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CUBA, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, AND PORTO RICO 1754 PROVINCIA DE CAMAGUEY—Continued PROVINCIA DE HABANA—Continued CUBA Havana_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PROVINCIA DE HABANA Cueto.............. ................ ROYAL BANK Guanabacoa.................... ROYAL (13 Branches in Havana) OF CANADA. { #^Fund,*2l’,485!830 BANK OF CANADA. J %g&J. MS ............. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA j gflW* Guines. Havana_______ _____ AMERICAN Pon. 363,500 363.500 " Pop. •__ ...... (Capital “ $20,400,000 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA* \Res. Funds 21,485,830 nAuai mini nc nmiAiiH ( Capital, $20,400,000 Trinidad....................... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.\Res. Funds, 21,485,830 Obrapia 35. ______________ Zaldo y Cia., • Cuba 76. „ . Mananao................... dAuis ac AAiiana ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. PROVINCIA DE MATANZAS \ Res, ( Capital, $20,400,000 Funds, 21,485,830 lljlSo PROVINCIA DE CAMAGUEY FOREIGN BANKING CORPORATION* . Cardenas... City) (Branch of N. Y. C m . Camaguey_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ........... ................ American Trading Co. ___________ J. Bacells y Ca. _ _ahuAnh (Capital $20,400,000 21,485,830 NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK *0 -ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.* ( Capital (2 Branches in Camaguey) .............................Banco Commercial de Cuba. { ___ _ -ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.* {Res. Funds $20,400,000 l Res. Funds 21,48a,830 (-H z -Gonzalez & Olaechea. SB M Ciego de Avila________Banco Mercentil Americano De Cuba. in ______________ Banco de Fomento Agrario; Galiano 66. _ _ _ _ _ _ NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK .......... ...................Banco del Comercio; Mercaderes 36. 110,000,000 Florida. ...Dijon Hermanos. NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK -ROYAL ...................... CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Cap. $20,000,000 _____ ^. S Capital, -ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. \ Res. Funds, $20,400,000 21,485,830 ROYAL BARR RANK Ur OF l/AOMBA. CANADA |I Res Capital -HUTAt. Funds $20,400,000 21,485,830 ______________ Banco Territorial de Cuba. . ..................... BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA. Capital, . Colon. BANK OF CANADA, j Refunds Jovellanos—-------------- ROYAL zo "0 Majagua------ --------------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. { o Matanzas (Capital) -__Archavaleta, Amezaga & Co. Moron.__ o —ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. {^‘&rf.1Si£8o X ................. NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK. HH n {Branch of Boston) o Nuevitas____________ Fernandez & Cial. ___________ Gelats N. y Cia.,* Aguiar 108, ...... ................ Mercantile Trust Co. ................... NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK _-M-. n.utf AC Ainu* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. ____ .„.Pedro Gomez Mena e Hijo. ................. Pedrosa & Co., J. Aguiar 65. on of Index. FederalPhilippine ReserveMap Bank St. Louis “ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.* [ Capital " ___________ Sobrinos de Bea y Co. (2 Branches) $20,400,000 l Res. Funds 21,485,830 (Capital $20,400,000 \ Res.Funds 21,485,830 _ _ _ _ _ _ NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK. (3 B'awkM) 72 Cuba St. Galiano 102 Monte 230 Oflcios 18. zo IlSS > n.uvnr n.H.n. {Capital $20,400,000 BANK OF CANADA. (Res. Funds 21,485,830 .First National Bank. ___________ Heilbut & Co. > </) -Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Ga. (Agency of Atlanta, Ga.) For complete data see Page 25. r Puerto Principe______Banco Agricola de Puerto Principe. Ranchuelo.................... -ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. { Union de Reyes......... ROYAL (Capital BANK OF CANADA. {Res. Funds, $20,400,000 21,485,830 PVftr fiAFFTY and SERVICE Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index to Lawyers) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ALWAYS use the above coupon in forwarding collections or claims to the Attorneys listed in this Directory. The Attorneys are bonded by the American Surety Co. CUBA, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, AND PORTO RICO 1755 PROVINCIA DE ORIENTE PROVINCIA DE PINAR DEL RIO ROYAL BANK OF PAIAna • f Capital --- HU I ML DANA OF CANADA.* { Funds$20,400,000 21,485,830 Antilla. ( Cnniini Artemisa........ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, j ReV s Funds Res. Funds PROVINCIA DE SANTA CLARA—-Continued. dnn non 21,485,830 Cumanayagua........... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA J Capital $20,400,000 vAHAUA. [ Ret> Funds 21,485>830 mnes - —............... -ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. {liTsSndHimS Encrueijada.............. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. ) R^Funds^S. Guanajay. ...................... NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK. -ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.) Refunds li'jKo Jatibonico- - - - - - - - - - - - - ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. {SXndsT&S . ROYAL BANK OF CANADA • (Capital ...............................CANADA.* [ Funds 21,485,830 " $20,400,000 Pinardel Rio (Capital)NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK. Placetas Del Norte—-ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. {Ku^ll’jSsS Gibara.........................Torre & Go. ” - - - - - - - - - BOYAL BANK OF CANADA.!®^ ’a®® Guantanamo_______ Brooks y Ola. Remedios.................. NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK. Sagua la Grande......... NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK. ...... ........ NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK. PROVINCIA DE SANTA CLARA '' Cabaiguan ................ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. {BL Holguin----------------- Rimblas GarciaA Go. -ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-* { rTfLu IMIS Jobabo. -ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.* *20,400,000 21,485,830 Camajuani ............. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. { Fund* $20,400,000 21,485,830 ......... MI#L BANK OF CANADA.{£*“*, ‘ISlffiS Palma Soriano- - - - - - - - ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. (fSTLuafiS Cienfuegos---------- Gaetano, Puerto Padre- - - - - - - - - - B0YAL BANK OF CANADA.- {SZnJIlSS (Capital) “ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-...Capital, davai .................ROYAL Santa Clara_____ Bang nr aASKAN Capital $20,400,000 BANK OF CANADA.*^ Res, Funds 21,485,830 G -NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK. > • ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. {S.^ndSEso G 13 Victoria De Las Tunas ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. {fWoll.llS O JO H O v"elus................... »•»*!■ “•»« »F CANADA- {S JO I—1 •' “ o o BOYAL BANK OF CANADA- { Ysabela___________ Gomez, C. -ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. •! Capital (2 Branches in Cienfuegos) $20,400,000 21,485,830 cn G > w Yaeuajay............ ...... NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW Y0BK. $10,000,000 ....Brooks y Oia„ Cristina Alta $. —ROYAL Capital hi. BANK DHnn OF wr CANADA woiimuh. • I^ ^ Nicolai, Santa Isabels. -NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK. -—NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, “ W »—i Z .Zarraga k Co. »««« »f “««»«■• i assajasB Santiago de Cuba....... 44 BANK OF CANADA-* {Refunds liffisBO Manzanillo. ..- - - - - - - NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK. " 14 Capital $20,400,000 Res, Funds 21,485,830 -—*•*«■ Z & Co. Sancti Spiritus.......... NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK. l Res. Funds Miranda.. -----------Carlos Alfert IMUS Caibarien- - - - - - - - - - - - - NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK. -ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.* { Capital U Esmeralda............ ROYAL 13 13 i—i - - - - - - - ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.* { ........... —»»«■ B*«« »F CANADA.- { Cruces ( Res. Funds $20,400,000 21,485,830 z“*......................... "“VftL BANK OF CANADA, j cR‘f!rL^nSS Capital $20,400,000 3 -ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. { eSTS.u ’i:ES : tornu.................. -BOYAL BANK OF C«NA IllffMSS i cn Philippine Map on Index. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis For SAFETY and SERVICE, Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index in Lawyers) BANKS AND BANKERS IN CUBA, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, AND PORTO RICO—Continued 1756 Agusan --------............. Philippine National Bank. Batangas........ (See also Manila) Philinnine National Bank. (See also Manila) PORTO RICO—(Continued) PORTO RICO PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Bayamon. Cayey_____________ Banco Comercial de Puerto Rico. ____ Banco Comercial de Puerto Rico. Rio Piedras.................Banco Territorial y Agricola de Puerto Rico. Federal Land Bank. San Juan (Capital)__ AMERICAN COLONIAL BANK OF PORTO RICO. Cahanatuan—. _____________ Banco Comercial de Puerto Rico. • (H ead Office) Cagayan------- Philinnine National Bank. (See also Manila) _____________ Banco Popular.* Capiz---------- .. .Philinnine National Bank. (See also Manila) (Head Office) Cebu------------_ _ _ _ _ _ CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA, J CHINA. (See adv. opposite Index Foreign) " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION. •• _____________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) _____________ Banco Territorial y Agricola de Puerto Rico.* _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.* Capital *10.000.000 _____________Korber & Co.. Inc.. Cruz 1.* ----------------- NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK CITY.* _____________J. Ochoa y Hermano. Marina St. Dagupan__________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) _ _ _ _ ROYAL BANK OF CAN ABA, f Capital *20.400.000 TETUAN ST. 1 Res. Funds 21.485,830 Dava0............ ..............Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) _____ Santisteban Chavarri y Cia., Tetuan St. Iloilo....... .....................Bank of the Philippine Islands • (Branch) _____ Sobrinos Ezquiaga Allen, 17 St. *• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA. (See adv. opposite Index Foreign) " ______________Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation. •• _______ _____ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) _____ Sobrinos de Yzquierdo y Cia., Tetuan St. _____ Sucesores de L. Villamily Cia., Marina St. _____________ Villar & Co., Inc., Marina St. Isabela___ ________ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) “- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CREDITO Y AHORRO PONCENO.* PARTIDO DE HUMACAO Fajardo____________ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA. Capital $ 10,000.000 Humaco (Capital)___ Banco Comercial de Puerto Rico. “ _____________ Sucesor de Jose Rodriguez. Naguabo___________Fuertes y Cia. “_____________ Garzot e Hijo. Vieques____________Banco Comercial de Puerto Rico. PARTIDO DE MAYAGUEZ Mayaghes (Capital)—AMERICAN COLONIAL BANK OF PORTO RICO. “_____________ Banco Comercial de Puerto Rico. “_____________ Moral y Cia. “_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.* [ Capital *20.400 000 1 Res. Funds 21,485 830 Manati____________ Banco Territorially Agricola de Puerto Rico. PARTIDO DE AGUADILLA PARTIDO DE PONCE Lanao______________Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Manila____________Bank of the Philippine Islands.* •* ......................... CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA. (See adv. opposite Index Foreign) “ ....... ........ ........ .Chinese American Bank of Commerce. (65 Jnan Luna.) Aguadilla__________ Banco Comercial de Puerto Rico. Lares_____________ Compania Mercantil, Alcover y Comp. “ ______________Marquez y Cia. “ ______________Vilella Hermanos. Yauco_____ ________ CREDITO Y AH0RR0 P0NCEN0* “ ______________Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation. * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION. “ _____ ____ ___ Philippine National Bank. Arecibo (Capital)....... AMERICAN COLONIAL BANK OF PORTO RICO.* “ ______________ Philippine Trust Co.* '*______________Banco Comercial de Puerto Rico. ........................... Yokohama Specie Bank, Limited. (See also Manila) " ___________ ....Banco Territorial y Agricola de Pnerto Rico, "_____________ Roses & Go.. Sues. Occidental Negros. ...Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Oriental Negros___ Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Samar____ ________Philippine National Bank. (See also Manila) Zamboanga_________ Bank of the Philippine Islands.* (Branch) Philippine Map on Index. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PARTIDO DE GUAYAMA Caguas.. ....AMERICAN COLONIAL BANK OF PORTO RICO.* __ Banco Territorial y Agricola de Puerto Rico. _Banco Comercial de Puerto Rico. ...Banco de Ponce.* —BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA. Capital * 10.000,000 j CREDITO YA*H0a.R^PpNCEN0Capital Stork *750,000.00 Surplus $250,000.00 Correspondents: Mech. & Metals Nat. Bank, Chemical Nat. Bank, Bank of America, Guaranty Tr. Co., “_____________ Morales y Cia. New York “_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEWYORK CITY* “_________ ____ Sucesores de Mayol Hermanos & Co. “_____________ Ramon Cortaday Cia. ,, DAvai DAHif nr rRNAnt • f Capital *20,400,001 --------------------- ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.* \Res. Funds 21,485,831 PARTIDO DE SAN GERMAN* San German (Capital) .Banco de San German.* Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence January, 1924 Nueva Vizcaya_____ Philippine National Bank. PARTIDO DE ARECIBO Ponce (Capital). CUBA, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, AND PORTO RICO (See also Manila) Philipnine National Bank. (See also Manila) Benguet.......... .......... Philippine National Bank. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CREDITO Y AHORRO PONCENO Guayama (Capital)...Banco Territorial y Agricola de Puerto Rico. “ ______________Sucesores de Tomos. Cano y Cia. SERVICE Use the banks and lawyers advertising in this publication Because They want y0Ur business and have the facilities for handling collections and other matters you may send them and make your choice easier by their advertisements. Because They specialize in serving “out-of-town” clients—something every bank and lawyer does not do. Because _ They make it possible by the money they spend for this advertising for you, the subscriber—to obtain the book at less than actual cost of production and delivery to the publishers. Extreme care is given the selection of banks and attorneys whose adver tisements appear in this publication and we believe you will never Have cause for complaint. However, if you ever should, we want to know it. RAND M9NALLY BANKERS DIRECTORY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Please mention THE BLUE BOOK, when writing advertisers) THE DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO, CANADA ESTABLISHED 1871 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits Capital Paid Up $6,000,000 liiHip $7,800,000 HEAD OFFICE BUILDINQ BOARD OF DIRECTORS SIR EDMUND B. OSLER, President A. W. AUSTIN, Vice President Sir AUGUSTUS M. NANTON, Vice President C S. BLACKWELL H. W. HUTCHINSON JAMES CARRUTHERS J?lkM,ST| r. j. christie RMcLaughlin R. Y. EATON W. W. NEAR E. W. HAMBER A. T. REID H. H. WILLIAMS CLARENCE A. BOGERT, General Manager, Toronto W. K. PEARCE. Assistant General Manager, Toronto F. L. PATTON, Assistant General Manager, Winnipeg We have Branches or Agents at every banking point in Canada and make a specialty of business sent us from the United States. Canadian collections receive prompt attention. London, England, Branch New York Agency Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 King William St., E. C. 4. 35 Wall Street S. L. Jones, Managor C. S. Howard, Agent Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ESTABLISHED 1873 Paid up Capital, Reserve and Undivided Profits $7,080,000-00 161 Branches throughout CANADA This bank invites accounts and collections of American and other foreign banks? firms, corporations and individuals. Special attention given to foreign transactions designed to facilitate trade with Canada. Address: Manager. Foreign Department STANDARD BANK OF CANADA, TORONTO. BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1817. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. CAPITAL PAID UP - - $ REST.............................................................. TOTAL ASSETS - - - 27,250,000.00 27,250,000.00 - 692,382,109.42 BOARD OF DIRECTORS C. R. HOSMER, Esq. WM. McMASTER, Esq. H. W. BEAUCLERK. Esq. J. H. ASHDOWN, Esq. GEN. SIR ARTHUR CURRIE, G. C. M.G.. K.C.B. SIR VINCENT MEREDITH. Bart., President SIR CHARLES GORDON. G. B. E.. Vice-President H. R. DRUMMOND, Esq. LT. COL. HERBERT MOLSON, C. M. G„ M. C. G. B. FRASER, Esq. E. W. BEATTY, Esq., K. C. JAMES STEWART. Esq. D. FORBES ANGUS Esq HAROLD KENNEDY, Esq. HIS HONOUR HENRY COCKSHUTT, Esq. THE HON. SIR LOMER GOUIN, K. C. M. G. F. E. MEREDITH. Esq., K. C. HEAD OFFICE—MONTREAL SIR FREDERICK WILLI AMS-TAYLOR, General Manager Over 550 Branches Throughout Canada and Newfoundland (.For particulars see Classified Section) OFFICES OUTSIDE CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND: IN GREAT BRITAIN IN UNITED STATES LONDON. ENG., 47 Threadneedle Street. E. C. lnMnnN CMr ovr, „ . Pl CWI LONDON, ENG., 9 Waterloo Place, S. W. ! IN FRANCE „ ,w , PARIS—Bank of Montreal (France), 6 Place Vendome A NEW YORK AGENCY, 64 Wall Street CHICAGO, ILL., Bank of Montreal, 27 South La Salle St. cam cd aNricrn aityti iadv d ... , A d 1 SAN FRANCISCO AUXILIARY, British American Bank, 264 California Street qprn<r amf WiCH R . r. . , , R... SPOKANE, WASH., Bank of Montreal. Riverside Avenue and Stevens Street. COMPLETE BANKING IN MEXICO CITY OF MEXICO, Bank of Montreal, Avenida Isabel iC“’ -? ' PUEBLA, Avenida Reforma No. 106. wry a rDii7 a j i j , . KT VLKA CKUZ, Avenida lndependencia No. 23. IN WEST INDIES, BRITISH GUIANA & WEST AFRICA, The Colonial Bank (in which an interest is owned by the Bank of Montreal). SERVICE Authoritative information on Trade, Industrial and Financial Subjects supplied on application to the Foreign Depart ment at the Head Office, Montreal, or through any office of the Bank. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- MANAGER OB Ao«T. Name of Bank. 237 BANK OF MONTREAL Surplus 160 rip ion Ba nk- of Canaria. Paid-dp Capital. Head Office. $ 27 250 000 Montreal 27.909.j82 Winnipeg 111 Union Bank of Canada______ _ Winnipeg 282 Union Bank of Canada___ Winnipeg Post Office and Population. __ 80 Surplus 27.250 000 Montreal 27.909.L82 Toronto _ #37 Imperial Bank of Canada*_____ W. V. Goddard.... Toronto _ 130 BANK OF MONTREAL_____ - ______ -.499 BANK OF MONTREAL .............. Winnipeg ... .. U —433 BANK OF MONTREAL............ •• Union Bank of Canada. 79# CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Surplus A. F. MacCallum.. Winnipeg CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. C. Proctor_____ Beaverlodge------- — 75 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. V. McLean........ 20.000,000 Toronto Belseker--------------...183 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA........ Reserve Funds 20.400 000 Montreal 21,485,830 BANK OF MONTREAL Surplus -1,057 Imperial Bank of Canaria_____ A. W. Foran.. ... „ 10 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA F. E. Murray........ STANDARD BANK OF CANADA E. H. Jones______ 25 Union Bank of Canaria . 204 Union Rank of Canaria . ...... Blairmore ___ 1,552 Union Bank of Canada. Reserve Funds 27 250 000 Montreal 27,909.580 Toronto 20,400.000 Montreal 21.485,830 _ Winnipeg Winnipeg 182 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- C. T. McKinnon. Cadogan ________ . 106 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE D. T. Monroe Calgary________ 63.305 ♦BANK OF MONTREAL*........ . •• Winnipeg (2 branches in Calgary) Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto Surplus 27 250 000 Montreal 27.909,582 ♦BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-— (2 branches ><i Calgary) ♦BANK OF TORONTO • •CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE C. R. Latimer ♦DOMINION BANK.____ ____ M. S. Barger_____ Toronto •* •Imperial Bank of Canada*___ H. W. Supple_____ Toronto *4 *MQlSONS BANK *•---------" .. i2 brandies m talgary) .. __ <2 Branches m Calgary) M M.H.'pr _ _ Northern Trusts Company ... J. S. McMurchy... M •• M •• M •I II •• 10.000.000 Halifax Toronto Montreal Winnipeg •ROYAL BANK OF CANADA*.. J.A. Walker.......... s. Kiriri____ Montreal ♦STANDARD BANK OF CANADA J. H. McDowell.__ Toronto H. A. Howard____ Toronto (2 Branches in Calgary) Winnipeg R. M. Gemmel____ A. Mayhee 20.000,000 Toronto • 11. V. B. Hill, Asst. Mgr. (3 Blanches m Calgaiy) Toronto Winnipeg Winnipeg Union Bank of Canada _______ .. 222 27 250.000 Montreal 27.909,582 ...255 Union Bank of Canada_____ Winnipeg 463 Surplus 20,000,000 Toronto . Winnipeg —150 $ 27.250 006 Montreal 27,909,582 Union Bank of Canada ___ 20,060,000 Toronto 20.000,000 Toronto Bawlf_____ Bruederheim. .. Winnipeg Union Bank of Canada______ mmmm 27 250 000 Montreal 27.909.^82 Toronto Winnipeg . 100 CANADIAN BK OF COMMERCE J. R. McLeod_____ —253 Union Rank of flanarla Head Office. Montreal —222 nnlpp Bank nf Canada _ Bow Island______ — 427 Union Rank of Canaria Paid-dp Capital. ★Union Rank nf Canaria__ (2 B/anches in Calgary) ALBERTA BANKS —Acme to Calgary______________________ 1757 ___ L. R. Lloyd_______ 425 Imperial Bank of Canada. BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA............ J. B. Laporte Surplus Bowden_____ —246 BANK OF MONTREAL............... Manager ob Agent. Name of Bank. Bon Accord-____ ... 40 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA.. C. A. Gogan______ Rntha ___ Alix ALBERTA Map on Index Canada January, 1924_________ Post Office and Population. ALBERTA _ _ Reserve Funds 20 400.000 Montreal 21.48o.830 Wianipeg M Alberta continued on second half of thlspaga. (Members indicated hy a*) THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-New York: 68 William Street. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis London: Princes St., EC 1 75Q Non-Bank Town* with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ALBERTA—Continued Post Office and Population. Kami of Bank. Manager or Agent. Camrose.................... 1892 BANK OF MONTREAL. MOLSONS BANK......... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— Surplus J. A. Constantine. $ 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Montreal J. K. Atkinson .... Reserve Funds 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485, Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,009,582 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - Cardston_____ ___ 1612 BARK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - - BARK OF MONTREAL_ _ _ _ _ B. F. Joyce. Surplus Cardston Loan Oo., Bankers__ J.S. Smith,Cashier Surplus ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- W. R. Mackay____ Reserve Funds Union Bank of Canada_______ Paid-dp Capital, Head Office. Post Office and Population. ann Parse! and . CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 328 W. R. Henderson.. _____154 71 n 135 Cayley________ Cereal _ — Champion.. _ __ BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - Surplus BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - 142 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Onalhnrst 028 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA 27,250,000 Montreal 27,900,582 Cnehrane. 2fi8 Union Bank of Canada_______ 35.000 Correspondents: Irving 25,000 N„ N. Y.; Utah Sav. & Tr. Co., Salt Lake City; Bk. of Montreal, Card ston. 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Cnleman. . Toronto Cnlintnn Compeer 1590 ..... Chauvin______ ____ 210 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA_ _ _ O. L. Carey____ Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE M. R. Morrison___ 20,000,000 Toronto Winnipeg E. Mason 20,000,000 Toronto BANK OF MONTREAL............. Surplus Chinenlr. . 241 Union Bank of Canada_______ Ohipman 225 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - 130 Union Bank of Canada_______ .963 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Union Bank of Canada________ Clive................... ........ 232 Union Bank of Canada_______ Alberta continued an seeoad half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Toronto L. G. Thomas_____ Toronto Winnipeg W. L. Rippon BANK OF TORONTO_ _ _ _ ___ 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto Toronto 27.250,000 Montreal 27,009,582 27.250,000 Montreal 27,009,582 Winnipeg G. Shearer .. Winnipeg Coronation . R45 BARK OF TORONTO............ — Winnipeg Surplus G. A. Hetherington Cowley---------- _____ 107 Union Bank of Canada_______ Craigmyle .231 ROYAL BANK OF OANADA---- Crossfield 211 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. I. Batc’neller.__ »• Imperial Bank of Canada____ ,T. F. Pemival Czar_________ -..........71 Tlaysland 441 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - Imperial Bank of Canada- Delhnrne _ 215 Delia________ .......... 312 Didsbury------- — ..842 Toronto 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto Surplus 27.250.000 Montreal 27,900,582 Surplus 27.250,000 Montreal 27,009,582 J. W. Thomson.... BANK OF MONTREAL---BANK OF MONTREAL.- - - - 27,250,000 Montreal 27,900,582 Winnipeg ** E. M. Wegreu____ Reserve Funds 20,000,000 Toronto Winnipeg BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - Toronto Surplus 27.250.000 Montreal 27,009.582 Surpius 27.250.000 Montreal 27,900,582 CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE D. A. Stuart______ 20,000,000 Toronto ROYAL BARK OF CANADA...... J. H. Lowrie.......... Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21.485,830 Union Bank of Canada_______ Winnipeg Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence January, 1924 Claresholm S.W. Smith .... .. $ 20,400,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 21,485,830 Ififi Union Bank of Canada_______ Winnipeg Surplus Clairmnnt. 80 Head Office. Winnipeg .... 35 Imperial Bank of Canada____ (Sub. to Athabaska) 27,250,000 Montreal 27,900,582 Winnipeg 27,250,000 Montreal 27,009,582 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Pajd-of Capital. 20,000,000 Toronto Surplus .180 Union Bank of Canada_______ 338 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- Cnalrlale Winnipeg Union Bank of Canada_______ Castor_______ Manager or Agent. Winnipeg is Union Bank of Canada_______ Carstairs_____ —. Name op Bank. Union Bank of Canada_______ Consort......... Oarmanpay ALBBRTA Map on Index Canada 1758_______________________ALBERT A BA NKS —Camrose to Didsbury 1 l / JQ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Accas.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Donalda__________248 Drumheller.............2,499 A LBERT A —Continued Manager ok Agent. Name of Bank. BANK OF MGRTREAL- Surplus BANK OF MONTREAL- Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J H. Eakin_______ Paid-uf Capital. S 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- P. Billington Eckville____________ 40 Winnipeg CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE D. M. Sinclair........ 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto ( Ferintosh) Surplus (2 Offices in Edmonton) Surplus ♦BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ G. H. Logie______ •BANK OF TORONTO*--------- T. E. Fletcher........ •BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA------ 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 27.250.000 Montreal 27.909.582 10,000.000 Halifax Toronto Alex. Lefort______ • ♦DOMINION BANK----------- 20,000,000 Toronto W. N. Sheffield.... ♦MQLSOISBANK—.............. B. E. Quaig, Montreal Northern Trusts Company.__ S. W. Nelson_____ Winnipeg Prudential Trust Co.. Ltd........ Weber Bros______ Montreal ♦ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— F. W. Doherty ___ 20,400,000 Montreal (2 Branches in Edmonton) F. N. Lett, Asst. Reserve Funds ♦Union Bank of Canada. (3 Branches) Western Trust Co______ Reserve Funds Winnipeg Montreal Ferintosh_____ Toronto 144 Imperial Bank of Canada ___ A. S. Rosenroll___ ....... . ..125 Union Bank of Canada______ Winnipeg .181 BANK OF MONTREAL.................. Forestburg.. Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Winnipeg Fort McMurray.. Union Bank of Canada............. Fort Saskatchewan..982 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Toronto Union Bank of Canada.............. Winnipeg •* Gadsby ___ __ ..150 Galahad. .„____ ..124 668 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — R. W. Stowell____ Reserve Funds 20.400.000 Montreal ?i ajg osn BANKQF MONTREAL................ Surplus 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE 20.000,000 Toronto Grande Prairie.... 1 061 *• " ROYAL BANK OF CANADA........ D. Hutcheson____ Reserve Funds 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485.830 BANK OF MONTREAL................. Surplus 27,256.000 Montreal 27,909,582 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. W. Pentland. .. Imperial Bank of Canada____ ----------- • 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto ROYAL BARK OF CANADA — F. M. Matheson ... Reserve Funds Union Bank of Canada.............. 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Winnipeg Winnipeg G. R. Peden______ Montreal Edson _____ ______1,138 Imperial Bank of Canada........ D. D. Hamilton, Actg. Winnipeg Granum____ _____ ..279 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Halkirk_________ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — Hanna .. 146 1,864 . CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Union Bank of Canada 20,000,000 Toronto Reserve Funds 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 20,000,000 Toronto Winnipeg OF CANADA-West Indian Collections handled promptly at lowest rates 1759 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 BUS 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Falher__________ ___10 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA-------- .T. A. Roisyort Montreal Toronto Winnipeg T. W. Rover Reserve Funds Alberta continued on second half of this page. $ 20,000,000 Toronto Winnipeg ...20 Union Bank of Canada.............. " 21,485,880 Edmonton ClearingHouse____ L. D. Lindsay.......... (Members indicated by a*) ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Union Bank of Canada____ ... Erskine________ ...198 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA........ A. E. Morrison .... Montreal Toronto Royal TrustOo.______________ S. T. Lawrie--------♦STANDARD BANK OF CANADA C. R. W. Proctor.. Standard TrustOo.__________ J. Carmichael........ Head Office. Toronto Acting Mgr. National Trust Oo., Ltd.______ A. E. Scrase____ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis H •• Paid-up Capital. Winnipeg 394 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. T,. Kenny Toronto ♦Imperial Bank of Canada*____ G. R. F. Kirkpatrick (4 Branches in Edmonton) W.M. Sellens, Asa’i Mgr. Montreal Trust Company........ Sidney Grimble... Manager ok Agent, ?4 Empress , Montreal Canada Permanent Mtge. Oorp. W. T. Creighton__ — Correspondents: London Joint City & Midland Bk. Ltd.. London. Canada Trust Co..—.................. F. A. Beddard. .. London ♦CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE H. 0. Morris______ Name of Bank. ALBERTA BANKS — Donalda to Hanna BANK OF MONTREAL------Edmonton_______ 58,821 •BANK OF MONTREAL*— Edmonton So.______ (Strathcona P, O.) Elnnra ffornmnst Edgerton Station.__ 176 (3 Branches in Edmonton) Post Office and Population. Toronto Duchess.............. ......... 116 Union Bank of Canada............. Edberg_____________ 80 Imperial Bank of Canada__ Head Office. ALBERTA Map on Index Canada January, 1924 1759 Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. ALBERTA Map on Index Canada ALBERTA-—Continued Manager or Agent. Paid-up Capital Head Office. Hardisty________ ...617 CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE Robt. Harpur------ * 20,000,000 Toronto I Post Office and Population. Manager or Agent Name of Bank. Killam___________ ..394 BANK OF MONTREAL- — Surplus High River.__ _ •• 1,198 BANK OF MONTREAL •• CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE W. D. Elliot.............. i. •• Surplus DOMINION BANK.. -............... •• ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... Union Bank of Canada_______ _____ ...192 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 20,400,000 Montreal 21.48j.830 Surplus 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 •• •• •• Surplus —.98 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA....... Lndnc___ ____ I.epal Surplus 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 (Sub. to Beiseker). Reserve Funds 20.400 000 Montreal 21,48 j,830 Union Bank of Canada_________ Winnipeg .166 BANK OF MONTREAL............ 27,250,000 Winnipeg 27,009,582 _____ 50 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.......... Islay__ __ . .. Surplus Reserve Fund* Imperial Bank of Canada.......... .1. M. Kinnear .. , 98 Union Rank of Canada.. __________ _____ 15 BANK OF MONTREAL.................... Alberta continued on second half of this page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Union Rank of Canada ... Winnipeg . .. _ ... 318 20 400,000 Montreal 21.48,,830 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA ...... •BANK OF MONTREAL*........... — 27,250.000 Montreal 27.909,582 •BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.......... H *• •CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE K. W. Reikie______ 20,000,000 Toronto ♦ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — E. E. Mac Kay_____ Reserve Funds 20.400.000 Montreal 21.48j,830 •* ** 10,000,000 Halifax ‘STANDARD BANK OF CANADA* Toronto •Union Bank of Canada.............. Winnipeg {2 Branches in Lethbridye T. K. Lo kwood Toronto 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Surplus Montreal •• .. Winnipeg (Sub, to Rosalind) Surplus J. E. Beaulieu.-.. .. Lethbridge Clearing House___ (Members indicated by a*) Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence 1924 Kelsev Surplus •» .. ._ 20.400 (HK1 Montreal 21.485,830 20,000.000 Toronto Lethbridge.................. 11,097 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- Reserve Funds L e th b r id g e ________ January, BANK OF MONTREAL............ Toronto 756 BANK OF MONTREAL............ <« 27 250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Winnipeg BANK OF TORONTO.......... ......... ___ 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto 128 Union Bank of Canada______ . ____ Winnipeg .157 20 400.000 Montreal 21.48j.830 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Lavoy.. ... 226 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------ E. C. Chapman ___ Reserve Funds Surplus 20.00G.000 Toronto M 27.250.000 Montreal 27.909,582 Winnipeg .. r*npdnn.— Montreal Surplus ___ ...419 BANK OF MONTREAL..............- M $ 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909.582 20,000.000 Toronto 20 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. W. Yeats . . Toronto __ 941 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE *• •• Lamont..__ A. J. Cameron ___ Reserve Funds Hussar________ ___ 16 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA M n Vnale ___ 92 BANK OF MONTREAL............ - Lacombe................ .1,183 BANK OF MONTREAL................ Winnipeg Hoghenden_____ ___173 BANK OF MONTREAL................ Huxley________ Lac la Biche Station..75 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA............ L. Beland______ . Winnipeg ...275 Union Rank of Panada Holden__ 20,000,000 Toronto 20,400.000 Montreal 21.485,830 -.274 CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE __ Head Office. ALBERTA BANKS — Hardisty to •• Kitscoty Toronto Reserve Funds •• 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Paid-up Capital. 1760 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (iudexed), In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 1 112 Post Office and Population. Name of ALBERT A—Continued Manager or Agent. Bank. Paid-up Capital. 194 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. R. T. M. Temple... Toronto Post Office and Population. Morrin ... .. -_____ 1723 BANK OF MONTREAL................... Surplus •* CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto Name of Manager or Agent. Bank, 164 BANK OF MONTREAL 256 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. H. Miller______ $ 20,000,000 Toronto Lougheed. Macleod.. Head Office. ALBBRTA Map on Index Canada •• •• - 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. F W. Hill Toronto • • m BANK OF MONTREAL Mnnsnn__ ........... Surplus .. Mae rath__________ .1069 BANK OF MONTREAL -- - Winnipeg . Surplus M _______ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------ E. G. Sampson____ Reserve Funds Mannville____ _169 BANK OF MONTREAL Surplus ' « ----- •< ROYAL BANK OF CANADA......... P. C. Birks_______ Reserve Funds 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Nanf.nn . , 710 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE P. L. Rhodes 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 . —125 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. H. M. Hnldhy - - . Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 -------- ♦CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE C. H. Niles ----------- ___50 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE C. J. Kidd, Actg.... _______ ...448 BANK OF MONTREAL -........... ^DOMINION BANK Surplus .. M _______ *R0YAL BANK OF CANADA— J. G, Nickerson... Reserve Funds .. •• • ♦Union Bank of Canada______ _______ Millet................ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE* Winnipeg James Still.............. Minhnrn 175 BANK OF MONTREAL ___ Mirror___ 381 ROYAL BANK BF CANADA — Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA---------- J. Audette_______ _. Reserve Funds Winnipeg Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 J. W. Robertson .. 20,000,000 Toronto 50 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. D. A. Bull .............. Toronto ?8fi BANK OF TORONTO_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C. D. McMillan— Toronto Parkland_________ ..100 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (Sub. to Stavely).. 20,000,000 Toronto .. 10 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-— W. J. Pleming— 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 —...980 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE K. S.G. Jorgensen. 20,000,000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — ft E. Nifhnll Reserve Funds 20.400,000 Montreal 21,483,830 Surplus 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 R. 0. Corbett......... Reserpe Funds 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 20,000,000 Toronto Montreal 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 BANK OF MONTREAL Penhnld -.............. .94 Picardville______ ___20 BANK OF MONTREAL............ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA_ _ BANK OF CANADA - Branches throughout Canada and West Indies 1761 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis inn AL D. A. McMillan 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ■ - . (Alberta continued on second half of this page) •• Peace River— Morinville............... ..460 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 764 20,000.000 Toronto Surplus J. C. Matheson.... •• _____ ___ “ 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE *• Union Bank of Canada _____ Toronto 149 Monitor Olds Oyen_____________ .T. A. English ...... 208 Imperial Bank of Canada 20.000,000 Toronto 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Medicine Hat Clearing House.. G. A. English, Mgr. (Members indicated by a*) Milk River_______ _181 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto Okotoks. •» Toronto Toronto Surplus Nordegg............ “ 20,000,000 Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto Nobleford________ -142 BANK OF MONTREAL........—- 9634 ♦BANK OF MONTREAL Medicine Hat 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 27,250,000 27,909,582 .137 Manyberries______ ___ 6 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE* G. C. Saunders___ 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 ALBERTA BANKS—Lomond to Picardville Union Bank of Canada_______ Head Office. Surplus _____ 497 BANK OF MONTREAL ...... Paid-up Capital. January, 1924 Non«Bank Town* with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. T7fi1 A/ U1 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Name op Bank. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Pincher Creek. Manager ok Agent. G. C. Wilton Paid-up Capital. I 20.000.000 Toronto Winnipeg Union Bank of Canada. Pollockvllle-------------- 8 BANK OF TORONTO—. Pcnoka___________ 1594 BANK OF MONTREAL CANADIAR BK. OF COMMERCE Provost____ .465 Raymond__________1394 N. Toland_____ Surplus R. C. Ames. BANK OF MONTREAL ............ CANADIAR BK. OF COMMERCE Surplus D. B. Smith BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. Surplus J. G. SpaffOrd.. Redcliff___________ 1137 Imperial Bank of Canada______ A. McKenzie, Act’g. Red Deer_________ 2328 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - CANADIAN BIL OF COMMERCE Head Office. Surplus H. B. Maunsell.. Imperial Bank of Oanada------- H. Willson. Toronto 27.250 000 Montreal 27,909,582 . 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto Rosedale___________ 15 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- (Sub. toDrumeheller) rAlberta continued on second half of this page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANQUE D’HOCKELAGA......... J. P. Jessop.. Montreal CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. J. MacMahon .. .10 Imperial Bank of Canada_____ J. Ballantyne Toronto Winnipeg Surplus Sexsmith. 20,000,000 Toronto ........25 Union Bank of Canada_______ 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Winnipeg ______ 100 BANK OF TORONTO - - - - - - - - - - - L. Gemmill Toronto Smoky Lake________500 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA H. I. Hobbs.. Toronto Sibbald 27.250 000 Montreal 27,909,582 Spirit River.............210 Union Bank of Canada.---------- Winnipeg Standard___________200 Union Bank of Canada_______ Winnipeg Stavely................. 292 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE K. G. Nourse__ BANK OF TORONTO_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F. C. Burnett_____ 20,000,000 Toronto 20,000.000 Toronto Toronto Stettler........................1416 BANK OF MONTREAL............ 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto Stony Plain. .360 Toronto Surplus 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA_ _ _ W. J. O’Callaghan. 20.400.000 Montreal 21.485,830 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. E. Clarke. 20,000,000 Toronto Reserve Funds January, 1924 A. C. Scott. Montreal Toronto BANK OF MONTREAL ............ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. Bherer............. BANK OF MONTREAL - Rimbey____________ 319 Rosebud Creek---------10 $ 27.250.090 Montreal 27,909,582 BANQUE D'NOCHELAGA- - - - - - - Sedgewick________ 397 Toronto Surplus Head Office. 20.400.090 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto W. Marshall- BANK OFMONTRFAL--------- St. Paul de Metis.__869 Surplus Paid up Caph al. Reserve RimcLs Union Bank of Canada. BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - - .10 .800 Manager ok Agent. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — R. M. Granger Sedalia____________ 10 Rlchdale___________ 109 Rosalind. St. Albert. Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto Rocky Mountain House Imperial Bank of Canada.......... P. C. Routledge. 275 ............242 27,250.000 Montreal 27,903,582 W. B. Allan.. James Black__ Ryley------ BANK OF MONTREAL ............ 8angudo. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE .116 20 000,000 Toronto Retlaw_____________154 Rocky ford_________ 228 Ramsey__ Name ok Bank. 27.250 000 Montreal 27,909,582 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Surplus Post Office and Population. 20.000,000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- R. J. Gregson....... Rosen* Fund* ALBERTA Map on Index Canada _________________ALBERTA BANKS —Pincher Creek to Stony Plain Post Office and Population. ALBERT A—Continued 1 762 1762 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence ALBERT A—Continued Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. Manager or Agent. Paid-up Capital. Strathmore-----------584 Union Bank of Canada. Strome____________240 Sunnynook..-- Surplus $ 27,250.000 Montrea 27,909,582 .15 Union Bank of Canada. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-. Three Hills________471 Winnipeg J. Frisken.......... C. W. Cochlan____ J. W. Doran______ BANK OF MONTREAL - - - - - - BANK OF MONTREAL_ _ _ _ _ _ Travers____________ 150 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Trochu—__________ 537 Surplus 20,000.000 Toronto 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 J. H. Olver_______ BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - Surplus BANK OF MONTREAL. Surplus CANADIAN BL OF COMMERCE M. L. Gordon— Vermilion_______ 1,272 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. Walker. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA_____ H. W. Harper_____ tut dnvai Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis damis Reserve Funds 357 Vilna. -R41 Wainwright____ —.975 Toronto 27.250 000 Montreal 27,909,582 Waslratfinan Waterhole____ H. L. Staples.. BANK OF MONTREAL............. Surplus Head Office. Toronto $ 27.250.000 Montreal 27.909,582 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. N. Roop, Acting 20,000,000 Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. J. Stewart_„__ 20,000,000 Toronto BANK OF MONTREAL............. Surplus 27.250 000 Montreal 27,909,^82 Winnipeg 321 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE C. L. Whitby ___ Iftfl STANDARD BANK OF CANADA 20,000,000 Toronto W. C. Patterson. Toronto _____ 5 Imperial Bank of Canada____ J. A. Black_____ Toronto Union Bank of Canada______ Winnipeg STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- J. O. Sparling____ Toronto West Edmonton______ BANQUE B’HGCHELAGA- - - - - - Sub. to Edmonton. Montreal Westlock______ BANK OF MONTREAL-—— ____ ______ Surplus 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909.582 BANK OF MONTREAL--------- ....___ ___ Surplus 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. Barry. 20,000,000 Toronto Wavne Wetaskiwin___ _ 20,000,000 Toronto Paid-up Capital. Union Bank of Canada______ Toronto 27.250 000 Montreal 27,909,582 Manager or Agent. __250 2.061 20,000,000 Toronto 20,400,000 Montrea) 21,485.830 Youngstown____ ___410 Imperial Bank of Canada_____ H W. Wright____ Toronto BANK OF TORONTO------------ W. A. Stewart____ Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. Pollock______ 20,000,000 Toronto nr nauana in rur luni ■ si l>ei . Fa-rmi.A w»L.HJLJ 1.1.. -A I-- A 1763 (Alberta continued on second half of this page) _ 27.250 000 Montreal 27,909,582 Winnipeg Surplus Vikine . . 20.400 000 Montreal 21,485.830 Imperial Bank of Canada.......... W. M. Porter... Vegreville________1,479 BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - - Toronto Union Bank of Canada_____ Tofield_______ Victoria Pop. 500 Name of Bank. ALBERTA BANKS — Strathmore to Youngstown Taber____________1,705 Post Office and Population. Winnipeg BANK OP MONTREAL - Sylvan Lake------------ 180 Imperial Bank of Canada... Head Office. ALBBRTA Map on Index Canada January, 1924 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In1 7cq dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this Fcr Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 1/UO volume. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back or this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Name Abbottsford--------- ..500 KUIAL dARR of Manager ok Agent. Bank. Paid-up Capital. Head Office. $ 20,400,000 Montreal Ur vARAUA------- N Hill Reserve Funds 300 RANK (IF MRNTRFAt _ BRITISH COLUMBIA ___ Surplus 21,485,830 27,500.000 Montreal 27,009,582 20,400,000 Toronto 21,485,830 Anyox------------------ .2,000 CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE J. D. Lewis, Acting 20,000,000 Toronto Armstrong_______ .. 983 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R Hayes 20,000,000 Toronto KUYAL BARA Ur UARAUA-— S. F. D. Roe______ ?7 250 Qnn Montreal — Surplus 2711)09,582 Surplus 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 5QQ BANK OF MONTREAL Imperial Bank of Canada------- (Sub. to Golden).- Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-— (Sub to Vancouver) 20,400,000 Toronto 21,485,830 Reserve Funds Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. Manager or ▲gent. Creston___________—400 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE C. G. Bennett_____ •• •• Cumberland-------.. Imperial Bank of Canada........... C. W. AlleD............. 3176 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. T. Heyland, Acting » ROYAL BARK OF CANADA— F. A. McCarthy.__ Reserve Funds Duncan’s Station- .1178 BANK OF MONTREAL •• _______ Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. G. Sanford......... •* Enderby.................. ...783 BANK OF MONTREAL........... — (Sub.toArmstrong) Surplus 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 (Sub. to Kamloops) Toronto Surplus CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE (Sub. to Duncan).. 20,000,000 Toronto „4343 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. H. Wood.............. RANK AF IIANTRFll (2 branches in Chilliwack) 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 _ Surplus ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------- F. B. Lyle_________ — . 4001 BANK OF MONTREAL •• 20 000 000 CANADIAN BIL OF COMMERCE • Reserve Funds 20,400,000 21,485,830 Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto M 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto •• Imperial Bank of Canada-------- A. M. Owen______ Toronto “ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— A. Watson............... Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Toronto 21,485,830 __ 100 Imperial Bank of Canada_____ (Sub. to Golden) .. Toronto 1000 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. Geddie________ 20,000,000 Toronto W. A. Patterson _ Toronto fJnlrien . ... 200 BANK OF MONTREAL.- 20,000,000 Toronto East Vancouver City of Vancouver (See Vancouver) Reserve Funds Oheinainns Head Office. Cranbrook________ .2725 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— G. F. Marsh........... . % 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Reserve Funds (Continued) Barns Lake............. ..200 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA......... M. Henderson-------son Imperial Bank of Canada_____ Paid-up Capital. M Winnipeg CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. M. Fraser........... 