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llt  11  TOWN AND OoUNTY. •  ,County Seats.  NAME OF BANK. •Jfem. A.m. Bks. Assn. ,State  I  Non-.BaaJr ToWDB w1th Nearest BaDfdDs Pofllt dexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back ot volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  TEXAS I VIC.&-PR~IDJCNT.  /'T CA.SHIU,  LIABILITIES. 11 RESOURCES. P.u1>-t1l' rsuaPLus D&Poa- ,..,..,.. ,.1>... Cd■• &1:-  i"El 'tai~ K:.dliI~u~lo~ !.~J:1~. :e~. W:s.A.S c1f~r· ------ --1------- ------/ahas. Harris-·····- T. L. Sessions-----1----· -·--- _____ ··-·- $ 8  5  PR.ESIDDT.  OA.SBill.  Cil'ITAL P=TB  .Abbott_ ________ HilJF 18 Guaranty State Bank ___ :tf'l3 T. J, Files _________ Pop, 303 88-1568  Abernathy ..•••• Hale BIO First State Bank·-·····-*''09 8. R. Kerrill.._._ L.A.. Harral ___ ·--· N. C. Hix. _ _ _ Pop. 310 88-903  =Q~  e~-:·  ITS  20,000 $  3,500 $ i0,000 $ 75,000 $ ·  23,000  5,000  P.IUNCI.PAL O0RKJ:8PONDBNTS.  /  ~  7,160 -H-a_n_.-N-.-.-N-.-Y-.:-T_e_x_.-S-ta-t-e,-F-t-.-"-.o-r-th-.-;-1-st' State, Hillsboro.  !::  1  1w. A. Richter·-·-·  160,000  154,000  38,000 Drov. N., Kan. C.; Lubbock State, LubbocK.  I  _ _ _ _ _ ___,___ _ _ _ _ ___:...__ _ _ _ _ __:___ _ _ _ _ _ J- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  •Abilene._•. Taylor E 14 Pop.10,274  CITIZENS  SEO. L. PAXTON ... OWEN SHELTON ... J. F. GARRISON ... WARREN WEAKLEY J. A. LITTLETON J. W. TURNER  NATIONAL BANK 88-113  •i'02  FARMERS & MERCHANTS NATIONAL BAH 88-112  QUICK RETURNS.  TRY US.  -  200,000  -  150,000 3,126,000 2,271,060 1,060,310 Han. N., N. Y.: l'ar. 4 Mech. N., I'&. Wortb;lstN .• st.L.;CityN.,Dallas.  Please send 15c u,ith each sight draft for presentation and 50c for Credit Report.  ~---------~------ -  ---  ..; t11  --- --- --- ---  E. S. HUGHES ··-·· HENRY JAMES··-· W.R. KEEBLE -·-- PAUL JONES··-··- 200,000 82,230 2,888,780 1.689.420 979,580 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and Dallas; Cent. N., >(> 8. L. ELLIS - - - ,- - St.L.;lstN.• Ft.Worth. C/J .ill Collections given special attention by an officer of the bank.  •*' 91 - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  FI RS T s TATE BAN K 88_115  Collections Given Prompt Personal Attention.  OSCAR PARKER --- 0, M. OLDHAM, JR •• W. H. FfiEE-- R. PETERS- ·------·· JAS. R. BIRO  SEND  •il'08 Prompt  us  ~~:~~T.  YOUR ABILENE BUSINEsl personal Attention Given Bill of Lading Drafts and All Matters Sent Us.  -- -1--~  ~~~  I  I  ,_ -  ~  I  ,~  .. C/J~,.... Chci!t~S~t!"i>!t.~s~}lecb.N.,Ft. Wor  th  ;!~  I  C"  g·  --- --- ---  ,+  r+  I  0 Worth;!>  Guaranty State Bank _ •+§'20 W. E. Jone -····-- E. V. eller ••••.. Sam. Swann_ ...... Mabel Wood_····-88.116 Eugene Carry  100,000  --------  -150.000  Addison .. -.. -Dallas D Ill Addison State Bank •. -•!1'13 W. C. MeKam;r .... W.W. Julian .• __ Iamar Allen.-•• · · - - - - · - - · - Pop. 200 88-15511 •  10,000  4,250  93,890  79,220  28,430 Cent. State, Dallas.  . {.H~J-tiNYou if1'tillJkLlfJiic +_c.JONES--····-· - - - - · Prompt attenti on given Bill of L ading Drafts, Cas  21'>.000  2,500  125,000  90,00()  51,000 Hech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; 1st N ., Brownsville; Cent. Tr. Co.~ Antonio.  Alanreect__., ••• Gray P 6 Guaranty State Bank •• •t§'06 C. M. McCullough. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E. B. Hedrick • --· R. C. Bennett ••.•.. Pop. 350 88-D05  15,000  1,000  100,000  85,000  25,000 Live Stock State, Kan. C.: Guaranty State, 1 Amarillo; Secur. N., Dallas.  Alba._·-··- .• Wood D 21 Alba National Bank ••• _.i•os F. N. Hopkins ___ L.B. Oranford.-- D.S. Armstroni ••• R. D. Pattersen ·-Pop. 13;;2 Si-'10  40,000  40,000  300,000  220,000  100,000 SP.ab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas.  Fint State Bank •••••••• il'lO 'I'. F. Jones •••.•.•. G. E. Howard··--- T. J. Rlle:r.--····· --··--·--------·88-411 Clyde Jordon ·  40,000  28,830  125,000  133,5-JO  51.280 Lnmbermans N., Hou.; ecu r . ... Greenville N. Ex., Greenville.  •.\.lJJ:rnyShack~l ord D 14 Albany National Bank •• •i'0l S. Webb--·-···-· G. E. Waters·--··· W. G, Webb-··--· G. Cl. Kini?-···-··· Pop. Hli9 i8~20 W. H. Green Ollie E. Clarke  80,000  20,000  436,000  ,185,000  First National Banlr. ___ •t· 3 J, B. Matthews •••. A. W. Reynolds ••• T. E. Dodre--·-· W. L. Hatcher ••.. 88_.U G. T, Reynolds  75,000  48,880  541.96f  602,50()  5,000 J---·--··  52,000  34,000  .  Alau0·--i>0-H3~t2'0 Q 16 FIRST STATE BANK 11 8-1918 D.  --•t§ 20  h, and Time Items an d remitted for pr omptly on day of payment.  .Al!'uO.---···· Parker D 17 Citizens Bank ··-······•!t'03 iT. J. Overmier ____ . J. J. Sears ••·-···· M. 8. Jones •••• - - - - · · - - - - - · · Pop. 300 88-9011 BANKS DEPOSIT SECURITIES WITH US FOR SAFE KE_!:PING AND COLLECTING INCOME: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  325,000  ------------  175,000  eab. N., N. Y.; Far. & :Mech. N., Ft. Secur. N., Dallas.  i en'  jg-  San!  ..  Dallas:  I  102,000 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.,.Am. Ex. N .. Dalla,; Am.I N., Austm; Stock l'ds. N .• Ft. Worth. 21.410 Chem. •.• l(. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. St. L.; Ft. Worth N. Ft. Wortb; City N., Dallas. 6,680 Far. & Mech. N .. Ft. Worth.  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS, CHICAGG  ew  1  •  Number under Name or Rana.. :. •'-- ...,_  11 C't\  1362  in .a•~'-  L-  •  •  --  Number under Name of Bank ie the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by Tbe Rand-itcNally Bankers• Directory, und_er the authority of The Ameriea'.!_ Bank~rs Ass•n. _ NAME OF BANK.  TOWN AND COUNTY,  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In. dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws \indexed) in back of this ,_. volume. For Intere t Rates, Holidays, tc , see Laws. ~  TEXAS-Continued  ___ Ll..,.-A_B_ILI_T_IES_._ _-1,f---'R-'-ES_O__U_R_C_ES_._,  1  •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State • In No.11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. PRESIDIC.~T. VICE-PRESIDENT, I OASBID. EEl Pa o Br. HHouston +Mem. Fed. Re_. [Estab. , ________ ,l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  ASS'T 0.A.SBill.  I  Alexander ____ Erath F 16 Alexander State Bank: ___ tf'09 G. W. Riddle _____ A. M. Maloney __ _ Ben. B. Mccollum. - - - - - - - $ 10,000 $ Pop. 800 88-007 W.B.Warren, V.-P. ,.A. Rodgers •Alire ____ Jim Wells o 16 H Pop. 1880  N  ________ 1 1  1  I  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, SUllPLos Pill>-tTP A1'D D•Po&- ~:.:::: : : . . ~ _C_AP_IT_u __ P_a_o,._1_T_111 _ITII _ _ _a ___ . . - _-_•_..... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  1----------  ALICE STATE BK. & TR. CO.  P . .A. PresnaJL ____ Wm. Adams _____ _ R. M. ll-Oecnm ____ •U-93 Felix Hobbs, V.-P. T. H. Clark  7,000 S 70,000 $ 50,000$ 30,000 Seab. N .. N.Y.: Secur. N.,Dallas; Tex. State. Ft. Worth.  100,000  132.040  645,380  748,410  119,380 N. City, N. Y.: Frost N .• San Antonio.  Citizens State Bank-.•U'07 O. E. Cannon ______ A. Wayne Wood ___ F. L. Cannon ____ E. E. Cannon ...••• + 88-392  60,000  35,050  478,650  590,500  101,930 Han. N., N.Y.; Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.: Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co .. San Antonio; 1st N ., Ft. Worth  First National Bank ____ •t'IMI S. P. Bush ______ J. N. Bush _________ Jas. Garland _______ W. C. Hagy _______ _ 88-908 M. Whisenant J.M. Thompson  25,000  20,560  207,350  171,820  Alma ___________ Hlllis E 19 Alma State Ba.nk _______ u•o7 B. B. Muns~Y------ A. E. Wrh?hL ____ B. c. Wrig;ht ------ - - - - - - - Pop. 300 88-009  10,000  7,500  65,000  60,000  •Alpine.-•• -Brewster I 7 Alpine State Bank ______ •tf'07 B. F. Berkeley _____ Geo. C. Miller ______ H. W. Ferguson ••• --------------E Pop. 2500 + 88-468 W. Van Sickle  30,000  44,260  270,460  319,990  40,530 OhaseN .. N. Y.; State N., San Antonio: Unio N., Hou.; 1st N., El Paso.  75,000  40,790  297,670  525,800  96,670 N. Park, N. Y.: Frost N., San Antonio.  Allen _________ Oollin Pop, 600  o 10  88-SDl  ~  35,490 Dallas N ., Dalla.s.  t:z:J  ><  > (/)  15,000 City N .. Dallas; State N .. Corsicana.  ta  First National Bank _____ :•04 O• .A. Brown------- lH.L.Kokernot __ G. W. Baines,Jr, __ , H.L.Hord _ __ 88--467 W. B. Hancock  n>  Alta Loma Galveston K 22 First State Bank ____ ___ *f'll E. Q. Rorers ------ W. J. Stoner------ W. J. Stoner ------ Jno. H. Hurt - - H Pop. 300 88-910  10,000  6,470  67,460  40,350  J. H. KERR -------1J, D. RODGERS ______ T. D. MILLER------- -----------··-------  25,000  13,000  225,000  175,000  Alto _______ oherokee F 22 ALTO STATE BANK -•H'09 H Pop. 1081 + 88-704  DECKER p.E. E.M. WATTERS  D~~  ~  ,+  0  > 0 8.  <  o. Harrison ___  J. F. Smith ________ W. H, Martin ____ _  20,000  21,650  170,000  136,290  61.200 Union N .• Hou.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Worth: Guaranty Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas .  Alto~a _________ CollinC19 AltoiaStateBank. _______ 5•13 G. W. Riddle _____ A. c. Womble.---- W. T. Dunn ______ Etna Vance .•• ---PoI>, 2110 88-011 W. H. Dunn  10,000  2,110  58,020  60,580  13,460 Collin Co. N. and Cont. State. McKinney; Secur. N., Dallas.  c. Y. Shultz ______ _  50,000  15,000  350,000  265,000  150,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Far.&. 1lech. N .. Ft. Worth: Oi ty N., Dallas.  First National Bank-----*'87 B. M. Sansom ______ J. D. Griffin _______ E. L. Shelton ______ J. N. Mallicote ___ _ 88-66S  75,000  50,000  275,000  350,000  45,000 Han. N., N. Y.; .lm. Ex. N., Dall~.  40,000  12,000  480,800  357,800  50,260 N. Bk. Rep., Ohi.; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galv.  I  Alvaru.uo ____ JohnsonE18 Alvarado State Bank-•• •U'lO Jay Laramore _____ IJ. B. Campbell. •••. 0. A. Kelley ______ Pov. 128! 88~64 \V. B. Norman  ,\lviu _______ BrazoriaK22 Alvin State Bank ______ .:5·g3 W. L. Browning; ••• I. H. Kempner ____ H Pop. l:il9 88-672  f  40,400 Chase N., N, Y.; City N., Galv.; Peo. State, [ Hou. I» ::i 75,000 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Guaranty Bk. & Tr. Co., ~  Commercial col lectlons and pro mpt service a spe clalty. { FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight draf t for presentation • and FIFTY CENTS for each credit re port Insures pro mpt, personal att entlon.  OonUnental State'OO G. Rounsaville.'___ A. 88-703  rn  >  1  1  z~  w. L.  Browning ___ W. E. Steele ____ _  .  1  ._ ll)  ;:l  Farmers State Bank ____ U'l7 W. P. Davis _______ B. T. Higginbotham lJ, P. Pfaff _____ C. Jone· --------88-573 Al vor(l _________ Wise C 17 Alvord State Bank ____ --U'OD J. L. Norris ________ ------ ---- ----~----- 1Wm. Po11. 1376 SHIU Security  vington ____ R. L. Farmer-----W. M. Flanery  S\'\t\;Thtnk .....\\''lO L. E. PHlcr~ ------ k\i.1N~(l~i1i'e-----i1J, c. Edward,;; _____  w. G. Barkc:uale --  25,000  10,500  103,810  122,090  26,000 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.; Lumbcrmans N., ~ Hou.: 1st N ., Galv. "1  40,000  71.280  295,140  337,750  67,820 Mech. & Metals  40,000 ---------  60,000  50,000  ., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas, :  44 ,000 Chc~;;1tK.~na1i~/· Bk. Com., Ft. Worth,  • 1;,31 ;1~ll#\i\t-1!~•~t?iit•1~t!•=Y!J~1•mss1,:11 •l'Jl-waaa Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I  I• • :  I  ,  I  ~  '  /:I, I  •  I  II'  1  •:  II  ',  I•  I  :,  •  •  TEXAS-Continued  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point dexed Acce.s.), Lan.,,ers, Laws indexed) In back  '° !::  h  at,r  n-a  Ni  .Nvna  =/!1;.';J  eo -1:::t't~~-~-:Z::::Jfz:J:ely {:yt The e;;aad-:J!fvally under the authorltr of The A.nierlcan Banker•n.  1363 !Jlrectorr.  =========-=~=-===-=-=-c== TowN A.I•rv CouNTY.  -- -- ---- -- --/ -  .. county Seats. •.Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. §State PRESIDE:0-T, 11·0. 11 is Fed. Res. Dist. :tl\fe:n.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. E El Paso Br. ff Houston ♦Jiem. Fed. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. AmariJlo ______ PotterP4 1*AMARILLO BK. & Pop. 15.494 88-97  °\'ICE-PRESIDENT,  I  --- - I  CASHIER,  -~ _  I  Noa-.Ban.11: Towns with Nea,est Ban.ldn,r Poln t  Co ntinued  A:  de ad Ace  votime.  - - - - - -LIABILITIES.  'T CASHIER,  PAID-UP I SuRPLUS AND 0 APITAL PROFITS  _ _______  /  DEPOSITS  La Laws (indexed) ;gr) 'InteV::::Saates. HoDdays,  RESOURCES.  c..aa&Ex-  Lo.lJ<a&Du-  /  ,c'Ta. Dolfi>•, CJU.I<ou,Dn 118 t!souJUTiu no """'  (n  1 back e~c., see Laws. 1» - - - ::i  PR1.·c1PAL CoRRESPo.·nE:-Ts,  -  C.  1----------------i~ ~  TR. co. I/RAY WHEATLEY AVERY TURNER -- C.M.HUMPHRY .. E.S. CAMPBELL-- $ 75,000 1$ 36,000 $1066000 $558,000$ 600,000 lstN.,N. Y.: Far.& Mech. N.,Ft.Worth; N. ~ •:t:§'06 CHAS. A. FISK Bk, Com., St. L. N Save time and jlet service on Col lectlons and Cred IIt Reports by sen ding FEE IN ADVA.N CE: Plain •ilfht d rafta,ISc; Credit Report•, SOc. TR Y US.  *AMAR ILLD NATIONAL BANK 88-95  TEXAS-  B. T. WARE---------C. T. WARE------ S. D. VAUGHAN ----- A.H. WARE--------R. C. WARE G. B. DOUBLEDAY C. L. WARE H.J.FARWELL United States Depo•lto.-y.  -  100,00G -  150.000 3,500.000 2,490,000 1,500.000 N. City, N. Y.: N. Bk. Com. and Midw. - - - Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. O.; 1st N., Ft.  I  • :t:'92  Worth.  Send us youl' Amal'illo Items and collections.  PROMPT ATTENTION AND REMITTANCES.  to ►  z  CITY  NATIONAL BANK  J. H. PRITCHARD •. J. L. NUNN ----- -- -- T. H. Rl:.YNOLDS ---- C.H. KNUPP-- ------ 100,000 10.000 250,000 260.000 1zo.000 rn·ing N .. •. Y.; Midw. Reserve Tr, Co., Kan. J.H.WRATHER A.SKILLMAN - - -· - - 1 C.;lstN.,Ft.Worth.  NEWEST BANK { Prompt  IN AMARILLO. service -Quick returns. We want your bu siness.  88-98 •·20 *First National Bank ___ •§ 90 W. H. Fuqua ______ Ford Brandenburg H. E. Fuqua ______ E. Fuqua__________ 88-94 W.W. Flenniken. C. J.E. Lowndes R. ,.,_ Daily V.Pres. J. S. Chesnutt \*Guaranty State Bank_•t§'l6 B. 88-100  c.  I  D. Bynum ___ C. :\I. )IcCullough_ C. M. McCullough. R. A. Jefferies_____ J. H. Panl  I  300,000  ·.  .  .  I  ►  g  109,730 : 4,462,440 3,015,572 2,660,670 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com I N., Chi.: Inter- .., State N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. O.; 1st N .• -· Ft. Worth. ::::  I,  100,000  *NATIONAL BANK {w.E.W.O'BRIEN------T. E. DURHAM _______ T. E. DURHAM------ JOHN WHEATLEY---HARDIN, V.P. M. C. NOBLES If. V. KNUPP -  I  ~  i  50,000 1,500,000 1,130,000  700,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; New Eng. N. and Com . Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Secur. N.;Dallas. ::i:,  100,ooo l 1.500,000 1,300,000  285,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: N. StockYds. N .. E. St. L .• Ill.: N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Citiz. N., Emporia, ~ Kan· 1st N .. Ft. Worth. en O  1  Of COMMERCE 88-96  75,000.  SEND us YOUR AMARILLO BUSINESS DIRECT. Prompt attentl on given Bill of Lading Drafts and all matters sent us.  -  -  _,.,_ -  I  ..:r 03  g_  I  I  Amarillo Clearing House ____ W. H. Fuqua _____ B. T. Ware _ _ _ Chas. Ware, Sec. -- Ray Wheatley, Tr. _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (.Members indicatw b11 a *) J. L. Smith E. Fuqua, Mgr. I Ambro e ____ Grayson B 19 Farmers Guaranty State T. F. Rodgers _____ W. Pop. 350 Bank ____ 88-1766 ___ et§"l6  c. Brown ______  Dennis Bible ------ Pauline Flemins __ _  10,000  4.000  45,000  29,500 ,  AmmannsvilleiFayetteJ19 Ammannsville State Bank Geo. Herder, Jr,. __ John Lidiak_ ------ A. P. Parma------- - --------------H( JVeimarP.O.) Pop. 500 88-1682 •t§'l4 A. P. Parma  15,000  6,600  50,460  50,750  Anahuac.Chambers J 23 Chambers County State Bank G. F. Mitchell----- K. E. White------- W. T. Walling _____ ------------ff Pop. 500 88,912 •t§'06 .  20,000  13,290  263,3801  18,000  125,0001 185,000  I  •Anderson ____ Grimesl20 First National Bank _____ t'04 J. H. Ke:n ard ____ T. P. Bafflngton __ G. B. Kennard ____ Gary Thomas _ _ H Pop. 700 88-913 Guaranty State Bank: ____ §'20 1A. P. Wickey____ J. o. Kernole _____ J. J. Jopling ______ w. E. Fuigham __ _ 88-1927 F. C. Greenwood LET US CHECK YOUR COMMERCIAL PAPER. THOUSANDS OF' BANKS O so· Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  \-· -j<  I  '  '  15,500 Denison Bk. & Tr. Co., Denison: Secur. N .. Dallas.  16,300180.  Tex. Com'l N., Hou.; Dallas T,. & Sav.,  Dallas.  50,000  199,530  61,140 Han. N .• N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.  24,000 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Oom'l N., Hoa.  I  25.000 -------  42,46011  43,980  18,710 Hou~ N. Ex .. Hou.; City N., Dallas.  COMMERCIAL · BANKS, CHICAGO ·-~  ·-;:-  I--::~_-·. '  ::l  '  -··------  _______  ... ------- -------- -----·- ---· - - - ~---_... -. _____ -- ---~- -~-  --~-~ -----  to  Namber under Name or Bank Mr.h h•-'· ,_ TT  Jl111111ter ancler Name ·-  - - _L  I  •  •  ~  or  i11 th•  1'TA- ,.,__  Bank i• t.h• N- ........u  -  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit ~- eac_h bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-H•·•  l~ ~ 64- -  Number under Name f'f Bank is the New Tranalt Number siven ~ eac bank in U. S. exclusively by The Kand-McNally Bankers• Dlrec~ry, under the ~uthortty of The American Bankers•n.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this :_olume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Law. ~  TEXAS- COll t"tnued II  - N A.MEOl" BANK. I LIABILJTIES. RESOURCES. PRINCIPA.L CORRESPONDENTS. .- ~ ~Mem. Am. Bk~ Assn. §State P&DIDDT. V1ci:-P:a.r.sIDENT, 0.A.SJIID,'T 0.A.SB.IltR. PA.m-uP SURPLUB 1 D:&Pos- 1..o....... »to-! c ..... .t Ex+Mem. Statf' Bl{s. Assn.tPriv. CAPITAL AND ITS c ~ , "::.,':,":,;.~ +Mem. Fed. Ru. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PaonTs - - - I I - - - _ _ _ __ 1 1 1 1 Andrews StateBank ___ •U'l0 J.S • .Means ________ W. V.Gates _______ A.N.Brown _______ M. I. Phillips ______ $ 10,000$ 7,760$ 79,510$ 51,450$ 33,650 LiveStorkEx.N.,Chi.; Secur.N., Dallas: 1st 88-914 N .. Midland. f. KIBER---- -- A. E. MASTERSOII - F. S. CIEWS ____ A. C. GLASS------40,00u 4,000 175,000II Hl0.200 36,500 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Rk. Com .. Hou.; Tex. Bk • .. ,\uglrton .. Brazoria L 21 ANGLETON STATE BANK I. H. KEMPNER & Tr. co., Galv.; 1 t N., St. L. H Pov. 10;1-1 88~44 •*1'02 Collections and Requests for Cr edit Reports MU ST be accompanl ed by FEE IN A.DV AN CE: Plain aiaht d rafts, 15c; Credit Re pMt3, 25c. TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  .. County Seats. In • • 11 Fed. Res. Dist. E El .1so Br. H Houston .. \.wl w .••• A.ndrewaE9 E Pop. aso  I  i  --------  Brazoria County State Bank J, O. Barrows _____ B. M. Jamison. ____ J. G. Jackson _____ J.B. Jackson ___ _ 25,000 31,060 . 88~45 !§'08 Louis J. Wilson Auna •..p-----.:,,Collm C 19 OolllnCountyStateBank:!:1'13 R. O. Moore. ______ B. A. Marcom ___ B. A. Marcom _______________________ _ 35,000 10,000 op. -1,, 88-1632 25,000 . {'· M. STILES ----- F. B. PUCKETT--- ---- H. W. PIRKEY-------30,000 Anuom .• _Red River B 22 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.:•o.t FIFTEEN CENT S sf'nt to us with each slsht draft for pr~sentatlon, and Pop. 750 88-916 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit reportlnsu res prompt, personal atte ntlon.  :ii~~Ut~JWN----  First State ~ ~ -----H'll H.  i0  s. Whiteman ___  J.M. Thompson ___ L.B. PooJ _________ Willis Giddens ___ _  Russell Exii~ff Bank•:t•17 E. K. Russell _________________________ J. J. PucketL _____ 4 aAn--on p_______ J9nes D 13 An.on State Bank _____ !I'll D. Williams ______ O. G. Rowell _______ E.W. Harrell ______ op. 142-> ♦ SS-461 " " First Natio~~rtnk _____ i•o2 J. J. Steele ______ B. R. Shap0rd _____ J. H. Warren ______ ApplHeby ----· TaorogdocMhe::;s• Pop. 6 0 AppleH pprines . -Trinity op. 60 0 G .2 Aquilla ____ __ ____ Hill F 18 Pop. 500 ArauH-.:1. l'a .... _,.~an Patr•o .. Pop. foMJ .,N 18  Appleby State Bank ____ i§'l8 88-1838 First State Bank ________ :§'17 88-li89 A<1uilla State Bank ---•U'OS 88-917 First National Bank _____ .:·12 . 88-1482 . First State Bank _______ •H 18 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2-1-1.1901 200,000  i8,930 Han. N .. N. Y.; Lumbermans N. and 1st N., Hou.: City N .. Galv. 30,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N .. Dallas.  200,000  20,000 Seah . • • .•. r, Y., Texarkana N,, Texarkana,  44,520 N. Park, N. Y.; Secor. N., Dallas; City N .. Clarksville. , ~ L•J 7,500 State N. ancl Texarkana N., Texarkana: Am. ~N ., Paris; Red River N., Clarksville. w,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth. VJ  I  I  20.140  lil9,210  127,510  _ _ _ _ _ _ __  25,000  3,500  46,000  61,000  W. J. Ely _________ _ J. W. Purifoy K. H. Anderson ---  50,000  50,000  525,000  500,000  50,000  75,000  800.0001  400.000  10.000  ---------  12,500  4,550  58.7501  56,820  12.000  98,000  96,000  185,000  U0,000  Thos. c. Baker---- R. c. White ____ ---- G. L. Davidson ---- ------ ---- ----- ---L. P. Atmar ________ R.R. Robb ________ W. L. Hutson ______________ Geo. Carmichael. __ P. F. Rayford _____ E. Adam _____ Y. F. Dupree.Jr. __ P. C. Goodman W. H. Younr _____ L. J. U. her _______ L. T. A.:,res _______ _____________ _ W. H. ~mery c. W. Holmes _____ John Sigmund _____ A. C. Moore _______ ----·----------  20,000 25,000  19,8501  13.5001  25,000  8,500  95,000  110.0()0  50,000  60,000  200,000  222,650  50,000  54,000  10,000  8,500 1  50,000 18.000 300,000 225,000 , _________ • ___ _____ _________ 50 000  Frank McKnirhL F. A. Capps ______ D. E. Blackburn __ B. O.Bass ________ _ W. c. Weeks Thos. Spruance W. H. Fredericks-- J.B. Wilson ____ W. V. Henson _____ J.E. Henson------  50,000  26,6i0  4-15,f<00  503,460  20,000  16,580  96,810  93,620  J. II. J)eucer ______ L. Dillon __________ J. U., pencl'r ______ L. ~L Kni lcy ____ _  12,500  11,000  !l0,000  75,000  M. B. Richards ____ M. H. Williams ____ N. J. Simmons _______________________ _  10,000  1,750  23,230  26,220  D.R. Oouch ______ William Jordan ____ Roy Riddel ________ L.Dennis _ _ __ . B. Pierson W A. Sprineer J. T. La Rue _______ B. Sieler_ _______ I. P. La Rue ______________ _  25,000  30,000  241,360  187,310  50,000  35,000  600,000'  350,000  FIRST NATIONAL BANK•t'90 f J.W.MURCHISOII D.R. MURCHISON. T. F. MURCHISON - A. S. FORD--------  100,000  50.000  i50.000  680,000  50,000  114.8i0  615,590  656,290  360,400  370,020  lU.000  128,000  75,000  1s,ooo i 365,000  395,900  20,000  10.100 1 132.210 14,500 266,370  Guaranty  l ColleeUona reee Ive 11pectal attent loo and prompt remJt\;aoee. G. K. Wofford _____ V. I. Stirman ______ T. P. Faulk ________ W.W. Spf'ncer ___ _ Geo.M.Wofford, Jr. L. 11'. Allday ______ B. H. Singletary ___ W. J.. FowelL ____ H. A. King-------T. J, Swint W. A. Howe _______ F. T. Mitchell. _____ H. E. Florence ____ E. C. ~fanning _---C. W. McClung J. G. King _________ Jno.J.Ellineton,Jr. R. P. DUDklln _ _ V. A. Clements-··· J. n. Lan ford . ___ _ W. P. Ratchford __ W. C. Pearson _____ J.E. Bonar ________ D.K.Lyles S. O. Henderson ___ T. F. Ro~ers _______ A. Q. Mustain _____ H. C. Crawford ___ _ Ilia. . ._.. T. L. Phillips  50,000 25,000  25,ooo l  60,400 8.3001  I  I  ::! ><  >  150,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.: Ft. Worth, tJj N ., Ft. Worth: N. Bk. Com., Dallas. )> 23,780 1 So~h•e?Iou.; Com'l Guaranty State, £Tacog. Z  3,070  James Ditto _____ H. D. Wallace, C. B. Berry _________________ A.cti-ce C. C. Viu--on ___________ ______ ·-------- J. E. Voss ___________________________ _  88-385 tate Bank __ :§'10 88-387 ,\tlauta _________ Oass O 23 Atlanta National Bank ___ '15 Pop. 1Jlill 88-511) Farmers State Bank _____ :§'13 88-1554 First National Bank _____ t"l>2 88-518 Aulm'Y------Denton O 18 Farmers • Merch, State Bk. Pov. 800 \ 88-1561 •t§'l3 " ________ " First Guaranty State Bank &8-il?4 •U'l3 ________  268,'i80 250,00011 100,000  25,000  88-illS a,\rrher it.r .-----Archer Power State Bank _____ J1•09 W. M. Coleman ____ L. P. Carrington. __ Jno. P. Fleminr--- Leona Shelton ____ _ Pop. b8!l B 16 88-0IQ R. J. Graham ,\rgyk _______ Denton Cl8 .A.rCJle State Bank _____ •:l'OG W. J, Bamiltoa_ ){ _ D. B'u.llinrim--- H. 0. Wheeler _________ _: __ _  Pov. 400 88-020 .\.rlington ___ Tarrant D l8 1Arlinrton State Bank .. •i§·04 Pop. 3031 SF-478 " " Parm •r-.; ~ 'a tional Ba uk •. _'21 8 2018 First State Bank _____ t§'15 88-1708 ,\rJ) .. _ _ _ Smith E 22 ArpGuarantySta\eBa.nkt. '11 Pop. 350 88-921 A herton . __ DimmU M 14 Asherton State Bank: ____ if'll Pop. 1000 ~-922 ,\,hlt•ucl ___ .U pshurD 23 Guaranty State Bank __ :!:1'13 Pop. 50 88-1629 a,\ penuou t ___ Stonewall FirstNational Bank _____ i•o1 Pop. 11, 0 13 88-923 a,\t hen . __ Henderson E 21 Athens National Bank ___ i•o2 Pop. 3:!ili 88-386  I  12,840 Gulf State, and Union T., Hou.: 1st N., ~ _ Groveton. . . . VJ 21,a00 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Waco: Cit1z, N .. Hillsboro: Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth. 65.000 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., San Antonio; • • _ r.: Lumbermans N .. Hou. ::::, 2-1.a00 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; State N. and Alamo o. N., San Antonio. . . j '"1 70,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N .. W1ch1ta Falls; Stock (I) YdTs. N •• Ft. Worth. . ~ 25,000 1 t N., Ft. Worth; Demson Bk. & Tr. Co., De- 0 nison. pf, 100,000 Seab. N. a~d N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. o _________ Worth: City N. and ecur. N., Dallas. I~  I >  83.51C N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N .• Ft. CT' Worth: N. Bk. Com., Dallas. ~ 38,370 Seab. N., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; N. Bk.'< of Com .. St. L.: 1st State, Dallas. 27,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Groos N. and Cent. Tr. Co .. San Antonio. 4,930 Dalla Tr. & Sav., Dallas: 1st N., Gilmer and Longview. 73,220 Han. N., N. Y. 335,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.; City N., Dallas; li:,;~. Valley Tr. Co., t. L. 280,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st N .. St. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Hou. N. Ex .. Hou. I 108.120 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Secur. N .. Dallas.  c.....  226,850 Com'! N., Shre Port: City N., Dallas: Tex- Po> arkana T., Texarkana. l ::l 'Pcur., '. and Dallas Tr . .., .• av., Dallas: State ~ N ., Texarkana, Ark. Ill 213.000 Am. Ex. N., Dallas;Texarkana N., Texarkana.'< I  142,650 72,790 1  33,820 N. Bk. Com.,  1 •  Y.; Tex.State, Ft. Worth.  ~  AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK AUSTIN, TEXAS Depositary for the United States  0 0  0  ~  Surplus  Capital  and  Undivided Profits  $300,000  I  $800,000  OFFICERS WM. H. FOLTS JOHN H. CHILES T. H. DAVIS . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  E. P. WILMOT, President Vice-President MORRIS HIRSHFELD Vic~-President Vice-President C. M. BARTHOLOMEW . . Cashier Vice-President S. B. ROBERDEAU . Assistant Cashier  SEND US YO{)R BUSINESS Best Attention at Lowest Rates Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  --  THE FIRST NATIONAL CAPITAL $2,000,000.00 Texa.:.  INDEX TO COUNTIES Anderson .. F 21 Andrews •... E 8 Angelina. •.. G 23 Aransa.s ... N 19 Archer ..... C 15 Armstrong .. Q 5 Atascosa ... L 16 Austin ..... J 20 Balley ...... A 8 Bandera. .... J 14 Bastrop .•.. J 18 Baylor ..... B 14 Bee ...... M 17 Bell .....•. H 17 Bexar ...... K 16 Blanco ...... I HI Borden .... D 11 Bosque .... F 17 Bowle ..... C 23 Brazoria. ... K 21 Brazos . . . . H 20 Brewster .... J 7 Briscoe ..... A 11 Brooks ..... P 16 Brown ..... F 15 Burleson ... K 19 Burnet ..... H 16 Caldwell ... . J 17 Calhoun ... M 19 Callahan ... E 14 Cameron .. RlS ...•. D 22 Carson ...... P 5 Cass ...... C 23 Castro ...... A 9 Chambers ... J 23 Cherokee .•• F' 22 Childress A 13 and R 7 Clay ...... B 16 Cochran .... B 8 Coke ....... F 12 Coleman ... F 14 Coll!n ...••• C 19 Collingsworth ..... P 6 Colorado ... K 19 Comal.. .... J 111 Comanche .. F 16 Concho .... G 13 Cooke ..... B 18  1.-.-.-.-.1 u grr1~ Crane ....... G 9 Crockett ... H 10 Crosby .... C 11 Culberson ... G 5 Dallam •... N 3 Dallas ..... D 19 Dawson ... D 10 Dear Smith .. Q 3 Delta ....... C21 Denton .... C 18 Dewitt ••.. J 18 Dickens .... C 12 Dimmit ... M 13  ·.0Q1i B~~:r::: Eastland ... E 15  Ia~~cis·::11~ Ellis ....... E 19  . . i  Ill  e  a  El Paso ..... E 2 Erath ...... E 16 Falls ....... G 19 Fannin ..... C 20 Fayette ..... J 19 Fisher ..... D 12 Floyd ..... A 11 Foard ...... B 14 Fort Bend . K 20 Franklin ... C 22 Freestone .. F 20 Frio ....... L 15 Gaines ...... DO Galveston .. K 22 Garza ...... G 11 Gillespie .... I 15 Glasscock .. F 10 Gol!Ad ..... M 18 Gonzales .. K 18 Gray ........ P 6 Grayaon ... B 19 Gregg ..... E 22  ~  8~'cti'lui>;/lc21°1 Hale ...... B10  •  g:ih1itoii :·. i rn  ~  .l! Hansford ... N 5  Hardeman . A 14 ..... J 23 = Hardin a ~~~~on"::. -J H .Ill  ~  'o ~~:fl::::cm Haya ....... J17  i  ~  ilflal.~~--:::i}g  ,3 a·  Hood ...... E 17 Hopkins .... c21  1::1 ,  Kaufman .. D 20 Kendall .... J 15 Kent ....... C 12 Kerr ....... J 14 Kimble ..... I 13 King ...•... B 13 Kinney .... K 12 Kleberg .... 0 17 Knox ...... B 14 Lamar ...• B 21 Lamb ....... A 9 Lampasas .. G 16 Lasalle .... M 15 Lavaca .... K 19 Lee ........ 119 Leon ....... G 20 Liberty .... I 22 Limestone .. G 19 Lipscomb . .. N 6 Live Oak .. N 16 Llano ....... 115 Loving ...... F 7 Lubbock ... B 10 Lynn .....•. ClO McCulloch .. G 14 l\IcLennan. G 18 McMullen .M 16 Madison ... H 20 Marlon .... D 23 Martin .... E 10 MMon ..... ll 14 Matagorda.L 20 Maverick .. L 12 Medina .... L 15 Menard .... H 13 Midland ... F 10 Mllam ..... H 18 Mills ...... G 16 Mitchell ... E 12 Montague .. B 17 Montgomery I 21 Moore ....... 0 4 Morris ..... C 22 Motley .... A 12 Nacogdoches F 23 Navarro .... F 19 Newton .... H 24 Nolan ...... E 12 Nueces .... o 17 Ochiltree .... N 6 O ldham ...•. P 3 Orange ..... 124 Palo Plnto.D 16 Panola ..•.. E 23 Parker ..... D 17 Parmer ...... A 8 Pecos ..... . . HS Polk .. . .... H 22 Potter ... . .. P 4 Presidio . .... J 5 Rains ..... D 21 Randall ..... Q4 Reagan .... G 10 Real ... . ... J 13 Red River .. B 22 Reeves ...... G 7 Refugio .... M 18 Roberts ... . . o 6 Robertson .. G 20 Rockwall .. . D 10 Runnels .... F 13 Rusk ...... E22 Sabine ..... G 24 San Augustine ..... G 24 San Jacinto I 22 San PatricloN 18 San Saba •. H 15 Schleicher . H 12 Scurry .... D 12 Shackelford D 14 Shelby .... . . F 24 Sherman .... N4 Smith . .... E 22 Somervell .. E 17 Starr ...... Q 15 Stephens ... D 15  11  a ~:~t~;; ::l2i  a.. Hockley ..... B 9  II.  Js-, i  :g~;:'cf :::in  lludspcth ... F 3 • H unt ...... C 20 HutchlnsOn .. 0 5 Irion ....... G 11  :t f3 ~.: i!~~soii::: J a.,per .. . . . H 24 J efl D a vis .. . H 6  c 1rgciisgrg ·::Ht  ( Jim Wells .. 0 ( Johnson .... E • Jones . .. . .. D Karnes .. . . L  17  111 1.,  17  u  ~~~~ali: :i Sutton . .... I 12  Rwtsher . ... A 10 Tarrant .... D 18 Taylor ..... E 13 Terrell ...•.. J 9 Terry ......• 09 'I'hrockmor • ton • .... D 15 Titus .. . ... C 22 Tom Green.C 12 Travis ...... 117 Trinity ... . C 22 Tyler ...... II 23 Upshur • ... D 22 Upton . . ..... G 9 Uvalde ..... K 13 Valverde ... J 11 Van Zandt .D 20 Victoria .... L 18 Walker ..... H 21 Waller ..... J 20 Ward ....... G 8 Washington. I 19 Webb ...... 0 14 Wharton ... K 20 Wheeler .... . P 6 Wichita .... B 15 Wilbarger .. B 14 Willacy .... P17 Wllllamson . I 17 Wilson ..... L 16 Winkler . .... F 8 Wise ....... C 17 Wood . . ... D 21 Yoalmm ..... C8 Y oung ..... C 15 Zapata ... . . P 15 Zavalla .. . .. L 13  l  94°  A  24  26  ioeorro  B  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  C R  I  K  L  M  M  F  L  lf  G  N  N  p  0  0  0  p  E  M  I  X  0  C  Q  Q  1 R R l  106  1a 100•  14  19  20  22  24  1'11111lller ander Name Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  nf  Ran., ;.  ♦'- -  w,  For Thirty Years . the steady growth of our business has gained the confidence of the people of this community, who recognize the value of service. Able organization, prompt attention, courteous t reatment, superior facilities, safety for funds, an d care even in minor details places this bank to the forefront of the Banking World in Texas.  THE AMERICAN ATIONAL BA K Austin, Texas  OFFICE President - - - - - - - - - Vice President - - - - - R. C. ROBERDEA U Vice President - - - - - ERNEST NALLE - - Vice President - - - L. J. SCHNEIDER  H. A. WROE  -  -  -  D. H. BART, Jr. - - MRS. J. A. JACKSON -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  .  -  L. D. WILLIAM H. PF AEFFLIN  -  - Cashier  A  t. CaRhier  -  -  -  A st . C hi r - Adv. Manager  Capital and Surplus $1,100,000.00 Resources over - $10,000,000.00  uRited  States GovernIDent Deposito  -=t:.i.-r&a:.-=~ t_,,~~~....._...J.:'} I•Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. §State p ...aountySeats. V p  1365  lo  I  I  1Jlret11f,r,, aader tbe autborlq of 'l'be An:ierlcaa .Ba~ers Au11a.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME OF BANK.  In So.11 Fed. Re • Di t. / tMem. State Bks. Assu. t Priv. E EI Paso Br. H Houstoo. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  RESIDENT.  ICE- RESIDENT,  CASHIER,  I  A.  • C  ss T  LIABILITIES. A.SHIER.  ,  1  ... AustinP_o_p__. _3_4_,T87r6avis I 17  I  p  AlD-UP  88-18  ERNEST NALLE  •i•gQ  D  IC  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  // 1..ou1&Du- C•IBA.l!:xBPOS- c'T•. Bolfl>I, o,,D»  ITS  ' Smotr11.rnu  ll) ,;  m" B.uu  ~  Guaranty Tr. Co. and Chase N., N.Y.; ,....,. _300,000 _ 890,181 $ _60845001j-$7536600 _$1334800 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N., St. L. and Phil.; N. Bk. Com. and Drov. N., Kan. C.; Marine Bk. & Tr. Co., N. O.; lUellon N., Pitt. •  Collections and Correspondence 9oliclted. p ti I I rompt atten on to all lnqu res.  NATIONAL BANK  For Interest Bates, HoHdays, etc., see Laws.  RESOURCES.  }I  !-----~----------: --7,,- --SURPLUS A.ND  CJ.PITAL PROJl'ITs  H. A. WROE--------- R. C. ROBERDEAU- -L. D. WILLIAMS--- H. PFAEFFLII--- - L. J. SCHNEIDER D. H. HART, JR.  *AMERICAN  de:~~~. ~--:a:e:'t..~~~=,'1~1:  volume.  r-----'=--........:..::.=c.,..:'----  SEE ADVERTISEMEIT 01  PAGE. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -OPPOSITE -----------1--- --- --- --- --E. P. WILMOT---W. H. FOLTS----C. M. BARTHOLOMEW--S. 8. ROBERDEAU-J. H. CHILES LEFFLER CORBITT  !  MORRIS HIRSHFELI  T. H. DAVIS  *AU ST IN NATIONAL BANK  I  .  88-17  300,000  SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON TEXAS INDEX.  w. WILKERS0N- 15·  *CITIZENS STATE BANK  *STATE  ,NATIONAL BANK I  8-lB  McKINN~~------- ,E, McKINN0N-------I LEO KUHN---------- - - - -  A State Bank o lpelaJ,~LJ uJJer G Collections and Requests for Cred { FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain sight dr Special attentlo n 1?iVf>D BIii of La §'20 Ji'. W. ~ternenbergl D. C. Heed ------ T. J. Butlf'r  •:t:1'06  \fO, ______  ~ecurity Tru. 88 -~  •:l:'65  uaranty Fund Sy stem.  125 ·000  20 ,1100 l, 7oo,ooo l,OSO,OOO  200,000  16,430  It Reports MUST be accompanied b y afts, 15c: Credit R eports, 50c.  dlnit drafts. Cash ,and Time Items. _---- ---------- ----------  IE. P. Ora yen  Avery  '  Red River B 22 --Pop 1000 ·  2  213,220  1r1~t T., N. Y.; 1st  T., Hou.;  21,460 .Am. _.... , Austin.  >  I  ---!!--- ---  is.  45,640 Saab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas,  !________  I  FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•i·12 88-1431  A. P. DENISON--- B. H. WILLIAMP--- W. 6. BRYAII------ W. H. MURPHY---40,000 16,500 Special attentlo n given Billo La ding Drafts. FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with 1eacb sight drafi f or presentation, a nd ~ TWENTY- FIVE CENTS for each c redlt report Insur es prompt, person al atten tlon.  TIME AND INTEREST SAVED BY USING OUR MODERN TRANSIT SYSTEM' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  21,980  4o7,ooo  WALTER BREM ND- -PIERRE BREMOND--J. G. PALM- -WALTER BREMOND, JR. - - - - - - - - - - - ~ '"'1 PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN ALL 100.000 76,440 1.950,000 1.304.840 456,020 Am. :&s:. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N.,,'< MATTERSSENTUS - - - - - Chi.;tstN.,St.L.;Comw.N.,Kan.C.'  I · ·  i  I - - i - - - -  --- --Sparks------- 1G. W. WallinE -----1H. A. Ts0:c~~~d.Tr. -------------------200,000 36,240 196,230 729,750 88-21 First mortgage bonds. Vendor lien notes bought and &old. Dealers ln Texa s bonds. Austin Clearing Honse _______ H. A. Wroe ________ Eldred McKinnon. 1H. A. Turner, _________________ (Members indwated b11 a*) Sec. ana Mor. Austwell State Bank ___ t§'l2 F.P. ~farberry ____ :.\1artin O'Connor __ W.H. Dunson _____ udie Cameron____ 25,000 _____ 75,000 49,000 . 88-1574 . . . . First State Bank ________ t§'l3 A. W. M1ller ______ J. H. Smith ________ B. McGee __________ Olm C. Dearmg --l!;,000 18,930 69,960 69,780 1 1 88-1539 ~W.F.BURDEN--- P.J. MEDFORD---- W. S.LAWSON--- O.C.LAWSON---25,000 15,000 104,770 H0,000 AVERY STATE BAIIK--•is"l4 Try us for quick returns. We re mit day paid ♦ 88-1125 and present I tern soon as rece1 ved. FIFTEEN C ENTS sent with sigh& dr aft and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for credit Irating will insure your business Im mediate attentl on.  TEXAS TRUST CO.-----:l:l'l  .Au twell._Refuitio.M19 H Pop. 4HJ Avalon ________ EJlis E 19 (It.a.hip O) Pop 300  :I !  TRY US.  A. 88-111  i'  824.180 5,554,930 ~ 570 010 2.353.650 N. Park and N. City, N. Y.: 1 t Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; 1st N.,  141.550 1 231,9~0  76,0001st N., Hou.; Levi Bk. & Tr. Oo., Victoria.  I  32,350 Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Citiz. N., Waxahachie; 1st N., Italy. 50,000 TexarkanaN.,Texarkana; lstN .. Paris: Drov. N., Kan. c. 38.500 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N .. Dallas; Texarkana N., Texarkana. ~ O'I V1  CONTINENTAL AN-D COMMERCIAL BANKS, CHICAGO -  --------- ---  ----•-  ----_.,. _ _ --7_•.· - - - ~  ----  ·--- ---··· _.......;..~-----  t t,  I'  - - - r;,. .;_ -  United States Depository. Strongest Directory of any Bank here. Personal attention g i v e n Collections and all matters e n trusted to us. Special Collection Rates to Banks and Merchants.  \  i I  1 1 r!A  N"mber under Name or  ♦- ••-  •  •  Rian., =- .....  N11tnber u n d er Nam e of B:suk is the New Transit Number ~vtin exclu sively by Tue Rand-McNaUy Bankers• aut hority of 'rbe America~ Bankers Ass•n.  to each bank in U. S. 1366 -: !_!!-e~ tory, unde~ the TOWN AND C OUNTY .  NAME OF BANK.  •County Seats. • Mew. Am. Bk:s. Assn. §State In 'o.11 Fed. Res. Di. t. :l:Mem. State Bks. Assn. t Priv. EEl Pa. o Br. H Houston ♦Mem. Fed. Re·. [E! tab.  -- .  .\rinrer- -- -··Ca ·sD 23 Pop. 400 Avoca ••••....• Jones Dl4 P op. 300 B-1gwelL_Red RiverB 22 Pop. 500 Bailer .•. • ---Fan nin 020 Pop. 500 • ll.1ird.-- .--CallahanEH Pop. 1902  I  TEXAS- Continued -  P&i:SID~.  VICK-PRE.5IDJ:NT.  C..lSHIElL  Ass'T 0.l.SHIER.  - ~ ___  I  LIABILITIES.  P.UD•UP  SU~us  CAPITAL PBOPITS  --.-------1  First State Bank.. ----·•U'09 88-Q26 , Guaranty State Bank ••• :l:§'l& 88-1712 First National Bank ·----:l:'14 88-869 Continenta.lStateBank.!§'09 88-929 First ational Bank •.• -•t"85 88-491 Home National Bank._.•:l;'O? 88-492  .  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi volume. For Intere t Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ RESOURCES.  DEPOS-  l~~i:.=:  IT8  , banrnao  T. D. Wilson ______  c. H.  Moore.-----· V. D. Jones ______ J.M. Pike______  27,500  J.G. Wilkinson __ • Ilugh Le lie.----·· C.\Y. Fanning ..... -·····--··--·--·-···  14,690  147,390  100,090  1,250  115,6201  97,710  30,000  550,000  402,000  E. f,. Finley .•• ·--· II. W. Ro·"-----·· D. B. London ..•. -. F. L. Driskill_ ____ _ T. E. Powell E. D. Driskill  ;;o,ooo  20,000  475,000  355,000  205,000 Stock Yds. N .. Ft. Worth; N. Bk:. Com., Dallas; New Eng, N., Kan. C.  ,FEB McWILLIAMS. C. S MILLER .. _. ___ C. S, MILLER.--~·- S. BAl<EL---·--··· I J.M. SIM WNS  60.000  19,120  300,960  309,260  52,470 N. Oity, N. Y.:Am. Ex.N., Dallas; 1st N., Hou.  ~  35,000  600,000  3i5,090  185,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and St. L.; 1st N ., Ft. Worth; Lumbermans N., Hou.  trl ~ en  650,000  225,000 N. City, N. Y.; Oity N .. Dallas; So. Tex. Com'! ~ N., Hou. w  ll1'!Jl':i~&L1NG  92,000 1.000,0001  w.  S. ayer------·-··· C. '. Boyd ______ -- A. L. Barlow.----· W. L. King ·ton F. D. Barnes-·-·· A. Meadow ·----·· n. F. Langford···-  20,000  H. E. Rambie ··--· I.E. Adamietz. ____ G. . RambiP.·--··  I~  ;,-: 9,500  108,57G  97,000  25.000 ··--. -·-·  20,000  19,900  20,000  5,000  198,000  U3,7i0  -·-···  25,000  2, '10  27,470  6,650  I!'. E. trange-·-·-· ~r. P. Robert on .•. H.P. Rutherford __ C. B. Lovelace ____ • I, .• •. \'or lira ugh Sena Fitzgerald J. W. Tolleson---· N. W. Worthy-·-· D. W. Ram.ay .. ___ ·-----------------·  25,000  4,000  120,000  100,000  40,000  32,810  170,780  258,770  J. A. Powers _______ E. Custer-·-··--·-· Ross Powers----··- _ _ __  30,000  1,000  60,0001  \\'. \1. .·oclke •••.  . W .• 'ewticny __ O. A. Carr .·-··--·· --·····-··-----·-···  25,000 •..• ···--  3Ui0  65,750  llar ry. ______ NavarroF I9 First State Bank. ______ :j:§'09 P. D. Williams. __ Pop. 500 88-871 •l l'lrstow -----·· Ward G 7 Citizens State Bank __ .U'07 Edward Miller ____ • E Pop. 400 88-934 BartlP.tL. ______ neu II 18 Bartlett ational Bank .•t'0-1 Mary J\.. Bartlett Pop. 1731 88-46fi BARTLETT STATE BANK J. V. Morri ·--·--· 88-466 •l:f'09 First National Bank_ •.• U900 C. c. Bailey. ______ . 88-464 •l~1,trop ____ .Bastrop JI8 Citizens tatP. Bank •• -.•t1'09 Paul D. P~e-----· H Pou. 1828 88-496 " " First National Bank ___ •t'89 W. A. McCord .. --. 88-495  B. B. ~unsey_···-· James W. Fields_. J. T. MitchelL. __ _ S. B. Hodkin W. D. Cowan _____ . c. E. Nichols ______ O. P. Jenson _____ _ 1l r", W. L. Fuller J. W. Jackson. __ . T. B. Benson ______ W. E. Cox·------P. M. Cox J.E. Condra.-----• IHenry Tlucek .. -.. E. E. Lindemann_. . I W.R. Janke. _____ . E.T. Jones---··--· R. E. Kirk___ W. \\'. Walton J. L. Wilbareer ____ J. T. Crysup. _____ H.J. Kesselus ___ _ H. B. Comb W. B. Ransome ___ . Ohester Erhard-••• H.G. Griesenbeck. II. P. Lnrkett  23,000  130.000'  li:i,000  8Hl30  &tntS---·--···BrownFl5 J!'ir-.t .·ational B:tnk .• -.. !'20 Pop. 709 8 3011 First State Bank. ______ .t§'OO 88-931 Bardwell ______ .• EllisEI9 First National Bank. ___ t'07 Pop. 338 88-932 Bar ksdale ___ F.dwardsK13 State Bank of BarksdaleU'07 Pop. 250 88-933 Barnhart • _____ .Irion P -1 First tate B:rnk. ______ §'20 Pop. 400 88-1!!45  \Y. l'. !~all"--···--- L. G. l'ortPr ---·--A.IL .\lol,r · ·-··-·- ···---·--- __  (T, J. POOLE.-··---·  CITY BANK 2& TR. C.!)..  )  A. J. HARTY-·-·-·· M. W. HOOPINGARNER. P.R. HAMILL . -·--·  ~fPJ~~}~ms.  \ N. M. VOGELSANG. V. L. LE TULLE·-···- J.C. LEWIS------- 1J. B. McCAIN-··---· • 1" .. : Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  88- 291 E\rst S ta.te Ba.n\c. ____ .. •tl'lO  ♦  ?.S-1.IW,  Collections · nd Request for Cre dlt Reports MU ~ FEE Ir ADV .\.N CE: Plu.i,. siaht dr afts, 15c; Credit Re ports, 25c, ,I .••. l'y!!\a.u_ .... -. F. S. Robbins_ ____ • , . Harris •..• --·-· F. B. Fields ••..•. _.  \e8!1~tmpanle  ,_._.1911  30,000  Jven Blll of La din"' drafts, Ca b ~o~ l;".r ,ri th mrh su,ht rlraftfo r presenuition arid 25c/ur Crerlit Repur ts.  peclal attentlo n  •.S 07 l Plens1• ,.,,,,.,J  \flRIT "ATIONAL BANK.•:l:'02  39,930 Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.: Far. & Merch. N., Ft. Worth; Pecos Valley State and 1 t · .. Peco. . 16,000 Lockwood .i:•., San Antonio.  ••w'r\•:.•, · \•t•y..upa•nPIIIIIIIP•w. ._..  -10,000  1.200  188,250  187,500  44,000  300,000  439,000  :;o,ooo  l!l,000  474,000  242,000  100,000  85,000  500,000  550,000  30,000  sugo  298,110'  222,690  30,000  61,600  331.600  325,600  65,000  n:m  4U'.;,610  70,800  406,5401  i 8,370  2so.oool  :3i0,000  I  • Park, •. Y.; Cent. N. and an .\ngelo "· .• '< S~n Angelo: tock Yards N., Ft. Wortll; (") F1d. N. Bk. & Tr .. Kan. C. 22,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Cent•. State, Dallas; 1st N .. Hou.; State N., Corsicana. 52,320 N. Bk. Oom., St. L.: 1st N., Ft. Worth aml El Paso; Am. Ex. N ., Dallas. 90,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 179.000 Mech. & Metals N.,N.Y.; Peo. State and Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Am. N .• Austin. 75,000 Chase N ., N. Y .; City N ., Dallas; 1st N ., Waco. 5,400  I-·  '<  129,060 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N.,Hou.;Am.N.,Austin; Secur. N., Dallas. 48,200 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., St. L. 112,090 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: c-. Hou. N. Ex. and o. Tex. Com'l ~r., Hou.; PJ Am. Tr. Co., 't, L. ::J  603,',50  1  100.000 d by 100,000  1  ]6,000  t::  80,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Union '., Boa.  PJ ""1  -  '<  40.000 Bk. of America, N. Y.: Lumbermans N., Hou.; ~ City ~T •• Dall:i.s: N. Bk. Com .. '-t. L.  -v••--~~ .uur Business  :  : : •  I  I  ►  5·  99,000  100,000  en  70,140 Han. N., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex,, Hou.; N. Bk. Com .. < Alamo ' .. and Cent. Tr. Co., San Antonio. 31,610 City N .. Dallas; Stockyards N., Ft. Wol'tll; ~ Citiz. .. Brownwood. ro 13,320So.Tex.Com'lN., Hon.: Far.&Mech. N .. Ft...., Worth. . ,.. 39,600 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Union N •• o Hou. to 15,000 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio. II,)  1  1  ..  36,930 Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Worth.; Com'!.· .. Sherman; 1st State, Bonham. 230,000 Han. N., N. Y.: City N .. Dallas; 1st N., St. L.  ;j0,000  Balmorhea_ .• Reeves H 7 Toyah Valley tate Bank§'ll C .• I. Honaker __ E Pop. 250 88-13i8 • Bandera . __ .BanderaK15 Fir t ·ational Bank·--·-·'20 W. J. Da,·enporL. Pop. 800 88 ·1830 First State Bank---·-·-·*5'10 J. W. ShorL ..• ---  ---·----  66,500 1st N., Paris; Secur. N., Dallas.  J. F. Dyer·----·-·· Henry James. _____ W. S. Hinds. ______ RobertNorrelL __ _  LARGE  ..  B.uru  -----1------~1  "'\save tt~eand get service on Colle ctlonsand Credit .H.eports bf gendl og IFEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sight d raft•. I Sc; Credit Report•. 25c. TR Y l1S. H. G1esecke . _____ . E. D. Walker _____ J. L. Chastain·--- ----·-··-----100,000 R.R. Ru ·sell J. F. Currlf' J.Y. PEARCE---· D. M_. BAKER---·-- R. . ERWIN·-··--· J.W " PATTERSON. 100.000 'FIRST N TIONAL BAIIK.•:l:'86 .. T BA KR." It . BOGLE { Prompt attenti on gheo Bill of L'adlng Draft•, Ca band Time Item s. 88-258 SEND US YO UR BL'SINESS.  811-29  °'  PRINCIPAL O0RRJCSPOND&NT8.  J. R. McCain. __ •• A.H. Rhyne __ ·--·· J. L. Hartsfield •••• J. R. Hartsfield_._ $ 15,000 $ 13.970 $ 159,340 $ 166,730 $ 37,880 N. Park, N. Y.: Secur. N .. Dallas; 1st N., D. R. Coulter Shreveport. F. E. Olsen. ___ 1W.W. Brown··--· J. H. Culwell______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10,000 1,000 16,000 25,000 3,800 Secur. N., Dallas; 1st N., Stamford.  •Jhllin eer . • R unnels F 13 BALLINGER STATE BANK Pop. 2767 & TR UST COMPANY ♦ 88-259 •t§'05 " " Farmers&Merch.StateHank 88-260 :l:1'09  -- BuCity.lilatae~rdaL 20\BAY H Pop. 3-hl  =:..~;. n.o•  I  I  :  I  I  ~  '  I  I  I  NaailHJr aader Naaie or ffank ;,. the N-,w Tr.sasle Nuniber ,pv.,.o  ;;;,:,!J."z::n:i'erUih1:; ::itU::lt}"))>;,.[,. ,-'fi!~~;::cff.-/,'fer~:.f!.,".Z_'  1367 I "  •  I  I I  ,  r  N.4l!fJ,; uF d.-l..\'K.  f  /  ;:::::s~~~e lffL'l:~:;. n:~t EEJPasoBr.HRou ston/ ♦Mem.Fel.He. Ill  TEXAS-Continued  In No. 11 Fed. Rf't,. Dbt.  1  l'E.ESIDEST.  _[_!!:ta/1  I  VICE-PRESIDEST. /  /  CASHIER,  1 ASS 'T  I  CA.SHIER,  LIAf!J_LlTIES_, _ I  PAID-UP SURPLUS CAPITAL p:C,~~TS  *AMERICAN 88-25  LEE BLANCHETTE  Actfre  *FIRST NATIONAL BANK  PRINCIPAL . COR.RESPONDENTS·.  -  -  ..,  400,000  -  -  ~  ....  20.600 Seab. N., N. Y.: State Bk. & Tr, Co .. Bou,: ~ Far. N., Brenham. ..,..  _ ___ ___ I  485,530 4,247,230 3,790,530 1,274 .360 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; New Eng. N. and Inter-State N., Kan. c.  .  I  ~  I  I  311,990 5,615,Z00 5,8ZZ,310 11,375,400 N. City and Scab. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex, N., -  ---,-- -  Chi.; 4th St. N., Phil.  ~  t1l  X :;t> r.n ta  I  :;t>  •:l:§'14  1. R. Bor.oAGES----- GEO. w. BROWN ____ GEO M. GUITERMAN, J. U, BUTL£tl Ch. 0 1 B1. ~- 'A·  w.  z  BROWN ----- JNO. L. GRIFFITH---  ~  ~i Wo~E sF,ND ( Js·youR nEAt'MONT ITEMS DIRECT.  100.000  -  Prompt personal attention given Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items, and remitted for on day of payment.  -  56.980 1.866.610 1,845 ,760 292,810 Irving N.,N. Y.; Hou. Ex. N., Hou.; Secor. N., Dallas. ·- 1  I  I  *  ecurity tateBank&Trust T. H. Nees. _______ J, E. Withcrs ______ •o. E. Fullen------ W. Elray Howard_ Oompany_88- 29 _______ •§'19 O.B.Saw:,er, Y.P, 11. nohrer 1 B.K. Ap~eman !*TEXAS BANK & TRUST B. Smyth _______ Frank Ah·ey ______ IH . W. GardoP.r, C. B.Megarity _____ ♦ 88-27 •:t§·07 J. J.... Cunnmi:-.ham r. P. and Ca~l,, A. K. Asbury 1 l J. C. \Vil on C. E. Walden Ed Paggi *-) Frank Alvey __________________________ C. B. Megari bkur. ____________________  CO.IJ,  I  ~M~~g!; ~;i8J{dgt~li:~e  230,000  4.14G  578,-120'  r.n 1  ~  ~  0  I  IOG.000  413.100  Hl0,600 2,3:j3,360 2,:563,l!lC  I  264,310 N. Park, N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Tex. Bk. ; ' & Tr. Co., Galv.; Secur. N., Dallas. '< 3tit390 Han. N., N. Y.: Lumbermans N., Hou.  o to  I  !!.  -------1---- _____ 1________ _  Ileck,·ille ____ PanolaE 23 Continental State Bank•t§'07 J. G. Wilkinson ___ B. F, Carpenter ____ P.R. Nisbatt_ _____ ------------·------. Pop. 75~ . . 88-936 . . . Bedias _______ Qnmes H 20 C1t1zens Bank - ____ -----Wl4 B. Harrison _______ J. T. Simes _______ J, T. Simes -------- W. R. Hall______ H Pop. 600 88-1672 " ________ " First State Bank: ________ U'07 R. E. L. Upchurch_ W.W. Williamson_ W. H. Holzmann __ -------------------l!S-937  cii  42,000 Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Worth; 1st N .. Longview. 14,360 Drov. N., Kan. C.; Union N. and So. Tex.Oom'l N .• Hou.; Citiz. N., Navasota, 21.810 So. Tex. Com'l N.• Hou.  30,000  36,000  161,0C0  15,000  450  17,010  23,000  9,820  9i,2fi0  !~ePng~tl.f~usi Lb~~.~~~M ------ o. J. BOCQUET---collec tlon facllittes. S enft us your Bee vllle Items direct  50,000  33,960  -!08,860  480.630 1  ,John W. Cook _____ I. J. Miller-- ------- R. E. Miller-------- Helen Ransom ___ _ C, B. Lucas J. L. Lawrence  100,000  123.440  645,150  63L100  285,490 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Hou, and Ft. Worth: City N., Dallas.  First National Bank ____ •.!'90 G . .A. Ray _________ M. W, Bates _______ J.B. Barry ________ B. W. ·Adams _____ _ 88-277 I  100,000  1-15,000  650,000  500,000  30,000  5,000  175,000  30,000  36.160  323,880  10~.000 J 334.3i0  ~5.000  18 .000  200.000  rn .ooo I  180,000 IHan. N., N. Y.: So. Tex. Com'! N .. Hou,: Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Alamo N .. San Antonio. 90,000 Han. N,. N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Ft. Worth. 80,170 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Far. & ~Iech. N., Ft. Worth. w 76,740 Chase N .. N. Y.; Secor. N .. Dallas: Com 'l ~ •. O'I ~ 1 and :Merch. & Plan. ~T·• Sherman.  I  •Beeville ________ Bee M 17 BEEVILLE BAIK & .TRUST H Pop. 3063 COMPANY+88-2i9 ____ ;t§'05  COMMERCIAL NAT. BANK 88-278  •:l:'93  lt/a  IWeRn~~afB  I  133,G00 14,330 10-!,590  Superior for quick actio n and prompt re turns.  Bellen1e ________ O]ay B17 First Guaranty State Bank R. T. Gowan _______ W. I. Boyd ________ W. I. Boyd ________ Geo. F. Simons ___ _ Pop. 782 ---- ----  88-1754 :l:§'17 •· " First National Bank _____ :!:'07 Sidney Webb ______ A. W. Mel!o~------ 1L, B. Moore ________ 1 N. T. Gaines ______ _ 88-038 W. T. McNe1ll I Bells ________ Grayson B 19 First National Bank ___ !'lfl00 1 • ·, C. Ferguson ____ G.D. F. Whitin,: ___ Jos. Hug-hes _______ Lola Craig ______ __ _ Pop. 585 88-939 I  ....  _...,, __...  I  -14.400 N. City. N. Y,: Hou. N. Ex .. Hou,: Cent. Tr. Co., San Antonio.  l  C ONTINENTAL AND C OMMER C IAL BA N KS ' CH I CAGO  INFORMATION ON MANY SUBJECTS. ASKOURSERVICEDEPARTMENT : • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  ,~-~::.°::~  2,850 $ 38,500 $ 42,300 $  Prompt Attention to All Banking Matters Entrusted to Us.  BANK & TRUST CO  ---- ---- .t Ex-  0  Unequaled Facilities for Making Collections.  *GUARANTY 88-28  L. PAUL TULLOS---- J.C. PETKOVSEK---T. ANDRUS KYLE WARD EUGENE E. BIHN  First and Oldest Established Bank.  18-24  •  250 ,000  W PIPKIN c:S H."STROECK , •!'01 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ P. B. DOTY---- W. L. PONbROM,  c;:;,.,::."':•  ITB  ___  - - - --- - -B. R. NOR ELL---- W. C. TYRRELL---- C.H. STROECK ---- A. S. DENMAN-----  NATIONAL BANK  RESOUR.CES.  ,:w11 .t Dra-'  1  -c----- ,- - - - ' - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  BeaslHey ___ FortBendK20 /Bea.sley StatP Bank _____ ;:-~·17 C. W. Krause------1Ilerman .A. Krause Henry Oliver _____ _ ______________ •----- $ 20,000 $ Pop. 250 88-1750 •BeaumonLJetre;ionJ24 ff Pop, 40.L  -1  DEPOS-  de.=•A';',:;~, ~~r:':tt.~~~e!':i)"f:~,  _ ~~lume. _!1'C>T lnter(!s_,t _!la~es, _!fo1J!'_a~8! etc., s~ Law~~ ::,  --  ..  ....  i  i  1368  Number under Nam e or Bank is t he New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. e xclu lvely b y The Rand- McNally Banke r s • merkan Banker s A s'n. r the authority of T ~ Dlrecto_!.f. !_u~  Non-Bank Towns '\\ith Nearest Banking Point (ln• dexed Acee.), Lawyers, Lall - (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holiday , etc., ·C'e Laws. w  TEXAS - Continued  -- - - ~----:--:-,====:::-:::.. PRINCIPAL CORRESPO!liDE.:.TS. I HESOURCES.  =~--  LlABlLlTlES. NA)1E OF B.>\,·K . ASS'T CASHIER, PAID·UP SURPLUS DEPOSCASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDE.'iT. • Mem . Am. Bks.A - ·n. ~te •County eats, ITS AND CAPITAL In No.11 F ed. Res. Dist. n1rm. State Bks. Assn.tPnv. .:..:::Hc..:oc.. .u. :. -t_co:._n_. ,_._M_e_m_._F_e_d_._R_e_s_.__[_E_s_ta_b_· , - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - - t . - - - - ' PROFITS - - !!.E~E::.l.:..Pa:::::.::o-=B:.::r_:_.._ :H TOWN ,L'-;D C OUNTY.  I  c n  PllO>I Buu , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1  38,8!j0 $ 4-15,730 $ 676.3i0 $  First National Bank •••. •:•91 C. F. Hellmuth-··· H.F. Granau •.•••• H. T. Rosenber~ -- H. O. Fisher_ ••••. _ 88-368  .>0,000,  29,500  300,000  2 0,0001  •Belton .•••.••• Bell H 18 Belton National Bank ••• • i'84 W.W. James····- A. D. Potts··-····· Ghent Carpenter ___ K. S. Hamblen ••.•• 88-227 P op , 50~8  50,ooo!  48,410  798,110  634,400  25,000  7,500  210,000  205,000  First State Bank •••••••• • i§'l0 C. B. Wade .••••••• J. S. Blair _···- •••• J. 88-229  . Blair ••..•••• A. M. Cline •• _•••.•  00  CILU<Gu,Doa  BoNDI,  81coarnn  60,000:$ ,.  •Bellville ••••• Austin J 20 Austin CountyStateBk.• U'09 M.Bader ••••••••••• L.A.Machemehl •. W.F.MachemehL H. VogelpohL .... $ E.T. Voeeloohl 88-369 H Pop. 2500  0\  1:'m & D1•• 1 C••u & Ex-  82,470 N, Bk. Com., N. Y.: IIou. N.Ex .. Hou.  1  1  68,400 N. City, N, Y.. N., Galv.  .. Hou.; 1st  o. Tex. Com'l  287,780 Han. N . • . Y.; So.Tex. Com'l N .. Hou. 37,500 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Dallas Tr. & sav., .Dallas.  I 50,000  Peoples Nat~~:1tllank_¢07 Thos. Yarrell ••.••. J. H. Bloomer ••••• Slade Yarrell··---·  13,630  422.280 1 109,650 N. B. Com., N. Y.; 1st N .. Hou.; City Dallas. I  418,300  .1.  .,  I  Benarnold •. _Milam H 18 Ben Arnold State Bank. :§'09 A. N. Green- •..... J.C. Reese ..••••.. H. L. Gunn •••..••• 88-940 Pop. 250 Benavides . .... Duval I 7 P op. 1000 Ben Franklin .. Delta C 21 P op, 500 •Benjamin •.•• Knox B 14 Pop. 1100 Ben Wheeler •• Van Zandt E 21 P op. 500 Berclair •.. .. Goliad M 18 H Poo. 500 Bertram •••.. Burnet H 17 Poo . 600  Merchan t.; Exchange Bank t'I0 88-1846 First State Bank .••••••• i§'ll 88-941 First at..,mal Bank .•... • i•o5 88-942 First State Bank ••••••••• §'11 8-944 Berclair State Bank .•••. U'13 88-1530 Farmer tatt' Bauk .••. t§'l 88·1XlJ First National Bank: •··-•'19 88-1907 D. c. Reed & Co .•...•.• • tt'93 88-9-15 Bie Lake •••• Reae-an G 10 First State Bank •••... •t§'l3 88-1555 Pop. 400  10,0001  8,500  76,000  76,000  City,  .1.·. Y.; 1st N., Waco and  t-i  Cameron.  ~  75,000) ··---· Alice State Bk. & Tr. Co., Alice; Frost .... ,1 an Antonio. ► 50,000 ···-··-· _ _ _ ... Bk. com., St. L.; 1st N., Ladonia.  15,oool  7,500  A.H. Sams ••.••••• C.H. Burnett. .•• _. J. J, Driver_ •••••• II, B. Sams •••••••• G. H. Beavers H. A. Castleberry. J. T. Beard .••..• ·- J. D. Strineer ·-··· •...••••••••..•••••.  50,000  68,800  325.160  360,400 65,000  10,000I  10,000  75,000  C. B. Lucas ••.•.•.. R. P. Lucas .•...... Otho Baxter.-····· ·······-·--········· H. L. Wel:lb J. T. llutto __ ·•·••· Claude McBryde .. R. A . .Mccann ••••..Ta . G. Cole_ •... _.  30,000  8.300  47,490  25,000  6.330  201,140  S. II. Munn •.••••• II. C. Faires •.•..•_ Walker Barton •••• ·····-·-·--···· .•..  25,000  2,700  7-1,300  en  73,280/Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth.  1  0:,  ►  51,000lSecur. N .. Dallas; Guaranty State, Athens.  18.780 State ., San Antonio; Union N., Hou.; VicA toria ., Victoria. 173,490 57.520 N. Park, N. Y.; Austin N., Austin; Am. E.-. Dalla. 03,380 30.010 Han. N., N. Y.; nion N .. Hou,; Am. T" Austin. .. N. Y.; Am. N., Austin; So. Tex. ....•.... ••....••• eab. Com'! .. Hou. 31.H0 Ft. Worth N .. Ft. Worth, Cent. .. San Angelo 111.410 and t. L.; Austin N., Austin. 1 64,570  ~  n  en  I  .T . .  D.  c. Reed •••...•.  ········-··········- A. B. McGill. •...•. - - - · · - - · - - - · · · · · .••••.•.. .•••••... 30,000  17,250  101.580  Big Sandy ••• Upsbur D 22 CONTINENTAL STATE BANK J. G. Wilkinson •••• J. G. Key •.•••••.•. W. L. Perdue •••••• \frs. W, L. Perdue L. J. Lantlrr., • i§·09 88--DJ6 Pop, 6'."..>8  20,000  20,000  106,500  132,oool  Farmers State Bank •••. i§'l3 T. J. Kelly.·-····· W. C. Mings •••.... J. II. IIowell ·-···· -····-··-··-·-···-· 88-1556 •Big pring_Howard E 11 First ational Bank •.•• • i•90 A. E . Pool ••••••••• R. C. Sanderson ••• R. L. Price •••• -·· E. E. Fahrenkamp_ 8 ·235 Pop, 4273  25,000  5,550  72,180  55,600  1J-t930 1 560,8il0  637.9-IO  First State Bank ·--····• t§'09 L. T. Deats ••••.••• A. C. Walker •••••. T. S. Currie •••••••• ,Fred. Steohens •••• Ben Carr.enter 88·237  50,000 35,000  51.740  41:i,300  468.650!  i  u  li  s.  Bie wells •••• Dimmit M 14 First State Bank •.••••• • i§'l4 J. :C. trait ·-···-·· • A. Armstrone .•. J. George Dutt·-·· -··········· •••••••• R. B. White 8 -1687 Pop. 750 Bishop...... ueces O 17 Bank of Ifohnp •..•..•••• t·12 Clark Pea e .•..... · · - · · · · - - - - Myron A. Pease ••. ZPlma L. Butt~ .•.. 88-1502 H Poo. 1000   Naiabe, and- Na,ae or Baak la U.e New n.a.11 N-ber .,_. Tbe Band-McNaU, Baalc--., J 369 ~ each bank in U. S. ezc/uslvelrofbyThe American Banker• Aa•,n. ..,irectory, under the authority Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  90,000  100,000  1  ~  _.  S.  ::::  '"'"4  ~  ~  ~  -· ::, IJ'Q  I  23,000 N. City, N. Y.: Com'! State and Cent. Tr, Co., San Antomo; So. Tex. Com'l ,_T., Hou. N. Park, N. Y.; City N., Corpus Christi.  -·-···-·!--·-- ···-··- ···-····· - - 330,;;oo  25,000,  10,000  25,000  23,000  265,000  106,J50  25,000  29,370  177,470  192,250  25,000  TEXAS-Continued  11,500  15,000  w  0  39,100 Hou. • Ex .. Hou.; Secur. N .. Dalla; 1st N., I Gilmer. 177,120 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. St. L.; Am. Ex .• T. and Dall ·.; Far. & Mech, N. and Ft. 1 City 1 Worth N., I!'t. Worth. 134.6801N. City. N. Y.: Live Stock Ex, ~T •• Chi.; Ft. Worth N ., Ft. Worth. . Y.; Comw. N ., Kan. C.; 1st 290,000 . Rk. Com.. N., Ft. Worth.  50,000 60,000 6:.50,000 410,000 D. FORD JnW RsPR ING ITE1\I DffiECT. YOU Prompt attentl on given Bill of L adlng Dr aft , a. hand Time Items and re mltted for 011 d ay of pa yment.  END  1-1"1  26,700 Seab. N., N. Y.: Cont. Bk. &Tr. Co., Ft. Worth; t'D .·.Bk.Com., t. L.  T ..  W. P. ED WJRDS-•• J. W. TH URMA N •..• ROBT, PINER ........ IR A L. THUR MAN .•••  88-236  1·.  F. Vaello, Jr .....•. ···-·-··· -······- F. Vaello Puig •••••...•••••••••••.••••• (Ind-ivid ual Reaplonaibility W. E. Weldon···-· A. E. Sweeney •••• H. W. Miller ••••••• J.M. Minnis···-··  J . M. Shannon ••••• c. C. Sanders_ ••... R .• •. )Ianl~\· __ ·-·· •••••••••••••••• ·-·· · J. W. Young  WEST TEXAS ~.AT'L BK.•t·oa  20,000  2-10.020 1  103,000  20,760 Mech. · , letals , ., . Y.; So. Tex. Com'! N .• ._ Hou.: Corpus Christi N., Corpus Christi; Po> :::, Alamo N ... an Antonio. 106,500 1st N., Ft. Worth, C  Naa,bel uader Naaie or Baak i. UJ• New ,..,._.,, N,uaber 6'-...  1369  ~J:Z:n:!eru,l! ::i'i'~"/.If/'oi"-rl'sb~=~er.-£::-;::~:  TOWN AND COUNTY.  .. county Seats.  ~  NAME OF BANK.  I  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State  In No. 11 Fed. Re . Di ·t. :t.Mem. State Bks . .Assn. t Priv. E El Paso Br. H Houston. ♦..\!em. F eel , R es. [Estab.  Noa-Bank Town• with NearetJI Banklna- Po1m  :~u~e~~l'r!:eWZ:r1i:t!:: li~1l!1l· ~fc.?~~ ta.....  TEXAS-Continued LIABILITIES.  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  CA.SHIER.  .Ass'T CA.SHIER.  RESOURCES.  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS •  PAID-UP su~!'~us DEPOS,,,.s, .t; Di,- CilB & Er.o.m, c•n. Ilol<DB, QBAKGss,D.-. 1 8 0 •_B_""° _P_R_o_FI_T_s _ _T__ _ _lko_uarr_,.,, __ >a_ __________________  c ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A_PI_T_A_L  1  Bloomburg _____ cass C 24 Bloomburg State Bank-•t§'16 V. D. Glass ________ Pop. 436 88-951 Bloominiz Grove-Navarro Blooming Grove St.ate Bank J. R. Griffin _______ Pop. 8118 F lP 88-75.t t§'lO " " Citizens National Bank._ t'92 R. L. Harris _______ 88-753 Bloominfton ____ Victoria First State Bank ________ t§'l3 J, F, Clark ________ H Pop. 600 M 19 88-1550 Blossom ______ Lamar B21 Farmers State Bank ____ :t:§'19 w. J. Chester _____ Pop. 969 88-1859  FIRST NATIONAL BANK--t'0l 88-763  Blue Ridge ____ collin C 19 Security State Bank ___ •t§'l5 Pop. 750 88-952 Bluff Dale _____ Erath E 17 Bluff Dale State Bank __ et§'06 Pop. 450 88-953 Blum____________ llill 1" 18 Farmers tate B:mk ____ t§'09 Pop. 4!J6 88-816 Guaranty tatc Rank ____ t§"l2 88-815 •Boerne _____ Kendall J 15 Boerne State Uank ----• tf'06 Pop. 11::i3 88-954 Citiz.ens State Bauk ____ et§'20 88-195-1 Bogata ___ Red River C 22 Bogata National Bauk __ •t '07 Pop. 2000 88-955 First National Bank _____ t•14 88-1665 Bomarton ____ Baylor C 14 First St.ate Bank ________ t§'07 Pop. 600 ♦ 88-956 •Bonham ____ Fannln B 20 Fannin County Bank .• -•t§ '74 Pop, 6008 ♦ 88-209  J, W. Glass ________ A. L. Knowles_---- -------------------- $  23,000 $ 10,000 $ 330,000 $ 250,000 $ 100,000 St.ate N., Texarkana, Ark.; Secur, N .. Dallas.  J. A. Smith _____ -- H.F. Chestnut---- J, 0. McSpadden, P. D. Williams Jr, B. F. Hartzell ______ F. H. Simpson _____ T. M. George, Jr.__  20,000  20,000  132,150  142,260  50,000  12,160  214,450  310,760  A. B. Dunseth. ---- N. M. Bartley _____ - - - - - - - - - - - -  20,000  4,200  48,000  40,800  Wayne Williams ___ G. H • .Montgomery D. C, Chambers__ _  30,000  4,000  100,000  105,900  8,000 Victoria N ., Victoria.: Hou.N, Ex.,Hou.; Dallas Tr. & Sav .. Dallas. 18,100 Secur. N., Dallas.; 1st N .. City N., and 1st State, Paris.  R. V. WOMACK-- A.M. HARAWAY -- A. P. BLACK------- H. M. NORRIS- ---J. D. DICKEY  60,000  42,940  308,400  536,790  42,600 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.: City N., Dallas.  7,000  125,000  100,000  l  959  Save time and get service on co llecttons and ere dlt reports by se ndlng FEE IN ADV.A. NCE: Plain Sight Drafts 15c. Cre dlt Reports 50c. TRY US.  J. G. Wilkinson ____ J. S. Stewart ______ 0. T. OarmichaeL 0, C. Cunningham. J. A. Barnett W. H. Frey ________ R. N. Bulman _____ H. H. Frey ___________________________ _  10,000  9,850  72,580  57,230  15,000  40,000  250,000  50,000  J, A. Taylor _______ J. O. ~fcCullough __ Leslie Taylor ______ T. C. Wornel ____ _  30,000  10,000  150,000  100,000  J. W. Lawhon _____ R. Spencer-------- R, Spencer __ ------ W. E. Janensch __ _  35,000  20,000  364,650  329,940  L. Fabra ___________ C. C. )lcFarland ... Bodo llolekamp ___ , Clifford McCain ___ P. W. McCain _____ J. W. Howison _____ T. ,l. Dozier_ .. ___ _ J. S. Wilkinson ____ H. o. DoucL _______ H. C. Dodd ________ J. K. Ford E. A Fancher ____ J, T • .McKenzie ____ E.W. McGiothJin __  ---------------·----·  25,000  1,250  70,500  68,200  L. Hudson ________ _  50,000  38,840  158,000  339,680 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~ 30,000 Bk.of N. Y. N. B.A., N. Y.; Cont. Bk.& Tr. Co., tl:j Ft. Worth: Secur. N., Dallas; Greenville.:. . :>< Ex .• Greenville. ::i:,, 32.030 1st N., Ft. Worth, en 150.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Tex. State, a:, Ft. Worth. 90,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.: Tex. State, Ft, Worth; .. •. i-; Bk. of C1churne, Oleburne. '4 78.520 Ohase _N .. N. Y:; Alamo N., San Antonio; ;i-:: "' . Austm N: Austm: 1st N., St. L. en 2il,4001Seab. N., N.. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co. and an ,\ntonio N,, an Antonio. 18,770 Seaooard r .. N.Y. . a:, 1 t N .. Pans; Secur. N., Dallas; Red River N., 80,000 City N .. Dallas.; 1st N., Mt. Pleasant.  > I  g  J.M. Francis _____ _  25,000  7,500  250,000  156,000  ---------  25,000  5,000  100,300  75,660  J. R. Russell ______ J, V. Chapman ___ _  100,000  69,910  875.000  850,000  Dick Saunders ____ Roy Gass _________ _ E. A, McMahon Neil Williams______ . N. Johnson ____ _ Ural Darling M. M. Gilbert_ ____ J. L. Janeway ____ _  200,000  150,0GO  975,000  897,000  200,000  124,040  952,920 1,661,370  25,000  25,500  125,000  160,000  I. '. Edwards _____ W. J. Lehman _____ L, S. F.<lwards _____ Frank ]'leek ______ _  25.000  5,000  100,000  125,000  Adolph Bissantz __ C. W. Carson, Jr._ C. E. Winder _____ E, J. Rynearson -D. L. Kemp W. P. Cannon ______ J, Holland _________ K. A. Osburn ______ - - - - - - - -  25,000  2,000  37,320  39,530  10,000  7,000  30,000  50,000  F. I. Booth _______________________ T. G. Speed ________ , _ _ __  10,000 - - - - - ------- ------- - - - - N. Park, N. Y.; Hutchings, Sealy & Co., Galv.  48,580 1st N., Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls. Tex.·  250,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am . ..,.. Ex. T .. Dallas. O 91,440 Han. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; City N., ~ Dallas. w 40,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Am, Ex. N., Dallas: M:erch. & 0 Plan N., Sherman.; Fa..-. & Merch. N,, ~ Nocona. ..... 35,000 Comw. N., Kan. C.; 1st N,, Woodward, Okla.; Am, Ex, N ., Dallas. 23,880 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. O.; 1st N., Wichita. 8,000 Cont. Bk. & Tr. Oo., Ft. Worth.  50,000  84,450  770,510  936,380  50,000  58,580  386.860  582,850  113,590 Han. N., N. Y.; M N., St. L.; InterState N., Kan. C.; 1st .. Ft. Worth. 61,100 N. City, N. Y,; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas.  \V. P. Blanton _________________________ 1. L. Chandler _____ ----------·--------  50,000  1,000  89,850  143,310  14,780 Cent. State, Dallas; T.exas State, Ft. Worth.  Cecil ThOmas _____ O. W. Watson ____ F. J. Moss ________ D, R. Givens______  100,000  33,000  250,000  330,000  J. Baldrige _______ C. C. Wilson_. _____ C • .A. Sharp ________ ---- ---------------W. J. Patten W. M. Koonce _____ G. A. Arrington ____ R. E. Petty ______________ :____________  10,000  7,210  66.500  66,380  42,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.: Secur. N., Dallas; N. Bk. Com., Ft. Worth, 13,620 Am. Ex, N., Dallas.  25,000  11,500  120,000  110,000  1  3  Drov. N., Kan. q. CT 200,000 N. Park. N. Y.: F1d. N. Bk. & Tr. Kan, C.; ~ Am. Ex. N .• Daltas, -'1 (7Q  88-3211  I  25,000  W. H. Taylor ______ T. C . .Mattox _______ Bayard Taylor_ ____ Ellis Taylor _______ _  Bowie _____ Jafontague C 17 City National Bank _____ •t'92 C.H. Boedeker ____ W. A. • .Ayres _______ o. C. Hutchison ___ A. J. Turner _____ _ Pop. 3179 88-330 " " First NatioualBank ____ .•:•90 T. C. Phillips ___ Z. T. Lowrie _______ A. L. Theisen _____ C. .A. Phillip -----First State Bank ________ §'20 88~1938 Security State Bank ___ t§'07 88-331 Boyce _____ EUis E 19 Boyce State Bank _______ t§'ll Pop. 300 88-1372 Boyd __________ Wise C 17 Continental St.ate Bank.t§'09 Po~. 410 88-961  '  Special attentlo n given Bill of L adtng Drafts.  J. W. Russell ______ C. L. Bradford. Active A. B. Kennedy First National Bank ______ t'83 A. B. Scarboroufh. D. W. Sweeney __ 88-210 Zac. Smith _______ First St.ate Bank ________ t§'ll T. B. Williams, ____ I. W. Evans _______ ♦ 88-211 M. C. Spivy Bonita ___ Montague B 17 FirstNational Bank ______ i·12 J.C. Howard ______ C. McCalL _________ Pop. 600 88-957 Booker ___ Lipscomb O 23 Edwards National Bank.• '19 Pop 500 88-1862 ,. " First National Bank _____ !·rn 88-1866 Boonsville _____ Wise D 17 First State Bank ________ tf'lO Pop, 200 88-1158 Boor--Po!.o~rend K 21 Bank of Boi~ _______ •t '08  10 N  27,520 Am. Ex. N .. Dallas; Hou. N. Ex .. Hou.; State N., Corsicana. 58,650 City N., Dallas.  25,000 Mech. & Metals N ., N. Y .: Secur. N ., Dallas: ~ Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co. and T, Bk. Com., Texas State. Ft. Wort!!.. IO  °'  Namber ander Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given  '° each banku~der ln U. S. exclush'el7 by T&e Rand-McNally Bankers' 1370 Dlree~rJ!_ t!ie -~~r_!!!.. of T~ei:!_c~~anker~ Ass'n.  I  Ton AND COUNTY,  TEXAS-C  t•  0Il lilUe  NA.ME OF BANK.  I  LIABILJTIJ:S.  A.()ountJ Seats. •Kem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState (n 'o.11 Fed. Res. Dist. U(em. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. EEl P~o ~r. H Ho~·ton. ~:Mem. Fed. Re . [Est:b.  PRJ:SI ENT D  VICE PRJCSIDKN • T. .  •  C  .lSJllll.  A.  SS'T  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Ace,es.J, Law)·E'r Laws (ind<'xC'd) ln baC'k of thi volumr. For lntert> t ifat,•s, Holldays, tit<', SN'\s. ~  d  C  p  c.!;1:;~~  .lSIIID.  SUBPLUS AlJD  D  tt~uuRt.Eh.  P.1uNc1P..u.  0  co&RJ£SPOlllDJ:NTs.  l,o.uo "Du- c... " llx~ - Doln>O, .,...,.••,»...  ~~. .  _ _ _ P•oJ'tTa __? _ _  1111c1ran1 •  ...,. :•...  •  •Brackettv1lle ____ Kmney First State Bank______ •U 06 N. P. Petersen. ___ Jim Clamp ______ J • .A. Rogers, Jr ••• G. T. Charlton _____ $ 30,000 1$ 58,000 $ 3-5,000 $ 340,000 $ 7,>,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Com'l State, San Antomo. Pop. 2000 L 12a Butts 88-962 BradleysCorner.Wichi Bros. BankingCo ..• t'20 W. A. Butt ____________________ R. F. Butts ___________________________________________ _ (Burkburnett P.O.)A 16 88-1984 • , . • Bradshaw ____ Taylor F 13 Bank of Bradshaw _____ it 00 Henry James _____________________ 0. M. Hunt _______ Ocie Hunt_ ________ --------- 1 8,000 175,000 1 107,000 50,000 Far. & Merch. N., Abilene; N. Bk, Com., DalPop. 200 88-1'21 I las. • ~G. R. WHITE----· LEWIS BROOK----- W. D. CROTHERS-- S.S. GRAHAM----- 130,000 146,000 1,071,930 1,069,790 2i8,960 Han. N., N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kan. C,; •Bridy •• _McOulloch H u 1coMMERCIAL IIATIOIAL BK. W. D. CROTHERS W.R.DAVIDSON,JR. Ft. Worth N .• Ft. Worth. 1 118- 348 Pop, 219i •i·1i4 Collectio•• a ap eclalty and rem ttted tor o• day of paymeat.  I  "  ________  •m  "  Brady National Bank ____ f05 F. M:. Richards ____ F. \Y. Henderson .. E. L. Oeden _____ Clarence Snider__  100,000  65,000  -150,000  300.000  Brandon _________ Hill Fl9 Farmers State Bank_.•U'l3 1D. A. Giles ________ R. E. L. Gunter ____ R. M. Gauldine __ J.E. :Mash_______ 1 Pop. 307 88-1604 Brashear ••• Hopkins C 21 Farmers & M:erch. State Bk. 0. M:. Patton _______ J. )I. Davi ________ Milns Robinson_ Clyde Mercer______ Pop. 300 88-964 •if'll •  20,000  17,000  120,000  117,000  20,000  Drazoria ••• -Brazoria L21 First State Bank _______ eif'09 J.C. McNeill, Sr ••• J. F. Harris -------ID. J.Oebnrn ___ J . • Montgomery. 20,000 H Pop. 800 88-965 Brazos ____ Palo Pinto D 16 Brazos State Bank ______ i§'l3 W. L. Simmons ____ W. S. Fant________ G. C. Jone ..• ______ Wm. L. Simmons.. 25,000 Pop. 300 88-1557 •Breckenricli?e •• Stephens Breckenridge tate :Bank & G. C. Bachman ____ \Y. C. Jone , Jr. _____________ __________ w. A. Whitley_____ 2:i0,000 Pop. 1 ~6 D 15 Tr. Co ••• 88-185L---•t§'20 J.E. Granberry \V. E. John"ton First National Bank ____ .:•04 B. S. Walker ______ Jack Black _______ Glenn Russell.---·. Eueene curry___ 200,000 • 88-966 \Ym. Black, V. P. C. E. Martin W. K. Heath " _____ " GuarantyStateBank __ et§'l8 John,H,Kirby _____ C.B.Gaddis ___ M.J.Lewis ______ JohnI.Chrsley .•_ 300,000 88-1811 . T. wen.on E. C. Bowlin~ Brrmond.RobertsonGlD First State Bank ________ if'05 0. W. Brown ____ T.A..Averyt ______ S.K.Peters _ _ _ 1J:L w. Brown______ 50,000 Pop. 1500 + 88-U67 _ ~- _ 1E. D. Brazie!' 100,000  C. L. WILlilNS-------E· W. REICHARDT -- O. E. BAUMGART --G, A, KUNKEL------WM. SIEDEL, JR. W. J. SLOAN  I  I  4,190  73,420  9,000  136,000  114,000  350  113,460  106,200  ll,000  895,000 1  150,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N •• Ft. Worth. 30,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Ft. Worth.  36,000 •. Park. N. Y.: o. Tex. Com'l N. and 1st '., ~ Hou.; Tex. Uk. & Tr. Co .. Galv. _,,. 31,860 1st N .. Weatherford. Z 1  400,000  I  109,300 3,211,690 2,612,710 195,810  102,890  tm,000  800,000  795,000  ::,;:  .T. Bk. Com.,  N. Y.; tock Yds. ~T. and Tex. 00 State, Ft. Worth: Secur. T·• Dallas.  I  918,290 N. Bk. om., N. Y.: Secur. N., Dallas; 1st N., Ft. Worth. 555,000 Chase N •. N. Y.; SPcur. N~ Dalla~: N. Bk. Com. and Far. · :Yerch. N., Ft.\\ orth. 91.280 eab. N .. N. Y.: Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; lsl N .. Waco.  50,000 2,6:i0,000 2,150,000 18,510  ~  >(  )> 27,490 Han. ., 1 . Y.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Greenville 00 N. Ex., Greenville.  70,110 1  690,000  -,  tl:l  .., Ill  c;  :,;-  ~  $.  98,000 Seab. ' .. N. Y.: So. Tex. Com'l N. and State Bk. & Tr. Co., Hou.; City N .. Dallas. :::: ~  •Brenham ___ ~ashineton FARMERS NATIONAL BAN,ll "YOUNGEST BANK IN WASHINGTON COUNTY." Note our progress since o rganlza tton. H Pop, ,>066 J 20 88-171g •t 16 "We want your collections." We get results by prompt personal persls tent att entlon. Quick returns . Progressive Banking Methods In all Departments. "Try us for quJck a ctlon."  'r+  0 tJj  ::!. r+ r+  0  T. A. LOW----· -------H, F. KOLWES ------· ALMOT SCHLENKE ----W. M. MORRISS---·-·  FIRST NAT. BANK  ::s  1.-l.- ~rlmMsoN  150,000  -  Send us yoUJ' Items on Brenham and YlclnltJ. Quick returns and moderate cbarKe1. T&Y US.  88-Zll  153,600  -  132.690 N, City, N. Y.; Lumberman& N., Bou.;  851.560 1,195.130  -  -  -  Am. Ex.N,, Dallas.  1  GIDDINGS & GIDDIIG$ .. tt'66  ' IiD, c. G100 INGS -- D.t c. GIODIN~S, JR, w. WILK INS-------- B. BASSETT ------- - - - ----1---------  88-Z15  "  \Washineton County State Bk. F. R. Bosse ________ James S. Giddin~s. H. A. Kelling ______ H. E. Hafer. _____ _  ss-:m  u·o,,  Brillgl•port_ ___ Wise C 17 Bridgeport 'tate Bank. i§'li Guinn Williams ____ W. ~l. imp on -·-· L. D. Kirkpatrick. um " \First ational • 88-1787 " Pop. _____ Ba.nk ______ i·o; H. G. Leonard ____ P. C. Funk ________ Frank T11mer ____ 88-412 \ E. GrPen Brius ____ .Burnet H 17 Bri22s State Ban\c ______!\'0ll ll. J. McGuire ____ J, T. Ilall _____ ---- B. F. Warden. Jr •.  IW.  ----------·-------· H.B. Alexander •. R. 8. Leonard ,J.C. \\'right _____ _  ~~ R\\is El% ~ ______~\·H Britton _________ "'Britton StateBan\t W.W. Seeton _____ O. O. Davenl)ort __ IA. P.Mauk ____ D.T. Bobbitt-----\ Poll, ~00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I /  U-l)l\l)  •' ;._  •  J I  I  I  I  I  I  I  :  I  l  I  ;,  I  I  ·  •  I  ·  •  I I  ,  I  •  I  .-  •  :  •  I  :;o,ooo  10,000  340.000  300,000  25,000  ,000  150.000  110.000  35,000  40.000  3i8,i40  361,020 I  15,000  9,440  1:; ,000 \  13,130  m.33o • ,;I  I i ti  70~ooo lnan. N., N. Y.: Union N., Hou.; Secur. N .. 'ii;' Dalla . ::S -l:i,000 ,Seab.1' .. N.Y.: ecur. .. Dalla,;Far. & Mech. i:: r .. Ft. Worth. ~ 90,560 N. Park, N. Y.; A . Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N., Ft.~ Worth. • 2i,530 1N. Park, N. Y.; Austin N., Austin. 32,420 Far. & .Mech. N., Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas.  .  _·1  I  --------· N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.  J,'lrst and oJdes established Ba nk. Collections ent us wlJI receive pr ompt attention. Prompt attentl on to all Banking matters entru t ed to us.  TEXAS-  -  .  ~  -~  -  _.  .  :,...;  • • • ' r,..·  :• •  I  ;  f  '.  I.,  : I,  I T  •  f .•  ~  I  13'>7J ✓.  eo  :1;,~-~"fJ.Nr,:;c1~::=: tythrrh°':e~=6J?~-:lf,,ai:;:are;:z:  Director,, under _the •'!_thorlty of The ADJerlcan Bankers -A.&fl'n.  TowN- AND  CouNTY.  NAME  oF  thtsl  Ass'T CASHIER. PAID-UP/SURPLUS/ DEPOS-CASHIER. 1,rICE-PRESJDE,.'I/T. PRESIDENT. •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. §S ta te ,.County Seats. ITS AND CAPITA In No. ll Fed. Res. Dist. :tMem.State Bks.As_n. tPrh-., [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _L PROFITS _ _ _ EEIPasoBr.,H _l!_ouston. ♦Mem.Fed.Res.  Broaddus-San Augu tine Broaddus State Bank ___ §'20 88-1961 M3 Pop. 600 Bronson _____ Sabine G 24 Bronson StateBanJr _____ :§'07 88-970 Poi,. 1500 Peoples State Bank ______ §'l8 88-1828 Bronte _____ Qolce F13 B'ir1tStateBank_ ___ •tl'06 88-Q71 Pop. 529 Brookeland State Bank-U'lO 88-972 Guaranty State Bank ____ §'20 88-1996 Farmers State Bank ____ t§'16 88-973 Brookston State Bank __ t§'l3 88-1579 Brownfield State Bank __ t§'05 • 88-974 First Natioft1 J%nk . ----t'l9 1 Brownsboro_ Henderson Fil st State Bank _________ §'l7 88-1759 E 21 Pop. 400  Brookeland_ abine G24 Pop. 500 Ilrookesmith.Brown I 3 Pop. 260 Brookshire __ \Valler J 21 H Pop. 700 Brookston ____ LamarB 21 Pop, 400 •Brownfield ___ Terry Cg Poo.1200  •Brownsville __ Cameron H Pop. 11,791 R 18  FIRST NATIONAL BANK •t'91 ~•  E.W. Tubb ________ J, W. Bryan _______ J.P. Mann ________ -------------------- $ 20,000 ---------  •t·o  88- 65  25,000  3,660  142,710  25,000  20,000  299,520  15,000  240,000  175.000  140  31.890  37,120  1,:5,340  132,750  101,300 176,000  J. D. Butler _ _ _ L. L. Bradshaw ____ E.G. Hart_ _ _ Maude McNem __ _  15,000  J. D. Smith _______ F. L. Mayfield. ____ C. A.. ""1ewart _ ____ _________ ________ _ -. J.B. Enos _ _ _ W. D. Mills ______ A. Agopian __________________________ _ J. H. Jones B. Temple ____ C.R. McClure ____ J.C. Hathaway __ :lr. B. Hogue ______ _  10,000 1 .  20,000  21,000  120,000  W. H. Dalla,s _______ Jno. S. PowelL ____ O. T. Halley ______ Andrew Copeland_ Morgan Copeland E. C. Roberts R.M. Kendrick ____ W. A. Bell _________ W. A. Bell _______________________ _  25,000  35.560  456,570  361,480  5,000 I 120,000  116,000  J. T. LaRue _______ W. J. Stuart_ ______ Ivy Fuleham ____________  i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  7 2.260 H~.N .. N. Y.:9ont.&Com'IN.,Chi.:Alamo@ • . , San Antomo; Interstate Tr. & Bkg. Co.. N. o.  I  to  974 ,810 Seab. N .• N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Ohl,; 1st N., Hou.; N. Bk. Com., St. L,  181.740 2,348.460 1,622.980  200,000  SI)  Io.'§' 8'to  200.460 Han. N .. N. Y.: l "t N .. Chi.: Lumbermans ~·., 1 Hou. ; St ate N .. San Antonio.  779,370  903,750  29.380  100.000  ci  ti  items, coJlections, bill of lading drafts and all ban king ersonal attention • SEND YOUR B USINESS DIREC T.  ~  :Metals N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Ft. Worth;:.~ 300,000 _________ 1,189,000 887,000 602,000 Mech. {(Bankers)______ _________________ ___________ _ _ _ _ _ ,0 Libe.dy Cent. Tr. Co., St. L. Prompt attenti on given to ttems and collections o. . On Brownwood and all Central Texas p0lnts. , RATES. LOW SPECIAL SERVICE; i  tt"76  88-15'  CITIZENS NAT BK  R. 8. ROGERS---- J. A. ABNEY-------- F. S. ABNEY ________ CLYDE MclNTOSH ___ 100,000 131.320 854.740 725.210 232 800 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; CltyN•• Dallas; 1stN., St.L.; StockYds.N.,Ft. Worth. CHESTER HARRISON CLYDE MCINTOSH ' CHESTER HARR,SON i THE YOUNGES T BANK IN BRO WNWOOD.  f 'L BK 1  ,  , •; 06  An Active, Aggr esslve, Progressive Bank of Complete · _Send US Your I terns Direct.  Service. Entire  1  •t'I0  •:·oz  s~v ~~.  Jir8Ji!;r  l  I  Surplus Earned.  {C.L.McCARTIIEY E. B. GILLIAM---- GEO. KIDD-- WILL TALBOT-----  FIRST NAT 'L BANK Sl-155  I  2,500  ::,  & COMPANY  88-157  121.690 Comw. X .. Kan. C.: 1st State. Dallas: Austin r· .. en to Austin; Lubbock State, Lubbock. 40,000 Ficl. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.: 1st N., Ft. Worth: ..,__ ti"' Luhhock State. Lubbock. Z 75,000 · - - - _________ City N ., Dallas.  IN LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLE Y.  J.B. SCOTT------- A. ASHHEIM -------- A.H. fERNANDEZ ___ R. C. SCHMELING ---  BROOKE SMITH  COGGIN NAT  4,680 City · ., Dallas; 1st N., Brownwood: Cont. Bk . ...l r-;i & Tr. Co.. Ft. Worth. 54,350 0 mon N. and Peo. State, Hou.; 1st N ., St, L.: t:tj :;,<: Am. Ex. N .. Dallas. ► 23,400 Seab. N ., N. Y.: Da llas Tr. & av .. Dallas.  u~h-tcf-Jtf  -6 88 8  88-158  50,000 IN. Bk. Com., Hou.: A.m. N., Beaumont.  135,000 2.-014,940 1.4!H,970  100,000  JOHN GREGG- - - M. FERNANDEZ---- -- E. J. TUCKER ____ ___ R. E. WAGNER-- ---J. G. FERNANDEZ,  time CO {Cash andgiven BANK & TRUST •iS'l; p matters 15  10,000 1  R. B. CREAGER --- E. C. FORTO -· --- --- G. C. WAGNER ---- --- J. CELAYA. JR,-----P. M. LAMBERTON A. W. WOOD  ·  4 { Send ITEMS DffiECT. peclal attentio n given Bill of La din1 Drafts and r emitted for prom ptly on day of P ! ayment .  STATE  •Brown;gi~8~3own F  33,640 $ 11,320 Union N., Hou.· Citiz. Guaranty State, Lufkin. ~ rv 20,990 Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas; 1st N., Beaumont; Lumbermans N., Hou. 25,460 Lumbermans N .• Hou.· Am. N., Beaumont. 142,290 ' 79,490 , coal&IronN.,N.Y.;StockYds.N .• Ft. Worth; 243,86<! Hou. Ex. N .• Hou.; Austin N., Austin.  -·------------------W.W. Wiggle _____ C.R.Gallihar. ____ CarrieGlenn____  50.000  :<'"I  ______ ___ _ _  no.a....""',-- - - -  80,000 1  J. H. Jordan _______ C. S. Nethery-··--- W. V. Whitfield ____ W. C. Whitfield__ _  1  - C! Sl,)  caua111,D.,.  llJIOlJlllTlD  24,960 $ I$ 121,200  -  O.u,r.1:EJ:•  no,.,,.,  10,000 $ 11,600  QLDE ~T BANK  MERCHANTS NATIONAL BK.  Lo..,>ta-  c"n.  J. A.. Watson _____ W.W. Meador _____ C. E. Casey ________ Miss Ollie Avera- -  52,000  PRINCIPAL- CORRESPONDENTS.  REsouRc;,s~  LHBIL;r"f"Es~- - -  -  -  /  BANK.  Nbn-.Ban.k Towns vrlth Nearest .Ban.king Point (lBdexed Acces.). Lawyers, Laws <lndexed) ln back of volume. For Interest Rates, Holldays, etc., see Laws. :,  TEXAS-Continued ___ ~ __  -  -  -  -  i~IHit~o:T ~'k~~inlty direc t to ~s.  f T. C. YAITIS ____ J. A. WALKER----- MILLARD ROMINES L. P. COOKE-------  J.C. WEAKLEY J. T. YANTIS, .A.cti ve  , 100,000  -  -  Ru the Iarceat work:ln1 capltal a nd la the oldest b ank In Brown Co un Send 01 :,our collectlom: qulck , return1. low rate •·  304,000 1.280,1101 836,300 1 847,810 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N •• St. L.; So. Tex. N .• Hou.: City N., Dallas; Far. f'om'I Mech. N., Ft. Worth. & I  •  I  1  209,870 Hao. N., N. Y.: Am. EI. N., Dallas: 1st' ' N. and Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. --  880.460  138,210 1.102.000I  100,000  I  I  I  I~--..  Number under Nam,. .,.r ., __ ,_ ·  - -----~~-------------------------~~--~------------------~~~----------.. I r --·-  1372  --i:  Number under Name of Bank ii the New Transit Number siven to each bank iD u. s. e:s:eluslvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Dll'eetory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  !  NA.ME OF BANK.  TOWN AND COUNTY,  "CtolunFtedy SeaRts. D' t ::em. SAmtat' BB~~: AsAssn. §ti14te P:a.XSIDD'T. VI~PHBIDDT. In No. es. IS • + em. e .....,,, sn. nv. EEl Paso Br. . HBon. Br. +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1  Non-Bank Towns wlth Near~11t .Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, ete., see Laws. ~  TEXAS-Cont1·nued CA.HID.  .A.SS"T 0.URlD,  ,_______Ll_A_B_I_L_IT_l_ES__• _____ ,, __R__E_SO_U~R_C_E_S_.__ , PilD-Ul' SU~us ~,:.O•:,:.::; !.~a!,~. C~IT.A.L  Bruceville.McLennan G 18 Bruceville State Bank_•:tf'07 G. E. Kincannon ••• G. T. Cox.·-- ... __ W. B. Wilie···-·-- ________ $ Po1>, 600 88--976 •Brran •••••. Bra.zos H 20 Oity National Hank:.-•• •:'80 E. H. Astin _ _ E.W. Crenshaw __ _ W. H. Cole·-·-···· F. L. Cavitt-····H Pop. 6307 88-2al J. H. Beard  FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•i'86 88-230  FIRST STATE BK  20,000 $ 150,000  e.  H.O. BOATWRIGHL L. L MclNNIS.... -. . - TRAVIS BRYAN ... J. ff, TODD-----· - -- 100,000 R. $. WEBB, JR. Save time and get service on Col lectlons and Cred It Reports oy sen ding FEE IN A.DVA.N CE; Plain •i,rht d raft.. 1 Sc; Credi t Report•. SOc. T RY US. This rule does n ot apply to Drafts with Bms of Ladl nK attached, or t o Notes.  l  EO. HALL--- W. S. HIGGS--·····-  88-232  t-:,  8,310 $ 75,520 $ 40,000 $ 28,000 Citiz. N ., Waco; Hou. N. Ex .. Hou. 140,000  850,000  750,000  235,000 N. City,  210,000 1,000,000  667,600  475,000 Mech. & Metals N. and Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; So.Tex. Com'lN .• Hou.; City N .• Dallas.  :r.  Y.; 1 t N., Bou. and St. L.  J. N. DUL4NEY--·-·· ··------··--  • Banks, Corporatlo~~.. ~~~~esale Houses, Manufacturers, Jobbers and 100,000 Individuals will find our service Prompt and Satisfactory. Save time and get service on Collections and Credit Reports by sending •:§'09 FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain 11i1rht draft•. 15c: Credit Reports, 25c. TRY US.  59,000  801,200 -  &.TRUST COMPANY +  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  Dl!lPOS-  PllOFITS ITS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ~ - - - _..... _._a._,nu_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 1 1 1  264,500 N. Park, N. Y.; Union N., Hou.; Secur. 1 I N., Dallas.  835,600 -  -  Br1s011 •• _ ••••• Jack: C 16 First State Bank.·-·--··t§'Oi H. C. Shanafelt __ E. Hurhe, _____• T. T. Stuart__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Po1>, 500 88--976 G. L. Jones  10,000  11,880  101.390  91.410  29,890 Seab. N,, N. Y.; Far. & M:ech. N .. Ft. Worth.  Bu.ckholts •• _• .Milam H 18 Buckholts State Bank •• •:1'07 T. F. Ha.rd:, •• _____ G. T. Graves ••.•-- T. JI'. Griswell ••• _ E. Kolba.•• _. _ _ Poo. 000 88--977  20 ,000  22.190  204,290  162,210  72,240 N. Park, N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Union N., Hou.  Boda---··--·Ha:rsJ 17 Farmers State Bank ••. •*5'10 W. M. Woods-···- W. D. Oarrinrton •• F. A. Jamison ••••• ----···--·--·· Pop. 600 88--978  10,000  30,000  100,000  100,000  40.000 Austin N ., Austin; State Bk. & Tr. Co., San Marcos.  Buenavista ••••. Pecos HO Farmers State Bank ••• •:l:§'14 J.M. Simmons._. J. F. Heai:Y-···-·· F. A.Stubblefield_ E Pop. 200 88-1680  10,000  4,500  29,000  40,000  17,000 Far. & Merch. N., Ft. Worth.  35,000  11,930  81,000  46,600  84,000 Bou. N. Ex., Hou.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas.  N.IHoom ____ J.G. Cochran •• _•• G.N. Campbell •.•. L.L. Jeter ..•__ 20,000 5,530 S. R. Burroughs W. C. Lasley-·-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E. KerbY·--··-···· - - - - - · · · · - - ---·-·-· _ __  103,290  98,190  26,890 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas.  30,000  21,000  12,000  90,000  105.000  20,000  7,420  154,960  111.960  50,000  15,000  B11ffalO--·-·-···LeonG 20 Buffalo State Bank ••'lO Pop. 510 88-896 " ·····-· " GuarantyStateBank ••• :t§'19 88-1831 BuffaloGap._TaylorElS Butralo Gap Banking Co.:tt'17 Pop. 300 88-979 Bullard •• ____ .Smith E 21 Oitizens State Bank ••••• :1'07 Pop. 850 88--1180 Buna_··-····· Jasper I 24 Buna State Ba.nk_.__ ._.t§'l5 H Pop. 500 88- 170ll Burkburnett -·--Wichita American State Bank.•t§'l9 Pop. 5300 A 16 88-1840 "  ···---·  "  O. H. Phillips_...:_ R. L. Phillips_. ___ V. E. Jowers •• --- ···········-·-···-··  B. F. Chambers •••• 8. J. lrlcJl'arland._ W. W. Hinds •••••• z. D. Norton·-·--· A. M. Owens J. I. Mixson.·-·-·- J.P. Masterson __• D. E. Gunter·--··· _ _ _ _ _ __ M. G. Barris B. L. Quiett •• ·-·- R. B. Farri<J ______ _ E. B. GrennelL •••. J, W. Eckles---·-J. E. Hayne M. H. Burklund  Farmers State Bank ..-•:tl'l2 A. A. Kuehn . ••--88-141)3 FirstNa.tionaJBank ..... •:•07 J.G. Hardin. ___ . 88-77R  u·u   IU!der Na,cne of .Bank is the New Transit N&Iaber ·ven »'1. NULDber each bank zn U. S. ercluslvely by The Band-McNaUy Ba~rs• Federal Reserve Bank 1373 of St. Louis 'rectory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  ....0  9,000 Far. & Merch. N. , Abilene  20.000 Chase.N., N. Y. ; Li berty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.; bj ecur. N .. Dallas. ~ 63,230 N. Bk. Com., Hou. n,  L. C. Woods·-·---- - - - · · · - - -  10,000  110.000 Mech.&Metats N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Tulsa, Okla.: ~ Ex. ., Wichita Falls; N. Bk. Com., Ft. Wort h. 68,890 1.128,590 1.003,300 229.160 Seaboard N .. N. Y.; 1st N .. Wichita Falls: Am. Ex. N .. DalJas; Stock Yds. · ., F t. \Yorth. 70,000 1,500,000 I.280 ,000 540,000 Irving N., . Y. ; Secur. N .. 'iVichita Fall<>, and Dallas; Liber ty Cen t. Tr . Co. , St. L.; N. Bk. Com. a ncl 1s t N .. F t. Worth. S0,000 1,250 31,000 --·-·- 1st State, Dallas; Newton Co. State. Newton.  L. D. Harbin ..••_•• E. J. Thompson •••  10,000  14,200  78,000  80,900  G. E. Bran om --·- A. W. Ha kew ___ __  17.500  7,000  120,000  65.000  T. G. 1ones.·-·-··· J.P. O'NeilL--···  30,000  10,000  140,000  130,000  G. T. Lamon •• _._. W. L. Chamberlain.  30,000  33,500  223,600  238,500  Chas. SchnabeL...  20 ,000  13,880  116,520  104,950  G. W. Weeren.•--· II. 'ienstedL_. __ _  20,000  23,700  180,930  138,420  Leo J. Ourtis·-··- Olan Ridings·-·-··  25,000  19,000  220,000  180,000  W.R. HilL.-••..•. W. D. Utts _··-·--· A.H. Lohoefener __ T. P. Roberts J.P. Roodhouse . __ A. R. Pribble------ R.S. Langford ___ _ J. A. taley , l-·. P. L.B. Hudson  Burkeville--Newton H 24 Newton County Bank ••. it'l7 Geo. W. Riddle-. E. 0. TerrY ·-·-·-·· H Pop. 410 88-1796 Burleson ••. Johnson E 18 OontinentalStateBank-•:§'09 J. G. Wilkinson .... G. W. Bransom .... .. Pop. 700 ,, 88-981 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. R. N. Warren .••.. C. C. Taylor --·---· 88-1637 Burlinrton ••• Milam B 18 Burlington State BanlL•:5'117 T. II'. Hard:,·--·· T. J. O'Neill_ •• _ Pop. 600 88-982 ..Burnet_ __ •• Burnet B 16 \Burnet National Bank ·-•:t.·os A. HowelL-••••••• L. O. Chamberlain. Pop. 066 88-737 J. S. Guthrie " ·····-·· " First State Bank·--·_ -•:tl'08 H.B. Duncan._._ B. F. Yoe ••• ·-·---88-738 Burton_.WashingtonJ 19 Burton State Bank •••••• tl'06 Thoma Watson ••_ E. chatz. ·----·--· \\ Pop. 500 88-983 Byers.·-·-·-··--Olay l 20 Fi:tst Nat\onal Bank-···-·t·01 G. W. B:rers ... _ R. L. Ligon ___ ··--Pon. li~O SS-\lS<\ I  20,000  1  W.  o. Galloway __ .  TEX  r1  50,000 100,000  800,000  600,000  11,000 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.: Oont. Bk:. Al Tr. Co., Ft. Worth: Am. Ex. N .. Dallas. 35,000 N. Park. N. Y. ; Tex. tate, Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas. <-< 50,000 N. Park, N.Y.: Union N .. Hau. § 82,500 Mech. & MetalsN .. N. Y.:Secur.N .. Dallas; So, Tex.Com 'lyN •.Hilouston; Comw, N .. Kan. C. 42, 620 Chase N .,N. .: ou. N, Ex. Hou. ; Am. Ex. N ., Dallas; Austin 6 . and Am. N .• Austin. 68,640 Han. N .. N. Y.: llou. N. Ex., Bau.· City N., Galv. ; s·e cur. N., Dallas. 46.000 Han. N., N. Y.; ~r . Bk. Com., Kan. C.  ,  I  ;  ;  t  -  I  •• t  '  '  f  • :  •  :,  It  t_:  1  1  I  I  C  ~  '< _ 10 h:>  ,~ 13/ ~  ,r Ba.Dk  ~:C':':::nklLIJn eu. t: !~c1uslvel;r b/ The e3ani~JlcNall:iBar,,rev,:~ d  to  N.  0  ·  h  N  Tr.  It N  be  ·  TOWN A.ND C OUNT Y .  I  NA.ME OF BA.VK,  .. coun ty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State In So. 11 Fed. He.;. Dist . .tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. E El Paso Br. H Houston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Byn um _________ Hill E 18 First National Bank _____ f'O-! Pop. 500 88-985 Caddo _____ stepbens D 15 First National Bank ____ •t'20 Pop. 2500 88-1941 " ____ ____ " First State Bank _______ •t§'l8 .. .. 88-1 20 -------Guaranty State Bank ____ §'l9 88-1898 Caddo Mills ___ Hunt D 20 Caddo Mills State Bank_:t§'05 Pop. 750 88-986 Cain City -- Gillespie J 15 Cain City State Bank ___ ;t§'l7 Pop, 100 88-1779 Caldwell ___ Burlesonl 19 Caldwell rational Bank __ ;t'03 H Pop. 1689 88-565 " -------" First State Bank _______ _:l:§'07 88-566  .&.&  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  CASHIER,  Ass 'T  CASHIER.  Nearest Banking Point (In-  Laws  dexed Acces.) , Law.J,·ers, (indexed) in back of thls/ iu v olume For Interest Rates, Holldays , etc., see Laws. :::,  .&.&  I  PRESIDENT.  Non-Bank Towns wltb  TEXAS-Co,~t1·~ued  Directory, under the authorlt;r of The American Bankers Ass'n  PAID-UP SuARNDPLus CAPITAL PR .... FITS v  DEPosITS  I;  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  Lo,.,... & n,•. , & Ex-  "1  ':<  c't!T!-0.,!:::_'<Dn"' "!;'-' 0",.GBn:~ •  ~·· ·- -~  -  J.M. White ________ G. L. White ________ L. C. McCommas ___ R. D. White _______ $ 25,000 $ 18,000 $ 120,000 $ 115,000 1$ 48,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: City N., Dallas; So. Tex.I~ Com'l N., Hou. ~ 25,000 2,500 170,000 150,000 50,000 N. Bk. Com., Ft. Worth.  Peter Swenson ____ L. J. Brian ________ Ray WiIIingham ___ w. F. Smith_______ • H.P. immons ____ J. Y. Simmons ____ T. E. Nelson______ ________ __ _________  25,000  J. T. Coleman---- T. A. Downing ____ David Cole ________ T. M. Mooney_____  50,000  7,000  275,000  215,000 1  52,000 Ft. Worth N .. Ft. Worth; Cent. State, Dallas; j 1 t tat c, trawn.  --- ---'  H.F. Royce ________ G. L. Rutherford __ James R. Bass _____ Roy Johnson _____ _  30,000  27,770  139,160  112,870 1  J.C. Stinson------ William Hoclzer ___ Augu t Jung ______________________ _  10,000  700  37,000  29,740  W. H. Jenkins ____ C. C. ~elms ______ c. E. Cromartie ____ E. s. Dushek _____ _ B. F. Delamater J. J Krenek H. H. Womble _____ W. M. Stone _______ H. D. Cherry ______ Ad Donath _______ _  100,000  70,0QO  305,000  326,990  100,000  51,040  278,140  281.440  CalverL_RobertsonH 19 CALVERT STATE BANK•:l:§"06 W. C. Anderson --- J. H. Drennan _____ Scott Field, Jr, ____________ Pop. 2099 • 88-355 S. M. Gibson Union State Bank_: _____ :t§"72 J. A. Foster------- T.Field __________________ ______________ F. G. Proctor_ ____ _ 88-354  50,000  28,000  300,(l()O  260.000  118,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N .. Hou.;Am. Ex. N ..Dallas.  65,000  31.420  215,430  285, 70  37,380 Han.N., N. Y.; City N .. Dallas: 1st N. and Hou. N. Ex .. Hou.  Cameron ____ J.1ilam H 18 CAMERON STATE BANK•!§'06 T. F. Hardy-------- T. H. Graves _______ G. T. Graves _______ E. P. Lester _______ Pop. 429 88-282 B. J. Matocha  60.000  47,150  718,950  643.560  179.540 N. Park, N. Y.; Union N., Hou.; Am, Ex. N., Dallas.  Citizens National Bank •:l:1900 Oxsheer Smith ____ T. s. Henderson ___ L. T. Lewfs ________ Geo. F. Childress 88-281 Newton McDonald FIRST NATIONAL BANK •:t"89 A. N. Green_------ J.C. Reese ________ H. M, Hefley ______ J. L. Clinton _____ _ 88-280 S. W. Cheeves B. F. Bonds Campbell ______ Hunt O 20 Farmers State B:rnk _____ ,"20 F. R. Ridley _______ J. W. Handle ______ G. heppeara ________________________ _ Pop. 1000 88 1990 " -------" First State Bank _______ ;t§'ll J, W. McLendon ___ A. M. Butler _______ M. Smith __________ H J. Weatherly __ _ 88-1381 Canadian __ Hemphill O 6 Canadian State Bank __ •!§'06 W. C. Isaacs ______ S. Isaacs ___________ G. L. Addison ______ II. H. :llerriamn ___ Pop. 2187 88-512 " -------" •First National Bank ____ •:t'93 D. J. Young _______ C. w. Allen ________ C. W. Allen ________ F. V. Studer ______ _ 88-511 outhwest1Tationa!Bank _' 20 J. F. Johnsnn _ ___ A. Y . .McQuiddy ___ H. S. Wilbur ___________ __ ___________ _ 88-1957 W. I. Whitsel •Canton_ Van_Zandt E 21 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•:t'07 M. L. Cox _________ Irby Christopher__ Irby Christopher __ Lamar Sides ______ _ Pop, a83 88-705  100,000  153.430 1,082,280 1,056,930  2,U,320 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; City N., Dallas ; o. Tex. Com'l .i.:T ., Hou.  Texas State Bank _______ ;t§•og E. A. Heard _______ W. B. Rodeers _____ H. M. McEachern _ --------------• 88-706 J. T. Beard Canyon _____ Randall Q 4 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pop. 1618 88-58! •:l:1900 "  --------  "  Fir ·t t~e  rs~~  c. D. Lester ______________ __ _ _  E. H. PowelL _____ --------------------  ------•:t§'IO J.M. Black ________ R.H. Wright_ _____ Grady Oldham ____ ---------------- ___ _  ~~iss _______  Carbon_Po-p.,~\tland E 15 Bank of Car ft"04 8 " -------" First State Bank ________ f§'lO . 88-889 Carlton_P___ Ham1Jton F 16 Farmers&M erch. State Bank op. 700 88-988 •!§'07 OarHin~oi-!grtte J 19 Carmine s~w-r8ink ______ §'07  75,000  80,720  593,840  781,610  10,000  --------23,500  52,000  46,710 Han. N.,N. Y.: Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N .. Wichita, Kan. ; Am. N .. Austin. 35,000 400,000 370,000 135,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.: Am. Ex. N. , Dallas: Am. N .. Austin. 25,000 -- ------- _________________ Irving N,, .i.:T , Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan.C.; 4th N., Wichita.  --- ------ -- ---- -- -------- 98,960  92,870  350,690  393,970  40,000  60.000  300.000  400,000  95,980 City N. nd Cent. State, Dallas.  50,000  40,000  83.130  202,770  10,900 Dallas N. and Oen t. State, Dallas.  50,000  56,980  740,060  679.780  100,000 100,000  40,000  12,-160  265.050  25-1.040  28,630  513,500  466,440  W.W. Gilbert _____ J.E. Spencer ______ J.E. Gilbert_ ______ Miss R. White ____ _ ,T.B.HeP~e,-1.Cash, L. Y. Morris J. A. Jordan _______ w. P. Barnes ______ J. L. White-------- J.P. Childress ___ _  25,000  10,200  148,860  155,780  30,000  36,000  265,000  190,000  'J!'. Doerr---- A. F. Menke------  16,000  25,000  143,000  132,000  E. L. Addison----- Lynne Barnard_ - -  25,000  1,990  42,030  57,800  .. " Guaranty State Bank -- •.W13 D. C• Keh 1 A• O• Ba rnes ------ --------------------88-1620 , ey ------ A . w·11 i c en,'ha----Carrollton ____.:-DallasD18 First State Bank ________ ;t§"09 J.C. Davis. Sr, ____ C. E. Hudson ______ E.W. Broadhurst_ G. L. Gravley ____ _ 1 1 Pop. v73 88-991 W. D. Fyke  25,000  16,590  382.290  130.960  30,000  16,500  125,000  145,00U  . ·:.; . .'CHICAGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  w. Askew ______ w. L. Barnard _____  KE~~,~~T~~~~~u~~~~~s-  12,380 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas.  49,330  15,000  Chas. Bauer ------- W. B. Stuermer --- H. L.  171,300 N. City, N. Y.: So, Tex. Com'l N .. Hou.  15,000  J.E. Spencer __________________________ W.W. Siddons ____ E. R. Trimble _____ _  Carriz~~g~io~J-DiI~t1: Commercia~i-1tob~Bank _§'19 J.  61,520 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Greenville N. Ex .. Greenville. 17,600, N., N. Y.; Groos N., Guaranty State, and Alamo N., San Antonio. 116,310 Han. N .. N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex. and So. Tex. Com'l •• Bou.; Am. Ex., N., Dallas. 137,970 Chase N .. N. Y.: Union N .. Hou.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Galv.  290,130 Han .. N. N. Y.: N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.: Stoc•·i Yds. N .. Ft. Worth; N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds. Ill, 68,990 Seab. N .. N. Y.: StockYds. N., Kan, C.: 1st N., 1 Amarillo. 113,690 N. Park, N.Y.;lst N .. Waco;Secur. N.,Dallas. 38,210 Coal & Iron N, , N. Y.; Far. & Mech . .i.:T., Ft.I Worth; Cent. N., Waco; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.I 100,000 Coal & lron N ,, N. Y .; 1st N .. l!'t. Worth. 43,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Union N. and Bou. N. Ex .• Hou.; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Galv. 8,170 Chase N.,N. Y.; Cent.Tr. Co.,San Antonio. 292,200 Chase N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Chi,; Guaranty State, ,_. San Antonio; T. Bk. Com., St. L. w 30,500 N. Bk. Com .. Oent. State.and Secur. N., Dallas. -..J  CONTINENTAL AND" COMMERCIAL. BAN Ks :·  w  '  1374  !fambel' under Name of Bank ia the !few Trandt Number ~Ten io nob bank in U. 8. esclushelJ by Tbe Rand-McNallJ Bankers• Dlreetol'J, under the autborltJ of The American Bankers Ass•n.  I  Nll1E OP' BANK.  Tolf'N AND COUNTY.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState •Oounu- Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. :MPm. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. fEstab. E El Pa o Br. HHou ton. ♦ Mem. Fed. Res.  PKESIDENT.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back or thi volume. For Interest Rates, Dolhl~~-• SPP f,aws. ~  TEXAS-Continued  VIci:.-Piui:sIDENT.  0 ilHID,  Ass'T O.A.SIIJCR.  R~OURCES.  LIABILlTJES.  SURPLU& I  AND PAID-UP O APIT.u PR0P1Ts  •  DP  DEPO&- ~-:;:_•no,_:  I  ~  P&INCIJ>.6.L OOJUUSPONDKNTS.  • B O ~":au,.;;.  -...... no• a ..... IT8 ~;::__-------------1 · - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - · I - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  •CartMi:e ___ Panola E 23 First National Bank----•t'M 88-414 Pop. 1366 Guaruty State Bank.--•U'lO " 88-415 Ca on ________ lforrisC22 State Bank of Oason ____ :1•06 88-992 Pop. 500 Cat pring ____ Austin J 20 Cat Sprine: State Bank __ if'l2 88-1480 H Pop. 500 Cedar Hill ____ Dallas D 18 First Guaranty State Bank •U-02 88-993 Pop. 600 Celeste ________ Hunt020 Celeste State Bank _____ if'05 88-772 Pop. 1022  Temple D. Smith_ J. G. ,voolworth __ J. W. Cooke ___ .A.. L. Boss _ _ _ $ 50,000 $ 27,960 $ 363.330 ------------ _______ _ A. A. Jordan ____ .- R. P. Ash _________ Mrs Berna Reeve Mrs. T.E.Anderson L.Y.Turner _____ J. W. Patter on ___ J. W. Wardlow,Jr. J. W.Ma.nni, ___ _ J. C. Por te r Oharles Dittert __ M. a. Dittmar _____ C. Theuman ______ o. c. Theuman ___ _ John Strauss Geo~e W. Riddle ______ ---· ____________ R. G. Brandenbure H. G. ca.vert------  10,000  10,690 1  33,170  20,000  14,000  210,000  204,140 $ 139,5110 Chase N., N. Y.; So. Tex. Oom'l N., Hou.; City N ., Dallas: ' . Bk. Com., Kan, C. 67,830 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: LivP Stork Ex. N .. Chi .• 30 ,om Tex. StatP, Ft. Worth; Hou. N. E.· .. Hou. 16,550 Dalla Tr. & Sav. Bk., Dallas; Greenville :tr. 36,i70 I ll:x .. GrePnville 43.500 Chase N .. .lr• Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 209,000  318. 170  I  74,860 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Secur. N, and City N., Dallas. H,,630 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas.  20,000  10,060  170,260,  132,630  30,000  66,000  505,560  443 960  FIRST NATIONAL BAIK UOOO G. B. Norris ______ S. R. Granberry ___ E.T. Fry __________ Frank Barnard ___ _  50,000  50,000  350,000  230,000  100,000 N. Park: and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; City N..i ._, til Dallas; Greenville N. Ex., Greenville.  L.B. Newsom ____ _______________ _  35,000  15,070  102,110  125,960  103,030 Liberty, N. Y.; Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman.I><:  N. C. Sanford ________________________ _  50,000  51,830  354,830  370,030  s. Sanders _ _  35,000  25,620  342,310  289,300  s. Kennedy _____  O. L. Witherspoon.  50,000  20,000  350,000  300,000  _T· W. Smith ______  P. D. Jones ____ _  25,000  39,590  488.750  206,310  20,000  4,410  145,100  112,210  L. T. Gresham ____ D. A. ullh·an ____ E.T. Holleman---· Harold Sullivan ___ _ O.Wi!e:,, Jr. J. R. Hicks ________ G. M. \Votrord, Jr._ Edw. Ansley ____ w. w. Green ______ 1  10,000  14,470  112.500  68.480  25,000  18,110  132,430  142,6-10  E. E. Masterman __ Belle Burns _____ D. w. Woolley _____ J. c. Thomp on____ D. w. Woolley J. S. Smith ______ J. E. Rout\. _______ w. B. Raysor______ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ F. H. Shaver R. O. Roos ________ E. J. Pruitt_ _______ W. S. Sasser _______ - - - - - - - ! • o. L. Behrns _____ M. M. Moss _______ A. B. Taff_________ __________________  25,000  ,200  135,000  120,270  96,£ 'O N. Park, N. Y.: City N .. Dallas: Ft. Worth,.' .. Ft. Worth; Com'I N .. Sherman. 89,820 Tex. State, Ft. Worth; Lumbermans N .. Hou.: . 1st N ., t. L. and Shre_veport. La. 100,000 N. Bk .• Com., N. Y.: City YN., Dallas: Umon ., Hou.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C. 250,830 N, Bk. Com .. St. L.: Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galv.; 1 Secur. N .• Dallas. 53,110 Cent. 'l'r. Co. and Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co., Sao Antonio; City N .. Dallas. 65.420 Mech. & MetalsN., N. Y.; Hou. N. ~x .• Hou.; ecur. .. Dallas: Austm N .. Austrn. 20,200 Han. r., . Y.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Hou.~·. . E_x •• Hou.; Citiz. ., Tyler. , 24,700 Irvmg ., . Y.; Am. N., Austm; 1st N., Amarillo and Wirhita. , 43,ti30 Han.N.,N.Y.;So.Tex. Com.N.,Hou.  D. A. Taylor _____ B. F. Smith ______ H. N. Runnels _____ E. S. carrolL ______ O, H.Polley ______  Morris B. Harrell M. Button _________ W. J. A. Hurst J.E. Lip comb __ w. M. Doyle F. O. Powell _______ J. T. Norris T. E. Jones ________ W. D. Ellineton R. C. .Adams _______  o. M. Buchanan  H. E. Norris ______ R. J.  Center Poilat--Kerr J 15 Guadalupe Valley Bank•tl'09 Mal nor Shumard __ C. 0. Jone ·------- , W. D. Burney _______________________ _ •Centerville ____ Leon G20 Pop. 750 Chandler.Henderson E 21 Poo. 700 •Channing ___ _Hartley O 3 t-'op. 400 Chapel HilL Washineton J 20 H Pop. 600 Charlotte ___ AtascosaL16 Pop. 500 Cherokee_ "an Saba H 15 Pop. 500 Ches er ______ Tyler M 4 H Pop. 600 Chico __________ Wise O 17 .. Pot>, 1200 .. _____  26.620  H. E. Jones _____ E. H. Jones _ _ T. I. Roach ________________________ _ T. 1. Roach  88-771 Celina ________ Collin C 19 Oelina State Bank-----•U'09 ♦ 88-810 Pop. 1126 First Stat.a Bank-------•*1'09 " " ♦ 88-809 •Center _____ Ahelby F 24 Farmers State Bank --•U'l5 88-507 Pop. 1838 First National Bank --•t'Ol " " 88-506 State Guara:~:nk ___ if'lO ____ ~~~  ~~4  Centerville State Bank._:t:1'10 118-995 Citizens Guaranty State Bank ts'l3 88-1510 First National Bank: ••• -•i"IO 88-997 Farmers State Bank __ U'07 88-ll98 Charlotte State Bank--:1'13 88-1513 First State Bank-------•! '15 88-1698 Chester Sta·e Bank ______ §'20 88-1972 Chico State Bank:.~----- *1'09 , 88--64~ . First Bank of Oh1co_ it 94  I  Alex Thompson_ L. M. Feaein ______ G. c. Enloe _____ •  i  I  I  67.870  12,500  15,830  00,220  15,000  9.000  67,99 ,  54.860  15,000  4,200  86,000  80,000  I  23,760 N. Bk. Com .. San Antonio. 20,000 Comw. N., Kan. C.; Austin N., Austin. 10,000 Am. N., Beaumont; Citiz. State, Woodville.  ~  to  :t>  ~  ~  X  f/l  I  (") !l>  -.  g-.  P>  (IQ  (I) rl'  0 (")  §g  10,000 ------80,000 100,000 Han. N .• N. Y.; Ft. Worth N .. Ft. Worth; •. li.150 160,000 25.000 T. S. Mccurdy _____ B. o. Wilkerson __ V. E. Baldridee ____ J.P. Lynch _______ rl' Bk. Com., St. L. ~ • . . . . . . . R. L. KorrJS ______ A. L. Morris _______ C. A.. Watson ____________ (Indwid ualResp onsibtlitl 11. $2a0,0 !00) ______ N. Park:, N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., J't. Worth. ::;-ro ~~ 30,000 530.000 450,000 175,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Ft. Worth • P. Britt _ _ _ W. P. Jones _______ C. O. Badeett ______ T. L. Hardin____ 100,0001 •Childre ~- Childress R 7 City Guaranty tatc .Bank N. and 1st N., Ft. Worth. F.R. Friend •:§'01 88-252 Pop. 5003  .  FARMERS & MECHANICS  STATE BAIIK-------•U'09 ♦  88-25,  FIRST STATE BANK---•t1'07 88-253  _ _ _ _ _ _  _  1  l  477,180  755,700 Seab. N'., N:• Y.; Live Stock Ex. N., .Ohi.: 1st N., W1ch1ta F .: New England N., Kan. O.  20.000 300,000 332,000 25,000 C. W. MITCHELL-- G. F. SPRINGER---- ROY COFFEY------------------, 1 FIFTEEN CEN T sent to us wit h each sight drar t for presentatto n, and TWENTY-FIV E CENT for eac b credit report lo ures prompt, pe rsonal a ' ttentto n.  67,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth.  J. H. CRISTLER-- C. E. CREWS ______ R. A. BOWERS----- J. H.WARD _______ B. G. SMITH J.M. CREWS Send us all 70 111' collectlon1 on ChUdreH. We need the moneJ to paJ for this A.dT. Kate1 paranteM.  i  i  Ohillicothe ____ Ha.rdem'n Bank of Ohillicothe_ •• •:t•o2 F. L. Moffett ____ L. G. Hawkins __ M. R. Allensworth. R. E. Martin ______ I(Incllvid J. L. Randel O. H. Dodson 88-MO A14 Pop. 1351  I  _____ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I\Guaranty State Bank __•:t§-18  53,140 1,144,820  50,000  \ 1  p.)  ::,  luaz Resp onsibilit 11, $1,000, 000) ___ 1,000  25.000  W.R. Fer~uson ___ H. J. Tabor _______ L. J. Nuckles _____ T. D. Dougherty___  8lH826  \  30i ,000  I  230.800  C N. Park, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N .. Ft. Worth; Wag !l> eoner N., Vern •  -<  .  80,000 (1:Ian. N., N. Y.; Wirh1ta State Bk. & Tr. Co., • Wichita Ji'.; Tex. State, Ft. Worth.  l!~~'fil!l!~■~Y?iit•l~Yl•:Jl~1M;tii¥Sli$••WJL!llf1-TEXAS-Continued  .....  -  \0  !::  -  BA...¥K. Tow.~ AND Seats. COU.VTY. ~•Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County In Xo. 11 Fed. Re~. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. t Priv. E El Pa,;o Br. H. Houston. ♦ llem. Fed. Res. [E::-tab.  --  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  CASHIER.  "  .Ass'T CA.SHIER.  r·  -------------  J. 0. SUE ----------- R. G. POWELL------ A. A. MEICHEAL ---L. RAY--------- J.W.RAY  Save time and get service on Col FEE IN A.DYAN CE: Plain ai11ht d 0 isco Bankine Co. ______ ;it·05 R. Q, Lee __________ P. C. O'LOul?hlin __ 88-379 B. w. Patterson R. L. Poe __________ C. H. Fee ____ ----FIRSJ BA KGUARANTY __ 88-1743 ____STATE •:Wl7 A. J. Olson G uaranty St.ate Bank & Trust D. K. Scott ________ Grade Callaway ____ Company 88-377 -------•U'l7 G. A. Blankenbeckler •Clairemont ___ Kenic12 olairemont Bank -------*t"05 J.B. Jay ______ Pop. 3000 88-1001 88-1844  •:l:'19  RESOURCES.  su:;:;us  ......... ,-··•· 1 c'T■. Doso111. CDA..NOS&,DtTZ  ------------- ------ ------  Chrlesman_Burleson I 19 F irst State Bank ________ t§'l4 C. c. Matejowsky __ Jas. Philp, Sr. __ W. D. Boyd ________ M. M. Eanes ______ H Pop. 400 88-1662 Cibolo ____ Guadalupe K 17 0 ibolo Bank ___________ tt 'l3 F. J. Werner ______ E. Wiederstein ____ A. G. Janszen _____ Victor Janszen ____ Pop. 300 88-IIH2  AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK  ---- ------ ---- --  DEPOSITS  S..coa.mJL11  120,000  89,000  15,000  2,500  12,7501  34,220  10,000  2,720  35,450  20.280  12,500  10,000  100,000  78,00C  140,000 So. Tex. Com'IN., Hou.:AlamoN.,SanAntonio; 1st N ., Seguin.  100,000  12,500  500,000  28C,OOO  140,000 Mech. & Metals N,, N. Y.; T. Bk. Com., Ft. Worth; Secur. N ., Dallas.  ►  50,000 50,000  32,490  721.820  588.290  10,540  535,860  423,690  207,320 N. City, N. Y.: City N .. DaJlas; 1st N .. Fort'~ Worth.; Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L. , c.,. ~ 167,100 Han. N., N.Y.: 1st N .. Ft. Worth; Dallas Tr• .,· Ul Sav., Dallas.  I  -------- ----  10,000  5,100  39,000  33,000  T. S. Buebee _______ Wesley Knorpp __ F. E. Chamberlain_ F. H. Bourland ____ •Clarendon ___ Donley Q 6 Donley County State Bank Pop. 2456 88-434 J. L. McMurtry •U-06  ,5,000  45,340 1,362,730  858,760  -- J. W. Morrison ____ J. D, Swift__ ______ - - - - - - -  50,000  19,110  349,420  •Clarksrllle ___ Red River CITY Pop. 3386 B 22  IIATIONAL  BAIIK--•i·o6 SHOC  'ir-  h. of Bd.  W.W. TAYLOR----  --------------------  F. MARABLE--  H. S. WHITEMAII-- F. A. ANTONE------ R. L. r,cH,ILLAN___ JNO•• J HNSON  ------ ---- ---------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ----•:•04  FIRST STA\U ~NK---U'OO James~ue ____ 2  c. o.  KurhL _ _ T. J. Page. _ _ E. C. Cayton _____  1  ::r  ;::;  g  18,500 Coa\ & Iro~ N., N. Y.: Liberty N., Waco: Hico N., Hico; 1st N., Ft, Worth.  r+  615,670 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N., Ft. Worth 0 and Wichita Falls: Com. Tr. Co .. Kan. C. (") I  50,000  235,370  ii,'  49,710j N. City, N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth.  ~  0.  34,390  325,000  275,000  140,000 Han.N.,N. Y.: Ft, Worth N .. Ft.Worth; 1st N., ~ Kan.a. :  I  ! 200,000  139,970  400,00()  Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Ttme I terns. Please send He with each Sight D raft for presentat Jon and zac for Cr edit Re ports.  B'irsi National Bank ---•*'87 E. M. Bowers ___ O. D. Lennox ____ K. W. Bowers _____ 88-40S Red River National Bk,-•:i•74 B . .A. Dinwiddie __ A. P. Denison _____ A. M. Graves _ _ M. L. Sims ________ 88-402 K. L. Oan terbury C. E. Williams T. 8. oavins ______ B. Cavins ________ B. C, Wooldridee __ Claude ___ AJ'mstronr P 5 F irst National Bank Pop. 770 88-827  2,500 1st N., Ft. Worth; 1st State, Abilene.  r+  T Yand O , s~ C rvlce. Security Special attentlo n to hill of Jadin g and commercial collections. We get the mon ey or give reasons.  r·  I  (")  Clairette ______ Erath F 16 F armers State Bank ____ i5•10 T. :M. Lee _________ W. P. Barnes ______ Guy 0. Eakins _____ Pop. 350 88-1002  H. Pf Tf  ~  ~  (/)  68,000  lff.·.w.  24,000 Union N .. Hou.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas.  320,350 N.Park,N. Y.:Ft. WorthN.,Ft, Worth,; Am. Ex .•. , Dallas. t1j  51,500  •UIIOO  2,080 1st N. and Am. N., Terrell.  63,090 1,209,280 1,039,750  2,600  F armers State Bank ----*1'12 Homer Glascoe 88-1450  25,000 Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., G:ilv.  8,500  8,000  88-433  ..,Ill '<  &~  15,000  lectlons and Cred It Reports by sen ding raft•. I Sc; Credit Report•. 25c. T RY US. G. D. Ward ____ J. W. :Mancill ______ 100,000 A. Spears __________ M. S. Stamps ______ R. A. Gibson A. J. Wisdom ______ B. F. Gaither ______  ::1 C::  20.000 $ 10,000 $ 140,000 $ 45,000 $ .60,800 N, "Bk. Com., N.Y.: 1st N. and Cent. N,,Waco: Secur. N., Dallas.  ---------- ----  FIRST NATIONAL BAIIK  'F&OK  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE..'1TS,  --------- --------- --------- Provident N., Waco.  D. C. Scoein _____  •  For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see La~s.  LIABILITIES.  p AID-UP CAPITAL PROFITS  F irst State Bank _______ t§'lO George W. Riddle _ Gordon Gaither ____ C. E. Gaither ______ E. C. Miller_ _______ $ 88-1000  Chireno_NacoedochesG23 Chireno State Bank ____ tf'll H.P. Fall _________ E. H. Blount _______ M. C. Fall ____ H Pop. 500 88-1412 Chi holm_Rockwall D 19 Farmers State Bank ____ t§'l3 A.H. Edwards _____ W. P. Allen ________ R. E. Gaines ______ Pop. 350 88-1608  01 co ------Eastland E 15 Pop. 7422  vo_Jume.  -·--  -  ------ ------  Chilton ________ Falls G 18 Chilton Citizens Bank_•tf'l7 F.T. deGraff'enried _______________ E. F. Baxter _______ Pop. 600 88-1793  -----  -  I  S.4.'tIE OF  ..  de~:inA=i ~~%r::'t1a1:.';~f~je~:l;'1:~~f•~, f!f;  TEXAS-Continued  -  - -  50,000 400,000  114,000  840,000  78,000 N. Park, N. Y.: N. City, Chi,: 1st N., St, L.; City N .• Dallas.  I  455,000  586.000  125,000 1,500,000 1,700,000  98,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.: Merch,& Plan. N,. Sherman. 440,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi,; .Merch,-Lac. N .. St. L.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas.  25,000  31,000  140,000  200,000  59,660 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Amarillo; Ft. Worth N .. Ft. Worth; New Eng. N., Kan. C.  80,000  20,000  400,oooj  340.000  60,000 Inter-Statfl N .. Kan. C.; 1st N., Ft. Worth and ~ Amarillo, 01  Numbel' under  N•rn ... - r .....  Number under Name of Bank is the New Tran it Number given to each bank in U. . exclusively by The Rand-McNaJiy Bankers• --~irectory, under the ~uthorlty of The =4-merican Bankers A s'n.  1376  TowN .\. ·o Cou. "TY.  I  TEXAS-Continued ==---==-====c:.  Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyer, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For Interest Rates Holidays etc see Lawi c...  ~-. -  ~, DIE OF B.\. 'K, LIABILITIES. 11 RE:,ouRc~;;. •County Seats. •.Iern.Am.Bks.Assn. §State PRESIDENT, VICE-PREl:HDE.·T. CASHIER, As 'T CASHIER PAID-UP SURPLUS ! DEPOS- 1.0.-a&D1•- C.uu&EzIn No. 11 Fed. Res. Di t. lMem. tateBks.A sn. t Pri\'. • CAPITAL PRAONDFITS ITS ~ : - ;~~':ti~~": 0 Ei EIPa oBr.H.Houston ~11ern. Fed. Hes. l_!l;_sta~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __________ I _ _ _ _ __  FARMERS & MEACH NAT'L BK  •Cleburne_Johnson EIS Pop. 12,820  1  88-83  l  •t'90  r:i:  ~  $  61,650 $ 990 ,100 $ 844,010 $ 274.600 Seab. N:• N. Y.: Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; City N., Dallas; 1st N., St. L.  I  1 40,000 1.100,000i  H. C. GRESHAM - JOS. B. LONG ------ IJ. B. LONG--- T. E. CAMERON---W. S. WHALEY M. P. ALLARD  88- 85  { Send us your Items and collec tlons for Clebur ne and vicinity. 1 Quick returns.  Moderate char ge.  TRY US.  Collections a sp leclalty. Oldest and larg est bank In city and county.  OF CLE BU RN E  750,000  350,000IN, City, N. Y.; Drov. N., Kan. C.: Am. Ex. N .. Dallas: Ft. Worth N .. Ft. Worth.  I  ,  ..;  NATIONAL BANK Iis. B. NoewooD- J. T. FALKENBURY J. c. BLAKENEY-- ,}.Jllll,\of--  ti:1  150,000  80,000 3,300,000 2.750.000 j 825 ,000 N. Bk. Com•• N. Y. and St. L.; Se1:ur. N., ~to Dallas. :;: 1  I  · 11  s. P. Ramsey ______ o. L.  Bishop _______ F. B. Barlow ______ J. L. Lain ________ _ II. R. Friou  75,000  50,000 1,080,000  ClevHelanpd--- L ib erty I 22 Cleveland 8_!.ate Bank ___ t§'07 W. L. Hill _________ W. P. Traylor __ : __ E. L. Bramlette ___ W. P. Scurlock ___ _ op. 2000 o.8-1003 J. D. )1cMahon C. I. Yick  50,000  23,000  " -------" First National Bank ______ :t'l3 F. B. Henderson ___ 1 M. V. Wynne ______ C. v. ,rangurn _____ r, E. Shands. Jr, __ 88-1492 oble Gan·ey CWton_P_____ B o~aue F 17 Oliflon, ' ational Hank ' 21 C. )I. :\loore ______ \\'. :\1anskc ______ . R. ,._. lcment ____ Je . r O. Jen on __ _ op. 13- 7 8 -671 T. W. An<ler. on  !.  Farmers  •  1 ~~l~~cg~::s~o~ W~stal Savi ngs. Remittances m ade on day or pay ment, at lowest rates.  HOME NATIONAL BANK•i'l3  88-82 •i'89 Traders sta te ~ank ___ u•o5 88- 8,.  PRINCIPA~ CoRRESP:No:·Ts. -  c;:~  F. P. WEST ----- BROWNDOUGLAS -- H. S. WILSON, JR.- T. R. WEST--------$ 100,000 1E. E. CROW F. M. DOUGLAS  , 1  I  Gst~¥JY Stat;tf.~ T. o. Parks ________ J . .M. Jenson ______ lJ. M. Jenson------ A. c. Brandes .  --  300,000 1  25,000  25,000  275,000  30,000  6:.::  S00,'40  I  750,000 1 425,000 N. City, N.Y., Secor. N., Dallas.  ~  320,000  53,000 N. Bk. C9m., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex. and 1st_',, Hou.; City N., GaJv.  @ I  270,0GO  50,000 Hou. N. Ex., Bou.  ()  258,200 124,730 :i.b::k, -~~·:~:·!st N., St. L.; A.m. Ex. N,. Dallas.  I B  •~  r-t-  First Guaranty State Bank R. R. Waldrop ____ 01(' lloff ___________ 0. A. Bronstad ____ J, Wise ___________ _ • 88-669 et§"95 H. A. Nelson  40,000 1  30,000  255,000  218,000 34.100 1  60,000 JCent. State, DaJlas: 1st N., Waco and Ft O Worth. () 0  ClinEt ---- ---- -.E,I Paso G 2 First State Bank: -~----•U'l3 O. E. KellOl!I!------ L. R. Thompson __ Edgar D. Brown ______________________ _ Pop. 60 0 83-1547 · Jydc _______ QallahanE14 Clyde NationaJ Blulk----•i'07 D. B. London ______ :\f. L. Hays ________ C, A. Bowman _____ E.G. Hampton ___ _ Pop. 1200 88-885 T. E. Powell  10,000  5,660  26,560  25,000  12,180  267,00011  Fir t Guaranty State Bank J. H. Baxter ______ Henry James ______ W. H. Shanks _____ R. a. Clemer_ _____ _ 88-884 :l:§'16 IW. . Hinds D. C. Kuykendall  25,000  4,900  190,0001 110,000 1  70,000 Far. & Merch. N., Abilene; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1 t N., Baird; Hou. Ex. N,, Hou.  Coaho1111 ___ Howard E 11 First State Bank ________ t§'08 J. B. Wheat_ ______ o. W. Cathey _____ W. B. Hood ________ --------- -- ----Pop. 300 88-1004 •Cohlspring __ San Jacinto San Jacinto State Bank _t§'07 J. S. :Mccombs ____ I____________________ V. W. McMurrey __ 'M. Hansber ---- ---H Pop. 500 B 22 88-1005 K. McMurrey  15,000  5,000  100,000  100,000 1  25,000 Secur. N., Dallas; West Tex. N .. Big Svrings.  20,000  6,000  140,0001  80,000  •Coll'ma11 ___ 9oleman FU CENTRAL STATE BANK-W16 C. Pop . .,ooo . 88-17lli  W. HEMPHILL---- ,-------------------- J.C. SMITH---- ---- A. W. BURKETT -----  55,000  599,10011  664,-150 1  D. A. PADDLEFORD W.R. McCLELLAN ____ LEON L SHIELD --- -- K. I. DAVIS -- -----H. R. STARKWEATHER Up-to-date, Pro gresslve Banking. Special collectl on facllltles. •t'92 You will save ti me by sending yo ur items direct. \ Careful att.entt on to all banking matters. Promp t remittance.  200,000  COLEMAN NATIONAL BANK 8s-a12  I  I\  P. MORRls _____ __\ ft, H. ALEXAKDER-- \ H. M. COLLINS-----\ f\RSl tUmONl\l 8HK---- \ \L. E, COLLIKS---- \ J. J. C. DIBRELL \ 1  ........ ........... \  ~8-311  \ I ;. Federal Reserve Bank1377 of St. Louis •  •'·  I  II'•  '  ,:  I  I  I  I  II  I  I  ;.  I;.  ,'  I:  195,000 1 1,275,000 1,451,000 I  I  ;"  3  72,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Dallas.  Pol  .  98.280 Chase N., N. Y.: Far. &Mech. N., Ft. Worth; Hou. N. Ex .. Hou.· Comw. N., Kan. C. 374,700 N. Park, N . Y.: tock Yd . N., Ft. Worth; Dalla , •. , Dalla . ._~ Pol  ::,  l 100,000  208,7601  C: !))  "1  79'/,300 1,185,750  ~  I I.  ,•  I  I  61  I  I I •  :  I  f  :  '  •  •  ·~  I  -  ~  .-  ,  ::,  50,0001 Union N. and So. Texas Com'l N., Hou.  135,150 Han. N., N. Y.: . Ex. N .. Dallas: Inter State: N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. _ \0 t,.;)  Solicits Your. · Business  I •  38,,1801  Oldest bank ln \Coleman County. I Undel' same management for tw enty-flv e years. Sl}eela\attentlo \n given Bill ofLa \ding drafts, Cash and Tlme Items. \ 1 Ptea,ae send ?.fJcfor \ Crtdit Reports. ' l  •l'86 .  ~  , , •  I  237,000  6,480 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., EI Paso.  , ;. . ,''  ;_,. ~  .  •:  :  I  I:_  'I  I  a, a,  '° 1::::~-~~-~~~ t,.UJ,;.,,z:e=.-:;r;:.'Af'e'N1:nn;il,!'J::,,'1 1377 Dlreet.r,. uDder lbe aulborlq of TIie American Bankers Ass•n. TOWN A.VD COUNTY.  TEXAS-Continued  I  NA.ME OJ!" BA.NK.  •Mem.Am. Bks.Assn. §State .1oOounty Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res.Dist. lMem.StateBks.A.ssn. tPriv. [Estab. El Paso Br. HHouston +Mem. Fed. Res.  PRESIDERT.  I  VICE-PRESIDE.VT.  _______  ~.~;er~ti.~~~e::O"f:gb:Ciii:,i ~ de:~aA=~. For Interest Bat~s. Holidays, etc., see Laws.  volume.  ----------,-----  I  I  LBBILITIES.  SURPLUS AND PAID-UP .ASS'T CASHIER. CASHIER. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CAPITAL PROFITS 1 1 1  HE OURCES.  1 ,. .t  DBPOS-  ~  n  c  .t  z  I  ll)  -1  c~:•no,.,::: ..:~m,D~ s,oullJTlu  ~  C  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDX..'(TS.  noKB.uu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~  1  1  OoUinnUJe__ Graysonil19 Oollinsville National Bank __ W.J.McGaughy ___ F. R.deCordova ___ J.B. Cobler ______________________ $ 25,000 $ 2,750 $ 65,000 $ 55,000 $ 27,500 Chase N., N. Y.; Com'l N., Sherman. '19 88-18/lD Pop. 837 70,000 Slate Bk. of Kan. O., Kan. C.; Denison Bk. 12,500 223.000 175,000 25,000 First Guaranty State Bank __ W. P. Pelphrey_ T. F. Rodgers ____ A. E. Ra~sdale _____ J. B. Phillips______ " " & Tr. Co., Denison: Com'l N., Sherman; W. H. Naylor J.B. Swindle •t§l900 ♦ 88-1007 Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas. 50,000 Am. N., Beaumont: 1st N ., Hou. 73,000 8,000 100,000 15,000 A.lex. Thompson __ L. M. Feairln _____ L. M • .Fearin ______ D. P. Mann________ Colmesneil ____ Tyler H 2B Guaranty State Bank ___ J. E. Riley 88-1033 H Pop. 632  wn  .Oolorad.o __ }!itcbe11El2 Pop, 1166  60,000 C. ff. LASKY------ O. N. ARNETT _______ T.W.STONEROAD---- J.C. PRITCHETT---0½¥o B USINE s DmEC t_A. RICHARDSON 1 BANK-•tl900 { END us YOU Prompt attentl on given Bill of L adlng Drafts and all matters ent us. 814H  JiWcY£t~  CITY NATIONAL  COLORADO NATIONAL BANK •:•s2  88-462  F. M. BURNS----- C. M. ADAMS------ J. R. SMOOT------- H. E. GRAITLINDJ.M. THOMAS, C.H. EARNEST  66,053  548,150  680,740  100,000 135,290 457,830 754,380 TRY US FO R RFS ULTS.  72,560 Baa. N., N. 't.; Far. &Mech.N,. Ft. Worth.  ~ :><  96,0i0 N, Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N .. Dallas; 1st N,, Ft. Worth: N. Bk. Com., St. L.  Prompt reiu!n a. Superior servl ce on all Bankln g matters. time and get service on Col lectlons and Cre dH Reports by se ndlnc FEE IN ADVA NCE: Plain •i11ht draft., 15c; Cre dit Report., 50c.  > rn  { Save  tI1  B. B. McGuire _____ G. B. Slaton ____________________ _ J.E. Stowe  30.000  6,300  233,630  188,180  • Hamburger _____ L. T. Phillips _____ W. H. :Miekow ____ _  50,000  250  151,960  180,790  John Hastedt_ ____ o. G. Ho~emeyer. B. L, Hastedt __ _ E.G. Miller, Active J. D. Warin~----- J. B. Chilton, Jr, __ Robert Eaton ____ _ J. W. Moore K. L. Macon _______ Geo. Hulsey _____ _ W. K. Do.rham _ T. R. Holmsley  50,000  15,000  450,000  400,000  100,000  34,000  300,000  35,410  I 724,7301  300,000  100,000  i'irst State Bank-------•U'l0 W. T. Powers ____ J. F. Tate ______ K. B. J.Dtho117 __ -------------------88-342  65,000  30,000  450,000 11  First State Bank _______ .5•17 A. A. Dorn _____ • 88-1758 Columbia --Brazoria L 21 (See West Columbia.) H Pop. 500 .OOlumbus.Oolorado K 19 Columbus State Bank __ t§'l9 E. B. Mayes----88-1863 H Pop. 2000 First State Bank------•:1'13 G. H. Miller _______ " .. 88-1523 J, B. Ohilton _____ •Oomanche ___ Comanche Comanche National Bank •:•gr, 88-M0 F 16 Pop. 3524 First National Bank _____ .:·86 11'. K. Adams ___ " T, J. Williams, 88-339 V.-P.  OomforL ____ Kendall J 15 Comfort State Bank __ .:1•07 88-1008 Pop. 1000 Oommerce _____ Hunt O 20 Citizens State Bank--•is•rn • 88-1729 Pop. 3842 FirstNationalBank _____ •t'89 " " 88-835 Planters&Merch.Nat.Bk._:·02 88-aM State Dk ok~~~merce.u•og  A.  s. Faltin ____  88-599 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  rn  603,140  eab. N., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l ~- .. Dallas. 110,000 N. 01ty, N. Y.: lstN., Hou. 21,160  .1: .,  I  Hou.; Oitv ·  O  o  100,000 N. Oity, N. Y.: 1st N., Fi. Worth; Am, Ex, N .• ==: ::J Dallas; Am. N., Austin. 212,520 Han. N .. N. Y.: Hou. N. Ex., Hou.: City N .. ~ Dallas: Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth.  :::,:  400,000  V. J. Mc.A.teer _____ W. Wiedenfeld_ Albert Faltin ___ _  25,000  37,560  393,320  380,630  H. D. Wynn ______ L.B. England ____ _  25,000  12,000  290,000  128.000  Ilargrave ___ _  50,000  15,000  190,000  164,690  R. B. Lonr _____ 8. L. Moore _____ _  50,000  30,000  170,000  200,000  J. G. Allen _ ______ H. D. Wynn _______ Claude Kelly W. B. DeJerneu ___ o. P . .Marshall_ ____ T. I. Kni2ht J. T. Jackso•--- G. W. Holdernes,_ A. L. Day E. B. Maloney ______ F. J. PhilliPS----  J. D. Jernfcin _____ D.  T.  iT Ms"~l-Uu.r:--- A. w. MORR rs, JR.-- r. c. oourHn -----{~~~~b'M Bill of Lading D rafts, Ca b and Time Items given prompt  1  145,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Far. & Kech. N. and Ft. Worthj ; ' N .. Ft. Worth. 1t"'f' 10 66,40o seab. N .• N. Y.: Alamo N .. Ban ,An!onio; Mtle. (") 1 Tr. Co., St. L.; So. Tex. Com 1 ~.,Hou. 0 g. 180,000ISecur. N. and City N., Dallas, 60,00o ,seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Oom., l!lt. L.; City N•• ('1) 1 Dallas. 0. ~ 50,000 Ohast N., N. Y.: Oity N., Dallas.  25,000  27,380  435,000  356,000  97,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Secur. N,, Dallas.  35,000  34,000  184,170  196,810  40,000  25,000  207,,40  ~05,930  65,000  4,260  141,050:  179,890  56,330 Seab. N., N. Y.: Am. Ex. N,. Dall~; Greenville N ., Greenville. 48,380 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: So. Tex. Com'1 N., Hou.: 1st N .. Waco. 32,150 Seab. N., N. Y.; State N., Austin; City .1:r .. Dallas; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.  20,000  20,210  177,690  184,010  36,210 Han. N .. ~- Y.; Am. Ex. N. Dallas; Union N,, Hou.  attention an d remitted for on day of paym ent:  Oookvllie ______ Titus O 22 State Bank of Oookville•U'04 H.P. Burford __ 88-1009 Pop. 500 Ooole~e.Limestone G 19 First National Bank _______ ,04 J. R. W&llace ____ 88-866 Pop. 880 First State Bank ________ 1•10 R. L. Wallace ______ I 88-867  J. w. Covey ______ C. M. Smith __________________________ _ F. Witt R. T. Beu ____ T. J. Johnson __ s. c. Rose _______ _  25,000  35,000  150,000!  90,000  75,000  35,000  127,2601'  227,560  JJ'. B. Hancock __ A.. W. Jower1 _ _ 1_ _ _ _ __  40,000  15,000  71,270  100,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Oom., St. L.; Texarkana N., Texarkana. 44,890 8eab. N., N. Y.;City N .. Dallas: 1st .,?., Hou ton • ~ . and Waco. 95,470 ; 21,620 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Un10n N., -...:r -...:r Hou.; Cent. Tex. Ex. N .. Waco.  CONTI_NENTAL AND COMMERCIAL 8-ANKS  , ._i t's-~-=·~---~--- •_· ____ - - ·.-.  ► Z X  .,  1  P. B. 1laJoney __ o. o. Apperson ___ _ Como ______ Hopkins O 21 Como State Bank ______ :§'10 L. Ouroll _______ F. J. PhilliPS----- B. C. Cain _________ E. E. Russell _____ _ }Iiss Ruth Helm O. B. Lynch 88-648 Pop. 827 •Conroe_Montgomeryl 21 Conroe State Bank.----•t§'14 J. Wahrenberirer _ w. N. Foster ____ A. R. Woodson ___________________ _ 88-1684 H Pop. 1858 Farmers & Merchants State T. S. Falvey _______ J. H. Wharton ____ J.M. Griffith ______ w. H. Pullman ___ _ •• " Ban.ic ____ .88-1925 -;--•:l:§ '20  FIRST STATE BANK ... •:1·11  53,910 Mech. & Metals N •• N. Y.; Far. & Mech. 1 Ft. Worth: ecur. N .. Dalla •  ·_:-.  Number under Name or Bank ie the New Transit Number given to each bank in u. s. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Dlreetor1. under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  1378  ro!b~::t~ ~~Ufs:".  •Mem.1i~~B~.B.t:S~: IBtate In No.11 Fed. Res. Di t. urem. State Bks . .Assn.tPriv. [Estab.  PRESIDDT.  TEXAS-Continued  VIC'&-Plll!IIDDT.  0.UIID.  ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,  .US'T OilllID. >-:: ~~!~J:S~SP0&- 1lA.: s~~~:s~ ...  CAPITAL Pll.un,O-TII _ I T S c ~ ~ -  EEl Paso Br. H. Houston. •Mem. Fed. Res.  ••  ..  ------  ohrl.  CORPUS CHRISTI NAT'L  VINCENT BLUNTZER GEO. R. CLAR\--- G. J. MERRIMAN---- C. L. BENTON_______ T. FRANK BLUNTZER  l WiJ~Yt.ftEc attentl on given Bill or  FIRST STATE BANK---•U'07 { SiN~EtEJGi'dri 0 88-126  Prompt  ,  I  51,310 41.400  100,000  25,000  100,000  109,370  1  1  I  ,  I  I,  t,  'II. •  :  I  •  •  I  ,  I  •  I  ..  ,.  •  I  '  •  •  -  I  ,,  -I  •  II,•··  ,  -  I  :  ....  I  :  -  st. L.  34,110 1st N., Hou.: 1st State, Trinity. 103,000 So. Tex.Oom'l N., Hou.; City N., Galv.  ~  0  66,860 1st State Rk. & Tr. Co., Waco: Guaranty Bk. & Tr. Co .. Dallas; 1st N., Hou.; Tex. Bk. & (") Tr. Co., Galv. 300,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.: Union N .. Hou.; Secur N., ~ ::, Dallas; Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L. ::t,  ..,  325,000 1,500,000 2,300,000  .....  00  520,000 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; City ~ N,, Dallas; St. Tex. Com'l N., Hou. _  370,500 1,750,000 2,047,000  v  68,660  918.260  973,730  171,820 Chase N., N. T.; Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.: Union N., Hou.: SecUl'. N., Dallas.  nd to none. A pe rstsient effort ma de on al I Items to get r esults. r pruentation and 25 t: for Credit Report,. L. c. Morgan _____ W. M. Davidson_ __ 200.000 75,000 700.000 1,270,000 125,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: Cent. State, Dallas; 1st N .. Otto Lowry Hou. and Waco. Suttle Roberts N. T. Champion. L. c. Morgan, Sec. _______ ----- ____________ Tr. and Mgr, J. H. Zachry, Mor. J. H. Gallman, 25,000 S,250 30,000 40,000 13,000 Atlantic N., N. Y,; Alamo N., S111 J.ntoaio, .A. Mor. B. Wildeathal - - 0. "J'. BiDk197 ___ 75,000 95,470 192,330 408,710 24,320 N. Park, N. T.; Frost N .. San Antonio. E. F. Marburger __ - - - - - - - - - - -  20,000  10,020  237.890  158,960  R. C. Smith ___ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  20.000  5,000  B. Fowler_______ J.B. Crawford_  115,000  80,000  25,000  89,160  73,140  241.160  27,590 N. Puk, N. Y.:" CUl'.N., Dallas.  T. O. Henderson __ H. Grubbs ___ -- · .  50,000  17,710  139,630  222,180  16,690 City N ., Dallaa.  R. M. Everett_ _____ C. L. Rohne ______ _  10,000  9,000  105,000  90,000  F.  "MER\C1'N N1''T\ON1'L B"NK.~ J  752,400 N. Oity, N. T.: 1st N., Ho11. and  for on d ay of pa yment. 90,240  200,000  t'0l\W.  f  2,873,560  l:S5,000  G. E. JESTER - - 'C. fuSUTHERLAND-- R. A. CALDWELL---- ff, C. JESTER-----E•• JOHNSON L. G. KERR, A.. Cash. E. E HAMILTON  u·n  'II  30,500 N, Bk. Com .. St. L.; Secur. N .. Dallas; Hou. Ex. N .. Hou.; Ci•y N,, Temple. 250.000 N. Parle, N. Y.: J;,umherman.' '., ou.; Fro t 1 N., San Antonio; So. Tex. State, Galv. 643,020 Merh, & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N .. Chi,: N. Bk. Oom,, St. L.; So. Tex. Com'IN., Hon.  1,000,000  8,000  300,000  lac ltles are seco th each ,ighl draft Jo G. O. Dunn ________ P. D. Williams E, L. Dupuy Corsicana Clearing House ___ Geo. E. Jester·--· Isaac Levy-------(Member, indicated b11 a*) Ootulla _____ LaSalleM 14 Farmers & tockmans Bank -------------------- - - - - - - - - Pop.1058 88-447 tt'07 " _______ " Stockmens .i: ational Bk:,_;t'04 L.A. Kerr _ _ _ T. R. Keck ____ 88-446 Coupland- Williamson I 18 Coupland State Bank ____ 0. W. Pftnrer ___ A.. K. Pftt1Cer ___ Pop, 350 88-1014 Covlnrton _______ Hill E 18 First Guaranty State Bank. ll. T. DariJ _______ J. W. Harper ____ Pop. 500 88-1015 W04 OrandtJl ___Kaufman D 19 Citizens National Bank ___ A. Brooks ___ Geo. . Gibbs _____ Po\l. 1000 88-853 " ________ " First National Bank----•t'0l M:. 81)6llman _______ W. B. Murphy _____ 88-854 J. K. M.urt>hJ Crautms Ga.l)_Bos11ue "F 17 Fi.rst Guaranty State'lO W. T. Ter1terson --\W. P. Bunes _____ Pol). f>OO 11-\0U  ••  133,000 1st N,, St. L.; secur. N .. Dallas.  15,000  15,000  *FiratNational Bank ---•t'811 Jamea Garitty __ C.H. Mills. ________ R. L. Hamilton .... Isaac Le,-y_____ 88-106 I. N. Cerf w. c. Hilliard A. M. Milligan J. N. Garitty  • 88-l0G Our Coile<"tlon ~ Please ,end 15c wi *State National Bank ---•i·11 B. B. Munsey----88-111  •  37,000  •t'll7 { Special attentl on given Bill or L adlng drafts, Cas b and Time Item s. Pleas, ,end Ilic wi th each ,ight draft Jo r pre,entation and 26 c for Credit Reporta.  *FIRST STATE BANK--•U'07  I  I  12,500 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; 1st N Farmersville. ·•, 18,000 Secur. N., Dallas.  189,000  5,li0  200,000  88-107  •  0  43,500  15,000  J. A. THOMPSON -- J. S. EUBANK------- A.G. ELLIOTT----- LOYD YOUNG---·---J, O. JACKl>ON N. T. CHAMPION C.R. TERRY S. H. SLAY  *CORSICANA NATIONAL BK.  ,HE.  39,290 1st N. ano City N .. Paris: A.m. Ex. N., Danas) Miss Valle T c St L 150,680 seab. N. N YT .r·1stN and.Mis Valley Tr Co st' L: Oity N D a11as · · " ' '• '' ' '. _________ _________ I 578,110  138,600 1,929,000 p50,900  L adlng Drartst Cas hand Time Item sand re mltted  Corrigan _______ Polk H 22 Citizens State Bank ___ et§'l9 Alex Thompson __ w. G. Pullen----- J.M. Smith ______ ________ _ H Pop. 1000 88-1834 _______ " Oorriran State Bank ____ if'07 J. vr. Cobb _ _ _ L. Bergman---- E.T. Sparks _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 118-101! aOoralcana_ Navarro F 19 Central State Bank ______ §'20 W. C. Francis _____ J. W. Oates------- C. M. Thornell ____ Wm. J. Rochelle __ Pop. 11,356 88-2005 Federal Reserve Bank of St. LouisI  100,000  j  $ 282,380 $  BK. • J. KL~\E E HbVeKT~N •t·90 { Save time and get service on Co llectlons and Cre alt keports bf Se ndlng FEE IN ADVA.N CE: Plain Sight draft•. 15c; Crs dit ReptJrt•. 25c. TRY US.  88-124  !00  PRINCIPil, CoRKJCSPONDENTS,  ~~~  _,._,.. · - ---  aOooper _______ Delta O 21 Delta National Bank ____ U900 J, L. Darwin _______ 1. F. Henslee ______ J. J.. Darwin----- J. R. Watkins ____ $ 50,000 $ 29,5001$ 230,030, Pop. 2563 88-533 O. Anderson R. M. WALKER---- C. C. TAYLOR------- CHARLES NAYLOR--- WI W. PIERCE-----75,000 42,400 470,360' " ________ " FIRST IATIOIIAL BAIK-•!'90 { Save time and get senlce on Co llectfons and Cre d t Reports by Se ndlng 88-532 FEE IN ADVA.N CE: Plain •ight draft•. 15c: Cr• dit ReDOrt• 25c. TRY US. Guaranty S a•e Bank ____ §'20 S. D, Clower ______ J. H. ::McKinney ___ Geo. B. Simmons __ R. B. Hagood______ 30,000 --------- ------· __ 88-1994 Copeville ______ Collin C 19 Citizens State .Hank ____ if'07 A. 0. Corry ______ John W. Nowlin -- I. S, Proctor ______ Ethelyn Nowlin___ 10,000 7,000 43,000 Pop. 4-00 88-1010 Coppell_______ Dallas D 18 First State Bank ________ :tf'09 J. H. Sheppard ____ J. D. Thweatt---- L. E. Harrell ___ ------- -----10,000 4,950 40,000 Pop. 400 88-1011 Covperas Cove ___ coryell First State Hank _______ eif'09 J. 8. Clements _____ 0. A. Boyer ______ c. R. Clements ____ B. P. Gilmore__ 25,C0O 20,390 293.000 Pop. 509 G 17 ♦ 8H012 " _______ .. Guaranty State Bank._t§'20 Jouett Allin _______ Theo. Robertson .... T. F. Swift _____ ------------25,000 2,500 27,000 88-l!J60 aOorpus Christi __ Nueces Oity National Bank ----•t'05 Clark Pease _______ J. G. Kenedy------ Geo. R. Hallman __ o. O. Stone - 100,000 45,000 1,250,000 ff Pop, 10,522 0 18 88-125 W. R. orton iosEPH 111Rfic"--- 11H1uP HOWERTON- ERNEsr J. 11tLER _ HuRoTm~-JR, ____ 200.000 180,070 2,691,770  ..  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of th1s1volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, et<'., see Law,,.,~  103,860 N.Olty,N,Y.;lstN.,Hou.:Am.Ex.N .. Dallas. 51,000 Secur. N,, Dallas: 1st N., Ft. Worth,  •  :s ~  ll,)  ,;  -  '.:<  50,000 Coal & Iron N .. N_. Y.: Lib_erty N., Waco; 1st ~ N .• Ft. Worth; Hico N ., Hico. -  Solicits Your  ~UST\N~ 'TEXAS  Business  .,  /  ~  I  '· . . ~!-  I  ,  I  I  :_ti:.;!'-~  •  --~  I  ;· ••  I  :.  _-  , ,_.  j  If  :,,  I_  •  I  ,, • . .  I  ,f  ••  137:·n ::,  to  I  1:::':uc-,:er,_Nre~:;~ 't,,t.l,,;l:•3-=--i:Jv:i'f;'::'al'e"; A1nerleaa Ban.ken Au•n.  Crawford.JlcLennanG 18 Farmers State ~nk.••• tl'13 88-152i> Pop. 573 First National Bank ___ i·rn " ---" Bank ________ §'21 Cresson .. ______ flood J 2 T.i'irst State311-1017 88-2010 Pop. 279 .. crocketL.tloullton G21 OrockeUSmte.Hank ___ :f'07 88-245 H Pop, 3947 " -----" 1FirstNationalBank ___ i•g2 88-244 Crosby ____ HarrisJ 22 Orosby State Bank ___ 88-1542 . H Pop. 800 •Crosbyton •. Orosby Bil Oitizens National Bank.•:•07 88-1383 Pop. 697 Hirst National Bank __ e'09 " -----,. 88-I0ID CrossPlains,OallahanF15 Farmers Nation&! Bank_i•o7 88-1020 .Pop. 700 FirstGuarar i_: : ,te Bk •• §'20 " --" 818 .. Crowell ___ 1'oard B14 Bank ofCrowelL___ ett'06 SHOD Pop. 1175 Hirst State Bank.--•U1900 " --" ♦ 38-608 Crowley ___ Tarrant D 18 OontiDenta.l State Banlc•U'09 88-1021 Pop, ZOO CrysLalOity.Zavalla M 13 Zavalla County Bank-*1'10 88-1022 Pon. 1500 Crystal Falls .. Stephens First Guaran y S 1ate Bank •:t§'20 88-11162 D 15 Pop. bOO .. Cuero _____ .DewittL 18 H Pop. 3671 1  .u•ia  BUCH EL NAT'L BK 88-308  •i·o7  PRUIDDT.  1  88-SOS  °  1  •it·45  CumbY-P--op-.B vkios O 21 ,Oumby 8tate.,Jtan k.-•U'07 94 5 80-11 38 Guaranty State Bank •• •t§'0l " -" 88-537 Cushing _Nacordoehes ·oushinr State Banlt ___ tf•og 88-1023 F 22 H Pop. 1000 • ----.. 1 FarmersGuarantyState Bank i§' l7 88-1764 I .. Dainirertleld.MorrisC 23 ,Oitf:sens National Bank-•t'04 88-651 . . ., Pop. 1500 ., .National Bank of DaJ.Deerfleld -t"DZ . 88~50 : . . Dalby Spprmi:s • Bow1e O a DalbySprmgsExchangeBank :i:•14 88-1715 op. 186 •Dalharpt---- - Da llam NS Citizens State Bank ---•t§'20 68-352 op, 2676 First Netio~t~tnk ----•*'03 " -..  ..  -----  "  ~tTP AL  SU&PLUl!I D  Lo.ur• •  c....  .-h..  ~oe- c~.,!'::• ~ .&.XD Paonra _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .l),a.  .  ~  ~  ~ ':<:  _________________ • 1 1  :c;  o. Jordan ___  40,000  5,000  265,000  50,000  15,000  216,620  101,000  S. Smith ______ H. E. Sherwood __ G. Jl. JleKee _ _ J. A. Parks___ . Chris Parsons ______ R. P. Odom _ _ _ 8. F. Bond _ _ _ Taylor Bond___  50,000  22,930  111.350  171,230  25,000  22,800  412,000  356,100  M. E. Wakefield ••• ------------- O. O. Neeb _____ W, T. Forbes______  30,000  6,000  256,0:0  207.000  70,000 N. Park, N. Y.; UnionN.,Hou.;lstN,.St,L,; Secur. N .. Dallas. 178,700 N.Cit7,N.Y.:Cont. & Com'l N., Chi,; Hou. N. Ex .• Hou. 80,ii00 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 159,400 Ft. WorthN., Ft. Worth; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N-, Amarillo. 29,160 N. City, N. Y.: N . .Bk. Com .• Kan. O.; 1st N. and Stock Yds. N .• Ft. Worth. 88,200 Coal & lron N .. N. Y.: Bk. Com., Dallas; Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth, 58,000 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Waco and Ft, Worth.  J, W. Bell _ _ _ T.N. Bell ____ S. 8. Bell _ _ _ Laurance Kimsey_ Floy Cheek J. W, Allison _ _ J. H. Self _ _ _ M. L. Hughston __ s. Crews. Jr.__  75,000  15,000  525,000  300,000  100,000 Am. Bx. N., Dallas; Inter-State N., Kan. c.  30,000  35,000  440,000  376,720  J, G. Wilkinson_ C. F. Dickeson_ W. s. Horn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1  10,000  5,950  48,000  58,000  107,370 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ht. Worth: Drov. N., Kan. C. 5,000 Oont.Bk:,&Tr.Co., Ft. Worth.  Jno. D. In~mScott Pegues ____ T. C. Garner ____ Bruce H. Holsomback J. J. Robertson ___ R. G. Stoker _______ J.M. Roden______ ___________________ ·----·---·-  25,000  15,000  235,000  205,000  54,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; .Alamo N., Ban Antonio.  25,000  200  105,000  70,000  100.000  107,050  50,000  50,000  H.11'.Koore. ___ A.rch.Baker. ___ D.G.Moore ___ H.F.Moore,Jr ..••  100,000  158,240  C. E. Robertson J. A. Clawson _ _ J. T. Hare _ _ C. A.. Fortner____ _______________ P.O. Ulrich I. R. Powell _____ N. Y. Bicknell._ w. s. McClung ____ W.W. Cooper_____  !  JOSEPH SHERIDAN.- W. H. GRAHAM--- LOUIS SCHORRE---- ,WM. WAGNER lnteUlgent and prompt attention t.o all business se nt us.  Moderate charg es.  i  Special attentl on given BW of Please send 15c with each sight dr  C. A. Bridges ___ T.  -  •-  260,000  300,000  857,900 1,011,340  -  593.990  165,000  -  692.930  o. Jlars _ _ _  0. Jl. Pattoa _ _ R. W. Harris _ _ W. E. Connor J. W. Cariker _ _ A. J, Oariker __ -R. P. Johnson __ J. F. Williamson __ W. T. Connor, Jr._ J. o. Jenkins _____ J. L. Williams J. Bradfield_ _ _ D. J. Jenkins _ _ W. 0. Irvin, V, P. &. N. Traylor (J, D. Lumpkin)________________  -  C.A..Glass _ _ _ W. B. Utesch.___  100,000  58.120  540,240  663,130  50,000  32,000  283,000  293,000  75,000  51,150  421.840  492,020  llidwa7 Bank II Tr. Oo.•il'07 C. C. Woods _______ J.E. Moore _____ W. E. Farwell._ R, U. Counts, Sec .. 38-BSI  60,000  35,330  426,000  486,000  L. B. Steel. _ _ _  c ONTI NE NTAl-  -  AND  ~ >  en tD  > z ~  136,180 N. City, N. Y..:,i So. Tex. Com•J N., Hou.; n en 1st N., Ft. north.  I  80,470 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Hou.; Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth; Am. Ex. N .• Dallas.  Iectlons and Cred It Reports by send Ing draft•. 15c; Credit Report•. 25c. TRY US. ts with BWs of La ding attached. Paul Dornbluth •••• B. Schiwetz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Atlant~c N., N. Y.; 1st N,, St. L.; So. Tex. Com IN., Hou. Lading drafts, C ash and time lte ms. aft for presentati on a,na 25c for Ore dit Rep orts. 35,000 244.000 184,000 114,000 City N., Dallas; 1st N .• Greenville: 1st State' 30,000 J, M. Branom ____ J. F. Weaver__ Sulphur Springs. 60,000 300,000 200,000 200,000 Han.N.,N.Y.; 1st N.,St,L.:A.m. Ex.N.,Dallas, 50,000 R. A. Greaves __ C. D. Ward____ M. M. Moore Jas. B. Dorsey __ Lois Bohannon •••• 30,000 Hou. N. Ex .• Hou.: Guaranty Bk. & Tr. Co., 20,000 16,000 126,000 125,500 Dallas; Com'l Guaranty State, Nacogdoches. H. H. Russell ____ H. A. Gibbs _______ _ 20,000 Guaranty Bk. & Tr. Co., Dallas: So. Tex. Com'l 6,000 90,0!JO 15,000 5,500 N .• Hou.; 1st Guaranty State, Jacksonville. J. W. Pate _ _ _ 0. s. Turner _____ _ 50,000 N. Park:, N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Com'! N .. 30,000 30,000 115,000 141,000 Shreveport, La. Annie Copellar J • Y, Bradfield____ W. D. Russell _____ _ 50,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas: 1st N., 50,000 61,000 300,000 421,500 Shreveport. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  s. E. Brown _______  o. McCrory _____ o. H. Finch _______  i-J t%J  (')  George Ely ________ E.T. Adair _______ J, A. Childers ____ C. G. Baker _______ _  L.  45,000 Han. N,, N, Y.; 1st N,, Ft. Worth,  Remittance same day colleete d. TRY US.  S.C.Lackey _______ W. K. Breeden C. G. Breeden get service on Col CE: Plain ai,rht not apply t.o Draf  BANKS DEPOSIT SECURITIES WITH us FOR SAF~ KEEPING AND COLLECTING, INCOME; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  p  0~  W.H.Denn7 _ _ H.J.Arled2e ____ D.O.Kieulinc- J.M.Ellis___  F. W. JaeEiIL_ J.J. Sumners, V. P. { Save time aod FEE IN ADVAN •U'07 This rule does  H RUNGE & Co  .A.SS'T CilBID.  PJUNCIPA.L O0RB.J:SPONDKNT8  R.l:SOURCES  LIA.BIL/TIES.  I  0.lSIID.  ·  volume.  Homer Brown ••••• $ 20,000 S 2,450 $ 150,000 S 80,000 $ 36,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Liberty N. and 1st N .. Waco. N J M.. Britian 21,020 Seab. N .. N. Y.: Far, & Mech. N., Ft. Worth, 177,600 30,000 _ _ _ 208,090 J. H. Schandler ___ T. c. Jenson..... B. F. Gray _ _ _ L: Coffman________ Dallas. N., Secur. Bain E. L. 10,000 ______________ •.• ____________ _ ••. __________ T. L. Brothers.____ __________ ________ E. L. Etier________  BANK & TRUST CO. 13-307  VICS-PB.l:sIDDT  A.. O. Mccollum __ S. J. Thomason __ A.  FIRST STATE ♦  /  / OF BA.NI.. •Jlem. Am. Bk,. A.BSD. IBtate .. coon tr Seats. In No. lf Fed. Res. Dist tMem.BtateBks • .A.ssn. tPriv. [Estab. E El Paso, Br. ff Hooston ♦Mem. Fed. Hes. 'l'OFN AND OOUNTT.  m; ,_  ~~:er1:!tt.1:.~~e::d)ld~,rb:Cf/':,} de:~nA~. For Interest .Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  T'E'XAS-Cont1·nued  Dlreetor,, under tbe autborltr of Tbe  co MM ERCIAL - -  @  ~  0  o;  0. r+  0  1-1  e.v ;  :l  56,000 Drov. N .• Kan, O.; 1st N., Wichita and Amarillo. 120,090 N. City, N. Y. ; Cont. & Com'! N. Chi.; Ft. Worth N .. Ft. Worth; N. Bk. Com .• ,Kan. C. _ 64,740 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Inter-State N., Kan. C.; w Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; Amarillo N., -...J \0 Amarillo.  B- ANKS CHICAGO I  -  ,  -  DALLAS - R CSCrVe c·t 1 Y  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given  to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers'  NilE OP BANK.  ;I::: l:ieBlt.~::n. ii~~ ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  PRUIDDT,  I VIC&-PRJCSIDKNT.  [Estab.  l  CASHIER,  ASS'T CASHIER.  PAID-UP  Su~us  EXCHANGE L  Loti's~ &  DEPOOFSITS  :EoC~~~  t1~:;;;  COUNTS TIES,ETC, REsoun~s  BANKS  CASH RESOUBCESl------------1  e:  NATIONA BAN,~  • t3  12-1  Send us your Texas Collections; we have good facmttes, having eorrespondents In all the prlnc~al towns and cities and remit promptly on day or payment. SEE ADVERTISEMENT 011 OPPOSITE PAGE.  Jc.  ,R. F.  1------lJ me  ~  m,770 Henderson, M. Miller _______ Bankers Trust Ooml)anY---1'15 G. T. VeaJ _ _ _ ___ ___ Sec. _ _ _.,____ I____ L E. P. GASTON------L. HENDERSON --- FRED APPfl -------~ A. L. SLAUGHTER, nd  .  *CENTRAL  [~~~ sW,~YE{r:.P.  •tl'14  *CITY NATIONAL BANK  ~J:l,Um~ooo  r.-P. a  Cash.  SEND US YOUR DALLAS BUSINESS FOR PROMPT SERVICE.  STATE BANK 32-17  r~~'i°-  CAPITAL_ PROFITS DEPOSITS  E. M. REARDON----- HENRY COKE-------- F. H. BLANKENSHIP--B, B. JOHNSTON.---c. PONOROM H H SMI-IH ROYAL A. FERRIS, E. J. GANNON DANNA E° s· Mel UGHLIN F.PAUL Ch. of Bd. LOUI~ LIPSITZ SAM TURNER h• v· SANDERS A· v. LANE • • Aas't cdahiers J. J. O'CONNll;Jitor S1,500,000 $2,518,830$21773330 $4,734,830 $24842160 U.799,720 $2,172,520 $8,946,030 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Seab. N., GA1Hi,Ji\,S - - - - - - - - N. Y.; Cont. & Com'lN., Chi.; A: McKINNEY N. Bk. Com., St. L. J.C. CHIOSEY K  *AMERICAN  ♦  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIE .  1  ~ PRINCIPAL CoRR~Po~s. - 0  (Dallas County D 19) County Seat -Pop. 158,976  (Federal Reserve City No. 11)  Director:,, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  ~  '  == ==  854,050 = = = = ~ C i t y N., Dallas.  (Without Bank ing Privileges)  --- -~---- --tate Bk. of eab. N., N. Y.; Chl.,Chl.; N.Bk.Com.,S t .L.; Fld. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.  667,340 1,649,550  633,330  5,385,950  557,880 3,915,700 1,108,150  - - -- - - • -  "i  ---------------------------1--------- --J. A. PONOROM------ LANG WHARTON.---- STEWART O.BECKLEY RAY NESBITT------SOULA J. SMYTH GEO. W. BRIGGS E. 0, TlNISON, C. J. SAVAGE Ch. of Bd. E. J. GANNON, JR.  12-Z  800.660 6.973,460  >  EE AD VERTI EMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE.  Notes and Drafts.  >  Bk. Com. and Mech. & (ll Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., tl::J Kan. c .• Bos., and St. L.; mhernia Bk. & Tr. Co., N, O.; t ;  N.  ---------------  1,500,000 %.953,550 14,794,360 6,038,630 14,147,980 7,971,810 ,__~  600 direct connections in 11th District. Unexcelled Collection facilities for 8/L collections,  •t'71  ___  t:zJ  ><  Phll. N ., Phil.  QUICKEST RETURNS- RATES REASONABLE.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---Dallas county State Bank.•§'17 R. L. Thornton-- II. O. Mccallon ____ Milton Brown----- Harry Susman ____ _ C. Leota Branum. C. W. Belew A. C. Stiles ♦ 32-61 A. Cash. G, C. Kalloch W. M. Holland  250,000  Dallas Joint Stock Land Bank H. W. Feri?uson __ L. H. Hopkins---· R. A. Ferris, Jr. Geo. A. Nicoud, Sec. Tr. Chas. R. Tips t'19  250,000  DALLAS  NATIONAL BANK _ 32 64  BANK & SAYINGS •:tl'0 . 5 12-10 1  nion Trust Co .•.•t§'20\. F. trirkland. __ 32-65  Templeton __ \J.B. Wa\ker, Sec. -\Hugh Bas, 1~1.. N.B. Ca.Ider C. L. J. A. Wright,  W. B. Hea.d II. I. Ga.hagau Fount Ray  Co.-,  Tr.____  ~  I»  Cl)  ----- -  -  -  44.670  24.050  1.205,610  449,450  685.030  5,089.220 1,057,440  318.430 7,784.190 _________  1,000,000 _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _  __ _ 1  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___  A, Sec. and A. Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr.  291,520 I  . Bk. Com., N. Y.: City N .. Dallas.  150,000  3,680  256,740  83,080 Tr. Dep.  _  468,500 Chem. N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; ~ltle. Tr. Co., St. L.; New Eng. N., Kan. c.  358,710 2,657.250 N. Bk. Com. and Mech.~ Metals N., N. Y.: ~lerch. Ln.&Tr. co •• _ Chi.; 1st N., t. I,.; Hou. N. ._ ' i, ., Hou.  g  . ___________ !  168,420  264,530  1,250  I ·•  59,300 !lsNtN.D,St, L.; Am. Ex. ', and ecur. aflas.  ~  ~ _  '°  ,. ••••--•,.PIIIIII!.............. it•l~Y:J•:J;J~131ffitsli$1iii:itt.•i1Na  ~.!lllll,-•..  (.D<lllaa cen&,"ued on ne:i:t!lllpaoPall),_.. . . .  lllmfl~\\#li\tel!Ml~Y5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  14,550  - --- - - - ----------GRAY-,---- E. R. TENNANT ______ r.HAS. o. AUSTIN---- H.B. JONES-0. A. MANGRUM A. TEMPLE, l .-P. CHAS. 0. AUSTIN s.EDWARD J. O. HUMPHREYS  Dallas  I  166,170  25,000 (Territoru Te:caa an d Oklahoma) ________________________ N. Bk. Com. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; N. hawmut, Bos.  108,360 500 0011 J.E. COCKRELL. --- J. CO GIRLLCESPIL- --- J.C. TENISON ------ LJ. CB. JGELSITOEORE_N_______ __;_, - - • • O. • B U E  GEO. N. ALDREDGE Accounts of Banks and Bankers Invited on favorable terms. Collections given special attention. Correspondence invited.  ~  t,  1,553,820  110,000 1,563,510 - - - -  Stop sending Tracers after your Collections. •t'20 Send us B.--L. drafts, notes, etc., and watch result s.  *DALLAS TRUST  ~  (ll  ~  \ ..,  The  City National Bank of Dallas  American Excha.n ge National  Capital - - - - $1,500,000 Surplus & Undivided Profits $3,000,000  BANK  LARGEST "DEPOSITS FROM BANKS"  Dallas, Texas Capital, Surplus and Profits  OFFICERS  $4,000,000.00 • •. . •  • . • • • .. ... • . E •  VCE  ♦  Officers Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  '1·::\·.  1:':  '  I  i_.}11  !1};1,.: \  .  11  l:;  ,il  •  :1  . il'I, I,  i,!  '~ :i '  ·,  1··.1  ,!'  OF ANY BANK IN TEXAS  Send us all your Texas Collections -8/L Items for Prompt Attention -Quick Action and Reports -Best Facilities in Southwest. Try Us.  .:.1  . '\:,  SINCE 1873  E. 0. TENISON, Chairman R. H. STEWART President LANG WHARTON - - Vice-President GEO. WAVERLEY BRIGGS - Vice-President EDWARD J. GANNON, JR. - - Vice-President STEWART D. BECKLEY - Cashier RAY NESBITT Assistant Cashier SOULA J. SMYTH Assistant Cashier C. JUDE SAVAGE - Assistant Cashier  I 1;,  Send Your Texas Collections Direct to the  ROYAL A. FERRIS. Chairman of the Board E. M. REARDON, President HENRY C. COKE ......... Vice-President F. H. BLANKENSHIP ........... Cashier E. J. GANNON ............ Vice-President H. H. SMITH .. . . . . . . Assistant Cashier LOUIS LIPSITZ ... , ....... Vice-President E. S. McLAUGHLIN .... Assistant Cashier A. V. LANE ............... Vice-President R. V. SANDERS ........ Assistant Cashier NATHAN ADAMS .... .... Vice-President FRANK C. PONDROM .. Assistant Cashier G. H. PITTMAN .......... Vice-President PAUL DANNA ......... Assistant Cashier B. A. McKINNEY ......... Vice-President SAM TURNER ......... Assistant Cashier J. C. CHIDSEY ........... Vice-President BEN. B. JOHNSTON . • Assistant Cashier J. J. O'CONNELL, Auditor  Ii'  Number under ,v.,,.. ... ... r  ~ -<  ~  ~  ~ c,J ~  =  = ,=  ....~ ~> == ~t"t  -_..  rll  ~ ~  ~  ~  ~  ::a  = 2 _.. 2  = ~ ~ ~  ~ t"t  == 2~  ~  2  ~  c,J  ~  ,=  ~  ~  ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  = ~: == < -=~ = >  rll t"t -  >2 ~rll  ~~  0 t"t 2 t"t ~~  >~ 2~  -- =·,,~= ~  -c,  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~  -c, ~  t--  2  = >  ..  •  •  =>= =c >= .... E=~ :i z = {'ll ~ ~  :z > ~  -:z = > < = >= = > = > :z ~  flJ.r-J  Sd  -= -0> e. ~~ D,  ~ =(lj t!J~ ... -·  ~  ~  d  == ...  I  (lj~ I  ~I-INiiili UI  0  ~  ~  •  ~ ~  ~  '(lj  ~  ~  -3  ~  ~  ~  ~  == ~  ~  -~ t'IIC  ~ZQ  ~~~  -3  Ca ital & Surplus $1,500,000.00  ~  = ........ =r"-1 =  '(lj  ~  •  DALLAS,TEXAS  ~  = =~ == = < = == = = = = rs rs > =~= =c >> -c,  CENTRAL STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM  r-l  Prompt and Efficient Collection Facilities For Handling A 1 Texas Items  ..-· = ~  ~  0  OFFICERS  ~  L. L. HE1 DERS01 FRED KELLY L. H. SQUIRES A. L. SLAUGHTER E. P. GASTO . T. DARR B. C. BALL  ,c,  ~ ~  DALLAS-  Continued  (Federal Reserve City No. 11 )  -  -  -  -  -  -  President Vice-President Vice-President - Vice-President and Cashier A t Cashier Ass't Cashier sst. Cashier  to  1!.-:J:'::nicanz:~.N:_ai:;:;~ ~~Ui,Jlf':e.::.=-vJv:a;n::,.r,,;;.~  I  DlnN:#or~•_,!l.ader #be •a#b~rl__~~ o~~bt, ~merlca.a Bankers ABB•.a  I  NAMJ& OF BANK.  i11:~.8FC.::.\~_Assa. c1ff;:f, •Jlem. Am. Bks. Assa.  ISf.ate i  *Federal Reserve Bank  32-3  GUARANTY 32-62  VICE•PRESIDENT.  ·  I  I  CA.SHIU.  I  Ass'T CA.SHI.ER.  I  '(See page 30 for co lmplete, informatio jn>  • Dist.11 1_ _ _ _ _ _- - - - ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - -  BANK & TRUST +  PRESIDENT.  ALLASD ':.ri  C on t In • ued  Non-Bank 'Towns  volume  LIABILITIES.  For Inte,:est Bates, Holidays,  RESOURCES.  SURPLUS INDIVID- DEPOSITS LOANS a. BONDS, A.ND UAL OP DISSECURIPROFITS DEPOSITS BANKS COUNTS TIES, ETC.  PAID-UP CAPITAL  with Nearest ro,nt (In-  dexed Acces.), LawTers, Laws (Indexed) ln back of thlB/  (Federal Reserve Clg- No. 11)  111 C!C-, see Laws./::, i::  PRINCIPAL CORRESPO."DENTS.  MISCEL-  Ill '"1  CASH  R  LA:i.,i:ous  R:msotraCEB  '<  EBOtraCEB  -  =I=-·-==== I  W. 0. CONNOR------ W. Z. HAYES-----··· RUPERT ELDRIDGE.. J. H. YEARGAN, JR •. 1 T. M. DEES.Ch.of Bd. EUGENE DE BOGORY C. l. KILLINGSWORTH F.F.FLORENCE, r ..P. F. E. AUSTIN J.M. HADRA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ Gu:rtnty Tr. Co., N. Y.; lst N., ALL MATTERS SENT us GIVEN PERSONAL ~ s . . •!§'20 ATTENTION BY AN OFFICER OF THIS BANK  co.  I  '  1---~ --: __ -,·-'1···-------·------·-· ---  Liberty Stato Bank ••••••• t§'20 Geo. T. RPynolds. JRaymond Thomas.JL. H. Tyler··-··--· 32-63  100,0001  I  15,000  ,  450,000  ---  6,000,  '  ---  --- ---  424,000 --------·  16,000  ------------------'------1-- - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1  _ _ _ 1_ _ _ 1_ _ _  J. 8. ADOUE---·---GEORGE MILLER-·-- r-rs,nTfALFE ••• 150,000 1,85,060 3,281,150 163,230 1,885,790 1,173.750 All col_lictions will receive an offjcers personal attention, R. a. MADDOX -  OF COMMERCE 12--4  1-  85.090  '  Oak Oliff state Bank & Tr. oo. W. N. Fullwood ••- ,L, 8. Brotherton .•• 1----·------···IMary Cook. ____ ._ _ IIZ-61 •U'll L. O. Dona!d J.B. Carter M. L .. Morr1s  (/)  27,280  625,110 ----------  545,800  27,440  22,500  l  I'  i  I  108,940 Irving N., N. Y.: Cent. State and !:::: Dallas Tr. & Sav .. Dallas. Pl  I  n  j  0  D. E. WAGGONER.-. S. J.c McFARLAND ---·EDWIN HOBBY----- FRANK AYRES-----· R. D. STICHTER J. A. SANDERS, W. H. LEFTWICH II. H. WOLFE, V.-P. W. H. GAS,~N Auditor A. H. ESTES  *SECURITY BANK NATIONAL IHI •i•og  lowil~ien GEO. W, RIDDLE F. SKILLMAN e.w. k.U~lbs ROGERS  =1  r+  s·  ~ CD  i:t.-Jm~E PHELPS TERRY  0.  I 678,680 17,748,960  2,000.000 3,848.810 Z0.738,480 4,808,180 2,465,320 6,168,130 ChNasce tN· - - - - - - - • ly,  H  W. ROYALL A Conaenatlve Bank that give• efficient service In every department of Commercial Banking. Reserve accounts and Collectlone of Banks . and Bankers respectfully solicited. \  -  ,  H. P. D. Howard  J. G. Watkins, Jr.  Dallu Oleartn~ Bouie·-------· D. E. Waggoner ... L. L. Henoerson __ J. D.Gillespie.  (Members indioaUd by a*)  OUR CREDIT INF6RMATION ON CONCERNS EVERYWHERE IS OPEN TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Mgr.  J:tNirv81:gcN., ~?t ·•  •  ·om.,·•  ~ - - - ,- - - - ~ - - -11 - - - 1  R. T. Stuart & Company inooo:R--.-T-.8-t-u-a r_t__-_-_-_-J-._w__ _s_c_og_g_in_s-.-.-•.- 0-.-E-.-S-t-u-ar_t_,---,-S-ec-.-an_d_T_r-._-_-__-.--. --55-1-,59-2 -l,-02-2,-73-01--5-9,-37-0 - - _ 32-59  r  Mercb.-Lac. N•• st. L.; Canal•'.,,. Com'l Tr. & Sav., N. O. !Z  ----,-----------50,000  ~  796,970 Seab. N.,N. Y.; N. Bk.Rep., Chi.; -  ---1------ ------------  And w1I be ri;n11ttelt tor on day of payment.  •i•ag Try us or qu1~k service.  ~  ---  --- - - ------ ---  ~J: t.02~1\·tlf···  *NATIONAL BANK"  ~  127,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Secur. N .. Dallas; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St. L. : t%.1  ( Tr. Funds ) Geo. Miller, See. and Tr. - - - ·  co NTINENTAL ·•  224,480  393,540 1,343,790  lU,080 Cent. State, Dallas; 1st N .. Liberty N., and Am. N,, Okla.  -  w  -----•1-----·  AND  c OMMERCIAL  8 ANKS,  c H I c AG O  !~ ~  ............ .,.. ••-.a,.._  1382  •T---- ., -  Number under Name or Bank is the New Tnmslt Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n,  TOWN AND COUNTY.  •County eats.  NAME OF BANK. •M.em. Am. Bks. As n. § tate  In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tM.em. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. _EEIPasoBr. HHouston. +M.em.Fed.Res  RESIDENT. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _  Damon ____ Brazoria K 21 1Guaranty State B::tnk ____ ·20 H Pop. oo 88-2003 Darrouzett-Lipscomb N 6 Frass State Hank._. _ _ §'20 Pop. 200 88·1883 Dawson_ •• .Navarro F 19 First National Bank---t'l5 Pop. 950 88-777 .. ___ " Liberty National Bank •• t'07 88-7715 Daywn Pop.~~rty J 22 Dayton Stali-~~k .•.• •U'07  I  y  p  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  TEXAS-Continued LIABILITIF.S.  p ICE- RESIDENT.  _ _ _ _ _ __  CASHIER.  _  _ _ __  _ __  1  1  J. L. Bryan ____ --·- W. P. Mulcahy .•.. Henry Frass. ··-··· E. H. Wheat- ••••••  ASS'T CASHIER, _ _ _ __  __  1  w. P. Mulcab.v ____ ·········--········A, s. Burran.- •• c. R. Younl?- ___  PAID•UP  ····-  $  "  ,.  ----  "  ,,  14,000 S  DEL RIO BANK & TRUST CO. 88-137  •:tl'I0  ♦  88-37  The  88-36  •:i•90  BANK STATE NAT. as-ss  •t'83  16.400 N. Park, N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 17,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Bou.; Caldwell ' N •. Caldwell. 45,420 Ban. N .. N. Y.: Live Stock Ex. N .. Ohi.: Ft. i-"3 Worth N., Ft. Worth: City N., Dall~.  10,000  3,000  55,000  40,000  50 ,000  100,000  355,890  648,730  100,000  46,800  785,050  779,310  60,000 --·--·-  80,000  110,000  350,000 _ _ _ 50,000  379,080  26,610 1,260,380 1,099,430  100,000 70,000  10,000  500,000  400,000  2,000  185,000  195,000  o. B. Freeman···-  100,000  87.900  467,720  629,680  ····--- B. F. Peirce ••---··  100,000  Walter Gillis··-·-· E. A. Hatton-····· M. D. McNutL ..• A. Zambrano, Jr. G. R. Nunn J. G. Blackman ... _ D. T. Wood-··----- -- ···-·-··········-  100,000  _______  F. W. Herbst--·· 0.  o. Fokes  I  I~  191,250 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.:lstN., Ft. Worth: City N.. C/l ► Dallas. 1 26,000 Tex. Sta 1 e. Ft. Wol'fh; Oity N .. Bk. of Oom., tx, Wichita Falls; Cent, State, Dallas. ,► So. Tex. Com'l N .. Hou. Z 55,600 Texarkana. N., Texarkana; City N,, Paris.  ~ 325,700 Seab. N., N. Y,: 1st N., Waco; City N .. Dallas. C/l  b  100.000 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Ft. Worth.  I l» 8  35,000 Cent. N., Waco; Am. Ex . N., Dallas.  0  131,330 Han. N., N. Y.: Drov. N., Kan. C.; Com'l ::S State and Cent. Tr. Co., San Antonio.  0  290,650 Chase N., N. Y.: Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; State 1 t, N.• San Antonio. (b 175,980 1.820,590 2.029,690 838,590 N. Park, N. Y.: Liberty Cent. Tr. Co .. ~t. T,.: :, Frbost N •• 8ayn An tonio; Int er -Statce .e. .K-,.an.C. ~· 50,000 70 .000 ····---· S ea . ., . .; 8 la t e Bk. & Tr. o.. 11OU, 500 v• 0 72,560  50,000  879,890 1,003,430  ::,  10M noDGERL-••• Q· R. NICHOUiON -·· J. c. LOVELACE •••• M. REGENSBURGER-. T. A, URPHY l r. P. HLARENCf SCOTT HENRY ETTER  w·.  P. J. Brennan_. _ _  254,400  60,000  o. P. Scales--····  31,510 Ban. N., N. Y.; Lumberman• N., Hou.  I  50,000  k \RJN~'o\, JR.  I  -  160.000 -  ,.lw. .. H. Ilay<'n .. ____ __ l:Margare t I. Ke!ly_ lJ. G: Railey --·--·· ll1llbard Lew is Wertz  100,000  iSecurity tate Bank ···-•§'20 J. T. Scott ······-- !Harry A. Jones ••• - T. L. Murphy •••••• - -··-·········-····· 50,000 8-39 1 - - - - -- - - - = - ' - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - --1-- - -  THE  81,400  1,900  When in need of Banking Service in Denison or Community, write this Bank. •:t1·os Every department in charge of an officer of the Institution. We appreciate your business •  riATIOrtAL BAICKOF DENISON  75,500  20,000  L. Rust·--·-···· 88-11\6 •:t'04 Fir t National Bank •• •:l:1900 E. E. Sawyer •••••• 88-1!.5 Guaranty tate Bank... t§'20 \V. R. \' heeler .•• 8 -138  DENISON BK. & TRUST COMPANY  45,150 N. Bk. Com., N. Y,; Oity N., Dalhs.  17,020  DEL RIO NATIONAL BINK  Deni on __ GraysonB 19 Pop, 17,065  280,000 418,220  62,000  W. F. Whitehead-.  69,760 $  280,510  50,000 50,000  aa~OG  1  280,000  J.C. Ke~tt ••••••• _. B. W. D. Hill_. __ O. O, W•Ter-- E. B. Dawson-M. L. Berry o. A. Brown ..••••• w. T. Jamiaon_._ J. F. Matthews •••.  National Bank ·-*'83 W. T. Wanoner._ Guinn Williams •••• E. P. Gibson .• _ . N. A. Moore..... ..  _ _ _ _ _ __ _  48,640 4th N., Wichita; Drov. N., Kan. C.; Secur. N., Dallas. 80,040 State N., Corsicana; 1st N., Waco.  189,790  Joe Entzmineer ··-  ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  0ta  169,280  33,160  J. A. Simmons -·····-Security State Bank •.•• §:!:'20 W. L. Rush ••. _•• __ J. H. Rowan·----·- J.E. Standley ••••. ··-····--·-·······-88-1950 T. L. Ball DeKalb ••••••• Bowie B 23 DeKalb li::xchan!Z'e Bk .• •:tt'87 --···-··-··· ---·-· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W. D. Sanders ___ N. K. :rurey. _ _ Pop. 910 88-707 " •••••••• " Firs\ State Bank-••••• -•:tl'07 O. O. Crump ___ • A.G. Orump •••• _•• E. E. Bearden -··-· R. B. Baldwin -···♦ 88-708 DeLeon •• Comanche F 16 Farmers & Mereh. Nat. Bk. R.W.Hininbotham T. P. Weaver.•••.• Z. o. Steakley .• _•• Dean Rippetoe_.__ , Pop. 3302 88-702 •t·os R.R. Harvey.Active F. E. Carter • ·--·-·" First tate Bank-- •• •i§'0l D. L. Terrill __ ··--· C. E. Kenyon ______ W. D. Bolton·---· - · - - - · · · · · · · 88-701 J. A. Mohon Guaxanty State Bank ___ :l:§'20 B. J. Pittman···-- J. D. filler-··-·-- Evan Barker ••••.• C. L. Pittman .•••.. 88-1924 G. II. Harnan Del Rio_. Valverde Kil Pop. 10,589  1.o  3,560 $ 106,540 $  25,000  S. l. LILLARD--- W. P. THURMOND .. J. W. LILLARD-··-CITY IATIONAL BAIK- -.t'0l { Has tbe Largest Worktnc Capital or any Bank In Wise Couot7. 18-510 Prompt attentl on and remlttanc e. Moderate cha rses. TBY US, ll'irst  a: o .1 c..::.•no.,.,.: ..::..»~  20,000 ········- ···--···- -·······- ·---·--· N, Park, N, Y. ; IIou. N, Ex .. Hon.  J. R. Dunn····---- J.M. Lee-····--·-- J. F. Smith ______ A. L. Edwards .•. --  "  Decat ur ••••••. Wise C 17 Pop. 2205  RESOURCES.  DIIPOS-  CAPITAL P R O F I T S ~ ~ _no_•_B.uru _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1  Peoples Guu~r 7astate ~~~ J. F. Elder, Jr, ___ J.E. Berry····-··· R, R. Zierlein __ • _ _ _ _ _ __ 7 Deanffvlllep._ Bu r Ieson K 4 First State Bank ..••. __ :j:§'19 O. c. Nelms ••••••• A. F. Grabow .•.•.. G. R. Kocurek.-•• - - - - · - - op. 150 88-1837 '  SURPLUS AND  64,24-0 2.646.250 2,724.820 624,520 Irving N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Bk, Com.. Kan, C.; 1st N., St. L.; Union N., Hou.; Secur. N., Dallas. 115,000 1,350,000 1,300,000 25,340  131,720  168,460  200,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Liberty Cent. Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Com.,St.L.;Midw.,Kan.O. 29,590 Secur. N., Dallas; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.  --- --- --- ---  ._ l» ::,  6. L. BLACKFORD.-L.L.SHACKELFORD - W.G.MESIIIIS.- T. F. FOLEY ....... lOO.OOO uaS.SlO 1,749 ,180 sag,g70 seab, N ... N. Y.; cont. & Com'I N., Chi.;, 6,i l.F.PLATTEI LEO MURPHY - - - - - Mercb,-Lae. N sc. L.: New Ene, Collectlons on Denison and vtctntty given and N. Bk, Co •• Kan. C. ~  N.I'""  personal attention by an officer or the bank.  -  \0  '~-- - - - - --   Jllaaibe, •l!d- Na.aie or ia ebe New Nazaber ·n,.a J 383 to tJacb bank 1n U. S. ezcluslvelr by The Baad-McNan, Bllal'en• Dl~~~!.__'!_~4!'r the au__tl!_orlq_ of The Anlerlcan BaaJce,s Ass•a. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Traa.,,  ------------  I~  I  ,  OoUNTT, / NAMl& o, BANI. .1.County Seats. •Mem. Am. B.lcs. Assn. IState In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. { lMrm. State Bks. Assn.fPriv. E El Paso Br. H. Houston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. (Estab. ToWN •ND  LU.BILITIJCS.  V ICJ:- PRJ:SIDENT  P.U:SIDDT.  0-'.SlllD,  .£SS'T Oillllll.  p .ill>-Vl'  su:;;;us  _______ $  J.F.Raley  RESOURCES.  DllPO&1ft  t.o.uo & Da.  50,000 $  C  PRINCIP-'.L O0.KRESPONDDTS,  Pt  '"1  c'Te. Bono, .....,, • ..,Dn  '""...,,.,. --- --- --  CAPITAL Pao.-1Tl!I  88-21'  " ------- " l  ..  I  I  I enton ____ Denton 018 Denton Oounly Nal. Bk.•1'021W. B, Jlcotu,kan __ R. M. Barns _ _ _ M. W. Deavenport Pop. 7626  Non-Ban.Ir Towns with Nearest Ban.king Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of thls/.._ volume For Interest- Bates, Holidays , etc see Laws. ~  TEXAS-Continued  :<  noaLJIU  70,1160  6112,800  878,530  711,790 Ohatham&Phenix N., N.Y.;N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: lstN.,Ku.O.,Ft.Worth,and St. L •  First Guaranty State Bank M. L. Martin _____ W. 0. Orr __________ W. E. Smoot ______ Jno. W. Crain _____ • 88-1474 •n·12 1 R. W. Bass  50,000  18,430  371,580  366,730  75,1180 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.; Secor. N. and City N.,, Dallas: Texas State, Ft. Worth,  First National Bank-•i-82 . H.F. Schweer ___ W. C. Kimbrough. L. H. lchweer ___ W. 'J'. Woodward ..  50,000  60,000  650,000  650,000  De port. _____ Lamar C 21 First National Bank ---•l'02 J. H. Moore ______ J. T. Woodard ___ L. R. Moore ____ J. B. Griffin _______ Pop. 821 88-780 J. G. Wright First State Bank-------•U'0D J, Grant _________ E. K. Gunn ____ T. J efl.'us ________ -- J. S. Fur1rnrson ___ 88-781 J. R. Hutchison K. V. Kimball J. D. Steakley _____ E. L. Boston _______ Levi Anderson, Jr. De sdemona E~ tland F 15 Desdemona State Bank & Tr. S. E. Snodgra~ Company .88-1822 _____ t§·J9 Pop. 3008  50,000  35,000  300,000  200.000  50,000 Saab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Am. Ex. N .. Dallas •  100,000  411.630  259,620  4112,920  28,100 Han. N. and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Oity N .. D&llas; 1st N,, Paris.  150.000  31,310  596,8211  5311,540  170,180 Ser.ur. N .. Dallas.; Far. & Mech. N .. Ft. Worth; Tex, Bk. & Tr. Co., Galv.; 1st. N., St. L •  --------  25,000  3,500  250,000  180,000  First National Bank ----•t'lll IL Y. Lind ay _____ O. F. Davenport. __ E. C. Williams ____ E. M. Hearn ______ _ 88- 1877  25,000  2,500  280,000  195,000  50,000  12,000  200,000  175,000  50,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y,; .Am. Rx. N,, Dallas; Miss. Valley Tr. Co., St, L.  100,000  lll,200  346,060  617,720  49,410 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Oom., St. L.; Secur. N., Dallas.  50,000  39,370  1311,150  261,740  25,740 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Oom., St. L.: Frost N .. San Antonio: So. Tex. Com'l N .. Hoa.  13,000  2,650  42,230  41,640  15,510 Lindsay N., Gainesville; Denison Bk. & Tr. Co .• Denison.  10,000  3,770  63,580  62,960  13,320 Seab. N., N. Y.; LumbermansN., Hou.; Com'l State, an Antonio.  - -- ----  15,000  3,_500  65,000  40,000  38,0!l0 1st N., St. L.; Guaranty Bk, & Tr. Co., Dallas.  ---------  12,500  3,530  63,080  57,800  19,1170 1st N .• So. Tex. State, and City N., Galy,  20,000  35,000  201,000  172,000  70,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Alamo N., Su .Antonio: So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou.  15,000  5,400  75,000  64,000  16,800 Han. N .. N. Y.; Hou, N. Ex., Hou.; Caldwell N .. Caldwell.  135,000  130,000  .  ------  -------  .  .  88-213  . ---- . . ..  --------  -----  . ..  --  First Guaranty tate Bank __ A. J. Thompson ___ J.C. White _______ T. Evans _________ 88-1849 •t§'lll  r  De troit ___ Red River B 21 Detroit State Bank ••--•U'I0 T. A. Eubank ______ W. N. Mullins _____ D. A. Chambers ___ W.W. Metcalfe ___ l'op. 2000 8H40  .  ------  .  FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•:·02 88-589  L. VAN DYKIE-- ISAAC GUEST, SR,--- W. E. HOLLOWAY --- RALPH PEARCE---r. P. rrnm  Save time and get service on Col Jectlons and Cred It Reports by sen din\ FEE IN A.DYAN CE: Plain •i11ht draft•. 15c; Cre dit Report• 25c. TR U  De vine ______ Medina L 15 Adams National Bank ___ .:•04 0. M:. Thompson ... A. ll. Patterson __ F. R. Briscoe ___ c. R- Thompson ___ Pop. 995 88-1025 G. T. Briscoe xter ______ Cooke B 18 First Guaranty State Bank · W. C. Cunnin1?ham F. C. Collums ______ P. B. Cunningham_ Mrs. Gladys CunDe Pop. 226 88-1694 ningham •§t"15  D ·Hanis ____ Medina K 14 D'Hanis State Bank __ :§'16 E. Zander _ _ _ Jacob Reily _______ J.P. Ephraim _____ Pop. 500  88-1726  Dial ville ___ Cherokee F 22 Dialville State Bank _____ if'08 N. A. Slover _______ A.G. Adams _____ J. D. Harm _____ H Pop.143 88-1026  Di ckinson_GaJveston K 22 Dickinson State Bank --U'll Hoskins Foster_ Paul Lobit --------- J. H. Jones. - - 88-1414 H Pop. 700 Di lley _____ B'rio L 15 Dilley State Bank ______ •:1'07 N. Dillard _ _ _ J, F. Bril?l?S-------- H. E. Dillard------ Mrs. J. T. Sanders Pop. 1200 88-1028 Dim e Box _____ Lee Illl First State Bank _______ i§'l7 C. C. Nelms _____ J, L. Kocurek ___ L. J. Kocurek - 88-1744 H Pop. 300  -------  immitt_ ____ . Oastro R 3 i"irst State Buk ________ ts'07 R. McLean ________ Bruce McLean _ _ Bruce McLean ____ Ester Noble _______ Pop. 500 811-10211 Do bbin_ lfontgomery L 4 First State Bank ------•W20 J.M. Stinson ______ G. W. Stinson _____ J . .E. Gilmore _____ H Pop.180 88-11177  \i  I  170,000 Han. N., N. Y.  I I  75,000 Han, N., N. Y.; Tex. S!ate, Ft. Worth. ll0,400 Han. N., N. Dallas.  Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth,;  ecur.  N.,,i  s.  20,000 1st N .. Amarillo.  25,000  4,000  ----------  -----  Do dd City __ .Fannin B 20 Ffr1t National Bank _____ i•o1 S. D. llcGee. ___ J. W. Van Noy ____ W. O. llcGee ___ J. T. Herrial?e-SHOO .. Pop. 4115 ,. ll'ir1t State Bank ____ ----il'lo J.B.I,ee _____ R. E. McClary _ _ O. O. Latta - - J. V. Stewart. ____ 88-001 Dod ge _______ WaJkerH 21 Guaranty State Bank-•U-16 W. L. Hill _ _ _ W. O. Hopper ___ L, B. Manry ____ H Pop. 800 88-1734  30,000  12,000  90,000  110,300  40,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; ~ . Rx. N., Dallu.  4,900  70,000  69,500  41,690  55,1140  25,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; 1st N., Paris: 1st tate, Bonham. w 5,720 Gulf State, Hou.; Oity N., Galv. 00  ------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  10,000  ',  l  15,000  20,000  ...  1•.:,  100,000  .  .  i,  t~·.l  86,000 $11100,000 U725,000 $ 325,000 Ohase N., N. Y.; Secur. N .. Dallas.  J.B. Christal ___ E. F. Bates ____ J. O. Ooft _____ E. D. Curtis ________  :<:change National Bank 88-212 •i·8t  f,'  5.400  N .• Hou.; Secur. State Bk. & Tr. Co., Beau------ --------- ------- 1stmont; Citiz. N .. Navasota.  -  w  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCJAL BAN _KS ,  t  _-  -~-~-  -~~-  -  -  -·  --  ~  ----  ·- .. _·..,--  ~-  _:..  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  TowN AND Cou.-TY.  I  'A)1E  oF B.h·K.  .. county eats. . •Mem.Am.Bks. Assn. St~te In No. ll Fed. Res. Dist. :t:Mem. tateBks.Assn. tPnv. E El Paso Br. HHouston. +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. --~--  PRESIDENT.  I  _ _ _ _ _ __  CASHIER.  RESOURCES.  PAID-UP SuRPLUS DEPOS- Le,.n .t: D11- Cilll a, E:rCAPITAL AND ITS c'TW. no-, C1LU<GS1,Dm _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ PROFITS _ _ _ t!sonma no11Bunu - - - - - - - - - - ~ -  I  I  A. F. HESTER----- B. H. HOOKS-------- 1H. S. RIDGEWAY---- 0. B. CROW------  35,000  1,300  w  Time Item  00 ..i::,.  I ' I  10-1.750i $ 86,180 $ 32,000,  21,000  225,00.1  lll0,000  53,790 Han. N., N. Y.; Live Stock Ex. N.,Chi.;lstN.,I Ft. Worth; Tra. N •• Kan. C.; City T. Bk. Com., Wichita Falls. 17,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N,. Hou.; Tex. tate, Ft. Worth; Jewett tate, Jewett.  60,000 Seab. N., N, Y.; Guaranty State, San Antonio; ~ Gulf State, Bou.; Merch. N ., Brownsville. t:z::l  BANK•t§'19 { Prompt, per on l~i Eat~~~1~on give n BUI of Lading drafts, Cash and 88-1019  FARMERS STATE  PRINClPAL CORRESPO~DENTS •  Ass'T CASHIER.  Dod onvilJe _____ ColliniS· · First State Bank -------•t '10 G. W. Dea.hL ______ J. K. Crews.------ J. G. Nisbett_ _____ Gladys R .... 'isbetL $ 25,000 $ 18,170 worth.Pop. 500---- Q 7 88-1030 T. R. Whi enant Donie _____ FreestoneF 20 Guaranty State Bank ... t§'lQ J. W. Bond ______ 0. Wiley, Jr, ______ s. J. Scott, Jr, ____ E. T, Brown. _____ _ 15,000 - - Pop, 400 88-1884 E. E. Huffman  Donna ______ Btd~~}i0 R 17 H Pop. IO,  -  LIABILITIES,  VICE-PRESIDENT.  I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acccs.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thl ' volume. For Intere t Bate , Bollday , etc., see Laws. W  TEXAS-Continued  ><  and remitted for promptly on day of payment.  !)>  I  FIRST  (fl  H. H. ONSTOT _____ F. W. SEABURY---- · ff. C. DAVIS-------- ---------------· ---40,ooo i A. T. ELLIOTT teady Grow th-Reputation has been Built lo wlyand teadlly for THE Fm T STATE BANK OF DON 1NA.  STATE3- BANK•:t:§'lO {It  10,500  397,270  363,630  99,200 Han. N,. N. Y.: Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; 1st r., 1-,,1 Brownsville; Corpus Christi N., Corpus w Christi. !)>  A  8 1011  has Grown from Just One  z~  Cau e- ERVICE .  (fl  Dorche . !er.Grayson B 19 First State Bank ________ :§•10 E. Mackey______ R. A. Chapman, Jr. J. H. Graham _____ -------- ___________ _ Pop, 250 18-1032  16,000  Douglassville ___ ca;s O 23 First State Bank _________ §'l8 A. D. Morriss ______ R. P. Rutland ____ A. C. Oliver. Jr; __ Miss Mattie Snipes Pop, BOO 88-1802 J.P. Swint Dublin _______ Erath F 16 Citizens National Bank.•:·01 W. T. Cox_ _______ W.R. Yonn2 ______ W. Skinner ________ J. W. Hall ____ _ Pop, 3229 88-360 S. H. Prim  15,000  2,200  80,000  62,000  100,000  39,350  26 ,850  3 4,650  John G. Harris ____ F. A Wieser ______ E.W. Huris _______ - - - - - - - - - - B. W. Lafferty  60,000  122,340  618,450  600.120  Guaranty State Bank •• •i§'lo B. M. Utterback ___ t B. W. Lafferty ____ M. D. Smith ______ Joe S. Little __ ., __ _ 88-Hl  50,000  28,390  363,240  Dutrau ______ Erath E 17 Far. & Merch. State Bk. i§•14 W. E. Russell ____ John Cag-e _________ J.B. Ross - - - -·-----------------Pop. 300 88-1580 T. M. Elkins  10,000  5,000  40,0001  41,000  •Duma. _______ lloore O 4 First State Bank _______ t§'09 W. J, Morton ______ J. Pop. 200 18-lOH  • Walker ______ T. H. Campbell ____ - - - - - - - -  15,000  6,100  85,000  78,500  Duncanville ___ DallasD 18 Farmers Bank ---------•it•o7 G. W. Riddle ______ R. G. Brandenbuti T. A.. Slt2er ______ Mozell Sli2er_____ _ Pop. 300 88-1035  10,000  5,390  62,480  44,220  Dundee ______ Archer B 16 First State Bank ________ :t; '09 Alex. Albrilrht.____ Pop, 300 88-l0H  25,000  4,500  150,000  115,000  35,000 Han. N,. N. Y.; 1st N., Wichita Fa.11s; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth,  F. B. Ruwwe _____ _ M. F. Taylor  100,000  25,000  780,000  752,000  150,000 Han. ~-.. . Y.; City.•., Dalla ; o. Tex.Oom'l . ; 1st N, and Lumbermans ... T., Hou.  ational Bank .•••• •:t:•05 Frank Stephens ___ ------------------ W. B. Lenhart_ __ H. A.. Douclass --88-488  75,000  39,660  273,850  495,750  52,270 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Union N., Hou,; City N., Dallas.  Dublin National B&nk __ 88-35Q  •i•os  . G. Helen ________ Chester Morgan -- - - - - - - -  E 11:le Lake_Oolorat!o K 20 Eagle Lake tate Bank•W06 William Green _____ Haynie IatthewsH Pop, 2017 8 -4 9 F. A.~ ·ormau First  w. L, Peterson ____  7,000  95,000  80,000  260,710  I  27,000 N. Park. N. Y.: Am. Ex. N_., Dallas: :Merch. & Sherman; Denison Bk. & Tr. Co.,  ~::;;J!:·  I  t:,  8. en 46,980 Han. N;, N •• Y.: Far. & Mech. N,, Ft, Worth; g Am. Ex . • . , Dallas. <  43.000 Texarkana N., Texarkana; 1st N., At!.  I  =::  202,430 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Oom,. St. L.; So. Tei:. Oom'l N., Hou,; Ft. Worth N .. Ft, Worth.  ~ r+  103,810 N. Bk, Com,. N. Y,; 1st N., Ft, Worth.  0  t:z::l 18,000 Liberty N., Waco; Hico N., Hico: Far. & ~ Mech. N., Ft. Worth. I,..... 25,400 Dallas •rr. & Sav., Dallas; Stock Yds. N., Kan. l:O C.; 1st N ., Amarillo. ~ ::l 23,080 Ooal & Iroo N., N. Y.: Secur. N,, Dallas. PJ "'1  0.  •Eai?l e Pa , ___ 1avcrick Bonnet Bankinl? Co. ---•tt'l8 W. A. Bonnet ______________ F. P, Valdez ______ ------------ - - - --------- --------- --------- --------- N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: State N., Austin. Pop. 5765 N 12 88-1803 Border •ational Bank -•:t:'99 S. P. Simpson ______ T. G. Geori6----- R. B. Bibolet ___ J. L. Barrera ____ _ 88-262  100,000  lS0.000 1,000,000 1.025,000  300,000 H&n, N., N, Y.: Frost N .. San Antonio.  First .,ational Bank ----•:t:'90 E. H. Schmidt _____ Wm. Holli•-- R. T. Mor2an •••• ._ ------ ----------88-261 G. O. Hollis  100,000  242,220 2,46-1.920 1.912,320  995,160 N. Oity, N. Y.; Alamo N., San A.ntoalo; 1st • .. c: El Pa o; Union N., Hou. PJ  State Bank & Trust Oo.•i§'08 W. J. NlulL. _____ J. D. Beck _________ L. II'. J~g1 ----·-- 0. L. Dolch-------11-?el \F. F. Niggli "\l~st Bern~rd ___ Wharton Union State Bank ______ •t~·07 J. G. Leveridre ____ Clem Boettcher ___ R. B. Boettcher_ •. \\ Pol). 500 Kio ♦ S8-l0l1  75,000  48,610 I.165,460 1.135,920  .._ PJ  ::,  _  ---- Na.mber _ , , _ Naa.e or llaak ia Uie New '.l'rluudl Nruaber Jdvea ~-tnf.Ch bl&ZJlc m U. S. ezclaslreJT by 'J'be llaad-MeNallT Bankers' Federal Reserve Bank of1385 St. Louis ..,~to under. t  "'1  ,1111  111  1111  •  Ill  323,450 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Ilou.  lamo N., San Antonio;  :<  Ill•~,,  Solicits Your Business Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking l"olnt (In  N◄  tier N.  lier  or IIIUJk • Ui N◄  'rnUJJIII N◄  to,,::: u. :Y -b.e"Blmd-McNall-;iBanli::;;:: 1385 ~torr, uader tlle autborlq of TIie Amerleao BaD.lcers Ass'n ..,  i  TOWN A.ND OOUNTT. I Nuui OF BANK. •OoontySeats. /•Mem.AJD. Bks.Assn. §State In No. 11 Fed. Res. Di t. tMem. State Bks . .Assn. t Priv.  E EJ Paso Br. ff Hon. Br. 1 ♦Mem. Fed. Res. •EastianJoi>~~~and E 15  c  ·  I RESOURCES. j I LoJ.Na&D1•- 1 c..a&Ex-  LIABILITIES.  VICE PRESIDENT  ·  O  ·  ASHIER.  .A  ' 0 ss T ASHIER.  p  SURPLUS AID-UP AND CAPITAL PROFITS  D  I~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDKNTS.  '"1 :'< I  EPOS- c'Ta. Do><o•, ou,No,..,Du. ITB , s,cullITlu uo>< B.....u  I•  1  $  2.500 $ 898,350;1 $ 357,370 $ 365,120 Ht~~~-Ft~\v1tth~ecur, N., Dallas; N. Bk.II~  30,0001$  PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SER VICE. ALL ITEMS RE MITTEDFORSA ME DAY RECEIVED.  I  II 100,000 __________________ !' _________________ _  L. Gerrett______ ________ ____________  H.P. BRELSFORD- W. B. SMITH-------- W. T. SCOTT KRETZ- - HOMER BRELSFORD,  !  FIRST STATE BANK  1  I'  •t'l8  ~i~i:~ Bank-.'20 P. s. Wolfe _______________ C.  88-768  volume  {R. L. HUNL------ ------------------- WALTER GRAY-----· GUY PARKER _______  I NATIONAL BANK 88-lSW  Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Ban.ldng Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this/For Interest .Rates, Holidays, etc, see Laws. ~  TEXA S-Conti·nued  I  PRESIDENT  (Estab.  AME ff f AN  Citizens  lier Id  SAFE-PR OMPT-ACC OMMODATI NG.  100,000  150,000 1,908,7801 1,535,000  1  423,520 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Far. & Mech. N. and, Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth; Secur. N., Dallas .  JR.  Guaranty State Bank __ •t§'18 P. 88-1818  s. Wolfe ________  {s.  SECURITY STATE BANK & TRUST COMPANY  C. L. Garrett ______ O. L. Garrett ______ J. R. Isleib _______ _ R. E. Sikes V. B. Couch  o.  D. YOUNG------ A. DABNEY------ D. G. HUNT, JR.----- ELMER FORD-------· D. G. HUNT, JR. C. J. OATES  I>< I~  60,000  20,000  750,000  540,000  160,000 Han. r., N. Y.; Texas State, Ft. Worth: Cent. "4 State. Dalla . ""  150,000  35,000  900,tlOO  950 ,000  100,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas: Uou.  SEND US YOUR ITEMS DffiEC T.  >  !  •  Ex., Hou.  Prompt attentl on given Bill of L adlng Drafts and all matters sent us.  88-767 •t§'20 Ector _______ Fannin B 20 First State Bank ________ if'05 W.R. Luton _____ D. W. Sweeney ___ w. Twyman _______________ Pop. 454 88-1038 O. M. Luton, Acti~e Eddy --pi~~8nan G 18 First Natio~:~ rtnk ____ e;'0l J. R. Knieht _______ D. W. Harwell ___ W. F. Hill _________ J. R. Sikes _______ _ 7  ..,  Iti1  Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred It Reports by sen ding FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain •i11ht draft•• 15c; Cre dit Report•. 25c. TRY US.  •U'l0  z~  (/l  I  ti1  15,000  3,250  M,ooo j  59,000  21.000 1st N., Bonham: 1st State, Dallas.  Ill  rtJ r+  iil ::,  50,000  15,000  146,570  215,240  33,430 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y .; 1st N ,, Waco: Lum0. bermans N ., Hou.  J. L. Daniel ______ _  50,000  39,680  350,000i  390,450  z~ii Farmer9: !f:,:,?~-State ,r.o~ I£e Joyner ________ J.E. Humphries__ J. A. Lucas _____ w. H. Pickens___ _  36,180 Han. N .• N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., B't. Worth: Com 'l N ., Brady.  35,000  25,000  160,000  212,650  51,100 .Am. Ex. N .. Dallas: 1st N., Hou. and Terrell.  First Natio~ rz-nk----•i•09 R. M. Millsaps ____ N. L. Cheatham ___ J.P. Downs _______ G • .M. YounrbloocL 7  25,000  60,970  153,560  291,660  21,520 N .Bk.O'>m., N.Y.; Oit.1 N., Dallas; Stockyards N ., Ft. Worth: Am. N ., Terrell.  •Edinburg __ HidalEO R 17 Edinburg State Bk. &Tr. Co. Henry Klossner --- A. Y. Baker _____ R.H. Klossner ___ H. R. Klossner ___ _ ff Pop. 1406 88-1040 •U'OII . E. A. Peffley " ________ " Guaranty State Bank ___ §'2oh.r. C. DriscolL ____ M.A. Green _______ J. H. Quota _______ Helen Fairbanks __ 88-1981  100,000  11,oool  450,000  575,000  60,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.; 1st N .. Hou.; Merch. N,, Brownsville.  25,000  --------- I  69,280  33,380  55,120 Han. N .• N. Y.; Union N .. Hou.; 1st N., St. L,  Eden ___ Poi>~~icho G IS Eden State rt.1~ii----•U'07 H. G. Maclean _____ Bryan Swaim ______ Edgcwoo;oi>:- ~an  8  w. T • .Molloy______  I  •EdnHa ____ J2aOcboo n L 10 Allen National Bank ____ Pop. 0 118--Ml  "  --- .  JACKSON C&JJATE  :·oo A.. K. Westhoff----  G. Egf _____________ A. Schmidt_ _______ D. H . .Allen ______ _  B!M7 B. G. DrusheL___ B. L. :raires____ S. D. Scott ________________  '  30,000  35,00C  250,000  150,000  240,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.; Union N .. Hou.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas.  60,000  22,000 , 300,000  2,0.000  70,000 N. City, N. Y.: Lm1:1berl!lans N.;_and _So, Tex. Com. N .• Hou.; Victoria N .. \ 1ctona.  El Campo __ Wharton L 20 First NattonaIBank _____ e:•02 G. A.. Rins_, _____ M. Webb _________ C. E. Ericson ______ H.F. Klein _______ _ ff Pop. 1766 88-47U J. F. Kubela  100,000  127,220  429,9701·  734,480  76,340 N. City, N. l ,; 1st N., Hou.  mn _______ _  75,000  63,660  349,110  442,090  65,200 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kan. C:: ~ N. Stock Yds. N., N. Stock Yds., Ill.; Tem- oo son N •• Dallas. CJ1  •Eldorado ____ Schleicher First NatlonalBank _____ e:•07 J.B. Christian ____ J. A.. Whitten _____ W. O. Alexander_ J.E. Pov. 800 H 12 88-784 I OUR CREDIT INF6RMATION ON CONCERNS EVERYWHERE IS OPEN TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  C ONTINENTAL  AND  C OMM·ERCIAL 8 ANKS, CH I GAGO  1386  Kamber 11114• Kame •f Bank ia die Rew TralUI& 1'11111.,_ .:ITea to euh bank la u. 8. es.ellUIYe)J by Tbe aand•M•N•D7 llanllen' Dlnet.17, ander tlle aatborlt, of Tbe American Hanken A.H'n.  N.uui: OF BANK. Tvtr.N A.ND Oot1NTY, BBkks.s.AAssn. •OollunFtedvSMRts. Priv ssn. ltState +.Df'ID. tatf' • es. D'l t • :Mem.SAm. I n N o. [Estab. EEl Pa o Br. ff Hou. ton. +Mem. Fed. Res.  PRJCSIDDT •  I  VICE-PRESIDENT .  I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (inde. ed) in back of thi · ,.... volume. For Interest Rate., Holidays, etc., .ee Law . ~  TEXAS-Continued CASHIER.  I Ass'T  LIABILITIES.  OASBIJ:R.  - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - . : _ __ _ _ _ _ __;___ _ _ _ _ _ I  SURPLUS PA.ID-UP .u(D CAPITil PROJ'IT8  ---  f: i·. i~~~ ·------- $  Electra_Pop:\';y· hita B15 First Natio~f-ID~k ----•:t'll Edward Schlaffke- J. A. Wise ____________________________  4  RESOURCES.  ITS  , 8acvarTJas  --- ---1-----------------1  !  50,000 $ 700,000 $ 450,000 $ 200,000 Mech. & Me.als N., N. Y.: 1st N., Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls.  75,000  70,000  ,.,50.000  50,000  5,000  ---------  ----  50,000  139,000  606.000  FIRST STATE BANK--- •:tl'll { Special attentlo n ghen Bill of La ding drafts, cash fn~·trJi~~~~ms. Pleaae aend 15c wi th each nqht draft Jc; r pruentation and 25c for Credit Repor S8-l0'1l ... ecurity N~J~~grJ Bank •• '21 John Brownlee ____ R. P. Prince _______ C. R. Miller __________________________ _  I  200,000  547,000  197,000 N. Oit:J, N. Y.; So. Tex. Oom'l N., Hou; Au tin N., .Austm. 83,680 Seab. N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Hoa.: City N .. Dallas: ...J ., Am. N., 4.ustin. 104,900 Tex. tarn. Ft. Worth: Beckham N., Graham; tij :>< ecnr. N., Dallas. 49,CvO Secur. N .• UaHas; Hou, N, Ex •• Bou.; Campbell VJ State, Palestine,  "·  o. F. Salcher _____ _  50,000  47,530  551.760  563,390  w. o. Cunningham  25,000  2,670  239,900  158,850  B. J. Parker _____ R. E. L. Parks _____ Elbert Kyle ______ _  20,000  31,170  159,810  154,750  Farmers & Merch. State Bk. Tucker RoyaJL_ W. A. Weatherford Alpheus Hanks __ W. A. Weatherford, Jr. c. W. Banks :I: ·rn 88-1879 F Ell' mffger_p___ ayettc J 19 First Stale Hank _______ •:j:1'12 Leo Frede ________ C. W. Ehlinger __ Jos. Zalesky _________________________ _ 88-1475 op. 200 __ K&urman D 20 FirstGuaranty tate Bk.i§'l7 E. J. Jobe. _______ J. H. Ellis _ _ _ Earl Wheeler ________________ _ Elmo_ .p 88-1S95 01), 400  30,000  3,000  74,340 I  76,370  12,500  2,920  10.000 I  80,000  10,000  3,500  50,000.  50,000  ~El Paso ___ El P:t o F 2 (Resen:e r'ity) E Pop. 77,543  John Barton _____ Earl Strau ______ Earl 'r.i.u s C. L. Young _______ J. J. McCook ______  *AMERICAN TR &T. C. SCROGGS--- LESLIE W. CRAIG---- JAMES A. BORDERS1  SAVINGS BANK ♦  W. H. WAGGONER---R, T. HOOVER F. D. GIBBS  WE DO A QENERAL BANKINQ BUSINESS and make a specialty of and have uneQualed facilities for handling your El Paso Items and •:1'13 oollectlons. PROMPT-REASONABLE. TEST OUR FACILITIES.  88-10  BORDER NATtoNAL BANK 88-12  •:l:'17  CRAWFORD HARVIE----SIG. N. SCHWABE----T. H. SANDERS -----F. C. BROADDUS---C. L. WOLFE H. E. CHRISTIE This New Bank Gives Real Collection Service. Our Clients Will Be Well Treated. EE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PA.GE.  . Park, N. Y.: City N., Wichita Falls: 1st N., Ft. Worth; N. Bk. Com., St. L.  900,000  1  Merchants & Far. State Bank Jame.s Keeble ______ •U'OO Rll-4118 Elia ville ______ Young I 2 First State Bank ________ "20 W. T. DonnelL ____ tilS-1968 Pop. 700 __ Ander on F 21 Elkhart Guaranty State Bk. T. M. Campbell, Jr. Elkhart _p :t1·12 88-14211 ov. 1000 H  0\  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  C•u • :Bz-  D.£a"eu,.Dn n.o11 Bum.a  50,000 $  E. A. DALE------ C. W. COFFEY----- T. T. WEATHERALL M. M. McGANN ----  M G Walbe= W p Culp Jr W p Qulp Elfin _______ B:t trop I 18 Elgin National &nk __ •:t'06 W H Rivers Jr •• ' -- ' • ' . . -----' . ' ·-. . 88-497 ff Pop, 1630  ['  6; D1.1D:a:Po&- lclo•1<1 'TI. Dosoa,  >  18,370 .,., ~k. Com .. N. Y.; So. Tex, Com'l. N .• Ilou.; to City ., Dallas; Royall N .. Palestmo. 5,400 Chase .N., .N. Y.: 1st .N., Hou.; John Schu• Z macher State, La Grane~: City N., Galv. ~ 14.000 1st State, Terrell; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas. VJ  >  - - - - - - - - - 1I  I  I  Seab. N. and Han. N., N. Y.; Live Stocki tij 117.660 2.346.670 ! 2,310,120 904,550 EI. N., Chi.; Drov. N., Kan. C.; Canalj ~ Com'I Tr. & Sav., N. O.; Bk. of Italr. n San F.; N. Stock Yds. N., N. StockYds.; ,... Colo. N., Den.; Arn. N., Austin, 1@ I  - . 350.000  .  ;p  - - 200,000  ,~ lo  --- --- ---  30,000 1,550,000 1,500,000 400.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Comw. N., Kan. C.; Cltl:r.. 1 N., Los A..; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.: C/l -  O  hn~  --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1- - -  *CITY NATIONAL BANK •:l:'05  88-2  *EL PASO BANK & TRUST CO.  +  . t  U. S. l>TEWART----- W. COOLEY--------- C.H. TEAGUE------F. WILLIAMS . M. WINGO . M. ANDREAS  iMITH WITHAM----• L.ANDREAS • B. Kl,..BROUGH E. L. He- ATH D. C. HART  • SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSl,:'E PAGE.  F. P. JON EL----- L. H, CRfWS-------- 1G. C. ROBiRTS ----- C. E. COOK----- --C. V. SWA S~~'Cash. P. 0. MOORE A. F. KERR, Y. P. F. M. LYNCH  - - -  -  --- ---  ------  500,000  200,000  107,440 5,86'1,340 6,638,830 1.346 100 Seab. N. and N, City, N. Y.; 1st N., Kan.  -~-1  35,270 2,212,470 2,200,380  c.; Bk.  -  .__ 569,930 N. City, N. Y.; New  •H'l0 { YOUR COLLEC TIONS SOLICITE D. We Ive prom pt per onal atten tlon to all Item 8 and remit at re asonable rates. \Test our fa<'llltles • Modern bankln gmetho ds In all depart ments. (El Paso Branch, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Tex.) ____ - - - - - - - - - (See Pa ge 30 for comple le infor matio-n) *Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas __ ss-1-_______ .·1s H-1  I  of Italy, San F.  Ill  Enc. N., Kan. o.  g  ~ [::,C: _  \0 1 l~  .,a...;J---~~l,..#l---;\·~-"71......;J..........~~,---5~,Wl l~.--.....,·3~.:y;J~l-;.\U--Hmliitti-WWil  (El Paao continued on next Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  paae)  111111111  ~  ~~  ..  ·----  - - - - --·  ~---  ...  ·-  BORDER NATIONAL BANK  EL PASO, TEXAS  THE NEW BANK  THE CIT NATIONAL  Must  Send Your Southwestern Collections TO  BANK  Give Service Be Courteous Be Prompt · and  RESOURCES OVER  $8,000,000.00  WE KNOW IT OFFICERS:  EL PASO. TEXAS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  W. COOLEY J. F. WILLIAMS T. M. WINGO H. M. ANDREAS C.H. TEAGUE -  U. S. STEWART, President • Vice-president SMITH WITHAM, Asst. Cashier - Vice-president J. L. ANDREAS - Asst. Cashie.r - Vice-president R. B. KIMBROUGH, Asst. Cashier - Vice-president E. L. HEATH - - Asst. Cashier - - - Cashier DONALD G. HART, Asst. Cashier  . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK EL PASO, TEXAS Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits  $1,355,000 DIRECTORS  OFFICERS JAMES G . McNARY. President F . M. MURCHISON .. Vice-President W . L. TOOLEY ....... Vice-President EDGAR W. KAYSER. Vice-President J . E. BENTON •.. . ... Vice-President MAX MOYE .. . ...... Vice-President WEBB C. HADEN .. . . . . . . Cashier P. F . KNIGHT .... A~sislant C ashier C . A . WISE ........ Assistant ashier H. . DUNBAR .... As i tant Cashier E. D . RAYNOLDS . Assi tant ashier 8 . L. MYERS ..... Assistant Cashier F. E . GILLETT .... Assi t a nt Cashier WM . GRAVES .. . ......... Auditor  OUR WIDE ACQUAINTANCE AND EXTENSIVE CONNECTIONS  JOSHUA S. RAYNOLDS Chairman of Board S . I. BERG  J. B.DALE R. M. DUDLEY  C  E . C. HEID E . W . KAYSER P. H. LUCKETT  J . G. McNARY  Enable us to give efficient and prompt attention to collections and payments throughout the Republic of Mexico  F. M . MURCHISON C. M. NEWMAN  R. B. ORNDORFF G. B. RYAN H. SEGGERMAN W . L. TOOLEY W . W . TURNEY Z. T . WHITE  We Specialize in the prompt handling of Bill of Lading Drafts on any point in the Great Southw-est  TEXAS-Continued  to  TEXAS-Continued de:edoA~~~~. Tta~:er'ti~sa(~~~J:Jj"f~gb:CY!~~ ~1~~ ._ A_s_s•:..:.:~=-·========--========--===-==========--= ~....:.:..:.. o__:Ium~Interest _ Rates_!_Holidays, e~ see Laws. g  1::/:'i,':i~:i;:eu.Ns.°!':::~::::i: t/b,;.l:e;.!6J'-7J!'zv:;:;i::"  _1_3_8_7_Dlrec~ry, under the authority of The _--!._mer!_can Bankers TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  NAME OF BANK.  •El Pas( o- _n_t_t~n~ledP)aso F 2  00  «  I  LIABILITIES.  •County Seats. •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. §Sf.ate PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. In No.11 Fed. Res. Dist. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. E El Paso Br. ff Houston. iMem. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _  CA.SHIER.'T CA.SHIER.  _______  _______  DEPOS-  CAPITAL PR~TS  ITS  *f lRST NATIONAL JAS. G. MCNARY --- F. M. MURCHISON --- W. C. HADEN------- P. F. KNIGHT _______ J. S. RAYNOLDS, W. L. TOOLEY WM. GRAVES, H. C. DUNBAR E. W. KAYSER C. A. WISE 0 MA\a~~I " tF. E.t GILLETT ~u~iLDs BANK  $1000000  Ch. of Bd.  Auditor  RESOURCES  ~u•&D'"· cm,;Ex-  I  I~ '"1 ..'-<  PRINCiPA.L CORRESPONDENTS.  c;:;,u~=· ~",."~i=  _ __ 1  11  1  PAID-UP SuRPLUs  - - - - - $ -,- - $ $ 420.170 12808900113913360 $3111620 Han. N. and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; tat N., ~ Chi. and Kan. c. ....  SEE A »VERT ISEME NT OPPOSITE.  •t'Sl  18-4  Special facilitlea for handling collectlona In Arizona, New Mexico, West Texas, and Old Mexico.  ----------------------------1---- - - - --- - - C. M. HARVEY -- L. J. GILCHRIST--- J. H. HENDERSON- H. A. HUBBARD----  '-i  V. Pres. and Ch.o f  l•J  *SECURITY BANK jC.C.HENDERSON, C.Ba.L. EZELL & TRUST CO. Superior C ollection 88-8  >"P4  Se rvice.  200,000  50,210 l,7'18.440 1,819,870  P-ro_m_p_t_,_P_e.....:._r_s_o_n_a_l,_P_e_r_s_i_s_t_e_n_t_A_t_ te_n_t_i_o_n_._____ , - --- TRY US FO R RES ULTS.  _  _  1•t'81  -  Co .. Kan. C.; Far. & .Mech. N •· Ft. Worth.  C/J bj  z►  1  *STATE NAT'L BK. ~C.R. f C. N. BASSETT-- 6. D. FLORY------- R. W. McAFEE----- C. M. NEBEKER --MOREHEAD J. P.RONAN 88-6  ~  508.810 Han. N .. N. Y.; Ft. near. N .. Chi.; Co~'! Tr.  Ch. of Bd.  l Special attentlo  300,000  W.W. S(;OTT  n l(ITen to collect Iona and all matt er■ en,ru1ted to 01.  El Puo Olearine House ______ R. W. McAfee _____ J. F. Willliams ____ E.W. Kayser. (Members indicated by a*)  John  Sec. and Tr.  vv. Donohue,  -  @ I  218,24.0 3,716,640 3,110,360 1,045,300 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., :Kan. O.; \Veils Fargo -Nev. N., San F.; So, Tex. Com'l N., Hou.  ~  "'O  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  ~  Mor.  fl)  0  Elysian Fields __ Harrison Gu&r&nt,State Bank--*1'13 J.M. Furrh ___ E. S. Fry---------- J.B. Furrh ______ W. 8. McLaurin --Pop. 300 E 23 88-1576  15,000  14,470  150,0001 104,000  42,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Am. Ex. N .. Dallas; 1st N., ,...  Emhouse_.Navarro E 20 First St.ate Bank----U'OD J. A. Thompson __ C.H. De Lafosse ___ S. M. Garrett----- E. C. Hawkins __ _ Pop. 347 11-10« G. G. Owen  30,000  16.000  150,000  25,060 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N .. Dallas.  •Emory _____ Rains D 21 :rtr1t National Bank ___ •l'OS F. J. Phillips ______ o. H. Rodea ------- 8. K. KcOallon __ E. M. Mason -----Pop. 1200 18-710 O. B. Johnson J'lr1t St.ate Ban1t _____ i5•12 F. R. Fitzrerald ___ A. C. Motes _______ B. A. carter ______ Guy ~isk.. ________ _  25,000  45,000  210,000  125,000  125,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N .. Dallas; Greenville N. Ex. Greenville. rn  20,000  4,060  71,600  84,340  13,620 Secur. N .• Dallas; !,ibcrty Cent. Tr. Co., St. I L.: 1st N., Greenville.  25,000  25,400  439,240  324.120  81-711 Enloe ______ Delta O 21 :rtr1t National Bant... ____ i·o2 0. B. Anderson ___ Pop. 398 U-1041 Guaranty State Bank __ if'l2 J. ll. Haeood _____ 88-150t Ennis-----Ellis E 19 *Oittsen1 National Bank •l'H J. Baldrlclre ----. Pop. 7224 11-171  C. E. Oregg__  --- A. R. Byrns------- - - - - - - - - -  141.000  St.L.  O  tz:l ::,  W. T. Moore------ F. G. Jackson ______ M. F. Young ____ _  25,000  8,500  125,000  140,000  II'. A. New1.on _____ Clair White------- ------------ ---- ---J. L. Clarke  100,000  72.340  677,470  729,200  2.  190,520 N. Park, N. Y.; City N., Dallas.  1  15,000 Dallas N., Dallas; lstN., Paris. 147,970 N. Park, N. Y.  I  I  *ENNIS NATIONAL BANK•l'83 11-17'  J. A. THOMPSON--- J. W. WEATHERFORD R. T. BLAKEY------- E. C. HAWKINS-----J.H. HENDERSON L. o. HOSEK R. B. WHITE  200,000  6-5,320 2,075,460: l.999,240  I  370,760 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N. and City N., Dallas; Union N., Hou.  { Ban1cs, Corr"ra tlons, Wholesale Houses, Manufae turers, J'obbers a nd lndl vlduals will fin , d our service prowp t and satlsfactoey • Send your lte ms on Ennis and Vicinity direct  -  to us.  w  Ennis Clearing House _______ F. A. Newton ______ H. Henderson _____ R. T. Blakey, ---------- - - - - - - - - - - - (J.Ie-mhers indicated bu a*) Sec .. Tr.. and Mar. • OUR CREDIT INFORMATION ON CONCERNS EVERYWHERE IS OPEN TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  co NTINENTAL  AND  c OMMERCIAL  8 ANK 5  00  t  c H I GAGO  '-l  ·  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In•  under Name of Bank 111 the New Transit Number given  Jter dexed Acces.), Lawfers, Laws (indexed) in back of this d TEXAS C t• to each bank in U. S. e1:cluslvel1 by The Rand-McNalb Jlankers• 8 =::;:===D=lree==t.o=r,=•~u==n=d=er==th=e=a=u=t=h=o-=~=-!~_o=-f_=-=!_::--:h-::-e-::-A:-:-:-:m::-:e=r=lca=n=Ba=::llk::::-::e:::rs=-:-As::-:s•-=n_.--::-_~_~=----------~--;:-:;:=0=Il==l=Il=U=e===;===:::=-::=======:::::::=-v-=o=lu=m=e=.=F=o=r=I=n=t=-er-::~:--s-:"".t-=-Rat~~:s, etc., s_~~aws: ~ 7  I NAME OF BANK. COUNTY. I •Mero. Am. Bks. Assn. §S ta te •County Seats. In o.11 Fed. Res. Dist. I!Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [E tab. E El~oBr. H Houston l ♦:Mem.Fed. Re•  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES.  TOWN AND  PRESIDL~T.  Ass'T CASHIER.  CASHIER.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  CAPITAL  ,-------,-------·1--------1----  PRINCIPAL CORRESPO~DE.......TS.  00  DEPOS· i11..o ..... & n... l)m & Ex• cn.u<0u,D111 s , c'ff. AND 1 PROFITS _ _T_ _ BsouarPia FllOllB.lllUl------------------1  PAID•UP SURPLUS  Era.·-·---··· Cooke B 18 First Guaranty State Bank L. L. Segraves .• -.• R. A. Grundy•••••. C. T. Ragsdale ••••• - - - - · · - · · · - $ 10,000 $ M. W. Thomason §'18 88-1805 Pop. 210  i  Do""•·  1,810$  51.120 $ 45,530  15,430 1st N., Ft. Worth and Gainesville; Denison Bk. & Tr. Co .• Denison. 45,310 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Wichita Falls and Memphis, Tex.  Estelline -----Hall RS Estelline State Bank •••• tl'05 J. W. Moore·--···- P. L. VardY·-······ R. A. Eddleman ••• ·S. H. Moore ..••••• 88-1048 Pop. 394  15,000  9,910  79,0201  55,810  Eustace •• Henderson E 20 ,First StateBank_.••••.. i§'lO M. E. Edgar.••••••• G. J. Cook··--···-· C. Simmons-··-··· - - - · - - - - · 88-1049 Pop. 500 Evant. •••••• Coryell G 17 Evant State Bank.•..•••• t§'l2 W. C, Brooks-.•••• J. W. Burney·-···- E.T. Brooks .••• -.. _ _ _ _ _ __ 88-1487 I Pop. 400  25,000  14,000  113,000  39,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas.  25,000  850  119,0001 I 150,000:  115,000  40,000 Drov. N., Kan. C.: Tex. State, Ft. Worth; Citiz. N., Waco.  10,000  2,700  42,000  40,000  12,000 Tex. State and 1st N., Ft. \Vorth.  -------··-··--····-- H. D. Camp-······ C. L. Betterton ___ --····-·---···-····  25,000  2,500  32,000  36,000  21,000  T. J. HalL.·-····· W. N. Sneed ••••••• F. E. Hill, Jr,.·-·-· C. E. Childs-··-··· E. F. Olozener G. C. Wafgoner ••. F. L. King·--- Vincent Carr •.•••• ····-·----·--··-··  40,000  14,900  226,450  214,690  10,000  3,000  75,000  50,000,  Richard G. Miller •• Robert G. Miller •. N. E. Powell ·-···· R. E. Glover ..••.• J.C. Thomas  25,000  8,210  250,400  195,8901  First .i:Tational Bank ..• •t'20 J. R. Scott, Jr,._. F. s. Rachal..._ ..• T. R. Bennett. .••.••....•.•..• ...•••.• 88-1967 Fall City •••• Karnes L17 Falls Oity National Bank.t'07 J. G. Schulz •.•••.• F. B. Moczygemba. A. D. Opiela ...••.. 1F. B. Moczygemba. 1 88-1052 H Pop. 150  50,000  5,000  75,000  35,000 1  70,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Co., San .Ant~nio.  25,000  8,620  116,730  80,8101  62,150 Han. N., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio; Hou. N. Ex.,Hou.  en  Farmer Branch ••• Dalla Riddle Banking Co ..•••• tt'091G. W. Riddle··-···· ···--··-··--·-·- Elmer Adams .••• _ F red Shuster..•.•• 88-1401 D 19 Pop. 205  10,000  5,800  126,000  47,000  54,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st State, Dallas.  gl  Farmer ville .• Collin o 19 FARMERS & MERCH. STATE {W.R. CARVER •••• A. F. YEAGER .•••••• J.C. HALE··-······ J. E, WORDEN •••••• BANK .... 88-4 55 ·····-•i§'Ol Mall us your co llectlons and rece Ive prompt atten tlon. Pop. 21 67  130,000  30,000  275,000  400,000  50,ooo  120,000  428,390  527,750  I 1  I  Everman ... Tarrant D 18 'First State Bank ••••.•. t§'18 P. X. Thompson ••• W. B. Dwiggins ••• W. C, Thomp on·- Mi s Uneeta Wide. Pop. 500  Fabens. __ •• El Paso B 3 Pop. 1000 •Fairfield.Freestone F 20 Pop. 1000 Fairlie .•••••••. Hunt O 20 Pop. 248 •Falfurrias .• Brooks P 16 Pop, 2500  ner  88-1824  ational Bank ••.• t·20 88·1952 Fairfield State Bank ••.•!§'12 88-1452 CitizensBank .. ·----it'13 88-1583 Falfurrias State Bank •. •t§'05 88-1051 ♦  First  1  1  81,450 Han. N .. N. Y.; Hou, N. Ex., Hou,; Oity N .. Dall s. 35,0vu Secur. N., Dallas: Greenville N. Ex., Green• ville. 79,680 N. Bk.Com., N. Y.; Corpus Chri ti r., Cor pus Christi; Groos N .. San Antonio.  '"-i ti:l ~ ,,,, en tel  > ~ j  ...  Sl)  71,840 Seab.N.,N.Y.;Secur.N., Dallas.  0 l'Ij  0 ,  FIRST NATIONAL BANK •t 87 88-454  W. S. ASTON ..... J. Ef PENDLETON .. R. W. RIKE. JR •... S"pecJal attentlo n g ven BID ot ·ta ding Drafts.  i  ~  R. HAMILTON.. . A. CANON  FIFTEEN CEN TS sent t.o us wit h each sight drart or presentation, TWENTY-FIVE , CENT for each credit reportlnsu res prompt, perso nal atte otlon.  •F.uwe!L ••• Parmer A 8 Texas State Bank ••... •U'l0 R. L. Jordan •.•.•• W. L. Mansfield ••• George Eads •..•..• A. E. Jordan ·--···  Fate.-••.~~:lio~~all D 1D First State  t-~~  5 .~ .••... i§'07 J. N. Miller  ······--1 ........ ·-·······-·- T. C. Murphy ••.•..  -·-·····-·····-·····  88-1054 Pop. 299 Fayetteville.Fayette J 19 Farmers Tational Bank.. !'17 A. T. Thanheiser •. E. arrazin •.••..•. C. G. Vetter .• ·-··· E. S. Kovar....... . John S~ tny , . 88-1741 Pc,p, 390 ,. H •••••••• Fayetteville tate Bank.!§ 16 J. R. Kubena ______ Lee Hernsohn .•.•• J. R. Kubena_ .••.• Wm. Hotmann •••. 88-1055 1 Fentres ••. Caldwell J 17 Fentress State Bank •••• ! '16 C. E. Tolhurst. .••• R. P. Harris .•••... J. W. Lipscomb ..• B. E. Barber, Jr._ 88-1710 Pop. 500 ff 1  181.270 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Am.~ Ex. N., Dallas. ::s  (')  Q  25,000  12,500  314,000  276,000  15,000  4,000  • 50,000  49,000  78,000 StockYds.N.and N. Bk.Com.,Kan.O.;lstN., Clovis. 14,000 Secur. N., Dallas; 1st N., Royse City. • Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.  25,000  9,330  217,980  211,650  62,760 N. City,  30,000  11,510  251,000  263,810  21.370 Seab. N .. N. Y.; lstN .. Hou.: Dallas Tr.& Sav .• Dallas; John chuhmacher State, La Grange.  10,000  2,350  60,000  35,000  35,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Union N .. Hou.; Alamo N., San Antonio; 1st N., San Marcos.  r.  Ii crri '··--··---·IWis E 10 Farmers & March. State Bank o. A. Weatherford. ,W. D. Duff······-· W. A. Cox •••••. ·-- ···---·········-···J. H. Orr !§"06 ♦ 88--633 Pop. 15 6 Ferris National Bank .... !'02 J. A. Carpenter •••• T. G. Cole ••••...•. S.S. Hurlbut.. .•.• R. A. Jeffers...... " ····-··· " iw. E. Weatherford 88--632  50,000  28,500  173,280  153,500  65,000  37,700  402,630  293,280  82,200 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas Tr. & Sav. Bk., and Am. Ex. N .. Dallas. 200,440 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: City N., Dallas: ';4 ::S Hou. N. Ex .. Hou.  D. A. J ennin~s·-··  50,000  15,520  573,930  430,300  176,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N ., Hou.  Flatonia •••• Fayette K 18 \Flatonia State Bank .•• •U-8,q Jno. A. Kerr.·--•-• IE. Studeman ...•.. F. A. Nesrsta ·--·• 88-761 Pop. 905 H 1 Florence.Williamson 1117\Farmers tate Bank ••• •t§'l7 \Claude :McBryde ••• !W. C. Love._ •.•••• Cha . Kr mer ••••• \ 88·1797 Pop. 700 \Florence State Bank .•.• t§'07 J. A. Brewster ••••• W. A. Wilson ••..•. P.A. Wales._••••.. " ••.••.•. " \ 88-1056 I  T. 11. Williams.~··  25,000  5,650  219,460  144,870  ·-··--··-······---· -............  20,000  25,000  225,000  250,000• I  1  73,750 N. Park, N. Y.: fin· N .. Austin; Pao. State, :C: Hou. 65,000 Lumbermans N., Hou.; Austin N .• Austin: 1st 10 !::: N .• St. L.  11m;,J~N4'il@l~W~Y&it•l~D-:D~IM&i-ill~llii¥£ti--lPMbll Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Nr1101HJI  aa4er Name  or .BaDlr la New  ~ ...,  Number under Name  1389  or Bank  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In-  is the New Transit Number z:ven  J;;;:::'/:,J:C:niJerutfe :~o/f:1:f:Tof~:~!';,'1,;;.~C::f1le::1''1s;.r;::  TOWN AND COUNTY,  I•Mem. NA.JUE  OF BANK.  ,  LIABILITIES.  •County Seats. Am. Bks. Assn. §St.a te In No.11 Fed. Res. Dist. :tMem.St.ateBks.Assn.tPri v. [Est.a b.  PRESIDENT,  VICE-PRESIDENT.  CASHIER.  ASS'T  CASHIER.  E. El Paso Br. ff Houston 1+Mem. Fed. Res. .o.Floresville ___ Wilson L16 Pop. 1518  CITY NATIONAL BANK-:tl9 00 88-587  PAID-UP SU~UB CAPITAL PROFITS  ---  ~W.R. WISEMAN--- R,A. WISEMAN------ WAYNE HERRINGTON  --------- -----------  $  88-588  .o.Floyd1da _____ FloydBll Pop. 1384  r·  ---- ---- ---- ---- ----  M. BUTLER ... E. C. NELSON ------ J. V. DANIEL------ 0. M. WATSON----FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•t•o3 S~al attentlo n given Bill of L adlng Drafts, Cas h and Time Item s. 88-835  1  1  0.&1a& Kx-  '"1  CIU1'Q-,l)vw TIWltB.llttl  ~  -  27,380 $ 195,000 $ 284.440 $ 32,000 Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co, and Frost N,, San~ Antonio.  50,000  67,000  "'·'°' I  242,000  15,000  9,000  45,000  54,000  Insures prompt , Eersonal attent Ion. Thts does not ap p y to Brus of Lad Ing drafts or note s.  Floyd~---------Hunt O 20 Peo1>les St.ate Bank ------1'1 O J. A.. A.lien ________ J. J. George _______ H. M. Mathews ____ Pop, 300 88-1057  DEPOS- CLo.&•••D••· T11, Dol0>8 ITS s..,.,.,..,u --- ---  50,000 $  Special attentlo n given BID of Lad Ing drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please aend 15c toi th each tight draft f o r presentation and 25c for Credit Repor ta.  W, 0, MURft~Y ------ J. ~/ROW"-------- E, FR~jLIN -----FIRST NATIONAL BANK i· 0 2 ~ ~ ~ ¥ S sent w t each slg draft for pr esen on,  ---  50,000  68,000  604,0IJ0  585,000  272,000 N. City, N. Y.; So, Tex. Com'l N., Hou  --------  ~  16,000 Secur. N., Dallas: Oom'l N. and Green ville N., Greenville. 125,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Drov. N., Kan. C.; Ft. N .. Ft. Worth; 1st N., Amarillo.  >< Worth::>  F EENCENT S sent to us with each sight draftf or presentation, a nd TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redlt report Insur es prompt, person al atten tlon.  First State Bank ------•U'l0 Lee Montague __ : __ T. S. Stevenson ___ Irvin Bishop ______ Maury Hopkins ____ ♦ 88-836 S. E. Duncan W. D.Long Frnvanna _____ scurryD 11 First St.ate Bank ________ if'0 8 W. A. Johnson ____ D. A. Jones-------· J. W. Leftwich ____ Pop. 400 88-1058 Flynn __________ LeonG 20 Guaranty State Bank ___ i§•I 7 G. T. Rouse _______ A. E. Gormley _____ B. F. Payne, Jr. ___ R, L, Oden ________ Pop. 300 88-1776 B. Reid  g  dexed Acees.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ';;'4 volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc ., see Laws./ RESOURCES. PRINClPAL CORRESPONDENTS • PJ  TEXAS-Continued  C/l  td  1::x>,  60,000  19,000  780,000  640,000  12,500  2,600  104,200  61,380  10,000  6,500  75,000  60,000  144,000 1st  ., ltt. \ orth;  tock Yds ..... , Ka n. C.  z  I:;,;: I C/l  I  54,200 Far. & Mech. N .. Ft. Worth: 1st N., Snyder; Far. & March. N., Abilene. ~ ..... 22,000 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.: Tex. St.ate, Et. W Orth.  g Cb  r/J  Foch _ _ _ scurry G 2 (See H ermleiuh) Pop, 500  ~  Follett_ ___ LipscombN6 Farmers National Bank __ •. 18 Less Hall __________ B. F. Farmer ______ E. L. Cupps ________ Otis Brown ________ Pop. 600 88-1799 First State Bank ________ i§'l 8 W. E. Stuart__ ____ W. C. Walker _____ A. W. Kincade ____ A. B. Griffith ______ 88-1806 Ray Daniel Forest _____ Cherokee F 22 Farmers & Merchants St.ate W. H. Shook ______ H. A, Williamson __ J. K. Holcom~---H Pop, 123 Bank ____ 88-1914- _ ____ §' 20 Forestburg MontagueC 17 First State Bank _________ §'l7 J, F. Freeman. ____ W. F. Landers ____ G. D. Wylie _______ ---~ Pop. 450 88-1775  ----------- ---- --------  25,000  2,500  100,000  130,001)  20,000  11,130  266,340  204,340  ~  10,000 Union N., Wichita; Secur. N,, Okla.  r+  0  10,000  -------- --------- ---------  93,130 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; Shattuck N., Shattuck; ~ 4th N., Wichila. :" C/l --------- 1st N., Rusk; Hou. N. Ex., Hou, r+ 0  10,000  8,000  41.000  48,000  21,800 Secur. N., Dallas: City N .. Bowie; Far. &Mech.~ N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., St. Jo.  L. C. Reagin _______  50,000  41,000  200,000  285,000  Farmers National Bank •:l:'89 Tom Layden __ • ____ W. A, Brooks ______ J, M, Davis, Jr. ___ T, H. Layden ______ 88~82 C. C. Senter Forney State Bank ____ •i§'l5 J. c. Reagin _______ O. W, Reagin ______ 0, W. Reagfo ______ Geo. Anderson ____ ♦ 88-1704 Forreston ______ Ellis E 19 Forreston St.ate Bank ___ i§' 06 J. H. Hamlin ______ J, B. Cooper _______ B. C. Henderson •• G. H. B~ll _________ Pop. 400 88-1060 T. A.. Ferns W. D. Bloys _______ •Ft. Davis-Jeff' Davis I 6 Fort Davis St.ate Bank --tl'l1 J. W. Espy ........ W, S, Mille, H. Cla.k••.••• _ E Pop. 500 88-1406  100,000  40,000  220,000  400,000  28,100 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N .. Dallas; Am. N ... ::s Terrell. I 50,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Oity N., Dallas.  25,000  21,000  156,000  180,000  75,000 Han. N., N, Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; L' nion N., Hou.  20,000  7,000  136,000  81,000  49,000 N, Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N,, Dallas; Citiz. N., Waxahachie.  35,000  33,200  130,000  145,000  45,000 Han. N., N, Y.; State N., El Paso.  ---- ---- ------------  25,000  17,000  15-5,000  154,000  40,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Far. & Mech. N., Ft . Worth; N, Bk. Com., San Antonio.  25,000  32,000  310,00Q  240,000  98,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth: N Stock~ I.O Yds. N., E. St. L.  Forney ____ Kaufman DID City National Bank _____ •:l;'O 2 R. P. Pinson _______ 0, J.Ledbetter ____ Pop, 1345 88~81  c. C. Jordan _______  ··-··r·  .o.Ft. Stockton __ Pecos H 8 First National Bank _____ •'l 0 J.M. Rooney ______ J, M. Odom ________ A. W. Dunn------E Pop. 1297 88-787 F. S. Wilson First State Bank _______ eif'07 James Rooney ____ H. H. Butz ________ P. Rooney _____ H. R. Laurence ___ I I 88-786 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  jw.  !$"  I  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BAN~S· .-·  - ,;..;.,__;_  -·,-  ---  -·-·. .=..:..=.... -_:!,:_.,..::-:__--:::-:--.·-__ -'--: - ~ ·-•  -  FORT WORTH  Non-Bank '!'owns "'1th Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thls volume. For Int~s.!_l_!~tes! . . . ~ s , etc., see Laws. ~  ~--t D18) C (T lill4e Jfame df Bank ill the New Transit Number liven ounty ->ca arrant, balik in U. 8. e:s:eludYelJ by The Band-MeNally Bankers• , under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. (Federal aesene District No.11) Pop 106,482-Reserve City LIABILITIES. P..uD-UP SuRPLU8 INDIVID-  )(AU 01' B.AJrJt.  . .Am.)!:~• AUD. ltState PriT.  • Staie ~•· .&an.  ♦.llem-  l!'ed. Res.  .:=.;:;..::;.;;;;...;;:.;..;;.;:.;__  P&:SSIDDT,  VICE-PRJCSIDENT,  0.i.8Blll,  A.SS'T 0-'.SBill,  UAL AND PBoJ'ITS DEPOSITS  PRINCIPAL C0RRJCSP0NDENTI,  RESOURCES. LOD~,. ur-  SBEOCNDUR81'-  ~~~111coE_;;-s  ~  u  R  C,  0  '  couNTS TIES, ETC. R111souaCJ:s EsouacEs B.unta OAPITAL [Estab. _.::..;.:c.:.::.;:.~1------l-------1------I------I------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - I  .-0.Ulemen•s Trust 00,----H'l2 Geo. 17-61  w. Medley ___ A.H. Kirby _______ J. w. :Milner, J. F. Marberry  See. and Tr.  S 235,030 S  B. B. Brown,  76,180 ___________________ S 103,840 $ 100,200  A.Sec.andA. Tr.  Commerce Tru t Co.------ '20 C.H. Patti on _____ 0. J. Benson ______ J.E. Willis __________________________ _ A. K 'rboma~ 87-58 J. H. Jackson G. A. Lock *Commercial  D ■P08IT8 or  tate Bank _t§'20 E. L. Etier ________ R. Sere ______ D. L. Ward __________________________ _ 87-56  41.400 S  II  500..000 N, Bk. Oom., Ft. Worth.  600,000 ----- . ---- ------ ---- _- - - -  100,000  10,000 S 350,660 $  50,000  13,350 1Ist N., Ft. Worth .  390,000 ·-------- -------  51,370 Am. _Ex. ., N:· Y.i UI}ion Tr. Co., Chi.; Gate City N., Kan. C.; Tex. tate, Ft. Worth.  ~  l><  > en  *Oontinental Bank & Trust Co. J. G. Wilkinson ____ H. H. Wilkinson ___ E. M. Perkin _____ H. c. Wallenberg __ Jno. Erick en •*1'08 Morgan Jone·, 17-11 Ch. of Bd.  500.000  280,340  2,007,130 ----------  1,504,860  737,500  150,010  74-1,950 Dk. of N. Y. N. B. A.. and Seah._ N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. St. L.; M1dw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. c.  a, >  z ~  en Abner Davis _______ AIIEI DAVIS SYSTEM BAftK t 20 37-511  I 0 ..,....  ll1J  ------------------- Henry Ilutching • Abner Davi , Jr. -- --------- ---·---- - - - - - -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------Mgr.  ~  *Exchanie State Bank ___ e*5'06 V. S. Wardlaw _____ D. E. Lydick _______ L. P. Card _________ J. T. Stanley _____ _ Jno. J. Martin L. P. Robertson 17-H  *f ARMERS & MECH NAT'L BK •  17-7  • •t'80  350,000 ---------  1,175,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., ~ Chi.; 1st N., St. L.; City N., Dallas. ;.  463,430 3,625,930 Mech. & Hetals N. and N. City, 84U70 7,128.440 3.237,730 9.124.860 1.077,890 500.000 :ftRJki------- ELMER RENFRO----- ~R: JL: nrcLlSJR.----N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N •• Cbt.; ~• • ROZELLE W. WI LIAMS N. Bk. Com. and lst N., St. L.; Send y our Tex as and Ok I a ho ma coll ectlons direct to us. . . NUTT G. E. COWOEN Comw. N. and N. Bk. Com., We ca ~ : : : : ~ ~u•t~~he_; :gaetl~:~ ':;o:anb~e ~oney. I. L. VAN ZANDT, JR. Vice c""h.'of Bd, A. J. LONG Kan. C. SEE AD VERTI EMENT OPPO I TE PAGE 1391. W.R. EDRINGTON  Ch.'of JJ.J. and V.P. H.  *fIRST NAT'L BANK  W. J. DYER F. W. POWELL  R. M. BOWEi  •t'77 We have suoerlor facllltles for handllng your Texas Items collections. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2,300,000  J. W. SPENCER  W. P. ANDREWS  ,HE.  25,000 3,500,000 ______  I: ":  &· 111 PE~~f1\~0N----  w. E. CONIIELL----T. B. YARBROUGH-- R. C. MARTIN------ W. H. WALLERICH17-1  300,000  We collect direct. Prompt. Your business Invited.  ------  - -- --- ---  'SU  :,  C '100,000 10,600,000 4.400.000 11,600,000 1,900,000 . _______ 5,800,000 N. City and N. Bk. Com., N. T.; I» 1,000.000 - - - - - - - - Cont.&Com'IN,,Cbl.;N.Bk."1 nd '::< Com., t. L. SEE ADVERT ISEMENT 01 OPP OSITE P AGE.  -  Reasonable.  1'MER\C1'N N1'T\ONAL BANK, AUSTIN, TEXAS  -  '°  .t'J  Solicits Your Business  The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  FIRST NATIONAL BANK FORT WORTH, TEXAS OFFICERS  W. E. CONNELL T.B.YARBROUGH W. P. ANDREWS R. C. MARTIN W. H. WALLERICH W. J. DYER F. W. POWELL R. M. BOWEN  -  •  -  -  -  President • Vice-President Vice-President Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier  -  Capital  $1,000, 00  DIRECTORS J. DUNCAN S. B. BURNETT E.W. CLARK W. T. WAGGONER J.W.MITCHELL GEO.T.REYNOLDS R. B. MASTERSON ZANE CETTI W. C. STONESTREET J. L. JOHNSON B. S. WALKER MRS. DAN WAGGONER W. E. CONNELL MRS. 0. L. BURNETT T.B.YARBROUGH G.H.CONNELL W. P. ANDREWS JOHN SCHARBAUER R. C. MARTIN  Surplus  $600,000  We have superior facilities for handling your Texas Items and Collections. _We collect direct Prompt. Reasonable.  Your business invited I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Service! 1s the watchword of this Bank. Bills of Exchange on every country in the world. OFFI ER A. CHILBERG, Chairman_ of_ th~ B~r~ - • President RALP~ :Sfl2fiRIDG-E - _ - • • _ •• • _ • _ • • - Vjce-Presjdent WMED. E SANDER • - • • - • - - • - • • Vice-Presid«:nt • _ • • • • Cashier • FR tJ.·LL~fcK· _-; : .- : .- : Mg;. Fo;ei;n Dept. Ass\stant Cashjer _ _ • - • • Ass1Stant Cashier OSTROM • S.S. ESLINVALLENTINE. -. : : : - • • - • • Ass_istant Cashier _ _ _ _ . • Assistant Cashier JAM Assistant Cashier • • • • 1. C. BOG~~~gs - - - • • • -1:"fJ~AUGH • -_ ·_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -. - • - - Mgr. Loan Dept. - • • - - - Trust Offieer N • 0. ~ L~¥tR _ • _ - • - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ • _ - _ _ _ _ _ Mgr. Credit Dept. ·L. ·woLD _ • _ • • _ • _ _ • • • - - - Mgr. Bond Dept. D H TB BRA OTIO S. J. PEDERSEN - • • • • • • • - • -_ -_ •• •• Mc:a~:; C. F. FLOREN - • • • • · • • • • • • - •  f  RECTO C A. CHILBERC.. Chairman of the Board CONNER _ • • • • • • • - • • Secretary LaConner o. _ • • Secretary White River Lumber ~o. NSON W. W. • _ • • • • • • Cashier • • A. G. HA J. F. LAN ELSON • • - • • - - • President Polson Implement Co. J>EREDRYEP~ANDER : : : Pr;siden; Seattle Land & lmprovemen~ Co. _ • • • • • • • President CY · FR - • • - ____ • _ • _ • Vice-President RALPH S. STA Of Weter & Roberts, Attorneys WM. R. STOCKBRIDGE. . • - - J. P. WETER - •  MEMBE  FEDERAL RE ERV E BANK  DEPOSITS GUARANTEED by Washington Bank Depositors Guaranty Fund of THE STATE OF WASHINGTON  The Scandinavian American Bank SEATTLE, WASH.  FORT  WORTH-Continued  (Federal .aesen-e District No. 11)  I  I•  I  '  I  I'  I'  - - - - - - - -  N.ut.E oF BANK. •.Mem. Am. Ilks. 4.ssn. §State  :  ;  '  I  :  V  p  I  ;  I  :.  .  I.'  ;  •  I  I,  BESIDE~'T.  ASHIER,  ICE- RESIDENT.  SST  AS  , LIABILITIES. SuaPLUs INnrvrn- DEPOSITS LOANS & C~~!;s B OF D UAL AND  PAID UP CAPI;AL  HI R E •  s:.\SSD[1;{ib:/- - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - -  ~lr~,S;~~e. '~-  Non-llank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (ln-  ~gf~/cc;g/•1!fe':::ra:t::.s it!!1.1~!12. ~tc.~af~ fa~~~ ;'" ::,  (Federal Beserve District No. 11)  A , C  C  p  WORTH-Continued  FORT  I  .;  ____ Paom,  RESOURCES. :\IIscELBoNns  T~:S~~~~-  I  r  c  PRI.'ClPAL CoRREsPOXDE.·T •  CA.Su  -,-------------, ~  EPOs,TS~  St. L.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan.C.  We cordially invite correspondence of Banks and Bankers desiring efficient and satisfactory service in this territory.  37-6  1-j  - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - f - - - - · 1 - - - - t - - - - - - H - - - - - t - - - - - - - · t - - - - - - - - ·11 - - - -  C. M. Hill J. R. Henderson Fraternal Bank & Trust Co. Tom .Mason -··-··- J. \Y, llightower __ W. ~- )1cDonald __ J. T. Langston_·-·· §'12 37-57 *Guaranty S'-clte Bank- .. •U'07 R. J. Rhome_·-···-1L. I. Lon~····---·- EI. W. Oreain-...•. J. , . VogeL--·-·· K. E. Steven ·on 37-18  1,000,000  213,000  51,800 1,166,000  100,000  *Fort Worth State Bank.•U'09 Marcus Bright___._ L. B. Comer--·-··· L. E. Reynolds·-·- C. . mith._______  65,000 ·-·······-  300,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.  37-17  ------~-------•---~---_.!._______  *NATIONAL BANK 0 f C O M M E RC E  A. E. THOMAS .•••••• J. H. JACKSON -- -··-- J. E. WILLIS •••.•. -- C. E. GILLHAM·-···· O. F. MACOrt LOCK y.C.H.A. PATTISON  ft~Ji  ►  i-.◄  26-1.0-IO IFar. & )lech. N .. Ft. Worth.  39,410  200  3,090  999,000  5,500  57,770  170,0001Han. N .. N. Y.: Stock Yd , N. and ► Z Far" )Iech. N., Ft. Worth.  - - - - ' l - - - - t - - - - · l - - - · - H - - - - - t - - t - - - - - - - - - 1- - - -  Mech. & Metals N. and Guaranty C/'J Tr. Co., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; j N. Bk. Com., St. L. and Kan. '"" 2,218,000 C.; Phil. N., Phil.; Mellon N., g ::~tiik~eluT~~Co~a~~:t~:~~: cblngs, Sealy & Co., Galv.  254,510 --·····-·-  11,830  40,tOO  I  1  32,000 1,017,430 .•••••.•. -,I  100,000  l  1.000,000  US RECEIVES PROMPT PER ONAL ALL BUSTh~: ~ATTENTION BY AN OFFICER OF THIS BANK.  •t"lll 1  t"Il  ~  C/'J  I  I  5,000,000  500,000 3,700,000 2,500,000  397,54.0 ......... 1  w  ~  •J  r-t-  - - ~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -  ~  0  "'1  rl-  North Texas Trust Company T. W. Slack. _______ Geo. E. Cowden ___ ------------····-·-- -------·--·-----··· §'12 S. Davidson, 37-5i  250,000  1,250,000 ......•••• --·-·· ·-·-  125,000 ..••..•••• ·---·- ••••  Ii  Ch, of Bd.  11  Jc.  *Security State Bank ••••• t§'2C H. E. Byrne--·---- A. M. Beeman_ Walter Peltier 37-20  *STOCKYARDS NAT'L BANK 37-12  •*'03  Alex. Shaw ________ I. D. Brister-····-·  100,000  John N. Sparks ••• F. L. Miller_··----· Roy O. Vance.·--·- L. W.llarshall._ E.W. Hightower H. W.Collier  (Offices, Mehi Bldg,)  J'ort worth oteartnr Bouse ___ •  (Members tmlic.ated b-u a *>  17,000  200,000  260,000 2,000,000 1,500,000  300,000  254,670 3,775,010 1,474,420  1  rl-  295,000 ······-··· -··-······  60 ,OOO•N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Ft.  I Wo,th.,  .  3,145,000  300,000 --···· -··- 1,000,000 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com I N .. Chi.: 1st .i.T., St. L.; Canal-Com'} Tr. & av .. N. 0.  3,673,920  33,390 ·-----···· 1.604,640 Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.; MN .. St. L.: Com. I Tr. Co., Kan. C.; City N,, Dallas.  5· [  I I  .!F¥e:. f~fe~-F~:•J~~tfor th N., and  Rare .;-.,.:: Medala,PaperMo ney, and Rare Po ...::•:~amp,- of all-Conn tries and lages. ---- ------- ---------- ______ llee '1,00, lbtlng all rare u. s. Coln s. Thia b ook 18 us ed by ne arly 60% of all Ila nks of th e United states, Encyelopedta," Coln lour "Star  o. H. Colvin _____ w. L.  Smallwood __  1  w. M. ~~.,., sai_end, Tr. R. c.  1  -------- --------- --··-  Smith, Mor,_ _________  8  ---•--·---  -  - -  ~--  -  __ ·-_  ---  • .-•.  - - - - .k'.  . --:_-:_ . , . .__  - --  ,,__! _____  -....  l  w  ~  •-------~--~-- -----~---~.:. -  ··;--_~--:----= ..  '{"'f.a.._ ....~ - -  " $______ .  I  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS, CHICAGO  •·  -  I  ::,  J::-_,::el:: ~:In  INFORMATION ON MANY SUBJECTS. ASK OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT " Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  250,000  I I  I  *Texas State Bank.------•WOO W. L. Bmallwooo -- B. B. Samuels. - - C. J. Maner---···· H. L. Rudmose •••• C. C. Johnson A. L. BakPr 37-1& L. B. Ward Geo. T. Stillman  NUMISMATIC BANK _____ ..  1,200  255,930 N. City, N. Park, and N. Bk. Com .. ::r N. Y .. Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; 1st (') N., St. L. 0  II  ___.:,________--.-------===-=--~----.. ·.·-_.-_ . .  ··-:=-~~.{_:._ .- _____:·_-·;.;;·Q•·-~-::;.;«~---•_·_;..~-:;;:;:----;;...--_.-:-:,;---~C--~~_;--_.·-·=·---·-.::._:. -:_~.-.-- -:. -~=-~- -..:, ., . . . . .,;  c~-:---··  .  -- - - ----:~---~=-..:-~--;;.::-;_.-~-,;;;.---~-.;...·- - - ~ - - - - - - -  .  I•··•.\ I ·i. i  Liberty N., Irving N., N. c1t:v. and K. M. VAN ZANDT--ELMO SLEDD------ R. W. FENDER----- R. C. GEE----------N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N. H.P. SANDIDGE R. E. HARDING 1 s __s10 818 530 $1,578,660$ 418,660$ 4.7'16,490 aNnd LlBve Sfock Ex. N ·• Chi.: 1st 2,706,830 s_&oo,ooo._ s_1.618,7'101s_D,757,920 _ It V. JENNINGS W. M. MASSIE .,N. k. Com.,and Boatmen, _ ._ _ T. J. CALDWELL  *FORT WORTH NAT'L BANK  37-19  ~  ~  ~~~~~BRESOURCEB  -  Number under Name or Bank i1 the New Transit Number cinn to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-MeNally Bankers• . Dlreetory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  1392  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisj ,_. '\'Olume. For Intere t Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  TEXAS-Continued  I  Nilllt 011' BANK. LIABILITJES, RESOURCES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State PRESIDDT. VICE-PRESIDENT. OASHIJ:R. Ass'T OASHIJ:R. P.A.m-UP SuRPLUB DEPOB- r.o.m&:Dis- c......0 &:.!xIn 'o. 11 Fed. Re . Dist. :tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. CAPITAL PRANDOFITB ITS c '~~,m••• "!:". .s•:~ E El Br. ff Houston ♦ Mero. Fed. Res. [Estab. 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ____ - - - - - - - - -8-·-.. ·-- ---- -1-----------------1 TOWN AND COUNTY.  Francitas._Jaekson L 20 First State Bank ••••••• •U'll Wm. F. Schwind ••• V. Egger ••..•..••.. H. Burgdorff' .••••. E. M. Bentz .•••••• S 10,000 $ H Pop, 300 88-1364  5,000 $ 60,000 1$ 56,000 S 10,000 1st N., Chi.; Union N., Hou.: Am. N .. Austin.  j  Frankell ... Eastland E 16 First Bank of Frankell .. t'20 ••••••..•••••••.••.. E. B. Cox .••...••.• Roy A. Trower •••• ······-·-·-········· ••••••.•• - ••........•..•.•••••.•....••••.•• Secur. N., Dallas; Far. & Merch. . . 88-1986 ' Walter Nance Ranger. ..Frankhn Robertson H 19 First National Bank ••••• :t 05 R. M. Duffey ...... Geo. E. Brown ••••• D. J. Mauk--··-·- Alys Truett........ 50,000 40,000 180,000 220,000 40,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex, N., Dallas. Pop, 1131 88-521 J. H. Lomax  I  c. Crane •••••••  State, I  I  A. D. Rhodes ••••.• Minnie Tally •  30,000  25,000  325,000  290,000  65,000 N. City, N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.;Tex. State, Ft. Worth: Secur. N .. Dallas.  Mitchell Bros. Bank •••• tt"74 John C. :Mitchell •• J. Henry Mitchell. Kate MitchelL •••• Henry Poetter..... 88-520 Wm. M. Mitchell Henry Herndon  100,000  117,000  141,280  296,600  61,690 Han. N., N. Y.: Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.: State N ., Austin; City N., Dallas.  First State Bank •••.•••• U'13 J. J. Carter-•••••• W. T. Maris ••..••• W. ♦ 88-1551  c.  ~  trl Cely ••••••••• Ray Perry ••••••••• - - - - · - - -  40,000  15,000  Frankston State Bank ••• §'19 G. L. Billingsley ••• J.M. Dabbs ••••••• Harry Burroughs •• · · - - - · - - - - 88-1887 T, L. Beard  20,000  800  Frankston.AndersonF21 First State Bank •.•••••. U'09 J. F. Austin ••••••• B. ff Pop. 818 88-lOU  J:'-J  20,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Campbell C/l State, Palestine. tJj  49,000  35,000  ~  25,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; City N., Dallu.  130,000 1 160,000  :!:  •Fredericksburg Gillespie Bank of F1ooericksburg Temple D. Smith •• Adolph Gold .•.•••• Albert Koennecke. Alex. w. Henke ••• - - - · - - - - - - - - - · - - - · N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; IntE:rState N .. Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com., San Antomo: Pop. 2000 I 15 88-370 •:tt"87 Lawrence Knopp 5,000  McLendon •• R. D. Collins •.•••.  50,000  20,000  Friona .•••••• Parmer I. 2 Friona State Bank .•••. •:t§'08 A. W. Henschel. •• Fred N. Stinson .•• M. M. Henschel ••• _ _ _ · · - - Pop. 250 88-1661  20,000  3,400  104,800  90,500  Pop~-ginin C 19 First Natios:~8r;nk •••• •:t'02 B. R. Smith •••••••• Warren Christie ••• J. E. Ripple ••••• ~. ---···········  25,000  8,000  155,000  100,000  Citizens Bank ..••.••.•• •:tt'05 Oscar Krauskopf •• M:rc;. A. Vander Wm. Bierschwale •• M. J. Bierschwale. 88-371 Stucken w. F. Bierschwale Freeport. •. Brazoria L 22 Freeport National Bank.•:t'lS C. A. Jones •••••••• P. G. Maercky •••.. \V, ff Pop, 1798 88-1548  Fri co ••  c.  o. L.  ~  ~ C/l  . N., N. Y.: Frost N. and. 457,560 - - - - - - Ohatham & Phemx Alamo N., San Antonio; So. Texas Com 'l N.. Hou. 265,000 160,000 N. Oity, N. Y.: 1st N. and Hou. N. Ex., 363,000 Hou.  30,000  I  ":rj ~  30,000 Drov. N. and Stock Yds, N., Kan. O.; Amarillo ::S N., Amarillo. ~. ..+  ~  60,000 Saab. N., N. Y.: N, Bk, Com., Ft. Worth.  ..+  o. A. Covinitton •••  35,000  17,500  325,000  272,500  75,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth: Secur. N., 0 Dallas: Com'l N., Sherman.  Fro. t. ......Navarro F 19 Oittzens State Bank •••• •*1'09 J. R. Blay ......... R. F. Shaw ••••..•• N. Hollingsworth. G. L. Haley .•••••.. Pop, 913 • 88-814 J.M. Scott  25,000  60,000  175,0001  260,000  30,000 Han. N., N. Y.; City N., Dallu,  Beck .•••.•••• J.E. Davis •.. ··-··  50,000  32,000  125,ooo  I  215,000  53,000 Olty N., Dallas.  Fulbright •••.• Red River Guarantee State Bank .. •tl'13 J. R. Kerbow •••••• E. Sea.ff••••••.••.•• H. N. Ferguson •.. ··················-Pop, 500 B 22 88-1566 Jno. 1. Butcher  15,000  3,500  68,530  77,140  .. GaiL •..••• Borden D 10 Gail Bank ..••••.•••••••• it·os R. N. Killer ....... - - - - · - - - J. D. Brown ••••••• Esther Pearce ••••• Pop. 500 88-1063  11,000  11,000  75,000  65,000  Frisco Guaranty State Bk, J. H. 'l'aylor, Jr ..•• D. Chri tie •••••••• 28-818 •*5'10  First National Bank •••• •t·oa G. J. •••••••• R. J. Sanders.••••• J. 88-813 s. s. Hooser  •Gainc. ville •• Oooke B 18 First 'ational Bank •••. •t'83 D. T. Lacy ......... J. M. Potter ••...• J. Pop, 8648 88-144  w. Gladney •••••  f  J. H. Gerrish  J. w. Schad....... B. R. Thomason  i  Ple<Ue aend 15c w ith each aighl draft  for preaentation.  w. T. Norman •••••  iii" ..+  s·  5,690 Seab. N., N. Y.: Am. Ex.N., Dallas: RedRiverl N .. Clarksville: Am. N ., Paris; 1st N .• Det. I 32,000 Oity N., Dallas; 1st N., Big Springs.  161,710 1,193,820 1,513,480 46,170  137,110 N. Olty, N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Hou.  621,710  580,850  304,080 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N .. Hou.: :Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. O.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas.  Wiley Smith •..•••• J. L, Bolton ..•..•. · - · - - · · · · - · · · hook W. H. Garner  w. n.  ::, C:  1  200,000 10,000  212,740 1,378,470 1.559.260 1,220  44,62) 1  37,760  397,540 N. Oity, N. Y.; New Eng. N., Kan. O.; Ft. ~ Worth N., Ft. W th. '< 12,680 Hon. N. Ex., Hon,; Far. & Merch. State Bk. __. & Tr. Co., Rusk. 1.0 1-v  Solicits Your Business  . I • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  . .. . . :  •;  I  •  II.  1  I  .  ,, •  I  •.  I  '  .  I  ,  '  1.;.  •  •  I'  ·  t:  I  I  ::  ''.  GALVESTON  ..... $1)  TRY US.  Lindsay National Bank. •t'02 S. M. Kinr ••••.... Roy T. Potter ••.•• O. E. Powers •••••. A. Lee Lewis...... 88-145 Gallatin •• Cherokee F 22 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. \\ Pop. 500 88-1881 §'19  0  ~  I  250,000  ~ MffRRIS ..•..•• F. MORRIS, JR •••.•. CLAUDE JONES...... 65,000 Special attentl on f1~e~.J1~i of L adlng drafts, Cas hand Time Item s.  J. W. DOWNARD .•  FIRST STA\f_ffsNK ... •is·oc  o.  Savaee •••••..  (Galveston, K 23)  County Seat  Non-Bank Towns with Near€:si; Banking Point  (In•  Naznber under Nazne of Bank is the New Transit Naznber given  GALVESTON  (Galveston, K 23 ) County Seat d Non-Bank Towns with Nearesi Banking Point (InPop. 44,255-Reserve City fa~~  g I I I II ,St:rn~us I I I=:~ I .---------------llll!!!l,-.---------------------------------------------11!!11111------------11111~-1393 ff1r!~'i:,r~:n:n~eruth8e  l ;:::: d":ie1W:S.~:n. fj;t;~  :,~fl::ff;Yof3;,[:1~!:1'!t1cfaa:!fe!;a;'f;i;::  vif~e~c°E,~J,i!te~:f8idt!':,s It~~J!~~ ~c-~a;:e  (Federal Reserve District No. 11 H)  NitiIE OF BANK.  LIABILITIES  PRESIDENT,  VICE-PRESIDENT.  CASHIER.  ASS'T CASHIER.  PAID-UP  RESOURCES  I~~-,D•~~ITS L°n~i  &  ~°c~~  CASH  I  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  _+_M_e_m_ ,_F_ed_._R_e_s_._ _[_E_sta_b~._ _ _ _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___C_AP_IT_A_L--'-PR __ OF_I_TS------'-D_E _P _ O_s_ITS ----'-_B_A_N_1t_a__;__c_o _ UN_TS_;_TIE_S..:..,_E_TC_•.:...R_E_so_UB_c_Es..:.R_Es_o_UR_c_E_s _ _ _ __  J'OHN SEALY  H. O. STEIN  SEALY HUTCHINGS  TEXAS  (Unincorporated)  BANKERS  ESTABLISHED 1854  ~  ~  GEO.SEALY  HUTCHINGS, SEALY & CO.  GALVESTON  ________  C  ESTABLISHED 1854  We Offer Efficient Service for Your Texas Business.  - - - -- - - - - - - - - - ---.--- - - -- ----;--------.---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - -1--i  co I{w. L. MOODY, Ill -,A. P. NORMAN-------/A· T. BARCLAY------JFRANK SMITH-------$ Special attentf on given Bill of L adlng drafts, Cas handTlmeltems.  AMERICAN BK & TRUST  s:  4 54  •t§'13  *CITY NATIONAL BANK 41r-D  W. L. MOODY, IR.---  w. L. MOODY, 111 ____ A. A. HORNE  M. P. JENSEN-------  c. w. GABL------T. C. MATHER IRA BERRY, JR,  ·th di t ti d "d f "l"tl th h t th W1 rec connec ons an w1 e ac1 1 es roug ou e State of Texas, we can give you quickest action at a 7 •t·o minimum cost on all Texas business.  *First National Bank ______ et'65 R. Waverley Smith Chas. Fowler ______ F. W. CatteralL ••• F. Andler _________ _ 46-2 H. A, Eiband E. Kellner  *HUTCHINGS SEALY AND COMPANY 46-1  JOHN SEALY SEALY HUTCHINGS H. 0. STEIN GEORGE SEALY  ESTABLISHED  ----------1:---------- ------------------------- N. Bk. Com. and Han. :tf., N. Y.; >~ _ _ _ _ _ _ Merch.Ln. & Tr. Oo., Chi.  50,0001$ 59,000 $1,500,000 ___ _ __ ___ ___ _ _ _  en t,:,  I 200,000  ChaseN.,N.Bk. Com.,and Guar257,960 4.238,180 $ 632,540 $3,540,080$ 476,6601$ 225.060 $ 1.234,540 anty Tr. Co., N, Y.; Cont. & - - - com'I N., cw.; N. Bk. Com., St. L. ___ ___ ___ ___ _ __ _ _ _ _ __  200,000  261,420  2,173,660  163,730  1,506,300  771,450  58,650  1854.  663,440 N. Park, 1st N., N. Bk. Com., and Am. Ex. N., N.Y.: 1st N., Chi., Kan. C., and St. L.; Canal-Com'! Tr. &Sav., N. O.; Bk. of No. America and 1st N., Phil.  )> ~  .:.. ~  I 0 SI> -  ~  rn  rt-  0  N, City and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. ::, Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., ChJ.; Girard N., PhD.; N. Bk. Com., . St. L.; 1st N., Kan. C.  We offer efficient ban king service for ban ks, corporati ons and Individuals.  •tt'54  ________________________________________ 1st N., N.Y. and St. L.: Canal-Com' 1 Tr. &Sav .. N. O.:Secur.N.,Dallas: Union N. , Hou. *W. L. Moody & Company ------------ ----------------- H. E. Barden. _____ ,________ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ________________________________________ N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.;Fid. N.Bk.N.&Tr. Co ..NKan. C. •tt'66 W. B. Wallis __________________ Henry Schroeder _____________________________________________ _ _______________________________________ Bk. of America, Y,; 1st ., St. L. *Peoples Bank46-3 __ -------•ttl900  *ED. McCARTHY & CO.-•ttl900 Ed. -Mccarthy, 46-52  Principal  - - - - - - - - S. L. McCarthy ____ Hampton Young ___ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------  46-8  SECURITY TRUST COMPANY Jno. W. Hopkins .. W. s. Keenan----- Malcolm Graham,  _ _ _ _ _ _ __ See. wnd Tr. •south Texas State Bank•*§"74 J . .J, Davis _________ E.R. Cheesborough A. T. Schwarzbach ________ ____________ + 46-7 c.G.Sweet 46-53  •t§'l2  J.P. McDonough  300,000  114,500  64,380 ----------  1,160.610  5,840  88,670  200,000  158,630 4,415,010 _______  2,072,540  455,780  88,390  Trust F-un ds.  35,220 City N., Galv,  2.172,390 N. City and Chatham & Phenix N .. N. Y.: Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Mtle. N., St. L.; Drov. N., Kan. C, -A-Texas Bank &Trust ComI>anY I. H. Kempner _____ J, W. Butler ______ R. L. Kempner •••• A. Lion____________ 400,000 679,320 , 6,555,230 ______ 5,403,450 234,750 150,000 1,927,350 N. Bk. Com. and Guaranty Tr. C(!,, ♦ 46-4 •:§'74 R.L.Kempner,V.P. C. H. Moore O. A. Walker, Jr. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; J. H. W. Steele Boatmens, St. L. w Galveston Clearing House _____ R. Waverley Smith Sealy Hutchinfs ___ R. E. Robinson, _____________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------10 (Members indicated b11 a*) .Mgr. , w  I  OURCREDIT-INF6RMATION ON CONCERNS EVERYWHER E IS OPEN TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  CON TINENTAL AND C OMMERCIAL 8 AN KS ' CH·ICAGO  .  Number under Name of Bank ii the New TransH Number given  to eaoh bank in U. 8. euluslvely by The B.and-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers An•n.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi - ..,. Laws W volumEI. For Interest, Rate , Holidays, etc., see • 1.0 .  TEXAS-Continued  NA.ME OF BANK.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  11  LIABILITIES.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. In No. ll Fed. Res. Di t. :tMPm, State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. EEl Paso Br. HHou ton +Mem. Fed. Res.  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  0A.8lllll,  RESOURCES.  p AID-UP SuBPLUS. DEPOS-'T 0A.SBIU.  CAPITAL PB~TB  l.o.u<1 I:  D1.1- .  CAH  I  -  ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  i: Bx-  c;:;,,:..":;• •.:,:e:~=  1TB  - - - - - - ___, ___ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1  Ganado •• -- Jackson L 19 Oitizens State Bank ___ if'08 T. N. Mauritz·-- Fred Mauritz .•• - .. O. F. Combs.--. J. Mauritz.- •••• S 50,000 S 16,000 S 300,000 $ 315,000 S 40,000 JLevi Bk. & Tr. co., Victoria: So. Tex. Com'! N., Hou. P. J. Solak 88-1064 HO Pol). 716 Farmers State Bank •• _.§'19 J. H. Knopp ••.•.•• • 88-1798 •Garden Oity .• Glasscock First State Bank.·--···•U'07 Ira Driver ••••• - •• 88-1065 F 10 Pol), 500 Garland •••••• Dallas D 19 First National Bank •••• •:t'l9 B. A. McKinney ••• 88-773 Pol). 1421 tate ational Bank •••• •:t'06 A. R. Davis •••••••• " " 88-774 GarrLon •.• Nacogdoches First State Bank .•••••. •U'l0 C.R. Langston-··· jG. F. Garrison. 88-1066 11 23 H Pol), 603  J.11. Yoa .•••••••• V. F. Parma·---·-· Henry Rene....... V. F. Parma T. R. Long .••••... E. P. Teele·-···· _ _ _ _ _ _ _  35.000  2,720  52,000  104.000  10,000  12.000  60,000  67,000  J. W. Rabb .. ·-·--· L. L. Caldwell .•••. B. L. Maxey··-···· C. M. Brown W. c. Kingsley·-· Ford Seale •••••••• V. s. Marett.·-··· J. F. Tucker Helton Latimer •••• J. W. StalliD2-. -··-------·-· D . .M. McDuffie  50,01)0  10.000  200.000  290,000  100,000  60,000  750,000  500,000  25,000  7,950  195,00011  180,000  50,000 1st N .. St. L.: So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou.  Garwood •• Colorado K 19 Garwood State Bank ••. •U'lO W. M. Griffitts •• -•• 88-1067 H Pop. 600 GarY.-·--···Panola F 23 First State Bank ••••••. •:tl'll Z. L. DanieL ••••. 88-1365 Pol). 500 Garza_ ••.•. Denton C 18 Garza Bank·----···tt'l5 G. W. Riddle •••• -. 88-1702 Pop. 500 •Gatesville •. Coryell G 17 First National Bank •• -.:t'89 J. R. Raby·-······ 88-441 Pol), 2490 Gatesville National Bank•:t'02 D. E. Graves. ____ " " 88-442  Frank Arnold·--· J. L. Chapman.-. Edith Martin .•••• J. R. Pinchback.Jr. H. w. lluvar J.E. Cassity ••••••• K. 0. Roshinr ·-·· ····-·- ·--··---··  35,000  12,070  168,210  171,690  10,000  15,000  100.000  40•270 1st N ., Hou. ; Eagle Lake State, Eagle Lake: Tex. ~ Bk. & Tr. Co., Galv. txl 75,000 City N., Dallas: Tex. State, Ft. Worth.  S. T. Lake _ _ _ T. J. Bowles .•••••• Alma Bowles._ ••..  5,500  5,000  25.000  8,000  G. W. Royalty •• _. Leake Ayres_._ F. w. Straw .••• -.. A. R. Williams Byron Leaird .•.••• J. P. Kendrick.__• J. H. McClellan ••• A. B. Bennett  100,000  135.650  593,330  713,640  40,000  104.670  616,010  634,880  I. P. McCREARY ...•• L. S. HOLMES ...•.•.  50,000  22,400  411,960  412,210  104.4601Han. N .. N. Y.: Guaranty Bk. &Tr. Co., Dallas: 1st N., Waco; Umon N., Hou.  Ch. of Bd.  &l{J. H. ARNOLD--··· C. C. SADLER,  GUARANTY STATE BANK TRUST COMPANY ......•W14  I  ♦  88-1628  S8-Sl0  •:tl'05  88-  )>  216,050 N. Park, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou.: 1st ~ w N., Waco. 148,560 N. City, N. Y,; Oity N., Dallas: 1st N., Hou.; )> N. Bk. Com., St. L. .  l  !z  I~ 0  108,000  50,000 E. G. GILLETT .... A. A. BOOTY._...... W. L. PRICE ........ ---·-··----. Special attentlo n g!ve~ Bill of La ding ~r~fts, Cash a~~ Time IteJll!', FEE IN ADV AN CE. Sight drafts, 15c minimum; 25c minimum charge ,j paid. Reliable Credit Reports, 25c. TR Y US.  78,300  750,530  511,870  14,000 Citiz. State, Austin; Citiz. N., Cameron; Ill ::l Secur. N., Dallas. 308,280 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; lstN., Hou.; Am. Ill §' Ex. N., Dallas.  J. E. COOPER ..... C, S. BELFORD-.... I. N. KELLER ....... E, H, EANES.. ·--·-·  43,410  519,270  566,700  137,070 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N., Hoo.; City N., Dallas.  100,000  ~  5,000  123,000  100,000 ·----··- N. City, N. Y.  ·-·········--······ E. E. Bartlett.. •• _ M. G. Bartlett.....  50,000  14,620  215,830  175,400 64,340  112,090 Han. N.,  o. Thuem. ____ •  20,000  4,200  104,640  W. A. Knox--·-·· W. O. Bowers-·· I. J. Fariss·--· Paul Nerrer-···E. J. N ei tsch E. R. Sinks ••• ----- E.G. Jaehne ··-··· A. J. Nisbet-•• - - - - - · · - - - J. S. Hillsman R. C. Barnwell .••. J. H. M. Childress. W. 0. Barnwell_ T. R. CroleY ..••••. R. o. Moughon T. S. Ra2'1and.•. --. , L. G. Martin.·---· H.P. KcGau2h1 .•. W. A. Marshall._•• W. C. Frazier J. W. Croley W. B. White._ ••••• W. W. anders-··- R. B. Nelson·--· J.B. .. _._. N. J. Harrison J. B. Jay .•••.•••.. R. A. Jay·-···-···· Ellis Scogin •• _ •• M. V. Jay··-·····-· M. s. Sandell L.1. Everett.·--·· ________ C. B. Everett.---·· Loyce Phillips·--·  50,000  22,270  300,460  340,410  60,000  74,360  238,33J  279,120  50,000  46,440  254,000  155,610  100,000  4Q,640  677,450  879,110  50,000  25,000  120,000  170,000  10,000  800  62,000  43,000  20,000  5,000  175,000  125,000  Geor2e W. Riddle. J. Roy Knox·-··-·1·u. G. LaWTence_. ----·····----  10,000  15,000  I 111  i 111  I  1  T.  ni' "1  Y.; State N., San Antonio,  58,690 , Chase N .. N. Y.; State N., San Antonio; Lumbt>rmam, r .. Hou.; Seguin tate Bk. & Tr. Co., cguin. 77,700 Han. N .. N_. Y.: So. Tex. Com'! N .•.Hou.: Am. .. Austin: Alamo N., Sau Antomo. 106,760 Hou. ., Ex. N., Lumbermans N., and Unior! N .• Hou. 28,9:lC Am. N .. Austin; 1st N., St. L.; City N. and Secur. N .. Dallas. 71.390 So. Tex. Oom'l N., Hou.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas.  I  'p;4  33,000 1st State, Dallas.  !j  22,000 1st N., Ft. Worth; Far. & Merch. N., Abilene.  c:  75,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Sej°r. N., Dallas.  ~  Ill  200,000 - - - - - - 1Seab. N., N. Y.: Secur. N.and City N., Dallas;:_.. \0 1:-.t .. Longview. I ::: 28,000 Stock Yds. N ., Kan. C.: lst N., Amarillo. 58,000 75,000  I  88-Hi52  ~oncn& Tour  Business  TEXAS-Continued  0 N  50,0(10  Paul Alves ••.••.•. R. Bretzke - · · · · L. V. Braunholz  0  tu  O. W. Sherrell.·--· Buford Mayfield ... Eric ForsvalL....  . . , \ 88-lOliQ _ \ _ . Gla1.1er •••••Hemoh1ll O 6\G\azier Sta.te llank .•.•.•:t§ 14\ . M. Nunn ••..•••• W. D. Fisher •••.•• B. M. Hill-···-·-· - - - · · - - - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  :><  16,000 1st State, Dallas.  60,000  •n,c.  •Giddings .•••••• Lee J 19 Citizens State Bank •••• •:tl'06 88-472 H Po1>. 1650 First National Bank ...... i·oo .. .. 88-471 •Gilmer •••- Up hur D 22 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank •:t·o1 88-561 Pol). 2268 First National Bank •• •:t1900 88-560 Gilmer State Bank •••••• ll'l0 ♦ 88-562 Girard .•••••••. Kent C 12 \Girard •Bank •• _••.•••..• :tt'l6 8-17.!0 Pop. 60 Gladewater ••• Gregg D 22 Everett Banking Co .....• t'll 88-1379 1•01>. soo Riddle Exchan1,?e·os -----· " " Po . 300  50,000  15,000  Guaranty State Bank •••• §'20 C. R. Mayfield .•••• I 88-1971 L. Tullis ••• -•••• Fir t State Hank ....•.•• • + 88-1790 Geronimo State Bank •.• tl'l3 Chas. Weinert. .•.. 88-1653  I  200,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and Dallas.  20,000  J. H. Thomas •••••• Myrtle Thomae;....  First and oldest>lished Ban k. Save time and g et service on Coll ectlons and Credi t Reports by send Ing FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain •i11htd raft•. 15c; Credi t Report•. 25c. TRY US.  BANK.•i•go FIRST NATIONAL 309 .Oeorl!e West..Live Oak N 16 H l>op. 200 Geronimo ••••. GuadaluJ)e K 17 Pop. 300  w. O. Newton •••••  i i  FARMERS STATE BANK +  21,000 llstN., Ft. Worthand Big Springs, 30,000 Secor. N ., Dallas.  SEND US YOUR ITEMS DIRE CT. Prompt, per on alattentlonglven Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time It ems.  Gause •• ___ ._llilam Il 191Guaranty State Bank •••!I'll 0. sheer Smith.:•• 88-1382 Pol), 600 •Georgetown. Williamson H 17 Pop 2871 ·  ActitJe  I  12,000 State Bk. & Tr. co. Hou.  ...  '•..:. '' '  1395  .w-..- d .w, .r IIIIDk /6 lb .New ,..,_.II N__,,,_ . . , _ IMDJc-:a ~ r,:elalllre/T by The Baad-MeNallT .Bamiert1' ,, uade, tbe aatborl of Tbe Aaierlean Bankers A1111 n.  f'oWN A.liD  11  OoUNTr,  Non-lJank Towns with Nearest IJanJdng Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (1ndexed) 1n back of thls/"-  TE'""AS-C . d .n... Ontinue  lo - 1 ,  Dlreeta  volume.  NAME OP BANK.  LIABILITIES.  ;::::l:ieit~.1::!:n~:~ P_a...cs_o_B_r-'.Hc:....H_o_us_t_on_,_+_M___;_e_m_._F_ed.:....·:..cR_.:.ces'-._-'[=-E_s..:.ctac....b_.  lnNC:.~~u;:~.8fte~•Dist. --=E=-E_l  PRJ:SIDDT,  VICE-PR&SIDENT.  0.A.SHID.  ASS'T0.A.SHIER.  PAID-UP SuRPLUS  , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , - - - - - - - 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _c_u_IT_.A._L Pa~Ts  Glenflora. __ WhartonK20 Glen Flora State Bank.•:§'07 ff Pop. 600 88-1071 .aGJen Rose •••• Somervell First National Bank •••• •i•o1 Pop.800 El7 88-788 Godley ••••. Johnson E 17 CJitizens National Bank •. i•17 POD, 600 88-1072 Golden ..•.•••• Wood D 21 Golden State Bank •••••. U-10 Pop. 750 88-1073 .aGoldthwaite ••• MillsG16 Goldthwaite Nat. Bank.•t'02 l'op. 1214 88~78 " " Trent State Bank--·---U'08 + 8H74 .aGoliad •• _.Gollad M 18 Commercial Bank (Uninc.) H Pop, 2500 88-1845 tt'IO  P. G. Brooks-·-··· G. H. Northiniton W.W. Armstrong •• Miss Jewel Cain __ $ 25,000 $  J. 0. Adrian·-- J, T. Robinson._ A. L. Dunbar •••••• J, T. Butts ••••••••  W. E. Miller_ _ W. B. Summy··--· D. H. Harrison_ M.A.. Brid2forth ••  LomADr.-  C  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  Cu■ U:ll-  ~  ~ c';:;,.,:,":• ":::..":!::: 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~------j'.:<  --  6,000 $ 60,000 $ 80,000 $ 20,000 So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou.: 1st N., St. L.  '°  N  230,000  375,000  35,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth.  25,000  7,800  181,000  140,000  54,000 Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth.  10,000  8,000  81,000  70,000  75,000  41,050  272,030  272,570  Dew_._ W. E. FairJnaD --··  50,000  34,660  800,llO  545,710  J.C. Burns .••••-. - - - · · - - - - L. C. Fell .•.••••••• M. L. Burns.......  40,000  4,000  105,000  110,000  40,000 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N •• Hou.  f W. B. CAMPBELL G. E. POPE ·-··-··· P. L. CAMPBELL.-- WM. SEIDEL.......  50,000  106,500  277,300  433,600  55,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Union N .. Hou,; N. Bk. Com., San Antonio.  o.  !  All Items given careful attention, and remitted for on day of payme nt.  88-652  29,000 Secur. N., Dallas. 103,750 N. Oit:,, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N,, Ft. Worth; City N.,Galv. 331,820 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas.  ...J '#  t.:t1  Save time and get service on Col lecttons and Cred It Reports by send Ing FEE IN ADVA.N CE: Plain aillht draft., 15c; Cred it Report•. 25c. TRY US.  Goliad Bank&Tr.Co .• •il'lo R.L.Pettus-·-··· Levi Baker •••• _  88  25,000  DmPOS·  For Interest Rates, HolJdays, etc., see Law~. ~  RESOURCES.  35,000  E. B. Anderson_ R. M. Thompson __ W.  FIRST NATIONAL BANU'91 ___  0. A. Milam·--··· E. A. Milam ••___ W. 1.. Sandlin •••••• C. A. Milam, Jr ..... N.J.Otey I. T. Vickers ...••. J. F. Love _ _ _ J, R. Beaver. __• 0. T. Harris •.•••••  '/  53 ~  ~R- s. DILWORTH ..  J.H.Pittman •••••• L.J.Lutenbacher.  C.  50.000  >< 49,600  332,700  380,000  >  45,200 N. Park,N. Y.; 1stN .• Hou.; Alamo N .. San C/l  N~\~~~rggin~~-.\~; Io:  r.  E, DILWORTH .... CLAUDE O'HEALL ~.:..~:'.::.~~~~~.~:- (Indivi dualRes ponsibil ity $750, 000) ••••• ¥:~~SCom'l N .. Hou.; lD Gonzales County. One of the olde st private banks In Texa s. Frost N., San Antonio, nklng and Excba nge business. . t us will receive p rompt attention. R. C. notts .. -·-···· J. H. Daniel •••••• W. A. Smith....... 100,000 95,480 •532,230 666,660 248,160 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: Lumbermans N .. ~ C. T. Rather Hou.; Alamo N., San Antonio; Tex. Bk. & \IA Tr. Co., Galv. Gonzales State Bk. & Tr. Oo. W. J. Bri2hL .... F. M:. l!'ly _ _ _ _ J. 0. Br~ht·--· E. V. Kopecky--· 75,000 52,720 384,450 539,430 46,280 Saab. N., N. Y,: 1st N .. Hou.: State N,, San ,..... • 88-295 •U'08 Antonio, • ~  .aGonzales.Gonzalea K 18 DILWORTH BANK ..... . it·1111 Oldest Bank In H Pop 3128 88-294 l>o a genf'ral Ba · Collections sen •• •• Farmers National Bank.•i·OG J. s. Douilass ...•. 88-ZIMI  I  Goodlett •• Hardeman A 13 First State Bank .•.•••••. §'20 W. D. Tabor .•••••• G. A. Vestol .•••••• F. B. Wrinkle.-··· •••••• -. --·········· Pop. ZOO 88-1973 Goodnight. ... Annstroni Goodni2ht State Banlc .. U'10 Po1>, 250 Q6 88-1074 Goose Creek •• Harris J 22 Citizens State Bank .••••§'20 H Pop. 1500 88-1992 " " Goose Creek Sate Bank 88-1988 :t:§'20 Guaranty State Bank_•i§'l7 88-1770  R. G, Dye-·--····A. E. Kerr ••••••••• J.  . M. Berryman ••• J.M. Oratn ....- - Mary Miller--···-·  w.  Fincher-···· H. Echols. Jr ..•••. ·-·--··-···----···· Carl MrKinney W. L. Thompson •. J. w. Riggs .••••.. J. D. Cochran .•••• w. E. Duplantis...  R. L. Young .•... -- J. P. Weicker. J. H. Jones •••••••• G. H. Winfree..... W. H. Ward, V. P. sheimer A. V. Pace Gordon •••Palo PintoE16 First National Bank ___ .i·o1 A.. P. Wilbar •• ·-·-· s. B. Strawn.------ R. E. Oolvard-- Kathleen Colvard. ~~  ~  ~  10,000 ···-···-- ·----···· ······--· ··--·---·  ::0  20,000  9,200  65,000  80,000  50,000 .•••••••.  200,000  82,000  532,720  459,130  25,000  950  40,000  18,660  g Ill  17,500 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Amarillo.  112,000 Guaran: y Tr. Co., N. Y.; Lumbermans N, and ..,. r'nion N Hou 85,000 ··--···-· ········- 1st N., Ho~.; Te~. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galv. O  p  130,170 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Peo. State, Hou.  >"1  Ill  50,000  15,600  202,900  222,510  :::r"  48,540 Far. & M".)ch. N., Ft. Worth; Dallas N .. Dallas. Ill  8  GordonBk2.&Mtle.Oo.tl900 (J, W. Conway) ••• · - · - · - · · - - - · J. W. Oonway __ _ _ _ _ _ ......... - - - - - - - - - •··-·-·· 1stN .• Ft. Worth.  88~  Guaranty State Bank .••. §'20 88-1933 Gordonville.Grayson O 19 Guaranty State Bank .. •U'll Pop. aoo 88-1383 Goree ••••. _Knox O 14 First National Bank __ .i•~ Pop. 614 88-1075 Gorman __ Eastland E 15 Oontinental State Bank•U'°'l Pop. 3200 88-742 Farmers State Bk. & Tr. Co. ll!l-1633 •t§'l4  W.R. Ringo •...•.. J.F.Roberson .•... T.S. Walker•..•••• ·············-······ J. A. L. Wo1fe ..••. W.W. Findley·-·  w. W.  Findley···- Lena Womack .....  W. W. Ooffman._ T. M. Anderson ••• Geo. McMeen ••_ •• Ross Woodall •••••  .  60,000 ··----··· ···-····· -·-······ - - - 10.000 Dallas Tr. & Sav .. Dallas: Com'! N., Sherman· 43,000 48,GOO 8,500 12,500 Denison Bk. & Tr. Co., Denison. 25,190 337,250 278,120 114,490 1st N., Ft. Worth. 25,000 30,000  17,000  400,000  250,000  Geo. F, Parker.-•• S. W. Ruff .••••••••  65,000  25,000  479,630  389,120  E. Q. McMahan •••• M. B. Robertson .•. J. H. Mar in A. F. Jones •••••.• Eula E. Davis.....  30,000  42,000  585,000  322,570  50,000  20,000  230,000  160,150  80,000 1,050,000  845,000  650,000  250,000  J. G. Wilkinson ••• J. L. Lary ••••• ··- ··--·-·-···-----· M. F. Allen .••.•...  F. W. Townsend •.. W. D. Morrell. .•.. H. F. Townsend ... FIRST NATIONAL BAIIK•UOO0 B. F. Read--····· c. E. Herrington •• 88-741 H. W. Kuteman Graford-Palo Pinto D 16 First State Bank.·-·····U'07 J, L. Ounnineham. John Doan •••••••• Pop. 400 ♦ 88-10711 R. P. Lee, V. P. T. M. Carter •Graham.-Yoanr C 16 First National Bank ••• •i•go R. E. Lynch_ ••_. S. Boyct Street. •••. Pop. 2544 88-522 P. K. Deats Grah&m National Bank •• •'01 Obas. Gay ••••••••• W. A. Corbett.88-523 . R. J. Johnson Guaranty State Bank •... §'20jJ, T. Coleman •.... J. W. Moore .•••••• 88-1926 R, G. Hallam Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  z>  P. K. Deats •••• - •• C. C. Bloodworth.. J. H. Buchanan A. A. Morrison ··- Mrs. H. D. Criswell J. R. Roach •••••••• J.M. Williams •..•  100,000 50,000  25.000  25,000 -···-····  135,ooo I  120,000 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A:, N. Y.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Ft. Worth. 154,960 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: 1st N .. Waco; City N. and Seeur, N., Dallas. 100,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Waco and Ft. Worth; Dallas N .. Dallas. 115,000 Inter-StatP N .. Kan. C .• Mo.; 1st N., Ft. Worth;, 15 t N .. Mineral Wells: Secur. N .. Dallas. 250,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N.,Ft. Worth; Am. Ex. N .. Dallas. · 225,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.,Ft. Worth.  I  25,ooolsecur.  x., Dallas.  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS, CHICAGO  -- -----:-----=--- - --- - - - ~ - - - -  -  -  • -- -  •  ·"  ~-  -  --- .· . -:-~~=-~-~~-~:_~--· ___ ..:_ ~:. --J ~  -  -  ~  -  -  . -------·--=--· ~ -  . -- -- - ·- ..  1~  (J1  1396  1'111Dber under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. eseluslvelJ by The Band-McNally Bankers• Dtreetory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. N.ilO 011' BA.NX.  . . . . . . .l)f]) OoUNTT.  PllDIDJ:NT.  VIcx-Pu:sIDJCNT.  Pop. 1364  __  "  Grand Prairie.Dalla DlD .. Pop.1263 ,. Grand Saline .. Van Zandt Pop. 1528 D Zl '" .. Grand Yiew.Johnson E18 Pop.10 4 •• -··-·· "'T O.&.sBin.  OABKID.  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1  &Granbar7- Hood E17 City NaUoual Bank--S'Ol L. G. Waltrip •• _ '"  A. A. Maloney.-•• Is. H. Cook D. 0. Ooedell _ _ Jess Baker •• _ _ F.G. Lewis W. G. Liggett. •• _. J. F. Wauoner •••• J. D. Duncan D. E. Blackburn ••. Frank 1cKnighL J. c. Taaffe W.R. Howell · - J. E. Andrews •••..  1  i·o2  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " ' _  _________  1  24,000  397,400  371,020  107,880 Seab. N., N. Y.: Am. Ex. N .. Dallas.  300,000  260,000  E-van Jones.......  40,000  75,680  359,070  410,430  H. L. Flowers.....  35,000  37,130  397,980  336,800  40,000 IN. City, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N. and 1st N., Ft. ~ Worth: Am. Ex. N., Dallas. t_!j 95,320 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: Irar. & Mech.N.,Ft Worth; Oity N., Dallas. 139,590 N. OityN. Y.; 1st N .. Hou.  F. L. Tegge .•.•••• ·······-···········  35,000  113,900  462,470  313,710  I. C. Parma •••.••.. Wm. Bartosh......  35,000  5,000  375,000  214,000  W. D. Granberry •• Geo. R. Darsey....  15,000  18,710  120,000  100,000  W. D. Gardner ••-  L.A. CLARK  i  25,010  183,780  [86,500  40,850 Secur. N., Cent. State, and Am. Ex. N., Dallas.  II  20,000  14,070  144,000  149,770  100,000  25,000  150,poo  369,900  150,000  100,000  150,0001  280,000  50,000  3,800  100,0CO 150,000  150,000  1,580  >< > en  244,340 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Waco; So. Tex. Oom'l '"" N .. Hou.; City N., Dallas. ""' 162,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 1  > Z  34,350 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: So. Tex. Oom'l N., Hou.: ,ore Secur. N ., Dallas. n 36,450 1st N. and Union N., Hou.; N. Bk. Com., St. en L.: City N .. Dallas. 25,600 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas: Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth. C) 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; City N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N., ~ Ft. Worth. I» 21,000 Secur. N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N .• Ft. Worth. j :::3  I  58,5001 85,000 166,3401 215,290  g"  40,670 Seab. N .. N. Y.; Secur. N .. Dallas.  75,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 •  ~  l'<  322,220 Han. N .. N.Y.; Secur. N., Dallas.  148,980 1,625,130 1,7Q0.700  •i·oz \L.  Kan. C.: Am. Ex.N .. Dallas; lstN.,Ft. Worth.  250,000  ~ Mf'f 'nYo:/fT\ :····  50,000  C) 438,220 4,445,440 3,851,350 1,549,830 Saab. N .. N. Y.: N. Bk, Rep., Chi.; City N .. S:: Dallas: N. Bk. Com., St. L. ""'  I  5,000  300,000  .,  294,000  ~  35,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Secur. N., Dallas.  . - I Shirley Taylor··-·  25,000  24,500  249.330  146,840  C. g, Bradley •••••• L.B. Oobb, Jr ..... J.C. KendalL •• _. J. F.. Bradley J. D. Whitcomb __ W. H. Jones _______ Maye Bridges_----  50,000  20,000  225,000  245,000  25,000  10,000  115,0001  96,000  .A.. 11'. Therrell---·· G. N. Groves·-··· J. H. Browder, Jr.  25,000  10,500  217,050  102,540  W. R. Hall - - .•••.•.•...........••... . John Fraser ....... I. O. Unsell--·- Hulon Oollier · -  25,000  2,500  100,0001  74,200  25,000  29,000  200,000  200,000  Harne Nelms ... _. R.B.Robb ..- · - · J. W .·· B. A. Platt H. J. :Manium ..... J. R, lng1am, Jr ...•••••••••••••.•.•••.  65,000  139,240  25,000  9,300  2~,0001 2a,OOO  7,500  E. N. Tutt--- A.H. Barnett  W.  s. Wills .••••••  O. B. Pollt-...... B. 11:. SharP-······ O. T. Hunt .•..•...  R. C. Sperry •••••• H, E. King •••••••. Wm. J. Monday ..•  1,000  I  154,240 1st N., Chi.; State N., San Antonio; So. Tex. Com'l N .. Hou.; City N., Corpus Christi. 73,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 11,000 Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Ft. Worth: 1st N,, St. L. 53,300 1st N., Okla.; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Amarillo N ., Amarillo. 40,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. .; Drov. N .• Kan. 0.: 1st N ., Amarillo; Am. N .. Austin. 158,700 . City, . Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Ohi.; So. Tex. Oom'l N. and un· n ., Hou. 19,940 Mech. & Metals N. N. Y.; lion. ' . Ex., Hou.; Tex. State, Ft. Worth. 100,000 Bk. of . Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Ft. Worth. 10,000 Am. Ex. N., Dallas.; Merch. & Plan. N.,  647,7201 75 ,260 121,390  143,7101  170,000i 60,000  170,000 90,000  B usiness •  , I  1  ,  .  I  I  I  I  I  I  ~  ., -- ,. ,  : I  ~  ~  J  I  I  _.,  I  ~  .  ,  I  111!!!1!!!!1  •  I  .;.  ~  I I  ~-  I  :  I  I  TEXAS-Continued  I  147,110 Secur. N., Dallas; So. Tex. Oom'l N., Hou.  Solicits Your  I  0  531,330 N.Park,N. Y.: N.Bk. Oom.,St.L.; Drov.N.,  FEE IN ADV AN CE: Bioht drafta, llSc minimum; 25c m, nimum charoe •f pa id. Reliable Credit Reports, 26c. TRY US.  GrCl!Ory . •••• SanPatricio First National Banlt .... •i•12 J. F. Green--. H Pop. 400 N18 88-1070 •Groe b ck •.. Llmestone Citizens National Ba11k -l'02 D. Parker.---·· Pop. 1522 G 10 88-6i0 .. ________ .. Oonttnental State Bank- tf'03 J. G. Wilkinson.88-671 Banners Guaranty State Bk. J. Cull Sanders-· 88-1605 WIS Groom __ ._•• Oarso11 P 5 First National Bank ···-·•'19 N. A. Steeu •...•.. .. Pop. JOO ,. 88-1885 ··-···· State Bank of Groom.~•n·o1 · J. W. Knorpp .••.. 1 88-1080 •Groveton_.Trlnlt:,B22 First NatlonalBank ..... P.Abnar .. - •... H' Pop. 1103 88-1081 .... _ " Guaranty State Bank __ tf'lS Wm. H. Hen ley •• 88-1558 Gunter •• -Grayson C 19 Continental State'09 J. G. Wilkinson ... Pop. 575 88-1082 " •••• •••• " Gunter State Bank ..••.t§'19 J. E. Kinsey •••••••  ,  I  52,000  J. B. RABB·--··- •••.••.••••.••.••••• J. O. BOYLE •••.••• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J ;._  1  50,000  ~~B~  •*I'll  _ _ _  40,000  F. J. PHILLIPS-••••••• JAMES ARMISTEAD .•• J. W. BIRDSONG •••••• J. A. NORTON •••• -·· EXCHANGE BANK~-···••87 C.B.JONES. V. P. J.B. CLAYTOJt B, S. CLARI(  88-121  _  L. Homer Rigby...  B'irstNatlonalBank---•t•sa W.B.Buah ___ J.L.Lovejoy ______ S.B.Brooka _____ J.M. Boles ________ 88-118 P.A. orris J. K. Spurlock  GUARANTY STATE BANK  _ _ _  I°'  40,000  •Grecnville •••• Hnnt O 20 Citizens State Bank •.••:l:§'20 J.C. Thompson._. A. S. Moore .••.••• B. R. Brown .•••••• I. W. Briscoe-..... Pop. 12,384 88-122 J. W. Ward I. M. Worsham .. --·-· " OommerclAI National Bank W. H. James .•..... w. R. J. Camp •••• W. H. O&mP-···- .................... 88-120 :l:'05 H. T. Weathers  81-118  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  Dia-1c.... .i. i::a:-  1  C, W. Kennedy •••• J. R. Pennington •• U. M. Brock.-···· Miss Melba K. Brock J.E. ll. Yates.-- O. o. )!!still _ _ _ J. s. Estill •••••••••. M.A. Buchanan... J.B. Wood 10, J. Wall R. E. Morrow._. B. D. Lipscomb-. H. C. Yancey ...... A. W. Willhoite... s. A. Wall J.E. Jarvie T. B. White •.••.•• w. N. Sanders - - D. E. Box·······-· J. w. Harrison....  GREENVILLE NATIONAL •  RESOURCES.  Lo.... "  c~":• '::."~ 1_ _ _ _ _ ___  C. Wilderspin .•..• W. F. Fowler G.D. Staton......  •*'°'  Jno. Scott--··--· W. D. Everidge •••• 1. I. McFadin A. W. Storrs .•••••• D. C. Young ••••••• J. S. Fox, V .•P. D. G. McFadin A. C. Mus ii ••••••• T. A. Zrubek •••••. G. C. Pope G. E. Darse:r-••••• T. S. Kent.-·-··  P.un-UP SUBPLUs l DmPo&CAPIT.u PB.umo•ITs ITS  S. Powell •. --······ M. M. Robinett- $ 50,000 1$ 23,000 1$ 267,500 $ 286,000 1$ 64,170 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth· Am. N, Austin. ' ' J.N. Nutt_._ G.A.Jones.·-·-· 100,000 120,000 700,000 793,000 125,000 N.Bk.Com.,N.Y.;Far.&Mech.N.,Ft.Worth: 0. B. Chambers Hou. N. Ex .. Hou. J. T. Yeaeer-- P. Waggoner·-····· 40,000 34,500 228,000 252,500 42,000 Met. Tr, Co., N. Y.: Secur. N .. Dallas: Far. & Mech. N .. Ft. Worth. F. o. Rector •••••• : J. L. Wolfenbarger 25,000 1,300 90,000 96,000 16.000 N. Bk, Com., N. Y.; City N .. Dallas.  8Hl7 l"tnt National Bank.-t'87 ~11 J'tntstaie Bank·-·-·...U'07 ♦ 88-780 Guaranty State Bank .•• t§'l9 • 88-1808 Jl'irat State Bank ........ tl'12 J. c. Alsup •••••••• 8H92 National Bk. of Grand Saline -·····-----··-- J, E. Persons •••••• T. D. Hunt•.•••.•• 8H91 •i·o1 H.P. Beaird .Farmers& llerch. Nat.Bank O. L. Wilkirson_ c. P. T-albert.._. J. A. Ingle ••••• - •• 88-700 .B'irat Natioi\~ nk •••••• i·110 L. H. Harrell _ _ c. P. Lane--····· O. M. Harrell. ••••.  9 Granger.Williamson H 18 Farmers State Bank .... U'08 Pop. 1944 88-494 .. -···· " First National Bank ..... ., ,. 88-493 + Granger National Bank •• +'20 88-1928 Grapeland •• Houston G21 FARMERS & MERCH. STAJE H Pop. 1000 BANK .... 88-1078 •••••• U 07 " " Guaranty State Bank •• -.U'll 88-1392 Grapevine •. Tarrant D18 Farmers National Bank .. S'o& Pop. 821 88-832 " " Grapevine Home Bank.tt1900 • 88-831 .. -··-" Tarrant cou:roflate Baf,~19  ,.  I  LIABILITIES.  ..OOutJ Seats. •lrlem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState ln o.11 Fed. Res. Dist. Ulem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. ~E-=E==l-=P:...:as=-o"-=B_r...:.H-=-H_ou_s_t_on_._ 1 ♦ _M_e;.....m_._Fc....ed=---.-'-'R--"e'--s.;....--=-[E_s....cta.ccb_._  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thislvolume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws ~  TEXAS--Continued  I  , , ,u:  ;,  I.  •  I"  I."  '  "I»  ::.3  C  ~ ~  :<  Non-.BIUIJr ToWDB with Nearest .BanldDJr .Pofat (X::  I  I  ""  I  _-1  • •  I  ..,.  Tox~: <J::::r·  •Mem. ~~- §State I In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist • .tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. (Estab.  ~!i~~!.  I  :  I  ..  "  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  CASHIER.  Ass 'T CASHIER.  :;~us  0 PAID-UP ,s CAPITAL PROFITS  Farmers&Merch.StateBank R.H. Kelley _______ 88-1083 :l:§'06 HuermanStateBank ___ :1:5•12 J . .A..L.Wolfe______ 88-1494 First State Bank _______ .i5•07 R. F. Alley ____ : __ 88-1084 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•:·110 Ferd. HlllJe ______ 88-£97 FIRST STATE BA1K---•U'l6 Wm. Green ________ 88-1732  HAMILTON  {C. E. HORTON-----  A. A. Kelley _______ A. J. Dillard _______ J.B. Adcock ______ $ 20,000 $ S. II. Keyes _______ W. J. Gardiner ____ H. G. Gardiner ___ _  12,500  N. Alley ___________ Claud Gentry ______ Nelson Perdue ---  20,000  s. H.  60,000  Simpson _____ 1J. H. Simpson _____ Bruno OohJl ___ _  no¥ B.uru  8110t1111T1u  r.J ~,~~~~~TON ___  J.M. WILLIAMS----- J.E. MOORE--------  0  •tl'(NI  59,0'10  m.260  I 291.770  Union N., Hou.; Groos N., San Antonio; N. Bk. Com., St. L. Seab. N., N. Y,; Marshall N., Marshall. Han. N., N. T.; Secur. N. and Dallas Tr. &  Sav., Dallas; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Galv.: ~ Com'! N .. Shreveport, La.; 1st N., Marshall t%J and Longview. 294,950 N. City, N. Y.; Secur. N .. Dallas. ~  en tu  0  HARLINGEN  -  Han. N .. N.Y.: Alamo N .. San Antonio; Union N.,Hou.  R. ~~~l~t~r::,· ~t!~~~~°r:!im :J1lo:~:d~fy 1!r :~~~ent.  Perry National Bank _____ •20 E. A. Perry ________ G. )L Carlton ______ J. Cleveland, Jr. __ Jno. Cameron_____ 88-1980 H. M. Wie:--er llamJin ________ Jonea D 13 First Nation&! Bank--•i·o6 J. G. Wilkinson ___ Jno. 'r. Day ______ B. L. Jones ________ o. H. Berry------Pop. 1633 88-428 Lennie Greenway W. f. MARTIN ____ GUY McNEAL-------- J. W. EZELL-------- TATE MAY.------FIIST STATE BANK ---•:1'07 Your Collectlo ns on Jones Coun ty. W. C. RUSSELL " -------" ♦ 88-480 { It will be to yo ur lnt.erest to sen d them direct to us for prompt att Remittance on day of payment. A trial will convl nee you. Handley _____ TarrantD18 First State Bank ________ H'lB J, M. Beaty ______ A. S. McGee _______ Ben T. Merritt ____ R. E. McCleskey __ Pop. 2000 88-16241 •Ilansford_Hanstord N 5 (See Spearman) Pop. 260 Happy _______ swisher Q 4 First State Bank ________ u·o8 J. F. White ________ R. A. Underwood . A.. L. Harrison ___ J.M. Pope-------Pop. 500 88-1087 Mrs. Ora Innis Harleton ___ Harrison D23 First State Bank ______ if'll W. L. Barry ________________________ Lee Ragon _________ Miss Hallie Peal -Pop. 400 88-1088 Harlingen __ Qameron R 17 iA. L. BROOKS----- H. H. BURCHARD---- R. B. HAMILTON---- E. 0. ANGLIN------H Pop, 1784 Special att.entlo n given BW of La ding Drafts, 15c must be sen t with each Sight Draft for presen tatlon and Zoe for OLDE.ST. LAB GEST, AND STR ,ONGEST BANK. ss-1osg ino : .. .. PLAIITE RS $TATE Bl •H'l2 {S. A. THOMPSON -- A. TAMM------------ I·. PEARL BOTTS------- EVIE CHAUDOIN---FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft r or presentation, a I 88-lSilO TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report lnsu I res prompt, perso Harper. ____ Gillespie I 14 First State Bank ______ :t§'15 Chas. Schreiner __ J. S. Whitewood ___ A. B. Barker ______ E. H. Hopf ________ Pop. 500 88-1707 Harrisburg ___ Harris J 22 American State Bank __ e,t§"l7 IS. D. Simpson _____ A. w. Perryman __ F. A. Collins _______ R. J. James _______ H Pop. 1461 88-1791 Harrold __ Wilbareer A IS First State Bank----i1'14 S. H. Fields. ____ Carl Morris ________ Otis Luttrell.. __________________.__ ____ Pop. 100 88-1090 P. P. Langford Harwood ___ Qonzales K 18 . First State Ban_k _____ :1:5•14 L. G. Dexter _____ J.C. Cochran _____ Owen McCaskill ___ - - - · - - - - _____ H Pop. 200 88-1673 . •Hasken ___ HastellC 14 1hrmers State Bank ----H'04 R. o. lrlontEomery. H. s. Post _ _ _ J.B. Po t ________ ________ ___________ Pop. 2300 88-S75 .. ______ " Haskell National Bank __ .i•oo Mrs, 11. S.Pierson. R. c. Couch ____ 0. B. Norman _____ F. E. Mauldin______ 88-874 T. E. Ballard Haslet _____ Tarrant DIS Haslet State Bank ______ t§'19 J. L. Gammill ____ L. O. Day _______ D.R. Sullivan_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pop. 175 88-1683 Hasse _____ oomancheF16 Merchants & Planters Bank J. 0. Hardin _____ T. L. Masters ____ W. P. Lone~---- , _______________ 1 Pop. 500 88-1092 t'09 ·  100,000  100,000  600,000  519,210  117,620  880  346,480  244,450  40,000  23,000  500,000  440,000  40,000  27,100  362,570  273,380  entlon, that wll I bring results.  > z  446,390 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N .. Dallas; 1st N., Ft. Worth: N. Bk. Com .. St. L. 185,770 City N .. Dallas; Stockyard N .. Ft.Worth; 1st ~ N,, Waco. 80,000 Seab. N., N. T.; 1st N., Ft. Worth.  en  I  70,350 Ilan. N .. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Far. Q & Merch.N.,Abilene; New Eng. N .. Kan. C. i:: (/)  r+  5·  20,000  6,400  161,400  140,000  41,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.: Tex. State, Ft. Worth; Secur. N., Dallas. CD  25,000  14,090  295,600  219,860  10,000  18,880  104,980  04,320  50,000  750  295,000  264,000  107,010 Stock Yds,N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Plainyiew; Tex.: "" S,ate, Ft. \Yorth. ,-1,4 39,540 Seab. N., N. Y.; City N., Dallas: 1st ... , Mar- P> shall; Com'l N .• Shreveport, La. ~ 86,000 Han. N.,.N. Y.: Merch. N .. Brownsville: Alamo CD N ., San Antonio.  each re port.  ....0  I  1  USE AND SELL OUR LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHEQUES: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  50,000  ~  9,000 $ 220,000 $ 116,000 $ 85.000 SeEcur.HN., Dallas; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Hou. N. ~ x .• ou. 4,200 75,000 35,000 Com'! N., Sherman ; Denison Bk. & Tr. Co., 55.000 Denison. 25,000 200,000 175,000 50,000 Drov.N., Kan. O.; 1st N., Plainview; Guaranty State, Amarillo. 80,150 862,2101 976,580 134,080 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Hoa.  i  HAMILTON NATIONAL BANK J. T. James ________ A.H. Williams ____ C. B. James _______ L. W. Koen________ lSlS-5211 •i '90  STATE BANK  ~  ~~~·:.!~: o~':..!.~~  DEPOSITS  'END US YOU it BlJ 'INESS DI RECT.  BANK & TRUST co. 88-529  i:!  PRINCIP.A.L CORRESPONDENTS,  1-------1-------1-------11--- - - - - - - - - - ---1-----------------1  H.J. Strunk------ L. P. Davis ________ F. F. Jurek________ 50,000 12,420 412,200 498,340 i4,960 J. M. Vesmirovsky R. A. Baessler Bo■enbere Bros. Bank •.it'88 OttoVonRoaenbere ___________________ G. A.. Youq ______ H.J. Von Rosen(Individual Res POMibil itll $75,0 iOO) ______ 88-598 ' berg HallsvilJe_.Harrison D 23 Farmers State Bank ___et§'l9 W. C. Pierce, Jr, __ Felix Peebles _____ · W. P. Lawrence ___ ------------25,000 2,300 100,000 64,000 , 36,000 Pop. 600 ♦ 88-1882 " ___ " First State Bank _____ .i5•og T. P. Black _____ J. W. Holloway ___ O.F.Ha:nroo<L- S. R. Haywood ___ _ 25,000 16,480 9,610 107.960 203,770 88-1086  •Hamilton .HamUton F 16 Pop. 2018  5  volume.  , ____ L_IA_B_I_L_IT_I_E_S_._ _...11'--_R_E_S_OU_R_C_E_S_._ ,  E El Paso Br. HHouston. Gastine ___ QomancheF16 Pop. 800 Hagerman __ Grayson Bl9 Poo. 300 Hale Center ____ Hale A 10 Pop. BOO •HallettsvWe.LavacaK19 H Pop. 144-l  dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Jndexed) Jn back of thfs ,., For Interest Bates, HoHdays, etc., see Laws.  TEXAS-Continued  •  C 0 NTI NI; NT~ L  _  AND  25,000 nd I 6,250 nal atte ntlon. 20,000 8,400 50,000  1  10,000  343,0101 276,130  74,550 Seab. N., N. Y.; Hou, N. Ex., Hou.; 1st N., Brownsville. '  81,120  15,220 N. Bk. Com., San Antonio: Chas. Schreiner.I Kerrville. Tex. 60,000 Cent. N., St. L.: Union N,, Hou.  46.1701  325,0001 325,000  12,000  7,120  135,880;  ll0,820  12,500  9,300  75,ooo,  65,000  25,000  10,000  240,000'  230,000  60,000  47,290  467,710  420,960  570  55,000  61,000  20,000  ___  38,080 N .City,N .Y.;Far. &Mech. :r •• Ft. Wortb:City Bk.Com.,WichitaFalls;lnter-State ... ·.,Kan.C. 26,000 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'! N., Hou.; Guar.l anty State, San Antonio. 25,000 Chase N .. N.Y.: 1st N.,Ft. Worth and Abilene; Cent. State. Dallas. 84,950 Han. N., N. Y.: Ft. Worth N., Ft, Worth; ~ N. Bk. Com., Wichita Fall . 1 ll,950 N. Park, N, Y.; Far. & Mech, N., Ft. Worth. T.  1  -  & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; 1st N., Coman- ~ , che Tex. -..J  - - - !---- ______ ;Far.  BAN KS· CHJCAGO  ...  --  ,  1398  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers'n.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexect Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thL .... volume. For In.,eres" Rate , ~olldays, etc., see _Laws_. ~  TEXAS-Contt"nued  PRrnCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. J.rAME OF BANK. TOWN AND COUNTY. ' r.o ....... D18· c..d E:a:SURPLUS Ass'T CASHIER. p CASHIE.'Tt. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County eat ' cJUJ<auDuw no,ms. cD~;~sAND ~~;~~ ln No. 11 Fed. Re. Dist. ltMem. tateBks.Assn.tPriv. 0 !!11CJ11amu ...,,.. B;.,,,. ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --1 PROFITS [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , - - - - - - - , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E El Paso Br. H Houston. ♦Mem. Fed. Re-;, Hawkins ______ Wood D 22 First National Bank ____ •f'll L.A. Bryan _______ 88-1003 Pop. 400 Hawley ______ Jonea D 14 1First State Bank ______ etf'07 R. J. Camp ________ 88-1094 Por>. 500 Hearne ••• Robertson Il 19 Planters & Merch. State Bk. H. W. Cummings __ •W07 88-381 Pop. 2741 Heath _____ Rockwall D 19 Farmers Guaranty State Bank L. R. Futrell ______ tl'll 18-ISSS (RockwaU P. 0.) Pop. 450 •Ilcbbronv1lle_Jim Hoiziz Hebbronville State Banktl'l3 1IH. c. Ya~er ______ 88-l&Ol Pop. 1000 P 15 Hebron ___ Denton C 19 Hebron State Bank _____ if'l2 W. C. Furneaux __ ' 88-1450 Pop. 200  J.B. Smith ________ A. B. Childs------- Miss Alberta Jones $ 30,000 $  5,500 1$ 80,000  Henry James ______ L. L. Camp-----·- :Mrs. Elizabeth Camp J. :M. Ring J. G. Philen -- - J. G. Philen------- R. o. Ely__________ W. G. Curry J. H. Vaughn, Jr,_ J. T. Lofland______ ____________________  4,780  Hedley ____ .Donley Q 6 FIRST STATE BANK --•U-06 ,J. C. Doneehy ____ 88-1095 Pop. 59-1 Guaranty State Bank __ tf'l3 J. G. McDoupl_ " •• + 88-1616 T. H. Heard _____ Heidenheimer __ Bell H 18 Heldenheimer State Bank U,10 81!-lOOfi Pop. 249 •HemphiJL Sabine U 24 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. W. T. Arnold- - ---§ '20 • 88-2007 · Pop, 1500  J. R. Bfmson ______ P. T. Boston _______ M.A. Wolfe_______ T. IL Moreman W. B. Quigley __ J. w. NoeL _______ C. L. Johnson_____  Oscar Thompson __ Russell Houston __ .Arturo Gaona_____ a. W. Hellen Henry Edds R. M. Everett _____ Joseph Morfan____ ________________  V.  c.  :u.  W. McGown ___ W. B. Layton _____________________ : ___ _  llarshall. ___ V. Oarson_______ _________  First National Bank ___ ;t'06 G. K. Pratt ____ W. F. Goodrich ___ A. M. Jones ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  88-1007  State Guaranty Bank--t1'17 J. W. Minton _____ G. W. OlephinL_ W. C. BelL ______________ _ 88-1746 •Hempstead. Waller J 20 Citizens State Bank---•il'lo L. L. :Mahan ______ :M. Schwarz ______ T. O. Taylor ______ T. F. Dobbs ______ _ A. T. ~Ioore 88417 H Pop. 2500  FARMERS  J. C. AMSLER-----  NATIONAL BANK 18-fl8  •i•os  FIRST STATE BK  ■  ♦  88484  •il'07  7,000  45,500  55,000  25,000  53,580  158,000  185,000  10,000  1,500  35,000  35,280  340,570  25,000  12,500  79 ,770  35,920 1 1  17,870 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Far. & Merch. N .. Ahilene. 138,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Tex. State, Ft. Worth.  40,610  13,000 Secur. N .. Dallas; Far. N,, Rockwall. 44,000 Seab.N.,N.Y.; Comw.Bk.&Tr.Co .. San Antonio. 6,810 Collin Co. N., .McKinney: City N., Dallas.  400,400  105,100 1st N .. Ft. Worth: N. Bk. Com., St. L.: City i, N. Bk., Com., Wichita Falls. 16,750 N. City, N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas: Citiz. State, tl:j Memphis. 8,180 137,000 116,510 12,500 ::i< 41,160 N. Par··, • Y.; Temple State, Temple. 10,000 __________________ .. --- ---- _________ l nion . T., Hou. (/)  I  100,550  >  25,000  35,000  300,010  308,000  20,000  3,200  200,000  185,000  25,000  18,000  188,000,  I  150,000  65,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Lumbermans N., Hou.  - 1- 350,000  -  464,710  td  45,000 N. Bk. Com .. Hou.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Tex. ► Bk. & Tr. Co. and Guaranty Bk, & Tr. Co., ~ Beaumont. 80,000 Seab. T., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou.; (J) Am. Ex. N., Dallas.  z  I  --1,- - - -  50,000  50,000  .  38,500 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.  ~ ~  p;"  ~-  100,000  55,360  395,950  50,000  52,810  315,180  --~ 160,980 Citiz. N., N. Y.; Tenison N., Dallas; Union N., 0 :::r: Hou. ,., 97,800 N. Park, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou. 529,340  25,000  21,000  225,000  203,000  579,880  w  50,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.  -----1--------- __________________  ti  E,.  (?I ,Hou. N. Ex., llou. 25,000 _. _ -· 600,000 550,000 100,000 Am, Ex. ., Dallas: City N. Bk. Com., Wichita ~ 100,000 _______ O. H. Bevering ---- L. R. Hamm------ C.H. Melton______ . Ji'alls: Ft. Wor~h ., Ft. Worth. J <Inf!-)vi<l uai re,qp on, ibilitl y $1,000. 000) W. II. Myers 65,000 Han. N .. N. Y ., Ft. Worth N .. Ft. Worth. 265,000 10,000 300,000 ,>;),000 J. J. Lory _________ J. R. Thomson---- R. L. Marberry---ln'er-State ·.,Kan.C.;lstN.,WichitaFalb. I 50.000 100,000 2,lu0,000 1,890,000 385,000 Seab. N ., N. Y ,: Boatmens, St. L.; Am. Ex. N ., C. M. WORSHAM- ------ -------------- W. S. CULWELL ---- T. E. SLAGLE -• - ··-Dallas: 1st N., Ft. Worth. OHEIM A. J. 15 CENTS sent to us with each s lght draft for pre sentatlon, and 25 CENTS fore ach credit report Insures prompt,p ersonal attention •  M. G. Langhorne __ Ilall Wood ________ G. C. Boyd --------  I  i  50,000  31,710  240,940  354,980  83,480 Stock Yds. N .. Kan. C.; 1st N ., Wichita and Amarillo.  57,330 483,820 617,140 120,280 Ban. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.; 50,000 HENRY WILKINSON A.HERBST---------- J. A. PITMAN------- MILES ROBERSON --N. Stock Yds. N •• N. Stock Yds., Ill.;~ CLIFF ESTES  l  Stockyards N., Ft. Worth.  Youngest and Largest Bank In th e County. Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MU T be accompanle d by FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain sight d rafts, 15c: Credit R eports, 50c.  '"1  91.510  Herm\e\~h--- curry ni mr, St le 'B.1.nk------•W08 Walter Gentry ____ B. Y. Rea __________ D. J. ~ri·meyer ____ J. R. Patterson____ 1  23,000  3,500  88-•ss  &~-10ll'!1  •- • , . • • • •  ::S  §  50,000  WC\  310,000  12,000  10,000  Western National Bank.•t'03\G . .l. F. Parker ____ J. L. Smith _______ RoscoeL. Davidson Clifford C. Acker__  l'o~I\CI  65,660 358,0CO  ---, - - Rade Kanire?E&---- W. E. Norvell ___ Homer Harris, Jr. Hugh Wylie R. B. Alford W. P. White ------ E. F. Crim _______ 8. L. Olivn________ J. W. McDavid R.H. Evans------- Welch \Vatt _______ - - - - - - - - -  •Hereford.Deaf SmithQS FIRST NATIONAL BANK -•t'06 Geo. L. Muse ------ W. S. Ilig~ins ______ E. I3. Posey------- J. C. Rickett'_____ E. 8. Posey 88-482 Pop. 1696  &. TRUST COMPANY  80,950 $ 16,270 Secur. N., Dallas; 1st N., Mineola, Tex.  125,000  100,000  H. A. MATHEWS-- H. M. AMSLER---- - - - -  Col1ectlons made pro~t1/~~d remitted for on same day FIFTEEN CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for prese'ntatlon, and ~=-~~FIVE CENTS for each credit report Insures prompt, personal  •Henderc:on ___ Rn k E 22 Farmers & Merch. Nat. Bank J. K. Norvell ____ •t·oa 88-315 Pop. 2273 First National BanJc _____ ei•o2 J.M. Mays - " 88-31' F_irst State Bank.----•t§"09 1John 0. Dou1?las ___ ♦ 88-316 Guaranty a.te 19,nk ___ 1'21 ,Luke :Motley -----____ ____ 88- 201, •Hcnrietta __ Clay B 16 Dale Bros. & Co .. Bankers t'16 J. L. Huge-ins ______ 88-1733 2563 Merchants & Planters Bank T. H. Marberry ____ •il'09 88--S97  W. B. WORSHAM & CO. Bankers_ss-4oo ______ 'tt'98  f-i· OJ,f8JRNE-----  10,000  O?  288,760  448,930  1 120,270 158,0001  ,■'11■■■-■■I  57,460 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; .Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth:~ Inter-State N., Kan. O.; Guaranty State, 10 Amarillo. 58,740 Seal>. - .... •. Y.; 1 t N., Ft. ·worth; uyder ~ N.,Snyder:Ci•yN.,Sweetwa er.  -~Mi\tel!§M~Y?iit•:t~,;1-:.J;J~,-~nsa,Sliii:fJti---fliRl\mta   Na.ra//HJr aader N•.rae or llaalc 16 New 'l'laaal# Naaiber llfive.n J 399 to each baalc in U. B. e~cluslveJr by The Band-McN•HT Baalien• Directory. under the authorltr of The Anierlcan Bankers Ass•n. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  TEXAS-  Non-Bank Town.11, with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this c...c  1399  ~ • &b x. ,..,._.,# N,ualler O '° :='l:a.ic-J:~..N.l.O::ru.1re1T by Tbe•La11-•eNallT ._,_,;;:f Aa'a.  I  To"11 AND couNTT. N ~ or Bvuc. / ' In Dist. ;:::: PRESIDENT, . VICE-PRJ:SJDENT. 8 E El Paso Br. ff Boas ton ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  Xo~°fJ.a;:i_sff!~•  l:,_ \k:s.t::~.ff:~;~  1  1  Non-Bank Towna. with Nearest .Ban.king Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this/._. volume. For Interest Bates, Holldays, etc., see Laws. ~  TEXAS-Continued  Dlreetor,, aader the autborltT of The Anierleaa Bankers  11  LIABlLITIES. CASHIER.  AsS'T CASHIO.  su:;;us  P.uo-uP  RESOURCES.  j~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  ~•:.!1:: .:.:.:.,~  DEPOS-  '"1  -  , '.:<  _P_a_o_r1_T_s _rrs _ _ _lhavll.rn _ _•_ 1, _ a..-  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_c_AP_i_T.a._L 1  HiCO---HamUton F 17 B'trat National &nk ____ et'90 G. M. Carlton ____ R. A. Dorsey ______ E. H. Randals _____ C. L. Woodward -- $ 50,000 $ 77,700 $ 486.770 $ 389,410 $173,900 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Coro., St. I.: City~~., ~ Pop. 1635 88-578 Dallas. ,_. I  Hico National Bank _____ •t'04 W. P. Barnes ____ W. Jd. Cheney _____ G. B. Golightly ___ _ 88-5711  •  Higgins __ Lfpscomb N 7 Citizens National Bank_•t'06 Henry B'rass _______ H. L. Adkins------ C. H. Hyde _______ Blanche Hyde --Pop. 688 118-713  First National Bank _____ .:•06 A. Bissantz ________ J.M. Hellings _____ 88-712  s. J. Gardiner _____  M. V. Hale _______ _  60,ooo i  60,000  434,0001  385,000  25,000  36,420  239,760  237,890  25,000  7,990  337,230  239,940  , -_ _ _ _ _ __,___ _ _ _ _ __,__ _ _ _ _ __,!_,,~.,,....,-=-==c---- 1- - - - - - - - -  Hill boro ____ HiJl F 18 Pop. 6952  GEO.CARMICHAEL R. C. WEST _______ C. S. MORGAN ____ M H. DEWITT.----T. G. HAWKINS, A. L. SMITH t!.B TINKER Ch f Bd W H ELLINGTON -  CITIZENS  NATIONAL BANK _ •t"ll 18 169  3  Largest Baiik In the ·count)'. Good Commercial Collections aclven Prompt, Per11lstent Attentton.  175,000 Coal & Iron N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth;! Liberty N., Waco • 62,470 Drov. N., Kan. C.: 4th N., Wichita; Am, Austin.  .i: ••  114,450 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kan. C., Mo.: 1st N .. Wichita: Austin N., Austin; 1st N., Amarillo. ---  ~  159,370 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. and Hou.; ~ City N., Dallas. ,.... )> Ont ck Retu !~s_. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VJ 200.000  85.950  -  792,170 1,173.200  -  -  -  I  .  ,,  COLONIAL TRUST ~coMPANY 88-172  1'12  FARMERS  NATIONAL BANK 88_167  l  E. WOODALL ---- 8. L. WHITE------ G. D. BEAVERS, JNO. WYNNE, GUY C. WEST See. and Tr. A. Sec.  •t·s7  Black-land Fir at Mortgage Loa ns ror Sale.  JOHI WYIIIIE,  txJ  558,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. City, Chi,; N. Bk. )> Com., St. L.; City N., Dallas. IZ ~  62,000 1,681,0DD 1,261,000 Tr.Fund s.  100,000  VJ  I  Manaoer Farm M Dcpartme nt,  ::::c  W. M. WILLIAMS-- TOM HILL-------- W. L. EMBREE ---- MARION CLYETTES. H. ANDERSON OldHt National Bank In HIii County.  gfit~Rdltirln -  o·0  ·100,000  Colleotlona Solicited and Promptly Remitted for at Moderate  -  45.000  -  700.000  -  735,000  -  150.000 N. Park, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth:  So. Tex. Com'I N., Bou.  Rates_.________  O ::::c  g ~  {/)  FIRST STATE BAflK---•tl'l0  Thos. J, Files _____ H. H. Simmons ____ R. F. Siddons ______ E. M. Alexander___ 150,000 35,820 528,660 622,220 103,320 Thos. Ivy J. Leighton Beavers Hitchcock.Galveston H. L. Roberts & Co, ____ •t'll _________________ H. L. Roberts _____ - - - - - - - - · - ____________________________ H Pop, 500 K 22 88-1099 Holland _______ Bell H 18 First National Bank _____ i•o5 L.B. Mewhinney __ J. H. Underwood __ Logan Mewhinney_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50,000 30,000 450.000 330,000 198,000 Pop. 690 88-7114 .. _______ .. First State rt,~~------U'93 V. E. H. Reed _____ N. B. Vernon ____ R. Q. Reed ________ W. D. Reed________ 25,000 15,000 200,000 150.000 70,000 •  •Hondo _____ l,(edina K 15 First National Bank _____ et'Ol J.M. Fin1?er _______ Pov. 3000 88-317 " ______ .. Hondo State Bank _____ U'06 E. R. Leinweber ___ 118-318 Honey Grove _____ Fannin First National &nk--•t•sa J. A. Pierce _______ Pop. 2642 B 20 88-382  E. de MonteL _____ Horace Bradley ____ Charles Finger ____  50,000  29.0CO  J. Ney _____________ H.F. King ________ J. R.Chanc&Y------  30,000  16,850  B. O. Walcott ______ J.B. Hembree _____ C. R. Fiquet_______ R.H. Galbraith O. H. MpCleary S. W. _iantius Planters National Bank.•t'89 R. J. Thomas ______ 0. L. Wood ---· ____ J. o. McKinney ___ F. E. Wood________ 88-383 W. B. Vaughan State National Bank ----•t'09 J. A. Underwood_ F. W. Underwood __ R.11. McCleary___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 88-384 H. L. Allen D. E. Taylor Hooks ____ __ Bowie B 23 Guaranty State Bank ___ eu•12 J. W. Smith _______ 1W. L. Gib. on ___ D. c. Lane _________ o. B. Akin _______ _ Pov. 600 88-1478 1  125,000  124,600  LE'l" US CHECK YOUR COMMERCIAL PAPER. THOUSANDS OF BANKS DO so· Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; 1st N., Ft.l Worth.  88-170  N. Oity, N. Y.: Hutchin1?s, Sealy & Co., Galv. N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; City N .. Dallas. ' Mech, & Metals N., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex .. Hou. I  375,000· N., N. Y.: Alamo N. and Fro t N., San 350,000 1 160,000 Han. Antonio; So.Tex. Com'! N., Hou. • 112,670 105,240 51,560 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Hou.: Alamo N. and City N., San Antonio; Austin N., Austin. 311,230: 670,750 1 51,030 N. Park and Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com,, St. L.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas.  100,000  42,590  290.000  125,000  105,270  611,610  15,000  12.000  75.900,  1  I  622,480 1 96.030 N, Park, N. Y.: Am. Ex. N .. Dallas. 801,600 131,450 Seab. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Am. Ex. ~· •• and CityN., Dallas. ,_. I 70,730 1  27.420 1Secur. N., Dallas: Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.; State ..: .. Texarkana.  CONTINENTAL AND COMME8.CIAL BANKS, CHICAGO  --~------ --~~-~-~--=--=---  ~  1.0  1400  Number under Name of Uank is tht> New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  NA.OOFBA.NK.  •Mem, .Am. Bks. Assn. IState Ulem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Es1ab. ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  HOUSTON-Reserve City  VICE-PRESIDENT.  PRESIDENT.  I  I  A. C. BELL .•.·--· W. H. IRVIH-·-····· R. 0. CRAIG •••• _. L.B. THOMPSON ••••  CITIZENS STfJf8  i  :iv1~EfRnEJfLa  $  ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Special a&tentlo ~ PleaH ,end 15c wi th each 1iuht draft f or pruentation and 25c for Credit Repo rta.  BANK .. t§'t 9  IN;J!i,1D·  DaP 0J'8IT8 0 C.A.PITAL PROJ'ITS DEPOSITS B.A.NXI!  -------1-------1-------  100,000$  11,750:$  J 21) County Seat, Pop. 138,276.1 ~  LOANS  290,000 ····-·-- $  &  c~~  BONDS,  J:;,u:~~-  .M1scmi,.  I  CABR  I  R1::0':n':;.s RzsoUBcEs  300,000 - - - - $  3i,200 $  O  PRINCIPAL OORRJCSPONDENTS.  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES. P.UD-UP SUR~US  Ass'T CA.SHIER.  CA.SHIER.  I  (Harris, County  (Branch Federal Reserve District No. 11)  I  '  -------------• 1  68,200 Union N •• Hou.; Liberty Cent. Tr. Oo., St. L.  I I  Federal Land Bank•••. Dist, 1ol(See paue32/orcom plete information)  *Federal Reserve Bank,Dist.11 (Houston Branch,  Federal Reserve Ban k of Dallas, Texa s) ..•••••••••••.•••. --·--·--- ---···--·- •••.•••••• ____ --·--- (See page 1!0 for complete information)  35-4  FIDELITY TRUST CO • ... •U-14 3lH!S  I{  E.G. Floeter ·-··-·1E, E. Clark. Tr. ___ L. R. Bayes, Sec,.. Henry D. E. E. Morri ·on, J. Y. Powell. Lind~ley C. F. Cullinan A, Sec. and A. Tr,  No Commercial Collection• hand[ ' ed.  *f IRST NAT'L BANK, J. T. SCOTT--·-·· wl urtiilatr-·- t I: 15-l  •:  First Texas Joint Stock Land 0. S. E. Holland- .• R. S. Sterling .••.• Jesse Andrews Bank-·-····----•19 G. M, Bryan,  ,r~~,~~~·· · ~: k::~=:~tiis,· - - - - - - - -1Y.;  o. S. E. Holland,  T. M. Gullette, Sec. Tr. P.H. Lamb,  250,000  13,840 (Territory Texas &  ~  A. Sec,  1  -····--i  100,000  300,000  Gulf State Bank.•.•••... •!§'19 Jacob Embry •..••. W, H.Irvin ••...••• ---·-······-·· J. D. Falk ••••.••.. I 35-69  250.000  50,000  730,000  242,000  30,000  150,000 N. City, and Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Liberty Cent. Tr. , Co., St. L.  243,510 1,046,650 -··-······  1.429,270  54,840  3,320  102,730 Guaranty Tr. Oo. and . City, N. Y.: o. Tex. Com'l .i: ., (Hou.; Dallas Tr. & Sav .. Dallas.  60,000 1,000,00G  40,160  570,860  367,340 2,252,830 ·-·······  2,630,270  980  452,520  I G. F. Arnold  A. R. Olin~, A. ee. 1,000,000 Su. ana Tr . .Aug. J. Hemze.  ..-T.-M-.-M-cO_O_N-ALO -._O_UF- F-.__-'_-ME_l_V_IN_R -RA-V-ES-.-••-_*HOU sTON NAT' L[i-H-. s-.-F-OX- ,-J-R.-••-••-.-. M-A.-DEM-.-GZAVALA JOS F MEYER JR  I  A.Sec. - - - - i - - - - t - - - -  W·y S PATTON  WesolicityourTexasc ollections. BANK EXCHANGE et'76 Items sent us direct will receive prompt and 15-g (Houston continued  ,\-\E  p s·TILLMAN  '  '  800,000  --- ---  44,850 -·····-·--  161,330 Irving N., N. Y.; Liberty Cent. Tr. Oo .. St. L.; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas.  207,300  335,800 N. City and U. ~. Mtee. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.  663,240  ----1-----i----  I_ I, 1- 1-- -1i!~!·~  "-MER\C~M M1'\\0M1'L B1'NK, 1'-UST\N, NDIDber aader -Name or llanJc ill Uu, New Tra.DBII Numb- ~•n to each bank in U. B. ezduslrelT by The Band-McNallT Ban.ken• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  N Park N  900,000 10,000,000; 4,000,000 11,000,000 2,000.000 -······ 4,000,000  ~ · persona_! attention from an officer ofdth1s bank. ___ ___ ___ ___ Eastern items &iven Preferential rates and PromPt service. _ CorresPondenc(! invi te • 1 on next p ,age) 0  ...en  g  I  HOUSTON LAND & TR. CO. , P. B. Timpson_ •• _. R. E. Paine ••••••• _ o. R. Weyrich1. •ti 89  I  :i::  Oklahoma) •••••••• ____ .•••••••••  0  Guardian Trust Company _e§'l7 Jas. A. Baker._ •• C. M. Malone ..•.•• Raymond eil on. E. C. Barkley, "cc. and Tr. A. ec. a11d A. Tr. E. B. Parker, V.-P. F. A. Heitmann 85-67 orman terling, G. M. Bryan A Sec. and A. Tr. II. . Fox, Jr. Ennis Cargill  llr6T  ~  803,410 16,643,520$ 5,343,930 21,097.0%0 $ U?.8,51O 1,128.710 6.555,990 Imp. & Tra. N. and N. City, N. Cont. & Com'I N., Chl.;z ~ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ Mercb.-Lac. N., 8t • L. - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - i 1 - - -1 C/l 2,000.000  , .A. B. Jones·-····· E. L. Meyer GUARANTY STATE BANK•t§'l0IJno. D. Dyer··-·-· W. L. Dyer·-··-·· S. R. Bcrtron, Jr. , 15-61  o. Roberts  .._,.  ~  - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - _ _ _ ~ - - - , - - - -,- - - - , - - - -  Ch, of Bd.  E.  ""1 ti:J  50,000 · - - - .••...•••. -·-··-··-- .••.••••.. ·······- , -··-·····- Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.  A. Sec. and A. Tr.  A.Cash,J.W.HAZARD SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON TEXAS MAP. O. W. JACKSON  66  100,000  •  V.  • • "'·•  Ft De"r N Chi .  •  ·•  .. • ••  ll>  N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Corn E.1. N., ,;  ta  8~erS te Tr. &  Bkg.l~  _ _ _ _ __  TEXAS  ~ g  Solicits Your Business  Non-Bank Tow.o• with .Nearesi Banking PoJot (Indexed Acces.), Law ers Laws ind xed) in back of this  Nruab- tlBder Naa:,e  or lflaDlc ill  the New T'ra.nall N,uaber KJven  nd BaAnlce:s, -Mc!!_•U.! ezctlhusl,"t"'" bBJllc ss n. ._n.. ers e nie can . or y o fbyT'hTheAB•r1 !__au un md·erut_hs. ~._c,..,ry, _1401 Dt~~'"l~  I  ',UlE Ot' B11::-.K.  ti~t-~ ;N::: t~e tt~·.1!!~: Res_. - ~ [Estab.,_______ J.  •Mem. Fed.  _  - - CASHIER. _ _ / Ass'T CA.SHI ER  VICE-PRESIDENT  PRESIDE:iT.  Non-Bank Towns wlth 1'<icarcst Banking Point (In•  , •  RE 'OURCES.  I  8  0  g  PRINCIPAL CORRESPO. 'DE."TS  _  tl> CASH MlBCJ!II,BONDS & INDIVID· DEPOSITS Lor/ cou~;s T~:~.u:.:~ . a:s~u°n-U:.:s RESOtJRCEs, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ }:;E~~~ITS  B~;K.8  lll,670 $ 260,000 - - - · 1$ 240,000  ~  20,000 ·-·····-·· ,$ 100,000 Harrµnan .N .. N. Y.; State Bk, of ~ 1:-v Chi .. Chi.; 1st N., Hou.  $  ' ,', A. FITE·-··--· E. HOLLAND ..• R. F. NICHOLSON •• -. J. s. F. CARTER ··-···· C. s. 675,720 5,874.IZO S 1,790,430 5,299,890 2,057,110 $ 336,650 2,608,830 ,Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; N. 600,000 H.J. BERNARD H. M. GARWOOD G. M. BRYAN, V. P. W.D.CLEVELAND,JR. _ , _ _ _ \_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Bk.NCom.,St.L.1WhltneyCent. 1 L.R.BRYAN,JR.  -  1  END YOUR IT~IS DIRECT. NATIONAL BANK SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN ALL .HATTERS SENT US. •:•07  N.,  ~  *NATIONAL BANK  S. A. LINDSEY •••••.  •i'l2  W. REYNOLDS •••• A. D,SIMPSON--t, F. FISHER.---·- - - - - - i•• TAUB 332,150 500,000 L CB. &~WnFIET:s  R. W. Wier T. Randolph J. o. Roots  l  STATE IANK & TRUST CO.  ···-,i :: W8~~::N .... P. J. EVERIHAIE. fi~OnRff's· JR. jDANIEL RIPLEY J M DORRANCE • • . F. A. HEITMANN  800,000  150,0ool ~oo  t · '20 G. F. lloward .•• -. J. W. Link ••••.••.. J. O. Roots .••••••• ··-··-·······-·-···  *SOUTH TEXAS COMMERCIAL BAIIK ···-····•'86 NATIONAL !5-2  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N. Bk. Com. and l.\lech. & iietals  29.170  100,000  1,100,000 ~ 0 0  300,000  1,000,000 1.425,890 11,5110,110  2,382,220  32,350  119,150  411,150 5,465,540 Seab. N., Am. N.. Chase~-• and 15. r/)1 OT1ty,~. Y.; Con,t. & c_om_ J N•. Chi;; IT4 ~ . Bk. Com., !St, L., Canal-Com l, ~ o Tr. & Sav., N. o. C: rn r+ 539,600 Seab: N .. N. Y.: S!_ate Bk: of Chi .. ' Chi.: 1st N.• St. L.; Manne Bk.&, Tr. Co., N, 0.  50,380  231,000  1.920,070  ~  1  1  4,774,630 11.02 ,080 2,052,220  JO NDREAPER E. P. STALLINGS  200,0001  ""l t:r:l  300,000 seab. N., N. Y.: Guaranty Bk. &Tr. co .. Dallas; N. Bk. com., st. L.; ,.,, "° Tex , tato • Ft . Wo r th . t)j 46,000 Guaranty Tr, Co., T. Y.; 1st '. and :x> ~ t,;'nion N .. Hou.  3,200  1,600  266,000  187,000 -····- ••••  ==  Dlred Correspon dent• at all prln elpal pol nts. We rem.It ror the State or Texas. Write for 'terms.  J. A. Wilkins •••••. W. A. Wood .•••••. A.H. King ••.••••. J.M. Jackson, Tr. Officer •i§'l5 H.M. Wilkins, V,P.,March Culmore JDan Japhet  N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st N., St.L.; Canal-Com'I Tr.&Sav., N. o.  488.240 1,593,670 ZZG,030 Z,'107,&SO 1,416,770 4,587,440 - -- - --  -  Peoples State Bank.. •..•. •t§'l9 Louie Cohn •••.•••. I. L. Freed .•..•••• I. H. Blume · ------ E. E. Draeger..... Miss ~1arie Erzt. J. A. Herrlni: 35-70 Sec. ~amnel Levy  J. A. BHEI  · 0.  1  • • Send us your Tel(as Cqllections. They will receive prompt attention and remittances made on day of payment.  OF COMMERCE  + 35-64  0  --------------'--------------~ ------------------------------  *LUMBERMANS  an Jacinto Trust Co, ••• 35·71  I  LI_.:4-BIL!TI~  PAID-UP (SURPLUS CAPITAL PR~~TS  Houston Trust & Savin~s Bank Charles L. Johnson John W. Stanford.······---·-·· Parkman Johnson.$ 100,000$ v. H. Scarborough •§'17 35-65  ~o  ~iti:~e~cc.;iJ·.!:e~::sk!'t!"s,·sli~1l!y~. ~tc.oa,sceke oLafwths1~~ I,.,  City HOUSTON-Continued-Reserve _ __ _ . . ·-~ _ __  gI  I (')  Sii\U *UNION NAT'L BANK,r. c. DUNN, Y. P. li.'l: A.M.LEVY !5-o  C. G. PILLOT  •t'lO  I ~~  Houstoa Olearlnr House •••••• _ ~(MembM's indicat11d 1.J11 a *) I  y_up_  :~r~e p:ol:.p~~t:::f·u·l·:~~l~~et  Fo&UR  •  §  j  J. S. RICE ......... GEORGE HAMMAN. H.B. FINCH ....... C. AIIVtYER ......  1,000,000 1,006,440,13,673,970 1,862.440 10,504.120 1.629,100 ··-···--· 6,371,680 N. Park, N. Y.; N. City, Chi,; N. ::t ,- - - - - - - B k . C o m . , St. L.; 1st N.,'::, ~ Kan. C. I  I ;,:::~rate :~~~:~~·d· ~~.~~: ~~~.~~~I~~~~::~~~~ ~~:~-~~: ~ -~:.~~~ ~ chi  I  H~~~~.~ ~~-·--···. -····- .1  ,0.  larly -~:: ••  Mor. and Sec.  Selected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS J.  BAN KER S I MORTGAGE I  n. JONES.  Ptr.s. a nd Ch. of  COMPANY  Bd.  N. E MEADoR ••...... Wf.·JF•• HMEIYLNLEER  J.M. ROCKIWELL  w. w. MOORE, nd Sec. a  A. Tr.  n. PARKER,  . .NEeuhaTsus,CGUeoR.ITVIE. Rota..n ••. __ . - - - - - - - 1 · · - - - - · - · NEUHAUS & COMPANYn·-·*>·~l {H,NuVgEoS,TTM  I  <Union Nat'! Bank ldg.  E  SHERWOOD ", KI.NG ...... t '75 tock&Bond Dealers. (112 .u1am) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  853 340  •  ,  I . -•-·-1  Loan on Real Estate, First Mortgage, Sell First Mortgages, Real Estate Notes.  •i•20  l  A. Sec. and "'2 000 000 $ .A, Tr.~ , ·  S A D FO EIGI EXCHANGE.  Specialists In Texas Securltl les ••••.....•••••.••.  I I I···-······,~---•-,$ . "'1 914 ""0  50 200  /  I  I  === == == == =··· · · · · · == =---· ,  I  1  M h 751 N. Bk. Y.; L.; N. St. Metals ec • & Chi.; Z3Z,730 Rep., ,830 $N. 1stN.,N., Bk. Com •• Hou. 1  t;  SpJg_~~nlo~::n~o.±:qo~~~bk~ Union N., Hou,; Phil. N., Phil.  Stone ········-·I--····-·---·· ·---1---· -··---·· ---·--·-····-··-·Hayden. Co.. Knauth,  1  & Co .. Robinson & : Tachod - Klihne, o and Goodbody & Co., N. Y.  . 1. 1402  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-1\lcNally Bankers• Dfrectol'y, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  Non.-Bank Towns with Neal'est Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  TEXAS - COn t·tnue d  N AllE OF BANK,  LIABILITIES.  •County Seats. •Mero. Am. Bks. Assn. §State In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. ASsn.tPriv. PRltSIDKNT. VIC.E-PRESIDBNT. EEl Paso Br.; H Hou. Br. ♦ Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _  0.A.SBlll, 1  A.SS'T 0.A.Slllll.  SURPLUS ANl>  Dnoa-  PitINCIP..U. O0IUlESP0NDENTS,  t-..:)  t.o  11ae1ram _ _• _ _  _______ _______ _ 1  Howe _______ Grayson O 19 Farmers National Bank._t'Ol J. L. Blackburn ___ W.W. Feriuson -· A. F. Thompson __ ------------- $ Pop. 583 88-1101 w. M. Ilarrell Home Guarancy State Bank 88-1703 :l:§'16 Howland _____ Lamar B 21 Howland State Bank ____ :WlO Pop. 300 88-1102 Hubbard _________ Hill F19 First National Bank _____ .i,•95 88--456 Pop, 2072 " ________ " FirstStateBank _______ •U,09 88-457 Hul!"hes Spriugs_Oass D 23 First Nationai Bank ______ i,•03 Pop. 831 88-1103 HulL-------Liberty J 23 Hull State Bank _______ •t§'l9 ff Pop. 2000 88-1832 Humble _______ Harris J22 Guaranty State .Hank ___ •§'l7 H Pop. 8000 88-1756 ________ " Humble State Bank ____ •t§'07 " 88-1104 Huntington_AngelinaG 22 Huntington Guaranty State H Pop. 1000 Bank ____ 88-1105 _______ t§'ll •Huntsville __ Walker B 21 Gibbs National Bank ___ e:j:'90 H Pop. 4689 88--400  RESOURCES.  a:» o a: :az c..::·Bo.:.; ~-:..,.,. c_AP_IT_•_L P_a_o:r_i_T_a _IT_•_ _ noa_a_..... __ PAD>-UP  _________________ 1 1  30,000 $ 15,710 $ 216,320 $ 237,610 $ 46,610 Han. N., N. Y.; .Am. Ex. N., Dallas; N. Bk. Com .. St. L.  P. J. Waldrop _____ N. B. Bost _________ G. W. Stark _______ ------------  15,000  3,530  85,610  74,210  D. B. Shelton ______ M. S. Bledsoe ______ W.R. Justiss ____ Nettie Wilson ____ _  10,000  23,360  80,780  74,560  W. E. McDaniel_ __ J. H. Weatherby ___ W. A. Putman J.M.Johnson,Jr,_ R.S. Stovall ______ G. W. Weatherby W. B. Duncan- - ____ T. J. Cook ________ 0. H. Morris, V.P. P. W. Goodson Tom F. Cruse _____ M.E. Pivoto _______  Clyde Keitt_ _______ A. B. Keitt_ ______ _  50,000  305,350  372,840  442,260  J.G.Scott _________ O.M.Wilkes _____ _  50,000  112,500  188,000  232,500  2i,730 Secur. N .• Dallas: Merch. & Plan. N. and Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Sherman. 32,020 City N., Dallas; 1st N., St. L.; Am. N., Paris.  R. M:, Kaslinf _____ A. G, Daniel-_____ _  40,000  66,190  246,960  383,850  75,450 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Waco; Am. Ex, N., Dallas. 136,620 Han. N., N. Y.; City N., Da1las: Cent. N., Waco; Hou. N .. Hou. 69,790 Am. Ex. N ., Dallas; 1st N ., St. L.  A. J. Hartel, Jr,--- 0. P. Baillio------  25,000  3,200  265,000  170,000  106,000 Peo, State, Hou.; 1st N., Beaumont.  L. W. Long ________ J.P. Kiser------- R. F. Butts _______ J. D. Falk _______ _  25,000  ·--------  105,000  85,000  R. S. Sterline-______ H.F. Bozarth _____ K. Stone ___________ W. Griffith _______ _ J. W.Fincher, V,P. J. W. Hall J. J. Collins ______ R. S. Byrd ________ R. C. Arnett ______ -------- -------R. P. McKewen W, 8.Gibbs _______ Gabe Smither ______ G. A. Wynne _______ Gibbs A. Wynne -W. L. Dean, J. E. Allen Ch. of Bd. Huntsville Sta~e Bank J.G.Ashford _____ J.A..Elkins ________ W.C.Jones ___ Tom Ball ____ _ s. S. Felder 88-401 •t§'07 Hutchins _____ Dallas D 19 Bank of Hutchins _______ t'90 S. Ayres ____________________ . S. Ayres, :Jr, ____ -------------------Pop. 450 88-1402 " ________ " Citizens Guaranty State Bk. W. B. Hargrove ___ B. D. Atwell ______ E. E. Reynolds ______________________ _ :l:§'13 88-1559 IIutto ____ Williamson I 18 Farmers &Merch.State Bank August Swenson __ Paul N. Nelson ____ Harry Mauritz _ _ A. W. Swenson __ _ Pop. 571 88-714 t§"07 " ________ " Hutto National Bank _____ i,,io W. H. Farley ______ R. B. Hutto ______ A. B. Wallin£---- K. B. Brown __ _ 88-715 dalou _____ Lubbock C 10 First State Bank ________ §'20 0. E. Dean _________ B. Sherrod ________ J.B. Reed ____________________________ _ Pop. 95 88-1976 lndianGap_liamilton F 16 Ger.-Am. State Bank ___ •t§'lO 0. K. Rea _ _ _ _ J.M. Boler-------- W.W. Martin ____ Dollie Harris _____ _ Pop. 200 88-1106 ndustry ______ Austin J 20 First Guaranty State Bank B. E. Knolle _______ E.Lindemann.. ___ H. L. Schulze ______ H. H.Boelsche_ _ H Pop. 600 88-1107 :l:§'11 A. Breihan nez._____ Victoria L 19 Inez State Bank ________ et§'l3 H. C. Koontz ______ H. W. Dodd------- R, D. Hasbrook ___ L. M. Cox -··------H Pop. 300 88-1640 Iola __________ Grimesll 20 IolaStateBank _________ •t§'07 R. E. L. Upchurch_ A. A. Sanders _____ W . .A. Boney _____ w. E. Boney. _____ _ H Pop. 9111 88-1108 Iowa Park __ Wichita B 16 First National Bank ___ •U900 0. Birk------------ J, T. Overbey _____ T. Corridan, Jr, ___ Warren Clark ____ _ Pop. 2041 88-1109 J. F. Boyd Carroll Duke .. ____ ____ " First State Bank _______ t§•19 L. N. Lockridge ____4.. C. Golden _________________________ .,. W. B. Sisk ________ _ 88-1847 Iredell ________ Bosq ueF 17 Oontinen ta! State Bank •i§ '09 J. G. Wilkinson____ H. B. Strong______ Martin McCain____ H. Jacobs _________ _ Pop. 800 88-lllO " ________ " Farmers & Merchants Stafe W. P. Barnes ______ J.E. Harris _______ John W. Clark ____ H. A. Simpson ____ _ Bank ___ .88-1974 ______ +§'20 Ireland ______ Coryell G 17 First State Bank _______ •:§'12 G. W. Bradley----- F.. F. Pietzsch _____ R. M. Studer _____________________ _ Pop. 300 88-1448 Irene __________ . Hill F 19 First National Bank ______ :j:'15 J. A. Christie ______ W. R. Mason _______________________ Pop. 26,i 88-1111 Irvinl! ________ Dallas D 19 Irving State Bank _______ :j:§'08 G. W.Riddle _______ D. W. Gilbert. _____ W. F. lliller _______ Jewell Miller _____ _ Pop. 357 88-1112 Italy ___________ Ellis E 19 Farmers State Bank •• -•i§'07 Whit George ______ L. Ward ___________ Sam McCord ______ Jas. Bracken _____ _ • 88~66 R, G. Dohoney .. Pop. 1350 .. ________ First National Bank ______ t'91 8. M.Dunlap _______ K. G. Stroud _______ L. E. Eagan _______ ll. S. Paisley _____ _  50,000  32,220  622,450  498,200  16,000  ---------  125,000  85,000  88--665 J. 0. Oouch Itasea-----------Hill E 18 First National Bank ----•:l:'90 F_ M. Files _________ J.M. Coffin ____ ---· P. E. Hoolfs _____ H.J. Barton ______ _ 88-602 W. I. Hooks, V. P. J. R. Griffin W. V. Mitchell Poll, 1599  llASCA MAtlOMAL BANK 88-1>03  H. E. Chiles - - - N. 8. Rees _ _ _ W, B. Rees ___ Joe J. Ince _______ _  •:t'Ol 1 Jfuuiber under Nauie of Bank is the New Trans.It Nrunber given to each bank in U. S. ercluslvely by The Band-McNally Bankers, Federal Reserve Bank 1403 of St. Louis DJrectorr. under the authority of The An1erlcan Bankers Ass•n.  TEXAS-Continued  50,000  27,970  337,500  429,080  50,000  43,960  448,140  460,620  10,000  I 20,500 1st N., Chi.: Hou. N. Ex., Hou. ~ 200,630 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep,, Chi.; Lumber.l t%j man N., Hou.: Secur. N., Dallas. 33,000 Union N., Hou.; City N., Galv.  ><  >  81,130 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Hon.; Hutchinl?S, Sealy 00 & Co., Galv.  tn  _._  _______  50,000  35,000  75,000  50,000  104,700 N. Bk., Com., N. Y.: Hou. N, Ex., Hou.;Am. N. Ex., Dallas. 25,000 Oity N., Dallas.  >  z  ~ 25,000 Secur. N .. Dallas Tr. &Sav., and Guaranty Tik. 00 & Tr. Co., Dallas. 96,760 Am. Ex. N., N, Y.; Am. N., Austin; Union N., :I: Hou. 0 55,490 Austin N .. Austin; So. Tex. Oom'l N .• Hou.  10,000  1,750  30,000  12,280  212,130  134,670  25,000  20,000  190,000  102,000  15,000  500  55,000  51,000  40,000 N. Bk. Com., Ft. Worth; Citiz. N,, Lubbock.  20,000  5,000  75,000  51,000  20,000  8,470  120,370  77,280  31,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Far. & ~ 0 Mech. N., Ft. Worth. 71,560 Han. N., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.  25,000  8,410  65,720  93,420  10,000  13,000  90,000  76.500  86,430 1,063,160  933,520  100,000 25,000  6,600  136,010  137,090 125,000  I  ~  (D  rt  ll) 23,120 Union N., Hou.; Victoria N. and Levi Bk. & m Tr. Co., Victoria; Dallas Tr. & Sav .• Dallas. (") ll) 11,200 So. Tex. Oom'l N., Hou.  340,580 Han. N .. N. Y.: Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; City N., Dallas. 37.870 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Wichita Falls; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 35,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Cont. Bk. & Tr. Oo., Ft. Worth: 1st State Bk. & Tr. Co .. Waco. 20,000 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; Hico N., Hico: Liberty N .. Waco; 1st N •• Ft. Worth. . 25,000 Oitiz. N., Waco: 1st N .• Ft. Worth; City N., Galv.; So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou. 102,000 Han. N •• N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas.  20,000  14,000  130,000  40,000  500  50,000  68,000  20,000  12,500  100,000  100,000  25,000  8,000  160,000  60,000  20,000  8,000  150.000  100,000  50,000  31.140  290,000  342,000  50,000  109,280  261.360  374,000  50,000  106,250  651,190  630,080  96.230 N. Parle, N. Y.: Am. Ex. N .. Secur. N., and Ft. Worth N ., Dallas. 216,210 Seao. N ., N. Y.: ~rch.-Lac. N .. St. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; . Worth N., Ft. Worth.  30,000  39,830  396,000  325,000  120,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. lllleeh. N., Ft Worth,  114,000 City N. and Secui·. N., Dallas.  '-4 ll)  48,900 8eab.N., N. Y.; City N.,Dallas;UnionN .. Hou. ::,  I  t•;•t  I  ; 4  :  I •  •  I  ' 'I ,  '  '  • ••  '  •, ,  • •  •  :  ,  t• · •t  I  •  _:  I  'I  I,  •  f  t  I  i:::  ll)  '-t  :<  --  \Q tv  Non-JJank Towns with Nearest Banking Polnt (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of tbis/'volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ ---=- RESOURCES. ~ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  .l'fumber under Name of' Bank is the New Transit Number given  1403  to each bank in U. S. eicluslvely by The Band-McNaHy Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The Amer_tca!1- Bankers Ass•n. ----  TEXAS-Continued -  XAME OF' BANK.  •Mero.Am. Bks. Assn. §State £County Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. [Estab. f El Paso Br. H Houston ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  PRESIDENT.  VICE·PRESIDENT.  Ass'T CASHIER.  CASHIER.  -I  LIABILITIES.  r  '.l'OWN AND COUNTY.  PAID·UP SURPLUS AND CAPITAL PROFITS  DEPOSITS  Lo~"·"' o... c'Te. Doi-ma,  CB.llfOM,Dua  ~acOB.ITll.8  ?II.OM B.&.1(][8  --- --- --- ---  £Jacksboro ••• - Jack C 16 First National Bank •••• _•;t•go James W. Knox-·· E. R. WorthinR'ton. C. A. Worthlniton_ E. M. Davidson ••• _ $ 150,000 $ H.A. Wills C. A. Worthington 88-563 Pop. 1373 J. S. Erwin 50,000 W. A. Shown._ ••• C. D. Pierce.-••••• Kirk Stewart--·-·.. acksboro National Bank ---------•:t•o5 88-564  ----------  ll) "'1  Cuu&Ex-  ~  61,120 $ 584,990 $ 843,780 $  94,330 Mech. & MetalsN., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Drov. N .• Kan. C.: Ft. Worth N .. Ft. Worth.  28,060  275,000  275,670  52,950 N.Bk.Com .. N. Y.:Far. &Mech.N., Ft.Worth: City N., Dallas.  A.G. Adams-·-··- Frank Devereux ••. Frank Devereux •• J. P. Douilas - - · Jacksonville_._ Cherokee First Guaranty State Bank T. Smith •.U-12 ♦ 88-B28 F 22 H Pop. 3723  62,500  29,330  494,340  427,350  147,840 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Guaranty Bk. & Tr. Co .. Dallas: 1st N ., St, L.  M. C. PARRISH •••• GUSS. BLANKINSHIP C. F. BOLES-··--···- A. D. SORY ··-·----FIRST NAT1f8~fh BANK-•:t'90 { sE..-w us vou R JACKSONVIL LE ITEMS DIRE CT.  75,000  148,250  747,370  911,250  179,780 Seab. N., N. Y.; Union N., Hou.: Am.Ex.N .• Dallas.  W. J. WEATHERBY N. H. SCOGIN-·--··· IS BANK ......... { PROM¥'1' ATT .tt;NTIO.N .HY AN Boj'.F\~JIU&~ ¥ii  25,000  16,500  205,000  275,000  50,000 Lumbermans N., Ilou.; Guaranty Bk. & Tr.I Co., Dallas; N. Bk. Com., St. L.  Jarrell.. Williamson H 17 Firststate Bank ..•••••• :tl'll E. M. Wilson_····- J. A. Comer--····· J • .A. Comer·-··-·· .Miss Cora G. Sex. 88-1404 ton Pop. 350  00,000  19,180  197,420  151.440  66,880 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. and Bartlett; Oltiz. State, Austin.  •Jasper.-••• Jasper H 24 Citizens National Bank_•.t"l4 W. J.B. Adams ••• W. P. Cook. _ _ J. H.Se.Je _ _ _. T. B. Walters··--A. N. Stone B. G. Graham 88-1655 H Pop. 2200  25,000  17,190  225,070  220,260  53,000 1st N ., Hou. and Beaumont.  R. K. OurUs · - - Nellye Mae NeaL  50,000  70,000  480,000  490,000  110,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; Am. Ex. N .. Dallas.: Hou. N. Ex., Hou.  Jayton •••• - •• Kent c 12 First National Bank- •••• :t'07 J, Jay _______ R . .A. Jay-·····-- K. s. Sandell - - · Thos. Fowler--···· 88-ll13 Pop. 1000 Jean __ ·--···-·Young 11 Jean State Bank·-·-····:t:§'20 H.K. Weems-····- G. M. Roden···-·· J. G. Staples····-88-1966 Pop. 450  40,000  40,000  160,000  244,000  ------------ ---- ----  15,000  220  38,920  28,830  20,700 1st N., Ft. Worth; Far. & Merch. N .. Abilene; Drov. N .. Kan. C. 19,750 Far. & M:ech. N,, Ft. Worth; Beckham N., Graham.  COMMERCIAL NAT'L BANK  J. B.Husaey. _ _ • W. P. Schluter ••• _ W. T. Nellon. _ _ R. B. Greii - - - · W. J. Sedberry  30,000  17,500  206,650  163,700  65,000 N. Park. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallu: So. Tex. Com'l N,, Hou.  Guaranty State Bank __ •:tl'll 88-364 Rogers National Bank_. •:t'04 88-362 Rogers State Bank & Trust Co. -·-··-88-200L .•• __ §'20 Oliver Lovin~ & Co., Bankers •tt·n 88-1114 Jewett State Bank •••• :t§1900 88-1115 First State Bank •••• _••• :t§'lO 88-1116 Johnson City StateBank_:t§'06 88-1117 Josephine State Bank ___ :t§'05 88-1118 Citizens Banking Co .•••• :tt"04 88-1119 Atascosa County State Bank •:t§'09 88-1120 First National Bank-•• •:t'l6 88-1720 Junction State Bank ••• •:tl'08 ♦ 88-1121  M. J, Whelan-···· P. E. Hussey·-·--· L • G. Braden __ ···- H.B.Meisenheimer F. :Meisenheimer H . .A. 8pelliors __ T. W. Shackelford. J. W. Badgett..-••  50,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas: Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L. 94,970 Seab. N .. .N. Y.; 1st N .. St. L.  Prompt attenti on given Bill <-f L adlng Drafts and all matters sent us.  l I  GUARANTY STATE BANK ♦  88-1520  U'l3  given Bill of L adlng Drafts and all matters sent us.  Jasper State Bank-••••• tl'll H. 88-893  •Jetrerson_._MarionD 23 Pop. 2545  J ermyn_ •. __ ._Jack C 16 Pop. 500 JeweU---·-·-Leon G 20 Pop. 460 JoaQuin •• __ Shelby F 24 Pop. 400 •Johnson City _BJancol16 Pop. 500 Josephine ••• _Ccllin D 19 Pop. 500 Joshna •••• _Johnson E 18 Pop. 800 •Jourdanton ___ Atascosa L 16 Pop. 682 •Junction •• -. Kimble I 14 Pop. 1200  88--363  i·o1  s. Filson·--·- w. P. Smith _•••••• N. M. Hart  --·---- -----------------··  B. F. Rogers_ ..••• _ L. G. Braden·····- H • L. Rogers ····-· . T. J. Rogers Oliver Lovinr ••••• _ J. W. Luvmr---- J ohn H. Tucker ___  25,000  15,000  230,000  178,000  25,000  41,040  322,260  292,940  50,000  ---------  16,340  18,260  10,000  12,000  100,000  75,000  50,000  7,500  300,000  145,000  25,000  5,000  154,150  112,970  ------------ - ---  25,000  5,000  135,700  149,940  14,000  22,500  250,000  110,000  INFORMATION ON MANY SUBJECTS. ASK OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT:  43,490 Ft. Dear. N .. Chi.; 1st N., Shreveport; Am., Ex. N .. Dallas. 25.000 Am. 1£x . .N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N .. Ft. Worth; Boatmens, St. L. 200,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Hou. N. Ex., Hou, 50,000 Tex. State, Ft. Worth; Am. N .. Shreveport, La.: Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 23,060 Han. N., N. Y.; Oitiz. State, Austin; Alamo N .. San Antonio. 75,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas: Greenville N. Ex .. Greenville; 1st N., Farmersville. 1st N., St. L.; Far. & Mech. N., .ll't. Worth,  --- --- --- --- ---  Anius McMillan- •• F. P. West ____. C. 0. West _ _ _.  J. A. Waltom.·-··· Jourdan CampbelL J . K. Lawhon·-··- A. W. Hethcork. __ Edgar Richardson E. A. Loeffler-····- 0. C. Reid·-··-···- F . E. Knetsch.··-M. M. Moss A. W. Browning __ W. P. Riley ••••••• E. E. Bolt ___ ····-·- conrad T. HoleC. R. Stevenson kamp A. C. Schreiner Justin •• __ •• Denton C 18 Justin State Bank •••• _.:t§'07 W. N. Shofner._ J. H. AIIPn -······- J. E. Mothershead. J.E. McQuerry_. J. \Y. Collins 88-1122 Po1>, 493 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  O. Wiley, Jr •••••• -- R. L. Wiley······- R. B. Adams._..•• J. T. Adkisson __ • B. D. Doshull A.G. Rushini ··-- .\1 • .M. Carroll.. •••• Cohron Davis ••••• _ C. E. Scates ..••• __ Charles Klett.. •••• A. R. Grote-··-···- R ichard Klappen. bach L. Coffman--·- G. B. Yeatts--·-· A . H. Eubanks. __ Chas. C. Coleman __  I  -·------  50,000  31,980  448,060  392,730  25,000  40,250  318,000  382,000  100,000  134,500  492,630  695,410  35,000  17,000  155.000  158,000  132,630 N. Park, N. Y.; Live Stock Ex.N., Chi.; Union N ., Bou.: Guaranty State. Ban Antonio. 90,400 Comw. N .• Kan. C.; State N .. San Antonio; Am. N .. Austin; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth, 330,910 N. Bk.Com .. N. Y. and San Antonio:Inter•State N .. Kan. C .. Mo.: Citiz. State, Austin; Ft. \Vor~h N ., Ft. Worth. .,i:. 35,000 Far. & Mech. N., Ft, Worth; CitY N., Dallas. 0  ...  w  CONTINENTAL _AND COMMERCIAL 8ANKSJ CHICAGO  .,  . . .. l.~ . ~:.-··· '«  I II•  1404  Nam.,_ under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank m U. S. exclusively by The .Q.and-McNall)' Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  Ton ilD OoUNTT. NAME oF BANK. •Oouat7 Seats. 1•Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State PRJ':!!IIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT. ln No.11 Fed. Res. Dist. :tM.em. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. E El Paso. Br. HHouston •~em. Fed. Res. [Estab. ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,  Karnes Oit7-KarnesL17 Guar::mty State Bank --t~·21 H Pop. 787  ..  c. W. Rzeppa  ________  1  LIABILITIES. CASHIER,  Ass'T CASHIER.  SuRPLUB AND CAPITAL PROFITS  PAID-UP  _____ J. F. Tobin ________ Boyd Dicus __ ______ ------------ -- $  88-2013 1 ,Karnes County Nat. Bk.•:t'Ol J. W. Ruckman ____ S. A.. Hickok _______ H. w. Isensee ____ J. D. Ruckman____ 88-112S Katy. ______ Harris J 21 Katy Siate Bank ------•:t§'20 1J. P. Wilkinson ___ W. C. Stockdick ___ O. O. Baile:,------- W.R. Gilpin_______ H Pov. 400 • 88-166S Kaufman_Kaufman E20 FARMERS & MERCH. NAT'L Wood Nash ________ Nestor Morrow J. A. Cooley, Jr. ___ -------------Pop, 2501 BANK--- 88-1696 ________;t'l5 1 "  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Inaexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisl volume For Interest ~~!es, Holidays, etc., see Laws ~  TEXAS-Continued  t  REsouRcEs.  I  -'=-  PRINCIP.&.L CoRREBPONDDTs.  Lons & Dt•• Ad!l:(IILL. . . . . ,DIJII 8• 0 =u no 11 B""° ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  c'T■.  DEPOS-  ~  no,.,,.,  1  20,000 _________________________________ Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Guaranty State, San Antonio. 50,000 S 69,360 $ 537,380 $ 536,650 $ 130,790 N. City, N, Y.; So. TensOom'l N., Hou. 25,000  770  74,660  71,570  75,000  50,000  379,460  415,300  100,000  124,000  545,000  740,270  14,790 1st N., Hou.; N, Bk. Com., St. L. 72,040 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; City N., Dallas.  1  "  ___  "  FIRST NATIONAL BANK _;t'88  "  ___  "  F~rs!,State  J. J. GIBBS------- W. T. NASH--------- J. N. NASH ----- E. E. ROBINSON-----  i  ts'~2-----i1:1: C. B. Barron------ i", Jiif!~lkey ______ w . .A.rthur Beld---J /:-ii~~~:{1_____ fs~rff,----tl 0;> •W. Jl. OhaneJ ____ , T. ~· Whit~ ___ S. Bua ______ IHerbert Hooper__ 1\  KcmpPop~l~OraiaE20 J.l'armersG~ 7state~ G. W.Rlddle ____ J. F. Collins _______ 4 " ___ " ,.l'lrat National Bank- .. i·o1 J. K. Moore _ _ _ !louatoD Haynie __ , 81-641 . O. J. ll'oalemu Kempner-Lampasas II 16 Kempner State Bank ___ :t§'l7 H.J. McGuire _____ B. F. Seale, _______ Pop. 250 "8-1767 Kenedy _____ Karnes M 17 Farmers & 'Merchants State E. P. Ruhmann ___ Olem Reasoner ____ H Pop. 2015 Bank __ ♦ 88-GS7 - - - •U-12 J. B. Cannon 1  "  -------  "  S. KRAUSS  First and Oldes t Established Ban k. Collections a Specialty. Gener ;al Bank Ing. Please a~nd toe FEE IN ADVANC E with sight drafts; Credit Reports, 26c.  81~11  Keller.poi,:'WJ'utD 18 Fllst State  GEO, G, SHAW  130,390 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas.  100,000  100,000  550,000  20,000  8,000  184,700  S.Shaw ___________ B.F.Fogleman____  35,000  7,000  Forrest Moore _____ J.E. Moore, Jr. ___ M. N. Fogleman E. A. Lanie_,______ ___________________  75,000 10,000  W. E. Ruckman___ _____________  COMPANY ♦ 88~68--•:tl'OO  50,000 Beab. N., N. Y,; Am. Ex. N,, Dallas.  136,600  36,370 B't, Worlh N. and 1st N .. 11't. Worth.  431,000  297,000  127,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Secur. N .. Dallu.  48,140  198.490  263.570  1,000  30,000  35,000  50.000  68,580  564,490  646,180  60,000  98,000  600,000  400,000  76,240 Beab, N., N, Y.; City N. and Am. Ex. N .. Dallas. 10,000 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N., Temple; Lumbermans N., Hou. 57,050 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Alamo N .. San Antonio;Lumbermans Hou. T ••  J.M. NICHOLS ____ J. W. NICHOLS------ H. W. Mc GOLDRICK __ E. D. HOLCHAK ----A. F. KAUFFMANN I ROY YOUNG  FIRST STATE BANK & TRUST  375,000 I  SEND US YOUR IT~~IS_ DffiEC T..  .  20~.000 Mech, & Metals N., N. Y,; So. Tex. Com'! N,, Hou.: State N .. San Antonio.  .  { Prompt, P.ersonal attention given Coll echons, Bill of Ladt ng Drafts,  Cash and Time lte ms and remitted for on day of payment•  .Kenn:mL.-Houston G 22 Farmers Guaranty State Bk. T. M. Sherman ____ R. L. Barclay ___ H Pop. 420 • 88-1611 :tl'13 . I~enncy _______ Austin J 20 Kenney State Bank _____ tf'l2 J. D. Kamas ____ :_ W. A. Matthae1 ____ H Poo. 202 88-1467 , Ohas. Ebert Kerens __ Navarro E 20 First National Bank _____ •:t'05 W. T. Stockton ____ W. S. Price ____ Pop. 1343 88-745 1 " ______ " 1First State Bank _______ ;tl'09 G. Jl. Westbrook __ ' G. W. Speed _______ : ♦ 88-746 " _____ " 1Kerens National Bank ___ t'l9 1 E. E. Nettles ______ R. P. Coates _______ 88-1864 I Sam Rowe Kerrville _____ Kerr J 15 1CHARLES SCHREINER BANK L.A. Schreiner ___________ Pop. 2353 88-458 •:tt'69 " _______ " !First State Ba-4nk ______ •il'07 E. Galbraith _______ A. B. Burton-----88 59 Kilgore ______ .nr gg E 22 Guaranty State Bank ____ §'20 R. Lacy __________ E. Lacy ___________ Pop. 12:iO 88-1997 E. E. Ha:rris " ____ ____ " Klleore State Bank ____ •U'Off IF. D. Oberthier ____ L. P. Gntll.n _______ ♦ 88-1128 Killcen __________ Bel1Hl7 Fir·t 'ationa1Bank ___ tl900 I. w. Norman _____ P.L. Down~------Pop. 1298 88 -627 .. ________ " First tate Bank _______ tf'07 H. C. Smith ________ w. Sutton _ _ _ ♦ 88-62 Guaranty ..'tato Bank --•:t'20 Claude McBryde __ Spencn Young ____ 88-2001 G. A. Jackson King bury, Guadalupe First National Bank __ ___ t'l2 J. A. Lynch _______ F. W. Maurer ______ Pop. 500 K 17 88-1483 •  I  "  -----  •  •  •  1  I  47,360  97,850  108,330  Earl Seale-------- R. P. Walker______  50,000  89,710  250,780  Luther Westbrook. E. M. Westbrook._  50,000  45,000  212,oOO.  \ I  I  80,000 25,480 103,920 172,760 . . L E. H. Prescott_ ____ F. F. Nye __________ (Indwid uai Ru ponsibll itv $1,00 0. B. Schwethelm A. B. WUliamson •• ----------------30,000 10,000 190,000 211,000 E. E. Harris _______ L. N. Crim--------  F. D. Oberthier ____ --------------------  15,000  5,000  50,000 ---------  I  I  II.  :  I;.  I  ,•  •  .'I  I  I  I  I  I  56,300 Han. N., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; City N., Dallas. 21,460 S.e ab. N ., N. Y.; Corsicana N .. Corsicana; Sec ur. N .. Dallas. O,(XJO) ___ Chem. N.and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Lockwood N.,San Antonio: 1st~· .. St. L . 38,700 • City, N. Y.; City N., San Antonio; Ilou. N. Ex .• Hou.; Secur. N .. Dallas. --------- Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas.  25,000  12,950  128,000  135,000  18,220  95,190  98,460  53,640N,Park,N.Y.;CityN .. Dallas;l t \,Temple.  M. P. Dalton ______ I. A. Swope________  25,000  21,000  550,000  237,000  W. E. Wicker ______ Robt. Bieham____  30,000  1,230  70,500  63,440  A. R. Maurer _ _ --------------------  25,000  6,000  100,000  85,000  J.E. GARRETT ___ H. ALLISON -------- H. ANDREWS------- W. C. KING---------  35,000  25,000  375.000  280,000  800,000 Irving N., N. Y.: Secur. N., Dallas; N. Bk. Com .. St.L. 3~.170 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Temple; Peo. State, Hou.; Guaranty Bk. & Tr. Co., Dalla:-. 40,000 Han. N., N. Y.; City N., San Antonio; Hou. r Ex., Hou. 150,000 N. Bk. Reo .. Ohi.; Hou. N, Ex., Hou.; City N., Corpus Christi.  1-  ;.  I  '  I  •  ,.I  I  I~  ~  9,720 So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou.: 1st N., Galv. and Brenham. ,... 59,040 Seab. N., N.Y,; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 0  50,000  J.L.  wope _______ J.W.  rt..  i  I,.,  I  257,300  Q  24,700 Hou. N. Ex .. Hou,; 1st N., Crockett.  100,000 ,.000.00,  I  750.000  •  .'  •  ti  I  fl  I  'I  /II.,  •,  I  ·,1  ,'  :  If'  111:  I  •  .,  ••  ~  n  5· aq Cll  :::. .,... ~  50,000 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; 1st N., Long Yiew.  250,000 Mech. & Metals , N, Y.; N. Bk, Com., Antonio, So. Tex. Oom'l N., Hou.  \ TWENTY-FIVE \ CENTS for each credit report lnsu res prompt, perso nal atte ntlon.  •  I  343,150 1  Joe M. DanieJ.. ___ IC. I. Coates_ _______  ~MER\C~N N~\\ON~L B~NK,  /1,  1  59,750  12,250  R. J. KLEBERG ••• C. H. FLATO, JR,--- E.W. HOUSE------- C. P. HOUSE----50,ooo ROBERT J. 88-264 KLEBERG &•:ttCO. o.i \ FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight draf t for presentatlo n, and  "  ,\-\E /  6,000  10,000  FIRST STATE BANK ... •WOO { Special atlentlo n given BIii of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. 88-265 Please ,end 15c wi th each aight draft f or presentation and 25c for Credit Repo  \ Federal Reserve Bank of 1405 St. Louis  10,000  orman_____  1  King vme .. Klebere: O 17 H Pop. 47i0  D. P. Craddock ____ ----------------  IC. H. BonseL ____ ------------------  AUSTIN., TEXAS  ..._. tlJ  ::, C:: tlJ  ""  Sanli  Solicits Your Business  Non-Bank Towns w1th Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this  .,,_.,., _,,., N..,.. .r au.a-'- u.e New~••--~ 271  Non•Banlr ToWIIB wtth Nearest BaaldDS Point (Iii•  ~1~4~0.~tS~~lo~eaob~~baal-~-1-~:t~er~u.~UJ~·~!~~~a~UJ~orf~,,g,~of~bJ~~~e~~~ ..... ~er1~:.n~-~-~~~~~~AM~--~--~-;:;-====~T~E~XA~~~s--c~~~o~n~ti~·~n~u~e~d~=================~:~~I~~~eA=·=cces~Fgoi-~)·~•n~La~te~?~e~:f5~a~:.a~te~:~:~J~~~.1~r~af../~J.~~~C~-~da~~:~e1la~r~:~8~~ ~ ToWN AND O0UNTT. I Nilll! OF LIABILITIES. RESOURCES. PIUNCIP.A.L CORRESPONDENTS, C 8  I  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. JSt.ate Io No.11 Fed. Res. Di t. :Mem.State Bks • .Assn. tPriv. E El Paso Br.; ff Hou. Br. ♦.Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. •Oo11Dt;y Sea&s.  PU:.SID.ENT,  VICE-PU:.SIDJCNT,  O.umu.  .4.SB'T Oillllft.  ;-=  _P_J.._ID-_t1_P_St1_~-•-L-'-t1-s_D_•_P_oe-_11 1 -Lo-A-.■-•-D-r■---c-.... -.-11-,.Oil'IT.U. Pao•IT•  •  ..  c~u!':,::• :_  0  ITS  ~  =--------'--=----J--------'-----1------- - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  .'<  -  Kirbyville .••• Jasper H 24 Klrb,TVUle State Bank.-.:s·oo s. B. CODD-------·· R. B. Ritchey···-- J. w. Beeler- •• ---· ·-·················· $ 40,000 $ 25,000 $ 400,000 $ 350,000 $ 75,000 N. Bk • ComA., NN. Y ..B· 1st N .. Hou.; Secur, N., ~ K Pop. 1165 88-172 Da 11 as; m. ., eaumont. 20,000 12,470 115,000 100,000 20,000 1st N ., Hou. and Beaumont. " ·······" Peoples Sta~1r¼t·-···· 1'07 J.M. Mixson ...... W. F. McOreighi .. Mamie Winton •••• ···-·······-·---··· Kirldand ••• OhUdress R 7 First State Bank •••••••• U-07 C. W. Furr -······ C. E. Crews •••••.. J. T. Glover •.••••. W.W. Williamson. 15,000 107,500 120,000 25,000 28,000 Cent. N., St. L.; 1st N .. Ft. Worth: Am. N .• ♦  Pop. 550  88-1127  Kirvin ...• Freestone F 20 Guaranty State Bank •••• U'l2 C. M. Elmore•••••. W. A. Wilkerson .. T. C. Simmon .•••• o. C. Pullin -······ POD, 288 88-1495 F. K. Everett "  ___  "  Kirvin St.ate Bank ··-·-t§'19 88-1868 Farmers &Merchants Bank 88-1449 in1 Firat State Bank. ••••••• 88-1128 First National Bank ••••• •i·of 88~21 Guaranty State Bank._ •. ·20 88.2000 KopperJ _ _ BolQuell'18 Goar&Db' St.ate Bank ... U'l2 Kieburg. _ _ Dallas D 19 Pop. 300 Klondike ___ Delta C21 Pop. 400 Knox City •••• Knox B 13 Po1>, 698 " •••.•.•• "  u·oo  20,000  8,000  33,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Secur. N., DaJlas; Far. State, 22,700 25,000 ··-·-40,540 Mexia. 20,0!J0 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ - - - N. Bk. Com., Dallas.  J. J. Hunt••••••••• I. J. Bills.·-·- J.M. Clower •••••• L. L. Allard _.•.••.  50,000  20,000  185,000  Ul8,900  86,000 Secur. N., Dallas; Com·J .1.·., Ilou.  E. O. Jamison .•••• C. A. Benedict••••• R. L. Mullins•.•••• B. C. Anderson __ __  25,000  29,170  220,480  230,550  39,690 Han. N .• N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; ~ Drov. N .• Kan. C.; Austin N., Austin. """ 26,000 1:-t N., Ft. Worth; and Wichita Falls.  f.  B. B. CampbeIL •.• F, Bu h ..••••••• A. C. DanieL.·-··· ·····-···· ••••••••• 1.::,. 1L Clont · JamesH. Burnett.. P.H. Whitworth •• S. A. Caruthers ••• _ Basil Bryant •••••. 1  20,000  1,200  40,0000  25,000  10,000  6,610  126,7Gil  24.040  50.000  25,000  150,000  260,000  25,0li0  2,200  88-1823  Bardin County State Bank 88-1130  •:1'08  G. W. Riddle •••••• E. L. Adams •.•...• J,  o. Fountain •••••  hrmer1 StateBank ••••• is·og F. T. Skipworth .•• J. W. Elliott·-··- J.W.Skipworth,Jr. 88-1131 Farmers&Merch. State Bank J. G, Wilkinson •••• 88-1112 u·10 Kyle State Bank .••••-.U'D4 William Groos •••• 88-1111 Lacoste National Bank ••• i·12 Jos. Coorand •••••• 88-1451 FIRST IATIOIIAL BIIK•t'91 A. E. Sweeney •••• 88~ZS  FIRST STATE BANK-.. •U'07  ♦ 88-&2' La Feria ••• Oameron R 17 Cameron County Bank•• •1'13  B. F. Wilson.·-··-· A.H. Knox ••••••••  O. F. lleidenreich. E. F. Reuss ••.•••.• W. H. Hawkes .•••• H. C. Heilir •••• - -  W. F. Tohill .••••..  ---··---W. A. Menck•.•••.  W. K. Weldon ••••• D. W. Sweeney ,Jr. J. D. Richardson .• C.H. Weldon H. L. Graves N. T. Seo«-··--- D. :&. Wauoner._ J.P. Jones ..•••••• H. E. Fuller •.....• C. E. Fuller P. B. Branch. ___ • H. H. RoddY--····· B. H. Dunlap-···· •••••••• ·····-· •••• B. B. Dunlap A.. Haldusek __··-- A. Warnken·-·-· J.B. Bollowu-.. K. llattlnrl1 ••• _ A. F. Speckels Leo Frede _ _ _ 0. J. von Rosenberr C. G. Franz ••.••.•. Barry Oeding··--· H. Amberi D. H. Davenport .. J, P. Montgomery. J.E. White .•••.• -. ·········-·-······.  FIRST HTIGHL BAH •t'H 88-191  H. I. KEY ...... _ W. B. McGEE ...... DAI CULIER ...... F. L. WOLF........  l  . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .  88-195  •i  70,000  >  25,000 1st N., St. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas.  2: ~  20,000  1,000  130,0001  90,000  16,840  142,850  141,220  30,000  16,000  205,000  167,000  30,000  7,000  190,000  170,000  25,000  34,000  322,500  245.500  125,000  75,000  489,000  786,000  35,000  20,000  500,1)00  276,000  215,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur, N., Dallas.  25,000  2,300  201,800  125,000  94,050 Corn Ex. N., Chi.: 1st N. and Merch. N., Bill Brownsville. , 211,470 N. City, • Y.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.; So, Tex.,'O Com·] 3., Hou. II) 107,090 1st N., Chi.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas: Union N .. Hou.I~  138,940 1st N., Beaumont.  CJl 27,100 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Amarillo; Stock Yds. N .• Kan. C.; Cent. N., St. L. 46,000 Bk. of N. Y. N. H. A .. N. Y.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. X Oo .. Ft. Worth. ::;· 41,500 Union N,, Hou.; Austin N., .-'.ustin. O'"  I  '<  94,000 Han. N., N. Y,; .-'.Iamo N., San Antonio: 1st N., < ___ Hou. 66,250 N. Park, N. Y.; Dallas N,,Dallas. ;'  ....  0  75,000  71,200  644,430  637,160  100,000  26,270  486,070  492,690  25,000  7,500  100,000i  96,000  30,000  10,000  250,0001  257,250  30,000  45,000  430,000  490,000  10,000  3,4i0  69,290  50,ooo  109,740  714,340  Save time and get service on Co Jlectlons and Cre dlt Reports by se ndlng FEE IN ADVAN CE Plain •i11ht draft•. 15c: Credit Report•. 25c. TRY US.  J. F. WHITE ...... W. H. BROWNING .... E. HOCKER ......... R. J. PAINE.·-···· PEOPLES NATIONAL BAI~  65,0001  ><  >  94,670 Tra. State, Cleburne.; Tex. State, Ft. Worth: Dallas Tr. & Sav .. Dallas, CJl 40,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Waco. ti,  10,000  ••••••••••••••.•••••  H Po1>. 236 ♦ 88-1518 •Lagrange ••• Fayette J19 First National Bank--•t'88 H Pop. 1669 .. 88-453 .. John Schuhmacher State Bk. 88-462 •H'0A Lakeview- ••• Hall R 6 First State Bank ........ U'lO Pop. 500 88-1154 •Lame a .... Dawaon D 10 First National Bank ... -.•'04 J. :J'. Barron ....... W. H. Turner ••••. J .H. Vaughan_. __ . J. E. Barron ••••.• _ Pop. 1188 88-872 .. ---·· " B'lrst State Bank .......•U'OI C. c. Ko11:er ••••..• W. V. P. Baker •••• Ira Smith·-··-··· A. W. Barfoot, Jr. ♦ 88-873 Lamkin ••• Comanche Fl6 First State Bank •••••••• :1'16 W. T. Hayes.· - ···· M. D. Carmacheal. D. L. Truett •••..•• R. Shockley_····-· Pop. 97 88-1742 •Lampasas LampuasHI6 Pop 2107 '  Austin, 30,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Liberty, N., Waco.  Jno. H. Sweatt •• _ D. W.Harrls ····- Forrest Green·-··· ·-·············-·· Roy B. Bass M. C. Glenn .•.•••••••••••••.•••••••••• 0. T. Stark •••••••• ·········--·····-··  Po1>. 350 88-1'16 Kosse_LIJDeatoue G 19 First National Bank._ •• _.i'06 W. L. Forbes .••••• C. O. Robertson_ •. Lee Brady _ _ _ F, \V. Whaley····Pop. 872 88-802 Wm. Welet " __ " First St.ate Bank...•. •• •:§'18 A. J. Jennin11:s •••. E. F. Bryant..•. _ A. J. Rich _ _ _ 0. S. Markham ••••  •Kountze _._.Bardin I 23 H Pop. 1000 Kre.·s.---Swlsher R4 POD, 225 Krum.-••. Deutoa O 18 Pop. 600 Kyle---··Hu, J 17 Pop. 744 Lacoste ••••• lledina K 15 Pop. 400 Ladonia •••••• Fannin O 20 Po1>, 1713  69,000  120,00C  50,ooo  43,570  Save time and get service on Co llectlons and Cre dU Reports by se ndlng 06 ~ FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain •i11ht draft•. 15c; Credit Report•. 25c. TRY US.  1  j  r4  en  26,000 1st N., Ft. Worth 36,470 Seab. N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth.  '  126,000 Am. Ex. N .. Dallas: Comw. N.. Kan. C.  42,680  20,220 Hou. N. Ex., Hou; Stock Yds. N .. Ft. Worth.  510,670  281.970 N. Park. N. Y.: So. Tex. Com '! N., Hou.; City N., Dallas; Lt ... ~., Ft. Worth.  361,930  160,580 Seab.N.,N. Y.: 1st N., St. L.; City N,, Dallas; Union N., Hou.  I  I  386,290  -  t  Stok11 Broi:~i..······itl900 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W. T. Mun~er ••••• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Individual Res ponsibil ity, $150, 000L •••• Irvin11: _N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N., 1 Hou., Secur. N .• Dallas. , c.n  1 •  1406  lfumber under Name or Bank i■ the New Trana!& Number tpTen to each bank in U. B. exclualvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority or The American Bankt>ra Ass'n.  TOWN AND COUNTY,  ,1Qounty Seats.  NillE OP' BANK. •Kem. Am. Bks. Assn. §St.a V'\  in No.11 Fed. Res. Dist. iMem. State Bk:s. Assn.tPriv. EE!Paso Br. H Hou. Br. +.Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  +, + 19  Lancaster ____ Da 11as D 19 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pop. 1190 88-1874 " " R. P. Henry & Sons, Bankers 88~79 •:tt'89 White &Co., Bankers __ it•98 88~80  LlABILlTll:8.  PRESIDENT  •  OAS Hill.  VICE-PRESIDENT  • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _  ASS 'T OASHID. 1  Rir.soURCES,  p .ilD-tJP SU~tJll D ■PO&CuIT.u. Pa~'ira IT8  _______ _________ 1  Lo~•" DIIc'TI.  no,.,,., -Dv•  B11C111JTiu  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  ~  _________________ 1 1  ll,a70 $ 219,860 $ 182,660 $ 113,230 Han. N .. N. Y.: City N ., Dallas. lPrompt attentl n given Bill of La ding Drafts and a II matters sent us • Mrs. N. D. Henry_ R. P. Henry, Jr, ___ P. W. Hea.ry_______ _ _ _ _ (Individ uai Res ponsi'bil it'll, $1,00 0,000) -- Seab. N., N. Y.;N, Bk. Com., St. L.; City N., Dallas. L. F. White ________ H. E. White _______ Jno. 0. McShan ___ J. H. Hodo, Jr. __ (Individual Res pon.~ibil it11, $1,00 0,000) __ Sean. N., N. Y.: 1st N., St. L.; Am. Ex. K. L. White, V.-P. B. E. White 0. L. Lavender N., Dal!as. - - - - - - - _______ - - - -  (Individual Res ponsibil it11, $1,00 0,000) ___ Imp, & Tra. N., N. Y.; Union N., Hou.  I. T. Pryor----- T. W. Alexander_ Miss Fairye Neely_  15,000  4,500  66,000  64,000  17,500 Comw. N., Kan. C,: State N .. San Antonio.  P. B. Jaurez _______ L. A, Laf6n _____ S. Vela, Jr,________ J. •r. Halsell R. M. Martinez  100,000  44,950  667,860  624,810  212,430 Chase N., N. Y,;lst N .. St. L.: Frost N., San Antonio.  J. K. BERETTA ------ B. M. ALEXANDER-- SAM W. BROWN---- M. W. BRENNAN---- - - - - - - - - - -  AJ Vljl,URRI ACHT  LAREDO NATIONAL BANK •:t"95  RCfA~TS STATE BANK & ME TRU T 0.-88-33 ____ e;t§'l7  Speolal Attention given to Collectlona J. , FA Prompt. Personal, Persistent Efforts. United States Government Depoaltory.  200.000 -  320,000 2,450.000 2.490,000 550,000 N. Cltv, N. Y.; tst N., Hou.; N. Bk. Com., San Antonio.  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___  {l.Coiie<'tfons VILLEGAS------ -------------------- D. M. VALDEZ------- ----------------- 125,000 and Requests for Cre Reports MUS be aceompanle d dlt  T  FEE IN ADVAN CE; Plain sight dr aft&, l5c; Credit Re port., 25c.  by  28,000  643,000  467,000  Lelia Lake ___ Donley Q 6 Pop. 1946 Leming ____ Atascosa L 16 Pop. 300 Leonard ____ Fannin C 20 Pol). 1383 " "  Farmers & Merchants Stdte Bank ____ 88-1932 __ . ____ §'20 Farmers Bank _____ t'l3 88-1645 First National Bank _____ •:t'98 88-732 First State Bank _______ •t\'12 ♦ &&-U.~Q  rAI t,;4  :,  10,000  8,000  70,000  40,000  20,000  8,570  147,110  112,500  32,000 Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Hou. N. Ex., Hou,  (') ~  rn ,-to  56,500 FrostN.andComw.Bk.&Tr.Co.,SanAntonio. ~ 72,630 F3int:fi:ch. N., Abilene; Cent. Tr. Co., San O 23,640 So. _Tex. State, Hutchinl?S, Sealy & Co., and t"'4 City N .. Ga.Jv.: Peoples Stato, Hou. i,  10,000  1,540  108,330  47,230  15,000  4,600  87,850  75,000  25,000  1,320  31,080  49,870  12,040 Guaranty State, San Antonio; 1st State.Sabinal.  §  20,000  500  40,000  26,200  31.500 Com'! State, ban Antonio; Sabinal N., Sabinal. ~  10,000  5,130  151,080  86,820  73,050 N. Park, N. Y.;lstN.,Hou.;AustinN.,Austin.  10,000  1,350  25,000  21.600  12,500 ---------  130,000  100,000  13,500 Guaranty State, Texarkana; Secur. N., Dallas; Cent. N .. St. L. 20,000 Oisco Bkg. Co., Cisco.  12,500  12,540  60,000  63,470  18.000 Union N .. Hou.; Secur. N., Dallas.  16,000  8,270  99,470  81,560  26,800 Am. N., Beaumont; State Bk. & Tr. Oo., Hou.~  0..  ::,  15,000 _____________________ Far. & Mech. State, Childress; Donley Co. E. L. Kennedy---- J.M. Crews------- L.A. Byrd _______ ------------State, Clarendon. W. Staunsh. ____________________ K. T. Coo· ________ - - - - - - Cindivid ualResp onsibilit 11, $50,00 0)_ ____ Alamo N., San Ant nio. D. J. Attebery ____ A. P. Grider _______ Al. H. Birdsong ____ R. A. Nesbitt______ H.. H. Crabb 0, S. Fer2uson_____ 1v. N. Milin ______ Homer Collins _____ H. S. Melton ______ llomer Collins R.H. Johnson  >  C/l  Z  M. T. COGLEY-- A. M. BRUNI------ G. P FARIAL------ P. W. BUTTRON---- 150,000 237.550 2,906,820 2,384.220 984.260 N. Park Bk., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; N. ALBERT MARTIN, A.J. NOTZO/ Bk. Com. and Inter-state N., Kan. c.; A. Cash. j~~~I N, Bk. Com., St. L.  Prompt attentl on to all banking matters entruste d to us. Larue ____ Henderson F 21 Citizens State Bank _____ tf'l2 Tucker Glenn _____ o. Dunklin ____ Mrs. Tucker Glenn _____________ _ Pop. 500 88-1411 Lavernia ____ Wilson K 16 La Vernia State Bank __ ino Hugo K o t t - W. M. Wiseman __ J, V. Wiseman __ E. H. Linne ______ _ Pop. 500 88-1136 Lawn ________ Taylor E 14 Security State Bank ___ t§'l9 D. L. Burford _____ W. J, Taylor ___ O. M. Cooley _____ Mary Patterson __ _ Pop. 150 88-1723 League City ___ Galveston Oitizens State Bank ____ t§·~ Sealy Hutc.b.ings ___ G.W. Butler______ E. D. Singeltary ___ C. F. Smithson ___ _ H Pop. 750 K 22 88-ll88 •Leakey _______ Real K 13 First State BanJc.. _______ ;!:§'20 E. Bell --------- C. E. Freeman ____ Otto Tampke ______ - - - - - - - - - Pop. 250 ♦ lSlH911 John Auld " " Real County tate Bank_§'l9 R. J. Davenport ___ A.G. We::.ton _____ E. J, Davenport_ __ - - - - - - 88-1929 Leander_ Williamson I 17 First State Bank ________ t§'l8 O. R. Mayfield---- J. Branch _________ J. 0, Wallace ______ --------------Pop. 500 88-1815 Leary ________ Bowie MI Guaranty tate Bank ___ t§'l9 E. D, Trigg ________ T. W • .Morgan _____ O. W. Blocker _____ - - - - - - - Pop. 32 88- 1867 Leeray ___ Ste1>hens D 15 Farmers & Merchants Bank B. F. Thorpe ______ -------------------- H. C. Wilkinson ___ -------------------· Pop. 500 88-19-16 t'20 Leesburg ______ campD22 First Guaranty StateBk.:t§'ll J.B. Florence _____ I. c. Townsend_ A. 0. Richardson_, _ _ _ _ __ Pop. 300 88-14.10 Leeeett ________ Polk H 22 Farmers State Bank ____ i§'l3 A. Thompson ______ J, W, Cruse ______ J, A. Riley _____ Ruth McKee _ _ H Pop. 500 88-1577  ~  tll  ><  300,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: Groos N. and cent. Tr. co .. ~ San Antonio; N. Bk. Com .. Hou. ,,,.  r: t MILMO 88-30 NAT BANK •:t '80 { First and oldest Established Bank . Unequaled fadl ttles ror maldng c ollectlo ns. 1  °'  CA.a" b-  f SEND J. H. DARBY--· --- .F. M. HAMMOND----- W. Y. PERRY _______ J. A. FITE---- $ 100,000 $ us YOU,R ITEMS DmEC T.  LaPorte---- Harris J 22 Brenton&McKay,Bkrs,-:tt'0l - - - - - - H Pop. 889 88-1135 La pryor _____ ZavallaL13 La Pryor State Bank ___ .u,14 J.M. Williams _____ Pop. 350 88-1647 "Laredo _______ Webb O 14 First State Bk. & Tr. Co.•U,07 R. K. Mims ____ Pop. 22,710 88-32  88-31  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisi .volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.'~  TEXAS- COn ti•nued  75,000  24,840  357.970  400.020  50,000 15,000 310,000 315,000 ,,.......  g '"'  ~ 63,090 Seab. N .. N. Y.; J.m. Ex. N., Dallas: Green- _ ville N. Ex., Greenville. 10 40,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; City N ., Dallas: Citiz. State, N Austin. ffllln....R'JIIWIIIII• .-  I & Mfil!IMW~INit•lU!.;J;J~IM iUSll~ • • tli-:llri\1-B*   Na11111ber aad_. Na/111111 or BaDk fa the New Tlaaal~ NUJ1111btlr ,dvez, 1407 Dlreetor,,, ea each bani w u_ s_ eiclwdreq by The luad-MeNallT Banlien," u11der the -·thorlty of The AnJerlean Bankers Ass•n. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  TEXAS-Con·  Non-Banlc Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Inde.xed Acces. Law er  - ... ,_  1407  NlualHII' d N. ,r ~ 1a u,e New Traa.d# NWUDber Id.,,_ eaab ,,_f6L, ~- ~:;,uireJT by Tlle lllaad-MeNaH1 Baaken" D/reetor,,, under the ·thorttr of Tlle ADJerlcan Bankers Ass"n.  '°  ~ NA.ME OF BlLVK, l "County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §St.ate PRESIDENT. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. _,E"--=E-'-'lP=-a=s:.::o-=B:..:r..:.. . ..!!ff:.::H=-o:...:u:.::s.:.:to:.:n:c.,_♦ _M=-=-e-=m:..:..•-=F-=e-=d=-,R=es:..:.•_ _,[=-=E:..:.s.:. :ta:.. :b.. :. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  11  Leroy ____ McLennan D15 Leroy Bank ____________ e;tt'07 Pop. 250 88-1139 Lewisville ___ Denton c 18 First National Bank ____ -•t"04 .. Pop. 1250 .. 88-716 Lewisville State Bank __ •t§'I0 88-717 Lexinl?'ton _______ Lee I 18 Lee County State Bank __ t§'05 H Pop. 600 88-1140 Liberty _____ Liberty J 22 First State Bank ________ e§'06 H Pop. 1500 88-740 " ________ " Liberty State Bank ____ et§'l3 ♦ 88-1605 Liberty HilL Williamson First State Bank ________ t§'l2 Pop. 1117 H 17 88-1496 " ________ " Potts, Connell & Reed ___ it•07 88-1141 Lillian ___ Johnson E 18 First State Bank ________ :§'05 Pop, 300 88-1142 Lindale _______ mith E 21 Citizens Guaranty State Bank Pop. 701 88-837 •t§'l2 •LindeD---·----Oass O 23 Cass County StateBank.t§'08 Pop. 702 88-11-13 " ____ ____ ·• First National Bank -----t'l4 88-1658 Linl:'leville ____ Erath E 16 First State Bank ________ t§'l3 Pop. 600 88-1540 Lipan _______ Hood E 17 First National Bank -----t'07 Pop. 750 88-875 " ________ " Lipan State Bank _______ t§'06 88-874 •Lipscomb-Lipscomb N 6 Bank of Lipscomb _____ •:§'08 Pop. 200 88-114-t Littlefield ______ Lamb B 9 Littlefield State Bank __ :§'15 Pop. 500 88-1692 "Livingston ____ Polk H 22 First National Bank ______ t'02 H Pop. 028 88-545 " ________ " Guaranty State Bank __ .:5•10 88-5-l6 Llano ________ Llano H lfl Home National Bank ___ •t·o.i Pop. 16-15 88-504  "  "  Lockhart __ Caldwell J 17 H Pop, 3731  "  ________  "  VICE-PRESIDENT,  CASHIER.  Ass'T CASHIER,  LIA.BILITIES. PAID-UP SURPLUS DBPOSCAPITAL PR~ITB  1  ITS  1  RESOURCES,  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  » ... c;::;.,:,.-:• :":.:!: 1.o. . . . .  CilBU!x-  R. C. West _ _ _ - - - - - - - - D. T, Janes ________ C. N. Mitchell _____ $ 10,000 $ B. L. Spencer. _____ E. L. Berry ________ M. H. Milliken ____ 0. G. Thomas______ J. H. Donald E. R. Wolters J. W. Del:'an _______ F. C. Davis-------- A. Hayes _________ Dixie Boyd________ R. L. Donald R. F. Oakley A. A. Wheatley ____ G. P. Dickson ______ D. F. Wade ________________ H. 0 . .Ager _________ Wirt Davis -------- A, W. Abshier _____ L. W. Wright ____ _ W. S. Partlow C. A. Brown ______ D. J, Harrison _____ B. G. Riviere ______ Valry Brown _____ _ E.W. Pickett C.R. Mayfield ____ D. D. Munro _______ T. A. Bryson------ H, N. Munro _____ _  12,500  25,000  4,000 S 150,000 $ 98,530 S 76,230 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Waco, 175,000  50,000  28,160  151,400  202,020  25,000  30,520  200,790  300,060  20,000  16,370  184.120  211,980  23,280 Han. N., N. Y.; Lumbermans N., Hou.  35 000  10,720  268,260  323,650  45,130 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Union N .. Hou.  7,500  208,190  181,110  51.240 N. City, N.Y,; lstN.,Hou.;Citiz.State,Austin,  220,000  20,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; City N .. Dallas. 44,190 Han. N., N. Y,; Am. Ex. N. and Secur. N., Dallas. 20,630 N. Park, N. Y.; So. Tex, Com'! N., Hou,  D. C. Reed _ _ _ J, W. Conne!L ____ O. F. Hickman---- -------------- - - - - - - ------ _ _ _ - - - So. Tex. Oom'l N., Hou,; Austin N .• Austin,  ~  P. K. Thomp on ___ M. C. CahiJL ______ Otis Withers------ -------------------  ....,. n ►  10,000  6,450  T. J, Morris _______ R. G. Marchman __ W.R. Ward------- M. T, Boyd________  32,000  I.E. Lanier ________ Miss Ione Sheffield  35,000  J.M. Lloyd ________ A. J. Nelson ______  35,000  J. H, Morris _______ Mattie Hall_______  15,000  W. H.Roach ______ ------------  25,000  W.R. Martin ______ F. O. Branson_____  25,000  11,000  J. E. Harris _______ A. B.B~nnett_ ____ C. w. Ilaker W. C. Blalock _____ W. B. Duncan _____ J. P. Fant J. M. Jones ________ J. F. Duncan ______ o. E. Durham W. S. Fant _ _ _ P. Ator ____________ G. F. Followill D. 0. Cogdell ______ W. J. Aiken______ .T. II. 8elf Adolph B1ssantz ___ c. W. Oarson,Jr. __  57,740  1Ul80 1st N., Fi. Worth.  10,000  300,000  165,000  150,000 Am. Ex. N .. Dallas.  24,000  166,500  213,400  22,500 Secur. N .. Dallas.  13,030  258,720  299,140  69,190 City N., Dallas.; State N., Texarkana, Ark.  13,630  240,000  184,600  10,000  115,000  96,000  76,710 Oen t. N .. Waco.; Guaranty State, Dublin; Far. Z N., Stephenville; Tex. State, Ft. Worth, ~ 60,000 ls\ N., Weatherford; 1st N., Ft. Worth, r./l  102,000  118,000  18,600 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Tex. State, Ft. Worth.  A. L. Wood ________ Alice H. Wood_____  12,000  6,000  110,000  00,000  E. A. Logan _______ A. Childre s _______ J.M. Pope________ __________  20,000  4,000  175,000  140,000  55,000 1st N,, Plainview and Amarillo.  J. W. Cochran _____ E. A. Carter ______ J, E.Peters________ _________ J. C. Fragin L. F. Gerlach ______ R. B. Love _________ J, L, Muller_______ ___________________  50,000  37,850  410,260  281,020  231,100 N. Bk.Com., St. L.: 1st N., Hou.  25,000  34.960  156,490  196,890  W. F, Gray ________ C. E. Shults ________ W. Vander Stucken Grady Faubion____ W. B. Haynie  M. M. MOSS---- J.C. STRIBLING--- G. G. GALLOWAY-- R. 0. MOSS-------50,000 LLANO NATIONAL BANK"•t·o1, { l<'U'TEt:N CENT s sent to us with each slgbt drart r or presentatlon,a od  50,000  502,970  600,000  TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redlt report Insur es prompt, perso nal atte ntlon.  30,000 Drov. N .• Kan. O.; 1st N., Wichita, Kan.  27,660 So. Texas Com'l N •• Hou.  493,250  699,860  125,950 N. Park, N.Y.; Hou. N. Ex. Hou,; Frost N .. San Antonio; City N ., Dallas.  LOCKHART NATIONAL BANK John T. Storey ____ G, W. Walton ______ J, s. Smith _______ Albert Seeliger____  200,000  40,000  415,000  476,000  65,710 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. St. L.; So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou.; Alamo N .. San Antonio. 71,430 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. Si. L.; 1st T., Hou., Com'l State, San Antonio. 150,000 New. EDI?', N .. Kan. o., .B't. Worth N., ]'t, Worth; 1st N., Plainview. 145,000 1st N .. Ft.. Worth and Amarillo; Comw. N .. Kan. C. 58,080 Tex. State and 1st N., Ft. Worth; Com'l N. and Brady N .. Brady, 74.000 N. City, N.Y.;CityN.,Dallas,;Comw.N.,Kan.c.  •UII00  R. T. Clark B. J. Bellamy ______ W. B. Kelly ________ M. W. Schulz ______ H. W. Hoffman.__ A. J. Storey A. B. Brown _______ Carl ~c.Adams _____ Jno. C. Broyles ____ c. B. Casey _______ _ David Ba•es W. N. Brown ______ J. A. Smalley ______ W. Anl?'el ______ J. H. Brown ______ _ T. A. NPavP. Virtis Lowe J, K. Shelton ______ L. 0. Marshall ____ W. F. Roberts, Jr. --------------------  125,000  68,800  562,000  744,710  25,000  35,000  550,000  500,000  50,000  382,960  A. F. Lockhart ____ M. F. Kirby _______ N. J. Crain ________ A. E. McLean---··• I. J olesch.. _________ ,T. T. f cCarson ___ C. M. Swinney ____ Cora Marley ______ W. E. Wittenberg  w.  Lone Oak _____ Hunt D 20 Farmers National Bank--t"05 W. J, Schenck _____ D. B. Corley _______ R. D. Trimble ____ B. H. Holcomb __ _ Pop. 1017 8lH!0-1 R. P. Etter " ________ " GUARANTY STATE BANU§'I3 C, G. Barnes _______ 1w. O. Dowen ______ J.E. Rabb--------- ________ _  88-803  1  I  t"4  ~  ,_g"'1  1~ , ..... 0  11-4  S!J  86,000  Beatrice Williams  ttl  )>  200,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kan. C.:I O Austin N., Austin. I~ 108,000 LibertY N., N. Y.: Comw. N., Kan. C.: Am. N .. Austin: N. Bk. Com .. Hou. Q  100,000  88-3~1  r./l  1.  o. B. Moh la_______  FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•t'89 W. B. Swearingen_ J. T. Connolly _____ A. A, Wiede _______  tij  44,460  540,000  LOCKHART STATE BANK  ~ 1-,.)  47.000  550,000  88-323 •t§'lO Lockney ______ Floyd A 11 First National Bank ----•t'08 Pop, 1118 88-1145 " " Lockney s•a·e Bank ____ :§'11 • 88-1366 Lohn _____ McCulloch H 2 Lohn State Bank _______ t§'20 Pop. 500 88-1985 Lometa ___ .Lampasas G 16 First National Hank -----t"l3 Pop. 095 88-1531 "' ____ ____ " Lometa State Bank ______ :§'05 88-1146  C SI) '"1  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ 1 1 1 1  110,000  88-503  (In-  dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this/~ For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws ~  volume  60,000  88-:m Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Non-Bank ToWDB with Nearest BanJdng Point  TEXAS-Continued  25,000  500,000  30,000 --------  106,040  74.060  25,000  18,000  225,890  208,550  40,000  25,000  250,000  128,080  30,000  20,000  200,000  220.000  50,000  33,000  368,000  237,000  ~  71,670 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Guarantee Bk. & Tr. Co .. Dallas; 1st N ., Ft. Worth; Peo. State, Hou.; City N. Galv. 50,000 N.Hk. Com., N. Y.: City N., Dallas, Greenville N. Ex., Greenville. 120,000 Seab. N., N. Y. : Secur. N .. Dallas; Green- ~ ville N. E.x:., Greenville, 0 "'-,J  ;  .  ;. ·  1408  .N-.mbw anGer Name el Bank ia &be .New Trandl .Numbel'.p&o euh bank in u. 8. eselml'fely by The &and-HeNally Banker,• Dlreetory, under &he authority of The American Bankers A11'n.  Non-Bank Towns wltb, Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ~ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., seo Laws. 0  TEXAS-Cont1·nued  1  CITIZENS NATIONAL  •Longview ___ Gren E 23 Pop. 5713  88-1811  VI'""P•i:sin-. ...... ....... ...  . -... 1D.,,.T. caao  ...,  J. K. BIVINS .•..•••• H. A. WILLIAMS  A. NIX-----------  BK.t·o2  SEND  us YOUR  BROWN-------- $ 100,000!$  32.000 $ 862.7301 $ 987,530 $ 128,590 Seab. N., N.  P. M. Bramlette .•• ------·-------  50,000  1,500  215,000  180,000  J. C. Barton.-. _____________________ _  60,000  49,600  507,000  627,000  J. S. R e a - - - - , - - - - - - - -  100,000  45,000  696,500  471,300  30,000  45,000  385,000  276,000  L.J.DodSOll------ - - - - - - - - - - -  30,000  17,500  212,270  191,690  Fred Stewart __ _  15,000  4,200  104,000  51.670  Fred Wiese _______ Emzy Pieratt ____ _  25,000  29,890  258,240  264,510  ----------- .. ------- Fred Sliv_a ________ _ 88-t97 Lott State Bank------H'09 W. B. Peters ____ Henry Lott__ ______ Henry Lott__ ______ c. A.. Cox ________ _  50,000  70,000  410,000  382,000  25,000  29,320  263,550  231,250  John Coffee------- H. V. Richard ___ _  1  w.  Good ________ Addie Peterson ___ _ Louise ____ Wharton L 20 Louise State Bank ___ etf'OII O. A.. Ward ____ W. G. Davil _______ J. A. Peterson 88-877 H Pop. 600 Peoples Bank ______ tt"03 B. P. Stockton __ L. L. Raybon------ L. L. Raybon ______ L. , Stockton ____ _ •• "  88-871  Lovelady __ Houston G 21 J'irat National Bant ____ :•07 Jacob Embry - - 88-791 Pop. 625 Lovelady State Bank--tl'l7 K. D. Lawrence __ " 88-790 Loving ______ Younr O 16 LoTinr State Ban.Jc__..Jl'lO W.W. Gren-----88-1148 Pop. 360 FRANCE BAKER ___  H  CITIZENS NATIONAL BANk 8HII  118,000 Secur. N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 65,480 1:Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Waco.  •t•oe  >  70,240 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; Cent. Tex. Ex. N., Waco.  15,400  7,160  93,170  25,000  30,000  95,000  130,300  21,230 Han. N., N. Y.; Lumbermans N. and be N., VJ _Hou.; Levi Bk. & Tr. Co., Victoria. 21,000 City N., Ga.Iv.; 1st N., Hou.  W. B. Oolliu ___ I. J. Young ______ - - - - - - - -  25,000  17,900  180,750  151,180  40,720 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: City N., Galv.  A. A. Waller ______ A. B. Milliken .•..• - - - - - - - -  25,000  6,000  55,000,  28,000  M. H. Steadham __ D. F. Ford ______ H. G. Millican-----  12,500  10,000  125,000  90,000  C.  S. C. ARNETT ___ C. A. BURRUS-------  W. K. Dickinson,  r.  SECURITY STUE BK. & TR. CO.--•- !!8-1772 ___ :t§'l7  I  b  57,000 Union N., Hou.; 1st N., St. L.; Tex. Bk. •· ~ Tr. Co., Galv.; 1st N •• Crockett. 30,006 Seaboard N .. N. Y,; Far.& Mech, N., Ft. Worth; ti,' ~ JackbOro N .. Jac~boro; Drov. N., Kan. C. 213,230 Chase N .. N. Y.; F1d. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. O.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth.  <  C. E. MAEDGEN --· J. 0. JONES-------- L.  i  100,000  J.M. Denman Ralph Bedford C. ELLIS-------- L. J. DODSON ---· --F. W. GROCE  100.000  74,740 18,180  864,990 500,760  953,860  ~  d  214.180 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Inter-State N., Kan. 0.: 1st N ., Ft. Worth.  582,680  72,680 N. Park, N. Y.; City N., Dalla; New. Eng. N,, Kan. O.; Guaranty State, Amarillo,  Save time and get service on coll ectlons and Credi t Reports by send Ing TRY US. FEE IN ADV AN CE: Ptain •i11ht draft•. I Sc: Cre dit ReDOrte. 25c.  Lueder:-; _____ .Jones D 14 Lneder1 State Bant----·:1•01 P.H. Campbell_ L. H. Thomas _____ -------------------- J, H. Lee ____ 18-11'° Pop. 700 •Lufkin ___ AnizPlina G 22 Citizens Guaranty State Bk. C. B. Collins.----·- G. R. Thompson .•• )1. . Murchison -- Mi ·s E ther Fuller R. C. Jordan t§'19 ♦ 88-1841 ff Pop. 4878  GUARANTY STATE Bil.& TR. R. J. Behannoo COMPAN!.• 88-345-•il'I0  S'  I  18--417  ~  ~  ~  .  687,0901 867,870 65,740 100,000 C. PEARSON._____ WAYLAND SANDERS First and Oldes t Established Ban k. Exceptional f acllltles for hand Jing coll edlons onLubb ock and adjoint ng territory. Send toe on Sig ht Drafts and 2oc on Credit Report s and receive real bankln g servlc e. Try us.  l  ~  ><  66,890 Provident N., Waco; Secur. N., Dallas; City N., . . Tewple. • 5v,060 Drov. N., Kan. C.: Amarillo N., A.manllo; VJ Lubbock State, Lubbock. tx, 146,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N .. Hou.  20,000  Lubbock State Bank ___ •it'08 O. L. Slaton - - - , H. B, Reed ________ W. S.Posey _ _ _ A. B. Ellis--------♦  1  Y.: Secur. N.. Dallas.  75,000 N. Park, N. Y.; City N. and Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas. 107,000 N. City and Seab. N., N, Y.; City N, and Am. Ex. N •• Dallas; 1st N •• Shreveport. 403,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Secur. N. and Dallas Tr. Sav., Dallas; UnionN., Hou.  SHH  •Lubbock-.Lnbbock B 10 Pop, 4051  OO  LONGVIEW ITE MS DmECT.  1  "  8.  H. A. WILLIAMS----- S.  •x• •.uru ________________  1  ..... c'Ta. Bon,, .......,Dn • APJTA.Lj PBOl'JTs ~ , a.onm. no■  ~ Prompt attentl on given Bill of L adlog Drafts and all matters sent us.  I  Lorenzo _____ Qrosby B 11 Pop. 450 Lott _____ Falls G 18 Pop, 1093  AD  ________ ________ ________ ________ 1 1 1 1 1  Com'l Guaranty State Bank J. R. Sparkman ____ J. G. Pegues _______ •§'20 88-192 • First National Bank ____ •:t"711 c. W. Foster ______ J. H. Hurst. ____ Mrs. J. W. Yate, l&-188 Guaranty State Bant_._•U'l2 E. H. Bussey ___ F. T. Rembert._ J.C. Turner, Jr. 88-191 D. W. Gans Fir1t State Bank-----!1'08 8. B. Brow• - - - T, J. Ootree ________ 88-842 • i'ir1tNationalBank ___ t•o7 T.J'.Kilea _ _ _ A..B. Stanford _ _ 88-719 Lorena State Bank ___ is•o9 H. J, Budaoa _ _ Peeler William•-88-718 First State Bank ------•U'l4 J. A. Dillard. ______ W. P. Fullingim __ ♦ 88-1688 J'irst National Bank ____ .•i·o2 A.. L. Pattoa ___ B . .A. Patton _______  Loraine •• _. Kitchell E 12 Pop, 610 Lorena •. KcLennan Gl8 Pop. 700  p ·i»-uP I SuRPLUsl , A.lfJ> o"'  • -s'T Oa•sniu.  O.A.SBIJCJl,  PRINCIPA.L CORRESPONDENTS,  RESOURCES. LU.BILITIES. D-Po-- 1..o.... • 1>i■- o.... •  N,UlB 01' BANI.  TOWN ilD COUNTY.  •Kem. Am. Bks . .&sail. l8tate •Oount7 Seats. In o.11 Fed. Res. Di t. !Kem.State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [E_s_ta_b_._ _M_e_m_._F_ed_._R_e_._ _ !'-'H'--H_ou_s_to_n_._ _♦  ___ ,B. F. Gibson _______ N. R. Killer _______ R. E. Henry··----W.R. McMullen  I  J. H. KURTH-----  t  25,000  2,800  12,000  13,000  75,000  11,000  424,000  448,000  23,000 Secur. N., Dallas; 1st N. and 1st State, Stamford. 135,000 Mtle. Tr, Co., St. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.  75,000  40,090  830,450  839,250  136,070 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and St. L.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.  47,040 1,0i4.020 , 990,840  5°  1JQ  305,220 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Union N. ';j4 ;:l and Hou. N. Ex., Hoa.  ff. GIBSON------• B. RICHARDSON  100,000 ____ QaldwellJ17 Citizens State Bank. ____ tf'l4 T. T. Brown _______ R. P. Rector_ ______ !L.A.. Ridout ______ Addie Walker ____ _  25,000  11,470  198,760  100,180  13l.930 Mefh, & Metals .. , N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; State~ _ ., San Antomo.  75,000  70,460  271,810!  225,670  130,930 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and So. Tex.Com'/ N. ~ ' 1 Hou.·. T. Bk. Com., San Antonio.  ,  LUFIII NATIONAL BAIK U-141  E. J. MANTOOTH -  R. W. KURTH--------  li. A. KELLEY  r::  •t'Ol { Special attentl on given Bill of L •adlng drafts, Cas and Time ltem s. Plea,e aend 15c w ith each aight draft / or presentation and 25c /<YT Credit Repor ta.  ti>  "1  1  II Po1>. 1502  ♦  88-1648  i  Uoscomb Bk. & Tr. Oo'l0 S. J.\s _____ G. C. Walker ------\Albert Taylor _____ D. B. Cochran_____ •  l&-Ql  , . .. . ._..  1  Francis Smith  .  Solicits Your Business I - I·, . ·.; , ', ' ', .. , '-~ . ' . ,',' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis /II  •  fl.  If  TEXAS~ontinued  ,•  I  ;  ;-:  :  :  :,  :  '  ,· .. ,  If  '... .  I_  '  .... .. 'I  I  TolVN AND OOUN'I.T.  N/?f'Jt3. 7t:~•Di  NAME OP BANK.  LIABILITIES,  ~e it.1~~~: n~:,,  RESOURCES.  PAID-UP Su~us DE sAsS'T CASHIER. OilHIU. VICE-PRESTDENT. PRESIDENT, t. ;:::: In ITl!I CAPITAL Pao:rtTB [Estab. f El Paso Br. ff Houston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. .ee...c:=-.:::....::.:.::-=--=:..::...:...-=..:....c=-:...::::....:.~11....:....::==-:...-=--==--:=:..:...._----'==.=c:, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ - - - - - -  Lyford _____ cameronR18 l'ir1t8tate Bank ________ f1'12 A. D. Struthers ____ R. W. Archer ____ C. E. Uraig _________ R. w. Huff _______ $ 12,500 $ O. G. chlecht 88-1'77 Pop. 500 ff Lyons ____ Burleson I 19 First State Bank _______ e*f'l0 J. Jr. Lyon ______ Mrs. J. W. Wood __ O. A. Schatz _____ A. L. Schatz ____ _ 30,000 88-1150 Pop. 600 H Lytle _____ J.tascosaL15 Lytle State Bank ______ eif'IO R. B. Touchstone __ W. H. Gray _______ A. J. Gidley ____ .Miss Julia Secrest_ 15,000 J. A. Wells 88-1151 Pop. 700 ____ l{aufman E20 Farmers & Merchants State J. T. Pate _ _ _ Bank ____ 88-1380 -----•tl'll Pop. 1500 First NationalBank _____ •:•03 R.P. Wofford ______ •· --•• 88-1152 •Madi onville ___ .Madison Farmers State Bank __ •*1'07 J. L. Cleere _____ ♦ 88-548 H ZO Pop. 1079 H  J. F. Foster _______ C. F. Olson ________ Jno. Carter, Jr, __ _ .Miss Dovie Gray C . .M. Hearn--·---- Walter Tynes. Jr._ E.T. Fitzgerald __ _ C. R. Pannill, A. C • .Mis· D. Strait O. Patton __________ T. B. Viser _____ J.P • .Mc.Adams ___ _ J.E. Viser  First National Bank ____ •:•03 J. N. Heath ______ o A. Parten _______ W.W. Underwood_ J. o. Thompson __ _ H, A. Turner 88--647 .Magnolia ___ :Muntgomerr Fir t tate llank ________ §'20 W. A. Dean _____ : __ T, II. Yon _________ W. H. Lee _______________________ _ 88-1947 L4 H Pop. 175 Aalakoff __ HendersonE20 First National Bank _____ :•13 88-1587 Pop. 800 First State Bank -------H'0D " " 88-116! falone _________ Hill F 19 First State Bank --------:I'll + 88-1!&7 Pop. aoo Malone Ban1:ifo4_______ ff'04 " " 8 ~Ianor ---------Travis 118 Oltlzens Guaranty State Bank U'l3 88-1609 Pop. 827 Farmers National Bank_•:•04 " " 88-1155 ~fansflcld __ Tarrant D 18 First National Bank _____ i•o4 88-846 Pop. 719 State Bank sA-fAnsfleld_:1'06 " "  w. Murchison ___ s. J.  --- ---1-----------------1  71,000 $ 170,000  160,000  118.000  74,500  25,000  7,650  125,950  74,990  25,000  64,900  413,890  462,450  65,390 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas.  25,000  29,290  375,720  329,240  97,010 Hou. N. Ex.and UnionN., Hou.  50,000  14,800  280,080  269,690  67,920 Saab. N., N. T.; So. Tex, Com'l N., Hou.  20,000 ---------  H. L. Flau ______ A. S. Tanner ____ Martin Rastwold___ __________________  13,500  35,000 138,820  108,490  10,000  26,770  55,540  69,330  25,000  12,000  100,000  122,000  Geo. Carmichael ______ --------·----- G. M. Mann ________ .M. M. Traylor ___ _  10,000  12,080  76,380  97,270  z.  McCalester __ Geo. II. Templin _____________________ _ Shirley Greg£'----- J. H. W. Stel!'er W. G. Luedecke ___ c. Victor Anderson P. W. Bowman ____ Mary F. Ballerstedt  30,000 Seab. N.. . Y.; State Bk. & 'l'r. Co., Hou.; Secur. N., Dallas; 1st N., St. L. 57,800 Chase N .. N. Y.: Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas: Comw. Bk. &Tr. Co. and Cent. Tr. Co., San Antonio. 67,640 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas .  "i tlj  15,000 _________ Hou. N. Ex. and Peo. State, Hou •  _______ S. E. Lowe ________ W. A. Tate _______ _  v. Reavi  -  79,000 $ 18,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; City N., San Antonio; 1st \0 !;:! N., Brown ville.  16,000  25,000  J. O. GOOde _____ R.  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  10.570  Riddlesper2er W. E. Phillips _____ H. C. Riddlesoerger  J.  9,500 $  I  .t D11- Ou• .t h• Bolfl)8, OJUNN,Dn !hovvna ..... B.uou  LO.&l<I  C'TI.  25,000  1.000  120,000  85,000  40,000  52,580  593,780  629.440  ~  42,920 City N .. Dallas.  Ul  22,980 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.: Cent. State., Dallas,  >  to  z~  20,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Waco. 11,500 Raia. N., N. Y.; Oitiz. N., Hillsboro.  Ul  I  61.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Austin.  140,100 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.: Austin N .• Austin.~  O ..,  E. R. Holland ____ G. A. Henderson_ R. E. Mc.Millan ____ Frank .Mayfield____  25,000  22,450  186,540  137,900  64,600 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth.  J. H. Wr~ht__ ____ J. T. Stephens _____ T. G. Davis _______ R. D. Gaulden_____  35,000  22,800  68,000  151.990  65,530 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N .. Ft. Worth; Cent. 0. ,... . N.. t. L.; Citiz. N., Waxahachie. o 56,280 Chase N., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antomo.  8,530 123,000 22,500 Manthon __ Brewster J 7 Marathon State Bank __ •:1'09 L. L. Hess _________ W. V. McIntyre_ .. Fred Clark _______ E:m Clark_________ 93,000 w. K. Bates 88-1156 E Pop.1000 30,000 N. Park. N. Y.: ,Austin N., Austin: Union r., 7.400 121.000 110,00!l 20,000 Marble Fall --Burnet Il6 Citizens State Bank _____ :1'06 W. D. Yett ______ A. F. Hicks ______ Oarl Francis _______ D. E. Fowler_____ I» Hou.: Secur. J. ., Dallas. 88-694 Pop. 639 Ebelinr Banking Oo, ____ tt'l4 Rudolph Ebeling __ 0. L. Hundley ___ L. W. Hooper _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N., Austin.  a=  ~m  :•oo  T. M. YetL ____ H. E. Faubion _____ First National Bank----88-693 •MarEfa __P__ P!e:esidio I 6 Marfa Natio n a1 Bank ___ •:•01 O. A.. Brown ___ L. O. Brite ______ 88-473 B. M. Fennell op. 3i>i>3 Marfa State Bank _____ etf'IO T. ll. Wilson _ _ T.C • .Mitchell ___ " •• 88-474 Marietf.a _____ cass C 23 .Marietta Bank _ _ _ _ t"l9 ______________________________ 88-1848 Pop.120 Marietta S~!i tnk _____ §'l9 L.B. Porter _______ J. J. Shaddix _ _ " " 8 :Marion __ Quadalupe K 16 Marion State Bank_____ n•oo 0. B. Tips ______ o. A. Krneeer __ 88-1157 Pop. 400 :Markhai_:Ma1iwordaLZO Mark.ham State Bank_ •:1'05 W. A. Furber ____ F. Cornelius ______ 58 OI>, _E alla Gl9 Citizens St88-l1 H a8-te Bank ___ e!§'20 J.C.Fountain ___ L.J. Davis ________ _____ •:Marlin 6 1923 r. D, Buie Pop. 4310 A nk-----•*'92 B. J. LlnthiclllD ____ J. J, Gallaher _____ First Nation a ~ Ba " .. 88 2,.9  ~  30,000  18,000  150,000  170,000  M. D. Bownds _____ R. L. Stevenson___  70,000  50,000  680,000  660,000  I. N • .Merritt ______ T. w. Coker_______  c.  20,000 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ----·---- --------· 20,000  23,420  387.100  200,560  15,000  12,500  133,000  130,400  J. W.Powers ______ ---·----------------  100,000  57,000  350,000  500,000  N, E. Stockton •--· H. L. Chilton______  100,000  400,000  600,000  615,000  First State Ba8-~- -------il'09 T. E. Battle ________ J. A. DnnklllD ___ M. V. Bradshaw___ ________ 8 - 1  100,000  106,000  380,000  375,000  100,000  185,350  836,280  950,730  30,000  7,500  125,000  110,0CO  •:moo  15,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.: Am. N .. Austin: C: (I) Stock.Yds. N., Ft. Worth. ~ 130,000 N. Bk. Gorn., N.Y.: State N., El Paso.  90,000 N. Cit:y. N. T.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Am. N., 400,000 432,880 57,000 50,000 Karl H. Word _____ Ben. S. Avant_____ Austm: 1st N .. El Paso. R. J. Wommack _________________________________________ Morris Co. N., Naples.  W. J, Luder____ _________  MarquezPop~ ~on G 20 First State Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -  J. R. Yett_______ Herbert Tate____  Schulz_______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  :Marlin National Bank_ 88-250  5  "°'  E.  226,910 Han. N .. N. Y.; AlamoN.,San Antonio: So. Tex Hou. Com'l 40,000 Han. N., N.Y.; Union N., Bou. T ..  R. A. Reed _______ G. W. Glass _____ G. A. W. Flinn  w. Glass ________  E. A. Flowers _____ _ W. F. McKinley  ~ff5i-----H'OG J. G. Philson ______ L. M. R. Barkley __ w. E. Flynn ____ R. P. Carrin2ton __  eab. NN•• N. F \uN., hHou.; \\' Y.; To. Tex. Com'l Cent • .r ., aco; ex. I ate, ◄ t. ,, ort . 350,000 Mech. & Metals N ,, N. Y ,; N, Bk. Com., St. L.: So. Tex. Com'! N .. Hou. 154,000 Mech. & .Metals N .. N.Y.; Union N .. Hou.: Am. N .. Austin: 1st N., Galv. 75 ,000  266,810 N. Oity, N. Y.; lstN .. Hou.:Am. Ex. N .. Dallas. 20,000 So.: Tex. Com .... T . . Hon.; Tex. State. Ft. Worth.  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS  Aus ◄  in  I  -  'f  i  1.  1410 TOWN  Number UBder Name of Bank i11 the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclush'elJ by The Rand-McNaUJ Bankers• DlrectorJ', under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  .urn COUNTY,  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ..,. volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  t  TEXAS-Continued  1---'-,"--~1--=R=ESc.::.O.::..U::...:R:.:..:C:.::ES=..:.....- I  NAO OF BANK,  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  Ass'T OASHIER. PAID-UP SURPLUS DEPOl!I- •.o,.,..," D1.1- o,..,." ExOASHIER. VICE-PRE8IDENT. PRESIDENT, -Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState •County Seats. c'1'1. no""'· ~•a,Dtrs AND In No.11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bies. Assn.tPriv. 0 1 _ .._a._m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..... ___ _8_9011VTIU AP_IT_"-_L _P_a_o_n_T_s _ _T_s_ M_;e_m_._F_;e:...:.d:...:.. ..:.:.R;:..:e..c..s._-=-[E-s...:t..:.:.ab.:...;. 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , __ __ !!!.E..=E::.l..::.P.=as::.;:oc.__:=B-=-r·....:H:.:....:..H...co_;;.o_n 1 ♦ 1 1 •.Yarsha.JJ_Harrison D 23 Oitirens State Bank ---·-H'09 J, F. Womack·-·-- J. I. Carter-·--· J. I. Carter·--·-- W. A. Murphy---·- $ 25,000 $ 21,240 $ 324,070 $ 271,780 $ 101,530 Seab. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: N., Hou. 88-48 Pop. 14,271 200,000 136,850 1.989,720 2,295,380 561,050 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; N. First National Banlc----•t'83 E. KeY----------·-· E. J. Fry---·-···-· W. L. Barry····-·· B. H. Bell_ .••••••• F. M. Armstrong E. S. Fry 88-45 Com., St. L. J,A.Powell 30,280 560,380 483,700 128,510 Chase N .. N. Y.: Secur. N., Dallas; State 75,000 Guaranty State & Sav. Bank D. C. Driskell_ •... P. P, Taylor .•.•... R. J. Miller····--· W.R. MotlAY, Jr .•• W. M. Thomas H. O. Wilson •tl'l4 88-49 St. L.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Shreveport, W.R. Motley, Sr.  W. L. MARTIN·-·· M. M. RAINS ...• ---- W. C. PIERCE, JR .•. W. D, RtlNS-. ..••.•  MARSHALL NATIONAL BA~K 89 88-46  •t  i  i·ee\~c~~i~~~J  100,000  181,820 1,136,600 1.263,850  Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MUS by FEE IN ADV ANCE: Plain aigh t drQJt,, 15c; Credit Report,, 25c.  .YarL ••. McLennan G 19 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•i'0l A. P. Smyth·-----· Earl B. Smyth .•••• Harry E. Thomas_. - - · - - - · - - 88-324 Pop. 3105  50,000  95,000  425,000  450,000  T. M. Wilson----·· J. H. Punchard •... H.F. Meyer .•••••• L. G. Stewart ••••. A. T. S 1 ansell R.H. Swaim .•••••• R. W. Bass--···-- J. C. Rogers •...... C. L. PaschaU .•••.  50,000  63,000  250,000  175,000  30,000  20,000  25,000  10,700  225,000 . 392,180  150,000  J.B. Martindale ••. R. N. Martindale •.. F. P. Johnson--·· F. W. Slanehter ••• Mrs. Anna Martin. 0. L. Martin·--·· Walter M. Martin .• Mrs. W. M. Martin 0. A. Hesnch J. D. Eckert .•••• -. E. 0, Rothmann ••. w. E. Jordan·--··- K. M. EckerL •• _.  100,000  20,000  225,000 •.•.••...  25,000  3,500  110,000  110,000  J. W. White.·--··· Erv. Hamilton •••• D. F. Lehmbere •• E. A. Loeffler __ ··-· E. F. Willmann W.W. Moore .••••• R. P. Moore··--··· E. Sanford-.•·--·· H.K. Ford ••..••.•  50,000  61,800  250,000  280,000  30,000  10,000  157,000  192,000  A. B. Echols·---··· I.E. Martin •• ·--·-· F. C. Bourland ·-·· Oscar Fulkerson •.  25,000  32,000  300,510  247,770  Goodwin Sterne •••• --·-----·····--· A. W. McNabb •••. -···----··--·· ··-····-· - - - · 2,500 25,000 J. S. Wagnon···-· D. B. Miller ...•.•. M. L. Paden .•.•... ·--··---·······---··  125,000 80,000  75,000 30,000  Martindale .Oaldwell J 17 H Pop. 600 •Mason ••.• -. Mason H 14 Pop. 1500  •Matador .••• Motley A 12 Pop. 692 MatagordaMatagordaM21 H Pop, 1000 Mathis.San Patricio N 17 H Pop. 650 .. .. Maud----····Bowle B 23 Pop. 600 MaxwelL ••. Oaldwell J 17 Pop. aoo H MaY--·-·-····Brown F 16 Pop. 400  Farmers & March.Nat. Bank •i"04 88-325 First State Bank ••••••. •:S'09 88-326 .Merchant & Planters Bank •it'l9 88-1160 Commercial Bank •••••• •tt'0l 88-549 First State Bank ··-····U'19 88-1892 Mason National Bank ..•• i"04 88-550 First National Bank •••. •i'l7 88-1773 First State Bank ••••••. •U'07 + 88-1162 Bank of Matagorda -·-·*t'03 88-116:t Fir't ational Bank .•••• i'l6 88-1717 First State Bank·--- •..• + 88-1164 Maud National Bank ··-··*'12 88-llrui Maxwell ta1 e Bank ••••. §'21 88-2004 First National Bank ••-••• i'06 88-1167  u·n  ~  326,110  c. F • .Miller- •••••• s. M. Dobie ••• _. __ _  30,000  21.000  125,000  155,000  M.A. White-·--·-- W. H. Eubank.·--· Chas. Dupree •••. _ ·····-··-----·-·---·  25,000  7,000  85.000  100,000  L.A. Laa.····-···· F. Klingemann •.•. A. L. Eckhardt.. __ ·-·-·--·····-··--··· Otto Pfe1ferkorn W. S. Gray _ _ _ G. W. Plummer •••. E. A. Robason ...•• S. L. Snider·---··· J. F. McGee  25,000 ·--··-··· ·---····· ·-·-····· _ 25,150 105,410 102,160 2u,000  R. A. Oain...-·-···- J. E. Beall·--··-···  Maydelle •• Oherokea F 22 Farmers and Merchants State W. H. Shook ·····- J. S. Sherman._ •• J. T. Watson-·---· ·--··-·---··--·---· • Bank •••• 88-1533 ••••.• i§'l3 H Pop. 160  10,000  2,200  50,000  35,000  MaypearL •••. -Ellls E 19 Citizens State Bank ••••• i§'03 S. C. HarrelL ••••• ..: W. B. Week: ·--·-· Sam Corbin •• --·--· ····-----·--·-·· + 88-878 Pop. 417 Farmers & Mer ch. State Bank J. P. Claunch •••••• C. R. Tirey··-· •... W. A. Olaunch ••••• L. N. Wilemon •••. tl'l0 + 88-879  25,000  25,000  175,000  211,610  25,000  26,500  160,000  228,000  McAllen .••• Hidaleo R 16 FIRST NATIONAL BANK•i'l8 P.A. Rogers .•..... W. . McGee·--·· R. E. Doss.---· J. D. Alexander-·A. Ledbetter 88-1809 H Pop, 5331  50,000  7,000  405,550  426,230  D. W. GLASSCOCK. R. E. HORN······-·- G. E. LANGFORD •••. J. R. GLASSCOCK •.. F. T. KIRKHAM F. ~W  100,000  15,000  750.000  890,000  110.000  80,000  O  1st Bk. N., La.  241.760 .Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.: City N., Dallas.  r.:  So. Tex. Com'! N., 100,000 N. Bk. Com., N. 1st N., Waco: City N .. Dallas.  Hou)~  !~  40,0011 N. Par~ ..N. Y.; 1st N .• Hou.; Am. Ex. N., Dal., )a, en las; C1t1z. N.; Waco. 50,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Waco; Secur. N .. txf . Dallas; Union N., Ho~. 91,690 N.Bk.Com.,N.Y.;AustinN.,Austin;.4.lamoN.,, ...... San Antonio. ··-······ Seab. N., N. Y.; Austin N., Austin; Stock Yds.l ~ N .• Ft. Worth. 35,000 D.rov. N .. KanC.;~s~N.,Ft.Worth_;Tex.Bk.& rJ> Tr. Co., Galv.; C1t1z. State, Austm. 76,000 N. Bk. Com •• N. Y. and St. L.: Am. N., Austin; E: Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth. 20,000 Stock Yds. N., Kan. C.; Far. & Mech, N .. ~ >-1 Ft, Worth. en 108,590 . Bk. Com .. N. Y.: 1st N., Ft. Worth. ::r" ~ - - - Ohase N., N. Y,; Union N., Hou. 57,000 Lumbermans N •• Hou.; Cent. Tr. Co., San ;; Antonio; Corpus Christi N., Oorpu~ Chri~ti. o 35,000 N. OitJ, N. Y.: Alamo N .• San Antomo; Umon N .. Hou.: Corpus Christi N •• Corpus Christi. E;: 18,000 City N .. Dallas: State N., Texarkana, Ark.: 1st r, t:1 . ~ .. M,. Pleasa~t. ····-··-· Irvmg N., N. Y .• Hou_. N. Ex., H_ou., Lockhart SU 0. .. Lockhart; Austm N., Austm. 47.750 1st N., St. L.; Far, & Mech. N., Fort t, Worth: BrownwoodN.and Brooke Smith & Co., Brownwood. 15,000 Union N., Hou.; Far. & Merch. State, Bk. & Tr. Co., Rusk.  1"' Z  I  30,430 N. Park, N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N .• Ft. Worth. 16,500 Far. & Mech. N .• Ft. Worth; Waxahachie N .• Waxahachie. 96,310 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com •• San Antonio; Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.  I!  t.-4  FIRST STATE BANK& TRUST  t  165, 20 Con\, N., Kan. C,  CO,.+ 88-llti 8 -···--•iS'lO!{ ~!~af!tT!!lJ!: glvenEnnP!r~ ~J;~g Dr:\fts, Ca hand time Items, and remitted ro \r promptly on da y of payment.  s:  N. !lardy··-···· 8, W. Cooper ••- ••• Mccaulley •••Fisher D 13 First Guaranty State Bank D. W. Maberry •••• J. W. Ezell.••••• _. •t§'18 88-116\l -Po1>, 500 c'Dade--.Bastro-o 118 14.c'Da.deGuarantySta\e Bank D.R. LeMaster •.•• R. L. Williams._._ M. F. Benson •••••• W. H. Harvey ••••• •t\•\?, %%-\41& ~O'\). fl()\) Naza6- •~der N•zae or Baak ia New 'l'r&D.11te Nazaber ·ven eo eacb bank m U. S. ezcluslvelr by Tbe Baad-McNallr .Baafers• J J Louis 4 St. Federal Reserve BankJof  15,000 II  111  I I I  11  •  I  40,000 Ft.T Worth. N., Ft. Worth: M:idw._N. Bk. & Tr.,1:.. 1.0 Kan. C.; Far. & Morch. N .• Ab1lcne. tv 20,930 Seab. N ., N. Y ,; 1st N ., Hou. >-4  Solicits Your Business .  •..:  ''  N;~a~{rl~::: Dist. ;N:::: G:ie\~.1!!~: n~~  VI~PUSID.ENT.  PR:&slDJENT,  volume LIABILITIES.  /  /  NA.ME OF BANK.  TOWN niD OOCJNTT  In  Non-Bank Towns "l¼'·ith Neare.<1t Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of lbi<;/1~  TEXAS-Contl·nued  1411  .ASS'T OJ.SHIU.  OilHill.  1  I-P-All>---U-P--,-Su_.uro_RP_L_U_S-c-D_E_P_O_s-_  5  Far Interest Rates, HoUdays, etc , Sf'e Laws.  ~  PRINCIPAL O0.litRESP0NDENTS.  RESOURCES. -o-..-• •-.-~-%--I  ~Lo-~--:.,-D-,-•.  ~  ~ s,.;,.,.,.,,,W:• :a;i~ [Estab. - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - ' - - - - - = ' - - ~ -1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 0  E El Paso Br. H Houston ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  CJ.PIT.u. PROFITS  ITS  '°....  S. AMSLER-------· J. F. CAVITT-------- W. V. HANOVER----- D. A. SHANNON .----$ 50,000$ 90,ooo $ 350,000 $ 635.000 $ 50,000 N.Park, N. Y.;Am.Ex.N.,Dallas;lstN.,Hou. N and Waco. G. W. ENGLAND McGregor,McLennanG18 FIRST NATIONAL BANIL•i'81l ,... Prompt Person~ I attention given Bill of Lading Dra rts, Cash and Tim e 88-448 Pop. 2081 ~ Items and remi tted for on day of payment. , 13,310 365,890 187,120 FirstStateBank------•i§'l7 L.E.Bain _______ J.H.Lockwood ••• H.T.Grantham ___ T.C.Vahrenkamp_ 50,000 " --• 74.760 Seab. N,, N.Y.; 1st State Bk. & Tr. Co., Waco; 88-449 ♦ Lumbermans N., Hou.: Dallas~N., Dallas. 15,000 550,000 500,000 125,000 Seab.N., N.Y.; City N., Dallas. 85,000 J. D. McKINNEY - J. W. FIELD------- J. L. CHAPMAN --- W. F. CONGER----• M c Kinn ey __ Ooll in C 19 Pop. 6677  CENTRAL STATE BANK.U'09 ♦  88-220  l  J. H. FERGUSON  A modern prog resslve bank doln g commercial bu slness. Bllls of Lading, Cash Letters, and Collections have prompt, efficient attentl on. Send us )'OW' McKinney Items for quick return s.  1-------~-------'--------'-------- --- --- --- --- ---  COLLIN COUNTY NATIONAL BANK 88-219  . FIRST NAT'L BANK  .  McLean.p·----;:-· Gray P 6 op. 141 .. .. .. ------Med1cmpeMou n d .. HarHdeop. 300 man 1 Megari.! lp_____ C 15 ov. 500 Melissa._P____ _c ollinC19 ~- 350I M l . f. vm __p_ cC u 1loch H 14 . op. 30O Hall Q 6 Memphis ---  3900  op.  ..  -----  .. ..  ..  L.A. SCOTT----- H. W. WARDEN---- J. W. ASHLEY---- T. M. SCOTT-------  :\: J: i1tl8H  Z00.000 119.2'10 4115100 3573380 1162890 N. City and N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Special attention given to bill of Jading and commercial collections. - - - - - Chl.;CltyN.,Dallas. Remittance made promptly. ~ Will make credit reports for 25c each. t1j -------c---------:--------,--------1---- ---- ---- - - - - - -  l  J. L. LOVEJOY-· C. G. COMEGYS---- HOWELL E. SMITH  d: \_Fnm,GH --- ~ ~ ~ ~  The oldel& Ban k In Collin Coon t7. •:•1rn Do you want Q nick Returna1 T hen aend ua 7our colleetlona. 88-218 10,000 25,000 American National Bank•t'09 D. B. Veatch ___ Geo. W. Sitter _____ c. L. Cooke ------· Ross Big~ers_______ Erwin Rice 88-844 10,750 25,000 Citizens State Bank••• •il'07 J. S. Morse ________ W. E. Ballard ____ Clay Thompson---- c. c. Boean______ J.M. Noel 88-843 15,000 _ _ _ First Guaranty late Bank J.C. Flynt ________ W. H. Bellamy ____ D. M. Boyd________ ________________ §'20 88-1956 13,290 25,000 First State Bank ________ t5'10 W. O. WriZhL ___ T. L. Dalton _______ H. o. Youne---- __________ 88-ll72 34,840 25,000 MellssaNationalBank ___ :•oo J.E.Gibson ______ J.M.Graves ______ H.8.Wysonr--- ___________ 88-1173 5,500 15,000 First State Bank _______ •;l:§'16 T. C. Ward ________ Oscar Sellers ______ 0. N. Mason ______ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J. D. Mccaughan 88-1713 59,500 75,000 CITIZENS STATE BAIIK•:l:§'07 J. A. Bradford ____ C. A. Orozier ___ W. B. Qujzley ___ R. L. Madden______ 88 100,000 107,520 ~~\fLArf~~!____ L. C. KINARD --- T. E. NOEL--------{J.C. MONTGOMERY FIRST•NATl 0N-uo AL BANK.•i'Ol S.S. MONTuUMtHY • Ch. of Bd , 15 CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for p resentation, and 88-4311 2S CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, personal attenti on. 40,000 50,000 Hall County National Bank H. E. Deaver _____ P.O. Young ______ J. H. Read ______ G. A. Still ....... __ 88-439  Hid I a eoR17 erHce eps___ op. 3414 d  BANK Of COM TRUST CO.  ..  HIDALGO COUNTY BANK  {w. A. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  30,990  1,950  195,940  201,510  =i:  406,980  368,510 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N •• Ft. Worth; Inter- t'b  547,120  730,000  City N .• 240,890 Hf:-t~~-~~f; Dallas; F1d. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.  545,000  260.000  53,500  620,700  642,500  c. A. Martin _______ R. M. Heyman ____ J. F. Highsmith __ _ 13,690 25,000 B. A. Wva~t 5,000 50.000 H. LIENEMAN _______ J.E. HAYNES- ------ A. E. BRANCff ______ _ RUTH IMEL TEMS DmECT TO us. al attention give n Bill of Lading Drans Cash and Time It ems r on day of paym ent.  182,420  198,880  173,030  126,480  *'.  s. P. SILVER-----  100,000  "1  "' 0 325,000 N .City, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; N. Bk. Com., S;: t'b Kan. C.: Far. & Mech. N .. Ft. Worth. 242,500 N. Bk. C0m., N. Y.; N.Stock Yds. N •• N. Stock 01 Yds .. Ill.; Inter-State N., Kan. O.; Ft. Worth o i:; N .. Ft. Worth. 29,820 Comw. N., Ran. C.; Stock Yds, N., Ft. Worth.~ 76,000 Alamo N .• San Antonio; 1st N .. Brownsville; 1, l\Iidw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.  6,000  50,000  20,000  88,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N,, St. L.; Lumbermans N., Hou.; Merch . .i: ., Brownsville.  50,000  22,000  700,000  550,000  175,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Liberty Cent. Tr. Co .. St. L,: 1st N., Kan. C.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Merch. N ., Brownsville.  9.810 1st N ., Ft. Worth; Brooke Smith & Oo., Brownwood. 3,320 Secor. N., Dallas; Stock Yds. N .• Ft. Worth: Citiz. N., Brownwood.  10,000  780  22,880  23,860  10,000  5.100  16,350  28.140  g  1.'~t;~'.11°Ft\fo~¥~·  60,000  N. P. BARTON  •il'07 88-1175 Mercury_P_lfe(] uJIochG 15 Bank of .Mercury _____ tt'04 s. 88-890 op."00 Mercury State Ba.le ___ tf'07 J.F. Cawyer _______ lLona Cawyer ______ Geo. C. Parker_ ___ Ida Parker _ _ _ _ " -------" 88-891  1110.  908,830  N. P. BARTOh------ JAS. HOWZE--------PEARL HEARING ressive Bank rend ering 100% Servtc e. mltted for same day received. tattoo of all othe r collections. E. Cox ________ J. R. Beasley _ _ T. J. Beasley ___ J.M. Beasle:r _ _  McNEIL---A modern Prog Cash letters re Personal presen  t0 >  84,000 N: Park, N. Y.: Kan.N., Wichita: 1st N ., Amar-  167,500 Drov. N:• and Fid. N. Bk.& Tr.,Kan. C.;lst N., ~ "4 Amanllo. 44,110 Cent, Slate, Dallas; Far. & Mech. State, ~ en Childress. f 45,220 1st N., Wichita Falls; Cent. State. Dallas. 97710 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.: Oity N., Dallas: 1st N. o and Collin Co. N .. McKinney. ' C) 40,000 N. City, N. Y.; Tex. State, Ft. Worth.  •t§"l9 88-1871 First National .Bank ______ '21 John Hackney _____ W. G. Garrison ____ Jack K, Adams ____ Fred Johnston ___ _ 88-2012  -------  155,000  75,000  ♦  ..  110,000  129.800  •t'06  Menard National Bank. •t'l9 J, R. Smart_-----88- 1861 {D. A. BLACKWELLSEND YOUR I 1 Prompt person and remitted fo &  200.000 294,000  204,990  Menard.P••• M nard H 14 Bevans National Bank_.•t·rn William Bevans __ W. J. Callan ....... Geo. C. Sten~el---- F. H. Flack________ 88-117, op. 1 64  M  C/l  110,000  o.  y  ~  585,410 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.  -~  I • •  1412  . N ~ r under Name of Bank ii the New TnmH .lf,m11ts &i.,... to each bank in U. 8. ei:eluslvely by Tbe ll.and-MeNally Banken• DlrectorJ, under the authority of The Amerlean Bankers•n.  Toff AND O0UNTY. NAME OF BANX. •Oount7 Seats. •lfem. Am. Bks. Assn. lState PRESIDD""T, VIOJ:-PRJl:SIDJCNT. CASRI:itR. In No.11 Fed. Res. Dist. Ulem.State Bks. Assn, tPrlv. El Pao Br. H Houston. +Mero. Fed. Res. [E-tab. 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •:llcridian •••. BosqueF17 Farmers Guaranty State Bank POD, 1024 88-812 " " First National Bank ••••• •t'89 88-811 Merit.·-······Hunt c 20 First National Bank ••... t'04 Pop, 350 88-1176 MerkcL ••••. TaylorE13 Farmers&Merch.Nat.Bank Pop. 1810 88-409 •i·o, Farmers State Bank ••. •i§'12 88-808 Mertens·-··---H111F18 First Guaranty State Bank Pop. M2 ♦ 88-1177 tl'IO .Mertzon ..••••• Irlon G 11 First National Bank •••• • •'10 Pop. 500 88-1178 Mesqui e __ Dallas D 19 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•t'02 Pop. 674 88-829 Guaranty State Bank._.U,10 88-830 :Uexia ••••• LimestoneF 19 FARMERS STATE BANK•tS'l4 Pop, 3482 88-1660 " " Prenderfast, Smith & Co. ~-346 U'82  1  0 _______ ______ 1  25,000  3,700  ITS  Lo...,,.  »••·1o.u■" Blt-  _________  1  105,000 $ 94,000 $ 37,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth.  13,910  234,950  262,520  25,000  20,000  160,000  140,000  J.T.Warren .•••.. HenryJames .••••. L. R. Thompson ... G. II'. West T. J. Toombs ..•.•• R. L. Bland--·-· R. 0. Anderson •... John Sears R. F. Shaw ........ J. N. Goodman_ W.R. Stockard ....  50,000  27,140  583,900  400,-180  50,000  71.300  934,610  639,560  Booth Warren..... E. D. Teuton F. Y. Gaither...... Geo. D. Fausett-·-  25,000  5,800  108,000  85,500  Fayette Tankersley - - - - · - - - - D. E. Hucbes·-··- Y. T. Hughes...... )LIL \Yhit~itt J. 0. R~eL•• - •• Bedford Galloway. J. H. Ruge'--·-·· O. B. KimbelL....  25,000  50,000  300,000  261.500  50,000  20,000  228,260  218,040  I. N. Range--·· E. F. Vanston -·- 0. W. Reagin·-··· J. W. Hanby. __ ••  15,000  11,000  50,000  60,000  J, H. Sweatt.. ••.•• Roy B. Bass •...•.. W. D. HighL-•.. Guy Herring....... Julius Nussbaum H. D. Farresn Jack \Vomack ..•.. Mrs. J. L. Smith._ J. S. Smith_._ B. S. Smith •••• - .  100,000  32,000 1,500,000  693,000  100,000  26,260  H. RUSSELL ...••• J. F. JOHNSTON •.••• T.J. BONEY ••.•• _•• _ J.B. SAUL...........  18,000  14,000  l  on given Bill of L adlng drafts, Cas hand Time Item s. with each sight dr aft for pr~entatio n and 50c for Ored it Repor ts. W. L. Mathers_ •••• H. E. Baird••- - - H. A.. Talley....... 25,000 26,000 W. I. Whitsel y ~ r • O. B. II~lt -··:·-··· \\. H. Chancellor .. , I. C. l lmeL...... 100,000 108,530 P. Scharbauer  40.180 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Waco; Ft. WorthN., Ft. Worth: City N., Dallas. 35,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 262,el0 Haf, N., ~- Y.: Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth: Comw. ., Kan. C.; Am. Ex. N., Dalla . 407,080 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; 1st N., Wichita F. 20,000 Seab N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Hillsboro: Union N .. Hou . 110,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Drov. N .• Kan. C.; Far. & Mech. N .• Ft. Worth; an Angelo N., Sau .Angelo. 36,060 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; City N., Dallas. ~  12,000 Secur. N., Dallas; N. Bk. Com., St. L.  t?j ><  500,000 N. Bk. Com. and N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Secur. N ., Dallas: 1st N ., Hou. ...._ 945,250 715,830 333,500 Seab. N., N. Y.: City N .. Dallas.: Hutching, .,,ealy & Co., Galv.; Lumbermans N .• Hou. 1 en 200,000 - - - - - - 1st~- 3:nd Live Stock State, .Ka~. c.: 4th N .• j ~ · Wichita; N. Bk. Com., Amarillo. w 300,000  225,000  51U40  630,240  >  120,000 Inter-State N., Kan. O.; 1st N. Amarillo and ~ _ Wichita, Kll;_n. . . n 114,730 Seab. N., •· 1., City N .. Dal!as; &::\Ierch. 1 en ., Ft.\\ orth; Drov. N., Kan. c.  D. W. BRUNSON. S. W. ESTES•····- 8. C. GIRDLEY .••.. R. V. HYATT•-··· 75,000 85,430 392,330 479,650 138,760 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Drov. R. M. BARRON -• N., Kan. C,; Secur. N., Dallas; Border "HONOR ROLL BANK." FEE IN ..u>VANCE: SightDrafts,I5cminimum; 25cminimumchargeifpaid. Credit Rel)Orts, 25c.  T. M. Dees .•••.••• B. II. , tile •••..... T. c. Perry_ •..••.• Royal C. Stiles.... Q.C.Stansoerry J.P. Anderso•--· J. H. Darby•••.•••• J. G. Oliver ••••- - Ralph Crabtree... s. J. Martin w. :M. Forrest •.... J. H. Young ......• Julian Wakefield .. ······-··········--  l',)  c~~":· :•;:~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  50,000  NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Cil'IT.A.L Pa~nDT•  V. M. Sutphen . •... J. T. McConnell... W. V. Odle........  i  •t·o 3 88_3811 Miuloth1an_.Bms E 18 Farmers Guaranty State Bk. Pop. 1208 88-1562 l'U " " First National Bank-•• •t'97 88-765 Midway •••. Madi:,;on H 21 Midway State Bank .••• -t '19 H Pop. 400 88- 1875 1Iilano_•••••• Milam H 19 First State Bank .••. -.• •U-12 Pop. '81 88-1455 .Miles.____ Runnells Gl3 Miles National Bank •••• •t'03 Pop. 853 88-U80 ::\Iilford_••••.. Ellis F 19 Bank of Milford ••• _ •••tt·l)5 Pop. 040 88-797  OASHIER.  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  R11:SOURCES.  K. M. Koore. ___ S. P. Gibson. _ _ J. D. Leatherwood W. A. Andrews....  •MiamL •• _Roberts O 6 BANK OF MIAMl .. ---··tt'0l Special attentl Pop. 935 88-75 7 Please send 15c " " First State Bank .•••••• •U'07 B. F. Talley-·-··• . 88-758 ~ , r . •Midland._.Hidland F 9 Firc;t ational Bank ... •t 90 W. II. Co" den .. -•. E Pop. 179~ 88-388  TDHLEAND  Ass'T  !  LIABTLITTES. PAID-UP SuRPLus DEPos-  W. E. Sheppard .•• R. V. Ferguson .... C. J. Lewis ........ Belle tockard •••• ..  u·n 0. W. Tidwell--·-  MI  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Ban1dn2 Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in oack of this· volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see_Laws.  TEXAS-Continued  N .• El Paso.  1  I ~ ""'  I ~  I~· I::J  35,000  36,080  301,120  329,490  60,000  50,000  355,000  420,000  15,000  1.640  37,880  35,220  o  10,000  9,180  69,560  66,680  H. W. Robinson ••• H. T. Rwers •.•••• A. H. Lewin.-- - - - - - - -  50,000  19,370  430.140  566,180  31,780 Chase N., N. Y.; Guaranty Bk. & Tr. Co.,' Dalla ;1st N.,Midlothian. 85,000 Seab. ., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Ft. E:: \yorth N., Ft. Wort_h. . 16,090 Umon N., Hou.; City N., Dallas; 1st •• .• tD Madisonville; Citiz. State, Austin. 15,590 Hou. N. Ex., Hou. -0 Pl 35,500 Han. N., N.Y.: Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth.  (W.R. and J. K. ll eD&Diel) _ _ _ _ - - - · · - - - - - - - - - -  50,000  10,000  150,000  155,000  55,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas.  14,760  .:52,920  132,270  39,100 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; City N., Dallas: Waxahachie N .• Waxahachie; Far. N .• Hillsboro.  J.  o. Newton._ ...  W.R. Webb .•••••• W.  o.  Newton ____ L. Newton.........  J. Ei DAVIS--··· J. W. ROSSON •.••• G L. DE P H Y . - · - · - - - - 10,000 CITIZENS BANK--···- •tt'07 { Uol ectlons and Requests for Cre dltReports MUS T be accompanle d by 88-791 FEE IN ADV AN CE; Plain aight dra /ts, 15c; Credit Repo rts, 25c.  5·  13,480  120,810  120,650  19,620  110,380  154,060  28,490 N. Bk. Com., St. L.: Am.Ex. N .. Dallas: 1st N., Ft. Worth; Citiz. N., Weatherford. 12,840 Mech. & Metals N.,N.Y.; Secur. N.,Dallas; Hou .. ._ N. Ex.,Hou. ' Ill 1::I  102,000  373,000  560.000  75,000 Seab.N.,N. Y.; Secu .N .• Dallas: 1st.•., ~t. I,.~  j~  -------  1413  ~----  ~ - .,..... . ,_,.. .Jllluae-, ·----~~•~--_.___---....~ 11M ~ ,a ~~ iD u. s. ez,hulrelr b~ 2Yae .._,,_., , Directory, uader the auU,orltT of 2'.be Aaierloan Ass'n.  I  TOWN L."iD O0UNTY  I  I:  I1  f  NAME OP BANK.  Non-Bank TowDB with Nearest Banldng Point (lndeired Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ._. volume. For Interest Bates, HoUdays, etc., see L ~ ~  I  LIABILITIES.  RESOURCES.  i::  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  £0oanty Seats. . f:Mem. Am. Blcs. Assn. IS~te PRJCSIDJCNT. VICE-PRESIDJCNT. OASBID. Ass 'T CASHIER. PAID-UP/ SURPLUS DEPOS- 1.o.." 1 • Du- o...a" EIn.i In No. 11 Feel. Hes. Di~t. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. CAPITAL A.ND c..,,,,. BoN1>8, OILU<o..,Dn .'.J 8 8110t7JUTU8 E El Paso Br H Houston. 1♦.Mem. Fed, Re<-. [E~t.ab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . , . . . . . . . , . . - - - - - - l - - - - - - - · I - - - - - - PRo:rrrs IT no»&.ru _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;-, 1 Mineral Wel~.Palo Pinto / Bank ot Mmeral WeJJ.s.•H'90 l. N. Wynn ....•• _. A; J. Thoo:ias._ .• C• .M. Smith·····- F. E. Hagerman ... :S 75,000 $1500000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Am. Ex. N.,.Dalla,; Far. Pop. , '90 D 16 88·241 W. II. Penix A.H. Rubom & .Mech. N., Ft. Worth. / iGl!INN WILLIAMS .. P. WILLIAMS.✓• • • • G. A, E. BHALY. ... -•·· 60,000 $ 40,000 750,000 $ 550,000 $ 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth: Secui·.• ·., ~ " -- " FIRST NATIONAL BANK•!l900 Special attentl o'ol·g~~!!'A~1~~,L adlngdrafts,Cash NaJ«i ~~~Nftems. Dallas. __. 88• 242 Please send 15c wi th each sight draft far presentation and 25c for Credit Repvrts. FIRST STATE BK. a, TR. CO. W. I. Smith .•.••.. E. B. Ritchie -····- B. A. Yeager. ...•. J. L. Miller ...•.. __ 100,000 43.600 855,500 903,190 13-1.390 llech. & ~Ietals ... • ., N. Y .; Am. Ex. N ., Dallas: 88-243 •W06 D. P. l{ankm Ira R. Preston Ft. Worth .r'., Ft. Worth. P. S. WOLFE. ...... I. J. KERR .......... IRA J. KERR ...•.•.. ····-·-············· 250,000 12,020 328,640 563,230 88,070 Chase • ·., . Y.; Cent. State, Dallas; • •. Bk. THE NEWEST ~~ MINER AL WELLS. Com., Ft. Worth. Prompt Service -Quick Returns --¾ Send us Your Business Direct. til 88.1943 §'20 Mingus .. -Palo Pinto E 16 First State Bank ..•.•• -.U'07 S. B. Strawn---- F. P. Boles ...• --·· A. D. Lidia ........ Owen Sheid ..••••• 315,000 12,000 250,000 75,000 N. Park, N. Y.; CitY.N:, Dallas; ht N. and Far. ~ 30,000 Pop. 1000 88·1182 , & Mech. N ., Ft. " 01 th. • en • {J.P. GORDON .....• M. f. ARMSTRONG •. JNO. BOWMAN ...... W. E. MIETS .•...... 240,000 51.790 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Hou.; 1st ~ ., 10,000 300,000 50,000 .fi:«ion. __ .Hidalgo R 16 FIRST NATIONAL BANK .. •'11 Our Colfectlon Department is a special feature o r tllh. Hank. Brown ·\'ille. txl 1 H Pop, 3847 88·1393 Personal presen tattoo made on a II Collections. A fee of loc must a ccompa ny all d rafts. .. " First State Bank .. -···. •i§· 10 Marvin Evans ••••• \Y. Ferguson...... F. L. Flynn·-· •••• R. J. Rome.-...... 29,000 i7,6i0 N. Park, N. Y.; Lumbermans N., Hou. 50,000 23,900 42-l,6i'l )> 88·1183 E. I. tewart Mobeotie ___ Wheeler P 6 First State Bank .... --.U'06 Mark Hu elbY---· J. J. Long __. _ J. \Y.Grabam·-··-- R. P. llorris ....... 20,000 8,000 160,840 154,390 46,2 0 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. and Amarillo: Arn. • .• Pop. 300 Austin. 88·1184 n 90,000 10,000 •· Jontague.Mon~ue B17 Oitizens State Bank._ ••• U'OG W.R. Covey··-··· J. D. Jame.on •.... R. D. R~eley, Jr •• ·····--·-········ 10,:iOO 61,000 3-1.000 Han. N., N. Y.: Stock Yd • ,.'. ancl •• Bk. en Pop. 300 88·1185 Com .. Ft. Worth. .. Iont Belview.< Jwrnh •r~ Guaranty tatc Ihnk •• -.§'20 D. K. ColliL•r ····-- ~ - R. William ••.. L. W. Johnson •..•.............•.•... 35,000 20,000 .•••..•.• 25,000 ········Ex., llou.; Guaranty . fate, <100 • E;:: 11 Pop. 100 ,I 22 8 · HJY3 120,COO 114,500 12,500 .MontgomeryMonteomery First State B,Ulk ••••••• •U-07 W. B. Wood .... --. Ewin&' Norwood.- T. L. Wilcox.--··- C.R. Howard·--·· 34,500 City N. and Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galv.: So. Tex. 2,000 1 H Pop. 400 Com 'l N. and 1st .r'.,Hou.; 1st .. ·., .. 'avasota. ~ l 21 88·1186 Moody •••• Vc~nnan G 18 Farmers State Bank_.-.W07 S. J. McFarland._ E. R. Kline •••••. _ R. V. Mitchell.--. R. V. Mitchell, Jr .. 30,000 39,050 Secur. N., Dal.las; Cent.~-, Waco: N. Bk. Oum .. '"t 8,740 131,740 122,620 Pop. ll0li St. L.: Austm r .• Austm. 88·736 ti, " __ " FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•i·oa J. Reynolds. ____ T. J. Buckner. __ J. W. Donaldson._. 360,000 392,500 118,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N., 50,000 Teague.-----· 61,000 1 88-734 C. H. Howard Waco. ~ Moore-----····Frlo L 15 IMoore National Bank __ .t"07 . H. E. Johnson. __ Aug. Obets ····---· R. L. Connelly _____ L. D. Johnson ___ _ 93,000 50,000 58,000 City N ., San Antonio. 14,100 91.000 <; Pov. 500 . 88-1187 , I . . r . !!. 163,040 Mor· 11-. Shackelford E 15 Fir t National Bank ..•.. t 16 Jno. II. P. Jones .. Walter Chim.-· G. H. Hayward ·-·- Naom "\i 01ght •.•..• 3,700 170.570 25,000 36,240 Chase ., N. Y.; Stock Yd.s. 1 ., Ft. Worth. Pop. 1000 88·1722 T. E. Powell H. \Y. Picture 275,000 " 240,000 30,000 Moran State Bank.-.•. •U-05 M.. D. Bray __ ..... J. Cottle ..•.•.....- Dodd Price-······· Morris Cottle--···50,000 N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y.: Corn Ex. N .. Chi.; Ft. ,..,. 18,000 • 88·1188 Worth N .. Ft. Worth; Alb .• •...\.lb. G. E. Waters 0 ~Iorgau __ .Bosaue F 17 First National Bank •• -.•i·o2 8. M.. :Martin.. -.... J. T. Cole ....•. -•.• B. G. Oate·-··-- J. D. cate. ___ _ 98.500 .. •. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st J.·., Ft. Worth and ':::ii 35,000 12,250 210,920 143,620 Pop. 672 88-1189 C. McCullough Waco; ecur. N .. Dallas. T. C. Rogers .:::Morgan MilLErath E 16 Farmers & Merchants Bank W. S. Fant·--·-· W. H. Brooks·-- J. W. Brown···--· L. R. Raquemore .. 96,000 72,000 10,000 75,000 1st N., Weatherford: Far. N., Stephenville. 11,000 :-t' Poo. 225 88·1588 :tt'l3 J.B. Jordan Moulton __ • Lavaca K 18 Farmers :.\Ierchant ~ tate F. T. Fehrenkamp. I<'. \Y. JaegglL ..... E. C. Fehrenkamp L. E. Taylor. ..... . 65,000 Han. N., .i. • Y.; l~t N .. Hou.; Guaranty tate. ~ 50,000 ····--·- 170,000 150,000 San Antonio: Am. Ex .... ·., Dalla·. ,__ ~ Pop, 800 .. _Bank .... 88·1998 ...••. •§'.20 . . E. D. Boehm, Jr.  SECURITY  === ===  ti.&il'  {  STATE BANK  ===  srrr1s ......... w.  '°  11  I  3 I  ng~ee~~:  o.  5·  z. s.  en  I  , First State Bank ....... •U 05 William Green·-·-· E. Studeman. ____ 88·1190 Mt, Calm --·-··Hill F 19 First National Bank .•. -.•t'l2 J, F. WrighL .... C. E. Clark •••..... Pop. 626 88·720 " ·--··-·· " First State Bank_····--•:1'07 w. W. Woodson ••. S. J. Callaway·---· ♦ 88·721 It. Enterpri«c ••.•. Rusk Merchants & Planters State T. A.rnold .. ·-··-- 1D. Lanirston ___ Pop. 750 F 23 Bank ..•. 88-119L_••.• U'08 •°Mt. Ple;~~~\·ortus C  22  FIRST NAT'L BANK ~ 88-297  •i'82  GUARANTY STATE BANK + 88-15;$? .... 5·13  MANYPAR PAR LISJ. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  POINTSIN  OUR SEND _FOR IT;  50,000  25,000  600,000  50u,OOO  B. Hillyer.----·--- R. C. PooL-·-···-  50,000  30,230  150,780  168,130  130,000 · 100,000  215,000  R. J..Moore .••••. -. H.J. Baker_____  40,000  10,000  T. Arnold, Jr ...••• - - - · · - - -  20,000  5,000  T. B. CALDWELL. F. L. KENNEDY--·· J.B. ROWLAND .... J. R. HART........  75,000  Oldest and largest bank In Titus County. Prompt and car leful attention glv en all business en trusted to us.  E. S. LILIENSTERN. J.M. BUftFORD--·-· G _ F d AUG. EICKHOFF uaran ..., un , Bank. { Cash Uems re mltted on date o ~ • Personal attent Ion elven to all c " ·--··--· " State National Bank .••• •i•o2 T. M. Fleming ___ •. W. II. eay .•• -..•• 88-298 J. F. :Montgomery Mt. Selman •... CherokPe Farmt>rs & )lPrcbants State W. 'r. 1 orman .... 11. C. Dublin.·-·-·· H Pop. 168 E 22 Bauk ... 88·17.,0 ······-·§'l7  "  ·-············ -····· F. J. Wagner···-··  I  R.  F. LINDSAY ••. -••.  W.CLEMENL......  -  -  75,000  H.  c.  Huckeba •.•• J. H. Harp ..•••....  B. II. Rankin.·-··· ····-·-·········-  15,000 1st N., Waco: N. Bk. Com., St. L. 35,000 lstN., Hou. and St. L.;  ecur. N., Dalla~.  58,330 1,205,680 646,470 574.380 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Am. Ex. N .• DaUa •  60,000  31.760  437,680  489,060  5,000  21,000  300,000  265,000  130,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dalla~. ,...  200  25•150  28,900  6,040 1 t N., Jacksom•ille; Far.~- Merch. State Bk ..... & Tr. Co., Ru k: Union r., Hou. W  J.B. TURNER  f receipt. ollectlons.  g  200,000 N. City, N. Y.: Union N. and Sq.Tex. Com'! _ N., Hou.; Alamo t{., San Antomo. ::, 03,220 Seab. N., N. Y.: Liberty N., Waco.  10,000  91,130 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N .• St. L.: City Dalla~; Texarkana. N., Texarkana.  ..  .p.  CONTINENTAL AND COM_MERCIAL BANKS CHICAGO  : i:  '  '  i  1 ) I  !  l I•  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given  1414  TOWN AND COUNTY,  I  I  NA.ME OP' BANK.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Law_s. ::  TEXAS-Continued  to each bank in U. S. e:s:cluslvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  ~~i·.  STONE FORT NATIONAL BK.  FEE IN ADVANCE:  :·os  88-269  ,ight drafts, 15cminimum: 25c minimum charge if paid.  FIRST NATIONAL BANK •:•oo  Newark ________ Wise C 18 Poll, 300  E. H. TERRELL, V.P.  >< I> Ir,.  Cent. State and Secur. N., Dallas.  v~  Union Tr. Co., Chi.; Denison Bk. & Tr. Co., t1' Denison; ecur. N., Dallas. ), N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. St. L. N. City, N. Y.; Lumbermans N., Hou.  ~  N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; So. Tex. Oom'l N., Hon.; Secur. N., Dallas.  C/JI  30,000 --------- --------- --------- _________ City N ., Dallas; Texarkana N,, Texarkana.  W.W. Robison ___ H. H. Hines _ _ _  50,000  C. B. Hargis _______ ------------·-·-----  10,000 --------- --------- - - - _ _ _ Guaranty State, Texarkana, Ark.  28,560  266,690  389,270  W, T. Taliaferro __ - - - - - - - -  100,000  90,430  219,270  454,590  R. L. Renick ______ - - - - - - - 1  50,000  25,000  175.000  245,000  100,000  237,000  619,0<J0  969,250  C. E. HENRY----- __ HUNTER  nally_Paitlin sso.o oo.oo} 1100 ooo oo • • $50,0 00.00 Earnrng• divided Profits Ea rned, $275,000  YARBOROUGH  de promptly and remitted for on day or pa)'Dlent. J.E. Fambrough __ C.B. Sullivan ______ J. A. Hanley ______ _ . V. A oble H.B. Downing ____ J. H. Hooker______ --------------------  s:  58,480 Seab. N .. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 35,970 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Hou, rl'  0 48,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 304,490 N. Oity, N. Y.; 1st N. Hou.: Am. Ex. N., Z ~ D~as.  ~ 75,000  40,500  5,200  183,000  163,000  J. W. Valentine ___ M.A. Edgeworth-1----  15,000  8,200  60,000  60,000  J. W. Weeks ______ E. L. Lehmann ____ Frank Kostelnik __ F. J. Horak J. M. 8m1th ________ Geo. H. Jones ___ -------------------J.M. Gay n.. . Carmichael . G. B. tinebaugh __ -------------------G. W. Duke ________ W. H. Doyle_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  50,000  8,000  96,890  161.250  25,000  27,500  i0,000  115,000  15,000  500  25,000  27,000  10,000  Il,650  70,000  65,000  JAS. HUBBARD -- T. P. TRIMBLE----- M. E. TAYLOI----- J.P. LOONEY-----  30,000  35,ooo  325,000  300,000  ~ Save time and ,:et service on Col Iectloos. TltYUS. 30,000 JAS. H. SIMMS-- C. P. HELMS _______ W. A. LOWERY ____ LOYD WILSON.---· M. A. HART MEW BOSTOM MI\TIONAL BK. l'07 FIFTEEN CENT S 'lent· to us wttb each sight draft for presentation, and 88-422  36,410  206,600  311,660  TWENTY- FIVE CENTS for each credit report lnsu res prompt, purso nal atte ntton. 15,000 50,000 State Exch\~:t ~fnk ...W17 W.W. White------. J. N. Baral on ____ 0. H. Proctor _____ J.B. Gulley.______ 1  200,000  200,000  i  ~  40,000 1st N,, Ranger; Secur. N., Dallas.  37,700 Han,N.,N.Y.;Comw.N.,Kan.C.;Tex.State, O ::l Ft. Worth. 24,000 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas; Royall N .• Palestine. 21,120 State Bk. & Tr. Co .. Hou.; Far. N,, Brenham. 23,500 Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Greenville N. Ex .. Greenville; Collin Co. N., McKinney. 11,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Se<'or. N .. Dallas; Greenville ., Ex. Greenville; 1st Sta• e, Farmrr ville. 20,000 MPrh. & Metals N .. N. Y.; Tex. tate, Fr. ._ Worth. 75,000 N. Park. . Y.; Liberty Cent. Tr. co., • t. L.; P-> ::, City .• Dallas.  Icnl  Special attentlo n ldven BlU of La ding Draft.11.  •!1900  :-1"  to  25,000  88-421  N_.._S_t_.L-_-a_n_d_F-t.-W-o_r_t_h_;A-m-. 1 - _.., ,y, . ._-;l_s_t_ -c-S_ea_b_•.,...N=-•..,,N Ex. N ., Dalla ; Green villi' N. Ex., Greenville., N. Park, N. Y.; Liberty Cent. Tr. Co. St. L.; City N .. Dallas; N. City, N. Y.; Lindsay N., Gainesville; Secur. N .. Dallas. Comw. N., Kan. C.; Guaranty State, Amarillo; 1st N ., Clovis. 1I Han. N., .i: • Y.; City N., Galv. I Seab. N .. N. Y.: Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; lst 1~ N ., Wichita Falls. Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Ft. Worth; City N. Bk.I Com., Witchita Falls; Cent. Sta•e, Dallas. I t%l City ., Dallas; Athens N,, .ithens.  Samuel Heath. ____ J. W. Martin _______  25,000 -------  FIRST NATIONAL BANK  New Boston __ Bowie B 23 Po1>, 69 ' .. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  l  Capital {or; gi From 88 275 Rurplus and un Collections ma First :rational Bank _____ i'20 F. M. ullivan ____ 8lH937 Guaranty State Bank of Cot- J. H. Houston _____ tonplant.88-1855 _____ •:t:§'19 Guaranty State Hank ____ :1•12 A. L. Bowers ______ 88-1446 eeclville tatc Bank & Trust W. J. Otto _________ Co, ______ 88-1801 _____ •.1:§'18 Jl'irsl Na11onal BanJc ______ :·01 M. J. Dennis----81H195 First tate Bank ________ :j: 'Ill J, E. Davis------88-1833 First State Bank ________ j:1'13 R. A. Hudson ______ 88-1534  • · •chl' ... _Anderson It' 21 H Pop. 825 'eerlviJle_Fort Bend K 21 H Pop. 500 • nada _______ Qollin D Ill Pop. 578  ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  { Reliable Credit Reports, 50c. TR Y US.  Remittance ma de day collected. ~aple. ______ .Morris C 23 First State Bank _________ §'20 G. B. :Martin _______ W. :M. mith _______ 88-1964 Pop. 887 Morris Oounty Nat. Ba.nk:•04 J. H • .Mathews _ _ A. B. Gallaway ____ " " J. A. Moore 88~61 Nash _________ Bowie B 23 Nash Exchange Bank __ j:t'l4 B. S. Hargis ____ J. L. Earnest ______ 88-1660 Pop. 350 ·ava ota _____ Grimes I 20 Citizens National Bank -•:•99 W. S. Oral2-------- G. S. Wood _______ 88-276 H Pop. 5060 Farmers State Guaranty Bk. Jno. A. McKay ___ J. T. Evans-------" 88 1507 U'lB T. M. OWEN---- EWING NORWOOD ----  .·ecessity.Stephens D 15 Pop. 500  I  ~1  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES.  PAID-UP SURPLUS DEPOS- Lo.... " n... c.... "'T CASHIER. OASHIU. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. 5S~te c'Ta. Bo111>1 , mu.,raa,Dmi ITS A.ND CAPITAL !MPm. _ _ _ BIIC!VVn• _ _ PROFITS [Estab. - - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - - i • - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - i _ Res.Assn.tPnv. Fed. Bks. +:Mem.Slate 28,600 $ 186,0001 265,000 .. 85,000 100,000 First National Bank ___ •U900 1J. M. Flemill£ ____ J. L. Rutherford_ A. J. Patton ______ J. C. Strinfer ----J M. L. Ed wards 88-419 43,000 38,600 193,420 334.800 100,000 Merchants & Plan. Nat, Bank J. T. Harper _______ C. R. Bill __________ G. L. Hinnant --- W. B. Petty------J. D. Gandy, A. c. W. ;r. Moore J.M. Dupree •j:'06 88-420 5,000 175,000 125,000 _ _ _ 10,000 )Iuenster ____ QookeB18 German-American Bank __ t'96 R. W. Crawford ___ ------------ F. J. Schoech _____ Susie Bernauer____ 88-1408 Pop. 1200 11,670 2,000 111.680 115,470 20,000 •lluleshoe .••.• Bailey A 8 Blackwater Valley State Bank E. C. Eubanks ____ Henry Bled·oe ____ H. E. Rogers------ C. B. Eubanks_____ i§"l4 • 88-1679 Pop.100 91,930 6,250 140,000 130,000 20,000 '1ullin _________ Mills G 16 First State Bank ________ ;tl'06 E. F. Oasey ________ J. H. Randolph ____ W.W. Tippen_ --- W. 0. Kemp_______ 88-1193 Pop. 558 175,000 300,000 400,000 38,000 40,000 Baker-----Pitzer Heald-----Edwin __ MrCutchen U. F. _______ Baker A. W. •i'04 _____ Bank National First 14 B ~Iunday ______ Knox C. A. Eiland 88-743 l'op. 998 50,000 15,000 250,000 260,000 35,000 First State Bank _______ •U'l7 E. DuvaL _______ J. R. Reeves _____ F. N. Warren ______ P. G. Barton_______ • 88-1774 31,730 89,390 92,300 8,820 20,000 _______ Asher A. M. :\Iurchlson ___ Henderson First State Bank --------*1'12 J. T. LaRue _______ T. P. Luker------· 88-1490 E 21 Pop, 1000 25,000 65,000 80,000 2,250 15,000 -------------------_______ Hogge Earl ___ Chaddick H. )Iur1>h:f ______ Collin C 19 Guaranty State Bank ___ :j:§"19 S. W. Sibley ______ W. 88-1606 Pop, 300 15,000 23,000 :llyr:1 _________ Cooke B 18 First Guaranty State Bk. :tl'I0 Chas. Graham ______ J. 11. Jone ________ Ora B. Pryor ______ W. T. Lucas_______ 80,000 lll,000 19,500 88-1194 Pop, 400 100,000 62,750 1,675,960 1,580,100 484,300 ... 'acoedoches __ Nacogd's Oom'I Guar. State Bank_U'lO E. H. Blount ______ T. E. Baker ________ F. H. Tucker ___ ------------------♦ 88-271 H Pop. 3:546 F 23 100,000 __________________________ _ 100,000 acogdochcs State Bank•§'20 H. P. Schmidt. ____ M. V. Wynne ______ Lee Gaston ________ G. E. Stripling_____ " " F. R. Penman 88-1958 75,ooo 95,000 1,250,000 l,175,000 215,000 ~AJtHaii~S---I. L. STURDEVANT F. B. SUBLETT------ L.B. MAST---------  •County Seats. . Dist. 11 Fed. InEl.·o. Houston Br. HRes. Paso E ~,It. Vernon ___ Frar,klin 0 22 Pop. 1212 " "  41,520 Ha~. N., N. Y,; T xarkana_ N., Texarkana:~ ..., City N Dallas· 1st N Paris 1• • ·• ' ·• '. ~ 50,000 Se~U:;~kfn!1.las: 1st N., St. L.; Guaranty State,i !:::.  ~Bfil-1MMD5it•:t9;!--=-1;!~'31RiiSiiSlliiil°J~i-JllriffitMrt• I  II  ,,,  .. '  I••  I  I  I  I  I  ~I  Non-Bank Towns  •  I~  : _'  I:  dex  , •.  1_:  'I  I  I  .,.._  ._,;  ,~  "  ~  .  . . ,:.t_  1415  NazalHJr - d • .Naa,e or llaak;. &be New ftalull .Number IP"to each bank iD U. 8. exclu•lrelr by Tbe aaad-McNaHr . .alcen' of_ ~~"=--_.,~-!:'1~~~!!_--~~en ~'!:.--==  -=- D_trectorr, a~'!~ _!be_~~tbo_!lt!:._ NA.ME  TOWN AND COUNTY,  I  I  OF BJL.'\K.  I  T EXA S _  ~  C  I  t• d f!? 1nue __  _  l  Braunfels ___ comal First National Bank ______ t'90 Joseph Faust______ H. G. Henne ______ Walter Faust ______ Hanno Faust Pop. 3590 K 16 88-289 John Marbach B. W. Nuhn 1  "  /NEW BRAUNFELS STATE BK , • 88-290  H 08  _ _____v~m~.  i -- -- LJABILlTIES. - -  T .aCounty Seats. . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §S~te PRESIDE.NT, VICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER, A.SS'T CASHIER, PA.ID-uP In ~o. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. :tMem. State B.lcs. A.ssn. t Pnv. CAPITAL f El Paso Br. ff Hou ton ♦Mem. Fed. Res. (E tab. I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  .a New  Non-Bank Tow·ns v.-ith Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces),'ers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ~ ~r In!_erest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ::,  _  -----1  RESOURCES.  Lo.u•• Du-1  ·1  I  Ex- 1  SURPLUS DEP08c.... AND ITS c'Ta. Bo!fDI, c,1.u, 9 11,Du. PRO.Jl'IT8 - - - !!sauamu rao■ B.-m  C  .PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  ~  ....,  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1:-  I  ,_.  $ 100,000 $ 150,470 $ 682,950 $ 689,200 $ 293,230 N.Park, N. Y.; Austin N., Austin: N, Bk. Com .. \0 St. L. f, G, BLUMBERG- J. R. FUCHS-------- R. E. KLOEPPER---- A. R. LUDWIG---~--50,000 52,270 600,350 556,480 134,5201Chase N., N. Y.; Oont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.; 1st N., st· L. WM. F' ZIPP Send your Coll e<>tlons on New B raunfels and vlcl nJty direct to us. FIFTEEN CEN TS sent t-0 us wl th each sight dra ft for presentatlo n, and  I  !:::  TWENTY-FIVE 1 CENTS for each credit report Ins ures prompt, per sonal a ttentlo n. I  Newcastle ____ Young C 15 First National Bank -•t'l4 R.J. Johnson ______ W. 0. HarrelL _____ R. A. Choat ------- , Edgar MacDonald_ 25,000 Pop. 1452 88-1651 J. F. Larimore I1 " ________ " First State Bank ______ .u•o9 J. J. Perkins ------ ,T, O. Phillips ______ T. R. Coffield _____ E. J. Vanvetterman 25,000 88-1196 1 C. B. Daniels j Newlin __________ Hall R 6 Farmers State Bank:. ____ tf '11 G. W. Helm_------- Peter Ballard __ .• _ Chas. B. Whitacre_ ___________ --------10,000 1 Pop. 500 88-1197 I Chas. Drake I Newpart ______ OJay B 17 First Guaranty State'l3 O. H. Boedeker - - J. '.Craig ________ 0. D. Wilkes _______ R. P. Bransford --- 1 10,000 1 M. Shipp Pop. 500 88-1527 Newsome _____ camp D 22 First National Bank ______ t'14 M. F. Corn -------- B. F. Fleming ______ Clem F. Corley ___ ------- ___________ 25,000 Pop. 600 88-1491 .. Newton •••• Newton H 24 Newton County State Bank 1G, W. Riddle------ F.. O. Terry _____ J. Roy Lawson __ M. E. Snell _______ _ 35,000 H Pop, 1000 88-1198 W14 B. A. winney, Sr. New Olm ___ , .Austin J 20 ,New Ulm Stat~ Bank--t1'06 Robert Yoirt ___ Le Jnard '1'1Uotson. Robert Voigt ______ M. C. Koch _______ _ 20,000 H Pop. 400 88-1199 W. A. Matthaei New Waverly_ Walker I 21 New Waverly State Bk.•U'07 W. L. Hill --------- R. M. Traylor______ J. W. Keeland _____ W. A. Whitley ---40,000 H Pop. 500 88-1200 H,. W. Miller Nixon ____ GonzalesK17 t First National Bank _____ t'l5 F. M. Caraway _____ Byron Caraway ___ Eugene Wilson ____ A. B. Holme - - 50,000 , H Pop. 1m 88-1691 I .. Nixon State Bank------•*1'06 D. N. Campbell ____ W. H. Patton ______ --------· -----· _____ C. D. Campbell ___ _ 50,000 , 88-1201 I Nocona ____ }fou1ague B17 Farmers & Merrh. 'atl. Bk, jC, McCall _________ A. D. Lunn ________ Hugh Carson ______ W. ll'. Leonard---· 100.000 Pop. 1-122 88~14 t·os  11,000  150,000  134,000  45,000  443,000  385,000  Nordheim ____ Dewitt L 17 Nordheim State Bank ___ u,10 Augu t Tei we ----- 1--. _________________ F. 0. J.. Lad.Der ___ ___ ------- - ---- - ---H Pop. 443 88-899 1 , " _______ " Osterloh & Neutzler ____ tt·OG (Wm. Osterloh and ____________________ L. C. Neutzler ____ l\1onrue Teutzlrr .. 88-898 L. C. Neutzler) • Normangee ____ Leon H 20 National Bank ----•t'l2 T. W. Brown _____ T. A. Cozart_ ______ B. C. Coley ________________________ , Pop. 662 88-1488 0. Youneblood ' " ___ _ " First State Bank-------•U'06 J. A. Heath ________ W. B. Lan~ford ____ 1E. H. Brown ___________________________ 1 . + 88-1202 , I G. R. Donaho r • I North Pleasanton __ Ata.c;- Fust State Bank ______ if 14 A.H. Beadle _ _ R. J. Lauderdale ___ V\, V. Allen _______ Vera W1lson_______ cosa __ Pop. 36L ___ L 16 88-1631 I Carl Hollingsworth North Zu.lch_Madison L 3 Farmers Guaranty State Bank A. Krohn _ _ _ _ W. J. McBride A. L. Lipscomb __ Miss Ruby Keefer __ H Pop. 400 • 88-1203 •H'll l Novice _____ Ooleman F 14 Novice State Bank ____ *5'08 R. L. Bates------ c. A. Parker _______ H. D. Ayres------- ,-------------------· Pou. !00 88-1204 Oakland . .. Colorado K Oakland ta te Bank _____ §'21 J. P. Mayes H. B. Maye _____________ ______ __ _____ _ 88-2019 Oakwood ___ Leon G 20 First State Bank _______ .i5•10 J, W. Barton ______ R. E. Burroughs __ Jack Walston ______ !Mrs. J. W. Barton_ Pop. 1100 88-750 " ____ " Oakwood State Bank ___ *1'10 R. L. Wiley ______ 0. Wiley, Jr. ______ -------------------- J. W. Brantley---1 O'Brien-----l!askell C 13 First State ----*§'15 E. 0. Jamison _____ , J. Pickrell _______ T. E. Robbins ____ -------------------1 Pop. 500 88-120G I .aOchiltree_Oc).iltree N 6 <See Perryton) Po1>, 75() \ Odell ____ • Wilbar2er A 14 Bank of Odea __________ it•o9 W. T. Collins _____ L. G. Hawkins ____ W. P. Starr ________ Leslie Robeson __ _ Pop. 700 ' 88-1207 J. M. White 1 " " Farmers S~~ ~nk-U'l4 J. A. Jones _______________ R. N. Coffey _______ J.B. Ross------ , 1 Odem ___ San Patricio N 17 Odem State Bank _______ u,14 D. Odem ___________ C. C, milh ________ A. B. Butler _______ ---------- ----· .. --H Pop. 500 88-1667 . . oaes ·a _____ Ector F 9 Citizens National Bank-•t·oo W. F. Bates _____ , F. M. Wells _______ Henry Pegues _____ --------------------E Pop. 500 88-1208 R. N. Henderson o ·Donnell ______ Lynn F 2 First State Bank ________ §'20 \V. D. Nevels______ ____________________ R. P. \Veathers _______________________ _ Pop. 400 88-1975 Oglesby _ _ Coryell G 17 Bank of Oitlesby ________ tt'06 H. D. Edwards ___ IW. R. Coritt ______ R. M. Gasey ________ J. M. Casey ____ _ Pov. 300 88-1209  10,690 1 195,290  l  I  I  ,o.  ----1  -------1------______________  19l  !tJ:~---  I  . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  INVESTMENTS FOR BANKS MATURING A,: CONVENIENT DATES :  5,740 1 102,110  27,000 Han.N .. N.Y.; Ft.WorthN.,Ft.Worth;Drov. N .. Kan. C.; 1st ·., Wichita Falls. ~ 105,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., St. L.; Am. Ex. N., ,...➔ Dallas. l•J 28,820 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st N. and Hall Co. X N., Memphis. . :x:,. 81,000 N. Bk., Com., Ft. Worth; City N., Bowie, (.fl  65,040  11,500  156.000  80,000  10,000  100,000  100,000  25,000 City N ., Dallas: 1st N .• Winnsboro.  tu  7,000  290,0CJO  245,000  7:,oooi5eab. N., N. Y.; lst_N., Hou.; Secur. N.,Dallas.  ~  15,280  232,660  222,250  4a,690 Han. N .. N. Y.; Umon N .. Hou.  X  10,000  160,000  168,000  2~,000 'ILumbermans N. and Hou. N. Ex., B~u.  (.fl  2,750  59,750  111,750  2.J,750 1Han. N., N. Y.: Frost N., San .Antomo.  24,5;;0  205,470  100,000  41,000  400,000  540,000  I z  34,000 N. City, ' .Y.: So.Tex. Com'l N.,Hou.;Guaranty ~ St.ate, San Antonio. <: 97,300 Seab. N .. N. Y.: Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman: N. Bk.Com., Ft. Worth, ""i  tu  ~  30,000 -·--·----  143,440 85,900 State N., San Antonio; So. Tex. Com'! N. and 1 t N., Hou. . . ::, 100,000 __________________ AlamoN .. SanAntomo;UmonN.,Hou. .....,  25,000  23,850  211,620  236,420  49,050 City N ., Dallas; 1st N .. Hou.  25,000  29,750  185,000  140,000  75,000 Lumbermans N .. Hou.  30,000  6,000  95,000  90,000 1  25,000  4,190  154,640  105,990 1  20,000  2,500  90,000  68,000  25,000  r!. Cl)  o  15.000 State N. and Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co., San An- 0 tonio; Midw .. Reserv<> Tr. Co .. Kan, C. ~ 75,140 Union N., Hou.: 1st N., Waco. ('t) (I)  er  25,000 1st N. and Coleman N., Coleman.  '<  20,000 --------· --------- ----- ---- - ------32,100 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hon.: City 6,270 205,100 222,S20 50,000 N., Dallas. 37,970 Lumbermans N., Hou.; N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.: 25,000 23,640 155,560 176,230 I City N .. Galv.; Guaranty State, Palestine. 23,500 Ft. Worth N.,Ft. Worth; ecur, N., Dallas. 52,500 40,000 12,500  3,2001  6,000  8,000 1  35,000  M,000  15,000  7,500  00,000  75,000  25,000  10,650  152,280  17.000  137,620  50,000  10,000 ---------  60,000  2,000  149,240  10,000  9,000 IN, Park, N. Y.; Wauoner N .. Venao•. 40,000 1st N., Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls,  117,360 State N., San Antonio; 1st N. , Hou.; 1st State, Corpus Christi. 109,010 1 82,000 Sea.b. N., N. Y.: Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; City N., D:tllas. 25,000 1st N .. Ft. Worth and Tahoka. _ 45,000 61.640  t  I  153,000  I  21,700 N. Park. N. Y.: City N., Dallas; 1st N., Waco and ~cGre~or. u,  C 0Nr1NENrAL AND C oM_MERCIAL BANK.S, C HJCAGo ,  .  I J •  1416  Kamber under Name of Bank ta the New TramU Number liven t.o uoh bank in U. 8. exchulnl7 by The Band-MeNall7 Banker1' NAME OF' BANK.  TOWN AND O0UNTY.  •llem. Am. Bks, Assn. §State •County Seats. In No.11 Fed.Res.Dist. tllem.St.ateBks.Assn.tPriv. [Estab. E EIPasoBr. HHouston. •~fem. Feel. Re.  I p  VICE-Po ..... 1D....»T.  I  I  I  •~s'T o•sBI"'o. .._ .a.n ~  p  RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS D Lo._..• Dm- O•n • lh::noa- c"Ts. .um A.ID-UP Bo1ma, aauea,Dn  Om:tha ______ Morris C 22 Pop. J92 Onala ka ______ Polk H 22 H Pop. 1600 Qplin _______ callahan E 14 Pop. 140  0 ASH n. llaolrarruo no■ ll4JID ITl!I - - - - - - - , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1CAPITAL Pao:rITs --- --- --- --- --C. A. Allingham ___ J. W. Rainwater ___ Roscoe Rainwater_ J. T. Gossett_ ____ _ First Guaranty State Bank 11,000 $ 110,000 $ 106,000 10.000 25.000 •t§'14 8fH210 First tatc Bank ______ •t§'19 J. Norton __________ L.B. \Vright ______ . H. H. Crossett _______________________ _ 2,500 76,0001 25,000 80.000 25,000 , 88-1896 2,000 123,000 Guaranty 8tate Bank ... t§ 19 L ... Hamilton ____ C. B. Hedrick ..... W.R. Harris------ Anme "oodland .. 25,000 93,000 52,000 Oscar Harris 88-1906 Campbell Banking Co._ . t'20 W. T. Campbell ____ R. 'I'. Campbell ____ A. T. Gray __________________________ _ I~0,000 12,000 200.000 250,000 50,000 . Bird 88~88 First National Bank _____ •t'07 E. W. Hant_ __ ---- Wright McClatchy_ M. D. Wolverton ____________________ _ 35,000 425,000 50,000 475,000 115,000 88~86 8tate Bank: or Omaha __ eU,07 .Mrs. L. H. Farrier_ H. :M. Farrier _____ A. J.Oopellar ______ Jno. B. Farrier ___ _ 32,500 25,000 125,000 150,000 45,000 Obed Gilea J. )I. Coffey 88-1212 J. :M. West_ _______ o. B. Granbury ____ P. W. Baker ____________________ 1 Onalaska Exchange Bank 3,500 25,000 --------10,000 ! t·08 88-1213 First State Bank _______ _§'17 T. Windham ______ W. S. Hinds _______ B. Allen ___________ Q. J. Johnson ___ _ 49,0~0 . 13,450 1.300 48,850 10.000 T. A. Srnin 88-1739  •Orange _____ orane-e I 24 H Pop. 9212  flRST NAT'L BANK  Oklaunion.WllbargerA15 .Pop. 300 Olclen ______ Eastland E 15 .. Pop. 3000 .. -------Olnev .------Youllf C 15 · Pop. 1164 " ------"  ..._,  RESIDENT.  I  .  .  .  I  .-,  . ,  88-1711  •  PRINCIPAL O0.RRESPONDENTS.  88-181  100,000  ( C. W. McFARLANE- 'J. A. SNODDY------- HERSCHEL EHLERT. W.W. McGAR------J. CRAGER W. W. WOMACK. V. P. GOODMAN ARONSON JJAS. N. PARKER, J. A. PERRY  100,000  l  1st N ., Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls. Comw. N., Kan. C.: Guaranty State, Hanger; 1 I F. & M. J.T•· Ft.\\ orth. Secur. N. and Cent. State, Dallas; 1st N., Ranger; City N., Eastland. Ft. Worth N., B't. Worth; OityN. Bk. of Com., Wichita Falls. N. Bk. Com .• N.Y.; Far.& Mech. N., Ft.Worth; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; lst -N •• Wichita Falls. Han. N., N. T.; Secur. N., Dallas. ~ lstN .• Baird; Far. &:Merch. N .• Abilene: Stock Yds. N .• Ft. Worth.  •U'14  ><  > en  z~  13,700  254,400  454.950  6en  38,250 Han. N., 1'11. Y.; Insterstate Tr. & Bkg. Co., ,~ N. O.; State Bk. & Tr. Co., Hou.  pi' i::::  ~·(ilj  ::,  5· ::,  50.000  110,000 1,285,l'00 1,100,000  ....  245,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Union N., Hou.: Interstate Tr. O & Bkg. Co., N. 0,; Tex. Bk. c· Tr. Co., Galv. ""d  10,000  3,000  90,000  73,000  28,000 Alamo N .. San Antonio; Yoakum kum; I t ., Shiner.  J. W. Williamson __ W •• Childress ____ E. M. Berry __________  15,000  7,500  74.000  31.000  41,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: City N .• Dallas.  W. H. But_ _____ •,T. )I. Hearne ______ Files Edrine-ton __________________ _ . H.F. Siclden W.W. Woodson ___ T. Fife ____________ Edmond Leuschner E. F. Melburn ____ _  15,000  13,650  5 ,730  86,280  20,000  10,000  110,000  70,000  Henry James ______ J. E. Hurt -------- J. B. Wilkinson _____________________ _  12,500  12,500  97,000  90,820  11,840 Coal & Iron N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; 1st f/l State, Hillsboro. 40,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st N., Waco; LumI bermans N., Hou. 20,000 N. Bk. Qom., N. Y.; Far. & Merch.N.,A.bllene.  R. A. Motley _______ W. L. Smallwood __ -------------------- 8. Warren ________ _ Maxie WiiSOll E. B. . Florey R. S. Payne _______ Erling Beland ---- I. N, Curry-------- Susie L. Payne __ _  20.000  14,000  155,000  110,000  10,000  1,170  53,440  67,390  100,000  128,760  301,100  6-15,250  50,000  85,000  300,000  390,000  50,000  2.000  396,000  467,000  15.000  11.240  116,710  102,510  25,000  23,650  278,990  245,290  50,000  35,290  357,390  351.690  I  Guarantee State Bank __ •U'l2 8lH430 Guaranty State Bank: ____ *f'l0 88-121' First State Bank ________ ino 88-1215 First State Bank _______ u•og 88-1218 First Guaranty State Bank tl'l2 88-14M Guaranty State Rank ___ t ''10 88-1842  l1l  733,300 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; Hibernia Bk. t,:l )> & Tr. Co .• N. O.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.  R ITEMS DIRECT. END us Prompt persona I attention given BIIJ of Lading Dr a ts, Cash and Time Items and remitted for on day of payment.  Orange National Bank --•t·OI G. W. Bancroft_ __ F. W. Hu tmyre ___ J.E. Harrison _____ R. Bateman _______ _ J. H. Davi B. F. Brown 88-180 W. A. Campbell ,G. f. ells Orange Grove_Jim Wells State Banko! Orau~e Grove Philip Welhausen __ Emil Osterloh _____ J. December ______________ _ : t§'l6 88-1564 N 17 H Pop. 150  I  Ozona National Banlt: ___ et'05 P. L. Childress __ S. E. Couch ________ Elam Dudley------ Lula .May Myers __ _ w. E. West 88-1218 •l'aducah. ____ Oottle A 13 First National Bank _____ •t·oo T. 0. Phillips ______ 0. L. Thomas _____ O. P. Bowman _____ Edgar Pace _______ _ 1 88~05 Pop, rn;;1 First State Bank _______ U'06 J. Woodley ________ M. 0. Hooker ______ J. L. RandeL _____ L. W. WeatheralL " ______ " ♦ 88~04 l'ail!l' _____ Bastrop I 18 Guaranty State Bank ___ t§'l2 Ohas. Kuhn ________ 1J.E. Pauls _________ H. G. Lehman---- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 88-1440 K Poo. 467 •Paint Ro .k_ Concho G 13 Guaranty State Bank ____ tf'l0 R. T. Trail ____ W. 0. hultz _____ J . .M. Patt n ----- ___ ·------------J. D, M.cOollom 88-1220 Po-o. 500 l',.\bcio __ MatMnrda L 20 Palacios State Bank ---•!1'06 H. B. Farwell _____ \J. F. BarnPtt ______ Joo. E. Wolf ________________ ·--· -----~ \ h1. Lin comb I 88 51}2 Po\l. 1:\:ri \\ I I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Number uader Name or Bank is  207,950 2,401.300 1,860,000  0\  ----------------  {'¼jf ~i~N~Esf,:~ J  •t•sg  BANK & TRUST co. •  STARK------ L. MILLER---------- E. E. McFARLAND --- L. WALL----------W. A. SIMS J. 0. SIMS  Prompt Service given all business. Special attention given local Items. 1 Yi>mECT."  GUARANTY  Ore Oity ____ Uoshur D 22 Pop. 600 O:ceoJa_ ________ Hill E 18 Pop. 300 Otto ___________ Falla G 19 Pop. 250 Ova la _______ Taylor E 13 Pop. 600 Over on ______ Rusk E 22 Pop. 528 Ovilla _________ Kllis E 19 (Midlothian P. 0.) 200 Pop.Orockettlll •Ozona _____ Poi>. 1300  I  --- Lumbermans N., Hou.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.  w. H.  -  Non.. Bank Towns v.1th Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this '""" volume. For lntere t Rates, Holidays, etc., sec Laws. -+:i. -------  TEXAS-Continued  Dlrector7, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  ..---~..............  ~  the New  ~  tate. Yoa- IU  pi' (')  0•  23,000 Tex. State. Ft. Worth; Hou. N. Ex .• Hou.; City State, Longview. 6,290 Seab. N., N. Y.; Guaranty State Bk. & Tr. Co., Waxahachie; Dallas N •• Dallas. 67,980 Seab. N., N. Y.; Stock Yds. N .• Ft. Worth: J. •• StockYds. N .• N. StockYds., lll.; Cent, N., an Angelo. 125,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. Ex. • .. Dallas;Drov . ._  ., Kans. C. • Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth.  67,000 Han • .1?.,  Ill  ::J  C 50,940 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Dallas Tr. & Sav •• Dallas. Ill 70,000 Mech. & Metals N., . Y.: Stock Yd. N., Ft.~ ..,.. Worth; an .Ange_ o N., San Angelo. 62,560 Han. N., N. Y.: Union N., Hon.; Am. Ex. N., ~ t..:> Dallas; 1st N .. St. L.  Nruaber aade, Name or .8aalc ia Uie New Tnasll Number given  TOWN AND O0UNTY.  r  1  NA.ME OF BANK,  •Palestine.Anderson F 21 H POD. ll ,039 "  -----  "  "  _____  "  "  _____  "  PRESIDENT.  I  /  ,  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IS ta te •County SPats. ln So. 11 Fed. lie _. Dist. tMem. State Bks ..Assn. t Priv.  E El Paso Br. HJ:Iouston ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking .PoJnt (tndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed), in back of tbJs volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  TEXAS-Conti•nued  to each bank in U. 8. exelaslrely by_The Baad-MeNaHy Bankers• 1417 Dlret:tory, under lhe aulhorltr of The American Bankers Ass•n.  VICJC-PRESIDENT.  [Estab.  OAS HIER. '-------  I  . .,.  I  ASS'T OASHI.......  ·1  LIABILITIES.  PA.ID-Ul' SURPLUS DEPO•--  Lo. ., " Du.,.. Bo  .,,..  A.ND  C.A.PIT.6.L Pao.rITa  ITS 0  cs.;,nrn":'  1  CAMPBELLSTATE BANKt§'l9 88-76  T.M. CAMPBELL,JR. 0. B. ROGERS ------- ID. S. WOMMACK.---· C. E. SCHNORR-----C. J. CRANE, JR. { "SEND US YOUR PALESTINE IT ,EMS DIRECT." I  =•~ C.UJI" b-  · '  Dv.  $ 100,000 $ 16,000 $ 502,000 J$ 516,000 $ 80,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Hou.  Ex., Hou.  Lucius Gooch ______ G. E. DilleY-------- IC. L. Hufsmitb. ____ Chas. Thresto _____ F. Hufsmith J.E. AnrlY ----- W. B. Flanagan ____ C. E. Williams _____ N.C.Woolverton___ J. R. Cook, V. P. D. 1. Hodges Z. L. Robinson ____ G . . Robinson--- -, W. B. Robinson ____ C. O. Miller, Jr. __ G. T. Robinson  I  TUCKER-ROYALL-- P.H. HUGHES.------ C. W. HANKS---- ---- J. F. GRIGSBY------J. L. CARSON J. W. WRIGHT A.II Matters Sen t Us Given Person al Attention.  *ROYALL NATIONAL BANK • ,  t 04 { Bill of Lading D rafts, Cash and T lime Items remitt "SEND YOUR BUSINESS DmE CT." Palestine Clearine Honse ___ Tucker Royall. ________________________ C. 0. Miller, Jr., " ________ " Mgr. (Members indicaud by a* ) 'almer ________ _Ellis E 19 Oitizens Bank _______ it·rnoo Y. Barron------- L. B. Griffith ______ B. L. Freemon---88--851 .. .• Pop, 7-18 First Guaranty State Bank J. F. Reddell ____ J. W. Stack, ____ H. Ir, H11ffaker __ _______ •U'lO ♦ 88-852 Bankinir Honse of 011nnine- L. J. Ounnlnirh&m ______________ D. W. Cunningham PaloPinto_PaloPinto D 16 ham Bros .. 88--122L ___ eit'85 Pop. 500 'amp;i _________ Gray P 5 First National Bank ___ •i'08 B. E. Finley ______ J. R. Henry _______ DeLea Vicars ______ 88-819 Pop. 987 c. L. Thomas ______ c. B. Barnard _____ A. C. Rippy ________ Gray County State Bank •i§'ll 88-826 ♦ 118--?a  I  Paradi e. ____ Wise C 17 Paradise State Bank ___ if'l4 Guinn Williams ____ 88-1581 Pop. 500 Peoples Bank ____________ t'l6 T. B. Peek _________ -------- •• " 88-1737 {J.F.McREYNOLDS Paris ________ !,amar B 21 Pop. fa,0-10 Special Collectt Prompt person We remit on Tr:, us wtth y •t"07 88--55  o. L. Hartse!L_____  75,000  83,000  390,000  517,000  100,000  80,070  494,090  545,330  40,000  320,000  28-1,000  50,000  262,980 1,303,880 1,535,550  100,000  ed for Promptly.  146 250 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. Ex. N .. Dallas, ' 28,000 Secur. N., Dallas,  34,000  G0.630  329,110  204,520  25,000  21.8!l0  102,000  120,000  ~1:rrtle Watson ___ _  25,000 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1st N., Ft. Worth.  E. s. Vicars ______ _ W. Purviance S. F. Wanser _____ _  H. T. Bridges ______ Walter Johnson __  L. W. Clark _______ H. D. Read-------- :M, H. Peek.-------  W. T. RIDLEY ------ S. L. BEDFORD - - ROBERT G. COOL  NATIONAL BANK  on faclllttes. al presentation brings results. day or payment and glYe reasons r or non-pa:,ment. our Paris Items for quick service.  25,000  35,000  400,000  20,000  250,000  I  i  280,000  35,ooo· Com. Tr. Co., Kan. C.; Stock Yds. N., Ft. ~ n Worth; Amarillo N .. Amarillo.  !  24,8-10 N. Park, N. Y.: Stock Yds. N,. Kan. O.; N. 19,650 108.710III 21$4,570 25,0001 _u Bk. Oom .. Amarillo. 50,000 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st N. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. Ill .C.: Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. ~ 55,000 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 10,000 170,000, 125,000 10,000 55,000  30,500 Far. & .Mech. N., Ft.Worth;lst N., Ft. Worth.  150,000 1 219,080 1,721.500 Z,520 ,850  277,430 Chase N .• N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. L.; City N Dallas.  10,000  5,500  90,000  (I)  0 'l1  ..,  300,000  191.210 2,553,240 3,571,780  I  ~~f~i t.~  ;· ~t. Cly N .. Dallas; N. Bk. Com.  558.610 Seab. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N •• St. L.  f C.H. NOYES----- J. D. McMILLAN--- 'E. H. McGLASSON. L. V. DEWITT------ 150,000 127,440 1,441,600 1,715,480 396,290 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.; Secor. N., Dallas. G. R. COLEMAN I 1 ,  Largest State B ank ln the Count y. ons -given person al attention. G. F. Simmons ___ Morris Fleminr ___ Roscoe Floyd______ J. M:. Caviness H. Young , P. Humphries __________________ W. H. Atkinson ___ J. A. Smith, Sec. and Tr., ; A. 11. Graves  • . ~SE ,AND SELL, OUR LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHEQUES: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  5·  rl'  Ill  Send us your C ollectlons direct. First and oldest established bank. They wm receiv e prompt and pe rsonal attention.  •tl'08 l Outside Collectt H. L. Baker _____ Lamar State Bk. & Tr. Co. •U-13 ♦ 88---53 ' Red River Yaney Trust Co. R. S. Bywaters ____ §'20 88-56 , .  > rn  75,000 Han. N., N. Y.; New Enr. N., Kan. 0.: 1st t1' ~ N., Wichita and Fort Worth.  t:S: ~t,hr------  R. F. SCOTT------- R. J. MURPHY ------IJ. A. SMITH--------- R.R. SPEAIRS ______ f. D. MALLORY  l,'%.1  ><  4-16,000  NEV ILLE BROOKS--- MACK HARDY ------- 200,000 219,120 1, 795,5301 2,400,850 317,720 N CITY NATIONAL BANK .. •i·oo {T. J. RECORD----Send us yo ur Paris bus iness. We give prompts ervic e a~d quick! returns. 88--5 2  BANK-•t'87 FIRST NATIONAL 118--51  .,  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  AM ERICAN  88--54  ~  122,000 Mech.& Metals N., N. T.; 1st N.,St. L.; Am. Ex. N .• Dallas: Hou. N., Hou. 103,370 Han. N., N. Y.; Dallas Tr. & Sa\·., Dallas; Union N .. Hou.: ,:. Bk. Com., St. L. ll0,000 Chase N., N. Y.: City N .. Dallas and Galv. Merch.-Lac. N., St. L. 570,650 N. Ilk. Com .• N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; So. Tex. Com'! N., Hou.; City N., Dallas; 1st N., t. L.  II. TI. Coplen______ \\'. L. Leatherman ________________  Panh andle ___ carson P 5 First State Bank ____ _ .•U'09 Geo. L. Simms _____ c. E. Deahl _______ J. Rorex---------- Bessie L. Rorex .•• Carroll Purvines 88-861 Pop. 638 Panhandle fl-1fo------•tt"88 F. A. Palll ______ J, H. Paul _________ Ji:. B. Carhart _____ W. P. Stepken ___ _ " -----"  •  :< N. §  Prompt att-enti on given Bill of L ading Drafts and all matters sentu  *First National Bank ___ •t"87 88-il *Guaranty State Bank __ *5'1l 88-74 *Robinson Guaranty State Bk. & Trust Oo •. 88-70 .. •:1'81 I  FIRST STATE BK  ~  ~ ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  RESOURCES.  c.-  I  IR.  I  150,000 500.000  67,360 1,487,870 1.526,820 ' I  8,930  • _AND co c 0 NTI -NE NT AL _ MM E_R c I AL _r_ _: : -  .  -  ---  •--~ .•  358,i80  304,960 Guaranty Tr. Co .. N. Y.; Sec11r. N., Dallas; Merch. Lac. N., St. L. 148,810  8 AN Ks  c H IGAGO  -----  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ------------- - - - - - - . -:-.:...:::::.::.. ~·-_-  ~  -~·---~~--·--•-  __ ___::.  ...  :-.-~-~  ..  --~----·-- ..... -  -------- ------  -  ..  ·---------------  -  --- -  .  -  .  -~-~ -  1418  .Number nndPr Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number ,iven to each bank in U. S. e:icluslvel;y by The Rand-McNall;y Bankers• Direct-Or:,, under the authority of The Amerfoan Bank.-rs Ass•n.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  I  _ _ _L_I_A_B_ILl_T_IE_S..c._ _ _11 _..c..Rc.-E_S_OU.c...R_C_ES---"-"-._ 1  NAME OF' BANK.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. In. ·o. 11 Fed. Re . Di t. tMem. State Bks. Assn. t Priv. [Estab. E El Paso Br. H Houston +Mem. Fed. Res. Park Springs ... Wise 017 First State Bank. ______ t§'l3 88-1517 Pop. 200 Pasadena ••••. Harris J 21 Guaranty State Bank .• •t§"l9 88-1872 H Pop. 75 Pasadena State Bank .•. t§"l9 " ······-· " 88-1873 Pattonville •.. Lamar B 21 First State Bank ..••••••:t§"ll 88-1389 Pop. 300 Peacock .•. Stonewall C 13 Peacock Bank ..•..••... tt'l5 88-1689 Pop. 250 Pearland .• Brazoria K 21 Pearland Bank -------t'19 88-1880 H Pop. 136 Pearsa!L._ ..•. Frio L 15 Pearsall National Bank.•i'03 88-475 Pop. 2161 Peoples State Bank •••• •t§"07 " ·-······ " 88-476 Peaster •••••. Parker D 17 Farmers Bank .•••••••••• t"06 88-1223 Pop. 300 Pecan Gap -•.. Delta C 21 Pecan Gap State Bank .•t§'ll 88-1224 Pop. 600 Pecos ...•.•• Reeves G 7 First National Bank·-·-•i'07 88-451 E Pop. 1445  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT,  CASHIER.  Ass 'T  CA.SHIJtR,  p AID-UP S~us DEPOSCAPITAL PROFITS  ITS  ~~-:,;>,:::  :!..~  l!aovtm•  no• B4m  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  J.B. Hunt _ _ _ C. E. Brown··----- J. A. Giles.·--·- Mi s Artie Brown. $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 75,000 $ 65,000 $ 20,000 Secur. State, Bowie; N. Bk. Com., Ft. Worth.  w. H.  Dickerson •• G. M. Olive_ ••••••• C. E. Truelove.·--· Mrs. L. N. Sippy ••  R. E. Parks·-----·· J.M. Jackson··--· Aubrey R. Cruse._ - - - - · · - - - W. C. McMasters E. H. Mccuistion .. John A. Monroe __ • F. R. Crain_··-··-· W. L. Richardson. C. W. Young D. R. Couch ••.•••• J. D. Patterson •.. W. H. McKinzie ••• H. T. Fillingim •• _.  10,000  700  50,000  42,000  11i,OOO Union N., Hou. 17,710 State Bk. & Tr. Oo., Hou. 30,300 1st N., Paris: Secur. N., Dallas.  10,000  400  40,880  33,020  15,000  5,000  49,000  44,700  15,000  14,000  82,000  90,000  3,000 1st N., Ft. Worth; Far, & Merch. N., Abilene.  . _ _ _ ···-··-· - - - · W. E. Long····-·-· Berry Miller •....•• W. E. Long·--···· Mrs. W. E.Long. _________ 106,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Frost N .. San Antonio,  G. F. Hindes •••••.• G. W. Sanders ••••• L. F. Merl _ _ _ C. J. Harrington.. R. L. Brown Mason Maney··-·- J. L. Pranglin ·--·· I. J. Hudson·--·· M. I. Taylor, Jr....  100,000  60,000  275,000  300,000  50,000  15,000  306,55(1  281,310  C. W. McCarty •••• J. N. McCarty ••••• J. A. Wirrins-. ····-----··---·  10,000  5,500  41,000  SUOO  W. E. Weldon ..•. A. E. Sweeney·--·· W. I. Bartley __ ···· D. D. Dunn ..•..•.. S. D. Miller J. T. McElroy ••••• James Rooney·-··· T. H. Beauchamp_. G. C. Parker.---· C. A. Younl,? J. C. Hunter  50,000  10,000 - - - _ _ _ - - - :N. Park, N. Y.;lstN.,Ladonia; lstN.,Paris. r.1J  50,000  64,300  PECOS VALLEY STATE BANK J. G. Love ••••.•••• W.H.Browning, Jr. Walter Browninr.- ·--···········--·  110,000  ♦  88-450  Walter Browning  •t§ '92  B. J. Carpenter- ••  PendJeton.-••.. Bell G I8 First State Bank •••••••• t§'09 88-1225 · Pop. 500 Perrin ••••• - ••.• Jack C 16 Bank of Perrin·--··-···· t'20 88-2014 Pop. 600 First State Hank ...•.•. •t§"l3 ..••.••• " " 88-1639 Perry•• ____ .FallsG IQ Farmers State Bank •••• U-12 88-1473 Pop. 214  s. G. Garth·---  ·-············· ...•..••.•..••..••.•.•..•  W. M. McHorse ... Miss Edna Cantrell  16,000  c. W. Rogers.·-···  25,000  •••• --·····---  257,140  401.280  49,930 1,337,150 1,023,930 2,550  127,900  50,440  ---------  ---- - ---  j  71,830 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com. and Guar. anty State. San Antonio; Citiz. ~tate, A'Jstin. ~-, :>< Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.  >  101.780 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N .. Ft. tIJ Worth: Far. & Merch. N., Abilene: Secur. )> Z N .• Dallas. 461,860 Chem. N .. N. Y.; 1st N •• Ft. Worth; Am. E:i. N., ~ r./J Dallas: Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.  I  96,920 City N., Dallas: 1st N .. Waco: Temple State, Temple. Tex.; Peo. State, Hou. ,:j ~ "'1  ...  Guinn Williams ... O. F. Let ....... _.. E. N. Miller·--··· W. M. Murphy ... .  25,000  15,000  123.000  109.000  F. Fedra •• _ _ _ T. W. Hander·-·· A. R. Hander. __ Bruno Meisch... ....•  15,000  6,320  83,700  60,000  o. H. Black •••...•.  25,000  2,500  200,000  150,000  41.000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. :,,;"' 26,170 Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.; Cent. Tex. Ex. N., Waco. r./J 'O  "'1  6 FARMERS & STOCKMENS {J. D. Wyman •••• W.W. McLarty ... A. M. Wilbanks, Jr. A• .M:. Wilbanks, Jr. STATE BK•. 88-1760...•i§·17 Send Your Coll ectlons to us.  I  100.000 N. City, N. Y.; Comw. N., Kan. C.; Secur. N., Dallas and Okla.; Union N., Wichita, 70,000 Drov. N. and Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. O.; 1st N .. Amarillo. 40,970 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; New Eng. N., Kan. C.; 1st N .. Wichita. Kan. 20,360 City N., Dallas: Prendergast, Smith & Co., Mexia. 54,240 Drov. N .. Kan. C.; 1st State. Abernathy.  F. P. Rogers ••• - •• Jno. N. ~tump._ J. T. Carlson._. Regina Conley •••. C. B. Rogers B. S. Elhs Geo. M. Perry •••• W. B. La Master .. D. E. Woodward .. R. L. 'l'hom .•••.•••  30,000  25,000  350,000  312,000  25,000  6,330  201,090  209,040  A. B. Orider·---· B. H. Marks.--. A.G. Easterling ••• M. L. Marks--···  10,000  4,690  20,480  9,610  C. G. Goodman •... ····-----··--· Fred Wiese ••••••. ··-·-····-····--·-·  10,000  2,910  108,720  63,150  H. W. Perkins·-··· J. A. Burrus •....•• Mary Reedy ••••••..••••.••... ·--·· •••• W. \V. LinviJle L. V. Law .•••••••• J. Q. O'Connor •• _. Lowell Russell-·· - - -· - - - H. G. Maness  15,000  20,000  252,000  170.000  37,000  17,580  135,470  315,900  'flugerville •.• Travis I 17 Farmers State Bank .•• •U-06 William Pflurer ___. J. A. Pfluger ••.••. A. W. Pfluger .•••. W. E. Pfluger .•... A. W. Pflul!'er 88-12l8 Pop, 500  15,000  26,550  295,380  171,540  160,320 Mech. & Metal~ N .. N. Y.: .A.usttn N., Austin; South Tex. Com'! N., Hou.  B. F. JOHNSON ---··· J. W. COUCH •••••... ················--· ~ ...LKELSO  50,000  600  160,000  156,000  26,000 N. City, N. Y.: Hou. N. Ex., Hou,; 1st N., Brownsville.  First National Bank ..•• •t'07 88-805 Perryton Tational Ba.nk•t'IP 88·1858 PersonvilleLlmestoneG 20 Guaranty State Bank ••• :1'12 88-1524 Pop.103 Petersburg .•.... HaleBIOJCitizens Bank .••.••••••. tt'l7 88-1762 Pop, 200 Petrolia ••• -••••. OlayB 16 Continental State Bank•tl'lO 88-864 Pop.1500 'ctty....•••••• LamarB21 Citizens National Bank .••i'l3 88-1541 Pop. 600  (J. A. COOK .••••.. J 'harr •••••••• HldalioR16 FIRST NATIONAL BANK END YOUR B •i·12 8!!-1438 ( H Pop. 1565 l We want non-r 1  '  )  First tate Bank·-·---·-· '20 Hood Hill •.•.•.•... 88-1921 Pickton ...•.RopkinsD21 Farmers & ~lerd1ant Bank \A. F. Payne •••.••. t"l8 88-1 10 Pop. 600 First State Bank .•.• ·-···§"IO G. A. Brown •.•.... •... .•.• " .. "  ....•••• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -  00  1-------1--------1---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -----------------  1  Perr.rton •• Ochiltree Pop. 1000  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this' ..... volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws ~  TEXAS-Continued  "  &~-\229  103,000 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Ft. Worth. 10,330 Seab. N.,N. Y.:Dallas N.,Dallas;lstN., Paris.  DmECT. .ann.lNG BU IN E esldent landowne r to use us In th e transaction of their b uslness.  A. Y. Baker •..••.. Lee Welsh .•.••.... Jesse Boysen ..••••  25,000  1,000  75,000  80,000  'l'. S. Gibson ••..••.. A. T. Allison ..••.. S. M. Gibson ...••• J. M. ickols J. H. Pogue ··-·· .• B. B. Cain ......... D. Jackson_ ••.••..  10,000  --------  22,680  18,530  30,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Ce t. Tr. Co., San Antonio; 1st N. and Merch. .. Brownsville. 7,940 Secur N., Dallas; 1st .r ., Sulphur Springs.  20,000  35,000  200,000  70.000  100,000 Greenville N. Ex., Greenville: Secur. N., Dallas.  ,..PIii.. .........·..,.ij-11111111. . . . . . . .. . .  5· (1Q  en  to  ry rrl:e3.-::::.:.s::~v1:3yai~gv;::: i:::ctt:te:n:'!:ei.N;_~~c1~slf::;: the ~~ of The American Bankers Ass•n. th  TEXAS-Continued  1419 D_!r-_e!ltoryr._ under  -TOWN AXD O0USTY.  I  Pilot PoinL __ Denton C 18 Farmers & Merchants Bank it'llti 88--{iOl Pop. 1499 State Bank _______ • i§'l2 ·• 88-1484 Pilot Point National Bk._ •:t'81 88-600 Pinehill ________ Rusk E 22 First State Bank _______ _i§'IO 88-1230 Pop. 500 .. pittsburg _____ campD 22 Camp County Bank ___ _ -t"92 88--443 Pop. 2540 First Guaranty State Bank i§'ll 88-1368 First National Bank _ _ .i'93 88--444 Pittsburg National Bank _;t'04 88--445 •Plains ______Yoakum C 8 First State Bank _______ _:tl'09 88-1231 Pop. 200 Stockmens Exchange Ba nk :t:t'20 88-1955 •Plainvii:;.--398JlaleAIO  PRESIDENT.  moo  Portr1~~~~~~iisonJ  " -. --- ---~ .. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  24  FIRST NAT'L BA NK •1900  MERCHANTS  ""' ~  c'TL Doww, CR.&IIOU,J>n  llacrnnnl  --- ---  l'aO ■ B.&m  ---  G. E. LiirhL __ ---- D. W. Lil?ht ______ J. B. Burks ___ ---- Gordon Khnore_ $ 50,000 $ 28,570 $ 423,990 $ 191,410 $ 311,150 N. Park, N. T.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Am. Ex. N .• Dallas. o. Campbell - R. L. Porter ____ B. A. Busbee ______ 35,0CO 26,000 310,000 230,000 88,000 N. Oity, N. Y.; Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth; N .• Dallas. Denison I A. H. Gee ____ ---- -- J, A.. L. McFarland J.E. Selz __________ J, W, Peei__ _______ 60,000 228,250 223,240 32.490 suoo N.Bk. Com., N. Y. and St. L. W. M. Osborne ____ J. C. Duran ______ W. 0. Orim ______ 25,670 Lumbermans N .. Hou.; 1st N., Henderson, 48,110 54,470 11,140 10,000 Tex.; 1st State, Dallas. C.H. Morris ______ R. A.. Morris _____ Boatmens, St. L.; Com'l N.,Greenville. Ross Hess _________ S. R. Greer ________ R.A. Swaim, 97,460 Secnr. N., Dallas; GreenvilleN.Ex.,Greenville. 75,000 254,700 228,530 32,350 F. A. Wright ______ H.  ------------- --- --- - - - --- ---  ---- -------- ---- --  --------  Active W. C. Harirrove ___ G. C. Hopkins _____ C. L. Turner ____ 0. A. Loftis ________ F. E. Prince A. A. Hall ________ L. R. HalL-- - ---- E. R. Greer, ActiTJe -- --- - S. J. Dixon ________ R. M. Kendrick ___ E. B. Free _____  100,000  45,000  625,000  400,000  100,000  55,000  353,330  298,500  ----·-----  20,000  3.590  40,000  51.000  J. F. Merritt_ _____ H. M. Pyeatt------ E. T, Cadenhead __  25,000  ------  40,000  36,000  -------------  r  o. T. Halley _______  Auditor  COUN All department s modern and co mplete. Quick service on Items.  POWER, W. G. EPLEY-------T. HALLEY ----- L. 8P. BARKER------- CLAUDE V. P. and Cash.  ti. i>UU.."vIEw  r· r·  208,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N. and Oit:, N., Dallas. 176,880 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; City N .. Dallas. I 10,040 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N.,Ft. Worth; Lubbock State. Lubbock, Tex.; Austin N., Austin, 24,000 Comw. N., Kan. c.; City N .. Dallas.  - - - - - 100.000  V. P. V. P. LAH.G..t, 'l' BAN  • t§'l9 88-1893 Third ·ational Bank __ _•:·10 L. A. Knil?hL----- W. A. Donaldson __ 88-334 R. w. O'Kee!e Farmers State Bank ___ • i§'Ol Olney Davis ______ A. Weatherford ___ 88-630 PLANO NATIONAL BANK •t'87 G. W. Bowman ____ J. w. Shepard _____ 88--{i21l F. M. Armstrong, J. B,Bowman V.P First State Bank _______ __§'18 C. E. Williams. ____ C. A. Stone ________ 88-1807 First National Bank ___ _•:t'06 B. F. Smith _______ F. B. Ricks ________ 88-1232 First State Bank _______ _:t§'09 S. S. Bowers ______ D. s. Peoples---88-1233 FirstStite Bank _______ __§'19 S. S, Dillow ________ J. R. Jackson ______ 80-1895 Ponder State Bank____ _:t§'lO H.F. Wakefield --- C. N. Skaggs ____ 88-1234 Guaranty State Bank ___ __§'14 W. T. Norman _____ J. L. Boily ________ 88-1528 . F1.rst State Bank _______ _:t:s'06 G. A. Holland.___ L. W. Ford ________ 88-1235  88-140  DIIPOSITS  50,000  138,660 Z,079 ,380 Z,14Z.Z90  356.910 Mech. & lletals N ., N. Y.; New Eng. N., Kan. 0.: Ft. WorthN., Ft. Worth; Secur. N., Dallas .  286,150  131.520 Comw. N., Kan. C,; 1st N., Wichita Falls; Amarillo Bk. & Tr. Co., Amarillo; Far. &1 Mech. N., Ft. Worth.  5,900  400,000  1 TEMS DIRECT. SEND US YOU Prompt person al attention glv en Blll of Lading Drafts and all m atters s ent us.  STATE BANK  Plantersville_Grimes I 21 H Pop. 300 Pleasanton ___ A tascosaLl Pop, 1036 Point------ ___ Hains D 26 Pop. 1000 Polytechnic-Tarrant D18 Pop. 4338 Ponder _____ Denton C 18 Pop. 150 Ponfa _____ Cherokee F 22 H Pop. 175 Poolville ____ Parker D 17 Pop. 300  SURPLUS PAID-UP AND CAPITAL PROFITS  Ass 'T CASHIER.  --- ---  GUARANTY {°'  "  CASHIER.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  R. C· UNDERWOOD -- J.C. ANDERSON, JR,- G. C. HUGHES------LAMB ------- C. J. C. DOUGHERTY, GIDNEY FIRST NAT'L BA NK ~-•i·C.• MARTIN, WARE, l &RJ,SJtR TY. 88-332  Piano __________ Collin D19 Pop. 1715  •  le  LIABILITIES.  (  NA;tIE OF BASK.  •.llem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State/ .. county Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. tateBks. Assn.t Priv. [E stab. f El Paso Br. ff Houston.• ♦ Mem Fed. Res.  Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (iudexed) 1n back of this /._. volume. For Interest Rates, Holldays, etc ., see Laws., ~ I RESOURCES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, fl) Loill. Dte- o...aa.llx-  I  I  H. R. Fritz ________ E. L. Cowart ______  100,000  R. A.. Davis ____ O. W. Fouche ____  60,000  C. M. Jasper ____ R. C. Hays --------  130,000  86.610 1,108,530 1,181,250 40,000  300,000  401,700  65,740  425,000  412,130  J. J. Bietsch _______  ------- ---------  10,000  2,520  31,720  46,830  F. Hawkins ________  ----------  50,000  19,520  109,540  149,910  F. C. Montiromery _ F. M. Dunn ______  25,000  15,020  254,330  46.260  J. R. Jackson ______  ·------------------  25,000  3,750  128,130  115,210  K. C. McElroy __ M. A, McSpadden __  12,500  13,040  64,570  62,500  -------  12,500  3,670  56,550  55,230  W. C. Henry ______  Jack Holland ____ L. Bolland ____  15,000  D. [ SHEEKS------ -- A. C. REICHLE------ W. L. WEATHERALL-H. WOOD.WORTH J. . PARK  100,000  229,010 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; Midwest Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C.; 1st N., Am- ~ 0 arillo. 70,000 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y,; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st ~ N.,St.L. 70,000 N. Oity, N. T.; City N., Dallas. r+ 0  5·  6,710 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.: 1st N ., Waco and Navasota. ~ 0 "1 20,540 Han. N •. l'-1, Y.: Alamo N. and Lockwood N .. r+ San Antonio. 158,300 Coal & Iron N ., N. Y .: Secur. N ., Dallas: Green-. ville N. Ex .. Greenville. I 40,870 Han. N., N. Y.; Tex. State, Ft. Worth. I 27,610 N. Park, N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N .. Ft. Worth: Am. Ex. N .. Dallas.; Denton Co. N., Denton. 22,690 lstN., Rusk; Secur. N .• Dallas.  44,000 1st N., Ft. Worth; Am. Ex. N.,; Citiz, 80,000 11,000 150,000 N., Weatherford. 250.000 3,572,840 2,608,050 1,433,fl30 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.: 1st N. and Union N., Hou.; Oanal-Oom'l N., N, O.  Special attentto n given Blll or La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items.  PleastJ send 15c Wl th each 1ight draftfo r presentation and 25 c for Credit Reports. M, CRAIB------ G. T. CRAIG, Acti1J6_ E. P. TUCKER------- ~ H. WHELESS------  TRYON M•w.J. PAINTON  Special attentto n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c wi th each aight draft f o r presentation and 25 c for Credit RepurtB, R8-141 t§'09 tateBank&T ·eaboard J, M. Falkner______ M. S. :Murchison __ Co. _______ 88-142 _____ __1§t}~ilG. R. Thompson --B. D. Logan  STATE BANK ♦  f: ii'. ~f:-iier·-----  A CENTER FOR DIRECT COLLECTIONS'  -  -  _-..:.-~~~·•  ...  ....,,  :~ .... ~·.~~~·~:.;:...-..~ - __,;.,~_;  --  ---------  100,000  100,0001  60,000  402,000 Han.N .. N. Y.: Mellon N., Pitt.  ---  ------.; "':,.·__ i,:....,_-~ - - --c- - - ~ ---,. " - ~ :-.-..,...-----  ~-~-  _-;i~~--::_-:-~~'="-"  ••  ------....... -  •  --·  •  -  -  . ---·---  -  -~~:__·.  - ------  -~  140,000 Mech. & Metal~ N,, N. Y.; Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L.; Hou. N., Hou., 1st N., Shreveport. \0  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS  ----- ------~~ ------..,-------~-~~--=-===_·_.:__:~~- ._ --·---~--- -~-~ ..  50,000 1,600,000 1,201,000  100,000  • H. SMITH  •• -v--·-  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-lHcNally Bankers• rectory. under the authority of The American Bankeri- Ass'n. ====D=l=NAME OF BANK. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. In .·o.11 Fed. Res. Di. t. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. EEl l'a.o Br. HHouston. +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  TEXA S--Continued  TOWN .L"iD COUNTY.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  O.ASHTER.  ASS'T CASHIER.  PAID-UP Su:~US CAPITAL PROFITS  w.  First State ~~t-----ts•og C. T. Traylor _____ A D. Gib:;on _____ J.B. Moore _______ ------- ·------------  "  Port ~ ·eche ___ Jefferson First National Bank ____ et'20 C. 881963 M5 ff Pop. 30  c. Hawkins ____ .  F. _ . Dengler ______ A. L. Brooks _________________________ _ E. O. Smith  •Post.. ______ Garza O11 First National Bank ---•t•og H.B. Herd __________________________ J, T. Herd ________ C. D. Morre! _____ _  H.J. Die . rich 88-1236 First State Bank ________ t§'l8 W. 0. Stevens _____ N. • Hodgers _____ I. L. Duckworth. __ ------------------• 88-1706 • _______ _ Poteet__ ___ .Atascosa L 15 First State Bank ________ ;ts'll J.M. RO£ers ______ J.B. Manium -----: D. E. William _____ 88-1425 Pop. 800 Poth ________ Wilson L 16 First National Bank --•+"13 Richard Voe-es ____ J. H. Brown _______ R. J. Woellert. ____ W. H. Wocllert. __ _ I 88-1535 Pop. 250 H. L. Brewster ___ _ Pottsboro_ •• Grayson B 19 Farmers State Bank •••• +§'181Wm. Freeman _____ J. H. Gibson _______ W. S. Reeyes _ _ - --88-1821 1 Pop. 4:S4 Pottsboro Guaranty StatP Bk. S. P. Bennett_ _____ G. C. Leary ________ II. C. Bennett _____ -------------------" -------" +I 'Ol 88-1237 PoweJL ____ Navarro E 19 PowplJ State Bank ______ •il'lo J. 0. Burke ________ \V. W. Carter ______ Lloyd Wilc::on _________________________ _ 88-1238 Pop. 300 Poynor __ Henderson F 21 Poynor State Bank _____ ;t§"17 J. J. Ro~ue ________ J. W. Wylie ______ Bruce O'Kcefe ______________________ _ l58-1626 Pop. 400 PrairieHill LimestoneF19 , Gnaranty State Bank _____ f'lO W. P. Alexander __ R. F. Alexander ___ E. L. Alrxancl!'r ___ -------------------88-1238 1 (Mart P. 0.) Pop. 200 1 Premoot..J im Wells O 16 1Premont State Bank_t§'l3 T. L. Alden ________ C. M. Laufhlin __ G. E. Warren _________________________ _ 88-15911 H Pop. 500 c. F. Je!-ke _____________ -----------________________ ke Je A. D. Priddy ________ MillsF16 Farmers & Merchants Bank t'l8 88-180-1 Pop. 75 Princeton ____ .Oollin C 19 Citizens State Bank _____ if'07 J. S. Heard _______ A.Ima Wilson _____ T . .A. Curtis. ______ J.B. Hooten ______ _ J. W. Chappell 88-1240 Pop. :iOO Pop. 1436  l  I  I  I  Farmers State Bank _____ tf'l2 W. E. West_ _______ F. A. Kluttz _______ Arthur Truett _____ Verna Strother ___ _ Al-thur Truett 88-1461 PrltcbetL __ UpshurD 22 First State Bank _______ f'l2 88-1460 Pop. 600 Proctor ___ Comanche F 16 State Bank of Proctor __ tf '07 88-1241 Pop. 300 Prosper _______ Collin C 19 Continental State Bank •tl'09 88-1242 Pop. 3-13 Purdon _____ Navarro F 19IFirst National Bank ____ ez•rn 88-1701 Pop. 500 First State Bank _______ etf'l0 " -------" 88-1244 Putnam ____ Callahan E 14 Farmers State Bank ____ tf'07 88-1245 Pop. 500  DEPOSITS  Loua  &,  Dta•  c:.!v:=:•  11.500  l,::iOO $ 40,0'JO ---------  25,000  62 100  248,:510  223,540  37.500  11,200  2:S9,110  23:5,460  25.000  5,5-10  139,870  98,190  50 000  132,030  394.520  878.570  25,000!  4.25'}  120,000  105,000  10.000  4.700  100,000  85,000  25.000  17,800  ~03,000  10,000  1,470  12,500  5,-160  102.1401 89,720  94.840  20,000  13,030  91.0001  118.000  10,000  3,270  28.6901  34,500  41.910  1 nion _·.,Han.; Yoakum s •atl'. Yoakum: Alamo · ., an Antonio. I $ 116,UO Han. N .. N. \' .; 1st .• Hou. 1 52,9JOIChaseN •• N.Y.:I,umbermansN .. Hou.: bt N., St. L.; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas. 116.UOJChase T., N. Y.; Union N .. Hou.; .\m. ~· .. Beaumont; 1st N .• Pt. Arthur. 73,380 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Worth N .. Ft. Worth. 30.000 1st N ., Ft. Worth. tate ... ·.,sanAntonio.  22,000 ~.Bk.Com.and  7:5,000 N. City, T. Y.: So. Tex. Oom'l N .• Hou.; Groos _, N .. San Antonio. 69,830 Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Sherman; Denison Bk. &1 tr:! Tr. Co., Deni on: City N .• Dallas. 13.620 1st N .. .l!'t. Worth; State N .. Denison.  ><  > r.n  14.000ISeab. N., N. Y.: Secur. T •• Dallas; 1st State, '"" Corsicana. 7,230 1st N., Jacksonville; Cent. ta•e, Dallas.  >  J,000 1st Rtatc. :'.\It. Calm; Citiz. N., Waco; Far. & Z ~ . , MPrch. 1' .. !'!art. 19.180 So. Tex. Com IN .. Hou.: Allee State Bk. & Tr. : co., Alice; Dallas Tr. & Sav .. Dallas. • "ti , :0,2501 Brooke Smith & Co.'. Brownwood.  6,430  35,290,  47.430  4:S,8901  40,8:50  2,500  780  18,480  8,690  16,000  14.()00  108,000  89,000  .,0,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.: City N. and Am. Ex. 1 Dallas.  25,000  6,000  111.810  99.420 :50,000  4t750 Ch~se N., N. Y.; Greenville N. ~x., Greep-'§ ville: Secur. N.. Dallas; Collin Co. :N •• 0. :McKinney. 1 & .Metals N .. N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.: ,... 9.000[Mech. rO Dallas Tr. &Sav .. Dallas. c() 1:S,000 1st N .. Ft. Worth: City N., Dallas.  22,000  9,000  40,000  10,000  70,000  90,000  J. G. Wilkinson ___ W.R. Mathers ••• __ U. N. Clary _______ \\'. E. 13utton •• ___ _ I{. L. Horn E. L. Dupuy _______ 1Ti'. • Matthews ____ Jas. D. Lee-------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II. C. Ru ell W. C. Francis _____ 1Theo. Matthews __ W. M. Ander on ___ ------------------  20,000  10,500  142,000  w,oon  25,000  17.000  150,000  157,COO  2:S,000  3.000  100,140  80,000  C. T. Hutchison ___ Y. A. Orr __________ R. L. Clinton ______ C. C. Ru sell _____ _ .J. A. Clements  20,000  19,500  230,000  160,000  R. E. Sullivan ____ W, C. 11owarcl - ~- -  100,000  100.000  950,000  800,000  W. L. Bradley _____ C.H. Sanders _____ _  50,000  53.000  ;,3:5,000  320,000  H.K. Jones. Jr. ___ R. W. DaniPI  l:i,000  6.000  65,000  60.000  J, I. Allen _________ _______ _  20.roo  U ,910  121.9i0  1:52,810  .T. E. LarH'Y------ -- Claude Wilson ____ _  '.!5,00'.l  10.000  1~6.730  74,0:50  E. L. Cowart ______ Girdie Hooker ____ _  1:{,000  9-1,910  88,580  1ark ________ U1ady~ l'er,on . ___ _  25.000  38/i201  ;-31,130  R. W. Low ________ E. C. Harri., ___ ·---  :rn,ooo  160,000  1-10,000  Ill  UI  G. ,\. McCri!i2ht_ __ J . .ll. Lloytl ______ _ 1  -  ---1  :S,290  15,000  Orlin  &,  10,000  Dan White ________ J. L .• Iathis _______ J. K. Mitchell _____________________ --  I  O  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  Cdu Rx-,  10.000  R. W. GraJ' _______ C. F. Luker _______ R.R. Evans _________________________ _  •Quanah_Harcleman A 14 First Guaranty State Bunk E. B. Caskey ______ D. T. Haden . ______ J. D. liuli?'lles l-1'07 ♦ 88-300 Pop. 4500 ~erurity tate Bank ---•W17 A. P. Pierce______ C. T. Watkin<: _____ " " T. C. Phillips 88-301 Queen City _____ cass C 23 Guaranty State Bank ___ tf'Jl W. W. Sherwin ___ Cha . Pomar. ______ .I.E. Ellin~ton 88-1246 Pop. :311 Quinlan ________ Hunt D 2u First State llanlc ------•!1'09 . E. Dunnam _____ N. Hil?c1on _______ 88-124 7 Pop. :i80 1 (Juinlan State ____ tf'13 1 . o. Laney ______ .• J. -;<.,T. Whitworth __ " -------" 88-1615 Quitaque _____ Briscoe R 5 Farmer ta.IP Bank ---•~§'18 Z. C. Collier _______ J. L. Bolton ______ _ 88-1248 Poo. 2:jO Fir t ·ational Bank ______ '20 Amo Persons _____ J, B. Ru sell ______ " ________ " A. L. l'a :erson 8 -1953 \ •Quitman ___ • Wood D 21 ll'a.>rs & Mer<:)lauts Sti,t!'. \ 0. W. Lipscorn h_ •. T. L. Harm- _____ __ Bank ----811-11134 -----••~ 1~ Pop. lClllO \Fm,1. .._'a.tiuual U;i.o.k_ ____ .: Oi \\'. :M. Lluy..l _______ .T. ll. ln;!tom ______ " ------.. \ W. P. Lawrence 88-1241)  !  C:~Q~ •--------•--------------------1---------------  Portland_SanPatricioJ7 Portland State Bank ___ .§'19 Dale Walker _______ Wm.,\. Kline _____ Dale Walker ______ )Iaclelyn Fisher_ __ $ 88-1865 · H Pop. 182 A. 'hofmer ---- A. Roemer _________ J. D. o· TeiL ______ G. L. Mcconnico -•PorHLaP~c:.-?mounM19 First Natioii~Po1nk ___ •UOOO .•  1  RESOURCES.  LI.ABILITIES.  PRESIDE.i.~T.  I  II  •I  11  :  r.n  I  N.,10  ~  29,0JO Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. 8. 1 ,... Co., Ft. Worth. 3J.OOO 1st N .. Waco: Liberty Cent. Tr. Co.,, ·t. L.  3  15,000 1 t  ti)  tate, Corsicana; Tex. Ex. N., Waco.  ::,  70,000 Citiz. N., Abilene and Galv.: Ft. Worth N .. Ft. Worth. 250,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth: N. StockYds. N .. E.St. L. 193,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y. and Ft. Worth; Drov N .• I Kan.a. 112,980! Am. Ex . .LT., Dallas; Union N., Hou.: Com'l.LT., Shreveport: 1st N., St. L. 29,'i30 ICont. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Ft. Worth.; Greenville '.L •. Ex., Greenville. 63,5001 Corp'! ~-· ~rPPnville: Cent. State, Terrell; ls! C _ ., r, t. \\ orth. p, 22,720 1st N .. Amarillo: Lockner ,late, Lockne).  I  §  3::i,170 1 t T.. Amarillo and  1~ 1  lainview.  _  30,000 Dallas Tr. & Sav .. Dallas.  ~  60.oooisecur. N .. Dalla.  ~olicits Your . Business Federal Reserve Bank of St. LouisI  0  ii;:  .  1111  I  I  I•  I  I  I/  I  •:11.  I  I.  i  I  '  ;  I  I  ~  I  '  •  /  1 ,;  I  •  '  '  •  I  I  '  ;_  ,'  .;  I I  .  •  I  I  ;  ,  . ~_l_  f  •  _~,  I  I  :  •  •  :•:  #  _  _  t  I  ::  I,  I  ' ' I :  "  I  .  .  ' :  '  :  ,  . .  I  .t  I  ~  1  f  •  I  to  d .N. r ill th N< rr.aa1~ ~ ber Id 1:a'!~,,_ bs.nk'"fn '1,_ 3..a;~c«Juslvelr by Tbe Jland-Mr:NaJJ:is.~eV,.:~  TOWN AND COUNTY.  Non-Bank Towns w1th Nearest Banking Pofnt (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers. Laws (indexed) in back of this/.._. volume. For Interest Bates, Holldays. etc., see I,aws. ~  6  1i21 l!_tn,etorr._ und_er=-the--c~~h'!~.!!-~f The  I  N..urE OF BANK.  •County Seats. •Mem.Am. Bks.Assn. §State In No. 11 Fed. Res. Di'-t. .tMem.StateBks.A.ssn. iPriv. EElPasoBr. HHou ton ♦Mem.Fcd. Res. [E tab.  PRESIDENT.  I  -=  ·  I  I ., _ I______________  VICEPRESJD"'NT /  •  --======- _  TEXAS-Continued  A.merlcan Bankers Ass•n.  CASHIER.  •ss'T C SHIER A  p  •  LIABILITIES. SURPLUS D  RESOURCES.  Lo=■ &DIS-  c'T■• no,.-»•.  .UD-UP AND EPOSCAPITAL P R O F I T S ~  Bsc=u  --------------------I  E  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  c.os&Ex-  ·..,  ~ou,Dn  '"1  no.n...... , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'.:<!  Ral!s _________ orosby B II First State Bank _______ .,t§'I6 C. E. Dean _____ John Haney _______ J. C. Barron _______ $ 25,000 $ 16,000 $ 165,000 $ 242,000 $ 26,000 1st N .• Ft. Worth: Lubbock State, Lubbock:!~ .. Pop. 1000 .. ♦ 88-1747 . . . . Stock Yds._N., Kan. C. ~ ________ Guaranty State Bank & W. K. McLan~hlm. J. Edd McLa112hlm F. M. McLaughhn. M.A. McLaughhn_ 60,000 28,330 410,440 403,88i) 71,250 1st N., Amarillo: Drov. N., Kan. C., Mo.; Am. Tru~t Co. ♦88-1457 ___ •t§'12 F. M. McLauehlin Carl D. Lewis Ex. N., Dallas. Randolph ___ Fannin C 20 Continental State Bank.:tl'09 J. G. Wilkinson ____ JJ· o. Queener __ N. S. Jones_____ ______________ 20,000 1,880 95,0001 107,200 21,000 Bk. of N. Y., N. Y.; Oont. Bk. & Tr. Oo., Ft. Pop. 400 88-1250 Worth: Com'! N., Sherman. Ranger _____ Eastland E 16 Pop. 16,205  f AR MERs & MERCHANTS STATE BANK 88-1426  •:t:§'12  1  C. C. MOORMAN--- JNO. M. GHOLSON--- ______________ G. W. HUFFMAN·---- 100,000 86,000 2,300.000 1,400,000 J .A. CHAFFE, IGEO. F. STURGIS J.B. ETHfRIDGE _ _ V.-P.  The largest Bank lo Eastland County. Send us your R anger business. We give quicks ervlce and prompt returns.  -  800,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas, Tex. Stat<-'; Et. Worth.  j i  !  1  1  Guaranty State Bank... •§'19 J.C. Stribling.----1A. H. Bowers. ____ S. A. Conly ________ J.B. Collin ______ _ 88-1829 W. P. Ralston  i  100,000  32,000 1,330,000JJ  975,000  517,000 Mech. & ~retal~ N;. N. Y.; Comw. i·., Kan. C.; ., Secur. N., Dallas Tex. State; Ft Worth._ i ti:l  Clyde Thacker ____ Edwin George, Jr ..  100,000  24,160  811,3601  725,540  202,620 nan. N .. N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Tex. Sta·e, ~ Ft. Worth. U'l  Ratcliff _____ Houston G 22 First State Bank ______ :tf'lO G. R. Thompaon.- 1W. P. Conner __________________________ Irene ~Iahony. ___ _ H Pop. 500 88-1252  20,000  10,500  120,000  100,000  37,500 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.  15,000  14,900  111,450  102,400  39,500 Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas; 1st N .• Bonham.  z:,.::  10,000  111,000  129,000  16,000 Guaranty, State; San Antonio; ~iberty Cent. Tr. Co. St. L. lst N., Brownsv11IP.  U'll  Texas Bank & Tr. Co .• •t§'19 :M. H. Smith _______ 98-1854  c. C. Chenoweth __  Ravenna ____ Fannin B 20 Rav,mna State Bank __ U'08 D. W. Sweeney ___ J. 'I!. Anthony Pop. 450 88-1251 J. R. Rainey  --•J. W. Palmore _____ J, E. West. _____ _  Raymondville ___ Olf.meron RaymondTille State Bk.•:tl'07 0. H. Pease ______ A. A. LindahL---H Pop. 500 Q 17 88-1254 Raymondvi~f-i{ Wt Co. _§'16 3  c. H. Pease _____  A. A. LindahL---  Reagan ____ ll'&lls G 18 First State Bank------•H'08 J. G. Barganier ___ A. W. Flinn _______ Po11. 400 + 88-1256 W. P. Winzer Red Oak_ ______ Ellls E 19 Jl'frst State Bank -------- -1'03 T. A. Ferris ______ IW. A. Haza.rd.. _____ Po11. 500 88-1256 " ________ " L.F.White& Sons.Bankers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 88-1622 :tt'I3 Red Rock __ Bastrop J 18 First State Bank ________ tf'07 W. J. Smith___ C. C. Watterson ___ H Pop, 300 88-1257 Redwater _____ .Bowie C 23 Citizens Guaranty State Bank E.T. Paee J.B. Hamilton ____ . Pop. 260 88-~470 :t§'.16 ---- ---•Refug1o ____ Refneio MIS Bank of Refu1no ________:tt 04 . H Pop. 933 88-1258 Remhardt_ ___ Dallas D 19 Guaranty State Bank ___ tf'lO Geo. w. Riddle ____ E. c. Hart _________ t>oo. 200 88-1488 Reklaw ____ QhProkee L 3 Oit izens Guaranty "ta te Bk. n. B. Perkins ______ J. c. hankies. ____ H Pop. 2:5 88-1999 §'21 Renner _______ Collin D 19 Guaranty State Bank ____ :t§'l3 F. W. Jackson ____ J. . helley _______ Pop. 250 88-1544 Rhome -----Wise D 18 First National Bank ______ t'14 W. T. W~goner ___ z. B. Bobo _________ Pon. 400 88-1259 Rhonesboro.Unshur D 22 First State Bank ________ .tf'l3 M. O. Florence __ J. w. Davi _______ Pop. 300 88-1567 Ricc _______ Navarro E 19 First ~:rational Bank. ____ §'20 W. A. Stockard ____ G. C. Dunn ________ Pop. 611 88-1940 " ____ ___ " First State Bank ·-------tS'12 Jno. T. Fortson ____ J. 1\1. Bartlett _____ • 88·:1360 , J. B. Fortson Richards _____ Grimes I 21 Richards State Bank ____ .t§'ll M.A. Hamilton ____ T. P. Witt. ________ H Pop. 500 88-1427 Richard on ___ Dallas D 19 Oltizens State Bank ____ •:tf'Ofl 8. J. McFarland ___ C. C. Hoffhines ____ Pop, 700 ♦ 88-1261 Richland ___ Navarro F 19 First State Bank _______ •t§'09 J. A. Thompson __ R. :M. Thompson __ Pon. 750 88-1262 Richl'.lnd Sp'g __ SanSaba FirstStateBank _______ •:l:§'011 W. H. Gibbons ____ A. D. Nelson ______ 1 POD. 750 H 15 88-1543  ------------------ 1-----------------  I  OUR CREDIT INF6RMATION ON CONCERNS EVERYWHERE IS OPEN TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Ill  >  J. B. Anthony  o. B. Tomme ______  ---------------·  20,000  c. B. •romme, Sec._  ______  50,000  H. Kirkpatrick ____ II. D. Burke_______  25,000  IG. L. Li1?on _______ E. B. Furlong______  20,000  4,000 ________ 24,220  135,360  39,000 _________ Raymondville State, Raymondville. 118,570  59,831  ,;{1  ~  '  lstN., Waco; Hou. N. Ex .. Hon.: Marlin N .. Marlin, Tex.  (IJ  ..+  o  21,000 N. Park. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Citiz. :;tJ N .. Waxahachie. . 1-· Lester White ____________ (Branch ofWhite ~Co.,L ancaster ,Tex.)_ lstN.,St.L.;Am.Ex.N.,Dallas;Waxahach1e.1. 1 ., ~ Waxahachie; White & Co., Bkrs., Lancaster.'~ W. F. Mobley ______ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10,000 16,220 88,550 60,990 47,760 N. Park, N. Y.: Union N., Hou.; Am. N., Aus- Ill tin; Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co., San Antonio. ::S R. w. Hanks______ _ _ _ _ 17,000 4,630 58,090 74,490 17,150 N., Bk. Com., St. L.; Texarkana N., Texar-, 0. . . kana: c:ty N .: Dallas. • . . : U'l B. Smith ___________ V. V. Balley _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Han. N .. N. y., S_o. Tex. Com 1 N., Hon., V1c-1'0 . toria N., Victoria. .. j,; Geo. A. Beaver ____ Leila E. Beaver.___ 15,000 3,000 90,000 60,006 59,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cent., State, Clly N., and_:::· Secur N ., Dallas. Leland Guinn _____ ------·------·-----15,000 --------- --------- --------· --------~ , w. P. Yarbrough__ ____________________ 12,500 3,000 -10.000 30,000 7,500 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.: Guaranty Bk. & Tr. Co., 1 Dallas; Far. & Merch. T., Plano. , L. R. Douglas ___ -------------25,000 10,320 103,250 91,9-10 34,340 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; 1st N .. Ft. Worth. 6,000  78,000  63,000  1  A. A. Allen ________ ------------------  15,000  13,110  37,700  82,290  7.970 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st State, Dallas.  C. L. Gregory·---- --------------------  25,000  2,500  66,550  75,260  5,990 State N., Corsicana; City N., Dalla-;.  A. C. Hervey ______ S. B. South------··  50.000  17,000  150,000  250,000  J. D. Bookman---· T. R. Jones .. _____ _  12,500  8,500  120,000  62,000  .li'. E. Hendricks ___ F. H. McMurray __ _  35,000  10,000  150,000  100,000  c. A. Gordon ______ C. C. Grayson----• J.B. Miller _______ Hattie Brown ____ _  25,000  25,000  100,000  135,000  30,000  10,000  266,000  268,300  co NTINENTAL  AND  c OMMERCIAL  ...,  65,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.; Secur. N .. Dallas. 75,000 Lnmbermans N., Hon.; Dallas Tr. & Sav .. 1, Dallas. 50,000 Irving N., N. Y.: N. Bk.Com., St. L.: Secur. N.,, Dallas. , 21,700 Seab. N .. N. Y.; Corsicana N., Corsicana; ~ Secur. N., Dallas. N 54.000 Comw. N., Kan.O.; 1st N .. Ft. Worth. -  8 ANKS,  c H I GAGO  t,. 1422  Number under Name of Bank ia the New Trandt Number oven to each bank in U. 8. exclunvely by The Rand-McNally Rankers- •  DIJ'eetory. under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  'l'oWN AND OOUNTY,  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., ee ~~  TEXAS-Continued  t  N illE OF BANK,  RESOURCES  LIABILITIES.  •Oounty Seats. •Yem. Am. Bies. Assn. SState PUSIDENT. VICK-PRESIDENT, O.A.SHIER.· 0 i---'-'-Scr==BP=Lu::..;:s=-'----"'-1,e---== ===•-1 In No.11 Fed. Res. Dist. tYem. St.ate Bks.Assn. tPriv. T A.SHIU. PilD-UP .uro DllPOBE El Paso Br. H Houston. +Yem. Fed. Res. [Estab. CAPITAL PBOPITs ITl!I llaonnt• _,. ...... ~:::,.!..=::;:...:::.::_:_!.!....:::~::.:::.::: .:1~~~~~~~__!:.~~:1 --------1--------1·------  c.::·:.=.: =:..~  PRI NCIPAL  O  L-v  ORRESPONDENTS.  I  -I-------I--- - - - _ ___,, ___ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  •Ricllmond.Ft. BendK 21 H Pop, 1273  J. H.P. DAVIS & CO.-.. •it'92 88-1264  J, H.P. Davis·-·· --··-------·--·-··-· T . .A. Wessendorfl'. R.K.L.Wessendorfl' ·-------- ____________________________________ Seab. N., N. Y.: ~. Bk. Rep., Ohl.; Union! N., Hou.; Hutchmis. Sealy & Co., GalY,  First National Bank-•• -•t'l3 J. R. Farmer-·--·· 88-1552 Ridgewa_y •• Hopldns O 21 Ridgeway State Bank ___ §'20 J.C. Lindley ______ Pov. 110 88-1889 RieseL_McLennan G 19 First State Bank-··--···U'06 Otto Rau ---·-····· Pop, 800 88-894  A. M. Hol~es_ •• _ E. M. HUfl?lllS G. W. Bartlett···. . F. H. M1ller,A.ctwe E. W. ~unchard Wm. M1tscher Ringgold __ Monta&?ue B 17 Rinigold State Bank:_._.U'05 E. E. Carlton----·· J. A. Addison •• ___ Poo. 450 88-1265 •Riogrande ••• -Starr R 15 First National Bank ----•t'l9 L. R. Brooks------ 0. Yalle • - - - Pop, 3000 88 -1922 -··· -···  First State Bank & Trust Oo. 8lH266 •U'l0 Riohondo_.cameron RI'/ First State Bank ---·-·-•U-12 H Pop. 300 88-1417 Riovista ____ Johnson E 18 Farmers & Traders Bank:.t'06 Poo. 800 88-1267 ·---··-Guaranty a1ate Bank ____ §'21 88•2009 Rising Star_Eastland F 15 Continental State Bank •U'09 Pop, 906 88-840  J. W. E. Stevhen_. A. E. Myers-·-·- $ 50,000 $ 35,000 $ 200,000  200,000 $ 100,000 N. City, N. "'i,: 1st N .• N. Bk. Com., and Hou. N, Ex., Hou.; 1st N .. St. L. 33,450 50,840 Guaranty State, Cumby; Greenvme N. Ex .. Greenville: 1st State, Sulphur Springs. 144,690 95,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas; 1st N .• Waco.  G. S. Prim _____ ··----·---- -·-·-  15,000  2,850  71,230  L. C. Holze-·-- ____ 0. A. Barton _____ _  40,000  20,000  2U,060  Claud L. Gass----- R. D. Hamilton. __ •  20,000  5,830  123,000  97,000  60,000 N. Bk. Com., St. L.; ls(N., i't. Worth.  Geo. B. Marsh •••• - - - - - - - - - -  26,000 •. -·-----  62,700  60,000  15 500 Liberty N., N. Y.: Merch.N .. Brownsville; Cent. Tr. Co., San Antonio: Hou. N. Ex., Hou.  H. P. Guerra -·-·-- E Owen Scott ••••• F. D. Guerra •••••• E. J. Guerra •• ·-··  50,000  8,530  360,950  351,60J  N. B. Maynard-·-- C. A. Keys--·--·-- C. A. Goode•••••• -- -··-···-·····-·--·-  10,000  3,000  70,000  65,000  S. B. Norwood- •••• --·-·-·········-·-· L. D. Smith •••••• __ · - · · - - - - C.H. Coffman ___ _:_ Douglas Wade _____ E. Ball •••••••••••• Lowell Smith __ •• __  15,000  M,590  J. G. Wilkinson_••• R . .A. Horton ___ ••• W. E. Tyler ........ F. V. Tunnell··--·  E f H.W. KUTEMAN, Jr. C FE. FALLS JONES-- C. F. FALLS ________ • PATTER SON ••••••  o:  >< >  24,240  55,190  25,000 ······---  17,000  20,000  11,580  475,070  321.470  105,610 Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ft. Worth.  25,000  27,000  375,000  315.000  115,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Waco and Ft. Worth.  ( FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain si1tht  River ide ___ Walker H 21 H Pov. 200 Riviera _____ Kleburg P 17 H Pop. 300 Roanoke •••• Denton D 18 Pop. 500 Roarinl? Springs_Motley _ Pop. 1000 B 12 •Robert I,oo ___ Coke F 12 Pop, 750 Robstown __ .Nueces O 17 H Pop. 948  FIRST STATE BANK----•:I:. '10 ♦  88-1271  ··- -·--  Guaranty State Bank ________ 88-1590 •W13 •Roby ··---··Fisher D 12 First National Bank ·----•'01 Pop. 635 88-1272 First State·Bank---···-•:1:1'16 88-1714 Rochelle.McCulloch G 14 Bank of Rochelle ·-·---··t'I0 Pop. 700 88-821 " " Rochelle State Bank -·--:1·10 88-822 Rochester •• -Haskell C 18 First State Bank·--·-·--*'"07 POD, 500 88-127! Rockdale. ____ M1Iam 118 .Pov. 2323 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  draft.. 1 Sc: Cre d it Report•. 60c.  TRY U S.  lc.Afee •• _••• A,T.Shults---··-·-  35,000  7,000  50,000  35,000  H.B. Yelverton_._ Roger Robbins·--- John Yelverton ••• - - · · · · - - - - - -  20,000  70,000  35,000  64,000  Theodore W. Koch H. O. Rundle._ ••• R.R. Sullivan __ •• , _ _ __  10,000  5,000  35,000  42,000  J. G. Wilkinson··- B. T. Hambright. •• W. O. Beall--·---- - - - · - - - - -  10,000  14,000  100,000  95,000  G. M. YowelL ____ E. D. Chambers ___ M. D. Ivey·--·---- Mattie King-·-----  25,000  21,000  125,000  160,000  00,000  5,000  175,580  159.140  15,750  ?25,000  200,000  C. G. hults •••••• _ D. F.  mith .•••••• J.C.  W. J. Adams._. __ F. Roe---------- Paul J. Brown_. ___ J. Bell_............ John aul  J. HIRSCH------·- A. A. THOMPSON ---- A. A. THOMPSON •••• A. C. RYLANDER--·-  ~ Z  7,0l'0 --···--- Com'l State, Ft. Worth; Home N., Cleburne.  FIRST NATIONAL BANK •:•05 < Special attentl on gfven BID of Lading Drafh an d Cash Items. 88-8311 I Save time and get service on Co llectlons and Cred It Reports by send Ing Guaranty State Bank ___ ;§ 20 88- 8.U Riverside State Bank ___ t§'13 88-1589 Riviera State Bank ••••• -U'09 88-1268 Continental State Bank. t§-09 88-1269 First State Bank _______ •;j:§'14 ♦ 88-1674 First Guaranty State Bank 88-1270 •+§'07  i-i  58,850 Han. N., N. Y.: Cent. Tr. Oo., San Antonio: tI1 1st N .. Brownsville. 16,000 1st ~ .. Hou.; Far. St ate Guaranty, San Benite,1 M1dv.d t Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. C. Ul 1 Sl,550 Saab. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Jl't. Worth.  @ I ~ n·  50,000 Sccur. N., Dallas: Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth; ::rWichita State Bk. & Tr. Co., Wichita. 3 8,000 City N., Galv.; Hou. N. Ex .. Hou. O ::i 10,000 So. Tex. Com!. N., Hou.: Corpus Christi N., 0.. Corpus Christi. r+ 25,000 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A., N. Y.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. o Co., Ft. Worth. , 28,000 1st N., Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls, ~ 0  42,440 Han. N .. N. Y.; Lumbermans N .. Ho\},: San ~ Angelo N., San Angelo; Am. N .. Aust10. 45,000 Corvus Ohristi N., Oorpns Ohristi; Union N., ~ Hou. .....  I  FIFTEEN CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, ~ TWENTY -FIVE CENTS for each c red It report Insur es prompt, PER SON AL ATT EN TION.  (D  250,000  J. L. Jacoby-··---· W. H. Daimwood •• W. H. Daimwood •• B. A. Ligon. ______ _ L. D. Jacoby W.W. Barron. ___ • J.C. Hilbun _______ L. Ford ••·---······ E.T. ewman ____ _ II. J. Uaoderton K. F. Allbright R. C. Thomas ______ R L. Lovett__···- M. T. Wil on--··-- s. E. Anderson ___ _  20,000  40,000  40,000  11,190  267,550  225,580  20,000  2,500  400,000  150,000  -··---------··--·--- ····-----------·--- T. Sellman_. ____ R. C. Boyd----  25,000  7,700  75,000  115,000  20,000  10,000  85,000  65,000  W. M. Koonce _____ G. R. Couch ___ ---· W. B. Lee --·-·- 0. F. Priest-··-··· w. B. Lee  25,000  15,030  282,890  258,600  62,300 Mech. & Metals N ., N. Y .; Cont. Bk. & Tr, Co., Ill ::i Ft. Worth.  CITIZENS STATE BANK•Wl2 H. C. Meyer------- Ira Perry ____ A. E. Perry_·-···-- W. T. RamseL ___ _  30,000  9,730  211,220  186,460  23,000  216,000  241,750  24,860  293,870  64,480 Seab. N .. N .Y.; 1st N ., St. L.; Secur. N .• Dallas; Citiz. State, Austi • 59,700 Ohase N., N. Y.: So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou.; SPcur. N., Dallas; 1st N., St. L. 85,650 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas: Hou. N. F.x .. Hon.: Citiz State, Austin.  . H. Gainer _______ R. :llo. eleY-----·-·  o. E. Rice··-·-·--  -··-··  88-1484 J. S. Jacob FIRST NATIONAL BANK•:r9o J. F. Coffield, Sr. __ T. D. Rountree ____ c. R. Isaacs---·-- -----------------·-88-Sll8 Rockdale t_\~ank __ e:t§'07 H. H. Camp ________ Gust. Backhaus_ •• _ Fred H. Graves_. __ L. W. Sledge _____ _ 8  sr  500,000  35,000 So. Tex. Com'l N., Hon.; Corpus Christi N., Oorvus Christi. 117,260 N. Park, N. Y .; 1st N .. Ft. Worth: Austin N .. Austin: Far. & :Merch. N., Abilene. 250,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Comw. N., Kan. C.; Cent. State, Dallas; Tex. State. Ft. Worth, 6,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.: Far. & Mech • .i:·., Ft. Worth: 1st N., Brownwood. 45,00CJ 1st N., Ft. Worth.  ....... i:: ~  '< ~  :; t-:>  -  1423  NuDJber under NaJDe or Bank is the New Transit NuJDber given to each bank in U. S. excluslrely by The Band-McNaHy Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  TOWN AND COUNTY,  '  NAME OF BA.NK.  •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §Staie In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. :tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. ~E El Paso Br. ff Houston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  I  PRESIDENT.  Non-Bank Toff·ns with Nearest Banking Point (In· dexed Acces.J, Lawyers, Laws tindexed) in back of this/....., volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws ~  TEXAS-Continued  , _ ___;LI=-:::A.:.=B:.::.IL=I:.:::T:..=.IES=•'-----11-.:::R:.=ES=.:OU::..:R:=.:C::.::ES=.:....- 1  I VIC&-PRJCSIDENT.  OA.SHID.  .ASS 'T CA.SKID.  p AIJ>-ln'  Su~tJ'8  DJCPO~  c~-=• ::-= Leill■" Dia-  Cil'IUL P&OrITA ITe -------11------- ------- - - - - - - - - - - - -  PRINCIPAL OORRESP0NDENTS,  1  - - -·t-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1  ::<  Rock Island--. Colorado Rock Island State Bank.:t§'lO R. E. Ratcliff---··· L. E. Gordy ........ J. C. Young .•.•••• Maude Zumstein ••• $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 132,000 $ 93,000 $ 74,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Lumbermans N., Hou. ff Pop. 500 K 19 88-1274 •Rockport •• Aransas N 18 First National Bank .... •:t'OO Chas. G. Johnson .. F. W. Heldenfels .• E. B. Zachry ....••• Fred Johns~n...... H Pop. 1515 88-594  25,000  State Bank.·-·····-···:t§'lO Roy Jackson •••..• L. M. Bracht .•••••• H. M. Barton .••••• ···-················ 88-595 ... Rocksprings .•• Edwards First Tational Bank ••••.•'20 B. D. Sherrill ••••• F. B. Phillips ••.••. Walker R~sdale_. ··-·-·-···-·---· Pop. 800 J 13 88-1930  15,000 3,000 117,000 112,000 25,000 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.: Alamo N., San Antonio; 35 ,000 ··--····· ···-····· ··-·-·-- ······-·· City N,, Corpus Christi; N, Bk. Com .• St. L .  25,000  300,000  175,000  C  ~  Cilm" Bx•  -\0 N  40,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio.  First State Bank ••••.•. •:t§'07 L A. Schreiner •.•• L. R. SmarL ....•• C. .Axson .......... i----·-···-·· 88-1275  50,000  63,390  234,740  347,430  35,750 N. Bk. Com. and Lockwood N .. San Antonio; Liberty Oent. Tr. Co .. St. L.· Am. N .. Austin.  --i  ... RockwalL ••••• Rockwall Farmers National Bank.•:t'06 H. W. Chandler··-· M. H. Mc.Koy .••••• J. O. Wallace. ___ G. M. Adams .•••..• Pop. 1388 D 19 88~72 o. c. Lon~  50,000  35,110  157,010  274,890  39,940 Seab. N., N. Y.;.Am.Ex. N .. Secur.N.,and City N.,Dallas.  ><  Guaranty State Bank.-.•+§'13 Chas. J. Walker ••. A. L. Atkins .•.... E. O. Snead _-·- •• H. B. Lofland •••••. ♦ 88-157(,  45,000  23,780  798,21lil  774,670  79,480 Seab. N., N, Y.; City N. and Am. Ex, N., CJ'J Dallas.  RockwoocLColeman G 14 Rockwood State Bank •. :t§-15 B. B. Fowler-···· E. B. New~om ··--· Geo. O. Green .•••• ·······--····-··· Pop. 200 88-1705  10,000  15,000  64,000  56,000  Ro1?ers ••••••••;;.Bell II18 Fil:st National Bank ..•.. •:t'Ol J. H. Wear........ Pop. 12<>6 88~25  W. B. Thomas. ___ . R. B. McElroy __ _  50,000  37,280  431,990  439,960  129,310 N. Park, N. Y.; City N., Dallas; 1st N., Bou. ~  M. V. Bau!irh •••- •• W. P. Baul?h .. ___ . R. E. Guess .. --•- J. F, Covitt, Jr ..••.  50,000  19,800  300,000  290,000  70,000 NH~i~, N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas: Hou. N. Ex .• :,;:1 20,000 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; City N., Sweet• 0 water. n 135,1)00 Han. N., N. Y.: Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; ~ Secur. N., Dallas. _ 25,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Provident N .. Waco; So. ~ Tex. Com'l N., Hou.; Guaranty Bk. &Tr, Co .. !ll Dallas. I::, 125.000 Chem. N .. N. Y.; Union N., Hou.; City N., Dal· 0,. las; 1st N ., Waco. 73,310 N. City, N. Y.: Cent. N., Waco; Lumber.I..,. mans N., Hou, O Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Ohi.; Union N., Hou.: Hutchinrs. Sealy & Oo., Galv. :::0 34,860 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N. and So. Tex. Com'l N .. O Hou. I'<! 10,420 1st N., &hreveport, La.: Dallas Tr. & Sav .• fll Dallas. tD 605,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Waco. i  "  ···-···-  "  Rogers Statf ~~ik •••... U'07 8 Roscoe ..•.•••• Nolan E 12 Farmers State Bank._._;!:§'20 Pop. 1079 88-1979 " ..••••.. " Roscoe State Bank ..... :t§'06 88-748 Rosebud ••••••• Falls H 18 First National Bank ••• •:tl900 PoI>, 1516 88-567 "  ......  s. P.  mith ••• ·-··· R. E. Gracey .•••.•  25,000  1,250  40,000  42,000  R.K. McAdams ... W.D.HaneY.-·•--· T.M. Dobbins·--·· B. E. Hamilton-  30,000  16,500  335,000  230,000  G. W. Lebinon ..... A. M. Ocker ......• M.A. Davis ......•. L.B. :.:>unn · · - C. F. Brown  50,000  48,000  240,000  290,000  S. F. Neely ....•... W. C. Cress .......  "  Planters Na~~J Bank •• :t'06 J. T. Davis •• ·--··· J. A. Tarver----· E. J,.., DoD&ldson ••• G. Metz, Jr.···-···  50,000  70,000  400,000  370.000  "  Rosebud S,j~ ~ 5  50,000  5,000  244,840  275,750  F. W.McKay ..-·-· D. W.Schuech •••• F. L.Tiller.--····· A.C.Meyer·-······ F. L. Tiller J. P. Carter·-···· s. P. Wiiliams.- J. w. Petty ..••••..  31,SOO  12,580  198,200  204,830  12,500  15,760  35,160  313,120  W. W. Barron ••.•. E. Howard ........ J. F. Knox.·-- •••• J. E. Davis •••••••• J. V. Hellums J. V. Gray Mark Cave _ _ _ A. M. Swann .•. --- G. w. Kiker ...••.. J. H. Kennedy ....  50,000  60,000  850,000  282,900  25,000  10,000  225,000  200,000  T. E. Nelson ...... \V. G. Weber...... G. R. Lundelius .......•.........•.••..  25,000  840  289,400  10,640  230,670  293,590  118,()00  75,000  t;:f  CHICAGO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  >  35,880 Coleman N .• Coleman; Ft.Worth N.,Ft.Worth; Hou. N. Ex .. Hou.  z CJ'J  1 •  ·-···-··  .•• •:t§'10 A. N. Green .•..••• E. E. Green. ____ C. W. Straus •.••••• F. B. Cable.--·-  Round PRock. w illiamson Farmers State Bank .... t§'20 op. 900 117 88-1978 " •.••.••• " J, A. Nelson & Oo .•... •:l:tl900 88-1276 Round Top •• Fayette J 19 Round Top State Bank .. :tl'l2 N Pop. 150 88-1489 Rowena ___ •. RunnelsF 13 First State Bank ••••••• •:t§'08 Pop. 400 88-1277 RowlettPo°ii:io~allasD 19 Guaranty s ~ank •••• §'19 8 8 Roxton. ___ .Lamar B 21 First National .Bank ••••• •:t·o1 Pop. 1500 88-792 ·• -----··· " Roxton StaWs:3iik-·---·:tl'09 7 Royse City .Rockwall D 19 First National Bank ••••• •:t'03 Pop. 1 289 88~38 " ---··- " First S~e~;~~······•:tl'09  > tl1  ••••••••  RoseHnberg •••• 2F7ort BKend J. H.P. DAVIS & CO••.•• :tt·o2 POI>, 1 9 21 88~57 .. •••••••• " Rosenber1?8tate Bank.•:tl'09 88~58 Rosewood ••• Upshur D 22 First State Bank ........:1:1'13 POI>, 200 88-1607 Rotan·-···-··lFOisOOher D 12 First National Bank .•.•• •:t'07 Pop. 88~75 " ··--··· ·• Rotan State Bank •••••• •:l:§'15 88-1697  t%J  J.H.P. Davis. ___ • E. Foerster-·-··-· E. E. Chernosky •.• _ _ _ _ _ __  1----·--__  J. A. Nelson .•••• - · - - · - - - - - · · · LeRoy Nelson ..... J. L. Nelson.---·  75,000  31,130  Fred Fricke ____ L. H. Kraus····-· E. L. Fricke.-- ······-···-·-··-· Otto Krau M. Feist. .....•• .: •. C.R. Roe ler ••.•.. M.A. Kopecky ..•. ······-··········-·· P. P, Ewald W. A. Maupin. ____ J. W. Kirby .• __ . L. R. Guthrie .•••• i-----······  12,500  5,000  C. R. Caldwell._ R. s. BYWaters •. _ Gibbons Poteet_ C. L. Ounnln2ham T. W. Watson W. M. Bludworth M. H. Maness•••• _. E. J. Hunter •• _._ P. E. Hawkins.-- J.P. Maxwell •.••.  30,000 2.5,000  I  J. D. Miller···--· J. T. M urphJ'___ Mack Sorrels...... . •.•....•.. _ ....••• J. N. Miller W. H. Adams .••••• A. W. Weinert-··· M.Paulk:-·-·-- J. H. Parker •••••..  ,~;~~~f~~,f~~~KIN~:  IE,  I  35,000 Wichita State Bk. & Tr. Co., Wichita Falls;I Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth: Au.tin N .. I Austin. 301.190 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou.; Am. N., Austin. 1 43.200 Lil~~\rn.cent. 'l'r. Co., St. L.; Austin N., 1  35,000 Hou. N. Ex. and So. Tex. Com'l N .• Hou.  56,540 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N. Hou.: City N., Galv.; San Angelo N .. San Angelo. 15,000 _ _ _ -··-····· - · · · · · ·-----·· Secur. N., Cent. State.and N.Bk. Com., Dallas. 25,000  12,500  207,500  168,450  69,030  306,380  353,420  134.000 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. Ex. N.,Dailas.  32,620  312,510  215,090  132,740 Beab. N .. N. Y,; 1st N .. Ft. Worth.  50,0CO  41,460  250,000  382,000  50,000  35,000  175,000  200,000  76,200 Am. Ex. N .. Dalias: Liberty Crnt.Tr. Co., St. L.; Greenville N. Ex., Greenville. 30.000 Mech. & Metals N .• . Y.: Am. Ex. N .. Dallas.  CONTINE~T~L AND COMMERCIAL BANKS - (  1 , .,.  1424  llmn lltr under .Name or .Bank ill the N~w TraaMaH Number pv"i. to each bank in U. B. exelu1lvely by The Band- eNally Bankers• Dlreetory, under the authority of The American Bankers A.Ms'n.  NillE OP BANK. •Mem . .Am. Bki. ASln, IState •OountJ 8etts. In No.11 Fed. Re . Dist. t:Mem.StateBks.Assn.tPrlv. E El Paso Br. HHouston +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  Ton .urn oom,TY.  I  t; I  Ru]e ______ Haskell 013 Farmers State Bank ____ t§'l7 R. M. Smith ______ 88-1752 Pop. 890  VIOE-PR.ESIDJCNT,  •  ;1  '. I :  I  •  I  '  •  ; I  II;  • "I I 1  PB.J:smJCNT.  '  I  I  TEXAS--Continued  I  1  '  '  I  • .:  I ,  ••,:  ,  ; ;  I  I -  •  l  11;;:.t  ••:  ''  :  I  I: '·  I  I  I  I•  I  I,  •  ;;  '"  : •  : ;  OA!SIIJJCR..  -------11-------1------- - - - - - - - - - - - W. H. Wilson _____ S. M. Davis _________________________ $ 15,000 $ 22,0001$ 253,000 $ 160,000  - - --1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 $ 53,000 Chase N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Ft. Worth.  FirstNationaIBank-----•t'06 R. W. Cole----- J. A. Jones _______ A.Horton __________ Nora Hudspeth ___ _ 88-1280  30,000  20,260  Runge--KarneaL17 First State Bank: __ ----•:I'll Wm. Heberer ----- P. W. Tom _______ V. F. Bucek _______ M.A. Ryan _______ _ 88-1416 H Pop. 1070  35,000  7,440  Runre National Ban1L--•t'02 \Y, R. Lokey ______ Alfred Tip ________ S. J. llolchak. Jr._ G. F. CampbPll ___ _ 88-552 •Ru.k ____ Qherok:eeF22 Citizens Guaranty tate Bk. B. B. Perkins ______ T. H. Cobble _______ E. R. Gregg ________ A. R. Odom, Jr. ___ _ E. R. Gregg •!~'20 88-1939 H Pop. 23-1  50,000  16,970  50,000  6,770  100,000  8,410  642,890  606,600  460,000  60,000 Live Stock Ex. N •• Chi,; N. Bk. Com .• San Antonio.  836,730  .85,760 N. OitJ, N. Y.; Alamo N., Ban Antonio.  FARMERS & MERCHANTS {W. T. NORMAN ____ STATE BANK & TRUST CO. ♦  88-527  •:l:§'07  f foRS0HOOK-------- E. B.MUSICK-------- __________ __________  162,870  241,760  30,240 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N •• Ft. Worth.  250,000  68,000 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: State N., Ban Antonio: So. Tex.Com'! N .. Hou.  232,630  293,230  181,7901  16U-10  31,360 N. Park, N, Y.; 1st N., Hou.; N. Bk. Com., Ban Antonio. 73,710 Am. Ex. N. and Guaranty Bk. & Tr. Co .. Dallas.  '"·"' I I  136,370 Union N., Hou.  J. L. SUMMERS  Save time and get service on Col lectlons and Cred It Reports by sen ding TRY U S. FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain •i11ht draft.. 1 Sc; Cred it Report•. SOc.  ·-  SabinaL ____Un.Jde K 14 First State Bank _______ •U'07 W. A. Kelley ____ O. P. Wood ________ 0. E. Freeman _____ B. W. Hillis ____ _ Vera Jones o. L. McCauley • 88--617 Pop. 1458  80,000  10,000  375,000  Sabinal Nat18s~l11Bank •• •:•05 R.R. Kennedy _____ R. J. Davenpurt --- Hubert G. Peters -- A. R. Racer.. -----  100,000  60,690  515,340'  c.  I  \Villiamson __ R. M. Pace ___________________________ _  10,000  3,920  43,110  28,850  adler--Gray on Bl9 FirstGuarantJStateBk•U'll H, B • .M:cMahan __ D. Spalding ________ C. D. Terry _______ c. L. Spalding ____ _ 88-1281 Pop. 400 Saeerton_ Haskell D 13 Continental State Bank_;U'O0 W. B. Lee _________ F, w. 1 egemoeller .ll. R Smith _______ E. D. Eneleman ___ _ G. R. Couch 88-1282 Pop. ;,00  15.000  11,300  137,040  135,600  10,000  8,000  130,000  160,000  25,000  11,000  165,000  100,000  30,000  40,000  350,000  250,000  acnLNacO&"doches F 22 Bacul Guaranty State Bk .. I'll! J. T. Greeory ______ J. 88-1536 H Pop. 700  aint Jo __ :'.\lontagneB 17 Oitizens National Bank __ .:·oo J. R. Wiley _______ Ewin Johnson _____ S. c. Roach _____ Geo. D. PedieO---88-770 Pop. 9 5 First Natio1~-/ttnk: ---•:·02 H. D. Field ________ s. ll. Kinr------- Joe Bowers ______ c. J. Meek _____ _ " ---"  15,720 Secur. N., Dallas: Far. Guaranty State and 1 t Guaranty State, Jacksonville; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 41,630 Denison Bk. & Tr. Co., Denison: 1st Sta e. Dallas. 70,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Cont. Bk. & 1'r. Co. and . Com., Ft. Worth: Far. & :'IIerch. N., Abilene. 100,000 N. Bk. Com .. Ft. Worth; Lintl~a.y . : .. Gainesvi.le. 150,000 N.Oity,N.Y.:Am.Ex. N., DaUas; StockYds. N .. Ft. Worth.  4,650 15,000 1 t N., Sulphur pg.; Secur.N.,Dallas. 25,000 42,000 66,200 Saltillo ___ Hopldns O 21 First State Bank ----- ---U'll George 11o:rer _____ Whitley Reed ______ J. T. Spark. _______ Edna H. Parchman ,T. D. Arthur 88-14111 Pop, 300 ~~=7~~---e~E:.:.~·-=-•J.:...:\:.,::I.:.c-=-G.::,::il.:..l_ ____,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-=---=--=-====-=-==I--- - - - C. C. WALSH------- J. D. SUGG---- - - - - - -"- 0. C. CARTWRIGHT anAngelo .. Tom Green W. H. WEST J.W. JOHNSON V.P. J.M. SHANNON G 12 Pop. 03!l2 600,000 352.670 1.490,260 2,755,700 419.540 Seab. N. and N. City. N. Y.: 1st N •• Chi.: and Ch. of Bd. R.H. HARRIS N. Bk. Com., Kan. C.: Boatmens, St. L L FARR Lout ; Mercb. N., Boston and ls( N., matters. banking all to Colleotlon• a apeolaity. Prompt attention Hou. ___ ___ ___ ___ •:•07 We want your business. Corresoondenoe Invited. 81-IIO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  CENTRAL  NATI ONAL BANK  CONCHO VALLEY LN. & TR.  COMPANY .88-9L-----1'10  I  GEO. RICHIROSOL IJ. C. LINDON---- C. c. KIRKPATRICK, J.C. CUNNINGHAM.,. A. ;::;ec. ;::;ec. R. A. HALL V. P. C. W. HOBBS  1  200,000  606,850  340,470  34,460 San A.~elo N ., San A.nrelo.  I  "-4 $l)  I  First National Bank _____ ef'82 Georre R. Webb __ Wm. S. Kelly ______ O. H. Powell ______ N. S. Rives ... _____ _ C.R. Hallmark J. W. Hill 88-87  2;i0,000  tate Bank __ j:§'20 J. A. Halley _______ B. H. Yancy _______ E. E. Morgan ______ L. S. herwood ___ _ F. Halbert 88-92 San Angelo ationa\ Bk ..•t•84 M. L. ll.ertz _____ C. W. Hobbs _______ H. O'Bannon _____ A. A. De Berry __ _ IR. A. Hall &8-88  50,000  Guaranty  39,130  Jt'lrst Mortgage Loans for sale! secured by st ock-rarms ano ra nchea,  lR.  347,700 2,356,il0 12,661,950 2,580  179,560  146,820  292,460 Han. N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'\ N .. Chi.: 1st N. ::, and ]far. & Morch. N., Ft. Worth: N. Bk. C $l) Com .. St, L.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas. : 77,200 Comw. N., Kan. C.; 1st N., Ft. Worth. I  100,000  325,000 1,400,000 1,700,000  350,000 N. Oity, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N. Chi.: 1st St. L.  "I  :::: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  in teres  -.1  Earnings of the  came dis•'a..Jcount, Mr. Williams sajd. though a total of~7.000.000 was  largely from  ·banks  interest and  '! ~.t~~,~ J r.P..!!l-@~~~~S:i1"i~=~?!?  llectJon charges,.;-and other mtsceflaneous sources . . ~  . ...-  .... ,__.,. ...... . ..  .,,.,,..,,. .. bl'~ ..  ....<red  off  by  the  $97., 000,000 from Collections Exchange, Etc. In a statement recently made by the Comptroller of the Currency the above figures were quoted as to National banks, only. The state and private banks probably earned as much or more. Are YOU getting your share of this vast sum ? Every bank advertising in this directory is sharing in it. Collections are naturally sent to those banks advertising the fact that they specialize in prompt collection service. Look over the bank list in this BLUE BOOK and see the thousands of banks that are awake to the possibility of making the collection department an income producer. The cost is insignificant when the returns are considered.  Let us tell you of the Success of Our Feeln-Advance System-It Pays OthersWhy Not YOU?  1.1.  THE STATE NATIONAL BANK (ORGANIZED OCTOBER 25, 1915)  OF SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS  C  OMMERCIAL and Bank C~llection Items given prompt attention, and will be glad of opportunity of serving you. When your friends or customers are coming to San Antonio, or Southwest Texas, address your introductory letters to us, and we will be glad to extend all courtesies to them.  Capital Stock $500.000.00  Surplus  (Earned)  $175.000.00  TOTAL RESOURCES OUER $7.500.000.00 to 1::0T';,~-'f:"'u.Ns.n~';J~:J::t;, 1425 Directory, under the authority of Federal Reserve Bank tr, of- St. - Louis -· - - --  zy ,i,l:e;;;::t..;;:~:3;u:;:~Jfe';.;r: th  The AHJerlcan Bankers Ass'n. -  SAN ANTONIO -  (Federal Reserve Dlstr(ct No. 11>  ( Bexar,  K  16) County  Seat  Pop.161,379-Reserve City  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In-  dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ,....., volume. For Interest Bates Holfda s etc. see Law . A>  NULHber under NaLDe or Bank ia Che New TransU Nun.,ber giv~u  SAN ANTON.I. 0  1425 hir!:'t!r1,4nta:i'eruth';; :;~~U::ft;T f'~l':A:fi!'J't.1:~a:!fer'!:"11:.."e,r;: _{Federal  /g -N~;FB~K.- - f · - :!fem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State/ ....... em. St.ate Bks. Assn. t Priv. +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. 1  _--/---=0  PRESIDD'i'.  --- - I  --/  VICE P&ltSID.ENT  CA.SHI.ER  Res<;r-v':_Dlstrlct  I  Ass'T CASHIER  APITAL  I . . ,... ,  PROFITS  *ALAMO NAT'L BK. J. N. BROWN-------E&_frNo_EBSJREOSEWTlNlcfltiDTTHOS. R. LENTZ--- L.A. ELMENDORF - $1.000.000 $ •  {J.  *CENTRAL TRUST  •U'lO  30-04  BANJtl'I  For Interest Rates, Holidays, etr., see Laws. Pl  RESOURCES. SEBocNuruDs,_  &  coUNTS  .._  LAM~!;oEuLs-  TIES, ETC. R:msoUBcJCs  R  !::  CASH  Esou!tc:ms _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : 1  1  ·•  ~  SO-l  •i'QQ  Commercial Loan & Tr. Co.  5,000  1,000,000  o. TERRELL -- DICK ANSLEY------ P. G. VILLARET---- D. A. SAFFARRANS  QUEST C. COUCH -- W. P. ROTE, Sec.  Transacts a gen eral Banking bus lness. Send us fOUl' co llecttons.  T. H. HARVIN  1,500  20,000 ----------  170,000 6,500,000  500,000  10,700  700 ----------  9,700 N. Ilk. Com., San Antonio. ---------- seab, N., N. Y.; 1st N., st. L.;  6,900,000  South Tex. Com'l N., Hou.  FREOERICKTERREll JW••HR..HAINllGE---------- A.H. PIPER--------- HR .• M._HBAARTRB--E-C_K_____ • 100.000 110.000 2,000,000 __________ 1.150,000 400,000 ---------600,000 N. City. N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Kl - - - - - - - - N.Bk.Com.,l!lt.L.;WellsFargo6  .CITY NAT'L BANK  l  Nev. N., San F.;!th St.N., Phil.  Correspondence invited on any matter. Efficient organl zatton- prompt a ttentlon. Satisfaction guaranteed. TRY US.  G. B. Taliaferro ___ L. J. Hart _________ §'10 J, B. Hertr C. D. Hall  *COMMERCIAL  z. A. Bonner,  1-:] t:rj ___________________ _  Sec. and T,.  G. B, TALIAFERRO--- z. o. BONNij------- H. M. BAETZ-------- E. A. BAETZ. -----WE OF;H~~ B~~~::~R MODERN FACILITY FOR CARING FOR YOUR BUSINESS  STATE BANK 30-13  3  volume.  291,080$ 5,115,340 $1,492,260 $5,059,200 $1,361,300 $ 360,230 $2,428,010 Bk. of N. Y. N. B • .A.. and N. Bk. ~ Our superior f a c i l i t i e s - - - - - - - - Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and,_. guarantee satiafactory service. TEST THEM. St. L.  American Savings Bank ___ •t'l6 Chas. Gildemeister. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Carl Gildemeister __ - - - - - - - - 30-63  ♦  DEPOSITS  ibtsr'PRINCIPAL CoRRESPONDE.NTs-:-- §  de~dn~i:s~. ~a':;,~r~;tia~ '"/f~~ef:ljkf~lgb:Ci!~}  Seat  i'Ol COLLECTIONS SOLICITED.  _ 30 2  COMPANY  K 16} County  LIABILITIES. -- I PAID-UP Su:1'1',..1:_us ' INDUIYIDAL - D:uoo.,s1Ts LoDANIS-s  c  / --------'---------'--------  ( Bexar,  No. 1!_2 Pop~l6~,379-!!__es_e_r ve City  •ii'13 - - - - - - -  OMMONWEALTH BANK & TR. COMPANY 30-16 -------•t§'l6  ---  -  100,000 14.020 ( Without banking  1,270,530 -------priviUa es)  ~~  1 72 '  20,840  1,301,840  48,790  18,610 Com'l State, San Antonio.  I~ C/l  b:l  ~ ~~ ~ ~  N. City and Seab. N., N. Y.; ►  ~.~~~~-j~·pf11.~rM~~:•v~r.~·;1 ~  I  Tr. Co., St. L.; City N., Danas. ---- - - -  Harry Landa------ W.R. Wiseman ___ T. N. Smith, Thos. H. Jarrell... Cash. and Sec. T. H. Dennis  S00,000  .First State Bank of South San E. E. Hammond ___ R. C. Scarborough_ B. L. Smith _______ _ John L. Ga, e _____ _ Antonio ___ 3Q-64-_______ t§'l7  15,000  5,880  --------1,621,340  136,760  1,542.480  101,080  204.060  r,  I  g'  346,360 Chase N .• N. Y.: 1st N .• Chi. and St. L.; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas; ~ Canal-Com'l Tr. & av., O.  .T.  1,000  49,000 ----------  41,000  1.000  23,000  ?:  4,870 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. San Antonio.  r+  0  ~  *FROST NATIONAL BANK .•i'68 T. C. Frost-------- J. H. Frost__ _______ N. Mcllheooy ---30-9  John Frost  F. V. Pancoast__ __ _ G. J. Pancoast L. L. Lentz  Groos National Bank ____ .i•54 F. O. Groos ________ A. W. Guenther ____ Chas. Deussen----- A. Groos ____ _ 30-8  ,---------------------------G. 0. CAMPBHL-- --- B. R. WEBB--------- A. P. VlllARET ----- R. B. BROUGH ------G. J. N. ASTIN W. O.T. McGlOIN SMITH J.M. Gill  GUARANTY STATE BANK 30-15  rchants & itihanic 3  •i'65  JosephMuir _____ A. S. Gaee ________ M. Freeborn _______ E. W. Richardson_ L.A. Schreiner T. V. Muller Tourists' a11d vl sltors• aeeoonta II ollclted. CONVENIENT TO BOTl!UI.  i  5,266,990  723,810  150,000  200,0LO  142,000  1,577,000  36,000  4,375,760  1,446,000  65,150 1,725,000 200,000 1.725,000 _ ,,_ _ _ _ ,_ ~74,000  2,394,000  100,000  .111;~ L. B. Randall.. ____ J. W. Spencer _____ K. B. Randall.. ____ ----------·· _______________________________________________ _  tSan Antonio continued on n ext page.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  670,650  'i49,000  55,240  I,... 2,488,i20 N. Park. N, Y.: Drov. N .. Obi.: N.I O Bk. Com., St. L.; Com. 'l'r. Co., Kan. C.  423,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Ohi.: N. Bk. Com .. St. L.: Midw. Re'.'.'ervc Tr. Co., Kan. C. ------ ------ -----------250,000  SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS BY AN OFFICER OF •t§'l6 Tms BANK. REMITTANCES MADE PROMPTLY.  OCKWOOD NATIONAL BANK 30-7  1,000,000  1.904,000  211,000  70,000  15,000 __________ 296,00() ---- -- --- -  375.000 Seab. N., N. Y.N; 1s tN •• Hou.and st · L.; Secor. ., 0 a.1a '  I  1  800,000 Chem. N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'J N. Chi.; 1st N., St. L.: Franklin ~T., Phil.  ________________________________________ Chase N., N. Y.· N. Bk. Com., San Antonio.  ~ t-.:i (J1  11,  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaJly Bankers• ====D=lreec::::..-=::tory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. _  1426  I  I  SAN ANTONIO- C Ont•lnue d  ---  I  (Fed~I Reserve Dl'ltrlct No.  NAME OF BANK. Ass'T CASHIER. PAID UP CASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. !!eemm._Asmta.teBBkks.sA.Asssnsn·. §tSPtra1.tve. •• [Estab. 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , OAPITAL ♦.llem. Fed. Res.  t :·.  *NATIONAL BANK ao-11  •i·os  30-02  •*1'92  t  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES. SuaPLUs IND1v1D- DEP0s1Ts OJ' UAL AND PaoP1Ts DEPOSITS BA.Nits  I  °'  PRIN IPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  I  CASH M1scl!lLLoDANs & SBoNDs, LANEOUB RESOURCES ECUBIIScouNTs TIEs. ETc. ,R.souuCJ1s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 1  1  - ,- --1- - - - - 1  ::rGcH\4'---- $ G00,000:$ 238.300 $ 3,724,380$ 407,510 $2,454.290$ 954,590 $ 393,810$ 1,045.040 N. Bk. Com •• N. Y.1 Corn E • N., 1  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,___-1 ,- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  I  Sam Houston State Bank & W.W. Collier _____ W. s. Scott ________ J.E. Brinkmeyer._ S. H. Collier_______ Trust Co. __ 30-65 ________ :j:§"20 San Antonio Jom\ Stock Land Wm. B. Lupe ______ T. C. Frost ________ R. W. Davis, Tr, ___ J.M. Reed, Sec.___ W. L. Roots Bank----------------- -'19 ________ ____ San An:onio Loan & Tm t Co. W. L. Herff' ________________ R. S. Springall, See. and Tr.  *SAN ANTONIO  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of th~s _ ~uEl~r Inte~R~~~ ~Iida:~<'-, ::e Laws_:  1  J. K. BERETTl-----R. D. BARCLAY-----A, V. CAMPBELL--I I d b I b kl y R.LC.hlALfLB,d our an ng us n••• nv te . . •o  OF COMMERCE  _  __ _  11)  {F. HERFF --- ---- ------------------ T. D. ANDERSON ----- Gw·. MA • HRAARMCSOEUYRT --- -  NATIONAL BANK IMMEDIATE p ERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN EVERY BANKING Security ta::-5Jank & ;;~~~ A. L. c. Magruder_ R. P. Ingrum______ _______ ______ : ____ L. A. Hillje, Jr.____ Company. 30-66 __________ §"20  Chi.;1stN.,8t.L.;Canal-Com'I Tr. & Sav., N. o.  201,900 Irving N .. N. Y.; State N., Frost ...r .. 9,670 304,850 __________ 404,850 _________ 11,580 and City N., San Antonio. 250,000 __________ (Territor11 Te:caa an :d Oklahoma) ______ ---------- ________ N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Frost N., San Antonio. 5-16,890 N. Oity, N. Y.; San Antonio N., San 126,000 202,000 4,293,640 - - - - 3,949,840 ---------100,000 Antonio. ,Tr. Funds  100,000  979.450  1,272,110  832,100  255,840 1,589,840  500,000  163,220 ----------  3,000  116,650  100,000 __________  ~ >< ~ to  217,530 1,172,700 N. Oity, N. Y.; 1st N., Ohl,; N. Bk. l::r:j Oom,, St. L, and Kan. C.  TRANS ACTION SENT us.  5,420  49,930 N. B, Com.,  T .  Y.  (Farm Mortgage Banking)------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------- Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.: N. Bk. Oom., ...._ Standard Trust Co. _____ f'l2 J.M. BennetL _____ B. B. Oarrutb __________________________ James Anderson, ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ San Antonio. Sec.and Tr. J.M. Bennett• Jr. lo-6fi  - --*STATE NATIONAL R.R. RussELL- -- J.·le'i°o'wlE~R---- THos. E. MATH1s. t fJIINEeLKE---- 1,358,540 31,360 _ 1,364,000 _ 4,721,900 _ __________ _ 4,881,410 _ 203,000 _ 500,000 _ _ THOS. E. MAT Is COLLECTIONS. YOUR US SEND BANK SEE ADV ERTISEM EIIT OPP OSITE PREVIOUS PAGE SATISFACTORY SERVICE ASSURED. •i•15  IO-lZ  ~  I  City and Seab. N., N. Y.; VJ N.LlveStockEx.N.,Chl.;lstN.,  st.L. VJ S:U  ------c~----,--,------,-~----,--,-,--,....,..,,,--=-,..,.,....----:-:,,---=-,=-:= =---1--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  LEE JOSEPH -------- L.A. KERR- -------- H. M. COMPTON----- Wm. A. TRABUE-----  TEXAS STATE BANK & TRUST Co •• t§'  l\lONTERE/.·4o~!1"J~~  AGENTs: MEXIco c1TY, TAMPICo.t TUXPA.M, VERA uRUZ, MERIDA.  We have correspondents and special facilities throughout the Re- -  20  300,000  ,____  -  11.000,_ 750,000 ~ 1  I  745,000  17,610  200,000  ::,  ~  210,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Union N., Hou.  o~::,o·  public of Mexico for promptly handling business of every character. TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS A SPECIALTY.  30- 62  *D. & A. Oppenh.eimer--•tt'G5 (Looi a, Henry, Jesse D. and Adelaide lOppenheimer) _ -----------------· _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~· --- N.0 hqi~N'N.BYk.:0 Oont,8 +& LOom•l N., 0 • • om.. •· • 1., 10-10 en . . . . (2~6 w. c\Commerce) ____ D. I. Sulhvan _____ D. I. Sulhvan ____ - - - - - - - - - _____________________________________ Imp. & Tra. N. and N. City, N. Y.: s:u 00,-----•tt ,H W. C. Sulhvan *D. Sullivan Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; Boatmens ::, IG--6 to and .Mtle. Tr. Co., St. L. - - - - - - ------ - - - - - _____ San Antonio Clearing House .. W.W. Collier ______ J. O. TerrelL ______ T. G. Leighton,  I  (Manbtff ~  bv a*)  ----- 1------ --------- ------ --------  See. ond .MQr.  ~  2.  TEXAS-Continued  = . ====N=AM=E=O=P'=B=A=N=K=.===;1;========:==============:::;::======~===L~I=A=B=l =Ll=T=I=E=S=.==::;:;=:==;;R~E=S=O=U=R=CE=S=.=====p=R=IN=C=l=P=AL=O=O=R=R=J:S=PO=N=D=EN=T=S=,===-IO = TY D=C=O=UN A=N= == = WN -=To .Ass'T O.A.SBIJ:R. P.un-uP SUKPLus DllPOB- Lou,• Dia- c..u" •x• O.A.SHIJ:ll, V1c:a:-PRESIDENT. PRKSIDENT. •County Beat s, . •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. IS~te c•.,.._ Bo•"'· GIUJOa•,»n ITS A.ND C.A...PIT.U. In o. 11 Fed. Re . D1 t. :t:Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPr1v. s..,.,.m. ~ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , [Estab. - - - - - -- t::-::------......,----- ,- - - - - - -·' - - - - - - -'- - - PROJ'ITS E El Pao Br. H. llouston ♦Mem. Fed. Res. 385,000 $ 85,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Hou. N. Ex., Hou. $ ' 360,000 $ 15,000 S 50,000 S ______ Dean Wilma ____ Jennings W. J. -on T~om McRae _ ______ Downs D. E. Oom'IGuarantyStateBk:.•:t:·12 an-Aug. •San Augu tine_ W. K. Kmght ♦ 88-1458 G 2, Pop. 2000  W. R. THOMAS--- C. A. BEARD -------- --------- ---------FIRST NATIONAL BANK •t·o 2 ~T. B. SAUNDERS -- W. E, HICKS  65,000  20.000  1  400,000  Please send 15c u• ith each sight dra  /t for presentatio n and 50c for Cred it Repor ts.  J. T. LOMAX ---- -- W. W. JONES-- ------ 8. A. EPSTElff ______ _ E. F. BOHtiER •• __ __ _ L.R. HOLLINGSWORTH 'END US YOUR ITEM DmECT. an Benito.Cameron R 17 FARMERS STATE GUARANTY persona I attention Given Bill of Lading D rafts, Cash and Prompt •U,ll ______ 88-S20 ____ BANK 5100 H Po1>. { Time Item an d remitted for on day of payment. J. L. LANDRUM ---- B. H. FRAZIER ------ GUY TRENT---- ----- J. G. BUCK-----E. H. DOWNS Ult BEIUlO BAIK & TR.CO. " McMURRY RICHEY. 1t ctive. •n·10 88-Slll ~ LARGEST BAN KIN 'AN BENIT IO. Let u · handle your Bankin~ Bu 1  60,000  6,000  -  40,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Lumbermans N., Hou.  1 1  Special attentlo n given Bill of Lad Ing Drafts, Cash and Time Items.  88-1288  Pl  I 36,080  64!,690  571,620  ::, 58,000 Bk. of America, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St.L.: Lum- t:: bermans N., Hou.; Alamo N .. San Antonio ~ ""I  6:5,000  23,360  847.120  1  I  ~ 677.180  258,290 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; \0 Lumbermans N. Hou. N  Solicits Your Business Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I  •  I ;  .  f  I  ;  I I  I  l  •·  J  •  I  I  1 I  ~  I I  •  I  J: !.. . -- --'- ~ I  I  I  ,'  ,'  .  ' -  •  •  '  ,, •  I  I 'I..  : _:  ,  •  •4  I  :  '  iJ • • ,  I I  I  :  •  I  •  ~ •  -  ~--·- -  '  .  _, - -  .  -·  ... __... -..- .....  ;,;..-  -  .... -  -  Non-Ba.Dk Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this  "--4  Nazaber aader Nazne  1427  or Haak i•  the New Traa11lt Nazaber given  to -ch bl&Dk in u. s. exeluslrelr by The Baad-McNaUr Baaker11' Dlrectorr, un der the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n  LIABILITIES.  I I NA.ME OF BANK. TOWN AND COUNTY. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ... County Seats. In No.11 Fed. Res. Dist tPriv. [Estab. E El Paso Br. HHouston. +Mem. Fed. Res.  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT,  CASHIER.  Ass'T CASHIER.  . -----  "  .. San Diero ___ Duval O 16 Pop. 2500  SAIi DIEGO STATE BAnK 88-26& • 1'07  . --- .  Croft & Company _______ it·88  88-260  ------------------· --  l  ---- --------------  CHIS. HOFFIIIN-- W.W. McClMPBELL-- N. A. HOFFMAN----- C. G. PALACIOS----N. A. HOFFMAN The on.IT lncor porated 1>ank In Doyal Coant,. SpedaJ aHeatl en she• eolleeU om a.& moderate ra&N.  .. ---. ----- .  ---•i•05  SAi SABA NATIONAL BANK 88-574  H  --------  2,500  18.nOO  20,000  Tr. Co., Alice. 7,250 Citz. State. Alice: Comw. Bk. & Tr. Co .. San Antonio.  35,000  27.830  455,200  2'13,500  %45.630 Han. N., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'I N., Hou.;  Alamo N., San Antonio; Corpus Christi N ., Corpua Christi.  30,000  --------- -·------ --------- ---- -----  N. Bk. Com., Ft. Worth.  30,000  20,000  113,000  156,000  6,300 N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y.: Far. & Mech. N ., Ft. Worth; Am. Ex. N., Dallas.  100,000  75,000  500,000  600,000  60,000  50.490  563,890  521.450  50,000  58,330  741.410  428,810  97,010 Midw. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. O.; Secur. N,, Dallas: Hou. N. Ex .. Hou. 208,030 N. Park, N. Y.: Am. Ex. N .. Dallas: Hou. N . Ex •. Hou.; FrosfN., San Anto~io. . 287,670 Han. N .. N.Y.; lstN., Hou.; Austin N., Austm; Alamo N., San Antonio.  R. W. BURLESON---100,000 pecla a entl on given BID of L adlng drafts, Cas h and 'lime Item S!. Plea&e send 15c w ith each sight draft I or -presentation and 25c /or Credit Repor ta. J. F. Campbell ____ J. M. Kuykendall __ U. M. Sanderson._ 60,000  25,350  349,000  423,000  51.000 N. Oity, N. Y.: Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.: lc;t N,, St, L.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth.  -------------  84,780  277,950  404,780  W. H. HINYARD ----- R. R. LOW------- W. C. DOFFLEMYER{ Collections J. W. GIBBONS---- Credit  42,670  199,080  232,060  86,010 N. Park. N. Y.; 1st N., Ft, Worth; Inter-State N .. Kan. C. 49,650 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Comw. N .. Kan. C.:, Fa.r. & Mech.. N., Ft. Worth; So. Tex. Com l 1.. ., Hou. 242,210 Han. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dall~s; Hou. N. Ex .. Hou.  R. J. Gaines _______ II'. 0, Platt ____ J. E. Wilkins ______ O. Williams L. M. Platt E. J. L. Green B. J, WilHamlOD-- W. E. Kellerman._ I. B. Rylander _____ J.M. Oape _______ o. C. Wade _______ E. L. Thomas  ---------  {l· A. M~RR~I ----  -  25,000 Reports M UST be accompa nled by FEE IN A DVANC E.  and  --------- - .. ---------  40,000  45,430  599,660  435,280  P. P. Bond ________ D. L. Pieratt_ _____  35,000  19,700  376,000  330,000  ----. _,. _____________  Burgess Weaver  •  .  ---  - - OUR CREDIT INF6RMATION ON CONC.ERNS EVERYWHERE IS OPEN TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  10,000  26,640 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech, N .. .B't, Worth: City N .. Dallas.  FIRST STATE BANK---•U-08 Leman Brown _____ S. H. Phillips ______ " 88-575 Miles Wofford Santo ___ Palo Pinto E 16 Farmers & Merchants Bank W. S. Fant__ ______ W. S. Lanham _____ 88-1735 Pop. 800 Wm, Lee tt'l6 First National Bank ___ :•011 J, L. Cunninrham._ J. D. Brannon __ 88-1285 T. P. Perkins Saratoga ___ Hardin I 23 Sarato~a State Bank ___ if'08 R. S. Sterlinf ______ 0. G. Books _____ 88-1288 H Pop. 1000 W. H. Harper Savoy ______ Fannin B 19 First State Bank _______ if'09 A. B. Scarboro112h- H. H. Arterberry __ ♦ 88-1287 Pop. 378 schertz __ Quadalupe K 16 Schertz State Bank _____ if'l3 J.B. Holt_ _______ Julian Stapper _____ 88-1610 Pop. 400 schulenburg_Fayette K19 First National Bank_ •t'OII R. A.. Wolters _ _ :e:. B. Kessler _ _ 88~00 Pop. 1246 Ianaz Russek State Bank §'82 Mrs. Jg. Russek ___ E. Russek ______ " 8H80 Chas. Sengelmann  .  25,000 $ 31,300 $ 263,690 $ 188,760 $ 116.680 Han. N., N. Y.: Alamo N .. Sau .Antonio; Secur. N., Dallas; City N., El Paso.  220,050  88-425  Pop. 1407  "1  .  '<  121.930  •i '10 Plain sight draft., 15c; Credit Reports, 25c. Santa Anna.Coleman F 14 First National Bank---•i·oo L. V. Stockard ____ V. L. Grad.J' ___ C. W. Woodruff ___  . ----  Ill  Cua& Ex-  n.oatB-'.lfia  14,760  . ----- .  88-424  BIIOtJlUTlllll  30,000  San Juan ____ Hldalro R 17 San Juan State Bank & Trust Albert Ewers ______ H Pop. 1203 Co. -88-1890 -------•1'12 .. san Marcos __ Hays J 17 First National Bank----•t"85 A.. L. Blair _____ Pop, 5000 88-233 State Bank & Trust Co. •H'OO W,G. Barber _ _ 88-234  First National Bank  Loo11&D1•-  C''TI. Do?m8, OBAKOU,Do-.  ------ ---- ---------- --------- ------- --------- ----- -------- --- --- --- --- -- Irvini N ., N. Y.; Frost N ., San Antonio•  ..  . ------ . .. --- .  DEPOSITS  Bk. & Tr. Co. and Com'l State. San ------- W.T.Mumme __ Mrs. W. T. Mumme - - - ---- --- ---- --- Comw. Antonio; Union N., Hou.; Alice State Bk.&  Sanger ____ Denton C 18 First Guaranty State Bank_ John Speer ________ H. R. Neal -------- Roy Levy---------- R. E. Ready _______ Pop. 1204 88-1959 §t'20 First National Bank ____ i1000 J. T. Chambers_ B. L. Spencer --- E. L. Berry _ _ _ E. B. Brown _______ ---J. H. HU£bes 88--958 Banrer National Bank ___ t·07 J. H. Hurhes ______ G. 0. Hurhes ______ D. R. Sullivan _____ J, H. Hughes, Jr. __ 0. M. Gentle 88-654  .. san Saba __ san Saba G 15 CITY NATIONAL BANK--•:'83 Pop. 2011 88-423  •ND  --- --- ---  Sandia State Bank ______;Wl2 J. H. Gallqher ____ V. Porter _ _ _ _ K, E. Schlabach ___  88-1472  SUBPLUB  PAID-UP CAPITAL PBOJ'ITII  •Sanderson ___ Terrell J 9 Sanderson State Bank -•*1'01 Joe Kerr __________ Charles Downie ____ T. R. Kuyk:endalL J.B. Hamilton ____ $ 88-1284 E Pop. 1500 Sandia ____ Jfm Wells N 17 W. T. Mumme, Banker _it·n H Pop. 200 88-1485  Non-Bank Towas with Nearest Ban.king Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ';4 volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws./::, RESOURCES. C PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  TEXAS-Continued  C. Hatchett _____  10.000  7,000  80,000  75,000  --  25,000  16,440  130,600  165.170  P. H. Sterlin£ --- A. J. Mc Alister ____  20,000  8,000  300,000  175,000  S. A. Bibby------- J. H. Williams _  25,000  16,030  166,580  101,140  25,000  12,500  171,680  171,640  135,6801 125,450  S. I. Self ___________  H.P. Thulemeyer_  -----------  Gus Russek ____ C. A.. Vogt _ _ _  25,000  30,500  H. Russek ______ L. D. Sengelmann-  25,000  3,000  114,7501  144,900  70,000 1st N. and Live Stock Ex. N .. Ohi,: 1st N., Ft. 1., Worth. 60,000 1st N .. Weatherford. 12,720 1st N .. Ft. Worth; Guaranty Bk. & Tr. Co .. Dallas. 100.000 Guaranty Tr. Co .. N. Y.: Am. N .. Beaumont: Lum N .. Bou. 43,600 Am. Ir.x. N., DaJJas: Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman: 1st N ., Bonham, 26,920 Seab. N .• 1.. • Y.; Com'l State and Alamo N., San Antonio. 42,330 Han. N., N. Y .; City N., Galv.; 1st N., Hou.; N. Bk. Com., St, L. 37,000 So. Tex. Com'l N. and Peo. State, Hou.; Frost N .• San Antonio; City N .• Dallas; 1st .. T., St. L.  CONTI N E NT A L AND . COMMERCIAL BANKS CH.ICAG. 0 I  ... .•  I J"  1428 Toff  l'famber under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given exciuslvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under tbe authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  to each bank in U. S. A.ND OOUNTY.  I•Mem.NAME Am. Bks. Assn. lState  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of th\· volume For Interest Rat~s, Holidays, etc., see LawJ  TEXAS-Continued  •County Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.t Priv. [Estab. .E El Paso Br. H Houston ♦ Mf'm. Fed. Res.  VICE-PRESIDENT,  PRJ:SID.ENT,  I  0ASHIER,  I  ASS'TCASHIER,  PAID-UP SURPLUS  I  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES.  OF BANK.  DEPOS-  1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_c_AP_xT_A_L _P_~_OF_~_T_S _x_T_s_  L<wra&D,a-  t OO  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  C•• 11 &Ex-  ...:._o:_lNU_Dm_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c_'::-_0_0!3!._":_:· OD_no_  Schwertner._Williamson 1FirstNational Bank ----•t'l2 A.Schwertner _____ T. B. Benson ______ W. G. Rucker __________________ $ 25,000 $ 20,000 $100,000 $ 90,000 $ 30,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Austin N., Austin, Tex.; Bart lett r ., Bartlett. 88-1481 H 17 Pop. 200 48,000 _________ Tex. State, ll't. Worth; City N. Bk. Com. 40,000 4,000 10.000 &eotland ___ Archer B 16 Bank ot Scotland _____ t'll H.J. Weinzapfel _ Frank Hoffman ___ P. J. Bays _____ R. S. Poirot_______ Wichita Falls. 88--1288 POD, 100 Scurry ____ Kaufman E 20 First State Bank _______ t§'l8 G. W. Riddle ______ H. L. Scales _______ H. L. Gamble ______ Ruby Gamble _____ _ 88-1591 POD, 600 e.idrift ____ Calhoun M 19 Seadrift State Bank ---•t1'13 E. H. Roemer ___ F. V. Stiernberg ___ 1 E. H. Brid11:e ______________________ _ 88-1602 H Pop. 321  10,000  2,920  38,810  47,750  8,430 1st State, Terrell; Secur. N., Dallas; Far. & .Merch. N ., Kaufman.  12,500  4,570  73,820  66,160  20,060 So. Tex. Com'! N .. Hou.; Vie~oria .. T·• and Lev Bk. & Tr. Co., Victoria.  16,000  16,110  145,130  123,350  45,300 N.Bk.Com. and 1st N., St. L.;Secur.N., Dallas  til X  Seagraves ____ Games D 9 First State Bank _______ •.t§'17 B. B. Curry ________ W.R. Steele _______ C. E. Slaton _______ L. L. Roy ·ton ____ _ 88-1786 (Bl!Jthe P. 0.) Pop. 500 SeaJy ______ Austin J 20 Citizens Slate Bank •••. U'07 R. A. ED£elkin2 ___ E.W. Josey _______ G. R. BorieL _____________________ _ 88-427 H Pop. 2000  10,000  8,800  89,500  80,000  38,400 1st N., Ft. Worth; Comw. N ., Kan. C.  en  50,000  9,000  272,000  286,000  38,00(l Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; So. Te.· ~ ..... Com'l N., Hou.  Farmers National Bank.•:t'l3 L. 0. Thanheiser •• H. L. Hillebrand_ A. J. Laas _________ Lou Ella Ge11s ____ _ 88-1573  25,000  3,700  120,000  131,500  28,500 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.  LEONARD TILLOT- H. SCHUMACHER -- C. T. SANDERS------ C. H. SANDERS- ___ _ FRANK BUCEK SON A.G. PREIBISCH  25,000  22,700  176,950  193,980  33,300 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. St. L. and Hou.; City N.,Galv.  agoville ___ Dallas D 19 First State Bank ________ n·oo 88-1289 Pop. 750  "  '  • ,02  SEALY NATW~!! BANK :t eguin __ Guadalupe K 18 Pop. 3631  s. J,  McFarland ___ L. Bowers _________ T. II. Randerson  i  Save time and get service on co llecttons and Cre dit Reports by sending FEE IN ADV AN I CE: Plain t1i1Iht draft•. 15c; Cre dit Reports, 25c. TRY US •  CITIZENS STATE BAJIK.t§'17 Geo. Hagn _________ Wm. Steinmeyer .. , H. E. Draeeer _____ Eugene Koepp ___ _  w. J  88-1755 Farmers State Bank ____ t§'l 7 Geo. Haen 88-1771  .  -- .  o. Andrews ____ w. T. Thweatt ___ _  Blumberg  ---1 N. A.-Poth ________  ),,  z~ ()  ::J"'  50,000  5,000  190,000  U0,000  25.000  2,500  150,000  75,000  105,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Hou.N. Ex., Hou.; Cent, Tr. ~ ro Co., San Antonio.  i~~loa··-----:tt'80 Walter Nolte---- --------------- ------------------ ------------------  75,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N .. Hou.; Cenr.Tr.Co., anAntonio;Secur, T .. Dallas.  46.000  480,000  215,000  200.000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., St. L.: N. Bk. : o Com .. San Antonio; am. Ex. N., Dallas.  60,000  9. 50  115,000  145,000  20,000 Irving N., N. Y.: Cent. Tr. Co., San Antonio. ~ (1)  100,000  'O  25,000 _________ - - - - N. Bk. Oom .. N. Y.; 1st N .. Hou.  ::J"' ('1)  '"1  Bk. Com .. ~an Antonio. , o.  50,000  58,380  753,730  453,150  40,000  33,900  131,000  201,320  62,780 Seab. T,, N. Y.; 1st N., Ft. Worth: Comw. N. Kan. C.  • eymour ____ Baylor B 14 Farmers National Bank .•:t'06 E. A. Fancher _____ W. H. Portwood___ W. T. Britton ______ F. H. Bunkley____ R. E. Ra kin 18-406 Pop. 2121  50,000  78,090  60U30  735,100  35,000  5,580  168,440  153,640  255,170 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Ft. Worth; City~·. Uk Com., Wichita Falls. 44,050 Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth: City N., Dallas  ..  "  ---  FIRST GUARANTY STATE BK. {J.E. MURRIE----- W.W. WOOD,Actlve W.W. WOOD, •  -----  "  SH07  Send ua your Co  :tl'lO  &e~it~~ldirect.  Sec •..  L. D. JONES---------  J. S. Shultz  hamrock ___ Wheeler P 7 Farmers &Merch.State Bank S. W. Norwood ____ o. T. Nicholson •.•. O. T. E. H. Small •tl'09 ♦ 88~& Pop. 1227  11. E. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  75,000  102,800  596,000  710,000  T,  100,000  105,000  350,000  300,000  86,500 N. Park, N. Y.: Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; 1st' ._ :r., Wichita Falls.  ichols  icholson ___ J. :M. Turner _____ _ R. C. Lewis  First National Bank ____ •t'04 O. P. Jones _______ H. E. Pendleton __ W. S. Pendleton ___ E. K. Caperton ___ _ 88~55 hannon ________ Clay 11 Bank of ham10n. _______ t'20 0. C. Goodwin .. ___ J. A. Looney ______ S. W. Cain ___________________________ _ ' ·1065 \ Pop. 300 Shepherd SanJacmto 1 22 Shel)hera State Bank'll W. S. Dixon------- J. Cochran _________ Ed. Cochran _______ L. W. Johnson ___ _ I 88-1201 \\ Poll. 850  ~t"\t.  334,0110 Chase N., N. Y.;  They wllJ have pr ompt and energet le atten tlon.  FIRST NATIONAL BANK•t·oo G. S. Plant., _____ c. T. Porter ______ Geor11:e Plants----- D. J. Bailes_______ 88-405  Fid.1 §  100,000 Con'! & Com'! N., Chi.; 1st N., Amarillo; N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; Liberty Cent. Tr. CCI., ~  St. L.  '"1  '< 75,000 1st N., Kan. 0. and Ft. Worth. 86,370 285,000 25,000 15,000 ____________________________________ Cent. State, Dallas, Secur. State, Ft. Worth 1st tate. Bowie. 32,320 City N., Galv.; 1st N. and Hou. N Ex., Hou. 98,230 5,000 105,000 20,000  ~MER\C~N N~i\Ol'l'~L 'BA.NK.  Solicits Your Business  AUSTIN. TEXAS  ,.. '  .  •  •  ~  I  '  I  _, . .  ,'  I  ,, .. .,  I  ,  ,  I I  I  .  : ,  I  i  . ~  .  _.  •  · ,1  I  -.  ..  ,  ~  S  ('1)  50,000  H.J. Blumberg ____ 0. Ro-.;enbu h ____ _ 8011:uin State Bk. & TrustCo. Wm. A. Harborth __ H. H. Weinert, " .. O. E. Weigang V. P. and Ch. of Ed., •il'06 88-305 •Seminole ____ Gaines D 9 First State Bank ____ ---•t1'07 C. M. Armstrong __ J. J. Williams _____ B. B. Curry ______ Leo Holmes ______ _ + 88-883 Pop. 600  ..  enI en '"1  Max Starcke_______ ___________________ _  First National Bank _____ •t'97 C. E. Tips _ _ _ _ Cha . R. Tips ______ Walter Fey ________ A. A. Vordenbaum Eugene C. Tips 88-804 R. L. Wupperman Guaranty Loan & Trust Oo. Wm. Timmermann Wm. Bauer ________ C.H. Donegan ____ H. H. Weinert.____ Otto Koehler •1'12 88-1443  E. Nolte &  ~  . ...  .  ....  .....  , , :: :  .  '  I  '  '  : :  I  ,t  I_:  1  1  I  ... __:, ,  1429  i  N, ,,_ di N. or 11aa1c u UJ Ni w 'l'raiul# Nruaber · lo .::t:bl&IJ}c-ia~- ~clutllrely by Theelland-McNallT . .~~ Dlnctor,. under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n  To•~a~:f:au:_-rr. '•Jlem.~~~t~:.~~::.·istate/  ln 'o. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. ':Mem. State Bks. Assn.t Priv. f El Paso Br. if Houston. ♦)!em. Fed. H~. [K tab.  PRESIDENT.  VICE-P~IDJCNT,  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest BanJdnA" Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this/';'  TEXAS-Continued  I  I  LIABILITIES.  CJ.SHIU.  ______________  Ass'T OJ.SHIU.  ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  $  16.800  *COMMERCIAL NAT'L BAH W.R. Brents _ _ Silas Hare--------- F. Z. Edwards ____ c. F. Douglass ____ 88--.2 •i'll B. B. Wilbanks  261,150 1,995,050 3,677,160  *MERCHANTS & T. D. JOINER. NATIONAL PLANTERS BANK  C.B.DORCHESTER- H. \V. HEAD -------Ch. of Bd.  8Hl  W.C.C. DILLARD EUBANK F. R. A. CHAPMAN Jr.  P.R.  MARKHAM --  V. Pres. wd Cash.  L. 0. GARDNER --L. S. OMOHUNDRO C. L. ROLISON  -  800,000  -  ~  390,000  532,570 2,953,620 4.722,560  -  -  t..;>  89,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Xe,, Eng. ·., Kan. C.  402.000  Our facilities for handling collections are unsurpassed. Our return· are quick a nd rate s low. •t"72 We reach all north Texas and outh Oklahoma points. ~ ___ ___  \0  937,290 $ 375,770 Seab. N.,N. Y.; Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.  *CENTRAL STATE BANK - -- ~ BARLOW ROSERTS. A. E. JAMISON------ G. L. WEBB_________ 50.000 88-44 •t§'l8 Special attentl on given Bill of Lading drafts, C ash and Time Ite ms. Pleaseaend 15c wlith each sight draft for presentation and 25cfar Credit Reports. 200.000  c  ~  -c~_Bo_":_' '::a.°;",!:  $ 200,000 $ 34,300 1,270,050  ~tro :omk-----  For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 1 ::S  RE&OURCES.  Lo..-, o..... .Ix-  PAID-UP SURPLUS  DEPOS1 ________ ,_ C_AJ>_IT_.u. __ P_BAN _o'l'_~_T_8 _ _TS __  .. herman __ Grayson B 19 *American Bank &Trust Co. Will Leslie _______ C. A. Kelly ________ K. S. Loving, ___________________ Pop. 15,031 88-43 •U'll Lee Simmons V. P. and Cash.  volume  400,730 Chase N., N, Y.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas.  -  897,460 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk., Com., St. L.; Whitney-Cent. N., N. o.  i-3  ___  tJ:j  X  Sherman Cl~ring Hou.e---- C. B. Dorchester-- W.R. Brents ______ Barlow Roberts.Tr. K. S. Loving, Sec._ _________ _ _ _ ________ _________ _____ (Membert mdicated by a*) 8hiner ___ Lavaca K 18 Farmers State Bank ____ H'07 Louis Wagoner ____ H. Dreyer _________ E. Runk __________ ------------30,000 23,230 173,530 146,430 76,490 1st N. and Lumberman, :K., Hou.; Secur. N., H Pop. 1300 8H85 Dallas; Am. N., Austrn. B'irst National Bank ____  irnoo  ►  en ttJ  Perry Wendtland _  >  L. H.. IIa:i:zard ___ __  30,0()0  1-1,700  112,430  159,270  en I en  -------------  25,000  26,420  257,950  164,410  0. B. WelhaW1en __ E. 11'. Wolters ____ Peck Welhausen ___ 8H83 Wm. Green " --" Wolters Bros. Bank ___ ttl900 - - - - - - - - - - ------------------- M. E. Wolters _____ , . . 88-684 C. F. Rea __________ J. G. Davis ________ P. B. Parten _______ Sll1ro _________ Onmes 121 Farmers State llank ____ eU'll H Pop. 500 + 88-1385 •SiPrra Hlanra_Hudspeth SierraBlancaStateBank ____ T. D. Love ________ J.M. Daugherty ___ W. L. Arnonett_ ___ E Pop. 1200 G4 88-1765 •t§'l7 W. L. Amonett  50,000 89,300 022,360 709.840 390,910 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. Edwin Wolters _______________________________ Hutchin~s.Sealy& Co., Galv.; So. Tex. Com•: ~ N .. Hou.; Frost N., San Antonio. G. D. Hoke _______ _ 25,000 55,170 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou. 21,040 148,4150 135,490  Sil bce ______ Hardin I 24 Silsbee State Ba11.k ____ _•u·oo J. N. Collier ______ O. A. Ernest__ _ _ N. A. Cravens _____ H Pop. 3000 88-1293 ilverton ____ Briscoe R 5 Briscoe County State Bank W. E. Schatt ______ R. E. Dougla. _____ T. F. Richardson __ Pop. 416 ♦ ~8-1951 •.1:§'20 : .. ---- --" First National Bank _____ et'07 John Burson _______ J. A. Bain __________ IFrank P. Bain ____ 88-823 Sin~onp~~n ~~fgicio N 18 '  BANK 0~CO8,_~RCE--•:WOO SINTON STATE BANK--•W06 88-555  Sipe Springs __ comanche First ·ational Bank -----•'19 Pop, 300 F 15 88-1891 " _____ ___ " Guaranty State Bank ____ §'19 8!1 1912 kidmore--~---- Bee N 17 First State Bank ________ i§'06 H Pop. 1000 88-1296 lat011-____ LubbockCl0 FirstStateBank _______ •,Wll Pop. 1525 + 88-1370  ~  I  ------------------  25,000  2,500  Bland Burson _____ _ J. R. Burson  30,000  130,000  250,000  420,000  12,500 25,000 Save time and g et senlce on Coll ections and Credi t Reports by send Ing FEE IN A.DYAN CE: Plain •i11ht draft•. 15c; Cre dit Reports, 25c. TRY US.  400,000  350,000  D. ODEM---------- J. F. GREEN-------- J. F. ODEM --------- J.E. HOLBROOK----R. B. Mc GLOIN  B. MERRILL------- W. C. SPARKS------- 1C- W. ZIMMERMAH--- 1BERTllA MERRILL---  25,000 _ _ _  33,050 N. City, N. Y.; Am. Tr. & Sw., EI Paso; Far, & Mech. N .. Ft. Worth; Citiz. State, Austin.  ::r (D "1  138,590 Seab. N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Hou.  3PJ  1st N., Plainview; Stock Yd', N., Kan. C. Guaranty State, Amarillo. ::l 3-1.500 1st N ., Ft. Worth and Amarillo; Inter-State N .. Kan. C.: Austin N., Austin.  0  70,000 Alamo N., San Antonio.  rn  §. ~  50,000  41,000  560,000  25,000  406,000  SENDUSYOUR ITJ:t.:MS DIRECT.  150.000 N. City, N. \",; 1st N., uhi.; Alamo N .. San ~ Antonio; Cent. tate, Dallas. '  { Prompt person al attention given Bill of Lading Dr arts.  Cash and Time, Items and remitt ed for on day of p ayment.  8. T. Zellars _______ W. J. Westbrook__  • D. Pottinger ____ J. C, Hamilton ___ _  5,000  125,000  35,000  Tom Harren _______ J.B. Pool _________ T. R. Bacon _______ A. Acker---------H. G. Poteet J. B. Hunter ______ J. M. Corrifan _____ V. E. Kessler ____ ------------------  50,000 ---------  630,000  280,-000  25,000  20,000  150,000  170,000  25,000 Seab.N., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio.  C. \\". llarri~on ____ 11. C. Jones _______ \Y. 11. Ford _______ \Y. 13. Ru~.elL ___ _ -  40,000  3,0G0  300,000  235,000  75,000IStork Yd::-. N., Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com .. Ft. Worth; 1st N., CloYi'-, N . .Mex.  laton State Bank _______ t§'l6 A. L. Robertson ___ B. :M. Holland _____ B, :M. Holland _____ Ray Stephenson __ _  25,000  5,500  210,000  163,000  10.000  10,2()0  52.500  59,000  55,000 New Eng. N .. Kan. C.; Guaranty State. Amarillo; Lubbock State, Lubbock; Ft. \Yorth 1 N., Ft. Wol'th. 15,000 Far. & Mech. N .. Ft. Worth.  10,000  6i,25U  88-1433  Slidc>II __________ Wise C 18 First State Bank ________ i§'l0 T. S. Atcheson __ . J.P. Turner -- ----- Chas. E. Peery _____ S. B. Powell ______ _ Pop. 150 88-1297 miley ____ Gonzales L 17 Smiley State Bank -----•U'l2 A. S. Billings ____ O. R. Culr.epper ___ ~r. G. Whi.e _______ Georgia Patte on __ H Pop. 400 88-1490 S. H. Gillett I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  z  75,000 Secur. N .. Dallas: Tex, Bk. & Tr. Co,, Galv, 450,000 Far. & Mecb, N .. Ft. Worth; Secur. N .. Dallas.  1  1  30,000  1  100,2i0 I  9,700 Alamo N., San Antonio; 1st N., Hou.  I I ..  Number under Name of Bank is the New TraQslt Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers'  Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers A s•n.  I  NAjtE OF BANK. TowN A~rn CouNTY. •}Iem. Am. Bks. s\ssn. § tate •County oceats. In No 12 Fed. Res. Dist. t~..em.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. [Estab. EEi Paso Br. H Houston. +Mem. Fed. Res.  I  I PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT, ·,  Smithfield .• Tarrant D 18 Smithfield State Bank __ t§'l9 C. P. Collins ...••.• J. T. Overbey----· 88-1894 Pop, 250 Smithville.-HastrovJ 18 , First National Bank: ___ .•t'03 Roeer Byrne_. ____ E. H . Eagleston ___ • . , 88-288 . .. 3204 Pov. ~ First State Bank-----·•U 95 Emil Buescher·--· W. D. 0. Jones ____ .. 88-287 D. Sims ________ •Suyder---··-ScurryD12 First National Bank--.•U900 w. A. Johnaon ____ R. L. Johnson 88-365 Pov. 21, 9  IFIRST STATE BK. & TR. CO. •  88-367  •U'07  RESOURCES.  CASHIER, _ _ _ _ _ __ J.M. Scott ·-----··  Ass'T CASHIER,  LIABILITIES. PAID-UP SURPLUS ' DEP0S- Lo=sa.n, •. ITS CAPITAL PRAONFDITS  1----·-------- S  A. T. Wilkes_. __ W. 0. Miller. _____ _ F, J. Kuratko M. L. Tansey ___ G. W. Kunath ••••. Jno. J. Stalmach R. H.Curnutte __ Harvey Shuler----  15,000 1S  532,640  551,960  45,760  260,300  286,310  60,000 1  52,990  345,590  312,740  P. Brady. __________ Dixie Smith_. ____ Clyde Funk ·----- J. J. BillingsJey __ ._  50,000  40,400 1 197,960  260,820  P. L. Fuller----· A. C. Alexander ___ R. Thompson ___ _ A. J. Cody A. F. Ernst. ____ • __ Garland Owens ___ ------·---·-··-----·  100,000  J. D. Giddinl?S---· ---·-------··- A.G._ Mch"er ____ _ ~ettie B._ Pace ------·-------- G. H. N e1ll --- ---· E. F. Vander Stacken M. F. Yount. ______ J.C. Garri on. ___ • H: H. MarblE_3 ----· Mis Irene J?ickson T. F. Cruse---- G.D. Hodgson •••• _ W. Z. Trott1. _____ _  50,000  I  0. P. Thrane  I  F. L. Carson __ •••. B. V. Andrews A.H. torrs ---·--·  ;:;~":  74,ti60 N. Park, N. Y.; Umon N., Hou. 68,500 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., St. L. and Hou.; City N., Dallas. 165,050 1Ohase N .. N. Y.; Ft. Worth N. and Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth. 45,910 ,N. Oity, N. Y.; Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Far. I & Mech. N .. Ft. Worth.  73,210 1 1,012,420 1,082,s50  I  25,000 ·-----·  65 ,000  I  3,000  185,000  115,000 1 330,000  100,000  50,0001  10,000  575,000  25,000  45,ooo j  409,460  28.000  170,000 1  126.670 ,Seab. N., N. Y.; City N., Dallas: 1st N., Ft. Worth. ~ 50,000 Han. N. ,N. Y.; Ce ut. Tr. Co. , San Antonio.  tTJ  .  I 4/J,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Lumbermans N  ., Hou.  630,000 1 100,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N .. Ft. Worth; Drov. N., Kan. C.; Stat e N., San Antonio. 465,000 154,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Hou, and Beaumont. 375,930 1 70,660 Bk. of America, N. Y.: Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; 1st N .. Beaumont. Gua ra nt y S tat e Bk. , Graham.  ------·--1- - -  J. O. Miller··---·· Belle McBray er. __ - - - · - - - -  J. O. Woodruff---·  0  1,060 $ 38,340 $ 34,630 $ 14,~70 1Secur. N .• Dallas: ~ar. & Mech. N .. Ft. Worth.  50,000 1  - - -·- · - - - -  PRINCIPAL CORREBPO-S'DENTS,  10,000 ------· --------Roy Stevens.---·-- - - - · - - - - (Branc h of 1st N. Bk., Post, Te x.) 10,000 60,000 2,740 19,790 Denison Bk. & Tr. Co., Denison. 34,080 E. M. Brewton. ___ · · - · · - - - - - . 274,790 92,000 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: 1st N .. Wichita· 210,S90 c. w. Carson. Jr. __ Grace Richardson. 25,000 ' Austin N., Austin ; Com'! N., Kan. C. 76,000 25,000 21,980 N. Bk. Com., Kan. C, 85,000 4.000 H. E. James-··--·- --------------·-·  8,7901  H. E. Townsend.. 0. R. Davenport __ - - - - - - - - .Act,tie W. S. Fant _____ • J. D. Hutcheson ___ M. B. Denney ____ _  12,500  5,100  119.480  15,000  9.000  107,000  0. llalone _ _ _ J.B. Hill ____ H. A. Thomason __ _  25,000  5,800  141.810  4,660 1 140,000  our_._··-- .Dickens C 12 City National Bank·----•t·lO E. O. :Edmonds.-- J. D. Harkey------ C. Hogan----··--·- H.P. Gibson·--·--· . 88-559 Pop. 1100 Spur National Bank---·-•t'09 O. A. Jones ________ W. B. Lee--------· W. T. Andrews, Jr. F. G. Colher -----· " 88-557  40,000  38,260  467,850  429.~30 1 124,470 N.Bk. Com.,N. Y.;lstN .. Ft. Worth.  100,000  28,230  339,850  501,680  46,850 N. City, N.Y.: Ft. Worth N .. Ft. Worth; Inter. State N. and S tock Yds. N .. Kan. c.  100.000  91,440  975,930  931.580  422,270 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Ft. Worth; N. and 1st N .. Ft. Worth.  707,080  680,870  170,830 Seab. N,, N. Y.; lstN., Ft. Worth.  I  Stamford _____ Joneli D Pov. 3704  131FIRST NATIONAL BANK•UgQ0 88-246  , FIRST STATE B~NK --•.U 08 4  ~_t:  R. V. Colbert ____ • A. J. Swenson •..• E.G. Keese --·---- E, S, Keese------·· J. o. Bryant R. R. liobertson J. D. Sbarlrel!ord  ~  J. R. PRATT--·---- O. P. HARLAN-----· O. P. HARLAN----·· J. R. PRATT, Jr,--·C.B.GRAY G. W. CONNELL se-nd us your co llectlons direct.  ::•B::::•:~-~:-  H. H. Ha,man_____ Gua,an: S88- Bank __ •t§' 20 i/ : • : : w : ~ : : :~;:~:.:::,:~ 80 247 •. taoton . -••• Martin l!' 10 First National Bank _____ ei•oo A. L. Houston.--. J.E. MillhoUon ___ • J. Tom·----· S. 0. Houston______  "  ________  Pov. 1000 E ··-··--"  "  . 88-722 \Home Natioft r:nk •• _•• t'08 J. R. Vance _____ • F.O. Aiken_·-·-·-· B. P. Eidson _______ - - - - - · · - - - 7 \I.U\a G 16\St&r Sta.\e Rank.-----tl'lO Frank Soules ______ J.E. Peck.-------· T. E. Hamilton_: __ Hattie Barr._______ - ~. .~ . _ , . . _ ' %8-U04 -Po-o. 200  s-., ________  111%\ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  "  \  ~  w  0  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ 1 1  43,160  Snyder National Bank •• •t'06 W. A. Fuller ______ 8k-366 omerse ____ Bexar 1116 1First tate Bank... _.•.. §'20 G. N. Evans.-·-·-· 88 2008 Pop. 500 (l'an Ormy P. 0.) somervl.lle-.Burleson 119 Bank of SomervilJe ___ .•U'05 W. c. Page _____ 88-1299 H Pov. 1879 ..sonora-----··Sutton I 12 First National Bank -··•:1900 W. L. AldweIL--88-1300 Pov. 1009 sourlake ____ Hardinl23 Citizens National Bank.•t'l7 W. E. Lee _________ 88-1778 H Pop. 3032 Sour Lake State Bank: .• •U'09 F. H. Carpenter __ " .. 88-1301 outh BPnd •• Young C 15 J. T. Coleman Banking o. J. T. Coleman . •• _. t'20 88- 2006 Pop. 60 ~ southland __ ._Garza C 11 Southland Bank ···-·-·--t•17 1- - - - - - 88-1781 Pov. 175 T. F. Rodeers ____ Southmayd-··-· Grayson First Guaranty State Bank •§'13 88-1619 B 19 Pop. 300 Spearman_.Hansford N 51First National Hank----•t'07 Jas. H. Cator ·-·-·· 88-1086 Pop, 600 Guaranty State Bank--.-•t'l7 I. E. Cameron·-·-" ________ " + 88-1784 prinl?-·--·--·Harris J 21 Sprine State Bank _____ if'lO J. o. Sellers·-----88-JS0S H Pop. 500 1>rln1?town .. Parker D 17 First State Bank·----·-tl'IZ .G. B. Moody. ______ 88-825 Pop. 700 Guaranty State Bank_ •. tl'l2 W. G. Turner---· 88-144'  I  CA!H& EI-  tJ:.;o::::· ":,.~~  25,000  lw.  ________  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acce11.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of th! volume. For Interest Rates, Holldays, etc., see Laws.  TEXAS-Continued  57,630 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Union N., Hou.  78,180  j  37,340  55,000  8,540 Han. N., N. Y.; lstN.,Ft. Worth. 23,00(l Far. & Mech. N., Weat herford.  302,320 1  7,940  326,200  25,000  18,060  86,820  2,350  45,00~  65,730 1  9,000  120,000  81,000  10,000  t:d  .._ .-  Z ~  UJ  I  3 ::;.· :J"'  ::ti  (l)  0: .....  '-t  <-.  50,000 1  I  UJ  0 Ft. Worth; 1st State. UJ ;  1  25,000  ~ ►  MIIIIII.IIIII..  g  80,410 Han. N .• N. Y.; J!'ar. & Mech. N .. Ft. Worth! Sl> Cent. State, Dallas; Hou. r , Ex., Hou, S8.610 N. Park, N. Y. • H ~ 14,920 an. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Ft. Worth.  '<  102,220  1  51,000 Far. & Mech. N. and Tex. State, Ft. Wo~th; N Drov.N .• Kan.C.;Trent State,Goldthwaita. ...,.  ~~f:ililtel!Ml~Y?iit•l~Y;J•:J;J~1M;DlSii~liil:iJ..W-BMil  /lraJIDHI'  aad- NallDe . , S..k is lbe New ,,.,..a.11v_N,'l,m::" ,:ver:  1431 J;;,:"t!,.,~a:feruib°; ::1tU:/.ft~T0 /'~l:,b~e:,'!;.:c;,:alen 1.:t:. TOWN AND COUNTY.  I  NA.ll.E OP' BANK.  I  I  / •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. lState/ .aOounty Seats. In No. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. fMf>m. St.ate Bks. .Assn. tPriv. [Estab-• E El Paso Br. ff Houston.l ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  .Stephenville.Erath E 16 Pop. 3 91  CAGE I CROW,  Banker• it1000 88-357  FARMERS NATIONAL BANK 88-358  %'07  PR£SIDENT.  T  de~~DA-:-~. ~~:er':!tia~«:'cT~~e~<fl"f:gb~i•~}  . C EXA S - on tin ued I  volume. ,  LlA.BILITIES.  CA.SH.ID.  £  aSS'T O.A..Sinn.  PA.ID-uP  s_..,.,,._m_•_  "1  ~  no•&m  MRS. JANIE CAGE- 'JNO. CAGE····-··- JNO. PURVIS •••••..• J.M. WATTS •• ····- $ 75,000 $ 12,500 $ 450,000 $ 450,000 $ 75,000 Am. Ex. N .• Dallas; so. Tex. Com'I N., Hou.; ~ _ Far. & Mech., Ft. Worth. I  t  H. FREY ••••••• O. 3. LIVINGSTON ••• J. W, FREY - - EARLL FREY .....•.  50,000  50,000  499,000  380,000  80,000 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: 1st N., Ft. Worth.  ompt, person al attention given Bill of Lading Dra fts, Cash and Time Items and remltt ed for on day of p ayment. J. J. Bennett.___ J.B. A.tor·--···· Thad Ator .•....•••  75,000  78,840  461,590  566.370  118,990 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Oom., St. L,  J. J, Mulloy •..•••. F. H. Chandler •••• W. S. Watson-·-·· T. G. Funk .•..•.•• R. M. Holcomb W. L. Foster_ •••• J. 8. Johnston ••_. J. 8. Oole---· S. A. Jilahatrey .... J. T. Davis EmetteWestbrook. R. P. Brown. _ _ N. L. Douclas •••••• ············-·-··N. L. Douelas J. H. Baln.·-····· G. B. Goue-er ••••.. Lucius Wheeler •••• - - -··········· L. R. Whet1ler L.M. Price-·-· P. ,J. Pronger•••••• Mildreu Jackson •• O. E. Powell~·----  125,000  19,500  530,000  470,000  180,000 Tex. State, Ft. Worth: Secur. N., Dallas.  60,000  63,510  133,910  307,230  45,120 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Hou. and Ft. Worth.  X 42,000 Han. N., N. Y.; San Ane;elo N., San Ane;elo; >  W. T. Martin •••••• Harry Ine;ham ••.•. Arthur Ross .•..••. ---···········  S. J. Stuart. ••• _._ E. S. Britton •••••• W. L. Stephen.-. ············-·-··· J. S. Orouch E. S. Britton, Ch. of Bd. First State Bank •.••••• •:§·M R. 0. Hinkson .•••• H.P. Simmons •••••••••••••••••••••••• G. H. Hammock .•• R. M. Ellis, Jr. 88·1306  50,000  88-356 First State Bank ...••• -:1:1'19 88-1901 First National Bank •••• -i•10 •Sterttne01t7.Sterlfne 88-726 F 11 Pop. 1000 First State Bank •••• _.•t§'05 ····-·· " 88·724 St.ockdale ..• Wilson K 17 First State Bank •••• --n·os 88-1305 Pop. 500 .Stnt!ord •• Sherman N 3 First State Bank ..... -•U'OG 88-861 Pop. 472 herman County National •• •••••..•• " Bank ... 88-181L •••• _t'l8 trawn .• Palo Pinto E 16 First National Bank •••• •: ·12 88·1456 Pop. 2457  40,000  12,000  155.GOO  165,000  40,000  40,500  180,000  230,000  25,000  37,730  211,500  253,560  25,000  1,100  25,090  24,240  28,410 1,240,250  454,450  646,000  565,000  100,000  37,000  26,860 120,000 160.000 20,000 .ll'lrstState Bank ••••••• •U'07 J. A. Thompson ••• J. R. Ooo1>0r ••••••• F. T. Lindsey ••••• R. C. Cole___ Streetman.Freestone R. M. Thompson 88-1307 F 20 Pop. 478 2,750,060 3,827,320 ••••••••.•••••••••••.••••.•••.••.•••••• Miss V. C. Teague Imperial Bis~J~· 00At•o9 !W. T. Eldridee, Jr. Sup;?i~~~rrioo~endK 21 14,200 20,000 79,640 49,830 First State Bank .••• •••• U'04 J. ll. FlemiDi?.-. C. E. llahaffey._ .. O. H. llahaffey_.. - - - - - - · 8ulphurBlufl'.Hopkins 88-lSOII C 21 Pop. 400 631,310 716.240 368,310 100,000 McDONALD... J.C. CAROTHERS. B. R. ....... W.W.JONES .. W. 0. WOMACK  gJ~\1J~1c:cting.  .  ..,  Do a general Ba nklng and Real E state business and can serve you In every de partmentln bank lnglna satlsfacto ry manner. ' { Total responslb lllty one-half mll Hon dollars.  First National Bank ..•••• ••811 H. H. Hardin .. _  •Sulphur Sprm~s ••• Hopkina •• Pop. 5558 ••• C 21  E  PRINCIPAL OoRRESPONDENTS.  RESOURCES.  "'» 0 "'.1 ,,:::..,:.;. c'T":"no.,.:,:;  IA StTRPLUs DJCPOSA.ND ___ __s _x_TB _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _c_u_IT_AL _P_ao_n-r 1 1 1  VICJC-PRESIDJ:NT,  m; ._~  For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  CITY NATIONAL BANK .. •:·80 88-194  1R. M. WOMACK  ~  t1'  Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth. 50,000 N. City, N. Y.: N. Bk. Com .. San A.ntonio; Vl tI1 Lumbermans ., Hou. 48,340 N. City, N. Y.; Drov. N., Kan. C.; 1st T., ...._ ,,. Wichita and Amarillo. 19,810 Cha e N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Amarillo: Kan. N .. Z ,~ . Wichita. 875.520 N. City, N. Y.; IJ't Worth N., .B't. Worth: City! CJl I N ., Dalla.s.  I  162,000 Bkrs. Tr. Co .. N. Y.; 1st N .. Ft. Worth: Wichita State Bk. & Tr. Co., Wichita Falls; Cent. S ate. Dallas. 30,990 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Union N., Hou.; Corsicana N ., Corsicana. 109,380 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galv.: 1st N .• Hou.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 10,900 Secor. N., Dallas. 550,000 Han. , and Irving N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St L.: Secur. N .. Dalla.s.  CJl r-t-  l"D  'g. l"D  ::S  <~. ~  ti' r+  0  I The Larcest co mblned Capital and Surpluaoran:, Bank In the City. { Special attentlo n given BUJ of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c w ith each sight draft for presentation.  CJl  ~  (I)  348,750 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; City N., Dallas; Boatmens, St. L. 149,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Secur. N. and City N., Dallas.  M. DeLoach.·-··· M. B. Sherwood .•• Claude Mccorkle •• J. C. Mitchell C. A. Brid2es •.•••• B. A. Kine ••••••••• L. E. Junell .·-···· J. O. Lindley  100,000  123,940  673,260  712,790  100,000  52,000  540,000  420,000  Guaranty State Bank & Trust Theo. Wester ....•. .Tobn Hurley ··-·· A. B. Ewini. - · · Boyd Ewing ••••••• T. E. William Company .88·196- •••• •U'l4  75,COO  5,000  130,000  190,000  20,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N .. Dallas.  10,000  10,000  135,000  80,000  M,000 1st N., F1.. Worth; Otty N., Bowle.  H. Over treet .•.•. M. F. Darsey ··-··  10,000  9,000  65,000  50,000  20,000 Ft. Worth N .. Ft. Worth; lat N .. Bowie, Tex.: Austin N ., Austin.  utherland Spe;s •• Wilson IJ'lrs1. State Bank·-···-•n·oo lw. c. Duncker .••. Wm. Herrmann ••• ···-··········-..:···· W. H. Duncker ••.• . . . 1. ' j 88-1311 K 17 . Pop. 500 Swearm'i!':;_- ~8ttle A 13 Guaranty S~:1~-*' 10 A. Y. Norman.- lS· E. Mayo·····-· .G. M. Yowell •••• _ Miss Mattie Kme; ..  10,000  4,270  39,500  35,850  11,310 Chase N .. N. Y.; Alamo N., Ban .btonio.  12,500  9,000  104,000  65,000  60,000 1st N., Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls; N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C.  First National Bank .... •t'86 P. H. Foscue .•.•.• 88-193 First State Bank ••••••. •*1'09 W. E. Kennemur .• 88·195  SunseL••• Mon~ue O 17 Guaranty State Bank --- •I'll O. H. Boedeker ••.• 88-137, Pop. 1100 "  ••  2  Sunset 8ta.i:s~Ito·--···U'05 IT.  jw. F. Rooertson ·- I. R. Hollingsworth Miss Winnie Boone  o. Phillips _ _ .w. R. Potter .....•  I  C'D  r+  "  11,840 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Bay .... 17,740 21,430 10,000 ·······Sweeny ..• Brazoria K 21 First State Bank ___ .• t§'l9 M. W. Hoopingar. J. E. Arrine;ton ••• D. H. Chenault. ••• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..i:,. C_ity Bk. & Tr. Co., Bay 9ity. ner 1 , 88-1853 H Pop. 500 ~ _ Union N., Hou.; Yoakum State, Yoakum. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. .. Valent& ll. IJ. : · a t n e l a V E. 1. 13 t •• Br~:.:i~nkers Valenta Swe~t Hi~~~~rcaKI8 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS, CHICAGO  -~__:,,...~:----:---:.-;.:-:._::--:-=-~-~------ --- - - - c - = - ~  ··---  . -·· .  . --  =~---- -:  -------=·-----~~--:-:::_-:----:::- -- -  1 '. un4er !lame or &Dk la the New 1'ran1lt Number onn le eao.h b&Dk in U. B. exeluslvely by The Rand-McNally Ban.k ers' IJlreetorJ, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  Non-Bank Towns with earest Banklng •olnt (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ,_. volume. For I n t e r e s t ~ Holidays, etc., see Laws. 1 i'.;  TEXAS--C00 flllUCd  I  TewN AND OoUNTY. NillE oF B.onr. •Oounty Seats. . •Kem. Am. Bks. Assn. lState P&r.sIDJ:NT. VICE-PRJtS1D1t.NT. OASJII.D.. ln No. n Fed. Res. Dist. iMem. St.ate Bks. Assn.tPriv. EEl Paso Br, HHouston. +Mem. Fed. Re . (Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ::-:-:--:-=--,..,...-:c,..,..,.,-c-c-c--- I I - - - - - - -  I  I  LIABILITIES. PAID-UP DEPos-  .Ass'T OAsmn.  SURPLUBI  J. G. WILKINSON .. MOSE NEWMAN·----· E. C. BRAND-··----- OSCAR PATE-....... $ 100,000 J. W. BUTLER 1  t ter Nolan E 12 CITY NATIONAL BANK •+•19 • wee w:op •4307 l!lS-l64 4 ·· + { Save time and g et service on Colle ctlons and Credit Reports by sendl ng • (<'EE IN ADVAN ICE: Plain sr,rht d rafts, I Sc; Credi t Report&, 25c. T RY US.  ..  " ·-··-·-·  "  FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•:::·01 R. K. llcAdams_... W. L. Boothe ... •-- 0 . B. Payn(•-····-· II. L. Jennings.... gg.:.224 l:L . Calnrt Texas R'd.nk & TMst Co.•:U'l4 E. DonthiL·--·-··· R. A. Ragland .... G. E. Bra.rt ford-··· GeorgP Wilhs-····• 88-1668 H.B. Heed Tom Flack, .Lr. J. Dulaney  J. D. Patter on .... 1 R. S. Ward·--····· .T. L. 8ohemaker.J r. , W.W. Barron •••-. V. B. C&ro\hers.--. H. C. Duff_........  Talco State Bank. ____ •. tf '13 E. S. Lllienstern._ 88-1479 First Sbte Bank .. ____ •. if'05 1J. A. Norris •. _____ 88-1316 First Bta.te Bank-·--·--·:1:1'07 A.O. Menefee .. ___ . . 88-1317 City National Bank ••_•• •UDOO 1. H. Griffith-..-. 88-185  ..  ..  FIRST NATIONAL BANK •f 88-183  83  FIRST STATE BANK&. TRUST CO. 88-186  if.  80,000  41,000  750,000  490,000  100,000  92,330  583,700  -159. 790  25,000  10,000  130.000  136,000  50,000  2,860  196,660  116,970  ---··········--····· Raymond Mullen .. Joo P. Williams •..  50,00C  13 .9m  498.470  449,110  50.000  29,000  400,000  400,000  c. D. .. - -  35,000  7,000  175,000  135,000  D. Warner---- Felix Jone ' •···-·· ··-············· ....  20,000  14.000  70,000  6;5,000  J. A.Bra ·hear._ Frank H. Weaver.  C.Price ..•..•....•. C. Price ••.... ·--··· Wayne Bennett ...  2C,000  32,000  250,000  104,000  S. J. MrFarland. __ J. R. Doss _ _ _ ?IIary Shearron .... O. Daniel James Shaw •.• ---· James Shaw··---· H. A. Lettermann.  10,000  10,000  110,000  80,000  100,000  90,000  510,000  650,000  I  H. WELCH·--· H. V. WELCH ····-· S. 6. GERNERT .... E. M. GRIMES, JR.  Prompt and ca reful attention g lven to collectlon s. Oldest National Bank In the Cou nty.  150,000  N  --..111no .11.ura , - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - -  10,000 $ 583,000 $ 400,000 $ 230,000 Seab. N.,N. Y,; 1st N. and Worth· City N., Dallas.  W. D. Nevels.·-··· W. B. Slaton •.••• -. B. 1'. Brown_._ ....  63,340 1,101,320 1,231,570  .1.T.  Bk. Corn., Ft ..  225,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth: Am. Ex. N. and Secor. N .. Dallas. 311.510 Guaranty Tr. Co .• N. Y.; 1st N.,Ft. Worth. 17,840 Ft. Worth N •• Ft. Worth: 1st N., Stamford. 131,030 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st N .. l't. Worth; City N .. Sweetwater; Far. & Merch. N., Abilene. 113,300 1st N .• Chi.; o. Tex, Com'l N .. Hou.; State N ., San Antonio. 100.000 H;, ~ii. . Y.: Drov. N .. Kan. C.: 1st N., Ft.  toi tlJ  X  >  32,uC0 N . Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth: Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L. C/l 69,350 Am. N ., Paris; Secur. N ., Dallas. tJ3  > z  105,000 lstN .. Coleman; Am. N., Austin; Brooks Smith ~ & Cll., Brownwood. ' 21.000 N. Bk. Oom., St. L.; Secur. N., Dallas. .~ 100,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Hou,  . C/l  182,920 Cont. & Coml. .._T, Chi.; N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.: So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou.  CoUecttons given prompt attention by an officer or the bank. We wUI appreciate your boslnesa.  150.000 -  ~  26,830  647,710  -  -  ___  ___  743,820 -  ~  ~  $:  C'D C'D r+  ------1  ~  0. E. ROBERTS ·- ---- E. L. WOMACK .•.... E. L. WOMACK .•..•.. C. F. GEYER, JR.----  Taylor National Bank __ .•t'88 G. M. Booth....... . G. Yakey ....... 88-184 C.H.Booth,Jr.,1'.P 1'. E. Burns Teague._ •• Freestone F 20 First National BanlL---· i•ofi John H.iley ---- ··-· W. .Iii. Peek....----· Pop. 3306 88-272 •· First State Uank ..•.. - •U'07 IL )I. Thompson •. D. Alderman ...... 88-273 .J. D. .\lauprn Tehuacana_.Limestone First State Bank ........ j:§'17 W. :M. Moody·--··· John II. weatL ... Pop. 614 F 19 88-1753 . K S. Bronaue;h Telephone •.. Faunin C 20 First tate Hank ..••.•.•. §'20 ,T. B. W1lliams -·- \V. F. Cotfetlge .... ">op. 300 88-1909 . 'fell .•.... -.Childress R 6 First State Bauk ·--·-··t§ 17 . B. Cram·-······ T. A. Ro ·s- - - - · POD. 300 8!H782 Tem1>le ····--··Bell II 18 CITY NATIONAL BANI{. •t·o2 Chas. M. Oampbe!L W. S. Rowland-·Pop. 11,033 88~g Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  $  P&INCIPll OoRKJ'.SPONDD~.  »-· c.... ., s:1-  1  Swen,on •. Stonew&ll C 13 First Bank of Swenson •it·12 ' Wm. Jordon ....... Pop. 80 88-1572 Sylvester __ .Fisher D 13 First State Bank .... ---· §'20 C. AL Webb ........ Pop. 300 88-1314 . TafL.8&D Patricio N 18 1TaftBank--·-······•it·to J. F. Green·---·--· H Pop. 500 MS-1315 •Tahoka ... -L7nn C 10 FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•l'07 A. L. Loc.lnrocxL __ • Pop. 1500 88-726 " ··-·-··· " Guaranty SJ;~Mfnk_.•t§'16 A. D. Shook_. ____ TalcO------- Titus C 22 Po11. 500 Talpa .•• __ .Ooleman F 14 Pop. 800 Tatum--··--·· Rusk E 23 Pop. 500 Taylor ••• Williamson I 18 Pop. 5965  RESOURCES. Lo.n11  CAPIT.A.t, AlCD ITS c'TL Bo.,,., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ Pno.-iTB _ _ _ -....... ...,•  n.,  120,730 Han. N., N. Y.; Hou. N. EI. and Union N., ;Hou.; N. Bk. Com., San Antonio; Cltiz. "°' __ r: _ St~te, Austin. •  0 i-i  A. E. Ake •. ________ ··-···-····-·-··-···  150.000  151,140  927,820 1,00o,600  255,.>40 1N. O1ty, N. Y.; So. Tex. Oom 1 N., Hou.  R. F. Riley ----·· P. W Curry ·----· H. B. Middleton \\' . K. Tbomp.,on_ Geo. F. Doclgeo ...• J. J . .Kel'dham 0. D. Hallum. __ ._. J . . )loody ··-···  50.000  110,000  500,000  480,000 451,2 0  160,000 Far.& Mech. N .. Ft. Worth: City N., Dallas; I Lumberman _ N .. Hon. ,c, 23.980 Seab. N .. N. Y.: Union N., Hou.; Secur. N .. ...,. Dallas. C'D 29,070 N. Park, N. Y.; Secur.N .• Dallas; Far. State, Mexia. I 12,000 1st State, Bonham; City N .• Dallas. .  T. S. :hlooro .• ----·· ·----····-·------·-· . Fred IlonL-.. -.. M. E. Ewmg ..••...  50,000  5,000  -113.910  10,000  3,000  -15.000  30,000  20,000  1,700  42,000  47,000  5,000  75,000  25,000  10,000 200,000  71,700 1,375,090 1,482,600  I  •  9,710 Far. & Mech.State.Childress: Austin N., Austin~ Stock Yds. N., Ft. Worth. 407,780 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Secur. N .. Dallas; Liberty N., Waco; So. Tex. Com'! N., Hoo.  !3Cb  1433  I  .NIUIIIHlr aader .Name or Jlllalr u U,e .New Tnuull NnmlHw Id.,._ to each banJc in U. B. exeJIUl-,eIT b;y Th• &and-MeNallT Baden" Dlrect,ory, under the authont, of The American Bankers Aas•n.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  !:  NAME OF BA...VK  •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. '5s~te ... county Seats. In No.11 Fed. Hes. Dist. :tMem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. [Estab. E ElPasoBr.H Houston. '+Mem.Fed.Res.  PRESIDENT,  VICE-PRESIDENT,  TEXAS-Continued  I  LIABILITIES.  f  Non-Bank Towns w1th Nf!'arest Barudng Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) 1n back of th1s/cvolume. For Interest R~tes, HoJJdays, etc., see La~s- ~  RESOURCES, CA.SHIER.  AsS'T CASHIER.  C  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  Ip.)  DEPOS- !~m&DI8- O.HB&Exo!Ul<a .. ITS soc=•• no11llA1'U  PAID-UP SURPLUS AND CAPITAL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PROFITS 1 1 1  lcT1. Bo1'1De,  ,D""  :<  "'1  ~  Tenaha ____ Shelby F 23 /First State Bank _____ :f'08 D. Du Bose ______ W. A. Bourland .... Luke Modey ______ W. B. Rider _______ $ 20,000 $ 42,000 $ 200,000 .$ 130,000 $ 84,000 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Tex. State, Ft. Worth; N 1st N., Shreveport. . J.M. Pa~ker , 88-)818 . Pop, 577 200,000 255,830 1.500,000: 1,339,000 260,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Oom., st. L.: City N .• 1 ,..... TerrelL ___ Kaufman D 2u American National Bank•: 95 W. P. A.llea _ _ Oscar Price ________ B. Allen _ _ _ _ o. W. Cartw~1fhL Dallas. Ham1lton R. Jno. T. E. Corley 18-151 Pop. 8349 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - ' - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - I · - - - - - - - - - :- - - - - -  SIDNEY BASS------E. F. MORROW ----rA. . MH".:B&OtYtLDEAMr·-200.000 FIRST NAT'L BANK M. c. ROBERTS---Colleotlona Sollolted. Our auperlor facilities  275,000 1,550,000 1,900,000  -  -  88-150  -  480,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.; Merch.-Lae. N .• St. L. City N. Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth.  TRY US. guarantee satisfactory service. 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = = - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -I · - - - - - - - - - :- - - - - 1 L. E. GRIFFITH, JR. 0. F. WALTON---- -- 0. E. NICHOLSON --- I. G. MORRIS------- 200,000 165,000 1,400,700 768,150 382,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas; Hou. N. Ex .. Hou. J. M. FULLER W. H. NEELY PAUL M. HELMS J. S. GRINNAN, JR. FIRST STATE BANL ... i§'06 { Save time and g et service on Coll ectlons and Cred lt"Reports by sen ding + 88-152 FEE IN ADVAN CE:  Texarkana __ Bowie B 24 Pop. IU80  Plain •i,rht draft•. 15c; Cre dit Report•. 25c.  88-102  81-75  20.000 570,000 440,000 50,000 N. A. Shaw-------- J.P. McShane _____ E. D. Trigg ________ V. A. Ghio_________ ___ ___ ___ ___ H. S. Bra.5hear •:§'16  +  9~  TEXARKANA, ARK.-TEXAS. •i·111 Prompt service and reasonable charges.  i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  '"" w  •it'l7 88-1777 First State Bank _______ e:§'15 88-1695 Planters State Bank _____ t§'l7 88-1785 First State Bank ________ §'20 88-1995 First National Bank __ •i·oI 88-728 Thorndale State Bank_ *5'07 88-729 First Nationa!Bank _____ :•07 88-833 Guaranty s \~\.iaiank __ t§'20 8 Farmers State Bank ---•t§"l3 88-1565  >  ,Z  _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _  QUICK SERVICE ON COLLECTIONS. REASONABLE RATES.  CARL NESSLER---- E, A. BY KUM---- -TEXAS CITJ8~2~llONAL ~~iI Collections a sp Prompt attentl on to all Banking i H.J. Hammond ____ W. T. Hughes _____ 'Texline _ _ Dallam N 2 DALLAM COUNTY BANK  Thrall. ___ Williamson I 18 Pop. 272  )>  C/l  ~  I  ~  g  W.R. GRIM---------BEN. COLLINS ______ J, W. WHEELER----H, ff. BROWN------..,. ff. E. McCURRY Established in 1887. tJ N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N.,andN.Bk.Com., 2,070,690 Seab. 4,971,740 _ 5,975.080 _ 593,390 _ 260,000 _ H· T· WIEGEL St. L.N., Chi.; PJ lstN. _ OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN  ------------(*Members of Texarkana, A rk., Clearing Hou se) ( For Bank.a at Teaxllrk a,na, Ark,, see .A.r"ka-7u!Cl.ll Ba nk list) Texas City.GaJvestonK22 First National Bank _____ .i•u Geo. E. Whitney •• D. H. Wilson ___ A. B. Phillips ___ R.R. Wiley ________ Edw. Mills 88-205 H Pop. 2509  Thornton_Limestone G 19 Pop. 733 "  -, t::z:l Dallas: >::  A LIVE PROGRESSIVE BANK. Unexcelled facilities are offered for the prompt and ~~~~~See Texarkana, Arkansas. efficient handling of accounts of individuals, firms and banks in Southwest Arkansas and Northwest Texas. ..,, •  NATIONAL BANK 11-101  150,000 N. Rk. Com.. N. Y.; Secur. N., Liberty Cent, Tr. Co., St. L.  ...J  E. A. FROST-------- STUART WILSON---- W. B. OGLESBY----- EDW. KUHL-----W.W. BRUEGGEMAN, NEWTON HARDY C. M. BLOCKER E.W. FROST, A. Ca ·h. Ch. of Bd. C. R. JOHNSON  1EXARKANA  The Grove._ Coryell G 18 Pop, 400 Thomas ____ Upshur D 22 Pop. 500 Thorndale ____ }{ilam H 18 Pop. 1000 ..  US.  GUARANTY STATE BANK  *STATE NATIONAL BANK  Pop. 762  TRY  E. L. NOBLE ---- --· - ----------- ---------  ..+  --  --- ---  ---  25,000  7,000  145,000  98,000  50,000  15,000  320,000  195,000  on day or pay ment. ~c1'a1ry ~tEdHi~~lt t.ed matters entruste d to us.  E. L. McCullough __ T. J. ____ _ H.J.Hammond.Jr. T. H. Rixey ____ H.F. Rixey _ _ _ W.W. Rixey ---·- Irving H. Clark-·-  ---  O ~  ::r "'1 62,800 N. City, N. Y.; City N., Ga.Iv.; 1st N., St. L. and Hou. 175,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Midw. Reserve Tr. j Co., Kan, C.; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galv.  ~-  J. W. Taylor ______ W. T. Spencer _____ Ira S. Pusket_ _____ -•·------------------  26,870 Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.; 1st N., Clayton, N. Mex.;.Amarillo N.,Amarillo; Com'l N., Kan. C. 90,000 1st N .• Ft. Worth and .Amarillo: Gate City N .. and N. Bk. Com., Kan. C. 37,390 N. Park. N .. Y.: 1st N .. Temple; Dallas Tr.& 22,870 49,860 2,900 15,000 Sav. and City rT., Dallas. 15,000 --------- __ .. _______ ...... ___ --------- Pitt. N., Pitt., Tex.  H. Y. Allen _______ C, A.. Nelson ______ Chas. A. Davis _________ _  50,000  24,990  326,350  192,450  200,410 Han. N., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N .. Hou,  J.B. Wills _________ C. Saller-------·-- s. Clement _______________________ _ J. W. Garner B. B. Barron ______ .J.P. Morris _______ J.E. Barnett ______ R.R. Black _______ _  30,000  13,000  130,000  100,000  50,000  90,000  301,900  337,900  T. M. Wilson ______ A. P. Ellis _ _ _ J.M. Wayland ____ E. L. Gidden _____ _  40,000  ---------  100,000  15,000  5,450  47,990 Seab. N., N. Y.; Union N., Hou.: Am. N., Austin. 117,000 N. City. N . Y.: So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou,; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. 15,000 Secur. N., Dallas; 1st N., Hou.; Cent. N .. 1 Waco. ~ 123,480 jSeab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Hou.: City N., Taylor, w  W. J. Dube. _______ H. .A. Winkler _____ J.M. Shows _______________________ _  J. 0. Stiles ________ <7. D. Johnson _____ Craig 0. Black _____ Murrah Nolte ____ _  30,000  820  194.850  257,610  12,500  7,500  250,000  180,000  237.560  85,000  I  109,880  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS, CHICAGO  w  1,, Number under Name of Bank i11 the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'o. TOWN AND COUNTY,  .. county Seats. ln No. 11 Fed. Hes. Dist. E El Paso Br. HHouston . ThreeRivers ___ Live Oak H Pop, 500 N 16 Thrift Branch __ Wichita (Burkburnett P, 0.) A16 Pop. 5000 •Throckmorton_ Thr'm'n Pop. 686 O 15 Timpson _____ Shelby F 23 Pop.1526 .. ________ ..  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi' volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., s 'e Laws  TEXAS-Conti•nued  NA.ME OF BANK,  t  LlABILlTIES, RESOURCES. PAID-UP SURPLUS DEPOS- '""-"'"Du- OileAEx-  •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State PREsIDJ:NT. V PR O As C tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ICEJ:SIDJ:NT, ASHID. S'T ASHIER. CAPITAL AND ITS +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. PROJ!'ITS Live Oak County State Bank W. J. McMurray __ James Murray ____ M. T. Buckaloo ____ O. F. Lewis ________ $ 25,000 $ 7,760 $ 135,120 88-1670 t§'l4 Johnson Bros. Banking Co. H. I. Johnson ______ W. L. Johnson ____ J. D. White _______ W. D. Barrow_____ 10.000 2,IOG 221,030 88-1949 t'20  First National Ban1c ____ •t'0l 88-1320 Cotton Belt State Ban1c_t§'89 88-530 Guaranty State Bank--•ll'02 88-531 Tiora_______ Grayson C 18 First Guaranty State Bank Pop. 777 + 118-1321 •U'll Tivoli ______ Refufio M 19 Guaranty State Bank ___ i§'12 H Pop. 300 88-1630 Tolar __________ Hood E 17 Continental State Ban1c_ U-09 Pop. 416 8!!-1322 Tomball__ ___ Harri" J 21 Guaranty State Bank ____ §'21 H Pop. 250 88-2015 Tom Bean __ (¾rayson B 19 First National Hank ______ i·oo Pov. 367 88-1324 Toyah ________ Reeves G 6 Citizens State Bank---•U-09 E Pop. 1500 88-696 Travis _________ Falls G 18 Travis StateBank. ______ i5•10 Pop. 300 88-1325 . TrenL ______ Taylor E 13 First State Bank _______ if '08 Pov. 400 88-807 Trenton _____ Fannin C 20 First National Bank _____ t'0l .. Pop. 616 .. 88-858 ________ Guaranty State Bank --*1'13 + 88-1578 Trinidad, Henderson O 6 Guaranty State Bank_§'l9 Pop. l50 88-1903 Trinity ______ Trinity H 21 First State Ban1c ______ eif'05 H Pov. 1363 88-13211 .. ________ .. Trinity National Bank __ •t·n 88-1386 Tronp ________ Smith E 22 First National Bank ____ •t·o2 Pop. 1258 88-677 " ___ " Guaranty State Ban1c--•tl'l0 + 88-678 TroY-----··-----Bell G 18 Citizens Exchange Bk,-•tt"04 Pop, 500 88-1327 Trumbnu _______ Ellls E19 Farmer State Bank _____ §'l9 Pop. g8 88-1850 Traaeott ______ Knox B 14 First Bank of 'l'ruseott ___ t'l4 Pop. 150 8s-132g •Talla ______ swisher R 4 First National Bank ____ •t'02 Pov. 11 9 88-636 .. _____ •• Tulia Bank & Trust Co.•tl'lO 88-6:i7 Turkey __________ Hall R 6 First National Bauk ____ •t'18 Poo. 400 88-1800 " ________ " Turkey State Bank ______ t§'l0 88-1330 Turnersville_Coryell G 17 First State Bank _______ t§'l0 Pop, 500 88-1331 Tu cola ______ ·raylor E 14 First State Bank _______ ej§'12 Pop. 500 88-1501  CITIZENS NATIONAL ... BANK 88-78 .. 1900  S mi·th E 21 Pop. 12,085  • T Y Ier--------  D. B. Thomas _____ A. C. Daws ________ W. K. Orawley G. W, Trammell ___ W. G. Hagley ______ Stroud Kelley, V.P. T. D. Smith W. D. Wade ____ li, T. Hla1r ________ T. S. G&rrison E. E. Ledbetter ____ L. F. Brown _______ A.H. Leftwich L. R. Jeter _______ J.E. Barber _______  Garland Eubanks __ Miss Mary Thorp __  c'T,. Bol<D8, t!sooamu  I$  75,000  39,500  236,490  360,310  60,000  36,470  409,903  193,910  B. J. Hawthorn ____ J. J. Green _______ _  40,000  26,000  281,000  153,200  17,500  200,000  160,000  17,500 - - -  78,570  ·r. Cooke _____  Z, L. Wri£ht _____ C. S. Cannaday ___ _ L. D. Price J, R. Carpenter ____ --------------------  30,000  61,420  J. G, Wilkinson ____ R. W. immons ____ Frank Ou~h _______ ---------------·---··  20,000  o. S. Crowley _____ ----------------c. H. Lackey ________________  10,000 25,000  21,000  275,000  110,000  W. D. Cowan ____ K. B. Daniel------ :M. Me.Alpine___ 0. A. DanieL ____ _  40,000  12,000  334,000  185,000  M. E. Belson ______ JacklfcCling ______ C. N. Rif!rS----- Era Riggs---------  10,000  3,500  60,000  30,000  E. Kegans _________ W. E. Hammer ____ Homer Easterwood B. L. Hamilton ___ _ J. S. Swann J.B. Robinson ___ Y. B. Reed-------- John Dona£h87- E. L. Wilson ______ _  30,000  8,000  200,000  100,000  40,000  64,110  272,020  359.890  Clarence Woosley_ S. W. Brown - - - B. C, Custard----- ___________________ _  25,000  7,500  112,740  62,410  B. A. Crofford _____ L. W. Pulley ____ H. R. Barnes ______ ---------------  12,500 ---------  30,000  31,000  Alex. Thompson __ W. H. Bradley ____ J. W. Wilson _____ R.H. Taylor _____ _  50,000  23,770  320,410  311,180  J.B. Peyton _____ J.B. Gibson _____ P.H. Oanthan - - G. L. Trow _______ _ G. R. Barnes T. L. Tipton ___ S. Jarvis _____ J, W. Pa.ce _______ S. V. Roddy ______ _ N. F. White J. F. Lowry ___ J.B. Rucker ____ B. 0. Dickinson ___ E.Lawhon ________ _  30,000  12,950  211,000  201,000  25,000  58,620  201,640  362,930  25,000  25,000  215,000  220,000  C. E. Maedgen -·-- ------------- W. L. Haed£en --- J. T. Jordan _____ _ B. B. Munsey ___ P. D. Williams ____ G. W. Bingham ____ - - - - -  15,000  10,490  183,650  150,070  25,000  4,400  89,870  97,690  Louis Chesser______ , __________ Evelyn Clark_ ---- B, L. Chesser_-----  10,000  5,000  71.000  70,000  T. W. Tomlinson __ 8. F. Flores ________ w. A. Everett_ ____ J. R. Noland-----J. L. Cantrell W. B. Hale ____ Wm. Ward ________ C. E. Duke - - - E.G. Barks _______ _  50,000  69,650  587,210  495,070  50,000  46,780  308,440  322,340  John Sharp ________ A. B. Crump _______ J.E. Kelley _______ Bertha Sharp ____ -S. P. Lacy R. F. Meacham ____ J. L. Balton ___ ·--- J, H. Fry __________ Pearl Weatherbee-  25,000  7,000  85,000  100,000  12,500  8,0G0  125,000  100.000  G. F.Boone _______ Fred Foote, Sr, ___ Dan Stokes------ H. R. IIaa. e_ ------  15,000  7,500  85,000  85,000  0. G. Brown _______ Henry James ______ Walter J. Taylor __ Miss  12,500  14,000  206,000  98,500  A. R. Woodson ____ C. W. Brau igam __ J. H. Dickson _____ E. 0. Thomas ______  .M. Cunningham  1L  G. F. TAYLOR----- R. BERGFELD------- CLAY HIGHT-------- H. M. BELL-------A. POUNDS, JR. Collel'tlons sent J. us wnFITZGERALD receive pro mpt attention.  l{  w.  w.  250,000  00  -::-_•-::-B..m::-::-,,...,-l:=:----::--::-,c:------,----------  34,030 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. N., Kan. C.: 1st N., Ft. 1 Worth: Am. N .• Austin. 176,290 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Com'! N ., Shreveport. 125,600 1st N .. St. L.: Am. Ex. N .. Dallas; Union N, Hou. 60,000 DPnison Bk.&Tr. Co .. Denison: Merch. &Plan. N. and Com'l N., ShC'rman. 26,080 Victoria N., Victoria: State N., San Antonio.  100,960 21,650 Bk. of N. Y • .N. B. A., N. Y.; Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Ft. Worth. 2,000 _________ --------- _________ South Texas Corn'l, ., Hou.  471,800 1,671,690 2,499,390  Personal pre en tattoo. We obtal n reasons for non -payment and re mlt pro mptly. Save time and s end your Items di rect. Try us for g ood service. OSCAR McFARLA,iD E. H. VAUGHN ______ J.M. STEPHENS----- W. J. STEPHENS ---- 100,000 1 36,000  I I  I  ,;.,  I  I  .  I  ~  I  :  I  ~  I  ;  ~  ►  5",000, N., Dallas; 1st N., St. L.  C/l  184,000 Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth: N. Stock Yds. N .. N. Stock Yds., Ill.: Am. Tr. & Sav., El Paso. 40,000 Cent. N. and Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galv.  to  140,000 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.  :,:::  ►  z  C/l  26,240 Dallas N .. Dallas: N. Bk. Oom., St. L.  I  i--3 ::r@  63,530 Seab. N., N. Y.; City N .. Dallas: Greenville N. Ex .. Greenville. 11,000 Secur. N., Dallas; 1st T., Athens.  50,630 N. City, N. Y.: City N., Galv.; 1st N., Hou.; (I) Am. Ex. N., Dallas. , ::i::, 45,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N., Hon.; City N., Uah·.,  <.  119,170 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; City N,, Dallas.  (I)  ,@  30,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.: So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou.; Secur. r+ N. and 1st State, Dallas. o 57,5701N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; City N .. Dallas: Union N.. Hou. .,_, 20,830 State N .. Corsicana; Cent. State, Dallas. '< 15,000 lstN.,Ft. Worth, WichitaFalls,and Benjamin. ~ "1  260,400 Han. N., N. Y.; New Eng, N .. Kan. 0,; 1st N., Ft. Worth: Kan. N .. Wichita. 1Q3,060 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Amarillo; Inter-State N ., Kan. O.; Citiz. State, Austin. 27,000 Citiz. State, Memp., Tex.; Inter-State N., Kan. C. 30,000 Ft. Worth N .. Ft. Worth; lstN., Wichita Falls. 17,000 Am. Ex. N .• N.Y.; 1st N .. Waco and Gatesville; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galv. r. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Far, & Merch. N .. Abi- ._ lene. ~ 522,021 N. City, N. Y.; So. Tex. Oom'l N., Hou.; ::, Mtle Tr. Co., St. L.; City N., Dallas. c  105,000  Ill  I  "1  897,260 1,131,150  203,510 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N .. St. L.: Secur. N., Dallas; Am. Ex. N., Dallas. i  ~  i  I  Solicits Your Business  I  i--3 trl  119,380  14,800  PEOPlES GUARANTY STATE r. J. BROGAN. V.P, R. W. SIMPSON H. M. EAGLE BAMK- ♦ - lSlH7- _____ •t\i'l3 { .. peclal attentlo n 1?:lven Blfl of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. I I Prompt rl'ports , made on paid and unpaid Items. Re Uahle Crl'dlt Repo rt~. 25 c ent!I. Federal Reserve Bank1 A,:, of St. Louis  ..p.  ,nn  (!ll.Uf. . .  154,850 $ 25,560 Live Stock Ex. N .• Chi.; Cent. Tr. Co. and N. Bk. Com., Ran Antonio. 88,300 141,030 Tex. State, Ft. Worth; 1st N .. Burkburnett; City N., Wichita Falls.  J.C. Black ______ _  F.  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  1435  Number uader Name or Baalt ill the New Transit NuDJber pvea eicluslrely by The Band-McNall-T Bankers• io each baalc in Dlrect;ory. under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  u. s.  I  I  NA.ME OF B~K. PRESIDENT. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. . In Xo. 11 Fed. Res. Dist. ;tMem. St.ate Bks, Assn.t Priv. fEstab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fEJPa oBr. HHouston. / ♦Mem.Fed.Res. TOWN A.ND COUNTY.'T CASHIER.  _______  _______  _______  w. S  ~AJD-UP  SURPLUS  .um  DEPOS-  c. Steinmeyer__  einmeyer _ E.  C  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  RESOURCES. 1.ou, • o... c.... • 11::1,. c"ra. ao ..o., nuo•,Dn  ~ PaonTa ~ s.,UmTI.  ll,)  ~  no•luJIU _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , · 1  1  11  1  I  LI.A.BlLlTlES.  I  C~Hill,  VICE-PRESIDENT.  TynHn ________ Bee J 61Bank of Tyfi-1gsf ______ t'20 Chas. Mengers ____ A.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Ban.king Point (Indexert Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this'volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  TEXAS-Continued  ------- -- -·. ______ $ 15,000 _______  l topia·------1 ,·alde L 13 Fir t ta+c B.tnk ____ _____ §'20 G. W. Cur!i ------- C. E. Freeman _____ Roy K. Woou ______ --·----------------. 88-1!:191 Pop. 500 •l',·alde ______ u~aldeL 13 COMMERCIAL NATIONAL, N. B. Pulham----· W. P. Dermody·- J. W.Vanham --- W. B'. 11orran .. ___ L. M. myth BANK·--· 88-239_______ .i 03 Pop. 388'-'  §  __! _________ _________ _________ 1$ 18,000 $  20,000 100,000 $125,000  600,000  6,000 $ 28,000 1st State, abinal; Tex. tate Bk. & Tr. co., 1 an An'onio. 750,000 100,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. San Antonio. .  1FIRST STATE BANK-.. •U'07 T. H. McNelleY ..•. I. L. Martin. - - H. \V. Little-·----· Lawrence Little.__ 88-240  60,000  18,000  247,700  307,880  H. H. Mitchell.-•• - H. A. Byrom ··---· B. F. Gray·---·-·-· T. M. Griffis, Jr ••• G. w. Pauley J. C. Jarrett .••••• - F . .M.. GoodalL ••• - W. S. Turner·-···- L. E. Walker·--  10,000  8,420  136,270  106,230  30,000  6,000  150.000  126.000  W. T. McNeilL_._ J. S. Pool ____ M. H. Richards ____ Roy PooJ.. ____ _  30,000  25,000  486,420  211,420  Geo. Hudspeth __  25,000  13,000  125,000  130.000  Clay Newton·----·  . E. Uupherie, ____ C. E. Perry-···---· Della Walker··--·-  25,000  19.000  130,000  143.000  Yau l'-tyne.Grayson C lG Continental State Bank .•1'011 J, G. Wilkinson ___ . 88-577 . Pop. la88 FIRST NATIONAL BANK•i·oo J. Umphress-··-·-" " 88-576  L. A.. Oartwr~hL. E. P. Williams ____ --··-·-··-·--------· J. £!:. Berrineton H.. .M. Cannon·-··· SpencPr Taylor ___ • ------·-······-·---L. Umphress  2-5,000  16,000  103,000  173,000  50,000  59,430  411,1120  407,910  •Yan Hon1-0ulberson H 4 Van Horn State Bank_.•if'OD R. Durrill ----·---· J. c. Hunter··----- H. Hunter---·---·· ---·-·--··----···-· W. D. Garren 88-1334 E Pon. 1500  30,000  29,780  216,000  203,000  62,500 Han. N .. N. Y.: State N., El Paso: Far. & '(fl Mech. N .. Ft. Worth.  . Ivy-----·-···  50,000  21.000  112,000  167,690  64,370 N. City, N. Y.: Inter-State N., Kan. 0.: 1st N .. ,-, ~ Amarillo.  w. o. Hudfins.__ _  10,000  1,670  55,310  48,730  14,110 Liberty N., N. Y.; Bou. N. Ex., Lumbermans ~ ::, N. and Union N., Hou.  Barker·---·- G. O. Barton_.____ _  50,000  25,000  150,000  246,250  __ ·-·-·-·-----. __ --·  15,000  ---------  55,000  49,000  R. E. Martin-·-·-·A A. Hingst c:v. King _____._ J.B. Ross  100,000  52,000  g33,ooo  480,000  50,000  50,000  775,000  321,000  J. B, ANDREWS--·-· R. W. ABBOTT  125,000  {ROB'T HOUSSELS L. 6. HAWKINS.--. L. E. PIPER----·--· s. C. HOGSETT---6 0 Hor, ~0 N BUSINES SEND us v NATIONAL BANK Prompt attention given Bill of Ladi ng . • . 8M 83 i 99 Drafts and all matters sent us.  100,000  "  --··---·  "  Valera·--· ._Coleman F 14 First State Bank ______ .i§'l4 88-1700 Pop. 350 VaJley Mills_.Bosque F 18 Oitizens State Bank ____ .t§'l3 ♦ 88-1522 Pop. 1000 First National Bank. ___ .i•o8 88-1332 Valley View .. Cooke C 18 FirstGuaranty State Bk•U-14 ♦ 88-1675 Pop. 600 1 First National Bank--·-·•i•o5 " " 88-1333  c. Sebastian---·  E. Williams .••• ---· W. C. WriehL.-- L.  Yega--·-·----Oldham P 3 First State Bank. ______ eif'08 P.H. Landel'Elll __ Ford Brandenburf. T. B. Jones.·---·- R. J. N. lvy 88-1335 Pop, 800 Velasco ____ .Brazoria L22 Velasco State Bank ·---.:U-07 88-1336 H Pop. 600  s.  H. Hu~ns. ____ Chas. Skinner--·-- P. F. Combs·---·--  Venu<: ______ Johnson E 18 Farmers & Merch. Nat.Bank B. O. Kelly ________ T. W. Hines .. ·--·· Z. L. E. Eskridge i·os 88-887 Pop. 8-12  v.  Yera _________ Knox Bl4 First State Bank __ • _____ t§'13 G. T. Burnett. _____ ·--··---·---· •• ---·-· Ora nody --·-·---· 88-159! Pop. 500 • Vernon.- Wilbarl!'er A 14 Farmers State Bank._.•if'lO H. H. Rhoads_ •• ___ F. L.Massie _____ ·-· R. B. Gibson ___ Emory Rhoads 88-285 Pop. 5142 J.P. Kine·----··- D. L. Green_. ____ -· J. T. Glover·---··First Guaranty State Bank " " J. H. Pendleton •if'll 88-286  C. T. HERilNG -··· L.K.JOHNSON .----·- G. C L J. MA~ :IE, V.P. W, D. BERRY  MORRIS-·-  1  162,430 1,495,460 1,175.270  · HERRING NATIONAL BK. •:·03 Unequa ed racU ltles for making c ollectlons. { Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding Drafts, Cash and Time Items. 88-284 nty-ftve centsfo r credit reports. ! twe and sentatton pre for draf& sight Please send flfte en cents with each  ..  WAGGONER  Vickery ----·-Dallas K 2 CitizensBank. _________ •tt'20 F8-1970 Pop. 500 .. Yictoria ... Victoria L 181LEVI BANK & TRUST CO.•t5'10 88-25, H Pop. ;:;957 Peoples National Bank __ ;::·19 " ------" 88-1825 Victoria National Bank.•t'6i " ----···· " 88-255  l~t  I  200,000  I  s.  )lartin O'Connor._ 1F. S. Buhler .. -·--· F. J. J, \Ycl!ler, Jr.  Buhler ____ • __ C. C. Zirjacks·---· I •E. itterle  1  CONTINENTAL ,AND  ~-  -  ... ...-  -  --  ..-.-~-  -  •-,;:  50,000 500,000  CO  --'?.:----  -.:--:--- .  --~ -  -·--::--~-  -~  932,570  698,460  60.000 N. Oity, N. Y.: Oent. N .. Waco. 315,050 Chase N .. N. Y.; 1st N .• Waco; Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; Hou. N. Ex .. Hou. 30,000 lrying N., N. Y.; Denison Bk. & Tr. Co., Den• 1son: N. Bk:. Com., Kan, C.  '-i til X  19,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Far. & Mech. N•• Ft. Worth: ► r/l Am. Ex .... , Dallas. 26,000 Bk. of N. Y., N. Y.: Cont. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Ft, to 1 Worth: City N .. Dallas. ► 133,780 . Ban. N •• N. Y.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas: Merch. & ~ Plan. N., Sherman.  z I  1::l  rl  12,000 City N., Dallas; N. Bk. Com., Ft. Worth. 15,000 1st N., Ft. Worth and Wichita Falls.  0  ·<:· 0  g  393,000 Seab. 'N .. N. Y.: Secur. N .. Dallas; New Eng.i , p;· N ., ~an. C.; 1st N., Wichita Falls. 450,000 Atlantic N .. N.Y.: N. Bk. Com.,Kan. 0.: 1st N., Ft. Worth; Secur. N ., Dallas. 635,080 Han. N., N. Y::lstN .. St. L.: St~ck_Yds.~ .. , Ft. Worth;C1ty N. Bk. Com .. W1ch1ta Fa,ls.  206,090 N. Park. N. Y.; Lumbermans N .. Hou.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth: City N., Dallas.  I  7,500 ----·-- ··-~--- Secur. ., Dallas. 10,000 ---··--· 2.:5-5,650 1.343.940 1,381.750 543,920 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou .  G. W. Riddle .... __ Elmer Adams ....•. Fred. Shuster···-- -----·--·------·---· J. V. Vandenberfe. Thos. O'Connor ___ P.A. Murray·-··-- G. B. Davidson---· J. M. Rosborough E. E. Pickering .•• _ J. H. Clegi: _______ Herman Fischer __ • -----··--·-·-····-·-  TIME AND INTEREST SAVED BY USIJ',IG O_ll_R MODERN TRANSIT_ SYSTEM; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I·  8·JrfNiv,  132,370  34,640 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Alamo N., San Antonio: Dallas Tr. &Sav., Dallas; Union N.,I Hou. 45,460 N l~c~fe~a:an. C.; Cent. State and Coleman,  I  7,630  176,650  137,510  358,900 1.824.580: 2,648.190  Y.: N- Bk. Com .. Hou.: StocK Yds. 31i,930 Han. T., '.; 1· .• Ft. Worth; Frost N .• San Antonio. 4 2,040 ~T· City .• '. Y.: 1st N .. Chi.: N. Ek. Com .. St. w Vt L.; "'hitney-Cent. N. , ~. O.; h• ~· .. 11011. iT•  MERCIAL BANK$,_ CHICA90  1''Blllber under Name or Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers•  WACO (Federal Reserve Dl~trict No. 11)  Directory, under th_e _authority_ of The American Bankers Ass•n.  I  NAME OF BA. K  e)(em. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ni1em. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. l ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  *CENTRAL NAT'L BANK 48-5  OASHIU..  LIABILITIES.  Ass'T C.A.SHll:R.  PAU>-U  SUBPt.m.  C  AND  p APITAL  INDIVU>- DJCPOBITa UAL  ILo.a.Na  OJ'  PB0IP1TB D11Pos1TB  Dm-  I  BAN:its  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Hanking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) ln back of tnls, volume For lnterl.'st Rates. Holidays, etr., SN' Laws.  t  RESOURCES. a,  co'O'NT8  BoNns,  l\hscEL-  CAsa  SEcuRI-  LANEOUS  RESOURCES  TIEl!I, 11ro. REsouRcEs _ __  . $ 500,000 1$ 235,940 $2,654.430 -------1$3,056.000 $ 616,000 $ If you appreciate prompt and careful service at a moderate charge, ,seD.d u1 your Items and collections for Teias. I WI: w ANT YOUR BUSIN.ESS. I  I  I  li_w___G___LA_C_Y___-_-__-:_-G.-K-__M_c_L_E_N_D_ON---L.-.-8-.8-L-A-CK__-__-_-__-_.-E.-G-.-L-IL_LY_____-_-__-__ ,--25-0-,000 _2_10-,3-30 -1-.5-88-,4-60 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY.  *FIRST NATIONAL BANK  I  W.W. WOODSON----- W. B. BRAZELTON----- K. H. SHERMAN------ BERT PERRY--------  ____________ _  ·  1 _____-_ _ -_ __ -  , -1-,8-73-,3-90 -5-10-,5-40 -__-___-__-__ -5-46-,2-50 Seab. N .. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N .• Chi.:  C. 8. SCHULER Collections Glv en Prompt Atten tlon, and Remit ted for on Day or Paymen t.  •:I: 84  I  '  N. Bk. Com., St. L.: South Tex. Oom'l N .• Hou.  ---1---------- ----- ---1- -  ~  3 m 320 1190 720 112 290 1 563 300 Mech & Metals N., N. Y.: 1st ~ Auditor _..:.,_ ~ . . . : . . . . . : . . . ~ ~ ~ _ . . : . , _ ~ N., Chi.: Merch.-Lac. N .• St. L. : 00 Send your Central Texas Items to Waco-the leading city-and to &he First National Bank-the leadlns bank. We give satisfactory 1ervlce. ' tXJ  E. ROTAN, Ch.  R. F. GRIBBLE  of Bd,  R. W. JABLONOWSKI,  600 000  241 670  4 303 330  1  U-1  z>  1  I  -  *First State Bk. & Tr. Co.•:l:§'10 J. • 48-6  LI BERTY NATIONAL BANK 48-9  •:l:'18  --  -  ~--  MRS. C. P. ADAMS C. F. DUMAS  •  I  •  I' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  - - - - - -- ' --  •  -  ~  - - - - - - 1--- - - - - - -  en  1  200,000  65,000  1,000,000 $ 150,000  1.000,000  108,960  246,000  222,000 N. City, N. Y,; Secur. N., Dallas: So. Tex. Com'l N., Ilou.  - -1-  ,- -1-  D. Ma,lleld  0  300,000 169,800 1,630,500 229.200 2,188,000 587,000 163,500 479,000 N. Park,N. Y.; Cent. State, Dallas: - - - - - - - - Ft.WortbN.,Ft.Wortb;lst"S.,  Dou.  '  ----1E. M. Ewin• ______ I. J. Ma,fleld ______ Dan Mani ________  l00.000  t I: 1/Jfos------  1 ~  H. B. WAITE -------- T. A. CRAVEN- -- ---300,0001 Accounts of Ba nks, Bankers and Corporations soil cited on favorable terms. Send us your Texas Collections d lrect for prompt and personal atte ntlon.  c. M.  eleY------- IMrs.JamesB.Baker J, c. Dillard, ec. ________ 25,000 _ _ _ _ _ __,__ and T ~ _ _ _ _ __  1•  ,  'I  11  •  , :  I  •  1  I  t•  '  ti I I' I  I , 11 I  ~  I ~  11  I "  I  .,  · ,  '  '  I  ''  t • I  I  111 I  I  I I  ·  I ;  'I  Ill  290.020  250,040  - ---;::;;;ll-287.8;  1,816,7401  2,730  146.4-10  I Ill  ·II  79,110  - - - -1  2,014,540  147,120  185.55-0 - ~5.900  195,75011 ________  16,050  ~ N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.  ~st::. Ii: E~nt. & Oom'I N .,  5-16,100 ChJ:t  3,730  7,270  Ill  ' II ' I  I I  •  I  '  I  I I  I  ~•  l  I,  :,  f  I  ~  ("')  CASH AND TIME ITEMS. A modern commercial bank built for service.  I  1$1)  1  P. A. GORMAN  Offlclal attention 2"iven bill of lading drafts.  1  \'aco Savini? Bank _______ t§'90 48-51  :,  - ---  L. E. Bain C. W. Meadows  I  •:l:'00  48-2  -  H. Lockwood ___ _lc. W. Cahoon ______ lTheo. Ray _________ •, W. c. Kolb_____  *PROVIDENT NATIONAL BANK ~J. K. ROSE-------  *WACO STATE  .  J. F. WRIGHJ. ____ J, B. EARLE --------C. F. DUMAS------ J. S. DUMAS------  National Oity Bank ________ t'03 ; 48-52 1 48-4  °'  29.950 $ 902,580 N. City and Irv. N., N. Y.; N, Bk. Rep., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.  I  "THE BANK OF SERViCE."  ,  PRINCIPAL CURRESPOND.IOITS  I  W. H. McCULLOUGH ..• R. B. SPENCER..----A. J. PETERSON-------C. F. EUBANK-----C. L. JOHNSON J. T. WILLIS E. R. NASH R. B. DUPilEE  -1TIZEIIS NATIONAL BANK 48-3  VICE-PRESIDENT.  I  1  •:l:"12  v  PRESIDENT.  I  (McLennan, G 18) County Seat Pop. 38,500-Reserve City  ··•1  •.  ••#  P  ,  •  •-.  '•,  ",,  14.:,~7  llamlNr - d • ,,• . , . ol .11a111r 8 all• ,rn, ft' IfamlHJr tdTea to Nob bank ia U. 8. udmJ-relT b;y TIie &aad-HeNaHr BaaJcen• DlnetoFT, under fbe aufborJt;y ol Tbe American BanJcers ABs•n.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  .. county Seats.  I  N.ilIX OF BANK. I •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State/  TEXAS  ( PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRJCSIDENT.  Non-Bank 1'owns with Nearest Banking Point (In- ._ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this~ volume. For Interest Rates, Holldays, e!c_., s_ee _La~s. ::,  C0Il t·1Il Ued  -  Ass'T OAsBID.  OASBIER.  LIABILITIES. PAID-UP Su!1!;DLus DEPos-  =~  RESOURCES. Dt.1- en•• i::.-  r.., .. ,,. •  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  § ,;  In No.11 Fed. Re.. DL t. tMem. State Bk:s. Assn. t Priv. CA.PITA.I. PBOl'ITS ITS c~v!'n":• E El Paso Br. ff Hou. Br. +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '.__< Waelder ___ Gonzales K 18 Farmers State Bank __ •tf1900 Wm. Green ________ ff Pop. 894 88-1337 Walburg __ Williamson 118 Walbure State Bank ___ .,w13 Julius Leschber ___ Pop. 500 88-1623 Waller ______ Waller J 20 Guaranty State Bank ••. •U-15 c. H. Umland ______ ff Pop. 500 88-1690 Wallis ______ Austin K 20 Guaranty State Bank •••t§'l8 Chas. Kaechele ____ ff Pop.1000 88-1817 •• _______ " Wallis State Bank------•H'06 R. A. Irvin _____ . 88-1"9 Walnut 8prmes __ Bosque Farmers & Merchants tat,e J. R. Carlton ____ Pop. 14~9 F 17 Bank: ____ 88-1905._ _____ 19 ,. ______ " First Guaranty State Bk.:1'10 J.P. Head _ _ _  E. Studeman ______  I  s. H. Vaughan _____  J. 11. Meiuer _____ S 50,000 S  Eno Cassens ______ H. c. Doering ______ Theo. Walther ___  8,750  Geo. O. Crump____  16,000  18,000  150,000  148,000  35,000 Han N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Hou.  B. tern _______ J. F. E terak______ , V. Esterak _____ P. Bland F. D. Brandt__ _____ o. R. Prouty ____ J. C. Matejka_____ Frank Pazderny u. I. mith ________ IT· N. McCarty _____ w. A. Barnett_____  30,000  3,710  115,000  101.000  30,000  17,430  ,W0,570  150,610  25,000  2,750  U0,000  100,000  36,500 Seab. N .. N. Y.; City N., Galv.; Am ....' .. Au~Liu; Austin Co. State, Bellville. 86,990 Han • .N., N. Y.: Hou, N. Ex. and 1st N .. Hou.: 1st N., St. L. 35,00G Liberty N., Waco; City N., Dallas.  w. P.  u  2,380 S 246,000 S 228,000 S 47,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; So. Tex. Oom'l N., Hou.; ~ Alamo _r,, San Antonio. 83,000 72,000 21,700 Hou. N. Ex., Hou.; Am. N ., Austin.  15,000  Castle _______ A.  w. Umland ____  w. J. Glenn _______ w. s. Westmoreland w. M. Waterman __ j J. A. McClaran____  J. H. Brock_______ -1::i,000 29,850 247,S20 287,810 I 88~11 B. Wilkes Waskom __ Harrison D 23 Guaranty State Bank ___ t§'J9 E. s. Fry _ _ _ _ ________ 20,000 3,970 69,990 ~ 73,550 Pop, 600 88-1836 . _ _ _ _ _ ___,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ 1 19 0· E. DUN UP _ _ • Waxah~g~~795Jlli• E J. N. LAHGSFORD--J. N. LANGSFORD C. P. BURNETT 200,000 187.210 1,463.940 1.708,840 FIFTEEN CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for presentatlou, and 1 •!'ll TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Insures prompt attention. 88-1112 8  CITIZENS  w. t pn~WIIEc--  i: ,: mra0Itfe1r-  !  NATIONAL BANK  GUARANTY STATE BANK & TR • Co • ♦  88-1115  W. It WARD------ T. J. McDADE J.E. COLEMAN, R. J. COLEMAN Active V. P. F. C. ROGERS ERLING H~LLAND, G. W. COLEMAN  34,850 Goal & Iron N., N. Y.: 1st N., Waco and Ft. Worth. 18,020 Seab. N., N, Y.; 1st N., Shreveport, La. and Marshall; Oity N., Dallas.  ~ -  623,680 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., ChJ.: ), Am. Ex. N., Dallas; Ft. Worth N., Ft. en Worth; N. Bk. Com., St. L.  a,  > z~  C. M. HALL------- VERNE ROBERTS-J. E. BATCHLER  n  ActiveV.P.  •:1'13 The youngest bank In Waxahachie.  Prompt service assured. Ready and wllllng to serve you, as a modern up-to-date Uank should.  200,000 86,450 871.570 1,093,680 196,190 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N. and Am. Ex. Cll - - - - - N.,Dallas;LumbermansN.,Hou. j ~  <:;  Please send 15c with wch s ioht draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports.  WAXAHACHIE  -----------------------------,---- ---- ---- ---- - - -  (b  J. ff. MILLER------ LYNN  5:  8· LASSWELL- WILL McPHERSON --- F.J.C.W. PAYNE-------p, A, HAPMAN QUAITE  (b  ...  I:e=:~81:l\.&'it~hEitl:  Wayland __ stephens O 15 First State Bank ________ f§'20 F. A. Blankenbeck- 1J. II. Vick _________ IJ, :r.. Slaughter, Pop, 125 88-1920 . !er B. B. Cash V. P. and Cash. ' {G. A. HOLLAND---.- G. S. WHITE-------- J. 0. TUCKER------ •V eatherford.,-- Parker CITIZENS NAT'L BANK __ i•s2 "SEND YOUR iTil\URTJ~~ECT. ,, Pop, 6~03 D 17 88-199 Special attentl on given BUI of L adlng drafts, Cas Please send 15c w ith each sight draft f or presentation and " " FIRST IATIONAL BANK-•t•so W. s. Fant _ _ _ R. w. Davis _______ Geo. Fant_________ 88-198 FIRST STATE BAH--:1'06 H. W. Kuteman ___ G. W. Fritz _ _ _ J. s. Campbell_ ♦ 88-201 D. s. Wrieht, V.-P. A. N. Grut  I  " --" :Merchants & Far. State Bank 88-200 Ul900 Weimar ____ QoloradoKIQ First State Bank _______ u•os H Pop, 1171 " 88-752 " ---T. A. Hill S~~ riank ___ if'72 7 Weinert----Haskell OH Weinert State Bank _____ :if'OQ Po_p. 472 88-1141 Weir __ Williamson I 18 Weir State Bank ______ e:1•011 Pop, soo 88-1342 Welcome ____ Anstin J 20 First State Bank ________ if'l4 ff Pop. 242 88-1664 Weldon--Houston H 21 First Guaranty State Bank ff Pop. 600 18-1'00 :I'll Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  WM. STILfS E D MILLER 300,000 248,IZ0 1.467,060 2,973,460 390,010 N. City, N. Y.; Merch.-Lac. N., St. L.; "1 FIFTEEN CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and City N., Dallas. 0 •i•go i&~i~ures prompt, personal  NATIONAL BANK 88-163  ~  C. N. HowelL ___ _  4,500  215,000  i30,000  150,000  39,970  769,730  874,670  hand Time Item s. 25c for Credit Repor ts. _______ 100,000  155,120  804.400 1,052,820  25,6i0  7lH,430 1.077,880  J.P.  OWENS--------  ~ §"  .  20,000  85,000 Tex. State. Ft. Worth; Guaranty State Bk. ~ & Tr. Co., Cisco. 176,120 N. Park, N. Y.· 1st N., Ft. Worth. ::l  312,6-l0 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y,: City N., Dallas; li't. Worth N., Ft. Worth. 