. E., Chicago, 111.
♦Hammond L. M., Orr, N. D.
♦Hanner C. A., Canal Dover, O.
L., Burke, S. D.
Hammond M.H., St. James.MInn.
♦Hanner C. J., Sioux City, la.
E. E., Holtville, Cal.
Harmon W.W., Menominee, Mich.
Hammond N. D.t Pattonville, ♦Hanner H. M., David City, Neb. ♦Harden
Hannon N. F., Hamel, Minn.
♦Hardenbrook Guy, Albion, Ind. Harms B., McPherson, Kan.
Hammond R. A., Adair, 111.
♦Hannum E. C.,, Soldier, Kan.
♦Harder George, Keystone, la.
Harms H. M.. Deshler. Neb.
Hammond R. H., Adair, 111.
♦Hanny A., Roswell. N. M.
N. J., Red Wing, Kan.
Harmsen R, N., Hazen, N. D.
Hammond R. S., Argonia, Kan.
Harder B. E., Baker. Ore.
Harnagel M., Farmington, Ia.
♦Hammond S. S., Bath, Mich.
Hanover Grady, McGregor, Tex. ♦Hardesty C. J„ Mt. Eden, Ky.
Harned E., Dawson Springs, Ky.
Hammond T. O., Helena, Mont. Hanover W. V., McGregor, Tex.
E. M., Weston, Mo.
*HarnedHal.,DawsonSprings, Ky.
♦Hammond T. C., San Diego, Cal. ♦Hanpert E. M., Port Washing­ ♦Hardesty
Hardesty John H., Weston, Mo. . Harned W. L.. Woodbridge, N.J.
Hammond W. B., Bonifay, Fla.
ton, O.
Hardesty R. R., Waynesburg, Pa. Harner Henry C.. Lancaster, Pa.
♦Hanrahan C. T., Charlotte, la.
♦Harney J. E., Bradford, 111.
Hammond Wm., Colesburg, la.
Hanrahan M„ De Kalb, 111.
Hardey Paul, Denver, Colo.
Harney W. G., Harvey,- Ia,
Hammond W. L., Ludlngton.Mich. ♦Hans N. W., Logan, Utah.
♦Hardie H. M., Dallas, Tex.
B. F., Belvidere. 111.
Hammond W. R. Jr., Abbott, Tex. ♦Hanscom E. F., Boston, Mass.
Hardie Jno, Chicago, 111.
Harold G. O., Brewton, Ala.
Hammond W. S., Baltimore, Md. Hanscome C. M., Beroun, Minn. ♦Hardig
H. F„ Brookings, S. D .
Hammond W. T. S., Los Angeles, Hansel C. C., Monterey, Va.
♦Hardin Carl G., Stephenville.Tex. Harolik Francis H., Silver Lake.
♦Hansel H. G., Logan, O.
Hardin C. S., Altoona, Ala.
♦Hammons A. T., Globe, Ariz.
♦Hansell A. J., Atlanta, Ga.
Hardin E. C.. Monmouth. 111.
♦Harover G. T., Henderson, Ia.
Hammons A. T., Paysoh, Ariz.
♦Hardin Guy A., Brandenburg,
Harover M. C.. Henderson, la.
♦Hampe H. T., Rock Rapids, la. ♦Hansen A. W., Clinton, la.
♦Harover M. G., Manchester, O.
♦Hampil S. O., Beaumont, Tex.
Hansen C. F., Trufant, Mich.
♦Hardin G. F., Hanna, Okl.
Harp W. A., Haynes, Ark.
Hampton A. H., Winchester, Ky. Hansen Chas. M., Ellsworth, Wis. ♦Hardin J. B. Spur. Tex.
A. P., La Fontaine, Ind.
♦Hampton C. E., Alfood Tenn.
Hansen C. R., Fairview, Mont.
♦Hardin K. M., Eldora, la.
Harper A. N., Stuttgart, Ark.
Hansen Geo. O., San Rafael, Cal. Hardin L. L., Columbia, S., C.
Harper F. J., Logan, Kan.
♦Hampton C. H., N. Y. City, N.Y. ♦Hansen H. E., St. Paul, Neb.
♦Hardin W. T., Cisco, 111.
Harper George, Villa Rica, Ga.
Hampton G. G., Gothenburg, Neb. Hansen Henry, New Liberty, la. Harding B. C., Bowling Green, O. ♦Harper
H. C., Hurlock, Md.
♦Hampton E. G., Clyde. Tex.
♦Hansen Howard H., Vashon, ♦Harding B. W., Cresson, Pa.
Harper I., Checotah, Okla.
♦Hampton M. B., White Sulphur
♦Harding Chas., Baldwin, la.
E., Yardley, Pa.
' Springs, Mont.
Harding C. E., Sac City, la.
♦Hansen H. O., Coulter, la.
♦Harper J. E., Eureka, 111.
♦Hamrick J. W., Villa Rica, Ga.
♦Hansen James, Fort Benton, Harding Chester, Jefferson City, Harper J. J., Worthington, Minn.
Hamrick O, V., Pembroke, N. C.
Harper J. W., Hot Springs. Va.
Hamsher O. F., Los Gatos, Cal.
♦Harding C. J., Pittsfield, Mass. ♦Harper O, A.. Rector. Ark.
♦Hansen J. E., Ringsted, la.
♦Hamsher C. F.f San Francisco, Hansen J. W., Sheboygan, Wis.
♦Harding C. R., La Grande, Ore. ♦Harper S. F., Timmonsville,
Hansen K. C., Battle Lake, Minn. Harding F. R., Langford, S. D.
♦Hamsher S. B., De Graff. O.
♦Harding F. W., What Cheer, la. Harper W. W., Harman, W. Va.
Hansen L., Russell, Minn.
♦Hanby J. W,, Mesquite," Tex.
Harding G. B., Ontario, Cal.
Hansen L., Loup City, Neb.
M., Racine, Ohio.
Hancher H. F., Caldwell, O.
♦Hansen M. J., Lake Benton.Minn. Harding H. C., Osceola, Wis.
Harpst F. W., Kansas City, Kan.
Harding H. N., Cass Lake, Minn. ♦Harrall J. E„ Bennettsville, S. C.
Hansen O., Coulter, la.
Hanchett G. M„ Ft. Madison, la.
♦Harding J. J., Emporia, Va.
Hansen T., Vashon, Wash.
Harrell E. L., Boynton, Fla.
♦Hancock C. P., O’Neill, Neb.
Hansen T. J.. Grand Island, Neb. ♦Harding Wm. B., Washington, Harrell E. M„ Rhine, Ga.
Hancock F. M., Alton, Kan.
N. C.
♦Harrell E. W.. Anson. Tex.
♦Hancock H. D., Pendler, Neb.
♦Hanson A. C., Oklahoma, Okla. ♦Harding W. H., Meadow Grove, ♦Harrell J. J., Camri, 111.
♦Hancock Homer, Jefferson, Ga.
♦Hanson A. E., Drayton, N. D.
Harrel N. D., Lewisville, Ark.
Hancock J. E,, Montezuma, Ind.
♦Hanson A. M., Lanesboro.Minn. Harding W. T., Emporia, Va.
♦Harrell O. M., Grand View, Tex.
Hancock Jesse, Monessen, Pa.
Harrell S. C., Maypearl, Tex.
Hanson A. M. St. James, Minn. ♦Hardinger E., Tinley Park, 111.
♦Hancock R. K., Tekamah, Neb. ♦Hanson À. N., Oldham, S. D.
Hardinger T. S., Green City, Mo. ♦Harrell S. O ., B lo o m in g to n , Ind.
♦Hancock T. F., Detroit, Mich.
Hardison B. F., Ridgely, Tenn.
Hanson A. P., Fertile, Minn.
Harren J. C., Freeport, Minn.
Hancock T. M., Lacon, 111.
♦Hanson A. W., Peever, S. D. Hardison J. W., Paris, Tex.
Harren N. J., Holdingford, Minn.
♦Hancock W. C., Rockingham, Hanson Abraham, Hatton, N.D. Hardt F. M., Philadelphia, Pa.
Harries J. W., Renton, Wash.
N. O.
♦Hardt J. W., Philadelphia, Pa.
Hanson C. A., Callender, la.
Harrill E. E., Eilinboró, N.. C.
♦Hancuff Iris, Williamsburg; Pa.
Hanson Carl, Newfolden, Minn. ♦Hardt W. K., Philadelphia, Pa. Harrill G. B., Bostic, N. C.
♦Hand C. F., Philadelphia, Pa.
Hanson C. M., Currie; Minn.
Hand C. M., Paducah. Ky.
Hardwick W. M., Dalton, Ga.
Harriman F..H„ Haverhill, Mass.
♦Hanson E. A., Benson, Minn.
♦Handberg Peter,Ishpemlng,Mich. Hanson E. A., Decatur, Neb.
Hardwick W. P., Headland, Ala. Harriman L. J., Fowler, Cal.
Hander A. E., Perry, Tex.
Hardwicke W. P.. Conway,. S. C.
♦Harriman O. H., N. Y. City, N.Y.
Hanson E. B., Fertile. Minn.
♦Handley C. L., Richwood, O.
Hardy C. D., Adrian, Mich.
♦Harriman W. H„ Terra Alta,
♦Hanson E. G., Lignite, N. D.
Handley D. B., Brocton, 111.
W. Va.
♦HansonE. J.,Breckenridge,Minn. Hardy C. R., Weaubleau, Mo.
Handley J. J., Milwaukee, Wis.
Harrington A. J., Wentworth, S.D.
♦Hanson E. W., Elk Mound, Wis. Hardy Frank S., Empire. Mich.
Handley M. C., Steptoe, Wash.
Hardy Lawson, Barwick, Ga.
HarringtonC., Siloam Springs,Ark.
♦Hanson Ernest, Wahoo, Neb.
Hands J. H., Sandusky, Mich.
Hardy L. E.. Rushford. N. Y.
♦Harrington C. C., Houston, Miss.
Hanson F. F., Aberdeen, S. D.
Handschy F.F.,Bellingham,Wash. Hanson F. S., Clinton, Minn.
Hardy R. D., Amelia C. H., Va. ♦Harrington C. G., Corona, Cal.
Handy F. G., Willmar, Minn.
Hanson G. E„ Bothell, Wash.
♦Harrington D. C., Calumet, Mich.
Handy H.A., Idaho Springs,Colo.
Hare A. C., New York City, N. Y. Harrington D. L., Blaine, Kan.
♦Hanson G. E.. Howard, S. D.
Handy J. B., Ellsworth, Kan.
♦Harrington E. R., Port Huron,
♦Hanson G. E., Watertown, S. D. ♦Hare J. M., Bryan, Tex.
Hare John Jr., Penn Grove. N. J.
♦Handy J. E., Passaic, N. J.
Hanson G. L., Oran, la.
♦Harer H. M..'Huntington. W. Va. ♦Harrington E.F.. Hartford. Conn.
Handy Jno, R., Loveland, Colo.
♦Hanson H., Shevlin, Minn.
♦Handy J.T.,Marion Station, Md. ♦Hanson H. A., Litchfield, Minn. Harford E., Springfield, O.
♦Harrington E. M., Little Rock,
Handy R. A., Denver, Colo.
♦Hanson H. C., Ostrander, Minn. Hargadine H. W., Frederica, Del.
Hargan R. R., Hodgenville, Ky. Harrington J.C.. Anaconda, Mont.
♦Hanf C. D. Fall River, Wis.
♦Hanson H. G., Wisner, Neb.
Harrington J. T., Montrose, Mo.
Hanes E. A., Ottawa, Kan.
♦Hargett G. M., Versailles, Mo.
Hanson H. J., Sun City, Kan.
Hanes H. J., Richmond, Ind.
♦Hargett W. L., High Point, N. C. Harrington T., Colusa. Cal.
Hanson H. L.. Mekinock, N. D.
♦Hanes S. M„ Asheville, N. C.
♦Harrington W., Monticello, 111.
♦Hanson H. M., Newfolden, Minn. Hargis C. B., Nash, Tex.
♦Harrington W.G.,Leadville, Colo.
*Hanes Thos., Westfield, la.
♦Hanson H. O., Litchville, N. D. ♦Hargis H. L., Kingston, Ga.
♦Hanson Howard, Oacoma, S. D. Hargis J. H., Wynne Wood, Okla. Harrington W. H., Farmington,
N. M.
Hanson H. P., Cannon Falls.Minn. Hargis N. C., Cincinnati, Ia.
♦Haney John, Seminole, Tex.
Hargis Thos., Huntsville, Ark.
Harris Allan A., Chestertown, Md.
Hanson H. S„ Poison, Mont.
Haney O. P .t Fort Worth, Tex.
1 18
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Harris A. L., Ducor, Cal.
Harris A. L., Oneida, 111.
»Harris Althea A., Helper, Utah.
Harris A. O., Harris, Mo.
Harris A. P., Andrews, N. C.
»Harris A. W., Harris. Mo.
Harris B. B., Kempton, 111.
Harris B. C., Lewis, la.
Harris B. P.. Rock Mart, Ga.
Harris B. H., Ocean Park, Cal.
Harris B. M., Park City, Mont.
Harris B. S„ Dimondale, Mich.
»Harris C., Abbott, Tex.
»Harris C. D.. Mounds. 111.
Harris C. P., Westport, Conn.
Harris C. Q., Memphis, Tenn.
»Harris C. S., Clinton, la.
Harris D. J., Chicago, 111.
Harris D. K., Jolley, la.
Harris E. B„ Modoc, Ind.
Harris E. B.. Helena. Okla.
Harris E. C., Piedmont, Ala.
Harris E. E., Leggett, Tex.
Harris E. F., Stockton, Cal.
Harris E. H. Jr., Sedalia, Mo.
Harris E. R., Hampton, Ga.
Harris E. S., Eaton Rapids. Mich.
»Harris E. W.. Dublin. Tex.
»Harris F. H„ Belvidere, Neb.
Harris F. J„ Saltville Va.
Harris F. M„ Princeton, Ind.
»Harris F. R., Albuquerque, N.
Harris F. W., Alliance, Neb.
»Harris G. E.. Wadena, Minn.
»Harris Geo. E., Nashua. Neb.
Harris G. H., Durant, Okla.
Harris G. M„ Luzerne, Pa.
Harris G. O., Princeton, Kan.
»Harris Mrs. G. O., Princeton,
Harris G. W., Pine River, Minn.
»Harris H. K„ Antwerp, O.
Harris H. M., Grinnell, la.
Harris I. E., Creedmoor, N. C.
Harris Ira F.. Nashua, N. H.
Harris J. D., Quitman, Tex.
Harris J. D., Dialville, Tex.
Harris J. E., Oakland, Me.
»Harris J. E., Vincent, Ala.
Harris J. F., Durand. 111.
Harris J. G., Dublin, Tex.
»Harris J. J., Oakland, la.
»Harris J. M., Holt, Mo.
»Harris J. M., Noxapater, Miss.
»Harris J. P., Lewis, la.
Harris J. W., Hopland, Cal.
Harris Lucian, Rising Sun, Ind.
»Harris L. E., Milan, Mo.
Harris L. F., Dover, Ga.
Harris L. F., Larrabee, la.
Harris L. W,. Eldora, la.
»Harris M. J„ Albemarle, N. C.
»Harris Mrs. E. E. Leggett, Tex.
Harris M. S.. Franklin, Ky.
Harris M. V., Blodgett, Mo.
»Harris N. C.. Richlands, Va.
Harris R. D., Melbourne, Ark.
Harris R. F., Sedalia, Mo.
Harris R. H., Lynch, Neb.
»Harris R. J., St. Edward, Neb.
Harris R. L„ Blooming Grove,Tex.
»Harris R. R., Rome, Ga.
Harris S. B., Antwerp, O.
Harris S. D., Columbus, Miss.
»Harris S. S.. Tupelo, Miss.
»Harris T. C., Oxford, N. C.
Harris T. G., Woodcliff, Ga.
»Harris T. L., Quitman, Tex.
Harris Theodore, Versailles, Ky.
Harris W. B., Sylvania, O.
Harris W. D.. Wilton Junction, la.
»Harris W. D., Winfield, la.
Harris William, Wooster, O.
Harris W. X, Reno, Nev.
»Harris W. B., Jr., Wauseon, O.
Harris W. N., Turtle Lake, N. D.
»Harrisberger A. B., Riley, Kan.
»Harrison A. A., Sikeston, Mo.
Harrison A. P., Tamaha, Qkla.
Harrison Boykin, Coolidge, Ga.
Harrison C., Fulton, Mo.
»Harrison C. B„ Milan, Tenn.
Harrison C. F., Springfield, O,
Harrison C. H., Rutland, Vt.
Harrison C. M„ Amory, Miss.
Harrison D. B., Downs, Kan.
Harrison D. B.. Rosedale. Okla.
Harrison D. R.. Eldon, Mo.
»Harrison E., Superior. Wis.
Harrison Edwin, Greenfield, Mo.
Harrison Erwin, Tillamook, Ore.
»Harrison F. L., Barnesville, O.
Harrison G. O., Cortez, Colo.
Harrison G, W.. Bessemer, Ala.
Harrison G. W., South Bend, Ind.
Harrison H. G.,‘ Des Arc., Mo.
Harrison H. K., Reading, Pa.
»Harrison J. A., Derma, Miss.
Harrison J. D., Danville, Va,
»Harrison J. E., Orange, Tex.
»Harrison Jas. E., St. Michaels,
Harrison J. H., Ravenna, Neb.
Harrison J. R., Milam Tenn.
»Harrison J. S., Harrison, Ga.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Harrison Jas. S., Brenham, Tex.
Harrison Josef V., Hartford. Ala.
Harrison L. D., Whiting. Kan.
Harrison L. H„ Columbia. N. C.
Harrison L. R., Hot Sulphur
Springs, Colo.
Harrison O. T., Plains, Mont.
Harrison O. W., Kensington,
Harrison P. S j, Hughesville, Md.
Harrison R. G;., Williamstön, N. C.
Harrison R. J., Mitchell, S, D.
Harrison T. B., Ragland, Ala.
Harrison T. T., Hedley, Tex.
Harrison W. H., Kremmling. Colo.
Harrison W. N., Lavonia, Ga.
»Harrison W. N., Stookton, Cal.
Harrison W. W., Florence, Colo.
»Harrison Z. J., Caddo, Okla.
»Harriss J. M., Holdenville, Okla.
Harriss M. W., Goldston, N. C.
»Harrod Geo. T.. South Solon, O.
Harrod E. P., Harrod, O.
»Harrold C. M., Ridge Farm, 111.
Harrold F. E., Decatur, 111.
Harroid H. H., Eddyville, Ia.
Harroun A. E., Iredell, Tex.
»Harry Arthur, Wellston, O.
»Harry C. R., Home, Kan.
»Harry S. C.. Home, Kan.
»Harry Virgil M., Ralston, Okla.
»Harsch C. F., Peoria, III.
Harseim E. J., Secor, 111.
Harsha Hoy, Porter, Okla.
»Harsha W. N., Haskell, Okla.
Harshaw E. B„ Grove City, Pa.
»Harshaw G. L., Farwell, Tex.
Harshbarger, C. C., Quimby, la.
Harshbarger C. L„ Milton. W. Va
»Harszy J. A., E. St. Louis, 111.
»Hart A. T., Yorkville, S. C.
»Hart B. H., Warsaw, Mo.
Hart Butler, Edgar, Neb.
Hart C. C., Muscotah, Kan.
»Hart Clarence, Rigby, Ida.
Hart C. S., Dundee, Fla.
»Hart E. B., Gresham, Neb.
Hart E. G., Brookeland, Tex.
»Hart E. K., Albion, N. Y.
Hart E. I. L. Jr., St. Joseph, Mo.
Hart G. D., Almont, Mich.
»Hart G., Clinton, Mo.
Hart H. E., Waverly, Ala.
»Hart H. M., San Antonio. Tex.
Hart J. A., Fitzhugh, Okla.
Hart J. B., Merced, Cal.
»Hart J. C., Linn Creek, Md.
Hart J. E., Gresham, Neb.
»Hart Jean, Pierceton, Ind.
»Hart J. F.. Des Moines, la.
»Hart J. F., Athens, Ga.
Hart L. E., Pinole, Cal.
»Hart Louise, Sherman. N. Y.
»Hart O. A., Volin, S. D.
»Hart P. A., Bryn Maur, Pa.
»Hart Roy, Hobart, Okla.
Hart R. W., Cunningham, Kan.
Hart S. C., Jackson, Miss.
Hart T. L., Fayetteville, Ark.
Hart V., Cross Plains, Tex.
»Hart W. A., Regan, N. D.
Hart W. H., Salem, S. D.
Hart W. J., Newark, N. J,
Hart Walter O., Breckenridge.Mo.
Harte R. G., Cuyuna, Minn.
»Harter Fred, Erie, Pa.
Harter H. E., Canton, 111.
»Harter O. N., Wenona, 111.
»Hartje O., Conway, Ark.
»Hartke L. J., Mount Olive, 111.
»Hartle O. L., Covington, O.
»Hartle R. T., Smithsburg, Md.
Hartley H. O., Stockton, Mo.
Hartley R. B., Carson, Va.
Hartley R. D., Evansville, Wis.
»Hartley R. L., Stockton. Mo.
»Hartley N. C., Baxter Springs,
Hartley W. M., BolckoW, Mo.
»Hartman C. E., St. Mary’s, Pa.
Hartman D. B., Mt. Wolf, Pa.
»Hartman E. P.. Lake View, la.
»Hartman F. L., Wäcoma, Minn.
»Hartman G, Nekoma, N. D.
Hartman Geo. Jr., Pendleton, Ore.
Hartman H. H., Hutchinson,
Hartman H. W., Helvey, Neb.
Hartman J. L., MIfflintown, Pa.
Hartman John, Junction City,
»Hartman J. W., Centralia, Kan.
Hartman S. J., Oley, Pa.
Hartman P. G., Honey Brook. Pa.
Hartmann O, A., Collinsville, 111.
Hartmann W. F. Tuttle, N. D.
Hartmetz G. A., Evansville, Ind.
Hartnagel A. G., Nashville, 111.
Hartness J. S.. Sharon, S. C.
»Harton A. W., N. Wilkesboro,
N. C.
»Hartshorn M., Carsonville, Mich.
Hartshorn R. R., Perrysburg, O.
Hartshorne E. O., Center Point,
Hartsig E'. G., Warren, Mich.
Hartsock F. C., Morrow, O.
Hartsough H. W., Norwood, O.

Hartt J. W.. Strafford, Mo.
»Hartt P. M., Bloomington, Neb.
Hartung C. M., Mount Vernon, la.
Hartung E. J., Anaheim, Cal.
»Hartung H. B., Van Horn, la.
Hartung R.R., McLaughlin. S. D.
»Hartwell M. R., E. Worcester.
N. Y.
Hartwell N. E., Lusk, Wyo.
Hartwell W. M., San Francisco.
»Hartwich A. T., Ramona, S- D.
»Hartwick Frank, Vernon Center.
Harty J., Pukwana, S. D.
»Hartz A. C., Albert Lea, Minn.
»Hartzog A. E.. Plato. Mo.
Harvey A. H., Urich, Mo.
Harvev A. J., Mechanicsville,
N. Y.
Harvey B. T„ Eldon, Mo.
»Harvey C. B., Harriman, Tenn.
»Harvey C. C., Flagstaff, Ariz.
Harvey C. R., Fairburn, Ga.
Harvey C. W., Fairfield, Neb.
Harvey C. W., Superior, Neb.
Harvey D. N., Monticello, Ga.
»Harvey E., Zionsville, Ind.
Harvey E. Clyde, Valera, Tex.
»Harvey Ernest, Meadville, Mo.
Harvey E. L.. Verden, Okla.
Harvey Ellsworth, Marion, Ind.
Harvey F., East Radford, Va.
Harvey F. J., Cambridge City, Ind
Harvey F. P., Portland, Ark.
Harvey Geo. C., Constantine,Mich.
Harvey G.G., Jr.,Covington. Tenn.
»Harvey Howard, Bethany, Neb.
»Harvey Henry R., Foxbury, Pa.
»Harvey H. V., Rogersville. Ala.
Harvey H. H., Kellyville, Okla.
Harvey H. H., Huntington, W. Va.
Harvey J. B., Vanceboro, N. C.
Harvey J. N., Chester, Mont.
»Harvey Judd E., Manhattan, la.
»Harvey Louis, Boston. Mass.
»Harvey L. B., Russellville, Tenn.
Harvey M. D., Zionsville, Ind.
Harvey M. S., Coudersport. Pa.
Harvey L. T.. Amazonia, Miss.
»Harvey O. W., Sunset, Tex.
»Harvey R. R., De Leon, Tex.
Harvey W. C., Marne, la.
»Harvey W. F., Springville, Cal.
»Harvey W. H., McDade, Tex.
Harvey Willis. McDade. Tex.
»Harvey Worth, Cottage Grove,
»Harwell J. E., Mansfield, Ga.
Harwell J. T., Henderson, Tenn.
»Harwell J. W.. Covington, Ga.
»Harwell L. B. Jr., St. Paul, Va.
»Harwell M. E., De Kalb, Tex.
»Harwood C. J., Greeley. Neb.
»Harwood E. P., Pentwater, Mich.
Harwood J. M., Pulaski, Tenn.
»Harwood J. M. Jr., Pulaski,Tenn.
Harwood M. F„ Strawberry
Point. la.
Harwood P. M., Coalinga, Cal.
Hasbrook R. D., Inez, Tex.
Hasbrouck I. O., Ames, la.
Hascall F. A., Goshen. Ind.
Hasegawa H., Seattle, Wash.
HaselswerdtM.H., Rochester,Mich.
»Hasenjaeger A. C., Marthasville,
Hasenjaeger F. L.. Frankfort, 111.
»Haskell A. C., Magareth, S. D
Haskell A. M., Carthage, S. D.
Haskell D. C.. Mendota. 111.
»Haskell F. P., Roslyn, N. Y.
Haskell W. W.. Sawtelle. Cal.
Haskett Clarence, Charlottesville,
Haskett J. C., Straughn, Ind.
»H askett M. O., Straughn, Ind.
Haskin E. H., Lenexa, Kan.
Haskins B. L., N. Y. City, N. Y.
Haskins G. A., Cincinnatus, N. Y.
Haskins T. H.. Altavista. Va.
»Haslacker A. B., Moorefleld,
W. Va.
»Hasler Charles, Orange, N. J.
Hass A. R., Tlngley, la.
Hass C. E.. Cushing la.
Hasse W. H., Milwaukee, Wis.
Haslett H,. Loyal, Wis.
Hassinger H.H., Elizabethville.Pa.
Hassman B. R., Aitkin, Minn.
Hastam C. C., Marshallville, Ga.
»Hastam J. R. L., Cambridge, Ida.
»Hastedt R. L., Columbus, Tex.
»Hasting Carl. Petersburg, Tenn.
»Hastings Cecil, Ingraham, III.
Hastings G. G., Wadena, Minn.
Hastings P. A., Washington, Ind.
»Hastings R. G„ Port Gibson.Miss.
Haston J. L., Lynchburg. Tenn.
»Haswell C.I..Port Angeies.Wash.
Hatch J. A.,, Harlem, Mont.
»Hatch J. E., Long Beach, Cal.
Hatch J. R.. Rosendale. Wis.
»Hatch W. K., Willow. Cal.
»Hatcher E. A., Jr., High Point,
N. C.
»Hatcher V. F., Harlem, Ga.
Hatchett Claude, Brazos, Tex.
Hatçhette V. E., Ohesnee, S. C.
Hatfield H. H., Glendale, Ky.

Hatfield L. 8., Pitsburg. O.
»Hatfield Walter C., Greenfield,
»Hathaway F. A., Prescott, Ariz.
»Hathaway G., Ishpeming, Mich.
»Hathaway G. C., Sheldon, 111.
Hathaway J. C.,Brookston, Tex.
»Hathaway N. C., New Bedford,
Hathaway O. W.. Sheldon, 111.
Hathorn W. R.. Alexandria, La.
»Hatheway E. G., Dewey, Okla.
Hathway J. O., Watertown, N. Y.
Hatler M. Waldo, Stark City, Mo.
»Hatler T. C., Neosho, Mo.
»Hatlie M. N., Galchutt, N. D.
»Hatridge I. C., Ironton, Mo.
Hattaway C. H., Avera, Ga.
Hatten W. P., Fullerton, Neb.
Hatter H. W., Deep River, la.
Hatter L. W., Millersburg. Ia.
Hatterscheid H. C., Cedar Bluffs,
»Hattery Wilber, Chicago, 111.
Hatton E. A„ Del Rio, Tex.
»Hattstaedt W. O. J., Chicago,111.
Haudenshield J. R., West Middle­
sex, Pa.
»Haudenshild F. C., Kenton. Ohio
Hauenstein G. J., Hattiesburg,
»Hauff Bjorn, Snohomish, Wash.
*Haug Oscar, Holman, Wis.
Haugan G. O., Arnegard, N. D.
Haugen H. J., Brmsmade, N. D.
»Hauge C. F.. Aberdeen, S. D.
Hauge I. J., Maddock, N. D.
»Hauge J. M., Sherman, S. D.
Hauge L. J., Ashby, Minn.
»Hauge O. E., Madison, Minn.
»Hauge P. G., Dennison, Minn.
Haugen J. O., Glenwood, Minn.
»Haugen O. S„ Stanley, N. D.
Hauger O. C., Astoria, S. D.
Haugh G. B., Clear Spring, Md.
♦Haughey Nellie, Delphi, Ind.
Haught W. B., Blacksville, W.Va.
»Haughwout C. S., Denver, Colo.
Haugland I. O., Warwick, N. D.
»Haugland W. C., Forest City, Ia.
*Hauk G. M., Denver, Colo.
*Hauk J. L., St. Louis, Mo.
»Haukins E. E., McTall, Mo.
»Haumerson E. J., Janesville. Wis.
Haun F. E.. Knoxville. Tenn.
Haun J. P.. Burlington, Ind.
Haupt F. H., Ritzville, Wash.
»Hauptli H. M., Norfolk, Neb.
Hauptli W. L., Monowi, Neb.
Hausam W.J., Arlington Heights,
Hause C. D., Fayette, O.
»Hauselt E. G., Orlando, Fia.
»Hauser A. A., Hartford, Wis.
Hauser B. A., Rubicon, Wis.
Hauser J. A., Platte Center, Neb.
Hauser John S., York, Pa.
Hauser W. A., Rubicon, Wis.
Hausmann F. W., Chicago, 111.
Hausner M., Meta, Mo.
Havemann F. G., Molalla, Ore.
Haven G. A., Chatfield, Minn.
Haven J. R., Denison, Tex.
Haven R. E., Theresa. N. Y.
»Havens A. G., N. Y. City. N. Y.
Havens C.S.,South West City,Mo.
»Havens E. A.. Providence, R. I.
»Havens O. E., Steunenberg, Ida.
»Havens William. Thawville, 111.
»Haver Charles, Tingley, la.
Haver F. A., Tulsa, Okl.
»Haverbeck J. T., Minster, O.
»Haverfleld H. B., Salineville, O.
»Havermaii R. E., New Philadel­
phia, O.
»Haverstick G. E. Omaha, Neb.
»Haviland A. J., Traverse City,
»Havlik H. L.,, Oxford Jet., la.
»Hawes E. M., Tombstone, Ariz.
»Hawes W. D., Elberton, Ga.
Hawk,H. G-, Walton, Kan.
Hawk J, L., Westervelt, 111.
Hawke B. L., Hebron, O.
Hawkes T. W., Macon, Ga.
Hawkins A. C., Elgin, 111.
»Hawkins A. S., Philippi, W. Va..
Hawkins Bailey, Carmel, Ind.
Hawkins Cay. Holly Grove, Ark..
»Hawkins C. O., Toledo, Ore.
Hawkins Carl W., New Smyrna,
»Hawkins E. B., Jr., Fayetteville,.
W. Va.
»Hawkins E. C., Rice, Tex.
Hawkins E. H., Ashland, Ala.
Hawkins K. R., Aslimore, Ill
»Hawkins Gordon, Huntsville,Ark..
»Hawkins J. D., Texico, 111.
Hawkins J. M., Brumley, Mo.
»Hawkins J. W., Lamar, Ark.
Hawkins J. W. Curryville, Mo.
Hawkins L. E., Shinnston, W. Va..
»Hawkins O. B., Curryville, Mo.
Hawkins P. E., Roxton, Tex.
Hawkins R. W., Chicago, 111.
Hawkins S. B., Mulberry, Ark.
Hawkins T. M., Sebree, Ky.

Hawkins T. W., Hollister, Cal.
Hawkins W. J., M arengo, Ind.
♦Hawklnson A. E., M arquette.
Hawklnson O. E., M arquette,K an.
Haw klnson T. W ,, W alker, la .
♦Hawks A., Phoenix, N . Y.
Hawks O. W., Gustine, Oal.
Hawks C. W .Shelburne Falls.Mass.
♦Hawks W. A., Oarson, Ya.
♦Hawks W. L., W etum ka, Okla.
H aw kyard G, E . W arrensburg, 111.
Hawley Ohas. Jr., Red Creek, N.Y
Hawley D. R., Litchfield, Mich.
H aw ley’H., Delano. Cal.
♦Hawley H. A., Los Angeles, Cal.
Hawlik F. H ., Silver Lake, M inn.
Hawn A. W ., Grandview, Wash.
H aw orth E. F., Formoso, Kan.
♦Haworth H. E ., Challis, Ida.
♦Haws N. W., Logan, U tah.
H aw thorn B. J., Timpson, Tex.
H aw thorne D. H.. A nthon, la.
H aw thorne D. M ., Cambridge,
♦Hawver A. L „ Milmine, 111.
H aw xhurst G.W .,Falls Church.Va.
H ay Abraham , Brookville, O.
H ay Clarence F., M cHenry, 111.
♦Hayberg E. G., Aitkin, M inn.
♦Hayck Agnes, Elyria, Neb.
Haycock A. L., W ashington, D. C.
H aycraft Thos. L „ Piasa, 111.
H ayden E. P., Baltim ore, Md.
H ayden H „ Owasso, Okla.
H ayden H oward B., Elizabeth, Pa.
H ayden J.R .,A rkansas City, Kan.
H ayden J. Z.. Elizabath. Pa.
♦Hayden L., Momence, 111.
H ayden M . M ., Brisbane, N. D.
H ayeck A. A., B rainard, Neb.
Hayes A., Lewisville, Tex.
H ayes A. J., Crosby, M inn.

♦Haywood A. E., Arcadia, Neb.
Haywood C. F „ Hallsville, Tex.
♦Hayworth B. O., D ayton, Ind.
H azard E. W., Salem, Ore.
Hazard F. F., New York, N. Y.
H azard J. I. .Georgetown, 8. C.
Hazard Jr. J. I., Georgetown, S.O
H azard L. H., Coquille, Ore.
Hazell S. R.. Ashland. Mo
♦Hazelrigg C. T„ Mt. Sterling, Ky
♦Hazelton H.W.,Council Bluffs.Ia ..
♦Hazen A. W „ Monrovia, Cal.
Hazen F. J., Lewistown, Mont
Hazen L. E., Philo, 111.
Hazen O. A., Larimore, N. D.
♦Hazen W. E., Lawrence, Kan.
Hazen W. G.. Baldwin, Kan.
♦H azlett C. S., Boone, la.
H azlett J. M., Dry Run, Pa
H azzard E. C., Placentia, Cal
Hazzard E. N„ Lake Charles, La
♦Hazzard William, Peoria, 111
H ead I. W., Perrin, Tex
Head J. S.. Jr.. Ashland, Ky.
♦Head R. D., Owensboro, Ky.
H ead R. D.. De Kalb. Mo
Head W. P., Mansfield, La.
H ead W. W., St. Joseph, Mo
♦Headington J. L.,W. Mansfield, O
H eadland E. H., Litchviüe, N. D
Headlee F. D., St. Onge, S. D.
Headlee I. B.. Potosi. Mo.
♦Headrick D. E „ A nutt. Mo.
♦Heal H. C., Bellingham, Va.
* § ea} P. E.. Bellingham, Wash.
?•* Richmond, Oal.
Heald H. B., Canton, Ili.
Heald P . E „ Chester, Vt.

♦Hedworth C. A., Romney, Ind.
Heed G. \V e s t Chester, Pa.
Heen Charles J., D unn Center,
N. D.
Heer H. W., P ortsm outh. O.
Heeren J . B., Monroe, Wis.
Heeth C. M., Thomasville, Ga.
♦Hefele A- J., Courtenay, N. D.
♦Heffelflnger Alice,Loudonville.O.
Hefferan T. W., Grand Rapids,
Hefferlin O. S., Livingston, M ont.
Heffernan J. W.. Savannah, Ga.
Heffernan M. A., Norwalk, Wis.
♦Heffernan W. A., Lovilia, Ia.
♦Hefflngton C . L., Tellico P la i n s ,
Hefflngton R. L„ Riceville. Tenn.
Heflebower D. Ö., Bucyrus, Kan.
Heffner H. O., Clyde O.
♦Heffner John 8., Duncombe, Ia.
Heflebower F., Sterling, 111.
Hefley H. M„ Cameron. Tex.
Hefley J. A., W oodland Mills,
♦Heflin Ernest, Pennsboro. W. Va.
Heflin John W., Flemingsburg.Ky.
Hefty T. C., New Glarus, Wis.
♦Hegarty A. L., Coalport, Pa.
♦Heeman A. A., Black Mountain,
N. C.
Hegeman H. C., Roslyn, N. Y.
Heger J., Forest River. N. D.
♦Hegerle J.V.,St.Bonifacius, Minn.
Hegerle M.H., St.Bonifaclus.Minn.
♦Hegg E. R., Michigan, N. D.
Hegge J. I., Maddock, N. D.
♦Hegge P. J., Cashton, Wis.
Hegge 8. N., Whitehall, Wis.
♦Heggen M . S., Slater, la.
Heggen T. O., Renwick, ia.
Heggen W. H., Cambridge, la.
Heggie N. J., Sonoma, Cal.

Hayley J . J., Palm er, Tex.
♦Haymaker I. P.,Beech Grove,Ind.
Haym ond E arl, W aldron, Ind.
Haynes C. A.. Nevlnville. Ia.
Haynes F. M ., H azlehurst, Ga.
Haynes G. W., Frem ont, O.
Haynes H. L„ Ramsey, 111.
Haynes J. E „ Dillon, Okla.
♦Haynie Harold, Gaston, Ore.
♦Haynie H. W „ Kemp, Tex.
♦Haynie L. M ., Nelson, Mo.
♦Haynie W. J., Irvington, Ya.
Hays A. S., Fresno. Cal.
♦Hays C. B., Baltim ore, M d.
Hays C. E., Scranton, Ark.
Hays Chas. H ., P ittsburgh, P a.
Hays E. V., P ittsb u rg h , Pa.
Hays F . S.. E ubank, Ky.
Hays G. M ., Billings, M ont.

H ealy E. S., Glenburn. N. D.
Heaney Frank J., Glenfleld. N. D
H eany John M., Bridgeville. Pa.
H eap Jos. W.. Melville, La.
H eard O. G.. Hanaford. 111.
H eard J. P., Vienna, Ga.
*Heard L. B., Thompsonvllle.Ill
- Heard P. E., Elberton, Ga.
Hearln C. E „ Clay, Ky
♦Hearin Mrs. C. E „ Clay, Ky.
♦Hearn D. H., Salisbury, Md.
♦Hearn E. W„ MarshaU, Okla.
H earn G. G„ Meigs, Ga.
H earn H. D.. Marshall. Okla.
Hearne Eben, Snow Hill, Md
♦Hearne J. B., Gatesville, Tex.
H eart E. J., Babylon, N. Y.
Heaslet C. V.. Clinton, Ky.
♦Heasley W. C., Warren, Pa.
H eater Guy E., Yale, Ia.
H eater M. M.. Jam aica, Ia.
H eath A. C., Montezuma, la.
H eath Chas., N. Yakima, Wash.
H eath E .C., Redondo Beach,Cal.
♦H eath F. P., Plainwell, Mich.
H eath F. B„ Napoleon, N. D.
H eath Gardner, JNew Canaan, Conn.
♦Heath H. P., Macon. Ga.
H eath Ralph E., Stockbridge,
H eath W. B., Ionia. Mich.
♦H eath W. K., Pittsburg, Tex.
♦Heaton A. A., Brooks, Ia.
H eaton E., Craig, Mo.
♦Heaton E. R„ Yankton, S. D.
H eaton F. J., Brooks, Ia.
H eaton H. E „ Jeffersonville, Ind,
H eaton W. E., Yankton, S. D.
♦Heavilou R. M., Frankfort, Ind.
HeavnerC.W .,Buckhannon,W .Va.
♦Heavner J. G. G„ Weston, W.Va.
♦Hebal G. J., Munich, N. D.
H ebard G. F., Knoxville, 111.
♦Hebblewhite G. H., Armada
Hebei C. M. S„ Louisville, Ky.
♦Hebeler R. E „ Goodrich, Mich.
♦Heberling Henry, Easton, 111.
Heberling J. H., Easton. 111.
H ebert J. A., Van Buren, Me.
♦Hecht Louis, Overland, Mo.
H echtm an A. P., Osseo, Minn.
♦Heck John, Chicago, 111.
♦Heck T.. Winona. Minn.

♦Hays H. A., Carbondale, 111.
Hays Horace, E lizabethtow n.K y
Hays J. M ., Milwaukee, Wis.
Hays J . R., Mckee, Ky.
Hays J. T., Am ity, Mo.
Hays J . W ., Elm City, N. C.
♦Hays J, W., Edina, Mo,
Hays L. W „ Preston, Kan.
♦Hays P. C., PoplarBluff, Mo.
♦Hays P . J., Scotland, Tex.
Hays R . G., W hitehall, N. Y.
Hays R. H.,* Taliassee, Ala.
♦Hays R. R ., Owensboro, Ky.
Hays S. C., Arm strong, Ia.

Heckam an E., Bremen, Ind.
Heckathorn J. S., Moscow, Ida.
♦Heckema H. J., Sully, Ia.
♦Hecker G arnett, Altoona, Ia.
Heckler J. M ., Roy, M ont.
Heckm an C. H., Hickman, Neb.
Hecker Daniel, Lynn, Ind.
♦Hecker G. J., Girard, O.
♦Hecker W. A., Hooper, Neb.
H eckert A. T„ Pine Grove. Pa.
♦Heckert K. E ., Millersburg, Pa.
Hecox J. F., Omaha, Neb.
H ector F. C., W alnut. Ia.

Hays W „ Carbondale, 111.
Hays W alter, Loogootee, Ind.
Hays W. B., Auburn, Tenn.
Hays W. D.. Ada, Okla.
H ayter E., Dallas, Ore.
♦Hayter T. N ., Vermilion, S. D.
Hayward O. G.. Altoona, Kan.
♦Hayward E . B., W oodland, Ca
♦Hayward G. L., E lk City, Kan.
Hayward G. L., Rolla, Kan.
Hayward H. G., A ntonito, Col<
Hayward H. G., Glen Cove. N. I
Hayward L. W., Manitou. Okla.
Hayward M . D „ Boonton, N. J.
♦Hayward S. D„ Unionvllle, Mo.
Hayward W. W., Hugoton, Kai

♦ Heiss G. M„ Meridian, Miss.
♦Hedden F. M„ Worcester, Mass. ♦Heisserer Leon, Benton, M o.
Hedden J. H., Freetown, Ind.
♦Heitshusen J. G., Conroy, Ia.
♦Hedeen E . R., Farwell, Minn.
♦Heitsman J. B., New Sharon, Ia.
Heden E> A., New Lisbon, Wis. Helberg H. J., Fairm ont, Okla.
Hedge 0, W.. Whiting, Kan.
Helberg V. A., McGregor, N. D.
♦Hedge F. L., Iberia, MO.
♦Helbert E. P., Ashland, O.
Hedges A. W., Clinton, Ind.
Held, Geo. A., St. Louis, Mo. ♦Hedges E. M„ Zearing, Ia.
♦Held J. J., Fairm ount, N. D.
Hedges S. 8., Wellsburg, W. Va.
Hedglin B. R„ Eddyvllle, Neb.
Heldmann PhUip, Chicago, 111.
Hedgpetn B. L„ Ozark, Mo.
Heldrldge P. A., MUford. Ia.
Hedgpeth D. F„ Ozark. Mo.
Heidt Jr. C., Ogden, Ia.
Hedrich J. H., Tiskilwa, 111.
♦Helfrich L. L ., Carthage, 111.
♦Hedrick B. G., Santa Paula, Cal. Helfrick A. C„ Belleville, Pa.
Hedrick G. C., Beckley, W. Va. ♦Helgersen T. H., Canton, S. D.
♦Hedtick H. H., Lexington, N . C. Helgerson M . L., R oth, N. D.

Hayes C. E., Lam ont, la .
H ayes C. W., Boycevllle, Wis.
♦Hayes E. O., Sardinia, O.
H ayes F. N ., TompkinsviUe, Ky.
H ayes F. P., Crestline, O.
Hayes G. H., E astport, Me.
Hayes H. E., Olathe,1Kan.
H ayes H. G.. Hastings, Mich.
♦Hayes H. H., Ottawa, Kan.
♦Hayes J. H „ BoonvUle, N. Y.
H ayes J. J., Louisville, Ky.
H ayes J. W., Denison, Tex.
Hayes, J. W „ E dina, Mo.
H ayes J . W., Veedersburg, Ind.
H ayes Jam es, Jacksboro, Tenn.
♦Hayes L. M ., Lock Haven, Pa.
♦Hayes Nannie, Gamaliel, Ky.
H ayes P. B„ Palo, la .
H ayes Phil. P., Lyndon Station,
♦Hayes R. M ., D rum right, Okla.
H ayes R. U., Clinton, N. Y.
♦Hayes T. I., Sadler, Tex.
H ayes W. A., La Crosse, Kan.
H ayes W. J., D etroit, Mich.
Hayes W. P., Spiritwood, N. D.
♦Hayes W. R., Oak Hill, W. Va.
H ayes Z. C., Elberton, Ga.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

♦Heggle R. L., Charleston. Mo.
Heglnbotham G. B„ Holyoke, Colo.
Hegland T. O., McCallsburg, Ia.
Hegler E. C., Crescent City, Cal.
Hegnes C. T„ Baltic, S. D.
Hegnes Helmer, Lake Andes, S. D.
♦Hegnes O. M ., Owatonna, M inn.
Hegness A., Beresford, S. D.
♦Hehl W. J., Berwick, Pa. .
♦Hehner O. M ., G ranite City, Ills.
♦Heid J. H., Browerville, Minn.
♦Heidbreder W. A., Quincy, 111.
♦Heidel E. L., G reat Falls, M ont.
♦Heidelberger Louis, Dum ont,
Heldemann W. G., Maywood, 111.
Heidenreich P. G„ Hazleton, Pa.
♦Heidorn A., Kaleva, Mich.
H eidt W. B., Guntersville, Ala.
Helges E. D., BiglervUle, Pa.
Heil J. F., Wheeling, W. Va.
♦Heilig H. B., Rozel, Kan.
♦Heiiig R etta, Rozel, Kan.
Heilig H. C., Lacoste. Tex.
♦Heiliger H. P., Plym outh, Neb.
♦Heilman W. A., Stevensville,
M ont.
♦Heim C. B., Marco, Ind.
Heim E. F., E yota, Minn.
Heim J. Howard, M ontoue Falls,
N. Y.
Heimann C. W., Fairfax, Minn.
♦Heimann Gustav, Los Angeles,
♦Heimerdinger E . J.. San Diego,
Helmerdinger H., Cincinnati, O.
Hein A. H., Brookfield, Ili.
Heinatz M arvin, Greenville, Tex.
Heine E. A., M t. Clemens, Mich.
Heinen A. P., Lockhart, M inn.
♦Heinen John, Riley, Kan.
Heinen John, Hastings, Minn.
Heinen R. J., Halbur, la.
♦Heiner B. W., Morgan, Utah.
Heiner Charles, M organ, U tah.
Heini F. J., Jacksonville, 111.
Heinrich E. G.. B urt, N. D.
Heinrich Fred, M erricourt, N. D.
♦Heins H. H., Chicago, 111.
♦Heintz A. C., St. Louis, Mo.
Helny B. F., PleasantvUle, Ia.
Heinz H. C., A tlanta, Ga.
Heinz J. A., Pesotum, IU.
♦Heinzelman, J. G., Verdon, Neb.
Heiple J. R., Gridlcy, III.
Heise H. S., Palatine, 111.
Heiser J. E „ HamUton. O.
♦Heisey Amos S., Richland, Pa.
Heisey E . M., Farmersville, O.
♦Heising J. D., Powers Lake, N. D.
♦Heisinger Edward. Oshkosh,Wis.

♦Helgerson Oscar, Miles City,
M ont.
Helgeson H. A., Ösnabrock, N. D.
Helikson G., Glentana, M ont.
♦Helinski B. A., Perley, M inn.
Helinski T. M„ Chicago, 111.
Heike H. H., Nekoosa, Wis.
♦HeUams H. M ., Terrell, Tex.
♦Heiland Erling, Waxahachie.
♦Heiland H ., Argyle, M inn.
Heiland O. J.. Seobey, M ont.
♦Heliand O. P., Kilbourn, Wis.
♦Hellberg Emil, McGregor, N. D.
Hellberg W. F „ Anamosa, Ia.
♦Hellen C. W., HebbronvUle, Tex.
Hellen Geo., Stony Brook, N. Y.
Hellen H. H „ Solomons, Md.
Heller A. J., Breda, Ia.
♦Heller E „ Wapakoneta, O.
Heller F. D„ Jerseyvffle, 111.
Heller F. M., Argo. 111.
♦Heller O. A., Ironton, M in n
Hellerud O. S., Twin Valley,
♦Helling C. A., Wheelock, N. D.
♦Helling C., Hanska, Minn.
♦Helling Geo. C., Baldwin, N. D.
♦Hellings J. M. Jr., Kansas City,
Heilman John. PUot Grove, Ia.
HeUweg O tto F., Peirce City, Mo.
♦Helm G. B„ Rifle, Colo.
Helm G. R., Tuscola, 111.
♦Helm Jacob, Java, S. D.
♦Helm M . G., Streeter, N. D.
Helm N. S., Benton, 111.
♦Helmbrecht L. A., English, Ind.
Helmer F. H., Jackson. Mich.
Helmer J. F., Phelps, N, Y.
♦Helmer M . C., Iron River, Wis.
♦Helmers J. A., Cincinnati. O.
Helmick B. B„ Campbell, Neb.
Helmick J. B., ConneU, Wash,
♦Helmick L. P., Fulda, M inn.
♦Helmlcks E. J., Deerfield, Wis.
Helming G. J ., M ott. N. D.
♦Helscher J. W., Keota. la.
Heltsley J. H „ Vermillion, 111.
Helvenston Lyman, Lake City.
Helvig Henry. Sisseton, S. D.
Helweg Fred C., Sutherlin, Ore.
♦Helwig A. W ., Alma Center, Wis.
♦Helwig W. W. Brookville, O.
♦Hemborg C. B., D ayton, Iowa.
Hembree J. B., Honey Grove, Tex.
Hemenover F. E., Dlshler, Neb.
Hemenway J . G., Ullin. 111.
Hemminger T. F., Fitzgerald, Ga.
Hemminger T. F., Milien, Ga.
♦Hemingway A. J., Ionia, Mich.
♦Hemingway C. G., Newark, N .J.
♦Hemingway L. L., New Haven,
♦Hemingway S. R., Redlands. Cal.
♦Hemker Irene, Oatawissa, M o.
♦Hemler J. A., Taneytown, M d.
Hemming W. D., Colorado Sp’gs,
♦Hemmy A. R., Juneau, Wis.
Hempelman O. H., M arthasville,
Hemphill C. E., Flora, 111.
HemphUl C. J., Duquoin, Kan.
Hemphill C. J., Spivey, Kan.
♦Hemphill C. W., Coleman, Tex.'
Hemphill D., Buckgrove, Ia.
♦Hemphill F. G., Buckgrove, Ia.
♦Hemphill Nolia, Duquoin, Kan.
♦Hemphill T. H., S aint Jo, Tex.
♦Hemphill Nolia, Spivey, Kan.
Hem pstead C. S„ New Salem, P a.
Hem street Mr.- C., Onconta, N. Y.
♦Henas A. A., San Francisco, Cal.
♦Hepatsch H arry, Bloomfleld.Neb.
H enatsch W. G.. Scribner, Neb
♦Hencken F. L.. Clayton, Mo.
Hendee A. F., Sloan, Ia.
Henderlider C. G„ Pittsburg, Kan.
Henderson A., Boxholm, Ia.
Henderson A. F.. E hrhardt, S. C.
Henderson A. H., Stevens Point,
♦Henderson A. W., Greenwood.
S. C.
Henderson C. S., Centralia. Pa.
♦Henderson O. V., Parsons, Kan.
Henderson D. C., Gaylord. Kan.
♦Henderson D. S., Chattanooga,
♦Henderson E. A., N. Y. City.N.Y.
Henderson E. L., Cedartown, Ga.
♦Henderson Fox., Jr., Troy, Ala.
♦Henderson G. O., Pittsburg, Tex.
♦Henderson H., Ybor City, Fla.
Henderson H. B„ Cheyenne, Wyo.
Henderson Hayden, Elko, Nev.
♦Henderson H. R., Newark, S. D.
Henderson J . C., H oratio, Ark.
♦Henderson J. H „ Alexander City,
Henderson J. H., E l Paso, Tex.
Henderson J. H ., Ennis, Tex.
Henderson J . J., W ebster, Fla.
Henderson J.M ., Centerpoint, Ind.
♦Henderson J. R „ Los Angeles,
Henderson J. f y Adrian, Ga.
♦Henderson Lam bert, Elko, Nev.
♦Henderson Lila M ., Hopedale, 111.
♦Henderson M . Jj ., T rent, S. D.

♦Henderson M orton, Bixby, Okla.
Henderson M.V., Jr., Hawkeye, la .
♦Henderson N. R.. Villa Rica. Ga.
Henderson O. B., Knoxville, Tenn.
♦Henderson P.P.,V anA lstyne,Tex.
Henderson R. A.. Rodney, la.
H enderson R. C., M anchester, O.
♦Henderson R. L ., Red Springs,
N. C.
HendersonT.B., Junction City,Ark.
Henderson T. E..'Andalusia, Ala.
♦Henderson T . M ., Savannah,
♦Henderson T. O.. Crandall, Tex.
Henderson W. E., Perry, Ark.
Henderson W. H ., Newbern, N. C.
Henderson W. M ., Bogard, Mo.
♦Henderson W. M.. Wllsey, Kan.
♦Hendon E . M ., Caldwell, Ida.
♦H endrick Z. C., Hardlnsburg,
♦Hendricks A. B., Red Hook, N.Y.
♦Hendricks C. R., Arlington, Tex.
♦Hendricks Edgar, Madison, 111.
H endricks G. G., Richmond, U tah.
Hendricks G. W., Galena, Mo.
♦Hendricks I., Trim ble. Tenn.
♦Hendricks L. H., New York, N.Y.
Hendricks M., Cuba, Wis.
Hendricks P . B., M alvern. Ia.
♦Hehdricksen M . F., Valdez.
♦Hendrlcksen W. S., Hancock,
Hendrickson B., Medina, O.
♦Hendrickson C. B. T., Frederick,
♦Hendrickson C. R., Dolliver, Ia.
Hendrickson H. S., Rio, WIs.
Hendrickson J. W ., Tennyson, Ind.
♦H endrickson S. C., Grand Forks,
N. D.
Hendrickson W ., Long Branch,
N. J.
♦Hendrie C. C.. D enver. Colo.
H endrix Clyde, Belle M ina, Ala.
H endrix Clyde, D ecatur, Ala.
♦Hendrix D. W., Spartanburg,
s* c
♦Hendrix H . C.. New Freedom, Pa.
♦Hendrix J. M„ Concord, N. C.
H endrix P . K., Stilwell, Kan.
H endry H. E., Bridgewater, Ia.
H endry M. E., T ilton, Ga.
♦Hendry J. E. Jr., F t. Myers. Fla.
Heneghan T . C., W est Concord,
M inn.
Heng J. A., Royal, Ia.
♦Hengel M ary K., Cabool, Mo.
Hengelbrok J. D., Newport, Ky.
Hengst G. C., Logan, O.
H enke W. H ., Erick, Okla.
Henkel E . C., Savage, M inn.
♦Henkelman, A. E ., Bison, S. D.
Henklng H. ‘H., Galllpolis, O.
Henley H ow ard E ., C arthage, Ind.
Henley R. L., W ilmington, N*. O.
Henley R. O., Red Level, Ala.
H enley S., Poneto, Ind.
Henline B. F., Gibbon, Neb.
Henn J. P „ Strasburg, N. D.
Henn S. C., Paonla, Colo.
♦Henne Francis, Gypsum, Kan.
♦Henneberger W . A „ Bishopville,
Henneberry D. A., Minooka, 111.
♦Hennessy E . W., M cPherson.
K an.
♦Henney F. J., H orton, Kan.
Hennig A. T., Oshkosh, Wis.
♦Hennigar H. C., Glennie, Mich.
♦Henning Lloyd C., Winslow,
♦Henning S. C „ E . Randolph,
N . Y.
♦Henninger E . J., Florence. Ala.
Henningsen F . C., H am pton, Ia.
Henrichs E. R.. Gilead, Neb.
♦Henrichs G. L., Gilead, Neb.
Henrici W. C., K ansas City, Mo.
H enriksen O.. Ambrose, N. D.
♦Henriksen W. W., Tyler, M inn.
H enry Albert, Kalamazoo, Mich.
H enry A. E.. Catoosa, Okla.
H enry A. J., Edgewood. Tex.
H enry B. S., Mecosta, Mich.
♦H enry B. Z., Goodwater. Ala.
H enry C. C., Altus, Okl.
H enry C. D., Monterey, Cal.
♦H enry .C. E., Bushnell, 111.
♦H enry C. E., N avasota, Tex.
♦H enry Chas. J., K ansas City,
K an.
L z.
Henry C. M., Redfleld, S. D.
♦H enry 15. S., W est Liberty, Ky.
♦H enry' E ., Germ antown, Ohio.
♦H enry E. J., W. A lexandria, O.
♦H enry F . P-, Brashear, Mo.
H enry F . P ., Brashear, Mo.
H enry G. A., Milo, Mo.
H en ry G. E ., Mortons Gap, Ky.
♦Henry H. D., Loveland, Colo.
H enry H . D., Clinton. S. C.
H enry H. E ., E a st T roy, Wis.
♦Henry H. E ., Seven Valleys, Pa
H enry H. G., Camp P oint, 111.
♦Henry I. O.. W apakoneta, O.
H enry J. E ., Millville, N . J.
♦Henry J. E ., Junction C ity, O.
H enry Jo hn D., Berlin, Md.
H enry J. W., Jefferson City. Mo.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

H enry Lacy G., A rnada, Mo.
♦Henry M . A., Beaver, Ia.
Henry M . H., Hickory F lat. Miss.
H enry P. D., Oakland, Tenn.
H enry P. W.. L ancaster, Tex,
H enry P. W., T ipton, Mo.
H enry R. A., Woodland, W ash,
H enry R. D., Dawson, Pa.
♦Henry Reece, D. Dierks, Ark.
H enry R obert, Volga, S. D.
Henry R. W., Dubach. La.
♦Henry Sue V., Milo, Mo.
H enry U. S. G., Ponsford, M inn.
H enry W. E., Flagler, Colo.
♦Henry W . F ., Mecosta, Mich,
♦Henry W. M., Volga, S. D.
Henry W . S., Jefferson, Wis.
H enry W. W „ Coming, Ark.
Henryson A. M ., S tory City, Ia.
Henschel A. W., Friona, Tex.
Henschen, H. S., Chicago, 111.
Hensel G. W., Strasburg, Pa.
Henslee C. W., Buffalo Gap, Tex.
Henslee W. E ., Comer, Ga.
♦Henslelgh F. V., Clarinda, Ia.
♦Hensley A. D., B ay C ity, Tex.
Hensley C. F., Burlington, Wyo.
Hensley F rank D., Atwood, Kan.
Hensley L. M ., M anchester, K y
♦Hensley P. S., Gate. Okla.
♦Hensley W. H., Hearne. Tex.
♦Henslin F. E ., M arkesan, Wis.
♦Henson Jam es, Union S tar, Mo.
♦Henson W. V., Henderson, Tex.
♦Henss L. C., W ayland, la .
•*Henstorf R. O., F arragut, Ia.
H enton E. M.. Denver. Mo.
H entz G. E., Peebles, O.
H entz Jacob, N. Y. City, N. Y.
Hepner A. S., Herndon, Pa.
Herb Clayton E., Valley View, Pa.
H erbert 15. J., Jackson, O.
♦Herbert G. J., Leslie, Ark.
H erbert Henry, Newton Falls, O.
H erbert H. G., Bound Brook, N. J.
♦H erbert V. E „ Belle Plaine, Kan.
♦Herbin L. A., Jam estown, Kan.
♦H erbst A., San Benito, Tex.
♦Hercock R. J., Chicago, 111.
H erd J . T ., Post. Tex.
♦H erder F . D., Jordan, Minn.
♦H erder G., P o rt L avaca, Tex.
H erfurth H ., California, Mo.
♦H ergert B., Olimtz, Kan.
Herrn H . M., H urtsboro, Ala.
H eritage H. L., Jesup, Ga.
H eritage John H., Anderson, Ind.
Herkenhoff H . J., San Antonio,
.N. M .
♦Herm an H . S., Brinsm ade. N . D.
H erm an J. F., Boone, Ia
H erm an J. H., Boone, Ia.
♦Herm an R. J., Crivitz, Wis.
H erm ann J. F „ Tenstrike, M inn.
H erm ann J . L., Texas City, Tex.
♦Herm anson B., Glenbum , N. D.
Herm es F. J., Covington, Ky.
H erm etet Geo, R., Rushville, 111.
♦Hermonson H arry, Elderon, Wis.
♦Hermsen L. H., Neola, Ia.
H erndon M. E „ Kings M ountain,
N. C.
♦Herndon P . D ., Kings M ountain,
N . C.
H eraett Charles, B um stad, N. D.
♦Herold J . M. J r., W ebster Springs,
W. Va.
♦Herold L. F., Lanes Bottom ,
W . Va.
Herold O tto F., Bloomfield, Ind.
Herold O tto H., Nogales, Ariz.
♦Herold P. A. Summersville.W.Va.
Herold P. O., Anthony, Kan.
♦Heron F. A.. Buffalo, N. Y.
♦H err E. B„ Chatsworth, 111.
H err F. E .. Mechanicsburg, Pa.
♦Herr G. F., San Francisco, Cal.
H err F. H „ Chatsworth, 111.
♦Herr I. L.. Millersville, Pa.
H err J. F., Richland, Ore.
♦Herr S. H ., Chatsw orth, 111.
H erren F rank, Fillmore, 111.
Herrewig C., Wonewoc, Wis.
Herrick E. R ., Glenwood, Ia.
H errick G. B., Shelbyville. 111.
H errick H. B.. Litchfield. 111.
♦Herrick H. E .,; Chicago. 111.
♦Herrick J. M., Moorhead, Minn.
♦Herrick K. E., Glendive, M ont
Herrick L. L., Concord, Cal.
♦Herriff B. B.. Bowling Green, O.
H errin John, H errin, 111.
♦Herrin M . K., Bradentown, Fla.
♦Herring Perry, Palm er, Neb.
♦Herring V. B.. Vidalia, Ga.
♦Herring R. A., M atador, Tex.
♦Herring W. B., Moss Point, Miss.
H erring W. H .. D unn, N. C.
♦Herrington A. J., Waynesboro,
♦Herrington C. E ., Gorman. Tex.
TTor.mnoff.nn n C.. Grain Valley.

Herron F. B., Madill, Okla.
♦Herron F. W., Clinton. Wis.
H erron J. D., Jr., W est Monroe,
H erron L. B„ Las Animas. C olo..
♦Herron M . Roy, Belton, Mio.
H erron W. B., Hunnewell, Mo.
♦Hersey W. A., Jr., Johnstown,
N. Y.
Hershberger ,E. E., Tiffin, O.
♦Hershberger H. S,.Pittsburgh, Pa.
♦Hershey R. A., Hornick, Ia.
♦H ershner Harold, Hood River,
H erstein Bernie. Valliant, Okla.
♦Herstein Edwin, M ountain Park,
♦Herstein S. L., V alliant, Okla.
H ert L. F „ California, Mo.
H ert W. L„ Stillw ater, Okl.
♦H ertenstein B. H., New Baden,

H ertzer W. L.. Tiffin, O.
Hertzog Herbert, Bentleyville, Pa.
H em m Oscar, Carpio, N. D.
H ervey A. C., Rice, Tex.
♦Hervey A. R., Santa Ana. Calif.
♦Herwig P. T., Coleman, Mich.
♦Herzog F. A., M antador, N. D.
Herzog J. A., Sleepy Eye, M inn.
♦Heselton C. C., W hitesville, N.Y.
♦H eskett R. C., Bethesda, O.
Hesla S. H., W hite E arth, N. D.
♦Heslet Jam es K., B utte, Mont.
Hesnard A. T., Hermosa, S. D.
Hess A. C., Wild Rose, N . D.
♦Hess D avid. Del N orte, Colo
♦Hess E . A., Delmar, Ia.
♦Hess E . O., Scottville, 111.
♦Hess E . O., M anchester, 111.
Hess E . R., Kismet, Kan.
Hess G. F., Cairo, W. Va.
Hess G. G., Am sterdam , O.
♦Hess G. J „ Carroll, Ia.
Hess H. H „ Intercourse, Pa.
♦Hess H. L., Ashland, O.
Hess J . C., Alva, Okl.
♦Hess J. N., Clarksburg, W. Va.
♦Hess J. P., Condon, Ore.
♦Hess L. A., Lee’s Sum m it, Mo.
♦Hess Lilia, P lym outh, Ind.
♦Hess M. A., Berlin Heights, O.
Hess Raym ond, Dupo, 111.
Hess R. B., Tuckahoe, N. J.
♦Hesse B. I., Fresno, Cal.
Hesse C. K.. L ittle Sioux, Ia.
Hesselden J. W., W agon M ound,
N. M.
Hesselman H. V.. Golconda, 111.
♦Hesser Wm. L., Big Piney, Wyo.
♦Hester Grady, Blum, Tex.
H ester J . B., Tryon, N. C.
♦Hester J. C., Pensacola, Fla.
♦Hester M iss Minnie, Lexington,
Hester N . F., Naponee, Neb.
H eston John F., Kanorado, Kan.
♦Heston L. F., Kanorado, Kan.
♦Heston M . M ., Kanorado, Kan.
H ethcock A. W., Jourdanton,
Hetherwick S., W innsboro, La.
H etland E. J., Valley Springs, S. D.
H etrick C. B., W oodbury. Pa.
H etrick D. M ., Mifflin. Pa.
H etrick S. B„ Thompsontown, Pa.
♦Hettel W . H., St. Louis, Mo.
♦H ettenbaugh R. B., Franklin, Pa.
Heuer William, D avenport, Ia.
Heuer Wm., Hoytville, O.
♦Heun G. Rex, Herrick, S. D.
H euring M. H., Rogers, Minn.
Heuser C. P ., Palm yra, Ind.
Heustess J . E., Hartsville, S. C.
H euston W. A,, Agra, Okl.
♦Hewell A. E ., Oneonta, N. Y.
H ew ett A. N., Santo, Tex.
♦Hewett B. G.. Santo, Tex.
H ew ett E. M., Sanford, Me.
Hewett. John, Sibley, Mo.
H ew ett Thomas, Pen Argyl, Pa.
H ew ett W. K., Ham ilton, Ga.
♦Hewey Frederic, Mansfield, Mass.
Hewit H. D., Hollidaysburg, Pa.
H ew itt C. A., Nassau, M inn.
♦H ewitt R. L ., Shelbyville, Mo.
♦H ewitt H. H ., Alton, 111.
♦Hewitt N . M .. Nassau, M inn.

H ew itt S. E „ Jennings, Fla.
♦H ewlett B. C.. Lester, Ia.
H ew lett E. D., Pleasantridge, Ky.
♦Hewlett O. T., Holden ville, Oka.
Hewlett S. B., Newville, Pa.
♦Heyer W. A., Sumner. Ia.
♦Heyle C. E.. Rockville, Mo.
Heyle W. E., Rockville, Mo.
Heyler W. H., Wolcottville, Ind.
Heym an S. C., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Heym ann J. A., Caledonia, M inn.
Heynem an W. J., Derry, Pa.
♦Heys O. C., Glyndon, M inn.
♦Heyser R. L., Cloverport, Ky.
Heywood C. F., Concord, Mass.
H ia tt A. M., Brodhead, Ky.
♦H iatt B. D., Bellefontaine, Ohio.
♦H errm an J . A., Rochelle, 111.
H ia tt C. A., Blue M ound, Kan;
H errm an M ., Tennille, Ga.
♦H errm ann W., San Francisco, Cal. H iatt E. J., W ilmington, O.
♦H errm ann W. J., W arm Spgs., ♦H iatt R. S., Fountain City, Ind.
H ibbler O. S., Leonard, Mich.
Hibshm an J. H ., E phrata. Pa.
H erron A. P., Oakland, Miss.
H erron B. D., Mt. Vernon, O.
R. C., Brooksville. Fla.
♦Herron E dna R .. Crawfordsville,
♦Hick Otto W., Lewiston, M inn.

♦Hickak G. N., Aurora, Ore.
♦Hicken H. P.. Floodwood, M inn.
Hicken W. P., W arba, M inn.
♦Hickenlooper Thos., Albia, Ia.
Hickerson F. H .,.Charlotte, Tenn.
H lckerson W. P., Jr., Manches­
ter, Tenn.
♦Hickey J. P., Camp Grove, 111.
♦Hicklen G. K., Bellefonte, Pa.
♦Hickman E. P., Windsor, Colo.
Hickm an F. R „ Middlebourne,
W, Va.
♦Hickman G. C., M organtown,
W. Va.
♦Hickman H. K., Brunswick, M d.
Hickm an J. O., Hanford. Cal.
Hickm an W. E., W indsor, Colo.
Hickm ann E. B., St. Elizabeth,
♦Hickmann W. R., St. E lizabeth.
Hickok C. D ., New Ulysses, Kan.
Hicks Austin, G reat Neck, N. Y.
Hicks B. B„ Scranton, Pa.
♦Hicks B. F., Foster, Neb.
♦Hicks B. P., D urand, Mich.
Hicks C. S., Dunn, N. C..
♦Hicks E. D., Prescott, Wash.
Hicks H. G., Olive Hill. Ky.
♦Hicks I. E ., M adrid, Neb.
♦Hicks J. D., Kerm an, Cal.
Hicks J. E ., Stilesville, Ind.
Hicks J. M„ Newton, 111.
♦Hicks M attie, Santyville, Ia.
Hicks R. A., Cambridge City, Ind.
Hicks R. T.. Pittsfield. 111.
♦Hicks 8. J., Bonnie, 111.
♦Hicks Tero. Salem, Ore.
Hicks T. J., H ighland Falls, N. Y.
Hicks W. A., L ittle Rock, Ark.
♦Hicks W. B., Bluefield, W. Va.
Hicks W. C.. Java, S. D.
♦Hicks W. P., M oneta, Va.
Hicks W. W., Rutherfordton, N.C.
Hidlay W. H., Bloomsburg, Pa.
Hiebert D. D., Harvey, N . D.
♦Hiebert D.G.. M ountain Lake.
H iebert J. D., Choteau, Okla.
♦Hiebert P. A., Hillsboro, Kan.
♦Hierholzer A. M ., Celina, O.
♦Hierholzer E. J., Celina, 0 .
Hiestand A. J., E aton, 0 .
♦H iestand H. C.. E aton, O.
Hiestand J. W., Pekin, in d .
♦Higbie C. W.. Grand Meadow
♦Higby Van B., Hitchcock. Okla.
♦Higdon C. M., Brookhaven, Miss.
♦Higginbotham H. P., Parlier, Cal.
Higgins A. L., Brownsville, Minn.
♦Higgins B. A., Pawnee, 111.
Higgins C. J., Detroit, Mich.
♦Higgins C. R „ Astoria, Ore.
Higgins F. W., Wells ville, N. Y.
Higgins H. G., Baldwin. N. D.
♦Higgins J. L.. H untington, Ark.
♦Higgins M . J., M inneapolis,
M inn.
Higgins R . D., Yatesville, Ga.
Higgins R. S., Danvers, Mass.
Higggins T. W ., Neoga, 111.
♦Higgs P . A., Sharon, Pa.
♦High F. N., Omaha, Neb.
High S. J., Tupelo, MtSs.
♦High W. H., San Francisco, Cal.
♦Higham J. M ., Belfry, M ont.
Higham J. O., Belfry, Mont.
Highberger R. L., Sharpsburg, Md.
♦Highland A. T., Pierpont, S. D.
Highley C. C., M alvern, Pa.
♦Hight C. R., D alton City, 111.
H ight C. S., W hite River, S. D.
H ight E. W „ Assumption, 111.
H ight G. E ., Dalton City, 111.
H ight J. F., Cave Spring, Ga.
H ight J. J., Hanford, Cal.
♦Hight K., Assumption, 111.
Hight Wm., M t. Auburn, 111.
♦H ight W. 15., Mexia, Tex.
♦Hightower E . H. Altus, Okla.
♦Hightower J. D., McDonough,
H ightower Jas. F., Brundidge.Ala.
Hightower W alter, Altus, Okla.
HIgley C. M.. Villard. Minn.
♦Higley J. H., Beaum ont, Tex.
Higman H. W., K ittitas, Wash.
Hikes J. G., Buechel, Ky.
Hilbish L. W., Lewis, Kan.
Hilbish Myron C., Bristol. Ind.
H ilbrant S. O., Argenta. 111.
♦Hild C. E., F reeport, Pa.
♦Hild H. W., W illiamsburg, Ia.
Hildahl Allen, Lyons, S. D.
Hildebrand F. A, Monroe Center,

♦Hildebrand P. T ., Jr.. Camden,
Hildebrand R. M ., Hagood, S. C.
Hildebrand T. E „ Indiana, Pa.
Hildebrand T. L., Columbia City,
. Ind.
H ildebrant H. G., Shelby, O.
♦Hilden J. T., Baudette, Minn.
♦Hildt J. E ., Tulsa. Okla.
Hile A nthony, Curwensville. Pa.
Hile J. W ard, Scalp Level, Pa.
Hileman J. N., Rome, Ia.
Hileman J. N., W ayland, Ia.
Hilem an O. C., Rowlesburg,
W. Va.

H iler H. E „ Brockport. N. Y.
Hiles Biddle, Salem, N. J.
Hiles J. B„ Foster, Ky.
H ilgard R. W., Belleville, 111.
♦Hilgeson E. H. E., P lenty wood,
M ont.
Hill A, G., Coal Hill, Ark.
Hill Alvia, S to tts City, Mo.
♦Hill A rthur, Spring Valley. Minn.
♦Hill A. W., Burlington, Vt.
Hill B. H ., Sasser, Ga.
♦Hill B. O.,. Jerome, Idaho.
♦Hill C. D., Corning, Cal.
Hill C. E „ Minneapolis, Minn.
Hill C. R., Sullivan, III.
♦Hill C. U., L ancaster, Wis.
Hill C. W., Forsyth, Ga.
Hill E arl, D rakes Creek, Ark.
Hill Edward, Madison, W. Va.
Hill E. E., Loleta, Cal.
♦Hill Ed., Miller, Mo.
Hill E. M., Checotah, Okla.
♦Hill Emery, S to tts City, Mo.
♦Hill E v a I., Colon, Mich.
♦Hill F. C., Gordon, Neb.
♦Hill F. E. Jr., Fairfield, Tex.
Hill F. O., M ontrose, M o.
Hill F. D„ Bath, Me.
Hill F. S., Stockwell, Ind.
Hill F rank, Ashaway, R. I.
Hill F. W., Pasadena. Cal.
♦Hill G. B„ W hitesboro, Tex.
Hill G. H „ Centropolis, Kan.
Hill G. S.. Martinsburg, W. Va.
Hill George T., Tuskegee, Ala.
♦Hill George U., B utte, M ont.
♦Hill Grace, E'lwood, la.
Hill G. W.. Dalton, N. Y.
Hill G. W., Somerset, Ky.
♦Hill H. E.. Virden. 111.
Hill H. A., Toledo. O.
♦Hill H. H., Aurora, Ind.
Hill H erm an A., Toledo, O.
♦Hill H. L., C uthbert, Ga.
Hill H. W., Earlham , la.
Hill H. W. Jr., Greenville, Ga.
Hill Isaac, Concord, N. H.
Hill J. A., Im boden, Ark.
♦Hill J. B., Springtown. Tex.
Hill J. C., Packwood, la .
Hill J. C., Leesburg, Ind.
♦Hill J. F., W. Chester, Pa.
Hill J . H., Smith Center, Kan.
Hill J. H., Richmond, Va.
Hill J . S., Charleston, W. Va.
Hill J, S., M ontrose, Colo.
Hill J. W., F t. Valley, Ga.
Hill J. W.. Rocheport, Mo.
♦Hill L. D., Columbus, Ga.
♦Hill Leona L., L atham , Mo.
Hill L. W., Lawrenceburg, Ind.
Hill M. E., Brighton, Tenn.
Hill M. E „ Goldfield. Nev..
♦Hill Naom i L., Kidder, Mo.
♦Hill N. P „ Ada, O.
Hill O. B„ Richmond, Va.

Hillyer B„ M t. Calm, Tex.
Hilstnger J . C.. Toronto. O.
Hilton A. P.. Dublin. Ga.
♦Hilton F. L., N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Hilton G. E-, Logansport. Ind.
♦Hilton H. C., Neenah, Wis.
♦Hilts Jas. J., Sloan, la.
HIme H. H „ Basin. Wyo.
♦Htmebaugh R. C.,Burr Oak,Mich.
Himebaugh R. L.. Forman, N. D.
♦Himes Alice, West Milton, O.
Himes E. K., Norman, Okl.
Himes G. E ., Lawler, la.
Himley C. G., Rockland, W is.'
Himsl V. S., Pleona, M ont.
Hinchman Louis, Wolcott, Ind.
♦Hind C. B. Y „ Globe, Ariz.
♦Hind Japheth, Bad Axe, Mich.
Hinde John K., Columbus, Ga.
♦Hinderks J. T., Freeport, 111.
♦Hindley C. D „ Santa Ana, Cal.
Hm dley Levi, Millville, N. J.
HIndorfl A. E., Newton, la.
Hinds Charles N., Odell, Neb.
♦Hinds Cecil L., Mound Valley,
Hinds G. E „ Kent, O.
♦Hinds J. H „ Lena, 111.
♦Hinds J. P.. Newton. 111.
Hinds L. F., Santa Cruz, Cal.
Hinds W. S.. Baird. Tex.
♦Hinds W. W., Bullard, Tex.
Hine F. B., Kinsley, Kan.
Hine G. M., Avonmore, Pa.
Hine G. T „ Springfield, Mo.
Hine I. E„ Mantua, O.
♦Hiner Wible, W est Lafayette,
♦Hinerman A. C., Huntington,
W. Va.
Hines F. E„ Greenwich, O.
♦Hines H. H., Naples, Tex.
Hines J. B„ H obart, Okla.
Hines J. T., Chicago, 111.
Hines John T, Chicago. 111.
Hines L. J., Woodbury, Ky.
Hines M. M„ Stonington, 111.
Hines N. C., Cary, N. C.
Hines Thomas, Conklin, Mich.
Hingeley M. W.. Floodwood.Minn.
♦Hinkle H. H.. Hugo, Okla.
Hinkle Robert, Saltillo. Tenn.
♦Hinkley S. M., Stanberry, Mo.
Hinkson R. D., Strawn, Tex.
♦Hinman E. B„ Parksley, Va.
*HInman E. P.,Toppenish, Wash.
♦Hinman H. C., Clyde, N. Y.
Hinm an J. W., Clyde, N. Y.
H innant F. E „ St. George, S. C.
H innant G. L„ M t. Vernon, Tex.
H innant J. L., Eutausville, S. C.
Hinrichs F. J.', Peotone, 111.
Hinricks C. D., Hood Riyer, Ore.
Hinricksen O., Argyle, Minn.

♦Hinsdale S. J., Raleigh, N. C.
Hintage John H., Anderson, Ind
♦Hinter Leo A., Lambert, M ont.
Hill O. G.. W abash, Ind.
H interm an W. C., Enterprise. Ore.
♦Hill O. T., Arcadia, Ind.
♦H interthuer W., Neenah, Wis.
Hill Otto, Davenport, la.
H. H., Ladysmith, Wis.
Hill P . S., Halifax, Pa.
Hinton Jas. P.. Hannibal, Mo.
♦Hill Ray, Arcadia, Neb.
J. S., F t. Lauderdale
Hill R. B., Eure, N. C.
♦Hill R. E„ Boston, Mass.
Hinton W. A., Sadieville, Ky.
Hill Rodney, Monroe, Neb.
H inton W. W., Sparta, Wis.
♦Hill Jr. R. Y., Foster, Ky.
E. A., Chicago, 111.
Hill Stephen B., Kawkawlin, Mich. ♦Hintz
R. C., Taylor, N. D.
♦Hill T. John, Cambridge, la.
Hinz W. F., Benson, Neb.
Hill T . H ., Johnstown, Colo.
' Hirni E. F., Appleton City, Mo.
Hill T. W., Cleveland, O.
Hlrons J. D„ Waltonville, 111.
Hill V. D., Conway, Ark.
♦Hirsch J. M ., Cannelton, Ind.
Hill W. A .,'T hree Rivers, Tex.
S., Moline, 111.
Hill W. D., Alexandria, La.
♦Hirsch V. A., Medford, Wis.
♦Hill W. E., Floris, la.
♦Hirschfeld H. W., Winona, Minn.
♦Hill W. F „ Vandergriit. Pa.
Hlrschfeld Morris. Austin, Tex.
Hill W. O., Heppner, Ore.
Hirshberg E. J., Chouteau, Mont.
Hill W. S., Elwood, la.
Hirschmann C., W estpoint, Neb.
Hill W. S., Upper Marlboro, Md.
HIrt Andrew, Greencastle, Ind.
Hill W. T „ Latham , Mo.
H irt Frank J., Lenox, Mich.
♦Hille C. R., W akeeney, Kan.
irt M. H., Woolstock, la.
Hilleary W. M., S taunton, Va.
Howell, ColoradoSpr’gs.Colo.
Hilleboe P. S., P ark River, N. D. Hise
Gentry, Mo.
♦Hilleman H. G., Sheboygan Falls, HiserS.O.R.,
L., Lexington, 111.
J. R. A ctin g , Winona, W.
Hillemann M. T.
Sheboygan Hisly,
Falls, Wis.
Hissen W. S„ Loudonville, O. Hiller H. J., Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Vernon A.. Vienna, Md.
Hiller O. A., Alamosa, Colo.
Hiller S. S., Kahoka, Mo.
Hitchcock A. B., Kiefer, Okla.
♦Hiller W. E ., Bancroft, Neb.
Hitchcock F. H., Fenton, Mich.
*Hiller en O. J., De Graff, M inn.
♦Hillesheim F. H ., Madelia. Minn. ♦Hitchcock G. N., St. Louis, Mo.
Hitchcock H., Elnora, Ind.
♦Hillgren O. W.. Stuart, la.
Hitchcock W. C., Okaton, S. D.
Hitchcock W. H., Gallatin, Tenn
♦Hillhouse C. H., Sylvester, Ga.
Hitchings C. E., Sarasota, Fla.
♦Hilliard A. A., Attica. Kan.
H itchner S. H., Bridgeton, N. J.
Hilliard A. J., Freeport, Kan.
Hiteshew C.T.,Parkersburg, W.Va.
Hilliard C. E., Hagerstown. Md.
HitCshew W. B „ Robinson, 111.
♦Hilliard H. C., Conrad, M ont.
♦Hilliard Joseph,- Wheatfield, Ind. H itt E . I., Tullahoma, Tenn.
H itt M. M., Idaho Falls, Ida.
♦Hilliard W. C. Corsicana Tex.
Hilliker C. W., Carl Junction, Mo. H itz Adolph, Alhambra, 111.
Hitzem ann O. H.. SWanville.Minn.
Hillix Charles H., W eston. Mo.
♦Hix Florence, G., Rhodes, la,
♦Hillman W. B., W averly, Tenn.
Hix J. G., Alma, Tex.
Hillman R. P., Los Angeles, Cal.
♦Hix J. R., Bluffton, Ind.
Hillman W. G., Delta, Colo.
♦Hix N. C., Abernathy, Tex.
Hills C. E., New Baltimore, Mich.
♦Hills E. S., Salt Lake City. U tah. ♦-Hixon W. E ., M anghan, La.
HixsonA. B., Hillsboro, la.
Hills F. P., Delaware, O.
♦Hills G. E „ New Baltimore.Mich. Hixson G. V., Clayton, Kan.
♦Hiznay J. M-:, W ilkes-Barre, Pa.
Hills L. K.. T hree Forks. M ont.
♦Hillstrom H. A., Belle Plaine. Hjelle O. S., Mercer, N. D.
♦Hjelt Oscar, Rolla, N. D.
HJerleid C. M., Taylor, Wis.
Hillyard D. M ., W inters, Tex.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Hjerleid H„ C., Decorah, la.
♦Hjerleid G. L;, Taylor, Wis.
♦Hjerleid R. C., Decorah, la.
Hoadley H. A., W aterbury, Conn.
Hoag C. L., Sheridan, Wyo,
Hoag G. F.. Ossining. N. Y.
♦Hoag R. E ., D e Soto, Wis.
Hoagland E. C. Jr.. Prospect. Ky.
Hoban J. R., Heartwell, Neb.
H obart C. A., Kinsman, O.
♦H obart F. W., Taylors Falls,
M inn.
Hobbins J. W., Madison, Wis.
♦Hobbs C„ Roswell, N. M.
♦Hobbs Chas. O., Lutesville, Mo.
Hobbs L. D., Johnston City, Til
♦Hobbs L. ¿ .. Chicago. 111.
♦Hobbs N., Hammond, Mo.
♦Hobbs R. G., H obart, Okla.Hobbs S. T., Saragosa, Tex.
Hobby E „ Dallas, Tex.
♦Hoberg W. E., N ebraska City,
Hoblit A. L., Carlinville, 111.
Hoblit E . M..; Bloomington; 111.
Hoblit H. K., Bloomington, IU.
Hoblit J . E„ Lincoln, 111.
♦Hoblitzell W .H ., Skidmore. Mo.
Hobson C. B., San Francisco, Cal.
Hobson E, M ., Markleville, Ind.
♦Hobson Geo. L., Richland, la . .
♦Hobson H. W., Bristol, Tenn.
♦Hobson H. W., Bristol, Va.
♦Hoch F. L., De Soto, la.
Hoch W. C., Delta, O.
♦Hockady A., Fulton, Mo.
Hockenbeamer P. A., Logansport,
♦Hocker E.. Lampasas, Tex.
Hocker J. C., Barnard, Mo.
Hocker J. H., Hustonville, Ky.
Hocker P. S., Camargo, Okla.
Hocker R. M.. Lebanon June., Ky
♦Hocker W. D., Hustonville, Ky.
♦H ockett H. A., Newberry, Fla.
H ockett J. M ., Colfax, la.
H ockett W. F., Dayton, O.
♦Hockstra H., Panam a, 111.
♦Hodel J. J., Cleo, Okla.
Hodgdon F. T., Hannibal, Mo.
Hodge A. J., Mazeppa, Minn.'
♦Hodge A. S,, Mazeppa, M inn.
Hodge E. O., San Diego, Cal.
Hodge C. R., Jamestown, N. D.
♦Hodge F. A., Mazeppa, Minn.
Hodge George O., Wenona, 111.
Hodge J. M„ Wadley, Ala.
Hodge J. W., Baileyton, Tenn.
♦Hodge R. J „ Murphysboro, 111.
Hodge R. V., Toledo, O.
♦Hodge W. A., Toledo. O.
♦Hodge W. G., Pillager, Minn.
♦Hodgens W. B., Poteau, Okl.
Hodges B. S., Hodges, S. C.
♦Hodges E. A., Batesville, Ark.
♦Hodges G. C., Jr.,Greenwood,S.C.
Hodges J . B., Loganville, Ga.
♦Hodges J. C., Erwin, S. D.
Hodges J. H. S., Ayden, N. C.
Hodges J. M ., Westmoreland,
♦Hodges P. E., Jacksonville, Fla.
Hodges Walter, Orr, Okla.
Hodgin I. A., Somerton, O.
Hodgkin J. M., Winchester, Ky.
Hodgson G. D., Bronson, Tex.
Hodgson G. P., Columbia, Va.
Hodgson S., Bathgate, N. D.
Hodgson W. E .. Brazoria, Tex.
♦Hodson C. W.. N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Hoech J. W., Shaniko, Ore.
♦Hoechen R. J., Streeter, N. D.
Hoefener F. H., Minden, la.
Hoefer A. J., Mayview, Mo.
Hoefer Daniel, A c tin g , Higginsville, Mo.
♦Hoefer Wm., Higginsville, Mo.
♦Hoefle Charles, Highland, 111.
Hoeflich R. K., Maysville, Ky.
♦Hoegemeyer O. G., Columbus.
Hoegemeyer O. G..Columbus.
Hoegh William, Elkhom , la.
Hoehn H. F „ W itt, 111.
Hoekstra C. S-, Burbank, S. D.
Hockstra C. S„ Meckltng, S. D.
Hoel C. B„ Eveleth, Minn.
Hoel I. H., Conger, M inn.
♦Hoel O. N., Alden, Minn.
Hoel Rudolph, Ray, N. D.
♦Hoeltzel J. P.. Batavia, N. Y.
Hoenisch R. M.. Grafton, la.
♦Hoerer S. F., Canton, M o.
Hoerr C. O., Mankato, Minn.
Hoeschen R. J., Streeter, N.- D.
Hoese William, Spencer, S. D.
H’ofer A. W., Cochrane, Wis.
♦Hofman C. G., McKeesport, Pa.
Hofmann V. F., Havelock, Neb.
Hofmeister E. C., Chancellor, S. D.
H ofstetter J. F.. Frankfort.M ich.
♦Hoff A. H., New Decatur, Ala.
Hoff E. A.. YDSilanti, N. D.
Hoff F., H., Chicago, 111.
Hoff Otto P„ Miltoh, N. D.
♦Hoff S. H., Toledo, O, ■
♦Hoff Snowden, Baltimore. Md.
Hoflard N. A., W oodburn. Ore.
Holler A. J., Anamoose, N. D.
Hoffer C. A., Santa Rosa, Cal.
Hoffman A. J., No. Adams. Mich.

♦Hoffman C. O.. New Carlisle,
♦Hoffman O. N., Salina, Kan.
♦Hoffman E. M„ Dwight, 111.
♦Hoffman F. A., Dupree, S. D.
♦Hoffman F F „ Ogema, Minn.
Hoffman G. A., Berlin, Pa.
Hoffman G. A., Boswell, Pa.
Hoffman George E., St. Louis.Mo.
Hoffman G. J., H okah Minn.
♦Hoffman H. W., Hominy, Okla.
♦Hoffman J. H .. Haw orth. Okla.
Hoffman J. W., Millersburg, Pa.
Hoffman L. M . Jr., Dallas, N. C.
Hoffman L. W., Pam plin City, Va.
Hoffman M ., Columbus, O.
♦Hoffman N. A., San Diego, Tex.
Hoffman N. C., Murray, la.
Hoffman N. W., South Fork, Pa.
♦Hoffman Paul, Nashville, 111.
Hoffman T. R ., Bayonne, N. J.
♦Hoffman T. W., M arion, Wis.
Hoffman W. I., Burwell, Neb.
Hoffmann A. F., W ashburn, Wis.
Hoffmann E. L., Bazile Mills, Neb.
Hoffmann F. J., Santa Cruz, Cal.
♦Hoffmann John, Sweet Springs,
Hoffmann S. F „ Hudson, S, D.
♦Hoffmaster J. W., Kings, IU.
Hoffmeister O. F.. HoUand P aten t,
N . Y.
♦Hofier Lycurgus, GatèsviUe, N.C.
♦Hogan m i Spur. Tex.
♦Hogan C- H., Fletcher, Okla.
♦Hogan F. W., Clinton, Mich.
Hogan George W., T uttle, Okla.
♦Hogan J. H., Des Moines, la.
Hogan J. J., Corning, la.
Hogan R. 0 ., Rosewood, Tex.
♦Hogan R. D., Dry Ridge, Ky.
♦Hogan 8. W., Millville, N. J.
♦Hogan T. ¿ ., M orehead, Kan.
Hogan W. F., Savannah, Ga.
Hogan W. J.. Bolivar. N. Y.
♦Hoge AlfredW ., Cambridge', Md.
♦Hoge C. K., Staunton, Va.
Hoge E. E.. Frankfort, Ky.
♦Hoge H. J.. Ham ilton. Va.
Hogeland H. B.. Newton, Pa.
Hogenson T„ Stew art ville. Minn
♦Hogenson Tena, Ethel, Mo.
Hogg C. J., Melrose, Wis.
Hoggard J. N., Lewiston. N. C.
Hoggblade E . F., Lawton, la.
Hogge L. H., Odd, Va.
♦Hogle M ary A., B urr Oak, Mich.
Hogle S. H., B urr Oak, Mich.
♦Hoglund J. C„ St. Croix Falls,
♦Hogood R. B., Cooper, Tex.,
♦Hogsett C. W., Altus, Okla.
♦Hogsett S. C., Vernon, Tex.
♦Hogsett S. L ., Marlinton, W. Va.
Hogstad L., Nome, N. D.
♦Hogue A. M., Hemet, Cal.
♦Hogue A. W., Seattle, Wash.
♦Hogue B„ Marshall, 111:
Hogue Ed., Barnes, Kan.
♦Hogue R: F.. Scio, Ohio.
Hohl J. G., Prague, Neb.
♦Hohn E. A., Marysville, Kan.
Hohn H. A,, Marysville, Kan.
Hohn N. R., AspinwaU, Pa.
♦Hohnstrom A. T., Badger, Minn.
♦Hoke H. Erle, E. Las Vegas,
N. M.
Hoke J. C., Merrill. Ia.
Hoke J. W., G ranite Falls, N. C.
♦Hoke L. E., Kansas City, Kan.
Holaday, C. B. Estelline, S. D.
H olbert F., Sussex, N. J.
H olbert G. 8., New York C ity
N. Y.
♦Holbert H. M ., Plainview, Neb.
H olbert R. R., Bremond, Tex.
♦Holbert T. M., Sussex, N. J.
Holbrook B. F., Owenton, Ky.
Holbrook B. R., Athens, Ala.
Holbrook Carey, H artford, Ark.
Holbrook G. R., H untington, Ark.
Holbrook, B . H., H artford C ity
♦Holbrook J. B., Owenton, KyHolcomb Bruce, Fayetteville, Ark.
♦Holcomb E. M-, L a Grange, O.
♦Holcomb E. S., Broken Bow,Neb.
♦Holcomb G. O., Roanoke, Va.
♦Holcomb H. A., W ellington, Tex.
♦Holcomb M arion, Klondike, Tex.
♦Holcomb W. H., Elm 'Springs,
Holcombe T. B., Lydia, S. C.
H oldahl T. B., Roseau, M inn.
Holden C. C., Willow, Okla.
Holden R. H., W hite, S. D.
Holden R. W., Honeoye Falls,N.Y.
♦Holden. W. B.. Salem, W. Va.
Holder, W. R., Stillmore, Ga.
♦Holderness M . E., St. Louis, Mo.
Holding T. E., W ake Forest, N. C.
♦Hole A. J., Cross Lake, M inn.
Holeman B. W., M ountain View,
Holeman G. A., Ansley, Neb.
Holeman J. W., Hughson, Cal.,
Holdhusen J. F., Columbia, S. D
♦Holds H. C.. Pemberville, Ohio.
Holen H. P., Thomas, S. D.