20,000,000 Toronto 810 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. C. Brock_______ 20,000.000 Toronto Collingwood, East Grand Forks____ ..1469 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE PjRnrgeKyle • .. •• ROYAL BARK OF CANADA — W- Fad in - 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE* 20,000,000 Toronto Reserve Funds fJranhrnnlr............ .. 2725 ,, J. H. McQuaid ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — G. A. Spink_______ Reserve Funds 371 CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE Jas. Muir, Actg.__ • Imperial Bank of Canada-------- W. R. Grubbe......... Toronto Invermere 20.000.000 Toronto Winnipeg 200 .300 II 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 BANK OF MONTREAL........ — ( Princeton) Surplus ..25 Imperial Bank of Canada......... (Sub to Golden) — 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto British Columbia con tinned on second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence January, 1924 M .. 20,000,000 Toronto BRITISH COLUMBIA BANKS —Abbottsford to Invermere Reserve Funds Alice Arm---------- — BRITISH COLUMBIA Map on Index Canada 1764 1 >7 a A A /O « 1/00 volume. Post Ofpicb and Population. Name op Bank. Kamloops------- .... 4501 BANK OF MONTBEAL- - - - - - - - - - •« CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE •• ........ - ____950 Kelowna______ ___ 2520 Keremeos------- ........ 200 _____60 Surplus G. S, Holt___ H Ladysmith------- —.1967 Langley Prairie. ........ 300 Marpole.............. .. Merritt. 1000 ....1721 S 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BARK OF CANADA — ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — Mission City ——.1000 •• 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 H. F. Rees 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Reserve Funds B. W. r.nrhfit 400 11 .. ••______ •• BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA— R. C. Clark, Acting Mgr. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. H. Bird_______ ROYAL BARK OF CANADA - F. A. Hanna______ 20,000,000 Toronto BANK OF MONTREAL- 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Natal_____________ 1000 Imperial Bank of Canada. Nelson____________ 5230 H. L. Frazer_____ 20,400,000 Montreal 21.485,830 .. „ A. G. Verchere.__ 20,000,000 Toronto |4 „ E. J. Johnston___ Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 H. J. de Canonville 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 New Denver___ ____250 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— George P. Thorne - 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 •• CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (Sub. to Mission City) 20,000,000 Toronto •« ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— A. R. McLean, Acting Reserve Funds 20,400.000 Montreal Michel------- ------------ 800 Imperial Bank of Canada------- (Sub. to Natal).... Toronto ---------- •• ** U “ 10,000,000 Halifax 20,000,000 Toronto 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 J. H. D. Benson__ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - A. D. McLeod_____ 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 BANK OF MONTREAL - - - - - - MONTREAL------ ‘BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA — H. L. Dixon, Mgr. ‘BANK OF TORONTO............ L. R. Atkinson . ‘CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE A. J. Marlow_____ 10,000,000 Halifax ‘ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- H. P. Wilson__ 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Westminster Trust Co......... 450,350 Correspondent: Bk. of T. J, Trapp.Pres... A. J. Holmes, V. P Profit 23,950 Toronto, Toronto. L. A. Lewis, V. P. Reserve Funds Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto New Westminster Clearing H (Members indicated by a *) .......... N. Vancouver.. ....7652 — Reserve Funds and 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909.582 20,000,000 Toronto 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 1765 u BANK OF MONTREAL--------Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE C. R. Myers ROYAL BANK OF CANADA —- W. Dickinson........ THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - Branches throughout Canada Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Surplus Whiteliouse.. Imperial Bank of Canada .— 21,485,830 Toronto H. L. Reid.. BANK OF MONTREAL NewWestminster 14.495 j *BANKOF “ S. H. Abrams_____ Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. C. 20,000,000 Toronto 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Surplus Reserve Funds 20,000,000 Toronto British Colombia coat tnned on second half of th is page. 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Surplus Surplus , BANK OF MONTREAL------- Naramata______ ____ 100 Reserve Funds 20,000,000 Toronto 20 000,000 Toronto A ctg. 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Reserve Funds $ 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. N. Gisborne, Surplus Reserve Funds Surplus Head Office. (Sub. to West Summerland) W. F. Granger.... BANK OF MONTREAL —---- BANK OF MONTREAL — Paid-up Capital. (See Vancouver) Nanaimo______ .... 9088 N. M. Foulkes------ Manager or Agent. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. H.Mathewson Mt. Pleasant.__ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE- F. C. 0. Edwards, Acting BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - - “ Surplus 20,000,000 Toronto BRITISH COLUMBIA Map on Index Canada Name of Bank, 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — Post Office and Population. Naknsp BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE BANK OF MONTREAL.......... - Head Office. Reserve Funds (See Vancouver) ....1000 Paid-up Capital. 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Jas. Grisdale_____ BANK OF MONTREAL............ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — Kerrisdale------ — Manager or Agent. Imperial Bank of Canada_____ C. C. Case____ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— Kaslo BRITISH COLUMBIA—Continued For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. January, 1924___ BRITISH COLUMBIA BANKS—Kamloops to N. Vancouver Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In1 ncc dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this Non-Rank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- Manager ok Agent. Name of Bank. BANK OF MONTREAL............ Oak Bay.................... Surplus Paid-op Capital. Head Office. $ 27 250.000 Montreal 27.909.582 .... CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J.D. Smith, Acting 20.000.000 Toronto Parksville._______ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. T. Newmarch__ 20,000,000 Toronto Oliver __ 1500 •• BANK OF MONTREAL........ ..... CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE • •* ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...- Port Alberni_____ .1056 Surplus Thomas Andrews— •• Reserve Funds BANK OF MONTREAL_ _ _ _ _ _ «• 20,000,000 Toronto .. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA—- VI, S Kyrtrt 20.400 000 Montreal 21.485,830 Port Hammond.... -250 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 20,000,000 Toronto Port Haney...__ BANK OF MONTREAL................... Reserve Funds Surplus H. Williams______ Reserve Funds 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,528 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 20,000,000 Toronto Powell River........ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 20.000,000 Toronto Prince George____ .2053 BANK OF MONTREAL- 50 Pouce Coupe Surplus «< Prince Rupert____ .6393 •• •• •• .. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. B. Morkill, Actg. 20,000,000 Toronto Montreal 27.250,006 Montreal 27,909.582 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Smithers______ ------- 400 Union Bank of Canada South 20,400,000 Montreal 21,48j,830 Steveston_____ 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Stewart Surplus S. J. MacLeod......... Reserve Funds 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 ......... 627 1500 5nn 2fin Telkwa___ Terrace Winnipeg CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE P. S.Wood. Hill ____ Reserve Funds ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-.... 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 BANK OF MONTREAL W. L. Hornsby ___ 20,000,000 Toronto Reserve Funds Sidney_________ ......... 500 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------- S. K. Campbell-__ W. A. Butchart—— 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Salmon Arm. T. Opg BANK OF MONTREAL............. RANK OF MONTREAL ___ 300 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — RANK OF MONTREAL 20,000,000 Toronto Reserve Funds 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Surplus 27.250.000 Montreal 27.909,.,82 Reserve Funds 20 400.000 21.485,830 Montreal Surplus 27,250,000 27,909,582 Montreal Surplus 27.250.006 Montreal 27,909,582 BANK OF MONTREALROYAL BANK OF CANADA_ _ _ _____ O. H. Wall Winnipeg 600 “ D. P. Lockhart___ % 20,400.000 Montreal Reserve Funds 21,485,830 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — — Trail..................... —.3020 “----------- ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... M0LS0NS BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .T. K. Shaw 20Q7 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE M Princeton . . Head Office. BANK OF MONTREAL Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE S. S. Petrie, Actg. • British Columbia cont limed on seeond half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 27 251.001 Montreal 27,909,582 — “ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE* 20,000,000 Toronto Onion Bar BANK OF MONTREAL 100 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-—. J. R. McLennan .. rlCSCTVC Reserve t^lTldS Funds 20,000,000 Toronto 20.400 00(1 Montreal 21,485,830 6l,4o«j,ooU Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence January, 1924 •• •• Paid-op Capital. Toronto 27.25D.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Port Coquitlam.... .2148 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-— or 20.400,000 Toronto 21,48a,830 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Reserve Funds Port Moody______ .1030 Revels toke____ ___ 2782 27.250.000 Montreal 27.909.582 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-— D R. Kelley.. . 200 400 Manager Agent. Acting Mgr. Surplus « Name of Bank. BRITISH COLUMBIA BANKS —Oak Bay to Union Bay Penticton. Post Office and Population. BRITISH COLUMBIA Map on index Canada 766______________ Post Office \nd Population. BRITISH COLUMBIA—Continued 3 1766 am,AccF^'i&rsk,‘arffigff, S,^, USE Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. BRITISH COLUMBIA—Continued Manager or Agent. 'BANK OF MONTREAL*__ (9 Branchet »n Vancouver) Surplus •BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA*—- N. W. Berkinshaw. — (2 Branches in Vancouver) Head Office. f 27,230,000 Montreal 27,909 o82 10,000,000 Halifax E. W. LAMPREY........ •Head Office: Toronto. Post Office and Population. Manager ok Agent. Name op Bank. SEE FULL PAGE ADVERTISEMENT IN TORONTO, ONTARIO, BANK LIST. .. Canada Permanent Mtge. Oorp.. George 1. Legate.. •CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (i. V. Holt (12 Branches m Vancouver )• P. B. Fowler .. Vernon ____....3685 BARK OF MONTREAL* -- Surplus A. Mgr. “ --------- “ --------- .. 'DOMINION BANK' .. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Wm. G. Ferris____ 20,000X00 Toronto M H ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— G. Curwen, Reserve Funds Acting 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 (2 Branches in (aneouter) .. «« “---------" •ROYAL BANK OF CANADA*— Thos. Peacock___ Royal Trust Co.____________ .. •STANDARD BANK OF CANADA 104,500 Correspondents: Int'l Bkg. Corp., San F.; Seattle N„ Seattle. Toronto 20.400,000 Montreal A. W. Cameron. A. Mar Reserve Funds (4 Branches in Victoria)...» F. A. Wylie, A. Mgr. •DOMINION BANK............... ... - Hylton Morris. .. R,. W. Perrv .. _______ •ROYAL BANK OF CANADA*— A. R. Heiter............. (3 Branches in Victoria) .. •• .. .. Toronto General Trusts Corp.. H. M. Forbes____ Toronto Royal Trust Co. _____________ Reserve Ehtnds ______ A. E. AMES & CO_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 (Belmon House) (Established 1889) „ Montreal A. E Canadian Gove rnment, Correspondents: Municipal &. CorporaAmes & Co..N. Y..Chi. tlon Bonds an d Stocks. Montreal, and Toronto (Members Toronto change, Investm Ass’n and Bond Ass’n of Canad Stock Exent Bankers Dealers a) ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.— H. R. Witter__ Reserve Funds West Summerland 1200 BARK OF MONTREAL _ _ _ _ _ Surplus Williams Lake_______ BANK OF MONTREAL- Reset ve Funds Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. G. Exshaw, Acl'g 20.400X00 Montreal 21,485,830 27.250 000 Montreal 27,909,582 20.400.fi0f Toronto 21.483,830 20,000,000 Toronto 20.400 nor 21,483,830 27 250.011 27,909 312 20,000 000 Toronto 1767 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Toronto 20.400 000 Montreal 21,485,830 Victoria Clearing House______ T. H. LaondT (Members indicated by a *) Set- and Mgr. 2n,000,000 Toronto, Toronto 2,360.000 Winnipeg 650,000 Winnipeg •• Winnipeg DOMINION BANK Acting f Dealers In Gove rnment, Correspondents: -j Municipal an d Equi able Trust of West Vancouver. . __ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — A. Chilton... L Corporation S eeurlties. London, Ltd., London, Reserve Funds England. H. W. Dyson. 1,347.450 Con cepundents: York- White Horse................ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. C. Newmarch... Oen. Mgr. shire & CanadianTrust, F. H Wright. A. O en. Mgr. Ltd., Huddersfield, EngVancouver Clearing House___ C. R. Sneyd_____ White Rock ___ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... <Members indicated by a *) 20,000,000 Toronto F. E. Winslow Union Bank of Canada . ... (4 /<• onrt.. ... 1 -m-..utter) ""WffiW Limited 310 Pacific Bldg. (See Montreal) Yorkshire & Canadian Tr. Ltd. Vancouver Heights.__ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. J. Watt, Actg... ( Vancouver P. OP British Columbia coot luued on second half of thl s page. Toronto TTnjnu Rank nf Canada. , .......... Victoria West______ Winnipeg Reserve Funds 10,000,000 Halifax •Imperial Bank of Canada*... A. R. Green.. 21,485.830 .1. C. Hutchison, A ss’t Standard Trusts fin, “ •« Montreal .. --------- •• •BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-— J . W. Corning____ •BANK OF TORONTO____ - C. W. Pangman ... •CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. H. Hargrave... Co.................................................... “ Prudential Trust Co.________ (13 Branches in Vancouver) _______ ____ G. W. Swaisland__ .. “ .. .. •Imperial Bank of Canada*... T M Taj (3 Branches in Vancouver) •MOLSONS BANK.................. .. ..38,727 •BANK OF MONTREAL*. (4 Branches in Victoria) Toronto Hugh M. Fraser & Co., Ltd.... J.H. Forester, Mgr. » Victoria .. Dudley Dawson.... John Snow. A. Mgr. 27.250.00(1 Montreal 27 909,582 .. •• 21,000,000 Toronto Head Office. Vanderhoof_________ 200 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. M. Blackstock.. $ 20,000,000 Toronto (2 Branches) Collections made on any point In Canada and promptly remitted for at favorable rates. Paid-up Capital. BRITISH COLUMBIA BANKS—Vancouver to Williams Lake 'BANK OF TORONTO' "---------M Paid-up Capital. BRITISH COLUMBIA Map on Index Canada January, 1924 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In1 7fi7 dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Alexander-. Name of Manager or Agent. Bank. 325 BANK OF MONTREAL Surplus Alt&mont_______ ....50 Union Bank of Canada______ Altona____ _ ...400 BANK OF MONTREAL - » Head Office. $ 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 MANITOBA Map opposite Winnipeg Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. Manager Agent. or 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Brandon_______ ..15,397 ♦BANK OF MONTREAL------------•• •• ♦CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. C. Riddell............. 20,000,000 Toronto 100 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE N.H. Stout............. .. - .. 208 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... T. B. Weekes____ Reserve Funds Hamilton 20,000,000 Toronto .. A rdfln. _. 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 .. ♦Imperial Bank of Canada.. M Toronto J .A. Wetmore ♦ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-— f!. A Sneath ___ Reserve Funds fin STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Anstin Toronto 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 __ 250 BANK OF MONTREAL - 44 44 _________ __ 400 Union Bank of Canada. 44 A. McLean, Mgr. and Sec. Winnipeg 125 Sterling Bank of Canada______ J. W. Johnson, Basswood.... 100 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. R. Graham____ _ _ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA . 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 _____ Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 250 BANK OF MONTREAL W, H. Hambly .... 200 RANK OF TORONTO Toronto (Sub. to Winnipeg) Montreal Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 704 BANK OF MONTREAL........... .. „ 44 •• 20,000,000 Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Winnipeg Winnipeg 339 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— Reserve Funds tin Sterling Bank of Canada_____ J. E. Haskins_____ 20,400,000 Montreal 21.485,830 Carman________ ....1591 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE V. M. Dunlevie.__ H •• Union Bank of Canada________ BANK OF TORONTO A. R Pep. .. . .. 560 J. O. Dudley. . M. G. Dudley, Cashier 825 DOMINION BANK........................... A. Morton................ Boissevain____ ___ „ Union Bank of Canada _____ T. W. Cuncannon.. Bowsman River---------50 BANK OF MONTREAL Surplus bait of this pox*. .. 150 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — N. H. Haworth — Crandall.., . Reserve Funds Toronto Winnipeg 400 _ 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Winnipeg 500 Winnipeg 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Montreal Winnipeg Cypress River. Manitoba eaattoueda a 9*90*4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Winnipeg Toronto 30,000 Correspondent: Union Bk. of Can., Winnipeg, and all branches. Home Bk. Winnipeg. Winnipeg Union Bank of Canada________ 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto fifi BANQUE D’ H0CHELAGA ......... (Sub. to St. Pierre) Birtle„ Toronto Act’g. 20,000,000 Toronto Reserve Funds Beausejour--------------...994 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— G. H. Yule................. Belmont. 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Winnipeg (Members indicated by a*) Baldur.. 20,000,000 Toronto Winnipeg ....50 Union Bank of Canada________ Hamilton Prov. & Loan Society ,T. R,. Stone__ Arhorg 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 272,150 Correspondent: Dominion Canadian Guaranty Trust Co... A. C. Fraser. Pres. Bk., Toronto, Ont„ and John R. Little, Ma n'g Dir. Reserve Funds 59,030 Branches. Toronto A. Y. Miller............. ♦DOMINION RANK — CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. A. Hurst.........— Head Office. Bradwardine... ......... 155 CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE C. E. McLaren........ $ 20,000,000 Toronto Surplus — Paid-up Capital. 20fi BANK OF MONTREAL________ Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence MANITOBA BANKS — Alexander to Darlingford__________ January, 1924 Angusville_____ Paid-up Capital. Winnipeg Surplus •• MANITOBA 1768 Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given 1 7C0 to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers’ I/UO Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass’n. SERVICE Use the banks and lawyers advertising in this publication Because— They want your business and have the facilities for handling collections and other matters you may send them and make your choice easier by their advertisements. Because— They specialize in serving “out-of-town” clients—something every bank and lawyer does not do. Because They make it possible by the money they spend for this advertising for you, the subscriber—to obtain the book at less than actual cost of production and delivery to the publishers. : | Extreme care is given the selection of banks and attorneys whose adver tisements appear in this publication and we believe you will never have cause for complaint. However, if you ever should, we want to know it. RAND M9NALLY BANKERS DIRECTORY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Please mention THE BLUE BOOK when writing advertisers) j Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of tMs volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. .» .. » ......... os Surplus • Head Office. 1 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA 10,000,000 Halifax CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Chas. Padley_____ 20,000,000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA____ H. H.Ingram 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Reserve Funds ♦* Pajd-dp Capital. Post Office and Population. Paid-up Capital. •• M Gimll_____ Sterling Bank of Canada. R. H. Sayers_____ Toronto 617 Imperial Bank of Canada .... (Sub. to Riverton) Toronto Gladstone................. .832 BARK OF MONTREAL................... " _ 11 Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R. M. Ecclestone.. 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto Glenboro__________ .550 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— A. C. Gibson______ Reserve Funds 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485.830 „ Winnipeg 100 Sterling Bank of Canada...... N. E. Binns_____ BANK OF MONTREAL ..200 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. R. Lajoie........... 20,000,000 Toronto BANK OF TORONTO....... -........ C. Melville______ Toronto __ 50 Sterling Bank of Canada_____ V. Macdonnell.... Toronto .......... Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 350 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. H. Lowe 75 BANQUE D’ H0CHELAGA ....... J. A. Dubreuil....... 534 CARADIAN BK OF COMMERCE R. H. Brotherhood 20,000,000 Toronto ?50 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Jas. C. Wright .— 20,000,000 Toronto ____ 20,000,000 Toronto Montreal BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA ....... Grand View_______ .846 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. W. Chambers__ 20,000,000 Toronto 581 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. C. Bitzer__ __ 20,000,000 Toronto .300 BANK OF MONTREAL................ 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 609 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Griswold... Hamiota BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA _ _ _ 50 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA......... 80 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA 75 BANK OF MONTREAL - CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Manitoba continued on second half of this page. T. E. Squire _____ Reserve Funds C. E. Beckett......... Surplus J. E. Hood... ___ Montreal 20,000,000 Toronto Union Bank of Canada ............ Hartnev .. . 576 . .. Winnipeg BARK OF MONTREAL............. Surplus 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,592 Winnipeg Union Bank of Canada.............. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 10,000,000 Halifax High Bluff__________ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA............. E. L. Piggott, 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Holland_____ .480 Union Bank of Canada............... Winnipeg Kelwood. .100 Sterling Bank of Canada Toronto Toronto Surplus Sub. to Winnipeg . Headingly................... ?00 Winnipeg 50 Union Bank of Canada.....__ Toronto Grande-Clairiere •• 746 Head Office. 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto 50 F. B. Hornibrook.. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. Kenville......... BANK OF TORONTO_ _ _ _ _ _ _ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE “--------- “ 50 .871 K. Anderson.. 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto H. L. Rogers_____ Union Bank of Canada............... ................................. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - New York: 68 William Street. 10,000.000 Halifax ___ Kenton_____________ .105 Killarney Mgr. 20,000,000 Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto — Winnipeg London: Princes St.. E. C MANITOBA BANKS—Dauphin to Killarney_________________ 1769 Toronto -.350 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ml.EAGER OB ▲gent. Bank. Winnipeg Union Bank of Canada_______ Foxwarren------------- .277 op Gilbert Plains_____ .737 CANADIAI BK. OF COMMERCE T. S. Jackson_____ $ 20,000.000 Toronto M •• Name Winnipeg Union Bank of Canada_______ 685 DOMINION BANK........................... A. E. Piercy._____ •• MANITOBA Map opposite Wlanlpof ______ «< Manager Agent. Name or Bank. .3885 BANK OF MONTREAL - MANITOBA—Continued January, 1924 1 7fiQ Post Office and Population. La Broquerie Name of Bank, MANITOBA—Continued Manager or Agent. Paid-up Capital. Head Office. MANITOBA Mnp opposite Winnipeg Post Ojfice and Population. ... 10U R0NQUF D’HOCHEIAGA Name of Bank, Manager or Agent. Paid-up Capital. Head Office. -1268 Union Bank of Canada_______ Winnipeg Deschenes) Lacdu Bonnett... .100 ROYAL BANK OF CANADALangruth_____ .. Hexene Funds $ ?n 400 OOf Montreal 21,485,830 Reserve Funds 20 400 000 Montreal 21.48j.830 .50 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA La Riviere__________ 20(- ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— E. F. Shewfelt___ Reserve Funds LaSalle..._______ .75 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA............. “ ... Toronto 18( RANAIMAN RK OF LOMMFRP.F Letellier Loretto.. . •• ..___ Ninra . _ 27 250 000 Montreal 27,009,582 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA.............. C. Letourneau____ 376 Reserve FUnds 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Surplus 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 50 Union Bank of Canada.............. Winnipeg 500 BANK OF MONTREAL......... MacGregor.............. ..481 BANK OF MONTREAL................ Makinak_________ -120 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA _______ —618 CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE i. E. Mason, .... * Ochre River 125 108 Union Bank of Canada_______ Melifa.. ___ 676 “ • ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— 2n non non CANAL 1 UN BK OF COMMERCE Miniota 300 RdYAI RANK AF CANAIIA •• Min to. BANK OF MONTREAL CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE ** ____ W.H. Keelan_____ Reserve Funds 150 27 250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 -100 CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE .T. 'Dnncan 20,000,000 Toronto Reserve bounds S. Wilson.................. ..... -200 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-- J. W. McLaughlin. Reserve F'und* 20 400 non Montreal 21,485,830 27 250 000 Montreal 27 Bflfl 580 20,000,000 Toronto BANK OF TORONTO-............... J. T. C. Robertson. _ 150 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-— E. M. O’Donnell... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA_ _ _ J. C. Vradenburgh 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485.830 CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE B. Luyendyk 20,000,000 Toronto Plumas____ _______ -387 Winnipeg 6766 •• •* 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485.830 458 380 Winnipeg on second half of this page. | Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Surplus BANK OF MONTREAL - - Reserve Funds Reserve Funds Surplus ,T. H. SLrnno BANK OF NOVA SCOTIABANK OF TORONTO_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W. I. McCullough. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. J. Maynard......... •—- Toronto 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 27.250.000 27,009,582 10,000,000 Halifax Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto -■ Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence January, 1924 Minnedosa_______ .1505 Pipestone.. Union Bank of Canada_______ 350 .._ Winnipeg 20 400 000 Montreal 21,485,830 Winnipeg Miami............. Minitonas________ -200 Pierson........... _ Pilot Mnnnrt. McAuley___ 27.250.000 Montreal 27,900,582 Winnipeg Mariapolis________ _.100 BANQUE D’ H0CHELAGA______ McCreary ________ Surplus -100 BANK OF MONTREAL................ 20,000,000 Toronto Uni'm Bank of Canada.............. 27,250 000 Montreal 27,009,582 to Portage la Prairie " Toronto A. S. Vandusen—.. Surplus ?00 BANK OF MONTREAL________ (Kawende P. O.) Manitou.............. 20,000,000 Toronto .300 Union Bank of Canada.............. Montreal 50 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Surplus Union Bank of Canada_______ face) Lundar.. 27 250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 .200 Union Bank of Canada.............. Montreal BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. L. Wethey____ ----------- 20,000,000 350 BANQUE D’HOCKELAGA - J 27 250 000 Montreal 27,909,582 1887 BANK OF MONTREAL Montreal bert) Surplus 326 BANK OF MONTREAL- 20.400 ON Montreal 21,485,830 Laurier_____ ____ ....50 STANDARD BARK OF CANADA Leu ore . ..796 BANK OF MONTREAL................. 1770_____________ MANITOBA BANKS-HLia Broqueric Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed), in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. MANITOBA — Continued Manager or Agent. Paid-up Capital. Rapid City.............. ..571 Union Bank of Canada___ Rathwell................ .. 200 Heston____ ___ Ridgeville_______ Rivers... . _ 600 50 857 ROYAL BANK OF CANADABANKOF MONTREAL_ _ _ _ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA— (Sub. to Letellier) Montreal CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R. M. Tucker____ 200 Imperial Bank of Canada__ Roblin. ______ 450 Union Bank of Canada___ 500 T. M. Willet .„ $ 20.400.000 Montreal Reserve Funds 21,485,830 Surplus _ _. . CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 20,000.000 Toronto H. M. Sampson___ Toronto Russell ...250 .. _____ .696 W. H. R.Savage .. 20,000,000 U St. Avathe Union Bank of Canada______ 75 Ste. Anne des Chenes 3on St. Boniface.......... 12,821 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - - BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - DOMINION BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - - (2 Branches in St. Boniface) Toronto Surplus Montreal E. Desorcy______ Montreal C. C. Eddy______ Toronto J. H. N. Levellle__ Montreal W. M. Hamilton, Toronto Pro. Mgr. Reserve Funds (2 Branches in St. Boniface) St. James.......... .. ..8000 Manitoba continued Surplus 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Sifton________ ........ 100 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Thos. Winsby____ 20,000,000 Toronto _ __ 75 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. P. Pugh_______ 20,000,000 Snowflake... Somerset ___ ........ 250 Souris 1716 Reserve Funds 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 BANK OF MONTREAL .......... Surplus 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Union Bank of Canada .. A. L. Young & Co.______ Sperling _ _fiflfl Stonewall ___ 1112 BANK OF MONTREAL H. J. S. McIntyre - Reserve Funds Swan River. .200 063 10,000,000 Halifax 175 20,000,000 Toronto . 20 000.000 Toronto Montreal 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 The Pas 125,000 Correevcndent: Bank of Montreal, Montreal. Winnipeg Surplus ROYAL BANK OF CANADA_ _ J. MaePhail--------Reserve Funds CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. C. 8oole______ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— H. A. Lawson........ Strathclair------- ____200 Union Bank of Canada______ Swan lake Montreal Winnipeg (A. L. Young).. .. .100 Union Bank of Canada .. __ 150 ___ 1858 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— E. R. Thorburne.. Union Bank of Canada______ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Toronto Winnipeg BANK OF MONTREAL............ Montreal on second half of this page. 27,909,582 W. E. Gordon____ Reserve Funds W.King________ 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,400.000 Montreal 21 483 830 20,000.000 Toronto 20 400.000 Montreal 21,485.830 Winnipeg 20,000,000 M. L. Magee.......... Toronto Toronto S. H. Bray____ 2J.000.000 Toronto G. H. Watson......... 20.000,000 Toronto C. R. Neely...:__ 20.000.000 Toronto J. L. Pox, Acting.. Toronto Winnipeg Tilston_______ ____ 50 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — M. Andrew______ Tran s coni . BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - - - R. C. Waram____ Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R. C. Hayward__ 20 000.000 Toronto .4185 tieserve Funds rompt attention to Collections in Canada and 20.4nn.nnn Montreal 21,485,830 , West Indies 1771 Ste. Rose du Lac. —200 Sidnev Head Office. S 27 250 000 Montreal Surplus Shoal lake___ ____ 591 Union Bank of Canada______ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA-— L. J. Brassard___ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE P. L. Drouin_____ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA------ N. R. Bougard....... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— J. M. Bernuy__ St. Jean Baptiste. —250 St. Pierre-Jolys..—300 D0MINI0N BANK- - - - - - - Montreal (2 Branches in St. James) Paid-up Capital. Winnipeg BANK OF M0NTREAL- E. Trudeau______ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA---- Actg. .. 800 Selkirk............. .. .3726 CANADIAN BK. OF 00MMERCE BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - - CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE CANADIAR BK.0F COMMERCE CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE DOMINION BANK................... CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. L. Houston, St. Norhext . 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485.830 Winnipeg BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - (Sub. to Winnipeg) St. Claude............... Manager or Agent. Union Bank of Canada. 27 250.000 Montreal 27.909,582 Winnipeg G. N. Chenard___ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— A. L. J. Melanson, Union Bank of Canada.......... Toronto Winnipeg BARK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - - - C. R. DawsonBANK OF MONTREAL............ Name of Bank. Winnipeg Union Bank of Canada______ Hnsshiirn Post Office and Population. Winnipeg 27 250 000 Montreal 27,909,582 Riverton Roland Head Office. MANITOBA Map opposite Winnipeg January, 1924 __________ MANITOBA BANKS —Rapid City to Transcona Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (1b1771 dexed Acoes.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this 1/ / A volume. For Interest Rates. Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Treherne. Virden .585 __________ 1361 MANITOBA—Continued Name of Bank. Manager ok Agent. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-.___ CANADIAN BIL OF COMMERCE R. L. Gutsell_____ 10,000,000 Halifax D. M, Kydd_____ . 20,000,000 Toronto Paid-up Capital. Head Office. R. P. Morrison.__ $ 20,000,000 Toronto Winnipeg Winnipeg Wawanesa__________350 Union Bank of Canada______ H. D. Smith______ Winnipeg Wellwood__________ 100 Union Bank of Canada_______ J. G. Gerry, Acts.. Winnipeg Whitemouth_________75 Winkler___________ 458 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE F. Brown________ Reserve Funds W. G. Graefer____ 20.400,000 Montreal 21.485,830 20,000,000 Toronto Winnipeg............. 179,087 Alloway & Champion, Ltd____ W.F. Alloway, Pres. 1,025,000 Correspondents: Chem.N., Geo. W. Allan. V. Pres. N. Y.; Northw. N., Peter Lowe, Oen. Mgr. Minneapolis; Canadian 201,310 Bk. Com., Winnipeg; Rest Barclays Bk.,Ltd., Lon ♦BANK OF MONTREAL*_ _ _ _ !_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (12 Branches in Winnipeg) 8orplus ♦BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA -—•I F. L. Graham_____ (2 Branches in Winnipeg) fit Dnlllv Ur i 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 10,000,000 Halifax TnonUTn F.H.MARSH, West.Supt. Head Office, Toronto I UnUn I U*F. H. REID, Mgr. Winnipeg Branch. Collections made on any point in Canada and promptly remitted for at favorable rates. SEE FULL PAGE ADVERTISEMENT IN TORONTO, ONTARIO BANK LIST. ♦BANQOE D'HOCHELAGA----- J. E Arpin_______ Montreal Canada Permanent Mtee. Oorp. J. H. C. Lawrence. ♦CANAD’H BK. OF COMMERCE* C. G. K. Nourse.__ (15 Branches in Winnipeg) W. V. Gordon, A. Mgr. Canada Trust Co.____________ Wm. Whyte--------- Toronto Manager or Agent. Name of Bank. ♦MOLSONS BANK------------ Paid-up Capital. J.E. Fidler_______ Montreal (2 Branches in Winnipeg) Montreal Trust Co_____ ______ P. C. Shepherd.__ Montreal National Trust Oo„ Ltd______ D.H. Cooper_____ Toronto Northern Trusts Company.... G. F. Galt, Pres.... $ Reserve ,T. H. Riley, Mgr. Prudential Trust Co. Ltd. ...— J. F. Norton_____ ♦ROYAL BARK OF CANADA..* (Il Branches in Winnipeg) C. F. Pentland___ Reserve Funds 1.500.000 Winnipeg 469,856 Montreal 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Royal Trust Co.*_____________ F. S. Long................ ♦STANDARD BANK OF CANADA J. 8. Turner_____ (2 Branches in Winnipeg) Toronto 1,000.000 Correspondents: l Manlius Bull, Standard Trusts Co._____ (4 Branches) < Pres. (W. Harvey .Man'g Reserve Funds Director 200,000 ♦Sterling Bank of Canada------• E. Potter Acte.— Toronto General Trusts Oorp.. John Patou______ ♦Union Bank of Canada.. (12 Branches) William Price, 8,000,000 Correspondents: N. Park Honorary Prt sident N. Y.: Corn Ex.. N.. W. R. Allan, Pres. Chi.; N. Shawmut, Bos. J. W. Hamilton, Gen. Mgr. Reserve Fund 1,750,000 (Dealers in Gove rnment, Correspondents: Union Trust Co., Ltd________ W. A. Rowlands... Toronto Western Trust Co. A. J. Adamson, Pres. ROYAL SECURITIES J -< Municipal and CorporaCORPORATION, Limited (tlon Securities. (500 Electric Railway Chambers) (See Montreal) , WOOD, GUNDY & CO., Ltd.. Canadian, Govern ment,Municipal and Corporation Bonds. second half of this page. 526,800 Correspondent: Bank of Winnepegosis_______300 Winnipeg Clearing House------- W. A. Weir, (Members indicated by a*) Mgr. and Sec, 70,000 Nova Scotia,Winnipeg. Toronto R. H. Bishop, BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA — Actg. real, Quebec, branches. and Correspondents: Wood, Gundy & Co.. Inc., N, Y.; Wood Gundy & Co..Montreal. Toronto, London. England Lon don, Ont. 555,390 Equitable Trust Co----------------- E. E. Hall, Pres.... O. S. Clefstad, Sec. ■2V. 104,780 Rest Manitoba eon tinned Eouitable Trust of London, Limited, London. Eng land. Royal 1 005.000 Correspondents: Bank of Canada, Mont Reserve Funds 250,000 C.A. Adamson, Ma n’g Dir. Toronto (5 Branches in Winnipeg) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Union Bk. of Canada, Winni peg; Bk. of Hamilton, Hamilton, Ont. Toronto London R. K. Beairsto____ C. S. Pirn, A. Mgr. Fidelity Trust Co.___________ C.M.Simpson, Pres. Reserve ♦Imperial Bank of Canada...* A. D. Duncan_____ (5 Branches in Winnipeg) Head Office. 20,000,000 Toronto 210,100 Correspondent: Royal Commercial Loan & Trust Co.. A. F. Cl owe, Pres. Bk. of Can., Winnipeg. W. M. Bannatyne, Mgr. 54,300 Rest 'DOMINION BANK- Winnipeg________179,087 (Continued) MANITOBA Map oppoalte 10.000,000 Halifax Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence MANITOBA BANKS — Treherne to Winnepegosis________ January, 1924 Union Bank of Canada______ A. McIntyre............ Waskada.......................325 Union Bank of Canada_______ C. G. Webb_______ Post Office and Population. 1772 ____ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In1 779 de?ed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this i. / / Ai volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Omen and Population. Baker Brook Bath______ Rath u r<ft. Name or Bark. Manages oe Agent. -3327 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - ROYAL BARK OF CANADA— BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - Blackville.. ._ 500 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA........ Ruetnur.he..... __800 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — Oampbellton____ -5570 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_ _ _ _ "--------CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE __ 100 : Canterbury Station..400 Cara.quet Hbad Omci. __ 800 Chatham . 4560 Nan or Bank. Surplus La Banque Provinciale du Can. M. F. McCluskey.. .. •• ** ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — R. T. Moseley___ Reserve Funds BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_ _ _ _ Sub. to Grand Manan Grand Marian____ -2444 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_ _ _ _ S. J. Mann............ W. J. Theriault... Reserve Funds R. B. Rossborough. 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 10,000,000 Halifax Green River Station... La Banque Nationale________ Sub. to Edmundston Hampton . 2544 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - - W. S. Wilkinson- A. H. Russell____ 20,000,000 Toronto Hartland________ ...879 20,400.000 Montreal 21.485,830 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - - W.M. Bruce-------OF MONTREAL--------Surplus OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - - F. G. Burr........... ......... OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - - M. H. Gilmore. __200 La Banaue Provincials du Canada. Oscar Levasseur... -1958 La Banque Provinciale du Canada__________________ E. J. Melanson.... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-— W. A. R, Gragg.... Reserve Funds Debec __ __ __ 150 G. A. Blackie............. Deer Island . __ -1600 Sub. to St.Andrews Ravnn ..1924 CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE E, W. Spurr_______ Dnaktnwn. __ 170 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_ _ _ _ _ F. P. Ray, Acting.. Dalhousie.. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — A. V. Smith_______ Reserve Funds BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - - G. W. G. William- son. Acting Edmundston____ -4035 La Banque Nationale________ Jos. Morncey___ — La Banque Provinciale du Can. F. H. Bourgouin. ROYAL BARK OF CANADA— T. J. Scott.................... Reserve Funds Fairville____ ___ ..3200 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - - R. Dole________ __ Fredericton......... -8114 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - Surplus (2 Branches in Fredericton) BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - W. 8. Thomas....... CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. T. Gerald____ ROYAL BARK OF CANADA — G. A. Taylor____ Reserve Funds New Brunswick cont lnned on second half of this page. 500 10,000.000 Halifax 10,000,000 Halifax _______ Montreal _________ Montreal 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 10.000,000 Halifax 10,000,000 Halifax 20,000.000 Toronto 10.000,000 Halifax 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 10,000,000 Halifax 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 10,000.000 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA......... M. F. McKay------- Inkerman 500 La Banque Provinciale du Can, Mme. J. A. Bondreau BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ B. W. Gavey......... fake Raker La Banque Nationale_______ Sub. to Edmundston Lameque___________ —375 La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. P. Chiasson___ Marysville................. .1614 BANK OF MONTREAL........ Surplus BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA— F. H. Bstabrooks— Milltown_____ ___ ..1976 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA K. V. Milner.......... Reserve Funds Min to....................... BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA— A. Lyons, Acting... Moncton___________ 17,488 *BANK OF MONTREAL ---Surplus *BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA— W. J. .Tardine____ •• *CANADIANBK.OFCOMMERCE W. H. Lugsdin....... McAdam Junction ...807 (2 Branches in Moncton) *La Banque Provinciale du Can. L. G. Trempe____ ** M *R0YAL BANK OF CANADA~ W. C. Hazen-------(2 Branches in Moncton) Reserve Fhmds ** Moncton Clearing House „ (Members indicated by a *) W. C. Hazen. Pres. A. D. Newall, Tr. Newcastle ____ -.3507 10,000,000 Halifax Norton______ „______ ___ 900 Notre Dame____. 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Perth................... —406 20,000.000 Toronto BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - Surplus ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- R. G. Blair............ Reserve Funds BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.......... R. D. Robinson, Havelock_____ Pro. Hillsborough------- —911 Bkg. Office of J. L. Peck_____ (John L. Peck)___ “ 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 10,000,000 Halifax Head Omcs. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — J. C. G.Cook, Actg. S 20.400.000 Montreal Reserve Funds 21,485,830 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA......... J. S. Sutherland .. 10,000.000 Halifax 27,250.000 Montreal Grand Falls........... -1327 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - (North Head P. O.) Grande Anse____ — La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. U. Landry_____ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— J. G. Christie____ Reserve Funds ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... S. M. Bailey.......... Paid-up Capital. Fredericton Junction 209 Gagetown_______ __312 10,000,000 Halifax Montreal BANK OF NOVA SCOTIAROYAL BANK OF CANADA. BANK OF MONTREAL— BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-New York: 68 William Street. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Manages sk Agent. A. B. Craswell___ Clair —1200 Post Office and Population. 20.400.000 21,485.830 10,000,000 Halifax La Banque Provinciale du Can. L, J. Bourque____ BANK BANK BANK Ghipman________ __350 BANK East Florenceville.... 200 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Montreal NEW BRUNSWICK Map opposite Halifax F. H. Eaton______ Reserve Funds J. L. Jelly, Pro.... Reserve Funds 2800 La Banaue Provinciale du Can.. Lorenzo Giroux.-- Oentreville.. Dorchester . . Paid-up Capital. BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- W. B. Cleveland, S 10,000,000 Halifax Pro. La Banaue Nationale________ Sub. to EdmundsQuebec ton __ __400 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - - S. Mac Donald, Pro. 10,000,000 Halifax Surplus La Banaue Provinciale du Gan. A. L. Fournier___ Rayfleld NEW BRUNSWICK Thomas Clarke.__ Reserve Funds W. F. Tavlor____ Honore Bourgeois. A. Theriault Surplus J.F. Palfrey_____ 27,909,582 Montreal 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 10,000,000 Halifax 10,000,000 Halifax Montreal Quebec 10,000,000 Halifax 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,400,000 Montreal 21.485,830 10,000,000 Halifax 25,000 Correspondents: Bk.of No- va Scotia, Hillsborough, N. B. 10,000,000 Halifax Montreal 10,000.000 Halifax Quebec Montreal 27.250.000 Montreal 27.909,582 10,000,000 Halifax 20.400.000 Halifax 21.485,830 10,000,000 Montreal 27,250.000 Halifax 27,909,582 10,000,000 Toronto 20,000,000 Montreal Montreal 20,400.000 Winnipeg 21,485,830 — Winnipeg 10,000,000 Montreal 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Montreal Montreal Montreal 27,250,000 27,909,582 10,000,000 Halifax London: Princes St., E. C January, 1924___________ NEW BRUNSWICK BANKS—Albert to Perth_________ _______ 1773 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In1 77'3 flexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this i. / / xj volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Manages ok Agent. Kaux or Bank. NEW BRUNSWICK—Continued Paid-up Capital. Petitcodiac.. ______ 700 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_____ G. M. Schurman... % 10.000.000 Halifax Petit Rocher LaBanque Provinciale du Can. J. T. D’Anjou____ Post Office and Population. Head Office. Montreal .. 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Port Elgin... ______ 600 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- W. E. Allan............ 10,000,000 Halifax .. .............600 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- W. F. Dor ward.__ Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 M ,, Richibucto ____ 1158 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- G. O. Long_______ Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21,48.j,830 M “ - -- M M Riverside... ............ 225 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA........... •T. TT. Mace Montreal St. Francois de St. Jacques. 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- Q. W. Babbitt____ 10,000,000 Halifax iLa Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to Edmundston) Quebec La lidtiiju0 isationale—______ (Sub. to Edmundston) Quebec 10,000,000 Halifax La Banque "Nationale ( Edmundston) ♦BANK OF MONTREAL* (3 Branches in St. John) Surplus ♦BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA*....... J. H. Stevenson... (6 Branches in <S(. John) ... W. A. Fisher ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 St. Louis de Kent La Banque Provinciale du A. J. Bourdage .... Canada Montreal St. Quentin......... La Banque Provinciale du Adrien Hudon___ Canada Montreal St. Stephen____ .3452 BANK OF MONTREAL________ ________________ Surplus M BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA......... R. J, Gordon “ ** ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... v Stanley Sussex ....... M 20,000,000 Toronto Surplus 900 La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. E. De Grace___ BANK OF MONTREAL.......... - 27 250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Montreal CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE C. J. Loughlin___ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — w • cr—mry 20.000.000 Toronto Toronto Eastern Trust Company_____ C. H. Ferguson.... Halifax Montreal ...275 .2198 •• Union Bank of Canada............ ■■■OH Mi MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. 10,000.000 Halifax 20 400.000 Montreal 21,485.830 Winnipeg Tracadie................ -2800 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Gustave Poirier__ Woodstock ..3856 BANK OF MONTREAL________ surplus M T? Li. r, Tiimiol BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- £v. -uaDiei....... •« M ROYAL BANK OF CANADA___ 0). Jr Diirling Reserve Funds Dominion Securities Corporation. Limited Toronto Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10.000,000 Halifax 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Reserve Funds “ 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909.582 Reserve Funds Shediac— _____ ..1442 10.000.00C Halifax Montreal Reserve Funds 27,250,000 Montreal 27,009,582 ♦LaBanque Provinciale du Can. D. W. Harper____ (4 Branches in St. John) Inned on second half of this pare. Montreal January, 1924 ’DOMINION BANK .« Quebec Canada Permanent Mtge. Oorp. R. F. Wright____ ♦CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE La Banque Provinciale du Can. St. Leonard Station..862 La Banque Provinciale du Can. C. J. Gaudet ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------ A. G. Putnam____ Reserve Funds BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Winnipeg St. John Clearing House_____ J. W. Ryan, Sec... (Members indicated by a*) Saint Joseph .. i Toronto ♦Union Bank of Canada........... Correspondents: N. Park, N. Y.: Harris Forbes & Co., Bos. '•"WB Limited ( Dealers In Gove mment. Correspondents: Equitable '{Municipal ai ft Trust of London, Limi Corpora(72)^ Prince William Street) (tion Securities. ted, London, England. (See Montreal) Rogersville. _____ 1000 La Banque Provinciale du Can. 10,000,000 Halifax ♦STANDARD BANK OF CANADA J. M. Robinson k Sons, Ltd.... 10,000,000 Sackville.... ........... 