92.430 N. Park, N. Y,; 1st N., Ft. Worth,  W. V. Shadle •• ____  125,000  J. H. Doss _ _ _ H. L. Brevard~---- Fred Smith _____ Neal Butler-------E. H. Martin W. ll'. )(lller _ _ _ Ed, Rabel, ________ w. P. Ammann._ Jno. Kunetka _____ Ben. B. Holt Gi3orre Herder.Jr,_ H.J. L:tas __________ F. F. Anders ______ A. R. Hluchanek __  50,000  28,290  450,450  498.470  75,000  31,400  522,780  661,030  100,000  30,000  550,000  G. R. Oouch ____ C. T. Jones ______ A. R. Couch ___ G. R. Couch, Jr,__  15,000  15,000  200,000  15,000  5,860  125,830  500,000 · 100,000 Imp. &Tra.N.,N. Y.: 1st N .. Hou.: 'Iex. Bk. & Tr. Co. Galv.; Frost N .. San Antonio. 91,000 1st N., Ft. Worth; City N. Bk. of Com., Wichita Falls. 87,950 44,550 Austin N., Austin; 1st N., Hou.  20,000  4.610  100,000  121,960  3,400  100,000  98,000  I J, B. Salyer ____ · Carl Liese--- J. L. Cruce______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  I  John Reichle ___ W. C. Thilemann ___ O. G. FreJs ______ w. E. Krueger____ F. W. Garlin G. C. Reichle Alex Thompson ___ W. D. James ___ W. H. Mangum ___ F. M. Goodrum____ W. H. Bradley, As st, to Pru,  16,000  70,270 Han. N., N. Y.: Secur. N., Dallas; Far. & Mech. N .. Ft. Worth; Dro,·. N., Kan. C. 44,200 Bk. of America., N. Y.; Lumbermans N., Hou,  135,000  ~  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIA_~- BANKS, CHICAGO  -------~----  --~--~---- ~---------  -  -  --  -  8,140 State Bk. & Tr. Co. and Peo. State, Hou.; Far. N. and 1st. N ., Brenham. ~ 13,000 State Bk. & Tr. Co., Hou.; 1st State, Trinity, w  ---~- ~---- __ ...,,,,. -  -~--  .  ---~----  ...  --------  -  .  -·. ~  .  1·•.i  l I,  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given  1438 ~•..:Cl:.r~:n:n~erut:e :~c1::~iWo~YT::eA:.!~t!ci!:!:le:!a1!:r:: ToWN AND CoUNTY,  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (ln-  TEXAS-Continued  dexed Acces.), volume. For _ _____::L::,:.I:::.AB:::.I::.;:LI=-:..T=IE:,.:S.:..._ _ _ 11 ____:R:.:E=S::..:O::.:U:..::R:.:C::::E.:::.S.:_ 1 p AID-UP SuRPLUS DEPOS- Loma: o... o••s a: Ex-  NAME OF BANK.  A.SS'T 0.LSHill, 0.LSB'.Ill, VICE-PRJ:sIDENT. PRESIDENT. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. ITS CAPITAL PR~TS In No. 11 Fed. Res. Di t. :tMPm. State Bks. Assn. tPriv, :::.o.:. . u--=s:.. . n_ _•..:. . =M::.;:e:..=m::.;:.--=F:.. .:ed=c.•..:::.R:...:e.:..s'=--_.:..:[E-'-'s:...:ta-=-b-'-.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~E~E=l..!.Pas=o:...:B::..:r:.:..·....::H:....:H  c;:;u:.":· :a:=  1  1  1  1  1  •Welline-ton,Collinisw 'th City State Bank ________ •:t§'lO J.C. Don~h.y _____ J. R. Ben~on ______ E. L. Koger ________ J. A. Leach 88-857 Q 7 Pop, 1968  c.  B. Anderson ____  $  50,000 $ 186,000 $ 461,750 $ 596,280 $  Laws (indexed) In back of this Lawyersitates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. t Interest  _________________ 1  1  79,450 N. City, N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am. Ex. N .• Dallas; City N. Bk. of Com., Wichita Falls. 30.000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C.: 1st N •• Ft. Worth. 265,000 Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth: 1st N., Wichita Falls. 33,600 Union N., Hou.; Secur. N .. Dallas.  First Nationa1Bank _____ .;t'06 88-856 Welliniton State Bank_•t§'06 ♦ 88-855 Wells---- Cherokee G 22 Guaranty Slate Bank ___ :t§'l8 88-1546 ff Pop. 500 Weslaro _____ Hidalgo Q16 Guaranty State Bank .•. t§'20 88-1944 H Pop. 800 Wesi _____ McLennan F 18 First State Bank _______ if'09 88-616 Pop. 1629  0. J. Glenn ________ M. F. Hunter ______ H. S. Riggs _______ V. R. Nelson ____ _  25,000  25,000  250,000  275,000  A. W. Blain _______ H. A. Holcomb ____ J.M. Strong ___ Gordon Phillips __ _  50,000  85,000  720,000  680,000  W. H. Shook _______ T. B. Warner ______ J. F. Smith ______________  20,000  500  98,500  67,500  E. C. Couch ________ T. F. Langford ____ L. H. Nix __________ W. H. Locke ______ _ T. F. Rives J. O. Scott, V, P. C. W. Holloway ___ W.R. Denton _ _ W.W. Holloway ___ H. C. Edward ___ _  25,000  6,660  215,840  206,240  25,000  21,050  291,220  237,890  National Bank of West--!'06 88-514 West State Bank _______ .:§'93 88-513 West Columbia- Brazoria Columbia State Bank ___ t§'l3 88-1638 K 21 H Pop. 2000 Guarantv State Bank ___ t§'lO " -------" 88-1860 Westhoff ___ ._Dewitt L18 First State Bank _______ •if'08 88-134' H Pop. 500 \Ve !minster __ Collin O 19 First State Bank ________ :tl'09 88-1346 Pop. 631  W. R.Glasrow. _  50,000  25,000  220,000  215,000  50,000  ---  306,000  301,000  25,000  13,750  135,940  105,730  25,000  1.400  375,000  205,150  25,000  17.500  231,000  2U,OOO  12,500  5,000  100,000  50,000  Weston ________ Oollln019 WestonGuarantyStateBank T. W. Perkins _____ J.G.Gross ________ W. E.McKnighL. A. E.Smallwood .•. U'll 88-1S48 Pop. 350  20,000  520  18,160  40,320  Opie Gambrell ___ _  15,000  2,740  66,750  66,530  L. F. Worthing_ J. o. Garrett  50,000  23,000  245,890  335,260  A. M. Clapp _______ _ Wharton B:rnk & Trust Co. L. E. Brooks •t§'08 88-536 L. K. Tuttle •Wheeler-· Wheeler P7 Oiti.zens State Bank ___ ,,og E. :e:. Holt _ _ _ _ J.M. Porter _______ A. B. Crump _______ F. B. Craig _______ _ D. E. Holt 88-1847 Pop. 500  50,000  167,420  550,£30  816,520  20,000  15,330  357,380  221,910  170,800 Ft. Worth N .. Ft. Worth: Ft. Scott State, Ft. Scott, Kan.; 1st N., Wichita.  Henry Holmes __ G. 0, McCrohan,Jr. R. C. Jackson ___ _  25,000  5,000 1•  55,400  46,600  J. H. Skaggs _______ R. M. Horn ________ Robert McCoy ____ _  45,000  4,500  60,000  100,000  J. C. Jackson ______ W. H. Lyle ________ R. E. Bennett ____ _ A. J. Dauer  25,000  14,500  250,000  261,000  32,890 Han. N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Amarillo; Com. Tr. Co., Kan. 0,; Am. N .. Austin. 40,000 Stock Yds. N ., Kan. C.; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Amarillo N., Amarillo. 42,000 Guaranty State, .Amarillo: Live Stock State, Kan. O.; Secur. N., Dallas. 10,510 N. City, N. Y.; City N.and Secur. N., Dallas.  ____________________  w. P.  Cook ____ H.F. Ellis ________ _ II. V. Smajstrla R. Gerlich ________________________ _  P. S. Skrabanek... J. A. West. _______ w. J. R. Cuff T. M. mith _______ K. F. Ilagemeier __ E. P. Womack. Jr. B. J. Thomas _____ _ S. M. Patterson R. L. Young _______ E. o. Parker _______ T. H. Robb _______ H. H. Galloway __ _ Philip Welhausen __ Wm. Green _______ L.A. Walker ___ Chas. Muecke ____ _ Robert Miller I,. A. Walker J. T. Hartness ____ D. U. Clark _______ W. H. Hinton ________________________ _ J.M. Kirby  Ira J. White ______ Frank Alexander_ WrightMcClatchey E. Hawes _ _ _ _ R. J. Wrie-ht ______ G. H. Northington, Sr. B. 0. Roberta ______ P. G, Brooks ______ 11:. G. Brooks _____  Westover ___ Baylor B 14 Westover State Bank ___ t§'lO J. W. Busby. ______ 88-1913 Pop. 300 •Wh,-i.rton __ Wharton K 20 Security Bank & Trust Co. A. A. Mullins ______ •t§ '02 88-535 • H Pop. 2346  Guaranty State Bank __ J:§'19 W. G. Stiles _______ 88-1897 White Deer ___ carson P 5 Fir t National Bank ____ _.•20 T. A. Horn ________ 88-1934 Pop. 500 First State Bank ______ •t§'l6 E. H. Grimes ______ " ________ •• + 88-1721 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  00  PRINCIPA.L CORRESPONDENTS,  40,350 Cent. Tr. Co., San Antonio; }ferch. N ., Brownsville; Corpus Christi N., Corpus Christi. 86,580 Chase N., N. Y.; City N., Dallas; Tex. Bk. & ~ t:c:1 Tr. Co., Galv. ~ 75,000 Seab. N., N.Y.; Am. Ex. N .. Dallas.  >  Ul 40 ()00 MPc . & Metals N., N. Y.; City N., Dallas; 1st to N .• Waco. 30,930 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Union T ., Hou.; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co., Galv. 108,980 N. Bk. Com .. Peo. State, Union N., and 1st .;.T .. ~ Hou. 65,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Alamo N., San Antonio; Union Ul N .. Hou.  > z I  50,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Secur. N., Dallas; Merch. & Plan. N., Sherman: 1st N., Mc Kinney.  ~  s·~  5,810 C~nt. State, McKinney: City N., Dallas; Den1 J(11:1 1son Bk. & Tr .. Dem on. 15,290 Far. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth; 1st N,, Olney. 67,550 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Hou.; City N., Galv. 74,430 Seab. N., N, Y.; 1st N., St. L.  l ::,0  r+  r+  I0 So. Texas Com'l N., Hou.;  ~  e: r+ r+  15,000  2.880  50,940  56,810  50,000  26,000  200,000  240,000  40,000 City N., Dallas; Com'l N .. Sherman.  50,000  16,170  414,540  407,170  96,850 Seab. N .. N. Y.; New En~. N., Kan. 0.: Am. Ex. N., Dallas: Mercn. & Plan. N., Sherman. 25,090 Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., herman; Dallas Tr. & ~ av .. Dalla . 90,200 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Am. Ex. Ill ::, N ., Dallas: Merch. & Plan. N ., Sherman. 76,330 N. Bk Com., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N ., Dallas; Merch. s:: Ill & Plan. N ., Sherman. 23,070 N. Bk. Com., N. .; City N., Dallas; Cent. N., '1 ~ Waco 60,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Waco; Ft. Worth N .. Ft. Worth. 6,770 1st N., Weatherford.  25,000  1,170  123,370  112,730  100,000  135,000  608,700  753,500  100,000  63,840  229,390  505,890  50,000  47,640  198,290  250,080  50,000  19,000  250,000  259,450  10,000  1,800  53,630  67,440  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Ba~Jc!ng Point (In-  1439  to  ::::~er,_N3.a;,;c1~:i::g t/h,M:e:.'!'l.~!'iv1:,1;n:::-nrev:s~  1  Dlrecto,r, U'!_der the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  0  Non-Bank Towns w1th Nearest Banking Point (In• d dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this~ C ---,-0---,fl=t=l=fl-=U=e=====---=---=-=-=-=-=--=-=--=--vo~m~ F~.!!!_!erest Rates, Holldays, etc., see La_!VS_: ~ LIABILITIES.  AME OF BA...\K •  .. County Seats •Mem.Am. Bk .Assn. §State PRESIDENT. In No.11 Fed. Res. Dist. :tMem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv. E El Paso Br. ff Houston ♦ Mem. Fed. Res. (E ·tab. _ _ _ _ __ .. Wichita Falls ___ Wichita Pop. 40,079 B 1  TEXAS __ ---=--~--------_ _- _-  AMERICA N NATIONAL BANK 88-134  •t'l9  RESOURCES.  :i~: ~::,i~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  ;  CASHIER. Ass'T CASHIER. PAID-UP Su:~us DEPOS- ~.. '"'1 _____________ CA_P_IT_A_\_P_RO_F_IT_S_n _ a_ _~_~u_~_u_ _ ,a_oM_B_u_u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~  VICE-PRESIDENT.  -  ORVILLE BULL- R. S. N-IXON-------- HOMER LEE, C. C. CROWELL---- S 200,000 _________ $1136 540 $1335120 S 235,480 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Far. & Mech. N., ~ INGTON S. W. SIBLEY V. P. and Cash. Ft. Worth, T. J. TAYLOR, H. SiJ BURLEW Ch. of Bd. C. 11. WALLACE  {Special attentlo n given Blff of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c wi th each sight draft, f or presentation and 25c for Credit Repor  ta,  1  f J. ,. KEMP------- C. W. SNIDER ______ 1R. E. SHEPHERD--- O. A. JONES-------- 1,000,000$ 900,00014230000: 15200000 4,044,000 N. City. N. Bk. Com. and Mech. & fetals~',,  J T HARRELL  C. W. ltEID W. L. ROBERTSON C. E. BASHAM 'L 'McMAHON P, P. LANGFORD :F.' STRIPLING C.H. CLARK Vice Presidents R. 0, HARVEY  J' J'. LORY W ff MAER  CITY NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE--88-uo __ .i·110  t  F. A. FOSTER,  F. C. PBARRRON  ,.r, Y.; Cont. & Com'l .. Chi.; .._r, Bk. Com .. 1 St. L.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth; City N. and Am. Ex. N., Dalla ; Ex. T., Tulsa.  CWJh, J.C. EN OD I.H. S. DAVIS,A.Auditor H. 0. HEMPHILL  LONA B. JENNINGS E. A. SHOWERS L. E. MOONEY  ._.,  ' ttl :><  I Save time and get service on Col llections and Cred It Reports by sen ding l FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain •i11ht d raft•. 15c: Credi t Report•. 25c. T RY US. Exchan2e National Bank R. J. Donahue _____ H. Beach __________ P. L. Jenninirs ---- Guy O. Henderson 88-1886 •t'19 J. D. Boxley  f R.  flRSJ NAJ'L BANK 88-120  •i'84  SECURITY NATIONAL BANK 88-1899  •:l:'20  E. HUFF------- W. M. McGREGOR---- CARTER McGREGOR- J. R. HYATT-------c. E, MCCUTCHEN A. M.MILLER < Oldest Bank lo *i~ii\~VJ\~~ W. U. MCCUTCHEN Prompt and car eful attention glv en to all business entrusted to us.  I  100,000  4,7001 419,220  412,000  ► 146,000 Mech. & Metals N., N, Y.; Lt N., Tulsa; 1st '(J'J N., St. L.; N. Bk. Com., Ft. Worth, 0:,  800,000 1,097,50012500000 11396590 2,994,650 Han. N. and Seab. N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N .. )> Chi.;lstN.,St. L. .  z ~  !  '(J'J  j  FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight draft for presentation, and TWENTY• FIVE CENTS for each c redlt report Insur es prompt, perso nal atte ntlon.  J. I. STALEY _____ C. C. CABINESS ----- N. M. CLIFFORD- ---- R.R. RUBOTTOM____ J. W. M REYNOLDS E. H. BREEDLOVE J. A. RICHOLT  {  400,000  100,00012,250,0001 2,000,000  feg.;.JJ.  1Rf!ndeffl clentservlceata If you apprecia reasonablecharge end us your "WICHITA FALL 8" items and coll ections to us.  ~  750,000 Irving N .. N.Y.; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr .. Kan. C.; N. Bk. Com .. Ft. Worth,; Am. Ex. N., Dallas; n Liberty Cent. Tr. Co., St. L.; Cent. N., ~ Tulsa. ;· "Ij  State Trust Company ___ t§'20 R. E. Hufr _______ W. F. Weeks ______ Wm, E. Hufr, Tr, __ - - - - - - - - - · 88-1931 Wm. E. Hufr  150,000  W.R. FERGU~ON-- W.W. GARDNER ____ LESTER JONES------ W. L. ST~WART----WICHITPANSTATE BANK & TR. P.H. SIMMONJ:-P. j~~~~~~R ro~lt,Rj/_BROCK COM A Y__ KS-132 ---•U'09 { G. C. WOOD Prompt attentl on to all Banldng matters entrust ed to us.  600,ooo  Wildorado ___ Oldham PS Wildorado State Bank. __ il'IO F. T. Mitchell _____ G. B. Combs _______ W. E. O'NeaL ____ Laura W. O'NeaL Pop.150 88-1340  10,000  12,280  130,4701 106,420  47,430 Amarillo N., Amarillo: Drov. N., Kan.  Willis ___ Montgomery I 21 Guaranty State Bank -•:l:1'16 J. A. Elkins ____ M. E. Paddock _____ L. C. Cooper ____ C. O. Ford___ H Pop. 1000 88-1350  20,000  6,5401  107,3901 115,760  16,360 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and Hou.  J: J:  J:  FEE IN ADV AN CE: Siqhl draft8,  ~~ ·~ White Ba.~~~ ~o. ___ ino 35 Wilson _____ Lynn C 10 Wilson State Bank ____ §'19 . 1s8-19oo Winchester _Faye.tu, J 18 Winchester State Bank-•if '08 H Pop, 400 88-1352 Windom _____ Fannin B 20 First State Bank _____ •if'OU Pop. 389 88-1:54 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  115,090  219,870  322,560 2,805,680 3,680,710  56,760 1st N .. Wichita Falls. 505,090 Han. N., N. Y.; Tex. State, Ft. Worth.  e.en ..+  0  15c minimum. Rell able Credit Repor ts.  Wills Point_ ___ Van Zandt First National Bank ---*'05 John E. Owens ___ J.C.Lybrand _______ W.R. Howell ___ Pop.1811 D 20 8lt-58U W. E. Easterwood .. " First tate Bani{ _______ *f'0D B. W. Bruce _______ R. w. <:~urrett ____ J.P. Jarvis _______ ♦ 88-601 W. M. Teel " -" VanZandlOountyNat.Bank H.T.::B'ry _ _ _ _ H.Gilrhri t _____ lSpencerStarnes __ 88-600 i·o2 A. w. Meredith Wilmer ______ nanas D 19 Guaranty State Bank ___ t§'19 N. M. Chapman ___ J. D. Jones ________ Jas. H. McMane-  16,310  TR Y US.  C. E. Man elL. ____  50,000  E. H. White.------  100,000  T. G. Castleberry H.M.Peace_______ R. W. Curtis -------------------  50,000  69,450  275,270  65,0001 357,950  1  c.  501,300  40,300 Seab.N.,N.Y.: CityN,, Dallas.  521,330  55,280 Sea~. N,, N. Y.; City N, and Dallas N,, Dallas.  250,000  50,000 N. Park, N. Y.; City N., Dalla.a.  1  30,000  2!i0,000  15,000 _________  43,000  1 Wm. Green ________ L. Lumsden __________________________ J. R. Houston_____  15,000  I.500  34,600  41,150  A. Ramsey _ _ _ W. A. Giles ____ S, B'. Drake _ _ Miss Beatrice Giles J. F. Mohler H. H. Leeman ____ A. N. Wheeler ____ 1F.J. Underwood-- J. I. Wheeler_____ C. E. Wright  15,000  10.120  116.550  106,270  50,000  40,750  213,3-10  370,920  48,000 _________ Dallas Tr. & Sav .• Dallas.  ~ I K. L. White ___ H.E. White _ _ oarITiiertt _____________________ - - - -,- - _ _ _ _ _ _ 1st N., St. L.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas.  I  12,580 1st .,.,, Tahoka; ~. Bk. Com.; Ft. Worth. 32,660 Chase N .. N. Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou.; ~ Dallas Tr. & Sav., Dallas. '.; fo,870 Seab. N ., N. Y.; Mer ch. & Plan. N ., Sherman; w Am. Ex. N ., Dallas.  '°  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS, CHICAGO  --~ --- ----  .. ••"·:-~-=-.~--•_-  ~---:  ,,, lllllllber IIDder Name of Bank ia the New Tnn.dt Number aiven  1440  lo •eh b&Ak in U. B. exelmhely by The Band-MeNally Bankers'  Dlredoey, under the authority of The American Bankers'n.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point dndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For Interest _Rates, Holidays, e!_c., see ~aws  TEXAS-Continued  t  0 PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. RE.SOURCES. . LIABILITIES. NillE OJ.I' BANK, Ass'T CASHIER. PAID-UP SURPLUS Dmpos- l r.o..... & n'". o.... • -.,. CA.SHIU Vrns-PRJ:SIDDT. PKJ:SIDDT. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SSt&te •Oounty Seats. ITS PBANDOrIT· In No.11 Fed. Re • Di t, ncem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. ---,-----------------1 "' ____ !!.E~E~l...::P:..::a:::.-o=-=B~r=-.!!.H.;;;H=-=o-=u::.:st:..::o=n 1•_..::....::::~::.::Ellll=.•.:::F:....;ed=-·-=-R=-=ec;;;s.:__~[E.s=-=ta=b=-=· i - - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - i i - - - _ _ _ 'l'OWN .A.ND COUNTY.  c  FIRST NAT LBANK  l  c-;:;,,,~~:·  A. LOKEY---- G. B. SCOGGIN----- J. W. BARRETT---- W. L. NELSON-- --- S 75,000 S J. W. BARRETT G. f. SMITH We suaran tee prompt atten tlon to all Items sent 01. •t'l _ 4 88 1657 Winl!ate •• -Runnels F 13 Security Bank __________ ;tt'l7 J, W. Dixon _______ J. D. Dunn _______ Duncan Hensley ... __________ _ 2,50(J 88-1763 Pop. 300 Winnie ____ Qhambers J 23 Farmers & M.erch. State Bank C. 0. Rush-------- C. G. Mendenhall .. L. R. Miller •.. _______________________ _ 15,000 Wm. Bond •U'l0 88-lSM H Poi,. 400 Tit ld us \\lnfle -----Pop. 1000  22  '  J.  8,250 S 105,000 $ 315.000 S 42.500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. and st. L., Cent. state and "'ecur. Dalla . -  3,470  41.320  26,070  7,500  45,900  76,093  00,000  200.000  850,000  535,00D  MERCHANIS & PLANTERS 8. F. Nelson - - - T. S. Steed-------- Gordon Alvis ____ 0. W. Craddock __ _ J. s. Newman STATE B NK+88-486 •*1'09 s. F. Steed  30,000  40,720  756,530  616,170  Thomu B. Shelton _____ tt'09 T. F. Shelton---- _ _ __ 88-487  T. F. Shelton ___ - - - - · - - - - ,  25,000  3,500  15,000  ---·----1  20,000  17,750  74,720  87,090  Winter _Runnels FIS First National Bank .• _.•:t'l5 Henry James--- W. H. Rod!!ers ___ D. M. Hillyard ___ B. E. Low ________ _ 88-1627 Pop. 1509  40,000  31,600  327,070  218,420  Winn boro ___ Wood D21 FIRST IATIOIAl BANK-•i•o1 0. B. g~ Pop. 2184  Korrt■  ___ G.D. Hurdle ___ A. Morris __________ R. W. Daniel._____  W. D. MEADOWS- R. L. GRIMES----·· J. Q. McADAMS-- C;ARL HENSLEE----  STATE BANK 88~01  •:tl'06  i i i  19,420 City N., Dallas; 1st N., Ft. Worth; Winters 1ate, Winters. 7,430 Seab. N., N. Y.; Secur. N., Dallas: City N., Galv.; 1st N., Beaumont. 342,000 City N. and Am Ex. N .. Dallas. tock Yd-.. ... ~.,Ft.Worth: 1st N., hreveport.  C. C. Chapman  B. F. Campbell  Winona4____ smtth E 22 Winona State Bank-•tl'l0 A.. J'. Butler - - - M. Starnes _____ J. •• KcOlnq __ 88-1167 Pop. 500  WINTERS  =·~  _ _ _  1  >  29,9,10 Han. N .. N. Y.; Am. Ex. N .• Dallas; So. Te:. C/l Com'l N., Hou. 162,520 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ft. Worth N., Ft. Worth: Far. & Merch. N., Abilene; Lumbermaus N .. lion.  602.090 -  -  -  -  ><  785,660  76,670  b0,000 -  203,070 N. Bk. Com. and Irving N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N ., Chi.; Far. & Mech. N ., Ft. Worth; Greenville N. Ex., Greenville; N. Bk. Com., "i 8 L.;Secur. N .• Dallas. 15,000 --------- N. Bk. Com., Dallas and St. L.; Com'l N .. tij Greenevi1le.  372,520 Ban. N., N. Y.; tst N., Ft. Worth; Am. X C/l Ex. N., Dallas; Hoo. N. Ex., Hoo.  I  TRY US WI TH YOUR WINTER'S ITEMS FOR QUI CK SERVI CE. 400,000  ttl > Z  ~  s·  50,000 W. F. FELTY------ F. W. UNDERWOOD .. GUYE. FELTY ---- C. M. MOORE ---WM. F. GATTEYS J. M OLD FIFTEEN CEN 'rs sent to us wit h each sight draf t for presentatlo n, and  50,000  H. C. TITTSWORTH W. CANTRELL-.---- J. H. BLOCKER------ J. O. JOHfS ----M. F. RUNNION J. H. BLOCKER  100,000  90,000  450,000  450,000  70,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. Ex. N., Dallas.  25,000  10,720  207,400  186,410  31,460 Han. N., N, Y.; So. Tex. Com'l N., Hou.; Vic- ~ ;;· toria N., Victoria.  \Vood on-Throckmorton Woodson State Bank ___ :tf'07 0. J. Wood _ _ _ A. B. Callahan ____ Ollie Wood ______________________ _ 88-1358 D 15 Pop, 500  10,000  11,000  100,000  50,000  45,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Stock Yards N., Ft. Worth.  •Woodville ____ Tyler H 23 Citizens State Bank ___ :t§'20 Alex Thompson --- J. A. Mooney ____ L. M. Fe~ln _______ D. P. Mann ____ _ C. C. Pool 88-1910 H Pop. 1200 Tyler County tateBk .. •U'03 . II. Heid _______ __ J. T. Crumpler ____ B. A.. Dismuke ___ J. D. Wickline ____ _ w. I. Hunter 88-1350 Woodville State Bank--~ '19 G. ,·. Hay _________ E. w. Tubb ________ Geo. E. Neel ______ )Ii Jaunita B alL ♦ 88-1878  15,000  2,000  80,000  40,000  41.000 1st N .. Hon.; Am. N ., Beaumont.  30,000  Wortham.Freestone F 20 First National Bank ____ ._i•os A. . Weaven _____ M. O. trani?e. ____ A. J. McKinney __ J. Tucker. ______ _ 88-750 Pop. 1100 \First State Bank _______ tf'07 J. L. BaY!------ T. B. Poindexter ___ A.. W. Holto•----- U. L. DaTfs _______ _ ---- " " Anna McLeod W. J. Bryant • 88-7110 Geo. D. Stubbs Wylie ________ _Qollln D Ill First National Bank ___ •UII00 G. W. Housewriiht T. o. St..,ples ______ v. B. Gallagher ____________________ _ 88-847 Po1>. 94:5 FtrstSta.te Bank _______eU,07 . W. ,~ibley _______ Gould ,Yhaley ___ __ I.E. BeaYer ______ E. A. Thomas .. ___ _ -------- " " B. E. Anderson ♦ 8lHl48  ,. unt O 2O FIIST STATE BAN K --•t1'06 Wolfe City __ B • 88-1625 Pop. 18.>0  WOLFE CITY NATIONAL BK. 88-582  •t"89  100,000 N.Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., St. L.; Secur. N .. Dallas. ::t)  credit report Ins ures prompt, personal a ttentlo n.  TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each  (D  Send us your C ollectlons direct. They will recelv e prompt and per onal attention.  First and oldest established Bank •  Wood:boro.Refu2l0 N 18 First National Bank ____ •.n9 1W. M. Dodson. ___ 88-1471 H Pop, 500 1441 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  381,500  o. II. Heard. ____  B. Oummtn, ______ Ollie Johnson ___ _  0:  ....  0  ~  25,000 1,200.000 1,220,000  200.000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Secur. N., Dallas; 1st N .. Beaumont and Hon,  5,910  80,510  127,4,IO  26,230 Lumbermans N., Hon.; Secur. N., Dallas; Tex. Bk. & Tr. Co. Beaumoni,  60,000  10,000  21'>0,000  225,000  50,000  50,000  6,680  328,740  82.690  25,000  22,000  135,000  160,000  65,000 Seab.N., N. Y.; City N., Dallas.  50,000  29,000  222,000  271.000  30,000 N. Bk, Com., N. Y.; Cent., tatr, Dallas.  60,000  ecur. N .. Dallas; Hou. N. Ex.,Hon.  215.670 Han. N., N. Y.; Union N., Hou.; Am. E:1:. N. and City N., llas.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest BanJc!.n'{ Point (In•  ~  SlJ  ::s c::  SI) '"1  ~  RESOURCES.  LIA.BILITIEB,  •.Hem. -'m. Bies• .A.ssa. 18tate  .A0oanc., 8eat,.  in No.11 Jl'ed. Res. Dist. tlfem.StateBks. Assa. tPrf,-. EEl PasoBr. ff Houston ♦.Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  haIDDT  •  V1a.-PaamDT  ·  o~n  ·  ilS'T  OilBill  PRINCIPAL O0RRESP0NDENT8,  Du-I c..... . ....,.••,Dn ~;~s-- c.,,,. Bo""•·1 i - - - - - -~ _ _ _ PaonTs _ _ _ p A.ll>-lJ'P SURPL178 D  · Oun.u.  b-  Lo......  AND  11aovarn.  - -- - - -- --1  -  Yantis _ _ _ Wood D Zl YuU. 8&ate Bau--H'll J. A.. OraTei'._._ G.D. Clayton .•••. W. M. Craddock._ Lucy Warren·--·· $ 20,000$ 11,500$ 85,000 $ 12,000$ 25,000 City N., Dallas. 88-1380 Pop,850 N 50,000 Yoak1m1.-I.avaca K 19 Farmers & Merchants State C. J. Huth._. ____ R. J. Poth _ _ _ L. H.Grobe •••••••• John MachaC----·155,000 39,380 eab. N., N. Y.; Hou. N. Ex., Hou.: Guaranty .4,500 130,000 J. T. Cook •••• *1'17 Bank--88-1792.. H Pop, 7500 · ' State, Sao Antonio.  '°  YOAKUM  ~E. I. CARRUTH .. W. T.  NATIONAL BANK 18-222  •:·01  YOAKUM STATE BAIK•it·oe  WM. GREER------- M. p DISCOLL •••• E. J. BUCEK-------- B. H. TREYBIB. •..• 1I B. H. E. HOPPE LHAUSEN  ~"'ula  get serv ce  ~WM. GREEN ..... I. P. KORTH-·----· E. P. ZINCKE-···-· 0. W. EHLERS.....  NATIONAL BANK  ~~8  Zavalla... An1_e_llna G 21 Zavalla State Bank ...... 1'19 0. F. Carpenter.... E.W. Tubb ........ J.P. Parker •••••• K. 88-1902 H POD, 600  c. Minter.......  ZephYr----BroWll Jr 15 Fir1t State Bank.----·!1'07 Wm. Stipptn,. __ J.M. Beaird----- W. L. Jobmtoa __ Mae Johnston·-88-1111 Pop, 000 o■  Index  ofp &J')llent .  100,000 TRY  50,000  35,000  > ►  US.  85,000  25,000  25,000 _ _ _ 10,000  ~  285,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Co_nt. & Com'l N., Chi.: Alamo I)< N .. San Antomo; Union N., Hou.; 1st N., st (JJ · L.  87,500 1,250,000 1,200,000  17,800  Z00,000 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.: Alamo N ., San Antonio; 2,: t::, Union N., Hou. , C:: and rel mltted for on d ay of payment.  &ZO.OOOI 450,000  !  235,000  350,000  ~  40,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: Guaranty State, San Antonio: 1st N., Hou. and Ft. Worth.  American Fork.Diab-, 4 But of A.merlcua .rork•U'Dl 17-55 Pc,p. 27G., People■ State Bank --•U'13 " .. 17-102 •Beaver --BeaTer D 8 B'lnt National Bult---•i·os r,-41 Pop. 1827 11 State:Bankof Bea,-erOounty ___ " •t§'05 17-47 Bingham Oanyon._.Salt BiDlham State Bult .-•t§'03 • 17-11 • Lake. Pop, 2676 ·--·K 8 Central Bank of Bingham .. __ " •t§'l9 17-125 First National Bank..... •'20  17-134  Blan~ng __ San Juan J I San Juan State Bank-..t1'18 17-104 Pop, 875 Bountiful-- Davis B' 3 Bountiful State Bank .. •t§"06 17-11 Pop.2068 Union State Bant--•t1'13 .. " 17-lOI Brigham_.Boxelder B 2 FIIIT IITIIIIL BAll.. •'01 tf-Zi Pop. 5282  IJames Chipman·-·  •  Jas. Chipman, Jr•. W. 8. Ohlplll&ll _ _ _ _ _ _ _  >  86,520  100,470  38,140 Han. N., N, Y., B'ar. & Mech. N., Ft. Worth.  Is 767,000 S 270,000 Han. N., N. T.: Utah State N., Salt Lake o.  50,000IS 130,000 S 878,000  J. J'. Noyes _______ W. B. Chipman __ Clifford K. Younr. - - - -  41.000  9,000  J. I'. Jones ___ II'. T. Gunn _____ G. B. Skinner ••••• Elizabeth Wilson_  25,000  13,000  154,000  8.O.Whlte.Jr, .. _ Jos.F.McGregor •• C.E.Murdock .... Emma T. Mathews  29,000 !  7,000  200,000  280,0001 240,000  L.B. McOornlck --  o. E. Adderley ___  H. E, Hemingway_ P.H. Service ___ _  i  147,000  26,000 Kountze Bros., N. Y.: Deseret N., Salt Lake C.: 0 "4 Weds Fargo-Nev. N .. San F. ~ 45,000 Utah State N., Salt Lake O.  '  185,000  50,000 i 50,000  22,000  150,000!  137,000  G. E. Ohandler ..... Eugene Chandler .. Eugene Chandler .. - - - - - - - - - ·  100,000  29,830  i0,550;  90,170  I  I  L.B. Redd ____ H. Bayles---···-- L.B. Redd.. ___ Minnie Redd·----·  25,000  ss,ooo l  100,0001  170,000  J. A. Eldredge_ Richard Stringham Chas. R. Mabey __ David Mabey .....  80,000  25,000 '  571.370  .Ernest M. Madsen. ---------· ---· Ira O. Holbrook ... Herman Bam. . berger Lorenzo N, Stohl.. L.A.. Snow ____ John D. Peters_ N. A. Macdonald ...  50,000  7,000  519,2501 156,000  sift.•~1_1 -~•.•~,t1 .. L .., ....... ,,,hvVIIIII·--· •. T. 11111----· R••• MIIIEI ··-  r:I  35,000 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Deseret N.. Salt Lake O. ;•  R. P. Unander S. L. Richards -·· H. T. McEwan ..... R. T. Dahlquist •• - D. o. Coakley .....  172,000  83,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 667,000  610,000  67,000 i 900,000  827,000  27,500  2:  200,000 . 220,000  6,000  8ecurlty 8amlra Buk.•tl'12 J, B. Balnl'IOD- E. w. Dunn-·- Kirke Martin- •• _ _ _ _ _ __ J. II. Dalton ♦ 17-11  ~ ::r:  22,000 _ _ _ ------· Tyler Co. State and Woodville State, Wood- tz, ville.  UTAH  In No. 12 ll'ed. Res. Dist. Salt Lake Branch Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  day  HB.950 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: So. Tex. Com'l N., Hon.: N. Bk. Com., St. L,  853,970  920,000  100.000  SEND US YOU R ITEMS DIREC T. Prompt attentl on given Bill of Ladlnc Drafts, Co llectlons, Cash an d Time Items,  First State Bank.. .....•t§'07 F. Kraege ---··---· Wm. Metz.·-··---· W. C. Metz ........ B. E. Thuem ·----· Gus Thuem 88-660  TEXAS Map  IOI.Oto  on Co llectlons and C're dlt Reports by se ndlng  FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain si•ht dralts, J&c; Credit Reports, &Oc.  flRST  Yorktown __ DewtH L 11 H Pop. lllO  H. RITTIER.-·-·  g,:.:,~·::t:9n°J o'!:;!~;='~-= ::i::.:te'::e~~u :::i =~~ted on { Save time and  18-221  HIA■--- E. A. IALMER.---  ~  r[  78,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; McCornick & Co,, ... Bkrs., Salt Lake c. 25,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N, City, Chi.; Utah State ~ N .• Salt Lake O. 27,870 N. Bk, Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com 'l N .. Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Paris N.. San F .; Walker Bros. Bkrs., alt Lake o. 25,000 Kountze Bros., N. Y.: Deseret N., Salt Lake O.  9  77,440 Utah State N. and Deseret N .. Salt Lake 0,: 1st N .. Ogden. 20,360 Knauth, Nachod & Ktlhne, N. Y.; N. Oopper, Salt Lake o. 113,000 N. City, N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Ogden; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 222,000 Ohase N., N.Y.; Ft. Dear N.,Chi.; Ogden State, Ogden: McCornlck & Oo., Bkrs., Salt Lake C.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 186,000 Irving N ., N. Y.: 1st N. and Ogden State. Ogden: • -IS Deseret N .. Salt Lake C.  -  1442  1'amber under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U 8 excluslvelJ by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under "the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  NAME OP' BANK. TOWN A.ND O0UNTY, •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState AOountJ Seats. In No.12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. [Estab. +Mem. Fed. Res. Salt Lake Branch.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces ) Lawyers L:iws (indexed) in back of this ~ volume. Fo'r 'interest Rates, ltolidays. etc. , SPP Laws:11:  UTAH - Con ti• n ue d'T O.&.SBIER.  ·  •  O.&.BBIJ:K.  -= - --1,-Lo_u.::.:,=•=o..-=-.=-=c,.=.. no....,., __ ,._.,._11uru  OacheJunction.Oache Fl Farmers Banking Co, __ §'10 G. O. Rieb:,-·-· J.E. Griffin _ _ M. T. Beck - - --·---·--- --··------ $ 25,000 $ 87-57 Pop. 63 AOastle Dale .. Emery H 6 Emery OonntJ Bank -··•§'06 Samuel 8in21eton .. J, B. Crawford .... Edmund Crawford. E. M. Crawford •••• 87-58 Pop, 715 CedarCitY--·· Iron O 9 Bank of Southern Utah•tl'04 U. T. Jones-·--· David Bulloch ••••• 8. J. J'oste.r----· K. M. OorrJ. __ _ + 97-59 Pop. 2462 Iron Commercial & Sav. Bk. •t§'17 • 97-118 Centerfleld •. Sanpete F6 Bank of Centerfield ••... §' 20 137 97 Pop. 495 Clearfield ••••.• Davis E 2 Clearfield State Bank_.•t§'l7 97-117 Pop. 550 AC.l\lville •• _.Bummit G 3 First National Bank ___ •t'05 97~0 Pop. 771  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  RESOURCES,  LIABILITIES.  .t,.;)  =.:..:..:&_x• ,-P----=Su____;_R_;PL---'u-s-'-:--'-0 EPos- c'T1. cllil'ua,o.,. AND AID•UP 1 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l - - - - - - - : i - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - · l - - - - - - - - l - C - A P _ I T _ A _ L _P_R_o_n_T_s _ _T_s_ _s_"""_JUTr_u__ 1  VICE PRESIDENT  PRESIDENT,  5,390  $  119,5101 $ 123,390 $  23,540  I  25,000  21.630  249,8001/ 1  54,300 Deseret N .. Salt Lake  592,100  32,000 1st N., Ohi.; Deseret N .• Salt Lake O,: Wells Fargo-Nev. N .• San F.  368,000  20,100 Utah State N .. Salt Lake C.  75,000  80,000  350,000  J, W. Imlay _____ H. W. Lunt•• - - W.R. Palmer----· - - - - - - · · - - -  50,000  8,000  208,000  A. C. Fjelsted ••••• Soren Andersen ••• A. L. Fjelsted ••••• ·--·---··--···-··-··  20,000 ··-. ----· ·-·. _---· ·-----··· ··-·--··  I  G. E. Holt •••• ·-··· W. A. Roberts •••• W.W. Steed, Jr .•• Jesse D. Barlow •••  25,000  2,l!00  Alfred Blonquist._. David Rees ••- ••. Frank Pingree.- R. T. Carruth.--. Axcil Blonquist  50,000  15,500  Copperfield, Salt Lake E 3 Copperfield State Bank.•t§'l9 Wm. R. Wallace. - S. L. Richards .•_•• O. W. Buckholz •••• B. L. Smith_ •••••• J. D. Shilling Jr. 97-126 Pop. 2000 (Bingham Can11on P. 0.) John E. Steele ••••• Henry Baab, Jr •.•• ··-·-----···-----·-· -. .. MelvilleA, J. •§'13 •••••••• Ban.k ate Delta~ 6 D Millard Delta •••.••••• ♦ 97-101 Pop. 1!39 First National Bank .•••. :l:'20 F. L. Copening •••• W.R. Walker ••••• J.B. Christenson •• T. M. Taylor~ ••••• •· ··-·---· " • Lee Anderson 97-129 •Duchesne.Duchesne I 4 Bank of Duchesne ••••• •:l:§'15 L. A. Hollenbeck •• R. S. Lusty-·-···· E. C, Robbins ••••• D. M. Todd, Jr ••••• + 97-112 Pop. 700 Ephraim.-•• Sanpete F 6 Bank of Ephraim •••••••. 1'06 A. N. Bjerregaard. o. Willardsen----·- F. H. Rasmwion._ O. L. Hansen ___ • ♦ g7.51 Pov. 2287 Escalante ••. Garfield D 9 State Bank 01 Escalante•§'20 John Spencer ••••. J.M. Taylor •. --··· C. s. Tingey .•••••• ·--·· ······-····-·· 97-131 Pop. 1032  98,6001 103,010 730.000  7·20.000'  30,000  7,400  25,000  10,500  -100.000:  300,000  30,000  6,000  175,000!  170,000  61.050  55.480  1  1  o.  223,800  I  21.550 Utah State N .. Salt Lake C.: Pingree N., Ogden. Bk. of the .Manhattan co .. N. Y.; N. City, Salt Lake C.; Merch, N .. Oma. 37.610 Irving N., N. Y.; Utah State N., Salt Lake C.  50,000  25,000  450,uoo:  350,000  24,000  4,000  35,0001  40,000  Eureka. __ ._Jnab E 5 Eureka Banking Co ••• •:1:§1900 W. S. McCornick •• John Dern.---·-·-· I!'. D. Kiml:alL._ Thos.A.McCormick 97-GZ Pop. 3608  30,000  9,100  Peter Sundwa!L ••• A. R. Anderson •• _. P. Sund wall, Jr •• _. ---··-······----  25,000  12,000  200.oool  J. S. Clark. ___ •. James A. Eldred2e. A., L. Olark: ___ G. S. Clark--··-·  25,000  60,140  273,530i  361,930  G. M. Whitmore •• Wm. N. McBride .. Wm. A. Robinson. W. J. Anderson .•. Joseph T.Finlinson Parker Robison ___ Parker Robison ___ B. G. Kenney _____ _  50,000  10,000;  188,000  40,000  45.000  100.000!  352,000  G. :M. Whitmore ••• A. J. Aagard •• _____ J. T. Oldroyd••••• - ------·····--·-·--  25,000  13,600  155.050  177.680  W. 8. llcOornick: _ J.M. Bid\\elL •••• Gilbert Palmer __ A. \V. Brown .•• __ _  30,000  7,810  187,110  121.350  Ba.Dk of Garland ••••••• •U'05 W. S. Hansen_··--- Moroni Ward •••••• John F. Burton ••• Hattie Hess·-----·  25,000  5,000  25-5,940  242.160  J. A. Hunter ____ ._ •  25,000  14,460  122,380  127,560  25,980 N. Bk. Rep. and McCornick & Co., Bkrs., Salt Lake o. 25,000 Cont.& Com'l N., Ohi.: N. Bk. Rep., Salt Lake C.: u. S. N .. Den. 60,000 Cont. N., Salt Lake O.  Fairview State Bank_ .•• •§'14 97-109 Davis Oounty Bank •••• •W92 97~3 Fillmore Com'! &'Sav.Bk.•§'20 + 97-128 State Bank of MUJard Oounty •U'07 87-M Fountain Green .. Sanpete Bank of Fountain Green •§'16 ♦ 97-114 F 5 Pop. 1169 Garfleld •• _.Sa.Jt Lake E 3 Garfl.eld Banking Oo •• -•U'07 97--65 Pov. 1600 Fairview •••• Sanpete G 5 Pop. 1423 •Farmington •.• Davis F 3 Pov. 1170 Fillmore ••••• Millard E 7 Pop. 1490 ' •• ________ "  Garland-·-· Boxelder E 1 Pov. 999 Orantsvale_•• Tooele E 3 Pop.1213 Gray on •••• Ban Juan J 9 Grcenriver ___ Rmery I 7 Pov. 645 Gunni on. __ .Banvete .F 6 Pop. 1115 " ··-····"  07-66 R. T. Woolle,, · - M.A. Eliason. _ _ Grantsville Deseret Bank •U'l0 07~7 ( ee Blanding) Commercial & Savings Rank Geo. E. Thurman .. A. D. Beebe····--· •:1:1'08 97--68 Gunnison City National bank J.M. Knighton •••• James Bown.·-···•t'20 97-136 Gunnison Valley Bank.•H'09 o. B. BeJ1l"lund ·--· John o. Mellor··-· • ll7~9 •Heber •••••• WasatehG 4 Bank of Heber Ott, •••• •U'02 J, R. Murdock•._ J. W. Olyde •••• - •• 87-70 Pop. 1931 Helper ••••••• Carbon H 5 Helper State Bank __ •••U'lO J. Barboglio •.••••• F. R. Slopanskey. + 97-71 Pop. 1606 Hurricane .••wa--hington State Bk. of Hurricane. •§'17 David Hirschi·-- o. B. Petty···-···· 97-120 O 10 Pon. 1021 lbrum.\>Ol):i\iflch.eF l Hyrum Sta.tt7~ffk ..... •U'09\M.. S. Eccles ·------\Robt. Baxter-··--- N,ual'Hlr IIDtl- Nazne or .Baalc .ia tbe New "lnuule N,uabel ilvea lo -ab baalc izJ U. B. ~eluslvelr bJ'_ TIie llaad-MoNallr Baakers' 443 Dlreetoq, , aader the autbol'lt. of The Federal Reserve BankJof St. Louis  P. E. An<!en.on _  215,000 ·  z>~ I  140,000  382,750  ~  \N  ~ (')  5,000  480,000  ~ 1-,,1  45,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; McCornick & Co .. Bkrs, en Salt Lake o. 85,000 Walker Bro5. Bkrs., Salt Lake C. ()  25,000  260,000  C:: '"i  16,000 McCornick & Co., Blas. and -Utah State N .. :::r Salt Lake C. (D 100,000 N. Park, N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: Utah State t-... 0. Lake Salt N., 19,000 Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; Utah State N .. Salt c ::, Lake C. (')  ........  72,500 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Cont. & Oom'I N., Chi,; 0 Crocker N .. San F .; McCornick & Co .. Bkrs., ::, Salt Lake C. 25,000 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Deseret N., Salt Lake 0.  I  B. J. Silliman.-••• - - · - - · · ·-----··  25,000  2,500  135,000  182,000  C. O. Edmonds ••••• --------···--···--  50,000  7,500  85,000  89.000  J. W. Jones ____ F. A. Beck---··-It'. IL Jones Erner W. Murdock. Elmer Strong·--···  50,000  10,000  100,000  10,000  450,000:  430,000  Glen Ballinger._ ··----·--·-··--··-·· . Claud Hirschi .••••- - - - · · - - -  50,000  46,400  529,870!  400,700  20,000  3,130  10,000;  94 ,590  ---··--- -------·  25,000  5,500  250,000!  245,000  300,000 . 400,000  35,170 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Wells Fargo.Nev. N., San F.: Deseret N .. Salt Lake c. 54.000 1st N .. N, Y, and Nephi.; N. Copper, Salt Lake C. 87,000 Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.; Deseret N., Salt Lake 0. 29,240 1st N .. N. Y. and Nephi, Utah; N. Copper. Salt Lake 0. 89,680 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N.,Ohi.; Crocker N., San F.; McCornick & Co., Bkrs., Salt Lake C. 89.440 lstN., Ogden;Deseret N .. Salt Lake 0,  50,000 N. Oity, N. Y. and Salt Lake 0,  t-... Ill ::,  100,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Utah State N., 8alt Lake C.; C Knight Tr. an~ Sav .. Provo. ~ 210,400 N. Bk. Com., ... . .; Utah State N ., Salt Lake C. '"1 15,000 ,T. Park. N. Y.; Far. & Merch., Provo. 35,000  ~'.  Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N .. Ogden; Thatcher  Rr" . R1'E.' Cln .• T nE.T:in.  ~  ts.640 Han. N., N. Y.; Pingree N., Ogden; N. City, Salt Lake C.: Knight Tr. & Sav., Provo. 25,000 State Bank of Lehi _____ ;t§'ll 87-35 Lewiston _____ Oache F 1 Lewiston State Bant ___ •tf'05 117-711 Pop, 1645 •Loa __________ Wayne G 8 State Bank of \Vayne •• •:t:§'20 87-133 Pop. 498 •Logan ________ Cache F 1 Cache Valley Bkl?, Oo •• •tl'03 ♦ 117-21 Pot>. 8,439  F\\,~11. f  MERCHANTS 87-24...•U'lS  James Ohivman •• _ J. H. Gardner ___ W. 8. Chipman_ E. L. Chipman __ _ Martin Pond ______ Hyrum Hayball •••• 8. B.  s. McClellan ___  Roeer■  ____  Langton Barber __ _  275,000  211,000  435,880  251,380  5,000  79,780  88,610  20,000  fiM. M. HOWELL.. w.e,~Lit{i~lf[c E. TAFT BENSON---- L. M. SQUIRES------  100,000  39,350 l.42S,220 1,024,880 32,450  580,500  444,690  50,000 N. City, N. Y.: McCornick & Co. Bkrs., Salt Lake C. 81,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Utah State N., Salt Lake C, 231,660 1st N .. N. Y. and Ogden: Cache Valley Bkl?, Co., Logan; 3d N •• Rockford, Ill. 15,680 N. Copper, Salt Lake C.; Richfield Com'l & . Sav .• Richfield. 542,680 1st N ., N. Y.; McCorn1ck & Co. Bkrs., Salt Lake C.; Ofden State, Ogden; Stock Yds. N., Oma.; 3d N., Rockford, 111. 68,520 Irving N., N. Y.; N. City, Salt Lake O.; Com'I N., Ogden.  J.E. Cosgriff' ______ J. H. Grut _ _ _ M. W. Bentz _______ Diana Reid _______ _  Monroe-----Sevier E 7 Pop. 1718 •Monticello. an Juan K 8 Pop. 768 •Mor~n _ _ Morgan F 2 Pop. 995 :Moroni._____ San1>ete F 6 Pop. 1355 Mt. Pleasant_San1>0te G 5 Pop. 2415 .. ..  Monroe State Bank. ____ 1•10 97-79 Monticello State Bank._•§'18 • 87-123 First National Bank -•t'03 117-80 Bank of Moroni._______ •tf'06 87-81 Mt. Pleasant Com'l&Sav.Bk. •U'82 97--45 North Sanpete Bank ____ u·oo  J. H. Lowe ________ Alma Magleby __ Heber Swindle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  ~  100,000  61,860 1.115,470 1,3.11,750  150,000  73,860 1,866,980 1.460,990  25,000  Alta Alldredge Lewis Anderson ___ J. o. Mellor _______ R. P. D:,req ___ J. J. Jensen ______ _  50,000  J. W. Robinson .• _ Heber J. Meeks ___ M. S. Saville _____ --------------------  20,000  James Chipman ___ W. A. Marshall ___ Leon L. Olson ____ A. L. Anderson __ _  35,000 25,000  R. H. Pitchforth _ W. J. Burns _______  o.  A. Arrington ___ D. N. Hickman __  D. L. Goudelock ___ 0. A. Robertson ••• V. P. Martin _______ W.R. McConkie ••• H. G. Green J.P. Miller ________ R. Lee Kirk _______ H. W. Balsley ____ C. S. Thomson ___ _ D. O. Larson  225.000  196,000  75,000  450,000  450,000  10,850  100,C00  85,000  14,000  453,710  421,880  8,000  287,000  S,000  1  15.000  134,080  25,000  18.150  167,200  228,280  4.400  55,000  185,500  10,480  185,520  14.440  188,880  187,020  N. S. Neilson _____ F. 0, Jenl8Jl ___ E.W. W&ll _ _ I.E. Jorgensen ___ _  50,000  65,000  580,000  700,000  50,000  50,700  270,840  315,480  _ _ __  N. L. Peterson .••• C. D. Kicher ______ E. R. Winstrom ___ -------------B. L. Dart _____ W. G. Gentry ___  BANKER_STIUIST<bMPANY  o. A. Dart _________  l!'. R. 'cidmore ___ _  100,000  45,000  620,000  550,000  15,000  15,000  168,000  152,000  50,000  43,000  25,000  2,500  50,000  5,000  Y.: Utah State N .• Salt Lake  o.  37,790 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; N. City, Salt LakeC.; Grand Valley N .• Grand Jct., Colo.; Midw. Reserve Tr. Co., Kan. o. 45,670 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Deseret N .. Salt Lake O.  50,000  2.5,000  Richard Howe._ Melvin M. Killer _ D. A. 11c1li.llan _  1 .i: •  356,070  210,250  25,000  J.E. Cosgriff _____ J.P. Cohoon ______ J.E. De Neene ____ ---------------  S' ==  56,980 N. Coµper, Salt L1ke C.  12,800  Andrew .i.Dderson. T. D. Recs ____ E. D. Anderson ___ E. A, Draper-·--·· A. L.· Pe&enon--  125,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 1st N •• Ohl.: Wells Farro- rn Nev. N .• San F.: Deseret N .. Salt Lake c. 16,580 N. Park, N. Y.; Richfield Com'l & Sav., Richfield; McCornick & Co. Bkrs., Salt Lake C. '< 77,460 N. Park, N.Y.: Utah State N .• Salt Lake c.  328.860  50,000  204,490  o. Beaum&DD--  3  68,870 N. Park,  50,000  A. J. Aaprd ____ H.  213,450 Irving N., N. Y.; Utah State N., SaH Lake O.; cnl Ofden State, Ogden. 649,860 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co .. Chi.; ~ Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; Walker Bros. s» Bkrs •• Salt Lake C. Sil 40,000 N. Bk. Com, N. Y.; Cont. N., Salt Lake C.  228,000  Geo. A. Adams •••. J. F. Barton _______ L. Hardy Redd •••• Leah Hammond __ _ 0. R. Christensen D.Heiner _________ H.B. Crouch ______ Oharles Heiner _______________ -------·  w. D. Candland ____  tJ:  > z  Plain light draft,, 15c: Cr.di, Report,, 50c.  Magna Banking Oo .• -.•t§'l6 ♦ 87-113 :Manti Oity S&Yinra Bant •tl'OO 97-77 State Bank of Piute ___ et§'20 87-130 Midvale State Bank-•U'08 97-49 :Milford State Bank ----•1'12 117-78 First National Bank ______ e'l6 87-116 Moab State Bank ------•tl'l5 87-111  C:  --! > to  GENERAL BA NKING." Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reporu MUS T be acoompanle d bf  Magna-----Salt Lake F 4 Pop. 4000 •Manti ____ 1San1>ete F 6 Pop. 2412 Marysvale ______ Piute E8 Pop. 624 Midvale.--Balt Lake F 3 Pop. 2208 Milford ______ Beaver O 8 Pop. 1308 •Moab ______ Grand .K 7 Pop. 856 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  17,000 18,130  100,000  First National Bank ___ et'82 J. H. Anderson ____ s. F. Ballif ________ A. Sonne __________ L. Westerholm ___ _ W. S. Hansen 97-22 Thatcher Bros. Banking Co. H. 11:, Hatch ____ M. S. Eccles _______ O. W. Adams ______ H.J. Hatch _______ _ D. 0, Budge •1'83 ♦ 97-21  97-46  175,000  30,000  F. H. Neff' _________ Guy Evan ___________________________ _  EE IN ADV A NCE:  :Mor?aY-- Salt Lake F 8 First National Bank--•i·oa 87-26 Pop, t-584 Murray State Bank ___ ;tl'02 " .. 117-27 :Myton _____ Duchesne I 4 First National Bank _____ :l:'20 87-132 Pop, 479 Myton State Bank -----•t1'08 .. .. ♦ 97-82  182,000  25,000  J. 11:, Shepard.. ___ A.H. Thompson __ W. O. Darley ______ N. W. Haws ______ _ Hyrum Hayball  W.  8,000  225,000 , 225,000  r+  0  ::,  29,500 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; 1st N .. Chi.; Deseret N., alt Lake C.; Drov. N., Den. 62,310 Han. N., N. Y.; Utah State N.,Salt Lake O.; 1st N ., Ogden. 38,380 N. Park, N. Y.; Utah 81ate N .. Salt Lake 0. 55,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: McOornick &Co.Bkrs.,SaltLakeC.; 1st N. San F. 57,700 N. Park, N. Y.; Utah Staie N .. Salt Lake O. 70,000 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Deseret N., Salt Lake O. 36,000 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.: Cont. N., Salt Lake C, 17,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; McCornick & Co., Bkrs .. Salt _ . ~ Lake C.; 1st N., Den. 55,000 N.Park.N. Y.:N.Bk.Rep.,8altLakeO,:Pm- ~ l?rf>e N .• O,zdt>n.  or DENVER, BONDS-NOT[S-f J\ M LOJ\NS  w  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In-  !lamber under Name dexed Acces.), Lawyers Laws (indexed) in back of this d UTAH C t" to each bank in U. S. es:cluslvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• 1444 ==-==:=:-=c.=:=~======-=-=-=:;=:-:~ ~o_!!lme. For Inte~es~ Rates, Holidays, ete., see Laws. =h..:::e=A=m=e=rl=c=a=n=Ba=nk=,e=rs= A=--s-=s•=n=.=-============o=n==1=n=u=e ='31!C::===Dtre==c=to=r=7::::'=u=n=d=e=r=th=e=a=u=t=h=o=rl_:t_Y-O_f.:..T or Bank is the New Transit Number given  'l'OWN AND COUNTY,  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES.  NAME OF BANK.  ~:·t;>;:: ·=!.~  I  -  t  of:.  PRINCIPAL OORRESPONDil:NTS.  PAID-UP 1su~us DEPOBASS'T CASHIER. OilJllll. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. •Mero. Am. Bks. Assn. lS ta te •County Seats. srnnr.. no•Buu 1TB CAPITAL PROFITS InNo.12 Fed.Re .Dist. :tMem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. _ _:S:::al:.:t-=La=ke-=--B...;..r-'-an_c_b_._ 1_._M__:e:....m....c....::Fc....:ed=-._R_:_e..:...s·_--=-[E_._t...;_ab_;_'_1 - - - - - - - 1 - - --- - - - l l - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1  •Nephi __________ Juab F 5 First National Bank ----•:t'86 W.W. Armstron~ _ W. S. McCornick __ G. M. Whitmore ___ W. C. Andrews_ J. W. Whitmore g7-38 Pop. 2603 Ne1>hi National Bank ---•:t'07 J. S. Ostler _______ 97-39 . oasts _______ Millard D 6 State Bank of Oasis ____ et§'08 Henry Huff _____ 97-83 Pop. 199 •Ortten ________ Weber F 2 *Commercial Nat. Bank.•:t"83 P. Healy __________ g7-4 Pop, 32,804 (Ruer,e Citu)  NAT. BANK  50,000 $ 58,700 $ 774,840 $ 940,570 $ 109,440 N. Bk. Com. and 1st N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; McOornick & Co. Bkrs. and N. Copper, Salt Lake 0.: 1st N .. Los A. 265,000 50,000 25,000 250.000 90,000 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; WellsFargoNev. N .. San F. 240,000 200,000 10,500 15,000 5,000 Utah State N., Salt Lake c.  I  T. A. Foote ______ J. W. Boud ________ Ralph Brourh --J.C. Hawley ___ Herman Pedersen. _ _ _ _ _ _ __  1  D. A. Smyth _____________________ W. G. Emley _____ _ J. E. Storey A. O. Fell  100,000  175,000 2,000,000 1,700,000 fr  M. s. ECCLES-- --- JOUN WftlSQN----- JAMES F. BURTON-SUMNER P~NELSON  B: w.PR011~s  150,000 232,550 We make a speclaltyof~llectlon business. We present promptly and Insist upon payment or definite reason for non-paJment. •t'81 P7-2 _ _ _ Prompt returns at lowest rates. 1 250,000 ~ 87,260 H. Barton ----·- 1J. H. Rile:,------ F. J. Vicks________ *Nat'l Bk.ofOommerce_•:t·04 K. P. Ellison _______ J. W. Abbott, V.-P. Ezra Richardson 97-1 150,000 150,000 *OrdenSavin~sBank __ •if'89 M. s. Eccles _______ John Watson _____ ---------------··-- s. T. Jeppesen___ R. B. Porter P7-G • *FIRST  lo.  *OGDEN STATE  BK  500,000 Liberty N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., SanF.; 1st N., Den.  l  3,654.810 2,610,750 1.483,620 Irving N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; Crocker N., San F. 1,880,210 3,011,850 - 391670 :Mecll, & Metals N .. N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Wells Farfo-Nev.N., San F.:Merch.N .. Oma.  C  1,918,380 1,739,680  !J> ::z:  471,320 JGuaranty Tr. Oo., N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N .• Chi.; 1st N .. 02den; Deseret N., Salt Lake C.: . Crocker N., San F.  ➔  to  H. C. BIGELOW ___ J_ M. BROWNIIIG----A. P. BIGELOW----E. L. VAN METER--  >  We make a specialty of, and have unequ~·;,,:.D,~Jf Ii ties 100.000 295,310 5.409.5201 3,459,290 2,271,920 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San I'.; Colo. N., 2! for, handllng y:our Items and collectlons for Utah •*1'8P ~ Den.; U.S. N., Oma. and Southern Idaho. Moderate charge. Try us. 1  *SECURITY STATE BANK P7-7  •U'l0  F. J. Stevens •••••• W. H.Shearman ___ S. G. Dye ____ \Y. A. Bugde_______ Joseph Williams  150,000  36,780 1.065,9101 1,030,800  211,900 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Drov. N., Chi.: Walker VJI Bros.,Bkrs., alt Lake C.; Stock Yds.N .,Oma.: 1st N., San F. 661.870 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Ohl.; Wells Far1?0-Nev. ro 'O N .. San F.  z  *UTAH NATIONAL BANK •:t'83 M. S. Browning ___ W. L. \Yattis ------ A.. V. lfclntosh ____ Wm. H. Loos______ 150,000 133,890 2,701,030 3,215,310 O. E. Kaiser 97-3 -. Ogden Clearing House______ A. P. Bil{elow _____ W.L. Waters ______ F. J. Stevens, Sw. _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ _ _ _ _ ..,  (Members indicated by a*)  Pangnitch ___ Garfleld D 9 State Bank of Garfield __ :tf'IMI I. W. Hatch_---- Wm. H, Tebbs----- Clemet Tebbs ----- L, Haywood_______ 97-84 Pop. 1800 Park City ____ summit G 3 First National Bank ____ et'91 James Farrell _____ Eugene Giles ______ w. W. ArmstroD.£. Jerome Paxton____ 97-85 Pop, 3393 W. Lambourne. 1H. Fred Egan ______ - - - - - - - City_•§'l7 John 0. Cutler --State Bank " " Parowan ______ lron D 9 Bank of Iron Count:, --•:l:§'08 L. N. Marsden _____ Wm. A.dams _______ J.C. VitchelL ____ E. R. Lyman_______ 97-815 ♦ Pop, 1640 Payson _________ Utah F 4 Payson Exchange Sa.. Bank Henry T. McEwan L. N. Ellsworth ____ J. o. Ellsworth ____ H. R. Tietjen______ I ' •n·oo 97-87 • Pop. 3031 State Bank of Payson __ •§'17 G. M. Whitmore ___ T. F. Tolhurst_ ____ Lee R. Taylor _____ - - - - - - · " " 97-119 • Pleasant GroTe. utah F 4 Bank of Pleasant Grove_i5'05 James Ohi1,1man ___ J. R. Halliday _____ W. S. Chipman ____ S. L. Swenson.____ J. A. West 97-88 Pop. 1682 Price ________ O&rboa H 5 Carbon County Bank ••• t§'l9 w. A. Lowry ______ R. M. Magraw----- i Edwin Butterworth --------·----------D. Bergara • 97-127 Pop. 2364 Fir t National Bank ____ •f'0l _________________ A. W. Horsle:, _____ 1L. E. Whitmore. -- -------------------" "  G.  i;:it~k  ITT~  Price Commercial & Sav. Bk. N. S. Neilson ______ W. F. Olson. ______ C.R. Marcusen ____ W. E. Anderson___ • •:t§'I0 ♦ 97-52 •Provo _______ Utah F 4 Farmers &:Merchants Bank T. N. Taylor ______ J. F. Bennett_ ____ J. D. Dixon _____ Arnold Dixon______ •:t'•07 97-18 ♦ Pop. 10,803 "  --------  ••  "  ••  KNIGHT TRUST  (  JESSE KNIGHT- --------------  1R.  E. ALLEN ------- F. G. WARNICK----  Consenattve b ut Prol'l'esslve. Business given more than Just t be ne essar7 atte ntlon. •tl'13 Collections and cash letters on this point especl ally solicited. Q7-111 ♦ Provo Commercial &Sav. Bk. Reed moot_ ______ O. E. Loose ________ J. T. Farrer _______ J. A. Buttle________ F. G. Richmond •:U'llO 97-16 State Ba.nk ot Provo -t\'02\W. R. Breretou ____ John Roundy ______ Alva Nelson _______ J. F. Greer_______ 1 \ ~7-11  I  75,000  500,000  640,000  50,000  19,000  595,000  495,000  25,000  3,520  127,580  122,700  25,180 Deseret  35,000  21,000  270,000  260,000  66.000 Utah State N., Salt Lake C.  50,ooo l  41,180  575,000  724,000 1 178,000 1Han. N., N. Y.: Utah State N .. Salt Lake o.  50,000  L2,920  269,000  20,000  20,000  400,000  J  100,000  13,790  294,550  I  50,000  70,000  700,000  600,000 1 190,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Copper, Salt Lake C.  50,000  82,500  800,000  565,000  100,000  15,970  800,700  910,940  300,000  !3,508 1,137,500 2,194.250  "   Nazabe, ~der NaJtDe or Saale ill New rraasl~ JtiUJtDbel' ·ve11 Ill u. S. ezcluslrely by The .Baad-McN•Ur Ba~n• 1445 to -.ab ba:alc under the authority of The A.merlcaa Baalcen Ast1•n. Federal Reserve Bank of St.Dlreetoq, Louis  168,000 1st N., N. Y.; N. Copper, Salt L&k:e O.  N., Salt Lake o.  285.000  57,600 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.; 1st N., Nephi; N. Copper, j Salt Lake o. 150,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Utah StateN., Salt La.keC.  350,850  49,590 :Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; N. City, Salt Lake C.  250,000  & SAVINGS BANK  ----  53,500 Han. N ., N. Y .; Utah State N ., Salt Lake C.  50,000  763,880  100,000  80,510  962,000  25,000  22,500  385,000IJ 300,000  ..,.  o _  ..,U  0  ~  I  225,000 N. Bk. Com., N. T.: McOornick & co., Bkrs .. Salt Lake C.: 1st N .. San F. 109,230 ' N. Park, N. Y,: Walker Bros., Bkrs., Salt Lake O.: Utah N., Ogden. 235,070 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Cbl.; 1st N., San F.; Utah State N., Salt Lake c. 1  ._ ~  ::, i::  ~  ~  394,580 Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.: 1st N .. Chi.: Wells Fargo~ I ey. 1 r ., an F.: De fret N .. Salt Lake C. 128,000 N. City, N. Y .; Utah State N ., Salt Lake C.; 1-..:, ,-,. Com l N .. Ogden.  I  Non-Bank Towns  dexed Acces.  .....,. . . . . . -.,.,_. ,- 15e .,,.,_  1  r,,...n ........ .,,_  Non-Jranll: ToWIU wWI Neareat BanJdn& PoJnt {Indexed Acces.), I41t7ersz. £aws (indexed) in back of this ....,. volU1J1e. For Interest aates, HoJJdays, _etc., see_ Laws. ~  v. s. aalllolf'7 - ~ b~ rae ...,,_.,iJri,illj:' ......,.,. of fte ........,...  ,11.1,:- _. ~ ~ b l TTJ .,,,_,.,,,. IDJfle, ,,_  JiliilllNn AN"a.  TolVN A.ND oouNTY. NAME or BA.NK. •Oounty Beats. •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. • sta1 e In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist • .fMem.StateBks.Assn. t Priv. Salt Lake Branch. ♦ lfem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  LIABILITIES. PRESIDENT,  1/  ~~s-1  REsouRcEs.  C:  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  p SURPLUS D c!-!~;1~ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PROFITS _ _ _ .~ VICE-PRESIDENT,  CASHIER.  ASS'T CASHIER.  J  AND  1  1  Louo•D11- ' c.... EJt$1) c'TO. ao ...,, Cllillau,»..,. ~ 0 ' "' "' B.uiu , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -· .  •.B&odolph ___ Rich GI Bank of Randolph --•U'06 John Kennedy ____ Joseph Weston ____ Chas. W. Walton_ - - - - - - - $  36,500 $ 15,520 $ 142,990 $ 182,130 1$ 15,550 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Deseret N.,Sal&LakeO. :;  •Richfleld ___ sevier E 7 Jameslrl.PetersonBank:•il'83 James M. Peterson C. J. Sumner - - - Geo. H.Ogden._,____ Pop. 3262 • 97-42 Richfleld Com'l & Sav. Bank Hans Tuft ________ Arthur Whittaker. Guy Lewis ______ J. Lloyd _______ _ 97-43 •H'99  50,000  ~~  ~  I  50,000  57,220  ~  603,500 l 800,000  125,000 1,000,000 ' 1,000,000  132,000 Han. N., N. Y.: McOornick I. Co., Bkrs., Salt Lake O. 200,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N .. Chi,; N. Bk. Rep. and Cont, N .. Salt Lake C.  ---·----i  45,000  55,000  500,000  663,000  G. G. Hendricks __________ 1  25,000  9,000  195,000  189,000  53,000 Irvin!? N., N. Y.; 1st N., Oeden; Thatcher Bros. Bkg. Oo., Logan.  -------1  15,000  7,030  172,550  128,360  60,220 Kountze Bros., N. Y.; Wells Far1?0-Nev. N .. I San F.; Deseret N .• Salt Lake c. I :X:  Roosevelt_.Duchesne 14 Roosevelt Sta to Bank ..•U'l3 Owen Bennion ____ J.E. Lo'Ye -------- E. R. Coldwell _____ J. O. Orser ____ _ Pop. 1054 97-107 Wm. Weiser Salina _________ sevier F 7 First State Bank-------•t1'07 James Farrell _____ H. S. Gates ________ H.B. OrandalL ____________ _ Pop, 1451 97-92 SandY---- Salt I.Ake F 3 SandJ City Bank ________ e§•07 W.W. Wilson - - H. A. Smith ______ A. R. Gardner __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Pop. 1037 97-93  40,000  10,000  110,000  129,000  25,000  25,000  00.000  I 100,000  40,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Deseret N., Salt Lake C.; Grand Valley N .• Grand Jct., Colo.  20,000  11,070  224,320  229,230  mithfteld ___ Qache F 1 OommercialNat'l Bank.•t"l2 Tho . 11. Woolford G. Y•. mith - - Thos. B. Farr ______ G. E. Miles _____ _ Pop. 2400 97-94 Job Pingree  25,000  20,000  368,000  288,000  50,000  10,000  400,000  400,000  25,000  19,300  610,000  505,700  State Bank of Sevier-•it·oo John Christensen. R. D. Youn,. ______ D. P. Jensen _____ ♦ 97-44 Richmond __ oache F 1 StateBankof Richmond•U'08 J. W. Funk ------ M. Pop. 1396 97-90  s. Eccles ______  ntverton ___ Salt Lake F 4 Jordan Valley Bank----•U'05 A. T. ButterffeJd ___ I.E. Freeman---- Seth Pixton _______ Pop. 1200 97-91  Spanish Fork __ Utah F 4 Commercial Bank ______ •it'05 Henry Gardner ____ Jos. Hanson_------ P. P. Thomas ______ H. A. Garoner ___ _ Pop, 4036 ♦ 97-31  I. P. SNELL-- G. D. SNELL .. _____ ---------------- E. B. SNELL ______ _ J. . CREER FIRST IIATIOIIAL BANll.•t'90 Personal servle e ven all busln ess entrusted to us. 97-30 { Our faelllttes fo r handling J'OUI' cash ltema and collections  :f  135,500 N. Park, N. Y,: Utah State N., Salt Lake C.  22,000 N. City, N. Y.;  y .  Copper, Salt Lake 0,  C:  ~  tII > 1z  j~  42,830 Kountze Bro.s., N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi.; De.s eret ' N., SaltLakeC., Wells Fargo-Nev. N., SanF.  115,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. City. Salt Lake C.: N. Bk. ~ Com., Ogden; Thatcher Bros. Bkl?, Co.. Lo- :, ga~. . , 0. 150,000 N. O1ty. N. Y.; McCormck & Co .. Bkrs., Salt O  LakeO.  _  235,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Deseret N. and Walker Bros.I'& Bkrs., Salt Lake 0,  lo  are nnsurpane d. TRY US.  Springville ____ Utah F4 MendenhallBanktn1?Co.•U'08 T. L. MendenhalL , ____________ G. W. llendenh.alL J.11'. Mendenhall_ Pop. 3010 117-33  35,000  13,550  190,000  184,000  . and McCorn1ck . & Co .. I o ~ 53,000 Han. N., N, y .; N . City Bkrs., Salt Lake 0.: Crocker N., San F. 1o  Springville Banking Co. H. T. Reynolds--- M. O. Packard ____ G, R. Maycock. ____ C. G. Salisbury ___ _ 97-32 •U'0l  75,000  38,000  410,000 : 460,000  63,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Cont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.: Mc- rn Conick & Co., Bkrs., Salt Lake C.  •St. George __ Washin£ton Bank of St. Georee --•U'06 E. B. Snow _______ C. F. Foster _______ Arthur B'. Miles -- W. W. McArthur __ Pop. 2215 B 10 97-95  37,350  28,220  308,800  321,820  52,550 N. Park, N. Y.; Utah State N., Salt lake 0 ,  30,000  45,000  575,000  530,000  ~5.000 Utah State N ., Salt ~ e O.  60,000  11,830  537,210  396,760  25,000  2,250  130,000  120,000  60,000  33,500  575,000 : 489,500  50,000  11,560  549,150  20.000  6.180  172,000,  •Tooele-- Tooele E 8 Tooele Oounty State Bk.•:1'08 Peter Clegg ________ Wm. Pop. 3602 G'l--40  s. Marks.----  E. M. Orme ____ A. L. England __ -  c. B. Squires _________________________ _  •VernaJ _ _ _ UintaK4 BaDkofVern&L----•U'03 J.B. Reader ____ Harden Bennion_ N. J.M~her _____ W. N. Preas ___ _ Pop. 1309 ♦ 97-63 .  Uintah State ,~nk---•il'10 Enos Bennion ___ R. D. Samuels ____ L. W. Ourry ______ E. B. Belcher __ _ 11  Wellsvme ____ Qache E 1 Wellsville State Bank __ •il'lO Joseph E. Wilson. T. A. Kerr _________ R. A. Leishman _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Pop.1298 97-97 Jr. O. W. Adams woods Oross _ Davis F 3 Farmers State  Pop. 1999  Bank---•H-09 William Moss ____ Phila.nderHatch __ J. R. Parrish ___ L. Hatch -----·  97-98  _, ~~DAN KEKS l~UST CbMPANY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ..,n  0  fl)  rn l  Tremonton_BoxelderEl State Bank of Tremonton P. M. Hansen _____ A. N. Fishburn ___ Oh&rles KcOiure. _ _______ Pop. 937 97_. •U'12 K. H. Fridal Trenton ______ cache F 1 West Cache State Bank•tl'17 H. E. Hatch _______ lI. H. Buttars _____ Pop, 2900 97-121 ll. S. Eccles  ' 0.  or DENVER,  I 50,000 1  Ill  I 160,520 ~lee!).. & Metals N., N . Y.: Oont. & Com'l N., 1 Ch1,; Walker Bros., Bkrs., Salt Lake O,: 1 Secur. State. Ogden. 23,090 N . Bk. Com.,,!. Y. ; Thatcher Bros. Bkg. Co .. ' Logan.  1  150,000 Imp. & Tra. N .. N. Y.: Colo. N. and Den. Stork Yd .N.,Den.:WalkerBros.,Bkrs.,SaltLakeO. 127,900 N. Park, N. Y .: Utah State N ., Salt Lake 0,  I •I  t :1111  •1111  !,111  ~ I  I •  ;  I  ; :  .'' Ii' l  . ,,,.  j11  1r:  .I 'I  BANKING FACILITIES-TRUSTS-MUNICIPAL BONDS  --  -  -_  --------  ---  ---~-:--  Number under Name  or Bank is  the New Transit Number given  t1r~t~~~n~e:1 t:e =~c:::!rr:yofYTi:~!!:1~~~c,~e::a:::!::  1446  SALT LAKE CITY-Reserve City  (Salt Lake, F 3) County Seat, Pop.118,110 ~  (Branch Federal Reserve District No. 12) LIABILITIES.  NA.ME OF BANK.  I  tate ..! • P..u»-UP 8 ~!!:_u8 INDu~L D ■P o,,siTs Lon"'~ Ass'T CASHIER. CASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. Am. Bks. •Mem. State .... ....,., C 1 , tPriv. Assn. §S Bks.Assn. :Mem. COUNTS . .:•:.. :11:::8::::ID:.:_·. =.F-=-ei::.:I.--=R:.:.:e:.::s.:. . ._--..-::[..:::E-=-st=a-=-b0. 1, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_AP_IT_AL-l-'PBo'---'-"nT8- DzPoarrs BANES  0  ~  RESOURCES.  111 !"!~ !..°.!!!!!_• ~,.0 ; -8 ~ .... u... V  0\  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, R  Tl:&8,ZTC. R11soUBc11s _e_o_uR_c_E_8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 1  I  Geo. T. Petersen, $ 100,000$ Bankers Trust Company_•t§'l3 W.W. Armstroni- John Dern _________ K. F. Murdock, Sec. Tr. and A. Sec. Eugene Giles 31-511 J. K. Hardy  *COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY F. B. cook _________ Wm. tory, Jr. ____ R. w. Burton ______ J. A. Miller. _____ _ ♦  31-60  G. T. Odell  •i§'l5  *CONTINENTAL  W. H. Gibson, SPc.  53,680 $ 984,850 $ 137,650 $ 152,090 $ 265,380 Chase N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., San F. and Bos.  28,610 $ 781,770 $  ---------------------------1------- ------ -----------,J.E. COSGRIFF---- T.  w. BOYER----- w. w. TRIMMER-- J. H. GRUT --------  W. A. RUTTAN, Aud.f. A. BRIMMER ,260 _979,880 _a.107,010 _1.669.190 _2ou70 _9za,170 We make a a.pecialty of collection buain•••· We pl"eaent _zso,ooo _1so,710 _a.oos pl"omptly, 1nalst upon payment OI" definite reason fol" non-payment. Pl"ompt l"etul"na at loweat ratea. •:t·09  NATIONAL BANK 11-4  250,000  20,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N.Copper,SaltLakeC:  N  Bk  C  d  • om. an Harriman N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; N., Den.;Anglo&Lon. Paris 1st N •• San F. •  1-------  *Deseret National Bank --•:t'69 J. C, Cutler ______ W.W. Riter _______ H. 8. Younr ____ :e:. 8, Hilla ____ _ R. c. Barnes 31-1  I  Deseret Savine-s Bank ••• •:t§'89 W.W. Riter _______ J.C. Cutler ________ Elias A. Smith __ R. Q. Cannon _____ _ 31-52 ♦  3,033,230 1,892,850  500,000  691,700  500,000  552,100 4,663,140  100,000  c:::  3,198,480 1,791,030  ~ 450,000 1,610,560 Am.Ex.N. and N, City, N.Y.:lst N.. :;J> Chi.; Wells Fare-o-Nev. N., San F. tz:  2,732,450 2,158,560  ,!399,670  609,560 GuarantyTr.Co. andAm.Ex.N.,N.Y.  z~  *Federa_l Reserve Bank of San ( olt Lake Cit11 B nrnc71, Federal Reiserve Bank of San Francisco, Cal.) __ (For complete inf ormat-ion see page 31) __________ _______________ _ Francisco _____________ ------• 31-31  (/)  I  I  Halloran Judge Trust Co.•!§'87 Ruel G. Halloran __ J. Frank Judi?"e ---1Wm. J. Halloran, W. E. Coulam, Sec, Tr, W. T. Wilcox, L. W. Sowles 31 62 A. Sec. Wesley E. Kini  278,300  97,970 --------- ---------  1,199,120  236,500  37,380  ttJ  > en  8,050  e.  ..+  r4  *McCORNICK & co. w. s. McCORNICK- ~_BH.~~c:~=~CK-- R. L. COIELY ------ w. o. CLELAND---E. G. WOOLLEY BANKERS .,....._... 1,000.000  •:t§"73  •  Lal"geat Bank between Denver and Pacific Coast.  s1-a  SU  - - - ---- ---- ---- ---- - - - - - - ----  I  - - -  487.850 a.ozuao 1.ssa.700  ~  Mech.  ----- - ---- 9.448.410 2.15&,740  ;,;-'  5os.Ho U7t,s10  & N. City, Chase N., and Metaas N.,N. Y.;Cont.&Com'I ~~ N.andCornEx.N.,Cbl.; Crock-'< er N., San F.; 1st N. and N . Shawmut, Bos.  I  ---------------------------11--- --------- ------------  *NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC Sl-t  •:t•oo  /E.A. CULBERTSON ~vi~sS,kl~TH"----W. F. EARLS----- ENOS HOGE-------- - - - - _ _ ,_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mech. & MetaJsN. and Guaranty 400,000 1.225.000 825,000 300,000 b,600,000 400,000 4.500,000 300,000 Accounts of Banks, Bankers, and others eollclted. P1"ompt attention to all Banking Mattel"& entrusted to ua. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE.  Tr. Co., N. Y;_; Chi.; A.nKl 0 .., San F.  lt.  DeaI. NN•• on. Pars •• '-4  Ill  *  ::, ational City Bank------•i'l3 G. W. Lambourne_ E. P. Ellison ______ Frank Pingree __ W.G.Goodart._ L. H. Heath D. L. Evans 31-57 J. W. Knight J.P. Gardner II . .T. Wallace  (.._,alt La1,;e Cit11 continued on next paae) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  250,000  63,530  3,000,0001  520,000  2,090,000 1,440,000 ------  997,610 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Harris Tr. S:: & Sav., Chi.: Wells Farito-Nev. N., ~ ~ San F · Merch. N ., Oma.  •  E. A. CULBERTSON, President  DAVID SMITH. Vice-President M. A. SM 1TH, 2nd Vice-Pre  1iie  W. F. EARLS, Cashier ENOS HOGE, Ass't Cashier  National .Bank of the Republic Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  SALT LAKE CITY Capital = Deposits = Surplus  =  <Earned )  $ 300,0 0. 0  =  =  = =  =  5,500,000.00 350,000.00  UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY  A Business  Bank Conducted by Business Men, on the Principle of Aggressive Enterprise Combined with a Conservatism that at all times Ensures Financial Sound• ness. Our Resources, Equipment, and Wide Connections Enable us to Render the best possible Banking Service in this lnter=Mountain country.  WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~~:,  C'.!C'l g[  ~g~g='  :~  c  ?'  ,, ifff! " e.~Ja-~  ri: ?:  0  ~i.ii.i ... i.J  i:,J  .., 8  r:r  ~  : s: •  :  O'Q  .  :  i:,.  t:::O~~ ,...  ',Jc..  """" ...  t,)00O11"  C  B  G  F  E  D  0  c.,--,a,,cc.,  111·  "1:1  ~~  ~  ~  00  o: i'  ..;:,:  2  ?'" ..... p:'-  ~  i:,J  0  "JO  "'°'  ....0  co  0  °' "'  I  H  ap  tTl  .B  ~~  ... ....  .,t:11:::11::,  (")()  ttt,:I ,.,.  0.-,  .  ?-~ :'-  n <'"I 0',:,' "'"' 0(> t,· ~~ g~ t:s· ~  a~ c:..,  ... "J  ill ill',;!~ ii;;._,  1:110  --,,c  011-•  NCO  i:,:,,  <>:  ... .......  K  J  110·  ~-  _.,;:  n 0  ...ziii C  !"  ➔  0  2 !"' 0 fl1  )(  109°  RAND M<;_NALLY POPULAR MAP OF  UTAH  42°  SCALE Statute 1'1.lle~. 32- 1 Inch, 0 '2,  6  s 10  20  so  40  30  l  Rancl )1cSal1,r'1 New l h.H )lap or Uu.h. Coprrlgbt bJ Rur.d MoNallv &: Co.  S W  E  2  2  41°  41°  3  3  SALT LAKE  PACIFIC  0 4  4  M  AH  0  B  A  ·v  JI 0  E l  C 0 Lougi~tde West from Gre;nwich  C  113  D  El  J 12  F  AN°V  00  N  G  WESTERN LIVESTOCK LOAN  111  H  co.,  A  I  '  -J  A  0  TIO  J  I  A  p A  -·  C  K  H  E  I  ,.I  11  I 14D  SALT · LAKE CITY  Cattle and Sheep Paper Eligible for Rediscount , with your ·Federal Reserve ~aank  •  WILL IAM H. CHIL D & COM PANY I  SALT LAKE CITY  UTAH- DAH  AMALG  CONSULT U  SUGAR  ,;  ALL UTAH STOCKS  ATED SUGAR  UT H LIGHT  ABOUT  AND  POWER  INVESTMEN TS  PREFERRED STOCK  .  REFERS TO ANY BANK IN UTAH  OLDES T BROKE RAGE HOUS E IN UTAH ,  NEARLY A QUARTER OF A CENTURY UNDER SAME MANAGEME NT -  -  ---  ·-  -  -  -  - -  - --   C Ont "'d- I i •serve C 'fty Traa1>lt NuHJber pven SA LT LAKE C'ITYunder Naa,e or Ban.Ir is the Jtl each bank in U.S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Ban.lrers• ]447 to Nua,ber (Branch Federal Heserye District No. 1,.,, Ass•n. Ban.lrers Aa,erlcan The of authority the under Directory, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  - ---  ·~  -  ---  .~; - -  1447  SALT LAKE C'ITY-  Number under Name or Bank is the NCH' Traa1,U Nu1nber give.a to each bank in U. S. e:scluslvelT by Tbe Band-McNallT Baalcen• Directory, under tbe autborlt,, of Tbe American Baalcen Ass•n.  I  NAME OF BANK.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. lMem. St.ate Bks. Assn.  ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  IS~te  PRESIDE.'.T,  t Pnv.  I  C On t,'d- ~. c: •serve C'fty  (Branch Federal Reserve District No. I' J  LIABILITIES.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  CASHIER.'T CA.SHIER,  P  AID-UP  SuRPLus A.ND  I  'I  RESOURCES.  INoIVID- \DmPO&1Ta LOANS & UAL ol' Dis1  BONDS, \ M1Bc1111.SEcURILAN111ous  CAsu  0 [Estab. - - - - - -,- - - - - - · APITAL PaoPIT8 DEPOSITS B.a.N:its coUNTS TIES,ETC. R111soUBc111s RzsoURCEs 1 *National Copper Bank ---•i•10 W.W. Armstrong __ John Dern _________ s. Armstrong _____ J. A. Malia _______ S 300,000 S 81,820 \$ 3,691,290 S 843,610//, S3,166,520 S 2,298,220 $ 60,000 $1,323,020 ,-1-st-N-.,-N-.-Y-.-:C_o_r_n_E_x_.-N-.,-C-h_i_.;_A_m-. 11-56 Eugene Giles N., San F.; 1st N., Oma.; Com'I N., Kan. C. Sugar BankingCompany_•t§'09 N. J. Hansen ______ John B. Bennett __ George A. Goff____________ 50,000 20,000 265,000 265,000 17,000 1 2,000 51,000 N. Park, N.Y.; Utah State N., Salt Sl-55 I Lake o.  ~  I  ------- 1  1  Tracy Loan & Trust Co,_ •W84 R. L, Tracy ________ J, W. Collins----- H, L. Selley, Tr. -- N. O. Ellis, Sec,___ ♦ 31~1  l  *Utah.Savings & Trust Co. W. S. McCornick _: A.H. Lund ________ F. M. Michelsen, D. E. Judd, ♦ 31-7 •ti'89 Geo. A. Smith Cash, and Sec. A. Cash, and A. Sec.  *UTAH STATE  NATIONAL BANK , SH  ·~  300,000  I  146,200  367,840 - - --'  66,070  1,208,910  1  122,110  3,567,520  100,720  78,450  778,630  378,930  ll4.060  32,llO N. Park, N. Y, 425,480 Equitable Tr. Co .. N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co,, Chi.: State Bk. of Oma., Oma.: Union Tr. Co .• San F.; N,  H.J. GRANT------- C. W. NIBLEY------- H. T. McEWAH- ------A, C. STRONG------- 1.000.000 619,810 6.3'19.180 ______ 8,968.190 1.'179,180 343.4'10 2.219,'180 C.S.BURTOM JOHNW.JAMES - 1- - - - - -  I  •i· 90' DIRECT YO UR CLIENTS  *WALKER BROTHERS BANKERS  222,600  IL. H. FARNSWORTH, Ch,o_tbcJ., F. A. FISHER  ~~ - - -  E. A. BERING  t B k I thl I t I t I R • o Id eSend •:a ;our tt:h•~:;.~::a:." •a on.  --11--1- - --------  600,000 _ 292.900 _ 9,453,860 _ 881.240 _ 8.463.890 _ Z.08'7,580 _ 1,3'10 _ 2,555,220 _  S  Rep.,Chl.;Wells .n rgo-Nev.N., ---J San F.:J 1st N •..,_ ~en.; Inter-> sto ck Yds. :I:  ~:'tm~: Kan. u.,  AND BUSI NESS TO T HIS BANK FOR SERVICE.  IE. 0. HOWARD=--- J . H. WALKER---- H.M.CHAMBERLAIN-L.C.VANVOORHIS, - Th  H~~~~?1:~«f'Jtsi»ark.,_N. Y.; N. Bk.  ~  Imp. & Tra. N., Cha~e N., HyarrNI• man N., and Irving N., N. .; . ~ City and 1st N., Chi.; wens ~ Fargo-Nev.N.andBk.ofCal.r,1 N. A., San F.; Den. N.and Colo. Den.; Bk. Com., St. L. en  N.,  I  N.  ------------------1--------1---,---1---------------  ;  ZION'S SAV. BK. I TR. CO.  II. J. Grant__ ______ A.H. Lund ________ G. 8. Spencer ______ W, R. Smith______ 1,000,000 418,820 8.835,730 35,520 7,652,240 1,261,380 346,490 1,029,970 N. Bk. Com. and Guaranty Tr. Co., t°4 Sl--51 •:1:1'73 A. W. Ivins W, T, McEwan I N. Y.;Cont.&Com'l N.,Ohi.;lst N., ~ Salt Lake Oity Olearinrc House J.C. Cotler ________ c. s. Burton _______ Edw. A. James, R. s. Hayes,A.Mqr, __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Los A. a nd Den. ~ (Membe,·s indicated b11 a*) ,Edw. A. JJ}~!;.:iner Sec.-Tr. and 1-Ugr, and A. Examiner I 1  0.  I  - -- ------------'-----------'----------- - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - -- -- - -'------ - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - ----1 '<....  .I  Selected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS  (') 0  a5•  = =~N;=AM=E=O =F~B=A.N=K=ER =.= == = = ===-=======--======1===============:::;N:;:AM = E = O=F=:B :::::A== NK E=R=. = = == = == = = = = = = == == = == :::;1= = = = = = = = = =! •Mero. Am. Bks. Assn. YEAR O •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. YEAR C tMem. State Bks. Assn. ESTABFFICERS. CORRESPONDENTS. tMem. State Bks. Assn. EsTABOFFICERS. • ORRESPONDENTS. C -JMem. Inv. Bks. A~_!I· LISHED. 1Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn. LISHED. t1  w. H. (4  --- -'-'l----------- -----l- ------- - -11---===:.:..=::..:.:-===.:==--- ==:=.i----------------'----------- 1~ CHILD &COMPANY {8~ff::;a~~~o~~:!t::i!~tL:::~::c tatty. Refer to aDf bank HARO LDTHRE SMOOT {tttrR!Rcl :raBlRGER~-VicePr~;~n~;:---1r:ii:.: a:~ tt Vv'!.,~e~ '98  (Not Incorporated) Stock Exchange Bldg.)  JI Al HOGLE & CO  SEE ADV. ON OPPOSITE PAGE.  (Branch Offices at Provo and Eureka, Utah)  1  1  JAS. A. HOGLE ______________ ______________________ Logan & Bryan, N. Y. and , 1915 S. M. SCOTT, JR., Mgr. Ogden Office. Chi.; Walker Bros., Mc- ,  • (Partnership) 169 Main St., Salt Lake City. (Eccles Bldg., Ogden, Utah.)  Lake  Logan  (Succe._-,sors Salt City Branch, & Cornick & Co., and Br11an) Direct private wireR East and We~t National Bank of th e, "' ' ' Republle,SaltLakeCltf. All Utah Industrial and High Grade MinIng and Investment Securities. Speelallsts lo Amalgamated and Utah Idaho Sugar and Utah Power and Light.  • COM p AN y  WESTERN LIVE STOCK LOAN COMPANY (Dueret, Bank Bldg.)  Bros.,  JOEL NIBLEY, Sec.  '19  Salt Lake  Investment Securities, Stocks and Bonds.  c.  E. A. CULBERTSON. Pres . ENOS BENNION, V .P. N, Park and Mech. & Metals J. H. DREOGE, V. P. J. H. GRUT, Tr, N., N. Y.; ¥t, Dear. N .. l~t G. H. BUTLER, V. P. and Mor. N 7,and Umon Tr:Co.,Ch1.: Capital Surpl'U8 and Profits $227 000  •  • G  SPECIALIZED BANKIN '17 Loans on Cattle and Sheep eligible for rediscount with your Federal Reserve Bank. Wire us for offerings.  \' ells Fargo-N 8\: • N., an F.; N. Bk. Rep. and Utah State N., Salt Lak O.; Secur. Tr. & Sav., Los A.  SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON UTAH MAP.  BANKERS TR.UST CbMPANY Of DENVER, BANKING FACILITIES-TRUSTS-MUNICIPAL BONDS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  NAME OF BANK. TOWN AND O0UNTY, •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. 581.ate •OountySeats. Entire State in No.1 tMem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. [E tab. JederalReserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Re~. Barre.P_owp.aslOh,1oo·nr8ton E 4  PEOPLES NAT. BK. 68-21  (Savings Banks do not handle collectlom) I  1  PRESIDKNT.  OA.SHIE.a.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  I'TCilnn.  _______ ,______ : f F. Du LADD •• - .•• Co ectlons a s Send us your I ONLY NATION  1  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) in back of this .... volume. For Interest Rates, Holldays, etc., see Laws. -i::.  VERMONT  Jfaalter ander .Name or Bank ia the New TramH Number 2ivea  to each bank in U. 8. exelush'ely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  I  LIABILITIES DBPos-  ' PAID·UP IS'O'RPLUB .. CAPITA.L PB"-~ 0 .,,UD  w. C. JOHNSOll,JR. FRANK It BEARD. $ 100,000 $  W M. HOLDEN-····  peclaltJ'. Reaso nable ratea. tems for Barre and Ylelnlt7. A.L BANK IN BA. RR&.  ITB  ~  PRINCIP.4.L COB.RESPONDJCNTS, - -  RESOURCES.  Luir,a:»u- l c.... •z.1:-  I ------;-----I  c ~ ~ · ~•~-~ ·--~  --~-  ,-------------~  55,100 $1726590 ~1631300 $ 261,220 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos. J  I  ________ Quarry Sav. Bank & Tr. Oo. B, .4.. Kastman.-.. H.J. M. Jones •••• O. ll. Wille:,. Sec. and Tr. •t5'13 58-25  100,000  Barton- ••• Orleans G 2 Barton Say. BanJc& TrUBtCo. B. R. CutJer •••••_ II'. W. Baldwia ___ 0. B. Webster, Tr .• A.G. Owen, .A. Tr. •H'09 58-9G Pop. 3506  50,000  117,840 Empire Tr. Oo., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Y. State N., Alb.  24,120 1,540,800 1,531,710  1  164,950 N. Cit:,, N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N., Bos.  115,960 1,888,930 1,895,150 I  1  Bellows ll'alls •. Windham Bellows Falls Sav. Institution G. R. Wales ····- A. I. Bolles.-···-·· A. P. Williams, Tr. · · · · - · - - · - - · - - · i5•47 58-~l F 8 Pop. 4860  218,000 2,615,000 2,720,000  Bellows Fal~ :trt Co. •t§'02 E. L. Walker .••••.. Carroll A. Moore •• A.H. Chandler, Tr. - · · · · - - - - - - 8  50,000  56,180 1.352,130 1.333,850  NATIONAL BK. OF BELLOWS J. H. Williams .•••• E. S. Leonard.-.• W. H. Tinker __ •• E. o. Bolles .•••••_  100,000  FALLS.---68-60 -------•t'32  65,000  ·······-·······-·· - - - , •Bennin2ton _Bennin2ton Bennin2ton County Sav. Bk. I.E. Gibson -··-·· E. D. Welline -··-· C. H. Dewey, See. and Tr. •§'78 58-32 C9 Pop. 9982  A. J. HOLDEN--·- A. J. COOPER----·-- HOMER H. WEBSTER- W. S. TEMPLE---··-·  COUNTY NATIONAL BANK  100,000  I  500,000  540,000  396,100 3,542,300 3,804.800 ► 44.000  900,000 1,000,000  113,000 1st N., Bos.  '< t!J  12 .. ,460 N. City and Irving N., N. Y.; Herch. K. aad , ~ N. Shawmut, Bos.  3:  I  100,000 Ha.n. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.  1i  133,700 1st N. and Oo. N .• Benuinrton; 1st N., No~ "i tx, Bennineton and Bos. 171),000 Ohase N .. N. Y.: Mnfrs. N., Troy, N. Y.  SEND US YOUR BENNI NGT10N ITEMS.  en  •t'78 { Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Pl~e send 15c wi th each aight draft Jo r preaentation and 2 5c for Credit Report ,,  58-33  z>~ I  I  tx, SI,)  First National Bank. ____ •t·~3 58-31 Bethel •••• _. Windsor E 6 Nat'l White River Bank •:l:'65 58-1)7 Pop. 1782 Bradford_ •••• Oran2e G 5 Bradford National Bank.•t"04 58-98 Pop. 139 Brandon •••.. Rutland a 5 Brandon National Bank .•i'64 58-76 Pop. 1631 First National Bank ··-·•t"64 " 58-77 Br:ittleboro.-•• Windham Brattleboro Sa vines Bank 1'70 58-50 E9 Pop. 7324 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  =:  237,000 Ohase N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut and 1st N., Boa.; ct N. Com 'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 139,1)50 N. Shawmut, Bos.  110,000  166,000 1,456,000 1,620,000  W. B. C. Stickney •• E. A. Davis----···· H.P. Perkins••- . - · - · · - - - - · - G . .A. Chedel R. 0. Carr •••••••.. W. L. Crafts .•.•••• L. A. NeaL. ·--·- - · · - · - · - - -  50,000  83,080 1,285,250 1,312,470  50,000  22.810  710,000  700,000  E. J. Ormsbee .•••• D. D. Burditt·--··· W. F. Scott ••• ··-·- J. R. Leonard......  100,000  44,630  403,600  566.360  60,330 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.  G. II. Youne·--··· L. A. Severy •••••• F. W. Bri&'rs ••• _ •• ··-··---·-··-·  75,000  63,770  223,130  287,160  51.420 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.  Geor&"e F. Graves •. -··-···-···-·-···-· L . .4.. Graves ••• __ A. J. Coll!an.......  F. K. Barrows ••••. E. L. Hildreth_ .•• - 0. A. Harris, Tr . •• J. o. DeWitt, .A.Tr. - - -  r+  115,630 N. Git:,, N. t.; 4th•.Atlantie N., Boll,  243,490 2,376.020 2,485,280  141,730 HaD. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Bos.  Brattleboro Trust Oo •.• •U'07 A. B. Clapt; •••••••• M. J. :Voran···-··· c. A. Boyden. Tr .•• W.A.Shumway,Sec. C.E.Merrill, A. Tr. 58-52  200,000  130,480 2,1)71),170 3,073,380  242,030 Ohase N., N. T.; N. Shawmut and 1st N., Bos.  J. G. ESTEY-·--· C.R. CROSBY·-·-- J. R. RYDER-·····- C. L. STICKNEY... LG. TASKER  200,000  302,660 1.410,000 1,800,000  275.000 Chase N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Kerch. N. and 1st N .. Bos.  PEOPLE'S NATIONAL BANK  •t'75  58-51  i  Grain, Flour an d Produce drafts a specialty. A tho rougbfj organlze d collec tlon de p't. Prompt service. Reasonable cha rges. Send us JO ur Brattleboro lte 1ms.  0  ._ tl)  VERMONT NATIONAL BANK { J. M. TYLER .... A. A. DUNKLEE-... C. G. STAPLES .... R. C. CLARK ...... •i'65  58·48  "'  ,. ~ I I  . I I  t  . ~  ' '.  ~  .'  First and oldest established bank • Prompt attent Ion to  .  ,,  ...  ; ••II:  :  1"1  all t•  200,000 688,000 1,590,000 2.525,ooo bankln g matte rs entru sted to us.  ,II  ·-  539,810 4.8-15,150 5,287,990  276,QOO Ban. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut. Bos.  J  fl  I  •·  I  I  -  ~  ::: '°  135,530 Cl1ase N .. N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; Peo. N., '""" BrattlebOro. N 80,1)30 N. Park, N. Y.: 1st N., Bos.  ..........................  BOLl\llR '  ::,  tl) "'1  1  ~  ESTABLISHED 1894 WRITE FOR . LIST  : ;  ,  .f  .  '  1449  Nwu:=,gffD  It..,,-, aa4er N.,.. .r Jlllulk • U» • • • 'rnul•II ,o Mala bad I.a U, S. sdulllrelT by The en• Dlreeloq, ru,der Ule aalllorl'7 of The American .Ba.DJcen•n.  VERMQ,11,.TT C Ont1nue • d .I.'¥ -  Noa-Jlalw ToWDs w1th Nearest. .Baa.ldne Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers Laws (Jndexed) fn back of tbis For Interest Rates, HoUdays, etc., see Laws.  I  s» =========:=====================::::::::::::::::::::::==:: ::::::::=::==::::=:::::::::::::==::::::::::::==:::::==:=::====::;:==== ===;:===::::::::::::===:;:==================, ::t TolVN AND OOUNTY.  I  7  N4MB OP' BA.NK.  .aOowJty Beats. •Jlem. State Am. Bks. Assn. fState Entire State in No.1 .fJlem. Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  (Sa-rmgs .Banb do notlJaadleeoDeetJons;  PKESID-T  .aBarUneton --Qhlttenden Burlin~n Savine-s Bank•f'47 0. P. Smi_th ________ Pop. 22,179 0 3 58-1 L. P. Smith, V. P. " " Burline-ton Trust Oo,---•!1'82 G. M. Beset1 _____ 5H CHITTEHEN CO. TRUST CO. E. J. Booth _____  1  VIC"' PR .... IDW'UT  ..... •  .,.  _, -• ·  /  o•aa••D, ...,, .......  • ~s· T 0 A.S l[••o ......,,  volume.  LIABILITIES. D  p  / SURPLUS AID-UP AND CAPITAL PROFITS  .a..  50,000  58-5  58-3  A. Tr,  •:no  Vi'. B. Howe------ Elias Lyman ______ B. s. Weed ________ F. W. Whitecomb_ B. T. Rutter B. B. Baldwin  ---300,000  L. E. WOODHOUSE- IROBERT ROBERTS--- .W. C. !SHAM------- A. W. HILL---------- 150,000 Oldest Commer clal Bank In Burl lngton. '49 { Special attentlo n given B-L d.r aft s, sight and time Items. Prompt service, reasonable charg es. Send us your · Burlington bust ness.  MERCHANTSNATIONAL BANK 58-2  Chelsea _____ oranre F 5 National Bank of Orange Oo. W. P. Townsend ___ H. N. Mattison _____ H. N. Mattison ____ F. R. Keyser-----Pop, 1087 58-100 •i•93 Ohester _____ Windsor E 7 Ohester Savings Bank ___ ef'92 O. B. Waterman ___ H. M.Guild ______ Po1>, 1633 58--01 •• ____ " National Bank of Ohester:t'90 'Sam Adams __________________________ 68-90 Danville __ oatedonla G 3 Caledonia National Bank __ ,25 Peter Wesson ______ B. G. Rogers ______ POI>, 1494 58-101 Derby Line __ Qrleana G 1 National Bank of Derby Line D. W. Davis _______ John G. Foster ___ Pop. 640 58-102 •i·s1 Enosburi Falls _.Franklin EnosbuI1? Falls Savini.l's Bank Olin Merrill _______ H.F. Briiham _____ Pop, 2231 D 1 & Trust Oo, __ 58-88 __ .i5•g9 " ------ " First NationtJ_~ ----*'05 W. V. Phelps ___ H. o. Cominis _____ Essex Junction __ Qhitten- Essex Trust Co. ________ if'l3 S. A. BrownelL ____ den-- Pop. 1410 ____ C 2 68-128 Fair Haven __ Rutland B 6 Allen National Bank ----•*'79 G. B. V. Allen _____ Pop, 2540 68-75 " ----" B'irst Nationr~innk-----•i•M Z. B. Ellis _________ Bardwick __ Oaledonia F 2 Granite Trust Co,-----•*1'13 Pop. 1550 58-126 " -------" Hardwick Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. 68-101 •*5"93 •Hyde Park-Lamoille E 2 IAmollleCounty Nat. Bank'65 Pop. ~68 58-94 " -----" Lamoille Oo. Sav.Bk.&Tr.Co. 58-95 •H'89 Island Pond ___ Essex H 1 Island Pond Nat.Bank ___ :•oo POI>, 1837 58-104 Jamaica ___ Windham D 8 Jamaica Bavinis Bank ---1'73 Pop. 566 58-105 Johnson ___ Lamoille E 2 Sterling Trust Co, ______ tf'l6 Pop. 681 68-129 Ludlow _____ Windsor E 7 Ludlow Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. Pon. 1732 58-106 •H'll3 Lyndonville Oaledonia B Z Lyndonville National Bk.t"84 .. Pop. 1878 .. L don ~86 , 8av~ Bank __ *f 86 YD 7 ManchesterCenter-Bent'n Factory Point 'Nat.Bank•i·83 Pop. 423 C8 58-107 •Middlebury _Addison C 4 Addison County Trust Co. Pop. 1993 6!1-130 Inc. •:l:§'19 '' '' Nat'l Bk. of Middlebury -- '32 58-108  FIRST MORTGAGE FARM LOANS "THE BEST INVESTMENT" Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  50,000  0. O. Fullam, Tr, __ ----- -------- - - P. E. Heald ________ -----------25,000  130,370 2,983,640 2,981,050  '°-  196,470  172,780 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.  33,000  493,280  816,970  741,0001 894,330  42,320 1st N,, Bos.  122,430 1,012,100: 1.13 ,390 29,000  120,000  39,860 Guaranty Tr. Co .. N. Y.: 1st N. ancl 4th Atlantic N •• nos. 27,000 N. Y. State N., Alb.  147,000  Asa Wesson _______ ------------------  100,000  65,690  963,5401 1,218,510  A. 0. Cowles ______ --------------  150,000  111,770  467,120 ~ 718,320  E. J. Tyler, Tr,---- - - - - - - - - - -  50,000  63,450 1,005,940' 1,026.650  A.J. O'Heare _____ -------------  25,000  17,000  500,000  425,000  50,0001  30,000  642,340  676,600 '  50,000  25,000  800.000  71.270 Int'l Tr. Co., Bos.  I  B. R. KimbaJL ____ Frank T. Taylor ___ G. H. McI£od, Tr._ George James ____ _  50,000  10,600  I  38,330 Han.N., N. Y.; Old Colony Tr. Co., Bos,  245,460  420,560  210,000 2,425,000 2,539,000  75,000  46,350  741,0801 847,540  67,480  554,540;  25,000  13,600  383,010!  John E. Weeks---. F. w. Tuttle ______ 1Pages. Ufford, ____________________ Allan Calhoun I Sec, and Tr. C. E. Pinney _____ J. A. Fletcher _____ R. F. Pinney______ _____________  598,600  23,420 Vt. N. and Brattleboro Tr. Oo., Brattleboro.  375,720  30,210 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.  I  c. Coolidie------ Daniel Edwards, ________ 50,000 Tr. , H. E. Folsom ______ H. W. Lyster ______ i W. E. Riley ________ ____ _:_____ ------75,000 . . • , G. M. Oampbell ____ E. A. Darhng ______ ; I. 8, Pearl, Pr, ____ ---------------- -----  w. H. Roberts _____ 1w, B. Roberts _____ A.J.B.J. Hicks Whipple_____  68,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.: N. Y. State N.,Alb. 60,400 N. City, N. Y.; N. Y. State N., Alb.: March. N., Bos. 127,500 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Bk. Com., and 1 • City, N. Y.;Merca. N., Bos. 42,080 Oom'l N., Bos.  I  86,990 1,100,280; 1,166,810  70,470 . Met. Tr. Co., N. Y .; 1st N ., Bos. I  90,-000  352,oooj  548,000  124,320 1,316,290! 1,340,440  38,000 N. City, N. Y.: N. Shawmut, Bos. 75,300 Lyndonville N., Lyndonville.  75,000  45,000  330,0001 390,000  60,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Com'! Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.  50,000  10,100  453.140  300.000  12f,740  32,420 Chem.N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; N. Bk. Of Middlebury, Middlebury. 52,220 N. Park and Chem. N .. N. Y.: N. Com'I Bk, & Tr. Co. Alb.; 1st N .. Bos.  r 1  I,  McKINN.EY MORTGAGE CO.  471.570  570,890j 1.013,050  11_1  ;,  ....  '  (  ::s  498,440  ------------------ - - · -  W.W. Stickney ___ J.  =:.:  472,820  10.000; 1.189,ooo 1,300,000  Sec. and Tr. Parker ______ B. A. Thomas, Tr. - - - - - - - - -  "1  255,340  17,000  J, A. Muzzy _______ Geo. W. Briggs ___ J. S. Robinson,  41,330 Met. Tr, Co., N. Y.; Howard N., Burlini:ton.  144.130  50,000 50,000  1  I  75,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.  50,000  ________ H. A.Noyes ________ --------------. C. S. P~e _________ Russells. Paie _ L. M. Drew, Tr, __ _ - - - - - - - - - - - R. W. Hulburd I L.A. Cobb--------- J. S. Sweeney _____ D. A. ElliotL----- 1- - - - - - - - - - -  jZ  147,420 Bk. of Montreal and Canadian Bk. of Com.,i ~ :Montreal: 1st N .• Bos.; l'hil. N .. Phil. : C/.1 77,440 Chase N., N. Y.; Boston Safe Dep. & Tr. Oo, Oji and 1st N ., Bos. , 125,000 N. City, N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N., Bos, j r::  42,490 Mech. & Metals N.. N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos. 0  c. S. P~e _________  s. Paie  t1'  >  840,000  G. A. Morse _______ C. F. Davis ________ L.B. Tims, Tr. ____ M. B. GilL ________ _  c.  67,000 Howard N .• Burlington, 414.410 Ohase N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.  60,300  C. N. Farrini:ton __ H.  I  231,030  225,390  416,120 1,917,930: 3/'88,360  100,000  R.  332,960 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Old Colony Tr. Co., : Bos.; N. Y. State N .. Alb. 67,000 Howard N., Burlington.  50.000 1.250,000 1,306,950 17,760  David Marvin _____ Earl W. Recd, -----------Sec. and Tr. A. V. Allen ________ C. S. Cole __________ ----------------C. S. Cole B. Stannard _______ R.R. Ellis _________ ------------------  E. L. Wyman ______  :<  ---------------~  I  I  0117 TrustCo. _____ *f'll J. S. Flint--------- Elias Lyman _______ H. T. Butter, Tr, __ -------------------58-7 Home Savings Bank --•*1'95 O. W. BrownelL__ C. P. Cowles ______ C. S. Brownell, Tr. F. 0. Beaupre,  HOWARD NATIONAL BANK  ITB  P tu  PRINCIPAL OORRl:SPONDENTS,  "1  ----,-; -$--~,:  50,000  •tl'O&  RESOURCES.  F. W. Perry _______ .R. S. Isham, Tr, ___ c. E. Beach, A, Tr. _____ $1 623150 18 631560 119362 760 $ 980,790 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Park, and Cllase N., N. Y.; F. W. Ward 2d N .. Bos. t..:> H. N. Jackson ___ c. E. Carver, Tr, __ F. O. Davis, A. Tr. $ 50,000 335,000 3,250,000 3,583,000 316,000 1st N., N.Y.; N. Shawmut.Bos. ...,. J. J, Flynn-------- E. D. Worthen, Tr. H. V. Hall, .A. Tr,_  5H  II  li'l e•..._ 1..oua.t,Dn-1 c....... lb:Bollll)O, -•,Dn 11 1 1 - no• Bu:u  EPO&-  ; ..  (Jq  :1 I  ::s  ! ;.  !::II  :1:::::  ....0  ;::.  0: 0.  ti"  0C:  ~  I  ; ··: l  ~  ~I  ;  /I,,  )  •'j:: 1·,  J'  0  ~ under Name of Bank 1s the New Transit Number given each bank in U. 8. excluslve.ty by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  to  I  j  NA!lE oF BANK. •Oounty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks . .Assn. IStatel Pll.ESIDDT, Entire State in To.1 iMem. State Bks. A.ssn.t Priv. Federal~eserveD~trict.j • M~m.Fed.Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ton AND oouNTY.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (111• dexed Acces.J, Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this! .... volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, ctr., see Laws . ..i:,.  VERMONT-Continued  (Savings Banks do not handle collections)  ---  REsouRtE§. to.. N■ "'o... o..,a"' Ex-  LIABILITIES.  VICE-PltamDT.  OJ.SKID.  P.ilD-UP  SU~us  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,c.uIT.A.L  PBOl'XTB  ~S'T OilHID.  -""ff.,  .  _  Di:Pos-  c'ff.  Bo=•·  Io  ~  PRINCIPAL CoRRKBPONDENTs,  au,ruo,Dn  ~~~  r-- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - i  •Montpeher _Washmi:ton Capital Sav. Bk. & Tr. Oo. G. L. Blanchard·-- Edward H. Deavitt FrankN. Smith. ·····-·····---·· $ 100,000 $ 184,840 $2 621960 $2 775290 $ 160,220 Mech. & Metals N., N.Y.; Comw. Tr. Co., Bos.: Pop, 7125 E3 58-45 :t§'91 H.J. Volholm Sec, and Tr. N. Y. State N., Alb. " " First National Bank-•••• •i'65 F. M. Corry-······ F. A. Dwinell -···- A.G. Eaton ••••••• _ R.R. Edson ••.•• _. 100,000 64.440 1,639,650 1.621,100 395,960 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Bos. 58-43  MOBANlPKELIER58NA42TIOJIAL '24 -----· - ----·--•  Morri:ville __ Lamoille E 2 Pop. 1707 ... Tewfane_.Windham E8 Pop.122 •Newport._ •• OrleansGl Pop, 1187 · .. .. N. Bennington-Benn. B 9 Pop. 818 Jorthtleld_ •• Washini:ton Pop. 3096 E4 " " North Troy •• OrleansF 1 Pop. 1072 Or lean , .••••• Orleans G 1 Pop. 1358 OrwelL •••• Actdison B 5 Pop. 942 Poultney _••• Rutland O 6 Pop. 1371 Proctor ••••• -Rotland o 6 Pov. 2789 Proctorsville ____ Windsor Pop. 564 E7 Randolph ••• _ Oranee E 5 Pop, 18l!l Richford. __ Franklin E 1 Pop, 2842 " "  {~~~R11i1TJ:M ~n~ptA!~EJ-knecii kn~: BIM!mpt.ser ~fc~~y !et~:!!Ue cJ!~~~ . 118,2.'lO Equipped to ha ndle all matters e ntrusted to us.  MONTPELIER SAVINGSBANK A. W. Ferrin··-·· Chas. F. Lowe- •••• c. 11'. Lowe, Tr. -·· Wm. S. Smith, a, TRUST COMPANY-•in0 Wm. W. Brock H. G. Woodruff, A. 58-44 A. Tr.  Tr.  100,000  Union Sav.Bk. & Tr. Co.•il'9l 0. H. Stearns.·-·-· H. A. Slayton ..... - W. M. Sari:ent, Tr. ·-···-············ 51.000 58·110 Windham County Sav. Bank P.H. Rutter_··-·· G. B. Williams- •••. F. A. DeWitt, Tr ••• A. G.Warren,..d..Tr. - · - -  58·111  1'54  National Bank of Newport 5H7 •'75 Orleans TrustCompany•il'91 58-68 First National Bank- •••• •t'64 58-112 Northfi Id National Bank_t'66 58·72 Northfield Savini:s Bk, .•il'67 58-71 Northfield Trust Co,.--•U-09 58·73 Valley Bav. Bank & TrustOo. 58-127 •tl'l3 Central Sav.Bk.&Tr.Co.•il'06 58-113 First National Bank-·-·•t'43 58-114 Citizens National Bank_•t'l0 58-70 First National Bank •••• •!"81 58-69 Proctor Trust Compaayeil'91 58-ll5 Nat. Black. River Bank ___ .•45 58·116 Randolvh National Bank•t"75 58·117 Richford National Bank•t'20 58·131 Richford Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. 58-ll8 •tl"75  1,513,670 1,688,340  223,790 4,482,390 4,799,ll0 j 345,870 Han. N .. N.- Y.; 4th-Atlantic N., Bos.; N. Y. State N ,, Alb. 162,050 1. 778.140 1,963,650 24,730  393,4301  394,980  J.E. McCarten •••• H. C. Cleveland __ ._ E. L. Brown-•••••• ·······- ··-·-···-·-  100,000  81.000 1,236,540 1,367,620  O. A. Prout7 ••••• _ ···-·-·······-·-···· F. S. Tinkham, Tr.···-····----······-  50,000  90,330 1,537,410 1.684,780  F. B. Jenninrs- •••• H.P. McOulloui:h._ R, A. Jone, _ _ - · · · · · - - - - -  150,000  c. A. Edi:erton __  O. A. Plumley ••.•• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Harold R. Aldrich_  50,000  Frank Plumley._. J. L. Moseley_ ••• _ H. O. Gady. Tr, •• _ ··········-··-·--··- _ __  1  124,360  569,760  964,920  23,198  251,500  355,910  164,590 1,558,300 1,463,980  t,,,,t  ~-J  :::0  E:: Z  142,070 4th-Atlantic N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.: N. Y,: St" r .L ., Alb. 66,020 N. Oity, N. Y,; 1st N., Concord.  0  978,600 Bk.of N. Y.N.B.A.,N. Y.; N. Y. State N., ~ Alb. tt, 52,600 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.; N. Com'! )> Bk. & 'fr, Co., Alb. · I~ 52,450 Eqmtable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Am. Tr. Co., Bos.; ' t Northfield N .. Northfield. X 22,440 1st N., Bos.; N. Y, State N., Alb, '(Jl  W. B. Mayo •••• - . F. J. Davis-···-·-- W. C. Middlebrook, - - - - - - -  50,000  5,420  369,870  400,350  25,000  25,500  33-1,310  342,000  J. G. Turnbull_ •••• C. D. French-·-· R. A. Bean, --···-····-- ••• ····Sec. and Tr. W. B. French._ •• E. E. Youne-...... D. L. Wells .. ·-··· 1- - - -  25,000  82,140 1,144,140 1,186,570  50,000  22,100  146,000  296,700  16,100 Chem. N., N.Y.  T. D. Southworth_ E. R. Norton •••••• G. H. Norton •••• Geo. H. Ripley Henry Spallholz_ •• R. N. Goodspeed __ L. R. Runkle •••••• J, E. Holmes._ .•••  50,000  17,000  412,620  502,560  50,000  20,000  510,000  681,400  50,580 Irving N., N. Y.: N. Com'! Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.;~ N. Shawmut, Bos.; Mnfrs. N., 'rroy. ~ 47,560 Han. N.,N. Y.; Mnfrs. N .. Troy, N. Y. ~  Su. and Tr.  1----  I  49,760 4th-Atlantic N., Bos.  s: a  48,900 N. Park, N. Y.; 4th Atlantic N., Bos.  0  O. W. Whitcomb._ G. H. Parker-··-··  50,000  21,450  18-l,350  242,070  135,910 Empire Tr. Co., N. Y.; State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; r+ Rutland Co. N., Rutland; Merch. N .. Bos.; 0 1st N., St. L. 33,730 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.  J. W. Rowell •••••• O. B. Copeland .•• - O. B. Oopeland •••• F. O. 0ol)6land-..  75,000  48,400 • 689,200  67i,500  118,200 lst.N., Bos.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.  a. \V. MacDonald _ ..•••••••. ··-··- ··--  50,000  11,740  67,000  85,300  H. 0. Comings __ • H. A. Pond--···· S. Carl Carpenter, · · · · · · · · · · · · - Sec, and Tr, c. B. Hinsman ·-·· W.R. Kinsman •••• F. o. Spencer- ••••• ····-····-···_:··--  50,000  Redfield Proctor __ G. H. Boyce--····· Benj. Williams, E. A. Boyce, Tr. Sec. M. Fic::cher,.A.. Tr. D. O. Pollard .•••••  G.  s. Clark- ----··-  58·19  a. H. Howard •••••• 0. M. Boright.. •••••  100,000  93,290 1,571,200 1,657,160  100,000 1,580,000 1,330.200  A. Tr.  HENRY Nat F. F\ELDE. MclNTYRE ----- CIIL S. COLE-···· ····-··············· RUTLAND COUNTY NAT 'L BK . { Oldest onal Bank ln B.utla od. Eatabllsbed 18M. 68·16 •:t'6-l Special attentt Rutland Savings Bank-•i1'50 H. o. Carpenter_._ 58·15 Rutland Trust Co,-·-···*''8S G. T, Cha1Iee_ •••• _ 58-21 StateTrustCo .••• -······-1'81 P. W. Clement __ ••  A. Tr.  190,820 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.  I i  250,000 Harriman N. and N, City, N. Y.; 4th-Atlantic N., Bos. 76,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos,: N. Y. State N,, Alb. 216,2 0 Empire Tr. Oo .. N. Y.: Rutland Co. N., Rut. land; 1st N., Bos. ._ Ill  100,000  on to collections In city and eou otry. Prompt ser vlceand F. H. Farrington_._ O. .A. Simpson, Tr. L. K. Campbell, W. D. Hulett-·--·· G. K. Monti!omery, N. K. Chaffee, Sec. Tr. A. Stewart, A. Tr. W. O, Clement __ •• c. H. Harrison ___ -··-·······-···-····  31.300 N. Shawmnt, Bos. 80,000 4th-.A tlantic N., Bos.  50,000 25 ,000  81,660 1,102,340 1,057,950  reason able ch arges.  837,720 7,774,870 8,233,660  165,000 2,425,000 2,600,000 26,000 _ _ _  50,000  26-l,640 Imp. & Tra. N., N.Y.: N. Y. State N., Alb.; 1st ::J N .. Bos. 403,740 N. Park, N.Y.:  6  Shawmut, Bos,  32,110 KUlini:ton N ., Rutland. 1,000 Clement N., Rutland.  -.1,wits11\tn1t!lniill~Lm~,s,it~•~Lt,1a,t1!t\:Wii~R:t,1M, 1~;Gi1Bft'.l,ilfll■ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  <  77,540 Chase N .. N, Y.; Int'l Tr. Oo., Bos,; N. Oom·1 Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb. 23,170 Vt. N., Brattleboro, Vt.  H. H. Lewis····-·· H. R. Cutler •••• _. J. G. Allen, Tr, __ , _ _ _ _ __  78,190 437,310 488,810 •Rutland •••• Rutland D 6 BAXTER NATIONAL BANK 100,000 Pop, 1U5-l 58-17 •i'70 " " Clement National Bank_•t'83 W. C. Olement._•• H. G. Smith •••••.• O. H. Harrison- •••• ···- --·- ··-- ·--- -· . . 100,000 200,000 2,250,000 2,000,000 58-20 Robt. Clement Killini:tonNational Bank•i'83 E. P. Gilson·-·-·· s. M. Willson ••••• G. K. Monti!omery_ A. Stewart ····--·100,000 115,000 300,000 573,000 58-22 Marble Savings Bank __ eif '83 C. :M. Smith--··-·· Chas. E. Ross_. __ L. H. Baldwin, Tr. E. S. Wrii:ht, - - ~ -······-- 3,206,050 3,332,610  !'.P.--111  328,580 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos,  1  '"1  ~  '° N  -  1451  i  1::Cf:'f,~6;:er,_N:.a;,-;:;i:::~ tb,M:e::.::t..'A:!~:;;:i::.~tt::::  to ~y Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  NAME OF BANK.  .. county Sea&s. •Mem . .Am. Bks. A.ssn. §State Entire State in No. 1 .tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦.\fem. Fed. Res. [Es tab. Sprint.field __ Windsor F 7 Pop, 5283 "  _____  "  •St. Albans-Franklin CI Pop. 8000  I  PRJ:8  FIRST NATIONAL BANK •!'63 F. 58-64  IDDT,  (V  de:O~n.A~=~. ~:/er:tia~~cri~e:'d)"l:gb~i•r:,i ffifs) ..... For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws ~  VERMONT-Continued  volume LIA.BILITIES.  p  CA.SHIER,  IOE- .RESIDENT,  AsS'T CASHIER,  b~~~  ISUBPLUS  RESOURCES.  .um  D:JCPos-  PaoFITs  ITS  Lou,. Du- c..... .Bxc'TI. Boin,■, CB.uau,D..,. 8aovvrJu no• B.un<■  s::  PRINCIPA.L CORR&SPONDENTS,  11> "1  ~  ________  G. Field _____ E. J. Fullam ___ G. A. Waite ________ H. V. Towsley ____ $ 100,000I $ 79,650 $1004 340 $1107 270 $ 232,700 Old Colony Tr. Co. and Merch. N .. Bos~-- -  FRANKLIN CO. SAY. BANK & TR. CO. _58-57 -----+1'99  C. E. SCHOFF---~- -------------------- AARON WESSON, Tr. S. E. THORP,  l  A. Tr.  50,000  Spedal attentl on given BW or La dlng drafts, Cash and Time Items.  341,410 2,962,520 3,180,440  123,490 N. Shawmut and Merch. N., Bos.; 1st N., Springfield.  128,480 2,266,550 2,098,430  344,230 Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos.: Franklin N., Phil.; N. Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co., Alb.  "BONO B BOL L BAN K."  Please send. 15c with each sight dr aft for presentatw n and 25c for Ored it Repor ts,  < t:c:1  Peoples Trust Oo, _______ f'87 E. 0. Smith ______ John Branch ______ John Branch, Jr., C. D. Watson, Sw,_ 58-56 Tr.  50,000  154,200 1,232,630 1,3-50,560  WELDEN NATIONAL BANK J. GREGORY SMITH--- E. A. CHITTENDEff ___ B. R. COR.LISS------- ff. P. LEDDEH-------  100,000  82,490 1,836,000 2,200,000  154,450 Irving N,, N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.; N. Y. State N., Alb.  • t.Johnsbury_Oaledonla Citizens Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. G. E. Woods _______ H. N. Stevens ______ W. J. Farr, Tr-·-- -------------------Pov. 8700 G3 58-311 •H'87 F. D. Gilman  200,000  237,430 4,535,490 5,007,500  219,100 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bos.: 1st N .. Concord, N. H.  First National Bank _____ .:•64 J. C. Clark ________ Charles H. Stevens Homer E. SmUh ___ -------------------58-37  200,000  60-490  Merchants National Bank  150,000  74,450 1,295,220 1,404,740  Passumpslc Savines Bk.•!1'52 A. B. Noyes _______ I:-. F. Hazen _______ R. O. Baker, ---··----------- ---- - - - 58-36 Sw. and Tr.  436,170 3,624,840 3,936,870  58-36  •i·B6  Elmore T. Ide _____ Ilarry Blodgett__ __ J. F. Puffer _______ _  •'75  O. W. Ruiter  Swanton-Franklin C 1 Swanton Sav. Bk. & Tr. Oo. O. E.A.llen _______ M, W. BarneJ' ___ F. W.Brench, Tr, __ ------·------------Pop. 1371 58-119 if '04  682,780  147.710 N. City, N. Y.; N. Oom'l Bk. & Tr. Co.,  UQ  s. E. Clark _______  Nelson BaileJ'______ S. W. Mann------·  300,000  WinooskL Ohtttenden O 3 ., Pop. 4932 .. ________ •Woodstock_ Windsor E 6 Pop. 2370 " -------"  f lH:t I mun I ~,u:ac.  rRl1M LURN~  ..THE . BEST INVESTMENT" Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  rJl  407,660  Wells River __ orani:e G 4 Nat. Bank of Newbury_•t'32 E. Betram Pike ____ Pop, 606 58-92  s·  ::ti ~  E.W. Smith _______ J. F. George ______ Samuel Hutchins, ----------·--------- - - Tr. G. O. Robinson ___ R. L. Richmond ____________________ -----· -------------25,000 L. D. Wheeler _____ A.G. Whhham ____ C. L. Le Bourveau _ --------------------  100,000  50,000 F. L. Davis ________ Jas. F. Dewey_ J. D. Bacon, Carl A. Cameron .. Sec, and Tr. 25,000 Howard J. Miller_ L. D. Wheeler _____ Chas. Le Bourveau, -· -----------------Sec. and Tr. F. J. Corbett__ ____ T. D. Goodell_____ D. 0, Butterfield, P. J. Fitch, A. Tr. - - - - Hale _________  ~  rJl  124,150 N. Park. N. Y.: 1st N. and N. Shawmut, Bos.; lst.N.. St. Johnsbury.  85,000  50,000  s.  >  'g  W. B. Olark, Tr, ___ E. E. Joslyn, A. Tr.  Geori:e 0. Gridley_ F.  Z  106,580 N. Oity,N Y,; Merch. N .. Bos.  o. O. Graves ______  Wilmington ____ Windham Pop, 617 D9 Windsor ____ Windsor F 7 Pop. 3687 " ---- ---·•  137,310 N. City, :N. Y.; N. Shawmut, Bo■.  863,960  Waterbury __ Washtneton Waterbury Sav.Bk. & Tr. Oo. W. P. D~ham __ Pop, 3542 E 3 58-IM •U'M  West Rutland ___ Rutlaod Pop. 3391 06 White River J cl, _W'dsor Pov. 2500 F6 " -------"  143,lll0 N. Shawmut, Bos.  855,150  150,000  WellsRiverSavini:sBlr.•tl'92 58-93 West Rutland Trust Co,-•1'05 58-122 First National Bank----•i'86 58-80 HartfordSav. Bank & Tr. Co. 58-82 •U'l4 Inter-State Trust Co, __ •;W12 58-125 Wilminiton SavingsBk.•t1'53 58-123 State National Bank _____ e'05 58-84 Windsor County Tr. Oo.:1'07 58-85 Windsor Savings Bank--•1'60 58-83 Ohamplain Trust Oo, ___ •if'07 58~6 Winooski Savings Bk. -•:tl'69 58~5 Ottauquechee Savini:s Bank 58-78 •:tl'47 Woodstock:WS~~~nalBk,_•;l:·65  775,020  z  i--3 tD  60,000  B. W. Grave, ______ - ---------------- --  ••  376,890  == 0  50,000  w. H. Dean _______  --------  89,770 Sherman N .. N. Y,; 1st N., Bos.  ~  Vergennes_ Addison C 4 Nat. Bk. of Verfennes--•i•26 0, H. Sherman _____ Pop. 1609 58-120  "  -  1"'  Sprindeld Savini:sBanldl'53 A.O. Bowman ____ R. S, Herrick ______ M:. E. Stearns.Tr,_ A. D. Baker • .A.Tr. 58-83  58-55  ~  i  Tr. w. J, Baxie ________  -·------- -- ---------  50,000  42,580 1,105,400 1,167,480  180,000  405,000  700,000  121,120 1,260,280 1,287,540 32,550  694,850  709,390  60,000 1,300,000 1,250,000 2,440  914,920  1  847,810  27,000 1,286,060 1,150,610 167,580 1.434,380 1,471,030 25,000  900,000  600,000  25,000 S. N. Gage _________ H. C. Daniels ______ H.P. McOlary, Jr., ---- -------- ---· ---54,650 950,26() 994,670 Tr. O. II. Fitch_ _______ c. o. Gates ________ H. P. McOlary, Tr. ____ ---------------- - - - - 138,860 1,287,340 1,367,320 W. o. Rossiter P. E. Mcsweeney __ Henry Conlin _____ M. D,McMahon,Tr. M. F. McGettrick, 50,000 . 29,000 600,000 595,000 A. Tr. EmoryO.Mower ___ Robt. J. White ____ H. E. Gray, Tr, ____ ____________________ - - - - 334,280 3,456,130 3,613,910  0. F. Chapman ____ W. s. Hewitt______ s. M. :Montague, _______ • ----· ------- ----. ---Sec and Tr. W. S. Dewey ______ 'H. C. Cushing _____ Helen H.Saul ______ --·--·----------·-- 150,000 1  327,240 2,917.250 3,103.920  70,160 N. City, N. Y.; 1stN., Bos.:N. Y.StateN,, Alb.  74,860 Am. Ex.N .. N, Y.;lst N. andN.Shawmut,Bos.: 86,690 1st N., Bos. 41.030 N. City, N. Y.; Rutland Co. N., Rutland; 1st N., Bos. 230,000 Irving N., N. Y.: N. Shawmut and 1st N., Bos. 180,950 Empire Tr. Co .. N. Y.: N. Shawmut and 1st N., Bos. 214,930 1st N ., White River Jct.  ~ g  g-  ..+  o ~  102,'i90 Han. N .. N. Y.; Peo. N., Brattleboro; Merch. N. and 1st N .. Bos. 200,000 Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N., Bos,; N. Y. State N .. Alb. 23,950 Am. Tr. Oo., Bos.; 1st N., Concord, N. H. 58,880 Bkrs. Tr. Co,, N. Y. 57,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Merch. N., Bos.: Chittenden Co. Tr. Co., Burlington . 94,500 1 N. Parlr, N. Y.: Howar~ N., Burliniton: N. • Shawmut, Bos.; N. Com 1 Bk. & Tr. Co.,Alb. 140,5~0 ,GuarantyTr.Oo.,N. Y.; Old ColonyTr.Oo .. Bos. :;  48,2;)0 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Bos. 76,010 363,oool 498,210 1 ,_..,._._,.........._1111111  McKINNEY MORTGAGE CO. BOLIVAR  0: 1g 1  1:.:, 1,un.,~nc.D  WRITE FOR  I~  1894 LIST  :,:-:Jhnia1M• ancl• Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. es:cluslvely by The Rand-McNally• I.  I  I  IJ,  NAME OP' BANK.  !l_  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  VIRGINIA  Dlreetory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  t;  LIABILITIES.  -,  •County •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire StateSeats. in o. 5 :Mem. state Bks. A..ssn.tPriv Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  ~==-==:::.::_:_--=--=:..=.;:.:::.c:..::..:c1-------'----=----=----1--------I--  OA.SHIE.R.  Ass'T OASHIER.  i PAID·UP  · CAPITAL  I  ~ - - RESOURCES.  SURPLUS 1  AND  PROPITB  , DEPOSITB  I  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  '?.,.'no cm• t"· cs~:· •:::,..9' ;:~ 1  •  D1.1-  - - - - - - I - - - - - - - -I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  •Abinrdon ._Washinrton First National Bank- .•• •i·o8 J. W. Bell •••• ·-··· c. Boice ••••.•••••.• R. w. Bell····-- J. I. Sutton_.__ $ 200,000 Pop. 2532 B4 68-208 R. W. Bell " " Peoples Na~~~ff Bank ••• i·o7 J, E. Leeard •••••• _;w, T. McConnell •• F. B. McOonnelL. F. L. Davis-···· 100,000  $ 108,150 $1076780 $11>16850 $ 191,410 Seab. N., N.  42,500  650,000  918,000  13,320  743,630  888,270  Y.: Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.: Lynchburg N., Lynchburg. 94.060 Fifth-Third N.,Cin,: N. Ex .. Roanoke.  0 •.Accomac_.Accomac K 12 Thomas W, Biackstone•it'99 - - - - · - - - · - - · · - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - _ _ _ N. Oity, N. Y.: Merch. N., Bait. Pop. 712 68-303 .Alberta.-.Brunswick G 8 Bank of A..lberta ••••• -•tl'l3 M. S. Barrow·--·- J. L. Jones_ .•.•••• T. P.Winborne, Jr. - - - - · · - - 20,000 7,670 118,000 155,000 22,000 Chase N., N, Y.: N. Bk. of Petersburg, PetersPop. 250 68·480 burg; N. State & City, Rich . .Aiexandria ••• _Arlin~ton Alexandria Nat'l Bank •• •i•o4 O. E. NicoL ••••••• S. G. Brent __ ••••• L. H. Dudley •••••. - - - - - - · · - · Pop. 18,060 CD 68-109 I J, L. Perry  100,000  125,780 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt .. Bali.: Cont. Tr. Co,, Wash., D. C.  :S  Burke&Herbert. •••••. •it'52 (H. R. Burke, Ta11 wrBurkeandA.H erbert, Jr,)_ ••..•• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - · - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ Bk.of America. N. Y.; ~iggs_N., WashingIIH06 ton, D. o.: N. State & 01ty, Rich. ~  CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK•*' 68-108  -1  --- ----------  z  ->  E. L. DAINGERFIELD .. CARROLL PIERCE ..... M. L. DINWIDDIE ..... --···----·--···· R. M. GREEN, Ass't, V. P.  Prompt and careful service Under personal direction of officers. _ ~ase send 25c with each request for Report or Rating) 70 ____(- Pl  200,000 -  -  256,730 1,847.040 2.241,550 229,660 Han. N. and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N.,Phll. N.,4thSt.N.,CornE:s:.N.,andGlrardN., tJj PhD.; Cltiz. N., Bait.; Merch. N., Rich.  >  z ~  FIRST NATIOilAL BlNK •*'64 G, L. Boothe.•••••• M. B. Harlow ••••.• Geor~e K. Warfield. A. K. Warfield ..•.•  200,000  68-107  363,210 IrvingN.,N.Y.;Merch,N., Balt,;lstN., Rich.: Penn. N., Phil. .  C. W. Lane--·-·· A. J. Doss .••••.... :M.A. Martin •••••. - - - · · · · · · - · -  15.000  2,800  130,000  120,000  W. 0. Smith·-····· W. S. Frazier •..... J. L. East. ...••..•• R. Robbins ....••••  50,000  20,000  400,00t  300,000  18,500 Han. N•• N. Y.; Peo. N., Lynchburg, Va.; Am. N ., Roanoke. '3,000 1st N .. Lynchburg; N. State & City, Rich.  J. G. Jefferson, Jr. Ed.ward Eggleston. J. G. Dickerson ••• ·····-·-···-··--··-  16,000  0,780  172,070  108,420  16,850 Seab. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich.  R. A. Marshall_ T. R. Hardaway ... R. D. Hardy .•••••• A. M. Evans ••••••.  30,000  25,000  277,000  310,000  J. K. Bowman·-·- W. K. A.lien •••••• _ A. C. Joyner .• _ ••• - - - - - - -  10,800  27,000  330,000  ,v. w. Camp.......  15,000  18,700  271,000  FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•i•og C. F. BLANTON •••• - GEO. JENKINS-···- W. A. JONES·····-- ·-·····--·--·····  50,00o  84,53C 1,308,520 4,000 358,000  Altavista_ Campbell F 5 Farmers & Merchants Bank Pop. 1206 . 68·543 •t§'17 " " First National Bank •••• •i•o8 68-304 Amelia 0. H~melia F 8 Amelia County Bank •• •U'l6 Poo. 4UO 68-520 " " Farmers & Merchants Bank 68-305 •*1'05 AmhersL •. .Amherst K 5 Bank of Amherst.••• -•*5'83 Pop. 550 68-2113 Appalachia-•.•• Wise ..l2 Pop, 2036  347,000 2,293,650 2,230,770  Farmers BanL-....... •il'l0 W. K. Sandidre_••• W. P. Massie ••.. 68-264  W. K. Smiley.-•••  68·245  -  S. D. GREEN.-.. E. P. DUFFY·--·· E. B. MOORE .... .. W. L. MAINOUS....  PEOPLES BANl ........•U'l0 68- 246  i  Spec_lal attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. SEND l 1 YOUR APP,\LACHIA ITEMS.  •Appomattox.Appomat·x Bank of Appomattox .• •U'Ol R. D. Flood.-•••••• R. F. Burke •••••••• Pop. 1000 F6 68·306 " " Farmers National Bank •.• '18 C. W. Hancock ••.• M. C. Smith .•.. ··-· 68· 552 . .Arvonia.Buckinrham E 7 State Bank: of Arvonia, Inc. A. J. Terrell.·-··- Perkins Glover·-·· Pop. 500 68·307 •ll'06 A hland .• _Hanover E 8 Hanover Bank .•..••••• •:1'03 s. J. DoswelL_ ••• 1F. E. Noltinr ..•••• Pop, 1209 68·308 ••..•••. Peoples Bank .•••••••.• •t§·20 A. J, Ellis ..••.•... C. W. aunders . . . 68-591 • Basic•••.•••• Augusta D 5 Basic City Bank .••• ·-···§'16 \C. A. Van Lear. .. S. H. Hawkins •... Pop. 2212 68·512 Ba setts. ____ .Henry G 3 Bank of Bassett, Inc ....:t:1'07 J. D. Bassett •.••... B. C. Philpott. ••..• Po1>. 800 \ 68·309 Beaverdam.Hanover E 8\Bea.verdam Ba.nk .•• -•• -•t§'19 w. L. Foy _ _ _ C. B. Hall •........ Po1>. 400  68-559  25,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -~--..,.  ~  5·  IJQ  g.  46,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Tr. and Am. ::l N .• Rich. . 277,000 92,000 Chatham&PhemxN.,N. Y.;Drov.&Mech.N .. Bait,: , State & City, Rich.; Lynchburg N., tJj Lynchburg, . . t"I) 304,500 17,000 Chatham & Phemx N .. N. Y.: Am. N., R1ch.; II) 1st N ., Lynchburg. < 1,163,080 311.180 N. Ex .• Roanoke.: 1st N., Cin.; Franklin N., t"I) Phil. 290,000 88,000 Fifth-'l'h_ird N., Cin.: Bk. of _Bristol and 1st ~ t N., BnS ol; City N .. Knoxville. I ;J  S°  1  ti.  I  R, L. Burke·-····· - - - · · - - -  20,000  30,0UO  276,000  320,000  40,000 Chase N., N, Y.;.lst N., Rich. and Lynchb.urg, I  A. R. llarwood ••.. A. T. Inge •.••.••••  50,000  3,000  195,000  250,000  25,000 Chatham &Phemx N., N. Y.: Merch. N., R1ch.: 1 United Lu. & Tr. Co., L:v:nchburg. l 15,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N,, Rich.  Arthur Panton •••. ········-·····-·····  15,000  9,000  100,000  00,000  W. L. FoY·-·····- ·-··················  20,000  8,060  308.600  321, 7i0  v. N.  Vaughan ....••••..•••••.•...•..•  16,000  1,600  61,000  62,600  J. W. <,mith .••••.. - - - - - - - ·  11,800  -----  28,COf  27,5~  J. B. Dillon·····-· •..••.••••..•••••.••  15,000  20,000  200,000  184,000  V. Q. Clements.--. ···-···-·-·-····-·  10,000  1.650  97,620  98,450  16,000 Han. N. , N, Y.; 1st N., Rich. 11.440 Bkrs, Tr., N, Y.; Am. N,, Rich. 5,070 N, City, N. Y.; taunton N., Stau:iton. 60,000 1st N., Rich.; Peo. N., Martinsville.  ID  ,g , II) "'1  ~  -  9,580 Han. N., N. Y,; Am. N., Rich.; Han., Ashland. ' ~  crT\ZENS B"NK . .NORFOLK-Collectio ns a ~·-  i>  S ecialt  ~IIWlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll tllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllDHUIUI~  !=  i  =  I  I  i NATIONAL STATE ;  I =  CITY BANK  I  RICHMOND, VIRGINIA  ~  I  5 =  ~ §  u  I  -  ======= AND  The Gateway of th  = §  I=  I=  South"  · ~--------------■ -■- - - - - - - - - - - - - -■■ •• ll'.  Send us your Items on the Fifth Federal Reserve District.  I  :======  Is ~  We have direct connections with every banking point in the Carolinas and Virginia.  ~  Capital -  $1,000,000.00  Profits Su'iJ~'Jiv'/Je1 Resources  22,000,000.00  =  1,000,000.00  i=_=_  Ia = =  OFFICERS  = §  ~  WM. H. PALMER, Chairman of the Board JESSE F. WOOD . Vice-Pre,ident JULIEN H. HILL . . . President B. FRANK DEW . Asst. Cashier R.E. CUNNINGHAM, Vice-President S. YOUNG TYREE . Asst. Cashier Vice-Pres.-Cashier W. S. RYLAND, LAWSON H. COOKE, Asst. Cashier  §  ~ § §  §  ~  § §  ~  ~ §  §  §  E §  §  ~  §  ■,. •■•--------------  •••  =  ~  ~  I -~  I . ~  Strictly A Commercial Bank  ~  iI  ··I•====================================================•··  I -  ~mmm111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIHIUIUE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~:ii  [&t,'  "'::ro.,i : Iii i;  I  • ' 0  bl6tio1  C'l  c,,OOCO  A  . 1s• so'  00 ::i.;i  .,  t"  a g' g, F "Ji.:J bl  its  ..,c.,  (,)  l,j  ~  o!0  "'H if 6:,  pr  6  C  ~ 0  0  C')c.l  C'l  "" "''"  00  -a 2o (I  0  C  ...ziii  0  0  ..,.  n  Q,  ~  15.::.  "'  i,..  .  ~  p;'  !!. (l)  .  ~ 0  C'lC'l  P!I  ! ;~ ~.,. <>o  C'l  ~ C 5l 1'11  ><  ~  ....  •  !I :DI  CD  B  C  E  D  12° so'  F  G  72°  I  H ~  Q  11°  so'  J  flt  <O  'Cl 45°  'Tl i: JliC  -I  :::c -·n- so .... -· or z -· ~ < ....-· en C,  CD  ::r:, 2  I»  N CD  1  :I  i:  "O JI,  ::r:, m -10  {i)  Jli  u,  C  ~  ~0  .  ii 0  s  0  2  2  1'1'12  en  C  (/)  1]  ->< 0  z  ~  -:az 0n r.... .,, .... ~  GQ I» GQ  44'  CD  so'  I»  ,. ...  >:<  3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  {i) JI,  ~  0 I» :I  :I  4  :I 0  Lincoln  ~  J  44• -J  0 0  ,,  7  C  "  K  ' ~  .. .,. 8  9  SCALE Statute Jlollles, 1 4 = 1 Inch. 20  80  1'l Map ot Vermont. Cop1rlgbl b1 ~ Mollall1 .k Co· .1.  Railroads-----  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  72  H  Electric L"nes----  I  71 30'  J  280D  THE N~W ENGLAND SECURITIES COMPANY INCORPORATED 1898  Farm Mortgage Bankers  KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI  RESOURCES OVER ONE HALF MILLION For over twenty years we have sold our securities to New England's most conservative investors, !avings banks, insurance companies, colleges, etc., etc. "Our Farm Loans are always worth par."  n 0  -  rJJ  79° so'  ...C  - ii ,-· ,--· • :II-a. z u,  10  - Ao  3 l"1 r- ,-  3  0  .ll&Dd ld.c.Yall1'• New 11  C)  WRITE US TODAY FOR LISTS AND REFERENCES.  -■ u,  -c  ESTABLISHED 1870  MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK RICHMOND, VIRGINIA UNITED STATES, STATE, and CITY DEPOSITORY  Capital - - - Surpl s and Profits  - -  $  .00  UNEXCELLED FACILITIES FOR ACCOU TS OF BANKING INSTITUTIONS, CORPORATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS  ===== Send Us Your Collections====== HAS DIRECT CONNECTIONS WITH E ERY BANKING TOWN IN VIRGINIA, WEST VIRGINIA, NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA Numbe, under Name of Bank ia the New 'Transit Number 8iven io each bank in U. S. ez.cluslvely by The Band-McNaUy Bankers• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  OFFICERS .JOHN KERR BRANCH - Pres. THOS. B. McADAMS Vice-Pres. .JOHN A. BRANCH - Vice-Pres. H. S. ROSSELL - W. F. AUGUSTINE G, .JETER .JONES M. C. BRANCH - -  Vice-Pres. Vice-Pres. Vice-Pres. Vice-Pres.  JOHN C. WHITE - - Cashier L, B. THOMAS - - Asst. Cash. OLIVER C. WHITE Asst. Cash. HARRY P. GILLESPIE - - - - - - Aaat. Cash. ROGERS. WARREN Aaat. Cash. H. HITER HARRIS Aaat. Cash. i  Non-Bank Towns w1th Nearest Ban.king Poh1 t r r ndcxcd Acces.), Lawyers, Laws 1ndexed) In back of thls  ~  453 t.oiv:.':l/1,:u:fcntneru1!'s':':x:fi/:t;,:fr iytlJTh~ela~~~~i:.:;:u=~~';6!  Dlree~~~nde~o_!!1~t7 of The American Bankers Ass•n.__  TOWN AND CoUNTY.  VIRGINIA -Continued ______  NAME 07 BANK.  · ~County ~eats. •lfem. Am. Bks. Assn. §St~te PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDE. -T. c.~aHIER. As.sT. CA.SHIER, Bntue State m No. 5 tMem.StateBks.Assn. tPrff. FederalReserveDistrict. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. - - - - - - - , ! - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - -  •Bedford _______ .Bedford/Citizens National Bank•t'14 S.S. Lambeth, Jr .• J. A. Clar:1'------- R. Q. Lowry ______ 1 Pop, 8243 B' 68-500 R. E. White  "  --  "  _  _______  Ip  dc:C~DA~~. ~1:1:er1:"!ti.~-(~~e~d)"f:'ba~i•·~~ ~tr; '-:"" For loterest_!at~Ilo~~~~• L~v~ ~  ---=-:= _ _volum~_  LIABILITIES.  50,000  $  NATIONAL BANK 88-189  LOWEST RATES.  100,000  t·o1 Send ua your business.  -  Belle Haven __ -'.ccomac Belle Haven Bank, Inc,_if'08 J. T. B. Hnlop____ . ydney Kellam __ W. G. Emmett_ ____ Miss LottieV .Willis 17,300 Poo. 3ll B12 68-SIO W. H. Hyslop :mss Emily L. Hum phreys  BANK OF CLARIE COU~TY W. A. Bradford ______________________ Lewis N. Glover ___ R. W. Levi________  •Berry-ville ____ O\arke B 7 Pop. 1138  68-251  . l d B Big ls an ___ e.dford F 4 Pop. 475 Bh? Stone Gap __ Wise B 2 Pop. 3009 Blrdsnest _ Northampton Pop 250 F 12 Black burg_ Mon_t~omery Pop. 109.l B' 2  666,330  •t  '81  First Natio~~ r:nk ____ et'04 2 B B" ank of 1g Island, Inc. tl'13 68-482 Fir,t. 'ational Bank _____ t'02 68-311 Farmer Bank _____ §·rn 68-553 Bank of Blacksburg ___ •U'91 68-312 Farmers & Merchants Bank 68-618 §'21  l  88,5301  110,570 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rirh.: Lynchbnre N., L:,nchbUl'E.  7---Va.)  40,000  -  27,500 00,000  40,000 N. Ex .• Bait.: N. Bk. Com .. Norfolk.  !  400,0001'  550,000  30,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Drov. & M<'~ .. , . Balt.: 1st N., Rirh. ...,  25,000  46,130  383,930  410,300  10,470:  143,310  149.660  48,330 Han. N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Bait. and 1'. Bait.: Merch. N., Rich. 2,1,300 Peo. .• Lynchburg; Morch . .., r,, Hirh.  60,000  15,150  315,0vO  293,000  67,000 Fifth-Thirrt N., Oin.: N. Ex., Roanoke.  Gardner ______ F. A.  l  1:~:~~~,-  N. L. BEVILLE  12,000  330,000  340,000  ~  I  to  Rich.  ~ n.  C. P. JUSTIS  Largest Capital and Surplus of a ny bank In Notto way County. EstabUshed 187 3. Thoroughly o rganlzed collectio n department. Prompt remitt ance. Reasonable rates.  68-2~4  68  ~ 1  w  -~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ -~~~~~~~ -~~~~~~ Ohase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Plan. N.,  NATIONAL BANK-•t'08 Henry Stokes_____ . L. Barrow _____ s. L. Barrow _______ B. T. White________  Boyce _____ ,:___ OJarke B 7 Boyce State Bank ______ •tf'08 Pop. 807 68-317 •BoydtopD---~~cklenburG g Farmers & nk. _________ t§'18 op • ...,7 7 68-548 " ______ " Williams & Goode _____ •tt'93 68-318 Bo:,Jdnsp___ s~~ thampGton Meherrin Valley Bank-•:1'02 9 op. ,.,.,7 68-273  to  Z..,___  48,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: N. State & City. Rich.; N· Ex., Roanoke: Bk. of Christiansburg, Christiansburg. r.,  85,580 65,000 574,930 789,820 120,000 C. C. Tucker A. L. Cobb J . .A.Sydnor J.L.Cobb •BJand--p------ - B land F 1 Bank of Bland Oounty -•il'Q3 Fulton Kegley _____ W. A. Nowberry __ G. W. Buchanan ______________________ _ 75,960 U,230 227,720 187,460 25,000 op. 250 68-313 Bloxom ____ Accomac E 12 Accomack Bankinl? Co. Inc. _____________________ H. A. Littleton _______________________ (Bramch of Park sle11, Va. ) ____________ Pop. 200 , 68-314 :l:§'06 Boone llpilLFranklin F 3, Farmers & Merch. Bk. --ts'12 L. A. Bowman _____ J.M. Emswiler ____ w. H. Naff ________ ·------------ _______ 10,000 7,410 179,170 185,120 16,410 op, 300 I • 68-471 J. L. Sink Boons Path ______ Lee B 2 First State Bank ________ tf '06 M. O. Combs ______ I. s. Anderson _____ Henry Smith _______ Robert Saylor____ 10,000 11,920 149,500 101,080 69,190 Pon •. 350 68-315 J. D. Morgan (Rose H,ll P. 0.J i 1 •BowlinJoi~e:~caroljf;loarollne Oo ~Yilank_•t§'02 J. T. Richards ____ G. P. Lyon _________ L. E.Martin _______ B. L. Garrett______ 30,000 31,570 609,580 559,710 107,480 FIRST  ~-'-. )>  10,000 ---------'------ --------- ---------  lusser ______ \Y. E. Mc Coy ______ R. "'· McAlexander  W. G. EPES  0  z  20,000  °J. 1.  ;;ti  300,000  I  H. W. Baker _______ W.T. Lewis------- J. T.L.Jones _____ R. M. Ware_______  60,000  -  320,0001  R. G. Turpin ______ E. L. Marshall_ ____ F. L. Mattox _______ R. S. Griggs_______ O. W. Bakn c. . Carter ________ U.. T. Irvine _______ J. B. Wampler _____ I. C. Taylor________ R. F. Powell. _ _ ,\, J. ·ottingham. W.R. Ackworth. __ --------------, Alex. Blaclr_ ______ Jas. K. Henderson J. W. Bland _ _ Gladys Linkous____ J.M. Kessler. Jr.  <  1  G. W. Atkinson  J. M. HARRIS----- H. H. SEAY--------- J. A. BOOKER------- W. A. GRINKLEY----  Blackstone Nottoway CITIZENS BANK & TR CO Pop--i381 F8 + 68-223 • •ts:73 · I  000,000  chlnLro,  '180,960 • 993,020 120,930 4:th St. N., Phil.; N. State & City, !~11'!1.: tstN.,LynchburgandRoanoke. _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ _  -  1  ~  ~  PEOPLES  Cal"efu I and prompt attention to collectlona.  C  «~  40,000 $ 875,000 $ 937,330 $ 121.340 Han. N., N. -Y.: 1st N., Rich.; Peo. N., Lynch burg. ~  1LYNCHBURG TR. & SAV. ~K. D. A. Payne ______ R. T. Watts------- 1.1. Scott_ _ _ J.C. Parker _______ ------ 157,000 68-188 •U 90 ,,...-----,-,-.,...,,---=-------'-=~---=c===--=-=.,...,,....,~~~~~~~-cc-'----,=---cc-=--c=cc---- (Brcmch of .I.tun 1 L. R. SILLS-------- W.A. FITZPATRICK W.A. FITZPATRICK J. M. DANIEL----- - - - -  ,  •P~  PRINCIPAL CORREBPONDENTd. - - -  D~Pos- "'~"• a: Dr,- C.IJID .t ExITS c"TB. Boero. CIL<Nou,»~ s«:iam ... TBO»Ba.Jrn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  AID-UP SuRPLUs CAPITAL .L"<D PROFITS  -----------1$  RESOURCES.  R. P. Page _________ R. G. Mitchell__ ___ C. VanDeventer ___ - · - - - - - - - -  15,000  F. C. Bedinger _____ J. W. Edmonson ___ C.C. Strollecker,Jr. J. M. Tun tall, Jr._ (Thomas F. Goode) ____________________________________________: ________ _ ; I J. L. Barham ______ H. Poweu _______ R. F. Marks ____________________ _  "' 0 to  Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Com'l N .. Wash., ~. D. C.; N. Bk. of Petersburl?, Petersburg. o. 1st N., Rich. Merch. N., Balt.; N. Bk. Com .. Norfolk. 1st N., Roanoke. N. State & Oity, Rich.; 1st N .. Bristol.  ~ ~  ~  ~  ti "' '"'  1st N., Rich.: Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.  8,000  100,000  100,000  17,000 N. Bk. of Balt.. Bait.  25,000  5.700  120,000  157,000  16,000  33,000  261.430  231,630  25,000  12,500  185,010  158.660  Branch~~:-1f~hamp~i Bank of B~;il18--•:l'10 J. W. Smith ______ c. B. Virk _________ W. H. Rush ______________________ _  20,000  4,710  107,450  164,320  BrldJ?ewater,RocklnrhamD• Planters Bank______ if'98 w. H.Sipe _ _ _ G. Ed .• [iUer ------ Jamee B. Shipman 1 Pop. 914 u 68-820 1N, B. Wise  20,000  21.430  26U80j  30::i,880  19,000 1st N. and Merch. N., Rich.: Va. N., Petersburg. 79.450 Han. N .. N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt.; N. State c· City, Rich. 59.450 Han. N., N. Y.: Norfolk N., Norfolk: Far. Bk. of Nansemond. Su!Iolk: Vaughan & Co., Bkrs .. Franklin. 22,930 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: Citiz .. Norfolk: Am. Bk. & Tr. Co. and . Bk. Suffolk, Suffolk. .,t::,. 30,240 Han, N., N. Y.; N. Ex., Balt. CJl  I  lR.  s. H. w. Byrd __ _  STRONGEST BANK IN NEWPORT NEWS-SCHMELZ NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  w  Namber under Name of Bank ii the New Transl& Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers•n. TOWN AND OOUNTY.  1_ _ _Ll_A_B...::.IL=I:..cT:..:cI=ES.::..:''----ll--=R;;::;ES;::_;;_OU=-=R:;.;;..C:..::ES=-:..,_  NAME OF BANK,  •Oounty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState PlUl:SIDBNT, Entire State in No. 5 iMem. State Bks.Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. •~em. Fed. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ __ BristoL-Washtn2ton B t 6 & 5 Pop. 6729  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking PolnC(Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  VIRGINIA-Continued  VIC.PRJCSIDJCNT.  I  0.t..SHID,  ASS'T 0.l.SHIKR.  su:!~us  PAID-UP 0.A.PITA.L PROFITS  I  DEPOSITS  -------11-------1--- - - - - - -  1  ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  c.... • .E:,:c~:;,~~' °:::. ;t~ - - - - - -1 - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - Lou,•  I)Lf.  0  DOMINION NATIONAL BANK 87-80  C. S. Carter ________ W. H. Cox ________ A. P. Moore------- H. W. Spar1?ur ---- $ 300,000 $ 137,000 $2 037590 $2 017 870 $ 5il,810 Han. N. and Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st .r"., Roanoke; •i'IIO H. E. Jones, J. N. Huntsman H. M. Bellamy Fifth-Third N .. Gin. Ch. of Bd. A. E. Andersen  FIRST NATIONAL BANK 87-70  •i'68  {  E.W. KING------- JAMES W. LYffff _____ W. F. SMlTH-------- IRVIH AAROH------H~CALDWELL R. Y. OVERMAN . WARDEN  LARGEST BAN  t  250,000  250,000 2,398,980 2.777,100  536,310 N. City and Chatham & Phenix N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. and Cin.; 1st. N. and Phil. N,, Phil,  BRlSTOL.  -  <  Thoroughly eq utpped to handle all banking mat ters entrusted to us. Prompt service. Reasonable cha rges. Send us )'o ur items. 50,000  29.430  639,080  677,440  ~ 51,070 Han. N., N. Y.; Dominion N., Bristol, Tenn.; (;) Fifth-'l'hird N •• Cin,  Miller ____ _  25,000  17,000  225.000  175,000  65,000 Drov. & Mech.N.. Balt.: 1st N., Rich.  Brodnax__Brunswick 08 Bank of Brodnax ------•t§'l4 J. R. Temple •••••• J. J. W. Dugger ___ F. M. Newsom, Jr. -----------------Pop. 235 68-322 B. D. Pennin1?ton  15,000  15,600  168,000  218,000  'lrookneaLCampbell F 6 First National Bank ---•:t'04 N. I. Waltha!L _____ E.T. Yeaman ___ E.T. Yeaman ______ ----------- -------Pop. 583 68-323  50,000  17,730  793,220  635,890  Brownsburl?- Rockbridl?e Bank of Brownsburl?, Inc. R. L. Patterson ____ J. R. Brown------- H. S. Wade------- - - - - - - - - - Pop. 300 E5 68-481 ti'l3  12,000  10,450  182,050  148,030  33,710 Rockbridge N. and Peo. N., LexinJ?ton: lst1 cnl N .. Rich.  Juchanan __ Botetourt E4 Bank of Buchanan _____ •U'90 .. Pop. 802 ,. 68-255 ________ Buchanan National Bk,-.i'09 68-256 Dnena Vista_Rockbridi?e First National Bank _______ •g5 Pop. 3911 E5 68-173 " ________ " Peoples Bank ____________ §'07 68-174 Burkeville.Nottoway F 7 Farmers &Merch. Bank•i§'05 Pop. 514 68-324  O.B.Johnson ______ E.J.McCulloch ___ J.C. Dill __________ J.J. Brewbaker __ _  60,000  75,000  410,000  4611,000  98,000 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Rich.  S. L. Heck ________ L. P. Dillon ________ U. H. Hyde ________ Rodney Stinnett __ Geo. Alphin J. U. Hyde B. E. Van1?han _____ W. T. Paxton_ _____ V. T. Strickler ____  60,000  51,220  346,660  477,860  50,0001  36,270  340,000  499,090  Washington Tr. & Sav. Bk, __ J. D. Mitche!L ____ H. E. Jones _______ D. T. McKee----- H. A.Jones _______ _ 87-81 •:t§ '06 1  Broadway ___ Rocking-ham First National Bank.-•. •t•os D. H. Zil?ler _____ J, E. Beard-------- J. J. Pennybacker. M. Po1>, 412 C6 68-321  o.  1----------  J. H. Mapp ________ W. E. Glass _______ R. L. Whitesel.. __ -----------R.  s.  Beville _______ J. F. Boswell ______ W. H. ShemeJd ____ ------------------  25,000  17,450  274,150  257,480  20,000  12,000  160,000  190,000  IZ  23,900 Am. N ., Rich.  45,000  25,000  0 mbria~ontg-omeryF3 Cambria Bank __________ i5'08 H.B. McDonald __ J. W. Mitchell ____ M. M. McCoy _____ ------------Pov. 662 • 68-326 0. A. Orumpack:er  30,000  9,280 • 236,240  293,230  pe Cbarles.North'pton Cape Charles Bk, Inc .. •illllOO R. D. L. Fletcher_ R. V,Nottinrham, S. E. Tudor, O. P. Kinl?-------Pop, 2517 F 12 68-108 SJ', V.-P. and Ca11h. G. E. Coulbourne Farmers & March.Trust Bank W. B. Wllsou. ____ Upshlll' Wilson ____ 0. L. Hallett ______ F. H. Hoffmaster_ 68-190 •il'07 A. J. Downes J. H. Burbage  60,000  71,120  464,400  665,480  100,000  35,000  95(),000  920,000  15,000  950  23,510  15,510  10,000  22,000  135,000  136.980  Capeville. orthampton Capeville Bank _________ t§'20 R, F. Powell ______ G.D. Horner ______ Winton Whitehead -------------------Pop 150 F 11 68-598 :q1ron_ outhampton G 9 Bank of Oapron, Inc. --•U'08 J. T. Barham ____ E.W. Crichton ____ V. Pop. 500 68-327 'ar,on ____ Dinwiddie F 9 Bank of Carson, lnC,---•U'll Pop. 200 68-464 0,Lrlersville. Oumberland \ Oartersville Bank_ ______ if'03 Pop. 150 E7 68-328 Oa ·tiewood._.Russell B 4 Merchants & Farmers Bank Pop. 500 \ i§'ll Charlotte Court House. State Bank 68-329 of Charlotte.  53,010 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. cl Mech. N., Bait.; O Merch. N., Rich.: Peo. N., Lexin1?ton. (') 15,000 Am. N., Rich. ::r  ..,  s. Pittman ____  C. U. Smith-------  27,650 N. Bk of Balt., Balt.; Comw. N .. Reedville. 40,430 N. Ex .. Roanoke.  Mor.  ..,  i::  86,020 Irving N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Bait.; Norfolk ~ Court HouseN .• Norfolk:. o i:: 140,000 1st N., ~hil.; Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.: Merch. rn N., Rich.; N. Bk. Com .. Norfolk. ('1) 25,950 N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. 22,500 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Oom., Norfolk.  P. B. Balli.pu _____ Timothy Rives __ •• H. O. Rlmore _____ - - - - - - - 10,000 17,890 200,280 200,990 26,110 Plan. N., Rich. N. P. Peebles _________________________ A. F. Moon, Jr,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Bramh of Stau Batnk of Columb ia, Co- J..m. N., Rich. Zumb ia, Va.) R. A. Fletcher __ R. C. Meach _____ G. c. Gore _________ -------------------20,000 10,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 1st N. and N, Ex. Roanoke. ___________________ W. G. Williams, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Branc h of Dra kes Bra nch, Va. ) ________ N. Park, N. Y.; March. N., Rich; Va. N.,  08~•~-•..,..lllili!  ('1)  (') 0 r+  _ __._._.,.,..,......,...  C\,\ZENS BA.NK.. NORFOLK.-LPtlt\il:.~\ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Ii  :2. 115,970 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. and LexinRton. ,....  r+  2,600  County __ 68-51lL. _____ t§  tn  ..,  ~  10,000  6\  I  0 r+  Callao •• Northumberland Callao State Bank .. _____ §"19 S. E. Weymouth ••• W. J. Courtney ____ Allen E. Hatton ___ -----------------Pop. 70 E 11 68-568  Charlott _pop. 600. F  > > :~  7.000 Merch. N., Rich.: N. Bk. of Petersbur2', Peters- tl1 bur~ 223,040 1st N., LynchburJ?: Com'l N,, Wash., D. C. ,Z  Butterworth._ Dinwiddie (See Dinwiddie) Pop. 300 F8  (J,  1-  . .~....-.-i  ~.....P•e"'t■er•s•bur,..1?■...111"1. .PIIIII,... ._..  SlltIE BANK IN VIRGINIA  1455  Namller ..,de, Name ol JranJr i. Uae Ne• ft'alult Namller ovea eaoh bank m U. B. exelrulrelT by_ The &aad-MeN.U, Bauen• Dlreeto17. UJJder the autllorlly of The Amerfean BaaJren Aa•a.  I  To~~;f:e_ri::r·  Non-Ba.Dk Towns wlth Nearest .Ban.king Point (In- .___,_ dexed Acces.), Lawyers Laws (Jndexed) Jn back of this__, volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc .. see Laws. ~  VIRGLNIA - C on tinued  IV P  '•Mem.~~!.~~-fState n-Entire State in No. 5 .tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. c.-.i,IDDT. ICB- RESIDDT. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  O  ,__ _:;cLI=A.=~-'--:a=L-"-~-"-~=:=s-=-. PAJD-uP  =R=:-'--::'-u'-:-c-:-,:-.-".  ---11-1.o-,...  illl.Um.  AsS'T 04811.ID.  1  ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  AND DEPOS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _c-'-P_IT_AL _ _Pa_o_FI_T_s _ITS ___ 1 1  ·,  c~_Bo_..,,_•· _C:_._":_:._=_, ________________  .  ~ 1  ~  .oCharJottesville,A.Jbem le Commerce Bank & Trust Co. McLane Tilton ____ Guy F. Via ________ T. B. Behrendt _______________________ S 100,000 $ 10,000 $ 150,000 S 175,000 S 50,000 Guaranty Tr. Co. and Chem. N., N, Y.; N. \0 Pop. 10,688 E 7 ♦ 68-182 •t§'18 State & City, Rich. ~  FARMERS & MERCHANTS  N. T. SHUMATE--- --- A. P. WALKER------- H. E. DINWIDDIE----- -------------------JJ~A\Dfi~s  The NEW PROGRESSIVE BANK of Charlottesville. Prompt attention to all banking matters entrusted to us.  NATIONAL BANK  -  100,000  -  25,410  -  --- 25U00  415,690  -  -  -  S'i,470 Seab. N., N. Y.; Com'I N., Wash., D. C,; LynchburgN., Lynchburg.  9  NATIONAL B:;•:oOF 'l Hollis Rinehart_ IR, T. Minor -----IT. P. Peyton CHARLOTTESVILLE-- •t'14 R. T. W. Duke, Jr.  ------1--------------------  400,000  100,000 1,800,000 2,500,000  68-181  PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK 68-127 Chase City_Mecklenburg Pop. 1646 G6  GEO.R.B.MICHIL ~- r.·.l~~ASOII- H. A. DINWIDDIE-- C. W. WATTS----R.A.WATSON, , . . Pl E. 8. PERRY V.-P, laDDELL ~  297,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.; Com'! N., Wash., D. c.  wlas  w.\. OLDESTandLARGESTBanklnAlbemarleCounty.  •i•75 Careful attention to local collections.  FIRST NATIONAL BANK •t'85 N. H. WILLIAMS---· T. E. ROBERTS---- A. H. ROBERTSON-  100,000  68-214  I 210,000 4.108,000 4.664,000 378,130 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. N., Bait.; Uh St,! N.,Phll. 138,760  515,540  832,lll0  94,700 Han. N., N. Y.; Plan. N,, Rich.  460,000  65,000 Han. N,, N, Y.: 1st N., Rich.; N, Ex., Balt.  to  z> ~  en First State Bank, Inc .• •U-05 R. D. Patterson ____ R. Jessop _________ T. A. Broocks - 68-215 W. A. Broocks H. A. Lipscomb Peoples Bank & Trust Co. C. M. Boswell _____ J. T. Goode _______ R.H. Goode _______ • 68-529 §'17 Jas. Hardy .oChatJum ___ Pittsylvania CHATHAM SAVINGS BANK E,B. Reid _______ H. c. Allen-------- Frank llarshall ___ Pop. 1066 G5 68-243 •:tl'72  Check---------Floyd G 3 Cheriton ___ Northampton Pop. 150 F ll Chester __ Qhestertleld F 9 Pop. 1000 Ohilhowie _____ smrthB 5 Pop. 572 Chincoteague Island Acco'c Pop. 1074 E 13 .. ______ .. •Ohrlstiansbur&'- Hontg'y Pop, 1641 11' 3  ..  ------  "  Churchville, Augusta D 5 Pop. 250 Claremont ____ Suny F 9 Pop. 672 OlarksviJle_ Mecklenburg Pop, 726 G6 Cleveland ____ Russell B 4 Pop. 220  H. H. Ferrell ____ _  35,000  400,000  --------------------  100,000  F. L. Moses _____ _ B, M. Reid  25,000  First National Bank ----•t· 16 W. P. Parrish _____ G. W. Gammon____ J. W. Collie _______ E. J. Parrish -----68-511  25,000  PlantersSavingsBank-•U-79 J,L. Tredway _____ J.H.Hargrave,Jr. O.S.B. Yeatts ____ C.I.Anderson ____ _ 68-244 c. J. Deboe  26,000  52,120 1,169,220 1,101,120  R.F. PowelL ______ T. W. Jones------- T. Wallace Jones __ - - - - - - - -  15,000  14,500  136,000  P. V. Cogbill _______ E, N. Perdue ______ W. C. TroehearL-- ------------------  10,000  21,000  250,000 · 235,000  W. H. Copenhaver_ L. M. Cole ______ G. P. Cox __________ - - - - - - - - -  25,000  15,000  272,8901 269,880  96,590 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Ex., Roanoke.  D. J. Whealton ____ J. L. Anderton __ Daniel Ieffries ___ Verona Paradise __  20,000  20,000  286,500  15,000 Corn Ex • .N., Phil.: Merch. N., Balt.  2,020  171,090  (Se~ Simpaom)  Cheriton Banking Co, __ •is·oo 68-330 Ohestertleld County Bank 68-831 :WOO National Bank of Chilhowie 68-832 '07 Bank of Chincotea2ue, Inc. 68-38! WOil Marine Bank _______ •t§'18 68-555  20,270  455,010  514,090  145,000 1,000,000 1,000,000  20,000  R. T. MOSBY------ C. I~ WADE--------- B. M. HAGAN-------- J. G. MANNON!------  84,000  6,560  230,050  237,840  144,070  1  257,500 118,32()  177,960 1,068,590 1,094,670  BANK OF CHRISTIANSBURG { OLDEST and L ARGEST BANK in Montgomery County • 68- 221 •:WS8 Bills of Lading Drafts a specialt y. Send us yom Chrls~nsbmg b uslness. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-t"06 M. H. Tompkins.-- C. W. Surface _____ Paul Foster _____ H. Frank Peerry__ 50,000 0, R. Colhoun M. P. Jones ------- R. O. Baylor ------ E. V. Stoutamyer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ·R. A. Skelton P. Fleetwood------ S. W. Sharp ____ F, D. Sharp___ ________  35,000  425,000  415,000  10,000  9,290  107,220  93,310  15,000  7,480  94,7601  107,600  O. S. Wood------ R. B. Turner ______ L.B. Blanks, Jr.__ _ _ _ _ _ _  30,000  15,900  T. L. Bundy ------- ,E, R. Combs------- ,A, A. Basham_____ _________ ,  603,3701 508,710  10,000  5,560  195.0001 156,550  68-222 Aueusta County Bk., Inc,tf '12 68-468 Peoples State Bank ____ .U'08 68-834 Planters Bank _______ •t§"92 68-253 Peoples Bank __________ •U'07 68-836  70,360 Am. N. and Union, Rich.  j  I ..,I» n  I ::r  308,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; M.erch. N., Rich. - 0 r+ r+  HenryW.ConanL W.C.Mitchell----- Chas.F.Hatthews_ Irene Leonard____  SCHMELZ NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  40,000  FOR SUPERIOR SERVICE  51,480 Han. N., N. Y. 146,220 Am. N., Rich.; 1st N .• Danville. 14,500 Drov. & Mech. N.. Balt.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. 45,000 Am. N., Rich,  36,220 Selbyville, Selbyville, Del.; Girard N., Phil.; Citiz. N., Halt. 169,690 lmp.&Tra. N., N.Y.; Merch. N., Balt.: N. State & City, Rich. 47,000 N. Ex., Roanoke. 30,310 Staunton N., Staunton. 21,430 N. City, N. Y.; Bk. of Waverly, Waverly, 39,000 Chase N .. N. Y,; N. State & City, Rich.; Ya. N .. Peter:burg. 40,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin,; N. Ex .. Roanoke.  IN NEWPORT NEWS  ('1)  Cl>  -~ tt  1=-:456  Number under Name of Bank ii the New Transit Number given exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The A_m_er_l_ca_~ Ban_~rs Ass•~  to each bank in U. S.  _  d C t• VIRGINIA __- _ _Oll lllUe _  __  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed. Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) ln back or this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., _see Laws.  t;  I  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. I RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. NAME oF BA!'IK. TowN AJrn COUNTY. UilB ,1; :x ,1; n Lo SURPLUS •:Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. A.ND Ass'T OASHIER. PAm-uP OASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. Entire State in No. 5 :tMem. State Bks. Assn. t Priv. I DEPos- c•~~•no.,::; .,,,._,.au,D~ SIIOuam:u "'"" Bil<D 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , : . F: . :ed:. : e:.:.:ra::.:l.: :R:. : :e.: :. se::. :r. .:. .v.: :. e-=D-=is:.: tr:. . :_ic.:. :tcc. 1-•--=M=-e..:. :m---=----.F=---e-=--=d=---·. .:cRc.. .:ec.. s'-.--=--[E_s_ta_b_. i - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - i - - - - : - - - - - - i - - - - - - - - CAPITAL PROFITS  °'  I~  Olifton Forize __ Alleazhany E4 Pop. 6150  CLIFTON FORGE  J. H. DREWRY------ W.W. ZIMMERMAN-- JED WILSON-------- W. E. CHAMBEflS---- $ 100,000 $ 48,000 $1100000 $1400000 - - - 1E.W.GRICE ( Careful and Pro mpt Attention to Collections. Lo west Rates.  NATIONAL BANK  (send us your bu dneu.  68-143  Olinchborg._Washington Bank of Cllnchburiz ____ t§'lll .F. B. McConnelL_ J. D. Kelly------W. F. Ilenderson, 68-557 B5 Pop. 600 Jr. Olinchport. •• ___ ScottB 3 Farmers & Merch. Bank :t§'07'J, L. Q, Moore _____ H. O. Kidd _________ 68-336 Pop. 226 •Olfntwood ___ Dickenson Dickenson County Bank.Inc. J. W. Flannagan, J. O. Smith _____ Jr. E. L. Phipps •:t§'06 68-337 A3 Pop. 460 Olover ______ Halifax G 6 Bank of Clover --------•:t§•051C, A. Greizory ----- W. S. Adkin,on ___ R. H. Fuller 68-338 Pop. 400 OOffburn. ______ Wise B 3 First Tational Bank ____ •:t•oa J. W. Bell------- H. Hardaway ___ s. Dodd 68-339 Pov. 884  w.  MINERS BANK OF COMMERCE, INC.--•:t  "  68--470  Bascom D. Akers . ------------------  12,500  John R. Stone _____ ---------------  134,450 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N.. Rich.  4.60{ 55,000 ;  22,000 Peo. N., Abingdon.  50,000  10,000  9,000  267,000  241,000  42,000 N. Ex .. Roanoke; Peo. N., Appalachia.  1s,ooo  10,000 I  s5o,ooo  212.000  50,000 N. Ex., Roanoke.  W. M. Myers---- Miss P, Gregory __ _  10.000  10.010  W. S. Dodd ________ R. G, Boatright __ _  100,000  W.W. Pressley ___ ------------  ,  W. W. LAY-------- G. W. TOMPKINS---- C, 0. RAMSEY------- WALTER DEAN ------ 1 50,000 M. C. MATTHEWS { Bills of Lading Drafts a speclalt f• Thoroughly equipped. Prompt service.  1  '12  Y.;lstN.,Rich.  I  1  68-142  _____  -  100,000 74.320 1,342,560 1.725,980 J.C. CARPENTER, JR. 8. F. DONOVAN------- J. R. PAYNE, JR,----- R. O:ARTZ --------- ,' ~t t SNEAD A. E. a reaso nable r • - · Special attentlo n to all collection s. Remittance m ade on day of pa ymen  FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•:t'02  "  $ 150,000 Chatham & Phenu N. and Chase N., N.  Send us your C oeburn business.  Colonial Beach-Westm'l'd Bank of Westmoreland, Inc. Geo~e Mason----- W. F. Renshaw ___ H. W. B. Wllliams. D.R. Warren ______ ' •:ti'04 68-340 D IO Pop. 1093 B. R. Oowherd _____ Arthur Walton ___ G. P. Hodi'son _____ P. W. Cowherd.... ~lumbia_ •• Fluvanna E 7 State Bank of Colombia N. P. Snead •i11000 1 68-341 Pop, 185  I  I  164,400  115.560  78,490 1 731,600  755,880  425.000  410.000  6.500  47,260 Broadway N. and 1st N., Rich, 244,350 N, Ex., Roanoke; Fifth-Third N., Cin.  I  60,000 Fifth-Third N,, Cin,  Reaso nable c barges.  15,000  10,000  375,000  241,000  20.000  15,000  396,790  412,000  180,470 N. Ex., Bait.; Merch. N., Rich. 1  12,000 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.; Am. N. and Rich. ~ o Tr. Co., Rich. ,;  IJQ  &Courtland.Southampton G9 Pop. 379  BANK OF SOUTHAMPTON  •t§"l7  68-532  20.000 H. B. McLEMORE L1 W. McGRATH ___ B. E. LIVESAY, JR. MABEL ft.KITCHEN Save time and g e11 service on Coll ectlons and Credi t Reports by send Ing FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain •i11ht d raft., 15c; Credit Report., 50c. TR Y US.  i  173,350  176,560  I  31,390 Han. N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. Norfolk: N. Bk. Cb of Suffolk, Suffolk; Merch. & Far., Franklin ...... 0  ()  Special attentlo n given Bm or La I ding Drafts, Cas h and Time Item s.  Peoples Bank, Inc, _____ e;t§'04 Jas. T. Gillette ____ P. D. CamP------IGeo. W. Reese _____ Miss A. J. Eley___ 68-2811  Oovineton ____ AJleazhany BS Pop. 5623  10,120  25,000  15,000  200,000  1~~=-:-==---'-=:--c--=-=-:-:=-==---=-.,.,....=-c-cc-,---~---=-~----- I - - - - - - - - - -  $  28,260 Han. N., N. Y.: Norfolk N .• Norfolk: Va. N .. I Petersburg; Vaughan & Co., Bkrs .• Franklin. ::, • ~ - - - -- - ' 192,240  , w. H. McCONllfAY--- c. C. BRINKLEY----0 1 100,000 191,000 1,733,550 1,670,ooo 'j 384,480 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N. and •th St. N., ::, Largest resources of any Bank in Covington ~?,•i~N.erch. N., Rich.; Drov. & Mech. NATIONAL BANK If you appreciate careful service at a moderate __________ ,,~.. .,~, charge, send us your items and collections. •UOOO 63_161 G. L. MILLER-------- ~JJ~~~GrHRfY-  CIT IZEN S  COVINGTON NATIONAL BAIIK 68-160  "+'91  --1  iforti :.\RLL?v~~: WM. McO. llcALLllER o. E, MOUNTCASTLE P. C. DRISCOLL----  100,000  50,950  850,000 l,100,000 \ 114,770 Oh.ase N .• N. T.: 1st N •• Rich.  Send us your col lectlons ~ T hey wlll receive p rompt attention.  1::l i::  I  {W. A. RINEHART.. R. ~- STOKEL------- C.R. K RNES------- ,- - - · - - - - -  ·  PEOPLES BANK-------•U'07 6!H6 2  BIils of Lading tra'r~P~~~eclalty. \ Prompt attentt on to all coHectio ns. We want your Covington items.  1  ._ !l)  1  !l)  40,000  20.000  525,000  514,200  70,000 Chase N., N. Y .. lst N., Rich.: Char. N .. Char.~  Reasonable charges.  I  -~ .CrT\'ZENS B1'NK. NORFOLK-Co\\ectio ns a S eci-a lt Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  t  11  '>  ', ·  ._ .  II·  I  ;  I  •  _I~  \.  • _;_·  fi  ~  I  o\..  _  I  I.  ~  • I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Bank!ng Pofnt cri:iback of thi .....,. ·n P. P<ll  1457  Nuaiber under Name or Baa.k is the New Transit Nuaiber given to each bank in U. s. eicluslvely by The Band-IJ~cNaHy Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  TOWN ADD COUNTY. NAME OF B. H,K. / .aQounty Seat. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State PRESIDENT, Entire State in No. 5 t.Mem. State Bk:s. Assn. tPriv Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab _ _ _ _ __  Crabbottom-Highla.nd D4 Orabbottom Valley Bank.Inc. O. P. Chew ________ . . Pop, 200 68-509 §'15 Cra1gsv1lle __ Augusta D 5 Bank of Craie-sville,Inc.t§'l6 W. S. Johnson_ Pop. 500 68-521 Crewe ••••• B' 7 Bank of Orewe ________ .•,·ss c• E • Wilson -··----Pop,Nottoway 2097 68-20. +  VIRGINIA-Continued  -=--"-=====---==r  VICE-PRESIDENT  CASHIER,  _______  NATIONAL BANK 88-206  NATIONAL BANK 68-207  •t"D0  ,  DEPOS-  RESOURCES.  H. L. Simmons ____ I. W. Nicholas ___ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ 25,000  $  25,000 90,000  AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK •i'0" 68-102  FIRST NATIONAL BANK 68--98  C. M. Jones _______ _ F. O. Williams  25,000  -------G• W • Blackard ------------ _________ _  12,000  1.040  120,530  87,660  10,000  33,500  192,700  177,000  45,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Ex., Roanoke.  60.000  16.400  215,000,  275,000  20,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.; Peo. N., ;:{3 1O Oharlottesville.  14,000  400,000  55,000 Mech. & Metals N ., N. Y .; 1st N., Rich.  430,000  43,780 Peo. N .• Martinsville.  <  -  lz  I  I  Collection Items.  zto>  J. L. FRAY---- E. O. WILLIS-------- J.J.ROBERTS------- ARA W. SMITH-----75,ooo 83,000 1,300,000 , 1.127.130 F. H. WHITE I] { A thorough ly organized Collection D epartment. Prompt ser vice. Reaso nable charg es. Send us your Culpe per ne  207,640 Chatham& Phenix N .. N. Y.; Drov. & Mech.~ N., Bait.; Am. N.. Rich. (J'J  I  bliusi ss.  H. O. KER S-------- FRANK TABLOTL--- J. D. HARRISON----- E. P. CRIDER------Speciaft attention given collections. REASONABLE CHARGES. PROMPT REMITTANCE. Swanson ___  ~  50,000 Ohase N., N. Y,; 1st N., Rich. 46,000 Lynchburg N., Lynchburg; 1st N., Abingdon. IrvingN., N, Y.; Fifth-ThirdN .. Cin.  ~  2.v O  ,.E3 0  mo  _ 150.000 _ 90,000 _ 2 000,, I_ 2 231 290 _ 521,650  Meeb,. & Metals N .• N. Y.; Plan. N .• Rich. I).) t;l  J::s  _______________________________________ _ 1  -------IJ, P.  ~  - - ;i- -  fo. L. Booth-----jw. s. Rendleman __ W, R. Harrison  _  _  ~  ci"  346,130 N.Bk.Com .. N. Y.;Oltiz.N., Balt.  129,750 1,840,040 1,823,680  100,000  J. I. PRITCHETT --- D. A. OVERBEY---- B. Y, BOOTH - - - JAS. BUSTARD-----B. V.BOOTH J. N.BENTON Our collection department Is up to date and under personal supervision of cashier. Qui_c'k and effective service guaranteed.  275,000  -  856,580 Ran. N., N. Y.; l.Bt N., Rieb,  766,810 6,155,810 7,189.330  -  -  -  -  1  ---  - - - [, - - -  ---  STRONGEST BANK .IN NEWPORT NEWS-SCHMELZ · NATIONAL -BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  _________~-----'~  J. J. DAVIES ____ J. H. FLETCHER--- C. W. SILVEY------ ------------------ 100,000 65,000 1,350,000 1,600.000 75,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Mercb. N •• RJch.; Com•11 _ A.L.GOODLOE - - - - - N.,Wash.,D.C.;lstN.,Phll. ),  COMMERCIAL DAIil- •:1'84 J. 1'. Biso11 68-99  1~  12,000 $ 229.000 jI$ 250,000 $ 16,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Staunton N., Staunton; N. ,~.... ..... -~ Bk. of Ba.It., Balt. 6,000 174.150 120,490 66,700 Seab.N.,N.Y.; CliftonForgeN .• CliftonForge; N. State & City and March. N., Rich. 48,790 1,088,680 1,227,750 199,370 Ohase N .. N. Y.; Am .N .. Rich,: Petersburg Sav. & Tr. Co., Petersburg.  •Oumberlapnd--O umbrl'nd Oumberland Bank. ______ i§'06 Wm. M. Smith _____ E. R. Davis ____ Donald McRae _____ K. F, Godsey______ 9,000 3,000 110,000 70,000 OJ). 500 E7 68-344 Damascus ___ Washinston Bank of DamascUB, Inc.•:5'05 s. L.Mock _____ R. F. Fortune __ J. H. Meade_______ ___________ 35,000 7,000 235,000 I 225,000 Pop. 1599 B5 68-345 ·I Dante ________ RussellA4 DickensonCountyBank,Inc. _________________________ R. E. Baylor ___________________________ (Branch of Clinto nwood, v a.)______ Pop. 4000 68---560 t§'l9 1 Danville_Pitts:,lvanfa G 5 Pop. 21,539  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  f/r.?""•&D,a- O,-•n&EJ<-  0:_:_;!._" c_AP_IT_A_L_PR_~-~-~-8 _1_Ts_ l_';_~"-~-~_:• _~~_  J.B. Tuttle ______ __ B•. D. Shepherd __________ _ H. A. Johnson T • J • oo11·mgs______ J • P • -.uew 1.~ ------- F . W . She""1·e1d u. --·.  Careful and pro mpt attention. Lowest Rates. •il900 SEND US YOUR BUSINFSS.  SECOND  PAID-UP SURPLUS  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking PoJnt (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this~ volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ::,  _______ , ________  Lee ______ .: J.M. Kidd ________ J. ll. Jones _____ 68-205 Oritz ______ Patrick G 3 Bank of Oritz, Inc, ______ t§'19 W K1'ng -.r1·a B -.;- M .,.. J K F It Pop. 50 68-562 • • ---- • .v. a~ .m ------- • . u on -----Orockett_ ____ Wythe G 1 Bank of Crockett, Inc._ •1•10 J ' ' "'"er J s n· Pop. 200 68-342 -+ • .Ill, JJU..U - - - - - • • IX--------- A. B. Houns hell --Orozet____ Albemarle D ff Bank of Orozet, o• A • Haden ------- w aIter w-i..-te - __ T • w • w oonen.____ Pop. 68--a43lnc,---••1·00 + .wr. 1., 800  CULPEPER  LUBILITIES.  A.SS'T CASHIER.  1  FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•t·oa H. E.  •Oulpeper -- Oulpe1>er D 7 Pop. 1819  1  _  -  ~ (JI  -...:r  1458  Number under Name or Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. excluslvel;y by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  TOWN AND OOUNTT.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  VIRGINIA-Continued  I  NAME OJ.I' BANK.  •OoontySeats. •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn.lState ' PRESIDENT VICE-P ESI EN Entire State in No. 5 :tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. · R D T. Federal Resen·e District. +Mem. Fed. Res. [E tab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1  O  ASHIER,  As. 8  T  0  ASHIER.  LIABILITIES. RESOURCES. SURPLUS! D 1•0.. N1kD1•• 1C...a6'J:xAND EPos- c'Ts. lloNos, ollUln■,Dn  p c!!°;~~ 1  • · - - - - - - , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ P_B_OP_r_T_s _  Dayton- Rockin£ham D 6 Bank of Dayton, Inc. --•:tl'06 E. o. Ralston·--· J.M. Kaeey ---·-·· N, R. Oriat _ _ Elizabeth Coffman S 25,000 S 9,170 140,790 $ 163,690 Pop. 482 68-346 Dendron_••••-Surry F 10 Bank of Dendron, Inc. __ *f'07 W.W. Seward _ _ H. W. Spratley ___ L. K. Jouaon .•- ····---···--· 35,000 20,000 350,000 330,000 Pop. 1795 68-216 Bank of Sus/f-~I, Surry .1'07 ·-··-···--···-···· -·-··-·-···-:··--··· E. M. Rlcbardson .. , - - - - - - (Branch of Wak efietd, V a,) •••••• Dillwyn_Bucldnirham F6 First National Bank ••••• t'l9 B, H. Barnes •••••• A. Sidney Spencer w. H. Robertson_ ---·--50,000 5,340, 69,780 108,980 Pop. 500 68-569 I " " Merchants & Planters Nat'l J, L. Anderson •••• W. H. Ranson--·-· A.. w. Carter···--- w. L. Clark----·· 50,000 10,000 170,000, 110,000 Bank ___ ._68--469•••• -.•:t'l2 •Dinwiddie ·--Dinwiddie Farmers Bank .• ____ •••• +§'07 A. M. Orirain •••••• A.G.Butterworth.Jr. Chas. L. Knott •••• -------·----35,000 12,250 131,200 158,710 Pop. 100 F 8 68-325 K. Butterworth 9,390 105,180 144,470 " " Planters Bank . --·-· .••• :t:§'16 J. R. Beek ••••••- . J. W. Galusha_ •• __ H. H. Galusha. __ ···---··--··-·-- • 10,000 68-516 I Disputanta.-PrinceGeorre Bank of Dis1mtanta •••• •il'l0 J. D. Webb·--····· R. c. Burrow __ •• _. L. D. Hatch---···- --·---·------- , 15,000 16,860 117,270 175,810 Poo. 500 F9 68-347 Doe HilL_Hig hland D 5 Farmers Bank of Highland J. A. Hiner __ •••••• L. M. Pope--······ John Slavens•••• -. --·-··-·-----·-·-15.000 ·-------- --------- ···-··--Pop. 70 68-600 t'20 15,000 DoswelL- - Hanover E 9 Doswell State Bank_ ••••• §'20 J. A. Wright-----· D. E. Campbell..-. C. B. Carter···--·- ···-·-----·-·-······ 1,500 ·-------- ----· -·Pop. 200 68-608 40,300 620.600 584,020 25,000 Drakes Branch.Oharlotte State Bank of OharJotte Co. C. W. Tucker••• - •• R. w. Payne··-··- W. H. Pettus, Jr. __ - - - · · · • - -.•• Pop. 660 G6 68-348 •:t§-08 W. E. Hailey 14,130 102,170 121.900 Draper _____ P ulaslri JI' 2 Bank of Draper, Inc. ____ u•n s. P, Conduff •••••• J. JL Pratt•••••••• _ 1. W. Gardner••••• --·----··--···· 21.100 Pop. 500 68-461 1 8,000 105,000 110.000 10,000 Drewryville_. outh'pton Bank of Drewr,ville_ •• :Wl7 Jas. A. Grizzard-·- F. E. Pope _ _ _ Jesse Lee··-·-···· ·----·-·----·---1 Pop. 100 G9 68-542 60,230 ~ 52,620 4.150 10.000 Dryden-Poii~ .Lee B 2 Peoples Bai~.:. \~c .•••••• §'16 E. M. Gilbert__ ___ • James B. Cox·--·- M, E. Flanary ••••• J. D. Johnson ____ _ 250 5 206,760 25,600 246,750 40,000 Dublin.-·-··· Pulaski F 2 Bank of Dublin. Inc .••• -11900 E. D. Withrow - · G. A. Vermillion_._ G. c. Moomaw.-.. 1 - - - - - · - Pop. 395 68-349 C. R. St. Clair 71,470' 84,370 3,090 10,000 Dundas __p_Lun e nbur~ G 7 Bank of Dundas .·-······§"l7 G. A.• !alone ___ J.B. Edmonds··-· D. M. Turner •••• _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 0~ 50 6~~ 7 120,700 168,000 10,000 Dunrannon __ •• Scott B 3 BankofDungannon,Inc.:t§'l3 G. C. Bevins •• _. ___ B. T. Culbertson __ W. F. c. Blackwell - - - · - - - · 7,6001 Pop. 255 68--479 W. H. Loudy 301,120 272,8811 15,000 E-1gle Rock.BotetourtE4 ~le Rock Bank, Inc .• •U-05 J, B. Buhrman ••••• N. P. Gatlin& •••- •• M. R. Korean ...•. _ _ _ _ _ . 20,6001 Pop. 600 68-350 W. W. Cash 408,070 413,140 34,970 60,000 East Radford.M.ontir'm'y Farmers & Merch. Nati~~al J.P. McConnell ••• R. A. Brown--·- W. H. Galw-&7 · - · A. C. Hankla ••---· Pop. 5000 F 2 Bank •••••. 68-152 .......... 05 1 50,000 65,000 800,000 730.000 •• -··-" First Natio~~ftlnk_ •••• i•o3 F. HarveY·-···-·-· Francis BelL·-·--· Wm. Inirles _______ ----------·-·------  I  E<linburffioi>:·l6\enandm Farmers  l  Ba~isr--·•H'05  B. B. Bowman.-.. J.B. Rhinehart .... J.  c. Hutcheson ...  B.  s.  Rau •• - - - ·  Eg~i~~i~D-----··  Egglesto:Poi>~-ii?les 2 Bank of '20 w. w. Walker ·--· •••••••••••••••••••• J. A. Johnston ____ ·------·-·-·-·-··--1 Eiba_ ••• Pittsylvania G 5 (Su Gret11a> Pop. 470 1 Elk Crei~v_-mayson G 1 Farmers Bali1l-sos-·-··:ti'l5 T. M. Calhoun_ •••• S. H. Mitchell •• _. J. W. McLean---· F. M. McLean····-  65,000 N. State & City, Rich,; Norfolk N,, Norfolk,  ____ Chase N,, N. Y,; Merch, N., Rich. 16,960 Am, N .• Rich.; N. Bk, of Charlottesville, Charlottesville. 20,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Rich. and Lynchburg. 19,960 1st N., Rich.; Petersburg Sav. & Tr. Co.. Petersburg, 5.570 1st N. , Rich.: N. Bk. of Petersbur~. Peters•  z  ~  8,870 Fifth.Third N .• Cin.  10,230 Plan. N., Rich.: N. Bk, of Petersburg, Peter - ~ burg. . _ '< 61,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Bk. of Br1stol, Bnstol. Tenn.;I ~ Sav. Lo. & Tr., Johnson City, Tenn. o 29,120 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; 1st N., Lynch- ::3 burg. 89,950 lrvinli?' N., N. Y.: A.m. N., Rich.; N. Ex., Roan~&  '  180,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.  .I  I  I ;  '  :  I I f,  I  I  •  I  •  I  '  ;  I  I  I  --~  -  I I  I  I  I  I  ...  '  I  '  x-:. ·...:...·  -,1-,-  ;,  I  I  I  :  J  ;...  -  I  I  ,  ';,  - .. -  I  ;  •  '  I  ;,  ,  I  ;.  --  ;.  ..  •  I I  I  ,  '  I  ---.=. __,-:----  _-  I  ,, f  . ; • ·  / I .  I  3  43,000  27,860  36,040 1N. City, N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. . Balt.; O Merch.N.,Rich.; Shenandoah N., Woodstock. :::t 24,210 1st .• Pearisburg. SU  97,200  34,980 N Ji;·st~~~~oe~'. Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co.,  327,2301  25,970 Han. N., N. Y.: Rockinli?'ham N. and 1st N .. Barrisonburr; March. N., Rich.  10,000 ·-----·--,  'O  1,,.  1  10,000  7,710  114,760  I -  -  -  I 4'11.603  -  698,000  80,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N. Rich.; Va. N., , Petersburg; Com'I N., Wa h., D. C.;  -  /  -~  ;  '.#  ,  •  ,  ;  ,  ·.;  -  I  1  P>  ::,  100,000  150,000  80,000  90,000  680,000  243,000 Han. N ., N. Y .; burg: Merch.  767,000  I  . Bk. of Peters~ur2, Pe~rs- ; . and 1st N ., Rich. '""  83,870 Ohase N., N. Y.; Petersburi: Sav. & Tr. Co.,~ Petersburir, Va.; N. State & City, Rich.; Seab. N,, Norfolk.  598,830  '°  I  t..:>  .....  ~  -  ;  t%j  242,li0  ... ...  ~ .. - ....... -.  o  296,8201 288,690  """'-  --.  I  86,700 Merch. N,, Rich.; LJnchburir N., Lynchburir.  203,1)30  43,000 I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J  >  16,300 Han. N., N. Y.: Greensville, Emporia.  19,840  75,000  :t  a,  13,830  •Emporia.GreensvilleG8 Pop. I 60  Prompt Service. Reasonable Charges. WE GET RESULTS.  -zs;:  ----· -···-----· Cent. N ., Rich. 25,020 N. Park, N. T.: Merch. N., Rich.; Va. N .. Petersburg. 22,200 N. Ex .. Roanoke.  25,000 '  32,8_7_ :ij _ 277,230  •07  ~  0  10,000  25,000  68-196  < -  b~~VL  8,050 Va. N., Petersburg; N. State & City, Rich.  49,180 Am. N .• Rich.; Norfolk N., Norfolk.  Blkton.P.Ro~.ckin ehamD6 BankofEik t 0~,,;···-···*''04 _c .G. Ha._rnsberger. J_.T.H_eard---···= w.H.McVeirh ••••_B-T.C_afferman __ • .., 005 _ 68-.,.,.,  J..WT•• WTIELBLBA·n-··-··- w. M. LAND----· LE ROY ANDERSON •• , flRSJ NAT'L BANK w. R. CATO-W All collection items have the personal attention of an officer.  10,030 11st N., Harris burr.  $  I  •E1.stvill/<>P~~~~l>j°{i Eastville Bi~a5i··-·-··-§·05 1G. T. Tyson···--·· II. P. James, Jr .•.. Harold C. Guy··--- Annie T. Roberts_.  OO  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  1 8 00 _T__ _s_,_ •_•"_""_ _ ...,_.. _B_.<JIIUl_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 1  I  1;._;..1  I  :  •  I  ;..,,-  I  · . I ~-  '  ·· ';..:  I  • ,  ·•.:  ' '  11;  :  I  "I  / ~  .t  I  ' I 16  I  I  I  NrualHJr aader Nazae or .BaaJr /a u,e N e w ~ ~ Nam.!!flr ~vaa eo eaab bank in U. B ezduslr....- bv TIie Jland llEeNallT .....,.... DlreetorT, ander tbe autborli';'ot"ne Amerl~ BaDJrers Ass'n.  Non-Ban.Ii: ToWDB with Ne- rest Banldnc Point (ln• dexed Acces) Lawyers Law (indexed) in back of this.._. volume. 'Interest Bates, HoDdays, etc., see Laws.'' JD  VIRGINIA--Cont1·nued  For ======:::::::::::=:=::===========================================================================:::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::=======I ::t 14.  E:ii!:;t~lffa1rr~ ;;::::::i:i:\i.11ff"ti;::.~1:  PB.B:SIDBNT.  1  VICE·PB.B:SIDBNT.  '  CA.SHI.11:B.  ,  ASST. CASBIEB.  Pop. 500  pi:g:,~Ts  118-S54  Ewing •..•.• ___ Lee B /Peoples Bank.--•.• :t§'20 W. C. Fugate...• -• .A. E. Robertson ... Pop, 180 68-580 Exmore •••• Northampton / Peoples Bank .•••••·-·-·*''161E. D. Brown_. __ E. L. Robins--·Pop. 300 F 12 118-355 •Fairfax ____ .Fairfax C 9 National Bk. ot Fairfax .•t'02 F. M. Brooks _ _ C. v. Ford.·-·--·· Pop. 516 88-356 11. E. Church Fairfield-Rockbridge E 5 Bank of Fairfleld- •••• §'19 E. R. Flippo ••·-··· Wm. G. Houston-· Pop. 150 68-565 I Falls Church.Fairfax C 9 Falls Church Bank, Inc .. tl'06 G. B. Fadeley·- M. E. Church--·--· 1J.B. Gould Pop, 4i59 88-357 •  88-177  Ferrum ••••• Franklin G 3 Bank of Ferrum ••••.••. :1:§'17 B. M. Beckham •••• Pop. 250 68-526 •lfincastle.-BotetourtF 3 Bank of B'incast.le_ .••• -.:1'75 TurnerM:cDowelL Pop, 457 ' 68-358 Flint IlilL.Rappahan'k First National Bank •••• •:l:' 20 J.B. Williams •••• Pop. 300 C 7, 68-597 ,T. W. Cary, V.-P. •Floyd •••••• _•• Floyd Ga l Citizens Bank ofFloyd Co.Inc. ' J.E. Burwell--·--· Pop, 390 68-547 •:W18: " ···- •••• " Floyd Coun78-~,Inc.•H'04, B. S. Pediro -···-· I  Peoples Bank of Floyd County P. G. Lester-·+ 68-283 U'D9 .1ford ••-·- Dinwiddie F 8 Bank of Ford_······-··t§'19 R.H. Lewis ••••••• Pop, 200 68-556 Forest Depot_ __ Bedford Farmers Bank of Fore L§'21 IS. W. Cole .. _.·--·· Pop. 120 F5 68-621 Fork Union ••.• Fluvanna Fluvanna County Bank .U'07 B. A.. B~ess--·· Pop. 106 E 7: 68-3511 Fort Blackmore, ScottB3 Bank of Fort Blackmore:l:§"20 R. Vl. ~cConnelL Pop. 197 68-601 FoxHlll •.• ElizabethCity Bank of Fox Hill ••••••. :J;§'20 W. E. Johnson •••• Pop. 1200 G ll 68-584 "  -----·  "  5,000  95,000  9,620  253,140  Edgar Littleton •. _. -·---·--·---  75,000  39,020  Paul C. Lindsay .•• - - · - - · · · - - -  12,000  650  G, W. B&wxhurst. - · - - - - · ·  25,0(JO  18,560  287,310  318,810  It I: TJ/kfi~·--·-·· W. B. MORRIS-·····- J. W. WILSON, JR,---  75,000  68,940  724,080  Oli,170  50,000  20,000  525 OO!J  ding drafts. Rem lttance on ge one-tenth of o ne per cent. J. L. Bue2·-······ w. R. Butcher....  J.B. OVERTON--·--··--  192,780  50,000 236.120  37,860 Corn Ex .. Phil.: Merch. N., Balt.; N. Bk. Com .. Norfolk. 57,870 Chase N., N. Y.: Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.: 1st N .. Rich.; Am. N., Wash., D. C. 9,600 Merch. N., Rich.; Peo. N., Lexington.  719,140  69,000  I  450,000  140,000 Mech. & Ketals N., N. Y.; 1st N,, Rich.  -----762,760  114,580 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N,, Rich.  16,600  8,300  220,000  0. D. Wood .•....•• H. Ewing Wall .• _._ ··------···----·--· J. R. Moore Amos Thomas.-··· L.A. Hylton_··-·· Effl V. Slusher-··  24,910 ·---··-··  38,870  25,000  7,500  143,000  175,000  A. L. Cannaday_ •• E. F. Sowers.·-·-· J. A. Sowers-·---  80,000  13,000  285.000  375,000  R. F. Tompkins ••• R. B. Morran ___ K. P. Morgan·--···  35,000  30,000  lOD,670 I 232,000  F. W. Cabaniss •••• J. H. Duane ••••.•• M. D. Duane ••••••• E. W. Allen B. A. Rice.---····· S. W, Camden.-··· ··-·-··-·--··-····  72,120 , 8,860 Plan. N., Rich.: N. Bk. of Petersburg, Peters• 70,290 burg, 15,000 -·--···· I······- ·-·-·-··· ·----·--- 1st N., Lynchburg. 5,000 2,010 56,900 48,920 13,600 , 1st N. Rich.  I  A. L. Seay···-·--·- E. P. Burgess-···-· Lelle Mae Smad .. G. E. Carter·--•··· I. G. Johnson •... _. ·----·--····-·----w. B. Walker  H. L. Gordon ••• -•• M. F. Elliott ...•••. - - - - - - · ·  ~~- Cobh .•••.•...  E.  c. Beale-····-  ·--·-··-· -- ·-···----  -···-  "  Merchants t!iiT1ers  "  ··-···-  "  VAUGHAII & CO., BAHERS C. O, Vauehan, Sr .. ··-····-·---·-- c. c. Vaurhan, Jr .• s. P. Vaughan •.••• 68-192 •tt "81i  E.11'.StorY.- .... L. J. Bain .•••••... W.H. Norfteet._ E. L. Story····-1  200,000 42,670 1 1  G, W. SheDherd -·· W. Mayo Smith ••• _  15,000 --··--···  44,350  8,510  25,000  i20  154,230  126,690  40,000  10,300  148,910  210,060  41.000 ,  7,000  400,000  500,000  -------  . SCHMELZ NATIONAL BANK  .. Roanoke; 1st N., Rich.  49,500 Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.; Merch. N., Rich.; N. Ex., Roanoke. 19,000 1st N., Roanoke.  44,910 Chase N .• N. Y.; Unaka & City N., Joltn~on City. 4I.940 1Merch. N. ancl ~k. of Hampton, Hampton, 17,190 N. Park N. Y.: Seab. N ., Norfolk: Plan. ,.{ .. Rich. 60,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Norfolk N .. Norfolk; 1st N .. Rich. Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: T, Bk. Com., Norfolk: :Merch. N., Rich. 174.700 )Iech.&MetalsN .. r .Y.;GirardN .. Piiil.;lstN .. Rich.; Citiz. N., Bait.; Com'l N., Wa. h .. D. 0. 380,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: 1st N., Rich.; l\lerch. N .. Bait.  20.000 I  80,000 ······-·· ··--···-· 76,000  981.900  50,000  70.000  839,300  100,000  45,770  15,000  20,850  673,790 707,130 1 231,610 , N. City, N. Y.; jth ~t. r ., Phil.; ..:. Bk. Com., _ Balt.; Plan. ., Rich. .J:,,, 62,610 N. Ex .. Roanoke; Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Co .. c.n 257,5:01 220,420 Winston- alem.  936,200 , 50.000 115,0!JO 1, 11.463,ooo Deposits or any bank- In Fredert cksburg , rglnia. , derate ehar,;es. S END YOUR ITE MS TO US.  68-133 •!'65 Planters National Bank:.•i•13 R. 0. Vance·--·-· :M. B. Rowe _ _ W. J. B'ord_ •••••••. Paul Karsten, Jr,_ 68-138 Allen Smith H. B. Lane Fries.-----·Grayson G 2 Washinrton Bkg. & Tr. Oo. T. 0. Vat12han·--·· J. W. McLean-·-·· F. L. Elkins ••••••• Po1>, 202D 68-360 •tf '02  20,920 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 20,500 Am.  50,000  J. F. GOULDMAN, JR. D. G. GOULDMAN-..  NATIONALFl\lllfuKSBURG H. L. Wallace·--· A.. W. Wallace. __ H. D. Scott _ _• G. A. Scott .• ·-·-··  43.860 Irvi_ng N .. N. Y.; Am. N., Roanoke; 1st N .. Rich. 21.000 N. Park, N. Y.  1,840  I  Fredericksburg-_SDotsy}. Commercial St.ate Bank, Inc. E. M. Young_··-· G. B. Wallace.-•••• vania.-.Pop. 5882. __ n 8 88-136 •tl'll G. W. PPrry M. 0. WILLIS ••- •• W. S. CHESLEY·-·--· .. .. FARMERS & MlRCH. STATE Larcest Capital and Surplus and --BANK.--68-184 ····-•i§·06 { Northern Neck and Southslde,VI Prompt and car eful service at mo Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ,  12,500, - 5,ifoo 2 05,020 1 175,470 1  10,000  -  28,820 1Chase N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.: 1st I N., Rich.; Am. Secur. & Tr. Co. and DUrict N., Wash., D. C. 75,840 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. State & City, Rich,  J. K. HurL.--- IW, B. Thompson __ · · - - - - - - , R. B. Jarratt .... -. H. W. Person.·-·-·  ..  3  6-5,000 I  g  :<  25,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Com'l N., Wash.~ D. C.: Peo. N., Lynchburg. \0 55,000 Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Union N,, Knoxville. h:>  351,180 , 526,040  -------· i0,000  I  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  :~  S. B. Smith .... -  ( Hampton P. 0.)  1  85,000 1$ 85,000  15,400  FrankliPoi>.,iii!hamp~i Farmers Batfii~sff·····•t§'16 E. L. Beale •••••••• J.  1!, ,;  $  10,000  One of Virginia's Oldest and Strongest Banke. Collections handled with dispatch and at lowest rates.  •tl'87  0  M. W. West····--· - - - · · - - -  E. S. SHIELDS .... H. C. CRUTE .......  PLANTERS BANK  c;:;,u:7::• :!~:  ITS  Hubert T. Ritchie. ·---···-···---  •Farmville-.PJlnce Edw. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•t'IO iN. B. DAVIDSON .•. Pop. 2586 F 68-178 Special attentfoln given Bill of La .. • day of payment • Rate of excban -' Peoples National Bank •• •t'08 iG. K. Robeson._ E.T. Bondurant._ 118-1711  71  c.::·.l!x- 1  PJUD•UPL,'~A.~::::~-DEPOS-1,U;•"~::.TJB r  1 FederalReserveDistrict. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CAPITAL E mont_.AJbemarleEIJ Esmont Nanonal Hank •• •.i•o5 Edw. w. Scott. Jr . .A. c. Scott-···· H.P. Mccary···- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ 25,0flO $ 10,000  870,100  FOR SUPERIOR SERVICE  71,410 N. City, N. Y.; Tradesmens N., Phil.; lfcrch. 1 N., Bait.; N. Met., Wash., D. C.  IN NEWPORT NEWS  '°  1460 under Name or Bank is the New TraDBH Number given to each bank in U. S. e1eluslvel7 by The Rand-MeNally Bankers• Dlreetory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  TowN AND COUNTY,  •Oounty Seais. Entire State in No. 5 Federal Reserve District. •Front RoyaL ___ Warren .. 0 7 .. Pop. 1404 --Galax _____ Grayson G 2 ,. .. Pop. 1250 __ •Gate City _____ Scott B 3 Pop. 684 " "  N.ura OF B.unt.  •Mem. Am. Ilks. Assn. lState U1em. State Bks.Assn.tPriv. [Estab. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Bank of Warren ------•:1'72 68-241 Front Royal Nat. Bank--•t·oo 68-242 First National Bank _____ t'07 68-2110 Peoples State Bank, Inc. •:tl'04 • 68-250 First National Bank: _____ ei'80 68-269 Peovles National Bank--•t'04 68-270 Bank of Glade Sprlng __ •H'95 68-Ml Bank of Glaseow, Inc. ---1'13 68-487  Glade 8prinf ___ Wash'ton B4 Pop. 281 Glaseow _Rockbri(lee E 5 Pov. 376 •Gloucester ___ Gloucester BANK OF GLOUCESTER,INC. •H'02 68-362 F 10 Pop. 250 First National Bank----•t'l4 " _____ " 68-502 QloucesterPoint_Glo'ster Bank of Gloucester, Inc._1'00 68-363 11' 11 Pov. 50 Gordonsville_Orange D 7 NationalBankofGordonsYille •'12 68-47!1 Pon. 504 Gore _____ Freclerlclt B 7 Western Frederick Bank •t §'10 68-558 Pop. 150 Grab.Am ___ Tazewell II' l BANK OF GRAHAM-----•H'90 6l!"-200 Pop. 2752 First National Bank ----•t'l5 " •• 68-201 6reenville ___ Augusta D 5 Bank ofRiverheads,Inc. tl'00 68-365 Pop. 400 Gretna __ Pittsylvania G 5 Peoples Bank of Elba, Inc. •t§'ll 68-285 Pop. 500 GrottOffi ____ Rockingham Bank of Grottoes, Inc...i1•os 68-B66 D6 Pop. 402 Grundy __ Buohanan .A. 4 Bank of Grundy, lnC,--•H'04 68-367 .. .. Pop, 394 First National Bank____ e:J:'20 ________ 68-500 Ha~ue ____ Westmoreland Farmers Bank ___________ §'20 68-599 D 10 Pop. 05 llallwood __ ,Accomac El2 Hallwood National Bank_t"05 68-368 Pop. 350 Hamilton ___ Loudoun B 8 Farmers & llerchanta Nat. Bank _____ 68-369 _______ •t'l0 Pop. 237 •ll&DJl)ton_Bllmbeth Ott7 G 11 Pop. 6138  BANK OF HAMPTON, VIRGINIA  I  I  LIABILITIES.  ____  "  •  SURPLUS  RESOURCES,  'c•::·:,!~: =:..~;.  o  PRINCIPAL CoRrutsPONDJtNTS,  Lo  DEPOSA.ND'T OA.SHlll. PAID-UP CASHIER. 81101ra..... n.o" Buu ITS CAPITAL PaonTs - - - - - - - ,- - - - - - E. H. Jackson ____ W. G. Olm.stead __ G. H. Bowman ____ E. S. West ________ $ 100,000 $ 48,000 $ 362,000 $ 444,000 $ 37,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N .. Bait.; Plan. N., Rich. ' M. B. Turner 70,000 Han. N .. N. Y.;Com 'l N .. Wash., D. c.: Merch. 505,450 50,000 537,450 50,000 A. L. Warthen _ _ A.G. Weaver _____ Geo. W. Forsyth ___ F. P. Evans_______ N ., Rich, Gilbank Twigg 600,000 535,000 109,000 N, Ex .. Roanoke. 40,000 25,000 T, L. Falis...:_ __ J.P. Oarico _____ 0. A. Collier ___ W.R. Ballard__ l Julia Blair 260,C00 250,000 21,000 25,000 Harvey M. Todd ___ O. r. Waugh ______ B. D. Beamer _____ R. o. Gallaway___ 45,000 N. Ex., Roanoke. Bertha Nuckolls 28,500 25,000 N. ll. Horton_ ___ J.M. Dougherty ___ J. W. CJar18r ___ IW. s. Pendleton___ 591,000 485,900 187,720 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Rich.; 1st N .. and 1 Dominion N., Bristol. P. W. Bevins 25,000 410,000 128,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Dominion N .. Bristol. 19,500 540,000 I. G. Oox _ _ _ D. 0. Sloan _______ J. H. Peters ___ O. C. Johnson, Jr,_  PRBSIDEN'r,  VIOB-PREBIDDT.  s. W. Keys _ _ , B. H. Morriss  __  50,000  60,000  325,000  330,000  B. E. Vaughan _____ B. G. Baldwin ___ R. G. Paxton _ _ --------------  10,0C0  8,S70  08,280  101.030  T. B. Porterfield __ J. R. Robinson __  22,500 J. 11. Lewis.______ W. E. Corr_ _____ J. T. DuvaL ____ James Graig ____ _ 525,000 575,000 30,000 L. P. Corr J. R. Tewcomb Z. T. Gray ________ F. R. Haynes ______ R. L. Dalby _______ J. H. Waddell, Jr._ 6,000 230,000 35,000 200,000 F. F. Davis _______________________________ James Craig ____ _ (Bram chof Gloucester. Va.)___  <  60,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Ju., Bait.; Lynchburg N., ~ ""' Lynchburg. G') 16.480 1st N ., Lexine-ton.  Z  80,000 Drov. & Mech. N .. Balt.: 1st N., Rich.  >  45,000 Merch. N., Bait.; Norfolk N., Norfolk; Merc.h. N., Hampton. 'tn 1st N., Rich.  >  25,000  8,270  210,850  15,000  4,000  108,800  30,000  30,000  460,000  51,300 Am. N., Rich.; N. Bk. of Charlottesville, iZ Charlottesville. 09,690 · 26,700 Irvine- N., N. Y.; Com'! & Sav., Winchester. ~ C/l 323,000 184,000 Han. N., N. Y,; 1st N., Rich. 1  W. J. Cole ______ J. O. Holbrook __ J. H. Holbrook ____ J. F. Anderson____  50,000  7.040  203,280  239,740  L. W. Graves _____ W. L. DowelL ___ J. F. W. Ruffin ____ W. H_ Hall _ __  M. O. Garvin ______ B. A. Giffin ______ E. R. Hook _______________ _ C. M. Graham ___ I. T. lilann ____ R. K. Orockett _  C. L. Shufflebarger ,  231,660  I  53,550 Seab. N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Rich.; Lynchburg Lynchbure-. 23,230 1st N., Rich.; Bk. of Raphine, Raphine.  v. Elliott ___ _  10,000  0,320  123,830  112,100  0. L. Ramsey _____ J. S. Adams_ ·----- F. Q. Smith _______ V. A. Motley _____ _ O. S. Bennett I. L. Cosby ________ C. L. Weast ___ D. Edw. Wright ___ Philip R. Cosby __ _ W. A. Leeth J. A. Looney ___ Geo. Belcher ______ E. E. Smith _ _ Tolby Belcher ___ _  20,000  30,000  525,630  431,680  10,000  6,770  105.059  106,650  63,000  34,000  467,850  400,160  72,380 Fifth-Third N., Cin.: Am. N .. Rich.  Green Charles _____ J. H. Stinson ______ F. E. Morgan ______ T. A. Hurley------  50,000  1,200  228,560  184,660  90,160 N. Ex .• Roanoke; 1st N .. Jager.  w. N. Chinn _______  15.000 ---------  14,280  9,110  0. G. Williams _ _ J.E. Bvitler ____ James H, 11'&1.l __ M.  Jos. Mayo _________ Robert Beale ______ ·------------------  W. H. Pruitt, Jr.-- G. 0. Hatton _____ H. R. Nack _______ _ E. B. Oonaaest _ J. W. Brougton Wm. Brown _______ H.B. Taylor _______ A. B. 0. Whitacer _ H. J. H~e. • A. Caah. and Bee. S. E. R~ers  25,000  30,500  25,000  11,000  360,000  34.8,000  160,000  135,500  WE WANT YOUR COLLECTIONS. • sEND THEM DIRECT.  g  I; .-to  ,~er  8,000 Drov. & Mech. ~-• Balt.: District N., Wash.,!~o D. 0.: lstN., Rich.  IQ  100,000  250.000 2,726,000 2,400,000  50,000  70,520 1 , 2 ~ 1,180,680  50,000  25,000  775,000  750,000  1.630  44.540  54,470  600,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk.  aq  BEST OF SERVICE.  lJ.  Ch. of Bd. National Bk.of Harrisonburg J. R. Reher(L _____ Thos. P. Beery---- Thos. P. Beery _____ C. D. Beard - - - S. J. Pricllard W. H. Ounningham 1'08 68-15'7 \\QiallU\\lM U~l'l BlllK 0. G. Harnsbere;er_ \J. R. Cover _____ 8. D. Myers ______ o. H. Mauzy _____ _ o. A. M.a.:on •nooo\ 6&-156 NrHDber aader Nan:1e or Baak is the New Tranalt'Nu1nber given to each b&IJk in U. s. exclusively by The Band-McNaUy Bankers• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  "'Ij ,..,  0 18,640 Bk, of Montro<-s, Montro~s; Far. & Merch. ~ ~ State, Frederickburg. ~ 84.000 Merch. N .. Bait. and Rich.  I•  --  T ••  132,640 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: N. State & City, Rich.; "' ~ 1st N., Lynchbure-. 3,580 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; 1st N., Harrisonburg.Io  NELSONS. GROOME- F. W, DARLING----- W. H. FACE--------- G. 8, BR,\OFORD---N. C. BARBOUR  - --·---------------, •:1'81 ,________ GS-146 B. H. Kimber).J' ___ R. C. Winne ___ _ 0. Robinson ll'lrst National Bank: -•t•os J. W. Rowe _____ . 68-148 Merchants NationalBk._•t'OS H. R. Booker-- L. Heffelfinger ____ L. K. von Schilling O. B. Smclair _____ _ " __ " 68-147 Hanover ____ HanoverE0 TriCountyBank ________ • '20 C.C. Barksdale ____ T.P. tevens __ ____ H. W. Taylor ______ -------------------68-503 Pop. 63 H:i.rrisonbur¥-Rock1n'm FIRST NATIONAL BANK•t"65 W. L. Dech~rt - - J. G. Yancey------ J.G. Ya cey ______ L. T. Flick---C. L. Dundore George R. Sipe, 68-1$5 D6 Po\l. 5875 "  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For _!nt':_rest Rates, Holidays, etc., see !'aw ~  VIRGINIA-Continued  20,000  300,000 150,000 100,000  181,010 1,7'10,230 2,645.130 60,000  6615,000  690,000  163,810 1,200,260 1,575.160  2(Hl,770 Chase N., N. Y.: Norfolk N .. Norfolk: Na State & City, Rich.; 1 t N., Phil. 120,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Com'! N., Was~ ...._. Ill D.O. ~ 4,420 Union, Rich.  191.900 N. Olty, N. Y.;  c::  Ill rch. N., Bait.: 1st N., Rich. ,..,  ~  75,000 Seab. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Bait., Balt.; 1st N,, .,.. \0 Rich. and Phil. 110,930 Han. N., N, Y.; Merch. N., Rich,; 4th St, N,, N ... Phil.: Am. N., Wash., D. 0.  Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Banking Point (Indexed .,1cces. , Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of tbis .._  1461  Nuzaber aader Naa,e or .Baak is the New Tranale'Nrunber given to each bank in U. S. eicluslvely by The Band-McNally Bankers 1 Directory, under the autho:ltr of The .An1erlcan Bankers Ass•n.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  £County Seats.  I  I  NAME OF BA...l'fK.  •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. §St.ate  PRESIDENT.  Entire State in No. 5 :tMem. StateBks. Assn. tPriv. F ederal Reserve District. ♦Mero. Fed. Res. [Estab. •Bea.ths ville.Northumb'd Bank of Northumberland Pop. 200 .E IO 68-371 •:tl'IO Herndon ____ Fair!ax O iJ National Bank of Herndon Pop. 953 68-372 •i '10 •B illnille --Carroll G 2 Oitizens Bank of OarrolLf'OO .. Pop, 300 .. 68-287 Farmers Bank, Inc. ____ 5•00 68-288 Holland.Nansemond G IO Bank of Holla.ud, Inc. __ i5•05 .. Pop. 259 .. 68-S7S Farmers Bank _________ t§'l9 68-566 Honaker ----Rt11sell A 4 Farmers & Miners Bank Pop. 755 68-587 •:l:§'20 ., First National Bank ---•i'05  VICE-PRESIDENT,  CA.SHIER.  A.SS'T CASHIER.  NATIONAL BANK OF HOPEWELL 68-507  ,.  .,  •:l:'16  VIRGINIA STATE BANK, INC.  Dts-  o. O. Semones_ ____  B. D. Mitchell ___  -------  Pop. 443  69,140  --------  Jarratt ________ Sussex G 9 Pop. 400 Jet ersville ••. Amelia F 7 Pop, 250 .Jonesville _______ Lee B 2 Pop.1326 Ke Iler _____ Accomac K 12 Pop. 200 Ken bridge•• Lunenburg Pop, 543 G7 u  ..  ----------- ----  u  25,000  22,300  181,000  300,000  20,500 Am. Bk. & Tr. Co .. Suffolk; Merch. N,, Rich.  --------  35,000  2,900  98,770  124,240 154,000  18,610 N. Bk. of Suffolk and Far. Bk. of Nansemond, Suffolk. I 68,000 Equitable Tr. Co., N.Y.; Merch. N.R.ich., Bluefield N., Bluefield, W. Va . 90,320 Han, N ., N. Y.; N. Ex., Roanoke. i 92,000 Han. N,, N. Y.: Mellon N., Pitt. I  v. Jessee ---  50,000  5,700  200,000  W. A. Howard ____ C. W. Fuller _______ Ira E. Thompson __ Gedie Shoemaker _  35,000  17,500  475,000  440,000  --------------------  100,000  28,000  500,000  M0,000  r.  J. WATKINS, JR. RI CHARD EPPES---- R. L. SHELBY--------  Thoroughly equipped . to handle all m atters entru sted SEND US YOUR HOPE WELL ITEM s.  f  W. PHILLIPS---- W. D. WILDMAN --~M.A. FINN------'l'be only way o get good servl ce Is by paying for  ...  -------- --------  68-379 Merchants & Farmers Bank L. H. Brantley _____ 68-52ll :l:§'16 BANK OF JARRATTS, INC. R. E. Jarratt_ ____ 68-380 •i§'05 Bank of Jetersville ____ :j:§'19 S. R. Wingo _______ 68-579 Powell Valley Nat. Bank•:t'88 R. L. Pennington __ 68-381 Eastern Shore Bke. Co., Inc. A. T. Hickman ___ 68-382 •:t§ '06  68-383  It. ---------  17,000  to us. 2,500  l 83,580  170,920  I  ---------  --------  8,700 Irving N .. N. Y,: N. State and City, Rich.; N. Bk. of Petersburg, Petersburg. 18,500 Merch. N., Bait.; Seab. N. and Norfolk N., Norfolk. 170,120 Irving N., N. Y.; N. State & Oity, Rich.: Oov. I N .• Cov. 43,520 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; N, State&Oityand Union./ Rich. 31,090 N. State & City and 1st N., Lynchburg; Plan. & Merch. N., So. Bos. 8,350 Lynchburg N., Lynchburg. 1  118,000 Lynchburg N., Lynchburg: N. Ex., Roanoke. 60,460 Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.; Merch. N., Rich.; 1st N., Portsmouth. 51,120 Han. N., N. Y,; 1st N., Rich.;N.Ex.,Roanoke.:  --------- N. Pa,·k, N. Y,; 1st N., Rich.  25,000  4.200  87.680  1  86.120  12,500  11,500  118,000 l  133,000  8,610  1,200  J. O. Wood.ward ___ C. E. Oou.k _______  25,000  10,500  250,000  200,000  40,000 Fifth-Third N .. Cin.  22,600  27,000  242,940  217,550  50,000  72,150  390,000  I 570,000  30,510 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Bait., .Balt.; N. Bk.j Com .. Norfolk. 98,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y .;1st N ., and Merch. N .• Rich.: Far. Rk. of Nansemond, Sa1folk,  -------------  6,500  1,000  18,890  r.S. MANSON ..... R. E. GEE----------- R. J. BARLOW------- E. M. JETT---------W.W. HAZLEWOOD W. E. COPLEY Bills of Lading  25,000  11,/00  136,000  r·  ---------------- --- -------- ------  W. B. Mapp _______ D. H. Wessells ____ W. T. Elliott__ ____ S. W. Ames M. T. Wescott  W. BRIDGFORTff __ W. S. IRBY ---------- W. A. ALMAND------W. MANSON .... L. E.G. BAGLEY MAY S. DUN LAP  4,7801  LARGEST Ban k in Lunenburg C ounty. Thoroug hly ·equipped to handle all ban king matters entr usted to us. Send us your Items.  d.rafts a specialty • Prompt Service on all collection items. APRO GJUi;SSIVE. GRO WING JNSTITUT ION.  I I  13,610  19,030 221,000  34,1)50 Am. Bk. & Tr. C_o., Suffolk; Norfolk N., Nor-J folk; 1st~.• Rich. 11,450 1st N., Rich.; Va. N .. Petersburg; N. Bk. 1 Com., Norfolk; Greensville, Emporia. 1.030 Union, Rich. l  5,270 State Bank of Kenbridge, Kenbridge, 11,030 N. State & City, Rich.  11  STRONGEST BANK IN NEWPORT NEWS-- SCHIVfE-L ·z NATI-O N-AL. -8 -A-NK -~- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  John S.Gale,Jr, ___ W. E. Mayton ____ -------------T. P. Raiford J.E. Person ____ J.M. Browder __ J. W. Owen------J. W. Perrin ______ E. C. Morris _______  Peoples Bank: ______ §'19 L. E. Allen ________ C. C. Carrington ___ W. S. Young ______ 68-577 P, E. Bowman, V.P. D. H. Smith C. C. Eubanks  STATE BANK OF KENBRIDGE + 68-518 •·.l:§' 16  1  J.G. Holland _ _ B. D. Jones _ _ _ W. V. Leathers __ R. L. Rodgers ____  •:l:§'15  BANK OF LUNENBURG -•WOO  Ex., Roanoke. 59,860 Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Roanoke.  117.820  .  .  I  I  4,920  --  ..  '<  15,000  -- ------ ---------------  .  '"t  0  toe must be se ~t with each slg ht draft, and 2oc for each credit repo rt. Ho rsey ----Accomac E 12 Farmers Bk. of Oak Hall, Inc. S, B. White ______ L. Y. Thornton ____ M. E. Lang ________ 10,000 13,000 108,00C 190,000 - -Pop. 50 68-496 •:l:§'14 Bot Springs ---Bath E 4 Bath County Nat. Bank_•t'07 Wm. McAllister ___ T. W. Jordan ______ J. W. Harper ______ 37,950 581,400 355,220 50,000 Pop.1000 68-375 ouston ____ Halifax G 6 Bank of Halifax_ _______ •U-86 B. W. Leigh _______ E. S. Lacy ________ F. P. Loving ______ F. C. Chaffin ______ 10,990 270,000 270,260 35,000 Pop. 1000 68-271 285,000 11,100 26,600 294,000 Peoples Bank ---------•*5'89 T. B. Johnson _____ H.B. M. Watkins __ c. W. Green _______ W. w. Shapard ____ 68-272 W. S. Lovelace Buddleston •. F 4 Citizens Bank ---------•t§'l5 R . .A. Bennett_ ____ G. G. Turner ______ C.H. Haley ________ J, M. Owen ________ 10,000 2,070 110,800 114,520 Pop. 50 68-504 W. D. Ashwell dependence __ Grayson Grayson County National Bk. C. Phipps __________ J. G. Davis ________ E. L. Lundy _______ Grace L. Rhudy ___ 260,000 35,000 22,500 197,000 Pop,500 GI 68-376 •:l:1900 ington.Lancaster E 11 Lancaster National Bk, __ 1900 H. O. Rock_ ______ J. F. Bellows-- ____ L. T. Rock, Jr. ____ --- ------· 380,950 25,000 28,530 427.130 Pop.1000 68-377 hoe _______ Wythe GI Bank: of Ivanhoe _______ tf'01 J. H. Huddle ______ J.E. Huddle _______ J.E. Buddie ______ M. H. Huddle. ____ 85,220 53,350 10,000 11,810 Pop. 600 68-378 H. C. Raper H. S. Boone ________ r ___ Southampt-0n G 10 Bank of Sussex & Surrey :l:§'02 (Brarwh of Wak efi,eld, V a.) ______ 68-510  Ill  & Ex-  O,l8B  ----- ---- ----  -----  88-374  /Lo.ura k  f:is- I"~:, : :.:!': --- --- --1  E. T·. Holland _____ J.P. Dalton ______ J. D. Rawles-----E. M. Evans _______ Z. N. Slaughter ___ R. W. \VyHe _______ Mary  Ho pewell .Prince George Pop.1397 F 9  D  A. S. Rice _____ E. Hagh Smith ____ T. Edward HaJL__ Elizabeth Hall ____ $ 18,000 $ 20,110 $ 213,140 $ 206,640 $ 44,230 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. B. L. Robe;r _ _ _ J. F.Ryan _____ A. E. Bradshaw ____ 25,000 323,570 343,610 90,380 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.; Drov. & Mech., 23,550 N., Balt. 33,000 412,850 W. H. Sutherland •• George L. Carter _ R. G. Wilkinson ___ Joseph Martin ___ 45,300 389,500 73,000 Drov. & Mech. N .. Balt.; Merch. N,, Rich.; N.  0. B. Nuckolls _ _ J. F. Blankenship_  .  p AID-UP SURPLUS  i  CAPITAL p-:C,~TS  ------  --------  LIABILITIES.  I  Non-Bank Towns w1th Nearest Banking PoJnt (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this,'volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 1 RESOURCES. i:::: PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. I  g  VIRGINIA-Continued  I I  Number under Name or Bank Ia the New Transit Number elven to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNaJIJ Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  1462  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For Interest Rates, Holldays, etc., see Laws ~  VIRGINIA-Continued  •Mem. Am. Bks . .Assn. SState •County Seats. Entire State in No. 5 iMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. Federal Re£erve District. +Mt>m. Fed. Res.  PRESIDENT,  VICE-PRESIDENT.  OA.SHIER,  p AID•UP Su~us  A.SS'T OA.SBID.  CAPIT.U. PROl'ITS  t,.;)  RESOURCES,  LIABILITIES,  NAME OP' BANK,  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  Lou■ • D111- O.<n • 11:xc'Ta. Boltnt 1 cm.unau,Dn  DEPOSITS  Bacn,ama  •ao• B.uru  ::....::..:cc:-----"-----1--------~--1--------1-- ------1--------1-------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Keysville. __ Oharlotte F 7 Planters Bank, Inc. --·•iS'2o C. A. Osborne- •••• W. E. Hailey_ •••••. H. D. Peters. _____ J. T. Thompson •••• $ 25,000 $ 4,900 S 161.000 $ 194,000 $ 24,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Merch. N., Rich.: 68-384 Pop. 493 Ya. N., Petersburg. Kllmarnock •••• Lancaster Farmers & Merch. Bank, Inc. W. A. Eubank._. W. T. James ______ 8, o. Eubank _ _ Adelle Kramer____ 100 ,000 84,490 Bk. of .America, N. Y.; Drov. & llech.N., Balt.: 60,000 M6,540 646,100 B. H.B.Hubbard •U'09 68-385 E 11 Plan. N., Rich. Pop, 400 Bank of King George- •• i§'20 G. C. Mann-·---·· M. W. Minor···-·- E. C. Solan ••• ·-··- ·----------•King George, King 68-575 George_ •• Pop. 400 •••• D 9  12,500  Kinsale -·· Westmoreland Oitizens Bank ·····-----•S'l4 H. W. B. Williams. W. O. Snow •••••••• R. M. Bailey··-·--· - - - - - · - - · 68-492 D 10 Pop, 240  10,000  Lacrosse . .Mecklenb'g G 7 Bank of La0rosse_ •••• •U'05 W.W. Meredith ••• O. F. Northington. L. ll. Raney •• _____ E. D. Nash·--····· 68-294 Pop. 320  50,000  Laurel Fork •. Carroll G 3 Laurel Fork State Bank .§'18 Walter Hylton •••• H. L. Lawson •••••• J.E. Bowman ---· Miss Ida Hancock_ 68-549 Pop. 50 •Lawrenceville __ Bruns'k Bank of Brunswick ••• •U'OS II:. P. Buford •• ___ J. D. Elam _ _ _ W, A. Trotter_. ___ B. A. Wri£ht----· W. S. Peebles 68-212 G8 Pop. 1439  BANK OF LAWRENCEVILLE •11'90 68-211  E. B. Lewis-----·- L. H. Raney .•••• __ Charles K. May •••• J. W. Upchurch •••  29,870  19,080  3,440  166,410  112,520  67,020 Merch,N,,Rich.  15.000  256,000  334.000  30,000 N. State & Oity, Rich.; Petersburg Sav. & Tr. Co., Petersburg,  20.000  8,000  100,000  124,000  17,000 N, Ex., Roanoke.  25,000  46,650  278,990  432,580  41,790 Ohase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Rich.; Va. N .. ~ 0 Ptitersbu~g; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk.  H,350  18,460  Bruns: •;ck County State Bk. w. W. Meredith ••• Marvin Smithey ••• W. D. Meredith •.• ······-···-·····--·- ·······- ··--·-··§'21 68-619 20,000 C0,000 First National.Bank ••- •• •i•o7 J. N. Osborn.---·· S. H. Short•••---· J.B. Lashley---- O. E. Strohecker.. J.E. Snow 68-213  w.  StuarL •••••• Wm. Combow ····- J.P. Brown ••••••• F. G. GraY---·--··Lebanon •••• -.Rnssell B4 Bank of RusseJJ County_ ·•20 J. 68 616 Pop, 469 First National Hank ·-··-•'03 V. B. Gilmer_. __ E, S. Finney···-··· T. A, Gilmer. ·- ---········-······· " .•• •••• 68-387 •Leesbu~ •• Loudoun B 9 Pop.1545  LOUDOUN NATIONAL BANK Edward •l'70  68-218  PEOPLES  NATIONAL BANK  •t·ss  68 _219  25,300 ···- ·-··.  Nichols ••• C. O. Gaver-·····- A. Dibrell-··--- E. L. McFarland__  •i•95  68·181  "  --·-··  "  137,650  I  !  s. o. Oampbell ·-·-  P. ll. Penick.--·--  I Collections a  •t'93  « 135,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com •• Bait.; Riggs ~ N., Wash., D. CJ.; Franklln N., Phil. (D  .....  1  0  ~  C  S. M. Dunlap  A.. P. Wade •••••• _. E.G. Adair·-··--·-  FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•i'Ol E. D. Newman ••••• W. T. Mauck __ •••• J. S. Price •••·-·-·· W. E. Frank ••.•••• 6!!-238 \ C. S. LAKDRAM --- J. P; GROVE-----·- E. C. BERREY •••••• J. 8. DOWNING •••••• PAGE U\llE'f Mll'l BHK\~Oldest bank In Page County. l'l~-?37  100,000  z>  Collections a specialty and remitted day of payment. Prompt atten tion to all ba nking matters entrusted to u s.  R. o. Norris, Jr._. w. T. James-·-··- E. M. Lewi ····--· --········----······ Lively •••• Lanca ter E 10 Che.apeake Ba.nkini: Co. §' 20 68- 607 Pop. 97 •Louis&-....• _Louisa D 8 Bank of Louisa ·--·····•U'98 S. D. Crenshaw .... J. II. Crank-···-·· Jas. L. W. West. •. R. C. Crank ••••••• C. Y. Kimbrough 68-299 Pop. 16,289 J. T. Stover FirsL"ational Bank ..•• •t'l7 P. B. Porter •..••• _ T. S. Winston··-·- J.P. Donnally •••• _ _ _ _ _ __ W.W. Smith, Jr. 68-536 •Lovini:ston •• Nelson E 5 Bank of Nelson .••••••• •il'll W. B. ~ - - - - S. B. Whitehead ___ H. D. Mawyer •. _. R, Kent Loving --68-388 Pop. 800  •LnraJ .-----··--Page O 7 Pot>, 1381  12,000  II  pee atty.  'J  ~  ••  ,·  fl  •. ~. :.  :  I  I"  ~ :  •  II.;.  I.;.  ., ,. :  .  ,.  ,'  I  ,  , ·  I  •  •••  •. . .  ••  ;.  II  I.  f .,· . ~··, _J' ' ,  ~  -_  ,'  : ,  •4  ;. 1  . :  :'  ..  ,!.  •• • .  •  . •  1-i  25,000  7,000  110,000  lll,000  20,000 1st N., Lexington.  60,000  110,690  700,900  8i2,620  60,000  30,000  460,000  475,000  92,090 Seab. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.; Peo. N •• Lynchbur~. 75,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.; N. Bk. of Ky., Lou.  150,000  74,080  980,000 1,125,690  144,350 Chase N., N. Y.: Merch. N., Bait.; N, State & City, Rich.  20,000  l,U  «  --------- --------- --------- --·------  50,175  70,000  840,000  885,000  80,910 N. Bk. Com., N. Y,; Plan. N, and 1st N., Rich.  50.000  25,500  424,070  529,630  50,870 Am.N .. Rich.  2''5,00011  265,300  40,-120  482,6801  42-1,000  40,000  510,090,  431.250  20,000  10,000  S0,000 75,000  J  'IU I  ::,  27,500 Han. N ., N, Y.; Peo. N., Lynchburg; Yer ch . ..: , , C IU Rich. "1  I  -  129,100 Han. N .. N. Y.: Merch. N. and T. Bk. of ~ Bait .. Bait. 132,330 Chase N ., N. Y.: N. Ex., Bait.; ~Ierch. N,, t,.;) Rich.  '°  I  C\,\2.ENS B~NK. NORFOLK-l~\\GES"l S1l1E B~NK \N Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -< --z>  34,920 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Merch. N., Rich.; Petnsbure Sav. & Tr. Co., Petersburg; Norfolk N., Norfolk. -·-··--· -·-····· ·---···· Cha.e N .. N. Y.; Am. N .. Rich.; Va. N .. al Petersburg. . 649,990 451,140 210,200 N. Oity. N. Y.: 1st N .. Rich.: Va. N., Peters• trnrg: Com'l N., Wash., D. C.; Norfolk N,, Norfolk. ~ 46,920 N. Ex .• Roanoke, 92,290 116,840 VJ 53.1701'., Park, N. Y.; N.Ex.,Roanoke. 400,000 375,000 I ~ 1,079,670 1,299,320 169,070 Han. N., N. Y.: Drov. & Mech.N., Bait.; Am. ~ N .. Wash., D. C. and Rich. ti) 197,880  162,990  E. 8, WHITE •••••••• L. M. SHUMATE---·- JOSEPHUS CARR·- ----·-··-··-···-··-- 100,000 135.000 1,'150,000 1,850,000 ROBERT R. WALKER , BRUCE Mciff TOSH  Lexin£ton_.Rockbridge FarmersDep.&Sav.Bk., Inc. B. E. VaUEh&n ••••• O. T. Seebert •••.•• F. H. Wade••.•.• __ ·····--·--· ------·S'l0 68-183 E 4 Pop. 2870 First National Bank ---•t"96 B. B, VaUEh&n-- Reid White_ •••••• H. 0. Wise••••• - •• - - - - - - - · · " -···---" 68-180 Peoples National Bank ••• i•o4 James L. Howe __ Daniel Welsh._•• Wm. ll. llcElwee .. J. T. Mccrum --··· 68-182  ROCKBRIDGE NATIONAL BK.  60,000  15,410 Far. & Merch. State, Fredericksburg; Bk. of Montro 's, Montross.  VIRGINIA  Non-Bank Toff•ns 11ith Nearest Banking Polnt (Inba~k of this._ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexe~  !I:_  TOWN AND OoUNTY,  ..OOantr Sea&.9. Entire tatein o.5  I  FederaJ Re • .,,. rn,t,iet.  Lynchbnrg_Campbell F 5 Pop. 29,956  I OP' BANK. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState  tMPm.StateBks.Assn.tPriv __P_R_JCS_I_D_D_T_._  ♦Mem. Fed. Re,.  [E  I  Non-.Banlr ro DB with N.,._e JlaDklD&' Point (Indexed Acces.), LaWJ"ersL Laws (indexed) 1n oack of Ulfs  VIRGINIA -Continued  VICE-PRESIDENT.  !  _ _z_n_.__ oASB ___  I  volume.  I(  LIABILITIES. SuBPLus ASS'T0.6.SHID.  DBPOS-  PAJD-UP  For .Interest aates, Holfdays, etc., see Lasw.  RESOURC~. 1 -:,•nllDII-  PRINCIPAL C0RKJCSP0NDJCNTS,  c...allJ:x8  '·"·1------------__:'----------'------ - =cu==IT=AL= _P_R=~=~=~T=S ==I=Tl!I== =c;;, .,.,., . =·=Bo=im=•· =':"'=0~=:.u<U=·...D= • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ~  FIRST  NATIONAL BANK 88-72  $  E. P. MILLER ...--EHESTWILLIAMS.-J. D. OWEII-······· J. L. JONES ....•.• $1000000 $1150000 f6368680 .10801740 1004360 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., PhU.; Cltlz. N •• BaJt.; N. State & City, Rich. If you appreciate prompt and careful service at a and Items your moderate charge, send ua collections.  ---------------------------1--- --- --- --- ---  -  -e< ~  LYNCHBURG NATIONAL BANK 88-7!  WM. V. WILSON, JR •• ALLEN CUCULLU--GILES H. MILLER--B. F. COUSINS •••• _ D. M. JONES G. H. MILLER 1.000,000 1.196,160 4,005,570 7,662.170 G. R. LEWIS BIii of Lading Collectlona-Low Rates.  -  -  -  -  Z  -  976.060 Seab. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; l"hll. N., PhD.; Fifth-Third N., Cln,  > tJ2  SEE ADV. ON MARGIN OF VIRGINIA MAP.  >  z  1---------------------------t-- _;_-------1------  Lynchbnre- ~_:  Jr.. f Sav. ~t,,o D. -'.. Payne---·-- R. T. Watts, Jr, __ J. R. Gilliam, See. and Tr.  7  W. P. Shelton,  111  .A. See. and.A. Tr.  Mutua1Savigf_:'l rlr. & Tr:is9f;i F. E. Turner, Jr .•_ J. J. Morrison. ___ F. E. Turner, Jr., W, H, Adams.Sec._ 7 Tr. F. L, Knight R. Hancock,  300,000 200,000  373,660 2,690,930\ 3,188,750 79,000  371,500  650,000  239,570 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: Am. N .. Rich. 20,000 Peo. N., Lynchburr.  PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK  1---------------------------1---- --- --- --- --500,000  28,870  368,570  363,280  35,000  20,800  306,960  328,530  31,190 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.  50,000  40,500  557,600  532,150  90,570 Han. N., N. Y.: Far. & Merch. N .. Bait.: lsL'{., Rich.: Am. N., Wash., D.C. 72.160 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Rich.; Com'!, N,, Wash., D. C. 68,290 Ilan. N .. N. Y.; 1st N .. Rich.: Lynchburi: N .. Lynchburg,  30,000  21,840  461,780  472.160  61,650  80,630  482,960  558,280  •Ma,;-ion·--···-Smyth B 5 BANK OF MARION------il'74 A PROGRESSI VE, GROWING BANK. { Bllls of lading draft a specialty. Prompt service on all collections 68-184 Pop. 3253 and banking matters entru te d to us. We want your Items. I W. L. LINCOLN •• -. , T. E. KING·-······-- T. R. KEYS---------- J. A. GROSECLOSE --  80,000  100.oool  SZ0,000  700,000  125,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.  149,ooo  49,000 Han ..... ·., .. '. Y.; N. Ex .. Roanoke.  NATIONAL BANK  H.B. STALEY Try us for 1 prompt serv ice on your collections. { Bills of Lad ing a Specia lty.  ~ SCHMELZ NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  tr C:  s: s·::, D>  '1  25,000  58,450 Merch. N., Balt.; N, Bk. Com .. Norfolk,  E. H. COPENHAVER R. C. GWYN-·--····- W. LYNN COPE~AVER A. T. BUCHANAN ••••  MARION  n  '1 IQ  Careful and prompt attention to collection Items. Lowest Rates. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~ _ ~ __ business. your us S~nd_ -~-------  Planters Bank, Inc .•••••:1:1'16 F. B. Bell.----··-·- G. F, Flovd-••••••• 0. R. BelL ••••.••• E. S. Bradley...••• Maur. Nottinghan G, R. Mapp 68-389 State Bank or Madison, Inc. F. P. Smith •••••••• J. o. Orie-ler.-••••• F. P. Smith, Jr. ··- S. H. Smith--·-·-·t§'OS 68-390 National Bank of Manassas C.R. McDonald __ W.Hutchison_·-··· Harry P. Davis---· --····-··--·-····•t'96 68-240 People ~•ational Bank_.•i·oa W. H. Brown ___ ••• G. M. Ratcliffe·-·- G. R. Ratcliffe_ •••• M. M. Ellis----·-· 68-2311  '< ::,  658,750 3,118,090 5.700.490 707,340 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com't N. Chi.;,... Phil. N., PhH.; Merch. N., Rich. 0  68-75  Machipongo --N'hampt'n F 11 Pop. 107 •Madison •••• Madison D 7 Pop. 500 •Manassas •• _Prince Wm. 09 Pop. 1305  t  ::r"  Ch.of Bd.  JOHii VICTOR-··-···W. PETTYJOHN-----W. W. DICKERSON--W. E. PAYNE ---·-W. D. HODGES W. W. DICKERSON  ;iiq  00  Peoples Na~:~: Bank_:;:::IR\~:::~:___ :.:~~ha:: __ 1 68-586  ::.::ce.~~.~ ~.:\cotL ••••••  I  I I , 70,000  7,0001  125,000  1  FOR SUPERIOR SERVICE  IN NEWPORT NEWS  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U.S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this.volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  VIRGINIA-Continued __ I  I  NAME OF BANK, I TOWN AND COUNTY. p V p •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn.§State •CountySeats. ICE· RESIDENT. RESIDENT. Entire tate in .i:·o. 5 :tMem. State Bks. Assn.t Priv. (Fsta~ Res. Federal Reserve District. +Mem. Fed.  CA.SHIER.  Ass'T CA.SHIER.  I  flRSJ NAJ'L BANK ,  •Martini~~-eI.Jllnrr G 4  t.,,.140,. c  Dl!IPos- c•~ no,.».: 8mooamu  50,000  -- -- --  -  I iC. P. KEARFOTT-1 C. B. KEESEE------ J. A. BROWN-----Largest Capital of any bank Int he city. :·01, Send us your Martlnavllle busl ness.  ~!¾~  I  .  PRINCIPA.L CORRESPONDENTS.  96,000 1,250,000 1,300,000  -  -  .f:,.  no11Bu-u - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  20,000 $ 400,000 $ 350,000 $ 110,000 Chase N., N. Y.; !Ierch. N., Balt.  1  ---·  1  153,000 IN. City, N. Y.; Am. N., Rich.; Merch. N.,  - , Bait.  -  I  PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK 88-171  - --  Large~t Bank in ':'enry County. Collections a specialty. Prompt remittance. Reasonable charges. SEND US YOUR MARTINSVILLE ITEMS.  •t•o3  88-172  c. GREER------ J. c. GREER------- J.C. SHOCKLEY. JR.  .  AND  CAPITAL P R O F I T S ' ~  Marshall ____ FauQuier C 8 Marshall National Bank.•:l:'05 J. T. Ramey------- IS. L. Bowersett ___ P. W. Anderson ___ H. H. Cooley ______ $ 40,000 $ J. Alex. Carter 68-391 Pop. 350  E. L. WILLIAMSON--- J.  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES. ·suaPLUSI  P..uo-uP  ZERA CANNADAY_  80,000  125,000 Han. N., N. Y.: N.  46,000 1,000,000 1,000,000  -  <!  x., Roanoke.  ~  0  We present In 1person and give quick returna at low rates.  z  I  Massies MilLNelson E 5 De Priest Bank __________ §'16 J. P. Lea _ _ _ _ 68-524 Pop. 80 •M:i.thews_ Mathews Fil Bank of Mathews ______ l1900 s. Smith ___________ 68-392 Pop. aoo Farmers & Fishermens Bk. F. L. Joslyn _______ " ________ " §'20 L. G. Hudgins, V.P, 68-611  L. W. Meeks ______ M. E. Massies ________________________ _  10,000 __________________ Han. N .• N. Y.; Bk. of Nelson. Lovingston  I>  J.P. Nottingham __ J.P. Nottingham_ Sands Smith, Jr._  50,000 _____  350,000 ___________________ Drov. & Mech. N .• Balt.  td  38,080 Far. & Merch. State, Fredericksburg; Oitiz., z),, :;,::: Norfolk; N. State & City, Rich. 50,000 ____________________________________ N. Ex. Roanoke; 1st N. and Far. Bk. of So. OOI West Va. Wythe\'ille.  C. R. Hudgins _____ J. E. Healy ___________________________ _ I J. . Foster J. V. Hudgins Max Meadows Wythe GI Bank of Max Meadow. __ §'20 J.M. Graham _____ J . .M. Dickey ______ T. E. Simmerman_ G. W. Smythe, Sec. 68-605 Pop. 500  31.350  McGaheysville.Rocking- Stonewall Bank_. ________ §'20 W. L. Mauzy _____ G. F. IIolsinger ___ 0. A. Crenshaw ___ -------------··---, I 68-583 D6 ham __ Pop. 375 McKenwi/1iftiddie G 8 Bank of DinsI~igJe,Inc. •H'06 J. R. Doyle ________ W. C. Rives ----~ J. H. ~on ______ .\.. P. Ferguson ___ _  12,000 ------· --  27,000  30,000  25,001'  6,000  70.000  135,000  20,000 Va. N .• Petersburr; Plan. N., Rich.  N. B. Sisk ________ F. H. McNeer _____ --------------------  12,500  20,500  244,000  243,000  38,000 1st N., Abingdon: N. Ex .• Roanoke.  Geo. T. Bird _____ J. R. Stafford----- --------------------  12,000  6,6'.50  76,410  73,200  21,800 N. Ex .. Roanoke; 1st N .• Abini?don.  A. J. Britton _______ F. H. Kauffman __ I. M. Perkinson ••••  11,050  5,620  116,llO  115,340  15,030 Irving N., N. Y.; Bk. of Com. & Trusts, Rich. O  C. H. Rogers _____ W.R. Waters _____ C. F. Rogers ______ _ W. H. Hatton B. Ramey _____ -----------------A. B. English ______  i!Q.400  25,000  350,000  300,000  61.550  60,050  60,000 Han. N.,N. Y.; Merch. N., Bait.: N. Bk .. Com., ~Norfolk. 11,000 1st N., Bristol, Tenn.: Fifth-Third N., Cin  County Bank. Inc _____ •:tl'09 A. W. Aston _______ 68-394 Bank of Mechanicsburg, Inc. W. Songer _________ §'15 68-506 Prince Edward-Lunenburg I M. E. Gee --------• OountyBk._-68-395-----•tl:05 1 Melfa Banking Co. _____ •:tf 09 S. J .- Turlmgton __ 88-396 Bank of Mendota, Inc. ___ t§'l41Jas. F. Sutton _____ 68-403 Middletown State Bank•i§ '08 E. 0. Larrick ______  Meadowview_ Wash·n B 5 Pov. 609 Mechanicsburg_BlandF 2 Pop. 97 Meherrin.Lunenburg F 7 Pop. 200 Molfa _____ Accomac E 12 Pov. 400 Mendota_ Wa hin~ton B 4 Pop. 258 Middletown.Fr'd'rickB7 Pop. 354 Milford _____ Qaroline D 9 Pop. 180 Millboro ________ Bath E 4 Pop. 200 MineraL _____ I,ouisa D 8 Pop. 408 Moneia ______ Bedford F 4 Pov. 125 Monterey __ llirhland D4 ., .. Pop, 313 ________  w.  10,000  4.310  3,050  51,110  36,940 ·  s:  4,040 1st N .• IIarrisburg.  Ill  '"1 C/l  ::J'"  ~  rf'  36,530 N. Bk. Com., N. Y. 211,340 220,870 10,000 J. W. Rhodes ______ W. R. Coffman ___ W.R. Campbell ••• 18,110 R. M. Funk 68-897 24,0iO 1st N., Rich.: Drov. & Mech. N., Bait. 142,120 6,400 146,850 15,000 E. O. Cobb ------- Walter Wilson ____ H. D. McWhirL •• -------------------Milford State Bank, Inc. •ts'l9 11 68-472 21,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; Clifton Forge N .. Clifton 03,000 U0,000 10,000 5,600 Bank of Millboro, lnc, __ +§'13 A. J. Revercomb -- J. D. Lowman _____ T. W, Cox _______ ------------------Forge.; March. N .. Rich. 68-488 Bank of Louisa________ •:t§'07 ------------- _________ C. Y. Kimbrough •• ------------------ (Branch of Lou isa, Va.) ____ - - - - 1st N ., Rich. 68-301 30,000 1st N •• Rich.: Peo. N ., Lynchburf. 10,000 70,000 88,000 Farmers Savings Bank_•U'll B. H. Dinwiddie.- G. R. 1-iance _______ J. 0. Walker ______ W. P. Hicks_______ 4.000 . Robertson 68-460 32,070 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Ex., Bait.: March. N., 19,650 117,3801 123,500 20,000 Citizens Bk. of Highlandi§'08 E. B. Jones ________ R. Lee Gum _______ G. C. Hansel.. _____ - - - - - - Rich.: Staunton N .. Staunton. 68-296 24,220 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N •• Rich. 300,000, 420,000 48,640 25,000 FirstNationalBk.of H~hland H. M. laven -----· A.H. Jones _______ A. P. Gum _ _ _ ---------- - --------i•o5 68-205 I 65,000 Merch, N., Rich.: Me~ch. N .• Bait. 12,500 10,000 1Iontros .WestmPt'eland Bank of Montross, Inc._*5'08 G. C. Mann ________ B. L. Batt.aile ______ A. E. Garver _______ N. L. Robertson __ _ 150,0001 125,000 88-398 D 10 Pov. ,oo 60,000 Com'l N., Wash .• D. C.; 1st N , Hich. Peoples Bank _________ t§'l3 R.H. Stuart _______ J. W. Hutt ________ John Goodridge .. __ fu s. Good.ridee --·• ________ u 15,000 185,0001 150,000 10,000 68-484 5C,OOO Peo. N., Lynch urg: Lynchburg Tr. & Sav .. 300,000, 270,000 35,000 18,000 Montvale ____ Bedfor<l F, Bedford County Bank ___ U,10 S. H. Price ________ J. D. Obenshain ____ R. A. illiam ______ H.P. Ferrell _____ _ Bedtcm1. J. E. Quarles 68-399 \ Pot>. 153 81,000 Irving N., N.Y; Drov. & Mech. N .. Bait.; Am. 400,0001 407,500 30,000 50,000 )It. .. on.Shenandoah Mt.Jackson National Bk.•1"84 J. I. Trivlett. ______ E. P. Koontz ______ G. R. Geary-------- O. L. Burkett·----N .• Hich 68-277 C8 Pop. 500 23,310 Sra.ho:.ll:u N., N. Y.: Merch. N., Balt.; Merch. 224,210 ' 238,480 13,250 2'.5,000 Peoples Ban~::..i &_____ •tU000 1E, D. Newman _____ F. S. Pennybacker_ 1P. M. S. Bird, Jr, __ E. E, Rinker ______ " -------" 1 N .• Rich.; Am. N .. Wash .. D. C. 1 7  '-4  Ill  ::, i::  Ill '"1  ~  I  s · tiClalt·/ . -.,_;,;-  C\,\'Z.ENS B~NK~ NORFOLK-Co\\ectio ns a Nr111a1Htr oade, N . - or Baa.le_;. the New T'raaall Nuaiber 6ivea by The Baad-McNaUr Baake,n• Federal Reserve Bank of1465 St. Louisto each bank in U. S. ercluslrelr ! I  I•  _.:..-:,. _~  :.  !,_ _ . • '  •'  "  I_  I  ..  I~-  ~  ,'  II•  I  I  •  ·  •J  I  ,1  I  1;  "  I.  ,  •  ."  I  : _ _,  •  I  .  I  j  ~ ~:  •  ;,  I  •  :_.'  I  1  .. . . -  I  I  J  I  , .. , ... ' ..  ..  '  · : "  ..... . .  ' :  :  :  ,  I  ,i  I ~  '  '  ~  I  .  I  '  I  '  J/lliJJader __,.,. N__,  .r JlluM' • aa. .New n.a.t• .....,,_ ~"f'Wl-  eo Nab bluJk iD u. B. «dadrelr by ftle "llaad-llEeNallT .Ba.DJren"' 146S DlreetfwT, under Ule aulborlty of ftle Amerlcaa .BaJIJr~-~•• TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  ~County~eats.  Entire St.ate m No. 5  FederaJReserveDistrid.  !:  NAME OF BANK.  •Mem • .Am.Bks.A.ssn. §S~te tMem. St.ateBks. Assn. tPnv.  ♦Mem.Fed.Res.  I  d i VIRGINIA-C Ont nue __  PRESIDENT  [Est.ab./  ·  VICE-PRESIDENT,  CASHIER,'T CASHIER  $  68-400  1 Narrowio';-iI1J.Glle1 B' 2 B'frst Natio~~~k-••• •f'05  I  ~  .'.:f  •  Mount Solon.A.ueusta D5 /Mount Bolon Bank •••••• fl'IO M. B. Whitmore••• S. A.. Stover-·--·· W. B. Todd •••••••• A. T. Reeves-·· Pop. 200  Non-Ba.aJc Townur with NearNt BanJdn&' Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers Laws (indexed). tnoack of this For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  volume.  C: PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, RESOURCES. _ _ _LIABILITIES, SI) PAID·UPISURPLUSI' DEPOS• Lcua&Dm-10.-aa&ExC'Ta. Dons, aa.urau,Dnl ITS AND CAPITAL PROFITS , _ _ _ B1ouarruu, l'ROMBAI<Ia _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , : -  I  I  _  '°  10,000 $ 10,000 $ 150,000 $ 165,000 $ 10,000 Peo., Harrisonburir.  N  A.. E. Shumate ••••• J. G. White .•••••• F. D. Kelley-···· T. S. Johnson.....  50,000  23,700  280,000  336,410  52,490 Chatham & Phenix N., N, Y.; N. Ex., Roanoke.  Nassawadox .N'thampt'n Bank of Northampton ••• 1'05 J.E. Nottingham. R. G, Tankard ••••. w. o. Roberts ••-•• J. W. Bell ··-····· M. E. Gladstone 6H02 F 12 Pop, 600 •Newcastle ••.•• OrafeB' 3 Farmers & Merch. Bank of N. E. Spessard •••• E. M. Price •••••••• G. T. Huffman._. w. P. Tatum, Jr •. _ J. W. Stull Craig County .68-539_t§'l7 Pop. 702  15,000  55,000  343,650  381,400  13,770 Drov. & Mech. N .• Balt.  25,000  14,520  314,640  283,600 1  W. B. P. Lipes ••.• F. B. LeffeL •.•••• F. H. Dame--··· C. F. Simpson Margaret E. Shields J.E. Johnson ••••• David Wiltbank, Jr. J. F. Nelson Jr, A. o. Borden •••••• w. F. Fretwe!L •. B. A. MichaeL.-•• B. L, Kagey  25,000  13,850  242,160  221,430  60,960 Chatham & Phenix N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Rich.: Clifton Forge N .. Clifton Forge; 1st N .. . Lynchburg. 44,610 Ban. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Clifton Forge.  First National Bank--•:t:'17 G. W. Layman ••••• 68-538 New Church_._Accomac Farmers & Merch. Bank, Inc. S. T. Johnson .. _. il'09 118-404 E12 Pop. IOO New Hope •• Aurusta D 6 Bank of New Hope, Inc.•:t:§'13 P.H. Cline-·--·· 68-483 Pop. 150  I  1  <  69,720 Pocomoke Oit:, N., Pocomoke City, Md.: Nor- ~ . felk N., Norfolk. 14,860 Far. & Merch., Staunton: March. N., Rich.  15,000  17,600  343,270  316,770  10,000  9,980  153,000  176,260  Hoonr•••••• E. D. Newman ••.•• J.P. Moore_ •..... - - - - - · · · - · · ·  25,000  15,000  350,000  325,000  60,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch, N. and N. Bk. of Bait., Bait.  Newpor\ioi-Z2lile1 II' a Sinll:inrOreiu:JleyBk~i\~fzi°' L. Kinr--- R. I. Hutchison •••• A. L, Farrier ••••.• ·-··-·---·····  11,300  13,260  172,740  161,450  45,480 1st N., Rich. and Pearisburr.  NewMa~~~tjrrand~\  CITIZENS llfs'!l&NAL  BA~~l4  o. N.  lw.  w.  142,500 1,520,700 1,846,500  50.000  Read ••••• -. J. R. Finch •••••.•  Actitie  v ..P.  ::,  Irving N. and Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & 100,000 292,600 5,817,640 4,576,300 1,632,370 Com'IN., Chl.;Bk. of No. America, Phil.; VJ Cltlz. N., Bait.; Am.N,,Rich.; Riggs N.; 0 ,_ _ O Wash., D. C. 1  U nexoelled Collection Facilities.  '""  ::,  *JEFFERSON BAIIK .... •fl'02 G. Franklin Lenz_ F. B. Longan .•.••• ··-··-·······-·-· G. E. Beale ••-.....  _  J.___  23,000  135,000  274,430  c,  en S.  26,650 Seab. N., N, Y.; Plan. N., Rich.; Schmelz N. and 1st N .. Newport News.  ===  ---·---- i  _  ·  · ·•  .,  · .,  'i  22,500  133,900  196,000  35,000 NorfolkN., Norfolk:; N. Bk.of Suffolk, Suffolk.  15,000 1  3,000  145,000  103,000  57,000IFifth-Third N., Cin.; 1st N., Gate City.  12,500 !  7,810  105,000ll  30,000  1  97,850 j  5,330 Lin. N., Wash., D. 0.  STRONGEST BANK IN .·NEWPORT NEWS-SCHMELZ NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  z  i  200,000 310,lSO 4,606,280 4,788,820 708,300 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Dear.N., Chi.; Franklin ' N and Phil N PhD• Herch N Rich 1 ~ - •-  0  Nickelsville .... Scott B 8 Farmers Exchanie Bank:t:1'13 J. F. Sutton_ .....• R. L. McConnell .• _ C. E. Meade- •.•••• -·-·····--··-·-·· II. F. Addington 68-486 I Pop. 214 Nokes \°ille.Pr1noe Will'm Bank of Nokesville .... . tf '09 F. R. Rhodes·-···· R. J. Wilson •• - - . W. A. Smith . ••... . ••••.•.•••••.•..••• w. R. Free 6H07 0 8 Pop. 375  153,270 ,N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Bait., Bait.  I~  _:-:-d__r_e_.-~-~_t_te_.d_..-~-:-.o-.~---~_t_l=-~..,..:-t-.-:-~-:-:-:t-~-~-c _tr_~-~-y=r=•=t=e=s~_•_-:_-:_-:~!1•_ _ _ _ 1  Newsoms ••Southampton BankofNe'\fsoma,Inc.•fl'06 R.Howa.rd _ _ G.W.Prince_._. J.B.Kverett._... IH06 GU Pop. 250  627,590  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____  Collections personally presented on day received  NewvortNe:-.u:: 1__ w_0_ (Members indiooted b'I/ a *)  150,000  fi: ~ll~roN.  U.S. Government, City and County Depository.  701.310  0  100,000 --····· ·--··· - - - - - - Mech.&Metals N,,N. Y,;N. BK.Com.,Norfolk.  *National Mechanics Bank-· E. S. Blanton_ ••••• W. J. Spraker ••••• J. H. Cook •• ·-·- ··-·····-··-··-•. 19 68-97 John Cochran, Newport News Bank & Trust J.E. Wil.B:ins._•• _ H. W. Bowen ••••. - J.P. Johnson, Sec. and Tr. A. Sec.and A. Tr. Harry Reyner Company.68-96 ••.••• _t§'IQ  R. P. HOLT--·· F. W. IARLING-. R. L. HARRIS .•.•.. ,: Largest Bank in the City. ·H. T. AR E  27,350  35,000  J. N, Pepper  L. U, Noland  68--92  I  116,500 N. Park, N. Y.; ,th St. N., Phil.; Drov. & . LC Mech. N., Balt. I~  Satisfactory Service Guaranteed. A trial will make you A permanent cust~r.  68·90  1  "'4  0  H. L. FERGUSON .•• J. R. SWINERTON .. S. H. PLUMMER ... W. A. SHELL-· .... S. W. HOLT J. A. WILLETT,  · NATIONAL BANK  > z ~  Ch. of Bd,  *SCHMELZ  >  I  (/J  B. Vest·-···-·· J. A. Massie.- •• R. Newporpt Newa. warwfck *Citizens & M8-a r ine Ban~ . 6 91 ••1 91 D. S. Jones, 01>, 35 •596 G 10  *f IRST NATIONAL BANK  z  I  1466  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  ToWN AND COUNTY,  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ... volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  VIRGINIA-Continued  NA.ME OIi' BANK.  RESOURCES,  LIABILITIES.  •Oouuty Seats. • Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire State in No. 5 :tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. Federal Reserve District. ♦ Mem. Fed.' Hes. [Estab.  PRESIDENT.  CA.SHIER.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  Ass'T OASBIER.  PAID-UP Su~NDPLUS  DEPos-  0\  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  Lo.."•• D10- o.... • •x• c'n. Dono, muaaa,»n 8acnrvnu -a..u  _______ ,_______ _______ ,_______ -c - - -...- - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , il'ITA.L PROJ'lTS  ITS  Norfolk .... Norfolk G 11 American Exchange Bank Benj. Margolius ___ L. Snyder----···-- F. O. Booker ______ Lewis Bress_ •••••• $ 100,000 $ 35,860 S 410,160 $ 679,320 S 61,730 Han. N., N. Y,; Merch. N.. Rich. Pop, 115,777 68-49 •:t§'l5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 1 I  BANKERS TRUST  E. J. ROBERTSON --- C. E HERBERT..... O. B. WOOLDRIDGE, ------------------· R. U. BURGES Sec. and Tr.  COMPANY •i§'l8  Every facility for handling Collections. Accounts and Items of Banks. Firms and Individuals Invited.  68-44  652,340'  Z0,000 ---···-·  10,240 Cont. Tr. Co., Norfolk; Girard N., Phil.  830,ZOO  F. G. ;:nham ••-••-•..,.IE -.,-c-·.-T-t-em a - . -. •-••-.-.-,W-.C-.B _o_n_n_e_y_,T-r-.--1F-.-C-. A-bb_o_t_t.-S-e-c,__-i--26-,-000 ------------. -.--.••---_ -. • -._-_-__-. -_••-••-.-_.  Brambleton State Bank 68-617  --------- --- ---  §'201-------'-----------'--------------1--- - - - - - - - - - - - -  T. F. TILGHMAN .... W. L. WILLIAMS .... D. W. JORDAII---M, 8. LANGHORNE.  *CITIZENS BANK  NORMAN BELL  1,000,000  700,000 6,000.000 7,000,000  800,000 Liberty N. and Bk.  or N.Y. N. B. A.. N.Y.;  < =  Bk.of No.America. Phil,; N. Shawmut, rv Largest Capital and Surplus of any State Bank in Virginia. Bos. 0 ♦ 68-34 •:tf '67 If you appreciate prompt and careful service at a moderate charge, send us your items and collections. 1-------,-----------------,--------1·--- - - - - - - - - - - - CITY BANK & TrRUST CO;§, O. B. McLean .•.•• z. A. Gay ____ W. P. Whaley, Tr. ··-·-·--·····----- 200,000 37,000 585,000 894,000 84,000 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bait. Com'l, Bait. ..,. 68-nl •+ 18 W. P. Whaley 1  --z > >  COBMAMNKE·R·C·_I_A L_E X.C__H_A_·N•'§~lS 'C. L. Old·--- A. + 68 50  o. OdendhaL..  M. Glennan •••.•. -- -----·--- -·-------·  A. S. POPE---·-·- -- W. H. STERLING, JR •. E.W. BERARD,  *CONTINENTAL  W. B. DOUGHERTY  50,000  8,200  266,000  77 300 Chatham & Phenix N.• N. Y.; N.State & City,  241,000  ______________ • _  R. W. PORTER,  Sec. and Tr.  Guaranty 'l'iU~5tTrustCi~Es A. P. Grice ········ 1J, B. Hudgins ••••••  *MARINE BANK ♦  ,J. A. Goodwyn,  R. C. TAYLOR, JR •. J. L. ROPER .•••••• R.  C. M. GRAVES, JR.,  Tr.]-------·-···  Drafts a specialty. Send us your Norfolk Items.  68-35  -  220,000  Ch th  &  Z  M;~!iiifN.~~~~~; mra~~«k., p:11.~~an: ~ N., Rich.  -  '~  203,000 === ======Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Citiz., Norfolk.  600,000  c. TAYLOR ••••• --·-··---·----  COLLECTIONS RE11ITTED FOR ON DAY OF PAYMENT.  z~  C/ll  A. Tr.  Banking_ Service. A. Tr . ...!!!!,! ~ ~ ~ ~ TRUST COMPANY Collectaons Aa Coml?lete specialty and remitted on day of pay68- 38 •~ '86 ment. Prompt attention to all banking matters entrusted to us. . __..,:___ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-------,------------__:;__  .  Rich.; Norfolk N., Norfolk.  -  ZOO.ZOO 1.790,350, 2,326.060  -  -  -  409,750 Bk. of N. Y. N. B. A. and Ban. N., N. Y,; Girard N. and Phil. N., Phil.; 1st N., Bos.;N.State &City, Rich.  ----------------------------1--- --- --- --- --*?tf:~c:~~~~6tal1!.~:~:-u~ii ' John E. Wales.·-··lw. c. Cobb •••••••• lCharles Wales ••••• lJ. E. Wales. Jr. --25,000 358,900 3,448,250 3,614,500 235,400 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com •• Norfolk. MERCHANTS & PLAN~E~S S. L.Slover •••••••. W. L. Berkley •••.• J. J. Parkerson-•• H. O. llanry ••••••• 50,000 253,280 1,815,830 2,013,250 146,870 Chase T., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. BANK ..... 68-40 ____ i§ 19 J. R. Sears _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  .. -------- . \"NATIONAL BANK ~ERC.~'  3 (Norfolk COnttnued On\l.~~l)a~e~f.~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  70  NATHAl'LBEAMAN-l~i~::~11:noR-u;~,r~t~;~iJU:~u:: Depository of the U nlted States and city of Norfolk. 1,000,000 1.518.560 14337430 19438810 2,814.440 Chase N., Irv Ng BN., RN. CltCybaln\:n Send your items and collections throughout this sec· Com., N. Y.; st • k. ep., .; • tlon to us for prompt attention and at a reasonable Phil.; lst N., • L.  charge.  I  SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON OPPOSITE PAGE.  __ __ __ __  '-  ] 1-'°  Jt·• ~  "'1  ~  The National Bank ol Co111111eree orfolk, v· nla of Norfolk Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  United States, State and City Deposllary  orf k's  argest Ba  offers to a discriminating busines and professional public, its facilities for every conservative form of financial service. To the banker, manufacturer, merchant and shipper it offers a thoroughly organized Collection Department, exceptionally equipped for prompt, efficient and economic service in connection with the collection of Drafts Checks or Foreign Bills of Exchange,  Officers NATHANIEL BEAMAN, President TAZEWELL TAYLOR, Vice-President R. S. COHOON, Vice-President  ROBERT P. BEAMAN, Cashier A. E. WHARTON, Assistant Cashier  C. S. PHILLIPS, Assistant Cashier F. J. SCHMOELE, Assistant Cashier  J.  Capital Paid n Surplus and Undivided Profits Resources  $  C:  =  Cl  H. FAN SHAW, Auditor  ,000,0  .00  1,300,000.00  23,00 ,000 00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA BILL OF LADING COLLECTIONS Capital and Surplus LOW RATES TWO MILLION DOLLAR=&' - - - - - ~ - -  NATIONAL STATE AND CITY BANK  VlrglDla.  INDEX TO  83 °  Accomac ... E 12 Albemarle.. D 6  A  FIFTH FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT  Unexeelled Facilities  4  i2  9  6  8 8  8  Dlckenson •.A a Dinwiddie .. F 8  Jamee City .F lt Klngand Queen ..... E t King GeorgeD t itJng Will· faln .•••••••ll: t Lancaster ... E 11 Lee .......•.. B 2 Loudoun .... B 8 Louisa ..•... D '1 Lunenburg. G 'I Madison .••. D 'I Mathewa ...• F 11 :Mecklen• burg ....•. G 7 Middlesex •• E JO Montgom• ery ........ F 8 Nansemond G 11 Nelson ..•••. E f New Kent .. F 11 Norfolk .... G n Northamp. ton ..•..••. F JI Northnmber• land ..••••. E 11 Nottoway .•• F 7 Orange •..••D , Page .... .... C 8 Patrick ..... G I  ; r:!:K!t!~~i Prince Ed•  ward . •..•. F 6 Prince George .... F t Princess Anne ..... G 111. .Prince Will• tam .••••.• c s Pulaakl ...•• F :e Rappahan• nock ....•• C If Blchmond' .. B it Boanoke .... F S Bookbrldge E 4 Rocking• bam ..••••. D 6 t?uaeell.. . . .• B , cott ....••.. B I benandoah C & yt b ...••• B 5 out hamp. ton •..•• •• • G t ""''18f1 vs.nta 8 0 t !lfforo ••• • D 8 U, "I'}' •• • •• • • F 10 u~.ex•..•••G 9 azew1,U •• .A. 5 I\Tanen . •..• c 1  ::li~o,t:l~  Ve&tmore-  1,.nd •..• •. lJ 10 lae ....•• • . B S 'ythe . .•.. . & 1  or1' .......F 10  .  'II  RAND M<;:N ALLY POPULAR MAP OF  VIRGINIA  C  SCALE Statute Miles, 29 :1 Inoh, 0  10  ,o  30  20  ='i••  50  11 x H lhp of YirsinlA, Rand Mo:'iall1'1 Cop,rlgbt by Rand ll0Nall1 &: Co.  110  I  10  t  '  60  . . .  .  .. ... ~. ~  .  6  : !r:~nci:::i Isle ofWlghtG 10  RICHMOND, VIRGINIA  Send us your items on the  Scafe, Same aa lllaJn Ua  4 8  Elizabeth Clty..•...•F 11 Essex ...•.•. E 10 Fairfax ••..• C 9 Fauquler .... C 8 Floyd ....•.. G 8 Flnvanna ... E '1 Franklln ..•. F 4 Frederlck ... B '1 Giles ....••.. F 2 Gloucester .. F 10 Goochland .. E 8 Grayson .... G l Greene •.... D 6 GreenesvllleG 8 Halifax . ..•. G & Hanover •..• E 8 Henrico ..•. E 9  ·· . I ,..  VIRGINI  5  : 8~W~per·:::E CwnberlandB '1  .  •  OP·  Appomattox .... .••• P' 6 Arllngton ... C 9 Augusta . .... D 5  8::.•~R~ell.:::i Carroll ...... G Charles City F Charlotte •.. F Chesterll.eld F Clarke •.•••. B  6  "The Gateway of the South"  PORTIOIII  ·wi;:sTERN'  ' t:~~~?:~~::J Amherst .... E  4 4 1  5  ••:  CDUNTIEI.  Bath ....•••• D Bedford .... F Bland ....•••F Botetourt... E Brunswlck .. G Buchanan •.• A Buck!nghamE  3  Z  81° Number under Name or Bank Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to each bank in U. S. exclusively  THE NORFOLK NATIONAL BANK NORFOLK, VA. Capital Surplus and Profits  $1,000,000 1,300,000  OFFICERS W. A. GODWIN, A. B. SCHWARZKOPF, Vice-President .Cashier J.B. DEY, Jr. C. S. WHITEHURST . . . Asst. Cashier  President I. T. VAN PATTEN, Jr., A ..t. Cashier E. D. DENBY .. . . ... ..... . AHt, Cashier R. H. MOORE .. ...... ... . AHt, Caahier  Send us direct, your Collections on Norfolk Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Individuals and Corporations solicited. Correspondence Invited  UNITED ST ATES DEPOSITARY  is the lltiew Transit Number given by The Band-McNall Banker. -  Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Banking Polnt (Indexed Acces.) Lawy_ers Laws 1ndexed) in back of this ._.  1467  Number aa.der Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in exclusively by The Band-McNaUy Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  TOWN AND O0UNTY.  I  I  u. s.  NAME OF BA.NK.  I  I  Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Banking Point <Inde.xed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) Jn back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holfdays, etc., see Laws. ~  VIRGINIA-Cont1·nued I  LIA.BILITIES.  RESOURCES.  SURPLUS A.ND  » o • E c•:.~·&so~; ~':...,»~  '"Oounty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Entire State in No. 51:tMem. St.ateBks. Assn. tPriv. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER. Ass'T 0.ASHIER. PAID-UP Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [ E s t a b · , - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - _ _ : _ - - - - - - 1CAPITAL  Norfolk ____ Norfolk G (Continued)  1  ITS  no  Saannt•  I  NATIONAL BANK  I~  11  Blllll  1  s  $1000000 U303720 $9'139130 12'180800 $2841850 N.Cltyand N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Con&. & Com'IN., Chl.;Ub St.N., Phll.;Mercb. mv1te the ,business of B{mks, Bankers, and 1 SEE AD VERTIS EMENT , OPPOSITE N., Bait.; N. Shawmut, Bos.  . .  •!'85  I. T. YAN PATTEN, JR. E. D. DENBY R.H. MOORE  .  UNITMED ShTATES QE.POSITORY. \Y~ ere ants desiring prompt, efficient, and satisfactory service.  ~ Ill  "1  W. A. GODWIN------- A. B. SCHWARZKOPF -- J.B. DEY, JR.---------C. S. WHITEHURST____  NO ff f OLK 68-37  PBOPITs  PlUNCIPA.L OORRXSPONDENTS,  •  ----  *  I  Lo  DEPOS-  I§-  •  TEST OUR FACILITIES with your Virginia business, particularly your Items and collections for Norfolk. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ __  <  *SEABOARD  W. T. OLD---------- H. T. ~MfBELL-- R. W. DUDLEY----- T. A. BAIN---------- 500,000 388,540 5,192,680 8.409,480 1.071,850 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y. Girard N., ~ J.B. OS _ PhD.; Droy. & Mech. N., Bait.; Com'I Q  NATIONAL BANK 68-45  •:·o  5  N., Wash., D.  Unsurpassed facllltlea for handllng Items on Virginia and North Carollna.  M_ode_r_a_t_•,....c_h_a_r_a_e_•_·__ T_R_v_u_s_.____  ___ _________ 1  TidewatcrBank&TrustCo, P.B. Young ___ __ __!a.II.Francis _____ lJ.S.Jones, IG.W.C.Brown., 68 52 §'19 •, L. C. Brown Sec. and Tr. A, Sec. M. R. Jackson  -  *  TRUST COMPANY OF NORFOLK 68-SU  -  -  103,500  lll,150  ____ ,___  -  H. M. KERR-- C W. GRANDY------ A. W. BROCK, Tr. ___ A. L. EGGLESTON, CHAS. WEBSTER, Tr. ~tW.TAYLOR~.A.~'. 1,000,000  Thoroughly equipped to handle all Norfolk items. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY.  -  363,610  c.;  Am. N., Rich.  ---1  469,220  '4  - - --  ~  en  '187,980 4.899,110 6,171,100 800,830 N. City, Guaranty Tr., and Equitable Tr. ·Cos., N. Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk.  - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - --1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  NATIONAL BANK 6H7  •!'lO We pride ourselves on handling oollectlona aatlafactol'ily.  I g  Z  0 ......  Vir1?inia Bk. & Tr. Co., Inc. HughG. Whitehead John L. Roper _____ Mars Lewis _______ ---------------- 100,000 6,570 Va. N., Norfolk. 38,180 - - - 518,110 68-42 i1'02 James W., J. R. Kilby Ch. of Bd. Washinl!tonReed Virginia-CarolinaJointStock A. P. Grice _______ W. T. Old--- J.A. Goodwyn, Tr. F. w. McKinney, , 250,000 (Ttrrik>r 11 North Carolina and Viru 1inia) Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y. Land Bank ______ '19 Sec.  HUGH G. WHITEHEAD JOHN L. ROPER----- MARS LEWIS-------- ----------------J. W. HUNlJf.'oJ Bd. ,-A~Hl~!fJN REED  >  [64,410 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. ancl O:,> Citiz., Norfolk. ..;  1- -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  11/IRGINIA  z_  :,;-' r+  0  0  (') (')  0 .0 i::  SI)  ::,  I00,000  225,820 3,'142,560 5.3'13,230  624.24.0 N. Park, N. 'I'.; Girard N., PhD.; N. Bk. eom.,Ba1t.  -----  --------------------------- --- --- --- --- --1Norfolk Clearing House _____ N. Beaman (Members indicated b11 a *)  -------IA, B.Sw. Schwarzkopf, _____________________ and Mur.  North Emporia_Green - Emporia Bank __________ §'17 R. W. Little. ______ ' E. E. Magee ______ R. G. Dyson _______ Miss .Beatrice ville_.Pop. 493 ______ G 8 68-540 Robinson  10,000  Norton _________ Wise A 3 FIRST NATIONAL BANK -•!'03 M. s. Kemmerer ___ R. P. Carr-----· H. G. Gilmer ______ G. c. McAlL. _____ _ Pop. 3068 G8-202 " " National Bank of Norton_i•10 W. N. Surface ____ H.B. Kline ________ G. W. Moore ______ F. H. Gose _______ _  75,000  68-203  I  Oak Hall ___ Accomac E 12 (See Horsey) Pop.130 Occoquan_Prinre William Bank of Occoquan, Inc. __ §"10 R. A. Jellison _____ D.S. Beach ________ J. M. Barbee. ______________________ _ Pop. 231 0 gI 118-408  SCHMELZ NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  2,370  111,650  88,910  33,850 1.017,070  787,160  50,000  8,930  5,910  576,490  566,070  9-1,0801 101.520  FOR SUPERI.OR SERVICE  34:640 N. State & City, Rich.; N. Bk. of Petersburg, Petersburg. 596,970 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 94,060 Han. N .. N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Phil,: 1st N., Bristol: Merch. N .. Rich.  -  7,400 N. City, N. Y.; Alexandria N., Alexandria; ~ ...., Merch. N ., Rich.  IN NEWPORT NEWS  1458  Number under Nam~ of Bank ie the New Transit Number liven to cnch bank in U. . exclusln>ly by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Dlrectorr, under th.!._ authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  -  ~ '.rnE oi• BA~~•.Iem. Am. Bks. A_ n. § tate PRESlDE:N'T. VICE-PRESIDENT, !Mem. 't.ateBks.A sn.tPriv. ~=:::....:=-=..:--~--- 1•__1_1e_m_._F_e.:....d_._H_e'--'-s_.--=-(E_~_sta_b_. _______ _______ 1 1 ocean View .---Norfolk Ocean ViewDay&NightBank Pop. 560 G 11 68-561 §'19 Odd-----------York F 11 Bank of Poquoson, Inc.•t§-05 Pop. 200 ' 68-40g Onancock __ Accomac E 12 First Nation a1 ~ k _____ •t"93 68-.. 10 Poo.1074 Onley ______ Accomac E 12 Farmers & March. Nat'l Bk. Pot>, 500 68-411 •t"04 •Orange ______ Orange D 7 Citizens National Bank. __ t'04 Pop. 1078 .. 68-268 National Bk. of Orange_•:•92 68-267 Painter ____ Accomac E 12 Eastern Shore Bkg. Oo .. Inc. Pot>, 400 68-412 •!S'09 •Palmyra ___ FJuvanna E 7 Bank of Fluvanna, Inc. •*1'08 Pot>, 500 68--413 Pamplin .Aptiomattox F 6 State Bank of Pamolin.•U-05 Pot>, 39 118-41' Parksley ___ Accomac E 12 Accomack Banking Oo., lnc. Pot>, 601 68-266 il'06  -CA.SHIER.  Ass'T CA.SHIER.  L~AI!_ILITlEs. PAID-UP SuRPLUS  CAPITAL Pit'o1!.~Ts  Pater burg_Dinwidd eF8 Pot>, 31,002  AMERICAN BANK & TR. co., (Incorporated)  68-83  *1'12  c. R. Ander on ____ II. L. Garrett ______ -----·------- S 16,81!0 S J.C. Chapman C. W. Smith _______ L. M. von Schilling J. C. Outten _______ - - - - - - - 10,000  R. C. Browne ___  5,120  324,320  47,870 Merch. N •• Rich. and Hampton.  986,080  897,990  295,690 Han. N., N. Y.; March. N., Balt.  86,600  712,000  533,000  R. O. Halsey _______ W. J. Crittenden __ H.F. Priest _______ Marshall James___ G. E. Waugh, V.P. R. C. Slaughter M. G. Field ________ F. B. Perry ________ O. W. Grim _______ W. D. Lillard______  75,000  94,010  1!47,130I  802,450  ~30,000 N. Oity, N. Y.; March. N., Bait.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk. 128,690 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Ex.,Balt.  I  100,000 63,070 740,630 823,820 173,250 Han. N., N. Y.; lstN.,Rich. 1 T. 0. Gillum _______________________________________ \Y. T. Elliott ______ ------------------- i (Braneh of KeUe r, Va.) __ - - - - - - N. Park, N. T.  A. B. Haden _______ M. W. Perkins ____ S. P. Harland ______ --------------•·--M. G. Sclater J. F. Connally _____ w. B. Binford _____ S. P. Loving _______ W.R. Brightwell__  s. w. c. L.  c. L. King _________ c. A. Lucas________  Kinf _________  J. T. S. Hoge ______ J. F. Williams ... __  5,000  6,000  162,000  125,000  25,000  26,000  350,000  300,000  37,000  125,000 1,250,000 1,200,000  M,000  15,320  140,570  168,970  Frances E. ~iller_  100,000  52,480  665,630  805,100  ____________________  10,000  11.820  138,060  128,020  36,000 Oom'l N., Wash., D. O.; 1st N., Rich.  tX1  41,920 Han. 'N., N. Y,; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt. 185,980 Seab. N., N. Y.  41,000  6,900  85,000  i w. B.MclLWAINE  ~ Vigorous atten l Prompt remJtta  ~i·LIHi'b\-o--· W. D. BLANKS----- P. E. PERDUE-----  __:  894,000 1,645,000  I  O n lD  97,050 Gh.ase N., N. Y.; Lon. N. Bkf. Oo., Lou.; FifthThird N., Cin. ~ 141,000  Ml<;!: t.~~~- N ..  N. Y.: Merch. N .• Balt.;  fton &hen to col lectlons. nee. Reasonable rates.  ______  .;..._  500,000  70,000  E. w. BUTCHER, Sec.  tt'  456,000 1,174,250  50,000 Seab. N .. N. Y.; Plan. N •• Rich.; Va. N., Petersburg,  600,000  302,500 3,975,310 6,916,220  ______ - - - - - -  706,910 Guaranty Tr. Co, and Han, N., N. Y.; Phil. N,, ~ Phil. ~ Cl)  O" C:  --- --- ---  ""1  t'J.· wii~-----. . PUC D. JR., A. Sec.  Established 1860. Banking In all Its branches. 1~ We offer unexcelled faclllties to Banke & Merchants. , Valuable connections throughout Virginia. , Your Items and collections given careful attention at a moderate cost. •tS '60  nion Trust Co. _________ §'19 B. B. Jones ______ Chas. E. Plummer. H.B. Prichard.Sec, -------------- ----68-8 er nd Tr.  ~o "'d  s.W. ,.O.BRAGG------FRANKLIN  ...:.......  T. F. HEATH ________ W. 0. McKENNEY---- P. M. POLLARD-------  b~: ~:!r:~H  < :a  E, H. BEASLEY -----  _______  ►  ~  W  28,450 1st N .. Pearisburg.  J. V. Graham ______ R. E. L. Chumbley A.G. Hyatt _______ T. M. King_______  309,690  ~ ~  0  Z  25,000 --------- --------- --------- --------357,320  ,.c  .....,  20,000 Oha ham & Phenix N., N. Y.; 1st N,, Rich.; , Peo. N.. Lynchburg. ► 150,00li M. M. lst N., Bait.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk,  R. E. L. Chumbley M. D. Kelly _______ J. Y. Graham ______ G. T. Thompson___  -----------------------  IS-85  I  8,570 Bkrs. Tr. Co., Norfolk.  288,070  124,870  M. L. Harrison ____  00  ~~!.":  50,000  ______  'JIRGlllll lU\T'L 8lllKA'05  • ~ · "::,;';.  3,690 S 29,180 ·s 21,480 S  NAT• BANK OF PETERSBURG { 68-82 •t"86 Send us your P etersburg cash It ems and collectlo l Remittance on d 7 of payment a t lowest rates. ns for prompt att entlon.  68-81  ITtl  50,000  a.a. JONES------ CHAS. w. L, VENABLE----E, PLUMMER  ♦  0  B. T. Gunter _______ J. W. Roeers ______ W. O. Parsons _____ V. S. Burton______  J. W.Bowdoin _____  0\  to...• DJ&. & 11:x-  DBP~  S. F. Rofers _______ J. S. Waples _______ G. H. Powell _______ E. D. Hartman____  Banking Trust & Mortgafe G. C. Wright ______ John W. Long __ J. G. Richard on. E. F. White, Company 68-87 ______ •t§'l6 E. O. Kent cc. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. c. L. Guthrie R. S. Terrie, A. Sec. and A. Tr.  PETERSBURG SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY  PRINCIPAL CORRESPO.:-iDENTS.  - - - - - - ~ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1  Parks _______ J.M. Chandler ____ J. A. oausey_______ H. A. Littleton A. A. Hearne c. V. Lilliston Parkslc N~1~f~l Bank __ t'02 J. W. Chandler ____ A. J. Rew _________ S. O. White ________ E. P. Parsons_____  •Pcari burg _____ Giles 11' 2 First Nationa1_~ nk: _____ •t'06 68~ 15 ~~5~ Pembrok:ou.-SOOGiles 11' 2 Bank of Pe~ b~i~e-----•!S'l2 8 Pennington Gap •• B 2 First National Bank _____ '20 Poo roo 6 '-612 • i) Penninfton Gap Bank.-.U"92 68-416  Non-Bank Town• with Neare t Banking Point {In_ drxl'd Acres.), Lawyers, Laws lindexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., , oo Law.. .i::.  VIRG !NIA-Continued  (IQ  ~ ~ ~ ~  N.Clty,N. Y.;Cont. &Com'I N,,Cbl.;N. Shawmut, Bos.; 1st N., PhD.  .._ 0)  --- --- --- --- --500,000  G. C. WRIGHT---- J. W. LONG-------- R. G. SPRATLEY .. 8. T. KINSEY------ 1,000.000 ,w. E. POOLE  80,350  162,830  747,490  299,210 3,321,610 7,252,710  ::3 43,700 Seab. N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. of Petersburg, Peter - C bun?, ~  734,140 Chase N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil.; N. Ex ..  Balt.  :<  Send us your P etersbmc buslne ss. -ve erson al sentce and 111\ck Nturns at low 1ratea.  I~ "We Namber aader Na,ae or Bank i.tJ t.he New Transit Nu,aber gtvea Q to each bank in U. B. eicluslyeJ,-_ b The Band-McNall Banker: • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Non-Bank IJ'owns "'·1th N4:ar~st BanJ<lng .PoJnt (1'?-  1469  Naa,ber ander N•me or Bit.Dk ia che New Transit Nua,ber gtven to each bank in u. B. eicluslvelr by The Band-McNaHr Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  Tol'r"N AND OOUNTr.  I  NAME OF BANK.  •County Beats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. 1st.ate Entire State in No. 5 /tMem.StateBks.Assn.1Priv. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  I PK.ESIDDT  •  V  n.-.-n  ICE-..-=IDENT.  /  .t.Ports;g;~kssiNoio~  volume. LIABILITIES.  oilJllll.  AB9 . 0-'.SJIID T  p  •  _______  Phenix ______ QharlotteF6 .Bank of Phenix, Inc. --•t1'12 R.S.Chamberlayne, W. M. Peak _______ E. M. Arvin _______ POQ. _300 68-475 L. P. Bailey Phoebus ___ £lizabeth City Bank of Phoebus _______ •:f'99 E. M. Tennis _______ A. HeinickJe _______ s. o. Bees _________ Pop. 3043 G 11 68-417 G K Vanderslice Pocahontpas.Tazewell Fl BankotPocahonta.s ____ if'02 IsaacT.llann._ s:P:Mustard ______ c.M.Galway ______ .. op. 2591 .. J 68-190 --First Natio~-~nk-----•i·os w. R. Graham _____ A. St. Clair----- -- James B. McNeer_ Poquoson ______ YorkF 11 (See Odd)  Non-Bank IJ'owns virlth Nearest Banking PoJnt (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this._  VIRGINIA-Conti·nued SURPLUS / D  AID-UP  .A.ND  O~ITil PBOPITB  B. R. Berkley ---- 1$ 12.000 $ Segar Whiting____  40,000  H. A. V. PARKER----  68-70  •t'l9  828,440  50,000  30,000  640,000  58,000  622,000  I  228,240  e ma e a spec1a y o BILL OF LADING DRAFTS.  -  ·w.  G. Maupin, Jr. L. McK. Jack ______ E. L. Barlow ______ - - - - - - - - - - C. W. Coleman W.G.Parker State Bank of Portsmouth V. G. Weaver _____ A. c. Ogburn, Jr. __ George Larkin ____ R. c. Rawles _____ _ 68-71 :l:§'19 O. L. Williams (Members of Norfolk_(Jlea rin_g House Association indica ted by a*) -"Prince Georg~eo~:!nieo Prmce Geordk~¥rnty Ba§~r J. J. Temple ______ R. C. Burrow----- w. D. Meredith. __ Thos. E. Fenner, I 9 Pop. 63 Jr. 1.Pulaski------Pulaski F 2 Peoples National Bank •t'02 B • BlocksiA-e D• M • Pa·nte Pop. 5277 68-159 ~ ----I r ----· J • W • Killer ------- R • s• Cecil --------.. " Pulas kl Nati aJ Bank --•.t '89 K. E. Harman _____ Robt. Bunts________ o. P. Jordan ____ E.G. Otey ________ _ J. H. Shufl' 168  J~  Pnrcellvi~/ilidounB 8 Purcellville ~~~inal Bk.•f02 o. L. Robey ______ 6 Quantico_Prince Pop. 800 William8 Bank of Quantico _ -- __ -- •t§'l7 R. C. Jones ________ 0 68 541 Raphine._.Roekridge E 5 I Bank of Raphine Pop. 250 -4 ---- - • - il'06 -- - - - - - - - - 68 21 Rapidan-Pop~Jlfoeper D S State Bank t}•il'09 H. T. Holladay, Jr.  1  286,000 556,000  180,000 N Ci~~fMe~c:f.'  1  •  80,440 Z.686.010 3,453,100  -  -  -  I <  2,720  2,120  588,490 N. Clty,N.Y.;Glra~dN. andPhll.N.,Phll.; ~  ---  115,000 1.127,160 1,506,960  J. T. MeGavaek---- A. c. Norman _________________ I Notley Bal} ______ R. F. Persons ___________________ _ I W. E. Collms  ~  110,540 jirNvjnl!fNlk.• ·NA. Y.:NCit1R·z: Nh., Bait.; N. Bk, Com .. or o , m. .. 1c . .,16,130  216,120  200,000  ~  146,280 2,707,040 2,761,450  584,770 Han, N. and Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.; Phil. N., Phil. __,  _ ,_ _ _ I_ _ _  500,000 50,000  296,110 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.: 4th ::l St, N., Phil.; N, State & City, Rich. f;;t  185,940 2,761,6201 3,379,050 8,160  J93,9h0 ;  53,940 Mech.& Metals N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Portsmouth.  423,550  10,240 1N. Park, N. Y.; Petersburg Sav., Petersburg; ~ I Am. N., Rich.  ----  100,000  27,500  150,000  116,470  709,1801 888,300  247,150 Cha~e N .. N. T.: Girard N., Phil.; Am. N., Rich.; N. Ex. Roanoke. en 120,000 N. City,N. Y.; ·com'l N., Wash., D.  55,3801 425,000  o·  85,190  51,000  F • E • F uI w1'd er---- O. G . Williams_____ I • M• H u ff man ____ _  12,000  19,320  196,610  205,650  E. W. Armentrout. G. W. Pe:rto11.. _____ Stuart Bresee ____ _  10,000  1,600  Reedville_ North'berland UT'L Pol). 1000 E II COMMONWEALTH BANK---- 68_519 _______ e:j:'l6 H . G ord on Bl un d on  c . S • T ow1es_______  25,000  13,310  ---- ---Peoples BanJ- -------:tS'I0 J. B. Hinton _______ 275 Reminiton-Fauquier O 8 State Bk. of Remin~ton•t5'13 • • ________ Pop. 267 _ R. L. Willis 68 480 Richlands_ •• Tazewell A 4 First National Pop.1171 8-4Bank--•t'05 W • R , w·lliam 1 s___ 6 22  J. A. Haynie _______ II'. O. Jett •• _______ M. L. McCullough_ J. RC.. Jett . J. Dar---------- H. Hamilton _______ T. W. C. E.Hayni_e Herrmg ____ _  30,000  44,650  5.~4.130  559,740  88,110 Oitiz. N ., Bait.  15,000 j  5,020  98,250  112'980  13,230 lcom'l N., Wash., D. c. .  CG.. BW. .COhilton L S u bl e tt ___ _ ney________ O.U. T ern·11 _______ M ••  40,000  17,600  485,000  364,950  3,000 1 195,000  158.000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  47,370i  I1  343,640  5.  o.  26,300 ,Com'l N., Wash.,_D. C.  47,700 1  I  272,630  ~  65,0oo [1st ?ii., Phil.; N. Ex., Roanoke.  610,000  850,000  1 I  20,540 Chatham & PhemxN., N. Y.; Am. N,, Rich.; Far. & Merch., Staunton. 9,900 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Rich. 74,990 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; N. State&City, Rich.  :  200,160 Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Cm.; N. Ex., Roanoke. I  AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK,  '  ------  FIDELITY SURETY  0  15,000  62,000  '  r+  -  I  900,000  '16  ;q (l  4,600  RICHLANDS NATIONAL BANK G. M. Brown _______ D. C. cartwright -- C. B. Orr - - - - R G Flanary  r.Jll  -  120,000  68-522  ~  e  Merch.N.,Balt., lstN., st.L.  50,000  C, G• coppe d ge____ L • F: H ayme · _____ _  -  N~~h!k Rich.; Fifth-Third N ..  10,000  g{. .  I§  105,840 Mech. ~Metals N:·, N.Y.; Phil. N., Phil.; Merch., N., Rich.; Eqmtable Tr. Co .. Bait. 1 438,000 CoaR!ch&Iron N., N. Y.; CJent. N.,Phil.; 1st N.,  820,900  30,000 ' --------- ------- --------- ------1---1--- - - - - - -  *FIRST NAT BANK v. G. WEAVER------ c. WR. WELTON-----A. c. OGBURN, JR,-- BUTLER BALLANCE-k . It f · C. f. ALDERMAN *MERCHANTS & FARMERS BANK-----68-66------•U'So  ,-  250,000  1--------------------  •i·oo  11  ~sfA8Ail~-s-- F. D. LAWRENCE---- i·. ~-ARLl~~cir----- 1 - - - - - - - - , - 500,000  i::  no &u,u , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .  I ,-  I'<~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDKNTS.  5,000 $ 135,000 $124,550 $ 22,100 \Merch. N., Rich.; 1st N., Lynchburg.  35,000  -------1-------------------  &HS  s..,.,...,....  ITB  J.K.Sult____  Bank of Tidewater, Ine.•U'OO E. L. ________ J. A.. Morris _______ R. G, Lowe 68-67 R. 8 . .Marshall Citizens Trust co. _______ §"19 P. G. Blanford _____ Archibald Ogg _____ M. o. Lawrence, __________________ 68-585 B. B. Ferguson Sec. and Tr. ' Community Savings Bank R. G. Adams ------ ---------------- R. J. Kyles ________ 68-574 §'20 ' 1  I  Cilll" Jl1.  .....,.o.,Duw  c'n. Bol<DS,  C. A. Dennen______  G. R. p, RRISH J. F. FRENCH S. D. MAUPIN Collections a specialty. Remittance made on day of payment. •  NATIONAL BANK  Loa-•" DII-  l:POS-  51,430  ----------------------------  *AMERICAN  For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., sec Laws. ~  RESOURCES.  25,000  II I II  BONDS, Littlefield Buildin· ,·· Austiff · ·: .,.  Cin.;  Number under Name or Bank is the New 'l\'anslt Number given to each bank in U. S. excluslvely by The Rand-McNaDy Bankers' Directory, un~e! the a..!1t~rlty of T!te_ Am~rlc~n Bankers As~'~  1470  NAME OF BANK.  :Mem. Am. BBkks . .AAsssn. ...JJlem, Staie s. sn. ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  *AMERICAN  NATIONAL IIH  ----  IState tPriv. [Estab.  PRll:lJIDXNT,  I- -- ----- ' VICE-PRESIDENT. '  I  _  CASH.Ill.  RICHMOND- R eserve  (Federal Reserve City No~ !2._  I  _ _ __ _  -I  .!ss'T CASHIER.  _  LIABILITIES. P.u»-~ SullPLua lNDIVID- 1DicPoe1Te LOANS• AND  PBortTS  O.1.!'ITAL  ol'  UAL \DIDPOlllTtl  RESOURCES. BONDS. M1scl!IL-  Dm-  B.t.NXB  (Henrico County, E 9) County Seat, _ _ _ _ _ ~~pul~ti_?n 171,~67 _ ::;  _  Sl!ICUJU-  nms, ETC.  COUNTS  LANBous RmsouncEs  -  R  EsounCEs  I  I  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS~ -  O  CA.sR  1- - ------I  OLIVER J. SANDS-H. w. ROUNTREE---0. B.HILL----------S. H. PARKER----- \ I 0. B. HILL, v. P. WM. C. CAMP C. E. TALMAN, CHAS. C. COCKE Seab. N., Guaranty Tr. Co., and I D. W. DURRETT, WALLER HOLLADAY A. Cash. A. W. MANN 1$1,000,000 jS 1.016,990 $ 8,617,000 $ a.605,2101$12941800 S 2.093,040 $1,267,380$ 2,980,480 N. City, N. Y.; Coat. & Com'I V.P. Collections receive prompt attention. - - ~.,Chi.; FrankllnN. a nd Corn BANK 1 •1900 Correspondence Invited. Terms r.easonable. _ ____ __ I SEE AD VEITISE MENT OP POSITE. _ _ _ Ex. N., Phil.; lst N., Pitt.  _  AmericanTrustCompa.ny•t§'l6IO. J. Sands ________ 68-527 Wm. C. Camp, V.-P. *BK.OF COMMERCE & TRUSTS J. T. Wilson _______ ♦ 6X-li! •it 05 (1 Branch) *BROAD STREET BANK--•H'0l W. M. Habliswn ___ 68-7 Broadway National Bank •t'l3 H. N. Phillips _____ 68-30 *Central National Bank ___ •t"ll W. H. Schwarzs118-25 child  H. W. Ronntree ___ !G. A. Peple. Tr, ___ Waller G. O. Gregory W. A. Roper _______ W • .A. Roper _______ ; W. S. Rhoads ______ E. L. Word ________ J. W. Tyler A. M. 8mith _______ P. H. Eubank. ____ S. P. Waddill F. L. McConnell IHolt Page _________ --------------------  j_ _ _ -  Otis P. Walker, Sec.  1,000,000  W. N. treet ______ E. A. Leake W. B. Sutton, Jr...  500.000  75,960 4,402,110 1__________ Tr. Fu.mis ' 560,000 3,649,500 38,400  200,000  230,120  F. 0, Drummond__  200,000  w. H. Metzger____ W. L. Way  500,000  68-29  t?6~ 3 · Tr. Co§, 20  150,0001 O. E. Talley (Branch at Fulton, Va.; Percy L, Moore, Cashier; Carter B. Harrison, Jr. Ass't Cashier) T. o. Erwin _______ J.Ji~tJ~s _______ M. 0. Clarke ______ L. E. Ragland _____ 34,000  f  *Federal Reserve Bank Dist. 5• (Su Paoe 24 for co mpltte. informatio n) 68-3  H. E. LITCHFORD-- HUltSDON CA~Y. ____  c. F.  '---------- ---------- 1 135,000  IJ. M. MILLER, JR •. C.R. BDUETT---- J.M. BALL. JR.--- A. K. PARKER-----  *FIRST NATIONAL BANK 118-1  s. E. BATES, JR.  3,637,"701' "  6,860  101,300 1,564,670 ______  83,140 4.488,590  5,015,000  345,000  ----------1 . I 642,500 N. Park, N. Y .; Plan. N., Rich.  77,600  2,718.920  439,060  26U40  1,283,390  308,190  139,430  4,005,280  260,070  199,690  1,541,090  113,050  40.800  418,150 Han. N .. N. Y.; lstN.andMerch. N., Rich. 287.200 Chatham & Phenix N .. N. Y.: Com') N .• Wash., D. C.; Merch. N. and N .. and Rich.Gnar,anty 480,100 N.Am. Park Tr: Co.: N. Y.; Cont. & Com 1 N., Oh1.: Riggs N., Wash., D. C. ~ 120,880 N. Park, N. Y.; Plan. N., Am. N.,and ,-.., Cent. N,, Rich. ~  <:  z >  1,300 __________ ---------· ____________________ - - - - ,----------  ~  HAYWARD.  FEDERAL TRUST COMPANY . { A new progress! ve bank. Sec. and'Tr. 1 68- 561 t§ 19 Prompt attentl on to all banking matters entrusted to us.  A. F. RYLAND S. P. RYLAND  3,384,550 __________  222,930  ----1  978,710  71.650 1,499,680  CHURCH HILL BANI, Inc. •tl'l2 O. E. Parrtsh • _____ L. H. Kemp ____ C. E. Talley _______ E. B. Muire________ Commercial  c·t 1 Y  T. W. PURCELL,  33,750  190,820  12,230  ---1--1--,  4,900 ____ ______  235,000  116,610 Am. Ex. N •• N. Y.; N. State & City, Rich  '  1  --  J.E. TYLER, JR.  -  J. w. BOWL s Auditor H. AUGU: TINE  I  2,000,000  ~  ~  -  Com., N. Y.; Cont. & :::,6 Com'l N., Chi.; PhU. N., Phil.; 3 Bait.; Riggs N.,  N. Bk.  2,060,810 27,123,310 ____ 23.559,180 5,556,790  Largest combined Capital, Surplus, and Protits, 1- - -1also Deposits, of any bank in the Virginia& and Carolinas. Accounts invited on a fair and equi- 1 •t·65 table basis.  Z  ~ (')  -I--,--- - -  I  Tr. Officer JOHNS. HAi  C. s. TREVVETT,  w  ►  308,600 7.175,990  - - 1  ~!~t~:»~c.  g o.  I·  , COLLECTIONS GIVEN PARTICULAR ATTENTION. Mechanic · & :Merch. Ba.nk:tl'89 A. L • .A.damson _____ /~ug: ~ne Roya n __ n-112 /J. H. Patteson  lJ. B. Patteaon ----- IJ. B. Hancock . ____  100,0001  170,000  1,525,0001= =  ---- - - ,  1,200,0001  475,000  ==·,  - - - -  120,000 •Saab. N ., N. Y.: N. State & City, Rich.  \  JOHii K. IRAIICH-- T. B. McADAMS ----J. C. WHITL------L. B. THOMAS----J. A. BRANCH OLIVER C. WHITE H. S. ROSSELL HARRY P. Bk. orN. Y. N. B. A. and Chase ';4 W. F. AUGUSTIIIE GILLESPIE • N., • Y.; British Linen, Lon., ::, G. J. JOIES ROGERS. WARREN · 400,000 2,070,560 1 17.4.28,400 •• ________ 14,486,520 2.001.400 281.800 5,606.-100 Eng; Banque de Paris et des c 1 M. C. BRANCH H. H. HARRIS Pays-Bas, Paris; Banca Itallana Sll I •t-70 Richmond is the clearing point for the Virgin las and di Sconto, .&ome. I Carolinas. Send your cash Items and collections \ In bulk to us. Write for a proposition. SEE ADV. OPPOSITE BEGINN ING OF VIRGINIA BANKS.  *MERC ANTS NATIONAL " BANK 118-4  I  9  I  - - -'1- -1_ 1  •  I  C Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •I  I  '  I ·  I  I  ,_ _ 1  t  ,  . .  . • ~  f  i : , ••·  f  •  • ~  ' ~  .  • '  t -•  . ..  ' ~ ••  '  t  I  ESTABLISHED 1866  LANTE R NATIONAL BANK RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Capital $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits $2,250,000.00 Total Resources Tvventy-Five Millions LARGEST SURPLUS OF ANY BANK IN THE VIRGINIAS OR CAROLINAS OFFICERS President W. MEADE ADDISON Vice-Presidents J. J. MONTAGUE CONWAY H. GORDON WARREN M. GODDARD HENRY C. PATTON Cashier WARREN M.GODDARD Assistant Cashier D. V. MORTON W.W. NEALE R.G.ANDREWS W. EDWIN MILLER  An Institution of Recognized Standing and Proven Service Conspicuously I dentlfied with Southern Industry Over Half a Century Carefully Administered and Equipped for all Present-Day Financial Requirements Direct Connection Throughout the Virg1nias and Carolinas an Principal Southern Points   under Nazne or Danie is the New ,..__ 1471 to Nuzn;t,er each bank in u. s. ezcluslvelr b Tb B .a.cansle Nuznber giveD _ St. Louis _ Dlrect.ory, under the authorlty of ~he Am:~<f;.1:JC::,8/JrerBanke,rs" Federal Reserve Bank of  RICHMOND-Continued  DIRECTORS RICHARD H. SMITH Chairman of the Board W. MEADE ADDISON, President HENRY W. ANDERSON Munford-Hunton, Williams & Anderson, Attorneys JOHN W. BOYD John W. Boyd & Co., Leaf Tobacco EDGAR S. CARLTON Resident Director, Imperial Tobacco Co., Ltd., of Great Britain and Ireland R. LA Tl MER GORDON Treasurer, Universal Leaf Tobacco Company, Inc. J. J. MONTAGUE, Vice-President Vice-Pres. Southern Biscuit Works MORTON B. ROSENBAUM Director, Virginia Trust Company JAQUELIN P. TAYLOR Chairman of Board J.P. Taylor Co.,Inc. and Universal Leaf Tobacco Co., Inc. A. D. WILLIAMS Capitalist and Farme  L  1471  s  I  fr:~1c~:  •Mem. fs~~- §State/ :Mem. State Bks. Assn. f Priv.,  C on t" 1nued  R rcHMO'"'m  Nu.uiber under Na.uie of Bank is the New Transit Nuuiber giveD to each bank in u. e.rcluslvelT by The Band McNaHT Bankers• Dlrectory, under the authority of The Amerlc;n Bankers Ass•n.  ~,  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banldn~ Pomt (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisi"volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Law~_.  g  .J...,i..,-  (Federal Beser¥e CltT No. Ii)  I  / PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, C:: PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. CA.SHIER. Ass'T OA.SHI.ER. P4ID-UP So"B~us I.Ng~ DE~~81T8 Lot,~ ck :E~~~: ;;_~~:~ CA.SR • ~ _+_M_em_._F_e_d_._R_e_s._----'['-E_s_ta_b_. 11_ _ _ _ _ _ _,___-.,-_ _ _ _.,___ _ _ _ _ _.,___ _ _~ - - _c_~ __:A.L__Pll_on_TS__D_EP_O_SI_TS_ _B_AN_:a:._s_ , coUNTs TIES, ETC. REsouncEs REsounCEs i- - - - - - - - - - - - - - = ~ 1 RESOL'RCES.  :<  1  *NATIONAL STATE ANO CITY BANK ll8-5  LIABILITIES.  JULIEN H. HILL.-•• R. E. CUNNINGHAM w. H. PALMER, w. s. RYLAND Ch. of Bd. J. F. WOOD  w. s. RYLAND-----B.s. F.Y. DEW------TYREE  I  s  I  0  lteSEEAiVE~Tl~Mm  •i'70  lw.  H. Slaughter,  Sec.  W. J. Whitehurst,  1,000,000 1,200,0001 2,211,660 $  Tr. 1c, H. Ashburn,A. Jr., , - - - - -- ---'----------'--_ _ __ A _ .S_e_c_._____A--=-.S_e_c..:. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J.C. Wheat, Jr.,  1  68-2  ~~  z.  H. W. JACKSON---- T, ~ WhLLIAMS, Jft,_ J, H. SOUTHALL. Tr. L. O. AYLETT, Sec. -fAz.l~oR\~~TT W. B, JERMAN.A.Tr. p, e. WATT, A. Sec.  { Oldest Trust Company In Vlrgtnl a. Our chief bust ness Is acting as 68-10 Executor, Trust ee, Guardian, etc. Correspondence invited. *West End Bank _________ e;tS'06 J. L. Davis _________ Charles K. Willis __ R.H. Davis _______ T. K. Vertner ----68-14  I  BANKS, CORPORATIONS, FIRMS, AND INDIVIDUALS  Pollard & Bagby Mortgage & H. R. Pollard ______ J. J. Pollard _______ A. W. Pollard, Tr •• ------------------Trust Co _________________ §'21 John Bagby 68-622 Richmond Trust Co, _____ •:t§'l2 E. L. Bemiss _______ Jas. D. Crump _____ R. J. Willingham, Deane Maury, 68-28 C. J. Anderson Jr., Sec. a,nd Tr. Tr. Officer Savings Bank of Richmond L. Z. Morris _______ F. Sitterding ______ James M. BaJL ____ G. W. Watt _______ _ • 68-9 •U'89 James M. Ball Second Street Savings Bank J. J. Taylor _______ Quinn Shelton ____ w. S. Banks _______ J.E. Harris------68-620 §'20 Percy Wilson S. P. Robinson South Richmond Bank, Inc. J.E. Norvell ______ W. T. Walker ______ E.G. Bailey _______ ------------------68-32 •:t§'13 W. A. Horner St. Luke Penny Savings Bank Mrs. Maggie L. D. Lewis ________ Emmett O. Burke __ - ----------------118-12 •1'03 Walker J. T. Hewin Union Bank ______________ •:tS'66 G. W. Call _____________________________ 0. C. Barksdale ____ M. D. Walker _____ _ • 68-8  VIRGINIA TRUST CO. --•il'92  312,320 1 2,073,040 , 1,014,680 --30-l,-26-0--43-1,-97-0 Han. N.,Equitable Tr. C~ .• Columbia Tr. Co., and Cent. Umon Tr. Co., N. Y. _ __  W. M. ADDISON----J, J. MONTAGUE-- W. M. GODDARD----D. V. MORTON _____ _ A. H. SMITH, C.H. GORDON R. G. ANDREWS Ch. of Bd, W. M. GODDARD W.W. NEALE Mech. & Metals N., N, Y.; Cont. H. C. PATTON W. E. MILLER 1000000 2 279 720 _:__:_ 9 684 410 _:__:_ 2 948170 _13,754,490 ___:....---=-.. 289 660 351670 ~ 3 314 030 & Com'l N., No. ..:...:,._,....:.....,:__ America and Chi.; Phil. Bk. N., ofPhil.; 1st N., Bos, EFFICIENT PERSONALIZED SERVICE 1 for SEE ADv j ERTISE MENT o N OPPO ~n~  I  l'->  m. Ex. N., Han. N., and Chem. N •• N. Y.;Phll. N.,Phll.  oi."v1e1ruWi ~NDEf~rfoo,N1ll1~iiMAP.  *Old Dominion Trust Co. •:t§'l3 W. M. Habliston. __ lW. H. Slaughter ___ 68-31 E. D. Schumacher  *PLANTERS NATIONAL BANK  :;  L. H. COOKE $1.000,000 $1,327.440 14,332,300 ---------- ~ ~ ~ ~ We invite you to transact your banktnc buatness tor Vlrgm1a w i t h - - - our Bank-unexcelled facllitles. Glve us a trial with your Virginia  J. G. Rennie  I  I  -< ~  0  -2!  -  > > 12! to  ;,;:  100,0001= = = - - - - - -  rn  I  1,000,000  261,1.50  1,101,160  200,000  354,270  1,860,290  16,296  270  10,000  3,270  125,0001---------  121,800  3,300 ----------  12,000 Bk. of Com. & Tr. Co., Rich.  50,000  ll,000  276,000  85,000  48,620  26,400 N. City, N. Y.; Am. N., Rich,  500,000  923,670  375,030 - - - 2,055,8401__________  3,115,370  721,250  100,670  380,620 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Lst N .. Rich. (')  1,000,000  900,000  2,711,000 ----------  4,437,300  72,900  464.~00I  297,0 O Mech. & Metals N .. Han. N ., and N. ::S Bk. Com., N. Y.; Plan. N .. N. ::!". State & City, and 1st N., Rich. ::i  100,000  112,140  39,270  26,2401  ----------  1  I  43,050 ----------  1,275,110  705,730  236,500  993,960  1,418,570  32,710  19,850 ----------  3,230  I  317,220 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Equitable Tr. Co., Bait.; Com'! N.,Wash._. D. C. 111,450 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich. 37,350  ~  0· ::r  :3  18 'Q. 1  I  o c::  975,840  ----------1  954,910  174,990 N. City, N. Y.; Plan. N., Rich,  g_  1Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn. Selected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS Brauch, Oabell & (Y.), ______ it•04 -------------------- __________________________________ · ___________________ _ N. Bk, Com. and Post & Flagg, N. Y. 68-21 ---------- ________ --------- __________ -·------- - _____________________________ Geo. H, Burr & Co., N. Y., Chi.. GEO. ff. BURR & COMPANY '05 f Commercial Pape r, __________________ John Woodard, Re presentative. Hart .. Scranton, Phil .. Atl .. Pitt .. I Inveatment Securi tiea. Clev., Bos .. St. L., Dallas, San F .. Seattle, Los A., and Port. NATIO,t2\ i!TJa~~,r.~NY-'16 H.K. D.Peachy, Representative ______ ------------,---------------- (Investment Bon.di8) ________ ------ ,, --------- ---------- ________ Np~ii1e;fom~ei.Se~i~l:.dp~o:!e.t Frederick E. Nolting & Co.:tt'l3 (F. E. Nolting, R. Fleet, ------------- ___________________ _ ___________________ (Investm jent Secu r ities) ___ ---------- ________________________________________ Harris Forbes & Co .. Equitable Tr. Wm. E. Buford and Harry Frazier,Jr.) Co., and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N .• Rich. John L. Sons •:t•14 ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ --------- ---------- ------ ---- --------- ------ ---- _________ N., Balt.; ~  __________ ----------1---------- __________ ____________________ ----------r----------  I  I  wm,~Ht  r.:~te~~ ?!e:=edH~us~-.-,--  I  !_______  T_________ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Aco!1· N.:\~a-1".: 1---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------1 i--. . . . .lllllllllllll'!-■ :;  W. M. Habliston -- Thos. B, McAdams I----------------- G. C. McWhirteiec. ---- ---- -- --------1  11.; •,t,1:m1-;1:M: 111: 1: £!l ~,1 ii 1: £'bt:a±M:1.,, 1:ii H ~ Mi it•1~ a 111 =tJ ~ 131 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  1  1472  Number under Name or Bank ia the New TraDBU Number given to each bank in U. S. exeluslvelf by The Rand-MeNally Bankers• Dlreetory. under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  TOWN A.ND COUNTY. ~County~eats,Enhre State rn o. 5 Federal Reserve District. Ridgeway .••.• Henry G 4 Pop. 320 Riner ••• M.ontgomery F 2 Pop. 300  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Hankins Point (lndexed Acc<'s ), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In back of tbls ,... volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see J,.•n!~· :!:;  VIRGINIA-Conti•nued  - - - - -- - - - I LIABILITIES. 11  l  NAME OF' BANK. RESOURCES, PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, I',., •Mem . .Am.Bks.Assn.§Sta._te PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT. CA.SHIER. Ass'TCASHIER. PAID•UP ISuBPLus DEPOS· ,~....•" 010 • c.uu,1,:&xtMem. St.ateBk!:i. Assn.t Pnv. CAPITAL AND ITS cTI. Dolfi>&, c:auua,Dus ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I PaoJ'ITs , 811ClJ&JTfu 1'l10JI B.u,u , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 1 1 Bank of Ridgeway, Inc .. tfog W. A. Garrett.••••. G. O. Jones-·-···· 1T. o. Coleman •• ~ ••••••.••••..•••..•••• $ 10,000 $ fs,250 $ 71,000i,: s 70,120 S 13,590 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st N .. Rich. 68-423 : Bank of Riner,lnc .••••. t§'l2 W. H. Altizer •••••. W. B. Palmer •••••• I. J. Greear ••••••• B. E. Greear·-····15,000 5,000 80,250 101,1l80 7,520 N. Ex., Roanoke. 68·476 Am.2_s Thompson ________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  c  AM ER I AN  Roanoke •••• Roanoke F 4 Pop. 50 ,842  M. W. TURNJR-···- Mf P~RYR-. G. C. HOLCOMB .... D. P. HYLTON ..... J.C. DAVEN ORT, JS. F. BLEUEC 300.000 150,000 1,400,000 1,880,000 275,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N., Rich. Acti11e V.P . • • Collections have thi.f ersonal attention of an officer of this bank. BANK •t·12 PROMPT RET RNS. REA~ONABL_E RATES. ___ ___ _____ _ _ __  NATIONAL 68-62  -  ,COLONIAL NATIONAL BANK R.H. Angell ·····- W.W. Boxley.-. ;E.W. Tinsley---·· 68-61  •t'IO E.W. Tinsley, V .l'. J. B. Stringfellow  I  IG.W.N.D.Dickinson .___ Hall  L. R. Tucker Day & Night Bank- •••• •t§'20 J, O. Haley •••••••• E.T. Morris·-···· J. Judson Shelton. C. o. Young···-··· 68~ I  600,000  1-  -  <  260,000 2,074,520 2.436,770  510,220 Seab.N., N. Y.; Drov.& Meeh.N., Bait,; Merch. N ., Rich. -  I  180,000 · - -··-  450,000  500,000  110,000 Han. N., N. Y,; 1st N., Lynchburg.  FIRST NAT'L BANK ~-. wJHc°K\1R.-···· A. M. NELSON ..•••• J. H. MATTHEWS •••• lJ:$~rEtrsRT..... -- -- -- -- -E.G. LINNEY  Ch. of Ba.  •t"82  D. P. SITES---··- R. B. GUNN, WILLIS MOUNTAIN TRUST S. B. PACE ........_ . HOLMAN A. COVERW  Sec. and Tr.  BANK 68. 64  •t§'l9  68-56  Pop. 600 Round HilLLoudoun B 8 Pop. 359 Rural Retreat. Wythe G 1 Pop. 463  •:t'89  South-West Va. Tr. Oo .• tl'02 68--57 First National Bank ••••. •:t'96 68·2-19 Peoples National Bank •• _t"07 68·250 Arlington Trust Co .•••• •t§'l4 68-424 Round Ilill National Bank 68-578 •'20 First National Bank •••••• t'll 68-462 Peoples Bank ····--···§'19 ♦ 68-572  ----  ttl  > Z  34.680  ~  - -- --  (I)  740,000  100,000  400,000 1.282,000  a!  J: 'i. 1at1av •··- - - -- - --- - - -  Lowest Rates. SEND US YOU& BUSINESS. J.B. Fishburn ___ E. L.Stone ······- T. W.Goodwin, · - - · · - - · · · · 106:°000 Sec.  25,000  ==  300,000  J. P. Woods ••••••• D. A. Nicholson .•• W.R. Davis •• - - Walter St. Olair •••  100,000  42,000  900,000 1,100,000  N. P. Angle-•••••• O. J. Shoaf··--- C. J. Davis--·-··· ··-····---······  75,000  28,U0  767,920  W.W. Douglas •••• C. T. Merchant.•• _ C. T. Merchant._•• - · · - · · - - W. C. Wibirt II. C. Thompson .•. J. R. Cochran_-··· L. F. Bowersett._. Maude P. Lynch.. N. B. Hawthorne J. W. Bell · - - · · G . .A. Lambert. •••• C. C. Tate···-····· ···················-·  53,500  7,890  369,560  40,000  4,000  81,480  86,500  50,000  36,950  380,860  419,080  C. C. Brown-.·-··· O. W. Davis·-···· tW.  o. Greever ••••  I  639,800 355,470  75,000 N. Ex., Roanoke. 80,000 Han. N ., N. Y.; N. Ex., Roanoke.  35,000  1,60;)  145,000  120,003  56,000 Peo. N .. Abingdon; N, Ex .. Roanoke.  50,000  40,000  380,000  375,000  so,ooo  81,810  820,000  855,000  G. M. Muse ........ 1T. C.Chapman ••••• · · · · - · · - · - -  50,000  12,000  147,540  170,760  R. K. Sanders •••• - Clyde Crafts ••••••• O. M:. Shannon •••-  25,000  36,500  827.000  306,000  J. S. Roberts ••• _._ Roy Shannon •••••. J. F. Watson, Sec._  15,000 -····-··  50,000  28,000  resslve bank doln g commerc1al bu slness. drafts and collec ltlons have prom pt efficient atten tlon. R SALEM ITEM S. W. R.Whitescarver J. R. Keister--···· D. M. White .• _... 75,000  ~~  .  I  I  ; :  • I  I  JI  •  :  I  .  I;.  I  II•  •  '  I  ,'  I  •  172,000 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich,; N. Ex .. Hoa• noke. 'n;' 27,170 1IIan. N .. N. Y.; Lynchburg- N •• Lynchburg; ::, Colonial N., Roanoke. C: 103,000 Chase N ., N. Y : Lynchburg N ,, Lynchburg, ~ ,; 31,000 N. Ex., Roanoke. ':c: .  B~N"-'t NORrOLK-Co\\ect.\O ns a  I  .  '  ,,  I.  •  •  I  '  ,'  I  I  I  .  ,  :  '4  I.  ••  f  ~  o  Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Roanoke.  •Saluda. •••ldtddlesex E 10 Bank of Middlesex -·~-.11900 ···-················ -·······-····-··-· :Edmund J. Smith .. ··············-···· (Branch \of Urba na, Va.) -···-·· _ _ _ 1st N., Rich.; Drov. & Mech. N., Bait. Po1). 300 68-465 . Sco\tsbur~ .••Ba.Ufax G 6 \"Bank ot Scottsburi.lnc.U'06 J. T. Lacy··-····· LoulS Wimbish •••_ L. D. Bailey •••••••• Sara B. Bailey..... 10,000 6,970 111,130 119,730 9,170 Boston N., So. Boston; Am. N., Rich. °PO\l. ?'i>O 68-4?6 - . . . ._.._._._. J. J. Sti•g■ a.lpl_ ...._._ _._._..... _  C.\\°\LE.\'-\S  (I)  0  E. M. Davis-·····-  A modern prog Bills of Lading SEND US YOU " " Farmers National Bank.•:t'71 W. H. Ruthrauff_ •• 68-165 Salem Loan & Tr. Oo .•• •tl'90 W. T. Younger._ •• . . 68-164 , . 8al1.vllle ••••••• Smyth B 5 \First National Dank_••• •:t 03 \J. S. Goetchius •••• Pop. 448 68·425 .. ······-- " Saltville Savings Banlc.§•20 T. K. McKee-····-  ,... O  4ll,080 1st N., Roanoke: Morch. N .. Bait.; Wachovia :+ Bk. & Tr. Co., Winston-Salem. w 44,820 Chatham&PhenixN .. N.Y.;N.Bk.o!Balt.,Balt.: Cr' District N ., Wash., D. C.; Merch. N , Rich. ~ 30,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Rich.; District N .. '"1 Wash., D. C. l1Q 89,200 Drov. & Mech. N ., Bait.; N. Ex., Roanoke.  R. W. KIME-...... C. D. OENIL •.... _. W. H. CRAWFORD ... A. M. DAVIS ....-..  i  •Salem-••••• Roanoke F 3 BANK OF SALEM ...... •U'0l Pop. 4159 68·165 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  j  70,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Roanoke.  e: p: tiuit  EXCHANGE BANK  RossJyn __ •• Arlington C 9  A. Sec. and A. Tr.  zS:  ROANOKE'S NE PROGRESSIVE BANK. Authorized Capital _$1,000,000 , 1 w. PHELPS- •••• ~ Ch. of Ba. g. LM.S~,OYLEOR A. F. RAWSON 500,000 820,300 10 447620 9,353,970 3,366,080 N. City, N. V.: Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; ~ c. w. BEERBOWER · - Franklin N., PhU. ~ Careful and prompt attention to collection Uems. '<  NAT I oNAL i: 1: n11a:1ri:-· lul1~\ln~iiut· "· •Rock7mounL •• Franklin Pop. 1016 G ll -·····"  C. L. GUERRANT,  B.  ~A  675,000 5.900,000 5,910,000 l.500J000 Ban. N., Irving N., and 1st N., N. Y.; tth St. N., Phll.; Riggs N., Wash., D. C.  400.000  Send us your Roanoke Items f. S. EANES for careful attention and prompt returns. Liberty Trust Company.§ '21 H.R . .Angell.--W.W.Mofl'ett •••••.JC.D.M.Showalter, --··-· ···-··260080 ~ - - 272,060 68-63 W.W. Boxley, V. P. J. H. Parrott Sec. 'l.nd Tr. •• ' ' -··-···· 68-54  ~  ,...  :s  ecia\t  , ' :: , . Towns wlth Near~st Banking Potnt (InNon•Ban.k : f •  !-.•  -  1 47.'3 :  to  1::C':,':nf'f:'11.N:.a:.!:;~::::t; 1c/1:;.i!"~-~W'c~1:Jf;a!J:.'J:r:r:  Director,-, under the authorlt,r of The American Bankers Ass,n.  TOWN A.ND O0UNTY.  ,oounty Seats. Entire State in No.5  I  I  I  NA.ME OF BAKK.  •Mem. A.m. Bks. A.ssn. fState/ tMem.StateBks.A.ssn.tPriv. Ft>dera~ Reserve District. ~Me_m. Fed. Res. [Es~b-  PRE81DENT. .  VICE-PRESIDENT,  .  Scottsville,A.1bemarleE6 Fidelity Bank----------•ft93 (JacmtoV.Perell'a) Pop. 329 68-291 " _______ " ScottnilleNationalBank D. H. Pi~--------68-292 •t'Ol Seaford ____ ·--York 11' 11 Wm.H.Hornsby & Sons Bkrs. W. H. Hornsby___ Pop. 1000 68-466 •H'06 SebrelLSouthampton G9 Merchants & Planters Bank J. T. Rowe ________ Pop. 300 68--fi51 :l:§'18 Sedley_Southampton G9 Bank of Sedley, Inc .•.. •:t:§'12 R. L. Raiford _____ POP: 300 68-474 . SharJ>S ___ R1ehmond E 10 1Rappahannock State Bank R. O. Norris, Jr .... Pop. 300 68-427 §'10 Sbawsville __ Mon~omery Bank of Shawsville,Inc.•!§'07 W. T. Doosing ---Pop, 400 FS 68-428 Shenandoah ___ Pare D 6 First National Bank _____ :j:'03 G. J. Strickler _____ Pop. 1895 68-429 Simpsons---··-Floyd F 3 State Bank of Check ___ :t:§'18 C, W. Vest. _______ Pop. 130 68-545 Smi\hfl.eld.Isle of Wight Bank of Smithlleld ____ .u·o1 J. w. Thomas----· Pop. 1181 G 10 68-233 " _______ " Merchants & Farmers Bank W. P. Wilson _____ 68-234 •§'05  CA.SHIER. .  volume  RESOURCES.  LlABILITIES.  Ass'T O.A.SHIKR.  .  ~ ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  p ,UD-UP 1s-u:iNDPLUS DEPOS- c~.......,..B.1:0~".,· .?.~':.Rau.l:,.BDX'O'JI• 11 CAPITAL PROFITS  _________________ JacmtoV.Pereu-a_ M.Powers _____ ...; __ L. H. Powers W. S. Dorrier _____ R. J. Nicholas_____  m; ._  de:;?A~, ~~~r-::tt.~:c1i~J:ci;1'1~gbrc~~~ For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws I~  VIR G INiA-Con tin ued  $  ____________________  ~  20,000 --------- $ 30,000$ 23,000$  58,000  355,000  au  BllCl11amu  ~ no• Buu  28,000$ 362,000  _______________ S. M. Hornsby. ______________ ---------- --------- --------- --------- --· ... --·  ~  ·•  5,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich.; 1st N., ~ Lynchburg; Peo. N., Charlottesville. I tv 80,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Com'l N., Wash., D. C.; Plan. N., Rich. 1 Bk. of Com. & Tr., Rich.; Citiz. & Marine, Newport News. 5,820 Oitiz., Norfolk; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., Suffolk.  I  E. B. Kilby ______ L.A. Wood______ ____________________  20,000  2,990  35,860  61,060  E. Frank Story __ W. H. Drewry _____ G. S. Cornwell ____ _ R. L. J~hnson T B. A. M1ddleton ___ Eugene '1 an Pelt .. -------------------  25,000  22,660  99,210  155,780  10,000  4,000  80,000  73,000  G. W. M. Gardner •• .M. S. Taylor ______ ---------------- ----  12,500  25,070  249,020  254,130  17,290 Va. N., Petersbnri: Am. Bk. & Tr. Co.,! Su1folk. 10,000 Citiz. N ., Balt.; Far. & Merch. State, Fred-I ericksburg. , 28,520 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Ex., Roanoke.  W. S. Long ________ W. T. Koontz ______ Floral Sullirnn ....  50,000  23,210  260,700  273,990  50,210 )ferch. N., Rich.  Jasper Light ______ D. S. Lucas •...... -------------. -------------------- John I. Cofer ______ J. P. COX----  16,000  4,000  133,560  154,130  17,230 N. Ex., Roanoke; Floyd Co. Bk., Inc., Floyd.I  85,800  98,400  683,660  912,3~0  B. P. Gay __________ J. R. Rowell, Jr, __ ------------------  35,500  42,000  410,000  350,000  87,040 Han. N., N. Y.; N. State & City, Rich.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; N. Ex., Balt. 125,000 N. Oity, N. Y.; Norfolk N,, Norfolk; 1st N .. Rich.  South Boston.Halifax G6 BOSTON NATIONAL BANK•l'06 W.R. Barksdale ___ T. o. Watkins, Jr •.. J, T. Lacy, Jr .. ____ J.M. East.________ Pop, 4338 68-170 T. A. Wellb  200,000  60,000 1,500,000 1,875,000  I  w  150,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Union, Rich.  )>  z  I  50,000 29,250 780,720 638,210 220,770 N. City, N. Y.; Am. N., Rich.: Lynchburg N .. ~ W. h~erL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ Lynell.burg; Com'! N., Wash .. D. C.  FIRST IIATIOflAL BAIIK.•t"0l F. R. Edmondson •• W. H. Ohildl·ess. __ J. D. Tncker ______ R. E. Tneram______  w.  68-167  PLANTERS &,  Oldest and Largest Bank In Halifax County. Speclalattentlon given collections bf an officer of this bank.  MERCH. NAT'L BK. 68-169  en n o  D. W. OWEN--------- ri·Efgl'E\KES---- C. H. STEBBINS----- ---------  125,000  Hiram Wall ________ Victor M. Mason .. H. s. Culberth_____ A. c. Ogburn J, H. Wall, Jr, ____ Wm. Hunter ______ J. A. Sallee________ R. 0. Cook D. w. Raper _______ F. B. Townsend ___ -----------------C. L. Gibson M. A. Glasser  i'  Ba n k o f s peed 11s s . E . cornett------ c . M , corne tt -----· 68--:siII , I DC._ S'07 s • s • s·lDlmerman__ , ~•~nei UC o ----•Stanardsville_Greene D6 Bank of Greene, lnc. _____ §'10 J. s. Chapman _____ J. o. Morris _______ R. c. Pow-eJL_____ _________________ Pop, 450 68-431 Stanley _________ Paze O 6 Farmers & Merch. Nat'! Bk. E.T. Brumback ____ D. M. Modesitt ___ o, c. Louderback __ A. P. Kite .•. ______ Pop. 499 68-432 •:l:'09 MICHAEL KIVLIGA-N J. L. WITZ---------- F. p, McFARLAND---- H. N. TILt'.AN .-----·  s peed wellPop:·ooWythe G 1  HJ  150,290 1,945,640 2,193,040 237,890 N. Bk. Rich.  Com., N. Y.; N. State & City,  .-t-  •:t:'85 ,_ _ _ P_R_O_M _ P_T_ S_E_R _ V_I _ C_E_ A_T_L_O_W _ E_S_T_ R _A _ T_E_S_. ___ 1 _ _ _  South Hill • ..Mecklenburi BANK OF SOOTH HILL-•:l:S'0l R. E. Yanooy ______ Pop.1074 G7 68-261 " ________ " Citizens Bank __________ •U,09 J. A. Holmes ______ 68-262 South Norfolk.-Norfolk Bank of South Norfolk.+§'21 John Cuthrell _____ Pop. 7691 68- 609 (Norfolk P. 0.)  -  ___ ___ ___ ___  85,400  93,890  469,830  700,410  47,700  30,000  350,000  309,000  80,000  10,000 -------- --------- -···-----  [  84,010 1st N., Portsmouth; N. State & City, Rich.; N. ::;;-' Bk. of Petersburg, Petersburg, "' 75,000 Plan. N. and Merch. N., Rich. .-,. 0  en  •  19,000  80,000  105,000  25,000  6,470  230,000  235,830  25,000  15,000  260,000  224,000  10,000  100,000  203,140 1,197,850 1,413,090  .-t-  ~ 15.000 Far. ::l N .. Bk. Rich.of Southwest Va., Wytheville; 1st .-t29,690 N. Bk. of Charlottesville, Charlottesville: 0 Mer ch. N., Rich. ::l 26,000 Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.  267,900 Han._N .. N. Y.; 4t1:1 St. N., and Corn Ex. Phil.; Am. N., Rich.  N.,I  •Staunton ___Ani:~sta D 6 AUGUSTA NATIONAL BA~~~ Collections a spe cialty. Prompt re mittance. Reason able charges. 10 61 5 { 68 117 Pop. • :t: ' SEND US Y OUR STAUN TON ITEMS.  FARMERS & MERCH. BANK  O. R. Caldwell.. ___ L. W. H. Peyton ___ W. M. Hilleary _____ P. T. Fifer ________ _ Thos. Ho~shead  60,000  National Valley Bank --•i'65 J. H. Worthington. W. A. Pratt-·--- C. S. Hunter _______ c. K. Hoge___ 68-116 W. B. Miller  200,000  68-118  •:t:1'91  J. 8. COCHRAN--- J. G, FULTON------- W, A. HAINES- ----- E. N, SHEETS------R. A. TODD ' G. A. BROWN  75,000  Staunton National Bank •• '03 B. E. Va112han.- J. N . .McFarland___ E.W. Randolph ___ F. M. Fifer_______ 68-119  100,000  PLANTERS BANK , Inc. •:!:I'll 68-121  1  Send us your C ollections Direct.  They  wm  P2,000  555,850  758,870  394,850 2,263,340 2,427,750 35,840  418,860  488,870  1  57,030 Chase N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.; lst N ., Rich. and Phil. l 529,770 Han.N.,N.Y.;N, Ex., Bait. 37,870 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.; Franklin N.,I Wasb..,D. C.  recet lve prompt attent Ion. "A t yours ervice." 50,000  620,000 1,021,000  118,080 Seab. N., N. Y.  STRONGEST BANK IN NEWPORT NEWS-SCHM~ELZ NATIO.N AL BANK - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Number undel' Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given  1474  to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Band-McNally Bankers'  St. Charles ______ Lee B 2 Pop.175 Stephens City _Frederick B7 Pop. 787 Stony Oreek __ sussex G 9 Pop. 345 St. PaoJ _________ Wise B 4 Pop. 600 Strasburg ___ Shenandoah 0 7 Pop. 650  Bank of St. Charles _____ §'20 68-614 Peoples Bank _________ •U '05 68-433 Bank of Stony Creek --•:1'05 68-434 St. Paul National Bank:_•t'07 68-435  NAT'L BANK  I  CASHIER.  AsST. CASHIER.  40,000  7,500  225,000  300,000  -- - ---- ----------- - --------------------- --  25 ,000  43,400  624.900  568,000  50,000  65,000  325,000  375,000  50,000  40,000  340,000  400,000  ---------- ----------  R. W. Dickenson __ J.M. Hillman, Jr. _ J. L. Jennin2'S---E. D. Newman _____ R. S. Wr~ht ______ J. W. Eberly _______  r·  •t5'69  ---------------  5,000  38,400  40,000  26,500  ----- ·--- --------- -------725,000  710,000  110,000 Han , N,, N. Y.; Com'I. Danville; 1st N., Martinsville.  --------- --------- --------- ----· --8,510  218,800  33,520 1,009,000 1,215,910  19,970 Chatham & Phenix N .• N. Y.: N. Valley, Staunton; 1st N .. Waynesboro. 193,020 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Fx. N .. Phil.; N. Bk. Com .. Norfolk; N, Ex., Bait.  E. HOLLAND-- G. W. TRUl1T------ H. M. HOLLAND --- A.H. HARGRAVE--SMIT 9·. T.S. WITHERS  500,000  797,950 3,104.170 4,201.330  732,800 Han. N., N. l.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 4th St. N., Phil.; Citiz. N., Bait.  C. E. Hll?'2'rave ____  500,000  176,600 1,384.100 1,839,600  489,850 Chase N., N. Y.; lstN., Phil.; N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Drov.&Mech. N., Bait.: Am. N., Rich. 20,000 1st N •• Abingdon and Rural Retreat; Am.N.,1 Rich. lstN., Rich.  NAT'L BANK OF SUFFOLK  .  .  --------------------  -------------------- ----------- ---- ---  20,000  10,000  ------------ --- ---- ------------------- ---------------- P.H. Haskell, Mgr.  . .  50,000  40,000 Merch. N., Rich.; N. Bk. of Petersburg.Petersbure-. 179,500 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Ex., Roanoke; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 75,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Ex., Bait.: Dist. N .• Wash., D. C.; Merch. N .. Rich. 35,000 N. City, N. Y. : RiggsN., Wash., D. C,  125,000  Speclal attentl on to collecttons. J. L. McLemore ___ T. H. Birdsong _ A. Woolford _______ 68-124 •i'99 sugar Grove.-Smyth B 5 Bank of Sugar Grove, Inc. J. W. Bell ________ A. T. Slemp _______ W. F. Wright______ Pop. 700 •U'l4 R.N. Ward 68-501 8 ulphur Mines-Louisa D 8 Bank of Louisa ________ •:j:§'98 ( MimraL P. 0.) Pop. 38 68-437 Surry ________ surry F 10 Bank of Surry County, Inc. A. W. Bohannan ___ A. R. Morris _______ C. T. Hamlin ______ i§ '14 W.0.RO!!ers, V.P. O. L. Shewmake 68-494 Pot>, 300 sylvatus _____ Carroll G 2 ISylvatus Bank _________ §'19 T. A. Jennings ____ J. C Quesenberry_ I. L. Gray.----Pop, 200 68-570 Tappahannock ____ Essex Southside Bank __________ §'lO James M. Lewis ___ J. L. Henley _______ A. A. Oralle ________ 68-438 E9 J. W. Faulconer Pop. 422 Tazewell ___ Tazewell A 5 Bank of 01inch Valley __ t§'94 A. St. Clair ________ R. 0. Crockett ____ Henry Preston _____ 68-235 Pop. 1261 Farmers National Bank -•'20 R. 0 . Chapman ____ H. E. Harman _____ Aaron Russ ________ 68- 573 Tazewell National Bank.•i'02 G. w. Gillespie ____ J. W. Chapman ____ W. T. Gillespie ___ 68-236 H. L. Nock ________ Temperanceville .Acco'ac TemperanceviUe Bank ___ t '05 W, L. Nock ________ "E 18 68-430 Pop. 200 J. J. Kiger _______ _______ Turner R. R. __ Beverley C. H. J. T he Plains •• Jl'auquier O 8 Farmers Bank, Inc .•••• •U'lO T. U. Dudley 68-440 Pop. 275 J. A. Garber _______ ___ Minnick M. E. ______ Hoover H. J. Tim bervUle. Rockingham Farmers & Merch. BankU'08 68-441 0 6 Pop. 277 W. Marston ____ D. Toano ___ James Oity F 10 Peninsula Bank & Trust Co. iS'97 68-442 Pop. 250 Feller ________ L. J. _______ Keller J. W. _ ., ______ Miley B. IS. T om Brook_Shenandoah Toms Brook Bank _______ §'20 68 603 0 7 Pop. 340 _______ Bull__ B. W. W.M.Scarborough Town1end. Northampton Townsend Bke-. Co., Inc.t$'07 Samuel Townsend_ R. F. Powell 68-443 F 11 Pop. 250 Trout Dale .. Grayson B 5 Bank.of Troutdale, Inc .•U'06 H. A. Ho1fman ____ W. W. Roberts ____ John F. Greear ___ 68-444 Pop. 636 68-123  n.011:8.uo:1  W. T. Freeman ____ W. B. Cocke _______ B. 11'. Jarratt _______ J. K. Jarratt_ _____  ---- ----------  .. ------ .  O.u11 4 Ex01..ura•1,Dn  15,000 ------ $ 70,000 $ 21,000 $ 60,000 Fifth-Third:N., Cin.; Bk. of Bristol. Bristol. Tenn. 30,000 $ 10,000 175,000 201,000 26,000 Seab. N., N. Y,; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.  §'20 68- 613 Stuarts Draft_AU2'USta D5 Peoples Bank. _________ et§'07 J. B. Patterson ____ S. I. Flory _________ W. A. Bussey ______ -----68-436 Pop. 250 •8n1folk_Nansemond G 11 American Bank & Trust Co. B. L. Saunders ____ W.R. Frazier _____ E. E. Jones ________ R. B. Hill _________ G. G. Coulbourn 68-125 Pop. 9123 •!S'l2  FARMERS Bft,~ANSEMOflD  LIABILITIES. SURPLUS DEPOS- Loill 4 Dtlc"rl. Done, A.ND CAPITAL PROFITS ITS 8■01J'&.I'rIU --- --- ---  PAID-UP  M. D. Kelly ________ P. D. Pence ______ __ G. W. Blankenship ---------------- $ J. M. Steele ____ ---- J. A. Hinkle ______ R. A. Shryock _____  MASSANUTTEN •i'07 68-257 . ---- . Peoples National Bank __ •t'07 G. A. Copp ______ D. F. Yost ________ F. D. Maphis _____ 68-258 •Stnart _______ Patrick G 3 First National Bank ____ .• '21 G. T. Divers _______ T. J, George _______ J. S. Taylor _______ Hugh Marshall ____ 68- 606 401 . Pop. . PATRICK COUNTY J. W. Fulton _______ M. V. Stedman ____ J. C. Shockley---- J. c. Joyce _______ _ BANK -------il'90 . ----- " Peoples Bank68-281 of Pa trick, Inc. L. C. Dickerson ___ A, L. Powell _______ R. C. Sheppard ____ Raynold Sheppard  . ------ .  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banklni Point {Indexed A.cces.), Lawyer11, Laws (indexed) ln back of this ,_ Laws 1 :!:; volume For Interest Bates Holidays etc ., "ee ' I ' ~ RESOUBC:as. PJUNCIPAL COBRESPONDJlNTS.  VIRG !NIA-Continued  Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. ,NAME 011' B.ANX. TOWN A.ND COUNTY. •Mero. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County seats. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. Entire State in No. 5 tMem.State Bks.Assn. tPriv. [E~tab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  M. H. Bell ____  3,500  185,200  55,000  (Bramch of Looi sa, Va.)  15,000  9,240  135.580  48,500  --- --149,840  C. D. Lind ey ______  20,000  1.400  58,770  40 ,660  H. T. Garnett, Jr. __  50,000  18,000  518,030  495,030  G. M. St, Clair _____  100,000  91,130  532,510  480,880  244.100 N. Park, N. Y,; N. Ex .. Bait.  91,130 Far. & Merch . State, Fredericksbur2',  --------------------  1 0,000  25,000  500,000  430,000  175,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Ex .• Roanoke.  G. M. Mullin ______ _  60,000  170,710  946,703  868,590  367,250 N. Park. N. Y.; N, State &Ci ty, Rich.; N. Roanoke.  P M. Nock: _______  ---- --- --- ---  I  6,070 Bk. of Sussex & Surry, Wakefield, Va. ; N.I State & City N .• Rich. I 43,450 N. Ex., Roanoke. I I  I  I  ---------------  25,000  30,320  329,740  359,700  54,760 N. Park, N. Y.; Drov. & Mech, N., Bait.  B, W. Hite --------  10,000  27,000  230,000  325,000  22,000 Irvin!? N .• N. Y.; Merch. N., Bait.; 1st N., Harrison bure-. Plan. N., Rich.  A. E. Marston_ -- -· (Branch of Wilti amsburu , Va.) ___  ---- -------- ------------- -- - ------  25,000  1,500  85,000  86,600  ---  24,900 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; 1st N., Rich.  15,000  25,540  374,420  361,690  52,530 N. Bk. Com., Norfolk.  M. A. Greear.------  13,800  18,900  300,000  337,000  { J. W. LAYMAN-- C. N. HUFF--------- W. A. REID-------- H. K. HARRIS------  25,000  20,000  310,000  285,800  26,000 1st N., Rich.: Wachovia Bk. & Tr. Oo., Winston-Salem. 40,000 1st N ., Roanoke.  Collections a sp eclalty. Bemltt ances made on d ay of payment. 68-279 H. Erwin ___________ Union LeveLMeckl'burg Bank of Union Level, Inc. L. H. Hayes _______ C. P. Johnson _____ . §'13 68-485 . . G 71 ?Oll, 300 Ut11>erV1lle __Fauqmer C 8 \Fauqmer Loudoun Bk. •t§·I7 J. A. Buchanan ____ 1T. B Glascock _____ W. C. Demme"----- R. M. Costello _____ Peach M. C. 68-53'5 270 Pot>.  10,000  9,790  99,480  83,720  25,000  8,000  150,000  148,000  T routvme_.Botetourt F 4 Pop. 400  FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•i'lO Nainber under Name or Baak ia the New Tranl!llt Number 1tiven to each banlc in U. S. ezcluslrely by The Band-Mc.Nally Bankers, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -------------------  I  Ex.,,l  33,120 N. State & City, Rich. 35,000 Chase N .. N. Y.: Riggg N .• Wash., D.C.;Merch. N.,Rich.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banldng PoJnt (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) ~1}. ba!:k of this/'-  147.'Jr::.'  NanJber JUJder Name or Bank ia New Traalllt Number ,eivea to each bank in e%elrislrely by The Bllnd-MeNaHT Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers•n.  u. s.  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  •Oounty Seats.  Entire State in No. 5  {  NAME OF BA.NK  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn: §State iMem. BtateBks, .A.ssn.tPriv.  FederalReserveDistri<'t. ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  f PRJCSID.ENT.  [Estab.  7  VICE-PRESIDENT,  I  I  OASHI.ER.  Vienna ______ Fairfax C 9 Pop. 773 Vinton ______ Roanoke F 4 Pop. 2779 " _____ "  Vlrtillna. _____ Halifax G 6 "  Pov. 350 ____ ___  "  Wachapre~ue __ Accomac Pg-p, 498 E 12 Wake ____ Middlesex E IO Pop. 50 Wakefleld ___ sus11exG 10 Pop, 734  "  -------  "  Walkerton_Kinr & Queen Pop. 100 E 9 Walters ___ Isle of Wl2ht Pop. 110 G 10 •Warm Sprln2"s-Bath D 4 Pop. 600 •Warrenton-Fauquier C8 Pop. 1545  ..  "  •Warsaw-Richmond E 10 Pop. 300 •Washin2ton __ Rappa'ock Pop, 233 C7 ..  Waver1Y------S~ssex F 9 Pop, 130u " ---- ---" Waynesboro_Aueusta D 5 Pop, 1594  ..  ______  ..  Westpoint_KinirWil. E IO Pop.1635 •• .. Weyers Cave ____ Au~usta Pop. 250 D5  .ASS'T C~SHID.  _______  Urbanna-Middlesex E IO Bank of Middlesex ___ •:mooo J. R. Saunders ____ J.M. Lewis ________ L. N. Weaver _____ Pop. 887 68-445 R. W. MANSOff ____ E. L. KENDIG-------- W. P. REED--------H. C. LOVE Victoria __ Lnnenbure G 7 BANK Of VICTORIA ---•t§'07 Special attentlo n to B-L drafts. Pop. 1445 68-446 { Please send toe with each sight d raft for presentat We want your b uslness on this ba sis.  VIRGl,IAN BANK____ Of COMME CE--68-499 •W14  of thisl'--4  LIABILITIES.  RESOURCES.  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  p AID-UP SURPLUS DEPOS Lou• Ir Im- Oil■" Zz• C.&.PIT.A.L AND - c'n. Bon,, OJLUN1a,Dn P R O F I T S ~ saovamu _no_■ _a...n __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1  T. G. Jones ________ $ 25,000 $ 19,640 $ 394,490 $ 3:>2,230 $ 81,930 Am. N. and 1st N •• Rich. E. J. Smith S. R. NEBLETT-----30,000 8,000 300,000 275,000 75,000 Irvin~ N., N. Y.: N. State & City, Rich. G. J. DEARBORN  ,_ ~  -  10,000  ll,000  130,000  140,000  17,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: Saab. N .. Norfolk; lstN., Rich.  I Collections and  cash Items receiv e prompt and pe rsonal attention. For efficient ser vice, 1end your bu slness direct to us. Vienna National Bank ___ ;!:"20 Franklin Williams B. F. A, Myers ____ Vernor Gowin_____ __________________ 25,000 2,500 45,000 55,000 25,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich,; Am. N.,Wash., ....-1 ti8-594 D. 0. .....,. First National Bank ______ '21 G, M. Muse ________ M. w. Turner _____ F. L. Mitchell _____ .A. C. Harris_______ 50,000 --------- --------- --------- --------::;:: 68-595 f'V Peoples Bank, Inc, ______ *5'10 J.P. Woods _______ o. N. HowelL _____ o. L. Atkinson _____ A. F. Ferrell______ 45,000 19,990 378,220 394,010 43,390 N. Ex., Roanoke. 0 68-447 Bank of Virgilina ____ •;!:§1900 S. M. Torian _______ W. D. Amis ________ T. G. PooL _______ H. L. Ford_________ 10,000 15,000 175,000 198,000 45,000 Chatham & Phenix X., N. Y.; N. State & City, -..; 68-448 Rich. ~ Citizens Bank ---·-----•:l:§'17 T. W. Chandler __ .Arthur Tuck ______ W. L. Greeory ____ Alfred Hayes______ 20,000 760 82,970 58,450 51,430 Old Dominion Tr. Co., Rich. 68-534 Wachapreaeue Bankine Co .• JohnW.Richardson Joo. A. Turlin2ton 0. Fuller HaJL ____ - - - - - - - 12,700 --------- -------- --------- -----tJ:1 68-582 Inc. §'20 ::i>, Packers State Bank _____ §'20 C. D. Marchant. ___ s. J. Moore ________ F. P. Eastm:i.n ____ ___________________ 22,626 3,760 49,970 24,520 43,350 Drov. & Mech. ., Bait.; Far. & Merch. State, 68-610 ALP. Grinels Fredericksbur~. Z Bank of Sussex &Surry•:l:§'02 P. D. Bain _________ W. A. Stephenson_ W. H. Sav~e _____ R. A. Saved2e _____ 100,000 127,160 596,540 817.870 42,840 Chase N., N. Y. ~ 68-449 F. P. Pulley r;n Ed w. Roeers j FARMERS BANK _____ __ :1:§'ll W. A. Harris ______ J. H. Presson _____ J.M. Allen_______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20,000 17,500 140,000 125,000 35,000 Am. N., Rich. 68-463 E. W. Brittle C: South Side Bank, lnc, ___ :!:§'10 ______________ ____________________ N. T. Overton _____ --- ---------------- (Branwh of Tapp ahannoe k Va.) 1st N ., Rich. "1 68-450 ' --o" Bank of Walters _______ t§'l9 S, A. Barrett ______ J.E. T, Joyner ____ R. W. Chappelle __ -----------------16,700 1,200 70,000 69,000 16,000 Far. Bk. of Nansemond, Suffolk; 1st N., Rich.· SU 68-563 . Bk. of Waverly, Waverly. ' ::l Bank of Warm Sprm2s. 1nc. G. B. Venable _____ J.C. McGuffln _____ H. T. Jackson _____ -------------------25,000 6,520 158,810 199.770 9 540 Chase N., N.Y.; Oov. N., Oov ::, 68-451 •i§'08 ' • SI) FAUQUIER NATIONAL BANK JC. E. TIFFANY--- E. L. CHILDS------ EDWARD CARTER- P. G. MARSTELLER 100,000 165,000 1.470,000 1.495,000 187,000 Han. N., N, Y.; 1st N,, Phil.; March. N., Rich. r+ 1 68· 225 •:l:'0 2 lsendyourl ms direct for prompt efficient attentto n. O PEOPLES NATIONAL BK.•i•to A. O.Weedon ______ J. T. Cockrill__ ____ S. C. Brittle _______ D. T. Day _________ • 50,000 20,750 340,590 377,190 84,160 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Girard N., Phil.;,~ 68-226 J. L. Gorrell O?m'l N., Wash., D. O.; N. State & Oity,I ct 1 Northern Neck State Bk.,Inc. J. W. Chinn, Jr, ___ A. N. Wellford ____ W. T. Tyler _______ V. W. Sanders_____ 25,000 15,450 271,630 268,640 43,570 1l~.,'h~ii.~tlt~~ Balt. i~ 68-452 •§'09 "1 Rappahannock Nat. Bank B. J. Wood ________ O. R. Wood ________ G. L. Bradford ____ R. B. Fox__________ 25,000 30,160 382,220 348,680 34,640 Chase N., N. Y.: Oom'l N. and Cont. Tr. Oo.,J rn 68-297 •i'02 G. P. Browning____ H. G. Brown Wash .. D. C.: 1st N .. Rich.; Alexandria N., (j Alexandria. p.> W. M. Stuar ~igij'"-----•it'02 w. M. Stuart_____ ________ ______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ Culpeper N., Culpeper. ~ 1 6 P. FLEETWOOD ____ J. F. WEST __________ W. T. DANIEL------- J. W. WEST--------- 100.000 110,000 850,000 935,000 84,000 Irvin2 N .• N. Y.: Mllrch. N .. Rich.; Drov. &1 BANK OF WAVERLY --•itrnoo For prompt an ~- ~~~~I!TIIOfervlce at lowest rates, Mech. N., Balt. 3 ff8-45 send us your business. First Nation3-J-~tnk -----•'16 J. E. Wilcox _______ G. H. Blood ________ W. E. Norris ______ J. A. Cooper_______ 25,000 6,430 190,170 299,300 27,590 Han. N .• N. Y.: N. State & City, Rich.; Va. N .. Petersburf. First National Bank-----•i'99 Theodore Coiner __ R. G. Vance ______ R. G. Vance ________ C. J. Wri£ht_____ 25,000 55,000 650,000 675.000 50,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Bait .. 68-227 Balt.;N.State&Oity,Rich,;Com'IN.Wash.D.O. 86,030 Irving N., N.Y.; Drov. &Mech. N., Bait.: .Plan. 18,000 370,500 370,730 WAYNESBORO NAT'L B~NK {PLINY FISHBURNE W. G. ELLISON----- C. K. YANCEY ______ J. W. WRIGHT------40,000 l31lls of Laatng Drafts a Speclalt y. Prompt Servi ce. Reasonable r ates. N., Rich.; Com'l N., Wash., D. O. 68-228 • '08 SEND US YOUR WA.YNESBOR O ITEMS. CITIZENS EXCHANGE BANK, J.E. Bland _______ W. F. Ba~by _______ H. E. Toppinr----- R. C. Bradford____ 40,100 87,420 Am. N., Rich. 40,540 651,960 637,260 INC.-----68-454 ________ 5•02 B. O. Garrett State Bk. of West Point, Inc. M. P. Chandler ___ R. M. Hort _____ Wm. G. Warine __ R. B. Fried ______ _ 40,000 35,000 N. State & City, Rich. 14,000 275,000 275,000 68-490 1'14 P. B. Hu~hes Weyers Cave Bank, Inc. il'05 J. W. Carpenter ___ D. A. Cline_______ N. I. Kal?ey _______________ _ 28,000 RockinfhamN.,Harrisonburf;Merch.N.,Rich. ~ 48,720 222,010 290,900 20.000 68-465 (,/1  >  #.,  i  SCHMELZ NATIONAL BANKoFOR SUPERIOR SERVICE IN NEWPORT NEWS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ::  Ion and 50c with each re quest f or credl t repor t.  f J. H. ABBITT ---- G. R. MARSHALL -- M.- C. WILSON---- J. A. SPENCER ----  ~  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest BanldnJr Pofnt (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in oack volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.~q!  VIRGINIA - C On t•Jnued  -  1476  JlamNr under Name of Bank ia the Rew Tnnd& Kamber giTeJi to each bank in U. 8. eselualvelr by The Rand•MeNaDr Bankers' Dlreet.or,, undet the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  I  NA.ME OF BANK.  t•Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. 5Stat~ •Oouuty Seats. Entire State in No. 5 tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Es~b. Federal ~eserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res:  PRJl'.SIDENT.  .  I I  #  Non-Bank Town1 with Neare,t Banklni Point (Io-  VIRGINIA- Continue d  I  I  VIe&-PRJr.SIDENT.  OASHID.  _______  .  dexed Acea..), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed.) in back of thls .... volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see ~~ ~  I  LIABILITIES.  l  P~;UP'T CASHIER,  ~  I  RESOURCES,  Duos- ~:''l!:: PROFITs l~ ! ~ AND  :!,~  ,I  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS  °'  ·  ~i----------------,  Whaleynlle~Nansemond Bank of Whaleyvilla •••• ti 06 T. O. KmehL _____ B. P. Baker------- W. 11', Knll?ht.. _____ - - - - - - - - - - $ 10,000 $ 13,500 $ 22a,OOO, $ 214,000 $ 38,500 Han. N .• N. Y.; Far. Bk. of Nansemond, Suffolk; Merch. N., Rich. 68-456 G 10 Pop. 500 44.1201·Far. & Merch. state, Fredericksburg; Drov. 52,020 70,3201 $,120 24,390 White Stone •• Lancaster Peoples Bank __________ §'20 R.R. Dunaway ____ G. W. Sanders ____ 0. N. Lawson ______ - - - - - - - - - 1 & Mech. N., Balt. 68-589 E 11 Pop. 365 1 12,580 <Han. N., N. Y.: N. state & City and Am., N., 444,050 460,570 35,0001 30,000 •William b'g_James City First National Bank ----•t'03 L. W. Lane------- J. W. Jones ••••••• W. F. Low _ _ _ T. L. Sheppard---Rich. . 68-187 F 10 Pop. 2462  I  20,000 744,730 757,700 , 109,090 OhaseN.,N.Y,;Plan. N.,Rich. 100,000 E.D.Spencer, Peninsula Bank & Trust Co. W.A.Bozarth .•••• R.L.Spencer _____ F.R.Sava~e. Sec. and Tr. A. Sec. and A. Tr. •tl'l7 H. U. Ste1>henson, H. M. Clements G8-18G V.-Prea. · 28,680 1st N,, Roanoke: Peo. Bk. ot Floyd Co., Floyd. 30,000 280,000 306,000 25,000 Willis __________ Floyd G 3 Blue Rid2e Bank, Inc .••. 1'14 · O. K. Burnett•••••• W. G. Donnelly •••• S. 0, Slusher------ B. R. Slusher._____ 68-503 Pop. 300 1 •Winchester ••• Frederick COMMERCIAL & SAV. BANK H. S. Larrick _____ H. c. Sheetz _______ John I. Sloat. _____ - - - - - · - - - - - 150,000 110,000 750,000 790,140 185,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N .. Bait.; Am. N., ~ 0 _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ _ RLh. t§'16 68-140 B7 Pop. 6883  I  I  <  FARMERS &, W. P. McGUIRE ... ~~HI. ffl.PR-···· H, D. FULLER .....H. M. SARTELLE.. 300,000 275.000 1,873,000 2.453,000 1 205,000 Collectlone receive prompt attention and remittance. 'L BK, We are headquarters for A_,pla Growers and. Buyera.- MERCHI NAT 68-Ull  •t'02  1'70  I  j  J.M.RabY----- W. II. Johnson ____ S. T. Holland _____ -----------' W. B. Hamilton __ J.M. Hill _ _ _ S. J. Fleenor ____ W. Bonner _______ _  237,110  I  1,830  102,220  lli,670 1  12,500 1  fi,000  125,000  121,500 1  E. M. Fulton ______ C. F. Bruce ________ E. B. McElroy _ ·--- 0. F. Alderson ___ _ W. A. Hood _______ W. L. Early _______ W. J, Gibson ______ ------------  25,000 1 22,400  22,500  325,000  245,000  4,570  35,500  44,040  E. D. NEWMAN ______ M. B. WUNDER----- M. COFFMAN-------- A. K. ALBERT_______ •Woodsiock ___ shen'doah SHENANDOAH NAT. BANK •i'71 68-230 06 Pop, 1580  25,000  67,000  600,000  529,000  20,000  -  _  ,-  j  I  ~  t~  :5.  235,570  20,290  25,000  @ 1  102,340 ht N., N. Y.: 4th st. N .• Phil.: Drov. & Mech. ~ <; N.. Mcrch.N.,Rich. 1 ::::r'  I  Wind or. __ Jsle of Wizht Bank ofWindsor,Inc .• •tl'06 J, W. Babb •••••••• W.J. Rhodes ______ F.T. Leathers _____ J.L.Eley _________ . 68-457 G 10 Pop, 326 Farmers Bank, Inc .•••• t§'lll 68-567 •Wisc _________ Wise A 3 Citizens Bank __________ ;t§"l7 68-533 Pop. 1200 Wise County National Bank " -------" •t·o1 68-458 Wolttown .• Madison D 7 Farmers State Bank ••• _§"20 68--588 Pop, 60  266,560 '.N. City, N. Y.: M.ercb. N., Bait,; 4th St. N .. , Phil.; Am. N .. Rich.  -  -  -  -  BlllofLadlngD rafts a specialty. A thoroughly o rganlzed Collectl pn Department. {PROMPT SERV ICE. BEASONA ~LE RATES. TR Y us.  ~ ~  ·-.- - 1 - - • - - - - - - .  WRITE US.  SHENANDOAH VAL. NAT'L John W,Rice _____ jR. G. Williams---- 'W, G.Hardy _______ J. F. Brown. ______ . 300,000 511,310 2,033,4801 3,474,190 C. M. Smith BANK .... 88-137 _______ et'66 1 1 42,500 469,510 488.110 J.B. RUSSELL---- JOHN THWAITE------ C. J. SUMMERS------ G. B. BUSHNELL---- 100,000  UNION 68-138 BANK  ,  Irving N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Bait.; 1st N., I ID Rich.; Am. N., Wash., D. C.  45,310 Bk. of Holland, Holland; Citiz., Norfolk; Am. Bk. & Tr, Co. and Far. Bk. of Nansemond, := ~ Suffolk, 19,420 ;N. Bk. Com., Norfolk; Am. Bk. & Tr. Co., r+ O Suffolk, 52,210 !ifth-Third N., Cin,; 1st N., Bluefield, W. Va. N 125,000 N. Ex., Roanoke; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 12,050 N. Bk, of Charlottesville, Charlottesville.  -  C  e.  128.000 ,Ban. N., N, Y.; March, N., Bait.  ·17,270 Shenandoah N., Woodstock. 5,770 189,500 186,040 20,000 ] ' ---------ShenandoahVal.Ln.&Tr.Co. E. D. Newman _____ F. S. Pennybacker_ W. H. Newman, ,. · Sec. and Tr. 5•gg 68-231 29,080 ;nrov. & Mech. N., Bait. 15,000 I 11,500 184,000 . 180,820 Valley Savings Bank .••• tl'05 T. G. Locke ________ s. g_ Boyer ________ N. II. Corman _____ Miss Minnie Donaldson 68-232 '79,000 390,000 3 6,440! 118,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Ex., Rich. 50,000 •Wytheville .• Wythe G 1 Farmers Bank ot South V. 0. Huff _______________ C. M. Trinkle ______ N. B. Rhudy_______ ~ I ..•... •U'72 West Pop. 2947 75 C 100,000 110,000 , 545,000 481,000 135,750 Imp. & Tra. N ., N. Y ; 1 t N., Rich. First National Bank ______ t"82 J. H. Crockett__ ___ A. A. CaoopbelL •. O. W. Gleaves_____ _______________ ____ " ---- ---" • n> 68-176 5,000 102,000 ____________ Chase N., N. Y.; 'chmelz N .• Newport News. Q 25,000 •Yorktown .••. York F 11 First National Bank -----•'20 Geori?e L. Smtfu ___ W. T. WainwrighL Oscar H. Oranz .••• ______________ \ 68-576 Po-p. 1:i5 ..,. PeBinsula Bank & Trust Co. ________________________________ T. W. Crockett •.•. _________ (Branch of Williamsburg , Va.) __ 1_______ Peninsula, Williamsburg. • §'10 1 68-459 N 33,020 ! 19,800 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Suffolk, Suffolk. 43,250 15,000 T. Clayton ______ -----------------· __ j Zuni..lsle ot Wi~ht G 10 Bank of Zuni ___________t§'l8\H.. A. Horne ------- \G. F. Johnson ____ 1 \ .ii--.. ._.._._. 68-M.\ 'Po-o. ?rill  Vir~Jf_,  I  \J.  W i\iif.4§«\4. ;J;JMW~t•iil#l•l~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ---------1  !1-Sif£ilf.i:t-JJn.§.i£ii¥Ufll  '°  ■-+'  0  4)  -(.)  '  0  .J  . l •  ~  I  ·,l  ,1  0  I.I.-  a:  0  t  ~  11  ~  ORPORATIONS. business men and individuals seeking more in a Bank than merely a convenient place in which to keep money-who need the friendly co-operation and cheerful service of a strong banking connection-will choose The National Bank of Commerce of Seattle.  C  I \ I  We welcome the opportunity to explain in detail how we can serve Eastern and Southern banks and corporations in the West. Alaska or the Orient. Every modern banking facility is maintained and business entrusted to us will receive prompt, accurate, expert attention.  '  II  DEPARTMENTS 4'  (lJ (/)  I'  COMMERCIALTRUST SAVINGS INVESTMENT FOREIGN SAFE DEPOSIT OFFICERS  .~ t  ~ )  N  -!::-- '  I'  V  SERVICE  ;,  t4.  "  I  I  of Seattle  J  ,-  The National Bank of Commerce  ALFRED V. GODSAVE. Manager Foreign Department  ~  .  '  MA SON F. BACKUS. President ROBERTS. WALKER - Vice Pres. IRA W. BEDLE - - - - Cashier FRANK H. LUCE Vice Pres. RICHARD P. CALLAHAN. Asst. Cashier A. ROBERT MORTO - Vice Pres. LA FAYETTE KELLOGG, Asst. Cashier LOUIS H. MOORE - - - Vice Pres. THEODORE F. McCREARY Asst.Cashier EUGENEW.BROWNELL.Asst.VicePres. JOHN L. PLATT - - Asst. Cashier  -~ :·, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ,,.,, , ,!:J.  J Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Washington  INDEX TO  1  2  124 °  3  COUNTIES.  RAND M9NALLY  Adame ..... E 14  POPULAR MAP OF  Aeotln ...... F 16 Benton ..... F 12 Chelan ..... c Clallam ..... B Clarke .. .. .. G Columbia ... F Cowlltz .•.•• F  S 5 15  Douglas ..... c  u  49°  9  119 °  13  117°  17  WASHINGTON SCALE Statut.e Miles, 32=1 In<!h. 20  5  40  50  A  i~rnkiin::·:.l 1: Garfield .... F 16 Grant ..... .. D 11 Grays Harbor  D 2  Island ...... B 5  Jefferson ... C 3 Klng ........ D Kitsap ...... C Kittitas .... D Klickitat ... G  7  B  B  48°  48°  5  9 9  Lewts ....... E 5 Lincoln .... C 14  Okanoge.n .. B 11 Paclftc ...... E a Pend Ore1lleA 16  Plerce ...... E 6 SnnJuan ... B 5  C  C  Skagit ...... B 7 Skamania .. G 7 Snohomish. B 7  °'ij  Spokane .... c 16 St.evens .... .B !5  ~  '.l'burston ... E 3 WabklakumF S Walla Walla fl' 14  Whatcom .. A 7 Whitman .•. E 16  Yaklma. ..... F 9  D  E  -~ a  F  F  46°  ~ ~  G  G  ~  LLO'Wh  ---Railroads  6  122• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  PROTECTED BY  SURETY BOND  The attorneys listed in the Rand McNally Bankers Directory are bonded by the American Surety Company. What Some Attorneys Say: -"Am pleased with my connection. It is proving profitable." (Penna.) -"We are much pleased with the results obtained from our contract with you and consider it a good investment." (Wisconsin.) _ -"I value my representation very highly and I am .sending all my out-oftown business to your lawyers."(/on,a.) -"Our confidence in your list is being justified and we desire to continue as your representative in this community." (South Da~ota.)  -"In our judgment it is superior to any List of Attorneys our long experience has brought us in contact with, and in addition to this is proving a very fruitful source of business to us."  (Kentuch,.) -"The business I receive is of a firstclass nature and I usually get results for clients and make good fees out of claims forwarded me through your list." (South Carolina.)  -"In the last few months, we have  -"I have gotten so much good business through your list in the last three months that I am much pleased. At first I thought I was stuck again."  received several good fees from your List. Last week we received a mortgage to foreclose which provides for a fee of seven hundred dollars. You can see why I want to stay with you."  (Texas.)  (Oqlahoma.)  Send Your Legal Business to Bonded Attorneys  :t.  Nuaiber uader Naaie or Bank fa th,, New Transl~ Nuaiber given  1477  :i:t!J:a:»:ieru,h~ :!~1u::rt;"oF~feb1:.::,:;:c::::er~1!e,r::  ToWN A.ND OOUNTT.  I  NAME OF BANK.  •Yem . .Am. Bks . .Assn. §State "'Oonnty Seats. In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks . .Assn.tPriv. (Estab. S, Seattle Br. SP, Spokane +Mem. Fed. Res. Aberdeen __ Grays Harbor S Pop, 15,337 · E 3  "  ··-·--·--  "  PRESIDENT.  VICJE-PRJ!'SIDJCNT.  CASHIER.  AsS'T 0ASHIER.  •:t§'06  I  P,UD·UP SU~us DEPOBCAPITAL PROFITS  ABERDEEN NATIONAL BANK CHAS. ALBERTSON -- H. C. RANDOLPH·-- N. J. BRUEN·-----·- B. E. CAUTHORN --·•"20 98-31 BYRON RIPLEY. @,, WJUPLEY •..•. _ WlHllTUCKER--··· -·-····------······BiLL <fF lil>I nG vRA.FTS esp ec a y solicited. ABERDEEN STATE BANK 98-30  volume LIABILITIES  I  l  FEE IN A.DVA. NCE on sight dra fts. Uc minimum charge. Credit B eports 50c.  rest Banking Point (In,rlln , back ofo this';' For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc, see Laws. ::,  ...,;,r..,,.,  dexed . , ... ces.J, Lawyers, La~ .. (indexed) 1n  WASHINGTON 1TB  S.OuarrtU  g  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  RESOURCES.  ~~·:i;:; ~.:..~~■  "'1 :::  no11  - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ 1 ....  $ 100,000 $ 25,000 -- -··--- -·-··--- --··--- N. Park, N ...... ; 1st N., San F. and Seattle; ~ ; ,_ Ladd & Tilton, Port. , 10,000 S 700,000 $ 500,000 $ 125,000 N. City, N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., Port,; Union 25,000 · N., Seattle; Crocker N., San F.  .  ;  Hayes & Hayes-······-•:t§•93 F.B. Patterson ••_. R. F. Hayes··--··- W. J. Patterson ••• J. H. Fu.ller --·--·· R. H. Falconer 98-29  aoo,ooo  Addy ______ . Stevens B 15 Addy State Bank ···----:W19 Hagh Waddell... __ Henry R. Spedden. C, Ostrum _____ · · · · - - - - - - 98-417 SP Pop. 300  15,000  2,210  62,060  65,430  Jane McCJaskey __ _  25,000  8.150  79,730  122,340  14.150 Seab. N., N. Y.; Fidelity N., Spokane; Ladd & Tilton, Port.; 1st N ., Pullman; Far.N ., OOlfax.  Almira ______ Lincoln C 13 Almira State Bank·----•*1'02 Jens Peterson ••• __ R. J. Stephens--·- Julius C. Johnson_ N. K. Nansen.·-·-! ♦ 118-209 Sp Pop. 450  50,000  33,280  35~.460  442,900  44,150 Chase N., N. Y.; Ex. N .. Spokane; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma.  Fred H. Hyde ______ C. E. Elliott-----·- Chas. T. Deets .... F. E. Rowland ___ J I . . Dame! Kelleher •• _ R. V. Ankeny ••••• II'. D. Oartwr12ht_ -· ---·---··-·------  25,000  8,500  182,000  206,000  25,000  8,240  538,780  450,560  20,000 Irving N., N. Y.: Spokane & Eastern Tr, Co., Spokane: Dexter Horton N., Seattle, 117,750 Chase N., N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle.  M. B. Mattice..--·· G. A. Henson---··· W. J, Kattice••• _._ Earl R. Lovell •• __ • , 0. E. Biniham. ____ A. E. Holland-••••• 0. H. Tracy_··-··-- GarnetKerna.1?han_ Bertha Benedict  25,000  12,000  500,000  415,000  25,000  13,780  399,8801 352,510  Bertha Erdahl. ___ _  15,000  20,170  671,250  551,210  86,110 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and nion ... • .. Seattle; 1 t N., Everett; C. E. Bingham Co., edro Valley. 155,200 N. Park, . Y.; Seattle N., Seattle.  _ _ _ _ _ __  25,000  8,510  367,940  180,770  311,080 Ohase N., N. Y.: Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., rJl  _ _ _ _ _ __  15,000  7,080  186,020  158,840  50,000  21,560  527,700  426,180  Albion--·- Whitman E 16 Albion State Bank.-·---•U'06 Geo. M. Miller·-·-· J.C. Farr •• _ _ _ M. ♦ 98-208 Sp Pop. 252  Farmers State Bank --•:t§'l4 " -·-·-" , • ll8- 379 . Anacortes _____ 8kB.E1t B 5 Bank of Commerce ____ .;tf 04 IIHS S Pop. 5284 .. Citizens Bank...·-----•*1'99 -·-----.. ll8~7 Arlineton_Snohomish R 6 Arlineton State Bank.•Ul900 ll8-131 S Pop. 2028  o. Handley ____  ,  Citizens State Bank ___ et§'07 L. C. Palmer.·---·- G. L. Brumby_. ____ --------- ··-·---N. P. Peterson 98-132 1 Asotin •••••• Asotin F 17 Bank of Asotin Count.y.•U'04 B. Ayers--·····--- B. F. OnstaL--···- J. B. Jone•--·-·· , 98-m ~.P Pop. 852 .. Baumeister, Vollmer & Scott A. E. Clarke····-· -···-···--··-··----· E. Matthes .....•. _ -·-·---Bank ____ lJ8-175 _____ •:t§1900 Auburn_. _____ ._Kine D 6 CITIZENS STATE BANK•:t§'l5 A. c. MacCallum ___ S. Cavanau2h----· s. W. Brown-----~ 98-380 S Pop. 3163 "  -·---···  "  C.  c.  Calavan ----·  120,000 5,000,000 3,698,030 1,439,810 N. Bks. Com., N. Y. and Seattle; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.; U. s. N., Port.  .  10,730 1st N ., Colville; Old N .• Spokane,  80,000 , Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle and San F. 1  trJ  >  z~ I  Sookane; Lewiston N ., Lewiston, Ida. 37,210 1st N., Chi., Lewiston, and Port.; Old N .. Snokane. 139,650 Irving N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma; Scan.-Am. and Seattle N .. Seattle.  ► er ~  a::g  32,610 853,620 786,140 120,310 Irving N., N. Y.; Dexter Horton N, and Union 50,000 First National Bank--.--•!'08 H, L. Bills-·-----.; J. I. Gilm-Ore-·--·-- W. T. Behne---·--~ J.M. Reilly_______ N .. Seattle;N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma. l , 98-162 Ballard Station_King C 6 Scandinavian .AmericanBank'. O. S. J. Pede1-.en, 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0. F. Floren _______ - - - - - - - 1<Brwnch of Seat tle-, Wash.) •• _•• _ _ _ _ Liberty N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Ohl.: Merch. Y.; Am. N .. San F. Union Natii!;f~ank-.~:n~ ------·-·-----·~~~ ________ C. W. Gasler, Mgr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Branch of Seat tle-, Was h.) ________ ~. (S~:~:.:_O.)" ~ 2'i ,000 State Bk. of Port. and Northw . .r ., Port.; Am. 1,500 130,000I. 95,000 10,000 Battle Ground.Clarke G 5 State Bank of Battle Ground G. C. Scotton .. ___ . A. w. Ward--·-··- A. L. Lasswell •• _._ ---·------·---·-ecur., Vancouver. . , •t§'l5 98-359 S Pop. SOO V. A. ROEDER----- WILLIAM McCUSH ._: F. f. lfANDSCHY ---- H, P, JUKfS-··-··-· 200,000 342,350 2,659,610 2,220,800 735,610 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Ohi.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N, and 1st N., San F, E P SANFORD · E: D: BATES The" Belllngha m National" offe rs Bellingham.-.Whatcom *BELLINGHAM NAT'l BA~K t 05 SA.TISFA.CTOB Y BANKING SER VICE In this terrl tory. 98-lO S Pop, 25,570 A 5 -··-·---  "  ::,  ciiJ:.1. t.  0 trJ _ s»  :::· .., ~  i  *FIRST NAT BANK {E. w. PURDY------ J. 1  c.  HEAI..--------H. G. WHITc J. DONOVAN-·---- ALEX. M, MUIR- •••• C. We soJlclt )'Olli' cobecitons on Bel lingliam and all points I n Northwestern Washington. Pro mpt returns.  •!'97 98-9 *Northwestern National Bk. H.B. Paige--·--- Timothy Paife---·- R. P. Loomis---·-· P. E. HeaJ _ __ w. H. Lawson o. K. M:cMillin •:t·os 98-12 B. T. Drake ____ J. K. Sater------·· *Northwestern State Bank I. J. Adair - - - - Cyrus Gates_ •• _ E, B. Deming •tl'05 ♦ 118-11 Bellingham Clearing House (Members indicated by a*) of Bickleton ____ .u,oa Bank 10 G Bickleton-Kllckitat 98-212 Sp Pop. 250 Blaclc Diamond.King D 7 State Bk. of Black Diamond •:t§'.11 98-376 S Pop. 2000 Blaine _____ Whatcom A. 5 Home State Bank ______ •:t§ 08 98-99 S Pop. 2254  E.W. Purdy_·-·--- --·-·-·-·-···---··-- ----·--------------·  Sec. 0, E. Flower---·-- J.B. Hosfelt _ _ · S, A. Rossier-·-· S, N. Matsen----··  T. Fournier __ , _____ H. M. McDowell ___ .T. Fournier _______ Fannie Petsche ••• . . . · M. Davis . Albert StilL .. ---- P. A. Wolten-•••••• 0. K. )(1ddleton.-· 1R~ H. Smith__ •••••• 1 Vida M. Reid  TIME AND INTEREST SAVED BY USLNG o_yR MODERN TRANSIT SYSTEM; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  c. K. McMillan,  200,000  339,460 3,521,540 3,212,140  100,0G0  50,000 2,175,450 1,654,000  894,910 ChaseN.,N.Y.: CornEx.N.,Chi.; N.Bk.Com., Seattle: Crocker N., San F.; U. B. N. and 1st! N., Port.  I  771,450 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Seattle,  104,520 1,415,330 1,151,330  25,000  26,090  276,280  317,990  12,000  4,800  142,160  100,050  25,000  9,330  490,6801  443,630  ...  -!w':•.  :.::.:.:  - :. - . . . .-=---------~~-  I  '  101,3801N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle and Bellingham.  :!  ,,•'1 1,  37,220 Han. N .. N. Y.; Northw. N., Port.; Bk. of Cai.' N. A., Tacoma. ,... 27,250 Chase N., N. Y.: N. City, Seattle,  CONTINENTAL AND 0.0fyiM__EB_C_I_A L: ~_l\NK~, CHICAOO  ----.-_:---  i; :l  468,520 N. City, N. Y.: N, Bk. of Rep., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.: Bk. of Cal. N.A.aod Dex. ter Horton N .. Seattle. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 100,000  ~  1478  Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. es:cluslvcly by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  ToWN AND COUNTY.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ,-. volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws ..i::,.  WASHINGTON-Continued  1------'L=-I=A.=B=l=L.::..:IT=-=I=ES=-.- ----11----=R=ES=-=-OU.::.;R::::.C.:.:E=S:.:.._  NA.ME OF BANK.  •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ln. 'o.12 }!'eel. Res. Dist. !Mem. State Bks . .A.ssn.tPriv. S Seattle Br. SP Spokane ♦Mero. Fed. Res. [Estab.  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  0.'-SBIJ:R.  ASS'T OA..SBlll,  p  A.ID·UP SuRPLU8  C.u> p:C,~TS  DEPOB· 11 Loillt" Dm-  1TB  c;::;..=::• '::.,":~  A.G. Worthini:ton John Rodi?ers.-•• Ross E. Worley •••. Vaughn Bo Iey ••.. $ 12,500 $ Geo. E. Miller ••••• R. A. Noyes-···--· R. G. Cook ••_ .••• V. M.. Buren.·-··J. W. Braman S. Mieliavacca ..... G. R. Fetterman_. E. 0. Ebert. ....... S. A. McGilvray ••. R. E. Gordon . B. Solner .•••••. C. P. KimbalL •... Ross Black •.....•• Conrad Veldee •••• Leo Haskell J. L. Goehry ..•••. Amos Tupper--···· F. D. Rice _ _ _ ···-···-······-· ....  25,000 50,000 50,000  5,000 $ 251,000 $ 211. 770 $ 68,940 Seattlti N. and Dexter Horton N., Se:1.ttle; 1st N., Everett, 843,580 178,900 Seab. N .• N. Y.: Seattle. N., Union N., and 1st 973,660 N., Seattlo. 584,790 102,010 Han. N .. N. Y.; Seattle N. and Dexter Hor19,200 619,600 ton N.. Seattle. 17,300 1,513,060 1,256,660 285,970 N. City, N. Y.; N. City and Union N., Seattle. 37,280  25,000  15,950  167,410  289,620  Herman CornohL. A. W. Manke-··--· T. J. East. _ _ _ A.G. Manke ... •--  25,000  13,550  122,600  173,000  Buckley. ___._Pierce D 7 StateBankofBuckley •• •:1'03 C. o. Stebe?£--··· J. H. :Morris.•--·· A. E. Hovey •. ·-·-· - - - · · - - S Pop. 1119 98-216 Buena .....• Yakima F 10 Buena State Bank •..•. •t§'l9 L. I. Barbee .•••••- O.KoboskL---·-· F. S. Reinhart.-•• U. Iverson---····· SD Pop. 300 ♦ 98-408 Burlinet0n.-•. Skaint B 6 Burlington 1 ational Bank._ H. E. Cleveland .... S. C. Scott ......... Charles Qallahan _ Axel Johnson·---·S l'op. 1360 98-136 t"05  25,000  18.000  450,000  379,500  ..  FIRST NATIONAL BANK  Farmers & Merchants Bank 98-189 •t§'05 Castlerock-•• Cowlitz F 4 Castle Rock Bank •..••• •t§'04 S Pop. 829 98-218 Cathlamet •• Wahkiakum Wahkiakum County Bk.•:1'09 S Pop. 450 F .J I 98-219 Ccnterville .. KlickitatG9 Farmers State Bank .•. •t§'l5 Sp Pop. 200 98-220 Cenf ralia.·--·· Lewis E 5 CENTRALIA STATE BANK S Pop. 7549 ♦ 98-47 •:l:§"15  ·-····-  ..  FARMERS & MERCHANlS BANK .... . 98-46 •..... •t '11  4,000  170,000  112,500  7,010  293,810  298,330  25,ooo T be accompanle d by  5,000  220,000  165,000  60,000 Irving N., N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle.  69,130 .  3,030  94.430  50,000  21,760  633,120  649,870  110,200 Chase N., N. Y.; Northw. N .. Port.  W. E. Wheeler.-•• ·---·--··-·····-·  25,000  2,570  360,000  133,000  155,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma.  Geo. Sussex, Jr .... Wm. Kirkpatrick.-  25,000  12,450  395,690  479,220  J. C. Lilly _ _ _ _ C •D, Halferty, Jr. J. E. Griffith •• - •• - -·-·····--··-····· J.M. Treadwell J. A. Byerly···-··- M. P. Mason.·--·· G. L. Buland __ •••• M. P. Mason·--·-  25,000  9,000  586,000  495,000  25,000  31,000  610,000  467,000  W. T. Wrii:ht. ••• _ T. Faestad .••.• - - E. M. Orth .••••••• - - - · · - - - - · · -  10,000  9,600  247,450  224,610  L. T. GilletL·--·· ···-··-···········-· J. 0. Kaidera .. - - ________  15,000  5,970  174,070  140,350  W. J. Patterson---· A. U. Dann_••••• J.E. Raui:ht.•-···· F. L. Breen-·-····  100,000  20,820  661,480  549,200  B. H. RHODES ··- B. H. JOH~TOII.-. C. PAUL UHLMANII C. J. OLIVER ...... w. B. KEI Best of facllltl es for ma ng co llectlons. ~ All Items sent to us have prom pt, personal atte ntlon.  75,000  35,000 1,380,000 1,162,000  25,000  95,060 1,145,360 1,066.400  g.  l  15,000 150,000  4,210  167,560  160,650  151,800 2,923,910 3,003,820  Oldest Bank In s. w. Waahblcto ll and larpai In diJliiu!T re~}~nal bllliy. Special attentto n given BID of L adlng drafts. Send J'OUr Item • cllred to••• Please aend 15c with each Bio ht dra ft for presentation and 50c for Credit Reports.  r D. w. NOBLE ..••. ia: fiL\Ys'i?e"··  c. F. lNDERSON .. -····--············  50,000  tn  >  z  71,560 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. Seattle; Spa. ~ kane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane: Columbia, Valley, Wenatchee. 174,770 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; Ex. N., Spokane: N. tn Bk. Com., Seattle. 0 160,000 Han. N., N. Y.; U.S. N., Port.; N., Bk. of Ta- ,... coma, Tacoma. I ::r" 37,590 N. Park. N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Astoria Astoria. ~ 54,690 N. Bk. Uom., N. Y.; Ladd & Tilton, Port. r+ 0 178,240 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com. and Bk. of Cal. () N. A,, Seattle: U.S. N., Port. 280,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Seattle N .. Seattle: ::r" Bk. of Cal. N.A .• Tacoma: Anglo & Lon. Paris (JI ::r" N .. San Ji'.; Northw. N,, Port.  en  I  ..  171,790 N. City, N. Y.; Dexter Horton N .. Seattle.  ~  rii'  24,790 Met., and Seab. N., Seattle. 347,480 Chase N., N. Y.: Ladd & Tilton and U.S. N., Port.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; Bk. of Cal. N.A.. Tacoma.  '--4  30,000  800,000  700,000  FIRST NATIONAL BA111l-•t'09 ~ 9  Special attentto n given BID or L adlng drafts, Cas h and Time Item s. \ I FEE IN ADV.A NCE: Sight draf ta 15c minimum; 25c minimum cha rgeifpa id. l RellahlP Credit Reports, 60c. TR Y US. SECUtUlY S1,I\J E 81\NK•W03\J. W. ALEUKDER ... T. ALEXANDER-·- W. J. FORD--··--··· ·-·····-····--····· 25,000 22.580 90 u 0  90,000 Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma; N. City, Beattle; ~ Northw. N .. Port. t: lU  ....  8-61  \J.  -  ::c z  z  54,440 U.S. N., Port.; Am. Secur., Vancouver.  30,000  N. B. COFFMAN .. T. M. DONAHOE ..-. D. T.COFFMAN .... J. f1 fRIGHT ..... V. R. LEE, A. Caah. m.MTE,ft1AN  ~ > en 0 i-i 0  drafts, 15c. Credit Reports, 50c.  First Guaranty Bank Inc. J.E. Fitzferald ··- -·-·······-··-······ Albert Smith ••.•.• E. R. Fitzgerald .•. 98-44 •:1'05 Charleston ___ •• KitsapC5 State Bank of Charleston A. E. Galbraith •• _. Wm. C. Bading •.•• O. L. Amos .••.••• - V. V. Park··-····· S Pop. 3338 98-372 •ts'l4 Chiha\,-oo~45~wls E 5 COFFMAN.DOBSON BANK & · TRUST COMPANY -·--•:1'84 • 98-59  23,890 Han. N .. N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A., Seattle; Fidelity N., Spokane. 39,000 Him. N .. N. Y.: Dexter Horton N .. Seattle; Columbia Valley and Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co .. Wenatchee. 110,400 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of 'l.'acoma, Tacoma; Seattle N., Seattle; State Bk. of Port., Port, 75,000 Han. N .• N. Y.;lstN.,Seattle:lstN., Yakima; Northw. N., Port. 52,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle.  R. 11. Dobbs-·-··- Edna Blake........ A. C. Allen R. L. Storms·-···- c. D. Geer·-··--·-·  I  ..  25,000 25,000  {CHAS. KNUTZEN NELS ANDERSON .. E. L. WILSON----·- VERNA J. ADAM.. dlt Reports MUS  ., Collections and Requests for Cre 98- 137 •• 10 FEE IN ADV.AN CE. PLain sight Camas._____ OJarke G6 Citizen State Bank_ .. et§'l9 H. S. Clark ..•••••. D. W. Nonemaker S Pop. 1843 98-416 , " ····-·· " First National Bank •... •t'08 0. F. Johnson·-··· D. C. Urie .• ······98-217 s. C. Brade ·on Camp Lewis ..• Pierce D 5 Army ational Bank -··•:l:"20 J. T. Greeory _•••• IS. M. Jackson .•.•. (Tacoma P. 0.) 98-401 S l'op.10,000 Ca.hmere •• __ chelan D 10 Cashmere State Bank .•:l:§'07 G. C. Browne ..•.•• Grant Paton.---·Sp Pop. 1114 98-190 --------  I~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. - -  - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1  Bo:hell_. ___ Kin£ 0 6 Bothell State Bank ••••. •.W08 S Pop. 613 98-213 Bremerton •••• Kitsap D 5 Bremerton Tr. & Sav. Bank S Pop. 8918 98-377 •t§'l4 " ••.••••• " Citizens Bank •••••• -.•t§'09 98-79 First National Bank ••••. •:·08 98-78 Brew, tcr..Okanofan B 11 First National Bank .••.• •t'08 Sp Pop. 394 98-214 Bridgcpon •• Douelas C 11 Bridi:eport State Bank.•:U-06 Sp Pop. 337 98-215  "  1  c...,." Al<•  ~ 944.100  789,800  188,880 Seab. N.,N. Y.: 1st N .. San F.and Seattle: N.Bk. ~ of Tacoma, Tacoma: Northw. N.,Port.; Cap ,..... ital N .. Olympia. •  -t&~~i\001Ml®iSfib\\.11~&WWti\1~il-N-\illti1ttt·IWNl!U!liiiilllll- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Num~er !'~de! Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given  1479  Nu1nber under Na1ne or Bank is the New Transit Nu1nber given to each bank in u. s. exclusively by The Band-McNaHy Bankers• Directory, ll_!Jder the authority of The A1nerlcan Bankers Ass•n.  Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Bankfng Pofnt (In.  dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back ot th1s ii;" volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. 1::,  WASHINGTON-Conti·nued  1-----=L=I-=A.=-B=IL=I=T=JE=S:......_ _ _ 11_.;;.;.R;;...E_S_OU_R_C_E_S_._,  NAME OF BANK. / •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. §S tate •County Seats. In No. 12 Fed. Re~. Dist. :tMem.StateBks.Assn, tPriv. [Estab. S, Seattle Br. SD, Spokane +Mem. Fed. Res. TOWN AND COUNTY.  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  AsS'T CASHIER.  CA.SHIER.  PAID-UP Su~!DLUS  ......  DEPOS-  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  Ig '"1 '<  Lou, .. J),..•Ex-  c"n Bona DJLUouDn  • Bl,.,.. =---=--'---'~---1 - - -- - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - l · - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - l- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · l- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1CAPIT.A.L PROFITS  Chelan _______ Chelan 011 Chelan State Bank ____ et§'19 H. R. Kingman ____ Mary F. Baker _____ H. W. Van Slyke ________________ $ 15,000 $ 98-403 Sp Pop. 896 Miners & Merchants Bank J. A. Van Slyke ___ Hattie B. Van Slyke C. B. Van Slyke ___ Ermine Van Slyke •U'02 98-221  e ~.. •  no11  5,900 $ 206,000 $ 163,000 $ 53,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., ~ Spokane; Union N., Seattle. 50,000  25,000  IT&  325,000  315,000  71,600 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com., Seattle; Fidelity N. and Old N,, Spokane.  25,000 Cheney ________ Spokane National Bk. of Cheney_•i•os F. M. Martin ____ C. I. Hubbard ______ N. A. Rolfe _______ V. E. Rolfe..____ 7,560 208,440 103,450 57,720 Chase N., N. Y.: Old N. and Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; N. Bk. Com .. Seattle. , ~-150 . Sp Pop. 1252 D 16 25,000 Secur1tyNationalBank __ •i 06 W. J. Sutton ______ J. L • .Ankrom _____ R.H. llacarmey __ E. c. Ziegler______ •• ___ " 27,970 645,800 513,890 180.100 Seab. N., N. Y.: Fidelity N .• Spokane; Dexter Horton N ., Seattle. Florence Rue 98-149 Che saw ___ Okanoran A 13 Commercial Bank: _____ •if'90 I_______ - - - - - - - Paul Gerdes, Mgr, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Branch of Okan ogan, W IU!h.,) ______ Han. N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., 98-222 Sp Pop. 250 Spokane.  I  Chewelah•• -Stevens B 15 Bank of Ohe;ewi----•U'll 'G. W. Peddycord __ 1288 Firs t N atio!a,knk " ~p Pop. 11'. L. Re1noehL ___ + ----- •••02 _ 98 173 Clark ton ___ .Asotin 11' 17 First National Ba nk _____ .i·oa C. F. Waterman ___ 98-1 42 Sp Pop. 1859 State Bank it~trkston.U'Ol .A, E. Clarke _______ " ..  ·  I  Thomas Bowers ___ Fred. W. Dickey __ H. M. Pallas ______ _  15,000  o,m  305,460  277,350  J. Oppenheimer ___ .A. I. Kulzer _______ A.H. Morse ______ _  25,000  22,790  558,460  502,760  G. H. Waterman. _ W. A. Waterman __ .A. E. Bauch ____ _  50,000  32,800  850,260  981,670  E.W. Eaves _______ H. Elliott_________________  15,000  4.380  217,820  201,840  10,000  5,000  115,000  85,000  50,000  19,850  854,140  585,610  25,000  25,000  600,000  500,000  ·  Clearlake ______ Skae;it B 6 First State Ban k --------U'l4 IC. E. Bingham _____ F. H. Jackson _____ Q. R. Binirham _____ H. V. Guernsey ___ _ 98- 371 S Pop. 700 Cle Elum ____ Kittitas D 9 Cle Elum S ta te ~ank--•U'04 Frank Carpenter __ Wm. Rees--------- ______ , ________ Roy Burch _ __ 98- 22 ., S Pop. 2661 ., FirstNatio ~~:Snk ----•i'l4 W. E. Keehl _____ James Lane ______ J. O. Beeson _______ Jacob Bizzack,Jr._ _____ "  9  COLFAX  .. Colfax ____ Whitman E 16 Sp Pop. 3027  DOLPH COOLIHE--A, F. McCUIIE--- HAROLD IAVIS ·t  NATIONAL BANK gs-so  COLFAX  --- --- --- ---  ---J f· MARION______  Old eat an d L argeat B an k In Wh t man  ·c· SCRIBER ounty.  -  Z00,000  -  m"  ::l 60,000  P. B. Stravens-- J. J. Miller _____ Ira M. Camp _______ E. A.-Thompson __ _ I. L. Osterhout Send 7Om Col lectlons d.lJ'ect to thla Bank for efflelent sentce and qule k retunu. •i 05 \  100,000  H. G. DePledge ___ Ellis Laird------ C. C. De Pledge __ _  75,000  22,000  O• .A. Holte------- c. P. Larson _______ R. L. Gage -------, F. C. Forrest_ ___ E. N. Snider _______ J. T. Quinlan _____ _  25,000  515,000  89 970 Chase N .. N. Y.; Old N., Spokane; Ladd & Til*on, Port.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle. '  140,250 1,688,580 2,204,220  203,910 N. Park, N. Y.; Ex. N .. Spokane; Seattle N., Seattle; 1st N., San F.  320,670  415,220  6,070  213,450  177,760  15,000  11,430  319,870  378,2110  52,590 Chem. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Port.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co .. Spokane: Bk. of Cal, N • .A., San F.: Seattle N., Seattle. 63,950 Chase N., N. Y.; 3d N. and Peo. State, Walla Walla. 29,850 Han. N .. N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane.  too,ooo  31,650  760,340  913,650  91,140 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Ex. N. and Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co.. Sp0kane; Union N., Seattle; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F.  21,070  400,000  FARMERS NATIONAL IAN,K  First Sav. & Trust Bank of Alfred Coolidie-Whitman County ----•U-05 98-81 ♦ College Place Walla Walla Citizens Bank _______ _:t:§'19 L. P. Larson _______ 98-405 Sp Pop.1579 F 14 Colton _____ Whitman E 17 Colton State Bank -----•*1'92 M. Schultheis, Jr,_ 98-224 So Pop. 382  s.  .. Colville ____ Stevens A 15 Sp Pop. 1796  BANK OF COLVILLE---98-l 28  •  , ii 91  R.H. Lace,  ~G.W.PEDDYCORD W. L. SAX--------- C. L. BAKER------- I. D. SILL-------L. S. MUNGER Oici.est and Lar gest Bank. MUS 'I' be accompanle Collections and Requests for ere dlt Reports FEE IN ADV.AN CE: Plainsightdr alts, 15c; Oredit R eports, 50c.  SeaL-------- s. L. Dearinger ____  4,410  409,350  391.290  67,520 N. City, N. Y.: Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; N. City, Seattle.  o. Vilwock ____ _  60,000  22,970  813,500  911,330  104,640 N. Park, N. Y.; Old N., Spokane; Seattle N., Seattle.  FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•i'06  Hugh Waddell _____ A. L. Rogers _______ A. L. Roi:ers _______ W.  98-129 BANKS DEPOSIT SECURITIES WITH US -FOR -INCOME ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  25,000  G. W.  98-130  d by  Sid. E. Barnes.Sec. ____________ _  COLVILL~ LN. & TR.CO.•*1'09  z  ~ 00  kaue & Eastern Tr. Co., and Old N., Spo- ::,~ kane.  STATE BANK -•*1'08 J, J. Miller-------- R. ll. Hanna _ _ R. F. Bieelow ____ E. L. Hook _______ _  118-82  to  >  54:.530 1,544.540 2,087.220 321,990 N. cu,. N. Y.; Bk. or Cal. N. A.• Port. I and San F.; N.Bk.Com •• Seattle; Spo- c') -  Save time and get service on Collections and Credit Reports by sending •:'84 FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain aitrht draft•, 15c: Credit Report•. SOc. TRY US.  gs-sa  41,420 Ex. N., Sp0kane; Bk. of Colville, Colville. 176,690 Chem. N .. N. Y.; Old N. and Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; Far. Dep. N .• Pitt. 110,710 Ban. N., N. Y.; Empire N .• Lewiston, Ida.; Seattle N .• Seattle; Ex. N .. Spokane. 35,410 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; 1st N., Lewiston, Ida. 40,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. City, Seattle; C. E. Bingham & Co. State. Sedro Woolley. 338,380 Han.N.,N.Y.; Cont.&Com'lN .. Chi.: N.Bk, Com., Seattle; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma. 130,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle.  CONTINENTAl- AND COMMERCIAL BANKS, CHICAGO  1480  Nnmber under Name or Bank i1 Uie New Transit Kamber sin• to each bank in U. B. e1:elushel7 by The Rand-McNally Banken' Dlreetory, under the authorlt7 of The American Bankers Ass'n.  ~~!:'Y. I  Non-Bank Towna with Nearest Banldn1 Point (Indexed Acces.), Law7er1, Lawa (indexed) In back of this volume For Intereat Rates, Holldays, etc., see Law_. ~  WASHINGTON-Continued  I__  Bi~.~:  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDlllNTS, ,-·---➔1 R_E_s_ou_R_C_E_s-'-.- 1 i _ _ _LI-.-~_B_~-:-~-:sSState •Mem.~ To.1t~u~~ DEPOB- 1.o..... 01,-'T CASHIER. PA.ID-UP 0.&SHIER, V1c1t-PR11'8IDJCNT, PRESIDENT. iMem.StateBks.A.ssn.tPriv. In No.12 Fed. Dist. 0 0 1 1 "_ _ _ _~ - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - • P_Bi.._0~_1_T_s _IT_s_ _ci"_..;_~_'"'_•· _:::_.._ :_.:...._ __ [Estab. - - - - - - - - - -•- - - - - - - , ________ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _C_AP_T_AL S, Seattle Br.-SP, Spokane +Mero. Fed. Res. 1 ~  8  Con Pnul¥o~.,7io2'all B11 OOncrete ••••• _ Skaeit B 7 S Pop. 924 OonnelL •• Franklin E 18 Sp Pop. 311 " --- " Conway ••••••• Skagit .B 6 S Pop. 200 OonJee Olty •.. Grant C 12 Sp Pop, 472 " --···· " •Con1>eville ••• -Is1and B 5 S Pop. 343 Creston •••• _Lincoln O 13 Sp Pop. 317 Custer ••••• Whatcom A 5 S Pop. 400 •Davenport_Lincoln O 14 Sp Pop. 1112 " " •Dayton .•• Columbia F 15 Sp Pop, 2389  Commercial~~J------•i§'90 ------------------2 State Bank of Concrete •i§'l5 Wm. Jennings._. __ J .C.Eden,Ch. of Bd. !!8-227 Farmers St.ate Bank_•••• i§"l5 O. W. Nelson····-98-384 St.ate Bank of ConnelL•i§'07 W. A. Anderson •• _ 98-228 St.ate Bank of Conway -•t1'15 John S. Finstad_ •• 98-383 Coulee State Bank •••••• •iS'05 James Howell - 08-220 Farmers State Bank ••• •t§'19 John R. Lewis_. 98--409 Bank of Commerce ••••• •iS'03 ·----········--·· 98-230 Creston St.ate Bank .-•• •tS'02 F. A. Duncan •• - •• 98-231 Custer State Bank ••••• •i§'l4 C.R. Behme ••• _. __ 98-370 DavenportNationalBank•t'05 1J. A. Schiller·--··· 98-14& Linrcln County State Bank J, W. Fry·----· •iS'Ol + 08-145 J. L. Dumas •••••••• Broughton National Bank •:•09 08-94  LEVI ANKENY •••• First and oldest Unequaled facll ~ Prompt attentl i Deer Park •• Spokane O 16 First State Bank •••••• _•:f'07 0. F. Kelly··-····· 98-283 Sp Pop. 1103 Dishinan __ .Spokane O 16 Appleway State Bank. __ t§'20 J. F. Brod---··-98-435 Sp. Pop. 500  "  ··-··--  "  COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK 08-9 s  • .82  "  -··- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  "  i~:.  fl)():a~e~eattle; -------------------- -------------------- D. E. Leako, Mor._ (Branch of Okano oan, Wa sh,) _____ ----·---- Hi~o:.~eN& la_~~!~~~~G• .A. Campbell •••• G. A. Campbell •••• W. D. Ross_ ••• -·-· $ 10,000 $ 8,030 $ 184,770 $ 137,430 $ 62,990 Union N. and Seattle N ,, Seattle, E. F . .Bickford ••••• J. B. Helmick-···· Hazel A. L-Oni;r · - ·  10,000  7,000  200,000  150,000  R. L. Olds _ _ _ 0. B. Unger_·-···-· C. V. Hultman·--·  15,000  5,000  113,540  143.060  John L. Melkild ••• A. Garborir-·-·--- ··-··-----··-···--··  10,000  11,600  185,560  181.030  Geo. M. McDonald. J.M. Sencenbangh G. B. Knauss-·-··  25,000  20,420  138,510  201,060  C. A. Stapleton ••• W. J. Isaak-·---·-- T. H. Twinini;r •• ___  25,COO  10,320  76,000  92,000  ····-·-·--·-·····-· ·-··············--· Edward S. Bryan, (BrOll'l.&1. of Ever ett, Wi:u h.) ••••• _ M(JT. 272,000 7,500 250,000 25,000 -·--··-··-···-···· C. E. Funkhouser •• R. E, Appling •••• __ 134,270  108,550  A, R. Stone ••• _•••• A. F. Stone •• ·-·-·····---·-····-······  10,000  2,110  E. N. Imus ··-···-- R. E . .Anderson. ___ K. M. Jernigan_...  100,000  46,970  793,890 1,070,630  Simon Reinbold-·- F. S. Wells·-··-··· Fred W. Moe_ •• ___  50,000  17,230  356,060  482,010  A. P. Cahill __ ···--- S. Z. Varnes •• _. ___ P. E. Cahill ___ .____  100,000  55,000  600,000  767,000  J. W, JESSEE.·--··· GEORGE' W. JACKSO~ J. G. ISRAEL•••••• __ establlihed Bank. I ltles for making c ollectlons on Day ton and vicinity. on to all Banking matters entrusted to 011. 0. G. Follevaag._. E. E. Wood ___ • ____ · - - - - - - - · ·  100,000  25,000  10,990  332,150  294.420  E. B. Crawford_. __ G. A. Kauffman ____ C. E. Kauffman __ •.  15.000  2,000  65,000  42,000  20,000  2,300  31.940  26,680  15.000  5,500  140,000  105,000  15,COO  24.740  362,670  306,360  10,000  4,500  215,000  195,000  12,000  3,350  133,000  118,000  · Dryden State Bank •••• _i§"20 R. B. Field •••••••• H. Remley ·--· •.•. D. B. Martin · ----- ·-------···---·--··· H. G. Bohlke 98-425 Duvall State Bank ••••. •iS'l2 George Fowler ••••• R. W. Comegys ____ C. B. Hall _______ I. V. Hall_______ 9!!-353 State Bank of East Stanwood Peter Hennini: ____ L. M. Amundson-._ C.R. Amundson ___ L. M. Amundson__ •i§'I0 98-194 Eatonville State Ba.nk_•i§'13 F. M. Roberts-·-·- J. P. Weter ••••••• J, G. Raley---·---··-····-----····-···· 98-344 Farmers &Merch. Bank.iS'02 N . .B. Hannay··-·· J. A. Munch ___ ···- J. K. Hannay·-··-- J.E. Halloran._.... 98-236 1 State Bank or Edmonds•tf '07 Ira E. Williams •••• O. C. orensen --·· H. V. Allen _____ • __ ---·--·····- ·98-237 Bank of Edwall.·-·····•iS'02 J. K.McCornack_ •• E, G, Jesseph ••••• Ward Jesseph -·-·- H. C. Bancroft..... 98-238 Elberton State Bank ·-·•:l:S'09 J.M. Seaele--·-·· W. C. Seagle--···· J. L. Montzheimer. ______ • ___ _;__._ 98-239 Elk tate Bank. _______ •• §'21 E. E. Emery .••••• _ E. L. Whitaker._ •• McKinley Ellis •••. ----------·····--··· 1 4 Ell~e bir/:t_Jii~itas E 10 ,Farmers Ba~t~ .~ •••••• •iS'06 R. L. Barnes ••••••• f D. W. S. Ramsay •• J, C. Sterlin~-···-· C, C. McGranahan. A. W. Crimi) • P. Wippel + 98-64 S Pov, 3810  (Spokane P. 0.) Dryden---·- Chelan D IO Sp Pop, 250 Duv:l1L-•• ···---Kine C 7 Pop. 258 S E. St.anwood._Snohomish B7 S Pop. 300 Eatonville •• _._Pierce E 6 S Pop. 861 Edi. on ····--Skaait B 6 Pop. 200 S Edmond _Snohomish O 6 S Pop. 936 EdwalL •• _.Lincoln D 15 Sp Pop. 300 Elberton_ •• Whitman E 16 Sp Pop. 244 Elk _______ . pokane B 16  o  200,000 1,200.000 1,400,000  53,000 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N .. Seattle; Fidelity N .• Spokane. 5,030 ChaseN., N. Y.; Old N.andSpokane&Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; N. Bk, of Tacoma, Tacoma.' 28,090 N. Park, N. Y.: N, Bk. com .. Seattle; 1st N., Mt. Vernon, 32,960 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi,: Ex. N., Spokane; 1st N., Seattle. 10,500 Chem. N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; Scan. Am., Seattle. Seattle N., Seattle.  ~  ....._ .,.,  r.n  ::r:  "'""' Z  34,000 C nt. & Com'l N., Chi.; Old N., Spokane; N. Bk. 1 ~ ! "4' of Tacoma. Tacoma. 1 i-, 35,660 N. City, N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Seattle.  Q  156,670 N. City, N .Y.; lstN., Chi.: Wells Fargo-Nev. N .. , ~ San F.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Oo., Spokane. ~ ~ 36,720 Ohase N., N. Y.; Ex. N., Spokane. 146,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle:1 U. s. N ., Port.  ~  100,000 Imp, & Tra. N ., N. Y.; 1st N., Port.  I I  64,700 Ohase N., N. Y.; Spokane & astern Tr. Co., Spokane. 26,000 Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane.  w  ►  z ..,~  I n g  ~ g  ::,  E.  16,120 Spokane & Eastern Tr. Oo .. Spokane; Leaven~ worth St.ate. Leavenworth. . 31,000 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle.  o  90,730 N. Park, N. Y.; Dexter Horton N. and Scan. tij · Am., Seattle; 1st N., St. P. 35,000 Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma; Seattle N .. Seattle. :::: ro ::3 34,000 Han, N., N. Y.; 1st N., Mt. Vernon. Cll  25,000 25,000 10,000 15,000  63,500 Corn Ex. N ., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle; 1st a' IC N .• Everett. 26,000 Chase N .• N. Y.: Old N., Svokane: Seattle N .. >-1 10,000 190,000 185,000 l1Q Seattle; 1st N., Port. 25,000 Colfax N ., Colfax: Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co.,' 95,000 5,GOO 100,000 Spokane. 1,500 ··· · ·· --- --·--···- ····-··-- Old N., Spokane. 7,500  265,000  187,000  158,160 N. Park and N. City, N,Y,; 1st N,, Chi,; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 1 N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co .. Chi/ SU Chem. 57,000 469,850 413.500 21,760 50,000 Snowden. Herbert Nesbit--·-·· S. S. Ross.·······S. F. Snowden··-· H. E. NATIONAL BANK OF Dexter Horton N .. Seattle: Spokane & Ea t- ::l ELLENSBURG-98-62 __ •i'97 I:! ern Tr. Co., Spokane, J. H. SMITHSON- C. W. JOHNSON£. __ W. C. FUDGE---·-- A. L. B;,DAVIES---· 100,000 45,000 1,750,000 1,650,000 250,000 Seab. N., N. Y : Seattle N .. Seattle: WPll 1» Fario-Nev . . . San F.; N. Bk.of Tacoma. >-1 R. E.D1ER C. H.STEWART Tacoma; Ex, N .• Spokane. The facilities of this bank enable us to offer except \lonal service to b anks and lndlvld uals having buslne ss In the "KITTI TAS VALLEY." •t·oi I Send 15c w lth ea ch sight draft and I 50c for Credit Rep orts. llS~3 \  WASHINGTON  NATIONAL BANK  1 l  100,000  52,730 1,304,610 1,299,180  ,_  1:::  I  I  1481  Number under NaDJe or Blink ia the New Transit NuDJber glv«i to each bank iD U. B. eicluslvely by The Band-McNaHy Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The Alnerlcan Bankers Ass•n.  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  I  I •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State NA.ME OF BANK.  .aCounty Seats. In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist . .tMem. State Bks. A.ssn.tPriv. S Seattle B1·, S11 Spokane +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. Elma __ Grays Harbor E 4 Bank of Elma ________ •• •:t§'04 S Pop. 1253 98-126 " -----" Farmers & Lumbermens Bk. 98-127 •:t§'ll Eltopia ____ Franklin F 13 Eltopja State Bank. ___ •:t§'13 SP Pop. 100 98-240 Endicott __ Whitman E 15 Bank of Endicott. ••--•*1'03 Sp Pol>, 634 98-241 Entiat --·--·-Chelan O 10 Entiat State Bank •••-•U-12 Sp Pop. 250 98-357 Enumclaw •• - •• -Kini D 7 Peoples State Bank •••• •:WIO S Poo. 1378 + 98-158 State Bank of Enumclaw " ···--·-- " • 118-157 •:t5'04 ~Ephrata ••••.• Grant D12 First National Bank -·--•1'18 Sp Pop. 628 .. 98-400 ·' -·-·-Grant County Bank-•• •:t§'08 98-204 •EveretLSnohomish O 6 S Pop. 27,644  BANK OF COMMERCE •U1900 + 98-2  •FridayHarbor.San Juan S Pop. 522 B4 Garfield __ .Whitman E 16 S,P. Pop. 776 .. _____  volume.  PRESIDENT,  VICE-PRESIDENT.  CA.SHIER.  Ass'T CA.SHIER.  I -P-AID---U-P~S-uA.ND-'RP"'-L-U'-'-S=D;_E_P_O_S---i ,Lo-£.P>'-'--'B&-D--'--,..-_',-o-'---..,,-B---'-&-'---E-x--  Geo. Simpson -·-·-  E.L.France •• _. ___ J.E.Pinkham ••••. $ 15,000$  Henry McCleary __ James Glancey ••• __ C. W. Bridgham __ A.H. Fleming ____ _  20,000  H. M. Owen------· G. C. Foster _____ ._ W.R. Bartholomew -------·----------·-  15,000  Isaac Neace ··----- C. L. Wakefield __ Louis Eilert---·--- M.A. Sherman ___ _  60,000  Wm. G. Hughes ___ P. M. Martin----·· W. D. Wilson --·-· -·----------  10,000  B. R. Kibler·--- Otto Tamm_ ••• ---- J. W. Davis--··-·· -·-·-··-------·--  25,000  A. C. Johansen __ A.G. Hanson ____ S. B. Lafromboise. F. L. Toman.---·--  30,000  J. H. Smith _______ T. J. Drumheller •. H. N. Gardiner •••• ·-----·-----L. C. Lauzier E. C. Davis •• ___ P. C. Mikkelson ___ J. T. Wilkins •• - •• --·---------·-  25,000 15,000  ITS  c~~•  3,500  20J.OOO  181.000  Citizens Bank & Tr. Oo.•!§'13 N. L. Thompson .•• Olof Carlson ·----- Frank L. Cooper .. A. D. Stevenson __ _ 118-4 A. R. Metz  100,000  21. 770 1,470.290  953,810  417,090 Irving N., N. Y.: 1st N., Minpls.: Wells FargoNev. N .• San F.; N. City, Seattle.  37,600  634,100  A.G. :McKinley ••••  25,000  J. A. NorwaY----·· H. D, Sloan J. H. Maulsby  250,000  T. H. Bowden ---·· E. L. Scott--·- ••••  150 000  50,870  15,000  120  Henry Treede.-•• Tum Morris-··-·-- O. E. Moss---·---· Irene Oertel ·----·  25,000  E.T. Coman •..•••• M. R. Fish·--·-·· C. F. Kinzie _____ W.W. Renfrew __  25.000  H. M. Erickson. __ F. M. Peterson ____ R. M. Jenson .••••. ····--···---··-·----  T. H. Bowden B. Bollerud ····-··· Jas. Breckenridge. H.P. Johnson __ ._ --·-··-··--·-----·--  735.~00  134,150 6,706,070 6,079,680  -  415,090  525,920  246,900  185,440  10 .180  408,040  357.600  14.650  248,660  288,550  25,000  2,500  83,090  84,660 290,000  510,000  446.000  A. P. Johnson. __ • Wm. Duling ••• E. C. Johnson, Jr._ T. G. Edmiston-•• . . . G. W. Nye·-··--· c. A. Gwmn ••••••. J.E. Miller ··-·--- Blanche Nye Miller  50,000  20,000  300,000  450,000  25,000  10,370  97,630  185,31,0  50,000  9,710  479,560  445,720  93,550 Han.N.,N.Y.;U.S.N.,Port. (2,980 Chase N., N. Y.; Northw. N .. Port.  120,730  Grandview_ Yakima Jr 11 Citizens State Bank ••• •t§"l9 A. B. Snider---·-- F. M. Balcom•• _••• O. A. Torgerson __ R, P. Croasdill -·-· Sp Pop. 1011 98-406  20,000  ,420  116,370  109,990  A. W. HAWN----·- G. M. CRASE---·---- A. L. THIELE-·--···- D. A.LINDER------  25,000  10,200  515,690  4.14,140  Grannr ---·· Yakima F 10 Union Bank•• ·--··----·•*§'05 A.O. Snowden.···- J.E. Prouty-·----·' W. M. Christensen ·------·--------SO Pop. 412 98-250  10,000  7,140  151.860  131,880  FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•:l:'10 { Collections and Requests forCred it Reports MUST be accompanied by D8-249 FEE IN ADANC E: Plain sight draf ts, Hie; Credlt Repor te, 51)c,  01Rtc~E;gL~~6-g'6Ns·  0  100,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle; 1st! 0 N., Bellingham. I ji; 93,000 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'] N., Chi.; N. Bk. ::, Com. and Seattle N .. Seattle. aq 35,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Old N. and Ex. N .. Cl) Spokane. · "i 10,050 Fidelity N., Spokane; Am. N., Pendleton.  430,000  23,300  465,370 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  r+  16,600 Bellingham N., Bellin~ham; 1st N., Seattle.  12,500  472,700  CHICAGO,  3  25,000  117,MO  z  I  35,000  5,000  ~  O  > z  Percy Hood •••••• __ John Slater-··--- E. R. Campbell. ••• --·-····-·------·-·  16,620  z "°"  166,370 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Everett: Met., Seattle: ~ Crocker N., San F. • w 1,462,090 Ban. N. and Chase N .• N. Y.; Cont. & Oom'l N .. Chi.:lst N.and CrockerN .. SanF.: 1st N. and Merch- N-. St. Paul; Northw. N .• ~ Minpls.: N. Bk. Com .• Seattle; U.S. N., Port. 123,670 Irving N .. N. Y.; N. Bk. Com. and Met., Se- 00 attle; Bk. of Cal. N. A.. San F. 76,620 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Met., Seattle: 1st N., 1-1-1 Belling-ham. l•J 81,480 Mereh.Ln.&Tr.oo.,Chi.: Spokane&EasternTr. Co .. Spokane; Seattle N.,Seattle;U.S.N •. Port. $ll 21,350 Ex. N., Spokane.  Gene C. Gould._ •• C. M. Tucker---·· Cecil L. Carter.-•• B. O. Cahall·-··--  75,000  "  35,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co. :z:: and Fidelity N .. Spokane; Scan. Am., Seattle. 296,650 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.: Seattle N., Seattle: Ang-lo & Lon. Paris N., San F.  c. Sheraton ··--  -  >  49,010 1.613,260 1.563,730  W. N. Winter--·-- F.  ~  :::  !::  100,000  Security National Bank •• •'20 98-5 Nooksack Valley State Bank 98-242 •:l:§"06 Bank of Fairfleld ____ • __ •:t§'05 98-243 Bank gf Farmington ••. •:l:§'87 + 98-244 Citizens Bank. ·----·····•:l:'20 98-427 First National Bank •••• •:t'04 98-245 San Juan County Bank.•:i§•g3 98-246 First State Bank _____ ._e:J;§'02 + ~8-165 , Garfield National Bank •. •:l: 08 98-166 (See Seattle)  b  ~  27,260$ 717,110$ 531.320 $ 219,790 N. City, N. Y.: N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma: 1st 10 N., Port. and San F.: N. Bk. Com .. Seattle. 65,000 S eab. N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Oom IN., Chi.; Uapital 9.100 380,000 350,000 N ., Olympia. 1,500 37,000 45,000 7,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Fidelit!f N., Spokane; 1st N., Pasco. 18,500 276,480 318,540 53,130 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Ex. N .. Spokane; 1st N., Port.: Colfax N ., Colfax. 1,800 106.820 21,610 Ban. N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., 89,590 Spoka~e: N. City, Seattle; 1st N .. St. P. I 15,950 513,900 449,010 95,600 Knauth, Nachod & Kiihne, N. Y.: Dexter Iiorto~ N., Seattle; Bk. of Cal. N. A.. Tacoma. / <::: 22,000 640,000 556,000 170,<JOO N. C1ty, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma; <:: 8can.-Am. and N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 3,810 133,180 129,000 21.710 l£x. N., Spokane; Seattle N., Seattle. C/l  50,000  __  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  Daniel Kelleher ____ -----··------·---·- E. C. Olson------·- F. A. Perkins--··E. E. Searles  Geor~etown •••• King C 6 S Pop. 6000 •Goldend.ale-Klickltat G 9 Brooks& Oo. Bank·---•:l:§'04 N. B. Brooks ___ Robt. McCrow •••.• A.. E. Coley·--·-· E. O. Spoon----~-So Pop. 1274 .. 98-152 c. F. Kayser " --·-··· National Bank of Goldendale C. T. Camplan ••••• J. A. Harbke ••• ___ c. E. Crooks. _____ --------·-----98-432 •'20 State B~ of ~~11endaleeU'02 L. T. Gillett.-•• - H. W. Loughary. __ F • .A. Smith.-·· H. W. Loughary_._ 98  "  1  ~:•;~~= -------,------- ------- --- --- --- --- --CAl'ITAL PROFITS  A. D. Devonshire ••  For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  ftESOURCES,  LIABILITIES.  Everett Tr. & Sav. Bk,.•U'02 W. O. Butler._. ____ Robert Moody •• ___ W. M. Jenkins ___ 98-3 First National Bank._._ •:i·o1 W. 0. Butler ____ •• Wm. Howarth . •••• L. L. OrosbY-·----· 98-1 Robert Moody L. L. Crosby  Everson ••• _Whatcom A 6 S Pop. 500 Fairfleld •••• Spokane D 17 Sp Pop. 413 Farmington ••. Whitman SP. Pop. 478 D 16 Fernaale_._ Whatcom A 5 S Pop. 759 .. •· ·-·-··--  de:e~n~~:1:;. T.t:'~er';;tia!~c~~e!~Bkf:\a~i•~, HJ1; t._  WASHINGTON-Continued  7U50 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Ladd & Tilton, Port.; Union N., Seattle; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 39,020 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle: lstN,, Yaldma; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 114,030 Chase N., N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle; Old N .. Spokane; Yakima N ., Yakima,  ....  35,140 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N., Spokane; 1st N., ~ Seattle. -  CONTINENTAL AND CQMMERCJAL BANKS · ~-- ·  1482  N11111ber under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers•n.  WASHINGTON-Continued  I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holldays, etc., see Laws.1 ~  t,;) PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. NAME OF BANK, TOWN AND COUNTY. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IBtate •County Seats. CASHIER, PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT.'T CA.SHIER. p AID•UP SuRPLUS DEPOS- Leua • Jha. o.... • &xIn No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. iMem. State Bks. Assn. t Priv. • ~ " : • =■•:t: IT8 CA.PITAL PB~~~TS [Estab. S, Seattle Br.-SP, Spokane ♦Mem. Fed. Res. ----1-----------------------t-------·1--------1--------1---- ---- ---Granite Falls-Snohomish Granite Falls State Bk. •U'06 B. E. ChappelL •• - Wm. MenzeL. _. __ D. H. Anderson __ L. W. \Vilson _____ $ 15,000 $ 2,170 $ 176,7101$ 140,500 $ 43,870 Chase N., N, Y.; N. City, Seattle: Secor. N., Everett. 98·251 B 7 S Pop. 714 15.000 29,540 10,'540 170 34.170 Old N., Spokane. Gre.enacre ·.SpokaneD 16 Fruitgrower tate Bank§'20 H. N. Fogle_·-····- J. w. Frazier __ ___ F. H. Piper .••••• -- -··················98·438 Sp Pop. 500 10,000 75,000 2.000 110,000 35,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com, and Seattle N., Hannlton •••••. Skaeit B 7 Hamilton State Bank ••• U'l4 H. A. Moore .•••••• F. E. Wyman ..•••• O. E. Thomp on._ M. J, Smith •.•.•. __ Seattle; C. E. Bingham & Co. State, Sedrog8-367 Pop. 896 . Woolley, 50,000 20,000 300,000 500,000 30;000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle; HARRY OCHS •.. J. L. BALL.-···-·- W.W. DOWNIE--·· R. S. REID-····--·· SEND YOOR ITEMS TO THE J<'IRST NATION AL BANK. , . ~ Fidelity N ., Spokane. Hamngton __ Lincoln D 14 FIRST NATIONAL BANK •i 08 Save time and itet service on Co llecttons and Cre dlt Reports by Sending TRY US. FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain si6ht drafta. 15c; Credit Reporta. 5Oc. IIS-l 88 Sp Pop. 88 2 C/J  s  <  l  John E. Russell .. _ J. J. Cormana .••. - W. E. Shrader_ •••• Harley R. Tucker. Ilarrington State Da.nk •U'04 98·187  ATIONAL BANK •i·o8  185,500  195,000  14,300 Chase N .. N. Y,; Old N., Spokane; Seattle N., Seattle.  25,000  25,000  120,000  160,000  10,000  10,900  80,000  84,200  28,250 Cont. and Com'! N .. Chi.; 1st N., Seattle; Old -, 0 N., Spokane; N. Bk, of Tacoma, Tacoma. 15,200 Chase N., N, Y.; Old N., Spokane: N. lik, of Z Tacoma. Tacoma,  w. s. BRANT ------ J, FARROW .•••••.•. H. a. SMEAD.--•··- - - - - - - - - - 25,000 18,000 Save time and get service on Col foctions and Cred It Reports by send Ing {FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain •i6ht drafta. I Sc; Cred it Reports. SOc. TRY US.  610,000  475,000  175,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Ex, N. and Old N .. Spokane: to ), Am. N., San F.  98·73  35.000  750,000  550,000  W, W. Cooper_···- W. H. Stoneman .•. H. C, Howe .•·--··- C. D. Sto~h....... I. W. Howe W. L. Adams ••.•.• O. M. Kellogg ---· A.G. Rockwell •••• Gaylord Adams.... Wm. E. Lamoreaux C. O. Gingrich _____ R. W. Craig _______ R. E. Dawdy._. ·- T, L. David on.... A. J. 1Iclntyre, Ch. of Bd. HuntersExchangeStateBank G. E. Cornwall··-- F, s. Wells ..•.. - .. H. C. Cardle ___ - - - · - · - · · · · •t§'07 g8-256 Southwestern Washington P. L. Sinclair..••.. M. E. Sinclair--··· M. E. Sinclair ••• __ •••••••••••••••••••. Bank ••• _ g8·342 ••- •• •i§·U Ione State Bank ..••••• •t§'09 J. A. McIntyre •••• T, s. Jayne .. - •• E. Thompson .•..• - Ethel Brige-s ...... 98-257 Issaquah State .Bank ..• •U'l3 J. H. Peters-······ John Anderson ... _ A. J. Peters •..•.••. -····-·······-····J. II. Gib~on 98-259 Farmers State Bank ••• •U'08 J, E. Moore··-- ··· B. F. Drutrel --·-· · W. O. Druffel .• -.. _ _ _ _ _ __ 98·260 Farmers State Bank ._.•t§"l7 E. F. Redd······-· E. Raymond ••.... _ J. V. McCalL ..•• _ --•·-··············· 98·395 Kalama State Bank-•• --t§"16 C. C. Ruckles ••••.. J. s. Clominger ___ G. . Campbell..._ C. W. Wiudnagle __ g8- 389 Fir t National Bank •••. •:·01 E. S. Collins-··--· L. C. Wallace -···- c. c. Bashor •..... - w. E. Stone . •••••• 118-107 KELS8 STATE BAH .. •U'94 F. M. Carothers __ Geo. L. Marsh __ • F. L. Stewart. ••••• G.F. Plamondon __ 118·106  Hillyard State Bank ••• •U'05 98-72 Hoctuiam __ Grays Harbor First National Bank ····•*'90 98·39 E2 S Pop. 9885 Lumberman's Bank •••. •U"04 " " ♦ 118-40 "  -······  "  Ilunter ••• _ Stevens B 14 Sp Pop, 100 !lvaco_••••••• Paci.O.c F 2 S Pop, 787 one.-.Pend Oreille A 111 Sp Pop. 541 saquah ••• - •••• Kini D 7 S Pop. 791 John on ..• Whitman E 17 Sp Pop. 190 . Kahlotus_ Franklm E 14 SD Pop. 151 Kalama •••.. CowlitzG 5 S Pop. 1228 Kel o .•.••••• Oowlitz F 6 S Pop, 2228  "  ........  "  ::c:  14,600  Hartford_ Snohomish C 7 (See Lake Stevens) S Pop. 500 Hartline ••• - •• Grant C 13 Hartline State Bank --•U'03 H. T. Jones •••••••• F. A. Duncan •••••• May S, Jones ..•••• R. s. Jones ••••• ~. Marian E. Jones 98-254 Sp Pop, 282 Hatton-•••••. Adams E 13 Farmers State Bank ••. •U'02 W.W. YeisleY-·-·- M. M. Crossland-- L. C. Crossland ••.• ········--····-·· gg.255 Sp Pop, 87 Hillrard •••• Spokane C 16 FIRST SP Pop. 3942  -z  30,000  25,000 100,000  z  220,340 3,366,840 2,829,120  100,000  48,170  981,340  922,970  25,000  1,500  101.340  89,840  25,000  13,500  340,000  315,000  15,000  5,285  284,600  239,280  25,000  13,000  380,000  310,000  10,000  3.000  70,000  70,000  15,000  3,000  40,990  64,560  15,000  12,000  200,000  171,000  25,000  13,000  750,000  668,000  25,000  25,600  476,630  439,300  20,000  9,000  151.000  172.000  50,000 L. E. JOHNSON .. T. M. FINE ....... - E. C. TWEET--···· J. L. BLISS .. ----·· FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•i·os { FEE IN ADVANCE: ightdrafts 15c minimum; 25c minimum charge if paid. Reliable Credit Reports, 60c. TR Y US. 98·147  35,000  700,000  800,000  E. T. COMAN.. ••- BERNARD ALLHANDS CHAS. WEIGAND--··- F. M. STOUT -······· G.GARBER  0  @ I  260,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr, Co .. Spokane. 906,560 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N .. Ohi; 1st N., 0 Port. and San F,; N. Bk. Com .. Seattle. 226,530 Han. N., N. Y.: Seattle N., Seattle; U.S. N., ,; . PJ Port,;Bk. Of Cal. N. A .• Tacoma,  g.  17,640 Chase N., N. Y.; Lin. Co, State, Davenport.  I: 60,150 Ohase N., N. Y.; Old N. and Spokane•& Eastern e:_ en Tr. Co .. Spokane. 92,000 Irvine N., N. Y.; Dexter Horton N,, Selib. N.,  55,000 Han. N., N. Y.; U.S. N., Port.  •J  r+ and Seattle N ., Seattle. 11,000 1st N., Pullman: Fidelity N .. Spokane; Colfax 0 ~ N .. Colfax. 8,610 Han. N .. N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co .. <"D r+ Spokane: Ladd & Tilden. Port, ::!. 37,000 U.S. N ., Port.  ~  (b  Kennewick __ Benton F 12 AMERICAN SECURITY BANK Send your Item s to "THE A.MER ICA.N SECURITY BANK." •:t:§ '16 { pecial attentlo n given Blll of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items • 98 393 Sp Pop, 1684 . Plea8e 8end 15c wi th each siqht draft f or presentation and 50c for Credit Repor ts.  160,000 Seab, N., N, Y.; U. S. N., Port.; Seattle N., ;! Seattle. 110,950 N. City,N, Y.; Cont. A: Com'! N .. Ohi.: Am. N .. ,_. San F.; U.S. N. and 1st N., Port.; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 30,000 N. City, Chi.: Ex. N .. Spokane: Union N. and N. Bk. Com., Seattle; U. s. N .. Port,  en  ""'"4  Kent. ••• ·--···· Kin2 D 8 First National Bank_ ••• •:•12 A. F. Morrill.._ •... H.B. Madi on __ ... D. T. C eman .••• _ 98·108 S Pop. 2282 State Bank of KenL ••. •U-05 w. H. Overlock •••• L. J, Overlock __ Charles R. Otey •••• •••••••• " " 98·109 Kettle Falls.Stevens AH Bank of Colvme ....••. •U'05 - - - · · - · - - - - - · · · - · - - J. M,Williams,Mar. 9i-'203 St) 'Pou. '276 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  60,000 Irving N., N. Y.: 1st N., Port. and Seattle; Fidelity N., Spokane.  e!  124,640 1st N., N. Y. and t. Paul; Seattle N., Seattle. . . 91,070 N. O1ty, N. Y.; .N. Bk. Com., Umon N., and 10,000 438,820 398,590 40,000 W. H. OYerlock, Jr. DPxter Horton N., Seattle, F. K. Mullen - - - · · - - - - (Bramch of Cowa le, Wa!th .) -······ - - - - Ex. N ., Spokane.  ~  Wesler Morrill....  50,000  oJ  C '1)  23.180  682,990  668,720  • ,_.. 10 l'v  ,_..  Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Bank.Ing Point (In• rlP  Prl)  In  h:,rlt:  f  t  I«-  Non-BanJc Towns with Nrarest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this!';;;" volume For Interest .Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws 5  WASHINGTON-Continued  1483  ; PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, 'r..,:::~.u~~::·BILi;-::::!!ES. I'T CASH.ID. , Q_j_SJUD. VICK-PRESIDENT. / PRESIDENT. 1:•.Mem. ~~~: ~~::·§state To,.'tJ:,u":J 1· ':"~"'1 P..un-uP __AN_n_ _0_i:_P_o_s-_ c8"::..._~• ~ . : . • ~ In No.12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. StateBks.Assn.tPriv. _....., -·-·- ·- ~ITS OA.PIT.A.L PROl'ITS [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 S, Seattle Br.-Sp.Spokane ♦Mem. Fed. Res. -------1-------1-------1---I 1 ~, Kirkland ________ Kin,:O6 Fir tKationaI Ilank ______ '21 G. M. Johnson---- Q. E.Lamberth ____ o. S. Penney ______ -···-·---- ---------·$ 25,000 $ 2,500 _________ ___________________ N. Bk. Com., Seattle. •....., Clark Nettleton 98-440 S Pop. 1354 ,... Com., Bk. N. and 6,000 $ 350,000 $ 250,000 $ 100,000 frviru? N., N. Y.: Seattle N. 10,000 Kirkland S~~~ ~nk: ___ •:f'l1 Glenn M. Johnson_ Clark .Nettleton ___ Q. E. Lamberth____ _________ " -------'· 3 Seattle; Fid. N. Bk. & Tr., Kan. C. 14,000 Peo. Tr. & Sav .. Chi.: Met. N., Seattle; Wash. 73,000 10,000 Kittitas---Kittitas ElO Kittitas Stat~ Bank ____ •tl'll G. W. Snodgrass ___ A. I. Odegard ____ R. C. Grochow----- A. K. Opgaard____ 80,000 4.000 N .,Ellensburg; Ex. N ., Spokane. -MO 9 S Pop. 200 33,410 U. s. N., Port.; Wash. Ex •• Vancouver. 10,000 La Center ____ Clarke G 5 La Center State Bank ___ :wn F. F. Myers_------ .A. A. Harrison ____ C . .A. Button _______ Edna Weber_______ 4,700 170,000 140,000 98-334 S Pop. 610 La Conner ___ Skafit B 5 La Conner State Bank -•t1'12 N. B. Hannay ______ A. I. Dunlap _______ W. S. Packard _____ G. A. Cornwall __ 2i0,590 25,000 23,460 300,940 72,600 N. Park, N. Y. : 1st N., Seattle and Mt. Vernon. 98-354 S Pop. 516 L3.crosse __ Whitman E 15 First State Bank -------•U'll A. Camp ___________ A. J. Shobe ________ C. P . .Moore________ P. }.f. Baken ______ _ 51,190 Ex. N., Spokane; Northw. N., Port.: Far. N .. , 66.600 60,000 410,850 698,800 A, R. Watzke . , . + 98-266 Colfax, Wash. Sp Pop. 1200 .. Secunty.;>taff-riink ---•ti 15 F. L. Gordon------ C. L. MacKenzie ___ J.E. Moore ________ A. M. Belyea _____ _ ________ ·· 200,000 80,000 Colfax N., Colfax: U. S. N., Port. 30,000 6,600 250.000 LakeStevens_Snohomish Rucker Bank----------•t§"l0 W. P. BeJl _________ A. D. OampbelL __ H. o. Bell ________________________ _ 10,000 2,000 160,000 130,000 34,000 Scan. Am., Seattle; Citiz. Bk. & Tr. Co., Ev-,1 L. H. Campbell 98-253 B7 S Pop. 600 erett. Lamont ___ Whitman D 15 Lamont State Hank ----•!1'08 E. A. Shields ______ R. W. McCall ______ T. E. DamrelL __________________ _ 9,490 Ex. N ., Spokane. 10,000 10,000 110,030 154,520 98-267 Sp Pop. 165 Langley. ______ lsland C 6 Langley State Banir ____ t§'l3 II. P. Jensen ____ __ G. L. \Voodruff ____ J. O. Foster_ ______ c. Jenson _________ _ 40,760 7,150 Citiz. Bk. &Tr. Co., Everett; Union N., Seattleo1 10,000 2,270 35,640 98-362 Pop. 274 ~ A. L. Faler _______________ Latah ______ Sl)OkaneD 17 Bank of Latah ---------•:1'90 Wm. A.McEachern Minnie Taylor 24,200 N. Bk. of Com .. N. Y,: Ex. N .. Spokane; Bk. of 15,000 5,500 150,000 140,100 Gerking 98-268 Sp Pop. S30 Cal. N. A .. Port.  f:au:_u,  Leavenworth_Ohelan C 9 Citizens tate-Bank ___ •t§'20 E. E. l!'lood -·····-- F. A. Wingate _____ C. A. CampbelL •• L. H. Brockway __ _ 98-429 Sp Pop. li91  25,000  2,500  98,770  75,570  31,928 Cont. & Com'J N .. Chi.; Ex. N,, Spokane; Union "·· Seattle.  F. A. SINCLAIR- R. 8. FlELD-------· R. F. TAYLOR------ C. G. COCKBURN--J. D. ELY J.B. ADAMS  25,ooo  16,040  688,970  561,570  163,650 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle: Spokane & Eastern Tr, Co .. Spokane: Winneshiek Co. State, Decorah, Ia.  5,000  90,000  80,000  16,000 Han. N., N, Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; 1st N .• Seattle.  LEAVENWORTH STATE BANK 98-123  •Wl0  { Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports Ml.iS T be accompanle d by FEE IN ADV.AN CE: Plain si(Jht drafts, 15c; Credit Reports. 50c. 25,000 Lind _________ Adams E 13 Farmers State Bank ---•U-17 John M. Phillips ___ A. J. Haile ________ J. W. Webster ____ J. "Id. Phillips______ 98-394 Sp Pop, 724 First National Bank _____ •t'08 H. E. Gritman _____ J. T. Dirstine ______ H. S. Snead ________ J, F. Gibson ______ _ 35,000 c. H. Fink 0. H. Greene 98-172 Loomis ___ Okanogan A 11 Sp Pop. 5~0 . Lyle _______ Khclutat G 8 Sp Pop. 600 Lyman _______ Skagit B 7 S Pop. 592 Lynden ____ Whatcom A 5 S Pop, 1244 " -------': Mabt on _____ Yakima F 10 Sp Pop. 547  "  ________  "  Malden ____ Whitman D 16 SP. Pop. 1005 Mansfield ___ Douelas C 12 Sp Pop. 478 Marcus _____ Stevens A 14 So Pop. 551 Marlin _______ Grant D 13 Sp Pop. 250 Mary viJle ____ Snohomish C6 S Pop. 1244 Medical Lake ___ Spokane C 15 Sp Pop. 1254 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  38,320 N. City, N. Y.; Dexter HortonN.,Seattle; Spokane & Eastern Tr.Co. and Old N., Spokane; 1st N., Ritzville. _________________ (Branch of River side, wa sh.) _____ _________ Chase N ., N. Y ,; Dexter Horton N ., Seattle; Old Okanol:!an State Bank--•U'06 -------------------- ______________ c. H. Knosher, N. and Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., 8poka1;1e. Mar. 98-269 24,260 Seab. N .. N. Y .; State Bk. of Port. and Live 75,600 3,000 100,000 12,500 State Bank of Ly1e _____ •i§'09 L. H. Lawson ____ L. H. Youngs ______ R. H. Coppock ____ __________ _________ tock State, Port. S 98-3il rD 40,360 Dexter Horton N. and 1st N., Seattle. 98,400 4,500 122,680 10,000 Lyman State Bank _____ •i§'l2 G. A. Minkler _____ W. M. Kirby ____ ;. __ F. C. Fellows______ ___________________ 0.. 98-355 80,550 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle: Northw. 618,980 10,000 630,980 50,000 E. Bennett___ _____ First National Ba11k ____ •i·o7 P. M. Serrurier ____ B. C. Crabtree _____ W. B. Vander N. and 1st N., Bellingham. Griend 98-270 Han. N., N. Y.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle, f SU 4.000 40,000 Peoples 8-tate Bank ______ §'21 P. J. Van Hemert_ J. W. Stearns _____ Albert Kok______ __ ____________________ .,_. 98~442 22,270 Union N,, Seattle: 1st N., Yakima; Northw. t""4 191.180 6,160 149,840 25,000 S. F. GANDERS---- NATHAN SOHN ______ I.E. FOSS---------- E. B. BREWER______ N.,Port. COMMUNITY STATE BANK { Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred it Reports by sen ding ~ •t§'l9 FEE IN ADVA NCE: Plain sight drafts. I Sc: Cre dit Reports. SOc. TRY U S. 98-414 28,700  304,910  400,580  5 S:  o·  e_  EARL LARRISON---· H. W. JOHNSON-----  25,000  16,000  300,000  280,000  50.000 Han. N., N. Y.: Seattle N., Seattle: Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane.  L. F. Rohleder _____ Ole Melhus ________ R. E. Gullick ______ H.P. Widman ____ _ . . . . . _____ _ L. H . .Mer1tt _______ D. W. Tomlmson __ McKm1ey Elhs ______  20,000  2,000  160,000  110,000  50,000  7,000  310,620  554,700  60,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Seattle: Ex. N .. Sookane. 46,460 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Fid. N., Spokane: 1st N ., Seattle. 58,680 Old N ., Spokane; 1st N .. St. P. and Colville,  A.T. CARLSON --- P. C. CARLSON-----MABTON BANK---------•U'04 { Save time and get service on Col Jections and Cred it Reports by sen ding }'EE IN ADVANCE: Plain sight drafts. 15c; Cre dit Reports, SOc. TRY U S. gs-183 Farmers & Merch. State Bk. :is:09 98-154 Mansfield State Bank __ U 09 98-271 Guaranty State Bank __ •t§'lO 98-284 FarmersBankofKrnpp•t§'07 98-264 .Marysville State Bank_ •t§'91 98-273 First National Bank _____ •t'04 98-274  Hugh WaddeJL ___ E. K. Moore _______ E.  s. Moore _______  E. K. Moore ______ _  10,000  6,500  146,450  100,800  Daniel T. Oross ___ John Erickson ____ H. C. Erickson ____ Arthur M. Amende  10,000  6,000  151,130  176,210  S. T. Smith ______ Steve Saunders ____ E. E. Colvin ______________________ _  25,000  7,680  343,320  285,760  W.R. Cunninfham, 0. II. Greene ______ B. W. Hughes _____ F. H. Kirchhoffer __ Jr.  25,000  12,430  332,290  348,770 1  30,130 cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Scan. Am., Seattle: Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co .. Spokane. 85,290 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Hk. Com .• ,...... Seattle: 1st N., St. P. and Everett. ~ 43.150 Chase N .• N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co. 00 w Spokane: Dexter Horton N., Seattle,  1484  NambM under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number !Pffll w each bank in U. 3. exclusively by The Rand-McNa117 Bankers• Dtreetory, under the authority of The Amerlean Bankers Ass'n.  NAME OF BANK. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bk:s. Assn. SState In ...·o. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn.t Priv. S,BeattleBr.-Sp, pokane ♦ Mem.Fed.Res. [E tab. ToWN AND COUNTY.  PitESIDENT,  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Law1 (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see ~ s .  WASHINGTON-Continued  VICJC-PRESIDJCNT.  OA.SBIER.'T CA.SHIER.  I  LIABILITIES.  RESOURCES.  II  ½>.,.• • c;~..=:· =::.-!':  I  t;  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  .,1::,.  p AID·UP SURPLUS DEPOS»11- 0£&11 • J:•CAPITAL PBAONPDITS ITS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 1 1 1  Metaline Falls MetalineFallsState&Sav.Bk. H. E. Neelands •••• R. A. Bailey··-··· A.. W.DresseL •••• -·-··--·········--· $ 10,000 $ 1,510 $ 97,700$ 77,960$ 29.450 N. City, N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Pend Oreille A 111 98-276 •il'll Spokane; Ione State, Ione . . Sp Pop. 153 }hllwood .. Spokane o 16 Spokane Valley State Bank W. G. Mac E. E. Flood ....•••• R. K. Wheeler •••• ··-··-·-·-·········· 20,000 2,300 50,000 55,000 13,000 Ex. N .• Spokane. 98-433 •t§'20 Naughton 1 .Mol on .•. Okanoiran A 12 Molson Stzte Bank •••• •*5'08 C, S. Barns ••.•..•• G. B. Avery .••.••• G. L. Armstrong ••• ···-·····-··-·-·-··· 2.S,000 10,000 240,000 200,000 50,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Seattle; Ex. Sp Pop. 350 + 98-276 N. and old N. , Spokane. E. M. STEPHENS J. C. FALCONER .. R. W. JELLISON ... J. A. KINDLE..... 23,000 8,900 4.49,370 . 313,940 1311,330 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N. Seattle, Snohomish, and ~ . FIRST NATIONAL BANK ••·o• Personal presen tation on -all coll ectlons. Everett. Yonroe ••• Snohomish O 7 + .. FEE IN ADV AN CE: ighl draft. 15c mlnimum: 25c minimum charge if paid. S Pop, 1675 g8-120 Reliable Credit Report», liOc. TR Y US. ►  I  C. F. ELWELL ... ARTHUR BAILEY .. WHIT H. CLARK ... 0. G. DORCAS.....  MONROE NATIONAL BANK 98-121  i i  •i'09  25,000 We give prompt , careful attentlo n to collections. FEE IN ADV AN CE: Sig11t drafts, 15c minimum: 25c minimum charge if paid. Reliable Credit Reports, liOc. TR Y US.  •Monte ano-GraysHarbor MontesanoNationalBk.•U900 F. M. Hale .•••••••• F. A. Tarr •••••••• E. E. Ilale ••••••••••••••••••••..:........ S Pop. 2158 Dg 98-90 MONTESANO STATE BANK 98-89 · •:1'97  i  25,000  ll,8i0  1  306,210  301.130  r:n  58,040 Garfield N., N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle.  :I:  76,450 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma.  O i-:l 0  i-c  Z  I j  5,850  1  351,140 1  312,500  A. D. DEVONSHIRE •• - - - - - .- W. ff. FRANCE •••••• ···········-··-····· 50,000 6-1.770 l,351,540 1,184,530 281,780 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com .. Seattle; 1st N., Z Port.; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma. t)j First and oldest e stabUshed Bank. Unequaled faclli ties for making c ollectlo ns at th is point and vie inlty. ......_ Remittances on d ay of payment. P rompt attention to au Banking m atters.  Z  1  llorton ....•_•• Lewi. E 6 State Bank of Morton .. •U'll H. S. Crothers ••••• J .Moorcroft ·-··· W.W. Morse .••••. ·······-·-·--S Pop. 522 118-338  11,000  N. J. MOLDSTAO •.. N. B. HANHAJ·---·-- R. G. HANNAFORD ... G. B. GHACF .•••••••  100,000  Mt. Vernon National Bank Alfred Lilliman •••• H. 8. RuleY.·-···· R. L. DaviB •••••••• L. G. Davis-•••••• 118-97 •t'06 Grover Larson Mabel Danielson Skaeit Co. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co. G.D. McLean·-·-· E. Branchfiower._ F. 0. Pickerine •••• F. H. Jenne .•.•.•• 98-347 •U'll J. O. Mac Ginuitie, IdaMcMeekin, SPc, A. Cash. lfoxee City •• Yakima E 10 Moxee State Bank •.••• •i§'14 L. H. Desmarais ••• G. E. McGrath •••• J.E. McGrath ••••• --·-··----··· Sp Pop. 300 98-378  50,000  32,860 . 839,740  837,760  25,000  34,000  500,000  475,000  80,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N. and N. City, Seattle.  10,000  10,650  210,390  145,930  77,340 ,Fidelity N., Spokane: Dexter Horton N. and Union N., Seattle; Oom'l, Yakima.  25,000  5,300  175,900  167,420  37,770  M. L. Underwood, ··-···-·····-··-··  10,000  3,000  100,120  79,000  25,670  Otto F. Mathiesen. R. R. Isaacs .•.•.••  25,C00  2,500  146,310  135,710  E. W. Anderson ... Fred Stevens ••.••.  25,000 .  5,001)  513,480  451,950  C. L. Stone .••..••........•..•.....••..  15,000  1.500 ··-····-· ..••........•.••.. Irving N., N. Y.; Scan. Am., Seattle.  L. E. Carlin •. _ •••• M. V. Wilson . .•••..  10,000  4,200  U5,000  124,000  J.B. Helpman ___ • F. R. Piper---·-·-·  10,000  19,660  312,920  140,600  •liount Yernon ... kagit FIRST S Pop. 33H B6  ·aches •.•••• YakiJDa E Sp Pop. 250  g  NATIONAL BANK-•t'89 98-95  Largest and bes t equlppe bank In Skagit County. G. I. DUNLAP { 15 CENTS sent to us with each s lght draft for pre sentatlon, and 50 CENTS for e ach credit report Insures prompt, p ersonalattentlon.  Naches State Bank----•U'IO A, M. Otto ••••••..• T. E. Forsyth._ ••• J. R. Re:rnolds .... J. Jay Lone ••••.••  "  NAT'l BANK OF OAKESDALE 118-li0  •t·os  Sec.  36,000 1,603.470 1,547,280  38,900 Am. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Seattle: N. Bk. of ~ Tacoma, Tacoma; Ootl'man-Dob on Bk. & r;n 'l'r. Co .• Chehalis. ' 112,1100 N. Park, N. Y.; Dexter Horton N. and 1st N ., Seattle. S;:  I  I!  148,040 Han. N .. N. Y ,: SeaIlle N .. Seallle.  en  °PO\), ?,?,7 Nazaber aader NaDJe Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to each bar:,k in U.  7.2 p.,  ~  0  Q  eab. N., N. Y.; Seattle N .. Seattle.  25,000  25,000  750,000  625,000  1!'. A. Davis--. W.T. D&Y-·-- J. W. llartin ___• Geo. W. Harris_•.  25,000  18,000  280,00:l  395,000  15,000  7,320  140,300  115,060  98--'280  It t . or Bank is the New 'l"raasl~ Naaiber  -M,  Nall  ,  ;,_  I  tate Bk. of Port., Port; Coffman-Dobson Bk. :: & Tr., Chehalis. '"-'➔ 29,720 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Ex. N., Spokane; Union p., N ., Seattle. "1 lOlS,740 Chase N., N. Y.; F,delity N., Spokane.  g°  •  1: · .,  ... ......  150,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Oom 'l N .. Chi.; -,pokane & Easter Tr. Co., Spokane; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Port., an F .. and Seattle. 35,000 Mech.&MetalsN .. N. Y.: Cont. & Oom'I N .. Ch1.; Old N., Spokane. 46,190 Ollase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Everett, Wash.  I  ;.:  ;1  •  "1  35,000 Ohern. N., N. Y. ; Seattle N. and Union cattle. 196,280 Wallace Bk. & Tr. Co .. Wallace, Ida.; Ex. Spokane.  $l)  H. W. Hanford __ 0, E. Havens •.••••  Oak llaroor •••lsla.nd Bl> Oak H.aroor State Ba.nk•tl'lO Robert ll.oody --·\L. L. Crosby·-·· J. M. PratL·--·· --·-·· ~  46.300  p.,  i  -·-·-  115,000  98-277  Napavine •••••• Lewis E 4 Napavine State Bank ••• *5'13 E. M. Underwood .•.••.••.•••••.••••••. S Pop. 340 98-366 •Newpart ••• Pend Oreille Farmers State Bank ••• •t§'20 Edwin 'r. Coman ... W. I. Fountain ••.. SP Pop. 950 B 16 98--421 Mikel Fox " •..•..•. " ,security State Bank .... •n·os G. W. Sutherland .• G. W. Vickerman .• 118-156 Tooksack . . Whatcom A 6 Farmers & Merchants Stale A. F. tone .••..... L. T. Stone .••.••.. S Pop. 250 I Bank .... 98 -43!1.. ..••.. §'21 Northbend ••.•• Kine D 7 State Bank of Northbend W. O. Weeks·--·· A. R. Mason ••••.•• S Po1>. 387 , 118-278 •W13 Northport.. tevens A 15 Miners&Smeltns Bk .. •i '15 Jerome J. Day_. R. M. Walker .••.•• So Pop. 1106 98-387 •~TorthYakima YakimaE9 ( ce ra.xima) Sp Pop. 20,951 Oake 'dale. Whitman D 16 Commercial State Bk .•• •U'91 '\ E. H. Hanford. __ Alfred Ooolldre-Sp Pop. 16 118-1611  ..  500  :  ·.  ..  ;  ,, ·,  I  .t  t:  '  .... 'I  I  '  I  :l C  ..,SU  ~  ~8,'5 1 ~.  NlunlHlr IUMI_. N•aie td' Baalc la lb• New n.a.,~ Nrun,,_. ldveo eo •ob baDlc in U. B. exelwdNIT br 271e .Banlte,s" Dlnletor,., uader tbe •a#lorlly of 271e Aaierl-a . .niters ABs"a.  /. N.£M• o, BA.NI. ToWN ,un, CorrNTr. ~ •Mem. Am. Bks, Assn. §S~te .&County Beats. .  w:· ASHI'1'.T.GTON  I  .,_,.,  .r2.  (: CAB.HI.BB.  VzOE-PB.EBW&NT.  PBJCBWENT.  In No. lZ Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.BtateBks.Assn. tPrn-. [Estab. - - - - - - - , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S. Seattle Br. SP.Spokane ♦.Mem. Fed. Res.  Noa•Jranlr 7owiu "1th Neare,,t .BaDJdDar PofJlt (IDdexed Acces.). L a ~ Law• (Indexed) in D&C.k of this ._ For fnte,est Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  d • Con t JnUe  volume.  l  1  _______  PBINCIPAL  Co.aRESPONDENTS.  ~ C<:  25,000  G. W. Finney - - - W. L. Smith _______ A..)(. Michaelsen __ J. Hopp, Jr._______  40,000  60,000  650,000  600,000  N. E. Whitworth •• Wm. Baines ____ C.H. Yand _______ J. D. Bassett______ D. E. Leake Paul Gerdes ·  50,000  22,000  495,000  510,600  125,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Seattle N. and 1st N., Seattle; Old N .• Spokane. 1 89,760 Han. N .• N. Y.; Svokane & Eastern Tr. Co., ' Spokane: Bk. of Cal. N. A., Seattle.  First National Bank ____ •i•oo 0. R. Hansen _ _ Harry J. Kerr ____ H. Gordon Kerr ___ E.W. Ostenberg __ 118-191  50,000  19,060  424,210  534.0301  75,830 Han. N., N.Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co. and Old N .. Spokane; N. Bk. Com., Seattle.  C. J. LORD------ M. E. REED------- W. H. BRACKETT-- S. E. MOWELL-- -T. PARKER W. J. FOSTER Oldest, Larpst and Best Equtppe d Bank In Tborst on County.  100,000  CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK 118-411  Ol YMPIA \,ltONAL  •i•90  W. T.PerJdns_._ C. N. Kills ____ J, FrankLiby _______________ 1$ . . L. G. Nuelsen ____ -------------------- Hy. W. Rieke _____ H. H. Rieke_______  l  IIJ,000 $  <  193,910 4,155,420 3,106,41Q 1 1,428,320 Seab: N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. & Com'l N .. 1 Chi.; 1st :N., San F.; N, Bk. Com .. Seattle. <; 1  FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft f or presentation, a nd FIFTY CENTS f or each credit rep ort Insures prom pt, personal atte ntlon.  time and get 1ervtceon Coll ectlon1 and Credi tReports by send. !liil { Save l01 FEE IN AD VANCE: Plain •i11 ht dralt•. lSc; Cr edit Report•• 50c.  TRY US;  98 283  .... Green ------o· F · M1·nch ---- o,JJL,  s Oroville __ Okanonn J. U Bank of Oroville _ _ e:t§'l6 Eugene Hockett --- A 98-198 Sp Pop, 1013  0 ,  o  Mitchell  Sidney E Smith •  -·  B J Schm1"dt •  •  ----;  ' ' J B Jones -------- - - . .  r:,nt-..•i·oo Elton G. Rice _____ Monroe Harman. ~ s. B. Starrett, Jr..J G. H. Jackson ____  1  Union Title :_ ~ust Oo,-1'10 Orting ________ Pferee D 6 Orting Staie Bank _____ eif•0!I 'l 98-285 S Pop. 072  s. o. w  Mitchell _____ W. L. Davis-----~ P. M. Snider, Sr,c.  j  i M .., Callen"·J ThOID"'""D wu - .,.... -·- • ,llj, • •  cw •  •  2  Van Scoyoc •  J  -----------1  -- ---------------  !  200,000  130,ooJ  80,000  110.800  111,84d  17,120 N. Park, N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle; Ex. N., Spokane,  277,770  250,360  55,5'0_Ex. N., Spokane. .  I  I  50,000  10,950  348,090  358,38~  40,000  4od  ---  37,000'  10,000  4,880  49,7001  202,150  67,70~1  H ..,. Schroeder I May Schroeder .J ' Outlook _____ Yakima F 11 Outlook State Bank ____ e:f'Oll W H Norman ----1 ---- - - - - - - - - - - - '..... ' ' 118-287 Sp Pop. ·200 1  FARMERS N~T10NAL B~~ K B. C. McCroske1 _ o.  140,36d:  71.470  71,680  l  .  71,550 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Seattle N. and Bk. of Cal. N. A., Seattle; Spokane & Eastern Tr, Co .. Spok~ne. 3,000 Bk. of Oroville, Oroville. 75,230 Chase N., .N. Y.; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma; Dexter Horton N .. Seattle. 1  5o,ood  400,0001  416,000  75,000 Atlantic N,, N. Y.; Ex, N .. Spokane.  60,000  737,350  648,070  I  ' 50,000  450,020  401,000  J  50,000  41,790; 784,600  748,990  I I  1  ► Z  b ;:,i:::  2;  ii'  0 ~  f/J  (')  16,230 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N., Spokane; 1st K., 0 Seattle, 21,070 Seab. N., N. Y,; Seattle N., Seattle.  3,590  z  10,100 Han, N., N. Y.; Fidelity N,, Spokane; Dexter Al p:;Horton N .. Seattle.  102,170  10,000  '"'3 0 to  110,550  s. Barns ______ ~ A. P. Murray ______ R. A. Belvail _____ _  o. M. Macklem  9,0lq  ., N, Y,; Met., Seattle.  ,I  I  I  09  28,820 Mech. & Metals  2,40~  10,00Q  +  128,760  15,000  1 J P si·emens · J G si·emens Othello ______ K ta Othello State Bank _____ .:1•09 H Siemens ----- 1 - - - - - - · 1 · · - ------~ • · ' H-286 Sp Pop. 6411  98 125  101,710  I  W. Johnston- Natio~ 1  Z  185,000 N. City, N. Y.; Union N,. Seattle: Ex. N., 1 c;1 Spokane.  1,145,000  · F H Keller Soren Petersen Omak ____ Qkanoean B 11 Citizens State Bank ___ e;t§'19 Hans Land ------- - - - - . - - - - : --- • • --- ---- Arthur Lund . • . Omak State 9~~ ~.P ~~~--~~~ " _ ----- is 00 J. H. 81dey ------- H.J. Colman ___ John Scott. ______ c. H. White ______ _  OpJ>Ortunitv_8pokaneC16 Opportunity State Bank•§'lO , 98-404 · Sp Pop.400  ► en  ::c  P. M. TROY -··--- P. C. ALLER------ ·· P·. C. ALLER-- K. B. WILSON. ____ :  Secnrlty ~ ~ & Trns!t~fo Mlllard Lemon---- A. D. Schmidt. ____ Walter W. Kroier~ ________ _ 1  llW4'1 E17 PaloSupsePoWhip.  ~  ~,----------------1~  R.icsouacES. / LIABILITIES. PAID-UP I SuRPLUs/' DEPos- 1w.ura• J>m.l c..... x:rc'TL no..... ra.uroa,Dn ITS AND CAPITAL/ / _ _ _ PROFITS _ _ _ ll.avama  I  AssT. CASHIER.  4,200 $ 160,000 $ 120,000$ 50,000 . City, Chi.; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma; 1 t ~ ~ N .. Seattle. j 30,000 Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane. 10,000 280,000 450,000  OakviJie ___ Grays Harbor Oakville State BanJc __ .:,•og 118-281 E4 S Pop. S~6 Odcssa ______ Lincoln D la Farmers & Merchants Bank •:t§ 'I5 + 98-386 SD Pop. 1050 Unioll State Bank ___ etf'll " " 98-282 .&0.kanoe-an ____ otanoean Commercial Bank _____ e:f'llO + 98-192 Sp Poi,, 1115 Bll  .&Olympia ••Tburston Et Pop, 8,537 S  -  I  Security S,~lr:nk---•H'89 J, K, KeOoffl\ek _ _ R. L. Smith _______ Joh P. Duke___ M. D • .KcPherson] R H Craii E W Landt O s O'Brien •Pasco _____ Jrranklla B' IS Bank of Pasco ---------•tl'08 J.B. Orain ------ W. E·. Kiekeiiapp-~ ------ ' • ----- • • 98-105 Sp Pop. 33112 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  FlrstNatioi~l~:nk·---•t'06 jRobert Jahnke ____ James Waters __ T,J. Cooper _____ Alfred R.Puchner A. R_. Reeves ,  1  I  149,100 Chase N.: N. Y.; Old N., Spokane; lstN., Port.;  Wells Fargo-Nev, N., San F.; Scan,-Am., Seattle. 87,000 N. Park, N. Y.: N. Bk. Tacoma, Tacoma; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; ls\ • " Port. 122,650 Han. N .. N. Y.: Ex. N., Spokane; 1st N., ~ • 01 Seattle: U.S. N., Port.  -  1486  1111111.,_ an4er Kame of Bank ia the New Tranllt Nambel' sivea to eaeh bank in U • B. ese1u~l n I., b Y Tb • R and - H eNall., Ilan kten• Dtreetor-,, under the authority of The American Bankers Aas'n.  LIABILITIES,  NA.ME OF BANK, TOWN AND COUNTY, •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State .. County Seats. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. In No.12 Fed. Res. Dist. [Estab. S, Seattle Br.-Sp. Spokane ♦Mero. Fed. Res.  PRESIDENT,  Pateros ••• Okan~an O 11 Methow Valley B:mk ___ •t§'12 E. F. Johnson _____ 98-350 Sp Pop. 412 Pe En. _________ I,ewis E 4 Pe Ell State Bank-- ----•t§'l4 H. W. Mund _______ 98-288 S Pop. 861 Pinc City_ Whitman D 16 Pine City State Bank --•U'19 A. J. Stone _______ ♦ 98-289 Sp Pop. 100 Plaza ______ Spok<1ne D 16 Bank of Plaza _________ •t§'20 E.W. Wagner _____ 98-434 Pop. 100  ..  ------------  . ..  VICE-PRESIDENT.  CASHIER,  Chas. Grant ___ ____ C. B. Jaynes _______  SUBPLU8 PAID-UP Alfi> CUIT.A.L PBOJ'IT8  AsS'T OASHIER,  R~~CJ:S.  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  1.o..... .Dia- o.... .,. &xc..... Bo..., G'JlA.lte•,Dn  -----  D•Po&lT8  no•...._.  - - - - - - --- ---  ------------------- $  20,000 $  7,060 $ 135.460 $ 163,320 $  25,831 N.City. Seattle; Sookane & Eastern Tr. Co., SPokane; Columbia Valley, Wenatchee.  Irene Pearsall. ____  10,000  1,200  77,500  64,000  20,000 Seattle N., Seattle; Northw. N., Port.; Secur. State, Chehalis.  25,000  3,710  143,760  149,840  -------National Bank•t·rn G. II. Waterman __ Roy Williams _____ Roy Robinson _____ ------98-415  15,000  1,500  13,650  16,400  16,280 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; Seattle N., Seattle. 4.700 Ex. N., Spokane; Bk. of Rosalia, Ro~alia.  50,000  5,500  215,000  238,000  45,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Spokane & Ea tern Tr. Co., Spokane; U. s. N., Port.  Knettle State Bank ----•t§'03 N. D. Knettle ______ L. N. Knettle ______ L. N. Knettle ______ Geo. Burlingame __ 98-116 L. G. Davis W. B. Morris ______ J. H. Brockman. __ Pomeroy State Bank ___ •tf'91 R. L. Rush _________ 98-115 A. E. Dick~n  50,000  23,530  454,940  431,660  114,370 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Ladd & Tilton, Port., Old N., Spokane; Baker-Boyer N., Walla Walla.  189,000 1,116,000 1,049,400  296,000 Ohase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Port. ; Dexter Horton N., Seattle; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San F.  •Pomeroy •• Garfield F 16 Farmer Sp Pop. 2000 "  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers. Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  WASHINGTON-Continued  T. Hansen _________  --·. ---------------  J. Edwards ________ Henry Smith ______ W. O. Palmer  -•  F. M. Campbell ____ O. E. Havens ______  -----------------  PortAngeles.Clallam B3 Bank of vlallam County•tl'll5 H. E. Lutz _________ D, H. Lutz _____ ---- S. J. Lutz _________ 98-100 R.H. Lutz S Pop. 5351 Fir t National Bank ----•t·99 Alston Fairservice B. N. Phillips _____ :\I. R. Jamieson ____ 118-101 E. F. G1erin, C. L. Babcock Ch, of Bd. J. C. Delabarre Washington State Bank•t§'20 G. M. Lauridsen ___ W. J. Taylor _______ J. P. Christensen •. 98-422 J. E. Hansen p ort Orchard_Kitsap D 5 Kitsap County Rank ___ •tf '08 Thomas Ross ______ T. C. Baldwin ____ F. E. Langer _______ 98-290 Otto K. Strizek S Pop, 1393  o.  I  I  50,000  I. Haswell______  25,000  28,750  900,620  738,310  211,450 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com. and Seattle N., Seatte; 1st N., San F.  R. S. Jensen _______ Marion llorison P. E. Graves _______  75,000  29,610  818,420  809,440  75,000  12,000  600,000  447,000  134,530 Chase N .. N. Y.: Union N. and N. City. Seattle; Anglo&Lon. Paris N. and Well5 Fargo-Nev. N .. San F. 156,000 N. City, N.Y.; 1st N .. SeattleN.,and Bk.of Cal. N. A., Seattle; Anglo-Cal. Tr. Co., San F.  J, R. Walsh________  20,000  11,740  345,660  300,830  73,820 Irving N., N. Y.: Scan. Am. and Seattle N .. Seattle.  -- ---------------- C, J. Flint _________  50,000  35,510  542,1120  567,240  70,760 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; Dexter Horton N .,Seatlle:WellsFargo-N ev .N .,San F.  .Merchants Bank -------•tf '89 W. M. Ladd------- N. C. Strong------ Geo. Welch _______ A. F. Anderson ___ 98~6 I. Tolonen ________ p oul bo _______ Kitsap C 5 First National Bank ---•t1'09 0. K. Strizek ______ ., __ 98-291 S Pop. 546 p re cott.Walla WallaF14 First State .Bank _______ •tf'04 F. J. Fleischer ____ H. S. Fender _______ H. L. Hicks------- Laura McMillan ___ 98-292 J. T. Flathers Sp Pop. 559  75,000  35,150  950,250  927,370  25,000  14,290  334.1110  329,460  128,790 N. Park, N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co .. Chi.: Anglo & Lon. Paris N. and . Bk. Com .. Seattle. 39,950 Saab. N., N. Y.; Dexter Horton N .. Seattle.  50,000  15,000  261,000  259,000  45,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co .. Chi.; Old N. and Ex. N., Spokane; 1st N., Walla Walla: Northw. N., Port.; Met .. Seattle.  50,000  12,000  400,000  472,000  80,000 Am. Sav. Bk. & Tr. Co., Seattle; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co .. Spokane; 1st N .. Port.; N • Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma.  18,860  531,620  522,190  68,290 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N., Spokane; 1st N .. Seattle.  . ---- ---- . . -------- ..  PortTown end_Jetl"son First National Bank _____ et"83 Jas. G. Mccurdy ___ F. J, Bailey------98~5 S Pop, 2847 B4 "  ---- ----  .  Pros er _____ Benton F 11 Sp Pop. 1697  ..  --------  .  p ullman ___ Whitman E Ill Sp Pop. 2440  •  ----------- ------ --------~----- ---  CITIZENS STATE BANK  -------  . Federal Reserve Bank of St. LouisNumber  •tf '05  1)8-138  FIRST NAT'L BANK 118-87  .  r·  £EARL----··-H. PEARL. ..... H. W, FISK------·-- GUY •H, PEARL------ iON, . J. OTTON  Save time and get service on Col lectlons and Cred It Reports by sen ding FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain •iKht draft•. 15c; Cre dit Report•. 50c. TRYU Prosser State Bank ____ •U-02 Uarry Oesterle ____ I Nelson§Rich ______ J. F. Sears _________ R. E. Wi e--------40,000 98-139  W. WHITLOW .... 0. L. WALLER-------Personal presen tattoo, and reml Save time and get service on Col FEEIN ADVAN CE: Plain •iKht  •t"92  PULLMAN STATE BANK•t1'92 ♦  r·  F.c.  98-86  ,. \1~iRncfli ____ J. N. SCOTT ------- J. A. OLIVER ------  I  e of Bank is the New Transit Number  ·ven  - - - I- 89.210 1,096,800 1.521.840  75,000  leetlons and Cred It Reports by sen ding draft•. I Sc; Cre dit Report•. SOc. TRYU  First and Oldea & E1tabll1hed Ba nk. Special attentlo n given Blll of La ding drafts. Please send 15c with each :s ia ht dra, ft for pruentatio n.  I  under Na  McCROSKEY  F. C. FORREST ------- J. 0. PATTERSON----H. 8. THOMPSON ttance on day of paymen&.  s.  37,500  s.  116.540 N. Park, N. Y.; Ex. N. and Fidelity N.,  Spokane; Scan. Am., Seattle.  .  32,120  695,880  825,000  11  68,570 Seab. N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Oo. and Ex.N., Spakane; U. S.N., Port.  .,... ~  00  °'  Non-Bank Tawna with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.J, Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this CFor Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  WASHINGTON-Continued TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  I OF BANK. I•Mem. NA.ME Am. Bks. Assn. §State  •Oounty Seats. In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. :tMem. StateBks. J.,sn. t Priv. [Rstah.  RJCS0UB0J:S. LIABILITll:S. : ; = = = = ; : . . _ - -,11----=c...-~~;;;;;..;._-1 1--___ PBESIDJCNT,  S Seattle Br. S11 Spokane +Mem. Fed. ReD. Puyallup ______ Pierce Db S Pop. 6323  PUYALLUP STATE BAIK ♦  118-58  •*5'06  VIOX-PRESIDJ:NT.  OilHID. 'T OA.SHIER.  P.UD•17P S17~UB  DIIP08-  J, S. Alspa~h----· John Kinf--- J. K. Jones •••• - •• R. C. Grerory ••• -- $ 50,000 $  10,000  5,840  122,540  126,480  100,000  20,000  282,310  331.930  480,350 N. Park, N. Y.: Cont. & Com '! N., Chi.: N, Bk, Com., Seattle; Anglo & Lon. Paris N .. San F.  476,270  735,000  38,000 ChaseN.,N.Y.;Old N.,Spokane; lstN .. Seattle.  57,000  515,000  641,000  56,000 Han.N., N. Y.: Spokane &Eastern Tr. Co. and Ex. N .• Spokane; Bk. ofCal.N.A .• Tacoma.  10,00()  14.040  205,410  257,470  61,980 N. City, N. Y.; Seattle N. and Dexter Horton N., Seattle.  25,000 C. L. DIXON----··· HAROLD EVANS--··- R. W. GILHAM-··-··- J. L. MITCHE'LL --··OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK. CITIZENS BANK- ------•U-09 { Save time and get service on Col leetlons and Cred It Reports by sen ding FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain •illht draft•, 15c; Credit Report., 50c. TRY US. lli-85  25.lll0  637,070  630,530  74.180 N. City, N. Y.: Union N. and State Bk:. of Seattle, Seattle. 50,100 Han. N., N. Y.; Scan. Am., Seattle.  50,000  Reardan._ •• _Lincoln O 15 Farmers State Bank-•• -•W09 John llahrL--··-· E. Dueber------·- E.G. Ahrens--···· J. F. Dueber--·-F. A. Smith 98-1116 ♦ Sp Pop. 420  50,000  2,130  Reardan National Bank-•t•9g H. G. Burns-·--·-· Peter Tramm--···- O. S. Zeimantz···- H. L. Bradley. ___ •• Ray Ramsey g8-195  50,000  Redmond_. _____ King C 7 Redmond State Bank __ •U'll F. M. Roberts .. -··-- R. Mines --···--- O. A. Shinstrom --· -·---·--·-·--··98-8811 S Pop. 438  ♦  c. Davis---·-·--  J. W. Marlowe __ E. C. Davis---·-··- -------·-··------··-  25,000  2,500  180,000  115,000  .t.Republic _____ Ferry A 18 Ferry County State Bk.•tf '05 P, B. Walsh---···· W. J, Hall----····- Joseph L. Walah ... , - - - - · · - · · · · John Stanley 118-1110 Sp Pop, 781  25,000  20,000  173,260  124,200  Ri-thland._ •• Benton F 12 Security State Bank ·--•t§'04 W. R, Amon--····· F. A. Friermood __ • A. L. NelsOD--····· G, A. Nordquist __ _ 98-295 Sp Pop. 279  20,000  5,500  148,000  142,000  Ridgefield ••••• Olarke G 5 Ridrefleld State Bank ___ Wl0 C.H. Greele::, _____ H.J. Potter-··---- P.H. Bell---···--- C. K. Rice --·-···98-296 S Pop. 620 .t.Ritzville •• __ Adams D 14 *American State Bank •U'04 C.H. Clodius-·-··- H, W. Thiel.••• -••• J, F. Lansing ___ ••• William ThieL ••• _ 118-112 _Sp Pop. 1900  25,000  10,000  300,000  160,000  75,000  33,000  430,000  548,500  *First National Bank ..... •:·111 O. H. Greene ______ W. H. Martin-···-- F. H. Haupt __ . ____ D, J. Behrinlrer____ H. E.Gritman 98-110  100,000  "  -·---·--  Renton State Bank-••-•i§'19 E. 98-411 ♦  to  Ritzville Clearing House __ • __ W. H. Martin-··---··-··-···----·-··- J. F. Lansinr,Mur. F. H. Haupt,  Sec. and Tr.  (Members indicated b11 a *)  Riverside .. Okanoian Bll Okanoran State Bank •• •iS'04 HanB Lund---··--· Grant Eli?in---·- Arthtll' Lund _____ • I. W Chapman··-98-297 SP. Pop, 20{1 Rockford __ Spokane D 17 Farmers & llerchllts Bank D. E. CrowleY---·- P. Sullivan···-·-·- Ross Kennedy __ • __ W. L. Oliver--··-A. J. Stoner •U"06 98-186 ♦ Sp Pop. 435 .. Rockford sii:tf·nk •• •:t:§'19 Edwin T. Coman·- I. N. Graham _____ • Walter S. Hurd_. __ Josephine Langan_ -·---·-· •· Rosalia-••- Whitman D 16 Bank of Rosalia-··-·--·•*-'91 A. J. Calhoun_ •• __ F. M. Campbell ••• _ E.W. Wagner __ ._ W. B. Fullenwider_ 0. N. 8uksdorf E.W. Wagner llS-177 ♦ Sp Pop. 714  WHITMAN COUNTY NAT. BK. F. J. Wilmer •••••• A. J. Stone_. ___ W. 98-178  •i'04  Roslyn •••• --Kittitas D 9 Cle Elum State Bank --•t1'07 98-298 S Pop. 2173 Roy_. ____ Pierce E 5 Roy State Bank--------•*1'08 ll8-291l S Pop, 287 Ruff.·--·---·· Grant D 13 Ruff State Bank•••••• -.•U'll 98-335 Sp Pop. 150  :...  "'• ,  ...  o. Palmer .••••  104.170 1,205,500 1,285,200  > z  130,860 Han. N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co .. Spokane; Seattle N .• Seattle; St. Anthony .,... Falls, Minpls. 24,000 Spokane & l!:astern Tr. Co., Spokane; Seattle n N ., Seattle.  j  50,000 N. Park, N. Y.; V3.ncouver N .. Vancouver: Sc- -,::, C: attle N., Seattle. 101,000 N. Park, N. Y,; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co.'< _ and,Ex.N., Spokane: Northw. N.,Port.; Scan. Ill _ Am., Seattle. 124,470 Chase N .. N. Y.; Dexter Horton N,, Seattle; Old N., Spokane;U. S. N., Port,  ,E  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - -·······25,000  19.460  lll9,250  219,060  25,000  7,780  267,130  223,ll30  25,000  2,500  87.490  80,430  25,000  15,730  2119,230  323,120  28,590 OhaseN., N. Y.: Old N. and Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co .. SDok:ane; Dexter Horton N., Seattle. 66,930 Fidelity N., Spokane; Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co. , Wenatchee. 20,270 N. Bk. Com,, N. Y.; Ex. N., Spokane. 46,960 lb:. N ., Spokane: U. S. N .. Port.  I  1  203,340 N. City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N .. Ohi.: Seattle W. E. D,ryer N .. Seattle; Spokane & Eastern Tr, Co., 1 Spokane. N ., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle, Han. ---···--__ • __ sh.) Wa tum, E CLe of (Brameh -------··--···--··· ----·---··--- Joseph Smith._••. --·-·--·--·-·--60,460 N. City, Chi.; 1st N ., S~ttle: N. Bk. of Tacoma,; ...,. 10,000 7,250 156,750 111,540 W. T. P"erlc.ins ••••• ···---------····- E. s. Emirh---·-- H. W. Hawk ____ _ .+:,, Tacoma. I oo 17,000 Scan. Am., Seattle; Fidelity N., Spokane. F. E. Weston ___ B. F. Paff••••••••• _ F. R. Amende_. ___ S. R. Schlimmer __ _ 10,000 125,000 80,000 5,000  USE AND SELL OUR LETiERS OF CREDli_: __~_N[? TRAVELERS'_CtfEQ"\.:IES ; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  11.910 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N., Seattle; Old N., SDokue. 68,100 Han. N., N, Y.; N. City, Seattle.  40,500 1,400,000 1,010,150  H. W. llacPh&iL._ R.H. Burnside ···- E. E. ,ColketL •• -- 0. B. lleredith __ _ E. E. Case  "  '1  8,870 $ 849,400 $ 688,280 $ 166,370 Irving N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; N. ~ Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma; Dexter Horton N .. ~ Seattle. 20,840 884,140 813,500 141.480 Liberty N., N.T.; Bk. ofOal. N . .4.,, Tacoma; N. Bk. Com. and Seattle N., Seattle.  Quincy ••••••.• Grant D 11 Quincy Valley State Bk.•U'l3 R. O. WiehtDJan __ H. D. Vail·-·-- Opal J. Wightman. ·········-·····-·· . . . . , .. . 98-293 . Sp Pop. 285 . Raymond_ •••. Pacitl.c E 3 Fust :t-;ational Bank_ •••. • 20 J. G. Henn.. _.•.••.. Frank Nixon•••••• Fred Eichner- ... ·-- C. L Switzer_ ••_._ 98-426 S Pop. 4260  Renton __ • ______ Klnr D 6 S Pop, 3301  SI,)  ~•t!':: .:::.,;~  50,000  BAIK--·· 98-92 -·-·--•t.1'08  r;:  PRINCIPAL O0RRJ:SP0NDENTS,  Lm O.A.PIT.t.L PBo.-IT■ • _________________ ,'.;< - - - ---- - - - - -IT8- - -hcmlma■ - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - ,____ ------.....:1  Citizens State Bank ··-•U'98 G. W.Edrerton •••• Chas. Hood ••---· W • .l. Killer ....... P, M, Snider·--·· 98-57 ♦  WILLAPA HARBOR STATE  g:  volume.  Florence H. Collins  50,000  25,560  929,420  842,040  1-...,  ~CONTIN~NT,;L AND COMMER.C IAL BANKS, _CHJCAGO  1488  Namlter under Name of Bank is the New Tramlt Number given to eaoh bank in U. B. exclmlvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Dlrector1, under the authority of The American Bankers As&'n  NAME OF BANK.  •Jlem. A.m. Bks. Assn. SState Ufem. Stl.te Bks. Assn, [Estab. tPriv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  PRESIDENT.  VIC.Ill-PRESIDENT.  I  SEATTLE-Reserve City  ·1  OASHIER.  (Kinr Co., C 6) County Seat-Population 315,652 ~  (Branch Federal Re11ene Bank, District No. U) AsS'T CASHIER.  PAID-UP  I  OAPITA.L  LIABILITIFS. ~us I~~PBOVI'l'S DEP08IT8  II  RESOURCES,  DIIPOOl'SITS,I Lot::.. :.~~  CASH  COUNTS TD!ll!l, J:TC. RllsouRcJCs R1111ouRc:a:a  BANIS  J. P. GLEASON--- 8. B. BAKER-- J. K. BUSH---------A, {· \IEW ---8 • :s,c\~~EJr. Officer ' lERN 1 S 600,000$ 129.160 $3,036.860 S 42,150 $ 1.6'10,830 $ 598.170 $ 959,990$ 581,180  AMERICAN SAY · Banking · business · transacted. Send US your Seattle busmess. · - - - -- - - A Commercial BANK & TR • Co • IWe give personal service and quick returns at tow rates. TRY OUR FACILITIES. 19-15  (920 2dAve.)  Bank for Savings --------•U'07 Daniel Kelleher 19-511 (Pine and Fourth)  ---IR, Auzias de Turen-l W, H. Crowther ---1---------------ne  400,000  _ _ _ _ _ __.!.,.._ _ _ _ _ _...:__ _ _ _ _ _!...__ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 - - ~  (SOl seco  nd  J  N y • Merch Ln.&Tr.Gi •• Cbl.;Wei1's Fargo; Nev.N.andBk.ofltaly,SanF.; 1st N., st. P.  54,700 1,007,950 - - - -  549,300  881,180  385,570  1  146,600 Irvin2 N. and Brooklyn Tr. Co., N.' Y,: Seattle N., Seattle.  - - - - - - - - - - - - ----1----1-- - -  1  ~~ ~~~~~~I.  Our Pacific Coast connections enable us to offer •· 54 PROMPT AND SATISFACTORY BANKING SERVICE  NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ID-ll  Equitable Tr Co  ------------------ ------------------ G. T. S. WHITE, Mgr. L. F. MACKLEM, A. M11r. I G. L. WAKEMAN, J.C. GLASS, A. Mur. A. Mor. R.B.SNOWDON,A.Mor •  *BANK OF  CALIFORNIA  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  --------------------------1 ------------ - - - - - - - - - ---  •U•OI  gg  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  ~~"::~ :  P. Morgan & Co. and Irving N., N.Y.; 1st N., Chi., Mlnpls., and St. L.; PhD. N., Phil.  ---------------------------1--- --- ------ ------ --- --1  *CMAEIIADIAII BANK OF COM- _____________________________________ _. A. c. Steven, .Mor•.  llCE .... 19-lL _____ •tl'67  ________________ _ 15,000,000 15.000,000 (Braneh of Toron  I  (2d and Jame )  ern Tr. Oo., Chi.  N. H. LATIMER-----W. H. PARSONS .... H. L. MERRITT-----W. W. SCRUBY -C. E. BURNSIDE G. E. MAINE, C. T. GLASS R.H. MacMICHAEL A.. Bond Mor. C. L. LE SOURD C. H. DODD C. R. HORCH, C. , . KARNER ESTABLISHED 1870. A. Credit Mor. YANCEY  *DEXTER HORTON NATIONAL BANK  I·• .• PETTIT  1  C. H. EBERTING  Efficient peraonal ••rvloe to banks and others. Accounts large and small Invited. Every faclllty offered.  1~4  to, Ont.)_--------- __________ ---------- Canadian Bk. of Oom., N. Y.: Norih- •  - ---1--1 1,200,000  753,000  ;  ! · II  !  II ! 11  ; ,  II  11  -  ■·:., I  · ;  · II  -  11 ''  •  , ..  . ,... , . :  ...  ,:_  I  • I I  I  •  , •  ; I I  I'  •,  ,·  .  .  I If  I A. Cash. and Tr. Officer. *FE'dara_l Reserve Bank of San (Seattle Branch, Fed eral Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Cal.) _____ ------'-· ••• ___ _ Franc1 co 19-1 • I  400,000  205,930  2,840,930 1,307,260  5,439,310 ---------  357,350  .  1,539,700 Bk. of The Manhattan Co. and Columbia Tr. Co .. N, Y.: Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Ohi.; Mtle. N., San F.  (See pa oe 31 for. com1Jlete informat fan) _________________________________ _  1  M.A. ARNOLD----- D. H. MOSS-------- A. R. TRUAX-------E.B.KLUCKHOHN ...  *FIRST NATIONAL f.t_AM!llhU~CK ,~GH~ Hfd-P lf you appreciate prompt and careful service, at model'• BANK _ •i•s l ate charge, send US your _1t_ems and Collections a  19 2  2  \  Seattle Banks continued on text page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  for Seattle and Pac1f1c Northwest including Alaska.  ._  500,000 62'1.650 9,042.180 1,420,260 7,554.9'10 1,654,200 133,280 3,022,390 N. Park and Guaranty Tr. Co .. ~ - - - - - - - - N.Y.;Cont.&Com'IN.,C'hi.;C SEE AD VERTISE MENT OPPOSITE. 1st ., San F., Bos., and st. P, ~ 1  I  1  I!  I;  1  (2d Ave. and Cherry St.)  I  .. J  -------,---------------------JI--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---  *IE XTER HORTON TR. &.S~V,. o. J. Smith _______ W. H. Pars(!ns _____ 1w. W. Scruby _____ A. N. Graves, 81 NK. ♦ .19-53 _______ :t§ 03 1 C. E. Burnside C. L. Le ourd, A. Sec.  j  I ~  ''  .  1,  ii  ~  ....  ~  .....  . I  /iI ORGANIZED  1882  THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SEATTLE  RESOURCES  Statement Nov. 15, 1920  Loans and Discounts ................. $ 7,848,031.19 U. S. Bonda and Certificates of Indebtedneaa 1,022,023.14 Other Bonds, Warrants and Securities 923,425.21 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures ... 44,701.00 Customers' Liability Under Letters of Credit 86,718.85 Customers' Liability Account of Acceptancea 137,272.55 Cash and Exchange ................. . 2,933,211.49 $12,995,383.43  I•  1·  LIABILITIES  Capital Stock ....................... . $ 500,000.00 Surplus and undivided Profits ....... . 614,495.77 Circulation ......................... . 99,250.00 U. S. Bonds Borrowed .............. . 416,850.00 Our Liability on Outstanding Letters of Credit 91,588.85 Acceptances Executed for Customers. 137,272.55 250,000.00 Dills Payable with Federal Reserve Bank .. . Deposits ............................ . 10,885,926.26 $12,995,383.43  OFFICERS M. A. ARNOLD, President D. H. MOSS~ Vice-President A. R. TRUAX, Cashier C. A. PHILBRICK, Vice-President E. B. KLUCKHOHN. Asst. Cashier M. McMICKEN, Vice-President HUGH ROWLEY, Asst. Cashier W. H. BERRY, Asst. Cashier  DIRECTORS THOMAS BORDEAUX President Mason County Logging Co. 0. D. FISHER Manager Fisher Flouring Mills Co. MAURICE McMICKEN Hughes, McMicken, Dovell & Ramsey, Attorneys Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  M. A. ARNOLD, President H. F. ALEXANDER President Pacific Steamship Co. D. H. MOSS Vice-President C. A. PHILBRICK Vice-President  ·A Well Equipped Foreign Department.  PATRICK McCOY Lumberman H. W. ROWLEY Billings, Montana HERVEY LINDLEY Seattle  ,. '  Your Business Invited ,...,;J  ,. ,-.  -.1., ·;  .;.7: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  THE FARMERS & MECHANICS NATIONAL BANK OF  FORT WORTH, TEXAS S end your Bill Lading Drafts and o ther ite ms direct to us. Our efficient Transit and Collection Departments a s sure prompt and intelligent service.  O UR NEW HOME  OFFICE RS G. H. COLVL 7 , Active Vice-President and Ch:iirman of Board J. W. SPE. ·cER, \'ice-Chairman of Board J. T. PEMBER TO. - President W.R. EDRL 'GTO. • - Vice-Pres. B. H. MARTIN - Active V-Pres. ELMER RE~FRO Cashier R. C. HEAR. ·E - Active V-Prcs. R. L. FOULKS - Asst.-Cashier II. W. WILLIAl\1S - Vice-Pres. GUY J. PRICE, JR. Asst.-Cashier GEO. E. COWDEN - Vice-Pres. GEO. F. ROZELLE, Asst.-Cashier A. J. LONG • - - Vice-Pres. L. H. NUTT - - Asst.-Cashier I. L. VAN ZA DT, JR. Asst. Cashier  THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS NATIONAL BANK BUILDING  SEATTLE-Continued-Reserve City eder:  e  ~ I  de!~nA-:ae~. ~~~r'.::~i:,~<~~e!'~f1:\{&~~ fgJ;,._  SEATTLE-Continued-Reserve City  ,a O ::::  t::ill;:::· n~;~I  ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  PRESIDENT.  (; VICE-PR.r8IDENT.  CA.SHIER.  LIABILITIES. SUBPLU8 lNDIVID- DJJP08IT8 Lo~ Is  I  P.4m-UP CAPITAL Pa~rrrs Dm1;,~1Tli  Ass'T CA.SHIU.  [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - 1  Green Lake State Bank •• •.t§'07 Louis K. Lear •••.. G. W. HiJL _______ /Louis K. Lear _____ J.B. Hamlin------ $ 19-61  GUARANTY BANK AND W-70  TRUST CO. (801 First)  •.t§ 'l5 Japanese Commercial Bk. •U'07 19-60 (222 Second Ave. So.) Kini? County State Ban1c•+§'l3 19--68 (University Way and 45th) *:Marine National Bank ___ .;1:•19 ♦ 19-77 (721 Second) *Metropolitan National Bank  •  •t•og  19-21  (White Bldg.)  volume.  (Branch Federal Beserve Bank District No. 12)  HENRY PICKARD •••• H. W. BUNKER------ A, C. KAHLKE------- FRANK BR(IWN -----GEO. WACHT1N 1 G. L. WILTON -  B1:x.s  cou1::re  ~ND8,  250,000  -  49,310  MISCEL-  CASH  15.390  240,550 Bk. of America, N. Y.; Cont. & 1 Com'I N., Chi.; Bk. or Cal. N. A., Seattle; Fed. Tr. Co., Bos.  -  50,000  152,430  2,616,130 ---------  894,480  1,193,560  7,420  J. F. Ranning _____ E. B. Holmes _____ V. J. Bouillon _____ Ross P. Williams __ R. W. Green D. G. Green  70,000  19,160  432,620 ----------  365,710  97,510  32,750  John E. Price _____ Andrew Price _____ A. Brygger ________ C. E .McDowell __ _ C. S. Wills  200,000  69,930  710,060 ---------  648.130  H. O. Henry _______ J. T. Mc Vay _______ G. C. Morrill ______ F. W. Martin _____ _ A. T ,L, Williamson  300,000  1  2,727,150  723,090 N. City. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Yokohama Specie, Ltd., San F.; Seattle N., Seattle. ~ 76,370 Irving N .. N. Y.; Seattle N. and 1st <: N .. Seattle.  r;;  160,510 Han. N., N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. ::i: Co .. Chi.; Croker N., San F, -  146,920 ----------  ~  671,000  14,220 1,417,290 Bk. of the Manhattan Co, and N. City, N.Y.; Gent. Tr. Co, of rn .. ....) Chi.: Am.N., SanF.; lstN .. Minvls. , Q'""'l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and Kan. C. 248.570  4,250,980 ----------  Z  *NATIONAL BANK  M. F. BACKUS----- R. S. WALKER----· L W. BEDLE-------- R. P. CALLAHAft __ _ 1 F. H. LUCE ~- W. BROWNELL, LA FAYETTE KELL OGG Chase N., Guaranty Tr. Co., and to 0 f:l:MMoO/eTON Ass't V. P- Jio· ,N. ,~CPRLAETATRY 1,000,000 931,760 13,901,020 U.299.280 12.154,0?0 2.256,04.0 2.255,840 4.424.270 b13:! )> E - - - - - - - - AnirJo&Lon.ParisN.andlstZ 1st 8t •.t'89 Your Pacific Northwest, Alaska, and British Columbia SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON WASHINGTON INDEX. N., San F.; N., • P. au d X  ::,chti.rF~;ii~u:tN~ 'i-  OF COMMERCE d  19-3  and SI>ring)  Banking Business INVITED.  *National Oib Bank·-----•t·u J. W. Ku.wen _____ H. Witherspoon __ H. G. Hotchkiss __ 19-20 J . H. Bloedel (Second and Marion) Northwest Tr. &Savings Bank E. Shorrock ______ T. S. Lippy _____ J. V. A. Smith _____ U--14 •i§'0l A. Myers, (Second and Union) Sec. and Tr. Oriental American Bank.•tf'05 M. Furuya _ _ _ J. S. Goldsmith ___ H. Hase!lawa _____ 19-56 w. A. Keene, Sec, Park-Union Foreign Banking ____________ ------------Vernor H. Petrie, Oorporation_l9-78-------t'l9 Mgr.  ______________________ W. L. Suiter. _____ _  s. Enochson  500,000  339,830  E. E. Groth _______ _ R. W. Sprague  100,000  16,550  T. Fujioka ___ _ P . .A. Kinnoch, A. Mur.  Peoples Savings Bank ...-•i§'811 E. C. N ellfelder ____ R. J. Reekie _______ J. T. Greenleaf ____ C. D. Thomas _____ _ 19-10 A. Goodfellow (200 Pike) A. L. Goodfellow Rainier Valley State Bank ____ S. T. Toby _______ C. M. Toby ________ T. S. Toby ________ Geo. H. Brown ___ _ •:l:§'10 T. S. Toby 19-67 (4850 Rainier)  *SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN BANK ♦  19-8 (Alaska Bldg.)  i§  ~---------------------------1---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---M. Furuya _________ W. L. Gazzam ----- IS. Kawai.. __________ s. Fukuhara ______ _ W. A. Keene, Sec. I  1  (Secou  £:  ~  TIJIJ~. R~":o~~~s REsouecEs  920,010 ---------807,540 232,380$ - - - --  i::  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDEN~.  25,000 $ 15,470 $ 400,000 --------- $ 201,000 $ 118,000 ---------- $ 111,000 Chase N ., N. Y.; Union N, and N. ~ - - - , - -_ _., _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bk. Com .• Seattle.  ,llgr. Foreign Dept .  g  For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws./  RESOURCES.  •:1'92  507,910  4,004,180  1,229,340  108,470  2,726,840 - - - -  1,436,070  905,910  330,060  4,574,210  Oma.  l  ·  1,318,290 Han. N .. N. Y.: Ft. ·near. N., Chi.; Crocker N •• San F.  ·749,070 N. Bk. Com., and Guaranty Tr. Co., N. ;Y .; N. Bk. ttep .. Chi.: WeUsFargoNev. N., San F.; Phll. N., Phil. 192,630 Mitsui, Tokyo; Seattle N .. Seattle. (')  I  781,830 305,360 15,350 40,000 50,000 267,010 ------ ---(Branch of New York City, N. Y.). __ ________________ ------ N, Park, N, Y. 100,000  230,020  4,720,780 -------  492,970  2,500,690  25,000  6,980  322,990 - - - -  161,730  123,100  ~  ,.,.  ~  0  ::, ,.,.  s·  1.031.560 1,025,580 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & C:: Com'I N.,Chi.:Merch. N., St. P.; tst 1 " L.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., o.  fan~:  45,130 Bk. of America, N. Y.; 1st Seattle.  25,000  N.,,  - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - ----1----+----1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N. Park and N. City,N. Y.; Union R. S1,STACY ------ WM. R. STOCKBRIDGE.J. F. LANE------ EGIL MACK---------  A. CnlLBERG,  Ch. of Bd.  FRED E. SANDER  Direct Connections In All Alaska Centers.  S.S. LINDSTROM JAMES VALLENTINE I. C. BOGARDUS JASPER MAYO  ----------- - ---1,000,000  - ----- -  369,310 15,08%,160 --- .... --- 10,383,0110 5,217,810 --.-:  464,450  1,879,830  SEE AD VERTISE MENT OP POSITE.  Commercial-Savings-Foreign Exchange.  Tr. Co., Chi.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.; :&ltle. Tr. Co., St. L.; Merch. N., Los A. and St. P.; Nortbw. 1'., Port.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane.  WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT  ---------:----------:---------c-------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----  *SEABOARD NATIONAL BANK L. H. Wakefield ___ lc. H. HowelL ____ IJohn L. Proctor ..... lL. R. Mccash______ 19--71 •:l:'16 (4th and Pike) Seattle bwnks continued on next page) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  E. 8, Goodwin  200,000  70,720  2,453,320  165,510  1,507.130  306,450  32,830  1,043.130 Imp. &Tra. N., N, Y.; Union Tr. Oo., Chi.; Ane'lo-Cal, Tr. Co., San F.; ~ 1st N., Seattle. 00 \0  A CENTER FOR DIRECT COLLECTIONS '  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BAN.KS  1490  NuA1ber under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNalJy Bankers' Dlreetory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  I  N.rnE OF BtNK. •Mem. Am. Bk · As:n. § ~tel tMem. tate Bk ·. A sn. tPr1v I [Estah. ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  *SEATTLE NATIONAL BANK  I PRESIDENT.  j VICE-PRESIDENT.  • OASHIER.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers. Laws tlndexed) In back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., sea Law_. j;  SEATTLE-Continued-Reserve City  l  (Branch Federal Reserve Bank, District No. U)  .Ass'T OASHill  1  •  o PRINCIPAL OORKESPONDJ:NTS. j----r-::,...L..c..I_A_B_I.,.L-,:;-IT_I.;._E..c..s._-;:::,----- ,,1-::-----,-=-'R:;.:.E=s::..:o:....:u:...::R::,::{,'ES:;:=..c.'------ i 81 T 11 Lo•n1!!_• 1 !_0,!!!!.~•- ~~1: PAm-UP SUJU>ANDLue INDu~VJD-L 017 1 0• R ~..... u..... CAPITAL 11 comns TIIIII, IITO.>Vll011s _e_o_un_CJ1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ , PROFITS D11Posrrs B.41'][11  IDm•°.  u.... ~-  1  LA~RAVE----1  ANKENY -----H. C. MAC DOIALD-C. V. TRUAX R. B. w. SPANGLER--J. E. L.K.lf LEY KELLEHER,P. DANIEL IE C. W. Ch. of Bd. J. H. NEWBERGER WM. ULKE E.G. AMES LARGEST BANK IN WASHINGTON.J. H. Ml ER  l  I~  ~ ~ mt7rno ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  I  Unllmlted facilities for handling collections. Accounts and Item• of  banks, firms and Individuals Invited. •:•90 DmECT CONNECTIONS WITH ALL IMPORTANT NORTHWESTERN POINTS, INCLUDING BRITISH COLUMBIA AND ALASKA.  1~7 (802 2d Ave.)  Sumitomo B:rnk ------·--•:t:§'18 K. Samitomo ______ •M. Kawakatsu, V . P. and Mgr. I 19-75 (8023dAve.)  *UNION NATIONAL 19-19  308,030  69,490  28,630 Mtle. Tr. Co. and U.S. Mtge. & Tr. Co., N. Y.; Seattle N., can. Am.' CfJ ,.,.. N., and 1st N ., Seattle. 1  587,350  91,670  21.030  72,100 1st N. and Seattle N.. Seattle;! Z 0 Mitsui Bk., Ltd., Japan.  647,810 - - - -  56.280 2,616.040  -  Our Collection Department is thoroughly equipped and under personal supervi sion of Ca shier. •t§'05 Send us your items for prompt attention.  •i·oa  (Ilcge Bldg.)  - -- - - --' -  -  I  I  K. Ho hiL ________ S. Yamase _________  ~  >  224,880 12,080 Trust Funds  I~  24,340  E. L. GRONDAHL---- A.H. SOELBERG---- L. H. BRUNS-------- D. H. LUTZ---------200,000 H. 0. GRONDAHL H. CARLSON EDGAR AMES  l!H (S cond and MadisonJ  1  -  34,190  68,330  - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -11-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --  *STATE BANK  BANK  500,000 A.G. Schroeder, Tr. CharltonL.Hall,Sec. G. H. Davidson. A. Tr. Wm. . Howard, A. Sec, H. R. Hart, Jr., A . Tr. Y. l\1iyazawa ______ F. T. Fukuda _____ _ 100,000 H. Hirabavashi, S ec.  tst N. and N. cttr, N. Y.; Coot. :h~?:n'~r!';k!;h~;. '!!ltw:is 1 Fargo-Nev. N., San F. 1  .  ~  Seattle Title Trust Compan:v Worrall Wilson ____ A. F. Bailey _______ Paul C. Harper :t:§"05 R.H. Par ons, 19- 57 Ch. of Bd. \V. B. Shoemaker (Columbia and Second) E. C. Qggel Specie Bank-------------•t§'07 M. Hirashima _____ T. Nagai__ _________ H. H. Okuda 10- 72 029 Prefontain Place)  0 F SEATTLE  g  1  ---- - -  20,000  200,000  -  128,300 1 1,552,800  441,620 __________  --  -  789,530  -  82,410  ---  ------ ---610,860  50,000  121,490  ~  0  751.030 Goaranty Tr. Co. and N. City, N. ~ Y.; State Bk. of Chi., Chi.;~ ~ t:n Union Tr. Co., San F. 1  >  Z  9,850 Sumitomo Bk .. Ltd., Japan , Shane- ~ hai. Hankow, Bombay, Honolulu, n  I N.Y.• SanF. , andLon.  -----"--------'-------  J A· sweLWEL L---- G· F· CLARK -------- F· I· GIL~ - - - E• J• WHl~TY ------- - - - 169 ozo 8 915 550 600 ooo J. D. FAR ER C. W. CA LER, J. D LOWMAN J: O. HO E, • ...:.....;._ _ ' A.Cash. Ballard Br. E.B. ANSLEY Ch. of Bd. A. B. STEWART M. G. SCHMIDT, A.-0. W. TUPPE.R, A. Ca shier and !Auditor. Cash.Georgetown Br. L. 'wTOLMAN, A . },I ()T. For.Ex. Dept. ashingto n, Alas ka, Send us your collection items on Seattle, and the Pacific Northwest and they will be given car eful at tentio n. - --  -  I  rA Com., Bk.Bkrs Ex.,N N.and - - - - - - - - Corn N ..,. Co N., TrHan. Irving 5 412 070 1864 520 1022 050 2 202 930 Y.; Ceo·t. Tr. Co. "or ·m. "ind n .....:....;._.....:......;__ .....:....;._ ....:....;._ Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; An11:l0 1 ~  Lon. Paris N., Sao F.; 1st N., 1::! (') and Bos. I &Phll. I n 0 -----------1  ::i  ~  University State Bank ___ •:t:§'06 Harry B. Lear ______ A. W. Hofue ------ A. W. Tenney----- E. A. Cook--------19-58  50,000  25,000 1,700,000 - - - -  760,000  630,000 ------ ----  C: 400,000 IChase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi. Ef n, I  WASHINGTON MUTUAL SAY. R.R. Frazier__ ____ Wm. Thaanum ---- W. S. Darrow. Sec. W. J. Ward, A.Sec. _________ _ Harry Shelton, A., ec. Rollin anford BANK--- ___ 19 73 -------•i~'89  357,370 13,035,510 ---- ------  9,238,410  2,835,330  376,430  208,000 __________  154,700  91,000  6,000  Q.  864,420,1\Itle. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A. , SanF.; Seattle N., Seattle.  <810 ccond)  10,700  ;\Test Seattle State Bank __ eS'l2 A. 0, Thompson ___ E.W. Campbell ____ C. B. Starks _______ A. E. Collins------  1.800  19-65  51,000 N. Oity, N. Y.; 1st N. and N. City, j Seattle;WellsFargo-Ne\· .• ' ., anl!\ I!  :  (California and Ala ka) 1  ____________________ -------------------- T. Inouye , Mor. ___ H.Koyasu,Sub.Mgr (Branch of Yokohama, Japan) ___ ____ - - - - ______ -------- Corresp ndents in all larce cities of Yokohama pecie Bank Ltd. the w rld, M. Motoyos i, Pro. Mgr. •§'80 19 H H. C. Coffin, Mvr,_ I____ - - - - ----- - - - - - - - - -------- ---------Seattle Clea.ring Hou!;e ________ \M· F. Backus. _____ --------------- J. W.Span£ler, V. P., See. and Tr. ~Mmn.he.ra i:ndtcnt«l b11 a. *) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ---------1  ~  ~  ~  1491  NAME. o},fem. Am. Bks. Assn. tMern. St.ate Bks. Assn. 1Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In~ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws  SEATTLE-Continued-Reserve City  Selected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS  (Branch Federal Reserve Bank, District No 12)  volll.Ille  YEAR { ESTABLISHED  •Mero. Am. Bks. Assn. iMem. State Bks. Assn. ,Mem. Inv. Bks. Assn.  CORRESPONDENTS.  OFFICERS,  Blyth Witter & Co. _______ __·····-1'19 Chas. E. Driver, Resident Mgr. -------·--·-·--- Illyth Witter & Co .. N. Y., (812 Second Ave.) (Investment Securities) Port., San. F .. and Los A. W.A.Broom,ResidentPartner.F •.T.Blanchett, Geo. H. Burr & Co., N. GEO. ff. BURR & COMPANY .....i,r·n tf Commercial Paper. Mgr, Chi., St. L .. and San F, (Hoge Bldg.)  l Long and Short time Investments,  YEAR  OFFICERS,  ESTAB-  i::  CORRESPONDENTS,  jl:..  '"1  LISHED. 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - , ; : : NATIONAL CITY COMPANY -----·-•'16 A. W. Wing, lYigr .•••••••••••• ·-------·--·-- N. City Co., N. Y. and cor-  (Investment Bonds)  (Hoge Bldg,)  NORTHERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO. (203 Central Bldii;.)  '13  \0  N  J. G. Price, Pres .• _•... F. T. Hunter, V.P. -· N.City, Seattle. D. H. Palmer, Sec.  i  Paid·UP CapitaL. $117,000. Surplus, $15,000.  First Mortgages. Local Improvement Originators of Municipal JOHN E. PRICE & CO, ..--.--··· -- t'lf '02 { and Corporation Bonds (2d and Columbia) of the Northwest. 0scar P. Dix, Pres, _____ ··----------·------·- R. M. Grant& Co., N. Y. and SMITH & STROUT ---·-------·--··-t'I0 f Nathaniel Pasch~V-··-··-·····--------····· Government, Municipal, and Corporation Chi.; 1st N., Seattle, OSCAR P. DIX COMPlNY-·--··----'16 (514 Hoge Bldg,) . t Investment Securities. · Bonds, (400 Central Bldg.) GEO. H. TILDEN & COMPANY .....:·o5 { Ge-o. H. ~ilden. Pres.E. B. Ballinger, v. P. __ ' JU Ch ) W. E. Chilean, Sec. and Tr. KEAIY, GUERIN & COMPANY-..... '19 f L. Y. Keady - R. F. Guerin·--·--··----·--- Henry L. Dob,erty & Co., N. ' erry Investment Securities (Empire Bldg.) l Investment Securities, Y.; N. Bk. Com .. Seattle,  Il Municipal and Corporation Bonds.  --  respondent offices. See Adv. Page 3.  Y.,  ( Henry Carstens, Pres .•.. E. M. Flagg, Tr ..•• Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; L. L. HillI}?.an and G. A. Haskell, V. Pres. Seattle N. and ~can. Am., Currie, Cash. R. B. Coshun, Sec. Seattle; Sav. Umon Bk. & CARSTENS & EARLES, Inc . .... •t'll'91 R. C.Ca,pitai, $300,000, Surplus, $519,930 Tr. Co., San F. (Lowman Bldg.)  ~  ::s  NAMEr  1  and Municipal Bonds. Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co .. Chi.; N. Bk. com., Seattle N., st N .• and Marine N., Seattle. Union N., Seattle. I.  Bk, of Cal. N. A., San 11'.  WASHINGTON-Continued  ~  > (,/J  -z. ::i::  _T_O_W_N_A.N_D_O_O_U_N_TY_._ _ _ _N_ A_M_E_O_F_B_A.NK--.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -L-IA_B_ILI_T_IES-.---,-,--R=-E-S_O_U_R_C_E_ S_,_ _ _ _P_R_IN_C_Il'_AL __ C_OR_R_ES_P_O_N_D_EN_T_S_,---IQ  •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks . .Assn. lState In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. :tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab.  S Seattle Br. SP Spokane ♦Mero.Fed.Res.  PRESIDENT.  OA.SBill,  VICK-PRESIDENT.  A.sS'T 0-'.SHIER.  Le..... J)... o..... •11......• ., c"H. lloJn>■, .........,»v. ITII Baonnuo n.o•B.uu - - - - --$-- - - - - - -  PAID-UP su~~us DBPOSCAPITAL Pao:r1Ts  1-------  ________________  c, E. BINGHAM ___  0. R. BINGHAM--··- WM. T. WEST-·-···· ------------·····- S 50,000 S 39,640 1,032,430 S 902,540 S 217,020 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.: N. Bk. Com., Oldest bank In Skagit County. Seattle; 1st N,, Everett. Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MUS T be- accompanie d by FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Credit Re ports, 50c. 601,280 106,540 N. Oity, N. Y,; Seattle N., Seattle. 18,060 639,760 " " First National Bank .•••• •:t'05 J.C. Wixson--·· E. S. Howard..---· J. Guddall ••• _____ -----··-------·-··25,000 98-103 44.100 2,500 60,000 14,000 1st N., Seattle; Yakima Valley, Yakima, Selah •••••••• Yakima E 10 First National Ba.nk ••••. •'20 A. M. Eckmann ___ G. W. Reminii;tOn _ C. S, Eckmann •.•. ···--··----------··25,000 Sp Pop. 400 98-430 362,490 108,690 Seab. N., N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle; Yakima 15,610 425,570 " •••••••• '' Selah State Bank ....... •U'IO Elmer Dahlin·--··· F. P. Horschel ·-·· M. J, Freimuth-•• - ···---··---·----··-30,000 N .• Yakima. •~ 234,400 50,680 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; N. City, SeatUe; Merch., Pt. 5,470 258,690 Sequim •••••.. Olallam B 4 State Bank of Sequim •. •U'IO L . .r. Bi£?:elow •• •••• Thad Waii;ner -··-- R. W. Schumacher D, B, Ewing _____ •• 25,000 S Po1>. 402 98-301 Townsend. 744,720 318,430 Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; Dexter Horton N .. 51,760 917,400 •Shelton_••••. Mason D 4 State Bank of Shelton •• •U'93 M. E. Reed .••• ---· Thomas Bordeaux_ c. I. Pritchard_ •••• Louis Weinel.·-·25,000 S Pop. 984 98-302 Seattle: 1st N., San F.; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma. 13,220 Irving N., N. Y,; Union N.. Seattle; 1st N., 15,000 1,500 57,800 53,330 Silvana •• Snohomish B 6 State Bank of Silvana .•. t§'20 John Furness-··--- I. o. Nysether··-- J. R. Holt.-······ ··--·····- ········-· S Pop, 300 98-418 Everett. 1,95() 9,320 Met., Seattle. 15,000 30,670 36,160 Silverdale •••• Kitsap C 5 Silverdale State Bank ___ §'20 A. Brygger -···-·-- Wm. Thaanum ••. • R. L. Robbins_ •. _. -·----·-- --········S Pop. 262 98-431 15,000 8,000 Cont. & Com'l N., C.hi; U.S. N., Port.; Astoria 4,610 31,860 21,000 Skam::ikawa. Wahkiakum Skamokawa Seate Bank.§'20 G, G. Wiest. •••••• F. o. Hampson ••.• Lawrence Meiss- -----··------···--S Pop. 700 F4 98-436 Serena D. Vinson ner N., .Asto1·ia, Ore. Sedro Woolley.Ska,i:itB6 S Pop. 3389  Snohomish __ Snohomish S Pop. 2985 c6  C. E. BINGHAM & CO. STATE  BANK ..-118-102 •.•••. •:tS'QO  i  COMMERCIAL BINK OF Herman Friese .•••• C. F. Moehring •..• Alex. Livingston •• W. M. Thomas •••. SNOHOMISH COUNTY •ii'03 Nina R. Hepler  25,000  F. K. STRUVE -- W. M. SNYDER .... 6. A. MIDDLETON.- H. M. SNYDER-···  50,000  ~  ~em:: NH~ s:ir~~~, 8  86,790 1,112,060  957,300  303,750 1st N., N. Y.; Corn Rx. N., Chi,; Seattle N., Seattle.  0  JOS. G. HEIM--·- J. H. DRISSLER .... L. W. HOMAN ...... B. C. KREMMEL.  PACIFIC STAT_!: BANK--•U'99 + !18 76  i  15,000  4,000  162,000  131,000  25,000  2,500  75,000  74,000  100,000  8!1i~cttt~':i~ ~~5 ::q:::l! }!rpc:! Sft<::::is MUS T be accompanl ed by FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain sight drafts, 15c; Credit Reports, 50c.  72,060 1,310,840 1,243,580  8  South Tacoma-Pierce D 5 (See Tacoma) S Pop. 100,000 Spangle •... Spokane D 16 State Bank of Spang!e.•U'04 Will Staakey ··-·- G. H. Campbell •••• 0. W. Newlon .•.•• Doris L. Sanders .. S P" n ?f.1 9li-l!Od Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  85,000 N. City, N.Y. and Seattle; Bk. of Com .. Everett.  t~ ~~t~inimum; 25c minimum char ge if pa id,  ~ Reliable Credit Reports, oOc. TRY US. · Snoqualmie ••••. King C 7 State Bank of Snoqualmie J. H. Peters .•••••• S. R. Archibald-•. - W. L. Peters._. __ A. J. Peters-·----· S Pop. 450 98- 407 •:t§'l9 •South Bend •• Paciftc E 3 First Guaranty Bank ___ ;t§'20 A. S. Harrison •••.. C. A. Werley •••••• Wm. F. Boyer- •••• ------·-·--··----·-· S Pop. 4200 98-428  ..  351,000  98-75  FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•i'87 98 74  ..  430,000  7,000  15,000  391.390  1  327,020  ta  z), ~ V#  I  r,n lTI  m ~ ~  "' ,.-,. 0  (,/J  '0  m  -  :::::s (IQ  (T)  44,000 N. City, N.Y.; Seattle N,, Seattle. 20,200 N. City, N, Y.; 1st N., Port.; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma; N, Bk. Com .. Seattle. 239,710 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., San F.; U.S. N. and Ladd & Tilton, Port.; N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma: Seattle N,, Seattle.  I 7,320  0~ ,%  85,910 1st N .. Chi.; Old N., Spokane.  ~  I.Cl  ,-,.  1492  lo each bank in U. 8. ex<'luslvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers•  DlreetorJ, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  NAME 0.11 BANK. ToWN A.ND COUNTY. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. In No.12 Fed. Res. Dist. iMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. S Seattle Br.•SP Spokane ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers Laws (indexed) tn back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. RESOURCES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  WASHINGTON-Con tinued LIABILITIES.  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT,  CASHIER,  A.SS'T CASHIER,  SURPLUS PAID-UP AND CAPITAL PROJ'ITS  DEPOSITS  l.o.u,1.i.D11,  o~■ s.i.llll•  C'ft. Ilo!U>I,  oa&.woa,D9 no111l.uru  lbovamu  --$- - - - - - $ •Spokane ___ Spokane 016 "'BANK OF MOIITREAL•i51817 (Bra,ne,h of Montre al, Quebec) _______ Wm. Dick, 1J,1gr, ___ F. H. Ashfield, N. Oity, N. Y.: Bk. of Montreal. Chi.; British 22 000 000 23 251850 Acct. Z8-ll Pop. 437 Am .• San F.: Seattle N .. Seattle: 4th t. N.,Phil. Res. City •Branch Fed. $ Res. Bank No. 12 *EXCHANGE NAT'L BANK E. T. COMAN------- WM. HUNTLEY------ S. A. KIMrOUGH---- E. WIED--- 1,000,000 331,130 $8 076 730 10 816 200 $2 253140 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.:i •:f:'89 Z8-Z Crocker N., San F.; 1st N., St. P. and W. G. RO S. A.Cash. F. ,PrCH McBRioM Minpls. 0. F. A LGAIER GREE  -------  ..  --------  .  . ------ . . . ------.. ------- . . ----- ..  . . ----------- .  .  ------ .. . -----  .  ..  --------  .  . ---- . . --- . . -------- .  .  . .  .  --------  .  -------- .  ..  .  ---- ----  -------  2·• E.. FLOOD  rarmers & Mechanics Bank •:t:§'Oll Z8-51 Federal Land Bank •• Dist.12 Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco ---------•'12 28-1 *ll'idelit1 National Bank •t'82 Z8-5  ---- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  W. E. KELLEY  I  ------ -----------  (Seepage 32 for com plete information) (Spokane Branch, F ederal Reserve Bank 'of San Franet'sco,  Cal.) ______________ (See Pao e 31 for complete informal ion)  50,000  13,440  283,690  268,420  53,050 Seab. N., N. Y.:Merch. N.,San F.; Fidelity N .• , , Spokane; Union N., Seattle. I  -----------------  ------------ ·--- ----  --------------------  ------------  ----  I  400,000  174,480 4,214,800 4,148,730 1,359,890 Seab. N., N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: 1st N .. 1 St. P. and Seattle,  100,000  9,320 Northw. N .. Bellingham: Ex. N., Spokane;! 25,780 524,340 641,580 I Ladd & Tilton, Port. 506.410 18 418 860 19 664 000 3,869,970 Chase N .. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N .• Chi.; March.I N., St. P.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., San F. I  1,200,000 100,000  44,3Z0 1,436,460 1,222,050  25,000  700,850  40,640  816,190  I 258,280 N. City, N. Y.; Union 'fr. Oo., Chi.; Merch. N., San F.: Mi<lland N .. Minpls. 1 Spokane. N., Ex. Y.; N, 177,lll0 Irvine: N., I  1000 000  50,000 25,000 200,000 (Affiliate 2:i,000 200,000 ec.  403,920 10 753 210 9,664,800 3,536,820 Chem. N., Guaranty Tr. Co., J. P. Morl!an & Co., and N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A.and 1st N .. Port.; 1st N., si. P.and Minp!s.; Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San. F.; Oma. N., Oma.; Dexter Horton N •• N. Bk. Corn.,, and Scan.-Am., Seattle; Far. & Merch. N., Los A • 42,500 Han. N .. N. Y.; Ex. N., Sriokane: Union N., 13.000 258,080 251,050 Seattle. 23,830 447,340 420,530 73,450 N. City and Seab. N., N. Y.; Fidelity N .. Spokane. 92,040 6,686,700 Trust Fu nds, _____ Harris Tr. & Sav, Chi.; OldN .. Spokane. d with th t<OldNat fonal Ba nk) 6,510  307.480  277,840  67,130 1,237,300 1,075,450  58,780 Irving N •• N. Y.; Fidelity N .• Spokane; Union N., Seattle. 485,960 N. P!lrk. N. Y.: Ane-lo-caI. Tr. Co., San F.; Umon N., Seattle; Bk. of Montreal, B. C. 1  o. T. Hansen ______ H. G. Harrison.Sec. J. H. Peters, 1,500,000 & HANS~II SECURITY W. T. Da1-------DAY COMPANY __ 2 -56 ______ •i'08 A. See. F. E. Barbour, 0. H. Rodenbach A. Sec. R.R. Roe:ers E. S. MacPher on _ H. R. Bird ______ S. H. Jones. Whiter<vin• hou e H. Fenstamaker and High Grade Mu nlctpal, Public Ut  IRVING  A. Tr.  Utty  WHITEHOUSE CO.  .  ,_  C. T. Tupper ______ Ortho Dorman ____ H. S. Davidson ____  A. W. Lindsay ____ J. J. Rouse ________ Joseph Baily. F. J. Robinson ____ M.A. Phelps V. P. and Cash. J. G. Rotchford C. C. Otto A. R. Charles E. K. Barnes Lincoln Trust Oo, _______ i§'l6 M. E. Hay _________ R. J, Stephens ____ E. T. Hay, Tr, _____ C.D. Robinson.See. 28-58 *Old National Bank ----•t'81 W. D. Vincent ____ T, J. Humbird ____ G. H. Greenwood __ B. L. Jen kins ______ D. W. Twohy, W. J. Smithson E. P. Randall 28-3 Ch, of Bd. J. w. Bradley W. E. Tollenaar E. B. Hutcheck __________________ ,. A. Gleason ________ *Scandinavian-American Bk. Olyde Johnson ____ 0. Larson _______ L. G. Hefberr, •U'08 28-10 Security State Bank ___ •t§'15 E. W. Ede:Ine:ton __ G. W. Stocker _____ A. D. Davis ________ 28-57 iR. L. Rutter _____ Samuel Galland ____ J. L. Gampbell, See. Seth Richarrls. Tr. J.P.M.Richards, Conner Malott E. V. Klein, A.See . W. B. Hubbard, *SPOKANE & EASTERN TR. Oh.. of Bd. W. T. Triplett Asst. to Pres. W. B. McLaren, COMPANY • 28-L•il'90 A. Sec. R. J. Raymond, A, Sec, ______ Dune:an M. J, __ Jr. Sawins, H. A. _ Nussbaum Milton Spokane State Bank --•U'07 28-54 Union Park Bank ______ •if'06 A. W. Lindsay _____ L. D. Means ______ E. R. Anderson ____ 28-55 Onion Trust Company_•t§'07 W. J. Kommers ____ w. J. c. Wakefield A. S. Blum, Tr, ____ H. E. Fraser, Sec .. D. W.Twoh:,, L. C. Reed, A. Sec, G. L. Kimmel, F. O. Paine 28-6Z Ch. of Bd. A.Sec. Wall Street Bank-----•i§'l6 Gust. Pearson _____ M. E. Mack ______ G. H. Pearson __ ---A. B. Pearson 28- 53 M. B. Oonnell1 ____ E. H. Stanton _____ F. :r. Guse _________ J. Moody _______ *Washine:ton Trust Oo. F. £. Stanton, Sec. O.N .Anderson,.A.S Fred L. Stanton •WD2 ♦ 28-8  uo  ..  ft·  c. M  -------  3,840,540  180,330 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.; Oont. & Oom'l N., Obi,; Old N ,, 8Pokane.  Tr. Oo. and E. F. Hutton & Co., N. --- ----- ------ ---- --- Guaranty Y.; Irving Whitehouse Co,. Seattle and Great Falls, Mont.  Forelf n Govern ment Bonds. Dlrec private w Ire to New York. Orders executed In Eastern and L ocal securities.  Sl)onne Olearlne- House _____ C. E. McBroom ____ J1embers indicated b a*  327,260  o. A.  Johnson ____ W. T. Triplett, Sec . Jos. Barly, Tr, .•••  --- ---- ------ --- -------  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given  1493  i>1r:~t:r~:~n1eru,le =~c:~·::rr:rofYTr:':t!!:.~;.~c::::e:!"nfs~~::  I  TOWN AND COUNTY. - ,I NAME OF BANK. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn.§ tate In No. 12 Feel. Re.,. Dist. n. tPnv. S. eattle Br.SP.Spokane. ♦.Mero. Fed. Res. [ Es tab.  p  WASHINGTON-Continued ·--========  VrcE-PRESJDENT.  RESIDENT.  Ass'T CASHIER.  CASHIER.  I  Spri ngdale __ stevens B 15 Farmers & Merch. Bk,-•U'08 98-306 8p Pop, 184  s. P.  S,arbuck __ columbia Jr 15 Bank of Starbuck---·--•U-06 Sp Pop. 524 98-307  Weaver •••••• W. H. Vent_ _______ August Witt_ ______ L. I. Brislawn •••• -  o. w. Winter_····-  Stanwood-Snohomish B6 Bank of Stanwood-··--•il'04 c. S Poi,. 704 ♦ 98-193  First National Bank ----t'l9 ♦ 98-412  LIABILITIES. I' RESOURCES. PAID-UP SuRPLUS DEPOS· l.o•.• & Di,. C,un & Ex- 1 CAPITAL Pii'or;,~TS ITS CJ~~u~~~;:·  - - - - - - - - -1- --  Spra i::-ue ____ Lincoln D 15 Bank of Sprae-ue _______ •tl'0l A. L. Smalley •••••• D. W. Matheson._ R.R. Jones--·-·- J. A. Dempsey •••• 8p Pop, 822 '8-305  Farmers State Bank __ •t§'15 • 98-385  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banldng Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi,Q 'ji;4 volume. For Interest Rates, HoJidays, etc., sec _Laws. ::,  w. Brokaw _____  s. A. Thompson  C. L. Baker-·-·-··· O. 0. Snapp··--··- _ _ _ _ _ _ _  ___ L. H. Jacobsen-·-· Albert D. Hall -·-- A. L. Leknes -· ..••  ~:~:G~~~:: ---  I~  .•  ,::::  30,000 $ 25,000 $ 500,000 $ 400,000 $ 75,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N., Spokane.  25,000  3,500  120,0001 209,000  13,500 Fidelity N., Spokane: 1st N., Seattle.  10,000  5,200  122,170  25,480 Chem. N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane.  25,000  D. G. Bennie·--·--- F. W. Gardner.-••  PUINCIPAL CORRESPONDEXTS.  25,000  32,500  4,000  675.000  195,000  108,320  500,000  175,800  200.000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Seattle N. and N, Bk. Com .. Seattle; 1st N., Everett.  36,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Union N,, Seattle,  ~  ►  ~ ~  z Q ~  0  z w. E. Sprout_·-··- v. n.  Whiting .•••• M. c. Zintheo_ ••••  ---- ----------------  25,000  11,210  106,090  128,500  tJj 22,540 Chase N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., ::x> Spokane; 1st N .. Port.  z ~  Cl)  Steptoe ..•• Whitman E 16 Steptoe State Bank •••• _t§'ll Richard HalL .•... W. E. Parrish. ••••. L. H. Stairet ••.... Gladys Stairet ·--Sp Pop. 300 98-337  25,000  13,000  85,500  128,000  15,270 Ex. N., Spokane; Colfax N. and Far. N., Colfax.  •Stevenson.SkamaniaG6 Bank of Stevenson ••••. •U'06 E. P. Ash._--·-- F. E. Robbins ••••• G. F. Christe.sen._ Eva L. York_ •••••• S Pop. 387 98-308 •  10,000  17,500  329,480  271,020  85,090 N. Park, N. Y.; Met., Seattle; U.S. N., Port,  White ..••••• F. A. Davis·-···--· H. O. Conn-······- N. L Larson ••••••  40,000  15,420  277,830  427,740  First Nation ~rn ~nk.-.•*'04 H. O. Fisher_·····- W. F. Mattingley •• Harry Terhune---· H. W. Terhune .•• 9o-30 " Grace Skinner  40,000  17,160  267,9201 505,680  23,330 Ex. N .. Spokane; U. S. ~ .. Port.; Far. N., 0 Colfax. Cl). i:: 18,470 N. City, N. Y.: Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane: Ladd & Tilton, Port.; Dexter Hur-'< ton N., Seattle. rn  Sultan .... Snohomish C 7 Citizens Bank.......... •*5'10 G. G. Startup.·--·· W. M. Jenkins_ •• Wm. Campbell--·· W. L, Gibbon .••••• S Pop. 800 98-310  10,000  10,550  249,000  214,000  66,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Union N., Seattle; 1st N., ~ Everett. ni  SumSa ••••• Whatcom A 6 Garrison Brothers State Bank A. Schumacher-·-- R. S. Lambert_ __ • F. s. Garrison.__ P. E. West--·-··· Pop. 854 98-167 •§'02 •  40,000  16,120  277,510  244,260  89.360 Chase N .. N. Y.; Seattle N .. Seattle; 1st N., Bellingham.  25,000  17,000  530,0001 412,500  135,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma: Seattle N .. Seattle.  A. B. SNIDER-··-· F. J. TAYLOR--·-·-- H. A. BOOSE·····--- B. J. WILMS-----··50,000 Save time and get service on Col lections and Cred it Reports by sen ding FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain 11i1tht draft•. 15c; Cred it Reports, SOc. TRY US  18,530  550,210  665,620  107,620 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane: 1st N., Yakima; N. Bk. Com., Seattle.  2-1.470  700,2,.1  535,780  I  ,-+  "t. JSohn ••• WhitmanD16 Farmers State Bank ••• •t§'l4 E, p Pop. 800 ♦ 98-375  c.  I  Sumner ••.••• _Pierce D 6 Farmers State Bank_ .. •U'l6 S Pop. 1499 98-311 Sunnyside ___ Yakima F Sp Pop.1809 "  ··-···-- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  c. M.  lltFIRST NATIONAL BANK. •'06 { 98-134  Case-··---·· G. W. Sprouse-··-- R. P. Finney-··-·· - - - - - · - - -  Sunnyside Bank·-····-•it·o2IR. G. Page··---···· W. J. Creglow_ •••• 118-133 A CENTER FOR SAFE· --~ OF SEC_U _RITIES :  lE· J. Miller . .  ----1----------·----  50,000  g  -  238,920 Han. N .. N. Y.: Dexter Horton N., Seattle, ~ Sookanc & Easlern Tr. Co., Spokane. w  CONTINENTAL AND COM_MERCIAL BANKS  TACOMA  Number nuder Name of Bank i• thP New Traoalt Number eiven  149 4  to ea(lh bank in U. S. elt'lmllvely by The llaod-M.cNaJIJ Bankers• mrertory, under the authority of The American Bank.-rs Ass•n. (Fed. Res. Dist. No. 12, Seattle Br.)  NAME OF li.U 'K,  ;:::J:te11~ss.t~~-. +:Mem. Fed. Res.  ,i~~~  (  )  Pierce, D 5 County Seat Population 96,965-Reserve City  LIABILITIES,  PRESIDENT,  [Estab.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  CASHIER.  As8'T 0ASB1ER.  PAID-17P  _______  Army Bank of Camp LewisNational ______ 98-401 ________ •'18 (See Camp Lewi )  ~ u • ~~  -------1---------------------- ---- - - -----Oil'ITAL  PJlorITS DaPoaIT8  Lo.4.Nll •  Dn0c;e1Ta  cf~  BA.NJl:11  ---  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  RESOURCES. BOKDS, MISC.L-  I  I  ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  .:=~. ~':.':a - -- ,- - - - - - - - - - ------  CilB  RIIBOUBCEB  I  - - - - - - - - - - - -, SPENCER CONROW, A. M g1-. E. H. ROBBINS, .A, Mgr, SU00,000 $9.749,7'10 ________ ____  OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASS'N H-!  I  -----------------------------6,H.RALEIGH, Mgr, H. V. ALWARD, A . .Mgr.  *BANK •:•M  ____________________________ 1. P. Morgan & Co. and Irving N - - - - - - - - N.Y.;lstN.,Chl.andKan.C. 1 (Branch of San F rcmcilco, Cal.) 1st N. and Merch. N ., St. P.  A.L.BABBIT,A.Mgr. Do a r;eneral Ba.a.kins &lld Exchanr;e Bu■lllea■• a ■ s,ectalty and remitted on day of pa7D1eat. A.ccounta or Ballb and Banker■ 101lclted.  Collection ■  1  ~  - - - - - - - - - - - - . ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -·  > C/l  .NATIONAL BANK OF TACOMA U-1  •i·s7  s  I  I  - - -- - - - - -- -- -- - -~ - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - z s.CHESTER M. JACKSON----.~ T. WILSON------R. R. MATTISOII----N. G. NELSON -----Chase N .• N. CltJ, and Han. N., 0 THORNE, n. G. HELLAR EDWARD T NESS N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; ._, Ch. of Bd. GUY T. PIERCE 1,000,000 412,250 U42Z8660 __________ $8,792,700 $ 4.443,070 $1,150,060 $3,056,450 Merch. N.,st. P.;wens Fargo- 0 United State. Depository. Your account and collection the PacUlc Northwest solicited. We remit promptly.  Item ■  Nev. N. and Anglo & Lon. Paris ~ N .• San F. '-  f o r - - - - - - - , 1  tt,  >  z~  Cll  'orth Pacill.c Bank ______ •:tl'06 Peter Wallerich ___ B. M. Wallerich--_ P. Wallerich _______ G. A. Reeves _____ _ 34--51  25.000  36,000  655,050 -•-•------  I  361,590  204.000  28,500  119,7201Irvinl? N .. N. Y.: Rk. or Cal. N. A.' and N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma.  j  '"1 ~ (')  I  *Pu2:et Sound Bank & Trust Co. H. N. Tinker------ C. E. Lindquist_ ___ W.W. Newschwan- R. T. Winden _____ _ + H-7 •WOO E. L. Tinker der E. A. Olson  I  *Tacoma av. Bk. & Trust Co. 0. H. Hyde -------- IOhester Thorne ____ ,A, A.. Miller ______ Obas. F. Bohn ____ _ 34-9 •U'l3 F. S.Foe:1? W. G. Hellar F. A. Rice  300,000  88,370  3,271,590 ---------  2,ti02,430  440,350  95,850  200,000  6i,140  1,441,380 - - - -  1,059,050  280,400  127,040  0  3 ~  639,650 Chase N .. N. Y.; Ft Dear. N., Chi 1st N., San F.  I  241.920 Han. N .. N. Y.; Cent. Tr. Oo. of 111., Oh1.; Union Tr. Co., San F.; ._ Ladd & Tilton, Port. $1> ::l  C  1,  I  1  Ta.coma Clearing House ________ H. N. Tinker_ ___ J F. L. Rice _________ Carl Lindqui t. ec. R.R. Mattison,Mar. _____ --- --------- ------ --- ---------1 Members indicated bv Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  a*  I---------- ---------- --------- --------·  $1)  Ii  CONT\NEN-TA'Lt "A NO '" c·oMMERC\AL BAN"KS -  \N,ER~~~~~~\_r~o~~K\NG"  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Bankfng PoJnt (In•._ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this Ill volume. For Interest Rates, HoUdays, etc., see Laws. :,  WASHINGTON-Continued TOWN AND O0UNTr. ~ NA.ME 01!' BANK. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks . .Assn. tPriv. S,SeattleBr. -S11,Spokane. +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  Tekoa ••••• Whitman D17 CitizensStateBank_ •. •f§'04 Sp Pop. 1520 ., • !18-114 " •••••••• Tekoa State Bank .••• -•f§'92 • 98-113 Tenino ••••• Thurston E 5 Citizens Bank •....••••• •:l:§'14 S Pop. 850 98-382 Thornton •• WhitmanD16 Comegys, Hanford & Miller Sp Pop. 300 Bank •... 98-313.• _••• •:t§'OS Tieton_ ...... Yakima F 9 SIi Pop. 50 Tolecto_ •••••••• Lewis F 4 S Pop. 324 Tult _ _ _····Kin2 C 7 S Pop, 536 Tonasket.Okanoean A 12 Sp Pop. 300  98-397  "  ····-···  "  •t§'l7  CENTRAL BANK .. ···-·•+l'IO 118 ♦  ·llll  VIGE-PBESIDENT.  CA.SKI~  ASS'T OA.SKIER.  - ,- - - - - - - ,- - - - - - -  LIABILITIES.  REsOURCES.  SV-RPLUS AND  • J>m ~•JlosN; =!.~  PAID-UP  CAPIT"-L PROFITS  DBPOS-  ITS  lbcvlUftal  W. A. Mosier •••••. Wm. Hoare •••••••.  o. D. McKeehen._  T. O. Massey·-···  30,000  20,760  428,780  349,070  H. S. Barclay •••••• ·-···-·····-···· L. H. Hubbard •••• L. E. Axtelle ••••.. H. W. Hanford •••. A. P. Miller •• _ _ Ralph Comens •••• Claude Comegys...  10,000  3,000  255,000  200,000  15,000  13,000  208,000  200,000  61,710  50,430  2,800  200,000  160,000  10,000  7,610  227,670  188,600  ·······-············ Arthur Lund ••·--·· E. Workosky ·-··-·  25,000  16,460  172.170  188,280  John Woodard--·· R. A. Nixon ••••••. F. J. May·-···-···· ··-·········-······  30,000  6,500  139,000  164,100  24,200 Han. N .. N. Y.: Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co .. Spokane.; Seattle N .. Seattle; Com'l Bk. & Tr. Co .. Wenatchee.  42,500 H. M. GILIERT .. J. D. LAUGHLIN .. - H.B. MILLER ....-J. Sff HlSEL ···50,000 0 Save time and get service on Col lectlons and Cred Pt ~e~ortsMJ1~en ding FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain Si1Iht Draft.. 1 Sc; Cre dit Report•. SOc. TRY U S.  615,000  640,000  135,000 Chem. N., N. Y.: 1st N .. Chi. and Yakima; Ex. N., Spokane; N. City, Seattle.  l  25,000  22,370  740,380  521.890  Touchet. Walla Walla F 14 Touchet .S tate Bank .•••• t§'07 H. H. Hanson-•••. Woodson Cummins 0. L. Renn·-·-···· M. I. Renn •...•••• Sp Pop. 250 98·316 Twisp ••••• Okanoean B 10 Commercial Bank •••••• •:t.1'02 Henry Peterson •.. w. A. Bolinger .••• J. S. Allen--······ Geo. M. Gibson ••• Sp Pop. 289 98-317  15,000  3,000  150,000  125,000  35,000  19,720  206,940  200,250  UnioSntown.WhitmanE17 Farmers State Bank._.•U'90 Chas.A. Button ..•. John P. Hoefer .••• W. T.Lambdin,Jr. J. G. Busch.·--·· p Pop. 600 ♦ 98-200  25,000  3,000  350,820  271,840  Vader•••.••.•.. Lewis F4 S Pop. 500 VallSey •••• __ stevens B 15 p Pop, 250 VallSeyford.Spokane D 16 p Pop. 350 A Vancouver •••• Clarke G 5 S Pop, 12,637 .. " ··--··-  Chas. ReideL-·-·· A. N. Cheney ..•••. - - - - · · · · · · - · ·  10,000  3,400  155,920  148,300  M. Kulzer •..••••.• F. L. Reinoehl •••• J. A. Raftis ••••••. C. J. King-·····-··  15,000  6,700  175,000  154,500  c. P. Thomas ••••••  A. L. Chapman •••• C.H. Tart _ _ _ R. C. Tart. •• _.••.•  15,000  5,980  126,620  145,890  0. J. Olson •••••••• Henry Crass ••-• •.. Dudley Eshelman _ C. G. Olson •••••••. A. F. Poley J.:M:.Lanl?sdorf_.. L. M. Hidden •••••• J. s. G. Lanrsdorf. ·--···-·--·····  50,000  11,280  492,870  339,470  118·ll 7 W. F. Anderson Traders Bank ••.••••••• •:5'08 J. D. Cornett. ••••.. W.M.:M:cGowan ••• W. S, Doran ••••••• J. D. Corne\t, Jr ••• ♦ 118·118  R.H. CampbelL.  W. S. SHORT •••••• H. D. WARREN-••••• G. F. PALMER .•••••• E. R. REYNOLDS.... VANCOUVER9:_f]'L BAN~ .01 { "SEND us vo UR VANCOUVER ITEMS nmEcT. ,.  100,000  50,000 1.800,000 1,650,000  100,000  50,000 2,300,000 1,900,000  232,960 Ban. N ., N. Y.: 1st N ., Chi.: Seattle N .. Seattle: ► Northw. N .. Port. 256,050 N. Oity, N. Y.; Cont.& Oom'l N .. Ohl.; N. Bk. ~ Com .• Seattle: Bk. of Cal. N. A .• Tacoma; C/l Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co .. Spokane. 35,000 1st N .. Port. and Walla Walla; Old N ., Spokane. ➔  z I  53,870 Atlantic N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Oo. and Fidelity N .. Spokane: Bk. of Calif. N. A .. Seattle; 1st N., Wenatchee. 101,580 N. City, N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co. and Ex. N,, Spokane: Northw. N .. Port.  tt :,;o  0 Ill  ...,.  0 20,920 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi .. U, S. N., Port.: N. Bk. ,<::: of Titcoma, Tacoma; Scan. Am .. Seattle. ~ 40,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co. ll) and Old N., Spokane; 1st N., Chewelah. ..... 19,570 N. Park, N. Y.: Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., &r  l:'p~;tJ  202,360 Ei\:;i~r ~k~t;ier:f; .o§inot ancl [ 350,000 Han. N ., N .Y .: 1st N., Chi. and San F.: Dexter U'Q Horton N., Seattle; Northw. N., U. S. N .. Bk. of Cal. N. A .. and Ladd & Tilton, Port. 500,000 N.Park,N. Y.; Cont. &Com'! N., Chi.: Nortbw. N .. Port.; N, Bk. Com., Seattle.  CoJlections, Bil I of Lading Draft s, Cash and Time Items Remitted for on Day of Payme nt.  Washineton Exch. Bank Lloyd DuBois ••••. M. R. Sparks ••••-. O. F.Zumste1? ••••• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 118-37 •:l:§'12 Vashon ••••••.••Kinl? D 6 Vashon StateBank ••••• •fl'OD T. Hansen ••••• ___ • W. B. Shoemaker. C. F. Van Olinda ..• - · · · - - - - S Pop, 700 98-319  M. ZUGER---.. R. M. BREEZE ..... H.P. PETERSEN--- H. D. MILLS ...... . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  40,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Seattle: 1st N., Port. 53,380 Irving N., N. Y.; Seattle N. and N. Bk. Com., Seattle. 29,660 Chase N., N. Y.; Old N., Spokane; Dexter Horton N .. Seattle.  til  409,270  g  54,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Port.; Colfax N., Colfax. ll.ll40 1st N •• Yakima.  1,000  w.  -  ~  Seattle. ...,. 128,460 N. City, N. Y.; Sookane & Eastern Tr. Co .. Spokane; Ladd & Tilton, Port. 61,000 N. Park. N. Y.: Bk. of Cal. N. A .. Tacoma.  15,000  543,010  EXCHANGE B~NK •••••• •U'04 8 144  1  10,000  61,820  Waitsbru·g ••• Walla Walla Sp Pop.1174 F 14  _________________ 1  F. J. Straka ••••••• B. H. Frederick••. ·····-····-·····-·--  50.000  *  Al  ~  E. P. Layton •• -·-· S. C. Bran ••.••••.. M. E, Wing···-··-Wm. McAlpine G. E. Patterson •••• A. B. Wise •••-•.••• Ethel Bagwell_ ••••  FIRST NATIONAL BANK•i'05 F. A. Williams ___ L. J. Goodrich••••. John F. Melrose ... P.H. Oie ·-···-····  Little Falls State Bank.•U'll 98-346 Security State Bank.-•:t§'l7 98·396 Community State Bank.•i§'l6 98-392 American Security Bank 98-38 •:t:§'18 United States National Bk. 98·36 •i'lO  _no_•_.._ __  C  PRINCIPA.L CORRESPONDENTS.  A. B. Willard·-·--· J.A.Nelson ••••••. F.C.Poole .•••• _. __ H.C.Baker ....•.•. S 25,000 S 22,740 S 403,970 S 369,600 S 47,090 N. Park, N. Y.; Ex. N., Spokane; Union N.,  Tieton State funk .•••• +§'19 D. V. Morthland ••• 98·413 Toledo State Bank •• -•• •U'IO Hugh E. Bran·--·· 98-314 Snoqualmie Valley Bank c. Beadon Hall.-•• 98·315 •:!:I'll First National Bank ••-•i'l6 Hans Lund ·-··· 98-365  TONASKET STATE BAIK  TOP)2enish••• Yakima FIO Sp Pop, 3I 20  '  PRESIDENT.  -  l  50,000  36,440  726,670  615,610  15,000  5,900  191,000  183,000  50,000  22,970  442,580  396,050  136,570 Chase N., N. Y.; Northw. N., Port.: N. Com., Seattle.  81,200  736.613  952,700  138,440 Liberty N., N. Y.: 1st N .. Chi., San F., and '.; Port.: Dexter Horton N .. Seattle. ~  Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MUS Tbeaccompanled by FEE IN ADVANCE: Plalin sight a rafts, 15c; Credit Reports, 50c\  First NationalBank ••••. •:t•sg J. W. More-an •.•... Jno. D. Ankeny .•. W. G. Shuham .••.. J.E. Butler-•...•• 98·143  50,000  178,700 Ohase N., N. Y.; U.S. N. and Ladd & Tilton, Port.; Met., Seattle. 29,000 N. Oity, Seattle: N. Bk. of Tacoma, Tacoma. :  Bir.I  Vt  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given  d WASHINGTON C t• 96 to each bank in U. S. eicluslYely by The Rand-McNally Bankers' 14 = e===:=====:===-=-== = n==ln~U =·====D=lr=e::::c..=to=ry='=u=n=dTe=r=th=e=a=u=t=h=o=rl=t=y=o=f=T=h=e=A=i=m=e=rl=ca=n=B=a=nk=e=rs=:=A=s=s•=n==============:-==-=0 OASHID. VICJC-PRE.SIDENT, PRJCSIDJ:NT. •Mem . .Am. Rks. Assn. §State •Co1mty Seats. In Xo. 12 Fed. R§ ·. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assn. t Priv. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ S, Seattle Br. SP, pokane +:\fem. Fed. Res. 1  •Walla Walla. Wallaw;1u Sp Pop. 15,503  BAKER-BOYER NAT'l BANK •:-69  98-15  FARMERs & MERcH. BANK •:1'89  98-17  •  W.W. Baker _______ J. W. Langdon ____ H. ·  CA.PITA.L , P~FITB  1  "  ci;":;,~":· ~~':.°:{;>:  w. "·  42,200 1,577,220 1,904,6!0  DoRn ________ 200.000 nEvNoLDs-- ~ii~~EL~s1¥lkL-- A. KING---------Save time and g ef service on Coll ection1 and Credi t Reports by send Ing FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain •i~ht draft•• I Sc for pr e•entation. Credi t Repor t•• SOc. 200,000  H. H. MARSHALL-- J. W. SUMMERS--- W. H. THARP------ J.E. MERRIFIELD-  Union Trns:t~~--------t§'l!l Jas.C.Cunningham A. H. Reynolds ___ A. K. Dice, Sec. ___ ----------------20 F 10 P.A. Olney _______ G. W. Olney _______ J.P.Denham ___ Nealy • Olney __ _ AMERICAN 98-COMMERCIAL  356,030 2,526,890 3,352,330  - 100,000 25,000  340  152.160  154,360  25.000  15.590  387,350  351,200  SS WILL BE AP PRECIA.TED. A. c. Ness ________ _ L. Boyle ___________ E.1L Carlson ___ ,._  50.000  5,000  32,000 ---------  N. Durkholz _______ I. H. llullowney __ G. E. Mullowney __ _  10,000  2,370  66. 790  E. R. Keep _________ T. S. Keep _________ L. R. Greenman. __  15,000  10.150  236.090  218,580  J.M. Booth ______ _ F. R. Greamba -------------------. P. P. Schiffbauer --  50,000  25,850  335,460  327,950  100.000  32,000  652,000  866,790  50,000  24,010  374,270  380,200  Waverly ____ Spokane Dl6 Waverly Exchanie Bank F. Kienbaum _____ J. T. Hollis _______ R. M. DarknelL ___ P.R. Tryon ______ _ •.tl'0l'> 98-824 Sp Pop. 234 Wenatchl'e __ Chelan D 10 Columbia Valley Bank_•n·92 Guy o. Browne ____ John W. Doneen __ Chas. E. Owens ____ H. E. Jones ____ _ 1>8~1> Sp Pop. 6324  6,210  106,600  126,360  100,000  .. ..  ________  ·•  ;\'arden _______ Grant R12 Sp Pop. l73 ~;; ~liouguL ___ Olarke G 6 S Pop. 765 ;rashtucna ___ Adams K 14 • Sp Pop. 359 \'\ at erv1llc_llouilas O 10 Sp Pop.1198 ..  ..  ________  E. McCREDY --- D. A. McDONALD---{A.OLDEST AND L ARGl•ST BANK.  YOUR BUSINE 98- 320 nion State Bank.. _____ §'20 w. . Luby _______ 98-437 Warden State .Hank ____ e:tf'07 Chas. Lindenberi. 1>8-321 Clarke County Bank __ -•tf '05 o. M. Keep _________ QS-322 . First National Bank _____ e;t'02 w. R. Cunnine-ham. Jr. . , g8-323 Doue-las County Bank_ •t§ 90 M. 11:. Lies ________ 98-163 WATERVILLE SAVINGS BK. o. T. Hansen ______ •U-04 98-111,  g_  8 70  •  co•U~0  2  FIRST NAT'L BANK •:t•~  1>8-71  0. H. Greene _______ W. A.Pearce _______ . M. B. Howe _______ C. S. Valentine ____ . John McKay ______ Georre P. Wiley ____  F. W. SHULTZ------ W. T. DAY--------- W. D. SHULTZ----- C.R. FRAY--------  COMMERCIAL BANK&. TR  I  II  I'  I  I  I  .  II.  I  i  10,000  and San F.; 1st N. and U. s. N., Port.; Merell. N., St. P.; N. Bk. Com .. Seattle. 161,140 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N., Ohi.; Northw. N., Port.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., ':ipokane.  I~ ),  501.270 1st N., Ohi. and Port.: Old N .. Spokane.  r.n  f  J. K. McCORMACK--- J. H. MILLER-- LL. MATHEWS ------  i: f t~~JinfcK___  ::r:  70.550  48,000 1,900,080 1,387.640  100,000  I  'I  •  t'  I  I  It  •;,  :"  I  i:  I  ,  :  z  :,::  61,000 Chase .,.,, '. Y.; Old .1.'.. pokane~ De.·ter Ul Horton ~r., Seattle; Yakima. N .. Yakima. 10.610 Cont. & Oom'I N., Chi.; Old N .• Spok:ane:Seattle ~ <; N ., Seattle. .. Van- I» 37,610 Ladd & Tilton, Port.; Vancouver  I  ~~~  -  iii" 107,910 Han. N ., N.Y.; 1st N .• Port.; Dexter Horton Seattle: Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co .. Spokane. 73,000 N. City, N. Y.; Dexter Horton N.. eattle; ~ <; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co .. Spokane. 63.600 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com. andScan.- I» Am .. Seattle: Old N ., Spokane; Com'l Bk. &1 :::: I» Tr. Co .. Wenatchee. , 17,710 Ex. .. Spokane. 4 • ..  0 <  52_9.940 Han. N., N.Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Spokane & Eastern 1 <; Tr. Co., Spokane; N. Bk. Com., Seattle. .  ::r  -  ~ ~ ~ Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I  Cb  N., Chi.; Fidelity N., Spokane; Dexter Ul I» Horton N. and Scan.-Am •• Seattle.  s  53,600[ 1,740,000 1,302,500  58'1.200 Irving N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; Seattle N., Seattle; Old N,, Spokane; Anglo & Lon. Paris N., San 1''.  g '--4  I~  M:J. Flye ________ . - - -----------------  50,000  430  289.190  238,890  10,000  2,500  87,5201  85,490  W. J. Kincaid ____ ------------------  10,000  4,000  11:;,uoo  112,500  25,000  7,000  340,000,  330,000  ---------  i-i  Q  ;::.;:  68 .370  Stewart Mackenzie---------------·-·--  o. Keefha\'er __  I"'\ lo.f•  Z  The only Natto nal bank In the f amoua "WENAT CBEI!: VALLEY." FEE IN ADVAN CE: ight draft , 15c minimum; 25c minimwn charge i f ))aid. TRY US. . Reliable Credit Reports, 60c.  A.  Z  23.140 Am. Ex. N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.: ~ ...,.. Yakima Valley. Yakima. 83,340 N. City, N. Y.; Seattle N., Seattle.  --- - - - - - ~ - - ----  100,000 A PROGRFSSIVE BANK. ·,We are Headquarters for Apple Growers and Buyers. SEND us YOUR COLLECTIONS. PERSONAL PRESENTATION AND REMITTANCES ON DAY OF PAY MENT.  Wenatchee Valier Bank•t§'20 Frank D. Case _____ II. I. Shotwell_ --98-420 Whecler _____ Grant D 13 \Wheeler State Bank ___ .u•10 D. T. Cross _______ c. W. M:itche!L.-98-336 Sp Pop. 150 White Bluffs.Benton E 12 \First Bank of White Bluffs Geo. Kincaid _______________________ •U'08 98-325 Sp Pop. 250 Whi.•e almon __ Klickita\ Columbia State Bank __ •t§·rn\u. A. Read ________ ------------·------9\H81 G1 ~n Pop. 1\19 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  _ _ __  76,020 l .85U50 1.665.820 368.850 N. Bk. Com •• N.Y.; Corn EI. N. and Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N. and U. S. N., Port.; Fidelity N., Spokane; Seattle N., - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ Stattle. 253 330 Chase N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'\ N .. Chi.; Bk. or 50,000 1,228,870 1,163,530 ()al. . A .. Port.; Dexter-Borton ... , cattle. 5,750 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y. 204.700 96,000 24.480  L. \'I. TAYLOR------- E. A. SMITH--------  BANK----98-398--•:t§'lS F IRST NATIONAL BANK.•:t'06  ..  -~ C'\  $ 229,100 $3 028820 $3 -132 200 $ 2fl9,480 lmp. & Tra. N. and N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi.  N . .A. Davis  STATE BANK  .  ITB  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENT;:  cua& 11::1-  _______ __________________________ - ~ 1  For prompt, efficient sel"vlce send your business to us. 100,000 A thoroughly organized collection department. •U'lli---------W_E_G_E_T__,R_E_S_U_L_T_S_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ __ + 18_1g Third National Bank-•:t'08 G. E. Kellonih _____ F. W. Wilson ______ Mark A. York __ C. L. Tempany ___ _ 100,000 __ - - -  RESOUltCES.  1-----------------------------1---- ---- ---- ---- ----  PEOPLES  "  _  PAID-UP :su~NDPLus 1 DJ:Pos- 1-?_.,... 0,..  H. Tarner_____ H. R. Johnson ____ $ 100,000  A.  iA. "·'T OA.SHlltR.  First Nation:J~:nk-----•n8 Levi Ankeny _______ J. D • .Ankeny ____ P. ll. Winans _____ L. R. Hoagland ___ _  rapato _____ Ya.k1ma Sp Pop.1138  1  LIABILITIES.  NA.HE 01" BANK.  TOWN AND COUNTY,  Non-Bank To n with Nearest Banldng Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back 0- f thi •1...,. volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays,, -~ La1t:!.'. ~  . Bk. Com .. N,Y.; Union N .• Seattle; Ex. 4f,,1 C ll> Spokane. .. N. Y.: can. Am., Seattle; FidP,lity Q 8,470 Han. .. N ., Spokane. 20,500 Dexter Horton N ., Seattle; Spokane & Eastern .,... . 10 T_r. Co., Sookane.r 40,000IIrvmg N., N. Y.; Northw. N. and Ladcl & Til- t-.:i 1.,... Bk. Com .. Seattle. ton. Port.; 78,130  4  •  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking i-olnt (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexe~) ~ back of this ~  J ':,;/  •  •  •.:  II 1  I' •  .:  I ,  I  I· ,  , ,  ...  II'  f  I ,  I  ,:  1;,  ••  I ,  I•  To"?oo~11:  ff~U:.TY.  •Mem.  ,  ;.  r, , , II•  ~:::i~~A~::.K·§state  p  In No. 12 Fed. Res. Dist. :tMem.StateBks. Assn. tPriv. Seattle Br. Sp Spokane ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  II  , •  I  I  RESIDENT,  .  ,o  ••  Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Banking i-olnt dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of  • Ued WASHINGTON- C On t In  I  : , ;,  I  I VIOE-P""'SIDENT. =  I  CA.SHI•"',  """'  .ASS'T OASHI"'"  =--  volume.  ~.E::.u:~::·Ei-  PAID-:I~~~:~SES~EPOS-  Lo,....  AND CAPITAL PROFITS-  c rs Bo!<De  OllAJIOU  ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  Dn  s ~ · noxn.:...U  ITS  g  (Inthls/'-f  For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  - - - - - - ' - ' - - - ' - - - - l l - - - - - - - - - ' - -- f - - - - - - - - f - - - - - - - - 1 · - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - 1- - c. Fox ____ M. F. Reinig __________________________ $ 10,000 $ 2,750 $ 42,300 $ 33,760 $ 14,870 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., C.hi.; Sp Pop. 110 98-390 Seattle N., Seattle. Wilbur ______ Linco1n C 13 Farmers State Bank ____ ;t§'l9 E. 'r. Coman _______ J. F. Kunz ________ L. J. Esslinger _____________ 25,000 5,000 92,710 70,390 9,410 Ex. N ., Spokane; Union N.. Seattle. Sp Poll. 870 .. 98-419 • -------State Bank of Wilbu.r __ •tl'Q2 J. McPherson ______ E. L. Farnsworth __ Charles Hudkins_ E. H. Oswalt _____ _ 13,890 412.630 563,710 51,460 Han.N.,N. Y.;Cont. &Com'l N., Chi.; Fidelity 50,000 ♦ 08-179 G. Thompson N., Spokane; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma. 3,760 209,180 192,590 32,190 Mech. & Metals N. and N. Park, N. Y.: N. Bk. 15,000 Wil~esoicii>-.-soterce D 7 First Bank ii-'1Wkeson•U'08 A. c. Marconnier __ ------------ H. 0. Miller _______ ------------of Tacoma, Tacoma. Wilsoncreek __ Qrant D 13 Wilson Creek State Bk.•U'04 H. Thomsen _______ z. Finney _________ D. F. Mordhorst __ H. R. Green ______ _ 8,660 218,260 43,080 Chase N., N. Y.; Ex. N., Spokane: Seattle 196,900 15,000  :  White Swan. Yakima F 9 White Swan Bank______ :t§'l6 C. E. Reinig _______ Martha  . Sp Pop. 500 08-327 Wmlock. ______ Lewis F 4 State Bank of Winloek_•U,10 H.J. Maury _______ J. H. Marcotte ___ F. R. Ness _______ A. Turula ______ _ S Pop. 832 98- 328 Winc?na ____ Whitman E 15 Bank of Winona _______ •U'06 W. o. Morrow _____ Isaac Neace _______ c. K. Bell _________ G. E. Markham ___ _ ,,o Pop. 300 08-329 Win throp_Okano~an BIO Farmers State Bank ___ •t§'l6 R. c. Garrett_ _____ J. A. Stewart______ T. J. Prewitt_ __________________ _ 98-388 8D Pop. ll3  15,000  13,460  311,370  258,200  15,000  14,580  113,880  184,000  10,000  5,530  113,330  99,770  Wi 1rowPop~~ga21as O 11 Withrow 8t::~ i~nk ---•:5'12 F. E. Weston ______ J, E. Andrews _____ Harry Short_ ______ W.R. Fegley _____ _ 3 Woo~land ____ Qowlitz G 5 Woodland State Bank--•U'07 L. N. Plamondon __ T. E. Oliver _______ Geo E. Cochrane_ Lydia La Rue ____ _ S Pop. 521 98-380 Yaco 1t_________ ClarkeG6 ll'irst State Bank-------•ll'lO o. J, Olson ________ o. F. Hendricksen. Martin Olaus ______ A. C. Claus _______ _ 98-331 8 Poll, 5:W  25,000  10,000  187,640  372,400  25,000  7,530  350,970  292,180  10,000  15,000  275,000  185,000  100,000  23,330  724,460  567,610  Yak.ima ______ YakimaE 11 S Pop 18 539  p  • '  *COMM RCIAL BANK OF  FRAN!t, BARTHO-  GEORGE WILSON ---- J. T. HEDGES----- U. C. BARTHOLET ---  h LET T e raclllttes of this bank enable us to offer YAKl~A--98- 27 _______ +§'19 { exceptional b anktng service In the lower "Yakl ma Valley.•• Please send toe with each sight draft and 60c for Credit Reports.  *FIRST NAT'L 98-22  N., Seattle. 78,230 N. City, N. Y.; N. Tik. Com., Seattle; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma; Northw, N .. Port. 14,390 N. Park, N. Y. ; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane: 1st N.,Port.; Colfax N .• Colfax. 24,600 Atlantic N .. N. Y.; Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co. and Fidelity N., Spokane: Columbia Valley, Wenatchee. 27,650 Old N. and Spokane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane: Scan. Arn., Seattle; 1st N., St. P. 91,330 N. City, N. Y.: U. s. N., Port.; Dexter Horton N., Seattle. 95,000 State Bk. of Port. and Northw.N .• Port.;.Am. Secur., Vancouver.  224,390 Han. N., N, Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Crocker N .. San F.: N. City; Seattle: Sp1.,kane & Eastern Tr. Co., Spokane.  --------'-------~------..!....------- - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - -  BK  • •!'85  W. l. STEINWEG--ALEXANDEI MILLER J. A. LOUDON _____ p, B. ALLEN------I C. M. WHARTON, C.R. DONOVAN F. H. SHARKEY, H.F. CRAWFORD 300,000 252,140 3,476.170 4,568,670 &93,890 N. Park. N. Y.; tstN., Chi.; Anglo & Lon. Asst. to Pres. AC. E. J. LEMKE Parts N., San F.; N. Bk, Com., Seattle. Oldest and Largest Bank In Central Washington.  Guaranty Trust C0,----•+§ '19 W. L. Steinweg ___ 98-28  *YAKIMA NATIONAL BANK 08-2S  o. D, Gibson ____  Alex. Miller, Tr, __ G, H, Bradshaw, Sec. and Mgr.  VALLEY BANK  + Q8-24 •*1'02 Yakima Olearinl? House ______  23,230 ______ ________________ 1st K., Yakima. rl-  0  D. W. TWOHY _____ f. A DUNCAN------- tt. O. JONES-------- G. E. STACY--------- 250.000 106,780 2,151,449 2,677,580 335,820 CbakseeN .• Nt.tlY.N;ls t Nt.,t San F., Old N., Spo-, L. R. RIGHTMIRE. M. V. ARNOLD an ; 8 ea e .• 8 ea 1e. ~ ~ 1  A. Cash.  ~  This progressive institution will serv e your needs adequ ately. Our connections e nable us to offer qui cl( and direct servjc e throughout Centra I Washin gton. DIRECT YO UR BUSINESS TO US.  *Yakima Trust Oo,----•U'06 H. 0. Lucas _ _ _ W. N. Irish _______ J. L. Clift _ _ _ E. P. Holrman ____ _ 98-25 W. L. Dimmick P, J, Eschbach. Tr. L. E. Rouleau J. L. Locke, A. Sec.  *YAKIMA  125,000  o. A. FECHTER ·-- c. S. MEAD - - - CHAS. HEATH------- J. J. BARTHOLE  i  The facilities of this bank enable us to render SATISFACTOR Y SERVICE to B anks and Indlvtd uals having business In tbe"'FAMOUS YAKIMA VALLEY."  ----  ::l'"  100,000  55,850 1,244,710 1,247,720  254,000 Irvin!? N., N. Y.; N. Oity, Chi.; Ex. N., Sp0kane: Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma.  100,000  67,930 1,560,550 -1,619,020  293,300 Chase N .. N. Y,; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Bk. of Cal. N. A., Tacoma: 1st N., Seattle: Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F.: U.S. N,, Port.  .. ------" H. O. Jones _______ J. J. Bartholet_ ___ E. c. Scheetz, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (Me;rnbers indicated h11 a*) Mor. and See. Zillah__ _______ YakimaF 10 First NationaJBank _____ •:•09 J. D. Cornett ______ R. D. Herod ______ L. H. Kuhn _______ V. Lancaster ____ __ 73,060 Han.N.,N.Y.: Cont.&Com'I N.,Chi.; lstN., _ 25,000 31,080 393.710 378.280 Sg Pop, 647 ,. 98-332 Seattle; Yakima N., Yakima. .. - -------Zillah State Bank ______:§'20 Chas. E. Durr_ ____ J. W. Smith _______ V. M. Pike _______________ ______ 5,410 70,110 56,860 27,470 1st N .. Yakima; Spokane & Eastern Tr, Co., ~ 25,000 98-424 Spokane. Ut  I  THE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  SEATTLE NATIONAL  INVITES  PACIFIC COAST BUSINESS  LET OUR WELL EQUIPPED ORGANIZATION ' SERVE YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS .  jl' I  I I  i  .  1498  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given td each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  I  I  Non-Bank Towns w1th Nearest Banking Point (In- _ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  WEST VIRGINIA  I  I  RESOURCES. AND COUN'TY. NA.ME OF BANK. LIABILITIES, ..Coun'.y eat . . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §St.3:te PRESIDEN VICE-PRESIDEN CASHIER, ASS'T CA.SHIER, p AID-UP SU~!;LDUS DmPOS- Lo.ura. D••· c ..n .t J:xFigure,is Fed. Res. Dist. :Mem. State Bks. Assn.tPr1v. T, T. CAPIT.A.L PR~~ITB ITS c'n Bon,, ....,....,1m _ pis Pitt. Br. BBait. 1+Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - i - - - - ________ _a.o,,_UTI_u_ _no_.._B_..-_ _1 _ TOWN'  fdrian _______ Upshur C 6 Bank of Adrian _________ §'20 A. M. Gould _______ Clark Colerider ____ A. SB Pop. 1200 69-393  :n.  Forman _____  c. L. Green ________  00  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS • ________________1  S 25,0uO -------- S 83.700 S 58,840 $ 45,330 Davis Tr. Co., Elkins; Citiz. N., Bait.  Albri:?ht-----Preston B 7 First National Bank ___ •14 E. E. Watson ______ s. D. Albrifht ___ G. H. Wilson _____________ -----58 Pop. 262 139-344 M. F. Walls  25,000 S  Alder. on _____ 1Ionroe E 5 Alderson National .Bank_•:•011 T. H. Jarrett ___ John Hinchman._ 0. D. llassey ______ C.H. Hedrick ____ _ 5 Pop, 1401 69-1711  5,000  225,580  228,040  25,000  21,000  552,000  - 345.000  First NationalBank ____ .:•90 L. E. Johnson ___ J, M. Alderson _____ H.B. Ro,re _ _ _ - - - - - - &9-178 J. H. Geo~e Anawalt .• _YcDowell F 3 First National Bank----•i•u Wm. Leckie ____ H. T. Graham ______ H • .A.. McNeer ----- ___________ _ S Pov. 320 69-334  81,000  65,000  750,000  600,000  290,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Ex., Bait,; 1st N., Rich.  25,000  22,000  490,000  372,000  179,000 N. Qity, N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A.., Pitt.; .Merch. 1 ~ N.,Rich.  Ansted _____ Fayette D 4 Ansted National Bank_•:•07 W. L. Burruss ___ G. W. Tmboden - - H. F. Thomasson __________ S Pop. 1178 69-2411 Q. R. Hughes Athens _______ Mercer E 4 Bank of Athens ________ U,05 Donzie Lilly ___ 0. P. Griffith ______ F. V. Cooper ______ w. G. __ _ 5 Pop. 552 89-250  35,000  18,710  412,780  354.470  142,570 N. f'1ity, N. Y.  25,000  20,030  247,610  157,150  "  ______  "  Auburn ______ Ritchie B 5 Auburn Exchanfe Bank-•1'01 J. T. Hall _____ J. L. Rymer ___ H.J. Straley_______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5B Pop. 250 69-251 B'.uboursvme_Cabell DZ First State Bank -------t1'05 G. B. Thornburr-- ____________________ P. A. Vallaadi■r- __________ S Pop, 974 &9-252 ham Bayaro: ________ lGrant B 8 Bayard National Bank ___ .·20 M. Tamburini ____ D. B. Teter_ _____ I. L. Neville_______ _________ 5 POP, 1074 69-396 l  25,000  6,080  246,120  180,970  25,000  10,500  170,000  147,500  25,000  2,500 --- -  90,000  I. C. PRIIICE---=-- T. H. WICKHAM--- R. M. FRENCH----- It S. COLEMAN-- --  22,500 Bk. of Pitt.N.A.,Pltt.;Drov. &Mech. N .. Balt. 1  198,000 Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.; 1st N., Rich.  _____ Raleiith E 4 Be ckley Pop. 4149  s  BANK Of RALEIGH I 69-153  u•gg  •  BECKL Ey  I  JOEL. SMITH ------W. E. GRIFFITHS-- C.H. MEADOR------ w. B. JORDAN---C. L. BECKNER J. C. MEADOR  NATIONAL BANK 69-323  :•14  I  47,680 38,740 Chase N. , N. Y.; Drov. & :Mech. N .• Bait. --- ---  100 000  133 990  z 09Z ZlO  1684 830  530 660 Ch  ~ _..:..,_..:.....:.... ..:.....:.... ~  ase  N  N Y ·• • •  100,000  - - -;;- - - - 70,000 1,  ,510 1.348,930  The Only National Bank In Raleigh County. For efficient service and quick returns send us your busin ess di rect. Prompt Personal Service-REASONABLE RATES. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _  n 'Ul  1  I >  N St te & City Bl h 712,890 Seab. N., NN.Y.C: h. a , c .; ,... Kanawha •• ar. 0  ttl n  -20.000 Z,800,000 Z,580,000  -  -  ;· ::,  700,000 Chase N., N. Y.: td N. and Merch. N., Rich.; Fifth-Third N .• Cln.  ~  ci" '<  Ul  'O ...,  s·  40,000  15,780  465,680  446,410  First National Rank _____ i·os B. B. Rohrboufh __ J.E. Keyser ______ O. H,'Gall ------- W. W. Thomas ___ _ 6!H75  40,000  17,520  293,540  300,750  61,200 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt.: Mellon N,, Pitt.  25,000  5,500  170,000  145,000  25,000 Han. N.,N. Y.; Bk. of Ohio Valley and Dollar Sav. & Tr. Co., Wheelinf. ::,  V. E. JOHNSON--- J. H. SILER-------- A.M. MENDENHALL C. L. DAWSON-----25,000 Oldest, Largest and Strongest Ba nk In Morgan Co unty. FIFl'J,,EN C.EN TS sent to us wit h each sight draf t for presentatlo n, and  21,760  371,780  301,190  Benwood __ Marshall E 11 Bank of Benwood ------11900 Charles Schad _____ M. Dolan _ _ _ _ W. S. Leach _____ J. F. Ward ____ _ 4P Pop. 4773 69-253 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  z  ationa.l Bank _•l900 J. A. Viquesney ___ II. A. Monahan ____ Porter L. Lovett __ Berne Te ~er ______ _ 69-174  Belington ___ Barbour C 6 Citizens SB Pop. 1766  B•'rkeley Spgs, __ Mor2an 58 Pop. 980 A 10  ta  , ..._  0.  69-154  .  I~  23,600 Chase N .. N. Y.: N. State & City, Rich.; Bk. ofl Q Princeton, Princet on; N. Bk. of Summers, _ Hin· on. Z 90,610 Han. N., N, Y,; 1st N., Pennsboro; Merch. N., _ Rich. )> 58,000 Huntington N ., Huntington: Am. N., Rich, I  ...,.  RALEIGH COUNTY B. E. CARTER-------V.BJ.\TA:la~STON-G. c. HEDRICK-----C: 8.- JJJEHIN---"'La11gest and strongest bank In the New River Coal Fields." Z00,000 Special attention given Bank and BIii of Lading collectlona. BANK Efficient service. Reasonable rates.  .  I~ I~ I<  G.W.WARREN, V.P. E. M. PAYNE  OldeS t Bank In Raleigh County. We make a specialty of collection business. We present promptly, insist upon payment · or definite reason for non-payment. Prompt returns at lowest rates.  I  BK. OF BERKELEY SPRINGS 69-209  •§'89  6\l-'210  25,ooo \  !ii°  102,030 Chase N. and N. City, N. Y.; N. Ex. , Bait.  ~ '"1  :<  ~ TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Ins ures prompt, pers onal att entlon.  Banko! M.orga.n County•t1·oa R. E. Allen ________ E. L. Rice _________ R. E. Allen _______ V. c. Somers______ I  114,040 ChaseN.,N. Y,; N.Bk.ofBalt,.Balt.; Columbia CfQ N.• Pitt. en  4,600  345,000  3l4,000  -  42,000 Seab. N .• N. Y.; M. M. 1st N., Bait.: Cent. N., ~ Phil. N  ..... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Kanawha National Bank CHARLESTON, W. VA. OFFICERS E. A. REID President A. S. ALEXANDER Vice President WM. LOHMEYER Vice Presidc~t W. A. CRACRAFT  Cashier  W. B. WILKINSON Asst. Cashier F. C. GROFF Asst. Cashier  CAPITAL  $250,000 SURPLUS and  PROFITS  $250,000 RESOURCES  $5,000,000 Special Attention to Collections Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  The Largest Bank in West Virginia  DOLLAR SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY of WHEELING OFFICERS B. W. PETERSON, Prea. A. S. LIST, Chairman of Board N. B. SCOTT, V. Pree. BERNARD KLIEVES,V.Pres. ROBERT HAZLETT. V. Prea. and Secy.  "The Bank of Better Service" Strong, Conservative Progressive  Capital and Surplus Over  $2,250,000 Resources Over .  $13,000,000  Unexcelled Facilities for handling your W eat Virginia business Account , Collections and Correspondence Invited -'  CLARKSBURG, W. VA.  CLARKSBURG TRUST  COMPANY "The Bank That Service Built"  Capita  nd .Surp us  $4 ,000.00  NATIONAL BANK OF ' FAIRMONT Capita and Surplus  $1,000,000.00 Resources over  $8,500,000.00 Send us Your Items and Collections on  WEST VIRGINIA  1  ---------AT-- -------  Parkersburg, West Virginia  THE - - - - - - - -  Central Bank and Trust Company Solicits YOUR Business Connected with this bank are competent offlclale and attorney• who will take a personal Interest In all matter• entrusted to us.  CAPITAL $150,000.00  Accounts of Ban ks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals Invited.  SPECIAL 'ATTENTION GIVEN COLLECTIONS Efficient Service - Quick Returns - Consistent Charges  ACOMMERCIAL BANK with  a modern TRUST and REAL ESTATE Department  FIRST JN STRENGTH-FJRST IN SERVICE  The  First National Bank ·  HUNTINGTON, WEST VA.  Your Collections  VIRGINIAN JOINT STOCK LAND BANK  Will  of Charleston, West Va..  Receive Expert Attention  Farlll. Loans  8/LDralts  a ·"~{ -· Specially  ~~~~-  Capital, $1,000,000.00 LARGEST IN THE STATE Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  THE,  (Incorporated under Section 16 The Federal Farm Lo■n Act)  OHIO • WE.ST VIR.GINIA We so Ii cit correspond• ence of Banks in Ohio and West Virginia con=cerning our Twenty Year Amortization Farm Loans, which are made under the provision of the Federal Farm Loan Act. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ---  ..  -~  THE NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK OF WHEELING, WEST VIRGINIA  Capital and Surplus Over One Million Dollars Resources - - Over Seven Million Dollar  T HE N4TI ONAL EXCHANGE BANK invites the accounts, collections a nd oth er business of Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals who d ema~d Better Than Ordinary Service. o ur facilitie s are positively unexcened in the state of West Virginia. o ur officers give their personal attention to all business entrusted to our care, Our service is prompt and efficient, and our charge Very Reasonable.  C u,  z~  Cl CJ u,  0 c I- z I- "'0 0 C m :::i UJ C .J I- z  cUJ  MAY WE HEAR FROM YOU?  Wea, Vlrgtnta.  INDEX  2  3  4  5  1-)•  8  7  10  9  19•  78"  11  c!!c  TO  COUNTIES, Barbour .... B Berkeley ... B Boone ..•.•• D Braxton ... C Brooke ••.•. E  0~  CJ .J  E  oz  G  10 S 5 11  .J ::J  A :E  ~  Cabell .•.•.• D 2 Calhoun .... C 4 Cle.y .•••••.. D 4  z  Doddrldge .• B 5  0  1'ayette...•. D 4 Gilmer .••.. C 5  i~:~!br1ei-:J~  s  (I).C,  B  0  an~.  5  JJamvshlre. B i Hancock •.. D 11  0  u~~~Tson::::~ : 39°  Jackson .... C 8 J ctierson ..• B 11  C  C  8 I  10 2  \1tu~u ------E ~ ,louongalia A 6 ~lonroe ••... E 5 llorgan .••. A lU  ::c ~  IIIORTHERN PORTION OJ'  Jcholas •... D 5  Qhlo ...•... E 11  ci  >N  ct  ~ 0  0  ()  .J UJ UJ  I-  Cl)  C,  2  •  ~o  .J  LLJ  UJ  :c ;:  .J UJ UJ  l:  3  UJ  ~  :c CJ  Summera •.. E 5  I- 0 LL I0 u, u, CJ  Taylor ..••.. B J ucker ....• B Tyler ......• B  E  n::  p  ~  5  W\rt ....•... B 4 Wood ....•.. B S ••. E S  SCALE  I  f  i  .,....r  &  lJ  ~  Statute Miles, 23 - t lnch.' ·  w  ~  ~  f  Rud MieN•llr'• N-DJ:14lJapotW.., V'lr,t11,,  \. f"  Oop,Ti1ht ~ KcN~r  J)  \  •Ca.  Lon,rtude Weal from Greenwich.  3  4  81"  5  'l  8  UJ CJ Z Cl  z :c  :::i CJ m w >< :E 1.1.J UJ LLJ :c UJ  9  :E ;:  0)  CJ~ Z!!?.J  ::c  D  l~alelgh ...•. R tfantlolpb ..• C Hltchie ..... B Roane ...•••• C  ;:b~:ei::::.B Wetzel. .... A  ct Q  4  a  Upshur ••••• C  ~  cc  LIi cc0Q. ;: ~  N  Lcwls ....... C : Lincoln ..•.. D 2 Logan •.•••.• E 2  Pendleton •. C Pleaeauts .. . B Poe •bontaa D Preston ...•. B Putnam ..•.. C  2  0  ...I cc  Kanawha ... D S  \lcDowell .. F \larlon .•... A \Jars hall ..•• F \lason ..... C \ferccr ..••. E \llneral .•.. B  ...I-  a, c(  I-  (/)  Ill  rut· NATIONAL I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  BANI Of WfST VIRGINIA AT WHEELING Oldest Bank in West Virginia  Founded 1817  RESOURCES, $7,000,000 E. W. OGLEBAY, President C. R. HUBBARD, Vice-Pres.  W. B. IRVINE, Vice-Pres.  A. E. SCHMIDT, Cashier E. W. ZINN, Asst. Cashier  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banldog Point (In• dexed Acces.), Laff·yers, Laws (indexed) In back of this ';4 volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ::S  WEST VIRGINIA-Continued NAME OF BA.NK.  •  •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. fState/ p V Fig_are _is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. A.ssn. tPriv. RESIDENT. ICE-PRJ:SIDENT. CASHIO. 1 ♦:Mem. Fed. Res. _p 1s Pitt. Br. 8, Balt. [Estab. - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - l - - - - - - -  .. ~  ......,,s'T CASHIER.  LI.ABILITIES.  RESOURCES.  SURPLUS  Luw, • Du,- o.u■ • h• 'Tl Bo Du  PA.ID-UP .uro C.A.l'IT.A.L Pao.-ITs  DJCPO&-  ~  c~,  =~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  I§ .•  -  ~  Berwind ___ McDowell F 3 Berwind Bank _________ e.t§'lO B. L. Simpson _____ R. L. Paee _________ E. S. Thompson ______-------------~ $ 50,000 $ 86,000 $1000 000 1$1128 000 $ 157,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; lstN., Phil. and Rich.; 4th ~ 5 Pop. 1000 I ♦ 69-254 I St. N .• Phil. _ Bev; 1y Poi>~flolph C 7 Beverly Ba ______ Bruce Yokum _________________________ L. R. Fowler_ _____ __________________ 25,000 10,840 203,510 163,830 74,110 Irving N ., N. Y.; Davis Tr. Co., Elkins.  ~ mgool 8 6 255 Blacksville ___ Monon1ralia Dunkard Valley Bank __ •if'02 ____________________ w. I. Booth ________ 58 Pop. 600  A6  Bluefield _____ Mercer F 4 5 Pop. 15.191  69-256  BLUEFIELD NATIONAL BANK 69~ 4  ________  'I R. B. PARRISH------- J. D. HONKER, JR,--- J. C. DUNCAN------- C. L. JENKINS-----THE NEWEST-Perhaps the beat for collections.  •i'l7 _ _ _ _T_R_v_u-,--s___ R_e_m_it_t_a_n_c,..e_o_n_d_ay_o_f_p_a..,..y_m_e_n_t_.____  COMMERCIAL BANK---•i§'l7 B. McClau~herty __ 69-63  EDWIN MANN-------  •:•91  25,000  13,800  255,000  225,000  65,000 IrvmlZ' N., N. Y.; Am. N., Waynesbur1r, Pa.; Far. & Merch .. Mor1rantown.  --- --- --- --- ---  ~~~~~ 1  < N. City and Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.  100,000  Jr.  w. C. POLLOCK----L. A. HOOPER------ w. F. BAIE--------  30,300  6ti0,000  550,000  175,000 Irvinl? N .. N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N .. Balt.;j Fifth-Third N,, Cin, ------------  NATIONAL BANK 6Hl  capltal, aurplua, alao depoalta Bluefleld. _ _ _S_P_E _C _ IA_L _ A_ T _ T_E_N_T_ IO _N _ T _ O_ C _ O_L_L_E_C _ T_IO _ N_S_.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  L. E. TIERIEY------W. H. THOMAL----E. T. TYREE-------W. B. HICKS----f. P. EARLY Collections a specialty. Item• on thla poi"t remi~t•d day of receipt.  :~fs______  ~  0 -  & City,  N., Rieb.  ~  z  Chatham & Phenix N. and N. City, N. Y.; ~ 100,000 145,440 Z,719,830 2,104,200 896,760 Cont. & Com'I N., Cbl.; Drov. & l\lech en N., Bait.; Firth-Third N., Ctn.; Com'J N. Wash., D. C.  I  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1--- - - - - - - - - - - - -  ~ram wen _____ Mercer F 4 Bank of Bramwell -----•U'89 Isaac T. Mann __ 69-257 5 Pop, 1696 Brid,e()Wiii:,:r~isonB6 Brid1report U,03 S.S.Faris _______ " ---- ---- " First National Bank ______ '20 J. G. Lawson ______ 69-402 Bruce,ton Mills __ Preston I Bruceton Bank _____ ----•if '03 J eremia.h Thoma,s __ A 7 69-259 5 8 Pop, 106  S  'f-l·flofrsoN 260,000 - 491,090 -5,026,290 -3,620,880 -Z,195,390 Chase N., N. Y.; ith st. N., Pbll.; 1st N •• Z of any bank In ctn.; 1st N., N. State and &m. >  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - -- - - - - - - - - - -  FLAT TOP  ~  ~  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___  ,R. A. Hale ______ \w. C. G i v e n - - - - 1 - - - - - - Geo. Dun1rlinson,  FIRST N.AT'L BANK Largeat 69-60  w. B. Hau1rht______  Harry Bowen ______ J.B. Perr:, _ _ _ 11:. S. Baker _____ _  300,000  J.H.Hurry _____ N. D. Sutton ___ - - - - - - - - - - O. D. Barnes ______ T. J. Hefner ______ O. D. Barnes _____ _ J.B. Supler J. E. Jenkins--- J. W. Wolfe _______________ _  38,850  t:l'l (11  ""I 800,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 2,000,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Franklin N., Phil.; 1st N,, ~ Rich. 81,550 IrvinlZ' N., N. Y.: Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; 4U90 339,660 327,610 Empire N .. Clark:sbur~. 0. 49,320 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Drov. & :Mech. N., Balt.; 12,450 460 29,870 Union N., Clarksburg. 0 35,000 600,000 550,000 110,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. Dep, N., Pitt.; Drov. & Mech. N ., Bait.  s· ...  25,000 25,000  n p,)  •Buckhannon ____ Upshur BUCKHANNON BANK-- -•H'81 5B Pop. 3785 06 89-138  JOHNS. WITHERS - ERNfST PHILLIPS-- F. J. FARNSWORTH- @" H. CARPENTER--27,000 Oldest Establls bed Bank. Mode rn Methods and unexcelled faclllt les. Save time and g et service on Coll ectlons and Credi t Reports by send Ing FEE IN ADV AN CE: Plain •i,rht draft., I Sc; Cred it Report., 25c. T RY US.  l  49,010  691,440  894.190  "'t  C'D  tt  H.A.ZICKEFOOSE B. 0. YOUNG------ A. V. RUSH-------- A. A. SIMPSON---50,000 45,000 900,000 754,980 S.PEcfAL ATT EN'rlON GIVEN BILL OF LADIN G »RAFTS, CAS BA.ND TIME ITEMS. •il'03 { Proper fee sbou Id accompany eac h Slsht Drafi for presentation and each re quest ro r repert •  TRADERS NATIONAL BANK 6~1811  •*'92  WILLIAM POST --- U. G. YOUNG-------- SANFORD GRAHAM-- T. R. HALL------so,ooo 123,930 1.070,520 Largest Bank I n Upshur County • FIFTEEN CENTS sent to us wit h each sight draf tror presentation , and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report lnsu res, prompt, pers onal att entlon. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  970,510  l  BuffalO.------Putnam C 3 Buffalo Bank __________ §'19 Jno. L. Dickinson_ 5 . Pop. 300 I . ~9-385 Burnsville ___ Braxton O 5 Burnsville Excha.n~e Bank J, I. Bender ______ 5B Pop. 1088 69-260 •.t§'03 Cab1·ncreek Kanawha C 4 Bank of Cabin Creek __ •t§'17 S. A. Lewis ________ 1 IHHlfl4 5 Pon. 300  5·  (')  PEOPLES BANK OF W. VA. 69-140  246,230 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Com .. Balt.: Bk. of c," Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; :Merch. N., Rich.  J. A. Cochran _____ L. L. Lilly ___________________________ _ W. C. Hefner ______ H.B. Marshall __ Frank Amos _______ 1 J. W. Calvert _____ Es ie Bib bee _______________________ ' John Lav~nder  J. D. MERRIMAN & Co . ' WH EELIN G' W• VA.  7,780  2S,OOO  32,000  25,000 25,000 1  I  640,0001 390,000  0,790 1 116.000  INVESTMENT RI Tl Es  s EC u  130.150  129,300  1  161,000  200,940 N. City, N. Y.: Peo. N., Pili.; Drov. & Mech. ~ N.. Balt. 299,140 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N. and Mellon N .. Pitt.; N. Ex., Bait.  28,150 Chase N., N. Y.; Kanawha Valley, Char. 201,000 1N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N. and Bk. of Pitt. N. A .. Pitt. 44,ooo Merch. & Mech.. Char.; :Merch. N .. Rich. 1  MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE MEMBERS WHEELING STOCK EXCHANGE  ~  '° '°  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• _____ DI~~~~ ~oder t!te authority of The _Am~can Bankers Ass•n. NA.ME OF BANK. TOWN AND COUNTY. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §S ta te •County Seats. tPriv. Ji~or~ is Fed. Res, Dist. tMem.StateBks.Assn. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ♦Mem. Fed. Res. 1sP1tt.Br.; 8.. Balt. p  WEST VIRGINIA  I  -  C  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Bank:tng Point Undexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi R_a_fo_s_, _H_ol_Id_a_ys_, e!,c., ~ee Laws. ~ _volum_e_. _F_or _I n_t_!r_e_s t___  d f On _!!11:!e__  RESOURCES.  LIABILlTIES. CA.SHIER.  Ass'T CA.SHIER.  PAID-UP  ·su:;;us  Di•-1 c... .,s::i.a;~'!.U: ci:~u:.i~:·  DEPos-  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  0  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1  ______________ , ______ _ 1  0  a,. E:r-  Lo..,..,.  ITS  CAPITAL PROFITS  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  _  _  Gairo _________ Ritchle B4 Bank of Cairo _________ •tS'97 D. G . .McGr~or __ A. .M. Doui:lass ---- G. F. H~s _________ 0. C. Hess ________ S 50,000 S 39,810 1$ 512,550 $ 452,480 $ 139,490 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y, ; Far. Dep, N .. Pitt.: 2d N., Parkersburi:, 69-261 51 Pop, 662 Camden on Gauley_ Web- Lanes Bottom Bank----•t§'07 C. H, Smoot _______ C. W. Morton ______ M. D. Morton ______ -------------------69-290 58 Pop. 283 ster D 5  25,000  C3mcron __ Mar,;hall F 10 Bank of Cameron -------1'96 T. C. Pipes _____ S, B. Hinerman __ W, H. Loper _______ H, A. Hicks ______ _ 69-168 4P Pop. 2401  50,000  88,530  50,000  84,930 1,045,830  First National Bank -----. '01 Lloyd Strope------ D. H. Peoples ______ Harry 11:lbin ______ J. I. Elbin _____ _ 69-169  3,000 1 200,000  160,000  910,990  911,620  Ceredo _______ Wayne D 1 First National Bank ----•t'92 S. Floyd Ho&fd ____ J. H. Thornbury ___ Eustace Adkins ____________ 69-262 5 Pop. 1110  50,000  51,180  358,510  CAPITAL CITY BANK -•t§'07 JOHN LAING-------- G. S. LAIOLEY-------- G.D. COCHRANE---- ____________________  200,0CO  48,000  930,000  •Charleston.Kanawha D 3 5 Pop. 39,608  DANIEL MATTHEWS  69-43  J. L. DICKINSON- R. G. QUARRIER--- R.C. TETER, Sec. __ -------------------- ~  CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY 69-345  l  966,640 1 178,130 N: City: N. Y.; Mellon N.,Pitt.; N.Ex,, Wheelmi:.  ~  (J'j  ~ 106,300 Han. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N. and 1st N., ,4 Om.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt.; Far. & Merch. N ., -..... ~ Balt. 1 850,000 1 193,000 Ohase N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.: 1st C) N.. Gin.  402,040  1  -z ► to  z►  Fund.8.  ~  (J'j  I  (') ~  i ~. imrif_____ R. E. ESKINS------ A. C. ORCUTT------- ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ci~.~;NF:ri:.1.ft1:;5 ~-:. NCI~.; Ft. Dear. N.. a· .  0  OLDEST A ND LARGEST NATIONA L BANK. UN SUR PA SSED COLL ECTION SE RVICE.  •t'84  69-36  I  133,850 Chase N., N. Y.; N. Bk. W. Va., Wheelini:; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt,  Trust I  lSAAC LOEWENSTEIN  NATIONAL BANK  I  .~ ~  -2!!!! ~  Inquiries invited f,rom Bankers and ot hers regarding West Virginia loans ando ther Sec urities. •W14 , We do not engage in commercial ba nking. llo collecti ons handled.  CHARLESTON  60,000 Han. N .. N.Y.; Drov. & Mech, N., Balt.; Union N ., Clarksbur~.  0  ::r ~ "'1  Citizens National Bank •• •t'90 W. A. .MacCor.kle __ .M. M. Williamson __ J. N. Carnes. ______ P. J. 69-37  ELK BANKING  {H.B. SMITH------- A. J. HUMPHREYS --- WILBUR STUMP----- H. W. HANNA-------  219,220 2,808,690 2,M.1,(150  802,140 Han. N., N. Y,; 1st N., Riqh. : Cltiz. N., Oin.; [ "' 1st N. & Corn Ex. N., Phil.  ~ ~ ~ ~1~ Peo. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Oin .  0  ::,  CHARLE TON'S ONLY "GUARANTEED" BANK. All buslne s, In eluding coUectlo n , entru ted to this bank assured prompt, careful , personal and eff lclent attention.  COMPANY,:,J 69-41  125,000  ewlon______  •*1'03  F. 11. Staunton ____ G. E. Price _______ H.B. Lewis ______ EdwardCalderwood Kanawha B~. & Tr. Oo. •:1'01 69-ag  ll,)  250,000  390,960 3,498,940 3,631,040  605,950 N. Park, N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Oln.: 1st N .. ~ C Rich. and Pitt.  ll,) ""1  KANlWIIA COUNTY BANK  69-3112 (Charleston conttnued on next vage)  \ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •t§'19  l. ~\ ,,,t..t\.t\.U1\t\.\' u. ~l~tU\\~l . I\  l, 0. MASSEY------- GEO. E. SUTHERLAND E.T. CHRYSTAL----- - - - - -  '< 50,000  5,300  258,510  245,140  62,520 Irving N., N. Y.; Kanawha Bkg. & Tr. Oo., --_ 1.0 Char. tv  0  ~  f'C\  \JU.  \I.I Ul:1:\  \\l~ "t\LL\.\\,u  \I.I  \Ill  11 • ~  1-\.  MEMBERS  SECUR\T\ES BOUGHT ANO SOLO IN ANY MARKET  NEW 'lOR\<.. S1'0C\<.. U .. C\\MH~E.  D\RE.C1' PRwr,.i-E. W\RE.S TO r,.u_ PR\NC\Pr,.L E'X.Cl-0.NGES  1501  to  1!:::~-,:~_N:_a:;~::::;: :yehTl/:"3,:::::.w:1v::;--cJ!ev;:;  Directory, IUJder the authority of The A,nerlea.n Ban.leer• Ass•n.  TOWN ANB COUNTY.  l  I  NA.MB OF BANK.  I  PRESIDENT. . "'°'?antySeats. ·. •Mem. Am. BJrs. Assn. §S~te Figure 1s Fed. Res. D1:,,t. tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pis Pitt. Br.; B. Balt. ♦Mem. Fed, Res.  .aQharle ton_Kanawha n:; (Continued)  l  KANAWHA  I  VICE-PRESIDENT.  KANAWHA  volume.  ----------  Ass'T OA.SB.Ill.  CA.s111n.  PAID-UP SURPLUS  AND PROFITS  CAPITAL  For  Interest Rates,  DmPos-  HoJJdays, etc., see  Laws. ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  RESOURCES. i f1...,..•Db- c ..... 1:x-  LIA.BILITIES.  ______________ ,_______ 1  ...._ Bo,ma, .,...,..,..,Dn BIIOOITla _no_,._B_..,..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1  ITS  II:C::g "'1  E. A. IEID------- A. S. ALEXANDER- , W. A. CRACRAFT-- W. B. WILKINSON-- $ 150.000 1$ 276,050 $4130150, $3886570 $1015030 Chase N. and City N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third ~ ;:: N., Cln. F C. GROFF WILLIAM Lfl!· I  of  fil  w. CRIDER-------  I  NATIONAL BANK 6H8  .  defe':r:l:~. ~~:er1!'tla~~~e:-~kf:gbrc'lc·°o} ffi7;1 '-4  WEST VIRGINIA-Con t1·nued  rms a nd indi viduals, bank s. cor porati ons, This Bank in vitas the aJ~~ unts and collections •:, 91 and will give prompt attent ion to any bus iness entrust ed to its ca re. _ _ _ _ _ _. --~-~ - _ _ _. . { SEE ADVERTIS EMENT OPPOSI TE PAGE 14:24.  J. Q. DICKINSON----- J. L. DICKINSON-- --- F. D. DRUMHELLER-- J. J.C. MALONE JAMES f. BROWN.  I I I  VALLEY 1 ·t til 400,000 1400 ooo 10966890 11609880 2,221,380 1st N. and_Mech. Metals Unexcelled facilities for handling Cin. and;.Rlch. ' ' ' YOUR items and collections on Charleston and BANK ~ vicinity. I •t§'67 SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BILL OF LADING DRAFTS. ♦ 61H!5 < - _ _ _ _, _ _ - - ~ -- ---MERCHANTS & 60,000 Irving N., N.Y.; Fifth-T!iird N .. Cin.; Char. 1.500 330,0001 321,000 85,000 ~  OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN SOUTHERN WEST Vffl.GINIA  1  &  N., N. Y.;  N.,  ~  S. A. LEWIS------- J. W. MOORE - ----- P. P. WILSON------- W, Z. ROLLINS-------  NEWES'l' ~i~r~fJ~s the be st for collectlons. MECHANICS BANK { THE TRY US-Perso naJ service and pre,mpt remlttan ce.  •U-18 69-42 Peoples Exchan2'e Bank•:1'09 69-45 SECURITY BANK & TRUST COMPANY- -- 69 - 44 ---•:l:§ 'OS 8tate Stree tB1 n k _____ et§'18 6.,-376  I  ' 50,000  H. L. Wehrle ______ J.E. Thayer --- ---- 0. A. Yonn~ ------- S. G. Campbell---Henry Kleeman  N .. Char,  700,000  100,000  1  I  165,000 Chase N., N. Y.  650,000  O ~  z~ tY  to 60,000 Gth-3d N., Cin.; Kanawha N., Char. 17,000 250,000 256,000 10(),000 !J;> to colJections and r cque~ts for credit inform ation w ith a re asonabl e charg e for service, :e~!i~~~~oic ..; 65,050 Liberty N., N. Y.; Citiz. N.. Char. 1,060 208,490 185,820 40,000 M.M. Williamson __ J. N. Carnes------- Edward Hess______ ____________________ "'4 __ _______Wm. A. MacCorkle ~ i -1 . B~R-,-,-IGHTWELL, P. J. NEWLON----W. 0. ABNEY---- CHARLES-E.WARo=-_--=ff-=.P,--, 500,000 243,540 3,509,120 3,305,620 '· 738,040 N. Cit:, and Guarant7 Tr. co., N. Y.; ~ Cash. and Sec. MASON CRICKARD . A. B. KOONTZ ColonlaJTr.Co.,Pltt.;Merch.N.,Rlch.; 1 Send us your Collections. () Fifth-Third N., Cln. Prompt Service. Reasonable Rates. We transact a General Banking Business. / 69 46 1 3,562,790 1 19,080 Equi~able Tr. Co., N. Y.; Kauawha N. and!~ 67,740 250,000 ________________ •:S'l3 IWm.Lohmeyer __ ·E.A. Reid _________ J.B.Madison, o; Umon Tr. Co., Char. Sec. and Tr. Ma on Mathews ti' I ( Terri tory Ohio and We ; st Virgin ia) W. F. Comstock 1 u, I <ln rporated u nder Section 16 Th e Federal Farm L oan Act) THE VIRGINIAN JOINT '17 We solicit corres pondence of Banks in Ohio and West Vi rgrnia concerning STOCK LAND BANK I ::, SEE ADV. ON WEST VA. IND EX. y-year Amortization Farm Loans, which are made under Our ~ ___ ___ ___ provisions of The Federal Farm Loan !Act. {O. F. PAYNE------ JOHN PAVIDSON ---- F. M. EXLINE ------ P: E. MAffff ___ .______  r:rw;tlii!'~::·  UNI ON  TRUST COMPANY  COMPANY  •Charles Town_Jefl'erson Bank of Charles Town_.•1'71 S. W. Washme-ton- jD, S. Hairhes ----119--1'1 58 Pop. 3000 B 11 R. L. WITHERS-- W. F. ALEXANDER Prompt attentl on given Bank an P I D " --.. M'RiltNTS FARIJBi CO Please enclose 1 5c with each Sigh , H HZ and 25c for ea ch report. • 1 03 -  l  JEFFERSON BANK & TRUST COMPANY-69-365 ____ •t§'17  ••  --  ..  NATIONAL CITIZENS BANK  ~  Inve stment Bankers. Members New York Stock Exchange. STOCKS - BONDS - DIRECT WIRES TO ALL PRINCIPAL EXCHANGES.  HARDY DULING &  t  l Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •1900  L. D. GETZENDANER  l  Harris, WinthropCo.,N.Y.andChi.:Thomson  678,000  615,000  50,000  77,520  660.150  610,300  161,400 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N.,, . • Bait. 17,790 N. Park, N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Equ1table Tr.Co., and N. Union Bk. of .Md., Bait.; N. Met., Wash., D. C.; 1st N., Phil.  100,000  18,000  355,000  379,000  business. Yours Invited. Satlsfact ory serv Ice assu red. oos given prompt personal attentlo o. 1 r presentation an d 25c for Credit Re ports. 40,000 350,000 50.000 A. M. S. MORGAN--- C. B. WATSON-------  86,200 N. City, N. Y.; Citiz. N .. Bait.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A.. Pitt.  380,000  40,000 N. Oity, N. Y.: N. Ex. andN.Bk.ofBalt.,.Balt.; Com'I N .• Wash .. D. c.  S. LEE PHILLIPS-- l. G. ALBIN------ot Lad.lnK ICollectlons. t Draft for presen tatlon  d Bill  J• D. MERRIMAN & Co . ' WH EELING ' W. VA.  ~ ~  ,JW...F.L.Tarner------Gibson  67,000  John Por1ertteld ___  W. A. HIGGS------ W. C. RIELY -------- H. N. WATSON------ H. N. BRADLEY______ C. F. WALL  Young1 progres stve; hustling for BID 01 Lading and bank collect! Please send 15c with sight draft to iG. E. HUGHES---- B. f. LANGDON _____  o  ----- - - - - --------- --------- --------- & McKinnon N y and Chi.· J. H. Holmes ~ ~ ' , & co., Pitt. ' . . '_ ~·.._ 50.C00  I  I  I  I  FIFTEEN CENTS sent to us wit lh each sight draf tfor presentation 1, and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report nsu lres prompt, personal atte ntlon. 54,690 50,000 Chester ____ Hancock D 11 First National Bank _____ •'03 1John E. Newell ____ J. N. Finley. ______ 0. O. Allison _______ D. s. Dawson______ I G. E. Lewis 69-263 · 4P Pop. 3283 5g-143  I  ==I  l  INVESTMENT s EC u RI Tl Es  666,270  I  711,850  ,  109,090 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.  MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE MEMBERS WHEELING STOCK EXCHANGE .  ~  ,. .  CJ1 0  15~2  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. B. e.cluslvely by The Band-McNally Bankers• Dlreetory, under the authority of The American Bankers'n.  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  :  I  NA.D OF BA.NK.  •Kem. Am, Bks. Assn. IState •Oouty Seats. Fig_u!e 4, Fed. Re . Dist. :Ulem. State Bks. A.ssn.t PriY. [Estab. PisP1tt.Br:8,Balt. +Mero.Fed.Res. •Clarksburg_Harrlson B g 51f Pop, 27,869  VICE-PRJ:SIDDT.  PRESIDDT.  Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  WEST VIRGINIA-Continued  I  I  0.URID.  , T 0.URID.  RESOURCES.  LU.BILITIJ:8.  ~  PJUNCIPil O0JUlJ:SP0ND:aNTS,  SU1tPLl1•  D:uoe- ~~ ::..::-. .um . , _ _ no,r)Um 1ft OUIT.U. P•o:rIT■ --- --- --- --PilD-lJJ'  ----------------  I  R. f 1,STOUT -------- W. G. WYMER------- C. O. MARSH----·--F. L. McGRAW jLAnDUS WEST I , ,. C.L.CURRE'Y, H,RLESF.LUCAS Tr. Officer$ 400,000 $ 84,120 $2344360 $"3z7870 $ 445.930 Met.Tr.Co.,N.Y.;Bk.of Pltt.N. A..,Pttt.; OHN B. STROTHER 1  W. I. BOOTH-C. W. LEGGETT, ChofBd. A. S. LAW, V.Pres. P.H. WHITE, V,Pres.  CLARKSBURG We make a specialty of collections. TRUST COMPANY We present promptly, insist upon parment or definiti:. reason for non-payment. SEE Prompt returns at lowest rates. THY US.  AD V. OPPO SITE W. YA. IND EX.  Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.  •:tl'l4  V. L. HIGHLAID-- E. B. DEISON----- OSCAR C. WILT--- J. N. HESS--------W. L. WILLIAMS C. E. ISIAEL S.S. FARIS A. Cash. C. S. DEISON  EMPIRE  NATIONAL BANK go-H  •i·os  Collections are given special attention and remitted for on day of A full staff of active officers insures best service.  -  406,480 5,405,530 5,352,430  -  -  -  959,590 N. City, N. Y.; N. Bk. Com., Bait.  Excellent facilities for handling your items and collections on Clarksburg and vicinity. Bill of Lading Drafts a Specialty.  :1'03  (Special credit reports or ratings, 25c each, in advance).  C/l ~  L. Duncan, 1--------------- IGeo~eSu. cmd Tr.  1---------------  250,000  --- ---  32,650 1,642,290 1,530,400  387,020 Bkrs. Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fidelity Tr, Co .. Ba.It.  G. L. DUNCAN  Th e o Id ea t b an k I n H arr ison  NATIONAL BANK  ~  ~ CARL D. SOM V L E 100,000 155,250 1.298,100 1.264,450 370,610 Am. EI. N., N. Y.; N. Ex., Bait.; Phll. N., C/l C oun t y. Phil.; Peo. N. and Far. Dep. N., Pitt. -  I  Established 1860; before Lincoln was President. Send us your Items.  OF W. VA.JIH2 _________ .;i•go  n~  1----------------------------1---- --- --- --- --W. B. MAXWELL- P. M. ROBINSOI--- E. S. ICE------- B. P.HOLPEN--HUGH JARVIS  UN ION NATIONAL BANK 69-86  600,000  >; ~  395,990 6,428,530 6.177,070 1,640,440 N. Park, N. Y.; Franklin N., PhD.  Send us your Bill of Lading Drafts. 35,000 I• 1,062,000 1,025,000  ....  0 172,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Kellon N .. Pitt.; Fidelity Tr . ..,.. ~ Co., Balt.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.  100,000  Olay ____________ Olay D, Olay County Bank ______ .i5•02 T. B. Stephenson - J. G. Bradley ___ S. H. KcL&ne _____ - - - - - - - . 69-2114 600 $• Pop. L. J. Reed----- James Reed ______ J. B. Wheeler____ _ Elk Valley Bank ________ §'17 B. B. Wheefer " _____ 69-368  25,000  22,000  350,000  281,490  25,000  1.400  01,850  IU,050  J. W. Parris _____ H. M. Lynch------ W. K. Sammer, __ J. T. Parris----· STATE IANK o, CLENDENIN&t-1211 •it'll  25,000  17,050  398,630  339,950  90,340 Han. N., N. Y.: Char. N. and Union Tr. Co., Obar.  Farme:rs& Citizens Bk. __ §'15 D. H. Stephenson __ W, H. Graham---- R. O. Andrews ___ C. T. Fleshman __ _ 69-352  25,000  8,500  230,000  225,000  35,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Char,  ~~: !!:~•E ___ c. F. oseoRNE ---- w. L. WHITE~-----  25,000  17,000  436,000  326000  99,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Char. N., Char.  . \FIRST NAT'L BANK  .. ___  69-2115  •:•04  l  ~.!~!o::~\~:  Collections asp eclalty. Your bu slness Invited. enelo e 25c with each reQUest for Report or Rati  \J.  ID.  ~~ \ll \I~ U.I I\ 1.1~nn,1.1~u O ~n \ • U. \1\t.""\\1\t\\' al. \JU. 11 \\ll\.~"u, 11 • ~ t\. Jllazaber under Name 111 .•.Dk la UJ• Nrw Tnuu/1 Nambe, Jdvea to each banlc in U. B. eJiela•lrely by The &and-MoNaHy BllnkenFederal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  99,190 Ohase N., N. Y.; Char. N., Obar.; Davis Tr. Oo., ::, Elkins. 29,290 Char. N., Char.~ Clifton Forge N., Clifton :::: n Forge, Va.  S.  ""--4  p,)  ::l  C  p,) '"1  nu.  1 C. Hoover ____ M. E, $Quires _____ - - - - - - N. Berthy, Sr. __ Cowen ______ Webster D 6 First National Bank--•t'l4 1 69-347 SB Pop. 31l3 Da.nvme ______Boone D 3 \Bank of Danvi\\e ______t§'l4 J. ltl. Hopkins-- 1\Sidney White ______ H. R. Izard ________ R. F. Ferren _____ _ J.B. Kna.blo 69-349 S Pol). 327  rn CT'  r::>; (IQ  •i·os 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  West Virginia Bank ___ .i5•gg G. L. Duncu ______ - -·- - - - · - - R. A.. JJ'uland - - W. K. Berry ______ _ J. A. McAndrew 119-8!  Olendenin __ Kanawha 5 Pop. 1263  >  > Z  R. T. LOWIDES-- l. J. LODGE------- S. H. WHITE----- H. L. CUINllr~  MERCHANTS  -z  <  ~ 68,920 1,530.420 1,298,510 349,500 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., 18t N., and C) 100,000 - - - - - KeystoneN.,Pltt.  •----------------------------•---- --- --Bk. & Tr. Oo. R. T. Lowndes Lowndes Sav. •:1'96 69-87  ~  , t11  payment.  1----------------------------1---- --- --- --- --A. J. FLETCHER ---- D. L. HALL---------- E. A. RINEHART---- K. A. SARBER -----  FARMERS BANK 6H5  250,000  25,000  4.320  158,350  113,080  50,000  15,000  262,000  233,000  MEMBERS NE-.1 'HlR\{ s"Toc\{ uc\\MlGE  :<  I'°  73,380 Drov. & Mech. N .• Balt.; Empire N •• Clarks- _ burg. N .. Cin.; Umon Tr. Co. and Char. tv 51,000 Fifth-'T'hird N., Char.  ~ SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLO fN-ANY MARKET mRe.c, PRwA.n:. w,REs ,o A.LL PR\NC\PA.L ExcH~NGES  Non-Ballk Towns with N<>arest Banking Point (Inback of this dexed Acces.), La'WJ"ers, Laws (indexed)  "!,.  ii,  • 1'4 \\t.t.\.\t\\i, 11 • 11\.  tlE'ff ~OR\{ S,OC\{ E~C\\i\NGE  tHRECT PR\\Ji\H. W\RE.S 1'0 i\U. PR\NC\PA.L EXCHANGES  1503 .:,,:';!J:W.t.:feruib! ::i~e:{C' l'Y.rf:AJ::~':;:"ff:1!le::"=t:: WEST VIRGINIA -Continued  l  0  I NAME OF BANK. •Mem. Am. Bks • .Assn. §St.i,te •Ooanty seats. Figure is Fed. Res. Dist . .:tMem. State Bks. Assn. t Pr1v. (Estab. +Mam. Fed. Res. Pis Pitt. Br.; B, Balt. TOWN AND COUNTY•.  Davis _________ Tncker B 8 NATIONAL BK. OF DAVIS •.:t'92 61}-266 5 B Pop. 2491 Peoples Bank ________ ;t§'l7 " ____ " 69-360 DaVl------McDowell F 3 Bank of Davy ____________ §'20 69--397 Pop.1500 5 Dunbar ___ Kanawha D 3 Bank of Dunbar -------•U'l7 69--361 5 Pop, 1500 Durbin __ Pocahontas C 7 Bank of Durbin ________ .i5•05 Gt-267 5 Pop, 422 .t.Elizabeth ____ Wirt B 4 Wirt County Bank _____ ;i11900 tll>-268 681 Pop. 5 .t.Elkins ____ Randolph O 7 DAVIS TRUil CO.-----•U'0l 69--113 5 B Pop, 6788  ELK INs  NATio NAL BAN K  I  nn  .c AEBIDENT.  V  p  OA.SJIID,  ICE- R&SIDKNT,  Thomas Donohoo __ Eugene Coffman ___  o. E. Smith _______________  --- --- --- ----1-----------------1 $ 50,000 $ 59,750$ 462,590 $ 476,080 $ 108,770 Ohase N., N. Y.: N. Bit, Com., Bait,  J, H. Fisher ____ Warren Bowers ___ C. G. Lashley _____________  25,000  6,220  94.030  Geo. Wolfe _______ J. H. Anderson ____ W, c. Neikirk _____ A. E. Green _______ _ R. D. Bailey R. L. Walker ______ Mason Crickard ___ C. A. McCarty ____ E. S. Dudding ____ _  50,000 --------25,000 9,500  J. G. Hoffmann.Jr. J.  w. Goodsell ___  E. L. Fenton ___ O. E. <JarJ)8Dter ___ _  49,270  75,000  40,000  180,000  142,000  4:5,000 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. N .. Rich.; Huntington Bkg. & Tr. Co., Huntington. 37,000 Irving N .. N. Y.; Union Tr. Co., Char. 63,000 Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.  30,000  21,000  214,000  177,000  50,000  31,720  340,430  335,190  A.H. Hunter, A,Sec.andA.Tr. Sec. and Tr,  250,000  264,940 1,839,840 1,740,590  LEE CROUCH---- E. A. BOWERS----- THADDEUS PRITT - E. M. MORRIS ---  100,000  141,700 1,670,490 1,601,390  l  w. Roberts __  W. G, Wilson ___ N, 1. Hall__ ________ N. I. Hall.  For prompt, eff lclent service sen d US your busln ess. Collections pres ented In person and remitted for on day of payme nt.  •t·Dz BUI of lading dr arts our specialty. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK R. Chaffey _______ D. E'. Strock _______ J. T. Linnmfelter Wayne Jackson___  N  64,930  Herbert Roberts_  F. E. Badger _______ Grant Wilson..____ G,  71,810 Han. N., N. T.; 1st N. and Wocxl Co .. Parkers-, ,c  bure.  614,190 1st N., N. Y.;Phil. N., Phil.;Columbia N.,Pitt.: Citiz. N .. :Ba.It.: Dollar Sav. & Tr .. Co., Wheeling. 16,880 1st N., N. Y., Pitt. and PhD.; Merch. N., Bait.; N. Bk. of W. Va,, Wheeling.  Elm Grove _____ Ohio E 11 4P Pop. 2000 "  "  M · B6 t F · "' airmon ---17 arion SB Pop. ,851  50,000  41,100  682,650  647,000  63,000 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk.(Oom., Balt.  100,000  26,000  650,ooo  100,000  50,000 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Ex., Wheeling.  100,000  60,580 1,237,050 1.218,750  •t'06  J.B. CHAMBERS __ C. C. WO~S-------- GEO. H. GRODHAUS .. -------------------0 FIRST NAT'L BK. & TRUST A Strong, Progr ~s!iv~ .hlfncfal I nstltutlon. •%'08 { Commercial Ba nldng, Savings, T rust and Real Est ate Departments. COMPANY 11~163  Try our Collecti on Service, Prom pt and Efficient. John F. Weiss, State Bank & Trust Oo.•t§'04 Henry Stein _______ J. L. Dickey _______ John T. Garter, A,Sec,andA.Tr. Sec.and Tr. J.T.Carter 69-162  FAIRMONT STATE BANK 69- 80  1'17  60,000 1,050,000 H.L.HEINTZHMAN C. ff.JENKINS------ M. L. BROWN-------- H. E. ENGLE------ 100,000 Young, progres slve. Hustling fo r business. You rs Invited. Speclalattentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c with each sight dr aft for presentati on and 25c for Ore dit Reports.  l  FAIRMONT TRUST COMPANY 61}-77  •U'03  A. Sec. Send US your Items and collections on Fall'mont and vicinity. We have the strength and equipment to give the best of service. BILL OF LADING DRAFTS A SPECIALTY.  200,000  ~  <  z ->  900,000  0  a, >  141,860 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: N. Ex. and Dollar Sav. ~ ~ &Tr.Co.,Wheeling. 360,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Diamond and Far. Dep. N .• ~ en Pitt.  I  t:, ~  -------'--------'--------'-------1--- --- --- --- ---  SMITH HOOD ----J. W. BARNES----- M.A. FLETCHER,'.Z'r.. J. L. LEECH, Sec.... W.M.DOWNS, A.Tr. R.W.MACHESNEY, J. A. JAMISON  ~  l•J  en ~  (ll}-112  61}-114  \0  _  205,000 1,800,000 1,500,000 400,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt.; N. Bk. of W. Va., Wheeling; .Fidelity Tr. Co. Bait. '  cii'  o "?j  HOMESAVl!f_~6BANK•.:tl1900 c. D.Conaway_ ls. R. Nuzum ______ lJ. O.Hall---- 1F.P.Hall __________ 100,000 21,790 953,760 684,460 301.620 Bkrs. Tr. Oo., N. Y.; Dollar Sav. & Tr. Co.,~ 3 Wheeline; 1st N .. Pitt.; Fid. Tr, Co.. Balt. 60,000 1,175,000 1,150,000 200,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Mellon, N., Pitt. Mononnb.ela Bank ___ •tl'OS C. D. Robinson ___ P. B. Swearingen_ Hueh F. Smith ___ Carl D. Springer__ 100,000 ~ -------"----------------'---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 61}-79  5·  NATIONAL BANK OF FAIRMONT Peoples National Bank_•:•u1 60--74 Fairview _____ Marion A 6 Farmers & Merchants Bank •t§l900 69-248 5 B Pop. 827 .. First National Bank -----•'12 ------·• 61}-336 Farmington __ Marion A 6 Bank or Farmington __ •if'Ol 61}-270 58 Pop. 679 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  WALTON MILLER-- JACOBS. HAYDEN- JAMES H. THOMAS. N. E. JAMISON---L. H. RANDALL  0  t::,  - - - ---- --400,000  This Bank invites the accounts and collections of banks, corporations. firms and individuals, and will give prompt attention to any business entrusted to its care.  850,000 7.150,000 6.500,000 2,100.000 N. City, N, Y.; Merch. N., Bait.; Bk. of  SEE ADV. OPPOSITE W. VA.INDEX.  J. M. Brownfield_ G. E. Amos ________ C. Richard HalL __ Oscar L. Wilson __ _ H. J. Hartley E. c. Tennant __ . J. Y. Hamilton ____ c. O. Wilt ____________________________ _ 0. E. Morris J. w. HaughL ____ W. I. Booth _______ W. H. Coontz ______ w. H. Toothman __  200,000  J. 11'. Campbell ____ J. A. Bock ________ W. E. MaoeL ____ L. N. Whitlatch __ _  91,880 2,299,260 2,269,460 525,000  75,000  30,000  15,000  404,000  297,000  50,000  16,000  550,000  423,000  J■ D■ MERRIMAN & Co WHEELING, W• VA. . sINVESTMENT E cu RI Tl Es •,  535,000  50,000  Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Fifth-Third N., Ctn.  512,110 Chase N., N. T.; Mellon N,, Pitt.; Drov. & Mech. N ., Bait. 88,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt.; N. Bk. of Fairmont, Fairmont. 107,000 Han. N.and Irvi~g N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of_ Balt .. Balt.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and 1st N .. Pitt. u, 180,190 Seab.N., N . Y.; N.Ex., Wheeline: Mellon N., 0 w Pitt.  MEMBE;RS NEW .YORK STOCK EXCHANGE MEMBERS ·wHEELING STOCK EXCHANGE  l-  .: .  1504  Nmnber under Name of Bank la the New Trandt Number Jinn t.o each bank in U. 8. exchulnlf by The Rand-HcNally Ban.ken• Dtreetory, under the authority of The American Bankers AH'n.  I  I  NA.ME OF BANK. •County Seats. •Mem.Am.Bks.Assn. iS ta te PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER. Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. p is Pitt. Br,; 8. Bait. +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. •Fayetteville_FayetteD4 BankofFayette ______ f'04 William Prince __ W.A. Anderson-- - J.T. Grose _______ 5 Pop.659 .. 69-221 . J.S.Ph\pps " Fayette CountyNatBk:.•U900 A. W. Hamilton __ C. W. Dillon ____ A.. B. Abbot _____ 69-220 Flemin2ton. __ Taylor B 6 Bank of Flemin~ton ____ :l:§'13 G. 0. Sinsel ______ M. L. Shields ______ G. E. Williams ____ 5B Pop. 1000 69-341 J.B. Cather Follan. bee •• Brooke E 11 Bank of Fo!lansbee _____ ;t§'l4 R. Humes_ ______ H. Walker _______ J.C. Hilsinger·---4p Pop. 3135 69-346 •· ________ " CITIZENS BANK ------•U-06 , H. B. Kahan ____ C. L. Wilsen.------ J. V. Balch ......•• 69-271 •Frauklin Pendleton C 8 Farmers Bank of Pendleton James Sites _______ 1Erne ·t Bowman ___ Irving Ritchie ---· SB Pop. 320 .. ---· ---· " Frankli~~6!}-246 ~ __•U'90 .• 5·11 S. B. Johnson _____ J. C. Smith ________, ' 0. D. Bowman_____ TOWN AND COUNTY.  I  247  AsS'T CASHIER,  I  5B Pop. 1900  PAID-UP SURPLUS  DEPOS1Ts  C.L.Phipps _______ $ 25,000$  ____  c;:~~:· I  l{ f ARM ER S & a 69-274  -I-•?  •§+ .0  Bank of Gauley Bridge•U'05 .69- 275 . Bank of 07 Bank of Glen Jean ___ •t§'09 6!}-276 GlenvilleBk:g.&Tr.Co.•:l:§'03 6~232 ' Kanawha U}~farnk.-•tl 06  G1i~I~s-------§  -·----------  23,000  11,530  354,440  230,000  Geo. L. Humes____  25,000  10,000  270,000\  240,000  H. L. :\Iahan _____ _  2.S,000  27,630  ;i3:i,OOO  539,630  J. H. Cook______ __  50,000  51,000 1 590,000  533,000  40,000  15,000  262,320  267,050  30,000  42,170 1,2'JO,OOO  7!i0,000  SMITH---· -=  I  40.790 Drov. & llech. N •• Bait.  <= :5 1..-J Vl  ~  20 ,000 Han.':• N.Y.; Far. pev. N., Pitt.; Fifth-Third <! ,.. N., m.; 1st N., Rich. ~ 2<>9,000 Chase N .. N. Y.: Mtle.Tr. & Dep. Co., Balt.; I"'\ "Gnion •rr. Co., Char.  Iz~  IS:  v:G. BENDER------- o. P FRAME------·· c. L. HEATER---·---·  THIS PROGRESSIVE, GROWING BANK ll'ILL APPRECIATE 27,000 _________ 155,000 110,000 80.000 Irving N., N. Y.; Char. N., Char. YOUR PATRONAGE. · ,_ I OJ Spedal attention given Bill of Lading draft· and all Collections sent us. , : )> Please send 15c with each sioht draft for presentation and 23c fur Credit R, ports. r E~ L. Nuckols H.M-iller ____ Otway Gunnoe- _. __ H. O. Webb·------ 32,i70 ==:__ 313~800 210,550 ~ 1oii,00010~~in:e~s.1t~\~n~ st N., Rich.; N. Bk. of~ G. T. Lancaster 50,000 9,250 120,000 137,020 37,760 Day & . Night, Williamson; . Huntin2ton .. (/)I J. s. p. StalJord --· J. A. Berry -·· --· J. A. Berr~ ------- Ernest Snodgrass Huntmgton; Merch. N .• Rich. Wm. ::M:cKell ____ 0. B. Charles Wilburn ___ Eugene Bure______ 50,000 77,980 1,447,730 819,180 756,693 '1 Han. N. and Met. Tr. Co., _N. Y.; Kanawha >:r;J Valley, Obar.; 1st N., Huntmgton. Ill E.G.Rohrbough __ T. M. Marshall.._. HowardR.Brannon C,E. Barne ' t · ---23,000 19,220 350.830 301.180 76,720 IBk.ofAD;.nica.N. Y.; N. E:x. B~ .•. Wheeli~g; '<: . Bk. of I 1tt. N. A., Pitt.; Fifth-'lhtrd N .. 0111. C'D 1 S. A. Hays _____ C. M. Bennett_ ____ J.E. A.rbuek:le ___ L. D. Zmn______ 40,000 41.460 702,870 563.4-10 218,890 Han. N., N. Y. ~  ----· IF·  I  Lee----------  1--RAFTON 8KG. & A. 8. CORDER ----- J: i: ~i~i-------- . H. A. ABBOTT ·---·· ·W, L. THOMAS-------· G a. We ACTUALLY make SPECIALTY of Collections. For Quick Returns and Efficient Service st>nd your buslnes · to us. _ _ _ _ _ _Please_!._e~ 25c for Credit Reports.  TRU ST COMPANY 69-108  ~  109,700 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Columbia N. and KeystoneN .. Pitt.; Taylor Co .. Grafton. j 60,000 Irving N., N. Y,: Mellon N., Pitt.: Steuben1 ville Bk. & Tr. Co .. Steubenville, O. 1 33,620 N. City, N. Y.; Union N., Pitt.; Steubenville Bk. & Tr. Co., Steubenville, O. 120,000 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.  l  Gormania _____ Grant B 8 First National Bank ____ •t·o1 1o. H. Vossler ______ A. F. Sch_wartz ____ James w. Park____ ___________ 25,000 10,730 223,400 202,000 1 69- 277 1 SB Pop tOO \: · G. Drmkwater 346 ,060 2,632,00n 2,392,530 •Grafton ___: __ Taylor B 7 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•t'73 W. A. Beavers _____ U.S. :Morrqw______ 0. J. Fleming_. ____ Chas. W. SteeL--100,000 5B Pop. 8517 69-105 ~ F.!_emmg -- - - - -- - ~ - - -  +  0  ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  20,780 $1110,0001$ 201,HO $ 24,520 N. Park, N. Y.; Kanawha Bkf. & Tr. Co .. Char. 32,930 323,!MOI 307,320 91,960 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Char. N .. Char.  50,000  ___________________  "!4,,";.  I  W. f'. BARTLETT--- ALEX. GROVES------ iJ, B.FIShER .- ------ H. H. FOCKLER-----25,000 33,500 fi,000 601.210 OLDhlS'l' .tJSTA BLISliED BANK • PROI\ti''.f Sf,RV !IC~. . Special attentio n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Ttm Items. Pleasesendl5c u;it h each sight draft/01 presentation and 2':Jc 'for Credit R eports. ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __  BANK OF GASSAWAY .. •U-05  69 -399  ..  1 ~"?u■ &ou,- C.w,1.Ex-  H. D. Judy________  I  ~~1  RESOURCES,  I  MECHANICS BANK ' GauleyBri~e.Fanttern S Pop. 1000_ , Gilbgrt Pop~-2srm20 E 2 Glen Jean ____ Fayette D 4 Pop. 00 15 5 •GlenviJ!e ____ .GilmerC5 58 Pop. 327  LIABILITIES.  CAPITAL PRA N.,_DTs 0r 1  Fulton. ________ Qhio E 10 (See Wheeling) 4P Pop. 1318 . _________________ Gary ---·---McDowell F 3 Gary National Bank _____ •:j:'06 R. V. Shanklin ____ J. D. Peery ________ J. H. Barker ·--- -- ___ _ 1 S Pop, 3000 69-273 Ga saway ____ Braxton O 5  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (,xed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws lindexed) in back or this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  WEST VIRGINIA-Continued  •U-03  39,070 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Merch. N., Bait. :::. 79-1.6-10 N. City, ~- Y.: _Far. Dep. N. and Bk. of Pi_tt., ~ N A p tt ct N B It M h N R h .. • ., i .: i Y ·• a .; ere • ,, ic ·,  O  =. ,  100 000 74 030 1113 800 1110 090 177,740 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.;! Q ' __:_ ' ' ' ' Mercb N Bait "'1 ---;;; DERAL ;;;;; : ; · ·• · _ _ _ _ ____ _ __ ___ r+  §  1  MERCHANTS & (W.R. D. DENT--- G. E. BAILEY ______ W. MORGAN.---·-· t MECH SAV BANKI send w ,  1  -----------M •• ------ 1 100,000 THE BANK OF SUPERIOR ER VICF.. For prompt re turns, you w1ll s end your collectl ons to us. Plea e 25e ilh each requr to r Credit Report.  908,790  918,290  139,840 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. of Bal!,, Ralt.; [ Columbia N., Pitt.; Franklin .N., Phtl. ~ ~ 136,600 Han. N. and Irvin~ N., N. T.; Diamond N. and Duquesne N .. Pitt. ..._. 33,520 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.: Wood Co. and Parkers- iu burg N., Parkersburg; Mellon N., Pitt. ;:s 11,150 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y; 2d N. and Coro'l Bkg. & S::: Tr. Co., Parke ·burg. ll> 46,700 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N,, Parkersbur2. ~  l  6o-106 S'91 Taylor County Bank _____ tf'05 J. O. Lewellen _____ 6G-109 •Grantsville .Calhoun o 4 Bank or Grantsville ----•U-03 A.G. Mathews ____ 5B Pop. 450 61>-243 •· " Oalhoun County Bank ••• tl'Ol W. T. W. Dye _____ 69-242 ________ Peoples Bank ______ et§'l3 G. S. Smifu ________ ' . ••. Monroe E 5 Banko! Greenvfile 69-312 _____:n ' 02 I. N, Ballard ______ t.-rcenville 5 Poll, 100 69-278 I Grift\.tb.svme.L\ncoln D 2 OU Field National Bank-•t'08\R. W. Miller _______ S Pon. '2.00 fil)-279 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  57,580  I  I I  H. R. Linn _________ N. F. Kendall______ ____________ M. L. hields · C. A. Jarvis ________ Arthur G. Miller ___ 0. C. Hathaway .• _ I Tell McDonald G. W. Hardman ____ R. M. Marshall ____ Guy Stalnaker_____  50,000  23,000  615,000 I 483,700  40,000  47,290  394,190  30,000  62,690  499,330  415,330  R. J. Knotts.------ B. G. Stump _______ Fanny Smith______  30,000  12,500  215,000  185,000  J. Z. Ellison _______ R. S. Dunlap ______ W, M. Comer -- ----  25,000  18,000  110,000  106,000  46,000 I Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.  H. C. Osborne _____ T. J. Grass _____ . __ Clark May ------ ••  25,000  3,600  262,QiO  264,170  50,440 Han. N., N. Y.; Citiz. N., Char.; 1st N., Hunt- ~ 1 in'!t"n. ....,.  .  •  435,930  ·  ~  ....,.  1505 a, Cl>  TolVN  Naaiber ander Naaie or BaDlc bJ t;be Ne., Transit Nuaiber a:Jv,m  ea each bl&Dlc in  u. s.  by  ucluslrely  Tbe Baad-McNaHy Banlcer••  I  Dlreetorr, ua'!._er the autborlty o!__ T!'e Aaierlcaa Bankers Ass•n. NAME OF BANK.  A.ND COUNTY.  [  I  I  thisr~  Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (1nde.~ed) in back of  WEST VIRGINIA-C On t"1IlUed  I  LHBILITIES.  rnlume.  For Int~,:_est Rates. Holidays, etc, see Laws. ::,  RESOURCES.  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn, §S ta vte_ PRESIDE."T. VICE-PRESIDENT. OAS HIER. Ass 'T CASHIER. 1P AID·UP I su~;;DLus DEPOs• Loc'T...... B. Bo.t__ DlB.,-1 !:::•!!'0 ,.t.,Eo~ Res. Dist. :t.Mem.StateBks.Assn. tPrib. CAPITAL Piwi-xTs ITS ~Be..;.· 8~ 1s Pitt. Br.; 8, Bait. +Mem. Fed. Res. [E-.ta.:... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i--:::--:-~----,--~---,---... Hamlin.____ Lincoln D 2 Farmers& Me:-ch. Bank.§'19/A. F. Black ........ H. H. Baker...• -.. C. G. Black •••.•••. A. F. Black ...•••.. $ 35,000$ 2,500 $ 169,670 $127,150$ 55,890 1st N., Huntington; Merch. N,, Rich. 5 Pop. 516 69-386 " Lincoln Na~~~ Bank •• •;f:'06 L. R. Sweetland •.• E.W. Holley •••.• J. J. Senseney •••• ·--·--··----·--·--· 25,000 62,800 338,100 234,500 184,380 N N.Y.: Fifth-Third N., Oin.; Char. N., 0 0 Harman .•.. Randolph C 7 Stockmans Bank••••••..• §'05 I. M. Groves .•••••• Jesse Harman ••• _. Irving Ritchie .•.•• - - - · · - - 25,000 13,400 28U40 243,820 72,290 1st N., Phil.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt. 58 Pop. 160 69-281 Hareer's Ferry. Jetr•son Bank of Harper's Ferry •• §'94 T. J. Burleigh ••••• S. W. Liihtner •••• J.C. Newcomer-·· Brssie L. Rau--··7,000 120,000 19,000 Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.; Peo. Tr. Co .. Mar25,000 123,000 ~B Pop. 713 B 11 69-282 tinsbur~ . ... Harrisville ••. RitchieB 4 First National Bank •••••• t'03 J, B. WestfalL •..• F . .A.Hau ____ .A. v. Rush-----··· Camden Fisher... 16.300 450,000 76,000 Han. N., N. Y.; .Am. N., Rich. 50,000 507,000 5B Pop. 1036 611-226 75,000 925,000 JOHNSOM JACKSON. R. R. HALL-----·-· J. H. LININGER •••••. J. M. BARBE......... 70,000 980.000 140,000 Met. Tr, N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt. L. R. SNODGRESS PEOPLES BANK ........ t§'99 For efficient ser vice and quick re turns send your business direct to us. { The largest and strongest bank in the county. 69-225 Please enclose 15c with each slg ht draft for prese ntatlon and 2ic for each report. Hendricks •••. Tucker B 7 First National Bank·----·•'05 c. A. Roberts •••.•. G. w. Adamson.-•• o. w. Minear••••.. ·-----······-··-·--35,000 300,000 50,000 300,000 50,000 Han. N ., N, Y.; Columbia N ., Pitt.: N. Bk. 58 Pop. 622 69-283 of Bait., Balt. Hillsboro.Pocahontas D 6 Bank of Hillsboro ••.•.• •;f:§'14 Geo. W. Callison ••• F. W. Ruckman ..•. J. K. Marshall ••••. W. M. Irvine--·-·· 25,000 13,000 186,000 193,600 36,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Rich. 6 348 215 5 Pop. ·· ?"- Bank.•t'05 W. H. Garnett____ J. A. Graham---·-· O. P. Vines ..••••.. S. J. Graham _____ . •Hinton .••. Summers E 4 Citizens National· 50,000 30,000 600,000 485,000 170,000 Han. N., N. Y.·, 1st N., Rich. 6 124 5 Pop. 3912 11COOPER .... ,-,t·ptWrJci\r.2-e.r_ T. FREDEIUNG .. --·---·--·-···---·50,000 111,000 1,275,000 1,300,000 150,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.; Char. N., Char. FIRST NATIONAL BANK .•t' i For efficient se rvice and quick r eturns, 611-122 send your bust ness direct to us. Plca.'3e enclose 25e wit11 each reau,e$l f or report arratinc,. NATIONAL BK. OF SUMMER~ iJ. T. McCREERY. LLELDEERKINif. J. J. JORDAN-·--·- H. G. HUMPHRIES .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N. Y.; lit N., Rich.; Char. N., 61H2il •i'06 Collections give n special attentl on and remitted ror on day or payment. 3 S, J. Talkineton .• _ John MapeL--···· C. E. Clovis ••••••.• J. G. Toothman.... HunipedPoii_-~tzel A5 Bank of Hu 25,000 30,000 400,000 293,000 140,000 Ct:~ ~ar~;'P: ~~11:ftfav. & Tr. Co., Wheel...county Seats.  F'!. qre ~s Fed.  i~i,'  io. o.  w.  ~l f  69~1i1-----·•il'O  •Hutinl~i~50~~reu D 1 ..  "  ci~:r~"'  *AMERICAN6~fl & T~iP.~2  w. E. Deegans _  *Cabell Oouf~arank ••. •§'16  s.  *f  {JD. L. CALDWELL L. V. GUTHRIE •.... G.D. MILLER..... C. A. BOONE ....... 1,000,000 500,000 6.700,000 7.250,000 1,500,000 1st N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st. .I.SMITH,V,P. ,ROBT.L.ARCHER D.A.HALL 1- - - - - - N.,Cln.;MellonN.,Pitt.  lRST NAT'L BK  ■  w. Shepherd...  150,000  H. Bowman •• _._ M. Biederman·-- H. L. Robey·--·-·· Kathryn L. Robey.  25.000  L. N. Frantz·-···- L. N. Frantz·-··-· G.  30,000 1,425,880 2,300  345,000  941,000  472,980 cta;tham & Phenix N .. N. Y.; Fifth-Third .;.r.,  243,000  ll0,000 Fif~:Third N .. Cin. •  s::  :<~  ,....  ~  ,....  ~  <;  trl  C/l  '"'1  < :;: "'  4) ::;:  -'<  s;=  bj  ►  Z  @ I 3~ S'  Collection D epartment und er personal su pervision ofan office r. ,..... Remittances on day of pay ment. Your b usiness invite d. SEE .ADV. ON WEST VA. IND EX. *Huntiniton Banking & Tr. ll'.0.Pricha.d •.• _•• P. Snow····-·-· C. p, Snow •. ---·· H. L. O'Brien..... 300,000 125,770 2,300,880 1,903,060 756,650 O~e .N., N.Y.; 1st N., Ciu.; Bk, of Pitt. N . .A., ,.... Company Ji!}-3L •. -.••tl'll B. W.Foster, Ci;_.of Bd. ___ ___ Pitt.; Char. N •• Char. o 611-24  •t"84  \o.  *HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK 61>-2!  611-3!  J. W. HERON------ M. J. FERGUSON ... E. McCUNE ....... L.A. KNOWLTON .. .  *TwentiethStreetBank•.W05 C. O. Harri on ..••. &11-27 *UNION BANK & TR. CO. G. S. Wallace ••.•.. 611-25 •!§'9&  J. A. Plymale .••••• .A. R. Losee •......• A. C. Hinerman--· W. M. Stevers A. c. Thomas...... H. G. Proctor_ •••• ,·-·--·--··-··--··--· C. w. Cammack  Investment Bankers. Members N ew York Sto ck Exchange • STOCKS- BONDS-DIRECT WIRE IS.  HARDY , DULING & {  J• .D•' MERRIMAN & co •'  Huntington Clearing House. R. L. Archer._. __ C. P. Snow.··-····· H. G. Proctor, ·  ' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  150,000·  61,970  100,000  66,000  74.0,360  -  886,570  Collections and all banking items will receive prompt, personal attention. TEST OUR F ACI LITI ES.  •;f:§'13  (.Members indicated by a*)  ,..,.  (1Q  SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN BILL OF LADING DRAFTS.  COMPANY  5·  1  •!'72  *OHIO VALLEY  BANK  CFR. AMN.KGOEHNESNLo-·w······ J.NK. ONEYN -·-··---· J. H. LeBLANC •••• - W• H.SFT.ODLELMINEGNST-- 700,000 375,000 6,500.000 6.250,000 1,675,000 N. vity, N. Y.; 1st N., 4cth N., and Fifth- f; 6.P. 6 , J 0.W.E SIN - - - - - ThirdN.,Cin.;Bk.ofPltt.N.A.,Pltt. ~ V, P. CHAS. R. CARDER J.B. DERWACTER ~ _ _ _ _ _ _H_.o_._A_LE_SH_1_RE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  875,000  li0,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.: Phil. N., Phil. 80,0JO 1,350.000 1,475,000 176,000 Chase N,, N. Y.; 1st N., Oin. and Rich. -----··--··-----Hardy, Duling & Co., Charleston.  .....  c.n  --··-·····-·--•·••·-· - - - - · -··---· ··---·-··  wHEELI.NG' w . • .VA . Sec, and .',Jgr.  225,000  900,000  0  94,930 Irving N. and Equitable Tr. Co.; N. Y.; ~ Cltlz.N. andlstN.,Cln.; Union Tr.Co., BaJt.  INVESTMENT s EC u RI Tl Es  MEMBERS NEW _YORK STOCK EXCHANGE MEMBERS WHEELING STOCK EXCHANGE  0 U1  .·  ....  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given  1506  to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaHy Bankers• Dlrect.ory, under the authority of The A.merlean Bankers'n.  I~  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banktnar Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) 1n back of this volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws ..,, PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, 1_ _--..:LI=A=B:..:Ic::L.:..:IT:..:I:.::;Ec::S.:_•___ 11 __-=:Rl!::::S~OU.:;:;R:.:.C::.::E::::S:..:.,_ 1  WEST VIRGINIA-Continued  NAME OF BANK. TOWN aND COUNTY~ •Mem . .Am. Bks. Assn. §State . •C~mnty Seats. . CASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. F1g_~re !S Fed. Res. DJSt. :l:MemS'tate Bk .Assn. tPriv. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pis Pitt. Br. B, Balt. +Mero. Fed. Res.  ~~·:,;>..~: ~::.i~  SuRPLUB  DEPOBAND Ass'T CASHlER, PAID-UP 8_ _ _ _•_ sJIOValTI P_B_oP_I_T_B _ 1_T_ __ c_AP_i_T_AL ________ 1  _no_11_B_.uru_  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1  Hurricane ___ Putnam D 2 HurricaneNationalBank•'20 J. S. Burdette _____ W. H. Kirtley _____ L. D. Carter _______ Ben Kiff ___________ S 50,000 S 5,000 S 73,630 S 102,000 S 20,280 1st N., Huntington, 69-398 5 Pov. 666 Putnam County Bank--•U'0l W.H.McCallister __ Leonard Oxley ____ J. T.Garrett _______ ----------------" -------" 50,000 33,080 ll'ifth-Third N .. Cin.: Huntine-ton N., Hunting261,000 358,600 40,500 ton; Char. N., Char. • 69-285 Iaee-er ____ McDowell F 3 First National Bank----•t'l9 S. D, Hatfield ______ E. M. Evans ______ E.W. Cook ________ Algie D, Cooke ___ _ 25,000 275,000 150,000 Han. N., N, Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin. 0,700 350,000 69-379 5 Pop. 481 Jacksonburg __ Wetzel A 5 Bank of Jaeksonblll'£----1'04 L. E. Lantz _______ -------------------- 8. Blair------ -------------------69-286 4P Pov. 150 Janelew _______ I,ewis B 6 Bank of Jane Lew ______ u,05 J. G. Jackson ____ s. P. Bishov------ B. :M. Davisson ____ J. J. Bailey _____ _ A. J .Hardman, V.P. C. L. Cookman 69--287 58 Pov. 560  I  '1~~  25,000  16,950  218,960  162,330  84,780 Columbia N., Pitt.: Empire N., Clarksburg.  45,000  57,540  443,500  464,910  73,520 Irving N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.: Empire N. and Union N., Olarksbure-.  L.B. Gaston _______ Miss Opal M. TayIor C. W. Shomo _____________  45,000  11,000  225,000  200,000  25,000  6,010  210,280  214,080  34,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Far. Det>, N., PiU.: N. State & City, Rich. 25,140 S~b. N., N. Y.; Karch. N., Rich.  J. Miller Jackson _________  40,000  10,480  278,760  245,820  121,180 N.Oib',N.T.; latN.andFifth-Third N.,Oin.  W. M. Hale ________ G. W. Hale _______ _  30,000  5,000  300,000  208,000  •Kerser ______ MineralB 9 Farmers & Merchants Bank Richard GerslelL __ J. R. Bane _________ G. R. Davis ________ - - - - - - .. tl'll 69-124 5B Pop. 6003  60,000  40,000  750,000  660,000  80,000 Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Huntine-ton N., Hunt- ington. 150,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Droy. • lleeh. N. and N. Bk. I tI1 of Bait., Bait.: Bk. of Pitt, N. A.., Pitt.  f. M. REYNOLDS J. D. GEL!ICl(S ___ H. L. ARNOLD --- - - - - - -  60,000  43,190 1,125,350 1,082,690  Peoples Bank -----------H'll 8. G. Hall_ ________ A. B. Cofllndaffer _ J, M. Beeghley 69-325 A. W. Windom ____ A. K. Perry ______ Junior _______ Barbour C 7 Merchants & Miners Bank §'18 69--369 58 Pop, 593 Kenova ______ Wayne D ! First National Bank _____ .:•oo J. S. Miller ________ B. W. Foster _____ 69-288 5 Pov. 2162 Kermit_ _______ Jilingo E 2 Kermit State Bank _____ t§'l8 D. E. Hewit ______ Floyd Brewer ____ T. A. Shewey 69-375 5 Pop. 636 ..  ------  "  FIRST NATIONAL BANll--•'02 69--12!  i  I txl  ,< I~  10  I~>  205,240 Chase N., N. Y.; Droy, Is lleeh. N., :Bait,  Collections and Ja!-.fu~Tn:s~TJ'ntr usted t.o us wtll r ecelYe the penon al atten tlon of au offlc er. OLDEST, LA.R GEST A.ND STRONGEST BANK.  I~ I.~I  Peovles Bank---------•H1900 F. H. Babb ________ C. S. Hoffman _____ T. D. Leps ________ - - - - - - C. H. Vossler 69-120  50,000  30,000  615,000  508,000  Keystone __ lfcDowell E 3 First National Bank ----•:•13 D. E. French ______ R. K. Bragonier ___ L. C. Fowlkes _____ ---------------69-289 5 Pov. 1839  50,000  43,110  440,780  467,740  132,250 Chatham & Phenix N., N, Y,: ..lm. N., Rich.;I C I "1 N. Ex., Roanoke.  -------------------  25,000  6,500  225,000  158,S(O  P. J. OrQ£an _______ G. J. Shaffer ______ Felix Klliott ______ ----------------J . .A. Lenhart J. W. Flynn _______ G. A. Herring _____ Ivan Davis ________ - - - - - - -  75,000  50,000  775,000  783,000  25,000  25,00(J  500,000  400,000  83,030 Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Oln.; N. Ex .. Roanoke;!: : Plan. N., Rich. 137,000 Ohase N .. N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt,; Drov. & _ n Mech. N ., Bait. ~ 50,000 N. Park, N. T.; Bk. of Pitt, N. A.., Pitt. 0  J.M. Skae-gs ______ II. F. Hunter _____ H.F. Hunter ______ J.M. Stratton ____ _ W. B. Crawford T. W. Shields M. Mathe s _______ W. E. Nelson______ W.R. Nelson _____________  25,000  31,000  460,000  330,000  100,000  150,000  600,000  750,000  J. A. Connelly ____ S. L. Long _________ B. A. Pyles ____ Archie Marshall __  25,000  16,ono  425,000  366,000  7,840  224,060  130,890  Kimball __ McDowell F 3 First National Bank _____ e:j:'20 69-380 5 Pop. 1045 •Kingwood __ Preston B 7 Bank of Kine-wood ______ :5'65 69-213 5B Pop.1417 K~wood National Bk,-•:·02 " -------" 60-214 L.1nes Bottom ___ Webster (Su Camden on Gauley) D5 58 Pot>. 700 •Lewisb\U'f ___ Greenbrier Bank of Greenbrier ___ •:1 "07 69-212 :e: 6 5 Pov. 1202 Bank of Lewisburt---•:1'71 " -------" 69-211 Littleton ______ wetzeU. 6 Bank of Littleton ______ .i5•01 69-218 4P Pop. 660 •Logan ________ Logan Es BANK OF LOGAN------- •§'20 69-395 5 Pop. 5000 First National Bank _____ " " 69-171  W. B. Stevens _____ Geo. J. Turner ____ S. G, Aldhizer. _  Fred Hai lip ______ B. L. Holland _____ Paul Barrett------ Clyde Scaggs _____ _ G. R. Claypool A.H. Land ________ A. R. Beise'-------- G. W. Raike _______ E. R. Mullins ___ _ Naaman Jackson J. Cary Alderson __ Bruce McDonald ___ L. G. Burns ________ -------------------GUYAN VALLEY BANK • t§l900 69--170 LostCreek__ Harrison B 6 Harrison County Bank_•:l:§'10 Charles Post _______ Lloyd Stout _______ W. D. Nutter _____________ 69-291 5B Pop. 500 Lumbert>orLHarrisonB6 Lumbervort Bank ______ i5•03 J. S.Griffln ________ L. C. Oyster _____ F. T. Willis _______ --------------• 69-292 58 Pop. 900 Lunclale _____ Logan E 3 Logan County Bank ---•:l:§"18 G. M. Jones _____ R. W. Quaintance_ F. P. Chambers ____ E.W. Randolph.Jr. 69-372 5 Pop. !GOO •Madison ______ Boone D 3 Boone Oounty Bank _____ :1:1'66 Julian HilL _______ M.A. Byrnside ____ A. C. Griffith ______ W.R. Turley _____ _ 69-241 5 Poi>, 604 Madison National Bank_•t·o2 S. E. Bradley ______ C. A. Croft _______ E. E. White _______ Sieeel Workman __ _ " -------" 0. C. Chambers H. G. Schaffer 69-240 \ 1 1 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .:•oo  63,600 150,000  175,000 2,500,000 2,000,000  100,000  250,000 3,000,000 2,300,000  40,000  21,070  330,420  267,060  50,000  10,500  330,000  316,000  25,000  12,700  324,080  201,970  100,000  17,500  394,000  405,000  50,000  75,000  807,5001 780,000  90,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Balt.  I:I:  ::t  I  11: !  1711,600 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Char.N., Char.: Bait, Tr. 1 ll> ~ Co., Balt.; Old Dominion Tr. Oo,, Rich, 100,000 Bk.of A.m .. N. T.; N.Bx., .B&lt.  I~  78,000 Han. N., N. T.; hr. Dep. N., Pitt.; Dollar Sav. ::S & Tr. Co., Wheeling. 1 3U80 Chase Nat., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N.. Cin.; 1 Huntington Bkg. & Tr. Co., Huntington. 700,000 Ohue N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Oin.; Am. N.,Rich. 1,100,000 OhaaeN., N. Y.; 1st N., Oin. and Rieh.:Merch. ._ N .. Balt. 120,950 Seab.N.,N. Y.;UnionN .. Ol&rksbu~;Far. Dep. ll> ::S N., Pitt.; Merch. N .. Rich. 106,000 Saab. N., N. Y · Union N., Cl&rkaburr: Far. C:: ll> Det>, N .• Pitt. "1 159,810 Huntington Bkg. & Tr. Oo., Huntington. 95,000 N. Park, N. Y.: Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Kanawha Valley, Char. 172,000 Irvine- N., N. Y,; Obar, N., Char.  ~  ~  -  N  Na.ID,_ aader N•zne  f.  1507 J;;r:«;:;,;~:feruth8e TOWN AND COUNTY.  £County Seats.  or Bame la u.e  New  0  NAME OP' BANK.  •Mem. Am. Bk.s. Assn. IState  Man5nBington-a!/Fion B 6 Pop.  Nuzn,_ al;vea  I  Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. Assa. tPriv. pis Pitt. Br. B. Balt. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  -  ftal!UII#  !!o/:::I:J.' f~Z:~:,'!;:"ff."!£,::SAll;';.'  BANK OF  PRESIDENT.  /  ICE-PRESIDENT.  I CASHIER,  {C, A. SNODGRASS- JAS.  P..UD-Ul'  :~us  T. CRISS------- CHAS. l. SNODGRASS C. F. w. KUNST - -  $ 50,000 $  •!f'OO  RESOURCES. 8tocnn,•  50,000  15,800  746,590  68U00  ~  881,390  800,860  25,000  42,150  491, 00  470,450  35,000  16,200  430,000  440,000  J. W. McSHERRY---- W. J. LAMBERT----- EDWARD RUTLEDGE - EDGAR C. TROUT----  NATIONAL BANK 5H8  •t•gz  55,000 1,265,000 1,008,000  Pr_ompt, Ef fic!ent, Pers onal At_tenti on Given all b usmess of non - residents. Collections a Specialty. Correspondence Invited •  •!1'02  l  ~  rea son 1 or no n-pay ment.  64,220  {w. r. McQUILKIN- A.D.DARBY w. w. DOWNEY----- N. s. O'NEAL ------- ___________________ _  113,040 Seab. N., N. Y,; Ex. N. and Keystone N .. Pitt. ~  Credit Report•  100,000  CITIZENS  -  '°!::  w.  •Marlinton ___ Pocahontas BANK OF MARLIIITOll-•U'99 ll. J. llcNeeL ____ M. L. Beard----- Hubert Echols ___________________ _ 5 Pop. 1177 D6 69-100 F. R. Hunter ·• ________ " First National Bank _____ •t'03 Geo11?e P. lloore ___ L. :M. McOlintic ____ J. A. Sydenstricker J. w. Hill--------69-200  G9-70  '"1  ~  4,500 $ 520,000 $ 488,000 $ 52,000 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. of Fa!rmont, Fairmont; N. Bk. of Va., Wheehne-.  60,000  MARTINSBURG  .... u.... --  Please aend I Sc with ai11ht draft and 25c for Credi t Report•.  Plea.e aend I Sc with each ai11ht d raft for presenta tion and 25c for  BANK OF  E ,.,  PRINCIPAL  ~'.'9t.!~; !::.!.~':.  DEP08ITS  First Natio~mnk--•!'05 E. O. Martin _____ W. S. Furbee _____ Guy S. Furbee ____ W. L. Jenks __ ____ _  •Martinsburg ___ Berkeley 58 Pop, 12,515 B ll  ~~r~ti.~~(1':~e!':i~\~t•i:,i i~,.._  For Interest Rates, HoJJdays, etc., see Laws. ;  Special attention given Bank and Bi II of Lading collect ions. Effici ent service. Reasonable rates.  G~l35  "  su  --- --- ---  EXCHANGE BANK { :: ;:!:n~ :~:~:ii:, r! :f~te:Ji::y: ~~~":rs:~finit e •if•gz _______  1  LIABILITIES.  .ASS'T CASHIER.  H. B. BEATY---- H.F. BLACKSHERE P. H. PITZER------ W. ff. PARSONS--  ..  volume.  CAl'ITA.L P.aoP1Ta  MANNINGTON ~ 6 137  /V  de~n~:;~,  WEST VIRGINIA-Continued  -< -z>-  257,500 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N. and Bk. of Pitt, N. A .. Pitt.; N. Ex .. Wheeling. 226,520 Ohue N. and Irving N .. N. T.; Jlerch. N, and ~ 1st N., Rich.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt, 106,750 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N .. Bait.; 1st N., Rich. 0 50,000 JtQui1able Tr. Oo., N. Y,; March, N., Bait.; Columbia N., Pitt,  tx,  > z  100,GOO  9U41  862.581 1,149,111  lZUIO Han. N., N. Y.; DroT. A Meeh. N., Bal&.; ~Cl> 1st N., Pbll.; Mellen N., Pit&.  A prompt, int elligent servic e in handling collections has brought us much busin ess during the past year.  I .,a=  P. LICKLIDER---J. H. FULK  5·  ::l  S. N. MYERS---- T.  J. T. NADENBOUSCH- B. D. MYERS------ 100,000 25,000 1,152,000 719,490 211,820 ObaaeN.,N. Y.:,thSt.N.,Phil.; Far. & Merch.::, W. E. GANO N .. Balt. MERCHANTS & FAR. BAIIK Where Convent ence, Safety and Service meet. GH7 •U'92 { Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. ~ PleaJ>.e send 15c wi th each sight draft Jo r presentation and 2 5cfor Credit Report,. 0 OLD NATIONAL Blllll ·--•t•Go H. H. Emmert _____ George S. HiJL ___ W. __ J. H. Griffith--··--- 100,000 67,180 1,732,290 I.680,750 335,450 1st N .. N. Y.; Union N., Phil.: Mellon N.,PiU.: ::l GIH>G W.W. Westphal A.O. Griffith Md. Tr. Co., Balt. ,... PEOPLES TRUST COMPANY Geo. M. Bowers __ E. c. Henshaw ___ Dudley Harley ___ Walter w. Trout__ 200,000 124,830 1,370,400 1,626,860 187,910 N. City, N.Y.; N. Bk. of BalL, Balt.: Mellon N., o GIHig •U'0l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___:__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pitt.· Phil.N.,Phil,  Si:  1  SHENANDOAH VALLEY BANK & TRUST COMPANY 60-71  •t§'20  We will apprec·1ate yours-Sat,·stactory serv1·ce assured. Quick returns on collectionsReasonable Rates. Special attention to Bill of Lading Drafts.  5akaPop~-6lfercer "  --------  o  First Nation a I Bank ____ e;j:'18 R. B. Parrish ______ 69- 373 .Mc,ichjg/ifsihaU ElO Bank of Mclt3 c ien ____ e!f'OO J. L.McMechen ___ 20 Meagow a8ummift Sewell Valli~-~; k ____ t§'l8 J.B. Clifton _______ 0 .t.Miwe~~i~lyler B 51Bank of Mig~~~urne_•if'08 w. E. Long ________  it:ef  "  --------  .  25,000  21,600  410,000  357,000  78,990 OhaseN., N. Y.; Diamond N., Pitt. ::, . . . ti 117,000 NiJt~~· N. Y.; Jl'i!th-Thircl N,, 01n.; 1st N ..  P. M. Chrisman____  25,000  28,380  450,000  300,000  115,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.  C.H. Gilmer ______ M. M. Vaughan ___ H. E. Clark_______ J.B. Neal J.E. Doyle _______ Charles R. Lowe __ N. A. Marple____  50,000  12,800  510,000  460,000  129,000 N. City, N. Y.; N. Ex., Roanoke,  60,000  14,500  549,000  486,000  114,000 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Bx,, Wheelinll,  104,000 N. State & City, Rich.; Beckley N,, Beckley.Jj  E 4 Bank of M~i~~---•!1'06 D. H. Barger ______ J.C. Burton _______  "  7  "  L. H. McClung _  c. s.  w. M. Ferrell _____  J.  Stealey _____ J.  J• D• MERRIMAN & Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  25,000  25,950  364,370  330,040  s. Lilly______  ________  35,000  2,500  272,000  203,000  w.  s, B. McCoy____ o. A. Gregg____  25,000  13,400  402,730  429,320  30,890 Seab. N., N. Y.; N. RJ:., Wheelinr.  30,000  25,000  615,000  576,000  06,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Kellon N., Pitt.  Grimm ______  FIRST IATIONAL BANK--'02 S. G. Pyle _______ W. A. F. Smith ____ G, L. Morris ______ 19-231  100,000 _ 29,SZ0 _ 173.070 _ 189.3'11 _.,:._ 44110 Am. Ex. N., Y,; Corn Merch, N., Phil. Bait.; c,, _ Columbia N.,N. Pitt.; Ex. N,, O'"  E;  Mason Town-Preston B 7 Bank of Masonto1'11----U'07 S. L. Cobun ______ W. H. Post _______ Earl Dixon _______ Prentiss R. Wa~on 5B Pop. 831 . 5~293 H. A. Hartley MatraPop.-85rrngo E 2 Matewan N~t~~3~1 Bank•t'I3 E. B. Chambers ____ J. H. Greene _____ A. D. Dickey------ Edn.r Chambers -Mat  ~  WNH~~~M:~d;;~~-p-;;;g;;;;;.;!~J~:m!i-i~;-b;;i~-e-s~:--  co .' wHEELING, w• VA.  I ~ 1  INVESTMENT RI Tl Es  s EC u  MEMBERSNEWYORKSTOCKEXCHANGE MEMBERS WHEELING STOCK EXCHANGE  jo  ~  ,  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (InNumber under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thisl t• to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' ===Dlree====to=ry='=u=n==;:=de=r=th=e=•=u=th=o=r=l=ty=o=f=T=h=e=A.=;:=m=e=r=lc=a=n=B=ank=e=r=s=;:A.=ss=•n=·======:==============~-0--=ll=;,1==ll=U=e====~:==~v==o:=l=um=e.=F:.::·_()_::::r:....:I=--_n-=t==e;.....re_s_t-::...:R::::a:.:.,te~Holidays, etc., see Law • g;'  WEST VIRGINIA  ToWN .A.ND COUNTY.  II  NA.Ml!: OF BANX:.  •Mem.Am.Bks . .A.ssn.lS ta te •OoutySeats. Figu_re _is Fed. Res. Dist. fMem. State Bk:s. Assn.tPriv. [Estab. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. r1sP1tt. Br: B, Balt. MUI Creek: Randolph O 6 5B Pop. 762 Milto 0 ________ .Cabell D 2 5 Pop. 1023 Mononeah ____ Marion B 6 5B Pop. 2031 Monteom01·y_FayetteD4 5 Pop. 2130 .. ______ ..  Bank of Mill Creek _____ •i§'12 _6!HIBO Bank of Milton ________ at§'04 6~296 First National Bank ---•t'05 69-29? Merchants National Bank •t'lO 61H65_ Montgomery National Dank •:•01 IS~l64  PKltBIDZNT.  VICE-PRJtSIDDT.'TCASHIER.  OA.SHill,  "  00 PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. RESOURCES. LUBILITIES. PAin-uP!SuRPLus' DEPos-j'.Lo....,1:o,.. c ... 1::sx. •c•.... Boln>8, AND 0 11 00 _ _ .._ B _ " " ° - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I APITAL PROFITS  ~1  W. H. Mason ______ Chas. W. Russell __ George Ward ______ Guy R, Miller _____ $  Carroll Currey----- Frank Neely------- J. D. Anthony_____ ________________ ____ H. D. Judy______ A.G.Newby _____  R. M. Hobtein  25,000 $ 35,800 $ 490,270 $ 396,640 $ 70,120 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Ex., Balt.;Merch, N., Rich.; Elkin~ ., Elkins. 15,000 430,000 1 400,000 100,000 N. Bk. Com., , Y.; Fifth.Third N., Qin,; 1st N ., Huntineton. I 299,170 131,720 Han. N ., N. Y .; Mellon N., Pitt.; N. Bk. of 360, 750 25,000 25,000 Fairmont, Fairmont. , 54,990 90~,500 1 697,390 289,080 N. Park. N. Y.; Char. N. and Kanawha Bkg. 50,000 & Tr. Co., Char . I 100,000 100.000 l.300,000 1.100,000 300,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech, N .. Bait.;<:: I <; Char. ., Char. 1  50,000  _________________  100,000  A.H. McBee______  200,000  380,000 3,000,000, 2,900,000  c. Riggs________  100,000  100,000 1,334,920.  II.  107,000,  36,800  491,000 1  I  100,000 --------- ---·  ___________________  ~  YOUR COLLECTIONS WANTED.  NATIONAL BANK  988,710  80,000 -  -  <  300,000 8Pab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N .. Pitt.: C1hz. N., 1 Ba,t.; 4th St. N., Phil. :~ 448,660 N. Park, N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt.N.A., Pitt.  --·--1I --------- ---------  406,400  _____, -  Z !O  97,460 Met. Tr. Co., N. Y.; lat N., Phil. and Graf~on;I ~ Md. Tr. Co .. Balt.: 1st N. and Peo. N., Pitt.; ,,,. a, Fairmont"State, Fairmont.  ~  I 3-1,560  126,800  A. J. GARLOW------ SANFORD BARRICKMAN W. E, ARNETT----- G. C. CASTO -------PERSONAL, PERSISTENT PRESENTATION. PROMPT REMITTANCE. ODERN BANKING METHODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS,  48,300 N. City, N. Y.: N. Ex .. Bait.; .Diamo.n.d N .• ,,~~-,,' w Pitt. 590,000 . 47,600 N. City, N. Y. 98,000  101,970 l,071,620j 1,412,760  150,000  Federal Sav. & Trust Oo.1'03 E. M. Grant _____ :M. Van Voorhis ___ E. D. Tumlin, Tr. _ ________________ ·--69--95  SECOND  8,100  Let ua serve You.  •11''6  j '"'1  o. R. Be'.lll---------  KEENER------ C. C. BROWN------ H. G. HODGES-----FARMERS & 1DAVIS ELKINS--- J.I. C.L. WHITE MERCHANTS BANK The Bank of Service. 6._.3  --.Dn  75,000  I. J. Harshbar2er __ J, II. Harshbarger. 0. L. Harshbarger. H. E. Jackson_____  S. P. CampbelL ____ H. Lane---------- B. E, OlaYPooL ___ \V. R. Johnson 8.H.Montiomery_ J.W.Monteomery_ R.L.M.atthew•---D. 0. Smallridge, 0. J. Henderson Ch. of Bd. Moorefleld ___ Hardy B 9 Hardy County Bank _____ 1•09 W.R. Orndorff ____ C. E. Vance------- A. B. Haslacker ___ 69-223 58 Pop. 630 South Branch Valley Nat. Bk. M. S. HenkeL ____ G. W. :McCauley ___ M. Dasher________ " _______ .. '83 69-222 •Mor~antown. Mon'ga1ia Bank of Monongahela Valley L. S. Brock ________ M. T. Sisler ________ J. H. McGrew _____ •tl'88 69-92 A7 5B Pop. 12,117 Jnc, M. Gregg _____ H. L. Oarspecken __ D.R. Richards _____ BANK OF MORGANTOWN " •:tl'06 6~96 .. -------:: Commercia\~~~f-------§'20 W. H. _______ 0. E. Jacobs _______ W. H. Ashcraft____ ________  ------  d  C  536,040  31,290 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt. ~  s. S. Wade •.. _____  G. P. Rus.ell ______________________  I  185.000 2.800.000 2,400,000 550,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Far.Dep. N., Pitt.; N. Ex., ~ :::: Wheeling; Merch. N., Bait. (')  •*'801 - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Union Ilank & Trust Co,_§'20 D. ~I. Willis.--~--69-98  X  r.Jl  '"1  ro ro  4·;,100 -------- --------- --------- --------  :,;rl-  •:Mound ville__ far hall Oity & County Bank ----H'l3 J. W. Garvin ____ F. Harris __________ A. D. Ayers ______ L. E. Knapp ______ _ W. E. Peabody 6~103 4P Pop. 10,669 E 10  100,000  19,100  372,000  400,000  107,500 Irving N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt,; N. 0 Ex., Wheelin e.  FIRST NAT'L BANK B. B. McMECHEN---- T. S. RIGGS -------- J. D. BURLEY-:---- H.W. THOMPSON----  50,000  30,000  450,000  480,680  70,000 Bk. of Manha ttan Co., N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt. i:::  119-lOO  El: 0 ::,  Send your cash letters a nd collections direct to us for e fficlent servlc e and quick r eturns.  •t'Ol  rl-  :r: 0  WE GET RESULTS.  'O  MARSHALL COUNTY BANK ♦  69--99  V. A. Weaver _____ Alex Pardy ________ J, A. Sigafoose ___ V. E. Myers ______ _  69-101  58,000 1,107,000 1,200,000  118,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Dollar Sav. & Tr. Co., Wheeling; Mellon N., Pitt.  100,000  86,590 1,069,320 1,031,350  175,020 Bk. of America, N. Y.; N. Bk. of W. Va. and :~i.of the Ohio Valley,Wheeline: Peo. N .. ~  460,000  140,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt.; N. Ex., ~ ji; Wheeline.  •:1'81  MERCANTILE 8KG. & TR. CO. W. 0. ALEXANDER- FRIEND COX------ C. A. SHOWACRE, ELMER RESSEIER  Sec. and Tr.  •U'03  MOUND CITY BANK----•*1'05  o. H.  A. Sec.  Hunter---- ___________________ _  50,000  Mount Hope Fayette E 4 Bank of Mount Hove---•U'02 P. M. Snyder ______ L. S. Tully _________ W. H. Boone ______ E. E. Morrb ______ _ 11'. M. Bailey 69-2118 5 Pov.1989 First National Bank ----•t'l7 J.E. Garrett_ _____ A. W. Rodgers _____ G. C. tarbuck ____ W. L. Smith ______ _  100,000  J. 0, Bardall _______ J. A. Bloyd--------  37,000  550,000  69-102  69-3\',\',  \  ll '1 ,,,t.n.n.\\,\t\\' . \\ . l.l~DD\1.1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  0  ~  ~n \,U.  \ll Ut:t:\  \~f\  \ll  11 tU.1"..\.\\,u, 11 •  \11.  ~ t\.  MEMBERS NE'N 'lOR~  ro  150,000  30,000  q  700,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Am. N. and 1st N., Rich.; Kanawha Valley,· 175,000 '·::::] '·::::: I 2,850  ~;me~ EXCKA.NGE  ~r.  28,420 Drov. & Mech. N .• Bait.  SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD IN ANY MARKET D\RECl' PR\\IA:TE 'N\RES TO Al.\.: PRINCIPAL EXCHANGES  -  ~  1509  l'I••  ftaiull lVanJIHlr ~ N..__ber _.,., lVADM or lllUJk • UJ• ea eaoli ball in U. B. ,aelrul'Felr by Tbe a.att-MeNan, .llaDhn" aader lbe authorltT ol Tbe A.JuerJcan Ban.leers A&s'JI.  Dlreet.orr,  I  TOWN AND OOUNTY.  .oOounty Seats.  Figure is Fed. Res. Di OP BANK. •llem • .Am. Bks. Assn. fState  t . .tMem. State Bks. A.ssn.tPriv.  f'isPiU. Br:8,Balt. Mul1en Poi>.\iaf5ming E 4  / ♦Mew.Fed.  BAIIK OF  Re·.  PRESIDENT,  VICE-PRESIDENT.  0.&SJUD.  •SURPLus,  $  ( prompt, pers onal attention. . Bank. of W~~S-g ••••. •i§'l6 J.C. Sullivan_·-·· A. J. Mullins ..•••.. A.W. Dauben peck Roy Daubenspeck. • J. A. Wood <> J. R. SmooL•• __ • - - - - - - Nes~urioo:·~oeston B 7 First Nat~o6~~k -·•.t'05 Gordon B. Late •.. _  4Cp~~?~i16Hanmi1Flrst Natio8i:ink....... '84 J. A. Brandon-·--· - - - - - - - J. K. Brandon._ - · - · · -···-··· New Haven---~Iason O 3 j:Mason County Bank ___ .•§'20 J. T. FerrelL ___ ._ H. T. Fry _____ Harry L. Dyer_···- Ale ta Kay •. ·-···-  "~·e p  69-392 5 Pop. 500 --· W. G. Founds-·-·· • Tew.Martin ville Wetzel FIRST NATIONAL BANK •.t'02 I. D. 1lor2an _ _ E. L. Robinson·-· H. Koontz_ ··&IH50 A 4 4P Pop. 23-ll NEW MART 1,!(S Y1LLE B.! N,K Wm. Ankrom··- S. R. Cox_ _ _ _ N. N. Oblinger_ ······-·-·-·-" " 6..-1..9 + 1 97  ;~p. \Wowell F 3 ClarL ·auo1et~nk •••• •.t·12 L. 11. Clark_·-·-·-- E, II. Evan  FIRST NAT  c. W. Berger...... [l.  IB  1: •"·  453,150  130,830 N. City, N.Y.: Far. Dep. N. and 1st N .. Pitt.  37,680  632,010  618,460  25,000  5;0  120,000  105,720  50,000  63,440  894,990  824,958  60,000  121,420  845,970  842,460  35,000  3.000  535,000  423,420  40,000  I  88,1701 500,000,  80,000 440,000  25,000I Merch. N .. Pt. Pleasant; Char. N., Char, 220,330 ·Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Far. Deo. N., and 1st N., Pit\. 137,990 Ban. N., N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N . .A., 1st N., and Columbia N., Pitt.; Bk. of Ohio Valley, Wh~li~. 115,500 OhaseN., N. Y.; Mon~ngahela, N. Bk. o_f Pitt. N. A. and 1st N .. Pitt.; N. I!:~. ,Vueehhf, 32,220 Chem. N.. . Y.; Union Tr. Co., Char. . h. . Ric 190.000 Han. N .. N, Y.: N. State & City,  I  --1----  89.720 1.263,520 1.185,140 282,880 M:Cb. & Metal• N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cln.; Com Ex. N., PhU.; N. Ex. Roa-  noke.  ° Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  CENTRAL BANK  TRUST COMPANY  1  :s tJ:l f/l '"i  < ~  Cl -  Z ► ~ £t  @  -8-5-,00-0 -1-.00-0-.00-0 -75-0-.00-0 -25-0-,00-0 Citi,. N., Bait.: Fifth-Thi,d N., Cin.; Kana ·ha Valley, Char. ~ --- --- --- ---  g  124,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. N., Bait.; 1st .... o N., Pitt.; 1st N,. Parkersburg. i, ADV. ON WEST VA. IND E~. 752,000  25,000  731,000  1  100,000  153,980 l,720.19011.706,1'0  145,000  100,000  W. M. Smith _ _  350,000  425,090 4.013,040 5,029,130 1,001.680 1st N., Seab. N.,and N. City, N. Y.; Far. Dep. N. and Mellon N .. Pitt.; Fifth-Third N., Oin,; 1st N., Clev.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.  930,000 1,060,000  ?  517,800 Chase N., ]!l. Y.: Peo. N., Pitt.;_ lf"'· & M~,eh. oo N. and F1d. Tr. Co., Balt.; 01t1z. N., Om. c1' 115,000 Han. N., N. Y.  Citizens National Bank_•.t'82 G. L. Watson _ _ Samuel Logan.-•• Frank Good _____ J. F. Woods ...... _ 6Hl H. R. Wile .•••••_. Commercial Bankini & Trust Reese Blizzard·-- C. P. :M orrison •.•• J, R. Cooper- •• W. J. Davidson Company.6~56 .•.•••• il'03 First ~ational Bank •••• •i•63 W.W. Van Winkle_ W. W. Walker_ •..• C. T. Hiteshew _ E. L. Davidson 6g..4g  -_ 1 ;  ~  1  .•-.--.-.-. -10-0-,0-00 ••-_-_-1,...J-.-8-.Le_w_l_s__-.---.--•...,.1-W-.-R-.-H-ay-es--~~----,-IJ-.-W-.-J-o-.n-e-s- -.-W-.-J-on-esG Oak HUI ••••• Fayette D 4 Merchants & Miners Bank •:1'05 6Q-&0! 5 Pop. 1200 1---------''---------'--------'---~----1--W. H. ~MITH-······· LEVIN SMITH ----··--·----······-·--··-- J.V.LANGFITT,A,Sec. •Parker burg_. Wood B 4 58 Pop. 20 ·05 C.alectione receive the personal attention of an officer. 150,000 SEE Bill of Lading Draft• • Specialty. & •U190o 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _T_E_S_T_O_U_R--,.F_A_C_I_L_I_T_I_E_S_._ _ _ __.::..__ 6~64  ,;J  I  560,070  50,000  courtesy and Service are counted •• two of our best 100.008 ••·oo as••1•• Collection• a specialty at moderate ratee. SEND US YOUR BUSINESS. • 1  Ex., Roanoke.  663,200 Chase N .. N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; 1st N .. Rich.; Kanawha Valley, Char. 120,000, A~..•E£'1t.;'' i:'. Y.; Far . .Dep, N., Pitt.; erch.  16,000  50,000  T.  528,490  25,000 •·•······  K. Miller._.____  ·-··-·· J. H. Bane-····-·· M. c. Newton ___ ,  .________________  I  25,000  ~ CORRESPONDJCNTS,  32,130 1,232,760  'L BANK LESTER e. TONEY-J.J. HUDDLESTON-w.1. CREAGER--D.B.HAMBRICK ••• - - - -  1g..302  :.a..  539,870 $ 292,740 1Fifth-Third N., Cin.;  763,950  25,320  50,000 100.000  ~.Jn~!~ A~nau···  • orshf  !.oH• 1: na  O ,D"" DEPos- c'TI: no,.,,,· •• AND PAID-UP O PROll'ITS ~ !!110t11mu' ,..,,.,1wnu ~  f w. E. DEEG ANS-.. L. N. FRANTZ..•.... s. o. FRANTZ .•••• __ B. T. PRICE-·-···-~ Oldest estabUs bed Bank. Coll ectlons sent dir ect to us receive  Wetzel Oou~i :nk •.• •U'90 E. 0. Keifer.·----· L. J. Williams---· G. M. Wood ...•.•. 1 Titr5o_.POP~2~;oonam D 2 Ianufactur;:~i:ink_ ••• , '20 \ , (),Almer-····- \ . D. Payne------ w. L. Wintz···-··  I  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES.  ,  .Ass T OJ.SHU:R.  [K·tab.  ,~~\PS-..•:1'09  Non-Ban.Ir Towns w1th Nearest .BanJdn&" Point (Indexed Acces.), Law;yers. Laws <indexed) fn back of thJs rnlume. For Interest Bates, Holfdays, etc., see Laws.:,  WEST V TRGINIA --Continued  ~ "1 4Q  --------------'----~----------1--- --- --- --- ---  PARKERSBURG NATIONAL BANK  •:•s9  THOS. LOGAN ...... _ CHAS. A. BUKEY ·-·- CHAS. A. BUKEY - · · - - · · - · -  Collections a specialty and remitted on day of payment. Prompt attention to all banking ·matters entrusted to us.  150,000 235,720 2,171.900 2,211,030 262,880 N. Park, N. Y.; Ex. N., Pitt.; Fifth-Third - - - - - N.,Cln.;FranklinN.,Phll.  --------,---------------------1--- --- --- --- --66,130 2.079,290 2,0 4,010 370.810 N. City, N. Y.; Far. Dep. N. and 1st N .. Pitt.; 156,000 J. 8. M:cKown · - G. E. Work----···· J. D. Reich·-··N. Ex., Wheeling. Robert Wilson 450,000 245,040 2,037,540 2,272,340 466,320 Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.: B'ar. Dep. N,, Pitt.; _ J. N. Camden •••••• B. T. Neal, Jr., Tr. Geo. F. Frederick, u, . Tr. Co., Bait. Fidelity Ser-. W. E. Davis 80,000 234,800 2,36'5,000 2,080,0001 580,000 Ban. N., N. Y.; Far. Dep.N., Pitt.: 1st N., PhU. o Joe Park __• _ _ Lyle L. Jones·--·- ··---·········-·-·  Second National Bank .. •i'S6 W. H. Wolfe--. SHO Union Trust & Dep. Oo.•:1'03 S. D. Camden--·-· 89-55 WOOD COUNTY BANK .. •:S'U4 Edward NellY---·  ENT J• D• MERRIMAN &. Co.•' .-wHEELING, w• VA.<-. .sNVESTM EC u RI Tl Es U--52  \0  W. C. M<'Conaufhey  MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK-EXCHANGE MEMBERS WHEELING STOCK EXCHANGE  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In.  to each bank in U. S. Hcluslvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers' WEST VIRGINIA-C t d dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ....,. 1510 :=:::::==D=lrec===::==to=ry::::::::::,=u=n=1=le=r=t=h=e=a=ut=h=o=rl=ty===o=f=T=h=e=A=m=e=rl=c=a=n=Ba=nk=e=r=s:::As=s=•n==.================O=ll=l=ll=U=e=::=========:::=v=o=lu=m=e=.=F==or::::::::ln:::t::::::e::::re::::s:::::t:::R:::a:::t:::::e::::s,=H=o=ll=da=y=s~,~e=tc=.,=see=~La=w=s.l ~  TOWN AND COUNTY, NA.ME 07 BANK. LIABILITIES. Rll:S0URCES PRINCIP C 0 .t.Countr Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. lState ---------,----l!-------·-, il, ORlUl:SPONDJCNTS. Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem. State Bks. A..ssn.tPriv. PRlCSIDJ:NT. VICJ:-PRJ:SIDJ:NT. CA.SHIU. ASS'T OA..SBIJ:R. PAID-UP SU~UB Dnoa- ~ : . : : ; Pis Pitt. Br.; 8, Balt. ♦l4em. Fed. R,es. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ - - - - - - i - - - - - - - - l - c - u _ I T _ . i l_ ._ P_B_oF_IT_s _ITS _ _ _11aaw..... ____ noa_B_.uia _ ________________ ,  =!..~  1  1  Parsons ••••• Tucker B 7 J'lrst National Bank •• --.•t'09 Ford Huff - - - John F. Repair---- M. O. Feather ___ M. 58 Pop. 2001 Gl>-187 "  ____  "  o.  Feather _____ $  Tucker County Bank.•!§1900 Riley Harper ______ A. D. W. Strickler_ -----··---·--·-·-"'·- H. Martin----·---·  25,000  34.170  452,190  338,050  c. Trree _______ z. H. Lerr.---  25,000  15,000  240,000  170,000  CITIZENS IAT'L BANK-.'04 R. Broadwater __ M. H. Broadwater_ L. D. James ___ Geo. H. Wilson ___ _  25,000  17,610  554,170  431,630  ~l!\Siok'AlEf}'"--  11,000  360,000  320,000  G~ll86  Pax _______ Fayette D 4 Bank of Pa~-----------•i5'15 A. L. Hunter ______ Oatis Lively ___ J.  5 Pop. 674  Pennsboro __ Ritchie B4 58 Pop. 1654  25,000 $ 16,040 $ 289,970 $ 239,840 $ 85,510 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt., Bait.: Far. Dep. N., Pitt.  00--353 G~Z07  Lee Prunty  FARMERS & MERCH. BANK ~THOMA\fiiicKLER E. E. WELLS------- I. F. llcGINNIS.. ____ G~206  25,000  21,500  550,000  48,000  33,910  J, W. Park·------ --------------------  40,000  1,200  J. S. Taylor ____________ _  25,000  25,000  40,000  First National Bank __ :•02 ----·----------- W. T. lee, Jr, ______ D. J. Tan ____ A.. 8. Hawkins._ ll>-202 Peoples Bank. _________ •il'08 J. H. Woods. _____ William Janes __ J. Stanley Oorder_ J. F. Manown __ 6~203 Piedmont_ ___ Kineral B 8 Davit National Bank __ et'69 A. L. Luke ______ R. P. Robosson •• - C. W. Getty ___________ _ 5B Pop. 2835 G~157 E. J. Noon  50,000  Largest and Str ongest Bank. Pro mp-.; attention gt ven tocoifeclfons. Please enclose 15c with each Sig ht Draft for prese ntatlon ~ and 25c for ea ch special report.  •*'02  J.E. SUTER-----  l  FIRST NATIONAL BAIK•t'87  \Y-a"}l,MPJifK-- J. D. THOMAS.----  IIORIIS BRUCE----  H. A. Jolliff ___ F. B'. Morpn ____ J. Friend Alley _ _ _ _ _ _ L. N. Frantz ____ Tollison Lusk ____ R. D. Bailey, V. P. L. C. Harvey  c.  M. Wikel. __________ _ Federal Reserve Bank of1C1 St. Louis  ~-~nn,~• ~ ~, ,,,~t\.t\.\\,\I\.\'  40,000  O  115,000 Drov. ll llech. N., Bait.: 1st N., Parkersburl?,  363,720  313,780  141,250 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Ex., Bait.  90,000  100,000  30,000 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.; Drov. Mech. N .. Bait.  240,000  200,000  48,000 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Rich.  75,000 1,100,000  700,000  225,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Merch. N., Balt.; Mel• lon N., Pitt.  137,000 Ohase N., N. Y.; Drov. & Keeh. N., Bait,  \ll  UI  \I ~-  ~  0  > tl1  >  z  X en  51,000  429,000  363,000  2,000  315,000  250,000  75,000 N. Ex., Wheeling; Diamond N., Pitt.  ~  ~ '"1 f/1  0  :,  256,580 Irving N., N, Y.: Drov. & Mech. N. and N. rn Union Bk. of Md.,Balt.  75,000  87,0oO 1,486,260 1,148,280  470,100 N. Bk. Com, and Irving N .. N. Y.; Drov. & Mech, N., Balt.; 4th St. N .. Phil,; 1st N .. Pitt.  25,000  11,410  107,700  116,700  10,840 Han, N., N. Y.; Kellon N., Pitt.  25,000  15,360  200,020  227,990  35,300 Fifth-Third N., Oin.  3.050  98,080  134,540  45,300  ~n  -z  73,200 1,142,470 1.054,090  100,000  ~ \JU., fl \\ll\.\l\~, fl .  ~  50,000  J. A. Mace--------· J. Albert Toler_ H. C. Gorby _______ - - - - - - - - -  J. 0. Shinn ______ - - - - - - - - - - J, W. Windon-· A..L.NeaJe _ _ _  en  I  O. O. Bowyer ___ - - - - · - · - - - T. Stribling_. ______ W. W, Riley, Jr •••  J. S. Spencer ____ T. StriblinE--- O. A. Roush, R. L. Hutc:thison, Sec, and Tr. A. Sec. and A.. Tr. B:. W. B&le _____ T. M. Fry _ _ _ A.. B. Calfee ___ .A. L. Bowlin£ __ _ H. E. De Jarnett O. R. McNu« _ _ c. W. Smith ______ W. J. Elliott ___ R. N. Vermillion_ 69-130 Stanly Smith Virrinian Bank of Commerce W. S. Dangerfield_ S. J. Evans _ _ _ G. E. Mastin _______ W. H. Reynolds ••• 6!}-331 t§'ll Pullman _____ .R\tchie B 6 Pa.llman State Bank ____ .;t:§'01 F. A. HalL -------· G. 0. Howard ·---· A.. Hayes Elliott. __ June Elliott ___ _ 51 Poll, 400 69-307 . E. J. Chapman Ra'i.nelle_.Greenbr\er D 5\ Bank ot Rainelle ____ ·--•t1'12 John Raine _______ C. E. Andrews, Jr._ 0. B. Davis _____________________ _  \ • \\ •  455,000  Unsurpassed co l'fecttot semce. Larseat and atr onireat bank In Mineral CountT,  69-158 Pine Grove._ Wetzel A 6 Bank of Pine Grove ____ f'02 4P Pop. 797 69-306 Pineville __ Wyoming E& Fint National Bank: ___ •t'05 5 Pop. 304 G~234 " ---·-" Wyoming Oounty Bank.•§'17 6!}-367 .t.Pt,Pleasant..Kuon OZ MerchantsNationalBank•*'65 5 Pop, 3059 6~159 " _____ " Pt.Ple.aaant National Blc.•i•o1 6~1G0 Point Pleasant Trust Oo .• 1'06 6~161 Princeton ____ l(ercer E4 Bank of Princeton ·----•t1'89 5 Pop. 6224 G~l29 " ·---" First National Bank ____ i•oo  46,000 Wood Co., Putersburr; Columbia N.. Pitt.  <  Okey E. Nutter--· C. B. Summers ---· Oliff Wilson B.J. Baker _ _ _ W.C.Kooman __  S. V. WOODS---- E. R. DYER--- R. E.t TALBOTI -- J.E. WOODFORD--  CITIZENS NATIONAL BAIK 6~201  172,150 Ohase N., N, Y.; Kellon N., Pitt.; N, State and c::! City, Rich, <: t%.1  Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash an'a lrfme Items. Please send 15c with each sight dr aft for presentati on and 25c for Ore dit Rep arts.  •:§'98  J'lrst National Bank -----•·Ot .A. 0, Wilson. _____ Bert Bradford •• ___ G~Z08 R. W. Elder .t.Petersburg ____ GrantB8 GrantOonntr Bank--•il'02 L.J. Forman _____ D. P. Hendrickson 58 Pop. 834 69-304 " ________ " Potomac V~J~orank ___ §'20 J, G. Harman ______ J. A. Parks_. ______ Peterstown_Monroe E5 First National Bank .. -.. •i•10 J.E. Hansbarrer_ S. Y. Symns _____ 5 Pop. 293 G9-305 PhilippL_Ba.rbour B 7 5B Pop. 1543  154,280 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.: Oitlz. N. and Drov. & Mech, N., Bait.; Bk. of Pitt. N . .A., Pitt.; N. Ex., Wheeling. 75,000 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.; Union Tr. co., Char.  ll4,390 1,024,450 1,008,880  30,000  8,210  245,050  248,890  100,000  42,770  314,270  430,580  100,000  10,000 1,300,000 1,475,000  50,000  38,740  673,630  632,000  18,210 1st N. Rich.: Fifth-Third N., Cin. 210,090 Imp, & Tra. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Oin. and Pitt.: Mer ch. N ., Balt. 91,460 Han. N .. N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Oin.: Kellon N .. Pitt.; Merch. N., Rich. 28,330 Merch. N., Pt. Pleasant: Kanawha Valley, Ohar. 110,000 N.Oit:,-, N. Y.; N. State & City, Rich.  '-I  ~  179,370 Mech.&Metal N.,N. Y.;Am.N.,Rich.;Char, C  u!: ~~~- Y.; Norfolk N., Norfolk.  25,000  6.410  173,640  151.660  49,620  25,000  7,500  270,000  209,500  25,000  8,740  228,630  171,280  78,000 Ohatham & Phenix N., N. Y.: 1st N,, llarris• ville. 91,080 1st N ., New Bethlehem: Kanawha Valley. Obar.  MEMBERS  SE.CUR\T\E.S BOUGHT ANO SOLO \N ANY MARKET  ~£.'ff "'OR\<. S-10C\<. U..C\\~NGE  n\REC"f PR\\/1\."{E W\RES "{0 M.l. PR\NC\P~L EXCH~NGES  ~  Nuaiber uatler Name or Baalc 1511 l:U:t.;:z:a:ieru,h8,; ::i~t  ill tbe  New 'l'rlla6lt Number _tvea  Non-Bank Town• wlt~ea.1'881 .BaDJdDs' Pofnt  irn- .._.  :itu~e~c~eg/•1n'te-;~f kate':, J!!1.8~!1J. ::;c.? ;! 'f.w~/ ::::rotY.rl':':.:i::,~~c:.-:1e::-::sse.r:: WEST VIRGINIA-Continued =========:==============:=========:========:=======:======:::::;::==;==========::::::::::=================::::::::===::::::::::::::====:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::==::===:=:/:J 0  I •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State  ,county Seats. Fig~re i_s Fed. Res. Dist. .tMem. State Bk:s. Assn. t Priv. (Estab. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. Pis Pitt. Br; 8. Balt.  PRESIDENT.  I  I  I  NA.ME OF BA.NK,  /.  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  8  RESOURCES  LIA.BILlTIES.  ...-.-.-D,-,.-,-c-...-.-:-Jl:-.J:-I 1----;-SU-BP_L_U_8-,-----11Lo--  p  8  8  RINCIP.lL  C  SU  C: SI>  ORRJ:SPONDENTS.  ..•• •--~= --..  ~••oB•:~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ~ , ;  450,320  335,670  200,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Oohunbia N., Pitt.; 1st N., Parkersbur~; Am. Bk. &Tr. Co., Huntington.  3,900  136,260  123,410  M.340 Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.  25,000  17,600  131,020  144,410  25,000  20,000  340,000  245,000  33,080 N. Park, N. Y.; WoOd Co.. Parlcersbart; Roane ""'4 "•J Co., Spencer, ~ 80,000 Mellon N., Pitt.; 1st N., Parkersburg,  C. G. Rader ________ J. W. Baxter ______ H. M. Smith ______ _  25,000  23,810  333,160  300,700  W. V.Jarrett ___ L. French Herold_ R. E. Wade _______ _ A. C. Herold T. !l. Richard, __ D. H. Frye __________________ _  25,000  8,000  380,000  315,000  40,000  41,210  585,390  469,060  c. L. Cropp ______ _  50,000  6,000  600,000  400,000  65,000 Han.N., N. Y.; N. Rx., Bait.  H. R. Kight ____ L. P. Walker ____________________ _  25,000  8,000  100,000  170,000  50,000 Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.  L. 14. Par1on1 ___ H. -,, Pf oat ____ T. C. ParsoOii _____ _ E. P. M. Pfost S. B. Sayre ________ H. s. A.rmstronc-- G. B. Crow _______ _ A. W. Ferguson G. B. Crow S. G. Starcher _____ G. E. Straley ____ H. L. Kerwood ___ _  50,000  10,000  325,000  272,800  30,000  11,000  289,600  224.000  35,000  7,000  360,000  315,000  C. W. Haines. ___ G. W. Arnold _____ Blair M. Haines--  75,000  6,7,500  700,000  760,000  W. E. Beaty ____ W. M. Williams-- _ _ _ _ _ __  50,000  24.340  429,940  470,020  P.A. George _______ C. E. Boone ________ C. M. Wheelwright  50,000  31,270  527,370  Ass'T CASHIER.  AKD CAPITAL Pao:r1Ts  D:&Pos-  25,000  80,000  C.R. Zinn ______ Harold Watson____ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I. E. Tusin~ Jesse Roach ___ G. E. Mccutcheon- H. C.McKinley_  25,000  Mark Depue _____ A. L. Thrash ____ C. E, Tatterson ___ _  VICE-PRESIDlCNT.  CASHIER.  PAID-UP  08,T..  ITS  ·-  -  --  - - - - ~ - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ·- - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - • · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ravenswood_Jackson O ! First National Bank----•~'15 C. E. Mason------- P.H. Slaven. ______ E. A. Bartels ___ F. W. Dickerson __ S 35,000 S 11,670 S 295,400 S 231.680 S 114,570 HaNn••• NCh.,aNr.· Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.: Char. ~ ._. 69-354 58 Pop. 1284  K. C. Hutchinson J. A, Cole _________  n: B. Oole _ _ _  Clara Weisheit_ __ _  JACKSON COUNTY BK,--U'IIII { Modernequipm ent, excellent faci lltles, efficient se rvtce. Please send 15c wi th each sight draft for presentation and 25c for Credit Reports. 61>-llli Reedsville __ Preston B 7 Farmers & llerchAnts Bank D. G. Watson ______ I'll 61>-!26 58 Pop. 254 Reedy _______ Roane O C Bank of ReedY--------•U·oz J. A. McClung ____ 61>-308 5B Pop. 373 .. J'irat National Bank _____ e!'IZ H. c. Cottie ______ _____ " 611-338 Renick __ Greenbrier D 5 Bank of Renick ________ .u•o9 J. s. Wickline _____ 69-269 5 Pop. 200 Richwood_ Nicholu D 5 CitizensBank__________ e:t§'l6 J, C. Baber _____ 69-356 Po1>, 4331 .. 58 First National Bank ____ ei•oe H. W. A.rmatronr-______ " tll>-128 Richwood Bankinr "5 Tr. Oo. J.B. Dodge _______ •U'0Z 61>-127 Ridgeley ____ Mineral B II Peoples Bank---- ---t1'15 J, T. Vandegrift ___ 61>-HO 58 Pop, 1700 •Ripley ______ Jackson O a Bank of RipleY--------U'0I Warren Killer ____ 611-227 5B Pop. 580 .. Citizens State BanJc ____ U,09 0. W. Starcher __ _____ " 611-2211 First National Bank-----•!'93 R. P. Shinn ______ 69-228 •Romney _Hampshire B II Bank of Romney------ •if '88 J. J. Cornwell ____ 61H92 SB Pop. 1028 First National Bank ____ e'I0 A. L. Puih ______ " _______ " 69-193 Ronceverte ••• Greenbrier First National Bank ---•!'88 W. E. Nelson _____ 69-155 E5 2310 5" Pop. Ronceverte Nat. Bank_•iwoo C.H. Thompson __ " _______ 611-156 Rowlesburg __ Preston B 7 Peoples National Bank __ •t'l2 A. A. Pickering ____ 69-337 5B Pop. 862 Rupert ___ Greenbrier D 5 Bank of Rupert_ _____ eif'04 L. E. llcClunr---69-309 5 Pop. 100  salem------- Harrison B 5 FIRST NATIONAL BAIK ••. • 98 51 Pop. 2920  69-151  W. E. Echols ______ T. L. Falor ____  1  11-  I~ >.  1  125,000 N. City, N. Y.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.: Capital tx, City, Char.; 1st N., Parkersbur~. 08,000 N. :Mk. Com., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N .. Cin.: Z Wood Co., Parkersburg. 00,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Fifth-Third N., Oin,; Bk. ~ of Pitt. N. A .. Pitt.; 1st N,, Parkersburg. 00 82,500 N. City, N,Y.; Drov. & Mech. N .. Bait.  > I  543,060  48,600 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Rich.  325,000  50,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. State & City, Rich.  < (D :s  50,000 Merch. N., Balt.: Mellon N., Pitt.; N. Bk. of c! ~ Fairmont, Fairmont. 40,000 N. Bk. Com., N. T.; 1st N., Bie.ll.: Char. N., 0 Q. Char.  25,000  25,000  H. R. lilollis ______ C. E. Phillips ____________  25,000  10,000  250,000  160,000  James FerreL _____ H. W. Bivens _____________ _  25,000  2,000  150,000  140,000  HI.PAYNE------ OSCAR C. WILT-- FRED DIDDLE------ - - - - - - - -  60,000  64,000  976,000 1,010,000  SD Cl)  ....0  110,000 N. Park, N. Y.; J'ar. Dep. N., Pitt.  I Bills of Lading and Collections g lven personal atte ntlon. with dally remt ttances for collect Ions.  ~ Prompt and e.111 ctent service  en :::r  l  THOS. HAWKER ---- C. M. BARTLffi ____ ROBERT E. LEE ____ CHESTER W. JONES__ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  <  33,000  '150,000  730,000  5·  95,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Empire N,, ::, • Clarksburg.  r+  0  ::,  •!SIIIOO  Shinnston __ Harrison B 6 FARMERS BANK-------•U'119 69-ISO 5B Pop. 1670 _______  73,030 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. and 1st N,, Rich.; ,· Drov. & Mech. N .. Balt. 85,000 Han.N .. N. Y.;Drov.&.Mech.N.,Balt.;Union ~ N., Clarksbur~. 222,530 1st N., Phil. and Rich.; Merch. N,, Balt. 1O  ~  400,000  SheQherdstown_Jetrers'n FarmersBank ___________ $'06 N. T. Snyder - - - J. L. Meyers _______ Jos. H. Trout _____ E. E. Billmyer ____ _ Virginia White 6!H98 B 11 5B Pop, 1063 JeffersonSecurityBank_!$'69 O.J. Miller _____ S.J. Hodges.. ____ Harrison Schley._ C.F.Lyne___ " •• 69-lg7  "  ~  64,790 N. Oity, N. Y.; N. Bk, Com., Bait,  R. A. LeveL ____ J. R. Johnson _____________________ _  MERCHANTS & {s. BROADWATER-- I: \_o0A/Jfc------ o. F. MORR1s0N----- s. a. HANHAH------- 50.000 COMMER CIAL BANK. of Ladi ng Collectio ns a Specialt y. PRODUCERS BANK ABill We invite the bus iness of those who demand prompt, per sonal and efficient service. 6 152  -  l  25,000  32,230  227,940  294,970  30,000  48,000  305,000  !39,000  40,000  30,000  775,000  700,000  15,810 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. of Balt., Balt: Cont, Tr. Co., Wash., D. C. 37,000 N. Bk. Com., ~. Y.; Drov;. & .M:ech.N., Balt.; 4t~ St. N., Phil.; N. qap1tal, ~ash., D. 0. l 125,000 N. 0,t,, N. Y.: Oolumb,a N .. PUL  Special attentto n stnn nm of La 4tnc Drarta, Cash and Time Items. Uc should be ae nt with eaeb Slsh & Draf& for pre1en tattoo, and Zk fo r each e redlt re port.  l 1  c;  -  52,300 1,171,960 1,083,4%0 208,700 N. Park, N. Y.; Bk. of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.; Drov.l 90,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK •!'011 G. W. HARRISON---- R. G. LUCAS-·-- ____ C. A. COLE--- C. II. SMELL---- - - - - &Mech.N,,Balt. 69-181  "  J D MERRIMAN & Co WHEELING W VA •  •  •t  ,  •  •  INVESTMENT SEC UR I Tl ES  MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE MEMBERS WHEELING STOCK EXCHANGE  1512  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number ginn to earh bank in . S. exclusively by The Rand-~lcNaUy Bankers' Directory, under the authority of Tile American B_!lnkers .A.ss_•n_._ _  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, La"fts (indexed) In back of this ..... volume._ Fo_1:__J~Rates, ~olldays, etc., _see Law~ ~ HEsouacEs. -- PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. t,;)  WEST VIRGINIA-Continued __ - - - ~  TowN A:-iD cou.-TY. J.'nrn oF llA.."K. ---L-IABILITiis-:---1 •County 'eat . •Mero.Am. Bks.As.n. §State PR y p C A , C PAID-UP SURPLUS • DEPOS· Lon1&D11- i. Fl'd, Ut•s. Dist. :l:.Iem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ESIDE.TT, ICE- RESIDENT, ASHIER, ss T ASHIER. CAPITAL PRANOFDITS ITS ":'..~"..o~~: PL Pitt. Br.; 8, Bait. ♦ ..'\lem. Fe<.l. He,. [E tab. - - - - - - - l - -,----.,---- - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sislersville _____ Tyler A 4 Farmers &Prod.Nat. Bk.•!'95 J.P. Flynn ________ W.R. Reitz _______ Addison .A.. Clarke. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S 100,000 S 56,000 $1019000 $ 967,580 S 308,500 4P Pop. 323 · 69--133 " " First National Bank ____ _.t,•95 A. c. Ja~kso!l ______ R. Broadwater _____ J. J. McKay ____ S. Thistle---100,000 70,510 884,130 975,560 183,420 69--132 W. J. McCoy, V.-P. E.W. Talbott W. G. Maxwell 75,000 54,000 865,000 850,000 195,000 E. ROOME-------~- G. W. HILL--------- D. E. THOENEN ----- G. N. FRAZER-------  ci!:u!'::!:•  A. D. McVEY  PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK till- 184  TYLER COUNTY BK  1  I  I  We offer a prom pt and efficient p er onal service. •i•o2 { Speciol.-1ttcn!ion (J fren Collections. Our faehities an d l<.qulpment are the very best. I  A. R.SUTER  J!<1t~g  •tl' 92  FIRST NATIONAL BANK--•'19 69-3b3  •Spencer ______ Roane C 4 FIRST 58 Pol). 1715  NATIONAL  61J-33i  69--183  TRADERS TRUST & BKG. COMPANY __ 69--184 ____ •§'03  100,000 1  - 1- - ;  68,000 1,548,400 1,321.520  50,000  I  20,0'.lO  250,000  •Sutton ______ Braxton 5B Poll, 1500  o 5 BA KOF SUTTON------•t§'l8  250,000 !  20,000 ~. Park, N. Y.: Kanawha Bkg. & Tr. Co., Char.  t--3  <: -  ~ "4•  c. c. Rowe_______  -  50,000 49,000 1 830,0001 802,000 145.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. Dell, N., Pitt. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ •  C. S. VANDAL------H. C. WOODYARD-- S. B. THOMPSON--- E. M. SINNETT----1 For efficient service and quick returns send your business direct to us. 50,000 120,000 900 ,000 l,000.000 110,000 N. Bk. com. and Met. Tr. co., N. Y.; Bk. The Oldest, Largest and Strongest Bank in Roane County. of Pitt. N. A.• Pitt.; Cont. Tr. Co., Wash.,  !  Please enclose 15c with each Sight Draft for presentation anc1 25c for each special credit report.  D. C.; Merch. N., Rich.  ---------------------------- --- --- --- --- --A. J. KNOTTS---- J. M.HARPERJ _____ R. T. KEITH-------- GUY FLESHER----40,000 57,070 512.500 500,940 139,150  69-185  69--1 6 . ~farys __ Plea:;ants B 4 Fir t National Bank _____ •t•gg 58 Pop. 16t8 69--177 " Pleasants Oounty Bank •U'97 61H76 •Summors\ille. __ Nicholas Farmers&Merch. Bank•U'lO 58 Pop. 279 D 51 69-245 " ________ " Nicholas Oouniy Ilank -•11900 69-244  -  I  FIRST IIATIONAL BANK •t·to { C. J. PEARSON -- W. H. WILSON----- S. D. McGEE------ 0. B. MELTON-----  •  ~ tr:l en  35,000 ------- ------- --------- - - - Char. N. and Kanawha Valley, Char.;Merch, ::;: f1ld It ever occu r to you that ' N., Rich. '4 { INV.A.RIABLYT HE NEW BANK WILLRENDERT HE MOST SA.TIS FACTO RYSER VICE. A trial will con vlnce-May we he ar from you? . ►  Excellent Banki ng Facilities. Ef ficient Service. S end us your Busl ness. 15c se nt with each Sigh t Draft ror presen tatlon, and 25c fo r each c redlt re port. 1 t. Alllans __ Kanawha D 3 Bank ot St . .A.lbans ___ •t§lO00 C. A. Zerkle _______ W. E. Mohler ______ 0. H. Zerkle _______ L. J. White_______ 30,000 40,000 625,000  5 Pop, Z825  Seab.N.,N.Y.;Far.Dep. N. and Bk,· of Pitt. N. A., Pitt.  375,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitts.; Fifl h -Thlrd N., Cln.  1  OUINCY JONES---- K. E. REED--------- J.M. SCHWENDER--- RAY WATTERS------  BANK-•i•12 W. M. Looney _____ G. W. Holswade ___ J. W. Looney ______ 11. Boggs  ROANE CO, BANK  Seab. N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt. Seab. N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___  E. A. DURHAM------- J. L. FISH----- - ---- A. MARSH ---------- D.S. MARSH-------w. J. NEUEHSCHWANDER Old /- DciMcCO/E I dB k I T I C t  8 Special A;fe.!Won :i~en \uaE~eand ~II «!r 'c~~1!ct1ons. Pro 1pt Service- Reasonable Rate . TRY US. So. Charleston. Kanawha Bank of South Charleston H.B. Lewis ________ Geo. chlos tein___ . R. Henderson __ F. T. Ili1L_________ 5 Pop. 3650 D3 6il 363 •:l:§'17 69- 131  ----------------  I  395,()00  W. C. Dotson ______ J. D. Din moor---- D. W. Dillon ______ B. A. Dotson ------  50,0001  86,600 1,218,580 1,225,590  A. S. Grimm _______ K II. Morgan ______ E . .A.. Sayre______  50,000  20,000  A. A. Hamilton ____ J. F. Sebert. ______ W. P. Kincaid ____ R. T. Kincaid______  30,000  35,000  H. W. Herold ______ Jettes Mollohan ___ Millard Herold ____ Austin Brown_____  35,000  25,000 j  Fred L. Fox _______ C. W. ~arple-- ---- Hugh Swisher. ___ E. M. Smith_______  35,000 _ 5 , 5 00  We will handle  collections prom ptlf and aatl■fac torU7.  J. A. Schauwecker_  384,ooo :  419,200  345,000  570,000  530,000  326,750  326,360  315,000  275,000  1  69-378  @ I en  ci.i.  1  20,000 1  Z  H'N.'. t~k~~s£~~g~rov. & Mech. N., Balt.; 2d ~  I  25,000  tJj  ;l>  ~ ....  300,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; Kanawha N. and Kanawha ~ Valley, Char. s1,ooo , Ban. N., N. Y.  0  179,580 Seab. N ., N. Y .; Far. Dep. N ., Pitt.  ~ 3  o  86,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Re,al Estate Tr. Co,, Pitt.; Wood Co., Parkersburg. 80,000 Drov. & Mech. N .. Bait.; Merch. N., Rich,; ~ Union Tr. Co., Char. 58,060 CbaseN., N. Y,; Union N., Clarksburg; Char. N ., Char. 60,000 ChCasearN .. , N. Y.; Kanawha Bkg, & Tr. Co .. 11  1  HOME NATIONAL  BANK  AMOS BRIGHT----- 6. B. FISHER----- A. L. MORRISON-- M. B. JAMES-----Largest Bank in Braxton County. We Make a Specialty of Collections. _ Prompt, Personal Service-Reasonable Rates.  69--191 •t·o111 - - - -Terra ..\.lla ___ Preston B 7\ First National Bank ____ •t•o3 s. M. Scott, Sr, ____ F. Dailey A. Miller------- W. H. Harriman __ _ 1 5B Pop. 1261 69--188 " ________ " \ Terra Alta. Bank ________ U'92 \W. H. Glover_ _____ J.C. Mayer ________ 0. E. Trembly---- F. B. Mayer ______ _ . 69--187 , . \ W. A. Whi_tehair _ \ Thoma ______ Tucker B 8 bllners & Mercb. Bank_•t\ 02 \A.. R. Stalhn~S----- \H.F. E. Hmeba.uih W. W. Woods _____ E. I. McVe~h ----- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  \w.  ------10,  60,000  31,520 1,064,860  -  · -_  -_.,_ - 1 929,0ZO  286.660 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Bait.; Bk. of._ IU Pitt. N. A.• Pitt. ::,  521,440  130,850 1Han . N .. N. Y.; Merch. :t_i., Bait.: Bk. of Pitt.'< N. A. and Mellon N., Pitt. • 85,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.; N. Ex., Wheeling. \0 155,880 1Diamond N., Pitt.; Merch. N .. Bait. :::_  C  p.)  25,000  32,000  617,060  30.000  25,000  500,0001 470,000  25,0J0 \  35,470  602,890  499.020  1513  Nruu"- ua4er Name or Baak is the New 'l'nlaslt; Nu1nber given to each banlc in U. S. ezeluslvelT by The Band-MeNaHr Bankers" Directory, uader t;he aathorlt;y of The Jlmerlcan Bankers Ass"n.  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  I  N,UIE OF BANK.  •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Fiin;ire js Fed. Res. Dist.l tMem. StateBk:s. Assn. t Priv. _PIS Pitt. Br.; 8, Balt. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  I  7 PRESIDENT,  ff:J;/c-.c  daT~nA~. 2l.~e,;':tt.~~(~~e~)-"f:gbf'~~j volume For Interest Bates, HoHdays, etc., see Laws/~  WEST VIRGINIA-Continued I  VIOX-PRESIDENT  LIABILITIES.  0,UJJUD.  A8S'T 0A.SHIJCR.  PAID-UP  Su:;:;us  0APITJ,-L PROFITS  RESOURCES.  DEPOS-  ~  l.0.1.•• & DIB-  CilB  I  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  ig  "'1  & lb:-  J:;u:.."::• ~ ' ; , ° ~ = , ~  1-------11---  Thurmond ___ Fayette E 4 NAT'L 5 Pop. 285  BANK Of  6~237  4.  THURMOND f S. THURMtOtNDt- G. L. JOHNSO I --- J. HUGH MILLER-- 0. L. STONE------- $ 50,000 $ 29,440 $ 570,990 $ 486,140 $ 175.140 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich.; Drov. & Mech. ~ 1 •t"08 8 pee1a 1 a en ion given Bill of Lading Drafts, C ash and Time It ems. N., Bait.; Char. N .. Char. Please enclose 15c with each Sig ht Draft for prese ntatlon 1 and 25c with ea ch request for re port or rating.  1  NEW RIVER BANKING & TR. COMPANY-61}--WL.-  •:§·04  l  00,170 741,780 G. H. Cffl.APERTON- J. f. PRINCE ------ W. N. JASPER----- ------------------50,000 Fore clen ser vice and quick i'e turns, send YOW' busi ness direct to the OLDEST and LA RGEST BANK. Please enclose toe with each Sig ht Draft for pres entation and 25c for eac h Special Repo  Tunuelton ___ Preston B 7 'lunnelton Bank -------·•tf'08 J, S. Hunt _ _ _ G. M. Bonafleld ____ JohnJ.McKone,Jr. ___________ _ 5B Poll, 703 61}--311 • Uniou_ ______ .Monroe E 5 Bank of Yonroe _______ •:W04 C. E, Lynch ____ ---- J. L. Rowan ________ H. S. Ellison ______ H. L. Crawford ___ _ ~ Pop. 439 , 69-239 • _______ • Farmers Bankin2 Co, __ if '06 R. E. J. Camnbell _ W. F. Peters _____ Jno. D. Shanklin __ J. R. McCoy ______ _ 61}--238 Wadestown- _Monon2alia 5B Pop. 85 A6 Wall:ice _____ Harrison B 6 5B Pop. 800 Wal1on ________ Roane O 8 5B Pop. 200 War _______ McDowell F 3 5 Pop. 500 Warclensville __ Ha.rdy B 9 5B Pop. 745 Warwood ____ Ohio E 11 ( Wheelina P. 0.) 4P Pop. 5000 •Wayne ______ Wayne DZ 5 Pop. 981  n·os  Bank of Wadestown ____ R. B.Olovis _______ 61}--312 Wallace Bank-----------•1'03 T. J. Parrish. _______ 61}--313 Poca Valley Bank _____ •U'08 I. A. Whited ______ 61}--314 Citizens Bank _ _ _ •t§'l9 D. J. F. Strother 1• 69-3 0 Capon Valley Bank ______ §'18 J. V. Warden ______ 69-370 · Bank of Warwooa -----•U'l l F. J. Kenamond ___ 61}--322  .,.  252,940 Han. N., N. Y.; Am. N., Rich.; Kanawha Valley, Char. I  23,940  593,910  565,310  102,590 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Bait. 125,000 Chase N .. N. Y.: 1st N .. Rich.; Fifth-Third N., Cin.; Drov. and Mech. N., Bait. 49.830 1st N., Rich.; Ronceverte N., Ronceverte; Alderson N., Alderson; Bk. of Greenville, Greenville. 75.000 Han. N., N.Y.; Citiz. N., Morrantown; N. Ex., Wheeling. 99,010 Han. N., N. Y.; Far. Dep, N., Pitt,; Union N., I Olarksburg. 85,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Char. N .. Char,  25,000  35,000  420,000  340,000  25,000  17,200  108,020  88,250  ---------------  25,000  rn,ooo l  200,000  160,000 1  O. W. Swi2er_ _____ G. T. Williamson __ -----------------  35,000  7,000  231.600  170,250  Chas. A. Lynch---- O. C. Pence _______ G. II. Looney_____ _  25,000  40,000  365,000  345,0:J0  o. E. Linkow. _____  Chas. V. Garrison_ Alex. White _____  I  I  tD  C. F. Wright_ _____ --------------------  50,000  7,000  274,000  2:11,000  25,000  9,000  92,000  115,000  J. H. McDonald---- 0. H. Eberts _______ --------------------  25,000  17,000  538,620  400,000  X 122,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Bk. of The Ohio V&lley,Wheel- C/l init,  Wayne Oounty Ba.nk ___ .a,02 B. J. Prichard _____ W. H. Newhouse-- R. 0, Taylor ______ R,. R. Rucker _____ _ 6~315  25,000  7,500  22£,000  142,000  135,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Oin.; Merch. N., Rich,  NATIONAL BANK  > z  ...,I  ::r  S. P. Allen ________ J. M. Herold, Jr._ W. Y. Mccutcheon  25,000  18,000 • 365.000  D. M. Peterson ____ H. E. Hawkins ____ E. D. Rothrock ___ _ O. Ferguson • B. F. Williams ____ J. W. Price _______ J. A. Newton ______ Bess. K. Hinkins  40,000  90,000 1,500.000 1,300,000  100,000  105,930 1.143,000 1,116,000  •U900  l  For efficient ser vice and quick re turns send your busin ess direct to us. The Oldest, Largest and Stronges t Bank In McDowell County.  Merchants& 11iners Bank B. 0. Swope _______ A. F. Leckie _______ D. B. Price ____ ------------69-388 •§'19  C. H. BEALL--- F. R. ANDERSON -- JOHN RALSTOII -- J. F. THOMPSON--  COMMER:IAL BANK--•U'0i 69-IID  90,000 Han.N.,N.Y.; Drov.&Mech.N.,Balt.  345,000  I I  "  -------  "  Farmers St~tstnk ___ .;§'12 W. B. Taylor ______ H. C. Wells ________ S.S. Hedi?es _______ G. R. Helsley___  ---------  "  WELLSBURfo!lllf· & S.Georre --------- F. A. Chapman---- c. R.  WELLSBURG NATIONAL BANK  I 100,000  5,000  C  '"1  390,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt. N. A. and 3 Far. Dev. N., Pitt. 262,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Cin.; N. State & City, ,..., Rich. ....,.  g  50,000  21,150  I  I  160,000  140,000 j  528,750  480,630  606,080  595.190  Special attentio n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. ~ Piease8end15cw itheachsightdraft forpruentationa nd25cforCrwitR eports.  "  69-117  88,620 N. Park. N.Y.; 1st N., Cin. and Welch;N. Ex., Roanoke. 13,9:iO TrvingN., N. Y., Com'l &Sav.,Winche'ter, Va.  1 lSAAC T. MAHL--- I. J. RHODES _____ i. J. RHODES-------- WARREN A. WILSON -- 100,000 291.860 2,086.420 1,748,040 838,710 Ban. N., N. Y.; Franklin N., PhD.; 1st N., •-~n.;Plan.N.,Rlch. J. F. STROTHER  McDOWELL CO. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  60,000  628,000  L. F. Sutton _______ B. F. Sine _______ Myrtle Wise ______ _  •WebsterSpr'gs-Webster First National Bank ____ .:·06 E. H. Morton ______ 5B Pop. 1000 D6 6~316 Weirton ___ Hancock D 10 Bank of Weirton ______ •:§'12 E.T. Weir ________ 4P Pov. 7000 6~328 •Welch ____ McDowell E 3 FIRST NATIONAL BANK•:·08 D. J. F. Strvther -5 Pop. 3232 6~173  •Wellsburg __ Brooke E 10 4P Pot>, 4918  -  70,000  s. T. Bane, A. Tr,_  100,000  1J. C. PALMER, JR,-- T. C. CLARK-------- H. M. RODGERS------ G. W. McCORD------ -  100,000  '32 1  SPECIAL ATTENTION  Windsor, Tr.  GIVEN BILL OF LADING  24,040  115,340 1.149,200 1,158,640 66,000  800.000  740,000  I  81,200 Han. N .. N. Y.; Fifth-Third N •• Cin.; N. ')tate & City, Rich. 116,360 Chase N., N. Y.: N. Bk. of W. Va. and Wheeling Bk. & Tr. Co., Wheelin2: Bk. of Pitt. N. A .. Pitt. 102,510 Han. N., N. Y.: Columbia N., Pitt.: N. Ex. an<1 Dollar Sav. & Tr. Co., Wheeling. 200,850 N. Bk:. Com., N. Y.: Columbia N. and Keystone N., Pitt. 145,000 N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N,, Pitt.  DRAFTS.  Collections and othel' Items sent us will have prompt a nd careful a ttenti  on.  (Esta.bLished 1832)  ··J• D• MERRIMAN & Co . ' WH EELIN G,. W• VA. - sINVESTMENT EC u R ITI ES  -u,  w  MEMBERSNEW-VORKSTOCKEXCHANGE MEMBERS WHEELING STOCK E"XCHANGE  1514  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  TowN AND CouxTY.  I  "  __  "  I  LIABILITIES.  NAME OF BANK.  •County Seats. •Mem . .Am. Bks. Assn. §State PRESIDENT. VICE PRESIDE~T Figure is Fed. Res. Dist. tMem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. a,T. . p is Pitt. Br.; B,, Balt. +Mem. Fed. Res. [Est ab., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Weston_ _____ Le,ris B 6 58 Pop 5701 •  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In  WEST VIRGINIA-Continued  BANK OF WESTON-----•U-08  CASHIER.  Ass'T CASHIER.  p AID-UP  SURPLUS  CAPITAL p:o~TB  dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this1 volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws,1  i.:,,.,.. & DIB•  ITS  c~ •  IATIOIAL EXCHANGE BANK 69-144  •*'52  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. & Ex-  - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ 1  PORTER ARNOLD--- G. W..i. WILSON------- W. A. EDWARDS----- J. G. G. HEAVNER--- $ 60,000 $ 42,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 100,000 Han. N. and Liberty N., N. Y.: Bk. of Pitt.N.  i  FEE IN ADV& NCl'i: Sight drafts, 15c minimum; 25c minimum charge, if pa id. Rellable Credit Reports, 50c. TR Y US. No advance fee required on Bill o f Lading Drafts, Cash or Time Ite ms. Citizens Bank __________ e:U,92 R.H. Hall _________ A. F. Whelan ______ T. J... Whelan ______ G. L. Bland_____ 50,000 214,270 2,000,000 2,000,000 69-145 Lewis County Bank _____ *f'02 Andrew Edmiston_ George E. White __ J. s. Vande"ort __ F. B. Jarvis_______ 60,000 60,800 791,000 788,050 61>-146  6!>-147  =o~  RESOURCES.  DEPOS-  E.G. DAVISSON---- R.H. H.ARRISOff ____ J. W. ROSS------- J.B. MITCHELL-----  Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Drafts. Please send 15c w ith each sight drat t for presentation and 50c for Credit ~ PAY AND GET SERVICE.  West Union-Doddridge Doddrid&'e County Bank L. R. Charter, Jr,_ J. D. lleReynolds _ --------------- Ira E. Smith ______ _ 58 Pop. 1270 B5 89-216 •11900  60,000  212,500 1,544,700 1,519,550  Report s.  153,690 Chase N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Bait 106,810 Saab. N .. N.Y.; Drov. & Mech. N., Bait.; Mellon N., Pitt.; Merch. N., Rich. 210,460 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; March. N., Bait.: Colum- ~ bia N., Pitt,; 1st N., Phil, tij  en 37,550 1,043,730  50,000  A., Pitt.; Drov. & Mech. N., Balt.  ,;  954.510  174,960 Seab. N., N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt.  <  8,460 581,160 488,700 172,590 Irvmg N., N. Y.; Mellon N., Pitt.: .4.m. N. 1-4 J.E. TRAINER---- A. C.BLAND--------- W. J. McELHINEY-- J. A. FREEMAN_____ 50,ooo FIIST NATIONAL BANK •i•o2 { Special attentlo n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. . Rich.; Drov. & Mech. N .. Balt. ~ H-217 , Please, send 15c with each sight dr aft for pre,se,ntati on and 25c for Cre ditroeooi rts 0 98 ,960 571,930 516,360 196,200 N. Oity, N. Y.; Columbia N., Pitt. -WEST UNION BANK-----193 W. B. Maxwell ____ w. s. Stuart_ _____ s. W. Lanrfttt __ J. H. Lanvttt______ , H G9-ZUi ----------------------------1--- ,--, --- --- --•Wheeling ___ Ohio B 10 ), J. A. MILLER------ ALFRED PAULL --- J. H. McDONALD--- R. H. McKEE-----*BANK OF 4P Pop. 56,208  "  ••  "  ..  176,000  lccounts of Banks, Bankers and Others Solicited; with Assurance of Up-to-the-Minute Service. Collections at Reasonable Rates.  THE OHIO VALLEY 69-1  lH.  Ill'.  *Oenter Wheelinr Bav. Bank J. A. . .M:iller ______ ,Leonard Eskey ____ J. Seheufter __ T. Dowler _____ _ 111>-ll •*1'01 *Citizens-Peoples Trust Co. Alex. Glass------- L. F. Haller _______ L. F. Haller _______ J. J. Roth ________ _ 8D-8 •t§'l6 G. W. Eckhart H.W.Gundllng,Sec. O. W. Rice  100,000  64,110 1,658,300 1,198,810  300,000  157,220 2,514,970 2,366,720  SAYINGS B. w. B. w. BERNHARIKLIEVES Ba. ROBT. HAZLETT ff. E. LAUPP, & TRUST CO If you appreolate pl"ompt and careful aervloe at a mode.- SEE ate charge aend US youl" Item• nd colleotlona.  *DOLLAR  PETEISOI-- •• A. S.LIST,  SCOTT-~---- ROBT. HAZLETT, Sec.  Ch. of  49,000 1,909,530 1.435,060  583,450 1st N., N. Y. and Chi,; Bk. of Pitt, N. A,  - - - - - - - - - - .....-- - - - -  ~  and 1st N., Pit&.  -z ""1  w  ::i>  z  Beab. N. and N, City, N.Y.; Diamond N., Pitt.  539,920 Mr!i  W.: iYit~nd N. City, N. Y.; Mellon N. and  @ ~  H. TRACY, ~ A.Sec, 750.GOO 1,550,0001050000011269560 1,885,000 Han,N,a•dN.Clty,N.Y.1 CornE:s:.N., rt0 Tr, Officer Chi,; Hello• N. and 1st N., Pitt. ::s  1  AD  v.  OPPOSITE  w.  VA. Ill DEX  rl-  0 · 11>-I •U'89 1-:=--,--=-:,----c---:-=--,--=-~=-----=--=--...,....-----:-=--=--=-----I ·- -:-~= - - - - - - - - - - - Fulton Bank & Trust co. Otto Schenk ___ w. A. Driehorst ___ H. W. Campbell, H. D. Posey_______ 100,000 21,890 403,060 452,850 47,850 Han. N,, N. Y.: N, Bk. of W. va., Wheeling. ~ 69-272 •t§'09 Sec • ana Tr, *Half-DollarSav.Bank_•U-97 F. c. Driehorst_ __ J. H. Clarke _______ V. G. GundliD.£ ____ John Metz2er ____ 100,000 171,620 1,997,300 1,957,420 242,510 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Pitt.; N. Bk. of W. (I) Kutual Savi:: Bank --•il'87 Howard Hulett __ A.lex. Updeirafl' ____ A.lex. Kitchell, Tr. Katharine Kitchell, - - - 144,210 2,185,220 2,202,740 126,690 Va .. Wheelinl;?. ~ Gl>-lfi Su. 5'  ;5  1----------------------------1·--- --- --- --- ---  *NATIONAL BANK  E.W. NLEBAY-- W. B. IRYIIE------ A. E. SCHMIDT---E. W. ZIII--  C. R. HUBBARD Oldeat Bank In Weat Vll"glnla. Second Oldeat Weat of the 600,800 458,880 4,532,770 5,1102,310 Allegheny Mountain•. --- SEND us YOUR BUSINESS. SEE ADV.OPPOSITE Pl GE 1496 •U817  OF WEST YA. IIH  *NATIONAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Naa:,Hr ander  884,570 Imp. & Tra. K. and N. Clt7, K. Y,; Peo. N,, Pitt.; Com'I N,, Wash., D. C.  1-------------------~--------1·--- --- --- --- --JOHI L. DICKEY -- WM. ElllHHl■-- C. W• .IEFFEIS---LOUIS J. YAEGER--  EXCHANGE BANK United (Wheeling continued on \next paae)  (IQ  ~  ll)  g e!  FRANfK HIAIIRtBRUfCK 580,000 598.270 5,234,670 6,365,400 1,313,940 .&in. Ex, N., N. Y.• 1stN. Pitt.· Union Tr. W e h ave evel"y ac y or - - - - - - co., Clev. ' • ' ~ handling oollectlona at 111ode1"ate l"atea. .. We l"emlt pl"omptly. Let ua ••'"ve you. SEE ~D V. 01 W EST VIR GINIA M AP. ~  Stat.. Depo.lto ..y.  t,..'")  1-4  Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces. Lawyers, Laws (indexed) 1n back of thJs .._  Nr11nber under Name  or Bank ill  the New Tran11I# Number ,riven  ;:ii:;r:,;;:n;.~,,,.uth8e ::i~1::::::Tof>;.l:~::::l;.~c=1!le~:r::1;:: I:•Jlem.N.A.ME •County Seats. Am. Bks. Assn. §State  1515  TOWN AND COUNTY.  1  OF BA.NK.  PBil:SIDJCNT.  Fie!)re ~s Fed. Res. Dist. U£em. State Bks. Assn, t Priv.  _I' 1s Pitt. Br,; B., Balt. +Mem. Fed. Res. •Wheeling _____ Ohio 4 p (Continued)  Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Banking Point (In-  [Est.ab.  i~~e~ci~l'i!ie":::rx:::.s1f:i1l!':1i. ~c.?ai:a fa~~ F  WEST VIRGINIA-Continued LIABILITIES.  VICE-PRJ:SIDDT.  _______  OA.SJII.EJL 1  A.SS'T CA.SHIU,  _______  _______  10 *Qoarter Savine-s & Trust Co. G. J. Kathison ____ S. Alexander.. ____ J, Ir. Rbeline- _____ D. 1~12 •t§'0l John Coleman H. C. Kalbitzer R. W. Marshall  s. McKee ___  .RESOURCES.  PAID UP SURPLUS D'I;,u .urn ~s-  PaonTs _ _ _  $ 200,000 $ 102,000 $1192000 $1245 000 $ 177,000  C  P.IUNCIP..U. CORRESPONDENTS,  l.oilr1.l:D1S- C••.thc'TL Bona, oauroa,I>n ll11Ct7&1T1:u ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  N. Bk. Oom. and Irving N., N. Y.: 1st N,, Pitt.  ll,)  '<."1  1..... ~  •.....  ~  W. E, STONE---··· M. J. McFADDEN . -- f. J. FOX, H. S. MARTIN ------ 300,000 348,140 2,982,550 3,167,810 463,370 Bkrs. Tr. Oo., N, City and Kountze Bros., N,Y.; A. L. MEYER Cash. and Sec, 1st N. and Bk. of Pitt. N, .A., Pitt. Send us matter s requiring perso nal handling by men of broa d trust and bankl ng experience. *South Side Bkg, & Tr. Co. Chas. A. Bowers __ A. F. Ulrich----- Obas. A.. Bowers __ E. F. DiehL______ 100,000 155,000 1,500,000 1,310,000 400,000 Olwe N., N. Y.; N. Bk, of W. Va .. Wheeline-. 6H •Wll0, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ____ - - - - - - - - - - - -  *SECURITY TRUST CO.•W03 ♦  6~10  ALEX'R GLASS,  M. C. MAGEE-------- M. C. MAGEE --- --- C. E. LANG ...•• ---~~~E,~~8~~~ H. SEIDLER  *WHEELING BANK s. w. HAR1~lR,o;!:: s. 0. LAUGHLIN & TRU ♦  ST  69-4  Gs;c,  w.  A Bank of Experience, Strength, Character and SerCO vice. Quick Returns on Collections. Send them 300,000 487,000 4.850,1100 4,750,000 500,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. • direct to us. We wire remittances promptly Mellon N., Pitt. •t§'70 thru Federal Reserve Bank on request. l\fEMB ER FED ER.AL R ESERV E. Our officers will give any business sent us their careful, personal attention.  ~  & Com'I N., Chi.;  t:rl ~  --z  <  Wheelinl? Clearini Rouse •.. Chas. W. Jeffers.--,---------------,----------- ------1.Alex. Mitchell, - ------- _________ -·------69-14 Mgr. (Members indicat~d by a *)  Selected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS  'l!Mem Inv Bks Assn •Wheeling _____ Ohio E 10 4 p (Cominued)  ~  0  GEO& COMPANY W BARON 1  1  _  1907  _  ,  07  Investment Securities. Members Wheeling Stock Exchange. Prompt Efficient Confidential - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SEE ADVERTISEMENT OPPOSITE PITTSBURG. PA.  EDWARD HAZLETT & CO ,15 { Investment Securities-Specialists In Wheeling Iron Corp. S t o c k s . = = = ~ = = = =====:=Dollar Sav. & Tr. co., Wheeling. • Members Wheeling and Pittsburgh Stock Exchanges. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___  HOWARD HAZLETT & SON  LOCAL LISTED AND UNLISTED STOCKS AND BONDS.  $ 500,000 ......... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Moore, Leonard & Lynch, N. Y. and  ·ashed 1892. Establ MEMBERS WHEELING STOCK EXCHANGE.  •t"92  -  ~  -  -  ~STA.Di  :fJ{M ~ P O N  -  -  > ttl >  Drexel & Co., Phlladelphla. Otts & Co., Cleveland. Redmo nd & Co., New York. A. E. Masten & Co., Pittsburgh. Dollar Sav. & Tr. Co., Wheeling.  ..,  '4  ~  II 1  ~  Pitt.; N. Ex., Wheeling, W. Va.; Wheel- ::r"  Ing Bk. & Tr. Co., Wheeling, W. Va.; ~  Bridgeport N., Bridgeport. Ohio.  (Wheeling Steel Corp. Bldg.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - -  ~  !IQ  fLouisF.Brand, IMembera: New Ylork,Boston, ChicagloandPittsburghSto ckExcha nges, New York CottonE xchange, Logan&Bryan;Hornblower & Weeks; W. J < Resident Partner • Chicauo Board of Trade. Wollman & Co.; Walker Bros.; J. S. Banhe ;"90 l Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, P rovlslons. Main office, Pittsburgh & Co., N. Y.; A. E. Masten & Co .. Pitt,  A. E. MASTEN & COMPANY  J. D. MERRIMAN & COMPANY  STOCKS AND BONDS. Members  INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Private Wirea To All - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Harris, Wlnthrop&Co., N. Y.;ChUds,Kay & Woods and J. H. Holmes & Co., Pitt.; Principal Exchan11ea  New York Stock Exchan11e Wheelin11 Stock Exchan11e  N, Bk. of W, Va., Wheeling.  Correspondence Invited.  ----------------------------~--------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. u  u  c. Stifel __________________________  MITC(~~~~r~?!~!J)NSJ~~l2 { Investment Brokers. SPEIDEL & BACHMAI, Inc.  '12 (402 Wheeling Bk. & Tr.Bldg.)  Tnvestment  Baird Mitchell, Sec.  BaJke rs .Ass'n)  {W.  H. Bachman - Joseph SpeideL __ J. W. Speidel, -----------------Sec. and Tr. Investment Sec urltles, Stocks a nd Bonds.  USE AND SELL OUR LETTERS OF CREDI,:: AND TRAVELERS' Cl:iEQ~ES: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  (Members  J. E. Stevenson,  100,000 _________________ Brown Bros .. N. Y.; Moore, Leonard & Lynch Pitt.; Stifel-Nicolaus Inv. Co., St. L.: Dollar Sav. & Tr. Co., Wheeling. 30,000 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Stone & Webster, Bos.: Dollar Sav. & Tr. Co. ~ i Wheeling. ..... )  _CONTINENT~L _AND COMMERCIAL BANKS CHICAGO  .. -- ·.  ·-  - . - .....• ..--:•. ~ .- ...  .. _ ~---~--.  ·-  .,  ;-_.;_  _....  - - ~ _.• - ·  :._·  '  -  ,.--  -·------· . _...-....:,__. -,,_. __ - -- -·· .,.. __ -~.  ~  1'amber under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n Ton ~D COUNTY. NAiuE oF BL'iK. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §S ta te Firre ! Fed. Re.:. DU. tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. ts  Pitt. Br.; B, Bait.  ♦Mem.  White Sulphur Sprine-s 5 <lreenbrier D 6 Pop. 837 Whitesville---Boone D 3 5 Pop. 250 Widen----------Clc1.y D 4 .~ Pop. 1500 W11l1am burg Greenbrier 5 Pop. 161 D5 •WiJliam on .. _Mine-o E 2 5 Pop, 6819  ..  --------  ..  Fed. Res.  'L  FIRST NAT  tood ll J  ti  2  msn\>op:i~ette D 4 Wor th ingpton_ Marion B 6 5 8 op. 400  I  I CASHIER.  LIABILITIES. -- REsou"icEs. 1 PAID-UP SuRPLus DEPos- ;:;::,.. "'n ... c.,,."' Ez-  Ass'T CASHIER,  CAPITAL P ~ T S  c~;,;,~~=·  ITS  ~  PRINCIPAL OoRRESPoNDENTs.  c:..~:":;=  +  •+' 03  ~  G. L. White _______ E. O. Curry ________ Geo. N. White _____ $ 60,000 $ 15,000 $ 450,000 $ 400,000 $ 70,000 Chase N., N, Y.; 1st N., Rich.; Char. N .. Char. I  II. M. Slush _______ H. H. Andrews ____ M. C. Brackman___  25,000  R. T. Price-------- W. A. Andrews____ _____________  8,000  200,000  ..,..  175,000  25,000 - - - -  88,300  62,000  Bivens______ ________ ______ ______  25,000  2,160  99,500I1  69,210  W. p, T. Varney __ W. P. T. Varney __ J. T. Johnson_____ J. M. mith  50,000  7,CCO  R. ~1. Riffe ________  o. w.  600,000  495,000  ;:::: """ "-' 48,950 1st N., N, Y.; Kanawha Bkg. & Tr. Co., Char.; C) Clay Co., Clay. . 36,790 ,Chase N ., N .Y.; 1st N ., Rich.; Char. N., Char. 131,000 IHan. N., N. Y.; Fifth-Third N .. Cin. 45,000 Char. N .. Char.  Z  1  1  OF COMMERCE  Yif Ptowl  VICE-PRESIDENT.  BANK {W. J. WILLIAMSON-- jM,Z,WHITt. BEN WILLIA_MS0N-- - ALEX BISHOP------- A. B. VARt!EY ------ 100.000 160,720 2.157,420 1,751.770 703,600 Chase N. Y.; 1st N. and Fifth C- A,WRIGHT - - - - - N.,Cln.;lstN.,Rlch.  NATIONAL BANK  op, 79 .w·w··s e Idp op.----'53tnam D  I  [Estab.: , -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  Bank of White Sulphur Sp~s. W. B. Hines- ______ 69-317 •U-06 Bank of White ville ___ •t§'lO Frank FacinolL ___ 69-381 Bank of Widen ______ t§'l9 •J. G. Bradley ______ 69 391 Bank of William ·burg __ t§"l9 J. H. Bransford ___ 69-387 Day and Night Bank -- •t§'l9 J. H. Greene _____ 69-384  119u 125  . . W• 1  PRESIDENT.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws tindexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rate , Holidays, etc., see Laws. Vt  WEST VIRGINIA-Contt•nued  N.,  Largest and Str ongest"&nk In M lngo County. Special attentlo ln given Bank and BUI of Lading Co Uections. EFFICIENT SE RVICE. REASON ABLE RATES. T RY US.  > su  & Third ::l ,..., ._.  ~  <;  en  I  WELLS GOODYKOONTZ --E. F. RANDOLPH----C. B. EARLY------J. B. SMITH- United States Depository F. F. McELROY  fl  i  100,000  Prompt, liberal, progressive, and conservative. •t·o 7 TRY US. Send us your collections. Low rates. 69- 126 Farmers & :Mechanics Na,t'l Frank L, Fenton _______________________ J. L. Lorentz ______ , ____________________ Bank _____ 69 39J____ ____ 19 Bank ot Winfleld _______ .i§'02 H.J. Barr _ _ _ J. T,, Dunlap------ F. L. Middleton ____ C. A. HowelL__ ___ 69-3111 WINONA N~~P2~AL BA~f10 R. L. Walker----- H. 0. Boley________ J. R. Hisey ________ w. Boley_______ Fil'st National Bank ______ ·rn z. F. Davis ________ G. w. Millan _______ A. J. McDaniel ____ Miss Georgia 69-343 McDaniel  lL.  57,780 1,319,200 1,167,750  408,330 N. City, N. T.; Firth-Third N. and 1st N.,; tD Cln.; Merch. N., Rich. 1  >  - •l l - - - 1 -  -  z  40,000 _________ ________ _________ ________ 30,000  22,880  227,800  236,890  35,210 Chase N., N. Y.; Kanawha N., Char.  25,000  22,000  590,000  436,000  200,000 Irving N., N. Y.; Char. N .. Char.  30,000  19,910  351,3601  353,060  ~  en  I  ~  ::r-  76,8301N. Park and IrvingN., N. Y.; Far. Dep. N., Pitt.  ::;.· (1)  Fi~ure under town i Fednal R!.__ervc Di tri·_c_t _ _ _ __  ,_ ' r./l  · ________________ ·c  WISCONSIN  Abb ot fporcl ____ mark: F 6 1Abbotsford Bank ________ :if'02 1 7 op, 782 7H31 Ab! mau ________ Sauk G II Farmers State Rank ___ e:-§'12 7 Poo. 5-12 I 7!}-776 Abra m p------ Oconto J 6 Abrams State Bank _____ ;!:§'11 711-738 7 Op, 250 Allam ---- ____ Adams G 8 Adams County State Bank 7 Pop. 1119 79-799 •il'l3  H. H. Fieb~ _______ A. J. Young _______ G. M. Ouimette ____ Dora Lundahl ____ $ W. J. Hummel. ___ W.  c. Holtz ________  II. O.  chulte ___________ _  John Liegeois _____ D. H. Barker _____ E. Speaker __________________________ _  U'03  BANK OF ALBANY------ U'll2 79-399  Algoma ___ Kewaunee L6 7 Pop, l!Hl  BANK  l{  •U'81  9-  We make a sp eclalty of colleetl ons and wlll pro mptlJ \ { handle your lte ms on Algoma at the following rat es: 15c must acco \ mpany Sight Dra .rt and 26c for ere. dlt Information. I  n llrtH\lll a '1 O f'n -\ ll \ll \I J. U. \1\Ll\1\\\1\t\" at \,U., · 11 \\lll\~(i, 11 . 1 f.\. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  184,410  176,1110  17,820 1st N., Chi. and Wis. Rap.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  12,000  8,600  190,310  155,590  15,000  15,500  350,000  350.000  10,000  19,390  525,0001  460,000  46,900 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Cont. &Com'lN.andDrov.l~ N., Chi.; .Marshall & Ilsley and 1st Wis. N., · Mil. , . . . ;p 30,000 Cont. & Com IN., Chi.; Marine N., Mil.: 1st N .. _ Jane ville. (1q 8,000 Cont. & Com'! N .. 1st N., and Drov. N., Ohi.: O 1st Wis. N., Mil. E}  25,000  %7,000  942,500  952,000  t i)  ::s C  65,000  27,730  904,720  861,390  107,480 N. City, N. Y.; Oont & Com'l N., Chi.: Marine N. and 1st Wis. N., Mil,  I  1  .·.  ,  Pl  57,500 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st Wis. N ., Mll.  16c must acco mpany each Sig ht Draft to pay for presentation and 26c for Cr edit reports.  I  I  6,340  FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft r or presentation, a na TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report lnsu · res prompt, perso nal atte ntlon.  ERNEST BRUEMMER FRANK SLABY------- C. F. BOEDECKER----· J. H. McGOWAN, Sec.  CITIZENS BANK------•U'll 7 751  5·  10,000  ,  J. F. LITEL------- ELLALITEL-------- J.E. LITEL------- .E. F. GRAVES ______ I  OF ALGOMA '{BENOIT THllRD- A. W. HAMACHEK- A. W. HAMACHEK- J. F. THINRD -----' The "Roll of ff onor" Bank. M. L. REI HA~!L 79-433  I,;  1  I  ALBANY EXCHANGE BANK W. D. Roberts _____ E. M, Knapp ______ J. T. Gravenor ____ O. E. Turner _______ , 79-400  25.000 $ 17,030 $ 238,310 $ 2311,1110 $ 34,180 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.; 1J} N ., Mar-.:hfleld. 65,850 Cont. & Com 'I N .. Chi.; Marshall & llsley and en 11,920 : 337,530 291,350 1 t Wis. ., :Mil. 'O 23,630 Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 15,090 170,9901 169,910 10,000 · ,; 18,000  R. B. WoocJ. ________ G. D. Beech _______ W. G. Bingham ____ 1--------- _______ _ J. B. IIi!l O. E. Whitcomb Ade1 1__ ___ SheboYl!'an K 8 Adell State Bank _______ •!§'08 NoahSaemann ____ Wm. Zuengler ___ E. C. Stratton _____ Mattie PlekenpoL_ 7 Pop. 246 711-432 Alba oy ______ Green H 10 7 Pop. 741  1  MEMBERS  -  N£w "'oR,u;-rocv.:ncHtt-NG£  -  SECURITIE'.S BOUGHT ANO SOLO IN ANY MARKET  'O\R£c, PRWi\,£ W\R£s ,o M.L PR\NC\Pi\L EXCHANGES  ~  ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  WISCONSIN'S portages were  ·.·. .-_ linking the mouth of the St• . - - Lawrence withthe Missis~ippi Valley a few decades after thePilgriins Milwaukee, the State's metropolis, is now, _three hundred years later, linking the heart of the Continent with the East and West.  landed at ,Plymouth Rock.  