H oliday A. L., Grandview, la .
Hollier H. H., Paynesville, Minn.
Holifield, K. L., Brookport, 111.
♦Holig R. J.. Browervllle; Minn.
*Holke D. H., Higginsville, Mo.
♦Holland Barney, W eatherford,
Holland O. W., Andover, M d ..
♦Holland H . L., Los Angeles, Calif.
Holland H. E., Chilllcothe, O.
♦Holland H erm an M ., C alvert
City, Ky.
H olland G. N., Falls City, Neb.
♦Holland J. D., NashviUe, Ga.
Holland J., Poolville. Tex.
♦Holland Lyle, Bum pus Mills,
Holland Paul, Hollandale, Miss.
Holland R.E .,B um pus Mills,Tenn.
Holland R. L.. Calvert City, Ky.
Holland T. E ., Lowpoint, 111.
H olland W est, Brinkm an, Okla.
Holland W. E ., Achille, Okla.
Holland W . T „ S anta Fe, Tenn.
Hollem an F . S„ Seneca, S. C.
Hollem an E . T., Centerville, Tex.
Hollenbeck S.B .,B alnbrldge, N.Y.
H oller.P. R., Van Horn, la .
♦Hcllerich P., Springvalley, 111.
Holley A. W., F o rt Gaines, Ga.
Holley J. L., Corinth, Miss.
Holley J. M ., L a Crosse. Wis.
♦Holley W. H ., W innsboro, Tex.
♦Holley W. W., C oushatta, La.
Holliday C. M ., W ashington.
♦Holliday J. W,, Red Wing, Minn.
♦Holliken L. E ., E pw orth, N . D.
Hollim an D. £ ., T arrytow n. Ga.
Hollingsworth L., Amber, Okl.
Hollingsworth N., Irene, Tex.
Hollingsworth T ., Madill, Okl.
H ollingsworth T . A., L aF ayette,
In d .
Hollingsworth W. L., Lincoln, Ala.
Hollington W. A., Findlay, O.
♦Hollinshead J. A ., P o rt Clinton, O.
Hollis Carl, W arren, Ark.
♦Hollis D. P., Iron City, Tenn.
Hollis F. J „ W estpoint, Tenn.
Hollis G. C., Eagle Pass, Tex.
Hollis W. H ., M cLoud, Okla.
♦Hollister H. J., Baldwin, Mnn.
♦Hollister R. E.,' Leoti, Kan.
♦Hollomon C., Mason Hall, Tenn.
♦Hollopeter H. B., L a Due. Mo.
Holloran J. S.. Cornwall. N. Y.
♦Hollow Hi O., Sullivan, Mo.
Hollowag A. D., Welch, Okla.
Holloway A., Samson. Ala.
♦Holloway A. H., Salisbury, M d .
Holloway J. B., Lagrange Tex.
Holloway J. F., Eclectic. Ala.
Holloway J. H., Mem phis, Tenn.
♦Holloway J. H., Tallassee, Ala.
Holloway J. S., Koshkonong, Mo.
Holloway L. E ., Penelope, Tex.
♦Holloway W. E., D etroit. Tex.
Holloway .W. H., Georgiana, Ala.
Holloway W. J., Durham , N. C.
Holloway W. L., Berlin, Md.
♦Hollowell E . D„ Brush, Colo.
♦Hollub John,E ureka Springs, Ark.
Holly E. D„ Suisun City, Cal.
♦Holly E. H ., E lizabethton, Tenn.
Holly O. E., Larchwood, la.
Holly R. P., Greenwood, N. Y.
♦Holly W. P., New York, N. Y.
H ollyday H enry, Easton, Md.
♦Holm A. S., Twin Valley, M inn.
♦Holm C. H ., Ronan, M ont.
♦Holm H., Elba, Neb.
Holm M ark, Elba, Neb.
Holm V., Poulsbo, Wash.
♦Holman G. G., Gainesville, Tex.
Holm an J. C., SharpsvUle, Ind.
♦Holman P . W., Glasgow, Ky.
♦Holman T., Lenox. Mo.
♦HolmanW . E ., Ransomville. N.Y.
Holmberg D avid, W enatchee,
Holm en J. C. E ., Kenyon, M inn.
♦Holmes A., N. Y. City, N. Y.
Holmes A. L., Lyons, la .
♦Holmes B. F., Shamrock, Tex.
♦Holmes Byron, Loretto, Neb. 1
Holmes C. A., Des Moines, la .
Holmes C. J., Jr., Bronson, Mich.
Holmes C. W., A ransas Pass, Tex.
♦Holmes E.., Crawford, Ga.
Holmes E. H., Montclair, N. J.
Holmes F. G., Osage City, Kan.
Holmes F. P., Neche, N. D.
Holmes H. B., Vivian, S. D.
Holmes H. L., Orange, N. J.
Holmes Horace, Dolton, 111.
Holmes Horace, South Holland,

♦Holmes J.A .,Steam boat R ock,la.
Holmes J. D., Richm ondville.N.V.
Holmes J. E .. Kiowa,Kan.
♦Holmes J. E ., Randalia, la.
♦Holmes J. E ., Poultney, Vt.
♦Holmes J. W., Aransas Pass, Tex.
Holmes M. E., E ureka, Kan.
♦Holmes M . M ., Olean, N. Y.
Holmes P . W., Scotts Hill,Tenn.
Holmes R. B., Cocoa, Fla.
Holmes R. j ., P ark River, N. D.
♦Holmes S...F., Vernon, Tex.
♦Holmes W. H ., Vienna, Mo.
Holmes W. R., Enterprise, Ore.
♦Holmes W. W.. Chicago, 111.
Holmgren A. F., Lincolnville, Kan.
Holscher A. C., M adison, Wis.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

♦Holshouser J. B., Franklin, Tenn.
♦H olm qulst W. C., FInlayson,
Holset G. V., Napoleon, N. D.
Holsten H erm an, Dodge, Neb.
♦Holstine R. M ., M ontgom ery,
W. Va.
H olstlaw H. D., Iuka, 111.
♦Holstlaw Lois T., Iuka, 111.
Holswade W. G., W alton, W. Va.
H olt D. E., Wheeler, Tex.
♦Holt Delta, Uniontown, Kan.
H olt D. H., W. Mineral, Kan.
H olt E. V., Tuckerm an, Ark.
H olt F rank, P o rt Clinton, O.
H olt F. H ., Rockville. Conn.
♦H olt H. C., Pasadena, Cal.
H olt H. S., Slayton, M inn.
H olt J. A., Gage, Okl.
H olt J. A., Johnstown, Neb.
H olt J. V., Oklahoma, Okla.
H olt L. E., Uniontown, Kan.
H olt R. C., Jr., Rayne, La.
H olt S., Springfield, Colo.
♦Holt W. A., P ortland, Ore.
H olt W. C., Tahlequah, Okl.
H olt W. H., M cLean, Tex.
♦Holt W. R.. Buflalo, Wyo.
Holte R alph A., Stanfield, Ore.
Holten J. F.. E dna, Kan.
♦Holtgrewe F red H ., Johnson,
H olthaus F . J., Seneca, Kan.
♦Holthe P . O., Muskegon, Mich.
♦Holton Jr., A. E. Yadkinville.
N. O.
H olton A. W „ W ortham , Tex.
♦Holton L. A., Zum brota, M inn.
♦Holton W. A., Sidell, 111.
H olton W. E., M ount Vernon, Ind.
Holtorff E. H.. Chicago, 111.
♦Holtschneider G., Rich Fountain,
H oltz C. L. V., Newark, O.
♦Holtz Vera G., M alden, Wash.
Holtzclaw B. C. Perry, Ga.
H oltzclaw E ., Perry, Ga.
♦H olubaH . H ., St. George,Kan.
♦Holum G. F., Flom, M inn, i
Holum Isaac. Tracy, M inn.
♦Holycross F. R., M arysville, O.
♦Holzapfel Flora. Colony, Kan.
Holze L. C., Riesel, Tex.
Holzinger D. J., Annawan, 111.
♦Holzinger G. A., Annawan, 111.
♦Holzinger H. E „ Geneseo, 111.
Holzinger W. H.. Geneseo. 111.
Hoizm ann W. H ., Bedias, Tex.
Holzw arth W. H ., F o rt W ayne,
Hom an G. J., D ubuque, la.
Hom an L. W.. So. Bend, Wash.
Hom an W. F., Ontario, Ore.
Hom er W. N., Boston, Mass.
Hom eyer C. W., B urton, Tex.
Hom m an D. F., Silverlake. Ind,
♦Homor Flora B., Bism arck, 111.
Hon C. C., Higbee, Mo.
H onan J. B., St. M arys, Kan.
H onan J. J., Edina, Mo.
Honey C. C., Edmore, N. D.
♦H oneycutt E . O., Abilene, Tex.
♦Honeywell W. W., Delhi, N. Y.
Hong P. B., Willmar, M inn.
Honke M. L.. B utté, Neb.
♦Honkomp C. E.. Graceville.Minn.
♦Honnold C. A., W asta, S. D.
H onnor H arry, B ennett, Neb.
♦Honsey A. J., Wild Rose, N . D .
♦Hood A. B.. Conneiisville, Pa.
♦Hood Bryan, Bedford, Ky.
Hood C. J.. Commerce, Ga.
Hood E . A., Greenleaf, Kan.
Hood F . B., P arker, Col.
Hood G. P., M orehead City, N. C.
Hood Jam es, Alma, Kan.
Hood J. D., Summit, N. J.
Hood J . G., Dacula, Ga.
♦Hood Jno. R., Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Hood K. R., M organ City, La.
Hood Percy, Ferndale, Wash.
♦Hood W. B., Coahoma, Tex.
Hood Wm. F „ Fairchild, Wis.
♦Hooga V., Litchfield, 111.
♦Hoogner C. B„ Wakefield, Neb.
Hook C. E., O ttaw a, 111.
Hook Geo., Wlxeeling, W. Va.
♦Hook Jam es H „ Dodge, Neb.
Hooker F rank, Blanchard, la .
Hooker John, Scottsburg, Ind.
Hooker O. M„ A urora, N. C.
♦Hooker W alter, Blanchard, la.
Hooker W. R., Nokesville, Va.
Hooks P. E., Itasca, Tex.
Hooks R. O., M ertens, Tex.
♦Hooley H . C.. N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Hooper Jr., A. B., Albertville,Ala.
Hooper A. B.. Albertville. Ala.
Hooper C. G., Sheridan, Mo.
Hooper Geo. C., Vanderbilt, Mich.
Hooper J. G., Rockport, Tex.
Hooper John R., Baltimore, Md.
Hooper L. A., Bluefield, W. Va.
Hooper L. W., Marble Falls, Tex.
Hooper M arshall, G rants Pass,
Hooper Sabin, Boyne City, Mich.
Hooper T. H., Oak Hill, W. Va.
Hooper W. B. Albertville, Ala.
Hooper W . S., SanBernardino.Cal.
♦Hoopes C r C., Cherokee, la .
Hoopm an J. A., Byesville, O.

Hoopm an M . B., Buffalo, O.
Hoornbeck F. B., Ellenville, N.Y
Hooser W. H., W artrace, Tenn.
Hooton D. F., Bamberg, S. C
♦Hoots C. H ., M attoon, 111.
♦Hoots O. S., M attoon, 111.
♦Hoover O.- F., Brighton, la .
Hoover C. M., Foss. Okl.
♦Hoover E thel, Vesper, Kan.
Hoover G. W., Eaton, Ind.
Hoover H arold, M iddleburg, Ind.
Hoover J. A., Cumberland, M d.
Hoover L. W., P ortland, Ind.
Hoover L. W., R avanna, Mo.
Hoover M, P., Cayuga, Ind.
♦Hoover R. A., Belzoni, Miss.
Hoover R. A., Moorhead, Miss.
♦Hoover R. G., Florala, Ala.
Hoover R. W.. Holtville. Cal.
Hoover S tanton E., Croton, O.
Hoover W. H „ E aton, Tenn.
♦Hope I. E .„L ittle Sioux, la .
♦Hope L. m Vale, Okla.
Hopewell H. M., Tekam ah, Neb.
Hopewell J. E., Linden, Ind.
H opka F. T., Bluehill, Neb.
Hopkins A. A.. Rosendale, Mo.
♦Hopkins B. P., Grainfleld, Kan.
♦Hopkins C. B., Forsyth, M ont.
Hopkins O. M.. Keesville, N. Y.
♦Hopkins D. W., Santa B arbara,
Hopkins E . C., B attle Lake, Minn
♦Hopkins E. R., Columbus, Miss.
Hopkins H. D., P o rt Townsend,
Hopkins J. A., Rockport, Ind.
♦Hopkins J. M., Ashland, Ky.
Hopkins J. T. C. Jr., P o rt Deposit,
♦Hopkins L. B., M oorland, la .
Hopkins L uther. Porter, Okla.
♦Hopkins N ina D., Burlington,
Hopkins R. J., Tlonetsa, Pa.
♦Hopkins S., W ashington C.H., O.
Hopkins Thos., Birmingham, Ala.
Hopkins W. L., New Y ork City,
N. Y;
♦Hopkins W. S., Auxvasse, Mo.
Hopkins W. W., Bel Air, Md.
Hopp F. T „ Beaum ont, Kan.
H opp G. M ., Cayuga, N. D.
♦Hoppe B. H. E ., Smithville, Tex.
H opper A. T., LeaksvHle, N. C.
Hopper B. M„ Oakdale, Pa.
H opper O. M., Sumner, Mo.
H opper E. B., Ness City, Kan.
Hopper G. W., Brinsmade. N. D.
H opper Hugh, M arion Je t., Ala.
♦Hopper Hugh C., Jerm yn, Tex.
Hopper J. W., Jerm yn, Tex.
Hopper T. A., Calhoun, Ga.
♦Hooper W. S., Lancaster, Ky.
Hoppes Lester C., Corbin, Kan.
♦Hoppin C. E., Northfield, Minn.
Hops F. W., W ashington, 111.
Hopson E. N., Paterson, N. J.
Hopson G. I., Blue Jacket, Okla.
♦Horak J. E ., D uluth, Minn.
H oral G. A., Soldier, Ida.
♦Horan Frank, Heartwell, Neb.
Horan W. J., Dawson, N. M .
H ord W. R., Tebbetts, Mo.
♦Hordin J. B., Spur, Tex.
♦Horm ann E „ St. Louis, Mo.
H orn Chas., Ironton, O.
Horn F. A., Loami, 111.
Horn F. M.. Catasauqua, Pa.
Horn J. F., New Berlin, III.
H orn John S., Bonanza. Ore.
H orn O. H., Bejou, M inn.
Horn R. E., McAllen, Tex.
H orn W. S., Crowley, Tex.
♦Hornaday R- B., Plainfield, Ind
♦Hornbeck A. D., Monon, Ind.
Hornbeck. J. A., Romney, Ind.
Horne A. A., Andrews, Tex.
Horne G. W „ Titusville, Pa.
Horne O. G., El Centro, Cal.
H om e W. H., Shoshone, Ida.
H om er A lbert, Earl, Ark.
♦Horner H. N. Jr., Davis, Okl.
♦Homer J.H ., Lum berport, W. Va.
Horner John S., Helena, Ark.
Horner O. F., M edaryvilie, Ind.
Horner W. C., Monon. Ind.
H om er W. R., York, Pa.
Horney S. F., Littleton, 111.
♦Horney Vive A., L ittleton, 111.
H om ing E. F.. Brooklyn, Mich.
H om or V. L., Lum berport, W. Va.
♦Hornsby Clyde J., Crawford, Neb.
Hornsby Lee, Electic, Ala.
H ornsby S. M ., Seaford, Va.
Hornsey R . W., Blackwell, Mo.
Hornung C. F-, Norwalk, Wis.
Horsch A., Deiano, M inn.
Horsey T. C., Greensboro. M d.
H orst D.W .,-Norwalk, Cal.
♦Horst F rank, Elgin, Neb.
H orst H. M .. Hummelstown, Pa.
H orst J. S.. Cincinnati, O.
♦H orter Thomas W., Philadelphia,
♦Horton A., San Saba. Tex.
H orton A. I)., Hawarden, la .
H orton C. M., F t. Pierce, Fla.
H orton C. W ., Belton, S. C.
Horton H. A., H eath Spring, S. C.
♦H orton I. F., M antón, Mich.

Horton Ira J.. New York City,N .Y
H orton J. B„ B attle M ountain,
♦Horton J. L., P lym outh, N. C.
Horton R. J., Aurelia, N. Dak.
Horton S. S., M artinsburg, P a.
Horton W. C., W inder, Ga.
♦Hoscheit E . J., Peru, 111.
Hose C. W., Lemmon, S. D.
♦Hosford A., Menomonie, Wis.
♦Hosford F. H „ Lebanon, N. H.
Hosick J. I., Rockport, Ky.
Hosig W. G., M ansion, Wis.
♦Hosinki A. M ., South Bend, Ind.
Hoskin F. E ., Culbertson, M ont.
♦Hoskin F. J., W est Bend. la.
♦Hoskin H. G., Burlington, Colo.
Hoskins D. T., E. Las Vegas, N.M.
Hoskins H. E., W ilmington, O.
Hoskins J. P., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Hoskins J. W.. Hustonville, Ky.
Hosier W. F., Findlay, O.
♦Hoslett J. L.. Green Bay, Wis.
Hosley F. Z., Reading, P a.
Hosmer F. W.. Turlock. Cal.
Hosm et W. R., Faunsdale, Ala.
♦Hospers W. H., Orange City, la.
♦Hoss A. B., So W est City, M o.
Hoss Adolph, Pern, 111.
Hoss Charles, Corona, Cal.
♦Host S. C., Leeds, N. D.
H ostbjor Emil, Rosholt, S. D.
H osterm an F. E., Springfield, O.
H ostetler m. VV., Henryville, Ind.
H ostetler J. C., The Dalles, Ore.
H ostetler L. G„ Lovington, 111.
H ostetter A. K.. Lancaster. Pa.
♦H ostetter A. M., Lindsay, Cai.
♦H ostetter S. A., Greenville, O.
H ostetter, T. J., Ansonia, O.
♦H ostettler E . M., Bluffton, Ohio.
Hostm an H. W., P lym outh, Wis.
H ostutler Verne, Centerville,
♦Hosz W . D., Portsm outh, O.
♦Hotaling Chas., Fond du Lac,
♦Hotchkiss Alice, Roy, Wash.
Hotchkiss E, H.. St. Ignace, Mich
Hotchkiss H. G., Roy, Wash.
Houck C. S., Hawley, P a.
Houck G. C., Coleman, Okla.
♦Houck R., G ranite Falls' N. C.
H ouda N aclav F., Kimball, S. D.
H ouda V. F., Kimball, S. D.
♦Houdet H. H., Willow River,
M inn.
♦Houg E. M ., Clerm ont, la .
Hougen L. S., W llm ot, S. D.
♦Hougen W. O., W atford, N. D.
Hough C. A., Nashville, Mich.
♦Hough C. C., Council Bluffs. Ia.
Hough C. E ., Bridgeport, Conn.
Hough C. F., Mulvane, Kan.
Hough D. H., Norwich, Conn.
♦Hough G. E ., St. Charles, Mo.
Hough J . W., Shenandoah. Pa.
Hough O. G., Kerkhoven, Minn.
♦Hough W. B„ Council Bluffs, Ia.
H oughten T. C„ Redford, Mich.
♦H oughton F . M ., Stamford,
♦Houghton F rank, Boston, Mass.
H oughton H. C. Jr., Red Oak, Ia.
Houghton Paul, Clarem ont, Cal.
Houghton S. C., H am pton, Neb.
♦Hougland Isis, Henryville, Ind.
H ouk C. E., Iron wood, Mich.
♦Houke F . L., Burlington, Ia.
Houle P . J., Hugo", Minn.
H oulihan M. L. Jr., Vail, Ia.
Hounshell A. B., Crockett. Va.
House E . W., Kingsville, Tex.
♦House Grace E ., Bayard, Ia.
♦House H . B., St. Paul, Minn.
♦House J. D., Texas City, Tex.
♦House J. S., N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦House R. G., M iddletown, Md.
House! A. A., Wilson, N. Y.
Housel C. E.. Bergen, N. Y.
Housel J. P., Montgomery, Pa.
Housel F. B., Lyndonville, N. Y.
♦Housel W. H., Naples, N. Y.
Housel W. S., Holley. N. Y.
Houseman J. F., Bradshaw, Neb.
♦Houser D. S., Roseburg, Ore.
♦Houser Fred N., Stoneboro, Pa.
♦Houser J. R., Anniston, Ala.
♦Houser M. H ., Jesup, Ia.
Houser T. N., Stoneboro, Pa.
♦Houseworth C. H., Alma, Kan.
Housewright W. W., Devol, Okla.
♦Housholder I. S., Black Lick, Pa.
♦Housman W. J., Davenport, Ia.
H ouston A. Y., Tina, Mo.
H ouston C. A., Tuisa, Okla.
Houston D. A;, Monroe, N. C.
♦Houston M rs. E. C., Parsons,
♦Houston F. K., St. Louis. Mo.
Houston F. L., Ryan, Ia.
♦Houston Fred, M arysville, O.
H ouston H. H., Bixby, Okla.
♦Houston J . C., Denver, Colo.
♦Houston J. R., Lavernia, Tex.
H ouston J. W., Kirkwood, 111.
H ouston Russell, Hebbronville,

♦Houston R uth, Checotah, Okla.
♦Houston S. C., Stanton, Tex.
H ouston W .F.,Newburyport,M ass
♦HoUt C. G., Superior,. Neb.
♦Houts J. G., Plainfields, la.
H oux T. F., Hale, Mo.

*Houze J. R., E. Enterprise, Ind.
♦Hovden P., Wheeler, Wis.
♦Hovdesven A. O., , Cottonwood,
Hove Jo h n S., B artlett N. D.
Hove J. J „ Hayward, Minn.
HoVey E. W., Vega, Tex.
*Hovey T. C., N. Y. City, N. Y.
Hovland C. E., Coteau, N. D.
♦Hovland Charles, Nielsville, M inn.
Hovland G. B., Eddyville, Neb.
*Hoveland S. K., G ranite Falls,
M inn.
Howard A. J., Billings, Mo.
Howard A. S., Lexington, Neb.
Howard C. B., Freeborn, Minn.
*Howard C. C., Vian, Okla.
Howard C. L., Evansville, Ind.
♦Howard C. S„ Oskaloosa, la .

Hoy W. P., Huntley, 111,
Hoyer E. J., Tea, S. D.
Hoyer E. M.. Marine, 111.
Hoyer G. E „ N. Y. City, N. Y.
Hoyer R. O., Clarence, la.
♦Hoyt A. M ., Independence, Mo.
H oyt C. R., Thayer, Kan.
H oyt E. S.. Grfggsville, III.
H oyt F. B., Townville, Pa.
H oyt George W., Portland. Ore.
H oyt R. W.. Fernandina, Fla.
♦Hoyt S. D.. Wauwatosa. Wis.
H rabak F. C„ Howell, Neb.
♦H rabak W. R „ Dodge. Neb.
♦Hroch C. B„ Wilber, Neb.
♦Hruska J. F., Edgerton, Wis.

♦Huesing W. B., Cincinnati, O.
Huey F. S.. Eureka, Mo.
Huff C. A., D unavant, Kan.
♦Huff, Clinton, Bremen, Ind.
Huff C. E „ Mellott, Ind.
Huff E. E., Thomas, Okla.
♦Huff F. Ñ., Plentywood, Mofit.
Huff F. P., Rockwell City, Ia.
Huff H. D., Jordan, M ont.
Huff J . B„ Columbus. Ga.
♦Huff L, B., Leesburg, O.
♦Huff Nora, M ellott,. Ind.
♦Huffaker H. F „ Palm er. Tex.
Huffaker L. D.. Richards. Mo.
Huffer C. Z., Harrisburg, Pa.
♦Huffer I. L„ Coffeen, 111.
‘ »Huffman A. McG., Rockford, 111
Huffman A., Yarbo, Ark.
Huffman F. E., Hepler, Kan.
♦Huffman H. M„ L atrobe, Pa.
♦Huffman J., Yarbo, Ark.
Huffman J. D., Caruthersville.Mo.
Huffman J. E„ Shelby ville, Tenn.
Huffman J. M ., E au Gallie, Fla.
♦Huffman J. W., Bentleyville, Pa.
Huffman R. E ., Quinlan, Okla.
Huffman W. H. Jr.. Hugoton, K an
Huffman Y. B., M erna, Neb.
Hufford A. D.. Bremen. O.
♦Hufford E. A., Bremen, O.
♦Hufford E. M., Viola, Wis.
Hufford J. E ., H itchita, Okla.
♦Hufsmith C. L.“ Palestine, Tex.
H ufstutler J. B., W arrior, Ala.
♦Hugelen E . L., W arwick, N. D.
Hugg J. E., Hum phrey, Neb.
♦Hugg M. C.. Hum phrey, Neb.
Huggins D. C., Hemingway, S. C.
♦Huggins N., Wilmington, N . C.
Huggins R. C., Lam ar, S. C♦Huggins W. H., Vernon, Tex.

♦Hubbard C. E., Ferris, 111.
H ubbard C. E „ Royal Oak, Mich.
♦Hubbard D. W„ H artford, Conn.
♦H ubbard F. E., Plaquemine, La.
H ubbard F. I., Amherst, O.
H ubbard Geo. L., Commerce, Ga.
♦H ubbard J. P., Ashtabula, O.
H ubbard J. W., Farmville, Va.
♦Hubbard L. H..W aitsburg.W ash.
H ubbard Philip P., Litchfield,
♦Hubbard S. E., Lane, S. D.
H ubbard W. A., Lake City, Minn.
♦Hubbard W. K., Hodgensville,
♦Hubbell A. C., York, Neb.
♦Hubbell G. A.. Wing, N. Dak.
Howard J. B., Judson, N. D.
Hubbell H. B„ Maquoketa. Ia.
Howard J. D., W ashington, D. C. ♦Hubbell W.R., Falls Village,Conn.
♦Howard J. H., Danville, Ark.
♦H ubbert F . V., Blacksburg. Va.
♦Howard John, Jacksonville, Tex. ♦Huber A. C., Evansville, Ind.
Howard Jorgen, Kilder, N. D.
♦Huber C. J., Salisbury, Mo.
♦Howard J. R „ W rens, Ga.
Huber C. J., Webster, Fla.
H oward J. T „ Rogers, Ark.
♦Huber E. J., Shakopee, Minn.
Howard J. W., W yandotte, Okla. H uber F. A., Blair, Okl.
♦Howard Kyle, Frederic, Wis.
H uber F. B„ Nllwood, 111:
Hughbanks M. L., Austin, Ind.
H oward L. B., Coushatta. La.
♦Huber F. E ., F t. Atkinson, Ia.
Hughes A. C., Fairhaven, Vt.
H oward Leo, Sherburn, Minn.
♦Huber F. H. Mishawaka, Ing.
A. C., Salinas, Cal.
♦Howard O. R., El Reno, Okla.
H uber F. L., Paden, Okla.
♦Hughes A. H., Nashville, Ark.
♦Howard P. L., Chester, Ga.
H uber G. C„ Freeburg, 111.
. B., Norristown, Pa.
♦Howard P . D,. Masontown, Pa.
H uber George, Lizton, Ind.
Hughes LB. I., Rome, Ga.
Howard R. D., P atterson, Ga.
H uber H. O., Lakeview, O.
Hughes B. W., MedicalLake.Wash.
♦Howard Russell, Cherryvale,
H uber I. S., Shamokin, Pa.
Hughes B urnett, Richmond, Mo.
H uber J. A., Harvel, 111.
Hughes C. A., Temple, Tex.
♦Howard R. S., Portland, Ore.
♦Huber Louise M., Lancaster, N .i ♦Hughes C. B„ Richmond, Mo.
Howard S. J., Cherryvale, Kan.
H uber L. P.. Secaucus, N. J.
Hughes C. H., Mansfield, O.
Howard W. B., Lynn Grove, Ky.
♦Huber T. H., Burgettstown, P a ♦Hughes C. H., Stilwell, Okla.
♦Howard W. L.. M iami. Ariz.
H uber J. H., Athens, Ga.
Hughes C. K., Greencastle, Ind.
H ow at R., W ashington C. H., O.
♦Hughes C. L., Meridian, Miss.
♦Howbert W. I., Colorado Sp’gs, Hublicka Anna, Chicago, 111.
♦Hughes D. E., Prairie City, Ore.
H ubm er G. H., St. Clair, Minn.
Hughes D. E., Mertzon, Tex.
Howden C. J,, Fillmore, N. Y.
Huck W. F., Reynolds, N. D.
Hughes Dwight, Charleston, S.C.
Howden R. C.. Belfast. N. Y.
♦Huckin W. P., Okmulgee, Okla.
♦Huckins M aurice Francis, Okla. ♦Hughes E. B., Ham ilton, O.
Howe A. C.. L afayette Colo,
♦H uckstadt H. G„ Westmoreland, Hughes Ë. H., Columbia, Ky.
Howe A. F „ Buchanan, Mich.
Hughes E . T., Gretna, Neb.
♦Howe B. C., Auburn, Mich.
H uckstaedt G.O.,Rock Island,111.
Hughes F. B„ Sunnyvale. Cal.
Howe C. D., Worden, M ont.
Huddle J. E., Ivanhoe, Va.
Hughes F. O,, Delton, Mich.
Howe Charles R., Spencer, la.
♦Huddleston E., Albany, Ky.
Hughes G. O., Sanger, Tex.
♦Howe C. R. Spencer, la.
Huddleston T. A.. Oskaloosa, Kan Hughes George W., Gandy, Neb.
♦Howe Emil, W abasso. M inn.
♦Hudelson Clyde, Hughson, Cal.
♦Hughes H. 6 ., Shawnee, Ohio.
♦Howe E. G., Gardena, N. D.
Hudelsoh J. A.. Pomona, Kan.
Hughes H. W., Trenton, S. C.
♦Hudgen W. L., Altam ont, Kan.
Howe F. A., Orange, Mass.
♦Hudgens H. A., Goreville, 111.
♦Hughes J., Bells, Tex.
Howe Florrim on M .,B oston,M ass. Hudgens J. B„ Goreville, 111.
♦Hughes J. A., Mineóla, Tex.
Howe F.W ., Cherry Valley, 111.
Hudgens John A„ Pelzer, S. C.
Hughes J. D„ Quanah, Tex.
Howe H. C., Hillyard, Wash.
♦Hudgins C. T., Dallas, Ga.
Hughes J. F., St. M arys, Ga.
♦Howe J. A., 'M ontclair, N. J.
♦Hudgins J. B., Portsm outh, Va,
Hugues J . G., Bevier, Mo.
Howe J. B„ Arco, Minn.
♦Hudgins W. 6., Velasco, Tex.
Hughes J. G., H obart, Okla.
Hudgins W. T ., W arthen. Ga,
♦Howe J. E ., Greenfield, la.
Hughes J. G,, Morganville, Kan.
Howe J . F., Ionia, Mo.
Hughes J. O., Ames, Okl.
Hudkins C. Wilbur, Wash.
Hughes Leo., Ada, Okla.
Howe C. O., Summerfleld, Mo.
H udsen T. E. Beach, N. D.
Hughes Leo., Sparks. Okla.
♦Howe R.. A tlanta, Tex.
♦Hudson A. E., Laton, Cal.
Hughes M- J., Glendive, M ont.
Howe S. W., Orlando, Fla.
Hudson B. A., R andlett, Okla.
♦Hughes M. S., P ortland, Óre.
♦Howe T. J., Gotebo, Okla.
♦Hughes N„ Gillham, Ark.
♦Hudson G. E., Roberts, M ont.
♦Howell B. B., Uniontown, Pa.
♦Hughes R. G - Gozad. Neb.
Hudson C. H., Bremen, Ga.
♦Howell B. F., Rlverhead. N. 'S
Hudson C. W., Fort Benton, M ont. ♦Hughes R. L., Nevada, Mo.
♦Howell C. A., Winfield, W. Va.
Hughes R. M.. Greer, S. C.
♦Hudson F. W., Memphis, Mo.
Howell E. A., H ardin, Mont.
Hughes S. F., Topeka, Kan.
♦H udson G. F., Denver, Colo.
♦Howell F. A., Bloomington, 111.
H udson H. G., Blanchester, O.
Howell F. E., Bauxite, Ark.
Hughes W. A., Clifton, Tenn.
Hudson I. D., M etz, Mo.
Howell H. B„ Riverhead, N. Y.
Hughes W. J!. Berthold, N. D.
Hudson I. J., Pearsall, Tex.
♦Howell H. W., Powell, Wyo.
Hudson J. F., Charleston. W. Va. ♦Hughey G. E., Statesville, N. C.
Howell I. E „ W aldo, Ark.
Hughey J . W., Elkton, Tenn.
Hudson J. H., Capron, Okla.
♦Huhn H. L „ Chicago, 111.
Hudson J. L., Fairfax, Okla.
♦Howell J. C., F t. Gibson, Okla.
Huhn W. C., No. Freedom, Wis.
Hudson J. O., Bates City, Mo.
Howell L. A., Honesdale, Pa.
♦Huie B. S., Riverdale, Ga.
Hudson J. R., Middleton, Mich.
♦Howell M. A., Cromwell, la .
Hule G. M„ Riverdale, Ga.
♦Hudson J. R., Memphis, Mo.
Huie W. L,, Arkadelphia. Ark.
♦Howell M. H., New York, N. Y. ♦Hudson Lee, Americus, Ga,
Huigens B. J., Herrick, S. D.
Hudson L. L., Manor, Tex.
Howell R. W., Bryan, Tex.
Huizenga J. A., Rock Valley, Ia.
Hudson Ora, W eatherby, Mo,
Howell R. W.. Trenton, N. J.
♦Hukari Oscar, Frederick, S. D.
Howell V. J., Kirksville, Mo.
♦Hudson O. H.. M onett, Mol
Hukill F. W ., H inton, Okla.
Hudson P. L;, Avoca,'Wis.
Howell W. H., Osborne, Kan.
♦Hukill R. V., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Hudson R. F.. Louise, Tex.
Howell W. R „ Wills Point, Tex.
♦Howenstine D., Arapahoe, Okla. ♦Hudson Ross J., Decatur, Mich. ♦Hulac C. J.. Norfolk, Neb.
Hulee W. W., Eagle Lake, Minn.
♦Hudson R. M ., Milton, Ky.
Hower H. H., Danielsville, Pa.
Hulehan Owen E., Deer River,
Hudson R. W., Fairfield, Mo.
Hower N. L., Grayson, La.
M inn.
Hudson T. E „ Beach, N. D.
Hulen S. P., Clark, Mo.
♦Howerton Philip, Corpus Christi. Hudson W. P., Plain City, O.
♦H ulett L. T., Augusta, Mich.
♦H ulette A. A., F rankfort, Ky.
Howerton W. H., Jacksonville, H udspeth A. T., Marshall, Ark.
♦Hulin G. H., N. Y. City, N. Y.
H udspeth J., Atoka, Okla.
Hull D. J., Newéll. S. D.
♦Hudspeth Nora, Rule, Tex.
♦Howery G. O., Darlington, Wis.
♦Hull E. G., Winston, Mo.
♦Howes L. N., Williamsburg, la. ♦H udston J. W., Denver, Colo.
♦Hull H. C.. Dayton, Ò.
Hudtlofl W. E „ Wausau, Wis.
Howes M. P., Fredericktown, O.
H uebert G. B., Reedley, Cal.
Howiek C. H „ Celina, O.
Hull H erbert R ., Kirwin, Kan.
♦Huebert H. R., Lindsay, Cal.
♦Howison J. W., Bogata, Tex.
Hull I. L., Cordell, Okl.
♦Huebl C.y W atertown, Minn.
♦Howison Thos. Jr., Clovis, Cal.
♦Hull M . W., Conyers, Ga.
Howland C. M . P leasant Valley, ♦Huebner E. D., Wevef, la.
Hull R. C., Centerview, Mo.
♦Huebsch W. F., Le M ars, Ia.
♦Hull W. B., M echanicsburg, O.
♦Huebner 0 . F., Iowa City, Ia.
Howland H . A., Chicago, 111.
Huiler J. M ., St. Bernard, O.
Howland S. P., Cathlam et, Wash. ♦Huelsch W. F „ Oyens, Ia.
Hulm e J. H., D rum w ight, Okla.
H uenergardt G. J.. Lehigh, Kan.
♦Howie C. H., Oxford, Ala,
♦Hulmes Geo. H., Independence,
H owlett F. A., Gregory, Mich.
♦Huenink D. W., Sheboygan, Wis.
♦Howlett M . J., Gregory, Mich.
Huenink W m „ Cedar Grove, Wis. ♦Huis L. W., H anna, Okla.
Howze T. A., Palm etto, Fla.
Huesbach J. E ., Waumandee.Wis. H ulsart John, M anasquau, N. J.
♦Hoxie T. M ., E lectra, Tex.
♦Howard E. H., E ast Brady, Pa.
Howard E. H., F uquay Springs,
N. C.
Howard E . H., Ionia, Kan.
Howard E. O., Salt Lake City,
U tah
Howard E. S., Van Buren, Ind.
Howard F. J., Dearing, Ga.
♦Howard F. T., Zanesville, O.
Howard Fred, Atwood, Kan.
Howard G. A. J., Los Angeles, Cal.
Howard G. E ., M endon, Mo.
Howard Ira C., Seaman, O.
♦Howard Ivo A., New H aven, Ky.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Hülse J. J., Upper Sandusky, O.
Hulshizer W .S.Lam bertville.N. J.
Hulsey I. A., Bunker, Mo.
♦Hultgren A. G., St. Paul, M inn.
Hum ason, H. B., St. P aul, M inn.
♦H um ber E. E.. Lum pkin, Ga
H um ber R . T. Jr., R ichland, Ga.
H um bert J . F .. Keithsburg, 111.
Hum e C., Kingston, N. Y.
Hum e G. E., Oxnard, Cal.
Hum e J . H „ Hudson, Colo.
H um e T. H., St. Ansgar, Ia.
Hum e W. C., Lewiston, Mo.
Hum es E. O., Bunker Hill, K an.
♦Humes L. C., Memphis, Tenn.
Humlong R. G.. Germantown, Ky.
♦Hummel E. J., Hanford, Cal.
♦Hummel F. S., New Madrid', Mo.
♦Hummel! Carl, Shellrock, Ia.
H um m ert E „ Morrison, Mo.
H m nm ert V. J., Breese, 111.
Hum m ler Frank, 'Scranton, Pa.
H um phrey B. W., Walford, Ia.
Hum phrey C. H., Barnesville, Ga.
Hum phrey Dudley, Galeton, Pa.
Hum phrey F. J., Warsaw, N. Y.
Hum phrey F. W., Shawano, Wis.
♦Humphrey G. C., Oakland, Cal.
Hum phrey H. A., Chatham, N. Y.
Hum phrey J. L., Fosston, Minn.
♦Humphrey W. S , Gaylord, Mieh,
Hum phreys A. B., Gadsden,
♦Humphreys J. R „ Oregon City,
Hum phreys W .D.,Tarrytown,N.Y.
♦Humphries E. D„ Sac City, Ia,
♦Humphries R. L., Converse, S. C.
♦Humston C. R., Danville, Ind.
H uncker E. F „ St.Charles, Mo.
H und J. W., Paxico, Kan.
H ungate J. M., Warsaw, 111.
♦H ungate L. C., Van Hook, N. D.
♦Hungerford D., St. Paul, Ind.
Hungerford H. J., Burlington, Ia.
Hungerford W., St. Paul, Ind.
Hüngerpiller P. P., Elloree, S. C.
Hunke Edward. G utten berg. N. J.
Hunker T. J., W heatland, Okla.
Hunley Geo. W., G arnett, Kan.
♦H unnicutt R. T., Del Rio. Tex.
Hunoldstein C., D urant, Miss.
Hunsberger A. R., Hope. N. J.
♦Hunsicker J. L., Williamsport, O.
Hunsicker O. A., Morland, Kan.
Hunsicker T. C., Dalton, O.
♦Hunsoker E . L., A tlanta, Kan.
Hunsucker R. S., Lockesburg,Ark.
♦H unt A. D., Lincoln^ Mo.
H u n t A. F., Cresson, Pa.
H unt A. H., Colorado Springs,
♦H unt A. T., Scranton, Pa.»
H unt B. C„ Columbia, Mo.
H unt B. D., Geneva, Ia.
♦H unt B. E., Dundee, N. Y.
♦H unt B. L., Corning, N. Y.
H unt C. B., W asta, S. D.
♦H unt C. D., Lexington, N. C.
H unt C. F., South Haven, Mich.
H u n t C. F., Thomson, Ga.
H unt C. J., Oregon, Mo.
H u n tC . L.. Brownsburg, Ind.
H unt C. M ., Bradshaw, Tex.
♦H unt 0. P., N. Y. City, N. Y.
H u n t D. Eugene, W indham ,M ont.
H u n t D. N., Strong C ity, Okla.
H u n t E . W., Glney, Tex.
♦H unt Edna, Montrose, Colo.
H unt, F. E ., Glen Falls, Wis.
♦B unt G. E ., Exira, Ia.
H unt H. T ., Ashdown, Ark.
♦H unt H. V., W ashington, D. C.
♦H unt I. L., Lubbock, Tex.
♦H unt J. C., Bowie, Tex.
H u n t J . M ;, Cordele. Ga.
♦H unt J. W., Sulphur Spgs., Tex.
H unt N. B., Denver, Ind.
♦H unt Ocie, Bradshaw, Tex.
H unt P. L., Massillon, O.
♦H unt S. L„ Modoc, Ind.
♦H unt Stella H., Gallatin, Mo.
H unt T. S., L a Moure, N. D.
H unt W. A., Henderson, N. C.
♦H unt W. L., St. Paris, O.
H unt W. D„ Pem berton, N. J.
H unt W. E ., Mayville, Mich.
H unt W. H., Laingsburg, Mich.
H unt W. H „ Saranac, Mich.
♦H unt Wm. W., Columbus, Ga.
H unter A. C., Versailles, Ky.
H unter Bazel, St. Francis, M inn.
H unter B. B„ W ebster, Pa.
H unter C. F „ Mukwonago, Wis.
H unter C. M ., Alamogordo, N. M.
♦H unter C. M ., Grandfleld, Okla.
H unter C. M., Lexington, Ga.
H unter C. O., H artford, Ky.
♦H unter CL ».. Staunton, Va.
H unter D. R „ New Madrid, Mo,
H unter E. B., Sunbury, Pa.
♦H unter E. J., Roxton, Tex.
H unter E. T„ Beardstown, 111.
H unter G. M., Rockville, Md.
H unter G.W.,Williamstown,W.Va.
H unter H. B., Lowell. Ariz.
H unter
H unter
H unter
H unter

H. F., Lewisburg, W. Va.
H . K., W ater Valley, Miss.
H. P., E lberton, Ga.
H. T., Ellsworth, Pa.


H u n ter J.E .T ., Newport News, Va.
♦H unter J. G., Clerm ont, Ga.
♦H unter J. K „ Russellville, Mo.
H u n ter J. M., Baltim ore, Md.
H u n ter J . W ., Reynoldsville, Pa.
H u n ter L. H., Guide Rock, Neb.
♦H unter L. L., Castle Rock, Colo.
♦H unter W ., Henderson, N . C.
H unter W. D., Gary, Ind.
H u n ter W. D., Jackson, Minn.
H u n ter W. E ., Ham m ondsport,
N. Y.
H untington B. G., Columbus, O.
H untington O. E ., Longbeach,
♦H untington-E . C., Cum berland,
H untington H. G., Onawa, la .
H untington William, Verona,N.D.
H untley A. O., N.Bloomfield, O.
♦H untley Jr. W. L., M emphis,
♦H untley M. B., Elroy, Wis.

H utchinson Q. W., Ipswich, S. D.
♦Hutchinson R., La Grange, Ga.
Hutchinson W. F ., W interhaven,
Hutchinson W. J., Fennville,
Hutchison C. B., Temple, Tex.
♦Hutchison C. C., Bowie, Tex.
♦H utchison C. M ., W akeeney, K a.
Hutchison E. Y „ Mineral P oint,
Wis. ,
Hutchison G. G., Lake City, la .
Hutchison Harold, Brandon, Colo.
♦Hutchison J. M.'t Los Angeles,
♦H utchison John, Wesley, la .
♦Hutchison J. P., M ineral P oint,
Hutchison L. M„ Cullison, Kan.
Hutchison R.O.. Rockwell City, la .
♦Hutchison T. W., Pinole, Cal.
Hutchison W. D., Andalusia, Ala.
H uthm acher R. C.. G rand Tower,

H untoon C. H „ Mill Valley, Cal. .
H untoon J. E., Sacram ento, Cal.
♦Hunziker H. H ., Knox C ity, Mo.
♦Hunziker H. W., M ichigan City,
♦Hupp C. R., Oakesdale, Wash.
H upp H. G., Somonauk, 111.
H upp J., Laporte, Ind.
♦Hupp W. B., M arshall, Mo.
H u ra A. L., Pearl C ity, 111.
H urd B. F., Woodville, Wis.
H urd G. W ., Alexander, N. D.'
H urd F. S., Broken Arrow, Okla.
♦H urd J. W., Cave Springs, Ark.
♦H urd J., Paxico, Kan.
♦Hurd T . D .. Riverside, Cal.
♦H urd W. N., Cave Springs, Ark.
H urdle O. V.. Shelley, Ida.

H uthsteiner W. F „ Tell City, Ind.
H utsell J., Granby, Mo.
♦H utt L. F „ Pine Bluff, Ark.
H utto R. W ., Cordell, Okla.
H u tto n F. L., Newport, Neb.
H u tto n J. D., Shelbyville, Tenn,
H u tto n L. L., Sugar Grove, Va.
H utton W. R., H untsville, Ala.
*H utton, W. W., Birmingham,
H utzell E. E., Hagerstown, Md.
H utzier J. F.. Butler, Pa.

H urlb u rt F. T., Condon, Ore.
H u rlb u rt H. H.. Tully, N . Y.
H urlb u rt R. E., Utica, Neb.
♦H urlbut O. J., Denver, Colo.
♦H urlbut S. S., Ferris, Tex.
H urley A. W., Pawhuska, Okla.
♦Hurley H. ML, Pawhuska, Okla.
♦Hurley J. E ., Sedalia, Mo. •
H urley J. J „ Ladd, 111.
♦Hurley Leon S., Seaford, Del.
♦Hurley M ina, H anover, M inn.
♦H urst F. P., W aterloo, la.
H urst G. A., Winslow, Ind.
H u rst G. F., Yale, Okla.
♦H urst J. M., Chicago, 111.
H u rst J . S., Wilmer, Tex.
♦H urst Simpson, Pawnee, Okla.
H u rst W. R.. Beaver, Pa.
♦Hurston J. E., Tuscum bia, Ala.
♦H urt C. L., Burnside, Ky.
H u rt Clyde, K entland, Ind.
♦H urt E . E ., Clifton Hill, M o.
♦H urt F. R ., Halls, Tenn.
♦H urt F. W., Chisholm, Minn.
♦H urt G., Newport, Ark.
H u rt G. P., Martin, Tenn.
H u rt Joseph M., Blackstone, Va.
H u rt W. H., Kilmichael, Miss.
♦Husak F. J., Clutier, la .
Husband W. L., Ava, 111.
♦H usbands S. H., Florence, S. C.
♦Huse F. A., W arsaw, Mo.
♦Huseby O. O., Wheelock, N. D.
♦Husemen L. E., P ittsburgh, Pa.
♦Huset E . O., Radium , M inn.
Hush G. B., Raym ond, O.
♦Huskey M . G., Gaffney, S. C.
Husm an H. A., Ohlman, 111.
♦Huss A. W., Munich, N. D.
♦Hussey G. O., Lyons, Ga.
Hussey H. O., Bucksport, Me.
*Hussey R. B., N antucket, M ass.
♦H ustad K., Vesta. M inn.
H usted W. C„ W est Chester, Pa.
Husted W..D., Mansfield, Pa.
H usting J. R.. Fredericksburg, la .
H uston C. R., Blandinsville, 111.
H uston C. S.. Baring, Mo.
♦H uston D. L., Bloomfield, Ky.
H uston F. F., Custer, Okla.
H uston F. S., Otis, Colo.
H uston Guy, Blandinsville, 111.
♦Huston J. E ., Blandinsville. 111.
♦H uston O. J., Greenwich, O.
H uston P. H., Cedar Rapids, la.
H uston R. B., Salem, Neb.
♦H uston R. W., Selma, Ala.
♦H uston S. E., W harton, O.
H uston W. S., M arshall. Mo.
H utcheraft C., Belle Prairie, 111.
Hutcherson G. C., Bellaire, Kan.
H utcheson C. G., Kansas City, Mo.
Hutcheson J. O., Edinburg, Va.
Hutcheson J. D., Springtown, Tex.
♦Hutcheson R. G., Adrian, Ga.
♦Hutchings M attie, Halls Sum­
m it, Kan.
H utchins Charles, Davis, Okla.
H utchins E. A., Columbus, Tex.
♦H utchins G. S„ Shubert, Neb.
♦Hutchins W. H., Jr.. Senath. Mo;
♦Hutchinson D. H., Argonia, Kan.
H utchinson E. E., Allentown, N .J,
Hutchinson E. G.. Phoenix, N. Y.
H utchinson G., Fairbanks, Alaska.
♦H utchinson H. C., Cleveland, O.
♦Hutchinson H. M ., E. Fairview,
N. D.
H utchinson J. E., Kewaunee, Wis.
H utchinson J. F., Union, Ore.
Hutchinson Miles,. Jr., Purdin,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Hux C. A., Dowagiac, Mich.
♦H uxtable E. C., Hastings, Neb.
H uyette W,. Clarkston, W ash.
♦Hyames Fred, Dighton, Kan.
H y a tt A. G., P ennington Gap, Va.
♦H yatt J. R., W ichita Falls, Tex.
H y a tt R . L., Monticello, Ark.
♦H yatt R. V., M idland, Tex.
♦H ybskm ann E. W., Vermillion,
H ybskm ann P. H., Vermillion,
Hyde Alvan, W are, Mass.
♦Hyde C. M„ Corning, N. Y.
H yde E. U., Orangeville, O.
♦Hyde F. J., Franklin, Tenn.
H yde F . W ., Jam estow n, N. Y.
♦Hyde G. W., Boston, Mass.
H yde L. C., Visalia, Cal.
♦Hyde Lillian D., Lenapah, Okla.
♦Hyde O. L ., Grano, N. D.
H yde U. H., Buchanan, Va.
H ydel S. M„ W illiston, N. D.
H yer Henry, L ittle Falls, N. J.
H y ett J. W., Sllverton, Ore.
H yland R. Ä., Hollenberg, Kan.
♦Hyland R. A., W ashington, Kan.
♦Hylbe C. W., Reedy, W. Va.
H ym an E. P., Hobgood, N. C.
Hynes W. E., Tolley, N. D.
♦Hyry C. G., N. Y. Mills, M inn.
Hyslop J. A., Swissvale, Pa.

Iansen Floor, Harwood, Tex.
♦Ibach H. F., Alma, Wis.
Ibach S. P.. Alma. Wis.
Ickes W alter, Alamosa, Colo.
Tckler L. H., St. Paul, M inn.
♦Iddings F. R., Red Oak, la.
Iden A. M ., E tn a Green, Ind.
♦Iden M ary A., E tn a Green, Ind.
Idol F rank, Robinson, Kan.
Idol V. A. J., High Point. N. C.
Idol W. C„ High Point, N. C.
♦Idsvoog A rthur, Binford, N. D.
Iehl E. A., Melvin, 111.
♦Iehl W. C., Melvin, 111.
♦Ifer Flo., Delaware, Okla.
Iffiand Jr., J. C., Riga, Mich.
♦Iffrig H. J., St. Peters, Mo.
♦Igou J. W., Guymon, Okla.
♦Igou T . N ., M ason C ity, la .
Ilm en G. B., La Prairie, 111.
Ihrig H. G., Gerster, Mo.
Ikeler F rank, Bloomsburg, Pa.
♦Iliff Z. W., Lecom pton, Kan.
Illig H. G.. Womelsdorf, Pa.
Ilsley Wm., Newburyport, Mass.
Im bier H. F.. St. John, Wash.
Im M asche E. O., Cedar Point,
♦Immel John P., Chicago, 111.
lm m el Joseph P., Chicago, 111.
♦Immel P . M., Sykeston, N. D.
Im sdahl H. O., Brooten, Minn.
Im us E. N., Davenport, Wash.
♦Inabinet O. E ., Orangeburg, S. C.
Ingalls I. A.. Kingsley. Ia.
Ingalls J., H artford, Mich.
Ingalls J. R., Bushnell, O.
♦Ingels A. D., Horton, Kan.
♦Ingels C. C., Gallipolis, Ohio
Ingels J. C., Gallipolis, 0 .
♦Ingersoll, W. J. M ayville, Mich.
♦Ingham J. K ,, Colony, Kan.
♦Ingham Rolla T., Kenney, 111.
♦Ingham Rolla T ., Clinton, 111.
Ingle J. A.. Grand View, Tex.
Inglehart W. E ., Poplar, M ont.
♦Inglis D. A., N ew ark, N. J.
Inglis N. A., H am pton, la.
♦Inglish Douglas, Lam ar, Mo.
Inglish W m ., Chilhowee, Mo.
Ingold A. M., Morganton, N. C.
♦Ingold H. A., Newton, Kan.
Ingraham A. G., Chicago, 111.

Ingraham C. H., La H arpe, 111.
♦Ingraham W. L.. Chicago, 111.
♦Ingram A. S., New York. N. Y.
Ingram E. W „ Eatonton. Ga.
♦Ingram Frank, Cleves, O.
♦Ingram H. L., Earlsboro, Okla.
Ingram Howard, L am ont, Okla.
Ingram J. C., Milledgeville, Ga.
♦Ingram R. É ., So. Boston, Va.
Ingram Robert, Russell Sp'gs.K y.
Ingram T. R., Lewes, Del.
♦Ingram Victor, Saltfork, Okla.
Ingram W. A., Jackson, Tenn.
Ingram , W. M ., Rice, Tex.
Ingvaldson H., Fessenden, N. D.
Ingvaldson H ., Heim dal, N. D.
Ingwersen C. J., W yom ing, Ia.
♦Inkster J. J., D avenport, Wash.
Inm an Austin W., Fillmore, Ind.
Inm an C. E „ P lattsburg, N. Y
♦Inm an W alter, Jasper, Ala.
♦Innés C. A., Canton, Pa.
♦Innés F. W., W ilkes-Barre, Pa.
Innés P . T ., M ilroy, Ind.
Ixmess R. J„ Morristown, M inn.
♦Innis E . E ., M eade, Kan.
Insall T . W., A nthony, N. M.
♦Inskeep A. E ., Lewiston, O.
Insley F. L., Cheriton, Va.
♦Intlehouse E . H ., D e Lamere,
N. D.
Ipson N. P., Beaver. U tah.
♦Irby E., Boswell, Ökla.
Irb y W. S., Kenbridge, Va.
Ireland B. R.. Lexington. Mo.
Ireland C. H ., W ashburn, 111.
Ireland C. O., Amityville, N. Y.
♦Ireland O. S., Urbana, O.
Ireland Willis, Hillsboro. Ore.
♦Ireton C. W., P ay ette, Ida.
Irick G. B., Boone, Ia.
Irish C. J., Kellogg, Ia.
Irish E. S., Denver, Colo.
Irish W. S., N. Y. City, N. Y.
Irvin Alexander, W ashington, Ga.
Irvin E . F ., Sinclairville, N. Y.
Irvin Eugene, ReidsviUe, N. C.
Irvin F. P., Piqua, O.
Irvin J. R., Stone M ountain, Ga.
Irvin John, Broughton, ill.
♦Irvin R . E ., Jam eson, Mo.
♦Irvine B. W., Hinsdale, 111.
Irvine C. W ., Independence, Ore.
Irvine E. J., Libby, M ont.
Irvine H. L., Stanley, Ia.
♦Irvine J. C., Albany, Ore.
Irvine M. F., New Hope, Ala.
♦Irving J. B„ Victor, Colo.
♦Irving J. H., M orrillton, Ark.
Irwin C. Findlay, Sandersville.
Irwin C. R., North Fairfield, O.
♦Irwin E dna, Oakley, Kan.
Irwin F. W., Oakley, Kan.
Irwin L. M., Avella, Pa.
Irwin M. H., Coal Creek, Tenn.
Irwin O. H., H untingdon, Pa.
Irwin O. J., Dum ont, Ia.
♦Irwin R ., M inden, Neb.
♦Irwin Verney, Kirklin, Ind.
Irw in W. A., Belle Plaine, Ia.
Irwin W. E „ Sylvania, O.
♦Irwin W. J., Hamersville, O.
♦Isaacs C. R., Rockdale, Tex.
Isaacs John E., Gravel Switch, Ky.
♦Isaacs S. E., Thompson, Ia.
Isaacson T. E., Thompson, Ia.
♦Isackson Dena, Berlin, N. D.
Isam inger A. C., Arena, N. D.
Isbell C. L., Logan, Ia.
Isbell T., Munday, Tex.
Isenbarger C. W., Lacrosse, Ind.
♦Isenberg M abel R., Nordhoff,Cal.
♦Isenburg C. Ray. Ashton, Ga.
♦Isensee H.W ., K arnes City, Tex.
Iseri R. K., Sacramento, Cal.
♦Ish H.- G., Helena, M ont.
Isham W. C., Burlington, Vt.
Isham H. A., Martin City, Mo.
♦Isham Ona M ., Buffalo Gap, S.D.
♦Isham W. C., Hominy. Okla.
♦Isom W. L., Spartanburg, S. C.
Isted Charles. Eustis. F.
Iverson A. F., Popejoy, Ia.
♦Iverson A.O., W estbrook, M inn.
♦Iverson E. U., Hardwick, Minn.
♦Iverson B., Souris, N. D.
Iverson Edward Atchison. Kan
♦Iverson E . O., A ltam ont, S. D.
Iverson Tver, Nörthwood, Ia.
♦Irverson J. H ., Lake City,M ich.
Iverson N., Mohall, N. D.
♦Ives A. G., Scranton, Pa.
Ives F. H., Lake City, Fla.
Ives S. A., Harrellsville, N. C.
♦Ivey H. D., Los Angeles, Cal.
♦Ivey J. H ., Talladega, Ala.
♦Ivey J. T., Luverne, Ala.
♦Ivey T. E ., Los Angeles. Cal.
Ivy G. J., H untington, Tex.
♦Iwert F. J., Loraine, N. D.
Izard H. R., Danville, W. Va.
♦Izard J. J., Van Buren, Ark.

♦Jaaksi John, Ishpeming, Mich.
♦Jabe Anna, Tama, la.
Jabes Wm. W.. W ichita, Kan.
♦Jack A. R., Fresno, Cal.
Jack C., Jr., Hillsboro, Ore.
Jack C. C-, Chillicothe, O.

Jack O. L.. Hinckley, M inn.
♦Jack L. McK., Portsm outh, Va.
♦Jack Othie, L aporte, Ind.
♦Jack R. C., Newton, 111.
♦Jackerson O. E., Hickson, N. D.
♦Jackm an A. D uane, Lake Forest,
Jackm an E. E., Grant, Neb.
Jackm an F. H., Janesville, Wis.
♦Jackm an J.W ., Silver Creek, Neb,
JacksonA.B.,Lanes Bottom ,W .Va.
Jackson A. Ó., Dayton, O.
Jackson A. D., Mexico, Mo.
Jackson B. I., Ariton, Ala.
Jackson B. Ó., H am burg, Ark.
♦Jackson C. A., Gentry, Mo..
♦Jackson O. A., Dewey, 111.
♦Jackson C. B., Honey Grove, Tex.
Jackson C. C., Osborn, O.
♦Jackson Charles E., Tallapoosa,
Jackson C, E.. Dewey, 111.
♦Jackson C. N ., A lturas, Cal.
Jackson C. N.. Greeley, Colo.
♦Jackson C. R., Lebanon, S. D.
Jackson E. B., Marlon, 111.
♦Jackson E. F., Rogers, Ark.
Jackson E. R.. Blanchardville.W ls.
Jackson E . T ., Renner, Tex. '
Jackson F. C.. Menomonie. Wis.’
Jackson F. L., Welch, Okla.
♦Jackson F rank, Woodruff, Kan.
Jackson G., Indianapolis, Ind.
♦Jackson G. A., Chicago, 111.
♦Jackson G. H., W arren, Pa.
♦Jackson G. W., Dayton, Wash.
Jackson H arry C., Los Angeles,
♦Jackson H. E., Milton, W. Va.
Jackson H. T ., Belgrade, Neb.
Jackson Isaac. Uniontown. Pa.
Jackson Jr., J. Maryville, Mo.
♦Jackson Jam es, Monticelio, Ark.
Jackson Jam es, W oodstock, Minn,
Jackson J. B., Anna, 111.
Jackson J. O., M organ. M inn.
Jackson J . C., Granville, Tenn.
♦Jackson J. G., Angleton, Tex.
♦Jackson J. G., Cape Charles, Va.
Jackson J. G„ Arlington, Ga.
Jackson J. L„ Bonner Springs,Kan.
Jackson J. L.. Sum m it. Miss.
Jackson J. M .. Biteley, M ich.
Jackson J. Miller, Kenova, W.Va.
Jackson J. R., Shiloh, Ga.
Jackson Jesse W., M onticello, Fla.
Jackson L. P.. W est Chester, Ia.
Jackson L. V., Moccasin, M ont.
Jackson Naam an, Logan, W. Va.
♦Jackson Paul, Austwell, Tex.
♦Jackson P. S., Peterm an. Ala.
Jackson R. A„ Lebanon, S. D.
Jackson R. C., Manilla, ia.
Jackson R. E ., Chariton, Ia.
Jackson R. F., C ity P oint, Va.
♦Jackson R obert, Grygla, M inn.
♦Jackson Robert, E ast Newark,
N. J.
Jackson R. R., Blair, Okla.
Jackson T. F., Dahlonega, Ga.
♦Jackson W. B., Medford, Ore.
Jackson W. B., G oldthwaite, Tex.
♦Jackson W. E ., Beritonville, Ark.
Jackson W. H., Liberty, Miss.
Jackson W. L., W inder, Ga.
Jackson W .R . P., Monroe City,Mo.
♦Jackson W. W ., M etz, Mo.
♦Jackstadt W. A., Nogales, Ariz.
♦Jacob Chas. H ., W aukesha, Wis.
Jacob G., Plainview, Tex.
Jacobi G. K., Bast Grand Forks,
Jacobs A. C., Ollie, Ia.
♦Jacobs A. H., G uttenberg, Ia.
♦Jacobs A. W., H artford, Conn
Jacobs E. B., Alba, Mo.
Jacobs E. F., Lima, 111.
♦Jacobs B. L., San Francisco, .Cal
Jacobs E rnest B., Carthage, Mo.
Jacobs F. P., Bridgeport, Ala.
Jacobs F. W., San Jose, 111.
Jacobs G. L., Waco, Ga.
Jacobs H. G., Scottsboro, Ala.
Jacobs H., Lennox, S. D.
♦Jacobs I. H., Red Lion, Pa.
Jacobs J. G., Goodwell, Okla.
Jacobs J. N.. Doylestown, Pa.
Jacobs L. W., F ayette, Mo.
Jacobs M. A., Beaver Dam , Wis.
♦Jacobs R. A., Scottsboro, Ala.
Jacobs S. W., Motley, Minn.
♦Jacobs Verna, Arrowsmith, 111.
♦Jacobsen A. V., Vicksburg, Mich.
Jacobsen C. C.. Mapleton, Ia.
♦Jacobsen J. O., D anbury, la.
♦Jacobsen Jam es C., E lk Horn, Ia.
Jacobsen W. J., Howard, S. D.
Jacobsen W ., Jr.. Luverne. Minn.
Jacobson A.. Alexandria, Minn.
♦Jacobson Bert, Lee, 111.
♦Jacobson C. A., Red Oak, Okla.
Jacobson O. M ., Renfrow, Okla.
♦Jacobson O. O., Dazey, N. D.
Jacobson G. J., W alum, N. D.
Jacobson H. P.. Thornton, Ia.
♦Jacobson J. N ., Alexander, N. D.
♦Jacobson K. E ., C anton, S. D
♦Jacobson L. A., B ryant, S. D.
Jacobson P. J.. Gilman, Ia.
Jacobson S., W akbnda, S. D.

Jacobson S. A., Moose Lake, M inn'
Jacobus D. W., Augusta, M ont.
Jacoby M . W ., Hornell, N. Y.
Jacoby O. D., Oakland, Cal.
♦Jacox L. C., F o rt Morgan, Colo.
Jacquem in C. N., Oskaloosa, Kan.
Jacques F. A. Jr., Alexandria,Neb.
Jadw in B., Chicago, 111.
♦Jaebker F. W „ Decatur, Ind.
♦Jaeckles J. N ., Chilton, Wis.
Jaedicke O. L., Hanover, Kan.
Jaeger Ö. W., W estby, Wis.
♦Jaeger G. E ., San Diego, Cal.
Jaeger W. H ., Lesueur Center,
♦Jaeggli C. I., Hermleigh, Tex.
Jaeggli F. W., Cuero, Tex.
Jaffa J . J., Roswell, N. M.
♦Jagels A. H., D avenport, la.
Jagels R. L., Davenport, Neb.
♦Jaggar S. M ,, Oakley, Kan.
Jaggar V., Oakley, Kan.
♦daggers 9. B., M onticelio, Ark.
♦Jaggie L. F., Eagle Pass, Tex.
Jagoe A. L-, Okolona. Miss.
♦Jain Lew., Jr., Genesee, Ida.
♦James A. L., Baker, Ore.
Jam es Alex. C.. New London, Mo.
Jam es C. L., Archie, Mo.
♦James C. H „ Philadelphia. Pa.
Jam es C. R., St. Matthews, S. C.
♦James D. F., Ipswich, S. D.
Jam es David, Montfort, Wis.
♦James E . A., Boston, Mass.
Jam es E. A., Tonopah, Nev.
♦James E. E „ Monterey, Cal«
Jam es F. M., Hitchcock, S. C.«
Jam es F. V., D enm ark, S. C.
Jam es H. E ., Guymon, Okla.
Jam es Henry, Abilene, Tex.
Jam es H inton, Laurinburg, N. C.
♦James H untington, Kankakee,

♦James Ira, Braym er, Mo.
♦James J. B., O ttaw a, Kan.
Jam es J. B., Slater, Mo.
♦James J. J., Moulton, la.
Jam es J. L., Thornton, la.
♦James L. D., Pennsboro, W. Va.
♦James M., B., Sutton, W. Va.
♦James M . D., Greer, S. C,
♦James R. L., Independence,Kan.
Jam es R. N., Gibson, Tenn.
Jam es S. Jr., Springville, la.
Jam es T. E ., M iami, Fla.
Jam es W. H., Greenville, Tex.
Jam es W. T., Kilmarnock, Va.
♦James W. W.. Belton, Tex.
Jam eson C. C., Sac City, la.
♦Jameson F., Danville, Pa.
Jam eson Guy M. Crystal, N. D.
♦Jameson V. L., Judsonia, A rk .,
♦Jameson W. J., Sidney, N. Y.
♦Jamieson B. S., Covington, Tenn.
Jam ieson C. T„ W ellington, O.
♦Jamieson F rank, Ponca, Okla.
♦Jamieson H. C., M adison, Wis.
Jam ieson H. P., Poynette, Wis.
Jam ieson J. J., Shullsburg, Wis.
♦Jamison A. E ., Sherman, Tex.
♦Jamison A. W „ Prosper, Tex.
Jam ison B. M ., Angelton, Tex.
Jam ison B. U.. Elizabeth. Colo.
Jam ison D. R., Aberdeen, M d.
♦Jamison F. H „ Oelweih, la .
Jam ison H. N., Newburgh, N. Y.
Jam ison Jo h n W., Rich Hill, Mo.
♦Jamison N. E ., Fairm ont, W. Va.
Jam ison R. B„ Oelweln, la.
♦Jamison S. M ., Apollo, Pa.
♦Jamison W. W., Dillon, M ont.
Jam isom W. T., Dayton, Texas.
Jam ouneau W. H., E ast Newark,
N. J.
♦Janasco J. J., Grangeville, Ida.
Jan d a V. H „ Kewaunee, Wis.
Janes D. T „ Leroy, Tex.
♦Jankowski Clara, Ashton, Neb.
♦Jankowski Joseph, Ashton, Neb.
Jan s H. G., Oldham, S. D.
Jansen A. H., Edgerton, M inn.
♦Jansen A. J., Davenport, la .
♦Jansen Frits. La Fayette, La.
♦Jansen G. A., Trosky, M inn.
Janson Joseph, Columbia, Pa.
Janszen A. G., Cibolo, Tex.
♦Jantz D., Dolton, S. D.
Ja n u ary F. P „ Haswell, Colo.
Janzen A., M ountain Lake, Minn.
Janzen C. N., Hazen, N. D.
Japson Roy, Big Lake, Tex.
Jaq u a J. A., Portland, Ind.
Jaques A, E„ Poseyville, Ind.
♦Jaquess M., Urbana, 111.
♦Jaquith C. C.. Selling, Okla.
♦Jargo John, Preston, la.
♦Jarm an Jerry, Nowlin,19. D.
Jarm u th L. T„ St. Lawrence, S. D.
Jarm u th W. H. Heron Lake, Minn.
Jarnagin H. B., Sneed ville, Tenn
♦Jarnagin W. N., Chicago, 111.
Jarolem an J. L., Muskogee, Okla.
J a rra tt B. F „ Stony Creek, Va.
Ja rra tt M. E., Batesvilie, Miss.
♦Jarratt R. B., Fincastle, Va.
Jarrell R obert, Jr., Goldsboro. Md
♦ Jarrett M rs. J. W., Dover, Ark.
Ja rre tt J. W., Dover, Ark.
♦Jarshaw Louis, Fredericksburg,
♦Jarvis C. L., Sigourney, la.
♦Jarvis C. 9., Fairview, W. Va.
Jarvis D. G., Troy, 111.
♦Jarvis F. E., W eston, W. Va.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

♦Jarvis F. E ., Winfield, Kan.
♦Jarvis G. Li, Winfield, Kan.
Jarvis M. F., Winfield, Kan.
Jarvis M. T., Birmingham, Mich.
Jarvis R„ Keswick, la.
♦Jarvis W. I., Millington, Md.
Jasper C. M ., Plano, Tex.
♦Jasper G. F „ Quincy, 111.
♦Jasper Ray M., Plano, Tex.
Jasper T. C., Plano. Tex.
♦Jay D., Clairemont, Tex.
♦Jay D. B., Clairemont, Tex.
Jay J. B., Clairemont, Tex.
Ja y R. A., Jayton, Tex.
♦Jay W. D., Jonesboro, Ind.
♦Jay W. P., Beaufort, 9. C.
Jayne I. A., Belmont, Wis.
Jayne S. C., Berwick, Pa.
♦Jaynes C. B., Twisp, Wash.
♦Jaynes N., Humphreys, Mo.
Jedlan John W., Cicero, 111.
♦Jefferds O. M., N. Y. City, N. Y.
Jeffers C. W., Wheeling, W. Va.
Jeffers G. W., Wheeling, W. Va.
Jefferson Philetus, Federalsburg,
♦Jeffords F. M ., M iami, Fla.
♦Jeffus T., Deport. Tex.
Jeffery J. C., Hancock, Mich.
Jeffress W, E „ Jonesboro, La.
♦Jeffrey Fred, Martinsburg, Neb.
Jeffrey G. S., Sloan, la.
Jeffries Daniel, Chincoteague Isle,
♦Jeffries Homer, Russell, la .
♦Jeffries M erritt, Kansas City,
Jeffryes Eli, Trinidad, Colo.
Jeglum Clarence, Adams, N. D.
Jehn W. E., Glidden, Wis.
Jelinek Albert, Montrose, Kan.
♦Jelinek A. J., M ontrose, Kan.
♦Jelinek Fred, Clarkson, Neb.
♦Jelinek M . F., Bowbells, N . D.
♦Jelinek W. A., Bonesteel, 9. D.
Jelks N. A., Hawkinsvllle, Ga.
♦Jellison C. R., Wilson, Kan.
Jemison C. A., Temple, Okla.
♦Jendricks I. E „ Johnstown, Pa.
Jenerette N. H., Mullens, 9. O.
♦Jenings D. A., Flatonia, Tex.
♦Jenkins Blanche, Joplin, Mo.
Jenkins C. D., Bokoshe, Okla.
♦Jenkins C. M., Osage. Okla.
Jenkins Edward. Jameson, Mo.
Jenkins E. L., Garden City, 9. D.
♦Jenkins E. L., Tilden, Neb,
♦Jenkins E. W., Worcester, Mass.
Jenkins G., Appalachia, Va.
♦Jenkins Glenn D .,Hum boldt,Neb
Jenkins G. E., Chillicothe, la .
Jenkins H. F., Newport, Ore.
♦Jenkins J. F., Carthage, 9. D.
Jenkins J. H., Advance, Mo.
Jenkins J. J., Siler City, N. G.
Jenkins L. E „ Swaledale, la.
♦Jenkins Miss McBride, 9tatesville, N. C.
♦Jenkins M. O., Amboy, M inn.
♦Jenkins R. R., Lakeview, Mich.
Jenkins T. B„ Joplin, Mo.
♦Jenkins T. C., Ravenna, O.
♦Jenkins U. I., Buckhannon, W.Va
♦Jenkins V. B., Savannah, Ga.
♦Jenkins W. C., Norfolk, Va.
Jenkins W. E„ Preston, Ga.

♦Jensen A rthur, Minden, Neb.
Jensen G., Faulkton, S. D.
♦Jensen C. D., Clements, Minn.
Jensen C. D:-; Perry, Okl a.
♦Jensen C. W., Clearbrook, Minn.
Jensen D. P „ Richfield, Utah.
Jensen H. A., Circle, M ont.
♦Jensen H. T ., Luck, Wis.
♦Jensen J., Boelus, Neb. ,
.♦Jensen J. O., Leal, N. D.
♦Jensen Jorgen, Bison, 9. D.
Jensen J. P., Goodridge, M inn.
Jensen J. 9., Foxhome, M inn.
Jensen Lauritz, Clearbrook, Minn.
Jensen M. P., Crockett, Tex.
Jensen N.. Boelus, Neb.
Jensen N. N., Florisant, Mo.
♦Jensen Peter, Lexington, Neb.
♦Jensen R. C., Gardnerville, Nev.
Jensen Val., Minden, Neb. .
Jensen V. C.. Elliott. N. D.
Jenson Andrew, Edgerton, Wis.
Jenson A. W., M arquette, Neb.
♦Jenson Chas., L ittle Falls, M inn.
♦Jenson Henry, Cooledge, Tex.
Jenson J. M„ Clifton, Tex.
♦Jenson O. P., Barstow, T e x .,
Jenson R. M ., Grand F orks,N . D.
♦Jenson W. E., Nicollet, M inn.
♦Jenstad Anton, Plaza, N. D♦JeppesenF . J., Iron wood, Mich.
Jepsen J. P.. Dike, la:
♦Jepson C. P.. Campus, 111.
♦Jepson Weir, E lk Point, 9. D.
♦Jernigan G. 9., Jr., Am ity, Ark.
Jernigan H. W „ McCrory, Ark.
Jerome C, A„ Plainfield, Conn.
♦Jerome T. G., Rosehill, N. C.
Jerrell E. J., Cape May, N. J.
Jertson John O., Graettinger, la.
♦Jertson L. A., Hazel Run, M inn.
♦Jeske M. E „ Aurora, 111.
Jesmer Fred, New Brighton,
♦Jesse J. R., Mexico, Mo.
♦Jessee B. E„ Santa Maria, Cal.
Jessee J. W., Dayton, Wash.
Jesseph W ard, Edwail, Wash.
Jessup B. L., Abbyville, Kan.
♦Jessup Theodore. Chicago. 111.
♦Jester H. C., Corsicana, Tex.
♦Jester Homer, Oxford, Kan.
Jester H. W.. Dallas, Tex.
Jeter W. W., Boswell, Okla.
J e tt F. C., Reedviile, Va.
♦Jett H. B., M arietta. O.
J e tt R. E., Leola, Ark.
♦Jewell E. F., Sebastopol, Cal.
Jewell E. H., Manlstlque, Mich.
Jewell J. L., Maringouin, La.
♦Jewell R. A„ Clinton, Ky.
Jew ett E. A., Fergus Falls, Minn.
Jew ett E. C., Woodstock, 111.
Jew ett G. C., Palouse, Wash,
♦Jewett M. G„ Milford, N. H.
♦Jewitt Noel, Osgood, Mo.
♦Jewson Geo. A., Birnamwood,
Jillson F. A., Woonsocket, R. I.
♦Jinnings J. A., Edgerton, O.
Joachim D. M., Greenway, 9. D.
♦Job Z„ Butte, Mont.
Jobes H. C., Kansas City. Mo.
♦Joce Thomas, Creston, 111.
Joesting G. A., Alton, 111.
Johannaber W. F., Rockford, la .
Johannes A. F „ Pow hattan, Kan.
Johannes E. C., Nicollet, Minn.
Johansen A. C., Enumclaw, Wash.
♦Johansen H. T., New York City,
N. Y.
♦Johanson C. J., M idland, 9. D.
John V. H., Laona, Wis.
♦Johnason W.O., M arquette, Mich.
Johnes J. H., Hightstown. N. J.
♦Johns C. E., Noblesville, Ind.
Johns E. F., Chickasha, Okla.
Johns H. A., Carnegie, Pa.
Johns H. H., Crafton, Pa.
♦Johns J. 9., Auburn, Cal.
Johnsen C. J., Donovan, 111.
Johnsen F. 9., Donovan, 111.
♦Johnsen O. P., Donavan, III.
Johnson A., Baldwin, N. D.
♦Johnson A. A., Johnsonburg, Pa.
♦Johnson Ada, H artland, M inn.
Johnson Adolph, Kackley, Kan.
♦Johnson Anna B., Bussey, la.
♦Johnson Anita, 9tockwpU, In d ,
Johnson A., Gardar, N. D.
Johnson A. A., W arren, Minn.

Jenkjns W. L., Charlotte, N. C.
Jenkins Wm., 9ultan, Wash.
♦Jenkins W. O., Central City, Colo.
♦Jenkins W. R„ Oskaloosa, Kan.
♦Jenkinsoh A., Rockford, la.
Jenks A. P., Logansport, Ind.
♦Jenks C. N., Bponville, N. Y.
Jenks C. P „ Trego, Wis.
Jenks Frank, Knobnoster, Mo.
Jenks H. A.. Phoenixville. Pa.
Jenks F. T.. Minong, Wis.
♦Jenks Gertrude, Trego, Wis.
♦Jenks Ralph, Welda, Kan.
Jenks R. S., St. Clair, Mich.
Jenks R. M„ Loyal, Wis.
Jennings C. H., Whitefish, Mont.
Jennings E „ Junction, 111.
Jennings H. B., Davenport, Neb.
♦Jennings H arry W., M arshall­
town, la.
♦Jennings Ida K., Necedah, Wis.
Jennings J., Parsons, Tenn.
Jennings J. J.. Columbus, O.
Jennings J. L., St. Paul. Va.
Johnson A. C., W hittier, Cal.
Jennings J. M., Winnsboro, S. C.
Johnson À. E., Morrisonvillé, 111.
Jennings J. W „ Forrest,111.
Jennings J. W., San Augustine, Johnson A. E., Prospect, O.
♦Johnson A. E., Pequot, Minn.
Johnson A. E ., W ashburn. N. D.
♦Jennings M. L., Montgomery,
Johnson A. E., Greensburg, Kan.
♦Jennings M. M„ Davenport, Neb. Johnson A. F., Jr., F ort Morgan,
Jennings R. A., Piper City, 111.
Johnson A. G., Loomis, Neb.
Jennings R. K., Lawrence, Mich.
♦Johnson A. G., Harmony, Minn.
Jennings S. A., Mansfield, O.
♦Jennings T. W., Chippewa Falls, Johnson A. H.. Dahlen, N. D.
Johnson A. J., Jr., Culloden, Ga.
♦Jennings W. Ho Elizabeth City, Johnson A. J., Chicago, 111.
Johnson A. J.. Irvington, 111.
N. C.
♦Johnson A. J., Granite Fails,
Jennings W. T„ Bois D’Arc, Mo.
Jennison F. J., Marquette, Mich.
Johnson A. J., Milan, Minn.
Jennison H. S., Healy, Kan.
♦Johnson A. J., Larson, N. D.
Jenrette J. M ., Waycross, Ga.
♦Johnson Agnes L., Withee, Wis.
♦Jenrette L. J., Waycross, Ga.
♦Johnson A. L., Oxford, O.
Jensen A. E,. Rippey, la.
Johnson A, M., Dawson, Minn.
Jensen A. L., Wheattteld, Ind.

Johnson A. N., Carthage, S. D.
♦Johnson A. N., M edicine Lake,
M ont.
♦Johnson A. O., Buckley, Wash.
Johnson A. P,, Blue Ridge, Ga.
♦Johnson A. R., Cokato, M inn.
♦Johnson A. R.j Decorah, la.
♦Johnson A rthur, Taylor, N. D;
Johnson A. R., Homer, La.
Johnson A. 'S., Desota. Ga.
♦Johnson A. S.,’ New Bethlehem,
Johnson A. V., Cleburne, Kan.
♦Johnson A. W., Fairm ont, M inn.
Johnson A. W., Anson, Tex.
Johnson A.W., Crawfordsville.Ind.
Johnson B., Mansfield, La,
Johnson B. C., Lignite, N. D.
Johnson B. E .. Norma, N. D.
Johnson B. F., Harlingen, Tex.
Johnson B. L., Eyota, Minn.
♦Johnson C. A.. K ent City, Mich.
Johnson C. A., 9parta, Mich.
♦Johnson C. A., 9t. Peter, M inn.
Johnson Carl T., Falun, Kan.
♦Johnson C. C,, Baxley, Ga.
Johnson Cecil C., Paoli, Ind.
Johnson C. D., Leeton, Mo.
Johnson Chas. E.,Green Càstie,Mo.
Johnson Clarence, Charleston, Mo.
Johnson C.. Clear Lake, Wis.
♦Johnson C., Fairfax, S. D.
Johnson C., Hallock, Minn.
Johnson C. A., Kirkwood, 111.
♦Johnson C. C., Jr., Gate City.Va.
Johnson C. D„ Liberty, Ind.
♦Johnson C. E., 9t. Paul, Minn.
♦Johnson G. E., Carson, N. D.
Johnson C. E ., Nora, Neb.
♦Johnson C. E„ Galesburg, 111.
♦Johnson C. E. Jr., Raleigh, N. 0.
♦Johnson C. E.. Vincennes, Ind.
Johnson C. G., Richwood, O
Johnson C. H., Lone Wolf, Okla.
Johnson C. H., W aveland, Ind.
Johnson C. L„ Batesvilie, Ind.
Johnson C. L., A rnett, Okla.
♦Johnson C. L., Goodwin, 9. D.
♦Johnson C. L. A., Louisville, Ky.
Johnson C. M„ Rockford, Minn.
♦Johnson C. O., Bordulac, N . D.
Johnson C. O., Ponca, Okla.
Johnson C. P., Flatonia, Tex.
Johnson C. P., W hite Rock, S. D.
Johnson C. R., Merino, Colo.
Johnson C. S„ Plattsburg, N. Y.
♦Johnson C. T., Abbeville, Ga.
♦Johnson C. V., Smithfteld, N. C.
Johnson D. B., 9ioux Falls, 9. D.
Johnson D. C., Ellinwood, Kan.
Johnson D. D,, Coggon, la.
♦Johnson D. G., Hawley, Minn.
Johnson D. W., Olsburg, Kan.
♦Johnson E dw ard A .,N orth Loupe,
♦Johnson E. E., 9herburn, M inn.
JohnsonElm er,9tevensville,M ont.
♦Johnson Ernest, M arquette, Kan.
Johnson E., Monterey, Ind.
♦Johnson E., Oglesby, 111.
Johnson E„ Volin, S. D.
Johnson E. A., Bussey, la.
Johnson E. C., Buffalo, Okla.
♦Johnson E. C., Grand Rapids,
♦Johnson E . C., Jr., Garfield,Wash
Johnson E. C., Tacoma, Wash.
♦Johnson E. D., New Berlin, O.
♦Johnson E. G., Roseau, M inn.
♦Johnson E. G., W atertown, N. Y.
Johnson E. H., Makoti, N. D.
Johnson E. H., Sterling, Neb.
♦Johnson E- J., Mabel, Minn.
Johnson E . J., Norwood, 111.
♦Johnson E. J., 9tanhope, la.
♦Johnson E. J., Stephen, M inn.
Johnson E¿ L., Newburg, Ñ. D.
Johnson E. L., Plains, Mont.
Johnson E. L., Wolbach,. Neb.
♦Johnson E. M ., Bloxom, Va.
♦Johnson E. M ., Dyersburg.Tenn.
Johnson E. M„ Highland, O.
♦Johnson E. N., Corsicana, Tex.
♦Johnson E. O., Rose Creek. M ina.
♦Johnson E. O., Gwinner, N. D.
Johnson E. P „ Boyd, Minn.
Johnson E. R., Anoka, Neb.
Johnson Erick, Woodlake, M inn.
♦Johnson E.V., Lawrenceburg.Ky.
♦Johnson E. W., Mechanicsburg,
Johnson E. W., Newman Grove,
Johnson E. W., W est Jefferson. O.
♦Johnson Ford, Helena, M ont.
♦Johnson Frank, Rockwell, la.
Johnson Frans, Swedeburg, Neb.
Johnson F., Tupelo, Miss.
♦Johnson F. A., Riester, M inn.
Johnson F. E „ Cattaraugus, N. Y. ,
♦Johnson F. E., H um boldt, 9. D.
Johnson F. H., Kalispell, M ont. .
Johnson F. O., Courtland, Kan.
Johnson F. 9., Kremlin, M ont.
♦Johnson F. V., Darwin, M inn.
Johnson F. W., New Windsor, 111.
Johnson F. W.,Breckenridge,Mlnn.
Johnson F. W., Opheim, 111.
Johnson G. A., Grygla, Minn.

Johnson G. D.. Gash. Ark.
♦Johnson George, Shreveport, La.
Johnson G. G.,' T hief River Falls,
M inn.
♦Johnson G. H ., Tolley, N. D.
Johnson G. M ., Kirkland, Wash.
♦Johnson G. O., Robbinsdale,
♦Johnson G. R,, Wheetley, Ark.
♦Johnson G. R., Blooming Prairie,
M inn.
♦Johnson G. W „ Lakeview, Ore.
♦Johnson G. W., M issouri Valley,
la .
♦Johnson H. A., N orton, Kan.
♦Johnson H. A., M arquette, Mich.
♦Johnson H arry, Cornell, 111.
♦Johnson Hazell, Exline, la.
Johnson Henry, F t. Ransom, N. D.
♦Johnson H innie, Blue M ound,
Johnson Hiram , Fountain. Minn.
♦Johnson Howard, W . Jefterson.O.
♦Johnson Hugh, Scotland Neck,
N. C.
Johnson H „ L afayette, Mkm.
Johnson H. A., Scandia, Minn.
♦Johnson H. A., Kerkhoven,
M inn.'
Johnson H. A.. Ulen, Minn.
Johnson H. E., New Richland,
Johnson H. E ., N orthwood, N . D.
♦Johnson H .E.,W allaW alla, Wash.
♦Johnson H. F., Jam estow n, N. Y.
♦Johnson H. G„ P urdin, Mo.
♦Jonnson H. G., M adera, Cal.
Johnson H. H., Ogdensburg, Wis.
Johnson H. L., Boise C ity, Okla.
Johnson H. M., Ham m ond, Ind.
Johnson H. M., Orlinda, Tenn.
♦Johnson H. N ,, Cham plain, N. Y.
Johnson H . P., Everson, Wash.
Johnson H. V., Spartanburg, S. C.
Johnson H. W., Cedar Falls, la .
♦Johnson H. W., M abton, Wash.
Johnson I., Hickson, N. D.
Johnson Ives, Cottonwood, S. D.
♦Johnson John, M cIntosh, M inn.
Johnson Julius C., Almira,, Wash.
Johnson J., Jr., Geneva, Ala
Johnson J. A., Kerm an. Cal.
Johnson J. A.. A tw ater, Minn.
Johnson J. A., Aurelia, la.
Johnson J . A., Greenwood, Ind.
♦Johnson J. A.. Johnson. Neb.
Johnson J . A., Sanborn, la.
♦Johnson J. B., Stilwell, Okla.
Johnson J. C„ Almont, Mich.
Johnson J. D ., Hollis, Kan.
Johnson J . Dawson, Boyce, La.
♦Johnson J. E ., Roseau, M inn.
♦Johnson J. E ., Mansfield, 111.
Johnson J . E., Sandersville, Ga.
Johnson J. F., Florence, Ala.
Johnson Joseph H ., Lakewood,
n 7y .
♦Johnson J. H ., Newfolden, M inn.
Johnson J . J., Kerkhoven, Minn.
Johnson J . J., W ahoo, Neb.
Johnson J. L., Key W est, Fla.
Johnson J . L., Kennewick, Wash.
Johnson J. M., Lawrenceburg, Ky.
♦Johnson J. M . Jr., Ashdown, Ark.
♦Johnson J . O. E „ Northwood, la .
♦Johnson J . P .. McCool, Miss.
Johnson J. R.. Durham . Mo.
Johnson J. R., Lapeer, Mich.
Johnson J. R „ Ronceverte.W .Va.
Johnson J. S., A shbum , Ga.
♦Johnson J. S., M arion, S. C.
Johnson J. W., Mallard, la .
♦Johnson J. W., Osborn, Mo.
Johnson J . W., P atrio t. Ind.
Johnson K. F „ Graysville, Tenn.
Johnson K. O., M t. Sterling,. Wis.
Johnson Laurence, Mt. Vernon,
♦Johnson L. A. Miss, Flatonia.Tex.
♦Johnson L. A„ H enning, Minn.
♦Johnson L. A., Sharon Springs,
Johnson L. D., Clayton, Ind.
♦Johnson L. D., Moore, Tex.
Johnson L. E., Clearwater, Fla.
Johnson L. E., Dendron, Va.
Johnson L. E., W aldron, Kan.
♦Johnson L. E .. Eveletb, M inn.
Johnson L. F., Geneva, Neb.
Johnson L. G., Carthage, N , Y.
♦Johnson L. H., Hatfield, Ark.
Johnson L. H., Nelsonville. Wis
♦Johnson L. J., Otisco, M inn.
Johnson L. L., Jackson, Minn.
♦Johnson L. M ., Avoca, Wis.
Johnson L. O., Granite Falls,Minn.
Johnson L. P., Ashley, N. D.
Johnson L. R., Easton, MJnn.
♦Johnson L. T ., San Pedro, Cal.
Johnson L. V., Randolph, Kan.
♦Johnson L. N ., Clarks Grove,
M inm
♦Johnson L. W., Oakland, M inn.
Johnson M., Beach City, O.
Johnson M., New Berlin, O.
♦Johnson Jr., M., Decatur, 111.
♦Johnson M ary, Wildersviile,Tenn.
Johnson M arion B., F t. W ayne,
♦Johnson M . E „ E lk P oint, S. D.
♦Johnson M. L„ Bowdon, Ga.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Johnson M . R., H arrisburg, Ore.
Johnson M. R., Olsburg, Kan.
♦Johnson M . S., Kalkaska, M ich.
♦Johnson M a rk s., Kalkaska, M ich.
Johnson N., Sexton, la .
♦Johnson N. E ., W aldron, Kan.
Johnson N. H., Frem ont, Wis.
Johnson N. L„ B atavia, 111.
♦Johnson N . L., Granville, N . D.
Johnson Oscar, B urr Oak, Kan.
♦Johnson O. A.. Greenwood, Neb.
Johnson O. A., Pateros, Wash.
Johnson O.. E lk P oint, S. D.
Johnson O. F., Camas, W ash.
Johnson O. H., Kane, Pa.
♦Johnson O. H,, Livermore, la.
♦Johnson O. H ., Blissfleld. Mich.
♦Johnson Oliva C., Stockholm,
S. D.
♦Johnson O, M ., Erie, Kan.
♦Johnson O. N., Sinai, S. D.
Johnson O. O., St. Olaf, la .
Johnson O. P „ Stockholm, S. D.
♦Johnson P., Sheridan, Ark.
♦Johnson Paul, E . G rand Forks,
M inn.
Johnson P. A., Newport, N, H.
♦Johnson P. E., Cannon Falls,
Johnson P. E ., P etersburg, N . D.
♦Johnson P . H ., M onroe, N. C.
Johnson P. M., Aurora, Minn.
Johnson R obert, Solomon, Kan.
♦Johnson RObt., Kansas City. Mo.
♦Johnson R. A., Seaforth, M inn.
Johnson R. D ., Kennebec, S. D.
Johnson R. G., E nid, Okla.
♦Johnson R. H., Belgrade. Mo.
Johnson R. J., Harlem , M ont.
♦Johnson R . J., Herm an, M inn.
♦Johnson R. J., W oodworth,N.D.
Johnson R. L., Holyoke, Colo.
Johnson R. M ., Moline, 111.
♦Johnson R. O.. Alcester, S. D.
Johnson Roy, St. Louis, M inn.
Johnson R . T „ H untley, Neb.
Johnson R. T., William, la .
♦Johnson Reno V., Highland, O.
♦Johnson R . W., Sumner, Neb.
Johnson S. A., Hillsboro, N . C.
♦Johnson S. A.. Frem ont. Wis.
Johnson S. L., Muscatine, la .
♦Johnson S. M ., Gowanda, N. Y.
♦Johnson S. N ., Leonard, Tex.
♦Johnson S. T .. Harlowton, M ont.
Johnson Theodore, Rosalie, Neb.
♦Johnson T „ Flandreau, S. D.
Johnson T. Merkel, Tex.
Johnson T. A., Calipatrio, Cal.
Johnson T . E ., Eldred, M inn.
♦Johnson T . E ., C entralia, Okla.
Johnson T. F., Denton, Md.
♦Johnson T. H., H ouston, Miss.
♦Johnson T. L., Aulne, Kan.
♦Johnson V. F., Evansville, M inn.
Johnson, V. A., W . Burlington, la .
Johnson V. L„ Center City, Minn.
Johnson V. L., Shelton, Neb.
Johnson V. L., Sumner, Neb.
Johnson V. O'., Aulne, Kan.
Johnson W. A., W inton, M inn.
♦Johnson W arren, St. Louis, Mo.
♦Johnson Wfilis. W est P oint. Ga.
♦Johnson W ., Lake Butler, Fla.
♦Johnson W . A., O ttaw a, 111.
♦Johnson W. A.. Paso Robles. Cal.
Johnson W. B„ Cambridge, Md.
Johnson W. B., Climax Ga.
Johnson W . C., H eber Springs,
Johnson W . C., Jr., Barre, Vt.
Johnson W. E.. Hogansville, Ga.
Johnson W. E ., Colorado Spgs.,
♦Johnson W. H ., Jacksonville, Fla.
Johnson W. H., Jacksonville, Ore.
Johnson W. H „ Monette, Ark.
♦Johnson W. H ., Sturgis, S. D.
Johnson W. J., W hite Bluffs,
♦Johnson W. J., D uluth, Minn,
Johnson W. J., Lewlstown, Mont.
Johnson W. L., Ashley¿ N. D. '
Johnson W. L., Zeeland. N. D.
♦Johnson W. N ., Tracy, Cal.
♦Johnson W alter, Siren, Wis.
Johnson W. R., Wildersviile,Texm.
Johnson W. S., Del Norte, Colo.
♦Johnson W. S. W ilmington, N. C.
Johnson, W . T., Bridgton, Me.
♦Johnson W. T ., Rockford, M inn.
Johnsone C.W.. Ellensburg, W ash.
Johnston Amos R., Jackson, Miss.
Johnston A. D., Cheyenne, Wyo.
Johnston A. E „ Reeder, N. D.
Johnston A. J., B utte, M ont.
Johnston A. M., Freeport, Pa.
Johnston C. C., Conneaut Lake
P a.
♦Johnston C. M., Monmouth, 111.
Johnston D. W., W eleetka, Okla.
♦Johnston, E. I., Kewanee, 111.
Johnston E. L., Seibert, Colo.
♦Johnston G. D., Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Johnston G. H., Argusville, N . D.
Johnston G. H.. Wales, N. D.
♦Johnston H. C., Conway, Ark.
Johnston H. H., Newton, Kan.
♦Johnston H. N., Byron, 111.
Johnston I. H.. Charleston. 111.
Johnston J. A., Charleston, S. C.