2173 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- G. R. Viets__ _ ■ La Banque Provinciale du Can. R. G. Sharpe...__ Head Office. ♦ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-. R. E. Smith, $ 20,400.000 Montreal (2 Branches in St.John) Reserve Funds 21.485,830 .. Rexton.__ Paid up Capital. N E W BRUNSW ICK BANKS — Petitcodiac to W oodstock Plaster Rock. ______ 100 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— H. F. Henderson .. Reserve Funds Man ao eh ok Agent. Name op Bank. St. John . (Continued) •• •• . NEW BRUNSWICK Ma|> oppoulte Halifax, N. S. 1774 1 774. Montreal 27,250.000 Montreal OHO n:oo c,97i ,yuy,D ol 10.000.000 Halifax 20,400.000 Montreal 21.485 830 GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL, AND CORPORATION BONDS Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Bay Roberts. NEWFOUNDLAND Manager Agent. Name of Bank. .2226 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA. Paid-up Capital. or M. D. McDonald... $ 10,000,000 Head Office. Halifax Burin.................... 2719 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- Harbor Grace.... 5184 S. Oakley. Act’g 20,000,000 Toronto E. G. Mosher......... 10,000,000 Halifax Hall, Acting. 10,000,000 Halifax G. F. Gardiner ___ of Manager Agent. Bank. or BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA......... J. J. Young........... Paid-up CAPITAL10,030.000 Newfoundland Savings Bank.. Head Office. Halifax St. Johns Hearts Content... .1000 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA —- A .A. Lamaline______ K. T. White, Reserve Funds 20,400,000 21,48^,830 Montreal M. Batten. Pro.. 10,000,000 Halifax Little Bay Islands. ..800 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA...... - L. C. Bnlmer, Pro.. 10,000,000 Halifax ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... M. F. Channing, Reserve Funds 20,400,000 21,485,830 Montreal ...900 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Crane, Pro,. 10,030,000 Halifax .1315 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA —- Reserve Funds 20,400,000 21,485,830 Montreal Surplus 27,250,000 27,909,582 Montreal Surplus 27,250,000 27,909.582 Montreal 10,000,000 Halifax 725 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ' Marystown.......... Halifax Old 20,000,000 Toronto Placentia______ 27,250,000 27,909,582 Montreal 10,030,000 Halifax 10,030,000 Name Perlican........ ..150 W. A. • M. C. West, Aitg. Carbonear............3703 BANK OF MONTREAL- . Surplus St, George’s......... St, Johns___ Catalina________1300 E. J. Lutz______ 10,000.000 •• 1000 .35,000 •• W.C. Hawker, Act’g 10,000,000 BANK OF MONTREAL*....... ...... BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA. Halifax CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. M. Stewart___ •• Channel............... 1280 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- BANK OF MONTREAL_______ W. J. Church, Ass't Mgr. Halifax 1 Ferryland............... 535 BANK OF MONTREAL Fogo .1000 27,250,000 27,909,582 Surplus Surplus • W. J. Brien, Pro... BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA 27,250,000 27,909,582 Montreal Montreal .. .. “ “ Newfoundland Savings Bank.. Robert Watson, (Head Office) Cashier .. .. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- ! 10,000,000 Halifax Montreal Trust Co......... ......... (2 Grand Bank.........1200 Grand Falls..........500 L. R. Crammond... 10,030,001 Halifax Surplus 27,250,001 27,909,582 Montreal BANK OF MONTREAL............. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tflYfi D A MU .. Branches in St. Johns) Rnval Trust fin Trinitv .. 1459 Montreal Reserve Funds PAMAnA Dnairurp ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— fh mimr limit 20,400,000 21,485,830 J. A. Paddon, Agent Reserve Funds Twillingate_____ 3542 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - - HIT 3,030,040 a at a n a a un Montreal Montreal 20 400,000 21,485,830 Montreal 10,000,000 Halifax ini r o t Itinirr* 1775 Newfoundland con tin ued on second half of this p age. II Halifax ' . Curling................. 1500 BANK OF MONTREAL- 20,000,000 Toronto NEW FOUNDLAND BANKS— Bay Roberts to Twillingate H. E. V. Post Office and Population. .. T). G. Fraser Bonavista.............. 3698 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA. NEWFOUNDLAND Map on Index Canada January, 1924 1775 Manages ok Agent. Namk of Bank. Amherst____ _____ .9998 BANK OF MONTREAL_________ Surplus •* BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_____ W. C. Sinclair____ Paid-up Capital. Head Office. 8 27,25ft.nnn Montreal 27,909,582 10,000,000 NOVA SCOTIA Map opposite Post Office and Population. op Manages ' Agent. Bank. M .. 20,000,000 Toronto IflVll RANK HP OF MWIIWM CANADA IIIp N Hk llllllli IN- ROYAL BANK OF CANADA_____ H. L. Bentley_____ 20,400,000 21,485,830 Reserve Funds Annapolis Royal... ..836 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- L. Robertsqn_____ .. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-___ T. R. Hanington... Reserve Funds Antigonish_______ .1746 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- A. L. Kerr......... ....... *• • CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. P. Reynolds.__ “ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-------- W. M. Simpson___ Reserve Funds Arichat................. _ ..800 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-. - A. Theriault Reserve Funds BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA — Aylesford.................. - R. Roop__________ .1650 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA____ R. St. C. Hopgood . Baddeck______ Reserve Funds Barrington________-.700 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. A. Anderson... Barrington Passage .600 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA____ W. P. Robertson.. finn BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Reserve Funds Bass River................. Bear River. 300 1460 Berwick.____ ____ 1000 " _______ • ROYAL BANK OF CANADA BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA - W. M. Romans____ C. L. Bowlby, Pro. Hanning.. 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Canso.... 10,000,000 Halifax Chester 20,000,000 Toronto Church Point____ - 200 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.... E. F. LeBlanc____ Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Clarke’s Harbour. -1000 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-___ C. L. Stronach____ 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 ____ _-.1626 BARK OF MONTREAL Surplus ...900 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA -- - 10,000,000 .. i. rank 20,400.000 21,485,830 Reserve Funds nr Nnua tnnnt .... .... 1230 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 20,000,000 Toronto Reserve Funds 10,000,000 Halifax A. F. Little______ •• Eastern Harbour. -1001 Freeport 1400 17,007 " ----------- “ ----------- „ •• M Reserve Funds 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Great Village____ -2000 27.25fi.nnn Montreal 27,900,582 1218 Surplus BANK OF MONTREAL............. 20,000,000 Toronto Reserve Funds H. Green ... ?n mo nnn Montreal 21,485,830 10,000,000 Halifax 20,000,000 Toronto inn nnn Montreal 21,485,830 - 27,250,000 Montreal 27,900,582 10 000 000 Halifax ROYAL BARK OF CARAOA-— nisrhv 10,000,000 Halifax 10,000,000 Halifax 7800 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. G. Shatford ___ 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Nova Scotia continu J ed on second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1413 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA 10,000 10,000,000 Halifax Reserve Funds ... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-... Sub. to St .Andrews ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------- P. C. R. Harris.__ Reserve Funds 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA—. L. J. D’Entremont, 20,400,000 Montreal BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA BANK OF MONTREAL A. W. Amberman— ............... Surplus 21.485,830 10,000,000 Halifax 27,250,000 Montreal 27,900,582 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- M. K. Pugsley____ 10,000,000 Halifax CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. D. Morton......... 20,000,000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------- R .T M r.nllfin 2n.4nn nnn Montreal 21,4851830 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA___ J. L. MacDougall- Reserve Funds 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - C. L. Godf rey......... 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Dominion Securities Corporation, Limited Toronto Reserve Funds MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL. AND CORPORATION BONDS 1924 Bridgewater_______ 3147 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA..... 10.000.000 Halifax Reserve Funds O. E. Baker............... 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 January, Bridgetown.............. 1086 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H N. Hnhlpy nr NnvA 'chtia rank - Reserve Funds ___ Head Office. NOVA SCOTIA BANKS—Amherst to Guysborough CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. F. Cross.. Paid-up Capital. $ 20.000,000 Toronto • •• ox 2775 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (Continued) M Name 1776 NOVA SCOTIA Post Office and Population. Pay to the order of VRiHTERs PiltliHERS. to MERCHANTS’ LOAN & TRUST CO. X 2-4 CHICAGO . . , ", The Rand McNally Attorney List is Bonded! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The check shown above is the annual premium we pay to guarantee the users of our Attorney List. Every Lawyer in the book is under a bond of $2000. Banks and their customers can patronize these Lawyers with Assurance and Safety. New Brunswick INDEX TO ELECTORAL DISTRIC1S. Albert............ J 11 Chrleton........G 4 Charlotte.... K 6 Gloucester . .C 10 Kent............. G 11 Kings.............K! Madawaska .. C 2 Northumberland E7 Queens............J < Restigouehe .. B 6 St.John........ L 10 Sunbury......... J 7 Victoria.........D 4 Westmoreland H 12 York................J 6 Nova Scotia. INDEX TO ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. Annapolis. ..Nil Antigonish... .J 18 Cape Breton . I 24 Colchester . .K 15 Cumberland .1 12 Digby............ 0 9 GuysboroughK 19 Halifax.........L 17 Hants...........L 14 Inverness ... G 22 Kings..........M 12 Lunenburg . .0 13 Pictou......... K 18 Queens........0 11 Richmond ... J 23 Shelburne... Q 10 Victoria....... G 23 Yarmouth.... P 8 Pr. Ed. Island. INDEX TO ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. Kings.......... H 17 Prince..........G 14 Queens.........G 15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INCORPORATED 1832 The Bank of Nova Scotia Capital Paid-Up WB $10,000,000 I Reserve Fund $19,500,000 Total Assets Over $210,000,000 General Executive Office: TORONTO, ONT. J. A. McLEOD, General Manager BRANCHES IN CANADAt 40 in Nova Scotia 11 in Prince Edward Island 131 in Ontario 39 in New Brunswick 19 in Quebec 33 in Western Provinces NEWFO UNDLAND: Bay Roberts Bell Island Channel Fogo Bonavista Grand Bank St. John’s Burin Carbonear Harbor Grace Catalina Old Perlican Twillingate WEST INDIES: CUBA—Havana, Cuatro Caminos, Havana. Oficios Street, Havana, Santiago de Cuba. PORTO RICO—San Juan, Fajardo. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC—Santo Domingo, San Pedro De Macoris, Santiago De Los Caballeros. JAMAICA—Black River, Kingston, Mandeville, Montego Bay, Morant Bay, Port Antonio, Port Maria, St. Anns' Bay, Savanna-la-Mar, Spanish Town. NEW YORK: CHICAGO: P. W. MURPHY) F. W. MURRAY j Agents w H- DAVIES, Mgr. BOSTON: W. CALDWELL. Mgr. LONDON ENGLAND: 55 Old Broad St. E. C. 2; E. C. Macleod, Mgr. CORRESPONDENTS: GREAT BRITAIN: London Joint City & Midland Bank. Ltd., Bank of England and Royal Bank of Scotland. UNITED STATES: Bank of New York and Trust Company, New York; National Bank of Commerce in New York, New York; First National Bank, Chicago; Fourth Street National Bank. Philadelphia: Merchants National Bank. Boston; Citizens National Bank, Baltimore; First National Bank, Minneapolis; American Bank of San Francisco, San Francisco; First National Bank, Seattle. Special facilities for making prompt collections on Canada, Newfoundland and the West Indies Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 113 Post Office and Population. Halifax..................58,372 Namk of NOVA SCOTIA—Continued Manager os Agent. Bank. *BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - (3 Branches in Halifax) Surplus Paid-Up Capital. Head Office. $ 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 of Bank. Manager Agent. or 10.000,000 Kentville_________ 2717 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- J. Brydon________ 10,000,000 Halifax ROYAL BARK OF CANADA.-— A. A. Thomson___ Reserve Funds 20,000,000 Toronto La Have___________ 200 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. B. Trueman___ 20,000.000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA......... F. E. Manson.......... Reserve Funds 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Lawrencetown_____ 284 ROYAL BARK OF CANADA-- F. G. Palfrey_____ Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 10,000,000 Halifax Toronto Reserve Funds 20.000.000 Toronto Mgr. Lockport.—----------- 851 ROYAL BARK OF CANADA......... S.M.Brookfield, P res. 750,000 Correspondents: RoyalBk. Londonderry................. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — Eastern Canada Savings ft Loan W. A. Black. V. P res. of Scotland, Great Oo. J. A. Clark, Mgr, Britain, Bk. of Nova Louisburg_________1152 ROYAL BARK OF CANADA — 305,000 Scotia. Halifax, and Rest Branches. Lunenburg----------- 2702 BARK OF MONTREAL. ~ . 1,000,000 Halifax Eastern Trust Oo.. H. Mclnnes, Pres.. B. A. Weston.Gen. Mgr. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R. H. Neilson, Asst. Gen. Mgr 350,000 Reserve ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — G. E. E. Nichols... Montreal Trust Co......... —. Montreal Mabou____________ 600 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — Prudential Trust Co., Ltd......... Nova Scotia Trust Montreal Co Mahone Bay----------1177 BANK OF MONTREAL- - (4 Branches in Halifax) ♦ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. (6 Branches in Halifax) Limited H. C. Males, 20.400,000 Montreal B. L. Mitchell....... G. V. Guy, Asst. Mgr. Maitland__________ 600 Reserve Funds 21,485,830 Dealers in Govern ment, Con-eeponiients.'Equitable Municipal and CorTrust of London. Ltd., Meteghan River____ 400 poration Secu rlties. London, England. 200 Hollis St. (See Montreal) Royal Trust Company_______ H. B. Stairs ___ Montreal ♦Union Bank of Canada.......... Winnipeg James 0. Mackintosh ft Oo..__ Rest Halifax Clearing House______ H. S. Woodill. (Members indicated, by a *) Nova Scotia continued en second half of this Reserve Funds 300,000 Correspondents: Laidl&w 50,000 &Co„ N. Y.; Merch. N., Bos. Reserve Funds S. A. Rafuse---------- Reserve Funds Surplus R. G. Adams.........— R. S. Currie--------Reserve Funds J. S. Coffey______ Reserve Funds Surplus Reserve Funds ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — 20.400 000 21.485,830 20.400.000 21,4^5,880 20,400,000 21,4a5,830 27,250,000 27,909,582 20,000,000 Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal Toronto 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 20.400.000 Montreal 21.485.830 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 10,000,000 Halifax 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 R. J. Boyd______ 20.400,000 Montreal 21.485,830 Middle Musquodoboit 1000 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — R. C. Fraser_____ 20,400.000 Montreal 21.485,830 Middleton_________ 875 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 20,000,000 Toronto Reserve Funds Reserve Funds T. W. Magee......... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — J. H. McDaniel.... Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Mulgrave__________ 700 ROYAL BARK OF CANADA - A. R. Pringle_____ 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 New Germany_____1500 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— W. G. Kenney.__ 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Reserve Funds THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - Branches in every Province Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. F. Macdonald... BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - - R. J. Smith ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— T. A. Fraser_____ 20,000,000 Toronto 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 G. L. Capsick_____ 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Reserve Funds of Canada from Coast to Coast 1777 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (Sub. to Winsor) Imperoyal___________ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... M. H. Curll______ Hantsport___________ 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Kingston__________500 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE D. A. Sandilands. Acting ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— J. W. Banfleld......... ♦CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. C. Grundy____ Head Kennetcook Corner.250 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA______ Liverpool——_____ 2294 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA______ Canada Permanent Mtge.Corp. H. N. M. Stanbury Paid-Up Capital. Inverness________ 2963 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA......... L. J. McCarthy___ 1 20,400,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 21,485,830 N 11 V A SfillTli. SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PA6E. Name NOVA SCOTIA BANKS—Halifax to New Germany G. S. Campbell, Pres. J. Walter Allison, Vice-Pres. Correspondents: Bk.ofN. E. F. Macnelll, Mgr. T. Bk. & Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Capital Authorised, $15,000,000 1st N., Chi.; Merch. lluin U U U II ft capital Paid-up, 10,000,000 N., Bos.; 4th 8t. N. and Corn Ex. N., (Head Office) Reserve Funds. 19,500,000 Phil.; Cl tlx. N., Balt.; 4 Branches. 1st N., Mlnpls.; Am, of San F., San F.; For General Manager’s office see Toronto, Bk. 1st N., Seattle; Bk.of Ontario. England,MidlandBk., and Royal Bk. of Communications to be addressed to General Ltd., Scotland, Great Bri Manager’s Office. tain ;Credit Lyonnais. Franee. ‘BANK OF Post Office and Population. NOVA SCOTIA Map opposite January, 1924_______ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In1 777 dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this *■1/1 volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Name of Bank. Paid-up Capital. Head Office. Post Oificb and Population. New Glasgow—.......8974 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA........ L. D. Payzant____ $ 10,000,000 Halifax Manager Agent. Name of Bank. 22,545 BANK OF MONTREAL........... (2 Branches in Sydney) CANADIAN BK. or COMMERCE P. I. Tanner_____ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— C. E. McLaggan— Reserve Funds ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— A. G. Joy------------ Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 10,000.000 Halifax 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 No. Sidney........ .....6585 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA........ W. J. Davis-------- 10.030,000 Halifax CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. P. Stavert------- 20,000,000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 20.400.00C Montreal 21.480,830 10,0ju,uuu Halifax Oxford.................. 140? BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA— H. W. Jubien......... Reserve Funds W. M. McCann ___ .2748 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE P. H. Hamon......... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .2988 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Port Hawkesbury...869 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Port Hood. _ ..805 BANK OF MONTREAL ...... ..548 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA548 Pubnico. __ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ..300 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA - H. E. Mosher____ Reserve Funds D. B. Scott............. H. M. Doull_____ Reserve Funds G. K. Hammett — Reserve Funds _______ __ Surplus R. R. Horner____ Reserve Funds R. S. Hocken____ Reserve Fund A. T. Bell. Pro....... Pug wash....... ........ ..700 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ J. T. Steeves------- 20,000,000 Toronto 20.400.00C Montreal 21.485.83C 10,0J0,UUu Halifax 20.400.000 21.485.83C 20.4UO.UOO 21.485,830 27.250.0Hi 27,909,582 20.40U Out 21,485,830 2U.4U0.00C 21.48o.83C 10.000,000 Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal Halifax 10,000,000 Halifax ..400 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA...... W. M. Steeves___ 10,030,001 Halifax J. E. Langille, Pro 10.000,000 Halifax Surplus St. Peter’s.............. .1000 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA~ J. E. Cullen_____ Reserve Funds Sheet Harbor____ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA....... W. A. Miller, Pro.. 27.250.000 27.909,582 20,400.001 21.485,830 10.0u0.00t Halifax ?on BANK OF MONTREAL------- Shelburne — 1360 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. L. Claxton. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA__ 20.400.00C Montreal 21 48j,830 2U.4U0.0U 21 485 830 20,000 00U Toronto R. W. Wright....... Reserve Funds G. H. Bain.............. 20.400.001 viontreal 21.48o.830 10.0UU.UUI Halifax Stewiacke............ . ..819 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA..... L. W. Dickie____ Reserve Funds DigitizedNova for FRASER Scotia continued on second half of this pace Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20,400.001 Montreal 21,485.830 Stellnrtnn .5312 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ $ 27.250 000 Montreal 27,909,582 10,000,000 Halifax » CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. T. Purdy_____ 20,000,000 Toronto “--------- “ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- P.G. Hall............... 20,400.000 Montreal 21.48o.830 (2 Branches in Sydney) Sydney Mines___ -8327 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA........ " ------- " ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- Reserve Fund* H. W. Sainthill—._ 10,000.000 Halifax W. D. McMullin... Reserve Funds 20.400.000 Montreal 21.48o.830 Tatamagouche___ ...513 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ H. B. MacKean, 10,000,000 Halifax Thorburn_______ —500 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ H. 0. Connell, Pro. 10.000.000 Halifax Tiverton________ ...660 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- 'Sub. to Freeport) 10.000.000 Halifax Pro. Trenton „ ____ ..2844 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- J. H‘. McIntosh.__ 10.000.000 Halifax ___ ..7562 BANK CF NOVA SCOTIA........ R. A. Mingie_____ “ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. L. Waugh_____ 10,000.000 Halifax Truro.__ *• ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... — M. Dickie____ L. McCoy, Ass’t. Reserve Funds Wallace................ ...400 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ (Sub. to Tatamagouche) Waterville_____ ...291 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — G. W. Bellevue.__ Reserve Funds Westport_______ -1892 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA........ (Sub. to Freeport. N. S.) Wes tv life.... .......... ..4550 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-——- W. E. MacDonald . ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- 10,030,000 Halifax 20.400.000 Montreal 21 48j,830 10.0UU.OOU Halifax Reserve Fund CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE .. 20.400.000 Montreal 21.48-j.830 10,000,000 Halifax 400 RGYAL BANK OF CANADA— E. G. Longley......... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... --------- 21,485,830 10,000.000 Halifax 20.400,000 Montreal 21.485,830 20.400.000 Montreal 21.485 830 20.400.000 Montreal 21,48j,830 3591 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA........ W. J. Hunt______ '* •> 20.400.000 Montreal R. H. Pethick____ Reserve Funds L. H. Potter........... Reserve Funds R. H. Ellis______ Reserve Funds Weymouth_____ ..1444 ROYAL BANK OF CANADAWhitney Pier___ 20,000,000 Toronto J. R. Harrison___ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— P. A. Curry............ 20,000,000 Toronto Reserve Funds 20.400.000 Montreal 21.48j,830 27.250 000 Montreal 27,909 582 20.400.000 Montreal 21,48j.830 Yarmouth. ____ -7073 BANK OF MONTREAL............. Surplus 44 “ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA........ J. H. Mai com _ 27.250,000 Montreal 27 909,582 10.0ju.0OO Halifax 1743 BANK OF MONTREAL---------“ •» •• ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... Reserve Funds Surplus R. Creighton........... CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. A. C. Scarth.__ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... W. A. Clarke....... . PoiALNio?* Securities Corporation, Limited Toronto Reserve Funds MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. 20,000.000 Toronto 20.400.000 Montreal 21.485,830 GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL, AND CORPORATION BONDS January, 1924 Sherbrooke........... ..500 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — J. L. Snook........... Reserve Funds Shubenacadie....... .1463 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — W. D. Bowers____ Reserve Funds Spring hill .4958 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. W. Graham .... 20,000,000 W. L. Carson____ Head Office. --------- “ Montreal River John______ ..500 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA__ River Hebert BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- Sumlus Paid-up Capital. NOVA SCOTIA BANKS — N ew Glasgow to Yarmouth New Waterford—.. 5615 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- J. W. Parker, Acting Mgr. 20,000,000 Toronto or _________ Manager or Agent. NOVA SCOTIA Map opposite Halifax " Post Office and Population. NOVA SCOTIA—Continued 1778 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In1 778 dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this A / / o yoinme. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Name Manages or Agent. Surplus W. K. Graham.. ..........300 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA----- R. T. L&ing. ____ 532 BANK OF MONTREAL............ STANDARD BANK OF CANADA C. D. Kent 1722 ., „ Ailsa Craig Bank. BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ Acton_____ Agin court.__ of ONTARIO M ,| Alexandria... ...........2195 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - BANQUE D’HOCKELAGA- - - - - - - - Allandale______________ (Barrie P. 0.) Allis ton...................... 1376 BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - - BANK OF MONTREAL_ _ _ _ _ _ BANK OF TORONTO---- -----ROYAL BANK OF CANADA_ _ _ Almonte__________ 2426 BANK OF MONTREAL_ _ _ _ _ _ Sterling Bank of Canada_____ Montreal (Sub. to Barrie)... A. Weaver. Surplus (Sub. to Elora)___ Reserve Funds Surplus W. A. Sawtell.. .600 Sterling Bank of Canada_____ D. N. Lindsay, Acta. Alvinston. .691 Amherstbure.. ___ 2769 BANK OF MONTREAL............. M0LS0NS BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - - - CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Ansonville____ Appin________ . __ .150 __ .500 Arkona_____ ______ .420 4077 Surplus T. H. Dredge... Toronto 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Montreal Toronto Ontario continued on Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. R. Glassford. G. Jarvis.. E. P. Keaney_____ Reserve Funds 20,000,000 Toronto 20.400,000 Montreal 21.485.830 2U.4UU.UUO Montreal 21.485.830 Montreal Toronto 27.250,000 Montreal 27.909.582 10,000,000 Halifax 20 400,000 i Toronto 21,485,8301 Head Office. 20,000,000 Toronto E. A. Hanley______ Toronto -.500 M0LS0NS BANK Aurora_____ .2307 BANK OF MONTREAL G. M. Whitney ___ Montreal Surplus A. 0. Murray 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto Toronto A. M. Kirkwood... 150 _ 400 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Aylmer________ _ .2194 BANK OF MONTREAL (Sub. to Ingersoll). Toronto E. W. Richards.__ 10.000.000 Halifax Surplus La Banque Provinciale du Can. MOI SONS BANK 27.250 000 Montreal 27,909,582 Montreal K. W. R. Hill ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— \V. E. Hanley Reserve Funds ____ „777 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. W. Wilson____ Ayr______ Montreal 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 20,000,009 Toronto A. D. MacIntyre.-- Montreal 450 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— J. H. Cummings... Reserve Funds . ... . -.800 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE .1. H. Smith E. H. Rohleder, DOMINION BANK 20.400.000 Montreal 21.485,830 20.0UU.U09 Toronto Toronto MOISONS BANK Ruben 27.250.000 Montreal 27.909,582 Toronto 300 Bailieboro____ Rala _ 346 Bancroft. _ -.768 Barrie........................ .6936 *• “ •• •• S. R. Nrnhnls BANK OF MONTREAL............. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— 850 .. ...50 Bath........................... -.349 Ravflelrl 402 Sterling Bank of Canada. Beach burg _______ Reach ville 500 500 Beamsviile________ 1256 1 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - BANK OF MONTREAL............. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Toronto T,. Porter Reserve Funds J. Ross________ . 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 10,000.000 Halifax A. G. Maclellan___ Surplus (Sub. to Emo)........ 10,000.000 Halifax Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto Winnipeg 30,000 Correspondent: Bk. of Toronto, Toronto 27.250.000 Montreal 27.909,582 20.000,000 Toronto G. W. Cuppage____ Reserve Funds E. H. Johns 20.400.000 Montreal 21.485,830 Toronto H. D. MacMillan.. 10.000 000 Halifax 27.250 000 Montreal 27.909,582 20,990,090 Toronto H.M. Tav. _ Sterling Bank of Canada_____ J. H. Wilson .... • Barry’s Ray Barwick______ RANK OF TORONTO ROYAL BANK OF CANADA BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA........ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA......... BANK OF TORONTO CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Surplus A. D. Henderson.. Reserve Funds 20 400,000, 21.48 j.8301 1779 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA SANK OF MONTREAL............. BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_ _ _ _ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... . R. Colquhoun .. A. J. Kelly........ Reserve Funds A. N. McLean... Reserve Funds W. J. McCuaig . Montreal Paid-up Capital. ..650 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. M. Robinson.... Aultsville Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA BANQUE D’ H0CHELAGA_ _ _ _ . 325 Avon . S. M. Johnston ___ W. S. Falls_____ 726 BANK OF MONTREAL Atwood ... „ Correspondent: Bk. of Toronto, Toronto 20,400,000 21,485.830 Montreal 27,250,000 27,909,582 Montreal Toronto Manager or Ag ENT. Surplus STANDARD BANK OF CANADA W. A. Johnston... Winnipeg Imperial Bank of Canada______ C. A. Cuddy______ M0LS0NS BANK_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Arnprior Athens Montreal 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto Name of Bank. 1104 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------ W. Pinder_______ I 20.460.000 Montreal Reserve Funds 21.485,830 Toronto STANDARD BANK OF CANADA W. G. Bedford___ Avton. Alton........ Apple Hill. 27,250.000 Montreal 27.909.582 Toronto R. R. McDonald Graham & Knight____________ C. R. Knight____ Alma---------------------200 10,000,000 Halifax J. H. Mitchell.. .500 La Banque Provincial dn Can. J. E. Ledue______ Post Office and Population. S 27.250,000 Montreal 27.909.582 10,000,000 Halifax 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 10,000.000 Halifax (Sub. to Hamilton) Union Bank of Canada_______ Alfred. Head Office. ___ ONTARIO BANKS — Acton to Beam sviile 25 Aldershot.... Surplus Paid-up Capital. ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto January, 1924 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In1 77Q dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this A / / » volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ovj Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Name of Banx. Manages ok Agknt. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Sterling Bank of Canada_____ ,T. A. Fleming ___ ONTARIO—Continued Paid-up Capital Head Office. ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto Post Office and Population. Toronto Bonfleld___________ 421 BANQUE D’ H0CHELAGA. Toronto Bothwell___________ 633 BANK OF MONTREAL..... LA BANQUE PROVINCIALUJU Beet on________ ___582 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— R. A. 0. Hobbes... $ 20.400.000 Montreal Reserve Funds 21,485,830 Belgrave............. .... 150 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (Sub. to Wingham) Boucherville---------------- Belleville.. ..12,206 „ BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - - L. D. Murphy-------Reserve Funds Surplus 20,400,000 Toronto 21,485,830 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909.582 A. Y. Snider............ 20,000,000 Toronto DOMINION BANK—...... W. E, Scott_______ Toronto M0LS0NS BANK- - - - - - - - Montreal ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto W. A. Parker........ Reserve Funds John Elliott_______ Union Bank of Canada_____ . Bracebridge.............2451 Bradford— .961 10.000,000 Halifax 300 Imperial Bank of Canada_____ (Sub. to Fergus)— Toronto ..150 —. 500 Bishops Mills__ ____150 ______ 200 Blenheim_____ ... 1565 « •• Blind River____ ... 1843 Bloomfield_____ ____600 Blyth. Winnipeg H. Wilson------------ —450 Blackstock. BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - _____ .... 656 BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. A. Maples.......... Toronto A. Baird.......... ......... Toronto A. H. Burland........ (Sub.toKemptville) 10,000,000 Halifax STANDARD BANK OF CANADA CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA E. A. Preston------ Toronto O. F. Anderson.__ 20,000,000 Toronto J. L. Rutherford .. Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — STANDARD BANK OF CANADA CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE D. H. Mills____ E. W. Platt........ 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto M. W. Telfer. 20,000,000 Toronto James McMorchie___________ Bobcaygeon— — 1095 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - Surplus Bolton________ ------679 Imperial Bank of Canada_____ J.F. War brick . Bondhead.... ...............250 20,000,000 Toronto BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.......... Reserve Funds STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Ontario continued on second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Sub. to Bradford) Montreal $ 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Montreal Bourget-----------------1800 LaBanque Nationale_________ (Sub. to Ottawa).. Brampton________ 4527 .... 600 Surplus M. Sicotte BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - Surplus Montreal CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA (Sub. to Sturgeon __ Falls) Head Office. Quebec Correspondent: Mech. & Metals N.. N. T. 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- R. F. Aitchison.— STANDARD BANK OF CANADA BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - - W. Kingsmill Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 H.W. Lapp--------- Toronto , 10 000,000 Halifax DOMINION BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— Henry Warren___ BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - STANDARD BANK OF CANADA DOMINION BANK- - - - - - - - - - - BARK OF MONTREAL......... F. Stevenson------ Toronto T. E. Bell________ Toronto C. S. Hare_______ Reserve Funds Toronto 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 J. G. Hall---------Surplus Union Bank of Canada_____ Brantford—.......... 29,440 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 ♦BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - Toronto 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Winnipeg 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 (2 Branches in Brantford) ♦BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA — ♦BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - E. J. Mahon_____ 10,000,000 Halifax D. McLennan____ Toronto Brantford Trust Co., Ltd.__ O. B. Heyd, Pres... 300.000 A. K. Bunnell, Vice- Pres. W. G. Helliker, Mg T‘ 20,000 Reserve Funds ♦CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. W.Fitton______ 20,000.000 Toronto ♦DOMINION BANK- - - - - - - - J. M. Ferguson, Actg, H. T. Watt.......... ... Toronto ♦Imperial Bank of Canada. ♦ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. C. O. Hodgkins.... Royal Loan ft Savings Co.__ C. Cook, Pres.____ W. G. Helliker, ♦STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Reserve Funds Mgr. Reserve Funds R. H. Short____ (2 Branches in Brantford) (Eagle Place Branch Office) Trusts ft Guarantee Co., Ltd... W. J. Mackellar.. Brantford Clearing House____ D. McLennan, (Members indicated try a *) Sec, and Tr. Dominion Securities Corporation. Limited Toronto MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. Toronto 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 600,000 Correspondent: Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. 500,000 Toronto Toronto GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL, AND CORPORATION BONDS ONTARIO BANKS—Beaverton to Brantlord___________ January, 1924 «« Paid-uf Capital. 20,000,000 Toronto Bowmanville___ __ 3233 LA BANQUE PROVINCIAL!* DU CANADA ROYAL BANK OF CANADA MANAGER OK Agknt. Najcx or Bank. 1780 1 7RH J. / Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Name of Bank. Manager or Agent. ■too STANDARD BANK OF CANADA R. C. Brown______ 200 BANK OF MONTREAL_ _ _ _ _ _ Post Office and Population. Surplus .. M0LS0NS BANK................... . ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-.- M Reserve Funds mo STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Q. E. Sterling.. . Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R. J. W. Hepburn. 20,000,000 Toronto 400 .500 Brownsville.— ____ 300 200 477 870 800 2709 CANADIAN BK OF COMMERCE Geo. Irwin 20,000,000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------ T. E. Gage_______ Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 BANK OF MONTREAL................ (Sub. to Renfrew). Surplus 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 j* 400 400 400 1223 “ W. H. Hiscock____ W. C. James ___ Toronto 20.000,000 Toronto C. E. B. Reed_____ Montreal I. C. McClean-------- 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Reserve Funds C. E. ftifis. Surplus E. C. Cross______ G. S. Thomnson ... V. P. Heppler........ Reserve Funds Toronto Toronto 20,350,000 Montreal 21.485,830 10,000,000 Halifax G. H. Samis .“ .. A. D. Muir. _____ H. C. Bowerman .. Reserve Funds Toronto Toronto 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Gampbellford....... .2890 BANK OF MONTREAL - .. 20,000,000 Toronto .. (Sub. to Forest)... Surplus u STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- J. A. Stewart____ .. 200 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA - Correspondent: Bk. of Hamilton, Toronto. Toronto Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto 27,250,000 Montreal 27 909,582 Toronto Winnipeg - W.D. Stewart, Pro. ____ 869 Capreol--------------- —1287 1241 Cargill---------------- ._500 Carleton Place... ..3841 “_____ - •• <• 10,000,000 Halifax Winnipeg . 150 Canning ton STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- W. C. Livingstone CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W.C. Fritz, (Act'g.) S. J. W. Clarke ... BANK OF TORONTO ROYAL BANK OF CANADA....... E. A. Dreak______ Reserve Funds BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA--------- J. G. Craig---------CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. E. Scroggie------ Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 10,000,000 Halifax 20,000.000 Toronto Winnipeg 200 ...500 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.......... THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - Branches in every Province Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis G. S. Smyth-------- STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- R. Anderson_____ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 W. P. Clark--------- Toronto STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- A. W. Parrish- Camlachie............. ..138 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Montreal Reserve Funds •* 600 Toronto A. M. Driver_____ E. A. Dixon______ --------- Montreal 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 10,000,000 Halifax CANADIANS K. OF COMMERCE (Sub. to Bolton)... (G. H. Hornibrook) Toronto Surplus W. G. McClellan... Winnipeg of A. G. McDermott, F. R. Poyser-------- Toronto 10,000,000 Halifax Canada from Coast to Coast 1781 Ontario continued on second half of this page. 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Reserve Funds C a r p __ _____ _____________ 80 BANK OF MONTREAL- BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_ _ _ _ BANK OF TORONTO - __ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE M0LS0NS BANK _______ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— STANDARD BANK OF CANADA BANKOF MONTREAL............. DOMINION BANK STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- - - - M0I SONS BANK _____ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_____ STANDARD BANK OF CANADA BANK OF TORONTO_ _ _ _ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 H. B. Sutherland — 10,000,000 Halifax J. C. Ross_______ Reserve Funds ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------ Montreal STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ROYAL BANK OF CANADA....... G. D. Lunney_____ $ Head Office. ..981 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 W.L. Watson Paid-up Capital. ONTARIO BANKS —Brechin to it M J. R. Steele_______ Montreal • ' BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA .. 10,040 «» M E. R. Youngs_____ BANK..................... ..... O. Geiger M0LS0NS BANK Burks Falls... Royal Bk. of Can., Toronto. 600 bo 200 $ 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Manager or Agent. Name of Bank. Toronto M0LS0NS „ Post Office and Population. Head Office. 500 Brighton______ ___ 1411 “ Paid-up Capital. Correspondent: 2401 Rif>h»rrt ft, Baxter__ .. ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto ONTARIO—Continued January, 1924 1781 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- 1/04 volume. ONTA RIO—Continued For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Manager ok Agent. Paid-dp Capital. Post Office and Population. Name op Bank. Casselman_______ 977 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA.......... STANDARD BANK OF CANADA.. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. Lymburner........ I 10.000.000 Halifax DOMINION BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Onynga................... 784 Cedar Dale______ —400 A. Snyder_______ Montreal M. H. Mulhall____ Toronto F. S. Kent________ 20,000,000 Toronto J. H. Nerrie, Actg. Toronto Chalk River_____ -..208 La Banque Provinciale dn (Sub. to Pembroke) Canada Chaplean............... Chatham _ _ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 2000 Chelmsford Cheslev. Chesterville 20.400.000 Montreal 21.48J.830 Surplus 27 250.000 Montreal 27.909,582 332 .1045 _ 1708 .967 Chip pawa________ -1137 20,000,000 Toronto Canada Trust Co.___________ A. A. McLeish._ London, Ont. DOMINION BANK.................... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA....... STANDARD BANK OF CANADA.. BANK OF MONTREAL............ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - BANK OF MONTREAL .......... CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - - MOLSONS BANK--------------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- - - - - Toronto W. Watts_______ A. E. Herman_____ Reserve Funds F. Biptte________ C. D. Lyons, Asst. W. H. Moise_____ Cobalt___________ 4449 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-........ J. A. McLatchie— $ -10,000.000 Halifax BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - - - T. W. Carlyle_____ Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE I. A. McPhail____ 20.000,000 Toronto Imperial Bank of Canada_____ A. H. Seguin_____ Toronto Cobden________ Colborne. Surplus F. M. Haines._ 27 250 000 Montreal 27 909.582 20,000,000 Toronto E. L. Bronskill ___ 10 000.000 Halifax . Montreal L. E. Torey_______ 20/400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto Reserve Funds Clarence Creek__ —400 La Banque Provinciale du J. C. Despault-----Canada Clarksburg.............. —600 Hartman & Co., Bankers______ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - Clarkstown Clifford____ _____ Clinton .590 466 _ 2018 McTaggart Bros.__________ 1 MOLSONS BANK_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Surplus L. Pepin. J. A. Laird........ . Reserve Funds H. R. Sharp_____ R. E. Manning____ Reserve Funds Surplus , 10 000,000 Halifax 27 250 000 Montreal 27,909,582 10,000,000 Halifax BANK OF TORONTO.- - - - - - - - - - - E. W. Hargraft___ Toronto DOMINION BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - - STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. ...3306 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-----BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA------ J. W. Spragge------ Toronto Imperial Bank of Canada_____ .. 932 BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - - STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. Coldwater__________658 BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - - Collingwood_______ 5882 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - - H. C. Higginbotham Toronto W. W. Mitchell___ 10,000,000 Halifax R. Sabourin______ Montreal L. T. Charlton____ Toronto C. H. Byers_____. Toronto C. A. Bryans _____ Toronto Toronto A. C. Lord................ Surplus 27 250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - - CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — W. B. McCririck.. Toronto J. McE. Murray__ 20 000,000 Toronto A. Welch.......... Reserve Funds 20.400.000 Montreal 21.485,830 Comber____________ 500 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... C. F. Kennedy____ 20.400.000 Montreal 21.485,830 27.250 000 Montreal 27,909,582 Montreal Conestogo__________ 400 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_ _ _ _ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ( St. Jacobs) 10,000.000 Halifax H. Duncan_______ 20 000,000 Toronto 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Connaught Station........ Imperial Bank of Canada____ (Sub. to Timmins) Toronto Montreal Correspondent: Coniston__________1000 Correspondent: Dominion Oonsecon__________ 600 Bk.. Toronto. Montreal 20,400.000 Montreal 21.485,830 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - - Reserve Funds J, D. McKean .__ . . Toronto , 10 000.000 Halifax Cooks town........ ...........600 Union Bank of Canada______ Winnipeg OooksviPe__________ 400 Union Bank of Canada............ Winnipeg Dominion Securities Corporation. Limited Toronto MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL. AND CORPORATION BONDS January, 1924 BANK OF MONTREAL...... BARQUE D’HOCHELAGA... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA H. C. Morris_____ R. D. Leavitt, Pre. Bk.of Toronto, Toronto. Clarkson.................. —50 Montreal BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ------ Cobourg__________ 5327 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto S.E. Robinson, Mgr. ..711 BANK OF MONTREAL........... (Sub. to Subbury). Chute a Blondeau ...300 Imperial Bank of Canada____ (Sub. to Hawkesbury) Claremont _ 500 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA.. C. S. Trueman____ Head Office. MOLSONS BANK- Cochrane___ Reserre Funds Paid-dp Capital. Coatsworth Station. 100 27.250 000 Montreal 27,909,582 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Montreal Surplus Q. C. MacDonald... Manager or Agent. Nahe of Bank. Montreal Reserve Funds J. Simon________ Post Office and Population. BANKS — Casselman to Cooksvillc CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Chatswouh______ W. P. Spero.__ BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - - 256 Head Office. ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto 1782___________________ ONTARIO 1 789 dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this Post Office and Population. Nam or Bank. Manager or Agent. Paid-op Capital. Toronto Corbetton_______ ..200 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. M. Carthew ___ $ 20.000.000 Toronto Surplus .. 20,000,000 Toronto » ROYAL BANK OF CANADA..... F. B. Brownridge.. 44 Sterling Bank of Canada. 20.400.000 Montreal 21.48j.830 Toronto Paid-up Capital. . .. Montreal . 1119 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— M. D. Hambly......... 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 . 500 MOLSONS BANK ____________ C. K. Currey . Reserve Funds " ----------- •• Cottam____ Reserve Funds ____ ..150 Imperial Bank of Canada A. J. Hunt________ Toronto W. J. Golden Courtland................. ..300 MOLSONS BANK —....................... V. N. Prest_______ Oourtright................. 448 Sterling Bank of Canada Dublin__________ ..350 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA . F. Mr.Cnnnell Dundalk .................. ..675 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. M. Carthew -— 40(1 Sterling Bank of Canada____ Correspondent»: Cm. Bk. of Com., Toronto _____ Oreemore_______ _ (Sub. to Ingersoll) Toronto 20 000.000 Toronto 653 BANK OF MONTREAL..........—- 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto RANK OF TORONTO Surplus B. T. Ferguson ___ .. Dundas.. _____ .4978 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. G. Matbewson . 44 ..300 La Ranqne Nationals Quebec Winnipeg 15(1 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA. W. Redpath, Acting 20,000.000 Toronto 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto Dunnville_____ ... .3224 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. E. Parke* 20,000.000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA P. F. Smith_______ Reserve Winds BANK OF TORONTO •• (Sub. to Ottawa).. Winnipeg ..300 Sterling Rank of Canada La Banque Provincial Du Can. Dalkeith 44 Winnipeg 109b C. A. Farrell Union Bank of Canada Toronto E. H. Brown______ fiOO CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. G. Maynard___ 75 Imperial Bank of Canada Crediton 20,000,000 Toronto Montreal .. Oraighnrst Toronto Toronto G. M. Phemister, A Toronto ______ H. E. Lambert ___ Winnipeg Union Bank of Canada________ A. C. McBride____ Durham__________ 1494 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — Reserve Funds 44 20.400.000 Montreal 21.485,830 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- Toronto 10.000.000 Halifax Dutton___________ ..813 MQI SONS BANK Dashwood________ -.600 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. G. Maynard .... Montreal 20,000,000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA......... C. R. Young Delhi....................... ..733 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. L. Sutherland .. MOLSONS BANK 20,000,000 Toronto Montreal J. S. Harding_____ Eastview Centre .. .5324 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA............. G. J. Cheley______ 27.250.000 Montreal Surplus 27,909,582 Desboro___________ -.150 BANK OF MONTREAL................... (Sub to Chatsworth ' 27.250.00C Montreal Surplus 27,909,582 „ Surplus Dorchester Station .500 J. B. Sandy.... ......... BANK OF TORONTO____ BANK OF MONTREAL.......