During most of Milwaukee's seventy-five years as a city, this bank has been a coworker with Milwaukee's business pio• P.eers. Representative bankers and business men throughout th'.is prospero·u s  district can best be reached through the First Wisconsin.  $~:il:il:il:il::il:il  gs-~~~~:!. oi"O ~C"t:,'~  <:<:  .,  -4'-! ...  ~~g:Jf cg.;~~ ~i~~l : i:o:::  f~ ..,,.., 9-g. , ~::r;=-~s-cro :: .:i5?f~g;: Ii i::t o: : ' g, : Q.Cj  >,;1;....=;......,..,c,..  .....  ..J...,-.Ja.10CIAC  A  ..,O;:,m•  ·O  .  b~;..;,ip ci:a~L  gt,j  lµt,;1  "'"'  .,.  B  g, s'~s' ~ ~2:S : : g,~ ; ~ ~t  c,,IQ;)(nlf:II,,~  o.setO  C  :i'd'd'J1i g;~aa-  ?!r  "l=:ltiil:llC ISl>-JMOtOt  D  0000 ,:,,q:::e,o ~~oo  3:3:3:3:1!:3:  r:-T't"t" -s::, g,,g:,  pe;j>1  C..0.t.,  o:::o:i~ OIA<> """' .... """' .,o 8~iG a~~;l; -~ ~o ":;!"' cro §~ "'og i'i'<+fO f~i i l' ~~: : F~ ~:<>" : ~: F? :~=:.:i6 ~LiµL t,;1~1'-11c..Q~ ii:; ... ~L~  =~-c:, :,;-z  \O.:IA<n  :=,,o:,  <>O>ill'  t'D  S::ni  Cb  ~  QCl~Q)(nQIII.,  F  E  C,  t:;''"'  QQQ  CJ~  '""" """ t:S  00  ...,::;  00 .....  G  ...~· ....  ~::'  p.~ai  ~U'IOOG  .........  i:,i:,,.  :.:i:...i  .,,..,  '  :  .. ,..  11:¢1,:tj 0000  >,j>,j>,j  I.".!  i p.~ ,..,.i:s  C  oo..,co : c~  :'t"· ~: ....... <-<  ... ,,, ....  H  u  s  ""  ~  ~  b  "' J  p  oot:n:,o  goooPI C:O~CI  COCCO  ;.i 2.;.g~  ;is~s ~g: ;~  b:H:,:ltxi.tlitll  ~ ij3~ ~  ..,. ►►  b'o,  : f: :": i 1l l ~  '  .. t,j~tlj6L  n Ff: "i il blai:-160 t,jq)  oacoo,a:no  (Ctt)Q:l~..:J  ... -l.Jc:aUt  !Jq"1(JQC)  C".lC".lt:-~b:l  =-pi: 'f!.  K  ~e:~i  t  t  I  I  I I  I  t  n  Cl C  -!  zg  Z.iciil 0 1'1'11'  ::!  '" •oo !-I  ..,  )C  -  L  E  ::a en  1  -I  ------t----Jili7°  -n  en  0  :z en :z  -  m ::s a. -I ::r  m  • .....  ...-· :z ,-;: CD  8  $:;  -z Zm  < .. =i ;·  g  ::s -< !!.  11'1  ..,  0  Oa,  c:  :Ill  m  ::s  m~  C u, 10  i  11'1  u, (I)  11  POPULAR MAP OF  WISCONSIN SCALE Statute l\Iiles, 34.5=1 Inch, 0  12  5  10  20  ao  40  50  ao  70  BO  12  Rand McN&lly'a New 1Lxl4. Map of Wbconaln. Copydgbt by R&nd ?i.foN"ally & Co.  Railroads_____  A Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  B  Electric Lines _ _ _ __  C  D  E  'Longitude  F  G  Greenwich  L  3001>'  -r:e •,-;: C  Pl Pl Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Building Business in Wisconsin forward looking FIRST WISCONSIN T HEconstantly exerts its resources and influence to improve conditions in this commonwealth and to hasten the development of its rich natural wealth. We know Wisconsin. Learn to know Wi con in through our facilities.  FIRST WISCONSIN NATIONAL BANK ...... Milwa'1kee • •  1517  '° !.~°1:1;. ~~:J:.,':f; l; 1;.!'~--~-::t= •n.  TOlrlf .6..lfD OOUlfTY.  NA..JU!: OF BAN.I[,  •Ootm&7 eats. •llem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ll'iiure under town is .tMem. State Bks, Assn.tPriv. PKJ:SIDBNT. VICB-PRBsIDKNT. J'ederal Reserve Di trict. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Allen ____ Eau Claire D 6 Farmers State Bank --•.tl'l4 Austin Chrisler ____ (Strum P. 0.) 79-822  9 ~~~ Ane nton_Washiniton J II Allenton State Bank--•.tl'05 7H34 7 Po1>. 250 Alm a _______ Bu1h.lo O 7 American Bank'CMI 7~358 1 Pop. 9i0 .. - - · " FIIST IATIOIAL BAIIK-•.t'CMI Alma Oenter_Jackson D7 7 Pop. 461 1mena_P _____ Barron C 5 op • 9.,50 9 Alm ond _____ Porta&'e H 7 7 Pop, 504 Alto ona_p_ Ea u Clalre D 6 OP, 960 9 Ame ry ____ Polk B 5 Pop. 1203 9 Amher t_ ____ Porta&"e H 7 7 Pon. 588 Amher t Junct, __ Portaee 7 Pop. 192 H8 Aniwa ______ bawano I 6 7 Pop. 250 •Antigo ____ La.nglade H 5 7 Pop. 8451  s. W. Marshall  --  WISCONSIN- C ont•1nued  Dlnet4Jr,. IDJder the authorfq ot TIie American Bankers A  I  LIABILITIES. SURPLUS PAID-UP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CAPITAL PR~~Ts 1 1 1  CA.SHIU,'T OA..SBIU,  ____ Harry L. Lowe ____ Aloys L. Bruckner_$  Chas. Steinberg ___ G. Weninger. ______ J.P. Weninger__ ________  ____ ,  P. E. Ibach _____ Val. Thorny _______ S. P. Ibach _____ H.F. Ibach________  10,000 $  DEPos-  de!':in;.':::i, ~.:;er':lm~~~e~~~b:»~} gf: volume. For Inte-rest Rares, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ RESOURCES.  .,...... ?>ta. Cilll•  •x-  I  c::  PRINCIPAL OORRESPONDJCNTS,  30,120  :C  I  369,530 1 347,150  t-.)  -  65,800 Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  25,000  8,300  25,000  11,190  601,000 1, I 382,190 · 336,640  J.B. Miller ____ A. W. Helwig___ Arthur Erickson Henr:,Peterson ____ Math. Dold________  25,000  17,000  473,300  20,000  8,000  249,000  291,000  92,000 1 t N .. Chi.: Merch .. Winona, Minn.: 1st N., Minnis.; 2d Ward 8av .. Mil. 54,970 Cont. & Com'I N .• Chi.: .Marine N., llil.: No.West. N .. ~linpls. 79,4i0 Cont. & Com'I N. and Drov. .. Ohi.;. 1st Wis. N .• Mil.: Merch., Winona, Minn. 20,000 1st Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N., Minpls.  G. G. OrowelL ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  10,000  10,000  340.000  400.000  50,000 Drov. :N., Chi.; 1st Wis.~-• Mil. .  C. J. Hayden ______ Doris Martinson__  10,000  2,140  140,950'!  120,750  F. A. Stenberg ____ IL c. Winche~ter _ , W. J. J!'raipont E. M. PE>ter:--on Union State Bank _____ •.tl'l8 J. G. Burman ___ A. 0. Dalberl? ____ V. H. Christensen_ ,H. ~l. Christensen. 79-973 International Bank ____'93 G. W. B'leminK ___ J. J. Nelson _______ L.A. Pomero:,. ____ H.B. Pomeroy __ _ 79-438 1 L. A. Hanson Becurit:, tate Bank ---•.tl'OI M. K. Hanson ___ N. J. Loberg ______ 0. A. Nelson __ ___________________ _ 79-439 Farmers Tri County tateBk. Chas. C. VogL ____ Louis teckbauer •• Geo. A. Jew on ____ -------------------79-983 t§"l9 Fidelity Savinirs Bank •• •.tl'Oll John Benishek ____ Anton Molle ______ W.R. Daskam ___________ 79-147  50,000  25,000  870,000  907,400  15,000  4,000  340,000 1  327.000  30,000  10,000  5i5.000  530,000  12,500  6, 0  249,740  233,430  10,000  3,000  85,000  89,000  50,000  9,;-;QO  389,000  302,0:JO  FIRST  F. Y. WATSON------- H.B. KELLOGG-----J.C. LEW~, . Bd W.W. SMITH, JR.  NATIONAL BANK  h, OJ  T.  s.  I  1  w. w. SMITH, JR,.-- 0. G. NOLTE------  ,  100,000 -  WE INVITE YOUR BUSINESS.  •.t'll8, ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  79-145  523,000 1  428,560  43.200 1,867,840 1.731,350 -  -  -  .  8  35,ooo\st N., Chi.; 2d Ward av., Mil.: Merch. N .. St. Z P.: ,.rorthw .• ' .• Minpls. C/J 80,000 " • Park, '. Y ; N. City, Chi.: 1st Wis. N. Mil.  Z  I  33,500 1Cont. & Com 'I N .. Chi.; l~t Wis. N. Mil.; ...c 1 ·t r.. tevens Point. w 6,000 Am. E ·., Mil.; Marathon Co., Wan au.  >  124,000 1.Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co .. Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley ~ and 2d Ward Sav .. Mil. Cll  -  1 (  169.4001Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st lVls. N. and Marine N., MIi.  _  • A Pl!Ie ton __ O utap mie I 7 1 Pop 19,561  !  125,000 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st w.w. N., Mil. _ ,!:::  100,000 59,000 1.602,000 J ,3i8,800 FIFTEEN C.EN ·1.,:, sent to us with each sight draf tfor presentation, and { TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report lnsu res prompt, perso nal atte- ntlon.  330,000 Drov. N. and tate Bk. of Chi .. Ohi.: Marshall C) & Ilsley 2d Ward av. and Am. Ex., Kil. ,.. ,.-  I  APPLETOII'll 79-8&  B  83,000 1.100,000 1.200,000  Direct your bus lness  .  100,000  ~  ::s  _________ ': _ _ ___ 1  LANGLADE IIATIOIIAL BAH { I. D. STEFFEll--- 10. P. WALCH------ F. 8. WANEK------ ~J. RAICHE __ :___ 79-148 •.t·o1 I.quipped to glv e prompt! effectl ve service. AMES SCHULTZ  ~  24,640 Merch. N .. St. P.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Eau Claire _ • N .. Eau Claire. fh 116,000 :r, City! . Y.; Cont_. & COD?-'l N .• Chi.; 1st ' N.,Mmpls.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.; Am. N., St. P.  - - - - --1-- -  0. J. SWANSON  ~  1  1  1  Sally _ _ _ W. Evans____  0. G. Ka1>8lovtts __ A. N. Beiseker _ _ 7~355 John Accola Alma Center State Bk,-•.tl'03 H. S. Qadb:, ____ E. V. Buckley _____ 79-435 Almena State Bank _____.t1·08 C. O. Qoe _____ OharlesKaemmer __ 711-436 . Porta&'e County Bank ___ •.tl 'OJ O. A. Crowell _____ E. G. Crowe IL _____ 79-437 Altoona State Bank ____ :l:§'19 E. \V. Pond ________ o. H. CarrolL _____ 79- 986 FARMERS & MERCH.STATE P.O. Amundson ___ C.H. Oakey _______ BAIIK ____ 7~40L----•.tl'05 A. Ryder  ...,  c:~· ":::,t:= ________________  ITS  2,300 ~ 1 $ 100,0001 $ 10,000 1st Wis. N., Mil. I I  20,000  I»  to toe LAN GLADE NATION  •  ;-  G. A ZUEHLKE --- ·!b,.A. ,;CHII ITZ.---- B. J. ZUEHLKE .. ____ M. A. SCHUH__ _____  Citizens National Bank_ •.t"N John 1. Sherman __ Joseph Roumeissl W. J. Konrad, Jr .• J. I. Monaghan ___ _ . 711-85 John Hackworthy  150,000  83,950 1,647,960 1,918,820  210,700 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Oorn Ex. N. and Cont. & Oom'l ., Chi.; N. Ex., Mil.  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _: _ __ _ _ _ _ _.!___ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  flRSJ NAJ'L BANK 79-IIS  •.t"70  I.I.POWELL-------  ,-tl'lfllNIIER L. 0. WISSMAfll--A. I \f,H;f.-----·  Oldest "and CLaPgHt Bank In Appl:to~. TT UP Send u• youP Item• for collectlon.  Prompt return•. Reasonable charge. -------,----------------------1--- --- --- --- ---  First Tr. Co.of Appleton-1'19 C. S, Dickinson ___ R. B. PowelL __ L. O.Wissmann, Tr. H. W. Tuttrup, Sec. 79-1003 Outa&"amie County Bank i1•12 Fred Stoffel _____ L. H. Keller ___ Frank Groh :_ ____ _ 79-87 ouR CREO1, 1NFORMAT1ON oN coNCERNs EVERYWHERE 1s OPEN TO ouR coRRESP0NornTs· Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  500,000 Z00,000 5,000,080 4.800.000 1,000.000 N. CH7, N. Y.; lit N, and Cont. & Com'l - - - - - N.,Chl,;lstWls.N.,Mll.  C ONTINENTAL  A_NQ  100,000  51,940  93,310  275,:- 0  17,240 1st N., Appleton.  50,000  6,000  290,000  305,000  52,000 Irving N., N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N .. Chi.: Marshall ~ & lisle:,, Mil.; Citiz. State, ShebOygan.  I  C OMMERCIAL B ANKS, · C H~f\L/;\.~·u:-·, l;bt tl"'n  _  ,.,r  1518  Number under Name Bank ie the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers'n.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this! volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.I  WISCONSIN-Continued  TOWN AND COUNTY, N AM."E OF BANK. _ ___.;:L:::I=A=B..c;;IL=I=T_IES_._ _ _ _ _ ~_0_U~R_C_E_S-'--._ 1 PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, 11 1 •County Seats. . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IS~te PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT CASHIER,'T OASHlll. P.A.JD-trl' Su~ue D11Poe- IA...... Du- c.... • :hFigure under town 1s iMem. StateBks. Assn. tPnv. _,.., c'ft. Bo .... , GIUll--,Dn 0 Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_AP_IT_.u._ P_•_o:n_T_e _ 1_TS _ _ _11aonnua _ _ _ _.... _._...... _ _ 1_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1  1  !\.rcadia.Trempealeau D 7 Bank: of Arcadia .•••••• •i§'8S Emil Maurer ....... J. C. Gaveney._.. 0. B. Strouse ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ 50,000 $ . 9 Pop, 1418 ♦ 79-440  DeD,1  12,430 $ 741,470 $ 712,290 $ 91,610 D,bv. N., Chi., Ma,shall & Ilsley, MH,; and 1st N., Winona, Minn., Batavian N., La Crosse. 706,410 53,400 Corn Ex. N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Merch., 7,120 609,840 Winona, Minn. 30,000 1st Wis. N., Mil.: 1st N.,Madison. 6,790 161,410 128,850  Farmers State Bank .•• •i§'13 79·808 Arena--·-··Iowa G9 Arena State Bank •••• -.iS'lO 7 Pop. 360 79-441 Arl!Ile .••• Lafayette G 10 Commercial State'Ofl 7 Pop. 701 .. 79-412 , .. State Bank of Areyle ... il 95 79-411  J. A. Palmer·-···· Robert Ashton •••• W, T.Luedke •••••• M. J. Kamla ••••••• J. F. Danuser T. G. Cretne1 •• - •• W. G, Orht ·-·-·· S, W. Dawson. __ Delbert Hamilton.  10,000  R. Peacock .•.....• 0. G. Vineer._.__ H. N, Grubbl ___ F. C. McQuillan •••  16,000  7,000  530,000  430,000  0. G. Uren ••••••••. Joseph Kemp •••.. A. P. Larson ••_ . Geo. W. Younf._.  25,000  15,000  425,000  395,000  ,\.rlington •• Oolumbia Hg 7 Pop. 200 Arnott_••••• Portaee H7 7 Pop, 150 Arpin··-··--· Wood G 7 7 Pop. 200 Ashippun __ •• Dod2e Jg 7 Pop 103  Arlineton State Bank: ••• il'09 79-442 Arnott State Bank ••••• .ii \2 . , 79-761 , Dauyman s State Bank•i§ 14 7~-826 , Bank of Ash1ppun __ •• il 12 79-782  Geo. McMillan, Sr .• .A. 0. Elllckson •••• G. A. Hill · · · - - A. C. Ellickson ••••  15,000  D,000  130,000  145,000  10,000  5,340  303,080  207,220  10,000  8,500  175,000  175,000  15,000  5,420  190,250  146,910  •Ashland ••.• .Ashland B 2 9 Po1>. 11,334  ASHLAND  THOMAS BlRDOII .. J. I. LEVY ········-·OSCH TOEPEL·-· THEO. NOHL ·-··· CAIL A. IUDQUIST  .  NATIONAL BANK 11>-111 •i'84  .  .  E. J. Oarley -·---· O. S. Orthman •..•-: W. F. Collins •.•••. - - - · - · - - - · ·  J. A. Werachowsk1 C. E. Blod2ett._ J. T. Holland.·-··· Chas. R. Setzk:orn. - - - · · - - . . G. Meissner •••••••• G. A. W. Gauerke. Georee Oop1thorn. - - - - - - · ·  110,000 Ft. Dear. N., Drov. N •• andLive Stock Ex. N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil. 52,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. 18,000 Drov. N., Ohi.;KarineN., Kil. 108,380 Marshall & Ilsley and Am. Ex., Mil,; Oitiz. N., Stevens Point. 20,000 Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.: Wood Co. N., Wis.Rap. 63,750 Drov. N., Chi.: Marshall & Ilsley and 2d Ward Sav.,Kil.  --- --- --- --ll0,000  140,100 1.829.100 1,920,910  261,310 N .• City, 1'. Y.;  l■t  If., Chi.; 1st Wis.  - - - - - N.,MU.;Merch.N.,St.P.  _ _ _ _ _ _ _- c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1  R. B. WOODWARD •• F. X. SCHLECHT.. •.. E, N. COON ••••••••• T. R. YANKEE ••••••• FARMERS & MERCH. BANK { ORGANIZED 1916. NOTE OUR GROW'l'H. 79-119 •i§'l6 SEND US YOU R BUSINESS.  50,000  L. K. BAKER.- R. B. PRINCE ....•- F. M. COLE-.••... A. M. THORESON .. C. N. CRAMER This bank ls e quipped to slve the  100,000  IIORTHERII 79-118 IIATIOIIAL BANK •i'86 Astico •••••••• _.Dodfe I 9 7 Pop. 50 Athens_.M.arathon F 5 7 Pop. 940 Auburndale •••• Wood G 6 7 Pop. 334 Au1.?usta ••• Eau Claire D 6 9 Pop. 1407  A LIVE COMMERCIAL INSTITUTION. Prompt attention given Collections.  40,000  {  12,750  386,000  460,000  171,440 1,699,860 1,596,410  best or senl ce on collections and all Items se nt us.  38,000 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., MU.  S67,360 Han. N., N.Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Ohi,; 1st N., St. P.; 1st Wis. N,. Mil. r'f'  Wm. Pringle ••...• Nicholas Powers •. J. 0. WalleEtad ·- ••••..••••••••••  20,000  5,6,0  69,580  83,300  9,430 Cont. & Oom'l 1{., Chi.; Am. Ex., Mil.  G. A. Kreutzer ••••• F. A. Lonsdorf •••• G. T. Fulmer ...... - - - - - - . J, O. Kieffer ••••••. Fred Schultz, Sr .• _ R • .A. Connor··-· -·····---·--········  42,000  13,000  400,000  394,000  45,000 llarshall & Ilsley, Mil.; Am. N.,Wansan.  to Sl,)  13,000  11,120  229,850  222,670  24,640 Drov. N .• Chi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.  ::l  {A. E BRADFORD •• B. F YON BERG ..••. E E THWING .•• •••• H. S. JACOBSON .••.  40,000  10,570  527,230  570,200  34.450 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Oont. & Oom'l N., Ohl.: 2d l Q_ Ward Sav., Mil.: Eau Claire N., Eau Claire. ~·  Peoples State Bank •••• •t§'14 Chas. Newhouse ••• R. W. Bowen •••.•• R. H. Wiezorek •.. Susie G. Th wing._ 79-836  S0,000  5,000  394,000  460,000  10,000 1st N., Chi, and Minpls.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. Union N,, Eau Claire.  Avoca _ _ _ ••Jowa B'9 Avoca State Bank·-··--•il'07 D. Bohan--·-- J. B, ~an--·-·· P. L. Hudson _ _• C. B. Davenport ••• 7 Po1>. 432 79-446 Baeley _ _ _ QrantDlO Baeley State Bank •••••• i1'05 L. Newman--· F.H.Miller .•...•.• L. P. Beardsley __• B. B. Burrows ••••• 7 Pop. S98 79-447  10,000  4,070  200,530  176,900  34,660 Drov. N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.; Com' N., Madison.  10,000  6,000  210,000  180,000  47,000 Live Stock Ex. N., Ohi.; Batavian N,, La Crosse; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.  Baldwin •••• St. Orolx B 6 First National Bank .• -••. t•og O. K. Hawley •••••• F. H. Wellcome .••• N. L. ',wanson ·-· A. A, Willink.-9 Pop, 666 79-414  25,000  24,330  420,000  425,000  39,100 Cont. & Com'l  25,000  10,430  440,000  410,000  70,000 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Chi.; Karine N., Mil. Merch. N., St. P.  25,000  7,600  272,000  273,000  30,700 Merch. N., St. P,: 1st Wis. N .• Mil.  10,000  5,680  100,290  83,340  tate Bank of Astico •.• i§'20 79-l0lS Bank: of Athens .•••..• •i11900 79-443 Auburndale State Bank •il'l0 7 44 9-4  AUGUSTA STATE BANK•il'75 79-445  Oldest and Lar gesi Bank. Esta bhshed 1875. WE INVITE Y OUR BUSINESS.  Security State Bank: .... i1'06 Joseph Yoere .. - . S.S. Holmes·-···· L. Snoeyenbos ••••• O. 0. DahJ _ __ 79-413 Chas. Settereren •Balsam Lak.e ... Polk A 5 Polk County Bank ••• - •• U'03 H. D. Baker •••.••• I. H. Park .•.•••••• W.R. Peterson •••. O. W, Peterson_ ••• g Pop. 251 + 79-448 N. P. Swanson 13ancroft. ..•.Portaie G 1 Bancroft State Bank ...•t§'l2 A. W. Manley •••••• 1Buchanan Johnson J csse L. Judd ...... Lucy Manley ..... . 1 1 Po-o. 250 19-1&6 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  vaaiber under N•aie or »•nk i.B tbe New Transit N~ber ,r:ivezt •each ban.le in u. s. exclusively by The Band-McN•UF Banke,r11  0  (')  r'f'  ., Ohl.: Northw. N .. Minpls.  24,190 Drov. N ., Chi.; 1st N ., Stevens Point: 2d War Sa.v. and 1st Wis. N., Mi.l.  Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Banldng Point (In•.._ dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this/ $1>  ONSIN-Continued  volume.  For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.I::,  - - -- -- i---J  1519  .vnaiber under Na.a,e or .Bank i• tbe New Transit Jliu.a,ber given to each ban.Jr in U . 8. eiclus/vely by The Baad-McNaHy Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  TolVN .iRD COUNTY,  I  NAME OF BA.NIL  --~•v., -- ---- I  PXJ:SIDJCNT.  I  24,190\Drov. N., Chi.; l~t N., Stevens Point; 2d Ward\~ Sav. and 1st W1s. N., Mil. _  Non-Bank Towns wtth Nearest Ban.king PoJat (In-  dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indeied) 1n back of th1s/'volume. For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws ~  WISCONSIN-Continued  '  AO0anty Seata. •Mem. Am. Bes.Assn. §State 1 Fi~ure under town is .fMem.StateBks . .Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  .1.v,vvv  OASHill.  VICE-PRESIDENT,  .Ass'T CA.SKID.  LIABILITIES. RESOURCES. ,_P_AD>---V7-=.c.;.Su=-'--'.BP .... ;::._L;.;::tr..:..;ac...c.....D_lll'_O&-_.,,Lo_.ura=.=Dta-c:..;:....;:..::c.:...:.._::: ..=-•.:....-x.-l c"N. Boime  am,  I~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  ~  --.Dn  -  CAPITAL PaowITa in - - · ...,. ......, ~ - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - l - -- - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t - - - - - - - - - - . ~ - - - - - - - -1  Bangor _____ Lacrosse E.:, 9 Pop, 854  BANGOR STATE BANK--U'0S L. J. Roberts ______ W. M. Page ________ E. J. Wiles--- E. A. Merlo------ -  $  79-395  Farmers State Bank ___ •U'l0 I. A. Richardson __ Alfred Mengel ____ Adolph ToepeL ____ Waldo Mengelt_ __ _ 79-896  ABaraboo ______ Sauk G II 7 Pop. 5538  BANK OF  BARABOO ♦  7~1511  •i§•57  FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK 79-161  t§'l7  !  GEO. C. ASnE -- WILHR CAHOOI-- 0. L. GUST--------- ff. G. GASSER-----  l  N ew-Modern- ProgresslYe--Hust Ung for Business. We Want Yom s. Satisfaction A ssmed. Collection Serv tee the very best. ~  50,000  !  660,000  620,000  9,300  302,960  268,310  en  100,000  50,160 1.160,930 1,302,710  557,380  O. J. Borum _______ Geo. R. Borum ____ F. L. Van Sickle .. Sadie F. Kirkwood J. H. Coe Chas. A. Taylor ____ Otto Ber~ _________ K. E. Thompson __ C. P. StenenQD __  50,000  10,290  640,510  543,570  25,000  5,380  394,720  425,560 349,500  12,000  18,540  384,000  Ed. Anderson ______ J. H. Anderson ____ -------------------  10,000  500  65,000  56,000  John Jansen _ _ H.J. Driessel. ____ C. C. Kircher ____ _ Peter c. Wolf J. P. Groff _________ A. E. Feldman ____ Edward Anderson.  25,000  16,000  320,000  315,000  10,000  1,000  100,000  89,000  J. Kranzfelder ____ J.P. O'.M.alley ___ J. A. Anderson----  35,000  21,240  421.540  435,290  F. W. Raisler---- --------------------  20,000  4,500  132,000  140,000  J. O. Zander ______ J. W. Killer ______ A.G. Killer ______ E. H. Jacobs----  100,000  c. Larson _______  153,010 Chase N., N, Y.; Oont. & Oom'I N., 1st N., and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi  td  >  660,000  L.  ~ e()n 0  5,000  P.A. lloe __________ N. ll, Rockman ___ J. 0. Rockman --- --------------  z-  78,110 N. City, N. Y. and Chi.; Marine N., Mil.  Z·  40,000  79-331  60,000 Cont.&Com·l N., Chi.: Batavian N., La Crosse.; Marshall & I11sley, Mil.  83.910 Z,085,010 1,450,880 '182.580 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co. and Corn EI. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., MU.  Jerome J. Jones __ _______________ A.S. Arneson ____________  Barronett State Bank .. -+§'16 Marten Petersen __ 79-909 Barton State Bank______;t§'l5 Frank Mueller _____ 79-891 Bay City State Bank ____ ;t§'l6 A. A. Manfred _____ 79-936 ____ •i•o, A. H. Wilkinson __ 79-450 Citizens State Bank ____ i§'04 M. C. Trayser _____ 79-714  Beaver Dam ____ Dodielll American National Bank  S. JOHNSTON .. - J.J. PFANIISTIEHL  13,000  •  HTl~,f} BAH•i·86 SEND ~!':~USa~T!~ ~ :.::i ~~~ ectlons, moderat e rates, prompt r eturns. YOU R BUSINESS.  Barneveld ______ Jowa G II Barneveld State Banlc __ •f'lle 7 Pop. 289 711-4,11 ABarron _______ Barron O 5 Bank of Barron ____ •U'87 9 Pop. 1623 .. 79-830 " ________ First National Bank -----t'l7 79-925 NormannaSa,-ini:s Bank!f'94 Barronett_ ___ Barron B 4 9 Pop. 100 Barton ___ Washini:ton J 9 7 Pop. 500 Bay City ______ Pierce B 6 9 Pop. 213 Bayfield _____ Bayfl.eld E 2 9 Pop. 1441 Bear Creek.Outagamie J7 7 Pop. 337  20,000  J. VANORDEN--- ------------ L. S. VAIi ORDEN-- A. W. MELZL------ 100,000 Oldest and Lar gest Bank In Sau k County. Send your Cash Letters and Collec tlons direct to us for Superior Sen Ice.  M. H. MOULD--- T. M. MOIH:D------  FIRST  20,000 $ 12,000 $ 453,000 $ 488,000 $ 87,000 Oont. & Com'l N. and Live Stock Ex.N .. Ohi.; ~ 1st Wis. N ., Mil. _  z~  188,660 Live Stock Ex. N., Ohi.: Marine N., llil.  en  67,830 Han. N., N.Y.: 1st N., Chi.and St. P.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil. 34,550 N. City, Chi.; Merch. N., St, P.; 2d Ward Sav., td Mil. I» 63,300 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Oo., Ohi.; 1st N., Mi.npls.; ::l ()'Q 1st Wis. N .. Mil. 0 12,000 Midland N ., Minpls.: Marine N .. Mil.  I  ~  40,000 Cont. & Com'l N. and Greenebaum & Sons, ,+ 0 Chi.: 1st Wis. N. and N. Bk. Com., Mil. 11,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Am. N., St. P.; 1st Wis. td N.,Mil. 67,120 Oont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; 1st N., St. P.: 1st Wis. ~ ;:r N .. Mil. 13,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.  56,280 1,Sll,970 1,383,930  117,040 Han. N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.; 1st  50,000  18,500  666,000  100,000 Chase N., N. Y.;Ft. Dear. N., C.hi.;N. Ex.,Mil.  Old National Bank ____ .:•86 J. K. llcClure ______ F. Rassmann ______ A. B. Chandler __ H. R. Vetter ____ _ 79--150 E. J. Lawrence  80,000  62,170 1,318,910 1,405,040  173,160 N. Park, N. Y.; ht N., Olli.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.  Beh?ium ____ Ozaukee K 8 Citizens State BanJr ____ •tf'20 N. Hubinll--------- M. Krier __________ H.J. Adam ______ - - - - - - - - 7 Pop. 234 79-785  40,000  1,400  165,000  185,000  28,000 N. City, Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.  D. S. SMITH------- P.A. GENIN------ C. B. MINCH-------- MYRTIE B. HARMOL ROBT. LUCHSINGER  15,000  26,690  384,290  376,080  54,270 Drov. N., Chi.; Marine N., Mil.; Com'l N,, Madison.  CITIZENS STATE BANKtl'O!i s. K. Miller _______ J. T. Lyle ________ H. N. Rentz _____ ,.._ R. L. Hubbard----  10,000  16,850  396,700  351,500  64,500 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  7  ..  Pop. 7992  -----  7~151  ..  FARMERS STATE BANI 7~152  BeUeville _____ nane G 10 BELLEVILLE STATE 7 Pop. 559 79-427  ..  -------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ..  ll . .A.Jacobs  •l'lll  ~  •it'll  BANK  •U'Ol  WM. BERIGAN--- C. J. SCHOEIFELD- WM. H. HALL----- H. C. RECKNER----  Special attentl on given B-L Dra tts, Cash and T bne Items. 15 cents must accompany eac h sight dl'aft and  711,580  ~ ;:r  Wis.N.,Mil.  l 25 cents for ere dlt Information.  i  Speelal attentlo l n given Bill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Please send 15c with each sioht dr aft for presentati on.  711-428  I  -u, 1.0  BANKS DEPOSIT SECURITIES WITH US FOR SAF~ KE_!'.f>IN~ AND co_~LECTIN~ INCOME; -  __  __ ---  .,  ,._._._  __ --- ··----_.  .-  .  .•  -  -~.,p  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS, CHICAGO  1520  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Banker~ ~s•n: _  _ A:ME OF B ANK, .N TOWN AND C,OUNTY. PRESIDENT. Fig~~~u~~e~('t~t!'n is rn~~:tt~\eBl~/A/~.,ii-1~~ [E tab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Federal Re~erve Di_:_trict. ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) in back of this!...,.  WISCONSIN - C00 t·lilUe d -==- _:;::.  __ volume. For Interest Rates, Holld_ays, etc., ~e~ La~s. R ESOURCES,  LIABI-LlTIE"'. "' _______ 1  Ass'T CASHIER. ' PAID-UP l::,-u:;~us l  CASHIER-  VICE-PRESlDENT.  _______ , _______  ,_c_AP_I_T_A_L _P_R_oF_I_T_s 25,000 $  ~O  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. 1  DEPOS- •.o.. Hs&DIB· _ 1_T_8 _ _  c...a&Ex1 0  c;_~_no_~!._"· _".~_•:_·~_~_Du_"  1  BaliontPo~trtte FlO Belmont s~~~;nk ___ •§l900IW. P. HQ£hea ____ T. J. Kilpatrick --- I. A. Jayne------- - - - - - - - $  '  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  l  2,750 $ 128,870 $ 130,420 $ 19,470 Cont. & Oom'l N. and Drov. N .• Ohl.  80,810 1st~-• 1st Tr. & s;v., and ~rov. N., Ohl.; 1st! 464,150 516,380 15,190 20,000 Farmers StateBank: ____ etf'09 J. H. Riechers ___ J. H. Alexander ___ L. F. Kuhnhenn __ Thomas Gu~erty_ Wis. N. and Manne N., Mil. E 7~20 1 405,330 1st r. and 1st Tr. & sav., Chi.: 2d Ward Sav., 236,520 3,377,230 3,208,420 ------- --BeloiL ________ RockHlO Beloit Savine-sBank ____ •U'81 . G. Smith _______ F. S. Foster------- E. F. Hansen, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mil. Sec. and Tr. , G. A. Dowd 79-D6 7 Pop. 21,284 --------  "  "  H. A. VOii OVEN--- C.H. PALEY-------- H. A. VON OVEN --- W.,l- BAKER -----  BELOIT STATE BK.  Thoroly Equipped Collectio_n Oepart!nen~~CKORD P rompt, P ersonal Presentation gets R eaults. 92 _ _ _ _ SEND US YOUR BELOIT ITEMS. •U79-98 L.O. Hyde&BrittanDk.•iS'54 R. K. Rockwell ____ A. B. Rockwell ____ E . . -Greene ______ E. A. Leffingwell__ 79--95 SECOND NATIONAL 71}--97  B. P. ELDRED------ A.J.RAUBENHEIMER-- 1L. K. MUNN------ E. H. DENNEY------  BANK •:t'82  BENTON STATE  BANK-•~1'94 711-451  FIFTEEN CEN  BirnamwoocLShawanoH6 7 Pop. 6:;1 Btackcreek. On~amJeJ7 7 Pop, SHI Black Earth ____ Dane G 9 7 Pop. 464 Black Hawk ____ sauk F 9 ( ... l)rino Green P.O.) 7 Pop. 100 ... mack River FaIJs __ Jack:7 son _Pop. 1706 E 7  NATlf~t~ BANK •:l:'76 ~ OLDEST AND L ARGEST BANK.  I  .  SEND us_ YOUR BU •~Ess. Big Bend tate Bank __ •t§'l8 C.R. Guthrie ______ V. J. Stickney---- Frank E. Nevms -, 79-ll6i Dig Falls State Bank ___ :j:§'17 A. G . .Arndt_ ______ Geo. Lombard _____ L. C. \rndt_ _______ . I . . ill-968 Birchwood tate Bank_•t§'l4 B. S. Lockwood --- F. H. lienby ___ ____ Scipio N. Wise --79-830 Citizens State Bank ___ .:j:§'19 Jos. W. DeKeyser_ P. M. White------- W. E. Twette11 ____ 79-97-1 Bauk of Birnamwood_•:t§1900 J. H. Van Doren ___ Jos. Rundhammsr. D. W. Van Doren __ 79-452 Bank of Blacli Creek ___ u•o3 Wm. Strassou~er - Peter Ryser------ G. H. Peters _______ . 7H53 Black: Earth State Bank_i§'04 G. W. Parker------ J. A. Ward-------- Iver SlDlley -------79-454 Black IIawkState Bank_:l:§'14 A. 'l'. Sprecher ____ John Rieser------- L. R. Sprecher---79-844 . Ffrst National Bank _____ e:j:'88 Frank Johnson ____ Charles Sechler --- H. H. Richards---J. A. Bailey 71}--205  JACKSON  -------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ..  43,180  37,500  568,210  531,820  I~  • 64,180  .i:'. Oity,  N. Y.; 1st N .. Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  20,000  50,000  560,000  550,000  76,130 1,265,370 1.166,530  100,000  15,000  3,931)  187,000  186,170  ------------------  10,000  2.10  71,000  72,000  L. T. Weeks ______ _  10,000  2,500  03,000  87,000  --------------  15,000  2,730,  114.180  109,,50  John Perrar __ _  15,000  20.5901  285.850  269,960  Ida Peters ________ _  25,000  4,460  444.570  432,790  Olaf Ilae-ene - - - -  12,000  20,720  350,190  312.510  -------------------·  10,000  3,000  126,000  134,500  J. R. Bo~er_ _____ _ Lulu ll. Thompson  50,000  50,000 1 1,150,000  934,560  749,800 26,240 30,000 J. H. MILLS -----FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit h each sight drar t for presentatlo n, and I TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each er dlt report ins ures prompt, per sonal at [tentlon .  629,2::i0  i  &: i.  u::p-----  FIRST NATIONAL BANK •:l:'17 \A . McKellar _ ·-----  friNA Jj~\f.sorf--  •  6,650  222, 90  210.840  30,000  28,060  743,220  'i85,980  8,700  244,760  277,940  11,000 5-5,ooo O. R. OLSON------ E. I. STEENSLAND--- E. R. JACKSON----- MABEL JACKSON---OLDEST AND LAB.GEST BANK. BAMK---•U 08 FIFTEEN CENTS sent to u wt th each sight draft for presentat 1Ion, an \d Ult\Oll STATE 1HOf> ~ TWENT'Y-FIVE CENTS tor credit report Ins ures prompt, per sona.l at tentlon.  63-1.440  822.810  M. J. Einerson ____ I Harold Ostrum ____ T. E. Brue_________  25,000  .  Ainerlcan Bankers Ass,n.  z  ~  80,000 Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 282,280 Chem. N .. T. Y.; 1st N. Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  z)> @ I  WISCONSIN-Continued  13,800 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; 1st Wis.  T ••  Mil.  8,000 1st Wis. N .. Mil. 16,860 AI.!1.,·. N. . StN. PM.: _2d Ward Sav. and 1st Wis. N .. . , mpls. .m.1 1.; 1st 14.730 1st N., Chi.; Marine N., Mil.; Northw. N,, ,. . . Minpls. _ 40,:-i30 Ft.TDea~. N .. Ohl.; 2d Ward Sa.v. and 1st Vns. . . .. Mil. , 40,000 Cont. & Com IN. and Drov. N .• Ch1.:lst Wis. N. and ~arshall & llsley, ~il.; 1st ,N., Appleton. _ 66,750 Merch .. Ln. & 'f'.r. Co .. Chi,;. Corp I~. and Bk. of Wis .. :Ma<.11 on.; 1:t \'\ 1s. :N •• ~I 11. 12.000 1st N., Chi.; Com·l N., Madison: Marshall & llsley, Mil.  8 0  ~ ,.,.  ,.,.  o  to  Ill ~  0 ::r' ~  "1  P..  S.  122,490 Mech.~ Metals N.; N. Y.; O~nt. & Co~'! N. and Live tock Ex. N .. Chi.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.: Northw. N., Minple. 100,980 Am. Ex. · .. T. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N.,Mil.; Merch. N .. St. P.  ~  .. Chi.: 1st N., Winona: 50,040 Cont. & Com'l Northw. N., M npls. 57,510 Corn Ex. N. and Drov. N., Ohi.: Merch .. Winona. Minn.; 1st Wis. N. and 2d Ward • Sav •• Mil. 23,150 Corn Ex. N. and Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. T·• :Mil. 63.140 Livr Stock Ex. N. and 1st N .. Ohi.: 2d \Vard Sav .. 1 t Wis. T., and Marine ., Mil.  ..._. Ill  I  25,000  79-961  Nuzuber under N•rne or Bank is the New Transit Number pve"; to each bank in U. S. ezclusively by The Band-McN•HY Bankers  Q  I to ·  ---------  B.L.VAN GORDEN  1Y BAN•'l'97  C7~,9  1  ..  -  N.,, ~  to n,  Blair ___ Trempealeau D7 First National Bank ____ et'l5 A. B. Peterson---- Thomas Mattison __ A. N. Gar on------ - - - - - - - Gabriel Ander~on 71}--866 9 Pop. 637 Home Bank ____________ ei§'99 0. B. Borsheim ____ G. L. Solberi?------ G. L. Bjerleid _____ E. H. Elland ______ _ " _______ " 79-455 Blanchardville _Lafayette G 10 1 Pop. 653  50,000  each sight dra ft for presentatlo n, and is8s!!ll to us w1 thcredit report Ins ures prompt, pers onal att entlon.  W. N. CRAWFORD C. S. MORRIS------ J. H. PICKERT----- JAMES WHALEN--  Big Bend __ Wanke ha J 8 7 Pop, 300 Big FaJL ____ Waupaca I 6 7 Pop. 375 Birchwood ____ Washburn D 4 9 Pop. 500 " ____ :____ "  &I<  500,000 Han. N. and N. City, N. Y.; N. City and Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.; Marshall <; Ilsley, run.  TWI.NTY-Fl\'E CF..NTS for each  Berlin ____ Green Lake 18 Berlin State Bank ______ e:t§'05 W. G. Babcock _____ J.C. Clink _________ A. A. Wawrzyn.ak_ -----------------71}--201 7 Pop. 4400 FIRST  -  Y.:  1  i  2,200,000  ~at N, and Corn Ex. 30,220 1.362.110 1,106,940 335,390 N. B!e, Com ... N. Ohl.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil. &Cqm'l N., _1st N., anctl C9nt. Y.; N. Park, N. 573,500 100,260 2,051,840 1,680,380 1st Wis. N .. Mil. Ft. Dear N .. Chi.;  50,000  Only National Bank In Beloit. Collections &Ive n careful attentl on:  H L. WINSKELL--- R. E. ORTON-------- W. B. YA(L _________ R. A. COULTHARD---  Ben•on ____ Lafayette F 10 7 Pop. 87-l  I  ~~~  \\  ~  c  Ill  Q ~  ~ tv  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Pofnt (Inde.~ed Acces.J, Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this/;, For Interest Rates, Holfdays, etc., see Laws. ::S  volume.  N1111nber under Nazne  1521 iJ'1r!':/i!r;:zi;n1Jeruth8e  or Bank is the New 'inn.ale Nuznber  TOWN A.ND COUNTT. I NA.Mi OF BANK. I •Count:, Seats. •Mem. Am. Bk_s. Assn. SSt.ate Figure under town is :tMem.StateBks . .Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve Di<-trict. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. (Estab.  Non-Bank  given  ::i~::;;f:Yof>:r~~:Ji';;,:;ittcff:::fe::S~e,r:_,  LIABILITIES.  I  I'RmID.ENT,  VICE-PRll'SIDENT.  c~s111n.  volume'T CASBIICR.  PAID·UP  su:;:;us  Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In•  Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this/C:.For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws Jl>  dexed Acces.J,  WISCONSIN-Continued  RESOURCES.  DEPOS-  _C_AP_'I_T_A~L _P_R_OFI_T_d _I_T_s_  Ig  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  ~~·ti!:::; ~~!.t'!;. _a.ro_JUTJ_u _  _.,._.,,._B_~_•  ""'t -  -  -  ~  - -- - - - - - - - - - - - ,  .....  Bloomer ... C.,hippewa D 5 Bank of Bloomer .•••.••• *5'83 A. T. Newman __ William Larson •••• Edward Kranz••.•...•...•..•.••.• $ 25,000 $ 12,030 $ 837.150 $ 629,830 $ 244,340 Imp. & Tra. N ., N, Y.: 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.; 1.0 9 Pov. 1648 79--456 felder 1st Wis. N .. Mil.; Lumbermens N, and 1st tv N., Chippewa Falls. ..... F. H. CUTTING-···- CHARLES ALBRECHL W. E. KITCH •....•.•• W. B. HUNTER .••...• 11,000 497,000 587,000 25,000 22,500 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; PEOPLES STATE BANK 12 Blll or Lading D rafts and Cash It ems sent to us re cetve Union N .. Eau Claire: 1st N., St. P.; Northw. prompt, efflci eot service. State. Chippewa Falls. 79- 757 15c must accom pany all Sight Dr arts to pay for pr esentatlon.  u-  Bloomington .. Grant E 10 Bloo~ton St.ate Bank•U'09 7 Pop. 657 79--410 " ······- " Woodhouse & Bartley Bank 71H09 •U'83 Blue Mounds •. Dane G 10 Blue .Mounds St.ate BankU'lO 7 Pov. 200 79--457 Blu River ••••. Grant E 9 Blue River State Bank •• U'06 7 Pop. 396 79-458 BondueL ••• I 6 Bonduel State Bank •••• U'06 7 Pot>. 504 79---459 BoscobeL •••.. Grant E 9 Central State Bank •••. U"79 7 Pop. 1670 79-322  l  W. Morrissey.....• A. C. Tubbs •••••-.. S. E. Pearson .•.••. A. E. Budahn·-····  15,000  5,180  220,lJO  199,240  M. F. Woodhouse_. L. P. &1rtley ····-- L.A. Woodho'flse •• - - - - - - -  30,000  30,000  740,000  860.000  15,000  5,100  102,310  95,640  25,000  4,710  324.220  320,580  50,000  25,870  864,960  777.580  2-5,000  5.860  602,240  502,050  F. L. Bartley T. C. Lingard ____ • C. M. Arneson .•- •• Peter Brager ---- ·····-··-······-····  W. R. Coumbe ..••. J. S. Peters.·- -····- J. R. Coumbe .•..•• G. L. Dooley .••.•.. Amanda Coumbe Chris Bonnin •.••.. Elmer Spengler··- R. C. Wendt .•••••• M. M. Mueller _•••.  'rheo. Kroreshaee. J. 0. Betz·-··--··· C. W. Menkhausen Sr. •· " STATE BANK OF BOSCOBEL L. B. Ruka .•.••••• J. J. Ruka_·-······ R. J. Morrison __._ 79-323 :t§'Q2 Bowler. .••. Shawano H 6 Farmers State Bank •••• :t§'l4 H, G. Fuhrman •••• F. w. Matz ..•.•• -- H. H. Gehner .•·-·7 Pop. 250 79-838 Boyceville ..... Dunno 5 Bank of Boyceville •••. •U'lO W.R. Zabel •.••.•• T. N. Clough ••••.. o. W. Hayes.·--·-· 9 Pot>. 450 • 79--460 "  ······--  ..  Boyd .•• _.• Chippewa D 6 9 Pop. 478 " ··-···-· " Brandon.Fond du Lael 8 7 Pop. 682 •• " Brill---· Barron C 5 9 Pop. 150 Brillion ..• - •• Calumet J 7 7 Pop. 1102 BristoL ..•. Kenosha J 10 7 Pop. 500  ------·· F. W. Ruka ..•••. --  25,000  4,860  569,790  501.570  -------  15,000  11,500  180,000  179,500  Chas. H. Zab 1 •••. Emma Bohm .Mabel Mortenson First ·auonal Bank .... •:t'l8 W. A. French •••.• Eiwyn Benner ..••. K. V. Stout.. . . •••• Minnie M. Setter •• 79L971 M. Srhlough, Jr. Citizens Statf' Ra.ak .••••:t§'lO Walter Milling •.... W. w. Shong···--· Chas, Nelson •.••.. N. P. Kleiner •••••• 79--422 St.ate Bank of Boyd .••. •U'02 H.J. Butscher •..• John Lowe_ •••.••• H.J. Butsche1 .••. John W. Meyer •.. _ 79--421 Emma Richardson Farmers State Bank ...•!§'15 P. W. Atwood-·-· J.E. Johnson·-··- W. H. Lyon-····· ·--·--···--···-·· 79-869 F. R. Foster & Son, Bankers F. R. Foster.····-· J. W. Foster •.••••. F. R. Schwandt. •• _ G. W.Schwandt •.. . 79---461 •!§'91 Brill State Bank •..••••• :t§'19 W.R. ZabeL ...• _. Geo. N, Keesey ..• B. C. Leonard.-··- Ruth Immerfa!L. 79-972 First National Bank .•••• •t'04 A. F. Paustian .••••••••.. .•....••...•.. Geo. E. Dawson--· - - - · - - · · · · · 79--462 Home State Bank .•••• '17 W. A. Upson .•••.• F. R. Lavey .••••.. A. o. HaerteL••.. Frank Lavey •••. __ 79-962  30,000  10,000  460,000  400,000  Brodhead ••••. Green H 10 BANK OF BRODHEAD ...:1'96 W. S. Pengra...••• K. O. Lofthus••••-. G. E. Brou~hton ••. H. V. Hartman •.•. 7 Pop. 1600 79-324 D. L. Amerpohl " --··--·- _.. GREEN coul~l2sBANK.•U'96 J. L. Roderick.·--· c. J. Stephenson •• Edw. H. Cole··-·-- o. N. Johnson __ •.• Brookfield. Wanke ha J 9 7 Pop. 150 Brooklyn .•.•. Green H 10 7 Pop, 407 Brownsville--.Dodee I 8 7 Pop . .!00 Browntown .. Green G 10 7 Pot>. 245  Brookfield State Bank •• :!:§'20 79-987 Brooklyn State Bank.•:t§1900 79--464 Brownsville State Bank.*5'08 79-465 Farmers Bank ·-···-··-•iS·03 79-466  Brnce.--···-··· Rusk D 5 9 Pop. 561 Brule----·- Dou~Jas C 2 9 Pop. 500 Burlilll:1on_ •. Racine J IO 7 Pop.36 26 " ••.••..• "  Sta•e Bank of Bruce ••. •U'02 79--467 Brule State Bank ·-··--·:l:§'17 79-938 Bank: of Bnrlinl?'ton .••• •U'72 ♦ 79-234 Burlington National Bank 70-1020 i·21 Meinhardt Bank ....... •:t§·91 79-235  -------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  5.280  135,000  129,000  28,000 Marine N., Mil.; Northw. N,, Minpls.  202,000  176,000  35,000 Am. N., Marshfield; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  en  25,000  6,000  330,000  320,000  34,000 Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.  tD  32,250 Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N. and Marine O _,_I.,Mil. 0 85,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  20,000  9,880  165,600  166,030  50,000  10,000  500,000  444,000  10,000  780  74,910  74,010  35,000  23,890  490,800  488,110  10,000  10,000  169,000  150,000  100,000  19,000  475,000  500,000  50,000  57,000  844.000  825,000  2,700  122,380  87,000  20,000  5,000  340,000  360,000  P.H. McCarty·-·· C. F. Kuen .......• Otto Ruedebusch .• _ _ _ _ _ __  15,000  6,360  199,980  167,730  Henry Divan .• _._ Frank Soddy .•••.• R. E. Erickson •• --. ·····-·-···········  15,550  8,720  243,000  248,000  A.G. Krause _____• D. J. Arpin •.•..••. L. E. Knudson ..... A. Kube! heck _·-·D. R. Ainsworth John Cohn ···-·-· H. E. Webster-···- Allen T. Golder ... E. 'Glvila -········-  25,000  11,100  221,980  276,520  10,000  5,020  61.420  71,400  0. Roy lfcCamia. __ Louis H. Rohr .•••• G. A. Uebele .•••••. J. T. P~ch··--·-·  125,000  H. N. Stang ...••••  100,000  A. Meinhardt-.- ... Elisa Meinhardt __ Eda :Meinhardt .... _______ _  62,500  ·· CONTINENTAL - AND  158,560 Cont. & Com'I N. and Live Stock Ex, N., Ohi.: () 1st Wis. N ., Mil. 0 127,910 Imp. & Tra. N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 2d Ward Z Sav. and 1st Wis. N .. Mil. en 97,230 N. Park, N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Oo., Chi.: 1st Wis. N ., Mil. Z 13,000 Drov. N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley and Am. Ex .. :Mil.; ls ' ,, .Appleton. tD 60,000 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., :Mil.; ;l> Capital N., St. P. Z  3,100  15,000  BONDS AND SHORTFROM TERMUS INVESTM_ ENTS MAY BE BOUGHT BY BANKS ; '  ~ en  25.000  Owen Roberts ...•. Zala Baldwin •..•.. H. A. Miller ..•..•. P.A. Wackman_  w. H. Ramsey -··-  -  48,540 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; 1st Wia. N., Mil.  12,500  A. B. Kehl _ _ _ Julian Ries-·-···· E. F. McGurk_ •••.• ------·-----··  H. A. RunkeL .•••• G. A. Waller-····-  31,580 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Dub. N .• Dub.: 1st Wis.' N .. Mil.; Com'! N .• Madison. 110,000 1st N .. Chi.; 1st Wis. N., .Mil.: Batavian N., La Crosse. 19,980 Live Stock Ex. N .• Chi.; Marine N., Mil.  ~  I  3 (n i-;  18,410 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; Union N .. Eau Claire; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.; Northw. N .. Minpls. 45,160 1st N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  ~  0  33,000 Livf' ?tork Ex. N., Chi.; 1st N .• Kenosha: 2d tD Ward Sav .. Mil. C 70,000 N.City,N. Y.;lstN., Oli.; lstWis.N.,Mil.  ;:!.  ,5· 1  116,000 Chase N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Ohi.: O'Q 1~ 1st Wis. N. and Marine N., Mil. 42,800 1st Wis. N. and Am. Ex •. Mil. 0 60,000 Drov. N .. Chi.: Com'l N., Madison: 2d Ward Sav., Mil 53,610 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; 1st Fond du Lac N., Fond du Lac. 32,000 Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N .• Mil.  ::s  19,080 Drov. N .• Chi.; 1st Wis. N., ii .. ; Northw. N .. Minpls. 10,460 1st N .. Minpls.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.: U. S. N .. Sunenor. 77,340 1.589,600 1,668,720 162,540 Irving N., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil. 25,000 --·····-- ···-····- ····----- Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; _ 1st Wis. N ., Mil. U1 37,500 1,100,000 1,050,000 130,000 Chem. N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st tv Wis.N .. Mil. ...,.  I  co· M. MERc1=A•l','-~---BA'·NK··s ---:?-rcu1cAGO·.· '· ·  .  L,;,' ·'·  .  ,:-?'•.'..  Fl ·  ·  . -._.,. -  1522  Number nuder Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  NA.MlC OP' BANK. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. Figure under town is iMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Es tab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ,... volume. For Interest Rates, Bolldays, etc., see Laws. ~  WISCONSIN-Continued LIABILITIES.  TOlnf AND OOU:NTY,  PRESID:ENT,  VIClt-PRJCSID:ENT,  0.A.SHIIR,  RESOURCES.  --- --- ---  Burnett State Bank: •••• •il'20 J. H. Peachey .••.•• Geo. R. Mayhew .•• H. R. Roll ••.•••••. - - - - - - · - $ 711-468 Ashland County Bank.•;§'92 Wm. G. Fordyce ... John Fordyce·-·· Alf. O. Elm····-·· -········· ·-··---79-46g Cable Stat~ Bank-····-··§'17 L. D. Perry ••..••.. Martin Rogan-···· J. W. Quinn ....... _ _ _ _ _ __ 79-955 Citizens State Bank •••• •!1'02 Oharles Grassle_. Henry Goetz_··-··· Fred Goetz·---- Ella Ziehr-··-····· 79-388 Farmers & Merch. Exchange F. J, Lavelle-••••.. Fred Cro!L •• _. -··· R. J. Schatz·····-· ·--·-····--·· Bank...•• 79-387------ !I '02 Calumet HarbOr.Fond du Farmers State Bank __ i§'ll Charles Ben~en, Jr. J. J. Schoofs ···-·· O. A. Schubert·--- C. W. Schrank ••••• 79-470 Lac .•• Pop. 75 ..••••• J 6 7(Publes P. 0.) Oalvary_Fond du I.acJ 8 Farmers State Bank-!1'12 J. L. Bean.·-··-· Peter Simon ••.•••• Joseph Gruber •••• Henry S. Beau •••• 79-471 7 Pop, 150 ----····-Cambria •••• Oolumbia I 8 Bank of Cambria .•••••. !1'81 D. M. Rowlands·-· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o. A.. Scott.•••• _ 79-403 7 Pop. 679 O&mbria State Bank .... :1·00 H.F. SchemmeL. 0. I. Jones ••.••••• O. I. Jones _ _ _ D. Claude Roberts. " A. L. Jones 79-404 Cambri(lee •••• Dane H 10 Bank of Qambrictee • ••. •U'99 A. R. Amundson ••• J. W. Porter--··· ···-·-····-······--· A. E. Melster •• _••• 79-424 7 Pop. 400 International Bank ···-•U'92 O. O. M:ay···-·--·-· ·-···-·-··········· H. c. :May---·-· ·-············-····· " 79-423 Cameron_ .• _. Barron O 5 Bank of Oameron ....•.. U'Ol C.H. Museus·-··· A. Gulickson -··-·· In,:val Eestad · - W.W. Pieper ••• _•• Ragna C. Romsos 79-472 9 Pop. 572 Cam_pbellsport ._Fond du First State Bank .••.••. •U'02. H.J. Weld .••·-··-- Peter Schwoten ·-· B. H. Glass •••••••• A. W. Guenther •.• 79-473 7 Pop. 730 .•Lac K 8 Camjl Do~1as_ .. _Juneau Bank of Oamp Do~lu.•:1:i'04 C.H. Hoton .•••• W. E. Gleason .•• _ Evelyn Singleton_ Fred. E. Johnson_ 79-474 F 8 7 Pop. 471 Cam_pia.·-····Barron C 5 Bank of Campia ....•.••!§'18 M. L. Randall_ •••• Mons Larson ••.••• M. C. Johnson ···- - - · - - - - 79-975 Pop. 250 9 Canton .... -.Barron O 5 Farmers State Bank .... !§'17 W. G. Malcolm •••• D. A. Russell ••• _•• Erland Engh-··-· R. E. Malone--···· 711-959 9 Pop. 200 Carnegie •••• Douglas C 3 (See Oliver) (W.Duluth,.Mlnn.P. 0.) 9 Pop. 300 Caroline ••.•• Shawano I 6 Caroline State Bank--•• 1'13 G. A. Radtke·-···· F. R. Buss.·--· •••• W. A. Herzfeldt .. ·--····---·········79-811 7 Pop. 425 Oascade •. Sheboygan K 8 State Bank of Cascade .• i§'l6 Albert Suemnicht. A. Ruppenthal ___ H.J. Darnieder ·- Walter J. Lau_ •••• 79-913 362 Pop. 7 Ca co .•. -.Kewaunee K 6 Bank ofCasco_ ....•.••. •ti'99 H.J. NoeL •••••-•• H. A. Dvorak·---·- Lee W. Metzner •• _ ·--···-···-········· ' 79-475 7 Pop, 2500 Ca hton •••••. Monroe E 8 Bank of Cashton ..•.•.•. U'99 L. W. Earle--···· P. E. Nelson.--. L. ll. Earle•••••• _ P. J. Hegge-·-· 79-476 7 Pop. 753 Farmers Exchange Banktl'l3 John Quinn .•••••. H.J. Willgrubs •••• O. W. Sprecher._. R. 0. Erickson ••• •• 79-807 Cas ville- ..Grant E 10 Badger State Bank ••••• •U'lO Wm. Gates ····-· G. A. Klindt .•••••• G. A.. Klindt·-····· ll. H. Haberman._ 71>-378 7 Pop. 899 Gassville Ba11k ......... _u•o1 G. A. Stevens ...... K. ll. Stevens··-·· John J. Martin·-· -····-·---··---····· "  10,000 $ 11,680 $ 147,870 $ 146,540 $ 18,020 Drov. N., Chi,; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.  Catawba •.•••... Price F 4 Catawba State Bank ••••!§'17 Carl G. Beyer·-·-· Chas, Peisker.•.••• John B. Gruber.-- Frances S. Gruber. 79-933 9 Pop, 250 Oato-•••.. Manitowoc K 7 Farmers State Bank _ •• U'14 Jos. Zahorik .••••_. W. N. Killen·-- George Reuther._ ·-----·--·-·· 79-854 7 Pop. 250 Cazenovia •• Richland F g State Bk. of Cazenovia •i!'otl J. 0. Anderson·-·· John Walsh .•.••••. W. F. Greenhalgh. V. E. Bible-···· 79-477 7 Po1>. 488 CeciL ••••••• Sb.J.wanoJ 6 State Bank of Cecil •••• •U'06 Herman Bocher ·- H. c. Scheller .•••• J. L. Hollmann···- R. K. Monroe __ _ 79-471 7 POI>, 379 Cedarburg_ Ozaukee J 9 Oedarburg State Bank:._ !f'09 O. o. Wirth.-····- T. F. Wittenberr _ E. H. Roth--··· · · · · - -··-···71>-S07 7 Pop, 1738 Farmers &llereh.Bank•U'9S C. F. Kenney···--· John JI'. Bruss.-·· lf. P. Becker····-· A.. K. Bruss·-···•· 79-306 •• Ira Lubbers •.•• _ CedarGrove ..ShebOn:a.n CedarGrove StateBank•U'0l Wm. Huenink-···- John Van de Wa.lL Jacob Lensink 7H79 K8 l Po1>. 654 Edna Anderson .... Brown.·--··· H. T. Seet7.--··-·-· \I. .••• Anderson Gust. Centuria •••- •••• Polk B 5 State Bank ot Centuria. i1•03 7H&0 9 Po1>. 358 ~~i~~s!iiGa.rdner 1 . _ .... Lowe W. J, C~ebuio;;:~~rnou D& Cha.sebur~ ,~~ .•tl'lO Fred Dummer ... - G. B. Gardner__.  Burnett •••••••• Dod2e I 8 7 Pop. 150 Butternut.- Ashland F 3 9 Pop, 618 Cable••.•..• Bayfleld D 3 9 Pop. 500 Qadott_•••. Ohippewa D 6 9 Pop. 723 " Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  71>-377  t...:>  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  -'.SS'T 0.&.SHID,  30,000  1,650  386,500  360,660  10,000  4,500  75,000  59,800  10,590 1st N., Minpls. and Hayward; Marine N., Mil.  25,000  25,440  462,590  431,200  15,000  1,500  125,000  117,000  73,530 Oont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.; Northw.N .• Minnis.; 1st N., Chivpewa Falls., 15,000 1st N.. Minpls. and Chippewa Falls.  20,000  11,200  224,250  247,880  20,510 Cont. & Com'l N. and Drov. N., Chi,; 1st Wis. N., llil; Com'! N .. Fond Du Lac.  15,000  16,700  170,000  180,000  10,000  4,730  206,890  179,720  15,000  13,500  265,000  202,400  35,000 Drov. N., Chi.: Com'l N., Fond du Lac; 2d I Ward Sav., Mil. 89,J00 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; 1st Wis, N., Mil.: 1 1st N •• Portafe. 85,000 Oont. & Com'lN,. Chi.: 1st Wis. N .. Mil.  25,000  5,500  400,000  320,000  10,000  4,000  125,000  95,000  25,000  2,070  332,800  336,710  50,000  15,000  458,180  425,400 335,930  20,000  5,000  235,000  10,000  1,000  48,250  45,530  10,000  880  37,120  35,720  15,000  5,000  234,000  208,000  15,000  6.490  208,000  225,000  25,000  10,510  381,140  250,010  40,000  4.010  914,800  782,620  59,050 Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  100,000 Cont. &Com'lN., Chi.:lst Wis. N.and2d Ward Sav., Mil. 35,000 1st N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N .• Mil, 30,360 1st Wis. N .• Mil.: Union N., Eau Claire; 1st N.. Minpls. 58,250 Han.N•• N. Y.; N. City, Ohi,; 2d Ward Sav. and 1st Wis. N ., Mil. 47,740 Oont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. 11,100 1st Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N.. Minpls, 7,690 1st Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N., Minpls.  25,000 Drov, N., Ohi.; Wis. N., Shawano; 1st Wis. N., 1 Mil. 18,000 N. Bk. Com., Mil. 42.670 Drov. N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N. and Am. Ex., Vil.; Citiz. N,, Green Bay. 173,490 N, City, N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Oo., Ohi.  20,000  6,700  390,000  348,000  15,000  5,060  486,340  561,880  20,000  8,010  314,630  303,360  15,000  2,790  03,080  01,910  10,000  9,000  221,43(1  211,990  10,000  12,200  320,520  343,670  15,000  25,790  365,600  358,250  40,000  34,120  424,000  400,000  51,300 Drov. N., Chi.; Marine N. and 1st Wis, N., Mil, 85,000 Karsaall II lliley, Mil.  30,000  47,720  672,250  654.520  96,780 1st N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N .. ::U:il.  50,000  27,000  445,460  407,000  68,000 State Bk. of Ohi. and Drov. N., Ohi,; N.Ex.,  25,000  10,500  238,550  286,060  20,000  740,000  710,000  35,780 N. City, Chi.; Capital N., St. P.; Marine N,, Mil, 63,000 Cent. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; N. Bk. of La Crosse, La. Crosse.  20,000 I  60,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Marshall &Ilsley, Mil.; N. Bk. of Lacrosse. Lacrosse. 50,200 N. Oity, Ohi.; Dub. N., Dub.  I  35,970 Cont.& Oom'l N., Live Stock Ex.N., andlst N., Ohi.: 1st Wis. N .. Mil,; 1st N .. Dub. 16,440 Drov. N .. Chi.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.; lstN,, Minpls, , 24,000 Drov. N., Chi.: Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.; N. Bk. of Manitowoc, Manitowoc. 33,390 Live Stock Ex. N .• Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Kil.  Mil.  Non-Bank Towns with Near~t _Ba~g Point (In.  1  \>Ol), 'll>Q  "'3 15.,&,,  Traa.,,  or  NIIBl=,gvea BaaJc la &be New Nruaber under Name en' to e11Cb ban.le in U. s. exelatdrelr by fte Band-MeNallT Dlreetory, under lhe aathorltr of The Amerlean BanJcen Aaa'n.  .  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  h  I  NA.MB OP BANK.  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State ,.Coan tr Seats. Figure under town is fMem. State Bks. Assn. t Priv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  PR:SSIDINT,  I  WISCONSIN-Continued I I I  VI~P.U:SID.ENT.  CA..s.lUD.  A.8.s'T OLSJUD,  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest BanJdng Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of Bate,, BoUday,, otc . see  LIA.BILITIJCS.  PAII>-tTP  SURPLUS .A.ND  CA.PIT.AL PBO.rITS  --------  .  hilton ____ Calumet J 7 Chilton National Bank--~•01 Wm. J. Paulsen ___ Mitchell Joannes __ Walter A. Kurtz ___ 79-321 7 Pop.1833  .  .  --------  -------  . .  Commercial Bank ------•tl'll F.J.Egerer ___ _ 79-732  . .. ------- . ---- ----  NORTHWESTERN  C Iayton _________ Polk B 5 Citizens  ,,_,_  thfsl'--f . Law,.!  PRINCIPAL COR.U:SPONDDTS.  Oilll .. J:x-  ....--,»v. ...,..a.....  3,000 $ 220,000 $ 228,000 $ 30,000 Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; Eau Claire N., Eau Claire; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 420,160  321,540  111,510 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Union N., Eau Claire; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N., Minpls.  6,100  156,940  212,310  10,690 Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Am. N., Marshfield.  50,000  26,860  631,680  626,240  135,460 Han. N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Ohi.; 1st Wis.N., Mil.  40,000  16,140  419,350  456,000  28,500 Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., llil.  Nellie M. ConnelL  25,000  8,990  268,210  256,260  8,840 Marshall & Ilsley and 2d Ward Sav .. lllil.  L. A. Marshall.----  100,000  33,360  810,450  833,620  165,220 N. Oity N. Y.: 1st N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Merch, N,, St. P.  179,200 1,715,170 1,569,360  503,920 1st N,, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls,; 1st. Wis. N,, Mil.  ---- ---- ---- -  ~ e(')n  0 A, E. Josi _________ F. L. Introwitz  S. C. f. COBB AN.---- J. H. KELLY-------- P. T. f AYELL- ------- H.P. f AVELL--------  A LIVE COMMERCIAL INSTITUTION.  STATE BANK 71>-123  ITS  Lollla•D111c'TL Bon,e,  In....,.,  3,200  Henry Paulsen _____ A. C. Kinrston _____ G. A. Voelz ________  State Bank or Chilton_ iS'91 T. K. Connell _____ M. J. Oonneu _____ A. B. Connell ___ 71>-320 hippewa Falls_ Ohlpp'a FIRST IIATIOIIAL BAIIK-•:•73 A~ust M:a.,on ___ B. D. Viles----- T. )(, Oary _____ 71>-121 9 Po1>, 9,130 D 6 LUMBEIIMEIIS IIAT. Bl. •i•s7 William Irvine _____ S. B. Nimmons ____ F. G. Kartin _______ 71>-122  .  DlllPOS-  --- --- --- ---  0 hetek _______ Barron C 5 Chetek State Bank _____ •U-13 C. W. Dinger _____ C. Van Gelder _____ B, M, Apker _____ -------------------- $ 10,000 $ 79-806 9 Pop. 1154 Farmers & Merch. Bk.•il1900 F. A. Southworth. R.R. Rosholt ____ A. T. Galby ________ W.R. Strong ____ 10,000 79-482 13,000 0 hili__ _________ Clark F 6 Chili State Bank ·------•iS'l2 Wm. W~ner ___ Geo. A. Ure _______ A. P. sample ___ J, F. Farning ______ W-168 7 Pop. 200  ..  volume Fo, RX.SOURCES,  •:1•04  100,000  --- ---  29.040 1,300,000 1,22%,000  z t11  >  - - - - 80.000  ---  Stai:!s\nk ____ .u·os Harry D. Baker ___ Ohas. J. Anderson_ Ole Lindstrom _____ John Erickson ___  --- --- ---  z  en  z  193.080 N. Bk., Com., N, Y.; Merch. Lo. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N. Ex., MU.; Northw. N., Mlnpls,: ~ Capital N., St. P.  --- --- ---  en  I  (')  10,000  9,000  181,300  182,950  19,500 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Merch. N., St. P.  15,000  6,900  245,000  240,000  25,000  16,200  227,600  293,420  30,000 Marine N., Mil.; Cat>ital N., St. P.; 1st -" .. Minpls. 18,340 Northw. N., Jilinpls.: 1st Wis., N., Mil.  ---- ---- -- ----  10,000  700  100,000  130,000  7,000 1st Wis, N .. Mil.: Eau Claire N., Union N., 0 and State Bk. of :Eau Claire, Eau Claire.  Pop.150 Clevela.nd_Manitowoc K 8 Oleveland State Bank __ _:i§'07 A. B. Erdmann ____ David Lorfeld _____ Geo. C. Reuther ___ Elmer H. Reuther. 7H85 7 Pop. 300  15,000  18,500  365,000  327,600  ----~---  60,000  20,420  491,000  530,000  65,000 Drov. N .. Chi.; 1st Wis. N .• Mil.: Bk. of Sheboy.,an, Sheboygan; N. Bk. of Manitowoc, Manitowoc. 0 45,000 1st N., Ohl.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.; Rock Co. N .. :, Janesville.  9 Pop. 304 Walter Glowe 0 lear Lake ______ Polk B Ii Bank of Clear Lake ___ •i5'14 c. M. Reed ______ A. N. Nelson------ 0. E. Linderson __ E.G. Hallen ____ .. Pop. 6 9 ~ Peoples Bank-----------il'07 A, J. McLennan_ A. A. Holliday _____ R. H. Ashley ______ D. McLennan ___ -79484 H C le~horn_ Eau Claire D 6 Cleghorn svi,i:..ifnk ___ :t:§"17 Wm. Conley _______ Fred Welke _______ H. W. Peirce _ _  I  9 (Eleva  C linton _________ Rock: I 10  7 Pop. 938  ..  ---- ----  .  .  ---- ----------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  CITIZENS BANK------- •il'82 ♦  79-486  STATE BANK OF CLINTON 79-788  C llntonville. Waupaca I 6 7 Pop. 3275  ..  -  P. 0.)  . .  U-13  i  C. W. COLLYER --- f. W. HERRON----- W. H. CHEESMAN---IVER JiACOBSON  79-308  •i§'03  (t)  r+  (t)  ?;"'  I ,.,.  g Er ,.,.  -  ~-  Oldest and Lar &st ank. We Invite your llectlons.  ~  8,000 35,000 H. 0. NATESTA---- A. TIL~OTf011----- E. N. GREENE-----S sent t.o us with each s gh draft f or presentation, a nd {iih~'6wr TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redlt report fnsu res prompt, perso nal atte ntlon.  {W. H. FINIEY ... CHAS. TOPP------- LEVI C. LARSON ... c CLINTONVILLE STATE BANK  ::J'  &: i: UHfo;r··---  70,000  6,940  EN TS sent t.o us with each sight draft for presentation. and FIFTEEN TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report lnsu res prompt, pers onal att entlon.  Dairyman's tate Bank_:j:§'20 Chas. Bohn _____ A. J. Pieper _____ Max Stiei--------- W, H. Shultz ___ 79-990 First National Bank _____ •i'02 Robert Miller _____ M. L. Munsert_ ____ F, • Ruth ________ D. F. Breed ··----79-309 O. E. Gibson  256,000  247,000  40,000 N. City, Ohl.; ls1 N., Janesville; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  403,280  437,790  23,240 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.  .  35,000  4.340  378,490  336,810  67,920 N. City, N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav,, lst Wis. N. and Am. Ex .. Mil.  60,000  72,000  738,550  761,020  128,680 Chem. N., N. Y.; Oont. & Com'! N., Chi.; 1st Wis.N.,Mil.  ( .Jl ~  w  Number under-Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exeluslvely by The Rand-M.cNally Bankers' t· ____ Dlre~J!!f,_und~~he a~or!!_~ of The America~ Bankers As--=s=•n=•=====-==c.._-=====-==-==O=ll :..=::-:1::--::ll =U_e_ TOWN AND -COUNTY. - - NAME OF BANK. •County Seats. •Mem.Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure under town is :1:Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER. Ass'T CASHIER. Federal Reserve District. +:Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  1524  WISCONSIN  C  d  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Polnt (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ,... vol~mr_ For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., ~ee _Laws. ~ LIABILITIES. - RESOURCES p - - - - - ..i::,. _ _____:::==-===:.:..._----11--=-==-=-=-=-=:.=..=c=-=·-1 RINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. PAID-UP ' DEPOB- "'.'"""' n,s- cm"' ExCAPITAL P:XTs ITS c;!,.!?.;":· "::.,~a~~:: -----~------  Clyman _______ Dodge I 9 Farmers State Bank ____ :j:S'll E. F. Kressine ____ H.J. Stueber _____ W. H. KuenzL. ___ . ---·---·----··----·- $ 10,000 $ 15,490 $ 198,49( $ 194,320 $ 7 Pop. 150 79-739 Cobb--------·--IowaFI0 Cobb State Bank .. -----•:tl'I0 E.F.Heuer .... _ .. Geo.Fritsch,Sr •••. A. 1!'.Kramer ...... C. B. Smith __ • ____ . 12,000 20,000 350,00C 350,000 7 Pop. 230 79-487 Emma Kamps  40,000 Drov. N .• Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley and 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; Strongs, Dodgeville.  Cochrane. __ .. Buffalo C 7 Farmers & Merch. Bank :1'08 J.B. Hofer •••.•••• Gottfried Klein--· A. W, Hofer .•. -••. J. R. Lindrud._._ .. 9 Pop. 305 79-488 R. A. Guettinger  20,000  12,500  636,700  572,500  79,700 Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; Merch .. Winona; 1 t Wis.N.,Mil.  COlb_y •••••• Marathon F 6 Colby State Bank ·--··•U1900 Erastus Bowen •• _. J. F. Sleinwand ... K. Andrews. _______ R. G. Salter._-·-·7 Pop. 798 79-489  25,000  42,360  544,550  424,390 1 167,850 1st N .. Chi.; 1st Wis. N ., Mil.  Security tate Bank ..•.• §'20 A. :M. Steinwand .. Edw. Ilrehm, Sr ... A. IL llemmy ·---· ---·--·---··-·--··-79-1011 Ooleman ••. Marinette K 5 Coleman State Hank ·--·U-08 c. A. W1mderlich .- F. Rose ••• - - - E. F. Pelkey·----·· ·-·-----·-···--·--·· 7 Pop. 436 79--490 Colfax ·---····-Dunn O 6 Bank of Colfax --····•:l:i1900 J. T. Joyce···-·--- Geo. T. Vorland--· H. C. Brown .••• _._ E. A. Howe--·-···· 9 Pop. 905 79--491 .  30,000  1,000  80,000  85,000  15,000  8,860  205,160  185,540  30,000  18,710  596,260  573,790  52,900 Cont. ~ Com'l N., ~hi.; Midland N., Minpls.: ~ 2d Ward Sav .. Mil.; Un10n N., Eau Claire. O  W. W. MATHEW~ •. T. E. THOMPSOM •••• A. R. BRONKEN --··· H. 0. BERG····----·  20,000  7,430  320,550  300,790  42,820 Drov. ., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Am. N., Z St. P. C/l  PEOPLES  SllJis~ BAN~U'l5 { Patronize a gro wing Institution. Equipped to ser ve you In all departments of banking. WE I NVITE YOUR B USINESS.  -  10,eoo  25'.l,000  250,000  20,000IDrov. N .• Chi.: l 't Wis. N., Mil.; N. Bk. of~ Manitowoc, Manitowoc. .,  10,000  3,530  117,570  106,350  20,000  11,580  373,090  333,360  20,280 Marshall & II ley, !lfil.; Wis. State, Stevens Point. , . C/l 71.230 Cont_. & Com_ 1 N., <;Jh1.; 1st N., Stevens Pomt; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  50,000  28,500  648,480  760,920  52,540 Cont. & Oom 'l N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Q Marshall & Ilsley and 1st Wis. N., Mil, ,'<  10,000  Coloma ... _Waushara H 8 Coloma State Bank •• _•. t§'20 H.F. Bartz .•••••• - E. Pomplum.-----· II. L. Rehkamp .••. ·-····-·-····-·--· 7 Pop. 850 ,. W-995 " -·-····· Peoples Bank. ···-·--·-•:t§'02 Vilas Follett--·-·-- S. c. Runnels·-·-·· Darwin Follett •• -•• -·-----··--·--·····79--492  J. R. WHEELrn •.. L.A. WRIGHT..-···- A. W. REDOEMANN .. ILMA A. GLOGER-·-·  One of Wis consin's twe nty-five olde st and s t ronges t rura I b an k s . .  FIRST NATIONAL BANK.•:t·6I F. A. Ohadboorn __ . W. C. Leitsch •••-  15,000 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav. and Am. Ex., ~ Mil. 2",650 Marine .i: ., fil.; Kellogg N., Green Bay. _  z  Collins _.. Manitowoc K 7 Collins State Bank .·--··U'l4 L. T. Voigt._ •• -·· W. H. Damm. ___ ._ M. G. Valleskey ·-· Aug. Born·--·----· 7 Pop. 350 79-827  Columbus _.qolumbia H 9 FARMERS & M~~CH. U~l~N . 7 Pop. 2460 BANK-.... 79-m __ ··· :t§ 61 {  25,650 1st Wis. N. and 2d Ward Sav .. Mil.  ~ I  I  :3 ll,)  1  :='  O  C. A. Miller __ •••••_ E. J. Jackson •• __ _  75,000  65,520  963,370  949,990  123,950 Chem N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; 2d WardSav.,Mil.:  Comstock •••• Barron B 5 Bank of Com tock. _____ t§ 'l8 F. W. Miller- •• ·-·- A.H. Miller---···· Otto A. Olson •• --. -·---··--··-·--··--· 9 Pop, 106 79-9-14  10,000  4,350  92,890  9-l.850  5,800 Corn Ex. N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N .. Mil.; 1st N., St. P.  Conrath ____ • ___ Rusk D 5 Conrath State B,rnk .•••_:j:§'17 A. J. Keith-·---·-- T. B. Keith·-···--- R. L. Stumpner .•• ···-----····---·--· 6 Pop. 145 79-878  10,000  1,170  51,930  72,400  7,420 Eau Claire N., Eau Claire; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.  Coon Valley •• Vernon D 8 Ooon Valley State Bank :t§'05 T. J. Moilien-····- L. O. Brye·-·--·· I. N. Knutson.·--· C. O. Veld<>y .•.•. _. 7 Pop. 369 79--493  50,000  10,0G0  740,000  700,000  Corliss .. --.Racine K 10 Corliss State Bank ·-·--·:t.5'14 F. I. Lingsweiler, M. H. Herzog _____ L. J. KradwelJ. .. _. - - - - - - · 7 Pop. 56-1 79 839 r. CornelL._.Chippewa D 5 State Bank of Corne1L•t§'l4 A. J. Edminster·- A. L. Fox ....••---· Chas. McArthur •.. L. Sakri on--·--·-9 Pop. 1500 79· 828 E .• 1. Verlrntsh  12,000  7,650  142.200  111,460  95,000 Century Tr. & Sav., Ohi.: N. Bk. of La Crosse and Batavian N .. La Crosse; 2d Ward Sav .. Mil. 45,810 2d Ward Sav., Mil.: Racine City, Racine.  10,000  4,500 '  Ootta.2e Grove_.Dane H 9 Cottage Grove State Bank W.R. Clark·-·-··- A.O. Paunack. -··· Frank: PYburn •.• _. E. G. Barron _ _ 7 Pop. 250 79-759 :t§"ll  12,000  12,510  413,9301  2i7,120  Couderay ••..• awyer D4 Couderay tate Bank ..•. '20~C. M. Olso.n ..•••• -- Oscar BekkedhaL IIarol Erickson_. ··-·-·-·----·····--9 Pop. 400 79-1004 "-Orandon .• _•.• Forest 14 Citizens State Hank_•.:l:§'16 G. W. Ison-···---· J.M. Whisnant •• _. F.J. Gebhart-----· - - - - · · - - - 9 Pov. 1632 79- 92-1  10,000  760  I 15,800  17,930  20.000  3,470  139,000  120,000  35,000 Standard Tr. & Sav., Chi.: 1st Wis. N. and N. C Ex.,Mil. ll3  350,000  60,000 N. City, N. Y.; Am. N., St. P.; ls1. Wis.N .. Mil.  79-268  "  ----·-·-  "  Orivltz-~0t.:nne\te H Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  First Nation~-s: k. ____ •:t'02 A. F. Netzel. ______ B. M.cGinley -···-· F. T. Jenks·-·-·-· E. A. Poppy·····--  4 Sta.te Bank ~\.,~nvitz ..•t\'12 B. l'. Gould-····-·· L. 14.. Evert ____ • __ F. R. Reddinz. ___  -  - - · - - --  1,  I  2-13,7001 183,700  69,000 Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.: Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.: 1st N .. Minpls.; Northw. State, Chippewa Falls; Eau Claire N .. Eau Claire. 162,340 Cont. & Com'l • ., Chi.; 1st Wis. N ., .Mil.: Com'! ' .• Madison. 3,770 1st Wis. N .. Mil, 1st N., St. P.  ~ <  i;.  ._ Ill  ::,  ,;  25,000 10,0C0  1 15,000\ 375,000,  l'i,000  240,00\\ 200,000  16.000 Citiz. N ., Green Bay; Marine N., Mil.  :C::  t  ro'l).'HI  -, t  1n llbaPcoklnott (Ihlns-1• de·~eodnA-Baccesnk.), TLoawnw..,Be_!:,1thLaNweas r(elnsdte!3ed.n.ldn) Nruaber ruiller Name ol BaDJr is the Ne.,, Tr,ual'I Nruar-- 6i;.aa t ., &"' d WISCONSIN-C t• to IIMlh bau in U. B. ezt:lu•IFelT by Tbe liaall-MeNallT llaalcer•• JJ=d=a=J'S::::::'=e=t=-c._, =s=ee=L=-a=w=~• ~ = o= =-s_:_'=H, ~=-o-r_ ln_te_re~t Rate e_.=-==-= um vo_lc:: = =-==========l n=U=e uader_ tbe authority of The Ainerlcan Banker• ~•=•.o=·= =-=--===--:==========O=n== C PRINCIPA.L CORRESPONDENTS. RESOURCES. LL1BILIT1ES. NAM.I!: OF BANK. TOWN AND COUNTY. Loa1&D1&•1 D .A • C C p p •Mem. Am. Bks . .Assn. §State .. county Seats. EPOS- c'n. no,.•• , i:B.u,au,Dq ss T A.SHIER.. PAID-UP AND A.SHIER. II VICE- RESIDENT. RESIDENT. Figure under town is :tMem.StateBks.Assn. tPriv, f 8_ 1T_ s,oaa,nu ao.. n,.,.,.. l - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - i · AP_r_T_A_L _P_R_oF_I_T_s _ _ _c_ [Estah. Federal ReBen·e Di<:trict. ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  1525  Dlreetorr.  h-  ---  I  I  I  '<e  I  Cross Plains ____ Dane G 9/ State Bank of Cross Plains 7 Pop. 475 •:t§'08 79-495 Outa __________ Grant E 10/ Ouba City State Bank ___ ;t§"98 7 Pop. ll75 79-363 First National Bank ---•:t1900 " -------" 79-364 Oudah] Y--Milwaukee K 10 Cudahy State Bank _____ •:t§'09 79--496 Pop. 6725 Oum berland --Barron B 4 Island City State Bank-•:ti'96 79-333 9 Pop. 1528 State Bank of Cumberland " ------" •:l:§'83 79-332 Ourtiss_p·----- - -Clark F 6 Curtiss State Bank _____ e:l:§ '12 79-772 op. 1 8 6 7 Oush ing _________ Polk B 4 Bank or Cushing ________ ;t§'l4 9 Pop. 200 79-832  I  Cylo n _______ st. Croix B 5 9 Pop. 200 Dale _______ Qutagamiel 7 7 Pop. 500 DaJ1 as ________ Barron O 5 9 Pop. 425 Da1ton •• _Green Lake H 8 7 Pop. 200 Dan buryp_____ Burnett B 4 op. 300 9 Dan e ___________ Dane G 9 7 Pop, 316 Dar1n __Po:.~oiorth I JO  -  H. M. Zander ______ F. J. Saeman ______ Lloyd E. HulL ____ Julia E. Faust_____ $ 15,000 $ 17,400 $ 333,560 $ 336,460 522,100  25,000  27,510  312,910  355,620  60,000  30,000 1,000,000  900,000  5,820  353,130  324,750  50,000  24,050  758,500  758,330  12,000! 10,000  13,470  170,840  221,120  11,260  205,430  224,740  10,000 1  1,500  100.050  106,870  10,530 Merch. N., St. P.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.  ,z  25,000 1  1  Lewis Larson _____ John D. Olson _____ A. L. Morken ______ S. L. Larson ______ _  25,000  F. W. Miller ______ E. L. Miller _______ A.H. Miller _______ E. M. Miller ______ _  Harry D. Baker ____ C. J. Askov ________ Walter Larson _____ Mabel Hammerstrom H. W. Johnson . State Bank of Cylon ____ ;t§'l6 II. D. Baker _______ Joo. F. McNamara_ T. A. Dowd ________ R. T. Casey _______ _ 79-910 First National Bank ______ ;t'06 Julius Oelke ______ M.A. Schuh ______ Henry Schultheis __________________ _ 79--497 Bank or Dallas _________ •U'03 C. J. Borum ______ M. L. Randall _____ A. Nystrom _______ P. C. Brooks ______ _ F. L. Van Sickle 79--498 Dalton State Bank ______ ;t§'l3 Robert Dalton _____ Bert Love~nd ____ E, Dixon __________ E. D. Williams ___ _ 79-789 Danbury State Bank ____ ;t§'l6 A J. Wentzel.- T. B. Betts _______ A. M. Brooks ______ John .Burlingame __ 79-899 St.ate Bank of Dane _____ •:t§'ll La,v on Brereton __ J. W. Duff _________ R. F. De Bower ____ 'r. I. DeBower __ _ 79-733 li'armers s~i&ink --*1'97 R. S. Youne ___________________________ L. C. Piper ________________ _  I  .. nar 1ington ____ LafayettP Citizens National Bank._•:l:"85 Geo. F. West ______ John O'Brien _____ N. W. Bower ______ Geo. W. Martin __ _ 79-302 G 10 7 Pop. 1798 H. ~cbaeJson__ G. o. Howe,,___ First Natio~aJ..fltk-----•:t·66 ,\. E. Pa,·sou ______ R. E. o,ton _______ " "  I"·  -  \0  !::_  597,590  J. D. Bird _ _ _ A. L. Wirth _______ C. A. Nicolaus ____ L. H. Noll_________  Ole Thompson _____ B. B. Green _______ T. B. Peterman ____ Violet A. GiebeL._  24,580 Drov. N .• Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Mil.; Bk. of Wis., . . Madison. 87,770 1st N. and Drov. N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N. and 2d Ward Sav .. Mil.; 2d N., Dub. 32,550 Cont. & Com'! N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; l t Wis. N .. Mil.; 1st N .. Dub. 190,000 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil. 55,210 Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.: 1st Wis. N. and Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.: Cent., St. P. 46,780 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st N., St, P. Marine N ., Mil. 29,600 Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N.,Marsh• . . field. 4.770 Merch. N., St. P.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  27.490  20,000  John Clemens _____ James Calvert. ____ H. D. Meloy _______ W. G. Wimmer____ L. W. Porter J.B. Wagner ______ G. c. Ralph ________ A. J. Eustice _____ E. G. Jackson_____  <: <;  -  en () 0  ~  12,120  278,000  262,000  44,400 Drov. N., Chi.; Marine N .. Mil.  25,000  3,000  300,000  300,000  10,0001 10,000  5,130  178,260  lfi8,910  48.000 Ilan. N., N.Y.; Northw. N .. Minpls.: Union N., Z to Eau Claire; 1st Wis. N .. Mil. I ::i:,. 22,940 Corn Ex. N., Chi,; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.  2,900  95,000  101,000  12,000  6,120  286,490  231,150  15,000 I1  20,000  230,000  231.000  Z en  19.000 1st N., Minpls.; U. S. N .. Superior; 1st Wis. ~ N.,Mil. 71460 Drov. N., Chi.: Marine N. and 2d Ward Sav., Mil.: Bk. of Wis., Madison. • 28 600 Drov. N. and Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N .. ,-. \" Mil. ' 248,230 Chas!3 N., N._ Y.; 1st :z:i. and Cont. & Com'l N., rn Chi.; 1st WlS. N., Mil. 115,090 N. City. N. Y:: Cont. ~Com'! N: and Live Stocki rn ""d Ex. N., Oh1.; 1st Wis. N .• Mil.  I  d  50,000  76,310  770,580  685,810  75,000  82.200  719.720  834,130  25,000 E. F. LUND--LA FAYETTE CSOUANfEY BANK 1 {S. P. NELSON------ T. E. OUINN---- C. M,LUND---------FIFTEEN CENT s sedt to us with eacn sight draft r or presentation, a nd T  2,500  197,000  208,000  TWENTY-FfVE CENTS for each c redlt report Insur esprompt,person aJ atten tfon. 1 17,420 50,000 C. Brictson _____ Deer7.fleld _______ nane Hg Bank of Deerfleld _______ :j:§'87 A.H. Hoffman __ Frank Draeger ____ H.B. ~ o ________ V. C.Jenson 79-500 Pop. 594 9,000 30,000 K. Thomas______ ___________________ ¥:~e ________ Simonsen ____ First Nat10 .. -------•  28 000 Corn Ex. N. and Drov. N., Chi.: 2d Ward!;° I Sav., Mil. '  369,210  330,580  80.150 N. City, Chi,; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  150,000  145,000  24,500 Marinl N., Mil.  1  "  79-950  :l:§'17  F. t ~: 7t/J8fk -----t'20js, E. __ st. Croix B 5 State Bk. ofDeer Park•:t 5'05 W. E. Webster _____ J. L. N. Aus _____ __ John Sakriso11 _____  Deer Park 9 Pop. 233 79-501 De F orest ------Dane H 9 De Forest S~te Bank.-•:t§·oz Thomas Farness ___ E. 7,,502 7 Pop. 493  I  Delavan ___ Walworth I 10 7 Pop. 3016  o. Meland ___ .; __  lA.  ♦  79-271  175,210  31,290 Han. N., N.Y.; 1st Wis. N.,Mil.; 1st N., St. P.  A. A. Linde ________ C. A. Linde______  50,000  10,250  335,930  365,520  25,440 Drov. N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley and 1st Wis. 0 N.,Mil.  ,ODO  911,0U0  855,000  140,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; N.Bk. Rep. and Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; N. Ex., Mil.  560,000  75 000 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. Chi.; 1st Wis. N. and 2d Ward Sav., Mil. '  "t::r':l!n~!te~ !!f1:::r!~1:!3 t';~{:~m I Send your busi t·efs {!~~~  50,000 55  530,000  Denmark ____ Brown K 7 Denmark State Bank •• _•:l:S'09 John F. Enz _______ Jos. F. Konop ______ Geo. G. De Broux - 1Wm. J. Noel ____ _ Erna M. Hansen 79-503 7 Pop. 735 I DePere _______ Brow11 K 7 National Bk. of De Pere •:l:'02 A.G. Wells------- O. G. Wilcox _______ O. M. Kiley _______________ _ E. A. Lee 79-203 7J Pop. 5165 StateBankofDePere •:1:51900 J.P. Dousman _____ John A. Kuypers._ Carl G. Scott ________________ _ " " 79-202  100,000  25,000  900,000 1,062,000  100,000  80,000  615,730  100,000  66,740 1,078,560 1.147,820  De Soto ______ Vernon D 9 De Soto State Bank _____ i§'04 jA. J. Broadhead ___ O. H. Haskell ______ R. P. Loftus _______ Louis Fritz-------79--504 7 Pop. 299  10,000  I  S\,JBJECTS. ON MANY DEP..ARTMENT: _ ASK OUR SERVLCE ~>. - - INFORMATION  . _ ._  S..  RICTURNfil.  53,000  ✓  10,040  290,-130  836.490  255,570 1  92,000 N. Produce, Northern Tr. Co., and Dr N., Ohl.; 1st Wis. N,, Mil. 101,910 Chem. N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; Wis.N.,Mil. 116,040 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st Wi~. -., Mil. 40,910 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Batavian N., La ~ Ul Crosse; Marine N., Mil.  co·M.MERCIAL BAN Ks ,- CHICAGO CONTINENTAL AK•·o · l"'I  -- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  en  200,000  50,000  •  '?ff  6,170  A thoroughly o rgantzed collectf on department. 1 QUICK •:tf '75 I  •:tl'55  1~  10,000  {A.H. KENDRICK-- - C.H. ~HIILz ________ A. R. DAHMS-------- T. H. O' BRIEN _____ _  79-274  Is I  Mae Setter________  CI JI zEN s BANK iE. F. WILLIAMS H. A. BRIGGS------ W. R. TOPPING---- E. M. ADAMS----WISCONSIN STATE BAH  5'  -  ·-  ....-... __ ....--...  -  -~  - -----!"-~~=---=~-~~=~~----,-~-~--:~:-~~--~~----~--~-'-~~~---~--~~--~~~-~---_-__,,~~~----,. . . ....,.~~-~.~.-~_~~--~----~~•~-~--:--:=-=~=-===~=~:=,-:--:;:~=~ ,;::_._  ,  .  .  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  WISCONSIN-Continued ToWN ilD COUNTY, .COuntySeais. Figure under town is Federal Reserve District. Doct,e __ Trempealeau D 9 9 Pop. 250 Dodgeville ____ lowa F IO 7 Pop. 1896  "  ____  "  "  _____  "  N.A...ME OF BANK, •llem.Am.Bks.Assn.SState PRJ:8ID:&NT. Ulem. State Bks. Assn. t Priv. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. First State Bank ______ ;t§'l4 AndrewHoesley ___ 79-862 City & Farmers Bank __ e:t§'89 Wm. Dickinson ___ 79-305  LIABILITIES, VI~PRESIDENT.  CA.SHIER.  AsS'TCA.SHIER.  PAID-UP SuRPLUB AND  RESOURCES.  DEPOS-  0  J. T. Williams _____ V. T. Williams _____ - - - - - - - - -  25,000  4,300  200,000  180,000  30,000 Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil, 135,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Chi,; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  I  178,630 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.; Cont. & Oom'l N., Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., and Drov. N., Ohi,· 1st Wis,! N. and .Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 32,311 Drov. N .. Chi.; 1st Wis. N. and Marshall &I Ilsley, Mil. l 19,000 Marine N. and 1st Wis. N., Mil.  79-304  Dorchester State Bank-•U-06 79-505 Dousman State Bank ___ •:tf '06 79-506 Bank of Downing ______ •:tf'Ol 79--507 Farmers & Merchants State Bank _____ 79-929 _______ :t§'l7 Doylestown State Bank.:t§'l5 79-867 Bank of Dre8ser Junction 71r873 :t§"14 Bank of Durand -------•:tS'84 79-326 First National Bank __ •:tl900 79-327 Eagle ____ Waukesha J 10 Bank of Eagle. ___ ------•:tl'0l 7 Pop. 394 79--508  C. E. Blodeett ____ Bert Wells ________ H. A. Maurer ______ .M. S. Sorenson____  30,000  9,510  329,410  275,710  O. A. Olson ________ L. J. BischeL_____ J. A. Olson ________ Erna L. Schneider  20,000  12,830  243,000  248,330  D. C. Coolid1te ___ L. H. Rockwell, Jr. E. C. Wagner ______ Oscar Renander •.. 1. O. Wagner H. L. Kyle _________ John Roth ____ S. H. Feldman _____ W. E. Stremel. ___ _  15,000  2,500  295,000  270,000  10,000  4,500  210,000  195,000  P. F. Breen ________ Fred Wuethrich ___ W. J. Kirley------ - - - - - - - - -  10,000  6,460  155,950  145,400  Harry D. Baker ___ Chas. Turnbull ____ .A. H. Weinhardt __ Hazel E. Nelson __ _ Hulda Hedman  H. M. Orlady ___ H.P. Nicklas ______ Joseph Weber _____ J. F. Gillmore ____ _  10,000  5,200  181,910  196,470  50,000  63,090  940,420  870,350  55,000  754,170  700,000  10,590  309.660  293,490  fl. L. Plummer John Brunner, Jr,_ E. Osterreicher ____ K. K. Brainard ____ J.E. Bauer ______ _ 75,000 Geo. L. Howard H. M. LoibL ______ E. J. LU1s __________ Louise H. Luis _____ Isabel H. Engebret25,000 sen •Eagle River ___ Vilas H4 Farmers & Merchants State Finn Lawler _____ N . .M. Emmons ____ C.H. Wie~and ____ - - - - - - - - - 25,000 9 Pop, 1200 Bank ____ 79-896 ------•:t§'l6 " ________ " State Bank or Eaele River .Margaret .McKenzie Fred Morey _______ A. .McKenzie _______ -------------------10,000 79-5011 •:ti' 91 Eastman ___ orawtord D 9 State Bank of Eastman. :tl'lO J. S. Earll ______ I. A. Larsen _______ H. E. Pier _________ Margaret Lechnir _ 10,000 7 Pop. 286 79-510 East Troy_Walworth J 10 Farmers &:Merchants Bank J. F. Jude ________ T. J. O'Leary ______ M. J. Powers ______ - - - - - - - - 20,000 7 Pop. 773 ., 79-760 :tl'l2 " _______ 30,000 State Bk. of :East Troy •:tl'92 J.P. Chapin _______ Edward B.Rohleder H. E. Henry _______ -------------------79-511 --------~~~~------------cc-~~----i ----  Eau Claire_ Eau Ola ire D 6 9 Pop. 20,880  3,490  183,220  83,670  199,400  130,000  2,000  287,000  225,430  12,600  478,580  468,700  79-81  51,720 Cont. & Com'l N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; N.Ex., Marshall & Ilsley, and 2d Ward Sav., Mil.  124.040 Peo. Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.  3,300  125,000  (")  zr/1O >  Z ~  rn  I  100,440 Kountze Bros .. N. Y,; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Old Com'l N., Oshkosh. H 75,000 Oont. & Com'l N. and Drov. N., Ohi.; 2d Ward 'cf Sav ., Mil. 0.. 32,420 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Marine N., Mil. IJQ 45,000 Seab. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st Wis.N.,.Mil.  '.!,  o  "'"  l-,  2834830 2924160  -  -  617,940  -  _ _ _ ___ ____ 1,258,710 1,206,290  A Savings Bank doing a commer clal business. Prompt, efflclen t attention 11:lven to all Items sent us.  •W20  ~  .,...  r/1  183,160 1st N., Ohi.; IstWis.N., Mil.; .Merch. N., St. P.; ::; Eau Claire N .• Eau Claire. Lt 98,000 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Ohi. tJj  ____ _________  i  STATE BANK OF EAU CLAIRE W. o. Tufts _______ G. E. Anderson ____ W. J. Mahoney---- ----------------· --  40,000 N. P-uk, N. Y.; Midland N., Minpls.; Capital N., St. P.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil. 30,000 State Bk. Com. and Northw. _rr,, Minpls.: 2d Ward Sav .. Mil. 22,070 Drov. N. and Harris Tr. & Sav .. Chi.; 1st Wis. N. and .Am. Ex., Mil. 12,090 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Merch. N .. St. P.  217,590  3,500  iJlJJrtr  NATIONAL BANK  311,980  4,650  W. K. COFFIN-------- C. W. LOCKWOOD---- J. A. PLAYTER------ G, E. HORGAN---E. J. LENMARK R. W. BAILEY OTTO von SCHRADER 150,000 118,730 The accounts of all needing banking facilities sollc- 79-77 •i·sz ited. Immediate attention given to all collections. Correspondents in all leading cities. ___ _ _ _ W. K. COFFIN --- C. W. LOCKWOOD--- JOHN BAUMAN------ C. H. CHARLSON-50,000 38.860 EAU CLAIRE SAY. BK. •:tl'06 C. W. DINGER 0, G. CALKINS, JR.  EAU CLAIRE 79-79  °'  14 - - - - - - - J - - - - - - - i _______ APITAL PROFITS ITS BIICIV&mu ::-....,_.__11U_ _ : - - - c - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 1 M. D. Brom _______ F. W. Lawrence __ -------------------- $ 10,000 $ 3,010 $ 84,490 $ 78,160 $ 17,530 1st N., Winona.Minn.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.  JOHN M. REESE-- EOW. L. REESE----- EDW\ A. PERKINS-100,000 93,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 FIRST NAl10NAL BANK-(:t'69 { FlF1:'EEN""CENT s sent to us with eaco sight draft for presentation, and 79-303 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report lnsu res prompt perso nal atte ntlon. StroBrs Bank ___________ ;tf'81 T. M. Strone _______ ------------------ H. C. Stron~ ______ Arthur Stron~-----80,000 29,410 007,410 838,190  Dorchester ____ Clark F 6 7 Pon. 519 Dousman. Wauke ha I 10 7 Pop. 235 Downing _______ Dunn B 6 9 Pop. 374 Downsville ___ Dunn B 6 9 Pop. 250 Doylestown,Columb;aH 9 7 Pop. 270 Dresser Junction ___ Polk 9 Pop. 250 B4 Durand ______ Pepin O 6 9 Pop.1517 " ________ "  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  Lo. .•A:Du- o.uaA:B:oc'TI. Do,...,., OB.Ufa•,Du:a  329,090  397,540  N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Live Stock Ex. N., and 1st N., Chi.: N. Ex. and ~ 1st Wis. N., MU.; Merch. N., St. P.; (') t Nor b'ff. N., Mlnpls. iii"  ::;·  176,630 N. Park. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; 1st ro N., Minpls.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 77,450 Equitable Tr. Co., N, Y.; N. Oity, Chi.; 1st Wis. N. and Am. Ex., Mil.; :Midland N., Minpls.  ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - -·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - KNUTE ANDERSON -- i· W. SELBACH-----SYVERSON , G. WEIZENEGGER UNION NAT'L BANK GEO B. WHEELER -- S.M. G.B MOON 79-78  •:t'72  SEND US YOUR EAU CLAIR. COLLECTIONS.  UNION SAVINGS BANK-•:tl'08 H. 7~80  Ull\011  MORl~:~\lk~~:Ol>  s. Strandness --~G. L. Blum --------~B. R. Schwahn ____ \Wm. J. Selbach ___  • H. F.Schlege1-  H. T, Lange _______ H. S. Strandness,  ~"o::~i~!il~:!  --  -  200,000 -  138.370 3,004.720 3,291,580 613,040 -  ~  50,000 100,000  25,000 50,000  800,000  Y1!,~d l!o!~\\ ~~n\e~t~1:;l)r::: ~eM1o:t!~:.nsln, (SA.FE INVESTMENT S) 1 \ We gual'antee eol\ect\on ol lnte Test and vnnclp al. NamlMr ander Name or .llank ia th" New Traa.81' Number /liven i;?7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louisto each bank in. U. 8. exclusively by The Band-McNallT Bankers•  Hao. N •• N. Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., 1st N., Corn Ex. N., and Cont. & Com'I N., ._ Chi,: 1st Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N., St, P. p,, and Mlopls. ::,  867,000  80,000 HaNn. Ns·• PN. YM..:dMl erdchN. LnM..& T r. Co., Chi.; 1st ~ ., t. .: 1 an .. mp 1s. '< Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st N,, St. P. •  ~ -  Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this._  I  Nan-Bank Towns wlth N-rest .BanJdng- Point (In•  I  I  or• BANK. /;•Mem. NAJIJ .A.ND OoUNTT. 'l'cnrN .Assn. IState / Am. Bks Beats .. ooanty Fieure under tow~ is tMem.StateBk&-A.ssn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  PR.&9IDJCNT.  VICZ..PRESIDKNT.  CA.SHI.EK.  ,  Ass T CA.SHIER.  LIABILITIES. j ----=-Su_BP_L_u_a,-------11 - - RESOURCES. ----,----  PA.ID-UP  DEPOS-  AND  CAPITAL PxonTs ~  Eden. __ FondduLacJ 3 EdenStateBank •••••• -U-10 W.J.Nast •• ·-··-·/MartinKoedine ••.. John Hillebrand •• -·--··············$ 79-512 7 Pop, 176  ~E  dexed AcCe.9.), Lawyers, Laws (Indexed) 1n back of this/._. volume For .Interest Rates, Holfdays, etc., see Laws  WISCONSIN-Continued  20,000$  ~-~;>,,~; 11sovamu  =:.~  ....  PRINCIPAL CORJUl:BPONDENTS.  ...,. B.uru  §  7,190$ 250,000$ 230,000$ 33,650 L_i_v_e_S_t_o-ck_E_x_.-N-.-.-C-h_i._:_N_._Ex_._a_n_d_2_d_W_a_r_d ,._. Sav., Mil.; Com'l N., Fond du Lac. 22,220 Drov. N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Am. N •. Wausau. 103,200 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: Marine N., Mil.  40,000  21,920  384.180  447,480  50,000  30,080  573,740  578,850  50,000  70.150  969,690 1,058,960  Edmund --.Iowa F 10 Farmers Savines Bank •• :§'17 W. C. Skillicorn ••• G. A. Baker··-·-· D. A. Peterson •••• - - - - - - · · 79-917 7 Pop, 125  10,000  1 500  134,460  126,540  16,130 Drov. N .. Chi.: 1st Wis. N .. Mil.: Strongs, Dodgeville.  Eland-••• Shawano B 6 Eland State Bank ··-··•H'08 John J. Sherman •• C. Grabbert -·-·· M. K. Lamont-_._ · · · · · · - - - - · · 79-514 7 Pop. 344  15,000  2,300  lll'-,880  116,410  12,740 Cont. & Com'! N .• Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  Elcho•••.••• Lana-Iade BS State Bank of Elcho .• -•U-13 C. W. Fish--····· W. D. Burton •.•• _ G. B. Bauer.·-··- _ _ _ _ _ __ 79-798 7 Pop. 600  10,000  4,620  100,000  86,000  29,000 Drov. N., Chi.: Citiz. N., Green Bay.  Elderon •••• Marathon H 6 Elderon State Bank.-•• *S'l3 A. J. Plowman •••• Peter Cherek ...••. R. M. Thompson •• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 79-803 7 Pop, 215  10,000  510  25,460  33,740  Eldorado.Fond du Lac I 8 Eldorado State Bank .•.•:W17 W.R. Anderson ••• J. R. Hatch •••••••• A. J. Henning ••••• ···-··-····-········ 79-949 7 Pop. 150  10,000  4,450  125,860  126,190  14,790 Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis, N .. Mil.; 1st Fond du Lac N .• Fond du Lac.  Elen-.Trempealeau D 6 Bank of Eleva.. ...••••••• :U'03 P. K. Risberg•••... F. F. Ruseling .•••• B. A. Moltzau •••.. -···-···-·-····· 79-515 9 Pop. 879  25,000  7,160  330,000  390,320  26,580 Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.:lstN., Minpls,; 1-r1 w Eau Claire N., Eau Clac-e.  Edear _ _ l{arathon G6 Banko! Edear•..•..•••• :U'02 A. W. Puchner-•• B. G. Flieth_. __ Wm. C. Seim·--••1------·79-513 7 Pop. 723  Edeerton •••• _Rock I 10 7 Pop. 2688  GEORGE W. DOTY. E. G. BUSSEY·-··· OSCAR L. OLSON •••• C. S. MIDTBON......  FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•:•03 { Personal attent fon given B•L Dra fts and CoUectlo ns. SEND US YOU R BUSINESS. 79-270 TOBACCO EXCHANGE BANK W. s. Heddles .•••• Wm. Bussey •.• _ •• A. H. Jenson ..•... · · · - - - · · - · · · 79-269  L. J. Dickinson  •*5'97  128,520 Bk. of America, N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N. and Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.  3,020 1st N ., Wausau; 2d Ward Sav .. Mil.  7,500 300,000 290,000 35,000 40,000 Han. N .. N, Y.; Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; 1st Elkhart Lake.Shebonan Bank of Elkhart Lake-•*5'07 Louis Laun •••·--· Robert Hornack •• J.P. Wink .•••••.• F. '). Miller....... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wis. N., Mil. 71Hi16 K8 7 Pop. 41111 •Blkhorn •• Walworth I 10 7 Pop 199 ·  FIRST NAT'L BANK J. H. HARRIS ....... JAMES MATHESON.HENRY D. l. ADKINS.A. C. DESING..... 79-312  ..  .  An officer of this bank gives his personal attention to collections. •*'65  C/ll  50,000  -  80,000  -  800,000  -  980,000  -  75,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; t%j . 1st Wis. N., MU.  c..  ~  M. R. Cobb•••••••• G. B. Kenney·-····  50,000  21,060  693,190!  Elk Mound_ ... Dunn O 6 Bank of Elk MouBd--•H'06 E. S. Greeerson •• B. Ausman _ _ E.W. Hanson·-·· Noble Hanson.-•• 7U-£17 9 Pop. 357  25,000  6,500  240,000  •Ellsworth_•• Pierce B 6 9 Pop. 1043  State Bank of Elkhorn.•U'OO L. W. Swan··-··· R. J. Lean ••••• 7g..313  BANK OF ELLSWORTH •U'88 ♦  7U-357  ,. l  604,510  I  l: i~Ni{iL__  l. MOODY-····· J.E. FOLEY·-·--· ORIN LORD-·- ~: J. G. HAG EST All  50,000  250,000  42,000 1.072,290 1,150,750  ::l 54,450 Ban . .M.~ .Y.: Cont.&Com'lN., Chi.: 2d Ward O 1 8 li.V,, I, 1 32,000 Oont. & Com'! N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N. and 2d' ~ WardSav .• Mil.;lst N., St.P.; Union N .• Eau ..,O '< Claire. 115,340 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.;l lstWis.N .. Mil.  I  FIFTEEN CENT S sent to U8 with each alght draft f or presentation, a nd TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redlt report Insur es prompt, perso nal atte ntlon.  Citizens State Bank-.. •H'0II T. J. llcCollo,r_ D. C. llunrer ___ Charles ll. Hansen1 - - - -······7g..353  15,000  7,000  305,000  272,000  60,000 Ft. Dear. N., Ohi.; 1st N., Minpls.: Karine N., Mil.; N. Bk. Com., St. P.  F. A.. Sprini=er.- E. J . llcKernon ••• F. J. Thompson  25,000  17,500  625,000  565,000  84,000 Drov. N., Chi.; Marine N. and 1st W.s. N .. Mil.; Northw. N., Minpls.  c. P. Layne ••....•.  ---·····-·-·  15,000  800  61,890  46,960  22,870 March. N., St. P.; 2d Ward Sav. and Am. Ex,, Mil.  Elro_y -·······Juneau 11' 8 Oitizens Bank-····-···•H'll6 C. S. Huntley__ •• L. 8. Marsh-·-·· A. . .A. Telfer.·-··· Murray B. Huntley 79-311 Pop. 1713 7  25,000  5,660  209,2101 190,420  6,190  592,110:  Elmwood •••••• Pierce B 6 First State Bank••••••• •tl'04 O. W. Groot._••• C. J. Nordrum _ 79-518 9 Pop. 632 Peoples State Bank •••• •t§'l9 J.E. Morton •..•••. M. Kere -········· 79-1001 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  z>~  State Bank of Elroy •••• •H'IIO IJohn E. HarL••• _ A. T. Gr02ory._. J.C. Jacobson - · Frieda Quade····79-310  25  .ooo'I  508,870  49,360 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., llil.  I  -  101,500 Han. N., N. Y.; llerch. Ln. & Tr. Oo., Chi.; 1 t ~ ---i Wis. N .. Mil.; Merch. N .. St. P.  .Liumber under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given  to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Iland-McNally Bankers' 1528 - = ~ll'ectory!._ under t ~auth~!lty -~ The American Bankers Ass'n.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. Fo! Inte!_est _Rates, Ilolldays, etc., see Laws.  WISCONSIN-Continued  ~ l'J  TOW.' A..'D COUNTY. NA:IIE OF BASK. ---=L-=-=IA=-=B=-=I:..::Lc::..;IT:..:I:..::E::::..:....S.- - - - l i----=R..:.:E=.:(S:..::O..:::U..:.:Rc::CE::::S:.:.:._ , PRINCIPAL CORRESPO.t-;DENTS. •County Seats. • !em. Am. Bks. A n. §State PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT, Ass'T OASHIER, PAID-UP SURPLUS!: DEPOS- 1.o..,.aa:D11- 1 cu11a:ExCA.SHIER. Figure under town is :l:~Iem. State Ilks.Assn. tPriv ITS Federal Reserve District. +Mero. Fed. Res. [Estab _________ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , - - - - - - - - CAPITAL P : i T S --- -----1---------------1 Embarrass __ Waupaca I 6 Embarrass tate Bank __ :j:§'17 John Krubsack ____ T. H. Buntrock ____ Wm. Anton ________ - - - - - - - - - - - $ 15,000 $ 6.000 135,G00 :S 136,000 $ 5,000 1st N., Clintonville; 1st Wis. N .. Mil, 7 Pop. 296 79-927 Emerald ____ st. Oroix B 5 Staie Bank of Emerald_•t§'12 P. B. Dunbar _____ Alex. Fleming _____ W. S. Fleming _____ E. R. Fleming_____ 10,000 3,660 102,790 06,810 14,430 Merch. N., St. P.: Marine N., :Mil. 9 Pop. S00 79-775 Wm. F. White H. V.1.i'leming Endeavor_l,larquette H 8 First State Bank: _______ t§'06 C. V. Skinner ______ ,A. C. RusselL____ H. G. Ohurchill ___ - - - - - - - - - 10,000 6,050 207,900 186.350 33,060 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.: 7 Pop. 4CJ0 79--519 1st N.. Min pis. Ettrick_Trempealeaa D 7 Bank of Ettrick _________ :U,11 H.F. Claussen __ K. A. Knutson _____ T. N. Halverson ___ J. A. Kamprud ___ _ 30,000 4,500 305,000 285,000 36,100 Cont. & Oom'l N ., Ohi.: State Bk. of La Crosse, 9 Pop. 350 7!l-753 , _________ _________ _______ ________ La Crosse; 1st N ., Winona; 1st Wis. N ., Mil. " Beaver Valley :ta to Bank Andrew Ilagestad. B. Erickson ________ G. L. Hjerleid _____ Oscar Hoff-------25 000 79 1031 §'21  OO  c-:=~u:::• =•~";._-:.•  E\-an ville ___ Rock: H 10 7 Po1>. 2209  BANK OF  G. L. PULLEN-P. P. PULLEN _____ J. S. PULLEN---25,000 19,330 685,970 697,030 OldestandLarg estBanklnEvans ville. FIFTEEN CENT S sent to as with each sight draft f or presentation, a nd TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each c redlt report Insur es prompt, perso nal atte ntlon.  i  EVANSVILLE 7~2711  Exeland _____ sawyer D 4 9 Pop. 211 Fairchild _Eau Ola ire E 6 9 Pop. 660 Fair Wa.ter_Fond du I.Ac 7 Pop. 300 l8 FallCreek_Eau Olaire D 6 9 Pop. 507  Fall River __ Qolumbia II 9 7 Poo. 400 Fenniruore ____ Grant E 10 7 Pop. 13 3 " • Fenwood __ Marathon G 6 7 Pop. 178 Ferrnille _Orawford D 9 7 Pop. 203 .Filleld __________ price F4 9 Pop. 600 •Flo~ence ___ FJorence J 4 9 Po1>. 1850 •FondduLac,Fond duLac 7 Poo. 23,427 J 8 " Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Farmers & Merch.StateBank H. 0. Meyers _____ C. F. Miller ___ R. D. Hartley_____ C.H. Buckingham_ 7~281 •:t1·01  25,000  11,000  GRANGE BANK-------- •U'97 7~280 State Bank of Exeland •:t§'l5 70-874 First National Bank _____ •f04 79--520 Fairwater State Bank: __ •*f•oa 79-521 Merchants & Farmers tate Bank ____ 79-9-15 _______ :j:§'17  T. O. Richardson __ J. P. Porter _______ Leonard P. Eager __ ------------------1 A. A. Veness------ F. W. KasL ________ Geo. Chris tenen. __ ------------·. -----, W. F. Hood_ _____ W. K. Ooffln _______ C. E. FaHett ______ ------------------A. E. Bradford A.. W. BonesteeL_ C. 0. Tinkham ___ Roy E. Smith ______ --------------- ----E. W. Laper • Gustave Roesler __ E. H. Ge ke _______ Edw. J. Zetzman __ Marcella L. Bartz __ J. E. Garaghan  15,000  12,650  10,000  1,950  State Bank of Fall OreekU'0S 79-522 First Stat~ Bank -------•U'04 79--523 First National Bank ______ t'09 79--342 State Bk. of Fennimore_U'96 79--341 Fenwood State Bank ___ :j:§'16 79--921 Ferryville State Bank __ •if'll 7~740 State Bank of Fifleld ___ ;!:§'15 79-890 State Bank of Florence •U'9l 79-524 Citizen State nank ____ •U'll 79--74 Oole Savings Rank _____ •tl'71l 79--72  COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK 79--73  FIRST  •:t'0l  530,000  -z ~  U1 93.020 Chase N., N.Y.: 1st N. and Live Stock Ex. N .• (') Clhi.: 1st Wis. N.,Mil.; Rock Co.N., Janes- O ville. ~ .c.c  U1  521,500  48,600 Cont. & Oom'I N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N .. Janesville.  279,350  352,430  100,960  111,330  37,570.N. City and Live Stock Ex. N., Ohi.; Marine N.,Mil. t 14,880 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Eau Claire N., Eau Claire. I 32,700 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N .• Ohl.; 1st Wis. N •• Mil.!  I  25,000  6,280  370,930  407,050  25,000  20,000  210,000  259,000  20,970 1st N., Ohi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N., Ripon.  15,000  2,000  210,400  213,820  21,270 Corn Ex. N. and Drov. N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav ..; Eau Claire N ., Eau Claire.  Henry Wise _______ J.E. Zetzman _____ 0. W. Voechiing ___ Gertrude Ziemann_  30,000  2,100  702,110  688,9501  L. E. Everson _____ G. W. Stephens ____ C. C. Fredrick _____ -- -· ---------------Ohas. P. Hinn ____ Joseph Binn ______ J. R. Miller _______ J. R. Parnell _______ _  25,000  8,500  190,000  230,000  50,000  21,000  450,000  375,000  90,100 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: Union N., Eau Olaire: 1 1st Wis. •·: Mil.; 1st~., Minpls. j 25,220 Oont. & Com l N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Ohl,; 1st Wis. N ., Mil. Y.: Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.: Ma.70.000 N. City, rine N., Mil.; Com'l N., Madison. 131,200 Live Stock Ex. N. and 1st ., Chi .. 1st Wis. N. and 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 6,000 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Marathon Co., Wausau.  Dwight T. Parker_ ----------------- J. R. Villemonte ___ A. E. Keller------C. J. Niehaus II. C. Berg 'r ------ G. J. Wetteraus ___ 'rhos. L. Beman --- -------------------M. Barham ________ J. H. Sterling _____ F. R. Garvey _______ - - - - - - - -  100,000  .  45.000  2,000  10,000  6,500  40,0001 233,500  220,000  D. A. Young _______ Herman Lessard ___ H.. E. Buchholz ____ ------------------  10,000  1,660  35,370  52,800  E. E. Wilcox ______ Max Sells _________ Jas. J. Pontbriand_ R. C. Lindberg -  15,000  5,000  379,770  258,720  F. J. Wolff _________ A. J. Pullen ________ J.P. Kalt_ ______ J. L. Dyckhoff ---A. J. Kremer A. E. Cole _________ W. I. Cole------ T. 0. RosenthaJ ____ C.P. Smith----···  H. R. POTTER---- M. T. SIMMONS -- F. A. BOYD-------- E. J. SHAW ----·· JOHN T. BOYLE  T.  ll .700 1.33-1.000 1,3U,500l  10,000  100,000  21,000  750,00011  700,000  31.120  657,360  659,210  --- --- --- -~-  ~  30,000 1st Wis. N., Mil. I  100,000  I I  I  1  24,350 1st Wis. N., Mil. 136,660 Oorn Ex. N., Ohi.; N. Ex., Mil.; Northw. N-,1 I Minpls. 170,000 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. City, Ohi.; 2d 1 Ward Sav .. Mil. 105,370 N. Park, N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Oo., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N. and N. Ex., Mil.  ,  1:~  We make a specialty of collections, give same p e r - ~ ~ ~ N.N~~Y:a1!dI;iJ~~k.•M~l~mlN.,Chl.; sonal attention, and remit on day of payment at '-4 low rate for exchan~e. ____________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ~ 1  ERNEST J. PERRY--1f, J. RUEPING------ \C.~ BREITZIIAH---  I  COLLECTIO NS given pr ompt, caref FOND DU LAC MA.TIONA.L BA.MK We invite y l our Busincs \s. 1Q-10 •t·~~  ,J.CHAS. L. GORMICAN---HOTALING  4-00,000  275,590 4,196.630 4,000.470  \ul attention.  &  823,460 1st N.1,.N. Y.; 1st N., Cont. & Com'IwN1.• and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.: 1st s. ~ N •• MU.; 1st N, and Northw. N., Mlnpls.; _ PhU. N., Phil. ~ N  It  -  Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Ban.king Point (Tners Laws indexed in back of this  dexed Acces.) La  '-4  ,,,g 15~.  or..,_  llam,._ ,uule, N...,. la U.. New ftalull .lf-...lHw __. Co Mola bank m U. B. •d-..lrelT by TIie l&aad-•e1raa, ~ Dl,eefor,• ru,der the aulborlq of TIie Amerfean .8aaJcen Aa•n.  1  Non-.Banll Town• wfUJ Nearest BaDllfna' Point Undexed Acces.), Lawyen Laws <Indexed) .IJJoack ot volume. 1''or IDteN·st RateH, Holldays, etc., see Laws. Dr  C O D tl•DUed  W'LSCO'"'T SIN A- ~  =::=======:::::::::::=;===:= =========;:=====~==== ==::::::::=::::::::::~======== =======~~===I c::::S TOWN ..urn OOUNTY. N.A.JIE OP' BANK. /: I ==;:=====~======:==~===========::,:;:=~==::::::::= LIABILITIES. I .RESOURCES. I PRINCIPAL CORU:SPONDJ:NTS. -  . •County Seats. . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. fS~te PRlll!IIDDT, VIe&-PRJ:sIDKNT CA.SJUD.'T CA.SllIER P -u Fieure under town IS .tMem. StateBks. Assn. tPr1v. · • ill> P Fedenl Reserve Di trict. ♦.Mero. Fed. Rel:. CE ·tab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . CAPITA.L 1 1 Foo vme ______ Rock H 10 Footville State Bank ____ : '10 S. W. Lacey ________ W. O. HowelL ____ A. C. Gaarder --- Merle Parmley ____ $ 20,000 7 Pop. 351 79-525 Fore. t Junction_ Calumet ForestJ unction State Bk ..t§'ll John Seybold _____ 1 1G. H. Schmitt_ ___ Otto Schley------ J. F. Otto ·-----30,000 7 POI>. 351 J 7 79-526 ForestviJle ______ DoorK6 State Bk. of Forestville_ts'lO H.J. Teske ________ J. Donovan------- W. H. Bastar____ ________ 2.5,000 7 Pop. 300 79-527 i Fort Atkinson._JetJerson Citizens State Bank ____ etf'84 R. D. Chase ________ T. B. Royce ____ ,C. A. OaswelL ____ -------- --------25,000 'J. Pop. 41l15 .. I 10 . _ 79-218 , . I . ________ Fu-st National Bank _____ •t 63 J. F. Schremer ___ i H. O. CasweJL ____ L.B. Caswell, Jr. __ o. H. Aspmwan____ 75,000 79-217 ; Fort Atkinson Sav. Bk,.•tl'll G. W. Kindlin ________ . --------------- ' O. W. Donkle______ G. K. Ward ______ _ 40,000 79-219 : Foster_. __ Eau Claire D 6 State Bank of Fo ter ____ f§'l5 II. Patz ____________ J. W. Pehlke ______ · E. E. Ronglin ______ O. A. Saiels. _____ _ 10,000 9 (Osseol'.O.) Pop.150 79-871 FountainC1ty,Bu[aloC7 First State Bank _______ e.t§'06 F.J. BohrL. ______ C.A...Kirchner _____ H. E. Bohri _______ J, A. Genning ____ _ 20,000 9 Pop, 880 79-528 Fox Lake ____ .Dodge I 8 State Bk. of Fox Lake_•.ts"lll II. Clausen _______ H. A. Graham _____ D. C. Church______ G. F. Roberts __ ___ 40,000· 7 Pop. 1012 71Hi29 1  SURPLUS  .A.ND PROl'ITS ~  D  f,.o.... ., J>ia- 1c.... ., Ex-  J:POS-  12,430  300,120 $ 275,250 $  12,5JO  153 280  I 173,610  1  '  8,800  409,320  20,000  240,000  78,370  900,000  403,8!0 210,600  1  1  I  96,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.  360,000  30,000  20,000  I 325,000  20,000  2,260  149,280  IC. H. OAKEY------ F. G. GRIMH -------- C. W. V. PETERSON - H. W. BUCK-------FARMERS STATE Bit .•t§'l5 < 7!1-884 l WE INVITE YOUR BUS IINESS.  15,000  6.440  245,4-10 I 227,100  STEN SR uo. Ic. A.CARLSON ...... moooRE wIPR uo. , :I: itW'si~o K-- ••  ,,.coo  79-530  •.t'02  !  Fremont State Bank ---•tl'lO Wm. E. Sherburne !!. E.Bauer _ _ _ N. B. Johnson ___ S. A. Johnson ___ _ 79-532 Friendship State Ilank_•f§'lO J. W. Purves ______ John P. Lewis _____ W . E. McGowan ___ P. F. Smith.-----79-533  Friesland ___ columbia I 8 Friesland State Bank --•t§'14 E.W. BrandeL ____ Eli Cupery _________ W. J. Blochwitz __ - - - - - - 7 Pop. 300 79-8Jl Galesburg __ hawano J 7 Galesburg tate Bank __ e+§"l9 Julius Bubolz ______ Theo. Meyer ______ R. L. Buboltz _____ E. S. Torrey ______ _ (Navarino P. O.) • 79-964 7 Pop. 75 Galesville ___ TrPmpealeau BANK OF GALESVILLE •t§'83 9 Pop. !l4!i D 71 79-359 " -------" Farmers & Merch. State Bk. 79-360 -u·os 1 Gays Mil1s _Crawford E 9 ! Bank of Gays Mi1Js ______ .t§'04 7 Pop. 652 I 79-534 Genesee Depot-Waukesha State Bank of Genesee Depot 7 Pop. 200 J 10 79-535 :l:§'10 Genoa ________ Vernon D 8 Genoa State Bank _______ .t§"08 7 Pop. 656 79-536 Genoa Junction Walworth Citizens State Bank _____ .t§'04 7 Pop. 800 J 11 79--537 Gillett ________ Oconto J 6 Citizens State Bank _____ :i§'Oi 7 Pop. 78::i 79-538  E. F. Clark-------- B. W.Davis ________ J. F. Cance ________ J. A. Hammer ____ _  S0,000  I  125,llOO  lll,190  39-1,970  381.5-10  US. 236,400  217,600  10,000  2,000  75,970  10,000  8,390  330,140  10,000  4,370  192.640  10,000  5,000  140,0QO  15,000  6,200  119,MO  65,1-10 304,330  I 1  209 ,240  z >  64.240 :Mid!and N. and 1st N., Minpls.; 1st Wis. N., Mt!.; 1st N., St. P. .  54,820 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  .  20.000  14,000  450,0001 400,000  c. R. Jones ________ Arthur Richards ___ - - - - - - - , , A. Tulloch _________ L. Monti, Sr. ______ H. A. Tulloch _____ E. L. Collins------  10,000  4,600  10,000  13,000  I  88,000  r+  $. ?::::: ~  ~  ~  15,000 Marine N., Mil.; Ex. N .. Waukesha.  D.R. Kimball · ---- C. D. Blanke ______ 0. A. Stone ________ Grace Stone-------  50,000  4.500  160,000  H. A. Koske _______ Au2ustZippel _____ A.G. Wendorf ____ - - - - - - - -  3-5,000  35,610  657,720  5 .210 Drov. N ., Chi.; l , t Wis. N ., Mil.  203,000  1  ~  0 0  5?  43.000 N. Bk. of Lacrosse, La Crosse: 2d Ward Sav., ~Iii. 49,000 Coni. & Com '! N .. Chi.; 1st Wis . .i. ., rn.  240,000  r.n  56.340 1st N., Cht. and Stevens Point; 1st WL. N., 0 Mil. 20,990 Cont.& Com'l N.,Chi.:lstWis. N.,Mil.; lstN., ·wis. Rap. :=::  138,040 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Cont. &Oom'l N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Ohi. ; lst Wis. N., Mil. 56.480 1st T. and Drov. N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.: • ror thw, ••. Minpls.; Merch., Winona; late Bk. of La Cro se, La Crosse . 25,000 Com'! N., Madison: 1st \Y1s. N., Mil.  485,290  95,0001  17,420 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; Citiz. N., Appleton.  16,000 1st Wis. N ., Mil.  W. H. Stuckey _____ G. T. Atwood ______ 0 . A. Shenrood ____ M. F. Bernier_----  I  z  28,680 Am. N .. St. P.: 1st \\' is. N ., Marlne.r., ancl2d tJj Ward av., Mil. ; 1 t '., Minpl •  U,860 Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Citiz. N., Appleton.  503,740  T. David Edwards.  Ex. 1st Wis. N .. and 2d 'i'lard Sav., Mil.  130,000  40,270 1,106,000 1.050,750  ·  .i. •  133.740  13,190  I  ..  1  30,000  Freuch  33,950  1  10,330  60,000  c.  4  zX  J. A. Berg _ _ _ ,John Dick _ _ _ L. E. Sanderson ... G. 0. Baeen ______ _  S.  115,000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Merch., Winona, Minn.: ~ 1 Midland N., Minpls.: 1st Wis. N., Mil. 75,000 Mech. & Metals r., . Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.: !' en Am. Ex., 1st Wis. N .. 2d Ward Sav .. and () Marine N .. Mil. O 40,000 Drov. Chi.: 2d Ward Sav,, Mil.; Citiz, r., Green Bay.  00  1  ,J.  I I  Save time and 1get service on Col lectlons and Cred It Reports bf sen ·ding FEE IN ADVAN 1CE: Plain •iwht draft•, 15c; Credit Report.. 25c. T&Y OLDEST AND ' LARGEST BANK.  State Bank of Fredonia _i1·10 D. M. Rosenh.eimer E. P. Neuens ______ H. W. Witt ______ - - - - - - - 79-531 I Freedom Sta.te Hank ___ f§'l7 c. De Jong ________ W. Appleton ____ John Schommer __ - - - - - - - 79-934  66,500 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi. 351,640 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N ., Chi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.  35,000 1st Wis. N., Mil.  690,COO  I  .t-.:>  478,000  580,000  1Km t  '  18,680 DroT. N ., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.: Citiz. N., Appleton. 33,120 Drov. · ., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  220,000  500,000  FIRST NATIONAL BANK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  529.970 255,000  908,540  10,000  I.ate Bank of Franci Creek John Ewen ________ J, J. Gruber _______ F. C. Ilaugniet_ ___ Jennie ir. tone79-932 :t''li man Willnm Eweo Franksvillu __ Ra\'ioe K 10 Bauk of Frank ville ____ t§'l8 Geo. W, Miller ____ ' Geo. L. Buck ______ T. C. Sundsted ___________ _ 7 Pop, 300 79-9i0 •  Fredonia ____ 01.&ukee F 9 7 Pop. 300 Freedom __ Outagamie I 7 7 (Kaul..auna P.O.) Pop. 275 Fremont ____ waupa~ I 7 7 Pop. 374 •Fl'iendship ___ Adams G 8 7 Pop. 442  6.000  I  47,000  FrancisOree1e.~Ianitowoc 7 Pop, 300 K 7  Frederic --------Polk B 4 9 Pop. 100  13,640  l» "'1 _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ 1 1 57 300 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Rock Co.N., Janesville. ~  c'TL Bo.... , a.utuo,Dn , !laavarn• no11 Bun  CONTINENTAL AND COM·MERCIAL :BANKS·  -·--~---- ~-- ~~J 1;.'  ~#  1530  Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number eiven to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  TOWN AND COUNTY,  NAME OF' BANK,  •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure under town is :tMem. StateBks. Assn. tPriv. _F...:..ed...:..e;;....ra_l_R_es ____e_rv_e_D_is_tr_ic_t_. _+_M_e_;__m_._F...:..ed_._R_e.;;_s_._ _:[_E_sta-'-b_. 1  RESOURCi'.S, LlA.BILITIES, SuRPLUs t.ila" »... c•• " ExOASHIER, IDENT, ICE- RESIDENT. PilD-UP .A.ND D:IIPOS- ..... Bo1n>1, ..,Jll••,:nn _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _.,___ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _c_u_i_T_.A.L _P_B_o:r_1_T_s _IT8 _ _ _.._...._ _ _ _ _no_•_~ __  V  PREs  11  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (In• dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  WISCONSIN-Continued  p  As  1  1  c S'T ASHIER.  1  1  Gilman ••••••••Taylor E 5 State Bank c>r Gilman .• •t§'l4 F. S, Grubb •••••••• Adam Adler ______ • M. B. Steener ______ - - - - - - - $ 10,000 $ 9 Pop. 522 711-835  2,710 $  711,520 $ 105,640 S  C  PRINCIPAL CORRUPOND.ENTS,  _________________ 1  6,420 1st Wis, N., Mil.: Northw, N., Minpls,  Gilmanton •••• Butralo O 7 Gilmanton State Bank ••• :tl'lO Ludwil? Schultz ••• G. L. Krampeter ••• Oscar Tanz ••••••.• - - - - - · · - 9 Pop, 250 7!}-6311  10,000  4,080  80.020  78,170  19,450 Oont. & Oom'l N,, Chi,: J:au Claire N., Eau Claire,  Gleason . •••. Lincoln H 5 Gleason State Bank •••. t§'20 W. H. Bayer -··-·· R, H. Smith••••••• John Kinir .•••• 9 Pop 250 711-1023  ----·---  15,000  1,500  50,000  38,000  21,800 Ft. Dear N,, Chi,: 2d Ward Sav., Mil.  Glenbeulah ••• Sheboygan Glenbeulah State Bank •• :t§'l3 John Hansen··-··- A. W. Stannard •••• E. L. Arnold··-·-- Elsie E. Arnold •••• 7 Pop, 298 K 8 7H02  15,000  3.400  125,000  154,000  Glen Flora ••••• Rusk: E 4 State Bank of Glen Flora F. I. Huirhes ••••••• August Peterson ••• Frank Thatcher••• E. W. Hughes ••••• 9 Pop. 174 711-8711 :tl'l6 E. L. A. Bruger  10,000  3,400  87,530  81,8110  Glenhaven •.•• Grant E 10 Glen Haven Bank ••••••• :tS'05 W. H. Jordan •••••• M. W. Metcalf ••••• T. B. lletcalf - - Ethel M. Metcalf .. 7 Pop. 150 71l-M0  10,000  7,780  1114.950  182,8110  29,340 Drov. N ., Ohi.; BataTian N ., La Crosse; Northw. :; N.,Minpls, '-4  W. L. Daye ••. ----· F. J, Frazier ••.••• P. V. Northrup ••.•  25,000  6,000  135,000  130,000  20,000 1st Wis: N., Mil.:lst N., Minpls.  A. J. YAN DER HIDEN M. F. ,!#JiER •.. --·· H. L. PAYNE····-- EDW. GAYIC ••••••••  42,000  4,000  (00,000  400,000  45,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Capital N., St, P,; Marine N ., Mil.  38,360 1st Wis. N ., Mil.  32,570 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; Secur. N .. Bhebonan. 17,180 Am. N .. St. P,: 1st Wis, N., Mil.  ~ ..... rn  0  0  zrn  FARMERS NATIONAL BANK  o. J. Booth •.••••••  FIRST STATE BANK .. -•U'116  i  &eti JFaht:.  w. G. Fordyce •••••  J. D. Twomey .•••• W. E. JehD-----· - - - · · - - -  12,500  uoo  223,070  108,550  Goodman •• Marinette J 6 Citizens Bank•••••••••• t§'20 G. W. Damour ••••• G. H. Hedquist··-· H.J. Koppa····-·· Theresa B. SippL 7 Pop. 1'00 71H018  20,000  2,320  98,810  86.420  Robt, P. Zaun.-•• Emily Zaun ••••••••  25,000  12,000  318,000  310,000  50,000 Ft. Dear. N,, Chi.: 1st Wis. N. and Marine N,, Mil.  Grandmarsh •• Adams G 8 Grand Marsh StateBank•tl'l6 L. Patrick······-·· B. W. Smith·----· A. S, Neff · - - - ····-·······-······· 7 Pop, 200 711-861  10,000  3,lll0  127,910  1111,1140  13,780 Drov. N., Chi.: 2d Ward Sav,, Mil.  Granton ••.••••. Olark F 6 Farmers State Bank •••• •:tl'03 Robert Kurlli .••• _ Jno, P. Kintzele ••• W. ScoU Davis --- Wilson Mallory •••• 7 Pop, 3M 711-544 L. W. Yorkston  25,000  11,600  358,410  377,520  29,080 Drov. N,, Chi.; 1st Wi1. N .. Mil,: Neillsville, Neillsville.  .,Grantsburi.Burnett A 4 First Bk:. ofGrantsburir•:tl'OO A. P. Nelson ••••••• Ole Anderson--·-- J, R. OUsel---·-· B. A, Wickstrom . •• 9 Pop, 781 • 7g...sso And. Peterson  50,000  9,680  6711,320  6117,050  71,000 Cont. & Oom'l N., Ohi,; 1st Wis, N .. MU,: ::s C: 1st N .. Min:ols. Pl  First National Bank •••••• t'05 F. H. Wellcome •••• S. 1!'. Grover •• _____ H. A. Anderson.-- C. J. Fossum. _ _ • 11>-390 A, V. Sandberi  25,000  22,700  483,400  477,000  (3,600 N orthw, N ,, Minpls.  ~  Qn.\\ot ..••1.&ta.yet\e 1!' 10 Gratiot State 'Bank •.•. _u•oi H. W. 'Burmeis\er. J. A. Wand-··--· E. L. Geach··----· II. L. Geach .•••... 1 "Pol),~ 11)-Mr. , R. F. 'Burme\ster  25,000  1,900  327,800  278,000  69,700 ls\ N., Ohl.; 1st Wis, N., Kil.  '°  Glenwood Oity •• St, Oroix 9 Pop. 770 B6  711·1163  •  •t'l7  711-541  Glldden •..••• Ashland F 3 AmericanStateBank ••• •:tl'l4 9 Pop, 1000 711-858  8 Oldest and Lar Send us your G lenwood Cit, co llectlons.  Grafton ••••• Ozauk:ee K II Grafton State Bank •••• •t§'07 Wm. Weber··--·- F. 7 Pop, 808 7H4S  o. Mintzlafr ·-·  33,510 Cont. & Com'l N,, Chi,; 1st Wi1, N,, llil.  Grand Rapids. Wood G 7 (See Wiaconain Rapida)  .,  "-4  "1  u Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ..  t-.)  1;.:;.  Non-Bank ToWDa wltlJ Nearest ~ Point  Nrunbe, under NaDJe or BaDk ill ,he New Tnul8ll Nninber ,dven  1531  ffu:'t!J:Z:n!ieruih~ !!1::'ilC' 1/YThr:~a::,";.~C:.-:Ze:~r;: 0  -\  an-  ~~6:ie~To/·1n~'Z:f8aa~:.s it1:3;:;1J, ~c., ~ 't.:V~, ii;  WISCONSIN-Continued  =T=~=1i=!=,;;<°=ty=S=~=~=r::=.TY=.==.=M=e=m=.=!=~=.=B=~=:=J=A.NK=ss=n=.=.§=S=ta=te==,=p======,=V=l=OE=-=p=~==1D=.ENT==.=1;::=======,=.A===c====P=AID==_UP=LI=~=~=LL=r~=r:s=D=.E=P=Ol!l-==,=1.e= ...=R=.ES=]..=~=u=::s=.= ) .... =_===P=K=llf=CU-.=.U.==o=o=.=JtD=PO=Jl=D=D=TB=.===Jf Fieure under town is fMem.StateBks. Assn. tPriv. RESIDENT. C.A.SHID, SS'T ASHlll, AND c'N. Boo• Clllil'ea,Dn Federal Reserve District. +Mem. Fed. Res. (Estab. CAPITAL Pnol!'ITS Ifl lbanrtul' no■.....,.. :- - - - - - - - - , , - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - i- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  &.,I  -'Green Bay ___ Brown Pop. 81.017 ..  l  6  ltANK Of GREEN BAY--•*1'01 P. F. DorscheL ____ W. T. Ha~en _______ H. R. Erichsen --- Albert Kaap _____ 7!Hi0 Brown County State Bank J. A. Kittell _______ R. C. Buchanan __ J. L. Hoslett _____ A. F. Schultz__ 79-u4 i§'l8 C. W. Collier  CITIZENS NAT'l BANK --•*'88 79-59  Farmers Exchanee Bank 79-61 •ts·os  W. P. WAGNER __ H. S. ELDRED------ H. P. KLAUS------- R. W. SMITH -----GEO. D. NAU F. 0, SCHUETTE  !  L arges t b ank I Send us your It Prompt return J. H. Osterloh _____  350,000  35,000  450,000  500,000  228,010 3,353,720 4,471,120  ZI0,000  136,650 2,415,530 2,337,400  McCARTNEY  ~  Cb1.;1stWls.N.,MU.  SEND US YOUR COLLECTIONS.  Cll  (')  0  z zg?  375,000  With our modern facUltles we can 11-.e 7ou prompt and e fflclent service on collectlona or Oil any oth er business you may have In Gre en Bay. L.A. KareL _______ c. G. Wilcox ______ A. M. Duncan, Tr. R. L. Bennie, Cash. LeonardFindeisen E. J. Balza ________ T. J. Bast _ _ _ L. J • .Moreau _____ - ~ - -- - - - - -  100,000  ,750  10,000  474,000  50,000  13,470  238,580  259,920  . Backus _______ F. J. SlupinskL __  50,000  37,100  556,190  550,840  O. S. Morris ______ J. R. Brooks ___ L. H. Burlin2'------ F. M. Spencer, Jr.•  40,000  27,630  401,180  391,690  T. B. OonnelL ____ Thos. Flatley ______ J.B. Flatley ____ R. M. Prust ______ _  15,000  9,040  230,880  224,590  15,000  1,640  80,000  72,000  19,300 1st Wis.- N .. Mil.  W. J. Jamison _____ Geo. Schmit- ______ C. E. Fabry ___________________ _  15,000  710  62,350  59,460  ll,150 1st Wis. N ., Mil,: 1st N. and Citiz. N •• Appleton.  0. H. Clute ________ John Huntzicker __ A. C. Buker ____ Steve Plautz ___ --· H.F. Stabnow Erastus Bowen ____ H. H. Hartson _____ E. F. Wollenberr-- Dale Varney ____ _  30,000  12,300  292,000  354,000  25,000  ll,000  350,000  300,000  r+ 18,050 Drov.N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; lstN.,Marsh- 0 ftt'l!d, Wis. 15,000 Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  R. E. Kopelke _____ A. Kuckuk _____ L. G. Laubensteln _ G. E. Laubenstein _  15,000  17,570  255,880  252,400  80,940 1st N., .Appleton; Am. Ex•• Mil,  James Godsell _____ John M:eade ______ John M:eade ______ L. O. God.sell------  40,000  10,000  492,610  495,130  Christian Hanson _ Andrew Hope __ P.O . .lnderson ___ H. L • .lnderson_ C. A. Ronningen . M:. S. Wal.k:er ------ M. E. Walker ______ Alan A. Gibbs------ - - - - - - -  10,000  1,300  240,610  240,320  15,000  12,510  265,630  234,320  J. 0. Ooerper ______ J.P. Denison _____ J. O. Denison ____ J.P. Denison ___ _  10,500  8,780  31,250  51,020  50,000  65,500 1,181,390  990,770  50,000  15,780  515,860  536,000  30,000  11,770  403,560  343,180  A. Wilterding _____ Jos. Barber _______ Anton Grade •••••• - - - - - - - -  10,000  2,990  107,890  84,980 217,870  !  C. W. LOMAS  Wm. Berner _ __.._ _________________  John G. Liver ___  o. P. Kissel ______  c. F. Gallagher ___  ----------- •  T. M. Rees_ _______ Harry L. Radke __ _  B. ,Jordan A. A. Hauser ______ E. F. RusselL ____ H. H. Esser _______ 0. O. .McCollow ___ _ E. 0. Christenson_ H. W. Goodwin ____ H. G. B. Nixon_ W. G. SmiUL _ _ - - - - - - -  298,370 Z,527,700 3,659,730  631.660 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.;  J. H. TAYLER------ WM. LARSEN--------- G. A. RICHARDSON---- -------------  7H8 •i•s2 Peoples Savines & Trust Co. 79-63 •:tl'l5 South Side State BanlLt§'l9 79-989 West Side State Bank __ t§'l4 Anton Platten ____ Wm. Driscoll ______ I. 79-u2 •Green Lake-Green Lake Green Lake State .Bank .U'02 7 Pop. (56 I8 ♦ 79-546 6ree1lleaf _____ Brown K 7 State Bank ofGreenleaf-tl'l3 7 Pop. 326 79-758 Greenvalley - --Shawano State Bank of Green Valley 7 Pop. 250 J 6 79-997 t§'l9 Greenville ____ Outagamie Greenville State Ban.k __ t§'l9 7 Pop. 150 I 7 79-984 Gr.eenwood _____ Qlark F 6 Farmers & Merch. Bank_if'l2 7 Pop. 761 ,. 79-778 .. ______ Greenwood State Bank-•H'Ul 79-547 Gresham ____ Shawano 16 State Bank of Gresham -H'08 7 Pop. 309 71H>48 Hales Oorners_)[ilwaukee State Bank of Hales Oorners 7 Pop. 300 J 10 7Hi411 H'lO Hammond._St. Croix B 6 Bank of Hammond _____ tf'92 9 Pop. 368 79-550 Hancock ___ H 7 Bank of Hancock: ------•H'IID 7 Pop. 443 79-551 Hartford_ Washinrton J 9 First Cit:, Bank ----------1'95 7" Pop. 4515 ,. 79-245 _______ First National Bank _____ .i•o7 71-246 HarUordExch.anreBanldl'90 79-24' Hartland _Waukesha J 9 Bank of Hartland------•tl'H 7 Pop. 800 79-5o2 Hatley _____ Marathon H 6 Hatley State Bank ______ :§'16 7 Pop. 290 79-914 Haug-en_______ Barron C 4 Haueen State Bank-•!$'14 , Pop. 426 79-863 Haven ___ Shebonan K 8 State Bank of Haven __ tf'l6 7 Pop. 76 79-904 Hawkins----- Rusk EC Hawkins State Bank ___ •.tl'll 9 Pop. 1000 71J-750  ~  568,690 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Corn Ex. N., -  - - - - -  •t'74 - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - -  NATIONAL BANK  -  Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st Wis. N,, Mil. 65,000 N. Bk. Com., N, Y.;N. City., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 683,460 1st N. and N: City, ~- Y.; l~t N. and N. Produce. Chi,; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.  nBrown County. ems for eollectlo n. s, reasonable cba rge. F. A. Rahr _________ A. L. O&nnard _____ J. H. VanDeuren__ 100,000 15,000 1,100,000 850,000 104,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Drov. N., Chi.; 2d Ward J. s. Johnson _ __ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - Sav.,M:il.  ESTABLISHED 1874,. Oldest Bank In Brown County.  NATIONAL BANK  N. EL, MU.; 1st N., Mlnpls.  c. Bates---  15,000  9,640  239,570  H. C. Ewald----- Edw. Wunsch ___ A. R. Buschmann _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  10,000  1.800  87,000  82,000  C. K. Ellinison._ M. Schupsky ______ G. 0. Vie----- _ _ _ _ _ _ _  10,000  D,270  202,340  220,820  T. 0. Mason---- John Macak ______ W. H. Ryan ___ Nina  ASK OUR FOREIGN DEPARTMENT FOR __JRADE AND CREDI_T_JNF_QRMATI _ON; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  100,000  NIC BUR----- S. D. HASTINGS------ JOHN ROSE---------- I. TORGERSON-------  KELlOGG 79-57  S 75,000 S 46,000 $1200000 $1156000 S 165,000 Irvine N., N. Y.; Northern Tr. Co. and Chi.  43,700 Live Stock Ex. N,. Ohi.: 1st Wis. N,, Mil,; Midland N ., Minpls, 34,826 N. City N. Y., State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 88,440 Eq!!itable Tr. Co., N, Y.; Union Tr. Oo. and j Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.: Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.; KeUogi N., Green Bay. 67,760 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; Marine N. and 1st Wis. N., Mil. 28,530 1st N .• Ohi.; Marshall & Ilsley, .Mil.  I']  ::i£1)=  ~  84,810 Ft. Dear. N., Ohi.; A.m. Ex. and .Marshall & ?;" Ilsley, Mil.; 1st N., Stevens Point. 9,930 Northw. N., Minpls.; Karine N., !lil.: M.erch. en N .. St.P. 55,770 1st N. and Drov. N., Chi.: 1st N., Stevens Point; Am. E-x, and 1st Wis, N., Mil, 6,050 N. Park, N. Y.; Kerch. Ln. & Tr. Oo., Ohi.• Wis.N .. Mil. 356,120 N, City, N. Y.: 00111..• Oom'l N., Chi.; 1st Wil N., Mil. 69,680 1st N .. Chi,; 1st Wis. N .. Kil.  s·  93,580 Kerch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Obi.; 1st Wis. N., KU. 17,420 Ft. Dear. N., Ohi.; Am. Ex. , Mil.; Citiz, S tate Wausau. 46,340 1st N .. Minpls.; 1st Wis, N., Mil.; Union N .. Eau Claire. 15,650 Marshall & Ilsley and 1st Wis. N. , Mil. ; Citiz. State, Sheboygan. t.11 20,250 1st N,, Kinpls,; 1st Wis. N., Mil. w  -  .....  CONTINENTAL .AND COMMERCIAL BANKS, CHICAGO ...  •  .. I ",'-  I  .:;.~.  1532  Number under Name of Bank ia the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. 8. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Banker&' Dlrectoey, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  TOWN A.ND COUNTY,  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ~ volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. w  WISCONSIN-Continued  N,UI.E OF BilX.  LIABILITIES,  •County Seats. •Kem . .Am. Bks . .Assn. §State Figure under town is :tMem. State Bk:s.Assn. tPriv. PRJCSIDDT. VICJ:-PRJ:SIDENT, Federal Reserve District. • Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. 1- - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - ::....:..:;:...;..._ _.:.-'----=-----1...:--===....::..=_:_::.:==--~==.:  0-'.SHill,  A..SS'T 0.A.SHIJ:R.  PAID-UP SuRPLus CAPITAL PR.A.NI>o-1Ts  RESOURCES.  DEPosITS  1  1,o_.,., & DIS-  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  t->J  c::;,.,,.~:· ":.:-o:e:;.~ c ... u" i:x-  ,, - - - - - - - -~ - -·-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1--------1--------1--- - •llarward ____ Sa-wyer J 4 Farmers State Bank ___ i5•15 John E. Moreland_ Wm. Powers _____ c. E. Wise _______ S. N. Wise _________ $ 20,000 $ 8,820 $ 210,240 $ 239,820 $ 21,240 Am. N., St. P.: 1st Wis. N, and Marshall & 9 Pop. 1302 70--89~ II ley, Mil. ' 18,500 550,000 499,000 85,200 N. Park., N. Y.: Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.: 1st 25,000 H. E. ROHLF------ G. C. GLOVER------ ERNEST E. ROHLF __ NELL MOCKLER-----Wi • N., Mil.; 1st N. and Northw. !\., Minpls. " ___ " FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•:t'84 Oldest and Larg est Bank in Sawy er County. 71Hi63 Send your cash letters and collec tlons direct for efficient se rvlce and quick r eturns. Hazel Green __ Grant E 11 Hazel Green State Bank_;t5'06 .Ernest SiadeL ____ R. J. Bryant_ _____ B. C. Bere-------- J. F. Nadler _____ _ 358,920 33,210 1st N. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.: 1st N., Dub. 15,000 15,990 364,040  7 Pop. 647 Helenville __ Jefferson I 7 Pop. 150  l  70--554 9 Bank of Helenville • ___ :t§'14 H. W. Reul ______ A. C. Gruennert __ Roy Muck ________ ------------------70--848  . Highland _______ Iowa F 9 7 Pop, 1024  --------  l. ELAM---------- G. S. ELAM--------- J. H. WALL--------- G. S. ELAM-Send us your b uslness. FIFTEEN CENT s sent to as with each sight draft f or presentation,  228,250  93,970  113,620  HIGHLAND STATE BANK  Platt Whitman _____ - - - - - - - - H.J. Fecht_ _______ Mae Fecht _ __  25,000  4,120  481,600  444,570  50,000  13,100  854,270  872,290  20,000  10,000  400,000  300,000  ~  E. V. Wernick _____ F. A. Wopat_ _ _ Robt. Hammer ____ A. E. Shebeck. __ _ L. E . .Marquette c. H. Museus ______ E.G. Brown_. _____ J. F. Samson ___ --------------------  45,000  14,890  901,4501  850,970  10,000  4,000  182,060  1 8,330  H. A. M. Steen _____ H. E. Burton _____ L. McDirmid ______ A.H. kare ____ _ D. A. Stolts .A. J. F.dminster ___ R. C. Rodeck~r ____ R. L. Zimmerman __ W. L. Gray _______ _  25,000  7,220  447,090  432 ,110  10,000  9,920  137,000  138,000  N. E. Demuth. ____ Louis Paulson ___ S. T. Shanley ______ G. L. Parks ____ ----  15,000  5,280  267,070  267,110  Otto Bosshard ___ Thos. Johnson ___ Harold Johnson ___ E. E. Solberg _____ _ W. R. Babcock ____ H. B. Miller _______ Wm. Kingston ____ A. M. Babcock ____ _  30,000  24,000  684,000  600,000  10,000  14,880  1)3,8 0  138,130  30.000  9,500  185,000  150,000  Hillsboro State Bank ___ •:t§'02 70--657 tate Bank of Hillsdale.WU 79-856 Farmers & Merchants Bank 70--743 in1 State BankofHoJcombe•:t§'05 70--558 Hollandale State Bank -•H'03 70--550 Bank of Holmen _______ ;tf'OO 70--560 State Bank of Honey Oreek 70--561 :tl'07 First National Bank _ _ ;t"18 79- 969  M. J, Pluck ________ A. Port. _____ A. C. Tennison ___ -------------------Wm. Firehammer  HORICON STATE BANK •u·oo  iA. w. w1Lcox ____ f~A~~t\0/elKS---- H. G. DIEKELMANN •. E. E. BEYER--------  50,000  7,630  678,370  617,110  25,000  24,980  403,370  406,360  20,000  4,100  157,000  146,000  30,000  15,000  400,000  400,000  o.  ,~,  20,360 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N. and Am. Ex., Mil,: Jefferson Co., Je:trer on. 20,760 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Marine N., Mil.  and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report Insures prompt, per sonalat tentlon  l Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  226,240  2,500  i  79- 923  10--552 OLDEST and L ARGEST BANK. Prompt, effectl ve service on Coll ectlons. Send us your business. Hortonville .. Ou~amie BANK OF HORTONVILLE c. F. Buck _________ M. Riteer __________ F. N. Torrey------ Fred A. Miller. __ _ Poo. 960 .. I 7 71Hi63 •~§"94 M. E. Rideout ________ Farmers & Merchants State H.P. Meffert_ ____ M. S. Schwarz ____ E. A. GraeL _______ -------------------Bank ____ 79- 900 ______ .:t§'16 Howards Grove . Sheboy- State Bank of Howards Grove A. H. Witte _______ Louis W. Dreier ___ AU£ust Frome _____ John 0. Boeldt_ ___ _ ean (Shebo11oa11,P. 0.) 79-794 •U'l3 7 Pop. 250 K8 Ilubhleton •• Jeft'erson IO llubbletoo tate Bank __ a·18 W. Hennine-sen. A. E. Cunningham_ Elmer G. Leon---- M. H. Leon _______ _ 7 Pop 75 79--076 • •Hml'-On .•.. t. Croix A 6 First National Bank ___ •:t'63 W. H. Phi1>0s ______ 0. W. ArnQuist_ ___ Joseoh Yoen?---- John Dorwin ___ _ 9 Poo. 301-l 70--264 " " ational Bank of Hudson•:t'97 F. J. Carr ________ W. J. Barter _______ B. C. Bunker ______ C. E. Day-------70--255 E. E. Gatchell State Bank of lludson.•:t§'16 W. E. Webster ____ W. c. Bradley _____ C. C. Raineri ______ E. M. Webster ___ _ 70--807 llumbird------ -Olark E 7 First State Bank -------•:tl'04 O. D. Fowler _____ M. Kretschmer ___ B. J, Stallard------ W. E, Waters _____ _ 7 Pop. 400 79--564 . •Ilurley _________ Iron F S Hurley National Ba.nk .. •t'20 Chas. Bonino ______ J. W, Black _______ W. D. Tyler------- O. J. J£rspamer ___ _ 9 Pop. 3188 71H012 · Iron Exchan~e Ba.n~---•U'85 D. O. Owen ________ G. C. Foster _______ D. C. Owen _ _ _ E. S. Hagen------• 71H'J65 1l1111t\s1'.ord _____ nod2:e l ~ H.ustistorc1 State Bank .•tl'02 Ed~r Boeine: ______ lUchard Ron ______ Richard Roll. Jr. -- Anna Fletcher ____ _ 1 t>o-p. 51\5 1H66 S. E. Jones B:o.s le-r _____ Ju.nea;o. ll' I B:ust\et S\a.te Bank ____t\'11.'1 l. B.. llue\leY _____ John A..a.1:ion _______ l. A.. M.uel\e-r ______ 1\'. B. Anthony ---"\>01;1. \~~  8,340  FIRST NATION~L BANILt'l6  79-655 •:t§'03 Hilbert_ _____ carumet J 7 State Bank of HilberL.•ii'I» John J. Madler ____ John J. Sherman __ H. L. Meyer _____ __ J. N. Jaeckels ___ _ 7 Pop. 614 70--556 J. W. Grupe H.. Madler Hillsboro _____ Vernon F 8 Farmers StateBank _____ :t§'l3 F. A. Machovec ____ J.M. Healy _______ H.J. Chard ______ B. P. Healy _______ _ 7 Pop. 950 70--780  IlillsdaJe ______ Barron O 5 9 Pop. 250 Hixton _______ Jackson D 7 7 Pop. 300 Ilolcombe __ Qhiopewa D 5 9 Pop. 400 Hollanda.Je _____ Iowa G 10 7 Pop. 236 Holmen ____ La Crosse D 8 9 Pop, 350 Honey Oreek ___ Walworth 7 Pop. 300 J 10 Horicon ________ Dod,:e I 9 7 Pop. 2134  20,000 25,000  40,760 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi.: N. Bk. Com. and ~ 1st Wis. N .. Mil. Q 126,000 Drov. .. Chi.: Citiz. N., Appleton; Marshall & Z Ilsley and 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 100,000 Cont. & Com'! N .. Live Stock Ex. N., and 1st C/.l N .. Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 107,880 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Drov. ~T., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil. 22,080 1st Wis. N., Mil.: Midland N.. Minpls,  Z  tJ:I >  3  55,950 Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.: Dep., Winona, Minn. n 21,000 1st \Vis. N., Mil.; Eau Claire N .. Eau Claire. C/.l 28,520 Live Stock Ex. N., Ohi.: Marine N ., MU.  I  ~  116,000 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi,; Batavian N., La Crosse; 1st Wis. N ., Mil. ~ 8,320 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil. ~ Ill 40,000 Corn Ex. T., Chi.: Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. "'1  0.  10,000  900  65,000i  55,000  50,000  74,090  955,780,  842,770  50,000  14,610  506,870  533,350  25,000  1,170  187,520  153,210  25,000 '  7,860  266,850  268,950  11,510  329,790  376,270  50,000  50 990  830,4 0  69-1.360  30,000  15,890  315,250  10,000  3,uOO  1\)6,000  50,000  I  o  24,790 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N,, Ohi.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil. ~ 37,180 Cont.&Com 'l N., Chi. : 1st Wis. N. , Mil.; Citiz. ~ .:. . , Applet on r+ 27,000 Drov. N., Chi.; _2d War~ Sav., Iarshall < ~ [I sley , and Manne N .. Mil.; 1st N .. Appleton. ,; 30,000 1st Wis. N ., Mil. 8,000 :\Iar ha ll & Ilsley and Arn. Ex., Mil.: Bk. of Watertown, Watertown. 266,520 Chase N .. N. Y .: Cont. & Co_m 'IN., Chi.; March. N .. St. P.: Manne N .. Mil. 41.280 1st N .. Chi.: 1st N .. St, P.: .Marine N:, Mil.; Torthw. N., Minpls. 66,500 Tiarriman N.! . Y.; Midland N. , Minpli,,; 1st Wis.N,,M1l. ~ 28,080 Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. ~  6'.5,340 Chatham & Phenix _N .. N.Y.: Ft. Dear: N .. Chi.; C 2d "\Yard Sav., ~111. ; orthw. N., ~hnpls. Ill 1' , City , N.y.; Corn_ Ex. N .. a ntl Cent. Tr. Oo. ~ of Ilf. , Oh1,; 1stW1s.N .. .Mll.; Merch.N., St.P ... 35,210 Mer ell Ln. & TF, Co., Chi.: 1st Wis. N, and 2d .... Ward Sav •• Mil. 33,050 Cont. & Com'lN .. Chi.: lstWis.N .. Mil.;N. Bk. t->J ot La. C-rosse a.nd "Ba.ta.via.n N .. La. CYosse. -  279,800  '°  Non-Bank Towns wtth Ne re11t Banking Point (Io- ....,  dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) ln back of this/ P> . For Interest Bates HolJday_s etc., see Laws.  ToJflf £MD OOUNTr.  I OP BANK.  •Jlem . .Am. Bks Assn. IState •Oou'7 Beau. Figure under town is tMem. BtateBJrs. A.ssn. t PriY. [Estab. Federal ReserveDistrict., ♦.Mem. Fed. Res. Independence_ Tremp'au Farmers & Merchants Bank •!§'06 79-911 Pop. 805 .. C 7 'fepend:p2~e State Bank ------' u 97 Incram --P- -J>--, - - -:,Rnsk E 5 Iarram State9-5Bank _____ •if '06 7 69 1 2':t 0 9 I0Ja_______ waupaca H 7 Bank of Iola ------------:5'93 7 Pop. 843 79-379 ll'armers State Bank ___ H1900 " -------" 79-380 Iron Ridce _____ Dodce I 9 Oommercial State Bk. ___ *f'05 79-570 7 Pop. 287 Iron River --Bayfield D 2 Iron River Bank -------H'92 79-284 9 Pop. 1000 Wisconsin BtaD-t e "Bank_•if'08 " " 7 28., Jxonia ______ Jefl'erson I 9 Ixonia State Bank _______ §'18 79-940 7 Pop. 225 Jackson_ Washington J 9 Jackson State Bank ____ *5'07 79-571 7 Pop, 230  ~U6  •Janesville ____ Rock I 10  7 Pop. 18,293  BANK OF  . I  I  I P&KSIDDT.  Non-Bank Town• with Nearet1t Banld~ Point (rndexed Acces.), Lawyers!.. Laws (lndexed) ln back of For Interest .&ates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. volume  th1al';;:4 5  WISCONSIN--COntinued  I OilIImt,  'VICll-PJt&SIDDT.  I  L.l.A.BILITIES.  I/  SUBPLus  _///  il8'T OilIIU.  PilD-UP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_c_AP_IT_AL_ 1 1 1  F. A. Hotchkiss ____ Peter Nelton ______ A. A. Mish _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $  50,000  U. G. Blood.. ______ 0. A. Ma.en us ______ W. C. Roseberry __ Frances M. Clark__  10,000  c. Leean________  Pao.-1Ts  20,000 $  John Sprecher _____ Anton Senty _______ W. E. Sprecher ____ 0. A. Sprecher____ S. K. l{yhre _______ Gunder Bergen ___ 0,  .A.ND  RJ:SOURCES.  ~,1~ DJIJPOS-  ~-:;::: ~..:.,~  15,000  H.J. Severson ____ Albert Weinmann, G. L. Gunderson __ E. E. Weinmann__ Jr. Jacob Kloeckner __ Wm. Kloeckner ___ John Kloeckner ___ Peter Kloeckner___  10,000  G. A. Herman _____ T. F. Mackmiller __ G. L. Pettingill ____ R. J. Pettingill.___  15.000  2,000  113,000  102,000  G. S. Barnes _______ J. H. Fitzpatrick __ Byron Ripley ______ M. O. Helmer______  10,000  3,500  133,000  111,000  ----------·  10,000  2,000  50,000  39.S,00  W. H. Froehlich ___ A. B. Froehlich____  20,000  4,730  230,860  231.480  E. L. Pugh _________ H.J. Yauman _____ Theo. Sydow ______ P.  w. Kraemer ____  c. D. Probert._____  WISCONSIN  •t§'20 79 111 ♦ Bower City Bank -------H'D5 G. G. Sutherland __ 71H09 H.S. HAGGART-FIRST NATIONAL BAIK i•55 Oldest and ·Lar FIFTEEN CEN -• 11)-Tiit ~ TWENTY-FIVE  Wm. McLay _______ A.. E. Bingham ____ H. D. Murdock __ _ 877,870 850,180 86,320 50,000 F. H. Kruler ft _____ 200.000 285,220 3,210,650 3,147,290 H.S.LOVEJOY----- WM. McCUE------ F•• PAL R.R. CON AY gest Bank to Jau esvtue. TS sent to us wit h each sight draft for preseotatto n, and CENTS for each credit report lnsu res prompt, pers onal att entlon.  WM.BLADON---- S. M. SMITH-------- S. M. SMHH--- E. J. HAUMERSOff ___  300.000  260,580 3,313,570 3,215,190  Rock Oonntr~i~l Bank •t"55 1!'. H. Jackman ____ 0, W. Jackman ____ J. M. Beck________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  100,000  123,450 1.072,500  Rock OountySav. & Tr. Co. F. H. Jackman ____ C. S. Jackman _____ W. E. Hyzer, Sec .. _________ •U-12 79-110 •Jefferson __ JeffersonII0 Farmers& Merch. Bank:..:1•73 GeorieOol)eland ___ Lynn H. Smith ____ Geore-e J. Kispert_ W. S. Kispert. ___ _ Fred. Bullwinkel 7g...265 7 Pop. 2572  50,000  31,030  547,830  571,230  60,000  54,960 1,033,500  839,780  100,000  66,610 1,000,720  993,910  MERCHANTS & SAV. BANK  ..  -------  ..  •:1'75  JEFFERSON COUNTY BANK 79-266  •:1'55  i  :.  I  27,990 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; 1st N .. St. P.  Thoroughlyequ tpped Collection Department. Prompt persona I Presentation ge ts results.  1~  , ~ 14,130 Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; 1st N., Duluth; Ash- O Z land N., Ashland, C/l 13,000 Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. 17,540 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Mil.  JOHN W. DADY------ J.P. CULLEN ------- A. E. MATHESON---- CHAS. H. GAGE-----62,360 Irving N., N, Y.; Harris Tr. & Sav., Chi.; 10.130 322,550 361.320 100,000 A new institution, under experienced and careful - . - . 1st Wis. N. and N, Bk. Com., Mil. -- management, conducted along lines in keeping with the spir!t ~f the newer and bigger Janesvil_!e~  SOUTHERN  79-108  no■ &.u  ,= lll ,:?  7,260 $ 300,370 $ 279,140 $ 44,050 1st N .• Chi.: 1st Wis. N .• Mil.; Deposit, Winona, IO ~ . Minn.: 1st N:, Min pis. I 84,000 Cllase N .. N. -Y .; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st 808,000 825,300 18,000 "Nis N .. Mil.; Ex. N .. Spokane. 25,460 1st N .. Minpls.; Eau Claire N ., Eau Claire; 61,290 83,610 3,000 Marshal I & Ilsley, Mil. 65,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st Wis.N. and Marine 454,000 19,000 495,000 N., Mil.: 1st N., Wis. Rap, 63,340 1st N .. Ohi.; 1st Wis. N.and 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; 440,540 12,000 488.490 ,~ 1 t N., Wis. Rap. <; 52,970 Cont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. 201,120 235,200 11,440  __________________  20,000  PRINCIP.&.L CoRRlilSPONDENTB.  148,800 Han. N .. N. Y.; Merch. Ln. &Tr, Co. and Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.: 1st Wis. N .. Mil. 636,070 lmp. & Tra. N. and N. City, N. Y.; Oorn Ex. N. and Oon t. & Com 'l N.•, Chi.; 1st Wis. N. and Marine N .. Mil.  :::; ~  tlJ  > z ~  (/)  I  S  0..  I"dl'Dl'D  ::l 495,010 Chem. N., N. Y.; 1st N. and Live Stock Ex. N .. ~ ::, Chi.: N. Ex., Mil. 0  SEND US V OUR JAN ES VILLE ITEMS.  {L.  M~SMITH----- J. W. HEID-------- W. S. HENRY ______ M. BECK----------R. K. HENRY FIR"T AND OL DEST ESTABLIS ltED BANK.  ('I  992,270  YOUR BUSINE SS INVITED.  Jim Falls __ chippewa D 5 Jim Falls State Bank __ .t§'l7 J. W. Thomas _____ Wm. Jones ________ H.J. Ellsworth _____________ _ 79-937 I Pop. 175  Joluuon Oreek: _Jefferson Mansflelds Bank -------•U'0l Fred 0. Mansfield _ C. L. Hubbs _______ Geo. 0. Wolf-_______________________ _ 7H72 I9 7 Pop. 4i)3  l•d!!----------Green G 10 Bank of Juda ---------•il'03 John Kryder ------ I. G. Newman _____ V. I. Corson _______ ------------------7lH78 1 Pop. 325 Junction ____ Portage G 6 Janction State Bank ---•it•og H. G. Grashorn ___ c. A. Barwill'------- S. J. Sebora ______________________ _ 71)-574 7 Pop, 275 E. Rhode _____ _ •Juneaa _______ Dodl!'e I 9 Citizens Bank __________ e:§'91 M. Hartzheim _____ L. o. Pautsch ______ F. W. Gebhardt ___ 79-575 7 Pop. 1159  388,050 Ohatham&PhenixN.. N. Y.;Ft.Dear.N.,Ohi.; .+ 0 Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. ~ 57,620 Rock 'Jo. N,, Janesville. 277,420 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st ~ Wis. N .. Mil. 164,370 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. & Com'l N .. ~ Chi.; 1st Wis. N., 2d Ward Sav .. and Marshall ::, & Ilsley, Mil.; Northw. N .• Minpls.  C  10,000  3,300  110.000  100,000  20,000 Capital N., St. P.  15,000  11,880  190,470  176,060  16,000  6,000  170,000'  151,330  45,200 N. City, N. Y.; Oont. & Oom'l N., Chi,; 1st Wis. N,, Mil. 20,870 Drov. N., Chi.  7,910  206,870 '  193,230  10,000  tu  1 18,320 N. Bk. Rep., Ohl.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Citiz. N .. Stevens Point. 130,380 Cont. & Com'l N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  40,000  36,500  - 605,980  JOHN McNAUGHTON H. T. HUNTE-------- F. A. TOWSLEY------ C. D. TOWSLEY-----KauJr:anna _oata2amie J 7 BANK OF KAUKAUNA--•tl'78 { ~trst and Oldes t Established Ba nk. Prompt Effectlv e Service. Send us your business. 71)-197 7 Pop. 5951  80,000  35,000  765,000  743,190  95,820 N. Bk, Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.; 1st N .. Appleton.  Farmers & Merchants Bank John Schmidt ____ W. F. Hohmann __ H. Weifenbach ___ _ it'll 79-199 First National Bank _____ .:•87 J. J, Marten a, _____ -------------------- Ohas. E. Raufht ___ - - - - - - - - · - -  50,000  16,780  476,920  455,110  50,000  14.180  546,0201 559,900  64.720 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Marine N., Mil.; Citiz, N., _ 01 Appleton. 96,090 N. Bk. Com., N, Y.; 1st N. and Cont. & Com'I w c.,., N .. Chi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.  ,-v. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  71)-198  552,100  1534  Number under Name or Bank ill the New Transit Number given o eao h bank i n U . 8 . excI u1l veI f b y Tb e R and - M c N a IIf B a nk ers ' Directory. under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  TOWN AND COUNTY, NAME OF BANK. •County Seats. •Mam. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure under town is :f:Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  LIABILITIES, PRESIDENT,  Kendal! ______ Jdonroe F 8 Farmers & Merchants Bank F. Duncan _____ Pop. 506 79-800 *1'13 Kendall State Bank ______:§'03 G. R. HilL ________ il>-57& Kennan ________ Price E 4 Kennan State Bank _____ i§'l4 H. Kandutsch _____ 79-833 9 Poo, 319  7.  --------  .  1.Kenosha_Kenosha K 10 CITIZENS BANK -------•:f:§'15 7 Pop. 40,472 79--68  ---- ----  "  . . .  ---·-----  •i·sz  .  KENOSHA STATE BANK 79-69  .  •:f:§'20  MERCHANTS & SAV. BANK  -------  "  •Kewaunee. __ Kewaunee L7 7 Pop.1865  .  ..  --------  .  Lo.u,1.l<Dm-  lT8  8•onnru  ..............  --- --- ---  10,000  1,000  80,000  85.~00  50,000  18,000  900,000  726,000  23,000 $  4,530 $ 247,100 $ 237,860 $  20,000  7,170  297,780  279,420  27,310 1st N., Chi.; N. Bk. of LaCresse, La Crosse; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.: 1st N ., Minpls, 39,680 Oont. & Com'l N. and Chi. Tr. Co .. Chi.; 1st Wis. N. and 2d Ward Sav ., Kil. 11,500 Han.N., N. Y.; lit Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N.,Minpls. 135,000 Equitable Tr. Co., N. Y.; Fi. Dear, N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.  Collections ma de promptly. AN ACTIVE CO MMERCIAL BAN K.  r·  ~ (.,J ~  o.uw•J:xc'TI. Bona, a.ur••,Dn  DlllPOS-  J. WERNER •••• F. J. KRAFT--------- E. T, O'BRIEN ------ C. J. SADLIER ------  398,020 9.24!.420 8,227,560 1,999,480 N. Bk. Com. and N. City. N. Y.; 1st N. aud Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N,, HU •  &00,000  1852)  SEND US YOU R BUSINESS.  r·  B.ROBINSDN-- N. A. ROWE-------- JOSEPH FUNCK----  100,000  U: '-·fUf''EN --  230,290  71,330 N. City, N. Y. and Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.  27,000 1,742,510 1,954,860  145,730 Han. N., N. Y.; Oont. & Oom'l N .. Obi.; Marine N.,Mil •  248,043  10,000  50,000  ROLF RASMUSSEN--- E. J. GEITTMAN ----- H. R. STIERMAN -  M, NEERGAARDThe new bank of Kenosha Managed by ex perienced officers SEND US YOU R BUSINESS.  •;§'97  r.L. RDSENHEIMER M. ROSEN HEIMER --- O. H. ROSENHEIMER. N. W. ROliENHEIMER 0 H,f.- REMMEL FIFTEEN CEN s!~I8io us wit  'ifs TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each  DAIRYMAN'S BANK  79-876  •:t§'15  FARffERS \ M\'!CHANiiS ATE AN ------• I'll  r·  •!!P.E,~MES  60,000  49,020  690,440  717,610  81,850 Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill .. Ohl.; 1st Wis, N. and llarshall & Ilsley, Mil.; 1st N., Kenosha.  40,000  50,000  850,000  750,000  90,000 1st N., Obi.; 1st Wi,. N .. 1rlil,  175,370  177,620  25,180 Cont. & Com'l N. and Drov. N., Chi.; N. Bk. Com.,Mil.  beach sight draf t or presentatlo nand credit report lnsu res prompt, pers onal at tentlon.  ----------- -------  rATHIAS CERVENl M. J. Rff DEBECK ---- WM. J. KOWALKE---- J. J. SCHULTZ------GEO. E ICHSEN Organized 1915. Note Our Growth. WE INVITE YOUR BUSI NESS.  25,000  2,220  - - - - 50,000  21.830  888.580  881,990  60,000 P. L. G. REINK/.--- J. G. WALECKA---- R. H. ~7?iEBS-----epartment Is hor oughly organized and a tems sen t U8  31,880  941.170  1141,500  nd personal atte ntlon of an office r of thl s bank. V. H. Janda _______ John Walecka, Jr. 60,000 20,000  975.000  900,000  100,000 N. Bk. Rep., Ohl.; lit Wis. N.,llil. (3,510 Han. N., N. Y.; Drov. N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley and 1st Wis. N., Mil. 135,000 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Produce and Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N. and 2d Ward Sav., llil. 77,250 1st N., Ohl.; 1st Wia. N., llil.  H. Ourco ec Ion have tb~ro mpt, vigorous, a 711-300 WEARE ST LEB.S. TRY US. State Bank of Kewaunee ____ L. Albert Karel ---♦ 711-299 •:f '76 KieL ____ _l{anitowoc J 8 Citizens StateBank ____ •:t§'l4 D. F. Nauth ------- Otto Stoelting _____ 79-829 Pop.1599 .. State Bank of Kiel -----•if•gg J.B. Laun _________ H. c. Mesch _______ 79-577 Kilbourn ___ Oolnmbia G 8 Farmers & Yerch. State Bk. R. D. Barney ____ Dani.e l McManman 711-3311 Pop. 1206 •Wl0 W. S. Stroud ______ KILBOURN STATE BANK  --------  su:1'~us  PAID-UP CAPITAL PROFITS  _______ $  L, D. Guth _______ Elwyn M. Romaine Farmers & Merch. State Bk. Christ Schaefer, 79-912 :f:§'17 Jr.  STATE  .  ASS'T CASHIER.  Well Equipped Colleetlon Depart ment. Prompt Effectlv e Service. Send us your KENOSH A Items. Northwestern Loan & Tr. Oo. C. C. Brown _______ Peter Fisher, Sr, __ W. H. Purnell, Tr. W. C, Crosby,See•• 71H>6 •*1'94 J.M. Gehring, .A. Sec. • . 71H>7  Kewaskum __ Washington BANK OF KEWASKUM-•ts·o, 7 Pop. 707 J 9 79--407 "  CASHIER,  L. Buswell ____ ---- G. H. Robertson ___ 0. R. Holmes ______ Charles Marquette_ H. A. RO£ers _____ Fred Zimmerman C. T. Bader ________ E. R. Brown _______ C. M. Brown ______  (Established  -------- . ---- ----  r·  VICE-PRESlDENT,  CHAS. C. BROWN C. C. ALLEII------- W. H. PURNELL---- ,.,.. BOERIP --. . OZAH . FIRST NAT'L BANK { Special attentlo n given to BID of Lading Drafts W.BLAIR · and collectlo nor Notes. 71H>5  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point {In• d exe d Acces. ) , L awyers, L aws (indexe d) 1n b ack of thl s volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. RESOURCES. PRINCIPAL CORRJESPONDENTS,  WISCONSIN-Continued  ---- ------- ------  83,720 N, City, N. Y.: N.City, Chi,; 2d WardSav., Mil.  .  72,130 Oont. & Oom'l N., 0hi.: Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.; McCartney N. and Citiz. N., Green Bay,  _50,000  13,530  466,000  606,000  75,000  31,000  475,000  440,000  20,000  17.250  450,000  400,000  20,000  21,500  690,000  680,000  ·--------------  25,000  7,640  71.880  70,600  H. L. Volkmann ___  15,000  4,310  127,930  135,890  17,550 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; ut Wis. N., Mil.  C. D. Carter _______ Katherine Robinson Kno,.-1esPo-p~ii~o~1te l 8 Knowles S~tJ:nk ____t\'lri W.J. Nast _ _ _ G. W. Nast _ _ _ 0, A. Kuhn ________ A. P. Sten _______  25,000  5,080  258,000  245,580  32,830 Northw. N., ){isapls,; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.; Drov, State, St. P.  153,910  122,050  42.610 1st Wis. N ..; Com'l N .. Fond du Lac.  7.  7.  ---- ----  ---- ----  .  79--338  •U-84  Albert WagenMelvin O. Timm ___ knecht O. A. Wallman ____ M. W. Kircher ____ H. M. Tofson ______  ------  _______ ------ L. N. Ooapman ___ 0.A. P.w.Helland Luettgerodt  Kimberly ____ .Outagamie Kimberly State Bank. ___ §'20 R, S. PowelL _____ J.C. Kimberly ____ I. C. Clark _________ 7 Pop. 1382 J 7 79-1021 Kin,ston_UreenLt.keH8 Kin2ston St&te Bank ____ i5·011 Edw. Vauehan _____ A. 0. Ellison ______ 1.T. Shaw _______ PoD, 300 711-578 Kna. p __________ Dunn B & f IRSl 11lllOMAl BHKA'04 Wm. Robinson ___ W. H. Francis _____ o. R. case ____ Po11. 478 71H>71l  -  9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1ri,ooo 1  ontinued  1  2,750 I  51,500 N. ,Oity, N. Y.: Co t. • 0om'l N., 0hi,; 1st Wis • N., N. Ex .. and 2d Ward Sav,, Kil. 31,940 1st N ., Appleton.  '  fID• hlsl -  N Bank Town• w1th N-:reat .BanklD.8' Point dex~n.Acces ) Lawyer•• Laws (indexed) 1n back of ll> volume. For 'interest Rates, llolldays, etc., see Laws.  e  1st Wis. N ,, 'Mil.; Com'l N ., Fond du Lac.  •La Orosse_La Crosse D 3 9 Pop, 30,363  BATAVfAN  jEDWIN M. WING--- G. YAN STEENWYK-- JOHN A. BAYER----- H. O. KLEIN-------- $ 400,000 $ 246,550 $3439J70 $3625330 $ 875,690 Ha.n. N., N. Y.: llerch. La. a Tr. eo .. Chi.  NATIONAL BANK  eonectlons and Requests for Cred It Reports MUST be accompanied by 1FEE IN ADVA.N CE: Plain sight drafts, 15c. Credit Reports 25c.  79-28 •t'66 Bxchanee St.ate Bank---*1"89 C. P. Thompson __ J.P. Gohres ______ B. B. LoWTY------ W. J. Lowry___ 79-32 La Crosse Trust Co, ____ •:tl'l3 G. Van SteenWYk- H.K. Holley ______ G. E. Taylor, Sec .• - - - - - - - 79-35 ,-------  NATIONAL BANK  770,870  705,020  95,370 Obue N,,N. Y.; J't. Dear.1',,<al.; Peo., St. p,  24.970  97,140  153,890  21,760  A. GUNDERSEN -- 8. f. KEELEH------- J. A. THWING------- J. 8. BRENNER ----N, FREY J. E. STOKKE  ~ ....  --- ---  Cll I00,000 39'1,700 4,603,180 4,914,300 1,080,850 lstN., N. Y.; 1st N. and Live Stock Ex. N., 0 Chi.; Nortbw. N., Mlnpls.; 1st Wis. N., Q  Accounts of banks and bankers solicited. Special attention given Bill of Lading drafts, Cash and Time Items. •*'76 ,_ _ __ P_l_e_as_e_s_en_d_15_c_w_i_·th_ eac_h_s_ig_h_t_d_ra_f_t_fo_r_p_r_e_se_n_ta_t_io_n_. _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  SECURITY SA'IIIGS BANK • 2 , 7~U  ll,500  --------------------•---- --- ---  GEO. W. BURTOII--L, C. COLMIII----- F. H. HAHERSOII-JOSEPH BOSCHERT Established 1876. R. C. WHELPLEY  OF LA CROSSE 7~30  25,000 50,000  60,000  17,770  798,540  752,730  z  Mil.  127,000 Bk, ef America, N, Y.; lf. Bk.,., Obi,  Collections asp eclalty and remitted on day of pay ment. •.. 94 ~ Prompt attentl on to all Banking matters entruste d to us.  tll  > :z:  --------------'-----------------1--- --- --- --- ---  STATE BANK  JOHii  OF LA CROSSE 7Hl  c. BURIIS---L. H. MARTIN------- J.M. HOLLEY ------l!'ir.\\~/ilbl---  Vou r La Crosse business handled with promptness and upon most favorable terms.  Kindly enclose 15c for Sight Drafts and 25c for Credit Reports.  •U'83  79-27i  100,000  135,000  34,350 Ft. Dear. N .• Chi.; 1st W!s., N,, Mil.; 1st N., 0I'll Minpls. f/l  W. F. O'CONNOR -- G. H. WILLIAMS--- L. C. STREATER-- E.G. THOMPSON---F. W. KASL A. ~MOORS  25,000  8,680  575,000  557,350  80,930 Han. N., N. Y,: 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.; 1st r+ Wis.N.,:Mil. 0  Prompt attentl on to sight drafts accompanled by 1 oc. { Special service o n bill of IadJng dr arts. Send us your b uslness.  A. S. ROBINSOff ___ RICHARD POWERS---- J.C. BROWN-------- H. C. SMITH----  FAIMEIS IATIONAL BANK { • • • 7~241 •*1900 Your Busan ess will be A pprec1ated.  NATIONAL BANK 71>-240  •t'84  r4 I»  50,000  17,730  529,060  581,720  75,270 Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.: 1st Wis. N .. Mil,; 1st B N.,Minpls.  20,000  7,060  365,200  390,440  46,630 Drov. N., Chi.: lstWil. N .. Kil.  t  I),)  50,000  29,450  433,760  491,590  50,490 Chase N., N. T.; ls& N., Ohi.; N. Ex. and 1st 3 o Wis. N,, Kll. ::,  L. NICHOLS--- C. S. FRENCH------ A. 6. IULLOCK---- F. A. IRIEGEL----50.000 85,000 880,010 853,000 150,101 N. Bk, Com .. N. Y.: Corn E,. N., Ohi,i ht OLDEST. A ND LARGEST BANK Wis.N., IIU. WE INVITE YOUR BUSI NESS.  1  Greenwood's St.ateBank*l"83 0. 11'. Greenwood •• A.. W. Greenwood_ G. K. Greenwood_ 0. A. Wodke_____ _ 79--316 Lake Nebagamon ..D'rlas Bank ot Lake Nebagamon R. Baxter ________________________ R. Baxter _______ M. P. Baxter _____ _ 9 Pop, 458 0 3 79--681 •if '08  100,000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  z  B O"  35,000 - - - -------- -------- -------- Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; 2d Ward Sav,, Mil,  30,000  --  "  :,,.-'  Lakemills ___ Jefferson I 9 Bank of Lake Mills-----il'N S. ~. Reed------ W. A. Eneaberr ___ E. O, Brown ______ W. G. Korth_______ 7 Pop. 1754 79-317  CHICAGO  n  "1  5,500  79-275 •U'03 La Farge _____ Vernon lC 8 Bank ot La l'arce-----•*1'89 J. A.. 11&7ea ______ J. J. Creeden ______ L. L. Lathro1>--- Mary Trappe _____ _ 7 Pop. 788 7t-610 " -------" La Farge State Bank ____ §'21 L, O. Bekkedel ____ Norval Norris _____ J, W. Langley-·--- ------------------71H038  flRST  I»  --- --- --- --- --50,000  STATE BIIIKOFLADYSMITH N. J. Smith _______ W. A. Blackburn •• s. H. Dooley------ O. E. Hoskin _____ _  Lake Geneva __ W&Iworth 7 Pop. 2632 J 10  X  100,000 8U08 1,978.910 1,780,100 395,360 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N., Obi.; Northw. Ul - - - - - N.,Mlnpls.;tstWls.N.,1111. ~  w. M. Ellingson __ _  Ladysmith ___ Rusk E 5 Pioneer National Bank ___ '20 0. K. Ellingson ____ H. Wilson _________ P. C. Anderson ____ 9 Pop. 3500 79-1029 L. M. Lundmark  RUSK COUNTY BANK --•:tl'll  z  (/.)  l~TER~f~,'61~~ ~~~KING:  10,000  14,000  500,000  400,000  120,000 Oont. & Com'l N., Ohi.; 1st Wil, N., Kil.  36,200 1,011,000  992,400  142,200 Cont. A Oom'J N., Ohl.; 1st Wil., N. and _ Marine N ., Mil. vi 17,800 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; Am, 11:x,, Duluth, lliDD. w  3,000  56,000  54,000  CONTINENTf\L AND _QQMMERCJAL·- BAN'KS  Vt  .  1536  NumlHlr under Nam~ or Bank ia the New TranaU Number ~ven to each bank in U. S. e:1.clu1hel7 by The &and-McNally Bankers• Dlree'8ry, under ihe authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  N..uo Oll' BilIL •Yem. Am. Bks. Assn. SState •Oonnty Seats. Fiiure under town is Ulem. State Bk:s. Assn. t Priv. (Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mero. Fed. Res.  Non-Bank Towns '\\1th Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this:--;: volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws.  WISCONSIN---Conttnued  PRMIDDT.  VIC&-PRJ:SIDDT,  Ass'T CASBlli,  0ASJllltR,  - 1~ ·- ,-  FA.ID-UP SURPLUS AND CAPITAL PROFITS  •~La=n~ca=s~t=er~_=..~.~G~r~an=t~Ec::.::..:10~,~~~f=A::.-=.R~M~E=R=S-~&===~i--------i-- ------i-------,-------,--{GEO. A. MOORE. J. H. WAGNER.....  7 Pop, 2485  STATE BK I Cl.,,.IZ 1  70-855  tt  H  .  .  Laona--·-·-Forest I 4 9 Pop. 1200 Larsen ___ • Winnebago I 7 7 Pop. 100 Lavalle ••••••.•• Sauk F 8 7 Pop. 4-17 Lebanon .•. _•.• Dodie I 9 7 Pop. 140 Lena .•••••••• Oconto K II 7 Pop. 600 Leopolis-.. Shawano I 6 Pop. 178 7 Lewis ••...•..• _.Polk B 5 9 Pop. 200 Llmeridge ••••.. Sauk F 9 7 Pop. 256 Linden .••••..• Iowa F 10 7 Pop. 490 Little Chute.Outagamie J 7 7 Pop. 2017 Living ton •••. Grant E 10 7 Pop. 2574 Lodi--.. Columbia G 9 7 Poo. 1077 .. "  -··-·  Log.1.nville •••••. Sauk F 9 7 Pop. 265 Lomira.•••••. Dodge J 8 7 Pop, 554 Lone Rock .Richland FD 7 Pop. 453 ., ·-······ ·• Loyal-•••••••• Ola.rk F 6 7 Pop. 735 •• -··" Lublin ••• - •• -Taylor E 5 9 Pop. 209  1  Organized Collection  . ................... S 25,000  $  DEPO&- , 1.0.. ,. • .,»m. c... ua: Exc'Ta Bo""" c,u.irou nm s.~u...;.a · IT!!  no,.s.:"°  - - - -- - - ---_- - - -- - - I  11,180 $ 230,420! $ 225,790 $ 37,490 N. City, N. Y.; Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 1st Wls.N., Mil,  October 26, 1915. Service the b est.  •W15  Lancaster State &nk ••• *1'03 L. H. Stevena ...... G. A. Stevens.--··· F. J. Glanville ••.•. L. o. Pennock •.•• 70-278 Peoples State Bank •••• •U'll O. H. Basford··-·· L.A. Clark •....•• _ J. H. Pugh····-·· -·········-······ 79-752 Union State Bank •.••. - •. 1'60 0. H. Baxter.·-··· V. L.Showalter .•• Richard Meyer, Jr. W. B. Carter-··--· . 70-277  50,000  10,000  420,000  300,000  25,000  4,000  365,000  275,000  50,000  17,240  W. D. Connor .•.•• F. F. Flanner .•... H F. Pueschner ... - - - - - - · ·  25,000  7,000  W. K. Porter····-· - - - - - - · ·  Laona State Bank .•••.••U'l4 70-817 Farmers State Bank .- •. t§'l4 79-849 State Bank of Lavalle •• •U'02 70-582 Lebanon State Dauk .••• !§'14 71)-820 Farmers & Merchan~ Bk. •U-03 79-683 Leopolis State Bank .•t§'l9 79-977 Lewis State Bauk •..•••. i§'l4 79-824 St.ate Bk. of Lime RidgeU,09 79-584 Bank of Linden •• -•••••• U'03 70-585 Bank of Little Chute ...• tl'06 79-6811 Livinrston State Bank •• H'02 19-587 Oolumbla Bank ••••••.. •t! '06 70-35t State Bank of LodL .• •!§'97 71)-353 Loganville State B..1:1k .• i§'l5 79 887 Lomira State Bank- ••-.U'03 70-588 Farmers Bank •••• -•*11000 79-589 State Bank of Lone Rock t§'19 79-988 Citizens State Bank... •:W09 79--398 Loyal State Bank: •• _••• •U'0S 70-rul7 State Bank of Lnblin •.. t§'l9 791000  111,900 I  10,000  3,690  10,000  11,000  4-14,970.1  323,330  Aug. H. Raether .. Edw. Goetsch ...•. E. H. Winter •..... Walda Winter ...•• Eugene Moldenhau er L. W, Brazeau ••••• Dennis Dionne ••• _ O. W. Brazeau •• _ E. Dionne .• ·--·· E. J. Brazeau P. J Hein} ____ C. 0. Felts ..••.•.. A. N. Brunner··-- - - - · · · · · · · · · -  10,000  12,000  330,000  305,000  10,000  11,420  10,000  1,750  106,450  81,230  Ketil Stensrud •.•• Thore Bjornson·-· Ernst S, Stensrud_ E. A. Luke ..·-···-·  12,000  4,950  106,840  105,550  134,980 I  F. H. Pauls .•..••.• R. L. Bohn •••••••. 0. L. Bohn_··--·· ···--·············-·  10,000  7,590  233,210  218,270  20,000  4,000  200,000  150,000  H.J. Verstefen-•• Wm. Geenen •••••. P. A. Gloudemans. H.J. Stark ••••.•.•  30,000  28,800  3tl6,030  372,500  A. E. Rundell •••••• L. W. LOY--- -··· Fred W. Stephens. Greta V. Richards.  25,000  19,510  370,3',0  373,280  Robert CaldwelL. H, S. oaldwell ••••• T. F. Reyno js ··- M. L. Thomas .•.••  20 ,000  10.4~0  353,950  307,810  A. R. Reynolds •••• F. W. Groves •.•• -- W. A. Qaldow_··-·· J. II'. Collin--····  25,000  22,550  6H,320  616,550  ' Vm. Riggert..·--· C. Koenig _ _ _ John Rige-ert •.•. -. C. G. Wiesler .••.••  10,ooo j  5,660  Peter Wolf. __ ···- RobertWaehler •.•. L. H. Z&un ··-·--·· · ····--·-·······-·-·  25,000  4,500  235, 7801 197,810 285,000 23-1,000  S. O. Brainard .•••• ··-·-·····--··--·· H. A. Brace••.••••. ···--·······-·····-·  10.000 15,000  8,150  209,550 1  2,090  63,020  o. Cody •.•••.  W. H. Schloemer .•  II  ::20,390 Imp. & Tra. N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Corn Ex. N., Chi.: Marshall & Ilsley and 1st Wis. N., I Mil., Dub. N., Dub. & Com 1 N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.: Arn. C/l Cont. 25,000 N .. Marshfield. 47,190 1st N .• Chi.: ht Wis. N., Mil.; Old Com'l N., 0 Oshkosh. 136,840 Cont, & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. C/l 64,220 Drov. N., Chi.: Marine N., Mil.  ~ n  z z-  35,290 Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; 1st Wis, N., Mil.; tJl Citiz. N •• Oconto. I 30,700 Marshall & llsley and Am. Ex., Mil.  278,920j, 315,620  John Harker·····- Wm. M. Smith ••••• W. B. Kirkpatrick. H. W. St>rlnger ••••  Walter J. Davis._. F. T. Flannery •.•• John  100,000 Cont. & Com'l N,, Chi.; 2d Ward Sav. and Wis.N •• ~m. 80,000 N. City, Chi.: Marine N. and 1st \Vi . N., Mil.  1.411.80011·"'·'"° I· 185.000 I 180.000  H. E. Paddock: ••••• Obas. Pearson .•••• Harry Thornton._ Elsie Thornton ••• ~  J. D. Hough •.•.•.. Elias Sorenson _  z>  11,870 Cont. & Com'l. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.;Mid• X land, N., Minpls. C/l 32,530 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.  I  70,000 Drov. N .• Chi.; N. Bk. Com. and 2d Ward'. r1 Sav.,Mil, -15,890 ll't. Dear. N., Chi.: Citiz. N .. Appleton;lstWis. 1Pl . ::::3 (')  N.,Mil.  67 ,690 Corn Ex. N. and Live Stock Ex. N .. Chi.: 1st! n> Ir/J Wis. N .• Mil. 69,310 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Oo •. Chi,; Bk. of Wis., Mad. ~ ison: 1 -t Wis. N., Mil. "1 63,340 1st N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 2d Ward ,.. Sav .• Mil.: State. Madison. 0 52,130 Drov. N .• Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Oitiz., Reedsburg. r-4 42,700 lstWis.N.and Marine N., Mil.; 1st Fond du Lac i: N .. Fond du Lac. 0 :,;--20,800 Com'! N., Madison; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  217,670 67,160 ·  2,440 Cont. & Com'l N .• Chi.; Marine N .• 1st Wis. · N., and 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 85,740 Oont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; Am. N., Marshfield; 1st Wis. N .. Mil. 19,240 Cont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.; 1st N., Mar htleld; 2d Ward Sav .. Mil. 6,850 Am. Ex., Mil.; State Bk. of Eau Claire, Eau •:, Claire.  O. H. Brown-·-··· \Vm. Lenling._ .... Harry Haslett ••••• V. C. Richardson .• A. W. Ihlenfeldt F. W. Draper A. A. Graves·--·- B. Christman·--··· R. K. Jenks.·--··· II. F. Moor '· ··-·-·  25,000 1  8.650  536,550  486,470  25,000 1  7,8 0  25-1,5-10  292,410  Marlon Durski -··- G. E. Anderson-·· Frank Kulwiec .. -. - - · - - · · - - -  10,0001  1,980  29,670  32,400  20,000  7,300  153,450  171,690  18,430 Merch. N., St.  9,500  407,000  399,000  "1 52,000 Capital N., St.P.: Northw. N., Minpls.: Marine ~ N .• Mil.; Clarion Sav., Clarion, Ia.  I I  Luck·-···-··Polk B 4 FArtMERS & MERCHANTS H. D. RAKEL ...... ANTON LAURSEN •••• CARL • THYE·-·-·· S. PETERSON ....... NIELS SORENSEN SAV.BK •. 79-906 -····•iS'l6 ANDREW ALM, 9 Pop. 479 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  AsR't to Pres.  STllE BANK OF lUCK.•ts•o 3 '11>-oQO  w °'  PRINCIPAL OORRESP0NDENTS.  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES.  TolrN ilD 0oUJrTY,  ~  I  .• S. PEDERSEN ... C. P.A. JENSSEN .... H. T. JENSEN.·-····- E. H. LITTLE •• -•••.• kELS EDLING, V .1 • C. C. PEDERSEN OLDEST AND L\A.RGEST BANK. SEND US YOU R BU lNES .  I  I  25,000  I  SIN-Continued  \  .; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  ._ I),)  ::s c::  I),)  \\  I \  -  '° N  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point <Ip• dexed Acces.J, Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this~  volume.  Fgr Inte,:cst Rates, Holidays, .e_!_c., see Laws. ~  «) (1J  TOWN A.ND OOU,: TY.  NAME OF BA .. K,  i  ...county Seats. •Mem.Am.Bk .Assn.§S t~te PRESIDENT, B'ieure under town is tMem.S ate Bks.Assn. t Pr1v. Federal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Es ab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _  VICE-PRESIDE.NT.  CA.SHIER.  i  LIA.BILITil!:S,  Pop. 500  K7  71Hi91  l  Lyndon Station ___ Juneau LYndon State Banlc ____ e,U'l2 D. J. Puffer ________ R.H. Laabs _______ Wayne W, Smith __ F . J. Conway______ 7 Pep, 292 B' 8 79-783 1  Lynxvme __ crawford D 9 Lynxville State Bank .•. t§'20 J. 7 Pop. 253 79-1010  c. Russell _____  P. T. Maney _______ Emmanuel Rod---- _________________  70,000 $  s. Malsch ____  T. H. Spifgelho:IT __  w. G. Ween----- !Pearle UebehL----  7,830  10,000 1  3,180  251.490  233.210  92,180  75,430  8.980  130,360  141.070  15,000  16,520  170,910  204,100  50,000  48,260  10,000  w.  Sahr  John Suhr ________ Edmund Suhr ___ _  ---- ----  !  50,000  Hitlil//t~U,n-·- H. c. JA111Eso11, ____ REYNotns L'l~liiu  BANK o! WJl,«i~•s11-•n·o3 R. LHOPKINS-------  TRUST COMPANY  25,880 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav .. Mil.  I  I  INVESTMENT SECURITIES.  I  325,1801  193,040 Cont., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N.,Mil. 67,410 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N .• Madison.  306.810  90,720 2,867,030/ 3.339,950 I  366.180 N. Oity, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Ohi.; 1st  Wis. N .. llil.  2(l0,000  HEFTY Tr. --  i~le~R!:tsA.i~r.  17.550 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  .......  300,000  w. Karberg ----  L. M. HAN Ks._: _____ MA\NllS SWENSON __ B~J. HAlliGiN, Sec. - T. R.  'l~~!:~!1::·,/·eq~~w:ed to serve your Trust Company Business.  6,550 Ft. Dear. N. and Drov. N .. Chi.; 1st Wis. N., llll,  ,,,.5,6601 0;0,880  7,450:  FRANK KESSENICH Capital City :.~f--------1'83 .J. A. Mack _________ R.H. Jackson _____ Wm.J.Hobbins ... 1R.  T.  "'1:  ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. 1  36,890 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: 1st Wi. N. aud ~lar::-hal & Ilsley, Mil.; natavian N., La Crosse.  I  BINK OLFTTH~ ~~MMON~§'. A. W. Tressler ___ Zala Baldwin ______ C.R. Acly _ _ - - - - - - WEA H- ,1t-ati .• -----+ la  CENTRAL  '"" 1:1u,KS  PRINC1PAL CORRESPONDENTS,  34.030 $1106 220 $1158 510 $ 131,760 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st Wis. N. and Am. Ex., ::; Mil.; Citiz. N .. Green Bay. ~  10,000  '  Macfarland--- Dane H IO McFarland State Bank.•H'05 --------·--·····----J.M. Anderson ____ Homer L. Vick____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 Pop. 500 79-693  WISCQNSI N  wn.tDm- c.uaa:E:a:c;;-Bo111>e, CR.urou,DuB 11 ~  !  Lyons ____ Walworth J 10 Lyons State Bank ______ •H'09 Geo. 7 Pop. 400 71Hi92  •Madison _______ Dane B D American Exchange Bank F. 7 POD, 38,378 79--47 :W71  RESOURCES.  CAPITAL AND ITS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PROFITS _ _ _ 1 1 1  Luxembourg __ Kewaunee Bank of Lu.xemburr---U·oz /L. A. KareL _____ A. O. Bazlen ____ Clem Rass _________ -------------· - - ---- $  7  I  PAID-uPISURPLus DEPos-  Ass'TCASHIER,  300,800  -  -  I  I I  •  f  Z ~  Z  I II  33.ZIO N. City, 1'. Y.; 1st N., ()bf. and Madison.  130,940 1,680,390 1,506,440  -  ,  ~  Ch a  -  -  t4  --- ___ ,___ --- ---  79-J,il •!§'06 Oommercia!National Bk.•!'08 Solomon Levitan __ A. o. Paunack _____ B. ~I. Backus______ ____________________ 200,000 75,0ooj 2,600,000 2,400.000 570,000 N. Parle N. Y.; Oont. & Com'l N •• Chi.; 1st~ 71Hi2 __________ C. _N. B r o ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \Vis.N.,Mil.  .g  L BANK F. w. HOYT--- 1.-N:2NlTI$ -.---- M. H. SATER-----· J.-f.-8fl~UETER.. FIRST NAT' Estabhshed 1854 Special attention given collections. 7H6  Ig-  300.000  18U70 3,869,020 3,407,%00 1.136.940 AD\. Ex. N., N. Y.; lstN., Cbf.; l&t Wis. N., ~ M.11. lfQ  ....0  Send us youl' business.  a:  1----------------------------1--- --- ---  MERCHANTS & SAVINGS BANK 7H3  T. C. McCARTHL .. 8. F.MAUTZ----------M, &. HAGAN------- J. R. HAYES------We Invite your MADISON business.  Pl  50,000 -  -  QUICK RETURNS on COLLECTIONS.  66,490 1.580,090 1,603,650 235,610 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; 9: 2d. Ward Sav., Mil. ~  --- --Randall State Bank ______ §'14 Victor E. Albright. John L ..C~lby _____ Victor E. Albrig_ht, --------------79-55 T. D. Williams Actma  25,000  Bavtnrs, Loan & Tr. Co. •is•oo E. B. Steensland __ J. G. 0. ZehBter --- RuthKi~nerud,Sec. E.B.Steensland,Tr. 79--411 I. M. K1tUeson, L. D. Atkinson.  250,000  A. Sec. A. Sec, Security Stlte Bank _____ :1•12 A. X. Merz _________ T. E. Coleman ____ H.J. Loftsgordon _ --------------------  7H4 State:Bank __________ if'51 J.H.Palmer ______ G.F.Kischer ______ G.F.Kischer ______ - - - - - - - - - - 7~ E. O. Kney H. M.. Byllesby & Co, ____ t'20 (Investment Securit <Bk. of Wis. Bldg.) BONDS AND SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS MAY BE BOUGHT FROM US BY BANKS: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  10,000 100,000  2,370  162,940  171,2301  I  133,820 1.817,980 2,015,850: 24,600  ::t  ---:- - -  513,280  465,060  73,010 1,500,000 1,030,360  20,125 Corn Ex. N., Chi.: Com'l N., Madison. 185,950 State Bk. of Chi., Chi.; 1st N .. Madison. 102,210 Chem. N., N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co, Chi. 2d Ward Sav .. Mil. 356,570 Bk.ofAmerica,N._Y.;OornEx._N.,Chi.:Marshall & Ilsley, Mil,; 1st N., Mmpls. -  ,es)---------------- -------------------- -------------------- (Branch of Chica qo) ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  H. M. Byllesby & Co .. N. Y. and Chi.  ~  -...a  1538  Number under Name or Bank ia the New Transit Number oven to each bank in U. 8. ei:elushel7 by The Rand-McNall7 Bankers' Director,., under the authorltJ' of The American Bankers Asa'n.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this' .... volume For Interest Rates Holidays ttc., see Laws , ~  .  WISCONSIN-Contin ued LUBILITIES.  NAME 01!' BANK. TOWN .L'iD COUNTY. ,.Oouaty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bk:s . .Assn. IState Filrure under town is :Blem. Sta.te Bks . .Assn. t Priv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. +Mero. Fed. Res.  PRESIDENT.  Maiden Rock __ pjerce B 8 Bank of llaiden Rock_tf'92 F. W. Carpenter ___ 7HD4 9 Pop, 293  Cilmu.  VICE-PRJ:SIDJ:NT.  ---------------  Ass 'T 0.A.SKI.D,  O. W. Carpeater __ •  PA.ID-UP Cil"IT.A.L  SURPLUS .A.ND  PBOJ'ITII  RESOt:&CEs.  DEPO&ITII  Lo"'•• Diac"'TL Bolrl)I, !laon.n'I•  ---  0.u■ A,  .  PRHiCll'.4.L 00.ll.RJl:8PONDENTS,  ·I•••.Dn no■ Bil!U  00  I I  15,000 $  6,270 $ 877,050 $ 347,740 $ 45,920 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; 1st N .. St. P. ancll Minpls,: 1st Wis. N .. :Mil. I  First rational Bank ____ •t'l9 Geo. E. Stubbins __ Leonard Mathys ___ Clifton Cravens ___ W. F. Julian ______ G. J. Hunn 79-999 Manawa _____ Waupaca I 7 Farmers State Bank-•• •:1'17 W. Irvine _________ F. R. Meiklejohn __ J.C. lrinsman _____ C. w. Plowman ____ 79-907 7 Pop, 727 First National Bank ____ t'07 Arthur Lindsay ___ Ottomar Esche ____ 0. D. Dick ______ G. a. Ritchie _ _ 79-505  25,000  2,500  96,080  87,770  27,910 Corn Ex. N .. Chi.: Midland N., :Minpls.; Cap!tal N., St. P.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  25,000  7,340  267,050  250,170  21,690 1st N., Chi.: Marshall & Ilsley and 1st Wis. N., Mil.  25,000  19,000  320,000  200.000  80.000 Cont. & Oom'l N .. Ohi,; Karine N .. Kil.: Old Com'l N., Oshkosh.  Ob.Aries Esch ______ Chas. G. Hacker ___ Henry Groth _______ Harvey Schmidtman •lll»00 7~11' Edwin Schuette __ Henry Detjen ___ Manitowoc Savinrs Bk. •tl'H Louis Schuette ____ 7H1Z  100,001)  16,000  750,000  700,000  65,000 Chem. N., N. Y.; Drov. N., Chi.; N. Ex., Mil,  300,000  60,000 4,000,000 3,600,000  200,000  138,000 1,409,200 1,900,000  .  --·-----  ..  ---- $  .. --- .  .t.Manitowoc ___ M:anitowot K7 1 Pop. 17,563  . ------ . ---  "  .  --------  . .  Maplewoo<L ____ Door L 6 7 Pop. 200 Marathon __ Marathon G 6 Pop . 670  1.  -------  .  Marengo ____ A bland E 3 9 Pop. 90 MaribeL_ .Manitowoc K 7 7 Pop. 250 •Marine te_Marinette L 6 1 Pop. 18,610  .  "  ---- ----  .  -------- .  .  --------  -------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  --------  NAT~NAL BANK OF MANITO OC-- 7Hlll ____ .:·H State Bank of Ianitowoc :t··20 78-115 State Bank of :Maplewood •i§'l6 7D-D26 Merchants & Farmers State Bank ____ 79-99L _____ t§·rn Sta.te Bank or Marathon Oity :1'05 7~5DS Mareneo tate Bank ____ "20 79-1025 Maribel State Bank _____ tf'l2 70-71111 Merchants Bank Farmers 7~103 •*1'02  . .  M. H.Dempsey ____ F. T. Zentner ___ F. T. Zentner _____  FAR'M,R~flVINGS & TRUST  200,000  E. E. Ludwig______ 0. W. McCarty ____ A. P. Gert chen ____ R, E. Baur··----August Riteer _____ Jos. Muschinski --· G. E. Riteer _______ A. H. Schneiders __ A. J. Schneiders M. L. En inger ____ Hobert Holmes ____ J. R. Shales------- - - - - - - - - J. A. Kellner _______ P. J. Carberry _____ I. V. Rieboldt ____ M. L. Kellner. ec. L. H. Rabenhorst J.E. Utke. _______ IS, C. Miller _____ L.A. McAlpine ____ A. W, Jackson ___  ------ ------- --.. --  ------ -------------·  ------------  l  700,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Ohl.: 1st Wis. N .. Mil. 250,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  --------- --------- ------ ----  15,000  5,710  188,810  207,300  40,000  4,980  14C,990  162,790  40,000  13,390  339,530  367,080  15,000  390  13,670  15,460  12,000  8,000  345,000  319,700  100,000  41,520  862,620  820,410  50,000  5,010  115,000  125,210  N. City, N. Y.; 1st N. and Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Marshall & llsley, Mil. 17,450 Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi,; Marine N .. Mil. 19,290 Ft, Dear. N .. Chi.: 2d Ward Sav., Mil.: Citiz. tate ann Marathon Co., Wau~au, 26,550 Cont. & Com '! N .• Chi.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.  11,510 1st N,, Chi.; 2d \Vard Sav .. Mil. 37,500 Drov. N., Chi.; Yarshall & Ilsley and 2d Ward Sav .. Mil.; N. Bk. or Manitowoc, Manitowoc. 161,130 Chase N ., N. Y .; Merch. Ln, & Tr. Oo., Chi.; 1st Wis.N.,Mil, 35,570 Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.  Associated with the State Land Mortgage Auocla tlon. First Land Cred It Bank under St ate supentslon In Unit.eel State,. Write for our U st of Wisconsin farm mort1ases and farm mortcage onds.  A -- 79-104. ••• Wl3  f.  C. A. GOODMAN----~- A. J. WHITFORD----- H. C. ANDERSON ----  87,800 1,589,110 1,619,630  274,280 Han. N., N. Y.; Oont. & Oom'l N,, Ohi.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.  224.340 1,894,470 1,048,660  331,680 Imp. & Tra. N,, N. Y., Corn Ex. N .. Chf.; N. Ex •• Mil.  A. BROWN-----attentlo o ghen Bill of La ding drart1, Cash and Tlme Items. peclal  100,000  a tional Bank B. J. Brown _______ R. F. Goodman ___ O. P. Osthelder ___ G. W. StephPnson. C, II. Hanson 79-101 •:'14  100,000  J,J1ri~15ENT FRANK WESTFAHL--- T. J. HAUFE --------  25,000  5,000  117,000  208,000  37,000 Cont. & Com'l Mil.  60,000  15,000  650,000  600,000  80,000 Drov. N., Ohi.: Karsh.all & Ilsley and 1st Wis. N .. Mil.  FIRST NAT'L BANK 111-102 Stephenson  E: L. Pleuss ____  Reinhardt Rahr ___ D. C. Bleser _______ P. W. Moore------ C. o. Drumm.. _____ Edward Zankle Fabian Reince ____ Geo. Feller ________ John Dettman _____  RAL~H SKIDMORE .. H. L. HASLANGER--- F. C. BURKE, ec,_  CO  Marion ____ Waupaca I 6 7 Pop, 875  "  AMERICAN EXCHANGE BK.  FEE IN A.DV .AN CE: • ight drafts, 15c minimum; 25e minimum charue if paid. red it Reports, 25c. Tll. Y: US.  •:·811  f  FARMERS& MERCHANTS BK. {  IS sent t-0 us with each lgbt draft for presentation, and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report lnsu res prompt, perso nal atte ntlon.  flllSl SllTE Bllll--•U'03  BlUs of Lading, Ca;.b ieUers and Collections have tlle peraonal attention of a n officer. ~end us your b us\ness for efflc\e \nt senlee and q_u \lck returns.  7~~4  •:I'll  SCHROECKENSTEIN N. M ENGLER........ J. H. DRIESSEN...... . _ _ _ _ _ _  1~3&1  E. t,. Kl INGER  Yal'ln M.ort&ace Loans 11u~cot\ate d.  \  ,\  I  l  • and 1st N., Chi.; 1st Wis, N .,  ~  Cll  n 0  zUl  z  1539  Nuznber under Name or Bank it, the New Transit Number ,dven to each banlc in U. S. ercluslvely by The Band-McNaHy Bankers" Directory,, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  TOWN AND COUNTY,  volume  LIABILITIES.  •Mem.~~\ii  1  f:S~~·§srate' •County Seats. Figure under town ii• iMem. Srate Bks. Assn. tPriv. (Estab• .Federal Reserve District. ♦ Mem . Fed. Res.  PRESIDENT,  VICE-PRESIDENT.  CASHIER,  .Ass 'T CASHIER.  J  Non-Bank Towns wfth Nearest Banldn8' Point (ID• dexed Acces.), La'WYers, Laws (indexed) 1n back or tllfs/ c.... For Interest Bates, Bollda,,,, etc , '88 Law,. RESOURCES. PRINCIPAL CQRRESPONDENTS.  WISCONSIN-Continued  Su:;:;us  PAID-UP CAPITAL PROFITS  DEPOSITS  Lo..1<a&D1Sc'T1. BoNDe, 8.CtrarTI.H  --- ---  o.. ,a& ExCJUll'OU,Dtrl PROM B.A.HD  --- --I Markesan ____ Green Lake Farmer, State BanJt ____ .:f'lo H.P. Frida:,. _ _ K. B. Cable _____ W . .A. Miller ____ H.B. Dillie ________ $ 40,000 $ 27,710 $ 443,910 $ 419,390 $ 80,910 N, City, N. Y.; Oorn Ex. N., Ohi,; 1st Wis. N.,I .Mil, H, G. Miller H8 7~J76 7 Pop. 959  ..  --------  .  MARKESAN STATE BAIK 7~37i  •U'91  {h w. MILLER----- D. 0. WILL,AML---- IRA W. PARKER----- A.S.OEN RALPH CLN~ -----OR ark esan. ldest and larg est bank n Collections pers onally presented bf an officer of t be bank.  7H07  Pop. 497  M arshfleld _____ wood F 6  7  .  Pop, 7394  --------  IMEIICAI HTIOHL B~NK 7~188  r·  P. N. CHRISTENSEN--- T. D. SPALDING ---0. CONNOR---- T. 0. SPALDINi gpecJal attentt on given Bl I of L adlng Drafts, Ca t Dran to pay for 16c must acco and 2oc for ere mr,:ro~:!tft!?  FIRST NAT'L BANK  "  7~167  .  • '112  •:·111  JACOB LEINWANDER-J. L. STAUBER  J. C. MARSH---~- J. SCHAEFf R__ ----H. G. HAMBRIGHT------A, KLEINHEINZ-------A. RASMUSSEN . G. HAMBRIGHT Oldest and Largest Bank In Marshfield. Prompt. ~fflcient eervice on collections.  (15c must accompany each Sioht Draft and, 25c /or credit report)  .  STATE BANK OF MAUSTON 7~31'  •i1•04  ---------------  ------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  FIRST NATIONAL BAH-•:•s7 79-164  4,700  183,000  156,810  39,380 N. City, Obi,; lsi Wis. N., Kil.  I  --- --- ---  --- ---  - - - - ·100,000  I  97,000 N. Oity, N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st Wis. N.,' Mil.  42,510 1.223,680 1,472,990  150,000  HS.000 1,'150.000 1,500,000  I  250.000 Ban.N., N. Y.; lat N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., MIi.  --- --- --- --- --850,020 1,057,300  94,220 Chem. N., N. Y.; Jferch. Ln. A Tr. Oo .. Ohi.; .Marshall & Ilsle1 and 2d Ward Sav •• Mil,  2,600  103,500  108,000  10,000  10,350  186,540  182,910  19,240 Oont. &Oom'l N.,Ohi.; 1st Wis, N,, Mil.: Northern N., Ashland.  10,000  7,500  200,000  200,000  26,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  54,000  16,000  805,000  807,780  108,100 Merch, Ln. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; lat Wis. N., llll.  15,360 50,000 P. ~C~RAH----- H. D. WINSOR------ MARIA FLYNN------AUSTON. K {~Ji~~~\iiN Prompt attentl on given B. L. Drafts and Collec tlons. We Invite your b uslness.  942,560  977,310  103,010 Ooni. & Oom'l N., Ohl.; 1st WIJ. N., JIU,  .  .  10,000  10,000  Chas. Lentz ______ F. P. Bernard _____ B. P. Bernard ____ A. M. Ruedebusch E. F. Ruedebusch, C. H. Ruedebusch. Miss .Alma Villwock, Sec. Tr, Peter Buerger _____ Wm. RiD£le _______ R. F. Ruedebuseh_ Samuel Murrish ___ W. H. Wurster_ L. B. Smith ________  14.300  252,840  ------- -------  52,940  50,000  70,000  302,540  37,960 N. City, Ohl.; lit Wis. N., Kll,  ----- --------  40,730 1,102,830  869,450  9,620  269,000  254,640  25,000  500,000  530,000  28,190  373,850  397,460  11,000  406,200  408,980  21.440  612,200  577,090  5,000  130,000  177,000  323,700 Ohase N,, N. Y.: Oont. &Oom'l N.i Chi,; 1st Wis. N. and Marshall & Ilsley, Mi . 40,760 Drov. N .,Chi.;llarsbail & Ilsley and 1st Wis. N .. Kil. ; Com'l N ., Madison. 45,000 1st Wis. N •• llil,  I  Herman Leicht __ L. D. Russell ______ N. A. Hirsch ______ S,D. Gibson R. H, Musselman __ L. L. Ur11uhart ___ .A. J. Perkrns..___ W.F.Dumke C. P. Peck: _ _ _ 0. F. Peterson ____ T. A. Fraedrich ___  35,000 25,000 40,000  Hoi=r----- Thos. J. Hogg _____ Blanche Griffin Vincent Mashak ___ R. G. Lahm________  25,000 10,000  H. H. Kimberly ___ Harr, De Wolf __ R. J. Fieweger ___  50,000  101.020 1.447.580 1,167,920  Silas Bullard ____ Geo. A. Whiting ___ H. A. Fisher ______ H. E. Landgraf ___ F. D. Lake  80,000  115,060 1,600,000 1,241,780 I • 492,960  INVESTMENTS FOR BANKS MATURING AT CONVENIENT !;>ATES;  E.G. Hirgins ___ William Tibbits  c. J.  ---- ------ --- -  AND COM_ME CONTINENTAL -  I  4,500 1st Wis. N .. Mil.  17,000  --------  .  68,500 Han. N •• N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N. and Merch., Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., llil ,  36,050  Mayville _______ Dodge J 9 First National Bank---•t'14 F. Albert __________ 71)-860 Pop. 3011 ,. .. Ruedebusch Mutual Sav. Bk. R. II. Garling _____ § '21 79-1036 State Bank or Ma,ville.•:1'92 A. Ruedebusch ____ 711~00 Ma.zomanie _____ Dane G 9 Peoples State .Bank ___ :§'91 J.P. Hudson ____ 7 Pop. 756 7H01 •Medford ______ 'Taylor F 5 First National Bank----•:•97 C. L. Gibson _______ 7~298 Pop. 1881 .. ~ State Bank or Medford •U·oo c. .A. Fleming _____ 79-297 Mellen _______ Ashland E 3 Mellen State Bant ____ •U-03 Geo. K. l!'oster _____ 7H02 9 Pop.1981 Melrose ______ Jackson D 7 Bank or Melrose _______ :n·o7 F. E. Tanner _ _ 71Hi03 7 Pop. 445 Melvina ______ Monroe E 8 Melvina State Bank _____ u•17 G. J. Weiner _____ 79-954 7 Pop. 200 Menasha __ Winne~o J 7 Bank: of 11enasha _____ .:f'70 A. D. Eldrid£e __ 7214 79-163 Pop. 7  .  801.460  50,000  --------  . ------- .  772,060  sb a1nd Time Ite ms. presentation  AID<>I Roll _____ J. H. Oundy _ _ _ M&r1hfleld State B&nlt_•:§'08 Wm. Hipke ------ H. O. Koeni£ ___ 7HCl9 Mar;town_.Fond Du Lac Farmers & Merchants Bank John Langenfeld __ Joseph Guelig ___ Ben Stiefvater ____ John Winkel _ _ I8 •:W18 79-965 Pop. 200 (New Holstein P. 0.) Mason _______ Bayfleld D 3 Muon State Bank---•H'06 0. H. Werden ____ o. I. Larson ___ 0, )(, ilne&I--- H. J . .A.xness _ _ 7Hll8 9 Pop. 200 Mattoon _____ Shawano I Cl Mattoon State Bank--•H'OO D. Li&?Mbody _____ W. F. Meagher ____ W. B. Kram,.r _ _ 71Hi99 7 Pop. 666 G. 8. Grubb____ H. C. Strong _______ W. G. Hosi£ ____ •Mauston _____ Juneau F 8 Juneau County State Bank •H'87 7~3lii 7 Pop.1966  -------  63,870  I  Marshall ________ Dane H 9 Bank of Karshall ___ :5•03 J, o. Biederman._ W. H. _ _ W. H. Tasker _ _ L. 11'. Kelley _____  7  I  40,000  42,770 Cont. & Oom'I N .. Ohi.; 2d Ward Sav. and, 1st Wis. N., Kil.; 1st N., Minpls. 59,450 Cont. &Com'IN.,Ohi.: 1st Wis.N.and 2d Ward Sav •• Mil.; 1st N .. Min pis. 77.840 Cont. & Com'l N .• Chi.: N. Bk. or~ Crosse, La Orosse.; Jackson Co., Black River Falls; 1st Wis. N .. Mil. 18,500 Drov. N .. Chi.: IstWis.N .. Mil.; Batavian N., La Crosse. 430,680 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.; 1st Wis.N.,Mil. T.  Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N .• Ohi.: 1st Wis. Mil.  ..  ,------------.,,.-~  1540  Number under Name of Bank ls the New Transit Number fiven to each bank in U . S. excluslvelf by The Rand-McNallf Bankers• Dlrfftory under thf' authority of The American Banker Ass'n.  I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), LawyPrs, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws ':{:  WISCONSIN-Continued  TOWN A.ND COUNTY. N .ul.E OF BANK. LIABILITIES. RESOURCES. •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. A sn. §State PRESIDENT, VICE-PKDIDBNT. 0-'.SHill. Ass'T CA.SHIER. PAID-UP SURPLUS D:s:Pos- Lo.ur■ .tr;J>u- 0 illl.,lil<• Figure under town is'riv. AND c"rL Bon■ n Federal Re.,erve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. - - - - ~ - - i - - - - - - - · l - - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - _c_A.P_IT_•_L _P_a_o_F1_T_s ITS _s_..,.,_-__· _':.._~_~_..._,,. 1·  I  PRINCIPAL OORKESPOMDENTS.  0  ________________ 1  1fenomonee Falls_ Wauk- Oitizens State Bank ___ •U'02 G. E. Hoyt _______ A. R. Baer ________ E. C. Kambe _______ Geo. E. Warth _____ $ 30,000 $ 10,500 $ 550,000 $ 560,000 $ 77,500 Chem. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; 1st 7 esha __ pop. 1019_J II 79-3611 Wis. N., Mil. Farmers &'Merch. Bank•U-08 S. A. ConnelJ ______ F. J. Schwalbach __ A.H. Eckhardt ____ W. S. Goode _____ _ 31,350 30,000 99,710 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N. and 994,4801 ll43,970 79-370 2d Ward Sav., Mil. •:\fenomonie ____ Dunn o 6 Bank of Menom·onie--•:tl'67 L. D. Harvey ______ Martin Fladoes ---- Martin Fladoes ____ Myrtle Rougsted -30,000 9,580 2li0,400 273,870 44,610 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Midland N., Minpls.; Mar9 Pop. 5104 shall & Ilsley, Mil.; Union N .. Eau Olaire. 79-1111  FRANK PIERCE-- THOS. B. WILSON- F. C. JACKSON ---- ALEX HOSBORD-- A. M. SIMPSON R. L. PIERCE  100,000  Kraft State Bank---~---:t§'l4 Phillip Kraft ______ J. S. Kraft _______ Wm. F. Kraft----- I. o. Slocumb ____ _ 79-823 S. P. Kraft Lanetta Kraft Lina C. Bliss Schutte & Quillin1(Bank•U'?ll A. Quillin~------ ----------------- W. Schutte. Jr, ____ 0. C. Kau rud. ---71>-189 Alfred Peterson E. J. Bressler Meridean _____ Dunn C 6 )Ieridean State Bank ____ §'20 Frank Pierce ______ I.E. Brack ________ w. J. Rowe------- -------------------9 Pop. 60 79 1033  60,0C0 2C0,000  f.J.SMITH ______ F. \'/. KUBASTA----- R.C.BALLSTADT--- ------------------  40,000  FIRST NAT'L BANK i 97 190  •)IerrilL ____ Lincoln G 5 9 Pop, 8068  Only National Bank In Dunn C ounty. Send your cash letters and collect Ions direct to us, •:l:" l for efficient ser vice and 9ulck re turns. 79  AMERICAN STATE BANK  l  W.F. PETERt1AN  •  78-Hl  220,120 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex.N., Chi.; 11arlne N., MU.;Northw.N., Mlnpls.;Merch.N., St.P.  542,260  553,540  43.970 Harriman N,, N, Y.; N. Qity, Live Stock Ex. N., N, Bk.Rep., and Chi.; 2d Ward Sav.,Mil.  31,880 1,703,280 ·. 1,651,450 1,  259,300 1st N .• Ohi.; 1st N., St. P. and Minpls.; 1st Wis.N .• Mil.  1.400  I  15,000  3,750 _  ---------• 1 --------- ··------- Ft.1stDear. N., Chi.; Claire N., Eau Claire: _ j N,, Menomonie. I  28,6;-,0  1  87a,31Q,  842,030  Save time and get service on Col lectlons and Cred It Reports by sen ding  102,680 N. ~ark, .N.Y.: <;Jorn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st Wis.~ .,; 1st N., Mmpls. I I  FEE IN ADVANCE:  Plain sizht draft•. 15c; Credit Report•. 25c.  7!H42 •:tl'04 Oitizens National Bank: ___ ;l:"92 Geo~e A. Foster __ H. H. Heineman ___ E. A. Krembs------ _________ _ 79-140  LINCOLN COUNTY BlltK•U'97  57,560 1.224,500 1,153,470  TRY US.  100,000  57,640 1,304.790 1. 18,130  138,900 Chase N .. N. Y.; cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Ex .• Mil.; M.erch. N .• St. P,  A.H. STANGE---- C. J. KINZEL------ WM. J. TESCH----- A. GRUETT ----- 100,000 Special attentlo n given ~ill of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. Pleasesendl5c w im eac11 sight dra ftforprese'T'tation and25c for Credit Reports.  59,100 1,650,000 1.506,350  279,700 Han. N., N.Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Karine If.,  l  Mil., r+  0 I  Merrillan ____ Jaok1on B 7 State Bk. of Merrillan __ •:t§"0l A. E. Bradford _____ A. J. KPith - - - - J. L. Wrieht _______ ---- ---------------7 Po>t, 628 71Hi04 R. E. Gill Merrimack _____ Sauk: G g State Bank of Merrimack 1'08 G. A. Gross ______ 7 Pop. 270 71Hi05 Merton ____ Waukesha J 9 FarmersExchani?eBank•:t§"14 R. Ainsworth ______ 7 Pop. 350 79-812 Middleton ______ Dane G II Bank of Middleton _____ e:tl'03 C. F. Allen ________ 7 Pop. 701 71Hi06  N.1  J.  s. Towers------  E. J. von Beri --- -------------------  10,000  4,760  197,870  I  i 173,090  I  10,000  5,630  122,000  196,040  I~  39,540 Cont. & COm'l N., Ohi.; Eau Olaire N., Eaui Claire; 1st w~. N ., Mil. 1 26,920 Marine .N,, Mil.  1  0 ::,  1'a'4 F. J. Woodhead---- C.H. Golden------ - - - - - - - - - -  18,000  ;s,,so  167,350  145,850  37,780 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.I::,  Louis Watzke ____ A. J. Viktor ------ M. C. Haberland -E. F. Scherbel  25,000  10.160  464,980  522,000  34,000 Drov. N., Chi.; Bk. of Wis., Madison; 1st Wis. N.,Mil. ::,  Milan ______ Marathon F 6 Milan State Bank-----~:t§'l7 M. C. Ellinison ____ Paul Benzmann ____ Ohas. F. SchmldL -------------------7 Pop. 200 79-943 Milladore ______ Wood G 6 Milladore State Bank --•:l:§"14 J. VirhulsL _______ W. G. Berdan ______ L. L. Straw---··- -- -----------------7 Pop. 260 79-852 Milltown ________ Polk B, Milltown State Bank ___ :tl'07 Chas. P. Jenks --- R . .A. Peabody ____ J.B. aim ______ F. G. Tozer _______ _ g Pop. 440 711-607 Milton _________ Rock 110 Bank of lfilton _________ U,84 1----------------·--- Grant W.Davis~- B. H. Wells---- J. H. Coon _____ _ l Pop. 834 71Hi08 \ Milton Junction ____ Rock Farmers Bank __ _______ :t§'ll J.A. Paul------- 1- - - - - - - - A. M. Paul _ _ _ ------------1" Po1>, 1000 "H 10 S\&te Ba.n\t_7HU ____ ____ HQQ ___ _et\·&a I~- - - - - - - - - - J. M.. Clarke _______ W. H. Gates ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  10,000  3,860 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  1  ()  r+  67,5ll01  77,140  o·  14,360 Marine N. and 1st Wis. N .. Mil.  II  49,660 Drov. N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil,; 1st N., Stevens Poinl. 40,970 Cont. & Com'! f.r .• Chi.: Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st Wis. N., Mil,; Am. N., St. P.  'Ill  I  I  lC,000  6.3 0  183 660  20,000  9,700  363,110I ,,_ 391.360  145,970  15,000  21.600  235,000  235,000  25,C00  29,180  710,120 1  524,570  15,ooo \  l0,000  l0i,000  108,000  (Milwaukee, K 9)  County Seat  ::S  ~  32,600 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Ohi.; N. Ex.,~.,; Mil. 230,610 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  I  28,000 COrn Rx. N ., Chi.; 1st Wis. N ., Mil.  Non-Bank Towns v.1th Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this.._  1541  to  1:!Z:"::n:6::er,_N;_a;~,::~::::1: ~/1:;b1:e3.~!~:3?:!'Je":.1:  N.ilCllOF BANK.  •Mem. Am. B.lcs. Assn.  IState tPriv  .tMem. State Bks . .Assn. [Ec;;t.ab. • Mem. Fed. Res.  *AMERICAN EXCHANGE BANK ♦  I  Directory, under the autborltT of The An1erlcan Bankers Ass•n.  •H'92  12-8  PRESIDE.VT.  _ _ _ _ _ _ _  MIL w A UKEE  (Milwaukee,  K9)  LIABILITIES.  VICJ:-PRESID.JCNT  CASHI.ltR,  ·  Ass'T CASHID.  0  volume.  =  .  "'I  RESOURCES.  I  g  PRINCIPAL COUJ:SPOND.11:NTS.  p,>  CA.s 1\11sc11:1,BoNDs, INDIVID- DlilPOSITS LOANS H SEcum- LAN1tous R Disor UAL couNTs TIES, zTc. R111so=c111s EsouRc11:s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PROFITS DEPOSITS BANxs SuRPLUS  PAID-UP  --------I--------J--------,  de::~nA~~. ~~;('r~:tia~C:cT~~e~)"f:gb~t":S it; ...... For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. flJ  County Seat  Population 457,147-Reserve City  (Federal &eserye Dist. No. 1)  AND  APITAL  1  J . E. Robertson ___ S 1,000,000$ 432,810 Si 8,819,270 F. M. Covert Ja . L. White W, A. Manegold A Commercl al Bank. Your Milwaukee account invited. Test our Col lectlon servic e. E. J. Kearney __IR, L. Stone ________ Carl G. Engelke. __ (2 Branch~> Carl G. Engelke C. D. Haney W. F. Rowe  "1  ~  ~  S 7,786,410 1$ 1.09-1,i70 $ li0,650 $1,685,450 Chase N. and Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; Jst N., Live tock Ex.~•-· ...... and Corn Ex. N .. Chi.; .i: 1 orthw. J,, Minpls.; 1st Wis. N., .Mil. 1  (144 econd) B1dger State Bank-------•t1'07 Gustav Reinke _____ C. L. Roloff'-------- A. E. Francke _____ R. C. Schumacher. E ..A. Jung J. J. O'Connell 12-55 • (2037 Fond du L..c) Earle Pease------- F. J. Carr -------Bankers Joint Stock Land Geo. • Fratt Bank _____________ •t'l8 Bay View Com'l & Sav. Bank E. J, Kearney ____ R. L. Stone ________ •tl'l8 12-70 (009 Kinnickinnic) i!y Bank _________________ t§'21 E . . Farm r ______ Ji'. r. Weinhold ___ . O. Rut~ 12-75 1 (181-18i econd) CommonwealthMutualSavings Emil Brodde ______ J. O. Kleist_ _______ A. Huebschmann Bank ______ l2-68 ________ §'12 (407-409 Broadway) Ea. t Side Bank _____ etf'l6 J. G. Hickcox _____ W. I. Greene ____ 12-69 (418 E. orth)  200,000  50,630  3,588,300 - - - -  1.703,480 1,487,140  27,100  621,220 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N Chi.; Marine N .. Mil.  "II <  13,960 ________________ . ______________________ ·-------- 1st Tr. & Sav .. Chi.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.; 250,000 E.W. Freischm idt, Geo. D. Bartlett. ·<; Merch. N., St. P. A. 8 ec. (Territory, Minnuo ta&: W~c on,fo) Sec.and Tr. F. W. rues ________ Frank Amann ____ _  50,000  73,330  1,788,880 _____  8,140  52,520  1,490.650  en  360,900 Chase N., N. Y.; Am. Ex., Mil.  ('j  W. F. Jark on _______________________ _  300,000  75,000 ____________________  --- ···--- __________ ·---··---- .--------- Cha,,e  ., N. Y.; Ft. Dear.~·., Chi.~ C/l  c. B. Whitnall, Sw.  ________________________ _  and Tr.  20,310  663,040 - - - - - ----------  18,120  781,270 - - - -  612,210 - - - - -  Z  71,140 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N. and Marshall ~ Ilsley, Mil.  o; ~ ?::  ,  W. F. Nolan __________________________ _  50,000  6,650,  167,460  524,560  151,920 Han. N., N. Y.: N. Produce, ,Chi.; 1st Wis. N ., Mil.  C/l  *FIRST WISCONSIN NATIONAL BANK 12-Z (425 E. Water)  OLIVER C. FULLER-- WALTER KASTEN --H. 0. SEYMOUR EDGAR J. HUGhES HERMAN F. woLF wM. K. ADAMS, ROBERT W. BAIRD F. K. McPHERSON, HENRY KLOES F. R. SIDLER, J.M. HAYS GEO. C. DREHfR, Asst. V.-Pre;;idents. AUGUST W. BOGK  I  A. G. CASPER ------- OSCAR KASTEN ----FRANZ SIEMENS WM. C. HAAS, Mgr. Foreign and A. V. D. CLARKSON H w·isku'c"'Hft~pts. 0Eo.E.m1scHMANN L. K, HOUGHTON w·M 'z1MMER , HERBERT ZAHN , · A. ,1lqrs. For. and  ~ ~  Sl)  6,000,000  6,173,300  3,092,140 61,900,1401$18924270 8U69,420  - ,1- - - -1- - - -  Sai-. Dept. R. E. WRIGHT, Mgr. Com'l Service D~pt. S. R. QUADEN, Aud.  SEE ADVERTISEMENT ON WIS. INDEX AND ON MARGINS OF WIS. AND MILWAUKEE MAPS.  4,413.060 26,712,000 Am. Ex. N. and Chase N., N. Y.; ~ - - Cont. & Com'l N. and ls N,, r, ~ ChL  ---1--------1  1---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ , - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - -  *FIRST WISCONSIN TRUST COMPANY  OLIVER C. FULLER -- FRED C. BESL _____ W. I. BARTH, Tr. ___ P. 0. KANNENBfRG, CHAS. M. MORRIS \ A. Tr. WALTER KASTEN G. B. LUHMAN, H. 0. SEYMOUR Tr. Officer. ROBERT W. BAIRD  CLYDE H. FULLER, Sec  ANDREW WAUGlt, ROBERT JANSSEN, G. H. GILLIES,  A. Secrelarie8 •U'03 12-o2 (E, Water and Wi con in) 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  INVESTMENTS FOR BANKS MATURING AT CO~VENIENT PATES ;  ~- -~ -  ~  4--  ~------·  -  781.390 3,661 ,310 _ _ _ _  485,820  1,540,590  1,774,850  1,441.430 Blas.Tr. Co.,N. Y.;Cent.Tr.Co.l  1  I  ofUl.andl\Iercb.Ln.&Tr.Co., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., 1\111.  Our Trust De partmen t ls prep ared to r lender prlompt anld effl .clent service In a lJ Trust 1'Iatters.  --1--1-- - - - - - - - -  CONTINENTAL AND COM_MERCIAL BANK~, CH_l'Q~GO  ---- · - - - - -  ·--'" '~-  800,000  - - - -- - - -  I ,...  ,;  1542  Number under Name of Bank i.e the New Transit Number ~ven to eaeb bank in U. 8. excloshel7 by The Rand-McNally Bankers' Directory. under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  MILWAUKEE-Continued-Reserve City (Federal Reserve District No. 7)  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES.  NlllB Olr BA.JiI.  PAD>-UP SuRl'Lus lNDIV11>-,D•Pos1Te'T CASRIJ:B.. CA.SHIER. VICE-PR.i'.BIDENT. hEBIDBNT. :!~·.sA~;ABBkkss·.A.,,s~snn.. lt8Ptar1·tev. 0.1' UAL AND &a ..... ......... CAPITAL [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ Fed. ♦Mem._ _ _ _ PllovlTl!I DJCPos1TS BANK:& _ _ _-=---.c..:..:..:...:._, _Res. ---=--...:;..._  I___ - - - - - -  12]~nk _  Home Savin  _•t§'ll Faustin Prinz _____ M. B. Wells _______ Alfred Prinz ____ Georgr E. Trupke_ $  50,000$  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Polnt (In- ,... dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays. etc., see Laws. ~  LOANS a, DI&coUNTS  BoNDs,  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  N  SscUB.1-1 REsouao111a ITIJDs, - -a 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - -■ --IITC. M18cEL- '  LANlCO'OS  85,720$  39,300 $1,159,650 ____ $1,015,090$  C.&.s11 R11so  23,230$ 149,020 OhaseN., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N .. Chi.  (Garfield and Third) Italian Mutu:i.1 Sa ving. Bank J. Busalacchi _____ N. S. Maniaci__ ____ D. M. Giuli, Tr. ____ J. M. Giuli, Sec. ___ ________ _ •U-07 12-5 7 (418 Jackson) Kilbourn Stai~ ~nk-----•U'l5 J. H. Weber _____ Joseph Miller _____ F. E. Wallber ______ 0. H. Elwin~ _____ _ Edwin Schulz (27-29 Fo~g du Lac) Layton Park ~~:ie Bank_:):§'20 M. H. Traub _______ H. J. Gramling ____ E. 1 (23d and l!,orest Home)  50,000  w. Behrens ______________________ _  39,120  5,340  118,180 ----------  5i,200  18,360 1,083,750 ---------  524,230  494,880 - - - -  3,850  Mil.  50,000  7,500  318,190 --------  125,500  99,060 -- -------  100,000  80,000  300,000 ------  200,000  70,000  , 43,000  <612 Lincoln)  ,---------------------~------  ------------  *MARINE NA T'L BK. WASHINGTON BECKER-A. H. LINDSAY-+ ~: :Jhk\l~lee:--\. I·. ,aH¥icE___ -  -~  G. A. Reuss  I!'. X. Bodden  - - -  SEE ADVERTI SEMEIIT ON OPPO SITE PAI E.  ---------  60,110  2,143,270  ----  1.476,890  560,200  41,720  ... ERCHAIITS & MNFRS. BANK W. F. Myers------- H.P. Andrae ______ B. V. Dela Hunt ___ Frank Brand______  400,000  188,100  2,678,480  ----  2,238,910  262,190  155,030  100,000  17,100  940,130  -- --------  889,400  40,660  28,350  Emil Lenicheck, Sec.  ----------  700  20,070  12.810  7,800  J. T. Johnston ___ S. J. WabiszewskL F. J. Grutza _______ -------------Mitchell Str<>et S 1 ate Bank • :J:§'09 120-56 (569 :\fit cbe.11) ational tlauk or Commerce Herman Fehr ____ A.G. Schultz ______ E. A. Reddeman __ W. C. Georir ______ _ H. W. Zummach G. P. Mayer •:t'Ol 12-10 <W. Water and Wells)  50,000  95,700  ---------4.028,600 --------  1,421,000  2,204,800  1,000,000  293,000  6,518,890  5,794,880  2,302,160  J.W.P. LOMBARD GRANT FITCH---- WILLIAM M. POST- G. W. AUGUSTYN--  500,000  674,190  5,859,570 1,197,210  Milwaukee Savings Ba.nk.t§'03 D. C. Luenin~------ llerman Wesle ____ F. David Mueller 12-54  c. Kriz,  Cash. and Tr.  j  *  -WATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK 12-.4 (3i3 Broadway)  •+'55  l  u. s.  r.n  276,030  Park Savlne:s "Bank ------•t1'15 Jesse Cal)I>On ______ Alex. Ritter _______ A.G. Lane:lois _____ F. G. Exner______ A.G. l'l.-~6 \ ( ?.3'23 Li.soon Ave.)  ~hi.~·  Brown. Shipley don. Enat.  a:  Co., Lon- ti, )>  z  261,170 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. ~ N .. Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. <: I»  c:: 590,570 Han. N .. N. Y.; N. City, Chi.;Liberty :i;Cent. Tr. Co., St. L. B  I  74,060 N. City, N. Y.; State Bk. of Chi. and ("') Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Mar- o shall & Ilsley and 2d Ward sav., ::, Mil. 7,400 West Side, Mil.  .... 5·  c::  5,520,900 1,857,600  532,000 N. City; N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N. (n and Merell. Ln. & Tr. Co., Obi.: 0. N. Ex. and 1st Wis. N., Mil. 172,510 1,313,960 N. Park, N. Y.; N. Bk. Rep., N. City, and Cont. and Oom'l N., Ohl.; Phil. N.,Phil. 16,500  173,520  DEPOSIT ARY. We want Joor banking business for this locallt,.  North Ave. State Bank._•t§'ll William 1". Ooerper ,Geo. L. Baldauf ___ F. A. Lochner _____ J. A. Chivas ______ _ E. 0. Perschbacher A. J. Langholff 12~0 J. M, Wolf (3506 orth) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  39,540  Z  ~I  130,000  Milwaukee Commercial Bank Alfred Kay ________ Paul Hammersmith C. A. Gundersen______________________ Wm. C. Ahlhauser •t§'lll 12-71 (427 Grand) 1  0  889,300 4,806,780 Am. Ex. N., N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; N, Shawmut, Bos.; Phil. N.,Phil. ~  Merch. &Far. State Bank•t§'IO F. C. Fischer ____ E. J. Kraus _______ G. G. Fischer ______ A.H. Grunewald___ G. G. Fischer 12-58 (1454 Green Bay) J.E. Edsall  ()  z J:'s~::!;.:i,c:::! -  ------ ------  A. B. Nichols, Jr. 1 'J. H. Daggett A.Ca,11. J.C. Moser  •t§'06 L. M. Alexander, 0 h. of Ba. 12-11 (214-220 W. Water)  95,000 N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.  500,000 ~ ~ ~ 6,832,800 2,409,630 ---------- 2,881,580 H:.:-  Your account In Milwaukee Is Established 1900. •tl900 lnv ited. Wisconsin Items and collections especially 1 soil cited at a moderate cost.  •t§'47 (1 Branch)  135,130 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., 01:i.; 1st ~ Wis. N ., Mil.  ---  ------  *MARSHALL & ILSLEY BANK J. H. Puelicher ____ John QampbelL___ IJ. E. Jones _____ IH. J. Paine________ 1.000.000 1,350,000 20,200,000 2,600,000 16,812,130 3,391,450 12-o • <415 E. Water)  140,280 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.: Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil,  r.n  Lincoln Stat1f--~fk _______ t§'20 A. SzczerbinskL ___ F. Drozniakiewicz M. J. Daly ____________________________ _  , 83 y 11.2c-h11•.,.,.n)  23,370 N. Bk. Com. and Marshall •& Ilsley,  2,521,240 N. Bk.Com., N. Y.: Cont. & Oom'l N .. Corn Ex. N., and N. Bk. Rep., Ohi.  ~  ll>  ::,  c::  200,000 50,000 ,  92,490  2,580,470 - - - -  1,875,260  751,120 ---- ------  188,780 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; ~ ~ .Marine N. and 1st Wis. N., Mil.  25,000  1,600,000 - - -  1,150,000  300,000  50,000  200,000 Han. N .• N. Y.: Harris Tr. & Sav •• :;; N Chi.; Marine N •• Mil.  .... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  THE  MARINE NATIONAL BANK OF' MILWAUKEE $500,000 975,000  CAPITAL SURPLUS AIID PRO ITS OFFICERS WASHINGTON BECKER, President  EDWARD H. WILLIAMS. Cashier ARTHUR H. LINDSAY. Vice-President GEORQE W. MOORE, Asst, Cashier GEORGE D. PRENTICE, Asst. Cashier THOMAS J. DURNIN, Secretary  DIRECTORS WASHINGTON BECKER THOMAS DALY FRANCIS E. DEWEY  STEPHEN H. HOFF ALFRED F. JAMES ARTHUR H. LINDSAY  EDMOND J. LINDSAY SAMUEL McCORD HERBERT A. VIETS  Invites Your Business upon the Most Favorable Terms  .  -~  -  A  B  E  C  L  J  ..,  M  -en ::a  ,,n,. ----1 -~ ,,rz  :e  ~,.n nQ 0  7  : s :Z 1:iu, .... oOo::s ooz g ... o;z  8  g ----1 !.-  ~ 0 ,,  r c:cn u,!!.  5  0 -·  ~  6  c:, ...  \,  ~  ~-  }  'J  = z  ""  -1 3=9  ~  ~  := r-  :m  10  ~ ~ ~ , 12  ~  ~~~ ..... -z  ZmQ s~ I'll  13  MILWAUKEE  -< !.  0111!1: ~= C: I»  SCALE ¾"m..  ¼  II:,;-  14  Riuid·Mdi'al17'1ll 11 14 Wapo(1M Malo I'ort.louor Ml\ Coprri1ht.b7 Rud-.Mc:N.U7 &r:Oo.  C:  -  Cl)  z  I'll  Cl) Cl)  15  16  17  ~v11A Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  B  C  D  ..E  -  E'  H  r  J  =  -10..,  Main Portion  0  ~=-z  11  L  M  1100  -r-  Ii p C  ~  Pl r'I  I  ESTABLISHED  1855  SECOND WARD SAVINGS BANK MILWAUKEE  WISCONSIN  A Commercial and Savings Bank  Capital and Surplus  Deposits  $2,000,000  $33,955,000 OEFICERS  CHAS. C. SCHM IDT HENRY BIELFELD ALBERT C. ELSER J. U. LADEMAN - ROBERT A. UIHLEIN R. S. PEOTTER - - HENRY C. QUARLES G. L. WEIGLE  -  JOSEPH E. UIHLEIN, President - - - Vice-President W. G. WHYTE - - - Vice-President M. E. BAUMBERGER Vice-President KURT MEYER Vice-President A. H. HORNEFFER Vice-President F. T. NICOLAI Vice-President P. F. MUENZBERG - - Vice-President W. J. KLUMB Cashier A. C. STARKWEATHER RUSSELL JACKSON - - - - - - - - - Counsel  -  -  -  -  -  - Asst. Cashier - Asst. Cashier - Asst. Cashier - Asst. Cashier - - - - Asst. Cashier Mgr. Ninth Ward Branch Mgr. North Side Branch Mgr. Safe Deposit Dept. -  AN ENVIABLE REPUTATION, BASED ON 65 YEARS OF SERVICE, HAS BEEN BUILT UP BY THIS BANK THROUGHOUT ILWAUKEE AND SURROUNDING TERRI ORY. IT WILL BE A PLEASURE TO HANDLE YOUR COLLECTIONS IN THIS DISTRICT.   Number under Name ol.' Sa 1e New 'l'ranslt Nu1; given to each bank in U. S. ei:cluslY• nk ii The Band-McNaUy .b :•ke,rs, 5 1 43 J?lrectory! under the authorlt,.,.i,:, rhe American Bankers Ass n. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MILWAUKEE-Continued-Reserve City (Federal Reserve Dlstrlct No. 7)  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest B:mklng P01nt ~- (.-, dexed Acces.) Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this Pl  volume.  For Interest Rates, Holidays,  etc., see Laws. ::,  .  ,_.'  Nambn under Name ot Ba,  1e  New Transit Nu,,.  given  ifir!~i!J:n:n!fetth~ !!'t:;:.;g:: larl:1:fi1!:,_!;1:c:::Ze:S ;;.f:r;: NAME I  1543  MIL w A UKEE-Con tin ued-Reserve City (Federal  OF BANK.  ;if::: t:ie\~s-~t:~.[Estab. litt;:1_ _PRESIDENT. +Mero. Fed. Res. _____  ~s ECONnWARD Ij  VICE-PRESIDENT.  Ass'T  CA.SIDER.  _______ ________ _______ 1 1 1  J. E. UIHLEIN------ CHARLES C. SCHMIDT- G. L. WEIGLE---- --(2 Branches)  SAVINGS BANK +  t§'55  12-6  CASHIER.  HENRY BIELFELO ALBERT C. ELSER J, U. LAOEMAN ROBT. A. UIHLEIN IR. s. PEOTTER  Reserve DJstrlct No. 1)  LIABILITIES. PAID-UP su,:,::;us IN~~v;D- DE~~SITS CAPITAL PaoFrTs DEPOSITS BANKS  w.M. G.E. WHYTE -------- $1,000,00lJ $1,343,110 $30 243 750 $ 2,792,150 BAUMBERGER  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking poJnt  ~gfu~/c~gi I~;;"/e:~sk~:,s ilg?.~~~t ~/a;!e °ta$1s~ RESOURCES.  =::;;  L~~ & :!)~~~~~  couNTs TIEs,ETc.  R111sounc111s _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--1 1  and N. City N. Y.; Merch. Ln.  &  Com'I N., and 1.stN., ChJ.; 1st  100,000  J. 0. Stuesser ___ - - - - - - - - - - -  50,000  30,900 1,642,120 ____  615,580  ll04,490  19,800  D. T. Leisk ------- L. W. Williams____  50,000  24,220  747,420 _______  585,750  165,460  38,850  A. R. Emerson ____ --------------------  100,000  21,510  190,740 __________  63,060  O. J. Kuhnmuench. Herbert Feerick._  400.000  507,880  3,375,770 ____  3,256,870  s:o~o~  DV~:o:;:o ~-~-~~~--~ N°:::~~TE:~~:~== 38,780 ________ 162,820  Tr. Co., Corn Ex. N., Cont. &  N., Bos.  ~~~~:~~~--- Burne Pollock_________________________  ;:;;~~::a_~~:~~~-~-~:~~:o Louis Scheich _____ :~~nRs~ 12-76 (12thand Galena) Oscar Klug Teutonia Avenue State Bank E.W. Staadt ______ A. E. Schunk ______ 12-65 (1074Teutonia) •:l:§'14 Union Bank _________ -----•Wl2 J.C. Karel _______ Jos. M. Crowley __ 12~3 (114 Grand) Vliet Street State Bank ____ §'20 Chas. KnoernMax Schoetz, Jr. __ 12-74 (2702 Vliet St,) schild W. 0. Beib •West Sir1e !jank _______ •U'93 Adam Gettelman ___ George Koch ______ 12-0 (ThirdandOhestnut) Wiscon m tatP Bank ___ et§'l2 O. Glaus------- H. S. P~finS---12-62 (508-11 thJ Milwaukee Clearing Bouse ____ J. U. Lademan ____ Wm. F, Myers _____ (1\.{e,mbBrs <ilndiooted bv a*)  ~ !::  $23186 770 $4,695,930 $ 856,990 $7,040,470 Bk.of America, Guaranty Tr. Co.,  A Commercial Bank. Es tablished 1855 uThe Bank of Personal Serv ice in Milwaukee." Your Collections will leceiv e Persona I Attention.  KURT MEYER A. H. HORNEFFER F, T. KICOLAI  P:aINCIP.AL CORRESPONDENTS. R111~.A.!i~s  7,500  Wm. H. _____ 0. A. Kam be_______ 100,000 75,000 2,945,130 _________ 1.777.160 1.046,780 _____ F. C. Best, C.H. Fuller, ---------- _________________________________________________ Sec., Tr, and Mgr. A, Sec,, A, Tr. and A. Mor.  130,660 N. City and Guaranty Tr. co. N, Y.: Union Tr. Co., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N,, Mil. 184,430 Mech. & Metals.N.,N.Y.;Ft. Dear.N .• · Ohi.:lstWis.N.andMarineN .. Mil. 118,790 Seab. N., .N. Y.; Foreman Bros. Btr. Co., Ohl.; Marshall & Ilsley, ld:il. 208,140 N. City, N. Y.; Union T1·. Co., Chi.; 1st Wis. N. , Mil, 856,970 Ohatham&PhenixN.,N.Y.: Corn Ex. N. and Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Ohl. 310,810 NW. C~ty.NN. Yd.: ~~rn_ ExN . N .M.Ohi.: 1st 1s. • an .w.arrne ., t il, -------  ~  <: -  (f).  (j  Q  ~  ~  ~  ,.,.  .ic;,.  ttJ  > Z -===c..==-==:..,,........::=--====:..__::=c..===========================================l ~ rn CORRESPONDENTS, CORRESPONDENTS, NAME, ESTAB. OFFICERS. OFFICERS, NA.ME. ESTAB. I AMES, EMERICH & CO.------ ·n (Investment Securities)----------------- Ames, Emerich & Co .. N. Y. H LSEY, STUART & CO.--- _____ -J'0l { Bonds Head Offices Chicae:o and .... ~ (1st Wis. Nat'! Bk. Bldg.) and Chi. (Railway Ex. Blde.) (SucceasorstoN. W.Hal,ae11~Co.,Ohioagv) New York. See Ado. on Blair & Co., Inc, __________________ (Investment Securities) _________________ Blair & Co., Inc., N. Y., Chi., back of Chica,ro Map. ? (1st Wis. Nat. Bk. Bldg.) Phil., Bos., St. L., San F., Los A.. and Clev. A. B. LEACH & CO., INC.--------- '18 (Investment Securities) ________________ A. B. Leach & Co .. Inc., N. Y.,l ~ John E. ~eWolf, Pres. John a.Meiners, V.-P. De Wolf & Co., ~nc., Oh~.; O.hi., and principal cities.  •Mem. Am. Bks.  iM.em. State Bks . .Assn.  DE WOLF & Co •J INC (97 Wisconsin St.)  I  •t1'90  EDGAR, RICKER & COMPANY-----411'04 (East Water and Mason)  ELSTON & C9M,ANY OF WISCON~I~ (1st Wis. Nat. Bk. Bldg,)  t lw  EMERY, PECK & ROCKWOOD---•'lf'IO (Railway Ex. Bldg.)  COMPANY--•t-§1'03 FIRST WISCONSIN ter & Wis. Sts.) (E. Wa  -JMem. Inv. Bks. Assn.  Selected List-INVESTMENT DEALERS  i  A. W. H1ggms, V.-P. Lyman W. Bernhard. Sec. ,.nd Tr. INVESTMENT BONDS.  ~  See Adv. Page 5.  N. Ex. and 1st WIS. N .. Mil.  n,  I  ~  LEE, HIGGINSON & CO.--------·•s (Bonds) ___________________ Lee, Higginson & Co., N. Y.. (Railway Exchanee Bldg.) Chi., and Bos. (j DavidA.Edga.r,Pres., Edward G.Ricker, V.-P. N. Ex .. 1st Wis. N., and Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. NATIONAL CITY COMPANY ---------'16 (Bonds)_ - - - - - - - - . : -• - - - - ,N- City co., N. y, and Cor{ Alfred .T. Goehz, Sec. Earl Pryor, Tr. INVESTMENT BONDS. (1st Wis. Nat'l Bk:. Blde.) re~ondent Offices. See ,... E.W. Thomas, Pres, __ Sherman G. Spu.rr, Elston & Co., Chi .. Det., and A v. Pa 11• 3 • V. P. Minpls. {Walter Schroeder, Pres, __ A. A. Schroeder, 1st Wis. N., Mil, { W. B. White, V. P. INVESTMENT SECURITIES. CHRIS SCHROEDER & SON CO.---- -'89 Gustav Krueger, A. Sec. and Tr. Sec. { W. H. Emery, G. W. Peck, F. T, Rockwood. Emery, Peck & Rockwood, (&6 il1ichigan St.) FIRST MORTGAGE SERIAL REAL ES TATE BONDS. Investment Securities. Partners. Chi. {J.E. Uihlein, Pres,._G, L. Weigle, 2d Ward sav., Mil. H. C. Quarles, V. P, Sec, and Tr. 0 0 F u11 er, P res.. R · W • Ba .Ir d • v ,- p ·• W E Lewis V P W JI Thomas A Tr Walter Kast(:n, V.P .. B. o. Seymour, v.P.. SECOND WARD SECURITIES CO. -til'20 : .· • · ·-- • .., · . . • ·s · J. C. Partridge. Sec. and Tr., G. A. (Second Ward Sav. Bk. Bldg.} W1111;s Pollock, V. }?._B, T. Phillips, A. ec. Patmythes. A. Sec .• H. w. Grove, A. Tr. ~Vi!s~i~j.O>SECURITIES.  g  5• E  o.  i  •·  -  N y Morris F. Fox. Pres., G. F. Gregg, V.-P. Chase N., N. Y.; Northern G. G. Blatz, V. P .. J.M. Parmentier, See.. Tr. Co., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., W G SOUDERS & CO '14 { (lnvestment Bond.'l) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1W, G. Souders & Co., • •• Ethel B. Scully, Tr. and A. Sec. Marshall & 11 ley, and 2d • • (1st Wis. N. Bk~Bidg~)--(Paid-up Capital, $1,000,000) Chi., G. R_a_p •• and Det.; 1st 1 { (Paid-up Capital, $300,000> Ward Sav., Mil. Wis. N •• Mil, i,•14 Government, Municipal & Corporation Bonds.  MORRIS F Fox & Co 1  (437 E. Water St.)  M. H. Gro_ssman, Pres, __ H. s. Stilwel1, Marine N .. Mil. J.P. Lewi~ d A S Sec, and Tr. aynar • · ec.  6ROSSMAN LEWI SI{ ,  & COMPANY  (1st Wis. Nat. Bk. Bldg.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ri t  · ·  -,:·20 : INVESTMENT  SECURITIES.  ST ff AU SJ S, W & CO {L. L. GREENBAUM, 1  (INCORPORATED) Founded 1882  1  •'lf'82  Mgr, _ _ _ _ ---- S. W. Strau~ & Co., Inc., N. Y. and Oht,  I  First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds.  (Mem. Am. Bks. Assn.)  (64 Wisconsin St.)  CONTINENT~~ - AND C_O _ M_MERCIAL 'B ANKS GHICAGO,F. :.  I  w~ .....  1544  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. excluslvelJ by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory. under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (lndexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. "£_  WISCQNSIN-Contl·nued  I  TOW.N .ui"D COUNTY. N.uu: OP' BA..Nlt, LIABILITIJl:S. RESOURCES. I PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. ~ .o.County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState o-r. , Figure under town is Ulem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Plllr8IDDT. VICE-PRBSIDDT. O.&.SHID. AsS'T OASHIJCK. PAn>-lYP -.:,uRPLU& DEPOS- 1,o...,., • n,.. c ... • :&xFederal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. CAPITAL P:o~ITs ITS c~.,!;,,":· - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - _ _ _ :- - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - , - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mindoro ___ La Crosse D 8 Bank of Mindoro _______ t§'15 Robt. Paisley ______ P. Gullickson _____ Wm. KeppeL ______________________ $ 12,000 $ 7,200 $ 250,000 $ 210,000 $ 47,500 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Batavian N., La Crosse. 9 , Pop. 200 79-8811 · Mineral Poiut __ Iowa F 10 Farmers & Citizens Bank Philip Hewitt ______ R. G. White ___ John B. Pittz ____ E.G. PenhalleEon _ 40,000 15,220 457,050 441,770 67,100 1st N. and Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 2d Ward 7 Pop. 2569 79-248 •tl'lO Sa';',, M!I. , . I " -------- " Iowa County Bank _____ it'85 J. W. Hutchison __ E. Y. Hutchison ___ A. B'. Bishop, Jr, ___ J.P. Hutchison____ 100,000 62,180 1,668,530 1,492,610 338,090 N. Citz. N. Y.; Cont. & C(?m l N. _and Live 1 + 79-247 Josiah Lanyon A. V. hipman Stock Ex. N .. Chi.; 1st Wis, ,. ., ~hi. :llini('qu,1 _____ Qneida G 4 Bank of Minocqua -------1'91 John Schillinl?----- . ___________________ John Schillinf _____ Ella M. Schillinf___ 10,000 53,420 36,120 350 12,770 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st ~ Pop. 500 7H10 18,850 Wis. • .• Mil. ' ---- ---" Security t%~ ~ ink ____ §"20 A. O. Darwin ______ J. E. O'Leary _____ R. J. Collie________ ____________________ 5,000 79,530 76,860 3,400 1 2 Minong- ___ Washbnrn O a Farmers State Bank ---•U'l4 G. rordholm ______ A. E. Sampson ____ L. E. O'Connell ___ N. Brand _________ _ 125,000 123,000 10,000 5,000 17,000 Cont. & Com'l N,, Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Am. 9 Pop. 230 79-766 N .. St. P. <: MishicoL:Manitowoc L 7 State Bank or Mishicot.-U'l0 G. L. Karnopp _____ Wm. Mueller ______ Herman Stehn _____ Randolph tchn __ 469,260 467.710 25.000 10.300 40.100 N. Produce. Chi.; l~t Wis. N. and 2d Wanl 7 Pop. 400 7Hll Sa .• Mil.; N. Bk. of Manitowoc, Manitowoc. U'J Mod ena ______ Butralo C 7 Farmers State Bank ____ :j:§'17 Wm. Jensen ______ A. H. LurndaL ____ H. E. Ilillman ________________________ _ 10,000 2,350 126,430 125,980 10,840 Eau Claire .• Eau Claire; 1st Wi . N., llil. (') 79-941 9 Pop, 150 0 :llondovL.____ Butralo O 6 First National Bank _____ •i·n S. G. Gilman ______ R. Southworth _____ D. A.. Whelan ______ Geo. Esbensen ____ _ 50,000 22,820 1,475,000 1,473,000 85,570 1st N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil. 9 Pop. 1554 71>-33' Joseph Silverness  c::o-,:;:;!":  I  <  ~ Z  z  ' U'J  "  -----  "  Mondovi S~~Jtnk ___ if'l8 jFrank Pierce ______ Geo. B. Orlady ____ Edward Ruplinter. --------------------  •Monroe ______ Green G 10 7 Pop. 4788 "  --------  "  CITIZENS BANK--------if '83 79-207  l  I  25,000  JOHH LUCHSINGER- W. J. KtllGHT ______ J. H. DURSL------- SAMUEL WENGER--C. A. SCHINDLER  100.000  Our collection department Is th oroughlJ organlz ed and all Items sent us have the prom pt, personal and v1Korous attentto n of an 1  :.:~:=:~----  Commercial & Sav. Bank IJ : : : t : : s ~ : ~ 79-208 •U'03 C. W. Bennett John Strahm First ational Bank --•t"64 Willis Ludlow _____ Jl'. B. Luchsinger __ 79-206 J. T. Etter Montello State Bank .. •Ulll00 O. A. Just _______ T. W. Whitson ____ 79-348 Citizens State Bank •••• • U'05 Herman Trankle __ W. F. DiVaJL _____ 71}-418 Kontfort State Bank ___ •U'82 T. R. Webster _____ A. F. David ________ 79-417 Bank of M:onticello _____ .H'06 J. O. Freita.£ _______ Jacob Wittenwyler 71HH2 Morrisonville State Bank IJ. R. Caldwell _____ T. H. Mair _________ 7Hl3 •tl'02  II.  c. Roth  ______ ______________________  l  100,000  3,1100  160,000  175,000  103,260 1,406,8!0 1,57-1.680  officer  of this  bank.  30,000 Drov. N .. Chi.; Union N., Eau Claire: Marine N.,Mil. 158,160 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N. and Live '""" Stork Ex. N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley and v.., 2d Ward av., Mil. ►  I  zX  620,000  48,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; U'J 1st Wis. N., Mil.  150,000 1,505,000 1,170,000  325,000IIrving N_.. N. Y,_; 1st N._and Live Stock Ex. N., Ch1.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. 47,800 Han. N .. N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st Wi•.;o. N.,Mil. o 40,000 Corn Ex.N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.; 1st ~ .. Dub. 0 12,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; bt Wis, N. and 2d ,.., Ward Sav., Mil. O 110,000 Live tock Ex. N., Chi.; Marine N .. 2d \Yard av.,and lstWi . N., Mil.;Com'IN .. Madi on. ~ 6,060 1st N. and Bk. of Wis., Madison: Am. Ex., Mil. ~  33,000  525,000  I  c. A. Rodevick ____  100,000 40,000  17,800  535,000  5-U,000  David James _______ J.C. Mason _______ _ Harvey DiVall o. K. St.ephens ___ T. M. Webster ____ _  10,000  6,500  350,0001  300,000  20,000  4,500  160,000  162,000  H. O. Babier ______ J. W. Barlow _____ _  40,000  26,000  69;;,ooo  690,000  Wm. J. Raup ___________________ _  20,000  9.380  239.190  235,9i0  {"· 8. HANOWITZ H. S. LUTZ--------- H. W. WACHTL---- -------------------s.end us your  10,000  3,400  98,970  117,020  21,430 1.-t Wis. N. and 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; Citiz. ~ State, Wau all, O  A. von Bere _______ Louis Dessert----· W. A. von Bere---- E. B. von Berg----J. Maguire Andrew Vofel ____ Frank: X. Ail?ner __ Arthur VC>feL _____ ------------------  45,000  31.960  564,600  716,850  20,000  16,980  224,410  236,140  A. J, Frye ________ Andrew Abraham_ William I.ei£hton __ C. Leighton -------  15,000  5,900  125,510  130,710  T. G. Lin,:ard ______ K. II.  tolen ___ ____ Jacob Lineard ---- -------------------  70,000  13,GOO  607.000  i33,000  66,930 Marine N. and 1st Wis. N., Mil,; 1:-t ... T .. \Vi . Hap.; Am. ., Wan au. 21,230 Cont. & Com'! N .. Ch1.; 1st Fond du Lac N., Fond du Lac., 1st Wis. N., .Mil • 17,840 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; Com'! N ., Madison. 75,000 !Ian. '., N. Y., Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st Wi..,N.,Mil.  " -------- " State Bk. of Mt. Horeb-•il'Ol . A.. Hoff ____________ R. E. Beat _ _ _ I. B'ossh~e ______ C. P. B:-echler ____ _ 79-352 Mt. s terline,Orawford Dll The State Bank _____ •t§'l3 E. c. Amann ______ Julius Jackson ____ K. 0. Johnson _____ Olive. Helgerson __ 7 Pot>, 115 71l-784  32.000  14,000  800,000  650,008  15,000  4,000  392,600  370,900  F. A, McKENZIE -- L. E, YOUMANS----- C. F. HUNTER------ --------------------  25,000  15,000  563,000  483,000  \E. J. Schwinele____ B. L. 'Marcus------ Marion Shafer ____ _ Ellyn Shafer  20,000  17,080  509,340  549,410  35,400\Cont, & Oom'l N. and Live Stock Ex, N., Chi,: 2cl Ward. Sav. and 1st Wis. N., Mil.  20,000  0,000  305,000  24-1,000  51,000 Drov. _N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N •. Mil.: Com'! N., Madison.  •Mo ntello_Marquette H 8 7 Pop. 1112 :Mon7.tfort__ ___ Grant E 10 Pop. 598 • ________ " Mon ticello ____ Green G 10 7 Pop. 677 .1orrisonville ___ Dane H 9 7 Pop. 300  .  ~1osmee ____ Marathon G 8 7 Pop. 1161 "  --------  "  M  t. oalvary_Fond du Lac 7 Poo. 500 J8 .Mount Hope __ Grant E 10 7 Pop. 21:5 Mount Iloreb __ Dane G 10 7 Pop. 13;;()  Mukwona1?o ___ waukesha 7 Pop. 697 J 10  FARMERS STATE BANK 711-851  •:W15  State Bank of Mosinee-•U-05 • 7H1' Mount Calvary State Bk.U'OII 7H15 Mount Hope State Bank•:tl'lO 7Hl6 Mount Horeb Bank ----•H'91 79-351  CITIZENS  -------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  "  E. D. Reck W. B'. Currie _______ F. W. Ran om ____ _  B- L Drafts and Col lectlons. 15c mustaccom pany sight draft sand 25c for cred It Information.  \MUSCODl SllTE  7Hl~  I)  IIK• ,  ,\ R. L. Elston _____ Taylor McCla.ry --- L. R. Mohr _______ \J.P. Lauermann __ \ tl11  S:: 5·  I  0,.  ' ll,)  BANK-------•t§ '94 { 79-617 \ Collections a sp eclalty and remit ted on day of pay ment.  Muscoda _______ Grant E 9 Farmers & Merchants Bank F. R. Neff _______ 7 Pop. 903 79-728 •i§'ll\  "  C. L. Barlow _______  100,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Oo., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 25,500 Han. N., N. Y.· Drov. N., Chi.; 2d Ward ~ av .. Mil.: Cra ford Co .. Prairie du Chien. p, 84,370 N. Bk. Com., N. Y., Cont. &Oom'l N., Chi.; 1st ::, ~ Wis.N.,Mil. Pl ~  WISCONSIN-Continued  \  I  --  '<  \0 N  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (inq.exed) In back of tWs.  ,olume.  ji;4  ror Interest Rates, Bohdays, etc., see Lans. ::,  .l:,UUUfl)rov. _N., Ohl.: lsrwls.--w.-: Mil.: Com'l Madison.  !:  TOWN .LVD COUNTT.  NA.MIi: OF BA....VK.  WISCONSIN-Continued  I  ,·  f  LIABCLITIES.  . £County Seats. . •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IS~te PRESIDENT. VICE-PRltSIDENT. CA.SHIER. / .ASS'T CA.SHIER. Figure under town JS .tMem.BtateBks• .Assn. t Priv./ / Federal Reser.-e District. ♦ .Mem. Fed. Hes. [E tab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I_______ ___ __ _ _ _ ______  I  ~ recedah ______ Juneau G 8 1NECEDAH BANK -------•-:1'119 C. C. Fuller _______ 7 Pop. 852 7!Hil9 ,  ,_  PAID-OP SURPLUS / DEPos-  C.u>IT.A.L  -  A.ND PROll'ITS  RESOURCES.  ·0 •"• •Du,. '  r:::  PRI.NCIPA.L CORRESPONDE! TS.  ~ '<  c.-a • zx-  lc'Ta. Boso•, c.,.,,....,»... s.,.,...... no■ B.unu  ITS  - - - - - ,- - - -  -  •  -  -  '°  C. E. Babcock ____ A. W. Sorensen ____ J. R. Bernard _---- $ 30,000 $ 3,220 $ 46-1.4&0 $ 400.000 $ 40,000 1N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N .• Ohi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; G. H. Parham 1st N .• Wis. Rap. ~ F. M. Reed • eenah ___ Winnebaeo J 7 First NatioMI Bank ____ •i"61 F. E. Ballister_ ___ C. A. Babcock ____ F. R. Schallert____ ·----------------125,000 136.460 1,860,290 1.745,870 381,340 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. 7 Pop. 7171 79-172 J. A. Kimberly, Ch. of Bd,  I  1  NAT'L MANUFACTURERS  1  { W. M. GILBERT-- E. E. JANDREY---- W. G. BROWN------ H. C. HILTON-----SEND US YOUR BUSINESS.  BANK---- 71H7L----•t'81  100,0C0  75.0CO 1,231,210 1,170,900  206.410 .1. T. Citv,. ~ T. 1st 1 : '' -~  y.: ..  _r. Bk. Rep. and 1st  ·., Chi.:  :~Iii.  I  w. H. HINTERTHEUR--  NEENAH STATE BANK __ tf•ll I iE, J. LACHMANN---- F. I, MERRILL------ E. E. LAMPERT------7._174  60,000  16,710  4,1.1,390  402,170  . Save time and g •et service on Colle ctlons and Credit Reports bf sendi ng FEE IN ADVANCE: Plain al1tht drafts. 15c; Credit Report11. 25c. TRY US.  -  9-1,300 Chase_N., N. ~.: Merch. L?, & Tr. Co., Chi.; C Manne N., Mil.; 1st N., Mrnpls, <;  VJ  n  I  I  £.Teillsville _____ CJark E 6 COMMERCIAL STATE BANK H. M. Root ________ W.J. Marsh_ ______ G. C. Youmans--·. P.A. Bartell _____ _ 7 Pop. 2160 j 79-291 •it'D8 A. N. Haclerer First Tational Bank _____ t•oo A. 79-292  n. ~Iar:h _______  w. f NEILLSVILLE BANK 71>-290  .John P. Kintzele __ R. ,\. Clemens _____ Carl tange _______ _ l,eorge A. ' re  w.  L. HEMPHILL THOMAS LSWE ___ HERMAN NORTH--  :!JtMJ~n'L ~!H  F. NftRTH------  2;j,000  15.830  245,520  247,300  50,000  14.4G0  682.380  690.780  50,000  40,000 1,100,000  925,001)  Olde t and Lar 1 c lark County. F. P. JO GENSON ) Special attentl on to Collections when accompan lled bf 15c and •tl'79 l 2oc for each credit report. !  0 1 -16,85!l Chase • .. ~·. Y.: Cont. & Com'l .1.'. and IlarrL Tr. & av., Chi.; 1st Wis N .. Mil. VJ  z  79.780 Han. N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Ob.i.: MarinP I N., .Mil.  160,000 N. Park, N. Y.; 1st N. and Live Stock Ex., to N., Chi.; 1st ff'ls. N., Mil. ►  r.n  ~  I  20,000  Nelson _______ Ruffalo C 7 First National Bank _____ i•10 A. E. Urnes _______ Thomas Ottesen ___ W. J. Eberwein ___ - - - - - - 9 Pop. 400 7H20  25,000  Nels onville_ Portage H 7 State Bk. of Nelsonvme_ts·os Theo. H. Johnson_ H. O. Johnson _____ L. H. Johnson _____ ----------------7 Pop. 187 7H21 1 r  3.300  Neo ,ha ________ Dodge I 9; Neosho State Bank ______ tf'05 John Mertes _______ A. B. Che. ak _______ :Ma.rtin McCollow __ 1 7 Pop. 296 7H22  15,000  1-----------  282,0-10  5-1.2'0 1st N .. Chi.; W:ood Co. N., \Vis. Rap.;. lerch. & :\lnfrs., ~Ill. rn  290,250  13.750 MarinP N .. Mil.: Northw. N., Minpls.: Drov. ~  180.000  193,0C0  20.000 1st Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N., Wis. Rap. and Stevens Point.  5,510  ll0,4SJ  99,870  14,350 4,000  321,000: 291,000  II I  I  tate, So. St. P .  16.920 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co .. Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  1  1  I  10,0001  7,500  200.0l)OI  190.000  lG.000  1,700  42,1701  40,000  c.  P. Hansen ______ Leroy Abrahamson. J. Edw. Erickson __  25,C00  8,930  337,040  317 .920  A. E. Brott ________ B. H. Mertes ----- ----------------D. H.F. Weber Wm. A. Hayes _____ C. E. Kuckuck _____ T. P. McDermott__  18,C00  12,220  2i3,5!JOI  268,450  10,000  i.210  li2,310  162,220  47,490 Merch. La. & Tr. Co., Chi.; Northw. s•.ate. I Chirmi>wa Falls. 28,610 Cont. &Com'l N.,Chi.; MarineN.,Am. Ex., and 1st Wis. N ., Mil . 23,350 2d Ward Sav .. Mil.  W. C. Thompson __ J. N. Berg _____ - - - - - - - - - -  10,000  3,900  128,060  130,970  10,020 1st • T.• Chi.: 1st Wis. N ., Mil.  J. H. Taylor ______ Constant DeQuaine Anton Des Jardin -  50,000  16.100 1 651,150  61i ,510  Rudolph Kundert__ S. A. Schindler ____ F. J. Marty ______ --  I  Alvin A. Ott__ _____ J. J. FieL ________ J.  392  s.  Urben ______ _  .i:Tew Holstein_QalumetK8' Peoples State Bank ---•il'l8 A. T. Ripke _____ H. H. Greve _______ A. E. KnolL ______ Alma Arps ________ _ 7H25 7 Pop. 13i3 , Tew Lisbon __ Junean F 81ll'armers&Merch. Bank_tf'86 1C. D. Ourfu ________ F. s. Haire ________ H.F. Cole ______ Carrie L. Leicht_ __ , 7H26 I 7 Pop. 994 1  "  -------- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  "  New Lisbon State Bank t§'ll. H.J. Mortensen ___ W. H. Farley ______ H.J. Gibson ______ Ida Hayes _______ _I  79-742  CHICAGO -  ·  60,000  46.oco i  73i,000  11,750  461,490  75.000  11,640  300,000  495,C00  15,000  6 460  210,990  208 840  5.500  326,650  328,710  I  l:i,000 1  Z  40,000 Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; N. Bk. Com., Mil.; 1st ~ N .. Stevens Point. 13,500 Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. t""4  673,000 456,010  g"  :,  1  61,400 N. City, Chi.: McCartney N., Green Bay: 1st Wis. N., :Mil. 1 159,C00 Cont. & Oom'I N .. Chi.: 1 t Wis. N., 2d Ward Sav., and Marine N ., Mil. I 47,160 !1st N. and Drov. N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N. and Marshall & Ilsley, Mil . 60.700 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st Wis. N., :Marshall & lbley, and 2d Ward Sav .• Mil. 14,5 'l r}ont.&Com·J .andCornEx. T.. Chi.:l'tWis. 1T. and 2,1 Ward Sav., Mil.; N. Bk. of La _ Crosse, La Crosse. <.n 19,640 1st N., Chi.: 1st \Yi.~·., Mil. ~ U1  l  BANAKCl~~~~~~~~TS'  ...  0  cii'  40,000  1  o. ~  ~  I ' A. Gallenberg ______ W. J. Mattek ______ --------------------1  Chas. T. Dahlke ___ H. O. Whittemore_ ' ____________________ I  Jeshkoro_ Marquette II 81 Farmers Exchange Bank J. W. Johnson _____ 7 Pov. 396 7!Hi23 •tl'08 Nev a _______ Langlade H 5 INeva Farmers Bank ___ §'l5 John Schultz _____ 79-882 7 (Durbrook P. O.) Pop. 500 New Auburn __ Chipl)ewa. , Bank of New Auburn ___ tf'07 Arnt Erickson ____ D 5 7H24 9 Pop. 386 Te"•burg __ \Ya hing on State Bank of .Newburg_tf'll John G. Reich! ____ 7 Pov. 40G .T 9 79-755 ... ·ew Butler __ Waukesha State Bank of New Butler J. H. Pilgrim ______ J 10 79-801 U-13 7 Pop. 56-1 .i:·ew Diggings_ Lafayette Farmers & Miners Bank:§'17 G. W. Watson _____ F 10 7 Pov. 150 7!>-916 Tew Franken_Brown K 7 New Franken State Bank A. L. Greiling _____ 7 Pop. 160 79-763 :WU ew Glarus ___ Qreen G 10 Bank of New Glarus ____ t§'OlS Thomas Hefty _____ 79-391 : 7 Pop. 981 " -------" I Citizens Ba~~ -------il'l0 O. G. Stamn _______  :z!  z~  rekoosa _______ Wood G 7 Nekoosa State Bank ____ etf'13 G. O. Babcock _____ L. M. Alexander ___ H. H. Helke _______ ! \V. A. Haclke_ ---- - 7 Pov. 1639 79-804  1  -  CONTI_NENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS  .  1546  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclnshelJ by The Rand-McNallJ Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  ToWHND OOUNTY,  I  NAU  0,  Non-Bank Towns v.-ith Nearest Bankln~ Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this vol11m11 Fnr lntt'rP'lt flat.-s Rollrl:\\'<; i>tr <:PP l,:1w,; ~  WISCONSIN-Continued  ..  LIABILITIES.  BANI,  •llem. Am. Bk1. Assn. SState •County Seats. Figure under town is Uf.em. State Blrs. Assn. t Priv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. ♦ )fem. Fed. Res.  PllEsIDDT,  VICE-PJI.MIDDT.  CilJIID.  ilS'T OilBID,  PA.ID-UP  SuBPLUS  AND C~IT.AL PKOl'ITS  K.l!:8UOKC.I!.:>.  DlDPOS-  IT8  Lo.ur16  DI■-  PlUNClPAL  °'  CO.l:UitESPO.NDE.NTS,  OuaAlll<-  Besne, 1111no-,Dn s.......... no•Lm  C'TI:,  --- --- ---  New London_ Waupa(a I 7 Bank of New London ___ :n2 J. G. Hildebrand __ M. P. Gallea _______ T. G. Roberts __ - - - - - - - - - $ 10.000 $ 4,180 $ 76,540 $ 61,250 $ 17,740 Oorn Ex. N .. Obi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 79-228 Pop. 4667 22,450 543,700 499,680 25,000 Farmers State Bank ___ •U'll Jacob Werner ____ Fay R. Smith _____ E. O. Jost _ _ _ D. B. Egan ________ 84,430 Chase N., N. Y.: Oont. & Com'l N., Ohi.: 1st E. c. Zillmer 79-749 Wis.N.,Mil.  l  .  ------  .. FIRST NAT'L BANK  .. ------  New Richmond_St. Croix B5 9 Pop. 2248  ...  •i·os  7~229  .  --------  Nia;ara ____ Marinette J 5 Pop.1946 Nichols ___ outa~amie J 7 7 Pop. 150 Nor h Bend __ Jackson D7 7 Pop. 225 North Crandon_Forest I 4 750 9 Pop, North Fond du Iac __ Fond 7 Pop.2150.du Lac_ I 8 North Freedom .Sauk G 9 7 Pop. 621 Nor•hLake ___ Waukesha 19 7 Pop. 200 N.Milwankee-Milwaukee I 9 7 Pop. 3047 North Prairie_ Waukesha 7 Pop. 2113 J 10 Norwalk _____ Monroe Es 7 Pop. 531  . ------ .  BANK OF NEW RICHMOND ♦  79-288  •U'78  First National Bank ••• _.i'l9 79-998 First National Bank ____ •t'l7 79-958 State Bank of Nichols __ :l:§'19 79-1002 Stale Bank of North Bend §'21 79-1035 Farmers & Merchants State Bank _____ 79-837 • _____ •!§'16 First Wisconsin*f'01 71)-627 Bank of North FreedomU-03 79-628 Bank oi North Lake ---•ts'll 79-745 CIU,ens Bank., _______ .i§•OS 79-629 orthPrairie State Bank.§'2G 79-1017 Farmers State Bank ___ u•o7 79-426  l t  H. RAMM ________ M. C. TRAYSER-- - - H. S. RITCHIE-------- J. KROMSCHINSKI ----  r·  75,000 McHALLY---- L. A. BAKER-------- R. W. McCOY-------- C. H. SPERBECK----P. WADE, F. S. ~- L. DENEEI Ch. of Bd. ~-. ~- ~fllLLY . T. SODER ERG Special attentlo n given BUI of La ding drafts, Cash and Time Items. .Pl Pase fiend 15c w ith each sight draf t for pregentation and 25c for Credit Reports  H. M. Williams ___ Martin Lynch _____ H, A. Hillstrom ___  s. A. Mc Henry ___  .  ..  -------  FIRST NATIONAL 70-243  Oconto ______ Oconto KG 7 Pop, 4920  .  70-242  .  ---  79-181  •U900  OCONTO NATIONAL BANI 7G-1so  •i·s& Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  l)  37  7  140,150 N. Oity., N. Y.: 1st N .. Obi.; Northw, N .• 1finpls.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Merch. · ., St. P .  105.000  89.000  279,120  263,810  25,000  4,500  45,000  53,000  ---------·  20,000  5,000  -------  10,000  5,080  122,400  108.430  20.000  12,000  220,000  210,000  --------  10,000  14.150  341,230  267,330  20,000  16,000  290,900  275.600  50,000  35,880  829,370  801. 740  L. H. Hintz ________ H. R. Hurst _______ Arthur Richards __ E. Tucker -------Frank Wartman __ H. L. Vieth ______ M. 0. Heffernan __ H. A. Cronk ___  10,000  ----------  A. J. Patterson ____ Willard Suttie ·--- W. H. Melby ______ --·-· .. ___ R. E. McAdam O. J. Rasmussen __ Fred Tucker _____ R. A. Elder---Conrad Kolb 8. D. Wyatt _____ A..J.Pu.llen _ _ G. M. Wyatt ___ T. H. NorIDile _____ Lucile Linden R. B. Dickie ______ R. S. Lan!!e------ W. 0. Hahn ______ Burton M. Smith __ F. J. Donnelly _____ Phares Peterson __  IH. A. w..ner- - E. D. Coddinizton __ C.H. Krohn ____ A. Pol2lase ____  ------------------------- --------  ja. a.  EDGERTON. E. I. THOMPSON -- W. C. KESSLER----  --------  l  ------------  --------- ---------  22.000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; Midland N .. 1st N., anal Met. N •• l'i!inpls. 41.810 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; N. Ex., Mil.: 1st Iron Mountain and Appleton, Mich. 10,000 Ft, Dear. N., Olli.; Oitiz. N. and Am, Ex,,[ Apple'on.  "·•!  Am.I  29,030 1st N., M:inpl .; Citiz. N., Green Bay; Ex.,Mi!. 22,000 1st Fond du Lac N. and Com'! N., Fond du Lac.  93,250 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Oo., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 45,100 1st N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav. and Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 113,510 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N.and Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.  -- ------- --------- ---- .. ---- ----. ----  15.000  6,000  330,000  275,000  50,500 Cont. & Com'! N., Live Stock Ex. N .. and Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil .  15,000  12,100  243,580  2,9,980  25.000  1,600  9,490  35,480  50,000  17,850  255,000  270,000  31.120 N. Oity and Drov. N., Ohi.: 1st Wis. N. and MarinP .. Mil.; N.Bk.ofLa Crosse.Lacrosse. 1st Fond du Lac N., Fond du Lac; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 34.710 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co .. Obi.: 1st Fond du Lac N .• Fond du Lac: 1st Wis. N., Mil.  50,000  20,100  770,400  726,420  118,170 Imp. & Tra. N .• N. Y.: 1st N. and Harris Tr. & Sav .• Ohi.: 1st Wis. N. and 2d Ward Sav.,Mil.  95,000 1.150,000 1,075,000  170,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st Wis.N.,Mil.  915,000  842.390  143,000 Han. N .. N, Y.; 1st N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil,  100.000 65,000  .  30.000  FIFTEEN CENT S sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit eport lnsu res promp&, perso nal atte ntlon.  {GEORGE BEYER..- FRED. SCHEDLER --- H.J. SOLWAY------- R. C. WHITNEY-----  60,000  44,910  735,860  647,310  &8,300 N, City, N. Y.: Oorn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  50,000  16.170  604.830  632,320  10,000  4,150  93,740 N, City, N. Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Oo., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N. and Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 42,~IIO 1st N ., G. Ra1>. and Stevens Point,; 2d Ward Sav., M.U.  Your business will be given pro mpt attention.  Oconto Falls __ oroato JI Stato Bank of Ocon to l!'alls J. H. Delb<id2e ---\H. B. BennetL __ C. W. Gadson ----- R. J, G01<2ins ______ •tl'03 71K31 Po1>. 1914 l 0gdensbui~-~f 1> 17 Farmers sta~~nk. ____ n•oo Hairy Herber\ ____ A. D. Shambeau ___ B.. H. Johnson ____ Anna Johnson _____ 1  1  44,880 1,408,000 1,330,380  1,100  ( 0. A. ELLIS------ JOHN HOONAH----- E. A. WATTERICH -  NATIONAL BANK  128,080 Ban. N., N. Y.; 18& N., Chi.; Harlne N. and 1st Wis. N., MD.  12,000  •:§ '59 First and Oldes t Established Ban k. Cash letters and other Items aent us have efficient attention. Peter BinzeJ. _____ J. A. Kelly ____ ---- J. F. Kettenhofen_ o. c. Peters _______ BANK •:1900  CITIZENS  684,510  25,000  NORWALK STATE BI...H'03 M. Goetz _ _ _ _ H. Schell ____ 0.11'. Hornunr--  BANK OF OCONOMOWOC  35,820 1,020,110  25,000  R. S. Powell ______ J.C. Kimberly ____ Arthur Lundahl __ Oscar Durand • _ A. L. Nichols ____ A. A. Fraser ___ Jacob Hahn _______  79-425 Oak Oen t er _Fond du Lac Bank of Oak Cen~er ____ §'20 W. :\. Yantz ____ w. J. Kaufman ___ E, A. Jaenisch ____ -I8 7 Pop. 150 79-1030 Oaktleld __ Fond du Lac I 8 Bank of Oak:tleJd _______ .u,9s W. E. Bristol ____ C. G. Morpn ___ Mabel E. Morl!an •• Sadie A. Mcrl!an -7 Pop. 556 ♦ 79-630 Oconomowoc_ Waukesha J9 7 Pop. 3301  50,000  ci~!fe Items.  Special attentlo n ghen Bill of La dlnr. Drafts, Cash f.·if«i Please send 15c with each sight dr aft forpresentatio n, and 25c for Cred tt Repor ts. PERSONAL AT TENTION GIVE N COLLECTION s.  210,24011 169,490  I  an- -  Non-Bank ToWD8 wfth Nearest Ban.king Point dexed Acces.), LaWJ'ers, Laws (indexed) 1n back of thJs, I»  Jume.  For Interest Rates, Hollda7s, etc., see Laws. ::,  Nambe, a.affer Name  or .Ba.a.Ir la  the Ne,, ftalull NrualHw a,,_  eo each ban.le izJ U. 8. nelrulrelr by TIJe Baad-MeNallr Ba.aJren• 1547 _ ~lreetor,, uad~ Jl_!.~-!!'thorltr of The A111erl~n~Dke~~••n.  • WISCONSIN- C ont1nued _ __  I  N.A.ME OF BANK.  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  •Mem. A.m. Bks. Assn. §S ta te .1oCounty Seats. Figure under town is .tMem. State Bks . .Assn. t Priv. [Estab. Federal ReserveDistrir". ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  PRESIDJ:NT.  VICE-PRESlDENT.  CASHIER,  Ass'T CASHIER,  ,-------,  f FRED LOKER .... W. W. NOBLE ..... _ JAS. B. MULVA ..-. -··---··-·· HENRY SIEFART PEOPLES BANI ···--·•:t§'l5 <  __ __  PAID·UJ> SURPLUS AND  C  APITAL PROFITS  30,000  Non-Bank Tolt'Da wfth Nearest BaJlk.l.ns Point Un• dexed Acces.), .LaW)'ers Laws (indexed) 1n back of thJs ,_ volume~ For Interest Bates, BoJJd!'ys, ~c.,_s~~ws.  S  DEPOB- Loa•" Dl&c'T■• Bo1<r>a, I~~  0••·" .Ix-  ~  (l11AJ<a..,Dn  ~,----------------j~  3,200 S 152,870 $ 120,570 $ 42,690 Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., MU.  21),610  672,440  C ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES.  Ogema -·----···Price F 4 State Bank of Ogema ••..t§'14 August Heden.--. E. A. Heden •..•••• E. A. Heden·--·· C. E. Larson.•--·· $ 10,000 S 79-818 9 Pop 300 Omro ••••• Winnebago I 7 Farmers Bank•••••. ·--·*''09 H.B. Winslow .•••• James Heffron_ A. J. Marble.·--· L. E. ShelP--··-··· 79--633 7 Pop. 1042  ___ _  603,350 I  1~  ,-,.  128,700 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.: Old N., Oshkosh. 28,000 Drov. N,, Chi.; Marshrul & Ilsley, Mil.  15,000  2,500  220,000  205,000  :~:.~i~e:~~-~~1:.~.-Mken. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  10,000  14,040  327,110  322,710 I  • _______  10,000  2,000  20,000  20,000 I  A. F. Luctke -····· C. M. Lower .• _ ••• Iva ~I. Chandler .••  10,000  2,500  1,0,740  152,750  G. Graven _ _ _ John Brethouwer_ B. Bret.houwer._  25,000  28,000  350,000  325,000  75,000 Cont. & Oom'I N., Obi.; N. Ex., Mil.; Bk. of Sheboygan, Shebonan.  o. E. Richards.-••  10,000  21.180  447,920  425,270  53,330 Oollt. & Com'l N .. Obi,; Capital City, Madison; 1st \Vb, ., Mil,  0  First National Bank ••••• t'H A.H. Sholts ••• - . H. A. Stone •••• - •• C. N. Shilton -·-- - - - · · - - 79-846  25,000  7,000  235, 0  m.000 1  28,000 Corn Ex. N .. Chi,; Com'l N .. Madison.  z  0 fordville •••• Rock RIO Farmers&Merch.'Ol 0. P. Gaarder __ •• 0. A.. Peterson ••••• T. E. Tollefsrud·- Alice Rossiter ••••• 7H36 Pop. 496 7  25,000  27,660  474,830  454,020  67,900 Oont. & Oom'l N. and Drov. N., Ohi.: 1st Wi • tl1 :x=, N., Mil.; 1st N., Janesville.  Osceola_ ••••••• Pollc A 5 Bank of Osteola ····--··H'94 Charles H. Oak&T-- H. E. Combacker •• Harry O. Hardin~ •• E 1 ie Simpson ••••• 7H37 Pop. 674 9  40,000  45,000  675,300  645,200  72,900 jN. Park, T, Y.: 1st N., Minpls. and St. P.; ~ • Marine N ., Mil.  Osceola State Bank··-· il'l6 Harry D. Baker·- Carl M. Lynn •••••• Jean A. Sleeper ••• Iver M. Hagen·-··Myrna Palm teen Albert Neumann 79-908  20,000  6,450  192,880  182,030  28,050 /Imp, & Tra. N .. N. Y.; March. N .. St. P.; 1st Wis. N ., Mil.  -······  ~:~~o~re~.~~  8  On~aska__IAOrosse D 8 9 Pop. 1066 Oneida .••. Outa1mmie J 7 Pop. 200 7 Ontario•••- •• Vernon ES 7 Pop. 424 Oo tburg.Shebo:rcan KS Pop. 497 7  On~skas: :ank ••• •U'l2 79-765 Oneida State Bank •••••• t '20 J. E, Griffin •••.•• 79-1009 Bank of Ontario •• _ •••n Merl Timmerman. 7!H74 Oostbur~ State Bank_ ••• *1'02 E. Faas--·--··-·· 79~34  P. W. Silverwood. E. D. BePson, Jr.  Oreg(ln .••.••• -Dane H 10 nank of Oregon •....• • •*1'99 J. E. LiteL •••••• _. E. Litel.-·····-· J. F. Lite!, Jr . •••• 71H35 Pop. 871 7  •Oshkosh. Winnebago J 7 Pop. 33,162  a *City National Bank •• _.•t'73  I I 1  23,890 2d Ward Sav., Mil.: N. Bk. of IA Crosse, IA Crosse. 5,000 Cook Cp. State. Chi.; Citiz. N., Appleton; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; K~llogg N:, Green Bay, 26,940 Drov. N., Ohl.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  J. O. Zentner. __ ._ R. E. Jones·--·-- J.E. Glatz ·--·····  50,000  *NEW AMERICANBANK•H'90 George Hilton--·· J. H. Wall·-······· T. R. l.l'rentz •• _ ••• Walter Ihbe -·-···  225,000  *Old.Commercial Nat'l Bank E. P. Sawyer·---·· Thomas Daly .••••• J.P. Fitch---·--- F. A, Labudde .•• __ E. R. Dickmann Louis chriber •t' 52 79-19 Edw. Heisinger E. H., Williams  500,000  *OshkoshSav.& Tr.Oo.•:W03 E. P. Sawyer·-··- Louis Schriber.-. R. J. White, Tr .••. R. P. Boardman, Sw. 79--25  100,000  58,320  178,010  286.500  75,000  25,000  960,000  862,100  49,83D Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y.; 1st N .. Chi. I 149,920 N. Bk. Oom,. N. Y.; N. City, Chi,; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.  E. Moerke  79-22  E. J. Klawun  138,160 2,212,150 2,465,820 22,260  983,200  798,690  *STATE BK. OF OSHKOSH 79-24  •U'03  HENRY KOSSEL ••• o. Prompt person al atfeofloo give o colfectioos. { Send us yow b uslness for Quick Returns. TRY  E. R. BINDER •••••.•  t-1  i  O  366,140 [C\i_~~ N., N.Y.: Cont. & Com 'l N., Chi.: N. Ex,,~  ~  252,373iAtlantie N .• N. Y,; Cont. & Oom'l N., Obi.; 1st Wis. N.,Mil.  349,390 Irving N. and N, City, N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l O N. and Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co,, Ohi.; 1st Wis. 0 ~ and 2d Ward Sav .• Mil.; 1st N .. Phil. and Cont, & Com'l .,_ .. 0 1st 354,840 6,086,890 6,040,490 1.278,040 1 T. qty, N. rt Chi.; 1st,, 1s. N., Mil. 0. 76,020 2.418,610 2,370,240  T .  C. HOR"----·· L. A. GUNZ •••••• -  ~  00  I  300,000  *Exchan~e Bank_.-•• •U-92 Wm. J. Glatz •• _ 79-23  ntn  T  A. T. Hennig····-· O. J. Hardy····-·- A. A. Abraham •• _. B. J. Krippene ·--· Henry Zentner  79--21  :E  US.  7--:  <·  Oshkosh Olearine- Honse ••• - R. E. Jones--·--·· E. R. Williams ••• _. R. J. White, M.ur .. · · - - - - · · - - - _ _ _ _ __ A. T. Hennig (Members indicated b11 a*)  o . .rTeperud .•••.  25,000  8,860  500,000  470,000  30,000 lst.,,T., Chi.; 1st Wis. N. and 2d Ward Sav .. Mil.; Eau Claire T.. Eau Claire.  F. M. SMITH •••••• A. E. BRADFORD •..•• T. J. THOMPSON ••••. T. S. HULBERG---··H. E.. STRANO E. HAGEN  30,000  7,000  660,000  700,000  66,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Northw. N. and 1st N .. Minpls.  owen ••• ·-··-··Olark E 6 State Bank of Owen ••• •tl'07 E. A.. Owen. ••••• - G. E. Ander-,on_ .. _ V. F. Shereda_ •••• ·-··-·----·-·---·--· 79-639 Pop. 1083 7 Oxford ••. MarQuette G 8 Oxford State Bank •••••. U'l0 A. C. Peters·-·-· J.M. Worden·-···· J. F. Worden ..•••. F. L. Pike-·--·79-640 Pop. 416 7  15,000  9,720  290,0501 241.680  10,000  6,500  220,000  C. 0. Dahl ••• _. __ Wm. J. Fisher ·-·· M. P. Skogstad--· L. Osseo •• Trempealeau D II Farmers Exchange Bank •W16 79-903 9 Pop. 802  STATE BANK OF OSSEO 79-638 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  i!l900 { OLDEST AND LARGEST!K. Establi hed 1900. We Invite your Business.  200,000  34,770 Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. 28,G00 DroY .• ' ., Chi.; lstWis.N.,Mil.  I  Number under Name  or Bank is  the New Transit Number given  to each bank in U. S. e:iclmllvely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• 1548 _ Dlrect.ory, uo~e~~be -~tborlty of The American Bankers Ass'o.  I  Tow~  T AlllE OF BA. K. A.i.'iD Cou ·TY. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State •County Seats. Figure under town is :1:Mem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. [Estah. Federal Re erve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  Pard eeville_Columbia H 8 Pop, 878 7 Park Falt: ______ Price E 4 9 Pop, 2676  ..  ---------  "  Pcwa nkee -Waukesha JO Pop, 800 7 •Phillip ________ Price F 4 9 Pop. 1973 " " Phlox ______ Langlade H Ii 7 Pop. 225 Pigeon Falls Trempealeau D 7 9 Pop. 200 Pitt,ville ______ Wood F 7 7 Pop. 504 Plain __________ sauk F9 7 Pop. 324 PI tinll :.!ld _Waushara H 7 7 Poo. 3 O  -  f  -  I - LlAB!LITTER, SuRPLus  Ass'T CASHIER. PAID-UP CASHIER, 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - , C A P I T A L PR~~~TS  PARK FALLS STATE BANK W. B. Olubine ----- M.A. Drott ________ E. J, .A.schenbrener L. J. Aschenbrener  :t§'03 70-644 The State Bank _________ u,11 70-645 Pembine State Bank ____ §"20 79 -1034 First National Bank ----•t'll 70-748 Pesh 1£0 Naf~fl Bank_•t'Ol  F. H. Booth _______ lFran.k Kolb ________ C. F, Dickinson ____________ J. E. Dixon ________ , E. G. auld ____ ____ ____________________ G.  1 -  RESOURCES-.  1  w. Robinson __ _  I  F. E. McGraw _____ ,s, D. Woodward ___ A. G. Fowler ______ ·---------------Peshtigo State Bank ___ t§'19 J.M. Harper ______ J. L. Chudacotf ____ A. L. Severance __________ 19-ri s Bank __ •t§'07 J. I. Gates _________ IO. C. Laabs ________ J. B. Ely __________________________ _ Pewaukee Sta.te W. li'. Evert 70-647 First National Bank _____ •t'04 P. E. ReedaL _____ W. K. Parkinson ___ G. B. ReedaJ _____________ _ 79-204 State Bank or Phillips_•U,00 N. E. Lane _________ C. C. Kelleher _____ G. M. Chamberlain 0. W. Hamachek __ . 79-203 Farmers State Bank ____ t§'20 W. B. Kramer -----J?II. J. Els'.acL _____ A. J. Reinert_ ______________ _ 79 -1015 1B, M. Slettelanct ___ H. A. Anderson ___ o. B. Sletteland ________________ _ Pigeon Fans tate Bank , t§'20 79-952 Pittsville State .Bank ___ .i5•04 J. F. Sims _______ G. H. Salter ____ J. F. Seidl _________ Grace llc TeaL ___ _ 7H48 Plain State Bank ________ it'll J.B. Li~el _____ Wm. Reuschlein _______________________ J.B. Weiss _____ _ Clara Reck , 70-746 Waushara County Bank•U'Ol H. E. PratL ______ G.D., argent_ ____ G.D. SareenL _____ E. W. Sehultz __ J. \Y, Dunegan , 70-649 I  i  i  Plymouth _____ heboyean PlymouthExchangeBk.•*5'06 IC. D. Eastman _____ , • • T , l. Pop. 3415 .. K 8 State Bk.• or70-230 Plymouth-•U 73 1G. \"\. Bnckbaucr I ♦ 79-238 Poplar _______ l)ouglas C 2 Poplar State _____ t ' Ill Robert Olson _____ 1 79-978 9 Pop. 337 •Portage ___ Qolnmbia H 8 CITY BANK -----------•*1'84 R. E. York----79-184 7 Pop. 5:;82  o. E.  Gray _______ C. A. Alexander__ F. 0. Whitcher George Riter ______ Hal. Murley _______ , II. D. Hiter________ A. W. Kopp ________  ITS  :c;!ro~:· ~~·1~~ 1  ,  85,000'  105,000  20,000  5,000  25,000  5,680  338,670  304,180  25,000  17,760  247,930  25,GOO  1,900  218,980  15,000  7,250  313,420  25,000  14,820  619,410  30,000  18,670  378,000  42.600 Han. N., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N., Chi.; N. Ex., Mil,; . Jst_ ., ~fin.vis. 7 ~2.840 . City, . 'Y.; N, Produce, Chi.; llarshall & 220,8301 Ilsley, Mil. 305,2101 21,840 Han. ',. N, Y.; Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: Marine . , N .. :Mi~. • 4 3,600 1 157,880 Chase :t-... . Y.; Cont. & Com I N., Cht.: ·orthw. T., Minpls. 307.530 107,320 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  !--------- --------_----_---240,010  10,000  1,700  20.560  28,8-10  4,130  78,530  73,790  15,000  6,350  162,510  li9,340  20,000  5,000  224,000  211,000  25,000  7,340  3 3,760  350,220  100.000 50,000  100,000  W. E. NICHOLS--- R. G. STOTZER------ PAUL T. SCHULZE--- R. O. KLENERT-----FIRST NATIONAL BAIIK-•t·oo~{ You will like o ur Collection Se rvlce.  75,000  10,000  60,810 Marine N., Mil.; 1st N., :Minpls.  I  ,..... \,  § ~  Z  t:d  ...._ ,.,.-  Z  ~  C/l  I  I  15,000  50,000  I  10,320 Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N,, Mil.  ~  19,790 Cont. & Com'l N.• Chi.; 1st N., Winona.  ~  12,910 Corn Ex. N,, Chi.: 1st Wis, N., Mil.; 1st N., ~ . C:: . Wis. Rap. , ,.. 34,,JOO Cont. & Com 1 N., Ch1.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; ::s;-" n, . Com'! ' .. ¥adison. ,.. n, .J8,380 Drov. N .. Chi.: Am. Ex., Mil.  I  ,.,.  825,700 1 103,000 Han. N .. .1:·, Y.; 1st N. and Live Stock Ex. ~ '., O ,:! Chi.: 1st Wis. N .. Mil.; 1st N., Dub, 215,000 1 30,000 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav. and :Marshall 0 200,000 .., Mil. Ilsley, & I j 1,046,COO l,OOi .000 1 120,000 N. Park, N. Y,: Cont. & Com'! N .• Chi.; 1st. pj ;,i, Q'Q Wis.N.,Mil, ttentlo n. '(1) 1 • 1 286,520 23, ,990 12,490 8,950 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.;. licl1and N ., Minpls.: 1st Wis. N ., Mil.; Stock Yds. N .. So. t. P. 69,810 897,570 1,300,320 I 107,100 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.: N. Produce, Chi.: 2d Ward av. and 1st Wis. N., Mil. 74,850 1,102,020 I 1,4 8,040 145,690 Cht•m.N., N.Y.; Cont. & Com'lN,, Chi.: 1st Wi.. T .. Mil. 57,380 57,920 4,130 11,370 Cont. & Com'! ., Chi.; U. s.... f., Superior; ~ 2d Ward av .• Iii. 13,620 1,005,550 796,120 106,430 Imp.&'l'ra.N.,N.Y.:Cont. & Com'! N .• Chi.:::, . C 2cl Wa,_rd Sav. and \st Wjs. N .. 1.pi. 7 42,760 1,233,76011,132,240 29~,710 Cha ·e N .. N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. ll.} 730,000  66,610 -oo 3,..J 1r 000  I _  ..,  '<  Careful attcuti on and prompt r emittance.  \ - - - - - -- Porta2e lltee. Ln. & Tr. Oo. A. J, KlenerL ___ _\\A., Kershaw _______ H. A. Story, Sec. and T, •\1'06 ,~lit,  ~ rn.; Ul  8,000  C. F. Mohr ________ John A. Raup _____________ _  79-lSf>  96,140 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., .Merch. T. , St. P. 15,000 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: Marshall & Ilsley, llil.  10,000  125,000  c.  25,970 Cha c N., T . Y.: Cont. & Com'! N. and Lt N., Chi.: Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 26,250 Cont. & Com'I N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N. and 2d Ward av., Mil.: 1st.'., Portage. ::il.000 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.; 1st Wis. N,, Mil.  497,930  tolper ______ W. L . Kae.-tner____ O. Horppurr R. OJ on __________________________ _  P.A. Peterson ____  1  .. _M_i_l._;-ls-t 1:i,000 _C_o_n-t.-&-C_o_m_'_l_N_.-,_C_h_i._:-ls_t_\\_'_is___N_r_ . . N., Stev~ns ~oint. 50,000 Han. N., N. Y., Corn Ex. N., Chi,: N. Ex., Mil.  536,5001  50,000 TS sent to us w It each sight dr aft for presentatl on, and CENTS for each credit report Ins ures prompt, personal a business. . 10,000 Albert lngh _____ J. W. Carlson______ ______________ 0. A. Scheibe___ R. H. Koehler ____ Arno B, Elmer____  $  23,000  JAMES DOLAN------ WhH. DOYLE------- IRA 0. POLLER-----  II. C. Dorn bu h ___ E. A.  ~  PRIN~IPA.L CORR~-; O~:;;~~Ts,  DEPos- 'L?..,.." 1:114• c...u" Ex-  50,000  1  E. Laneers _ _ _ T. S. Saby _____ Arthur Bchilline ______________ _  l'Iatteville __ .Grant E 10 FIRST NATIONAL BANK •t'Ol A. W. Kemler _____ I 70-204 l. Poo. 4353 Mound City Bank------•:§'15 A. E. Rundell _____ 70- 868 J. R. SPEAR-----STATE BK. OF PLATTEVILLE 1 FU'Tf:EN CEN •:i:t•oo l TWENTY-FIVE ♦ 79-205 Send us your • • • > l lum C1ty _____ P1erce B 6 Plum 01ty State Ba.nk ___ is-oo Theo. Suter ________ 79-660 9 Pop. 327 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  VICE·PRESIDE."iT,  PRESIDE."'fT,  - --  Non-Bank Town with N,~arest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Lal\s (indexed) in back of this ..... volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., sec Law~. tn  _ __ __ _ __  Farmers State Bank: _____ i§'ll S. R. Neale-------- Matt Wilber _____ W. A. Cole _______________ $ 10,000 ~500 1$ 61,000 I $ 50. ,070 I __ J , ,.. ' 711-641 380,000,1 31,J,000 w0,000 25,000 Bank of Palmyra ______ e;j:§'03 Christie Carlin - - ___________________ Cora Tischaefer__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 70-642 200,400 9,500 199,210 15,000 Farmers Saving- Bank•:l:§'11 H. C. Stacey _______ W. H. Munger ___ w. R. Norris __ ____ Ada Seamon_______ 79-734 Pardeeville State Bank __ :1:§'0l Thos. Kearns ______ Clint Quinn _______ J. T. Lynch __________________________ _ 13,700 320,560: 314.510 30,000 79-643 First National Bank ____ .:l:'14 Guy Waldo ________ J. Rabenowich ____ J, B. aunders ____ E. o. Gehrman _ 18,000 519,oool 497,000 25,000 I 79-831  Packwaukee ___ l{arqoette G8 Pop, 400 7 Pahnyra ____ Jefl'ersonI 10 7 Pop. 685 " "  PatchGrove __ Qrant D 10 Pot>, 350 7 Pem bine __ Marinette K 4 7 Pop. 400 Pepin _____ Pepin B 7 Pop. 555 9 Pe.\tig-o_p~~~~~itte K 6  WISCONSIN - COllt•lllUe d  50,000 \  WISCONSIN--Continued  I  I  10,000 I 104.100  1  152,970\  10,000 City Portage.  Non-.BaDJr Town• with Neared .Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), LaWTers Laws (indexed) in back of this it) For Interest btes, Holidays, etc., see Laws. :,  volume.  ,..  - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - - . - - -os~ec~.7~~nd:,,;;T'1 . - - - - - ~ - -- , - -...,--,,--.rr-  1549  Nruaber UJJde, Name or Baalc la the New T'ra.aall Nrunber /dvezJ B. eiclrulrely by The Baad-McNal1T Baalcen' to each baDk Directory, uader the authority of The American Baalcen Ass'n.  m u.  TOWN AND COUNTY.  ,  NA.ME OF BANK.  ,  / •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State -£County Seats. Figure under town is :tMem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv. [Estab. FederalReserveDistrict.,+Mom. Fed. Res.  PB.JJSID~.  ~,--.n,,-~-,,_,.-vn----.VV'fUTVi-~x,r,vu  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banldng PoJnt (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) 1n back of For Interest Bates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ::, volume  this/';;'  WISCONSI.N--Continued  ,----------,  1  ASS'T CA.SHIER.  OASHID.  VICE-PRJr.sIDKNT.  .  RESOURCES.  LIABILITIES. PA...ID-UP/SUBPLus DEPOS-  I  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  ,  1,o,.,,,. & D111- c...,. & x". c'T• Bol<D8 OJUJ<aaa D1111  AND CAPITAL PROFITS  g  >;  s..;.,..,,,_..· no.11B.:.U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •'< ITS 1 1 Porterfield-.MarinetteK~ Farmers&TradersBank§'18 V.Kleinprintz _____ A.Olson __________ F.E.Lueke ______ -------------- $ 10,0001== $ 10,170$ 16,940$ 4,870 Marshall&Ilsley,Mil. t-:i 79-981 7 Port Wash·~t·n.Ozaukee First National Bank-----•t·09 J. E. Useldine---- H. W. Bolens ______ Harry L. Lauters_ -------------------Wm. Ahlhauser 79-223 7 .Pop. 3340 K 9  ~  1  I  50,000 $ 45,650  511.530  582,070  -  75,110 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil,  Port Washington State Bank Clarence Hill----- H. C. Boerner ______ N. E. Henze _______ C. D. Hill__________ •:l:§'99 79-222  100,000  39,220  837,560  655,060  185,540 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st Wis.N.,Mil.  o. Lunderen ___ _  10,000  6,000  90,000  92,500  24,000 Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; Northern N., Ashland; 1st N., Minpls.  Poskin _______ Barron C 5 Farmer!1 State Bank ____ ;l:§'17 C. J. Tengbom _____ T. A. Birch ________ G. G. B. Dennewith Nettie Dahlberg __ _ 79-953 9 Pop. 150 PotosL ______ Grant E 10 Potosi State Bank ______ •if'04 Adam Schumacher_ A. Bode ___________ C. J. Rantz _______ W. A. Schumacher_ 71Hi51 7 Pop. 501 Potter ______ Calumet J 7 ]'armers State Bank ____ §'21 A. Voight ________ Charles Kleist ____ A. Bushman _______ A. C. Harms ______ _ 79-1032 Pop. 275  10.000  1.500  112,000  ll2,000  25,000  15,000  475,000  350.000  Pound.----Marinette J 5 Farmers State Bank ... •:t§'l5 R. J. Brooks ____ A. P. Chase _______ Max Fuelle _____________________ _ 79-885 7 Pop. 350  10,000  5,440  132,550  125,210  21,760 N. Produce, Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Citiz. N ., Green Bay.  Poynette ___ Columbia H 9 Bank of Poynette------~1'94 A. J. Jamieson ___ J.C. Jamieaon _____ H. P. Jamieson ____ A. A. Jamieson __ -71Hi52 7 Pop. 724  40,000  12.330  575,150  570,460  46,790 Drov. N., Chi.; Marshall&Ilsley, Mil,; Bk. of ~ ..., Wis., Madison; 1st N., Portage.  Poy Sippi__ Wau hara H 7 Farmers StatA Thl.nk ---•U'15 J.E. Wendt _______ A. A. Amend ______ W. A. Amend ______________ _ 79-872 7 Pop. 300  10,000  2,640  182,990  189,500  17.600 Drov. N .. Chi.; N. Ex. and Marshall & Ilsley, ~ C/l Mil.  Charles Grelle _____ W.R. Grues _____ Henry Otto _______ Edfth Ducharme __ _ PrairieduChie_!l.Crawf'd Bank of Prairie du Chien F. A. Otto •n•s9 79-236 D9 7 Pop. 3:>37  30,000  35.000 1,050,000  950,000  Port Wing __ Bayfield D 2 First State Bank -------•U'll S.S. Oirren ------- C. O. Nelson ______ W. T. Gruver ____ L. 79-735 9 Pop. l!OO  Crawford  °f~g Bank.:l:S'03 M. Menges ________ L. Cornelius ______ E. C. Amann ___ F. S, Clinton ____ _  TE B IPEOPLES ST1ls55 AN  .+. K  ~ {F.  .,.§ Io  J. ANTOINE---- R. W. FALLIS------- S. V. TAYLOR-----·- T. L. HERREIQ _____ _ WE INV TE YOUR BUSI NESS.  50,000  20,000  900,000  800,000  50,000  .10,500 · 450,000  450,000  C. I. KINDSCHI---- 1LLOYD TARNUTZEL J. S. FLATLAND----- W. A. SCHREIBER __ _ E. P. &ABINGTON Oldest and Lar-g est Bank.  2-5,0C0  ..  SAUK BANK----------71Hi53  •:l:§'68  0  zC/l  z z  IG0,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N. and Cont. & Oom'l N .• Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  _1  v 10  170,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. ~ N., Mil. 60,500 N. City. N. Y.; Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.; 2d ::l1 rD Ward Sav., Mil.  I&  -  5: 20,000  --------  ~  -  100,000 1st N. and Drov. N., Chi.; 1st N. and 2d N., C/l () Dub.  25,000 ----· __ -- ------ --- --------- ---------  Prairie du Sac __ Sauk G 9 Peoples State Bank ______ §'l7 J. B. Ragatz _______ J. R. Carpenter ___ J. L. P. Accola _________________ _ 79-920 7 Pop. 866  "  22,000 I t Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N., St. P.  5,920  248,320  206,640  64,600 Drov. 'N .• Chi.; 1st Wis. N .• Mil.  0  '"O 10,000  650,000  470,000  C: 175,200 Han. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Cont. & Com'l N., and pi' Live Stock Ex.N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. rn  C.  { Up-to-date met hods in alJ depart ments.  Please send 15c w ith each Sight Draft for presentation, an d 25c for each rep01 t.  48,780 N. City, Chi,; 1st N., St. P. and Minpls.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  ------•U'08 Geo. R. Borum_ 1T. W. BorllDl------ O. W. Mau _________ L.B. Thompson __ _  25,000  2,050  373,660  351,860  Prentice------::.Price F 5 Bank of Prentice ______ t§IO00 P. E. ReedaJ ______ G.B. ReedaJ ______ F. E. :Morner _____ S. o. Nelsen ______ _ E. J. Miltimore 7!Hi55 Pop. :>88 9  10,000  3,250  300,000  215,600  Pres ott_Pop~- J;ierce A 6 First Natio~~~ink ----•:l:'03 Geo. S. Hollister __ Geo. M. Dill ______ Edward Longworth Lester Fiedler ____ _  25,000  9,860  403,750  399,600  32,060 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.  w. Krueger----  25,000  19,500  500,000  450,000  60,000 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N .. Ohi.; 1st Wis. N,, Mil.  Krueger _____ F. R. Mueller _____ _  60,000  21,000  600,000  591,000  71,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. &Com'l N., Ohi.; Marine N.,Mil.  --1 F. Szczecb.owski...  30,000  17,420  626,460  594,360  72,190 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; :Mc- ~ I.O I CartneyN., Green Bay.  Pr;ie FWo1g:~non C 5 First State ~  9  8  Prinrtoio/U-?tn ..  4  --------  Itfi First Natio,t~nk ______ :·01 Erick Mueller ______ Geo. V. Kelley ____ "  Princeton  I  S~!i Bank.-•U'93 E. 36  0.  D. Morse _______ G. A. Krueger _____ F.  c. Olman ------c.  Puta kLPop~¥fsano J 6 Pulaski Sta.~~~k ____ -•lS'l0 I J. A. Peplinsk:L ___ L. Szymanski__ ____ R. E. Peplinski __  7 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  H.  2,390 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Union N., Eau Claire.  .....  .Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. excluslvel7 by The Rand-McNall7 Bankers' ====--D_l.rec_~tory, und~ th~~ut~or!_t~o! ~m~!_l~n-= Ba ...:..:.=: nk = er=-=s:::;·;=A _-=-~::::. s- ~_::.: n..:.. . TOWN AND COUNTY, NAME OF BANK, •County Seat. •Mem . .Am. Bks . .Assn. 5s tate PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. Fieure under town is tMem.StateBks ..Assn. tPriv. 11'ederaJ ReserTe District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. (Estab.  1550  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) 1n back of tWs ,_. - - - - = - ~ vg~me__:_!?.£.1' _I~tc~est Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~ LIABILITIES. RE OURCES. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS, 0  WISCONSIN-Continued = ===-----,------=======---==-- _ - - -CASHIER.  .AsS'T CASHIER.  PAID-UP SURPLUS  DEPOS-  CAPITAL PROl'ITS  ITS  Lo,..,.. & Du- ('ua & 1!:Ino D 0  c  ;;,,,Jl!Tls:· "::o".-°i:{...:: -!----------------  -------l·-------1--------1--------1---- - - - - - - - - -  •Racine _____ Racine K 10 7 Pop. 68,593  W. C. HOOD----- W. H. ARMSTRONG. E. L. OSBOIN------ G. C. PETERS-----W. A. WILLIAMS  AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK 71H7  •i'l7  AMER. TRADES  l  $ 100,000 $  H. PARKER-- fi: ~: \\CG\is _____ L. S. BOWNE------ F. J. McNEILL---  200,000  Farmers & Merchants Bank J. Wiechers _______ L. J. Breylineer ___ Frank A. Olson ____________ _ 79-16 :t§'l5  50,000  &. SAVINGS BANK 79-14  •:t§'l6  18,560 $1032 300 $ 979,800 $ 166,420 N. City, N, Y. and Chi.; Marine N., Mil.  New-Modern- Progressive. Hustling for Bu slness. WE WANT YOURS. Satisfaction Ass ured.  IL.  56,190 1,636,680 l.669,880  227,510 Irving N .. N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: 2d Ward Sav. and Marshall &Ilsley, Mil.  Spectal attentlo n given Collectlo na. Send us your R aclne Items. Organized, luly, 1916, WATCH US GROW.  18,000  652,860  ~  en  97,590 Ohase N., N. Y.; Oent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.: 1st Wis. N. and Marine N .. Mil. (')  617,880  --------!...---------=----------_.:._-------I ---- - - - - - - - - - - - -  FIRST NAT  'L BANK DAVID G. JANEL--- W.G. C.N. PALMER FRATT----- o. P. GRAHAM------ B. R JONES-------J. H. MARTIN  79-12  ESTABLISHED 1864 WE INVITE YOUR BUSINESS.  ~ ~ ~ 7,0S7,lOO 1,029.220 -  -  0  ~  MANUFACTURERS ----------!- - - - NATIONAL BANK 79-1! •i·n  0. W. JOHNSON. _____ H. M. WALLIS------- E.W. RAPPS -------- --------------------  Z  ChaseN.,N. Y.; ComEI.N., Chl.;N. Ex., MU. 0:,  300,000 292.170 4.966,480 4.719,130 911.290 N. City, N. Park, and 1st N., N. Y.; 1st N. - - - - - andCont.&Com'IN.,Chl.;lstWls.N., MU.; 1st N., Mlnpls.  ~ @ I ~ fl)  RACINE CITY  BANK----:tl'07 F. W. Gunther ____ H. N. Bacon ____ 79-1~  o. Olson _____  (')  W. I. Wilke _______ _  50,000  Radisson ____ Sa-wyer D 4 State Bank of Radisson•:t§'l7 W. A. Blackburn_ F. W. Ka J ________ Geo. Christensen •• - - - - - - - - - 1 POJ>, 200 79-946  10,000  930  32,070  44,850  Randolph_ •••• Dodae H 9 7 Pop. 1183 Random Lake, Sheboy~ 7 Pop. 479 K 8 Read town_ Vernon E 9 7 Pop. 546 Redgranite __ Wau hara 7 Pop. 1012 H8 Reed buri----- auk G 6 7 Pop. 8907 "  50,000  38,000  500,000  600,000  Randolph State Bank __ •:tf'92 E.W. BrandeL ____ 7H58 State Bank of Random Lake James Leahy _____ 7H59 :tl'05 1 Readstown Bank _______ tf'88 S. T. Dregne _______ 71Hi60 Rederanite State Bank•:tl'OO !Frank Tice ______ 7H61 Citizens Bank _________ H'87 Wm. Riggert_ _____ 78-ZfiS Reedsbure ~fz-·----•U'77 R. P. Perry ______  J. W. Hutchinson_ E.W. Brandel._.. __ Henry Pritchard •• W. F. Wilk:-------- 0. P. Schommer ___ Florence M. Schwalbach O. H. Larson ______ A. H. Ward _______ ----------------Jerry O'Leary , Wm. Wiske ----- J. L. KosseL ___ - - - - - - - - A. R. Chipman A. SieferL _______ H. W. Rigeert_ ____ 0. G. Wiesler _____ _  68,280 1,133,100  987,5110  5•  232,050 Ban. N.~ N. Y.: ~nion Tr: Co. and Corn Ex, N., Oh1,; 1st WIS. N .. Mil. C'D 3,420 Eau Olaire N .. Eau Claire; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  .-+  0  43,000 Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.; 1st Wis. N. and ~ ~ Marine N .. MU. 37,910 Cont. & Oom'l N .• Chi.; Karine N. and Am., ~ Ex., Mil. ~ 38,000 Mar hall & Ilsley and 1st Wis. N .. Mil.; Bk. of ~ Wi ., Madison; Batavlan N., La Crosse. 36.800 1st N., Ohi.; 2d Ward Bav., !lil.  25,000  20,660  317,720  ll14,4i0  15,000  10,770  205,000  178,870  10,000  12,220  228.470  213,890  25,000  24,860  631,860  482,060  81,580 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.  50,000  34,860  879,790  930,450  State Bank of Reedsburrll'98 J.P. Stone ------ :\Iartin Ilic key ____ N. T. Gill.____ W. H. 1b.hD-----71HM Theresa M, Timlin  50,000  37,030 1,134.930 11,085,62-0  . Bk. Com., N. Y.; Merch. Ln.&Tr. Oo .. Ohl.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil. 115,870 Han. ., N. Y.: Oont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.; KarshaiJ & Ilsley and 2d Ward Sav., Mil.  Reedsville __ Manitowoc Reedsville State Bant __:tf'<MI G. A. Zuehlke _____ N. A. O'Rou.rk ____ E. O. O'Rourt _____ J, G, O'Rourk ____ _ 7 Pop, 571 K7 7H62  25,000  5,270  416,850  343.020  76,530 1st Wis. N .. Mil.  20,000  18,950  346,180  368,290  C: 50,560 Corn Ex. N .. Chi.; MarineN.,Am. Ex,,2d Ward lll "1 Sav., and 1st Wis. N., .Mil.  Sll,000  15,170  238,220  282,210  10,000  3,620  153,880  136,860  Reeseville _____ Dodze I g 1 Pop, 423  PEOPLES STATE BANl-il'll 79-7!6  F. A. RickeJbu?£ __  W. F. Winchester __ Ot1.o KrallS8 ____________  !"..· P. RunkeL ____ JU,  E. Terry  Jos. o. Meyers ____ LllliaD L. Gramzow  StateBankofReesevil\e_if'02 E.T. Kluz _______ W.ll'.Youne-- B. J. Yauman ____ lletaK.Ba2man_ 7~a Re-we\-"i"oi>:-iu.!o-wa E 9 Re-we-, Sta~~"1t------l\'Ql o. G. ""B.e-wey ------- J. S. "Rundell. _____ \o. K. Colby--------?. o. Davis _________ \ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  112,510  28,320 Cont. & Oom'l N. and Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., 2d Ward Sav., and N. Bk. Com., Mil. 36,580 Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Marine N., Mil.  '--4  lll ~  :.<  -IO  h.:)  8.620 .,_,.  15&.880  136,860  86,580\Live Stock Ex. N., Chi.; Marine N., Mil.  _____  -..a-• Nrw ftalull •-=:,t_-na ::.1::::?ot'TZ-:~-:;.:e:,,,-:{n,, .u.~:  . . . . . . . . , _ Naa,e el  1551  :;,:-~~el'UUI~  TOW'lf ~D OOUNTr,  •Oo1111b' Beats.  Non-.8'aalr hWJU wfCh Nean,,t .Banldaa- Mnt  UNt  Nila 01!' BA.NJC,  •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. IState tMem. State B.lcs . .Aun. tPriv. Federal Reserve Distric!:_ ♦Mem. Fed. Re • [E tab.  Plu:sIDDT,  B'ieare 11Dder town is  79-176  •:f'90  0NEI DA  "'U'T 0.A..SJIID,  0.A.Sl[J.U,  VICZ-PRJ:BID.ENT.  volume.  ,-------"Lle--,--A._B_ILI_T_Ill:S_,_._ _ _ 11 _ _ B_Jl:S_OU,---R_C_:SS_._ p .ill>-OP StJ_:;:;oa D ■PO&- IA•• olr D•- Ou. olr Jli. 0.&.PIT.A.L PB0'1'1'8  rre  c;;,.::.":'  PRlllCIPA.L COU:SSPO.E>DTS,  o.  Moen ...• ____ A. D. Daniels _____ W, E, Ashton ______ F • .A. Hyland ______ $ 50,000 $ D. F. Recker  --,  '=~  {E. 0. BROWN.---- B. R. LEWIS-------- M. H. RAYMOND---- WM. WILLETTE------  100,000  65,970 1,273,870 1,255,200  152,270 Han. N., N. Y.; Oont. & Com'l N. and Corn Ex. N .. Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; lstN., Minpls,  265,020  62,270 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; Northw. N., Minpls.  FIFTEEN CEN TS sent to us wit beach slKbt draft for presentation, and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credU report lnau res prompt, perao nal atte ntlon.  396,940  {  Rib Lake ______ Taylor F 5 First National Bank _____ .:•03 James Upjohn ___ I Pop. 1020 71H66  o. Getehel _ _ _  E. C. GeteheL____________  247,620  205,920  49,370 Cont. & Com'l N., Ohi.; Marine land N .. Minpls.  25,000  14,850  500,560  467,460  67,980 1st  J. H. Wilz _______ R. E. Finsterwalder  35,000  4.120  492,500  421.920  87,870 N. Bk. Rep .. Ohi.; 1st Wis. N., St. P.  O. M. SATIRE --- J.E. HORSMAN .•.. W. A. DEMERS -- T. 8. HOFF -------· Largest Bank In Barron t;ouocy. C. E. OVERBY A.C. fl'.PETERSOfl  50,000  73,400  Rich fleld-Was hinrton J 9 Ricb.aeld State BaJlk ____ if'll Peter Reichert. __ Adam Ebling ______ Richard Hackbarth - - - - - - 7~ 7 Pop. 200  15,000  9,000  228.620  224.410  •Ricrai~~-e;:;~-Ri~•i Farmers &  50,000  28,410  730,700  692,950  711-216  c. D. Nelson. ____ w. A. Weilep  l  Firat Nation&! Bank--•:t"87 H.K. Bock___ Fred Thomson ____ 0. R. ThOIDJOll-- Georre WulffDE---79-ZGl F. W. Lawrence Richland Oo u9-n!7 Bank-•H'03 W.H. Pier ____ J. 7 ,.60  w. Martin ______  J. H.  VeaJDAD  --  C. A. Brewer ___ _ Eleanore Le Hew  Ridgeland----Dunn O 5 Farmers State Bank ___ :5•13 M. L. Randall ______ o. Jor tad ________ A. J. Mattke ________________ _ I Pop. 428 79-813 · F. L. van Sickle Ridg_eway ____ lowaF10 R~ewayState Banl[ __ if'08 JamesLauehlin ____ J H Paull J.T. Paull _____ A.J.BrandeL ___ _ 7 Pop. 457 7~7 . ' --Rio _______ Cotumbia H 9 First National Bank _____ .:•01 w. E. lloore ______ y J Chri'stopher Andrew Amondson B. P. Berrnm-7 Pop. 1:20 79-384 . ' -•• .. Rio State Ba nk_ _____ :SlllOO C. D. Gates _______ Winfield Hall_____ H. S. Hendricbon_ V. A. Emilson ____ _ 79-303 Rio Creek_KewauneeK6 Bank of Rio Creek ___ :5•17 A. c. Bazlen ______ C. E. Fabry ____________ _ 7 Pop.100 79-960 ------Ripon- J'ond du Lac I 8 7 Pop. 3929 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  AMERICAN IATIOIAL BAIK  984,790 1.171,350  Send 01 your Cash Letters and BW of Ladln1 Dra q. Slsbt Drafts m ust be accompan led by Ue to pay for presentation.  lt-%~han\s !lt~ F. H. Pratt------- C. s. Craig ______ F. E. Fiske ______ T. M. Pease-----  Charles Oo,ru_ H J Faustman James L. Stone-- .£.. B. ' ' ---  outer. __  (/)  z  ., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil,  il.; Merch . .1.\,  I  50,000  60,000  5· ~  93,740 Han. N., N. Y.; N. Oity, Ohi.; Marine N., Mil.  ::,  900,000  895,000  65,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. 0.  29,790 1,157,040  981.990  289,610 Bk, of the Manhattan Qo., N. 1st~: and r-tCunt. & Com'l N .. Ohi.: 1st Wis. N .. Mu.; 1st O N., Minpls. 1-71 27.000 Bkrs. N .. :Minpls.; 1st Wis. N., l1il.; Union N., ~ Eau Claire. 'd  (b  100,000  ""I  r,;  10,000  3,000  242,000  228,000  10,000  3,500  176,830  162,810  20 390 Drov. N .. Chi.: 1st Wis.N .. }fil.: 1st N,, :Mad' ison; lsL . and Strong, Dodgeville,  25,000  6,500  350,000  320,000  20,000  9,000  390,000  340,000  39 000 Han. N., N. Y.; Oont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.; 1st ' Wis • .. Mil. 57,000 1st N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  20,000  7.720  156,200  161.840  19.080 N. Bk. Rep., Chi.; 1st Wis. Mil .. Citiz. N. Green Bay.  100,000  46,840 1,061,700 1,162,610  143,330 1st N., N. Y. and Chi.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil,  RiPon State Bank-----•U-13 A. L. Maudlin----- R. E. Shave _______ R. C. Stuart _______ A.H. Fortnum __ _ 79-819 Fred Babcock  50,000  l  OLD~T BANK l.\.tt~LL Send us your C ollectlons. We make personal presentation of all Item.a and remit promptly.  3,760  340.890  g i•  !  l CJl  860,240  44,410 Ft. Dear. N. and Live Stock Ex. N •• Chi.; N.I~ Ex. and2d WardSav., Mil.  CQN_TINENTAL _AND ·COMMERCIAL BANKS  ---------·--  --·--- - -----.  --  I'  ll  • and Am, Ex.,  F. SPRATT------- fi,A,D MILLER---- W.R. DYSART----- - - - - - tt:t· .  79-22,  ),  ~ O""  27,940 1st Wis. N. and N. Bk. Com., MiL  135,000 Han. N. and N. City, N. Y.; Corn Ex. N. and Cont. & Com'! N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.  FIIST UTIOIAL BANl-•:·58  llJ  142.140 Chem, N •• N. Y.; Cont. & Oom'I N. and 1st N., ~ Chi.: 1st N., St. P.; Northw. N .. Minpls.; ,,--. Eau Claire N, and Union N., Eau Claire, r.n  65,000 1,125,000 1,050,000  ~•~  -  ,, Mil.; Mid-~  100,000  79-ZZi  ~  ('l  12,820  Citizens State Bank-----U'03 Martin BretL ____ 79-Zli  -  ( /)  25,000  Rice Lake ____ Barron O 5 Barron Oounty Bank--•:1'82 D. J'. Otark ______ Wm. D. Brady ____ E.G. Shervey ____ H. S. Amundson __ _ I Pop, 057 79-214  ~  91,000 $ 989,350 $1019 010 $ 152,940 N. P_ark, N. ):.; Cont. & _Com'l N .. Chi.; 1st ~ Wis. N.,Mil.;lstN., Mmpls. _  J. J, REARDON---- J. H. O'MELIA------- R. J. LA SELLE------ J. H. WOOLLEY------ 100,000 28,260 JOHN W. BLACK NATIONAL BANK The Oneida Na~ional_ invites Y0L!r Rh inelander business. •t· 2o Prompt att entlon given collecbons. 79-1 78  FIRST .ATIONAL BA.I( ••. + 03  ;  --- --- --- --- ---1-----------------1  •Rh ine1Pander • ~~eid&G 4 First National Bank ____ .:·110 J. 1 op. 66.,,. 79-177  MERCHANTS STATE BANK  deied Acces.), Lawyen_ Law• (indexed) in ""back ot For Intel-est .Bate.. BoUday•• etc., see Lawa. ~  WISCONSIN-Continued  z  1552  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  Non-Bank To v~1s with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of thi volume. For Intere t ltate , Holidays, etc.,.....:,;ee Laws. ~  WISCONSIN-Continued  ==T=ow=N=AN=n=c= ou=N=TY ===.====N=A.=ME==o=F=B=A=N=K=.===,===============,========:====== =====~L=I=A.=B=IL=I=T=I=E=s=.===::1,===R:=ES=o=u=R=cES=.=====P=R=I=N=CI=P=A:::;;L=C=o=R=R=E=s=PO=N=D=ENTS:- - · 1 .. County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn.§State PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. • Ass'T CASHIER. PAID-UP ISURPLus DEPos- ½'£N■ a. D••-1 o...a a. Bx-  iv  ~:.°~~= -----------------1  Fi~ure under town is iMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. CAPITAL PR~Ts ITS , c 8":;,,,,:,":• Federal Reserve District. +:Mem. Fe<l. Res. [Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - - 1 - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____  Rirer Fall ____ PierceA6 Farmers &Merch.State Bank G. W. Chinnock ___ 9 Pop, 2273 79-286 is•92 " ________ " First National Bank ____ .i•o4 Geo. T. Smith.. _____ 79-287 Robert ____ st. Croix B 6 State Bank of Roberts-•is•o3 G. W. Chinnock ___ 9 Pop. 200 7H68 Rockland __ La Crosse E 8 Bank of Rockland ______ t§'l4 E . A. Jones _______ . 9 Pop. 139 79-859 " ________ " Rockland State Bank --•.t§'U 1Gomer Roberts ____ 79-847 l{onr-Po/igtson I 10 Rome State -------*S'l2 David BOirie _______  I  F. M. White _______ C. N. W~er _______ F. X. KnobeL _____ $  75,000 $ 12,500 $ 957,000  J. W. Allard _______ J.E. Pulver ______ H. Elertson________  2?,000  C. N. Wieer ------- Wm. H. Ash _______ Bert Ash__________  10,000  Nels Olson _______ John Erickson _____ 1-------------------, N. c. Bere---------- H. E. Campbell, --- --------------------  10,000  2,000  I  740,000 $ 220,000IHan. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi. and St. P.: 1st Wis.I N .• Mil. 75,000 N. TPark, N. Y._: Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.: orthw. N., Mmpls.; Merch. N .. St. P. 180,3301 182,870 1 14.880,Drov. N .. Chi.; Marine N., Mil.: 1st N., St. P.; I Midland N .. Minpls. 68,320 I 65,500\ 10,610 1st Wis. N., Mil.: Batavian N., La Crosse.  25,000  I  $  400,000  3,850  375,000 1  I  10,000  1,680  83,9;:iO  76,320  R. G. Quick _______ Ethel E, Quick____  10,000  3,890  123,050  118,970  Rosendale.Fond du Lac 18 Rosendale State Bank __ •.t§ '03 W. J. Gillett_ ______ o. E. Mccumber ___ James R. Hatch ___ ---------------- ---7 Pop. 305 7H69 Ros~oltPop~-ir~e H 6 , state Bank f~gsholt-•*1'04 G. Rosholt______ ( J. Rosholt__ ____ Gari Rosholt__ _____ N. B. Olson ____ ----  2;:i,000  22,160 j  301,880  25,000  !1,500  407.000:  1~¥~  IFrank Pen now-----  r  I  1  16,240 Mar,·hall & It lev. Mil.: State Ilk. of La Crosse, La Crosse; 1st ., )linpb. 13,660 Corn Ex. N .• Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.  306,380 1  :E  38,4 0 Live Stock Ex. N .. Chi.; 1st-Fond du Lac N .. Fond du Lac: .Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 36,980 Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; Marine N ., Mil. (')  en  417,000  l  Royalton State Bank __ .-_§'20 F. I. Dean _________ J.E. Sullivan _____ F. B. Stratton _____ -------------------· 15,000 360 3,9801 220 9,340 Ft. Dear. '., Chi.; Am. Ex., Mil.: 1st .... , 0 79-1028 teven Point. Z Rubicon State Bank _____ i§•14 W. A. Hauser ______ B. A. Hauser ______ Arthur A. Hauser __ - - - J0,000 7,500 70,000 68,000 14,600 1st Wis. N .. Mil. Ul 79-843 I ~ Farmers & ~erchants Bank John Joosten ____ - F. J. Wood ________ Louis Joosten ____ -------------------15,000 1 3,560 128,060 131,010 9,510 Wood Co. N., Wis. Rap, Lt 79-966 i. '17 1 1· I Fir t tate Bank ________ t§'l9 o. L. Lampson ____ E. l.f. Bartlett----- C. B. Thomas ______ -----------10,000 --------79,660 78,260 16,920 Fl. Dear. N., Chi.; 2d ;vard Sav .. Mil. 0:, 79-991 Bank of Sand Creek ____ t§'l8 Wm. Lar ·on _______ Theodore Nelson __ J • .M. Moe _________ - - - - - - - 10,000 2,5001 119.140 110,490 17,390 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.: Northw. State, ► 79 -979 Chippewa Falls; 1st ... ·., :Min pl..;. Z arona State B:rnk _____ •!§'l8 0. H. Kjor·tad ____ J. A. Todd ________ A. E. Way _________ -------------------10,000 500! 98,000 98,270 16,0CO 1st Wi ·.~•.,.Mil.; 1st N., Minpls. ~ 79-9-17 Farmers & Citizens Bk. U'l3 Robert Hombere-er 0. W. Hahn _______ A. E. Marquardt. __ ------------------22,000 8,660 1 396,990 337,250 77,4-10 Cont.~- Com'!~-. Chi.: Marshall & Ilsleyaml ml 79-805 I 1st \\ 1s. N .. Mil. 1 1T heS:a ~eBank ________ •U'06 E.L.Case ________ lJ.J.Buro ________ J.E. BuerkL _____ 0. R. BuerkL____ " ________ " 20,000 8,0001 42::i,OOO 365,000 62,000 2d Ward Sav. and Lt Wis. N., Mil.; Merch. c· 7 Sav .. Madison. < 1uk ·iJle ___ Ozaukee K 91 aukville !knk ___ i§'l3 I H. J. Cary ______ lwm. Grady _______ 0. J. Grady ________ P. W. Liscow______ 10,000 2,010 62,110 69.220 6,590 ~arshall & Ilsley, Mil. ~ 7 Pop. 3 0 79-779 , '"""er _________ Door L6 Bank of Sturgeon Bay ___ *f'03 B.J. Keith, M(lr. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Bramh of Sturg eonBav, Wis.) ___ ----,N, Bk. Rep., Chi.: lstWi. N., Mil. ~ 7 ax,~n- ~~u- ~~~-Iron F 3 axon State t;§'l6 R. B. Woodward __ Y. J.Simon ________ o. E. Young.______ ____________________ 10.000 1,750 77,690 82,460 2,600 Ft. Dear. N .. Chi.; ll~ar. & Merch., Ashland; ~ 9 Pop. 350 79-902 I , 2d Ward ~av., Mil.; Citiz N .. Stevens Point. cn •mdin.~via Waumca Bank of Scandinavia __ •UlOOO R. M. Hanson _____ E. A. Hotz _________ R. J. BestnL__ ____ 1 __________ 25,000 17,500 1 575,000 620,000 1st N ., \Vi·. Rap. rt1 7 Pop. 373 II 7 7H72 1 0 Schleisinccr\'illt> __ Wa h. Farmers State llank ____ t§·13 John Rosenheimer Peter Mueller ____ Matthew Weiss ____ John Ro enheimer 15,000 1,000 1;:i0,000 1-10,000 30,000,11st Wis. N. and ~Ia rshall & Ilsley, Mil. , Ul 7 Pop, 800 J !l 79-795 .. ________ " StateBk.of chlei in!!erville C.D.Storc.lr_ ______ 1 J.S.Giudice ______ o. J.Roth _________ Wm.G.Kratz_____ 15,000 20,000 430,000 405,000 50,000IFt.Dear. N .. Chi.;lstWis.N.and T.Bk.Com .. 79---673 U"04 M. J. Theisen Mil. ~ Royalton ___ Waupaca I 7 7 Pop. 250 Rubicon _____ __ Dod~e J 9 7 Pop. 200 Rudolph _______ Wood G 7 7 P op. 200 Sanborn ____ A,hland E 3 9 Pop, 75 an I Creek-__ Dunn C 5 9 Pop. 100 ar"na, ____ Washburn C 4 9 Pop. 225 a11k City _______ Sauk G 9 7 Pop. 1162  si9i:  I  I  c!  --------------1-------  f;:t ______  I  I  'g"  I 1  I  1  25,000  22,500  425,000  450,000 I  se,rmour __ Qutafamie J 7 FIRST NATIONAL BANK•i·o3 \lbert Brugger ____ Jacob Freund ____ Chas. Freund_ --- Edmund Wiese ____ , 7 Pop. 12 O 79-346  60,000  25,700  737,000  i35,000  111.000IOon~. & Com IN., Cp.1.; :Marmo N. and N. Ex .. Mil.; McCartney .. Green Bay.  Seymour sta9-to nank ___ •U'02 Chas. R. Prosser ___ James Hittner _____ T. A. Nickodem 7 345 , Jnrou ____ Walworth I 11 Sharon State Bank-----•U'74 ,Geor~e C.Mansfleld Charles W. Searl __ A. C. Pond _____ Charles W. Bear! -7 Pop . 908 7H75  ---1------------------  60,000  39,000,  654,000  6a7.200  25,000  23.2701  46-1,3 0  466,0iO  160,740 N. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; ht Wis. T •• .1' .; 1st ., ,\ppleton. 37,440 Imp. & Tra. N .. N. Y.: 1st N. and Drov. N., Chi.: ht Wis. N., Mil.  • h,lwano ___ Shawano J 6 CITIZENS STATE BANK-*1'10 0. A.. Raisler ______ J. B. Gordon ______ F. G. Brener ______ M. F. Brener----7 Pop 3544 711-251 First National Bank ____ •i•s2 \F. W. Humphrey __ D. H. George ______ A. S. Humphrey. __ H. R.Mlttlestadt._ 79-249  25,000  28,000  000,000  825,000  50,000  50,000  400,000  300,000  75,000  21,000  758,000\·  799,000  seneca. ____ crawford E 9 FarmPrs & Merch. State Bank James Fish r ______ M. Snell ___________ Thomas Taylor ____ 0. Paul on _________ 7 Pop, 300 + 79-674 U'07 • K. Il. Fitzgibbon  I  i  . ________ . I  G. I\. KlOS1ERMAt4. A. KUCKUK ---------- IRA WEEKS------- -- 0. K. ZILBUR -------\ WISCOtlS\ll llll\OlllL Bl1".\ { FlFl'EEN' CENT 11S with each sight draft for presen taUon, and 71}-?5\l  •t·oi  I  I  T'W"ENTY-FIVE ,cents tor each cre \d\t repol't lnsul'es prom-pt, personal attentll on.   Number under l'tau1e or Bsnk is the New Transit Nucnber Kiven to each bank in U. S. eicluslrely by The Band-McNally Banker•• 1553 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Directory, under the authorlt of The American Bankers AsB•n.  WISCONSIN-Continued  \  40,000 Cont. & C_om'l N. and Drov. N., Chi.; 2d Ward[ SU Sav .. Mil. , . . T .  Ig  I  su"  88,000 Morch. Lo. & Tr Co .. _Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley ~ and 2d Ward S v .. MJ!.; 1st N,, Appleton. Pl 72,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; 1st N .. Chi.: Marine~ N., Mil. ~ 96,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.  I  \  \0  I~  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this /~  volume.  For Interest Bates,  oUd ¥.  t .  ee Laws.  de:e~ "li~:S~,  NuD:Jber under 1•tan1e of B!.lnk is the New Trauslt Nucnber given  1553  0  1J'1re~°i:J,!;,:n!n~er°ti! ::ti::~;::}'/rT::A!1:/:,~;~c::::Ie::''l!:.r::  ToWN AN» coUNTT.  /.  NA.ME oF BANK.  "County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure under town is .1:Mem. State Bks. Assn. t Priv. Federal _Reserve District. +Mem. Fed. Res. (Estab.  I  WISCONSIN-Continued  VICE--Prul:sIDENT.  CASHIER,  0'T CASHIER. CAPITAL PROFITS  ITS  c-;:,.,:,:,  ~i~~e::ctf'f:gbic~1 ~11£; 'PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDE..~TS. g 3  ~all;i;er1:;tia~s ':i} For Interest Bates. HoUdays, etc., see Laws. ~  =~  8 _P_A.I_D___ uP_LI_~-!-i_L_~T-:-:-D_.-E-PO-S--11L--...,-~-,.E-=-~-'-U-:_._-CE_:-·.-,..  r PRJCSIDENT.  volume.  ~  - - - - - - - - - 1 , - - - - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , . . . . , .  ..Sheboygan ___ Shebonan BANKOFSHEBOYGAN-•:l:§"73 JuliusKroos _______ Adolph Pfister_ ____ JosephPfeiler _____ NilsKjelson _______ $100,000$ 350,020 $4407090 $3637930 $1136170 Chem.N. and N.City,N, Y.: Cont.& Com'! N. ~ 7 Pop. 30,955 K8 _ 79-39 W. B. Gunther Arnold Steimle and. Corn Ex. N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N. and Marine ....,. N.,Mil. Citizens State Bank ___ •U'96 Henry Jung _______ J. W. Hansen ______ D. W. Huenink ____ Fred Wilke _______ _ 200,000 200,000 2,800,000 2,700,000 530,000 Hau. N., N. Y.: N. Bk. Rep., Chi.;N. Ex.;Mil. ♦ 79-40 R. L. Whitehill F. A. Trier Farmers & Merchants Bank N. J. Schafer _____ 0. C. Neumeister __ H. A. KohJ. ________________ _ 50,000 80,740 675,000 680,000 124.970 Mech. & Metals N .. N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; Midland N., Minpls. 79-41 :l:§'04  w. J. RIETOW -----  SECURITY  ~~~~er JfrtEE~ER--OTTO FOESTE  o. KAUFMANN ----- -1: ,. ~i~h~DctR ------  185 6. Oldest and Largest Bank. NATIONAL BANK {Established WE MAKE PER SONA.L PRESEN TATION. 79-38  500,000  555,000 4,949,380 4,418,000 1,487.410 1st N., N. Y. and Chi.; 1st Wis. N., MIi.  Coll ectlons a speclalt y.  •:t'56  Sheboygan Loan & Trust Co. •:l:§'16 79-42 Sheboygan Falls __ Sheb'n Falls Bank _____________ •:§"74 7 Pop. 2002 K 8 79-318 -------" StateBk.ofSheboyean Falls .. 79-319 :t§'lO Sheldon ________ Rush E 5 Farmers Bank __________ t§'20 9 Pop, 123 79- 1016  Jno. M. Detling ___ Henry A. Detling _ II. A. Detling, Sec. M. Pilling, A. Sec._  50,000  28,530  80,030  274,750  Abner O. Heald ____ W. C. Brickner ____ A. L. Leavens _____ E. G, Roe)lJ _______ _  25,000  35,000  500,000  435,000  J.Bauernfiend ____ R.P.Dassow ______ H.G.Rillemann ______________________ _  20,000  14,710 . 293,160  328,680  L. W. Cox _________ 0. C. Cox __________ Chas. A. Bugher ______________________ _  10,000  •Shell Lake ___ Washburn 9 Pop.920 B4  {CHAS. A. SHAVER_ G. L. COTT---------- S. G. SWANSON _____ W.R. COTT_________ 30,000 9,000 325.000 340,000 30,000 1st Wis. N., l\fil.; 1st N., Mlnpls.; Union LOUISSALESS - - - - - N.,EauClalre.  BANK Of SHELL LAKE 79-372  PROMPT PERSONAL COLLECTI ONS.  620  50,340  41.360  •!§'11 25,000  7,830  595,610  563,090  A. A. Lavell, Jr. 79-371 Sherwood ___ Calumet J 7 Sherwood State Bank ___ :l:§'14 A.H. Mueller ______ Jos. Seidel ________ H.J. Schommer __ Math Maurer _____ _ 7 Pop . .350 79-864  10,000  3,670  142,810  121,600  Shiocton __ Outagamie J 7 Bank of Shiocton _______ t§'02 G. A. Zuehlke _____ F. N. Torrey _______ J. N. Wagner ________________________ _ 7 Pop. 501 7!H76 Shullsburg ____ Lafayette Farmers & Merch. Bk._ •U'09 J.P. Williams____ John W. Harker ___ J.M. Lehr _________ William Metcalf __ _ 7 Pop. 1158 F 10 79-350  ________  .  "  6,370  242,510  207,950  29,560 1st Wis. N., Mil.  25,000  39,100  456,230  418,680  99,050 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont.&Oom'JN., Chi.;Marshall & Ilsley and 1st Wis. N., Mil.  J. 8. SIMPSON-- W. H. LOOK-------- J. J. JAMIESON---50,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•i'89 { Collections ha ve the personaJ attention of an officer of thts ba nk. 79-349 Send us your bustneu. We re mlt on day of payment.  65,000  790,000  757,150  117,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N. and Drov. N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N. and 2d Ward Sav., Mil.  Silver Lake State Bank._•i§'08 7!H77 Bank of Siren ___________ t§'l2 79-777 Bank of Soldiers Grove_:t:§"93 7!H78 First State Bank_ ______ .:j:§'15 79-880 Bank of Somerset_ _____ _:t§'10 7!H79 Citizens Bank. ________ e;j:§'20 79-1008 Germantown State Bank t§"lO 7!HSO  R. M. Dixon ______ Geo. Breu] _________ Wm. G. Schlecht __ Chll,S, W. Dean ___ _  15,000  3,600  312,000  272,410  47,000 Standard Tr. & 8av., Ohl.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.  Harry D. Baker_ ___ Daniel John~on ____ J.E. Spangber2 ___ Walter Johnson __ _ Pe' er Pe·erson M. H. Malone ______ T. Hooverson _____ C. A.. Pete,,rson _____ A. C. Johnson ____ _  10,000  10,600  170,000  213,000  20,000  11,690  412,530  453,160  9,000 Mereh. N., St. P.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N .. Superior. 50,000 State Bk. of Ohl., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  E. S. Coserove _____ Clarence Grace ____ J.P. Coserove ____ Lenore B. Stewart_  10,000  3,000  65,810  43,830  H. A. Laerandeur __ Fred ParneJL ______ H. J. Lairrandeur _____________________ _ : H. V. Schwalbach_ Jno. WalterJin ____ F. s. Clausen _________________________ _  10,000  10,560  314,270  284.190  20,000  700  97,270  93,670  P. G. DuerrJohn SchaetzeL__ B.C.Duerrwaechter Lena Ensch _____ _ waechter  25,000  8,550  391.260  391,350  JOSEPH SAXLER A. J. RICKER----- H. Z. LOGAN------- ------------M. F. LOGAN Ch. of Bd.  40,000  16,860  821.910  616,650  50,000  54,720 1!271,570 1,215,800  i  We trade real c ollectfon service for rour future pa tronage and we say "THANK YOU.•• South Milwankee Bank_•:t§'93 Fred. W. Rogers __ 0. F. Thieme ______ 0. F. Thieme _____ Geo. B. Krueck __ _ 7!H8I 0  17,990 1st N., St. P.: Am. Ex., Superior. 41,960 1st N., Minpls.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil. 19,590 Ft. Dear. N .. Ohl.; Marshall &Ilsley and 1st Wis. N .. Mil. 31,590 Harris Tr. & Sav. and Cont. &Com'l Tr. & Sav., Chi.: 1st Wis. N .. Am. Ex .. andN. Bk. Com., Mil. 253,820 Mech. &Metals N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.;I N. Ex. and Marine N .. Mi.I.  1  ....  154,500 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; 1st ~ Wis.N.,Mil. w  ··co·NT·,N-E·NT . AL ·' . A-·N· D ·. c ·o · MMERCIAL BANK'S cu1cAGO; -:.';~ •'•f~:,·.'•:,<::"•·:~1 17 ·-,-~•:C ·.,,_-?..· ,, :•,  . THOUSANDS 'OF BANKS BUY: ·, . : . COMMERCIAL PAPE R ON OUR ' CHECK'ING' · __-,,. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  22,500 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; Northw. N .. Minpls.; 1st Wis. N ., Mil. 30,750 Ft. Dear. N .. Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; Citiz. State, Sheboygan.  10,000  So.Milwaukee,Milwaukee HOME STATE BANK---•W17 7 Pop. 7598 K 10 79-918 •·  17,050 N, City, Oh1.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.  ATTENTION GIVEN  LUMBERMENS BANK--•:t§'96 S. J. Bourne _______ J.M. Smith ________ J.M. Smith.. _______ J. L. Johnson ____ _  Silverlake __ Kenosha J 11 7 Pop.325 Siren ________ Burne ~t B 4 9 Pop. 150 Soldiers Grove.Crawford 7 Pop. 653 E 9 Solon Springs ____ DougJas 9 Pop. 202 C3 Somerse' ___ s•. Croix A 5 9 Pop. 406 So. Germantown_Wash'n 7 Pop. 350 J 9 •· ____ ____ "  11,030 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; Bk. of Sheboygan, Sheboygan. 65,000 N. City. N. Y.: Cont. & Com'J N., Chi.; N.I Bk. Com., Mil. 40,490 Seab: N,, ~- Y.; 1st_ N., Ohi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil,  1554  Number under N me of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNaUy Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The A~ertca_n Bankers Ass'n.  TOWN AND OOUNTY,  I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Access.), Lawyer , Laws (indexed) in back of this ,_. CJt Laws volume For Intere t Rates, Holidays, etc .. see~---• u, ·~ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. __sl=E=S:..:..._ _ _ 11____:R::..::E:::S~O:.::U:...:R::..::C.=E::::.S•:__ _ B_I=L=IT L_IA ___  WISCONSIN-Continued  NAME OF BANK.  •Mem. Am. Bks.Assn. §State •County seats. Figure under town is tMem.S a e Bks ..Assn. tPriv. [Estab. Federal Reserve District ♦Mem. Fed. Res.  PRESIDENT,  VICE-PRESIDENT.  CA.SHIER,  AsS'T CASHIER,  PAID•UP  Su_:~us  DEPOS-  0  ;:;:;  - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - ________ ,____ - - - - - -  So. Wa,ne.LafayetteG 10 Bank of South Wayne __ u•o3 F. E. Tree.·--··-·· Andress Tree·--· Oscar J. Olson._•• B. M. Jones··-·-·· S 20,000 $ 79-682 7 Pop. 200 Sparta ••••••• Mouoe E 8 Bank o1 Sparta ••••••••. •*1'58 A. W. Barney ______ Louis T. Hill·-·-· Harry W. Barney. R, E. De Witt·-· 71Hll 7 Pop. 4466  50,000  w. W. Hinton ••_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  W.R. CrosbY----·- D. L. Jones_. ____ F. B. Heitman.- _ _ _ _ _ __  I  Lo>.Ns&DIB-1 C.un&Ex-  C:,.~~ c'-J:.;"=:• -- ---  ITS  CAPITAL PROFITS  5,000 $ 350,000 $ 300,000 $ 817,830  ----------------1  00,000 1st N. and Drov. N., Obi.; 1st Wis. N., llil. 124,510 Liberty N., N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.  26,320  876,020  50,000  22,080  481,100  550,820  56,090 1st Wis. N •• Mil.  50,000  26,000  530,000  550,000  60,570 Chase N., N. Y.; Cont. & Oom 'l N., Chi.; Ba ta vian N ., La Crosse: Marshall & Ilsley, Mil·  Spencer •••• Marathon F 6 Spencer State Bank •••• •:tl'08 J. D. Graves----·-- T. A. Soles--·---·- 0. M. BooCL.--. A. J. llell.hattan __ 79-683 7 Pop. 482  25,000  10,000  340,000  340,000  40,000 Drov. N., Obi.; 1st Wis. N .. :Mil.; 1st N,. Marsh: tLld.  8Pooner •• _Washburn O' Bank of 81>0oner •••••• :tl1900 1R. W. Keltm£ ____ L. C. Stadler •• _____ C. L. Appleman ••• A. E. Wittek _ _ J. H. Gardner 71>-329 I Pop. 2293  10,000  6,500  225,000  211,200  29,500 Oont.&Oom'lN .. Obi.: 1st Wis. N.,M11.: 1st N. and Northw. N., Min pis.  Spooner State Bank ••.. •:tl'Ol J. D. Thomas •••• _ E. M. Elliott ..••••• Ethel 11'.Louehney. E. J. Bieloh ·-----o. D. Stockwell 79-328  25,000  5.400  340,000  288,000  56,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st N .. Chi.; Marine N., Mil.; Am. N., St. P.; Northw. N., Minpls.  Sprin11:brook __ Washburn Sprin2brook State Bank•:t§'l7 A. W. Sergeant •••• R. E. Tewman _____ H.J. Peters. ______ - - - · · - - 79-930 04 1 Pop, 250  10,000  2,600  100.000  103,000  14,ooo list Wis. N .. Mil.; Northw. N .. M.inpls,  Sprier Green ... Sauk F g Farmers State Bank •••• :tf'14 E. S. Sherwood_. J. O. Evans · - - H. L. Gray·---·- ··-·-----·--· 79-821 7 Pop. 600  15,000  3,700  224,610  223,310  ~ 19,120 1st N .. Chi.: Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.; Com'1 N., ► 1Lt Madison.  State Bank of Sprine Green Martha Hyland __ Joseph Lins •••• ____ T. W.KID&.-- Alex. J Georre · imoo 79-684  25,000  10,610  453,870  476,370  56,490 Cont. & OQm'J N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N .. :Mil,  Sprine Valley •• Plerce B6 Bank of Spring Valley.•:tl'02 Otto Sieberns ----· Thos. M. Casey ••• - J.B. Graalie. _ _ R. G. Condit-··-· Minnard Olsen 71>-361 9 Pop. 939  25,000  21,530  674,360  574,070  137,280 1st N., Ohi.aadSt.P.;MarineN., Mil,; Northw. ~ i:: N., M.inpls.  P. L. LILLIE------ F. KAMKE---------· E. C. WINGEN ·----- Ht M. WALLEII-----· dtn25,000 X Save time and get service on Col lectlons and Cred I Reports b7 sen FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain ai11ht d raft•. 15c; Credit Report.. 25c. TB Y US. Give us your bu slness.  12,500  501,000  401,120  78,780 Cont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; 1st S, ~ N ., Minpls.  15,000  610,000  592,000  80,650 Cont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.: 1st N.,Hinpls.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.: Union N .. Eau Claire.  .  .  Farmers National Bank•:t'07 H.M. Newton·--- T. O. LonirwelL ___ H. J. Masters 71>-213  MONROE COUNTY BAIIK 79-212  u  ..  .  ,,  11  -··-··-·  11  •U'93  i  FARMERS STATE BANK :tl'll 1>7 362  Stanley •••• Obhrpewa R 6 Oltizens State Bank--•U'90 P. J. Ooserove •• _. Imbert Roe-·--· 79-258 9 Pop. 2577  s. F,QoeJ>Od&r ___  35,000  A. B. Heian •••••••  11  Farmers & Merch. St.ate Bank 1J.B. Halverson--. A. F. Embretson._ H. Gr~erson - - · S. P. Lien •••••••••• " •U'03 79-259 Star Prairie.St. Croix B 5 I Star Prairie tate Bank.:t§'l6 ·D. C. Cooli~e-- Gilbert Nelson .•-. Oscar Esenstad ·--· _ _ _ _ _ __ 79-922 9 Pop, 413 st. Oloud.Fond du Lac J 8 State Bank of St. Oloud.*1'07 Anton Dre.ifuerst. J. Guelig -····-·-- Orlando J. Koll. ___ Ralph Kohlmann •• 79-685 7 Pop, 400 St. OroiI Falls ••• Polk B5  9  ..  Pop. 850  ---·  -  "  FRED OLCOTT ----· G. H. THOMPSON ·--- W. T. THOMPSON---- J. C. HOGLUND •••.•• BANK OF ST. CROIX FALLS , F.W. WALKE~'-P 71Hl86 ~ OLDE T BANK IN POLK COUNTY. WE lNVITE YOUR BUSINES  •il'"I  FIRST  NATJt,tJs  ALVIH ROBERTSON J. S. MONTGOMERY, D. I. COBB •••••• -  BANK-•t'l 9  I{ 1  ------  r Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  St~i:ink ____ :t;l/i'l9 R. W. Crowley---·· \ A. Kinder----\ J.P. Lathrop _____ •  ~ 1  trJ I~  25,000  24,450  594,8101  500,650  10,000  3,200  210,000  175,000  20,000  10,640  261.080  244,000  50,000  18,230  555,850  592,170  25,000  5,000  82,000  71,000  C/l  I  ~ ~  ::) (1)  44,600 1st N .. Ohi.;lstWis. N .. Mil.:lst N.,Minpls.: Union N., Eau Claire. 33,000 capital N .. St. P.; 1st Wis. N., Mil,; Midla11d N., Minn. ,2.000 Marshall & Ilsley and 2d Ward Sav .. Mil.; Com'l N,, Fond du Lac. 52,990 Cont. & Com'l N ., Chi. ; Merch. N., St. P.: Northw, N., Minpls.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.  21,G00 1st N,, Minpls.  Send your cash le tt!rs and ~olleciron s direct to the FIR ST NATIONAL for prompt effe ct,ve service. WE GET RESULTS.  Stetsonvme •••Taylor F 5~Farmers State Bank ••• •w1s \Frank Storch_____ L. R. Bucholz-·--· A. J. Greiner ___ - · - - - - - · 79-816 9 Pop. 250  0  I  s.  St. Nul&nz ••. Kanitowoc St. Nazianz State BanL.•U'09 N. ll'ilz--·--- W. O. Groh ______ • A. A. Schmitz···-- _ _ _ _ __ 79-687 K8 l Po11. goo  S\e1en"'p \:l~\t!totd R 9 'Fa;rmers  I  ~i~!~~~eii··- 1  c,._ Sl,)  ::, 10,000  13,000  10,000  4.700  10,000  200  250,000  200,000  30,000 1st Wia. N., llil.  165,000  150,000  15.000 Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  63,000  b6,300  14,500 Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  s:::  Sl,) i-t  ~  -"° t,.;)  I  Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Ban.11:fn,r Point (In-.__. La'WJ'ers Laws (indexed) ln back of 1.h1BI Sl,)  dexed Acces)  volume.  For 'interest Rates, Holldays, etc .• see Laws.  ::s  10,000  15.•~s J,  -  . . . , . _ aader Name ol JlallJr •  /  N.A.IrIE oF BA.HK.  •Couty Beats. 1•llem . .Am. B.lrs . .Assn. §State I!'ieare under town is fMf'm.StateBks.Assn. tPriv. .rederal Reserve District. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  •  ste  ;ensp~~~Ail;_or1t/1  CITIZENS NAT BKi, 1>-1  7  "  .  .  .  1  36  63,000 New ftoaadl lfamlHI, Id._.  .a  lo ball La U. B. uola.d'NIT by TIie . .ad-MeNallT . I l a ~ ,,,,_,.,.,. ■ader lhe aalllorlly of TIie American .Baaken ABB•a.  ftnnr ~ OoUNTr.  200  •  ; 9  j  P.IU'8IDINT.  I  I  0.ASXID.  I  AS8'T C.4.SlllD.  _:-c.U_:.-~-.-•.,,-.  _ _ _Lic....c=A._B_l_Ll_T_I-'ES_._ _ _ 11 Lo __,..._R_ES_ 4 11 DllPOS-  PAIJ)-trP  su:;;us  CA.Pl'l'.'-L PBOil'ITS  ITS  200,000  Wisconsin State Bank-•tl'OZ E. B. Robertson -- L. R. Andersen ___ A.H. Hendersen _ R. J, Marshall ____ _ 79-1S7  30,COO  Stitzer ________ Grant E 10 Stitzer State Bank_. _____ §'20 D, T. Parker_____ 7 Pop. 175 70- 002  65,430 1,963,860 2,040,480 6,000  800,000  680,000  Edward Bergheger T. M. Webster ____ ------------------  15,000  150  60,350  10,023  Stockbridee--O&lllIDet J 7 State Bk:. ef Stock:brideetl'05 7 Pop. 387 7H88 Stockholm _____ pepin B 7 Stockholm State Bank-•U'16 9 Pop. 207 70-898 Stoddard _____ Vernon D a Farmers & M.erch. State Bank 7 Pop. 305 79-737 U'll StoneLake ___ sawyer o 4 First National Bank _____ :•13 9 Pop. 150 70-787 Stouirhtoo _____ Dane H 10 Citizens National Bank •t'06 7 Pop. 5107 79-U6 " -----" First National Bank ____ e!'l9 79-195 " -------" Stouirhton State Bank .. •U'77 79-194 81rattord ___ l(arathonQ 6 Stratford State Bank __ e!f'08 7 Pop. 1014 71H811 Strum __ Trempealeau D 6 First State Bank _____ etf'04 9 Pop. 285 79-690  T. E. OonneJl _____ Thomas Flatley __ A. H. FlaUey ____ August Dorn ______ _  12,000  ll,710  230,370  220,080  E.T. Josephson ___ Anton Peterson __ H. R. Anderson __________ _  10,000  1,000  124,860  96.010 235,000  •ltta~eon Bay __ Door LI 7 Pop. 4553  HEIIY FETZER --- JOSEPH WOLTER- R. C. KOEHi------- J.C. WEITERMANN J. H. STEWART B. J. KEITH  ♦  70-210  >-1  :::  lil,000 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co. and Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Karine N. and 2d Ward Sav .. Mil.  0  18,940 Oont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.; Marshall & llsle:,,Mil.l ~  -z C/J  i,«o  Corn Ex. N., Chi.: 1st N., Minpls.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. 25,400 N. Bk. Rep., Ohl.; Batavian N., La Crosse; t[l 1 t Wis. N., Mil. 15,650 Corn Ex. N., Ohi.: Midland N., Minpls.: Am. Ex. N .. Duluth; 1st Wis.,. ., .rn, 103,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N .. llil. ~ 150,000 N. Oit:,, N. Y.: Oont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Kari.De en N.,Mil. 175,000 Chem. N., N. Y.: 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.; 1st r.n  Henry Blashek: ___ G. A. WrobeL ____ .Mildred Blashak ___ -----------------  10,000  3,350  240,000  25,000  2,700  81,840  01,820  M. L. Gregerson ___ Albert Asleson ____ Geo. 0. Moen ______ T. J. Rippchen ___ _  50,000  40,000  788,210  682,310  J.M. Clancey _____ John Holtan _______ N. A.. Ny~en ___ R. G. Anderson ___ _ L. 0. Amundson Robe Dow------- -------------------- Robe Dow _________ Giles Dow ________ _ Rooe Dow, Jr. R. Connor _ _ _ J, S. Ohrouser _____ Theo. W.Hofl'mann ____________ _  50,000  120,000  000,000  000,000  25,000  55,000  700,000  600,000  50,000  14.050  325,290  841,040  25,400 Cont. & Com'l N. and Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. C'P  Severt Rekstad ___ J.M. Olson _______ H. N. Robbe ____ J. G. Strand ______ _  20,000  7,950  362,960  338,770  43,920 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N., .Mil.; Eau ~ ::s en - - - Claire N .• Eau Claire: ls1 N ., Yinpls.  --- --- --100,000  z> I  WisN.,M:il.  ~  N .. Mil.  <  ~ 0 39,290 1,964,070 1.862.840 245,230 N. Bk. Rep. and Live Stock El. N,, Chi.: ::;• lstWls.N.,Mll. rl-  ,.,. 0  l  •t ·•81  i  t ~btvt"a~ :-y~-  STEPHENSON --------------  w. w.  7  711-343  •:1:§'grs  { E. BATZ---------- WM. F. RENK------- RUPERT J. BATZ---- ----------  537,440  566,060  713,370  23,000  668,550  15,000 -------15,000 ll,480  17,250  12,700  337,100  320,460  25,000  12,030  518,070  573,82:l  40,000  12,000 1,005,000  002,000  50 000 •  Send your colle ctlons to us for Q UICK RETURNS.  USE AND SELL OUR LETTERS I OFCREDITANDTRAVELERS'CHEQUES: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  5,020  C/l  E  80,150 Ft. Dear. N., Ghi.; N. Ex., Mil.: McCartney N., Green Bay. '"'  ,~,I~~·  I'D  0  65,300 Cont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.;lstWis.N., MU.; Oitiz,I N .. Green Bay,  Collections and Requests for Cre dlt Reports MU ST be accompan led by FEE IN ADVAN CE: Plain sioht d raft • 15c; Credit Reports, 25c,  SuatcoPop~l!Orrown J 6 IState Bank i~,mico __ §'20 R. B. Vickery----- Timothy Burke ____ A.O. Schroeder ____________ _ 7 1 Slllli.-an ____ Jefferson I 9 Farmers State Bank: __ •U'06 P.R. McKee ______ Gust Elsner _______ Fred BarteJt____ ______________ 7 Pop. 820 79-601 unlr~~:."f}},fane H II Bank: of Su /~irie ____ if'll7 Henry Schey _____ J. W. Olwe _ _ F. Chase ______ Alice Kleiner______  FARMERS & MERCH. BANK  50,000  This bank gives the beat or servte eon collections. Sight drafts m ust be accompanJ ed by Uc to pay r or presentation, and 25c for eac h credit report.  MERCHANTS EXCHANGE BK. {~L::!L=~ 70-2011  C/J  George E. Stubbins E. L. Bean _______ George H.Stabbins _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  H. L PETERSON---- H. E. STEDMAN----- JOHN BOLER--- - - - - -  •U'l4  ~  (')  57,560 1st N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.  ----------------------------1--- --- --- --- ---  711-4211  10  363,410 Han. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; lstWis.N.,Mil.  ''THE BUSY BANK OF DOOR COUNTY" Center or the Cherry Fruit Belt. •11'811 FIFTEEN CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and TWENTY -FIVE CENTS for each credit report IDBures prompt, personal attentl en.  DOOR COUNTY STATE BANK  -  ~  --- --- --- ---  J. V. Berens _______ J. W. Schindler ___ _ Leo Larson  STURGEON BAY  ~  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS,  c;:,.,::..":• :•:~  E. A. OBERWEISER-J. A. MURAT--------C. S. ORTIIMAN-- S. 110\ETII-------Unequaled facilities for making collection!· O. MMONS $ 100,000 $ t0.711 $16D2980 $1596360 $ Z4U70 Chase N., N. Y.; Coia&. A Com'l N., Ohl.; 1st Wis. N., MU. FIFTEEN CENTS sent to us with each sight draft for presentation, and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for each credit report insures prompt, personal attention.  First National Bant: _____ .i·sa W. D. Connor ______ J. W. Duneean _ 79-135 H.J. Week  BANK OF  14,500 Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil •  de:~•A~. ~~e..:',.~~~e~:Ct~f &.volume. For Interest kates, Holidays, etc., see Law.. ~  WISCONSIN-Continued  VI-PuslDDT,  b6,300  C ONTINENTAL ' -  15,140 Drov. N .. Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; Oity N., Green Bay, 34,210 M.ercb. Ln. & Tr. Oo. and Harris Tr. & Sav., Ohi.: 1st Wis. N. and 2d WardSav .• Mil. 36,320 lstN. and Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; JstWis.N. and 2d Ward Sav .• Mil.; Bk. of Wis. and Com'l N,,Madi on. _ 120,000 Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.: N. Ex. and N. Bk. u, Com., Mil.; 1st N., Madison. c.n CJl  - AND  C OMM ERCI AL --  BANKS CHIC A GO I  '  z  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-1\lcNally Bankers• _ __Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n. ----TOWN A. D 0,)U, TY. 'AME OF BANK. •Gou n ty ea ts. • Mem. Am. Bks. A ssn. §State VWE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. Ass 'T CASHIER. CASHIER. Fi~ure unc.ler Town is tMem. State Bks .A~sn. t Priv. [Estab. Federal Hesnve District +Mem. Fed. Res -----• upcrior_ __ Dou1?las C 2 Allouez State Ba nk ____ U'15 T. E. Cannon ______ J. S. Hadley _______ Thos. Tollefson --· --- --9 Pop. 39,624 79-8  1556  Non-Bank Towns with N<.'arest Eanklng Point 1n dexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (iudexed) in back of thL volume. For ~_!;ere~t-~~~~~ys, etc., see La,vs ~  WISCONSIN-Continued -  -- ----  p  H. H. GRACE------- CLARENCE GRACE- W. J. BEMRICK--- E. E. HAGQUISl-- -  EXCHANGE BANK  WE INVITE YOUR "SUPERIOR" BUSINESS.  ~~~• :,~;::  AlD-UP SURPLUS  CAPITAL PR~TS  ---- I$  *AMERI CAN 79-3  _ __.::L::,.:.lA::,.:.B:::.:I,:c:L:c_l.::._T::,.:.lE::.:-S::..:•_ _ _ , ,1 --=l{.:..:l';:.:::s:..::o-::;uc.:.:R:..::C-=E::c.S.:...__ I  I  JAMES FLINN  t!:SCDlllTIU  PRIXCIPAL CORRESPOND~. 'T8.  0-,  ;~~!,t~ P&OX  B,_..,..  10,000 _________ $ 70,310 $ 59,6:;o $ 15,330 Am. Ex., Superior; St. P. State, St. P.  100,000 $ 44,000 1,156,360 1 1,100.100  - · _._ -  -• -  192,760 Chase N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Merch. N.,  St.P.;tstN.,Dul.;MldJandN.,~llnpls.  •tS'90  ~  -  ----.:,--  *BANK OF  CHAS. A.CHASE-- EDWARD L. CASS-- J.M. CRAWFORD- R. J. OYAAS-------  •ts'88  I  Community Sav in,s Bk.1'§'19 O, G, Kinney-----+· F, Bineham _____ Thos. >I. Tte,ney __ 79-g  --  150,000  -  Oldest and strongest Bank In the city. Prompt attention to all business.  88  I  Superior State Bank ___ •tf'03 0. S. Knox _________ Russell Baxter _____ 79-5  *UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK 79-4  •t·o8  1  lJ,  R. Colbe<L----  I  BYRON M. PATTISON-~J. WENTZEL-= : JOEL  -  50,000  -  -  -  68,780  36,540  5,000  I  200,000  -  -  le. A. Gray--------- ,~  I  Direct your SUPERIOR Items to this "SUPERIOR BANK FOR SUPERIOR SERVICE."  -  -- - - - -  500,000  @  -  ----  --- --- ---  -  -  -  35,000 Ft. Dear. N. and Droy. N .. Ohi.; 1st Wis. N.,  5,200  197,000,,  199,500  16,000 Cont. & Com'! N. Ohi.: Marine N., Mil.  25,000  7,220  450,030  409,260  ::, 63,530 Corn Ex. N. and Drov. N .. Chi.: 1st Wis. N ., ~ Mil.; Merch., Winona, Minn. Ill  25,000  4,360  261,000\I  300,000  16,000 Merch, Ln. & Tr. Co .. Chi.; 1st Wis. N. and ~ Marshall & 11s ley, Mil. .....  40,000  6,350  416,9~ \  420,000  35,820\Chem. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.: 1st~  There a ______ _Dodie Jo Theresa State Rank ____ •i§·o5 Gustav Ruecker --- J. P. Stoye ________ F. A. Bandlow ---- --------------  Mil.  '-4  0:,  '"1  7~4  Thi.ensvi.\\e.01.aukee K 9 Thiensvme Sta.te Bank. __!§'10\John 11'. Nieman ___ \Louis G. Kieker --- E. W .Wiese _______ A.H. Hadler ______ \\ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5  (/)  :5.  185,000  10, B. Borsheim ---- B. L. Van Gorden __ 0. M. Hjerleid ----- ~L N. Hanson_____  1\Hil}5  ~-  I  10,000  Pup. 3M  Duluth.  79,110 N. City, N. Y.: Drov. N., Chi.: Merch. N., St. ~ P.; U.S. N., Superior; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  200.000  l  ~-t~.;lh~;~rJt~.~i'sf~~!~;i&,';"it ::J"  389,970  32,500  35,000 ---------  us. ex ____ Waukesha Jg Sussex State Bank ______ !§'11 W. D. McGill ______ Geo. Teumueller -- J, W. Cannon.---- Geo. Neumuellcr__ 7 Pop. 350 79-747  ~  0  683,600 Irving N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; ~  102,690 3.205 830 2.816,020  -  344.480  Superior Olearinf Bouse _____ Wm. B. &nks _____ ·------------------- Charles A. Chase, J. L. Ranks, Mgr._ (Members inclic.ated bv a*) Sec. nring ________ oconto J 6 Surinf State Bank _____ •tf'08 A. C. ,\rverson ____ H.F. Zuehlke _____ W. J. Thielke ______ J.P. Smith. _____ _ 7 Pop. 294 71Hi92  i  100,000 Librdy. '., N. Y,; Cont, & Com'! N .. Chi,; :Minn. N., Duluth. 0  300,000  -- -- ----  14,940  Pop. 381  z  19,000 Ft. Dear. N,, Chi.; 1st N., Minpis.; Union N., Oj Eau Claire; U. s. N .• Superior. ►  ,  10,000  GHENT R. SM 1TH ----!-O.M. WHITAKER , C. W. BERGLUND , 200,000  Wisconsin State Bank ___ t§'ll H. L. Haeerman --- Robert Stewart. ___ F. S. CampbelL ____ W. A. Fur,-t ______ _ 7M  l  Z  Ul  172,860 2,917,370 2,053,820 683,390 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Chi,; •1st N., St. P.: 1st Wis. N., ~Ill.; Nortbw. 1 and tst N., Mlnpls.; 1st N., Duluth. C/l  I  Taylor _______ Jackson D 7 Trempealeau Valley State Bk. 7 Pop. 350 79-693 •U-05  1st Wis. N., Mil.; Merch. N., St. Paul.  0  z  --------  s. GATES------  526,420 N. City, N. Y.; Mercb. Ln. & Tr. Co., Chi.;  91,550 2,085,380 1.791,050  - -1- -  !---__- - - - -  WILLIAM 8. BANKS-PEAR BENSO"-----JOHN L. BANKS-----W. B. BANKS, Jr,-llRST NAT, BANK •t· 97 1  ()  LA.RGES'r STATE BANK IN NOBTBERN WISCONSIN. W~ make personal presentations or all Items. 16c must accompany sight drafts to pay for presentation and 26c for credit Information.  COM ME RCE 79-2  Ul  Clara Uebslher  Wi.s ..•. , Mil.  Non-Bank  WISCONSIN-Cont~nued  _  ,....  Tow:_:e~iti~::(!~~i::;f1~gb:;.f ~! h~.?,; C-  iij~~e~ici,~~)in~!rest Bates, Holidays, etc., ~ee Laws. ~ HEsouHc;s. PR1.~c1PAL CoRRESPO?.DENTS, ~  ,350  416.G;;o I 420,000  35,820 Chem. N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l Wis .. N.,  WISCONSIN-Continued TowN AND cou. "TY. is Fig;~g~~~r FederalRe-erveDi trict ♦Mero. Fed. Re.  1i{v~  I  CA  PRESIDE.-T.  [Estab.  /w.  ----  IPeoples  "  ,  State Bank ____ 19~00  •:t§·so/w. R. McOutcheon  Geo. Zillmann. ____ R. G. Lawrence ____ Geo. H. Plucin ki _  ClarkG.Kuney ____ G.A.Kloes ________ F . . Leary ________ ---·-··--···-------ThrPe.L&kes __ OneidaH4 StateBankofThreeLakes ,. ' u·12 • 79-781 . 9, Pop. 500 T1grr,on ____ Shawano H 6 First National Bank---•:U900 H. R. Swanke______ Chas. A. Lehman ___ \\. E. \\ 1lson _____ Clara Draeger ___ _ 7H97 7 Pop. 748  I.  .  ITS  30,000 $ 12,500 $ 342,2;0 $--341,540 $ 32,460 C_o_n_t_._&_C_o_m-'l_N_.a_n_d_L-iv-e- Stock Ex. N., Chi.: tst Wis. N., Mil.; 1st N .. .Minpls. 25,000 • 1  16,500 I 400,000  430,000  30,000 1st Wis. l'f., Mil.  25,000  1,120  14 '.470  126,010  52,740 Cont. & Com'J  8,590  325,990  288.180  1 85,6i0 Han . .._T., I Mil.  25.000  7,030  176,930  40,000  27,000  R. Andres _________ W. J. Brennan _____ F. J. Crowley ____ _ Farmers & Merchants Bank T. :e:. J.nderson _ Anna Woltf •il'll 79-744 Warrens Bank ________ •ii '88 W. W. Warren____ __________________ B. H. Drow________ _________________ _ 79-226 I  25,000  36,260 1,210,7 0 1,149.350  I  I  598,000  57,000 IM:erch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Ohi.: 1st Wis. N.. lil.; Batavian N., La Crosse; Northw. N,, )Iinols.  636,610  480,000  Tomahawk: ___ Lincoln G 5 Bank of Tomahawk ____ •t§'04 0. E. :Macomber ___ J. A. Fitzgerald ____ E. H. Welfley _____ F.. W. mith .. ____ _ 79-252 9 Po1>. 2801  25,000  10,000  333,000  323,000  C.H. GRUNDY--- F. P. WERNER----- K. VEITCH--------· J. L. EXTROM-----  50,000  25,500  683,000  700,000  79-253  l  Y.; N. Bk. Rep., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N ..  I  18,i80 12d Ward Sa.v., Mil.; Citiz, N., Green Bay,  5,000  BRADLEY BAH-------•U'0S  T,  .. Chi.  181.410  25,000  I  rao><B.uaa  1'CURITl£8  Tisch Mills ___ Manitowoc Tisch Mills ta.te Bank __ :(:§'li,Geo. G. DeBroux __ F. W. StangeL ____ J.M. Bartelme _______________ _ 1 79--956 K7 7 Pop. 100 Tomal1. ______ l(onroe E 8 Bank of Tomah ________ •:tf '94 L. W. Drew _______ c. B. Drowatzky ___ F. H. Drew ____ ---- ___________________ _ 79-227 7 Pop. 3257 1  /  ~~•z!~:=: c~~:~!.t~/  su:;~us DEPos-  /CAPITAL PROFITS  Krause _________ John Slota ________ Ruth Burke_-····· $ /John Verkuilen __ . Thorp __________ Clark E Farmers Exchane-e .Bank J. S. Beg-imill •:1'13 79-793 / 7 Pop. i96  "  REsouRcEs.  LIABJLtTIEs.  PAID-UP  Ass'T C.-1SHIER.  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _  _______ ,________ 1  HIER,  101.840 Union Tr. Co., Ohi.: 2d Ward Sav .. Mil,: N. Bk. (".) I of La Crosse. La Crosse: 1st ., Minpls. 0 185,000 -. , ~t y, ... •. 1:.: ~st N,- and Co:-it. & Com'! .. '. Chi.; l:st \\ IS. ., )f1I. 47,000 1st N., Chi. and .Minpls.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  tI!  60,000 N. Oity, N. Y.: State Bk. of Wis. . and Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.  :55,110  10,000 1st N., .Minpls.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  10,000  990  10,000  4,000  120,0001  90,000  10,000 1  2,000  211,470  199,150  Tripoli__ _____ Oneida G 4 Tripoli State Bank ______ §'20 B. D. Stone _______ C. K. Ellingson___ F. J. Kandutsch •. ____________________ _ 50 ---------- ______ H. H. Stalle 79-1022 g Pop. Turtle Lake._Barron B 5 Bank of Turtle Lake .•.:t:11900 L.11. Richardson __ J, H. Bunker ______ F. G. McKenzie ___ _ 7H99 9 Pop. 679  10,000  1,500  40,000  10,000  6,100  249,4001  234,070  21,430 Marine N. and 1st Wis. N .• Mil.; 1st N ., Min pis.: Merch. N., St. P.  Security St1~ fnk ____ ;t:§'17 L. H. Rivard ______ Axel Johnson _____ T. A. Birch ________ E. P. Nygren----:,-9  12,000  1,710  166,910 l  166,130  15,440 Ft. Dear. N .• Chi.; U. S. N .• Superior: N. Bk. Com. and 1st N .• St. P.; 1st Wis. N .. .Mil.  35,000 1,350,000 1,360,000  156,000 Cont. & Oom'l N .. Chi.: 1st Wis. N., 2d Ward Sav., and Marshall & Ilsley, .Mil.  580,000  71,500 Corn Ex. N .. Chi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Manitowoc Sav., .M anitowoc.  511.660  88,8i0 1st N. and Live Stock Ex. N .. Chi.; 1st N .. Racine.  119,470  13,830 1st N., Marshfield; 1st Wis. N., .Mil.  Trego _____ Washburn O 4, State Bank of Trefo ____ tf'I0 J. H. Thom11son ___ A. W. Serfeant ___ John T. Fiedling __ Thos. H. Gunning_ 7H98 , 9 Pop. 300 H. Carhart _____ L. S. Sanders ______________ .. ---------  ·---1  Two Rivers ___ Manitowoc L7 7 Pop. 7303  BANK OF TWO RIVERS  •U"91 J. E. Hamilton ____  o. E. Mueller ______  79--192  TWO RIVE,!1!fVINGSifli  H. C. Wilke _______ H. R. ~ch wake ____ I R. C. Ble er  Peter Schroeder ___ Jos. S. Schroeder __ Frank Schroeder __ ----~---------------  5-1.820  X  1;;o,ooo  25,000  52,000  I I  574,500  46,000  50,000  19,190  539,780  10.0C0  3,080  126,050  1  ., ~  0  I  I  nion Grove.Racine J 10 state Bank of Union Grove J. S. Blakey _______ O. P. Graham ______ w. D. White ___ _.__ w. E. Stone ______ _ 1 •:§'03 79-700 7 Pop. 729 nity ______ Marathon F 6 Unity State Bank ______ e:§'09 J. H. Clark _______ Edgar Ayer _______ S. J. Falck _______________________ _ 79--701 , 7 Pop. 405 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  i,■.4  Z  (./l  Tony ___________ Rusk D 5 Bank of Tony __________ :(:§"19 D. A. RusselL ____ J. Hein, Jr. · ----·· Erland Engh __________________________ _ 79--996 I 9 Pop. 216  .i: •  ~  > Chi., Chi.; 1st Z  OLDEST AND L A.RGEST BANK. , WE ThVITE YO UR BUSINESS. I  Trempe,aleau. Tremp'leau Citizens State Bank ____ e:t§'l2 Wm. Nicholls _____ 79-790 D7 9 Pop. 536  ~  Ul  '"1  30,000 Am. N., St. P.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.; 1st .._T .. Ilay- 'O ward; Union N., Eau Claire. r+ 18,360 1 Drov. _N.. Chi.: :Yerch., W_inona, ~Iinn.; lsauw1an N .• La Oros e: 1st Wis. N .• hl. 6,000 1st N., Chi. and Minpls.: 1st Wis. N., :llil.  0  C:::  8.  r+ ~  -  01 01  "  CHICAGO  - KE~~r~GT~~~~~u~~;f~s:  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS  1558  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exelu1hely by The Rand-MeNally Bankers• Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass•n.  NA.ME OF BANK, :Mem. Am. BBks. AA.ssn. stsP~te •Oountdy Setats. . riv. Figure un er own lS +.m.em. State ks. ssn. [Estab. Federal Reserve District. •~Iem. Fed. Res.  "  -----  •Viroqu,. _____ Vernon E 9 7 Pop. 2574  u·u  Valders State Bank _____ 79-702 Van Dyne State Bank __ et§'18 79-051 Bank of Verona... ______ i§'03 79-703 State Bank ot Vesper --:I'll 71>-704 Farmers State Bank ___ :t§'14 79-857 State Bank of Viola ___ u·os 79-705  1  LIABILITIES,  TOWN A.ND COUNTY,  Yalders •• llanitowoc K 7 7 Pop. 500 Yandyne. Fond duLac I 8 Pop.150 r 1 \ erona _______ DaneG 10 7 Pop. 325 Vesrrer _________ Wood JI' 7 7 Pop. 250 Viola. ______ Richland E 9 .. 7 Pop. 551  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, otc., see Laws.  WISCONSIN-Continued  PRESIDENT,  CA.SHIER.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  ASS'T CASHIER.  PAID-UP SURPLUS CAPITAL PRAONJ'DITS  Barney Brennan __ Wm. Garbe ________ Corty M. Halderson _____________ $  25,000 $  J. V. D. \Vildenber~ J. J. Lamb _________ C. H. Krippene____ ___________________  15,000  J.B. Donkle _______ A. E.G. Sherman.. H. M. Meyers _____  -------1  RESOURCES.  Ou■0 i:ll:&• •B:!~ "!?. c~~~.,,.-· ·- --.,___ .,  3,500 $ 220,000! $ 225,000 $ 32,0001-D-ro_v_.-N-.-._C_h_i.-·1_s_t_W_1-.s-.-N-.,-M-il-.- - - - ' 20.320 lst N. and Drov. N ., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley 88,040 107,560' and 1st Wh. N., Mil. 77,000 M.erch. Ln. & Tr. Co., Ohi.; Marshall & llsley, 360,000 402,800 22,000 1 Mil.: State, Madison. 17,000 Wood Co. N., Wis. Rap.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil. 160,000 7,500 1,;;,000  15,000 10,000 20,000  8,140  372,3~0  362,450  25,000  7.020  180,660  216,890  H. LINDEMANtl --- -------------------- W. F. LINDEIUNN __ ELMER P. KUEHN...  OO  1,050  John H. Babb ______ J.B. Kinder _______ Jas. E. Kerbaugh __ C. C. Ewers ____ _ C. H. Miller I. Griffin ______ L. s. Griffin ______ _ E. B. Bender _____ J.C. llulL_______ W. J. Fishell  BANK OF VIROQUA ----•:1'81 { First and oldest established Bank. Collections a s pectalty and rem Prompt attentil on to all Banking matters.. 71>-282  vi  PRINCIPAL O0RRESP0NDUTS.  DEPOS-. Loui6:D1.1!. ITS  G. H. Horn-------- A. P. Bean ______ E, \Vitzi~ --------- Clara Witzi~------  w.  I  !":.  33,700 1st N. and Drov. N., C.b.i.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.: ., Madi on. Com'l 20,400 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  ~  VJ  260,000 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Ohi,; Marshall & Ilsley, (")  60,000 1,650,000 1.465.000  65,000 ltted on  -  day of payme nt.  0  Ma  ,z I  Farmers Bank ---------tS'l7 T. O. Mork ________ 79-031 First National Bank ___ •:t'07 H.P. Proctor ___ 71>-283 Wabeno _______ Forest I 5 State BIJl.t ot Wabe120-•U'07 Y. O. Rusch----7i-70G 9 Pop. 2000  C. W. Moore _____ H.P. Davis ________  c. A. Cutter ______ _  (/l  Z  37,610 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 2d \VardSav. and Marine .i:'., 1 Mil.: Batavian N .• La Crosse. 1 180,650 Liberty N,, • Y.; Cont. & Clom'l N., Chi.; 1st to  50,000  7,880  584,630  606,540  William Webb _____ H. E. Packard _____ A. T. Fortun _____ _ G. W. C. Ross S, D. Switzer _____ Ross Richardson __ --------------------  50,000  22,090  7!J5,580j  735,820  25,000  2,840  2i5.0-00I  267,000  25,000 s:O~ar~-T~ii Sav., Chi.: Oitiz. N., Oconto:! N. Bk. Com., Mil.  W. A., Barber ___ Carl Manneck _____ H. W. Timmer ____ F. E. Timmer __ _ C. W. Cross W. H. Blias ________ Moses Williams ____ W. B. Owens _____ -------------  10,000  10,120  234.020  240,400  15,000  7,220  135,930  156,550  21,040 Drov. N .. Chi.: Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.;Secur. N.. Sheboygan. 0,560 1st Wis . .N., Mil.  A, E. Peterson._ R. D. Davis _______ Y. E. Lawson _________________ _  40,000  15,380  510,360  470,370  83,360 N. City, Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  Olof Olson - - --· Ole Christenson ___ A. B. Christensen. -------------------  10,000  2,050  65,000  60.000  H. Bentzen _______ C. Bentzen-------- R. W. Bentzen ____ ---------------F. W. Bentzen  10,000  3,600  01,500  82,800  •\Va. hburn •• Bayfteld D 2 Ba.Yfleld County Bank •• •:tl'SD D. ll. llaxcJ'----- T. R. Spears _______________ I. F. Hanson __ _ 71H20 9 Pop. 3707 ll. H. Spracne _ _ L. N. Olausen _____ S. I. Haugen _____ H. V, Hanson ____ _ NOil EH STATE IANll •if 'Do 71-221  25,000  13,110  350,000  326,460  63,670 Cont. & Oom'I N., Ohi.; Northw. N., Minnis.· O ,~ 1st Wis. N .• Mil.  25,000  9,840  237,010  227,600  37,430 Cont. & Com'l N. and Ft. Dear. N,, Midland .1. • and 1st N .. Min pis.  760,240  Waldo ____ Shebo:n;an K & 7 1'o,. 350 Wales ___ Waukesha J 10 7 Poo. 200 Walworlh_WalwortllJ 11 7 Pop. 757 Wanderoo ____ .Polk B 5 9 Pop, 250 Wanens _____ }(onroe F7 7 Pop. 300  Waldo State Bank _____ :f'lS 79-302 State Bank of \Vales----:tl'l2 71>-770 Walworth StateBank.-•:tl'03 79-707 Farmers Exchange Banktl'l7 7!Hl48 Georre Warren Oo . .Bk.•U'02 7~701  Waterford_.Racine J 10 Noll's Bank ____________:if'07 7Hl6 7 Pop. 668 State Bank ot Waterfor<Ul'OS " ____ .. 7Hli \Vaterloo ___ Jefl'erson IO Farmer & Merch. State Bk. •*1'07 71>-709 7 Pop. 1262 Waterloo State BaDk- .. :tl'll " _______ " 70-771 \Vatertown __ Jefferson19 7 Pop. 9200 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  O.H.NoJL _ _ _ ---------------- LouisL.Noll _____ Bessie Non ___ _  50,000  33,060  777,060  Wm. Sanders ______ Jo ephine Sanders Wm. Sanders ____ Josephine Sanders Jo ie C. anders F. A.. Seeber------ D. J. Hoyt _________ G. Q. A.mes ______ L. II. Heideman --J. T. Roach J. D. Johnson _ _ L. G. Shepard ____ E. J. McCracken ___ W. H. McCracken_  25,000  20,00:l  360,000  302,300  50,000  40,000  500,000  500,000  30,000  0,450  243,060  207,810  BAH OF WATERTOWIMS'M B. K. Woodard _____  H. Mulberger ---- B. W. Gamm ______ - - - - - - -  150,000  H. Wertheimer ____ M. G. KuseL ____ A. D. Platz _ _ _ Fred. Si01:ler ___ _  50,000  Merchants 'ational Bank Oharles E. Frey ____ Max Rohr------ J. W. Sproes,er. __ Theo. Heitz _______ _ •t"92 7~12i  200,000  ► z X en  I  < Ill 0:  8,000 Am. N., St. P.: 1st N., Minpls.: 1st Wis. N .. ('I) ..., Mil. cn 15,000 Cont. & Com'! N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil,  ....  Ohi.: Ill  I~  00.100 Live Sk>ck Ex.N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N. and N. Bk.:~ ,o Com.,Mil. 110,000 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley and!~ ~ 1st Wis. ., Mil. 65,000 Cont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. 64,870 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.: Marsllall & Ilsley, Mil.  267,830 Han. N .. N. Y.; Oont. & Com'I N. and Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N. and 2d Wad Sav .• Mil.:No1· hw. N .. Minols.  110,090 1,587,030 1,551,760  71>-12&  l l)  FARMERS & CITIZENS BK. 79-120  611,080  101,030 N. City, N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Obi.; 2d Ward ~ Sav. and Marine N ., Mil.  128,740 1,216,710 1,348.410  150,040 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.; 1st'< Wis. N .• ~il.  31,620  640,700  iii  •:tl'J 2  ~  W\\CQ1'S\1'  ~i1~l1'"-•t·,'5 Wm. "F. Voss------ A.. So\1\.da.y -------- F. P. M.cA.dams ____ \B.. G. G-rube ______ \  1  75,000  I  84.820 \  848,990l  1  830,530  1  207,520  lsk_~:• N.  Y ., Chi., and MinI>ls.; 1st Wis. N  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banldnlf Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawye~ Laws (indexed) fn back of this~  terest .Rates Holidays, etc., see Laws.  ,~u,  -,-· -·----------,-• -• -•-wv------1  ,v,uuu\  v-.c,v~u\  u-su,oou\\ ..,..,v,uov\  f  NAME OF BA.NK. •Ooanty Seats. •llem . .Am. Bks. Assn. §State Fi1rure under town is !Mem. State Bks.Assn. tPriv. Federal Reserve District. +Mam. Fed. Res. (Estab.  P.KJCSIDDT.  I CA.SHil:R.  Vra~Plt.11:SIDJ:NT.  ilS'T OA.SHIER,  .volume.  RESOURCES.  p Am-UP SURPLUS DEPOS-  Lo~• .t Du- c... a .t Bze'n. Bo,n,a, 01U110-,l)n  0.t.PIT.A.L PR~TS  NATIOIAL EXCHANGE BANK A. ~132  VUl,, ll.llUillllll,IH:i,;lS\ Vl/1S,  .Ill.,\!::!.  ITII  ~  ~  '"1  :<  no•Bu:u  -  Robt. L. Holt ---·--- Owen L. Jones ____ Verne E. De Remer $ 30,000 $ 15,140 $ 412,560 $ 432,070 $ 41,640 Seab. N., N. Y.: March. Ln. & Tr. Co. and Ft. ~ Dear. N., Chi.; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. ...,.  C. Nickell - - R. P. Breese ______ R. P. Breese ______ F. L.Roberts _ _  •i'8i  WAUKESHA NATIONAL BANK E. R. 71>-131  1,,  For Interest Rates, Hollda;ys, etc., see Laws ' :S i::: P.IUNCIPA.L O0RRJ:SP0NDENTS.  LIABILITIES.  - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - - - "Waukesha __ Waukesha Fanners State Bank _:WU John A., Rockers 7 Pop.12,558 Jg 7~13'  ~'I,  Non-Bank Towns wlth Nearest Banking Point <Indexed Acces.), Lawye~ Laws (indexed) in back of th1s ~  · WISCONSIN-Continued TOWN ~D O0UNTY.  <.Vl,uC.V\.l"M_i\~•  Estberg _____ W, R. i'rame _____ •i'55 A. J. Frame.  c. H. Jacob _______  E. M. Junemann •••  200,000  104,780 1,073,990 1,663,690  138,140 N. Park, N. Y.; Oorn Rx.N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  250,000  305,270 3,917,480 4,207,450  557,040 1st N., N, Y. and Chi,; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  Oh. of Bd.  Waumandee-.Bu1falo C 7 Waumandee State BanldS'14 Frank Reuter _____ Louis Zeller. ______ 0. J. Reuter _____________ , 9 Pop. 560 79-834  15,000  6,990  21-5,230  193,980  38,180 1st Wis. N., Mil,: Merch., Winona, Minn.  Waunakee ____ DaneH9 Farmers State Bank ___ t§'12 G. Schunk ____ Henry Bernards__ F. G. Schunk _____ Francis E, Schmitz 7 Pop. 700 79-7154 " __ " Wauuakee State B&Dk.•U-02 11. J. 0'11all87-- J.B. Ko1'e, _____ .&. P. Kenney___________________ _ 78-710  15,000  5,010  212,070  212,650  14,970 1st N., Ohi. and Madison; 2d Ward Sav .. Mil.  25,000  21,000  280,000  370,000  25,000 lferch. LD. &I Tr. Co., Ohi.; Marine N ., Mil.  s. Barber _____ _  30,000  18,850  589,700  635,320  64,360 Han. N .. N. Y.; 1st N. and Corn Ex. N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N ., Kil.  H. E. MILES---- ALFRED JOHNSON - WILLIAM DRESSEN- R. D. LUTHER-------  50,000  35,000  984,000  700,000  200,000 Oh&se N .. N.Y.; Oont. & Oom'I N.,Ohi.; Marine N., Mil.  .t.Waupaca _ Waupaca H 2 Farmera State Bau ... •H'll J. F. Jardine _ _ F. B. Rawson _ _ Harry W. Rawson. R. 7 Pop. 2839 71>-267  OLD NATIONAL BANK--•t•s4 7 251 1--  Wal!J)un •• Fond du Lac 18 National Bank of Waupun 7 Pop.4440 (Bank an Dodge County) 71>-230 •t'85  i  COLLECTIONS given special atte ntlon. ''Prompt, personal, persist ent pre sentatlo n.u QuJck returns. Modern methods In all department s. Try us for sup ertor se rvtce.  o.B. Booker _ _  Ben Kastein ______ Ben Kastein ___ Louis Schultz ____ _  in  ♦  .., Wausau ___ Marathon H 6 7 Pop. 18,661 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  o ge  a,  z>  iX ~  5\l,000  21,250  916,320  944,850  I» C: 116,870 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.: 1st Wis. N .• Mil.; :,.-Northw. N., Minpls. tD rn  ounti,  s.  Morris ______ J'red  w. Luck __  G. H. Jennings_  50,000  10,000  700,000  650,000  120,000 Han. N., N. Y.; Cont. • Wis.N.,Mil.  71>-231  Com') N., Chi.:lst D>  .....  0  ~  c-.-S.-G-ILB_E_RT_____-__-_-_-W.-A-LE_XA_N-DE_R_____-__-c-.-E.-P-AR-K-ER---------H-.A-.S-C-HM_I_DT-=------__ ,___ - - - - - - - -  AMERICAN  ~  en () 0 en  ::,"'  Sta(teB Bak~ oDf Wda.upcun-•H)·os B. J. Hartnnnk _ J. an  z -z  ~  H. 6. FLIETH  Largest Bank in Central Wisconsin. Collections given 300,000 237,560 3,060,540 3,589,580 342.400 N. Cit}', N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N .• Chi.; m prompt, careful attention. Sight Drafts must be 1st Wis. N., MU.; Mercb, N., St. P. llJ •:t'l2 accompanied by 16c and 26c for each Credit Report. ~  NATIONAL BANK 7HO  ,-------.----------------,---------,---- ---- ---- - - - - ----  Citizens  s~irzank ... •iS·OS  C. A. Barwig ______  \o. C. Lemke _______ ,w; J... Koeh ________ ,Henry Ruder________1_00_._oo_o __65_,_23_0 _1_,3_71_._22_0 _1._30_9_,o_5o _2_04_,_oo_o H~: :i N.  D. L. PLUMER-- JOHN RINGLE----- C. G. KRUEGER---- E.G. HUNGER --'L BANK F. P. STONE J. f. PRAHL Our Collection Department is equipped to give Prompt, FIRST NAT 1>-SU 7  •.  82  Efficient Service. Special attention to B-L Drafts, Cash and Time Items. 15c must aooompam.11 Sioht Drafts and 25c for Credit Information.  350,000 -  -  174,360 2,6'18.'130 3,355,450 354,660 Han. N .• N. Y.; Com Ex. N •• Chi.; 1st --- Wls.N., Mll.  ---------,--------,-------.--------,--- - - -  Maratho_:  or~ly Bank•:ins Walter Alexander_ B. F. Wilson---- H. c. Berger - - - - - - - - - - -  Wisconsin ValleyTr.Oo.•H'06 A. L. Kreutzer ____ M. P. McCullough. J, J. Okoneski, Tr. 79--Ul A.P. Woodson,V.P, H.J. Seim  o.  G. Fehlhaber, Sec.  Y.; Ft. Dear, N .. Chi.; Marine  --- ----  -  150,000  86,420 1,495,460 1,394,640  286,270 1st N .. N. Y.;Cont. &Oom'IN. and lstN .. Olti.; 1st Wis. N. and Marine N ., Mil.  100,000  50,000 1,252,700 1,150,000  230,000 1st Wis. N .. Mil.;Am. N., 1st N., and Marathon ~ Co •. Wausau. \0  CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANKS·, .cH.ICAGO·;  z.  Numb(;r under Name of Bank i!! the New Tram,lt .Number givt."n to each bank in U. S. exclushcly by The Rand-McNally Bankers' ====D=i=-rec~o~y, under the authority of The American Bankers ~ss'n.  1560 Tow.  A~D COUNTY.  NA.ME  OF BANK.  •County Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn. §State Figure under town is :tMem. State Bks. Assn. tPriv. Federal Re ·erve Di trict. +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. I  PRESJDE..'l'T,  I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banklni Point (Indexed Acces.l, Lawyers, Laws (indexed) In !Jack or this _ _ _volume. For l~erest Rates~ _Holidays, ~c., see Laws. ~  WISCONSIN - Continued L1A 81L1T1ES.  VICE-PRESIDENT  ·  OASHIK&.  I  p  ASS'T CASHIER.  AID-UP SURPLUS  CAPITA.L p:o~ITS  RE::;OUl:{CES.  DEPOB-  ITS  l<>:,., a: llu-  PRINCIPA.L CORRESPQ);DJCK-;_:-S,- - - - - O  Cua a,; .P.::,:-  ,":,,':t:::  0  · -;:;,.,:,;:•  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! - - - - - - - - ! · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __  I  Wat1saukpee_M a r i nette J 5 Wausaukee State Bank_•:t§'03 Geor~e E. Bo~and II. G. Laun ________ A. A. Conrad ______ P. o. Winther _____ 1$ r ooo $ op. 2000 79-711 1 ~a, 7 •WaroP~p~fo4taraH 7 Farmer II~~i1rnk ___ ~§'l3 Guy Mumbrue _____ R. c. Stuart ______ C.H. O\eston ______ A. M. Oleston -----: 15,C00  f[U BA~A  -------" WAUTOMA E 7 1900 :L. H. Larsen _______ Wau watopsa ___ ,,,M l\waukJe~ First National Bank _____ •:t'07 E. D. Hoyt_ _______ op . .> 18 " 79-712 7 " " Wauwato~a. tate Bank __ §'20 G. J. Davelaar ____ 79-1019 Wa7zektop?mvford D QI Bank of Wa7i~u------•:t§'03 W. A. Vauehan ____  --------------------1  9,470 $ 286,720 $ 252.160 1$ 10,820  437,730  405,730  8,880  313,980  323,010  71.180 Han. N .. N. Y.: N. Produce, Chi.: 1st Wis. N. and 2d \Yard a,·., Mil.: Citiz.N .• Green Bav. 57,840 Corn Ex. N. and Drov. N., Chi.: .!d \\ardSav. and 1st Wis. N ., Mil.  W. H. Berray ______ H.J. Behling ______ W.R. Nethercut ___ P. D. Gates ________ F. N. Ferguson____  25,000 100.000  8. V. Brouwer _____ H. A. Digman _________________________ _  40,000  5,340  230.170  245.174  0. P. Vaughan _____ H. A. Vanehan ---- - - - - - - - - - - Way7sidep ______35BOrown K 7 Wayside State Bank ____ •:t§'ll Thos. Burke _______ F. W. PineeL _____ Fred c. Teske ____ A. A. Bla.uert _____ _ op. 79-754  15,000  16,220  240,270  195,5-10  6i,890 1 Drov. N .. Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  10,000  18,000  317,000  296,000  Webster _____ Burnett B 4 Burnett County State Bank A. P. Nelson ----- Ole Anderson----- L. R. Roberts ----- N. R. Borgman ___ _ g Pop. 399 79-731 •:t§ 'l2 Astor Anderson Welcome __ Qutaeamie J 7 ( ee B.,tir Cruk) 7 Pop. 341 • \YestAJlis_MilwaukeeK9 First National Bank _____ •:t'03 0. L. Hollister ____ Henry Freeman ___ I. L. Tipple------- M. W. :Markert---7 Pop. 13,765 79-715  25,000  2,540  308,500  291,160  5 ,000 Drov. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N .. Mil.: Citiz. N., ~ I Green Bay, _ _ • 24,000 Seab. N., Y.; 1st N.W1s. N., Mil.; llerch. N, St. P. r,n  I  100,000  West.Allis State Bank __ e:t§'ll G. C. IIiukley ______ W.R. McKowen ___ J, T. Johnston _____ T. E. Lusk--- 1 79-730 •West Bend ____ Wash. J 9 Bank of West Bend ____ e:t§'67 Arthur Francken- John llorlamus --- Henry A. Otten ____ E.G. Franckenberg 7 Pop. 3378 79-271 berg First Tational Bank _____ :t'17 B. a.Ziegler _______ Martin Walter _____ Loui Kuehlthau -- Marie Lang _______ _ 79-957 . F. Mayer-------- Thomas Bruhy ---- E. J. Altendorf_ ___ W. J. Gumm ______ _  IFirst State f~~ ______ •:1:§'0l 2  1  O ~  Z  69.010 1,990,330 1.9-16.020  Z  265,23o1nan. N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; Marine  b:J  N.,Mil. I  ---- ----  27,290 1st N.and Cont.&Com'lN.,Chi.; lst\Vis.N., I Mil.: Bkrs. N., Minpls. 14i,700 Chatham & Phemx N., N. Y.: 1st N .. Chi.; I 1st Wis. N .. Mil. 18,880 lst Wis. N. and Am. Ex .. ~Iil.  45,000 1,306,000 1,457,0C0  30.000  3,,000 1,060,000  910,000  40,000  18,840  434.610  457,050  75,000  28,020  616,710  745.600  9-1,500 N. City, N. Y.; 1st N .. Chi.: 1st \Vis. N .. Mil.  25,0C0  2:i,000  300,000  275,000  45,000  We tboro _____ Taylor F 5 Westboro State Bank __ •:t§'13 J. W. Lundeen _____ - ------------------ C. W. Hamilton ____ G. H. McClure. Jr,_ 9 Pop. 600 79-814 Westby _______ Vernon E 8 Bank of Westby ________ :t§'ll Jens Davidson _____ M. Brody __________ C. W. Jaeeer ------ Edna Il. D:ckson __ _ 7 Pop. li!28 79-374  10,000  2,730  83,300  88,000  40,000  17,000  723,000  6~0.000  Westby State Bank ______ :t§'03 M. H. BekkedaL __ L. C. BekkedaL __ Emil 0. Sveen_________________________ _ 79-373 , G. II. H. Bekkedal  50,000  I  155,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Cent. Tr. Co. of Ill., Chi.: I t ► ~ ""is. N. and N.Ex .. Mil. , . ,Z 31,030 N. Park, N. Y.; Cont. & Com IN., Chi.: 1st X Wis. r.,Mil. r.n  I  City, Chi.; 1st Wis. N. and 2d Ward Sav., ~ Mil. Ill 5,000 1st Wis. N., Mil. ~ T.  (/)  100,000 Cont. & Com'I N .. Chi.: 1st Wis. N. and 2d Ward Ill Sav .. Mil.; tate Bk. of LaCros:;e, La Crosse. ~  City, N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N, Mil.; ~ Batavian N ., La Crosse. 50,000 West De Pere_ Rrown J 6 j Bank of West De Pere ___ '20 John Roffers ------ E. J. :M aGeehan . __ J. C. tengel ------ ---------------- ---5,000 -- ------- __________ Ft. Dear. N .. Chi.; 2d \Yard <;;av .. )Iii.; Citiz. , '., Green Bay; N. Bk. of De Pere, De Pere. Pop. 2500 79-1006 II. c. Baeter _______ (Bramch of De Pe re, Wis.) _________________ Merch. I,u. & 'fr. Co .. Chi.: KPlloee N., Green ~ ________ State Bank of DePere __ :t§'08 - - - - - - - - - _______________ A. H. Fitzgerald, Mor. Bay: :Marshall & Ilsley, Mil. 79-716 Westfleld __ Marouette H8 Westfield State Bank ___ •:t1·01 W. H. Moss _______ _ Julius Warnke ____ G. J. Schwark _______________________ _ 50,000 16,230 553,850 514,730 107,350 1st N ., Stevens Point: 1st Wis. T. and Marshallj ~ 7 Pov. 858 79-717 & Ilsley. Mil. (D 25,CG0  50,000  900,000  100,000  I  T.  O  l  I  WestSalem_LaQrosseD8 La Crosse County Bank•t§'03 F. P. Coburn ______ L. C. Sander _______ G. W. Dudley ______ B. A. Man - - 9 Pop. 1027 ♦ 79-381 A. A. Runge  ~  50,000  27,500  529,660  388,100  5i.0-10 Oont. & Com'l N., Ohi.: 2d Ward Sav., Mil.; N. Bk. of La Crosse and Batavian N., La Crosse.  B. L. Lar.en _______ --------------------  25.0~0  13,300  562,100  528,360  65,-100 Ft. Dear.N .• Chi.: 1st Wis. N., Mil.: State Bk. of La Crosse, La Crosse; ~1tle. State, Minr>ls.  West Wriehtstown Peoples Bk. of Wriehtstown Thomas Fagan _____ J. V. D. Wymelen- '1'. A .•laeoll'-' ------ _________ ___________ 7 Pop.650_Hrown K 7 79-901 :t '16 berg  20,000  2,500 __  121,880  148.860  397,380  390,2i0  IR.430 Drov. N., Chi.; Citiz. N., Green Bay; 2d Ward av., Mil. 61.070 Corn Ex. N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  FIRST NATIONAL BANk•:t'04 ll. Koehler-------- H. W. Glocke ______ II. A. Wehde------ A. L. Ko:c:anke _____  23,000  10,000  400,000  320,000  85,000 Chase N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Oom'I N .. Chi.: 1 Ill Marine N .. Mil.  10,000  2,600  160,000  153,000  20,000  4,600  190,000  236,000\  18,000 Drov. ~-• Chi.; Northw. N., Minpls.; 1st Wis.1,:a N.,M1l. 1· 1 23,000 \lst N .. Chi.: 1st Wis. N .. Mil.: Capital N., St. P.:\• ~  WEST SALEM STATE BANk G.D. Sprain _______ H. 79-382  c. Heider _______  •t!i'03  E. H. JONES------ L. D. POST--- T. F. WILSOH------ A. C. EWALD------30.000 fo,100 Weyauwega_ Waupaca H 6 FARMERS & MERCHANTS { FIFTEEN CJ<,'NT S sent to us with each sight draft f or presentation, a nd 7 Pop. 938 8ANK----79-366 ______ •t§'l0 TlVENTY-FIVE CENTS for cache redlt re-port Insur es prompt, personal attention. 79-365  John Loss  Weyerhauser ___Rnsk C li Weyerhaeuser State Bank O. W. Malmgren ___ \M. A, Anderson ___ W. L. Ander. on ___ - - - - - - - - - 9 Pop. 368 70-700 't§'l2  Whee\er_ _______Dunn O fl\er State Bank ____ •t\·U. D. C. CooHdee _____ R. F. "Bre,tengros~- P. Bovdrn _________ J uliu Ler~1 ad ____ _I 9 "Po-o. \\1)1) 10-1\'i? , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  i<....c  illl  g  1st~ . ancl Mid1aml  T  ..  "Mi.npL.  .~  Non-Bank Towns 'R:ith Nearest Banking Point (In-  NSIN-Continued  de.>:ed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back" of this ~  volume.  For Interest Rates, HoJJdays, etc., see Laws.  . . _ , , _ _,,., Name or Jlalllr • tile • • • 2nDBII lflfuaber •i'v-  B . • ,,,..,. . . by ---d-HoNallT ~ m u.U.e '° MM bankuader ~61 Dlnwlorr. 1Jl aaU,""'7 of Amerlaan BanA-en An'u. TorN AND OoUNTY. . •OoantySeats. .  . 1  I  NAJ11& or BANK.  •Mem.Am.Bks.Assu.lS~te  PU:SIDJCNT,  w·rsco""TS'TN C On t·lnU ed .£,  .£~1  -  r  I  OA.SBID,  / VICE-PREBIDENT.  -  -  .£.  I  A.SS'TCA.SHIJCR.  Bo.,,,,  WhltehafL_Trempealeao John 0. Melby & Co. Bank /Anton O.Melby ____ W. J. Webb _______ C.B. Melby ________ Oscar W. El tad ___ $ 50,000 $ D. Wood •tf'88 / 79-718 D7 9 Pop, 851  PEOPLES STATE BANK•U'l 3 _ n •  'l  79 71  L. L. SOLSRUD -- R.H. HOLT All------ S. N. HEGGE ------- JOHii F. HAGER --  Our colfection d epartment Is thor ,oughlJ organized on efficient llnesa nd all Items havep rompt,personala ttentlonbyanoffl cerofthebank. \VE ARE HUSTLERS. TRY US.  White Lake ____ Langladc Whi e Lake .... tate Bank __ '21 w. D. Caver._____ E.G. Woodford ___ V. II. John . ______ I ___________________ _ 79-1037 15 7 Pop. 600 Whitewater ____ Walwor1.b CITIZENS STATE BANK•:U-94 G. S. Marsh _______ T. M. Blackman ___ C. W. Tratt__ ________________________ _ 79-233 I 10 7 Pop. 3215  30,000  15,000  c'Ta. SaoolUTlu  ■ a.Ex-  !:  CILUN>■-,Dllll  '<  noxB.uru 1  _________________ • 1  41.160 $ 785,380 $ 745,740 $ 16,000  575,000  45\000  35,000 Drov. N. and Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N ., Mil.: 1st N ., Minpls.  3,000 --------- __________________ 1st N.,Chi.; 1 t'.Wis.N.,Mil.;.Am. N.,Wau:au. . 1st <! . N • Y.: Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co,, Ohl.: 133,570 N . City, <; Wis.N .. Mil.  100,000  56,330 1,032,750 I' 1,062,730  100,000  58,390  581,890  359,690  50,000 WHITEWATER COM'L &SAV. {JEROME BAKER- -- ~·Et·r~~l~~-Ffsir___ WM. IYAN KYLE----- EARL COX__________ BANK----79-800 ______ •U'l3 FIFTEENCENT sent to us wtth each sight draft r orpresentatlon,a nd  11,980  906,080' '  860,000  FIRST NATIONAL BANK •i'63 T. M. Blackman --- M. G. Halverson __ B. G • .Andersen ___ --------------------  C:  PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS.  RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. 1 PA.ID-uP SURPLUS DllPos-1 / Lo..•••D... c...  ITS AND C.A.PIT~ Fieare uuder town 1~ tJlem. State Bies. Assu. t Pnv. [E tab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pao:r1rs _ _ _ ll'ederal Re<;erveDistrict. ♦ Mem. Fed. Re~. 1 1 1  "  No.a-JlaDJ[ ToW'Ds 'With Neared .Banldns ~ dexed Acces.). '£aW7en, Laws (IDde.xed) ro back" or th&J For Interest Kate, Holidays, etc., ~ee £a s.  volume.  7~232  en  91.240 1st N., N. Y.: Ft. Dear. N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N., (') Mil.  0  180,000 Chatham & Phenix N., N. Y.; N. City, Chi.; N.  Z  Ex.,Mil.  I  ->  Ul  TWENTY-FIVE CENT for each c redlt report Insur es prompt, perso nal atte ntlon. Eatabliahed 1913- 1 Note our (Jrowth.  zo,  WildRoae __ WausharaH7 WildRoseStateBank __ •if'0l J.C.l'ierce _______ l ____________________ A.G. Holt__ _______ A.II. chultz______ 7~719 7 Pop. 576 Wilson _____ st. Oroix B 6 Bank of Wilson _________ i5·10 G. W. LaPointe, Jr. ' o. W. Ayers-·----- J. G. Bakula_______ ____________________ 79-720 9 Pop. 222 Wflton _______ M.onroe ES Farmers Security Bank_t§ 16 J. O'L ary -------- E, P. Beecher_ ____ P. ~-Rifleman ____ Lee chindl r_____ • 79-905 7 Pop. 519  15,000  8,990  345,610  206.150  73,450 Cent.Tr.Co.oflll •• Ohi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.  10,000  5,000  154,860  H7,730  15,000  600  100,000  100,000  15.120 Merch. N., St. P.: Marine N .. Mil.; Midland I...,, " N., Minpl~. 19,000 Marine N., Mil.: State Bk. of La Oro se, La~ 1 Ul Cro. c.  Wilton State Bank -----•t1'99 E. M. Mccann _____ J, L. Heffernan ___ Chas. Wein1i?arten__ ___ ________________ 7~721  25,000  10,000  380,000  c. Daley ______  10,000  4,820  Winneconne __ Winnebago Union Bank ____________ eif'98 O. A. RusselL _____ J, F. Murphy ______ H. O. Riley ________ Lamont H. Miller__ ! ♦ 79-722 I7 7 Pop, 745  25,000  44.450  Winter _______ sawyer E 4 WINTER STATE BANK t§"l5 F W. Rogers ______ J. W. Ackley ______ W. L. Brobeck____ ____________________ 79-870 9 Pop. 350  15,000  40,000 Drov. N., Ohi.; 1st Wis, N., Mil.; Batavian N .. ~ La Cro se.  143,960 11 135,980  19,660 Drov. N .. Chi.; 2d Ward Sav. and 1st Wi . N ., ::,4 ~Mil.; Oom'l N., Madison.  440,400  424,520  51.780 Merch. Ln. & Tr. Co. and Drov. N ., Chi,: ::,4 ~ 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Old Com'l N .. Oshkosh.  4,570  99,480  100,820  11,960 Cont. & Com'l  50,000 ISAAC P. WITTER- GEO W. MEAD------ E. 8. REDFORD----- W. G, SCHROEDEL-M J CEPRESS peclal attent10 n given BUJ of La ding drafts, Cash a'nci time items. MUS T be accompanle d bJ , { Collection and 1 I Requests for Cre dit Reports  35,500  940,000  876,000  100,000  19,830  567,130  698,070  o. S.  Daley _______ J.  o. Blan char _____  J.  1  ,.  I  375,000  Windsor -------Dane H 9 Windsor State Bank ____ U'l4 H. E. Blan char ___ \ 79-840 7 Pop. 175  • Wisconsin Rapid.·, Wood BANK OF GRAND RAPIDS •t§'88 i!l-155 G7 7 Pop. 7500  I  , I FEE IN ADV AN CE: Pl9-in sight drafts. ~5c; Credit Repnrts. 50c, r . . . C1tizcnsNational Bank _•i. 13 J. A. Cohen ________ C. E. Briere _______ D. B. Ph1lleo ______ ______________ 79-J:;7 First Tationa1Bank ____ e:1;'70 1G.W. 1ead ___________ ,, _______________ W. J. Taylor ______ H.C.Demitz ______ 79- 154  11  200,000  ., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.  .+  o  222,000 Cor Ex. T. and 1st N .. Chi.; 1st Wis. N., <! <: Mil.: orthw. r ., Minpls.  Ig  130,000 1,350,000 1,250,000  1  I  I 0.. 49,140 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; ~ Marine N., Mil. 300,000 N.Park,N. Y.; lstN.,Ohi.;lstWis.N.,Mil.; ::, 0..  Oom'l N. a~d 1st N., Chi.; 1st Wis. WOOD COUNTY ~j{F. J. WOOD-------- L M. ALEXANDER--- GUY O. BABCOCK---- E. C. WITTIG-------- - 100.000 - 145,4%0 -1,512,040 -1,550,480 - · 309,720 Cont. N,, Mil.: 1st N., Mmpls, &.  NATIONAL BANK  ! WE INVITE  •!:91 1 79-15~ State Bank of W1thee __ .i§ 02 W. 0. Tufts ______ 79-723 Citizens State Bank ____ •if'94 Rud. Puchner _____ 79-724 Citizens State Bank _____ if'05 E. M. Hanzlik ______ 79-386 State Bank of Wonewoc•is·so Carl Herr~---I 7~385 Woodford_Lafayette G IO Woodford State Bank._t§'l5 jM, H. Olson _______ 79-892 7 Pop. 157 Woodland _____ Dodge J 9 Woodland State Bank ___ !§'l4 Wm. Wegwart _____ • , l 7 Pop. 150  . W1thee _________ Qlark E 6 7 Pop. 380 \Yittenberg_Shawano H6 7 Pop. 854 Wonewoc _____ J uneau F 8 7 Pop. 798 " Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .  YOUR BUSI NESS.  . Jens --t1gscn _______  .  c. H. Beilfuss _____  . ---· _______________ _  25,000  7,000  270,000  268,000  c. Jacobson ____ _  35,000  21,550  478,710  478,540  T. T. Jacobson ____ M. B. Schlytter ___ I.  G. H. Roach _______ H. N, Hanzlik ______________________ _  10,000  1,000  210,000  185,000  U.S. Matteson ____ E.G. Lawsha ______ Muriel Wilkinson __  35,000  15,000  925,000  865,000  J. H. Lewis ________ C. T. Thompson ___ L. Blackbourn ____ _  16,000  6,090  186,460  132,730  E. A. Indermuehle_ Lorenz Becker ________________________ I  10,000  2,650  110,530  94,220  22,280 ,._ City, Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; State Bk. of Eau Claire, Eau Claire. 39,370 Cont. & Com'l N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N. Mil.; Old N .. Oshkosh. 25.000 1st N., Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. 108,000 Cont. & Oom'l N., Ohi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil.; Torthw. T" Minpls.; Com'l ~T .. :Madi on. 49,000 Cont. & Com'l T. and Drov. N., Chi.; 2d Ward ~ sa~Mil. 25,360 1st Wi1-. '., Mil.  °'  1562  Number under Name or Bank ia the New Tranllt Number eiTen to each bank in U. S. excluslvel7 by The Rand-McNally Bankers' DlrectorJ, under the authority of J'be American Bankers'n.  TOWN A.ND COUNTY.  I•Mem.NAME OF BANK. Am. Bks. Assa. §State  •County Seats. EntireStateinNo.10 ltMem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. Fed.Rcs.Dist.Omaha:Or. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab. ·woodman _____ Grant E 9 Woodman State Bank ___ :Wl7 7 Pop. 158 79-93fi woodruff ____ Oneida G 4 Woodrufi Sta~e Bank ___ t§"20 9 Pop. 575 79-1024 Woodville ___ st. Croix B 6 Citizens State Bank _____ U'04 9 Pop. 298 79-725 Wrig_htstown .. lirown J 7 Farmers & Traders Bk .• t§'02 7 Pop. 571 79-726 Wyoceoa ___ Qolumbia H 9 Wyocena State Bank ____ tf'lO 7 Pop. 282 79-727 Yuba _______ Hichland F 9 Yuba State Bank-______ t§'l9 7 Pop. 150 79-993 Zachow _____ Shawano I 6 Farmers State Bank. ____ §'15 7 Pop. 200 79-881 Entire State m No. 10 Fea. Res.Dist. Omaha Br.  Afton ________ Lincoln E Z Afton State Bank ____ :5•07 Pop. 7!l6 ll9-71 Arvada ____ sheridan A 11 Arvada State Dank ____ •:t:§'20 Pop. 100 99- 174 Ba.ell's ________ Carbon H 8 First State Bank ____ •:W08 Pop. 868 99-72 · ___ --- B.~I? h orn B7 • Basm Po1>, lP88  BASIN STATE BANK  LJABILITIES.  F,  C. S. Smith ________ Lauritiz Holte _____ H. A. Nelson------ J. E. Zillmer, Sec.  10,000  340  46,460  48,330  J. 0. Johnson ______ L. Solstad _ _ _ _ B. F. Hurd ________ -----------· __ B. G. Stockman J. H. Ta.Yler ------- Lewis Knuth---- C. W.Mue!Jer ____ Chas.Schroeder.Jr. Irene Mueller 8. O. Cushman _____ W. J, Steele _______ J. H. Dooley ______ - - - - - - - - ··  10,000  8,000  345,000  335,000  25,000  9,320  270,800  221,790  12,000  3,300  127,000  114,000  B. K. Borland _____ John M. Ross _____ D. J. Dagnon ______ - - - - - - - - - -  10,000  520  128,510  113,050  G. H. Frazer---- H. Radtke _ _ _ J. F. Zuehlsdorf __ - - - - - - - - - -  10,000  4,500  99,000  98,000  W. V. Allen _____ G. W. West _ _ _ D. D. Lynch ___ J, T.  wen, _____ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  7,390 Ft. Drar. N .. Chi.; 1st Wis. N., Mil. 85,420 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; 1st N., Minpls.: Marine N. Mil. 73,000 Oont. & Com'l N., Chi.; Mccartney N., Green ~ Bay; 1st Wis . .N •• Mil. <:; 28,000 Drov.N.,Chi.;lstWis.N.,Mil.:lstN.,Porta£e.  Ul  23,270 Drov. N. and Cont. & Oom'l N., Chi.; 2d Ward (')O Sav., Mil. 12,900 Drov N., Chi,; Marshall & Ilsley, Mil.  2:  1-1  $  25,000 $  S,000 $ 238,340 $ 189,650 S ffa,770 Mech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Packers N., Oma.; ~ 1st N .. Kemmerer and Ogden. . ~ 65,000 50,000 40,000 Chdeamn.· N .. N.Y.; U.S. N., Oma.; 1st N., Shen- O  W. T. Penla.od--- F. F. Wedemeyer_ L.B. lla111>iD ___ R.R. Maupin__  10,000  11,000  192,000  52,000 N. City, N. Y.: Stock Growers N., Rawlins: E;: Den. N., Den. ~  180,000  ==::-:-:=-=:-=--:-:-------=-c:-;-:-:---:-=~.=-=------==--==-:---c==---=c----=-----, HENRY JORDAN ----- JOHN LUMAN- ------ FRANK A. WISE----- M. I. MAY---------- -- -- -- -E. J. SULLIVAN EA GEBHART  ' '  50,000  18,000  -  500,000  -  360,000  -  -  z  lZS,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn Ex. N., Chi,; Stock Yds. N., Oma.  295,580  319,850  S. Skovgard ______ J.C. Stewart______ W. C. May _____ _ E. Carothers J. W, Brown J, W. Chrisman ___ J. Charles Rnmsch - - - - - - - -  35,000  23,000  425,000  350,000  20,000  2,000  175,000  125,000  F. A. Fear _____ Albert Larson ________  10,000  28,090  278,980  123,180  182.650 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.: Live Stock N., Oma.; 1st N., Kemmerer.  50,000  120,950  491.990  594,960  166,4',0 Liberty N., N.Y.; Oma. N., U.S. N., and Stock Yds. N., Oma.; 1st N., Ohe:,enne.  •:t:§'20  STOCK GROWERS BANK •U·o2  l  J. W. TODD------ A. W. STEVENS-·· S.C.LANGWORTHY J. D. STEVENSON--  w  25.900  o o  90. $»  ::s  JOHNSON COUNTY P. C. WATT---------- JOffN ESPONDA----- RALPH R. READ----- H. H. GRAVES------Send us your Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cont. Cash and Time Items Direct. Am, N., Cheyenne. BANK "REMITTED FOR ON DAY OF PAYMENT." ~- __ __ __ __  99-172  1-!4  I  Wo,t:e~ICfwlfoml 01. Prompt Sentce. Conservathe a nd ProsresslTe. -----------------------------1---- ---- ---- - - - - - Oldest Bank In  Cl  . ::i> 61,680 N. Oity, N. Y.: Cont. & Oom'l N., Ohl.: U.S. N., Z Oma.: Stock Gro~e!S N .. Cheyenne; 1st N., ~ Den.: Mo.nt. N .. B1lhngs! (I) 115,000 1st N .. Ohl. and Den.: Live Stock N ., Oma.; Mont. N., Billings, 54,400 Live Stock N .• Oma.; .ist N., Cheyenne. ~  40,000 ~  l  ! l  f'! 25,000 ____  H. H. hlME  ~  (/)  C. L. Chapman - - G. H. Benham _____ F. V, Portz______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  First National Bank--•t'l2 A, K. Lee _____ 9!H05 Marbleton State Bank-•t§'13 W.W. Luce ______ 99- U6 State Bank of Bill' Piney•U'l2 James Mickelson_ ~9-108  FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•t·ss  PRIROIPAL O0RRKSP0NDDTS.  WYOMING  H.P. ROTHWELL W. J. THOM ------- W.R. HOLT------ R. E. DIXON -------  •Butralo ____ Johnson B 10 Po1>, 2000  RESOURCES.  ---..,..StJ-B.P_L_o_a-,---------11---------,---, PB.Jr.SIDKNT, VICE-P:U:SID:ENT. O.umu. il8'T0ASHIU. PA.ID-UP AlfD D••oe-- ~~:,:.::; :!,~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C.t..PJT.A.L Pnor1Ts IT& hcnnonlM ..,....,.... John Kelley ____ H. G. Brown ____ G. W. Brown ______ E. J. Budack ______ $ 15,000 $ 4,950 $158,440 $ 153,590 $ 22.970 Drov. N., Chi.; 2d Ward Sav., Mil.  "LARGEST CAPl'l'AL AND SURPLUS IN BIG HORN BASIN." IH>-GO •U'07 All Items sent us given Prompt Attention. Send 25c for Sight Drafts, 50c for Credit Reports. Big Horn County Bank •:§'98 D. L. Darr _________ Wm. U1bson _______ R. P. Pearson __ J. A. Coons____ 99-59 Berne Hayes  Bie Piney ____ Lincoln Pop. 150 " "  thlsl-  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, et,P,., see Laws.  WISCONSIN-Continued  & Com'IN., Chi.; Merch. N., Oma.;  r+  0  (')  80,B00  5.4511  105,030  123.110  30,000  29,500  320,000  260,000  112,000 ls!~e~· Y.andOma.: Stoclc GrowersN.,Ohey- ~  25,000  12,910  240,220  143,880  123,470 N. Oi1.y, N. Y.; Packers N., Oma.  p:i  J  ~  Satl sfactoey Service 1.8 the strongest plea we can make for 7olll' business. DIR EC T  YOUR  O LIE  TS  T O  ~  U 8. 10,000  10,000  lS0,000  100.000  20,000  6,590  93,490  103,640  1,580  34,400  32.120  7,400  80,270  79.440  ~  47,500 Ohase N., N. Y.; Kerch. N., Oma.; 1st N., ; Cheyenne. ~ 26,440 Cont. & Oom'l N., Ohl.: Peo. Sav., Des M.: '< Oitiz. N., Oheyenne. • 7,590 Chase N., N. Y.; Stock Growers N., Cheyenne. :;;  tv  B. F. P E RKI NS, Chairman of the Board C. R. MASSEY, Pres ident PETER KOOL, Vice-President E. R . ALLAN, Vice-President H. J. LINDER, Cashier  LARGEST STATE BANK IN WYOMING CAPITAL AND SURPLUS  $300,000.00 Accounts of Banks, Firms, Corporations and Individuals Solicited  COLLECTIONS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION  t!tbt  <tCagper ~attonal •ank CASPER, WYOMING ESTABL SHED 1889  NATIONALIZED 1903  $ 50,000 Capital 150,000 Surplus · Resources: Over Three Million Dollars The experience of thirty-two years continuous operation and our 1921 methods and equipment are at  .  YOUR SERVICE.  You May Send Your Wyoming Items to Us with the Assurance that they will Have Prompt Attention. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  t'Vyomlng.  INDEX  1  3  5  11004  WYOMINGr: ,  TO  COUNTIES.  ~  Rand McNlll,-'1 New 11 x 14 Map o!  46°  CopJright bJ Rand Mc~allf A:  •  10  15  20  BO  2S  8&  40  11  10  SCALE Statut~ MIies, 33-1 Inch, 45  ..  ,IIOA.os _ _ _ ELECTRIC LINES - - -  ']['  12  106°  ~  C  14  13 105°  16  151040  45°  F A  Albany .... G 12 Blghorn .... B 7 12  Campbell .. B Carbon .... G Conv~rse .. D Crook . . . . A  14  Fremont . . E  5  9  12  Goshen . . . G 14  Hot SprlngsC  6  Johnson ... B 10 Laramie ... TT 14 Llne,oln .... D 2  B  Natroba .. E 10 Niobrara ... D 14 Park ....... B 5 Platte ..... F 13 Sheridan . . A 9 Sweetwater G 5 Uinta ...... H  2  Washakie .. C  8  Weston .... C 14  Yellowstone National Park ..... A 2  41°  D  1  11 I  0  2  3  110'  4  5  109°·  6  -  7 ~  -  _.,,. =----  9  107°  10  11  12  106° -  13  14 ,os ---  -  16 -·  --  104  16  3090 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  fr WAYS use the above coupon in forwarding collections or claims to the Attorneys listed in this Directory. The Attorneys are bonded by the American Surety Co.  1563  No.m:!!if!,,.u,  Nrunber under Nanie or Baa.Jc ia the New T7anslt to each bank in u. s. eicluslvelT by The Band-McNallT ers• Directory, under the authority of The A.DJerlcan Bankers Ass•a.  ro.1g:;~:  I  ~~~:.~~::.·,state  (In•  Non-Bank To'l'FD8 with Nearest .BaDkfng Po.lllt dexed Acces.), Lawyers. Laws (indexed) 1n back of th1s ._ volume. For Interest Bates, H0Uda7s, etc., see Laws. ~  WYOMING-Cont1"nued  I  I  s:..u:.TT, •Mem. LI~ITIJl:8. REsaUBCES. PBINCIP.41. 00.IUUl:l!IPO.NDKNTB. ; Entire State in No.10 tMem. State Bks. Assn.tPriv. ~IDINT. VICE-PllaID.ENT. 0.4.SHID. ~S'T 0.4.SJU.D. PA.ID-UP ....;U/1 0JDP08- ::s"'-;:!o.!; --CAaa;~ Fed. Res. Dist. Omaha Br. ♦Mem. Foo. Res. [E tab. -=--~~ ~- ~ - ' - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C..u>IT.u. Pao,na ~ _-·_-_·- _ _ -_ •Casper ____ NatronaHU A J. CUNNINGHAM-- J. Def. RICflARDS--- Q. K DEAVER------ C. ff. MrFARLAHD---i--------------i~ Pop.11,447 ll P. SULLIVAN ff. E. SMITH .tv H.J. WALTERS $ 50,000 $ 164.040 $2745680 $2317800 $ 626,110 N. City, N. Y.; Cont. & Com'J N., Chi.; ..., Oma. N., Oma.; Den. N., Den. OIHl1 •:· 89 YOUR BUSINESS WILL BE APPRECIATED. SEE AD VF..RTI SEMEN T OPPOSITE.  9  flASPfR  NATIONAL BANK  CITIZENS  -  -  -  -  -  M. J, BURKE-------- C. ff. HORSTMAN---- W. J, BAILEY------- A. E. FLYNN --------- - - - - - - - - - JOHN BEATON J. R. SClhEUTER  SEND YOUR BlJSt1'1'1SS DIRECT. COLLECTIO:ri.s, .A.NV HILL 100,000 43,850 812.860 616,860 320,400 OFLADINGDRAFTSREMITTEDFORONDAYOFPAYMENT. - - - - : 9•t'l 25c must be sent with Sioht Drafts for prompt attention. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ 7 9 142 First Trust & SavinEs Bank c. H. Townsend __ W, 0. Wilson _____ W. 0. Ratcliff ----- L. B. Townsend, 25,000 25,830 440,820 446.840 48,960 99-122 §'15 See. National Bk. of Commerce A. K. Lee _ _ _ Ira G. WetherilL_ J.E. Denham ___ R. F. Kamman____ 125,000 22.180 1.095,910 1.044,210 257,770 99-170 •!'19 H. L. Patton T. O. Daniel Ralph Buckner Stockmens National Bk,-•!'03 C. H. Townsend __ Frank Wood---- L, B. Townsend ___ V. W.Mokler______ 50,000 117,000 1,474,520 1,313,300 320,240 99-3! _ ___,___ - - - ' - , - - - _ _ _ _Marie Allen ___ ~-- ___ ___ ___  NATIONAL BANK  WYOMING  f  B. B. BROOKS------- G. E. ABBlfT ------- C. F. SHUMAKER---- A. RIKER------ -R. C. WYL ND L. • DUNN  NATIONAL BANK lll>-109  THE LARGEST BANK IN CENTRAL WYOMING. Collections, Blll of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items Given Prompt Attention.  JOHN  w. HAY-----  H. R. WESTON-------  w. E. FAIR---------  Chase N .. N. Y.; U. 8. N,, Den.; Neb, ;N .. Oma.: Stock Growers N .. Cheyenne.  ~  N. Park, N, Y.: Ft. Dear,N., Ohi.; 1st N., Oma.•<; and Den. i,,<  -  125.000 3,500,000 %.900,000 800,000 N. City, N. Y.; U. s. N., Oma.; Hamutonl ~ N., Den.; 1st N., Cheyenne. ::_;:  ___ ___ _ _ _ ___ ___ 250,000  *CHEYENNE STATE BANK-- H. S. Clarke, Jr. __ J. T. McDonald --- J. A. Reed------ E. A, Ryan_______ ♦ 99-8 •§ · 19 *CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK B. F. Yoder _____ E.W. Stone ____ Wesley I. Dumm __ J.C. Gans_________  100,000  99-3 •!'06 Chas. W, Hirsig.J. Ch. of ad. *First National Bank ___ .:·11 Geo. E. Abbott ____ F. E. Warren ____ A. D. Johnston ____ John Mcffivan_____ 09-1 J. A. Martin H. L. Davis Cary Abbott  Stockmens N ., Casper.  0  100,000  C. ELIAS-----E.T. STOREY  •Cheyenne _Laramie H 14 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK { Prompt and effl cient service give n to collections Pop. 13,821) 99--7 •t'l9 and all bankl ng matters entru sted to us.  Atlantic N., N. Y.; Colo. N., Den.; Citlz. N., Cheyenne; Live Stock N.,Oma.  100,000 200,000  129,150 2,078,920 2,000,540 28,330  637,090  671,640  ·  £4  jQ  599,520 N. Park, N. Y.: March. N .• Oma.: 1st N •• Den.I 171,600 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Corn. Ex. N,, Oma.  z~>  .~  j ..,~  l()I  487,850 Mee~. & .Metals N., N. Y.; Oont. & Oom'l N., Chi. 263,820 6,515,200 6,587,810 1,353,610 N. City a:nd N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Oom'l ~ N., Oh1.; Oma, N .. Oma.; 1st N .• Den. 'CS  130,000 2=414180 2,235,240  ln  *STOCK GROWERS {A.H. MARBLE--- J. H. WALTON----- ALBERT CRONHAROLD KERRI100,000 319,130 4,955,520 4,598.720 1,194,480 N. Bk.~ .• N. Y.: 1st N. a:nd Cont, & Com 'II "'1 JOHN CLAY, A. E. ROEDEL LAND L I GAN N .. Chi.; 1st N. and Stock Yds. N., Oma.: Oh. of Bd. • A. L TTL ETON · Den. N ,, Den.  NATIONAL BANK ~2 •!'82 Union Trust co, ______ :§'16 99-5 *Wyoming Trust & sav. Bk. 9H •!§'09 ________ Cheyenne Clearing House __ (Members indicated by a*) Chti&?water __ Pla.tteG 14 Chu1?water Valley Bank_•f'l3 Pop. 350 99-113 " State Bank of Chu1?water 99-159 •t§"l8 Olearmont_Sheridan J.10 Olearmoni State Bank: ___ .§'00 75 150 Pop. lll>AOoflJ'-----·-----Park: B 5 FIRST NATIONAL BANK-•:•04 Pop. 1242 g9--5I  A conservative bank, thoroughly organized on modern lines. Promptness, ac curacy and atten tlon to business our motto.  o  n 0 I~ ·  G. E. Abbott ______ J. L. Baird--- C. L. Beatty. Sec, __ ------------------  100,000 89,420 _ _ _ 826,900 33,530 1st N., Cheyenne, ..,_, A.H. Marble ____ E. S. Johnston --- H.B. Henderson ___ ---------------60,000 52,390 748,810 671,200 190,000 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Stock Growers N,, Ohey- B enne: N. Bk. Com .. Kan. C. '< H.B. Henderson __ B, F. Yoder ________ Wesley I.Dumm, - - - - - - - - - - _____________________ - - I Sec. A, H. Marble ___ Curtis Templin __ F. V. Ellis ________ F. A. Tyson_______ 10,000 7,500 117,280 104,730 27,840 N. City, N. Y.; Stock Growers N., Cheyenne.  I  France Marsh_·--· Jess Yoder ________ R.R. Lollier --- -- -------- ------------  10,000  T. C. Diers _ _ _ T. H. Weeden _____ G. T. Cook: ________ -------------  10,000  1,720  73,700  84,770  50,000  15,000  400,000  388,400  iL. R. EWART----- W. T. HOGG------- F. F. McGEE------- F. R. PEARSON----  2,000  30,140  29,670  Oldest National Bank tn Cody. c ollectlons have th e personal attent Ion or a n office r of the bank. We remit pro mptly. SEND US YOUR BUSINES S.  SHOSHONE NATIONAL BANK {S. C. PARKS, JR.-:- GEORPE MERRILL -- R. W. ALLEN __ ______ W. F. TINKCOM ____ _ +•oi Careful attenti on given to Cash and Time Items 99-50 •+ and all business lntrusted to us.  Ook:eville _____ Lincoln F 2 State Bank of Cokeville•tl'09 P. J. Quealy ______ P. W. Olson _______ W. G. Morley ____ .A.G. Olson _______ _ Pop. 381 99-76 cowley ______ Highorn A 7 Cowley State Bank----•!§'16 C, B . .Mann------- J.M. Snyder----- W. 0. Anderson __ ---------------Pop.1144 on..1,io Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  25,000  35.830  575,520  372,560  25,000  25,670  128,940  193,740  10,000  13.930  111.930  90.740  17,540 Citiz. N., Cheyenne. 16,600 Citiz. State, Sheridan; Live Stock N .. Oma.  J  125,000 N., N. Y.; N, Bk. Com., Lin.: Neb. N .. Oma.; Merc.h. N., Billings. 288,790 Han. N., N. Y.: Oont. & Oom'I N .. Ohl,; Oma, N .. Oma. 26,410 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; 1st N., Kemmerer andj Ogden: N. Copper, Salt Lake 9·. ~ 39,360 Yellowstone N. and Mont. N .. B11lmirs; 1st N., ChP.vennP.; Oma. N. , Oma. Iw  °'  Number undeJ' Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given eaoh bank in U. 8. exclushely by The Rand-McNally Bankers• D=lr=e=c=to~, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  1564 to ====  TOWN AND COUNTY,  NAME OF BANK,  I  •Dooelas •• Converse E 13 Pop. 2776  LIABILITIES. SURP us  1  •Oounty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bies. Assn. SState EntireStateinNo.10 !Mem.StateBks.Assn.tPriv. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT, CASHIO. . 0 maha. B r. ♦ M em.Fed.Res. [ Estab. _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fed.Res. D ist. 1 1 Daytou ••••• Sheridan A. 9 Dayton Bank..·-··-····•S'06 G. W. Perry··-·Pop. 136 99-77 Deaver •••.• Bighorn B 7 Bank of Deaver .•••••• •t§-18 W. B. Snyder .•••• Pop. 142 911-152 Dixon ••••..••. Garbon I 9 Stoc~10wers Bank -··•:1'06 A. R. Reader····-· Pop. 250 99-78  ASS'TCASBIER, 1  Fort Laramie Go.hen F14 Pop. 150 Frannie ••.. Bi~ Horn A 6 Freedom __ Lincoln D2 Pop. 410 Gar!And ••••••.•• Park A 6 Pop. 200 .Oillette  Campbell B 13 Pop, 1157  BANK Of GILLETTE OH3  "  "  "  ----··-  "  1  1  J, Jl'. Owen··--· Roxie V. Birlew.- ---··-··---·--- $ 10,000 $ 5,990 $ 100,000 $ 75,000 $ 2~.230 Oma. N., Oma.; Sheridan N., heridan. J. W. Bill J H.J. Ries·------ F. W. Leete .•••••. ·-···--········ 10,000 300 80,000 65,000 20,000 Yellowstone N., Billings; 1st N., Cheyenne. J. M. Snyder J. A. Rendle--···- E. w. Roo.der •••••• C. N. Michaelsen.. 10,000 24,120 376,160 234,310 179,850 Han. N., N. Y.; Rawlins N., Rawlins; Den. N .. Den.: U.S. N .. Oma.  John M. Flynn •••• Roscoe M. Wood •• R. D. Carey M. R. Collins·--·· L. J. Swan .• - •••• Jacob Jenne 0. F. Coffee .••••••• W. H. Davis ••••••• F. W. Clarke, Jr. E. Amoretti, Jr.·- F. A. Welty····-···  55,000  M. D. TUNNtCLIFF  25,440  396,200  456,600  59,l!!0 Han. N., '. Y.: Coro Ex. N,, Chi.; N., Oma.: Den. r ., Den.  1  50,000 ··-·····  89,370  99,92rJ  50,000  13,700  376,000  400,000  75,000  70,000  800,000'  945,000  E. B. Helmer·--··- _ _ _ _ _ _ _  10,000  3,500  161,000I  88,000  John Hays ••••••.. H. M. Clendenning W. H. Watson. __ ···········-········  15,000  830  57,190  61.360  0. II. Sanger ...•.. H. A. Hunter. ____ F. H. Healey •..... -------·-···········  20,000  13,430  146,730  159.~60  28,370 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.; Rawlins N., Rawlin : Z Stock Yds. N., Den.; 1st N., Cheyenne. C)  50,000  36,810  475,880  375,950  152,110 N. Bk. Com., N.Y.: Oma. N., Oma.; N. Copper, t:O alt Lake 0. )>  293,280 N. City, N. Y .; U. S. N ., Oma.: Cont. K ., Salt Lake C.; Am. N .. San Ji'. n 87,035 1ech. & Metals N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Oma. C/l  c. E.  1  50,000  77,740  923,550.  801,010  50,000  35,350  622,110I  718,730  10,000  710  52,180  45,600  'teren · .••••. B. B. Morton .••• -•• J. D. Younger..... •...•...••....••....  10,000  910  23,920  J. F. Jenkins ...•• Marion Heap .•_. ___ P. P. Baldwin .•••• - - - · · - · - - ·  15,000  2,000  85,000  I  M. H. SHIELDS •••... J. A. OSBORNE-•••.• H. B. SHIELDS·-········-····· · ··-····· '  I,  Greybull.. •••Bighorn B 8 COMMERCIAL BAMK .. •:t:§'19 I JOhN R. ENGLE. .. CHAS. F. LAMPMAN .. R. E. GLEESON •••.•. Po1>, 2602 llll-162 l uouectlon , Bil I of Lading D1·aft1 ·, Ua ·11 and Time " ••.••.•• " First ationa uk .....•i'06 O. J. Williams ...•. A. A. t.tershner ••_ G. A. Hinman •.•.•• 99 u 7 .. .••• •••• " First State nauk •..•.•.•t\'0 c. \, ebster ........ O. R. Fitzl)atrick.. W. E. Dabb •....•.  1_~  .lllll!!i91!!!111  11\HW,  ··············-····~  ::=  60,000 -  42,590 -  35,000  ~  26,820  40,000 KeUmtamhe.rer Sav .. Kemmerer; 1st N., Ogden,  103,310  ~  •  .  0  ---1  ::,  0  -1  O  137,790 Oma. N., Oma.; Stock Grower · N., Chey- ,; enne. ~  o'  §:  144.040 ~ 3 0 Teb. N .. Oma.; 1st ........ Cheyenne.  B.D.POWELL. •••••• 100,000 20,760 259,740 411,380 J.Item W. HANSON r ti TRYU I t ed ,or sent u re mt pro mp y. •  57,360 lstN.audStockYds. ,..,Oma.;Am ... ' .,Chey. enne.  ···--··-·· ---·--  10,000  1,000  60,000  60,000  11,000 I1C1.·ti.·z. "N .. Cheyenne.  E. P. Holme,......  17,000  4,250  137,080  121,210  R. R. Gardner .•_.  30,000  20,000  440,000  327,000  32,2oo c1tiz. 1  • .  .. Cheyenne; Stock Yds. N., Oma.  •  165,000 11st N ., Cheyenne: Oma. N., Oma.: 1st •.. Douglas; Wyo. ;. r., Casper. ......, C. o . .Horton ....... 50,000 64,830 506,430 Ml,830 7,8300 Oma. N ., Oma.; ls N ., Cheyenne. ll> Mary Cooper :::3 25,000 13,1100 181,610 175,820 43,190 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.: Citiz. N., and Am ... · ., c ····-··············· Cheyenne: 1st ., Ogden, and Green mver; llJ 1st N., Rock Prings. . "1 J. R. ENGLE JRti-·d·· F 25,000 D·······r·· 131,520 lOl,270 40,530 . Park, N. ~.; 1st N .. Cheyenn~; tock Yd·.~ Item · Rem1 1,e o~ _on ay o Payment. TRY US. N., Oma.: 'iellowstone N .• B1llm~s. K. Parks ........ \ 2~,000\ 32,410 520,540 I -181,660\ 106,290 1Co l}t, &_ c_om'lN.,,q11.: Oma. N .. Oma.: Merch. ~ • \I N .. B1lltnl!'-: Int Irr. Co .. Den. \r-.:i Harry Munson.... 2.:>,000 18.000 \ 300,000 I 240,000 94,000\ 1st N .. Chi. and Cheyenne; Int'l Tr . Co .. Den.; ..... . I 1 1nnt. •. l\\~\\■ in■e:'"!"~·_.._P"9PW~  I  \R.  I  I  ~  12,ooo lN. Park, N. Y.; Yellowstone N .. Billings; Oitiz. N., Cheyenne.  \ .  j  I  60,000  614.BZO  659,Z00 -  3  17,200 1 t N ., Torrinl!ton; Cheyenne State, Chey. t-1 enne; Corn Ex. N., Oma. v 10,010 Merell. N ., Billings; Oma ..... , Oma. ll>  Harry I. Collins .•. L. E. Jones ...••••. E. s. Dabbs....... ....•......••...•... 10,000 700 55,000 60,700 __ _ _ _ _,:_____ - - - - ' - - - - - - - - • - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  " F,ND U · YOUR GILLETTE ITEM DIRECT." All Matter Given Prompt Attention and Remitted For on Day of Payment.  29,630 • Bk. Rep., Chi.: Live Stock T., Oma.: tock Growers • ., Cheyenne. 97,000IN. City, N. Y.: 1st N., Chi.; Oma. N. Oma.; •. 'l. N .. Den. <: 150,000 N, Bk. Com., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'I N. , Chi.; <:; I Teb. N., Oma.; .Am. N., Cheyenne. ~ 75,000 1st N .. Oma. ann Lander; 1st r., Oma.; tock O Growers ., Cheyenne. t;,, 10,450 Stock \ds. ., Oma.; Lander State, Lander.  1  J. E. Coserill' ··-··· Charles Stone ..••.• 0. E. :J3radbury -·-· Otto Arnold........ Wm. Reeve • Jr. J. L. Wicks ••••• _. W. M., um.mars ... William Pu~h.. •••• _ Harold Gunnell.... C. A. --'iyers W. J. Haines H. S. Clarke Jr •.•• J. T. McDonald ••• Walter L. Cary.... • .•.•.••.. - •.. ••..  Citizens State Bank ••.. •§'20 A. Roch-nl-l-e .-.-. .-.-..-.-1H-. _A___C_r-os_s_···-··j A, E. Beitel..•.••.• 99 73 -I {J.A.ALLISON ..•.. W. R.WRIGHT ••.••• A.B.MAYCOCK ..••• STOCKMEN'S99-64 BANK .... •ts•07 Collections, BU J. T. DALY I of Lading Draft Ca hand Time  :  S.  1  R. L. Swan··----·- H.J. Bolln........ W. L. Foft T. C. Rowley·-··· H.F. E may ••••••  •*l'0 2  I  u.  I  L. B. Potter •••... ..••..••...•.•••••••  Glendo ···-·-·Platte F 13 Glendo State Bank •.•.. •U'I7 B. Ji'. Yoder .•••••• A. E. Raean.•---· G. J. Reitter•..•••• Pop. 100 99-136 1,J e · Yoder Glenrock •• Oom·erse E 12 Bank of Glenrock ••••• •W17 B. F. Yoder •.•••. .. Wm. Booker ••.•.• 1O. H. Armour ..•••. Pop. 1002 99-144 II. C. Young Glenrock state Bank ••• •U-97 J.E. Hi2'e-ins ...... J. -R. Slaue-hter •..• F. o. Carson ••••••• 99-81 , o.Green River .Sweetwater First National Bank: ••.•• •'15 T. s. Talia!erro,Jr. Henry Franklin •.•. J. A. Chrisman •••• Pop. 2140 H5 99-49 " " tate Bank of Green River 1rrugo Gaensslen .•• o. Waechter .••• _.. Wm. Rogers ....... 99-48 •i§"95 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  s:cu~=· =.a:i.•'!:.~  I~  PRINCIP&L CORRESPONDENTS,  I  c  _______  •Evanston •••••• Uinta H 2 Evanston National Bank:•!'07 F. H. Harrison ••••• J. Mickelson·-··· J. W. R. Rennie ... Andrew Coutts.... Pop. 3479 99-34 Tho . Pa.inter M. F. Harris First National Bank: .•••• •i-74 99-33 Stock~rowers Bank •••. •t§-15 ♦ 99-123 Fort Laramie State Bank•§'19 99-168 Bank of Frannie •...••... §'20 09-178 Freedom State Bank •••• §'16 09-131 Garland State Bank •••• •U-05 99-80  RESOURl;ES.  °½>ANa.!:D••·  P.&.II>-UP L DllPO.., ou•IIJ:xC.A.PIT.A.L PR.A.NDOJl'ITB ITS_ _ _ _ _ _....... _ ___ ____ _  COMMERCIAL BANK & TR. G. W. METCALF .••.. W. C. IRVINE · -····· C. D. ZIMMERMAN ... M. 0. GUTH UH .•... COMPANY llll·llL. •U'l4 W. C. STUBBS  Converse County Bank•t§'18 99-154 Dou!!las ational Bank •t'06 99-38 First National Bank --•!'86 99-37 Dubois •.••.• Fremont C 4 Amoretti,Welty,Helmer&Co. Pop. 243 99-110 •t'l3 Dubois State Bank •••.•• •§'18 99-158 Kncampment. •••• Carbon Encam.iment State Bank Pop. 421 H 10 99-79 •tl'07  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this ..... volume. For Interest It.ate , Holidays, etc_._, ~e ~ s : ~  WYOMING-Continued  --Continued  I  ;  .  l..U /-\.NS  I  '  '- •  , . ..  · ..  ,,  :  ';  I  I  1565 TOWN AND COUNTY.  LIABILITIES.  KA.ME OF BA.VK.  •Mem. Am. Bks. ,.\ ·u. § tate "County Seats. Entire St.ate in No. 10 tMem. tate Bks. Assn. t Prh'. [E tab. Fed.Res. Dist. Omaha Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Be~.  PRESIDENT.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  CA.SHIER.  ASS'T CA.SHIER.  su:;:;us  PAID-UP OA.PITAL PROFITS  Goernsey _____ Platte F 14 Commercial State Bank•t§'14 H. S. Clarke, Jr, ___ J. T . .McDonald ___ • J.E. Foreman·-··· G. J. Ackerman·-- $ 10,000 $ E. P. Perry 99-ll!l Pop. 372 Gaernsey State Bank ____ •§'05 W. L. Diver_ ______ C. F. Hazlewood ___ 0. L. Shedron -··-99-82 Hanna_·-··· _Carbon G 11 First National Bank_. __ •i •04 John Quealy····-· J. W. Ilay.••••• -_. Otto Frederick •... T. P. Henkell 99-83 Pop. 2000  DEP0SITS  Lo.Atta & D1t1C"Tt.  IlolfDf-.  Sscua1nu  ('.t.ea & E.xCU..a?fGH,Dtn.  raox  ..... 3,010 $ 150,000 $  92,00C $ 35,000  ',Bk.Com., N. Y.: Corn Ex. N .. Oma.: 1st I.O ., Torrington; Cheyenne State, Cheyenne.,~  31.000 Han.N .• N.Y.; lstN.,Cheyenne.  10,000  4,500  105,000  77,500  40,000  29,260  485,970  355,790  ash.·-·····-  10,000  2.660  46.400  42,530  Hadson ••••• Fremont D 6 Bank of Hudson .••••..•U'08 Carey Barber•••... P. J. O'Connor •••• H. G. BizzelL ••••. 0. Bertagnolli, Jr •. . 99-84 Pop. 977  10,000  5,670  283,520  198,150  Farmers & Merchants Bank W. B. A.rmagast. •• J. D. Bell .•.·-···· A. P. Fair_ ........ _ ········-·-----·-· -§'12 99-107  10,000  9,700  28,000  27,000  HuletL •• - .•• Crook A 14 Hulett State Bank •••••• •:§ '07 W. A. Ripley .• _ ••. J. W. Hunter ••..•. G. R. Bush.·-····-· E. 0. Ander on .•. _ 99-85 Pop. 150  20,000  27,010  122,090  186,020  18,020 1st N., Rellefourche. S. D.; Live Stock .. • " ;.:,,. Oma.: Moorecroft, Moorecroft.  10,000  18,000  277,750  216,000  86.50IJ Chase N., . Y.; Lh·e , lock ... ·., Oma.: 1 ·t..T., Ogden; tock Grower· ~T·· Cheyenne.  Z O  ·20 John W. Tewell._. Merle J. Jewett-._ Lake C. Harris •••• A.G. Harris ...•. _.  10,000  3,500  28,460  31.480  20,640 Wyo. State. Lusk; 1 t N .. Cheyenne.  to  Kane •..••.•• Bighorn A 7 Fir t State Bank ...••. _.:t: '15 D. L. D:i.rr .•••••••• S. H. Cockins .••... M. B. Rhodes •••..• ·-·-···-··----• 99-125 Pop. 100 Kaycee ••••• Johnson C 10 Fir t ... tate Bank ..•.... •!§'17 M. 0. Hibbard ..... ········· ··········- G. F. Seeman -···· •... -··- .... -··· •.•• 99-143 l>op. 200 Powder River State Bk.•:tS'09 W. J. Thom .•..•.. J.E. Brock •••••.•. J. J. Gash .•.•.·-··- Chas. Cranston ... _ " "  lfJ,000  500  57,000  41,850  •. City. T. Y.: Neb. N .• Oma.: ~Iont . .1.'., Bill:,::: ing ·; Big Horn Co., Ba in. 14.260 Stock Growers N., Cheyenne; tockl{rower.·. r.n • . Buffalo: Packers N .. Oma. 80,030 Liberty N., N, Y.; Stock Yds. N .• Oma.: I ·t l""I '-c~ N .• Bnffalo. C: 20,000 1st N .• Cheyenne.  Hillsdale_ .. Laramie H 15 Hillsdale State Bank.-•! '16 J. 99·129 Pop. 125  c.  Nash •• ·-·-· E.W. Kees···-··-- F. 0. Osborn ..•.•. J.E. A. D. Johnston  Jackson ..••• _Lincoln O 2 Jackson State Bank __ .• •t§'l-t R. E. Miller •...•••• Franks. Wood_._. Harry Wagner - •.• 99-120 Pop. 307 Jay Em .• __ .Goshen G 15 Farmers, tate Bank .•.. 99-176  1-----  25,000  6,500  45,980  58,400  50,000  68,340  187,690  267,780  3,300  80,000  60,000  99-86  Keeline .•.. 'iobra.ra E 14 Bank of Keeline ••.•. .. •t§'l7 Chas. T. Bushnell. A. D. Johnson .. _.. c. W. Spacht __ ··-· ---·-·······--···-· 99-139 Pop, 100 •Kemmerer._Lincoln G 3 First ~ational Bank .... •:t'C6 P. J. Quealy····-·· ..••.•.•• ·-·-·-··· Frank Pfeiffer •. _.. R. A. :Mason .•..... 99--55 Pop. 1517 .\., D. Hoskins ..... J. W. Chrisman._ .• E. L. Smith.·-··-·· P. W. Comer . . ·-··Kemmerer avings Bank W. E. Fenner •:t§ '09 99-56  100,000  Jess Yoder ..••..•.. R. E. Tremain ... _. - - - · · - - -  10,000  4,890  44,700  46,470  M. N. Baldwin ..•.. W. E. Hardin, Tr,. R. C. Cather, Sec._  25,000  16,620  181,930  210,270  E. Amoretti, Jr.··- E.W. Frankenfeld R. F. Williams···-  75,000  40,740  732,340  476,750  Fred F. Noble •.•••• J. E. Burge s •....• -················-··  75,000  25,000  467,550  418.570  F. L. Ilud ·on-····· E. A. Earle._ ..... . F. M. Dumm ··-··· John Souter E. J. Farlow  30,000  35,980  312,570  280,970  L~range ..•. Goshen G 15 Stock Growers Bank .... •§'17 .A.H. Marble ••.••• I 99-135 Pop. 32 •Lander ••.•. FremontE6 Central Trust Co. ·-·-··-:tS'06 S. Conant Parks ••• 99-41 Pot>. 2133 First National Bank .... •:t'84 S. Conant Parks ... 99-39 Lander State Bank ... _ •:t§•go A. D. Lane ... ·-···· 99-40 Fred A. Earl ····-Stockgrowers tate Bank •:!:~'16 99-133 •Laramie .•.• Albany H 12 Albany ~ational Bank __ •:t'IS6 Robert H. Homer •• 99-19 Pop, 6301  FIRST NAT'L BANK 99-20  10,000  70 ,000  165,000 1,672,650 1,490,000 35,000  100,000  213,710 1,578,840 1.660,930  J. W. HAY ...... A. C. JONES --··-·- H. R. BUTLER ..... A. W. JONES-····-· s. $. WALLACE T.H.THERKILDSEN, J. A. GUTHklE .·L Cash . 8. LAl1GDON  100,000  157,060 Z,509,910 Z.407,700  100,000  5-1,860  Lingle ..•••• Goshen F 15 First National Bank--·--•·J8 1 \Y, L. Connelly.... . S. Iloitsma-····- J. H. McKinnon ..• C. E. Weymiller ••. 99·161 Pot>, 363 Lingle State Bank ..•.•. •:t§'l2 J. T. McDonald •..• F. W. Frevert. •••• A. L. Richling . •••• ·············--···· " " 99-102  25,000 10,000  710.750  710,480  10,000  122,620  107,040  2,000  107,080  83,i60  1  7,530 1st N., Cheyenne: Live Stock N., Oma. 101,040 Cont. & Com'! N., Chi.; .._'eb. N .• Oma.; Lander State. Lander. 7,300 1st N. and Lander, Chi.: Merch. N., Oma.  S  -  ► Z  23,0J0  I  ("D  8  421,000 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.: Oma. N .. Oma.: Cont. N.• Salt Lake C.; 1st N., Cheyenne. 00 105,000 Coal & Iron N., N. Y.; Stock Growers N .. Chry- ro enne: rT. Copper. Salt Lake C.; 1st ... ' ., Ogden.'<: 8,180 N.Bk. Com., N. Y.; Stock Growers~ .. Chey. enne. 13,290 1st N. Lander.  0 r4  366,860 Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; Oma.~,__ N., Oma.; U.S. N. and 1 t N .. Den. 147.920 Chase N., N. Y.: 1st N., Ohi.; 1st N., Cheyenne. C'D 78,650 ~T· Park, N. Y.: Stock Yd!>, N., Oma.; olo. N .. Den.; Citiz. N. and Am. N., Cheyen a. 330,580 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N .. Ohi.; '. Bk. of Com., Kan. C.: :'.ferch .... • .. Oma.  213,960 Mc:ich. & Metals N., N. Y.; 1st .1.T •• Oma.  ~T·  Bk. of Rep.,Chi.;  38,570 Oma. N., Oma.; Am. N .. Cheyenne.  I  ....  16,030 Corn Ex. N .• Oma.: 1st N., Torrinftoo; Cher• ~ enne ta e, Cheyenne. V1  BANKERS.fl\UST(bMPANY r(lf !IJENVER, BANKING-f ACIUTIES-lRUSTS-~MUNICIPAtiBONDS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  ~  654.650 Han. N. and Chase /Ii •• N. Y.: Oma. N. and U. s. N., Oma.: 1st N. and U. s. N., Den.: McCornlck & Co., Bkrs., Salt Lake C.; Am. N ., Cheyenne.  buslnes s.  First State Bank .••..•• •:t§'19 Herman Hegewald. A. B. Hamilton •• _. C. W. De Kay __ .. L. G. Kennedy_. Harry Tatham 99-21  .:  550,000  J. W. Johnson ....• C. D. Spalding .•••. R. G . .ll'itch •••••••• B. F. Miller  Successor to t be Wyoming Nat lonal Bank. Est abUsbed 1~73. •:t"73 { A conservative Institution glvln g special attentlo n to all transit · Send us your It ems and Collectl ons on Laramie.  I  550,000  194,590 N. City, N. Y.: Oma. N .. Oma.; Am. N. and! tock Growers N., Cheyenne.  1566  Number under Name of Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-1\lcNally Bankers' Directory, under the authority of The American Bankers Ass'n.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acres.), Lawyers, Laws (indexed) in back of this 1 - .  WYOMING-Continued  volume.  For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Law,..  ~  0\ PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. L_1A_B_JL_1_T_1E_s_._ _ _ 11 _..c,R;;_E...c.s_oUR_c_E_s_._ 1 NAME OF BANK. Tow:- AND CouNTY. 1_ _ _ _ PAID-UP SUA.RNPDLUS DEPOS- Loillt&D,s- Cuu&ExAss'T CASHIER. CASHIER. VICE-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. •Mero.Am. fiks.Assn.§State •County Stats. ,nux ••• cB_.,. Dons, c'Ts. Entire State in No. 10 :t:M:em.Statellk .Assn. tPriv. 1 _B_.._"""_, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____, rn_o.. __ [Estab. - - - - - - - • - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C_A_P_IT_A_L _PR_o_F_IT_s _ _Ta_ _t1_ao1J11J_T,.. Fed.Res.Dist. Omaha Br. ♦Mero. Fed. Res. 1  Lost Spring Converse E 14 Citizens State Bank ______ §'17 G. C. Butterfield __ J. T. Mills.-------- Mabel Buffington .. W. C. Vandergrift. $ 10,000 $ 13.000 $ 50,000 $ 80,000 $ 12,000 Stock Growers N., Cheyenne; Douglas N., Douglas; State Bk. of Elkhorn, Elkhorn. 99-138 Pop. 121 16,990 438,400 321,890 148,570 Yellowstone N. and Mont. N .. Billings; 1st 20,000 Lovell _______ Bi1?horn A 7 Bank of Lovell ---------•5'16 W. B. Snyder ______ J.M. Snyder ____ R. L. Katzenbach__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N ., Cheyenne. H. J. Rie · 99-127 Pop. 1686 First NationlJ-~k-----•t'lll Roy Covert _______ Hans Hansen ____ S. T. Smith ________ W. E. Pearson. ___ _  30,000  10,300  369,530  231,690  143,58010ont. & Oom'l ~'! Ohi.;_S_tock Yds. N., Oma.; Merch. N., B1Umgs: C1tiz. N .. Cheyenne: 1st I N., Greybull.  •Lusk _____ Niobrara E 15 First National Bank----•t'I9 Charles Carlson_ .. Granville Tinnin __ Elmer E.Grebe ____ G. C. Bierbach ____ _ F. L. Tibey H. R. Rogers 99-167 Pop, 2092  50,000  510  215,400  263,320  56,280 Mech. & Metals N., N •. y.; Oma. N., Oma.; Stock Yds. N .. Den.; C1tiz. N., Cheyenne.  John W. Newell ___ M.A. Newell__ ___ _ _ Wyomini:: S~f fank ___ e§'l4 John Goeller______ _________ " ------" 2 A. Kendall ________ J, P. Boyer _____ F. A. Campbell _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Lyman ________ Uinta E 2 Farmers & Stockgrowers St'\te Bank __ 99-l26 __ •i§'15 Pop. 577  10,000  19,000  350,000  325,840  38,220 1,Neb, N,, Oma.; 1st N .. Cheyenne.  10,000  7,500  86,800  140,000  16,000 1st N., Rock Sprin1?s; 1st N, and Evanston : N., Evanston; Ogden State, Oi::de ' ,  Manderson ___ Bighorn B7 Manderson State Bank_.•§'16 J. H. Montgomery A. K. Lee _________ L. o. Gray _______ Wayne Sykes _____ _ J, A, Quiner gg..8g Pop, 200 Manville __ Niobrara E 15 BankoUlanville _____ •1'07 H.B. <Jard _________ J. A. Manornn ____ F, L. Kokrda ____ H, M:. Ward ______ _ A. M. Jirous A. A. Spaugh gg..go Pop. 584  10,000  9,000  100,000  85,000  25,000 Stock Growers N .. Cheyenne; Nebr. N., Oma.;\ N. Bk. Com., Casper.  25,000  5,000  150,000  175,000  17,500 Live Stock N,, Oma.; 1st N., Cheyenne; Com'! Bk. & Tr. Co., Douglas.  First National Bank----•t'l9 B. F. Yoder _______ R. F. Burhoop ••... H.J. Church ______ C.H. Padden _____ _ " -----.. Jess Yoder 99-165 Marbleton ___ Lincoln E 3 (See Bio Piney) Pop. 89 c. F. R. Cronberg _ N. H. Scott _____ R.R. i'inkbiner __________ .Medicine Bow ____ Qarbon Medicine Bow StateBank •il'll gg..100 G 11 Pop, 210  25,000  5,000  Cl5,000  57,000  15,000 Citiz. N., Cheyenne; Stockmans N,, Casper.  10,000  12,160  82.160  73,560  28,900 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.; 1st N,, Rawlins and 0 Cheyenne.  Stockmens fJ~l:lank_•t§'18 F. R. Richards._ J.  w. Richards ____  .  I  Ito z  :,-l  r.n  ~  E. H. Martin _____________  15,000  4,300  98,500  53,440  54.130 N, Park, N. Y.: Rawlins N., Rawlins; Citiz. N., Cheyenne: 1st N., Oma.  :Meeteetse ______ Park B 5 First National Bank--•t'02 A. J. McDonald ____ IIHII Pop. 300  w. T. Hoge- _______  Alex. A. Linton _______ ------  25,000  15,880  128,880  140,690  24,000 Han. N., N. Y.: Oma. N .. Oma.; Shoshone N,,j Cody.  Moorcroft __ Qrook B 14 Moorcroft Bank _____ etf'06 Arthur Jayne ____ g1>-g1 Pop. 420  s. A. Guthrie _____  D.R. Shackleford_ Bert Waddell ____ _  25,000  5,000  180,000  250,000  20,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Live Stock N., Oma.; 1st N .. , Cheyenne.  Peoples Bank ______ ---•i§'17 J. D, Mulholland __ w. J. Wood _______ W. F. Leslie _______ G. J. Tucker-----99-149 Mountainview.UintaH3 UintaCounty tateBank§'l9 William Pugh _____ J.J. Johnson __ L.F.Pile. _______ M.McFarlandPile J.P,Guild, V,-P. J, W.Phelps ♦ 99-171 Pop,600 Chas, Myers  25,000  7,820  154,980  215,880  40,000  5,120  70,000  93,000  -- -----  " END US YOUR NEWCASTLE ITEMS DmECT." Collection , Bill of Lading Draft , Cash and Time Items, given prompt attention.  1  gg-51  •t '04  NEWCASTLE ATIONAL BK. 119-1:>U  ' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .  .  :.  .  I I  gi.--54  4  I  • • :. .  • :.  .  ' '  f., • I .  ~  25,940 N, Park, N, Y.; Citiz. N., Cheyenne. 36,200 Mech. & Metals N,, N, Y.: Storkgrowers, Evanston; Rock Springs N,, Rock Springs; Merch. N., Oma.  69,770 1,144.170 985,000 192,000 N. Bk. Com •• N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N., Z5,000 Chi.: U.S. N., Oma.; 1st N., Cheyenne; _ __ Denver N., Den.  {w. 0. McKEON ---· A. M. NICHOLS------ w. E. MOOR--------- --------------------  25,000  10,230  270,000  157,510  JOHii SEDGWICK I. C JEFFERIS---- G. A. STOEc&ER--- J. H. SED8WICK--  20,000  16,000  230,000  285,000  25,000 Stock Growers N .. Cheyenne; 1st N., Packers N,, and Merch. N., Oma.  10,000  1,000  135,550  65,740  76,320 Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi,: U.S. N .. Oma.; 1st N .. Newcastle and Cheyenne.  129,000 Han. N,. N, Y,; Live Stock N,. Oma,  Send us your C oIJectlon , Bill of Lading Drafts, C ash and Time ;1tems. Remi tted for on day of payment.  • '17  WESTOII COUNTY BAlll•U'OCI  .  - ------------------  flRST NAT BANK J L. BAIRD--------- FRED HORTON------· E. P. COYLE------ J. V. WEBSTER·----  •Newcastle_Weston O 15 Pop. 1003  I  Special ttentlo n given imr or La ding bra1ts;l:fash ancl 'Time Items. llic should be e nt wtth each sigh t draft and 2k ro r credit reports. \ 6% INTEB.~T PA.ID ON TlllE DEPOSITS. \  I  .  ,.  :.  •  •  \  I  ~ • I  ►  ~---  ;  ,.. . ..  I  f I ·  .9  '  f  I  I  1 ;  '  '  tl'l r+  1567  . . . .,,_ . .. . , N.-.. or JlaJIJr i. u,. New ,,,._..,, Nam&er .,.,,.. "'eaab. blllUC iSJ u. 8. nt!ladrelT by TIie ll.aad-MoNaHT Banicen• Dlreetor,, a.nder the autborlt, of TIie American Ba.oJren A.a•n.  Non-Bani( 'l'owna 'IP'ftll N - t .Banld.aa: Point an,. Aoces.), Lawyers, Laws (Jndexed) Jn back of tllfs .... For Interest Jtate.11, B0Uda7s, etc., see Laws. ~  WYOMING-Continu ed  volume.  Tolfil A.ND OOUNTr. N.A...Ja Ol' B.4.N~. PRUWIPAL CORRESPONDENTS. ~ 1_ _ _.:::LIA=B::.:I:..:::LI=.T:..:I:..:::ES:::..:....---ll---=R:.=ES:..:::..::..OU::.:R:::.C:..:ES:..::::.._ 1 .OOuq-Seau. •Mem .A.m.Bks.Assn.lState p»••rD-..u.... Vr,,...n...~m........ c•aHnPV ~~s'T0""H'"'" p SuRPLUS D Le~•»a- CilJl.t.h: l» Entire State in No. IO f.Hem.•StateBk.1. Assn. tPriv. ...._,, _.., .,......-AA<> -.... ..., ~ .a.::, 4"' .LIDA, A.JD-UP AND EPOs- c'TL Bo,n,a, OB.Uou,~ "'1 1 8 8 .::F~ed:::.:...·.=R::..:e:.:..s-:..:D::.;i=t....:O:.::m=a.:..:B~r;.;. _+:..=ll:.=e=m:.:..-=F...::e:.::d.:..-::::R::::es::.:._...:[:.::E:.:s:.::ta::..:b:.:· r - -- - - - - · r--------J--------l--------l- c-A.J>_I_T_A_L _P_R_o_FI_T_s __ T__ __ __ _""'_"_&au __ ________________ _ 1 1  :<  Pinebluff'-.Laramie H 15 Farmers State Bank ••• •t§'l5 James Dolan _____ C.H. Malm _____ G. W. Bremer ___ Obas. C. Gross _ $ 15,000 $ 17,IDO $ 201.200 $ 180,000 $ 48,700 Citiz N., Cheyenne: Packers N., Oma.; Globe Pop. 618 99-124 Mrs. Johll WilkinN.,Den. son Pine Bluffs State Bank:.•U'08 C. E. Beyerle _____ 0. W. Johnson __ Sumner Killer._ J. D. McFarland •. 50,000 D,940 302,710 305,450 77,200 Oont. & Com'! N .• Ohi.: 1st N .. Cheyenne; U. 99-gz S.N., Oma. PinedaJe ____ Jl'remont E 4 State Bank or Pinedale.•:W12 A. Luman ______ J. W. Hay _ _ _ P. C. Hagenstein __ ------------10,000 25,270 126,590 103,400 54,000 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.: Rock Springs N., Rock Pop. 84 Springs. 91H04  S. T. LYALL------- E. M. MARTIN ------- H.J. HALL--------- G. C. DILLAVOU-----  PowelL ________ Park B 8 FARMERS STATE BANK•t§'l7 DONALD JEFFERIS Pop. 2463 99-156 us y ur C oJJl'ctlons, Bilf of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time { Send Items. Remit ted for promptly on day of paym ent.  1),000  14,000  Powell National Bank: ••• •t•og J.E. Dowlinr--- Abbott Williams __ W. S. Perrin _ _ - - - - _ __ 99-93  40,000  25,000  10,000 75,000  Trader _______ V. F, Trader ____ C. C. Rawlings_ - - - - - - - -  Rawlins __ Carbon G g FIRST NATIONAL BAIIK.•t·ss J.E. Oosviff ____ Pop. 3960 H-28 Rawlins National Bank •:tgoo William Daley ____ 119-211 Stock Growers Nat. Bk .• •t'OII R. M. Tierney ____ gg.30  John Mahoney _____ G. A.. Bible _____ R. A. Lonn __ _ G, F. Clark J. IC. Osborne _____ H. A. France. ___ R. A. Durant __ _ A. F. Tb ode G. M. Be.rgen R. O. Middlewood _ H. Breitenstein_ Roy Sundin ______ _ A. Stratton G, S. Murphy  I  75,000  t..:>  20,000 Merch. N., Oma.; .Am. N., Cheyenne.  ~  35,000  o.  80,000  ~  First National Bank-----•!'12 S. A. Nelson ____ J. D. Lewellen ____ L. R. Ness----- Harry Barrows ___ _ 99-108  Ranche ter.SheridanA. 9 Ranchester State Bank.-•1'12 C. Pop.147 IIIH08 6  15,000  -  \0  100,000 75,000  0  -  225,000  35,000 Ft. Dear. N., Chi.; Merch. N., Billings; Oma. N., Oma.: 1st N. Cheyenne.  210,000  218.000  34,000 N. Park, N. Y.; Mont. N .. Billinis,  1,500  73,240  70,440  95,000  700,000  720,000  182,000 N. Bk. Com .. N. Y.: Cont, & Com'l N., Chi.: U. ~ S. N., Oma.: 1st N., Bos. en  130,000 1.100,000  940,000  1)6,000 Han. N .. N. Y.: 1st N .• Chi.: U.S. N., Oma.: '"a U.S. N. and Den. N •• Den.  77,740  215,000  626.010  723,040  11,990 Live Stock N •• Oma.; Bk. of Com., Sheridan.  ~  z 0 tJj  > z I :5"  140,220 N. Oity, N. Y.; Cont. & Oom'l N .. Ohl.  ~  er  Riverton __ Fremont D 6 Farmers State Bank __ et§'l7 E. H. Luikart. _____ J . .A. Delfelder ___ J. W. HartzelL---- H. L. Stuart ______ _ Pop. 1599 99-141  25,000  12,500  250,000  225,000  60,000 Northern Tr. Oo .. Chi.; Merch. N .. Oma.; Am. ~  F. M. STRATTON--- C. H. KING---------- T. H. STRATTON----· E. S. HOLMBERG----  25,000  20,780  270,240  275,840  ~ 53,440 lstN .. Chi.; Merch.N., Oma.: lstN.,Oheyenne. 0  FIRST STATE BANK ...•U'l3 91H14  ~  N ., Cheyenne.  { Collections, Bl 11 of Lading Draf ts, Cash and Tim e Items remitted for  ~  on day of paym ent.  0  (")  RIVERTON STATE BANK 119-94  •:tl'06  {A. J. CUNNINGHAM J. DEF. RICHARDS •• W. F. BREN IMAH---- E. F. SOUSA .. _____ _  50,000  5,000  350,000  275,000  SEND US YOU R RIVERTON I'f EMS DIRECT. Bill of Lading Drafts. Ca hand Time Items and all business given prompt att entlon.  65,000 Oont. & Com'! N., Chi.; Oma. N .. Oma.; Stock Growers N .• Cheyenne; U.S. N •• Den.  ~  r.n  ..,  'O  5·  (l'Q  Rock River-Albany G 12 First National Bank----•'19 Alvy Dixon ____ Fred R. Richards •• Reginald Pitney __ -----------------Pop. 281 W--164  25,000  6,910  193,580  129,560  83,310 N. Park, N. Y.; Am. N,, Cheyenne; 1st N •• Laramie; Packers N ., Oma.  Rock River State Bank •fl'06 C. D. Spalding ---- G. E. Abbott ______ L. O. Ilutler ______ Fred Butler------91>-95 S. J. Morris · Rock Spr'g .Sweetwater First National B.1.nk •.. •t'88 A.Kendall ________ P. J. Quealy ___ J.P.Boyer _____ W. B. Ros .• --Pop, 6456 G5 gi>-24 F. K. Fulton  25,000  15,000  850,000  300,000  90,000 1st N .. Cheyenne: Hamilton N., Den. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  North Side State Bank.•:1'12 V. J. Facinelli __ A.. Martello _______ Burt Smith _ _ _ gg...u P. o. Buru?int Rock Springs National Bk. John W. Hay ______ Timothy Kinney •. Robt. D. Murphy __ 119-25 •t'92  100,000  80,740 1,774,800 1,615,590  352,260 N. Bk. Oom., N. Y.; Oont. & Oom'l N., Ohl.; Oma. N .. Oma.; Den. N., Den.  Harry Elder ______ _ Jos. Facinelli  75,000  75,000 1,290,000 1,100,000  222,000 Atlantic N., N. Y.: 1st N. and Live Stock N., Oma.; Citiz. N., Cheyenne.  A. WaJ+ers _______ _ Frank Plennel Thomas Le .Marr,  100,000  168,720 2,250,4-50 2,534,060  Jr.  304,720 Han. N .. N. Y.; Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.; N., Oma. and Den.; Am. N., Cheyenne.  C/'J  • S..... o,  °'  1568  Number under Name or Bank is the New Transit Number given to each bank in U. S. exclusively by The Rand-McNallf Bankers' Dlrec~y, under the authorlt~ of The American Bankers Ass'n.  I  WYOMING- C on t·lnue d  I  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Banking Point (Indexed Acces.), Lawrers, Laws (indexed) in back of this 1volume. For Interest Rates, Holidays, etc., see Laws. ~  = T=o=WN=.=AN=n=co=u =-~NTY. NA.ME OF BANK LIABILITIES. RESOURCES. •Ceunty Seats. •Mem. Am. Bks. Assn: §State PREsIDENT. VICE-PRESIDKYI'. CA.SHIER. Ass'T QA.SHIER. PA.ID-UP SuRPLus DEPOS· , 1,o...,., a: lh•-1 cuu a: J:l[• 0 I Entire State in No.10 iMem. State Bks. Assn.t Priv. CAPITA.L PR~Ts ITS c ~ , '::., ~ Fed. Res. Di t. Oma. Br. +Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - -1 1  Sarama _____ CJarbon H 10 Santora State Bank ____ e!f'99 L. G. Davis ________ Winthrop CondicL Jos. Munz ________ ------· _____________ $ 15,000 $ 14,500 $ 168,000 $ 130,000 l POD- 449 9Hl ' Stockgrowers State Bank Taylor Pennock ___ M. B. McKillip ____ Fred B.Durrie__ ________ 10,000 26.420 173,910 183,990 1 1 99-132 •§'16  COMMERCE  10,000 _  -  ___ SE _E __ A!'_"ERTISEilENT OPPOSITE.I  Citizens tate Bank ___ •tl'l0 D. Kahn _____ 99-16  l-  --  __l __ ~-w. 1  8.000 1st  .. Douglas: Neb. N., Oma.  ~  50,000  8,000  560,000  ---1--420,000  ~ 0  170.000 Han. N., N. Y.; Merch. N., Oma.  i  ·- - - - - - - - - - - - - -  C. HENDERSON -·  . B"II f L a d"1ng D ra ft s, C as h an d y·1me C o II ec t ions, 1 o Items "SENT US" Remitted for Prompt,y on Day of Payment.  99-11  46 ,000 _  171.400 1,828,790 1,669.420 480 ,770 Scab. N., N. Y.; 1st N., Chi.; Stock Yards ~ N., Oma.; Den. N., Den. Q --- ---  Bert Diers--- T. C. Diers ________ 0. A. Demple______  R. H. WALSH-------- MALCOLM Mi~EIFFE C. L. CHAPMAN -----  40.000  22,110 Stock Growers N .. Cheyenne: Rawlins N., Rawlins; 1st N., Oma.  1  150,000  PROl\JPT ATTI.NTION TO ALL BANKING MATTERS.  2,000  - - - - - -'- - - - - - - - - -  I  Ch. of Bd.  99-12  FIRST NATIONAL BANK  R. D. Blair-------  i: F~·,r::rN~~ -=~E¥Etl~ftk--= H.J. LI-NDER---- --------- -- ---------  BANK OF  • heridaiop~Ji%idan A9  w. H . Preuit_ _____ c. H. Moffe: t ._____  -  66,000 Ohase N., N. Y.; Morch. N., Oma.; 1st N., Rawlins.  I  hawnee.-Converse D 12 Bank of Shawnee ______ t§'l8 W. H. Dayis _______ Pop. 100 99-160  oo  PRINCIPAL OoRRJ:SPONDENTs.  •1  ~ 100.000 59,580 2.244,630 2.022,760 474,570 Liberty N., N. Y.; Cont. & Com'I N., C/l _ _ __ Chi.; Live Stock N. and u. s. N., Oma.  I  '(/  ...,  ~  0  SHERIDAN ft.~flNG C~i§'94 ' J.1►.Thorn ________ J.D. Gillespie ___ W. G.Grifl'en.. ____ B.G.McKeen _____ _  (JQ  50,000  42,520  ti33,960  3-12,72() 1 ~85,770 l' Han. N., N. Y.: Cont. & Com'l N .. Chi.: 1st N., Ill Oma.: Stock Growers N., Cheyenne. I""  SheridanOonntySav.Bk._§'03 J. D. Thorn------- J.D.Gillespie ______ W. G. Griffen, Tr .. ----------99-14  100,000 1  51,940  523,000  613,550  61,400 1st N. and Sheridan Bkg, Co., Sheridan: Stock 0 Growers N ., Cheyenne: Mont. N ., Billings. C/l  Sheridan National Bank •i'06 J.E. Cosgriff _____ G. W. Perry ______ C. L. Hoag-------- A. J. Ham--------99-15 C. L. Hoag  50,000 I  39,79C  963,030  770,010  273,810 N. City, N. Y._ and Chi.: Oma. N., Om~.; Den. N .. Den., Wells Fargo-Nev. N., San F ,; 0.. Ill 1 Cont. N ., Salt Lake C.  A. J. CUNNINGHAM J. De F. RICHARDS -- S. H. MEGOWN------ F. M. ANDREWS ---· R. S. LINN  25,000  23,000  200,000  190,000  Garroll R. Thorn  hoshonL ••• Fremont D 7 Fl RST NATIONAL BANK •i'05 Pop. 561 !IIHI6  f  "SEND US YO UR SHUSHONI ITEMS DIRECT." Bill of Lading D rafts, Cash and T ime Item~ and a1 l Business given ... prom1>t atten tion.  .  5  37,000 N. City,N. Y.; Cont. & Com'! N .. Chi.; Oma. ~ N., Oma.: Stock Growers N .. Cheyenne. ro I I  hoshoni S1a c Bank.-•t§'l7 L. ,\. Shawvt'r ---- C. F. :\Ioore ------- II. J. Shad _________ C. S. Beam ______ __ 99 -1-10  10,000  10,070  183.240  133,030 1  later ________ Platte G J.1 Farmers State Bank ---•t§'l8 A.H. Marble _______ B. W. AshenhursL G. W. DashielL ____ -------------------Pop. 50 90-157 outhSuperior ____ sweet-\ Miner. State Bank-----•!§'11 A. Ken~all ____ - -------- - - --------- D. E. McCurtain _________ '_ water _Pop. 419 ---- - G 6 99- 36  10,000  1,230  50,700  45,820  10,000  7,920  281,900  217,470 1  •Sundance ____ Qrook B 15 Citizens Bank_ ----•i§'13 \H. P. Ilsley---·----- C. W. Ott__ ____ ---- J. E. Ford - - - --------------l'op. 328 99-112  25,000  1,070  119,530  120,180  25,000  25,570  4.24,240  311,9501 154,700 Oma. N. and Stock Yds. N., Oma.; 1st N. ' Cheyenne,  ________  I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  \ Sundance S  I  ';'~J"""-_•ti'95 \ L.  A. Brnwn__ _____ \ A. L. l<loleJ -·------ F.<lwin Rounds.____ -•-------------  I  67,920 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y,: Merch. Ln. &Tr. Co .. Chi. l t N .. Cheyenne: Neb. N .. Oma.; Wyo. N. Ca per. ,700 Chase N., N. Y.: Stock Growers ' ., Cheyenne  .  II)  c::  Ill 25,420 Live Stock N., dma.; Stock Growers N., Ohey -~ enne.  I I  I  WYOMING-Conti~ued  -  77.720 N. Bk. Com., N. Y.: 1st N., Rock Springs ::,  :  I  I  •  •  :  ·:: I  ' '  '  .. •  ..  :  t,  '  •  •  ;  ••:. ,  I  I;  ..  I  '  • I  " •: •  •  '  ::•  .  •  , :  ":  :  ::< .....  -  10 hJ  ..  ,_.  0  o  Nu1nber under Na.1.ue of Bank s the New 'I'raaslt Number giveri  1569  i--  - - - --- ------  i>~t!,;:~a:ferut~ !!~~U::;f}"/j~[:';,!'!:l;;.~cff:!/fef:'11::.Z:.'  TOWN AND O0UNTY. A(,,oanty Seats.  NA.ME OF BA.r;K.  •.Mem.Am.Bks •.4 ssu. §S tate Entire s·ate in .No. 10 .tMem.State.uks.Assn. tPriv. .Fed • .Kes. Dist. Oma. Br. ♦Mem. Fed. Res. [Estab.  I  PnESIDENT.  Non-Bank Towns with Nearest Bankm,r Point (In- c...,  i~j,;:;,eAcc;i}'~fe~::S1i:t!"':." .Jti1:i!;'i, ~~/a:! 't.!:_t/ S  WYOMING-<;9_n_ti_·n_u _ '?d  -------l~~~~---=-·-_--,---,_-,-_-:=_,--c,--  VrcEJ-PREBIDENT.  .  LIA.BILCTIFIB.  -  -  RESOURCES.  -------'---'-'-----11---'-------1  Ass'T CASHIER. PAID-UP su,:;:;us DEPOS- r.o..,,s&ll,sCAPITAL PROFITS ITS _______ _______ ___ ___ ___ ___ CASHIER.  -  PR1~-c1P'LCOR=EsPONDENT~. " ~  =  "  ---  -ic p,  c ..,s&Ex-  "'1  ci.~,,::;:, ~~•;.,.~.s  ~  .....  Superior.Sweetwater G5 First Bank of Superior--•1'00 W. H. Gottsche ___ J. W. Hay ________ H. L. Levesque _______________________ $ 10,000 $ 14,380 $ 329,800 $ 295,180 $ 57,920 Han. N .. N. Y.: U.S. N .. Oma.: 1st N., Chey- ~ Pop.1034 llt--35 enne, Rock Springs N., Rock Springs. .....  Ten Sleep-Washakie B 9 Stock Growers Bank .. _:W19 W. S. Fiscus------- G. C. Muirhead---· O. E. Nowels _____ _ Pop. 150  99-169  AThermopolis __ HotSpgs. Pop. 209a O7  flllST NATIONAL BAIIK-•t 97  I  10.000  1,600  85.000  50,000  39,130  395,990  65,000  30,000 Stock Growe::-s State, Worland.  ,~  I  91>-42  THERMOPOLIS STATE BANK &-44  •tt·os  ff. P. ROTHWELL MARTII McGRATN E. C. ROTHWELL ·p·~.sDHAICKLEY --- , . W. T. BIVIN . HL  { For  Sen1ce Sen d Us Your Busln ess. Bill of Ladln g matters given Prompt A.ttentlo n.  141.070 Rau. N .. N. Y.; U. S. N., Oma.: 1st N .. Cheyenne: Merch. N .• Billings,  1,<  C. W. FORD-------- A. K. LEE---------.. W. ff. THORNBURG __ R. M. LEE---------Chase N., N. Y.· ~tock Growers N., Cbey• 1s..... 0 E. SHELBURNE R. E. DANIELS 50,000 31.5011 919.4110 909,690 141300 enne; Stock Yards N., Oma.; Mont. N., ~ ,_. , _ _ ROGER NORTHCOTT ......,:._ Billings; N. Bk. Com., Caspar; 1st N., "SEND US YOUR THERMOPOLIS ITEMS DIRECT." Collections, Bill of Lading Drafts, Cash and Time Items Remitted for on Day of Payment.  s: SA.v8iGs  DAVID D_1\KIE--- 1wOTHWELL-- A.J.LOWRY---- R.M. CALLOWAY-  WYOMING  888,580  rat'ts and all  ll.'lfT co. -•:1'07 { ~EN~ill)  A.CC  Z  Basin.  !~  -~---1--50,000  135,310 Mecb.&11Ptals N., N. Y.: Merch. N .. Am. N .. Cheyenne,  20,280  OUNTS.  Owa.; I~ , ~  I (/)  I  I  ,E. B. Deariniz ______ R. F. Tebbet ------ IW. J. Otto ________ _  25,000  8,790  First National Bank _____ e:j:'04 H. 8. Clarke, Jr._ __ ,J, T. McDonald ____ E. P. Perry ___ __ ___ J. L.McDonald_  50,000  18,500  495,6301 448,490  35,000  17,990  195,480  241,370  10,000  20,000  224,000  213,400  10,000  1,400  50,000  65,000  12,000 Stock  IA. L. Schnarr______ Howell Jones ______ Gertrude Warren Jones ____ _ Jones  25,000  8,500  73,000  30,000  21,000 Neb, N., Oma.  aWheatland_.Platte G 14 Platte County State Bank Wm. L. Ayers _____ C.R. Mason _______ O. E. Rouse _______ W. E. Sloan ______ _ Pop.1336 99-117 •:l:§'14 E. W. Stone  20,000  2,000  150,000  156.000  State Bk. of Wheatland_•S'03 F. N. Shiek _______ M. R. Johnston ____ D. W. Brice ______ Lena M. Davis ___ _ DH7 D. W. Brice I Donald Kirby  40,000  Stock Growers Bank -•I'll Georre .Mitchell ____ Osrood Johnson __ Kent Snyder------ , ------------99-68  40.000  3,900  372,764  335,670  aWorland __ Washakie C 7 FarmersStateBank ____ :j:§'17 H. W.Kingery _____ l.Jesse C. McNish ___ M. W. Rhoades ______________________ _ Pop. 1225 99-151 W. 0. Gray  25,llOO  30,000  500,000  386,000  125,600 Oma. N .. Oma.; Citiz. N., Cheyenne,  25,000  26,500  505,000  396,000  146,000 Han. N .. N. Y.; Neb. N .. Oma.: 1st N .• Chey enne.  25,000  28,820  386,040  2111,610  212,610 N. :Bk. Com., N. Y._; ~tock Growers N .,Oh-ey-1 enne; Mont. N., Btllmgs. .  aTorring_ton.Goshen F 16 Citizens National Bank-•t'l8 W, 0. Eaton _______ Pop. 1801 99-153 99-08  I  Citizens State Bank _____ §'17 Chas. Carlson ---- !Everett Nelson ____ Herman Oft ______________ _ 99-145  First National Bank ____ llt-e6  .:•oo  O. W. Erwin _______ Porter Lamb ______ _ B, T. Joslin------- ! R. G. Culbertson __ Robt. Steele  Stock Growers S1ate Bank G. 0. Kuirhead---- 1----------------99--66 •:tl'l0  ,  J. T. Cunningham. 1B. R. Talbot_ _____ _  BANKERSTRUSTGJMPANl or DENVER, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  20ll,4i0  I gi  108.130 Oma. N .. Oma.: 1st N., Cheyenne.  'O  Torri'Q2'ton National Bank B. F. Yoder _______ Frank Oloos _______ A.H. Woolever ____ Henry Sevison ___ _ 99-101 •t·12 I Upton ____ .. Weston B 14 Bank of Upton _________ etf'l0 J. L. Baird _________ James StirJiD£ ____ C. T. Minick------ H. 0. Minick ______ _ Pop. 806 99:-119  VanTasselI.NlobraraE 15 Bank of Van Tassen ___ •:W13 W. L. Hoyt_ _______ Pop. 170 oo-m;  273,260  195,000 1.230,000 1.071,430  192,870 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: 1st N .. Chi.; Corn Ex. N.,I ~ Oma.: Cheyenne State, Cheyenne; Drov. N.,I Kan.Yds. C. N .. Oma.; Citiz. N., Cheyenne. 28,360 Stock ~  o·  1:0  47,000 U. S.N ., Oma.; 1st N .. Newcastle and Cheyenne. ds., N. Den.; Citiz. N., Cheyenne.  ~ 0 "'1  pj" ::l 0.  60,120" Citiz. N., Cheyenne; Merch. N,and Live St-,ck N .. Oma. 223,660 1st N., Chi. and Oma. : 1st N. and Stock Grow ers N., Oheyenne ; u. S. N., Den. 81,000 N. Bk. Com .• N. Y.: Den. N .. Den.; Stock Growers N., Cheyenne.  BONDS-NOT[S~f A M LOANS  c:;;  °' '°