Johnston J . D., Seymour, la .
Johnston J. E ., Fairfax, S. C.
Johnston J . F., New W aterford, O.
Johnston J . F., P leasant Hill, Ga.
Johnston J.W ., Jr., Statesboro.M o.
Johnston J. M., Bradley, S. D.
Johnston J. M., Chardon. O.
♦Johnston J. T ., Plano, Tex.
Johnston J . T„ Im perial. Neb.
Johnston J. T ., W est Allis, Wis.
♦Johnston J. W., Oakwood, 111.
Johnston L. C., Tuskegee, Ala.
♦Johnston M ae, Zephyr, Tex.
Johnston M. H., Cordova, Ala.
♦Johnston M. H „ Hum boldt, la .
Johnston P. H., Louisville, Ky.
♦Johnston R. C.,W axahachie, Tex.
Johnston R. H ., Sardis, Ga.
♦Johnston R.. J ., Abbotsford, Wis.
Johnston R. J „ H um boldt, la .
Johnston R.W ., Montezuma, Ind.
♦Johnston R. W., Naples, S. D.
♦Johnston S. C., Due W est, S. C.
Johnston T. B., Spencer, N . C.
Johnston W., Eureka, Kan.
♦Johnston W., Rifle, Colo.
Johnston W. A., Anatone, Wash.
♦Johnston W. G., Rock Island, 111.
Johnston W. L., Zephyr, Tex.
Johnston W. M„ Burchard, Neb.
Johnston W. M D.. Union, W. Va.
♦Johnstone C. A., Ashley, N . D.
♦Johnstone D avid, Chicago, 111.
Johnstone R. S., Ashley, N. D.
Johntz J. E.. Abilene, Kan.
Joiner C. J ., F o rt Lauderdale, Fla.
Joiner W. L., Orange, Tex.
♦Jolley P. Y., A toka, Okla.
Jolly E . R „ Haileyville, Okla.
Jolly G. N ., C rystal City, Mo.
Jolly W. D.. Fairfield, Ky.
♦Joly A. Jr., Plaquem ine, La.
♦Jonas G. J.. Bradley, Okla.
Jonas H . C., Hum boldt, S. D.
♦Jones Alexander. Hackensack,
N. J.
♦Jones Althis, Greenville, Tex.
♦Jones A. Stockton, Mo.
♦Jones A. B., Los Angeles, Cal.
♦Jones A. B., Otawy, O.
Jones A. C„ Batesburg, S. C.
Jones A. C., Laramie, Wyo.
Jones A. E., Shelbina, Mo.
Jones A. H „ Grawn. Mich.
♦Jones A. H., Philadelphia, Pa.
Jones A. M„ Hemphill, Tex.
Jones A. M., Milford, 111.
♦Jones A. O., Portland, Ore.
Jones A. R., Hagerstown, Ind.
Jones A. 8., Owenton, Ky.
Jones A. Y., Brinson, Ga.
♦Jones' Byron, G alt, Mo.
Jones B. B., Petersburg, Va.
♦Jones B. E ., N unda, N. Y.
Jones B. F rank, W est Hazelton,
Jones B. L., Roanoke, Tex.
♦Jones Bess N ., E thel, Mo.
Jones B. R ., Smithville, Ga.
♦Jones B. T., Colfax. 111.
♦Jones B. T., M alad C ity, Ida.
♦Jones B. W., Churchville, Va.
♦Jones Jr. B., Wallace, Lake City,
S. C.
♦Jones Charles D.. W anatah. Ind.
J ones Custer, Cannel City, Ky.
Jones C. A., G rand Pass, Mo.
♦Jones C. B., Eminence, Ky.
Jones C. C. Greenriver, U tah.
Jones C. E., Medina, O.
Jones C. E ., Verona, Neb.
♦Jones Clara, W ashburn, M o.
Jones C. H., Brookfield, Mo.
♦Jones C. H „ Rend. 111.
Jones Chas H., Piedm ont, Mo.
Jones C. I., Dora, Ala.
♦Jones C. J., M atthew s, Ind.
Jones C. L., Valdosta. Ga.
♦Jones C. M ., Crewe, Va.
Jones Charles M ., Plano, 111.
Jones C. P., Hanson, Ky.
Jones C. S., Marcellus, Mich.
Jones D. E „ Rising Star, Tex.
♦Jones D. L., Sparta, Wis.
Jones D. P „ Hastings, Neb.
♦Jones D. V. H., Elko, Nev.
♦Jones Dwight, T u ttle, N. D.
Jones D. Willis, Reading, Kan.
♦Jones Effie J., Reading, Kan.
♦Jones E m m ett, H opland, Cal.
♦Jones E ., Joaquin, Tex.
♦Jones E. A., F ro n t Royal, Va.
Jones E. B., Mt. Pleasant. O.
♦Jones E. C., Hugo, Okla.
Jones E . E:, C harlotte. N . C.
Jones E . E., Suffolk, Va.
Jones E . F., Sorum. S. D.
♦Jones E. H ., Celeste, Tex.
♦Jones E. H.. Greenville, Tex.
Jones E ben J., Oak Hill, O.
Jones E. L., Bristow, Okla.
♦Jones E. L., Callahan, Fla.
Jones E . R., N. M ankato, M inn.
Jones E. T ., B artlett, Tex.
Jones E . V., Fayetteville. Ga.
♦Jones E. W., Brooklyn. Ia.
Jones E. W., Hingham, Mass.
♦Jones F. A., Newport, Ark.
♦Jones F. B., Boley, Okla.
♦Jones F. B. Cumberland, Ia.
Jones F. B.. Stecker, Okla.
Jones F. C., Boston, Ga.
Jones F. D.\ Steele, N. D.

Jones F red M .r Springfield, Mass.
♦Jones F. M ., Springfield, Mass.
Jones F. P. Jr., Beverly, N. J.
Jones F. R., M anhattan, 111.
♦Jones F. R.. M artinez, Cal.
Jones F ■S., Bainbridge, Ga.
Jones Gabriel, Denver, Colo.
♦Jones G. A., Robinson, 111.
♦Jones G. A., H arrisburg, Neb.
Jones G. C., Brookland, Ark.
Jones G. C.. Graford, Tex.
♦Jones G. G„ St. Paris, O.
♦Jones G. J., Richm ond, Va.
Jofies G. S„ Rahway, N. J.
Jones G. W., Georgetown, Del.
♦Jones H. A., Stoneham , Mass.
♦Jones H. B„ Grawn, Mich.
Jones H. B., W ayne, Neb.
♦Jones H. C., M artinsville, Ind.
Jones H. C.. Tuscola, 111.
♦Jones H, D., M ayetta, Kan.
♦Jones H. E ., Hood River, Ore.
Jones H. E., Revillo, S. D.
♦Jones H. E., W eston, O.
♦Jones H . E ., W enatchee. Wash.
Jones H erbert, Chicago, 111.
Jones H. G., Clarkston, Wash.
Jones H. O., H arrington, W ash.
Jones H. O., Lima. O.
Jones Howell, Van Tassell, Wyo.
♦Jones H. R., M anhattan. 111.
♦Jones H ubert X ., Valley View,
♦Jones Hugh, Houghton, S. D.
Jones Hugh, Joaquin, Tex.
♦Jones H. V., Odenville, Ala.
Jones H. W ., Clayton, Wis.
♦Jones H. W ., Delaware, O.
♦Jones H. W., Fairburn, Ga.
♦Jones I. E ., Oxford, Ia.
♦Jones I. L., St. Louis. Mo.
Jones I. P., Beulah, Mich.
♦Jones Ira E.. Roanoke. Tex.
♦Jones Ira T ., M ound C ity, Kan.
Jones J. A rthur, Irwin, Pa.
♦Jones Jas. B., M alad C ity, Ida.
Jones J. B., Asotin, Wash.
Jones J. C., O ttaw a, O.
Jones J. E ., Aquilla, Tex.
♦Jones J. E „ Kellogg, Ida.
Jones J. E., M anton, Mich.
Jones J. E ., New Brockton, Ala.
♦Jones J. E ., Topeka, Kan.
♦Jones J . E ., Verden. Okla.
♦Jones J. H., P ittsburgh, Pa.
♦Jones J. L ., Chicago, 111.
Jones J . L., Cornell, 111.

Jones J . L., H enry, 111.

Jones John L., W aterloo, Ia.
Jones J. M .. Iola, Kan.
Jones J. M ., Crewe. Va.
♦Jones J. M„ Newport, Tenn.
Jones J . M„ Puyallup, Wash.
♦Jones J. O., Wolfe C ity, Tex.
Jones John G., T hurm ont, M d.
Jones J. P., Crawfordsville, Ia.
Jones J. P., Jonesboro, La.
♦Jones J. R., Barbourville, Ky.
♦Jones J. R., W eatherby, Mo.
Jones J . S., Red Springs, N. C.
Jones J . S., St.Edw ard, Neb.
Jones J. S., Wymore, Neb.
Jones J. T ., Gunnison, U tah.
Jones J. T. L., Berryville, Va.
♦Jones J. W., Albion, Wash.
♦Jones J. W .. Gunnison. U tah.
Jones J. W. N., Middletown, Ky.
Jones J. W.. Shawnee. Okla.
♦Jones J. W., Sparta, Wis.
♦Jones K. C„ B arnett, Mo.
♦Jones L ., M ountain Home, Ark.
♦Jones L. D.. Monticello. Ky.
♦Jones Leon, T ushka, Okla.
Jones L. H „ P ark Hill, Okla.
♦Jones Lester, W ichita Falls, Tex.
Jones Lyle L., Parkersburg, W.
Jones L. M ., E ton, Ga.
Jones L. P., Lake Crystal, Minn.
Jones L. W., Rule. Tex.
Jones M artin, De Lamere, N . D.
Jones M . A., Frem ont, Ind.
♦Jones M. II., W ake Forest, N. C.
Jones May S.. H artllne, Wash.
♦Jones M. B„ F ayette, la .
Jones M. E., Denison, Ia,
Jones M . P., Rend, 111.
Jones M. S., Aledo, Tex.
Jones Murle, Cambria, Cal.
Jones Ned, W orthington, M inn.
♦Jones O. C., E verest, Kan.
♦Jones O. E.. W illiamsburg, la .
♦Jones O. E ., London, O.
Jones O. G., Kalispell, M ont.
♦Jones O. L. Cambria. Wis.
Jones O. K., Lamesa, Tex.
Jones O. L.. W aukesha, Wis.
♦Jones O. N., Buffalo, Wyo.
Jones O. P., Shamrock, Tex.
♦Jones O. R.. Everest. Kan.
Jones O. T., Sumner. 111.
♦Jones P., A tlanta, Mo.
Jones P. H., Maxbass, N. D.
♦Jones Price, Versailles, M o.
♦Jones P. W.. Albany, Ga.
Jones Q. T ., K ingston.'M o.
Jones R . A., N . Bennington, Vt.
Jones R. A.. Storm Lake. Ia.
♦Jones R obt’.: A., Superior, Wis.
Jones R. B., De Soto, Mo.
♦Jones R. B., Brownfield, Tex.
Jones R. C., Campbell, Mo.
Jones R. C„ Granite Quarry, N. C

Jones R. C., W arrenton, 1ST. C.
♦Jones R. C., W est Concord,
M inn.
♦Jones R. D., Madison, Kan.
Jones R. R., W hite River. 8. D.
♦Jones R. E., Oshkosh, Wis.
Jones R. F., Laurens, 8. C.
Jones R. G. C., Wyalusing, P a.
♦Jones R. H., Everest, Kan.
Jones R. H., Crystal Springs,Miss.
Jones R. H.. N orth. S. C.
♦Jones R. L., Bailey, Tex.
♦Jones R . L., Central Square, N.Y.
Jones R. L „ H annaford. N. D.
♦Jones Roy, H arris, Kan.
♦Jones Roy C., Brandon, Tex.
Jones R ay W., Utica, Neb.
Jones R. P., Vicksburg, Miss.
Jones R alph R., Sprague, Wash.
Jones S. T „ Oakland. Md.
♦Jones Stephen M ., Leonardtown,
M d.
Jones T. G., Burlington, Tex.
♦Jones T. G., U rbanna, Va.
Jones T. J., W hitesburg, Ga.
♦Jones T. M „ Smiths Grove, Ky.
Jones T. R., W ardner, Ida.
Jones T urner D., Altoona, Kan.
Jones W alter, Turon, Kan.
Jones W. A., C larita. Okla.
♦Jones W. A., A ppalachia, Va.
♦Jones W arren, W ilmot, S. D.
♦Jones Wm. C., Louisburg, Kan.
♦Jones W . C., Farnam , Neb.
Jones Jr., W. C., Huntsville, Tex.
Jones Jr. W. C., New Waverly.Tex.
Jones W. D., W aukegan. 111.
♦Jones W. E ., M acon, Mo.
♦Jones W. F „ Trenton, Tenn.
*J ones W. G., Randolph, Wis.
Jones W . G., W estville. Okla.
Jones W. H „ Black R iver Falls,
Jones W . H „ Lecompte, La.
Jones W. H.. Scranton, Pa.
♦Jones W. H., Millsboro, Pa.
♦Jones W. H.. Streator. 111.
Jones W. H. Jr., Suffolk, Va.
Jones W. H ., W ashburn, Mo.
♦Jones W. H ., Greenback, Tex.
♦Jones W. H ., Groesbeck. Tex.
♦Jones W. H. W., Marlin, Tex.
♦Jones W. I., Colorado Springs,
♦Jones W. M., Alma, Ark.
♦Jones W. P ., H attiesburg, Miss.
Jones W. R., Littlestow n Pa.
Jones W. W., San Francisco, Cal.
♦Jones W. W.. Seattle. W ash.
♦Jones W. W., Sulphur Springs,
Jopling J. J., Madisonyille, Tex.
♦Jordan A. C., Stoutsville. Mo.
Jo rd an A. N., Dunlap. Ia.
Jo rd an A. O., Crawford, Tex.
♦Jordan C. C., (Acting), Forney,
Jo rd an C. E ., Palo Alto. Cal.
♦Jordan C. F., Ouray, Colo.
Jo rd an C. G.. Belden, Neb.
Jordan E . R ., Knoxville, Ia.
Jordan F. H., Thomaston, Me.
Jo rd an Geo., York, Pa.
♦Jordan G. W ., Bamesville, Ga.
♦Jordan H. R., Eufaula, Okla.
♦Jordan J. C., Kansas City, Mo.
Jo rd an J . H ., H inton, W. Va.
♦Jordan J. J., Hillsboro, Tex.
♦Jordan J. J., H inton, W . Va.
Jordan J. S., Blountsville, Ind.
♦Jordan J. T „ Cleburne, Tex.
♦Jordan J. T ., Troy, Tex.
Jordan J. W., T albotton, Ga.
Jordan M . D., Antlers, Okla.
Jordan O. O., St. Joseph, Mich.
Jo rd an O. P., Pulaski, Va.
Jordan P . E „ Slaton, Tex.
Jo rd an R . E., South Boston, Va.
Jordan S. D„ Philadelphia, Pa.
♦Jordan W . G., W innsboro, S. G.
♦Jordon C. B „ Pecos, Tex.
♦Jorgensen F . O., M o u n t Hope,
Jorgensen G. M., Heber, U tah.
Jorgensen H., M ount Hope, Kan.
♦Jorgensen J.F ., Mount Hope,Kan.
Jorgensen J. L., Staplehurst, Neb.
♦Jorgensen T ..W alters, M inn.
Jorgensen V. A., Draper, S. D.
♦Jorgensen W., Fogden. N. D.
♦Joseph J. D., W hite W ater, Kan.
♦Joslin C. A., W ebster, Mass.
♦Joslyn E. E .. W aterbury, V t.
♦Joslyn R. W., Boulder, Colo.
♦Jose W. L., F ranklin P ark, 111.
♦Josselyn F . L., Rochester, Minn.
♦Jost Carrie E., Spring Green,Wis.
Jo st E . C., New London, Wis.
Jo st H. H .. E ast St. L'ouis. 111.
Jowers A. W „ Cooledge, Tex.
♦Jowett W. H., Farm ersville, Tex.
Joy A lta M ., Silver Lake, M inn.
Joy Benjamin, Boston, Mass.
Joy Jam es, O tter Lake, M ich.
♦Joy W. R., D etroit, M ich.
♦Joyer P . E ., Chicago, 111.
Joyce L. B., Gulfport, Miss
Joyce P. A., South Bend, Ind.
Joyce W. J., San Marcial, N. M.
♦Joyner A. C., Am herst, Va.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Joyner W. F., Franklinton. N. C.
♦Jozwin Vincent, Chicago, 111.
Ju c k ett O. H.. Nisland. S. D.
♦Judd F . U., Melvero. Kan.
Judd H. M ., Bethel, Conn.
Judd J. M., Lakin, Kan.
♦Judd W. H., New Britain, Conn.
♦Judge T. A., Holyoke, Mass.
Judkins R. D., Long Beach, Cal.
♦Judson F . W., San Francisco,
♦Judson F . W., W aterbury, Conn.
Judson W. H., Rhinebeck, N. Y.
Ju d y C. A., Forestburg, S. D.
♦Judy E. E ., Burlington, Colo.
♦Judy H. D., Fayetteville, W. Va.
Judy J. K., Goodwine, 111.
♦Judy L. A., Mound City, Mo.
Ju d y O. L., M oulton, Ala.
♦Julian E. R., M t. Sterling, O.
Juliar S. S., Rapidan, Minn.
Julien J. A., Cbickasha, Okla.
♦Juliff W. F., Granbury, Tex.
♦Julius W. E ., Avoca, Ia.
♦Junelarse L., Collegeport, Tex.
♦Jung L. M ., Winona, Minn.
♦Junge John N., Manistee, Mich.
Jungkunz J. F., Bristow, Ia.

Karel F rank L ., Chicago, IU.
Kares G. F., Winner, S. D.
♦Karl Charles, M cKlttrick, Mo.
Karley A. A., Dupree, S. D.
Karns S. B„ Benton, Pa.
♦Karnes C. R., Covington, Va.
K arper Charles S., Mercersburg,

Jungkunz L. R „ Freeport, 111.
Jüngling H. R., Bridgeport, O.
♦Junkin F. H., Lake Charles. La.
Junkins D. E ., Union City, Pa.
Junkins R. W., Portsm outh, N.H.
Jurden T. H., Oneida, N. Y.
♦Jurey C. G., Paris, 111.
Jurgem eyer L. H., Norway, la.
Jurgens F. T., Petersburg, 111.
Ju ry Alf., Cottage Grove, Ore. .
Ju s t A. J., Ashland, M ont.
Ju s t A. J., Yates, Mont.
Ju st W. F., Frazee, Minn.
Justice A. S., Camden, Tenn.
Justice C. L., Roy, N. Mex.
♦Justice I. H., Trimble, Tenn.
Ju stin F, H., P lattsburg, N. Y.
Justiss W. R., Howland, Tex.
♦Kaap Albert, Green Bay, Wis.
♦Kaas H. C., Three Rivers, Mich.
♦K aberna John, Wagner, S. D.
♦Kable G. W., Ottawa, O.
♦Kacena W. M ., Cedar Rapids, Ia.
Kadel A. W „ Keswick, Ia.
Kadel J. A., Rock Falls, 111.
Kaemper W. L., Collinsville, 111.
♦Kaerlcher G. J., Brocton, 111.
Kagey B. F., La Place, 111.
♦Kagey I. B., Weyers Cave, Va.
Kagey N. I., Weyers Cave, Va.
Kagy C. B„ F t. Gibson, Okla.

Karp'f H. C., M orrill, Neb.
K arr P. W., BrownviUe, Neb.
♦K arraker E arl, Dongola, 111.
♦Karraker E. L., Jonesboro, IU.
K arraker Ira O., Jonesboro, IU.
♦Karraker R. R., Chicago, 111.
K arraker T. N., Mounds, 111.
Karrenbrock F.,Moscow Mills,Mo.
K arsch G. H., F la t River, Mo.
K arsten Louis, Oxford, la.
K arsten O. L., Winfield, Ia.
♦Karsten Paul Jr., Fredericks­
burg, Va.
Karstens E. J., Avoca, la.
Kasemeier Henry, W averly, Ia.
Kasl F. W., Exeland, Wis.
Kasling R. M.. Hughes Springs,
♦Kasner A. C., Foley, M inn.
♦Kasper A. M ., Indianapolis, Ind.
♦Kassler G. R., W ashington, Ind.
♦Käst C., Rock Rapids, Ia.
Kastein B., W aupun, Wis.
♦Kasten Oscar, MUwaukee, Wis.
♦Kaster R . W., Allerton, Ia.
♦Katenhausen John, Newburg
♦Kather C. A., N apa, Cal.
K aths F. C., Hutchinson, Kan.
K aths H. A,, Potwin, Kan.
K atterjohn C. A.. Henderson,Ky.

♦Kane M argaret, Greensburg,
K ane M. H „ Wickliffe, Ky.
Kane P. E., Odell, 111.
Kane W. B., Carterville, Mo.
♦Kane Jr., W. W., Pinckneyville,
♦Kaney N. E ., Armour, S. D.
Kankerlik W., Canby, Minn.
♦Kann R. W., Foxholm, N. D.
Kannenberg P . O., MUwaukee,
♦Kannow Paul H., Keystone, Neb.
Kapitzky E. P., Strasburg, O.
♦Kapp, Chas. L., Prim ghar, ia .
Kapp D. F., S tate CoUege. Pa.
♦Karandjeff, H. D. G ranite City,

Karcher L. J., B attle Creek,Mich.
Karchner J . A., Colon, Mich.

♦K attler John, F ort Plain, N. Y.
Kahl G. J., Burr, Neb.
♦K atz P aul W., Philadelphia, Pa.
♦Kahle A. L., Ottawa, O.
♦Katzenbach G. A., T renton, N. J.
Kahle F. G., Ottawa, O.
♦Katzenstein A. F., Jr., Lascruces,
♦Kahle H .. New Orleans, La.
N. Mex.
K ahler C. H., Braidwood, III.
♦Kauffeit D. H „ Ronceverte, W.V a .
K ahler C. H., WUmington, IU.
Kaufman O. F., Rushcenter, Kan.
♦Kahler LeRoy, Indianapolis, Ind. Kaufm an E. M ., M oneta, Cal.
Kahler W. E ., Freeland, Pa.
Kaufm an H.' S„ Canton. O.
♦Kahlke A. C., Seattle, Wash.
♦Kaufman J. D., Yale, S. D.
Kahm ann G. F., Washington, Mo. ♦Kaufman K., Sidney, M ont.
♦Kahm ann W.H., Washington.Mo. Kaufm an R. C., Winslow, Ariz.
K ahn Simon, Raceland, La.
Kaufm an R. O.. Helena, Mont.
Kaidera J . C., Centerville, Wash.
♦Kauffman A. W., D etroit, Mich.
♦Kailer E. H., Naperville, 111.
Kauffman F. G., Garden City,
Kaiser A., Bagley. Minn.
Kaiser C. R., Stronghurst, III. Kauffman F . H ., Meherrin, Va.
Kaiser W. B., La Harpe, 111.
♦Kauffman Jess, Hillsboro, Wis.
Kaiser, W. C., Needles, Cal.
Kauffman, O. B., Osborn. O.
*K aisersatt J . A., Montgomery,
♦K aufm ann A. D., Haven, Kan.
♦Kakac John. Cresco. Ia.
♦Kaufmann C. C., Nutley, N. J.
K alahar Jas. A., Frederic, Mich.
K aufm ann E., Davenport, Ia.
K alahar L. P., Linwood, Mich.
♦K aufm ann O., Sheboygan, Wis.
♦Kalbfleisch C. E., M anistique, Kaul George E „ Faribault.M inn.
Kaul G. W., Tooele, Utah.
♦Kalbfleisch G., Edwardsville. 111. ♦Kausrud E. C., Menomonie, Wis.
Kalbfleisch G. H.. Westhope, N.D.
♦Kausrud O. C., Menomonie, Wis.
Kalbfleisch R. S., Tekoa, Wash.
K autz Charles, Chamois, Mo.
♦Kalbus Carl D., Ellendale, N. D.
L. F., Brainard, Neb.
♦Kallander, J. A., Bessemer, Mich. ♦Kavalec
Kavalec R. J., M onte Vista, Colo.
Kallis M aurice, Chicago, 111.
♦Kawai K., Seattle, Wash.
Kallmeyer A. S., Glasgow, Mo.
Kay A. P., Murfreesboro, Tenn.
Kay D. C., Morland, Kan.
Kallsen John, Bellingham, Wash. ♦Kay E. E., Bancroft, Mich.
Kay E . G., Bancroft. Mich.
♦Kallus F. O., Ennis, Tex.
Kalscheuer H. M ., St. Paul, M inn. Kay L. D., Morristown. N. J.
Kayler C. H., Dewey, Okla.
♦Kalseim A, E., Randall, Ia.
Kaylor H. S., Bostwick, Ga.
K alt J. P., Fond du Lac, Wis.
♦Kaylor Thos. H., Indianapolis,
K alton M . E ., Forada, Minn.
K am be E . C., Menomonee Falls,
♦Kayser A. F., Moscow, O.
♦Kamerer F. D., Union City. Pa. ♦Kayser C. F., Goldendale, Wash.
♦Kaminski E.S., Silver Creek,Neb. Kayser E. W ., E l Paso, Tex.
Kayser H. W., Sioux City, Ia.
♦Kamm A. J., Reese, Mich.
♦Kamm A. J., Richville, Mich.
Keach B., MarkviUe, Ind.
Kam m an R. F.. Spearflsh, S. D.
Kam m ann F. W., Sioux City, Ia. Keach O. W., CrothersviUe, Ind.
Keach W. E., Tomball, Tex.
♦Kammeier Fred, Woden, Ia.
♦Keagy C.W., Manchester, Ia.
♦Kammeling L. W., Renville,
♦Keane E. M., MitcheU, Ind.
M inn.
Kear E. E. E., W harton, O.
Kämmerer W. A.. St. Louis. Mo.
♦Kämmerer Wm. F., New York, ♦Kear M. H., W harton, O.
Kearney C. E ., Dravosburg, Pa.
N . Y.
Kearney L . C., Jackson, Neb.
♦K am pfer J . W., Clarington, O.
Kearns J. P., Townsend. Mont.
♦Kampmeier A. G.. Tripoli, Ia.
♦Kearns T. C., Bradford, Pa.
Kam ps W. F., Appleton, Wis.
Keary M . H., Currie, Minn.
♦K am rar J. R., W ebster City, la.
♦Kanak Frank, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Keathley W. H., Trimble, Tenn.
♦Keating C. A., WaUace. Ida.
K andt W. O., Wayside, Kan.
Kandutsch F. J., P ark Falls, Wis. ♦Keating L. F., M arienville, Pa.
Keaton J. J., MUan, Tenn.
K andutsch Hugo, Kennah, Wis.
♦Keaton N. B., Lacrosse, Wash.
K ane E. W., Dxmdee, M inn.
Keber Alois, St. Paul, Ore.
♦Kane J. H., Batavia, N. Y.
♦Keber Anna, M t. Angel, Ore.
K ane Margaret, Bucklin, Kan.

Keber J . J „ Mt. Angel, Ore.
Keck C. G., Freeport, IU.
♦Keck C. P., Sedalia, Mo.
♦Keeble W. R., AbUene, Tex,
♦Keedy D. D., Keedysville, M d.
Keefe M. H., Longview, IU,
♦Keefer J . A., Shoshone, Ida.
Keefhaver A. C., W hite Salmon,
♦Keegan E , G., Chandler, Okla.
Keegan T. M ., RocheUe, 111.
♦Keegan T. R., Lawton, Okla.
♦Keel J . W., Bolivar. O.
Keeler F . H „ Buchanan, N. D.
Keeler G. T ., Chicago, IU.
Keeler H. T., A uburn, N. Y.
♦Keeler J. H., Jr., Yonkers, N .Y .
♦Keeler Viola, Concord. Mich.
Keemm A. R., Simcoe, N . D.
♦Keen A. F., Fairfield. 111.
♦Keen L. L., Bridgton, Me.
♦Keen R. D., Keenes, 111.
♦Keenan J „ Le Roy, 111.
Keenan L. C., Le Roy, 111.
♦Keenan S. A., Ames. Ia.
Keener J . L.. Dierks, Ark.
Keeney H. T., Saugertles, N. Y.
♦Keeney W. S., Trinidad, Colo.
♦Keeny W. F., Dover, Mo.
♦Keep E. H., New Orleans, La.
Keep T. S., W ashougal, Wash.
♦Keepers M. M., Dennison, O.
Kees C. J., Brookhaven, Miss.
Kees E . A., Expansion, N, D.
Kees W. C., OlUe, M ont.
Keesee G. H.. Richmond, Va.
KeesUng E arnest, E lk Creek, Va.
♦Keethler J. L., Newark, Mo.
♦Keeton C. H., WiUlamsburg, Ky.
Keeton M . J., M ildred, Kan.
Keever G. F., Mooreland, Ind.
Keggin T . E ., H enryetta, Okla.
K ehler H. A., Los Angeles, Cal.
♦Keho M ary I., Kirkland, IU.
Kehoe M., SUver City, Ia.
Kehrer A. J., Norwood, M inn.
♦Keich L. D., N ettleton, Ark.
♦Keidel L. A., New York. N. Y.
Keifer Clarence, D ayton, O.
Keim G. J., Eureka, S. D.
Keim H. E ., Billings, Okla.
♦Keim T. F., Bethlehem. Pa.
♦Keiser E. L., Coraopolis, Pa.
Keister B. N., K ent City, Mich.
Keister J. R., Salem, Va.
K eith Alex., Sturgeon, Mo.
K eith A. A., Bayfield, Col.
K eith A.' B., Dahlonega, Ga.
K eith A. D„ Tolesboro, Ky.
Keith A. H., Homestead. Okla.
K eith A. S., Kathleen, Fla.
♦Keith J. E ., Ridgefield, Wash.
K eith L. B., Colman. S. D.
♦Keith M . B.. Dallas. Tex.
Keith W . B., Greenfield, Mass.
♦Keith W. E., Crofton. Ky.
Keith W. O., Talco, Tex.
♦Keithly E . A., Center, Mo.
Keithly E. W., Center, Mo.
♦K eitt Clyde, H ubbard, Tex.
♦Keitzer C. B., M onterey, Ind.
♦Keleehan W. O., Staples, M inn.
KeU J. H „ W alnut Hill, IU.
♦KeUa J. J.. Towner. Colo.
♦KeUam J. H., Hutchinson, Kan.
♦Kellam M argaret F., Beile H a­
ven, Va.
Keller Adam, Carlisle, Pa.
Keller A. M., W ilm ot, Ark.
♦Keller C. A., Pineville, W . Va.
KeUer C. B. Jr., Stroudsburg, P a.
KeUer C. R., M t. Vernon, 111.
Keller D. K., Center Hall, Pa.
♦KeUer E. B., Glen Rock, Pa.
♦KeUer E. R ., Clarkson, Ky.
KeUer F.B., Schuylkill Haven, P a.
♦Keller F. E.. Winamac, Ind.
♦KeUer F. P., Williamsburg, Pa.
KeUer Fred, H adar, Neb.
♦KeUer H. C., Shinglehouse, Pa.
♦Keller H. W., Hankinson, N . D.
KeUer I. N., Georgetown, Tex.
♦KeUer M . H., Wilmot, Ark.
KeUer N. H., Deep River, Ia.
KeUer O. H., Winamae, Ind.
♦KeUer O. M., Lawrenceburg, Ind.
♦KeUer P . L .. Scribner. Neb.
KeUer R . A., Pineville, W. Va.
KeUer R. B., BeUefontaine, O.
KeUer W. E., Jersey City, N. J.
♦Keller W. M., Palestine, Tex.
KeUer W. W., Tiffin, O.
Kelley A. W., B arnegat, N. J.
♦Kelley Charles, G rand River, Ia.
♦KeUey C. A., Alvarado. Tex.
KeUey C. E ., Clayton, Ind.
♦KeUey E. F.. Bayard, Neb.
KeUey E. L., Jr., H arain, Mont.
KeUey F. D., Narrows, Va.
♦Kelley Frank, Gladbrook, Ia.
♦KeUey Fred (W. G.), DaUas, Tex.
KeUey G. A., Talihina, Okla.
KeUey Guy, Chamberlain, S. D.
Kelley> H. F., Ballard Station,
KeUey Jam es. Penfield. 111.
♦Kelley L. C., Higgins, Tex. .
♦KeUey L. F., Marshall, Wis.
KeUey M arion E.. EastviUe, Va.
KeUey Strond, Timpson, Tex.
Kelley WiUiam, Perry, Kan.
KeUey W. J., Laurel, M d.

Kellison H. D ., Springboro, O.
♦Kellner E ., Galveston, Tex.
Kellner fi. F. Jr., Superior; Ariz.
♦Kellogg A. L., Seaton, 111.
♦Kellogg G. L., Oklahoma City,
Kellogg J. fi., Craig, Colo.
♦Kellogg J. F., Avon, N. Y.
Kellogg P. !<., Stanley, Kan.
Kellogg S'. T., Hastlngs-upon-Hudson. N. Y.
♦Kellogg W. M ., T raverse City,
Kellom F. P., W inchester, N. H.
♦Kells L. L., Sauk Center, Minn.
♦Kelly A- H., Tionesta, Pa.
Kelly A. J.. Conrad, Mont.
♦Kelly B. F., Charleston, 111.
Kelly B. R., Gothenburg, Neb.
Kelly C. M., Ipswich, Mass,
♦Kelly C. P., Cooperstown, N. D.
Kelly C. S., R epton, Ala.
Kelly E. C., Monticello, Ga.
Kelly E. E., Opp, Ala.
♦Kelly E rnest S., Saltsburg. Pa.
♦Kelly F., Au Sable, Mich.
Kelly E. J., Effingham. Kan.
Kelly F. A., Jasper, Tenn.
♦Kelly F.. Oscoda, Mich.
♦Kelly F. R., Rocky Ford, Colo.
♦Kelly H. H., A ltam ont, 111.
Kelly H. R., Dumas, Tex.
Kelly H. T., Taylorsville, N. C.
Kelly I. S., Alexandria. Ind.
♦Kelly J. C., Davis, Okla.
Kelly J. A., Lebanon, Ky.
Kelly J . C., W ichita, Kan.
Kelly J . H., Tionesta. Pa.
♦Kelly Jo h n H .. E lkhart. Ind.

♦Kendrick P. S., Albany, Tex.
Kendrick R. M ., Plains. Tex.
♦Kendrick W. £>., Lima, 111.
Kenefic E. B., W abasha, Minn.
♦Keneflck R. E., Dell Rapids, S.D.
K ennard E. S.. Rum ford, Me.
Kennard G. B., Anderson, Tex.

Kerley A. F.. Red Hook, N. Y.
Kerley C. H., Peck, Kan.
Kerley D. R., Simpson. 111.
♦Kerley W. H ., Peck. Kan.
K ern C. D., Macedonia, 111.
♦Kern C. G., H inton. Okla.

Kiernan G.Augustine, Sag H arbor,
N. Y.
Kienberger G., Rich Hill, Mo.
Kiesel F. W., Sacramento. Cal.
♦Kieser A. G., P rairie du Ghien,
♦Kiesler C. A., Perryville, Mo.
Kiesler J. H., Perryville, Mo.
Kiess H. E., Bucyrus, O.
♦Kiess T. C., Bucyrus, O.
Kiessling D. O.. Crockett, Tex.
♦Kiest G. C.. Lincoln, 111.
♦Kiest Lloyd A., Hingham , M ont.,
Kift W. M. W atkins, N. Y.
Kiger J. C., Grifflthsville, W. Va.

Kern Chas. S., Oakville. Ind.
K ennard R. O., Jr., Wellston.Mo.
♦Kern F. S., Libertyville, 111.
♦Kennard W. J., Yeoman, Ind.
K ern George. N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Kennedy A. F,, Chicago, III.'
Kern J . W., Opdyke, 111.
♦KennedyA.K.V., Lexington, Ind.
♦Kern M. L., Opdyke, 111.
Kennedy A. S., Due West, S. C.
Kern W H.. Silverlake. Ind.
♦Kennedy A, S., Plainview, Minn. Kerndt C. M„ Lansing, la.
♦Kennedy A. W., Bancroft, Ia.
K erner L. C., Ligonier. Ind.
Kennedy C. E., New Brighton, Pa. Kernodle M . T., Wolbach, Neb.
Kennedy C. H., Youngstown, O.
♦Kiger J. J., The Plains, Va.
Kerns S. D., Hickory, Mo.
Kennedy D. B., Chicago, 111.
Kight G. T., Coolidge, Ga.
Kennedy D. C., Comersville.Tenn. K err A. H., Burgettstown, Pa.
Kiker C. H ., Sargent, Neb.
K ennedy E, H „ N. E aston, Mass. K err A. P., Gallipolis, O.
♦Kiland A. M ., Tolna, N. D.
♦ Kennedy E. H.. Pittsfield, Mass. K err C. C., Cave in Rock, 111.
♦Kiland J. T., Hillsboro, N. D.
K ennedy F. L. M t. Pleasant, Tex. Kerr C. M., D etroit, Tex.
Kilbey I. I., Stewartsville, Mo.
Kennedy E. M., Blackstock, S. C. K err F . E.. McBee, S. O.
Kilbon John L., Lee, Mass.
G. B., Traverse City.
K err F. L., Greenback, Tenn.
Bluffs, Kan.
Kerr H. J., Okanogan, Wash.
Kennedy F. C., Valley, Neb.
Kilburn A. P., Charleston. W. Va.
Kennedy F. P „ Chateaugay, N. Y.
Kilbum H. B., F t. Fairfield, Me.
♦Kennedy G. A., San Francisco. K err J. A., Saratoga, Cal.
Kildea B., New Lothrop, Mich.
err J. H ., Rusk, Tex»
♦Kennedy G. G„ Deepwater, Mo. K
Kile F. M., S tuart, Ia.
Kerr J. W. P., Staunton, 111.
Kennedy H arry, Carlisle, Ky.
♦Kiler W. C., O ttaw a, Kan.
K err R. C., Mercer. Pa.
Kennedy H., F rankfort, Kan.
♦Kiley O. M ., De Pere, Wis.
Kennedy H. B., A tlanta, Ga.
♦Kilgore G. H „ W inder, Ga.
Kerr T. J., Ligonier, Pa.
Kilgore J. C., Spread. Ga.
♦Kennedy H.C.,Com ersville.Tenn. ♦Kerr
W. C., Newburg, Mo.
♦Kilgore M ontye, Union, Okla.
K ennedy H. E ., Okmulgee, Okla.
♦Kerr Walker, Orion, 111.
Kilgore Morton, Goodland, Ind.
♦Kennedy H. H., Reno, Nev.
Kerrigan P. J., Greeley, Neb.
Kilian L. E., Milwaukee, Wis.
Kennedy H. J., F o rt Madison, Ia. ♦Kersey
M ., Greenville, 111.
William, HettiCk, 111.
Kennedy H. V., E lton, La.
Kershaw J. G., Silver Springs,N.Y. Killam
Kille J. G., A ttica, Kan.
Kennedy I. E ., G irard, Ohio.
Kerstein S. L., M illerton, Okla.
T., Dresden, Tenn.
Kennedy J., Brunsville, Ia.
K erstetter D. O., New Tripoli, ♦Killeen MW.
. C., N orth Bend, Neb.
Kennedy J. D., Oconto, Neb.
Killen John, Monoha, Ia.
Kennedy J. E ., Macon, Mo.
Kelly J. M., Ayrshire, la.
♦Kersting E . J., H enryetta, Okla.
♦ Killen, M. A., Monona, Ia.
Kelly John, Jam estow n, Kan.
Keshner E. P., E. St. Louis, 111.
Killlgrew W. J., H obart. Ind.
♦Kennedy J. G., E ntiat, Wash.
Kelly J. P., Butler, Ala.
Keshner J. F., Edwardsvllle, 111.
♦Killin Jas., H artford, Conn.
♦Kennedy J . K.. Anson, Tex.
K elly J. S., Jefferson, Okla.
Kesler A. J „ Edgeley, N. D.
Killion E. E., Plainville, Ind.
♦Kennedy J. S. A tlanta, Ga.
♦Kelly L.. Opp, Ala.
Kesler J. A., Overbrook, Kan.
♦Killion R. E.. Plainville. Ind.
Kennedy J. S., Center, Tex.
’ Kelly L. P., Neosho, Mo.
Kesner C. *J., Arm ada, • Mich.
Killough Roger, Gause, Tex.
Kennedy, J. T., Kennedy, Ala.
Kelly M. J., E dgerton, Kan.
♦Kesselus H. J., Bastrop, Tex.
♦Killpatrick W. L., Mt. Sterling,
♦Kennedy J. T „ Leeton, Mo.
♦Kelly M. J., Silver City, N, M.
Kessey O. B., Springfield, Ore.
K ennedy J. W., Dellrose, Tenn.
Kelly P. J., Yukon, Okla.
♦Kessler F. P., Sac City, la.
Kilmer A. C., Cobleskill, N. Y.
Kennedy L., Rifle, Colo.
Kelly P. L., Cornlea, N eb.
♦Kessler L. A., Jeffersonville, O.
♦Kilmer N. K., South Haven, Kan.
Kennedy Leroy, Kensington, Kan. ♦Kessler
Kelly Q. B., Bingham Canyon,
♦K ilpatric O. A., Chico, Cal.
Kennedy L. F „ Bancroft, Iowa.
U tah.
K ilpatrick C. W „ Adrian, Minn.
♦Kennedy L. B., Laramie, Wyo.
Kelly R. A., Georgetown, Ind.
Kester C. H., Valier, Mont.
K ilpatrick E. D., Leflore, Okl.
♦K ennedy O. E „ Marion, O.
Kelly R. O., M ayo, Fla.
♦Kilpatrick E. H., Alamosa, Colo.
♦Kennedy P. J., Muskogee. Okla. ♦Kesting G., Kansas City, Mo.
Kelly R. W ., Bristol, Tenn.
K ennedy P. K., Carthage, N. C. ♦Ketcham F. I.. New York, N. Y. K ilpatrick H. T., A tlanta. Ga.
Kelly R. W., Peru, Neb.
K etcham H. L., Redwood, N. Y. ♦K ilpatrick H -W ., A tlanta, Ga.
K ennedy Ross., F ruitland, Ida.
♦Kelly S. T. Jr.. Kearney, Mo.
♦K etcham L. S., Toledo, 0 .
Kilrov Leslie. Lonaconing, M d.
Kennedy S. G., Vernon, Ala.
Kelly T. R., Amidon, N. D.
Ketchen A. B., V idette, Ga.
Kimball C. D., Dunbar, Pa.
♦Kennedy T. M., Bucyrus.O.
Kelly T. S., Neosho Rapids, Kan.
Ketchersid John M ., Hope, Kan. Kimball E. P., Malden, Mass.
K ennedy N. A., Pom ona. Cal.
K elly Vincent, G raettinger, la.
♦Ketcherside, H. V., Longbeach, Kimball F D., Eureka, Utah.
Kelly W „ Ortonville. Minn.
Kimball H artley F., Enosburg
♦Kennedy W. B., L ittle Rock, Ark.
Kelly W. A., W. Frankfort, 111.
Ketchum Chas., Acting, Green­
Falls, Vt.
♦Kennedy W. H., Olney, Tex.
Kelly W. fi., M etcalf, Ariz.
field, MiCh.
♦Kimball H. G.. N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Kennedy W. L., Rosebud, M ont.
Kelly W. B., Lockhart, Tex.
Ketchum S. D., Edmore, Mich.
♦Kimball Howard F., Enosburg
Kennedy W. P „ Liberty, Ind.
♦Kelly W. M ., B ritton, S. D.
♦KennedyW . S., Kensington, Kan. ♦Kettenhofen J. F., Green Bay,
Falls, Vt.
Keim H. L., Chanhassen, M inn.
W is.
♦Kimball J, G., Neodesha, Kan.
Kennem ur R. S., Nunez, Ga.
♦Kelp O. fi-, Nashville, Ind.
L. W., Clinton, Mich.
Kelsay W. C. H obart, Okla.
Kimball O. A.. Sunbury, O.
N. J
Kelsey E. M„ Sterling, Colo.
P. G., Hodgenville, Ky.
Kelsey T. H., Roseville, Cal.
♦Kettlewell G. P. .Caltstoga, Cal. ♦Kimberley F. W., Collins, Ia.
♦Kelso F. W., M ondak, M ont.
Kimberly C. D., Bellevue, Mich.
Kennerly H. M ., Batesville, Ark. K ettner J. C., Elgin, M inn.
Kelso J., Bellevue, la.
Keup F. A., Columbus, N. D.
Kimberly H. H „ H am pton, Va.
K ennett F. J., P asadena,*Cal.
♦Kelso J. A., M cKeesport, Pa.
♦Keuper Augusta, Lincoln, Mo.
♦Kimble Floyd, T uttle, Okla.
Kenney F. M ., Olympia, Wash.
♦Kelson C. A., Scott, Kan.
Key A. R., Sanford, Fla.
♦Kimble F. F., T uttle, Okla.
♦Kenney G. H „ Elkhom , Wis.
Kelson C. H ., Lake P ark, M inn.
♦Key K. O., Fayetteville. Ark.
♦Kenney H. B., Broadlands, 111.
Kelson M artin, New Ham pton,
Key R. C., Lagrange, Ga.
♦Kimble S. F., M ulvane, Kan.
Kenney W. C., Towson, M d.
la .
K ey T . A., W hitesboro, Tex.
Kimbrell J. H., Clarksdale, Miss.
K elting R. W ., Spooner, Wis.
♦Kimbrough A. S., Moorefield.Ky.
Key W. B., Holdenville, Okla.
Kensler P. H., Connersville. Ind.
♦Keltner R. S., W akenda, Mo.
C. Y., Louisa, Va.
Keltz J. W., Jeannette, Pa.
Keyes D avid, Buttzville, N. D. Kimbrough E., Clarksville, Tenn.
♦K ent J. A., Louisa. Va.
K em G. F., D ayton, Ohio.
Keyes G. D., Algonquin, 111.
Kimbrough E. F., New Meadows.
K ent J. F., Chicago, 111.
K em ater J. C., Springfield, Mass.
Keyes G. H. Jr., Winslow, Ariz.
K ent J . P., G arrett, 111.
Kemerley A. H., Carey, O.
♦Keyes N. C., W orcester, Mass.
Kimbrough R.. S., Mesquite, Tex.
K ent R. C., Chicago, 111.
♦Kemerer W. A., Jeannette, Pa.
♦Keyes S. A., N orthport, Mich.
♦Kimbrough S. A., Colfax, Wash.
K ent R. L„ Wrightsville, Ga.
♦Kem merer L. S., Lehighton, Pa.
Kim brough S. M., Ittab en a, Miss.
♦Keyes S. H., Hagerm an, Tex.
♦K ent S. S., Omaha, Neb.
Kem p Fred, M inden City, Mich.
♦Keys J. O., Stockton, Cal.
Kirne J., Chaonia, Mo.
K ent W. G.. Utica. Mo.
Kem p F .W ., Sioux C., Ia.
Kimery W aiter, Nolensville. Tenn.
Kem p H. C., Minneapolis, M inn.
Keyser E. W., Delta, Pa.
♦Kimm C. B., Biscay, M inn.
K enter G. T., Passaic. N. J.
Kem p H. W., Bally, Pa.
♦Keyser J. H., Natchitoches, La. Kim m M . G., Biscay, M inn.
K enton J. C., Calera, Okla.
♦Kemp J. T., Lexington, Okla.
♦Kimm R. D., Blairstown, la.
K enw orthy C. W., Perkins, Okla. Keyser Nelson B.. Reading. Pa.
♦Kemp K. A., Cumming, Ga.
Keyser W. C., Schellberg, Pa.
Kenyon A. M ., Pilot M ound. Ia.
Kemp O. G., Oto, la
Kimmei E. M ., Grandfield, Okla.
Kemp R. H., Key West, Fla.
Kibbe H. E .. Winfield, Kan.
Kimmei G. C., E lk Point, S. D.
Kenyon C. H., New H am pton, la .
Kemp W. C., W ichita, Kan.
Kimmei N. 0., Gratis, O.
♦Kempe A., Cape Girardeau. Mo.
♦Kibler H., G avalie, N. D.
Kimmei R. Q., Elkville, 111.»
Kem per A. H., W alnut Grove, ♦Kenyon G. A., Norm al, 111.
Kiburtz Carl. Monroe, Mich.
Kimmons F., Bowling Green, O.
Kenyon H. H., Beulah, N. D.
Klcklighter C. W., Glennvfile, Ga. ♦Kimpel.G. G., Krem, N. D.
K enyon H. H., Zap, N. D.
Kem per G. E., Marshall, Va.
Kickok G. N., Aurora, Ore.
Kimpel G. G., Lester Prairie,
Kenyon R. R., Freeport. Mich.
Kem per H. L., San Luis Obispo,,
M inn.
♦Kenyon Winifred, Freeport, Mich. ♦Kickok M . fi., New Ulysses, Kan.
Kimsey Leslie, H ayden, Colo.
♦Kenzel E. R., New York, N. Y. ♦Kidd D. E., Wallace, W. Va.
Kem per Ira, M onterey, Ky.
♦Kinard D. L. C.. M emphis, Tex.
K ephart G. W.. Rock River. Wyo. K idd F. T ., Hartwell, Ga.
♦Kinard F. J., Smooks, S. C.,
K ephart J. T., Green River, Wyo. ♦Kidd G. A., Oelwein, Ia.
Kem per J . N., Franklinton, Ky.
Kidd George. Brownwood. Tex.
K inard J. M., Collins, Ga.
♦Kepler H arold, Anselmo, Neb.
♦Kemper T. F., Salem, W. Va.
A. R., Blanchard, Okla.
Kem pf E., Frem ont, Mich.
M inn.
♦Kincaid B. E.. Mulhall. Okla.
Keplinger M . B.,-Franklin, 111.
K em pf Jno. F., E p h rata, Wash.
Kiddoo S. T., Sioux Falls, S. D.
Kincaid G. M., Farm er City, 111.
♦Kepp E zra, X enia. 111. ■
Kem pner R. L.. Galveston, Tex.
♦Kidwell D. L., Hawley, Tex.
Kincaid W. J., W hite Bluffs.Wash.
♦Kem pter Julia, Hillsdale, 111.
Kincaid W. P.. Summervile.W.Va.
Kidwell E. W., Hawley, Tex.
K epple D., B randon, S. D.
K enan D.'W ., Cameron, 111.
W. R., M ulhall, Okla.
Kendall A. M., Dallas, Ga.
J. H ., P ittsburg, Okla.
Kendall A. O., Ozawkle, Kan.
♦Kiech L. D., N ettleton, Ark.
♦Kincely W. A., Hastings, Neb.
♦Kepple W. E. Floyd, Ia.
Kendall B. M„ Springview, Neb.
M ., Ashford, Ala.
Kendall E. L.. Bluffs. 111.
♦Kincheloe M . B., Hardinsburg,
♦Keran Otho H., Lockwood, Mo. Kiefer F. fi., Portsm outh, O.
♦Kendall F. X ., D elta, Ia.
Kendall G. W.. Stam ford, N. Y.
Kieffer G. N., Soldier, Ia.
Kincheloe W. B., Parkersburg,
K erbaugh Jas. E., Viola. Wis.
Kendall H. E ., M onson, Mass.
W. Va.
Kendall J. H., Amboy, Ind.
Kinder B. E „ Bishop, Tex.
Kendall L. J., Lamoille, 111.
Kieffer J. P., E ast Dubuque, 111.
Kinder P. B., Lowndes, Mo.
♦Kerby C. C., M oulton, Ala.
♦Kendall M . E., Amo, Ind.
Kinder Web, Lawrenceville, 111.
Kiehlbauch B. J., Avon, S. D.
K erby F. M ., Cascade, Ida.
♦Kiehlbauch W., Avon, S. D.
Klndig O. C., Floyd, Ia.
K erby J. H., Clay Center, Kan.
Kendall N. F., Grafton, W. Va.
♦Kiel Hugo. Milwaukee, Wis.
♦Kerby M . D., Cascade, Ida.
Kendall W. B.. Manchester, N. H.
Kindley A. E., G ravette, Ark.
Kendell J., Covington, O.
♦Kindley U ther, G ravette. Ark.
♦Kerchner T. C., Mifflintown, Pa. Kiel Richard, Kiel, Wis.
Kendrick M iss Cora, Zachary, La.
Kindred H. J., Tim ber Lake, S. D.
♦Kienholz M ., Scottville. Mich.
Kerfees F. W ., Varina, N. C.
Kendrick J. M.V K nobnoster, Mo.
Kieninger W. M ., W ittenberg.M o. Kindscher J. J., Beloit, Kan.
♦K erker J. H., D avenport, Ia.
Kendrick J. P.. Gatesville. Tex.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Kindschi B. G., Lincoln Valley,
Kinsey H. S„ Arcadia, Neb.
N. D.
♦Kinsey 0- O., M arietta, O.
Kindwall F. A., W ynot, Neb.
Kintzing R„ Lockhaven, Pa.
♦King A. A„ W alla W alla, W ash. i Kinyon C. J., Owatonna, Minn.
Kang Jr. A. C., Orchard, Neb.
Kinzey W alter R., Benton, 111.
King A. K., Kina, Pa.
♦Kinzie C. F * Palouse, Wash.
S in g A. S.. Crystal River, Fla.
Kipley L. F„ Doltons Station, 111.
King A. S., Chanute, Kan.
Kiplinger E. C., Loudonville, O.
♦King B. A., Sulphur Springs, Kippe E ., Burroak, la.
Kippen Daniel, Ham ilton, N. D.
♦King B. O., St. M atthew s. S. C.
* Kirby Alva, Fayette, Mo.
King B. F., W heetley, Ark.
K irby C. C., Spartanburg, S. C.
♦King B ertha L., Olive Hill, Ky.
♦Kirby E. M., Gandy, Neb.
♦King B. H., Quinton, Okl.
♦K irby F. H „ La Fayette, Ga.
♦King B. J., A tlanta, Ga.
K irby H. O., Woodburn, Ky.
King O. A., Tillar, Ark.
Kirby J. H., Kenly, N . C.
King C. D., Crossville, Ala.
K irby J. M ., Westminster, Tex.
King O. D., Oakville, la.
K irby J. J., Momence, 111.
King G. H., DeKalb, Miss.
Kirby J. R., Sachse, Tex.
King E. A., Mulberry, Tenn.
♦Kirby L. B., Calexico, Cal.
♦King E. I., Freeland Park, Ind.
♦Kirby L. O., Hibbing, Minn.
King F. J., Kings, 111.
♦Kirby L aura V., Corona, Cal.
King F. Perry, Chatsworth, Ga.
Kirby W. F.. Tucumcari, N. M.
King F rank B., San Francisco.Cal.
Kirchhain, Y. H., Cedar Key, Fla.
Kirchhofl W .H., Franklin Park,111.
King G. A., Blue E arth , Minn.
♦Kirchhoffer F. H., Medical Lake,
King G. C., Forest City, N. C.
: Wash.
King G. C.. Morrison, Tenn.
♦Kirchman August, Cicero, 111.
*King G. D., Clarkston, Mich.
♦Kirchman, Frank, Jr., Chicago,
K n g G. G., Thom aston, Ga.
King G. R., Castalia, N . C.
♦Kirchman Jr. F. J., Winner, S. D.
♦ K n g H.. Bloomfield, la.
Kirchner D. A., Olean, Mo.
K ing H. F., Hondo, Tex.
♦Kirgis C. F., Chicago Heights, 111.
♦King H. C., M acon, Ga.
K irk C. C., Lyons, Ind.
King H. H., Hope, Ind.
Kirk David, Niagara, N. D.
♦King H. T ., Elbridge, Tenn.
♦Kirk F.. Collierville, Tenn.
♦King H. V., Dickinson, Tex.
♦Kirk G. L., Garvin, Okla.
♦King H. W., Winfield, Kan.
Kirk I. A., Gibbon, Neb.
♦King I. B., Denver, Colo.
♦Kirk J. S., Paulding, O.
King J . D., New Madison, O.
♦Kirk L. D„ Lyons, Ind.
King J. G„ Arcadia, Fla.
♦Kirk L. T„ Ellsworth, Kan.
King J. G„ A tlanta, Tex.
Kirk R. D., Baldwyn, Miss.
King J . H., Sterling, Colo.
Kirk R. E., Bartlett?, Tex.
King J. N ., Aylesworth, Okla.
Kirk Sennett. Garnett. Kan.
♦K n g J. P., Seymour, la.
Kirkbride J. W., Bostwick, Neb.
King J. S., Houston, Mo.
Kirkbride R.C., Bloomington,Neb.
♦ K n g Joe, Arapaho, Okla.
♦Kirkbride W. B„ Trenton, N. J
King J. W., H ahira, Ga.
♦Kirkahm D. I., Olive Branch. 111.
King L. M., Jonesboro, Ga.
♦Kirkeberg Enoch, Cumings, N.D
King Louis, Sweet Springs, Mo.
♦Kirkeby George W., Souris, N. D.
King L. W„ W eedsport, N. Y.
♦Kirkham F. T., Harlingen, Tex.
♦King M iss O., S tithton, Ky.
♦Kirkham V. B., Scottsbluff, Neb.
K n g M . H ., M auk, Ga.
♦Kirkham W. B., Olive Branch,111.
♦ K n g M . M ., Texarkana, Tex.
Kirkland A. H., Barberton, O.
♦King O. L., Prince Frederlck- ♦K irkland G.. Nicholis, Ga.
town. Md.
Kirkland H. N„ N. Y. City. N.Y.
♦King O. W., M eeker, Okla.
♦Kirkland J. W., Nicholis, Ga.
King R . C., Greenwood, Miss.
♦Kirkland R. R., Paducah, Ky.
K n g R. H.. Prim ghar, la.
♦K irkpatrick Ada, Charlestown,
King S. A., Concord, Ga.
♦ K n g S. 0 ., Ensley, Ala.
Kirkpatrick C. C., San Angelo,Tex.
King T ., Bokchito, Okl.
♦K irkpatrick O. E., Chattanooga,
King T. C., Chicago, 111.
♦ K n g T. C., W hite Plains, Ga.
K irkpatrick E ., Oklahoma, Okla.
King T. E., Marion, Va.
Kirkpatrick F. M., Atlanta, Ga.
♦King T. M., Pennington Gap, Va.
K irkpatrick G. O., Mankato,Kan.
King T. W., Spring Green, Wis.
♦K irkpatrick H „ Reagan, Tex.
King V. J., E astham pton, Mass.
K irkpatrick H. A., Marietta, Okl.
King W. D„ McEwen, Tenn.
♦K irkpatrick H. F „ Morley, Mo.
K n g W. D., Frederick, Okla.
K irkpatrick J. H., Canton, N. C.
King W. M„ N ortham pton, Mass. ♦K irkpatrick J. J., McAlester, Okl.
King W. P., Beulah Miss.
♦Kirkpatrick L. A., M arietta. Okla.
King W . R., Cruger, Miss.
K irkpatrickL . D.,Bridgeport, Tex.
Kingdon F. B„ Monroe, la.
K irkpatrick P., TompkinsvUle.Ky.
Kingery C. M., Chadwick, 111.
♦K irkpatrick R uth, Mullin, Tex.
Kingery H. W., Tilden, Neb.
♦K irkpatrick R. S., Menlo, la.
Kingery J. F., Orient, la.
K irkpatrick S. T., Ripley, Tenn.
KIngsbery A. C., Montrose, S. D.
K irkpatrick W „ New Richmond.
Kingsbery H. C., H artford, S. D.
♦Kingsbury A. N., St. Louis, Mo.
K irkpatrick W. B., Linden, Wis.
♦Kingsbury F . W „ W est Union.Ia. ♦Kirkwood A. H., Petroleum, Ind.
♦Kingsbury H. A., W ashington, 111. ♦Kirkwood T. W.. L ittle Rock,
Kingsbury J. C.. Clearwater, Fla,
K ingsbury L. A. New Pranklin,
Kirley W. J., Doylestown, Wis:
Klrlin O. M., Milton, Ind.
Kingsbury P. E „ Relnbeck, la.
Kirschner C. J., Hazleton, Pa
♦Kingsbury V. V., H enryetta, Okl.
Kirschner Edward, Toledo, Ohio.
♦Kingsbury W .C.,Friendship,N.Y.
Kirscht, H. E„ Hanover, Minn.
Kingsley E. G„ Franklinville, ♦Kirster F. J., Central Lake, Mich.
N. Y.
♦Kirwan J. H.. Juanita, N. D.
Kingsley F. R. Jr., Minden, Neb.
Kispert G. J., Jefferson, Wis.
Kingsley G. P., Norman, Neb.
♦Kispert W. S., Jefferson, Wis.
♦K ngsley H. F., R utland, Vt.
Kissel C. O., Pryor, Okla.
♦Kingsley J., W indom, Kan.
♦Kissinger J. H.. Hecla. S. D.
♦Kingsolver C. C. Hydro, Okla.
Kistler A. W., Noel, Mo.
Kingston A. C., Chilton, Wis.
K istler C. E „ Carroll, O.
Kingston W., Honey Creek, Wis.
Kistler Charles, Longmont, Colo.
Kinkead W. Q., Bloomingburg, O. K istler I. A., Royal Center. Ind.
♦Kinman Sallie B„ Russell, Ky.
♦Kistler John A., Carroll, O.
Kinnaird J. W., E dm onton, Ky.
♦Kistler, J. S., Colton, Wash.
♦K innaird W. A., Valley Junction,
Kistler M. S.. E. Stroudsburg. Pa.
♦Kistler W. F., Blackwell, Okl.
♦Kinnaman W. D., Sedan, Kan.
♦Kitch A. S., Rocky Ford, Colo.
♦ K n n e H. L., Winona, M inn.
Kitch W. E., Bloomer, Wis.
♦ K n n e tt D. D., Sycamore, Ga.
Kitchens C. W., Gough, Ga.
Kinney A. L., Silverwood, Mich.
Kitchens T. L„ Mitchell, Ga.
Kinney A. L., Clifford, Mich.
♦Kite A. P., Stanley, Va.
Kinney A. L„ Spearfish, S. D.
Kite^G. R., Norristown, Pa.
Kinney D., Newton, Kan.
K iteley Rae H., Longmont, Colo.
K ittel W. F., Casselton, N. D.
♦Kinney E d ith A., Clifford, Mich.
Kitte Ison G., Borup, Minn.
♦Kinney E d ith A.. Silverwood,
K itterm an J. R., Shirley, Ind.
Kinney F. L., Sparks, Nev.
K itterm an R. F., H ay Springs,
♦Kinney F. J.', Los Angeles, Cal.
♦K itterm an V., Shirley. Ind.
K inney H. A., Bloom, Kan.
♦K ittinger R uth, Island, Ky.
♦Kinney J. D., Bay City, Mich.
♦Kltto S. H., Oakland, Cal.
K itts T. J., Westfield, N. J.
♦Kinney J. J., Mill Creek, Okla.
Kittredge C., D., F ort Lauderdale,
Kinney P. M ., W atervliet, Mich.
Kinney R. P., Crossville, 111.
K ittreil H. G., M t. Pleasant, Tenn.
Kinsey B. W ., W hitham , Mo.
♦Kitzberger P.; New Ulm, Minn.
♦Kinsey Elmer. New Philadelphia,
Kivlehen J. D., Luther, Okla.
♦Kivley G. Appleton, M inn.
Kinsey E. W., Claypool, Ind.
Kixmiller I,. J., Carlisle, Ind.
Kinsey G. B„ Brighton. Colo.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Kizler John J,, Hillsboro, Kan.
Kizzia C. A., Delight, Ark.
•Kjellgren M. A., Rockford, 111.
♦Kjelson Nils, Sheboygan, Wis.
K jelstrup E. B., Parshall, N. D.
Kjelstrup K., Underwood, N,. D.
♦Kjelstrup L. N „ Parshall, N. D.
Kjenstad O. J., H ayti. S. D.
♦Klapmeyer H. B„ Kansas City,
♦Klappenbach E-. C., Johnson
City, Tex.
K lappenbach J .; Johnson City,
Klasen Jos., Holdingford, M inn.
♦Klassen H. J„ Inm an, Kan.
♦K latt H. J., Ravenna, Neb.
K latt L. R „ Tripp, S. D.
Klaus H. P „ Green Bay, Wis.
Klauss L. G., Pittsburg, Pa.
Klawon F. H., W heaton. Minn.
♦Klawon L. W., W neaton, M inn.
♦Kleber F. E., Bayonne, N. J.
♦Klee H. F.. Olean, N. Y.
♦Klees C. W., Berlin, Md.
♦Klein Agnes, Divernon, 111.
Klein Alfred H., Oak Park, 111.
♦Klein A. O., Bralnard, Neb.
♦Klein E. A., Evansville, Ind.
♦Klein D. G„ Sanborn, Minn.
♦Klein E. V., Spokane, Wash.
Klein G. G., Krem, N. D.
♦Klein H. O., La Crosse, Wis.
xxiClJLL M i w • » U S S l a l l , l a «

♦Klein Morris. Long Beach, Cal.
♦Klein N. C., Dell Rapids, S. D.
Klein P. L., Queen City, Mo.
♦Klein T. H., Pella, la.
♦Klein, W. C., Harper, la.
♦Klein W. H., M ount Olive, 111.
♦Kleindinst G. G., Buffalo, N. Y.
♦Kleinecke A., Galveston, Tex.
Kleinmann W., V. Lebanon, Wis.
Kleis Otto, Sheldahl, la.
♦Kleiser W. W., Lebanon, Pa.
Kleist C. H.. W olcott. Ind.
Klepper Frank, Heizer, Kan.
Klepper W. J., Inza, Mo.
Kleppln C. A., Frankfort. S. D.
♦Klepser Harold, Ranier, Ore.
Klesert J. A., River Forest, 111.
Kiev H. N., Clifford. N. D.
Kleve S. L., Kenmare, N. D.
Kleven W. R., Sebeka, Minn.
Klevesahi H. C.,San Francisco.Cal.
Kliebenstein L. F., Kingsley, la,
Kliewer H. B., Cherokee, Okla.
♦Kliewer J. H., Fairview, Okla.
Klindt G. A., Cassville, Wis.
♦Kline O. E., St. Charles, Mich.
Kline C. H „ Pottsville, Pa.
Kline C. F „ Lansford, Pa.
Kline C. L.. Williamstown, Kan.
Kline F. A., P ort Jefferson, N. Y.
Kline J. C., W hite Haven, Pa.
♦Kline M. H., Williamstown, Kan.
Kline Newton, Pottstow n, Pa.
♦Kline P. E., Cincinnati, O.
Klinedinst R. D., Wellsville, Pa.
Kling J. H., New Salem, N. D.
Klingbeil R. A., Terril, la.
♦Klingberg L. C., Fort Lee, N. J.
♦Klinger Ethel V., Haviland, O.
Klinger H. H., Monroe S D.
Klinger 8. B., Haviland, Ohio.
Klinger W. H., New York C ity
N. Y.
♦Klingler Frank, Oakwood, Okl.
♦Klingier H., Custer, Okla.
Klingler W. M., Junction City, O.
Klinkenberg R. C., Barrows.M inn:
W. W „ South Bethlehem,
♦Klinkner F. W., Lesterville, S.D.
♦Klingseis J. J., Dedham, Iowa.
♦Klint E., Elk Creek, Neb.
♦Klintberg Marie, SaronvUle, Neb.
Klipfel A. A., W apakoneta, O.
K lippert W. A., D enver IU.
♦Kfisart E . H., Ossian, la.
Klise Paul E ., Ham ilton, M ont.
♦Klobe J. F., Glencoe, Minn.
♦Klock F. P „ St. Johnsville,N.Y
♦Klockow K., Glasgow, M ont.
♦Klocksiem F. W., Laporte, Ind.
Klocow F. D., Ormsby, Minn.
Kloeckner John, Iron Ridge, Wis
♦Kloeckner Peter, Iron Ridge, Wis
♦Kloepfer G. J., Buffalo, N. Y.
Kioepper R. E., New Braunfels.
Kloes Henry, Milwaukee, Wis.
Kloffenstein, H., Zelienople, Pa.
Kloke A. R., Gross, Neb.
♦Kloke C. P., Gross, Neh.
Kloke L. G., Spencer, Neb.
Kloman A., Sharonville, O.
♦Kloos L, R.. Donnelly, Minn.
Klopp L. C„ Bemville, Pa.
♦Klopp Leanna R., Towanda, 111.
Kloss D. S., Tyrone, Pa.
♦Klossner H. J.. St. Paul. Minn.
Kiossner R. H., Edinburg, Tex.
♦Kloster. Hallward, Story City, la.
♦Klosterman F., Ashton, la.
Kloth F. F „ Norwood, Minn.
♦Klotz Fred. Chicago, 111.

♦Klove G. A., Nevada, la .
Kluckm an F. H., K rantzburg.S.D .
Kluczny F. R., Ivanhoe, Minn.
♦Klugh C. E „ .Greenwood, S. C.
Klugh Howard, Denver, Colo.
*Klugh W. F., Spartanburg, S. O.
♦Klusmeier J . V., L a Grange, Mo.
♦Klumpp V. B., Pinconning,Mich.
Kluver H. A., Burlington, N. D.
Klyyer P. L., Penn, N. D.
Knaack G. E., H artley, la.
Knapp A. H., Genoa, N. Y.
♦Knapp A. II., Eldred, Pa.
♦K napp Bessie T„ Proctor, Colo.
Knapp Chas. F., Big Lake, Minn.
K napp C. M., Rolla, Mo.
K napp C. W., Springvalley, 111.
K napp D. J., Sodus, N. Y . ,
♦K napp D. P., Ensley, Ala.
♦Knapp F. M ., Ida, Mich.
♦K napp H. B., Greenwich, O.
♦Knapp H. C., Donnellson, la .
K napp J. S.. Ida. Mich.
♦Knapp L. J., E vanston, IU.
Knapp Robert, Sheridan. 111.
♦Knapp S. A., Ames, la.
K napp S. A., Lake Charles, La.
Knapp W. E.. Milford, O.
Knappenberger Frank, Earlsboro,
Knappenberger H. O.. Penalosa,
♦K nauft M. R „ St. Paul, Minn.
♦K necht W. A., Wamego, Kan.
♦Knecht W. F., MiU Hall, Pa.
Kneedler Wm. H., Lebanon, Pa.
♦Kneeland C. A., Wall, S. ,D.
Kneeland F. W.. Kanopolis, Kan.
♦Kneer Edward, Peoria, 111.
♦Knelsel John, N. Y. City, N. Y
♦Knerl Orin N., Ponca. Neb.
♦Knesel Mearl, San Gabriel, Cal.
K nettle L. N., Pomeroy, Wash.
Kney E. O., Madison, Wis.
♦Knickerbocker C. J., Fairfax, la .
♦Knickerbocker H. C., FowlerviUe,
Knickerbocker W .H., E lkhart,Ind.
♦Knifley J. S., Columbia, Ky.
Knight A. H., Zanesville, Ind.
Knight C. D., Coatsville, Ind.
♦Knight C. E., Chapman. Kan.
K night D. W., Dudley, Ga.
♦Knight E. A., Kelso, Wash.
Knight E. Lloyd, Morven, Ga.
K night F. J., Aurora, 111.
K night F. L ., Jacksonville, Fla.
Knight G. L., NicholasvUle, Ky.
Knight H. B., WoodsviUe, N. H.
K night H. J.. Grass Lake, Mich.
Knight J. D., Ouachita, Ark.
♦Knight J. W., Chicago, 111.
♦Knight M . G., Clearwater, Fla.
♦Knight R. C., Boykins, Va.
Knight R. E., Alliance, Neb.
K night W. F., Whaleyville, Va.
♦Knight W. H., Rosedale, Kan.
Knight W. H., Turner, Kan.
Knight W. S., Jam estown, Ky.
♦Knightly W. T., Haywards, Cal.
♦Knightly W. T., Hanford. Cal.
Knilands Belle, Roberts, 111.
Kniper John, Wishek, N. D.
♦Knipp H, A., Ellinwocd, Kan.
♦Knirihm W. F„ Vincennes, Ind.
Kniseley W. H., Frankford, M o.
Knisely O. T., Butler, Ind.
Knoblauch E. W., Metamora, 111.
♦Knobel F. W., River Falls, Wis.
♦Knoble F. S., K ittanning, Pa.
♦Knoedler H. J., Zanesville, Q.
♦Knoertzer J. S., Alma, Mich.
Knoff F. B„ Madison Lake.Mlnn.
Knoll O. H., Plym outh, Ind.
♦Knoll Charles, Gretna, Neb.
Knoll Geo. A., Fleetwood, Pa.
♦Knoll G. T ., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Knoop C. W., Waterloo, la.
K norpp J. R., Lees Summit, Mo.
Knorpp M. M., Pleasant Hill,Mo.
K norr W. C., Cleveland, O.
♦K nott O. W., Bristol, S. D.
♦K nott F. W „ Auburn, Ind.
K nott W. M„ Many, La.
♦Knotts, H. H., Clayton. Del.
Knoulton L. W., Osage, la.
♦Knowles C. C., Wolfe City, Tex.
♦Knowles B. F „ Armstrong, la.
♦Knowles R. H., Topeka, Kan.
Knowles R. R., Trenton, Neb.
Knox A. H., Krum, Tex.
Knox C. E., Tupper Lake, N. Y.
Knox G. A., Monticello, Ark.
♦Knox G. G-, Salt Lake City,
U tah.
♦Knox G. N., Ontario, Cal.
Knox H. C., MilledgeviUe, 111.
♦Knox J. A., Statesville, N. C.
Knox J. 0 ., Philadelphia, Pa.
♦Knox J .F ., Rotan, Tex.
Knox John, Richland, Okla.
Knox J. R., Gladewater, Tex.
♦Knox J. W., Eustis, Neb.
♦Knox R. A., Coudersport, Pa.
Knox T. E „ CoyviUe, Kan.
♦Knox T. S., Jackson, Minn.
♦Knox W. D„ Cincinnati, O.
Knox W. N., Etow ah, Tenn.
♦Knudsen F. N„ Kanawha, la.
♦Knudsen O. S.t Lanesboro, M inn.
Knudson A., Galesburg, N. D . ^
Knudson A. C„ Detroit, M inn.
Knudson C. A., DaUas, la.



♦Kupfer W. H.. Dallas. S. D.
Kriebs George, E lkport, la .
Kriechbaum T. W., B urlington,Ia. K upka E . M ., Vining, Ia.
♦K upka L ottie, Vining, Ia.
Krieger J. E ., Donnellson, Ia.
♦Krieger Jos. W., New H am pton, K uratli David. Hillsboro. Ore.
Korns J . A., Mt. Victory, O.
♦K urka J. E., Philip, S. ID.
♦Korpal J. F., Dodge, Wis.
♦K urn Adelaide, W. Branch, M ich.
K riener L., Junction City, Ky.
♦Korpela J. N ., M unising, Mich.
♦K urrle W. C., Burlington, Ia.
♦Korsgaard P . N., Highmore, S. D. ♦Krier A. J., E than, S. D.
K urth A. H., Minot. N. D.
♦Krikac V. Jr., Comstock, Neb.
♦K örte N. J., M etropolis, 111.
♦K urth H. R.. Hutchinson, M inn.
♦Kortendick W. B., Pecatonica, 111. ♦Krippene B. J., Oshkosh, Wis.
K ristensen G. K., W heaton, Minn. ♦K urth R . W., Lufkin. Tex.
♦K orthauer F. H ., Chicago, 111.
♦K urtz F . J., St. Louis, M o.
Kriz F. H ., Hopkins, M inn.
Kosanke A. L., Weyauwega, Wis.
♦K urtz J. L., Punxsutaw ney, Pa.
♦Kroeger F . C., Davenport, Ia.
♦Kosar Jam es, Nevinville, Ia.
K urtz J . L., Connellsville. Pa.
Kroeger, J. L., Jasper, M inn.
Koske H. A., Gillett, Wis.
K roehnke F. L.. Spragueville Ia. K urtz J . W ., Knox, Ind.
♦Kosta J . R., Fairfax, S. D.
♦K urtz M iss Gail H ., Forest, O.
♦Kroehnke J. P., Fulton, 111.
♦Kostellecky A., Kildeer, N. D.
K urtz M. L., W yaconda, Mo.
♦Kroeker H. J., Henderson, Neb.
K otchlan A. C., K erm it, N. D.
Kusch Fred, Craig, Ia.
♦Kotilinek B. B., International Kroeker J. J., Henderson, Neb.
♦Kushner John J., M unhall, P a.
♦K roetch J . J., Plum m er, Ida.
Falls, M inn.
♦Kusler H. E ., Wishek, N. D.
Kotilinek Joseph Jr., Chicago K rog W. C., Vader, Wash.
K üster Charles, Oyens, Ia.
♦Krogen A. O., Fountain, M inn.
Heights. 111.
Kroger W. W., Philipsburg, M ont. ♦K utchinski H. P ., W oodward,
K otouc O tto, H um bolt, Neb.
Krogfoss O. J., Granville, N. D.
Kouba A. V., Verdigris, Neb.
♦K utchm ark Joseph, Boyne Falls,
♦Krohe A. A., Beardstown, 111.
Koudele F., W eston, Neb.
Krohn C. H „ N orth Milwaukee
♦Koudele F. Jr.,W eston. Neb.
K uttenkuler W. P., Tipton, Mo.
K out A. L-. N ashua, Ia.
Kuykendall D.F.,Cumberland,M d.
♦Kroll H. J., Chicago, 111.
Kovalic Emil, B rainard, Neb.
K uykendall G. P., Muleshoe, Tex.
Krom an F. J., N orthgate, N. D.
♦Kovar A. V., Schuyler, Neb.
Kuykendall T. R., Sanderson,Tex.
♦K ovar John A., Searsboro, Ia.
♦Kvale Ida, Sheyenne, N . D.
Krom er E. S., Philadelphia, Pa.
♦Kovar L. F., Stanton, Neb.
♦Kromschinski John, New Lon­ ♦Kvam Evald, M inot, N. D.
K ovar Louis F., Lidderdale, Ia.
Kvennes A. C., Middle River.MInn.
don, Wis.
Kowaleski R. J., Chicago, 111.
♦K vitrud E. E., Groton, S. D.
K ron A. W., Litchfield, Minn.
Kowalke W. J., Kaukauna, Wis.
Kyes H. L „ Fedora, S. D.
K ronberg G. E ., Kennard, Neb.
♦Kowalski A. J. J r., Chicago, 111.
♦Kronenberg B . J., K im, M inn. Kyger W. R., H untington, W. Va.
♦K rabbe L. A., Merom, Ind.
♦Kronenberg Jr. F., San Francisco, ♦Kyle H. H., Celina, Tenn.
♦Krabill A’. J., W adsworth, O.
Kyle Jam es, Goldsboro, N . C.
Kracke G. H., Crete, 111.
Kyle J. M., Sardis, Miss.
Krook F . H., New Ulm, Minn.
Kradwell L. J., Corliss, Wis.
♦Koehring H. J., Richm ond, Ind.
♦Kyle T. D.. Xenia, O.
♦Kropp G. A., Carbon Hill, Ala.
Kraem er C. M., Plum m er, Ida.
♦Koelling E m m a. Farina, 111.
K yler W .E., Luverne, Ia.
K rostue H. A., W aubun, Minn.
K raem er Louis, St. Louis, Mo.
♦Koelling M am ie, T ruxton, Mo.
Kyler W . E., Corvallis, Ore.
K raem er W .L.,G ranite Falls,M inn K rothas Jonas, Chicago, 111.
♦Koen E. B., M annington, W.Va.
♦K yner F red M ., Hum eston, Ia.
Krouss L. L., Bellingham, M inn.
K raft A. H., Vassar, Kan.
Koenecke F. H., Ceylon, M inn.
Kyriakapoulos N., Chicago, 111.
K rout E rnest, P arkton, Md.
♦K raft H. C., Sturgis, Mich.
Koeneke H. W.. Herkim er, K an.
♦K yrklund F . V., W inthrop, Minn.
K routh G. S.t Iowa Falls, Ia.
K raft M ilton, Ravenna, Mich.
Koenig E. L. M ilford, Neb.
K ysar O. A., G ravity, Ia.
K raft William F., Menomonie.Wis K routh L. B., Sharon, Okla.
♦Koenig E. M ., M ilford, Neb.
♦K yte C. H., Orofino, Ida.
♦Koenig H., Hoffman, M inn.
K yte Chas. T., Lake Andes, S. D.
♦Krajic F. J., Chicago, 111.
♦Koenig Henry, Trail, M inn.
K ytle A. S., Charing, Ga.
♦Krueger C. G., W ausau, Wis.
♦Kral F. L.. E l Campo, Tex.
Koenig J., Inola, Okla.
Krueger J. W., Erwin, S. D.
Koennecke Albert, FredericksKruel L. G., W ashington, Mo.
K ram ar W. B., M attoon, Wis.
\yjxccr Tex.
K rug G. S., Hanover, Pa.
K ram er A., Lucan, M inn.
Koepke G. F., Elmore, Minn.
Krug O. F .,. Thornton, Ark. •
K ram er A. F „ Cobb, Wis.
Koerper H. H., Auburn, Pa.
K ram er F. E., New Straitsville, O. Kruger J. D. C., St. A nthony, Ida. Laas L. A., Maxwell, Tex.
K oerth O tto, Ionia, la.
♦K ruger R. H., P o rt H uron, Mich. Laas P. J., Rowena, Tex.
Kram er F. H., Sedalia. Ind.
Koesling F. J., P ittsburgh, Pa.
♦L abarthe A., New Orleans, La.
Krugler C. H., Redford, Mich.
♦K ram er F rank, M arion, N. D.
Koester Frank, Outlook, M ont.
La Blanc J. G., Abbeville, La.
♦Krull W., Sprague, Neb.
K ram er G. W., Sacramento, Cal.
♦Koester H. A., Dubuque, la .
♦La Boyteaux C. E., Scotia, Cal.
Kram er H.G..Elizabeth, City, N.C. Krum holz L. J., Glen Ullin, N . D.
♦Koester L. M ., Outlook, M ont.
♦K ram er H. W., E . St. Louis, 111. ♦Kruschke H. O., C anastota, S.D. L a B rant A. M ., Banks, N . D.
Koester W. L., Buffalo. N. Y.
♦Labre R. H., B ark River, Mich.
♦K ram er H. W., National Stock ♦Kruse F . W. Jr., Mineola, Ia.
K oetter J . W., Belgrade, Minn.
♦Labudde F. A., Oshkosh, Wis.
♦Kruse H. P., Holland, Ia.
Yards, 111.
Koewing A. J., Henley, Mo.
Lacaff W. F., Kansas City. Mo.
Koger W. F.. Clio, S. C.
Lacalli P. R ., Proctor, Colo.
K ruse J. W., Silver C ity, la .
♦K ram er L. R „ W ooster. O.
♦Kohl C. C., Riegelsville, Pa.
♦K ruzan J. A., W arrensburg, 111.
♦K ram er O. H., Alton, 111.
♦Kohl H. A., Sheboygan, Wis.
Lacey C. A., Keota, Ia.
K ram er O tto P.. H olland, Mich.
Kohl H arry, C entralia. 111.
♦Krzykowski F rank, Chicago 111. Lacey E. R., Columbus June.. Ia.
Kram er S. R., Clements, M inn.
♦Kohl J. C., St. Paul, M inn.
♦Lacey L. J., Kinm undy, 111.
♦Kohl J. C., So. St. Paul. M inn.
Lacey O. F., M oro, Ark.
K uchem an O. C., Beach. N. D.
Lake, M inn.
Kohl N. G., Quincy, Mich.
K ram er W. H., T hree Oaks, Mich. ♦K uchltham L., W est Bend, Wis. ♦Lacharite J. A., Assum ption, 111.
K ohlbry L. S., St. Louis, M o.
♦Lachore E arl R., Hayfleld, Ia. ,
♦Kudej John, Waukee, Ia.
Kram m e F. J. Jr., Moselle, Mo.
♦Kohler F. W., Boulder, Colo.
♦Lackey-R. L., Ovalo, Tex.
♦K udrna L. J., Wahoo, Neb.
♦K ram pf H. M ., Allegany, N . Y.
♦Kohler M illard, Parsons, Kan.
Lackland W. R., Morton, 111.
♦Kueffer, R. J., Alexander, Kan.
K raner J. G., P ickerington, O.
Kohler W . H., Mahanoy City, Pa.
Lackore C. H., Hayfleld, Ia.
♦Kuehl Ray C., Denver, Colo.
♦Kranzfelder E ., Bloomer, Wis.
Lacombe J . L., Eunice. La.
♦Kuehl R. J., G rundy Center, Ia.
♦Krapfel W. R., Centerville, Ia.
Kohlhaas F. J., Calumet, Mich.
Kohlhase E. J. W., M izpah, M inn. K rapp H arvey E., Cincinnati, O. ♦Kuentzel 8. S., W hite Rock. S. D. ♦Lacy B. R. D., St. Joseph, Mo.
♦Lacy E. O., Houston. Va.
Kuenzi W. H ., Clyman, Wis.
K rasa A. J., Chicago, 111.
♦Kohlhepp E . C., Jersey City;
♦Kuenzli Herm an, Pewaukee.Wis. Lacy H.' C., Hydro Okla.
♦Krasche H. C., Perry. Ia.
N . J.
Lacy J., Byrdstown, Tenn.
Kugler W. H., Harm on, 111.
K ra tt R. E ., Sheldon, N . D.
K ohn J. L., Chicago, 111.
Lacy J. F., Hull, 111.
♦Kühl Adele, Eldridge, Ia.
K rause A. G., Bruce, Wis.
♦Kohn W. H ., M ontgom ery, Ala.
Lacy J. J., Owingsville, Ky.
♦K ühl E., Texarkana, Ark.
Krause B. F., La Crosse, Kan.
♦Kohrs E. A., Burlington, la.
♦Lacy J. T., South Boston, Va.
Kuhl Hugo, Eldridge, Ia.
K rause F. C., Anaheim, Cal.
♦Kolar A. J. Jr.. Chicago. 111.
L. G., Syracuse, N. Y.
Kolar F. J., Silver Lake, M inn.
♦Lacy S. B., Grand Junction. Colo.
Kuhl M. J., Osmond, Neb.
K rause O tto, Reedsburg, Wis.
♦Kolb J. H., Denver, Colo.
Lacy S. E ., Blanket, Tex.
K rauskopf H. C., Philadelphia,Pa. Kuhl N. V., Earling, Ia.
Kolb J o h n P ., Philadelphia, Pa.
♦Krauss Geo. G., Mansfield, W ash. Kuhl P. E ., Lincoln, 111.
♦Kolb Odelia, Melrose, M inn.
L add A. W ., Roscommon, Mich.
K uhl R. A., St. M artin, M inn.
♦Kolb W. C., M cGregor, Tex.
K uhlm an A. G., Lester Prairie. ♦Ladd J. W.. P ortland. Ore.
K rautkrem er H., Hankinson.N.D.
Kolbe H arry, New York, N. Y.
L add W. J., Traer, Ia.
M inn.
Kream er J . H., Ada, Kan.
Kolden L. S., Nielsville, M inn.
♦Ladem ann J. U., Milwaukee, Wis.
Kuhlm an H. H., Garnavillo. Ia.
K ream er Newton, Jewell, Kan.
K olderup T . H ., Seattle, Wash.
Kuhlm an H. H „ New Knoxville,O. Ladley Edward, Laporte, Pa.
♦Krebs A. H., Albany, M inn.
Kolhei A., Cottonwood, Minn.
L adner F. O. A.. Nordheim, Texas.
K uhlm an J. D. G., Uehling, Neb.
Krebs C. M ., Geddes, S. D.
Koll O. J., St. Cloud, Wis.
♦La Due S. J., Minot, N. D.
♦K uhlm ann J. A., Ricketts, Ia.
Krebs Ferdinand, Breese, 111.
Koller J., Butterfield, M inn.
♦La D uke H. H ., D ayton, M inn.
Kuhlm ann W. H., Chester, Neb.
♦Krebs J. C., Hanover, Pa.
Koiling C. H., York, Neb.
Lad wig W. F., Vergas, M inn.
Krebs J . M., Carlyle, 111.
♦Kolmer A. L., W aterloo, 111.
L a F ar W m . H.. Charleston, S. C.
♦Kuhn E va M ., K ennard, Ind.
♦Krebs L. A., Breese, 111.
♦Kolp H S., Greenville, O.
♦Lafferty J. H ., LeRoy, 111.
♦Kuhn E. W., Buffalo, N. Y.
♦K rebsbach A. J., Adams, M inn.
♦Kolsen O. G., W aterville, la .
♦Lafferty Pearl, Princeton, 111.
K uhn H. H., W aldoboro, Me.
♦Krebsbach E . E ., Vida, M ont.
Kolset A. H.. W hite Rock, S. D.
Laffey E. S., N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Kuhn H. L., Valentine, Neb.
♦Krebsbach N ., Calvary, Wis.
K olstad T ., W alters, M inn.
♦Laffitte John J., Pleasant Hill. La.
K uhn H. W., California, Mo.
K rebsbach P. M ., Vida, M ont.
K olter L. J., W apakonéta. O.
La Fleur R . C., Basile, La.
K uhn L. H., Zillah, Wash.
Krebsbach W. T „ Reeder, N. D.
K olterinan A lbert, W elda, Kan.
♦La Fleur R. C., Eunice, La.
♦K uhn S. H., Evansville, Ind.
Kreeck G. L., Lawrence, Kan.
♦K olterm an G., Welda, Kan.
♦La F olette L. G., Darlington,
♦Koltes G., W aunakee, Wis.
Kuhnheim L. F., Belmont, Wis.
♦Kreger R. A., Green Isle, M inn.
Konichek H. F., Bowdon, N. D.
Kuhnm uench C. J., Milwaukee, ♦La Follette J . E „ D arlington,Ind.
Konigm acher C.,Council Bluffs,la. Krehbiel ID. C., Reedley, Cal.
♦Lafon L. A., Laredo, Tex.
♦Krehbiel L. P., H alstead, Kan.
♦K onrad C. C„ Oshkosh, Wis.
♦Lage H. C., Paulina, Ia.
K uhns R. B., Hillisburg, Ind.
♦Konrad W. J., J r., Appleton, Kreider J. G., Lebanon, Pa.
♦Lagerquist B. L.,Brainerd, Minn.
K uhns R. E., Ocean Park, Cal.
Kreider J . W ., Lecompton, Kan.
L a G randeur H. A., Somerset, Wis.
K uhrtz L-. Chester, 111.
K reider W. E ., Tonica, 111.
Konz Paul, Stanton, Tex.
L a Grange D. G., Candor, N . Y.
Kreikenbaum J. A., W est P oint,Ia. Kulp V. B., Telford, Pa.
Koogle C. E „ W illiam sport, Md.
♦Kullerstrand R. E ., Ouray, Colo. La Grange O. D., Deering.-N. D.
K reitner E . R., Dunm ore, Pa.
Koogler H. W., De Graff, O.
♦La Grange V. V., Brown Valley,
♦Kreitzer Carl C., Ellsworth, 111. Kumle E . J., Alexander, IH.
K oon L. A., Terrill, la.
M inn.
Kumm H. B., Pittsburg, Kan.
Koon W. M., Minneapolis, Minn.
♦La Grave C. L„ Seattle, W ash.
K unau S. H „ Stockdale. Kan.
Krem bs E. A., Merrill, Wis.
Koonce J. M.. Columbia. Ala.
♦Kundel Lulu, Sutherland, Ia.
Krem er H. F., Dyersvllle, la.
♦Koonce Jr. J. S., T renton, N. C.
Lahey J. J., Mitchell, S. D.
♦Kremer H. 9 » Napoleon, N. D. ♦K undert G. J., Akaska, S. D.
Koonce W. M .. Boyd, Tex.
♦Lahm R., Hustler, Wis.
K undert H. E ., Brainerd, M inn.
K rem er J. K., Lewisburg, Pa.
Koons V. D., B atavia. Ia.
Lahm er C. A.,New Philadelphia,©,
♦Koontz A. G., Des Moines, Ia.
♦Lain D. L., P leasant Hill, Mo.
♦K unetka J., Weimar, Tex.
♦Koontz C. R ., Hooversville, P a. ♦Krenrick A., Massillon, O.
♦Laing J. A., Ludowici, Ga.
Kunkel G. A., Beasley, Tex.
Koontz H.,NewM artinsville,W .Va ♦Krenrick W. A., Massillon. O.
Laingen J. E., Berlin, N. D.
♦Kunkel R. A., B utte, Mont.
Krenschef J. J., De W itt, Neb.
Koontz W . T., Shenandoah, Va.
Laingen P. T., Odin, Minn.
♦Kunkle B. E., Hazleton, Pa.
Kretzinger J. T., Chestnut. 111.
Koonze C. Long Prairie, M inn.
♦K reutzer C. J., New Albany, ♦Kunning G. A., New Bremen, O. ♦Laingen T. P „ Odin, Minn.
Koos F. H.. D elta, O.
Lair C. B., Greenfield, O.
K uns E. E ., McPherson, Kan.
♦Kooy P . J., Highland, Ind.
K reutzer C. J., New Albany, Ind. ♦Runs R. S„ Broken Bow, Neb.
Kopecky J., Chicago, 111. _
I. N., Wilmington, O.
K opka W. F., Halliday, N. D.
♦Laird Ellis, Colfax, Wash.
Krick G. H., Shenandoah, Pa.
Koplin M. R., Hoopeston, 111.
J. T. Jr., Freehold, N. J.
K orb Fred, Slaughterville, Ky.
♦Laird L. R., Fedora, S. D.
K upers Carl, Helix, Ore.
Kricker G. E., Portsm outh, O.
K orndorfer J . B., N. Y. City, N . Y.
K nudson E . J., Soldier, la .
Knudson E . W., Jewell, la .
Knudson I. L., Leeds, N. D.
K nudtson E . B .,Coon Valley, W is.
K nutson O. A., Savage, M ont.
♦K nutson C. M., Climax, Minn.
♦K nutson O. O., Brooten, M inn.
♦K nutson I. B., Coon Valley, Wis
K nutson I. N ., Blair. Wis.
K nutson O. J., Arvilla, N . D.
Kober Jesse O., L aporte C ity, la .
Kobs A. E., M ountain View. Okl.
Koch Albert, M anchester. Mo.
Koch G. B., Jam esport, M o.
♦Koch H. J., D etroit, Mich,
♦Koch J., D etroit, Mich.
♦Koch J . C., Ritzville, W ash.
♦Koch J. H., New W aterford, O.
Koch John, W auzeka, Wis.
Koch Louis, Highland, 111.
♦Koch O. H., St. Ansgar, Ia.
♦Koch O. T ., Osceola, Wis.
Koch R. W., Allenton, Mo.
♦Koch W. A., W ausau, Wis.
♦Kochaisky A. H., E lm hurst, 111.
Kochan Oscar D., Maysville, Mo.
♦Rock H. F., M arion, S. D.
Koefad E ., R udyard, M ont.
Koehler A. W alter, Copperfleld,
U tah.
♦Koehler G. D., W hitehouse, O.
♦Koehler P. J., Woodlake, M inn.
Koehler R. H „ Plym outh, Wis.
Koehler W. H. A., M ound, M inn.
♦Koehn G. E ., Springfield, 111.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

K om egay G. C., Goldsboro, N. C.

♦Kprnman E . C., Rochester, Pa.