—— Toronto — 600 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... O. Luckhardt____ Reserve Funds Ontario continued on second half of tbU page. 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Drayton___ Montreal VV • O* OtjU BANK OF MONTREAL—......... BANK OF MONTREAL—........... — Surplus 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Surplus 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 10,000,000 Halifax ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... Reserve Funds E. E. N. Smith. . BANK OF TORONTO....... STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- H. R. McHoull___ 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485.830 Toronto Acting .. RlmraJe .. _____ 1 son « Winnipeg DANA Ur NUv A OvUIIA-------- W. L. Lawson, ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - Branches throughout Canada Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10,000,000 Halifax and Toronto West Indies 1783 Surplus 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 500 ioo Elgin........................... ..300 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA - 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Winnipeg BANQUE D’HOCHELABA............. Eganville........... ...... .1015 27 250.000 27,909,582 Reserve Funds Eastons Corners... -200 Delta_____________ ..500 BANK OF MONTREAL............... . Deseronto________ .1846 D AH n Ur mUll 1 litAL------------ Head Office. $ 20,000,000 Toronto Dresden_________ ..1339 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. A. Gibson, Acting ♦ .. .. DOMINION BANK........................... .1. S. Lord . Toronto 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909.582 CANADIAN BK. 0FC0MMEBCE* A. R. Currie. Manager or Agent. Name of Bank. _______ ONTARIO BANKS —Copper Cliff to Elmvale 7419 BANK OF MONTREAL Cornwall Post Office and Population. 1924 .2597 BANK OF TORONTO Head Office. J anuary, Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- 1783 g./To,1 .isar«,1a(,asw>. 5.!^^____________ ONTARIO—Continued________________ ONTARIO m«p opposite Toronto Post Office and Population. Manager or Agent. Name op Bane. Elmwood________ —600 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA......... C. W. Zlliax Reserve Funds Elora.—__________ . 1136 BANK OF MONTREAL M ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— N. T). Hall Paid-up Capital. Head Office. Post Office and Population. Enleyet Name of Manages os Agent. Bank. Paid-up Capital. ____ 8 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA............ (Sub. to Sudbury). Montreal 27,250.000 Montreal 27.909,582 ... 600 Imperial Bank of Canada______ F. T. Kyle________ Toronto 20 400 000 Montreal 21,485,830 -2300 BANK OF MONTREAL J 20,400,000 Montreal 21.485,830 Surplus Embro....................... ...460 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA......... J. McKerchar____ Reserve Funds Embrun.................. ...450 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.— J. A. Lacombe......... Reserve Funds 300 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Fnglehart .. 759 Imperial Bank of Canada. Union Bank of Canada.. Toronto ____ Reserve Funds Erin_____________ ... 479 Union Bank of Canada________ .. 400 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— J. E. Neill Reserve Funds Exeter 20 4on non 21,4851830 Toronto . 1588 Imperial Bank of Canada Union Bank of Canada ____ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 20 000 000 . 1442 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 20,000,000 M0LS0NS BANK Fenelon Falls____ . 1031 BANK OF MONTREAL Sterling Bank of Canada_____ f!. O. Mnnroe. . .. 383 Fingal 400 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto Fisherville —_ “ C. H. Smith.............. Toronto (Sub. to Sturgeon Falls) Montreal Surplus 100 Union Bank of Canada______ Fitzroy Harbor__ ...150 Flesherton__ 20,400,000 21,4851830 Surplus ... 422 » Ontario continued on second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis “ ** M0LS0NS BANK “ 14 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- J.N. Gordon______ (Sub. to Arnprior) Surplus C. T. Batty C. N. Sarney-------- Reserve Funds ________ J.D. Livingston.__ Montreal Toronto .. 500 M0LS0NS BANK.......................... (Sub.toTeeswater) Montreal Montreal G. A. R. King. __ Toronto Fort Frances____ ..3109 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. F. Turner. __ 20.000.000 Toronto DOMINION BANK______________ W. T. Russell......... Toronto 27,250.000 Montreal 27 flOQ 5R2 27.250 000 27,909,582 Winnipeg 10,000,000 Halifax •* 20,541 ★BANK OF MONTREAL................ D. McCullum_____ Surplus “ ★BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA............ •* •• *' _ _ Toronto ♦BANK OF TORONTO__________ J. R. Wright ♦CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Geo. E. Ewing____ •• 27.250.000 Montreal 27.909,582 10,000.000 Halifax ♦DOMINION RANK 20,000.000 Toronto Toronto W. S. Pate________ •• “ 14 *' ♦ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - •• 41 ★Union Haute of Canada “ Fort William Clearing House.. L. J. Webster, Ch._ (Members Indicated by a ★) W. K. Wickens, W. K. Wickens Toronto — H. H. Richards... Reserve Funds 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Winnipeg Vice-Ch. Fournier________ __ 378 Enxhnrn __ 300 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909.582 Toronto Frankford_______ ___786 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Freeman________ ...100 Ereoltnn ___ 250 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. MOLSONS BANK _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BANK OF TORONTO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... Doa\inion Securities Corporation, Limited Toronto J. G. Bertrand. Sec. D. L. Couture____ Montreal (Sub. to Belleville) Toronto R. T. Dunlop_____ Montreal A. E. Hunt________ Toronto ( Burlington) Reserve Funds MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. 20,400.000 Montreal 21.485,830 1 GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL. AND CORPORATION BONDS 1924 Florence________ ...400 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_ _ _ _ BANK OF MONTREAL - STANDARD BANK OF CANADAROYAL BANK OF CANADA— 227,150 Correspondents: Standard Bk. of Can.. Toronto, Ont., and branches. V.-Pres. Rest. 74,030 D. Whyte, Mgr. ______ January, Finch_________ D. Weir, Pres.......... East Lambton Farmers Loan k Savings Oo. W. N. Ironside, Fort Erie________ . 1546 M0LS0NS BANK............................ A. E. Johnson......... Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA......... Field......................... 20,000,000 Toronto -1422 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE D. Rymer. Montreal Toronto . 1796 BANK OF TORONTO... _ _ _ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA_ _ _ BANK OF MONTREAL — BANK OF MONTREAL Forest......... Winnipeg Kerens Feversham______ __ 100 20,000,000 Toronto Formosa Winnipeg •* 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto Fenwick................... .. 500 Union Bank of Canada “ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. J. McHugh.__ Montreal Fairbank_________ .1500 DOMINION BANK______________ J. R. Millard........... « “ “ $ 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Ford City------------..5870 La Banque Provinciale du Canada _________________ J. R. Simard______ (2 Branches in Ford City) _ 400 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R. B. Heard______ Fordwich__ 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Winnipeg BANK OF TORONTO__________ Everett.............. .. Essex 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 20,400.000 Montreal 21.485,830 20.000.000 __ .. 500 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA —- Head Office. _________ ONTARIO BANKS—Elmwood to Freeman „ ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto ONT A RIO—Continued 1784 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Inj 70 a dexed Acces>). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. J. / 0*t Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. Galt_____________ 13,216 BANK OF MONTREAL------ Manager or Agent. ONT A RIO—Continued Paid-up Capital. % 27,250,000 Montreal Surplus A. F. Knight__ 27.909,582 10,000,000 Halifax P. J. Wright______ BANK OF TORONTO........... CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE C. E. A. Dowler.... Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto Imperial Bank of Canada___ H. Robarts_______ Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— W. Philip............ . Reserve Funds BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA — 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Union Bank of Canada......... Gananoque.............. 3694 Head Office. BANK OF MONTREAL-----BANK OF TORONTO............ Post Office and Population. Haileybury............... 3743 Manager Agent. Name of Bank. BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- or BANK OF MONTREAL--------- Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. L. Thompson.... Glasgow Station.—.... „ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA........ (Sub. to Arnprior) BANK OF MONTREAL--------Surplus ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — G. Dickson.............. Reserve Funds E. G. Archambault, Pro. Glen Robertson ........ 250 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.......... Goderich. BANK OF MONTREAL----------Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. Williams “ .... ___ Golden T.alre Goodwood 41(17 Gore Bay______ ____ 635 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA (Sub.toStouffville) BANK OF MONTREAL---------- Gormley—.......... ____150 Imperial Bank of Canada____ Gorrle_________ ........550 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Grafton inn STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Grand Valley__ ____620 Imperial Bank of Canada......... ii ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — BANK OF MONTREAL---------Gravenhnrst—.. —1078 DOMINION BANK...... ........... . Grimsby—............ .. .2004 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... Guelph... 18,128 BANK OF MONTREAL.............. BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA___ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE DOMINION BANK--------------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-----Granton_ _ ..300 Surplus (Sub. to Aurora).. H. V. Holmes____ N. G. Armour. R. C. Gordon... R. J. Leach___ Reserve Funds Surplus F. A. Boulden .. A. O. Turner______ C. D. Wells_______ Reserve Funds Surplus H. W. Cram______ W. Hilborn______ A. E. Gibson_____ R. L. Torrance........ Reserve Funds Haliburton________ 482 Hamilton.............114,151 Winnipeg BANK OF MONTREAL — BANK of MONTREAL (9 Branches in Hamilton) Surplus $ 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 • Toronto Union Bank of Canada_______ 10,000,000 Halifax BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA— (2 Branches in Hamilton) 27,250,000 Montreal Collections made on any point in Canada and promptly remitted for at favorable rates. SEE FULL PAGE ADVERTISEMENT IN TORONTO, ONTARIO, BANK LIST. 27,909,582 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 10 000,000 Halifax , CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. G. Laird______ 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto (3 Branches in Hamilton) 'DOMINION BANK Toronto Winnipeg Toronto C. P. Furlong _______ Toronto 500,000 Correspondent: Guaranty f CyrusA.Birge,Pr. Tr. Co.. N. Y. Mercantile Trust Co. of Canada, 1 < S. C. Macdonald, Mgr. < Rest. 150,000 Montreal ♦MOLSONS BANK------------- - J.E.R. Wainwright (4 Branches) 20,400,000 ♦ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- R. H. Harvey-----(6 Branches in Hamilton) W. A. Allingham, A sst. Reserve Funds 21,485,830 Royal Trust Co.____________ Toronto ♦STANDARD BANK OF CANADA E. Y. Illse'y_______ ♦Union Bank of Canada............. Winnipeg (3 Branches in Hamilton) 1,200,000 Correspondents: Royal Geo. Hope, Pres. Bk. of Can., Montreal; Hamilton Prov. & Loan Corp.D.M. Cameron, G en. Mgr. Bk. of Hamilton, Ham Reserve Funds 1,400,000 ilton, Ont.; Molsons Bk., Montreal.; Imper ial Bk. of Can., Toron to, Ont; Bk. of Nova Scotia, Halifax. Correspondents: Royal C. S. Scott, Pres. Robert Hobson, V.-F. Landed Banking & Loan Co... Bk. of Can., Molsons 1,000,000 Bk., Montreal, Que.; C. W. Cartwright, Man’ g Dir. Re St. 1,000,000 Dominion Bk., Toron Hamilton Clearing House____ A. C. Rowe, to, Ont. (Members indicated by a ♦) Mgr. Sec. and Tr. 27,250,000 Montreal .300 BANK OF MONTREAL----------- (Sub. to Bowmanville) 27,909,582 Surplus Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto Toronto 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485.830 27.250 000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto Toronto Montreal Montreal Halifax 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 20,000,000 Toronto Winnipeg Hampton. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - Branches in every Province Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Toronto (4 Branches in Hamilton) Toronto 10,000,000 Halifax 20,000,000 Toronto F. V. Lumb (Asst. Mgr.) ♦Imperial Bank of Canada____ 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 . .Head Office, Toronto. of Canada from Coast to Coast 1785 Haileybury _______3743 Ontario continued on second half of this page. *BANK OF TORONTOJ STEPHEN. . . . . . . . . 20,000,000 Toronto 20 000.000 20,400,000 21,485,830 27,250,000 27,909,582 10.000.000 10,000,000 (2 Branches in Hamilton) 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Winnipeg Union Bank of Canada_______ Hagersville_______ 1169 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. E. Greer. Montreal 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Sterling Bank of Canada............ C. L. Jackson Union Bank of Canada —.......... 7K Sterling Bank of Canada........ G. A. Bel’ford.Aciff. 300 Head Office. J. N. Pare............... R. G. Wallace____ Georgetown_______2061 Paid-up Capital. Union Bank of Canada .. Winnipeg Surplus L. S. Barr________ ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto January, 1924______________ ONT ARIO BANKS —Galt to Hampton Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 1785 %% Point dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc . see Laws. Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. Hanover__________ 2781 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Harriettsville_____100 Harris ton..................1263 ONTARIO—Continued Han ACER ok Agent. Surplus H. L. Reinhardt... Reserve funds H. A. Ballard, Pro. Paid-dp Capital. S 27.250.000 Montreal Reserve Funds D. P. Macfarlane.. .700 imperial Bank of Canada______ P. T. Clark______ Harrow. Harrowsmith............. 400 Havelock__________1268 Hawkesbury______ 5544 Hawkesville________ 250 Hearst________________ Imperial Bank of Canada_____ C. H. Hazlett Heidelberg.............—150 Hensall..........................756 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_ _ _ _ _ (Sub. to St. Jacobs' M0LS0NS BANK.................... H. Arnold.. _____ Sterling Bank of Canada_____ J. L. Meek_______ Hickson _ Highgate ... ___ 200 ... . Hills burgh. —.394 ... 350 Honeywood........ ....150 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - 21,48^,830 Toronto Toronto Montreal 10,000.000 Halifax Toronto STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. BANK OF MONTREAL............. (S ub. to Chatsworth ) Surplus BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - Surplus BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - - - J. H. Lawrence.... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10.000,000 Halifax ---------- j In wood.................... ...350 Iroquois............ . *• —916 •• Iroquois Falls ___ .1178 Islington Toronto Toronto Jasper.......... . Montreal Toronto 10,000.000 Halifax ...170 Kagawong______ — 100 Kearney _______ ... 319 Keewatin________ _ 1227 Kemptville. ____ . 1204 20.400,000 Reserve Funds 21,485,830 Montreal 'Sub. to Fort Willi am> A L. Munro_____ Toronto BANK OF MONTREAL............. ROYAL 6ANK OF CANADA---BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA....... 20,000,000 Toronto C. B. Lewis, Actg... Arte. (Sub. to Gore Bay) 10,000,000 Halifax ______ Toronto Toronto 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto (Sub. toSprucedale ) 20 400.000 Montreal Reserve Funds 21,48j,830 Toronto E. H. Barnes............ F. Bruce ________ Reserve Funds G. E. Snider______ 20.40C.000 Montreal 21,483 830 10,000,000 Halifax DOMINION BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - - - BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA----- (Sub. to Mt. Forre St)_______ Toronto Kenora__________ ..5407 BANK OF NOVA SC0TIA- W.H.Dickinson.Ac tg. 10,000,000 Halifax D0MINI0N BANK- - - - - - - - - - - W. W. Duncan .... „ Kerrwood________ —150 (Sub. to Russell).. 10,000,000 Halifax Toronto Toronto Imperial Bank of Canada— ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. H. H. Ta*e ______ Reserve Funds BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - J. L. Thompson ... Toronto A. Aitkin, Acting.. Toronto Keswick_________ ...125 sterling Bank of Canada- Killaloe ................. ....522 Sterling Bank of Canada 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto Kettleby________ ___90 Imperial Bank of Canada.. Dominion Securities Corporation, Limited Toronto A J. H. Brown_____ Kenmore________ ...300 Toronto Toronto Montreal 20.400.onn Montreal 21,485,830 Winnipeg Union Bank of Canada_______ Kenilworth______ — .50 Montreal Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA----- Toronto 20 400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 20.600.000 Toronto A. J. Kelly_______ Reserve Funds Kapuskasing_____ ...926 Imperial Bank ofCanada_____ J. D. Pa terson___ Toronto 27,250,000 Montreal 27.909.582 27.250,000 Montreal 27.909.582 Toronto Toronto R. H. Seaman .... Jordan Station___ —200 Sterling Bank of Canada______ E. E. Corbett, Keene___________ .. 400 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909.582 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE MOLSONS BANK............ ........ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— M. S. Crawforth... Reserve Fluids J. F. Gillespie........ Jordan........ ............ .. 170 imperial Bank of Canada_____ (Sub. to Vineland) Montreal Toronto $ 27,250,000 Montreal 27 909.582 20 000,000 Toronto 20,400,000 Montreal R. W. Green------Reserve Funds 21,485,830 A. V. Kellum_____ 20.400.uu0 Vlontreal Reserve Funds 21 485,830 (Sub. to So. Moun a in) 10000 000 Halifax _____ ...500 Union Bank of Canada_______ Jarvis___________ .. 485 10.000,000 Halifax Surplus H. J. White............ Inglewood............. . .. 350 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Inkerman............... -300! BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.......... I lnnerkip_________ ...300 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- G. W. King______ Montreal Winnipeg G. E. North wood.. Humberstone... .. 1524 Imperial Bank of Canada_____ (Sub. to Port Colborne) Huntsville.......... .. 2246 DOMINION BANK_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W. E. Glenney___ Ilderton________ —.230 230 Imperial Bank of Canada------- I. K. Johnston____ •• “ F,. Hayes________ MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. Toronto GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL. AND CORPORATION BONDS ___ January, 1924 Holland Center . —145 Holstein DOMINION BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - - - J. R. Brethour ... BANK OF MONTREAL_ _ _ _ _ _ Surplus STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. 0. W. King______ M0LS0NS BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - - - J. G. Montgomery. .500 Union Bank of Canada_______ Hillsdale______ ___ 450 •* Winnipeg Hepworih—................317 Union Bank of Canada_______ BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE “ Toronto Arthur Falardeau •• “---------- BANK OF TORONTO_ _ _ _ _ _ _ H. F. McNichol__ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA........ A.M.Pinard _ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA ......... 0, Charette______ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA_ _ _ _ _ Ingersoll______ _ . 5150 Paid-dp Capital. 20.100.000 Montreal Winnipeg J. Campion______ A. S. Anderson. Actg. (Sub. to St. Jacobs) Name of Bank. 27 909,582 20.400.000 Montreal 21.483,830 10,000,000 Halifax Union Bank of Canada_______ Imperial Bank of Canada__ Hawkestone............... 350 Sterling Bank of Canada__ Manager or Agent. Post Office and Population. ONTARIO BANKS—Hanover to Killaloe M0LS0NS BANK......... ........... BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_ _ _ _ D. C. Hamilton.__ BANK OF TORONTO_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A. U. Bailey_____ F. W. B. Dejean... Hastings___________ 730 Head Office. ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto 1786 1786 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) tn back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. Kinburn—_ ------- 200 Union Bank of Canada. Kincardine. .... 2077 King City.__ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— ------ 500 BANK OF MONTREAL_ _ _ _ _ —21.753 *BANK OF MONTREAL_ _ _ _ Kingston____ Manager or Agent. Surplus R. F. Grant.............. Reserve Fund# Surplus Surplus Bead Office. j (2 Branches in Kingston) E. E. Newman.. Reserve Funds J. F. Rowland.. $ 27.250.000 27.909 582 27 250.000 21,485.830 27 250,000 27.909,582 27.250.UUO 27.909,582 Montreal Montreal Montreal Post Officf and Population. Bank. Kingsville. ... 1783 BANK OF MONTREAL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Surplus MOLSONS BANK_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R. B. Samuel______ BANK OF MONTREAL.......... . ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— S erling Bank of Canada____ S. Sutton______ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA MOLSONS BANK_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA........ . ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... BANK OF MONTREAL........... G. H. Hardy.__ 1189 Lamhcth 500 Lambton Mills.__ ..500 Lanark 597 Lancaster .. 672 27,909,582 (Sub. to Thames ford) Reserve Funds Kirkfleld______ ----- 300 Sterling Bank of Canada______R. E. Nevison_____ Kirkland Lake. ----- 700 imperial Bank of Canada_____ S. B. Moore. Kirk ton.__ Kitchener. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... —18f MOLSONS BANK_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .21,763 *BANK OF MONTREAL.......... A. B. Wilson (2 Branches in Kitchener) ♦CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE “ " .............. “ Montreal , 10 000,000 Halifax S. H. Gregg........ Surplus 20.400.000 Montreal 21,48j 830 27 50 UMi Montreal 27,909,582 Surplus F. W. B. Fitzgerald 27.V50.00P Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto Reserve Funds Winnipeg ROYAL BANK OF CANADA_ _ _ Union Bank of Canada_______ W, B. Dunn______ Lefaivre 21,485,830 Lefroy __ Toronto Toronto Lindsay. 7620 Montreal 27,250.000 Montreal 27,903,582 M 10,030,000 Halifax Toronto E. M. Sharpe... Reserve Funds _____ ...175 La Banque Provincial du A. Bricot____ .... Canada . 737 Sterling Bank of Canada______ S. G. Modeland... 20 400 000 Montreal G. B. McKay_____ BANK OF MONTREAL............ Linwood________ _ ..350 Lions Head________ 425 BANK OF MONTREAL_ _ _ _ _ _ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE DOMINION BANK_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... STANDARD BANK OF CANADABANKOF NOVA SCOTIA_ _ _ _ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA_ _ _ Surplus E. M. Lockie_____ S. L. Reade _____ Toronto 27.250.000 Montreal 27,9C9,.j82 20.400.000 Montreal 21,48j,830 Winnipeg Montreal Toronto 27.250.UO0 Montreal 27,909,582 20.UUU.UUU Toronto Toronto B. C. Stone.............. Reserve Funds S. Alcorn________ 20 400.000 Montreal 21,48j,830 F. W. Hill_______ 10,000.000 Halifax E, Paterson............. Reserve Funds 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Surplus 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto W. H. Collins.......... 20.000,000 Toronto ‘Chartered Trust & Executor A. J. Prest.............. Toronto ♦DOMINION BANK_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ♦MOLSONS BANK —...... — *R0YAL BANK OF CANADA- R. D. Boughner.__ Toronto CANADIAN BK.OFCOMMERCE J. R. Kirkpatrick.. Montreal Imperial Bank of Canada______ M. R. Hay_______ Toronto STANDARD BANK OF CANADABANK OF MONTREAL.......... . Toronto i ♦Union Bank of Canada.__ F. H. Boehmer.... Reserve Funds 20.400.000 Montreal 21.48j.830 Winnipeg Listowel. ______ 2477 Little Britain.. .250 Little Current. .923 BANK OF MONTREAL_ _ _ _ _ _ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A. W. McLaughlin Surplus Ontario continued on second half of this page. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - New York: 68 William Street H. P. Wanzer ___ _ London: 20,000 000 Toronto 27.250 000 Montreal 27,909,582 1787 -------.......... Toronto 20.400.000 Montreal 21.485,830 James Macdonald Toronto 21,485,830 A. J. Cundick_____ BANK OF MONTREAL............ BANK OF TORONTO................ Reserve Funds 21,485,830 W.T. Douglas.. Surplus Maxon & Maxon_____________ George M. Maxon 20.400.000 Montreal J. C. Veitch . Surplus ♦BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA. ♦BANK OF TORONTO...... Leamington............ . 3675 Montreal jUnion Bank of Canada............!__________________ BANK OF CANADA— - ____ ...400 Reserve Funds Lansing_________ —100 Sterling Bank of Canada_____ W. A. Hay.......... 27.250.000 Montreal Head Office. Korn oka Lansdowne Kinmount_____ -----650 Sterling Bank of Canada...........A. A. Williamson.. Kin tore________ —108 royal Paid-up Capital ( WoodS 20.400.000 Montreal bridge) Reserve Funds 21,485 830 (Sub. to London) 27.2.0, (00 Montreal Surplus 27.909.582 G. G. Connell_____ 2U.4UU.000 Montreal Kent Brothers_______________ R. E. Kent. Kingston Clearing House........ iPhilip DuMoulin, j {Members indicated by a*) j Ch. E. E. Newman, V ict-Ch. \ A. N. Lee, Mgr. Manager or Agent. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-. Toronto 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto of Kleinburg.............. ...300 Montreal 20,000,000 Toronto Name Kitchener.......... -- 21,763 Kitchener Clearing House. (Members indicated by a*) Lakefie!d._ 10.000.000 Halifax ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto O N TA RIO BANKS — K inburn to L ittle C urrent ♦BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA..........A. N. Lyster *BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - C. P. Borland__ ♦CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE F. E. Dench.__ ♦ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.... ♦STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Paid-up Capital Winnipeg BANK OF MONTREAL 1(3 Branches in Kingston) ONTARIO—Continued Jan u a ry, 1924 _____ 1 7R7 1' Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (InLaws (Indexed) In hack of this dexed Acces.), volume. For Interest ates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Loiselleville.. Manages or Agent. Non of Bank. .50 Paid-dp Capital. Head Office. La Banque Provinciale du Can. Thos. Monforton.. -------------- Montreal Montreal Londesborough----- 250 M0LS0NS BANK---------------- (Sub.toBrucefield) London__________ 60,959 ♦BANK OF MONTREAL*.......... Surplus (5 Branches in London) ♦BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA----- G. H. Montgomery F. fl Fiplri ♦BANK OF TORONTO-----(5 $ T.G.Meredith, Pres. Hume Cronyn, Gen. Mgr, Reserve (4 Branches in London) ♦CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R. J. Brymner___ 10,000,000 Halifax Lvn Toronto Lynden________ 1,000,000 712,010 120,000,000 Branches in London) Huron & Erie Mortgage Co. T.G.Meredith.Pres. Hume Cronyn, (4 Branches in London) Gen’l Mgr. Reserve Funds ♦Imperial Bank of Canada____ A. J. Gnnria.ll London & Western Tr. Co., Ltd. A. T. Little, Pres.. J. S. Moore Rest ♦MOLSONS BANK--------------- W. H. Pratt_____ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — V. F. r.rnnyn Reserve Funds (3 Branches in London) 5,000,000 __ __905 Mallnrytnwn 500.000 300,000 .500 ...500 . 400 Manotick_____ .. 350 ...400 — 88211 Montreal Martintown____ Massey. _____ Canadian Government a London East, London So., Lone Branch........... (Members indicated by a *) (See London) (See London) Reserve Funds Ontario continued on second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Surplus D. R. Platt........... A. W. Crawforth.. A. E. Hawke, Act’g M. E. Grant, Act’g . W. W. W. Dean... C. S. Campbell ___ Reserve Funds A. W. Barlow........ H. H. Betts______ Toronto __ 708 DOMINION BANK--------------- G. D. Crowtber, Pro. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-— C.V. Mac Gillivray ID BANK OF CANADA- J. £. McLean. T0R0NT0 ----------- W. L. YoungMONTREAL--------- Toronto 20,400,000 21,485,830 Montreal INK OF NOVI 'TIA INQUE D’HO HELAGA. &NK OF MOINTREAL .... OF TORONTO....... OLSONS BANK-...... .. Union Bank of Canada. Union Bank of Canada... BANK OF NOVA SC0TIA- $ 27,250.000 27,909,528 20,000,000 27,250,000 27,909,582 20,400.000 21,485,830 10,000,000 27,250,000 27,909.582 20,000,000 20,400,000 21,485,830 20,400,000 21,485,830 27,250,000 27,909,582 27,250,000 27,909.582 10,000,000 10,000,000 20,400,000 21,485,830 W. E. Sparham__ A. H. Allen.......... . 10,000,000 10,000,000 Surplus W. E. Van Norman 1). A. Ferguson ___ 27,250,000 27,909,582 L. M. MacMillan.. S. A. Carson.......... 10,000,000 (Sub. to Lanark) .. BANK OF MONTREAL—-----CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE P. J. Fasken ... Surplus ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — L.T. Brandon.Reserve Funds 0 BANK OF CANADA W. S. Benson ... OF MONTREAL--------- NK OF NOVA SCOTIA......... Millbank............ — __ 400 NK OF TORONTO-----------Mill Brook.. _____ 717 .. 600 Sterling Bank of Canada....... Mille Roches. .1873 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA___ Milton_____ H RANK OF TORONTO CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Dominion Securities Corporation. Limited Toronto Surplus (Sub. to Milverton) H. J. Grasett......... H. P. Hayes.......... W. B. Clements.__ M. F. Pan+on____ C. II. Stuart_____ MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. Head Office. Montreal Montreal Toronto Toronto Montreal Montreal Montreal Toronto Halifax Montreal Toronto Toronto Montreal Montreal Montreal Winnipeg Toronto Toronto Montreal Halifax Toronto Toronto Toronto Halifax Montreal Toronto Halifax Halifax Montreal Montreal Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Montreal Winnipeg Halifax Winnipeg Halifax 27,250.000 20,000,000 27,909,582 20,400.000 21,485,830 27.250,000 27,909,582 10,000,000 10,000,000 "zb'mooo Montreal Toronto Montreal Toronto Montreal Halifax Toronto Toronto Halifax Toronto Toronto GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL, AND CORPORATION BONDS January, 1924 London Clearing House----------- Surplus 375 ...632 __ 305 Mattawa____ .1462 Correspondents: Located ...725 in Vancouver, V peg and Halifax; also ..2650 Aemilius Jarvis & CoLtd., Toronto, Ontario ;; Aemilius Jarvis & Co., ment. Municipal and Ltd., Ottawa. Ontario; ...300 directly on Orders executed Aemilius Jarvis & Co., Melbourne............ —300 j Ltd., Montreal,Quebec change. Cable A ddress: s of Bond Dealer s Aemilius Jarvis & Co. Merrickville........ — 807 2544 Incorp’d, New York, N, Y.; Aemilius Jarvis & Metcalfe______ —500 Co., London, England. Middleville_____ —200 Correspondents: Wood, - 7016 Gundy & Co., Toronto, “ Montreal, Winnipeg,and nd Municipal Bo nds. London, England. “ B.N.Sylverster, Sec (Royal Bank Chambers) HfVaffUnr= Toronto Correspondents: Bk. Of Montreal, London, Ont. Markham______ ..1012 Marlbank_______ ...450 Montreal AEMILIUS JARVIS & CO., . , O. H. Mabee......... Limited D .B. Weldon, Local Mgrs. Eoyal Bank Building (H. 0. Toronto) WOOD, GUNDY & CO.......... S T. S. Reid' (Sub. to Bro:kville) BANK OF MONTREAL....... Surplus W. B. Sloan_____ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. Reserve Funds J. E. Curry........... (Sub. to Perth) ... ( Barry’sBay) Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE C. L. Jewell-------I0MINI0N BANK----- -------- W. H. McBain___ 10YAL BANK OF CANADA...... H. B. Sutherland. Mgr. Reserve Funds A. H. Votier......... Reserve Funds ...450 Markdale______ INDARD lANK OF CANADA. A. M. Smith — K. OF COMMERCE J. A. Glennie— .948 20,400,000 21,485,830 ♦STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FT. F. Clarke Underwriters of Govern Corporation Securities, the Toronto Stock Ex “Aemilius.” Member Association of Canada. Surplus Manitowaning— Maple 1,650,000 J. O. Ledue. .683 Lyndhurst_____ —200 Correspondents: Canadian Maberly....... ........ — 175 Madawaska_____ — Bk. of Com., Toronto, Ont.; Bk. of Montreal, Marine . 1058 and Royal Bank Can., Montreal, Que. —288 Magnet awan___ Toronto Toronto P. S. Earqukar Lucknow.. Paid-cf Capital. B A N K S — L oiselleville to M ilton ♦DOMINION BANK-------------- B. B. Manning___ Manages ob Agent. Name of Bank. -.1298 Lucan_________ Montreal (2 Branches in London) (2 Post Office and Population. 27,250,000 27.909,582 Biranches in London) Canada Trust Co.________ ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto ONT A RIO—Continued 1788____________________ O N T A R IO 1 '7CQ 1 / OO Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Aoces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Name or Bank. Milverton__________ 951 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-----CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE BANK OF MONTREAL........... Mimico___________ 3751 Manager os Agent* W. G. Logan .. R. S. Fleming. Surplus ONTARIO—Continued Paid-up Capital. { 10,000,000 Halifax , 20 000.000 Toronto 27,250 000 Montreal 27,909,582 Winnipeg Union Bank of Canada . .100 Mindemoya BANK OF MONTREAL Minden............ .............350 Sterling Bank of Canada. Mitchell..................... 1800 Monkland.......... ........ 100 BANK OF MONTREAL — CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE BANK OF MONTREAL ...... Surplus 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto M. A. Morrison Surplus 27.250.000 Montreal 27.909.582 N. G. Schafer........ 20,000.000 Toronto (Sub. to Finch) ... Surplus 27.250,000 Montreal 27.909.582 Moose Creek__ 400 -.400 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA — Mount Albert__ .... 500 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA — MOLSONS BANK-----------BANK OF TORONTO - BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA DOMINION BANK_ _ _ _ _ Mount Brydges. Union Bank of Canada .. Morrisburg____ ___1444 Morriston_____ ____250 Mountain __ 100 Mount Dennis .. —4000 Mount Elgin____ ___150 Mount Forest . —1718 “ .200 Muir Kirk_________ 100 Navan_.............. 300 Nelles Corners____ —55 Nestleton Station____40 Neustadt_____ _____ 422 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. CANADIAN BK.0FC0MMERCE Newburgh__________416 Newcastle_____ ____559 STANDARD BANK OF CANADABANK OF MONTREAL -....... STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- M. B. Stewart. Pro. 10.000.000 Halifax New Hamburg—... 1351 F. M. Wilmot____ , 10 000.000 Halifax H. E. Pauli........... . Montreal J. C. Kennedy ___ Toronto R. J. Sherman.Pro W. F. R. Bohme... , 10 000.000 Halifax Toronto Newington____ — .300 New Liskeard— _v<2268 DOMINION BANK_ _ _ _ _ H. R. Hawthorne Actg. (Sub. to Iugersoll) 20.400.000 Montreal Surplus 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Reserve Funds R. A. Wallace____ Reserve Funds New Lowell____ . .250 Newmarket........ — 3626 BANK OF TORONTO......... BANK OF MONTREAL-------BANK OF TORONTO........ Imperial Bank of Canada. Newtonville 175 New Toronto______2669 Niagara Falls........14764 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Sub. to Jarvis____ STANDARD BANK OF CANADA-. BANK OF MONTREAL .......... BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-......... CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE DOMINION BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - - BANK OF MONTREAL -....... CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE DOMINION BANK---- ------- 21,485,830 20,000,000 Toronto Niagara Falls Centre 1738 20,000,000 Toronto Niagara Falls South 2967 Toronto 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto (Sab. to Waterloo) Montreal Winnipeg G. H. Meyers.. 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto J. S. Doyler.__ 27,250,000 Montreal Surplus C. G. Mann, Acting T. B. Chester Surplus F. A. M. Lister ___ F. H. Hewson_____ J. S. Montgomery. 27,909,582 10,000,000 Halifax Toronto Winnipeg Toronto 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto Toronto Toronto Surplus G. S. Jourdan, Pro. 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 10,000,000 W. D. Lawson------ 20,000,000 Halifax R. D. Black, Acting Surpl us A. W. White, Acting (2 Branches in Niagara Falls) ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— C. A. R. Warren— Reserve Funds CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. S. Harrison.... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— C. W. Goodman__ Reserve Funds CANADIAN BK.0FC0MMERCE t A. Tt. band____ Imperial bank of Canada_____ •T. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - Branches throughout Canada Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20.400.000 Montreal Surplus J. S. Montgomery. 1 I.J. G.n. Trask_______ Hood Toronto 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto Toronto Toronto H. Arkell_____ and Toronto 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909 582 20,000.000 Toronto Toronto Toronto 20,400.000 Montreal 21.485.830 20,000,000 Toronto 20.400.000 Montreal 21.485.830 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto West Indies 1789 W. V. Redditt, Acting Toronto 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Winnipeg imperial Bank of Canada*____ STANDARD BANK OF CANADA BANK OF MONTREAL-------- $ 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 R. Anderson............ Union Bank of Canada ............. Toronto 20,400.000 Montreal 21.485.830 20,400.000 Montreal 21.485.830 MOLSONS BANK..................... CANADIAN BK OF COMMERCE STANDARD BANK OF CANADABANK OF MONTREAL .......... BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_ _ _ _ _ Head Office. Toronto (Sub. to Blackstoc t> B. H. Bloodsworth 20,000,000 Toronto Imperial bank of Canada_____ J. H. McCaw Winnipeg 10,000.000 Halifax F. H. Nelson _____ Reserve Funds (Sub. to Cayuga).. Paid-up Capital. Newboro_____ ______346 Union Bank of Canada_______ 129 Toronto Surplus G. P. Carr_______ W. J. Wiggins____ Reserve Funds R. R. White______ Nashville___________ 25 Imperial Bank of Canada_____ (Sub. to Bolton)... 300 Union Bank of Canada.............. M. G. Bruce Ontario continued on seeond half of this pap. BANK OF MONTREAL OMIN rkaonfkcanaoa: OYAL STANDARD BANK OF CANADA New Germany Surplus Myrtle Station______ 25 Sterling Bank of Canada_____ H. S. Oalder—— Nanlicoke......................... Napanee__________ 3038 Manager or Agent. New Dundee R. A. Fowlie__ Mount Hope. Name of Bank. 20,000.000 Toronto BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ROYAL BANK OF CARAD BANK OF MONTREAL- Mount Hamilton —1000 Post Office and Population. R. J. Scott___ Monkton______ ____350 Sterlinc Bank of Canada______ V. E. Appel.... Moorefielri Head Office. ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto January, 1924______ ONTARIO BANKS—Milverton to Niagara Falls South 1789 Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. ONT A RIO—Continued Manager or Agent. Paid-up Capital. Head Office. Niagara on the Lake-1318 Imperial Bank of Canada_____ R. R. Brown----- Toronto Nobleton___________200 Imperial Bank of Canada___ Toronto (Sub. to Bolton) BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- R. B. Buchan, Pro. North Bay..........10,692 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.......... T. S. Atkinson— North Augusta_____500 10 000,000 Halifax North Gower-------- 260 Union Bank of Canada.............. Norval................... — 400 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ L. F. Greenwood .. Norwich__________ 1176 MOLSONS BANK................... F. E. Price........ Norwood. ___765 Sterling Bank of Canada____ Reserve Funds J. H. Hartle___ Union Bank of Canada.............. D, B. Cutcliffe. Oakville..................... 3298 BANK OF MONTREAL........... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA BANK OF MONTREAL......... Odessa_____________ 700 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA _ 20.000.000 Toronto BANK OF TORONTO----------BANK OF TORONTO------------- G. 1). Gowans_____ Orangeville------------2187 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— \V. O. C. Ahern ... Sterling Bank of Canada.............. G. M. Fitzgerald, 20 400 000 Montreal 21,48j,830 Toronto BANK OF MONTREAL--------Surplus DOMINION BANK--------------- John Scott. 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— G. Rapley........ ......... 20 400.000 Montreal 21,485,83' Winnipeg Reserve Funds Acting Orillia. .8774 Union Bank of Canada.............. Orono______________ 800 Toronto Reserve Funds STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. W. A. Waddell- MOLSONS BANK-—......... W. Wallace........ Winnipeg ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - C. E. Brien_______ Reserve Funds Winnipeg BANK OF MONTREAL............. 27.250,000 Montreal 27 909 582 20 000 000 Toronto Toronto Oshawa................... 11,940 Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. E. Tylor____ Central Can. Loan & Sav. Co. F. J. Reddin ... Ontario onntinned on DOMINION ' wniml hulf of thl* oa«rv. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C. N. Henry___ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R. P. Findlay ... Toronto Osgoode Station........ 350 Union Bank of Canada.............. Toronto Toronto Montreal 20,000,000 Toronto 590,896 76,240 Toronto Oxford Mills.__ ........500 Paincourt............ ........ 100 Paisley_______ ____760 Toronto Quebec Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal Toronto Toronto Winnipeg ancouver, Winnipeg & Halifax. Toron'o, On ario. London. Ontario, Montreal. Cuebec. Incorporated New York, N. Y. d, London, England. d, d. d, cl. 20.400.009 Montreal 21 485,830 27 250,000 Montreal 27 909,582 20,000,000 Toronto Montreal Union Bank of Canada. 20.400.000 Winnipeg 21.485 830 Halifax 10.000.000 Toronto 20.000 000 Montreal BANK OF MONTREAL-------Surplus ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... T. R. McLennan.. 27 250.000 Montreal 27 909 582 20.400.000 21 485 830 (Sub.toKemptville) BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. Simon________ Dominion Securities Corporation. Limited Toronto Reserve Fund MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL, AND CORPORATION BONDS January, 1924 Orton______________ 100 Union Bank of Canada.............. Ottawa Clearing House.............. . A. Simpson____ i Members indicated by a *) Ottervilie__________ 750 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.... A. M. Bryson------Reserve Funds Owen Sound_____12,190 BANK OF MONTREAL Surplus Head Office. 20.400,000 Montreal 21.48j.830 Toronto Winnipeg 27.250.000 Montreal 27 909,582 10,000,090 Halifax ♦Imperial Bank of Canada____ E. S. Houston.. La Banque Nationale................. P. Lemesurier. (2 Branches in Ottawa) •La Manque Provinriale du Can. P. Lemesurier.. <? Branches in Ottawa) ♦MOLSONS BANK_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G. B. Patteson........ C. A. Hr»v_______ 20,400,000 ♦ROYAL BANK OF CANADA (5 Branches in Ottawa) ..* G.R. D. Watson. A sst. Reserve Funds 21,485,830 Royal Trust, Co_______________ C. A. Eliot............ O. T. de La Plante ♦STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Tor<ini< > r»-ii.Triivi» i ’ormiration James Davey____ Union Bank of Canada______ AEMILIUS JARVIS & CO.,LTD. A. G. Fellows, Mgr (48 Sp irks S reet,) Correspondents: L oca'ed in V (H. O. Toron.o) Also Underwriters of Govern Aemilius Jarvis & Co., Limi‘e ment, Municipal and Cor Aemilius Jarvis & Co., Limi e poration Securities. Orders Aemilius Jarvis & Co., Limite executed directly on the To Aemilius Jaivis & Co., Limite ronto Stock Exchange. Cable Address: “Aemilius” Aemilius Jarvis & Co., Limi'.e Members of Bond Dealers Association of Canada. Winnipeg T. S. Little_______ Omemee___________ 510 Oil Springs_________490 Surplus R. J. Holmes. (3 Branches in Ottawa) Uls* t Mgr.) Capital Trust Corporation, Ltd. J. J. Lyons, Pres... M. G. Connolly. Mgr. Surplus and Profits ♦DOMINION BANK................. C. O. Feilowes. 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto Surplus W. S. Holmes.... Reserve Funds D. E. Plewes__ Reserve Funds Oakwood___________ 250 <5 Branches in Ottawa) ♦CANADIAN BK.0FCOMMERCE P. C. Stevenson... Montreal 20.400.000 Montreal 21 48j.830 27 250.000 Monti cal 27,909,..82 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485.830 Toronto ♦BANK OF MONTREAL*--....... Paid-up Capital. ♦BANK OF TORONTO_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Geo. C. Gardner.. (2 Blanches m Ottawa) +BANQUED’ H0CHELAGA------ D. Larochelle........ , 20,000 000 Toronto l. N. Tompkins.__ Reserve Funds E. C. Hodgins____ (13 Branches in Ottawa) 10 000.000 Halifax' CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. S. Davis— Surplus ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- H. C. Lander_____ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA....... C. S. Smith. Toronto BANK OF TORONTO------------ J. B. L. Grout__ Manager or Agent. Bank. Union Bank of Canada______ 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto of STANDARD BANK OF CANADA . Ottawa................. 107,843 Winnipeg ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - F. J. Hunter.— Name ONTARIO BANKS — Niagara on the Lake to Paisley Reserve E\mds Sterling Bank of Canada_____ C. J. Knox_______ Oshawa_________ 11,940 (Continued) 10.000,000 Halifax Imperial Bank of Canada_____ C. H. Lloyd____ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— D. H. Morison____ Post Office and Population. ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto 1790 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this i / ju Tolume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 1 7Qfl Post Office and Population. ONT ARIO—Continued Manager or Agent. Name op Bank. Paid-up Capital. Pakenham_____ ___ R0( Union Bank of Canada............ Palgrave Head Office. Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. (Continued) ♦BANK OF TORONTO-............ ♦CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE Winnipeg ____ ------ 181 Imperial Bank of Canada ____ (Sub. to Bolton).. — Toronto Palmerston........ — .1523 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Leonard Matthews $ 20,000.000 Toronto “---------- Sterling Bank of Canada............ Paris_____ ... — .4368 BANK OF MONTREAL............... Surplus •• •• BANK OF TORONTO............ . •• •• CANADIAN BK OF COMMERCE S. N. Moffat Park Hill •• CANADIAN DK. OF COMMERCE H. C. Campbell.... •• Parrv Sound .. •• ...3456 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA______ G. L. Zieeler *• — » ♦Union Bank of Canada.. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. H. Bent Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto John Crane____ V. Eastwood.... Reserve Funds Toronto 20.400 ono 21,485,830 Montreal Winnipeg Peterboro Clearing House____ J. W. Fraser. Pres (Members indicated, by a *) E. J. H. Vanston, V. P. D. D. Brown, Sec. —300 Petrolia_________ ..3148 .. .. BANK OF MONTREAL ....... 27.250.000 Montreal 27, £09, .82 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA___ F. H. Gilroy___ BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - Geo. Hay_____ Toronto Vaughn & Fair bank__________ I. Greenizen______ Correspondent: Am. Ex, N. Bk„ N.Y. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- W. F. Law____ Toronto 10,000,000 Halifax 10,000,000 Halifax BANK OF TORONTO..................... .. E. J. H. Vanston _ W. H. Dunsford__ Surplus 20,000,000 Toronto Head Obfice. Toronto 20,000 000 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. W. J. Stew art___ _ Paid-up Capital. Toronto — 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,^82 Manager or Agent. Central Can. Loan & Sav. Co,. W. G. Morrow____ ♦DOMINION BANK...... ............. ♦ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-— Petite Cote.... ,, ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto onn Pefferlaw______ ___ 157 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- P. F. Benn Pelee Island 05(1 BANK OF MONTREAL............ ton) Pembroke. ___ •• .7875 •• .............. •• Pendleton — " 27 25n nnn Montreal 27,909,582 Surplus 27 250 000 Montreal 27,909,582 ............... •• BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.............. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE «• La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. M. Roney_____ •• ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ..... R. L. McCormick.. Reserve Funds 20,000,000 Toronto -.3790 *• — BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_ _ _ _ W. E. Adams— — STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- S. B. Gearing. •• » ........ . A. T. Kelly.......... - BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.............. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA_____ R. M. Hope_______ Peterboro.............. 20,994 Ontario continued on W. B. West______ Surplus - 20.400 ono Montreal 21,485,830 Plantaeenet. BANK OF NOVA StiOllA___ second hall of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TFj Toronto 10,000.000 Halifax 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Surplus 27 250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 J. W. Fraser_____ 10,000,000 Halifax Toronto Winnipeg . 550 Union Bank of Canada. 27 25'bOne Montreal 27,909,582 E. M. Doull.............. Reserve Funds ♦BANK OF MONTREAL_ _ _ _ _ _ (2 branches in Peterboro) Union Bank of Canada............ 27 250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Montreal Winnipeg G. E. Sterling. BANK OF TORONTO__________ STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. BANK OF MONTREAL-............ (2 branches in Perth) BANK OF MONTREAL_ _ _ _ _ _ Surplus 10.000,000 K. H. Stinson........ ..3356 —150 Union Bank of Canada.............. I’enetanguishene -.4037 •• Perth____ BANK OF MONTREAL Surplus Picton__ 10,000,000 Halifax Port Arthur. ---------M ___________ M 4. (Sub. to Orono) ... Toronto H. P. Widdowson.. Toronto _ . 14,880 .. Toronto Surplus A. L. Woodrow__ 27.250 ono Montreal 27.009,582 lO.OUO.uuu Halifax C. F. A. Gregory.. 20,000,000 Toronto A. H. Weaver____ Toronto “ E. F. Carre______ " J. A. Macarthur___ Reserve Funds Montreal 20.400 000 Montreal 21.485,830 January, 1924 ________ ONTARIO BANKS—Pakenham to Port Arthur Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 1 701 ~L/*7-L *• *** ONTARIO—Continued volnme. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. Paid-up Capital. E. G. Rankin____ $ 10,000,000 Halifax — Port Col borne.. ....3415 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. H. Paget.......... Imperial Bank of Canada____ John H. Rolph___ Post Office and Population. Head Office. A. W.Dorland___ .700 Port Burwell. Manager or Agent. 