♦Laird M. B„ Oberlln, O.
v*Laird R. R ., Culver, Kan.
♦Lake O. F., Pawhuska, Okla.
♦Lake D. F., H averstraw , N. Y.
Lake H. H., Central City, Colo.
Lake J. F., Shenandoah, ia .
Lake Nora B., Cherry Creek. N.Y.
♦Lallum A., Bottineau, N. D.
L a Lone G. W., M inneapolis,
M inn.
Lam D. B. Jr.. Central City, Ky.
♦Lam M iss Elsie, D ry Ridge, Ky.
♦Lamar Geo., Bald Knob, Ark.
L am ar G. B„ St. Augustine, Fla.
♦Lam aster H. P „ Herrin, 111.
♦Lamb A., M arion, Ky.
Lam b Anthony, Syracuse, N. Y.
♦Lamb E., Winnsboro, Tex.
Lam b G. F., Michigan. N. D.
♦Lamb G. R., Dryden, Mich.
Lam b H arry, Callaway, Neb.
Lam b J. E., Montrose, Ia.
Lam b J. H., Moberly, Mo.
Lam b J . H., New Castle, Pa.
Lam b J. S., Michigan, N. D.
Lam b O. R., M inatare, Neb.
♦Lamb W. L., Toledo, O.
♦Lambard Irby, Victor, M ont.
Lam bdin S. J., Jefferson City.Tenn.
Lam be A. C., Coldwater. Kan.
Lam be C. B.. Belle Plaine, Kan.
♦Lambe E . H., Lam otte, Ia.
Lam be J. B., G raettinger, la.
♦Lambe T. J., L am otte, Ia.
♦Lamber A. L., Burkettsvllle, O.
L am bert A. E .,N orth Powder,Ore,
L am bert, F. H ., M cCloud, Cal.
L am bert F . J., Beaverville, 111.
L am bert G. C., Bethel, Minn.
L am bert H. C., Kansas City, Mo.
♦Lam bert Henry, Ashton, S. D.
L am bert H. P., R oundup, Mont.
♦Lam bert Leclair, K ansas City,
M o.
♦Lam bert L. H ., Beaverville, 111.
♦Lam bert L. K., M clntire, Ia.
♦Lambert O. W., Roundup, M ont.
♦Lam bert P . H ., M ohall, N. D.
♦Lam bert O. E ., K irkland, Wash.
♦Lam bert W. F „ Charleston, Miss.
Lam berton C., F ranklin, Pa.
Lam berton C. M., Oil City, Pa.
♦Lam berton G. J., Franklin, Pa.
Lam bertson J. B., Sioux Falls,S.D.
Lam bertson W, S„ Belding. Mich.
♦Lambie M. A., Hastings, Mich.
Lam bright J. W., Sentinel, Okla.
♦Lamer W. F. E ., Cobden, 111.
Laming J. C., Tonganoxie, Kan.
Lam kin J. O., F riar P oint, Miss.
♦Lamkin V. V„ Alexandria, La.
♦Lamm A. A., Geyser, M ont.
♦Lamm F. T., Canute, Okla.
Lam m H .. H., Canute, Okla.
♦Lamm T. G., W atertown, Tex.
♦Lammers A., H artington, Neb.
♦Lamon G. T., Burnet, Tex.
Lam ont M . K., Eland, Wis.
♦Lamoreaux R. S., Arlington, Ore.
L a M o tt V.J., San Jose, Cal.
La Mountalne H. J., Utica. M ich.
Lam p F. A., Lansiord, N. D.
♦Lamp H arriet, M apleton, Ia.
Lampe E. H., W arren, Pa.
L am pert L. A„ W est Union,M inn.
♦Lamport W. W., Chicago, 111. !
♦Lampland Charles, Reeder, N. D.
Lam pton B. F., McComb, Miss.
L ancaster A lbert, M ountain View,
♦Lancaster F . G., M arceline. Mo.
♦Lancaster, F. G., Pittsburgh, Pa.
L ancaster Hallie, C orinth, Ky.
L ancaster L. W., Y etter, Ia.
Lancaster W. O., Alamo, Ga.
Lancester E d ith E ., M t W ashing­
ton, O.
♦Lance H . E ., Roseville, 111.
Lance I. W ., T able Grove, 111.
Lance J. W., Table Grove, 111.
♦Lance W. E ., Tower T able, III.
Lanceffeld Lynn, M cM innville,
♦Land O. A., Denver, Colo.
Land G. L., Ridgway, 111.
Land H. C., Omaha, III.
♦Land Henry, Johnsonville, 111.
♦Land W. H ., Omaha, 111.
♦Land W. M ., Emporia, Va.
♦Land W. T ., Enfield, 111.
Landeen H . E ., Crocus, N. D.
♦Landeen O. W., Alexandria,
M inn.
Landeene N . E . C arrington,N . D.
Landenberger H. L., Trem ont, Pa.
♦Landers C. F., Dadeville, Mo.
♦Landers M rs. C. F., Dadeville,
Landers L. W ., M arion, La.
Landes J. C.. Souderton, Pa.
Landes N . H ., Americus, Kan.
Landesco A. A., Cincinnati, O.
Landess J. B., F ayetteville, Tenn.
Landhuis J. B., Hospers, Ia.
♦Landis A. H., Lancaster, Pa.
Landis A. W., Covington, O.
Landis B. S., W innsboro, La.
♦Landis Charles W., Buchanan,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Landis C. W., San Diego, Cal.
Landis George, Doylestown, O.
♦Landis H . B., Berlin, Pa.
Landis H. D., Seward, Neb.
♦Landis R. F., Halifax, Pa.
♦Landman H. C„ Huntsville. Ala.
Landm ark A., Perth, N. D.
*Landolfi C. F., Albuquerque, N.
♦Landolt E . A., Alhambra, 111.
♦Landon A. H „ Benton Harbor,
Landon F. L., H ildreth, Neb.
L andram B. S., Florence, Ind.
Landram John, Kingston, Okla.
Landro N. N„ Stady, N. D.
Landrum J . M„ Luxora, Ark.
♦Landrum M . Lester, M o u n ta in
View, Mo.
Landrum M. L., M ountain View.
Landrum P . D., Martin, Ga.
L andry P. E., Iota, La.
L andt E. W., Pasco, Wash.
Lane C. H., Guthrie Center, Ia.
Lane D. T ., Hecla, S. D.
Lane E . A., M idland, Mich.
Lane G. E ., Ellendale, N. D.
♦Lane G. W., Canton, 111.
Lane H. B.. Saluda, N. C.
Lane H. B., Fredericksburg, Va.
♦Lane H. D., Oskaloosa. Ia.
♦Lane H. R., Sparks, Ga.
Lane J. F ., Seattle, Wash.
Lane L. P., Westfield, Mass.
♦Lane L. V., Henning, 111.
♦Lane Mabel, Harrisburg, Ore.
Lane O. M ., Berwick, 111.
♦Lane O. W., Newbem, N. C.
♦Lane Ray, Indianola, Ia.
♦Lane R. H., M t. Sterling, Ky.
♦Lane S. S., Hagerstown, M d.
Lane T . L., Foyil, Okla.
Lane T. L., Yuma, Ariz.
Lane W. A., Indianola, Ia.
Lane W. E „ Towanda, Pa.
♦Lane W. H., Talladega, Ala.
Lane W. T., Jonesboro. Ark.
♦Lane W. T. Jr., Jonesboro. Ark.
♦Laner R. E., Center, Colo.
♦Laney D. H., T am pa, Fla.
♦Laney R. D., Ellsworth, Kan.
♦Laney R. G., Monroe, N. C.
♦Laney W. T., Tupelo, Miss.
♦Lanford J. H., Aubrey, Tex.
Lang Adam, Kahoka, Mo.
♦Lang C. G., Kahoka. Mo.
Lang F. C., Punxsutawney, Pa.
Lang F . E., Sylvia, Kan.
♦Lang F. P., Kahoka, Mo.
Lang J . E., Carthage, Mo.
Lang K ate L. S., Beverly, Kan.
Lang R. C., Trenton, Fla.
Lang T. A., Frem ont, O.
Lang W., W ilton Junction, Ia.
Lang W. P., Cleveland, Tenn.
♦Langan, O. H., Corbin, Ky.
Langdon J. V., Missionhiil, S. D.
Lange C, E., Murdo, S. D.
♦Lange E. A., Crawford, Tex.
♦Lange E. H., N. Vernon, Ind.
♦Lafige F. K., Llano, Tex.
♦Lange J. F „ Oakland,' Cal.
♦Langer F. E., P ort Orchard, Wash
Langer John, Eldred, 111.
Langer P. Jr., Minden, Ia.
♦Langerhans F. F „ Webb City,
L angert A. M., Chicago, III.
♦Langes Edward, M ankato, Minn.
Langfeldt F. C., Stoughton, Wis.
♦Langfltt J. H.,W est Union.W.Va.
Langfltt S. W., W est Union.W.Va.
Langford A. S., Whitehouse, Tex.
Langford E., Bamesville, Ga.
♦Langford G. E., Pittston, Pa.
Langford H. G., Meansville, Ga.
♦Langford J. M., Ardmore, Okla.
♦Langford M., Reidsville, Ga.
Langford R. F>, Hartsville, Tenn.
♦Langiand C. M., Spring Grove,
Langlie M„ Lake Preston, S. D.
Langlie P. J., Lake Preston, S. D.
Langlois A. G,, Milwaukee, Wis.
Langmack John P., Canby.MInn.
Langpap H. J.. Humboldt, S. D.
Langs Squire, Jeddo, Mich.
Langsdorf J. G., Salmon, Ida.
Langsdorf J. S. G„ Vancouver,
♦Langsford J. N.,Waxahachie,Tex,
♦Langston A. D., Lineville, Ala.
Langston D. Mt. Enterprise, Tex.
Langston E. L., Forest City, 111.
Langworthy B. S., Billings, M ont.
Langworthy S. C., Buffalo, Wyo.
Langworthy W. E Seward. Neb.
♦Lanham Leslie, Gravel Switch,
Lanier C. E ., Avon Park, Fla.
Lanier E. B., Downs, 111.
Lamer I. E., Linden, Tex.
Lanier J. F „ Galena, Kan.
Lanier J. N., Harrison, Ga.
Lanier W. C., Pembroke, Ga.
Lank J. T., Lewes, Del.
♦Lankford R. M., Tifton, Ga.
Lanm ann J. B.. Cincinnati, O.
Lanneau B. R „ Duncan, Ariz.
Lanneau K. P., Natchez, Miss.

*Lanneau K. P „ N atchez, Miss.
Lannin T. E „ Rochester, N. Y.
♦Lannon J . P „ Saunemin, IU.
Lannon P . H „ Saunemin, 111.
♦Lanouette J. L. E ., Fairview,
N. D.
Lanouette L. P., E. Fairview.N.D
♦Lannowe E . H. M ., Oakland,Cai.
Lansdale R. Vinton, Baltimore.
♦Lansdowne Anna, Centertown
♦Lansing C. B., R hinebeck.N . Y.
♦Lansing C harlotte G.,Chase, Kan.
Lansing F rank M ., Brighton,M ich.
Lansing J. F „ Ritzville, W ash.
Lantz E. M., Kingwood. W. Va.
Lantz J. S., Reedsville, W. Va.
Lantz L. C„ Montpelier, O.
Làntz W. C.. Wellman, la.
Lantzky A. C., Dubuque, Ia.
♦Lanyon A. H., Pittsburg, Kan.
Lanyon A. K., Pittsburg, Kan.
L angetta Jam es, Syracuse, N. Y.
Lapham E. H „ Northville, Mich.
♦Lapping Ray, H ardinsburg, Ind.
♦La P lan t R. I., Rochester, M inn.
♦LaPrade J. C., Tulia, Tex.
L ara E. M ., Bend, Ore.
Laram ore G. D., Hanna, Ind.
♦Larbig W. P., N. Y. City, N. Y.
Larcade L„ Opelousas, La.
Large F. A., Rock Valley, Ia.
♦Large H arry, Protection, Kan.
♦Large N., Florence, Colo.
Large Wm. J., Islys, N. Y.
Largilliere E. W., Soda Springs,
♦Larimer H. F., Elizabeth, Pa.
♦Larimer H. F., Monongahela, Pa.
♦Larimore M. A., Avoca, Ia.
Larkin A. M„ Newport, Ky.
Larkin O. O., New Richmond, O.
Larkin J. H., Dorchester, Ia.
♦Larkin O., Wyman, Ia.
Larkowski E ,, Farwell, Neb.
Larned W. H „ Haigler, Neb.
♦Larobardiere Floyd.Grand Blanc,
♦La Rdcque F. H., Manteno, 111.
La Rocque Henry, Manteno, 111.
♦La Roque L. M ., M anteno, 111.
♦Larrick I. W., Stonington, 111.
Larrick J. E., Edmond, Kan.
Larrison Earl, Mabton. Wash.
♦Larsen A. C., H avre, M ont.
Larsen F. C., Sylvan Grove. Kan.
♦Larsen L. M .,:Vienna, S. D.
♦Larsen P. L., Velva, N. D.
♦Larsen Roy W.,Crookston,Minn.
♦Larsen William, Reedley, Cal.
♦Larsh H. G.; San Francisco, Cal.
Larson A. B., Egan, S. D.
Larson A. H..Grafton, Ia.
♦Larson, A., Kemmerer, Wyo.
Larson A. L., Hermiston, Ore.
Larson A. Melvin, Scarville, Ia.
♦Larson A. P., Argyle, Wis.
Larson A. R., Ketchikan, Alaska.
♦Larson B. P., F t. Dodge, Ia. *■
Larson C., Troy, Ida.
Larson C. A., W aterloo, Ia.
♦Larson G. E ., Kingston, Mich.
♦Larspn C. E., Nome. N. D.
Larson C. E., Payette. Ida.
Larson C. P., Eleva, Wis.
Larson D. J., Concrete, N. D.
Larson D. O., Moroni, U tah.
Larson Dethleff, Cumings, N. D.
Larson E. E ., St. Paul, M inn.
Larson E. F., Nampa, Ida.
Larson Emil, H axtum , Colo.
♦Larson E. W., Ericson, Neb.
♦Larsoh Fred, Dazey, N. D.
♦Larson F. A., Willmar, Minn.
♦Larson G, B., Landa, N. D.
♦Larson G., M t. Vernon, Wash.
Larson G. N., Altona, 111.
♦Larson Harold, Viborg, S. D.
Larson H. A„ Meltonville, la.
♦Larson H. D., N am pa, Ida.
Larson, Hjalm ar, Wendell, Minn.
♦Larson H. L., Kansas City, K an
Larson H, O..Ostrander, Minn.
♦Larson H. R,, Barnum, Minn.
Larson H. T ., DeGraff, Minn.
Larson Ira J., Leonard, N. D.
Larson James, Halstad, M inn.
Larson J. A., W inthrop, Minn.
Larson J. I., Fessenden, N. D.
Larson J. N., Ericson, Neb.
Larson L. A., Copemish, Mich.
Larson Leonard, Dazey, N. D.
♦Larson Leonard, Missoula, Mont
♦Larson L. K., Dell Rapids, S. D
Larson L. M., Louisburg, Minn.
Larson L. M ., Vienna, S. D.

Larson Levi C.. Clintonville. Wis.
Larson Louis, Danbury, Ia.
♦Larson L. S., N erstrand, Minn.
Larson Martin, Colton, S. D.
Larson N. J., Flaxton, N. D.
Larson Oliver, Lily, S. D.
Larson O., Spokane, Wash.
♦Larson Oscar, Zillah, Wash.
Larson P. N., Florence, S. D.
♦Larson Robert, Allron, Neb.
♦Larson T., Hayfield, Minn.
♦Larson V. B., Beroun, M inn.
♦Larson V. E ., Wakefield, Neb.
Larson William C., Cushing, Wis,
Larson Wm. I., Tioga, N. D.

♦La Rue B ert, Butler, Okla.
La Rue H. A., Columbus, Kan.
Larzelere J . B., Zanesville, O.
L asater I. P., Jonesboro, N. C.
♦Lasell H. D., W aubay, S. D.
La Selle F. G.-. Julesburg. Colo.
♦La Selle Glenn, Julesburg, Colo.
♦La Selle R. J., Rhinelander, Wis.
Lash E. M., Rialto. Cal. '
Lash J. H., Allendale, 111.
♦Lashley J. B., Lawrenceville, Va.
♦Lashley R. H., G irard, Kan.
Lashley T. B„ Cumberland, Md.
Lashuay A. M„ Rudolph, O.
♦Laskey C. L „ Grand Rapids, O.
Laskowski T., Council Bluffs, la.
Lasley W. B.. Creedmoor, N. C.
Lasley W. C., Clyde, Tex.
Lasley W. M„ Lyons, R an.
Lassalle E „ Port Barre, La.
Lassalle J. A., Springdale, Pa.
♦Lassen A. O., P o rt Huron, Mich.
Lassiter E. A., New Market. Tenn.
Lasswell Lynn D., Waxahachie,
L atane F. C., W alkerton, Va.
Latchaw R. R „ Id a Grove, Ia.
Latchem Edwin, Wilson, Pa.
Lateer N. V., Paxton, 111.
Lateer W. M ., Ludlow, 111.
L atham Clarence, Plym outh,N . C.
L atham H. D., Calera, Ala.
L atham J. R., New London, Conn.
«♦Latham L. E ., Osborne, Kan.
♦Lathrop A. D., Jackson, Mich.
♦Lathrop C. F., Arm ada, Mich.
Lathrop H. C., Willimantic, Conn.
Lathrop H. E ., Bay, Ark.
Lathrop L. L., La Farge, Wis.
L athrop W. T.. P lankinton, S. D.
Latim er C., K ennard, Tex.
L atim er J. A., Grantville, Ga.
♦Latim er J . D., Nicholasville, Ky.
♦Latimer S. A.. H arrisburg. Ark
Latim ore C. F ., Tellico Plains,
♦La T ourette John,Covington,Ind.
Latshaw C. W., Fostorla, O.
Latshaw Henry, P ottstow n. Pa.
L a tta J. G., Dyersburg, Tenn.
♦L atta O. C., Dodd City, Tex.
L atta S. G., Crosby, Minn.
♦Lattim er J. H „ Westhope, N. D.
♦Latto F. E., Uhrichsville, O.
Lau C. A., Sutherland, Neb.
; Laubach A. P., N ortham pton, Pa.
♦Laubenheimer H. L; W., Chicago,
♦Laubenstein G. E „ Gresham,
Laubenstein L. G„ Gresham, Wis.
Lauby N . M ., Nezperce, Ida.
Lauderdale R. J., Sledge, Miss.
Lauderdale W., Yale, Okla.
Laudrum J. C.. Jr., Ovett, Miss.
♦Lauer A. A., Sublette, 111.
: Lauer R. B S Dover, Pa,
: *Laufenburger A. E., Lewiston,
M inn,
Lauffer H. Z., Delmont, Pa.
Laughbaum A. H „ Gallon, O.
♦Laughead G. E „ Dodge C ity.K an.
♦Laughlin A. F., N orthport, N.Y.
Laughlin A. W., Barnesville, O.
♦Laughlin J. P „ Bevington, la.
Laughlin O, O., St. Bernice, Ind.
Laughlin P. A., Barton, Md.
Laughlin Robert, E m m etsburg.Ia.
Laughlin R. E „ Bridgeport, 111
Laughlin S., Yamhill, Ore.
Laughner J. F. Frank, W hitestown
♦Launer L. A.. G rants Pass, Ore.
Laurie J. M., W inburne, Pa.
♦Lauritsen C. A., Tyler, Minn.
♦Lausten A. C., P ort Clinton, O.
♦Lautenslagher F. A., So. Rockwood, Mich.
Lauterbach F. R., Taylor, N. D.
♦Lauters H arry L., P t. W ashing­
ton, Wis.
♦Lavell A. A., Jr., Shell Lake, Wis.
Lavender J. E „ McKittrick, Mo.
♦Lavender W. R., Jonesburg, Mo.
♦Lavens J. R., Bradford, Pa.
♦Laver Geo., Carlton, Ore.
La very Paul, La very, P a,
Lavesson C. E.,Lake Benton.Minn.
♦La Vine A rthur, Stillwater, M inn.
♦Lavinia W. B., Chicago, 111.
Law A. J., Morocco, Ind.
♦Law C. H., Dresden, Kan.
♦Law R. R., Anthony, Kan.,
♦LawheadMiss C. L., F rankfort, O.
Lawhead J. E., Union Star, Mo.
♦Lawhon W. W ., Douglas, Ariz.
Lawler D. W ., Casco, Wis.
Lawler E. F., Genesee, Pa.
Lawler John Jr., Petalum a, Cal.
Lawler J. T., Camden, Ala.
♦Lawless J. A., Columbia, S. D.
Lawless M. E „ Vermilion, O.
Lawless S. G., Liberty, 111.
♦Lawlor W. J., Chicago, 111.
Lawrence A. E., W abeno, Wis.
♦Lawrence B., Irwinville, Ga.
Lawrence C. E ., Kansas City, Kan.
Lawrence C. E „ Union, Ia.
♦Lawrence C. O., Union, Ia.
♦Lawrence Douglas, McBee, S. C.
♦Lawrence E. R., N. Y. City, N. Y
Lawrence F . W., Republic, Mich.

Lawrence EL C., Lake Odessa,
Lawrence EL F., Cameron, Mo.
♦Lawrence H. F „ Gallatin, Mo.
Lawrence H. G„ Gladwater, Tex.
♦Lawrence H. EL, F t. Stockton,
Lawrence El. S., M arshalltow n, la .
♦Lawrence J. A„ W ynne Wood,
• Okla.
♦Lawrence J. C., New York City
N. Y.
♦Lawrence J. C., Marshall, Minn.
♦Lawrence J. E., Vale, Ore.
♦Lawrence N ora, Lovelady, Tex.
♦Lawrence W. P., Longview, Tex.
♦Laws A. L., Broken Arrow, Okla.
♦Laws A. M ., Broken Arrow, Okla.
Laws C. N., R apid City, S. D.
♦Laws C. R-, F ort M otte, S. C.
Laws F. M., Versailles, Ind.
Laws L. L., Alex, Okla.
Laws T. J., Blanchard, Okla.
Laws T. W., Milan, Ind.
♦Lawsha E. G., Wonewoc, Wis.
Lawson F. E., W alworth, Wis.
♦Lawson Henry, E ast L iberty, O.
Lawson J. A., Clintonville, Pa.
Lawson L. C. J r., Greensboro, Ala
Lawson L. H ., Lyle, Wash.
♦Lawson O. C., Avery, Tex.
♦Lawson Roy, New ton, Tex.
♦Lawson T. N„ Tucum cari, N. M.
Lawson W. E., Crowley, La.
♦Lawson W. H ., Bellingham,Wash.
Lawson W. S., Avery, Tex.
L aw ther W m., Jr., D ubuque, la .
Lawton H. M., Gardiner, Me.
♦Lawton W. B., Petoskey, Mich.
Laxson D. F., Earlvllle, la .
Lay Gilbert, St. Clair, Mo.
♦Laycock C. W., D etroit, Mich.
Lay cock C. W., W ilkes-Barre, Pa.
Laycock H. C., Chicago, 111.
Laycock R. E., Ursa. 111.
♦Layden T. H., Forney, Tex.
♦Laylin R . W., Columbus, Ohio.
♦Laym an E. S., Chicago. 111.
Laym an G. W „ Troutville.Va.
♦Layne Geo. L., Buhl, Ida.
Layne K., Cuba, 111.
Layne W. B„ Clifton City, Mo.
♦Layten John, Mackinaw, 111.
♦Layton E ., Yellville, Ark.
L ayton E. M.. Bishopvllle, Md.
♦Lay-ton L. C., E l Centro, Cal.
L ayton W. B., Scranton, Pa.
Lazenby J. M ., Leary, Ga.
Lazenby W. S., Harlem, Ga.
♦Lazarus C. A., Rushville, N. Y.
Lazier R .A ., Lompoc, Cal.
Lea A. O., New Richland, M inn.
Lea E. D., Clifton Hill, Mo.
Lea Charles, Rosenberg, Tex.
♦Leach C. E ., Fredericksburg, la .
♦Leach C. F., Jacksonville, 111.
Leach D., Ubly, Mich.
Leach E. W „ M atthews, Ind.
Leach H. W „ E ureka, Cal.
♦Leach J. A., Smithfield, Pa.
Leach J . A., Cynthlana, Ky.
Leach R. L., Adel, la.
♦Leach R. Val., Denton, Tex.
♦Leach Vera,, Bonesteel, S. D.
Leach W. A., Bonesteel, S. D.
Leach W. S., Benwood, W . Va.
Leachey A. A., Waukee, la .
♦L eadbetter L. A., Rhinelander,
♦League Miss V. C., Sugar Land,
Leak j . T., Lizton, Ind.
Leakey M., New Lisbon, In d .
Leam an C. G., W heaton, M inn.
♦Learner Vida M ., Wakefield, Neb.
Leamon W. T ., Greenfield, Ind.
Lear C. L., B urton, Neb.
Lear H. B., Seattle, Wash.
L ear Louis K., Seattle, Wash.
Lear W. I., Ewing, Mo.
L earm ont W. H., Yale, Mich.
Learned J. K., W est R utland, Tex.
♦Leary F. J., N. Y. City, N. Y.
Leary W. I., Creede, Colo.
Leas H. K., W aterloo, Ind.
Leas J. W., W. M anchester, O.
Lease J. E., Centralia, Wash.
L eatherm an J. N., Rensselaer,
L eathers F. T., W indsor, Va.
L eathers H. H., Mooresville, Ind.
Leathers W. V., Holland, Va.
Leatherwood J. D., Merit. Tex.
♦Leatherwood J. P., Anacortes,
♦Leatherwood W. H ., M eril, Tex.
Lea veil J. A., Fulton, Mo.
♦Leavell J. R., St. Louis, Mo.
Leavenworth F„ Dallas, Pa.
♦Leavitt E. M ., Boston, Mass.
♦Leavitt H. A., Rosholt, S. D.
L eavitt J. W., N apavine, Wash.
L eav itt R. E., Purcell, Okla.
♦Le Baron A. J., S anta Rosa, Cal.
Le Baron C. A., Valley Ford, Cal.
♦Leber A. R „ Pacific, Mo.
Le Blanc J. H ., H untington, W.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Le Blanc L. L., Paincourtville, La.
♦Le Blanc O. L.. Lake Charles, La.
♦Le Blond J. P.. Celina, O.
Le Bold F rank D. , Concrete.W ash.
♦Lecklieder H. T., Greenville, O.
Leckrone M . S., Glenford. O.
L edere E.. Central City, la .
♦Le Com pte G. Guy, Cambridge,
M d.
♦Ledbetter C. D ., Cave in Rock,
♦Ledbetter C. D., Elizabethtow n,
♦Le Doux F. J., Atchison, Kan.
♦Le D uke E . M ., Tiptonville.Tenn.
♦Lee A. F., Slayton, Minn.
Lee A. J., Cannon Falls, M inn.
Lee A. K., Thermopolis, Wyo.
Lee A. P., New York City. N. Y
♦Lee C. A., Carbondale, 111.
♦Lee C. E ., Volga, S. D.
Lee C. H., Hillsdale, Kan.
Lee C. H., Jr., Falm outh, Ky.
♦Léa O. R., Cleveland, O.
Lee Cutlar, Frem ont, N. C.
♦Lee E. A., N. Y. City. N. Y.
♦Lee E . E ., Louisville, Ky.
Lee E. G., A ttalla, Ala.
♦Lee E. J., Marion, O.
♦Lee Emil L., Red Wing, Minn.
Lee E. M., Glendale, Cal.
♦Lee F. M ., Reno, 'Nev.
Lee G. R., W atseka, 111.
♦Lee G. R., Osakis, M inn.
Lee G. T., V an Buren, Mo.
Lee Hans, Oakes, N. D.
Lee H arry, Browerville, Minn.
♦Lee H arry C., Harrisburg, 111.
Lee H. C., Sylvania, Ga.
♦Lee H. F., Miles City, Mont.
♦Lee H . L., Oxford, Neb.
♦Lee Isham , Rochester, Tex.
Lee J. B., Emerson, Ark.
Lee J . B., H arrisburg, 111.
Lee J. F., Royston, Ga.
♦Lee J. H .. Harveyville, Kan.
Lee J . M., Harveyville, Kan.
Lee J . O., Frankton, Ind.
Lee J. R ., Bluffton, Ga.
Lee Louis B., W atertow n, Fia.
Lee L. M., Grand Junction, Tenn.
♦Lee M. L., Moultri, Ga.
Lee M. L., Pioche, Nev.
Lee O. E., Oswego, M ont.
Lee P . A., Pekin, N. D.
♦Lee R. C., Brawley, Cal.
Lee R obert E ., Shinnston, W. Va.
♦Lee R. F.., Kimball, Neb.
♦Lee R. I.. Minneapolis, M inn.
Lee S. B., Gilbert Station, la.
Lee S. E., Gwinner. N. D.
♦Lee Selmer, H artland, M inn.
Lee W. B., Rochester, Tex.
Lee W. E., Long Prairie, Minn.
Lee W. H., Avoca, N. Y.
Lee W. S., Barnesville, Minn.
Leean O. C., loia, Wis.
Leech I. E., Camden, N. J.
Leech T. M., Iron City, Tenn.
Leech W7. S., Smithfield, Pa.
♦Leef J. D., Alham bra, 111.
♦Leek F. A.. Bronson. Kan.
♦Leeman P. L., Minneapolis, Minn.
♦Leeper H. S., Chandlerville, 111.
Leeper T . E ., Vliets, Kan.
♦Lees A., M ondovi, Wis.
Lees C. A., Sussex, Wis.
♦Lees I. E., Brookings, S. D.
Leete F. W., W erner, N . D.
♦Lefaivre F. H., Clayton, N. Y.
♦Lefever C., Milmine, III.
♦Leflel F. B., Newcastle, Va.
♦Lefferdink C. S., Calum et, la.
Lefferdink Wm., McGrew, Neb.
♦Leffler J. W., Baltimore, M d.
Leffler W. A., H avre de Grace, Md.
♦Lefm ann O. H., Gerald, Mo.
Lefor N. A., Lefor, N. D.
♦Leftwich J. R., St. Joseph, Mo.
♦Leftwich W. H., Dallas, Tex.
♦Legendre P. F., Thibodaux, La.
♦Legg G. R ., Fortuna, Cal.
L eggett A. T., M agnolia, Miss.
♦Leggett T. W., Judsonia, Ark.
Leggiti O. E ., Hutsonville, 111.
Le Gore G. P., Le Gore, Md.
♦LeGrand C. A., M anfred, N. D.
Legrls T. A., Kankakee, 111.
♦Le Gros W. W., Chicago, 111.
Le Grow F. S., Athena, Ore.
♦Lehman E. E ., Schleswig. la.
♦Lehman E dgar O., Goshen, Ind.
♦Lehman F. A., Manchester, Mich.
Lehman F. P., Gettysburg, O.
Lehman G. A., Saline, Mich.
♦Lehman H. G., Giddings, Tex.
♦Lehman J. H., Crown P oint, Ind.
♦Lehman L. L., Versailles, O.
♦Lehman M ., Circle, M ont.
♦Lehman R. S., Newville, Pa.
Lehm ann W. F;, Balfour, N. D.
♦Lehman W m., Sioux City, la .
Lehmicke A. J., Stillwater, Minn.
Lehnen S. E., N orth Liberty, la.
Lehnhard W. W., M oneti, Mo.
Lehr John C., Foley, Ala.
Lehr J. M ., Shullsburg, Wis.
Leibenguth J. H., E. Mauch
Chunk, Pa.
L eichhardt D.. Jeffersontown.Ky.
Leick G. H., Grand Rapids, N. D.

Leidig W. L., Lenora, Kan.
Leigh B. V., Clinton, N, J.
Leigh F rank, Anniston, Ala.
Leigh J. W ., Princeton, N. J.
♦Leighninger E .A., W .L afayette, O.
Leighton E.A., Somersworth, N.H.
♦Leighton H. A., Minneapolis,
Leighton William, Mount Hope,
Lelmbach A. H., Vermilion, O.
Leambach G. H., Beason, 111.
Lelmbrock C. H. O., Gilliam,Mo.
♦Lein B. M., Fergus Falls, Minn.
Lejnenkugel M . J., Ingram , Wis,
♦Leinwander Jacob, Marshfield,
Leise F. A., W ynot, Neb.
Leise H enry, Liscomb, Neb.
Leise W. M ., M anly, la.
Leishman R. A., Wellsville, U tah.
♦Leisk D. T ., Milwaukee, Wis.
♦Leisy H arry E ., Wisner, Neb.
Leisy I. O., Wisner, Neb.
♦Leitch Benj., Farnham ville, la.
♦Letter M. E., La F ayette, Ind.
♦Leitnaker C. C.,' Basil, O.
Leltnaker W. H „ Basil, O.
♦Leitner J . D., A tlanta, Ga.
Leknes B„ Russell, Minn.
Leknes I., Brlcelyn, Minn.
Leland H. L., Lawton, la .
Lemburg F. W., Mason, Tex.
Lemenager A. J., Ashkum 111.
♦Lemenager A. L., Ashkum, 111.
Lemly, John, Tilden, Neb.
Lemme F. A.,'W inona, Minn.
Lemmich S. O., Thompson, If. D.
Lemmon G. W., Pawnee, 111.
Lemmon S. P., Augusta, 111.
♦Lemmon W. H., Selma, Cal.
Lemoine L. A., Cottonport, La.
Lemon G. L „ Acworth, Ga.
♦Lemon H. Y., St. Joseph, Mo.
Lemon J. H., Parker, Kan.
Lemon J. K., Rolfe, ia.
Lemon W. S., Friendship, Ind.
Lende Adward, Appleton, Minn.
Lende Henry, Appleton, Minn.
Lenderink H. J., Emerson, Neb.
Lenertz A. T ., W averly, S. D.
♦L’Engle O. S., Jacksonville, Fla.
L enhardt R. S., W higham, Ga.
L enhart G. A„ Hazelton, N. D.
L enhart L. F., Carnesville, Ga.
L enhart W. E. Eagle Lake, Tex.
♦Lenich Grace, Union C ity, Ind.
Lenker L. G., Bram an. Okla.
Lenm ark E. J., E au Claire, Wis.
Lennard H. R „ Metamora, Ind.
Lenon J . F., L ittle Rock, Ark.
♦Lenox John, Jetm ore, Kan.
L ennert E . H., Chicago, 111.
L ennartz H eniy, Celina, O.
♦Lenoir T. E., Blossom, Tex.
♦Lenton H erbert N ., Stewartsville,
Lents C. M., Ninnekah, Okla.
Lentz C. A., E. Palestine, O.
Lehtz E. A., Blackwell, Okla.
Lentz J. C., St. Pauls, N. C.
Lentz J. C. G., Stella, Mo.
Lenz G. F., Newport News, Va.
♦Lenz Susie B„ Ellsworth. Minn.
♦Lenzinger J. F., Beulah, N. D.
♦Leon E lm er G., Lancaster, M inn.
♦Leonard A. C., E lliott, la.
Leonard A. L„ Jr., Jeannette, Pa.
♦Leonard B. C., South Fork, Pa,
Leonard C. B.t Andover, O.
Leonard D. A., Calexico, Cal.
Leonard E. L., Elizabeth, 111.
Leonard F. B., Brockton, Mass.
Leonard H. D., Leadville, Colo.
Leonard H. G., Bridgeport, Tex.
♦Leonard J. B„ Newton, N. C.
♦Leonard J. R., Brandon, Vt.
♦Leonard J. S., Pensacola, Fla.
♦Leonard M . C., Hinsdale. M ont.
♦Leonard R. D., D ayton, Ia.
♦Leonard Roy E , Spartanburg,
S. C.
Leonard S. W.. Ogdensburg, N. Y.
Leonard W. C., Leslie, Ark.
Leonhard A. M., Trenton, 111.
Leonard Fred, Bentley, Mich.
Leonhardt M ., Covina, Cal.
Leopold D. J., Lebanon, Pa.
♦Le Page, L. F., W alhalla, N. D.
Lepisto Victor, Wakefield, Mich.
♦Leporin G. I., G arnett, Kan.
Leporin J. W., G arnett, Kan.
Lepper H. W. Flatwillow, M ont.
L eppert J. M., Berlin, N. D.
Leps T. D., Keyser, W. Va.
♦Leraas A. L.. B arrett, M inn.
♦Leraas Jr., J. J., Charlson, N. D.
♦Lerce A. C., M adison, S. D.
♦Lere P. E., Pem bina, N. D.
Lerg C. C., Lake City, Mich.
Lermo G, O., Prosper, M inn.
♦Le Roy Geo. M ., Livingston
M anor, N. Y.
♦Le Roy R. D„ Mohawk, N. Y.
Lescher H: G., G reat Falls, Mont.
Lesesne John W., Summerton.S.C.
♦Lesesne N. D „ Kingstree, S. C.
Lesinger J. W., Cedar Rapids, Ia.
Leslie C. K., Coweta, Okla.
Leslie D. D„ Houston, Va.
Leslie E. M., Convoy, O.

Leslie F. W ., Van Wert, O.
Leslie H. J., Erie, Pa.
Leslie L. C., Morley, Mo.
♦Leslie R. B., W ashington, Pa.
Leslie W. C., Osgood, Ind.
♦Lesniewski M . E .. Thorp. Wis.
♦Lesseg A. A., Missoula, M ont.
Lesser Clyde T ., Ridgway, Pa.
Lester E. P.. Cameron, Tex.
♦Lester F. K., N. Y. City, N.. Y.
L ester M iss K. M ., Cedarville,
L ester W alter A., Bingham pton,
N. Y.
Le Sueur N. P., Nashville, Tenn.
♦Letcher J. R., Danville, Ky.
Letson F rank, Enid, Okla.
♦Letton W. A., Table Rock, N eb.
Leu John A., Highland, 111.
Leuschel P., Wallace, Ida.
♦Leuschner Edm ond, O tto, Tex.
♦Leusman C. J., A lbert Lea, M inn.
♦Leuthauser A. J., Beemer, Neb.
Leuzinger A. O., W ebster, M in n .
♦Leuzinger J. F ., Audulon, M inn.
♦Leuzinger J. F., Beulah, N. D.
Le Valley C. J., Sheffield, Ia.
Levan W. F., Coplay, Pa.
♦Levang C., W ecota, S. D,
Levensaler L. S., Thomaston, Me.
♦Levee.F. L„ Madisonville, Tex.
Levesque H. L.. Superior, W yo.
♦Levine J. M ., Birm ingham , Ala.
♦Levsen J. H., Doland, S. D.
♦Levy Isaac, Corsicana, Tex.
♦Levy P. C., F o rt W orth, Tex.
Levy R alph J., Richm ond, Va.
♦Levy Roy, Chilton, Tex.
Levy S., Natchitoches, La.
Lewandowski J. J., Chicago, 111.
♦Lewellen J. D., Epes, Ala.
♦Lewellen W. B., Laddonia, Mo.
Lewellen W. R., Epes, Ala.
♦Lewellyn E., Carrollton, Ky.
Lewellyn R. L., Dobson, N. C.
♦Lewer M. W., Spokane, W ash.
Lowers H., Reno, Nev.
♦Lewey W., Carmen, Okla.
Lewln A. H.. Miles, Tex.
♦Lewis A. B., M emphis, Tenn.
Lewis Anna, Onaga, Kan.
Lewis A. D., Estes Park, Colo.
Lewis A. D„ Tower City, Pa.
Lewis A. W., Woden, Ia.
♦Lewis B. M .. Dublin, Ga.
Lewis B. W., Lake »Placid. N. Y.
♦Lewis B. W „ P ittsburg, Pa.
♦Lewis C. H., H arpster, O.
♦Lewis C. H., A tlanta, Ga.
♦Lewis Charles, Valentine, Neb.
Lewis C. J., M eridian, Tex.
Lewis C. J., Wyalusing, Pa.
Lewis C. L., Stovall, N. C.
Lewis C. R., M illersport, Ohio.
Lewis D. A., Carrier, Okla.
Lewis D. H., D uluth, Minn.
Lewis Edgar. F ort Pierce, F la.
Lewis E. E., Franklin, Ga.
♦Lewis E. F., M endota, 111.
♦Lewis E. N., Macon, Ga.
Lewis E. O., El Segundo, Cal.
Lewis E . S., Philadelphia, P a .
♦Lewis F. L., Neche, N. D.
Lewis G. E.. N. Y. City. N. Y.
♦Lewis G. E „ N. Y. C ity, N. Y.
Lewis G. E ., Tallahassee, Fla.
Lewis G ertrude A., Ashley, Mich.
Lewis G. E., Tallahassee, Fla.
♦Lewis G. P., D ecatur, 111.
♦Lewis G. T„ Bells, Tenn.
Lewis Guy, Richfield, Utah.
Lewis H. A., M arion, S. C.
Lewis H. B., Charleston, W. Va.
Lewis H. C., Elizabethville, Pa.
♦Lewis H. D., New Y ork City, N Y.
Lewis H. D., Loomis, S. D.
Lewis H. E ., H arlan, la.
♦Lewis Ira, Bridgeville, Del.
Lewis J. A., St. Louis, Mo.
Lewis I. C. M arkham , Tex.
Lewis J. C., Bay City, Tex.
♦Lewis J. C., Glouster, O.
♦Lewis J. E., De Kalb, I1L
Lewis J. H., Pactoryville, P a.
♦Lewis J. H., S tuart, Okla.
Lewis J. L.. H arpster, O.,
Lewis J. M., Gloucester, Va.
Lewis J. P., Industry, Kan.
Lewis Jos. P-, Carrick, Pa.
Lewis J. P., M artinsville, Va.
Lewis J. Q., Clinton, 111.
Lewis J. R., Libby, M ont.
Lewis J. T., Hailwood, Va.
Lewis J. W., Sedan, Kan.
Lewis J. W „ Strong, Kan.
Lewis L. A., A thens, Pa.
♦Lewis M rs. Lou, Clarence, Mb.
♦Lewis L ura M ., Greentop, M o.
Lewis L. F., Norwood, Ga.
Lewis L. N., Bedford, la .
♦Lewis Minnie, Viola, 111.
♦Lewis M. D., Bedford, Ia.
Lewis M. H „ Clarence, Mo.
♦Lewis O. H., Pinehurst, Ga.
Lewis Paul, Cloverport, Ky.
Lewis P. B.. Brooklet, Ga.
♦Lewis Percy E., Lewisville, Minn..
Lewis P. N„ Herrin, 111.
Lewis P. T., Sheridan, Ark.

Lewis R. A„ Lexington, Tenn.
Lewis R. A., Marion, Mich.
♦Lewis R. A., Sabina, O.
Lewis R. C.. Longbeach. Cal.
Lewis R. L., Bigtimber, Mont.
Lewis S. D., Newport, N. H.
Lewis S. R.,i Marseilles, 111.
♦Lewis S. R., Osceola, Mo.
Lewis S. W., Humeston, la .
Lewis T. E., Lebo, Ran.
Lewis T. J., Elwood, Ind.
Lewis Victor, Kline, S. C.
Lewis W. A., Batavia, la.
.♦Lewis W. É., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Lewis W. H., Bessemer, Ala.
Lewis W. H., Clarksburg, W . Va.
Lewis W. H., Paola, Kan.
Lewis W. J., Rising City, Nev.
Lewis W. L., Tulsa, Okla.
♦Lewis W. P., Ironton, O..
♦Lewis W. R., Wash. D. C.
♦Lewis W. R., Lebanon, O.
Lewis W. 8.. M idlothian, Tex.
Lewis W. W., H arlan. Ky.
♦Lewison E. B., Gary, 8. D.
Lewter W. A., Hammon, Okla.
Lexvold H. H ., Ellsworth, la.
♦Ley G. A., Perry, Okla.
Ley R. W., Wayne. Neb.
♦Leyse C. H ., Chicago, 111.
Leyson H. J., Gooding, Ida.
L ’Heureux H. M ., Campbell.
♦Lia O. B., Wildrose, N . D.
♦Libbey N. B., Eureka, Cal.
Libby H. F., Pittsfield, Me.
Libel L. A., W athena, Kan.
Llchius M. W., Steelville, Mo.
♦Lichty B. C.. Alham bra, Cal.
L ichty E ., Hamlin, Kan.
♦Lichty Gladys, Hamlin, Kan.
Lichty J. C., Sabetha, Kan.
♦Lichty J. N., Toledo, la.
Licky H. B., Holmesville, O.
♦Lidberg A. H., Red Wing, M inn.
♦Liddell R. H., Camden, Ala.
Liddell S. M., Milford, Mich.
Llddie M. H.. Canfield. O.
♦LIde A. F „ Elioree, S. C.
Liechty M. S., Monroe, Ind.
Liedholm A., Grove City, Minn.
♦Lien C. E., P latte, S. D.
H en C. H., Sum m it. S. D.
♦Lien Conrad E., Stan wood. Wash.
♦Lien E . E .. M assena. Ia.
♦Lienard C. F ., Eskridge, Kan.
Lientz Oren, Los Angles, Cal.
Lierboe, R. T„ Turtle Lake, N .D.
♦Lieser I. M„ Des Moines, Ia.
Lless Frank, Mokena, 111.
LIffrig A. F., Mazeppa, Minn.
L igaard O. H., Lawler, M inn.
♦Liggett A. D., Rosalia. Kan.
Liggett J. H., Rosalie, Kan.
♦Liggett J. K., Hum boldt, N eb.'
Liggett J. L., Morrison, Okla.
Liggett Odell; Ostrander, O.
Light D. O., Chrisman, 111.
♦Light F. J., Chrisman, 111.
Light G. O., Paragould, Ark.
Light J. F., Winona, Kan.
Light W alter, W est Liberty, Ia.
♦Lightfoot J. C., W iota, Ia.
♦Lighthipe W. I., N. Y. City. N.Y.
♦Lightle J. B., Searcy, Ark.
♦Lightner M . N ., Landisburg, Pa.
LIghtner S. W., H arper’s Ferry,
W. Va.
Ligon G. L., Red Oak, Tex.
Ligon J. H., McKenney, Va.
♦Ligon R. M., Carthage, Tenn.
♦Likins O. W., Caneyville, Ky.
♦Lile C. H „ Goldsberry, Mo.
Liles R. D., A urora, Mo.
Liles 8. E ., McCall, 8. C.
♦Lilienthal J. W., Jr., San F ran­
cisco, Cal.
Liljedohl G. J., Essex, Ia.
Lillard D. L., Englewood, Tenn.
♦Lillard E. W., Jr., Canton, Me.
Lillard, J. C., Wewoka, Okla.
Lillard J. W., Canton, Mo.
Lillard J. W., Columbia, S. C.
Lillard J. W „ Decatur, Tex.
Lilley E. M„ California, Pa.
♦Lilley J. D., Jamesville, N. C.
♦Lillibridge R. C., Delavan, Wis.
Lillie L. F., Avon, 111.
♦Lillie C. A., H artford, Conn.
Lillis M., Masonville. Ia.
♦Lilly E. G „ Waco, Tex.
Lilly G arn ett C., Alpha, 111.
♦Lilly J. F„ Cape Girardeau, Mo.
♦Lilly J. S., Athens, W. Va.
♦LiHy L. M ., St. Paul, M inn.
♦Lilly W. F., Angelica, N. Y.
Lilyquist W . A„ Barton, N . D.
♦Limberger W. S., T ustin, Cài.
♦Limbocker C. I., Independence,
Liming M . D., M t. Orab, O.
♦Liming O. B., M t. Orab, O.
Liming W- S., Hamersville, O.
Lina 0 . V., Canal Dover, 0 .
Linborg R. J., Henning, M inn.
♦Linburg, H., W ayne, Neb.
Lifickley J. B., Chrisman, 111.
Lincoln D. H., Marion, Ò.
Lincoln H .P .,SantaB arbara, Cal.
Lincoln J. H., Bowling Green,
Lincoln J. W., Mifflinburg, Pa.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Lincoln M innieE..GreenMountain.
♦Lincoln R. E„ Fergus Falls,Minn.
Lincoln W., Birdsboro, Pa.
♦Lind Albert, Hillsboro, Wis.
♦Lind Carl, Lake Wilson, Minn.
Lind Herm an, Malmo, Neb.
Lind W. E., Hillsboro. Wis
♦Lindahl F. W., Coburg, Ia.
♦Lindahl H. C., Gilbert, Minn.
♦Lindaman W. J., Ocheydan, Ia.
Lindberg L. E ., Grand Marais,
M inn.
♦Lindberg E. H., St. Peter, Minn.
L indblad A. 8., Chicago, 111.
Lindburg A., Essex Ia.
Linde A. A., De Forest, Wis.
♦Linde C. A., De Forest, Wis.
Linde J. E., Oalmar, Ia.
♦Lindebake E . L., Forestburg.S.D.
♦LIndell A. V., Topeka, Kan.
Lindell C. E.. WIndom, Kan.
♦Lindell Le Roy, Woodhull, 111.
Lindeman F. W., Pocahontas, Ia.
Lindemann A. H., Colgan, N. D
Lindemann L. C., Redstone,M ont.
Lindemann W. F., Pierce, Colo.
Lindemann W. F „ Vtroqua. Wis.
♦Lindemer Arthur, Lincoln Valley.
N. D.
♦Linden C. G., New Haven, Ind.
♦Lindenau O. C.. Lemont, 111.
♦Linder Clyde, Carrollton, 111.
Linder C. H., LInby, Ia,
♦Linder D A., Prosser, Wash.
♦Linder H. A.. Hedrick, Ia.
♦Linder H. J., Sheridan, Wyo.
♦Linder Miss Jimmie, Willacoochee, Ga.
Linder L. E.. Plaza. N. D.
Lindermann J. G., Terre Haute,
Linderson O. E., Barnesville,
Linderson O. E., Clear Lake, Wis
Linderson R. A., Lockridge, Ia.
Lindgren A. T., Klngsburg. Cal.
♦Lindgren C. H., W ashburn, Wis.
Lindgren C. T.. Roxbury, Kan.
♦Lindhjem A. E., Minneapolis,
♦Lindholm Gustav, M arvin, 8. D.
Llndinger W. J., Pascagoula, Miss.
Lindke A. F., Richmond, Mich.
Lindler J. P „ Saluda, S. C.
LIndley A. J., Duncan, Neb.
Lindley Irving D„ Bonesteel.S.D.
♦LIndley S. E„ Bonesteel, S. D.
Lindley W., Lexington, O.
Lindly J. M., Winfield, Ia.
Llndman E. J., F ort Wayne, Ind.
Lindner E. L., Clay Center. Kan.
Lindner G. A., Clifton Springs,
N. Y.
Lindo F rank G., Shafer, Minn.
♦Lindow G. A., Gary, M inn.
Lindquest E. L., Waterloo, Neb.
♦Lindquist A. E., Gowrie, Ia.
Lindquist A. H., Almelund, Minn.
Lindquist Enoch, Twin Brooks,
S. D.
Lindquist F. W., Gowrie, Ia.
Lindquist G. A., Langford, S. D.
♦Lindquist Lydia, Almelund, M inn
♦Lindquist L. H., Galva, 111.
♦Lindquist W. A., Barnesville,
♦Lindsay A. C„ Honesdale, Pa.
Lindsay A. R., Tilden, 111.
♦Lindsay E. D., Cooperstown,
N. Y.
Lindsay E. E., Robinson, 111.
Lindsay G. D., Turtle Creek, Pa.
♦Lindsay H. W., Central Point,
♦Lindsay J. S„ Cameron, S. C.
Lindsay O. P.. Turin, Ga.
♦Lindsay R. A,, Rowley, Ia.
Lindsay R. F., M t. Pleasant, Tex.
♦Lindsay R. O., Bemis. S. D.
Lindsay W. L., Bridger, M ont.
♦Llndseth A. S., Appleton, Minn.
♦Lindsey A. D„ Bronson, Mich.
Lindsey A. S., Dixon, S. D.
♦Lindsey C. B., Pomona, Kan.
Lindsey E. B., Center Point, Ark.
♦Lindsey F. T., Streetman, Tex.
Lindsey H F., Frankfort, Ky.
♦Lindsey H. W., F t. Sumner, N.
Lindsey J. H., Scotland, Ark.
Lihdsey J. L., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Lindsey J. L., St. Elmo, Tenn.
Lindsey O. F., Cecil, Ga.
Lindsey S. P., Corning, Ark.
Lindsley G. B., Madisonville, O.
♦Lindstram Ole, Hoffman, Minn.
Lindstrom A. J., Rock Island, 111.
Lindstrom O. F .-, Lindstrom.Minn.
♦Lindstrom S. S., Seattle, Wash.
LIneatrom E. A., Ham ar, N. D.
♦Lineback W. L., Siloarh Springs,
♦Lineberry Geo., Stilesville, Ind.
♦Lines E. H., Hebron, 111.
Llngamfelter J . T„ Elkins, W. Va.
Lingard T. G., Blue Mounds, Wis.
Lingard T. G„ Mount Horeb, Wis.
♦Lingelbach F. J., Oconto, Wis.
♦Lingle G. C., Clinton, Mb.


Lingren J. H ,,. Bruno, Minn.
Lloyd E. H., Toulon, 111.
♦Linhardt A. N., Lohman, Mo..
♦Lloyd G. A., Lake Preston, N. D.
L inhardt J; A. N„ Lohman. Mo.
Lloyd J. L., Farm ersburg, Ind.
Lininger J. H., Harrisvilie, W. Va. ♦Lloyd J. M.. Quitm an, Tex.
Link H. M., E xeter, Neb.
1 Lloyd John W., Toledo, O.
Link Howard R., Puente, Cal.
Lloyd J. W., Bennington, Okla.
♦Link L. N„ Kirksville. Mo.
Lloyd Samuel, New Haven, Conn.
Link W. S., MeMlnnville, Ore.
Lloyd T. B., Emporium , Pa.
♦Linke A. J., Argo, 111.
♦Lloyd T. Hr, Paragould, Ark.
♦Linke Henry, Hillsboro, Wis.
♦Lloyd W. D., Omaha, Ga.
♦Linke Nancy, Bassett, Neb.
♦Lloyd W. H., E verett, Pa.
Linley Charles, Atchison; Kan.
Lloyd W. H., Brighton, Ia.
Linn C. F., Linnsburg, Ind.
♦Loach Miss M attie D ., Furm an,
S. C.
Linnell C. G., Finley, N. D.
Lobaugh C. H., Blue Island, 111.
Linneman B. J„ Covington, Ky.
♦Lobaugh C. M ., Blue Island, 111.
Linnemann E., Covington, Ky.
♦Lobaugh P aul M., H arper, Kan.
Linney George B„ OsCeola, Mo.
Lobb W. A., New York City,N.Y.
♦Linney J. M ., H ardin, Mo.
Lobdell L. F., Muir, Mich.
Linnig J. J. P „ Peru.IU.
Lobley J. W., F rankfort, Kan.
♦Lins H. H., Spring Green, Wis.
♦Locatell A.. L,, St. Louis, Mo.
Lins L. H., Eagle, Wis.
♦Loch A. E., Detroit, Mich.
♦Linscott R. J., Holton, Kan.
Lochner F. A.. Milwaukee, Wis.
Linscott S. S., Holton, Kan.
Lochridge R. E „ Mayfield, Ky.
♦Linsley F. D., Sausalito, Cal.
Lochrie A. J., Deer Lodge, Mont.
Lintner Charles, Ironton. O.
♦Lintner J. O., Potwin, Kan.
Locke C. E ., E thridge, Tenn.
Lintner J. V., Humboldt', Kan.
Locke F . C., K ent, Ia.
Lintz L. J., Johnson, Neb.
♦Locke I. E., Colman, S. D.
Locke S. M., Mexico, Mo.
LInzee R. S„ Duquoin, 111.
♦Lockett H. T.. Arlington, Tex.
♦Linville C. E ., Skidmore, Mo.
Lockhart Adam.W adesboro.N.C.
♦Linville P. B., Edina, Mo.
♦Lockhart J. L., Durham . N. O.
Linville W. S.. Skidmore, Mo.
♦Lockhart J. M., Camden, Tenn.
♦Lion A., Galveston, Tex.
Lockhart S. G., M ontrose, Ark.
♦Lionberger D., Sesser, 111.
Lockin Sam ’l H., Red Wing, Minn.
♦Lipke B., Chicago, 111.
Lockland R. A., Leming, Tex.
♦Lipowicz Stanislaus, Buffalo.N.Y. ♦Lockridge D. H „ Downs, Kan.
♦Lipkey E. R., Uniondale, Ind.
Lockwood C. L., W ashington,
♦Lipman J. O., Los Angeles, Cal
Lipp F. M., Hardin, M ont.
♦Lockwood F. M., Kankakee, 111.
♦Lippera J. E., Leigh, Neb.
♦Lockwood H. F., Central City, Ia.
♦Lippincott C. S., N.Y. City, N.Y.
Lockwood M . M ., Emlenton, P a.
♦Lippincott D. R., Moorestown,
N. J.
Lockwood R. S., Ossining, N. Y.
Lipp old Jr., Fred A., St. Joe, Ida. ♦Lode T. T., Ross, N. D.
Lippold J. H., Cumberland, Md. Lodoen I. N., Alvarado, Minn.
♦Lippold L. W., Cumberland, Md. ♦Lodoen W, R., Alvarado, M inn.
Loe E. O., Linn Grove. Ia.
Lipscomb A. J „ Hereford, Tex.
Lipscomb A. L „ N orth Zulch.Tex. ♦Loeb C. F.. Urbana, Iil.
Lipscomb C., Bixby. Okl.
♦Loeb Norm an A., Trem ont, Pa.
Lipscomb J. W., M arm aduke, Ark. Loebs John, Campbellsport. Wis.
♦Loeffler E. A., Mason, Tex.
Lipscomb R. H., Como, Miss.
Lipscomb R. S., Gaffney S. C.
♦Loegering J. A., Long Prairie.
Lipton J. J., Preemption, 111.
♦Lipton Robt., Jr., Ida Grove, Ia. ♦Loehoefener Verna, Aullville, Mo.
Liscum C. E., Center Moriches, Loehwing A., Littleton, Colo.
N. Y./
♦Loekle O. J., Peru, 111.
♦Loesch C. A., Saginaw, Mich.
♦LIsenby A. W., Dothan, Ala.
♦Lisenby C. C„ Weldon, 111.
Loewen H. J., Goessel, Kan.
♦Lisle H. H., Butler, Mo.
♦Loewen I. J., Bessie, Ok).
♦List D.C., Jr., Wheeling, W. Va. ♦Lofgren G., K arlstad, M inn.
List M., Yorktown, Ia.
♦Lofgren G. A., Evansville, Minn.
List R. J., Scranton, N. D.
Lofgren G. A., Hoffman, M inn.
♦Lister Jno. W., Lake Andes, S.D. Lofgren L., Ulen„ Minn.
Listerud Henry, Sawyer. S. D.
♦Listug A. T.. W arren. Minn.
Lofland C. E ., Oskaloosa, Ia.
Litchfield A. B., Swanquater, N.C. ♦Loflin R. B., Strawn, Tex.
♦Lofstrom A. H., Kimball,Minn.
♦Litchfield E. T., Flanagan, 111.
Litchford W. M., W atertown, ♦Lofswold G. W ., Chester, S. D.
♦Lofthus K. O., Brodhead, Wis.
LItel J. E., Albany, Wis.
Lofthus O. E., Kloten, N. D.
LItel J. F., Jr., Oregon, Wis.
Lofthus O. J., Beardsley, Minn.
♦Litsey E. C., Lebanon, Ky.
♦Loftin Miss E. B., Warsaw, N. C.
♦Loftin W. A., Idabel, Okla.
L itteer E. J., Oklahoma, Okla.
Loftus R. P., De Soto, Wis.
L ittell A rthur, Texhoma, Okla.
Littell O. N., Cincinnati, O.
Loftus Thomas. Lexington, Ind.
L itten W. T., Kendrick, Okla.
Logan C. L., Norden, Neb.
L itterst A. C., Metuchen, N. J.
♦Littiell Lloyd, Tonganoxie, Kan. Logan E . A., Happy, Tex,
♦Littig H. F., New England, N. D. ♦Logan E. A., Red Lodge, M ont.
♦Little Alonzo R., M t. Clemens, ♦Logan E. J., Absarokee, M ont.
♦Logan E. M., Momence, 111.
Little A. S., Petersburg, Pa.
Logan H. Z., M atlock, Ia.
L ittle Chas., Newhebron, Miss.
Logan John A., Tropico, Cal.
L ittle C. R., Mobile, Ala.
♦Logan J. F „ Lexington, Tenn.
L ittle C. W., Crab Orchard, Neb.
Logan John, Columbus, M ont.
♦Little D. R., M arietta, Ga.
♦Logan J. W., Traer, Ia.
♦Little Ethel. Pulaski, 111.
♦Logan L. C., Haigler, Neb.
♦Little E. A.. Hancock. Md.
♦Logan Louise B.. Bedford, K y.
L ittle G. C., Newton, N. C.,
Logan L. H., Petersburg, Mich.
♦Little George, Baldwin, N. D.
♦Logan R. A., Rawlins, Wyo.
♦Little H. B., Huntington Beach, Logan S. H „ Oxford, Miss.
♦Logan W., Toledo, 111.
Little H. G., Prairie City, Ia.
Logan W. C., Waterloo, Ia.
Little J. S., Rushville, 111.
Logan W. H., Laddonia, Mo.
♦Little Leon H., Linden, Ind.
Logan W. P., Belgrade, Neb.
Little L. W., Darlington, Ind.
♦Lohman H. M ., New Truxton,
Little O. E., Haverhill, Mass.
♦Little Ralph, Blackford, Ky.
Lohman W. J., Parlier, Cal.
Little W. P., Columbus, O.
Lohmann J. H., Hastings, Neb.
♦Little W. P., Raleigh, N. C.
♦Lohmann R. W., Moorhead, Ia.
Little W. W., Early, Ia.
♦Lohmiller C. J„ Delano, Minn.
Lohmuller J. B., Centralla. Kan.
♦Littler F. A.. Dunkirk, Ind.
Lohmuller O. V., B eattie, Kan.
♦Littleton A. F., Harrim an, Tenn. Lohn Lewis, Fosston, Minn.
L ittleton Edgar, Fairfax, Va.
Lohoefener B- H., Aullville, Mo
L ittleton H. A., Bloxom, Va.
Lohoefener W .F., Concordia, Mo.
♦Littleton M.. S., Ipava, 111.
♦Lohr E. E., Monticello, 111.
♦Littlefield J. E., Columbia, Tenn. ♦Lohr Ralph, Upland, Neb.
♦Littlefield T. D., Sacramento, Cal. ♦Lohsen C. B., Keansburg, N. J.
♦Litton J. W., Norton, Va.
Loizeaux H. G., Crook, Colo.
♦Llttlepage E. E„ Girard, 111.
♦Loizeaux W , L ., Crook, Colo.
♦Litz Fred, Delmont, S. D.
Lively Ivo W., Santa Fe, N. M. Loken J. A., Sidney, M opt
LIvengood V. W., W ayneton, Ind. ♦Lokkoson E. O., Bagley, M inn.
Lomas D. E., Villisca, Ia.
Liver John I., E lkhart, Ind.
Lomatch C. F., Patricksburg, Ind.
Livernash G. H., Necedah, Wis.
♦Lomax C. S., Sargent, Neb.
♦Livingston A., Charlevoix, Mich. Lomax H., Broken Bow, Neb.
Livingston A., Snohomish, Wash. Lomax H. W., Laclede, Mol
♦Livingston A. W. Portland, Ore. Lom bard E. P ., Topeka, Ind.
Livingston F. G.. Peterboro, N. H. ♦Lomen C. O., Lengby, M inn.
♦Livingston J. N„ Carlsbad, N. M. Lomerson J . L., Phillipsburg.N .J.
Livingston W. M., Monroe, Ia.
Lommen E . E., Buxton, N. D.
Lizotte A. B., Rudser, N. D.
♦Londahl C.. W akonda, S. D.

♦Londergan I. G-., M arcus, la .
Londergan S., M arcus, la .
London D B., Alanreed, Tex.
♦London Jo h n R., Rockhill, S. C.
Lonergan J. D., Lilly, Pa.
Lonegren Carl E ., D uluth, Minn.
Loney E . J., P o rt Orford, Ore.
Long A. C., Shelbyville, Ky.
Long A. J., Elysian, M inn
Long B. F., Barney, Ga.
♦Long B. M ., Carrollton, Ga.
*Long C. A., Holdrege, Neb.
Long C. F., Judsonia, Ark.
Long C. W., Osakis, M inn.
♦Long D. D ., M t. Vernon, Tex.
♦Long D. M ., Frederick, Okl.
Long E. B„ Charlestown, Ind.
Long E. G., Roxboro. N. C.
♦Long E d ith M ., P lym outh, 111.
♦Long F. E ., Jefferson C ity, M o.
Long F rank L., Braggadocio. Mo.
♦Long George, San Francisco
Long Geo. E ., Cherokee, la .
♦Long G. H., Fessenden, N . D .
Long G. W., Lipscomb, Tex.
Long H. P., Bedford, la .
Long H. R., H ubbard, la .
Long I. L., Selbyville, Del.
Long J . A„ Powersville, Mo.
Long J. A., Haw River, N. C.
♦Long Jr., J. B., Abbeville, Ala.
Long J. B., Cleburne, Tex.
Long Jam es C„ Connellsville, Pa.
♦Long J . -O., Parsons, Tenn.
Long J. R., Bryson City, N. C.
♦Long J. R., Sylva, N. C.
Long J. W ., Petersburg, Va.
♦LongTJ. H., L ittle Rock, Ark.
♦Long P. E ., K ram er, N. D.
♦Long P. R., Conroy, O.
Long R . B., Commerce, TeX.
♦Long R. C., Hollywood, Cal.
♦Long R. F., G uthrie Center. Ia.
Long R. F., Hendersonville, Tenn.
Long R. F., Springfield, Tenn.
ijong V., Neck, Mo.
Long W. F., Roxboro, N. C.
♦Long W. L., Bremen, Ga.
♦Long W. N.. Mansfield, Wash.
Long W. P., Hasse, Tex.
Longan D. E ., H oustonia, Mo.
Longan F . W ., Lincoln. 111.
♦Longan H. A., H oustonia, Mo.
♦Longfellow, J. F., Bedford, Ia
Longino G. F., Collegepark, Ga.
♦Longino Y. H., Fairburn, Ga.
Longmoor J., Rockdale, T ex.
♦Longmoor J. E . Jr., Kansas City
♦Longnecker F. C., P leasant Hill,
Longwell T. C., Sparta, Wis.
♦Longwell W . H., Paw Paw,Mich.
Longworth Edw., Prescott, Wis.
Longyear W. D„ Los Angeles, Cal.
Lonning J. E ., Thor, Ia.
Lonson A lbert, Callaway, M inn.
♦Lonson A lbert, Thief River Falls,
M inn.
♦Lontz C. F., Miifiinbnrg, Pa.
Loomer É. A., Mitchell, S. D.
Loomis A., Redfield, S. D.
Loomis G, E „ Berthoud. Colo.
Loomis P . B., Jackson, Mich.
Loomis P . W., Cresbard, S. D.
Loomis R. P., Seattle, Wash.
♦Loomis W. G., Redfield, S. D.
♦Loonan T. W ., Lismore, Minn.
Looney E . M ., Boaz, Ala.
Looney H . F,., Jordan Valley,Ore
♦Looney J. W., Spencer, W. Va.
♦Looney R. L., Decherd Tenn.
Looney R. T ., Tishommgo, Okla.
Looney W. L., Nashville, Tenn.
Loop A. E., Belvidere, 111.
♦Loop C. D., Belvidere, 111.
Loop E. J., Cotter, Ark.
♦Loosbrock Leo A., Lismore,
M inn.
♦Loose C. F ., Oldham, S. D.
Loose I. A.. T hurm an, Ia.
♦Loose L. T., Napoleon, O.
Loosen F . H ., Okarche, Okla.
♦Loots John W., Palo, Ia.
Loper W. H., Cameron, W . Va.
♦Lopes L. H ., W atsonville, Cal.
L ord A. B., Eagle B utte, S. D.
♦Lord E . K., Em poria, Kan.
♦Lord F. C., P ark River, N. D.
Lord H arry, Cando, N. D.
♦Lord H. K., Sanford, Me.
Lord J. S.. Falls City, Neb.
Lord Orin, Ellsworth. Wis.
Lord R . F,. McCool Junct., Neb.
Lord S. J.. Dublin. Ga.
Lord W . S., Greenwood, Del.
♦Lorence Q. W., D uluth, M inn.
♦Lorenz I. H., Stockdale, Tex.
♦Lorenzen A. B., Denison, Iowa.
♦Lorenzen L., Gilmore City, Ia.
♦Lorig M ., Chicago, 111.
♦Lorlng A. M.. Illiana, 111.
Losch N. R ., Chicago, 111.
♦Losee A. R „ H untington, W. Va.
Losey W. A., Hagerm an, N . M .
Lothholz Geo. H., Eudora, Kan.
♦Lott E. W., E lkhart, Ia;
L o tt Henry, L ott, Tex.
L o tt H . M ., Saybrook, 111.
L o tt Loamma, Seminary, Miss.
L o tt M. T.. Elmwood, 111.
L otter H. J., M oberly,' M o.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

♦Lottes L. H ., A ltenburg, Mo.
♦Lotz A rthur, C adott, Wis.
Lotz F . C., Charleston, S. O.
♦Lou C. A., Sutherland, Neb.
Loubek R. B., Raleigh, N . D.
Loucks Asa, T rent, S. D.
Loucks C. H „ Scottdale, Pa.
♦Loud C. S J Albion. Mich.
Louderback A. J ., Valparaiso, Ind.
Louderback C. C., S tanleyton, Va.
Louderm ilk H. L., Maywood, Mo.
♦Loudon J. A., N. Yakima, Wash.
Loudon R. D., Utica, Minn.
♦Loughary H . W., Goldendale,
Loughery A. J., Edinburg, Ind.
♦Loughney E thel F ., Spooner, Wis.
♦Louks V. E ., W hittem ore, Mich.
♦Lounsbury J. M ., W itt, 111.
Lounsbury R. A., Albion. Ida.
Loutzenhiser H. O., Kirkm an, Ia.
♦Love C. M ., Stewartstown, Pa.
Love E. C., Chandler, Okla.
♦Love E . T ., W ashington, D. C.
Love F. M., Sm ithville, Tenn.
Love H . M., Yazoo City,Miss.;
♦Love H<. J., Kenbridge, Va.
Love Loftin, N. Y. City. N. Y.
Love R. M ., Pauls Valley, Okla.
Lovel B., Cambria. 111.
Lovel W. Jr., Royalton. 111.
♦Lovelace C. B., Bangs, Tex.
Lovelace F. C., La Center, Ky.
Lovelace J. C., C anadian, Okla.
♦Lovelace O. R ., M itchell, Neb.
♦Loveland A. M. Oberlin, O.
♦Loveland H . W .. Oakdale, Pa.
Loveless G e o .'R . B., Clarkshill,
♦Lovell E arl R., Anacortes, Wash.
Lovell George, Schenevus, N. Y.
♦Lovell L. W., Montlcello, Ia.
♦Lovenburg Bertha, Angora, Neb.
Lovenburg E. L., Angora, Neb.
♦Lovett D. H., Nowata, Okl.
L ovett E. J., Nashville, Ga.
L ovett G. B., Cheyenne, Okla.
♦Lovett G. D„ M anchester, O.
♦Lovett R. H., Chicago, 111.
Lovik Ole, Larson, N. D.
Loving J. G., Coalgate, Okla.
Loving J . G., Henderson, Ia.
Loving K. S., Celina, Tex.
♦Loving S. P ., Drakes Branch, Va.
♦Lovingwood C. M .. Acworth, Ga.
Lovre G. A., Toronto, S. D.
Low E. W ., Pauls Valley, Okla.
Low R. W., Quitm ann, Tex.
♦Low W. H.. Alba, Tex.
Lowder M. N., Elkland, Mo.
♦Lowdermilk H. A., Willcox, Ariz.
Lowdermilk, T. J., E l Paso, Ark.
Lowe A rthur, W orthington, Ind.
Lowe A. F., Galion, O.
♦Lowe A. B., W allace, Ind.
♦Lowe A. J., Greensburg, Ind.
Lowe A. M., Tarpon Spgs., Fla.
♦Lowe C. F.. M ontpelier, Vt.
Lowe C. R., McMechen, W. Va.
♦Lowe D. C., Sioux Falls, S. D.
Lowe Elsie M., Rockford. W ash.
Lowe G. A., Big Rock, Tend.
Lowe H arry L., Allen, Wis.
Lowe Jr. J. G. St, Louis, Mo.
Lowe J. H., Roberta, Ga.
Lowe J . M„ Paragould, Ark.
Lowe J . W ., Chaseburg, Wis.
♦Lowe M. J., Bradford, Pa.
Lowe Nellie. Locke, N. Y.
♦Lowe O. C., BisbeC, N. D.
Lowe R . A., L a Moure, N. D.
♦Lowe R. J., Blue Springs. Mo.
Lowe S, E ., Lingleville, Tex.
Lowe S. H., F itchburg, Mass.
Lowe W. E., De Leon, Tex.
♦Lowe W. R., San Jose, Cal.
♦Lowe W. H., Jr., W ashington,
Lowe W. T.. Eagleville, Tenn.
Lowell F. R., Hallis, Kan.
♦Lowell J., Jr., Fargo, N. D.
Löwen C. A., Aneta, N. D.
♦Löwen E. H., Aneta, N . D.
Lowery C. O., Rockport, Tex.
Lowery W. A., New Boston, Tex.
♦Lowman A. O., Smithville, Mo.
♦Lowman J. A., Bixby, Okla.
♦Lowman Nellie, Bussey, la.
Lowman W. H.,Timmonsville,S.C.
Lowman W. H.. Bussey. Ia.
Lowndes C. J . E., Amarillo, Tex.
Lowndes J. M„ Casper. Wyo.
♦Lowrey A. M., F t. Madison, Ia.
Lowry A., Lucerne, Mo.
Lowry A. B., Princeton, Mo.
Lowry A. J., Thermopolis, Wyo.
Lowry B. W., Paris Crossing, Ind.
Lowry G. A., Muskogee, Okla.
Lowry J.B .F ., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Lowry J . H., Smithfield, O.
Lowry J. K „ R avanna, Mo.
♦Lowry John, Lucerne, Mo.
♦Lowry J . L., Seymour, Ia.
♦Lowry J. P., Meeker, Okla.
Lowry J. W. Seymour, Ia.
Lowry M ., L a F ayette, Ky.
Lowry O. T ., M ilbum , Okla.
Lowry R. B., L a Crosse, WJs.
Lowry R. D ., Valley Head, Ala.
♦Lowry R . O., Bedford City, Va.
Lowry S. N., Marcellus, Mich.
♦Lowry T . A., D e Soto, Ia.

Lowry W. J., L a Crosse. Wis.
Lowther J . W., Bell wood, Pa.
Loyd R. S., Blooming Grove, Tex.
♦Loyd W. E ., Osmond, Neb.
♦Lubbers I., Cedar Grove, Wis.
Lubiens R. O.. St. Ansgar, Ia.
♦Lubring F. C., Owensville, Ind.
Lucas A. B., New Meadows, Ida.
♦Lucas B. F., Biggs, Cal.
Lucas Erich, Seward, Alaska.
Lucas E . L „ Kosciusko, Miss.
♦Lueas J. A., Edgewood, Tex.
Lucas J. H., Stonewall. Okla.
♦Lucas M ayne.N ew M eadows,Ida.
Lucas M . A., Clarksville, Ark.
Lucas W. B., Hoisington, K an.
Luce F . H., Tacom a, Wash.
Luce Stephen C. Jr.. Tisbury,
L ucht W alter, Eldridge, Ia.
Luck F. W-, W aupun, Wis.
Lucke E. A., Chaleo, Neb.
♦Lucke E . J., Baltim ore, M d.
♦Lucke H. W., Baltim ore. M d.
Lucksinger L., L am bert, M ont.
Ludebuehl H ., W. P ittsburg, P a.
♦Ludeking J. C., W aukon, I,a.
Ludeking S. W., W aukon. la.
♦Ludeman G. R., D exter, M inn.
Ludem an R. A., Parkersburg, Ia.
Ludem ann J. J., Cleves, Ia.
Ludlow J. B., Rushm ore. Minn.
Ludwick F. L., E ast Brady, Pa.
Ludwick Id a M., D unkirk, O.
♦Ludwig A. A., Lowell, Mass..
♦Ludwig A. R., New Braunfels,
♦Ludwig C. P ., Dallastown, Pa.
♦Ludwig Fred, Garvin, M inn.
♦Ludwig W. C., Benton, 111.
Ludwigs A. A., Osakis, M inn.
♦Ludwigsen J., Osnabrock, N. D.
LueckC. D., N etaw aka, Kan.
♦Lueck O tto, N etaw aka, Kan.
Luedem an A. G., Joplin, M ont.
♦Luedtke E . E ., Creston, Neb.
♦Luedke C. F., W ebster, S. D.
Luedtke H. W „ Creston, Neb.
♦Luehrs George E ., Kankakee, 111.
♦Luell O. J., W arrenton, Mo.
Luers W. H ., Glenville, Neb.
Luetke C. W., Graceville, M inn.
Lugeanbeal E . E., E lk C ity, Kan.
♦Lugg C. H „ Knoxville, Pa.
L uhm an G.G.,Howard Lake,Minn.
♦Luhm ann L. J., Preston, Minn.
Lubring J. A., F rankfort, Ills.
Luldens H enry J., Holland, Mich.
L uithly L. B., Rubio, Ia.
♦Lukanitsch L. J.. Sisseton, S. D.
Luke K. G., Sweetgrass, M ont.
♦Luke R. G., Cecil, Ga.
♦Luke R. J., Sweetgrass, M ont.
Luke W. L., Bradford, la.
Luken A. H., Chicago, 111.
♦Lukens C. P., Parkesburg, Pa.
Lukes C. N., Miles City, Mont.
♦Lukes E . J., Protivin, la.
Lukins H. W., S treator, 111.
♦Lukkasson Elm er, Clearbrook,
M inn.
♦Lull L- R-. Cordova. Neb.
Lum bard Wm., W heatland, Cal.
♦Lumly W .C. F., Beaver City,N eb.
Lumm S. F.. Lebanon, Mo.
♦Lumsden T. B., M edford, Ore.
Lumsden W. K., Seymour 111.
Luna A. M., Piedm ont, Mo.
L una Luther, W alnut, Miss.
♦Lund Alfred, Noreross, M inn.
Lund, A rthur, Riverside, W ash.
Lund A rthur, Tonasket, Wash.
♦Lund A. E ., St. Paul, M inn.
Lund C. A., Vinlng, Minn.
♦Lund C. O., W arren, 111.
Lund C. J., Thor, la .
♦Lund E. O., Bricelyn, Minn.
♦Lund J . C., T hor, Iowa.
Lundberg Carl, Chicago, 111.
♦Lundberg C. F., Moline, 111.
Lundberg H ., W ayne, Neb.
♦Lundberg T. A., Polk, Neb
♦Lundberg R. H., Chokio, M inn.
♦Lunde L., Chester, M ont.
♦Lunde Norm an, Ray, N. D.
♦Lundell C. W., Taylor, Tex.
♦Lunder G. H ., Slayton, M inn.
Lundien E. M„ D ayton, Ia.
Lundqulst C. J., Gresham, Ore.
L undquist G. F ., Strandburg, S.D.
L undquist H. E ., N ashua, M inn.
♦Lundsgaard O., Ruskin, Neb.
♦Lundt H.. Gladbrook, Ia.
Lundvall C. E., Denver, Colo.
Lundy C. C., Cooper, Ia.
L undy E. L., Independence, Va.
♦Lundy E . C., Cambridge City,
♦Lundy Jessie M.. Cooper, Ia.
♦Lundy P. H., Ness City, Kan.
Lundy T . C., Bayard, Iowa.
L undy W. H., Freem an, Mo.
Luneburg, A. J.. Creighton, Neb.
♦Lunger Roscoe, Gibbon, Neb.
L ungquist A. H., Powers Lake,
N. D.
Lunn A. D ., Nocona, Tex.
♦Lunt T. D., Dunkirk, N. Y.
Luntsford J. W., Rutledge, Tenn.
L uper T. M ., Paden, Okla.
♦Luppen C., P o rt Angeles, Wash.
♦Lupton A., H artford City, Ind.
L upton P . L., Mount Auburn, Ia.

♦Luers H . C., Breslau, Neb.
♦Luria E. S., New Orleans, La.
Lusby C. D .. Glendale, Cal.
Lusch E. F „ Dubuque, la .
Lusk Benj., La Jara, Colo.
Lussier, V. A.. Lead, S. D.
♦Lutes M elvin, Lutesville, Mo.
Lutes W , H ., Royal Center, Ind.
L uth O. F., Aurora, M inn.
♦Luther C. J., E vanston, 111.
♦Luther F. A., Piper City. 111.
♦Luther Roy H., Red Lake Falls,


♦Luthy A. R., Cincinnati, O.
♦Lutnes Ole, Fertile, M inn.
L uton O. M ., Ector, Tex.
L utsey J. E., Zachow, Wis.
L uttrell John, Melrose. Ia.
L uttrell O. F., Brewton, Ala.
♦Lutz D. H., Seattle, Wash.
L utz F; A., Hamler, O.
L utz H . S., Mosinee, Wis.
L utz J. A., Ashland, O.
♦Lutz K athrine, Ham ilton, O.
Lutz O. C. G., W yandotte, Mich.
L utz S. J., P o rt Angeles, Wash.
L utz T. E., Dawson Springs, Ky.
L utz W . F., S anta Ana, Cal.
Luxford C.W., E lberta, Mich.
♦Lyaces L., Albany, 111.
L ybrand J. C., New Brookland,
S C.
♦Lycan T. J., Edina, Mo.
♦Lyddane C. B.. Wash. D. O.
Lyder J. W ., D uluth, Minn.
Lydlck D. E., F t. W orth, Tex.
Lyell A. M„ Greenville, Miss.
Lyen J., L., E verett, Wash.
♦Lyeth L. W., Augusta, Ga;
Lyford J. H ., Fairdale, N. D.
Lyle C. A., Carrollton, Ga.
Lyle D. M., Glen Elder, Kan.
♦Lyle E. C., M agnolia, Ark.
♦Lyle I. D., A rm strong, la .
Lyles W. A., Wllliston, Tenn.
Lym an C. F., M elbeta,,N eb.
♦Lyipan E. F. Jr., P oint P leasant,
Lyman F. W., Tracy, Ia.
♦Lyman, W. fl., M ontevallo, Ala.
Lym an William, M ontevallo, Ala.
Lynch C. P., Morgan City, La.
Lynch D. D., Afton. Wyo.
♦Lynch F. M ., E l Paso, Tex.
Lynch H. B., Sylvania, Ga.
♦Lynch Jam es J.. Pender, N eb.
Lynch J. S., Acting Citronelle, Ala.
Lynch J . W „ Union, W. Va.
Lynch M. E., Fisher, 111.
Lynch R. E „ Graham, Tex.
Lynch S. H., Adrian, Ga.
Lynch W. W., Pendleton, Tex.
♦Lyndall B., Horsey, Va.
L ynde E . B., M iddleboro. Mass.
♦Lynde G. P., Canton, N . Y.
♦Lynde Lloyd, W ynot, Neb.
♦Lynes W. F., Savannah, Ga.
♦Lyngstad H. O., K ram er, N. D.
Lyngstad J . O., H alstad, Minn.
Lynlp B. F., Alturas, Cal.
Lynn A. J., H aubstad t, Ind.
♦Lynn E. Ohiowa, Neb.
♦Lynn F. H., Penn Yan, N. Y.
Lynn H. C., Hedrick, Ia.
Lynn H. M„ Em lenton, Pa.L ynn J. A., Arcadia, Okla.
Lynn J. W., Bristol, Tenn.
Lynn Jam es W.\ Bristol, Va.
♦Lynn R. E., G rundy C enter, 111.
♦Lynn Roscoe, Earlville, 111.
Lynn S. H., Redfield, Kan.
♦Lynne A. N ., Elbow Lake M inn.
L ynne L., Elbow Lake, Minn.
♦Lynott George E., Louisiana,Mo.
♦Lyon C. F ., W indsor, N. C.
♦Lyon D. E., Lyons, Neb.
Lyon F . M ., H obart, N . Y.
Lyon F. R., Chicago, 111.
Lyon G. A.. Minneapolis, Minn.
♦Lyon G. S., Falls C ity, Neb.
Lyon I. M., Sioux City, Ia.
Lyon J . M., Burnsville, N. C.
Lyon J. M., Pontiac, 111.
Lyon John, Newman Grove, Neb.
♦Lyon P . H ., Danville, Va.
♦Lyon R. B.. Burnsville, N. C.
Lyon S. S.:, Fargo, N. D.
Lyon W. L.. W indsor, N. C.
Lyon W. P ., Caldwell, Ga.
Lyons D. B., South Lyon, Mich.
Lyons J. B., Brook, Ind.
♦Lyons J. B. Jr., Brook, Ind.
Lyons J . C., Bowerston. O.
♦Lyons J. M ., Leona, Kan.
♦Lyons T. B., Flemingsburg, Ky.
Lyons W. H., Stockton, Cal. *
Lyons W. W., Argyle, Mich.
♦Lytle F. S., Pierre, S. D.
L ytle N. A., Coldwater. Kan.
M aack A., Crown Point, Ind.
Maakestad N- F., Omemee, N. D.
♦M aas H enry, Hoskins, Neb.
M aas Henry, Rockport, Ind.
♦Maass F red G., H artford, Wis.
Maass J . E., Chicago. 111.
Mabey Chas. R., Bountiful, Utah.
♦Mabry C., Okmulgee, Okla.
♦Mabry J. L.. Humansville, Mo.
M abrey Carlisle, Okmulgee, Okla.
MacAllister W .D.,Arkansas City,

♦MacArtney Jam es, F t. Covington,
N. Y.
M acbeth N. E ., Pasadena, Cal.
M acartney R .H ., Cheney, Wash.
M ac Clenny W. E ., Sunbury, N.C.
MacCrove E . E ., Detroit, Mich.
Macdonald Bruce J „ Flint. Mich.
♦M acDonald H. B., Plalnfleld.N.J.
. *MacDonald H. C., Seattle, Wash.
♦Mac D onald H. D., Cripple Creek
MacDonald N. A., Buffalo, N. Y.
♦MacDonald R.L.Mancelona.Mlch.
MacDonell E. P „ Fernandina.
M acdonnell J. S., Pasadena, Cal.
Mace E. D.. Spearville, Kan.
♦M acEachron, S. A., Grinnell, la.
M acFarlane, W. C., La Salle, 111.
♦M acferran H ., Topeka, Kan.
M acGlashan G. P ., Big Piney, Wyo.
M acgregor H. S., D uluth, Minn.
M acgregor R. E ., M inneapolis,
M inn.
♦MacGregor W. R., Marengo. Ia.
♦Machado W. B., New Orleans,
L a ._
♦Mac H ale P. R., Devon, M ont.
M acham er D. L., Belleville, Kan.
♦M achamer E. E., Fulton, 111.
♦M achamer L. G., Belleville, Kan.
Machemehl W. F., Bellville, Tex.
Machen B„ Savanna. 111.
Machen H arry L.. Cape Girardeau,
Mo. .
♦Macho A. M ., Aldrich, M inn.
M acIntyre, A. D., Joliet 111.
M acIntyre Charles, Lake Linden,
Mack E. E „ Canton, O.
Mack E . J., Atkinson, Neb.
Mack G. J.. Beardsley, Minn.
Mack Jo h n J „ Middleport, N. Y.
M ack M . D., G asport, N. Y.

♦Maercklein H. J., H artford, Conn.
Maercklein W. B„ Danzig, N. D.
M aertz J. B., New Prague, M inn.
Maffry C. R., Macon, Mo.
Magdanz A. F.. Pierce, Neb.
M agdsick C. C., Charles City, Ia.
♦Magee F. M.t New Ham pton, Mo.
♦Magee F. P „ Dansville, N. Y.
Magee J . S., New Ham pton, Mo.
Magee J. T., New Cambria, Mo.
Magee T. T., Crestwood, Ky.
♦Magee W. H., Pasadena, Cal.
Magill G. A.. Kelly, Kan.
♦Magill J. D „ Fowler, Cal.
Magness M. C., Oak Grove, La.
Magnuson D. E., Chapman, Neb.
♦Magnuson E . G., N. Branch,
M inn.
Magoris G. C., Tolna, N. D.
Magowan I.S., Gordon, Neb.
Magruder A.L.C.,San Antonio,Tex.
M agruder A. R„ Ripon, Cal.
Magruder B. H.. P ort Gibson,Miss.
Magruder, C. H., Coshocton, O.
M agruder G. H „ Rome, Ga.
Magruder J. L., New Washington,
Magruder J. T„ Stilwell. Okla.
♦Magruder M. E„ New Washing­
ton, Ind.
Magruder S. A., P ort Clinton, O.
Magruder W. D.. Brunswick, Mo.
M aguire E ., Pullman, Wash.
Maguire W. A., Vail, Ia.
Mahaffey E. B., Madera. Pa.
♦Mahaffey J. C., Cherry Tree, Pa.
♦Mahaffey L. W., K lam ath Falls,
Mahaffey O.H.,SulphurBluff,Tex.
♦Mahaffey S., Sterling City, Tex.
M ahan S. E., P ort Allegany, Pa.
♦Maher C. A., M onett, Mo.
Maher D. Q.. Fairfax. Okla.
♦Maher M. L., P ort Allegany, Pa.
♦Maher W. F., Goodrich, N. D.
Mahin W. C., Hawthorn, Fla.
♦Mahl C. J., H artford, S. D.
M ahl W. A., Winona, Minn.

♦M ackay J. J., M adison, S. D.
♦M acKay J. W., Creve Coeur, Mo.
Mackenzie G. F., Grand Rapids,
M acKenzie J. C., C arter, Okla.
♦MacKerroll A. J., Lake Linden, M ahlandt F. C., Beckemeyer, 111.
♦Mahler S., Moore, Okla.
♦Mackey E. C„ Lancaster. S. C.
M ahlin J. C., Smithfield, Neb.
M ackey John C., Georgetown, 111. ♦M ahlum N. M., Franklin, Minn.
Mackey J . R., Sigourney, Ia.
♦Mahon R. W., Obion, Tenn.
Mackey John T., Camden, S. C.
Mahon W., Hillsboro, Ore.
Mackie W .A., New Bedford, Mass . ♦Mahone E. H., Hamlet, N. G.
M ackintosh J. O ..Stillwater,M inn. ♦Mahone Powell. Williamsburg,
♦Mackley A. P., Desloge, Mo.
M ackovets A., Pocahontas, Ia.
♦M ahoney .1. D.. Duluth. Minn.
M ackprang J.H.,CedarBluffs.Neb.
♦Mahoney Philip, Voorhies, Ia.
Mahoney T. J.. Heppner, Ore.
♦Maclean J.G .,M inneapolis. M inn.
M ac Leod A. A., Plainville, Conn.
♦Mahoney W., Cedar, Kan.
M ac Leod M urray, Chicago, III.
Mahony G. P „ Galena, 111.
♦M acom Fred, Poplar Bluff, Mo. ♦M ahony H. E., M aquoketa, Ia.
Macomber C. H., Coleman, Mich.
♦Mahony M., Maquoketa, la.
Macomber F. A., Northam pton,
♦M ahony M. F., Enterprise, Ore.
♦Macon K. L„ Comanche, Tex.
Mahood W. P., Hamlin, W. Va.
♦Macon O. F., Tulsa, Okla.
Mahr R. L., Manito, 111.
M acpherson A. A ., Jerome, Ariz. ♦M ar R. O., Greenwood, 111.
♦M acrae Irene C., So. Pittsburg, ♦Maier J. V., M ontpelier, O.
♦Mailand W. F., Aberdeen, S. D.
♦Madden A. C., Dixon, Cal.
M ailey G. H., New York City,
N. Y.
Madden Clinton, Clarksville, O.
♦Main D. M., Luverne, Minn.
♦Madden Ellis-C.. Nehalem, Ore.
♦M adden E. C. Wheeler, Ore.
.♦Main F. L., Titusville, Pa.
♦Main W. A., N. Y. City, N. Y.
M adden F. L., Meadville, Mo.
♦M adden L. J., Arcadia, La.
♦Mainaus, W. L., Appalachia, Va.
Maine E. L„ Manchester, 111.
♦M adden R. L., Memphis, Tex.
Madden W. J., Hays, Kan.
Maine Willis, Dolgeville, N. Y.
♦Maines W. O., Elwood, Ind.
M ains C. A., Williamsburg, Ia.
Madding J . D., Bridgeport, 111.
Mains T. S„ Kipp, Kan.
Maddock A. R „ Lorain, O.
Maddocks S. T., Booth Bay H ar­ M air Wm., B attle Creek, Ia.
bor, Me.
♦Mairens f i. J., La P lata, Mo.
♦M addox F. E ., Chestertown, M d. M airner Charles, Ceresco. Neb.
♦Maisei G. F., Chicago, 111.
♦Maddox F. E ., Galena, Md,
♦M addox G, T ., W. Poolesville, ♦M aitland H. W., P t. Huron,
M d.
♦Maish W. W „ Des Moines, la.
Maddox H. G.. Ripley, O.
Maize Fred S., Russellton, Pa.
♦M addox J. K., C herry Valley,
Majewski M. M., Wiggins. Colo.
♦Major, Bruce, Kaysvllle U tah.
♦M addox R. H., Conway, Ark.
♦Major Charles W., Ithaca, N. Y.
♦M addox R. H .. La Due, M o.
♦Major E. A.. Clinton, Mo.
Maddox T. F., Farm ington. Ky.
M ajor F. Lee, Brinkley, Ark.
M addry A. D., N abortor, La.
♦Maddy W. H.. Wellington, Kan. ♦Major J. M„ Ware Shoals, S. C.
♦M ajor J. W.. Wyaconda. Mo.
Madigan Edward, Dunkirk.N.Y.
Major R. E., Windsor, Mo.
M adigan F rank, Wallace, Kan.
M ajors E. E., Orchardville, 111.
♦Madigan J. M., Dunkirk, N. Y.
♦Majors J. M., Luxora, Ark.
M adigan T., Maple Lake, Minn.
♦M ajors W. D., Ripley. Tenn.
Madill R. J., South Haven,Mich.
♦M adland L. L., Expansion, N. D. Makee A. H.,Noonan, N. D,
♦M adland A. O., Sentinel B utte, Malach O. W.. Sublette. 111.
N . D.
Malchos.e H. A., Ayr, N. D.
Malchow W. G., Wilder, Minn.
Madler Jo h n J., H ilbert, WIs.
♦Malcolm A. E ., Pittsfield, Mass
♦Madore W. S., Hyndm an, Pa.
Malcolm Geo. W., Nisland, S. D.
♦M adry S. L., Goldsboro, N. O.
♦Malcolm Omar J., Great Falls,
Madsen Alma, K lm ballton, Ia.
♦M adsen Carl, Benson, Neb.
♦Malcolm Ross. Oskaloosa, Ia.
♦Madsen E . L., Belmond, la .
♦Malcolm Webber, Oakhill, Kan.
♦M adsen H . F., E ureka, Cal.
♦Maley J . F„ Elkader, la.
♦Mafia J. A., Salt Lake City, Utah,
Madsen L. C., Cotesfieid, Neb.
Ivlalin H. A., Joplin, Mo.
♦M adsen R. A., Brigham, U tah.
♦Mall W. A., Belle Plaine, la.
♦Madson E. D., Egan, S. D.
Mall W. L., Aurora. S. D.
Madson L. S., Arlington, S. D.
M allard E . F., Shallotte. N. C.
M adson O. W., SUfer, Ia.
♦M addux Samuel, Lawton, Okla.
M allery J. E ., Pierre, S. D.
♦Maedgen C. E „ Temple, Tex.
Malloch C. W.. Escanaba, Mich.
Maedgen W. L., Troy, Tex.
Malloy W. T., Eden, Tex.
♦M aehlman E ., Ottoville,, O.
♦Mallerson M. N. Jr.. Montgomery.'
M aehlm ann F. J., O ttoville, O.
City, Mo.
♦Maercklein F. M., Danzig, N. D .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


♦Mallery Anna, Morrowville, K an. M anorgan J . A., Manville, Wyo.
♦Mailey M. B„ Sykeston, N. D.
♦M anpin B. B., Shelbyville, Tenn.
♦Mallonee F. E., Peru. Kan.
M anring C. E ., Steunenberg. Id a.
Mallonee J. F ., Arlington, Md.
♦Manry H. C., Norfolk, Va.
Mallory M . N., Page, N. C.
M anry L. C., Edison, Ga.
Malloy D. C., Castalia, Ia.
Mansberger W., Goldsboro, Pa.
♦Malloy E. E., Castalia, Ia.
M ansell M .'E ., Mineola, Tex.
♦Malm B. W., Phillips. Wis.
♦Mansell M. E., Mineola, Tex.
♦Malm H. J., Sanborn, N. D.
Manser F. H., Dale, Wis.
M alm Louis, Eckelson, N. D.
Mansfield, A. L., Hillsboro, N. H .
Malm Louis, Sanborn, N. D.
Mansfield C. C., Donnellson, 111.
♦Malm W. F., Alvarado, M inn.
♦Mansfield Carl, Shellrock, Ia.
♦M almar E . S., N. Y. City, N. Y. ♦Mansfield F. S., Donnellson, 111.
Malmgren O. W., Weyerhauser, Mansfield G. C., Sharon, Wis.
♦Mansfield J. G.. M uncie, Ind.
Malmrose V. A., St. Jam es, Minn.
Mansfield S. B., Carbondale, Colo.
Malone C. C., M ercer, Tenn.
Mansfield W. A., Otsego, Mich.
♦Malone C. E ., M ountain View, ♦Manson Howell T.,N.Y.City,N.Y.
♦Manson W. G,, M urfreesboro,
Malone E. R., Pensacola, Fla.
♦Malone. J. C., Charleston, W. Va. Mantonya E., Utica, O.
♦Malone F . M., Havelock, Neb.
Manwaring F . P., Mentone, Ind.
♦Malone J. W., Dothan, Ala.
Manwaring M. A.. Alpena, S. D.
♦Malone L., San Jacinto, Cal.
♦Malone May, Topeka, Kan.
M apel O. E ., Grandfleld, Okla. 1
Malone M. C., W aldron. Ark.
Mapel W . E „ Farm ington, W.Va.
♦Malone R. W., Burlington, N .C . Mapes C. H., Spring Valley. N.Y.
♦Malone W. T., El Reno, Okla.
Mapes E. F „ P o rt Jervis, N. Y.
Maloney J . J., Heron Lake, Minn.
Maphis F. D., Strasburg, Va
Maloney P. E., Commerce, Tex.
Maple J. H „ Glasford, 111.
Marble A. J ., Omro. Wis.
♦Malowney R obt. J., Chester, Neb. M arbold B. F., Greenview, 111.
Malpass E. M., Philadelphia, Pa.
March A. T „ El Reno, Okla.
Malsbary W.A., So.Charleston.O.
♦M arch D. A., E ast Berlin, Pa.
♦Malsberger A. H., Malone, Tex. March S. A., Winiamac, Ind.
Maltzberger J. H., Reading, Pa.
March W. F „ Lawrence, Kan.
♦Malugen C. T., Bonne Terre, Mo. Marcom B. A., Anna, Tex.
Malugen S. J., Greenville, Mo.
M arcus B. K., New York C., N. Y.
M aly Stanley, Cedar Rapids, Neb. Marcus B. L„ Muscoda. Wis
♦Man H. E., Decatur, Tex.
Marcusen C. R „ Price, U tah.
♦Mann W. B., Jacksboro, Tex.
M anahan J. B„ Camden, Del.
♦M anatt S. E., Los Angeles, Cal. Marden W. E „ St. Anne. 111.
♦M anor R. B., Elgin, Tex.'
♦M ardis D. V., M ilan, Mo.
Manary J. F „ Ingalls. Kan.
M ardis D. V., No. Salem, Mo.
♦Manchester B.B..Providence,R.I. M ardorf C. G., Santa Fe, N. M .
♦Manchester L. L., F t. W orth, Mares R. A., W heatland, N. D.
Margesson C. B., Caribou, Me.
♦Mancill O. N.,W est P oint, Miss. M arguerat Dow, Sycamore, O.
Mandell F. C.. Summit. 111.
M arin E . F., Patterson, La.
♦Manderfeld A. A., New Ulm, Maring S. P., Exline, la.
M arion W. C., Wadley, Ga.
Manderfeld H. H., St. Paul, Minn.
Maris R. W., Paoli, Ind.
Mandeville C. H. W., Providence, Mark R. B „ Gladwin, Mich.
R. I.
Markell G. C., St. Johnsville, N. Y.
Mandeville S. D., Wadley, Ga.
♦M arker A. T., Greenville, O.
♦Maneill J. W., Cisco, Tex.
♦M arkey G. V., Dows, Ia.
♦Maner E. J., Blum, Tex.
Markey J . E., Glenwood, Mo.
M anery N. C., Murfreesboro, M arkey L. T ., Greeley, Kan
Markham H arry, Brookfield, Mo.
♦Mangan J. T ., Chicago, 111.
♦M arkham H. W., Lake City.
Mange D. G„ Lowell, Mich.
Mangelsdorf A. H., P otter, Kan. Markham J . C., Paragould, Ark.
Mangelsdorf F . A., Atchison. K an. M arkham J. G., T urton, S. D
M angham J. W., Ocilla, Ga.
♦Markham L.B.,MiddIetown,Conn.
♦Mangold E. H., Gretna, Neb.
♦Markham P. R „ Sherman, Tex.
Mangold G. M„ Bennington, Neb. ♦M arkham R. B., R ush City,
M inn.
Mangold John C., Elkhorn, Neb.
♦Mangold W. B., Armstrong, Ia. Markham T. U., Chapin, 111.
Mangold W. P., Gretna, Neb.
♦M arkham W. S., Durham , N. C.
Mangum C. V., Groveton, Tex.
Markland Avery, Cheviot, O.
♦Mangum M aude, Braxton, Miss. ♦Markland W. L., Arm strong, Mo.
Mangum W. P., B raxton, Miss.
♦Markle J. B.. Spirit Lake, Ida.
Mangum W. R.. Stem, N. C.
♦M arkle J. E „ Sioux Falls, S. D.
Manier E. C.. Versailles. O.
♦Markley June, W abash, Ind.
Manker C. M., Webb City, Mo.
M arkham 'H . J., Mio, Mich.
Manley G. N., Canaseraga, N. Y.
♦M arks H arry C., Eldora, Ia.
Manley W. B., Belfast, N. Y.
♦Manlove Lucy, Wilkinson, Ind. M arks S. H., Personville, Tex.
Manly N. I., Elbridge, Tenn.
M arks W. S., Kimball, Kan.
Manly W. H., Birmingham, Ala.
Markwick W .A.,Philadelphia,N.Y
♦Mann A. H., Virgil, S. D.
M arley A. R., Gosport, Ind.
♦Mann C. J., Junction City, Kan.
Marley J . W., Oswego, Kan.
♦M ann Clyde, Honea P ath, S, C. Marley L. W., Colome, S. D.
M ann Elmer, Clarksdale, Mo.
Mann Frank. Brownton, Minn.
M arlin A. M ., W yanet, 111.
Mann Fred, Kankakee,'111.
M arlin Terry, Pawnee, Okla.
♦Mann F. R., Tiffin, O.
♦M arlin R. L., E ureka, Kan.
♦Mann G. M., Penelope, Tex.
♦M arlitt Geo. C., Jacksonville,Fla.
Mann Hosea, Torrington. Conn.
Marlow T. M„ New Florence, Mo.
Mann H. L., Flushing, Mich.
Marlow W. H., Highland, Md.
♦M ann H. W.. Paris. Ky.
♦Marlowe B. E „ Charlotte, Ia.
♦Mann J. C., Linnton, Ore.
M ann J. E ., Locust Grove, Okla. Mamell R. O., Nebraska Clty.Neb
♦Mann J. H. Jr., Edm onton, Ky. Marple G. A., Tina, Mo.
♦M ann John C., Wellington, Mo. ♦Marple N. A., McMechen, W. Va.
♦Mann K. S., Seneca, Neb.
Marquand C. R., Chamois, Mo.
Mann Paul, Hebron, N. D.
M arquardt A. E „ Sauk City, Wis.
♦Mann Percy. Colmesneil, Tex.
♦M arquardt R. C., Pierce, Neb.
Mann R. H., Shumway, 111.
♦M arquardt W. H.. Addison, 111.
Mann S. M., Linnton, Ore.
M arquart A. A., Chicago, 111.
♦Mann V. H., Cripple Creek,Colo. M arquette C., Kendall, Wis.
M ann W. H., Virgil, S. D.
Marquis C. E., Jefferson, Ia.
Mann W. F., Lake Benton, Minn. ♦Marquis F. H., Mansfield, O.
♦M ann W. J., Roanoke. Ala.
♦M arr Mrs. E. M „ Falls Church,
♦M annasmith C. A., Kellerton, Ia.
♦M anney F. J., Helen, Ga.
♦M arr R. A., Union, Ore.
M anning A. P., South Pasadena, ♦M arr T. D., Richland, Ia.
M arriott William, Baltimore, Md.
Manning A. S., Columbia. S. C. ♦Marrs F . P., Harlowton, Mont.
Manning A. F., Caddo, Okla.
♦M arrs H. L., Harlowton, M ont.
Manning A. J.. Jamesville, N. C.
Mars D. D„ Dickinson, N. D.
Manning A. V., PIneyille. Mo.
♦Mars H. J., W abasha. Minn.
Manning Bernard, Sumter, S. C . ♦Marsau J. C., D ysart, Ia.
♦Manning E verett, Pine ville, Mo. Marschall Alfred, Red Rock, Tex.
M anning E. M ., M atthew s, Ga.
M arschall Alfred. Texarkana, Tex.
Manning H. W., Tiff City, Mo.
♦Marschall N. H „ Rosemont,
Manning J. B., Hopewell, Pa.
M inn.
Manning J. M., Economy, Ind.
Marscher W. F., Beaufort, S. C.
Manning J. M., Dilworth. Minn.
Marsden C. P., Yonkers. N. Y.
Manning M. E „ Spur, Tex.
♦Marsh A. A., Sistersville, W. Va.
♦Manning M . M ., Ames, Ia.
Manning R. D., A lpharetta, Ga.
♦M arsh Miss A ttie, Red Springs,
Manning S. W., Keosauqua, Ia.
N. C.
M anning T. W., Amers, Ia.
Marsh C. E., H ot Springs, Ark.
Manny F. H., TImewell, 111.
♦M arsh C. O., Philippi, W. Va.

M arsh C. W . E ., Hawkinsville,
6a. .
M arsh E. H ., Allentown, Pa.
♦Marsh F. H., Danielsville, Pa.
Marsh G. A., Boston, Mass.
Marsh H. G., MInden, Ney.
Marsh J. A., Constantine, Mich.
Marsh J. G., H aslett, Mich.
Marsh J.H ., New Lisbon, W is ..
♦Marsh J. N„ Jasper. Mo.
♦M arsh J. W., Banks, Ore.
M arsh M. E ., M elbourne, Fla.
♦M arsh O. F.. Stratford,. Ia.
Marsh O. H.. Oliver, Ga.
Marsh O. M., Sayfe, Okla.
Marsh S. S., Newark. N. 3.
M arsh W. E ., B enton Harbor,Mich.
♦Marshall A., Bishop, Oal.
♦M arshall A., L ittleton, W. Va.
Marshall A., Bear Lake, Mich.
♦M arshall B. C., Ocean City, N. J.
Marshall B. M., Georgetown, O.
Marshall C., Nashville, Mich.
M arshall O. C., D ayton. P a.
Marshall C. H., Pottsville, Pa.
♦Marshall D. B., Lincoln, Kan.
♦Marshall D. D., Oakville, la.
♦M arshall Dean, Syracuse, Neb.
♦M arshall, E . J., E ureka, Kan.
♦M arshall F. A., W alnut Creek,
Marshall F rank, Chatham, Va.
M arshall G. O., N. Y. City, N . Y.
Marshall G. K „ Ralston, Okla.
Marshall G. M.. Bradford, Vt.
MarshaU H. A., Greene, N. D.
Marshall H. B., BurnsvUle. W. Va.
♦M arshall H. D., Geneva, N . Y.
MarshaU H. D. Jr., Phoenix, Ariz.
Marshall H. E., W am pum , Pa.
M arshall H. G., T.erral, Okla.
♦MarshaU H. I., Pocahontas, Ark.
M arshall John, Webberville, M ich
Marshall J. B„ Carbon, Ind.
♦M arshall J. E., Baltim ore, M d.
MarshaU J . H ., Spirit Lake. Id a.
M arshall J. K., Hillsboro, W. Va.
MarshaU J. L.. Douglas, Neb.
♦Marshall J. S., BlairsviUe, Pa.
Marshall John T., Panam a, Neb.
♦M arshall L. A., Chippewa FaUs,
♦M arshall L. C., G reat FaUs,
M ont.
♦M arshall L. C., Charleston, Mo.
MarshaU L. M., R ays MU1, Ga.
♦M arshall Lucille S., C arbon, Ind.
♦MarshaU L. W ., F o rt W orth, Tex.
Marshall Louis, VersaUles, Ky.
M arshall N. K.. E l Campo, Tex.
♦MarshaU O. L .,Chapel H ill.Tenn.
Marshall O. W., Elkton, S. D.
Marshall P. P., Oran, Mo.
Marshall R. D., Sevierville, Tenn.
MarshaU R. J., Bunkie, La.
MarshaU R . M„ GrantsvUle.W. Va.
Marshall R. S., P ortsm outh, Va.
♦MarshaU S. J., M anito, 111.
Marshall Samuel,W est Chester,Pa.
♦M arshall T . A., W alnut Creek,
Marshall T. C., Alma, Mo.
MarshaU T. W ., Powell,-Wyo.
M arshall W. B., GreenvUle, O.
M arshall W . L., W adesboro, N. C.
M arshall W . S.. Leon, Kan.
M arston E. L., Buffalo P rairie, 111.
♦M arston W .Floyd, Ainsworth, Ia.
♦Marston W . P . J r., Lake Crystal,
♦M artel E. N ., Englewood, Kan.
M artens E. J., MUerton, Ia.
♦Martens F. C., Oakland, Cal.
M artens H. A., Buhler, Kan.
Martens M. G.. Anchor. 111.
M artin Jr. A., Eugene, Ore.
M artin A. F. R., Newark, N. J.
M artin A. H., Elizabethtown. Pa.
M artin A. L., SUoam Springs,
♦M artin Albert, Laredo, Tex.
M artin Alex, Jr., Eugene, Ore.
♦M artin A. S., Chicago, 111.
M artin B. C., Delaware, Okla.
♦M artin B. F., Dodge City, Kan.
M artin B. H.. F o rt W orth, Tex.
♦M artin C. E ., D ecatur, Tex.
M artin C. E .. F o rt Valley, Ga.
M artin C. H ., Woodward, Okl.
M a rtin Chas. G., Bedford, Ia.
M artin C. J.. Luverne. Minn.
M artin C. N., W ichita. Kan.
♦M artin Carrie R., Plym outh, Ind.
M a rtin D. H ., Coffeyville, Kan.
M artin D. L., Maramec, Okl.
♦M artin E . H., Edmond, Okla.
♦M artin E. H., Sparks, Okla.
Martin E. J., Craig, Neb.
M artin E^ M., H untington, Ind.
M artin E. S., Alston, Ga.
M artin E. S., M ar tin t on, IU.
♦Martin E. T., Ashland. Mo.
M artin Elsberry, W ichita, Kan.
♦M artin EsteU, Auxvasse, Mo.
M artin F . C., Johnstown, Pa.
M artin F. E., Iroquois, 111.
M artin-Frank F „ GreenvUle. S. C.
Martin F. G., Chippewa Falls, Wis.
♦M artin F. L., Sacramento, Cal.
M artin F. L., Snyder, Okla.
♦M artin F . R., Thurm ont, Md.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

M artin F. T., N. Y. City, N . Y.
♦M artin G. H., Hazleton, P a.
M artin G. L., W abash, Ind.
♦M artin Geo. A., Dousman, Wis.
♦M artin Geo. W., Darlington,W is.
M artin G. P „ Arrow Rock, Mo.
♦M artin H., Parsons, W. Va.
M artin H. A., E lkhart, Kan.
M a rtin H. A., Jones, Okla.
M artin H. D., Bedford. Ind.
M artin H. E ., GUlette, Ark.
♦M artin H. E ., Waukegan, 111.
Martin H. G., W arren, Ark.
M artin H arry H., Crosby, N . D.
♦M artin H. H., Los Angeles, Cal.
M artin H. R., Oelwein, Ia.
M artin H. T ., Saline, Mo.
M artin H. W., A tlanta, Ga.
M artin I. B., Abilene, Kan.
M artin J., Standish, Mich.
♦M artin J. D., Florence, Miss.
♦M artin J. E., Salem, 111.
M a rtin John C., Salem, 111.
♦M artin J. F., Odessa, Mo.
M artin J . H. Jr., Jackson, O.
♦Martin J. H., New Holland. Pa.
M artin J. K., L ittle FaUs, Minn.
♦M artin J . L., Ashdown, Ark.
M artin J. L., Bromide, Okla.
♦Martin J. R., Carter, S. D.
M a rtin J. S., Vinita, Okla.
M artin J. W., Oakesdale, Wash.
♦Martin Jam es. F lint, Mich.
M artin J. M cC., Conway, S. C.
♦Martin Joseph, HUlsvUle. Va.
♦M artin Kirke, Ely, Nev.
M artin L. B., Ozark, Ala.
M artin Laurence E., Bowling
Green, Va.
Martin L. G., Braddyville, Ia.
♦M artin L. G., Gilmer, Tex.
M artin L. H.. St. Helena, Cal.
♦M artin L. J., E ast Troy, Wis.
M artin L. R., Natchez, Miss.
Martin L. T., Bennington, Okla.
M artin M., Mason, Tex.
♦M artin M. A., Esm ont, Va.
M artin M. A., W agoner, Okla.
M artin M . G., Deloit. Ia.
M artin M. J., Riverton, Wyo.
M artin M. L „ Rich Square, N. C.
♦M artin M iss N. H ., BurUngton,
♦M artin N. M ., Holcombe, Wis.
M a rtin Paul, Quitm an, Ark.
♦M artin P. O., Newton, 111.
♦M artin R., Pekin, Ind.
♦M artin Ray, Rushcenter, Kan.
M artin R. A. R.,M ountClaire.Neb.
♦M artin R. C., F t. W orth, Tex.
♦M artin R. E., Bozeman, Mont
M artin R. G., Carrollton, Mo.
M a rtin R . J.. N orth Creek, N. Y.
♦Martin R. M.. Florence. Ala.
♦M artin R. S., Lynn, Ind.
M artin R. S., Williston, S. C.
♦M artin Samuel, Augusta, Ga.
♦M artin T. H,, Gordo, Ala.
M artin True, W oodstock, O.
M artin V. J., Stanton, Ia.
M artin W. A., EarlviUe, 111.
♦M artin T. T ., M ullins, S. C.
Martin W. B., Pukw ana, S. D.
♦M artin W. C., BranchvUle, S. C.
M artin W. C., Cove, Ark.
M artin W. D., Auburn, Ala.
M artin W. E „ Flint, Mich.
M artin W. F., R otan, Tex.
M artin W. H., Cassville, Mo.
♦M artin W. H., DanviUe, 111.
M artin W. H., RitzvUle, Wash.
M artin W. L., Florence, Miss.
♦M artin W. M., Mason, Tex.
♦M artin W. P., Adams, Mass.
♦M artin W . R., Tonawanda, N. Y.
M artin W. R., Lipan, Tex.
♦M artin W . W .. Brookfield, Mo.
M artindale A. T ., Gaylord, M ich.
Martine H. B., Newburgh, N. Y.
M artinson C. A., Niobe, N. D.
♦M arttUa M . A., Frederick, S. D.
M arty Henry, H ot Springs, S. D.
M arty Isabella, Longford, Kan.
♦Marty Oliver, Longford, Kan.
♦M artyr E . M ., Slater, Mo.
Martz Adelbert, Greenville, O.
M artz F. M ., Arcadia, Ind.
M arvel J. W., Hastings, Neb.
♦Marvin C. J., St. Charles, IU.
Marvin E. H., Bald wins vllle, N.Y.
M arvin E. L., Joliet, M ont.
♦Marvin H. S„ Delhi, N. Y. •
M arx Phil., Tehachapi, Cal.
♦M ary Jr., Geo., Oconto, Neb.
•M aryott F. H., Hooper, Neb.
Masengill C. H., BlountvUle, Tenn.
♦Masenhimer S. G., M anchester,
M d.
M ashburn D., Rochelle, Ga.
♦Mashek F. W ., Lidgerwood, N.D.
♦Mashino W . F., Ham m ond, Ind.
♦Mashaw F. J., BiUings, M ont.
Maslin Thomas, W inston-Salem,
N. C.
M ason Albert, St. Charles, S. D.
♦Mason B. E ., St. Charles, S. D.
♦Mason C. A., Harrisonburg, Va.
Mason C. B., Menard, Tex.
♦Mason Clair G., Union, Ia.
♦Mason C. N „ T renton, Mo.
Mason D. K., Marion, Ala.
♦Mason E. E., W ebster City, Ia.
Mason E. H., Bloomfield, Neb.

Matthews B. E., HavUand, Kan.
M atthews C. D., Jr., Sikeston.Mo.
Matthews C. F., Berlin, Md.
♦M atthews O. H., Enfield, N . C.

Mason F. G., A ttleboro, Mass.
♦Mason G. S,, GreenevUle, Tenn.
♦Mason H. C., Sherman, Tex.
Mason H. E ., Meadow Grove, Neb.
Mason J. B., D urham . N . C.
♦Mason J. C., M ontfort, Wis.
♦Mason J. E., Medina, O.
M ason J. K., D urham , N . C.
M ason Ja y R.,, Idaho FaUs, Ida.
Mason J . W.. New T ruxton. Mo.
♦Mason L. E ., Texhoma, Okl.
M ason L. O., B ertha; M inn.
Masoh M. C., Alva, Okl.
♦Mason M. P., Castlerock. W ash.
♦Mason O. N., Lometa, Tex.
♦Mason R. A., Kemmerer, Wyo.
M ason R. G., H arrington, Neb.
Mason R. L., Bradford, Pa.
M ason R. P., New Plym outh,
Mason T ., M cM innville, Tenn.
M ason T. O., H augen, Wis.
♦Mason T . S., Washington, D. O.
Mason W. C., Lavonia. Ga.
♦Mason W. J., Beatrice, Ala.
Mason W. L„ Keene, N. H.
Mason W. N., Parksley, Va.
Mason WUliam, Norwich, N. Y.
M ason W. W., W aterford. O.
♦MassengiU W. H., Benson, N . C.

Matthews C. J., New Church, Va.
M atthews C. J. Osawatomie, Kan.
Matthews C. W., Pulaski, Ia.
Matthews D. A., Crofton, Neb.
Matthews E. A., Clanton, Ala.
♦M atthews F. F., Holbrook, Ariz.
M atthew s G. I., Kiel, Okl.
M atthews G. P., Massena, N. Y.
♦M atthews H., Mt. Vernon, Mo.
♦M atthews H. S., Tipton, Ind.
♦M atthews, Jas., New Y ork City,
N. Y.
Matthews J. I., Holly Grove, Ark.
♦M atthew s J. L., Oceanside, Cal.
Matthews J . L., Eagle Pass, Tex.
Matthews J . P „ Columbus, S. C.
M atthew s J. W., Columbus, Ga.
♦M atthews Leo. Bucklin, Kan.
♦M atthews L. A., Oran, Mo.
♦M atthews L. L., Marcellus, M ich.
M atthew s Leigh M ., M cChue, IU.
M atthews N. B., Stanford, Mont.
M atthew s Ross, Pittsfield, 111.
M atthewsR.L.,M ontgomery,W .Va.
M atthews T. M., Thom aston, Ga.

Massey B. F ,, Ellsinore, Mo.
♦Massey G. T ., Jerom e, Ida.
M assey J. L., HartweU, Ga.
Massey O. D„ Alderson, W. Va.
♦Massey T. C., Tekoa, Wash.
Massey W. O., M orrillton, Ark.
Massie F . L., Vernon, Tex.
M assie H. M ., Kevff, Ky.
Massie W. M„ F o rt W orth, Tex.
♦M ast D. M ., Pequot, M inn.
M ast H. T ., Nacogdoches, Tex.
Mast R. H., Coquille, Ore.
♦Mastalir A. J., Pierce, Neb.
Masten F. L.. H arrington, Del.
♦M asten J. M ., San Francisco,
♦M aster R u th E . M ., Wakefield,
Masters C. C., Drexel, Mo.
Masters 0. D., Gwinn, Mich.
♦M asters O. L.. Braddock, Pa.
Masters F. A.. Canton. Minn.
♦M asters G. F., L a M oure, N. D.
♦M asterson M . E . Astoria, Ore.
M atchett W. F.. Pierceton, Ind.
♦M atheny Clifton, M onterey, Va.
M ather J. C., Ulster, Pa.
M ather R. A., Groton, S. D.
M ather V. T., C arter, M ont.

♦Matthews W.W ., M anchester, la .
♦M atthiesen E. E., Lyons, Ia.
♦M atthiesenH .C.,Cottonwood, Id a.
M attlce W . J., Anacortes, Wash.
♦M attingly E .. Lagrange,, Tex.
♦M attinson M . C., Gibson C ity,
M attison A. F., H onea P ath , S. C.
M attison H. N., Chelsea, Vt.
♦M attison O. N., H onea P ath , S.C.
♦M attison R. R., Tacoma, Wash.
♦M attke A. J., Boyd. Minn.
♦M attocks E . E .. Atchison, Kan.
M attox F. L., Big Island. Va.
M attson John H., K ettle River,
M inn.
♦M atyke H. J., MUford, Neb.
M atzke B. H., Boyd, Wis.
♦M atzke H . 0 ., D uluth, M inn.
M atzke W. G., Shickley, Neb.
M atzke H. H., De Sart, N. D.
♦M au B. A., W. Salem, Wis.
♦Mau Raymond, Ashland, IU.
♦Mauer W., Fennimore, Wis.
♦M auershan A rthur C., Edon. O.
M auk D. J., Franklin, Tex.
♦Mauk G. H., Bluff City. Tenn.
Mauk H. B., Buena Vista. Ga.
M auk W. G., Reedsville, Ga.

♦M athers F . U., Adrian, Mo.
♦Mathes B. B„ Bullsgap, Tenn.
M athes J . E ., Conway Springs,
Mathew Ezra, Sterling, IU.
♦M athew G. H., Bristow. Neb.
♦M athews A. O., A ttalla, Ala.
♦M athews D. L., Cambridge Spgs.,
♦M athews E. T ., Beaver, U tah.
♦M athews G. W., Denver, Mo.
Mathews H. M„ Floyd, Tex.
♦M atthews J. A., Sinton, Tex.
Mathews J. F „ N orthport, Mich.
♦M atthews J, H., Roanoke, Va.
M athews L. L., W ehatchee, W ash.
Mathews L. L., lone. Wash.
Mathews T. M., Bunkie, La.
M athews P . O.. Abbot. Tex.
♦M athews T. C., WaUer, Tex.
M athew s W. C., Jena, La.
♦M athewson E . G., Biair, Okla.
M athewson H ., E lburn, IU.
♦M athewson H. Jr., Tishomingo,
Mathewson C. M., WalthiU, Neb.
Mathewson R. H., Wakefield,Neb.
♦M athiesen H enry, Lincoln, Neb.
M athieson John, Deckerville, Mich.
M athieu W. G., Bowdle, S. D.
M athis Calvin, Buncombe, 111.
♦Mathis C. F., W averly, Kan.
♦M athis H. W., L am ont, Okla.
♦M athis J. A., Frederick, Okla.
♦Mathis J. H., Gilmer, Tex.
M athis J. J., Jennings,. Okla.
M athis L., Fairview, Okla.

M auldin A rthur, Kem p, Tex.
Mauldin, J.W .,W ater VaUey, Miss.
Mauldin Wr. B., WaterVaUey.Miss.
Maulding W. B„ Dahlgren, 111.
♦M aultsby J. A. Jr., WhiteviUe,
N . C.
M aultsby J. D.. WhitevUle, N . O
M aund H. F., D exter, Ga.
♦M auney M . C., Cherryville, N. C.
Mauney M. L., CherryviUe, N. C.
Mauney R. L., Kings M ountain,
N. C.
♦M aupin H. S., Clarence, Mo.
Maupin L. B.. Baggs, Wyo.
♦Maupin R. R., Baggs, Wyo.
Maupin S. D., P ortsm outh, Va.
Maupin W. G. Jr., Portsm outh,V a.

M athis R. D., Mound City, 111.
M athis T. E ., San Antonio, Tex.
M athison Joseph,Evansville,M inn.
♦M atkins W. A., M ilan, Mo.
M atlack J. W ., B ryn Mawr, Pa.
M atlock E . S., Kenefle, Okla.
Matlock R. Z., St. Jam es, Mo.
M atoushek G. F „ Gregory, S. D.
Matsen J . E „ Kingston, Minn.
♦Matsen S. N.. Bickleton. Wash.
M atson Jam es, Svea, M inn.
M atsumoto M., Seattle, Wash.
♦M atter G. B., Isle, M inn.
M a tte r L. A., Isle, M inn.
♦M attern G. T. Jr., Richmond,
M attern G. W., Donnellson, la.
M attern R. J., H untingdon, Pa;
M attert J. F., Sibley. Ia.
♦M attes J. R., Vandalia, 111.
♦M atteson G. S., Enderlin, N.D.
♦M atteson S. W., Twin Brooks,
S, D.
M atthes E., Asotin, Wash.
M atthew V. L.. Lemonvüle. M o.
♦M atthew s Allen M .,Philadelphia,

Maurer C. F.. Arlington, Minn.
♦M aurer E sther, Hokah, M inn.
M aurer H . A., Dorchester, Wis.
♦M aurer J. F-, Lam ar, Colo.
♦M aurer M ., Sherwood, Wis.
Maurin P . P., Cold Spring, Minn.
M auritz H arry, H utto , Tex.
Maus Almon H ., Schell City, Mo.
Mauss C. F., Milford, Ia.
♦Mauss E . R., Spencer, Ia.
Mauthe J . J., Pacific. Mo.
♦M auzey C. H., Harrisonburg, Va.
M avity N. B., French Lick, Ind.
♦Mawhinney A. D., St. Anthony,
♦Mawson J. G., Cambridge, Kan.
♦Mawyer H. D., Lovingston, Va.
Maxam L. L.. Fife Lake, Mich.
M axey Roy, Grimes, Cal.
Maxfleld B. A., W est Palm Beach,
Maxfleld D. H., Naples, N. Y.
Maxfleld R., McClelland, Ia.
Maxon C. W., Farina, 111.
♦Maxon G. H., Gilbert, Ia.
Maxwell A. D„ ByromvUle, Ga.
M axwell A. G., Young H arris, Ga.
Maxwell C. L., Champaign, 111.
♦Maxwell C. N. Jr., Tuscaloosa,
MaxweU, D. M ., Roy, Ala.
♦Maxwell E. A., Calvary, Ga.
♦Maxwell F. L., Cotton Plant,A rk.
MaxweU F. W., Harrison, Ark.
♦Maxwell G. H., Lexington, Tenn.
Maxwell H. J., Princeton, Wis.
♦Maxwell J. L., B ayard, Ia.
Maxwell J. M., Twin Falls, Ida.
MaxweU J. S., Pittsburg, Kan.
♦Maxwell J. S., New York City,
N. Y.
MaxweU L. O., Calvary, Ga.
MaxweU O. P., Siloam Springs,
Maxwell P. D., Ardmore, Okl.

Maxwell R. E ., Fouke, Ark.
♦Maxwell R. G., St. Joseph, M o.
Maxwell S. A., Coalgate, Okl.
♦Maxwell T. S., W. Alexander, Pà.
♦Maxwell W. A., St. Joseph. Mo.
Maxwell W. H., Baxley, Ga.
♦Maxwèll W. R., Atmore, Ala.
May C. D., Clinton, la.
May C. E., Lawrenceville, Va.
♦May C. W., Färber, Mo.
♦M ay Della, Auburn, Ind.
M ay E. B., Comer, Ala.
♦May E. F., Cripple Creëk, Colo.
♦M ay E. O., Pasadena. Cal.
♦M ay Fred A., Dickey, N. D.
May F. J., Conconully, Wash.
May G. C., Wilmore, Ky.
May H. C.. Cambridge, Wis.
♦May J. Calvin, Hollidaysburg.Pa.
♦May Marvin, Owensboro, Ky.
♦May M. E., Cambridge.' Wis.
M ay R. H., Bainbridge, Ga.
May R. H., W hitewrlght, Tex.
♦M ay T ate, Hamlin, Tex.
May T. H. Cannelton, Ind.
♦May Thomas, Belleville, 111.
♦May W . R., Salyersville, Ky.
M ay W. S., Simsboro, La.
♦M ayborn O. H., Brush, Colo.
M ayberry O. N., Garber, Okl.
Mayborn O. J., Diller, Neb.
Maycock A. B., Gillette, Wyo.
♦Maycock C. N ., D etroit, Mich.
Maycock G. R „ Springville.Utah.
♦Mayer Carl, Oskaloosa, la.
♦M ayer O. W., Mifflintown, Pa.
♦Mayer F. J., Cincinnati, O.
Mayer F. S., Young America.MInn.
♦M ayer F. S., Bridgewater, S. D.
♦M ayer G. L., Marksville, La.
Mayer H. E „ Covington, Ind.
Mayer J. B., Hull, la.
Mayer J . E., E lbert, Colo.
♦Mayer J. E., Harrington, Wash.
M ayer L. B., San Benito, Tex.
Mayer Louis, South W hitely, Ind.
♦M ayer R. W., Coalgate, Okla.
M ayer W. J., Coalgate, Okla.
Mayers A. J., Hubbard, O.
M ayes C. E ., M ayesville, S. 0 .
Mayes F, L., W arrensburg, Mo.
Mayfleld C. R., L iberty Hill, Tex.
. Mayfleld E., Tchula, Miss.
Mayfleld F. L., Saline, La.
Mayfleld G. E ., Simpsonville, S. O.
M ayfleld I. J., Waco, Tex.
M ayfleld J. F., Vista, Mo.
♦M ayhew H arry, Swedesboro,
N. J.
M aynard A. J., Traverse City,
M aynard J. G., F o rt M otte, S. C.
M aynard R. T., Merrill, Mich.
♦M ayne B. L., Albion, 111.
♦M ayne Mabel. Camden. Ind.
M ays E. M ., N o rth Plains, Ore.
♦Mays W. P., Maysville, Okl.
M aytubby J. D„ Caddo, Okl.
McAboy W .P., H untington, W.Va.
♦McAchran Flora D.. Bloomfield,
♦M cAdam ffm . N., A tlantic City,
' N. J.
M cAdams A. M ., Bennington,
McAdams M ay, Boswell, Ind.
McAdams E .K .,Sw eet W ater,Tex
♦McAdams E. P., Roscoe, Tex.
McAdams J . B., Greenfield, Tenn
McAdams J . Q., W inters. Tex
M cAdams Pope, Louisville, Ky.
McAdams T. B„ Richmond, Va.
♦McAfee C. J., M atherville. 111.
McAfee P. H., Garland, Kan.
McAfee R. F „ Boise, Ida.
McAfee S. E., Augusta, 111.
♦McAleb E. B„ H eavener, Okl.
♦McAUaster J. G., M anchester,
N. H.
♦M cAllister A nna E., Stotesburg,
McAllister C. W ., T riplett, Mo.
♦McAllister E. R.,M oorcroft,W yo.
McAllister H. F., Oquawka, 111.
McAllister H. M„ Lum berton, N.C.
McAllister Jas.,Jr.,N .Y .C ity,N .Y .
M cAllister R. E., Stotesburg. Mo.
♦McAllister W. J., Booneville, la.
McAlpin L. K., Metropolis, 111.
McAlpin M. C., Blackshear, Ga.
McAlpin W. J., Tenney, M inn.
McAlpine L. A., M arinette, Wis.
♦McAlpine M., Toyah, Tex.
♦McAlvay C. E ., Lansing, Mich.
♦McAnally F rank J., Toledo, 111.
♦McAneney L. P „ Hansboro, N.D.
♦McAneny P. F., Johnstown, Pa.
♦McAneny W. F., M artinsburg,
W. Va.
♦M cArthur G rant, W aukegan, 111.
M cA rthur H. L., D othan, Ala.
M cArthur W. B., Antigo. Wis.
M cAshan S. M ., Houston, Tex.
McAtee L. T „ Faxon. Okl.
♦McAtee Rolla, Viola. 111.
♦McAuley A. W., Chicago, 111.
McAvoy J. E ., T exline, Tex.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

McBane, A. G. Bergholz, O.
McBane W. A.. Salineville, O.
♦McBeath C., Monticello, Ky. ♦McBee A. H., M organtown, W.
■ Va,
♦McBirney Lea, Tulsa, Okla.
McBirney S. P., Tulsa, Okla.
♦M pBratney G. S., Heuvelton, N.
♦McBratney M. A., Davison, Mich.
McBrayer L.B.,Lawrenceburg,Ky.
McBride A. N., Attica, Kan.
♦McBride C. F., Jonesboro, La.
♦McBride Edgar, Bluehill, Neb.
♦McBride Edward, Bluehill, Neb.
M cBride J., Cowles, Neb.
♦McBride J., Kiowa, Okla.
McBride L. B., Nortonville, Kan.
♦McBride Maggie, Sardis, Tenn.
♦McBride P. J „ Council Bluffs, la.
♦McBride W., Bradfordville, Ky.
McBride W. W., Knoxville, 111.
McBroom C. E „ Spokane, Wash.
McBryde R. P „ Kinmundy, 111.
M cBurney F. M ., Butler, Okla.
♦McBurney W., Tyndall, S. D.
♦McCabe C. D„ Lompoc. Cal.
M cCabe E. L.„ Cloverdale, Ore.
♦McCabe E. M ., Campbell, N.Y.
♦McCabe F. C., Proctor. M inn.
McCabe John, Chicago, 111.
M cCabe J. P., Berlin, Pa.
♦McCabe W. W., Sadieville, Ky.
♦M cCabney S. L., Valley Center,
McCaflree W. H.. Moundville. Mo.
McCaffrey J. W., LaCrescent,
♦McCague R.-B., Hoboken* N. J.
McCahan A. J., Huntingdon, Pa.
McCain J. A., Meridian, Miss.
McCain J . B., Collegeport. Tex.
McCain P. W., Bogata, Tex.
♦McCain Wilmot, Montgomery,
♦McCall Chas., Simmons, Mo.
♦McCall C. B., Nashville, Ga.
♦McCall Floyd E ., Aurora, Kan.
McCall Geo., Huntingdon, Tenn.
McCall G. W., High Springs, Fla.
McCall Hugh, Cove, Ore.
♦McCall W. K., Wellsville, Kan.
M cCalla R. C., Rosemark, Tenn.
♦McCallen A. J., Ashland, Ore.
♦McCallister Verne D., Milan, Mo.
McCallister J.. Milan. Mo.
♦McCallister O. W., Thorntown.
♦McCallon H. O., Emory, Tex.
♦McCallon J. G., Moody, Mo.
McCallon S. K., Emory, Tex.
McCallon N. F „ Moody, Mo.
M cCallum D. R., W auneta. Neb.
♦McCallum M., Mackay, Ida.
McCammon Aaron, Phillipsburg,
N. J.
♦McCammond R. V., Charles City,
M cCamus R., Brookston, Minn.
McCandless A. L., Spreckels, Cal.
McCandless G. T., Hutchinson.
McCandless H. A., Perry, Okl.
McCandless R. B., Fulton, S. D.
McCandless W. L., Berwyn, Neb.
McCandlish R. B., Salisbury, Md.
McCandlish R. C., Cowen, W. Va.
McCandlish R. J., Hancock, Md.
McCandlish U.B.,Piedmont,W.Va.
M cCann Frank, Ashdown, Ark.
M cCann Joseph, Lam bert, Mont.
M cCann J. E., Buffalo, 111.
M cCann R. A., Briggs, Tex.
♦McCanna C. D., McCanna, N.
McCanse Geo. A., Mt. Vernon.Mo.
♦M cCants O. G., Butler. Ga.
♦McCardell A. Le Roy, Frederick,
McCardwell Y. L., Mooresboro,
N. C.
♦McCaren F .D ., Carsonville.Mich.
McCaren W. J., Carsonville. Mich.
♦McCargar J. B., San Francisco,
McCarley A., Auburn, Ky.
McCarpron F. F„ Hudsonville,
McCarroll J. R., Bullard, Tex.
M cCarroll H. J., Jacksonville,Tex,
M cCarroll W. S., Danville, Ark.
McCarson J. T., Lometa, Tex.
McCartan T. F., Pocahontas, la.
♦M cCartan Theo, F., Pocahontas,
M cC arten J. E ., Newport, V t,
McCarten W. H., Lancaster, N. H.
♦M cCarter F rank Rochester, Ind.
McCarter R. M„ Moville, la.
♦M cCarter W. J. D „ St. LouisjMo.
♦M cCarthy C. A., Savannah, Ga.
McCarthy C. D., Montgomery.
♦McCarthy C. F.. Nortonville,Kan.
M cC arthy C. M ., Onondaga Val­
ley, N. Y.
McCarthy C. R., Glenwood Sp’gs,
♦M cCarthy E., L ittle Valley,
N. Y.
♦M cCarthy Fred, Faribault,

♦M cCarthy G. J., Mylo, N. D.
McCarthy H. D., Philadelphia, Pa.
McCarthy I. M., Garfield, Wash:
McCarthy J. A., Kingsley, Mich.
* McCarthy J. J ., C attaraugus, N . Y.
♦M cCarthy J. M ., San Francisco,
♦M cCarthy John J r ., Jefferson, la.
♦M cCarthy L. O., Springfield, Ky.
♦M cCartney A. W., Lebanon.Tenn.
♦McCartney H. E., Metropolis. 111.
♦McCartney O. C., Ham ilton, 111.
McCartney T. F., Metropolis, 111.
McCartney W. S„ Cambridge. O.
♦McCarty A., Oxford, Mich.
McCarty A. B„ Owensboro. Ky.
M cC arty A. H., Valeda, Kan.
♦M cCarty C. A., Charleston, W.
McCarty Frank. Kokomo, Ind.
M cC arty G. F., Oskaloosa, la.
♦M cCarty H. L., Oelwein, la.
♦McCarty J. E., Camp P oint, 111.
♦M cCarty T. N ., B ritton, Tex.
McCarty Walter, Concord, 111.
McCaslin J. M„ Kincaid. Kan.
♦McCaslin Wallace, Kincaid, Kan.
McCaslin W. L., Longmont, Colo.
M cCaughan H. C., P ittsburgh, Pa.
McCaughey James, Pacific. Mo.
McCaughlin Wm. F., New York
City, N. Y.
McCauley B. A., Olivet, Kan.
♦McCauley E dna E., Lacona, la.
McCauley E. O., Freedom, Pa.
♦McCauley J. I., Olivet, Kan.
♦McCauley J. I., Vanoss, Okla.
McCauley N. D-. Vanoss, Okla.
McCauley Ned, Lacona, la.
♦McCaully G. C., Hardyville, Ky.
M cCaully H. J., Philadelphia, Pa.
♦McCauly E. B., Philadelphia,
McCauly J. F „ Philadelphia, Miss
McCaw D. A., Livingston, Mont.
♦McCaw W. J., Rolla, Mo.
McChesney E .. M ilford. Kan.
McChesney L., Keats, Kan. .
McChesney J. D., Glen Ellyn, 111.
McChesney R,, Ogden, Kan.
♦McChord W. C. Jr., Springfield,
♦M cChristy R uth, Lake A rthur,
N. M.
♦McClain Celia, Sm ithton, Pa.
♦McClain E. C., Iola, Kan.
McClain J. A., Spangler, Pa.
♦McClain Paul, W hiteland, Ind.
M cClanahan W. A., Redding, la.
♦McClane E., Huntington, W.Va.
M cClary H. P., Windsor, Vt.
♦McClary H. W., Benton, Tenn.
McClaskey A. R., Albion, Wash.
♦McClasky J., Steptoe, Wash.
♦McClatchy W., Graham, Tex.
♦McClear, J. M ., Tucson, Ariz:
♦McCleary C. H., Honey Grove,
♦McClellan G. G., Sawtelle, Cal.
♦McClellan S. W., Martinsville,

McClellan R., McCammon, Ida.
McClelland C. J., Fullerton, Neb.
McClelland J. J., Town of Union,
N. J.
M cClenahan J. R., Kimball, Tex
♦McClenahen W .H.,Detroit,M ich.
McCleaathan C. V., Danville. 111.
♦McClenny J. D., Suffolk, Va.
♦McCleskey G. H., Rush Springs,
♦McCIesky, A. M . Wrens, Ga.
McClintick E. R., W yoming,Minn
♦McClintick H. J., Wyoming,
♦M cClintock C. T., Sioux City, la.
♦McClintock D. N., Kingston,Mo.
McClintock J. G., Rugby. N. D.
McClintock J. J., Paris, Ky.
♦McClintock J. S., Dufur, Ore.
♦McClintock J . W., Belzoni, Miss.
♦McClintock L. H., Guilford, Mo.
McClintock P. B., Big Sandy,
M ont.
♦McCloskey C. S., E. Palestine, O.
McCloskey D. W „ E. Palestine, O.
♦McCloud George L., W est Orange
N, J.
McCloud J. R., York, Neb.
♦McCloud W., Royal Center, Ind.
McCloy J. D„ Monticello, Ark.
♦McCluggage F. J., Rose Hill,Kan.
McCluggage J. F., Rose Hill, Kan.
McClun J. G., Cawker City, Kan.
McCluney W. B„ Aberdeen, Miss.
McGlung A. J., Radford, Va.
♦McClung Guy, Spearflsh, S. D.
♦McClung G. W., Jewell, Kan.
McClung J. F„ Winona, Tex.
♦McClure A. S., Shawnee, Okla.
♦McClure C. L., Huntington, Ind.
McClure Chas., Tremonton, Utah.
McClure D. B., Scranton, la.
♦McClure D. P., Cleveland, Okla.
♦McClure F. H.. Indianola. Ia.
McClure George, Wayne, Kan.
♦McClure G. H., Westboro, Wis.
♦McClure H, C.. Oklahoma. Okla.
♦McClure H. W., Dassel, Minn.
♦McClure Hugh S., New York,
N.- Y. :

McClure Jam es, Paris, Ky.
M cClure J. A., Blue M ound, 111.
McClure J. C„ Ingersoll, Okl.
♦McClure J. C., Omaha, Neb.
M cClure J. D. Jr., Sleeper, Mo.
M cClure J. H., Davidson, Okla.
♦McClure J. H.. Honey Brook, Pa.
McClure J. M.. Limon. Colo.
McClure L. B., Russellville, Ark.
♦McClure M ., Exeter, Mo.
McClure R. T., W ashington C. H .,
McClure V. E., Arrowsmith, 111.
McClure W. L., Danville. Pa.
M cClure W. T ., Jam esport, Mo.
♦McClurg L. W\, Underwood, la.
M cClurg O. G., H arrah, Okla.
McClurkin E. L., Morning Sun, la.
♦McClurkin O. B., Morning Sun,
♦McCluskey B.E..Cam eron,W .Va.
M cCluskey C. B., Kansas City,
♦M cCluskey J. W., Hudson, Ia.
McClusky C. E.. Deckerville.MIch.
♦McCoid B. B., E dna, Kan.
McCoid J. D„ Copan, Okla.
♦McCoin Malcolm, Jones, Okla.
McColloch T. L., Lincoln, Ark.
♦McCollom H. D., Ardmore, Okla.
♦McCollom O. M., Hettick, 111.
♦McCollough R. H.. Polo, Mo.
McCollow E. A.. H artford, Wis.
McCollow M artin, W oodland, Wis.
♦McCollow O. C., H artford, Wis.
McCollum B. B., Valley Mills,
McCollum B. T., Acton, Ind.
McColldm, Fred, Louisville, 111.
McCollum O. H.. Atkins, Ark.
M cCollum S. P., Gambier, O.
McComb A. T., Delta. O.
McComb J. A., Latrobe, Pa.
McCombs C. F„ P ittsburgh, Pa.
♦McCombs P . A., Bay City, Mich.
McCombs W. B„ Marquette.M ich.
McComick L. B., Salt Lake City,
M cComish J. G., K it Carson,
McCommas L. O., Bynum , Tex.
McCommons R. L.,Greensboro,Ga.
♦McConahey G.V.,Concordia,Kan.
♦McConathy J.R .. Roodhouse, 111.
M cConaughey W. C., P arkers­
burg, W. Va.
McConihay W . H.. Covington, Va.
M cConn Fred, Shadyside, O.
♦McConnell Dee, Corona, Cal.
McConnell F. B„ Abingdon, Va.
McConnell F. B.. Richmond. 111.
McConnell G. G., Parker, Kan.
McConnell J. I.. W oodland, Cal. s
McConnell J. L., Prairie Grove,
McConnell L. G., P ortland, Ore.
♦McConnell L. K., Minneapolis,
McConnell L. S., Sherwood, Ore.
♦McConnell O. O., Niles, O,
McConnell S. F., Bloomfield, Ia.
♦McConnell S. S., Lewisburg.Tenn.
♦McConnell W. A., Richmond, 111.
McConnell W. T., De Land, 111.
♦McConnor Daisy C., Queenstown,
♦McCook D. O., F ort Valley, Ga.
McCook J. B., Pendleton, Ore.
McCook John I., Francis, Okla.
McCook Nelson, Sumner, Ia.
♦McCoppin J. V., Bainbridge, O.
McCoppin R F., Bainbridge, O.
McCord A. B., Anaheim, Cal.
♦McCord A, L.. Blue Island, 111.
♦McCord E. A., Whites Creek,
McCord F. P., E ast Lynn, 111.
McCord J. E., Lilbourn, Mo.
McCord J. H., Spencer, la.
McCord L. P., W. Palm Beach.Fla.
♦McCord M ary E., Pine Village.
McCord R. A., Lewlsburg, Tenn.
McCord R. W., W estbury, N. Y.
♦McCorkle A. V., W ebb City, M o.
McCorkle J . M., Salisbury, N. C.
McCorkle J. W.. W ingate. Ind.
♦McCorkle M. E., Yorkville, S. C,
McCorkle W. F„, W alnut Ridge,
McCormack Josie, M oran,. K an.
McCormack T. L., Belleville. Ark.
♦McCormick C. H., San Francisco,
McCormick C. J., Enaden, 111.
♦McCormick C. P., Lincoln, Neb.
McCormick E. R., Letts, Ia.
♦McCormick F., Farm ington, Mo.
♦McCormick H. E., Bedford, Ind.
♦McCormick H. F., Laporte, Ind.
McCormick H. P., Auburn, Ky.
McCormick Ira, Tabor, Ia.
McCormick J., Crete, N. D.
McCormick J. F., Delphi, Ind.
♦McCormick-J. H., Danville, 111.
McCormick J. T., Sumner, Mo.
♦McCormick Lou J., W aldron, Mo.
♦McCormick M ary, Herscher, 111.
♦McCormick M. J., L etts, Ia.
♦McCormick R. F., DeKalb, 111.
♦McCormick R. J., Carleton.M ich.
♦McCormick W.W., Ambia. Ind.
McCornack W. G., Traer, Ia.
M cCornack W. G.. Voorheis. Ia.

♦McCornick E. C., M t. Calvary,
McCoun H. C., Medora. Ind.
McCown H., Miami, Fla.
McCown L. D., De Queen, Ark.
♦M cCownM arnaA.,St. Joseph,111.
*McCoy A. C.. Sharpsvllle, Ind.
McCoy A. J.. E ast P oint. Ga.
M cCoy C. H ., Columbia, Miss.
McCoy C. T., Cawker City, Kan.
♦McCoy D. L., M elcher, la.
♦McCoy E . E ., P ittsburgh, Pa.
M cCoy F. E., Ham let, N. D.
*McCoy Ira W., Versailles, Ind.
♦McCoy John, D ry Ridge, Ky.
M cCoy J. A., Odon, Ind.
McCoy J. W., Ashland, Ore.
McCoy J. W „ New Richm ond,W is.
McCoy L. J., Richwood, O.
♦McCoy M . B., DeKalb, Tex.
M cCoy M- R-, Colo, la .
M cCoy R. G., Melcher, la .
♦McCoy R. W ., New Richm ond,
McCoy W alter, Knoxville, Tenn.
♦McCoy W. E ., N orthfork, W. Va.
♦McCoy W. G.. Sayre, Okla.
McCoy W. I., Wiggins, Miss.
♦McCracken C. L., Johnstow n, O.
M cCracken E . J., W aterloo, Wis.
♦McCracken J . L., Louisville,Miss.
♦McCracken L. S., Imogene, la .
McCracken S.. W ilkes-Barre. Pa.
McCracken W ., Hum ansville, Mo.
McCracken W . A., Galt, Mo.
♦M cCracken W. H ., W aterloo,
♦M cCrackin Wallace, Ham ilton,
M ont.
M cC raney H . D e W ., L yndhurst,
N. J.
M cCranie G .F., Willacoochee.Ga.
♦McCranie M. H., Willacoochee,
M cC ranie W. J., Adel, Ga.
M cC rary L. A., Norristown, Ga.
M cC rary R . H., A thens, Ga.
M cC ravey J. R., Forest, Miss.
M cCraw M . A., B rent, Ala.
M cC ray M . M ., Bell C ity, M o.
M cC rea C. D ., S anta Rosa. Mo.
M cC rea G. A., O ntario, C al.
McCreary T. G., S anta Cruz, Cal.
McCreery C. A., Herkim er, N. Y.
♦M cCreery C. C., Perry, la .
♦M cCreery I. G., Highland Park,
McCreery R. G., Holliday, Mo.
McCreery W. F., Pekin, la.
M cCreery W. H „ Florida, Mo.
McCreight B. B., Dubois, Pa. .
M cCreight J. E „ Viola, 111.
M cCrocklin J. C., F air M ount,G a.
McCrory L. C., S tratford, Tex.
McCrary L. W., E ureka Springs,
McCroskey H. F., Meridian, Okla.
McCroskey W . H., Madisonville.
♦M cCrum J. T., Lexington, Va.
McCrum J . W., Boyden, la.
♦McCrum P. T.. Boyden, la.
M cC rum b L. J., Alma, Kan.
M cCue I. T ., Mexico, Mo.
♦M cCue W ., Janesville, Wis.
McCullagh John, Galena, Kan.
♦McCulley A. W., W ashington, la .
McCulley I., Lake City, K an.
McCulloch W. W ., Scranton, Pa.
M cCullough O. M ., Tuscola, Tex.
McCullough E. B., Hillsboro, Ga.
♦McCullough E .,NeoshoFalls,Kan.
McCullough F. J., Belgrade, M inn.
M cCullough John, Akron, Ind.
♦McCullough J. V., Buffalo, M inn.
♦McCullough J. W., Poteet, Tex.
McCullough N. M., Anderson, Ind.
♦McCullough R., Adams, Neb.
McCullough R. D., W apello, la .
♦McCully W. E., M oberly, Mo.
♦M cCumsey Chas., Beliefourche.
S. D.
M eCune A. W ., B radford, Ohio
McCune C. C., Polk, Neb.
M eCune G. J., W hiteside, Mo.
McCune J. S., Laddonia, Mo.
McCune J . T., Bowling Green, Mo.
M cCunn J. D., Pike, N. Y.
♦McCurdy Bernice, Lincoln, Kan.
♦M cCurdy G. H ., G rand Junction,
♦McCurdy J . G., P o rt Townsend,
W ash.
M cC urtain D. E., South Superior.
♦M cCutchen G. E ., W ichita Falls,
T gx.
♦M cCutchen G. E..Unionville,M o.
McCutchen L. S. K., Unionville,
McCutchen Owen, Campbell, Mo.
McCutchen W. F., Holden, Mo.
♦M cCutcheon H. G., Arcade, N.Y.
M cD ade Clint, O ktaha, Okla. .
McDade R. F., M ountain City,
M cDaniel A. J., W orthington.
W. Va.
♦M cDaniel C. T ., M ichigan Val­
ley, Kan.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

McDaniel C. T „ Wallowa, Ore.
McDaniel É. P., Conyers, Ga.
McDaniel F. S., B lunt, S. D.
McDaniel Geo. D., Springfield, Mo.
♦McDaniel J. C., Springfield, Mo.
McDaniel J. F., Millersburg, Ky.
M cD aniel J. P., F ortuna, Mo.
McDaniel N . B., Dyer, Tenn.
♦McDaniel O. H „ Lovington, 111.
♦McDaniel W. R.. W alkerton, Ind.
♦McDavid F. L., Hillsboro, 111.
M cD avid J. E ., Raym ond, 111.
♦M cDavid W . G., Greenville, S.C.
M cD earm an L. L., Gates, Tenn.
♦McDearmon G. E „ Hum boldt,
McDearmon J. H., Dyer, Tenn.
M cD erm ott A. P., Shinnston,
W. Va.
M cDerm ott A.R., CampCrookS.D.
♦M cDermott Bessie, Buffalo Cen­
ter, la .
M cD erm ott J. A., Barbourville,
♦M cD erm ott J. F .t Greeley, Neb.
McDill N. M., Hickory Grove,S.C.
♦McDlll R . S., A toka, Tenn.
♦M cDivit Joseph, Frederick, M d.
McDonald A.. W alhalla, N. D.
M cD onald A. F., Lavon, Tex.
M cD onald A. W., Hopkinton, la .
McDonald B. H.. Mt. Vernon, Mo.
♦McDonald Chester, Blanchard,
M cD onald C. A., Bisbee, Ariz.
M cD onald C. F., E l Reno, Okla.
McDonald C. P., B ayard, la .
McDonald C. T., Delano, Minn.
McDonald C. W „ Medford, Ore.
♦M cDonald D. B., H ansboro.N .D .
M cDonald D. T ., Kearney, Neb.
McDonald E dw ard, Lenox, Mass.
M cD onald E. H., L ytton, la.
M cD onald F. M ., N orth E ast, Pa.
McDonald F. M., Sylacauga, Ala.
McDonald F. P „ Berkley, la.
M cDonald H enry, Virginia, 111.
McDonald H. L., Malvern, Ark.
M cD onald J. A., Ashton, Ga.
McDonald J . B„ Pattonsburg.M o..
♦M cDonald J. C., Augusta, Ark.
McDonald J. H., Wheeling, W.Va.
McDonald J. H., R iver June., Fla.
♦McDonald J . J., Sylacauga, Ala.
McDonald J . K.. Sm ith ton. Pa.
McDonald J. N., Scammon, Kan.
♦M cDonald Joe, R ush Springs,
M cD onald J. T., Lingle, Wyo.
McDonald J. T., Torrington, Wyo.
♦M cDonald J . W., M adsonville,
McDonald J. W., Minden, La.
♦M cDonald R. B., Solen, N. D.
M cDonald S. M ., Wylie, Tex.
McDonald S. W ., Caledonia, N.Y.
McDonald T. E., Danbury, Neb.
♦M cDonald T. W., New Albany,
McDonald V. W.. Allen, Neb.
M cDonald W. G., Clifton, Colo.
McDonald W .H., N. P latte, Neb.
McDonald W. J., W alnut Grove.
♦McDonald W. J., P lan t City, Fla.
♦M cDonough Janet, Hastings, la.
♦McDonough J.N .,Deadwood,S.D.
McDonough R.S., Hastings, la.
♦McDougal J. O., M agnolia, M o.
♦McDougal J. ' O., Pennsboro,
W. Va.
♦McDougal T. D., Peoria, 111.
♦McDougall B. G., Pingree, N. D.
McDougall B. G.. Temple, N. D.
♦McDougall J. B., Des Moines, la .
♦McDowell C. J., Oswego, N. Y.
McDowell C. R „ Doon, la.
McDowell E rnest, Lyons, Neb.
♦McDowell F., Greenville, Fla.
McDowell H. B., Sharon, Pa.
M cDowell J.. Cabool. Mo.
McDowell J. D., Memphis, Tenn.
M cDowell L. A., Snow Shoe, P a.
McDowell, M . A. Greenville. F la.
♦McDowell P., Palo Altó, Cal.
♦McDowell R. O., M edina, Ohio.
♦McDowell V. E ., Forrest, 111.
♦McDowell W. O., Sharon, Pa.
♦McDowell W. K., Howard, Pa.
McDuffie D. K., Loris, S. O.
McDuffie M. G.. Jefferson, la .
M cD urm id S., H ixton, Wis.
♦M cEachem J. C., Haynesville,
♦M cEachin J. O., Bronson, Fla.
♦McEldowiiey A. W ., P ittsburgh,
M cEldowney J. S., M idlothian,
McEldowney W. W., Forest Grove,
McElfish A. G., Cumberland, Md.
♦McElfresh H. G., F ru ita, Colo.
♦McElfresh H. J., Fairm ont,
W. Va.
M cElhiney W. J., W est Union, W.
McElhinney B.W .,Goldfield, la.
♦McEllinn T. J. Jr., Savannah, Ga.
♦M cE lrath F red M ., Moville, la .
McElroy E. B., Wise, Va.
McElroy E. C., Ponder, Tex.,

McElroy G. D., Vinton, la .
McElroy J. C., Springfield, Ky.
M cElroy Lloyd, Ada, O.
McElroy Logan, Dover, Tenn.
♦M cElroy R. R . .D unkirk, O.
♦M cElvain C. A., Albany, Mo.
♦M cElvain J., G allatin, Mo.
♦M cElvain J. W.. A uburn, 111.
M cElvain M argaret A., Auburn,

M cElveen R. H., Johnsonville,
S. C.
McElwee W. M.. Lexington, Va.
McElween W. C., H ornbeak, La.
M cErlane C. F., W hitm an, N. D.
McEvilley R obert, Cincinnati, O.
McEvilley Thomas, Norwood, O.
McEvoy M. T., Mondamin, la .
M cEw an H . T .. Salt Lake City,
U tah.
♦McEwen J., Rolfe, la.
McEwen J . C., W auchula, Fia.
M cEwen Knox, Rockford, Ala.
M cEwen L. S., Postville. la.
M cEwen R. H., Jr., W inthop,
N. Y.
M cFadden H. C., Clayton, N . M .
M cFadden H. C., Texline, Tex.
♦M cFadden J. F., Deer Park,
McFadden L. T., Canton, Pa.
♦M cFadden W., Ithaca, Mich.
McFadden W . V., Covington,
McFall A. A., Geuda Sp’gs, Kan.
M cFall F rank, Pickens, S. 0 .
McFall J. H., Slayden, Tenn.
McFall J. Y., Newberry, S. C.
♦M cFarland C. E ., Halls, Tenn.
♦McFarland E. E., Orange, Tex.
M cFarland F . P ., Staunton, Va.
♦M cFarland J . C.. P ortai, N. D.
♦M cFarland J.D ., Pinebluffs.W yo.
♦M cFarland J. H ., M t. Vemon, O.
M cFarland J . R.. Ladonia, Tex.
M cFarland S.W., Pt.H uron.M lch.
M cFarlane John, Glennie, Mich.
M cFarlane J . C. Jr.,Aberdeen,M iss.
♦M cFarlane L. H., Ontonagon,
M cFarlin J . J.. Girard, O.
♦McFetridge C. W., Hazelton, Ind.
♦McGahan C. E.. Johnstow n, Pa.
M cGahey A. J., Oak Vale, Miss.
McGarity J . L., Jersey, Ga.
M cG arity J. S-, Mansfield, Ga.
M cGarrahan M. F., Malone, N. Y.
M cG arraugh A. D., W alsenburg,
McGarraugh G. A., Dupree, S. D.
McGarvey Bird H., Kansas City,
♦M cGary M ark, Elisabethtow n,
McGaughy H. P., Gilmer, Tex.
McGaughey J. T., W orden, 111.
McGaughey W. R ., M ount Zion, 111.
♦McGavin W., San Francisco, Cal.
McGavren J.S., Missouri V alley.Ia.
M cGeachy W. A., Brooksville,
M cGervey W. E ., D ayton, O.
♦M cGeary J. G., Vandergrift, Pa.
M cGee B., Avalon, Tex.
McGee C. M., Greenville, S. C.
♦McGee C. W., Anderson, S. C.
♦McGee E lm a B., M t.W ashington,
♦McGee F. F., Cody, Wyo.
McGee G. K. W., P la tte City, Mo.
M cGee I. F., M ounds, Okla.
McGee J . T., Burkesville, Ky.
McGee S. D., Slocomb, Ala.
McGee W. B., Lam pasas, Tex.
McGee W . C., Dodd City, Tex.
McGee W . J.. Houston. Mo.
McGee W. L., M t.W ashington,Ky.
McGeorge W. A., Otway, O.
♦McGhee O. A., Tillamook, Ore.
McGhee G. S., Waco, Tex.
♦McGhee J. E., Jackson, O.
♦McGhee J. L., Russellville, Term.
McGill A. C., Montezuma, la .
♦McGill Ada, Lewisport, Ky.
McGill A. R., Sharon, Pa.
♦McGill C. W., Carey, O.
McGill F. C., Oil City. Pa.
McGill John, P ittsburgh, Pa.
McGill S. T., Lewisport, Ky.
M cGillivray M ., Clark, S. D.
♦M cGillivray M . J., Bradley,S.D.
♦M cGilvray B. C., M t. Calm, Tex.
M cG inety J. W., Indianapolis,Ind.
McGinitie Clyde, Hecla, S. D.
McGinity I. J ., Lebanon, S. D.
♦M cGinity M . E ., Lebanon, S. D.
McGInley P . J., Frontenac, K an.
M cGinnis C. O., Coshocton, O.
McGinnis W . M.. Middle Point. O.
M cG inty C., Winnfleld, La.
McGinty P . J., O lyphant, Pa.
M cGivern J. C., Biwabik, M inn.
♦M cGlashen J. G. ,Edgerton,M inn.
♦McGlasson E. H., Paris, Tex.
♦McGlaughlin C. E ., Royal, IU.
♦M cGlaun A. L., Cocoa, Fia.
M cGlaun A. L., Lumpkin, Ga.
♦McGloin J., Corpus Christi, Tex.
McGloin J. S., Sinton, Tex.
McGlothlin E . W Bom arton.Tex.
M.cGlohon D. R., W inton, N . C.
♦McGlohon W. A., M urfreesboro,
N. C.
M cG lothlin L. W., Hollis, Okla.

♦McGlynn F. P., N.Y.City.N.Y.
McGoldrlck H, W., Kenedy, Tex.
♦M cGonagleL.E., Royalton.M inn.
McGough J . O., Lilly, Ga.
M cGouirk W. S., Ellenton, Ga.
♦McGovern Casper, Hubbell, Neb.
♦McGovern E. F., Carpio, N. D.
M cGlowan A. L., W allace ,N. C.
McGowan E. O.. Elm City. N. C.
♦McGrail M. J., Groton, N. Y.
M cG rath A. J., New York C ity,
N. Y.
♦M cGrath G. G., W averly, M inn.
♦McGrath G. T., T renton, Mo.
M cG rath J. E., Moxle, Wash.
McGrath J. M., M onett, Mo.
♦M cGrath M . J., Jr., St. Charles,
M inn.
♦McGrath R. J., Morris, 111.
M cG rath T. E ., Chicago, 111.
M cGrew H. L., M t. Pleasant, la .
McGreer W. F., Coburg, la.
McGreevéy E. G., Leland, la .
McGregor B. F., Mapleton, Minn.
McGregor F. D., Lake City, Mich.
McGregor M., W ashta, la .
♦McGregor S. D., Pigeon, Mich.
McGregor V. L., Crookston.M inn.
McGrew Clyde, Benton. Kan.
M cGrew E. D., Naponee, Neb.
McGrew J. H., M organtown,W.Va.
M cGrew L. E ., Darwin, M inn.
McGrew Lemuel, Howard Lake,
♦McGrew L. H., Reinbeck, la .
♦McGuffey Paul, M arkle, Ind.
McGuffin R . P ., Aurora. Mo.
M çGugin C. K., Howard, O.
♦M cGuiggan J. A., M innesota
Lake, M inn.
M cGuinn J. C.', H allett, Okla.
♦McGuire H. P., Rushville, In d .
McGuire John, Bogue, Kan.
McGuire J. T., Victor, la .
♦McGuire W. L., Pinebluff, Wyo.
♦M cGukin H ., M enlo, Ga.
McGurl B. J., Jessup, P a.
McGurren C. M., Bliss, N. Y.
♦M cGurrin C. H.. Tooele, U tah.
McHaffle L. H., Rogersville, Mo.
M cHannan J. C., Cleveland, O.
♦McHenry A. P., Blggsville, 111.
♦M cHenry R. J., Benton, Pa.
M cHenry Sears. Denison, la .
M cH ugh G. E ., Culver C ity, Cal.
M cHugo Geo. E ., Medill, Mo.
♦M cllhany J. E ., Artesia, N . M .
♦M cllhattan A. J., Spencer, Wis.
♦M cllhenney C. A., Philadelphia.
M cllhenny N., San A ntonio, Tex.
M cllvain A.B..W est Liberty, O.
♦M cllvain L anta, M ilford Center,
M cllw ain A. G., Artesia, Miss.
M clnnes W. J., Lake Arthur.N.M .
♦Mclnnis W.H.,Moss Point.Mlss.
M cln tire C . F.. Crawfordsville,
♦M clntire J . B., Wakefield, K an.
♦M clntire Jean, Poison, M ont. ,
M cIntosh A. V., Ogden, U tah.
M cIntosh Bruce, Leesburg, Va.
♦M cIntosh Clyde, Brownwood,

M cIntosh D ., Bettie, T e x ..
♦M cIntosh D. E ., Topeka, Kan.
♦McIntosh Grace. Sidney, Neb.
♦McIntosh I. W.. Meadow Grove,
M cIntosh J . J., Moss P oint, Miss.
♦M cIntosh J. T., Beebe, Ark.
M cIntosh J. W., Grove, Okla.
M cIntosh Stanley, M ishawaka,
M cIntosh Wm., Robertsdale, Ala.
M cIntyre F .H ., Nicholson, Pa.
M cIntyre Jam es, B antry, N.D.
M cIntyre J. A., Hartsville, S. C.
M cIntyre J. V., Eagle P oint, Ore.
M cIntyre Verne E ., Glasgow,
M ont.
♦M clver M . E ., Lowry, M inn.
♦M clvor A. V., Hyannis, Neb.
♦M cKay Andrew, Pingree, N . D.
McKay A. E ., Minto, N . D.
McKay B. J., Decorah, la.
♦M cKay E lla B., Greenville, Va.
M cK ay H . J., Romeo, M ich.
McKay Jam es, P rescott, Mich.
McKay J. J ., Sistersville. W . Va.
M cK ay J. P ., Red Springs. N . O.
M cK ay L. G., E ast Tawas, Mich.
M cK ay L. G., Tawas City, Mich.
M cK ay N . A., Telluride, Colo.
McKay R. C., W. Branch, Mich.
McKay W, S., Grove City, Pa.
M cK ean A.D., Riverdale, Cal.
McKean C. J., Pisek,, N D.
♦McKean C. S., Charleroi, Pa..
♦McKean F. P „ M endota. III.
♦M cKean Florence, Boweston, O.
M cK ean John, P ittsbu rg h , Pa.
♦McKean W. M., Alameda, Cal.
♦M cKeand M . A., Sellersburg.Ind.
M cK early N ., Advance, Mo.
McKee Bert, Des Moines, la .
M cKee Charles, M arianna, Ark.
M cKee Charles B., Salem, N. Y.
McKee D. D., T appen, N. D.
♦M cKee D. F., Bristol, Va.
♦M cKee D. T ., Bristol, Tenn.

M cKee E. E ., New London, la.
M cK ee George M ., Napoleon, O.
♦M cKee G. M ., Orosbyton, Tex.
M ckee H. H., W ashington, D. O.
M ckee H. S., Los Angelos, Cal.
M ckee Jam es.Richfield Spgs, N .Y .
*Mckee Jam es, T appen, N . D.
♦Mckee J. E ., Jonesboro, Ark.
M ckee J. S., Ada, O.
Mekee J. W., Plentywood.M ont.
M ckee M . G., M eeker, Okla.
McKee M. M., Royse City, Tex.
♦McKee O. G., Oberlin, O.
McKee P. R., Oconomowoc, Wis.
♦McKee R. H., Wheeling, W. Va.
McKee R . L., Perrin. Mo.
♦McKee Vesta, Alma, Neb.
♦McKee W. H ., Philadelphia, Pa.
♦M cKee W. L., Chicago, 111.
MoKee W. W.. Gunnison. Colo.
McKeeken O. D., Tekoa, W ash.
McKeen C. W., Russell, Kan.
♦McKeen H. R., Chelsea, la .
M cKeever R. I. .Sioux C., Ia.
M cKeith D. A., Brown City, Mich.
McKellar A. F „ Hancock, Minn.
♦McKellips E. F., Alpena, S. D.
M cKelvey A. J., Kingm an, Ariz.
♦McKdlvey E. O., Ligonier. Pa.
McKelvey J. P. P ittsburgh, Pa.
♦McKelvy J. W ., Utica, O.
M cK elvy W. P.. W aterville, Kan.
McKemie J. C., W est P oint, Ga.
♦McKendry M. E „ Baring, Mo.
McKenna P. H „ Kingman, Kan.
♦M cKenna S. E „ Fairfield, Ky.
McKennan Irving, Frem ont, Neb.
♦McKennell W., Chester, S. C.
M cKennon G. E.. Columbia, Tenn.
McKenny J. F „ King City, Mo.
♦McKenrich P. L„ K ittanning, Pa.
McKenzie A., Eagle River, Wis.
M cKenzie B. L., Eckley, Colo.
McKenzie F. G., T urtle Lake, Wis.
M cKenzie O. P ., Panam a C ity,Fla.
McKenzie W. A., Homer, La.
♦McKenzie W. H., Auburn, Ky.
♦McKeon J . A., N. Y. City. N. Y.
♦M cEem on E. J., Elmwood, Wis.
M cK ethan W. M., Brooksville.Fla.
McKever J . E „ W illiamsburg, O.
M cKewen W. J., Lake Village,
M cK ey J. F., Williamstown, Mo.
M cKeyes F. H., Lawton, Mich.
M cKibben I. E., Bone Gap, 111.
M cK ichan F. B., Bonilla. S. D.
McKie William, Johnstown, N. Y.
McKillen Isaac, In lay City, Mich.
M cKim D. C., Luray, Va.
♦M cKim J. M ., Newark. Mo.
M cK im J. V., Newark, Mo.
M cKim S. Sterett. Baltimore.M d.
McKim W. J.. Ellwood City, Pa.
McKindley J. W., Morris, 111.
♦M cKiney W. E „ Gainesville, Ga.
M cK inlay D. A., M edford, M inn.
♦M cKinley Christene, Grant,M ich.
♦M cKinley C. D., Borden, Ind.
McKinley G. C., Milledgeville, Ga.
M cK inley G. R., Bartlesville, Okla.
McKinley H. C., Topeka, K an.
McKinley H., Grant, Mich.
M cK inley Jos., Iola, Kan.
McKinley J. K., H arrisburg O.
M cKinley R. A., Hardinsburg,
♦McKinley R. S., Philadelphia,Pa.
♦M cKinley R. W., C herry vale,
M cK inne F . B.. Louisburg, N. C.
♦M cKinnell W., Chester, S. C.
McKinney A. D „ Kerens, Tex.
♦McKinney A. J., Kem pton, 111.
♦M cKinney C. P „ Marlow, Okla.
♦McKinney F. P „ Olympia, W ash.
McKinney G. W ., W ebber, Kan.
McKinney J. C., Honey Grove,Tex.
M cK inney J. C., McLemoresville,
M cK inney J. G., Tobias, Neb.
McKinney J . W., Cadiz, Ky.
M cK inney J. W ., P ilot M ountain,
N. O.
♦M cK inney L. G., Tobias, Neb.
♦McKinney L. R., Burgettstow n,
M cK inney O. R., M arlow, Okla.
McKinney R. C., Cleghorn, la.
McKinney R. M„ Chicago, 111.
♦McKinney W alter, Jam estown,
♦M cKinney W. H., Texarkana,
♦McKinney W. S.,Knoxville.Tenn.
M cKinney W. S„ F t. Towson.Okl.
M cKinnon A. J., Orosbyton, Tex.
McKinnon A. W „ Price, Uta.
♦M cKinnon M rs. Avis, Richland,
M cK innon E ldred, Hillsboro, Tex.
' M cKinnon H., Clinton, N. C.
♦McKinnon J . A., Casselton, N. D.
McKinnon W. H „ Hahira, Ga.
♦M cKinny J. J., DeW itt, Mo.
M cK inny W. W., D eW itt, Mo.
M cK inston Jas., W., Woodlawn,
M cKinstry C. B.. Sedgwick, Colo.
♦M cKinsty W. R., Gainesvill3.Fla.
M cKinzie W. H ., Peacock. Tex,
M cKittrick L. E „ Mt. Carmel, 111.
M cK nelly W. E . Bible Grove, 111.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

♦M cKnight Belle, H annah, N. D.
♦M cKnight B, R., Auburn, Tenn.
McKmgnt C. B., Fowler. Ind.
M cKnight J . B., Annapolis, 111.
♦McKnight J . C., Colfax. La.
M cKnight J. C., Locust Grove.
McKnight J. R ., Pierre, S. D.
♦McKnight M., Mooresville, N. C.
McKnight R. S., Gunnison, Miss.
♦McKnight W. E„ Waxahachie,
McKoneJ. J Jr., Tunnelton, W.Va.
M cKoy T ., Lyerly, Ga.
McLachlin Peter, H unter, N. D.
McLain H. G„ St. Marys, O.
McLain H. L., Massillon, O.
McLain J. R „ Winner, S. D.
M cLain W. C., D ecatur, Ga.
McLain W. J. E „ Claysville, Pa.
♦McLane Bessie L., Reading,Mass.
♦McLane F. C., Lowndes, Mo.
McLane S. H.. Clay, W. Va.
McLane W. F .,1Minneapolis. Minn.
McLarly W. C., Desart. N. D.
M cLarty G. T., Douglasville. Ga.
M cLauchlin D. A., Vass, N. O.
♦McLaughlin C. A., Bellefontaine,
McLaughlin D. F., Cando, N. D.
♦McLaughlin E. S.. Dallas. Tex.
♦McLaughlin F. M ., Lorenzo, Tex:
M cLaughlin Fred, Burgess, 111.
♦McLaughlin J. Edd., Ralls, Tex.
♦McLaughlin H. B., Sanger, Cal.
♦McLaughlin J. R., Hastings.Neb.
♦McLaughlin O. L„ Atoka, Okl.
McLaughlin T.. H iawatha, Kan.
McLaughlin W. E., Lorenzo, Tex.
McLaughlin W. E., Ralls, Tex.
McLaury W. G., Chicago, 111.
McLean Aloysius, Morrisonville,


McMillan W. H ., P ittston, Pa.
♦McMillen Arlis, Edina, Mo.
McMillen E. T., De Land, 111.
♦McMillen Lucy, Mooresville, Mo.
McMillen J. S., H artley, Tex.
♦McMillen M artha, D e Land, 111.
♦McMillen S. E., H artley, Tex.
McMillin O. K., Bellingham,
♦McMillin J „ W hitewright, Tex.
♦McMinn O. E ., Buffalo, Okla.
McMinn S. J., Lutesville, Mo.
♦McMonigal D. J „ Portage, Pa.
McMonigle D. A., Pgiladelphia,
McMorran J. H., Macksville, Kan.
McMorris C. G., W etum pka, Ala.
McM ullan D. M., Mize, Miss.
M cMullen F. P., Wildwood, Fla.
McMullen G. E., Irwin, Ia.
M cMullen J. S., Centerhill, Fla.
McMullen R. J , Oakland. Cal.
♦McMullen Robert Jr., H utchin­
son, Minn.
M e Mullen S. A., Pittsburgh, Pa.
♦McMullen W . . L., Jr., Burwell,
McMullen W. R., Lufkin, Tex.
♦McMullin T. F., Santa Rosa, Cal.
McMurchy G. W., New Richmond,
♦McMurchy J W „ Felicity, O.
♦M cM urray A. L., W apakoneta.O.
♦McMurray G. E., Peoria, 111.
McMurray J. P., Yorkville, S. C.
♦M cM urray M urray, W ebster
City, Ia.
♦McMurray W. E „ Paris. Tex.
M cM urrey Frank,Coldspring.Tex.
M cM urry H. J., Guthrie, Ky.
♦M cM urry J. T., Steele, Mo.
McMurry R. L., Guthrie. Ky.
♦M cM urtray R. A., Pauls Valley,
McMurtry G. E., Vine Grove, Ky.
McMurtry R. R., Dayton, Ky.
♦McNab William, Barnwell, S. C.
McNabb A. W., Matagorda, Tex.
M cNabb H. G., M aynard, Ark.
♦M cNabb J. A., M cN abb, 111.
McNabb J. E., Osgood, Mo.
McNabb J. M.. McNabb, 111.
♦M cNabb Pearl A., Osgood, Mo.
McNail T. A., H ayti, Mo.

McLean Bruce, Dim m itt. Tex.
M pcLean
D. H. A., Castle Shannon,
McLean E. R., Colchester, 111. F. L., Gilby, N. D
♦McLean Frank, Hillsboro. 111.
♦McLean J. D., Redwood Falls,
M inn.
M cLean John S., Magnolia, O.
McLean J. W., Fries, Va.
McLean M. R., Wellington, Kan.
McNair M. G., Lauderdale, Miss.
McLean V. L„ Dillon, S. C.
M cN air M . M ., Pillager, M inn.
McLean W. L., Sharpsburg, Ga.
♦McNally Chas., Petalum a, Cal.
McNally J. J., Lewistown, 111.
McLellan D. E ., Roseberry, Ida. McNally Miles, Ewing, Mo.
♦McLellan H. A., Holly, Mich.
McNally R. F., Chillicothe, Mo.
McLellan J. G., Dalton, Ga.
McNally R. J., Meeteetse, Wyo.
McLellan P. T., Mooreland, Ind.
♦McNary R. J „ Leigh, Neb.
McLelland Myra E., Thayer. Mo.
McNary T. A., Bellevue, Pa.
♦McLélland R. S., Thayer. Mo.
♦McLemore C. L., Everton, Mo.
♦M cNaughton C., Raymond. 111.
McLenon W. N., Owasa, Ia.
McNaughton E. B„ Ray, Ind.
McLeod B. W., Leakesville, Miss. McNaughton Guy, Juneau, Alaska.
McLeod B. H., Tilton, Ga.
M cNaughton N. E .. R utland, O.
♦McLeod E. W., Bay M inette, Ala. ♦M cNaughton O. B., Sault Ste.
Marie, Mich.
♦McLeod G., Macon, Miss.
M cNeal P. A., Fairland, Okla.
♦McLeod Hugh, Brown City, Mich. McNeall D. L„ Coatsburg, 111.
♦McLepd J. C., Chipley, Fla.
McNee J. W., Blairsburg, Ia.
McLeod N., Wilmar, Ark.
McNee W. A., Laurens, Ia.
♦McLeod R. N., Andalusia, Ala.
McNeeiy C. P., Mooresville, N. C.
♦McLeod Robert, Chicago, 111.
McNeely S. E., Cherryville, N. C.
♦McLeod R. W., Agra, Kan.
McNeer H. A., Anawalt, W. Va.
McLeod S. M., Sumter, S. C.
McNeer J. H., Pocahontas, Va.
♦McLeod W. H., W arren, Ark.
♦McNefl Hugh, Chicago, 111.
♦McLimans V. A., H ot Springs, McNeice Ellison, Yatesville, Ga.
S. D.
♦McNeil F. A., Oxford. N. Y.
♦McLucas H. H., Fairbury, Neb.
♦McNeil H enry D., Aitkin, M inn.
M cLune T. H., Michigan Valley, McNeil Jam es. New York City,
N. Y.
M cNeil T. H,, Mechanicsburg, Va.
♦McClure G. C., Coyle, Okla.
♦McMahan E. T., Taylorsville, Ky. McNeil W. H., Searsboro, Ia.
McNeill J. C.. Magnolia, Ark.
♦McMahan R. E., Seymour, Mo.
♦McNeill J. E ., Chickasha, Okla.
McMahan Y. J., Newport, Tenn.
♦McNeill S. E ., E. B ernstadt, Ky.
McMahon C. S., Cambridge, O.
McMahon J. P., Elburn, 111
McNeilly R. E.„ Kell, 111.
M cM ahon J. S., Louisburg, Kan. M cNeilly W. W., Nashville, Tenn.
♦McM ahon M . J., Williamsport, M cNelly C. E., Belleview, Ky.
♦McNew G. G„ Breckenridge.Mo.
M cNie R. W., Atkins, Ia.
M cM ain H. O., Derma, Miss.
♦M cNulty C, J., Waterloo, la.
♦M cNulty Miss K ate, De Soto,
McMains W. S., Cambria, la .
McMaken R. M., Crawfordsville,
McNulty R. E., Americus, Ga.
♦M cN utt B. S., Somerfield, Pa.
McManis J. O., W est Union, O.
McNutt G. D„ Cannonsburg, Pa.
♦M cM annis S. W., Gage, Okla.
M cNutt J. K.. Houston, Pa.
♦McManus J. F., Adair, Ia.
♦McPeek B. I., Kingman, Kan.
McMarlin John G., Butler. Pa.
M cPhail D- S., Wills Point, Tex.
M cM aster E . C., M t. Ayr, Ia.
♦McMaster H. N., Sutherland, Ia. ♦McPhail Ethel, Lindsborg, Kan.
♦M cPhail Jessie, T aunton, M inn.
♦M cM aster Jennie, M t. Ayr, Ia.
♦McPhail R.D., Drum m ond.M ont.
♦M cM aster R. J., Tampa, Fla.
♦McPhee J. M., Portsm outh, N .H .
McMaster W. H., Gayville, S. D.
M cM ath T. J., M cCurtain, Okla. M cPhee W. G., E van, M inn.
♦McMeekin J. W., Lexington. Ky. M cPheeters P . L., Champaign, 111.
M cPherrin G rant, Des. Moines,
♦McMeen Geo., Goree, Tex.
♦McMichal J. I., Orangeburg, S. C.
McMichael T. B., Jackson. Ga.
McMillan A. B., Fayetteville, N. C. McPherson A. L., Craig, Neb.
McPherson D. A., Deadwood, S. D.
♦McMillan A. B., Sparta, 111.
McPherson Fred, Jonesboro, Tenn.
McMillan A. E., Conde, S. D.
♦McPherson F. K., Milwaukee,
McMillan A. T., Wamego, Kan.
McMillan C. B., H annah, N. D.
♦McPherson H. A„, Howell, Mich.
McMillan D. A., Murray, Utah.
McPherson H.L.,Hopkinsville, Ky.
♦McMillan G. A., Berlin, N. D.
McMillan H. H., Munising, Mich. McPherson J.E ,, Hopkinsville, Ky.
♦McPherson M. D., Palouse, Wash.
McMillan J. E., Knoxville, Tenn,
♦McMillan J. F-, Stronghurst, 111. ♦McPherson T. R., W ashington,
McMillan J . P „ Medora, Ind.
♦McPherson Wm., 3d, Howell,
♦McMillan M . C., Reno, Nev.
M cM illan R. EL, M cDonalds,N.O.

♦McPike B. M ., Bowling Green,
McQuaid W. R., Jacksonville, Fla.
McQuarie J. S., Elmore, Minn.
McQuarie V. H „ Baxley, Ga.
♦McQueen I. G., M oulton, la .
♦McQueen S.A.,Hay Springs, Neb.
♦McQueen W. M ., Des Arc, Ark.
♦McQuerry J. A.. Justin, Tex.
McQuie A. F . Minburn, Ia.
♦McQuoid S., W heatland, N . D.
McQuown A. N., W ichita, Kan.
McRae A. A., Minneapolis, Minn.
McRae D. C., Loraine, Tex,
McRae. Donald, Cumberland, Va.
♦M cRae G. S., Loraine, Tex.
McRae J. A., Graceville, Minn.
♦M cRae J. C., Cass City, Mich.
♦McRae John J . Jr., Swanville,
Minn. *
M cRae J. L., Charbonneau, N .D .
McRae M .W „ Rockingham, N.C.
M cRae O. F., M cRae, Ga.
McRae T. C. Jr., Prescott, Ark.
♦McRae Wm., Thatcber, Ariz.
M cR ay R., H anna, Okla.
♦McRea C. E., Kennesaw, Ga.
M cReynolds B. B., Plainville,
McReynolds B. F., Bronaugh, Mo.
McReynolds J . F., Codell, Kan.
♦McReynolds J. S., Cynthiana,
♦McReynolds J. W., Paris, Tex.
M cReynolds L. G., Bend, Ore.
HcMcReynolds Mary A., Bronaugh,
M cReynolds S. D., Peirce C ity,
McReynolds W. N ., P o rt A rthur,
♦M cRitchie M ., San Francisco,
McRoberts E. B„ Millvale, Pa.
McRoberts H. R. Williamstown,
♦M cRoberts P . W., Canyon City,
McRory W. W., Oakland, Ia.
♦McShan W. B„ Pilot P oint, Tex.
♦McShane Chas. W., Zanesville.O.
M cShirley H erbert, Sulphur
Springs, Ind.
M cSpadden E. A„ Dandridge,
♦McSpadden Floyd, Chelsea, Okl.
♦M cSpadden M . A., Ponder, Tex.
M cSpadden S. M ., M ount Pleas­
ant, Ark.
McSwam C. D., Emm et, Ark.
McTowen A. L., Wallace, N. C.
McVay F. N., Taintor, Ia.
♦McVay Gussie M., Taintor, Ia.
♦McVeigh E. I., Thomas,, W. Va.
McVeigh W. H ., Elkton, Va.
McVey A. Li Blanchester O.
♦MeWard E. R., Palmer, 111.
♦McWenie E. J., Las Vegas. N .M .
♦McWhinney W. A., Detroit,Mich.
M cW hirter G. C., Macon, Ga.
M cW hiter W. E:, Salisbury, N. C.
McWhorter Ford, B ertrand, Neb.
McWilliams A. B.. Athens, Ala.
♦McWilliams Bessie Davis, M o.
McWilliams C. D., Dwight, 111.
McWilliams E. D., Chester, Ia.
McWilliams G. M., H attiesburg,
♦McWilliams G. R., Clarkdale.M o.
McWilliams T . A., Davis, Mo.
♦McWilliams V. J., Chester, la .
♦Meacham Jennie B.,Atwater, O.
♦Meacham L., Clydepark, M ont.
♦Meacham W. A., Minneapolis,
♦Meacham W. B. Jr., F t. Mill,
Mead B. M., Peoria,. 111.
M ead C. A., W alton, Ind.
M ead C. B., Berwyn, 111.
♦Mead C. F., Cleveland, O.
Mead C. W., Maskell, Neb.
M ead E. H., Sault Ste. Marie,
♦Mead H. C., Wheeler, Mich.
♦Mead H. E., Claremont, Cal.
Mead L. M„ W olcott, N. Y.
Mead M. E „ Pataskala, O.
Mead W. M„ Chillicothe, 111.

♦Meade J. F., K ansas City, Mo.
Meade J. H „ Damascus, Va.
Meade John, Hales Comers, Wis.
♦Meador C. H., Beckley, W. Va.
M eadors J. H., L ittle Rock. S. C.
♦Meadow W. A., Dickson, Tenn.
Meadows B. H., Canton, Ga.
Meadows J. T., Roanoke, Va.
Meads Thomas, J., Towson, Md.
Meadway George, Buffalo, N. Y.
♦Meagher D. L., Orlando, Okla.
M eagher F . K., M ankato. M inn.
♦Meagher J. A., Newport, Ky. ,
Meagher N. J „ Vernal, Utah.
♦Meahl L. J., Chicago, 111.
♦Meairs C., Isabel. Kan.
Means E. D., Charleston, Ark.
Means H. M., Everest. Kan.
M eans L. D., Postfalls, Idaho.
♦Means O. E ., Saybrook, 111.
Means T. J. J r „ Dearborn, Mo.
Meany G. E ., Prescott, Ariz.


Meara Daniel, Axtell, Kan.
Mears A. H.,' L utcher, La.
Mears C. B., Keller, Va.
♦Mears C. G., Fountain Hill, Ark.
♦M echen O. G,, Long Beach, Cal.
Meck R. S., Reading, Pa.
Medbery S. C., Ballston Spa, N.Y.
Medcalf E. B„ Winfield. Mo.
M eddick Thos. D., Vestaburg,
*Mede E. F „ Sidney, O.
♦Medford Raymond, Annona.Tex.
Medford T. H., Cambridge, Md.
♦Medford W. H., Cambridge, Md.
M edien J. W., Belieview, Mo.
♦Medley J. F., W adesboro, N. C.
Medley J. S„ W hitew ater, Mo.
M edley W. O., Gordonville, M o.
Mee C. H., Centerville, S. D.
Meecb R. E., Beloit, Wis.
Meeham A., Hazel, S. D.
♦Meehan E. C.. N orborne, Mo.
M eehan G. T ., Norborne, Mo.
Meehan P . H., Tam pa, Kan.
Meek D. G., Ju n iata, Pa.
M eek E. C., Black Lick, Pa.
Meek' E rnest, Catlettsburg, Ky.
M eek F. T ., Sparta, Tenn.
♦Meek John, Crescent, Okla.
M eek J . W. Jr., Bradley, Ark.
Meek L. K „ Mulhall, Okl.
M eek W. M ., Lexington, Miss.
Meeker F. H.. Unadilla, N. Y.
M eeker G. W ., Greenwood, Neb.
♦Meeker H. E ., Bunceton, Mo.
♦Meeker O. R., Missionhill, S. D.
♦Meeker T. A., Laredo, Mo.
♦Meeks C., Nicholls, Ga.
♦Meeks J. L., Frederick, Okla.
Meeks U. S., Grand Saline. Tex.
♦Meents A. J., Ashkum, 111.
♦M eents F. W., Ashkum, 111.
Meents F W., Clifton, 111.
M eents R. R.. Ashkum, 111.
Meers M . L., Hodgenvilie, Ky.
Meerscheidt O tto, San Antonio,
Meetze H. A., Leesville, S. C.
♦Megehee J . L., Pickayune, Miss.
Meglnnls W. G., Denison, Tex.
Megown J . E ., New London. Mo.
♦Mehaffey G. E ., Lima. O.
Mehler Adam, Bazine, Kan.
♦Mehlmann L. E., N orth P latte,
M ehrent J. H., Wessington. S. D.
M eier A. C., Rudd, la.
♦Meier O. F. E ., New Melle, M o.
Meier F. C„ E den Valley, Minn.
♦Meier J. D., Lihton, N. D.
M eier J. H., M inneapolis, M inn.
M eier O tto J., Chicago, 111.
Meier W, A., Monroe, Mich.
Meierkord H. J., Linn, Kan.
♦Meighen F. W.. W aynesburg.Pa.
♦Meigs D. C., Pueblo, Colo.
♦Meile B. H., Omaha, Neb.
♦M einert W. J., D urant, la.
M einhardt E da, Burlington, Wis.
M eininger A. O., Acting, St. Louis,
♦Meinz G. J., St. Cloud, M inn.
♦Meirs L. U., F ayette, Ala.
Moisei J. J., Pittsburgh, Pa.
♦Meisenheimer H. B., Jefferson,
M eislahn C, E ., M ontrose, 111.
♦Meistrell J. L., Boonville, Mo.
M eitzen A. C., Avoca, la.
Meixell E . D., Cressona, Pa.
♦M ekota F. O., C edar Rapids, la.
♦Melancon A., Crowley, La.
♦Melancon A. J., Donaldsonvllle,
♦MeiavOn J. W., Santa Rosa, N .M .
Melby C. B., W hitehall, Wis.
M elbye C. E., Thorpe, M inn.
M elcher J. A., Cleveland, O.
♦Melcher T. E ., W oodland, Wis.
M eld u n g A. A., Ossian, Ind.
♦Melchor O. F., Mooresville, N .C.
M elden T. M ., Mission, Tex.
♦Melen A. F., Rushville, Neb.
M elgard A. J., Sutton, N. D.
Melgard O. J., Clarem ont, S. D.
Melgaard L aurltz, Kennedy, Minn.
Melgaard O. L., Argyle, Minn.
Melgaard T. L., Thief R iver Falls,
♦Melin D. D., H obart, Ind.
*Meüza Florence H., U rbana, 111.
Mell G. A., A thens, Ga.
♦Mellander P . C., St. Charles, 111.
M ellen Jo h n W., Geneva, N . Y.
♦Mellen T. E., Fresno, Cal.
Mellencamp F.G..GrassLake.MIch.
M ellenthin A. I., St. Paul, M inn.
♦Meliies Chas., Ellinwood, Kaii.
Mellinger J. E „ Dayton, Ore
♦Mellon Em il, Colton, S. D.
Mellon M. I., M artinsburg, Neb.
♦Mellon M . L., Ponca. Neb.
Mellor J. H., Rochester, Pa.
Mellott J. F., Bellaire, O.
♦Mells John, Powersville,. Mo.
Meloy H. D „ Cuba, Wis.
Melsha Daniel, Lynch, Neb.
♦Melson J. M ., Sulphur Springs,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

♦Melson M . A., Lander, Wyo.
Melton J. H „ Gassaway, Tenn,
Melton J. T., Columbia, S. C.
M elton Letcher, Centerville, Ala.
Melton Roy, Poole, Ky.
♦Melvin C. L., Bradford, Pa.
Melvin F. W., Ranger, Tex.
♦Melvin H erbert, Ellsworth, Pa.
♦Melvin J. G., Selma, Ala.
Melvin W allace, Danville, Kan.
Melvin W. R., Jefferson, S. D.
♦Melzl A. W., Baraboo, WisMenaugh J . F., Oakland, 111.
Mench M. R., Bettsville, O.
Menck C. H., Grand Island, Neb.
Mendenhall A. M., Berkeley Sp’gs,
W. Va.
M endenhall O. G., Winnie, Tex.
M endenhall C. M., Hookerton,
■N. O.
Mendenhall G. W ., Springville
• U tah.
Mendenhall H .B.,R ocky Ford.Colo.
♦Mendenhall J. F., Springville,
U tah.
Mendenhall W .H., Lexington, N. C .
♦Mendonca J. C., Pleasanton, Cal.
Menees O. B„ Canon, Ga.
Menefee J. A., F o rt Cobb, Okla.
♦Menefee W. T., T atum , Tex.
♦Menke W. E „ H untingburg, Ind.
♦Menke W. F., Salinas, Cal.
Menkhausen C.W.,Boscobel,Wis
♦Menneke F . A., Miles, la.
♦M ennemeyer F . X., St, Louis,
M ennenga B., Belm ont, la .
M enold C. A., M onm outh, la.
M entzer, A. W., Denver, Pa.
♦Menzer B. F., M arion, la.
♦Menz A. G.. Am herst. O.
Menzle Charles. Caledonia, N. Y.
Menzies A. E., Dyersburg, Tenn.
Menzies K. C., Hickory, N. C.
♦ M eranda W. C., Jackson, O.
Mercer A. J., L ittle Rock, Ark.
♦Mercer E . O., Rochester, Ind.
♦Mercer F. N ., Chicago. 111.
Mercer H. H.. M onteith, la.
♦Mercer L. D ., Bowling Green, O.
♦Mercer Ross, V erm ont, 111.
♦Mercer R. S., Baldwinsville, N. Y.
♦Mercer S. T ., M oultrie, Ga.
M erceret F . L., Sainte M arie, 111.
♦Merchant C. T., Rosslyn, Va.
♦M erchant H. J., M arion, O.
♦M eredith O. E ., Raymond, Wash.
♦M eredith E. D., Chester, 111.
Meredith, F., Stanford, Mont.
Meredith G. S., Oakland, Cal.
♦M eredith Percy, E lburn, III.
Mereness D. F., Federal Dam ,
M inn.
♦Mergen L. A., Beloit, Kan.
♦Mergen P . J., Northfleld, M inn.
M ergenthaler A. F., Fostoria, Ind.
Merhoff F. R., Louisville, Ky.
♦Merihes Geo. J., Öldham, S. D.
M eritt J.- E., Rhineland, Mo.
M eritt L. H., Mansfield, Wash.
♦Merk John Jr., H anover, K an.
♦Merkle E. H ., Neodesha, Kan.
♦Merl L. F., Pearsall, Tex.
♦Merlo D. C., Caledonia, Minn.
♦Merlo E. A.. Bangor, Wis.
M erreil F. A., Carbon Hill, Ala.
♦Merrell S. R., F airbury, Neb.
♦Merreil W. W., M ertens, Tex.
Merriam A. O., Auburn 111.
♦M erriam W., Alameda, Cal.
Merrick C. S., Galena, 111.
Merrick H. F., Kensington, O.
M errick H. L., Salem, S. D.
Merriell W. A., F ruita, Colo.
Merrifleld C. F., T riplett, Mo.
Merrifleld H. A., Hanklnson, N. D.
♦Merrifleld I. M ,. B utternut, Mich.
♦Merrifleld J. E.. W alla Walla.
Merrilees Elm er, Leavenworth,
♦Merrill C. R., Chicago, 111.
Merrill Doane, Benson, Ariz.
♦Merrill D. C., M arlette, Mich.
Merrill E. B., Turley, Kan.
♦Merrill E thel B., Turley, Kan.
♦Merrill E zra J., Grace, Ida.
Merrill George E., E ast Aurora,
N. Y.
♦Merrill H arry , F rankfort, Ind.
♦Merrill H. P „ Benson, Ariz.
M errill L. J.. Mosier, Ore.
♦Merrill R. H., Greenfield, Mo.
Merrill W. W., Fairfield, Me.
Merriman C. L., Kenton, O.
♦Merriman G. J., Corpus Christi,
♦M erritt B. T., Merkel, Tex.
M erritt E. C-, S anta Rosa, Cal.
M erritt G uy. W., Gibson City,

♦M erritt H. L., Seattle, Wash.
♦M erritt J. W., Gainesville, Ga.
M erritt M . F., Wellington, 111.
♦M erritt G. N., Cumming, Ga.
M e rritt R. M ., Albuquerque, N.M .
M e rritt W*. S., Kirklin, Ind.
♦Merry A. H.,New York City.N.Y.
M erry W. D., Caldwell, O.
M erryfleld L. H., Regent, N. D.