20,000,000 Toronto • 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto Port Hope - 1291 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - - A. L. Wyant_____ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. Foster.......... .... .4456 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - - S orpins BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - - - J. R. Bunting____ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— W. H. Roper_____ Reserve Funds Port Lambton.. ___ 350 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - - - (Sub. to WallacePortland____ ...300 Union Bank of Canada___ Port McNicoll.. ___1074 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA PnrtPerrj.. . .. burg) Surplus L. T. Brandon....... Reserve Funds .. 1143 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. B. Walker....... STANDARD BANK OF CANADA H. G. Hutcheson .. David J. & Douglas Adams___ Port Robinson .......500 Imperial Bank of Canada___ (Sub. to Welland) Port Rowan__ ___ 672 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. A. Lamonby ____ M |( Princeton_________400 R. R. Telford........ 20,000,000 Toronto 150 (Sub. to Ingersoll) Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 ..132 (Sub. to St.Davids) Putnam . G. Brown... __ Rainy River_____ 1444 Renfrew................. 4906 Surplus Prescott.. 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Winnipeg 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 20,000,000 Toronto 20.400.0J0 Montreal 21,485,830 Riceville................. -117 BANK OF NOVA SC0TIA- (Sub. to St. Isidore de Prescott) 10,000,000 Halifax Richard’s Landing. -.300 (Sub. Saulte Ste. Marie.) Toronto Richmond_______ ..413 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - - W. H. Cairns......... 10.000,000 Halifax ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Preston--------------5423 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - Imperial Bank of Canada — Ontario continued on second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Bk., Montreal. Toronto 10,000,000 Halifax Surplus A. N. B.Rogers____ 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 27.250,00C Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto Blain Cherry--------- Toronto T, H. Pringle Reserve Funds * Richmond Hill....... 1055 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA J. R. Herrington.. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- - - - - A. Pow -------- .. Reserve Funds '* ____ Union Bank of Canada............ Ridgeway................— ..800 Imperial Bank of Canada-------- W. H, Cnllard , 4 . -........... Ripley------------- --------- ..550 ------------- Reserve Funds Rockwood .. Lanedowne) Surplus .600 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — G. R. Martin____ Reserve Funds to Rodney___ —-_____ ..756 S. B. Morris & Co---------------- S. B. Morris, Mgr. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... G. E. Hessenauer . Dominion Securities Corporation. Limited Toronto Reserve Funds MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. Montreal 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 10,000,000 Halifax Montreal La Banque Provincial du Can, .T. 17. Simarrl ..300 BANK OF MONTREAL............. (Sub. Rockport. 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Winnipeg Toronto M0LS0NS BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W. T. Wilkins___ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... W, O. Jackson___ Rockland ...................... .3496 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - - E, Mar chan d_____ “ Toronto Montreal Ridgetown............... .1855 M0LS0NS BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - „ ____________ Toronto Sterling Bank of Canada....... 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto Surplus .................. — F. E. Atkinson_____ 2636 BANK OF MONTREAL........ 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 N. E. Zimmerman. “ Toronto Sterling Bank of Canada. B. F. Chilton______ 20,000,000 Toronto 10,000,000 Halifax 50,000 Correspondents: Standard Bk. "of Can., Toronto. Toronto Correspondents: Molsons Powassan------- ____ 614 BANK OF NOVA SC0TIA- Toronto E. L. Rowan-Legg. 20,000,000 Toronto 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto O. S. Killmaster, Port Stanley... ....... 973 Sterling Bank of Canada.. — 20,000,000 Halifax C. S. Killmaster & Son — Cash, Head Office. (Sub. to Durham). — Port Elgin Paid-up Capital. 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,400.00C Montreal 21,485,830 100,000 Correspondents: Molsons Bk„ St. Thomas. 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL, AND CORPORATION BONDS ONTARIO BANKS—Port Burwell to Rodney___________January, 1924 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— C. V. MacGillivray Reserve Funds Port Dalhoosie. ....1492 Sterling Bank of Canada_____ C. F. Perkin, Acting Port Dover....... ....1462 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— C. P. Freeman__ Reserve Funds •* .. Sterling Bank of Canada____ W. W. Love_____ Manager or Agent. Name of Bank. Priceville_______ .300 Queenston.. 1123 Sterling Bank of Canada_____ ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto 1792 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- 1 7Q9 dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in Dack of this 114 Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. ONTARIO—Continued Manager or Agent. Paid-up Capital. Head Office. Post Office and Population. ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto Name of Bank. Manager or Agent. Paid-up Capital. Head Office. Toronto Rose Corner__________ LaBanque Provinciate DuCan.. Henry Brisebois. Montreal Seely’s Bay........ —350 BANK OF TORONTO_________ Sub. to Lyndhurst Roseneath--------------- 110 Union Bank of Canada— Winnipeg Selkirk_______ — .400 CANADIAN DK. OF COMMERCE R. L. Mitchell........ $ 20,000,000 Toronto STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Toronto DOMINION BANK- - - - - - - - - H. A. Burgess. Russell------ ------------800 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA— C. H. Stewart— BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... I J. W. Donaldson— Sandwich................... 4415 Imperial Bank of Canada......... E. B. Reynolds “ . ......... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-— Sarnia___________ 14877 BANK OF MONTREAL*............ .......... BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - " _____ BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - - _____ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE• •• .............. “ Thomas H. Cook & Co.—............ “ “ . ......... _____ ** DOMINION BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - - ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — •* .............. " A. L. Ward__________________ Sarsfleld........ ................ 50 La Banque Provinciale Du Canada............................Sault Ste. Marie ..21092 J. P. Mullett— Reserve Funds Surplus M. O. Brunton.. Toronto _________ | Montreal Toronto L. Buchan.__ F. G. Depew-—- Reserve Funds A. Leduc- Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE D. G. Kennedy — Imperial Bank of Canada-------- J. Walker (3 Branches in Sault Ste Marie) Schreiber__________1194 Schumacher------------ 800 ROYAL BANK OF CANADABANK OF MONTREAL- - - - CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— A G. Knowles.. Reserve Funds H. CoffeyE. Kearney.. Reserve Funds Surplus P. Taillon___ Toronto Winnipeg Molsons CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE C. C. Parsons__ _ MOLSONS BANK 20,000,000 Toronto Montreal ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------- T. Muir__________ Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto Sioux Lookout_____1127 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. H. Robertson.— 20,000,000 Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto MOLSONS BANK - — H. B. Wilson............ 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA_____ A. A. Hutchison... Reserve Funds 20,000,000 Toronto M. Jones__ Toronto Sebringville................500 Sterling Bank of Canada______ S. Bailey— Toronto Sterling Bank of Canada______ G. D. McNeal.Actg — Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J, B. Clark---------- 20,000,000 Toronto Montreal Canada____________________ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA______ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA........ E. A. St. German. Pro. S. R. Way H. J. Young--------Reserve Funds Imperial Bank of Canada______ H. M. McKenzie— ' 10,000,000 Halifax Toronto 20,400.000 Montreal 21.485.83C Toronto Ontario continued on second half of this page. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-West Indian Collections handled promptly at lowest rates Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1793 G. Mullen— 20,400.000 Montreal 21.485,830 Winnipeg Toronto 20,400.000 Montreal 21.485.830 27,250.000 Montreal 27.909.582 20,000,000 Toronto Montreal _______ Winnipeg Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE DOMINION BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seaforth__________ 1829 H. A. Livingstone- 10,000,000 Halifax 20,400,000 Montreal 21.485.830 Reserve Funds Toronto C. B. Houston____ H. Wood____ Scotland___________ 400 G. B. Clarke BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA............ (2 Branches in Sault Ste Mane)* Schomberg.................. 300 Imperial Bank of Canada . Simcoe—.. Bk. Of Toronto, Toronto. Toronto 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Correspondent: Bk., Loudon. . Montreal Toronto Union Bank of Canada_______ 100,000 Correspondent: H. F. Smith, Act'g, (Sub. to Belleville) Chas. Mason & Co.__________ 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 10,000,000 Halifax 20,000.0001 Toronto (2 Branches in Sault Ste Marie) (3 Branches in Sault Ste Marie ) BANK OF TORONTO__________ _________ ! Toronto W. Simpson - BANK OF MONTREAL*--— R0YAL BANK OF CANADA — STANDARD BANK OF CANADA $ 10,000,000 Halifax ONTARIO BANKS — Rose Corner to South W oodslee Rosseau-------------- ------ January, 1924 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In1 7Qo dexed Acces.;, Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in Dack of this 1/70 volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- Post Office and Population. Nun of Manager or Agent. Bank. Sparta_________ ____ 300 Imperial Bank of Canada ONTARIO—Continued Paid-up Capital. Head Office. A. T. Minnis,_____ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.—. W. J. Nicholson... $ 20,400.000 Montreal Reserve Funds 21,485,830 Springbrook___ .........150 Union Bank of Canada................ Winnipeg Spencerville... ........ 400 Springfield......... .........460 Humphrey Johnson..................... •• Correspondent: ROYAL BARK OF CANADA......... G. A. Love......... . Sprucedale.... ____ 200 DOMINION BANK............. ............... Reserve Funds ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.... D. B Currie. Reserve Funds St. Agathe____ ____ 105 MOLSONS BANK Bk., Montreal. 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 (Sub. to Waterloo) St. BernadindeRouthier LaBanque Provincial du .T. TT. 100 Canada 8t. Catharines.. .19,881 BANK OF MONTREAL_________ Surplus BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA...........BANK OF TORONTO...................... II 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 10,000,000 Halifax Imperial Bank of Canada............. (3 Branches in St. Catharines) Toronto “ " „ ,, MOLSONS BANK............................ H. W. Lake.............. (2 Branches in St. Thomas) ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — (2 Branches in St. Thomas) 8t. Williams ... ____ 200 Sterling Bank of Canada ROYAL BANK OF CANADA......... D. Muir___________ •1 Sterling Bank of Canada Reserve Funds A. L. McLachlan.. Union Bank of Canada_______ 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto Toronto Toronto Stamford.. — .........306 Imperial Bank of Canada_____ C. A. Hamilton.... Toronto La Banque Provinciale duCan. G. Uesmarais.... _ ?nn ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— (Sub. to Bath)___ Reserve Funds Rtnvfinsv'lle ____ 300 Stirling ___ ____ 844 BANK OF MONTREAL__ T. E. Brett Surplus Montreal ?nn Toronto 5ft0 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Stony Creek._ Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Quebec ..... .. 1053 RANK OF NOVA SCOTIA 4« " Straffordville__ Surplus St. Jacob’s____ ____ 500 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA...........- B. A. Herring......... St. Joachim.... .........150 La Banque Provinciale du Can.. Montreal St. Joseph d'Orleans... La Banque Provinciale du Mile. R. A. CharbCanada onneau ■aeond half mt thla para. Montreal F. Marshall-........... STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. A. C. Burkholder.. Sterling Bank of Canada 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Winnipeg 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 10,000,000 Halifax Toronto S. C. McCracken, Acting Stratford______ ..16.094 BARK OF MONTREAL Surplus 10,000,000 Halifax 10,000,000 Halifax 20,400,000 Toronto 21,485,830 Toronto •* „ „ „ „ „ BARK OF NOVA SCOTIA.........BANK OF TORONTO.. 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 10,000,000 Halifax G. L. McHattie Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. W. Harrison... 20,000,000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Ontario continued on Dominion Securities Corporation Limited Toronto E. A. Batcheller.. Reserve Funds MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL, AND CORPORATION BONDS January, 1924 St. Isidore dePrescott225 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA............. 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Montreal 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto Winnipeg Reserve Funds Stonffville ____ 950 BANK OF MONTREAL _____ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Surplus BANK OF TORONTO Toronto ___ 500 BANK OF MONTREAL ........... 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 J. H. Robinson___ Winnipeg STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. E. S. McGrath .... ____ Reserve Funds Staffa__________ ..-.100 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Stella..................... *1 Head Office. Toronto Stayner............ .. ____ 972 BANK OF MONTREAL______ Toronto Paid-up Capital. DOMINION BANK-------------------(2 Branches in St. Thomas) H Staples................. 8t. David’s.......... ____ 200 Imnerial Bank of Canada St. George Montreal DOMINION BANK_____________ P. E. Nichol............. La Banque Nationale. Manager or Agent. Bane 20,000,000 Toronto St. Charles........ -------100 BANK D’HOCHELAGA_________ (Sub. to Verner).. St. Eugene__ of opposite Toronto St. Mary’s_____ —.3847 RANK AF MANTRFAI 1 27,250.000 Montreal Surplus 27,909,582 II MOLSONS BANK............................ R. Ramhart Montreal •• ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— 20,400.000 Montreal Reserve Funds 21,485.830 ifi nsfl RANK AF MAMTDFAi 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Surplus «« Canada Trust fin,, A. V. U. Ball •• CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. G. Whiteside.. 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. A. Fox (2 Branches in St.Catharines) 8t. Clements.... Name m«p (2 Branches in St. Thomas) Ste. Anne De Prescott BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA______ (St. Justine de 1500 New’on) St. Amour........... BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA______ (Sub. to Fournier) II Post Office and Population. •• St. Albert........... ...........20 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA______ u Molsons Ontario 1794 _____________________ ONTARIO BANKS — Sparta to Stratford _______ 1794 ;s^AT,j'.ira,sRJarfflr.,lis), ‘eV^0^,; Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- ONTARIO—Continued Post Office and Population. Strathroy.. ____ Manager or Agent. Name of Bank. .2691 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE .T. G. Mills. .. •• Munsons Ranking Office. ** H ROYAL BANK OF CANADA....... ** M. Paid-tjp Capital. Head Office. $ 20,000,000 20.400,000 21,485,830 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. H. Monroe ... . “ •• ------------ Stratton E. Rowland & Oo____________ E. Rowland, Pres.. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (Sub. to Rainy River) Streetsville............ .. 615 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Stroud_________ — 200 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Toronto Raoler... Reserve Funds E. E. King_______ G. E. Scudamore.. Ontario m.p opposite Toronto Post Office and Population. Montreal Thamesville .. 500 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — 800 BANK OF MONTREAL________ M Royal Thedford _____ Bk. of Can., Strathroy. 20,000,000 Toronto Paid-up Capital. ...524 $ 20,400.000 21,485,830 Montreal Surplus 27,250,000 27,909,582 Montreal Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE M. E. Harrington. MOLSONS BANK _____ 20,000,000 Bank of the Manhattan Co.,N.Y. Toronto Correspondents: 10,000,000 150 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA . Montreal Toronto Thessalon _ ___ .1651 A. A. Burk & Co.___________ Toronto Head Office. Otterbein.__ Reserve Funds J. 0. DOMINION BANK....................... ,T. H. Perrv. Toronto 86,000 Correspondent: Manager or Agent. Name of Bank. 10,000,000 Halifax Surplns 27,250,000 27,909,582 Montreal Surplus 27,250.000 27,909,582 Montreal Surplus 27,250,000 27,909,582 Montreal 20,000,000 Toronto (Snb. to Woodbridge) Sturgeon Palls___ •• .4125 « Sudbury_______ —8621 •• •• •• •• “ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA.......... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — H. E. Filleau____ Gilleland___ Reserve Funds L. J. BANK OF MONTRFAI Surplus BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_______ A. C. Allen............ BANK OF TORONTO_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A. C. Edward BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA... - J. A. Goulet, Pro.. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. Duncan____ . ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... L. H. Hillary. •• •• Reserve Funds Sunderland______ -600 ..423 Montreal 10,000,000 Halifax Montreal 20,000,000 Toronto 20,400,000 21,48-5,830 Montreal Toronto . 20,400,000 21,485,830 Montreal 10,000,000 Halifax _ Sterling Bank of Canada_____ V. R. McCallum... Tara. ___ BANK OF MONTREAL................ BANK OF MONTREAL___ ____ H. H. Toronto Surplus 27,250,000 27,909,582 Montreal Surplus 27.250,000 27,909,582 Montreal Sterling Bank of Canada.. ... •• •• Reid . .. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE S. C. Webster___ MOLSONS BANK-................... W. H. Dason____ second half of thla pace. Toronto 20,000,000 • ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Geo. H. Shaw____ Reset've Funds 20,400,000 21,485,830 Montreal BANK OF MONTREAL (Sub. to Verona) Surplus 27,250,000 27,909,582 Montreal Surplus 27,250,000 27,909,582 Montreal 20,000,000 Toronto 20,400.000 Montreal 27,250,000 27,909,582 Montreal 20,000,000 Toronto 1fi7S La Banque Provinciale du Can. BANK OF MONTREAL................ Tillsnnhtirg .. •• .2974 •• CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. R. Blackwood.. ROYAL BARK OF CANADA— C, F., Parlnw Reserve Funds M STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. 3843 dunk L. Hunt, Acting. Toronto Imperial Bank of Canada____ D. Sutherland....... Toronto Tiverton,.... .......... ..292 STANDARD BANK OF CANADATodmorden______ 1700 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------.. 460 Montreal Toronto mantdfai CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE DOMINION BANK Union Bank of Canada____ HE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - Branches in every Province Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis nr Surplus Toledo____ ____ Toronto G. R. Nelles........... Toronto Montreal BANK OF MONTREAL- „ Toronto Winnipeg 200 TTpinn Bank of Canada . -4825 Toronto of J, E. B. Nelles_____ J. W. Macdonald, Pro. Toronto 10,000,000 Halifax Winnipeg Canada from Coast to Coast 1795 ____ ..850 .. La Banpue Provinciole du Can. ..829 Thornhill............... Winnipeg Tamwnrth__ STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. ..400 Toronto Toronto Sutton West_____ —789 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Sydenham_______ -600 Union Bank of Canaria .1011 27.250,000 27,909,582 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. L. F. Faed_______ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA..... L. G. Poole......... . Thorn dale______ BANK OF MONTREAL BANK OF TORONTO___________ BANK OF MONTREAL_________ . 820 Montreal Sterling Bank of Canada_____ T. A. Gale.............. Reserve Funds Tavistock______ Montreal 20,400.000 21,485,830 January, 1924____________ ONTARIO BANKS—Strathroy to Toledo 1795 Post Owicb awd Population. Name of ONTARIO—Continued Manager Agent. Bank. or Paid-dp Capital. He id Office. $ 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Surplus Toronto_______ 521,893 *BANK OF MONTREAL (26 Branches in Toronto) ONTARIO Map opposite Manager or Agent. Post Office and Population. Namk of Bank. Toronto_______521,893 (Continued) ‘CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE- 1 20,000,000 Correspondents: Am. Ex. N., Chase N., and 20,000.000 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Y. N.; 1st N., N. City, and Gen. Mgr. Northern Tr. Co., Vice Pres. Chi. Gen. Mgr. D. A. Cameron, E. P. Gower, A. A. E. Arscott, To Mgr. Mgr. A. Mgr. ronto office. ng business rent rates of and Travele all parts of to the coilec ut the Domin NT ON INDEX CAN transact interest rs’ Lett the wor tion of ion. ADA. Head Office Halifax ‘BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA®-” "• “"Tsk anmUMtonm. (General Mars. Office) G- G,cnnle> M°rToronto BranchCapital Authorized, 115,000,000 Capital Paid-up, 10,000,000 Reserve Fund, 19,500,000 SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA. (Collection Business should be addressed to “The Manager.”) A General Bankl received and cur mercial Credits issued for use in attention given Paper througho SEE ADVERTISEME of Foreign Dept. Ottawa Thomas Costello... Correspondents: N. Bk. Com. and Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Det.; Mnfrs. & Tra. W. G. Gooderha m, Pr. N., Buffalo; N. Bk. J. Henderson, V. P. Com., St. L.; FifthJ. R. Lamb, Gen. Mgr. H. B. Hen wood, A.Gen.Mgr. Third N.,Cln.; Mid land Bk. Ltd., Lon., D. C. Grant, Ch ief lnspr. Eng. F. H. Marsh, W estem Sup erintendent. J. S. Skeaff, Mgr., King and Bay Sts., Main Office. $ 5,000,000 Reserves 7,000,000 ‘BANK 0FT0R0NT0(Head Office) (15 Branches in Toronto) in all parts of the Do minion and made at fav orable rates. ENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE. ( E. R. Wood, Pres. Central Canada Loan & Sav. Co. •< H.C. Cox, Vice P (.Geo. A. Morrow, Ma ‘DOMINION BANKHead Office (38 Branches in Toronto) N. Y. Agency, 35 Wall London, England, Branch Canada Trust Co._______ Toronto continued on second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J. M. McWhinney. London res. V. Pr. and naging Dir. 1,988,610 SEE ADV. OPPOSITE Collections attended to in and prompt remittance i Bk. of Com. and U. S. Mtge. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Scotland. Lon.; Canadian Bk. of Com., Toronto. 6,000.000 Correspondents: N. City, Res. Fund 7.000.000 Dept. ADA. Dominion rates. N. Park, Han. N., and Cent. Union Tr., N> Y.- Cont. & Com’l N„ Chi.; Girard N. and Cent. N., Phil.; N.Bk. Coin., St.L.; N.Shaw mut and 1st N., Bos. Marine Tr. Co., Buf falo; 1st N. and Pitts. Tr. Co., Pitts.; Bk. of England and N. Bk. Scotland, Ltd , Great Britain; ComptoirN. d’Escompte de Paris, and Anglo-So. Am., Bk.Ltd.,France;Ban ca Commerclale Ital ians Italy; Anglo-So, Am.Bk.,Ltd., So. Am (See following page for bal-1 ance of Toronto Banks) Dominion Securities Corporation, Limited Toronto MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL. AND CORPORATION BONDS January, 1924 3 King William St. E. C. 4 General banking business transacted fW.G.Gooderham, S 7,000,000 ) Pr. Rest Correspondents: London Canada Permanent Mortgage 7,000,000 Joint City & Midland (Head Office) Corporation < E. R. C. Clarkson, ) Is! V. P. Bk., Ltd., London, Eng. LG.H. Smith, Gen. Mgr. t 1,750,000 Correspondents: Canadian f W. A. Charlton, Pres. Chartered Trust& Executor Co. -< (. J.J. Gibson, Mgr. (46 King St„ West) E. B. Osier, Pres.. A. W. Austin, V..P. A. M. Nanton, V..P. C. A. Bogert, Gen. Mgr. W. K. Pearce and F. L. Patton, Asst Gen. Mgrs. E. A. Begg, Supt. of Branches. W. C. MacAgy, Chief Inspector A. H. Balllle, Sec. B. L. Johnston, Supervisor, Foreign INDEX TO CAN all parts of the made at lowest ed. Deposits allowed. Com ers of Credit Id. Special Commercial ONTARIO BANKS —Toronto (22 Branches in Toronto) Correspondents: Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Merch. N., Bos.; 4th St. N., Phil.; Cltlz. N ..Balt.; Am. Bk. of San F., San F.;lst N.,Mlnpls. and Seattle;Midland Bk. Ltd., Bk. of Eng land,and Royal Bk.of Scotland, Great Brit ain; Credit Lyon nais, Paris. Hkad Offiob. Edmund Walker President Reserves John Alrd, Vice Pres, and Thomas White, H.V.F. Jones, A. H.P. van Gelder, Supervisor Head Office (37 Branches in Toronto) J. A. McLeod, General Manager. H. F. Patterson, Paid-dp Capital. 1796 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point Un1 7Qft dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this A/trU yolame. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ■ ■ The Bank of Toronto '^a u"lcli Toronto, Canada JOHN R. LAMB General Manager) H, B. HENWOOD, Asst. General Manager /-Toronto D. C. GRANT Chief Inspector J F. H. MARSH, Winnipeg, Western Supt. E. W. LAMPREY, Vancouver, Supt. B. C. Branches Canadian Collections Banking Correspondents NEW YORK—National Bank of Com merce, Bankers Trust Co. CHICAGO—First National Bank ST. LOUIS—National Bank of Com merce DETROIT—First National Bank BUFFALO—Manufacturers & Traders National Bank 1855 Special facilities through our Branches and arrangements with other Banks for making Canadian Collections for banks and business houses in the United States and Foreign Countries. Our service comprises close supervision and prompt remittance. mM LONDON, ENG.—London Joint City & Midland Bank, Limited Canadian Accounts and Balances We offer the services of an organization complete with all modern banking facilities and with sixty-seven years’ experience of Canadian Banking. Deposits invited. Interest allowed on balances left with us by United States Institutions. Close rates of exchange given on amounts transferred. HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. CANADA Paid-up Capital $5,000,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reserves $7,000,000 Ontario INDEX TO ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. Addington . .H 17 (See Lennox and Addington) Algoma A 3 and 0 22 Brant............. N 9 Bruce.................. J6 Carleton. . . .E 21 Dufferin......... J 8 Dundas........ F 22 Durham........ J 13 Elgin...................P6 Essex........ Q 2 Frontenac.. H 18 Glengarry... E 25 Grenville... .G 22 Grey............... 17 Haldimand. .0 10 Haliburton. . G 14 Halton..........L 10 Hastings.... G 16 Huron.................L6 Kenora......... 0 15 Kent................... P3 Lambton.........0 3 Lanark......... F 19 Leeds............H 20 Lennox and Ad dington. . .H 17 Lincoln........N 12 Manitoulin... C 4 Middlesex. ...N 5 Muskoka... F 11 Nipissing A13 and R 25 Norfolk........... P Northumberland J 15 Ontario........ K 11 Oxford............. 0 7 Parry Sound . D 11 Patricia .... M 15 Peel.............. L 11 Perth............ M 6 PeterboroughH 14 Prescott....... D 24 Prince EdwardllS Rainy River ,P 16 Renfrew....... C 16 Russell........D 22 Simcoe...........I 11 Stormont... .F 23 Sudbury A 7 and Q 21 Thunder BayN 18 TimiskammgN 22 Victoria........I 12 Waterloo.........L 8 Welland....... 0 12 Wellington .. . L 9 Wentworth . M 10 York. .H 6 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1797 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. Toronto_______ 525,000 ♦Imperial Bank of Canada ___• Head Office (Continued) (SO Branches in Toronto) Imperial Trusts (Jo. of Canada. ♦MOLSONS BANK- - - - - - - - - - (6 Branches in Toronto) Montreal Trust Co.---------National Trust Co., Limited__ Prudential Trust Co., Ltd.__ ‘ROYAL BANK OFCANADA (25 Branches in Toronto) Royal Trust Co_____________ THE ‘STANDARD BANK OFHeadCANADA • Office (General Manager’s Office) (18 Branches in Toronto) SEE ADVERTISEMENT ♦Sterling Bank of Canada ___ Head Office (8 Branches in Toronto) Toronto General Trusts Corp. Head Office Trusts & Guarantee Co., Ltd_ ♦Union Bank of Canada..: .. (10 Branches in Toronto) Ontario continued on second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Manager or A&ent. ONTARIO Map opposite ONTARIO—Continued Paid-op Capital. Head Office. Post Office and Population. Najmk of Bank. Manager or Agknt. Paid-up Capital. Head Office. rH.F.Goodernam, i 1.000,000 Correspondent: Guaranty 1 Peleg Howland, I’ r. S'7,000,000 Correspondents: Bk. of the Pr. Tr. Co.. N. Y ; Union I ffm. Hamilton Manhattan Co., N. Y.; Toronto....... ........525,000 Union Trust Oo„ Ltd.______ • James K. Pickett, Gen. Mgr. Bk. of Can., Winnipeg; (Continued) I Merritt, V.P. 1st N„ Chi.; N. Shaw 575,000 GuarantyTr. Co.,N.Y.; k. Rest i Jas. Woods, V.P. mut, Bos. Bk.of Toronto,Can.. Bk. I A. E. Phipps. Ge n. Mgr. f ■ ":r of Com., and Standard ( Reserve Fund 7,500,000 Chairman Bk. of Can., Toronto. D. A. Cameron, (A. J. Jackson, 248.044Toronto Toronto Clearing House______ J, S. Skeaff, V. C hairman Union Bk. of Canada, < Pres. Reserve (Members indicated by a*) r. Winnipeg. A. B. Barker. Mg 1 J. A. Withrow. M gr. 97,500 P. W. D. Brodrick. _________ Montreal HMem. Inv. Selected List of INVESTMENT HOUSES Bkrs. Assn. J. F. Hobkirk.___ ______ Montreal 2,000,000 Correspondents: Canadian i Canadian Gove rnment, Correspondents: A. E. i Joseph Flavelle, Rest Bk. of Com., N. Y. ) Municipal & Corporatlo n Ames & Co., N. Y., Ohi. Toronto________525,000j A. E. AMES &_C0 YW. E. Rundle, 2,000,000 j Bonds and St Montreal,and Victoria, Unioi (Continued) nion Bank Bldg. ' (Members Toronto Stock Exch., B.C. ’ Gen. Mgr. (Established 1889) Montreal Stock Ex change E. V. Barthe--------i__________ Montreal Bond Dealers As’sn o] Canada a nd Investment Bkrs, As’sn of America. ( D. C. Rea............ 20,400,000 Montreal Correspondents: Dilion, ( E. R. Wood, Pres. Reserve \ ! B. M. Green, G. A. Morrow Read & Co., N.Y., Phil., Funds | A. Mgr. J. W. Mitchell Bos., and Chi.; Domin 21,485,830 W. S. Hodgens ion Securities Corpora (26 King St. East) tion. Inc., 2 Austen (Established 1901) 1 J. A. Fraser Friars, London. Eng. T. H.Andison (.Member Canadian Bond B. L. Smith........... I________ _ i Montreal and Canada Life Bldg. Dealers Association, and In A. F. White Montreal. vestment Bankers Association C. W. Fleming R. W. Steele, Mo ntreal of America) Authorized Correspondents: Imp. & 1 A. L. Fullerton,L ondon.Eng. Tra. N., Irving Bk.Canadian Government. 5,000.000 Wellington Col. Tr. Co., Chase Municipal, and Corporat Ion Bonds Bought and Sold. Francis, Pres. Paid up (H. B. Housser. J. W. TVoo d) 4,000,000 Nat. and Guaranty ArthurWhite, V.P. Dealers In Cana dlan Gove rnment, Municipal Tr. Co.,N.Y.:Cont.& HOUSSER, WOOD & CO_ _ _ _ Thomas Wood, and Corporat ion Bonds. Reserve Com’l N. Chi.; IstN., V. P. Correspondents: Loca'ed Fund andN.Shawmut,Bos.; 'Aemilius Jarvis, Pres. N. L. McLeod, in Vancouver, Winni Aemilius Jarvis. Jr.. V.P. Mnfrs.A Tra. N., Buf 3,000,000 Oen. Mgr. peg and Halifax; also H. G. Pepall, Gen 'I Mgr, falo; N. Bk. Com., G. N. Brown, ec.-Treas, Aemilius Jarvis & Co., H. E. Cochran, S Det.: Midland N A Oen. Mgr. Member Toron to Stock Ltd., Loudon, Ontario; Mlnpls.: Cent. N., N. C. Stephens, Exchange. Aemilius Jarvis & Co., Phils.; Anglo & Lon A. Gen. Mgr. Underwriters of Govern* Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario; don-Parls N.. San P.; A. D. Leltch, AEMILIUS JARVIS A CO. ipal and ment, Munic Aemilius Jarvis & Co Seattle N., Seattle; Mgr. Toronto Offie (.293 Bay St.) Corporation S ecurttles. Ltd.,Montreal. Quebec; 1st N., St. L.; Lincoln J. M. Sutherland, directly on Orders executed Aemilius Jarvis & Co. N., Rochester; N. Bk. Mgr. For. Dept. the Toronto S t o c k Inc., New York, N. Y. of Scotland, Ltd. and Exchange. Aemilius Jarvis & Co. Barclays Bk., Ltd., Cable address Aemilius” Ltd., London, England Lon.; BanqueNationON MAP OF CANADA. Members of Bo nd Dealers aldes Credit, Paris. Association of Canada. Correspondents: N. City NATIONAL CITY CO..Ltd....... 8. A. Heward. Mgr (10 King St.. East) Co., N. Y. City, and See Adv. P age ill. Correspondent offices. rG. T. Somers, Pr. 1,234,100 Correspondents: N. Park, Correspondents: Equita f Dealers In Gove! rnment, ROYAL SECURITIES | W. K. George, N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Municipal an d Corble Trust of London, CORPORATION, Limited — Reserve Chi.,- Peo„ Buffalo; V.-P. Ltd., London, England. poration Seeu ritles. 244 Bay Street I A. H. Walker. 536,180 Comptoir National d’(See Montreal) l Gen. M gr. Escompte. Paris: Banco '8. A. Morrison, C , A. Manag ing Dir. 2,000,000 di Roma, Rome, Italy. Edmund Walkdr, D. F. M. Sykes, Gen. Mgr. Standard Bk. of Can. Pres. and Union Bk. of Can F. G. Johnston, V. P. Reserve 2,500,000 Correspondent: Bkrs Tr., Toronto. W. J.Dow, Sec. and Tr. 6. A. STIMSON & CO., Ltd... J. M. Gibson. V.- Pres. Co„ N. Y. (Canadian Govern ment, Mun »c* 36 & 38 King St. East Hamilton Cassels, V.-Prcs. ipal, and Railw ay Securitie s) (Established 1888) A. D. Langmuir, Gen. Mgr. U. S, [ J. J. Warren, Pr. 1,429,709 Correspondent: ( G. H. Wood, J.! H. Gundy, Correspondents: Wood, E. B. Stockdale, Rest Mtge. & Tr. Co. and W. N. Mcllwrait I h. Gordon T. Gundy & Co., Inc., N. Gen. Mgr. 168,752 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. Finch, A. W. Scr ipture, W. Y.; Wood, Gundy & Co., Montreal and E. Wilder) Canadian Gov ernment London, England; Winnipeg. Municipal an d Corpora Wood, Gundy & Co., Ltd..Winnipeg, Man. tion Bonds. WOOD, GUNDY &, CO. Post Office and POPULATI ON. Tottenham _ Trenton Name of ONTARIO—Continued Manager or Agent. Bank. 404 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Reserve Funds _______ . 5902 RANK OF MONTREAL “ MOLSONS BANK............................ •• Paid-up Capital. •Head Office. $ 20,400,000 21,485,830 27,250,000 Montreal 27.909,582 Montreal ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto Post Office and Population. Name Manager or Agent. Bank. 4006 BANK OF MONTREAL (2 Branches in Wallaceburg) •• * “ 4 .. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. of Paid-up Capital. Surplus .. (Sub. to Powassan) Tweed 1339 BANK OF MONTREAL____ ____ .. . 10,000,000 Halifax Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. E. Stringer_____ 20,000,000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— C. H. Wilson........... 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Surplus ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— Reserve Funds 27,250,000 27,909,582 27,250,000 27,909,582 ........... •• Varna Toronto W G. Gil Allan Montreal 100 Sterling Bank of Canada Vars................... Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— G. H. Martin Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 1500 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA ......... - Vernon . -250 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA_____ Montreal 250 BANK OF MONTREAL________ 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto Montreal Victoria Harbor. Vineland .200 Imperial Bank of Canada_____ Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 20,000,000 Toronto _ Reserve Funds Waterford «« Wales____ “ 400 MOLSONS BANK........... ................. f!. w. warren . 2344 BANK OF MONTREAL________ • CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Surplus Walkerville............... 7059 BANK OF MONTREAL________ (2 Branches in Walkerville,) •• 1123 BANK OF MONTREAL ____ 4 .. .. . _______ “ .. _______ “ •• Montreal ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — H. G. Mistele_____ 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA______ T. H.Baeak............... 27,250.000 27,909,582 10,000,000 Halifax * ‘ BANK OF TORONTO___________ J. J. McGrail_____ DOMINION BANK— ________ P. 0. Marsh .......... Toronto Toronto , _______ . Toronto ROYAL BARK OF CANADA— H. B. H. Macgowan Welland Port.__ .253 Sterling Bank of Canada......... Wellesley_____ .700 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. W. C. Campbell... Wellington W. A. Smith . 824 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA « K. M. Starke .......... 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto Toronto 10,000,000 Halifax STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. W. F. Rolph............. Toronto Montreal .225 La Banaue Provinciale du Can. 250 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA W. G. Beddoe____ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— S. A. Maddocks___ Reserve Funds West Hill 150 STANDARD BK. OF CANADA— A. J. Cormack, Acti .755 BANK OF MONTREAL ______ Surplus 21,485,830 Toronto. J. L. Burwell_____ ________ ‘ .. 20,400,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 20,000,000 Toronto — Union Bank of Canada_______ Dominion Securities Corporation. Limited Toronto MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. 10,000,000 Halifax 20,400.000 Montreal 21.485,830 Toronto 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Winnipeg — GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL, AND CORPORATION BONDS 1924 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . ___ 1059 BANK OF MONTREAL________ Surplus « Sterling Bank nf flanaria H. W. Nixon_____ West Fort William Montreal Toronto S. J. Adams............. Reserve Funds Watford 4« 20,000,000 Toronto LaBanaue Provinciate du Can. Rianzo French Ontario continued on second half of this par*. - 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto CHARTERED TRUST & EXECU- A. J. Prest.............. .. Wes thorn .. - Surplus _ . CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R. H. Edmonds . it Imperial Bank of Canada____ W. T. Garthew * — Montreal 27.250,000 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto 27,250.000 27,909,582 CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE* (2 Branches in Walkerville) .. - BANK OF TORONTO..................... A. Logan.. _____ 5883 BANK OF TORONTO- Waterloo. .. Walkerton ... Winnipeg 8654 BANK OF MONTREAL Surplus 1463 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. H. N. Hunter. . Vittoria.____ Montreal W est Lom e __________ January, Verner _ Verona______ Winnipeg (Sub. to Verner) 150 10,000,000 Halifax BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA______ ____ Warsaw Toronto 1499 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_____ •• Warren__________ „500 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA______ Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto .800 Union Bank of Canada_______ Waterdown----------- ..754 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— W. H. Torrance... 850 DOMINION BANK_____________ Sterling Bank of Canada Vankleek Hill Warkwnrth.......... . 20,400,000 21,485,830 Union ville________ -400 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. Uxbridge 125 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. Soheir, Acting__ Walton___________ -157 BANK OF MONTREAL Tupperville $ 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 BANK OF TORONTO—......... —- H. C. Cavill............. Reserve Funds 888 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA . Trout Creek- Head Opfice. 1798_______ ___________ ONTARIO BANKS — Tottenham to Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. .260 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA...... Weston_______ ____ 3166 BANK OF MONTREAL....... Westmeath. Manager oh Agent. Surplus A. E. Mellish__ CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE West Toronto -.741 .6091 BANK OF MONTREAL------ F. E. Jeffery. Surplus 10,000,000 Halifax 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 W. .Tames . Montreal ♦ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— C. W. Morris_____ 1 20.400,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 21,485,830 ♦STANDARD BK.OF CANADA- F. A. Holmes (Investment Securities) Geo. Carruthers & Son______ Toronto Toronto Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 DOMINION BANK-------------- 20,000,000 Toronto J. A. Wallace........ Toronto Winnipeg ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE S. A. Sexsmith. DOMINION BANK------------- G. P. Lynd_______ Toronto Winterbourne.. ........ 80 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------- (Sub. toSt. Jacobs) 10,000,000 Halifax STANDARD BK. OF CANADA—- 0. A. McClellan. Toronto Woodbridge BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ .T. n. Rnlph _ 10,000,000 Halifax CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE S. B. Nicoll........ 20,900.000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA L. H. Leach _____ Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Surplus Canada Permanent Mtge. Corp. H. A. Little______ 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 20,000,000 Toronto MOLSONS BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - - - BANK OF MONTREAL........... 20,000,000 Toronto Winnipeg W. B. Colies. J. D. Stewart... 10,000,000 Halifax Reserve Funds Union Bank of Canada........ Surplus 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Canada Trust Co.. E. V. Smith______ London *CANAOIANBK.OFCOMMERCE W. G. Lynch____ 20,000,000 Toronto Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Woodstock........ ... 9935 • BANK OF MONTREAL-------- Toronto W. T. White.......... Imperial Bank of Canada______ M. Morris_____ MOLSONS BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— .. C. W. Yarker_____ W. J. Kirkpatrick. Reserve Funds Woodville_____ —.452 R. Edwards & Co.____________ C. E. Weeks______ Wooler............... ___ 300 Wroxeter. ... ........337 Wyoming... Yarker.. . _ ____482 _ 500 STANDARD BK. OF CANADASTANDARD BK. OF CANADA— CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE BANK OF TORONTO----------BANK OF MONTREAL-------- Zephyr________ ____200 Sterling Bank of Canada.......... A. M. Cowie. Reserve Funds Zurich. MOLSONS BANK._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J. A. Harrington _. (Sub. to Trenton). W. F. Connor.. H. A. Kerr.............. 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto Montreal 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 25,000 Correspondent: Standard Bk. of Can., Cannington, Ont. Toronto Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto C. H. .Tov_____ __ Montreal 1799 ’DOMINION BANK ........ 672 Winnipeg *BANK OF MONTREAL....... • (2 Branches in Windsor) ____800 (Sub. to Chatswort h) 27,250,000 Montreal Surplus 27,909,582 G. C. Garvin______ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA— Winona.......... . Montreal Wilno_______________ 50 Sterling Bank of Canada. Windsor................. 38,591 Toronto ♦M0LS0NS BANK----------- Windsor Clearing House_____ (Members indicated by a *) 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto Winchester.............. 1126 Head Office. Montreal Toronto Surplus Paid-up Capital. ♦LaBanaue Provincial du Can E. L. GantHer .. (2 Branches in Windsor) R. W. H. Brough__ E. J. Beger, Mgr. Manager or Agent. 20,000,000 Toronto Surplus J. S. Heron............. Willowdale__________50 Bank. Windsor_________38,591 ♦Imperial Bank of Canada*___ G. J. Lackner. (Continued) 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909.582 BANK OF MONTREAL----ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- Williamstown.............600 of 20,060,000 Toronto Union Bank of Canada................ Williamsford..............300 Nake R. Y. Buglass____ .2800 Union Bank of Canada................ Williamsburg.............. 300 Post Office and Population. ONTARIO —W estmeath to Zurich CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (2 Branches in West Toronto) DOMINION BANK------------STANDARD BANK OF CANADA BANK OF MONTREAL....... Wiarton..................-1726 Head Office. ONTARIO Map opposite Toronto (2 Branches in Windsor) Wheatley..................... 378 Sterling Bank of Canada------- C. F. Towner........ Whitby. Paid up Capital. A. E. Smith, Pro,.. $ 10.000,000 Halifax BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA---- Westport----- ONTARIO—Continued January, 1924 1'7 QQ Post Office and Population. Alberton Name of PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Manager or Agent. Bank. Paid tjp Capital BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA........... 10,000,000 Halifax Reserve Funds Charlottetown. ..12,347 BANK OF MONTREAL_________ Surplus •• •• ,, ___ 27.250,000 27,909,582 Murray Harbor... in non non Halifax CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE C. Lomer Miles___ 20,000,000 Eastern Trust fin. Acting Montreal ** ROYAL BARK OF CARADA------- A. W. Wyndman... 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 ... ROYAL BANK OF CANARA_ _ _ W. E. Wicks BARK OF NOVA SCOTIA....... Sub to Borden .... 10,000,000 25(1 IBTAL BARK OF CANADA-..- S. M. Daniel 20.400.000 2L485.830 556 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ W. MeT.ean k 10,000,000 Halifax _ Emerald . . _ Hunter’s River. Kensington. _ Reserve Funds Kinkora_______ La Banqne Provincialedu Can. G. It. Morrisson ... Prince Edward Island continued on second half of this page. 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Acton Vale...............1549 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 20,000,000 Toronto 177 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. G. MacGregor.. 20,000.000 Toronto 534 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— H. L. Hall.............. 20.400,000 Montreal .200 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. C. Bennett -—— 20,000,000 Toronto G. L. Black______ *- 10,000,000 Halifax 1,094 CARADIAR BK. OF COMMERCE S. Drake......... ........ 20,000,000 Toronto .. 185 BARK OF NOVA SCOTIA............... R. H. Dewar, Mgr. 10,000,000 Halifax Summerside.......... ..3,228 BANK OF HOVA SCOTIA---------- |H. T. Begg....... ...... ■ " " CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE O. Hensley--------- ...... “ La Banqne Provinciate da Can. ,T- J- Morris *» ROYAL BARK OF CARADA Adamsville_________371 BANQUE D’HOCHELAOA--------- (Sub. to Farnham) Ahontsic_____________ La Banque Provinciale du Can. *.T. O. Provost Amos____________ 1,488 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA_ _ _ _ _ Z. C. Bernard......... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA —. ] D. M. Mclsaac....... Reserve Funds 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485.830 Tyne Valley_____ -.200 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — W. C. Pridham ___ Reserve Funds 20 000.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Victoria_________ — 400 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA------ F. M. Pidgeon, Acting Mgr. 10,000,000 Halifax 431 Quebec continued on Montreal Montreal Quebec QUEBEC Map opposite Montreal Amqui___________ 1070 La Banque Nationale__________ J. M. Dufresne.— M0LS0NS BANK_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Montreal (Sub. to Farnham). Montreal Mme. Emma Smith _________ 284 La Banque Provinciale du Canada . 2194 Ta Banqne Nationale J. E. Langlols___ Montreal Ti« Banqne Nationale Ange Gardien de Rouville_____________ 390 BANQUE D’HOCHELAOA Armagh Quebec second half of this nacre. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Quebec G. E. Wurtele___ inmniifl Lorftttfi Angers _______________ 1 Dominion Securities Corporation. Limited Toronto EZjV Quebec 1924 La Banque Nationale________ G. E. St. Pierre___ Montreal Montreal 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Montreal Montreal 20.000.000 Toronto R. B. Richardson .. Reserve Funds Tlgnlsh .................. __ $ 20,000.000 Toronto Quebec 10,000,000 Halifax Ja n u a ry , La Banque Nationale. J. R. Boivin__ _____ Fd. Arbour Head Office. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. H. Coffin______ QUEBEC Abord-a-Plouffe...........11 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Damase Racine ... Paid dp Capital ___ G. B. Clarkson.... S 10,000,000 Halifax (St. Peters Bay P. O.) La Banque Provinciale du Can. P. Noonan________ “----------Eldon Manager or Agent. Bank. 125 BARK OF HOVA SCOTIA St. Peters C. H. B.Longworth, •* Reserve Funds Mm-fill 20 400 000 Montreal 21.*485?830 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA............ . . . “ of P R I N C E E D W A R D I S L A N D A N D Q U E B E C B A N K S — A lb e r to n to A r m a g h 20,000,000 Cardigan_______......... 600 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.—. Name 359 BARK OF NOVA SCOTIA. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. O. Lawson_____ Acting Mgr. '* Post Office and Population. ___. (125 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_____ J. R. Baird............... $ 10,000,000 Albany__ ______ f<1 Head Office. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Map opposite page 1446 1800 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in Dack of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 1800 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces-L Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see LawsL Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. Manager or Agent. QUEBEC Map opposite Montreal Paid-up Capital. M0LS0NS BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1J. 0. R. Marchand Arthabaska ............1235 Asbestos.................. .2189 OF MONTREAL-—........ ........................ DIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. 0. Bureau.......... Surplus La BanqueProvinciateduCan.,Antonio Gauvin... Quebec Barachois________ ..1000 La Banque Nationale___ (Sub. to Gaspe) — I Quebec BANQUE D’HOCHELAGABANQUED’HOCHELAGA- (Sub to Amos).... Montreal (Sub. to Three Riv ers) Montreal “ J. E. Poitras.. Quebec H. Marchand. Montreal BANQUE D’HOCHELAGO........ BANK OF MONTREAL............ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - Surplus P. A. Donais......... - Beaumont____ ___ —746 La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to Lauzon).. —Quebec -3240 La Banque Provinciate du Can. H. Delaee—............ ___ Montreal ______ Beauharnois.......... ..2250 — 151 (Sub. to St. Anne de Beaupre) Quebec (Sub. to Cartiervill e)________ Montreal 934 La Banque Provinciale du Can. M. Sicotte____ | La Banque Nationale............... M. Lachance _________ Quebec _________ Montreal Beebe...________ ... 808 H. G. Kirwin____ 20,000,000; Toronto Belanger.......... ...... .. 2600 La Banque Provinciale du Can. E. Demers______ ...................| Montreal Beloeil_____ 1418 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA.......... 721 La Banque Nationale________ Quebec continued on second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Sub. to Rimouski) E. Charbonneau—. (Sub. toGracefleld) Quebec 879 J. B. Lachance___ Montreal Surplus 27,250.000 Montreal 27.909,582 ...555 BANK OF MONTREAL .......... CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE .. .. i •• BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_ _ _ _ J - ' BANK OF MONTREAL 200 _________ Montreal ... Quebec 250 — Montreal 653 - Pro. Surplus BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA........... W. 1119 La Banque Nationale________ 1 A. Beausejour, La Bauque Provinciale du Can,. J. W. Lepine_____ 3835 682 20,000,000 Toronto (Sub. to ___ Sherbrooke) 2603 517 (Sub. to Knowlton) H. Lamb______ Montreal 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 10,000,000 Halifax Quebec (Sub. to Armagh) . Quebec (Pro.) in 10,000,000 Halifax A. Dupuis_______ BANK OF MONTREAL_ _ _ _ _ Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. A. Bailey______ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA--------- P. Laferriere, Pra. BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA_ _ _ _ _ (Sub. to Riviere Du Loup Station) BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA......... G. R. Warner, rompt attention to Collections St-__ Quebec Canada 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto Montreal Montreal 10,000,000 Halifax and west indies J_801 Berthier (en bas) -2193 La Banque Provinciale du Can Montreal — 1000 180 Bury J. R. A. Menard. 