♦Merryman A. M., Kinsley, Kan.
M ershon F red J., M cH enry, 111.
Mershon G. B., Cranbury, N. J.
♦Mershon J . H., Acting, Louis­
ville. Ky.
♦Mershon J. W ., Star, Ida.
♦M ertel F. C., M inneapolis,M inn.
♦M erten W. W .,M organville.K an.
Mertens A. P „ Bonnots Mills, Mo.
M ortens c . C., Nicholls, Ga.
♦M ertens E. H., M orrison, Mo.
Mertens H. J., Morrison, Mo.
M ertes B. H .. Newburg, Wis.
♦Merts Milton B„ Huntsville, Ala.
M ertz J. H., B urtrum , M inn.
M ertz P. E ., Jam estown, Cal.
♦M ertz R. T ., Botkins, O.
Mertz W. K., Chandlerville, 111.
Merwin S. C., New York City.N.Y.
M erwin W. M ., Newbern, Tenn.
♦Merz C. J., Pontiac, Mich.
♦Merz G. W., Akron, O.
Meseke W.C.A., A lta Vista, Kan.
♦Meservey B. M., Excelsior
Springs, Mo.
M eservey W.; H ., Excelsior
Springs, Mo.
♦Mesler R. M ., Geneseo, N . Y.
♦Mesmer C. W., Des Moines, la.
Mesnet C. L., Julian, Neb.
Messenbaugh E. T., Braymer, Mo.
Messerli W. D., W adena, Ia.
♦Messersmith W. W., New Or­
leans, La.
♦Messick G. Roland, Georgetown,
Messick L., Hill City, Kan.
♦Messing E . W., N orth Tonaw anda, N. Y.
♦Messman W. F., Tularosa, N. M.
Messner A. C-. Mohawk, Mich.
M essner J. M .. M ott, N. D.

M eyer Paul C., Oourtland, M inn.
♦Meyer P. H „ W ayne, Neb.
Meyer R.. Jr., Lancaster, Wis.
Meyer Robert, New H aven, Mo.
Meyer S. G., Fredericksburg, Pa.
♦Meyer Theo. H ., Willow Lake,
S. D.
♦Meyer W .. Hooper, Neb.
♦Meyer W. E ., W orden, 111.
♦Meyer W . F., J r., Holland, In d .
♦Meyer W. T ., Antigo. Wis.
Meyerhofl E. F., Forsyth, M ont
♦Meyerholz J. H. Jr., New York.
N. Y.
♦Meyers A. C„ Belvidere, 111.
♦Meyers B. M„ Stoutsville, O.
♦Meyers C. F „ Chicago Heights,111.
Meyers E. B., Augusta, Mo.
Meyers F. L., La Grande, Ore.
M eyers G. E., Red Lion, Pa.
M eyers H. E., Palisade, M inn.
M eyers J. H., Gackle, N. D.
Meyers J. O., Reeseville, Wis.
M eyers J. R., Goldengate, 111.
M eyers M . L., Luxemburg, la.
Meyers M. M., Verona, Wis.

M eyers R. G., Robinson, N. D.
Meyers W. F., Stoutsville, O.
M eyers W. F., Shrewsbury, Pa.
♦Meyers W. H., Shrewsbury, Pa.
Meysenburg, R. L„ Grafton, 111.
Michael Anderson. Philip, S. D.
♦Michael B. A.. New Hope, Va. .
Michael E. J., Challis, Ida.
Michael F. C., Le Claire, la .
♦Michael F. R., Bridgewater, la.
Michael G. A., Mobile, Ala.
M ichael H. D., Kilkenny, M inn.
♦Michalesen A. M., Odessa, Wash.
Michall John, Ortonville, Minn.
Michalson C. D., Waverly.Mlnn.
Michaelson M.H., Darlington, Wis.
♦Michel Louis A.. Milford Center,
Messner William, H alstead, Kan. ♦Michels H. C., Flora, 111.
Michels H. C., Germantown, 111.
Metcalf A. M., H ardy, Ark.
♦Metcalf Bryce, N. Y. City, N. Y. Michels M. J., R inard, 111.
Michelsen F. M ., Salt Lake City,
M etcalf C. A., Delavan, N . Y.
U tah.
Metcalf C. D., Batesville, Ark.
♦M ichelstetter A. R., Seym our,
M etcalf D. P., Hooker, Okla.
♦Metcalf E thel, Glen H aven,
♦Michie G uy C., Steele, M o.
♦M etcalf M rs. F. F., Pleasantville, ♦Michoel J. B., Wheeler, Miss.
Mickelsen E. A., K athryn, N. D.
MIckelson A. N., New London,
Metcalf F. T., Pleasantville, la.
M etcalf G., Palo P into, Tex.
Mickelson Iver, York, N. D.
Metcalf J. D„ Shipm an, 111.
♦MIckelson M. H., M ankato, Minn.
Metcalf J . M., Girard, 111.
♦Mickelson T. C., M ankato, M inn.
♦M etcalf M . B., Greenfield, 111.
♦M etcalf N. E., Tippecanoe City. M ickey B. H., W ood Lake, Neb.
M ickey J. H., Osceola, Neb.
Mickey R. S., Morrill, Kan.
Metcalf R., Greenfield, 111.
M iddaugh G. A., E lkhart, Kan.
Metcalf T . S„ Glen H aven, Wis.
♦Middelkamp Clara, Hawk Point,
♦Metcalf W., Shullsburg, Wis.
M etcalf W. B., Santa B arbara,
Middelkamp G.H.,HawkPoint,M o.
M iddelstadt C. O., Monon, Ind.
Metcalf W. H., Foraker, Okla.
Metcalf W. N., E vening Shade, Middelton J. D., Shelbyville, Ky.
Middlebrooks H. L., Sparta, Ga.
MiddlekaufT J. A., Douglass, Kan.
M etcalfe J. F., M cDade, Tex.
♦Middlesworth M ., Cowden, 111.
♦Metcalfe W. P ., Dallas, Tex.
♦M iddleton F. E ., Los Angeles,
Metelman C. A., Sidney, la.
♦Metschies F rank, Plainview, Neb.
Middleton F. L., Winfield, W. Va.
♦M ettler E. P., Toledo, O.
M iddleton G. A., Snohomish .Wash.
Middleton J. R., Hysham , Mont.
Metz C. A., M onterey, Cal.
Middleton O. K.. Blaine. Wash.
♦Metz I. A., Helena, Ark.
M ieghan T . H., Columbia, S. O.
♦Metz W. C., Yorktown, Tex.
Miehls A. J., Deshler, O.
Metzel A. L., Elgin, 111.
Mielenz Fred, Dexter, N. M.
♦M etzgar J. H., Santa Ana, Cal.
♦Mielke H. C.. Good Thunder,
M etzger N athan, Norfolk,. Va.
M inn.
. ,,,
♦M etzler I. S., Los Angeles, Cal.
Mielke H. W., Bird Island, Minn.
Meuwissen F. J., Rolla, N. D.
♦Mewborn J. A., Farm ville, N. C. ♦Mieras F. A., Emerson, Neb.
♦Mleras M. A., Remsen. Ia.
Mewbome L. J., Kinston, N. C.
♦Mierling J. J., Jr., Jamestown,
♦Mewhinney L., Holland, Tex.
N. D.
Mewhlnney L. B., Holland. Tex.
Mlerson B„ Placerville, Cal.
M iertschin T. A., Riesel, Tex.
♦Newhirter D. O., Yorkville, 111.
♦Mighell H. E ., Plano, 111.
♦Mewis A. A., Everly, la.
♦Mignolet J., Denver, Colo.
M eyer A. A., Yoder, Kan.
J. H., L oretto, Neb.
Meyer A. B., Jam estown, Mo.
M ikels Oscar, Dean, Ia.
Meyer A. C. F., St. Louis, Mo.
Mikelson Oscar, Alpha, M inn.
Meyer A. F., Belle Plaine, Minn.
♦Mikkelson O. W., Irene, S. D.
Meyer A. H., Paullina, la.
Mikesell E. C., New Paris, O.
♦Meyer A. S., Valley Mills. Tex.
ikitynski A. I., Chicago; 111.
♦Meyer B. A., Yoder, Kan.
M ilam C. M ., Cartersvi Ue, Ga.
♦M eyer E . H., Elmore, O’.
Milam J. B„ Chelsea, Okl.
Meyer Ella N., Forest. O.
♦Milan Wm. S., N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦M ilbourn J. S., Fairland. Okla.
♦Meyer E. W., Hutchinson, Kan. ♦M
ilburn W. A., M ount Carmel,
Meyer F. J.. Oregon City, Ore.
M eyer F. W., Bronson. Kan.
M eyer G- F., P ort Clinton, O.
Miles A rthur F.. St,George, U tah.
♦Meyer G. W., Bellevue Ky.
♦Miles Anita W., Kingsdown, Kan.
♦Meyer H. M ullen Neb.
Miles A. W., Tippecanoe City. O.
Meyer H. A., Auxvasse, Mo.
♦Miles Bula, Jacksonville, Mo.
♦Meyer H. C., Libertyville 111.
Miles C. A., Cleveland, Tex.
♦Meyer H. E ., Bison, Kan.
Miles C. W., Kingsdown, Kan.
♦Meyer H. F „ Uehling, Neb.
♦Miles O. W., Union City. Tenn.
Meyer H. G., Hooper, Neb.
Miles D. R,, Pioneer, Ia.
Meyer H. G., Lake Elmo, M inn.
♦Miles E. D„ Russell, Kan.
Meyer H. G., Parkers Prairie,
Miles F. F „ Sprague. Neb.
♦Miles George B. Jr., Grafton,
♦Meyer H. L., H ilbert. Wis.
♦Meyer Henry, Chicago, 111.
♦Miles Geo. B.. Jr., Wilsonville,
Meyer J. D., Altoona, Pa.
♦Meyer J. L., Melrose, M inn.
*Miles G. E., Smlthfleld, U tah.
♦Meyer John, Boyd, Wis.
Miles H. B., Prem ont, Tex.
Meyer J. W., Ossian, la.
Miles H. P,, Horsey, Va.
Meyer L. È., Oakharbor. O.
♦Meyer M innie A., E ast Lynne, ♦Miles N ., M ount Carroll, 111.
Miles J. S., M ount Carroll. III.
♦Miles L. H ., Savanna, 111.
♦Meyer O. A., Oswego, 111.

MIley Louis, Mlllersburg, O.
Miliauckas J. G., Pittsburgh.. Pa.
♦MUice M., Riverside, Cal.
Miltkln C. B.t Flowery Branch,Ga.
♦Millan D. N ., San Diego, Oal.
♦Millar E . R., Los Angeles, Cal.
♦Millard Ezra, Omaha, Neb.
Millard G. N ..In tern a tio n al Falls,
Millard H . A., Hersey, Mich.
♦M illard O. L., LeRoy, Mich.
♦Millard P . H., Beaum ont, Tex.
Milleisen M., Bloomsburg, Pa.
♦Millen E. H „ Marion, la.
Millen H. G., Marlon, la.
♦Millen R. W., W. Branch, la.
♦Millen W. H „ Lancaster, S. C.
♦Miller Annie. M illerton, la .
M iller A., Grove City, M inn.
M iller A. A., Tacoma, Wash.
M iller A. A., Fairview, Mich.
Miller A. C., M arietta, Minn.
Miller A. D., Mitchellville, la.
M iller A. E., Austin, Colo.
Miller A. F.. Polk, la.
♦Miller A. F ., Topeka, Kan.
♦Miller A. G., Beaver Dam, Wls.
♦Miller A. G., Grand Rapids, Wls.
Miller A. G., Rock Rapids, la.
Miller A. G., Grantsville, W . Va.
Miller A. H., Cumberland, Wls.
Miller A. J., Dodge, Neb.
♦Miller A. M ., M unday, Tex.
Miller A. O., Backus, Minn.
Miller A. P., P ittsburgh, Pa.
Miller A. P., Ava, Mo.
Miller A. R „ Columbus. Neb.
♦Miller A. W „ Cambria, Va
Miller Alfred, Harvey, 111.
Miller B. C., Forrest, 111.
♦Miller B. F., Laramie, Wyo.
Miller B. H „ Ault, Colo.
Miller B R.. Gordonville, Minn.
Miller Chas., Le Raysvllle, Pa.
♦Miller C. A., Columbus, Wls.
Miller C. A., T erra Alta, W. Va.
♦Miller C. C., Kalona, la .
Miller C. D., Eldorado, O.
♦Miller C. E ., Havelock, la .
♦Miller C. E ., Ford C ity, Pa.
♦Miller C. F., N orcatur, Kan.
♦Miller C. F ., Skidmore, Tex.
♦Miller Chas. F;, Winfield. Mo.
Miller C. G. H arrisburg, Pa.
Miller C. H., Denham Springs, La.
Miller C. H ., Fairview, Mo.
M iller C. J., Laurel, M ont.
♦Miller C. L., R utherfordton. N.C.
♦Miller C. L., St. Paul, Kan.
Miller C. M .. St. Ansgar. Ia.
M iller C. P.. Jewell, Ia.
M iller C. R.. Kankakee. 111.
M iller C. S., Ballinger, Tenn.
Miller C. W., Aberdeen. Wash.
Miller C. W., Jr., Hays, Kan.
M iller D avid, Bay City, Mich.
Miller D. B., Carrollton, Ala.
♦Miller D. 1!., Shenandoah, Ia.
M iller D. J., B ritt, Ia.
♦Miller D. L., Agency, Mo.
Miller D. L., Confluence, Pa.
Miller D. O., Greenfield. O.
Miller D. R., F aith, S. D.
♦Miller E . C., Irving, Tex.
Miller E d ith E.. Gagetown, Mich.
Miller E. E., W orthington, Ind.
♦Miller E. E ., Voltaire, N. D.
Miller E. F., Makanda, 111.
Miller E. G., Brookshire, Tex.
♦Miller E. J., Fairfax, Mo.
M iller E. J., Gregory, Tex.
Miller Edw ard J., Huron, S. D.
♦Miller E. M ., Cumberland, Wls.
Miller E. N., W hitt, Tex.
♦Miller E. O., Longbeach. Cal.
Miller E. P ., Bennettsville, S. C.
♦Miller E rnest, Northville, Mich.
♦Miller F. A., Campbell, Mo.
Miller F. D., Galena, O.
Miller F. H., A ppleton City, Mo.
Miller F. H., Gauley Bridge, W.Va.
Miller F. J., Raymond, Kan.
Miller F. L., Miller, la.
♦Miller F. L., W hitten, Ia.
♦Miller F. M„ Asbury P ark, N. J.
♦Miller F. M ., Baltimore, M d.
Miller F. M., Lakeview, Ore.
Miller F. M„ Ocean Grove. N. J.
Miller F. R., Jo rd an Valley, Ore.
Miller F. R „ Madlsonvllle. O.
M iller F. R., Tiffin, O.
M iller F. S., Big Sandy, Mont.
♦Miller F. T., Franklin, 111.
Miller G., Goodnight, Tex.
♦Miller G. A., T hree Rivers,Mich.
Miller G. A., EastBloom fleld.N .Y .
M iller G. A., Kirklin, Ind.
♦Miller G. B., Carthage, 111.
♦Miller G. B., Westfield, 111.
Miller George, Dallas, Tex.
Miller G. C., Rockville, Ind.
♦Miller G. C., W hitt, Tex.
♦Miller G. D., H untington, W. Va.
M iller G. E ., Aldrich, Mo.
♦Miller G. F,, Indianapolis, Ind.
Miller G. H., M ulberry, ind.
Miller Giles H „ Lynchburg, Va.
M iller G. I., Bery, Ala.
♦Miller G. J., Chicago. 111.
♦Miller G. M., Nam pa, Ida.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

M iller G. M ., H untington, Utah.
Miller G. S., Monee, 111.
Miller G. W., Princeton, Mo.
♦Miller Geo. W., Newton, Tex.
Miller H. A.. Neshkoro. Wis.
Miller H. B., Toppemish, Wash.
Miller H. C., Keytesvlhe, Mo.
Miller H. C., L ittle , Falls, N. Y.
Miller H. C.. Ryder, N. D
♦Miller H. C.. Omaha. Neb.
♦Miller H. D., Clearwater, Neb.
Miller H. D.. Sidney, Ind.
♦Miller H. E ., Eudora, Kan.
Miller H. H., Rothville, Mo.
♦Miller H. L., Sunnyside, Wash.
Miller H. O., Harrisburg, Pa.
♦Miller H. S., Wllmerding, Pa.
M iller H. S., F ayette City, Pa.
Miller H. T„ Batavia. N. Y.
M iller H. T ., K ulpm ont, Pa.
♦Miller H. V., Knightstown, Ind.
♦Miller H. W., Ben Franklin, Tex.
Miller H enry, O ttertail, Minn.
Miller Hugh, Clarinda, Ia.
Miller I. J., Beeville, Tex.
Miller I. O., Palco, Kan.
♦Miller Ira, Freeport, 111.
Miller I. S.. E ast Berlin. Pa.
M iller J. A., Geneva, Ind.
Miller J. B., Alma Center, Wls.
Miller J. B..R ichland Springs,Tex.
♦Miller J. B., Cedar Vale, Kan.
Miller J. C., Bertha, Minn.
♦Miller J. C., Lewistown, Mont.
♦Miller J. C., Palm er, 111.
♦Miller J. C., W alton, Ky.
Miller J. D., Royse City, Tex.
♦Miller J. E., Brownstown, Ind.
♦Miller J. F., Greensburg, Ky.
♦Miller J. F., R ural Hall, N. C.
♦Miller J. G., Pittsburg, Kan.
Miller J . G., Crete, Neb.
Miller J. G., Russellville, O.
Miller J . H., Drake, N. D.
Miller J. H., Healdsburg, Cal.
Miller J. H., Macedonia, 111.
Miller J. H., Churubusco, Ind.
M iller J. H., Thurm ond, W. Va.
Miller J. H., W est Unity, O.
Miller J. J., Gunnison. Colo.
Miller J. J., Ham burg, Pa.
♦Miller J. J., W aterloo, Ia.
Miller J. L., Gordonsville, Minn.
♦Miller J. L.. New York City,
N. Y.
♦Miller J. L., Rawlins, Wyo.
Miller J. L., West Point. 111.
Miller J. M ., Camden, Ind.
Miller J. O., Leonore, 111.
Miller J. O., Lascruces, N. M.
Miller J. O., Pittsburgh, Pa.
♦Miller J. P., Hurley, Wis.
♦Miller J. P., Strasburg, O.
Miller J. R., Litchfield, 111.
♦Miller J. S., M ound City, 111.
♦Miller J. T ., Boone, N. O.
♦Mffiler J. W., Appleton City, Mo.
Miller 0. WT.. Pulaski, Va.
M iller K. A., Gresham, Ore.
♦Miller L. A., Anamosa. Ia.
Miller L. E., Stanberry, Mo.
Miller L. F., B rayton, Ia.
Miller L. G.. Duncan, S. C.
♦Miller L. H „ Winnecpnne, Wis.
Miller L. I., Shlpshewana, Ind.
♦Miller L. L„ Arcanum, O.
Miller L. L., Atwater, O.
Miller L. R.. Anahuac. Tex.
M iller L. V., Moorland, Ia.
Miller Leo, Armington, 111.
Miller LeRoy, Andes, N. Y.
Miller Lynn T., Shepherd, Mich.
♦Miller M . M ., Em m etsburg, Ia.
Miller M. M„ Shannon, Miss.
Miller Mabel V., Kirkland, 111.
Miller N. M., Ottertail, Minn.
♦Miller N. O., Denton, M ont.
♦Miller N. R., Lufkin, Tex.
♦Miller Ö. A., Sparta, Mich.
Miller O. F., Chicago, 111.
Miller O. F., Yarmouth. Ia.
Miller O. L., Newark, 111.
♦Miller O. P., Jr., Modesto, Cal.
M iller O. W., M ahaska, Kan.
•Miller Olive, M rs., Brownsburg.
♦Miller Pauline, Raymond, Kan.
Miller P. H „ Morgantown, Ind.
♦Miller P. H „ St. Louis, Mo.
Miller P. J.. Ilo, Ida.
♦Miller P. R.. Hudson, S. D.
Miller P. V.. Sparks, Kan.
M iller R. A., Newton, Mo.
M iller R. B., Springfield, O.
♦Miller R. E., Beeville, Tex.
♦Miller R. E., Iowa Falls, Ia.
Miller R. G., Bradford, Ia.
♦Miller R. H., Estherville, Ia.
♦Miller R. H., Gauley Bridge, W.
Miller R. H „ Minden La.
M iller R. J., Marshall, Tex.
Miller R. Lorentz. Emaus. Pa.
♦Miller Roy L., Cullison, Kan.
♦Miller R. M ., Boaz, AJa.
Miller R. S.. Gackle, N. D.
♦Miller Rue, Manilla, Ind.
♦Miller 8., Syracuse; Ind
♦Miller S. Alice. Mitchellville. Ia
Miller S. N., Benedict, N. D.
Miller Sumner, Pineblufl, Wyo.
Miller T. A., Ocean Grove, N. JMiller T. B. Greenwood, Mo.

Miller T. D., Alto, Tex.
Miller T. J., New Hope, Ky. •
♦Miller V. O., H untington, U tah.
M iller W., Maysville; Ga.
Miller W ., Oak Ridge, Mo.
M iller-W . A., M arkesan, Wis.
Miller W. A., Puyallup, Wash.
♦Miller W alter, Cantril, Ia.
M iller W arren, Verdi, M inn.
Miller W. B., Groton, S. D.
Miller W. B.,Johnson City.Tenn.
Miller.W. B., Media, Pa.
♦Miller W. B., Staunton, Va.
♦Miller W. C.. Smithville, Tex.
Miller W. F., Irving, Tex.
Miller W. F., Junction City, Kan.
Miller W. H „ Connell, Wash.
Miller W. H., Pittsburg, Kan.
♦Miller W. H., St. Paul, M inn,
Miller Willard, H., Alden, Ia.
♦Miller W. L., Swartz Creek, Mich.
Miller W. N., Ben Franklin, Tex. '
Miller W. P., Milford, Va.
♦Miller W. S., Rockford, 111.
♦Miller W. W.. Allegan, Mich.
M iller W. W., Trenton, S. C.
♦M illett G. H., Philadelphia, Pa.
Millnouse C. E., Miller, Neb.
♦Millhouse M . M ., Alexander,
N. D.
♦Millican J. H., Palatka, Fla.
♦Millican J. L., Gotebo, Okla.
Milligan Jas., Smithshire, 111.
♦Milligan L. M., Rayne, La.
♦Milligan R. E., Ivesdale, 111.
Milligan W. J., Lowville, N. Y.
♦Millikan J. R., Newcastle, Ind.
M illikan T. B., Newcastle, Ind.
M illiken M . H., Lewisville. Tex.
♦Milliken R. E., Kadoka, S. D.
♦Millikln R. C., W est Jefferson, O.
Millington W. B.. Girard. Kan.
Million B., Supply, Okla.
Millis H. A., High Point, N. O.
Millner A. E., Leaksville, N. C.
Mills A. L., Greenville, S. C.
Mills A. L., Hebron, Md.
Mills Ada, Wilton, Ark.
♦Mills Chas. A., Grand Rapids,
♦Mills C. B., Muskogee, Okla.
♦Mills C. B., Aurora, S. D.
♦Mills C. E., Arnold, Neb.
Mills C. E., Milbank, S. D.
♦Mills C. H., Rensselaer, Ind.
♦Mills C. W.. Cameron. 111.
♦Mills David, P ark River, N. D.
♦Mills D. E., Nash, Okla.
Mills E. B., Plainfield, Ind.
♦Mills E. F., Athens, O.
Mills E. L. J., Mancelona, Mich
Mills E. P., Montague, Mich.
Mills G. H.. Bradford, Pa.
Mills Geo. H., Crowder, Okla.
♦Mills G. L., Toledo, O.
Mills H. D., Mooresville, N. C.
Mills J. A., Nevada, Ia.
♦Mills J. F „ Maud, Tex.
Mills John H., Black River Falls,
Mills J. I., Lacona, Ia.
Mills J. R., Obion, Tenn.
Mills J. S., Seymour, Ind.
♦Mills J . S., Berkeley, Cal.
Mills Morriss. Somerville, Tex.
Mills M. P., Heyburn, Ida.
Mills N. Jr., New York, N. Y.
♦Mills R. D., Kingstree, S. C.
Mills R. H., Coshocton, O.
Mills Sherman. W. Alexandria, O.
♦Mills W. A., Marion. Ind.
Mills W. D., Brookshire, Tex.
Millspaugh F. C., Canton, Mo.
Milmine E. L„ Schenectady, N. Y.
♦Milne A. C.. Grand Junction.
♦Milne G., W heatland, Wyo.
♦Milne J. A., Standish, Mich.
Milne J. D., Langdon, N. D.
♦Milner E. L., Weatherford, Okl.
Milner J. E ., Steam boat Springs,
M ilner T. W., Richton, Miss.
Milsten J. O., Belfleld, N. D.
M iltenberger A., St. Louis, Mo.
♦Mlltenberger F., Cortland, Neb.
M ilton Letcher, Faunsdale, Ala
M ilton L. G., ‘Vanburen, Ky.
Mimmes F. W., Trenton, Ky.
Mims D. D., Monroeville, Ala.
Mims E. J., Edgefield, S. C.
Mims Fred, Garden City. Kan.
Mims R. K., Laredo, Tex.
Minch C. B.. Belleville, Wis.
♦Minear M . K., Parsons, W. Va.
Mlnear C. W., Hendricks, W. Va.
Miner Arthur, Mildred, Pa.
Miner F. B.. Charles City, Ia.
♦Miner J. C., Punxsutawney,
M iner R. O., Clements, Kan.
Miner T. H.. Guernsey, Ia.
Minger John, Sunman, Ind.
Mings L. F., Big Sandy, Tex.
Minick C. A., Crawford, Neb.
♦Minier A. M., Highland, Kan.
Minier G. A.. Pearl. 111.
Minier W. E„ Oakland, Neb.
♦Mlnish Mrs. T. M., Union Mills,
N. C.
Mlnish R. W., Gratz, Ky.

♦Mink J . W., Philadelphia,' Pa.
♦Minogue John J., Garfield, N. J.
Minks J. W.. Collins, Mo.
Minor A. B„ Sturgeon Bay, Wis.
M inor C. D., Perryvllle, Ky.
♦Minor F. O., Bend, Ore.
♦Minor H ubbar, Marshfield, Mo.
M inor Jr., R. T ., Charlottesville,
Minor S. W „ Durham, N. C.
Minor W. G.. Cannelton. Ind,
Minor W. R., Bowling Green, Fla.
♦M inier J. P., Como, Tex.
M inier T. F., Jakin, Ga.
M inton J. R „ Seville, O.
M inton Roy J., M aud, Okla.
M lntrup J. A., Union, Mo.
♦Minx H., Lincoln, Kan.
♦Misak E. L., Unionville, M o.
♦Missildine G. E ., Galvia, Ia.
♦Missina John, Kenner, La.
Misson H. H., Slatington, Pa.
M itcham T., Lehigh, Okla.
Mitchel P. R., Bakersfield, Mo.
Mitchell A., Akron. Colo.
M itchell A. B., Pinebluff, WyO.
♦Mitchell A. F., Okemah, Okla. ■
♦Mitchell A rthur N., Acting,’
W ashington, D. C.
♦Mitchell A- &., Lexington, Ky.
Mitchell B. D., Gardner, N. D.
♦Mitchell B. D„* Hillsville, Va.
Mitchell Carl, Tallahassee, Fla.
Mitchell Chas. A., Cherry vale, Kan.
♦Mitchell C. D., E . Prairie, Mo.
♦Mitchell O. D., Pryor, Okla.
Mitchell C. E., Chicago, 111.
Mitchell C. P., Monroeville, Ind.
♦Mitchell C. R.,' Chehalls, Wash.
♦Mitchell C. W., Chadron, Neb.
Mitchell C. W., Childress, Tex.
♦Mitchell C. W., Wilmore, Ky.
♦Mitchell Clyde, Brinkley, Ark.
♦Mitchell D. W., St.Clairsville, O.
Mitchell E. L., Mortonsville, Ky.
Mitchell E. T.. Lima, O.
♦Mitchell F. C., Cpntralia, Mo.
Mitchell F. C.. Proctor, Minn.
Mitchell Floyd, Weidman, Mich.
Mitchell Frank, Swainsboro, Ga.
♦Mitchell F. S., Coffeyville, Kan.
Mitchell F. S., De Ruyter, N. Y.
Mitchell G. A., Lake yilla, 111.
Mitchell G. F., Coin, Ia.
Mitchell G. H., W est End, 111.
Mitchell G. L., Maquoketa, Ia.
Mitchell Geo. Jr., Estill Springs,
♦Mitchell H., Visalia, Oal.
♦Mitchell H. E ., Dover, Okla.
Mitchell H. F „ Sapulpa, Okla.
Mitchell Horace G., Langhorne.Pa.
Mitchell H. H „ Sandersville, Miss.
Mitchell H. P.. Ponchatoula, La.
Mitchell H. W., Madison, S. D.
Mitchell J. A., Northum berland,


♦Mitchell J. B., Weston, W. Va.
Mitchell J. C., Marion, 111.
Mitchell J. C., Parowan, U tah.
♦Mitchell J. G., Sulphur Springs,
Mitchell J. E., Carbondale, 111.
Mitchell J. E ., Jr., Havana, Ark.
♦Mitchell J. J „ Jr., Arcadia, Okla.
♦Mitchell J. J., Tulare, Cal.
Mitchell J. K., P ritchett, Tex.
Mitchell J. L., Bolivar, Tenn.
♦Mitchell J. L „ Greenville, Tex.
Mitchell J. L., St. Paul, Minn.
Mitchell J. P., W inton, N. C.
Mitchell J. S., Brinkley, Ark.
♦Mitchell J. T., Faulkton, S. D.
Mitchell J. W., Cambria, Va.
♦Mitchell Jessie A., Ava, Mo.
Mitchell Kate, Franklin, Tex.
Mitchel] M. A., Hennessey, Okla.
♦Mitchell M. L., Elsberry, Mo.
♦Mitchell Olive, H azlehurst, Ga.
♦Mitchell O. L., McPherson, Kan.
Mitchell Q. J., Linton, Ind.
♦Mitchell R. B., Parm a, Ida.
Mitchell R. E., Venus, Tex.
♦Mitchell R. H.. Chico, Oal.
Mitchell R. J., Verona, Mo.
♦Mitchell R. P., De Queen, Ark.
♦Mitchell R. T., Senatobia, Miss.
Mitchell R. V., Moody, Tex.
Mitchell S. A., Hood River, Ore.
♦Mitchell S. G., Leon, Ia.
♦Mitchell T. J., P ort Clinton, O.
Mitchèll T. S., Talladega Spgs.
♦Mitchell T. W „ Lima, O.
♦Mitchell U rey M ay, Havana,Ark.
♦Mitchell V. V., Monroeville. Hid.
♦Mitchell W. C.. Coleridge, Neb.
♦Mitchell W. F., Kokomo, Ind.
Mitchell W. J., Luana, Ia.
Mitchell W J., New Orleans, La.
Mitchell W. L., V entura, Ia.
♦Mitchell W. M., Ponchatoula, La.
Mitchell W. N., A rnett, Okla.
♦Mitchell W., Rimersburg, Pa.
Mitchell W. S., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Mitchell Wilson, St. Clairs ville, O.
MItchum A. B„ Paris. Tenn.
♦Mithoff Lewis, Lancaster, O.
♦Mithoff T . E .. Lancaster, O.
♦Mitsch Alice, Woodbine, Kan.
Mitsch W H ., Woodbine, Kan.
M ittelheuser Hans, Chicago, 111.

♦M ittelstadt F„ Stanton. Neb.
♦M ittelstadt H ., Shawano, Wis.
*M lttelstaedt E ., Helmville, M ont.
*M itten Rhoda, W orthington, Ind.
M ittendorll L.W., David City.Neb.
M ittle E. N., Bowman, S. C.
Mix C. F., Crookston, Minn.
Mix E. E., New Haven, Conn.
M ix.R. W... Danville. Ia.
Mixon Hugh, M arianna, Ark.
M iyano S., Fresno, Cal.
*Mize A. R., Byron, 111.
♦Mize A. W., Sevierville, Tenn.
Mizell C. W „ Opp, Ala.
Mizell J. A., Robersonville, N. C.
♦Mizener E. B., P ort Clinton, O.
M o E . J , Bigtim ber, M ont.
Moakler J. C., Niagara Falls, N .T .
♦M oats E. T ., Harrisburg, O.
Moats R. H., Ney, O.
M oberly D. O., Calhan. Oolo.
♦M oberly F. D., H um phreys, Mo.
Moberly H. G., Humphreys,M o.
♦M oberly M . C., Calhan. Colo.
M oberly V. T ., St. Louis, M o.
M obley G. S., Live Oak, Fla.
M obley H. L., F o rt Gaines, Ga.
Mobley M. O., Shady Dale, Ga.
♦Mobley W. F., Red Rock, Tex.
♦Mock G. H ., Columbus, O.
Mock John, Jew ett, 111.
♦Mock J. R., Bellefourche, S. D.
♦Mockler J. J., Ilo, Ida.
♦Mockler Nell, H ayw ard, Wis.
♦Moczygemba F.B .,Falls City.Tex.
•Moderwell A. W., Belle Plaine, Ia.
M odih E. P.. M iddle River. M inn.
Modlin W. H „ Ulysses. Neb.
M oe Bernard, Chetek, Wis.
♦Moe E. O., Galesburg, N. D.
♦Moe Fred, Colfax, Wash.
M oe H. G., Groton, N . Y .
♦Moe H enry O., Rice Lake, Wis.
♦Moecker Mary, G rant P ark , 111.
Moeglein Jos.. L ittle Falls, Minn.
Moehle F., Okawville, 111.
♦Moehle W. A., Okawville, 111.
Moehlenpah H. A., Clinton, Wis.
♦Moehling H. E., W averly, Ia.
♦Moeller A. F., Chicago, 111.
Moeller C. W., Everly, Ia.
♦Moeller E., Lake Park, Ia.
♦Moeller ErVin, D ysart, Ia.
♦Moeller F. W., P arskton, S. D.
Moeller G. W., H arris, Ia.
♦M oelter 0 . H ., Lansing, Mich.
♦Moen A. M ., Dodson, M ont.
Moen A. O... MeVille, N. D.
Moen G. J., Fairview, S. D.
♦Moen Geo. O., Stoughton, Wis.
♦Moen Ole, M anchester, M inn.
Moening W., Richm ond. Minn.
♦M oerdyke H. I., Kalamazoo,
♦Moes F. H ., P ilot Rock, Ore.
Moffet A. C., W averly, III.
♦Moflet E. B., Larned, Kan.
♦M offett D. D.. Cloverdale, Ind.
Möffett E. L., Woodruff, Kan
♦Moffett H. S„ Independence, Ky.
Moffett J. R., Clayton, 111.
M offiitt J. K-, San Francisco, Cal.
♦Moffltt Oma E ., M ill Grove, Mo.
Moffltt P . S., Mill Grove, Mo.
Mögen Conrad, W aubay, S. D.
♦Mögen G. C.V Summit, S. D.
♦Mohlenbrock F.,Cam pbellHill,Ill.
Mohlenbrock M.. Campbell Hill,111.
M ohlenhoff J. H ., Andrew, Ia.
♦Möhler H. R ., E phrata, Pa.
♦Mohler H erbert, Cerro Gordo, 111.
M ohlm an J. J., Hansen, Neb.
Mohnay J. M.. Edison, Neb. .
M ohr Henry, Glidden, Ia.
Mohr L. F ., L ockland, O.
♦Mohr R, F., Groton, S. D.
♦Mohr Victor. RockDort, Ind.
♦M ohrhardt K. C., Berkeley, Cal.
♦M ohrman H. O., Charlevoix.
M oir H arry 8., Chico, Cal.
M olander A. G., Victor, S. D.
Molden A. O., Harlow, N. D.
♦Molean S. E ., W illiamsburg, Ky.
Molesworth A. R., Mt. Airy, Md.
♦Moline G. V., Gibbon, Minn.
Moline George; W oodstock, Minn.
M oll C lara D., St. Peter, M inn.
Mollenbrock F.W ., Blackburn, Mo.
♦M ollerstuen C. O., , Flaxville,
M ont.
♦Molleston G. W ., Lineville, Ia.
Molleston R . E., Lineville, Ia.
Moilin A. M.. Genoa, Neb.
♦M ollohan R. P., Grantsville,
W. Va.
♦Molloy W. H ., Berryville, Ark.
M olm H arry G., M orristown,
•M inn.
Moloney A. R ., Chicago, 111.
M olstad Alfred, Lawton, Ia.
♦Molz J . M., H ardtner, Kan.
♦M onahan J. E ., Tonopah, Nev,
♦M onahan W ., Corning, O.
♦M oncrief O. Si, Coolidge, Ga.
♦M oncur F. K ., St. Louis, Mo.
Monfeit H enry, B am ston, Neb.
♦Monfeit S. M., B arnston, Neb.
♦Monfort B. H., P t. W ashington,
N. Y.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

♦Monget O. W., E ast Islip, N. Y.
♦Monk E. B., Los Angeles, Cal.
Monk G. H., Salmon, Ida.
Monk H. E „ Viborg, S. D.
♦Monk H. S., Plym outh, 111.
M onk M . M ., Plym outh, 111.
M onnier J. T ., Uniontown, Ala.
♦M onohan Jas., Chicago, 111.
♦Monroe A. E ., Caledonia, N. Y.
♦Monroe C. B., Howell, Mich.
M onroe C. I., W atervliet, Mich.
Monroe E. G., Leon, Ia.
Monroe E. H., G arden City,
M inn,
♦Monroe F. B., Hopkins, Mo.
♦Monroe F. G., W ilkinsburg, Pa.
♦Monroe H . E ., Ansonia, O.
♦M onroe J. A., Paris, Tex.
♦Monroe P . C., Law ton, Okla.
Monroe T. A., Magnolia. Ark.
♦Monroe T. C., Winslow, Ariz.
♦Monroe W. H., Chicago. 111.
Monsell E. M ., Sand Spgs.,O kla.
M onserud N. O., Sioux Falls. S. D.
M onson E . A., Langley, Wash.
♦M ontague J.’ J.. Chattanooga.
M ontague T. A.. N avina, Oida.
Montedonico V., Memphis, Tenn.
♦M onteford J. J., Reserve, La.
M ontegut Gabriel, Houm a, La.
Montell A rthur C„ Baltim ore, Md.
Montell A rth u r C.. Catonsville.Md.
Montfort L. F., Reynolds, Ga.
♦M ontgom ery A. C., Fairfield, Ala.
♦M ontgomery A. R., Longbeach,
♦M ontgomery Bruce, Columbia,
♦M ontgom ery B., Lewisville, Ark.
Montgomery C. F., New Castle, Pa.
M ontgom ery C. F., O akland, Cal.
M ontgom ery E. L., Coward, S. C.
M ontgom ery E. T.,Lawrencevillle,
Montgomery F. C., Point, Tex.
M ontgom ery G. K., R utland, Vt.
M ontgom ery G. W., Kingsland,
M ontgom ery H. H ., Jacksonville,
♦M ontgomery H. M ., Chinook,


M ontgom ery H. V., Centralia,
Montgomery H. W., Skidmore.Mo.
Montgomery J. W.. Rocky Com­
fort, Mo..
M ontgom ery M . V., Portland,
Montgomery S. S., Memphis, Tex.
M ontgom ery T . G., Baker, Ore.
Montgomery T. L., Coshocton, O.
M ontgom ery W. A. Jr., Edw ards,
♦M ontgom ery W. E ., Newbern,
♦M ontgom ery W. J. H., Wolf
P oint, M ont.
M ontgom ery W. J., New York
C ity, N. Y.
Montgomery W. S., Fredonia, Pa.
♦Montgomery W. T„ Mountain
Home. Ida.
♦M onti C. A., Genoa, Wis.
♦M oody C. D., N ora Springs, Ia
M oody C. W., W entworth, Mo.
Moody E. C., N ora Springs, Ia.
Moody E. D., Dennison, O.
M oody E . R ., New Y ork City,
N. Y /
M oody F rank M ., Tuscaloosa,
♦Moody G. A., M ount Sterling,

Moody H. S., A thens, Tenn.
Moody M. E., P lan t City, Fla.
♦Moody T. E ., P lan t City, Fla.
♦M oody R. M ., Tulsa, Okla.
Moody W. L. 3rd, Galveston, Tex.
Moody W . V., Uhrichsville, O.
♦Mooman W.C., Petersburg,W .V a.
Moomaw G. C., Dublin, Va.
M oomaw W. R., Stone Creek, O.
M oon Jr. A. F., Cartersville, Va.
♦Moon E . W.. Richland Center,
♦Moon H. E., C ourtland, Kan.
♦Moon L. E .. M em phis, Tenn.
Mooney F. L., N orth P latte, Neb
♦Mooney O. K., Chillicothe, 111.
Mooney O tto, Birm ingham , Ala.
Mooney R . E., Knoxville, Tenn.
♦Mooney T. F., San Antonio,Tex.
Mooney T. M„ Bridgeport, 111.
Mooney W . C. Jr,. Woodsfield. O.
♦M ooneyham R. F., Herrin, 111.
M oor J. W.. Toccopola, Miss.
♦Moore A. B., Hollister, Mo.
Moore A. E., Delia, Kan.
M oore A. J., Corvallis, Ore.
♦Moore A. J., Greenville, N. C.
♦Moore. A. J., La H arpe, 111.
♦Moore A. J., Sikeston, Mo.
♦Moore Alva E „ Minneola, Kan.
Moore A. M., B alaton, Minn.
Moore A. M., F aulkton. S. D.
Moore A. P ., Bristol, Tenn.
M oore A. P ., Bristol, Va.
Moore A. R., Sherwood, Mich.
♦Moore A. W., Oakland, Cal.
Moore A. W., Cowdeh, 111.
Moore A. Z„ Shelby, Mich.

♦M oore B. C., M erkel, Tex.
♦Moore B. C., T rent, Tex.
♦Moore B. M„ Timewell, 111.
M oore B- T ., Brady, M ont.
♦Moore 0 . B., Greensburg, P a
♦Moore Charles, Parnell, Ia.
♦Moore C. C., Clarion, Pa.
Moore C. J., Dayton, O.
♦Moore Clarence,Meyersdale, Pa.
M oore C. L., Jr., Osceola, Ark.
♦Moore C. P „ Lacrosse, Wash.
♦Moore C. W.. Green Castle, Mo.
♦Moore D. F., Jr., Brunson, S. C.
Moore D H., Athens, O.
♦Moore D. W., Danville, 111.
Moore E. C., Holabird, S. D.
Moore E . E., Loretto, Minn.
Moore E . L., Broxton, Ga.
♦Moore E. L., W alnut Ridge, Ark.
Moore E. M„ Roanoke, Ala.
Moore E. N.. F t. Recovery, O.
♦Moore F. A., Grafton, N. D.
♦Moore F. J., Lisbon. O.
♦Moore F. L., W. Farm ington, O.
M oore F. W., Lennon, Mich.
♦Moore G. A., Loretto, M inn.
Moore G. A. G.. T urner. Ore.
♦Moore G. C., P ittsburgh, Pa.
Moore G. D., Charlestown, W.Va.
♦Moore G. D.. P ortland, Tenn.
Moore G. G.. K ansas City, Mo.
♦Moore G. H arvey, N am pa, Ind.
♦Moore G. L., Lauderdale, Miss.
♦Moore G. M„ Frankenm uth.M ich.
Moore G. O., Newman, 111.
M oore G. O., Rome, Tenn.
♦Moore G. T ., E l Paso, Tex.
M oore G. W.. Middlesboro, Ky.
♦Moore H. A., Burnside, ill.
♦Moore M rs. H. C., Burney, Ind.
♦Moore H. D.. Long Beach, Cal.
Moore H. C.. Bartlesville, Okla.
M oore H. O., Burney, Ind.
Moore H. C., Grand Chain, 111.
Moore H. C., Alma, Mich.
♦Moore H . C., Upland, Cal.
♦Moore H. E ., C ourtland, Kan.
Moore H. G., Wellman, Ia.
M oore H. H., Keystone, Okla.
♦Moore H arry R., Chicago, 111.
♦Moore H. S., Piggott, Ark.
♦Moore H. W., Charlotte, N. C.
M oore Ira A., Varina, Ia.
Moore Isaac S„ Duluth, Minn.
♦Moore J. A ., Jr., B alaton, Minh.
♦Moore J. A., Stanberry, Ma.
♦Moore Jam es, Philadelphia, Pa.
Moore J. B.. Smithville. Tenn.
♦Moore J. C., E arl, Ark.
♦Moore J. C., Miles C ity, M ont.
♦Moore J. C., Smithville, Tenn.
M oore J. D., Nashville, Ark.
M oore J. E ., M arkham , Okla.
♦Moore J . E „ H am ilton, Tex.
♦Moore J. F., Green Camp, O.
M oore J. F ., Mocksville, N. C.
♦Moore J. F., Prospect, O.
Moore J. H.. Oketo, Kan.
♦Moore J. I., Dexter, Mo.
♦Moore Josepn M ., Bishopville,
M d.
Moore J. M„ Gardner, Mass.
Moore J. N.. Ash Grove. Mo.
M oore Jam es O., Los Angeles, Cal.
♦Moore Johnson, Van Buren, Ark.
Moore Jos. W.. Brookfield. Mo.
Moore J. R., Gordo, Ala.
Moore J. R. Jr., Shelby, N. C.
M oore J. T., Jellico, Tenn.
Mooie J. W., Jasper, Ark.
Moore J. W ., Newtown, Mo.
Moore J. W ., Las Animas, Colo.
Moore J . W.. Raeford. N. C.
Moore Karl J., Pryor, Okla.
♦Moore K. P., T raer, Ia.
♦Moore L., Warsaw, N. C.
Moore L. B., Bellevue, Tex.
M oore L. B., D arden, Tenn.
M oore L. N ., Mitchellville, Tenn.
Moore Louis H., Blaine, Wash.
♦Moore L. T ., Ridgely, Tenn;
Moore M. A., Union, S. C.
♦Moore M arion, Sheridan, Ind.
♦Moore M. E., K ent City, Mich.
M oore M . M ., Cascade, M ont.
♦Moore M. N., Mitchell, Ind.
♦Moore N. A., D ecatur, Tex.
Moore N. L., Mitchell, Ind.
Moore N. R., Ravenden, Ark.
Moore O. J., Scotland Neck, N. C.
M oore O. W., Allerton, 111.
M oore P . W., Califon, N. J.
♦Moore Raym ond, Boise, Ida.
♦Moore R . B., Independence, K an.
Moore R. E ., Phoenix, Ariz.
M oore R. J., M t. Calm. Tex.
♦Moore R. S.. Sharon, Tenn.
Moore R. U., Findlay. O.
Moore* R. W., M arcus, la.
Moore S. A., Greenville, S. C.
♦Moore S. E., Crewe, Va.
Moore S. H., S tuarts D raft, Va.
Moore Sidney, K ansas City, Mo.
♦Moore S. L., Commerce, Tex.
Moore S. R „ Holton, Kan.
♦Moore T. C., Ozark, Ark.
♦Moore T. F., Somers, Ia.
♦Moore T. H ., Jarbalo, Kan.
Moore T. I., Marion, Ala.
♦Moore T. M .. F aulkton, S. D.
♦Moore Thos. W ., M agazine, Ark.
M oore V. K., Au Sable Forks,
N. Y.
♦Moore W illiam, Ellington, Mo.
♦Moore W ebster, Louisville, Ky.

♦Moore W. F.. Webb City, Mo.
♦Moore W. G., W alton, N. Y.
Moore W. H., Mt. Kisco, N. Y.
M oore W. H., W ilmington, N. C.
Moore W. H. H., Martel, Neb.
Moore W. L., Bloomington, 111.
Moorer D. F., Fairfax, S. C.
Moores E. B., San Pedro, Cal.
♦Moores, H. W., Lexington, Ky.
Moorhead F. W., Junction City,
♦Moorhous D. H., Monticello, Ind.
♦M oorman, Aubrey, Leitchfleld,
M oorman C. C.. Ranger. Tex.
M oormon W. A., Portland, Ind.
♦Moors A. C., Friendship, Wis.
Moorse M . J.. M inneota, M inn.
Moose Clifton, M orrillton. Ark.
Moose J. C., Hum eston, la.
Mooser A. H., Grass Valley, Cal.
M ooty J. W., Trosky, M inn.
♦M oran C. H., Dresden, Tenn.
♦Moran C. L., Leroy, Tex.
♦Moran John, Em ery, 8. D.
Moran R. A., Millsap, Tex.
Moran S. J., Deer River, Minn.
Moran V. W., Bloomfield, Mo.
Moran W. W.. Boswell, Okl.
More H. C., Brownsville, Tex.
More S. G„ Buffalo, N. D.
Moreau F. E „ Marksville, La.
♦Morehart H. J., Vanlue, O.
♦M orehead L. H., Barada, Neb.
♦Morehead J . D., Sebree, Ky.
♦M orehouse G., L ittle River, Kan.
♦Morehouse W. R., Los Angeles,
♦Morel H. A., Clifton, 111.
Morel M. L., Clifton. 111.
M oreland E. F., Parsons, Tenn.
M oreland H. D., Philom ath, Ore.
Moreland H. W., Howe, Okl.
♦Morel! W. N . Jr., Verndale. M inn.
Morford J. F rank, Onaway, Mich.
Morford L. M„ Newton, N. J.
♦Morgan Alfred, Cotter. Ia.
♦Morgan A. M. S., Charlestown,
W. Va.
Morgan B., Castlewood. S. D.
♦Morgan B. V., Wagner, S. D.
Morgan C. E „ Litchfield, 111.
♦Morgan C. G., Baltimore, Md.
•♦Morgan C. S.,Hillsboro, Tex.
M organ E . G. Jr., Spencer, Ia.
Morgan E. J., Geneva, O.
M organ E. J., N evada City, Cal.
Morgan E. L., Chesterton. Ind.
Morgan E . W., Malone, Tex.
♦Morgan F., Rayville, La.
Morgan F. A., Olds, Ia.
♦M organ F. B., Central, S. C. .
Morgan F. N., Poughkeepsie,N.Y.
♦Morgan F. R., Wapello, Ia.
M organ F red H., Mission, Tex.
M organ F. V., Kellogg, la.
Morgan G. A., Virginia City, Nev.
Morgan H. P ., Cuba, N. Y.
Morgan J. A., Brazil, Ind.
Morgan J . B., Inland, Neb.
♦Morgan J. E ., Providence, Ky.
M organ J. F., Piedm ont, Ala.
M organ J. H., E nterprise, Ala.
Morgan J . M., Chetopa, Kan.
M organ J. O., Fairm ont, W. Va.
Morgan J. R.. Whitwell, Tenn.
♦M organ K. P. Floyd, Vai
M organ L. A., Perrysville, Ind.
♦M organ L. C., Frost, Tex.
Morgan L. J.. Pineview, Ga.
Morgan M. R „ Eagle Rock, Va.
Morgan M. R., Foxburg, Pa.
Morgan R. B.. Floyd, Va.
M organ Reuel, G rand Junction,
Morgan S. G., Mebane. N. C.
Morgan S. L., Pittsfield. 111.
M organ S. P., Casa Grande, Ariz.
Morgan W., Grafton, W. Va.
Morgan W. E „ Cleveland, Mo.
♦Morgan W. F., Uvalde, Tex.
M organ William A., Brooklyn,Ind.
Morgan W. L., Cumberland, Md.
♦Morgan W. T., Pipestone, Minn.
Morgenson A. F.. Vesper, Kan.
♦M orgenthaler H. R., Rockport,
♦M orhart W . W., Holden, Mo.
M oris H. A., M uskegon Heights,
♦Moyisson M . J., Wise, Va.
♦M oritz L. D., Virginia City,
M ont.
M oritz M ., Hayland, Neb.
Morken A. L., Cumberland, Wis.
Morken O. J., Buford, N. D.
Morley J. M., Severance, Kan.
♦Morley N. T., Yorkville, 111.
Morlock F.H.,GoodThunder,M inn.
M omeau F. P., W ahkon, Minn.
♦Morneau P . M., W ahkon, Minn.
M orner F. E ., Prentice, Wis.
M orphew G. A., Magnolia, 111.
M orrell W. D., Canyon, Tex.
♦M orrett A. L., Corydon, Ia.
Morrill D. C., Big Rapids, Mich.
♦Morrill H. N., GrandRapids.Mich.
♦Morrill, W. R., Newport, Me.
♦Morrill Wesley, K ent, Wash.
Morris A., W innsboro, Tex.
M orris A. A., Ringling, Okla.

♦Morris A. D., K entland, Ind.
Morris B. E., Como, Tex.
M o m s B. O., Mocks ville, N. C.
♦Morris C. B., Noel. Mo.
♦Morris C. C., Colorado Springs,
♦Morris C. L., E lburn, 111.
♦Morris Chas. M., Milan, Mo.
M orris D an, Kearney, Neb.
♦Morris E. E., Sabetba, Kan.
♦Morris E. G., El Reno, Okl.
♦Morris E. J., M cIntosh, S. D.
Morris E. M., Bennington, Kan.
♦Morris E. O., Ansley, Neb.
♦Morris E. S., Swink, Colo.
M orris F. Jr., Gainesville, Tex.
Morris F . F., Ireton, la.
Morris F. P., Swink, Colo.
♦Morris G. A., Seymour, Tex.
♦Morris G. C., Vernon, Tex.
M orris G. E ., Freeport, Tex.
Morris G. L., MiddleboUrne, W.Va.
Morris I. A., 'Winters, Cal
♦Morris I. G., C anton, Tex.
♦Morris J., M orris C ity, 111.
M orris J. A.. Rhonesboro, Tex.
Morris John B., Wells, Kan.
♦Morris J. H., Vineland. N. J.
Morris J. H „ Seattle, Wash.
Morris J. J., W ayland, N. Y.
Morris Joel T., S parta, Mo.
Morris Jo h n E „ Dawson, Ga.
Morris Jo h n S., W estport, Ind.
♦Morris L. H., M itchell, S. D.
Morris L. T.. W atertow n, S. D.
♦Morris M . E ., Sparta, Ga.
♦Morris M . E ., A itkin, M inn.
♦Morris Olive C., Lyndon, Kan.
♦Morris O. C., Tecumseh, Okla.
M orris O. E ., Fairview, W. Va.
•Morris Opel, Caldwell, Ohio.
M orris R. A., Fairm ount, Ind.
M orris R. A., P ittsburg, Tex.
M orris R. B., Woonsocket, S. D.
Morris R. N., Lyndon, Kan.
♦Morris S. D., Goff, Kan.
♦Morris S. E ., Fulton, S. D.
Morris Stephen, F o rt W ayne, Ind.
Morris Stonewall, Newark, Mo.
M orris T. T ., Providence, Ky.
Morris W. A., Loganton, Pa.
Morris W alter, Dover, Del.
Morris W . B., Pom eroy, Wash.
Morris W. D. J., St.Michaëls, Md.
♦Morris W. E „ Edwardsville, Pa.
M orris W. E ., Indianapolis, Ind.
Morris W. E „ Stockton, Cal.
Morris W. F.. Pendleton, Ind.
Morris W. H., Oakdale, Neb.
M orris W. L., Holly, Colo.
Morris W. N., Samson. Ala.
Morris W. S„ Belfield, N. D.
♦Morris W. T ., Camden, Tenn.
Morris W. W., Parkdale. Ark.
♦Morrisette J. E., Tarboro, N. C.
♦Morrish W. F., Berkeley, Cal. .
♦Morrison A. D., Green City, M o.
M orrison C. W ., Frohna, Mo.
♦Morrison E . L., Charleston,
W. Va.
M orrison L. G., A rtnur, 111.
♦Morrison O. F., R upert, W. Va.
♦Morrison R. B., Harrisville, P a.
Morrison R. J., Boscobel, Wis.
♦Morrison W. C., G rundy Center,
la .
♦Morrison W. G., H em pstead,Tex.
M orrison W. H ., Big Clifty, Ky.
M orrjss G. A., M ounds, Okl.
Morriss M. M., Glade Spring, Va.
Morriss W. E., Cheneyville, La.
M orrissey E. J., Valeria, la.
♦Morrow C. A., Joy, 111.
M orrow C. H., H am let, N. C.
Morrow C. L., Madison, Fia.
Morrow D. R ., Blacksburg, S. C.
Morrow E. F., Terrell, Tex.
♦Morrow E. Z., Bloomfield, la.
Morrow F. E., Stam ford, Tex.
Morrow F. I., Madison, N. J.
Morrow G., Inavale, Neb.
♦Morrow J. G., Fairbanks, Alaska.
♦Morrow J. G., Anacortes, Wash.
Morrow J. H., Moore, Mont.
M orrow J. L., Waynesboro, Tenn.
Morrow Johnson, Callao, Mo.
M orrow L. C., Safety H arbor. Fla.
Morrow Mark, Percival, la .
Morrow N. R., Riverton, Neb.
Morrow O. L., Fortville, Ind.
♦Morrow P. J., Modale, la.
M orrow R. E ., Gladstone, N. D.
♦Morrow R. S., Bluffton, Ind.
M orse A. P., St. Ignatius, M ont.
Morse C. H., Belgrade, Mont.
♦Morse C. R., Bethel, Conn.
M orse E . D., Clarks Summit, Pa.
♦Morse E. L., Abilene, Kan.
Morse E dgar L„ Upland, Neb.
Morse E. T., Freeport, 111.
Morse H. W., Clayton, N. Y.
Morse J . D., Gifford, 111.
Morse J. F., Grayslake, 111.
M orse J. N. Jr., B urt, Mich.
Morse J. S. Jr., Phillipsburg, Kan."
Morse J. W., Blackwell, Okl.
M orse M . M ., Spring Lake, M ich.
Morse M. R., Mays Landing, N. J.
Morse W. H ., Bingham ton, N. Y.
Morse W. H., Tylertown, Miss.
♦Morse W. I.. Marlboro. Mass.
♦Morsey W. L. Jr. W arrenton, Mo.
♦Morsman R. P., Omaha. Neb.
♦M orstad A. J., Boyd, M inn.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Mort I. R., Hill City, Kan.
♦Mouton J. E „ L aF ayette, La
M ortashed W. H., Harrison, O.
Mouw Neal, Sioux Center, Ia.
♦M ortensen C. J., Ord, Neb.
Movius M. O., Lidgerwood, N. D.
M ortimer F. G., Berkeley, Cal.
♦Mowbray F. D., Jefferson, Okla.
♦Morton A. W „ Chicago, 111.
♦Mowery S. H ., Jeffersonville. O.
Morton C. M., Geneseo, 111.
Mowery W. H., Cairnbrook, Pa.
♦M orton C. R., Dinuba, Cal.
Mowrer H. S., Ocean City, N. J.
Morton C. W., Max, N. D.
♦Mowry May B.. Holyoke, Colo.
♦M orton Charles, Ocheyedan, la. Mowry S. M., Sarles, N. D.
♦M orton D. V.. Richmond. Va.
Moxley C. E., Hallstead, Pa.
Morton E. R., B attle Creek, Mich. Moxness Alfred, Andover, S. D.
Morton F . A., Russellville, Ky.
♦Moxness O. A., Circle, M ont.
Morton J., Orange, Va.
♦Moxon H., Detroit, Mich.
♦Morton J. E „ Des Moines. Ia.
M oyd D. L., Andrews, S. C.
Morton J. E.. Graham, Va.
M oyer Allen R., Boyertown, Pa.
M orton J. W., Athens, Ga.
Morton O. B„ Monroe, La.
Moyer C. H „ Allentown, Pa.
♦Morton O. S., Richmond, Va.
Moyer C. J., Bloomington, 111.
♦M orton R. L „ Jr., Webb City, M oyer H. R., St. Clair, Pa.
Moyer J . D„ Quakertown, Pa.
M orton T. J., Evansville, Ind.
Moyer J. F., Catasauqua, Pa.
♦Morton W. G., Weir, Kan.
M oyer R. J., W orthington, Mo.
♦Mosby S. A., Phillipsburg, O.
Moyer R. T., Philadelphia, Pa.
Mosby Samuel, Elgin, Ia.
♦Moyer S. L., M ontevideo, M inn.
Moseley A. E., Goltry, Okla.
Moyers D. H., Ferris. T e x .'
Moseley A. L„ Calhoun, Ky.
♦Moyers J. J., Fayetteville, Tenn.
♦Moseley F. L., Louisville, Ky.
♦Moyers M. T., Whitesville, N. C.
Moseley Fred R., Ashtabula, O.
Moyers P. A., Smith Center, Kan.
♦Moseley James, Anderson, Ia.
Moyers W. R., Weiner, Ark.
Moseley J. O., Concordia, Kan.
♦Moseley J. R., Anderson, S. C
Moyes R. A., Ogden, U tah.
Moseley P. C., Chatham , La.
♦Moylan B urt, Rolla, N. D.
Moseley R. H .p LoWhdesville, S.C. Moyle D. V., Elkins, W. Va.
♦Moseley W. D., West Point. Mozanek Joseph, Alma, IU.
♦Muck J. J.. Lindsay, Neb.
♦Moser B. W., St. Louis, Mo.
M uck Roy, Helenville, Wis.
♦Moser E dna T., Osborn, Mo.
Muckenfuss W. W., Aiken, S. C.
♦Moser J . F.. W apakoneta. O.
Muckley M . M ., Waynesburg, O.
♦Moser P . J.. Monroe. Wis.
♦Mudd C. B ., St. Charles, Mo.
Mudd L. R., Reno, Nev.
Moses F. A., G reat Bend, Kan.
Mudd M. A., Chester, 111.
Moses P. L., Chelsea. Mass:
♦M udgett C. F., VaUey City, N. D.
Mosgrove H. L „ Garrison, Neb.
♦Muecke C., Westhoff, Tex.
Mosher C. D., Centerville. Mich.
M uehlenpfordt C.H .,Lockport,Ill.
♦Mosher N. W„ Sandwich, 111.
Muelin P . J., Friend. Neb.
♦Mosher S. P., Dowagiac, Mich.
Mosher Stafford, Canajoharie.N.Y. ♦Mueller A rthur M ., Ada, Minn.
Mosiman E. E., Gahanna, O.
Mueller C. A., Rockland, Mich.
Mosler G. M., Cincinnati, O.
♦Mueller Conrad, St. Paul, Mo.
Mosley William, Jr., Hickory,Okla Mueller C. W., Wrlghtstown, Wis.
Mueller D. H „ W alnut, Ia.
Moss B., Ableman, Wis.
Mueller E . C., 'I’ipton, Kan.
Moss C. D., Lake Charles, La.
Mueller F. A., Pleasanton, Neb.
Moss C. H., Ishpeming, Mich.
♦Mueller H. A., St. Charles, Ia.
Moss O. O., Gradyville, Ky.
Mueller H., St. Louis, Mo.
♦Mueller J. F., Dayton, O.
♦Moss C. R., Orleans, Ind.
♦Mueller J. H., Tripoli, Ia.
Moss D.. Iola, 111.
♦Mueller O. H., Erskine, Minn.
♦Moss E. B., Creedmoor, N. C.
♦Mueller R. E., Altenbury, Mo.
Moss E. L., Thornton, Tex.
Muellerleile A., Ham pton, Minn.
Moss E. Q., Morrison, Okl.
♦Muenzenmayer H. A., Junction
♦Moss F., Defiance, O.
City, Kan.
Muenzenmayer W. F., Junction
Moss F rank A., St. Marys, Kan.
City, Kan.
Moss F. J., Bowie, Texas.
Muesse H. L., Wellsville, Kan.
♦Moss J . E ., Decatur, Neb.
♦Muffelmann H. J., Gaylord,Minn.
♦Moss J. Lee, Lewisburg, Tenn.
Mugg I. N., Brownsburg, Ind.
Moss J. S., Hico, Tex.
Muggli Joseph, Ringling, M ont.
♦Moss J. T., St. Marys, Kan.
♦Moss L. C., Calhoun, Ga.
Muggli John, Rlchardton, N, D.
♦Moss L. H.. New Orleans, La.
♦Muggli Louise, Rockville, Minn.
♦Muggli Zeno. Ringling, M ont.
Moss M. M ., Llano, Tex.
♦Muir E. J., Rockford, Mich.
Moss O. E „ Fairfield* Wash.
♦Muir H. L., Bardstown, Ky.
M uir J. W., Bardstown, Ky.
♦Moss P. E., Lincoln, Kan.
Muir N. J.. Bloomfield, Ky.
♦Moss R., Dixon, Cal.
Moss W. Hall, Philadelphia, Tenn.
Muirhead David, Dresden, Kan.
♦Moss W. S., Macedonia, 111.
Mulflnger J. C., Seward, Neb.
Mostrom Fred, Ceresco, Neb.
M ulholland W. J., Maize, Kan.
♦M othersead C. H., Albany, Mo.
♦Motherwell R. B., Aberdeen, ♦Mulkey B. W., Vale, Ore.
M uikey C. J., Madison, S. C ,
♦Mullaney J. D„ Wentworth, S. D.
♦M otley G. H., Tenaha, Tex.
Mulle J. H., W itten, S. D.
Motley L., Tenaha, Tex.
♦Motley W. R. Jr., Marshall, Tex. ♦Mulle Mrs., Loretto, Neb.
♦Mullen Elmer, Atwood, Kan.
Motlow T., Lynchburg, Tenn.
♦Motsinger Freeman, Carriers ♦Mullen J. T ., San Francisco, Cal.
♦Mullen J. V., Livingston, 111.
Mills, 111.
♦Mullen M. V., St. Paul, M inn.
♦M ott Edwin, St. Paul, M inn.
Mullen O. W., Forest City, Mo.
♦M ott Fay, Blytheville, Ark.
M ott J. A., Blytheville, Ark.
Mullendore C., Hominy. Okl.
M ott J . H., Jamestown, Kan.
Mullendore O. V., Cleveland, Okl.
M ott L. W., Oswego, N. Y.
Mullendore R. F., Osage, Okl.
M ott M. C., Stockport, Ia.
Mullenix C. W., Unionville, Mo.
♦Mott Orra, Prescott, Mich
Muller G. A., St. James, Mo.
♦Muller F. W „ Royal, Neb.
M otter G. O., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
♦Muller G. J., Bay St. Louis,
♦M otter H. R., Oto, Ia.
M iss..
M otter J. L., Williamsport, Md.
Muller H. J., McGill, Nev.
♦M ottern R. J., Bristol, Tenn.
Muller J. L., Livingston, Tex.
Motz A. W., Loudonville, O.
Muller Theo. C., Acting, Topeka,
Mouat H. L., Pasadena, Cai.
Mougin A. E., Elizabeth, 111.
♦Mullican R. C., Hamlet, N. CMould M. H., Baraboo, Wis.
Mulligan E. W., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
♦Mould T. M., Baraboo, Wis.
♦M oulden K. B., Central City, Ky. ♦Muliiken J. P., Raleigh, N. C.
♦Mullin G. M., Tazewell, Va.
♦Muffin T. F., P ittston, Pa.
Moulton A. C., Meeker, Colo.
♦Muffin W. A., Urbana, 111.
Moulton C. G.. Limerick, Me.
Moulton F. H., Bannister, Mich. Mullin W. J., Aredale, la .
Moulton Irving F „ San Francisco,
♦Mullinix Ray, Cherokee, Okla.
Mullinnix W. R., Iva, S. D.
♦Moulton L. J., Boulder. Colo.
Mullins B. H., Linneus, Mo.
♦Moultrie H. H., Olron, Tenn.
♦Moultsby J. A., Whitesville, N. C. ♦Mullins J. S., Tonopah, Nev.
♦Mullins R. C,, Linneus, Mo.
Mount A. J., Oakland, Cal.
Mount J.C arr, Highland Falls.N. Y. Mullins S. W., Holly Springs,Miss.
Mullis J. A., Bartow, Ga.
M ount W. F., Aitkin, Minn.
Mullowney E. H., Lincoln, Neb.
♦M ountain R. D., Ism ay, M ont.
♦Mullowney G. E., Warden, Wash.
Mountjoy J . E», Warsaw, Ky.
♦M ountjoy M yron, Twin Bridges, Mullowney I. H., W arden, Wash.
M ulva J. B., Redgranite, Wis.
M ont.
♦Mulvane F. D„ New ComersMousel A. A., Cambridge, Neb.
town, O.
Mousel Charles, Wilsonville, Neb.
♦Mulvane S. B„ New Comerstown,
♦Mousel H. P., H artley, Ia.
Mumma H. K., Hagerstown, Md.
♦Mouton F. V., La F ayette, La.

♦Mumme T. H., Sandia, Tex.
Mum m e W. T., Sandia, Tex.
Munday Edward. McCune, Kan.
♦Mundell J. A„ Stilwell, Kan.
Mundil F. F., Linwood. Neb.
♦Mundil I. D., Linwood, Neb.
♦M undt F., H arrisburg, S. D.
Munger C. W., Franklin, O.
♦Munger F. H., W averly, Ia.
♦Munger H. M ., Cazenovia, N. Y.
M unger W. T., Lam pasas, Tex.
Munn D. G.. Ozark. Ala.
♦M unn F. A., Olanta, S. C.
M unn L. K., Beloit, Wis.
M unn Otis J.. Argyle. Mich.
Muhns C. P., Hoisington, Kan.
Munroe G. D., Quincy, Fla.
♦Munsell Dayton. El Reno, Okla.
Munseÿ G. P., Laconia, N. H.
M unsey O. C., Cavalou, Mo.
♦Munson Clyde A., Hawkey, Ia.
Munson Cora M ., Quinn, S. D.
♦Munson F. G., Alva, Okla.
♦Munson H. E „ Torrington, Conn.
♦Munson Marie B., Newark, III.
♦Munson O. P., Granville, N. Y.
♦Munsterman E. H., W atseka, 111.
Murchison A. H., Vernon, Tex.
Murchison A. P ., Hereford, Tex.
♦Murchison D. R., Jr., 'El Paso,
M urchison Howard, Rentz, Ga.
Murdoch T. M„ Sioux Rapids, Ia.
♦Murdock Em er W., Heber, U tah.
♦Murdock J. L'., Chino, Cal.
M urdock Jam es, Morse, Kan.
M urcock O. W., Hartw ick, N. Y.
Murdock S. W., Red Bluff, Cal.
♦Murine N. S., Seymour, Tex.
M urley H., Platteville, Wis.
M urphey A. T., Waynesboro; Ga.
Murphey W. J., Newcastle, Ind.
M urphree J. D., Troy, Ala.
M urphree K., Troy, Ala.
M urphree R., Huntsville, Ala.
Murphy A. K., Newburg, Ia.
♦Murphy C. A., Bellevue, Ia.
♦Murphy C. E., Clyde, Kan.
Murphy C. H., El Dorado, Ark.
Murphy David, Mexia, Tex.
Murphy D. J., Granite City, 111.
M urphy E . H ., P ayette, Idaho.
♦M urphy E. T ., Ashland, Mo.
Murphy F rank, Callaway, Minn.
Murphy H. A., Harrisburg, III.
♦M urphy H erbert, Grion, Mich.
Murphy Hugh, W aterloo, 111.
Murphy J. E„ Crandall, Tex.
♦M urphy J. E., Missouri Valley,
♦M urphy J. E., Ashland, O.
Murphy J. J., New England,N-D.
Murphy J. R., Bartow, Ga.
M urphy J. W., R upert, Ida.
♦Murphy J. W., Benkelman, Neb.
Murphy John, Reynolds, N. D.
M urphy J. T., Hanover, Kan.
♦Murphy Leo, Denison, Tex.
♦M urphy L. J., K it Carson, Colo.
♦M urphy L. V., Le Raysville. Pa.
♦M urphy L. W., Sublette, Kan.
Murphy M. J., Scranton, Pa.
Murphy M. O., Woodward, Okl.
♦M urphy P. E .. Junction City,
♦M urphy P . H-. Townsend,1M ont.
♦Murphy P. R., Minier, 111.
♦Murphy P. W„ Ainsworth, Neb.
Murphy R. D.,Rock Springs,Wyo.
♦M urphy R. E., New Milford,
Murphy T, C., Fate, Tex.
♦M urphy T. L., Denison, Tex.
Murphy W. A. Strong, Ark.
♦Murphy W. C., N. Y. City, N. Y.
Murphy W. F., Rocky H ill S ta­
tion, Ky.
♦Murphy W. J., Philadelphia, Pa.
♦Murphy W. L., Fairbank, Ia.
Murphy W. L., Sebring, O.
M urphy W. H., Avery, Tex.
♦M urray C. P., Winfield, Kan.
♦Murray D. H., Paterson, N. J.
M urray E A,. Panam a, Iff.
♦M urray E . C., Durham , N. C.
M urray Earle H., Roosevelt, Okla.
M urray G. B., Nova, O.
Murray George, Akron, Colo.
♦M urray H ., Billings, Okla.
♦M urray H., Donaldson, M inn.
♦M urray H. E., Olney, Iff.
M urray H. E., Greentown, Ind.
♦Murray J. A„ St. Matthews, S.C.
Murray J. V., W arrensburg, Mo.
♦M urray L. B.. Gouverneur. N .Y .
♦M urray M . E., Blackwell, Okla.
M urray M. J., Ashland, 111.
M urray M, S., Houston, Tex.
M urray N. L., W alnut Grove, Mo.
M urray O. R., Herrington, K an.
M urrray P. A., Victoria, Tex.
Murray R., The Plains, Va.
Murray R. B„ H am pstead,M d.
Murray R . L„ Prairie du Roches,

M urray Roy, Hale. Mo.
M urray S. H., W ahpeton, N. D.
M urray W. H., F ranklin. Neb.
♦M urray Wilson, Vernal, Utah.
M urray W. P ., San Rafael, Cal.


♦M urray W. R., Minneapolis,
M inn.
♦Murrell Edgar, Somerset, Ky.
♦Murrow C. L., Corydon, la.
Murrow W. S., Jasper, Fla.
M urtagh C. B., Algona, la.
M u rtey Thomas. Weeping W ater,
♦Musch W. J., H artford, Kan.
Muschelewicz P . I„ W est H am ­
mond, 111.
Muscio D., Angels Camp, Cal.
Musgrove H .G ., Aubrey, Tex.
M usgrove W. S., Orlando, Okla.
♦M ushat R. G., M arbury, Ala.
♦Mushel B. H., Foley, Minn.
M usick J. A., Joiner, Ark.
♦Musil J. F,, Cleburne, Kan.
Musil J. M., Cleburne, Kan.
Musselman E. R., Lansdale, Pa.
Musselman J . E., G ettysburg, Pa.
Musselman J . H., E aton, O.
Musselman S. H „ Macy, Ind.
Müsser B. C., Lincoln, Cal.
M usser C. R ., Akron, O.
M usser Filmore, Portsm outh, O.
♦Musser P. H^, Millheim, Pa.
♦Musser S. F., Lagrange, Ind.
M ussetter E. L., Ladora, la.
M ussetter H. L., Victor, la.
♦Mussey J. E., Cohoes, N. Y.
♦M ussman W. E ., Cham berlain,
S. D.
♦Musson J. H., Chicago, 111.
♦M ustain H. F., Horse Cave, Ky.
M ustain R. F., E lm Springs, Ark.
♦M ustard F. E ., Anderson, Ind.
♦M ustoe Leroy, M ankato, Kan.
♦M utschler F., Rochester, N. Y.
♦Muth W. C., H addam , Kan.
M u th W m , G reat Falls, M ont.
♦M utti O. L., Hopkins, Mo.
M uus Nils, Littlefork, M inn.
M uzzy B. D., Carlisle, Ark.
M yddelton, Paul, Valdosta, Ga.
♦Myers Adelbert, B arryton, Mich.
♦Myers A. R.. Rosalia, W ash.
Myers Augustus, H aven, Kan.
♦Myers B. D„ M artinsburg, W.Va.
M yers C. B., P oteet, Tex.
Myers C. E., Kingston, O.
♦Myers C. E ,, Pontiac, 111.
Myers C. J., Ferney, S. D.
Myers D. M., York,. Pa.
M yers E. B., Sheldon, la.
♦Myers E. D ., Chicora. Pa.
M yers E . D., Lemasters, Pa.
Myers E . D., Sclo, Ore.
Myers E. K., Franklin, Pa.
Myers F . A., Cushing, Neb.
Myers F. H., Clay Center, Kan.
♦Myers F. M., Alba, Mich.
M yers Frank, Helena, O.
Myers F. S., Green City, Mo.
♦Myers F. W., Shepherdstown,
W. Va.
♦Myers G., Carlisle, la.
M yers G. J., Chicora, Pa.
♦M yers Grace, Versailles, 111.
M yers Hom er, Sylvia, Kan.
♦Myers Iona, Cushing, Neb.
M yers I. M ., Litchfield, Neb.
♦Myers J. A., Wooster, O.
Myers J. B., Cleveland, Okl.
♦Myers J. G., Mansfield, 111.
♦Myers J. M ., Moore, M ont.
Myers J . M. Jr., Scranton, S. C.
M yers J. P., Neck, Mo.
♦Myers J. R.. Ebensburg, Pa.
♦Myers J . T., L aurinburg, N. C.J
M yers J. V., Mosheim, Tenn.
Myers M. J., Cedar Rapids, la .
♦Myers N. O., H untsville, O.
♦M yers O. A., Gorin, Mo.
♦Myers O. P .', Boonton, N. J.
Myers P . V. N., W est Branch, la .
M yers Q. A., Perrysville, Ind.
♦Myers R. T., Gorin, Mo.
M yers S. D., Harrisonburg, Va.
M yers S. M ., Columbia, Mo.
Myers W. B., Bethlehem, P a.
Myers W. D , Elk City, Kan.
Myers W. F., Huntsville, O.
♦Myers W. G., M t. Blanchard, O.
♦Myers W. G., Salida, Colo.
♦M yers W. G., Linnsburg, Ind.
♦M yers W. H., Bendena, K an.
M yers W. H ., Shrewsbury, Pa.
Myers W. H., Wakefield, Kan.
M yers W. M ., Phénix, Va.
♦Myers W. R., C anton, O.
Myers W. W „ Bethany, Mo.
Myers W. W „ Hoffman, Okla.
♦M yhal Elm er, Swea C ity, la .
M y h re O. O.. Rolette, N. D.
Myhre H. E., Newfolden, Minn.
♦M yhre J G., W alcott, N. D.
Myhre M. A., Poison. Mont.
Myhre M. G.. W alcott, N. D.
♦M yrbo Albert, Viking, M inn.
M yrbo I. M ., Viking, M inn.
N aber B. A., New Vienna. Ia.
N abers L. E., Boynton, Okla.
♦Nabors S. L., Shawnee, Okla.
Nace M. W., McConnellsburg, Pa.
♦Nace W. L., McConnellsburg, P a.
♦N achbaur F., Atalissa, Ia.
N adeau H. E., Powers, Mich.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

N adenbousch J. T., M artinsburg,
W. Va.
♦Nadler J. F., Hazel Green, Wis.
Naegelin Albert, Basco, 111.
Naeve P. H,, Cook, Neb.
Naflfziger S. E., Goodfleld, 111.
♦Naftzger M . C., W ichita, Kan.
♦Nafus J. F., N ashua, Ta.
♦Nagel A. H., Cincinnati, Ohio.
♦Nagel William R., W ashington,
D. C.
♦Nagle D. W., Auburn, Pa.
♦Nahnsen A. A., F rankfort, S. D.
♦Nairn W. W., W ashington, D. C.
♦N akatani S., Sacram ento, Cal.
Nall Jo h n B., Kingsport, Tenn.
♦Nally D. J.. Arcadia. Wis,
♦Nally H., Gainesville, Mo.
N ance A. B. Greenville, Miss.
N ance E . E., E dina, M o.
N ance E . S., Oswego, Kan.
N ance H. B., Alamo, Tenn.
♦Nance S. L., Jasper. Ark.
♦Nance W alter, M ena, Ark.
Nance W. C., Sclo, O.
♦N anney J. P. Tupelo, Miss.
♦N ansen N. K.. Almira, Wash,
N an ts W. E ., C ohutta. Ga.
♦N antz F. F., Partridge', Kan.
N apier N. V.. Sedgwick, Kan.
N appen K. P., Lankin, N. D.
Nargney J. M .,. Downers Grove.

Narum William, Englevale, N. D.
♦Nasby A. O., Jackson, Minn.
♦Nash A. J., Lowell, Mich.
Nash C. M„ W ebster, Mass.
♦Nash O. P., Shelbyville, Ky.
Nash C. T., W orthville, Ky.
Nash E rnest, Clarksville. Mich.
♦Nash E . S., Centralia, Kan.
♦Nash F. A., Oakland, Ia.
N ash Jr., F. H ., F t. Gibson, Okla.
Nash G. W., Bowen, 111.
N ash G. W.. Lilburn, Ga.
♦Nash H., Piedm ont, Ö.
N ash J. A., Kaufm an, Tex.
♦Nash J. D., Versailles, Ky.
Nash John E., Holton, Mich.
♦Nash J. L., P lattsburg, N. Y.
Nash J. R., T ipton, Ind.
Nash Miss Lois E „ Elizabeth, 111.
Nash O. J., Mills, Minn.
♦Nash R., Sioux C ity, Ia.
♦Nash S. K., Lumberton. N. C.
Nash T. E „ Pipestone, Minn.
Nash W. M., H addon Heights,N .J.
♦Nash W. M. New E gypt, N. J.
♦Nason C. W., Stevens Point.W is.
Nason H. B., W olf Point, M ont.
N ast W. J., Eden, Wis.
♦N ater Louis, Streator, 111.
N athm an J. F., Gervais, Ore.
Nation J . C„ Oneonta, Ala.
♦Natson R. H., Princteon, Ind.
N aum ann C. J., Corwlth, Ia.
Naumes M artin,Pinconning, Mich.
N avarre L. J ., Essexville, M ich.
*Naye§ T. G., Fingal, N. D.
♦Naylor Charles, Cooper, Tex.
♦Naylor C. W., M alta, Ohio.
♦Naylor Earl B., Tiffin, O.
Neal B. F., Oglethorpe, Ga.
♦Neal G. S., Russellville, Ark.
Neal J. A., Marceline, Mo.
Neal J. B., Umatilla, Fla.
Neal J. C., Kennard, Neb.
♦Neal J. E.. Marion, N. C.
Neal J. T., Jr., Thomson, Ga.
Neal L. H., St. Anthony, Ida.
♦Neal Nelie, Stroud, Okla.
Neal R. J., Chicago, 111.
♦Neal V. A., Shellrock, Ia.
Neal W. G., Russellville, Ark.
♦Neale A. L., P t. Pleasant, W. Va.
♦Neale H. C.. Mayfield, Ky.
Neale E. L., H untington, W. Va.
♦Neale Justice. Herington, Kan.
♦Neary J. W., Em m etsburg, Ia.
♦Neat J . C., W inchester, 111.
♦N eate C. P., Falconer, N . Y.
♦Nedeigaard L., Obert, Neb.
♦Neeb C. C., Cross Plains, Tex.
N eedham Clayton, Nunica, Mich.
♦Needles H. H., Cape M ay, N. J.
Neekam p W. P., Logan, W. Va,
♦Neel E. A.. Geiger. Ala.
♦Neeley D. A., Memphis, Tex.
Neeley F. E., Gering, Neb.
Neeley G. M„ Olar, S. C.
Neely H. D., D urant, Okla.
Neely J. 'A.j Niles, Kan.
Neely J. M., Ashboro, N. C.
♦Neely T. L., F ranklin, Ky.
Neerken B., Zeeland, Mich.
Nees H. R., Cory, Ind.
Nees T. H., Beaum ont, Tex.
Neese H. D., Bland, Mo.
Neese H. E ., Wellington, Mo.
Neese L. F.. Bland, Mo.
Neff A. S., G randm arsh, Wis.
Nell E. L., A fton, Okla.
Neff J. F., Athens, Tex.
Neff J . F „ Belmont, O.
♦Neff Jacob M., McBrides, Mich.
Neff M. L., Mt. Jackson, Va.
Neff Sherman, McBrides, Mich.
Negus C. E ., Nickerson, Neb.
♦Negus C. E ., University Place

♦Neibrecht J. C., Gridley, Kan.
Neidig D. W., Goshen, Ind.
♦Neighbor F rank, H arper, Kan.
♦Neighbors C. H., Pollock, Mo.
Neikirk I. B., Republic, O.
♦Neikirk W. C., Shawsville, Va.
♦Neil John W., Yale, Okla.
♦Neill A. E., Thayer, Kan.
Neill C. T., Greeley, Colo.
Neill E . C.. Northcarrollton.M iss.
♦Neill H. B., Quenemo, Kan.
Neill John B., Berryville, Va.
Neill J. D., Columbus, Ga.
Neill Robert, H ot Springs, Ark.
♦Neilon Gus, Wylie, Tex.
Neilon W. T., Jefferson, Tex.
♦Neils R. G., Sauk Rapids, M inn.
♦Neilson G. A., Ocean Park, Cal.
Neilson J. J., Tuscaloosa, Ala.
♦Neilson O. H., Wilson, Pa.
Neilson W. H.. Hudson Falls. N.Y.
Nelman G. P „ W hite W ater. Kan.
♦Neisler C. L., Irving, 111.
Neitzel H. R., N o rth Lake, Wis.
Nellermoe F . G., Buffalo Lake,
Nelms C. C., Caldwell, Tex.
♦Nelsen E. O., B urt. Ia.
Nelson A., Ogallala Neb.
♦Nelson A., Kendrick, Ida.
♦Nelson A. B .t W arren, M inn.
♦Nelson A. 0., Des Moines, Ia.
Nelson A. E., Minneapolis, Minn.
Nelson A. I., Mentone, Ind.
Nelson A. L„ Richland, Wash.
Nelson Alva, Provo, U tah.
Nelson A. N ., Taylors Falls,
M inn.
Nelson A. N., Olivia, Minn.
Nelson A., Peever, S. D.
♦Nelson A nton, Milnor. N. D.
♦Nelson A rthur, Bijou Hills, S. D.
♦Nelson Axel, Sidney, Mont.
♦Nelson B. E ., M ora, M inn.
Nelson C. A., W arren, Minn.
Nelson C. A.( W atertow n, Minn.
Nelson C. A. R ound Rock. Tex.
♦Nelson C. B., Olean, N. Y.
Nelson C. F., Bisbee, N. D.
Nelson C. H ., Dorchester, Neb.
Nelson Chas., C rystal Lake, Ia.
Nelson C. M ., No. M cGregor, la.
♦Nelson C. M., P ortal, N. D.
Nelson C. O., Vale, Ore.
♦Nelson C. P., Danville, 111.
Nelson C. P.. Long Pine, Neb.
Nelson C. V., Strom sburg. Neb.
Nelson C. V., Victoria, 111.
Nelson D. A.. M anvel. N . D.
♦Nelson D. H., Linden, Tex.
♦Nelson E . A.. Ellsworth, M inn.
Nelson E. a .. H artland, M inn.
♦Nelson E. A., Lindsay, Cal.
♦Nelson E . C., Braham , M inn.
Nelson E. C., Floydada, Tex.
♦Nelson E. E., Holdrege, Neb.
♦Nelson E. L., Bisbee, N. D.
♦Nelson E. L., Clarkfleld, Minn.
Nelson E. M„ Leigh, Neb.
♦Nelson Emil, Smolan, Kan.
Nelson E. N., Roland, Ia.
Nelson Edward, Durand. 111.
Nelson Edwin M ., Calais, Me.
Nelson E. V., M akoti. N. D.
Nelson F. M., Burlingame, Kan.
♦Nelson F. O., G reat Falls, M ont.
Nelson F rank, Plym outh. Neb.
Nelson F. W., Angola, Kan.
Nelson G. A., Crofton, Neb.
Nelson Geo. A., S t. Joseph, Mo.
Nelson G. C.. Modesto. Cal.
Nelson George, Boyd Wis.
Nelson Geo. W., W atford, N . D.
♦Nelson H. F., Sweet Springs, Mo.
Nelson Herm an, Glendale, Cal.
Nelson H. N., A m herst June., Wis.
Nelson H. R., N iobrara, Neb.
♦Nelson H. W., Thompson, Ia.
♦Nelson Irene H ., Corinth, Ky.
Nelson J., Grand View, Tex.
Nelson J. A., P o rt Wing, Wis.
♦Nelson J. A., W allingford, Ia.
Nelson J . C., Clovis, N. M.
Nelson J. O., Grace City, N. D.
♦Nelson J. H., E . Prairie, Mo.
Nelson Julius, Pequot, M inn.
♦Nelson J. W., Galva, 111.
Nelson J . W.. Marengo, 0 .
♦Nelson J. W., Okeechobee, Fla.
♦Nelson L. F., Tracy, Minn.
Nelson L. M., F airbury, Neb.
Nelson L. R „ Cle Elum, Wash.
Nelson M . B., A tlantic, Ia.
Nelson M. G., F t. Collins, Colo.
♦Nelson M . J., Scobey, M ont.
♦Nelson N. C., Maskefi, Neb.
♦Nelson N. G., Akron,' Ohio.
Nelson N. H., Mabel, M inn.
Nelson N .J.,E.G rand Forks, Minn.
Nelson N. L. Plentywood, Mont.
♦Nelson N. L., Shelby, Neb.
♦Nelson N. M ., Windom, M inn.
♦Nelson N. O., M aython, Ia.
♦Nelson O. K., Hugoton, Kan.
Nelson O. R., Madison, Minn.
Nelson Oscar, Geneva, IU.
Nelson Peter, Davey, Neb.
♦Nelson P. H., Norwood, Colo.
♦Nelson P . L., Carson City, Nev.

♦Nelson P . V., Kansas City, Kas.
♦Nelson R. H. B., Portland, Ore.
♦Nelson R. W., Twin Valley.M inn.
♦Nelson Sarah, Chisago C ity,M inn
Nelson S. B., Gorham, 111.
Nelson S. G., W orthington, O.
♦Nelson S. M ., Salvisa, Ky.
♦Nelson Sumner P., Ogden, U tah.
Nelson T. A., P ortal, N. D.
Nelson T. J., Pax, W. Va.
♦Nelson T. N., Nyssa, Ore.
Nelson T. S., Georgetown, Minn.
Nelson Theodore, Erskine, Minn.
♦Nelson Verner, Grygla, M inn.
Nelson W alter, Coulee, N, D.
Nelson W. C., Bovill, Ida.
Nelson W. C., Cole Camp, Mo.
Nelson W. D., Jackson, Tenn.
Nelson W. E., Lewisburg, W. Va.
Nelson W. H.. Petros. Tenn.
Nelson W. N., La Fayette, 111.
♦Nelson Y. A., Ham pden, N. D.
Nem ire G. E., Tecumsen, Mich.
Nemon A. M., Dunbar, Pa.
♦Nemon Chas., D unbar, Pa.
♦N entrup M rs. E. G., Qulin, Mo.
♦Neptune Carl I., Oblong, 111.
♦Nerger Paul, Giddings, Tex.
Nervig E. O., H um boldt, Ia.
♦Nervig J. T ., Goodhue, M inn.
Nesbit C. D., Lowry City, Mo.
Nesbit G. H., Fargo, N. D.
Nesbit S. S., Ellensburg, Wash.
N esbitt A. J., Plum erville, Ark.
N esbitt J. S., Union City, Mich.
♦N esbitt N. I., Burlington, Kan.
♦N esbitt W. J., D etroit, Mich.
♦Nespor R. J., Yukon, Okla.
♦Nesrsta F. A., Flatonia, Tex.
♦Ness C. O., Minneapolis, M inn.
♦Ness F. R „ Bothell, Wash.
♦Ness L. B., Edinburg, N . D.
Ness L. R., Johnstown, Neb.
♦Ness O. M„ Bisbee, N. D.
Ness O. T ., Steele, N . D.
♦Nesselrode F. H.. Kansas City,
♦Nesseth O., Menomonie, Wis.
♦Nessler C. W., Sidney, O.
♦Nestoss E. O., Buxton, N. D.
♦Nesvik J. K.. Deering, N. D.
♦N etherland W. N., F o rt Smith,
Netland 0 . A., Audubon, Minn.
Netland S. A., Northfield, Minn,
Neubauer Leslie, Sidney, Neb.
♦Neubauer M. F., P latte Center.
Neudeck V. E .. M erriam Park,
M inn.
N euland W. J., W ashington, D. C.
Neum ann A. L., Oakland, Neb.
♦Neumann C. C., Oakland, Neb.
♦Neumann W. M ., Osseo, M inn.
♦Neumeister C. A.. Auburn, N.Y.
Neum eister O.C., Sheboygan, Wis.
Neum eyer John H., E aston, Pa.
♦Neuner J. L.. Garber, Okl.
♦Neunsinger E . W., M orton, M inn.
Neunsinger R. J., Cosmos, M inn.
Neutzler L. C., Nordheim , Tex.
♦Newberger J. H., Seattle, Wash.
Newbern S. C., Byars, Okla.
New hern W. H., M cRae, Ark.
Nevens R. O., Wilmore. Kan.
Nevers J. R., Coeur d ’Alene,.Ida.
♦Neverman Ida A., La M oure.N.D.
Neville G. W., Dunnellon, Fla.
Neville J. C., Arlington, Ky.
♦Neville J. T ., Bottineau, N. D.
Nevin Hugh, Hom esetad, Pa.
Nevln J. C., Avalon, Pa.
Nevius David, New York City,
N. Y.
Nevins E. S., Clovis, Cal.
Newberg W alter, Sweetwater. Neb.
Newberry A. F., Pontiac, Mich.
Newberry G. S., Carrington, N. D.
Newberry R obert, Laverne, Okla.
♦Newburn P. B., Cosby, Mo.
♦Newby A. G., M ontgomery,
W. Va.
♦Newby C. H., Thomasville, N. C.
♦Newby Hazel A., Broad Ripple,
♦Newby H. H., Sheridan, Ind.
♦Newby N ettie, Corbin, Kan.
Newcomb A. S., Mondak, Mont.
♦Newcomb H . P., Minneapolis,
Newcomb J. F.. Elizabeth, N J.
Newcomb M . G., Hilton, N. Y.
♦Newcomb W. D., Virginia, M inn.
Newcombe L. C., Hibbing, Minn.
♦Newcomer A. M., Newberry, Pa.
Newcomer Carl. Brownell, Kan.
♦Newcomer F. M., Scottdale, Pa.
♦Newcomer K. J., Sm lthsburg. Md.
Newcomer L. C., Colton, Cal,
♦Newcomer M artin, Cedar Rapids,
Newcomer R. A., No. Henderson,

Newcomer T ., St. Louis, Mo.
Newel G. W-i Fenton, la.
♦Newell A. S., Rochester, N. Y.
♦Newell C. T.. Weldon. Ia.
Newell E. M., Fenton, Mich.
Newell F. A., Boston, Mass.
Newell F. P., F ortuna. Cal.
Newell G.M ., Trum ansburg, N . Y.

Newell H. P., Towanda, Pa.
♦Newell H. S., Coral, MichNewell J.E ., Skedee, Okl.
Newell J M., Mt, Vernon, S. D.
Newell John W., Lusk, Wyo.
♦Newell S. A., Orlando, Fla.
♦Newell Thomas, A tlanti City,
N. J.
N ew ett A. W., Groveland, F 'a.
N ewgent E. C., Knoxville, Tenn.
Newgren A. J., St. Paul, M inn.
Newhall Roger, Portland, Ore.
♦Newhouse Earl, Marion, Ind.
Newhouse G. A. Jr.. New Albany,
♦Newhouse H . J., Wild Rose. N. D.
Newkirk F rank H.. Jackson. Mich.
Newlee Jo h n M., Liberty, Mo.
♦Newlin A.. Tulsa Okl
Newlin H. O., Hutsonville, 111.
Newlon E. A., G reat Falls, M ont.
Newlon E . L., Lewistown, Mo.
Newlon J. O.. New Lexington, O.
Newlon L. T., W eleetka, Okla.
Newlon O. W., Spangle, Wash.
♦Newlon P. J.. Charleston, W. Va.
Newm an A., K ansas C ity, Mo.
NeWman A. G., H ettinger, N D.
♦Newman A. M ., Summit, Miss.
♦Newman A. R., Pukwana, S. D.
Newman A. T „ Bloomer. Wis.
Newman C., Sylvester, Tex.
Newm an Carl E ., M adera, Cal.
Newman C. J., Boswell, Pa.
Newman E. E „ Higbee, Mo.
Newman E. W., New M arket, Va.
Newman G. A., Fowlerville, Mich.
♦Newman J . E., Madera, Cal.
♦Newman J. R., W oodbury, Ga.
♦Newman N ora B., Napoleon, Ind.
Newman R . A., Sterling, Kan.
Newman R obert, Abbeville, Ala.
Newmyer W. S., Lyons, Neb.
♦Newschwander W. W., Tacoma,
♦Newsom C. B., Jacksonville, Tex.
♦Newsom J. A., Jacksonville, Fla.
Newsom J. E ., Bamberg, 4- C.
♦Newsom L. B., Celina, Tex.
♦Newsome A. T ., W inton, N. C.
Newsome Jr. F. M ., Brodnax, Va.
Newsome W. G., Sabula, la .
♦Newton B ertha, Newburg, la .
Newton B. B., Lyons. Ga.
Newton C. L., Gainesville, Ga.
Newton Clay, Valley View, Tex.
Newton C. Stanley, Athol, Mass.
Newton G. W ., Midlothian, Tex.
Newton J . D. C., Milton, Fla. ■
Newton J . L., Social Circle, Ga.
♦Newton L., Milano, Tex.
Newton Percy W., Loco, Okla.
♦Newton R. R., Fredonia, N. Y.
Newton T. F „ Beaver City, Neb.
NewtonW . A., Rush Springs, Okla
New ton W. O., M ilano, Tex.
♦Newton W. P., Jackson, Ga.
Newton W. W. Crosby, Tex. .
Newvahner J . H.. Jackson, O.
Nice Linford C., Philadelphia, Pa.
♦Nicely J. H.. W atsontown, Pa.
Nicely W. A., W atsontown, Pa.
Nichol J.. Pine Bluff, Ark.
Nicholas L., Lynchburg, Va.
Nicholas L. H., P ortland, Pa.
Nichols A. D., Ransomville, N. Y.
Nichols Albert, Ault, Colo.
Nichols A. H., Searsport, Me.
Nichols Bruce, Kansas, 111.
Nichols C. E ., Bagley, la.
Nichols C. E., Barstow, Tex.
♦Nichols D. F , Hoboken, N. J.
♦Nichols D. H., Annapolis, M d.
♦Nichols E. M ., Savannah, Ga.
♦Nichols F . B„ W aterbury, Conn.
♦Nichols F . J.. A tlantic, la.
Nichols F. L „ Kensal, N. D.
Nichols F. M., A tlantic, la.
Nichols F . M„ Howe, Ind.
Nichols G. C., Lagrange, Ind.
♦Nichols G. C., Fairview, Mo.
Nichols G. E., Fargo, N. D.
Nichols George, Cape May C. H.,
N. J.
♦Nichols Gordon L., C hattanooga.
Nichols H. R ., Tecumseh, Okl.
Nichols J. C., Caseycreek, Ky.
♦Nichols J. C., De Ridder, La.
♦Nichols J. E,, Valley, Neb.
♦Nichols J. J., Hebron, Ind.
♦Nichols Jr.', J. P., Griffin, Ga.
♦Nichols M . E ., Rolling Prairie,
♦Nichols R., Cardington, O.
Nichols S. H „ Danville. Ky.
♦Nichols T. B„ N. Y. City, N. Y
Nichols V. E., Chicago, 111.
Nichols W. F., Falls City, Ore.
♦Nichols W. H., D e Ridder, La.
Nichols W. S., Livingston, Ala.
♦Nichols W. P., M arion, Ala.
♦Nicholson A. J., Sanger, Tex.
♦Nicholson A. J. Jr., W hite Sul­
p hur Spgs., M ont.
Nicholson Almond, Sullivan, 111.
♦Nicholson F., Gadsden, Ala.
♦Nicholson F . H., Greensboro, N.C.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Nicholson H. B„ Wellsville, O.
♦Nicholson H. C., Springfield, Mo.
Nicholson H. C., Omaha, Neb.
♦Nicholson J. M ., Yatesville,
Nicholson J. W., Ellis, Kan.
♦Nicholson M . O., Sulphur, Okla.
Nicholson M. V., Valentine, Neb.
Nicholson O. T., Shamrock, Tex.
♦Nicholson R. F., Houston, Tex.
Nicholson T. A., .Springfield, Mo.
♦Nicholson T. B., Lamonl, la.
♦Nicholson T. C., F t. Pierce, Fla.
♦Nicholson T. G., Bunkie. La.
♦Nicholson W. F., Weleetka, Okla.
Nicholson W. G., Detroit, Mich.
Nickel B. A., Temirk, N. D.
Nickel G. E., Alva, Okl.
Nickel J. A., Coffee Creek, M ont.
♦Nickel V. Lt, Chenoa. 111.
Nickelson E., Leonardville, Kan.
♦Nickerson A. N., Kouts, Ind.
Nickerson E. E., Wilcox, Neb.
♦Nickerson T. H „ Harwick, Mass.
♦Nickey O. W., Billings, Mont.
♦Nicking H. P., Iowa City, la.
Nickles W. H., W hitman, Neb.
♦Nickols A. B., Atwood, Kan.
Nicodemus W. S., California, Pa
♦Nicol M . F., Honor. Mich.
♦Nicol W. A., Chicago, 111.
Nicolaus C. A., Cudahy, Wis.
Nicoles F. H., MedaryvUle, Ind.
Nicoil G. W., Travellers Rest, S.C.
Nicoson Q. E., Shelburn, Ind.
Niebur A / H., Lindsay. Neb.
Niederaur F. L„ Bryan, O.
♦Nlederjohn R. K., W averly, Mo.
Niederländer C. B., Middletown, O.
♦Niedermeier Jules, Newport,
Niekies W. F., Abbeville, S. C.
Nieion W. R., Jefferson, Tex.
♦Nielsen A. F.. St. Libory, Neb
Nielsen C. E., Ledyard, 111.
♦Nielsen N. H.. Anthon, la.
Nielson L. P., Penn Yan, N. Y.
Nielson N. P., Jr. Grace, Ida.
NIeman C., Shawnee, Kan.
Nleman C. J.. Leechburg, Pa.
NIeman H. W., Elmore, O.
•Niem ann J.. N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Niemann L. H.. Cook. Neb.
Niemeyer H. A., Hartsburg, Mo.
Niemeyer W. H., McHenry, N. D.
Nienhauser F. A., St. Paul, M inn.
♦Nienstedt H., Burton, Tex.
Nlerling A. T., W aukon, la.
♦Niese R. B., Memphis, Tenn.
♦Niesse J. F „ Madison, Ind.
♦Nieting A., Lowden, la.
Niewald C. F., Villa Ridge, Mo.
♦Nifong L. H., Palm yra, 111.
Nifong T. H., Graham, N. C.
Nlggeman F. A., Beaverton, Mich.
N ightingale W .R ., CrescentCIty, 111.
Nikkei C. L., W eatherford, Okl.
Nikolaus F. A., M artin, N. D.
Niles A. R., Capac, Mich.
♦Niles C. M .,Benton Harbor,Mich.
Niles G. A., Utica, N. Y.
Niles G. V., Bath, Mich.
Niles L. W „ A tlantic, la.
♦Nimmo G. D., Cheboygan, Mich.
♦Nlmmons J. E., Plym outh, O.
♦Nims J. R., Staples, Minn.
♦Nine G. L.. New Virginia, la.
♦Nines Richard, Rushville, Neb.
Nipp C. F., Mineóla. Ia.
Nipper W. A. , Rochelle, Ga.
Nippolt E. L., Springfield, Minn.
Nisbet A. J., Giddings, Tex.
♦Nisbet F. R., Macon, Ga.
♦Nisbet J. A., Xenia, O.
♦Nisbet Milus, Fayetteville, Tenn.
N Isbett P. R., Beckville, Tex.
♦Nischwitz Selma, M t. Olive, 111.
♦Nissager M.. Kimballton, Ia.
Nissen A. J., Meservey, Ia.
♦Nissen H., Holland, Minn.
♦Nissen J. B., San M ateo, Cal.
NIssly H. N., Mt. Joy, Pa.
♦Niswander Everett, So. English,
♦Niswander J. S., Findlay, O,
♦Niswonger C. O., Pitsburg, O.
♦Nitsche R. F., Terre. H aute, Ind.
Niven Hugh, Thomtown, Ind.
N iver F. A., Luverne, Ia.
♦Nlver F. J., Daytona, Fla.
♦Nix George, Jasper, Ind.
Nix L. H., O’Brien, Tex.
Nixon A. F „ Woodridge, Mo.
♦Nixon B. R „ Newport, Ind.
Nixon C. R., Onawa, Ia.
♦Nixon H. E., Pearsall, Tex.
Nixon H. V., Newport, Ind.
'Nixon H. W., Severy. Kan.
Nixon J. W., Hickman, Tenn.
♦Nixon McA. R,, Lum berton.N .C .
♦Nixon Oneda, Jet, Okla.
Nixon R. S., Pearsall. Tex.
♦Nixon W. E., Twin Falls, Ida.
Nixon William, Weston, Ia.
Noble A. O., Lottie, La.
♦Noble Charles, Brown City,M ich
Noble E . E., Reardan, Mich.
Noble E. L., Valley Mills, Tex,

Noble L. S., Mangum, Okla.
Noble R. S., Woonsocket, S. D.
Noble W. C„ P ort Lavaca, Tex.
Nobles J. E., Monticello, Fla.
♦Nobles Orris, Titusville, Fla.
Nobles, W. H., Titusville, Fla.
Nobles W. R., Berlin, Ga.
Noblitt A. D„ Cokeviile, Wyo.
♦Nock P. M., Temperanceville.Va.
Nock H. L., Temperanceville, ya.
Nodeau M. A., Chassell, Mich
♦Noe 0 . P.. Wewoka, Okla.
Noe L. S., .Morristown, Tenn.
Noecker J. R., Circleviile, O.
Noecker G. B., Monticello. 111.
♦Noecker Paul A., Wynot. Neb.
♦Noel J. C., Lee’s Summit, Mo.
•Noel J. W., Memphis, Tex.
Noel T. W., Lentner, Mo,
♦Noel Vernon A. Lewiston Ida.
♦Noeil Henry, Cincinnati, O.
Noell W, C.. G retna. Va.
♦Noffsinger S. G., Greenville, Ky.
Noffsinger G. W., Somers, Mont.
♦Noggle M. E., Circleviile,. O.
Nokes H. T., Nixa, Mo.
♦Nokes L. E., Lake City. Ia.
Nolan G. E ., Orlando. Fla.
♦Nolan James, Castalia, Ohio.
♦Noland I.G.W ., W est L iberty.Ia.
♦Noland J. R., Stratford, Tex.
♦Nold J. E., Black Hawk, Wis. .
Nolen C. K., Stoneville, N. C.
♦Nolen Jr. S. J.. Alexander City,
Nolen Leon A..Alexander City,Ala.
Nolind Chas. H., Russell Springs,
Nolind C. H., Oakley, Kan.
Noll Louis L„ W aterford, Wis.
Noller Geo., M cFarland, Kan.
Nolley G. 0-, Wister, Okla.
♦Nolley T., W ister, Okla.
♦Nolle C. A., M arlsham, Tex.
Nolle C. L., Decatur, 111.
♦Nolte O. G„ Antigo, Wis.
♦Nolton G: W., Oelwein, la.
Noone D. L., Logan, Kan.
Nophsker H. W., New Bethlehem,
♦Norby E. H., McVille, N. D.
Norby L. P., Alberta, Minn.
Norcross Earl, Filley, Neb.
Norcross F., M anteca. Cal.
♦Nord Irving, Roosevelt, M inn.
Nord R. E., Silver Creek, Minn.
Nordberg P. J., Newburg, N.D.
Nordby G- H., Strathcona, M inn.
Nordbye R. A.. Thorne, N. D.
♦Nordell R. A., Creighton, Mo.
♦Nordlie O. G.. New London,
Nordlund E. C., Stromsburg, Neb.
Nordmeyer C. C., Canby, M inn.
♦Nordness Inga A.. Pieroont, S. D.
Nordness L. L., Pierpont, S. D.
♦Nordness R. L., Baudette, Minn.
♦Nordquist A. V.. Burnstad. N. D.
♦Nordquist E. A., Big Lake, Minn.
♦Nordquist G. A. Backus, Minn.
♦Nordquist Wm., Seattle, Wash.
Nordstrom E. R.. Mediapolis. Ia.
Norem W. C., W oodworth, N. D.
♦Noren L. B.. Willmar. Minn.
♦Noreus E. J., Escanaba, Mich.
Norfleet E ., Wilmington, N. C.
♦Norfleet C. M., Mempnis, Tenn.
♦Norfleet J. M ., Kelford, N. C.
Norfleet W. H., Franklin, Va.
♦Norheim L. O., Montevideo,
♦Norlin E. T., Crosby, N. D.
Norman A., Dexter, Mo.
♦Norman C. A., Salem, W. Va.
♦Norman, C. E., Scott, Kan. '
Norman C. V., Troy, Kan.
♦Norman D., Chicago, 111.
Norman F. A., Rock Island, Tex.
Norman F. I., San Francisco, Cal.
Norman G. H., Crossett, Ark.
Norm an H. A., Halliday, N. D.
♦Norman H. A., Hazen, N. D.
♦Norman J. C., Seattle, Wash.
♦Norman J. L., Stigler, Okla.
♦Norman L. A., Monmouth, 111.
Norman L. N., W inthrop, Ia.
Norman L. W., Hertford, N. C.
♦Norman M. D., Norm an Park,
♦Norman Noel, Ryan. Okla.
Norman W. W., Helena. Ga.
Normand Chas. A., Ayer, Mass.
N orquist F. A., Gonvick, M inn.
Norrbom C. A., Sioux City, Ia.
♦Norred O. D., H enryetta, Okla.
Norrell W. E Blythe Ga.
Norris B. B., Horton, Kan.

♦Norris C. D., Ripley, O.

Norris G. R., Burdett, Kan.
♦ Norris H. E., Center, Tex.
♦Norris H. J., Oak Ridge, La.
Norris H. M., Blossom, Tex.
Norris Jean A., Kennebec. S. D.
♦Norris J. B., Novelty, Mo. .
♦Norris J. B.. San Jose. 111.
Norris J . R., Finleyson, Ga.
♦Norris J. R., Holly Springs, N. C
Norris O. P „ Barnesville, O.
Norris R. E., Berry ville, Ark.
♦Norris Virvie, Plainville, Kan.

♦Norris V. M ., New York. N. Y.
♦Norris W. E.. Henry, S. D.
♦Norsen P. El, W heaton, Minn.
Norstrom C. M.. Llndsborg, Kan.
♦N orth C. V., Dawn, Mo.
North Herm an. Neillsville, W is,
N orth H. D., Hogansville, Ga.
♦N orth H. E ., Yates C ity. III.
North N , E., Lake Charles, La.
North Roscoe C., Selinsgrove, Pa.
♦N orth W. F., Neillsville, Wis.
♦N orthcott, C. W., Sumner, Mo.
♦N orthcutt J. T., Frisco, Tex.
N o rth c u ttM . R., Lexington, Okla.
♦N orthcutt T. L „ Cheney, K a n .1
N orthcutt W. M., Morgan, K y /
Northey C. A., H untington, Ore.
N orthington Edw., P rattville. Ala.
N orthon H. A., San Francisco,Cal.
Northrup E. A., Greensburg, Kan.
Northrop F. M ., Lakeview, M ich.
♦Northrop R. M ., Chicago, 111.
N orthup W. A., Sodus. N . Y.
Norton A. S., Marengo, 111.
Norton C. F., Hem pstead, N. Y.
♦Norton C. H., E ast Aurora, N.Y.
♦Norton C. W - Kearney. Neb.
♦Norton D eW itt, Olustee, Okla.
♦Norton Jr., E. H., L iberty, M o.
N orton E . R . .Newell, Ia.
♦Norton F. G., M inneapolis,M inn.
♦Norton H. 0., Connellsville, Pa.
♦Norton J. M ., De W itt, Neb.
N orton R. C., Upland, Cal.
♦Norton Reeve, Lamoille, 111.
Norton W. R..Corpus C hristi, Tex.
♦Norum G. H „ Mora, Minn.
♦Norvell E. B. O., Winston-Salem,
N. C.
Norvold A. H ., Volga, S. D.
♦Norway j . A., E verett, Wasfi,
Norwell J. E.., Richmond, Va.
Norwood A L., Lenoir City,
Norwood Ewing, Navasota, T ex
♦Norwood J.. Niobrara, Neb.
Norwood J. D., Blossom, Tex.
Norwood J. D., Demopolis, Ala.
Norwood J. D„ Salisbury, N. C.
♦Norwood J. Rush, Sylvia, Kan.
♦Norwood Shields, Navasota, Tèx.
Nossaman D. A„ Isabel, Kan.
Nossette C. S., Vincennes, Ind.
♦Notnagel F. Wm., Menomonie,
Nottingham A. D., Cape Charles,
Nottingham J. P., Mathews. Va.
♦Nourse A. H., Island Pond, Vt.
Novak A. A., Spill ville, Ia.
♦Novak F. A., Crète, Neb.
N ovak F. J., Touhy, Neb.
Novak J. J., Wilber, Neb.
♦Novel C. E., New Orleans, La.
Novinger Ora E., Novlnger. Mo.
♦Novits S. G., Okanogan, Wash.
Nowell R. C., Rochester, Minn.
Nowell J. S., Macon, N. C.
Nowers J, F., Atkinson, 111.
♦Nowers J. S., Atkinson, 111.
♦Nowlan G., Toulon, 111.
Nowlin J. D., Hulbert, Okl.
Nowlin J. W.. Copeville, Tex.
Noyes E. D., P ortland, Me.
Noyes H. A., Hyde Park, Vt.
Noyes H. B., Mystic. Conn.
♦Noyes H. W., Berlin, N. H.
Noyes J . G., Baldwin, Ia.
♦Noyes R. A., P ort Orchard, Wash.
Noyes W. R., Custar, O /
♦Nuckles L. J., Chillicothe, Tex.
♦Nuckolls W. S., W hiteville, Term.
♦Nuckolls Jam es, Eldora, Ia.
Nuebal Sue B., D unkerton, Ia.
Nuechterlein F. G., F rankenm uth,
Nuernberger O. E., Verden, Okl.
Nuetzel F. W., Sierra M adre, Cal.
N ugent A. M ., Fulton, Ky.
♦Nuhn B. W., New Braunfels, Tex.
♦Nuhn W. C.. Cedar Falls, Ia.
Nulburn H. B.. F t. Fairfield, Me.
♦Null R. S., Lecoma, Mo.
♦Nunemaker H. E ., Friend, Neb.
Nunn G. H., Blackford,, Ky.
♦Nunn G. R., Uvalde, Tex.
Nunn L. C., Olla, La.
♦Nunn P. J., Bartow, Ga,
Nunn R. H., Hiseville, Ky.
♦Nunnally I. F., Lumpkin, Ga.
Nunnelly J. M ., Ash ville, Ala.
Nunnely J. W., Bremen, Ga.
Nuppnau Paul, Valparaiso, Ind.
N uppnau Paul, W anatah, Ind..
Nuquist A. F., Osceola, Neb.
Nusbaum C. M„ Peabody, Kan.
Nusom L. L., Runge, Tex.
♦Nussbaum Emile, Mexia, Tex.
N u tt C. L., Tavares, Fla.
N u tt J. N.. Granbury, Tex.
♦N utt J. W „ Danbury, Neb.
N utter K. I., Martinsville, Ind.
N utter W. D., Lost Creek,
W. Va
♦N utting D. A., Sebeka, Minn.
Nutting W. P., Ÿoungsville, Pa.
♦Nuxoll F rank W., Cottonwood,

♦Nyberg J, G., H arrisburg, III.
*Nyc F. F., Kerrville, Tex.
♦Nyde E. H., M arshalltown. Ia.
N ye Blanche, Garfield, W ash.
*Nye C. C., E ureka, Kan.
Nye E. M., Pomeroy, O.
N ye F rank T ., N orthboro, Ia.
♦Nye G. O., Scranton, Pa.
Nye L. R „ Livingston, Mont.
Nye W alter C., Providence, R. I.
♦N ygaard O. J v Cleveland, N. D.
♦Nyhagen G. A., Manitowoc, WIs.
N yhagen N. A., Stoughton, Wis.
*Nyhus C. A., R aton, N. M.
*Nyhus T. S., Vining, M inn.
*Nylin J. A., Chicago, 111.
♦Nymeyer W . H., Goshen. Ind.
N ystrom A., Van Hook, N. D.
♦N ystrom H enry, W orthington,
♦Nystrom V. S.. Norway, Mich.

Oakes C., K ennett, Mo.
♦Oakes E. E ., Bandon, Ore.
Oakes H. W ., Hjrrum, U tah.
Oakes J. M ., P lain view, Tex.
♦Oakes J. M elton, Homer, La.
Oakford B. F., W alnut, 111.
♦Oakley G. S., Ridgeway, Va.
♦Oakley Karl, Columbia. Ala.
Oakley S. N., Oakdale, Tenn.
Oakley W. D.. Buffalo, Minn.
Oaks F. L., Fram ingham , Mass.
♦Oas Trygoe, Minneapolis, M inn.
Oates C. G., Lake Helen. Fla.
♦Oates J. W ., M t. Calm, Tex.
♦Oates V. A., Ivanhoe, Okla.
Oates W. A., Holland, M o.
O’Bannon H., San Angelo, Tex.
O’B annon Howard, Buffalo, Mo.
O’B annon W. S.. Buffalo, Mo.
♦Obenhaus W . F., L a Crosse, Kan.
Oberlelder S., Phoenix, Ariz.
Oberg F..O ., Clay Center. Kan.
Oberhauser L. W., Frazee, Minn.
Oberheim an H. H., Randolph,
♦Oberholser R. L., Burdick. Kan.
Oberholtzer C. M., Burley, id a.
♦Obermany H. J., Forbes, N. D.
Obermeyer G. M ., Kiester. M inn.
Obernier J. F., St. Louis, Mo.
♦Obersmith Geo.. Bellflower, Mo.
Oberthier F. D ., Kilgore, Tex.
O’Bleness C. G., Athens, O.
♦O’Bleness E. J., Dodge Center,
M inn.
♦Oblinger D. L., Germ antown, O.
Oblinger E. C., Germantown, O.
♦O’Boyle E . O., Bakersfield,Cal.
Obrecht A. G., Havelock, Ia.
♦O’Brein C. P ., P ark River, N. D.
O’B rian C. F.. Hoven, S. D.
♦O’Brien A. B., Morgan City, La.
♦O’Brien A. K., H aven, S. D.
♦O’Brien C., Lawrenceburg, Ind.
O’Brien C: J., McCook, Neb.
O'B rien E . E ., L uray, Kan.
♦O’Brien E. J., P ittsburgh, Pa.
O’Brien E. M:, Savannah, Ga.
O’Brien G. P., Brainerd, M inn.
O’Brien H arry, Clifton, Kan.
♦O’Brien H. £>., Forsyth, Mont.
♦O’B rienH .L ., H untington, W .Va.
♦O’Brien L. A., Hinsdale, M om .
♦O’Brien M. C., Marion, O.
O’Brien O. E ., Stickney, S. D.
♦O’Brien T . D., Lebanon. Ore.
Oby W alter, S tratford, Wis.
♦Ochs R obt. V., Redwood Falls,
M inn.
Ochs W . J „ Kenton, O.
♦Ockert L. B., Roseville, 111.
♦O’Connell B. M ,, Chicago, 111.
♦O’Connell Daniel, Kinsm an, 111.
♦O’Connell J., Jr., Sugar .C ity,
O’Connell W. K., Monticello, Ind.
O’Connell W. M., Jetm ore, Kan.
♦O’Conner J. F., Peoria, 111.
O ’Connor Crescent, W ataga, 111.
♦O’Connor C., Enid, Okl.
O’Connor C. E ., Palatka, Fla.
♦O’Connor C., Cambridge, Neb.
O’Connor G. E .. Ironwood. Mich.
O’Connor John J., Chicago, 111.
♦O’Connor J. R., Chicago, 111.
O’Connor S. J., Elsie, Neb.
O’Connor Si M ., Elsie, Neb.
O’Connor T . E ., E arl Park, Ind.
O’Connor T. J., Mobile, Ala.
O’Connor W., Renville, M inn.
O’Connor W m.. Archer. Neb.
♦O’D air K. B.. G uthrie Center, Ia.
O’D ay A. O., Shirley, Ark.
Oddam J. E ., W atson, M inn.
Ode H. A., P otter, Kan.
Ode O. P., Calmar, Ia.
Odegard L. H.. Douglas, N. D.
♦Odegard O. L.. Douglas. N. D.
♦O 'Dell C. C., Centerville .Mo.
♦Odell A. H. A vant, Okla.
Odell C. W., W illmar, Minn.
Odell F. E., Glendora, Cal.
♦Odell G. E., Glendora. Cal.
O’Dell L. L., Bosworth, Mo.
O’dell O. O., Ellington, Mo.
♦Odell W . H .. Normal, 111.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Odgers R. E ., Hubbell, Mich.
Odiorne J . M., Richm ond, Me.
♦Odland Toleff, Norm a, N. D.
Oaom A. K., McColl, S. C.
Odom Jno. M ., F t. Stockton, Tex.
O’Dom M . A., Vinegar Bend Ala.
Odon P. H., Titusville, Fla.
♦O’D onald Fay, Bloomfield, Ind.
O’Donnel F. S., Johnsonburg, Pa.
O’Donnell J. C., Bevington, Ia.
O’Donnell J . F., O’Neill. Neb.
O’Donnell P . E., W aukon, Ia.
♦O’Donnell T., Edina, Mo.
O’Donnell T. B., Anthon, Ia.
O’Donnell W .J., Yates Center,Kan.
♦Odum V. C., Leslie, Ga.
♦Oeding H., Lagrange, Tex.
Oehler J.. C arlstadt. N. J.
Oehm L. P.. Bellevue. O.
♦Oellerman O. H ., Hebron, N . D.
♦Oelke.Hugp, F arm ersburg, Ia.
Oelke W . C., Corwith, Ia.
♦Oelwein G. A., Oelwein, Ia.
O etting E . M ., Golden, 111.
Oetzm ann H. P., Davenport, Ia.
Offenbacher H. B., St. Louis, M o,
Officer F. W., Franklin, Pa.
♦Officer George, Conway. S. C.
Offlll H. A., Carmi. 111.
♦Ofsdahl P. L., Fessenden, N . D.
O fsthun C. O., K arlstad. Minn.
Ofsthun T . O., Glen wood, Minn.
♦Ogbum A. C., Jr.. Farm ville.Va.
Ogburn D. J., Brazoria, Tex.
Ogburn W. E ., Columbia, Tex.
Ogden E . L., Brady, Tex.
♦Ogden Fidelia, M artinsburg, Ia .
Ogden Geo. F., Laketon, Ind.
Ogden J . C.. Somerset, Ky.
♦Ogden J. E ., Slaughterville, Ky.
Ogden Jas. E „ Rockland. Ida.
♦Ogden M. L. Jr., Owensboro.Ky.
♦Ogden M . M ., Tacom a, Wash.
Ogden N ., M artinsburg, Ia.
♦Ogden Thos. A., Redlands, Cal.
Ogden W. D., Franklin, N. Y.
Ogilvie George, Leon, Ia.
♦Ogilvie S.. College Grove, Tenn.
«Ogilvie W. C., Gibbon, Neb.
Ogle C. A.. M onrovia. M d.
Oglesby J . B., Powder Springs,Ga.
♦Oglesby W. A., Hartsvllle. Tenn.
♦Oglesby W . B., Hope, Ark.
O’Grady John P., Oberlin, Kan.
O’Grady P „ Ayrshire, Ia.
Ogram F . W ., Creswell, Ore.
Ogren G. S., Souris. N. D.
♦Ogren S. L. P ort Wing, Wis.
♦O’H air F. L., Greencastle, Ind.
O’Hanlon W., Geneva, N. Y.
O’H ara C. F.. Elgin, 111.
♦O’H ara C. J., Groesbeck, Tex.
♦O’H earn J. F „ Deshler, O.
♦O’Hearne Jas., Conway, Wash.
♦Ohlman M.P., Jr., Y ankton, S. D.
O hm art J. E ., L aotto, Ind.
♦Ohrt W. G., A rena, Wis.
♦Ohs A. F „ Knox. N. D.
♦Oie P. H ., Williston, N. D.
Oistad J. J., Strandquist,. M inn.
Oistad P. M., H arm ons, Minn.
•Okerblade T., •Harrison, Neb.
Okerlind C. A., Jam estown, N. Y.
♦Okey A. G., Caldwell, O.
Okey C. E .. Corning, Ia.
♦Olafson Oscar, H eaton. N. D.
Olberg S. K „ Sisseton, S. D.
Olcott R obert, Albany, N. Y
Oldaker H . E., Conroy, la .
Olden H. H ., Berryton, Kan.
♦Olden L. O., Buffalo, N . Y.
♦Oldfield T. J., Hawley, Pa.
♦Oldham Grady. Canyon, Tex.
Oldham W . O., Portales, N. M.
♦Oldland J. E ., Meeker, Colo.
Olds C. A., Albany, 111.
Olds L. N., Wells. Minn.
Olds W. H „ Am ity, Ark.
O’L eary J. P., Foxholm. N . D.
♦O’Lee W., Lexington, Ky.
Oles E . M ., Unadilla. N. Y.
Oleson, Clarence E ., A m herst, S.D.
Oleson J . P., Gypsum, Colo.
♦Oleson J". P., Chicago, 111.
Oleson O. I., Alkabo, N. D.
♦Oleston C. H.. W autom a, Wis.
Olgeirson G., Wing, N. D.
Olimart J'. E ., Portland, Ind.
Olin Andrew J., Franklin. Minn.
♦Olin D. R., M ontrose, S. D.
♦Olive A. H., Selmer, Tenn.
Olive C. O., Austin, Pa.
♦Olive T. L., Oxford. Mich.
♦Oliver A. D., San Francisco, Cal.
Oliver A. E., Richland, Mo.
♦Oliver E . P., Fisher, 111.
Oliver F. E., Farwell, Mich.
♦Oliver F .J.,Iro n Mountain,Mich.
Oliver H. L ., Apalachicola« Fla.
♦Oliver J . C., M artin, Tenn.
Oliver J. G., H artford, Kan.
♦Oliver J . G., Midlothian, Tex.
Oliver Travis, Monroe. La.
Oliver W. E., Fisher, 111.
Olivier J . M., Arnaudville, La.
♦Oik W. J., Cornlea, Neb.
Oiler C. J., Findlay, O.
Oiler C. J.. Vanlue, O.
Olmsted. E . F.. Union Bridge Md.

Olmstead N. C., Ellsworth, Ia.
Olmstead N. D.,M argaretville.N.Y
♦Olmsted C. E ., Danville, 111.
Olney Courtenay, Charleston. S. C.
♦Olney W. G., Storm Lake. Ia.
♦Olsen F. A., Willow Lake, S. D.
♦Olsen O. J., Oharlson. N. D.
♦Olsen T. O., T rum an, M inn.
Olsen Thomas, Stephen, M inn.
Olsen W. F., Minneapolis, M inn.
Olsgard E. C„ McVille, N. D.
♦Olson A. B., A lburnett, Ia.
Olson Albin, Bristow, Neb.
Olson A. E„ Chicago, 111.
♦Olson A. N., Lake Crystal, M inn.
♦Olson A. O., M ax, N . D.
♦Olson A. T., Garfield. Kan.
♦Olson A. T ., Jessie, N. D.
♦Olson C., Racine, Wis.
Olson C. A., M atherville, 111.
♦Olson C. E ., Kenneth, M inn.
Olson O. E ., Stockton, N. Y.
Olson C. F., M abank. Tex.
Olson C. H., La H arpe. Kan.
Olson C. O., Shelby, Neb.
♦Olson C. V., M akoti, N. D.
Olson E .C ., E verett.W ash.
Olson E. F., Chicago, 111.
Olson E dw ard S., Winifred, M ont.
Olson E. W.. W inthrop, Minn.
♦Olson F. A., Alta, Ia.
♦Olson F. A., Sutton, N. D.
Olson F. L„ Denham; Minn.
♦Olson Fred. Clinton, Mo.
Olson F. W., Windsor. M o.
Olson G. A., Fordville, N. D.
Olson Gus A., Shermerville, 111.
♦Olson G. C., M edina, N. D.
Olson G. W.. Cedar, Kan.
♦Olson Joseph, Rochelle, 111.
♦Olson Joseph A., Buxton, N. D.
Olson J., Forest City, la .
Olson J. A., Dousman, Wis.
♦Olson J . A., Grandin, N. D.
Olson J. E ., Chicago, 111.
♦Olson J . G., Bricelyn, M inn.
♦Olson J. M., Gladstone, Cal.
♦Olson K nute. Chatfleld, M inn.
♦Olson L. H., M iddle River, M inn.
Olson L. L., K ent, Minn.
♦Olson Leo., Lake Crystal, M inn.
Olson Leon L.. M idvale. U tah.
♦Olson L. S., Owatonna, M inn.
Olson M . J., Charlson, N . D.
♦Olson M. R., Dwight, N . D.
♦Olson N. B., RosHolt, Wis.
Olson N. C., Hoople, N. D.
♦Olson Newell R., M inot, N. D.
Olson N. H., St. P eter, Minn.
Olson N. L., International Falls,
♦Olson O. A., A itkin, Minn.
Olson O. A., F ranklin, Minn.
Olson O. A., Max, N. D.
♦Olson O. A., Sheyenne, N. D.
♦Olson O. B., Isanti, Minn.
♦Olson Oscar C., A lbert Lea, M inn.
♦Olson Oscar F., W heaton, M inn.
Olson O. G., Porter, M inn.
Olson O. G., Zum brota, M inn.
Olson O. H., Assaria, Kan.
♦Olson O. H., Newman Grove,
♦Olson O. H., Marengo, la .
Olson O. H ., Sharon, N. D.
Olson O. H ., Turlock, Cal.
Olson O. J., So. W ayne, Wis.
Olson O. J „ Yacolt, Wash.
Olson O. L., Dassel, Minn.
♦Olson O. L „ K ent. Minn,
♦Olson O. L., W inthrop, M inn.
♦Olson O. S., W ataga, 111.
•Olson Oscar A., Mobridge, S. D.
Olson Oscar L., Edgerton, Wis.
Olson O. T., Hastings, N. D.
Olson S. L., Stanton, N . D.
Olson T . E., W hite Rock, M inn.
Olson T. F.. Brandon, Minn.
♦Olson T. M., Princeton, M inn.
♦Olson W. W., Walker. M inn.
Olsson E dw ard T ., N. Y. Mills.
M inn.
♦Olsson J. J., Lexington. Neb.
♦Oistad E . E ., Sioux Falls, S. D.
Olston H. L., Lake Preston, S. D.
Oltm ann D. A., Kingsley, la .
♦Olufson C. M ., Sacred H eart,
M inn.
Olufson Oscar, Sacred H eart,
M inn.
O’Malley Jo h n H.. Greeley. Neb.
O’M alley J. J., Des Moines, Ia.
♦O’Malley J. P., Bayfield, Wis.
♦Oman C. S., Ashville, Ohio.
♦O’Meara R., Eddyville, Neb.
Omer Roy, Kirksville, Mo.
♦Omodt A. P.. Houston, Minn.
♦Omodt Carl, Luverne. M inn.
♦Omohundro J. W., W hitesboro,
♦Omoth P. E., Presho, S. D.
Omstead E . G., W ardville, Okl.
O’N eal C. C., Green Forest, Ark.
♦O’Neal F . P., Friend, Neb.
O ’Neal H. T ., Crawford, Ga.
♦O’N eal J. W „ Tifton, Ga.
O’Neal S. F., Standing Rock, Ala.

O’Neil A. S.. St. Regis Falls. N. Y.
O’Neil J . M„ Glendive, Mont.
♦O’Neill C., Madison, Wis.
♦O’Neill C. B., Milan, Tenn.
♦O’Neill G. F., Baltim ore, M d.
O’Neill J . F., De Graff, Minn.
♦O’Neill J. P ., Burlington. Tex.
♦O’Neil R. C., Graceville. M inn.
O’Neill R. L., Nogales, Ariz.
Ong L. K., Columbus, Ind.
Onsgard B.N., Spring Grove,Minn.
Onslow George, Darlington, S. C.
Ontjes O. A., Holland, Ia.
Opfergelt E. A., Cobden, 111.
♦Opie E ., G reat Bend, Kan.
♦Opie G. J., Apple River, 111.
Oppenheimer J. D., San Antonio,
♦Opper L. C., Aurora, Neb.
Oram C. F., Gilman C ity, Mo.
♦Oram E . H., Rexburg, Idaho.
♦Orbeck C. A., Ballinger, Tex
♦Orbison T. S., So. Charleston,
Orchard J., Chicago, 111.
Orchard R. M., Muscoda, Wis.
♦Ordahl N., Milton, N. D.
Orde G. F., Baker, N . D.
Ordelheide, E. F., H am burg, Mo.
Ordelheide J. W., Dutzow, Mo.
Orear E. D.. Longwood, Mo.
O’Rear M . F., Oxford, Ind.
Oredson N. J., Powers Lake, N. D.
♦O’Reilly G ertrude, Goodhue,
M inn.
♦O’Reilly L ukeG ., Brunswick, Mo.
♦Orem fi. R., Campbellsburg, Ky.
♦Orgain J. C„ Bastrop, Tex.
♦Organ J. D.. Sycamore, 111.
♦Orillion F. H., Gueydan, La.
♦Orlebeke A., C lara C ity, M inn.
♦Orman A rthur, Albee, S. D.
Orme E . M ., Tooele, U tah.
Ormond J. A., M arianna, Fla.
Ormond T . F., Orrville, Ala.
♦Ormond W. F., Selma, Ala.
Ormsby Ernest, Trum bull, Neb.
Ormsby H. D.. Louisville. Ky.
Ormsby J . B.. New Albany, P a.
Ormsby J. M ., Elsinore, Cal.
Oradoff J. D., W aynesburg, P a.
♦O’R oark Irene, Grayson, Ky.
O’Rourk E. C., Reedsville, Wis.
Orr, A. W., B lanchard, Mich.
Orr B. S., A ttica, Ind.
Orr C. B.. Rlchlands. Va.
♦Orr E. A., Garden City, K an
Orr E arl J., B alta, N . D.
♦Orr H. T., M onona, Ia.
Orr J. F., C harlotte, N. C.
♦Orr J. H., F ort W ayne, Ind.
Orr L. L., Coats, Kan.
♦Orr S. S., Woodlake, M inn.
Orr T . E ., Buffalo. 111.
Orred Oscar A.. Spicer, Minn.
♦Orrell J., M orrillton, Ark.
O rt F rank C., M idland, M d.
♦Ort G. L., Osborn, O.
♦Ortega Abel, Winslow, Ariz.
♦Orth C. G., M orton. M inn.
♦Orth E. C., Plym outh, Neb.
O rth John S., Medford, Ore.
O rthm an C. S.. Stevens P oint. Wis.
Orvik N. M., M ichigan, N. D.
♦Orvjs F. A., St. Olaf, Ia.
Orvis F. K., St. Olaf, Ia.
♦Orvis.R. B., Baldwinsville, N. Y.
Orwick C. J., Arlington,O.
♦Ory A. J., Naperville. 111.
Osborn C. F., Blaine, Ky.
Osborn E. L., Montrose. Colo.
Osborn E. L .,, Olathe. Colo.
♦Osborn F. H., E lliott, Ia.
Osborn, Fred, Heflin, Ala.
Osborn J. L., Veedersburg, Ind.
♦Osborn Minnie L., Culver, Ind.
♦Osborn Philip, W hite Plains, N.Y
Osborn W. O., Culver, Ind.
Osborne C. F., Clendenin, W . Va.
Osborne Geo. T ., P ittsburgh, Pa.
♦Osborne H arry L., Clendenin, W.
•Osporne H arry L., Bloomfield,
N. J.
♦Osborne M . W., Jacksonville, 111.
Osborne W. J., Mt, Olivet, Ky.
♦Osborne W. N.,Williamsville, M o.
Osborne W . T., Mattoon, 111.
O sbum C. G., Baltimore, Md.
Osburn C. P., Cloquet, Minn.
O sbum F, M., Erie, Kan.
Osenton L. E „ Grayson, Ky.
Osgood C. H., Rogers, Mich.
Osgood G. H., W hite Cloud,Kan.
Osgood H . F., Colusa, Cal.
O’Shea E .. Petersburg, Neb.
♦O’Shea F., Petersburg, Neb.
O’Shea Mark, Madison, Neb.
♦O’Shea Paul, Madison, Neb.
O’Shields H. B., F o rt Lawn, S. C.
♦Osius T. F. A., D etroit, Mich.
♦Osmondson O tto B.. Mil bank,
8. D.
Ostenberg H. H „ Scottsbluff, Neb.
Oster T. P . Clearing, III.
Osterberg J. R., Wilhamsfield, 111.

O sterhoüt F . E., Madera, Cal.
♦Osterhold W. E ., Holton, Han.
♦Osthelder O. P., M arinette, Wls.
Osthoff Herm an, E lk h art Lake,
Ostrander E. B., Stockbridge,M ich
O strum Harold, Bancroft, Wis.
Ostwinkle C. H., Adams, M inn.
♦O’Sullivan Clara, Crystal, N. D.
♦Oswald Karl F „ Lexington, S. C.
♦Osweiler P . J., Lewiston, Mont.
Otey C. R.. K ent, Wash.'
♦Otey G. G., H errin, 111.
Otey M. J., Grainola, Okla.
♦Otey P. E., Oakland, Cal.
♦Otis D. B., Oakdale, Neb.
Otis E. G., San Diego, Cal.
♦Otis J. E., Benton. Wls.
Otis N . D., Wellsville, N . Y.
♦O’Toole John M ., P erth Amboy.
N. J.
♦O’Toole L. A., K ranzburg. S. D.
O tsto tt M. M„ Chicago, 111.
♦O tt C. W., Spearflsh, S. D.
O tt H. N ., Cincinnati, O.
♦O tt L. B., Petersburg, 111.
O tt L. E ., Oakford, 111.
♦O tt R. L., Franklin, Ind.
♦O tt R. V., Gainesville, Fla.
O ttaw ay I. O., Sherm an, N . Y.
O tte J. A., Bluffton, M inn.
♦O tten H enry A., W est Bend, Wis.
O tterback M aurice, W ashington,
D. C.
♦Otterness L. A., Brookings, S. D.
O ttis John, Kindred, N. D.
O ttis M . E „ H um phrey, Neb.
O tto Henry, Prairie du Chien, Wis.
♦Otto J . C., M arietta, O.
♦Otto W illiam , Dover, N. J.
O uim ette G. M ., Abbotsford,
W. Va.
Ouren A. B., H anska, M inn.
Ouren O. A., Halm a. M inn.
♦Ouren O. A., Hanska, M inn.
Ousley Charles, Crocker, Mo.
Ousley T. J., South M ound, Kan.
O uthier F. A., P rescott, la.
♦O utland H. C., W ichita, Kan.
♦Outlaw R. C., Ranger,- Tex.
O utten Elm er, Dover, Del.
♦Ouzts W. B„ Johnston, S. C.
Overbeck, H. F., St. Joseph, Mo.
Overbeck J. F.. Holland, Ind.
♦Overby C. F., Rice Lake, Wis.
Overby W. H.. Henderson, Ky.
O verhults W. C-, Cedaredge.Colo.
Overlie M . A., Benson, M inn.
♦Overlock,Jr., W. H., K ent, Wash.
♦Overman W. T ., D unn, N . C.
Overmiller L. O., Athol. Kan.
♦Overson T. G., G ranite Falls,
M inn.
O verstreet C. A.. Franklin. Ind.
♦Overstreet F. M ., Cherokee, Okla.
O verstreet M. E., Osborn. Mo.
Overton J. A., Toone, Tenn.
Overton J . A., Sm ithtow n Branch,
N. Y.
♦Overton J. B„ Farm ville, Va.
♦Overton J. E., M artinsville, Ind.
Overton O. V., Cumberland Gap,
O verturf H. C., Tyronza, Ark.
♦Oveson A. L., Overbrook, Kan.
♦Ovrom M„ W aupaca, Wis.
Owen A. L., Delavan, Kan.
♦Owen A. Paul, M ilton Junction,
♦Owen C. A.. Middletown. N. Y.
♦Owen C. H „ U pper Marlboro, Md.
Owen C. K „ Argyle, N. Y.
♦Owen C. S.. Senath, Mo.
Owep D. C., M oreland, Ga.
♦Owen E . R., Seymour, la..
Owen J. B., Omaha, Neb.
♦Owen J. D ., Lynchburg, Va.
Owen J. B., M urray, Ky.
Owen J. I., Stonington, 111.
Owen M. M., D ayton, Wyo.
Owen Paul, New Albany, Miss.
♦Owen W. O., Delavan, Kan.
♦Owen W. E „ So. Boston, Va.
Owen W. H., Seymour, la .
♦Owens C. H., Chester, S. D.
Owens Charles E., Wenatchee,
♦Owens E. T., Newnan, Ga.
♦Owens F ran k S., Kokomo, Ind.
♦Owens G., Del Rio, Tex.
Owens G. H., P o rt Royal, Ky.
♦Owens G. T ., G rant, Neb.
♦Owens H. F., Chestertown. M d.
Owens H. N., Kildeer, N. D.
♦Owens J, P „ W eatherford, Tex.
♦Owens J, T., Coleman. Okla.
♦Owens O. M ., P o rt Royal, Ky.
Owens S. B., Ridgeland, S. C.
♦Owens Vera, Cuba, 111.
Owens W. B., Wales, Wijs.
♦Owens W. D., No. Adams, Mich.
Owensby W. A., U rbana, Mo.
Owings H. S., Woodbine, Md.
♦Owings H arry W., Baltimore,M d.
Ownby N. C., Coweta. Oki.
♦Oxenham A. J.. N. Y. City, N.Y.
Oxholm S. H., Tyler, Minn.
♦Oyen F., Deslacs, N. D.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Oyer W. H., Pen Argyl, Pa.
Ozburn Allen, T am aroa. 111.
Ozburn H. O., Murphysboro, 111.
Ozment C. B., Stonefort, 111.
P aar Wm„ Jackson, Mo.
♦Pabst B. J., St. Paul. Minn.
P abst W. H., San Jose, Cal.
P abst W m„ N. Y. City, N. Y.
Pacal Ferdinand, Weston, Neb.
♦Pace A. M ., Enterprise, Ore.
♦Pace A. V., Huntsville, Tex.
Pace E. N., Choteau. Okl.
Pace J. E., Marrowbone, Ky.
Pace J. H., Cocoa, Fla.
Pace J. W.. Troup, Tex.
♦Pace M. H., Terrell, Tex.
♦Pace R. E., Pages Mills, S. C.
♦Paciukiewiçz Aima, Westville.Ill.
Packard C. A., Renwick, la.
Packard D. E„ Belmond, la.
♦Packard F. I., Chicago, 111.
♦Packard Geo., Flushing, Mich.
Packard H. E.. Viroqua. Wis.
P ackard L. S., Ralston, Neb.
Packard R. A., Menominee, Mich.
P ackard W. S., L a Conner. Wash.
Packer C. P., Jr., Indiana Harbor,
Padden G. M„ Fredericksburg.Ia.
♦Paddock Bruce B., Chicago, 111.
Paddock Chas., Terre Haute, Ind.
♦Paddock Gladys, Prophetstown,

Paddock H. E „ Prophetstown,111.
Paddock J. C., Peoria, 111.
♦Paden Frank, Litchfield, 111.
Paden G.M., Pittsburgh. Pa.
♦Padget R. S.. Riverside, Cal.
♦Padgett B. W., Mobile, Ala.
P adgett C G.. W alterboro, S. Û.
Padgett J., Ruffin, S. C.
♦Padlock F . H., Patterson, Cal.
♦Paege O. F „ Osmond, Neb.
Paff B. F„ Krupp, Wash.
Pafford J . M„ Lee. Fla.
Pafford W. T., Big Sandy, Tenn.
♦Page A. J., Russellville, Ky.
Page B. I., Haverhill, Mass.
Page B. W.. Skowhegan, Me.
♦Page Edwin, Mt. Vernon, Ind.
♦Page F. F., Danube, Minn.
♦Page Frank F„ Canton, Mo.
Page G. K.. Perry, N. Y.
♦Page J. J., Dexter, Mich.
Page J. L., Westhope, N. D.
Page Jam es A., Clover, S. C.
♦Page L. E., Rogers, Ark.
Page R. F., Sayre, Pa.
Page R. L., Berwind, W. Va.
Page S. E., Buena Vista, Va.
Page T. J., Claude, Tex.
Page W. C„ Weldon, Tex.
Page W. T., Athens, Pa.
Page! G. J., Chaffee, N. D.
P aget L. L., Seaside, Ore.
♦Pahlen J. W., Plummer, Minn.
♦Pahlm an J. T.. Amsterdam, Mo.
♦Pahmeier R. H., Chamois, Mo.
♦Paige F. H., Wibaux, M ont.
Pailing A. E., Greenwood, Neb.
Paine B., F, W ebster City, l a .
Paine E., Marblehead, Mass.
♦Paine E. D., Eugene, Ore.
♦Paine E . H,, Gary, Ind.
♦Paine H. J., Milwaukee, Wls.
♦Painter Bessie L.,Hunnewell, Mo.
♦Painter B. H „ Beverly, Kan.
♦Painter C. H „ Pulaski, Va.
P ainter C. P., Hunnewell, Mo.
♦Painter E. M ., Hopewell, Pa.
P ainter G. C., M iddleton, Ida.
P ainter J. M„ Kittanning, Pa.
♦Painter L. E., M iddleton, Ida.
♦P ainter L., W est Newton, Pa.
P ainter R. M., W. Mansfield, O.
P ainter S. G., Beverly, Kan.
P ainter T. A., N. Y. City, N. Y.
P ainter W. H., Williamsport, Pa.
Paisley J. T., Chicago, 111.
♦Palacios 1. G., San Diego, Tex.
♦Palensky J. E., Prague, Neb.
Palfrey Chas., New Orleans, La.
Palfrey H. S., Franklin, La.
♦Palfrey W. T.. Franklin, La.
♦Palisch C. J., Perryville, Mo.
Pallanch F. J., Oak Park, Minn.
Palm J. B., Bergen, N. D.
Palm J. G., Austin, Tex.
P alm atier W., Catskill, N. Y.
Palm er A. H., Tuskahoma, Okla.
Palm er A. R., Seneca Falls, N. Y.
Palm er A. W., Clarinda, la.
Palm er C. B„ Jr.,Bradshaw,Neb.
Palm er C. P., Continental, O.
♦Palmer C. W., Nezperce, Ida.
Palm er E. A., Yoakum, Tex.
Palm er E. E., Crandon, Wls.
Palm er F. L., E ast Orange, N. J.
Palm er F. O., Ramona, S. D.
Palm er G.. Garfield, Utah.
♦Palmer G. F., Hoquiam, Wash.
Palm er Geo. H., M iltonvale.Kan.
♦Palmer G. W., Florence, Colo.
♦Palmer G. W., Santa Rosa, Cal.
Palm er H. E., Im lay City, Mich.
♦Palmer J . A., Jacksonville, 111.
♦Palmer J. B., Davis, Okla.

Palm er J. G., Waynesboro, Ga.
Palm er J. H., W ilmot, G.
Palm er L. A., Waterville, Kan.
Palm er L. C., Arlington, Wash.
♦Palmer L. M.. Mansfield, Pa.
♦Palmer M . G.. Hope. Kan.
♦Palmer Nellie, Comanche, Tex.
Palm er N. W., Ridgeway, S. C.
Palm er R. C., Hillsdale. 111.
Palm er R. H „ H enrietta, Tex.
Palm er R cy K., Walker, Mo.
♦Palmer R. P., Lorimor, la.
Palmer S. L.. Benton. Ky.
♦Palmer W. E.. Boswell, Ind.
Palm er W. H., Kalona, la.
♦Palmer W. H., Armour, S'. D.
Palmer W. 0 ., Pine City, Wash.
Palmerlee F. F„ Brawley, Cal.
♦Palmeter C. C., Clear Lake, la.
Palm eter H. E „ Clear Lake, la.
Paimore J. W.. Ravenna. Tex.
Palm tag C. A., W atsonville, Cal.
♦Palm tag E. W., Salinas, Cal.
♦Panario G. J., San Francisco,Cal.
Pancoast A. L„ Riverside, N. J.
♦Pancoast H. G„ Riverside. N. J.
♦Pancrantz Carl, Egeland, N. D.
♦Pandorf S. W., Cincinnati, O.
Pangburn E. E„ Elizabeth, Pa.
♦Panger Noah, Williston, N. D.
Pankey D. B„ Kennett. Mo.
Pankey E. C.. Rossville, Tenn.
Pankratz H. J., Hillsboro. Kan.
♦Pankratz P. G., Lehigh, Kan.
Panneck W. W., Ivanhoe, Minn.
♦Pannell J. C., W artrace, Tenn.
♦Pannili C. R., M abank, Tex.
Pansing F. O., Verona, O.
Pantall J. E., Punxsutaw ney, Pa.
P anton A rthur, Arvonia, Vt.
Pape E. C.. New London. Wis¡
♦Pape, G. L., Berkeley, Cal.
♦Papenhause J. G.. T rem ont, 111.
Papy M. D„ Savannah, Ga.
Parcher S. C., Saco, Me.
Pardee P. C., Reese, Mich.
♦Parden J . A., George, la.
Pardew C. W „ Viola, Ark.
Parduhn C. L„ Stratford, S. D.
♦Parent J. E., Foley, Minn.
*Parham W. J., Jr.. Mobile, Ala.
Paris E . P., Kingston, Ga.
♦Parish Anthony, Momence, 111.
♦Parish A. G., Hale, Mo.
Parish G. W., Huntingdon, Tenn.
Parish W. T., Newport, Ark.
P ark Austin T., Redlands, Cal.
♦Park C. S„ Loami, 111.
P ark D. A., Canyon, Tex.
P ark E. C., Bethel, Me.
♦Park G. H., Hayward. Cal.
P ark George W., Oakdale, Neb.
P ark H. C., Columbus, O.
Park J. A., Hayward, Cal.
P ark J. E ., Louisville, Colo.
P ark John S., Las Vegas, Nev.
P ark Jam es W., Gormania, W. Va.
P ark P. S., Jr., Houston, Tex.
P ark P. S., Jr., Italy, Tex.
♦Park R. W., Remsen, N. Y.
P ark S. R.. Bach. Mich.
♦Park S. R., Caro, Mich.
♦Park W. S.t Las Vegas, Nev.
♦Parke T. P ., Glenburn. N. D.
♦Parker A. H., Middleville, Mich.
Parker A. K„ Josepn, Ore.
Parker Albert, Coxsackie, N. Y.
♦Parker Andrew, Lafayette, Tenn.
♦Parker A. S., Athens, Ga.
P arker B. F., Yale, 111.
♦Parker B. I., Pine Island. Minn.
Parker C. A., Mason City, la.
Parker O. E., Delta, Colo.
♦Parker C. J., Belfleld, N. D.
Parker Clarence, F ort W orth, Tex.
P arker C. R.. San Francisco, Cal.
Parker D., Groesbeck, Tex.
Parker D. C., Argos, Ind.
Parker D. M., Lyons, Ga.
Parker D. W., New Albany, Kan.
♦Parker Earl, Greenup, 111.
Parker E. E „ Lewiston, Me.
♦Parker E. S., Lewistown, Pa.
Parker E. W., Tagus, N. D.
♦Parker F. B., Rock Rapids. la .
Parker F. E., Troy Mills, la.
Parker F. H., Canton. Miss.
♦Parker Fordyce, Divide, 111.
P arker G. H., Pomeroy, O.
Parker G. 1., Harrington, Neb.
Parker G. J., Latim er, Kan.
Parker G. S„ Anderson. Ind.
P arker G. S., Waco, Tex,
♦Parker H., Gretna, La.
♦Parker H. M., Mounds, 111.
Parker H. P „ Rye. N. Y.
♦Parker H. W., Corry, Pa.
P arker H. W., St. Paul. Minn.
Parker Ira O., Millen, Ga.
Parker I. T., Dania, Fla.
Parker I. W., Markesan. Wls.
♦Parker Jesse. Lewiston. N. C.
Parker John G., Jr., Enid, Okla.
♦Parker J. H., Brunswick, Ga.
♦Parker J. H., Chesterfield, 111.
Parker J. H., Youngstown, O. »
Parker J. S., Kingston, Tenn.
♦Parker J . W ., Flanagan, 111.
Parker L. C., Westfield, Mass.
Parker L. F., Newell, la.
Parker L. L., Pageland, S. C.

♦Parker L. T ., Dania, Fla.
♦Parker M ay, Latim er, Kan.
♦Parker Metta. New Albany, K an.
♦Parker M. M ., Wood Lake, Neb
P arker O., Fossili, Ore.
P arker O. L„ Onancock, Va.
Parker Orville, Pedricktown, N. J.
♦Parker O. W.. Maxwell, la.
Parker P . H., Wilsonville, Ala.
♦Parker S. B., Tecumseh. Neb.
P arker S. F.. Farnam , Neb.
♦Parker S. H., Richmond, Va.
Parker T. A., Jr., Patterson. Ga.
P arker T . D„ Divide, 111.
P arker T. J., Lake Wales, Fla;
P arker Thomas, Rocky Ford, Ga.
P arker W.. Lafayette, Tenn.
♦Parker W. E., Caldwell, Ida.
P arker W. E., W adena, Minn.
P arker W. F., Wood Lake. Neb.
Parker W. F., New Brunswick,
N. J.
P arker W. J. H., Moravia, N. Y.
Parker W. G., Knowles, Okla.
♦Parker W. R.. Clinton. 111.
P arker W. R., Newburg, Mo.
Parker W. R.. St. Charles, Mo.
Parkerson J. J., Norfolk, Va.
Parkerson S. R „ La Fayette, La.
♦Parkhill E., Llano, Tex.
♦Parkhurst G. H., Mitchell, la.
P arkhurst G. L„ Simpsonville.Ky.
Parkhurst I. T., Leola, S. D.
P arkhurst W. N., Kasson, Minn.
♦Parkin G. E., Derby, la .
Parkin L. R., Edgemont, S. D.
♦ParkinM .'W ., Fredericktown.M o.
Parkinson J. R., W ataga, 111.
Parkis C. F„ Whitinsville, Mass.
Parks O. H., Peryear, Tenn.
Parks C. M., Bourbon, Ind.
♦Parks Donald, Farm ington, 111.
Parks E. F „ Paw Paw, Mich.
Parks E. L., Farm ington, 111.
Parks E . M ., M art, Tex.
P arks F. C., Hornerville, Mo.
Parks F. S., Sarcoxie, Mo.
♦Parks Jesse, Greenfield, 111.
♦Parks J. B„ Chelsea, Okl.
Parks R. B.. Franklin, O.
Parks R. E. L.. E lkart, Tex.
♦Parks R. W., Nelsonville, O.
Parks W. B.. Newnan. Ga.
Parks W. P., Parskville, S. C.
♦Parler J. A., Columbia, S. C.
♦Parma I. C., Ammannsville, Tex,
Parmele S. L.. Lima, N. Y.
♦Parm enter E. S., Cabool. Mo.
Parm enter R. W., Wewoka, Okla.
♦Parm entier A. J., Lakewood,N. J.
♦Parnell Albert, Branson, Mo.
♦Parr E arl G., Arab, Ala.
♦Parr H., Argenta, 111.
P arr J. E., Jonesboro, Ark.
P arr J. G., Jersey City, N. J.
♦Parr M. S., Sheridan, Ind.
P arr T. D., Ham ilton, Mo.
P arrett W. F., Patoka, Ind.
P arrett J. O.. Three Lakes, Wis.
Parrish C. W ., M idway, Ky.
♦Parrish Howard, Valdosta, Ga.
Parrish H. H., Cambridge, N. Y.
Parrish J . R., Woods Cross, U tah.
♦Parrish L. L„ Forsyth, Mo.
Parrish O. H „ Piggott, Ark.
Parrish R. B„ Williamson, W .Va.
♦Parrish R. N ., Paris, 111.
Parrisn W. W., Jr., Momence, 111.
P a rro tt H. B., Chicago, 111.
♦P arrott R. W., Owatonna, M inn.
♦P arrott W. G., Bishopville, S. C.
P arro tt W. L., Bishopville, S. C.
P arry J.. E.. Glens Falls. N. Y.
Parseli J . B., Angola. Ind
Parshall F. C., Tidioute, Pa.
♦Parshall F. F., Chesaning, Mich.
Parshall H. P., Ligonier, Ind.
Parshall H. R., Livermore, Cal.
Parsley S. G.. Hindsville. Ark.
♦Parson J. L., N. Y. City, N. Y.
Parsons A. J., Binghamton, N. Y.
♦Parsons A. S., New Britain,Conn.
Parsons B. J., Thayer, la.
♦Parsons O. M., Barlow, Ky.
Parsons E. O., Edina, Mo. •
♦Parsons F. G., Estherville, la .
Parsons F. H., Boise, Ida.
♦Parsons G. E ., Pillager, M inn.
Parsons H. C., Rockingham.N.C.
Parsons H. W., Sandusky, O.
Parsons J. E ., Ashland, Ala.
♦Parsons L. B., Bingham ton, N.Y.
♦Parsons L. G., Ju d ith Gap, M ont.
Parsons L. L., Wamego, Kan.
Parsons L. S„ Archbald, Pa.
♦Parsons M. E., Braham, M inn.
♦Parsons R. B„ Oquawka, 111.
♦Parsons R. L., Iowa City, la.
♦Parsons V. S., Shelbyville, Tenn.
Parsons W. C., Onley. Va.
♦Parsons W. H., M annington,
W. Va.
Parsons W. S., Snow Hill, Md.
Parsons W. W., Fresno, Cal.
P artch E. L., Rock Rapids, la .
Partee G. M., Ripley, Tenn.

P arten P . B., Shiro, Tex.
P artrid g e E . R., Sylacauga, Ala.
♦Partridge F. A., Mishawaka, Ind.
P artridge F . B„ Delphos, S a n .
P artrid g e F. F., Holyoke. Mass.
P artridge G. T., P arkersburg
W. Va.
♦Partridge O. A., Dewey, Okla.
P artridge Paul, Effingham, 111.
Paschal S. R „ Buckhead, Ga.
♦Pasöhall Lee, Berwyn, Okla.
♦Paschke H. D., Blùe E arth.M inn
Pascoe Thomas, Negaunee, Mich.
Pasewalk L. P.. Norfolk, Neb.
Pasfleld C. J., New York, N. Y.
♦Pass J , H., Crosby, N. D.
♦Passavant C. S. Jr., Zelienople,
Passm ore E. P., Philadelphia, Pa.
Passm ore R .H .,Cham bersburg,Pa,
P atch F. R., H artley, la.
P a te J. W ., Daingerfleld, Tex.
♦Pate V. A., M urfreesboro, Ark.
P a te W. M ., Hoberg, Mo.
♦Paterson D. M„ Hollister, Cal
♦Paterson T . M ., San Francisco,
♦P aton H. E ., W öodriver, 111.
♦Paton Jam es, Temple, Tex.
P ato n J. B.. L aurium , Mich.
♦P atout Oswell. Jeanerette, La.
♦P atratz Louis C.. Canova, S. D.
♦Patrick D . W ., Ulysses, Neb.
P atrick D. W ., Harleyyille, S. O.
P atrick E. D., Marengo, 111.
P atrick M rs. F ..JE., Olvey, Ark.

P atto n A. J., M t. Vernon, Tex.
♦P atton A. V. , Jackson, Tenn.
P a tto n C. M., Cumby, Tex.
P atto n D. A-, Clarence, 111.
♦P atton E. J., L ott, Tex.
P a tto n F. E., M ount Vernon, 111.
P atto n Frank,, Astoria, Ore.
♦P atton F. J., Blue Springs, N eb.
♦P atton F. S., Jonesboro, Tenn.
P atto n H. C.. Danville, Va.
P a tto n H. M ., Fowlerton, Tex.
♦ P a tto n H. N., Englewood, Colo
P a tto n J . E., La F ayette, Ga.
P atto n J . F., Laurel. Ia.
P atton J. M ., Paintrock, Tex.
♦Patton, Jr., John, M aplesville,
♦P atton L. L.. Cleghorn, Ia.
♦P atton M .C ., Laurel, Ia.
♦P atton R. A., Claremore, Okla.
♦ P atton R. F., G rand Rapids,
M inn.
P a tto n S. M ., Bradyville, Tenn.
♦Patton S. R., Sardis, Miss.
♦P atto n W. D., Dyer. Ark.
Pauck C. H., St. Marys, O.
Paul A. M.. Milton Junction, WIs.
♦Paul O. H ., T hurm an, Ia.
Paul D. A., Concord, Neb.
♦Paul E. J., Laurfel, Ia.
♦Paul F . A., Panhandle, Tex.
Paul H arry, Chicago, 111.
Pauli H. L., Gibson, la .
♦Paul H. R., Douglas, Wyo.
♦Paul Jam es H., Carbondale, Pa.
Paul J. H ., Slaton. Tex.
P aul J. W., Alpena Pass, Ark.
♦Paul Lee M., Farm ersville, 111
♦Paul M. J.. W arren. 111.
♦Paul O. H., Gibsonburg, O.
Paul S. E., Spring City, Tenn.
♦Paul W. B., Alpena Pass, Ark.
♦Paul Wm. L ., BrownValley, M inn.
P aul W. S., St. Paui, Neb.
Paulk E. M., Royse City, Tex.

♦Patrick M. A., Russellville, Ark.
♦Patrick R. L., Bowman, S. O.
P atrick U. H ., Cochran, Ga.
P atrick W. H., Clarendon, Tex.
P attee W. H .. Perry, la.
♦P atten C. C., Boston, Mass.
P a tte n F. L.. Kingfisher, Okla.
♦P atten G, I., Elgin, Ore.
♦Patten John, Fresno, Cal.
♦Pauli E va, Ridgeway, Wis.
♦P atten J. J., F o rt M adison, la .
Pauli G. M., W hat Cheer, Ia.
♦Patten L. N ., Springville, la.
P auli J. T., Ridgeway, Wis.
♦Patten M ary, R utland. 111.
Pauli Stephen, Calumet, Mich
♦P atten O. H ., M illtown, Ga.
Paullln W. L., F ort Gaines, Ga.
♦P atter E . L., Advance, Miss.
■Paulon K. S., Joice, Ia.
P atterso n A., Boone, la.
P atterso n A. M., Devine, Tex.
P auls O. H ., Brighton. Ia.
♦Paulsburg N., Mentor, Minn.
P atterso n A. R ., W alter, Okla.
Paulsen A. S., Henning, M inn.
P atterson Creigh, Blain, Pa.
Paulsen Fredericka, Preston, Ia.
P atterso n C., Chesterhill, O.
P atterso n C. A., Arapahoe, Neb.
♦Paulson A., Olivia, M inn.
Paulson A. C., Palerm o. N. D.
P atterso n C. B., Mt. Sterling, Ky.
P atterso n C. E ., Hem pstead, N. Y. Paulson C. E., Clarks Grove,
P atterson C. F., N atcnez, Miss.
P atterso n C. H ., From berg, M ont. Paulson C. T ., Abercrombie. N .D .
P atterso n D. H., Bradford, Tenn. Paulson Em il N., Sebastopol, Cal.
♦Paulson J. E ., S trandquist, M inn.
♦Patterson E. G., D urand, 111.
♦P atterson F . C., Farm ville, N . C. Paulson P. A., Eckm an. N. D.
P atterson Fred. Sandy Springs. Paulson P . M., P ortland, N. D.
Paulson R. C., Otisco, M inn.
S. C.
Paulson W . D.. Maxwell, N. M.
♦P atterso n G., H arrisburg, 111.
P atterso n G. E ., Hartsells, Ala.
Paulsrud Hans, Fertile, M inn.
P atterson G. F., Indianapolis. Ind.
♦Paulus E dna, Sidney, Ind.
P atterso n G. O., Tahlequah, Okla.
♦Pauly E. S., Los Angeles, Cal.
♦Patterso n G. F „ Milford, 111.
Paunack A. O., M adison, Wis.
♦Patterson H. E ., Yreka, Cal.
♦Paunack A. O., Milwaukee, Wis.
♦Patterson H. M ., Gilmer, Tex.
♦Pausch H. Jr., Columbus. O. ,
P atterso n H . T ., Bradley, S. C
P atterso n J. A.. W ilkinsburg, Pa. ♦Pavel, Jr., J., C edar Rapids, Ia.
♦Patterson J. C., F ountain Run, Pavey G. B., Cates, Ind.
P avletti A., Providence, R. I.
P atterso n J . D., Tyler, Tex.
♦Pavy P . D., Opelousas, La.
♦Pawling A. A.. Braldwood, 111.
P atterso n J. M ., Union. Neb.
♦Patterson J. W., Ballinger, Tex. Pawling R. W ,,Fleischmanns,N.Y.
♦Patterson L. F., Shelby, Miss.
♦Pawlak B., Silver Lake, M inn.
P atterso n L. T., Louisiana, Mo.
Paxson W. L., Saginaw, Mich,
♦P atterson L. W ., A ntler, N. D.
P axton R. G., Glasgow, Va.
P atterso n N. H., Jasper, Mo.
P ayn M. S., Peninsula, O.
P ayne A. A., P anam a City. Fla.
P atterso n N . T ., Coats, N . C.
♦Payne A. K., Stillwater, Okla.
P atterso n O. E .. Haskell, Tex.
♦P atterson O. G., Noblesville, Ind. ♦Payne C. B., M arshall, Tex.
♦Payne C. L., W ashington, N. C.
♦P atterson R. A., Muskogee, Okla. Payne C. W., Roodhouse, 111.
Payne E. C., Bowman, N. D.
Datterso n R. F., Beaver, Pa.
• ^ P atte rso n R. F., Plattsm outh, ♦Payne E . H., Albertville. Ala.
Payne H. L., Dozier, Ala.
♦Payne H. L., Glenwood City.W is.
• P atterso n R. H „ Star, Tex.
♦P atterson R. P., Steubenville, O. ♦Payne H. T., Aberdeen, Miss.
P atterso n R. R.. Henning, Minn. P ayne Irving E ., Area, 111.
♦Patterson R ay W i,Stoughton, Wis. ♦Payne I. E., Morgan Hill, Cal.
P atterso n R. W., E. Liverpool, O. ♦Payne J. C., Irvington, Ky.
♦Payne J . M„ Union, N. Y.
P atterso n Robt., Cecil, Pa.
P atterso n S. L., Austinville, la.
♦Payne J. R. Jr., Clifton Forge,Va.
♦P atterson S. M., Pleasantville.O.
♦Payne L. L., Burlingame, Kan.
P atterso n S. S., Vicksburg, Miss.
P atterso n T.M., P lattsm outh.N eb. Payne N. J., Milan, Mo.
♦Payne O. B., M ilan, Mo.
P atterso n T. N., Piketon, O.
Payne P. S., Coûter, Mo.
P atterso n V. R., Grenada, Miss.
Payne Ralph, Rushville. Ind.
P atterso n W. C., H ennepin, 111.
R. N., M arietta, O.
P atterson W. C., Pearson. Ga.
Payne R. S., Neligh, Neb.
P atterson W. G., Mansfield, O.
P atterso n W . J.. Ninety-Six. S. C. Payne R. T ., M t. Airy, Ga.
P atterso n W. J., Aberdeen, W ash. Payne S. C., Cleveland. O.
Payne T. L., Hollywood, Mo.
♦P atterson W . M., Monroe City. ♦Payne Tony M ., Fairm ount, Ind.
Payne W . R., L epanto, Ark.
♦Payne W. T ., Lakefield, M inn.
♦P atterson W . N.. Cambridge, O.
♦Patterson W. R .. P leasant Hill. Payne W. W., Newton, 111.
P aynter H.D.,M oundValley,Kan.
♦Paynter O. E ., N. Y. City, N.Y.
♦Patterson W. T ., P ea Ridge, Ark.
P ayton W. E., Chula, Mo.
P atterso n W. W., Bronson, Kan.
Peabody A. H ., Salt Lake City.
P atteso n A. L ., Smiley, Tex.
U tah.
P atteso n J . H ., Richm ond, Va.
♦Peabody B. F., Moundsville, W.
P a ttie L. F., M anassas, Va.
P attillo M . T ., Buford, Ga.
Peace H. O., Lawtey, Fla.
P attiso n A. J ., W estport, N. Y.
Peace G. E ., Buckner, M o.
♦P attison J . O., Elkland. P a.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Peace S. T., Henderson, N. C.
♦Peach H . E., Em poria, Kan.
Peachy.W . S., Seattle, W ash.
♦Peacock E . L., Stafford, Kan.
Peacock H. W., Cincinnati, O.
Peacock J. H., Larchwood, la .
Peacock T., Robbins, Tenn.
Peacock Thos. P., Rutledge, Ga.
PeacocK z. V.. HawklnsviUe, Ga.
Peagler H. J., Butler, Ga.
♦Peagler W. W., Greenville, Ala,
♦Peake Nellie, Mahaska, Kan.
♦Peake P., H .. New H aven, 111,
Peake T . B., G rant, Neb.
Pearce Blaine, Cypress, 111.
Pearce' C. G., Joliet, 111.
Pearce C. M ., Vian, Okla.
Pearce D. F., Folkston. Ga.
♦Pearce J . O., Savannah, Mo.
Pearce T. E ., Blcknell, Ind.
Pearce W . A.. W ashtucna, Wash.
♦Pearl Don. Prosser, W ash.
Pearl Guy H., Prosser, Wash.
Pearl Julia M., Lake Providence,
♦Pearsall B. F., Jr., W allace, N . C.
Pearsall G. E., Des Moines, la .
♦Pearson A., Detroit,. M inn.
♦Pearson A. A... W est L iberty, Ia.
♦Pearson A. E ., Elm ore, M inn.
Pearson A. S., C herry Valley, N.Y.
♦Pearson O., M iddletown, M o.
♦Pearson C. E., Kirkwood, 111.
Pearson C. H ., Sharon, Pa.
Pearson, E . N . Concord, N . H.
Pearson F. L.. W. Branch, la .
♦Pearson G. P., Sylronla, Ga.
♦Pearson H. D., Wadley, Ala.
Pearson I . W „ York Sp’gs, Pa.
Pearson L. O., T hunder Hawk,
S. D.
♦Pearson M . A., Belt, M ont.
Pearson P ., Pell City. Ala.
♦Pearson R. N ., Hinckley, M inn.
Pearson R. P., Basin, Wyo.
Pearson S. E ., Bloomington, Wis.
♦Pearson S. E ., Genoa, Neb.
♦Pearson W. C., Newark, N. J.
♦Pearson W .R ..Prairie Grove.Ark.
♦Pearson W. W., Cham berlain,
S. D.
♦Pease Beulah, R ichards, Mo.
Pease C. H., W estboro, Mass.
Pease Fred, Hastings, Neb.
Pease M yron A., Bishop, Tex.
♦Pearvey R. W., F aribault, M inn.
Peavy C. R., Pinehurst, Ga.
Peavy J. W., Odessadale, Ga.
Pebler George, Lindenhurst, N.Y.
♦Pebles A., Livingston, Tex.
♦Pecival F. S.. Wilson. Kan.
♦Peck B. S., Galva, 111.
Peck C. A., Mexico, N. Y.
Peck C. C.. P o rt H uron, Mich.
Peck C. E „ Albany. 111.'
♦Peck Chas. K., Sciota, 111.
Peck C. G., Idaho Falls, Ida.
Peck E rnest E., H erm an, Minn.
Peck E. N.. E. Haddam , Conn.
Peck F. J., Clarksburg, O.
Peck F rank M., Madrid, N, Y.
Peck F. J ., Cortland. N. Y.
Peck G. L., Angola. N. Y.
Peck G. W-. Salem, Mo.
♦Peck J. C., Concordia, K an.
♦Peck J. F., Tempe, Ariz.
Peck J. W „ W estboro. Mo.
♦Peck M. L., Albany, 111.
♦Peck O. K., Okmulgee, Okla.
♦Peckham A. R., Augusta, Kan.
Peckham F. D., A lexandria, S. D.
Peckham Jam es M., Union Sp’gs,
N. Y.
♦Peddie J. W., New York, N . Y.
Peddycord G. W., Spokane, Wash.
Peddycord G. W., Colville. Wash.
♦Peden A. B., Oakland, Neb.
Pedersen A., Wheeler, Wis.
Pedersen C. C., Frederic, Wis.
♦Pederson O. E ., Goehner, Neb.
Pedersen S. C„ Elkhorn, Ia,
♦Pederson A. O., Bode, Ia.
Pederson C. A., Oberton, Neb.
♦Pederson Edwin. Cayuga, N. D.
♦Pederson M. G., Pillsbury, N. D.
Pederson O. S. J., Ballard Station,
W ash
A,; ,
♦Pedigo Inez W ., New M arsh­
field, O.
Pedrini A., San Francisco, Cal
♦Peek B. B., Shoals. Ind.
Peek H. C., Ellendale, N. D.
Peel D. W., Bentonvllle, Ark.
♦Peel R. W., Bentonvllle, Ark.
♦Peeler A. H., G ranite Quarry,
N . C.
Peeler^J. D., N o rth Pleasanton,
Peeples Thos. J., A ltanta, Ga.
♦Peeples W. D.. Jr.. Valdosta. Ga.
♦Peer F rank O., Dana, Ind.
Peerey H. G., Corinth, Miss.
♦Peerenboom G. H „ Appleton,
Peers J, B., Morehead, Ky.
♦Peerson L. C., Oak Grove. Mo.
Peery A. T.. Eupora, Miss.
Peery C harles E , Greenwood.

Peffer G. M., Piqua, O.
Pegg W. M., Allen, Okla.
Peightel I. S., Leslie, Mo.
Pelghtel J . C., Seymour, Mo.
♦Peik William, Browntown, M inn.
Peirce H. F., W arsaw, N. C.
Peirce R . G„ La F ayette. Ind.
Peirce T. B., Durham , N. C.
Peirre G. E ., M inier, 111.
Pelrson S. Ray, Newark, N. Y.
Peirson W . T., Newark, N. Y.
Pelhank H. H., E quality, 111,
♦Pelichek J., Leonardville, Kan.
Pelkey E. F., Coleman, Wis.
Pellet Frank, St. Helena, CM.
♦Pcllett J . S.. Olathe, Kan.
Pelley J . B., Macomb, 111.'
Pells G. C., Hutchinson, Kan.
♦Pelt P. E., Victor, Kan.
♦Pelter A. H ., Toledo. O.
♦Peltier S. E., T hlbodaux, La.
Pelton A. H ., Fairbury, Neb.
Pelton J. L., K anab, U tah.
Pence D. B., Limestone, Tenn.
♦Pence F. E ., Jewell, Kan.
♦Pence Frank. Newcastle Ind.
Pence M. H., New Paris, O.
♦Pence O. C., W alton, W. Va.
Pence R. A., Dogden, N. D.
♦Pence S. A., Kearney, Mo.
♦Pendarvis Alma D.. M edia. 111.
Pendarvis C. R.. Media, 111.
Pendarvis E. A., Enid, Okla.
♦Pender J. A.. Greenwood, Fla.
♦Pendergrass J. F., Gainesville, Ga.
PendergastP.P., H utchinson, Minn.
Pendergrast R. J., Ordway, Colo.
Pendleton E. A., Augusta, Ga.
Pendleton E.N..Stonington,Conn.
♦Pendleton H . A.. Stonlngton.
♦Pendleton L. F.,Clifton Forge,Va.
Pendleton N.A.,Stonlngton, Conn.
♦Pendleton S. T ., Fairfield, 111.
♦Pendleton W . S., Shamrock, Tex.
Pendley Rumsey, M cH enry, Miss.
♦Penewitt A. H., E aston, 111.
Penfleld A. H., Springfield, O.
♦Penfleld H. J., Hudson, Wis.
Penfold W. B., Bellefourche, S. D .
♦Penhallegon E. G., Mineral P oint
♦Penick Caldwell, E lkton, Ky.
♦Penick Lloyd, Chariton, Ia.
Penick U. G., Derby, Ia.
Penington J . D., Hollis, Okl.
Penland R. M ., W oodbury, Ga.
Penley W. A., Augusta, Kan.
Penn B. T., New Vienna, O.
♦Penn C. E., Leesburg, Ö.
Penn J. W ., Roanoke, Va.
♦Penn J . W., New Vienna, O.
♦Penn T .. St. Clair, M inn.
Pennell F. A., McCook, Neb.
Penner C. E ., Mill Creek. Okl.
Pennlm an Yates, Baltim ore, Md.
♦Penning O. B., Alden, M inn.
♦Pennington C. M ., Pine City,
M inn.
_ _
Pennington E ., Tarboro, N . C.
Penniston R. G., Defiance, 1%.
Pennock D., Carthage, 111.
♦Pennock L. O., Lancaster, Wis.
♦Penny H. G., F t. Scott, Kan.
Pennybacker J. J., Broadway, Va.
Penney K. E ., R udd, Ia .
♦Penney Simpson, Rome, Ga.
Pentecost A. L., Ruleville, Miss.
♦Pentecost F. T .. Lawrenceville.
♦Pentecost V. R., Los Angeles,Cal.
♦Pentz W. R., San Francisco. Cal.
♦Penzel Alvin, Jackson, Mo.
♦Peocock W. H.. Readmg, Pa.
♦Peoples D. H ., Prineville, Ore.
♦Peoples J . M„ Lock Haven, Pa.
♦Peple G. A., Richmond, Va.
♦Peplinski R. E ., Pulaski, Wis.
♦Pepper A da M .. Kiram ansville,
♦Pepper G. G„ Germantown, Ky.
Pepper H. L., Germantown, Ky.
Pepper N. E., Danbury, N. C.
Pepper Thos., Allensville, Ky.
Perce W, L., Williamsville, 111.
Percival J. F., W aterville, Me.
♦Percy S. H ., V entura, Cal.
Perdue J . G. W., Delmar, Dei.
Perdue L. W., W ilmot, Ark.
♦Perdue P . E., Chester, Va.
Perdue W. L„ Big Sandy, Tex.
Pereboom G., C hatham , 111.
♦Perin C. T., Cincinnati. O.
♦Periolat W. C., Chicago, 111.
♦Perkerson W. T „ A tlanta, Ga.
♦Perkins A. L., Greensburg, Ky.
Perkins C. E, ,, Redondo Beach,
Perkins C. F., P leasant Hill, O.
Perkins C. E., Jeffers, M inn.
Perkins C. M„ Plneville, Ky.
Perkins D. H., Price, N. D.
♦Perkins D. R , Belmont, O.
Perkins E. A., Dodgeville, Wis.
Perkins E . M ,, M cKinney, Tex.
♦Perkins F. A., Ritzville, Wash.

»Perkins F. A., Fairview, Okla.
Perkins F. G., Bayonne, N. J.
Perkins G. O.. Arnpld, Neb.
Perkins G. W., Lower Salem, O.
•Perkins H. O., McAlester.Okla.
•P erkins H. L., Carlisle, Ark.
•P erldns H. P ., Bethel, Vt.
Perkins H. T „ Senatobia, Miss.
Perkins H. W., Petrolia, Tex.
•Perldns J.. Dublin. Tex.
Perkins J . A., Opelousas, La.
Perkins J . N., Rising Sun, ind.
Perkins J. N ., Springtown, Tex.
Perkins J. W., Bellflower, Mo.
Perkins N „ Pine City, Minn.
•P erkins N. C., Franklin, Tenn.
•Perkins O. E ., Yamhill, Ore.
•P erkins R . E., Sonoma, Cal.
•Perkins R. P., Crescent C lty.Fla.
Perkins R. P., Archer, Fla.
Perkins T. A., Windom, Minn,
Perkins T . O., Williamsburg, Ky.
Perkins T.E.,Tallahassee, Fla.
•P erkins W. G., Prescott, la.
Perkins W. H., Pittsfield. Mass.
•Perkins W. T „ Chicago, 111.
P ernot S. A., Van Buren, Ark.
•P erret B. H ., Excelsior Springs,
•P errin A. H., Saginaw, Mich.
Perrin. C. E., Custer, S. D.
•P errin J. W., Bishopville, S. C.
•P errin Lewis, Abbeville, S. C.
•P errin O. H., W oodbine, la.
•P errin W. S., W akita, Okla.
•P errine R. H ., Em lenton, Pa.
•P errlne T .Francis.So.Am boy.N.J.
Perrizo O., Delavan, Minn.
Perrizo Jr. William, Clontarf,
M inn.
Perrodln J. J., Opelousas, La.
•P erro n E. O., Escanaba, Mich.
•P erry Benton, York, Neb.
P erry B. F., Mt. Sterling, Ky.
•P erry B. L., M oberly, Mo.
P erry C., Mt. Olivet, Ky. t
P erry C. A., Kingsland. Ga.
P erry C. C., Ovando, M ont.
P erry C. E., Brandon, Wis.
Perry D an S., Greensburg, Ind.
P erry E. A., Ham ilton. Tex.
P erry E. C., Stonewall, Okla.
P erry E . L., B ay C ity, Tex.
P erry E . P., Guernsey, Wyo.
•P erry E . V., Rolling Fork, Miss.
P erry Fred H., Charlestown, N .H .
Perry F rank L., Pontiac, Mich.
•P erry Geo. M ., Orion, Mich.
P erry H. C., M arion, Kan.
P erry H. L., W hittier, Cal.
•P erry I. H., Rutherford, Tenn.
P erry J „ Plain Dealing, La.
P erry J. B., Bramwell, W. Va.' ■
P erry J. L., Alexandria, Va.
P erry J. M., Tustln, Mich.
P erry J. R „ New Iberia, La*
•P erry J. S., S. Dayton, N. Y.
•P erry M . A., New H arm ony, Ind.
P erry M. F .t Kingston, R. I.
Perry O. E., Ridgeway, O.
P erry R ay, Frankston, Tex.
P erry S. D., Southbridge, Mass.
•P erry Thos. M ., Harlem , Ga.
•P erry W. O., P ittsburg, Kan.
•P erry W. S., Fleming, Ky.
P erry W. S., Jenkins, Ky.
•P erry W. Y., L ancaster, Tex.
•P errym an J. H., Ash Grove, Mo.
Perrym an O. W., Ash Grove, Mo.
•Perschalcher E. O., Milwaukee,
Perslse L. L„ Salem, Ind.
Perske H. G„ Goodrich, N. D.
Persons A. P „ T albotton, Ga.
Persons W . O., Reubens, Ida.
Pervyhouse W. W., Jackson, Ky.
•Peschel P. A., W ahpeton. N. D.
Pesicka J. J., Chicago, 111.
•P ostal G. A., Frem ont, Neb.
P eter C. A., P rescott, Arlz.
P eter George, Kensington, M d.
Peteres J. C., M ohall, N. D.
•P eterm an J. H ., Indianola, la.
Peterm ichel J., Valparaiso, Neb.
•Peterm ichel M. J., Valparlso.Neb.
•P etem ell A., A lbany, Minn.
•P eters A. C., W est Side la.
•P eters A. J., Beaver Creek, M inn.
P eters A. J., Lahoma. Okla.
P eters Alfred, Issaquah, Wash.
Peters A. S., Lake Wilson, Minn.
•P eters D ’T roy, P ilot P oint, Tex.
Peters E . J „ W est Side, la.
Peters G. H., Blackcreek, Wis.
Peters H. D., Keysville, Va.
Peters J . D., Brigham, U tah.
Peters J. E ., Livingston, Tex.
Peters J . N., Y utan, Neb.
Peters J. S., Manchester, Ga.
Peters J. T., Williamsburg, Mo.
•P eters N. E ., Greenville, Pa.
Peters O. M., Cosby, Mo.
Peters P . R „ Lancaster, O.
Peters R. H., Gibsonburg, O.
Peters S. M ., Bremond, Tex.
•P eters W . C.f St. Joseph, 111.
Peters W. H.. Roscoe, N. Y.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

•Petersen A. M., Kimballton, la.
Petersen H. H., Lowden, la.
Petersen H. H„ Teeds Grove. Ia.
Petersen H. P.. W aitsburg, Wash.
Petersen J. E., Clayton, N. J.
•Petersen J. H., Teeds Grove, Ia.
Petersen R. C.. Zolfe, Fla.
•Petershagen G. B., Williamsburg,
•Peterson A. E., Moline, 111.
Peterson A. E., Big Fork, Minn.
Peterson A. H Mandan, N.D.
•Peterson A. J.. Waco, Tex.
•Peterson A. L., Buffalo, N. D.
•Peterson A. L., M t. Pleasant,
Peterson A. L., Postville, Ia.
Peterson A O., Springfield, 111.
Peterson A. S„ Farwell, Minn.
Peterson A. U., Calio, N. D.
Peterson C.. Haskell, Okla.
Peterson C.A., Soldiers Grove, Wis.
•Peterson C, A., Blooming Prairie,
Peterson C. A., Henrietta, Minn.
•Peterson C. B., Haileyville, Okla.
Peterson C. E., Twin Valley, Minn
Peterson C. F „ Bison, S. D.
Peterson C. F., Mellen, Wis.
•Peterson C. H., Bloomfield, Neb.
Peterson C. H., Colton, S. D.
•Peterson Chas. W., Garretson,
S. D.
•Peterson C. J. Jr., Springfield, 111.
Peterson C. O., Mora, Minn.
•Peterson, C. O. Elkton, S. D.
•Peterson C. R., Cokato, Minn.
•Peterson C. R., Ulen, Minn.
•Peterson C. W., Mbnticello,
M inn.
Peterson C. W. V., Frederic, Wis.
Peterson D. M., Weirton, W. Va.
•Peterson Edwin, Hallettsville.Tex
•Peterson E .,H itterd al, Minn.
Peterson Edw., Stratford, Ia.
Peterson E rnest A., Blair, Wis.
•Peterson E. E., Kingsbury, Cal.
•Peterson F., Central City, Neb.
Peterson F. E., Stapleton, Neb.
Peterson F. E., Marquette, Kan.
Peterson F. H., W atertown,M inn.
•Peterson F. O., Elk River, Minn.
Peterson G. A., Rockford, 111.
Peterson G. C., Buda, Tex.
Peterson G. F„ Russell, N. D.
•Peterson Gilbert, Adams, N. D.
Peterson G. L., Hendricks, Minn.
Peterson G. N .,N orth Judson, Ind.

Petterson J. F., Princeton, M inn.
Pettey J. P., Hastings, Okla,
Petteys A., Weldona, Colo.
P ettiban H. W„ Sheldon, Mo.
Pettle V. C., Jonesboro, Ark.
Pettigrew E. T., Los Angeles,Cal.
•P ettigrew J. A., Florence, S. C.
Pettinger P. H., Cumberland,Ia.
Petting! 11 G.- L„ Iron River, Wis.
•P ettis O. A„ St. Peter, M inn.
Pettis W. S., Ellisville, Miss.
P ettit A,, Knox City, Mo.
•P e ttit H. L., Bloomberg, Tex.
•P e ttit M. R., Knox City, Mo.
P e ttit O. D., Sioux City, Ia.
P ettit W. S., Harrison. Ark.
Pettus W. B., San Antonio, Tex.
Pettus W. H .,Jr.,D rakes' Branch,
•P e tty D. L., Au Gres, Mich.
P etty E. S.. Cleveland. Tenn.
•P e tty I. A., Mount Carroll, 111.
P etty J. R„ Au Gres, Mich.
P etty O. P., Pröphetstown, 111.
•P e tty W. E ., Areola, Mo.
Pettyjohn C. L., Talmo, Kan.
Petway, P. O., Enfield, N. C.
Pew H. D.. Palo. Mich.
•Pew H etty M., Palo, Mich.
Peyton G. L., Mexia, Tex.
Peyton G. W., Rapidan, Va.
Peyton J. N., D uluth, M inn.
Peyton J. W „ Cornelia, Ga.
Peyton T. P., Charlottesville, Va.
•Pfaefflin H „ Austin, Tex.
Pfaffle E. C., Meridian, Ida.
•Pfannstiehl J. J., Baraboo.W Is,
»Pfeffer W. M., New Berlin, 111.
•Pfeiffer C. B., Helena, Mont.
Pfeiffer Frank, Kemmerer, Wyo.
•Pfeiffer F. W., Arlington, Neb.
Pfeiffer G. I., Arlington, Neb.
•Pfeiffer H. J.,, Havana, N. ID.
•Pheiffer Ralph, M orristown, S. D.
•Pfeil G. H., Baltimore, Md.
•Pfeiler Joseph, Sheboygan, Wis.
Pflffner A. E., Argyle, M ihn.
Pfister A., Pase Robles, Cal.
•Pfister J. B., Marceline, Mo.
Pfister L., Clifton. Kan.
Pfister W. F „ Creve Coeur, Mo.