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 • •• •’. • M0LS0NSBANK—-- - - - - - - - - - CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE* H E. Bieber____ Reserve Funds BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA-_____ ___ I Quebec 20.000,0001 Toronto 20,000.000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.... E. P. Weary--------- — Quebec CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. H. Moe............... .2656 27,250 000 Montreal 27,909,582 Montreal 1669 A. S. McCaw___ Quebec t ( St. Anne de Beaupre) —262 La Banque Nationale________ i (Sub. to Nicolet). L. A. Gaucher------ Rlack T, < ...300 La Banque Nationale________ Quebec QUEBEC BANKS —Arthabaska to Calume ____ _______ E. Racine------------ L. Rousseau___ S 20,000,000 Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Quebec .2291 La Banque Nationale__ Montreal ___ (Sub. to Rimouski) Winnipeg Bagotville................ 2204 Head Office. Bishops Crossing-—300 Montreal Beauceville--------- ..1148 La Banque Nationale________ C. Lessard_______ 1462 La Banque Nationale. Union Bank of Canada........................... Bastican-------------- ..1280 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA .................. I Montreal 2970 Paid-up Capital. Manager or Agent. Bark. . .912 La Banque Nationale___ Bic 20,000.000 Toronto of CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE. J. “ $ 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto „461 Name Berthierville.......... 1335 Montreal (Sub. to Huntingdo n) 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Surplus Athelstan________„ 200 /•v Post Office and Population. Head Office. January, 1924 1801 Post Office and Population. CamoheH’s Bay - Name of Bank. QUEBEC—Continued Manager or Agent. -700 BANK OF MONTREAL Surplus BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA............ Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. $ 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Clarenceville....... —.277 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 10.000,000 Halifax Coaticook_________3554 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. M. Thomas___ Paid-up Capital. Head Office. Cap-Aux-Meules. Iles-de La Banque Nationale____ .. J. A. Bourget____ la-Madeleine Cap-Chat. — . 1800 La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. toMatane)-- Quebec Cap Madeleine......... 6738 DANK OF TORONTO Toronto P. E. Leveille___ Montreal Ta Banque Nationale . (2 Branches in Cap de la Madel cine) Cape Cove________2510 La Banque Nationale (Sub. to Chandler) Quebec Quebec Cap Rouge 600 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- (Sub. to Belvedere) Hap-RantA 8s0 La Banque Nationale .......... (Sub. to Donnacon a) - Montreal Quebec Cap St. Martin . __ La Banque Provinciale du Can. H. Dagenais • _ 5ft La Banque Nationale _____ (Sub. to New Carlisle) _ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA........... Chateauguay____ Montreal Carleton CantrA Quebec loo La Banque Provinciale du Can. P. X. Latreille.... Mde. onf) CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. A. L’Heureux — Montreal Oazaville. flhamhly Montreal 20.000,000 Toronto Montreal Chambly Canton__ 839 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA............ (Sub. to Chambly Basin) CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (Sub. to Chambly) Montreal La Banqnn Nationale (Sub. to Roberval) _.... (MR La Banque Provinciale du Oan.. Quebec Montreal Chandler .. .. 1750 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Ta Banque Nationale Chapeau ... C. A. Kelly........... U. Bonehard ...314 BANK OF MONTREAL- Charlemagne Charlesbourg . Chartlervlllfi. _ Surplus 8?Q La Banque Provinciale du Can. E. Lanrin 1267 La Banque Nationale....... ........ (Sub. to Quebec).. La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. C. Blanchette... Ohateauguay____ .887 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA _____ V.Wodnn Chateauguay Bassin.... BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA........... (Sub. to Chateauguay) Chandierp Station La Banque Nationale......... . (Sub. to St. Ronnald) Chateau Richer 1773 La Banque Nationale_________ (Sub. to St. Annede Beaupre) Chicoutimi . _ 8037 BANK OF MONTREAL_______ Surplus St II BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA............ G. Dupms_______ .. .. Quebec continued on la Banque Nationale __ (2 Branches in Chicoutimi) M(H SOk$ HANK second halt of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Quebec 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Montreal Quebec Montreal Montreal Hea F. L. Nunns_____ J 20,000,000 Toronto 20.000,000 Toronto Qnebec H. Stephenson. Acting Mgr. Reserve Funds Coleraine Station.__200 La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to Lac-Noir) 20,400.000 Montreal 21.485,830 — Quebec Compton__________ 486 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Contrecoeur_______ 659 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - ( Varrenne s) Montreal La Banque Nationale_________ (Sub. to Sorel) -__ Quebec Oookshire------------- 950 A. de Lorme,Acting BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Surplus F. E. Kerridge___ 20,000,000 Toronto 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto Coteau du Lac______ 435 La Banque Provinciate du Can. Ernest Leronx ... . Coteau Station..........851 La Banque Provinciate du Can.. Robert Smith___ Montreal — Montreal Cote St. Paul.Hochelaga (See Montreal) Cowansville............. 1094 Toronto 10,000.000 Halifax Paid-up Capital. Daaquam_________100 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. H. Doak______ MOLSONS BANK —............... G.S. Walsh Montreal BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA - - - - - - - ( St.Camille) Montreal Dalhousie Station.... 450 Union Bank of Canada............ Danville_________ 1290 20,000,000 Toronto Winninee BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Surplus G. L. Doak............ 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto Daveluyvilla----------- 384 La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to DeschailIons) Quebec Quebec Delisle____________ 75 La Banque Nationale_______ (Sub. to Hebertville Station) Quebec Quebec Delson_______ Montreal 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909.582 Montreal 428 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA.......... (Snb. to Laprairie) Deschaillon_______ 1124 La Banque Nationale_________ Jos. Dufresne___ Montreal Qnebec J. E. Dufour_____ Quebec Deschambault_____ 1493 La Banque Nationale_________ (Sub. to Portneuf) Quebec J. A. Guilmet____ Montreal D’lsraeli__________ 1646 La Banque Provinciate du Can.. Oflbert. Rilhert Montreal Dominion Securities Corporation. Limited Toronto MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. _ GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL. AND CORPORATION BONDS Bay to D'Israeli_________ January, 1924 Chambly Bassin.......1068 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA_____ C. St. .Tean . « ChamnlaiD . ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — ____ Quebec Cap St. Ignace....... 3648 La Banque Nationale_________ H. Michon____ .. Manager or Agent. la Banque Nationals_________ S. Marcotte. Quebec BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA______ C. Langlnis Caughnawaga - QUEBEC Map opposite Montreal 1802__________________ QUEBEC BANKS—Campbell’s Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In1 on 9 dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in b back of this ■tovolume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc.. see Laws. Post Office and Population. Dominion Park.. Name _ of Bank. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA------- Manager or Agent. QUEBEC—Continued Paid-up Capital. (Sub. to Coaticook) $ 20,000,000 Toronto (Sub. to Lachine).. ...1466 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA.......... Montreal Dosquet Dunham------------ —.295 Montreal MOLSONS BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Montreal J. A. Spenard 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 20,000,000 Toronto La Banque Nationale_________ (Sub. to Bedford) . ___ in East Angus-------- . 3802 BANQUE D’HOCHELAOA------CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Garthby Station... ..800 LaBanque Nationale_____ 761 Gentilly Giffard__ ___ 704 East Templeton. Fahre___ _ ....200 Farnham_______ ...3343 CANADIAR BK. OF COMMERCE L« BANQUE P«0«mD# BANQUE D’HOCHELAOA- - - - - - BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA_ _ _ _ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (Sub. to Magog) — 6785 20,000,000 Toronto — (Sub. to Ville Marie) H. Choqnette. __ Montreal 20,000.000 Toronto (Sub. to Mont Laurier) Montreal Fitch Bay ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- (Sub. to Rock Island) Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal A. O. Gervais.......... 10,000,000 Halifax _____ —.355 Frampton_____ .1937 Montreal Montreal CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE* 20,000,000 Toronto 20,000.000 Toronto Garneau L’Islet.__ 1200 La Banque Nationale.................. (Sub. to Armagh).. Quebec QboWc oontlnued on second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20,000,000 Toronto P. G. Jack_____ Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Quebec Quebec “ 4 Grenville ______ .« .701 BARK OF MONTREAL--------- Quebec Quebec La Banqne Nationale_________ H. A. Bedard__ 27,250.000 Montreal 27.909,582 Quebec La Banque Provinciale du Can. Ernest Godbaut Montreal BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-....... 8 orpins J. R. Monty, Act’g. , 10 000,000 Halifax La Banque Provinciale du Can. M. Poulin................. Montreal (Sub. to Portneuf) Quebec La Banque Provinciale du Can. M. H. Guilbault ... BANK D’HOCHELAGA-------- Montreal C. E. Bellemare... Montreal -200 La Banque Provinciale du Can. J.W. Desloges____ Montreal La Banque Provinciale du Can. Ole Lamoureaux.. Montreal Hebertville Station. .739 La Banque Nationale________ CANADIANBK. OF COMMERCE* Henryville................ 1000 La Banque Nationale________ Howick___________ .457 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE C. E. P. Lavoie -— Quebec P, H. M. Somerville 20 000,000 Toronto (Sub. to St. Jean). Quebec A. E. Ward. , 20,000,000 Toronto. 1803 Sub. to Ormstown. Montreal A. C. Smith____ (Snb. to Grand Mere) Hemmingford_____ .345 M. R. Whitcomb__ Frelighsburg..............254 J. A. Montflls_____ Grandes-Piles____ ..700 La Banqne Nationale________ (Warwick P. 0.) (Snb.toSte.CIaire) 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 (Sub. to Chandler) Ham-Snd . ______ (Sub. to Knowlton) 8 orpins Grande Riviere.... .1711 La Banqne Nationale________ Ham Nord______ 21,485,830 (Sub. toManson- S 20.000,000 Toronto ville) C. R. Quirion_____ Quebec (Sub. to New Car lisle) (Snb. to Bagotville) Gurgues__________ La Banque Provinciale du Can. M. G. Perreault—.. Franklin Centre___40 BANK OF MONTREAL----- 419 La Banque Nationale________ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... Foster__ Montreal Grande Baie............ .1735 La Banque Nationale________ 7631 Ferae Neuve... —511 BANK OF MOVA SCOTIA........ MOLSONS BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - - - BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA ------ Quebec Nicolet__________ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- Union Bank of Canada________ Fort Coulonge.. ___973 J. A. A. Dupere — BANQUE D’ HOCHELAGA----- La Banqne Nationale________ Quebec Fassett_________ —1000 La Banqne Provinciale du Can.. T. Montrenil ..500 La Banqne Nationale_________ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Melle F. Campeau. A. B. Astle_______ Quebec Toronto Montreal La Banque Nationale_________ J. A. P. Caron . Eastman.. ( East Angus) H. B. Brubaker— Montreal — East Broughton Station La Banque Nationale_________ (Sub. to Thetford 600 Mines) Head Office. La Banque Provinciale du Can D. H. Rheault____ Quebec 20,000,000 Toronto Paid-up Capital. BANK OF TORONTO----------- 34’ La Banque Nationale______ Granby Manager or Agent. 1254 La Banque Provinciale du Can. D. Greniere______ Glen Snttnn (Snb. to Macamic) C. S. Powers______ 423 Quebec 20,000,000 Toronto La Banque Provincials du Oan._ D. Courchesne___ J. E. Forget............ Reserve Funds Wm. Hetherington Name of Bank. Quebec (Sub. to Lachine). —.500 La Banque Nationale_________ (Sub. to Plessisville) Drummondville. ...2852 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. R. Tanner . . Post Office and Population. Montreal Donnacona-------- —1225 La Banque Nationale_________ D. Brunean______ Dorval Head Office. QUBBEC Map opposite Montreal January, 1924_____________ QUEBEC BANKS—Dixville to Ho wick Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Inionq dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this AOUJ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. volume. Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. Hudson____________621 La Banque Nationale________ Hull.—— 24,117 Manager ok Agent. “ Quebec Surplus (Sub. to St. Johns) Quebec Montreal “ Quebec (Sub. to Baie St. Paul) W. H. Rothera----- Quebec n Isle Bizard------- ....800 e vieve de P.) Isle Perrot_____ ........360 Lac Frontiere___ ..1100 B Lachenail............ (Sub.tOSt.Camille) Gaspard Venne— 27,250,000 Montreal 27.909,582 20,000,000 Toronto (Sub. to St. Jean) . —182 Lac-Bouchette-Station. B <• I Remi Beaulieu .... Remi Beaulieu— (Sub. to St. Tite) (Sub. to Chicouti mi! (Sub. to Robervale) Lachine. t. I --......... Lao a-La Croix_______ I Lacau Saumon... ...354 L Lac-aux-Sabies__ .1088 L 20.000.000 Toronto Isle.—Aux. Coudres— I 20,400.000 Montreal 21.485,830 Montrea “ J Surplus J. C. Arseneault... (2 Branches in Lachine) Nmr Lacolle. ....1448 Quebec Montreal Montreal I 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Montreal Montreal 10.000,000 Halifax R. Charron........— Montreal W. A. Houston .... Montreal G. Desjardins. S. Laroche... . Montreal Montreal P. A. Boulanger _ Quebec E. A. Chadsey------ 20,000.000 Toronto J. O. Levac, Ptrc Montreal Emile Roy......... Montreal LaMalbaie--------- —3034 La Banque Nationale. - “ --------------- A. U. Dorais.. G. D. Hebert. I Quebec j Montreal Lambton_______ ... 576 __Quebec (Sub. to St. Evaris te Sta.) (Sub. to Ste-Anne--------------- Quebec de-Beaupre) Montreal J. I. Lauzon____________ Lac . - Ste rMarie.— —52: La Durantave____ ____ '2169 Montreal J. R. Parris--------- ______ Head Office. Qnebec Montreal Quebec H. A. Thomson — Lac Masson .. . 1 LacMeeantic______ Qnebec Station) 15,404 | Lachute________ ..2592 | 44 “ I Montreal Beanharnois) Paid-up Capital. Manager or Agent. Name of Bank. Canada Lake Megantic.. ...2399 (See Megantic) Joliette ____ . 9113 L. P. Dallaire .... 20,000,000 Toronto " D. A. Bisson.......... Reserve Funds L’Ange Gardien. —1447 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 L’Annonciation.. —.612 Jonqniere____ _. 4851 Kamouraska___ ____519 La Banque Provinciale du Oan. Gen. Drapean Kazubazua____ ____300 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Mrs. H. Waldorf.. Montreal Kenoeami____ ....2557 La Banque Nationale___ Union Bank of Canada. . C. Beauvais. Montreal Quebec 25 (Sub. to St. Hyacinthe; J. R. Blais----------- Montreal 40 J. H. Tessier------- Montreal P. Mathieu............ (Sub. to Chicou timi) J. E. Dion............. .5603 La Banque Nationale_____ R. Babin eau-------ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Reserve Funds Laurentides___ __ 1150 La Banque Provinciale du Can. E. Patry____ ____ LaBaie Lahelle . ___ Montreal Quebec ___ 641 Quebec continued on second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis La Banque Nationale. L& Banque Nationale. La Banque Nationale. Laprairifi BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA— T,a Rein? BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA La Sarrp 20,000,000 Knowlton____ ___ 841 MQLSONS BANK- - - - - - - - . 2200 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- L’Anse St. Jean. ...1000 LaPatrie______ —.850 La Petite Riviere St. 2388 Francois------La Plaine 131 2158 La Banque Provinciale du Canada La Presentation — .300 La Banque Nationale— . .1810 La Banque Nationale.... Kingsey Falls..____306 BANQUE U’HOCHELAGA L’Assompfinn 1 Laterriere-------- —936 La Banque Nationale----------- K. Erskine_____ . (Sub. to Nicolet). . J. B. Cedillotte... BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA 1320 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA----- Montreal II Dominion Securities Corporation. Limited Toronto MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. Quebec Quebec Quebec Quebec 20.400.000 Montreal 21.485,830 Montreal GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL, AND CORPORATION BONDS January, 1924 Montreal ..600 __ Kildare______ Montreal (Sub. to Berthier- ... ville) (Sub to Chicoutimi) J. P. Roy...... .......... (Sub. to Baie St. -------------Paul) Joseph Roussil___ Lanoraie.. ___ QUEBEC BAN KS—H udson to Laurentides B Post Office and Population. Head Office. 1 27.250,000 Montreal BANK OF MONTREAL--- - - - - (2 Branches in Hull) 27,909,582 Surplus BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.......... D. Robertson------- 10.000,000 Halifax BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - - Iberville______ ...2454 C " Paid-Up Capital. Station) La Baiique Nationals-------------(3 Branches in Hull) La Banque Provincials dn Oan.. H. A. Champagne.. <2 Branches in Hull) C. W. Thomas....... ** QUEBEC Map opposite Montreal QUEBEC—Continued For Interest Interest Bates, R ates. Hnlidavs. srp Tarns. Holidays, p.t.r etc., see Laws. 1804 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- 1 Rf)4 dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in Dack of this A OUT Post Office and Population. QUEBEC—Continued Manager or Agent. Name of Bank. „ 865 La Banque Nationale— Paid-up Capital. (Sub. to Plessisville ) . Hbad Office. Quebec 4066 La Banqae Nationals___ Lsuzon .. Post Office and Population 008 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA.............. L’Avenir La Banque Provincials dn Canada Manager or Agent. Name of Bank. 426 La Banque Nationale___ 225 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA_______ (Sub. to Waterloo) •• " La Banqae Nationale _____ Quebec (Sub. to Plessisvill Pi') Montreal (Sub.toPlessisville) Quebec Montreal Macamic________ Head Office. Montreal ___ --.596 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- Montreal Paid up Capital. Loaiseville________ ..1772 BANQUE D’HOCKELAGA............. Luceville________ Inraltris QUEBEC Map opposite Montreal Montreal BANQUE D’HOCHFl aga Leeds Village------ ...817 ROYAL BARK OF CANA0A ----- (Sub. to Inverness) $ 20.400.000 Montreal Reserve Fundi 21.485.830 LanaoxTille. ......1554 CAIABIAR BK. OF COMMERCE N. H. Slack............. 20.000,000 Toronto Magog___________ _5159 BANK OF MONTREAL Surplus •• L'Kpiphanie •• ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... R. G. Ward.............. Reserve Funds ___ ..1675 RANOUE B’MOCHELIGA... •• •* 20.400.000 21.485,830 L. Jarry_________ Quebec Maisonneuve_____ 36.670 BANK OF TORONTO E. F. McNicholl — *• “ La Banqae Provinci&ledu Can- J. Albert Lefebvre Les Cadres..........— — (See Cedars) Toronto Montreal (Sub. to Baie St.Pa iiU Tm Ksconmins... ..1500 La Banqae Nationale _____ ( La Malbaie) T,es Etroite___________ T,a Banque Nationale _ _ .10470 BANK OF MONTREAL-................ *• 20,000,000 Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Montreal La Banqae Provincial® du dan__ A. St. Louis_____ TiSfi Khoulements. ..2138 La Banque Nationale •• $ 27.250,000 Montreal 27.909,582 Surplus ** T* Ranqne Nationale “ In Caisse d’Economie de Notre H. Carrier......... ..... Dame de Quebec (2 Branches »n Levis) 1461 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Qfin 27.250.000 27.909,582 10,000,000 ___ ___ Quebec Quebec (Sub. to Deschaillo Quebec Mansonville.-........ —.428 CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE* S. Hacloughlin___ ...-670 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 20,000,000 Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto Marieville_______ -1748 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA........ — .T. B. Poirier L'lslet................. - ..2411 La Banqae Nationale___ Little Metis.......... ...500 Loagaeail.............. ...4682 .. .. M0LS0NS BANK ____ (Sub. to Mont-Joli) BAKK OF MONTREAL...... ...... BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA.......... Loretteville.......... ..2066 La Banque Nationale ........ . 8urplus Montreal 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 L. M. Lamarre Montreal L. P. Pommerleau Quebec BANQUE U'HOCHELAGA......... •* “ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Quebec BANK OF MONTREAL CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Ida R. Fugere____ Montreal Surplus G. M. Thompson — 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toront (Sub. to Graceiield )__ ___ Quebec 1467 (Sub, to La Malba Montreal Mnntoerf La Banque Provinciale du Canada Dains Quebec 1805 Qnebee continued on second half of this page. ____ .T. TT. Oirarrl M0LS0NS BANK 3140 A. E. Racicot_____ Lotbiniere........... — .401 La Banque Provinciate du Can. S. Bernard. 20,000,000 .950 Matane............ ....... —2056 Ta Banqne Nationale La Banque Provincial du Can.- Cyrille Renaud___ Leminville------ —.800 Montreal r.BNAniAH RK OF P.fiMMFRP.F ____ January, 1924____________ QUEBEC BANKS —LaurierviUe^to^Montcerf_ _____________ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In* 1805 %a^-ii£Sntearia8S5g 1°^°^ QUEBEC—Continued Post Orric* mid Population. Monte Bello — Mont Joli..— Paid-up Gapital. Head Office. (Sab. to Bucking ham) Quebec. H. Gosselin______ Quebec. M0LS0NS BANK------- A. Z. Reid------------- Montreal. BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- L. Lefort_________ Montreal. __ 977 La Banque Nationale.. —2799 La Banane Nationale__ Mont Ianrler............ 1813 Manage* os Agknt. Nami of Banc. Quebec. Quebec. La Banaue Nationale_________ La Banque Provincial Du Oan. J. A. Corriveau... ROYAL BANK OF CANADA —- Montreal____ .....618,606 'BANK OF MONTREAL(Head Office) (31 Branches in Montreal) $27,250,000 Correspondents: Agents Surplus, 27,909.582 Bk. of Montreal, N City, and Ban. N., N Y.; Bk. of Montreal; Vincent Meredith, Free. Con’t. & Com’l N.,lst Charles Gordon, Vice-Pres. N., and Ill. Mercb F. Williams-Taylor, Om’l Mgr. Tr. Co., Chi.; Mercb H. W. Binning____ 10,000,000 Halifax. J. L. CARSON. Mgr. Head Office, Toronto G. LEONARD. Mgr. Board of Trade. E. F. MeN CHOLL. Maisonneuve, A. H. WALSH. Mgr., St, Catherine and Guy Sts, W. E. FLEMING. Mgr., Atwater Ave, and St, Antoine. J. J. WlNSBY. Mgr,, 516 St, Lawrence Blvd. G ST. JOHN. Mgr. Peel St. {Mount Royal Hotel) 'BANK OF TORONTO-i (7 Branches in Montreal) St. James St., Cor. McGill St., Main Office. _ „ . Collections made on any point In Canada and promptly remitted for at fsvorBblc rutcs SEE FULL PAGE ADVEBTISEMENT IN TORONTO, ONTARIO, BANK LIST. Qasfasc eon tinned on second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Manager or Agent. Bank. -BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA Head Office (53 Offices in Montreal) Paid-up Capital. J. A. Vaillancourt, President. Beaudry Leman, General Manager. F. L. Beique, Vice-President. Yvon Lamarre, Head Offick. N. Park, Irving Bk. - Col. Tr. Co., andN.Clty.N.Y.; Ill. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 1st N. and N.Shawmut, Bos.; 4th St.N. and Phlla. N., Phil.; Marine Tr.Co., Buff. Correspondents: Chief Inspector. F. G. Leduc, Manager Montreal Office. Collections are made at the most favorable rates at all points In the Do minion of Canada. Montreal $ 20,400,000 Montreal. 21.485,830 Reserve Funds N.,lstN.,andN.Shau • mut, Bos.; British Am.and Bk. of Mont G. C. Cassels, Asst. Gen’l Mgr. and Mgr. London, Eng., Branches. real,San F.; 4thSt.N., D. B. Clarke, Asst. Gen’l Mgr. Phil.; Bk. of Mont W. A. Bog, Asst. Gen’l Mgr. real, Spok., Met. C., O. B. Sharp, Asst. Gen’l Mgr. Pueb., and Vera Cruz, S. C. Norsworthy, Dist. Supt. Ontario Dist. at Toronto. Mex. ;Bk.ofMon treat, W. H. Hogg, Supt. British Columbia Branches at Vancouver N. Prov. & Union Bk. H. Weldon, Dist. Supt. of Mexico Branches at Mexico City. of Eng., Ltd., Bar Jackson Dodds, Dist. Supt. of Manitoba Dist. at Winnipeg. clay’s Bk., Lloyds Bk. C. W. Chesterton, Dist. Supt. of Alberta Dist. at Calgary. Ltd., Westminster A. E. Nash, Dist. Supt. Maritime Provinces at Halifax. Bk., Ltd., and Mid i. W. Spears, Dist. Supt. Saskatchewan Dist. at Regina. J. F. Stevens, Dist. Supt., Montreal. Subsidiary Branch at land Bk., Ltd., Lon don, Eng.; Bk. of Montreal. Accounts and correspondence solicited. Collections Liverpool & Martins, at all points in the Dominion of Canada and the Ltd., Liverpool; Bk. of Montreal, Paris, United States undertaken at most favorable rates. France; Colonial Bk., SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE DOMINION OF CANADA MAP Westlndies, and Brit ish Guiana. (2 Branches in Montreal) (Continued) of Capital, $4,000,000 Reserve Fund, 4,000,000 L. Tetu________ F. J. Cockburn, Asst. Gen’l Mgr. ♦BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA— Montreal________ 618,506 Nami SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON MARGIN QUEBEC MAP. ‘CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE • H. B. Walker-------W. P. Rapley, Asst. Mgr. $ 20,000.000 Toronto. (6 Branches in Montreal) Crown Trust fin,* Wm. I. Gear. Pres. Arthur Lyman, V.P. Irving P. Rexford. 500,000 Correspondents: N, Y. Tr. 125,000 Co.. N. Y. Gen’l Mgr. 'DOMINION BANK* (5 Branches in Montreal) Toronto. E. C. Lindsay, Asst. Mgr, Halifax. ♦Imperial Bank of Canada*— A. R. B. Hearn.... E. J. Kay, Asst. Mgr. Toronto. *La Banqne Nationale________ Quebec. (8 Branches in Montreal) (15 Branches in Montreal) ( H. Laporte, Pres. W. F. Carsley, < Vice-Pres. Reserve Fund (T.Bieavenu,Gen’l 3,000,000 Correspondents: N. Bk. Com., N. City. Chem. N., and Chase N..N.Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1.525,000 N. Shawmut., Bos.; Mgr. Marine N., Buffalo. (See following page for balance of Montreal Banks) Dominion Securities Corporation, Limited Toronto MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL. AND CORPORATION BONDS QUEBEC BANKS— M onte Bello to Montreal___________ January, 1924 J. A. Cloutier____ Montmagny_______ 4145 La Banqae Nationale__________ L. A. Pedneault ... Post Office and Population. QUEBEC Map opposite 1806____________________ dag Pol) in back UOACU UOV<A UI of this uilj dexed A\AA»./t Acces.), UOTT/CIBi Lawyers, JUilWS Laws (.UlUOAOU^ (indexed) AU iOUU volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 1 An International Force OR OVER fifty years The Royal Bank of Canada has followed a careful yet progressive banking policy which has placed it amongst the most powerful banks in the world. F Its customers and correspondents have the security of the sound business management, mature experience and financial strength of an institution world wide in its influence. The intimate knowledge of conditions gained through our Southern and Foreign connections enables us to offer ex ceptional service as your correspondent, and private wires connecting our New York, Montreal, Toronto and Havana offices greatly facilitate the conduct of important transactions. The royal Bank of Canada 570 Branches in Canada—110 Branches Abroad Head Office: Montreal London . New York Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . Paris . Barcelona . Havana . Rio Janeiro . Buenos Aires BANK of HOCHELAGA—Montreal, Quebec Established 1874—357 Offices and Agencies throughout Canada Quebec INDEX TO PROVINCIAL ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. Abitibi(Territory) Argenteuil ... 0 9 Arthabaska . N 15 Ashuapini (Terri tory) Bagot........... P 13 Beauce.........N 18 Beauharnois. R 10 Bellechasse . M 17 Berthier....... K 9 Bonaventure . G 5 Brome..........Q 14 Chambly. .. .P Champlain... J Charlevoix. H ChateaaguayR Chicoutimi.. D Compton... .Q 12 13 19 11 17 16 Dorchester.. M 18 Drummond N 14 Frontenac.. .0 18 Gaspe......... D 6 Hochelaga.. .P 12 Hull..............M 6 Huntingdon. R 10 Iberville .... R 12 Jacques Cartier P 10 Joliette..........K 8 Kamouraska . I 21 Labelle.......... N 7 LakeSt.JohnE 14 Laprairie... . Q 11 L' Assomption 0 12 Laval............ P 10 Levis.............L 17 L’lsiet.......... K 20 Lotbiniere ... M 6 Maskinonge.. J 12 Masonneuve Matane......... E 3 Megantic.. .M 17 Missisquoi .. R 13 Mistassini (Territory) Montcalm....K 7 Montmagny. K 19 Montmorency I 17 Montreal... .P 11 Napierville. . Q 11 Nicolet.........L 15 Pontiac......... L 3 Portneuf. ... K 15 Quebec......... I 15 Richelieu... .0 13 Richmond... P 15 Rimouski... .F 24 Rouville....... P 13 Saguenay.. ..C 20 Shefford....... P 14 Sherbrooke. .P 15 Soulanges .. .Q 10 St. HyacintheP 12 St.Johns... . R 12 St. Maurice . J 11 Stanstead ... Q 15 TemiscouataH 23 Terrebonne . N 10 Timiskaming N 22 Two Mountains P 10 Vaudreuil... Q 10 Vercheres .. .0 12 Westmont.. .P 11 Wolfe........... O 16 Yamaska .. .N 14 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Head Office The Molsons Bank INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT, 1855 Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS WM. MOLSON MACPHERSON, Honorary President F. W. MOLSON, President W. A. BLACK, Vice-President WM. M. BIRKS JOHN W. ROSS j. m. mcintyre A. O. DAWSON EDWARD C. PRATT, General Manager H. A. HARRIES, Superintendent of Branches THOS. CARLISLE, Chief Inspector E. HABERER, Inspector BRANCHES ALBERTA Calgary Edmonton Camrose BRITISH COLUMBIA Revelstoke Vancouver— East End Branch MANITOBA Winnipeg— Portage Ave. Branch ONTARIO Alvins ton Lambton Mills Amherstburg Londesborough Aultsville London Aylmer Lucknow Ayr Meaford Belleville Merlin Bridgeburg Moriisburg Bridgeport New Germany Brinston Norwich Brockville Ottawa Brucefield Owen Sound Chesterville Port Arthur Clinton Ridgetown Coatsworth Ridgeway Courtland Simcoe Delhi Smiths Falls Drumbo St. Agatha Dutton St. Marys St. Thomas— Exeter Forest East End Rr. Formosa Teeswater Fort Erie Thedford Frankford Toronto— Glanworth Queen St. W. Hamilton— St. Clair Ave. Barton St. E. West Toronto James & Yonge & Bloor Barton Sts. Trenton Market Br. Wales Harrow Waterloo Hensall Williamsburg Highgate Windsor— Iroquois London St. Kingsville Woodstock Kirkton Zurich Kitchener BRANCHES 200 St. James Street, Montreal QUEBEC Amqui Arthabaska Bedford Chicoutimi Cowansville Drummondvitle Foster Knowlton Lachute Little Metis Matane Mont-Joli Montreal Cote d^s Neiges Cote St. Paul Hochelaga Lachine Maisonneuve Market and Harbour Mt. Royal and Bordeaux Montreal West Park & Bernard Ave. St. Catherine St. West St. Cath. & Wolfe St. St. Denis St. St. Henri St. Lawrence Boulevard Verdun Verdun Wellington St. Ville St. Pierre Pierreville Quebec Upper Town St. Roch Richmond Riviere du Loup Roberval Sorel Sutton St. Cesaire St. Ours Ste. ThArfeae Three Rivers Trois Pistoles Victoriaville Waterloo Head Office, MONTREAL, CANADA AGENTS IN UNITED STATES NEW YORK—Mechanics & Metals Nat’l Bank. PHILADELPHIA—Fourth Street National Bank. National City Bank. Philadelphia National Bank. Hanover National Bank. Com Exchange National Bank. Guaranty Trust Company. First National Bank. BOSTON—Merchants National Bank. DETROIT—People’s State Bank. National Shawmut Bank. BUFFALO—Manufacturers & Traders Nat’l Bank. CHICAGO—First National Bank of Chicago. MINNEAPOLIS—First National Bank SEATTLE—Seattle National Bank. Collections made in all parts of the Dominion and returns promptly remitted at lowest rates of exchange. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis us with Nearest Banking Point (in fers, Laws (indexed) in Dack of this ..est Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and POPULATION. ’MOLSONS BANK Head Office. (19 Branches in Montreal) Managxb or Agent. F. W. Molson, Pres. W.A.Rlack, V.Pres. Wm. M. MacPher Edward C. Pratt, Oen. Mgr. H. A. Harries. Supt. of Branches Thos. Carlisle, Chief Inspector E. Haberer, Inspec Paid-up Capital. Head Office. Post Office and Population. $ 4,000.000 Correspondents: Mech. Montreal______ 850,000 * Metals N., N. Best (Continued) City, Guaranty Tr. 6.000.000 Co., and Han. N., N. son, Hon. .. Pres. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1th St. N., Phil. N., 1st N «_____________» and Corn Ex.N.,Phll " Merch. N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.: Peo. ------- — State, Dec.; Mnfrs. & Traders N., Buffalo; 1st N., Minpls Seattle N., Seattle. IMem. Inv. Bkrs. Assn. QUEBEC Name of Bunk. Royal Trust Oo_____________ ‘STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Munagkk ox Agknt. SEE ADVERTISEMENT 0 N OPPOSITE PAGE. R. Dandurand, Pres. A.P. Lesperanoe, Gen. Mgr. F. G. Donaldson, Gen. Mgr. Montreal Trust Oo.. W. S. Green, Mgr. Montreal Br. National Trust Oo.. Ltd_______ J. M. McDonald... Prudential Trust Co.. Ltd____ B. Hal Brown,Pres. Reserve Fund Head Office. 9 St .John St. 'ROYAL BANK OF CANADAHead Office. (26 Branches in Montreal) Collections on all points throughout Canada and Cuba nandled at lowest rates and remitted for on date of payment. Corre spondence solicited. SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE PREVIOUS PASE. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20,400.000 Correspondents: Chase Reserve N.,Am. Ex. N., Cbem. Funds N., and Bk. of the S. L Pease, 21,485,830 Manhattan Co.,N. Y.: V.P. Cont.& Com’l N. and C# E. N^lUy Gen. Mgr. Merch. Ln.& Tr. Co., M. W. Wilson, Chi.; N. Shawmut, S. R. Noble and Intern. Tr. Co., and S. G. Dobson, 1st N.,Bos.; Phil.N., G. W. MacKim mle, Phil.; 1st N. and Asst. Gen. Mgrs. Anglo & Lon.-Paris S. D. Boak, Sec. N., San F.; 1st N., Minpls.; Mnfrs. & Tra. N.. Buffalo; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; Canai-Coin’l Tr. & Sav., N. O.; Merch. N.,Balt.; IstN., Peo. State, and N. Bk. Com.,Det. ;Guardian Sav. & Tr. Co., Clev.; 1st N. and Pacific S.W.Tr.& Sav., Los A.; Supervisors: N. W. N., Port. L. P. Snyder, <Su pervisor of Bank Premises. C. W. Frazee.Su pervisor of Branches in British Col. C.E.Mackenzie, Supervisor of Branches in Ouba. F. St. C. Harris, Superviso rof Maritime Province Branches. N. Hillary, Sup ervisor of Ontario Branches, B. B. Stevenson, Supervisor of Quebec Branches, W. A. McKlnlay t Superviso r of Branches in Porto Rico and Venezuela, S. L. Cork, Sup 'v. Manitob a and Saskatchewan Br. C. C. Pineo, Sup ervisor of S outh American Branches, E. Percival, Sup ervisor of Br itish & French W. Indies Branches, J. H. Menzies, Supervisor o f Alberta Branches. (Sec Toronto) RP0RATI0N 1 Royal Bk, of Can., Montreal and branches. Toronto, 686,910 179,020 Montreal nment, rporatlon ks* to Stock E Dealers As hers Ass'n of AE MI LIUS JARVIS & CO., LIMITED Transportation Bldg. (H. O. Toronto) MACKENZIE & KINGMAN—(Lake of the Woods Bldg.) NATIONAL CITY CO. LTD.... 74 Notre Dame St.. West. NESBITT, THOMSON & CO., Limited Correspondents: A. E. Ames & Co., N. Y., Chi., Toronto, Victoria. B. C. xchange, Montreal Stock sociation of Canada and America.) Correspondent: Banque d’Hochelaga, Montreal. Correspondents: Dillon, Read & Co.. N.Y., Chi., Bos.. Buffalo and Phil. Correspondents: Located in Vancouver, Winni peg and Halifax; also Aemilius Jarvis & CoLtd., Toronto, Ont. and London, Ont.; Aemilius Jarvis & Co., Inc.. New York, N. Y.; Aemilius Jarvis & Co.. Ltd., Ot tawa, On+ario and Lon don, England, Correspondents: Can. Bk. of Com.. Montreal; Shearson Hammill & Co., N. Y. and Chi. "F. C. C. Mead, Lo Underwriters of ment, Municip poration Securi ders executed d the Toronto Sto Cable Address: “ Members of Bo Association of C cal Manager GovernalandCortles. Ortrectly on ckExch’ge. Aemilius” nd Dealers anada. f A. H. B. Mackenz A. Kingman. Jr., I Dealers In Cana I ernment. Muni I Corporation Bo k. We are Members o ' Investment Bonds le________ Partners. dlan Govclpal and nds. f the BondD ealers Ass'nof Canada. Correspondents: N. City Co., N. Y. City and Correspondent Offices. See Adv. Page III. Correspondents: Canadian an Govern- Bk. of Com. and Royal al Bonds. Bk. of Can., Montreal. Hydro-Elec- Branch Offices: Toronto, Hamilton, Winnipeg & ialty. London, Ont, Dealers in Canadi ment and Municip Public Utility and trie Issues a Spec ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LTD. Royal Securities Building Montreal BRANCH OFFICES TORONTO HALIFAX 244 Bay St. ST. JOHN 72i Prince Wm. St. VANCOUVER Pacific Bldg. Royal Bank Bldg. WINNIPEG Elec. Ry. Cbambers NEW YORK 44 Pine St. CORRESPONDENTS UNDERWRITERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF CANADIAN GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL, Equitable Trust PUBLIC UTILITY AND INDUSTRIAL of London, Ltd. SECURITIES. LONDON, ENGLAND. F CANADA - Prompt attention to Collections in Canada and West Indies 1807 Quebec continued on second half of this page, HerbertS.Holt, Pres. . 1,000,000 Correspondent: Bk. Of Montreal in Canada. Rest 2,000,000 Selected List of INVESTMENT HOUSES 1 000,000 Correspondents: 1 000,000 Head Office. R. S. Disprose, Ass 't. Mgr. *8 terline Bank of Canada_____ ♦Union Bank of Canada_____ Winnipeg (2 Branches) Montreal Clearing House_____ Q. C. Hart, Mgr.__ — (.Members indicated by a*) Canadian Gover I Municipal & Co J Bonds and Stoc Montreal..Montreal 110 A. E. AMES & CO_ _ _ _ _ _ ] (Members Toron Transportation Bldg. Pop. 850.000 I Exchange, Bond (Established 1889) V Investment Ban 1,498,670 Correspondents: Bank of (Bonds)____ Credit-Canada, Ltd.-----------’01 Rest Montreal and N. City, 1.350,000 N. Y. R. W. Steele. DOMINION . Rest Paid-op Capital. Vincent Meredith, 1 Pres. H. B .Mackenzie. Gen. Mgr. ts of the Domini on and retorna promptly remitted at lowest rates of •x change. ♦Montreal Oitjr & Dist. Sav. UK. (16 Branchesin Montreal) 176 St. James St. Map opposite 1924______________ QUEBEC BANKS— Montreal—Continued Montreal________ 860,000 (Continued) Nun of Busk. QUEBEC— Continued January, Non-Bank • 1 fiA7 dexed Acces.), XO\J/ volume. For POBT OlTICB AND Population. Montreal_______ 850,000 (Continued) Montreal North........1360 Nam* of Bkkk. Paid-up Capital. Head Office. BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA_ _ _ _ Montreal (Sub. to St. Lambert) Montreal M0LS0NS BANK............ ........ Sub. to St. Henri.. Montreal BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - Surplus BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - - J. R. Hughes____ F. X. Landry, flls.. New Glasgow_____ 146 La Banque Provinciale du Canada New Richmond....... 2789 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_ _ _ _ _ Nominingue...............700 North 8tanbridge ____ 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Paid-up Capital. 10,000,000 Halifax Quebec Montreal 10.000,000 Halifax Montreal La Banqne Nationals_________ H. Fortier______ Quebec BANQUE D’HOCKELAGA_ _ _ _ _ (Sub. to L’Annonciation) BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... D. Ducharme, Pro. Montreal CANADIAN NIL OF COMMERCE A. R. Virgin........... La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to Bedford).. Quebec Quebec Quebec Montreal Notre Dame-de-la-Sa- La Banque Nationale................ (Sub. to Buckingha Ill)________ Quebec lette-900 Notre Dame DeLonrdes BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... (Sub.toPlessisville ) ... ___ Montreal Quebec continued en second half of this pace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Oka______________ 584 La Banque Provinciale du Can. F. Harbour______ Montreal Quebec Quebec 668 Ormstown________832 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - __________ ____ * 27.250,000 Montreal Surplus! 27,909,582 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE C. W. Hawley___ j 20.000.000 Toronto Outremont........... 13,249 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... R. B. McAllister -i 20.400.000 Montreal (2 Branches) Reserve Funds 21,485,820 Papineauville_____ 884 LaBanque Provinciale du Can. A. R. Biron----------------------- Montreal Winnipeg Union Bank of Canada ............ Parisville___________ La Banque Nationale_______ (Sub. to Paspebiac... ...........1994 Deschaillons) BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA.......... J. A. Seale, Pro.... Quebec 10,000,000 Peribonka..................... La Banque Nationale_____ Philipsburg_______ 390 Halifax Quebec CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE (Sub. to Bedford). 20,000,000 Toronto Quebec La Banque Nationale_______ (Sub. to Bedford) . Pierreville_______ 1394 La Banqne Provinciale du Can. E. Desmarais____ Montreal MOLSONS BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - E. Lagace----------- Montreal Pike-River................ La Banque Nationale_______ (Sub. to Bedford) Quebee Piopolis_____ _____ Montreal Plaisance.................... La Banque Provinciale du Joseph Bouffard.. Canada La Banque Provinciale du P. Y. H. Grenier.. Plessisville_______ 2032 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA0--—- J. A. Lavalle____ Montreal Montreal La Banqne Nationale_________ J. II. Lefebvre_________ Pointe aax Trembles. 1764 Quebec Montreal BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA_ _ _ _ 20,000,000 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE S. A. Forbes. Point Fortune...........324 Pointe Gatinean ....1919 La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to Hull).. Montreal Pont Maskinonge ...900 (Sub. to Louiseville Pout Rouge.......... .1419 La Banque NaMonale............. D. II. Lamarche Dominion Securities Corporation. Limited Toronto MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. Quebec Montreal BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA.......... I. Rouleau____ Montreal BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA_ _ _ _ Quebec Montreal Gerant La Malbaie Pointe au Pic______703 La Banque Provinciale du Canada Pointe-aux-Esquimaux La Banque Nationale............... Quebec Montreal Quebec GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL. AND CORPORATION BONDS 1924 Hermenegilde La Banque Provinciale du Notre Dame de Pierrevllle Canada Fontaine Notre Dame de 8tanBARQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - (Sub. to Farnham) bridge_768 Montreal Montreal 20.000.000 Toronto Montreal Quebec ___ January, Notre Dame de Charny La Banqne Prorindale dn Oan. Fd Bnnrassa 06 (Chaudiere Curve P. O.) Notre Dame de Ham.617 La Banque Provinciale dn Can. H. Goulet________ Montreal Head Office. Notre Dame Du Bon BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA------ (Sub. to VictoriaConseil ville) Notre Dame du Lac.1868 La Banqne Nationale________ (Sub. to Riviere du Loup Sta.) Notre Dame-du Rosaire La Banque Nationale............... (Sub. to Armagh).. Quebec BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... Nord Temiscamingue.. 200 Normandln...............1521 La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to St. Felicien) North Hatley.............498 Manager or Agent. Bank. QUEBEC BAHKS —Montreal to Pon t Rouge La Banqne Proyinciale du Can. J. C. Lacombe....... In Banqne Nationals_________ D. 0. McKinnon... Nicolet.... ................. 2342 of Wood, Notre Dame des Anges La Banque Nationale. (Sub. to St. CasiGnndy & Co., Inc., N. 482 mir) Y.; Wood, Gundy & Co.. Toronto, Montreal, and Notre Dame des Bois... La Banque National e... (Sub. to La-Patrie) London. England; Wood, Gundy & Co., La Banque Provinciale du P. Gaudreau. Ltd., \ Canada (Sub. to St. ViD- — Montreal cent De Paul) Neurille__________ 365 La Banane Nationals_________ (Sub. to Donnacona) New Carlisle______1104 Nam* (See Toronto) Municipal and Corpora(140 St. James St.) [ tion Bonds. Cutten......... $ 20.400.000 Montreal I0YAL BANK OF CAN ABA------ C. B.Reserve Funds 21,485,830 Napierville________ 741 Post Office and Population. WOOD, GUNDY & CO_ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ' Canadian Gove rnment, Correspondents: Montreal South........ 1030 Montreal West____ 1882 Managik ok ▲gent. QUEBEC Map opposite Montreal 1808 QUEBEC—Continued 115 Post Owe® AND Population. QUEBEC—Continued Manager or Agent. Name of Bank. Paid-up Capital. Head Office. Pont St. Maurice. ...900 La Banque Nationals----------- (Sub. to Cap. de la Madeleine) Quebec ..1213 La Banque Nationale................ ( Bagotville) Quebec Port Alfred Port Daniel_____ . 1800 10,000.000 Halifax Quebec ...877 La Banque Nationale------------ ________ -1095 La Banqne Nationale------- (Sub. to Mont-Joli) NOYAL BANK OF CANADA- J. A. Frechette.-Reserve Funds Princeville........... — 869 Privat ROO Proulxville Quebec . .. 95,193 Quebec 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA. C. A. Melancon__ Quebec La Banque Nationale ... (Sub. to St. Tite)- Quebec ♦BANK OF MONTREAL* Surplus (7 Branches in Quebec) 27,250,000 Montreal a 27,909,582 ♦BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - C. F. Lindsay____ _ . ♦BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - H. Collette. 10,000,000 Halifax ♦CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE J. MacLoughlin—— 20,000,000 Toronto Montreal Rapides I.aval • ♦Imperial Bank of Canada*... E. J. Xay, Acting 7,000,000 Toronto 3,000,000 Correspondents: N. Y. Tr, ♦La Banqne Nationale....... Head Office (9 Branches in Quebec) ♦La Banque Provinciale du (2 Branches in Quebec) Can. La Oaisse D’Bconomie de Notre Dame de Quebec. (11 Offices in Quebec) ♦M0LS0NS BANK------ fGeo. E. Amyot, P V68. l J. H. Fortier, J V.P. ) H. Des Rivieres, / Oen. Mgr. 3,382,800 L Rest Montreal Rawdon.. 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Royal Trust Co........................... G. L. Dean______ Montreal Union Bank of Canada... Winnipeg (2 Branches in Quebec) Montreal . 1042 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... Mont real ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-— A. A. Cantin, Reserve Funds Renentienv . ( J. C. Sutherland. Chairman. ■{ C. P. Liebich. See . and Tr. 1 E. G. Bignell, M gr. Montreal ______ La Banque Provinciale du Can. BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - (Sub. to Chambly B assin)___ 20,000,000 Richmond.-. - ----- 2450 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. M. O'Halloran.. MOLSONS BANK- - - - - - --------27,250,000 Rigaud______ ____ 939 BANK OF MONTREAL -........... Richelieu......... ......... 426 Surplus La Banque Nationale________ Rimouski. ___ 3162 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. L. Dessert____ 27,909,582 Montreal Toronto Montreal Montreal Quebec Montreal 20,000,000 Toronto Quebec La Banque Nationale------------- Riviere-a-Pierre------ 848 La Banque Nationale------------ (Sub. to St. Raymo nd)______ Quebec Riviere-au-Dore______ La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to St. Felicie n)----------- Quebec Quebec Riviere-au-Renard....... La Banque Nationale----------Montreal Quebec Montreal Riviere Bleue_____1200 La Banque Provinciale duCan. MOLSONS BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Riviere du Loup Station BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA.......... Montreal Montreal Montreal Quebec La Banque Provinciale du Can. S. Pnnlpit Montreal Riviere Ouelle___ 1608 La Banque Nationale_______ (Sub. to Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere) Robertson ville... „..882 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Quebec La Banque Nationale.____ ____ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA ___ THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - Branches throughout Canada Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 (Sub. to Ste. Marie Beauce) and Quebec Montreal West Indies 1809 Quebec Clearing House------(Members indicated by a *) Quebec continued on second half of this page. BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - (Sub. to Cartier- 1.000,000 Correspondent: La Banque Riviere du Loup___7703 BANK OF MONTREAL. (Jules Tessier, Surplus Nationale. Quebec. 1 Pres. .Tns. Prattfi La Banque Nationale < G.E. Amyot,V.P. ) L. C. Marcoux, 0 en. Mgr. l Rest 1,044,970 La Banque Provinciale du Can, Montreal A. J. Welch______ Reserve Funds (8 Branches in Quebec) ( $ 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Montreal Co.. Irving Bk.-Col. Tr, Co. and Harriman N., N. Y.;Cont.&Com’l N., Riviere Beaudette.. 239 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Chi.; 1st N., Bos.; Phil. N., Phil.; Marine Tr. Riviere Blanche...........50 La Banque Nationale-----------Co., Buffalo. (3 Branches in Quebec) ♦ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. Surplus Hea ville) (0 Branches in Quebec) (2 Branches in Quebec) BANK OF MONTREAL Paid-up Capital. BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - Montreal La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. A.Tourigny___ Price Quyon____________ 787 Manager or Agent. Name of Bank. QUEBEC BANKS— Pont St. Maurice to Robertsonville Portneuf. BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - - E. H. Acteson, Pro. $ Post Office and Population. QUEBEC Map opposite Montreal January, 1924 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Id- Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. Robertsonville .{Con'd) La Banque National e____ _ Manager or Agent. QUEBEC—Continued Paid-dp Capital. Head Office. Quebec MOLSONS BANK- - - - - - - - - - - J. L. E. Cote______ Montreal Roekburn--------------100 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - ( Ormstown) $ 27,250.000 Montreal Surplus 27,909,582 Roek Island............ 1442 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE* W. E. Learned____ 20.000.000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-. W. E. Moore______ Reserve Funds 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA...... (8ub. to Marieville) Montreal (Sub. to St. Hyacint he)______ Quebec (Sub. to Granby) Montreal (Sub. to Ste. Therese) Quebec La Banque Nationals_________ (Sub. to St. Tite)plain----------------.1437 St.Agaplt---------------- 410 La Banque Nationals_________ (Sub. to Plessisville Quebec Name of Manager or Agent. Bank. Paid-up Capital. St. Andre Avellin....446 La Banque Provinciale du Gan. J. L. Valois______ Montreal St. Andre de KamouLa Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to St. Pascal) raska__________ 1316 Quebec Quebec La Banque Provinciale du Can. Mme. O. Lemieux. Rougemont Station..379 Roxton Falls.........— 777 La Banque Nationals_______ St. Andrews__________ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- - - - - - Montreal J. G. Bisson, Pro.. $ 10.000.000 Halifax St. Angele de Laval. 900 La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. E. Ooulombe.__ Montreal St. Angele de Merci—447 La Banque Nationale_________ ( Mont Joli) Quebec Ste. Angele de Monnolr, 1350 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - (Sub. to Marieville) Montreal St. Anicet_________ 200 La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to Valleyfleld RoxtonPond— .500 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA. Ste.Adele________ 2050 La Banque Nationals— Ste. Adelphe-de-Cham- Quebec La Banque Provincials du Can. Oscar Bourganlt.