•Pflenger P . A., San Francisco,
Pfluger Carl, Coupland. Tex.
•Pfohl Edson P .t Niagara Falls,
•Peterson H. A., Maricopa, Cal.
N. Y.
Peterson Henry, Almena, Wis.
•Pfost F. P . M., Ripley, W. Va.
Peterson H. G., New Windsor, 111. Pfost H. F., Ripley, W. Va.
Peterson H. N., Wheelock, N. D.
•Pfrlm m er S., Bloomington, Ind.
Peterson H. V., Virginia, Minn.
•Phalen Mayme, Allerton, 111.
Peterson H. W., Souris, N. Dak. Phares C. G., Oxford, Ind.
Peterson J. A., Darlington, Ind.
•Phares R. F., Hamilton, Mo.
•Peterson J. B., Yukon, Pa.
Phares W. A., Decatur. 111.
Peterson J. B., Coulee City,Wash.
P harr Leroy, Eastm an, Ga.
•Peterson J. E., Culbertson, Mont. Phelan E . E., Summertown, Tenn.
Peterson J. E.,Wilkinsburg, Pa.
•Phelpot W. H.. Summerfleld,
•Peterson J. G., International
Falls, Minn.
Phelps A. E„ CroWn Point, N. Y.
Peterson J. H., Alley, Ga.
•Phelps Barney, Golconda, 111.
Peterson J. M., Richfield, Utah.
•Phelps C. B„ La Fayette, Ind.
Peterson Julian M.. Spooner,
Phelps C. H., Norwich, Conn.
M inn.
•Phelps E. Rice, Leavenworth,
•Peterson J. O., Hazel, S. D.
Peterson Joseph, Herscher, 111.
•Phelps F. R., H arvard, 111.
Peterson J. S., Orion, 111.
•Phelps George A., Kingsley, Ia.
Peterson J. S., Ringsted, Ia.
Phelps H. G., Cazenovia, N. Y.
Peterson J. T., Duke, Okla.
•Phelps John, Westerville, O.
•Peterson L. w „ Sand Point, Ida. Phelps Lillie F„ P ort Henry, N. Y.
Peterson M. T„ Toronto. S. D.
•Phelps Lillie M ,, Kalamaz,
Peterson M. W., Seattle, Wash.
•Peterson N., Fisher, Minn.
•Phelps N. W., Roanoke. Va.
Petersen jn . J., Little Falls, •Phelps R. H., MUtonvale, Kan.
M inn.
•Phelps W. A., Henderson, Ia.
Peterson O. E ., Kingsbury, Cal.
Phelps W. H., Winsted, Conn.
•Peterson O. R., Sheldahl, la.
Phelps Willis, Quinlan, Tex.
•Peterson P. A., Columbus, Neb. Phelps W. T., Marshall, Mich.
Peterson P. C., Chicago, 111.
•Phénix B. D., Bradford, 111.
•Peterson P . O., Winona, Minn. Phénix D. J., Bradford, 111.
Phieffer W. B., Gerald, Mo.
Peterson P. B., Landa, N. D.
Phifer H. L., Gainesville, Fla.
•Peterson Peter, Cushing, Wis.
Philbin M. J., Olyphant, Pa.
•Peterson P. H., Benedict, N. D. Philbrlck C. A„ Seattle. Wash.
•Peterson P. H., Villisca, Ia.
•Philburt F. H., St. Johnsbury,
•Peterson Phares, N orth Lake,
' Vt.
Peterson P. J., Brandt, S. D.
Philips D. Duer, K ennett Sq., Pa.
•Peterson P. J.,Long Prairie.Mlnn. Philips H. M., Dover, Kan.
•Peterson P. J;,- Waubun, Minn. •Philips Irai, Remus, Mich.
•Peterson R „ Centerville, S. D.
•Philips J. E., Covington, Ga.
•Peterson R. O., Zolfo, Fla.
•Philleo R. M ., Covina, Cal.
•Peterson R. E., Ft. Gaines, Ga.
•Phillip G. P., Chicago, IU.
Peterson R. J., Frontenac, Minn.
•Peterson S., Cedar Rapids, Neb. •Phillips A., Springfield, S. O.
Peterson S. E., St. Thomas, N. D. Phillips A., Beaver Dam, O.
•Phillips A. B„ Galveston, Tex.
Peterson T. K., Badger, Ia.
•Phillips A. E., Massena, N. Y.
Peterson Van E., Curtis, Neb.
•Phillips A. L., Newark, N. J.
Peterson V. W., M ora, Minn.
Peterson W. A., M t. Vernon, Ga. Phillips B. N., P ort Angeles,
Peterson W. E ., Atwater, Minn.
Peterson W. J., Hedgesuille.Mont. Phillips C. A., Cambridge. Neb.
•Phillips O. B., New Ham pton, Ia.
•Peterson W. R.. Russell, N. D.
Phillips O. E., Udell, Ia.
Petherbridge R. M ., Basehor.Kan. •Phillips O. E,, Janelew, W. Va.
•P e tit Fernando, Washington,D.C. Phillips C. N., Marion, O.
•Phillips O. R., Buffalo, N. Y.
Petree T. <S., Kang, N. O.
•Phillips C. R., Chickasha, Okla.
Petrie C. C., Arlspe, la.
•Phillips D. A., St. Louis, Mo.
•P etrie E. R., Aledo, 111,
Phillips D. B„ Yukon, Okla.
Petrlck F. W., W hite Owl, S. D.
•Phillips E dith, Springfield, S. C.
•P etrick J. F., Campbell, Neb.
Phillips E. S., Lewis. Ia.
Petrikin J. M. B., Greeley, Colo.
Pettengill F. B., Magnolia, Minn. Phillips F. D., Branford, Fla.

Phillips F. J., Cassopolis, Mich.
Phillips G. M., Northfleld, Minn.
Phillips G. W., Columbus, Néb.
•Phillips H. C., Reading, Pa.
•Phillips H. C., Springfield, O. ,
•Phillips H. R., Perryville, Mo.
Phillips J. B., D exter, Tex.
Phillips J. D., Green Valley, 111.
•Phillips J. D., W atertow n, Tenn.
Phillips J. K„ Massena, N. Y.
Phillips J. N., Amo, Ind.
Phillips J. S., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Phillips J. W., Mahanoy City. Pa.
•Phillips K. W., Stockdale, Kan.
Phillips L. E., Bartlesville, Okla.
•Phillips L. H.. Aulì ville, Mo.
Phillips L. R., Henry, 111.
•Phillips L. T ., Eagle Lake, Tex.
•Phillips O. C., K ennett, Mo.
Phillips Oliver, Prairie Grove, Ark.
Phillips P. J., Parkins, Ark.
Phillips R., La Ju n ta , Colo.
Phillips R. R., Atoka, Okla.
Phillips S. Lee, Charlestown, W.Va.
Phillips Thos. L., Perryville, Mo.
•Phillips T. L., Aubrey, Tex.
•Phillips W. B., Rldgway, 111.
Phillips W. B., Mt. Vernon. 111.
•Phillips W. E., Freeport, Pa.
Phillips W. L .,; Earlington, K y .
;*Phillips W. O., P ittsburgh, Pa.
Phillips W. P., Afton, Okla.
•Phillips W.S., Junction City.K an.
•Philp W alter, Waltonville, 111.
P hilpott B. C.. Bassetts, Va.
•P hilpott D. R., Brownell, Kan.
•P hilpott Lee, Covington, Ind.
Philson H. B., G arrett, Pa.
Philson R. H „ Meyersdale, Pa.
Philson Samuel, Berlin, Pa.
Phinney P , R., H ayti, S. D.
Phipps W. R„ Blairstown, Mo.
Plchard E. H„ Wellborn, Fla.
•Pickard C. D., Ingomar; M ont.
Pickard H. S. Albuquerque, N.M.
Pickard J. H., Norway, Ia.
Pickard J. T., Benson, Neb.
Pickard Nixon, Cumberland City,
Pickard P. P., Ashland City, Tenn.
•P ickart E. J ., Norway, Ia.
Pickel J. M>, Willard, N. M.
Picken Robert, Ham m onton, N .J.
•Pickenbach H. E „ Hoboken, N.J,
•PIckenpol Mattie, Adell, Wis.
•Pickens A. C., Grove, Okla.,
Pickens E C., Bentonville, Ark.
•Pickens W. H., Edgewood, Tex.
Picker C. H „ New Salem, N. D.
Pickereil T. H., Carlisle, Ky.
•Pickerill J. C., Big Clifty, Ky. .
•Plckerlll W. O., Hanford, Cal.
•Pickering E. W., Stratford, S. D.
Pickering F. O.. M ount Vernon,
•Pickert J, H., Berlin, Wis.
Pickering H. P., Clarksville. Tenn.
Pickering O. R., Twelve Mile, Ind.
Pickett J. M., Shelbyville, Mo.
•P ickett L. R.. Pocahontas, Ark.
•Pickford A. W., Philadelphia, Pa.
P ickett P . A., Leal. N. D.
P ickett R. D., Broken Bow, Neb.
Pickles Geo., Fenton, Mo.
•Plckrell G. S., Los Angeles, Cal.
Pickrell T. H.. Carlisle, Ky.
»Pieper J.F ., New Richland,M inn.
Pieper J. L., Hoisington, Kan.
•Pieper W. W., Cameron, Wis.
Pier H. E., E astm an, Wis.
Pier L A., Belvldere. S. D.
•P ier L. T., Cooperstown, N. Y.
Pier T. C., Kingsbury, S. D.
•P ieratt J. W.. Apache, Okla.
•Pierce A rthur E„ Savannah, Ga.
Pierce E. R., Ashtabula, O.
•Pierce E .S ., Farm ington, Mich.
•Pierce E. T., Auroras,. Ore.
Pierce E. T ., Fairhaven, Mass.
Pierce F. H., Sacramento, Cal.
•Pierce F. W., Highmore, S. D.
•Pierce G. C., Opp. Ala.
Pierce G. C.^Selby, S. D.
Pierce H. A., Castile, N. Y.
Pierce H. B., Joliet, M ont.
Pierce H. L., Linn Grove, Ia. .
•Pierce H. L., Granville O.
•Pierce J. O., Checotah, Okla.
•Pierce J. W., Holden, Mo.
Pierce Keith L., Hemingford, Neb.
•Pierce L. S., Lodgepole, Neb.
Pierce M arvin D., P arro tt, Ga.
Pierce M, H., P y att, Ark.
Pierce M. T., Lowell, Mass.
•Pierce S. G., H artford, Oonn.
Pierce T., Enderlin, N. D.
Pierce T. A., Aztec, N. M.
Pierce T. A., Trimble, Tenn.
Pierce W. B., Paducah, Ky.
•Pierce Jr. W. C.,.Marshall, Tex.
Pierce W. J., Butler, Tenn..
Pierce W. P.. Orleans. Neb,
Pierpoint W. H., Zanesville, O.
Plersol A. R., Delhi, Minn.
Piersol Geo, J;, Clarkfleld, Minn.
•Piersol Grace, Delhi, Minn.
Piersol G. W., Jam estown, Ind.
Piersol O. M., Danville, Ihd.


Pierson C. F., MInnewaukon, N.D.
Pierson Ohas. EL, Kennard, Ind.
Pierson C. O. W., Oasis, Utah.
Pierson D. H., N. Y. pity. N. Y.
Pierson F. A„ Yanceyville, N . O.
♦Pierson Nora, Axtell, Neb.
♦Pierson O. J., Lynn, Ind.
♦Pierson R. J.. Lovelocks. Nev.
♦Pierson R. K., Longmont, Colo.
Pierson R. P., Crenshaw, Miss.
Pierson S. E., Carrollton, 111.
Pierson W. G., Brooklyn, la.
♦Pierson W. H„ Newark, N. J.
♦Pierstap F. A., Lenox, Mich.
♦Pietstorff F. L.. Middleton, Wls
Pietz F. J., Linton, N. D.
♦Pieton Paul, Overly, N. D.
Pigford L. C., Lumberton. Miss.
♦Pigford W.C., Waynesboro, Miss.
Pigg E. L., Missouri City, Mo.
♦Pigg E. S., Newtown, Mo.
Pigg, W. R., Exeter. Cal.
♦Pigman C. T., Alliance, Neb.
Pigott W .T., Bethel Springs, Tenn.
♦Pike A. M., Springfield, Tenn.
Pike C. G., Plainfield, Ind.
Pike C. L., Christopher, 111.
Pike Frank,vSt. Jacob, 111.
Pike F. D., Westfield, Ind.
Pike Jas. B., Atlanta, Ga.
♦Pike M. B., Waverly, Ky.
♦Pike N. W., Mapleton, la.
♦Pike V. M ., Williston, N . D.
♦Pike W. D., N. Y. City, N. Y.
Pilant C. B.. Florence, Neb.
♦Pilat O. I., N. Y. City. N. Y.
♦Pilcher J. L., Glasco, Kan.
♦Piles W. B., Waldron, Ark.
Pilger A. P.. Stanton, Neb*
Pilger Frank, Pierce, Neb.
♦Pilger G. F., Chamberlain, S. D.
Pillinger H. R., Oak Park, 111.
♦Pillow E. F.. Rochester, N. Y.
♦Pillsbury Geo. E., Lynn, Mass.
Pillsbury L. D., Crocker, S. D.
Pilot O. S., Baker, Minn.
♦Pilsch Frank, Easton, Md.
♦Pinchback J. R. Jr., Garwood,

Pincoinb C. E., Overland Park,
Pinckney F. D.t Garvin, Minn.
Pine W. L. Spearville, Kan.
♦Piner R. T., Jr., Big Spring, Tex.
♦Pingel L. F., Rembrandt, la.
♦Pingel L. W., M t. Clemens, Mich.
♦Pingree D. R., Salt Lake City,
Pingree Frank, Coalville, Utah.
Pingree Hyrum, Salt Lake City,
' Utah
Pingree James, Ogden, Utah.
♦Pinholster R. W., Tarpon Spgs.,

Pittman W. J., Bailey, N . C.
♦Pitts C. W., Taopi, Minn.
Pitts G. S., Taopi, Minn.
♦Pitts J. A., Saluda, S. C.
Pitts J. E., Adel, Ga.
♦Pitts J. J.,. Spring Hope, N . O.
Pitts M. T., Saluda, S. C.
Plttz J. B.. Mineral Point. Wis.
Pitzer H. A.. Mt. Savage, Md.
Pitzer J. A., Wilton, N. D.
Pitzer P. H.. Mannington, W. Va.
♦Pivonka A. F., Swanton. Neb.
♦PIxley C, E., West Salem, 111.
♦Pixton M. F., Ybor City, Fla.
PIxton Seth, Riverton, Utah.
Place A. J., Gallatin, Mo.
♦Place M. E., Gallatin, Mo.
♦Place R. W., Butte, Mont.
♦Plackard Tessa C ., Swayzee, Ind.
Plagemann A. F., Columbus, Neb.
♦Plagge Wm„ Harvey, 111.
♦Plankenhorn W. L., Monticello,

♦Plamondon G. F., Kelso, Wash.
Planck W. M„ Bethany, Mo.
Plant Albert R.. Providence. R.I.
Plants George S., Seymour, Tex.
Plantz W. G., Pomeroy, O.
.♦Plaster H. T., Leesburg, Va.
Platt Archer, Bridgeton, N. J.
♦Platt C. W., Ontario, Ore.
♦Platt D. R., Denver, Colo.
Platt E. C., Eagle Grove, la.
♦Platt Edw, H., Overbrook, KanPlatt F. C., San Juan, Tex.
Platt F. L.. Milford. N. Y.
♦Platt G. C. San Dimas, Cal.
Platt H. C., Crab Orchard, Neb.
Platt W. M., Arcadia, Fla.
Platz A. D., Watertown, Wis.
Plauche E. A., Ville Platte, La.
♦Plauche L. A.. Ville Platte, La.
♦Player J., Leesburg, Ga.
♦Pletsch H, W., Mott, N. D.
Pioyer F. K., Mechanicsburg, Pa.
♦Playter J. A., Eau Claire, Wis.
Pleasant F. M.. Craig, Colo.
Pleasants H. W., Noble, 111.
♦Plehn Geo. T., Chippewa Falls,
♦Plemel Frank, Rock Spgs., Wyo.
Plested W. G.. Trinidad, Colo.
Pletsch J. G„ Granville, 111.
♦Pletsch Rupert, Detroit, Mich.
♦Pletz J. F.. Lakefield, Minn.
♦Plew W. L., Gary, Ind.
Plimpton H. M., Willow, Cal.
Plitt Gi L.. New York, N. Y.
♦Ploch W. F., Amityville, N . Y.
Ploughe T. E., Sclrcleville, Ind.
♦Plowden J. C., Manning, S, O.
Plowhead E. H., Caldwell, Ida.
Plumb C. F., Upper Sandusky, O.
♦Plume T. R., Newark, N . J.
Plumer B. A. Marietta, O.
Plumlee, B. T., Wingo, Ky.
Plumley B. F., Sixlakes, Mich.
Plummer E. L., Forest City. la.
♦Plummer G. W., Petersburg, Va.
♦Plummer J. Newport, Ky.
♦Plummer S. H., Minneapolis.

Pinkel A. H„ Waterloo, 111.
Pinkerton D. M., Kansas City, Mo.
♦Pinkerton R. I., Creston, Ia.
Pinkerton W, L., Leipers Fork,
♦Pinkham J. E., Elma, Wash.
Pinkley J. E., Clarendon, Ark.
♦Plummer S. H ., Newport News,
Pinks F. L., Rimersburg, Pa.
♦Pinkston Roy, Parrott, Ga.
♦Plunkett H. R., Porun, Okla.
Pinkston W. L., Greenville, Ga.
♦Plyer A. H., Livingston, Ala.
Pinnell B, H., Kansas, 111.
Plyier P. P., Marshville, N. O.
♦Pinneo S., Adams. Neb.
♦Pinner Miss Ella, Campbellsburg, Plymesser H. J., Foster, Neb,
♦Poag J. H., Lancaster, S. C.
Poage G. B., Brooksville, Ky.
PinnBy C. E., Middleburg, 111.
Pinney Edward, Cass City, Mich. ♦Pobst L. P., Georgetown, Ohio.
Pochat L. G., Cincinnati, O.
Pinney J. M., Bianca, Colo.
♦Poche E. J., Lutcher, La.
♦Pinney M. L., Romulus, Mich.
Pinney R. Emma, Valparaiso.Ind. ♦Poe Curtis, Gower, Mo.
Poe E. E., Syracuse, Mo.
Pinney R. F., Middlebury, Vt.
Poe Thomas E., Midland, Pa.
♦Pinsonnault C. P., Lead, S. D.
■*Poeschel J. F., Durand, Wis.
Piper A. H., San Antonio, Tex.
♦Poetter Henry, Franklin, Tex.
Piper C. D., Shreve, O.
Pofahl W. A., Waldorf. Minn.
♦Piper E. C., Douglas, Ariz.
Pohland A. J., Iron River, Mich.
♦Piper L. C., Darien, Wis.
♦Poll L. M., New Orleans, La.
Piper L. E., Chillicothe, Tex.
Poindexter Monta, Everton, Mo.
♦Piper R. C., Muskogee, Okla.
♦Poindexter R. G., Wortham, Tex.
Piper W. B., Wätonga, Okla.
Poindexter T. B„ Wortham, Tex,
♦Pipkin H. B.. Stamps, Ark.
Points A. H., Salt Lick, Ky.
Pippin J. S., Pinckard, Ala,.
♦Pippert H. W., St. Joseph, Mo. Poirot R S-. Scotland Tex
Poirson C. A., Jeanerette, La.
Pirkey H. W., Annona, Tex.
Poland C. E., Bethany, Mo.
Poland C. W., Lula, Miss.
Plrkey M„ Willow, Cal.
Poland L. C., Payne, O.
Pistole J. G., Hopkins, Mo.
♦Poland W. W., Jonesboro, La.
PIstulka J,. Seaforth. Minn.
♦Pole J. William, Decatur, Ala.
♦Pitcairn A. C., Pittsburgh, Pa.
♦Polglase A., North Milwaukee,
Pitcher J. P., Boonville, N. Y.
Pitcher P. P., Scranton, la.
Pitman G. J., Merchantville, N. J. ♦Polk J. M., Covington, Tenn.
♦Polk R. S., Memphis, Tenn.
Pitner F. J., Laporte, Ind.
♦Pitner Homer, Cedar Rapids, la. ♦Polk W. C., Weston, Mo.
Polk W. F., Troy, N. Y.
Pitner W. E., Bells, Tenn.
Pollard G. L„ Old Monroe, Mo.
♦Pitner W. H., Cohutta, Ga.
♦Pollard G. T., Hallsville, Mo.
♦Pitney A. A., El Reno, Okla.
♦Pollard H. L„ Ottumwa, la.
♦Pitney R., El Reno, Okla.
Pollard J.A.S., Ft. Madison, la.
P itt H. B. Lihcolnton, Ga.
Pollard P. M., Petersburg, Va.
♦Pittenger J. W., Newark, N . J. ♦Pollard R. S., Worth ville, Ky.
Pollard T. W„ Seneca, Falls, N. Y.
Pittman B. J., De Leon, Tex.
♦Pollard W. E., Eolia, Mo.
Pittman G. E., Osierfleld, Ga.
♦Poller Ira O., Platteville, Wis.
♦Pittman G. H., Dallas, Tex.
♦Polliard F. M ., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Pittman J. II., Goliad, Tex.
♦Pollock A. y ., Greenup, Ky,
Pittman J> M., Cement, Okla.
♦Pollock G. A. Jr., High Point,
Pittman T, J., Caledonia, O.
N . C.
♦Pittman W. H., Annona, Tex.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Pollock Horrace B., Pewee Valley.
Pollock J. E., Greenup, Ky.
Pollock R. I., Nora Springs, la.
Pollock. William, Kittanning, Pa.
♦Polly C. B., Emmett. Ida.
♦Polski G. L., Ashton, Neb.
Polski S. S., Ashton, Neb.
♦Poison A. E., Millville, Minn.
♦Polzer J. A., Randolph, Neb.
♦Polzin Minnie, Birch Rim, Mich.
Pomeroy C. S., Homer, N. Y.
Pomeroy D. C., Port Royal, Pa.
♦Pomeroy H. B., Amherst, Wis.
♦Pomeroy J. M., Carmi, 111.
Pomeroy L. A., Amherst, Wis.
Pomeroy R. M ., Shelby, la.
Pomeroy V. R., Ohio, 111.
♦Pond Alice C., Kingston, 111.
Pond H. G., New London, Conn.
♦Pond H. S„ Crary, N. D.
Pond H. W., Ravenna, N. Y.
Pond M. S., Sommerset, O.
♦Pond N. S. Kalamazoo, Mich.
Pond W. A., Albion, Pa.
Ponder Asa, Broken Bow, Okla.
♦Ponder E. K., Doniphan, Mo.
♦Ponder John T., Campbell, Mo.
Ponder R. E., Forsyth, Ga.
Pondrom W. L., Beaumont, Tex.
Ponsford O. D., Mayer, Minn.
Pontious I.R., Upper Sandusky, O.
♦Poock O. M., Dayton, O.
Pool A. E., Big Spring, Tex.
♦Pool Earl, Crofton, Neb.
Pool H. S., Candor, N. C.
Pool L. B.. Annona, Tex.
Pool R. C., Pineora, Ga.
Pool R. M., Princeton, Ky.
Pool T. G., Virgilina. Va.
Pool W. E„ East Chattanooga,
♦Poole C. B„ Gaffney, S. O.
♦Poole D. H., Rochester, Ky.
Poole E. S., Spencer, Okla,
Poole F. C.. M ayetta, Kan.
♦Poole F. C., Tekoa, Wash.
Poole F. H., Fort Wayne, Ind.
♦Poole H. L.. Edgerton, O.
♦Poole O. E., Cleburne, Tex.
Poole R. G., Belmar, N. J.
♦Poole W. A., Texline, Tex.
♦Poole W. O., Paragould. Ark.
Pooley Roy M., Reform, Ala.
Pooley S. J.*. Grinnell, la.
Poor D. W., Arlington, Wis.
Poorman J. M., Woodbum, Ore.
Poorman J. W„ Humboldt, 111.
♦Poorman T. C., Woodbum, Ore.
♦Poos Carl, Blackburn, Okla.
Poos H. D. C.. Blackburn, Okla.
Pope A. L., Elmwood Place, O.
Pope A. S., Norfolk, Va.
Pope C. A., Winfred, S. D.
♦Pope Floyd, Trinity, Tex.
Pope H. A., Plainfield, N . J.
Pope J. C., Perry, Fla.
♦Pope J. D., Linden, Tenn.
Pope J. W.. Marco, Ind.
Pope Orville, Red Bay, Ala.
Pope S. D ., Hermitage, Mo.
♦Pope S. E.,. Sacramento, Cal.
♦Pope Willis, Columbus, Miss.
♦Pope W. M ., Glenwood, Ga.
Popham Frank, Charleston, 111.
♦Popejoy R. B.. Anadarko, Okla.
Popelka C. J., Madison Lake,
♦Popp O. A., Elmhurst, 111.
♦Poppe J. C., Scotia, Neb.
♦Poppitz E. H., Jackson. Neb.
♦Porta Ella V., Jerico Springs, Mo.
Porta R. E., Jerico Springs, Mo.
Porter A. D., Cavalier, N. D.
Porter A. G.. Frederick, S. D.
Porter A. J., Vevay, Ind.
Porter B. G., Grand Rapids, Mich.
♦Porter C. A., Bagley, la.
♦Porter C. E., Zanesville, O.
♦Porter C. L„ Blue Mound, Kan.
♦Porter Carl, Juliaetta, Ida.
♦Porter E., Bynumville, Mo.
♦Porter E., Prairie City. Ia.
Porter E. A., Omak, Wash.
Porter E. W., Juliaetta, Ida.
Porter F. K., Lead ville, Colo.
Porter F. K., Fairmount. Minn.
Porter F. M., Princeton, Cal.
Porter G. L., New York City, N. Y.
Porter G. S.. Kendrick, Ida.
♦Porter H. D., Woodland, Cal.
♦Porter H. W., Glidden, Ia.
Porter H. W., Weston. Mich.
Porter I. L., Oberlin, O.
Porter John H., Boyne Falls,
♦Porter J. R., Cochran, Ga.
♦Porter J. F., Corvallis, Ore.
♦Porter J. F., Whitehall, 111.
Porter J. P., Evansville, Wis.
Porter J. R„ Orange, Cal.
Porter J. W.. Lexington, Ky.
♦Porter J.W.,Oklahoma City,Okla
♦Porter Laura Spencer, Dade
City, Fla.
♦Porter L. A., Le Roy, Minn.
Porter L. B., Vinton, O.
Porter Luther, Rutherford, Tenn.

Porter Lyman, Mackinaw, 111.
Porter M. R., Minot, N. D.
Porter Mack, Carmen, Okla.
♦Porter N. J., Bowling Green, M o.
♦Porter O. L., Lubbock, Tex.
Porter P. H., Bynumville, Mo.
Porter R. B., Caneyville, Ky.
♦Porter R. K., Prescott, Ariz.
Porter R. M„ Humboldt, Kan.
Porter R. P.. Jamestown. Pa.
♦Porter R. W., Alma, Neb.
Porter W. K., Lassen, Wis.
♦Porter W. K., Shawano, Wis.
Porter W. R., Keene, N. H.
Porterfield John, Charlestown.
W. Va.
Porterfield M. J„ Murdock, 111.
Porterfield R. H., Pulaski, 111.
Porterfield W. D., Neffs, O.
♦Porterfield W. W., Murdock, 111.
Ports G. A., Huntington, la .
Portlock S. W., Memphis, Tenn.
Portteus J. L., Raub, Ind.
Posey E. B., Hereford, Tex.
Posey H. B.. West Asheville, N. C.
Posey H. S., Courtenay, N. D.
Posey J. R., Alvarado, Tex.
Posey W. S., Lubbock, Tex.
Posson M. J., Hayes Center. N eb.
Post A. B., San Jose, Cal.
Post E. E„ Clinton, Conn.
Post F. B., Port Jervis, N. Y.
Post H. H., Juneau, Alaska.
Post I. B., Spencervllle, O.
Post J. W., Torrance, Cal.
♦Post M. A., Medina, N . Y.
Post W. M„ Milwaukee, Wis.
Post William, Philadelphia, Pa.
Postal J. R., Evart, Mich.
Postlethwaite G.N.,Plymouth, Pa.
Postlethwaite J. L., Elk Falls.
Poteet B. G., Enloe, Tex.
Poteet F. E„ Easton, Mo.
Poteet G. Roxton, Tex.
♦Poteet R. P., Petty, Tex.
Poteet R. R., St. Joseph, Mo.
Pothast E. L., Cortland, Neb.
Pothast, F. L., Pickrell, Neb.
Potmesil F. L., Hemingford, Neb.
♦Pottenger J., Bargersville, Ind.
♦Potter C. A., Selby, S. D.
Potter C. A.. Starkweather.N.D.
Potter C. G.. Riceville, la.
♦Potter C. J., Jamestown, N . Y.
Potter C. L.. Clyde. Kan.
Potter F. A., Patchogue, N. Y.
♦Potter F. F., Tama, Ia.
Potter F. M.. Leavenworth, Kan.
♦Potter Frank O., Evanston, 111.
♦Potter G. E., Peru. Ind.
♦Potter H. E., Flint, Mich.
Potter Harry F., Mlnersville, Pa.
Potter H. H„ Jacksonville, 111.
♦Potter I. H ., So. St. Joseph, M o.
♦Potter I. H., St. Joseph. Mo.
Potter Ji, Pocasset, Okla.
♦Potter Maud H., King City, Mo.
♦Potter May, Pocasset. Okla.
Potter O. J., Easton, Kan.
♦Potter R. E., Erie, 111.
Potter Roy T„ Gainesville, Tex.
Potter Stacy S., lantha. Mo.
Potter S. H„ Oneonta, N. Y.
♦Potter W. J.. Ovid. N. Y.
♦Pottman V., Branchville, Va.
♦Pottratz, A. F., Roselle, 111.
♦Potts H. M., Carlisle, Ky.
Potts J. P., Forestville, Mich.
♦Potts Richard, Frederick, Md.
Potts W. N ., Elmwood, 111.
♦Potwin O. S. Tupper Lake, N. Y .
♦Pouder J. A., Johnson CIty< Tenn.
♦Pouncey J. W., Smiley, Tex.
Pounders W. R„ Bruceville, Tex.
Pouska, F. J., Fort AtkinSon, Ia.
♦Pow P. H., Georgetown, S. C.
Powe L. B„ Bridgeport, Conn.
Powel N. E., Newnan, Ga.
Powell A. C., Clinton, Miss.
Powell B. C., Camden, Ark.
♦Powell Burrow, Kaufman, Tex.
Powell O. D., Winter Park, Fla.
Powell C. E., Aurora, 111.
Powell C. E„ Boonville, Ind.
Powell C. H., San Angelo, Tex..
Powell C. T.. Jet. Okl.
Powell C. W., Lawrence, Ind.
♦Powell D. W., Macon. Ga.
Powell E. F„ Whiteville, N . C.
♦Powell E. H., Almena, Kan.
Powell E. H.. Clarendon, Tex.
Powell F. C., Center, Tex.
♦Powell G. H., Cross Plains, Tenn.
♦Powell G. H., Onancock, Va.
♦Powell Gray, Cross Plains, Tex.
♦Powell H. B., Chapel Hill, Tenn.
Powell H. H., N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Powell J. A., Clinton, Okla.
Powell J. A., Pavo, Ga,
♦Powell J. B., Greenville, Ala.
Powell J. E., Springfield, Tenn.
Powell J. W. E„ Nashville, Ga.
♦Powell J. H., Newnan, Ga.
♦Powell J. Ira, Secor, 111.
Powell Keith, LaFayette, Ore.
Powell L. C„ Elba, Ala.
♦Powell L. C., Longbeach, Cal.
Powell L. F., McClellan ville, S. C-

♦Powell M.. Baltimore, Md.
Powell O. R., Blaisdell, N. D.
♦Powell Pauline, Lawrence, Ind.
Powell P. S„ Nowata, Okla.
♦Powell Q. B., Kite, Ga.
Powell R. C„ Standardsville, Va.
Powell R. S., Iron Mt„ Mieh,
Powell S. M„ Mineola, N. Y
Powell T. E„ Baird, Tex.
Powell V. M„ New York City
N . Y.
Powell Walter, Odessa, Mo.
♦Powell W. A., Atlanta, Tex.
Powell W. H ., Tunica, Miss.
Powell W. M., Success, Ark.
Power A., Lebanon, Ore.
♦Power C., Edna, Tex.
♦Power 0. H„ Santa Monica, Cal.
Power C. M., Stockbridge, Ga.
♦Power E. A., Empire, Mich.
♦Power E. A., Kingsley, Mich.
♦Power E. A., Provemont, Mich,
Power H. A., Archer City, Tex.
Power Pearl, Quincy, Mich.
Power S. C., Estelline, Tex.
♦Powers Bernice, Hop Bottom, Pa.
♦Powers O. O., Perry, Mo.
Powers C. W., Woodbury, Ga.
Powers E. S.. Medicine Lake,
♦Powers E. W„ Chateaugay, N.Y.
Powers F. R., Rome, Pa.
♦Powers G. D., Rome, Pa.
Powers G. W., Delaware, O.
Powers J. C.. Urbana, O.
Powers John J., Savannah, Ga.
♦Powers M., Scottsville, Va.
Powers M. C., Roscoe, S. D.
Powers M. J., East Troy, Wis.
♦Powers O. E., Gainesville, Tex.
Powers Paul. Gaston. Ind.
Powers Ross, Barksdale, Tex.
♦Powers R. B., Delaware, O.
Powers R. C., Adrian, Ga.
Powers R. L., Christiansburg, O.
♦Powers R. S., Port William, O.
Powers William, Bainville, Mont.
♦Powers W. F., Hampton, Neb.
♦Powley C. L., Monroeville, O.
Powley R. S., Risingsim, O.
Pownall M. W., Coatesville, Pa.
Poyner B. P., Newton, Ala.
Poynor F. Q., Spiro, Okla.
Poynter E. C., Avalon, Mo.
Poynter G. W., Bigelow, Mo.
♦Poynter H. Ó., Midway, Ky.
Poynter H. P„ Shelby ville, Ky.
♦Poynter J. W., Winchester, Ky.
♦Poynter R. F., Topeka, Kan.
Poynter W. L., Clinton, Mo.
Poyser L. N ., Indianapolis, Ind.
Poznansky J. A., Sturgis, S. D.
Prager G. P,, Trinidad, Colo.
Prajor Leroy, Des Moines, N. Mex
♦Prakel A. F., Versailles. O.
Prall A. M ., Brantford, N. D.
Prall J. A., Perryville, Ky.
Pralle F. H , Bremen. Kan.
Prange W. W., New Douglas, 111.
♦Prasch J. T., Burlington, Wis.

Preston Henry, Tazewell, Va.
Preston J. C., Glasgow, Ky.
Preston J. W.. Hanston. Kan.
♦Preston O., Denver, Colo.
♦Preston R. S., Charlotte Mich.
Preston W. D., Woodbury, Tenn.
Preston W. R.. Baldwin. 111.
Prestrud C. A.. Wendell, Minn.
♦Prestrud C. G., Moscow, Ida.
♦Preszler A., Medina. N. D
Preszler J. V., W etonka, S. D.
Pretlow C. F., Norfolk, Va.
P rettym an G. I., M ason City, la.
♦Prettyman R. O., Hewitt, Minn.
Pretz J. E.. Irving. Kan.
Preus Paul A., Champlin, Minn.
Preus Paul A., Dayton. Minn.
Preussner D. A.,
•Prewitt G. A., Liberty, Ky.
Prey C. W., Goodwin, S. D.
*Pribble A. R„ CordeU. Okla.
♦PribeR. G., Louisiana. Mo.
Pribyl J. J., Jackson, Minn.
♦Price A. B„ San Francisco, Cal.
♦Price Arthur E., Diller, Neb
Price A. F.. Dade City, Fla.
Price B. S., Mt. Morris, 111.
Price C. A., Ithaca, Mich.
Price Charles, Talpa, Tex.
Price E. G., Morristown, Tenn
Price E. L., McIntosh, Fla.
♦Price E. M., Enumclaw, Wash.
♦Price E. M., Columbia, Mo.
Price F. W., Philadelphia, Pa.
Price G. A., Milton, Ore.
Price H. C., Newville, Ala.
♦Price, H. D., McConneU, 111.
Price H. E., Mt. Pleasant, O.
♦Price H. M„ Keswick, la.
Price H. P., Norwalk, Conn.
Price I. L. Salisbury, Md.
♦Price Jr., Guy J., Fort Worth,Tex.
Price J. L., Meeteetse, Wyo.
Price J. S., Luray, Va.
Price J. T., Monterey, Tenn.
♦Price L. A., Spirit Lake, la.
♦Price L., Memphis-. Tenn.
♦Price R. B., Minneapolis, Minn.

♦Prisk J., Elizabeth, III.
Pritchard C. D., Fall River, Kan.
Pritchard C. I., Shelton, Wash.
Pritchard F. C., Stacyville, la.
Pritchard H. D., Allegan, Mich.
Pritchard Henry, Friesland, Wis.
Pritchard H. L., Roscoe, Mo.
Pritchard J. H., Buffalo, Tex.
♦Pritchard J. M., Pontotoc, Miss.
Pritchard R. M., Ripley, Term.
Pritchett C. C., Thomaston, Ala.
Pritchett C. J., Dana.' 111.
Pritchett C. W.. Niantic. IU.
♦Pritchett Ethel, Denver, Colo.
♦Pritchett F. J., Niantic, IU.
♦Pritchett J. E., Thomasville, Ala.
♦Pritchett James, HiUsboro, Tex.
♦Pritchett W. H., Muskogee, Okla.
Pritts Milton J„ Somerset, Pa.
Pritzkau J. A., Redfleld. S. D.
♦Probasco H. G., Lincoln, Neb.
♦Probert B. W., Wadena, la.
Probert C. D.. Oconomowoc.Wis.
♦Prochazka E. E., Winnebago,
Prochazka Frank, Atwood, Kan.
♦Procter Harry, Jefferson, N. C.
Proctor A. H., Ironton, Minn.
Proctor Frank, Franklin, N. H.
♦Proctor Fred L., Sandy, Ore.
♦Proctor J. C., Caledonia, Mich.
♦Proctor J. D., Beaumont, Tex.
Proctor Jas. W., Palmyra, Mo.
Proctor M. B., Monroe City, Mo.
♦Proctor O. H., New Boston, Tex.
Proctor R. G., Calvert, Tex.
Proctor W. H.. Swainsboro, Ga.
Proehl F. C,, Burkey, N. D.
♦Prolllus C. W., Los Angeles, Cal.
♦Propes S. D., OrchardviUe, 111.
♦Propst R. P., Brashear, Mo.
Prosfcovec J. A., Bruno, Neb.
Pross C. F.. Montrose, Pa.
Prosser C. R., Seymour, Wis.
♦Prosser E. W., Helena, Mont.
Pro thro W. E., WUliston, S. C.
Proud Geo. H., Newport, R. I.
Proudflt J. W., Memphis, Tenn.
Proudfoot Clyde D., Indianola, la.

Pu Pree W. L„ Woodstock. Ga.
PurceU E. M., Greenwood, Miss.
PurceU J. O., Dix, 111.
♦Purcell John, Gurdon, Ark.
♦PurceU Verne, White Heath, 111.
Purdie A. H.. Pekin, IU.
♦Purdom E. L., Perryville, Ky,
Purdue C. H., KeU, 111.
♦Purdum C. A., Fairbury, IU.
Purdy C. E„ GUlings, Mo.
♦Purdy C. M., Henderson, Tenn.
♦Purdy O. B., Downsville, N. Y
♦Purdy R. W., BiUings, Mo.
♦Purdy W. E.. N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Purdy W. N ., Bozeman, Mont.
PumeU W. H.. Kenosha, Wis.
Purple A. C., Gulfport, Miss.
♦Purrington M. H., Portland, Me.
Pursley C. C., Ft. Myers, Fla.
♦Purviance Mercie, Shannon City,
Purvines G. O.. Pleasant Plains,
Purvis C. M., West, Miss.
Puryear J. N„ Cottagegrove.Tenn.
Puryear R. C. W.,HartsvUle.Tenn.
♦Puryear S. M., Calvin, Okla.
Putlitz F. F., Fairmont, Neb.
Putnam C. S„ Worcester, Mass.
Putnam C. U., Alexandria Bay,
♦Putnam C. W., OrovUle, Cal.
♦Putnam Frank A., Chicago, 111.
Putnam F. R„ Morris. Minn.
Putman J. M., Pea Ridge, Ark.
Putnam K. F., Mount Carmel, 111.
♦Putt James H. S., Wernersville,
Pyburn Frank. Cottage Grove,
♦Pye A. E., OU City, La.
♦Pye H. H., Leesvffle, La.
Pye J. G., BienvUle, La.
Pyeatt J. H., CanehUl, Ark.
♦Pylant Geo. B., Bartow, Fla.
♦Pylant J. B., Jr., Bartow, Fla.
Pyle E. J„ Pasadena, Cal.
Pyle E. L., Black Rock, Ark.
♦Pyle G. W., NashviUe, Tenn.
♦Pyle J., Hickman, Ky.
Pyle L. H., Conway, Ark.
Pyle M. C., Westgrove, Pa.

*Price R. C., Pattonsburg, Mo.
♦Prouty C. I., Pollock, S. D.
♦Price R. C., Mantua, O.
Prouty C. N., Kansas City, Kan.
♦Price R. J., Elkhart, HI.
Prouty Owen R„ WaUis Sta., Tex.
♦Price R. L., Big Spring, Tex.
Prouty R. D., Harlan, Ia.
»VO/J-XI, ivxttIDUttH, lliUt
Price R. M.,. Montesano, Wash. Provin C. H., Belt, Mont.
Pyle Perry L., Newalla, Okla.
Price R. P„ Centralia, Mo.
♦Provine J. E., New York, N. Y. Pyle R. F., PainesvUle, O.
Price S. D., Lakewood, IU.
Provine J. F., Coffeevflle, Miss.
Pyle S. G., SistersviUe, W. Va.
Price Smith, Logansport, La.
Provoost J. A., Pecatonica, IU.
Pyle W. C., Webster City, la.
Price Taylor, Rockymount, Va.
Provost M. B., Hansen. Ida.
Pyles B. A., Littleton, W. Va.
♦Price T. C., Dawson Spgs., Ky.
♦Prowell J. C., Goldsboro, Pa.
Pyles F. L„ Eads, Colo.
♦Price T. J., Tioga, Tex.
Prowse G. O., NortonvUle, Ky.
♦Pyne J. A., Columbus, O.
Price Thos. P., Differ, Neb.
♦Pyper W. M„ CouncU Bluffs. Ia.
Price V. L„ Lewisburg, Ky.
♦Prudden A. J., PuyaUup, Wash.
♦Price W. B., Council Bluffs. Ia. Pruett C. E., Tescott, Kan.
Price W. H., Merigold, Miss.
♦Pruett J. W., Jr., Frankfort, Ky.
Price W. I., Ira, Ia.
Pruetz Wm„ Fredonia, N. D.
Price W. J., Girard, Ala.
Prugh J. L., Piqua, O.
Price W. J., Phœnix, Ala.
Pruitt Bonnie Mae, Durant, Okla.
Quackenbush H. O., Pierre, S. D.
Price W. L., Flagler, Colo.
♦Pruitt I. V., Comanche, Okla.
Quackenbush Van, E. Fairview,
Price W. L„ Georgetown, Tex.
♦Pruitt M. H., Thomaston, Ga.
N. D.
Price W. M., Enid, Miss.
Prunty B. F., Des Moines, Ia.
♦Quade W. G., Marissa, IU.
Pruter J. C., Arcadia, Ia.
W. H., Cottonwood, S. D..
Prater A. H., Council Grove, Kan. Price W. R., Fresno, Cal.
Pruyn F. E., Corinth, N. Y.
Quade W. H., Stapleton, Neb.
Prater B. E„ Cowden. IB.
♦Price W. S.. Albion, Neb.
♦Pryce W. M„ Tucson, Ariz.
Quaff Jr. O .A., Sinai, S. D.
♦Prater Kenneth, Cowden, 111.
♦Price W. W „ Maud, Okla.
Pryor Leroy L., Shattuck, Okla.
Qually Olaf, Mahnomen, Minn.
♦Prather Claud, Hollis, Okla.
Price W. W., Philadelphia, Pa.
♦Pryor Ora B., Myra, Tex.
♦Quandt A. C.. Jr., Santa Monica,
Prather Forest, Baldwyn, Miss.
Pyor W. G., Tower, Minn.
♦Prather J. W., Wheatland. Ind.
Prichard B. J., Wayne, W. Va.
♦Quantock P. B.,CoUegeview, Neb.
♦Prather W. M., Morrison, Okla.
Prichard J. A., Overland, Mo.
Przybylowicz M. A., Ft. Leaven­ Quantoek S. J.. CoUegevlew. Neb.
♦Pratschner L. H., Winsted.Minn. Prichard W. W., Jr., Thief River
worth, Kan.
Quarles J. J., Fairfax, Okla.
Pratt C.. Goodells, Mich.
FaUs, Minn.
♦Puccinelli V. L .,; San Francisco, ♦Quast C. P., Janesville, Minn.
♦Pratt C. A., Deshler, O.
♦Prickett W. F., Winnsboro, La.
♦Quatman Miss Mary, Altmont,
Pratt C. H„ Riverdale. Neb.
♦Priddy A. B., Chipley, Ga.
♦Puck Harry, Lowden, Ia.
♦Pratt D . D ., Grand Rapids,- Priddy J. L., Warren. Ind.
♦Puckett A. K., St. Louis, Mo.
Quattlebaum D. A.. BishopviUe,
Prideaux B. T.. Hillsdale, Mich.
♦Puckett Arthur, Buffalo, Kan.
♦Priebe E. J., Waseca, Minn.
Puckett B. F„ Hosmer, S. D.
♦Quay A. P., Cambridge Spgs., Pa,
Pratt F. E.. New Kensington, Pa.
♦Puckett T, H., Mill Shoals, IU. Quesnell W. J., Red Lake FaUs,
♦Pratt Frank J., Ontario, N. Y.
♦Priegnitz W. A., Two Rivers,Wis Pudil Steven, Swisher, Ia.
Pratt H. W ., Golden, Colo.
♦Priest H. F., Orange, Va.
Pudin Geo. W., Pine Level, N. O. Quesner E., Howell, Neb.
Pratt J. M., Oak Harbor, Wash. Priest E. S., NashviUe, Tenn.
Puelicher J. H., Milwaukee, Wis.
Quested W. M., Meriden, Conn.
♦Pratt J. M., Cambridge, 111.
Priestley D. W., Clayton, N. M. Puett W. B., Belmont, N. C.
♦Pratt L. H., Bernice, La.
Priestley H. D., Vicksburg, Miss.
Puffer H. A., Bird Island, Minn.
♦Quick C. S., Jr., Indianola, Neb.
Pratt R. P., Jr., Shortsville. N. Y. Priestley J. J., Lockeford, Cal.
♦Pugh A, A., Burns, Wyo.
♦Quick R. G., Rome, Wis.
Pratt W. C., Norwalk, O.
Pugh F. M., Hamburg, Ark.
♦Priestman L. L., Kewanee, 111.
Quick T. R., Galeton, Pa.
Pratt W. M., Chisholm, Minn.
♦Prieto J. A., Union City, Tenn.
Pugh Jas. A., Williamsport, Pa.
Quickel M. G., Lincolnton, N. C.
Pratt W. T.. Chandlervllle, 111.
Prigge C. L., White Plains, N. Y. Pugh J. H., Lancaster. Wis,
♦Quiett H. L., Clinton, Okla.
Pray Ralph M., Chicago, 111.
♦Prilbyl J. J., Jackson, Minn.
♦Quig Fred P., Portland, Pa.
Prcesang C. L., Windfall, Ind.
Prim C. A., Bonifay, Fla.
Pugh R. T., Prosperity, S. C.
<1 ♦Quigel B. E., Hegins, Pa.
♦Pregitzer G. W.. Onaway, Mich. Prim J. W., Florala, Ala.
Pugh William, Evanston, Wyo.
Quigel V. W., Hegins, Pa.
♦Preiean E. L.. Carencro. La.
♦Primm R. P., Kiowa, Kan.
Pugsley Clara F., Dowagiac, Mich. Quigley E. L., Jefferson, Okla.
♦Prelvitz F.N.,Buffalo Lake.Minn.
♦Pugsley F. I., PeekskUl. N. Y.
Quigley H. A., De Beque, Colo.
Pulls R. B., Ramsey, N. J.
Prince A. F.. Hinckley, 111.
Quigley W. B., Memphis, Tex.
♦Prentice G. D., Milwaukee, Wis.
♦Prince C. M., Philadelphia, Pa. ♦PuUen J. S., Evansville, Wis.
♦QuiUin R. V., HunneweU, Kan.
Prince F. W„ San Fernando, Cal. ♦Puls Walter, San Marcos, Tex. ♦Quimette G. M.. Abbotsford,
Prentiss L. G„ Bethany, Mo.
♦Prescott D.. Stronghurst, 111.
Pulleine P. R.. Home, Kan.
Prince H. E., Normandy, Tenn.
Pullen J. H., Houma, La.
♦Prescott J. M.. Washington. La. Prince J. N., Holladay, Tenn.
♦Quincy J. M., Jacksonville, Fla.
PuUen P. P„ Evansville, Wis.
♦Prescott R. B., Rochester, Minn. Prince Leslie, Ada, Okla.
Quinlan C. L., Woodstock, 111.
Puller J. D., St. Augustine, Fla.
Prince R. B„ Ashland, Wis.
♦Presler H. F., Mattoon, 111.
Quinlan D. L.. Mooreton, N. D.
PuUes John, Stanton, N. D.
Prince T. H., Eastman, Ga.
Pressel O. A., Warren, Pa.
♦Quinlan Robt. L., Olathe, Colo.
Pressley C. B., Riverbank, Cal.
Pulley R. S., Huntsville, Ala.
Prince W. A., Alpena, ! Mich.
Quinn E. J., Kincaid, 111.
♦Pressley L. A., Santa Rosa, Cal
♦Pulliam F. W., Crystal City, Tex. Quinn J. H., Shenandoah, Pa,
♦Prindle C. D., Carson, Ia.
♦Prindle S. 0.,WiUiamstown,Mass. Pulliam J. B., Jonesboro, Ga.
Pressley W. W.. Clintwood, Va.
Quinn John, Sandusky, O.
Pulliam Roy, Fresno Cal.
♦Prine R. L., Lucecdale, Miss.
♦Pressnall F. M„ Akron, Ind.
Pullman J. H., Anderson, Ia.
Pressnall W. R., Huntington, Ind. ♦Pringle H. S., Conemaugh, Pa.
♦Quinn Minnie R., House Spgs.,
Pringle J. B., Norwood, N. Y.
♦Pullman L. B., N. Y. City, N. Y.
Presson J. R., E. Prairie, Mo.
Pringle W. A., Jr., ThomasvUle,
Presson O. H., Tushka, Okla.
♦Quinn R. C., Grandmound, Ia.
♦Pults J. B., CoUege Corner, O.
Prest G. B., New London. Conn.
♦Quinn R. F., Jackson, Neb.
Pults W. L., College Corner, O.
*Prlntup C. E., Britton, S. D.
♦Prestley J. B., Decatur, 111.
♦Quinn W. M., TaUahassee, Fla.
Pumphrey A. R., Maunle, IU.
Prinus C., WeUsburg, Ia.
Preston A. S., Jasper, Ala.
♦Quirk Anna, Gas City, Ind.
Pumphrey E. E„ Wallace, Mo.
♦Prinz Alfred Muwaukee. Wis.
♦Quirk J. S., Areola, 111.
Preston O. M ., Chattanooga, Tenn. ♦Prior J. F.. Palo Alto, Cal.
Quirk M. T.f Areola. 111.
Puntenney F. H., Hartman, Colo. Quisenberry E. E., Livermore, Ky.
♦Prior L. L, Kearney, Neb.
♦Preston Etta, Hanston, Kan.
♦Pupikofer O., Osseo, Wis.
Prior W. A., Rose City, Mich.
Preston H„ Arnold, Kan.
♦Quisenberry H. G., Hamilton,
♦Pupke H. F. Jr., Portland, Ore.
♦Priser W. T„ Tamaqua, Pa.
Preston H. P., Ft. Bragg, Cal.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Qulsenberry J. A., Dankllle, Ky.
Qulsenberry J. E., Charleston,
Qulsenberry R. D.. Slater, Mo.
♦Qulsenberry, R. F., Atlanta, 111.
•Quist C. O., Gaylord. Minn.
Qulst, F. E„ Kooskia, Ida.
•Quitmeyer A., Gully, Minn.
•Quota J. H., Yoakum. Tex.

•Raab G. V., Maumee, O.
Rabb P. V.. Marlow. Okl.
Rabbe 0 . O,, Baltimore, Md.
Rabbitt T. J., Newport, Mich.
Rabbitt Thos. J., Newport, Mich.
Rabel Ed., Weimar, Tex.
•Rabel Emil, Weimar, Tex.
•Rabeler A., Lehigh, Neb.
Rabeler Fred Jr., Leigh, Neb.
Raber Henry, Newburg, Ind.
Rabon R. A., Kinta, Okla. •
Race J. N„ Hopewell, N. J.
Race W. L., Waterville, N. Y.
Rachac J, J., Faribault, Minn.
•Rachac Jos., New Prague, Minn
Rachow W.' J., Charlevoix, Mich.
Radabaugh F. W., Bryan, CL
Radcliff W. R., Watsonville, Cal
Raddatz A. A., Pine Island.
Radde P. A., Waconia. Minn.
Radeke E . W., Stratford, S. D.
•Rader E. J., Sacramento, Cal.
•Rader M. M., Kingman, Kan. i
•Rader Miss R. Z., Thornville, 0.„
Rader W. M., St. Leo, Minn.
Radford J. R., Monroe, Ga.
Radford L. S., Winder, Ga.
•Radford R. T„ Tonica, 111.
Radke A. A., Bentley, N. D.
•Radnich A. F., Davis City. la.
•Radtke Earl, Rochester. Pa.
•Raft F. L., Lemasters, Pa.

♦Rafferty E. R., New Sharon, la.
•Raftety, E. R;, Oskaloosa, la .
•Raffety G. A., White Hall. 111.
•R aftis J. A., Chewelah, Wash.
Ragan A. H., Thomasville, N. C.
Ragan E. L., High Point, N. C.
Ragan J. J., Irwintpn, Ga.
Ragan P. S., Wabash, Ind.Ragatz C. J., Potosi, Wis.
♦Rager C. C., Kenton, O.
•Ragland Allen, Cookeville, Tenn.
•Ragland H. O.. Mattoon. 111.
•Ragland T. J., Manhattan, Kan.
•Raglin G. A., Carmi, 111.
Ragon A. N., Clarksville, Ark.
Ragon J. O., Lamar, Ark.
Ragon O. B., Alma, Ark.
Ragsdale A. E., Collinsville,Tex.
Ragsdale H. E., Omega, Ga.
Ragsdale J. O., Madison, N. C.
Rahm E. F., St. Benedict, la.
•Rahm G. T ., St. Benedict, la .
Rahn A. G ., Newcastle, Neb.
•Rahn C. R., Belview, Minn.
Rahn W. H., Witten, S. D.
Rahn W. J., Kiel, Wis.
Rahn G. F., Belview, Minn.
•Rahn O. R., East Chicago, Ind.
•Raikback S. E., Hanford, Cal.
•Raike G. W., Logan, W. Va.
•Rainear J. H., Ocean Grove, N.J.
Rainer J. H. Jr„ Union Springs.
•Rainer Ross, Troy. Ala.
Rainer W. F., Brantley, Ala.
Raines E. N., Tarkio, Mo.
•Raines Edna, Perry, Kan.
Raines Gay, Dawson, Ga.
Raines V. C., Perry, Kan.
•Rains W. D., Marshall, Tex.

Ramboz J. H. Los Angeles, Cal.
Ramer C. O., Kenton, Tenn.
•Ramer H. J., Martin, Tenn.
Ramey H. M .rGwynn Oak June- j
tion, Md.
Ramey M. L,, J.ustin, Tex.
Ramey R. B., Centerburg, O.
•Ramie I. J., Hendricks, Minn.
Ramsay A. W., Cheboygan, Mich.
•Ramsay G. H., Boston, Mass.
•Ramsay Miss Bessie, Albany, Tex.
Ramsdell H. T.. Buffalo, N. Y,
Ramsdell M. D „ Independence,
•Ramseur J. H., Central, S. C.
•Ramseur V. D., Greenville, S.O.
Ramsey Austin, WhltesvlUe, Ky.
•Ramsey C, M., Winter Park, Fla.
Ramsey C. O., Colburn, Va.
•Ramsey C. O., Franklin, N. C.
Ramsey E, W„ Belle Center, O.
Ramsey H. B., Willits, Cal.
•Ramsey H. O.. Fromberg, Mont.
♦Ramsey H. D., Irwin, Pa.
Ramsey H. M. .Joplin, Mo.
•Ramsey Jr., H. M., Joplin, Mo.
•Ramsey H. S., Viola, Tenn.
•Ramsey J. N., Anamosa. Ia.
Ramsey J. R., Viola. Tenn.
•Ramsey S. 8., Franklin, N. C.
Ramsey W. B., Marshall. N. C.
Ramsey W. H., Pt. Washington,
Ramsey W. R., Schsefferstowu, Pa.
♦Ramspeck E. W., Atlanta, Ga.
Rand J. E., Havelock, N. D.
•Randa E., Sholes, Neb.
Randal A. E., Marmaduke, Ark.
Randall C. A.,Daytona Beach,Fla.
Randall C. E., Birch Tree, MO.
Randall C. L., Jr., Le Loup, Kan.
Randall C. L; V., Eminence, Mo.
Randall D. A., Grand Junction,
Randall Elsie, Eminence, Mo.
Randall Earl, Bingham Canyon.
Randall E. J., Martinez, Cal.
Randall J. B„ Oakley, Ida.
Randall J. E., Camden, O.
•Randall K. B., San Antonio, Tex.
•Randall L. H., Fairmont, W. Va;
Randall P. L., Rapid City, S. D
Randall W., Ambla, Ina.
•Randals E. H„ Hico, Tex.
Randel J. L., Greencastle, Ind.
Randblev E. O., Winger, Minn.
Randolph C. P.. Sandla, Tex.
Randolph E. W., Staunton, Va.
•Randolph G. B., Tuckerton, N . J.
Randolph John, Keota, Ia.
Randolph John H., Jr., Palatka,
•Randolph J. T., Higbee, Mo.
•Ranes G. J., Lisbon, N . D.
Raney H. B„ Azusa, Cal.
Raney L. M., Lacrosse, Va.
Ranlszewski F. K„ Pulaski, Wis.
Rank E. E„ Dover, Minn.
Rank T. J., Jonestown, Pa.
Rankin A. E., Asheville, N. C.
Rankin A. H„ Springfield, 111.
•Rankin C., Asheville, N. C.
Rankin C. W„ Fayetteville, N. C.
Rankin D. B., Miltonvale, Kan.
Rankin F. R., Manor, Pa.
Rankin George Jr., Wllkinsburg
♦Rankin Janet B., Martinez, Cal.
Rankin J. E., Latham, Kan.
Rankin J. E„ Asheville, N. C.
Rankin J. F., S. Charleston, O.
Rankin J. F„ Sidney, 111.
Rankin J. N ., Bad Axe, Mich.
•Rankin Nellie J., Idana, Kan.
Rankin R. J., Hart, Mich.
Rankin V. H.. Idana, Kan.
•Ranney C. H„ Hillsdale, Mich.
•Ranous J. G., Keota, la.
•Ranft O. J., Chicago, 111.
Ransom C. D,, Grosse Pointe,

•Rainsford B. T., Greenwood.S.C.
Rainwater Loid, Morrilltqn, Ark.
Rainwater Roscoe.Oklaunion.Tex.
Raisler F. W., Bear Creek, Wis.
•Raiter C. F., Alexandria, Minn.
Raiter C. H., Alden, Minn.
Raithel A. C., Deming, N. M.
•Raithel O. W., Jefferson City, Mo. •Ransom F. W., Montello, Wis.
•Ransom H. M., Kingston, Ga.
♦Rake John, Rake, la.
fcRanum B. G’., Van Hook, N . D.
Rake T. A., Rake, la.
Ranz B. C., Benson, Neb.
•Raker O. A., White, S. D.
•Raphiel A. A., Campti, La.
Raker G. V., Magnolia, Mo.
•Rakestraw B. J., Lupton, Mich. Rapier J. Ekro, New Haven, Ky.
Rapley J. A., No. Branch, Mich.
Rakestraw G. S.. Wyoming, 111.
•Rakestraw H. D., Walnut, Kan. •Rapp C. R., Trinidad, Colo.
•Rapp Edmund, Louisville, Ky,
♦Rakestraw H. E., Wyoming, III. •Rapp H. E„ Scotts, Mich.
Rakestraw O. L., Lupton, Mich.
Rapps E. W., Racine, Wis.
Rakness O. P., Avoca, Minn.
Raley M. L., Mt. Croghan, S. C. Rardin Bruce, Rardin, 111.
•Rarey Bert, Baker, Mont.
•Rail M. H., Spearville, Kan.
Raridon Ray, Lacon, 111.
•Ralls H. L., Gadsden, Ala.
Rasbach J. C., Canastota, N. Y.
•Ralls J., Comanche; Okl.
♦Ralpchen W. J., New York, N. Y. Raschford W. E., Carlisle, S. C.
•Ralphs J. C., Jr., San Bernardino, Rasel D. W:. Claysville. Pa.
Rash C. M„ McFall, Mo.
•Rash C. W., Shelbina, Mo.
•Ralston George, Snyder, Tex.
•Ralston L. W., Farnam, Neb.
Rash Edgar, Thayer, Kan.
•Ralston M. F., Wellfleet. Neb.
•Rash K. W., New Providence, la.
Ralston S. D ., Brady, Neb.
•Ralston W. N„ Wilmington, Del. •Rash W. R,, Granville, Mo.
♦Ralto D. W., • South San Fran­ Rasin A. Parks, Chestertown, Md.
Rask S. A..Blooming Prairie,Minn.
cisco, Cal.
Rasmuson F. H., Ephraim, Utah.
•Ramage B. C., Hickman, Ky.
•Rasmussen B. C., Riverton. Neb.
Ramage J. A., McGregor, la .
Rambo I. S., Mountain City, Tenn. •Rasmussen C. A.. Pilger, Neb.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Read Hénjyi Shenandoah, la.
Read J. 3., ‘Santa Fe, N. M.
Read J. H., Memphis, Tex.
Read L. I., Washington, Ihd.
•Read L. V„ Big; Spring, Tex.
Read M. M„ Ypsilanti, Mich.
Read P. Jv, Ft. Sumner, N. M.
♦Read R. W., Poland, N . Y.
Read W. P,, Mulberry,. Fla.
•Reade R. S„ Romeo, Mich.
Reader E. W., Dixon, Wyo.
Readhimer E. C., Campti, La
Reagan-C. E., Conyers, Ga.
Reagan E. D ., Mayville. N. Y.
•Reagan W. A., St. Paul, Minn.
Reagin O. W.; Mesquite, Tex.
Ratcliff S. E., Kingman, Ind.
Reagle W. H., Bangor, Pa.
Ratcliffe E. L., Camden, Ala.
Ream H. F., Depue, 111.
Ratcliffe G. J., Highland, Kan.
Ream J. E., Green Ridge, Mo.
Ratcliffe G. R., Manassas, Va.
Reamer C. E., Brackettville, Tex.
Ratcliffe J. T., Olney, 111.
Ratermann A. F„ FortLoramie, O • •Reamer Ralph, Columbus, O.
•Rath Frederick, New York City, Reames G. O.,: Richland, Kan.
•Rearden W. L., Granitevllle,
n .m
S. C.
•Rathbone E. G.,Springfleld.Mo.
•Rathbone Mabel A., Springfield,
•Reardon J. F., St. Joseph, Mo.
•Reasoner T. H., Jr., Stapleton
•Rathbun A. B., Clinton, Ia.
•Rathbun R. B., Detroit, Minn.
•Reasons W. P., Huttig, Ark.
•Rathell E. L., Lexington, Miss.
Rathert F. E., Wolf Point, Mont. Reavey T. J.. Freeland, Mich.
Reavis -J. A., Collinsville, Okla.
Rathgeber B. S., Loveland, O.
♦Rebbe C. H., Centralia, 111.
•Kathje F -C ., Chicago, 111.
Reber L. E.. Leaf River, 111.
Rathke C. E., Rosalia, Wash.
•Rathke Geo. H., Denmark, Wis. •Rebhausen G. L., Bancroft, Neb
•Rebhun W. H., Butler, Pa.
Ratshesky I. A., Boston, Mass.
•Rebman Louise, Vienna, 111.
Rau John M.. Haven. Kan.
Rebok Robt. R., Springfield. 8. D
Rau W. J., Manley, Neb.
Receveur W. J.. New Albany; Ind.
•Raub C. J., Chalmers. Ind.
*Rechord C. L., Bel Air, Md.
•Raub- Clyde W., Chalmers, Ind. •Rechtfertig V. J., Waterloo, Ia.
•Reck E. D., Orangeville, 111.
Raub G. A., Logansport, Ind.
Reckard N. F., Batavia, 111.
Raup H. J., Milton, Pa.
•Reckefus O. H., Port Deposit,
Raup J. A.. Portage. Wis.
♦Raup W. J., Portage, Wis.
•Recklein W., Cuba, Mo.
•Rausch Ellen. Buffalo Praire,
•Recknor E. F., Storm Lake, la.
Record G. T., Dover Plains, N. Y.
•Rausch F. J., Watkins, Minn.
•Rausch P. J., New Leipzig, N. D. Record Rush, Hugo, Okl.
Records H. C., Sparta, Ky.
Rauscher C. F„ Ottumwa, Ia.
Rectenwall C. G., Spencerville,
Rauscher Eric, Erin, Tenn.
•Rauschmeier G. J., Jamestown,
Rector E. A., Oakhill, Kan.
Raven G. C., Bostwlck, Neb.
Rector E. M„ Nevada City, Cal.
Raven G. C., Cairo, Neb.
♦Ravenkamp G. F., Spearville, Rector H. S., Scott, Kan.
♦Rector O. C., Marshall, N. C.
Redd H. T., Blackwater, Mo.
Raw George, Paulllna, Ia.
Rawles C. L.. Bloomington, Ind. Redd L. B., Blanding, Utah.
•Rawlings R. Q., Rochport, Mo.
•Reddeman E.A .. Milwaukee. Wis.
Rawlins C. H., Brldgevllle, Del.
Rawls C. H„ Palmersville, Tenn. Reddick W. O., Benevolence, Ga.
Redding F. H., Crivitz, Wis.
Rawls T. A., Poularville, Miss.
•Raworth J. O.. Vicksburg, Miss. Redding L., Lamberton, Minn.
•Redding V. C., Biloxi, Miss.
Rawson C. B., Sand Springs, Okl. Reddish C. G., Jerseyville, 111.
Reddish T. H., Owego, N. Y.
•Rawson C. H„ Colman, S. D.
Redeker O. H., Hoffman, 111.
Rawson J. H ., Princeton, 111.
•Rawson L. M., Asbury Park, N.J. •Redeker F. E., Hoffman, 111.
Redelman G. F., New Point, Ind.
Rawson R. N., Homlck, Ia.
Rawson T. W., Slater, Ia.
Redemann Oscar, Magdalena,
Ray C. D., Ashby, Neb.
N. M.
Ray E. F., Royston, Ga
•Redfern Samuel, N . Y. City,
•R ay E. L., Kosciusko. Miss.
N. Y.
Ray F. B„ Yankton. 8. D.
•Redfield F. G„ Newell, Ia.
Ray F,. J., Allison, Ia.
Redfleld H. G., New Haven, Conn.
Ray G. C., M t. Eden, Ky.
•Redfield W.G..New Haven,Conn.
Ray H. J„ Grenada, Miss.
Ray J. A., Strang, Neb•Redfield W. H .t Danbury. Conn.
•Ray J. E., Hayesville, Ia.
♦Redfleld W. J., Onsted; Mich.
Ray L. O., Dunedin, Fla.
•Redford E., Milburn, Ky.
•Ray L. V., Ukiah, Cal.
Redford E. B., Grand Rapids, Wis.
•Ray O. J.. Mt. Sterling, Ohio.
•Redhed W. 8., Tolono, 111.
Ray S. B., Gamaliel, Ky.
Redheffer R. L„ Chicago, 111.
Ray T. B., Yankton, S. D.
Reding P. C., Monterey, Minn.
Ray Walter L., Norcross, Ga.
♦Redington J. P., Santa Bar•Rayan Mary, Ax tell, Kan.
Rasmussen E. T„ Riverton,- N eb.
Rasmussen F. N„ Femdale, Cal.
•Rasmussen J. A., Harlem,. Mont.
Rasmussen N. H.. Emmons, Minn.
Rasmussen P. E., Shields, N. D.
•Rasmussen R. D., Brady, Neb. _
•Rasmussen R. H., Reedley, Cal.
Rasmusson Riley, Roseau, Minn.
Rasor E. B.. Cross Hill. S. C..
•Ratchford M, C., LaFayette, Ala.
•Raspberry Grace, Holcomb," Mo.
•Ratajczak 8. J., Chicago, 111."
Ratchford W. E., Carlisle 8. O.
•Ratcliff C. H., Veedersburg, Ind.

•Rayburn B. F„ Mahomet, 111.
Rayburn Camden, Huron, 8. D.
Rayburn E. S„ Sausalita, Cal.
Rayburn G. W., Roseville. 111.
Rayburn M. B., Malden, Mo.
Rayhorn Chas., Grant Park, 111.
Raymond B. T., Wheelock. N. D.
•Raymond O. St., New Orleans,
•Raymond C.H.,New Haven,Conn.
Raymond G. F., Saranac Lake,
N.Y .
Raymond M. H., Rhinelander,Wis.
Raymond Wm., Okl. City, Okl.
•Rayn Wm., Creighton, Neb.
• Raynolds H.,EastLasVegas,N.M.
Raynolds H., Las Vegas, N.M.
Raynor B. T., Rockville Center,
N. Y.
Raysor W. B., Chapel Hill, Tex.
•Rayworth O. T., Joliet, III.
Rea E. C., Edenton, N. C.
Rea Geo. R., Bay St. Louis, Miss.
Rea J. N., Mendocino, Cal.
Rea J. O., Hattiesburg, Miss.
Rea R. E., Wesson, Miss.
Read B. F., Gorman, Tex.
•Read C. E., Sioayzee, Ind.
Read E. A„ Imogene, Ia.
Read E. L., Chicago, 111.
•Read E. P., Dacoma, Okl.
Read F. E., Medicine Lodge, Kan.
Read F. W., Lake Forest, 111.
•Read G. A„ White Salmon,
•Read H. D,, Paradise, Tex.
•Read H. K., Parsons, Kan.

Redington L. K., Bay Shore, N. Y.
Redkey C. C.. Leesburg, O.
•Redman B. P. A., Doniphan, Neb
Redman C. M., Doniphan, Neb.
Redman F. M., Fort Rice, N . D.
•Redman Grace E., Russell, Ky.
• Rèdman G. Ç., Helena, Okla.
Redman John, Eureka, Kan.
•Redman M. G., Fort Rice, N . D
•Redmond W., Joliet, 111.
Redue Henry O.. Baltimore. Md.
•Redwine F. G., Marshall. Ark,
•Redwine H. F., Atwood, Okla.
•Redwine J. 8., Oscola, Tex.
Redwine V. H., Sandy Hook, Ky.
Redwood W. F„ Brookville, Miss.
♦Reeburgh S. L., Mangum, Okla.
•Reece H. A., Jackson. Mich.
Reece S. L., Blackfoot, Ida.
Reece Webster, Braggs, Okla.
Reece W. R., Trion. Ga.
•Reed A. C. Ville Platte, La.
•Reed B. R., Hoxie, Kan.
•Reed C. C., Nampa, Ida.
•Reed C. E., Hadley, Minn.
•Reed O. L., San Diego, Cal.
Reed C. S., Coyle, Okla.
•Reed E.. Belle Plains, Kan.
Reed E. B., Mercer, Pa.
•Reed E. D., Buffalo, N. Y.
•Reed E. L., Buffalo, N. Y.
Reed F! A., Martindale, Tex.
•Reed F. A., Metcalf, 111.
Reed F. Bit Chambersburg, Pa.
•Reed F. H., St. Bermce, Ind.
Reed Geo. O., Argos, Ind.
Reed G. T., Milford, Del.

Reéd G. V,, Lindsay, J3al.
Reed G. W., Axtell, Kan.
Reed G, W.,. Oblon, Tenn.
Reed H. A., Wellsvllle, Kan.
Reed H. C., Poïnpeii, Mich,
Reed H. D .. Gomfrey. M inn.
♦Reed H. E ., Compton, Cal.
Reed H. L., Harrisburg, Ore.
Reed J. A.-. Encam pm ent, Wyo.
Reed J. B., Ulman, Mo.
♦Reed John, Castle Dale. U tah.
Reed J. P., Van W ert, O.
Reed J. S., Cookeville, Tenn.
Reed J. T . S., Lindsborg, Kan.
Reed J . W., W ashington, P a.
♦Reed L. J,, Willow, Cal.
*Reed L. J., W alker ville, Mich.
Reed L. S., W aterbury, Conn.
Reed M. A., Woodbine, la.
Reed M. E „ Mulllken, Mich.
♦Reed Ai. L. p „ Boyce, Va.
♦Reed Nellie, Mulllken, Mich.
♦Reed N., Rantoul, 111.
Reed O. K., Compton, Cal. 1
Reed R., Centerville, Mo.
Reed Ralph. .Porum, Okla.
♦Reed R ay L., Slayton, M inn.
♦Reed R. R., Herndon, Va.
Reed R. V., Courtenay, N. D.
♦Reed Roy W.. Crocker. Mo.
♦Reed R. W.. Clatskanie, Ore.
Reed S. A., Kremlin, Okla.
♦Reed Vernell, Stockville, Neb.
Reed V. E. H. Jr., Holland, Tex.
♦Reed W ashington, Norfolk, Va.
Reed W. C., Hickman, Ky.
Reed W. C., Stockville, Neb.
♦Reed Wm.. N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Reed W, McK., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Reed W. P., Amherst, Va.
Reed W. S.. Corning, N. Y.
Reedal G. B„ Phillips, Wls.
Reeder C. J., Carthage, N. Y.
Reeder F, A., Hughesvllle, Pa.
Reeder H. H., Epworth, la.
♦Reeder H. H „ Goldfield, la.
Reeder J. D., Palisades, Colo.
Reeder J. P „ W ahpeton, N. D.
Reeder L. C., Salem, W. Va.
Reeder Lora, M ontezuma, Ind.
Reeder R. C., N orth East. Md.
Reedlsill H. M., Hanover, Pa.
Reeds J. E.. Jonesburg, Mo.
Reeds J. M .. Bainbridge, Ind.
Reedy P. C., Lam ar, C. S.
♦Reeme S. A., M artinton,-111.
Reeme S. A., W atseka, 111.
♦Reep A. R., Bonetraill, N, D.
Reep L. C., Bonetraill, N. D.
Rees Allen D., Luckey, O.
♦Rees'C. B„ Luckey, O.
♦Rees C. C., B reaux Bridge, La.
Rees E ., Lincoln, Kan.
♦Rees G. W „ Abilene, Kan.
Rees Hugh, Leotl, Kan.
Rees H. T ., Brownsburg, Va.
Rees S. C., Phoebus, Va.
Rees S. G., Cove, Ore.
Rees T. M ., Bridger, M ont.
Reese A. B., Ittab en a, Miss.
♦Reese Cora, Haines, Ore.
♦Reese D. A., Iowa City, la .
♦Reese E. B., Buena Vista, Ga.
♦Reese Elsie, Corning, la.
Reese E. Wm., Oakley, Ida.
Reese G. H., Plneville, Ky.
♦Reese H. O., M ound City, Kan.
Reese H. F „ Trem ont, 111.
♦Reese J . M., Mishawaka, Ind.
Reese L. L., Edwardsville, Pa.
♦Reese L. L „ Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
♦Reese N. G., Bentley, la.
Reese R, L., Garysburg, N. C.
♦Reese T., W ichita Palls, Tex.
Reeser E. M., Orangeville, 111.
R eet Thomas, M urphysboro.- Ill.
Reeve E. B., Medford, N. J.
Reeve F. C., Hopkinton, la.
Reeve G. O., Lone Elm , Kan.
♦Reeve O. H „ S anta Rosa, Cal.
♦Reeve Rose, Lone Elm , Kan.
♦Reeves A. T., M t. Solon, Va.
♦Reeves C. H., Columbus, Miss.
♦Reeves Dean, Elburn, 111.
Reeves F. M., Canton, Ga.
Reeves H. H., Gould, Okla.
Reeves John B. Jr.. Charleston,
S. C.
Reeves J. C., Canon, Ga.
Reeves Jo h n T., Beaver Falls, Pa.
Reeves P . M ., Stockton, Kan.
Reeves Parker. Columbus. Miss.
♦Reeves S. W., W apanucka, Okla.
♦Reeves W. A., Clinton, N. J.
Refling O. A., Drake, N. D.
Refling O. A., Guthrie, N. D.
Refling O. A., Silva, N. D.
Refshauge J . J „ Marquette, Neb.
Refshauge P . J., Hordville, Nea.
♦Regan C. F., N. Y. City, N. Y.
♦Regan F. M .. Aberdeen. S. D.
Register C., E., Greelyville, S. C.
♦Regnier T. A.; M arshall, Minn.
♦Rehard J. M., New Comerstown,:
Rehder T. P., Berlin, la.
Rehling F. F., Lomax, 111.
Rehm e J. H.. St. Louis, Mo.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Rehse Fred, Stewart, Minn.
♦Rendell W. G., N. Y.' C.. N. Y. « Rhoda C. R., Royalton, Minn.
Reibsamen Glen. Curtiss. Wiscon­ Render C. P., Coldwater, Tenn.
Rhoda Frank, H ettinger, N. D.
sin. '
Render R., L ./L a Grange, Ga.
Rhode S. A., Pine Village, Ind.
Reich August, Scotland, S: D.
S. J., F t. Lupton, Colo. *
Reich Ernest, Forest City, 111.
♦Renesh L. F., Toledo, la.
Rhodes A. J., M adrid, Ala.
rf^oich G. A., Ste. Genevieve, Mo. ♦Renfrew W. W „ -Farm ington, Rhodes
C. B., Flelmingsburg, Ky.
♦Reichel G. P.. Kansas City, Mo.
♦Rhodes C O., Groton, N. Y.
Renfro Elmer, F o rt W orth, Tex. ♦Rhoades C. R., Vail, la.
Reichelderfer J. J., Laurelville, O. ♦Renfrow
H. G., Wales, N. D.
♦Rhodes C. W., Scottsville, Va.
Reichert H. J., Burkettsville, O. Renick R. L., N avasota, Tex.
♦Rhodes D. C., Ashland, Kan.
Reichert J. J..Long Prairie, Minn. ♦Renk M. K „ Eagle, Ida.
D. H., McKeesport, P a.
♦Reichert R.' E.. Ann Arbor. Mich. Renken J. F „ Craig, la.
Rhodes Edwin, Chino, Cal.
♦Reichle Theo. E.. Au Gres, Mich. ♦Renn M . I., Touchet, Wash.
♦Rhodes E . R,. M arden, N. O.
Renn O. L., Touchet. Wash.
♦Rhodes E . T., Belgrade, M inn.
Reid A., H annah, N. D.
Renne R. S., Poplar Grove, 111.
Rhodes F. A., Salamanca, N. Y.
Reid C. A.. Mt. Sterling, 111. '
♦Renner E . L.. Baltimore, M d.
Rhodes Festus, W hiteville, Tenn
♦Reid 0. V., Tulsa, Okla.
Renner H arry N., N.Y. City, N.Y. Rhodes F. H., EsthervIlJe, la.
Reid Charles W., W ichita Falls.
♦Rhodes G. H., Caldwell, Kan.
- Tex.
Rennlnger W. D., College ville, Pa. Rhodes I. J., Welch. W. Va.
Reid E . A., Charleston, W. Va.
Rennlx G. W.. Hankihson, N. D.
♦Reid E . C., Riverdale, Mich.
Reno I. P., Sedro. Wash.
♦Rhodes J. C„ A tlanta, ,Ga.
®®!d F. G., Crawfordville, Ga.
Rhodes J. C., Webbers Falls,'Okla.
*Rfid G. E„ Los Angeles, Cal.
♦Renny C. A., Stephen, Minn.
Rhodes J . F., Fertile, la.
Reid J. E „ Altoona, la.
Rhodes J . M„ Hendersonville,N.C.
Reid O. A., M attoon, 111.
Rentsohler F.M.,Springvlew, Neb. ♦Rhodes J. 8., Darlington, 8. O;
Reid P. M.. Cuthbert, Ga.
Rentz E. A., Gilbertown, Ala.
♦Rhodes J. T., Jr., Bunkie, La.
*Heid R. O., Rockport, Ky,
Rentz Geo. F „ Ashland, Pa.
Rhodes M . B., Bighorn, Wis.
♦Reid R. E., Versailles, 111.
♦Renville H erbert, New Y ork Rhodes M. E., Mrs., Elmo, Kan.
♦Reid R. L., Ireton, la.
City, N. Y.
R. G„ Linden, Ala.
♦Reid R. S., Harrington, Wash.
♦Renwick A. B., Billings, M ont.
Rhodes W. B„ Marion, Ark.
Reid S. N., Suffleld, Conn.
♦Rephlo J . H., Jefferson City,Mo. Rhodes W. E., Linden, Ala.
Reid S, T„ Spartanburg, S. C.
♦Repp L. Q„ Union Bridge, Md.
Rhodes W .F..Eldorado Spgs., Mo.
Reid S. T., Converse, S. C.
Re Qua B. H., Sioux Falls, S. D.
Rhodes W. H., Hebron, Neb.
Reid V. M ., Caruthersville, Mo.
Resch M. P „ Benton H arbor, Mich
♦Rhodes W. L., Mayfield, Ky.
♦Reid William, N. Y. City. N. Y.
W. L.; Lula, Miss.
♦Reid W. F., Lakeland, Fla.
♦Retalllc F. A., Barry, 111.
♦Rhodes W. T., Estherville, la.
♦Reid W. M., M t. Sterling. III.
Retrum M artin, Nanson, N. D.
Reid W. X., Hickory, N. C.
Retrum O. S., Peterson, Minn.
Rhonehouse L. B., Maumee, O.
Reider A. H „ Middletown, Pa.
♦Rettberg John W., Divernon, 111. R hoten C. W „ Mowrystown, O.
♦Rettig P. A., Fairbanks, Alaska. ♦Rboten I. Q., Mowtystown, O.
♦Reierson J. C., Lyle, Minn.
♦Retzlaff Ambrose, Thayer, Neb.
♦R huart L. H., Phoenix, Ariz.
Reif F rank J., W hite Bear Lake, ♦Reu F. J., Basco, 111.
♦Rhud'y G. L., Indepenaence. Va
♦Reuling F. W., M orton, 111.
♦Rhudy N. B., W ytheville, Va.
Relfsteck Geo., Calumet, la.
Reuneckar G. C., Jonesvllle, Ky.
F.. Stanley, N. C.
Reigle H. S.. McSherrystown, Pa. ♦Reuschling H. A., Flagler, Colo. ♦Rhyne
♦Rhyne Fred, Denver, N. C.
♦Reuschlein W., Plain. Wis.
J. C., Pella, la.
Relhman J. W.. Grandmound, la. ♦Reuter J. E ., Underwood, N. D. ♦Rhynsburger
Rian C. M., Elizabeth, Minn.
♦Reil D., Pickrell, Neb.
Reuther George, Cato. Wis.
Hitem ah, la.
Reiland John, St. Charles, M inn. Revill Joseph C., Burlington, Ky.
Reilley W. B„ Renovo, Pa.
♦Rewey J. W., Rewey, Wis.
Reilley W. F.. Savannah, Ga.
Rex A. M„ Kiowa, Colo.
♦Rice A. M., Hickory, Mo.
♦Reilly Chas. P., Erie, Pa.
♦Rex W. E., Columbus, O.
Reilly J., Waucoma, la.
Reyburn C. T., Clovis, Cal.
Rice,Carl J., Peever, S. D.
♦Reimann W., St. .Louis, Mo.
Reyerson J. E., Dawson, Minn.
Rice Cora G„ Potomac, 111.
♦Reimer H. J., Evansville, Ind.
G. J., Friendship, N. Y.
Reimer J. J., Harvey, N. D.
Reyman M„ Salem, Ind.
Rice E. A., York, Pa.
♦Reimer P. J., Harvey, N. D.
Reymerson H. H., Bradfordville. Rice E. 0., Camden, Ind.
Reimers Hugo, Inwood, la.
♦Rice Edwin C., Fulton, Ky.
Reimers John, Adair, la.
Reymond C. D., Baton Rouge, La. Rice E. C., Gray, la.
Reimers R., Colby, Kan.
♦Reynard D. S., Dillonvale. O.
♦Rice E. J., Cleveland, O.
Reim ert Oscar, Newport, Ky,
♦Reynolds A. Jr., San Diego, Cal. Rice E. M„ Elyria, O.
♦Reynolds A; L., Frankhnville, Rice E. P., Blackduck, Minn.
Reimold Charles D., Carmen. Okla.
N , Y.
Rice F. A.. St. Johns. Ore.
♦Reindl H. H., Odessa, Minn.
♦Reynolds A. M ., Stites, Ida.
♦Reinecke Henry, Heizer, Kan.
Reynolds A. T., Amherst, Neb,
F rank M., Bloomington, 111.
Reinecke W. F „ Strawberry Point, Reynolds A. W., Albany, Tex.
Rice F. D„ Brewster, W ash.
la .
Reynolds C. C., B utternut, Mich. ♦Rice F. D., Tekonsha. Mich.
♦Reinert A. J., M attoon, Wis.
Reynolds C. E „ Rising City, Neb.
Rice G. C., Lewiston, Minn.
Reinertson J. C., Hurdsfield, N.D. ♦Reynolds C. H., Sylvester, Ga.
H. B., Paintsville. Ky.
♦Reinertson J. C.. Park River, N.D. ♦Reynolds C. M ., N orth Platte, Rice
Rice H. D., W atertown, S. D .
♦Reines Nicholas,, Virgil, 111,
H. M„ Rockville, Ind.
Reines Anna, Virgil, 111.
Reynolds F.G.,Milford Center, O. ♦Rice H. M ., Wildwood, N. J.
♦Reinhard L., Cullom, 111.
♦Reynolds F. L., M iddleton, Mich. Rice H. P., Colgate, N. D. ./•
Reinhard O. F., S. Bethlehem, Pa. ♦Reynolds F. M., Rocheport.Mo. Rice H . P., Pillsbury, N. D.
R einhardt E . A., Hearne. Tex.
♦Reynolds Frank, M ountain View, Rice H. W.. Gillespie, 111.
♦Rice H. W., Sauk Center, M inn.
Reinhardt Henry B„ Baltimore, Reynolds G. H., Bridgehampton, Rice J., Higginsport, O.
N. Y,
R einhardt H. H., Quakertown. Pa. Reynolds G. P., M arietta, Ga.
Rice J. E „ Hornersville, Mo.
R einhardt J. L„ Colbert, Ga.
Reynolds H. R., Jr., Barre, Rice J. H. L., Cooleemee, N. C.
R einhardt J. M., Stanley, N. C.
Rice J. N., Martinsville, Mo.
♦Reinhardt Nora M ., Apple Creek, Reynolds H. S., Wichita, Kah.
Rice J. W., Winchester, Va.
Reynolds J. A., Klnderhook, N. Y. ♦Rice Karl« Landisburg, Pa.
♦Reinhart F. S., Toppenish.Wash. Reynolds J. A. G., Ava, Mo.
♦Rice Leslie, Oakland, Cal.
♦Reinhart Henry. Pesotum, 111.
Reynolds J. M., Wichita, Kan.
Rice L. H., Arehdtsville, Pa.
♦Reinhart Ö.. Winnemucca, Nev. Reynolds J. O.. Leeton. Mo.
Rice L. J., San Diego, Cal.
♦Reinhart W. L., Fossil, Ore.
Reynolds J. T., Jr.,Greenville, Ky. Rice M. T., Neosho, Mo.
Reinholdt J. W., Acting, St. Louis, ♦Reynolds L. E ., F t. W orth, Tex. Rice N. R., Charleston, Miss.
♦ReynoldsM.A.,Prairie duSac.Wis, Rice O. E., Rochelle, Tex.
Reinig H. M. Griswold, la .
Reynolds M. E.,Bruneau. Ida.
Rice Orman, Glencoe, Okla.
Reinke G. A., Balaton, Minn.
♦Reynolds M. J „ Malvern, Pa.
Reinke G. J., M arinette, Wis.
Reynolds O. E.,H averstraw , N.Y. ♦Rice Orman, Maramec, Okla.
Reinke H. T., Covington, Ky.
♦Reynolds O. N., Elm ira, N. Y. Rice Roy; St. Libory, Neb.
Reinking Charles, Lowden, la.
♦Reynolds S. B., Elizabeth, 111.
♦Rice R. B., Mt. Sterling, O.
Reinoehl F. L. Chewelah, Wash.
♦Reynolds T. A., New York City, Rice R. 8., Reading, M inn.
♦Reints A. M., Kesley, la.
N .Y .
Rice Turner, Florence, Ala.
R cintsH . N., Kesley, la.
Reynolds T. F., Oconto Falls,Wis. Rice U. G., Milton, la.
♦Reints H. W., Kesley, la. Reynolds W. A., Indianola, Neb.
♦Rice Wallace, Burlington, Ky.
♦Reische H. E., Cadron, Neb.
Reynolds W .-F., Bernice, Okla.
Rice W. W., W atertown, N. Y.
Reiser C. F., Springfield, Ga.
Reynolds W. H., Sheffield, la.
Reiser M ., Napoleon, O.
Reynolds W. M., Siloam, Ga.
Rich C. L., East Jaffrey, N. H.
Reishus L. T., Cottonwood, Minn.
Reynolds W. S., Hurley, Wis.
Rich D. A.. P ort Henry, N. Y.
♦Reisinger D. M ., Beaver, Pa.
Rich E. G., Ledyard, la.
♦Reissaus C. P., Chaffee, Mo.
Reznicek J. A., Loma, Neb.
Rich E. H., F ort Dodge, la.
Reissaus E. A., Chaffee, Mo.
Rhame S. C.,: Columbia, 8. C.
Rich F. M., Westfield, N. Y.
R eist D. B., Adrian, Mo.
Rhea A. D., W hitney, Tex.
Rich J. W., H ayward; Okla.
R eitter G. J., Eagle, Neb.
♦Rhea C. H., Echo, Ore.
♦Reitter M ary, Eagle, Neb.
♦Rhea G. W., Bemidgi, Minn.
♦Rich G. L„ F ort Dodge, la.
Rhea J. W.. McNeil; Ark.
Rich Henry S., M arietta, Pa.
Reitz A lbert, Elk Lick, Pa.
Rhea R. C., Whiteville. Tenn.
Rich J., Converse, Ind.
Reitz W. R „ Sistersville, W. Va.
Rhea Wm. A.¿ Peirce City, Mo.
♦Rich L. F., Salem, N. Y. ’’
Reitzell C. F., Erie; Pa.
Rhelner F. J., Uvalde, Tex.
♦Rich M. L., Rices Landing, P a.
Reller A. H „ St. Louis, Mo.
♦Rheinlander A. W., Evansville. ♦Rich O. L., Winnebago, Neb.
♦Roller H. N., Vincennes. Ind.
Rich S. G,, Burley, Ida.
Rembe Wm., Sioux City, la.
R h ett H. M., Huntsville, Ala.
Richard E . V., Covington, La.
♦Remer R T., Urbana, la.
♦Rhinehalt H. E., Paulding, O.
♦Richard H. C., N. Y. City, N. Y.
Remer T. H., Urbana, la.
♦Rhoades Carl, Tonkawa, Okla.
♦Remer W. B., Hastings, Neb.
Rhoades G. H., Nardin, Okl.
♦Richard H. E ., Valier, M ont.
Rempel D. L., D utton, M ont.
Rhoades W. E„ Omaha, Neb.
♦Richard J. W., Nassawadox, Va.
Rempfer W. C., Parkston. S. D.
Rhoades W. J.,- Olathe, Kan.
♦Richard R. R., Crowley. La.
♦Remsen T. S., N. Y. City. N. Y. Rhoads Clyde, Glenwood, la.
Rlchardon C. F., Roundup, Mont.
Renaker A. B..Burlington, Ky. ♦Rhoads E., Verhon, Tex.
Richards A rthur. Genesee Depot,
Renaker C. W., Beebe, Ark.
Rhoads H. P., Blairsville, Pa.
Renaker J. G.>>Florence, Kyi /
Rhoads W., Auburn, Ind.
♦Richards Chas., Fulton,- N. Y.
Renard G. H., Wausa, Neb.
Rhoads W. F., Sunbury, Pa.
Richards C. A., Saulsbury, Tenn,
♦Rendleman W. S., Danville, V a . ♦Rhoda A. J .!, Long Prairie, Minn. Richards C.tU., Carlsbad, N. M.


•R ichards D. F., Idaho Falls, Ida.
R ichards D. R ., M organtown,
W . Va.
•R ichards E m m ett, Chicago, 111.
Richards E .H ., Cortland, N. Y .
Richards F. H ., Foxboro, Mass.
Richards F. S., McGregor, la .
Richards G.R., C rystal Spgs.,N.D.
Richards G retna V., Livingston,
R ichards H . H ., Black R iver Falls.
•R ichards J. B., Delphos, Kan.
Richards J . De F., Omaha, Neb.
Richards J. H ., Cross Plains, Tenn.
•R ichards J . S., Minneapolis,
Richards J . W ., Reading, Pa.
•Richards Lynn, C rystal Lake. 111.
•R ichards M . H ., Valley Mills,
•R ichards M. M., ClarkshlU, Ind.
•R ichards O. E „ Oregon, Wis.
•R ichards R. I., Robinson, 111.
Richards R. L.. Cotter. Ia.
•R ichards R. O., Davis, Okla.
•R ichards W. C., Chester, Neb.
Richards W. H., Bellalre, Mich.
R ichards W. H ., Malad City, Ida.
Richards W. L., M t. Vernon, Ky.
Richards W. M ., Chicago, 111.
•R ichards W. Q.. Paducah, Tex.
Richards W .W ..Ticonderoga,N.Y.
Richardson A. C., Leesburg, Tex.
•Richardson A. G., M cLean, Tex.
Richardson A. J., Mystic, Ia.
•R ichardson A. L „ Mulhall, Okla.
Richardson A. M ., Noble, La.
•R ichardson A. St. Geo., Ocala,
Richardson B. F., Calhoun, Mo.
•Richardson C. B., Henderson,

Richm ond 0. L., W oodland, Cal.
•Richm ond F. G., Provo, U tah.
•Richm ond F rank H., New York
City, N. Y.
•Richm ond J . G..: Nelson, Neb.
•Richm ond M . A.. Blanket, Tex.
Richm ond O. A., Pine Grove,
W . Va.
•Richm ond R . M„ Aurora, Ind.
•Richou E ., Sioux C ity. Ia.
•R ichter G. W ., Des Moines, la .
Richter G. W., Rockwell C ity. Ia.
R ichter W. J . , Vernon Center,
M inn.
Rick W m., Skyberg, M inn.
•Ricker C. A., Kansas City, Mo.Ricker F . K ., Wendell, Ida.
Ricker F. S., Somersworth. N. H.
Ricker G. L., Sum ter, S. C.