__ Montreal Ste. Agatha de Lotbin- La Banque Provinciale du Can. L. A. Dumont_____ iere______________ 250 Ste. Agathe des Monts. La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. E. Poulin______ 2812 Montreal BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - St. Aime------------------770 La Banque Nationale________ Surplus P. St. Peirre ... St. Alban___________ 486 La Banque Nationale__ _______ (Sub. to St. Casimi Quebec (Sub. to St. Jean). Quebec (Sub. to Riviere Du Loup Station) Montreal (Sub. to St. Pascal) Quebec BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA. (Sub. to Jacques L’ach). Montreal La Banque Nationale.__ (Sub. to Joliette)— Quebec BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA. (Sub. to Louiseville) Montreal St Ambroise de La Banque Nationale.__ Chicoutimi St. Ambroise de Kildare BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA (Sub. to Ohicoutim i)-------- Quebec (Sub. to Joliette) . Montreal St. Anaclet________1518 La Banque Nationale__ (Sub. to Rimouski) Quebec St. Alexis de Montcalm, 523 St. Alexis des Monts... 1156 St. Andre Argenteuil... La Banque Nationale___ Quebec continued on aprond half of this pace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ste. Anne de Bellevue 2212 (Sub. to Ste. There se) Quebec BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - Surplus Quebec 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to Vaudreuil Station)__ Quebec Ste. Anne de Chicoutimi La Banque Nationale_________ Chicoutimi______ 838 Quebec Ste. Anne de la Perade La Banque Nationale------------- (Sub. to St. Casimir 2800 Quebec Montreal 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Quebec St.Alexandre d'Iberville La Banque Nationale________ 1500 St.Alexandre de Kamou- BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - raska___________ 2011 La Banqne Nationale___ Head Office. Correspondents: Royal Bk. J. A. Rousseau, Banker_______ of Can.,ThreeRiv’s,Que, Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere La Banqne Nationale_________ C. E. Rochette___ 1800 Quebec Ste. Anne des Monts 2847 La Banque Nationale_________ (Sub. to Matane).. Quebec Ste. Anne des Plaines 1320 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Jos. Valiquette___ Montreal St. Anselme________400 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA------ Montreal A. Roy....________ Li Banque Provinciale du Oan. L. Guertin_______ Montreal 8t. Antoine................1600 La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to Sorel)___ Quebec St. Antoine-Abbe ... La Banque Provinciale du Can. Joseph Lussier.__ Montreal St. Antoine deTilly.1325 La Banque Provinciale du Can. A. Lauriault_____ Montreal St. Antoine Sur Riche- BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA------ (Sub.toSt. Dennis 1600 lieu SurRich.Richeliu) St. Apollinaire____1755 La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to Deschaillo ns) Montreal La Banque Provinciale du Can. Augustin Gingras. Ste. Apolline De Patton La Banque Nationale_______ Sub. to Aramagh— Dominion Securities Corporation, Limited Toronto MONTREAL & LONDON, ENG. Quebec Montreal Quebec GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL, AND CORPORATION BONDS BANKS — Robertsonville to Ste. Apolline De P atton ______January, 1924 (Sub. to Thetford Mines) P. E. Lacombe____ Roberval_____ ____ 2068 La Banque Nationals_______ Post Office and Population. QUEBEC Map opposite Montreal 1810_________ QUEBEC Nan-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Inloirj dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this Toiume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indazed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. St. Armand Station. 350 Manages os Agent. (Sub. to Bedford) . La Banque Nationale.__ QUEBEC—Continued Paid-up Capital $ Head Office. 20,000,000 Toronto Quebec (Sub. to Riviere du Lonp) St. Aubert________1324 La Banque Provinciate du Can. Alfred Blais_____ Quebec St Arsene_______ 1015 La Banqne Nationale___ St. Augustin______ 1384 La Banqne Nationale___ ( Donnacona , St. Augustin-des-Deux La Banqne Provincial du Can. M, St. Jacques___ Montagues_____ 215 Ste. Barbe________ 150 La Banque Provinciate du Can. — Quebec Montreal St. Barnabe.............2100 La Banqne Provinciale dn Can. Alf. Bournival___ Montreal St. Barnabe Sud........980 La Banqne Nationale___ (Sub. to St. Hyacin the)____ _ Quebec St. Barthaleiiii____ 1595 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA.. (Sub. to Louisevill e)---------- Montreal La Banqne Provindale dn Can. Victor Drainville — St. Bazilc de Portneuf La Banqne Nationale___ (Sub. to Portneuf. _________ Quebec 3200 La Banque Provincial du Can. G. A. R. Lambert.. St. Basile-le-Grand.. Montreal St. Beatrix----- ------1890 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA____ (Sub. to Joliette).. Montreal St. Benoit___ ____ 414 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA— St. Eustache......... La Banque Nationale_______ (Sub. to Ste.-Ther- Quebec St. Bernard. BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... (Sub to St. Denis Sur Rich.) St. Bernard de Dorches La Banqne Nationale_______ (Sub. to St. Marie B eauce)___ Quebec ter----------------- 1505 La Banqne Provinciale du Can. F. E. Moore.......... La Banque Provinciale du Can. L. Joyal________ St. Bonaventure. St. Boniface de Shawin- La Banqne Provinciale dn Can. O. Pichette___ igan..................... 570 Ste. Brigie d’Iberville BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA_ _ _ _ _ (Sub. to Farnham) 1630 St. Bruno Montreal Montreal St. Casimir______ 1457 La Banqne Nationale________ L. Trot tier............ Quebec Ste.Catherine. Portneuf La Banque Nationale_______ (Sub. to Lorrettev ille............ Quebec Ste. Cecile de Bic.____ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... (Sub. to Rimouski) Montreal Ste. Cecile-De-Levrard. La Banque Nationale_______ (Sub. to Deschaill ons)_____ Quebec Ste. Cecile de Milton 100 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA_ _ _ _ _ (Sub. to Granby).. Manages ob Agent. Paid-up Capital .1900 La Banque Provinciale du Can, Head Montreal St. Cesaire 9R5 M0LS0NS BANK--------------- .T. y. T?Ahnin St. Charles de BelleLa Banqne Nationale________ A. Gnheil__ chasse. 1800 Montreal St. Charles de Caplan .. La Banque Nationale___ (Sub to New Carli sle)______ St. Chari esde Mandeville BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA— (Sub. to St. Gabriel de Brandon) Montreal St. Charles River Rich- La Banqne Nationale____ (Sub. to St. Hyacinthe) Quebec filiftii 000 St. Chrysostome.__649 CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE J. A. Heroux____ $ 20.000.000 Toronto “ ____ M La Banque Provinciale du Can J. E. Lemyre____ Montreal Ste. Claire_______ 1899 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA........ J. A. Bourget____ Montreal St. Clement______1208 La Banque Nationale.. (Sub. to Trois Pisto les)______ Quebec St. Cleophas de Brandon BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA------St. ClAt 170 La Banqne Provinciale dn Can. W. Poirier. . __ Montreal Montreal Ste.Clothilde De Horton BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... (Sub. to Victoriavi lie)............ 375 St. Come. . BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to Joliette). St. Comede Beauce.— La Banque Nationale. (Sub. to Beaucevill e) Quebec La Banque Provinciale du Can. Montreal Ste. Croix_______ 1819 La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. B. Lalumiere ... Montreal St. Cyrille de L’Islet 1642 La Banque Nationale_______ Quebee St. Cyrille de Wendover La Banque Provinciale du Can. Herman Lemaire.. Montreal 766 St. Damasfl.... 7000 La Banqne Nationale_______ (Sub. to St. Hyacin the)_____ Quebec St. Damase des Aulnaies La Banque Provinciale du Can. Philias Lapointe.. BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... ( St. Gabriel (Berthier Dist.) de Brandon) St. Damien______ 1446 La Banqne Nationale_______ (Sub. to Armagh).. (Bellechasse Dist.) La Banque Nationale....... ....... (Sub. to St. Romua Id)___ St.David d'Tamaska 1800 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Geo, Lemaire___ St. Denis Sur Richelieu BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... .T. C. Lacerte. . .. 820 W. Dragon______ THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-New York: 68 William Street, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Bank. Montreal Montreal Quebec Quebec Montreal Montreal Montreal London: Princes St., E. 1811 Ste. Cecile de Whit ton . La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. G. Beaudoin__ Quebec continued on second half of tbls page. of St. Cuthbert_____ 3151 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... (Sub. to Berthiervi lie)............ Montreal La Banque Provinciale du Can. Octave Levesque.. St. Calixte do Kilkenny La Banque Provinciale du Can. Mederic Duval__ St. Celestin___ Name St. Constant______1700 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... (Sub. to Laprairie) Montreal ...346 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA_ _ _ _ _ (Sub. to St. Lamber t)............... Montreal St.CamilledeBellechasse BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA_ _ _ _ _ A. R. Dallaire....... 790 St. Canute____ _____ La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. N. Dion______ Post Office and Population. QUEBEC BANKS—St. Armand Station to St. Denis Sur Richelieu (Sub. to Bedford). QUEBBC Map opposite Montreal January, 1924 101-1 AOXX 1019 1016 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. “ _______ Head Post office and Population. “ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... S. Legendre............ Quebec BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... (Sub. to Rimouski) Montreal La Banque Nationale_________ (Sub. to Rimouski) (Sub. to St. Martin )................... Montreal . vine....... —300 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... (Sub. to St. Remi). — St. Felix de Valois ..2200 St. Elzear de Beauce.200j La Banque Nationale----------(Lescard P. O.) St. Elzear de Laval..500j BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA-— Ste. EmiliedeL'enereie; BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA...... 1665 St.Emulie de Lotbiniere i La Banque Nationale-----------300 St. Ephrem de Tring BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA...... 4171 St.Epiphane_______ 1511 ^ La Banque Nationale______ St. Esprit---------------- 1960 “ _______ “ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA -— La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to Joliette)_ Quebec Ste. Florence................... La Banque Provinciale du Mme. Jeanne Thibault Canada............................. ........... St. Fortuuat__________ La Banque Provinciale du Can. G. Bedard-------- Montreal !f Montreal \n Isaie Bebard_____ (Sub. to Ste. Marie Beauce)... Quebec (Sub. to Cartiervill e)_______ Montreal (Sub. to St. Felix de Valois) Montreal Quebec A. Cloutier______ Montreal (Sub. to Riviere du Loup Station) Sub. to St Jacques L'Ach (Sub. to Joliette).. Montreal Quebec — St.Francois Montmagny La Banque Nationale_________ 1570 St. Francois Xavier de La Banque Provinciale du Brompton___________ Canada.............................. Quebec St. Gabriel de Brandon. 1667 " .............. " BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA . Quebec continued on i second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .. Ste. Genevieve de Batis BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA can______________ 278 St. George de Win dors. La Banque Provinciale du Canada............................... CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA BANK OF MONTREAL BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA - St. Germain de Gran tham____________ 3110 La Banque Nationale J. A. Rousseau........ La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. A. Lamarche BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA ......... CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... 1 ------- i Montreal Montreal (Sub. to Montmagn y)Jos. Labbe........ ............ .....Montreal J. A. Coutu........ ________ Montreal Cy. Couet_____ 20,000,000 Toronto St.Gabriel de Rimouski (Sub. to Rimouski) ________ Montreal 65 St. Gedeon........ .........550 La Banque Nationale------------- .(Sub. to Hebertvil le Station). Quebec St. Georges East Beauce —_______ 1058 St. Georges De Beauce.. Montreal BANK D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - - - - Montreal St. Georges........... 2692 St. Eustache............1098 Quebec (Sub. to Rue St. Jean Quebec) St. Francois du Lac..740 La Banque Provinciale du Can. G. Reveille.............. Ste. Foye_________ 1219 Quebec (Sub. to St. Romua Id)............... Quebec M. J. Bernard____ z* Ste. Flore_____ ____ 350 La Banque Nationale------------- (Sub. to Grand Me re) Montreal Ste Euphemie..................La Banque Provinciale du \ Canada............................. . 20.000,000 Toronto E. Dumoulin ... > Montreal (Sub. to Nicolet) —- J. A. Parent___ 20.000,000 Toronto 8t. Flavien.......... ......... 486 La Banque Provinciale du Can. D. U. Bernard_____ (Sub. to Victoriavi lie)........ . BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA w I Quebec Quebec La Banque Nationale_______ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Ste. Flavie........... ........... La Banque Nationale________ (Sub to Mont Joli) (Sub. to St. Hyacinthe) “ o Montreal St.Eugene de Grantham i La Banque Nationale.............. 1100 ------------ Quebec Montreal F. Fontaine----- Quebec (Sub. to Beauharno is)------------ Montreal “ La Banque Nationale------------- J. H. Bergeron. St. Fereol----------- 1.200 La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to Ste. Anne de Beaupre) St. Fidele_____________ La Banque Provinciale du Can. A. Dassylva______ Quebec --- o c M td St. Ferdinand..........2200 8t. Etienne de Beau- BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA...... harnois___________100 " .............. “ La Banque Nationale........ . Ste. Eulalie--------------800 Montreal Quebec Montreal — (Sub. to Deschaillon s) Quebec Quebec St. Elie....................... .— La Banque Provinciale du Canada........................................ J. V. Philibert.— Joliette__________ Quebec Montreal St. Fabien de Panet— La Banque Provinciale du Can, Mme, Maria C. Perreault Ste. Famille_______ 618 La Banque Nationale. (Sub. to Le Palais) St. Faustin Station .— La Banque Provinciale du A. Legare Canada............ ................... L. Morin . St. Felicien............... 1306 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA— Montreal (Sub. to Coaticook) St. Eleuthere..............1200 BANQUE D’HOCHELHGA......... (Sub. to Cabano).. ; “ _______ “ La Banque Nationale_________ (Sub.toEdmunston) “ _______ " La Banque Nationale_____ Ste. Elizabeth de War- La Banque Provinciale du wick| Canada................................ Head Office. St. Fabien.... ............ 1981 Quebec St. Edouard de Napier- ; .490iBANQUE B’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - Paid-up Capital. St.Evariste Station 1,000 La Banque Nationale_________ La Banque Provinciale du Can. G.Corbeil____ Ste. Elizabeth Manager or agent. Name of Bank. (Sub. to Rimouski) St. Edouard............... — La Banque Nationale------------- (Sub. to Deschaillo ns).............. Quebec I ** ............... La Banque Provinciale du Can, J. Olivier____ ____ Montreal St. Edwidge_______ 1000 La Banque Nationale________ QUEBEC Map opposite Montreal (Sub. to St. Hyacin the)______ Quebec La Banque Provinciale du Cauada..........—................. Ste. Dorothee.............. 850 '• Paid-up Capital. Manager or agent. Name of Bank. St. Dominique de Baeot. la Banque Nationals______ 185#l St. Donat__________ 922 La Banque Nationale_____ .............. QUEBEC—Continued I. Lupien______ Montreal Felix Boisvert . Montreal J. Semay 20,000,000 Toronto J. L. Gauthier------ 20,400,000 Montreal 21.485,830 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Montreal Reserve Funds Surplus L. A. Nadeau— (Sub. to St. Hyacin the). I Ste. Germaine______593 La Banque Provinciale du Can. iL.A.Levesque........ Dominion Securities Corporation. Limited Toronto MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. c/2 d r* 0 o 3 3’ CL m 00 w IQ O ' ff o C/2 r+ fD o n> ►i 3 3. 5' 1 n> Quebec Montreal GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL, AND CORPORATION BONDS vo to -t* Post Office and Population. Manager or Agent. Name of Bank. . QUEBEC—Continued Paid-up Capital. Eloi Desilets____ Ste. Gertrude... ...1891 Hkai Montreal Post Office and Population. St. Hyacinfhe. Name 10,859 (Sub. to St. Ansel me)---------- Montreal 8t. Gervais......... ...2017 La Banque Nationale. (Sub. to Nicolet).. St. Gregoire___ „1800 -------- — Bank. Manager or Agent. BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - - Paid-dp Capital. Surplus $ 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Montreal Montreal CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J.Laframbois— 20.000,000 Toronto Montreal La Banque Nationale_________ E. 0. Desjardins. Quebec BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - (Sub. to Berthier- Montreal Quebec St. Ignace de Loyola. 257 ville) Quebec St. Irenee________1290 La Banque Nationale......... ....... (Sub. to La Malbaie St. Guillaume d’ Upton 937 St. nelene____ -.1000 (Sub. to St. Hyacinthe) Montreal Ste. Helene de Kamouraska......... . —1370 (Sub. to St. Pascal) Quebec (Sub. to Ste. Marie Beauce)... Quebec Ste. Henedine .. — 1113 La Banque Provinciale du Can. J, O. Perron____— Montreal 1774 BANQUE D’ HOCHELAGA........ St. Anselme...---- Montreal “ La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to Ste. Marie Beauce)__ Quebec St. Isidore.. St. Isidore Laprairie 1900 “ _ , La Banque Provinciale du Can. Mile. Blanche Mercier ______ “ BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - - (Sub. to Laprairie) Montreal La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. C. Lane tot_____ Montreal G. A. Cbarbonneau Montreal (Sub. to St. Jean). Quebec Montreal BANQUE D HOCHELAGA......... - (Sub. to St. Anselm e) .............. Montreal St. Jacques L’ Achigan 2589 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA , St. Jaques-le Mineur La Banque Nationale— 1332 Ban'o (Sub. to Ste. There se)--------- Quebec SI. Hilaire_________522 La Banque Nationale.. (Sub. to St. Hyacin the)_____ Quebec St. Hilarion, Charlevoix La Banque Nationale. (Sub. to Baie-St Paul) Quebec St. Janvier______ 1125 La Banque Nationale. (Sub. to Ste. There se) Quebec St. Jean_________ 7734 La Banque Nationale. Art Camarire... Quebec St. Jean Baptiste de Rouville________1500 Pierre___ St. Honore__________ La Banque Provinciale du Cau.| J. O. St. Pierre- 2032 Geo. April_______ St. Jean de Dieu__ 1080 La Banque Nationale_______ (Sub. to TroisPisto les). Quebec St. Jean de Matha__.2700 La Banque Nationale_______ (Sub. to Joliette)— Quebec St. Jean, de Orleans .940[La Banque Nationale------------ (Sub. to Le Palais) Quebec St. Jean Port Job...2213 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Jos. Fournier Montreal 1 (Sub. to St. Hyacin the)____ . Quebec \TIHE ROYA LB/INK CIF CAtIAD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis St. Jerome------------3050 BANK OF MONTREAL............ Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Montreal ‘ _____ “ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA.......... C. Boyer........... “ ______ “ La Banque Nationale_________ A. Mondou_______ _________I Quebec ’rompt attenti[on to Collections in Canada and West Indies 1813 Quebec continued on second half of this page. ((Sub. to St. Lambe rt)----------- Montreal ■ BANQUE D HOCHELAGA. Montreal Montreal St. Jean Chrysostome La Banque Provinciale du Can Ed Bourassa .. 1757 _____ (Sub. to St. Evarist e Station).. Quebec Montreal BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA_ _ _ _ _ (Sub to Marievilie) St. Jerome______ ny............................900 Head Office. QUEBEC BANKS —Ste. Gertrude to St. Jerom e ___ (Sub. to Nicolet).. of BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - - A. C. Crepeau___ Quebec (Sub. to St. Charles Bellechasse) St. Giles.............. ___900 St. Hehri de Iavis. .417 QUEBEC Map opposite Montreal January, 1924 *■ • Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In1 o I q dexed Acces.j, Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this AOJ.O volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Noa-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in Dack of this volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Nam of Bank. St. Johns.__ .7035 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - Man asks or Agent. Paid-up Capital. (Sub. to Ste. Anne d e Beauprfi) Quebec Surplus 20,000,000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— L. J. Robichaud—. 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 1658 BANK D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - - St. Jude___________ 600 La Banque Nationale.. Ste. Julie de Vercheres La Banque Nationale— 1359 Ste. Julienne............. 1089 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - Montreal 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909.582 (Sub. to St. Aime) Quebec (Sub. to St. Hyacin the)-------- Quebec (Sub. to St. Jacque s L’Ach).. Montreal St. Leon-le-Grand ...500 La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to Amqui)... St. Liboire__________595 La Banque Nationale_________ (Sub. to St. Hyacin tbe)______ Quebec BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - Montreal _____ Quebec (Sub. to St. Jacque s L’Ach)... Montreal St. Louis de Champlain La Banque Nationale.________ (Cape-de-la-Madele ine)______ Quebec St. Louis de Courville La Banque Nationale------------- (Sub. to Le Palais) 1717 St. Louis de Gonzaque, 700 — Quebec BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - (Sub. to Yalleyfield )--------------- Montreal La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to Valleyfleld )-------------- Quebec St Louis du Ha! Ha! La Banque Nationale.......... ....... (Sub. to Riviere-du -Loup 8ta.) Quebec 1409 Montreal .1120 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Mile. Ernestine Gagne (Rimnnslri) Montreal Ste. Luce_______ __ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - Ste. Louise. La Banque Provinciate du Can G. A. Archambault Montreal St. Justin--------------1663 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - (Sub. to Louisevill Montreal Ste. Justine de Newton, 497 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - E. Dupras_____ Montreal St. Ludger________ 1383 La Banque Nationale------------- (Sub.toSt.Evariste Station)... Quebec Ste. Madeleine....... 449 (2 branches in Ste. Justine) Montreal (Sub. to Ste. Claire) St. Liguori______ —.1125 Surplus Montreal Quebec St. JosephduLac ....540 La Banque Provincials du Can. E. Lacroix .............. BANK OF MONTREAL- (Sub. to Louisevill ft) BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - St. Leon de Standon, 1625 Montreal R. Dandurand------ Quebec Montreal St. Leonard d’Aston-529 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Ed. Galinas. Quebec La Banque Nationale________ V. Cloutier.............. St. Jovite---------------- 862 BANQUE B’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - Head Office. BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - St. Hyacinthe____ La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to St. Hyacin the)______ Quebec Montreal BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA------ (Sub. lost. Camille de. Belle Chasse) St. Malachie........ ...1442 La Banque Provinciale du Can.. Geo. Lafontaine__ Montreal St. Malo d’Auckland ___ La Banque Nationale------------- (Sub. to Coaticook) Quebec St. Magloire________ St. Lambert. .3890 BANK OF MONTREAL. BANK OF TORONTO— Surplus C. F. Potter. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— D. C. Paisley_____ St. Laurent d’Orleans. La Banque Nationale________ 702 (Sub. to Le Palais) Reserve Funds St. Marc........................956 Montreal 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Quebec BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA........ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - St. Marc des Carrieres. La Banque Nationale________ 1492 St. Marcel....................502 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - - (Sub. to Papineau) (Sub. to St. Beloeil Montreal (Sub. to 8t. Casimi r)________ Quebec (Sub. to St. Pamph ile)—......... Montreal St. Marcel de Richelieu La Banque Provinciale du Can. D. Picard________ Montreal Ste. Marguerite___ 1083 La Banque Nationale-------------- (Sub. to Ste. Marie Beauce)__ Quebec La Banque Provinciale du Can. G, E.Dussault------ ..................... Montreal Dominion Securities Corporation. Limited Toronto MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL. AND CORPORATION BONDS January, 1924 J. H. Brosseau Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Toronto St. Marc....................... BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - - Qsikie continu'd on second half of this pace. 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 __ QUEBEC BANKS—St. Joachim to Ste. Marguerite___ G. C. Borieht___ PAID-UP Capital. Mamagkr or Agknt. Nam of Bank. St. Lazare________ 1360 La Banque Nationale------------- (Sub. to St.Charles, Bellechasse) fJiralrt«an La Banque Provinciale du Can. St. Leon de Maskinonge (Chaeora P.O.) 1625 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Reserve Fund Post Office and Population. $ 27,909,582 Montreal St. Joseph d'Alma ..850 La Banque Nationale_________ E. Lefelvre---------St. Joseph de Beuce Head Office. QUEBBC MAP opposite Montreal ____ St. Joachim................853 La Banque Nationale_______ QUEBEC—Continued 1814 I0-14 Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. Ste. Marie Beauce ..2555 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA—. LaBanque Nationale____ Manager or Agent. QUEBEC—Continued Paid-up Capital. J. H. Bergeron . Head Office. Montreal Ste. Marie de Blandford La Banqne Provinciale du Can Euclide Poisson... 476 Ste. Marie Salomee..580 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA_ _ _ _ (Sub. toSt. Jacques l’Ach.) St. Marthe..............1315 La Banque Provinciale du Can Mile. E.Lalond— Montreal St. Martin_______ 446 Montreal La Banque Nationale_______ ( St.Evariste Sta.) Ste. Martine............ 1700 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA------- Leo Major___ .... La Banque Nationale_______ (Sub. to Valleyfleld Montreal Montreal Quebec Montreal Quebec St. Mathien De La BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA. Prairie (Sub. to St. Remi) Montreal St. Maarice_.......... 2482 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA------ Montreal Ste. Melanie_____ 1000 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA...... - (Sub. Three Rivers) (Sub. to TroisRivipres) (Sub. to Joliette)— Montreal 8L Methode D'Adstock BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA------ St. Ephrem D’Tring Montreal St. Michel Bellechasse La Banque Nationale_______ 1454 (Sub. to St. Charles. Bellechasse) Quebec 8t Michel de Napier BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA....... ville............ ......... 1700 (Sub. to St. Remi). Montreal 8t.Michel des Saints.850 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA------ M. Mathieu............ Montreal La Banqne Nationale............ 663 Post Office and Population. St. Onrs....... Quebec Name of Bank. 622 M0LS0NS BANK--------------- St. Pacnme Ed. Leblanc.__ BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- P. C. Gratton____ QUEBEC Map opposite Montreal 2300 la Banque Nationale_______ St. Pamphile.......... 2257 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA-----St. Pascal............... 2357 La Banque Nationale_______ M M Manager or Agent. Paid-up Capital. L. .T. Bernard__ Head Office. Montreal J. T. Taschereau.. Quebec J. A. P. Jean. Montreal B. Foursuer_____ Quebec Michael Roy_____ — Montreal St. Paul d’Abbotsford.. BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA. (Sub. to St. Pie de Bagot) Montreal St. Paul de Chester.2000 G. Rouleau............ Montreal St. Paul de Joliette.... BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA. (Sub. to Joliette)-. St. Paul de la Croix.... La Banque Provinciale du Can. C. E. Boucher....... St. Pauldu Buton...1460 Ia Banque Nationale___ (Sub. to Armagh) Montreal Quebec St. Paulin_______ 1875 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to Louiseville )________ Montreal -......... La Banque Nationale_______ (Sub. to Shawiniga n Falls)__ Quebec La Banque Provinciale du Can Jean Morin______ Montreal .200 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to L’Assomp tion)_____ Montreal .. _ La Banque Provinciale du Can. Lucien Veilleux... Montreal St. Philemon............1416 Ia Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to Armagh).. — Quebec St. Philippe d’Argenteuil----- 124 La Banque Provinciale du Can. A. Lamarehe _ . Montreal St.Philippe de Laprairie BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to Laprairie) Montreal 200 8te. Moniqne de Nicolet BANQUE D’H0CHELA6A___ (Sub. to Nicolet).. 1900 La Banque Nationale....... ....... (Sub. to Nicolet) Montreal St. Philippe de Neri.969 St. Moise Station__ 100 La Banque Nationale_______ (Sub. to Mont Joli) Quebec St. Nicholas______1543 La Banque Nationale_______ (Sub. to St. Romua Id)______ Quebec Montreal Montreal St. Norbert------- 375 La Banque Nationale_______ (Sub. to Joliette).. (Berthier Dist.) St. Octave_______ 1560 La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to Mont Joli) Quebec St. Odilon________1541 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA------ Montreal ( Beaucevill Quebec Quebec (Sub. to St. Pascal) Quebec Arthur Dumais.... Montreal Ste. Philomene____ 250 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA. (Sub. to Ste. Marti ne)______ Montreal St. Pie De Bagot___ 960 V. Blanchard Montreal (Sub. to St. Hyacin the)_____ Quebec St Pierre Baptiste...880 (Sub. to Plessisvill e). Montreal 8t Pierre de Broughton (Snb. to Thetford Mines) M. Tousignant ___ Montreal Ste. Pierre les Becquets 1847 St Pierre Montmagny 1220 Quebec — (Sub. to Montmagn y)....... — Quebec A. Letourneau..__ St. Placide.. J. R. Lemire____ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-West Indian Collections handled promptly at lowest rates Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1815 St. Onfisime_______583 La Banque Nationale....... ...... (Sub. to Ste.Annede-la-Pocatiere) Quebec continued on second half of this page. Ste. Perpetne Quebec Ste. Moniqne des Deux La Banque Nationale_______ (Sub. to Ste. TheQuebec Montagnes Llayal—571 St. Narcisse............ 2500 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA------- (Sub. to Notre Da me Three Montreal Rivers) St. Nazaire. .1000 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA-...... (Sub. to St. Hyacin the)_____ Montreal St. Neree... .1000 La Banque Provinciale du Can. A. Roy_______ Montreal St. Norbert-. .275 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA-------- (Sub. to Victoriavi lie).......... (Arthabaska Dist.) La Banque Provinciale du Can- P. Dumas_______ St. Paul l'Ermite . January, 1924______ QUEBEC BANKS—Ste. Marie Beauce to St. Placide Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In1D1C clexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this 101J TOlume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. Manager or Agent. QUEBEC—Continued Paid dp Capital. Head Office QUBBEC Map opposite Montreai Post Office and Population. Name of Manager or Agent. Bank. Paid up j Capital. 1 Head Office St. Polycarpe____... 528 Union Bank of Canada. .,__________________________| Winnipeg St. Severin.............. 1363 La Banque Nationale .. (Sub. to Ste. Marie de Beauce) Quebec St. Prime —______ 1500 La Banque Nationale... (Sub. to Roberval) --------------- Quebec St. Simeon......... ........669 La Banque Nationale__ (Sub. to LaMalbaie) St. Simon.................. 1169 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA (Sub. to St. Pie de Bagot)....... Montreal St. Simon.................. 766 La Banque Nationale... (Sub. to Trois Pistoles) " ______ " La Banque Nationale._ (Sub. to Ste. Gene-____ vieve de B) Montreal (Sub. to St. Tite). Quebec La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to Beaucevill e) Quebec la Banque Provinciale du Can. E, Sirios____________ Montreal Ste. Sophie de Halifax BANQUED HOCHELAGA......... 1150 Ste. Sophie de Levrard La Banque Provinciale du Can. 1450 St. Stanislas de Cham BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA........ plain___________ 2303 La Banque Nationale________ Quebec St. Stanislas de Kostka BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA........ St. Prosper de Dorches BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA------- (Sub to St. Georges ... de B auce) ter.......................... 1528 St. Raphael.............2118 St. Raymond............ 1693 La Banque Nationaie—_______ A. Blouin.............. ........ St. Remi_. .1135 BANK OF MONTREAL- BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA Montreal ________$ 27.250,000 Montreal Surplus 27,009.582 J. A. Sabourin - Montreai (Sub. toSorel)— Quebec La Oaisse d'Economic de Notre F. A, Hardy___ Dame de Quebec Quebec St. Robert................ 1400 La Banque Nationale— 200 (Sub. to Plessisvill e).............. Montreal Montreal (Sub. to Ste. Thecl e)_______ Montreal (Sub. to St. Tite).. (Sub. to Valleyfleld ) La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to Valleyfleld ) Quebec ______ Montreal Quebec (Sub. to L'Assomption) St. Sylvere__________ La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. N. Parent . _ Montreal St. Sylvestre ______ 229 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Montreal St. Sulpice__________ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA........ J. A. Pftyenr Montreal St. Telesphore................ La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. E. Charlebois... Montreal BANQUE D HOCHELAGA......... J. A. LaFontaine.. Montreal Ste. Thecie-...........667 St .Theodore de Chert sey BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA------- St. Roch l’Achigan. 2375 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA-------- (Sub. to L’Epipliani e). Ste. Theodosie________ La Banque Provinciale du Can. Victor Chagnon__ La Banque Provinciale du Can. W. Gendreau------- ---------------- Montreal Quebec Albert Demers.__ St. Roch des Aulnaies La Banque Nationale------------ (Sub. to Ste. Anne;__________ Quebec 1290 de la Pocatiere) Montreal Quebec (Sub. to Eawdon) Ste. Therese______ 3042 La Banque Nationale_________ F. Parent________ MOLSONS BANK--------------- M. Baril________ Montreal Quebec Montreal St. Roch Sur Richelieu. BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA— (Sub. to St.Dennis)__________ Montreal Jos. Masse_________________ Quebec St. Thomas de Joliette BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA......... (Sub. to Joliette).. 250 St. Thuribe___ ____ _80 La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to St.Caslmir) Montreal St. Romauld cl’EtcheLa Banque Nationale_____ min.—......... .........3993 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA. J.L. Roberge------Reserve Funds St. Timothee...........450 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... (Sub. to Valleyfield) Montreal Ste. Rosalie...............1500 La Banque Nationale_____ (Sub. to St. Hyacinthe) 20,400.0001 Montreal 21,48j,830 i Quebec Ste. Rose.................. 1811 La Banque Provinciale du Can. Eug. Arpin______ Montreal Ste. Rose d u Degele. 1325 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA...... — (Sub. to Cabano). Montreal St.Sauveurde Quebec.. La Banque Provinciale du Can. E. J. Robitaille.. . Montreal St. Sauveur des MonLa Banque Nationale—______ (Sub. to St. Jerome tagnes___________1560 Terrebonne) —------------ Quebec Ste. Scholastique.... 840 La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. A. Lessard_____ --------------- Montreal St. Sebastien de Beauce BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA........ (Sub. to St. Ephre m DeTring) Montreal 1042 Quebec continued on second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis St. Tite Quebec La Banque Provinciale du Can.. H. Maher ______ Quebec La Banque Nationale................ J. A. Bussieres__ Quebec La Banque Provinciale du Can. H. Tousignant___ Montreal St. Tite Des Caps—.1192 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... (Sub.toSte.Sauveu r)................ Montreal St. Ubalde................ 336 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA......... (Sub. to Ste. Thecie) Montreal St. Urbain........... ...1228 La Banque Nationale________ (Sub. to Baie St. (Charlevoix Dist.) Paul) Quebec St. Urbain_________300 BANQUE D HOCHELAGA......... (Sub. to Ste. Mar(Chateauguay Dist.) tine) Montreal Limited Toronto MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL, AND CORPORATION BONDS ________ QUEBEC BANKS — S t . Polycarpe to St, Urbain___________ January, 1924 St. Prosper.............. 1316 BANQUE D’HOCKELAGA- 1816 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In101c dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this J.O.LU volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. QUEBEC—Continued volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. Manager or Agent. Paid-up Capital. Ste. Ursule_____ _2018 La Banque Provincials du Can. Phil. Baril. son La Banque Nationale............... (Sub. to St. Jean) -------- St. Valnntin Head Office. Post Office and Population. QUEBEC Map opposite Montreal Name of Bank. Manager or Agent. Montreal Sheenboro....... ...........58 La Banque Providentiale du Lawrence Keon . Canada Quebec Sherbrooke........ 23,515 *BANK OF MONTREAL ~ Surplus Montreal ‘BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA __150 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... (Sub. to St. Hyacin the) .. Montreal ‘CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE E. W. Farwel)___ 1278 La Banqne Provinciale du Can. J. H. Fiset. Montreal Ste. Victoire........ ..1400 La Banque Nationale----------- (Sub. to Sorel). Quebec Ste. Victor de Tring. ,.2561 La Banque Nationale----------- (Sub. to St. Evarist e Station) Quebec Montreal La Banque Provinciale du Can. Laurier Hogue....... Montreal St. Wenceslas__ .1685 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA ......... (8ub. to Victoriavi lie). Montreal St.-Zacbaril____ Quebec La Banque Nationale----------- Sandy Bay ___ ..3500 La Banque Nationale----------- (Sub. to Mont-Job) Quebec Sault au Recollet -.1311 La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. S. Robichaud ... Montreal Sawyerville 418 BANK OF MONTREAL............ Sayabec_______ ..3100 La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. 0. Viau. Srntstnwn ‘ROYAL BARK OF CANADA... H. B. Wilson......... (3 Branches in Sherbrooke) Surplus 987 CANADIAN BH OF COMMERCE K. R. Turner. Scott Junction... .1101 La Banque Nationale_______ I 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909.582 Montreal 20,000,000 (Sub. to 8te% Marie!________ Beauce) BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA...... - (Sub. to Amos)__ i................. Toronto 20.000,000 Toronto La Banque Nationale............... J. R. Doga] (2 Branches in Shawinigan Palls) ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... O. C. Wear______ Reserve Funds Quebec Surplus BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA -....... J. H. Stewart, Act'g Mgr. Quebec continued on second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 10,000,000 Halifax (Sub. to St, Remi) Jean, Quebec) — Montreal Montreal Montreal M0LS0NS BANK -------------- Montreal South Durham___ .1150 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA......... 20,000,000 Toronto Stanbridge E_____ „600 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. D. Harvey____ Stanstead. 837 CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE (Sub. to Rock Islan d) 20,000,000 Toronto La Banque Nationale_______ 903 CARADIAR BK. OF C0MMERIE T.W. Judd______ 20,000,000 Toronto MOLSONS BARK- - - - - - - - - - - - - - * Tadoussac______ ..470 La Banque Nationale___ ___ (Sub.toLa Malbaie) Temiskaming............... BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - Terrasse Vinet............. BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... Surplus Quebec 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Terrebonne........ ..2056 BANK OF TORONTO —,- - - - - - - J. E. Long______ La Banque Provinciale du Can. Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... J. A. McKendy — 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Thetford Mines ___7886 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - CANABIAR BK. OF COMMERCE H. E. Green_____ Quebec La Banque Nationale_______ Reserve Funds 8 William Street. London: Princes St„ E. C _____18.17 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE D. R. Wilson.......... 1 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 La Banque Nationale________ G. Catellier.......... Sutton.. .. __ Montreal Reserve Funds Sorel.................... 8174 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA......... H. P. Cartier____ Snllv__ Shawinigan Falls.. 10,625 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA Shawville_______ —735 BARK OF MONTREAL......... — Sillery--------------- .1960 BANQUE I’HOCHELAGA- Quebec Quebec M. C. Bellefeuille. Sherrington------- -450 BANQUE D'HOCHELAGA Montreal Sept.-lies__ ________ La Banque Nationale—.......... (Sub. to Matane).. 20,000,000 Toronto Sherbrooke Clearing House . (Members indicated by a *) H.B. Wilson, V. P. W.M. Langston, Sec. BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA........ (Sub. to Beaucervi lie).......... . Montreal St. Vincentde Paul.1498 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... J. A. Letourneau.. i 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 ‘La Banque Nationale.............. (3 Branches in Sherbrooke) Montreal St. Vallier Station —600 La Banque Provinciale du Can. G. S. Valier.__ Montreal QUEBEC BANKS — Ste. Ursule to Thetford Mines St. Vallinr (3 Branches in Sherbrooke) • S. M. Wedd, Asst. Mgr. Quebec Hea Montreal St. Valere de Bulstrode, La Banque Provinciale du Can. C. Richard............ !-------97 La Banque Nationale_______ (Sub. to St. Hyacin the)... Paid-up Capital. January, 1924_______ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- 1017 dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ±OX/ QUEBEC—Continued Post Office ixd Population. Manager or Agent. Name of Bank. Thetford Mines West 2000 Paid-up Capital. Hbai CANADIAN BK. OF I0MMERCE U. A. Vaudry........ 1 20,000.000 Toronto QUEBEC Map opposite Montreal Post Office and Population. Vercheres________ 835 La Banque Nationals.................. (Sub. to Thetford Mines).— Quebec Three Hirers------22,867 BANK OF MONTREAL Surplus 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Montreal BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA---------- F. M. Marcotte___ (2 Branches in Three Rivers) CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. H. McKee.......... (2 Branches in Three Rivers) Verdun................... 25,001 20,000,000 Toronto L. Letourneau ___ Victoriaville. 3,759 Quebec 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Ville St. Pierre.............. ....50 La Banque Nationale------------- (Sub. to Armagh). — Quebec . .. (Sub. to Ste. Marie, Beauce) J. C. Arsenault.... Upton _ __ (Sub. to St. Hyacin the).. La Banaue National* (Sub. to Mont Laur Valcourt............... . 1600 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. M. Rene de Cotret Val Jalbert........... ...840 La Banqne Nationale Valleyfleld............ 9,215 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA.......... S. Fortier.__ TaBanqne Nationals .T TT Boy __ Varennes.............. __ 802 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA.......... 456 BANK OF MONTREAL................ Vaudreuil Station ...300 La Banque Nationale ____ — G. E. Oaron second half of this pace. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Surplus Montreal C. S. BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA-------- _______ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA M0LS0NS BANK_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Montreal Montreal Montreal Lesperance.. (Sub. to Le Palais) Quebec J. D. DesTochers.. Montreal A. Beauregard.. Montreal A. P. Donais Montreal (Sub. to St. Henri) Montreal Quebec Ed. Blain..—.......... (2 Branches in Westmount) Reserve Funds CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. T. Thomas.......... 20,000,000 Toronto Wickham Quest......... La Banqne Provinciale du Can. Ern.-Elie Lachapelle Windsor................... 2,330 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Beaumier........... Montreal In Banqne Provinciale dn Gan. Edgar lAliberte.__ Montreal J. E. Thompson... H. H. Middleton... C. A. Tucker____ J. C. R. Marcband. F. C. Austin............ J. I. McCabe______ La Banque Provinciale du Can. Donat W. Audet... (2 Branches') J. A. Perinet_____ Montreal Woburn... Montreal Wottonville........ — .476 La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. A. LaRne 27,250,000 27,909,582 St. West Shefford............ 331 Quebec I. T. Cadieux La Banque Provinciale du Can. Aime Langlois___ Vaudreuil______ Montreal (Sub. to St- Joseph Beauce) (Beauce Junction P. O.) Montreal M0LS0NS BANK (OFFICE)___ (Sub. to C6te Paul) R. Cloutier. _ BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA La Banqne Provinciale da Can,. I. TC. Trnttinr 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 West mount.......... .17,593 Quebec La Banqne Provinciale du Can. C. A. Marleau_____ Valley Junction.. ...1300 La Banque Nationale La Banque Provinciale du Can. E. L. Gauthier........ A. W. Allan........... . Waterville................... 968 Quebec ___ Montreal R. V. Belle-Isle.— Weedon__________ 2000 (Sub. to Roberval) Montreal $ 27.250.000 27.909,582 Surplus BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA-------CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE npi-topf RANK CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- Montreal 20,000,000 Toronto Pippnn _ Waterloo................2,063 Quebec Quebec Montreal BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA ....... O. V»1 Barrette.......... —499 BANQUE B’HOCHELAGA--------- (Sub. to Mont Laur ier)---------- Montreal Val Brillant.......... —962 La Banque Provinciale du Gan. Theo. Lavallee .... Head Office. Warwick__________ 961 Quebec (See Three Rivers) ___ __ 782 La Banqne Nationale_________ La Banana Prorinciale du Can. P, BANK OF MONTREAL---------(2 Branches in Verdun) Wakefield_________ 271 La Ranqnfi Natinnala Quebec MOLSONS BANK........................... A. W. Ling.............. Trois-Rivleres... Ville Marie________ 840 Paid-up Capital. (Sab. to Varennes) Ville Saint Laurent.... La Banque Provinciale duCan. R. ..2150 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA............ (Sub. to Warwick) Trois-Pi8toles„.. . 1,454 La. Banqna National* BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA Village Montmorency .. Ta. Ranqnfi Nationale Thurso................... ...538 La Banque Provinciale du Can. W. Perras_______ Trine Junction... —331 Ta Banqne Nationals Manages oh Agent. Bank. La Banque Provinciale du Can. _. Montreal 20,000,000 Toronto 20,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000 Toronto Montreal Toronto Toronto Montreal 20,000,000 Toronto Montreal Montreal Montreal Yamachiche........ — .948 La Banqne Provinciale dn Can. D. L. Desaulniers— Montreal Yamaska East... .—695 La Banana Nationals Quebec Quebec Youville ............ (Sub. to Sorel) ___ La Banque Provinciale du Can. J. A. Tellier______ Dominion Securities Corporation Limited Toronto MONTREAL & LONDON. ENG. Montreal GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL, AND CORPORATION BONDS BANKS—Thetiord Mines W est to Youville______ January, 1924 Reserve Funds of M01 SONS RANK La Banque Provinciale du Can. H. Bruneau_______ MOLSONS BANK_____________ P. B. Panneton.... A ROYAL BANK OF CANADA........ G. A. Sanford_____ Name 1818________________ QUEBEC Non-Bank dazed Accee.; Tolume. For Post Office. Name of Bank. Manager Saint Pierre (Pop. 5929) or Agent. Prosper Oznn, Cashier CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE- - - - - - - - - - ----------- Best R. B. Sturgeon Paid dp Capital. 1 125,000 Correspondents: 565 900 20,000 Toronto SASKATCHEWAN Post Office and Population. Name of Manager or Agent. Bank. Paid-up Capital. Abbey............ ...... ..180 Union Bank of Canaria ... Head Office. 196 Abernethy______ .. 280 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. W. Brereton—. Post Office and Population. Admiral . 172 Alameda.. ..208 Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 20,000,000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.— 20,400,000 21.485,830 Montreal 115 Balcarres. Allan___ ___ _____ ..197 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— Alsask____ 20,400,000 21,485,830 Union Bank of Canada Montreal Winnipeg Aneroid............ ... ..221 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA.— A. W. Gunn-------Reserve Funds 20,400,000 21,485,830 Montreal Antler Surplus 27,250,000 27,909,582 Montreal Surplus 27,250,000 27,909,582 Montreal .......... . -145 BANK OF MONTREAL- Areola.................... ..605 BANK OF MONTREAL............. .. . Union Bank of Canada______ Ardath................... 58 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA —- ReserveFunds 20.400,000 21,485,830 311 Assiniboia 1006 310 R. P. Eastman sasKacnewan conunmea on second nan or tins page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10,000,000 Montreal 20,400.000 21,485,830 Montreal R. W. Behrens ___ Reserve Funds Balgonie_______ - 204 Imperial Bank of Canada_____ J. f!urrie__ Toronto .. . ....... 5 RANK OF TORONTO *• Toronto Surplus CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE T. 0. Sewall Beatty....... .......... __ 91 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. L. Nash 27,250,000 27,909,582 Montreal 20,000,000 Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto Bengough_______ Weyburn 66 Weyburn 2?0 DflVM RANK nr PANADA 15S5 .. u 312 20,400,000 21,485,830 Montreal 20,000,000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — C. H. L. Smith....... Reserve Funds 20,400,000 21,485,830 Montreal CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. E. G. Nichols.. 20,000,000 Toronto __ __ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Winnipeg Birsay ROYAL BANK OF CANADA------ H. F. Clark....... —. 20,400,000 21,485,830 Montreal 20,400,000 21,485,830 Montreal Winnipeg Bladworth _____ -198 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA....... James Gavin_____ Reserve Funds Blaine Lake______ -334 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Wm. Rowland___ 20,000,000 Toronto Borden _________ -160 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-— A. Me Allan........... Reserve Funds Bounty_________ ..122 Union Bank of Canada_____ 20.400,000 21,485,830 Montreal BANK OF TORONTO BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA $ 20,400,000 21,485,830 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA “ Head Office. ...46 Reserve Funds Winnipeg Halifax Bredenbury_____ -290 BANK OF TORONTO ........... J. S. Weir Toronto 1819 . Paid-up Capital. Reserve Funds 416 Montreal Weyburn A von lea. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — Reserve Funds Winnipeg F Wood Manager or Agent. Bank. Battleford........... -1229 BANK OF MONTREAL Winnipeg Reserve Funds of . _- Bateman. Reserve Funds Name $ 20,000,000 20,000,000 Alida...................... ...50 Union Bank of Canada SASKATCHEWAN Map on Index Canada Winnipeg Aberdeen Head Office. Guaranty Tr. Co.. N. Y.; Bk, of Montreal, Quebec. January, 1924 ST. PIERRE ET MIQUELON and SASK. BK S —St. Pierre toBredenbury Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (InIOiq dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this onr» DTT7Dd'C' U'T' TUTT/'MTXT'T /"MVT lOlV volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.Si.> Hi MUjUriLUIN 104U Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Brlercrest-------------- 175 Name of Bank. Manager Agent. Paid OP Capital. or CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. H. Wheeler. $ Head Office. Toronto 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Broderick—................120 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 20 000,000 Bromhead----------------139 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - - 183 Surplus 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Brooksby-....... -........... CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. N. Maynard... 20,000,000 Toronto. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. J. Gibson........... 20,000,000 Toronto Conquest..................... 286 Craik---------- ------ - 570 Paid-up Capital. Head W. R. Lawrie_____ Toronto E. S. Wilson............ Weyburn BANK OF TORONTO--- W. N. Bradley ___ Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-— R. Jardine................ i 20,400,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 21,485,830 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA---- E. H. Pringle, BANK OF TORONTO _ ___ .88 , Manager or Agent. Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal L1,485,8^0 Winnipeg Bruno-------------------- 311 Union Bank of Canada............ Buchanan---------------361 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. S. Nunns. •t 20,000,000 Winnipeg Bulyea----------------------98 Union Bank of Canada---------Burstall------------------179 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA- A. H. Watson- Toronto Cabri.......... .............. Union Bank of Canada--------- Winnipeg M Winnipeg 11? STANDARD BANK OF CANADA A. P. Morris______ Toronto .194 Weyburn Security Bank--------- J. M. McLean.......... Cadillac........................197 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- J. L. McNabb.......... Montreal Cudwortb_________ .331 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE C. E. D. Kennedy.. Weyburn 20,000,000 Toronto Reserve Funds Winnipeg Calder Station............ 180 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - Canora------ ------------1230 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Surplus D. S. Dunn. Winnipeg Union Bank of Canada ............ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. T. Taylor. 20,000,000 Caron.______________243 0 Montreal Surplus A. D. Gillan Chamberlain------ -—128 royal Bank of Canada Chaplin.—------------ —215 BANK OF TORONTO......... — .. . Winnipeg R. J. Forbes- , 20 000,000 Delisle.. _273 0 Montreal Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA—. R. H. Lockward.-- Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 BARQUE D’HOCHELAGA.......... A. Lapointe. Mgr.. Montreal CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. D. Sim_______ BANK OF MONTREAL—...... - BAY 11 RISK OF CANADA....... Surplus T. H. Van Wyck.. 0 Montreal Reserve Funds H. S. Chambers—.. 0 . Toronto DigitizedSaskatchewan for FRASER contin ued on second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Weyburn 0(1 Denzil _136 Reserve Funds (Sub. to North Battleford) ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... I. A. Joudrey_____ Reserve Funds 20.000,000 Toronto 20,400.000 21,485,830 Toronto 20,400,00( Montreal 21,485,830 Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence January, 1924 Ceylon Station...........141 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE BARK OF MONTREAL............. .652 0 Toronto Carruthers.....................25 Union Bank of Canada............ Central Butte.............221 II. R. Almquist.... . Toronto Carmichael--------------60 Imperial Bank of Canada____ (Sub. to Tompkins) BANK OF MONTREAL—........ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Toronto .50 Winnipeg Carlyle.......... ................. 394 Union Bank of Canada--------- Oarnduff----------------- 494 J. A. Milne______ .102 Toronto Can wood---------------- 158 Imperial Bank of Canada------ P. R. Carter Oarievale------------------175 Winnipeg 158 20,000,000 SASKATCHEWAN BANKS — Briercrest to Denzil ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- - - - - W. A. Rowat____ Reserve Funds Name of Bank. ISO Brock--------------------- 136 F. P. Boyce______ Post Office and Population. 20,000.000 Broadview------------- 983 Imperial Bank of Canada--------- V. J. Mann.... Brownlee.........—........ 165 SASKATCHEWAN Map on Index Canada SASKATCHEWAN—Continued 1820 1 con Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. SASKATCHEWAN—Continued Manager Agent. or Paid-up Capital, STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. (Sub to Craven)... Dodsland. .... ... 185 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — S. L. Capron__ 2296 Eston______ ____ BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - - Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Drink water____ ____239 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. V. Dodds. 20,000,000 Dubuc................. .... 223 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— J. L. Mackee... Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - - Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Duck Like _ __ 437 Dundarn______ _.. 197 Fielding.... ______ 105 Imperial Bank of Canada.— Fillmore......................244 Union Bank of Canada_______ Elbow___ Reserve Funds Surplus 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Frobisher BANK OF MONTREAL El rose 131 Imperial Bank of Canada____ N. B. Cummins, Actg. ___ 286 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. L. Watters__ 20,000,000 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. J. Gray__ 217 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. P. Charles. 217 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — A.G. Baxter.__ - .... 146 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE D. P. Pyke____ JHi I! 1 fl| Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Glenavon..................... 171 Toronto 20,000,000 Minpls. Toronto Toronto 21,400,000 Montreal 21,400,000 20,000,000 Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21.485.830 —- 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto 1st N„ WEYBURN SECURITY BANKBANK OF MONTREAL ____ BANK OF MONTREAL_______ BANK OF TORONTO-............ — W. IT March Goodeve....................... 219 BANK OF MONTREAL_____ Surplus Surplus F. C. Millard. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA........ Gravelbourg_______1106 BANK OF TORONTO..................... BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA............. Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 A W Seath Reserve Funds 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Union Bank of Canada______ in Weyburn Winnipeg J. J. Hay Canada Toronto Montreal Union Bank of Canada_______ OF CANADA ■ Prompt attention to Collections Toronto Outlook . 495 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 27,250,066 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto Goodwater..................123 Weyburn Security Bank______ Govan__________ _ 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Weyburn Glenside___________ 165 Universal Securities Corpora tion Glidden___ _______ 80 BANK OF TORONTO— ______ Toronto Winnipeg contln ued on second half of this page. Girvin.......... ................ 132 Toronto Correspondent: 20,000,000 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,400.000 Montreal 27.485.830 Winnipeg and West Indies 1821 Ksterhazy____ .... 420 Union Bank of Canada______ ,-AVr Gainsborough............. 229 Toronto 20,000,000 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Surplus T. D. Holloway___ Reserve b'unds Surplus Winnipeg CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. D. Aitken......... Reserve Funds - 168 Winnipeg Froude.____ _____ _____ __ Elf ros............... BANK OF MONTREAL_______ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ----- ______ 263 Toronto Winnipeg CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE B. N. Mead_______________ B. N. Mead__ Elderslv Flaxcombe..................116 27 250,000 Montreal 21,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto Francis......................173 Union Bank of Canada............. Edenwold. __ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE. Toronto 265 186 Fiske........................ -100 Fort Qu’Appelle.... 495 Imperial Bank of Canada.......... ,T. R. Me Kay Union Bank of Canada............. _____ __ (Sub to Goodeve) ... Surplus 20,400,000 Montreal 21.485.830 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 ___ 189 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — L. W. Lyons._ Edam. 129 Winnipeg Toronto Foam Lake................ 451 East End_____ ____ 427 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - - ■v Ren wood BANK OF TORONTO................... BANK OF MONTREAL 20,400,000 Montreal 21.485.830 Reserve Funds Elstow Fairlight Station............ Fleming.... Bari Grey.......... ........ 269 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... E. I. Vicker___ _ Ratonia 246 Union Bank of Canada............ 20,400,000 Montreal 21.485.830 Reserve Funds Winnipeg Weyburn ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Reserve Funds Dysart Eyehrow._ Toronto ..126 Weyburn Security Bank_____ 20,000,000 H. C. Kent___ $ 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. A. Harvey... ___ 133 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- W. B. McIntosh, .. Duval STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. Head Office. SASKATCHEWAN BANKS — Dilke to Gravelbourg 75 318 Surplus A. E. Shannon, Acting Paid-up Capital. Montreal Expanse........... nnmrpmy .. BANK OF MONTREAL-.............. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Union Bank of Canada........ ..... 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 ___ 118 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA......... John Moreau_ - - - Manager or Agent. Name of Bank. Winnipeg Reserve Funds Dollard Post Office and Population. Estevan Toronto 171 Union Bank of Canada....... — Dinsmore. Head Office. SASKATCHEWAN Map on Index Canada January, 1924 ____ Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In1 oo I dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this J.041J. volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Mon-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. Gray__________ _____ 45 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Grenfell.......................765 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - DOMINION BANK- - - - - - - - - ------ SASKATCHEWAN—Continued Paid-up Capital Manages or Agent. T.G. Harper, Actg. Surplus Toronto $ 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 W. M. Elliott, Acting Griffin____ ____ -___146 Weyburn Security Bank______ W. H. March. BANK OF MONTREAL............. Surplus Union Bank of Canada_______ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Holdfast....................... 217 Humboldt_________ 1822 Indian Head______ 1439 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - - Instow______ Winnipeg Inver may------ _____ 147 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Ituna------------ ........... 335 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE C. Hess. 20 000,000 Toronto Kamsack_____ ____2002 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Toronto Kelfleld_____________ 42 Union Bank of Canada. W.J. Laurie______ Reserve Funds CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA...... ROYAL BANK OF CANADABANK OF MONTREAL......... CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Winnipeg Wm. Bullock. 20,000,000 Toronto Kelliher.........................320 Kelvington................ ..20 Kenaston------ ---------- 217 Kennedy____ ______ 247 Kerr-Robert...............788 Toronto J. B. Smith_______ 20,000,000 Toronto A. E. Sharp........ ..... 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto Reserve Funds W. H. MacDonald. J. M. Halle.............. D. F. Duke____ Reserve Funds A. F. McConkey__ Union Bank of Canada ..... Saskatchewan con tin ued on last half of this pa Re Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Kincaid------------ 226 Kindersley________ 1003 Winnipeg J. D. Andras.__ Surplus O. A. Stuart--------- 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000.000 Toronto 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto Winnipeg Surplus A. H. Weltin... Sterling Bank of Canada----- H. P. Lyne. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— BANK OF TORONTO---------CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. A. Carley______ 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto M. C. Manhard ___ 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto F. A. Stuart______ 20,000,000 Toronto Andrew Smith____ 20,000,000 Toronto G. H. Winstanley.. 20,000,000 Toronto Reserve Funds CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Winnipeg Union Bank of Canada_____ Winnipeg BANK OF MONTREAL-------BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- 27,250,000 Montreal O. Welsh. .92 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA—- D. M. MacPherson. Kipling_____________ 367 BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - BANK OF MONTREAL--------STANDARD BANK OF CANADA W. V. Galbraith. Kinistino — .382 Montreal 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909.582 20,000,000 Toronto Surplus BANK OF MONTREAL-----CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE , Union Bank of Canada------ Winnipeg (Sub. to Waldheim) Winnipeg H. J. Steven— Reserve Funds CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — Keeler...........................106 Toronto Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27.909,582 Weyburn 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Head Office. Surplus Weyburn Security Bank______ J. A. Wilton.__ Reserve Fund* Paid-up Capital R. W. Hicks............ $ 20,400.000 Montreal Reserve Funds 21,485,830 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - - Weyburn BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - - A. G. Armstrong _ Manager or Agent. Union Bank of Canada.............. Kandahar__________114 Hepburn---------------- 178 Imperial Bank of Canada__ Hoey------------------------25 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... Toronto Hazenmore.................. 187 Union Bank of Canada____ Hodgeville----------------88 Imperial............ ...........305 Imperial Bank of Canada______ (Sub. to Rosthern) Hatton_____________ 210 Union Bank of Canada.............. Herschel---------------- 127 Bane, 20.000.000 Toronto Sterling Bank of Canada.......... E. C. Williams Actg. Herbert------------------828 of A. M. Scrimgeour. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— Hawarden__________237 Name Toronto Winnipeg Imperial Bank of Canada........ W. P. Graham.. Harris......................... 258 Post Office and Population. Kinley. Kisbey.......... .................261 Kronau.......... ................66 27,909,582 Halifax Surplus Reserve Fuiids Surplus J. S. McNabb_____ 10,000,000 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence SASKATCHEWAN BANKS—Gray to Kronau_________ January, 1924 Guerensney ...............122 Union Bank of Canada_______ Gull Lake_________ 788 Head Office. SASKATCHEWAN on Index Canada 1822 I R99 1044 Non-Bank Towns with Neaiest Banking Point (In1 ft? ft dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Name of Manager Agent. Bank. 356 RANK DHnn HE ur TADAHTA i unvniv----------------- DftRQUt D HOCHELAGA------- SASKATCHEWAN—Continued it • d• iuTTTcT or Paid-up Capital. ______ Head Office. Toronto S. E. Brodeur____ Montreal Post Office and Population. SASKATCHEWAN MAP on Index Canada Name of Manager or Agent. Bank. Winnipeg LeRoy................................... STANDARD BANK OF CANADA T. R. Watson.......... Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto Lestock Station ... -.280 BANK OF MONTREAL................. Surplus Lajord____ ____ ...........85 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. W. H. Mackie____ Lake Lenore___ ____ 119 BANK OF MONTREAL. .............. Toronto Surplus $ 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Lancer_________ ........ 131 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA......... T. A. Arnott............. 20,400,000 Montreal Lammnan . — .163 BANK OF MONTREAL________ (Caesarville P. 0.) Landis_________ Lewvan . —60 Woyburn Security Bank___ Lane___________ — 341 PRUDENTIAL EX. CO., LTD.— F. J. Steidl, Pres.. John A. Fey, V. P. A. L. Steidl, G.Mor. and Sec. Surplus and Profl ts, _______ M Laneenburg____ Union Bank of Canada________ Reserve Funds 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485.830 > 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 o Surplus N. V. Coombes......... 324 RANK AC MANTDffll .. Lanigan CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE R. Geddes________ 426 Lashburn_______ ___ 331 J, A. McDonald.__ 87 20,000,000 Toronto ?0 2 Winnipeg Lucky Lake.........— .112 Lumsden................. .. „ Leask...................... STANDARD BK. OF CANADA— J. P. Duguid______ Union Bank of Canada 176 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— Reserve Funds Lebret..................... ___ 274 Imperial Bank of Canada......... (Sub. to Ft. Qu’Appelle) Saskatchewan contln ued on second half of this p age. Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE > m Reserve Funds 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 E. A. Morrison___ > * w 20,000,000 Toronto Winnipeg CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE D. Munro_________ .498 Union Bank of Canada........... 20,000,000 Toronto £ w Winnipeg a Winnipeg 01 o Toronto 20.490,000 Montreal 21,485,830 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Luseland.................... .249 Union Bank of Canada................ 364 Union Bank of Canada________ Winnipeg 3 n 179 Winnipeg P. J. LeMasurier.. w 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,880 Reserve Funds _ 117 180 20,000,000 Toronto X 20,000,000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— J. D. Hamilton___ Macklin___________ Leader_________ ___ 765 469 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Toronto Winnipeg CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Lloydminster_____ -5 Winnipeg 273 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA_____ A. Leiper_________ Winnipeg .307 BANK OF TORONTO................... _ Langham_______ ___ 430 50,000 Correspondents: 1st N., Dubuque, la.: Dominion Bk„ Winnipeg: Bk. of Hamilton, Moose Jaw, 251,250 Sask. > W 161 ROYBI RANK (IP Pflliana Winnipeg W w Reserve Funds ' 21,485,830 ___ 145 Union Bank of Canada................. 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Weybum Reserve Funds “ Head Office. Lemberg__________ .472 Union Ba nk of Canada Leslie Station____ ..162 CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE P. S. Cnhh Laird__________ ____ 176 ImDerial Bank of Canada Paid-up Capital. .195 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — H. Westergaard___ Reserve Funds Macrorie__________ .154 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Winnipeg Madison...................... BANK OF TORONTO Maidstone_________ 227 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Toronto » A. E. Hiller—......... Toronto \ < 1 THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA - P rompt attention to Collections Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in Cana mrnm'ii est In DIES Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this Post Office and Population. Name of SASKATCHEWAN—Continued Manager or Agent. Bank. Paid-up Capital. Manager or Agent. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. H. Munroe......... Head Office. 20,000,000 Toronto Winnipeg Winnipeg BANK OF TORONTO___________ Jas. Murray............. Toronto 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 *BANK OF MONTREAL 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 *BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-------- W. B. Johnston... 10,000,000 Halifax Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 ‘CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. Cameron.............. 20,000,000 Toronto Reserve Funds ‘DOMINION BANK ------------------ M. C. Fraser-------- Toronto - Surplus Toronto rank 20,000,000 Toronto •4 4# Hitchcock & McCulloch---------- (Arthur Hitchcock) Rest. Mawer___________ ...125 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. E. Ramsay........ 20,000,000 Toronto Maymont............... ....151 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — 20,400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Toronto ♦ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— C. H. McIntosh— Reserve Funds Reserve Funds 181 BANK OF TORONTO ..................... C. F. Drager---------- Union 80,000 Correspondent: Bk.of Can., Moose Jaw. 100,000 Winnipeg 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Winnipeg J. G.Yicq.............— Toronto Moose Jaw Clearing House.— (Members indicated by a *) (Sub. to Balgonie). McLean................. ....150 WEYBURN SECURITY BANK- A. J. Onstad........... McTaggert........... Meacham. ....90 BANK OF MONTREAL-------------- Surplus Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE B. L. Brown---------- Weyburn................. .............. 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Winnipeg Lnioii Bank of Canada----------- Winnipeg Morse________ _____ 559 Union Bank of Canada ----------- W. Michie, Acting 20,000,000 Toronto Melfort................... .. 1746 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE O. T, Nash 20,000,000 Toronto BANK OF TORONTO _ _ _ _ _ _ CANADIAN BK. OFCOMMERCE Winnipeg G. R. Tucker........... Toronto E. G. Wright-------- 20,000,000 Toronto P. A. Allan Melville................... .. 2808 .. .._______ Meota Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE C. B. Narraway... 20,000,000 Toronto •• ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA BANK OF TORONTO - G. R. Patmore____ 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 20,000,000 Toronto .............- —236 R. A. Smith ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-— Toronto F. F. Osborn_____ F. A.Salstrom 180 Milden................... — 151 Reserve Funds J. C. MacDonald .. Toronto ... j Weyburn C. W. McCallum .. 20,400,000 Montreal 41,485,ooU Saskatchewan continued on seeond half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reserve Fundi Winnipeg 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 •• Meyronne............. ___ 247 Midale BANK OF MONTREAL--------------- Weyburn Naicam._ . .. .119 BANQUE 0’ HOCHELAGA .T A.Ualandfl CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. D. Gun................ Neudorf........................ 500 Union Bank of Canada............... H. B. Fairbairn, Montreal 20,000,000 Toronto __ ________ Winnipeg Acting WEYBURN SECURITY BANKCANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. W. Mahler.......... 20.000,000 Toronto M. St. C. McLean. 20.000,000 Toronto Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence SASKATCHEWAN BANKS —Manor to N okomis________ January, 1924 20,000,000 Toronto 276 Union Bank of Canada............... J. N. Pugh................ Mazenod -__ Paid-up Capital. Union Bank of Canada............... W. A. Tripp______ 88 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. G. T. Mann Maryfleld................. Bank. 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 172 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-.nnMtNinH of Surplus Marcelin.................. .. 212 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE __ Milestone.................... 172 Name 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 1002 RANK OF MONTRFAI. 8ft ROYAL BANK OF CANADA-- Post Office and Population. Reserve Funds 210 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA......... S. Ferguson______ Marengo—........... Head Office. SASKATCHEWAN Map on Index Canada Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In- HH! gofameAC<For'lntefestaitau-g,8Holidays, 16 Post Office and Population. Name of SASKATCHEWAN—Continued . Manager or Agent. Bank. Paid-up Capital. Head Office. Norquay----_____ —198 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. E. Lewis--------■ $ 20,000,000 Toronto North Battleford. 4108 BANK OF MONTREAL____ Surplus “ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. Hamilton............. •• Imperial Bank of Canada_____ 27,250,000 27,909,582 Montreal Post Office and Population. Plato Paid-up Capital. Head Office. ___ 10 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE N. Broughton____ Pleasantdale 20,000,000 Toronto ____ ..135 Union Bank of Canada_______ Winnipeg Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA —- Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Toronto 21,485,830 ..500 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. B. C. Baillie___ 20,000,000 Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — W. F. Mallory____ 20,400.000 Toronto 21,485,830 Reserve Funds Odessa___________ ..254 BANK OF TORONTO_____ Manager or Agent. Bank. ... ___ ...330 BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA-_____ Preeceville___ .. 319 BANK OF TORONTO__________ J. B. Lorimer____ Prelate. __446 BANK OF MONTREAL—............ Surplus Primate______ — — C. A. Rnnssen.ii 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 1 mperial Bank of Canada____ Toronto Toronto Prince Albert.......... .7558 *BANK OF MONTREAL 345 Winnipeg Osage------------------- .. 109 Weyburn Security Bank______ Surplus *• "BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA........ - •• ♦BANQUE D’HOCHELAGA_____ M. J. McClosky,— Toronto ♦CANADIAN BK.OF COMMERCE A. J. Reynolds___ 20,000,000 Toronto 10,000,000 Halifax Weyburn All If AC RAAHYDCAI 704 D DARn Ur mun 1 If E.HL-------------Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal 27,009,582 Surplus 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Oxbow____________ .602 BANK OF MONTREAL_____ ♦Imperial Bank of Canada_____ S. N. Davidson___ Winnipeg ♦ROYAL BARK OF CANADA — Palmer___________ —58 Union Bank of Canada______ Reserve Funds Winnipeg 61 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,880 Winnipeg Western Trust Co........ ..... .......... E. D. Wright_____ Weyburn Winnipeg Prince Albert Clearing House S. N. Davidson,Sec. Parkside . _____ ...99 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA........... R. G. Doig. Pro.... (Members indicated by a *) 10,000,000 Halifax Prud Homme_____ Pathlow------ --------- —30 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. W. Newsom___ BANQUE D’HCCHELAGA_____ 20,000,000 Toronto Montreal ?nn RANK OF MONTRFAI Surplus Paynton— ------- -123 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Toronto ROYAL BANK OF CANADA___ Reserve Funds Pelly..................... -288 BANK OF TORONTO___________ Jas. Mil mine_____ Toronto Pennant Station.. .. 125 Union Bank of Canada_______ Winnipeg Pense_____________ -247 Union Bank of Canada_______ Winnipeg Perdue____________ -358 BANK OF MONTREAL— Union Bank of Canada_______ Imperial Bank of Canada......... Surplus 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Winnipeg , . Reserve Funds 20,400,000 Montreal 21.485,830 Radisson_________ -431 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE L. M. Perkins......... 20,000,000 Toronto Radvillfi . 20,000,000 Toronto 883 • CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. D, McKenzie... Weyburn Security Bank______ McGray Wilkinson Toronto . -280 BANK OF MONTREAL............ Weyburn Surplus C. A. Blad................. Redvers S. C. Crawford, 20,000,000 Toronto 181 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE YAL BANK OF CANADA • Branches throughout Canada and Act. Mgr, West Indies 1825 Readlyn__________ -100 Weyburn Security Bank. 27,250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Weyburn Toronto sasnatcnewan continu ed on second half of this page. Montreal 21,485,830 Winnipeg 246 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— 0. F. Springer.. — Winnipeg Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •• Raymore______ 232 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 SASKATCHEWAN BANKS — Norquay to Red vers Nut,ana of 20,000,000 Toronto Ponteix •• Name 125 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— H. C. MacDonald.. $ 20,400,000 Montreal Reserve Funds 21,485,830 Plenty... •* SASKATCHEWAN Map o» Index Canada January, 1924 1 1825 Post Office and Population. Regina.. -.34.432 Name or Bank. Manager os Agent. ♦BANK OF MONTREAL*- - - - - ♦BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA----- Surplus D. A. Y. Merrick... Canada Permanent Mortgage B. 8. Lawrence-— Corporation Canada Trust Co.—-------------- H. W. Givins_____ Paid-up Capital. Head Office. $ 27. 250,000 Montreal 27. 909.582 10, 000,000 Halifax D. H. Gordon_____ 20,000,000 Toronto W. A. Radcliff .... Toronto Winnipeg Huron & Erie Mortgage Corp. H. W. Givins— London ♦Imperial Bank of Canada •. ... W. H. Thomson... Toronto National Trust Co., Ltd______ W. G. Styles___ Toronto Rhein_______ _____428 St. Brieux__ _____144 St Gregor... Richard_____ ............93 St Walburg. ____25 Saltcoats------ ___479 Salvador------ ... 165 Union Bank of Canada............ Saskatoon.__ .25,739 Ridgedale____ Western Trust Co___________ R. S. Rideout .... W. A. Caswell & Co., Ltd.____ W. AXaswell.^re*. Correspondent: Molsons Bank, Winnipeg. 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto J. C. Macpherson. 20,000,000 Toronto L. De Roo------------ 20,000,000 Toronto R. G. MacLellan.. 20,000,000 Toronto Winnipeg Reserve b'unds Reserve Funds Union Bank of Canada____ 20.400.00" Montreal 21,485,830 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Winnipeg (2 Branches) ♦Imperial Bank of Canada------ F. W. Scrimes.— W.T. Hamilton... 10,000,000 Halifax J. W. Paul_____ 20,000,000 Toronto Ruddell_____________ 96 Imperial Bank of Canada_____ E^Roburn-------- Toronto «l •• Rouleau__ _________ 590 BANK OF MONTREAL....... Imperial Bank of Canada__ BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA- .. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Digitized.Saskatchewan for FRASER conttn ued on second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Toronto 103,691 Correspondents: Bank of 8,580 Montreal, Saskatoon; Ft. Dear. N., Ghi. Toronto National Trust Co.. Ltd.--------- J. D. Gunn_____ ♦ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — R. M. Hanson ... Resent Funds Toronto 20.400.000 Montreal 21,485,830 Winnipeg F. G. Lewin ... Toronto General Trusts Corporation Toronto Union Bank of Canada.............. (2 Offices) Winnipeg Saskatoon Clearing House------ R. B.Irons. (Members indicated by a ♦) Sceptre .— ....266 Union Bank of Canada............ Scotsguard. —.125 Scott........... Sedley-----Semans___ Senlac____ Shaunavon. Winnipeg ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — —.236 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — ___ 198 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — ....450 BANK OF MONTREAL........... CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE —88 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - W. L. Barker... CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE BANK OF MONTREAL........ William Kidd- .1146 Union Bank of Canada........ Reserve Funds K. V. Bethel — Reserve Funds A. D. Leslie______ Reserve Funds Surplus Reg’d W. Winfield. Surplus Surplus 20.400.000 21.48), 830 2C.400 0021.485.830 21 400 000 21.485.830 27.250.uuu 27.909.582 . Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal 20 000.000 Toronto 27.250,000 Montreal 27.909.582 20,000,000 Toronto 27.250.000 Montreal 27.909.582 Winnipeg Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence January, 1924 Surplus G. S. Rempel... 27,250.000 Montreal 27.909,582 Toronto Rosthern__________1075 Surplus Standard Trusts Co._________ B. S. McNiece Surplus S. B. Hayes_____ A. C. Thompson. 27.250.One Montreal 27,909,582 Winnipeg W. S. Ashley, Winnipeg ... 865 Surplus Hettle-Drennan Co--------------- J. O. Hettle Surplus Winnipeg Rosetown____ 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909,582 20.000.000 Toronto ♦DOMINION BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - (2 Branches in Saskatoon) 400.000 Montreal .485,830 Union Bank of Canada______ A. W. McAvoy.__ Surplus M. D. Smith...__ _ Toronto ♦Sterling Bank of Canada_____ G. R. Bradley__ ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ROYAL BANK OF CANADA- C. J. Moreau___ Toronto W. G. Hoig____ —100 Montreal 20,000.000 Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto ♦STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Rock Haven__ A. J. Maheu--------J. A. N. Fournier W. J. Savage------- N. H. Me Lennan.. ... 415 Union Bank of Canada........ Winnipeg Toronto ♦CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ♦ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— Rocanville.. — 20.400.00C Montreal 21,485,830 27.250.000 Montreal 27,909.582 10,000,000 Halifax Galloway, Cleary & Co............... Montreal __ 330 Head Office. W. P. Osborne____ Prudential Trust Co.________ Riverhurst___ BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - BARQUE D’HOCHELAGA- - - - - CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE BANK OF MONTREAL........... CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - Reserve Funds Paid-up Capital. ♦BANK OF MONTREAL*- - - - - - ♦BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA — W. G. Styles — BANK OF MONTREAL -.......... STANDARD BANK OF CANADACANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE CANADIAN BK.Or COMMERCE CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE F. Kennett---------- __ 100 Union Bank of Canada---------- Regina Clearing House................ C. P. Ryan. Mgr. (Members indicated by ♦) Riceton______ ______60 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— Ruthilda___ Winnipeg Northern Trusts Company Reserve Funds Manager or Agent. — 109 St. Boswells. London Name of Bank. Rush Lake— Toronto Gt. West Permanent Loan Co. P. C. Clark________ (2 Branches in Regina) Post Office and Population. SASKATCHEWAN Map on Index Canada SASKATCHEW AN BANK S — Regina to Shaunavon ____ ♦CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE ♦DOMINION BANK- - - - - - - - - - - - S A SKATCHEWAN—Continued 1826 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In1 QOA dexdd Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of this 10^0 volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Post Office and Population. Name of Bank. Shell Brook_____ ...402 Silton___________ Kimnsnn _ 217 ..320 Smiley................... ...90 Southey. Manager or Agent. Paid-dp Capital. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA~ J. A. McIntyre.__ Reserve Funds $ 20,400.000 21.485.830 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE H. K. Baird.......... 20,000,000 11 Springside----------- -170 Union Bank of Canada___ Winnipeg Union Bank of Canada....... BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - R. S. Hutcheon.__ Reserve Funds 20.400.000 21,485,830 Montreal BANK OF MONTREAL....... Surplus 27.250.000 27,909,582 Montreal 10,000.000 Halifax Toronto STANDARD BANK OF CANADA R. C. Abraham ___ of Bank. —961 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA -3518 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_ _ Manages or Agent. Paid-dp Capital. (Sub. toNutana).. Reserve Funds 20.400 000 21.48J.830 Montreal Surplus 27,250.000 27.809,582 Montreal , 10 000,000 Halifax •« CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R. M. McCaul___ 20,000.000 Toronto •a Canadian Guaranty Tr. Co.— J. E. Hemenway. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— 0. M. Lancaster... Reserve Funds .. Brandon 20.400,000 21,485.830 ..591 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_ _ M. G. Trainor....... Winnipeg BANK OF TORONTO_ _ _ _ _ — J. C. thorn ... Toronto Tessier .......... — —.68 Union Bank of Canada______ Winnipeg Winnipeg Theodore...—. .. 287 Union Bank of Canada______ Tisrlalp 783 BANK OF MONTREAL- - - - - - - - 298 Union Bank of Canada______ ** “--------Togo................... .. Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE J. F. Fraser_____ 10,000,000 20,000,000 Halifax Toronto Surplus BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA—— R. Skinner. 27.250.000 27,909,582 10.000.000 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE G. Rennison.— Traynor__ Imperial Bank of Canada___ (Sub. to Wilkie)... ____ 195 Stockholm.......... .. -.174 Stony Reach _ . 30 Stoughton................ ..364 Strasbourg Station. -514 BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA_ _ _ _ H. J. Carmichael— W. H. B. Alexander Reserve Funds R. E. Woodward _ 20.400,000 21,485,830 20,000,000 Toronto J. Boyle, Acting Mgr. Weyburn Security Bank........ 0. C. Marks.......... 10,000,000 Halifax ROYAL BANK OF CANADA...... D. Campbell . 20,400,000 21,485,830 Union Bank of Canada........... Strongfield.............. Stnrgis, , ......... Toronto Weyburn Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Winnipeg Toronto 20,400,000 21,485,830 Montreal ...112 T. C. Lusted_____ Toronto Toronto Weyburn 20,000,000 Toronto L. V. Ray---------- 20,000,000 Toronto C. Bossoms______ 20,000,000 Toronto J. A. Jackson___ 20,000,000 Toronto Surplus N. Tamblyn ___ Reserve Funds 27.250.000 27.809.582 20.400.000 21,458.830 Montreal Montreal —299 BANK OF TORONTO.............. E. J. Waldie.__ Toronto “ Union Bank of Canada............ Winnipeg Vantage........... . . 162 Weyburn Security Bank_____ J. M. Bright.......... Venn . —67 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... J. H. Allen........... Vanguard............. “ --------- "R.p.sifjTDfj Founds llM 20,000,000 Weyburn Security Bank_____ H. M. Harvey------ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Tugaske_______ ...230 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Turtleford.......... ...288 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Tnxfnrd___ . . _ 156 CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE fill BANK OF MONTREAL---- — ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— Truax _________ Toronto Weyburn 20,400,000 21 485.830 Montreal ■ Prompt attention to Collections in Canada and West Indies 1827 Success__________ —23 Reserve Funds Saskatchewan contln ued on second half of this p age. Montreal 166 Winnipeg Union Bank of Canada______ BANK OF TORONTO- - - - - - - - - - - (Sub. to Stenen) ROYAL BANK OF CANADA_ _ _ H. Hatfield — Montreal ___ Halifax Winnipeg Tramping Lake—. —100 —30 Montreal Winnipeg _. 254 Union Bank of Canada______ Tribune .. Stpnpn. r Montreal Union Bank of Canada............ Imperial Bank of Canada___ J. D. McGillivray . M Head Office. D. A. McMillan .. Lang ROYAL BANK OF CANADA— F. G. Beauchamp.. L. R. Anderson..— Name Toronto Prudential Exchange Co., Ltd Lawrence Alber. I Of, Imperial Bank of Canada__ (Emmavillc P. 0.) Sutherland _____ Winnipeg J. H. Quinlan___ Spruce Lake_____ Post Office and Population. Toronto Toronto BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA — Spring Valley........ —97 Montreal STANDARD BANK OF CANADA (Sub. to Craven).. .......... .. 324 Union Bank of Canada........... 14? Head Office. SASKATCHEWAN Map on Index Canada SASKATCHEWAN BANKS — Sheho to Venn Sintatula.. ...__ -.98 SASKATCHEWAN—Continued January, 1924 Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In1 R97 doxed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this AOil' volume. For Interest Kates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point <Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. S A SKATCHE WAN—Continued Post Office and Population. Name of Manager or Agent. Bank. .299 BANK OF M0NTRFAI Verigin.. . Surplus 242 Weyburn Security Bank______ Verwood—. _____ Vibank......... „ ___ 277 BANK OF TORONTO --- Paid-up Capital. Fost Office and Population. Head Office. Whitewood_____ $ 27,250,000 Montreal 27,900,582 Weyburn " Vonda_____ ____ ____ 383 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE R. B. Mackay_____ 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 20,000,000 Toronto Wadena.... .................544 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE S. Dunbar................ 20,006,000 Toronto Reserve Funds Sterling Bank of Canada______ II. C. Roberts......... ______ 387 BANK OF MONTREAL 273 Waldheim. Surplus J. L. Zacharias___ Waldron... ..................114 BANK OF MONTREAL Surplus Wapella.__ ________ 401 Union Bank of Canada_______ Toronto 390 nANARIANRK (IF ftAMMFRRF _______ A.P. Anderson,Pro. 10,000,000 Halifax .......... " H.R.Main_______ 20,000,000 Toronto __ 778 E. J. Fenton, Adg. 20 000,000 Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE W. R. Davies.. 20,000,000 Toronto Wolseley...................... 956 BANK OF TORONTO------------ J. Hayward. — Union Bank of Canada—......... Woodrow___________ 193 BANK OF TORONTO-----------BANK OF MONTREAL--------- W. W. Wright Surplus Imperial Bank of Canada_____ H. J. Morgan........... 27.250,000 Montreal 27,009,582 Toronto CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE E. G. Ogilvie---------- 20,000,000 Toronto 100 Yellow Grass_______ 468 20,000,000 Toronto “ RANK (IF TfiRftftTfl Surplus CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — H. J. Neale_______ 20,000,000 Toronto F. J. A. Pool_____ 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Reserve Funds Joseph Mergens, V. P. 44 BANK OF MONTREAL---------BANK OF TORONTO-----------CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA----- .. 524,560 Correspondents: Am. Ex. N.. ‘N. Y.; 1st N.. Minpls. and St. P. Young_____ _____ .310 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — ROYAL BANK OF CANADA — Name of Bank. BANK OF MONTREAL---------CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Head Office. $ 27,250,000 Montreal Surplus 27,909,582 D. C. Thomson ___ 20,000,000 Toronto Toronto Weyburn Surplus A. N. McDonald... 27,250,000 Montreal 27,009,582 Toronto W, G. Hamilton... 20,000,000 Toronto Post Office and Population. White Horse_______ 850 Toronto R. II. A. Lacey .— 20.400,000 Montreal 21,485,880 Winnipeg J. Borrowman------- 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 20,400,000 Montreal 21,485,830 Reserve Funds Reserve Funds A. Kennett_______ Reserve Funds YUKON Map on Index Canada Name of Bank. CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Manager or Agent. Paid-up Capital. Head Office. J. C. Newmarch... $ 20,000,000 Toronto Yukon continued on second half of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence January, 1924 1 YUKON Paid-up Capital. Winnipeg Union Bank of Canada.............. Zealandia___________ 245 Saskatchewan con tin ued on second half of this plage. Manager or Agent. Toronto Imperial Bank of Canada-------- F. L. Appleton ___ H. O. Powell. Gen. Mgr. H.McLean, Mgr. W eyburn Bran ch Reserve Fund 225,000 Post Office and Population. Dawson___________ 2050 Winnipeg Weyburn Security Bank---------- E. G, Browell-------- .. 44 (Head Office) “ Yorkton__________ 5151 .. 27 2sn non 27^909,582 , 230 Union Bank of Canada.......... Wynyard___________ 849 .. RANK nr MANTDFAI Winnipeg CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE . Winiithnrst 245 Weyburn . _______ 3193 Toronto 20,000,000 Toronto Willow Bunch 20,000,000 .150 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE T. A. Bowe, Actg... Lang C. C. Annett______ J. R. Riches---------- Webb____ -------------- 259 Weldon John A. Fey______ CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE Winnipeg Wawota Head Office. S 27.250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Union Bank of Canada_______ 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Winnipeg 20,000,000 Toronto Watson Paid-up Capital. ..383 .. Toronto J. R. Helm_______ infi STANDARD BANK OF CANADA . .. Wilkie 27,250,000 Montreal 27,909,582 Toronto Watrous .. ________ 1101 CANADIAN BK. OF COMMERCE A. H. Marcon_____ Waseca. Manager or Agent. .499 Winnipeg V315 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA .... R. C. Forrest_____ Wakaw—. Bank. SASK. AND YUKON BANKS — Verigin to W hite Horse %.__ 58 Union Bank of Canada_______ Viscount _ of Toronto Viceroy .. _________ 156 Vidora____ Name Surplus Wilcox . _____ SASKATCHEWAN Map on Index Canada 1828 1 090 1040 volume. ALWAYS use the above coupon • in forwarding collections or claims to the Attorneys listed in this Directory. The Attorneys are bonded by the American Surety Co. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MEXICO 12 116° 13 44 15 18 16 22 20q States and Territories Aguascalientes K 12 Campeche . .M 21 Chiapas....... 0 20 Chihuahua... D 9 Coahuila.... G 12 Colima........N 10 Durango........H 9 Federal District P4 Guanajuato. .L 13 Guerrero.... P 14 Hidalgo........L 15 Jalisco........M 11 Lower California G3 Mexico.... M 14 Michoacan. N 12 Morelos.... N 15 Crirtobal , Pablo, Nayarit....... K 10 Nuevo Leon .H 13 S. Rogue B. Asv,. Oaxaca....... .P 17 Puebla....... .N 16 G Queretaro... L 14 Quintana Roo Territory.M 24 San Luis Potosi J 13 Sinaloa.......... H 7 Sonora........... C 5 H Tabasco ... .N 20 Tamaulipas H 15 Tlaxcala... M 15 RAND M9NALLY VeraCruz.. .N 16 POPULAR MAP OF> Yucatan... .K 24 MEXICO Zacatecas.. .J 11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SCALES Statute Miles, 155=1 Inch. K Kilometres, 250=1 Inch. Rand M?Nally’8 New 11 x 14 Map of Mexico. Copyright by Rand MVNally & Co., Chicago. ‘ Made in U. S. A. QUERE'TARO^. L«PV'NaSS? Ahorcad'c V \u ^ N N Acapulctf Diamante'3 Q Q ■ Ct^ and SURROUNDING COUNTRY R Statute Miles, 48 — 1 Inch. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0^8° 20 317 h Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Town and Manages ok Agent. Name op Bank. State. Aguascalientes..Aguas Banco Nacional de Mexico Calientes ! T.Robinson Principal Capital. Correspondents . (*Head Office) Banco Nacional de Mexico____ ♦Mexico City. Banco Nacional de Mexico____ ♦Mexico City. Name op Bank. Manager or Agent. BANK OF MONTREAL______ • CANADIAN BK.0F COMMERCE* Surplus J. W. Stephenson. Campania Bancaria Mexicana. Gmo. Brockman, Ciudad de Mexico.—D.F. (See Mexico City) Pres. Adolphe Lue, Mgr. Ciudad Porfirio Dias, Coahuila 1st Nat. Bk. (Eagle Pass. Tex.). Compafiia Bancaria de Paris Adrian Jean,Pres.. y Mexico, S. A. Augustin Rodriguez . _____ CAPITAL. Principal Correspondents. (♦Head Office) fie s. 27.250.000 * Montreal, Que. 27,909,582 20,000,000 ♦Toronto, Ont. 350,000 Equitable Trust Co. and Maitland Coppell & Co„ N. Y.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F. 5,000,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Pesos Com., St. L. 7,500,000 Pesos Credito Espanol de Mexico... • ♦Mexico City. Banco Nacional de Mexico.... Salvadore Ugarte__________ Gen. Mgr. ♦Mexico City. Banco Nacional de Mexico____ La Paz, State. Mexico City.......... D. F. Banco Nacional de Mexico__ D. Jose Signoret, $ 32,000,000 Maitland, Coppell & Co., {Head. Office) (Continued) Pres. A. Iselin & Co., and Ladenberg Thalmann & Co., D. Eusebio Gon Reserve Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F.; 20,573,000 N. Y.; Glyn, Mills. Currie zales, V.-P. Banco Nacional de Mex & Co., and Lazard Bros, L. G. Legorreta, ico, Mexico. oo., Ltd., London, Eng.; Sec. Banque de Paris et des Augustin Legorreta Pays Bas, Credit Lyon Gen. Mgr. nais and Societe Generale, Paris, France. Adela Blake vda. de Barracan. — and ♦Mexico City. * Bourse y Hermanos A. R. Downs & Son Town MEXICO Map on Index Mexico _• Banco Nacional de Mexico____ ♦Mexico City. Banco Nacional de Mexico____ ♦Mexico City. Banco Nacional de Mexico ♦Mexico City. Descuento Espanol__________ Rafael Rodriguez Bedrifiana EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y. (Branch of New Yo rk City) La Baja California ... Matamoros.—Tamaulipas J. 8. and H. Cross, Suer.______ Banco Nacional de Mexico____ ♦Mexico City. Arturo Peirce___________________ ♦London, Eng. Banco Nacional de Mexico.... ♦Mexico City. Anglo South American Bank, Limited Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | Mortgage & Loan Banking Co.« C.D.Muro.lstV.P. and Gen. Mgr. 1.100,000 Han. N. and N. City, N. Pesos Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., El Paso. _________ Mexico continued on second half of this page. Pres. Monterrey..Nuevo Leon Banco Nacional de Mexico__ ♦Mexico City. For SAFETY and SERVICE. Send Your Legal Work to BONDED LAWYERS (See Index io Lawyers) 1829 Banca Asturiana Eman L. Beck, $. A. Francisco Armendaiz__________ American Foreign Banking • {Branch ofNew York City) Corporation Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., 1st N., Bos.; F. J. Dunkerley, CAPITAL: Chi.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. Vice-Pres. 1,000,000 C.; Hibernian Bk. & G. B. Carson, Tr.Co.,N.O.; Crocker Vice-Pros. N. and Wells FargoNev.N.,San F.; IstN., C. Gundelach, Ave. Francisco I. Madero No. Ass’t. Vice-Pres. ElPaso,Tex.; Mid land u, Bk. Ltd., London, Gwynne Pool, MEXICO, D. F. Eng.; Guaranty Tr. Cashier Co. of N. Y., Paris, A. B. Carrillo, France. Asst. Cashier Undivided Profits: C. J. Rittenhouse, Auditor 271,800 MEXICO CITY BANKING GORP.* January, 1924___________ MEXICO BANKS —Aguascalien tes to Monterrey MEXICO 1829 Town MEXICO-- Continued and State. Name of Bank. Manages or Agent. MEXICO Map on Index Mexico PHINCIPAL Capital. Correspondents. Town and State. Name of Manager or Agent. Bank. (*Head Office) ♦Mexico City. Tampico___ Tamaulipas Tampico Banking Co., (Continued) S, A. ..* B. W. Fonts, Pres. A. D. PutDam, Mgr. Nuevo Laredo, Tamauli pa> Oaxaca____ ... Oaxaca ♦Mexico City. Orizaba__...Vera Cruz ♦Mexico City. ** ♦Mexico City. Beaumont; Frost N., San Antonio; Mexico City Bkg. Corp. and Am. For. Bkg.Corp.. Mexico City. ♦Mexico City. ♦Mexico City. Tuxla Gutierrez.Chiapas ♦Mexico City. Piedras Negras.Coahuila Banco Nacional de Mexico__ ♦Mexico City. riles Unidos de Yucatan BANK OF MONTREAL____ - 100.000 Bk. of N. Y. N.B.A., N. Surplus & Profits 500,000 Surplus 27,250,000 Montreal. 27,909,582 ♦Mexico City. 44 «4 RANK nr MflNTRr&L......... • Surplus 27.250,000 Montreal, 27,909,582 Salinas Victoria, Nuevo de Leon Saltillo M 44 ♦Mexico City, San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi ♦Mexico City. «• Credito Espanol De Mexico,.. (Apartado No. 2) DigitizedMexico for FRASER continued on second balf of this page. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ♦Mexico City, Zacatecas.... Zacatecas Banco Nacional de Mexico.— _______ Irving Bk.-Col. Tr. Co., and A. Iselin & Co, N. Y. ______ January, 1924 ♦Mexico City. Cia Miners “El Boleo”---------Santa Rosalia, la Baja California « MEXICO BANKS— Morelia to Zacatecas (P. 0. Box. 146) < (Established 1812) 1 Banking in ail its branche s. (.Exceptional Collection Fa cilities. (*Head Office) ♦Mexico City. Toluca.......... Mexico Banco Nacional de Mexico.... Mexico. Principal banks and bankers. Uni ed States. Equitable Tr. Co.. N. Y.: Bk. of Italy. Los A., Cal.; 1st N. Bk., Del Rio, Tex. Other Coun ries. Equi table Tr. Co of N. Y., Lon., and Paris; Banco Hispano Am., Madrid Credi o Italiano.Milan Union Bk.Switzerland. fJUANC. GUTIERREZ*, Bank er. “ Principal Correspondents. Capital. 1830 1830 ' Banks Advertising give Prompt Attention to Collections and Correspondence